User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-t
-t {suffix} | :: -ed (used to form adjectives from nouns) |
-t {suffix} | :: verb suffix for the second-person plural |
t {letter} | :: letter: te |
T {letter} | :: The twentieth letter of the German alphabet |
Tabak {m} | :: tobacco |
Tabakkäfer {m} | :: tobacco beetle or cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne) |
Tabakpflanze {f} | :: tobacco plant |
Tabakrauch {m} | :: tobacco smoke |
Tabatiere {f} [dated] | :: snuffbox |
Tabatiere {f} [Austria, dated] | :: tobacco tin |
Tabatiere {f} [Austria, dated] | :: cigarette case |
Tabea {prop} [archaic] | :: Tabitha |
Tabea {prop} | :: given name of biblical origin |
tabellarisch {adj} | :: tabular |
Tabelle {f} | :: table (grid of data in rows and columns) |
tabellenförmig {adj} | :: tabular |
tabellenförmig {adj} | :: tabulated |
Tabellenführer {m} [sport] | :: top of the table, league leader |
Tabernakel {m} {n} | :: tabernacle |
Tableau {n} [theatre, film] | :: tableau (arrangement of actors on stage or screen) |
Tableau {n} [dated] | :: painting |
Tableau {n} [Austria] | :: display poster |
Tableau {n} [Austria] | :: table, chart, ranking |
Tableau {n} [Austria, dated] | :: tenant directory |
Tablet {n} [computing] | :: tablet |
Tablett {n} [object on which things are carried] | :: tray |
Tablette {f} | :: tablet (pill) |
Tablettendose {f} | :: pillbox |
tablettenförmig {adj} | :: tablet-shaped (small, flat and cylindrical) |
tablettensüchtig {adj} | :: addicted to pills |
tabu {adj} [predicative only] | :: taboo |
Tabu {n} | :: taboo |
Tabubruch {m} | :: breach of taboo |
tabuisieren {v} | :: to taboo |
Tabuthema {m} | :: taboo subject |
Tach {noun} [colloquial] | :: alternative spelling of Tag |
Tach {noun} [colloquial] | :: Short form of guten Tag |
Tacheles {m} [colloquial] | :: straight talk; talking turkey; frankness |
Tacho {m} | :: speedometer |
Tachometer {m} | :: tachometer |
Tachometer {m} | :: odometer |
Tachometer {m} | :: speedometer |
Tachyon {n} | :: tachyon |
Tacken {m} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern Germany] | :: A bit, a tad, a degree, a level [in the context of “more” and “less”] |
Tacken {m} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern Germany] | :: quid, bucks (a term for money) |
Tacker {m} | :: stapler |
Taco {m} | :: taco |
Tadel {m} | :: reproof |
tadellos {adj} | :: impeccable, flawless, untainted |
tadeln {v} | :: to blame, to censure |
tadelnswert {adj} | :: reprehensible |
Tadschike {m} | :: Tajik (man from Tajikistan) |
Tadschikin {f} | :: Tajik (woman from Tajikistan) |
tadschikisch {adj} | :: Tajik (Of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajiki dialect) |
Tadschikisch {n} | :: Tajik (language) |
Tadschikistan {prop} {n} | :: Tajikistan |
Tadten {prop} {n} | :: Tadten (municipality) |
Taekwondo {n} | :: taekwondo |
Taenit {m} [mineral] | :: taenite |
Tafel {f} | :: panel, board (e.g., wooden panel) |
Tafel {f} | :: table (raised dinner table or elevated long table, e.g., one at a banquet) |
Tafel {f} | :: slab, tablet |
Tafel {f} | :: plaque |
Tafel {f} | :: blackboard, chalkboard |
Tafel {f} | :: plate, sheet (of metal) |
Tafel {f} | :: bar (e.g. of chocolate) (clipping of Schokoladentafel) |
Tafel {f} | :: food bank |
Tafel {f} | :: sign, notice, board, bulletin board (clipping of Anschlagtafel) |
Tafelaufsatz {m} | :: centrepiece, epergne |
Tafelberg {m} | :: mesa |
tafelförmig {adj} | :: tabular; in the form of a table, slab or plate |
tafelig {adj} | :: tabular |
tafeln {v} | :: to feast |
Tafelsilber {n} | :: silverware (silver cutlery, etc.) |
Tafelwein {m} | :: table wine |
taff {adj} [colloquial] | :: tough; robust; assertive and not overly sensitive |
taffer {adj} | :: comparative of taff |
taffsten {adj} | :: superlative of taff |
Taft {m} | :: taffeta |
taften {adj} | :: taffeta (attributive) |
Tag {m} [countable] | :: day (24-hour period) |
Tag {m} [countable] | :: day (period from midnight to the following midnight) |
Tag {m} [countable, astronomy] | :: day (rotational period of a planet, moon or any celestial body (especially Earth)) |
Tag {m} [countable] | :: day, daylight (period between sunrise and sunset when there is daylight) |
Tag {m} [uncountable] | :: day, daylight, light (light from the Sun) |
Tag {m} [uncountable, figurative] | :: light (open view; a visible state or condition) |
Tag {m} [uncountable] | :: day (part of a day which one spends at work, school, etc.) |
Tag {m} [uncountable, figurative] | :: day (specified time or period, considered with reference to the prominence or success (in life or in an an argument or conflict) of a person or thing) |
Tag {m} [countable, dated, now found chiefly in compounds such as Bundestag, Reichstag, Landtag, Sudetendeutscher Tag or Tag der Oberschlesier] | :: convention, congress (formal assembly) |
Tag {m} | :: see Tage for plural-only senses |
Tag {interj} [colloquial] | :: hello; (good) day |
tagaktiv {adj} | :: diurnal (active during the day) |
Tag der Deutschen Einheit {prop} {m} | :: October 3, German Unity Day, anniversary of German reunification ("Wiedervereinigung") in 1990 |
Tagebau {m} | :: open-pit mining, opencast mining |
Tagebau {m} | :: opencast mine |
Tagebuch {n} | :: diary, journal |
tagein tagaus {idiom} | :: day in and day out |
tagelang {adj} | :: lasting for days |
tagelang {adv} | :: for days |
Tagelöhner {m} [dated] | :: day laborer |
tagen {v} [of committees etc.] | :: to meet |
tagen {v} [literary] | :: to dawn |
Tagesablauf {m} | :: daily routine |
Tagesanbruch {m} | :: dawn (rising of the sun) |
Tagesausflug {m} | :: a day trip |
Tagesbedarf {m} | :: daily requirement(s) |
Tagesbeginn {m} | :: start of the day |
Tagesbetreuung {f} | :: daycare |
Tagesdosis {f} [medicine] | :: daily dose |
Tagesende {n} | :: end of day |
tageshell {adj} | :: daylit (as bright as day) |
Tageskarte {f} [restaurant] | :: menu of the day |
Tageskarte {f} | :: day ticket |
Tageslicht {n} | :: daylight (light from the sun) |
Tageslosung {f} | :: a daily motto, resolution |
Tageslosung {f} [Austria] | :: daily cash receipts |
Tagesmutter {f} | :: female childminder |
Tagesordnung {f} | :: agenda; order of the day (business to be done by a body or group of people on a particular day) |
Tagesschau {f} | :: (television) news |
Tagesstätte {f} | :: day care center (for children, seniors, or handicapped persons) |
Tagestourist {m} | :: day-tripper (male or of unspecified sex) |
Tagestouristin {f} | :: female day-tripper |
Tageszeit {f} | :: time of day |
Tageszeit {f} [rather rare, certain contexts and constructions] | :: daytime |
Tageszeitung {f} | :: daily (a newspaper that is published every day) |
Tageszufuhr {f} | :: daily (dietary) intake |
Tagewähler {m} [biblical] | :: person who ascribes good or bad luck to specific days |
tageweise {adj} | :: daily |
tageweise {adv} | :: daily |
Tagfalter {m} [chiefly biology] | :: butterfly |
taggen {v} [Internet] | :: to tag |
taghell {adj} | :: daylit (as bright as day) |
-tägig {suffix} | :: in compound words: days old |
-tägig {suffix} | :: in compound words: days lasting |
täglich {adj} | :: daily |
täglich {adv} | :: every day, quotidianly |
Tagpfauenauge {n} | :: a butterfly, European peacock caterpillar, Inachis io |
tags {adv} | :: in the daytime |
tagsüber {adv} | :: by day, during the day, in the day, in the daytime |
tagtäglich {adj} | :: daily |
Tagtraum {m} | :: daydream |
tagträumen {v} | :: to daydream |
Tag und Nacht {adv} [idiomatic] | :: day and night, night and day |
Tag und Nacht {noun} [idiomatic] | :: day and night |
Tagundnachtgleiche {f} | :: equinox |
Tag-und-Nacht-Gleiche {f} | :: alternative spelling of Tagundnachtgleiche |
Tagung {f} | :: meeting, conference / convention |
Tagwerk {n} [dated] | :: a day's work |
Taifun {m} | :: typhoon |
Taiga {f} | :: taiga (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) |
Taikonaut {m} | :: taikonaut (male or of unspecified sex) [Chinese astronaut] |
Taille {f} | :: waist, waistline |
Taiwan {n} | :: an island nation in Asia; Taiwan |
Taiwaner {m} | :: Taiwanese; man living in Taiwan, or pertaining to Taiwan |
Taiwanisch {prop} {n} | :: Taiwanese (language) |
Tajo {prop} | :: the Tagus river, especially the Spanish portion of it |
Tajostadt {f} | :: A city situated on the Tagus river, in particular Toledo or Lisbon |
Takelage {f} [nautical] | :: rig; rigging (the arrangement of masts etc.) |
Takonit {m} [mineral] | :: taconite |
Takt {m} | :: tact (keen perception or discernment) |
Takt {m} [music] | :: time |
Takt {m} [music] | :: bar, measure |
Takt {m} [by extension, colloquial, in the plural] | :: moment |
Takt {m} | :: interval |
Taktgefühl {n} | :: tact |
taktieren {v} | :: to act tactically, to maneuver |
taktiert {v} | :: past participle of taktieren |
Taktik {f} | :: tactic, tactics, policy |
Taktikanalyse {f} | :: tactics analysis, tactical analysis |
Taktikwechsel {m} | :: change of tactics |
taktisch {adj} | :: tactical, tactic |
taktlos {adj} | :: tactless |
Taktstock {n} [music] | :: baton |
Tal {n} | :: valley |
talauswärts {adv} | :: out of the valley |
Tal der Tränen {n} | :: vale of tears (a place or state of sorrow) |
Talent {n} | :: talent |
talentfrei {adj} | :: talentless |
talentiert {adj} | :: talented |
talentvoll {adj} | :: Full of talent; talented; gifted |
Taler {m} | :: taler (former unit of currency) |
Talg {m} | :: tallow |
Talg {m} | :: suet |
Talg {m} [physiology] | :: sebum |
Talgdrüse {f} | :: sebaceous gland |
Talib {m} | :: Taliban (member of the Taliban movement or its militia) |
Taliban {m} | :: Taliban, a member of the Taliban movement |
Talisman {m} | :: talisman |
Talje {f} [nautical] | :: tackle |
Talk {m} [mineral] | :: talc |
Talk {m} [colloquial] | :: a talk show |
Talkshow {f} | :: a talk show |
Tallinn {prop} {n} | :: Tallinn (capital city) |
Talmi {n} {m} | :: talmi, an alloy of mostly zinc and copper and occasionally some tin and lead and about a percent of gold used for jewellery of low price and great durability |
Talmi {n} {m} [figurative, often in compound] | :: anything with a fake appearance of value |
talmudisch {adj} | :: Talmudic |
Talnebel {m} | :: valley fog |
Talsohle {f} | :: bottom |
Talsohle {f} | :: trough, bottom of the economic recession, Talsohle der Rezession |
Talsohle {f} | :: sole of a valley, bottom of a valley |
Talsperre {f} | :: dam, barrage |
talwärts {adv} | :: toward a or the valley |
talwärts {adv} [figuratively] | :: downward |
Talweg {m} [geography] | :: thalweg |
tamam {interj} [colloquial] | :: OK, aight, 👌 |
Tamara {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Tamarinde {f} | :: tamarind |
Tamariske {f} | :: (botany) tamarisk |
Tamburin {n} | :: tambourine |
Tamilisch {n} | :: Tamil |
Tamm {prop} {n} | :: Tamm (municipality) |
Tampon {m} | :: tampon |
Tamsweg {prop} {n} | :: A political district in the federal state of Salzburg in Austria; congruent with the geographical region of Lungau |
Tamsweg {prop} {n} | :: The municipality of that district |
Tamtam {n} [musical instrument] | :: tam-tam |
Tamtam {n} [colloquial] | :: ballyhoo |
Tanach {prop} {m} | :: Tanakh |
Tand {m} | :: trifles; trinkets |
tändeln {v} | :: to dally |
tändeln {v} | :: to flirt |
Tandem {n} | :: tandem (bicycle) |
Tandemschach {n} | :: bughouse chess (variant of chess) |
Tang {m} | :: seaweed |
Tangens {m} [trigonometry] | :: tangent |
Tangente {f} [geometry] | :: tangent |
tangibel {adj} | :: tangible |
tangieren {v} [math] | :: to be tangent to |
tangieren {v} | :: to bother |
tangieren {v} | :: to touch |
Tango {m} | :: tango (dance) |
Tangotänzer {m} | :: tango dancer |
Tangotänzerin {f} | :: female tango dancer |
Tanja {prop} {f} | :: given name, popular especially in the 1970s and 1980s. |
Tank {m} | :: tank (container for liquids or gases) |
Tank {m} [military, archaic to obsolete] | :: tank (armoured fighting vehicle) |
Tanke {f} [colloquial] | :: short for Tankstelle |
tanken {vti} | :: to fuel, to refuel (fill a fuel tank of a vehicle) |
tanken {vti} [colloquial] | :: to drink a lot of alcohol |
Tankfahrzeug {n} | :: tanker |
Tankini {m} | :: tankini |
Tankstelle {f} | :: gas station |
Tankuhr {f} | :: fuel gauge |
Tankwagen {m} | :: tanker (road vehicle) |
Tann {m} [poetic] | :: A forest of fir trees |
Tanne {f} | :: fir (genus Abies) |
tannen {adj} | :: firren |
Tannenbaum {m} | :: fir tree |
Tannenbaum {m} [specifically] | :: Christmas tree |
Tannenholz {n} | :: firwood, fir (The wood and timber of the fir.) |
Tannennadel {f} | :: fir needle |
Tannenzapfen {m} | :: fir cone, pinecone, pine cone |
Tannenzweig {m} | :: fir branch |
Tannin {n} | :: tannin |
Tansania {prop} {n} | :: Tanzania |
Tansanier {m} | :: Tanzanian |
Tansanierin {f} | :: female Tanzanian |
tansanisch {adj} | :: Tanzanian |
Tantal {n} | :: tantalum |
Tantalerz {n} [mineralogy] | :: tantalum ore |
Tantalfluorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: tantalum fluoride |
Tantalgewinnung {f} | :: tantalum mining / production |
Tantalit {m} [mineral] | :: tantalite |
Tantalsäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: tantalic acid |
Tante {f} | :: aunt |
Tante-Emma-Laden {m} | :: mom-and-pop grocery store, mom-and-pop convenience store |
Tantieme {f} [payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc] | :: royalty |
tantig {noun} | :: typical of aunts |
Tanz {m} | :: dance |
Tanzball {m} [dance] | :: synonym of Ball (ball, prom [US]) |
tanzbar {adj} | :: danceable |
tänzeln {v} | :: to sashay |
tanzen {v} | :: to dance |
Tänzer {m} | :: agent noun of tanzen; dancer |
Tänzerin {f} | :: female dancer |
Tanzmusik {f} | :: dance music |
Tanzmusiker {m} | :: dance musician (male or of unspecified sex) |
Tanzschule {f} | :: dance school |
Tanzverbot {n} | :: a ban on dancing; an interdiction to dance |
Tanzverbot {n} [specifically, Germany] | :: a legal ban on public events involving dance, such as discotheques and rock concerts, in force on certain religious holidays, including e.g. Good Friday |
Taoismus {m} | :: Taoism |
Tapet {n} [dated] | :: cover of a conference table |
Tapete {f} | :: wallpaper (in the original sense only) |
Tapetenfarbe {f} | :: wallpaper color |
tapezieren {v} | :: to wallpaper; paper a wall |
Tapezierspinne {f} | :: purseweb spider |
tapfer {adj} | :: brave, dauntless, hardy, tough (strong in the face of hardship, pain, and danger) |
Tapferkeit {f} | :: bravery (being brave) |
Tapir {m} | :: tapir (large odd-toed ungulate with long prehensile upper lip) |
tappen {vi} | :: to pad (walk softly, quietly or steadily) |
tappen {vi} | :: to grope, frisk (search by feeling) |
täppisch {adj} | :: clumsy, awkward |
Tarantel {f} | :: tarantula (Lycosa tarantula, kind of wolf spider of southern Europe) |
Tarantel {f} | :: certain other large species of wolf spider, chiefly of the genera Alopecosa, Hogna, Lycosa |
Tarantel {f} [obsolete] | :: the disused wolf spider genus Tarentula |
Tarantel {f} [rare, nonstandard, anglicism] | :: a New World tarantula (spider of the family Theraphosidae) |
Tarbusch {m} | :: tarboosh |
Tarent {prop} {n} | :: Tarent (city/and/province) |
tarentinisch {adj} | :: Tarentine |
Tarif {m} | :: fee, price, rate |
Tarif {m} | :: tariff |
tariflich {adj} | :: tariff (attributive) |
tariflich {adj} | :: according to the agreed union rate |
Tarifverhandlung {f} | :: collective bargaining |
Tarifvertrag {m} | :: collective agreement |
tarnen {v} | :: to mask; to camouflage; to disguise; to cover up |
tarnen {v} [science fiction] | :: to cloak |
Tarnkappe {f} | :: cloak of invisibility |
Tarnkappenbomber {m} | :: stealth bomber |
Tarnowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Tarnung {f} | :: camouflage |
Tarock {m} {n} [card games] | :: tarot cards |
Tarock {m} {n} [card games] | :: A game played with tarot cards |
Tarot {m} {n} | :: tarot |
Tarrenz {prop} {n} | :: Tarrenz (municipality) |
Tarsdorf {prop} {n} | :: Tarsdorf (municipality) |
Tarsus {m} [zoology] | :: tarsus |
Tartrat {n} [chemistry] | :: tartrate |
Tartsche {f} | :: shield, targe |
Tartu {prop} | :: Tartu (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Estonia>>) |
Tasche {f} | :: bag |
Tasche {f} | |
Taschenapotheke {f} | :: (pocket) first-aid kit |
Taschenbuch {n} | :: paperback |
Taschendieb {m} | :: pickpocket |
Taschendiebstahl {m} | :: pickpocketing |
Taschengeld {n} | :: pocket money |
Taschenlampe {f} | :: A torch, a flashlight: a portable electric light source |
Taschenmesser {n} | :: pocketknife |
Taschenratte {f} | :: pocket gopher |
Taschenrechner {m} | :: electronic calculator that fits in a pocket, pocket calculator, hand-held calculator |
Taschentuch {n} | :: handkerchief |
Taschentuch {n} | :: tissue; paper handkerchief |
Taschenuhr {f} | :: pocket watch |
Taschenwörterbuch {n} | :: pocket dictionary |
Taser {m} | :: taser |
Tash {prop} | :: Tash (Nyírtass); synonym of Nyírtass (Tass). Tash (village) |
Taskforce {f} | :: task force |
Tasmanien {prop} | :: Tasmania |
tasmanisch {adj} | :: Tasmanian |
Tass {prop} | :: Tass; Tass (village) |
Tass {prop} | :: Nyírtass; former name of Nyírtass; Tass (village) |
Tasse {f} | :: cup with a handle |
tassenförmig {adj} | :: cupped, cup-shaped |
Tastatur {f} | :: keyboard (on a computer, typewriter, etc.) |
Tastaturbelegung {f} | :: keyboard layout |
Taste {f} | :: key, button (on a piano, keyboard, etc.) |
tasten {v} | :: to feel with the hands, to fumble, to grope |
Tastenbelegung {f} | :: keyboard layout |
Tasteninstrument {m} [musical instruments] | :: keyboard (any musical instrument played by touching) |
Tasteninstrumentenbauer {m} | :: keyboard musical instrument maker (a producer of keyboard instruments, such as pianos, harpsichords, pipe organs, accordions, concertinas, etc.) |
Tasteninstrumentenhersteller {m} [music] | :: manufacturer of keyboard musical instruments |
Tastenkombination {f} | :: keyboard shortcut, hotkey |
Tastsinn {m} | :: the sense of touch |
Tat {f} | :: deed |
Tat {f} | :: act |
Tat {f} [law enforcement] | :: crime, offense |
tatarisch {adj} | :: Tatar |
Tatarisch {n} | :: Tatar (language) |
Tatarstan {prop} {n} | :: Tatarstan (republic) |
Tatbestand {m} | :: the factual elements realizing the concept under which subsumption takes place |
tatenlos {adj} | :: inactive, idle |
Täter {m} | :: doer |
Täter {m} [legal] | :: evildoer; delinquent, offender |
Täterschaft {f} [uncountable] | :: perpetration |
Täterschaft {f} [Swiss, countable] | :: group of all perpetrators of a single crime |
Tätervolk {n} | :: perpetrator people [i.e. a people considered to have collective guilt] |
tätig {adj} | :: active (given to action) |
tätigen {v} | :: to effect |
Tätigkeit {f} | :: activity |
Tätigkeit {f} | :: job |
Tätigkeitswort {n} [grammar] | :: verb |
Tatjana {prop} | :: given name of German speakers |
Tatjana {prop} | :: A transliteration of Russian female given name Татья́на |
Tatkraft {f} | :: energy for work |
tatkräftig {adj} | :: active, energetic |
tätlich {adj} | :: violent |
Tatort {m} | :: crime scene (location of a crime) |
tätowieren {v} | :: to tattoo |
Tätowieren {n} | :: tattoo (method of decorating the skin by inserting colored substances under the surface) |
Tätowierer {m} | :: tattooist, tattooer, tattoo artist |
tätowiert {adj} | :: being tattoed |
tätowierter {adj} | :: comparative of tätowiert |
tätowiertesten {adj} | :: superlative of tätowiert |
Tätowierung {f} | :: tattoo |
Tätowierung {f} | :: tattooing; the act of applying a tattoo |
Tatsache {f} | :: fact (a true observation) |
Tatsachenbeschöniger {m} | :: whitewasher of facts, spin doctor, prevaricator |
Tatsachenverdreher {m} | :: prevaricator |
Tatsachenverdreher {m} | :: spin doctor |
Tatsachenverdrehung {f} | :: distortion of the facts, prevarication |
tatsächlich {adj} | :: actual, real, factual |
tatsächlich {adv} | :: actually, really |
tatsächlich {interj} | :: really? |
tätscheln {v} | :: to pat |
tatschen {vt} | :: grab at, paw |
Tattendorf {prop} {n} | :: Tattendorf (municipality) |
Tattergreis {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: dodderer |
Tattergreisin {f} | :: feminine noun of Tattergreis |
Tatterich {m} [colloquial, uncountable, idiom] | :: shakes |
Tatterich {m} [colloquial, countable, pejorative] | :: dodderer |
tatterig {adj} [colloquial, of the fingers or whole body] | :: shaky, trembly |
tatterig {adj} [colloquial, pejorative, of old people] | :: doddery, doddering |
tattern {v} [colloquial, of the fingers or whole body] | :: to shake, to tremble |
Tattoo {n} {m} | :: tattoo |
Tatu {m} [obsolete] | :: armadillo |
Tatütata {n} | :: The sound of a siren; nee-naw |
Tatverdacht {m} [law enforcement] | :: suspicion |
tatverdächtig {adj} [law enforcement, of a person] | :: suspected of having committed a crime |
Tatze {f} | :: paw of larger animals, especially bears |
Tatzelwurm {m} [cryptozoology] | :: Tatzelwurm |
Tau {m} | :: dew |
Tau {n} | :: strong rope |
Tau {n} | :: tau (greek letter) |
taub {adj} | :: deaf (not hearing) |
taub {adj} | :: numb |
taub {adj} | :: empty (used for nuts which lack the seed within their shell) |
taubblind {adj} | :: deafblind |
Taubblindheit {f} | :: deafblindness |
Täubchen {n} | :: a small dove |
Täubchen {n} | :: a term of endearment |
Taube {f} | :: [male or female] dove, pigeon |
Taube {f} [constellation] | :: the constellation Columba |
Taube {f} | :: A deaf woman or girl |
Taube {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
taubenblau {adj} | :: blue-grey |
Taubenblume {f} | :: common columbine, Aquilegia vulgaris |
taubeneigroß {adj} | :: pigeon-egg-sized |
taubengrau {adj} | :: dove grey |
Taubenhaus {n} | :: dovecote |
Taubensport {m} | :: The sport of pigeon racing (using specially trained homing pigeons) |
Taubenzüchter {m} | :: dove breeder, pigeon breeder (male or of unspecified sex) |
Tauber {m} | :: A male pigeon or dove, a cock pigeon or dove |
Tauber {prop} {f} | :: A river in Franconia, Germany |
Tauber {m} | :: A deaf man or boy |
Täuber {m} | :: A male pigeon or dove, a cock pigeon or dove |
Taubheit {f} | :: deafness (condition of being deaf) |
Taubheit {f} | :: numbness |
Täubin {f} | :: A female pigeon or dove, a hen pigeon or dove |
Taubnessel {f} | :: deadnettle |
taubstumm {adj} [now, offensive] | :: deaf-mute (unable to hear or speak) |
tauchen {v} | :: to dive |
tauchen {v} [figuratively] | :: to bathe |
Tauchen {n} | :: diving |
Taucher {m} | :: agent noun of tauchen; diver (someone who dives, especially as a sport; someone who works underwater) |
Taucher {m} | :: grebe (bird in the family Podicipedidae) |
Taucher {m} | :: loon, diver (bird in the family Gaviidae) |
Taucherglocke {f} | :: diving bell |
Taucherin {f} | :: feminine noun of Taucher |
Taucherkrankheit {f} | :: decompression sickness |
Taucheruhr {f} | :: diving watch |
Tauchsieder {m} | :: immersion heater |
tauen {v} [sometimes, impersonal] | :: to thaw; to melt |
tauen {v} [usually, impersonal] | :: to dew; there to appear (dew) |
Tauern {prop} | :: high mountain pass, especially any in the Austrian Central Alps |
Tauern {prop} | :: used to name similar mountain ranges, such as High Tauern and Ossiach Tauern |
Taufe {f} | :: baptism |
taufen {v} | :: to baptize |
Täufer {m} [chiefly Christianity] | :: baptist (one who baptises) |
Täufer {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Baptist (title of Saint John the Baptist) |
Taufliege {f} | :: fruit fly, any insect of the insect family Drosophilidae |
taufrisch {adj} | :: very fresh |
Taufschein {m} | :: certificate of baptism |
Taufscheinchrist {m} | :: nominal Christian |
Taufstein {m} | :: baptismal font |
taugen {v} | :: to be fit |
Taugenichts {m} [derogatory, perhaps dated] | :: good-for-nothing |
tauglich {adj} | :: fit, suited |
Tauglichkeit {f} | :: fitness, suitability |
Taumel {m} | :: frenzy |
taumelig {adj} | :: giddy, dizzy |
taumeln {v} | :: to sway; to teeter; to stagger (to start to fall or move as though one might fall) |
Taupunkt {m} | :: dew point |
Taurin {n} [organic compound] | :: taurine |
Taurusgebirge {prop} | :: Taurus Mountains |
Taus {prop} | :: The Czech town of Domažlice |
Tausch {m} | :: exchange, barter (exchange for an equal value) |
Tausch {prop} | :: Nyírtass; former name of Nyírtass; Tausch (village) |
Tauschbörse {f} | :: (financial) barter exchange, bartering center, online exchange service |
Tauschbörse {f} | :: (computing) peer-to-peer file sharing service |
Tauschbörse {f} | :: swap meet, place where people exchange things |
tauschen {v} | :: to trade |
tauschen {v} | :: to exchange, swap |
täuschen {vt} | :: to deceive |
täuschen {vr} | :: to be wrong, to be mistaken |
täuschen {vr} | :: to err |
Tauscher {m} | :: exchanger |
Tauscher {m} | :: deceiver |
Täuschung {f} | :: deception |
Täuschungsvorwurf {m} | :: accusation of deceit or chicanery |
tausend {num} | :: thousand |
Tausend {n} | :: thousand (amount) |
Tausend {f} | :: thousand (the number) |
tausenderlei {adj} | :: Of many different types |
tausendfach {adj} | :: thousandfold |
Tausendfüßler {m} | :: centipede, millipede |
Tausendfüßler {m} [zoology] | :: myriapod |
tausendjährig {adj} | :: thousand-year, thousand-years-old, millennial |
tausendmal {adv} | :: a thousand times |
tausendmal {adv} | :: countless times |
tausendmaltausend {num} [rare] | :: million, a thousand thousands |
Tausendschön {n} | :: daisy |
Tausendschönchen {n} | :: diminutive of Tausendschön |
Tausendschönchen {n} [botany] | :: daisy |
tausendste {ordinal num} | :: thousandth |
tausendstel {adj} | :: thousandth (thousandth part of) |
Tausendstel {n} | :: thousandth (fraction) |
tausendtausend {num} [rare] | :: million, a thousand thousands |
Tausi {m} [slang] | :: A grand; 1000 units of some currency (usually Euros or Deutschmarks) |
Tautologie {f} [linguistics or logic] | :: tautology |
tautologisch {adj} | :: tautological |
Tautropfen {m} | :: dewdrop |
Tauziehen {n} | :: the game tug of war |
Tauziehen {n} | :: a tug of war, a dispute |
taxativ {adj} | :: taxative, exhaustive, comprehensive |
Taxe {f} | :: fee, tariff, tax (a payment required to cover administrative costs or in exchange for a service) |
Taxe {f} [colloquial, becoming dated] | :: alternative form of Taxi |
Taxenbach {prop} {n} | :: Taxenbach (municipality) |
Taxi {n} {m} | :: taxi, cab |
taxieren {v} | :: to appraise |
Taxierung {f} | :: appraisal |
Taxifahrer {m} | :: taxi driver, cabdriver, cabbie |
Taxifahrerin {f} | :: a female taxi driver |
Taxiway {m} | :: taxiway |
Taxler {m} | :: taxi driver |
Taxonomie {n} | :: taxonomy (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms) |
taxonomisch {adj} | :: taxonomic |
Taybeere {f} | :: tayberry |
-te {suffix} | :: forms the first-person and third-person singular of the past tense and past subjunctive of weak verbs and some irregular verbs |
-te {suffix} [rare, not productive, only as synchronic surface analysis] | :: forms nouns from adjectives |
teaken {adj} | :: teak (attributive) |
Team {n} | :: team |
teambildend {adj} | :: team-building |
teamfähig {adj} | :: Able to work in a team / group |
Teamgeist {m} | :: team spirit |
Teamwork {n} [chiefly sports] | :: teamwork |
Teaser {m} [marketing] | :: teaser (product preview) |
Tebibyte {n} [computing] | :: tebibyte (240 bytes) |
Technetat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: technetate |
Technetium {n} | :: technetium |
Technetiumatom {n} | :: technetium atom |
technetiumbasiert {adj} | :: technetium-based |
Technetiumchemie {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: technetium chemistry |
Technetiumdioxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium dioxide |
Technetiumdiselenid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium diselenide |
Technetiumdisulfid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium disulfide |
Technetiumditellurid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium ditelluride |
Technetiumhalogenid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: technetium halide |
Technetiumheptoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium heptoxide |
Technetiumhexachlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium hexachloride |
Technetiumhexafluorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium hexafluoride |
Technetiumoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium oxide |
Technetiumpentafluorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium pentafluoride |
Technetiumtetrabromid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium tetrabromide |
Technetiumtetrachlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: technetium tetrachloride |
Technetiumverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: technetium compound |
Technik {f} | :: technique |
Technik {f} | :: technology |
Techniker {m} | :: technician, technologist, engineer (male or of unspecified sex) [frequently used in various compounds] |
Technikerin {f} | :: technician, technologist, engineer (female) (frequently used in various compounds) |
technikfeindlich {adj} | :: anti-technology |
technisch {adj} | :: technical |
technisch {adj} | :: technological |
technisch {adj} | :: engineering [attributive] |
technische Chemie {f} [chemistry] | :: technical chemistry |
technischer Notdienst {m} | :: technical emergency service |
technogen {adj} | :: technogenic |
Technologie {f} | :: technology |
technologisch {adj} | :: technological |
Techtelmechtel {n} | :: a hanky-panky (love affair) |
Teckel {m} [specialist, otherwise dated] | :: dachshund (sausage dog, wiener dog) |
Teddybär {m} | :: A teddybear |
Tee {m} | :: tea (drink made by infusing parts of a plant, especially leaves or buds of Camellia sinensis, in water) |
Tee {n} [golf] | :: tee |
Teebeutel {m} | :: tea bag |
Teeblatt {n} | :: tea leaf |
Teeei {n} | :: alternative spelling of Tee-Ei |
Tee-Ei {n} | :: tea ball |
Teeglas {n} | :: tea glass |
Teehaus {n} | :: teahouse |
Teehäuschen {n} | :: diminutive of Teehaus |
Teein {n} | :: alternative form of Tein |
Teekanne {f} | :: teapot |
Teekessel {m} | :: teapot |
Teekesselchen {n} | :: A small teapot |
Teekesselchen {n} | :: A word with multiple distinct, unrelated meanings |
Teekocher {m} | :: an electric kettle, especially when chiefly used to make tea (or coffee) |
Teekocher {m} | :: a teasmade; an appliance similar to a coffee machine for making tea |
Teelicht {n} | :: tealight |
Teelöffel {m} | :: teaspoon |
Teelöffel {m} [non-specialist also] | :: dessertspoon |
Teelöffelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Teelöffel |
Teenager {m} | :: teenager (person between 13 and 19 years of age) |
Teenager {m} [humorous] | :: a person or animal that nibbles tea [the word has no real-life referent, but sees some usage as a pun on etymology 1] |
Teenie {m} | :: teenager |
Teer {m} | :: tar |
teeren {v} | :: to tar |
Teesdorf {prop} {n} | :: Teesdorf (municipality) |
Teesieb {n} | :: tea strainer |
Teestube {f} | :: tearoom |
Teetasse {f} | :: teacup (cup for drinking tea) |
Teewärmer {m} | :: tea cozy |
Teewurst {f} | :: very smooth spreadable smoked German sausage |
Teheran {prop} {n} | :: Teheran (capital city) |
Teich {m} | :: pond (natural or man-made) |
Teich {m} | :: [only in the combination 'der große Teich'] the Atlantic Ocean |
Teichfrosch {m} | :: common water frog, edible frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus is a hybrid of the pool frog (Pelophylax lessonae) and the Central Asian marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) |
Teichmolch {m} | :: newt |
Teichrose {f} | :: water lily |
Teichwasserläufer {m} | :: marsh sandpiper (bird of the genus Tringa stagnatilis) |
Teig {m} | :: dough, paste (a soft mixture of various ingredients such as flour and water used for baking) |
Teig {m} | :: pastry (the dough which is used as a base for other pastry products) |
Teig {m} | :: batter (a beaten mixture of egg and milk, mainly used for frying; e.g.: waffles, pancakes) |
teigig {adj} | :: doughy, doughlike (having the qualities of dough) |
Teigling {m} | :: A piece of dough |
Teiglöffel {m} | :: spatula, dough scraper |
Teigmesser {n} | :: bench knife, dough cutter |
Teigschaber {m} | :: spatula, dough scraper |
Teigtasche {f} | :: dumpling |
Teigware {f} | :: pasta |
Teil {m} | :: part, piece (of a whole, often in relation to living things or an abstract concept) |
Teil {m} | :: fraction of a whole |
Teil {n} | :: part, piece (a physical object which is used in a greater one, often in relation to inanimate objects) |
Teil {n} [colloquial] | :: thing (any object, not limited to those which are part of a greater one) |
Teil {n} [colloquial] | :: piece of clothing |
Teil {n} [slang] | :: penis (see U.S. slang usage of thing) |
Teilarbeitslosigkeit {f} | :: partial unemployment |
teilbar {adj} | :: divisible (capable of becoming two more things; an integer that when divided leaves no remainder) |
teilbar {adj} | :: [zipper] separating |
teilbesetzt {adj} | :: partially occupied |
Teilchen {n} [physics] | :: particle |
Teilchen {n} [Western Germany] | :: bun (sweet pastry, e.g. Danish pastry) |
Teilchenbeschleuniger {m} | :: particle accelerator, atom smasher |
Teilchendetektor {m} [physics] | :: particle detector |
Teilchengrösse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Teilchengröße |
Teilchengröße {f} | :: particle size |
Teilchenphysik {f} | :: particle physics |
Teildruck {m} | :: partial pressure |
teilen {v} | :: to split, to share |
teilen {v} | :: to divide |
Teilen {n} | :: division |
teilerfremd {adj} [mathematics] | :: coprime (having no positive integer factors in common, aside from 1) |
teile und herrsche {phrase} | :: divide and conquer |
Teilhabe {f} [sociology] | :: participation |
Teilhabe {f} [philosophy] | :: methexis |
teilhaben {v} | :: to participate |
Teilhaber {m} | :: partner, associate, companion, part owner, coowner |
Teilmenge {f} | :: subset (mathematics: of a set) |
Teilmobilmachung {f} | :: partial mobilization |
Teilnahme {f} | :: participation |
teilnahmeberechtigt {adj} | :: eligible (to participate) |
teilnahmslos {adj} | :: impassive, indifferent |
teilnahmslos {adj} | :: listless, lethargic |
teilnahmslos {adv} | :: indifferently; listlessly |
Teilnahmslosigkeit {f} | :: lethargy, apathy |
teilnehmen {v} | :: to participate |
Teilnehmer {m} | :: agent noun of teilnehmen; participant |
Teilnehmerin {f} | :: (female) participant |
Teilnehmerliste {f} | :: list of participants |
Teilnehmerzahl {f} | :: number of participants |
Teilpächter {m} | :: sharecropper |
Teilpächterin {f} | :: female sharecropper |
Teilrepublik {f} | :: constituent republic or member state (of a federal state that is a republic or a union of republics, such as the former Soviet Union) |
Teilrepublik {f} | :: autonomous republic (within a larger state) |
teils {adv} | :: partly, partially |
Teilsatz {m} [linguistics] | :: clause |
Teilsieg {m} | :: partial victory |
Teilung {f} | :: sharing, splitting, division |
Teilung {f} [arithmetics] | :: division |
Teilungsrest {m} [arithmetics] | :: the remainder after division |
teilverstaatlicht {adj} | :: Partly nationalised |
teilweise {adv} | :: partially, to some extent |
teilweise {adv} | :: sometimes, occasionally |
teilweise {adj} | :: partial |
Teilzeit {f} | :: part time |
Teilzeitarbeiter {m} | :: part-timer, part-time worker |
Tein {n} [organic compound] | :: theine (caffeine when present in tea) |
Teint {m} | :: complexion |
Teiste {f} | :: A seabird belonging to the genera Cepphus of the auk family Alcidae, particularly the black guillemot, Cepphus grylle |
Teitel {prop} | :: surname |
Tejo {prop} | :: the Tagus river, especially the Portuguese portion of it |
Tejostadt {f} | :: A city situated on the Tagus river, in particular Lisbon |
Tektit {m} | :: tektite |
Tektonik {f} | :: tectonics |
tektonisch {adj} [geology] | :: tectonic (relating to large-scale movements) |
Telefax {n} | :: fax |
Telefon {n} | :: telephone |
Telefonanschluss {m} | :: telephone connection |
Telefonat {n} | :: phone call |
Telefonbuch {n} | :: telephone directory, phone book |
Telefongespräch {n} | :: telephone conversation, conversation had by telephone |
telefonieren {v} | :: to telephone |
telefonisch {adj} | :: telephonic |
Telefonkonferenz {f} | :: telephone conference |
Telefonleitung {f} | :: telephone line, phone line |
Telefonnetz {n} | :: telephone network |
Telefonnummer {f} | :: telephone number |
Telefonrechnung {f} | :: Telephone bill |
Telefonseelsorge {f} [uncountable] | :: crisis hotline |
Telefonverbindung {f} | :: telephone connection, phone call |
Telefonverbindung {f} | :: telephone connection, telephone link |
Telefonverkäufer {m} | :: telemarketer |
Telefonverschlüsselung {f} | :: phone encryption |
Telefonvorwahl {f} [telephony] | :: area code |
Telefonzelle {f} | :: telephone booth |
telegen {adj} | :: telegenic (having an appearance and exhibiting qualities attractive to television viewers) |
telegrafisch {adj} | :: telegraphic |
Telegramm {n} | :: telegram, wire |
Telegraph {m} | :: telegraph |
Telekom {f} | :: telecommunications company |
Telekommunikation {f} | :: telecommunication, telecommunications |
teleoklin {adj} [biology, psychology] | :: teleoclinal, purposeful |
Teleologie {f} | :: teleology |
teleologisch {adj} | :: teleological |
Telepathie {f} | :: telepathy |
telepathisch {adj} | :: telepathic |
Telephon {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Telefon |
Telephonbuch {n} | :: alternative form of Telefonbuch |
Teleskop {n} | :: telescope |
Telex {n} | :: printed message sent via a telex machine |
Telfs {prop} {n} | :: Telfs (municipality) |
telisch {adj} [linguistics] | :: telic |
Teller {m} | :: plate, dish |
Tellerchen {n} | :: diminutive of Teller |
Tellerlein {n} | :: diminutive of Teller |
Tellerrand {m} | :: edge, rim of plate |
Tellerrand {m} [figuratively] | :: horizon (range or limit of one's knowledge or experience) |
Tellerwäscher {m} | :: dishwasher [person] |
Tellur {n} | :: tellurium |
Tellurid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: telluride |
tellurisch {adj} | :: tellurian |
Tellurium {n} | :: tellurion |
Telugu {n} | :: a language spoken in parts of India; Telugu |
Temminckstrandläufer {m} | :: Temminck's stint (bird of the species Calidris temminckii) |
Tempel {m} | :: temple |
Tempelberg {prop} {m} | :: Temple Mount |
Tempelhof {prop} | :: Tempelhof |
Tempelhof {prop} | :: Tempelhof (neighborhood) |
Tempelhof {prop} [historical, aviation] | :: ellipsis of Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof Tempelhof (former airport) |
Tempelhof {prop} [historical] | :: Tempelhof (former borough) |
Tempelhof {prop} [historical] | :: Tempelhof (former village) |
Tempelritter {m} | :: Knight Templar |
Temperament {n} | :: temperament |
temperamentvoll {adj} | :: spirited |
Temperatur {f} | :: temperature |
temperaturabhängig {adj} | :: temperature-dependent |
Temperaturabhängigkeit {f} | :: temperature dependence (sensitivity to temperature) |
Temperaturänderung {f} [sciences] | :: temperature change |
Temperaturanstieg {m} | :: rise in temperature |
Temperaturbereich {m} | :: temperature range |
temperaturbeständig {adj} | :: temperature-resistant |
Temperaturbeständigkeit {f} | :: temperature resistance |
temperaturempfindlich {adj} | :: temperature-sensitive |
Temperaturerhöhung {f} | :: rise / increase in temperature |
Temperaturmessung {f} | :: thermometry (temperature measurement) |
Temperaturregler {m} | :: temperature regulator, temperature controller, thermostat |
Temperaturskala {f} | :: temperature scale |
Temperaturstabilität {f} | :: temperature stability |
Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit {f} | :: thermal shock resistance |
temperieren {v} | :: to temper |
Tempi passati {proverb} [erudite] | :: these times are long gone |
Templer {m} [history] | :: a Templar |
Templerorden {prop} {m} [history] | :: the Knights Templar |
Tempo {n} | :: tempo, pace (rate, speed) |
Tempo {n} | :: tissue (paper handkerchief) |
Tempolimit {n} | :: speed limit |
Tempomat {m} | :: cruise control |
temporal {adj} | :: temporal |
temporär {adj} | :: temporary (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) |
temporeich {adj} | :: fast-paced |
Tempus {n} | :: tense |
Tendenz {f} | :: tendency |
tendenziell {adj} | :: tendential |
tendenziös {adj} | :: tendentious; biased (representing facts in a partisan manner, often manipulatively so) |
tendieren {v} | :: (tendieren zu): to tend toward/towards |
Tengen {prop} {n} | :: Tengen (municipality) |
Tenne {f} | :: threshing-floor |
Tenne {f} [by extension] | :: a barn attached to a farmhouse, which is used (or was originally used) for threshing and/or keeping fodder |
Tenness {n} | :: tennessine |
Tennis {n} | :: tennis |
Tennisball {m} | :: tennis ball |
Tennisplatz {m} [sports] | :: tennis court |
Tennisschläger {m} | :: tennis racket |
Tennisspieler {m} | :: tennis player (male or of unspecified sex) |
Tennisspielerin {f} [sports] | :: tennis player (female) |
Tenno {m} | :: tenno (emperor of Japan) |
Tennou {m} | :: alternative form of Tenno |
Tenor {m} [music] | :: tenor |
Tenor {m} | :: essence of argumentation, tenor (tone, as of a conversation) |
Tenor {m} [law] | :: operative part of a court order |
Tenorit {m} [mineral] | :: tenorite |
Tenorposaune {f} | :: tenor trombone |
Tensid {n} | :: surfactant, tenside |
Tensor {m} [mathematics] | :: tensor |
Tentakel {m} | :: tentacle |
tentativ {adj} | :: tentative |
Tenuis {f} | :: tenuis |
Teppich {m} | :: rug, carpet (cloth covering for a floor) |
Teppich {m} | :: tapestry (cloth hung on a wall) |
Teppich {m} | :: slick (covering of oil) |
Teppichboden {m} | :: carpeting, carpeted floor |
Teppichfarbe {f} | :: carpet color |
Teppichflieger {m} [pejorative, offensive] | :: wog (person of North African, Middle Eastern or Central Asian descent) |
Teppichklopfer {m} | :: carpet beater |
Teppichmesser {n} | :: utility knife, boxcutter |
Tepui-Tropfenameisenwürger {m} | :: streak-backed antshrike |
Tequila {m} | :: tequila, an alcoholic liquor distilled from the fermented juice of the Central American century plant Agave tequilana |
tera- {prefix} | :: tera- |
teratologisch {adj} | :: teratologic, teratological |
Terawatt {n} | :: terawatt |
Terbium {n} | :: terbium |
Terekwasserläufer {m} | :: Terek sandpiper (bird of the species Xenus cinereus) |
Terenten {prop} {n} | :: Terenten (municipality) |
Terephthalsäure {f} [organic compound] | :: terephthalic acid (benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid) |
Teresa {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Terfens {prop} {n} | :: Terfens (municipality) |
Terlan {prop} {n} | :: Terlan (municipality) |
Term {m} [mathematics] | :: term |
Termin {m} | :: date |
Termin {m} | :: deadline (date on or before which something must be completed) |
Termin {m} | :: delivery date (day on which something is scheduled to arrive at the delivery address) |
Termin {m} | :: appointment, engagement (pre-arranged meeting between people) |
Termin {m} [sports] | :: fixture (scheduled match) |
Termin {m} [law] | :: hearing (legal procedure done before a judge, without a jury) |
terminal {adj} | :: terminal |
Terminal {m} | :: terminal (at an airport etc) |
Termineinlage {f} [banking] | :: time deposit |
Termingeld {n} [banking] | :: time deposit |
termingerecht {adj} | :: timely, on schedule |
Terminkalender {m} | :: appointment diary |
Terminologie {f} | :: terminology |
Terminus {m} | :: term (word or phrase, especially one from a specialized area of knowledge, i.e., a technical term) |
Termite {f} | :: termite (white-bodied, wood-consuming insect) |
ternär {adj} | :: ternary |
Ternberg {prop} {n} | :: Ternberg (municipality) |
Ternitz {prop} {n} | :: Ternitz (municipality) |
Terpentin {n} | :: turpentine |
Terpineol {n} [organic chemistry] | :: terpineol |
Terraforming {n} [science fiction] | :: terraforming (planetary engineering) |
Terrain {n} | :: territory, ground, terrain |
Terrarium {n} | :: terrarium |
Terrasse {f} | :: terrace (raised, flat-topped bank of earth with sloping sides) |
Terrasse {f} | :: patio, porch, veranda, terrace (platform that extends outwards from a building) |
Terrasse {f} | :: roof terrace, roof garden (flat roof of a building, accessible to the residents) |
terrestrisch {adj} | :: terrestrial |
Terrine {f} | :: tureen |
Terrine {f} | :: terrine |
terrisch {adj} [Austria] | :: hard of hearing |
territorial {adj} | :: territorial |
Territorium {n} | :: territory |
Terror {m} | :: terror |
Terrorangriff {m} | :: terror attack |
Terrorherrschaft {f} | :: reign of terror |
terrorisieren {v} | :: to terrorize |
Terrorismus {m} [no plural] | :: terrorism |
Terrorist {m} | :: terrorist |
Terroristenzelle {f} | :: terrorist cell |
Terroristin {f} | :: terrorist (female) |
terroristisch {adj} | :: terroristic |
terrorverdächtig {adj} | :: suspected of terrorism |
Terrorzelle {f} | :: terror cell |
Tertia {f} [obsolete] | :: the fourth and fifth class of Gymnasium |
Tertia {f} [Austria, dated] | :: the third class of Gymnasium |
Tertia {f} [printing] | :: 16-point font size |
tertiär {adj} | :: tertiary |
Tertiär {n} [geology] | :: tertiary |
Tertiär {n} [chemistry] | :: tertiary |
Tertiärstruktur {f} [biochemistry] | :: tertiary structure |
Terz {f} [music] | :: An interval of 3 (kleine Terz) or 4 (große Terz) halftones |
Terzel {m} [falconry] | :: tiercel (male bird of prey) |
Tesa {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of Tesafilm |
Tesafilm {m} {n} [slightly, colloquial] | :: narrow, transparent adhesive tape as commonly used in household and office contexts; Scotch tape; Sellotape |
Tesafilm {m} {n} [uncommon] | :: adhesive tape in general |
Teschler {prop} | :: surname |
Teschner {prop} | :: surname |
Tesla {n} | :: tesla |
Tessitur {f} [music] | :: tessitura (vocal range) |
Test {m} | :: test |
Test {m} [obsolete] | :: melting pot |
Testament {n} [legal] | :: will, testament |
Testament {n} [biblical] | :: testament (part of the Bible) |
Testchen {n} | :: diminutive of Test |
testen {v} | :: to test |
Testfahrt {f} | :: test drive |
testgetrieben {adj} | :: test-driven |
testgetriebene Entwicklung {f} [computer science] | :: test-driven development |
testieren {v} | :: to make a testament |
testierfähig {adj} [legal] | :: testable (able to make a will) |
Testing {n} [software, testing] | :: testing |
Testosteron {n} | :: testosterone |
Testsuite {f} [computing] | :: test suite |
Tetanus {m} | :: tetanus |
Tetraborat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetraborate |
Tetrabromid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetrabromide |
Tetrabutylzinn {n} [organic compound] | :: tetrabutyltin |
Tetrachlorid {n} [chemistry] | :: tetrachloride |
Tetrachlorkohlenstoff {n} [organic compound] | :: carbon tetrachloride |
Tetrachlormethan {n} [organic compound] | :: tetrachloromethane |
Tetrachlorsilan {n} [organic compound] | :: tetrachlorosilane |
Tetraeder {m} {n} [geometry] | :: tetrahedron |
Tetraederstumpf {m} | :: truncated tetrahedron |
tetraedrisch {adj} | :: tetrahedral |
Tetraethylblei {n} [organic compound] | :: tetraethyl lead |
Tetrafluorid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetrafluoride |
Tetrafluormethan {n} [organic compound] | :: tetrafluoromethane |
Tetragon {n} | :: tetragon, quadrilateral |
tetragonal {adj} [crystallography] | :: tetragonal |
Tetrahalogenid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetrahalide |
Tetrahydrat {n} [chemistry] | :: tetrahydrate |
Tetrahydrofuran {n} [organic compound] | :: tetrahydrofuran |
Tetrahydrothiophen {n} [organic compound] | :: tetrahydrothiophene |
Tetraiodid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetraiodide |
Tetrakohlenstoffdioxid {n} [organic compound] | :: tetracarbon dioxide |
tetramer {adj} | :: tetrameric |
Tetramer {n} [chemistry] | :: tetramer |
Tetramethylammoniumhydroxid {n} [organic compound] | :: tetramethylammonium hydroxide |
Tetramethylsilan {n} [organic compound] | :: tetramethylsilane |
Tetraoxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetraoxide |
Tetraphenylborat {n} [organic compound] | :: tetraphenylborate |
Tetrarch {m} | :: tetrarch |
Tetrasauerstoff {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetraoxygen |
Tetraschwefeltetranitrid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: tetrasulfur tetranitride |
Tetroxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tetroxide |
Teubner {prop} | :: surname |
teuer {adj} | :: dear |
teuer {adj} | :: expensive |
teuersten {adj} | :: superlative of teuer |
Teuerung {f} | :: rising prices |
Teuerungsrate {f} | :: rate of price increases |
Teufel {m} [singular only] | :: the Devil, Satan |
Teufel {m} | :: a devil, satan, i.e. a creature of hell, a demon, a fallen angel etc |
Teufel {m} | :: a devil, satan, i.e. an evil person |
Teufelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Teufel |
Teufelsdutzend {n} | :: A baker’s dozen, 13 (literally a devil’s dozen) |
Teufelskreis {m} | :: vicious circle, vicious cycle |
Teufelsrad {noun} | :: devil's wheel (amusement ride) |
teufelsrot {adj} | :: devilishly red; as red as (stereotypical depictions of) the devil |
Teufelswels {m} | :: Bagarius, a genus of catfish |
teuflisch {adj} | :: devilish |
teurer {adj} | :: comparative of teuer |
Teuro {m} [pejorative] | :: euro (referring to a rise in price associated with the circulation of the currency) |
Teutone {m} | :: Teuton |
teutonisch {adj} | :: Teutonic |
Teutonismus {m} | :: Teutonism |
teutsch {adj} | :: obsolete form of deutsch |
teütsch {adj} | :: obsolete form of deutsch |
Teutschland {prop} {n} | :: obsolete form of Deutschland |
Texaner {m} | :: a Texan (native or inhabitant of Texas) |
Texanerin {f} | :: a Texan (a female native or inhabitant of Texas) |
texanisch {adj} | :: Texan (of or pertaining to Texas) |
Texas {prop} {n} | :: Texas (state) |
Texas-Klapperschlange {f} | :: western diamondback rattlesnake, Texas diamond-back (Crotalus atrox) |
Texingtal {prop} {n} | :: Texingtal (municipality) |
Text {m} | :: text (writing consisting of several sentences and forming a discrete unit) |
Text {m} | :: text (passage of a larger opus, often Scripture, examined and interpreted as a unit) |
Text {m} | :: lyrics, lines (words of a song, film, etc.) |
Textanalyse {f} | :: text analysis |
texten {v} | :: To write (song, script etc) |
texten {v} | :: To text |
Texterkennung {f} [computing] | :: optical character recognition |
Texterkennung {f} [computing] | :: predictive text |
Textfeld {n} [computing] | :: text field, input box |
Textil {n} | :: textile |
Textilchemie {f} [chemistry] | :: textile chemistry |
Textilfaser {f} | :: textile fibre / fiber |
Textilie {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: textile(s) |
Textkritik {f} | :: textual criticism |
textlich {adj} | :: textlike; textual |
Textmarker {m} | :: highlighter, marker, marking pen (pen for highlighting) |
textuell {adj} | :: textual |
TG {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Tiefgarage |
Thaddäus {prop} | :: Thaddaeus (Biblical figure) |
Thaddäus {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Thailand {prop} {n} | :: Thailand |
Thailänder {m} | :: Thai ((male or female) man from Thailand) |
Thailänderin {f} | :: Thai (woman from Thailand) |
thailändisch {adj} | :: Thai (Referring to Thailand) |
Thailändisch {prop} {n} | :: Thai (language) |
Thal {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Tal |
Thal {prop} {n} | :: the name of several locations |
Thalamus {m} [anatomy] | :: thalamus |
thalassogen {adj} | :: thalassogenic |
Thaler {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Taler |
Thalgau {prop} {n} | :: Thalgau (municipality) |
Thalitter {prop} | :: A district of Vöhl |
Thallium {n} | :: thallium |
Thalmann {prop} | :: surname |
Thälmann {prop} | :: surname |
Thannhausen {prop} {n} | :: Thannhausen (municipality) |
Thannhausen {prop} {n} | :: Thannhausen (municipality) |
Tharau {prop} | :: Tharau (village) |
That {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Tat |
Thatcherismus {m} | :: Thatcherism |
thatsächlich {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of tatsächlich |
Thaur {prop} {n} | :: Thaur (municipality) |
Thaya {prop} {n} | :: Thaya (municipality) |
Thaya {prop} {f} | :: Thaya (river) |
Theater {n} | :: theater (place or building, consisting of a stage and seating) |
Theater {n} | :: theater (drama or performance as a profession or artform) |
Theater {n} | :: theatrical company, troupe, theater company (company (group or organization) of, often touring, actors, singers or dancers) |
Theater {n} | :: audience (large gathering of people listening to or watching a performance in a theater) |
Theater {n} [colloquial] | :: to-do, fuss, hassle (excessive activity, worry, bother, talk, or conflict) |
Theaterautor {m} | :: playwright, playwriter |
Theaterbühne {f} | :: theater stage |
Theaterschauspieler {m} | :: stage actor |
Theaterspiel {n} | :: play (theater) |
Theaterstück {n} | :: play (stage play) |
Theatervorstellung {f} | :: performance, theater performance |
theatralisch {adj} | :: theatrical (of or relating to the theatre) |
theatralisch {adj} | :: histrionic (excessively dramatic) |
thebanisch {adj} | :: Theban |
Theil {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Teil |
Thein {n} | :: alternative form of Tein |
Theismus {m} | :: theism |
Theist {m} | :: theist |
Theistin {f} | :: theist |
theistisch {adj} | :: theistic |
Theke {f} | :: bar (table or board in a pub or restaurant) |
Theke {f} [regional, chiefly western Germany] | :: counter (similar table in a shop) |
Thekla {prop} | :: given name |
Thema {n} | :: topic, subject, issue |
Thema {n} [music] | :: theme |
thematisch {adj} | :: thematic |
thematisieren {v} | :: to bring up, address an issue |
Themavokal {m} [linguistics] | :: thematic vowel |
Themawechsel {m} | :: change of subject |
Themenauswahl {f} | :: selection of topics |
Themenbereich {m} | :: subject area |
Themenpark {m} | :: theme park |
Themenübersicht {f} | :: topic overview, topic list |
Themse {prop} {f} | :: the river Thames |
themseaufwärts {adv} | :: upstream on the River Thames |
Themsemetropole {f} | :: the metropolis on the Thames: London |
Themsestadt {f} | :: the city on the Thames: London |
theo- {prefix} | :: theo- |
Theodizee {f} | :: theodicy (a justification of a deity) |
Theodor {prop} | :: given name |
theodosianisch {adj} | :: Theodosian |
Theokratie {f} | :: theocracy (government under the control of a state-sponsored religion) |
Theologe {m} | :: theologian (male or of unspecified sex) |
Theologie {f} | :: theology |
Theologin {f} | :: theologian (female) |
Theophanie {f} [theology] | :: theophany |
Theophilus {prop} [biblical character] | :: Theophilus (biblical figure) |
Theophilus {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Theophrastos {prop} {m} | :: Theophrastus |
Theorbe {f} | :: theorbo |
Theorem {n} [mathematics] | :: theorem |
Theoretiker {m} | :: theorist |
Theoretikerin {f} | :: feminine noun of Theoretiker |
theoretisch {adj} | :: theoretical |
theoretische Chemie {f} [chemistry] | :: theoretical chemistry |
Theorie {f} | :: theory |
theorielastig {adj} | :: Very theoretical |
theosophisch {adj} | :: theosophic |
Therapeut {m} | :: therapist |
Therapeutikum {n} [medicine] | :: therapy (therapeutic agent) |
therapeutisch {adj} | :: therapeutic |
Therapie {f} | :: therapy |
therapierbar {adj} | :: treatable (with a therapy) |
therapieresistent {adj} | :: resistant to therapy |
Theres {prop} | :: given name, a phonetic rendering of French Thérèse ( =Teresa) |
Theresa {prop} | :: given name |
Therese {prop} | :: given name |
Theresia {prop} | :: given name, a variant of Theresa (=Teresa) |
Theresienfeld {prop} {n} | :: Theresienfeld (municipality) |
Thermalquelle {f} | :: hot spring |
Therme {f} | :: thermae |
thermisch {adj} | :: thermal, thermic |
Thermit {n} [chemistry] | :: thermite |
Thermitverfahren {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: thermite process, thermite reaction |
thermo- {prefix} | :: heat |
Thermochemie {f} | :: thermochemistry |
thermochemisch {adj} | :: thermochemical |
Thermodynamik {f} | :: thermodynamics |
thermodynamisch {adj} [physics] | :: thermodynamic |
thermoelektrisch {adj} | :: thermoelectric |
Thermoelektrizität {f} | :: thermoelectricity |
Thermoelement {n} | :: thermocouple |
Thermolyse {f} | :: thermolysis |
thermomechanisch {adj} [physics] | :: thermomechanical |
Thermometer {n} {m} | :: thermometer |
thermonuklear {adj} | :: thermonuclear (of, or relating to the fusion of atomic nuclei at high temperatures) |
thermophil {adj} | :: thermophilic |
Thermosflasche {f} | :: Thermos flask, thermos |
Thermoskanne {f} | :: thermos |
Thermosphäre {f} | :: thermosphere |
Thermostat {m} {n} | :: thermostat |
Thesaurus {m} | :: thesaurus |
These {f} | :: thesis |
thesenhaft {adj} | :: in the form of a thesis |
Theta {n} | :: theta (Greek letter) |
thetisch {adj} | :: thetic |
thetisch {adj} | :: thetical |
Thiamin {n} [organic compound] | :: thiamine |
Thieme {prop} | :: surname |
Thier {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Tier |
Thierchen {n} | :: diminutive of Thier |
Thierlein {n} | :: diminutive of Thier |
Thiersee {prop} {m} | :: Thiersee (lake) |
Thiersee {prop} {n} | :: Thiersee (municipality) |
Thing {n} | :: Thing (historic Germanic council) |
thio- {prefix} | :: thio- |
Thioacetal {n} [organic chemistry] | :: thioacetal |
Thiocyanat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: thiocyanate |
Thioester {n} [organic chemistry] | :: thioester |
Thioether {n} [organic chemistry] | :: thioether |
Thioformaldehyd {n} [organic compound] | :: thioformaldehyde |
Thioglycolsäure {n} [organic compound] | :: thioglycolic acid |
Thioglykolsäure {f} [organic compound] | :: thioglycolic acid |
Thioharnstoff {m} [organic compound] | :: thiourea |
Thiol {n} [organic chemistry] | :: thiol |
Thiolgruppe {f} [organic chemistry] | :: thiol (functional group) |
Thiomolybdat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: thiomolybdate |
Thiophen {n} [organic compound] | :: thiophene |
Thiophosphat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: thiophosphate |
Thioredoxin {n} [protein] | :: thioredoxin |
Thioschwefelsäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: thiosulfuric acid |
Thiosulfat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: thiosulfate |
Thiosulfit {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: thiosulfite |
Third-Class-Objekt {n} [programming, languages] | :: third-class object |
Thirza {prop} | :: given name |
thixotrop {adj} | :: thixotropic |
Thomas {prop} {m} | :: Thomas (biblical figure) |
Thomas {prop} {m} | :: given name of biblical origin |
Thomas {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Thomasberg {prop} {n} | :: Thomasberg (municipality) |
Thomatal {prop} {n} | :: Thomatal (municipality) |
Thon {m} [Switzerland] | :: tuna |
Thon {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of Ton |
Thor {prop} [Norse mythology] | :: Thor, a hammer-wielding god in Norse mythology |
Thor {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of Tor |
thorakal {adj} | :: thoracal |
Thorax {m} [anatomy] | :: thorax (region of the mammalian body) |
Thorax {m} [entomology, arachnology] | :: thorax (middle division of certain arthropods) |
Thorium {n} | :: thorium |
Thoriumisotop {n} | :: thorium isotope |
Thörl {prop} {n} | :: Thörl (municipality) |
Thorn {m} | :: Þ, thorn (letter) |
Thorn {prop} {n} | :: Thorn (city) |
Thorshühnchen {n} | :: red phalarope (bird of the species Phalaropus fulicarius) |
Thorsten {prop} | :: given name, alternative spelling of Torsten |
Thortveitit {m} [mineral] | :: thortveitite |
Thorwald {prop} | :: given name |
Thread {m} [Internet] | :: thread (series of messages) |
Thread {m} [computing] | :: thread (unit of execution) |
Threnodie {f} | :: threnody (song of lamentation) |
Threonin {n} [biochemistry] | :: threonine |
Thriller {m} | :: thriller (a suspenseful film or book) |
Thriller {m} | :: [sometimes] thriller (an exciting occurrence, e.g. a tight sports match) |
Thrombose {f} [pathology] | :: thrombosis (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) |
Thron {m} | :: throne |
Thron {m} [figuratively] | :: the monarchy |
Thronanwärter {m} | :: heir apparent |
Thronanwärter {m} | :: pretender to the throne, claimant to the throne |
thronen {vt} | :: to throne |
thronen {vt} | :: to reign from a throne |
thronen {vt} | :: to rule from a throne |
Thronrede {f} | :: Speech from the Throne |
Thulium {n} | :: thulium |
Thuluth {f} [art, calligraphy] | :: thuluth |
-thum {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -tum |
-thumb {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -tum |
thun {v} | :: obsolete spelling of tun |
Thunfisch {m} | :: tuna; tunafish |
Thür {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Tür |
Thürchen {n} | :: diminutive of Thür |
thüren {v} [archaic] | :: dare, venture |
Thurgau {prop} {m} | :: Thurgau, canton of Switzerland |
Thüringen {prop} {n} | :: Thuringia |
Thüringen {prop} {n} | :: Thüringen (municipality) |
Thüringer {m} | :: Thuringian (a native or inhabitant of Thuringia) |
Thüringer {m} | :: Thuringian (a member of an ancient Germanic tribe inhabiting central Germany) |
Thüringerberg {prop} {n} | :: Thüringerberg (municipality) |
Thüringerin {f} | :: female Thuringian (a native or inhabitant of Thuringia) |
Thüringerin {f} | :: female Thuringian (a member of an ancient Germanic tribe inhabiting central Germany) |
thüringisch {adj} | :: Thuringian (of or pertaining to Thuringia or its people) |
Thürlein {n} | :: diminutive of Thür |
Thurm {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Turm |
Thurn {prop} {n} | :: Thurn (municipality) |
Thymian {m} | :: thyme |
Thymin {n} [organic compound] | :: thymine |
Thyreoiditis {f} [pathology] | :: thyroiditis |
Thyristor {m} | :: thyristor (semiconductor device) |
Thyronin {n} | :: thyronine |
Thyroxin {n} [organic compound] | :: thyroxine |
Thyssen {prop} | :: surname |
Tiara {f} | :: tiara (papal crown) |
Tiber {prop} {m} | :: Tiber (river) |
Tibermetropole {f} | :: the metropolis on the Tiber: Rome |
Tiberstadt {f} | :: city on the Tiber |
Tiberstadt {f} [in particular] | :: Rome |
Tibet {n} | :: Tibet |
tibetanisch {adj} | :: related or belonging to Tibet; Tibetan |
Tibeter {m} | :: Tibetan person |
Tibeterin {f} | :: a female Tibetan |
Tibetfuchs {m} | :: Tibetan fox |
tibetisch {adj} | :: Tibetan |
Tibetisch {prop} {n} | :: the Tibetan language |
Tibia {f} | :: tibia |
ticken {vi} | :: to tick, to make a clicking noise |
ticken {vt} [slang] | :: to sell, to flog, to sling |
ticken {v} [regional] | :: alternative form of tippen |
Ticket {n} | :: ticket |
Tic Tac Toe {n} [probably nonstandard] | :: alternative spelling of Tic-Tac-Toe |
Tic-Tac-Toe {n} [games] | :: tic-tac-toe; noughts and crosses |
Tide {f} [uncountable] | :: tides (the periodic change of the sea level) |
Tide {f} [countable] | :: tide (one cycle of eb and flood) |
tief {adj} | :: deep (also figuratively) |
tief {adj} | :: low |
Tief {n} [meteorology] | :: low |
Tiefbau {m} | :: civil engineering |
Tiefbauingenieur {m} | :: civil engineer |
tiefbewegt {adj} | :: deeply moved / touched |
tiefblau {adj} | :: deep / dark blue |
Tiefdruckgebiet {n} [meteorology] | :: low pressure area |
Tiefe {f} | :: depth |
Tiefenmesser {m} | :: depth gauge |
tiefer {adj} | :: comparative of tief |
Tiefgarage {f} | :: underground parking |
tiefgefroren {adj} | :: deep-frozen |
Tiefgraben {prop} {n} | :: Tiefgraben (municipality) |
tiefgreifend {adj} | :: profound |
tiefgreifend {adj} | :: pervasive |
tiefgreifend {adv} | :: profoundly |
tiefgrün {adj} | :: deep / dark green |
tiefgründig {adj} | :: profound |
tiefkühlen {v} | :: To freeze |
Tiefkühltruhe {f} | :: chest freezer |
Tiefland {n} | :: an area that is located just a few meters above sea level; lowland |
Tiefpunkt {m} | :: bottom, lowest point, low point, low, trough, nadir |
tiefrot {adj} | :: dark red |
Tiefschlag {m} [boxing] | :: low blow |
Tiefschnee {m} | :: deep snow |
tiefschürfend {adj} | :: profound, meaningful |
Tiefschutz {m} | :: jockstrap |
Tiefschwa {n} [linguistics] | :: ɐ; a-schwa |
tiefschwarz {adj} | :: ebony (colour), deep / inky black |
Tiefsee {f} | :: deep sea |
tiefsinnig {adj} | :: profound |
tiefsinnig {adj} | :: thoughtful, pensive |
tiefstapeln {v} | :: to understate oneself [i.e. one's position, capabilities, etc.] |
tiefsten {adj} | :: superlative of tief |
Tiefststand {m} | :: low, bottom, nadir |
Tiefstwert {m} [maths] | :: minimum (value) |
Tieftemperaturtechnik {f} | :: cryogenics (low temperature technology) |
tieftraurig {adj} | :: very sad |
tiefviolett {adj} | :: deep violet / purple (colour) |
Tiefziehen {n} | :: deep drawing |
Tiegel {m} | :: crucible |
Tier {n} | :: animal [see usage notes below] |
Tier {n} | :: A person who has a quality thought of as animalistic, such as ferocity, strength, hairiness, etc |
Tier {n} [hunting jargon] | :: hind (female red deer) |
Tierart {f} | :: animal species |
Tierarzt {m} | :: veterinarian (colloquial: vet); veterinary surgeon (male or of unspecified sex) |
Tierärztin {f} | :: veterinarian (colloquial: vet), veterinary surgeon (female) |
Tierchen {n} | :: diminutive of Tier; little animal or creature |
Tierernährung {f} | :: animal nutrition |
Tiergarten {m} [historical] | :: deer park (enclosed park where deer were kept for hunting by the nobility) |
Tiergarten {m} | :: zoo |
Tiergarten {prop} {m} | :: Tiergarten (district) |
tiergeographisch {adj} | :: animal geographic (pertaining to animal geography) |
Tierhaltung {f} | :: animal husbandry |
Tierhaut {f} | :: hide |
Tierheim {n} | :: animal shelter |
tierisch {adj} | :: animal (of animals); beastly, brutal |
tierisch {adj} [slang] | :: extremely |
Tierkreis {m} [astrology] | :: zodiac |
Tierkreiszeichen {n} | :: zodiac sign |
Tierkunde {f} | :: zoology |
Tierlein {n} | :: diminutive of Tier |
tierlich {adj} | :: animallike |
tierlieb {adj} | :: (of a person) loving animals |
tierlieber {adj} | :: comparative of tierlieb |
tierliebsten {adj} | :: superlative of tierlieb |
Tierpark {m} | :: zoo (park where live animals are exhibited) |
Tierpfleger {m} | :: zookeeper, stockman |
Tierquäler {m} | :: animal abuser; animal tormentor; person who is cruel to animals |
Tierquälerei {f} | :: cruelty to animals |
Tierrechtsaktivist {noun} | :: animal rights activist |
Tierreich {n} | :: animal kingdom |
Tiers {prop} | :: Tiers (municipality) |
Tierschau {f} | :: animal show |
Tierschau {f} [historical] | :: a travelling menagerie |
Tierschutz {m} | :: animal protection / welfare |
Tierschützer {m} | :: animal rights activist |
Tiertarock {m} {n} | :: a version of tarot cards featuring animals (real and mythological) on the trump cards |
Tierversuch {m} | :: animal experiment / experimentation |
Tierwanderung {f} | :: animal migration |
Tierwelt {f} | :: animal kingdom |
Tieschen {prop} {n} | :: Tieschen (municipality) |
Tiflis {prop} {n} | :: Tiflis (capital city) |
Tiger {m} | :: tiger |
Tigerauge {n} [mineral] | :: tiger's eye |
Tigerhai {m} | :: tiger shark |
Tigris {prop} {m} | :: Tigris |
Tikitaka {n} [football] | :: tikitaka |
Tilde {f} | :: tilde |
tilgen {v} | :: to erase, to extinguish |
tilgen {v} [finance] | :: to amortize, to repay, to redeem |
Tilgung {f} | :: erasure, extinction |
Tilgung {f} [finance] | :: amortization, repayment, redemption |
Till {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Tillmann {prop} | :: given name |
Tillmann {prop} | :: surname derived from the given name |
Tillmitsch {prop} {n} | :: Tillmitsch (municipality) |
Tilman {prop} | :: given name |
Tilmann {prop} | :: given name |
Tilsiter {m} | :: Tilsit cheese |
Tim {prop} | :: given name, popular in the 2000s |
Tim {prop} | :: Tintin |
Timberwolf {m} | :: timber wolf, grey wolf, Canis lupus lycaon |
Timbre {n} | :: timbre |
Time box {f} [management] | :: time box |
Timeboxing {n} [management] | :: timeboxing |
Timelkam {prop} {n} | :: Timelkam (municipality) |
timen {v} | :: to time (e.g. with a stopwatch) |
Timeout {m} [communication] | :: timeout |
Timing {n} | :: timing |
Timișoara {prop} {f} | :: Timișoara (city) |
Timm {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Tim |
Timo {prop} | :: given name derived from Timotheus or Dietmar, fashionable since the 1980s |
timokratisch {adj} | :: timocratic |
Timon {prop} | :: given name, also in modern use |
timoresisch {adj} | :: Timorese |
timorisch {adj} | :: Timorese |
Timotheus {prop} [biblical character] | :: Timothy [biblical character] |
Tina {prop} {f} | :: given name, short for Christina, Kristina, Bettina, and Martina |
tindern {vi} [colloquial] | :: to use the dating app Tinder |
Tinkoff {prop} | :: surname of Russian origin |
Tinkow {prop} | :: alternative form of Tinkoff |
Tinktur {f} | :: tincture |
Tinktur {f} [heraldry] | :: tincture |
Tinnitus {m} | :: tinnitus |
Tinte {f} | :: ink |
Tintenfass {n} | :: inkpot, inkwell |
Tintenfaß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Tintenfass |
Tintenfisch {m} | :: any member of the Coleoidea subclass of cephalopods; more specifically of cuttlefish, but also of species of octopus, squid etc |
Tintenklecks {m} | :: blot |
Tintenstrahldrucker {m} | :: inkjet printer |
-tion {suffix} | :: -tion |
Tip {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Tipp |
Tipi {n} | :: tipi, teepee |
Tipp {m} | :: tip, hint |
Tippel {m} [northern Germany] | :: spot, dot |
Tippel {m} [Austria, colloquial] | :: lump, bump |
tippen {v} | :: to tap, to strike lightly (often repeatedly) |
tippen {v} [typewriter, keyboard] | :: to type |
tippen {v} | :: to make an informed guess |
tippen {v} | :: to make a prediction (of a sport result, etc.) |
Tippfehler {m} | :: typo, typographical error |
tipptopp {adj} | :: tip-top |
Tirade {f} | :: tirade |
Tirol {prop} {n} | :: Tirol (state) |
tirolerisch {adj} | :: Tyrolean |
tirolisch {adj} | :: synonym of tirolerisch |
Tirza {prop} | :: Tirzah, the youngest daughter of Zelophchads |
Tirza {prop} | :: given name |
Tisch {m} | :: table (furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses), or [specifically] |
Tisch {m} | :: desk (table used for writing) |
Tisch {m} | :: (work)bench (table at which manual work is done) |
Tisch {m} [figuratively] | :: meal (food served or eaten as a repast) |
Tischchen {n} | :: diminutive of Tisch; small table, occasional table |
Tischdecke {f} | :: tablecloth |
Tischfußball {m} [chiefly formal] | :: table soccer, table football, foosball |
Tischgebet {n} | :: grace [prayer before meal] |
Tischgespräch {n} | :: table conversation |
Tischlein {n} | :: diminutive of Tisch |
Tischler {m} [chiefly Eastern Germany, Northern Germany] | :: joiner (maker of wooden furniture) |
Tischlerei {f} [chiefly Eastern Germany, Northern Germany] | :: joinery |
Tischnachbar {m} | :: The person nearby at the table |
Tischplatte {f} | :: tabletop |
Tischtennis {n} | :: table tennis, ping pong |
Tischtennisball {m} | :: table tennis ball |
Tischtennisspieler {m} | :: table tennis player (male or of unspecified sex) |
Tischtuch {n} | :: tablecloth |
Tisens {prop} {n} | :: Tisens (municipality) |
Titan {m} | :: titan (giant) |
Titan {n} | :: titanium |
Titanat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: titanate |
Titanborid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium boride |
Titancarbid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium carbide |
Titandioxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium dioxide |
Titangruppe {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: titanium group |
Titanhydrid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium hydride |
titanisch {adj} | :: titanic (all senses, though the chemical sense has no comparative or superlative) |
Titanit {n} [mineral] | :: titanite |
Titanium {n} | :: titanium |
Titanlegierung {f} | :: titanium alloy |
Titannitrid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium nitride |
Titansulfat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium sulfate |
Titantetrachlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium tetrachloride |
Titantrichlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: titanium trichloride |
Titanweiß {n} | :: titanium white |
Titel {m} | :: title |
Titelbild {noun} | :: front/cover page of a magazine or other such publications |
Titelei {f} | :: front matter |
Titelmelodie {f} [music] | :: title melody, signature tune, theme tune |
titeln {vi} [media] | :: to publish a story under a specified headline |
titeln {vt} [rare form of betiteln] | :: to entitle (give a title to) |
Titelseite {f} | :: front page |
Titelverteidiger {m} [sports] | :: title holder, defending champion |
Tithi {m} | :: tithi |
Titoismus {m} | :: Titoism |
Titration {f} [chemistry] | :: titration |
Titrationsmittel {n} [chemistry] | :: titrant |
titrieren {v} [chemistry] | :: To titrate |
titriert {v} | :: past participle of titrieren |
titriert {adj} [chemistry] | :: titrated |
Titte {f} [colloquial, somewhat, vulgar] | :: tit; boob (woman’s breast) |
Tizian {prop} | :: Titian |
Tizian {prop} | :: given name |
tja {interj} | :: well, hmm |
tja {interj} | :: oh well |
Tjaden {prop} | :: a male given name |
Tjost {f} {m} | :: joust |
Tmbn. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Tamburin |
Tmesis {f} | :: tmesis |
Toast {m} {n} | :: toast (salutation) |
Toast {m} {n} | :: toast (toasted bread) |
Toast {m} {n} [short for Toastbrot] | :: soft, roughly quadratic white bread, toasted or not |
Toastbrot {n} | :: soft white bread, typically roughly quadratic, as commonly used for sandwiches in Anglo-Saxon countries |
toasten {v} | :: to toast (to lightly cook in a kitchen appliance) |
toasten {v} | :: to toast (to engage in a salutation and/or accompanying raising of glasses while drinking alcohol in honor of someone or something) |
Toaster {m} | :: toaster |
Toast Hawaii {m} | :: An open sandwich consisting of a slice of toast with ham, pineapple and cheese, grilled from above |
Tobadill {prop} {n} | :: Tobadill (municipality) |
Tobak {m} [archaic] | :: tobacco |
Tobel {n} [Switzerland] | :: gorge, ravine |
toben {v} | :: to rage |
Tobias {prop} | :: Tobias [biblical character] |
Tobias {prop} | :: given name |
Toblach {prop} {n} | :: Toblach (municipality) |
Tobsucht {f} | :: maniacal rage |
tobsüchtig {adj} | :: raving mad |
tocharisch {adj} | :: Tocharian (related to the Tocharians or their language) |
Tocharisch {n} | :: Tocharian (the Tocharian language) |
Tochter {f} | :: daughter |
Tochter {f} | :: subsidiary (company) |
Töchterchen {n} | :: diminutive of Tochter |
Tochtergesellschaft {f} | :: subsidiary (company) |
Tochtergesellschaft {f} | :: affiliate |
Töchterlein {n} | :: diminutive of Tochter |
Tochtermann {m} [dated] | :: son-in-law |
Tochtersprache {f} [linguistics] | :: daughter language |
Tod {m} | :: death |
todblass {adj} | :: deathly pale |
todernst {adj} | :: dead serious |
Todesangst {f} | :: fear of death |
Todesdatum {n} | :: date of death |
Todesengel {m} | :: angel of death (a personification of death) |
Todesfall {m} | :: death |
Todesfall {m} | :: event of death |
Todeskampf {m} | :: agony, death throes |
Todesmarsch {m} | :: death march |
todesmutig {adj} | :: fearless, courageous, foolhardy |
Todesopfer {n} | :: casualty |
Todesopfer {n} | :: fatality |
Todessehnsucht {f} | :: a longing or yearning for death |
Todesstoß {m} | :: deathblow |
Todesstrafe {f} | :: capital punishment, death penalty |
Todestag {m} | :: day of someone's death, date on which someone will die |
Todestag {m} | :: anniversary of (someone's previous) death, deathday |
Todestal {prop} {n} [geography, rare] | :: Death Valley |
Todestal {n} | :: valley of death |
Todestrieb {m} | :: death drive, death instinct |
Todesursache {f} | :: cause of death |
Todesurteil {n} | :: death warrant, execution warrant |
Todeswunsch {m} | :: death wish, deathwish |
Todeszeitpunkt {m} | :: time of death |
Todeszelle {f} | :: death row cell; cell in a prison in which a person who has been sentenced to death is held |
todgeweiht {adj} | :: moribund |
todgeweiht {adj} | :: dying |
todkrank {adj} | :: terminally ill |
tödlich {adj} | :: deadly, mortal, lethal, fatal |
todmüde {adj} | :: dead tired |
todschick {adj} | :: very fashionable; dressed to kill |
todsicher {adj} | :: dead certain, surefire |
Todsünde {f} | :: deadly sin |
Todt {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Tod |
Todt {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Todtsein {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of Totsein |
Töff {m} [Switzerland] | :: motorcycle |
Toffel {m} | :: clipping of Pantoffel |
töfte {adj} | :: good, great, sweet |
Tofu {m} | :: tofu |
Toga {f} | :: toga (loose outer garment worn by the citizens of Rome) |
Togo {prop} {n} | :: Togo (country) |
Togoer {m} | :: Togolese (A person from Togo or of Togolese descent) |
togoisch {adj} | :: Togolese |
togolesisch {adj} | :: Togolese |
Tohuwabohu {n} | :: chaos |
Toilette {f} | :: toilet |
Toilette {f} | :: toilette |
Toilettenbürste {f} | :: toilet brush |
Toilettenhäuschen {n} | :: outhouse [toilet] |
Toilettenpapier {n} | :: toilet paper (paper on a roll) |
toi, toi, toi {interj} [colloquial] | :: An expression of encouragement; good luck |
Tokelauisch {n} | :: Tokelauan (language) |
Tokio {prop} {n} | :: Tokio (prefecture/capital city) |
Tokyo {prop} {n} | :: alternative spelling of Tokio |
tolerant {adj} | :: tolerant |
Toleranz {f} | :: tolerance |
tolerierbar {adj} | :: tolerable |
tolerieren {v} | :: to tolerate |
toll {adj} | :: great, nice, wonderful |
toll {adj} [dated] | :: crazy, mad |
tolldreist {adj} | :: brazen, bold as brass |
Tolle {f} | :: tuft, floccus, bulged hair formation |
tollen {v} | :: to romp, gambol, cavort |
Tollet {prop} {n} | :: Tollet (municipality) |
Tollkirsche {f} | :: deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna |
tollkühn {adj} | :: foolhardy, daredevil, daring |
tollkühn {adv} | :: daringly |
Tollkühnheit {f} | :: foolhardiness |
Tollpatsch {m} [obsolete, derogatory] | :: a Hungarian or Hungarian-origin soldier that does not converse well |
Tollpatsch {m} | :: klutz, blunderer, butterfingers (clumsy person) |
tollpatschig {adj} | :: clumsy |
tollsten {adj} | :: superlative of toll |
Tollwut {f} | :: rabies |
tollwütig {adj} | :: rabid |
Tolpatsch {m} | :: alternative spelling of Tollpatsch |
Tölpel {m} | :: someone who acts in a clumsy or awkward way (physically or socially) |
Tölpel {m} | :: idiot, fool |
Tölpel {m} | :: gannet (a sea bird) |
tölpelhaft {adj} | :: clumsy, uncouth, blundering |
Toluol {n} [chemistry] | :: toluene (liquid hydrocarbon, C6H5CH3) |
Tom {prop} | :: given name |
Tomahawk {m} | :: tomahawk |
Tomate {f} | :: tomato (plant, fruit of this plant) |
Tomatenmark {n} | :: tomato paste |
Tomatenpflanze {f} | :: tomato plant |
Tomatensaft {m} | :: tomato juice |
Tomatensalat {m} [food] | :: tomato salad |
Tomatensoße {f} | :: tomato sauce |
Tomatensuppe {f} | :: tomato soup |
tomatiert {adj} | :: “tomatoed”: made with tomato paste |
tombaken {adj} | :: made from tombak (alloy of copper and zinc) |
Tombola {f} | :: raffle (small-scale lottery, usually for fundraising) |
Tommy {m} [historical, otherwise dated] | :: a Briton, particularly but not exclusively a soldier |
Tomografie {f} | :: tomography |
tomografisch {adj} | :: tomographic |
Tomographie {f} | :: tomography |
Ton {m} | :: clay |
Ton {m} | :: tone |
Ton {m} [music] | :: note (a musical pitch or sound) |
Ton {m} | :: tone [manner of speaking] |
Tonangel {f} | :: microphone boom |
Tonarm {m} | :: tone arm |
Tonart {f} [scale of musical notes] | :: key |
Tonband {m} | :: audiotape |
Tonband {m} [colloquial] | :: tape recorder |
Tonbandgerät {n} | :: tape recorder |
Tonbereich {m} | :: tonal range |
tönen {vi} | :: to give a loud and far-reaching sound |
tönen {vi} [Switzerland] | :: to sound; to give or have a sound |
tönen {vi} [colloquial] | :: to boast; to brag (particularly about an intention to do something) |
tönen {vt} [of hair] | :: to dye with a weak colouring that gives the hair a new tone rather than an entirely different colour; to tint |
Toner {m} | :: toner (for photocopiers) |
Tonerde {f} | :: alumina |
tönern {adj} | :: clay (attributive) |
Tonfall {m} | :: tone (of voice) |
Tonfall {m} [phonology] | :: intonation |
Tonfilm {m} | :: sound film |
Tonga {prop} {n} | :: Tonga |
Tongaer {m} | :: Tongan (person) |
Tongaerin {f} | :: female Tongan |
tongaisch {adj} | :: Tongan |
Tongaisch {prop} {n} | :: Tongan (language) |
tonhaltig {adj} | :: clay (attributive) |
tonhältig {adj} | :: alternative form of tonhaltig |
Tonhöhe {f} [music] | :: pitch |
tonig {adj} | :: clayey |
tonisch {adj} | :: tonic |
Tonium {prop} | :: the Tonian |
Tonkunst {f} | :: [elevated] music |
Tonlage {f} [music] | :: pitch |
Tonleiter {f} | :: scale (series of notes) |
Tonmineral {n} [geology, mineralogy] | :: clay mineral |
Tonnage {f} | :: tonnage |
Tonne {f} | :: barrel, vat, tun, drum |
Tonne {f} | :: for collecting waste or surplus, such as a bin, dumpster/skip, water butt |
Tonne {f} | :: for storing and transporting industrial materials |
Tonne {f} [dated] | :: for storing and transporting food and drink, e.g. beer, wine, cabbage, herrings |
Tonne {f} | :: tonne, ton, metric ton |
Tonne {f} [nautical] | :: buoy |
Tonnengewölbe {n} [architecture] | :: barrel vault |
tonnenschwer {adj} | :: Very heavy (weighing at least a ton) |
tonotop {adj} | :: tonotopic |
Tonsilbe {f} | :: stressed syllable |
Tonsillektomie {f} [surgery] | :: tonsillectomy |
Tonsillitis {f} [pathology, scientific terminology] | :: tonsillitis |
Tonspur {f} | :: soundtrack (only [1] a narrow strip running down a movie film that carries the recorded sound in synchronization with the pictures) |
Tonsur {f} | :: tonsure |
Tontaube {f} | :: clay pigeon |
Tool {n} | :: tool |
Tooltip {m} [graphical user interface] | :: tooltip |
Top {n} [clothing] | :: a casual women's shirt, often with very short sleeves; a top |
Topas {m} [mineral] | :: topaz |
topasen {adj} [attributive, rare] | :: topaz |
Topf {m} | :: pot (vessel used for cooking or storing food) |
Topfblume {f} | :: potted flower |
Töpfchen {n} | :: diminutive of Topf |
Töpfchen {n} | :: potty |
Topfen {m} [Austria, Bavaria] | :: quark (soft creamy cheese) |
Topfen {m} [Austria, colloquial, obsolete] | :: nonsense, rubbish |
Töpfer {m} | :: potter |
Töpfer {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Töpferei {f} [workshop or craft] | :: pottery |
töpfern {v} | :: to make pottery |
Töpferscheibe {f} | :: potter's wheel |
Töpferware {f} [ceramic wares that contain clay] | :: pottery |
topfförmig {adj} | :: pot-shaped |
Topfhandschuh {m} [cooking] | :: oven mitt |
topfit {adj} | :: Perfectly fit |
Topflappen {m} | :: potholder, oven cloth |
Topfpflanze {f} | :: potted plant |
Topinambur {mf} | :: Jerusalem artichoke |
topisch {adj} | :: topical (applied to a particular part of the body) |
Topolekt {m} [linguistics] | :: topolect |
Topologie {f} [computing or mathematics] | :: topology |
topologisch {adj} | :: topologic, topological |
Toponym {n} | :: toponym, place name |
Topos {m} {n} | :: topos (literary theme or motif) |
Topp {m} [nautical] | :: top of a mast |
toppen {v} [colloquial] | :: to top (To excel, to surpass, to beat.) |
Tor {n} | :: gate, archway (passageway covered by an arch, particularly one made of masonry) |
Tor {n} | :: gate, door (large doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall) |
Tor {n} [figurative] | :: gateway (point that represents the beginning of a transition from one place or phase to another) |
Tor {n} [sports] | :: goal, net (area into which the players attempt to put a ball) |
Tor {n} [sports] | :: goal (The act of scoring a goal in sports where doing so is the object) |
Tor {m} [dated or literary] | :: fool (person with poor judgment or little intelligence) |
torarm {adj} [sports] | :: goalless |
Torauslinie {f} [football, handball, field hockey] | :: goal line (line on both sides of the goal, delimiting the pitch) |
Torben {prop} | :: given name recently borrowed from Danish Torben |
Torbogen {m} | :: archway |
Torero {m} [bullfighting] | :: toreador, torero |
toreutisch {adj} | :: toreutic |
Torf {m} | :: peat |
Torfmoor {n} | :: peat bog |
Torheit {f} | :: folly |
Torhüter {m} [sports] | :: goalkeeper |
töricht {adj} | :: foolish |
Torkel {m} [regional] | :: winepress |
torkeln {vt} [dated, perfect with haben] | :: to press (to extract juice from fruits, especially grapes) |
torkeln {vi} [perfect with sein or haben] | :: to totter (to move or stand unsteadily) |
torkeln {vi} [perfect with sein] | :: to stagger (to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion) |
Torlinie {f} [football, handball, field hockey] | :: goal line (line between the goalposts, which the ball must pass to score a goal) |
Torlinie {f} [same sports, rarer] | :: goal line (extension of the above, on both sides of the goal, delimiting the pitch) |
torlos {adj} | :: goalless |
Tormann {m} | :: goalie, goalkeeper, goaltender |
Törn {m} [nautical] | :: sail (trip in a sailboat) |
Tornado {m} | :: tornado |
Tornister {m} | :: knapsack of a soldier |
Tornister {m} | :: schoolbag, rectangular satchel employed to carry utilities to an education institution |
torpedieren {v} | :: to torpedo |
Torpedo {m} | :: torpedo (weapon) |
Torpedo {m} | :: torpedo (fish) |
torreich {adj} | :: goal-rich |
Torschlusspanik {f} | :: Torschlusspanik (the fear that time is running out to act) |
Torschütze {m} | :: scorer, goal scorer |
Torso {m} | :: torso |
Torsten {prop} | :: given name borrowed from Danish, popular in the 1960s and 1970s |
Torte {f} | :: A cake that contains a large portion of (whipped) cream, typically more than it contains dough |
torten {v} | :: to pie (hit in the face with a pie), especially as a form of political protest |
Tortendiagramm {n} | :: pie chart |
Tortenheber {m} | :: cake slice |
Tortenschlacht {f} | :: custard pie battle |
Tortilla {f} | :: tortilla |
Tortur {f} [mostly used in a non-physical or figurative context] | :: torture |
Tortur {f} | :: ordeal |
Torus {m} | :: torus (shape) |
Torwart {m} [sports] | :: goalkeeper, goal keeper |
tosen {v} | :: to thunder (of water etc.) |
tosen {v} | :: to rage (of wind, a storm etc.) |
Tösens {prop} {n} | :: Tösens (municipality) |
Toskana {prop} {f} | :: Toskana (region) |
tot {adj} | :: dead, deceased |
total {adj} | :: total |
totaler Krieg {m} | :: total war |
totarbeiten {vr} | :: to work [oneself] to death |
Tote {f} | :: cadaver; corpse (female dead person) |
Toteis {n} | :: dead ice (former glacier ice that is no longer connected to the active glacier) |
Totem {n} | :: totem |
totemistisch {adj} | :: totemistic |
töten {v} | :: to kill |
totenblass {adj} | :: deathly pale |
Totengeläut {n} | :: [the sound of the] death knell |
Totenglocke {f} | :: death knell (tolling of a bell announcing death) |
Totengräber {m} | :: gravedigger |
Totenhalle {f} | :: morgue |
Totenhemd {n} | :: (burial) shroud |
Totenkopf {m} | :: skull (cranium) |
Totenkopfäffchen {n} | :: squirrel monkey |
Totenkopffahne {f} | :: Jolly Roger |
Totenkopfflagge {f} | :: Jolly Roger |
Totenlade {f} [dated] | :: coffin |
Totenmesse {f} | :: requiem (a mass or other ceremony to honor and remember a dead person) |
Totensonntag {m} [Protestantism] | :: A holiday of remembering the dead, equivalent to the Catholic (and Anglican) All Souls' Day, kept by German Lutherans and Calvinists on the Sunday before the first Sunday of Advent (thus in late November) |
Totentrompete {f} | :: black chanterelle (mushroom) |
Totenwache {f} | :: deathwatch |
Toter {m} | :: cadaver; corpse (dead person) |
Totes Meer {prop} {n} | :: the Dead Sea |
totgeboren {adj} | :: stillborn |
Totgeburt {f} | :: stillbirth |
totlachen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to laugh one's head off |
totlaufen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to peter out |
totmachen {vt} | :: to kill |
Totmannschalter {m} | :: dead man's switch |
totprügeln {v} | :: to beat to death |
totquetschen {v} | :: to squeeze to death |
totreden {v} | :: to discuss [a subject] to death |
totsagen {v} | :: to falsely report someone's death |
totsagen {v} | :: to falsely report something's end |
totsaufen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to drink to death |
totschießen {vt} | :: to shoot dead |
Totschlag {m} [legal] | :: manslaughter; second-degree murder; an unlawful killing of a person which is subject to a milder punishment than murder |
Totschlagargument {n} | :: thought-terminating cliché |
totschlagen {v} | :: to beat to death |
Totschläger {m} | :: cudgel |
Totschläger {m} | :: manslayer |
Totschwätzer {m} [offensive] | :: a person who wastes everybody's time by talking a lot about irrelevant stuff |
totstechen {v} | :: to stab to death |
Tottenham {prop} {n} | :: Tottenham (both senses) |
tottrinken {vr} [colloquial] | :: to drink to death |
Tötung {f} | :: kill, killing, homicide |
Tötungsdelikt {n} [law] | :: homicide |
touchieren {v} | :: to graze; to touch |
tough {adj} [slang] | :: alternative form of taff: tough; robust; assertive and not overly sensitive |
tougher {adj} | :: comparative of tough |
toughesten {adj} | :: superlative of tough |
toughsten {adj} | :: superlative of tough |
Toupet {n} | :: toupee |
Tour {f} | :: tour |
tour de force {f} | :: alternative form of Tour de Force |
Tour de force {f} | :: alternative form of Tour de Force |
Tour de Force {f} [literary] | :: tour de force |
Tourismus {m} | :: tourism |
Tourismusbranche {f} | :: tourism industry |
Tourist {m} | :: tourist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Touristenfalle {f} | :: tourist trap |
Touristin {f} | :: tourist (female) |
touristisch {adj} | :: touristic |
Tournee {f} [artists or entertainers or sports] | :: tour |
Tower {m} | :: control tower (for air traffic) |
Tower {prop} | :: Tower of London |
Toxikokinetik {f} | :: toxicokinetics |
Toxikologe {m} | :: toxicologist |
Toxikologie {f} | :: toxicology |
Toxikologin {f} | :: female toxicologist |
toxikologisch {adj} | :: toxicological |
Toxin {n} | :: toxin |
toxisch {adj} | :: toxic |
Toxizität {f} | :: toxicity |
Toyota {prop} {n} | :: Toyota (company) |
Toyota {m} | :: Toyota (car of that company) |
Toypudel {m} | :: a toy poodle between 25 and 28 cm |
Tr. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Trommel |
Trab {m} | :: trot (horse gait) |
Trabant {m} [historical] | :: Bodyguard of a noble |
Trabant {m} [astronomy] | :: A satellite; a moon |
Trabant {m} | :: A follower of a figure or cause; a hanger-on |
Trabant {m} [humorous] | :: A child |
Trabant {m} | :: an East German make of car |
Trabbi {m} | :: Trabant |
traben {v} | :: to trot (said of horses) |
Träber {m} | :: alternative form of Treber |
Trabi {m} | :: Trabant |
trabig {adj} | :: busy, hurried |
Traboch {prop} {n} | :: Traboch (municipality) |
Tracer {m} [chemistry, medicine] | :: tracer |
Trachea {noun} | :: trachea |
Trachom {n} [pathology] | :: trachoma |
Tracht {f} | :: something carried or worn (verbal noun of tragen): |
Tracht {f} [obsolete] | :: load, burden |
Tracht {f} | :: traditional costume |
Tracht {f} [beekeeping] | :: pollen carried to the hive |
trachten {v} | :: to strive (try to obtain something) |
Trachtenkleid {n} | :: traditional costume, traditional dress |
Trachtenkleidchen {n} | :: diminutive of Trachtenkleid |
Trachtenverein {m} | :: traditional costume association, local folklore club |
trächtig {adj} [of animals] | :: pregnant, gravid, big with young |
trächtig {adj} [hind, doe] | :: in fawn (Cervidae) |
trächtig {adj} [cow] | :: in calf (Bovinae) |
trächtig {adj} [sow] | :: in pig |
trächtig {adj} [mare, she-ass, she-zebra] | :: in foal (Equidae) |
Trächtigkeit {f} | :: pregnancy (of animals) |
Trächtigkeit {f} | :: gestation |
tradiert {adj} | :: handed down |
Tradition {f} | :: tradition |
traditionalistisch {adj} | :: traditionalistic |
traditionell {adj} | :: traditional |
traditionelle chinesische Medizin {f} [healthcare] | :: traditional Chinese medicine |
traditionsbewusst {adj} | :: tradition-conscious |
traditionsreich {adj} | :: rich in tradition |
träf {adj} [Switzerland] | :: apt |
Trafik {f} [Austria] | :: newsstand, newsagent |
träg {adj} [colloquial, poetic] | :: alternative form of träge |
Tragant {m} | :: milkvetch, tragacanth |
Tragbahre {f} | :: stretcher, gurney |
tragbar {adj} | :: portable (able to be carried) |
tragbar {adj} | :: wearable (able to be worn) |
Trage {f} | :: stretcher (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) |
träge {adj} | :: lazy, idle |
träge {adj} | :: listless, sluggish, lacking impetus |
träge {adj} | :: [of an electrical fuse] slow-blow |
tragen {vt} | :: to carry, to take |
tragen {vt} | :: to hold |
tragen {vti} [fashion] | :: to wear (clothing, jewelry) |
tragen {vt} [agriculture] | :: to produce, to bear, to yield |
tragen {vt} | :: to support, to maintain |
tragen {vi} [agriculture] | :: to crop |
tragen {vr} [finance] | :: to pay for itself |
tragend {adj} | :: carrying, supporting, bearing |
tragend {adj} | :: pregnant |
tragend {adj} | :: fundamental |
Träger {m} | :: agent noun of tragen; carrier, support |
Träger {m} | :: girder, beam |
Träger {m} | :: strap (of a dress) |
Träger {m} [math] | :: support |
Trägergas {n} | :: carrier gas |
trägerlos {adj} | :: strapless |
Trägermaterial {n} | :: substrate, base (support material) |
Trägersubstanz {f} | :: vehicle, carrier (of a substance, especially a pharmaceutical) |
Trägerwelle {f} | :: carrier wave |
Tragetasche {f} | :: shopping bag, carrier bag, tote bag |
Tragetuch {n} | :: sling [e.g. for carrying a baby] |
tragfähig {adj} | :: capable (of carry/load) |
Tragflügelboot {n} | :: hydrofoil (vessel) |
Traggas {n} | :: lifting gas |
Trägheit {f} [physics or figuratively] | :: inertia |
tragikomisch {adj} | :: tragicomic |
Tragikomödie {f} | :: tragicomedy |
tragisch {adj} | :: tragic (causing great sadness) |
Tragkraft {f} | :: buoyancy |
Tragkraft {f} | :: capacity, payload |
Tragkraft {f} | :: burden |
Tragödie {f} | :: tragedy |
Tragwein {prop} {n} | :: Tragwein (municipality) |
Tragweite {f} | :: reach |
Tragweite {f} | :: momentousness, importance |
Trainee {mf} [education] | :: trainee |
Trainer {m} [sports] | :: trainer, coach [male or of unspecified sex] |
Trainer {m} | :: animal trainer |
Trainer {m} [Austria, Switzerland] | :: tracksuit |
Trainerin {f} | :: trainer or coach (female) |
Trainerteam {n} | :: coaching team |
trainieren {v} | :: to train, to coach |
trainieren {v} | :: to work out |
Training {n} | :: training (exercise, chiefly physical) |
Traisen {prop} {n} | :: Traisen (municipality) |
Traisen {prop} {n} | :: Traisen (municipality) |
Traisen {prop} {f} | :: Traisen (river) |
Traiskirchen {prop} {n} | :: Traiskirchen (municipality) |
Traismauer {prop} {n} | :: Traismauer (municipality) |
Trakt {m} [anatomy] | :: tract (a series of connected body organs) |
Trakt {m} [architecture] | :: wing, block (of a building) |
Traktat {n} {m} | :: tract (a brief treatise) |
traktieren {v} | :: to mistreat, to plague |
traktieren {v} [archaic] | :: to treat (to something), to invite, to entertain (with food and drink) |
traktieren {v} [archaic to obsolete] | :: synonym of behandeln and verhandeln in most senses |
Traktion {f} [technical] | :: traction |
Traktor {m} | :: tractor (a vehicle used in farms) |
Traktorist {m} [DDR] | :: tractor driver |
Traktoristin {f} | :: female tractor driver |
trällern {v} | :: to trill (to sing with a trill) |
Tram {f} {n} | :: tram |
Trampel {n} | :: [an insensitive or coarse person] clod |
trampeln {vi} | :: to trample |
Trampelpfad {m} | :: desire line (path in formerly pathless area created by people or animals through frequent walking along the same line) |
Trampeltier {n} | :: Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) |
Trampeltier {n} | :: clumsy person, klutz, bull in a china shop |
trampen {v} [archaic or dialectal] | :: to step; to tread |
trampen {v} | :: to hitchhike; to tramp |
Tramper {m} [colloquial] | :: hitchhiker |
Trampolin {n} | :: trampoline |
Tran {m} | :: whale oil |
Trance {f} | :: trance |
Tranche {f} [finance] | :: tranche |
tranchieren {v} | :: to carve, to slice (meat or other foods) |
Träne {f} | :: tear (in the eye) |
tränen {v} | :: to water (due to irritation, pain, etc.) |
Tränendrüse {f} | :: lacrimal gland |
Tränengas {n} | :: tear gas |
Tränen lachen {v} [idiom] | :: to laugh to tears |
tränennass {adj} | :: wet with tears |
tränenreich {adj} | :: tearful |
Trank {m} | :: a drink, generally mixed of several ingredients, and often for medical or magical effect; a potion |
Trank {m} [elevated, archaic] | :: any drink |
Tränke {f} | :: waterer, fount (device from which animals drink) |
Tränke {f} | :: drinking trough |
Tränke {f} | :: watering place |
Tränke {f} | :: sipper tube |
Tränke {f} | :: cow tank |
tränken {vt} | :: to water (to provide (animals) with water) |
Transacetylase {f} [enzyme] | :: transacetylase |
Transaktion {f} | :: transaction |
transatlantisch {adj} | :: transatlantic |
transcendental {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of transzendental |
transchieren {v} | :: alternative spelling of tranchieren |
Transdanubien {prop} {n} | :: Transdanubia |
Transdanubien {prop} {n} [Austria, colloquial] | :: The part of Vienna that lies to the northeast of the Danube: Donaustadt and Floridsdorf, collectively |
transdisziplinär {adj} | :: transdisciplinary |
Transduktion {f} | :: transduction |
Transe {f} [derogatory] | :: trans person |
Transfer {m} [finance] | :: transfer (the act of moving money to another country) |
Transfer {m} [sports] | :: transfer (the act of moving a player to another club) |
Transfer {m} [formal, specialist] | :: transfer (passing on, moving in general); also of travellers, but otherwise not used of people (except in the sports context) |
Transferase {f} [enzyme] | :: transferase |
Transferfenster {n} [sports] | :: transfer window (period during which a club may buy and sell players from/to another) |
transferieren {v} [finance] | :: to transfer (move money to another country) |
transferieren {v} [formal, specialist] | :: to transfer (pass on, move in general); also of travellers, but otherwise not usually of people |
transferieren {v} [sports, rare] | :: to transfer (move a player to another club) |
Transferrin {n} [protein] | :: transferrin |
transfinit {adj} [maths] | :: transfinite |
Transformation {f} | :: transformation |
Transformator {m} | :: transformer (electrical device) |
Transformatorenwicklung {f} | :: transformer winding |
transformieren {v} | :: to transform |
transfreundlich {adj} | :: trans-friendly |
Transfusion {f} [medicine] | :: The transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another |
Transfusion {f} | :: The act of pouring liquid from one vessel to another |
transgeschlechtlich {adj} | :: transgender |
transident {adj} | :: transidentity |
Transistor {m} | :: transistor |
Transit {m} | :: transit |
transitiv {adj} [grammar, of verbs] | :: transitive |
transitiv {adj} [math] | :: transitive |
transitives Verb {n} [grammar] | :: transitive verb |
transitorisch {adj} | :: transitory |
transkontinental {adj} | :: transcontinental |
transkribieren {v} | :: to transcribe (convert from speech to written text) |
transkribieren {v} | :: to transcribe; to transliterate (convert from one script to another) |
Transkription {f} | :: transcription, transliteration |
Translation {f} [math, physics] | :: translation (motion without deformation or rotation) |
Translation {f} [genetics] | :: translation (process whereby a strand of mRNA directs assembly of amino acids into proteins within a ribosome) |
Translation {f} [Christianity] | :: translation (transfer of a holy relic from one shrine to another) |
Translation {f} [linguistics, rare] | :: cover term for both written translation and spoken interpreting |
Translativ {m} [grammar] | :: translative case |
transliterieren {v} | :: to transliterate |
translozieren {v} | :: To translocate |
transloziert {adj} | :: translocated |
transluzent {adj} | :: translucent |
transmembranös {adj} | :: transmembranous |
Transmetallierung {f} | :: transmetallation |
transnistrisch {adj} | :: Transnistrian |
transparent {adj} | :: translucent (allowing light to pass through) |
transparent {adj} [less common] | :: fully transparent; see-through |
transparent {adj} [figurative] | :: transparent |
Transparent {n} | :: banner |
Transparentpapier {n} | :: tracing paper (translucent paper) |
Transparenz {f} | :: transparency |
transphobisch {adj} | :: transphobic |
Transplantat {n} | :: graft, transplant |
Transplantation {f} [medicine] | :: transplantation |
Transport {m} | :: transport, transportation |
transportabel {adj} | :: transportable |
Transporter {m} [vehicles] | :: transporter, carrier, van |
transportierbar {adj} | :: portable, transportable |
transportieren {v} | :: to transport |
Transportmittel {n} | :: transportation, means of transport |
Transportvorgang {m} [physics, biology] | :: transport process |
Transportweg {m} | :: transport route |
Transpressionismus {m} | :: transpressionism |
Transrapid {prop} {m} | :: A German maglev monorail system |
Transsexualismus {m} | :: transsexualism |
transspezifisch {adj} | :: trans-specific, transspecies |
Transsubstantiation {f} | :: (Catholic Dogma) transsubstantiation |
transversal {adj} | :: transversal |
Transvestit {m} | :: transvestite (male or of unspecified sex) |
transzendent {adj} | :: transcendent |
transzendent {adj} | :: transcendental |
transzendental {adj} | :: transcendental |
Transzendentalismus {m} | :: transcendentalism |
transzendieren {vt} | :: to transcend |
Trapez {n} | :: trapeze, trapezium (gymnastics, sailing) |
Trapez {n} [geometry] | :: trapezium (UK), trapezoid (US) |
Trapez {n} [geometry] | :: trapezoid (UK), trapezium (US) |
Trapez {n} [astronomy] | :: Trapezium Cluster |
Trapez {n} | :: windsurfing harness |
trapezförmig {adj} | :: trapezoidal |
Trappe {f} [birds] | :: bustard |
Trash {m} | :: unsophisticated, cheap, or cheap-looking product, most often a cultural product such as a film; trash |
trashig {adj} [colloquial, chiefly of cultural products] | :: trashy; unsophisticated; cheap or cheap-looking |
Trasse {f} [track and roadbed of a railway or road] | :: line |
Trassee {n} [Switzerland] | :: line (track and roadbed of a railway or road) |
Tratsch {m} | :: gossip |
tratschen {v} | :: to gossip |
Trattenbach {prop} {n} | :: Trattenbach (municipality) |
Traualtar {m} | :: marriage altar |
Traube {f} | :: grape |
Traube {f} | :: bunch of grapes |
Traube {f} | :: a large number (of people) |
Traube {f} [botany] | :: raceme |
Traubenkernöl {n} | :: grape seed oil |
Traubenkirsche {f} | :: hagberry, Prunus padus; and New-World plants likened to it, usually black cherry, Prunus serotina, which is actually more common in Germany because of its resistence to European pests |
Traubenlese {f} | :: grape harvest |
Traubenlese {f} | :: vintage (yield of grapes during one season) |
Traubensaft {m} | :: grape juice |
Traubenzucker {m} | :: grape sugar, glucose |
traubig {adj} | :: grapy, grapelike |
traue keiner Statistik, die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast {proverb} | :: Always take statistics with a grain of salt |
trauen {v} | :: to trust |
trauen {vt} | :: to marry |
trauen {vr} | :: to dare |
Trauer {f} | :: mourning |
Trauer {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Trauerameisenwürger {m} | :: glossy antshrike |
Trauerfeier {f} | :: funeral ceremony, funeral service |
Trauermantel {m} | :: mourning cloak, Camberwell beauty (butterfly) |
Trauermücke {f} | :: A fly belonging to family Sciaridae, the black fungus gnats |
trauern {v} | :: to mourn |
trauern {v} | :: to be sad |
Trauerschnäpper {m} | :: the pied flycatcher (bird in the flycatcher family, Ficedula hypoleuca) |
Trauerschwan {m} | :: black swan, Cygnus atratus [refers to the swan species collectively or to an individual swan] (male or of unspecified sex) |
Trauerschwänin {f} | :: black swan, Cygnus atratus (female) |
Trauerspiel {n} | :: tragedy (drama) |
Trauertag {m} | :: day of mourning |
Trauerweide {f} | :: weeping willow, Peking willow (tree) |
Trauerzug {m} | :: funeral procession |
Traufe {f} | :: eaves |
traulich {adj} | :: familiar; cosy, homely |
Traum {m} | :: dream |
Trauma {n} | :: trauma |
traumatisch {adj} | :: traumatic |
traumatisieren {v} | :: to traumatize, to traumatise |
Traumdeuter {m} | :: interpreter of dreams |
Traumdeutung {f} | :: interpretation of dreams |
träumen {v} | :: to dream |
Träumer {m} | :: dreamer |
Träumerei {f} | :: dreaming |
Träumerei {f} | :: dream, fantasy |
Träume sind Schäume {phrase} | :: (the content of) dreams are irrelevant and meaningless; what you have dreamt is not to become reality (≈ dreams are ten a penny, dreams are but shadows; literally: “dreams are foams/froths”) |
traumhaft {adj} | :: dreamlike, belonging in a dream |
traumhaft {adj} | :: amazing |
Traumjob {m} | :: dream job |
Traumland {n} | :: dreamland |
traumlos {adj} | :: dreamless |
Traumurlaub {m} | :: dream vacation |
traumwandeln {v} | :: to sleepwalk |
traumwandlerisch {adj} | :: sleepwalking |
Traun {prop} {n} | :: Traun (municipality) |
Traunkirchen {prop} {n} | :: Traunkirchen (municipality) |
traurig {adj} | :: sad |
traurig {adv} | :: sadly |
trauriger {adj} | :: comparative of traurig |
traurigerweise {adv} | :: sadly |
Traurigkeit {f} | :: sadness, unhappiness |
traurigsten {adj} | :: superlative of traurig |
Trauring {m} | :: wedding band, wedding ring |
trau, schau, wem {phrase} | :: learn more about a person before you trust them |
Traute {prop} | :: given name |
Trauung {f} | :: wedding vows |
Trauung {f} [by extension] | :: wedding |
Trauzeuge {m} | :: best man |
Trauzeuge {m} | :: witness to a marriage |
Travertin {m} [geology] | :: travertine |
Travestie {f} [literature] | :: travesty (parody or stylistic imitation) |
Treber {m} | :: residue mass from making beer or brandy, draff, marc, pomace |
Trebesing {prop} {n} | :: Trebesing (municipality) |
Treck {noun} | :: The Boer migration of 1835-1837 (der Große Treck, "the great trek") |
Treck {noun} | :: A migration of refugees, such as those in Europe after the second world war |
Trecker {m} [regional, chiefly northern and western Germany] | :: tractor |
Tredezillion {num} | :: A long scale tredecillion, 1078 |
Treff {n} [card games] | :: clubs |
Treff {m} | :: meeting point |
treffen {vtr} | :: to meet; to encounter |
treffen {vti} | :: to hit; to strike |
treffen {vt} | :: to affect; to concern |
treffen {vir} [colloquial, often with “gut” or “schlecht”] | :: to hit the mark; to suit; to be convenient, fortunate |
Treffen {n} | :: a meeting |
treffend {adj} | :: apt, apposite |
treffend {adj} | :: appropriate |
Treffer {m} | :: hit (A blow, punch, strike hitting a target.) |
trefflich {adj} | :: splendid, excellent |
Treffpunkt {m} | :: meeting place |
Treibarbeit {f} | :: repoussé work |
Treibeis {n} | :: drift ice |
treiben {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to drive (e.g. livestock); to propel; to force |
treiben {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to put forth; to produce; to sprout |
treiben {vt} [figuratively, auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to urge |
treiben {vt} [vulgar, slang, auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to fuck |
treiben {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to drift; to float about |
treiben {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to sprout |
treiben {vt} | :: to do, to get up to |
Treiben {n} | :: in all its senses |
Treiber {m} | :: agent noun of treiben |
Treiber {m} [computing] | :: driver |
Treiber {m} [hunting] | :: beater (male or of unspecified sex) |
Treibgas {n} | :: propellant (gaseous) |
Treibgut {n} | :: flotsam, floating debris |
Treibhaus {n} | :: greenhouse, hothouse, forcing house |
Treibhauseffekt {m} | :: greenhouse effect |
Treibhausgas {n} | :: greenhouse gas |
Treibholz {n} | :: driftwood |
Treibsand {m} | :: quicksand |
Treibsand {m} [dated] | :: silt |
Treibstoff {m} | :: fuel |
Treibstofftank {m} | :: fuel tank |
Treibstoffverbrauch {m} | :: fuel consumption |
treideln {v} | :: to tow a ship or boat along a river or canal (usually by means of horses) |
treife {adj} [Judaism, of food] | :: treyf (being unpermitted food) |
Trema {n} | :: trema (diacritic mark, two dots above the letter to indicate diaeresis) |
Tremolit {m} [mineral] | :: tremolite |
Tremor {m} | :: tremor |
Trend {m} | :: trend (tendency, direction of a development) |
Trend {m} | :: trend (fab, fashion, popular inclination) |
trendig {adj} | :: trendy |
Trendwende {f} | :: turnaround (in the economy) |
trennbar {adj} | :: separable |
trennen {v} | :: to separate, sever, part, disunite, uncouple, segregate, unjoin, disjoin |
trennen {v} | :: to sunder |
trennen {v} | :: to delink, unlink, disconnect, detach |
trennen {v} | :: to isolate |
Trennlinie {f} | :: divide, dividing line, parting line, separating line |
Trennstrich {m} | :: hyphen (symbol used to indicate a word has been split) |
Trennung {f} | :: A separation, parting |
Trennungszeichen {n} | :: hyphen |
Trennverfahren {n} [chemistry] | :: separation process / method |
Trennwand {f} [architecture] | :: partition, interior wall, partition wall |
Trennwand {f} [furniture] | :: folding screen, room divider |
Treppe {f} | :: stairs |
Treppenabgang {m} | :: staircase, stairway |
Treppenabsatz {m} | :: landing (in a staircase) |
Treppenflucht {f} | :: flight of stairs |
Treppenhaus {n} | :: stairwell |
Treppennatter {f} | :: ladder snake (Rhinechis scalaris) |
Treppenschacht {m} | :: stairway enclosure |
Treppenstufe {f} | :: step |
Treppenwitz {m} [fairly rare] | :: staircase wit; l'esprit de l'escalier; a remark or rejoinder thought of only when it is too late |
Treppenwitz {m} [more common] | :: an ironic and absurd coincidence; something that, if it were not true, would seem like a bad joke |
Tresen {m} | :: counter, bar |
Tresor {m} | :: safe, vault |
Trespe {f} | :: cheat grass; bromegrass; chess (kind of grass growing in fields of corn or grain) |
Tresse {f} [uniforms] | :: lace, plait |
Trester {m} | :: press cake |
Tretauto {n} | :: pedal car |
treten {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to step; to tread; to trample |
treten {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to kick (a ball) |
treten {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to step; to tread |
treten {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”, figuratively] | :: to appear |
treten {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to pedal |
treten {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to walk |
Treterei {f} | :: kicking |
Tretlager {n} | :: bottom bracket |
Tretmühle {f} | :: treadwheel, treadmill, a grain crusher constructed to be driven by feet |
Tretmühle {f} [colloquial, regional] | :: a recurring monotonous work |
Tretmühle {f} [Anglicism, uncommon, proscribed] | :: treadmill as a fitness device to run upon |
Tretroller {m} | :: kick scooter, push scooter |
treu {adj} | :: loyal; faithful; true |
Treubach {prop} {n} | :: Treubach (municipality) |
treudoof {adj} | :: naive |
Treue {f} | :: faithfulness, loyalty |
Treuhand {f} [finance] | :: trust |
Treuhänder {m} [law] | :: fiduciary, trustee (male or of unspecified sex) |
treuhänderisch {adj} [law] | :: fiduciary |
treuherzig {adj} | :: trusting, ingenuous |
treuliebend {adj} | :: loving with a certain degree of devotedness or meekness; [of a husband also] uxorious (but somewhat less negative) |
treulos {adj} | :: disloyal, perfidious |
Treulosigkeit {f} | :: disloyalty, perfidy |
treusorgend {adj} | :: devoted, faithful |
trew {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of treu |
Trgl. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Triangel |
tri- {prefix} | :: tri- (three) |
Triade {f} | :: triad [underground society] |
Trialkyl {n} [organic chemistry] | :: trialkyl |
Triangel {m} [geometry, obsolete] | :: triangle, trigon |
Triangel {n} {m} | :: triangle (musical instrument) |
triangulieren {v} [geometry] | :: to triangulate |
Triarsan {n} | :: triarsane |
Trias {prop} | :: the Triassic |
Triathlon {m} | :: triathlon |
Tribologie {f} [physics, engineering] | :: tribology |
Tribometer {n} [physics] | :: tribometer (device to measure the friction of a surface) |
Tribromid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: tribromide |
Tribunal {n} | :: an assembly of one or more judges to conduct judicial business |
Tribunal {n} | :: a court, especially one set up to hold a trial against a certain crime or group of crimes |
Tribunal {n} | :: the seat of a judge |
Tribüne {f} [for a speaker] | :: platform, rostrum |
Tribüne {f} [seating area] | :: grandstand |
Tribus {f} [taxonomy, obsolete] | :: A taxonomic rank above family |
Tribus {f} [taxonomy] | :: Tribe (a rank between genus and subfamily) |
Tribut {m} | :: tribute (payment made by one nation to another in submission) |
Tribut {m} [figurative] | :: toll |
Tributylphosphat {n} [organic compound] | :: tributyl phosphate |
trichinenhaltig {adj} | :: trichinous |
Trichlorid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: trichloride |
Trichlorsilan {n} [organic compound] | :: trichlorosilane |
Trichomanie {f} | :: trichotillomania |
Trichter {m} | :: funnel |
Trichter {m} | :: hopper (funnel-shaped storage bin) |
trichterförmig {adj} | :: funnel-shaped |
Trichterspinne {f} | :: araneomorph funnel-web spider (Agelenidae) |
Trick {m} | :: trick |
Trick {m} | :: ruse |
Trick {m} | :: gimmick |
Trickbetrüger {m} | :: conman, con artist |
trickreich {adj} | :: artful |
trickreich {adj} | :: tricky |
trickreich {adj} | :: clever |
trickreich {adj} | :: wily |
tricksen {v} | :: to trick |
tricksen {v} | :: to cheat |
Trickserei {f} | :: trickery |
Trieb {m} | :: sprout |
Trieb {m} [psychology] | :: drive (desire or interest) |
Trieb {m} | :: urge, impulse, desire |
Trieben {prop} {n} | :: Trieben (municipality) |
Triebkraft {f} | :: driving force |
Triebkraft {f} | :: propelling force |
Triebkraft {f} | :: motive power, thrust |
Triebleben der Klänge {noun} | :: Chordal life force |
Triebwerk {n} | :: engine (especially of an aircraft) |
Triebwerk {n} | :: motion (of a watch) |
Triebwerk {n} | :: drive mechanism |
Triebwerk {n} | :: power plant |
triefen {v} | :: to drip heavily |
triefen {v} | :: to be so wet that a large volume of water drips off (of one) |
Triefnase {f} | :: runny nose |
triefnass {adj} | :: soaking wet |
Trier {prop} {n} | :: Trier (independent city) |
trierisch {adj} | :: Trevian (of or relating to Trier) |
Triesen {prop} {n} | :: Triesen (municipality) |
Triest {prop} {n} | :: Triest (capital city) |
Triethylaluminium {n} [organic compound] | :: triethylaluminium |
Triethylamin {n} [organic compound] | :: triethylamine |
triezen {v} | :: to disturb or annoy someone, especially in order to provoke a reaction; to goad |
Trifluorid {n} | :: trifluoride |
Trift {f} | :: grassy track, cattle track |
Trift {f} | :: (poor) pastureland, grazing, sheepwalk |
Trift {f} | :: log driving, timber floating |
Trift {f} | :: violent stream or swell (of the sea caused by strong winds) |
Trift {f} | :: drifting (being moved by external powers; most often of a ship) |
Trift {f} | :: floating debris (being moved by surface currents) |
Trifteis {n} | :: drift ice |
triftig {adj} | :: convincing |
triftig {adj} | :: valid, cogent |
Triglycerid {n} [organic chemistry] | :: triglyceride |
trigonal {adj} | :: trigonal |
Trigonometrie {f} | :: trigonometry |
trigonometrisch {adj} | :: trigonometric |
Triiodid {n} | :: triiodide |
Triiodthyronin {n} [organic compound] | :: triiodothyronine |
Trikohlenstoffdioxid {n} [organic compound] | :: tricarbon dioxide |
Trikot {n} | :: jersey; sport shirt |
Trikot {n} [by extension] | :: sport kit |
Trilemma {n} | :: trilemma |
Trilliarde {num} | :: A long scale trilliard, 1021; a short scale sextillion |
trilliardste {ordinal num} | :: sextillionth |
Trillion {num} | :: quintillion (1018) |
trillionste {ordinal num} | :: quintillionth |
Trilogie {f} | :: trilogy |
Trimester {n} | :: trimester, third part of an academic year |
Trimethylaluminium {n} [organic compound] | :: trimethylaluminium |
Trimethylarsin {n} [organic compound] | :: trimethylarsine |
Trimethylborat {n} [organic compound] | :: trimethyl borate |
Trimethylgallium {n} [organic compound] | :: trimethylgallium |
trinär {adj} | :: trinary |
Trine {f} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: a woman, a girl |
Trinidad und Tobago {prop} {n} | :: Trinidad und Tobago (a <<country>> consisting of two main <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>) |
Trinität {f} | :: trinity, triad |
Trinität {f} [Christianity] | :: Trinity [no plural, singular only] |
trinkbar {adj} | :: potable |
Trinkbecher {m} | :: drinking-cup |
Trinkbrunnen {m} | :: water fountain |
trinken {vt} | :: to drink (to consume (a liquid) through the mouth or the liquid contained within (a bottle, glass, etc.)) |
trinken {vi} | :: to drink, to imbibe (to consume alcoholic beverages) |
trinken {vi} | :: to drink; to toast (engage in a salutation (of someone), accompanying the raising of glasses while drinking alcohol) |
trinken {vr} | :: to drink one's fill; to drink to satiety |
Trinken {n} | :: drinking (consumption of liquids) |
Trinken {n} | :: drinking (alcohol abuse) |
Trinken {n} [chiefly colloquial, but becoming standard] | :: something to drink, a beverage |
Trinker {m} | :: drinker (one who drinks a particular (nonalcoholic) beverage, used as part of compounds such as: coffee / tea / milk drinker) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Trinker {m} | :: drinker (one who drinks alcohol) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Trinker {m} | :: alcoholic (male or of unspecified sex) |
trinkfest {adj} | :: hard-drinking, having a hollow leg, able to hold one's drink (capable of drinking large amounts of alcohol without getting sick) |
Trinkflasche {f} | :: drinking bottle |
trinkfreudig {adj} | :: bibulous, prone to consuming alcohol |
trinkfreudiger {adj} | :: comparative of trinkfreudig |
trinkfreudigsten {adj} | :: superlative of trinkfreudig |
Trinkgefäß {n} | :: drinking vessel |
Trinkgeld {n} | :: tip (A small amount of money left for a bartender, waiter, taxi driver or other servant as a token of appreciation.) |
Trinkgeldgefäß {n} | :: tip jar |
Trinkglas {n} | :: drinking glass |
Trinkhalle {f} [regional, Ruhrgebiet] | :: kiosk |
Trinkspruch {m} | :: toast (salutation) |
Trinkwasser {n} | :: drinking water |
Trinkwasserfluoridierung {f} | :: fluoridation of drinking water |
Trinkwasserquelle {f} | :: source of drinking water |
Trinkwasserverordnung {f} | :: drinking water ordinance |
Trins {prop} {n} | :: Trins (municipality) |
Trio {n} | :: trio |
Trioxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: trioxide |
Trip {m} [drugs] | :: trip |
Trip {m} [tourism] | :: trip |
Tripel {n} | :: triple (mathematics - a kind of three) |
Tripelpunkt {m} [thermodynamics] | :: triple point |
Triphenylen {n} | :: triphenylene |
Triphenylphosphan {n} [organic compound] | :: triphenylphosphane |
Triphenylphosphin {n} [organic compound] | :: triphenylphosphine |
Triphosphat {n} [chemistry] | :: triphosphate |
Triphylin {m} [mineral] | :: triphyline |
Triplett {n} | :: triplet |
Tripolis {prop} {n} | :: Tripolis (capital) |
trippeln {v} | :: to skip, trip [move in light, quick steps] |
Triregnum {n} | :: the triregnum, the papal triple crown |
Trireme {f} [history, nautical] | :: trireme, an ancient galley having three banks of oars |
Triselan {n} [organic chemistry] | :: triselane |
Triselenid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: triselenide |
Triskaidekaphobie {f} | :: triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13) |
Triskele {f} | :: triskele |
trist {adj} | :: dull |
trist {adj} | :: miserable |
trist {adj} | :: sad |
Tristach {prop} {n} | :: Tristach (municipality) |
Tristan {prop} | :: given name |
trister {adj} | :: comparative of trist |
Tristesse {f} | :: sadness, misery |
tristesten {adj} | :: superlative of trist |
trisubstituiert {adj} [chemistry] | :: trisubstituted |
Trisulfid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: trisulfide |
Tritid {n} | :: tritide |
Tritium {n} | :: tritium (hydrogen isotope, chemical symbol: T) |
Tritt {m} | :: step |
Tritt {m} | :: kick |
Trittbrett {n} | :: footboard |
Trittbrettfahrer {m} [idiomatic] | :: freeloader |
trittfest {adj} | :: tread-resistant |
trittfest {adj} | :: surefooted |
Tritt in den Arsch {v} [colloquial] | :: kick oneself in the ass |
Triumph {m} | :: triumph |
Triumphbogen {m} | :: triumphal arch |
Triumphbogen {prop} {m} | :: Arc de Triomphe |
triumphieren {v} | :: to triumph |
Triumphzug {m} | :: victory procession |
Triumvirat {n} | :: triumvirate |
trivial {adj} | :: trivial (common, easy, obvious) |
trivialer {adj} | :: comparative of trivial |
trivialisieren {v} | :: trivialize, trivialise |
Trivialität {f} | :: triviality, banality, shallowness, triteness |
Trivialität {f} | :: trifle |
Trivialname {m} | :: trivial name |
trivialsten {adj} | :: superlative of trivial |
trochäisch {adj} | :: trochaic |
trocken {adj} | :: dry (not wet; lacking water) |
trocken {adj} [wine] | :: dry (not sweet) |
trocken {adj} [person] | :: dry (abstinent after having had an alcohol problem) |
trocken {adj} [joke] | :: dry (subtly humorous, and often mildly rude) |
trocken {adj} | :: dry (dull, boring) |
Trockenbatterie {f} | :: dry battery, dry cell |
Trockenbeerenauslese {f} | :: Wine produced from specially selected and individually picked grapes. These grapes are afflicted with noble rot and therefore semi-dehydrated and shrivelled |
trocken Brot {n} | :: bread with nothing on it, particularly without butter or margarine |
Trockendock {n} | :: drydock |
Trockeneis {n} | :: dry ice |
Trockengewicht {n} | :: dry weight |
Trockenhaube {f} | :: hair dryer, hood, hood of hair dryer |
Trockenheit {f} [uncountable] | :: dryness, lack of moisture |
Trockenheit {f} [countable] | :: dryness (degree to which something is dry) |
Trockenheit {f} [countable] | :: drought |
Trockenheit {f} [uncountable] | :: dryness [of e.g. a lecture that is factual and boring] |
Trockenmasse {f} | :: dry matter |
Trockenmittel {n} | :: desiccant |
Trockenobst {n} | :: dried fruit |
Trockenpflaume {f} | :: prune |
Trockenschrank {m} | :: drying cabinet |
Trockensubstanz {f} | :: dry matter |
Trockentuch {n} [perhaps regional] | :: dish towel; tea towel (cloth principally used to dry dishes with, but also sometimes surfaces etc.) |
Trockenzeit {f} | :: dry season |
trocknen {v} | :: to dry |
Trockner {m} | :: dryer, clothes dryer |
Trockner {m} | :: dehumidifier |
Trocknung {f} | :: drying |
Trocknungsmittel {n} | :: desiccant (drying agent) |
Trocknungsvorgang {m} | :: drying process |
trödeln {v} | :: to dally, to trifle, to waste time |
Troer {m} | :: Trojan |
Trofaiach {prop} {n} | :: Trofaiach (municipality) |
Trog {m} [agriculture] | :: trough (narrow container for animals to drink or eat from) |
Trog {m} [geology] | :: trench [often filled with sediments] |
Troglodyt {m} | :: troglodyte |
Troika {f} | :: troika (Russian vessel) |
Troika {f} | :: triumvirate (Group of three men) |
troisch {adj} | :: synonym of trojanisch |
Troja {prop} {n} | :: Troja (ancient city) |
Trojaner {m} | :: Trojan (person from Troy) |
Trojaner {m} [computing] | :: trojan |
trojanisch {adj} | :: Trojan |
Trojanisches Pferd {n} | :: Trojan horse |
Troll {m} [mythology, literature] | :: troll |
Troll {m} [colloquial] | :: an ugly or boorish person |
Troll {m} [Internet] | :: troll |
Trommel {f} | :: drum |
Trommel {f} | :: barrel |
Trommelbremse {f} | :: drum brake |
Trommelfell {n} [music] | :: drumhead |
Trommelfell {n} [anatomy] | :: eardrum |
Trommelfeuer {n} [military] | :: drumfire, barrage |
trommeln {v} | :: to drum, to beat a drum |
Trommelralle {f} | :: invisible rail [Habroptila wallacii] |
Trommelwirbel {m} | :: drumroll |
Trommler {m} | :: drummer, one who plays the drums |
Trompe {f} [architecture] | :: squinch |
Trompete {f} | :: trumpet (musical instrument) |
trompeten {v} | :: to trumpet |
Trompetenspieler {m} | :: trumpet player (male or of unspecified sex) |
Tromsø {prop} | :: Tromsø (city) |
-trop {suffix} | :: Placename suffix found chiefly in north-western Germany |
Trope {f} | :: trope (figure of speech) |
Tropen {p} | :: tropics (tropical zone of the earth) |
tropenfest {adj} | :: tropicalized, tropicalised |
Tropeninsel {f} | :: tropical island |
Tropenklima {n} | :: tropical climate |
Tröpfchen {n} | :: droplet |
Tröpfcheninfektion {f} | :: airborne infection, droplet infection |
Tröpfchenmodell {n} [physics] | :: droplet model (of the atomic nucleus) |
tröpfeln {v} | :: to drip, to fall or trickle down in small drops |
tröpfeln {v} [colloquial] | :: to sprinkle, to rain a few little drops |
tropfen {v} | :: to drop, drip |
Tropfen {m} | :: drop |
Tropfenform {f} | :: drop shape |
tropfenförmig {adj} | :: drop-shaped |
tropfenweise {adj} | :: dropwise |
tropfenweise {adv} | :: In drops, one drop at a time, dropwise |
Tröpflein {n} | :: diminutive of Tropfen |
tropfnass {adj} | :: soaking wet |
Tropfstein {m} | :: dripstone: stalactite or stalagmite |
Tropfsteinhöhle {f} | :: cave in which there are dripstones |
Trophäe {f} | :: trophy |
Trophäe {f} [historical] | :: tropæum |
tropisch {adj} | :: tropical (relating to both tropics and tropes) |
tropologisch {adj} | :: tropological |
Troposphäre {f} | :: troposphere |
Tropus {m} | :: trope (figure of speech) |
Tross {m} | :: baggage train |
Trosse {f} | :: hawser |
Trost {m} | :: consolation |
trösten {v} | :: to console |
Tröster {m} | :: consoler |
tröstlich {adj} | :: comforting |
trostlos {adj} | :: dreary, bleak, desolate |
trostlos {adj} | :: depressing |
trostlos {adj} | :: inconsolable |
Trostpreis {m} | :: consolation prize |
Tröte {f} [regional] | :: toy horn, toy trumpet (a small trumpet-like wind instrument, especially for children) |
Tröte {f} [regional, humorous] | :: blowhorn, bullhorn, loudhailer, megaphone |
tröten {v} [music] | :: to play a wind instrument |
Trott {m} | :: rut; routine |
Trotte {f} [regional, chiefly Switzerland] | :: winepress |
Trotte {f} [architecture] | :: building housing a winepress |
Trottel {m} | :: idiot, fool, boob, etc |
trottelig {adj} | :: goofy, gaga, doddery, scatterbrained |
trotten {v} | :: to trot |
Trottoir {n} [Switzerland, regional in Germany] | :: sidewalk |
trotz {prep} | :: in spite of, despite |
Trotz {m} | :: defiance |
trotzdem {adv} | :: anyhow, nevertheless |
trotzdem {conj} [less frequent, introduces a subordinate clause] | :: although |
trotzen {vt} [with dative] | :: to defy, to brave |
trotzig {adj} | :: defiant |
Trotzkismus {m} | :: Trotskyism |
Trotzkist {m} | :: Trotskyist |
Trotzkistin {m} | :: female Trotskyist |
trüb {adj} | :: turbid |
trüb {adj} | :: dim |
trüb {adj} | :: sad |
Trubel {m} | :: turbulence, confusion, hubbub |
trüben {v} | :: to muddle |
Trübheit {f} | :: turbidity |
Trübheit {f} | :: dimness |
Trübheit {f} | :: sadness |
Trübsal {f} [formal] | :: A struck-down, sad, worried emotional state |
trübselig {adj} | :: surly |
Trübsinn {m} | :: gloom, melancholy |
trübsinnig {adj} | :: gloomy, dismal, melancholic, depressed |
Trübung {f} | :: blur, haze, cloudiness |
Trübung {f} | :: turbidity, clouding |
Truchsess {m} [historical] | :: steward |
Trude {prop} {f} | :: given name, diminutive of Gertrude |
trudeln {v} | :: to spin [irregulary] |
Trudeln {n} [aviation] | :: spin |
Trüffel {f} {m} | :: truffle |
Trüffelschwein {n} | :: truffle pig, truffle hog |
Trugbild {n} | :: illusion |
trügen {vt} | :: to deceive |
trügen {vi} | :: to be deceptive |
trügerisch {adj} | :: deceptive, misleading, illusory |
trügerisch {adj} | :: deceitful |
Trugschluss {m} | :: fallacy (false argument) |
Truhe {f} | :: chest (box) |
Trulla {f} [colloquial] | :: A somewhat negative word for a female person, sometimes associated with slovenliness, sometimes more with silliness and loquacity (in this sense especially of little girls) |
Trumau {prop} {n} | :: Trumau (municipality) |
Trümmer {p} {mf} | :: ruins, debris, wreckage, remains, fragments |
Trümmerfrau {f} [historical] | :: woman who helped to rebuild German and Austrian cities after World War II |
Trümmersprache {f} [linguistics] | :: An extinct language which is attested only in a very small corpus and whose structure is therefore widely unreconstructable; examples include Pictish, Hunnic, and Crimean Gothic |
Trump {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Trumpf {m} [also, card games] | :: trump |
Trümpfe aus der Hand geben {v} [idiom] | :: to squander one's advantage |
Trumpistan {prop} {n} | :: Trumpistan |
Trunk {m} | :: a drink, generally mixed of several ingredients, and often for medical or magical effect; a potion |
Trunk {m} [elevated, archaic] | :: any drink |
Trunk {m} [archaic, except in compounds] | :: the act of drinking |
trunken {adj} | :: drunk, intoxicated |
Trunkenbold {m} [derogatory] | :: drunkard |
Trunkenheit {f} | :: drunkenness, inebriation |
Trunkenheit {f} | :: intoxication (high excitement of mind) |
Trunksucht {f} | :: drinking problem, alcoholism |
trunksüchtig {adj} | :: bibulous, alcoholic |
Trupp {m} | :: troop |
Truppe {f} | :: troupe (company of actors, etc.) |
Truppe {f} [military] | :: force |
Truppe {f} [military, no plural] | :: forces |
Truppe {f} [sports] | :: team |
Truppenabzug {m} | :: troops pullout |
Truppenteil {m} | :: unit of troops |
Truppenübung {f} [military] | :: military exercise |
Truppenverband {m} | :: military unit, task force |
Truppenverband {m} | :: battle unit |
Truppenverband {m} [in the plural] | :: forces, troops |
Truthahn {m} | :: male turkey |
Truthenne {f} [specialist or regional] | :: female turkey |
Truthuhn {n} [specialist or regional] | :: turkey (the species; an individual of either sex) |
Trutz {m} | :: defence, resistance |
trutzen {v} | :: alternative form of trotzen |
trutzig {adj} | :: defiant |
Trypanosoma {n} | :: trypanosome |
Tryparsamid {n} | :: tryparsamide |
Tryptophan {n} | :: tryptophan (amino acid) |
Tsatsiki {m} {n} | :: Tzatziki, tzadziki, or tsatsiki, a Greek meze or appetizer, made of strained yoghurt with cucumbers, garlic, salt and spices |
tsch. {adj} | :: abbreviation of tschechisch |
Tschad {prop} {m} | :: Tschad (country) |
tschadisch {adj} | :: Chadian |
Tschagguns {prop} {n} | :: Tschagguns (municipality) |
Tschaike {f} | :: tschaike |
Tschako {m} | :: shako (military dress hat) |
Tschanigraben {prop} {n} | :: Tschanigraben (municipality) |
Tschatsch {prop} {n} | :: Chach |
tschau {interj} | :: goodbye, ciao |
Tscheche {m} | :: Czech (man from the Czech Republic) |
Tschechei {prop} {f} [dated] | :: Czechia, the lands of the Czech |
Tschechien {prop} {n} | :: the Czech Republic |
Tschechin {f} | :: Czech (woman from the Czech Republic) |
tschechisch {adj} | :: Czech |
Tschechisch {prop} {n} | :: Czech (language) |
Tschechische Republik {prop} {f} | :: Tschechische Republik (country) |
Tschechoslowake {m} | :: a male Czechoslovakian |
Tschechoslowakei {prop} {f} | :: Czechoslovakia |
Tschechoslowakin {f} | :: a female Czechoslovakian |
tschechoslowakisch {adj} | :: Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian |
Tscherms {prop} | :: Tscherms (municipality) |
Tschernken {m} | :: climbing boot, mountain boot |
Tschernken {m} | :: nail for climbing boots |
Tschernobyl {prop} {n} | :: Tschernobyl (city) |
Tschetschene {m} | :: Chechen (man from Chechnya) |
Tschetschenien {prop} {n} | :: Tschetschenien (republic) |
Tschetschenin {f} | :: Chechen (woman from Chechnya) |
tschetschenisch {adj} | :: Chechen (of or pertaining to Chechnya) |
Tschetschenisch {prop} {n} | :: Chechen (the Chechen language) |
Tschick {m} [Austrian, colloquial] | :: cigarette |
Tschick {m} [Austrian, colloquial] | :: cigarette butt |
Tschik {m} [Austrian, colloquial] | :: alternative spelling of Tschick |
tschö {interj} | :: alternative form of tschüss |
tschuess {interj} | :: alternative spelling of tschüß |
Tschuktsche {m} | :: Chukchi (a man belonging to the Chukchi people) |
Tschuktschin {f} | :: Chukchi (a woman belonging to the Chukchi people) |
tschuktschisch {adj} | :: Chukchi (related to the Chukchi, their language or their culture) |
Tschuktschisch {prop} {n} | :: Chukchi (the Chukchi language) |
Tschungel {noun} [rare, usually Switzerland] | :: Dschungel |
Tschuri {prop} {m} | :: The comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko |
tschüs {interj} [colloquial, rather rare] | :: alternative form of tschüss |
Tschusch {noun} [Austria, derogative, colloquial] | :: a person of Slavic or oriental origin |
tschüsch {interj} [immigrant or youth slang, regional] | :: whoa; used to express amazement, disbelief, or sometimes contempt |
tschüss {interj} [colloquial] | :: bye, cheers, ciao |
tschüß {interj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of tschüss |
Tschuwasche {m} | :: Chuvash (a man from Chuvashia) |
Tschuwaschien {prop} {n} | :: Tschuwaschien (republic) |
Tschuwaschin {f} | :: Chuvash (woman from Chuvashia) |
tschuwaschisch {adj} | :: Chuvash (of or pertaining to Chuvashia) |
Tschuwaschisch {n} | :: Chuvash (the Chuvash language) |
Tsd. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Tausend |
T-Shirt {n} [clothing] | :: T-shirt, tee |
Tsumebit {n} [mineral] | :: tsumebite |
Tsumgallit {m} [mineral] | :: tsumgallite |
Tsunami {mf} | :: tsunami (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) |
TTS {m} [astronomy] | :: initialism of T-Tauri-Stern |
TU {noun} | :: initialism of Technisch Universität a university of technology |
Tuba {f} | :: tuba |
Tuba {f} [music] | :: abbreviation of Basstuba |
Tube {f} | :: tube (container) |
Tube {f} | :: Fallopian tube |
Tuberkulose {f} | :: tuberculosis (infectious disease) |
Tübingen {prop} {n} | :: Tübingen (city) |
Tübinger {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Tübingen |
Tubist {m} | :: tubist |
Tubus {n} | :: tube (hollow cylinder) especially such a part of an optical instrument |
Tuch {n} | :: cloth; piece of fabric or tissue of any kind: scarf, kerchief, blanket, towel, etc |
tuchen {adj} | :: cloth (attributive) |
Tuchfühlung {f} [figuratively] | :: close contact |
Tüchlein {n} | :: diminutive of Tuch |
tüchtig {adj} | :: efficient |
tüchtig {adj} | :: capable |
tüchtig {adj} | :: hard |
tüchtig {adj} | :: hard-working |
tüchtig {adj} | :: competent |
tüchtig {adj} | :: big |
tüchtig {adj} | :: good |
Tüchtigkeit {f} [no plural] | :: efficiency, proficiency |
Tüchtigkeit {f} [with plural] | :: ability, competence |
Tücke {f} [uncountable] | :: malice, spite |
Tücke {f} | :: danger |
Tücke {f} | :: deceit, guile, trickery |
tückisch {adj} | :: dangerous, perilous |
tückisch {adj} | :: malicious |
Tüddelkram {m} [regional, colloquial] | :: knick-knacks, nonsense alternative form of Tüdelkram |
tüdelig {adj} | :: senile |
Tuff {m} | :: tuff |
Tuff {m} | :: tuft |
tüfteln {v} | :: to tinker |
Tüftler {m} [person who tinkers with things] | :: tinkerer (male or unspecified sex) |
Tugend {f} | :: virtue |
tugendhaft {adj} | :: virtuous, modest |
tugendreich {adj} | :: virtuous |
Tukan {m} | :: toucan (bird) |
Tukan {m} [constellation] | :: Tucana (star constellation) |
Tulasilber {n} | :: niello (made from silver) |
Tulbing {prop} {n} | :: Tulbing (municipality) |
Tulfes {prop} {n} | :: Tulfes (municipality) |
Tüll {m} | :: tulle |
Tullnerbach {prop} {n} | :: Tullnerbach (municipality) |
Tulpe {f} | :: tulip |
Tulpenblüte {f} | :: tulip blossom |
Tulpenblüte {f} | :: tulip blossom season, tulip blooming season |
-tum {suffix} | :: A suffix used to derive abstract nouns: -dom |
tumb {adj} [rare, literary, dated] | :: simple-minded; naive; oafish |
Tümelei {f} | :: chauvinism |
tümeln {v} | :: to act chauvinistically, jingoistically |
Tumeltsham {prop} {n} | :: Tumeltsham (municipality) |
tummeln {vr} | :: to romp [move about boisterously] |
tummeln {vr} [Austria] | :: to hurry |
Tumor {m} | :: tumor, tumour |
Tumordiagnose {f} | :: tumour diagnosis |
tumorhemmend {adj} | :: tumour-inhibiting |
Tumormedizin {f} | :: tumour medicine / drug |
Tumorzelle {f} [cytology] | :: tumour cell |
Tümpel {m} | :: shallow pond, pool |
Tumult {m} | :: tumult, ruckus, row |
tumultuarisch {adj} | :: tumultuous |
tun {v} | :: to do (to perform or execute an action) |
tun {v} [with dative] | :: to do something (positive or negative) to someone |
tun {vr} [with an indefinite pronoun] | :: to make a difference; to be different |
tun {v} [somewhat colloquial, with “so” or “als ob”] | :: to fake; to feign; to pretend |
tun {v} [chiefly colloquial] | :: to put, to place, to add |
tun {v} [chiefly colloquial, with “es”] | :: to work, to function |
tun {v} [chiefly colloquial, but acceptable in writing] | :: Used with the preceding infinitive of another verb to emphasise this verb |
tun {v} [colloquial, non-standard] | :: Used with the following infinitive of another verb, often to emphasise the statement |
tun {v} [colloquial, non-standard] | :: Used in the past subjunctive with the infinitive of another verb to form the conditional tense (instead of standard würde) |
Tun {n} | :: doing, deeds, behaviour |
Tunau {prop} {n} | :: Tunau (town) |
tünchen {v} | :: to whitewash [paint over with lime-water mixture] |
Tundra {f} | :: tundra (arctic form of vegetation) |
tunen {vt} [colloquial] | :: to tune (modify and optimize technical devices, chiefly cars) |
tunen {vtr} [colloquial or humorous] | :: to perform plastic surgery on |
Tunesien {prop} {n} | :: Tunisia |
Tunesier {m} | :: Tunisian (male person from Tunisia) |
Tunesierin {f} | :: Tunisian (female person from Tunisia) |
tunesisch {adj} | :: Tunisian (of or pertaining to Tunisia) |
Tunichtgut {m} | :: ne'er-do-well |
Tunis {prop} {n} | :: Tunis (capital city) |
tunken {v} | :: to dip |
tunlich {adj} | :: advisable |
tunlich {adj} | :: possible |
tunlichst {adv} | :: preferably |
tunlichst {adv} | :: definitely |
Tunnel {m} {n} | :: tunnel |
Tunnelblick {m} | :: tunnel vision |
Tünnes {m} [colloquial, regional, Western Germany] | :: tomfool, a male person who is (for whatever reason) ridiculous, not to be taken seriously |
Tünnes {m} [colloquial, regional, Western Germany] | :: a male person who is clumsy or forgetful [less negative than sense 1] |
Tunte {f} [colloquial] | :: queen (male homosexual) |
tuntig {adj} [colloquial] | :: camp |
tun, was man nicht lassen kann {v} [idiom] | :: to do what one thinks one must do; to do what one wants |
Tunwort {n} [linguistics] | :: verb |
Tupamaros West-Berlin {prop} | :: a small German left-wing group that carried out a series of bombings and arsons at the end of the 1960s |
Tupel {n} [mathematics, set theory] | :: tuple |
Tupf {m} | :: alternative form of Tupfen |
Tüpfel {m} | :: pit |
Tüpfelwollrücken {m} | :: Guianan slaty antshrike |
tupfen {v} | :: to dab (to touch repeatedly with a soft, often moist, object) |
Tupfen {n} | :: fleck (small spot), speck, spot |
Tupilak {m} | :: a tupilak |
Tupperparty {f} | :: a Tupperware party |
Tür {f} | :: door (rigid plane on a hinge) |
Tür {f} | :: door; doorway (passage that can be blocked with such a plane) |
Türangel {f} | :: hinge, door hinge |
Turban {m} | :: turban |
turbieren {v} [obsolete] | :: to disturb |
Turbine {f} | :: turbine |
Turbinenblatt {n} | :: turbine blade |
Turbinenschaufel {f} | :: turbine blade |
Türblatt {n} | :: doorleaf |
Turbobenziner {m} | :: a car with a turbocharged gasoline engine / petrol engine |
Turbodiesel {m} | :: a turbocharged diesel engine |
Turbodiesel {m} | :: a car with a turbocharged diesel engine |
Turbogenerator {m} | :: turbogenerator |
Turbolader {m} | :: turbocharger |
turbulent {adj} | :: turbulent |
Turbulenz {f} | :: turbulence |
Türchen {n} | :: diminutive of Tür |
türckisch {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of türkisch |
Türe {f} [dated, regional] | :: alternative form of Tür |
Turgor {m} | :: turgor, turgidity |
Türgriff {m} | :: door handle, doorknob |
Türhaken {m} | :: door hook |
Turin {prop} | :: Turin (capital city) |
Turin {prop} | :: Turin (metropolitan city) |
Turiner {m} | :: Turinese |
turingmächtig {adj} [computing] | :: Turing complete |
Turing-Test {m} | :: Turing test |
turinisch {adj} | :: Turinese |
Turkalbaner {m} [derogatory] | :: Turco-Albanian [offensive term to refer to an Albanian] |
Türke {m} | :: Turk (male or of unspecified sex) (native or inhabitant of Turkey) |
Türkei {prop} {f} | :: Turkey (country) |
Türkeitürkisch {n} [scientific] | :: Turkish; the varieties of Turkic spoken in Turkey (especially, but not exclusively, the Istanbul-based standard language) |
Türkenbund {m} | :: Common Turk's Cap Lily, Martagon Lily (Lilum martagon) |
Türkentaube {f} | :: collared dove |
Türkin {f} | :: Turk (female) (native or inhabitant of Turkey) |
türkis {adj} | :: turquoise (colour) |
Türkis {m} | :: turquoise (gemstone) |
türkisch {adj} | :: Turkish, Turkic |
Türkisch {prop} {n} [common use] | :: Turkish (language of Turkey) |
Türkisch {prop} {n} [chiefly sciences] | :: Turkic (language family or any of its members) |
türkische Pizza {f} | :: lahmacun (Oriental dish consisting of dough topped with a mass of meat; a common snack in Germany, often rolled and filled with salad) |
türkische Wurst {f} | :: a special kind of red Turkish sausage, originally called sucuk, with garlic and cumin |
türkischstämmig {adj} | :: Turkish |
türkisfarben {adj} | :: turquoise(-coloured) |
Türklingel {f} | :: doorbell |
Türklinke {f} | :: door handle |
Türklopfer {m} | :: door knocker |
Turkmene {m} | :: Turkmen (man from Turkmenistan) |
Turkmenin {f} | :: Turkmen (woman from Turkmenistan) |
turkmenisch {adj} | :: Turkmen (related to Turkmenistan, its people or its language) |
Turkmenisch {n} | :: Turkmen (language spoken in Turkmenistan) |
Turkmenistan {prop} {n} | :: Turkmenistan (country) |
Türknauf {m} | :: doorknob |
Türknopf {m} | :: doorknob |
Turkologie {f} | :: Turkology |
Turku {prop} {n} | :: Turku (city) |
Türlein {n} | :: diminutive of Tür |
'türlich {interj} [slang] | :: for sure (affirmative interjection) |
türlos {adj} | :: doorless |
Turm {m} [architecture] | :: tower, spire (very tall building or structure, especially with a tapering top) |
Turm {m} [architecture] | :: steeple (tall tower on a church, normally topped with a spire) |
Turm {m} [chess] | :: rook (piece shaped like a castle tower) |
Turm {m} [sports] | :: diving platform (structure used for competitive diving) |
Turmalin {m} [mineral] | :: tourmaline |
Turmbauer {m} [chess] | :: rook's pawn |
Türmchen {n} | :: diminutive of Turm |
türmen {vt} [auxiliary verb: haben] | :: to pile, to pile up |
türmen {vr} [auxiliary verb: haben] | :: to pile up |
türmen {vi} [auxiliary verb: sein] | :: to flee, to escape, to skedaddle |
Turmfalke {m} | :: kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) |
Türmlein {n} | :: diminutive of Turm |
Turmspitze {f} | :: spire |
Turmuhr {f} | :: clock, church clock, tower clock |
Turnau {prop} {n} | :: Turnau (municipality) |
Turnau {prop} {n} | :: Turnov, Czechia |
turnen {v} | :: to do gymnastics |
Turnen {n} | :: gymnastics |
Turner {m} | :: a male gymnast |
Turnerin {f} | :: a female gymnast |
Turnhalle {f} | :: gym; sports hall (large room for indoor sports) |
Turnhose {f} | :: gym shorts |
Turnier {n} | :: tournament |
turniererfahren {adj} | :: experienced at competitions |
Türnitz {prop} {n} | :: Türnitz (municipality) |
Türnitz {prop} {f} | :: Türnitz (river) |
Turnsaal {m} [especially in Austria] | :: gym, sports hall |
Turnschuh {m} | :: gymnastic shoe |
Turnschuh {m} [general] | :: athletic shoe, sport shoe |
Turnübung {f} [sports] | :: gymnastic exercise |
Turnus {m} | :: rotation (regular change) |
turnusgemäß {adv} | :: rotationally |
turnusgemäß {adv} | :: regularly |
turnusmäßig {adj} | :: in rotation, in turn |
Türrahmen {m} | :: door frame, door casing |
Turrini {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Türschlüssel {m} | :: door key |
Türsteher {m} | :: doorman, bouncer (male or of unspecified sex) |
Turteltäubchen {n} | :: diminutive of Turteltaube |
Turteltaube {f} | :: turtle dove (also spelled: turtledove, turtle-dove) |
Turteltaube {f} [figurative, usually, in the plural] | :: a lovebird; either of the members of an openly affectionate couple |
Tusch {m} [music, wind instruments] | :: flourish, fanfare |
Tusch {m} [Austrian] | :: crash, bang, boom |
Tusch {m} | :: alternative form of Tusche |
Tusche {f} | :: Heavily tinted fluid with a binding agent used in inscription and labeling, tusche |
Tusche {f} | :: watercolor |
Tusche {f} | :: clipping of Wimperntusche |
tuscheln {v} | :: to whisper, to quietly and secretly say (something, usually something disparaging) about (someone) |
Tuscheln {n} | :: whispering |
tuschen {v} | :: to paint with watercolors |
tuschen {v} | :: to use mascara |
Tussi {f} [slang, pejorative] | :: chick, bimbo |
Tutanchamun {prop} {m} [scientific, otherwise unusual] | :: alternative form of Tutenchamun |
Tüte {f} | :: a small to medium-sized bag, usually of paper or plastic (sometimes also of fabric, for which more properly Beutel) |
Tüte {f} [slang] | :: joint (marijuana cigarette) |
Tutenchamun {prop} {m} | :: Tutankhamon |
Tutorial {n} | :: tutorial |
Tutorium {n} | :: a tutorial |
Tutorium {n} [specifically] | :: a university class where skills taught in lectures or seminars are exercised, generally taught by a more advanced student (called Tutor) and often non-obligatory |
Tüttel {n} | :: nipple |
Tüttel {m} {n} | :: tittle |
Tutu {n} | :: tutu (ballet skirt) |
TÜV {m} | :: MOT [UK], (automobile) inspection [US] |
Tuvalu {prop} {n} | :: Tuvalu |
tuvaluisch {adj} | :: Tuvaluan |
tuwinisch {adj} | :: Tuvan |
Tuwinisch {prop} {n} | :: Tuvan |
Tuwort {n} [linguistics] | :: verb |
Tweed {m} | :: tweed [cloth] |
Tweet {m} | :: tweet (post to Twitter) |
Twen {m} | :: twentysomething |
Tweng {prop} {n} | :: Tweng (municipality) |
Twist {m} [dancing] | :: twist |
Twitter {n} [internet] | |
twittern {v} | :: to tweet (post to Twitter) |
Tychit {m} [mineral] | :: tychite |
Typ {m} | :: type |
Typ {m} [colloquial] | :: guy; bloke |
Typberatung {f} | :: styling consultation |
Type {f} | :: a type in typesetting |
Type {f} | :: a type of a typewriter or some kinds of printer |
Type {f} [dated] | :: an unspecified person referred to in a somewhat respectless way; bloke |
Typentheorie {f} | :: type theory |
Typin {f} [colloquial] | :: gal, dudette |
Typinferenz {f} [software] | :: type inference |
typisch {adj} | :: typical |
typischerweise {adv} | :: typically |
typisieren {v} | :: to classify, type |
typisieren {v} | :: to typify |
Typisierung {f} [computing] | :: typing (act of a type system associating types with each computed value) |
Typlokalität {f} | :: type locality |
Typografie {f} | :: alternative form of Typographie |
typografisch {adj} | :: typographic |
typografisch {adv} | :: typographically |
Typographie {f} | :: typography |
typographisch {adj} | :: alternative form of typografisch |
typographisch {adv} | :: alternative form of typografisch |
Typsystem {n} [computing] | :: type system |
Typus {m} | :: type |
Typus {m} | :: character (theatrical) |
Tyrann {m} | :: tyrant |
Tyrann {m} [by extension] | :: bully |
Tyrann {m} [ornithology] | :: tyrant flycatcher |
Tyrannei {f} | :: tyranny |
Tyrannenmörder {m} | :: tyrannicide (person) |
tyrannisch {adj} | :: tyrannical |
tyrannisieren {vt} | :: to tyrannize, to tyrannise |
tyrrhenisch {adj} | :: Tyrrhenian |
Tyrrhenisches Meer {prop} {n} | :: Tyrrhenian Sea (Part of the Mediterranean Sea) |