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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-w

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
wacky {adj} (zany) SEE: zany ::
Wade-Giles {prop} (transcription system for Mandarin) :: ويد–جيلز {m}, ويد–جيلز {m}
wafer {n} (religious token) :: برشام /buršām/
wage {n} (money paid to a worker) :: أجر {m} /ʾajr/, راتب {m} /rātib/
waggon {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon ::
Wagner {prop} (surname) :: فاغنر {m} {f} /fāḡnar/, فاغنر {m} {f} /vāgnar/
wagon {n} (four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, see also: cart) :: عربة {f} /ʿaraba/
Wahhabism {prop} (branch of Sunni Islam) :: وهابية {f} /wahhābiyya/
wainscot {v} (to decorate a wall with a wainscot) :: خشب /ḵaššaba/
waist {n} (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) :: خصر {m} /ḵaṣr/, وسط {m} /wasaṭ/
waistband {n} (band of fabric encircling the waist) :: تكة {f} /tikka/, حزام {m} /ḥizām/
waistcoat {n} (a sleeveless, collarless garment) :: صدرية {f} /ṣudriyya/, صدار {m} /ṣidār/
wait {v} (delay until some event) :: انتظر /intaẓara/
wait {v} (transitive: delay until) SEE: await ::
waiter {n} (a server in a restaurant or similar) :: نادل {m} /nādil/, نادلة {f} /nādila/
wait for {v} (await) SEE: await ::
waiting list {n} (ordered list of people waiting to obtain a good or service) :: قائمة الانتظار {f} /qāʾimat al-intiẓār/
waitlist {n} (waiting list) SEE: waiting list ::
waitress {n} (female waiter) :: نادلة {f} /nādila/, جرسونة {f} /garsōna/
Wakayama {prop} (a city in Japan) :: واكاياما {f} /wakayāmā/
wake up {v} (to (become) awake) :: صحا /ṣaḥā/, استيقظ /istayqaẓa/, نهض من النوم /nahaḍa mina n-nawmi/ [from sleep]
wake up {v} (to awaken (someone else)) :: أيقظ /ʾayqaẓa/
Wales {prop} (a constituent nation of the UK) :: ويلز {f} /wēlz, wīlz/
walima {n} ((Islam) the marriage banquet held as part of an Islamic wedding) :: وليمة {f} /walīma/
walk {v} (to move on the feet) :: مشى /mašā/, تمشى /tamaššā/
walk {v} (to take for a walk) :: تمشى
walk {n} (manner of walking) :: مشية {f} /mišya/
walker {n} (person who walks) :: ماش {m} /māšin/
walking {n} (gerund of walk) :: مشي {m} /mašy/
walking cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick ::
walking frame {n} (framework device, see also: baby walker) :: مشاية {f} /maššāya/
walking stick {n} (cane) :: عصاية {f} /ʿaṣāya/, خيزرانة {f} /ḵayzurāna/, عكاز {m} /ʿukkāz/
walkout {n} (stoppage of work) SEE: strike ::
walk the talk {v} (to act in accordance with one's words) :: التزم بوعودك
wall {n} (defensive rampart) :: حائط {m} /ḥāʾiṭ/, جدار {m} /jidār/, سور {m} /sūr/
wall {n} (structure built for defense surrounding an area) :: سور {m} /sūr/
wall {n} (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building) :: جدار {m} /jidār/
wallet {n} (case for keeping money) :: محفظة {f} /miḥfaẓa/
wallflower {n} (any of several short-lived herbs or shrubs of the Erysimum) :: خيري {m} /ḵayriyy/, قصيصة {f} /qaṣīṣa/
Wallis and Futuna {prop} (an overseas territory of France in Oceania) :: والس وفوتونا
wallpaper {n} (decorative paper for walls) :: ورق الحائط {m} /waraq al-ḥāʾiṭ/
wall rocket {n} (plant of the genus Diplotaxis) :: جهق {m} /jahaq/, خفج {m} /ḵafaj/
walls have ears {proverb} (be careful about what you say) :: الجدران لها آذان /al-jidrān lahā ʾāḏān/, للحيطان آذان /li-l-ḥīṭān ʾāḏān/
wall socket {n} (electricity power point) :: مقبس {m} /miqbas/
walnut {n} (nut) :: [collective] جوز /jawz/
walrus {n} (large Arctic marine mammal) :: فظ {m} /faẓẓ/
waltz {n} (a ballroom dance) :: رقصة الفالس {f} /raqṣa(t) al-fāls/
wander {v} (to move without purpose or destination) :: تجول /tajawwala/
wanderer {n} (one who wanders) :: هائم /hāʾim/
wanker {n} (person who wanks) :: ممارس العادة السرية {m} /mumāris al-ʿadda s-sirriyya/
want {v} (desire) :: أراد /ʾarāda/, رغب /raḡiba/, شاء /šāʾa/
want {v} (lack) SEE: lack ::
waqf {n} (inalienable endowment for charity) :: وقف {m} /waqf/
war {n} (conflict involving organized use of arms) :: حرب {f} /ḥarb/
war {v} (to engage in conflict) :: حارب /ḥāraba/
war crime {n} (offense for violations of the law of war) :: جريمة حرب {f} /jarīmat ḥarb/
ward {n} (Mormonism: subdivision of church) :: جناح {m} /janāḥ/
-ward {suffix} (forming adverbs) :: ا، ا /-an, -an/, ل /l-/
warden {n} (a chief administrative officer of a prison) :: آمر سجن {m} /ʾāmir sijn/
ward off {v} (to avert or prevent) :: يدرأ /yadraʾ/
wardrobe {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
wardrobe {n} (movable furniture for storing clothes) :: خزانة {f} /ḵizāna/, خزانة ثوب {f} /ḵizānat ṯawb/, خزانة الملابس {f} /ḵizānat al-malābis/
warehouse {n} (A place for storing large amounts of products) :: مخزن {m} /maḵzan/, مستودع {m} /mustawdaʿa/
warfare {n} :: صراع {m} /ṣirāʿ/, حرب {m} /ḥarb/, نضال {m} /niḍāl/, قتال {m} /qitāl/
war game {n} :: لعبة حرب {f} /luʿbat ḥarb/
warlock {n} (male magic-user) :: ساحر {m} /sāḥir/, مشعوذ /mušaʿwiḏ/, عراف /ʿarrāf/, محتال /muḥtāl/, مشتغل بالسحر, ساحرة {f}
warlord {n} (high military officer in a warlike nation) :: أمير حرب /ʾamīr ḥarb/
warm {adj} (having a temperature slightly higher than usual) :: دافئ /dāfiʾ/, دفيء /dafīʾ/
warmonger {n} (one who advocates war) :: محرض حرب {m} /muḥarriḍ ḥarb/, محرضة حرب {f} /muḥarriḍa(t) ḥarb/
warm up {v} (to reach a normal operating temperature) :: دفأ /daffaʾa/ [transitive], [imperfect] يدفئ /yudaffiʾ/, أدفأ /ʾadfaʾa/, [imperfect] يدفئ /yudfiʾ/
warn {v} (to make someone aware of impending danger) :: حذر /ḥaḏḏara/
warning {n} (instance of warning someone) :: تحذير {m} /taḥḏīr/
warning triangle {n} (a triangle used to warn other road users) :: مثلث التنبيه {m} /muṯallaṯ at-tanbīh/
warrant {v} (to justify) SEE: justify ::
warranty {n} (a written guarantee, usually over a fixed period, provided to someone who buys a product or item, which states that repairs will be provided free of charge in case of damage or a fault) :: ضمان {m} /ḍamān/
warring {adj} (engaged in war; belligerent) :: متحارب /mutaḥārib/
warrior {n} (person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare) :: محارب {m} /muḥārib/, مقاتل {m} /muqātil/
Warsaw {prop} (capital city of Poland) :: وارسو {f} /wārsū/
warship {n} (ship built or armed for naval combat) :: سفينة حربية {f} /safīna ḥarbiyya/
wart {n} (type of growth occurring on the skin) :: ثؤلول {m} /ṯuʾlūl/
warthog {n} (a species of wild pig) :: خنزير بري {m} /ḵanzīr barriyy/
Warwick {prop} (county town of Warwickshire) :: ورك {m} /warik/, واريك {m} /wārīk/
wasabi {n} (green Japanese condiment) :: وسابي {m} /wasābī/
wash {v} (to clean with water) :: غسل /ḡasala/
washable {adj} (capable of being washed without being damaged) :: قابل غسيل {m} /qābil ḡasīl/, قابلة غسيلة {f} /qābila(t) ḡasīla/
washbasin {n} (basin used for washing, sink) :: مغسلة {f} /maḡsala/
washer {n} (person who washes for a living) :: غسالة {f} /ḡisāla/
washer {n} (flat disk) :: حلقة {f} /ḥalqa/
washerwoman {n} (woman who washes other people's laundry) :: غسالة {f} /ḡassāla/
washing machine {n} (machine that washes clothes) :: غسالة {f} /ḡassāla/
washing powder {n} (powder for washing clothes) :: مسحوق غسيل {m} /masḥūq ḡasīl/
Washington {prop} (name) :: واشنطن {m} /wašinṭūn/
Washington {prop} (US state) :: ولاية واشنطن {f} /wilāya(t) wāšinṭun/
Washington, D.C. {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) :: واشنطن {m} /wāshintun al-ʿāsima/
washroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
washstand {n} (table for washing) :: مغسلة {f} /maḡsala/
wasla {n} (an Arabic diacritic denoting elision of the alif) :: وصلة {f} /waṣla/, همزة الوصل {f} /hamzatu l-waṣli/, ألف الوصل {f} /ʾalifu l-waṣli/
wasp {n} (insect) :: دبور {m} /dabbūr/, زنبور {m} /zunbūr/
wasteland {n} (region with no remaining resources; desert) :: أرض خراب /'ardu kharab/
waste time {v} (allow time to elapse in an unproductive manner) :: ضيع الوقت /ḍayyaʿa l-waqt/
watch {n} (portable or wearable timepiece) :: ساعة {f} /sāʿa/
watch {n} (person or group of people who guard) :: حارس {m} /ḥāris/
watch {v} (to look at for a period of time) :: راقب /rāqaba/, شاهد /šāhada/, نظر /naẓara/, تفرج /tafarraja/
watch {v} (to observe) :: رصد /raṣada/
watch {v} (to attend or guard) :: حرس /ḥarasa/
watch {v} (to be wary) :: حذر /ḥaḏira/
watcher {n} (guard) SEE: guard ::
watchlist {n} (list for special attention) :: قائمة مراقبة {f} /qāʾimatu murāqabatin/
watchmaker {n} (person who repairs (and originally made) watches) :: ساعاتي /sāʿātiyy/
water {n} (amniotic fluid) SEE: amniotic fluid ::
water {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
water {v} (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) :: سقى /saqā/
water {v} (to provide (animals) with water) :: أسقى /ʾasqā/, سقى /saqā/
water {n} (clear liquid H₂O) :: ماء {m} /māʾ/; Baharna Arabic: مي /me/
water {n} (body of water, or specific part of it) :: مياه {p} /miyāh/
water beetle {n} (insect) :: خنفساء الماء
water carrier {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius ::
water closet {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
water closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
watercress {n} (Nasturtium officinale) :: قرة {f} /qurra/, حرف {m} /ḥurf/
waterfall {n} (flow of water over the edge of a cliff) :: شلال {m} /šallāl/
waterfall {n} (waterfall-like outpouring) :: شلال {m} /šallāl/
Watergate {prop} (scandal) :: ووتر غيت {m} /wuatar ghit/
watering can {n} (utensil for watering plants) :: مرش, مرشة {f} /mirašša/
watering pot {n} (watering can) SEE: watering can ::
watermelon {n} (plant) :: بطيخ /baṭīḵ/ [collective], بطيخة {f} /baṭīḵa/ [singulative], دلاع {m} /dallāʿ/
watermelon {n} (fruit) :: بطيخ /baṭīḵ/ [collective], بطيخة {f} /baṭīḵa/ [singulative]
water mint {n} (herb in mint family) :: ضومران {m} /ḍawmaraan/, نعناع مائي {m} /naʿnaʿ maaʾi/
water parsnip {n} (Sium gen. et spp.) :: قرة {f} /qurra/
water pipe {n} (tobacco smoking device) :: شيشة /šīša/
water pollution {n} (water pollution) :: تلوث الماء {m} /talawwuṯ al-māʾ/
water polo {n} (a water sport) :: كرة الماء {f} /kurat al-māʾ/
water slide {n} (a recreational slide with water flowing down it) :: زلاجة مائية {f}
waterspout {n} (tornado that occurs over a body of water) :: تنين {m} /tinnīn/
waterway {n} (navigable body of water) :: ممر مائي {m} /mamarr māʾiyy/
watt {n} (derived unit of power) :: واط {m} /wāṭ/
Wau {prop} (city in South Sudan) :: واو {f} /wāw/
waulk {v} (full) SEE: full ::
wave {v} (to wave one’s hand) :: رفرف /rafrafa/
wave {n} (moving disturbance, undulation) :: موج {m} /mawj/
waveform {n} (physics) :: شكل موجي /šakl mawjiyy/
wavefunction {n} (notion in quantum mechanics) :: دالة موجية {f} /dālla mawjiyya/
wavelength {n} (the length of a single cycle of a wave) :: طول موج {m} /ṭūl mawj/
waw {n} (Arabic letter) :: واو {m} /wāw/
wax {n} (oily, water-resistant substance) :: شمع {m} /šamʿu/
wax {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax ::
way {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
way {adv} (far) SEE: far ::
way {n} (road, direction, path) :: طريق {m} /ṭarīq/
way {n} (method or manner) :: طريقة {f} /ṭarīqa/
way {adv} (much) SEE: much ::
way of life {n} (style of living) :: حياة {f} /ḥayāh/, طريقة في حياة {f} /ṭarīqa fī ḥayāh/, نمط حياة {m} /namaṭ ḥayāh/
way out {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
way too {adv} :: جدا /jiddan/
we {pron} (the speakers, or the speaker(s) and other person(s) not being addressed (exclusive we: he or she or they and I)) :: نحن {p} /naḥnu/
we {pron} (the speaker(s) and the listener(s) (inclusive we: you and I)) :: نحن {p} /naḥnu/
weak {adj} (lacking in force or ability) :: ضعيف /ḍaʿīf/
weak {adj} (dilute, lacking in taste or potency) :: ضعيف /ḍaʿīf/
weak {adj} :: ضعيف /ḍaʿīf/
weakness {n} (condition of being weak) :: ضعف {m} /ḍiʿf/
wealth {n} (riches; valuable material possessions) :: أموال {m} /ʾamwāl/, ثروة {f} /ṯarwa/
wealthy {adj} (rich) :: غني /ḡaniyy/
weapon {n} (instrument of attack or defense in combat) :: سلاح {m} /silāḥ/
weapon of mass destruction {n} (weapon causing large-scale death or destruction) :: سلاح دمار شامل {m} /silāḥ damār šāmil/
wear {v} (to have on (clothes)) :: لبس /labisa/, ارتدى /irtadā/
wear {v} :: لبس
weary {adj} :: مرهق /murhaq/
weasel {n} (least weasel, Mustela nivalis) :: ابن عرس {m} /ibn ʿirs/
weather {n} (state of the atmosphere) :: طقس {m} /ṭaqs/, جو {m} /jaww/
weather {n} (situation) SEE: situation ::
weatherize {v} (to protect against weather) SEE: weatherproof ::
weatherproof {v} (To make something resistant to damage caused by the weather) :: مقاوم للعوامل الجوية /muqāwim li-l-ʿawāmil al-jawwiyya/
weave {v} (to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another) :: نسج /nasaja/
weaver {n} (one who weaves) :: نساج {m} /nassāj/, نساجة {f} /nassāja/
web {n} (spiderweb) SEE: spiderweb ::
web app {n} (web application) SEE: web application ::
web application {n} (computer application) :: تطبيق ويب {m} /taṭbīq web/
web browser {n} (a computer program used to navigate the World Wide Web) :: متصفح وب {m} /mutaṣfaḥ web/
webcam {n} (video camera viewed over a network) :: كاميرا ويب {f} /kāmērā web/
weblication {n} (web application) SEE: web application ::
weblog {n} (blog) SEE: blog ::
web page {n} (a single page in a website) :: صفحة ويب {f} /ṣafḥat web/
web server {n} (software) :: خادم ويب {m} /ḵādim wīb/, سيرفير ويب {m} /sirfīr wīb/
website {n} (a collection of pages on the World Wide Web) :: موقع ويب {m} /mawqiʿ web/
wed {v} (to join in matrimony) :: تزوج /tazawwaja/
wedding {n} (marriage ceremony) :: عرس {m} /ʿurs/, زفاف {m} /zifāf/
wedding ring {n} (a ring symbolizing marriage) :: خاتم زواج {m} /ḵātam zawāj/
wedge {n} (simple machine) :: إسفين {m} /ʾisfīn/, وتد {m} /watid/
wedge {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček ::
Wednesday {n} (day of the week) :: الأربعاء {m} /al-ʾarbiʿāʾ/, يوم الأربعاء {m} /yawm al-ʾarbiʿāʾ/
weed {n} (cigar) SEE: cigar ::
weed {n} (the weed) SEE: tobacco ::
weed {n} (unwanted plant) :: عشبة ضارة {f} /ʿušba ḍārra/
weed {n} (slang: marijuana) :: بانجو {m} /bānjū/, حشيش {m} /ḥašīš/
week {n} (period of seven days) :: أسبوع {m} /ʾusbūʿ/, جمعة {f} /jumʿa/
weekend {n} (break in the working week) :: نهاية الأسبوع {f} /nihāyat al-ʾusbūʿ/, عطلة الأسبوع {f} /ʿaṭlat al-ʾusbūʿ/
weekly {adj} (of or relating to a week) :: أسبوعي /ʾusbūʿiyyun/
weekly {adj} (happening once a week or every week) :: أسبوعي /ʾusbūʿiyyun/
weep {v} (to cry, shed tears) :: بكى /bakā/, يبكي /yabkī/ [present tense]
weever {n} (fish of Trachinidae) :: بلامة {f} /balāma/ [Egypt]
weigh {v} (to determine the weight of an object) :: وزن /wazana/
weigh {v} (to have a certain weight) :: وزن /wazana/
weigh {v} :: وزن /wazana/
weighing machine {n} (a mechanical device for determing the weight of an object or person) :: ميزان
weight {n} (physics: mass) SEE: mass ::
weight {n} (force due to gravity) :: وزن /wazn/
weight {n} (object to make something heavier) :: ثقل {m} /ṯiql/
weight {n} (standardized measuring weight) :: ثقل {m} /ṯiql/
weight {n} (weight for training muscles) :: ثقل {m} /ṯiql/
weight {n} (statistics: multiplier) :: وزن /wazn/
weird {adj} (having an unusually strange character or behaviour) :: عجيب /ʿajīb/
welcome {interj} (greeting given upon someone's arrival) :: أهلا وسهلا /ʾahlan wa-sahlan/, مرحبا /marḥaban/
welcome {v} (affirm or greet the arrival of someone) :: رحب /raḥḥaba/
weld {v} (to join materials (especially metals) by applying heat) :: لحم /laḥama/
welfare {n} (health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) :: رفاهة {f} /rafāha/
welkin {n} (sky) SEE: sky ::
well {adv} (accurately; competently) :: حسنا /ḥasanan/, بخير /bi-ḵayr/, جيدا /jayyidan/
well {adv} (completely; fully) :: حسنا /ḥasanan/, بخير /bi-ḵayr/, جيدا /jayyidan/
well {adv} (to a significant degree) :: حسنا /ḥasanan/, بخير /bi-ḵayr/
well {adj} (in good health) :: بخير /bi-ḵayr/
well {interj} (used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations) :: طيب, حسنا
well {n} (hole sunk into the ground) :: بئر {m} /biʾr/
well {n} (spring) :: عين {f} /ʿayn/, بئر /biʾr/
well-being {n} (state of health, happiness and/or prosperity) :: رفاهية {f} /rafāhiya/
well done {interj} (exclamation of praise) :: أحسنت /ʾaḥsanta/ [to a male], أحسنت /ʾaḥsanti/ [to a female]
Wellington {prop} (capital of New Zealand) :: ويلنجتون {f} /wilingtūn/, ويلينغتون {f} /wilinḡtūn/
wellness {n} (The quality or state of being in good health.) :: صحة {f} /ṣiḥḥa/, سلامة /salāma/, عافية /ʿāfiya/
well-read {adj} (well informed and knowledgeable because of having read extensively) :: واسع الاطلاع
Welsh onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion ::
Wen {prop} (Chinese surname) :: ون /wan/, وين /wīn/
Wend {n} (Slav) SEE: Slav ::
wendigo {n} (malevolent and violent cannibal spirit in Anishinaabe, Ojibwe, and Cree mythology) :: وينديجو
Wendish {adj} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian ::
Wendish {prop} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian ::
Wenzhou {prop} (city in China) :: ونتشو {m} /wantšū/, ونجو {m} /wanjū/
werewolf {n} (wolflike human) :: مستذئب /mustaḏiʾb/
wergeld {n} (reparative payment) :: دية {f} /diya/
west {n} (compass point) :: غرب {m} /ḡarb/
West {prop} (Western world) :: غرب {m} /ḡarb/
West Bank {prop} (territory) :: الضفة الغربية {f} /aḍ-ḍiffa l-ḡarbiyya/
West Bengal {prop} (state) :: بنغال الغربية {f} /banḡāl al-ḡarbiyya/
western {adj} (pertaining to the west) :: غربي /ḡarbiyy/
western {n} (film or other dramatic work) :: غربي {m} /ḡarbiyy/
Western {adj} (of, situated in, or related to the West) SEE: western ::
Western Asia {prop} (the westernmost subregion of Asia) :: غرب آسيا {m} /ḡarb ʾāsiyā/
Western Australia {prop} (state of Australia) :: أستراليا الغربية {f} /ʾustrāliyā l-ḡarbiyya/
westerner {n} (inhabitant of Europe and the Americas) :: غربي {m} /ḡarbiyy/
Western Europe {prop} (Western Europe) :: أوروبا الغربية {f} /ʾūrūbbā l-ḡarbiyya/
westernization {n} (assimilation of the western culture) :: تغريب /taḡrīb/
western osprey {n} (Pandion haliaetus) SEE: osprey ::
Western Sahara {prop} (a territory in northern Africa) :: الصحراء الغربية {f} /aṣ-ṣaḥrāʾ al-ḡarbiyya/
Western Wall {prop} (ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple) :: حائط البراق {m} /ḥāʾiṭ al-burāq/, حائط الغربي {m} /ḥāʾiṭ al-ḡarbī/
West Jerusalem {prop} (western sector of Jerusalem) :: القدس الغربية {f} /al-quds al-ḡarbiyya/
Westminster Abbey {prop} (large Gothic church) :: دير وستمنستر {m} /dayr wistminstar/, كنيسة وستمنستر {f} /kanīsat wistminstar/
Westminster Cathedral {prop} (chuerch) :: كاتدرائية وستمنستر {f} /kātidrāʾiyya(t) wistminstar/
West Virginia {prop} (US state) :: فيرجينيا الغربية {f} /firjīnyā l-ḡarbiyya/
wet {adj} (made of liquid or moisture) :: مبتل /mubtall/, مبلل /muballal/
wet {adj} (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid) :: مبلول /mablūl/, مبتل /mubtall/
wet dream {n} (ejaculation or orgasm while asleep) SEE: nocturnal emission ::
wet nurse {n} (woman hired to suckle another woman's child) :: ظئر /ẓiʾr/
whack {v} (to kill) :: قتل {m} /qatala/
whale {n} (large sea mammal) :: حوت {m} /ḥūt/
whaling {n} (practice of hunting whales) :: صيد الحيتان {m} /ṣayd al-ḥītān/
wharf {n} (man-made landing place) :: رصيف {m} /raṣīf/
what {pron} (what? (interrogative pronoun)) :: ماذا /māḏā/, ما /mā/
what {pron} (relative pronoun: that which; those that; the thing that) :: ما /mā/
what a pity {phrase} (used to express regret) :: يا خسارة /yā ḵasāra/, يا للأسف /yā la-l-ʾasaf/
what are you doing {phrase} (what are you doing) :: [to a man] ماذا تعمل؟ /māḏā taʿmalu?/, [to a woman] ماذا تعملين؟ /māḏā taʿmalīna?/
what a shame {phrase} (used to express regret) SEE: what a pity ::
what date is it today {phrase} (what date is it today?) :: ما تاريخ اليوم؟ /mā tārīḵu l-yawm?/
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger {proverb} (hardship builds moral character) :: ما لا يقتلك يجعلك أقوى {m} /mā lā yaqtuluka yajʿaluka ʾaqwā/, ما لا يقتلك يجعلك قويا {f} /mā lā yaqtuluki yajʿaluki qūyā/
what does XX mean {phrase} (what does XX mean?) :: ما يعني XX؟ /mā yaʿnī XX?/
whatever {determiner} (no matter which; for any) :: أي /ʾayy/, أيما /ʾayyamā/
whatever {determiner} (anything) :: أي شيء /ʾayy šayʾ/
whatever {pron} (anything) :: مهما /mahmā/ ما /mā/
whatever {interj} (indicating the speaker does not care what someone says) :: طز /ṭuz/
what goes around comes around {proverb} (the status returns to its original value) :: كما تدين تدان /kamā tadīnu tudānu/
what goes around comes around {proverb} (actions have consequences) :: لا تحصد إلا ما زرعته /lā taḥṣidu ʾillā mā zaraʿtahu/ (you reap only what you sow)
what goes around comes around {proverb} :: أكلت يوم أكل الثور الأبيض
what is her name {phrase} (what is her name?) :: ما اسمها
what is more {adv} (furthermore) :: علاوة على ذلك /ʿilāwa ʿalā ḏālika/
what is that {phrase} (what is that?) :: ما هذا؟ /mā hāḏā?/
what is your name {phrase} (what is your name?) :: [to a male] ما اسمك؟ /mā ismuka?/, [to a female] ما اسمك؟ /mā ismuki?/
what languages do you speak {phrase} (what languages do you speak?) :: [to a man] ما هي اللغات التي تتكلمها؟ /mā hiya l-luḡāt allatī tatakallamuhā?/, [to a woman] ما هي اللغات التي تتكلمينها؟ /mā hiya l-luḡāt allatī tatakallamīnahā?/
what's done is done {proverb} :: ما حدث قد حدث /mā ḥadaṯa qad ḥadaṯa/
what's good {phrase} (what's up) SEE: what's up ::
what's-his-name {pron} (A person or entity whose name one does not remember) :: ما اسمه {m} /mā ismahu/
what's the matter {phrase} (what's wrong?) :: ماذا حدث؟ /māḏā ḥadaṯa?/, ما الخطب؟ /mā l-ḵaṭb?/
what's up {phrase} :: مهيم /mahyam/
what's your job {phrase} (what's your job?) :: ما عملك؟ /mā ʿamaluk?/
what's your phone number {phrase} (what's your phone number?) :: ما رقم هاتفك؟ /mā raqmu hātifika?/ [to a male], ما رقم هاتفك؟ /mā raqmu hātifiki?/ [to a female], ما رقم تلفونك؟ /mā raqmu tilifūnika?/ [to a male], ما رقم تلفونك؟ /mā raqmu tilifūniki?/ [to a female]
what the hell {phrase} (an intensive form of what) :: ماذا بحق السماء /māḏā bi-ḥaqq as-samāʾ/
what time is it {phrase} (what is the time of day?) :: كم الساعة؟ /kam as-sāʿa?/
what with {prep} (owing to) :: حيث /ḥayṯ/, لأن /liʾan/, بسبب /bi-sabab/
wheat {n} (grain) :: قمح {m} /qamḥ/
wheel {n} (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation) :: عجلة {f} /ʿajala/
wheel {n} (steering wheel and its implied control of a vehicle) SEE: steering wheel ::
wheelbarrow {n} (small cart) :: عربة يدوية {f} /ʿaraba(t) yadawiyya/
wheelchair {n} (chair) :: كرسي للمقعدين {m} /kursiyy li-l-muqʿadīn/, كرسي متحرك {m} /kursiyy mutaḥarrik/
wheel clamp {n} (a device locked to the wheel of a motor car to prevent it from being driven) :: مشبك العجلة
when {adv} (at what time, as a direct question) :: متى /matā/
when {conj} (during the time that) :: عندما /ʿindamā/, لما /lammā/, حين /ḥīna/, إذ /ʾiḏ/
when {conj} (at what time; at which time) :: متى /matā/
whence {adv} (from where; from which place or source) :: من أين /min ʾayn/, من حيث /min ḥayṯu/
whence {conj} (conjunction) :: من حيث /min ḥayṯ/
whenever {conj} (when) SEE: when ::
whenever {conj} (at any time that) :: متى /matā/, متى ما /matā mā/
whenever {conj} (every time that) :: كلما /kullamā/
when in Rome {proverb} (adjust to local customs) SEE: when in Rome, do as the Romans do ::
when in Rome, do as the Romans do {proverb} (behave as those around do) :: عندما تكون في روما، افعل ما يفعله الرومان /ʿindamā takūn fī rūmā, ifʿal mā yafʿalah ar-rūmān/
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade {proverb} (make the best out of difficult situations) :: اصنع شرابا حلوا من حامض ليمون الحياة {m} /iṣnaʿ šarāban ḥallū min ḥāmiḍ laymūn al-ḥayāti/, اصنعي شرابا حلوا من حامض ليمون الحياة {f} /iṣnaʿī šarāban ḥallū min ḥāmiḍ laymūn al-ḥayāti/
when push comes to shove {phrase} (when the pressure is on) :: عندما يجد الجد
where {conj} (at or in which place) :: حيث /ḥayṯu/
where {conj} (to which place or situation) :: حيث /ḥayṯu/
where {adv} (at what place; to what place; from what place) :: أين /ʾayn/
where {adv} (at or in what place) :: أين /ʾayna/
where {adv} (to what place) :: إلى أين /ʾilā ʾayna/
where {adv} (from what place) :: من أين /min ʾayna/
where {pron} (the place in which) :: حيث /ḥayṯu/
where {n} (the place in which something happens) :: أين {m} /ʾayn/
where are we {phrase} (where are we) :: أين نحن؟ /ʾayna naḥnu?/
where are you {phrase} (where are you?) :: أين أنت؟ {m} /ʾayna ʾanta?/, أين أنت؟ {f} /ʾayna ʾanti?/
where are you from {phrase} (in which country or region were you born or raised) :: من أين أنت؟ /min ʾayna ʾanta?/ [to man], من أين أنت؟ /min ʾayna ʾanti?/ [to woman]
whereas {conj} (but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…) :: عندما
whereby {adv} (by which) :: الذي به, بذلك
where do you live {phrase} (where do you live?) :: أين تسكن؟ /ʾayn taskun?/ [to a man], أين تسكنين؟ /ʾayn taskunīn?/ [to a woman]
where is the toilet {phrase} (where is the toilet?) :: أين المرحاض؟ /ʾayna l-mirḥāḍ?/, أين الحمام؟ /ʾayna l-ḥammām?/
wherenot {n} (wherever) SEE: wherever ::
where there's smoke, there's fire {proverb} (if there is telltale evidence of some event, the event is probably occurring) :: أينما يوجد دخان، توجد نار /ʾaynamā yūjadu duḵān, tūjadu nār/
whereupon {conj} (after which) :: عندئذ /ʿindaʾiḏin/
wherever {conj} (in any place, anywhere) :: أين /ʾayna/, أينما /ʾaynamā/, حيثما /ḥayṯumā/
where you at {phrase} (where are you) SEE: where are you ::
whet {v} (hone or rub on with some substance for the purpose of sharpening) :: حدد /ḥaddada/, شحذ /šaḥaḏa/
whetstone {n} (stone used to hone tools) :: مسن {m} /misann/, مجلخة {f} /mijlaḵa/, مشحذ {m} /mišḥaḏ/
whey {n} (liquid remaining after milk has been curdled) :: شرش {m} /širš/, ماء الجبن {m} /māʾ al-jubn/, مصل {m} /maṣl/
which {determiner} ((interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied) :: أي {m} /ʾayy/
which {pron} ((interrogative) what one or ones) :: أي /ʾayyun/
which {pron} ((relative) who, whom, what) :: الذي {m} /allaḏī/
whichever {pron} (any one or a number of a group; no matter which one) :: أي /ʾayy/
while {conj} (until) SEE: until ::
whilom {adv} (once upon a time, formerly) :: كان /kāna/
whilst {conj} :: في حين /fī ḥīn/, بينما /baynamā/
whip {n} (rod or rope) :: سوط {m} /sawṭ/
whip {v} (to hit with a whip) :: جلد بسوط /jalada bisawṭ/, ساط /sāṭa/
whirlwind {n} (a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air) :: زوبعة {f} /zawbaʿa/
whisk {n} (kitchen utensil) :: مخفقة {f} /miḵfaqa/
whiskey {n} (alcoholic drink) :: ويسكي {m} /wíski/
whisky {n} (whiskey) SEE: whiskey ::
whisper {n} (act of speaking in a quiet voice) :: همس {m} /hams/
whisper {v} (to talk in a quiet voice) :: همس /hamasa/
whistle {n} (device used to make a whistling sound) :: صفارة {f} /ṣaffāra/
whistle {v} (to produce a whistling sound) :: صفر /ṣafara/, صفر /ṣaffara/
whistle {n} (slang: a suit) SEE: suit ::
white {n} (color/colour) :: أبيض {m} /ʾabyaḍ/, بيضاء {f} /bayḍāʾ/
white {n} (Caucasian person) :: قوقازي {m} /qawqāziyy/, يافثي {m} /yāfiṯiyy/
white {n} (white wine) SEE: white wine ::
white {adj} (bright and colourless) :: أبيض {m} /ʾabyaḍ/, بيضاء {f} /bayḍāʾ/, بيض {p} /bīḍ/
white {adj} (of or relating to Caucasians) :: قوقازي /qawqāziyy/, يافثي /yāfiṯiyy/
white ant {n} (white ant) SEE: termite ::
white bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear ::
white-browed tit {n} (Poecile superciliosus) :: قرقف أبيض الحواجب
white coffee {n} (coffee with milk added) :: القهوة البيضاء {f} /al-qahwa l-bayḍāʾ/
white dwarf {n} (white dwarf star) :: قزم أبيض {m} /qazm ʾabyaḍ/
white-haired {adj} (having white hair) :: أشيب /ʾašyab/
White House {prop} (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) :: البيت الأبيض {m} /al-bayt al-ʾabyaḍ/
white lead {n} (lead carbonate or the paint thereof) :: سبيداج {m} /sibīdāj/
white man {n} (Caucasian) SEE: Caucasian ::
white millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet ::
white mustard {n} (Sinapis alba) :: خردل أبيض {m} /ḵardal ʾabyaḍ/
whiten {v} (to become white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) :: ابيض /ibyaḍḍa/
whiteness {n} (state of being white) :: بياض {m} /bayāḍ/
White Russian {n} (Belarusian language) SEE: Belarusian ::
white sauce {n} (mayonnaise) SEE: mayonnaise ::
White Sea {prop} (a sea to the northwest of Russia) :: البحر الأبيض {m} /al-baḥr al-ʾabyaḍ/
white tea {n} (drink) :: شاي أبيض {m} /šāy ʾabyaḍ/
white wine {n} (light coloured wine) :: نبيذ أبيض {m} /nabīḏ ʾabyaḍ/; [less common] خمر أبيض {m} /ḵamr ʾabyaḍ/
whither {adv} (to which place) :: إلى أين /ʾilā ʾayna/
whiz {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
who {pron} (who? (interrogative pronoun)) :: من /man/
who {pron} (who (relative pronoun)) :: الذي {m-s} /allaḏī/, التي {f-s} /allatī/, اللذان {m-d} /al-laḏāni/, اللتان {f-d} /al-latāni/, الذين {m-p} /allaḏīna/, اللاتي {f-p} /al-lātī/, اللائي {f-p} /al-lāʾī/, اللواتي {f-p} /al-lawātī/
WHO {prop} (World Health Organization) :: منظمة الصحة العالمية {f} /munaẓẓamatu ṣ-ṣiḥati l-ʿālamiyya/
whoa {interj} (stop, said to a horse) :: قف {m} /qif/, قفي {f} /qifī/
who are you {phrase} (who are you?) :: من أنت؟ /man ʾanta?/ [to a man], من أنت؟ /man ʾanti?/ [to a woman], من أنتما {c-d} /man ʾantumā/, من أنتم {m-p} /man ʾantum/, من أنتن {f-p} /man ʾantunna/
whoever {pron} (whatever person or persons) :: من /man/
who knows {phrase} (rhetorical question: one doesn't know) :: من يدري؟ /man yadrī?/, الله أعلم /allāhu ʾaʿlam/, إبصر /ʾibṣar/
whole {adj} (entire) :: كامل /kāmil/, كل /kull/
whole number {n} (integer) SEE: integer ::
whole number {n} (natural number) SEE: natural number ::
wholesale {n} (sale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants) :: إجمالي /ʾijmāliyy/, بالجملة /bi-l-jumlati/, بيع بالجملة /bayʿ bi-l-jumlati/
wholly {adv} (to the fullest extent) SEE: completely ::
whom {pron} (what person; object of a verb (accusative)) :: من /man/
whom {pron} (what person or people, object of a preposition (dative)) :: من /man/
whom {pron} (relative pronoun) :: الذي {m-s} /allaḏī/, التي {f-s} /allatī/, اللذين {m-d} /al-laḏayni/, اللتين {f-d} /al-latayni/, الذين {m-p} /allaḏīna/, اللاتي {f-p} /al-lātī/, اللائي {f-p} /al-lāʾī/, اللواتي {f-p} /al-lawātī/
whomever {pron} (whatever person or persons) :: من {m} /man/
whooping cough {n} (a contagious disease) :: سعال ديكي {m} /suʿāl dīkiyy/
whore {n} :: عاهرة {f} /ʿāhira/, فاحشة {f} /fāḥiša/, زانية {f} /zāniyya/, عاهرات {f-p} /ʿāhirāt/; شرموطة {f} /šarmūṭa/
whore {v} (to prostitute oneself) :: عهر /ʿahara/
whore {v} (to engage a prostitute) :: عاهر /ʿāhara/
whore {v} (to pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whoremaster {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
whose {determiner} (of whom (interrogative)) :: لمن /liman/
whose {determiner} (of whom (relative)) :: الذي {m} /allaḏī/, التي {f} /allatī/, الذين {m-p} /allaḏīna/, اللواتي {f-p} /al-lawātī/
why {adv} (for what reason) :: لماذا /limāḏā/, لم /lima/
why not {adv} (state one has no objection) :: لم لا /lima lā/
wick {n} (the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) :: فتيل {m} /fatīl/, فتيلة {f} /fatīla/
wicked {adj} (evil or mischevous) :: شرير /širīr/
wicket {n} (small door or gate) :: خوخة {f} /ḵawḵa/
wicket {n} (small window or other opening) :: خوخة {f} /ḵawḵa/
widdle {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
wide {adj} (having a large physical extent from side to side) :: واسع {m} /wāsiʿ/, رحب {m} /raḥb/, عريض {m} /ʿarīḍ/
widow {n} (woman whose spouse has died) :: أرملة {f} /ʾarmala/
widower {n} (a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried) :: أرمل {m} /ʾarmal/
width {n} (measurement of something from side to side) :: عرض {m} /ʿarḍ/
wife {n} (married woman) :: زوجة {f} /zawja/
Wi-Fi {n} (computing: wireless data communication standard) :: واي فاي {m} /wāy fāy/
wig {n} (head of artificial hair) :: شعر مستعار {m} /šaʿr mustaʿār/, باروكة {f} /bārūka/
wiki {n} (collaborative website) :: ويكي {m} /wikī/
Wikipedia {prop} (online encyclopedia) :: ويكيبيديا {f} /wikibīdiyā/
Wikipedian {n} (a person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia) :: ويكيبيدي {m} /wīkībīdiyy/, ويكيبيدية {f} /wīkībīdiyya/
Wikipedian {adj} (of or relating to Wikipedia) :: ويكيبيدي /wīkībīdiyy/
Wiktionary {prop} (the collaborative project; a particular version of this project written in a certain language) :: ويكاموس {m} /wikāmūs/
wild {adj} (not domesticated or tamed) :: متوحش /mutawaḥḥiš/
wild ass {n} (mammal) :: عير {m} /ʿayr/, فرأ {m} /faraʾ/, علج {m} /ʿilj/, حمار بري {m} /ḥimār barriyy/, حمار وحش {m} /ḥimār waḥš/
wild boar {n} (Sus scrofa) :: خنزير بري {m} /ḵanzīr bariyy/
wild cat {n} (Lynx rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wildcat {n} (Felix rufus) SEE: bobcat ::
wild cherry {n} (Prunus avium tree) :: كرز حلو {m} /karaz ḥulw/
wild cherry {n} (Prunus avium fruit) :: كرز حلو {m} /karaz ḥulw/
wilderness {n} (uncultivated tract of land) :: برية {f} /barriyya/
wildfire {n} (rapidly spreading fire) :: حريق هائل {m} /ḥarīq hāʾil/
wildfire {n} (Greek fire) SEE: Greek fire ::
wildlife {n} (animals and plants in their natural environment) :: الحياة البرية {f} /al-ḥayāh al-barriyya/
wild service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) :: غبيراء ممغصة
wild thyme {n} (species of flowering plant in the mint family) :: زعتر بري {m} /zaʿtar barriyy/, نمام {m} /nammām/
wild turkey {n} (Meleagris gallopavo) :: [Roman rooster] ديك رومي /dīk rūmī/
will {v} (indicating future action) :: سوف /sawfa/ + present tense, س /sa-/ + present tense, رح /raḥ/ [Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, etc.]
will {n} (act of choosing to do something; conscious intent or volition) :: رغبة {f} /raḡba/
will {n} (legal document) :: وصية {f} /waṣiyya/
William {prop} (male given name) :: ويليام {m} /wilyām/, وليم {m} /wilyam/
willingly {adv} (of one’s own free will) :: طوعا {m} /ṭawʿan/, طواعية {f} /ṭawāʿiyatan/
willow {n} (tree) :: صفصاف {m} /ṣafṣāf/, غرب {m} /ḡarab/, خلاف {m} /ḵilāf/
willy-nilly {adv} (whether desired or not) :: طوعا أو كرها /ṭawʿan ʾaw karhan/
willy-nilly {adv} (without regard for consequences or wishes of those involved) :: طوعا أو كرها /ṭawʿan ʾaw karhan/
will you marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal) :: هل ستتزوجينني؟ /hal sa-tatazawwajīna-nī?/
win {v} (transitive: achieve victory in) :: ربح /rabiḥa/, كسب /kasaba/, فاز /fāza/,
win {v} (to gain a prize) :: ربح /rabiḥa/
Winchester {prop} (city in England) :: ونشستر /winšistar/
wind {n} (movement of air) :: ريح {f} /rīḥ/
Windhoek {prop} (capital of Namibia) :: ويندهوك {m} /windhūk/
wind instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) :: آلة الفم {f} /ʾālati l-fam/
windmill {n} (machine) :: طاحونة هوائية {f}
window {n} (opening for light and air) :: نافذة {f} /nāfiḏa/, شباك {m} /šubbāk/, طاقة {f} /ṭāqa/
window {n} (area on a computer screen) :: نافذة {f} /nāfiḏa/
window {n} (shop window) SEE: shop window ::
window frame {n} (framework around a window) :: إطار النافذة {m} /ʾiṭār an-nāfiḏa/
Windows {prop} (Microsoft Windows) :: ويندوز {m}
windpipe {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
windpipe {n} (trachea) :: رغامى {f} /ruḡāmā/, قصبة هوائية {f} /qaṣaba hawāʾiyya/
windscreen {n} (windshield) SEE: windshield ::
windscreen wiper {n} (a device to clear a windscreen) SEE: windshield wiper ::
windshield {n} (screen located in front of a vehicle to protect from wind and weather) :: زجاج السيارة الأمامي /zujāj as-sayyāra(t) al-ʾamāmiyy/
windshield wiper {n} (device to clear a windshield) :: ممسحة الزجاج {f} /mimsaḥatu z-zujāji/
Windsor bean {n} (fava bean) SEE: broad bean ::
windy {n} (fart) SEE: fart ::
windy {adj} :: عاصف /ʿāṣif/
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from grapes) :: نبيذ {m} /nabīḏ/, خمر {f} /ḵamr/
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from other fruit or vegetables) :: خمر {f} /ḵamr/, نبيذ {m} /nabīḏ/
wine {v} (drink wine) :: يشرب الخمر
wine from unpressed grapes {n} (wine) :: سلاف {m} /sulāf/
wine glass {n} (glass vessel for drinking wine from) :: كأس الخمر
wing {n} (part of an animal) :: جناح {m} /janāḥ/, plural: أجنحة {p} /ʾajniḥa/
wing {n} (extension to a main body) :: جناح {m} /janāḥ/, plural: أجنحة {p} /ʾajniḥa/
wing {n} (fraction of a political movement) :: جناح {m} /janāḥ/, plural: أجنحة {p} /ʾajniḥa/
wing {n} :: جناح {m} /janāḥ/
wing {v} (to fly) SEE: fly ::
wing {v} (to throw) SEE: throw ::
wink {v} (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion) :: غمز /ḡamaza/
wink {n} (a blink) :: غمزة {f} /ḡamza/
winner {n} (one who has won or often wins) :: فائز {m} /fāʾiz/
Winnie the Pooh {prop} (the fictional bear) :: ويني-ذا-بوه
Winnipeg {prop} (capital of Manitoba) :: وينيبيغ {m} /winipīḡ/
win over {v} (to persuade) SEE: persuade ::
winter {n} (fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures) :: شتاء {m} /šitāʾ/
winter cherry {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry ::
wintry {adj} (suggestive or characteristic of winter; cold, stormy) :: شتوي /šatawiyy/
wipe {v} (remove surface substance) :: مسح /masaḥa/
wiper {n} (something used for wiping) :: ممسحة {f} /mimsaḥa/, ممسح {m} /mimsaḥ/
wire {n} (thin thread of metal) :: سلك {m} /silk/
wire {n} (informal: telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
wire {n} (informal: message transmitted by telegraph) SEE: telegram ::
wire cutters {n} (hand tool) :: قاطع الأسلاك {m} /qāṭiʿu l-ʾaslāk/
wireless {adj} (not having any wires) :: لاسلكي /lāsilkiyy/
wireless {adj} (of or relating to wireless telegraphy) :: لاسلكي /lāsilkiyy/
Wisconsin {prop} (state of the United States of America) :: ويسكنسن {m} /wiskunsin/, ويسكونسن {m} /wiskunsin/, ويسكونسين /wiskunsin/
wisdom {n} (element of personal character) :: حكمة {f} /ḥikma/
wisdom {n} (piece of wise advice) :: حكمة {f} /ḥikma/
wisdom tooth {n} (rearmost molar in humans) :: درس العقل {m} /dirs al-ʿaql/
wise {adj} (showing good judgement) :: حكيم /ḥakīm/
-wise {suffix} (in the direction or orientation of) :: باتجاه, مع /maʿ/
wisent {n} (European bison, Bison bonasus) :: بيسون أوروبي {m} /baysūn ʾurubbiyy/
wish {n} (desire) :: أمنية {f} /ʾumniyya/, رغبة {f} /raḡba/, منية {f} /munya/
wish {v} (to hope for an outcome) :: تمنى /tamannā/
wisp {n} (a small bundle, as of straw or other like substance) :: خصلة {f} /ḵuṣla/ [hair], حزمة {f} /ḥuzma/ [straw], خيط {m} /ḵayṭ/ [smoke]
wit {n} (intellectual ability) :: وعي, إدراك
wit {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence ::
witch {n} (person who uses magic) :: ساحرة {f}
witchcraft {n} (the practice of witches) :: سحر {m} /siḥr/
witch-hunt {n} (persecution of persons believed to be using magic) :: مطاردة الساحرات {f} /muṭāradatu s-sāḥirāti/
with {prep} (in the company of) :: مع /maʿa/
with {prep} (in addition to) :: ب /bi-/
with {prep} (by means of) :: ب /bi-/
with a grain of salt {adv} (with common sense and skepticism) :: في محل شك
withdraw {v} (extract (money from an account)) :: سحب /saḥaba/
withdraw {v} (retreat) :: تراجع /tarājaʿa/
withdrawal {n} (act of withdrawing) :: انسحاب {m} /insiḥāb/
wither {v} ((intransitive) shrivel, droop, dry up) :: صعق /ṣaʿaqa/
withhold {v} (to keep an object) :: إحتفاظ (بشيء) للنفس
withhold {v} (to keep information) :: كتم
withhold {v} (to retain) :: إستئثار
within {prep} (spatial enclosure) :: داخل /dāḵil/
within {prep} (before the specified duration ends) :: في خلال /fī ḵilāl/
with one hand tied behind one's back {adv} (hands down) SEE: hands down ::
without {prep} (not having) :: بدون /bi-dūna/, بغير /bi-ḡayri/, بلا /bi-lā/
without a doubt {prep} (certainly) SEE: certainly ::
without a doubt {prep} (probably) SEE: probably ::
with pleasure {prep} (willingly, without argument) :: برغبة /bi-raḡba/, بمتعة /bi-matʿa/
withspeak {v} (speak against) SEE: oppose ::
withspeak {v} (contradict) SEE: contradict ::
withstand {v} (to resist) :: قاوم /qāwama/
witness {n} (attestation of a fact or event) :: شهادة {f} /šahāda/
witness {n} (one who has a personal knowledge of something) :: شاهد /šāhid/, شهيد /šahīd/
witness {n} (someone called to give evidence in a court) :: شاهد {m} /šāhid/
witness {n} (something that serves as evidence) :: شاهد {m} /šāhid/, شواهد {p} /šawāhid/
witness {v} ((transitive) to see or gain knowledge of through experience) :: شهد /šahida/
wizard {n} (person skilled with magic) :: ساحر {m} /sāḥir/
wizardess {n} (sorceress) SEE: sorceress ::
woad {n} (Isatis tinctoria) :: وسمة {f} /wasma/, سدوس {m} /sudūs/
wobbler {n} (tantrum) SEE: tantrum ::
woe {n} (grief; sorrow; misery; heavy calamity) :: ويل /wayl/
wok {n} (large round pan) :: ووك {m} /wūk/
woke {adj} (alert of what is happening) :: يقظ /yaqiẓ/, نبه /nabih/
wolf {n} (animal) :: ذئب {m} /ḏiʾb/
wolf {v} (to devour) :: التهم بشراهة /iltahama bi-šarāha/
wolf {n} (constellation) SEE: Lupus ::
wolfberry {n} (Lycium) :: عوسج {m} /ʿawsaj/, لساس {m} /lusās/
Wolfgang {prop} (male given name) :: فولفغانغ
wolfram {n} (tungsten) SEE: tungsten ::
wolfsbane {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite ::
wolf spider {n} (any of several spiders of the family Lycosidae) :: عنكبوت ذئبي /ʿankabūt ḏiʾbiyy/
Wolverhampton {prop} (city) :: ولفرهامبتن
wolverine {n} (Gulo gulo) :: شره {m} /šarih/, ولفيرين {m} /wulfīrīn/
woman {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
woman {n} (adult female person) :: امرأة {f} /imraʾa/ [indefinite], المرأة {f} /al-maraʾa/ [definite], نساء {f-p} /nisāʾ/ [plural]
womanizer {n} (habitual seducer of women) :: زير نساء {m} /zīr nisāʾ/, متأنق {m} /mutaʾanniq/
womanliness {n} (femininity) SEE: femininity ::
womanly {adj} (having the characteristics of a woman) :: نسوي /nisawiyy/
womb {n} (uterus) :: رحم {m} /raḥim/, بيت الولد {m} /bayt al-walid/ [archaic]
womb {n} (belly) SEE: belly ::
wombat {n} (marsupial) :: ومبت {m} /wumbat/
Women {prop} (4th sura of the Qur'an) :: سورة النساء
wonder {n} (something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel) :: عجب {m} /ʿajab/
wonderful {adj} (excellent, extremely impressive) :: عجيب /ʿajīb/
wonton {n} (Chinese dumpling) :: وونتون {m} /wūntūn/, وانتان {m} /wāntān/
woo {v} (to endeavor to gain someone's affection) :: تودد /tawaddada/
wood {n} (substance) :: خشب {m} /ḵašab/
wood apple {n} (Limonia acidissima) :: تفاح الخشب
wood cudweed {n} (Gnaphalium sylvaticum) :: برسية حرجية /barsiyya ḥarbiyya/
woodcutter {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack ::
wooden {adj} (made of wood) :: خشبي /ḵašabiyy/
woodie {n} (erection) SEE: erection ::
woodlouse {n} (any species of suborder Oniscidea) :: قمل الخشب {m} /qaml al-ḵašab/
woodpecker {n} (bird in Picinae) :: نقار الخشب {m} /naqār al-ḵašab/
wood pigeon {n} (Columba palumbus) :: ورشان {m} /warašān/
woods {n} (forest) SEE: forest ::
woodwind instrument {n} (musical instrument) :: آلة نفخ خشبية {f} /ʾāla(t) nafḵ ḵašabiyya/
woof {n} (sound of a dog) :: هو هو /haw haw/
wool {n} (hair of sheep, etc.) :: صوف {m} /ṣūf/
wool {n} (cloth or yarn) :: صوف {m} /ṣūf/
woolen {adj} (made of wool) :: صوفي /ṣūfiyy/
Woozle effect {prop} (phenomenon whereby frequent citation of earlier publications leads to a mistaken public belief in something for which there is no evidence) :: تأثير ووزل
Worcester {prop} (city in England) :: وستر /wustar/
word {n} (unit of language) :: كلمة {f} /kalima/
word {n} (something which has been said) :: كلمة {f} /kalima/, كلام {m} /kalām/, قول {m} /qawl/
word {n} (Christ) :: كلمة الله
word {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
Word {n} (Creative word of God) :: كلمة الله
wordbook {n} (dictionary) SEE: dictionary ::
word for word {adv} (in exactly the same words) SEE: verbatim ::
word-hoard {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary ::
word order {n} (order of syntactic constituents) :: نظام كلم {m} /naẓām kalam/
words {n} (lyrics) SEE: lyrics ::
wordster {n} (one who uses words instead of actions) SEE: hypocrite ::
word-stock {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary ::
work {n} (labour, employment, occupation, job) :: عمل {m} /ʿamal/, شغل {m} /šuḡl/, خدمة {f} /ḵidma/, وظيفة {f} /waẓīfa/
work {n} :: عمل {m} /ʿamal/
work {v} (to do a specific task) :: عمل /ʿamila/, اشتغل /ištaḡala/
workbench {n} (sturdy table) :: طاولة العمل {f} /ṭāwilat al-ʿamal/
worker {n} (person who performs labor) :: عامل {m} /ʿāmil/, عاملة {f} /ʿāmila/
workers of the world, unite {phrase} (workers of the world, unite) :: يا عمال العالم اتحدوا! /yā ʿummāl al-ʿālam ittaḥidū!/, يا عمال العالم اتحدوا! /yā ʿummāl al-ʿālam ittaḥidū!/
working class {n} (social class doing physical work) :: الطبقة العاملة {f} /aṭ-ṭabaqa l-ʿāmila/
workman {n} :: عامل {m} /ʿāmil/
workmate {n} (coworker) SEE: coworker ::
workplace {n} (place where someone works) :: مكان العمل
workshop {n} (small manufacturing room) :: مشغل {m} /mašḡal/, ورشة {f} /warša/
worksome {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious ::
workstead {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory ::
work up {v} (To develop) SEE: develop ::
world {n} (human collective existence) :: عالم {m} /ʿālam/
world {n} (the universe) :: عالم {m} /ʿālam/
world {n} (the Earth) :: عالم {m} /ʿālam/, دنيا /dunyā/
world {n} (inhabited planet) :: عالم {m} /ʿālam/, دنيا /dunyā/
world {n} (individual or group perspective or social setting) :: عالم {m} /ʿālam/, دنيا /dunyā/
World Exposition {n} (a regular international exposition) :: معرض عالمي {m} /maʿriḍ ʿālamiyy/
world's oldest profession {n} (euphemism for prostitution) :: أقدم مهنة {f} /ʾaqdam mihna/
World Trade Center {prop} (former complex of buildings) :: مركز التجارة العالمية /markaz at-tijāra l-ʿālamiyya/
World Trade Organization {prop} (World Trade Organization) :: منظمة التجارة العالمية {f} /munaẓẓamat at-tijāra l-ʿālamiyya/, WTO /WTO/
world war {n} (a war involving the major nations of the world) :: الحرب العالمية {f} /al-ḥarb al-ʿālamiyya/
World War I {prop} (war) :: الحرب العالمية الأولى {f} /al-ḥarbu l-ʿālamiyyatu l-ʾūlā/
World War II {prop} (war from 1939 to 1945) :: الحرب العالمية الثانية {f} /al-ḥarbu l-ʿālamiyyatu ṯ-ṯāniya/
World War III {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War III)) :: الحرب العالمية الثالثة {f} /al-ḥarbu l-ʿālamiyyatu ṯ-ṯāliṯa/
World War IV {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War IV)) :: الحرب العالمية الرابعة {f}
World War One {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
World War Two {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II ::
worldwide {adj} (affecting every place in the world) :: عالمي الانتشار /ʿālamī l-intišār/, عالمي /ʿālamiyy/
World Wide Web {prop} (information space on the Internet) :: شبكة عنكبوتية عالمية {f} /šabaka ʿankabūtiyya ʿālamiyya/
worm {n} (animal) :: دودة {f} /dūda/, دود {p} /dūd/ [collective]
worm {n} (contemptible being) :: شخص دنيء {m} /šaḵṣ danīʾ/
wormhole {n} (a shortcut between distant parts of space) :: ثقب دودي {m} /ṯaqb dūdiyy/, ممر دودي {m} /mamarr dūdiyy/
wormwood {n} (Artemisia absinthium) :: حبق الراعي {m} /ḥabaq ar-rāʿiyy/
worried {adj} (thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen) :: قلق /qaliq/
worry {v} (be troubled) :: قلق /qaliqa/
worry {n} (strong feeling of anxiety) :: قلق {m} /qalaq/
worry {v} (strangle) SEE: strangle ::
worse {adj} (comparative form of bad) :: أسوأ /ʾaswaʾ/
worship {n} (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) :: عبادة {f} /ʿibāda/
worship {n} :: عبادة {f} /ʿibāda/
worship {v} (to honor and adore, especially as a deity) :: عبد /ʿabada/, سجد /sajada/
worship {v} (to participate in religious ceremonies) :: سجد /sajada/
worshipper {n} (person who worships) :: عابد {m} {s} /ʿābidun/, عابدون {m} {p} /ʿābiduwna/, عابدة {f} {s} /ʿābidatun/, عابدات {f} {p} /ʿābidātun/
worst {adj} (most inferior) :: (+ ال + al-) أسوأ /ʾaswaʾ/
worth {adj} (equal in value to) :: ماثل /māṯala/
worth {adj} (deserving of) :: استحق /istaḥaqqa/
worth {adj} (making a fair equivalent of) :: استحق /istaḥaqqa/
worth {n} (value) :: قيمة {f} /qīma/
worthless {adj} (not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential) :: لا قيمة له /lā qimata lahu/
would like {v} (transitive) :: ود /wadda/
wound {n} (injury) :: جرح {m} /jurḥ/
wound {v} (hurt or injure) :: جرح /jaraḥa/
wounded {adj} (suffering from a wound) :: جريح /jarīḥ/, مجروح /majrūḥ/
woundwort {n} (genus Stachys) :: قسطران {m} /qasṭarān/
wrap {v} (to enclose completely in fabric, paper, etc) :: لف /laffa/, غلف /ḡallafa/
wrapper {n} (something that is wrapped around something else as a cover or protection) :: غلاف {m} /ḡilāf/
wreath {n} (ornamental circular band) :: إكليل {m} /ʾiklīl/
wreck {n} (collision) :: تصادم {m} /taṣāddum/
wren {n} (bird of family Troglodytidae) :: صعو {m} /ṣaʿw/, وصع {m} /waṣʿ/
wrench {n} (screw) SEE: screw ::
wrench {n} (hand tool) :: مفتاح ربط {m} /miftāḥu rabṭ/
wrest {v} (to seize) SEE: seize ::
wrest {v} (to obtain by pulling or violent force) :: انتزع /intazaʿa/
wrest {v} (to distort, pervert, twist) SEE: distort ::
wrestling {n} (sport) :: مصارعة {m} /muṣāraʿa/
wretch {n} (exile) SEE: exile ::
wrinkle {n} (furrow in a smooth surface) :: جعدة {f} /jaʿda/
wrinkle {n} (line or crease in the skin) :: تجعد {m} /tajaʿʿud/, جعدة {f} /jaʿda/
wrinkled {adj} (having many wrinkles) :: مغضن /muḡaḍḍan/
wrist {n} (wrist) :: معصم {m} /miʿṣam/, رسغ {m} /rusḡ/
write {v} (to form letters, etc.) :: كتب /kataba/
write {v} (to send a letter to) :: كاتب /kātaba/
write {v} (to be the author of) :: ألف /aʾallaf/
writer {n} (person who writes; an author) :: كاتب {m} /kātib/, مؤلف {m} /muʾallif/, كاتبة {f} /kātiba/
writing {n} (written letters or symbols) :: كتابة {f} /kitāba/
writing {n} (something written) :: كتابة {f} /kitāba/
Wroclaw {prop} (a city in southwestern Poland) :: فروتزواف {m} /frutzuwaf/
wrong {adj} (incorrect) :: خطأ /ḵaṭaʾ/
wrong {v} (to treat unjustly) :: ظلم /ẓalama/
wrong number {n} (A call with a mistake in the number dialled) :: رقم غير صحيح {m} /raqm ḡayr ṣaḥīḥ/, رقم خاطئ {m} /raqm ḵāṭiʾ/
WSC {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin ::
Wu {prop} (one of the families of the Chinese language) :: وو {m} /wū/
Wu {prop} (Chinese surname) :: وو /wū/
wudu {n} (ritual washing after minor impurity) :: وضوء /wuḍūʾ/
Wu-han {prop} (Wuhan) SEE: Wuhan ::
Wuhan {prop} (sub-provincial city in central China) :: ووهان {m} /wuhān/, ووخان {m} /wuḵān/
Wulumuqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi ::
wushu {n} (martial art) :: الووشو {m} /al-wūšū/
Wuxi {prop} (a city of China) :: ووشي {m} /wušī/
WW1 {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
wy {n} (name of the letter Y, y) SEE: wye ::
wye {n} (name of the letter Y, y) :: إي غريكا {f} /ʾī ḡrīkā/, واي {m} /wāy/
Wyoming {prop} (US state) :: وايومنغ {m} /wayūminḡ/