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User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-v

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
v' {pron} :: apocopic form of vi
v' {adv} :: apocopic form of vi#Etymology_2_2
v {n} :: See under V
V {letter} /vu/ :: letter: vu, vi
va' {interj} /ˈva/ :: An expression of surprise, anger or resignation
Va. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of viola
vabbè {adv} :: alternative spelling of va beh
va beh {adv} [colloquial] /vabˈbɛ/ :: okay; never mind
va bene {interj} :: OK!; okay!; all right!
va bene {interj} :: fair enough
vacabile {adj} /vaˈka.bi.le/ :: That can become vacant
vacante {adj} :: vacant
vacante {v} :: present participle of vacare
vacanza {f} /vaˈkan.t͡sa/ :: holiday [British], vacation [US]
vacanziera {f} :: female equivalent of vacanziero
vacanziere {adj} /va.kanˈt͡sjɛ.re/ :: holiday (attributive)
vacanziere {m} :: holidaymaker, holidayer, vacationer
vacanziero {adj} /va.kanˈt͡sjɛ.ro/ :: alternative form of vacanziere
vacanziero {m} :: alternative form of vacanziere
vacare {vi} :: To be vacant
vacazione {f} :: A period of work
vacazione {f} [legal] :: period before a law comes into force
vacca {f} :: cow
vacca {f} [slang, figurative, derogatory] :: whore, slut
vaccaia {f} /vakˈka.ja/ :: feminine noun of vaccaio
vaccaia {f} :: synonym of capovaccaio
vaccaia bigia {f} :: synonym of capovaccaio
vaccaio {m} :: cowherd
vaccareccia {f} :: herd of cows
vaccareccia {f} :: cowshed
vaccaro {m} :: Variant of vaccaio
vaccata {f} :: foolishness, nonsense
vaccheria {f} :: cowshed
vaccheria {f} :: dairy farm
vacchetta {f} :: cowhide
vacchino {adj} :: alternative form of vaccino
vacchino {m} :: cheese made from cow's milk
vaccinabile {adj} :: That can be vaccinated
vaccinale {adj} :: vaccinal
vaccinante {v} :: present participle of vaccinare
vaccinantesi {v} :: present participle of vaccinarsi
vaccinare {vt} :: to vaccinate someone against something
vaccinaro {m} [Rome] /vat.tʃiˈna.ro/ :: tanner, skinner (usually of cow's skin)
vaccinaro {m} [Rome, dated] :: butcher
vaccinarsi {vr} :: To get vaccinated, to have a vaccination
vaccinatore {m} :: vaccinator, inoculator
vaccinatosi {v} :: past participle of vaccinarsi
vaccinazione {f} [medicine] :: vaccination, immunization
vaccinico {adj} [immunology] :: vaccinal
vaccinico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: vaccinic
vaccino {adj} :: cow (attributive)
vaccino {adj} :: bovine
vaccino {m} [immunology] :: vaccine
vaccinogeno {adj} :: vaccinogenic
vaccinoprofilassi {f} [medicine] :: prophylactic vaccination
vaccinostilo {m} [medicine] :: vaccinostyle
vaccinoterapia {f} [medicine] :: vaccine therapy
vaccinoterapico {adj} [medicine] :: vaccine therapy (attributive)
vacci piano {interj} :: easy does it
vacillamento {m} :: tottering, staggering, reeling, swaying
vacillamento {m} :: wobbling, swaying, swinging, teetering
vacillamento {m} :: flickering
vacillamento {m} :: wavering
vacillante {v} :: present participle of vacillare
vacillante {adj} :: shaky, unsteady, rocky
vacillante {adj} :: flickering
vacillantemente {adv} :: shakily, unsteadily
vacillantemente {adv} :: flickeringly
vacillare {vi} :: to sway
vacillare {vi} :: to totter or stagger along; to wobble
vacillare {vi} :: to flicker
vacillare {vi} :: to waver, falter
vacillare {vi} :: to stand shilly-shally
vacillare {vi} :: to blow hot and cold
vacillazione {f} :: vacillation
vacillazione {f} :: uncertainty, perplexity
vacillità {f} :: inconstancy, fickleness
vacuamente {adv} :: vacuously
vacuazione {f} :: A form of pasteurization of milk under a partial vacuum
vacuista {mf} [philosophy] :: vacuist
vacuità {f} :: vacuousness, vacuity
vacuo {adj} :: vacuous, vacant, empty, blank
vacuolare {adj} :: vacuolar
vacuolizzante {v} :: present participle of vacuolizzare
vacuolizzare {vi} :: to vacuolate
vacuolizzato {adj} :: vacuolated
vacuolizzazione {f} :: vacuolation
vacuolo {m} [biology] :: vacuole
vacuoma {m} :: A complex of vacuoles that form in the cytoplasm of a cell
vacuometro {m} :: vacuum gauge
vacuoscopio {m} :: vacuum gauge
vacuostato {m} :: A pressure controller for use with a vacuum pump
vacuumterapia {f} [medicine] :: vacuum therapy
va da sé {phrase} [idiomatic] /ˌva‿d.da‿(s)ˈse/ :: it goes without saying (that...)
vademecum {m} /va.deˈmɛ.kum/ :: vade mecum
Vadena {prop} :: Vadena (small town)
vadenese {adj} :: Of or from Vadena
vadenoto {adj} :: Of or from Vadena
vadense {adj} :: Of or from Vo'
vadoso {adj} :: vadose
va e vieni {m} :: coming and going
vaffa {m} :: Short and more polite form of vaffanculo
vaffanculo {interj} [vulgar, slang] /vaf.fanˈku.lo/ :: fuck you!, fuck off!, go fuck yourself!; get lost! up yours!
vafro {adj} [literary] :: cunning, sly, wily, crafty
vagabile {adj} :: wandering
vagabonda {f} :: female equivalent of vagabondo
vagabondaggine {f} :: vagrancy, vagabondage, vagabondism
vagabondaggio {m} :: vagrancy
vagabondaggio {m} :: wandering
vagabondaggio {m} :: roaming
vagabondante {v} :: present participle of vagabondare
vagabondare {vi} :: to wander, roam, ramble or err
vagabondeggiante {v} :: present participle of vagabondeggiare
vagabondeggiare {v} :: To bum around (as a vagabond)
vagabonderia {f} :: synonym of vagabondaggine
vagabondo {adj} :: wandering
vagabondo {adj} :: idle
vagabondo {m} :: vagabond, vagrant, tramp, hobo, wanderer
vagabondo {m} :: layabout, loafer
vagale {adj} [anatomy] :: vagal
vagamente {adv} :: vaguely
vagamondo {mf} [colloquial] :: vagabond, wanderer
vagante {adj} :: wandering
vagante {adj} :: rambling
vagante {v} :: present participle of vagare
vagare {vi} :: to wander, ramble, roam, range
vagellamento {m} :: delirium
vagellamento {m} :: ranting
vagellante {v} :: present participle of vagellare
vagellare {v} :: To be delirious; to rant
vagello {m} :: A small bath or similar vessel used for dying
vagente {v} :: present participle of vagire
vagheggiamento {m} :: loving or amorous gaze
vagheggiamento {m} :: longing, yearning
vagheggiante {v} :: present participle of vagheggiare
vagheggiare {vt} :: to contemplate fondly; to admire
vagheggiare {vt} :: to long for, to yearn for
vagheggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of vagheggiare
vagheggiarsi {v} :: to contemplate fondly about oneself; to admire oneself
vagheggiato {adj} :: longed-for, yearned-for
vagheggiatore {m} :: yearner
vagheggiatore {m} :: suitor, wooer
vagheggino {m} :: fopling, dandy
vaghezza {f} :: vagueness
vaghezza {f} :: desire, longing
vaghissimo {adj} :: superlative of vago
vagillante {v} :: present participle of vagillare
vagillare {v} :: alternative form of vacillare
vagina {f} [anatomy] :: vagina
vaginale {adj} [anatomy] :: vaginal
vaginalite {f} :: vaginalitis
vaginalmente {adv} :: vaginally
vaginismo {m} :: vaginismus
vaginite {f} :: vaginitis
vagire {vi} [but takes avere as its auxiliary] :: to cry or wail (of a baby)
vagito {m} :: cry or wail (of a baby)
vagito {m} :: stirring, dawn
vaglia {m} :: money order
vagliante {v} :: present participle of vagliare
vagliare {vt} :: to sieve, sift, riddle
vagliare {vt} :: to weigh up
vagliatore {m} :: sifter, siever, screener
vagliatrice {f} :: sifter (sifting machine)
vagliatura {f} :: sifting, sieving, screening, riddling; winnowing
vagliatura {f} :: the material so produced
vaglio {m} :: sieve
vaglio {m} [figurative, by extension] :: examination, scrutiny
vago {adj} [literary or poetic] /ˈva.ɡo/ :: wandering, moving
vago {adj} :: vague
vago {adj} [literary] :: eager, desirous
vago {adj} [literary] :: beautiful, lovely, pleasant
vago {adj} [anatomy] :: vagal
vago {m} [literary or archaic] :: lover
vago {m} :: ambiguity
vago {m} [anatomy] :: vagus, vagus nerve
vago {m} :: grain (particle of a substance)
vago {m} :: coffee bean
vago {m} :: grape
vago {m} :: bead (of a rosary)
vagolante {v} :: present participle of vagolare
vagolare {vi} :: To wander, roam or rove
vagolitico {adj} :: vagolytic
vagolitico {m} [pharmacology] :: vagolytic agent, vagolytic drug
vagonata {f} [literal] :: wagonload
vagonata {f} [figurative, transferred sense] :: lot, heap, boatload
vagoncino {m} :: trolley
vagoncino {m} :: cablecar, gondola (hanging cabin)
vagoncino {m} :: tram, truck, wagon (in a mine)
vagone {m} :: truck, wagon, freight car
vagone {m} :: carriage, car (railway)
vagone {m} :: railroad car, railcar
vagone letto {n} :: sleeping car (A railroad car with sleeping facilities for passengers travelling overnight)
vagone merce {m} :: alternative form of vagone merci
vagone merci {m} :: freight car, goods wagon, van
vagone ristorante {m} :: dining car
vagonetto {m} :: trolley, mule (e.g. at a railway station)
vagonetto {m} :: tram, truck, wagon (in a mine)
vagonista {m} :: carman (especially in a mine)
vagotomia {f} [surgery] :: vagotomy
vagotonia {f} [pathology] :: vagotonia
vagotonico {adj} :: vagotonic
vah {interj} :: alternative form of va'!
vaiaio {m} :: person who tans or sells the fur of the gray-squirrel
vaiaio {m} :: furrier
vai a quel paese {interj} :: get lost!
vai a quel paese {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] :: Used to tell somebody to go away or leave one alone
vaiato {adj} [heraldry] :: vairy
vai e vieni {m} :: coming and going
vainiglia {f} :: alternative form of vaniglia
vaio {m} :: vair (fur of the gray squirrel)
vaio {m} :: dark grey (colour)
vaio {adj} :: dark gray
vaio {adj} :: dark speckled
vaiolato {adj} :: speckled, spotted, variegated
vaiolato {adj} :: pitted
vaiolato {adj} :: blackish (of fruit)
vaiolatura {f} :: pitting (of metal)
vaiolatura {f} :: any of several rot-like diseases of plants
vaiolazione {f} /va.jo.latˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: synonym of vaiolizzazione
vaiolizzazione {f} /va.jo.lit.t͡satˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: An obsolete treatment for smallpox involving the inoculation of pus
vaiolo {m} :: smallpox
vaioloide {m} [medicine] :: vaioloid
vaioloso {adj} [pathology] :: variolous
vaioloso {adj} [pathology] :: smallpox (attributive)
vairone {m} :: vairone
vaiuolo {m} :: alternative form of vaiolo
vaivoda {m} :: alternative form of voivoda
val {f} :: apocopic form of valle
Valacchia {prop} :: Walachia, Wallachia
valacco {adj} :: Vlach, Wallachian
Valalla {prop} :: alternative spelling of Walhalla
valanga {f} :: avalanche
valangato {adj} :: avalanche (attributive)
valcante {v} :: present participle of valcare
valcare {v} :: alternative form of valicare
valchiria {f} [Norse mythology] :: Valkyrie, Walkyrie
valchiria {f} [figuratively] :: virago, battleaxe (domineering woman)
Valcuvia {prop} :: Valcuvia (valley)
Valdagno {prop} :: Valdagno (town/and/commune)
Valdemaro {prop} :: given name
valdese {adj} :: Waldensian
valdese {mf} :: Waldensian
Valdichiana {prop} :: A large alluvial basin in Tuscany and Umbria
valdismo {m} :: Waldensian movement
Val di Sole {prop} :: An alpine valley in the province of Trentino in Trentino-Alto Adige
Valdo {prop} :: given name, comparable to English Waldo
valdostana {f} :: feminine noun of valdostano
valdostano {adj} /val.doˈsta.no/ :: Of or relating to Valle d'Aosta or its people
valdostano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Valle d'Aosta
vale a dire {adv} :: namely
vale a dire {conj} :: that is to say
Valencia {prop} :: Valencia (capital city)
Valencia {prop} :: Valencia (autonomous community)
Valencia {prop} :: Valencia (province)
valenciana {f} :: feminine noun of valenciano
valenciano {adj} :: Valencian
valenciano {m} :: Valencian
valenciennes {m} :: Valenciennes lace
valenciennes {adj} :: Valenciennes (attributive)
valente {v} /vaˈlɛn.te/ :: present participle of valere
valente {adj} :: able, talented
valente {adj} [archaic] :: valiant, brave
valente {adj} [archaic] :: wise; virtuous
valente {adj} [inorganic chemistry, in combination] :: valent (having a specified valency)
valentesi {v} :: present participle of valersi
valentia {f} /va.lenˈti.a/ :: skill, ability
valentina {f} :: valentine (greeting card)
Valentina {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Valentino
Valentini {prop} :: an ancient people from Sardinia
Valentiniano {prop} :: Valentinian
valentino {m} [colloquial] :: boyfriend, fiancé
Valentino {prop} :: given name
Valentino {prop} :: surname
valentissimo {adj} :: superlative of valente
valentuomo {m} :: worthy or honest man
valenza {f} :: value, worthiness
valenza {f} [chemistry, linguistics] :: valence, valency
Valenza {prop} :: Valencia (in Spain)
Valenza {prop} :: Valence (in France)
valenzanese {adj} :: Of or from Valenzano
valenzano {adj} :: Valencian
Valenzano {prop} :: Valenzano (small town)
Valenzia {prop} :: Valencia
valere {vi} /vaˈle.re/ :: to be worth
valere {vi} :: to be valid; to apply; to count
valere {vi} :: to translate to/as; to mean
valere {vi} :: (with a + inf.) to be enough; to suffice
valere {vt} :: to obtain or earn [a positive result]
valere {vt} [archaic] :: to merit
valere la pena {vi} [idiom] :: (also with [ che + subj. ] or [ di + inf. ]) to be worth it
Valeria {prop} :: given name
valeriana {f} :: valerian (plant of genus Valeriana)
valerianato {m} [organic chemistry] :: valerianate
valerianella {f} :: corn salad, lamb’s lettuce, rapunzel (Valerianella locusta)
valerianico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: valeric
Valeriano {prop} :: Valerian, Valerianus
valerico {adj} :: valeric
valerilene {m} [organic compound] :: valerylene
Valerio {prop} /vaˈlɛ.ri.o/ :: given name
valersi {v} :: reflexive of valere
valersi {v} :: (with di) to make use (of)
valetudinario {adj} :: valetudinarian
valetudinario {m} :: valetudinarian
valevole {adj} :: valid
valevolmente {adv} :: validly
Val Gardena {n} /ˌval ɡarˈde.na/ :: A region in the Dolomites of South Tyrol
valgismo {m} :: valgus deformity
valgo {adj} :: valgus
Valguarnera {prop} :: surname
Valhalla {prop} :: alternative spelling of Walhalla
valì {m} :: wali
valicabile {adj} :: passable
valicabilità {f} :: passableness
valicaio {m} /va.liˈka.jo/ :: One who works silk on a particular spinning machine (the valico)
valicante {v} :: present participle of valicare
valicare {v} :: to cross (a range of mountains etc.)
valicare {v} :: to overcome, surmount
valicare {v} :: to switch over
valicare {v} :: to transgress
valicatore {m} :: surmounter
valicatore {m} :: transgressor
valico {m} /ˈva.li.ko/ :: pass (through mountains etc)
valico {m} :: mountain pass
valico {m} [historical] :: A kind of spinning machine
valico {m} :: A section of some spinning machines, on which spindles are set
validamente {adv} :: validly
validamente {adv} :: effectively
validamente {adv} :: really
validamente {adv} :: substantially
validante {v} :: present participle of validare
validare {vt} :: to validate
validatrice {f} :: validator (machine that datestamps tickets etc)
validazione {f} :: validation
validissimo {adj} :: superlative of valido
validità {f} :: validity
valido {adj} :: valid, effective, good, substantial, sound, strong
Valier {prop} :: surname
Valier {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
valigeria {f} :: travel goods
valigeria {f} :: travel goods factory
valigeria {f} :: travel goods shop
valigetta {f} :: diminutive of valigia
valigetta {f} :: briefcase, document case
valigia {f} /vaˈlidʒa/ :: suitcase
valigiaia {f} :: female equivalent of valigiaio
valigiaio {m} :: leather goods manufacturer or seller
valigiona {f} :: A big suitcase
valigione {m} :: A big suitcase
valimento {m} :: value
valimento {m} :: virtue
valina {f} [amino acid] :: valine
vallame {m} :: synonym of avvallamento
vallante {m} :: fish farmer (person who works in a fish farm)
vallarolo {m} :: a native or inhabitant of Valle San Giovanni in the Province of Teramo in the Abruzzo Region of Italy
vallarolo {adj} :: of, or relating to. the town of Valle San Giovanni
Vallassina {prop} :: Vallassina (valley)
vallassinese {adj} :: Of or from Vallassina
vallata {f} :: valley
valle {f} /ˈval.le/ :: valley
vallea {f} :: valley
Valle d'Aosta {prop} /ˌval.le d‿aˈɔ.sta/ :: Valle d'Aosta (region)
Valle d'Aosta {prop} :: Valle d'Aosta (province)
Valle dei Mulini {n} :: An open-air museum displaying old and new tools to produce pasta in Gragnano Campania Italy
Valle dei Re {prop} :: Valley of the Kings (Egyptian valley known for its tombs)
Vallemaggia {prop} :: Vallemaggia (district)
valle perturbante {f} :: uncanny valley
vallerano {adj} [Switzerland] :: valley-dwelling; valley (attributive)
Valle San Giovanni {prop} :: A suburb of Teramo, Italy
vallesano {adj} :: Of or from Valais
Vallese {prop} :: Vallese (canton)
valletta {f} :: diminutive of valle; small valley
valletta {f} :: young lady assistant on a television show
valletto {m} :: valet
valletto {m} :: assistant (on TV programmes)
Vallettopoli {prop} :: A wide-ranging criminal scandal, centered on alleged sexual extortion, that occurred in Italy in 2006–2007
vallicoltura {f} :: lagoon fish breeding (Venice)
valligiano {adj} /valːiˈd͡ʒano/ :: valley (attributive)
valligiano {m} :: inhabitant of a valley
vallisneria {f} :: eelgrass
vallivo {adj} :: (river) valley (attributive)
vallo {m} :: wall
vallombrosano {adj} :: Vallombrosan
vallone {adj} :: Walloon
vallone {mf} :: Walloon (person)
vallone {mf} :: Deep valley {m}
vallone {m} [singular only] :: Walloon (language)
vallonea {f} :: valonia oak (Quercus trojana, syn. Quercus aegilops)
Vallonia {prop} :: Vallonia (region)
valloso {adj} :: With many valleys
Valmarana {prop} :: surname
Valmarana {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
Valmontone {prop} :: Valmontone (small town)
Valona {prop} :: Valona (city)
valore {adv} [followed by di] :: as much as, as many as
valore {m} :: value
valore {m} :: sense, meaning
valore atteso {m} [probability theory] :: expected value
valore di verità {m} [logic, mathematics, algebra] :: truth value, logical value
valore facciale {m} [uncommon] :: face value
valore facciale {m} :: denomination (of a postage stamp etc)
valore logico {m} :: synonym of valore di verità
valore nominale {m} :: face value
valore nominale {m} :: denomination (of a coin, of a banknote)
valore nominale {m} :: nominal value
valore nominale {m} :: par value
valoriale {adj} :: value (attributive)
valorizzante {v} :: present participle of valorizzare
valorizzante {adj} :: enhancing
valorizzantesi {v} :: present participle of valorizzarsi
valorizzare {vt} :: to enhance, show off
valorizzare {vt} :: to exploit, increase the value of, improve
valorizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of valorizzare
valorizzarsi {vr} :: to make the most of oneself
valorizzarsi {vr} :: to increase [in value, in importance], appreciate
valorizzatore {m} :: exploiter
valorizzatosi {v} :: past participle of valorizzarsi
valorizzazione {f} :: exploitation, utilization
valorizzazione {f} :: improvement, enhancement
valorosa {f} :: feminine noun of valoroso
valorosamente {adv} :: valiantly, courageously, valorously
valorosità {f} :: valour
valoroso {adj} :: courageous, valorous, valiant
valoroso {m} :: valiant or courageous person
valpolicella {n} :: alternative case form of Valpolicella
Valpolicella {m} :: A dry red wine made in the region of Verona from various local grape varieties and consequently of variable quality
Valpurga {prop} :: Walpurgis
valsente {m} :: value, price
valsente {m} :: money
valsente {m} :: riches
Valsesia {prop} :: An alpine valley in the Vercelli and Novara provinces of Piemonte
valsesiano {adj} :: Of or from Valsesia
valsosi {v} :: past participle of valersi
Valtellina {prop} :: An alpine region in northern Lombardy
valtellinese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Valtellina
valtellinese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Valtellina
Valtravaglia {prop} :: Valtravaglia (valley)
valtzer {m} :: alternative form of valzer
valuta {f} :: currency
valutabile {adj} :: That can be valued or estimated, measurable, assessable
valutabilità {f} :: Property of being assessable; measurability
valutante {v} :: present participle of valutare
valutantesi {v} :: present participle of valutarsi
valutare {v} :: to value
valutare {v} :: to assess, evaluate or estimate
valutare {v} :: to appreciate
valutare {v} :: to weigh up
valutario {adj} :: currency [attributive]
valutarsi {vr} :: To value, esteem or appreciate oneself
valutativo {adj} :: evaluative, of evaluation
valutato {adj} :: valued
valutato {adj} :: assessed, estimated
valutatore {m} :: surveyor, assessor
valutatosi {v} :: past participle of valutarsi
valutatrice {f} :: female equivalent of valutatore
valutazione {f} :: valuation, estimation, feedback
valutazione {f} :: estimate, assessment, appraisal
valutazione {f} :: calculation, reckoning
valva {f} [anatomy, zoology] :: valve, half shell
valvare {adj} :: valve (attributive)
valvare {adj} [zoology] :: valvular
valvare {adj} [botany] :: valvate
valvassino {m} :: vavasour's vassal
valvassore {m} :: vavasor, vavasour
valvola {f} [mechanics, hydraulics, electronics, musical instruments] :: valve
valvola {f} [electricity] :: fuse
valvola {f} [anatomy] :: valve, valvule
valvola a farfalla {f} :: butterfly valve
valvola a spillo {f} :: needle valve
valvola cardiaca {f} [anatomy] :: heart valve
valvolame {f} :: valves
valvola mitrale {f} [anatomy] :: mitral valve (in the heart)
valvolare {adj} :: valve (attributive)
valvolare {adj} :: valvular
valvola tricuspide {f} [anatomy] :: tricuspid valve
valvulopatia {f} [medicine] :: valvulopathy
valzer {m} [music] :: waltz
vamp {f} :: vamp (flirtatious woman)
vampa {f} /ˈvam.pa/ :: heat, flame
vampa {f} [figurative] :: hot flush (skin sensation)
vampa {f} [figurative] :: burning sentiment
vampante {adj} :: flaming
vampata {f} :: burst, flame, blush
vampiresco {adj} :: vampire (attributive), vampirish
vampirismo {m} :: vampirism
vampiro {m} /vamˈpi.ro/ :: vampire
vampiro {m} :: vampire bat (mammal)
vampo {f} [obsolete, literary] /ˈvam.po/ :: heat, flame
vanadato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: vanadate
vanadico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: vanadic
vanadio {m} [chemistry] /vaˈna.djo/ :: vanadium
vanagloria {f} :: boastfulness, vainglory
vanagloriante {v} :: present participle of vanagloriarsi
vanagloriantesi {v} :: present participle of vanagloriarsi
vanagloriarsi {vr} :: To boast (about oneself)
vanagloriatosi {v} :: past participle of vanagloriarsi
vanagloriosa {f} :: vainglorious or boastful woman
vanagloriosamente {adv} :: vaingloriously, boastfully
vanaglorioso {adj} :: vainglorious, boastful
vanaglorioso {m} :: vainglorious or boastful person
vanamente {adv} :: vainly, in vain
vanante {v} :: present participle of vanare
vanare {v} :: alternative form of vaneggiare
Vandali {prop} :: Vandals (Germanic people)
vandalicamente {adv} :: vandalically
vandalicamente {adv} :: in an uncivilised manner
vandalico {adj} :: of vandalism; vandalic
vandalismo {m} :: vandalism
vandalizzante {v} :: present participle of vandalizzare
vandalizzare {v} :: To vandalise / vandalize
vandalo {adj} :: Vandal [attributive]
vandalo {m} :: Vandal
vandalo {m} :: vandal
Vandea {prop} :: Vendée
vandeano {adj} :: Vendean
vanderù {m} /van.deˈru/ :: synonym of sileno
vaneggiamento {m} :: raving
vaneggiamento {m} :: delirium
vaneggiante {v} :: present participle of vaneggiare
vaneggiare {vi} :: to rave
vaneggiatore {m} :: raver (delirious person)
vanello {m} :: lapwing
vanente {v} :: present participle of vanire
vanerello {adj} [of a person] :: superficial, frivolous, lightweight
vanescente {adj} :: alternative form of evanescente
vanesia {f} :: vain woman
vanesiata {f} :: vanity (action of a vain person)
vanesio {adj} :: vain, conceited, foppish, big-headed
vanesio {m} :: vain person, fop, dandy
vanesio {m} :: bragger
vanessa {f} :: red admiral, painted lady or any other butterfly of the genus Vanessa
Vanessa {prop} :: given name
vanezza {f} :: synonym of vanità
vanga {f} :: spade
vangaiola {f} :: A type of small hand-held fishing net
vangante {v} :: present participle of vangare
vangare {vt} :: To dig (the earth with a spade)
vangatore {m} :: digger
vangatura {f} :: digging
vangelio {m} :: alternative form of vangelo
Vangelista {m} :: alternative case form of vangelista
vangelizzante {v} :: present participle of vangelizzare
vangelizzare {v} :: alternative form of evangelizzare
vangelo {m} /vanˈd͡ʒɛ.lo/ :: gospel
vangelo {m} :: gospel truth
vangheggia {f} :: The blade of a spade or any similar agricultural implement
vanghetta {f} :: (small) spade
vanghetta {f} [military] :: entrenching tool
vanghetto {m} :: (small) spade (used, especially, for gardening)
vangile {m} :: A small, metal rod, near the base of a spade, used to sink the blade by using the foot
vanificante {v} :: present participle of vanificare
vanificare {vt} :: to frustrate, to thwart, to defeat, to nullify
vaniglia {f} /vaˈniʎʎa/ :: vanilla (all senses)
vanigliato {adj} :: vanilla (attributive)
vanillico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: vanillic
vanillina {f} :: vanillin
vanillina {f} :: vanilla (flavour/flavor)
vaniloquio {m} :: empty talk, raving, nonsense
vanire {v} :: To vanish, disappear
vanire {v} :: To dissolve
vanissimo {adj} :: superlative of vano
vanità {f} :: vanity, conceit
vanità {f} :: vainness, uselessness
vanitosamente {adv} :: vainly
vanitosetto {adj} :: rather vain or conceited
vanitoso {adj} :: vain, conceited
vanitoso {m} :: A vain or conceited person
vanni {mp} [poetic, often figuratively] /ˈvan.ni/ :: vans, wings
Vanni {prop} /ˈvan.ni/ :: diminutive of Giovanni
vannino {m} :: A one-year-old colt
vano {adj} :: vain, useless, idle
vano {adj} :: quaint
vano {m} :: space, opening, compartment, bay
vano {m} :: room
vantadore {m} :: alternative form of vantatore
vantaggiante {v} :: present participle of vantaggiare
vantaggiare {v} :: alternative form of avvantaggiare
vantaggio {m} :: advantage, vantage
vantaggio {m} :: favour, plus, benefit, edge
vantaggiosamente {adv} :: profitably, advantageously
vantaggiosissimo {adj} :: superlative of vantaggioso
vantaggiosissimo {adj} :: very advantageous
vantaggiosissimo {adj} :: very favorable
vantaggioso {adj} :: advantageous, favourable
vantagione {f} :: alternative form of vantazione
vantamento {m} :: boasting, bragging
vantante {v} :: present participle of vantare
vantantesi {v} :: present participle of vantarsi
vantare {vt} :: to boast or show off
vantare {vt} :: to praise
vantare {vt} :: to claim, lay claim
vantarsi {v} :: reflexive of vantare
vantarsi {vr} :: to boast or brag (about)
vantarsi {vr} :: to show off
vantatore {m} :: braggart
vantatosi {v} :: past participle of vantarsi
vantazione {f} :: boasting, bragging
vanteria {f} /van.teˈri.a/ :: boasting, bragging
vanto {m} :: boast
vanto {m} :: vaunt
vanto {m} :: merit, virtue
Vanuatu {prop} :: Vanuatu
vanvera {f} :: only in a vanvera
Vanvitelli {prop} :: surname
Vanvitelli {prop} :: Luigi Vanvitelli, Italian painter and architect
Vanzago {prop} :: Vanzago (small town)
vapoforno {m} :: steam oven
vaporabile {adj} :: evaporable
vaporabilità {f} :: Property of being evaporable; evaporability
vaporante {v} :: present participle of vaporare
vaporare {v} :: To evaporate
vaporare {v} :: To steam
vaporazione {f} :: evaporation
vaporazione {f} :: inhalation (of medicine etc) with steam
vapore {m} /vaˈpore/ :: steam
vapore {m} :: vapour especially water vapour
vapore acqueo {m} :: water vapor
vaporetto {m} [Venice] :: vaporetto
vaporetto {m} :: steamer
vaporiera {f} :: steam locomotive
vaporiera {f} :: food steamer
vaporimetro {m} :: vaporimeter
vaporissaggio {m} :: evaporation
vaporizzabile {adj} :: That can be vaporized; vaporizable
vaporizzante {v} :: present participle of vaporizzare
vaporizzantesi {v} :: present participle of vaporizzarsi
vaporizzare {vt} :: to vaporize
vaporizzare {vt} :: to atomize [spray perfume]
vaporizzare {vt} :: to spray [e.g. a plant with water]
vaporizzare {vt} :: to steam [treat industrially with steam]
vaporizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of vaporizzare
vaporizzarsi {vr} :: to vaporize, evaporate
vaporizzatore {m} :: spray, atomizer
vaporizzatore {m} :: evaporator
vaporizzatosi {v} :: past participle of vaporizzarsi
vaporizzatura {f} :: steaming (treatment of textiles)
vaporizzazione {f} :: evaporation
vaporosamente {adv} :: flimsily, gauzily, fluffily
vaporosità {f} :: flimsiness, gauziness, fluffiness
vaporoso {adj} :: flimsy, gauzy, fluffy, vaporous
Vara {prop} :: Vara (river)
varabile {adj} :: launchable
Varaita {prop} :: A tributary of the Po river in Piemonte
varamento {m} :: launching, launch
varamento {m} :: The putting into place of the prefabricated parts of a building
varano {m} :: monitor lizard
Varano {prop} :: Any of several villages throughout Italy
Varano {prop} :: surname
varante {v} :: present participle of varare
varare {vt} [nautical] :: to launch
varare {vt} :: to launch, pass, approve
varcabile {adj} :: passable
varcante {v} :: present participle of varcare
varcare {vt} :: to cross, pass
varcare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to exceed, overstep (go beyond)
varcare {vt} [literary] :: to bring or transport somewhere
varcare {vt} :: [of age] to be over
varcare {vt} [archaic or literary] :: to extend from edge to edge
varcare {vit} [archaic or literary] :: to move through water
varcare {vi} [archaic or literary] :: [of time] to go by
varco {m} :: passage, passageway, especially if narrow and hard to cross
varco {m} :: the act of crossing or passing
varco {m} [figurative, euphemism] :: the transition from life to death
varea {f} [nautical] :: yardarm
varecchi {m} :: soda ash derived from seaweed
varecchina {f} :: bleach (sodium hypochlorite solution)
varechina {f} :: bleach, disinfectant (domestic)
varego {adj} :: Varangian
varego {m} :: Varangian
Varese {prop} :: Varese (province)
Varese {prop} :: Varese (capital city)
varesino {adj} :: Of or relating to Varese or the Varese people
varesino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Varese
varesotto {adj} :: Of or from Varese
varesotto {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Varese
variabile {adj} /varˈja.bi.le/ :: changeable, varying, variable, unsteady, unsettled
variabile {f} [mathematics] :: variable, placeholder
variabile nascosta {f} [physics] :: hidden variable
variabilità {f} :: variability
variabilmente {adv} :: variably, changeably
variadico {adj} [mathematics] :: variadic
variago {adj} :: Varangian
variago {m} :: Varangian
varialuce {m} :: dimmer
variamente {adv} :: variously
variamento {m} :: synonym of variazione
variante {v} /vaˈrjante/ :: present participle of variare
variante {f} :: variant
variantemente {adv} :: variably
variantista {mf} :: A philologist who specializes in the variants of a text
variantistica {f} :: The branch of philology concerned with variants of a text
varianza {f} :: variance
variare {v} :: to change, to vary, to diversify
variatamente {adv} :: varyingly (with variety or variation)
variato {adj} :: varied
variatore {m} :: variator
variatore {m} :: changer, converter (electrical)
variazionale {adj} :: variational
variazione {f} :: variation (all senses)
variazione {f} :: change
varice {f} [medicine] :: varicose vein
varicella {f} [disease] :: chickenpox, varicella
varicelloso {adj} :: chickenpox (attributive); suffering from chickenpox
varichina {f} :: alternative form of varechina
varicosità {f} :: varicosis, varicosity
varicoso {adj} :: varicose
varie ed eventuali {phrase} :: any other business
variegatissimo {adj} :: superlative of variegato
variegato {adj} :: variegated, motley, pied
variegato {adj} :: diversified, varied
variegato {adj} :: checkered
variente {f} :: variant
varietà {f} :: variety
varietà {f} :: difference
varietà {f} [mathematics] :: manifold
varietà {m} :: variety show
varietà {m} :: variety theatre
varietà {m} :: cabaret
varietale {adj} :: varietal
varifocale {adj} [optics] :: multifocal, varifocal
variforme {adj} :: variform
vario {adj} /ˈva.rjo/ :: varied, various
vario {m} :: diversity
variografo {m} :: A variometer equipped with a recorder
variolato {adj} :: speckled
variolizzazione {f} /va.rjo.lid.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: alternative form of vaiolizzazione
variometro {m} [aviation] /vaˈrjɔ.me.tro/ :: variometer, rate-of-climb indicator
variopinto {adj} :: multicolored, varicolored
variopinto {adj} :: pied
varisico {adj} :: Variscan
varismo {m} [pathology] :: varus deformity
varistore {m} [physics] :: varistor
varmetro {m} :: varmeter
varo {m} [nautical] :: launch, launching
varo {m} :: launching, passing
Varo {prop} :: Varus
Varo {prop} :: The river Var, that flows in France
Varrone {prop} :: Varro
varroniano {adj} :: Varronian
Varsavia {prop} /varˈsa.vja/ :: Varsavia (capital city)
varsaviano {adj} :: Varsovian
varsaviano {m} :: Varsovian
varvassino {m} :: synonym of valvassino
varvassore {m} :: synonym of valvassore
vasaia {f} :: female equivalent of vasaio
vasaio {m} :: potter
vasale {adj} :: vascular
Vasari {prop} :: surname
Vasari {prop} :: Giorgio Vasari, Italian artist and art historian
vasariano {adj} :: Vasarian, Of or relating to Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574), Italian painter, architect, writer, and historian
vasaro {m} :: synonym of vasaio
vasca {f} :: basin, pond, tank, tub, vat
vasca {f} :: bath, bathtub, tub
vasca {f} :: length [length of a swimming pool]
vasca da bagno {f} :: bathtub
vascellino {m} :: A small barrel, made of juniper wood, in which balsamic vinegar is matured
vascello {m} /vaʃˈʃɛl.lo/ :: vessel, ship; especially a large warship in use during the 18th century
vaschetta {f} :: diminutive of vasca
vaschetta {f} :: tub
vaschetta {f} :: basin, small basin
Vasco {prop} :: given name
vascolare {adj} [anatomy, botany] :: vascular
vascolare {adj} :: vase (attributive)
vascolarizzato {adj} :: vascularized
vascolarizzato {adj} :: vascular
vascolarizzazione {f} [anatomy] :: vascularization
vascolo {m} :: vasculum
vascolopatia {f} [pathology] :: vasculopathy
vascoloso {adj} [anatomy] :: vascular
vasculite {f} [pathology] :: vasculitis
vasculopatia {f} [disease] :: vasculopathy
vasculopatico {adj} [medicine] :: vasculopathic
vasectomia {f} [surgery] :: vasectomy
vasectomizzante {v} :: present participle of vasectomizzare
vasectomizzare {v} :: To vasectomize
vaselina {f} :: petroleum jelly, vaseline
vasellaio {m} :: synonym of vasaio
vasellame {m} :: crockery
vasellame {m} :: glassware
vasellamento {m} :: synonym of vasellame
vasellina {f} :: Variant of vaselina
vasello {m} :: diminutive of vaso
vasello {m} :: A small jar or vase
vasello {m} :: The small container of water that the priest uses at Mass, to cleanse his fingers before touching the consecrated host
vaseria {f} :: A collection of pots, especially those used for pot plants
vasetto {m} :: diminutive of vaso
vasetto {m} :: jar
vasetto {m} :: pot or small pot
vaso {m} :: jar, pot
vaso {m} :: vase
vasoattivo {adj} [medicine] :: vasoactive
vasocostrittore {adj} [medicine] :: vasoconstricting, vasoconstrictive
vasocostrizione {f} [medicine] :: vasoconstriction
vaso da notte {m} :: chamber pot
vaso deferente {m} [anatomy] :: vas deferens
vasodilatatore {adj} [medicine] /ˌva.so.di.la.taˈto.re/ :: vasodilatory
vasodilatazione {f} [medicine] /ˌva.so.di.la.taˈt͡si.o.ne/ :: vasodilation
vasoformative {adj} :: vasoformative
vasomotilità {f} [physiology] :: vasomotility, vasomotion
vasomotore {adj} [physiology, pharmacology] :: vasomotor
vasomotorio {adj} :: vasomotor
vasomotricità {f} [physiology] :: vasomotion, vasomotricity
vasopressina {f} [biochemistry] :: vasopressin
vasopressore {adj} [physiology, pharmacology] :: vasopressor
vasopressore {m} [pharmacology] :: vasopressor agent, vasopressor drug
vasopressorio {adj} [physiology, pharmacology] :: vasopressor
vasoresezione {f} [surgery] :: vasectomy
vaso sanguifero {m} [anatomy] :: blood vessel
vaso sanguigno {m} [anatomy] :: blood vessel
vasospasmo {m} [pathology] :: vasospasm
vasospastico {adj} :: vasospastic
vassallaggio {m} :: vassalage
vassallaggio {m} :: servitude, bondage
vassallatico {adj} :: vassal (attributive)
vassallesco {adj} :: vassalic
vassallo {m} :: vassal
vassallo {adj} :: vassalic
vassello {m} :: synonym of vascello
vassoiata {f} :: trayful
vassoio {m} :: tray, platter, cabaret
vastamente {adv} :: vastly, hugely, immensely
vastasata {f} :: A type of 18th-century Sicilian farce
vastaso {m} :: synonym of facchino
vastese {adj} :: Of or from Vasto
vastezza {f} :: vastness
vastissimo {adj} /vasˈtis.si.mo/ :: superlative of vasto
vastità {f} :: vastness
vasto {adj} :: vast
Vasto {prop} :: Vasto (town)
vate {m} [literary] :: prophet, fortune-teller
vate {m} [figuratively] :: an inspired or prophetic poet or other writer; vates
vaticanista {mf} :: Vatican correspondent
vaticano {adj} :: Vatican [attributive]
Vaticano {prop} :: the Vatican
vaticinante {v} :: present participle of vaticinare
vaticinare {vt} :: to predict, foretell, spell, forebode
vaticinato {adj} :: predicted, foretold
vaticinatore {m} :: vaticinator, prophet
vaticinazione {f} :: divination, prediction
vattelapesca {adv} :: who knows, God knows
vattelappesca {adv} :: Variant of vattelapesca
vattene {interj} :: shoo!, clear off!, go away!
Vattimo {prop} :: surname
vau {mf} /vau̯/ :: waw, specifically:
vau {mf} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤅
vau {mf} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter ו
Vaud {prop} :: Vaud (canton)
Vc. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violoncello
ve {pron} :: alternative form of vi
vecchia {f} /ˈvɛk.kja/ :: An old woman
vecchiaccia {f} /vekˈkjat.t͡ʃa/ :: pejorative of vecchia: crone, hag
vecchiaccio {m} /vekˈkjat.t͡ʃo/ :: pejorative of vecchio: geezer (old man, especially a grumpy one)
vecchiaia {f} /vekˈkja.ja/ :: old age
vecchiardo {m} :: (grumpy) old man
vecchiarello {m} :: alternative form of vecchierello
vecchierella {f} /vek.kjeˈrɛl.la/ :: diminutive of vecchia: little old woman
vecchierello {m} /vek.kjeˈrɛl.lo/ :: diminutive of vecchio: little old man
vecchietta {f} /vekˈkjet.ta/ :: diminutive of vecchia: little old woman
vecchietto {m} /vekˈkjet.to/ :: diminutive of vecchio: little old man
vecchiezza {f} [literary] /vekˈkjet.t͡sa/ :: old age
vecchina {f} :: (little) old woman
vecchio {adj} /ˈvɛk.kjo/ :: old, outworn
vecchio {adj} :: old-fashioned, out-of-date
vecchio {adj} :: mature, ripe
vecchio {m} :: An old man
vecchio {m} /ˈvek.kjo/ :: only used in vecchio marino
vecchio marino {m} /ˈvek.kjo maˈri.no/ :: synonym of foca
vecchiona {f} /vekˈkjo.na/ :: augmentative of vecchia, specifically:
vecchiona {f} :: A very old woman
vecchiona {f} :: An old woman of large build
vecchione {m} /vekˈkjo.ne/ :: augmentative of vecchio, specifically:
vecchione {m} :: A very old man
vecchione {m} :: An old man of large build
vecchio rammollito {m} :: Variant of vecchio rincoglionito
vecchio rincoglionito {m} :: old fart
vecchio rincoglionito {m} :: geezer
vecchio stampo {adj} :: old school
vecchio stampo {m} :: old school
vecchiotto {adj} /vekˈkjɔt.to/ :: somewhat old
vecchissimo {adj} :: superlative of vecchio
vecchiume {m} /vekˈkju.me/ :: old rubbish or junk
veccia {f} :: vetch
vecciato {adj} :: Made with, or mixed with vetch
vecciola {f} :: wild vetch
veccione {m} :: spring vetch (Lathyrus vernus)
veccioso {adj} :: synonym of vecciato
vecciule {m} :: vetch stem (used as fodder)
vece {f} :: change
vece {f} :: vicissitude
Vecellio {prop} :: surname
Vecoli {prop} :: surname
vedantino {adj} :: Vedantic
vedente {v} :: present participle of vedere
vedente {adj} :: seeing
vedente {adj} :: sighted
vedentesi {v} :: present participle of vedersi
veder {v} :: apocopic form of vedere
vederci {v} :: to possess the faculty of sight
vedere {v} /veˈde.re/ :: to see
vedere {v} :: to look at
vedere {v} :: to find out
vedere {v} :: to meet
vedere {v} :: to visit
vedere {v} :: to grasp (an idea)
vedere doppio {v} :: to see double
vedere la luce {v} :: to see the light
vedere la pagliuzza negli occhi degli altri e non la trave nei suoi {v} :: to see the mote in others’ eyes but not the beam in his own
vedere rosso {v} :: to see red
vedersi {v} :: reflexive of vedere
vedersi {vr} :: to see oneself or each other
vedersi {vr} :: to realize, find oneself, be
vedersi {vr} :: to show (be visible)
vedetta {f} :: lookout (person on guard)
vedetta {f} :: patrol ship
vedette {f} :: star (actress)
vedibile {adj} :: seeable
vedico {adj} :: Vedic
vedi infra {phrase} :: see below
vedi Napoli e poi muori {proverb} /ˌve.di ˈna.po.li e‿pˌpɔi ˈmwɔ.ri/ :: see Naples and die (nothing compares to the beauty of Naples, so you can die after you've seen it)
vedismo {m} :: Vedism
veditore {m} :: observer, spectator
veditore {m} :: overseer
vedova {f} :: widow
vedova bianca {f} :: A woman whose husband is living abroad, a grass widow
vedovaggio {m} /ve.doˈvad.d͡ʒo/ :: widowhood
vedova nera {f} [arachnid] :: black widow
vedova nobile {f} :: dowager
vedovante {v} :: present participle of vedovare
vedovanza {f} /ve.doˈvan.t͡sa/ :: widowhood
vedovare {v} :: To widow
vedovare {v} :: To deprive, divest
vedovella {f} :: young widow
vedovella {f} :: sweet scabious, mourning bride (Sixalix atropurpurea, syn. Scabiosa atropurpurea)
vedovella {f} :: titi (Callicebus torquatus)
vedovile {adj} :: widow / widower (attributive)
vedovile {m} :: dower
vedovina {f} :: Young widow
vedovina {f} :: scabious (plant)
vedovità {f} :: widowhood
vedovo {adj} :: widowed
vedovo {m} :: widower
vedretta {f} :: hanging-cirque glacier
veduità {f} :: widowhood (Variant of vedovità)
veduta {f} :: view, vista, panorama
vedute grette {f} {p} [idiom] :: synonym of vedute ristrette
vedute ristrette {f} {p} [idiom] :: inward-looking perspective; closed-mindedness, parochialism, insularity
vedute strette {f} {p} [idiom] :: synonym of vedute ristrette
vedutismo {m} [arts] :: landscape painting
vedutista {mf} [arts] :: landscape painter
vedutosi {v} :: past participle of vedersi
vee-jay {mf} :: veejay
veemente {adj} :: vehement, keen
veemente {adj} :: vigorous
veemente {adj} :: overwhelming
veementemente {adv} :: vehemently
veemenza {f} :: vehemence
Vega {prop} :: Vega
vegana {f} :: female equivalent of vegano
veganesimo {m} :: alternative form of veganismo
veganismo {m} :: veganism
vegano {adj} :: vegan (relating to vegans or veganism)
vegano {m} :: vegan (person who follows a vegan diet)
vegetabile {adj} :: That can vegetate
vegetabile {adj} [obsolete] :: Variant of vegetale
vegetabile {m} [obsolete] :: Variant of vegetale
vegetabilità {f} :: Property of what can vegetate
vegetale {m} :: vegetable
vegetale {adj} :: vegetable
vegetalianismo {m} :: alternative form of veganismo
vegetaliano {m} :: vegetalian, vegan
vegetaliano {adj} :: vegetalian, vegan
vegetante {v} :: present participle of vegetare
vegetare {vt} :: to vegetate
vegetarianesimo {m} :: alternative form of vegetarismo
vegetarianismo {m} :: alternative form of vegetarismo
vegetariano {m} :: vegetarian
vegetariano {adj} :: vegetarian
vegetarismo {m} :: vegetarianism
vegetativo {adj} :: vegetative (all senses)
vegetazionale {adj} :: vegetation (attributive)
vegetazione {f} :: vegetation
vegeto {adj} :: luxuriant, thriving
vegeto {adj} :: healthy, vigorous
vegetoanimale {adj} :: vegetoanimal
vegetominerale {adj} :: vegetomineral
Vegezio {prop} :: Vegetius
veggente {v} :: present participle of vedere
veggente {mf} :: seer, clairvoyant
veggentesi {v} :: present participle of vedersi
veggenza {f} :: clairvoyance
vegghia {f} :: alternative form of veglia
veggia {f} :: barrel
veggia {f} :: barrelful
veggiante {v} :: present participle of veggiare
veggiare {v} :: alternative form of vegliare
veggio {m} :: hot water bottle (made from terracotta)
veglia {f} :: vigil, watch
veglia {f} :: An all-night party or other gathering
veglia {f} :: wake, arval
veglia {f} :: a period after a person's death before the body is buried
Veglia {prop} :: Veglia (island)
vegliante {v} :: present participle of vegliare
vegliarda {f} :: respected old woman
vegliardo {m} :: A respected old man
vegliare {vt} :: to watch over
vegliare {vi} :: to stay up; to keep a vigil
vegliatore {m} :: A person who keeps a vigil
veglievolmente {adv} :: wakefully, vigilantly
veglio {adj} /ˈvɛʎ.ʎo/ :: old
veglio {m} :: old man
veglio {m} :: obsolete form of vello
veglione {m} :: all-night party or celebration (especially one held on New Year's Eve)
veglionissimo {m} :: A particularly solemn all-night celebration
vegnente {adj} :: alternative form of veniente
vehemente {adj} :: obsolete form of veemente
veicolante {v} :: present participle of veicolare
veicolare {adj} :: vehicular (both senses); vehicle [attributive]
veicolare {adj} :: transmissive
veicolare {vt} [medicine] :: to transmit [a disease, etc.]
veicolare {vt} [figuratively] :: to spread [an idea, etc.]
veicolazione {f} :: vehiculation
veicolo {m} /ve.ˈi.ko.lo/ :: vehicle
veicolo {m} :: carrier (of germs etc.)
veicolo spaziale {m} :: spacecraft
Veio {prop} :: Veii (Etruscan site)
veivolo {m} :: Variant of velivolo
vela {f} [nautical] :: sail
vela {f} [nautical, sports] :: sailing
velabile {adj} :: That can be veiled or clouded
velacciere {m} [nautical] :: barquentine
velaccino {m} [nautical] :: fore-topgallant (sail)
velaccio {m} [nautical] :: topgallant
velaio {m} [nautical] :: sailmaker
vela maestra {f} [nautical] :: mainsail
velame {m} [literary, figuratively] /veˈla.me/ :: veil, covering
velante {v} :: present participle of velare
velantesi {v} :: present participle of velarsi
vela quadra {f} [nautical] :: square sail
velare {adj} [anatomy, phonetics] /veˈla.re/ :: velar
velare {vt} :: to veil, shroud, cover
velario {m} :: velarium
velario {m} :: curtain
velarizzante {v} :: present participle of velarizzare
velarizzare {vt} :: to velarize
velarizzazione {f} [phonetics] :: velarization
velarsi {v} :: reflexive of velare
velarsi {vr} :: to become veiled or covered
velatamente {adv} :: veiled
velatamente {adv} :: covertly
velatamente {adv} :: mistily
velatino {m} :: A light, stiffened fabric used for modelling women's clothes
velatino {m} :: A gauze filter used in cinematography to give a soft image
velato {adj} :: veiled
velato {adj} :: sheer (stockings etc)
velatosi {v} :: past participle of velarsi
velatura {f} :: covering, veiling
velatura {f} :: a filmy layer
velatura {f} :: opacity (of wine)
velatura {f} :: the sails of a ship considered as a whole
velatura {f} :: the wings etc of an aircraft considered as a whole
veleggiamento {m} :: sailing
veleggiamento {m} :: soaring, gliding, sailplaning
veleggiante {v} :: present participle of veleggiare
veleggiare {vi} :: to sail
veleggiare {vi} :: to glide
veleggiatore {m} :: sailplane
veleggiatore {m} :: glider
velenifero {adj} :: venomous
velenifero {adj} :: poisonous (especially such a snake)
veleno {m} /veˈle.no/ :: poison
velenosamente {adv} :: poisonously
velenosamente {adv} :: acrimoniously, sharply, bitterly
velenosissimo {adj} :: superlative of velenoso
velenosità {f} :: poisonous nature
velenoso {adj} :: poisonous
veleria {f} :: sail loft
veleria {f} [nautical] :: sails
veletta {f} :: veil (of a hat)
velettante {v} :: present participle of velettare
velettare {v} :: To wear a veil (during mourning etc)
velia {f} /ˈvɛ.lja/ :: alternative form of averla
velico {adj} :: sailing (attributive)
veliero {m} [nautical] :: sailing ship
velificio {m} :: sail factory, sail loft
velina {f} :: tissue paper
velina {f} :: carbon paper, more properly carta velina
velina {f} :: tissue (paper handkerchief)
velina {f} :: TV showgirl
velina {f} :: press release, handout (originally carbon copies sent to news media during Musolinis regime)
velinante {v} :: present participle of velinare
velinare {v} :: To print an official press release (typically as ordered by government)
velinaro {m} :: A journalist who publishes government statements without questioning them
Velino {prop} :: Velino (river)
velismo {m} [sports] :: sailing
velista {mf} :: sailor, yachtsman
velite {m} /ˈvɛ.li.te/ :: velite
velivolo {m} :: aircraft
velivolo {adj} :: aircraft (attributive)
velivolo {adj} :: of or relating to a body of water that is crossed by ships
velle {m} /ˈvɛl.le/ :: will, volition
velleità {f} :: fancy, velleity
velleità {f} :: vain ambition, fanciful ambition
velleitariamente {adv} :: fancifully, unrealistically
velleitario {adj} :: overambitious, fanciful, unrealistic
velleitarismo {m} :: wishful thinking
vellerismo {m} /vel.leˈris.mo/ :: alternative form of wellerismo
velletrano {adj} :: Of or from Velletri
Velletri {prop} :: Velletri (town)
vellicamento {m} :: tickling
vellicamento {m} :: tickle
vellicante {v} :: present participle of vellicare
vellicare {v} :: to tickle
vellicare {v} :: to titillate
vellicazione {f} :: tickling
vellicazione {f} :: titillation
vellichio {m} :: A tickling feeling
vello {m} :: hair, fur
vello {m} :: fleece
velloso {adj} :: hairy
velloso {adj} :: fleecy
vellutante {v} :: present participle of vellutare
vellutare {vt} :: To give a velvet finish to textiles
vellutata {f} :: velouté (sauce)
vellutata {f} :: a thick soup, or a soup of creamy consistency (but usually not made with cream), e.g. vellutata di piselli (pea soup) or vellutata di zucca (pumpkin soup)
vellutato {adj} :: velvety
vellutato {adj} :: mellow
vellutatrice {f} :: napping machine
vellutatura {f} :: napping (process of raising the nap on cloth)
vellutino {m} :: light velvet (material)
vellutino {m} :: velvet ribbon
vellutino {m} :: birthwort (of genus Aristolochia)
velluto {m} :: velvet (material)
velma {f} :: A small, semi-submerged island
velo {m} :: veil
velo {m} [anatomy] :: velum
veloce {adj} /veˈlo.tʃe/ :: fast, quick, speedy, rapid
veloce {adj} :: [figuratively] cursory
velocemente {adv} :: quickly, speedily, fast, rapidly
velocipedastro {m} [rare, familar, pejorative] :: bad cyclist who is a danger to others
velocipede {m} :: velocipede
velocipedista {mf} :: velocipedist
velociraptor {m} [dinosaurs] :: velociraptor
velocissimamente {adv} :: superlative of velocemente - Very fastly
velocissimo {adj} :: superlative of veloce
velocista {mf} [sports] :: sprinter
velocità {f} :: speed, velocity, rate, pace, rapidity
velocità {f} [athletics, cycle racing] :: sprint (race)
velocità angolare {f} [mathematics, physics] :: angular velocity
velocità della luce {f} [physics] :: speed of light
velocità del suono {f} [physics] :: speed of sound
velocità di fuga {f} [astrophysics] :: escape velocity
velocità di rotazione {f} :: alternative form of velocità angolare
velocità radiale {f} [astronomy] :: radial velocity
velocizzante {v} :: present participle of velocizzare
velocizzantesi {v} :: present participle of velocizzarsi
velocizzare {vt} :: to speed up, quicken
velocizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of velocizzare
velocizzarsi {vr} :: to speed up, quicken
velocizzatosi {v} :: past participle of velocizzarsi
velocizzazione {f} :: speeding up, acceleration
velocrespo {m} :: chiffon
velocross {m} [sports] :: cross-country cycling
velodromo {m} :: velodrome
velopendulo {m} :: soft palate
velopendulo {m} :: palatine uvula
veltra {f} [literary, rare] /ˈvɛl.tra/ :: female equivalent of veltro
veltro {m} [literary] /ˈvɛl.tro/ :: greyhound [male]
Veltroni {prop} :: surname
Veltroni {prop} :: Walter Veltroni, Italian politician
veltroniano {adj} :: Of or relating to Italian politician Walter Veltroni
veltroniano {m} :: A supporter of Walter Veltroni
vemente {adj} :: alternative form of veemente
vemenza {f} :: alternative form of veemenza
vemenzia {f} :: alternative form of veemenza
vena {f} [anatomy, botany, zoology] :: vein (all senses)
vena {f} :: grain (of wood)
vena {f} :: talent, aptitude, gift, bent
vena {f} :: inspiration
vena {f} :: inclination, desire
vena {f} :: lode, seam (of a mineral)
venabulo {m} /veˈna.bu.lo/ :: spit (for roasting)
vena cava {f} [anatomy] :: vena cava
vena cava inferiore {f} [anatomy] :: inferior vena cava
vena cava superiore {f} [anatomy] :: superior vena cava
Venafro {prop} :: Venafro (town)
venagione {m} [obsolete] /ve.naˈd͡ʒo.ne/ :: hunting
vena giugulare {f} [anatomy] :: jugular vein
venale {adj} :: venal
venale {adj} :: market, selling (attributive)
venale {adj} :: commercial
venalità {f} :: venality
venalmente {adv} :: venally
venamento {m} :: synonym of venatura
Venanzio {prop} :: given name
vena porta {f} [anatomy] :: portal vein
venardì {m} :: alternative form of venerdì
venare {vt} /veˈna.re/ :: To cover with veins of streaks (e.g. marble, wood etc.)
vena safena {f} [anatomy] :: saphenous vein
venato {adj} :: veined, streaked (marble etc)
venato {adj} :: grained (wood)
venatorio {adj} /ve.naˈtɔr.jo/ :: hunting (attributive)
venatura {f} :: vein or streak (in marble etc)
venatura {f} :: grain (of wood)
vena varicosa {f} [pathology] :: varicose vein
venazione {f} [botany] :: venation
Venceslao {prop} :: Wenceslaus, Wenceslas
vendemmia {f} :: grape harvest
vendemmiabile {adj} :: That can be harvested (of grapes)
vendemmiaio {m} [historical] /ven.demˈmja.jo/ :: Vendémiaire (the first month of the French Republican Calendar)
vendemmiale {adj} :: grape-harvest, vintage (attributive)
vendemmiale {m} [rare] :: synonym of vendemmiaio
vendemmiante {v} :: present participle of vendemmiare
vendemmiare {vit} :: to harvest grapes
vendemmiatore {m} :: grape picker, reaper or harvester
vendemmiatore {m} [rare, masculine only] :: synonym of vendemmiaio
vendemmiatrice {f} :: harvester (machine)
vendente {v} :: present participle of vendere
vendentesi {v} :: present participle of vendersi
vendere {v} /ˈvendere/ :: to sell
vendereccio {adj} :: saleable
vendersi {v} :: reflexive of vendere
vendersi {vr} :: to sell [, of a product]
vendersi {vr} :: to prostitute (sell oneself)
vendesi {adv} :: for sale
vendesi {m} :: for-sale sign or announcement
vendetta {f} /venˈdet.ta/ :: revenge, vengeance
Vendetti {prop} :: surname
vendibile {adj} :: saleable, salable
vendibilità {f} :: saleability
vendicabile {adj} /ven.diˈka.bi.le/ :: that can be avenged; avengeable
vendicante {v} :: present participle of vendicare
vendicantesi {v} :: present participle of vendicarsi
vendicare {vt} :: to avenge or revenge
vendicarsi {v} :: reflexive of vendicare
vendicarsi {v} [di, su, con] :: to revenge or avenge oneself
vendicativamente {adv} :: vindictively
vendicatività {f} /ven.di.ka.ti.viˈta/ :: vengefulness, vindictiveness
vendicativo {adj} /ven.di.kaˈti.vo/ :: vindictive
vendicato {adj} /ven.diˈka.to/ :: avenged; that has been avenged
vendicatore {adj} :: avenging
vendicatore {m} :: avenger, revenger, vindicator
vendicatosi {v} :: past participle of vendicarsi
vendicatrice {f} :: avenger, revenger, vindicator
vendicchiante {v} :: present participle of vendicchiare
vendicchiare {v} :: To sell little, or for little profit
vendichevole {adj} /ven.diˈke.vo.le/ :: that avenges; avenging
vendifrottole {mf} :: liar
vendifumo {m} [colloquial] :: one who tries to cheat others by boasting about a nonexistent ability or unrealistic possibility; snake oil salesman, swindler
vendita {f} /ˈven.di.ta/ :: sale
vendita {f} :: shop
vendita {f} [football] :: transfer (of a player, between clubs)
vendita {f} :: A cell of Carbonari
vendita al dettaglio {f} :: retail sale
vendita di oggetti usati {f} :: rummage sale
venditore {m} :: seller, vendor, monger, purveyor
venditrice {f} :: female equivalent of venditore
Venditti {prop} :: surname
Venditti {prop} :: Antonello Venditti, Italian singer and songwriter
-vendolo {suffix} :: used to form nouns that mean a person who sells a specified product
venducchiante {v} :: present participle of venducchiare
venducchiare {v} :: alternative form of vendicchiare
vendutissimo {adj} :: superlative of venduto
venduto {adj} :: corrupt
vendutosi {v} :: past participle of vendersi
Venedico {prop} [rare] :: given name
venefico {adj} :: poisonous
venefico {adj} :: harmful
venenosità {f} :: Variant of velenosità
venenoso {adj} :: alternative form of velenoso
venentesi {v} :: present participle of venirsi
Venera {prop} :: given name
venerabile {adj} /ve.neˈra.bi.le/ :: venerable
venerabilità {f} :: venerability
venerabilmente {adv} :: venerably
Veneranda {prop} :: given name
venerando {adj} :: venerable
venerante {v} :: present participle of venerare
venerare {vt} :: to venerate, revere
veneratore {m} :: venerator
venerazione {f} :: veneration, reverence, worship
venerdì {m} /venerˈdi/ :: Friday
Venerdì Santo {prop} :: Good Friday
venere {f} :: a beautiful woman
venere {f} :: a prostitute
Venere {prop} /ˈvɛ.ne.re/ :: [astronomy] Venus (planet)
Venere {prop} [mythology, Roman god] :: Venus (Roman goddess)
venereamente {adv} :: venereally
venereamente {adv} :: sensually, lasciviously
venereo {adj} [pathology] :: venereal
venereologia {f} [medicine] :: venereology
venerevole {adj} :: venerable
venerevolmente {adv} :: venerably
veneriano {adj} :: Venusian
veneriano {m} :: Venusian
veneticità {f} :: The spirit or characteristics of the Veneto
venetico {adj} :: Venetic
venetico {m} :: Venetic
veneto {adj} :: of Veneto (region of Italy); from Veneto
veneto {m} :: native or inhabitant of Veneto
veneto {m} :: Venetian (language)
Veneto {prop} /ˈvɛ.ne.to/ :: Veneto (region)
Venezia {prop} /veˈnɛttsja/ :: Venezia (capital city)
Venezia {prop} :: Venezia (metropolitan city)
Venezia {prop} :: The letter V in the Italian phonetic alphabet
Venezia Giulia {prop} /veˈnɛtt͡sja ˈd͡ʒulja/ :: Venezia Giulia (historic region)
veneziana {f} :: feminine noun of veneziano
venezianità {f} :: The property of being Venetian, Venetian spirit or essence
veneziano {adj} :: Venetian
veneziano {m} :: Venetian (male person)
veneziano {m} :: Venetian (form or Venetian language spoken in Venice)
Veneziano {prop} :: surname
Venezuela {prop} /veneddzuˈɛla/ :: Venezuela (country)
venezuelana {f} :: female equivalent of venezuelano
venezuelano {adj} :: Venezuelan
venezuelano {m} :: Venezuelan
vengiante {v} :: present participle of vengiare
vengiare {v} /venˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: to avenge
veniale {adj} :: venial [sin]
veniale {adj} :: pardonable, excusable
venialità {f} :: veniality, the property of quality of being venial or excusable
venialmente {adv} :: venially
venialmente {adv} :: pardonably, excusably
veniente {adj} :: coming, next
Venier {prop} :: surname
Venier {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
venir {v} :: apocopic form of venire
venire {vi} :: to come
venire {vi} :: to move further or nearer to
venire {vi} :: to arrive
venire {vi} :: to manifest itself
venire {vi} :: to take position
venire {vi} :: (with da) to originate (from)
venire {vi} [vulgar, slang] :: to ejaculate
venire {vi} :: to come to
venire {vi} :: to come to mind
venire {vi} :: to result
venire {vi} :: to complete or be able to accomplish
venire {vi} [familiar] :: to cost
venire {vi} :: (with di/da + inf.) to be compelled (to do); to have an impulse (to do)
venire {vi} :: to be (see usage notes)
venire {vi} :: [of a person] to be born
venire {vi} :: [of a plant] to come out of the ground; to spring up
venire {vi} :: to complete successfully; to come out; to end up
venire {vi} :: to there be
venire ai fatti {v} :: to bring about, specify
venire al dunque {v} :: to cut to the chase
venire al dunque {v} :: to get down to brass tacks
venire alla luce {v} :: to come up
venire alla luce {v} :: to emerge
venire allo scoperto {v} :: to come out
venire al mondo {v} :: to be born (Literally "to come into the world")
venire al punto {v} :: to get to the point
venire al sodo {v} :: to get down to brass tacks
venire al sodo {v} :: to cut to the chase
venire a mancare {v} :: to disappear
venire a mancare {v} :: to pass away
venire a patti {v} :: to come to terms
venire dal niente {v} :: to be a self-made man
venire fuori {v} :: to come up
venire fuori {v} :: to emerge
venire fuori senza un graffio {v} :: to emerge unscathed (from an accident)
venire in aiuto {v} :: to come to someone's aid / come to someone's rescue (help/rescue someone)
venire meno {vi} [also, hyperbolic] :: to faint
venire meno {vi} :: to no longer exist; to cease
venire meno {vi} :: to ebb; to fade away; to become less
venire meno {vi} :: to be insufficient or not enough; to fail
venire meno {v} [a] :: to break [a commitment] or renege (on) [a promise]
venire meno {vt} :: to break; to violate
venirsi {v} :: reflexive of venire
venirsi {v} :: to come, arrive
veniticcio {adj} :: alternative form of avventizio
Venoge {prop} :: Venoge (river) that flows into Lake Geneva
Venosa {prop} :: Venosa (town)
venosino {adj} :: Of or from Venosa
venosità {f} :: venosity
venoso {adj} [anatomy] :: venous
venostano {adj} :: Of or from Val Venosta
ventaccio {m} :: very strong wind
ventaglia {f} :: ventail
ventagliaio {m} :: fan maker or seller
ventagliante {v} :: present participle of ventagliare
ventagliare {v} :: to fan
ventaglio {m} :: fan (hand-held device)
ventaglio {m} [figuratively] :: series, range
ventarola {f} :: fire fan
ventarola {f} :: weathercock
ventata {f} :: gust, windflaw
ventata {f} :: blow
ventata {f} [figuratively] :: a sudden and ephemeral surge
ventatura {f} :: rigging (set of wires and cables used to stabilize a structure (e.g. on a radio mast, but not nautical meaning))
ventavolo {m} :: north wind
ventennale {adj} :: Taking place every twenty years
ventennale {adj} :: Lasting twenty years
ventennale {m} :: A twentieth anniversary
ventenne {adj} :: twenty-year-old
ventenne {mf} :: twenty-year-old
ventennio {m} :: a period of twenty years
ventennio {m} [historical, with definite article] :: the twenty years of Fascist rule in Italy (1922-1943)
ventesimo {adj} :: twentieth
ventesimo {m} :: twentieth (the one in 20th position)
ventesimo {m} :: twentieth (fraction)
venti {adj} /ˈven.ti/ :: twenty
venti {num} :: twenty
venticello {m} /ven.tiˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: breeze
venticinque {adj} /ven.tiˈt͡ʃin.kwe/ :: twenty-five
venticinque {num} :: twenty-five
venticinquemila {adj} :: twenty-five thousand
venticinquemila {num} :: twenty-five thousand
venticinquemilanovecento {adj} :: twenty-five thousand nine hundred
venticinquemilanovecento {num} :: twenty-five thousand nine hundred
venticinquennale {adj} :: That lasts twenty-five years
venticinquennale {adj} :: That happens every twenty-five years
venticinquennale {m} :: A twenty-five year anniversary
venticinquenne {adj} :: twenty-five-year-old
venticinquenne {mf} :: twenty-five-year-old
venticinquennio {m} :: A period of twenty-five years
venticinquennio {m} :: A twenty-fifth anniversary
venticinquesimo {adj} :: twenty-fifth
venticinquesimo {m} :: twenty-fifth
venticinquina {f} :: A collection of twenty-five things
venticinquina {f} [by extension] :: About, or roughly twenty-five
ventidue {adj} :: twenty-two
ventidue {num} :: twenty-two
ventidue {m} :: twenty-two (a .22 calibre pistol or rifle)
ventiduenne {adj} :: twenty-two-year-old
ventiduenne {mf} :: twenty-two-year-old
ventiduesimo {adj} :: twenty-second
ventiduesimo {m} :: twenty-second
ventiera {f} :: ventilation tower (that opens onto a roof, to ventilate rooms below)
ventilabro {m} :: An agricultural tool in the form of a fan used to separate grain from chaff
ventilamento {m} :: synonym of ventilazione
ventilante {v} :: present participle of ventilare
ventilare {vt} :: to ventilate, air
ventilato {adj} :: airy, windy, ventilated
ventilato {adj} :: (of an oven) fan (attributive)
ventilatore {m} :: fan (device for moving air)
ventilatorio {adj} :: ventilatory
ventilatorista {mf} :: ventilation engineer / installer
ventilazione {f} :: ventilation
Ventimiglia {prop} /ven.tiˈmiʎ.ʎa/ :: Ventimiglia (city)
ventimigliese {adj} :: Of, or from, Ventimiglia (town in Liguria)
ventimigliese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Ventimiglia
ventimila {adj} :: twenty thousand
ventimila {num} :: twenty thousand
ventimillesimo {adj} :: twenty-thousandth
ventimillesimo {m} [ordinal numbers] :: twenty-thousandth
ventina {f} :: a score (of)
ventina {f} :: about twenty; twentyish
ventino {m} :: twenty-cent coin
ventinove {adj} :: twenty-nine
ventinove {num} :: twenty-nine
ventinovennale {adj} :: That lasts for twenty-nine years
ventinovennale {adj} :: That happens every twenty-nine years
ventinovenne {adj} :: twenty-nine-year-old
ventinovenne {mf} :: twenty-nine-year-old
ventinovesimo {adj} :: twenty-ninth
ventinovesimo {m} :: twenty-ninth
ventiquattrenne {adj} :: twenty-four-year-old
ventiquattrenne {mf} :: twenty-four-year-old
ventiquattresimo {adj} /ven.ti.kwatˈtre.zi.mo/ :: twenty-fourth
ventiquattresimo {m} :: twenty-fourth
ventiquattro {adj} /ven.tiˈkwat.tro/ :: twenty-four
ventiquattro {num} :: twenty-four
ventiquattr'ore {f} :: alternative form of ventiquattrore
ventiquattrore {fp} :: 24 hours (period corresponding to a day)
ventiquattrore {f} :: A sports event (such as a race) that lasts 24 hours
ventiquattrore {f} :: A small folder for carrying tickets and other small documents
ventiquattrore {f} :: An overnight bag
ventisei {adj} :: twenty-six
ventisei {num} :: twenty-six
ventiseienne {adj} :: twenty-six-year-old
ventiseienne {mf} :: twenty-six-year-old
ventiseiesimo {adj} :: twenty-sixth
ventiseiesimo {m} :: twenty-sixth
ventisettana {f} /ven.ti.setˈta.na/ :: The 1527 edition of the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio
ventisettana {f} :: The 1827 edition of The Betrothed (Manzoni novel) by Alessandro Manzoni
ventisette {adj} :: twenty-seven
ventisette {num} :: twenty-seven
ventisettemila {adj} :: twenty-seven thousand
ventisettemila {num} :: twenty-seven thousand
ventisettenne {adj} :: twenty-seven-year-old
ventisettenne {mf} :: twenty-seven-year-old
ventisettesimo {adj} :: twenty-seventh
ventisettesimo {m} :: twenty-seventh
ventitré {adj} :: twenty-three
ventitré {num} :: twenty-three
ventitreenne {adj} :: twenty-three-year-old
ventitreenne {mf} :: twenty-three-year-old
ventitreesimo {adj} /ven.ti.treˈe.zi.mo/ :: twenty-third
ventitreesimo {m} :: twenty-third
vento {m} /ˈvɛn.to/ :: wind (movement of air caused by differences in atmospheric pressure)
Vento {prop} :: surname
ventola {f} :: fan, rotor, impeller
ventolante {v} :: present participle of ventolare
ventolare {v} :: alternative form of ventilare
ventolatura {f} :: ventilation
ventolatura {f} :: winnowing
ventosa {f} :: suction cup
ventosa {f} [zoology] :: sucker [organ]
ventosamente {adv} :: windily, breezily
ventosamente {adv} :: conceitedly
ventosità {f} :: windiness
ventoso {adj} [weather] :: windy, breezy
ventoso {adj} :: conceited, inflated
ventoso {m} [historical] :: Ventôse (the sixth month of the French Republican Calendar)
vento solare {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
vento stellare {m} [astronomy] :: stellar wind
Ventotene {prop} :: Ventotene (small island)
ventottenne {adj} :: twenty-eight-year-old
ventottenne {mf} :: twenty-eight-year-old
ventottesimo {adj} :: twenty-eighth
ventottesimo {m} :: twenty-eighth
ventotto {adj} :: twenty-eight
ventotto {num} :: twenty-eight
ventraia {f} :: belly
ventraia {f} :: entrails (of a slaughtered animal), tripe
ventraiuola {f} :: tripe seller (traditionally female)
ventrale {adj} [anatomy] :: abdominal, ventral
ventralista {mf} [sport] :: A high jumper who uses the old "belly-down" (either straddle or Western roll) technique
ventralmente {adv} :: ventrally
ventralmente {adv} :: abdominally
ventrata {f} :: synonym of panciata
ventrata {f} :: bellyful (binge eating)
ventre {m} /ˈvɛn.tre/ :: abdomen, midriff, belly, stomach
ventre {m} :: womb
ventresca {f} :: ventresca
ventresca {f} :: bacon
ventricchio {m} :: synonym of ventriglio
ventricolare {adj} [anatomy] :: ventricular
ventricolo {m} /ven.ˈtri.ko.lo/ :: ventricle
ventricoso {adj} :: ventricose
ventriera {f} :: body belt
ventriera {f} :: corset
ventriglio {m} :: ventriculus, midgut
ventriloquio {m} :: ventriloquism
ventriloquo {adj} :: ventriloquistic
ventriloquo {m} :: ventriloquist
ventrobronco {m} :: ventrobronchus
ventrolaterale {adj} [anatomy] :: ventrolateral
ventromediale {adj} [anatomy] :: ventromedial
ventun {m} :: apocopic form of ventuno
ventun {adj} :: apocopic form of ventuno
ventunenne {adj} :: twenty-one-year-old
ventunenne {mf} :: twenty-one-year-old
ventunesimo {adj} :: twenty-first
ventunesimo {m} :: twenty-first
ventuno {adj} :: twenty-one
ventuno {num} :: twenty-one
ventuno {m} :: twenty-one (card game)
ventunomila {adj} :: twentyone thousand
ventunomila {num} :: twentyone thousand
ventura {f} /venˈtu.ra/ :: destiny, fate, chance
ventura {f} [archaic] :: chance, coincidence, accident
ventura {f} :: fortune, chance, luck
Venturi {prop} :: surname
venturiero {m} :: adventurer
venturiero {m} :: soldier of fortune
venturimetro {m} :: venturi tube
venturo {adj} /venˈtu.ro/ :: next, coming
venturo {adj} :: forthcoming
venturone {m} :: citril finch, Carduelis citrinella
venturone corso {m} :: Corsican finch
venturosamente {adv} :: fortunately, luckily
venturoso {adj} /ven.tuˈro.zo/ :: fortunate, lucky
venusiano {adj} :: Venusian
venusiano {adj} :: Venus (all senses, attributive)
venusiano {m} :: A Venusian (male or of unspecified sex)
venustà {f} [literary] /ve.nusˈta/ :: beauty with a specific component of gracefulness, esp. said of feminine beauty
venusto {adj} [literary] /veˈnus.to/ :: beautiful in a specifically graceful way
venuta {f} :: coming, arrival
venuta {f} :: female comer
venuto {adj} :: coming
venuto {m} :: comer
venutosi {v} :: past participle of venirsi
vepraio {m} :: synonym of roveto
vepre {m} [literary] /ˈvɛp.re/ :: thornbush
vera {f} [Northern Italian] /ˈve.ra/ :: wedding ring, wedding band
vera {f} [architecture] :: puteal, wellhead
verace {adj} [literary] /veˈra.t͡ʃe/ :: synonym of vero
verace {adj} :: true
verace {adj} :: truthful
verace {adj} :: honest, sincere
verace {adj} [chiefly in Neapolitan] :: genuine
veracemente {adv} :: truly
veracità {f} :: truthfulness
veracità {f} :: accuracy, veracity
veracità {f} :: genuineness
vera da pozzo {f} :: wellhead, puteal
veramente {adv} :: really, indeed, actually, truly
veranda {f} :: verandah, porch
Verano {prop} :: Vöran (in Trentino-Alto Adige)
veratro {m} :: veratrum, white hellebore (Veratrum album)
verbale {adj} /verˈba.le/ :: verbal, spoken
verbale {m} :: record
verbale {m} :: minutes
verbalismo {m} :: verbalism
verbalistico {adj} :: verbalistic
verbalizzante {v} :: present participle of verbalizzare
verbalizzare {v} :: to verbalize
verbalizzare {v} :: to give verbal evidence, etc
verbalizzatore {m} :: witness (who gives verbal evidence)
verbalizzazione {f} :: verbalization
verbalmente {adv} :: verbally, orally
verbanese {adj} :: Of or from Verbania
Verbania {prop} :: Verbania (town/and/province)
Verbano {prop} :: Lake Maggiore
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola {prop} :: Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
verbasco {m} :: mullein
verbena {f} :: verbena, vervain
verbenone {m} :: verbenone
verbicausa {adv} :: synonym of verbigrazia
verbigerazione {f} :: verbigeration
verbigrazia {adv} :: for example, for instance
verbita {mf} :: Verbite (missionary of the Society of the Divine Word)
verbo {m} [part of speech] /ˈvɛr.bo/ :: verb
verbo {m} [theology, religion, dated in other senses] :: word
Verbo {m} [religion] :: Word
verbo difettivo {m} :: defective verb
verbo pronominale {m} :: pronominal verb
verbosamente {adv} :: verbosely, long-windedly
verbo servile {m} [grammar] :: modal verb
verbosità {f} :: verbosity, wordiness
verboso {adj} :: verbose, wordy
vercellese {adj} :: Of or from Vercelli
Vercelli {prop} :: Vercelli (town/and/province)
Vercelloni {prop} :: surname
Vercingetorige {prop} :: Vercingetorix
verdacchio {adj} /verˈdak.kjo/ :: greenish
verdacchio {m} :: greengage
verdaccio {m} :: A dark green colour
verdaccio {m} :: Such a pigment used in fresco painting
verdastro {adj} :: greenish
verdazzurro {adj} :: blue-green (in colour)
verdazzurro {m} :: blue-green (colour)
verde {adj} :: green
verde {adj} :: pale
verde {adj} :: unripe
verde {m} :: The colour green
verde {m} :: verdure, greenery
verde {m} [heraldry] :: vert
verdeazzurro {adj} :: alternative form of verdazzurro
verdebiondo {adj} :: Pale yellowish-green (in colour)
verdebruno {adj} :: greenish-brown (in colour)
verdecupo {adj} :: Intensely dark green (in colour)
verdeggiamento {m} :: greening (of foliage / vegetation)
verdeggiante {v} :: present participle of verdeggiare
verdeggiante {adj} :: green, verdant, lush
verdeggiare {vi} :: To green (become green and lush)
verdegiallo {adj} /ver.deˈd͡ʒal.lo/ :: yellowish green
verdegrigio {adj} :: grey-green
verdello {m} :: summer lemon (light green Sicilian variety of lemon)
verdello {m} :: greenfinch
verdemare {adj} :: sea-green (in colour)
verdemare {m} :: sea-green (colour)
verde militare {m} :: olive drab (military fabric color)
verde oliva {m} :: olive, olive green (colour)
verde olivastro {m} :: A dull olive green colour (the colour of Italian soldier's uniforms in the Second World War)
verdeoro {adj} :: green and gold
verderame {m} :: verdigris
verdesca {f} /verˈdes.ka/ :: blue shark (Prionace glauca)
verdescuro {adj} :: Dull, dark green (in colour)
verdeterra {m} :: synonym of verdaccio
verdetto {m} :: verdict
verdezza {f} :: greenness
Verdi {prop} :: surname
Verdi {prop} :: Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer
Verdi {prop} [colloquial] :: Any of several Green political parties
verdiano {adj} :: Verdian (of or pertaining to Giuseppe Verdi)
verdicante {v} :: present participle of verdicare
verdicare {vi} :: To be green, verdant or lush
verdicchio {m} :: A variety of white grape grown in the Marche
verdicchio {m} :: A white wine made from this grape
verdiccio {adj} :: greenish
verdigno {adj} :: Dull greenish (in colour)
verdino {adj} :: pale green
verdino {m} :: pale green
verdognolo {adj} :: pale-green (in colour)
verdognolo {m} :: pale-green (colour)
verdolino {adj} :: Pale green (colour)
verdolino {m} :: Pale green (colour)
verdolino {m} :: A variety of green fig with small fruit
verdona {f} /verˈdo.na/ :: common mora, mora (Mora moro)
verdone {adj} /verˈdo.ne/ :: dark green
verdone {m} :: A dark green color
verdone {m} [regional] :: A kind of green tomato used for salads
verdone {m} :: European greenfinch, greenfinch (Chloris chloris)
verdone {m} :: synonym of verdesca
verdone {m} :: synonym of verdona
verdone {m} :: synonym of colombina verde
verdone {m} [humorous] :: buck (one US dollar)
Verdone {prop} :: surname
Verdone {prop} :: Carlo Verdone, Italian actor and comedian
verdone asiatico {m} :: synonym of verdone di Cina
verdone bastardo {m} :: synonym of ciuffolotto scarlatto
verdone di Cina {m} :: oriental greenfinch (Chloris sinica)
verdone testagrigia {m} :: synonym of verdone di Cina
verdore {m} :: verdancy
verduco {m} :: A type of sword, originally from Spain, having a four-sided blade
verdugale {m} :: synonym of guardinfante
verdume {m} :: greenery (especially an excess of vegetation)
verdura {f} :: vegetable(s)
Verdura {prop} :: Verdura (river)
verduraio {m} :: greengrocer
verduraio {m} :: greengrocer's (shop)
verduriere {m} :: greengrocer or fruiterer
verdurina {f} [especially in plural] :: crudités, or raw vegetables intended for further processing
verduzzo {m} :: A Friulian white grape variety
verecondamente {adv} :: modestly
verecondamente {adv} :: chastenedly
verecondia {f} :: modesty
verecondo {adj} :: modest
verecondo {adj} :: chastened
verga {f} /ˈver.ɡa/ :: cane, rod
verga {f} :: crook (of a shepherd)
verga {f} [vulgar] :: penis, dick
Verga {prop} /ˈver.ɡa/ :: surname
Verga {prop} :: Giovanni Verga (1840–1922), Italian writer
Vergada {prop} :: Vergada (island)
vergaio {m} :: A type of coppice in which the plants are cut low to the ground
vergante {v} :: present participle of vergare
vergare {v} :: To cane (beat with a rod)
vergare {v} :: To write (on lined paper)
vergaro {m} :: alternative form of vergaio
Vergassola {prop} :: surname
vergatina {f} :: flimsy (sort of typing paper)
vergatino {adj} :: manifold (paper)
vergatino {m} :: ticking (material)
vergato {adj} :: lined (having a pattern of lines)
vergatura {f} :: stripes (on material)
vergatura {f} :: lineation (on maps etc)
vergella {f} :: rod (of metal to be formed into wire)
vergello {m} :: A stick, with indentations smeared with birdlime, used to trap birds
vergenza {f} :: vergence
vergere {v} [literary, rare, a] /ˈvɛr.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to turn to or towards
Vergerio {prop} :: surname
Vergerio {prop} :: Pietro Paolo Vergerio, Italian bishop
vergheggiante {v} :: present participle of vergheggiare
vergheggiare {vt} [uncommon] :: to beat with a rod
verghettato {adj} :: striped
verghiano {adj} /verˈɡja.no/ :: Relating to Italian writer Giovanni Verga (1840–1922), or characteristic of his writings
verginale {adj} :: virginal
verginale {adj} :: chaste
verginalmente {adv} :: virginally, chastely
vergine {adj} /ˈver.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: virgin
vergine {adj} [of film etc] :: blank
vergine {f} :: virgin, maiden
Vergine {prop} /ˈver.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: Virgo, specifically:
Vergine {prop} [astronomy] :: The Virgo (constellation) constellation
Vergine {prop} [astrology, zodiac constellations] :: The Virgo (astrology) astrological sign (symbol )
verginella {f} :: A wicked girl who pretends to be pure and innocent
Vergine Maria {prop} :: Virgin Mary
vergineo {adj} /verˈdʒi.ne.o/ :: alternative form of virgineo
verginiano {adj} :: Virgin Islander (attributive)
verginiano {m} :: Virgin Islander
verginità {f} :: virginity
verginità {f} :: chastity
vergogna {f} /verˈɡoɲ.ɲa/ :: shame, disgrace, discredit, scandal
vergogna {f} :: embarrassment, shyness
vergogna {f} [in plural] :: private parts
vergognante {v} :: present participle of vergognare
vergognantesi {v} :: present participle of vergognarsi
vergognare {vt} :: to shame
vergognare {vt} :: to embarrass
vergognarsi {v} :: reflexive of vergognare
vergognarsi {vr} :: to be ashamed, feel ashamed
vergognarsi {vr} :: to feel embarrassed, be shy
vergognatosi {v} :: past participle of vergognarsi
vergognevolmente {adv} :: shamefully
vergognosamente {adv} :: shamefully
vergognoso {adj} :: timid, shy
vergognoso {adj} :: shameful
vergognoso {adj} :: disgraceful
vergola {f} :: silk thread
vergola {f} :: gold or silver thread
vergolante {v} :: present participle of vergolare
vergolare {v} [archaic] /ver.ɡoˈla.re/ :: To put within quotation marks
vergolare {v} [archaic] :: To beat with a stick
vergolare {v} [archaic] :: To mark using a line
vergolare {v} [rare] :: To decorate with threads of silk or gold
vergolato {adj} :: decorated with silken (or precious metal) threads
veridicità {f} :: truthfulness
veridicità {f} :: veracity
veridico {adj} :: truthful
veridico {adj} :: true
verifica {f} :: verification, test, control, check, inspection, examination
verificabile {adj} :: verifiable
verificabilità {f} :: verifiability
verificante {v} :: present participle of verificare
verificantesi {v} :: present participle of verificarsi
verificare {vt} :: to verify, test, check, examine, inspect, survey
verificarsi {v} :: reflexive of verificare
verificarsi {vr} :: to occur, happen
verificarsi {vr} :: to come true
verificatore {m} :: checker, verifier (person)
verificatore {m} :: comptroller
verificatosi {v} :: past participle of verificarsi
verificatrice {f} :: female equivalent of verificatore
verificatrice {f} [computing] :: verifier (device)
verificazione {f} :: verification
verificazionismo {m} [philosophy] :: verificationism
verificazionista {adj} [philosophy] :: verificationist
verina {f} [nautical] /veˈri.na/ :: A hooked cable used to grapple the anchor chain
verismo {m} :: verism, realism
verissimo {adj} :: superlative of vero
verista {adj} [art] :: verist, veristic; realist (attributive)
veristicamente {adv} :: veristically, realistically
veristico {adj} [art] :: verist, veristic, realist
verità {f} :: truth
veritabile {adj} :: truthful
veritabile {adj} :: true
veritevole {adj} :: truthful
veritevolmente {adv} :: truthfully
veritieramente {adv} :: truthfully
veritieramente {adv} :: truly
veritiero {adj} :: truthful
veritiero {adj} :: true
verla {f} /ˈvɛr.la/ :: alternative form of averla
verme {m} /ˈvɛrme/ :: worm
verme di terra {m} :: earthworm
vermena {f} :: young branch
Vermentino {m} :: A variety of white grape grown in Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia
Vermentino {m} :: A dry white wine made from these grapes
vermicaio {m} :: A wriggling mass of worms
vermicelli {mp} /vermiˈtʃɛlli/ :: vermicelli
vermicello {m} [especially in plural] :: vermicelli (type of pasta)
vermiciattolo {m} /vermiˈtʃattolo/ :: vermicule
vermicolare {adj} :: vermicular, vermiform, vermiculate, wormlike
vermicolazione {f} :: vermiculation
vermicoloso {adj} :: wormy
vermicoloso {adj} :: verminous
vermiculite {f} [mineral] :: vermiculite
vermiforme {m} :: vermiform
vermifugo {adj} :: vermifugal
vermifugo {m} :: vermifuge
vermiglio {adj} :: vermillion
vermiglio {m} :: vermillion
vermiglione {m} :: vermilion (pigment)
verminaio {m} :: A place teeming with worms
verminaio {m} :: (figuratively) A place filled with corruption
verminante {v} :: present participle of verminare
verminare {v} :: To be wormy (have intestinal worms)
verminazione {f} :: vermination
verminoso {adj} :: wormy
verminoso {adj} :: verminous
vermocane {m} :: staggers (disease of animals)
vermocane {m} :: bearded fireworm (Hermodice carunculata)
Vermont {prop} /verˈmɔnt/ :: Vermont (state)
vermouth {n} :: vermouth
vermut {m} :: vermouth
vernaccia {f} :: Any of several varieties of white grape cultivated in Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia
vernaccia {f} :: Any of several white wines produced from these grapes
vernacolare {adj} :: vernacular
vernacolo {m} :: vernacular
vernale {adj} /verˈna.le/ :: vernal, springly
vernale {adj} [poetic] :: wintry, winter [attributive]
vernalizzante {v} :: present participle of vernalizzare
vernalizzare {vt} :: to vernalize
vernalizzazione {f} :: vernalization
vernare {v} [obsolete] /verˈna.re/ :: to bring spring, to be vernal
vernare {v} [obsolete, of birds] :: to sing during spring
vernare {v} [literary] :: To winter (to spend the winter)
vernare {v} [literary] :: To experience the climate of winter
vernare {v} [literary, impersonal, rare, of weather] :: to worsen (as in winter)
vernazione {f} :: vernation
vernengo {adj} :: winter-ripening
vernice {f} :: paint
vernice {f} :: varnish (transparent paint)
vernice {f} [figuratively] :: veneer, gloss
vernice {f} [jocular, figuratively, by extension] :: makeup, cosmetics
vernice {f} [rare] :: preview (private viewing)
vernice di fondo {n} :: Primer paint
vernice molle {f} [art] :: soft ground (etching material)
verniceria {f} :: paint shop (part of a factory where things are painted)
verniciabile {adj} :: paintable
verniciante {v} :: present participle of verniciare
verniciante {adj} :: varnishing, painting (attributive)
verniciare {vt} :: To varnish or paint
verniciatore {m} :: painter, varnisher (person or machine)
verniciatura {f} :: painting (the action of applying paint)
verniciatura {f} :: varnishing
verniero {m} :: vernier
vernino {adj} :: winter (attributive)
vernino {adj} [botany] :: vernal
vernissage {m} :: preview (private viewing)
verno {m} [literary] :: Variant of inverno
vero {adj} /ˈveːro̞/ :: true
vero {adj} :: real, genuine
vero {m} :: truth
vero e proprio {adj} :: real, veritable, true, downright, perfect, proper, sheer
Veroli {prop} :: Veroli (town)
Verona {prop} /veˈroːna/ :: Verona (city/and/province)
veronalismo {m} :: veronalism
verone {m} :: balcony
verone {m} :: loggia
veronese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Verona; a Veronese
veronese {adj} :: Veronese; of or relating to Verona or the Verona people
veronica {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: veronica (cloth)
veronica {f} [bullfighting] :: veronica (movement of the cape)
veronica {f} [botany] :: veronica (flower)
verosimigliante {adj} :: synonym of verosimile
verosimiglianza {f} :: likelihood, probability
verosimiglianza {f} :: plausibility
verosimiglianza {f} :: verisimilitude
verosimile {adj} :: likely, plausible, probable
verosimilmente {adv} :: probably, most likely, seemingly
verretta {f} :: bolt fired from a crossbow
verrettata {f} :: A blow from a crossbow bolt
verrettone {m} :: Large bolt fired from a crossbow
Verri {prop} :: surname
verricellista {m} :: winchman
verricello {m} [nautical] :: winch, windlass
verricello {m} :: block
verrina {f} :: auger
verrinante {v} :: present participle of verrinare
verrinare {v} :: To auger
verro {m} :: boar (male pig)
verrocchio {m} :: olive oil press
verruca {f} [medicine] :: verruca
verrucaria {f} :: The fungus Verrucaria rupestris
Verrucchio {prop} :: alternative form of Verucchio
verrucoso {adj} :: warty, verrucose
verruto {m} :: synonym of verrettone
versabile {adj} :: pourable
versaccio {m} :: grimace (accompanied by a cry of disgust etc)
Versace {prop} /verˈsaːtʃe/ :: surname
Versace {prop} :: Gianni Versace, Italian fashion designer
versaiolo {adj} :: doggerel
versamento {m} :: pouring
versamento {m} :: payment
versamento {m} :: deposit
versamento {m} [medicine] :: effusion
versante {m} :: face, side of a mountain or mountain range
versante {m} [banking] :: person who makes a deposit
versante {v} :: present participle of versare
versantesi {v} :: present participle of versarsi
versare {vt} :: to pour, to decant
versare {vt} [by extension] :: to empty [the contents] by inclining a container downwards; to pour
versare {vt} :: to spill
versare {vt} [banking] :: to pay, to deposit
versare {vt} :: to shed
versare {vi} [rare] :: to leak
versare {v} [in] :: to find oneself (in) [a bad situation, etc.]
versare acqua {v} :: To urinate
versarsi {v} :: reflexive of versare
versarsi {vi} :: to spill out
versarsi {vi} :: to overflow, boil over
versarsi {vi} :: [of a body of water] to flow (into)
versarsi {v} [in, su] :: [of people] to congregate (in/around); to create a crowd (at)
versarsi {v} [si] :: [archaic, rare] to get angry (at/because of)
versatile {adj} /verˈsaː.t̪i.le/ :: versatile
versatile {adj} :: all-round, all around, multiskilled
versatilità {f} :: versatility
versato {adj} :: versed, practiced
versatore {m} :: pourer
versatore {m} :: pitcher (used to contain water for washing the hands)
versatosi {v} :: past participle of versarsi
Verscio {prop} :: Verscio (small town)
verseggiabile {adj} :: That can be put into verse
verseggiante {v} :: present participle of verseggiare
verseggiare {vt} :: to versify, to put into verse
verseggiare {vi} :: to versify
verseggiatore {f} :: versifier
verseggiatura {f} :: versifying
verseggiatura {f} :: versification
versetto {m} :: line (of verse)
versetto {m} :: verse (of the Bible)
versicolo {m} :: Short, or worthless poem
versicolore {adj} [literary] /ver.si.koˈlo.re/ :: Having different colors; versicoloured, varicoloured
versiera {f} :: witch, she-devil
versiera {f} [maths] :: witch of Agnesi
versificabile {adj} :: versifiable
versificante {v} :: present participle of versificare
versificare {v} :: To versify
versificatorio {adj} :: versifying
versificazione {f} :: versification, versifying
Versilia {prop} :: A fashionable, coastal region of northern Tuscany
versiliberista {adj} :: free verse (attributive)
versiliese {adj} :: Of or from Versilia
versione {f} :: version
versione {f} :: translation from ancient languages (Latin, Ancient Greek) to a modern one
verso {m} [poetry] /ˈvɛr.so/ :: verse
verso {m} :: song
verso {m} :: cackle (of a hen or goose)
verso {prep} :: toward
verso {prep} :: in the direction of
verso {prep} :: in relation to
verso {prep} :: in the vicinity of; near; by
verso {prep} :: at about [a time]
verso {prep} :: close to [an age]
verso {prep} :: vicinity, proximity, nearby
verso {prep} :: around, near to, close to
versoio {m} :: mouldboard (of a plough)
verso pollice {n} :: synonym of pollice verso
versore {m} [maths] :: unit vector, versor
versus {prep} :: versus
versuzia {f} :: cunning, guile, malice
vertà {f} /verˈta/ :: syncopic form of verità
vertebra {f} [skeleton] :: vertebra
vertebra cervicale {f} [skeleton] :: cervical vertebra
vertebrale {adj} [anatomy] :: vertebral
vertebra lombare {f} [skeleton] :: lumbar vertebra
vertebrato {adj} :: vertebrate
vertebrato {m} :: vertebrate
vertebra toracica {f} [skeleton] :: thoracic vertebra
vertebroplastica {f} [medicine] :: vertebroplasty
vertente {v} :: present participle of vertere
vertente {adj} :: pending, pendent
vertenza {f} [law] :: lawsuit, case
vertenza {f} [transferred sense] :: dispute
vertenziale {adj} :: dispute (attributive)
vertenzialità {f} :: disputes
vertere {vi} :: to be about, turn on, concern
vertere {vi} :: to be pending
verticale {adj} :: vertical
verticale {f} :: vertical
verticale {f} :: handstand, headstand (gymnastics)
verticale {f} :: down (clue in a crossword)
verticalismo {m} [architecture] :: verticalism
verticalità {f} :: verticality, verticalness
verticalizzante {v} :: present participle of verticalizzare
verticalizzare {vt} :: to organize vertically
verticalizzare {vt} [sports] :: to push (the ball) upfield
verticalizzazione {f} [economy] :: vertical integration
verticalizzazione {f} [football] :: long ball
verticalmente {adv} :: vertically
vertice {m} [geometry] /ˈvɛr.ti.t͡ʃe/ :: vertex
vertice {m} [also, figuratively] :: peak, top
vertice {m} [by extension, politics] :: summit (gathering or assembly of leaders)
verticillate {adj} [botany] :: verticillate
verticillo {m} [botany] :: verticil, whorl
verticismo {m} :: oligarchy
verticista {mf} :: oligarch (or supporter of an oligarchy)
verticistico {adj} :: oligarchic
vertigine {f} :: dizziness, giddiness, (in plural) vertigo
vertigine {f} [obsolete] :: revolution
vertiginosamente {adv} :: dizzily
vertiginosamente {adv} :: dramatically, rapidly
vertiginosità {f} :: vertiginousness
vertiginoso {adj} /ver.ti.d͡ʒiˈno.zo/ :: dizzy, dizzying, vertiginous, giddy
vertiginoso {adj} :: enormous, stunning, staggering, plunging
vertiginoso {adj} :: explosive, rapid, breakneck
vertiplano {m} :: VTOL aircraft
vertù {f} :: synonym of virtù
vertute {f} :: synonym of virtù
Verucchio {prop} :: Verucchio (town)
verun {pron} :: apocopic form of veruno
veruno {adj} [archaic, literary, following a negative statement] /veˈru.no/ :: no, not any
veruno {pron} [archaic, literary, following a negative statement] :: no one, nobody
verve {f} :: verve
verza {f} /ˈver.t͡sa/ :: Savoy cabbage
Verzasca {prop} :: A river, and associated valley, in Ticino
verzaschese {adj} :: Of or from Verzasca
verzelata {f} [uncommon] /ver.d͡zeˈla.ta/ :: alternative form of verzelato
verzelato {m} /ver.d͡zeˈla.to/ :: leaping mullet (Liza saliens)
verzellina {f} /ver.d͡zelˈli.na/ :: synonym of calderugia: common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
verzellino {m} /ver.d͡zelˈli.no/ :: serin (Serinus serinus)
verzellino dal groppone bianco {m} :: white-rumped seedeater
verziere {m} :: garden, kitchen garden, orchard
verzotto {m} :: Savoy cabbage
verzura {f} :: vegetation (green plants)
veschio {m} :: alternative form of vischio
vescia {f} /ˈveʃ.ʃa/ :: wind, flatulence, particularly a silent one
vescia {f} [mycology] :: One of several mushrooms of the Lycoperdon genus
vesciaia {f} :: A gossipy woman
vescica {f} /veʃˈʃi.ka/ :: bladder
vescica {f} :: blister
vescicale {adj} :: vesical, bladder (attributive)
vescicante {adj} /veʃ.ʃiˈkan.te/ :: vesicant
vescicante {m} [historical] :: A medication causing blisters on the skin
vescicante {m} [figurative, rare] :: An annoying person
vescicante {m} [entomology] :: synonym of meloide
vescicaria {adj} /veʃ.ʃiˈka.rja/ :: only used in erba vescicaria
vescicaria {f} :: bladder senna (Colutea arborescens)
vescicatorio {adj} :: vesicatory, vesicant
vescicazione {f} :: blistering, vesication
vescichetta {f} [anatomy] :: vesicle
vescichetta seminale {f} [anatomy] :: seminal vesicle
vescicola {f} [anatomy] :: vesicle
vescicola biliare {f} [anatomy] :: gall bladder
vescicolare {adj} [anatomy] :: vesical
vescicolare {adj} [anatomy] :: vesicular
vescicolare {adj} :: vesicular (having vesicles)
vescicola seminale {f} [anatomy] :: seminal vesicle
vescicolato {adj} :: vesicular
vescicolazione {f} :: vesiculation
vescicoso {adj} :: blistery (full of blisters)
vescoso {adj} :: alternative form of vischioso
vescovado {m} :: bishopric
vescovado {m} :: bishop's palace
vescovato {m} :: bishopric
vescovile {adj} :: episcopal, bishop's (attributive)
vescovilmente {adv} :: episcopally
vescovo {m} /ˈveskovo/ :: bishop (clergyman)
vespa {f} /ˈvɛspa/ :: wasp
vespa {f} :: motor scooter (originally capitalised)
Vespa {f} :: an Italian brand of motor scooter (or any similar motor scooter)
Vespa {prop} :: surname
vespaio {m} :: wasp's nest (real and figurative)
vespaio {m} :: anthrax
vesparia {f} :: bee orchid (Ophrys apifera)
vespasiano {m} :: urinal (building)
Vespasiano {prop} :: Vespasian
vesperale {adj} :: vesperal
vespero {prop} [astronomy] :: Venus, evening star, Hesperus, Vesper
vesperone {m} :: vespers (service)
vespertilio {m} :: bat (flying animal)
vespertillo {m} :: alternative form of vespertilio
vespertino {adj} :: pertaining to the evening
vespeto {m} :: wasp's nest
vespiere {m} /vesˈpjɛ.re/ :: synonym of gruccione
vespigno {adj} :: stimulating, appetizing, piquant
vespino {n} :: A low-power motor scooter (typically 50 cc)
vespista {mf} :: Vespa (of any motor scooter) rider
vespoidale {adj} [zoology, rare] :: wasp-like
vespone {m} :: A high-powered motor scooter
Vespri siciliani {prop} :: The rebellion known as the Sicilian Vespers
vespro {m} [poetic] :: evening
vespro {m} :: vespers
Vespucci {prop} :: surname
Vespucci {prop} :: Amerigo Vespucci, Italian navigator
vessante {v} :: present participle of vessare
vessare {vt} :: To oppress
vessatore {m} :: oppressor, tormentor, maltreater
vessatore {adj} :: oppressive, tormenting, harassing
vessatorio {adj} :: oppressive
vessatorio {adj} :: vexatious
vessazione {f} :: oppression
vessazione {f} :: vexation
vessica {f} :: alternative form of vescica
vessicante {adj} /ves.siˈkan.te/ :: obsolete form of vescicante
vessicante {m} :: obsolete form of vescicante
vessillario {m} :: vexillary
vessillario {m} :: standard bearer
vessillazione {f} :: vexillation
vessillifero {m} :: vexillary (in Ancient Rome)
vessillifero {m} :: standard-bearer
vessillifero {m} :: forerunner, precursor
vessillo {m} /vesˈsillo/ :: standard (military flag)
vessillo {m} :: banner, ensign
vessillologia {f} :: vexillology
vessillologo {m} :: vexillologist
vestaglia {f} :: dressing gown
vestaglietta {f} :: house dress
vestaglietta {f} :: simple frock
vestale {adj} :: vestal
vestale {f} :: vestal virgin
veste {f} [of a woman] /ˈvɛs.te/ :: dress
veste {f} [in the plural] :: clothes
veste {f} [by extension] :: appearance, capacity
veste {f} [of a monk] :: habit
vestente {v} :: present participle of vestire
vestentesi {v} :: present participle of vestirsi
Vestfalia {prop} :: Westphalia
vestiario {m} :: clothing, clothes
vestiarista {mf} :: costumier
vestibilità {f} :: wearability
vestibolare {adj} [anatomy] :: vestibular
vestibolo {m} [architecture] /vesˈti.bo.lo/ :: hall, lobby, vestibule
vestibolo {m} [anatomy, rail transportation] :: vestibule
vestibolococleare {adj} [anatomy] :: vestibulocochlear
vestigio {m} :: vestige, trace
vestigio {m} [in the plural] :: remains, ruins
vestimento {m} :: garment
vestimento {m} :: clothing
vestina {f} :: baby dress
vestire {vt} :: to dress
vestire {vt} :: to clothe
vestire {vt} :: to make somebody's clothes
vestire {vt} :: to wear, put on
vestire {vt} :: to fit
vestire {vi} :: to be dressed, dress, wear
vestirsi {v} :: reflexive of vestire
vestirsi {vr} :: to get dressed, dress
vestirsi {vr} :: to clothe oneself
vestirsi {vr} :: to put on, wear, be dressed, dress, dress up
vestirsi a festa {v} :: to dress up
vestirsi bene {v} :: to dress up
vestirsi bene {v} :: to spiff up
vestirsi bene {v} :: to spruce up
vestitino {m} :: diminutive of vestito
vestitino {m} :: clothes, dress (for children)
vestitino {m} :: A short dress. (for women)
vestito {adj} :: dressed, clothed
vestito {m} :: suit, dress, frock, clothes
vestito {m} [in the plural] :: clothing
vestito da sposa {m} :: wedding dress
vestitore {adj} :: dressing (attributive)
vestitosi {v} :: past participle of vestirsi
vestitura {f} :: dressing (act of putting on clothes)
vestitura {f} :: covering, coating (material)
vestizione {f} :: clothing, dressing (with religious habit)
Vesubia {prop} :: The river Vésubie, that flows in France
vesuviano {adj} :: Vesuvian
Vesuvio {prop} :: Vesuvius
veterana {f} :: feminine noun of veterano
veterano {m} /ve.teˈra.no/ :: veteran (all senses), old hand
veterinaria {f} :: veterinary science
veterinaria {f} :: female equivalent of veterinario
veterinario {adj} :: veterinary
veterinario {m} :: veterinarian, vet, veterinary, veterinary surgeon
vetero- {prefix} /ˈvɛ.te.ro/ :: original or old-fashioned (used, especially, in a religious or political context)
veterocattolico {adj} :: Old Catholic
veterocomunismo {m} :: The original, Marxist-Leninist, version of communism
veterotestamentario {adj} :: Old Testament (attributive)
vetiver {m} :: vetiver
vetiveria {f} :: vetiver
veto {m} /ˈvɛ.to/ :: veto
vetraio {m} :: glassblower
vetraio {m} :: glazier
Vetralla {prop} :: Vetralla (town)
vetrame {m} :: glassware
vetraria {f} :: a building where glass is moulded mainly to create artistic pieces
vetrario {adj} :: glass (attributive)
vetrata {f} :: glass window
vetrata {f} :: glass door, glass wall
vetrata {f} :: stained glass window
vetrata {f} :: windowpane
vetrato {adj} :: glass (attributive)
vetratura {f} :: glass, glazing
vetreria {f} :: glassworks, glasshouse
vetreria {f} :: glassware
vetriata {f} :: synonym of vetrata
vetriato {adj} :: glazed (having windows or glaze)
vetriciaia {f} :: synonym of saliceto
vetriera {f} :: glass window
vetriera {f} :: glass display cabinet
vetrificabile {adj} :: vitrifiable
vetrificante {v} :: present participle of vetrificare
vetrificantesi {v} :: present participle of vetrificarsi
vetrificare {vt} :: to vitrify
vetrificare {vt} [ceramics] :: to glaze
vetrificarsi {v} :: reflexive of vetrificare
vetrificarsi {vr} :: to vitrify
vetrificato {adj} :: vitrified
vetrificatosi {v} :: past participle of vetrificarsi
vetrificazione {f} :: vitrification
vetrigno {adj} :: vitreous, glassy
vetrigno {m} :: vitrified paving brick
vetrina {f} :: display window, shop window, window [of a shop]
vetrina {f} :: showcase, display cabinet
vetrina {f} :: glaze (for pottery, ceramic, etc.)
vetrina {f} [regional] :: glass sideboard
vetrina {f} [pluralonly] :: glasses
vetrinante {v} :: present participle of vetrinare
vetrinare {v} :: To glaze (pottery)
vetrinatura {f} :: glazing (of pottery)
vetrinetta {f} [furniture] :: small glass showcase, hutch
vetrinista {mf} :: window dresser
vetrinistica {f} :: window dressing
vetrino {m} :: slide (microscope)
vetrino {adj} [rare] :: made out of a fragile material that can be easily chipped
vetriola {f} :: synonym of parietaria
vetrioleggiante {v} :: present participle of vetrioleggiare
vetrioleggiare {vt} [rare] :: to throw acid (vitriol) (especially into the face, or to deface something)
vetriolo {m} :: vitriol
vetro {m} /ˈve.tro/ :: glass (transparent material)
vetroasfalto {m} /vet.ro.asˈfal.to/ :: A glass fabric saturated with asphalt
vetrocamera {f} :: insulating glass (two sheets of glass, fused at the edges, with an insulating layer of air etc)
vetrocementista {m} :: A person who makes vetrocemento
vetrocemento {m} [architecture] :: A structure of squares of toughened glass in a framework of reinforced concrete
vetroceramica {f} :: glass-ceramic
vetrocromia {f} [arts] :: painting on glass
vetrofania {f} :: decal
vetroflex {m} :: rock wool, mineral wool
vetrofusione {f} :: fused glass
vetrometallo {m} :: A vitreous form of a metal alloy used as a structural material
vetrone {m} :: black ice
vetroresina {f} :: fibreglass
vetroso {adj} :: glassy
vetta {f} :: top, summit, crown (of a hill etc)
vetta {f} [figurative, by extension] :: peak, high point
vetta {f} [figurative, by extension] :: first place, commanding position, top
vetta {f} [literary] :: end of a branch
Vette {prop} :: Vectis
vettina {f} :: jug (especially of oil)
vettonica {f} :: alternative form of bettonica
vettore {m} :: vector
vettore {m} :: carrier (transport, especially in combination)
vettore di bandiera {n} :: flag carrier (A transportation company, such as a shipping or airline company, that is registered in a given state)
vettoriale {adj} :: vectorial; vector (attributive)
vettovaglia {f} :: (especially in plural) victuals
vettovagliamento {m} :: provisioning, victualling
vettovagliante {v} :: present participle of vettovagliare
vettovagliare {vt} :: To provision or victual
vettovaglie {fp} :: provisions, victuals, stores
vettrico {adj} [biochemistry, medicine] :: vector, carrier (attributive)
vettura {f} :: car
vettura {f} :: carriage (in a train)
vettura {f} :: coach
vetturale {m} :: carrier
vetturalesco {adj} :: carrier (attributive)
vetturetta {f} :: small car
vetturina {f} :: melilot, sweet clover (of genus Melilotus)
vetturino {m} :: coachman (driver of horse-drawn coach)
Vetulonia {prop} :: A part of Castiglione della Pescaia in Tuscany; once an Etruscan town
vetuloniese {adj} :: Of or from Vetulonia
vetustà {f} [literary] /ve.tusˈta/ :: ancientness, oldness
vetustà {f} [by extension] :: obsolescence
vetusto {adj} [literary] /veˈtus.to/ :: ancient, old
Vezzali {prop} :: surname
Vezzali {prop} :: Valentina Vezzali, Italian fencer
vezzato {adj} :: smart, shrewd, cunning
vezzeggiamento {m} :: fondling, pampering
vezzeggiamento {m} :: caress
vezzeggiante {v} :: present participle of vezzeggiare
vezzeggiantesi {v} :: present participle of vezzeggiarsi
vezzeggiare {vt} :: to pamper or coddle; to caress
vezzeggiare {vt} :: to make a fuss of
vezzeggiarsi {vr} :: To pamper oneself, to coddle oneself
vezzeggiarsi {vr} :: To pamper each other, to coddle each other
vezzeggiativo {m} :: pet name, term of endearment
vezzeggiativo {adj} :: endearing
vezzeggiatore {m} :: pamperer
vezzeggiatosi {v} :: past participle of vezzeggiarsi
vezzo {m} :: habit, mannerism, quirk
vezzo {m} :: bad habit
vezzo {m} :: caress
vezzosamente {adv} :: prettily, charmingly
vezzosità {f} :: affectation
vezzoso {adj} :: pretty, charming
vezzoso {adj} :: affected
VHS {mf} :: VHS
vi {pron} :: second-person personal plural object pronoun: you, to you
vi {pron} :: second-person reflexive plural: yourselves
vi {pron} [often not translated] :: it; about it, of it, on it
vi {adv} [formal] :: there
vi {adv} [formal] :: here
vi {f} :: alternative form of vu
Vi {pron} [uncommon, very, formal or polite] /ˈvi/ :: you [singular], to you [singular], yourself
{f} :: apocopic form of vita
via {f} :: road, street, path
via {f} :: way, route
via {f} :: means [to an end]
via {f} :: tract [in the body]
via {f} :: start [of a race]
via {adv} :: away
via {adv} :: out
via {prep} :: away from
via {interj} :: come on!
via {interj} :: go away!
via aerea {f} [anatomy, mostly in plural] :: airway
viabile {adj} :: road (attributive)
viabile {adj} :: passable
viabilista {adj} :: (road) traffic (attributive)
viabilista {adj} :: road, highway (attributive)
viabilistico {adj} :: road / traffic (attributive)
viabilità {f} :: practicability
viabilità {f} :: road conditions
viabilità {f} [in the plural] :: roads
viabilità {f} :: highway engineering
viaccia {f} :: badly maintained road
viaccia {f} :: street of ill-repute
viadana {f} :: A strong, cotton canvas, used for making sails etc
Viadana {prop} :: Viadana (town)
viadanese {adj} :: Of or from Viadana
via di accesso {f} :: doorway
via di accesso {f} :: entry
via di mezzo {f} :: middle ground
via di rullaggio {f} :: taxiway
viadotto {m} :: viaduct
via ferrata {f} [climbing] /ˌvi.a ferˈra.ta/ :: via ferrata (protected climbing route)
viaggetto {m} :: diminutive of viaggio
viaggetto {m} :: a short journey; a trip
viaggiante {v} :: present participle of viaggiare
viaggiante {adj} :: travelling
viaggiar {v} :: apocopic form of viaggiare
viaggiare {v} /vjadˈdʒare/ :: to travel, to journey, to tour, (by plane) to fly
viaggiare {v} [of a vehicle] :: to run, to travel
viaggiatore {m} :: traveller, voyager
viaggiatore {m} :: passenger
viaggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of viaggiatore
viaggio {m} /viˈad.dʒo/ :: journey, trip, tour, voyage
viaggio {m} [also in the plural] :: travels, travel, travelling
viaggio di nozze {m} :: honeymoon
Via Lattea {prop} :: The Milky Way
Vialba {prop} :: A district of Milan
vialbese {adj} :: Of or relating to Vialba
viale {m} :: boulevard, avenue, parkway
vialetto {m} :: path, lane, alley
via libera {m} :: green light, go-ahead, clearance
vialone {m} :: broad avenue
vialone nano {n} :: A type of rice
viandante {mf} :: traveller
viandante {mf} :: wayfarer
Vianello {prop} :: surname
Vianello {prop} :: Raimondo Vianello, Italian actor and television host
viante {mf} :: synonym of viandante
viareggino {adj} :: Of or from Viareggio
Viareggio {prop} :: Viareggio (coastal town)
viario {adj} :: street, road, highway (attributive)
viatico {m} /viˈa.ti.ko/ :: The communion administered as part of the last rites
viatico {m} :: comfort or reassurance before an undertaking
viatico {m} [idiomatic] :: stepping stone
viatorio {adj} :: voyage [attributive]
viavai {m} :: coming and going, bustle
viavai {m} :: hive of activity
via via {adv} :: gradually
via via {adv} [archaic] :: soon; shortly
via via che {prep} :: as soon as
vibice {f} :: bruise
vibice {f} :: stretch mark
vibice {f} :: vibex
vibonese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Vibo Valentia
vibonese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Vibo Valentia
Vibo Valentia {prop} :: Vibo Valentia
vibraculo {m} :: vibraculum
vibrafonista {mf} [music] :: vibraphonist
vibrafono {m} [musical instruments] :: vibraphone
vibramento {m} :: vibration
vibrante {v} :: present participle of vibrare
vibrante {adj} :: vibrating
vibrante {adj} :: vibrant, resonant
vibrare {vi} :: to vibrate
vibrare {vi} :: to rattle
vibrare {vi} :: to twang
vibrare {vt} :: to deliver or deal [a blow]
Vibrata {prop} :: Vibrata (small river)
vibratezza {f} [uncommon] :: vibrancy
vibratile {adj} :: vibratory, vibrating
vibratilità {f} :: The property of being vibratory or vibrating
vibrato {m} [music] :: vibrato
vibratore {m} :: vibrator
vibratorio {adj} :: vibratory
vibratura {f} :: vibration (applied to poured concrete)
vibrazionale {adj} :: vibrational
vibrazionale {adj} :: vibrating
vibrazione {f} :: vibration
vibrazione {f} :: chatter
vibrione {m} :: vibrio
vibrissa {f} :: vibrissa
vibrissa {f} [in the plural] :: A cat's whiskers
vibro- {prefix} :: Forms words related to vibration
vibrofinitrice {f} :: A machine that vibrates poured concrete to ensure that a mould is properly filled
vibrografo {m} :: vibrograph
vibrogramma {m} :: vibrogram
vibromassaggiatore {m} :: vibromassager (massage vibrator)
vibromassaggio {m} :: vibromassage
vibrometria {f} :: vibrometry
vibrometro {m} :: vibrometer
vibroscopico {adj} :: vibroscopic
vibroscopio {m} :: vibroscope
vibroterapia {f} [medicine] :: vibrotherapy
vibrovaglio {m} :: vibrating screen / sieve
Vicari {prop} :: Vicari (town/and/commune)
vicariale {adj} :: vicarial
vicariante {adj} :: substituting
vicariante {adj} :: vicarious
vicarianza {f} :: vicariance
vicariare {v} :: To substitute
vicariato {m} :: vicarship
vicariato {m} :: vicariate
vicario {m} :: vicar
vice- {prefix} :: vice-
vice {mf} :: deputy, substitute, vice
vice allenatore {m} :: alternative spelling of viceallenatore
vice-allenatore {m} :: alternative spelling of viceallenatore
viceallenatore {m} [sports] :: deputy coach
viceammiraglio {m} [nautical] :: vice admiral
vicebrigadiere {m} :: sergeant
vicecampione {m} :: runner-up [in a championship]
vicecancelliere {m} :: vice-chancellor
vicecapo {m} :: deputy chief
vicecapogruppo {m} :: vice-captain
vicecomandante {m} :: deputy commander or captain
vicecomitale {adj} :: viscount [attributive]
vicecommissario {m} :: deputy commissioner or superintendent
viceconsole {m} :: vice-consul
viceconte {m} :: synonym of visconte
vicedirettore {m} :: deputy manager, editor or headmaster; assistant manager
vicedomino {m} :: synonym of visdomino
vicegovernatore {m} :: deputy governor
vicegovernatrice {f} :: female equivalent of vicegovernatore
vicemadre {f} :: foster mother
viceministro {m} :: an undersecretary [in Italy: a second-in-command to a politically-appointed Minister]
vicenda {f} /viˈt͡ʃɛn.da/ :: affair, event, story
vicendevole {adj} :: mutual
vicendevole {adj} :: reciprocal
vicendevolezza {f} :: mutuality
vicendevolezza {f} :: reciprocity
vicendevolmente {adv} :: mutually
vicendevolmente {adv} :: reciprocally, each other, one another
vicennale {adj} :: That occurs every twenty years
vicennale {m} :: A twentieth anniversary
vicennale {m} :: (in Ancient Rome) A celebration to mark the twentieth year of an Emperor's reign
vicennio {m} :: synonym of ventennio
vicentino {adj} :: Vicentine (of or relating to Vicenza or the Vicentine people)
vicentino {m} :: Vicentine (a native or inhabitant of Vicenza)
Vicenza {prop} /viˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: Vicenza (city/and/province)
viceolimpionica {f} :: feminine noun of viceolimpionico
viceolimpionico {adj} :: Olympic runner-up [attributive]
viceolimpionico {m} :: Olympic silver medalist
vicepadre {m} :: foster father
viceparroco {m} :: curate
viceprefetto {m} :: subprefect
viceprefetto {m} :: deputy rector [of a college]
vicepremier {mf} :: vice-president of a council
vicepreside {mf} :: vice-president
vicepreside {mf} :: vice-chairman
vicepresidente {m} /vi.t͡ʃep.re.ziˈdɛn.te/ :: vice president
vicepresidente {m} :: vice chairman
vicepresidenza {f} :: vice-presidency, vice presidency
vicepretore {m} :: deputy magistrate
vicepretore {m} :: (in Ancient Rome) propraetor
vicepretura {f} :: the office of a vicepretore
vicequestore {m} :: deputy chief constable, deputy chief of police
viceré {m} :: viceroy
vicereale {adj} :: viceregal
vicereame {m} :: viceroyalty
viceredattore {m} :: assistant editor
viceregina {f} :: vicereine
vicerettore {m} :: assistant rector
vicerettore {m} :: vice-chancellor
vicesceriffo {m} :: deputy [assistant sheriff in US]
vicesegretario {m} :: vice-secretary, deputy
vicesindaco {m} :: assistant mayor
viceversa {adv} :: vice versa; the other way around; and back
viceversa {adv} [familiar] :: instead
viceversa {conj} [familiar] :: but, instead
vicheria {f} :: synonym of vicaria
vichianesimo {m} [philosophy] :: The humanism of Giambattista Vico
vichiano {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Giambattista Vico
vichinga {f} :: female equivalent of vichingo
vichingo {adj} /viˈkinɡo/ :: Viking
vichingo {m} :: Viking
vicin {adj} :: apocopic form of vicino
vicina {f} :: female equivalent of vicino
vicinale {adj} :: local
vicinale {adj} :: nearby
vicinale {adj} [chemistry] :: vicinal
vicinalità {f} :: vicinality
viciname {m} :: neighbours
vicinante {v} :: present participle of vicinare
vicinante {adj} :: close to home
vicinanza {f} :: proximity, closeness, nearness
vicinanza {f} [in the plural] :: vicinity, surroundings
vicinare {v} :: To be nearby
vicinato {m} :: neighbourhood
vicinato {m} [in the plural] :: neighbours
viciniore {adj} :: neighbouring (land etc)
vicinissimo {adj} :: superlative of vicino
vicinissimo {adj} :: very close, very near
vicinissimo {adj} :: closest
vicinità {f} :: closeness, proximity
vicino {adj} /viˈtʃino/ :: near, close
vicino {adv} [with a] :: near
vicino {m} :: neighbour, neighbourhood
vicissitudine {f} :: vicissitude
vicissitudinevolmente {adv} :: interchangeably, reciprocally, mutually
vicitante {v} :: present participle of vicitare
vicitare {v} :: alternative form of visitare
vico {m} /ˈvi.ko/ :: village, hamlet
vico {m} :: district
vico {m} :: alley, lane
vicoletto {m} :: A very small village
vicoletto {m} :: A small alleyway
vicolo {m} /ˈvi.ko.lo/ :: alley, alleyway
vicolo cieco {m} :: blind alley
vicolo cieco {m} :: dead end (all senses)
vicolo cieco {m} :: deadlock
vicolo cieco {m} :: stalemate
Vicopisano {prop} :: Vicopisano (small town)
videata {f} [computing, neologism] :: screenful, screen, screenshot
video- {prefix} :: video-
video {m} /ˈvi.de.o/ :: video (all senses)
video {m} :: display (screen)
video {m} :: monitor (TV)
videoamatore {m} :: amateur video maker
videoamatoriale {adj} :: amateur video (attributive)
videoamplificatore {m} :: video amplifier
videoarte {f} :: video art
videoartista {mf} :: video artist
videocamera {f} :: video camera (portable, with a recorder)
videocassetta {f} :: videocassette
videocellulare {m} :: A mobile (cellular) videophone
videochattante {v} :: present participle of videochattare
videochattare {v} :: To video chat
videochiamante {v} :: present participle of videochiamare
videochiamare {vit} :: to call (someone) on a videophone
videochiamata {f} :: videophone call
videocitofono {m} :: video doorphone, video entryphone, video intercom, video door entry
videoclip {m} :: music video
videocomunicante {v} :: present participle of videocomunicare
videocomunicare {v} :: To communicate using computers or phones equipped with cameras and screens
videocomunicazione {f} :: video communication
videoconferenza {f} :: video conference
videocontrollo {m} :: control (of a system) via CCTV
videocrazia {f} :: The power of the image over society; videocracy
videodipendente {mf} :: TV addict; couch potato
videodipendenza {f} :: addiction to television
videodisco {m} :: video disc, laserdisc (various formats)
videodiscoteca {f} :: A discotheque that displays music videos
videofilm {m} :: video (film shot using video technology)
videofonino {m} :: video mobile phone
videofono {m} :: videophone
videofrequenza {f} :: video / television frequency
videogame {m} /vi.de̯oˈɡei̯m/ :: video game
videogiocante {v} :: present participle of videogiocare
videogiocare {vi} :: To play videogames
videogiocatore {m} :: gamer, videogamer
videogioco {m} [video games] :: video game
videogiornalismo {m} :: videojournalism
videogiornalista {mf} :: videojournalist
videografica {f} :: video graphics
videografico {adj} :: videographic
videogramma {m} :: videogram
videointervista {f} :: An interview via TV or videoconferencing
videolento {m} :: videolink
videoleso {adj} :: visually handicapped
videolettore {m} :: video player
videolibro {m} :: video (or electronic) book (any of several formats)
videoludico {adj} :: video game (attributive)
videomagnetico {adj} :: videotape (attributive)
videomania {f} :: A passion for TV or videogames
videomessaggio {m} :: message sent electronically
videomontaggio {m} :: video montage
videomusic {m} :: music played on a music video
video musicale {m} :: music video
videonastro {m} :: videotape
videonoleggiatore {m} :: video rental business or its owner
videonoleggio {m} :: video rental shop, video rental store, video shop, video store
videopirata {m} :: video pirate (person who makes/sells illegal copies of videos, DVDs etc)
videopirateria {f} :: video piracy (making/selling illegal copies of videos, DVDs etc)
videopoker {m} :: Any electronic, console-based version of poker
videopredicatore {m} :: TV preacher (especially in the US)
videoproiettore {m} :: video projector
videoproiezione {f} :: video projection
videoregistrante {v} :: present participle of videoregistrare
videoregistrare {vt} :: To videotape, tape, video (record on videotape)
videoregistratore {m} :: video recorder; videocassette recorder
videoregistrazione {f} :: video recording
videoreporter {mf} :: TV reporter (especially one working alone, with mobile equipment)
videoripresa {f} :: filming (on video)
videoriproduttore {m} :: video recorder
videoriproduzione {f} :: reproduction of video signals recorded on tape
videoscrittura {f} :: word processing
videoscrivere {v} :: To write using a word processor
videoscultura {f} [art] :: artwork involving images displayed on TV screens or PC monitors
videosegnale {m} :: TV signal
videosegnale {m} :: picture (as a function of the TV signal quality)
videosimulazione {f} :: A video simulation (especially of a dangerous situation, used for demonstration or training)
videosistema {m} :: video system
videosorveglianza {f} :: video surveillance, CCTV
videosorvegliato {adj} :: Under video surveillance
videotape {m} :: videotape
videoteca {f} :: Shop that sells or rents videotapes
Videotel {prop} :: An Italian videotex service utilising the telephone network, popular before and alongside the World Wide Web
videotelefonia {f} :: videotelephony
videotelefonico {adj} :: videotelephonic
videotelefonino {m} :: A mobile phone that has a built-in video camera
videotelefono {m} :: videophone
videoterminale {m} [computing] :: (video) terminal, VDU
videotrasmettente {v} :: present participle of videotrasmettere
videotrasmettere {vt} :: to broadcast by television; to televise
videotutorial {m} :: video tutorial
vidiconoscopio {m} :: vidicon
vidigrafo {m} :: A device that transfers video to film
vidimante {v} :: present participle of vidimare
vidimare {vt} :: To authenticate
vidimatore {m} :: authenticator
vidimazione {f} :: authentication
Vidoni {prop} :: surname
vi doppia {f} :: alternative form of doppia vu
vidovile {adj} :: alternative form of vedovile
vidovità {f} :: widowhood (Variant of vedovità)
viduile {adj} :: alternative form of vedovile
viduità {f} :: widowhood (Variant of vedovità)
viella {f} [musical instruments] :: vielle
viemeglio {adv} :: alternative form of viemmeglio
viemmeglio {adv} :: even more
viemmeglio {adv} :: even better
Vienna {prop} :: Vienna (capital city)
Vienna {prop} :: Vienna (state)
viennese {adj} :: Viennese
viennese {mf} :: Viennese (person)
vie più {adj} :: alternative spelling of viepiù
viepiù {adv} :: more and more, increasingly
viepiù {adv} :: (with che) much more (than)
vieppiù {adj} :: alternative spelling of viepiù
Vieste {prop} :: Vieste (town)
vietabile {adj} :: That can be forbidden
vietabilità {f} :: Property of what can be forbidden
vietamento {m} :: synonym of divieto
vietante {v} :: present participle of vietare
vietare {vt} :: to forbid, to prohibit, to ban, to stop, to prevent
vietatissimo {adj} :: superlative of vietato
vietativo {adj} :: prohibiting
vietato {adj} :: forbidden
vietato {v} :: past participle of vietare
vietatore {m} :: prohibitor
vietcong {mf} :: Vietcong (fighter)
Vietnam {prop} :: Vietnam
vietnamita {m} :: Vietnamese person
vietnamita {m} [uncountable] :: Vietnamese language
vietnamita {adj} :: Vietnamese
vieto {adj} [literary] /ˈvjɛ.to/ :: old
vieto {adj} [pejorative] :: antiquated, outdated
vieto {adj} [regional, rare, of food] :: rancid or stale
vietume {m} /vjeˈtu.me/ :: A collection of old, outdated or antiquated things
Vigata {prop} :: Vigata (fictional town), in the books by Andrea Camilleri, based on Porto Empedocle
vigecuplo {adj} :: twentyfold
vigecuplo {m} :: Something that is a twentyfold greater
vigente {adj} [legal] /vi.ˈd͡ʒɛn.te/ :: in force, in effect
vigente {adj} :: current, in use
vigente {v} :: present participle of vigere
vigenza {f} [legal] :: validity (state of being in force)
vigere {vi} [impersonal] :: to be in force
vigere {vi} [impersonal] :: to be current or in use
vigesimale {adj} :: vigesimal (to base 20)
vigesimo {adj} [literary] /viˈd͡ʒezimo/ :: twentieth
vigevanasco {adj} :: Of or from Vigevano
Vigevanasco {prop} :: synonym of Vigevano
vigevanese {adj} :: Of, or from, Vigevano
vigevanese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Vigevano
Vigevano {prop} :: Vigevano (town)
Vigezzina {prop} :: the railway from Domodossola in Italy to Locarno in Switzerland
vigilante {v} :: present participle of vigilare
vigilante {adj} :: vigilant, watchful, alert
vigilante {mf} :: security guard
vigilante {mf} :: vigilante
vigilanza {f} :: supervision
vigilanza {f} :: surveillance
vigilanza {f} :: vigilance
vigilare {vt} :: To supervise, to monitor, to guard, to keep an eye on
vigilare {vi} :: (but takes avere as auxiliary) To keep watch, to look out
vigilata {f} :: Woman on probation
vigilato {adj} :: on probation
vigilato {m} :: person on probation
vigilatore {m} :: supervisor
vigilatrice {f} :: female equivalent of vigilatore
vigile {adj} :: vigilant, watchful, alert
vigile {m} :: (local) policeman, traffic cop, traffic warden
vigile del fuoco {m} :: fireman, firefighter
vigile del fuoco {m} :: (in plural) fire brigade, fire department, fire company
vigilessa {f} :: female equivalent of vigile
vigile urbano {m} [colloquial] :: cop (especially a traffic cop)
vigile urbano {m} :: point duty officer
vigile urbano {m} :: traffic control officer
vigilia {f} :: vigil
vigilia {f} :: eve (day before another specified)
Vigilia {prop} :: Christmas Eve
vigilia di Capodanno {prop} /viˈdʒiːlia ˈdikapodanno/ :: New Year's Eve
vigilia di Natale {f} :: Christmas Eve
vigiliare {adj} :: vigil (attributive)
vigintivirato {m} :: vigintivirate
viglia {f} :: An agricultural broom (used to sweep a threshing floor)
vigliaccamente {adv} :: cowardly
vigliaccata {f} :: dirty trick
vigliaccata {f} :: cowardly action
vigliaccata {f} :: prank
vigliaccheria {f} :: cowardice
vigliaccheria {f} :: cowardly action
vigliaccio {m} :: chaff (the remains of threshing activity)
vigliacco {adj} :: cowardly
vigliacco {adj} :: contemptible
vigliacco {m} :: coward
vigliacco {m} :: rogue, scoundrel
vigliante {v} :: present participle of vigliare
vigliare {v} :: To sweep up after threshing
vigliatura {f} :: sweeping up (after threshing)
vigliatura {f} :: sweepings (so obtained)
viglietto {m} :: synonym of biglietto
Vigliotti {prop} :: surname
vigna {f} :: vineyard
vignaiolo {m} :: owner of a vineyard
vignaiolo {m} :: vine dresser
vignaiuolo {m} :: Variant of vignaiolo
vignato {adj} :: (of land) cultivated with vines
vigneto {m} :: A vineyard
vignetta {f} :: illustration
vignetta {f} [comics] :: cartoon (in a newspaper)
vignetta {f} [comics] :: panel
vignetta {f} [comics] :: strip
vignettatura {f} :: vignetting (the making of a photograph with blurred edges)
vignettista {mf} :: illustrator
vignettista {mf} :: cartoonist
vignettistica {f} :: vignetting (the making of vignettes)
Vignola {prop} :: Vignola (small town)
vignuolo {m} :: small vineyard
vigogna {f} :: vicuña
vigore {m} /vi.ˈɡo.re/ :: vigour, stamina, strength
vigore {m} :: force, impetus
vigore {m} :: force, validity, effectiveness
vigoreggiante {v} :: present participle of vigoreggiare
vigoreggiare {vi} :: to be vigorous
vigoreggiare {vi} :: to flourish, to thrive
Vigorelli {prop} :: surname
vigorente {v} :: present participle of vigorire
vigoria {f} :: vigour, force, strength, energy
vigorire {v} :: To invigorate
vigorire {v} :: To reinvigorate
vigorosamente {adv} :: vigorously
vigorosissimo {adj} :: superlative of vigoroso
vigorosità {f} :: force, vigour, vigorousness
vigoroso {adj} :: vigorous, spanking
vigoroso {adj} :: strong, powerful
vigoroso {adj} :: energetic
vile {adj} :: cowardly, dastardly
vile {adj} :: base, miserable, mean
vile {adj} :: cheap, worthless, base
vile {mf} :: coward
Vilfredo {prop} :: given name
vilificante {v} :: present participle of vilificare
vilificare {v} :: To vilify
vilificatore {adj} :: despising, demeaning
vilificatore {adj} :: mocking, sneering
vilificatore {adj} :: vilifying
vilio {adj} :: cheap, inexpensive
vilipendente {v} :: present participle of vilipendere
vilipendere {vt} :: To despise or scorn or vilipend
vilipendio {m} [legal] :: public insult, public defamation
vilipendio {m} :: vilification, scorn
vilità {f} :: Variant of viltà
villa {f} /ˈvil.la/ :: mansion
villa {f} :: detached house, residence
villa {f} :: country house, villa
villa {f} :: countryside
villa {f} :: farm
villa {f} :: village, small town
villa {f} [poetic] :: city, town
Villaco {prop} :: Villaco (town)
villa comunale {f} [chiefly Southern Italy] :: public garden, park
Villadicani {prop} :: surname
Villa Farnesina {prop} :: An art museum in Rome
villaggio {m} :: village, hamlet
Villa Medici {prop} :: A group of buildings hosting the Academy of France in Rome Italy
villana {f} :: feminine noun of villano
villanamente {adv} :: rudely, discourteously
villanamente {adv} :: boorishly, uncouthly, grossly
villanata {f} :: rude or impolite act
villancico {m} [music genre, poetry] /vi.janˈsi.ko/ :: villancico (traditional Spanish or Portuguese folk song)
villaneggiamento {m} :: alternative form of svillaneggiamento
villaneggiante {v} :: present participle of villaneggiare
villaneggiare {vt} :: synonym of svillaneggiare
villaneggiatore {adj} :: insulting
villanelle {f} :: villanelle
villanello {m} :: A young peasant or farmer
villanescamente {adv} :: rustically, crudely
villanescamente {adv} :: impolitely
villanesco {adj} :: redneck (attributive)
villanesco {adj} :: boorish, rude, rough
villania {f} /vil.laˈni.a/ :: rudeness, bad manners
villano {adj} :: rude, bad-mannered
villano {m} :: A rude or bad-mannered person; lout or boor
villano {m} :: peasant
villanoviano {adj} :: Villanovan
villanzone {m} :: boor (rude person)
Villarosa {prop} :: Villarosa (village)
Villarosa {prop} :: surname
Villa Rosebery {prop} :: Villa Rosebery in Naples, Italy is one of the three official residences of the President of the Italian Republic, so named because it was owned by the British prime minister, The 5th Earl of Rosebery
villata {f} :: village
villeggiante {v} :: present participle of villeggiare
villeggiante {mf} :: holidaymaker, holidayer, vacationer
villeggiare {vi} :: To holiday (spend one's holidays)
villeggiatura {f} :: a vacation in the countryside, on the seaside, or in the mountains
villereccio {adj} :: rustic, rural, country (attributive)
villesco {adj} :: rustic, rural
villetta {f} :: small house with a garden; cottage, chalet
villetta a schiera {f} :: row house
villico {m} :: farmboy, countryman
villina {f} [protein] :: villin
villino {m} :: detached house, house
villino {m} :: cottage
villo {m} [anatomy, botany] :: villus
villocentesi {f} [medicine] :: chorionic villus sampling, CVS
villona {f} :: A large mansion
villona {f} :: A large villa
villosità {f} :: hairiness
villosità {f} [anatomy, botany] :: villosity
villoso {adj} :: hairy
villoso {adj} [anatomy, botany] :: villous
villotta {f} [music] :: villotta
vilmente {adv} :: like a coward; cowardly
vilmente {adv} :: meanly, miserably
Vilna {prop} :: Vilna (capital city)
Vilnius {prop} :: Vilnius (capital city)
viltà {f} :: cowardice
viltà {f} :: cowardly action
viltà {f} :: pusillanimity
viltade {f} :: alternative form of viltà
vilucchio {m} /viˈluk.kjo/ :: The plant Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed)
vilucchione {m} :: hedge bindweed (Calystegia sepium)
vilume {m} :: synonym of volume
vilume {m} :: A quantity of rubbish, tat etc
vilume {m} :: mob (of peasants etc)
viluppo {m} :: tangle
vimentina {f} [protein] :: vimentin
Viminale {prop} :: Viminal
Viminale {prop} :: Italian Ministry of the Interior (housed in the Palazzo del Viminale)
viminata {f} :: trellis, wattle (woven twigs)
vimine {m} :: osier
vimine {m} :: wicker, wickerwork
vimpa {f} :: vimpa
vin {m} :: apocopic form of vino
vinaccia {f} :: pomace (from grapes)
vinacciera {f} [nautical] :: A tanker used to transport wine in bulk
vinacciolo {m} :: grape seed / pip
vinaia {f} :: female equivalent of vinaio
vinaio {m} :: wine merchant, wine seller, vintner
vinaio {m} :: host, innkeeper
vinaiola {f} :: female equivalent of vinaiolo
vinaiolo {m} :: wine merchant, wine seller, vintner
vinaiolo {m} :: host, innkeeper
vinaiolo {m} :: winemaker
vinarello {m} [art] :: painting using red wine on paper
vinario {adj} :: wine (attributive)
vinato {adj} :: wine-coloured
vinattiera {f} :: female equivalent of vinattiere
vinattiere {m} :: vintner
vinattiere {m} :: innkeeper
vinavil {m} :: A polyvinyl acetate glue (originally a trademark)
vin brulé {m} [alcoholic beverage] :: mulled wine
vincaia {f} :: osier plantation, osier grove
vincaia {f} :: osier thicket
vincapervinca {f} :: greater periwinkle (Vinca major)
vincastra {f} :: alternative form of vincastro
vincastro {m} :: crook (shepherd's staff, bishop's crozier)
vincente {adj} :: winning
vincentesi {v} :: present participle of vincersi
vincenziano {adj} :: Vincentian
vincenzina {f} :: A nun of the Figlie della carità di San Vincenzo de' Paoli
Vincenzo {prop} :: given name
vincer {v} :: apocopic form of vincere
vincere {vit} /ˈvintʃere/ :: to win
vincere {vt} :: to vanquish, defeat
vincersi {v} :: reflexive of vincere
vincersi {vr} :: to control oneself
vincersi {vr} :: to win, be winnable
vincersi {vr} [rare, formal] :: to be evident, be confirmed (by something)
vincheto {m} :: osier plantation, osier grove
vincheto {m} :: osier thicket
vinchio {m} :: alternative form of vinco
Vinchio {prop} :: Vinchio (village)
Vinci {prop} /ˈvin.tʃi/ :: Vinci (small town), nearby which Leonardo da Vinci was born
vinciano {adj} /vinˈtʃa.no/ :: Of or from Vinci (town in Tuscany)
vinciano {adj} :: Relating to Leonardo da Vinci
vincibile {adj} :: winnable, vincible
vincibosco {m} :: honeysuckle
vincido {adj} :: flexible, pliable
vincido {adj} :: limp, wilted
vinciglio {m} :: withe, withy
vincigrassi {mp} :: A form of lasagne, from Le Marche, made with chicken livers
vinciperdi {m} :: A race or game in which the winner is the one who finishes last or has the fewest points
vincisgrassi {m} [culinary] :: A type of lasagne from Le Marche (seven layers of flat pasta, meat sauce called ragù and Béchamel sauce with a lot of nutmeg)
vincita {f} /ˈvin.t͡ʃi.ta/ :: win, victory
vincita {f} [in the plural] :: winnings
vincitore {adj} :: winning, victorious
vincitore {adj} :: defeating, vanquishing
vincitore {m} :: winner
vincitore {m} :: victor
vincitore del premio Nobel {m} :: Nobel laureate (winner of a Nobel Prize)
vincitrice {f} :: winner
vincitrice {f} :: victor
vinco {m} :: osier, wicker (flexible branch of willow)
vinco {m} :: osier Salix viminalis
vinco {m} [by extension] :: willow
vincolabile {adj} :: bindable
vincolabile {adj} :: limitable
vincolante {v} :: present participle of vincolare
vincolante {adj} :: binding
vincolare {vt} [legal] :: to bind
vincolare {vt} :: to tie down
vincolare {vt} :: to limit [the movement of something]
vincolare {vt} :: to curb, subjugate
vincolatività {f} :: bindingness
vincolativo {adj} :: binding
vincolato {adj} :: bound
vincolato {adj} :: tied down
vincolismo {m} [economics] :: The advocacy of a regulated or an interventionist economy
vincolista {mf} [economics] :: An advocate of a regulated or an interventionist economy
vincolistico {adj} :: restriction, control (attributive)
vincolo {m} /ˈvin.ko.lo/ :: bond, tie
vincolo {m} :: encumbrance (legal)
vincolo {m} :: constraint (scientific)
vincolo di sangue {m} :: blood tie, family tie
vincotto {m} :: Cooked grape must (from Puglia) used as a sauce for pouring
vindice {adj} [literary] /ˈvin.di.t͡ʃe/ :: avenging, revenging
vindice {mf} [literary] :: avenger, revenger
Vindonissa {prop} :: (the site of) a Roman fort near Windisch in Switzerland
Vinegia {prop} :: [archaic, poetic] Vinegia (capital city)
vinello {m} :: diminutive of vino
vinello {m} :: light and pleasant wine
vinello {m} :: A weak, watery wine made from grape pomace
vineria {f} :: wine bar
Vinicio {prop} :: given name
vinicolo {adj} /vi.ˈni.ko.lo/ :: wine (attributive)
vinicolo {adj} :: wine-producing (region)
vinifero {adj} :: wine-producing
vinificante {v} :: present participle of vinificare
vinificare {vi} :: To make wine, to vinify
vinificatore {m} :: winemaker
vinificatrice {f} :: female equivalent of vinificatore
vinificazione {f} :: winemaking, vinification
vinilacetato {m} [organic compound] :: vinyl acetate
vinilacetilene {m} [organic compound] :: vinylacetylene
vinilazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: vinylation
vinilbenzene {m} [organic compound] :: vinylbenzene
vinile {m} [organic chemistry] :: vinyl
vinile {m} :: vinyl (phonograph record)
vinilestere {m} [organic chemistry] :: vinyl ester
vinilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: vinyl (attributive)
vinilidene {m} [organic chemistry] :: vinylidene
vinilite {f} :: vinylite (an early form of polyvinyl chloride)
vinilpelle {f} :: imitation (vinyl) leather
vinismo {m} :: alcoholism (from excessive wine drinking)
viniziano {adj} :: medieval spelling of veneziano
vino {m} /ˈvino/ :: wine
vino bianco {m} :: white wine
vino cotto {m} :: A form of wine, from Le Marche, in which the must is reduced by boiling before fermentation
vino da dessert {m} :: dessert wine
vino della casa {m} :: house wine
vinolenza {f} :: drunkenness
vinomele {m} :: wine mixed with honey
vino rosato {m} :: rosé wine
vino rosso {m} :: red wine
vinosità {f} :: vinosity
vinoso {adj} :: vinous, winy, wine (attributive)
vinoterapia {f} :: vinotherapy
vinsantaia {f} / vin.sanˈta.ja/ :: A space under the roof in which barrels of Vin Santo are fermented
vin santo {m} [chiefly uncountable] :: vin santo or any similar wine
vinsanto {m} [chiefly uncountable] :: alternative spelling of vin santo
vinta {f} :: female equivalent of vinto
vinto {m} :: loser
vinto {adj} :: defeated, beaten
vintosi {v} :: past participle of vincersi
viola {adj} /ˈvjɔ.la/ :: purple, violet
viola {f} :: viola, violet (plant)
viola {f} :: violet, purple (color)
viola {f} [musical instruments] /ˈvjɔ.la/ :: viola
viola {f} [musical instruments] :: fiddle
Viola {prop} :: given name
Viola {prop} :: surname
violabile {adj} :: breakable
violabile {adj} :: violable
violabilità {f} :: violability
violabilità {f} :: breakability
violabilmente {adv} :: violably
violacciocca {f} :: stock, wallflower (Matthiola incana)
violacciocco {m} :: alternative form of violacciocca
violaceo {adj} :: purplish, violet
violaciocca {f} /vi.o.la.ˈtʃɔk.ka/ :: wallflower
viola da braccio {f} [musical instruments] :: synonym of viola (instrument larger than a violin, smaller than a cello)
viola da gamba {f} [musical instrument] :: viola da gamba
violaio {m} :: A planting of violets
violamento {m} :: synonym of violazione
violante {v} :: present participle of violare
Violante {prop} /vi.oˈlan.te/ :: given name
viola pomposa {f} [musical instruments] :: viola pomposa
violare {vt} :: to break, violate, infringe, profane, run afoul of
violare {vt} [dated] :: to rape
violastro {adj} :: violetish
violatore {m} :: violator
violatore {m} :: breaker
violatrice {f} :: female equivalent of violatore
violazione {f} :: violation
violazione {f} :: infringement
violazione {f} :: breach
violazione {f} :: desecration
violenta {f} :: feminine noun of violento
violenta {f} :: violent woman
violentamente {adv} :: violently
violentamento {m} :: violation
violentante {v} :: present participle of violentare
violentare {vt} :: to rape, violate, do violence to
violentatore {m} :: rapist
violentatore {m} :: violator
violentazione {f} :: violation
violentemente {adv} :: violently
violentissimo {adj} :: superlative of violento
violento {adj} /vjoˈlɛn.to/ :: violent
violento {m} :: violent person
violenza {f} /vjoˈlɛn.t͡sa/ :: violence
violetta {f} :: violet (plant)
Violetta {prop} [rare] :: given name
violetto {adj} :: violet
violetto {m} :: violet (colour)
violinaio {m} :: violin maker or seller
violinante {v} :: present participle of violinare
violinare {v} :: synonym of sviolinare
violinata {f} :: synonym of sviolinata
violinista {mf} :: violinist
violinistico {adj} [music] :: violin (attributive)
violino {m} :: violin, fiddle
violino {m} :: violin, violinist
violista {mf} :: violist
violoncellista {mf} [music] :: cellist
violoncello {m} [musical instruments] :: violoncello, cello
violone {m} [musical instruments] :: violone
viomicina {f} :: viomycin
viottola {f} :: lane (small road in the countryside)
viottola {f} :: trail
viottolo {m} /ˈvjɔt.to.lo/ :: path, track
vipera {f} /ˈvipera/ :: viper, adder
vipera {f} [figuratively] :: a catty person
viperaio {m} :: nest of vipers
viperaio {m} :: viper catcher
vipereo {adj} :: viperine
viperide {m} :: viperid
viperino {adj} :: viperine
viperino {adj} :: venomous (real and figurative)
viperino {m} :: Young viper
vipistrello {m} /vi.pisˈtrɛl.lo/ :: obsolete form of pipistrello
vipitenese {adj} :: Of or from Vipiteno
Vipiteno {prop} :: Vipiteno (small town)
vipla {f} :: polyvinyl chloride
vippame {f} [pejorative] :: the collective of famous people (VIPs), seen as out of touch or elitist
vipra {f} :: alternative form of vipera
viradore {m} :: alternative form of viratore
viraggio {m} [nautical] :: coming about
viraggio {m} :: turn (especially of an aircraft)
viraggio {m} :: toning (photographic)
virago {f} /viˈra.ɡo/ :: amazon
virale {adj} :: viral (all senses)
viramento {m} [nautical] :: tack
virante {v} :: present participle of virare
virare {vi} :: to veer, turn away
virare {vi} [nautical] :: to come about, change course; to tack
virare {vi} :: to bank [an aircraft]
virata {f} :: turn
virata {f} :: change of course
virata {f} :: bank (of an aircraft)
viratore {m} :: turning gear, jacking gear
virente {adj} :: verdant
virente {adj} :: thriving, vigorous
virescente {adj} :: virescent
virescenza {f} :: virescence
virgiliano {adj} :: Virgil (attributive)
virgiliano {adj} :: Of or relating to Mantua and its football team
Virgilio {prop} :: Virgil (a Roman writer)
Virgilio {prop} :: given name
Virgilio {prop} :: surname
Virgilio {prop} :: A village near Mantua where Virgil was born (originally named Andes)
virginale {m} [musical instruments] :: virginal (early harpsichord)
virginale {adj} :: Variant of verginale
virginalista {mf} [music] :: virginalist
virgine {adj} :: alternative form of vergine
virgine {mf} :: alternative form of vergine
virgineo {adj} [dated] /virˈdʒi.ne.o/ :: virginly, maidenly, virgin-like
virgineo {adj} [dated, figuratively] :: candid, chaste, virginal, verecund
virginia {adj} :: (of tobacco) From Virginia
Virginia {prop} :: Virginia (state)
Virginia {prop} :: given name
Virginia Occidentale {prop} :: West Virginia (US state)
virginità {f} :: Variant of verginità
virgola {f} :: comma
virgola {f} :: comma, point
virgola {f} [fashion] :: synonym of vergola
virgolante {v} :: present participle of virgolare
virgolare {v} :: To place text within quotation marks
virgolato {adj} :: placed within quotation marks
virgolatura {f} :: Putting text in quotation marks
virgoleggiante {v} :: present participle of virgoleggiare
virgoleggiare {vt} [rare] :: synonym of virgolare
virgoletta {f} [typography] :: quotation mark, inverted comma
virgolettante {v} :: present participle of virgolettare
virgolettare {vt} :: To put in quotation marks, to put in quotes, to put in inverted commas
virgolettato {adj} :: in quotation marks, in quotes, in inverted commas
virgolettato {adj} :: quoted word for word, quoted verbatim
virgolettato {adj} :: guillemet
virgolettato {m} :: A text quoted word for word, a text quoted verbatim
virgolettatura {f} :: Putting text in quotation marks
virgolette {f} [typography] :: quotation marks, quotes, inverted commas, speech marks, guillemet
virgulto {m} :: slip, shoot (of a plant)
virgulto {m} :: scion
viricide {m} [medicine] :: viricide
viridità {f} :: viridity, greenness
virile {adj} :: virile
virilismo {m} :: virilism
virilità {f} :: virility
virilizzante {v} :: present participle of virilizzare
virilizzare {vt} [uncommon] :: to make virile, to virilize
virilizzazione {f} :: virilization
virilmente {adv} :: in a manly way
virilocale {adj} :: virilocal
virilocalità {f} :: virilocality
viriloide {adj} :: masculine
virione {m} :: virion
Virna {prop} :: given name
viro {m} [poetic] /ˈvi.ro/ :: man [a male adult]
virofissaggio {m} [photography] :: fixing
virogenesi {f} :: virogenesis
viroide {m} :: viroid
virola {f} :: ferrule
virologa {f} :: female equivalent of virologo
virologia {f} [pathology] :: virology
virologico {adj} [pathology] :: virological
virologo {m} :: virologist
virometro {m} :: turn indicator (in an aircraft)
virosi {f} [pathology] :: virosis
virtù {f} :: virtue
virtù {f} :: power
virtuale {adj} :: virtual
virtualismo {m} [philosophy] :: virtualism
virtualità {f} :: virtuality
virtualizzante {v} :: present participle of virtualizzare
virtualizzare {v} :: to virtualize
virtualizzazione {f} :: virtualization
virtualmente {adv} :: potentially
virtudioso {adj} /vir.tuˈdjo.zo/ :: synonym of virtuoso
virtuosa {f} :: feminine noun of virtuoso
virtuosamente {adv} :: virtuously
virtuosismo {m} :: virtuosity
virtuosissimo {adj} :: superlative of virtuoso
virtuosissimo {adj} :: very virtuous
virtuosissimo {adj} :: very skillful
virtuosistico {adj} :: virtuosic, virtuoso
virtuosità {f} :: virtuousness
virtuosità {f} :: skill, skilfulness
virtuoso {adj} :: virtuous
virtuoso {adj} :: skilful
virtuoso {adj} :: upright
virtuoso {m} :: virtuoso, master (of an instrument)
virulento {adj} [biology, pathology] :: virulent
virulento {adj} :: virulent, bitter, acrimonious
virulenza {f} [biology, pathology] :: virulence
virulenza {f} :: virulence, acrimony, bitterness
virus {m} [virology] :: virus
visaggio {m} :: face
visaggio {m} :: figure, shape, appearance
visagismo {m} :: cosmetology (the art of maintaining a young-looking face by means of cosmetics etc)
visagista {mf} :: beautician
viscaccia {f} :: viscacha
viscerale {adj} :: visceral
visceralmente {adv} :: viscerally
viscere {m} :: internal organ
viscere {m} :: bowel (figurative)
viscere {m} [in the plural] :: entrails, viscera, guts
visceropatia {f} [pathology] :: visceropathy
visceroptosi {f} :: visceroptosis
vischio {m} :: mistletoe
vischio {m} :: birdlime (extracted from mistletoe or other plants)
vischiosamente {adv} :: viscously, stickily
vischiosità {f} :: stickiness, viscosity
vischioso {adj} :: viscous
vischioso {adj} :: sticky
viscidamente {adv} :: slimily
viscidamente {adv} :: smarmily
viscidio {m} :: viscidium
viscidissimo {adj} :: superlative of viscido; very slimy
viscidità {f} :: sliminess
viscidità {f} :: smarminess
viscido {adj} :: slimy (all senses)
viscido {adj} :: slick
viscido {adj} :: smarmy
viscidume {m} :: slime (slimy mess)
visciola {f} :: sour cherry (Prunus cerasus)
visciolata {f} :: sour cherry conserve
visciolata {f} :: wine made of sour cherries and red grapes
visciolato {m} :: sour cherry liqueur
visciolo {m} :: sour cherry tree
visco {m} [obsolete] :: bond, impediment
viscoelasticità {f} [physics] :: viscoelasticity
viscoelastico {adj} [physics] :: viscoelastic
viscontado {m} :: viscounty
visconte {m} :: viscount
visconteo {adj} :: Visconti (attributive)
viscontessa {f} :: viscountess
Visconti {prop} :: surname
viscontino {m} :: A young viscount
viscontino {m} :: The son of a viscount
viscoplastico {adj} /vis.koˈplas.ti.ko/ :: viscoplastic
viscosa {f} :: viscose
viscosimetrico {adj} [physics] :: viscosimetric
viscosimetro {m} [physics] :: viscosimeter, viscometer
viscosità {f} :: viscosity
viscoso {adj} :: viscous
visdominato {m} :: The office of a visdomino
visdomino {m} :: A person, in medieval times, who took the place of a lord or bishop in various situations
visema {f} :: expressive face movements, especially with reference to the articulation of phonemes while speaking
visetto {m} :: small face
visetto {m} :: pretty face
visibile {adj} :: visible
visibile {adj} :: evident, clear, apparent
visibile {adj} :: viewable
visibile {m} :: visible
visibilio {ms} :: profusion
visibilio {ms} :: ecstacy, rapture (Especially in the term: andare in visibilio)
visibilità {f} :: visibility
visibilmente {adv} :: visibly, noticeably, clearly
visiera {f} :: peak, visor
visiera {f} :: mask
Visigoti {prop} :: Visigoths
visigotico {adj} :: Visigothic
visigoto {adj} :: Visigothic
visigoto {m} :: Visigoth
visino {m} :: diminutive of viso; small face
visino {m} :: pretty face
Visintini {prop} :: surname
Visintini {prop} :: A small region of Portole in Croatia
visionabile {adj} :: viewable
visionante {v} :: present participle of visionare
visionare {vt} :: to view, preview
visionare {vt} :: to examine, eye
visionario {adj} :: visionary
visionario {m} :: visionary
visione {f} /viˈzjoːne/ :: vision (all senses)
visione {f} :: sight
visione {f} :: view
visir {m} :: vizier
visirato {m} :: vizierate
visire {m} :: alternative form of visir
visirre {m} :: alternative form of visir
visita {f} /ˈvizita/ :: visit
visitabile {adj} :: visitable
visitabilità {f} :: visitability
visitamento {m} :: visit
visitandina {f} :: Visitandine (member of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary
visitante {v} :: present participle of visitare
visitantesi {v} :: present participle of visitarsi
visitare {v} :: to visit
visitare {v} :: to examine
visitarsi {vr} :: To make a visit (especially to the doctor)
visitatissimo {adj} :: superlative of visitato
visitatore {m} /vi.zi.taˈto.re/ :: visitor, caller
visitatosi {v} :: past participle of visitarsi
visitatrice {f} :: female equivalent of visitatore
visitazione {f} :: visitation
Visitazione {f} :: The Visitation (of Mary and Elizabeth)
visitina {f} :: quick visit, short visit, flying visit, dash
visivamente {adv} :: visually
visivo {adj} :: visual
Vismara {prop} :: surname
Visnù {prop} :: Vishnu
visnuismo {m} :: Vaishnavism
visnuita {mf} :: Vaishnavist
visnuitico {adj} :: Vaishnavist
viso {m} :: face
visone {m} :: mink
visone americano {m} :: American mink
visonetto {m} :: imitation mink (fur)
visore {m} /vi.ˈzo.re/ :: viewer (slides, microfilm etc)
vispezza {f} :: liveliness, vivacity
vispistrello {m} /vis.pisˈtrɛl.lo/ :: obsolete form of pipistrello
vispo {adj} :: lively
vispo {adj} :: quick
vissuto {adj} [of a story etc] :: from real life
vissuto {adj} [of a person] :: experienced
vissutosi {v} :: past participle of viversi
vista {f} :: sight, eyesight, vision, visual acuity
vista {f} :: a view, panorama
vistante {v} :: present participle of vistare
vistare {vt} :: to visa
vistare {vt} :: to approve, to okay, to endorse, to stamp
visto {m} :: tick (sign)
visto {m} :: approval
visto {m} :: visa
visto che {conj} :: seeing that
Vistola {prop} :: Vistula
vistosamente {adv} :: gaudily, showily
vistosi {v} :: past participle of vedersi
vistosità {f} :: showiness, loudness, gaudiness
vistoso {adj} /visˈtoso/ :: gaudy, showy
visuale {adj} :: visual
visuale {f} :: view
visualità {f} :: visuality
visualizzabile {adj} :: visualizable
visualizzabile {adj} :: imaginable
visualizzante {v} :: present participle of visualizzare
visualizzare {vt} :: to display
visualizzare {vt} :: to visualize, show
visualizzatore {m} [computing] :: display (unit), viewer
visualizzazione {f} :: visualization
visualizzazione {f} :: display
visualizzazione {f} :: sight, view
visualizzazione volumetrica {f} [computing] :: 3D visualization based on voxels
visualmente {adv} :: visually
visura {f} :: certification (especially of properties)
visurista {mf} :: certification clerk
vita {f} /ˈvi.ta/ :: life
vita {f} :: waist
vitaccia {f} :: hard life
vita da gran signore {f} :: synonym of vita da nababbo
vita da nababbo {f} :: life of Riley
vitaiolo {m} :: bon viveur, man about town, binger, playboy
vitalba {f} :: old man's beard, traveller's joy (Clematis vitalba)
vitalbaio {m} :: A clump of old man's beard
vitale {adj} :: vital, life [attributive], living
vitale {adj} [figuratively] :: vital, crucial, essential
vitale {adj} [medicine, biology] :: viable
vitale {adj} :: lively, alive, vital
Vitaliano {prop} :: given name
Vitalïano {prop} :: medieval spelling of Vitaliano
vitalismo {m} :: vitalism
vitalissimo {adj} :: superlative of vitale
vitalistico {adj} :: vitalistic
vitalità {f} :: vitality, vigour, ebullience
vitaliziante {v} :: present participle of vitaliziare
vitaliziare {v} :: To pay someone an annuity
vitalizio {m} :: life annuity
vitalizio {adj} :: lifelong
vitalizzante {v} :: present participle of vitalizzare
vitalizzare {v} :: To revitalize
vitame {m} :: A collection of vines
vitamina {f} :: vitamin
vitamina A {f} :: vitamin A
vitamina B {f} :: vitamin B
vitamina B1 {f} :: vitamin B1
vitamina B2 {f} :: vitamin B2
vitamina B3 {f} :: vitamin B3
vitamina B4 {f} :: vitamin B4
vitamina B5 {f} :: vitamin B5
vitamina B6 {f} :: vitamin B6
vitamina B7 {f} :: vitamin B7
vitamina B8 {f} :: vitamin B8
vitamina B9 {f} :: vitamin B9
vitamina C {f} :: vitamin C
vitamina D {f} :: vitamin D
vitamina E {f} :: vitamin E
vitamina K {f} :: vitamin K
vitamina N {f} :: vitamin N
vitaminico {adj} :: vitamin (attributive), vitaminic
vitaminizzante {v} :: present participle of vitaminizzare
vitaminizzare {vt} :: to enrich with vitamins
vitaminizzazione {f} :: vitamin enrichment
vitaminologia {f} :: vitaminology
vitando {adj} [rare] /viˈtan.do/ :: That is to be avoided
vite {f} :: screw
vite {f} :: vine
vite di Archimede {f} :: Archimedes screw
vitella {f} :: (female) calf
vitella {f} :: veal
vitellaio {m} :: A breeder of calves
vitellaio {m} :: A tanner of calfskin
vitellino {m} :: diminutive of vitello
vitellino {adj} [anatomy] :: vitelline
vitellium {m} :: An alloy of cobalt, chromium and molybdenum use to make prostheses etc
vitello {m} /viˈtɛl.lo/ :: calf [animal]
vitello {m} :: veal
vitellone {m} :: bullock
vitellone {m} :: beef (from a young animal)
vitellone {m} :: loafer (idle person)
viterbese {adj} :: Of or from Viterbo
Viterbo {prop} /viˈtɛr.bo/ :: Viterbo (province/and/town)
viteria {f} :: screws
vite vergine {f} [plant] :: Parthenocissus quinquefolia: Virginia creeper
viticchio {m} :: synonym of vilucchione
viticcio {m} [botany] :: tendril, cirrus
viticcioso {adj} :: tendrilled
viticolo {adj} /vi.ˈti.ko.lo/ :: viticultural
viticoltore {m} :: viticulturist (vine grower)
viticoltura {f} :: viticulture (vine growing)
viticultore {m} :: alternative spelling of viticoltore
viticultura {f} :: alternative spelling of viticoltura
vitifero {adj} :: vine-bearing
vitifero {adj} :: grape-producing
vitigno {m} /viˈtiɲ.ɲo/ :: variety (of grape or wine)
vitiligine {f} [disease] :: vitiligo
vitina {f} :: A small waist
vitina {f} :: bodice, camisole
vitineo {adj} [art, architecture] :: Decorated with twisted vines
vitino {m} :: narrow waist
vitiperio {m} :: alternative form of vituperio
vitivinicolo {adj} :: viticultural
vitivinicoltore {m} :: winegrower
vitivinicoltura {f} :: winegrowing
Vito {prop} :: given name
vitoperio {m} :: alternative form of vituperio
vitrectomia {f} [surgery] :: vitrectomy
vitreo {adj} :: glassy, glass (attributive)
vitreo {adj} :: vitreous, glazed
vitrescente {adj} :: vitreous, glassy
vitrescenza {f} :: vitrescence
vitrex {m} :: A tempered glass used in construction
vitrificazione {f} :: vitrification
vitroclastico {adj} [petrology] /vi.troˈklas.ti.ko/ :: vitroclastic
vitronectina {f} [protein] :: vitronectin
vitruviano {adj} :: Vitruvian
Vitruvio {prop} :: Vitruvius
Vittadello {prop} :: surname
vittima {f} :: victim
vittimismo {m} :: victimism
vittimista {mf} :: victimist
vittimistico {adj} :: self-pitying
vittimizzante {v} :: present participle of vittimizzare
vittimizzare {vt} :: To victimize or bully
vittimizzazione {f} :: victimization
vitto {m} :: food
vitto {m} :: board (in a lodging house)
vittore {adj} :: victorious
Vittore {prop} :: Victor
vittoria {f} /vitˈtɔrja/ :: victory
Vittoria {prop} :: given name
Vittoria {prop} :: Victoria (the queen, the lake)
vittoria a tavolino {f} :: walkover (unopposed victory)
vittoria di Pirro {f} :: Pyrrhic victory
vittoria di Pirro {f} :: hollow victory
vittoriale {adj} :: triumphal
vittoriano {adj} :: Victorian
Vittoriano {prop} :: The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II d'Italia in Rome
vittoriato {m} :: Victoriate
Vittorio {prop} :: given name
vittoriosamente {adv} :: victoriously
vittorioso {adj} :: victorious
vittorioso {adj} :: triumphant
vittovaglia {f} :: alternative form of vettovaglia
vittuaglia {f} :: alternative form of vettovaglia
Vitturi {prop} :: surname
vitulino {adj} :: veal (attributive)
vitulino {adj} :: calf (attributive)
vituperabile {adj} :: blameworthy, vituperable
vituperabilmente {adv} :: blameworthily, vituperably
vituperante {v} :: present participle of vituperare
vituperare {vt} :: To vituperate or vilify
vituperativo {adj} :: dishonourable, ignominious
vituperativo {adj} :: vituperative
vituperatore {adj} :: vituperative, vilifying
vituperazione {f} :: vituperation, vilification
vituperevole {adj} :: shameful, despicable
vituperevolmente {adv} :: shamefully, despicably, contemptibly
vituperio {m} :: insult
vituperosamente {adv} :: insultingly, vituperatively
vituperosamente {adv} :: shamefully
vituperoso {adj} :: vituperative, insulting
vituperoso {adj} :: shameful
viuola {f} [musical instruments] :: alternative form of viola
viuzza {f} :: diminutive of via: alley, small road, narrow road
viva {interj} :: hooray!
viva {interj} :: long live ... !
viva {interj} :: three cheers for ... !
vivacchiante {v} :: present participle of vivacchiare
vivacchiare {vi} /vi.vakˈkja.re/ :: To scrape a living
vivace {adj} /viˈvatʃe/ :: lively, vital, bright
vivace {adj} :: keen, hardheaded
vivace {adj} :: brisk
vivace {adj} :: vivid
vivacemente {adv} :: vivaciously
vivacemente {adv} :: in a lively manner
vivacemente {adv} :: vividly, brightly
vivacissimo {adj} :: superlative of vivace
vivacità {f} :: liveliness, vivacity
vivacità {f} :: keenness
vivacità {f} :: vividness, brilliance
vivacizzante {v} :: present participle of vivacizzare
vivacizzare {vt} :: to liven / spice up
vivacizzazione {f} :: livening up
vivaddio {interj} :: thank God
vivaddio {interj} :: by God
vivagno {m} [textiles] :: selvage, selvedge
vivagno {m} [water, landforms] :: shore, bank
vivaio {m} [of plants and figuratively] :: nursery, breeding ground
vivaio {m} [of fish] :: farm, fishery, pond
vivaismo {m} :: fish farming
vivaismo {m} [agriculture] :: nursery gardening
vivaista {mf} :: nursery man/woman
vivaista {mf} :: fish farmer
vivaistico {adj} :: plant nursery (attributive)
vivaistico {adj} :: farm, fishery, pond (attributive)
Vivaldi {prop} :: surname
Vivaldi {prop} :: Antonio Vivaldi, Italian composer
vivamente {adv} :: deeply, profoundly
vivamente {adv} :: sincerely, warmly
vivamente {adv} :: keenly
vivanda {f} :: food, viand
vivanda {f} :: dish (of food)
vivandante {v} :: present participle of vivandare
vivandare {v} [literary, rare] /vi.vanˈda.re/ :: To eat
vivandiere {m} :: vivandier, sutler
vivavoce {m} :: alternative form of viva voce
vivavoce {adj} :: alternative form of viva voce
vivente {adj} :: living
viventesi {v} :: present participle of viversi
viventi {mp} :: The living
vivenza {f} :: living (being alive)
Vivenzio {prop} :: given name
vivere {vit} /ˈvi.ve.re/ :: to live; to be alive
vivere {vit} :: to subsist
vivere {vit} :: to be
vivere {m} :: living, life
vivere {m} :: lifestyle
vivere allo stato brado {v} :: to live in the wild state
vivere allo stato brado {v} :: to live in a natural state
vivere allo stato brado {v} :: to be free
vivere in un proprio mondo {v} :: to live in a world of your own
viveri {mp} :: supplies, provisions, victuals
viverna {f} :: wyvern
viverna {f} [heraldiccharge] :: wyvern
viversi {vr} :: To live (in a place)
viveur {m} :: viveur
vivezza {f} :: vivacity, liveliness, vividness
vivezza {f} :: brightness
Viviana {prop} :: given name, equivalent to English Vivian, Vivien, Vivienne
Viviani {prop} :: surname
vivibile {adj} :: livable, liveable, viable
vivibilità {f} :: quality of life
vivibilità {f} :: viability
vivibilmente {adv} :: In a livable manner
vividamente {adv} :: vividly
vividezza {f} :: vividness
vivido {adj} /ˈvi.vi.do/ :: vivid, lively
vivido {adj} :: vivid, bright
vivificamento {m} :: synonym of vivificazione
vivificante {v} :: present participle of vivificare
vivificantesi {v} :: present participle of vivificarsi
vivificare {vt} :: to vivify, animate
vivificarsi {v} :: reflexive of vivificare
vivificarsi {vr} :: to be revivified
vivificativo {adj} :: vivifying, restorative
vivificatore {m} :: vivifier
vivificatore {adj} :: vivifying
vivificatore {adj} :: invigorating, reviving, refreshing
vivificatosi {v} :: past participle of vivificarsi
vivificazione {f} :: vivification
vivificazione {f} :: invigoration, reviving
vivinatalità {f} [statistics] :: live birth rate
viviparità {f} :: viviparity
viviparo {adj} :: viviparous
vivisettore {adj} :: vivisectionist
vivisettore {m} :: vivisectionist
vivisettorio {adj} :: vivisection (attributive)
vivisezionante {v} :: present participle of vivisezionare
vivisezionare {vt} :: To vivisect
vivisezione {f} :: vivisection
vivissimo {adj} :: superlative of vivo
vivissimo {adj} :: very lively
vivissimo {adj} :: very strong, very deep
vivissimo {adj} :: deepest, warmest [thanks, congratulations, etc.]
vivo {adj} /ˈvi.vo/ :: alive, live
vivo {adj} :: brisk, animate, vivacious
vivo {adj} :: vivid, intense, brilliant
vivo {m} :: living person
vivo e vegeto {adj} :: alive and kicking
vivuola {f} [musical instruments] :: synonym of viola
vivuto {adj} [archaic] :: synonym of vissuto
viziante {v} :: present participle of viziare
viziare {vt} :: to spoil
viziare {vt} :: to invalidate
viziare {vt} :: to ruin
viziatamente {adv} :: defectively, imperfectly
viziatissimo {adj} :: superlative of viziato
viziato {adj} :: spoilt (person)
viziato {adj} :: invalid, invalidated (legal)
viziato {adj} :: spoiled, ruined
viziato {adj} :: stale, foul (air)
viziatura {f} :: spoilage
viziatura {f} :: invalidation
viziatura {f} :: defect (congenital)
vizietto {m} :: flaw, weakness
vizio {m} /ˈvit.tsjo/ :: vice
vizio {m} :: bad habit
vizio {m} :: flaw, defect
vizio {m} :: error, fault (grammatical)
vizio capitale {m} :: (especially in plural) deadly sin
viziosa {f} :: depraved woman
viziosa {f} :: vicious woman
viziosamente {adv} :: viciously
viziosità {f} :: viciousness
viziosità {f} :: degeneracy, depravation
viziosità {f} :: defectiveness, faultiness
vizioso {adj} :: depraved
vizioso {adj} :: vicious
vizioso {adj} :: defective, faulty
vizioso {m} :: depraved person
vizioso {m} :: vicious person
vizzato {m} :: synonym of vitigno
vizzo {adj} :: withered
vizzo {adj} :: wrinkled
Vl. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violino
Vla. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of viola
vladika {m} :: An Orthodox bishop
vladika {m} :: A Vladika
Vlc. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violoncello
Vn. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violino
Vo' {prop} :: alternative form of
{prop} :: (town)
vocabolariesco {adj} :: relating to a vocabulary
vocabolariesco {adj} :: verbose and pedantic
vocabolarietto {m} :: pocket-dictionary
vocabolario {m} /vo.ka.boˈla.rjo/ :: vocabulary, lexicon
vocabolario {m} :: dictionary
vocabolarista {mf} /vo.ka.bo.laˈris.ta/ :: lexicographer (compiler of a dictionary)
vocabolarizzante {v} :: present participle of vocabolarizzare
vocabolarizzare {v} :: To build a vocabulary
vocabolarizzazione {f} :: the compilation of a vocabulary
vocabolista {m} :: lexicographer
vocabolo {m} /voˈka.bo.lo/ :: word, term
vocabulista {mf} :: lexicographer
vocale {adj} /voˈkale/ :: vocal; voice [attributive]
vocale {f} :: vowel
vocalico {adj} /voˈka.li.ko/ :: vowel [attributive], vocalic
vocalismo {m} :: vocalism
vocalità {f} :: vocality
vocalizzante {v} :: present participle of vocalizzare
vocalizzare {vti} :: to vocalize
vocalizzazione {f} :: vocalization
vocante {v} :: present participle of vocare
vocare {vt} [archaic] /voˈka.re/ :: to call, name; to invoke
vocativo {adj} /vo.kaˈti.vo/ :: vocative
vocativo {m} [grammar] :: vocative, vocative case
vocazionale {adj} :: vocational
vocazionalità {f} :: suitability (of the soil for a crop)
vocazione {f} /vo.kaˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: vocation
vocazione {f} :: calling (religious)
voce {f} /ˈvo.t͡ʃe/ :: voice
voce {f} :: sound an animal makes
voce {f} :: word, term
voce {f} [regional] :: drinking game
voce {f} [archaic] :: announcement
voce bianca {f} :: Boy's voice before the speech mutation of puberty
voce bianca {f} :: Voice of a castrato
vocerio {m} :: chatter
vocianesimo {m} [art] :: An artistic and literary movement, of the early 20th century, that sought to provincialize Italian culture
vociano {adj} :: Relating to La Voce (periodico)
vociano {adj} :: Relating to the artistic movement vocianesimo
vociante {v} /voˈt͡ʃan.te/ :: present participle of vociare
vociare {vi} /voˈt͡ʃa.re/ :: to speak too loudly, often rudely
vociare {vt} [rare] :: to shout
vociare {m} :: loud noise from many voices
vociatore {adj} /vo.t͡ʃaˈto.re/ :: chattering
vociferante {v} :: present participle of vociferare
vociferare {vt} :: To be rumoured (that)
vociferare {vi} :: To clamour, shout or vociferate
vociferatore {m} :: shouter
vociferatore {m} :: gossip (person)
vociferazione {f} :: shouting, clamour, vociferation
vociferazione {f} :: gossip, rumour
vocina {f} :: feeble voice
vocio {m} /voˈt͡ʃio̯/ :: shouting, vociferation
vocio {m} :: chatter
vocione {m} :: A strong, hollow, or loud voice
vodese {adj} :: Of or from Vaud
vodka {f} :: vodka
vodu {m} /ˈvo.du/ :: alternative form of vudù
vodu {adj} :: alternative form of vudù
vodù {m} /voˈdu/ :: alternative form of vudù
vodù {adj} :: alternative form of vudù
voduismo {m} /vo.duˈis.mo/ :: alternative form of vuduismo
voduista {mf} /vo.duˈis.ta/ :: alternative form of vuduista
voga {m} :: rowing
voga {m} :: vogue
vogalonga {f} [Venice] :: A non-competitive rowing regatta in the form of a race between Venice and Burano
vogante {v} :: present participle of vogare
vogare {vi} [sports, nautical] :: To row (a boat)
vogata {f} :: rowing
vogata {f} :: stroke (of an oar)
vogatore {m} [sports, nautical] :: oarsman
vogatore {m} :: rowing machine (masculine only)
vogatrice {f} [sports, nautical] :: oarswoman
vogatura {f} :: synonym of vogata
vogavanti {m} [nautical] :: A rower, in ancient galleys, who set the rhythm for the other rowers to follow (the stroke)
Voghera {prop} :: Voghera (town)
vogherese {adj} :: Of, or from, Voghera
vogherese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Voghera
voglia {f} :: wish, will, desire, longing
voglia {f} :: birthmark
vogliente {adj} :: alternative form of volente
voglievole {adj} :: desirous
voglievole {adj} :: attractive
voglioloso {adj} :: eager
voglioloso {adj} :: desirous
voglioloso {adj} :: willing
vogliosamente {adv} :: yearningly, longingly, eagerly
vogliosamente {adv} :: wishfully
vogliosamente {adv} :: lustfully
vogliosamente {adv} :: eagerly, willingly, readily
vogliosità {f} :: desire
vogliosità {f} :: longing, craving
vogliosità {f} :: willingness, readiness, eagerness
voglioso {adj} :: longing, craving
voglioso {adj} :: lustful, agog
voglioso {adj} :: wishful, desirous
voglioso {adj} :: willing, eager
Vogorno {prop} :: Vogorno (village)
voi {pron} /ˈvoi/ :: you (second person plural)
Voi {pron} [uncommon, very, formal or polite, chiefly in Southern Italy] /ˈvoi/ :: you [singular]
voialtri {pron} :: you (everyone except me or us, "you lot")
voicemail {m} :: voice mail
voile {m} :: voile
voi stesse {pron} :: yourselves
voi stessi {pron} :: yourselves
voivoda {m} :: vaivode, voivode
vojtiliano {adj} :: Relating to the pontificate of w:Pope John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła)
vojtilismo {m} :: The religious doctrine and politics of w:Pope John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła)
volanda {f} :: flour dust (during milling)
volanda {f} :: distributor (device)
volandiero {adj} :: charter (flight etc)
volano {m} :: shuttlecock
volano {m} :: flywheel
volant {m} :: frill, flounce
volante {adj} :: flying
volante {adj} :: loose (of a page)
volante {adj} :: freelance
volante {m} :: steering wheel (of a car)
volante {m} :: Italian police car
volantinaggio {m} :: leafleting, leaflet distribution, flyer distribution
volantinante {v} :: present participle of volantinare
volantinare {vt} :: To distribute brochures, leaflets, tracts etc
volantino {m} :: flier, leaflet, handout
volantone {m} :: A relatively large leaflet (especially a party political one)
volare {vi} :: to fly
volare {vi} :: to go quickly
volare via {v} :: to fly away, flush
volare via {v} :: to flee, escape
volata {f} :: flight (of a bird etc)
volata {f} :: final sprint (of a cycle race)
volatile {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: volatile
volatile {adj} :: flying
volatile {m} :: bird
volatile {m} :: fowl
volatilità {f} :: volatility (all senses)
volatilizzabile {adj} :: volatilizable
volatilizzante {v} :: present participle of volatilizzare
volatilizzantesi {v} :: present participle of volatilizzarsi
volatilizzare {vt} :: to volatilize
volatilizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of volatilizzare
volatilizzarsi {vr} :: to volatilize
volatilizzarsi {vr} :: to disappear [in a puff of smoke]
volatilizzatosi {v} :: past participle of volatilizzarsi
volatilizzazione {f} :: volatilization
volatona {f} :: The final sprint in a cycle race
volatore {adj} :: flying
volatore {m} :: flyer (person or thing that flies)
vol-au-vent {m} :: vol-au-vent
volemia {f} [pathology] :: blood volume
volemico {adj} [medicine] :: volemic
volente {adj} :: willing
volente {adj} :: willful
volente {adj} :: unforced
volente o nolente {adj} :: willing or not; whether one likes it or not
volenterosa {f} :: willing woman, keen woman
volenterosamente {adv} :: willingly
volenteroso {adj} :: willing, keen
volenteroso {m} :: willing person, keen person
volentesi {v} :: present participle of volersi
volentieri {adv} /vo.lenˈtjɛ.ri/ :: willingly, gladly, with pleasure
volentierissimo {adv} :: with great pleasure, I'd be delighted to
volentiermente {adv} :: synonym of volentieri
volentieroso {adj} :: alternative form of volenteroso
voler {v} :: apocopic form of volere
voler bene {v} :: alternative spelling of volere bene
volerci {vr} [impersonal] :: to take; to be needed; to be required
volerci {vr} [impersonal] :: to be adequate, appropriate, or right
volerci fegato {v} :: to take guts
voler dire {vi} :: to mean
volere {vt} :: to want
volere {m} :: will, wish, desire, want
volere bene {vi} :: to be affectionate to someone, to feel affection or love for someone; to care for/about (literally, to wish good to); to be fond of
volere dire {v} :: alternative form of voler dire
volere è potere {proverb} :: where there's a will, there's a way
volerne {v} :: See: it volere ne
volerne {v} :: [with a] to hold a grudge, bear a grudge, or harbour a grudge (against)
volersi {v} :: reflexive of volere
volersi {vr} :: to love or be fond of each other
Volga {prop} :: The river Volga
volgare {adj} :: common, popular
volgare {adj} :: vulgar, coarse, sleazy
volgare {adj} :: vernacular
volgare {m} :: vernacular
volgarismo {m} [linguistics] :: vulgarism
volgarissimo {adj} :: superlative of volgare
volgarità {f} :: vulgarity
volgarizzabile {adj} :: That can be popularized
volgarizzamento {m} :: translation (into the vernacular)
volgarizzante {v} :: present participle of volgarizzare
volgarizzare {vt} :: to popularize
volgarizzatore {m} :: popularizer
volgarizzatore {m} :: translator (into the vernacular)
volgarizzazione {f} :: popularization
volgarizzazione {f} :: translation into the vernacular
volgarmente {adv} :: commonly
volgarmente {adv} :: vulgarly, coarsely
volgente {v} :: present participle of volgere
volgente {adj} :: turning
volgentesi {v} :: present participle of volgersi
volgere {vt} /ˈvɔl.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to turn something
volgere {vi} [+ a] :: to turn to or towards something
volgere {vi} [+ a] :: to bend around something
volgersi {vr} :: to turn or turn round
volgibile {adj} :: turnable
volgimento {m} :: turning
volgitore {adj} :: turning
volgo {m} /ˈvol.ɡo/ :: common people
volicchiante {v} :: present participle of volicchiare
volicchiare {v} :: To make a series of short flights (as a bird leaving the nest for the first time)
voliera {f} /voˈljɛ.ra/ :: aviary
volitività {f} :: volitivity
volitività {f} :: volition
volitivo {adj} :: volitive
volizione {f} :: volition
volley {m} :: volleyball
vollistico {adj} :: volleyball (attributive)
volo {m} /ˈvo.lo/ :: flight (of a bird; trip in a plane)
volontà {f} :: will, volition
volontariamente {adv} :: voluntarily
volontariato {m} :: voluntary service or work
volontarietà {f} :: voluntary character; voluntariness
volontario {adj} :: voluntary
volontario {m} :: volunteer
volontarismo {m} :: voluntarism
volontariste {mf} :: voluntarist
volontaristico {adj} :: voluntaristic
volonteroso {adj} :: alternative form of volenteroso
volontieri {adv} /vo.lonˈtjɛ.ri/ :: alternative form of volentieri
volo pindarico {m} :: Pindaric flight
volovelismo {m} [sports] :: gliding
volovelista {mf} :: sailplane or glider pilot
volovelistico {adj} :: sailplaning, gliding
volpacchiotto {m} /vol.pakˈkjɔt.to/ :: diminutive of volpe: fox cub (young fox)
volpacchiotto {m} [figuratively] :: sly person
volpaia {f} :: fox's den
volpante {v} :: present participle of volpare
volpare {vi} :: To be affected with smut (of a plant)
volpato {adj} :: smutty, mildewy
volpe {f} :: fox, vixen
volpe {f} :: a crafty person
volpeggiante {v} :: present participle of volpeggiare
volpeggiare {vi} [uncommon] :: to be crafty
volpicino {m} :: fox cub (young fox)
volpigno {adj} :: alternative form of volpino
volpina {f} [regional] /volˈpi.na/ :: synonym of muggine
volpinamente {adv} :: cunningly
volpino {adj} :: vulpine
volpino {adj} :: fox (attributive)
volpino {m} :: fox cub (young fox)
volpino {m} :: Pomeranian (dog)
volpoca {f} /volˈpɔ.ka/ :: shelduck, properly the common shelduck
volpoca {f} :: sheldrake (male of species)
volpone {m} :: old fox - crafty person
volsco {adj} :: Volscian
volsiniese {adj} :: Of or from Volsinii
Volsinii {prop} :: An ancient Etruscan town near modern Bolsena
volt {m} :: volt
volta {f} /ˈvɔlta/ :: time, instance, occasion
volta {f} :: turn
volta {f} [architecture, anatomy] :: vault
Volta {prop} :: surname
Volta {prop} :: Alessandro Volta, Italian scientist
Volta {prop} :: The river Volta
voltabile {adj} :: turnable
voltacasacca {m} :: volte-face, about turn, about-face
voltafaccia {m} :: volte-face, about turn, about-face
voltafieno {m} :: tedder
voltagabbana {mf} :: turncoat
voltagabbana {mf} :: about-face
voltaggio {m} [physics] :: voltage
Voltaggio {prop} :: Voltaggio (village)
voltaico {adj} :: voltaic
voltaire {f} :: A low armchair with a high back
voltaismo {m} :: voltaism
voltamaschio {m} :: monkey wrench
voltamento {m} :: turn (action of turning)
voltametro {m} :: voltammeter
voltammetria {f} [physics, chemistry] :: voltammetry
voltamperometro {m} :: voltammeter
voltamperora {m} :: watt-hour
voltamperorametro {m} :: watt-hour meter
voltante {v} :: present participle of voltare
voltantesi {v} :: present participle of voltarsi
voltapasta {m} :: A blade, in the form of a ploughshare, used in kneading machines that are used to make pasta dough
voltapietre {m} :: turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
voltar {v} :: apocopic form of voltare
voltare {vt} :: to turn
voltare {vt} :: to flip
voltare {vt} [rare] :: to make [something] turn; to rotate
voltare {vt} [literary] :: to translate
voltare {vi} :: (typically with a or verso) to turn (in) [a direction]
voltare pagina {v} [idiom] :: to turn the page
voltarsi {v} :: reflexive of voltare
voltarsi {v} :: to turn (oneself)
voltarsi {v} [contro] :: [rare] to rebel (against)
voltastomaco {m} :: disgust
voltastomaco {m} :: nausea
voltastomaco {m} :: the creeps
voltatosi {v} :: past participle of voltarsi
volteggiamento {m} :: circling
volteggiamento {m} :: curve, turn
volteggiante {v} :: present participle of volteggiare
volteggiare {vi} :: to circle, hover [of birds, etc.]
volteggiare {vi} :: to spin, gyrate
volteggiare {vi} [gymnastics] :: to vault
volteggiatore {m} :: vaulter
voltelettrone {m} [physics] :: electron volt
volteriano {adj} :: alternative form of volterriano
Volterra {prop} :: Volterra (small town)
Volterra {prop} :: surname; Vito Volterra, Italian mathematician and physician
volterrana {f} [architecture] :: vault (having bricks laid flat)
volterrana {f} :: hollow block (for building)
volterrano {adj} :: Of or from Volterra
volterrano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Volterra
volterriano {adj} :: Voltairian
voltiano {adj} :: Volta (attributive)
voltimetro {m} :: alternative form of voltmetro
voltinismo {m} [biology] :: voltinism
voltmetrico {adj} :: voltmetric (measured using a voltmeter)
voltmetro {m} [physics] :: voltmeter
volto {adj} /ˈvol.to/ :: facing
volto {adj} :: concerning
volto {m} :: face
voltoio {m} :: The part of a bridle to which bells and the reins are attached
voltolante {v} :: present participle of voltolare
voltolantesi {v} :: present participle of voltolarsi
voltolare {vt} :: to roll over
voltolarsi {v} :: reflexive of voltolare
voltolarsi {v} :: to roll over
voltolino {m} :: spotted crake
voltoloni {adv} :: rolling about
voltometro {m} :: alternative form of voltmetro
voltosi {v} :: past participle of volgersi
Voltri {prop} :: Voltri (small town)
voltura {f} :: registration (of a property transfer)
voltura {f} :: transfer
volturante {v} :: present participle of volturare
volturare {vt} :: to register (a transfer, especially that of a property)
volturare {vt} :: to transfer
Volturno {prop} :: Volturno (river)
volubile {adj} :: inconstant, changeable, variable
volubile {adj} :: shifty
volubile {adj} :: fickle, moody
volubilità {f} :: fickleness, inconstancy, changeability, flightiness
volubilmente {adv} :: inconstantly
volume {m} :: volume
volumenometro {m} :: volumenometer
volumetria {f} :: volumetry
volumetricamente {adv} :: volumetrically
volumetrico {adj} :: volumetric
volumetto {m} :: A small volume
volumico {adj} :: volume (attributive)
volumico {adj} :: volumetric
voluminizzante {v} :: present participle of voluminizzare
voluminizzare {v} :: To volumize
voluminizzazione {f} :: volumizing, volumization
voluminosamente {adv} :: voluminously, largely
voluminosità {f} :: voluminousness, bulkiness, largeness
voluminoso {adj} :: voluminous, very large, bulky
voluntà {f} :: alternative form of volontà
voluta {f} :: spiral, volute, curl
voluta {f} :: wreath
volutabro {m} :: mire
volutabro {m} :: filth
volutabro {m} :: ugliness
volutamente {adv} :: deliberately
voluto {adj} :: deliberate, intentional
voluto {adj} :: wanted, desired
volutoci {v} :: past participle of volerci
volutosi {v} :: past participle of volersi
voluttà {f} :: pleasure (especially intense or sensual)
voluttabro {m} :: alternative form of volutabro
voluttuario {adj} :: unnecessary, luxury
voluttuosamente {adv} :: voluptuously
voluttuosità {f} :: voluptuousness
voluttuoso {adj} :: voluptuous
voluttuoso {adj} :: luxurious
voluttuoso {adj} :: sensuous
volva {f} /ˈvɔl.va/ :: volva (cup-shaped mass at the base of various fungi)
volvente {v} :: present participle of volvere
volvere {vt} [poetic] /ˈvɔl.ve.re/ :: obsolete form of volgere
volverina {f} :: wolverine (mammal)
volverina {f} :: glutton
volvolo {m} :: volvulus
Vomano {prop} :: Vomano (river)
vombato {m} :: wombat
vomente {v} :: present participle of vomire
vomerale {m} :: ploughshare
vomere {m} :: ploughshare
vomere {m} [skeleton] :: vomer, vomer bone
vomerese {adj} :: Of or from Vomero
vomero {m} :: ploughshare (Variant of: vomere)
Vomero {prop} :: Vomero (district)
vomeronasale {adj} [anatomy] :: vomeronasal
vomire {v} :: To vomit
vomitamento {m} :: vomiting
vomitamento {m} :: regurgitation
vomitante {v} :: present participle of vomitare
vomitare {vit} :: to vomit, be sick, throw up
vomitaticcio {m} :: vomit (material vomited)
vomitativo {adj} :: emetic
vomitativo {m} :: emetic
vomitatore {m} :: vomiter
vomitatorio {adj} :: synonym of vomitativo
vomitevole {adj} :: nauseating, disgusting
vomito {m} :: vomiting, emesis
vomito {m} :: vomit, sick, vomitus
vomitossina {f} :: vomitoxin
vomizione {f} :: vomition, vomiting
vongola {f} /ˈvon.ɡo.la/ :: clam
vongolara {f} :: A type of trawlnet used to collect clams
vongolaro {m} :: clam fisherman
vongola verace {f} :: cross-cut carpet shell (Venerupis decussata)
vongolista {m} :: clam fisherman
voodoo {m} :: alternative spelling of vudù
voodoo {adj} :: alternative spelling of vudù
vopo {m} :: A member of the Vopo
-vora {suffix} :: Used to form feminine nouns corresponding to -vore
vora {f} [regional, Apulia] /ˈvɔ.ra/ :: A sinkhole formed by the erosion of water or by the collapse of a cave's vault
vorace {adj} :: ravenous
vorace {adj} :: voracious
voracemente {adv} :: ravenously
voracemente {adv} :: voraciously
voracità {f} /vo.ra.t͡ʃiˈta/ :: voracity, voraciousness
voragine {f} /voˈra.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: chasm, abyss
voraginoso {adj} [literary] /vo.ra.ɡiˈno.zo/ :: abyssal, voraginous
vorago {f} [poetic] /voˈra.ɡo/ :: alternative form of voragine: abyss, chasm
vorante {v} :: present participle of vorare
vorare {v} [literary] /voˈra.re/ :: obsolete form of divorare
voratore {m} [obsolete, literary] /vo.raˈto.re/ :: devourer
voratore {m} [obsolete, literary, figurative] :: destroyer, annihilator
voratrice {f} [obsolete, literary] /vo.raˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: female equivalent of voratore
Vormazia {prop} :: Worms
-voro {suffix} :: Used to form masculine nouns analogous to -vore
-voro {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives analogous to -vorous
vortale {m} [computing] :: vortal
vorticale {adj} :: vortical
vorticale {m} :: line of force
vorticante {v} :: present participle of vorticare
vorticare {vi} :: To whirl or swirl
vortice {m} :: whirl
vortice {m} :: vortex
vorticella {f} :: Any protozoan of the genus Vorticella
vorticismo {m} [arts] :: vorticism
vorticista {mf} [arts] :: vorticist
vorticosamente {adv} :: round and round, in whirls, vortically
vorticoso {adj} :: vortical; vortex (attributive)
voscenza {f} :: Your Excellency (as a title)
vosco {adv} [poetic, archaic] /ˈvɔs.ko/ :: with you [plural]
Vosgi {prop} :: Vosges
vossignoria {fs} [honorific, dated] /vos.siɲ.ɲoˈri.a/ :: Your Lordship, Your Ladyship, Your Excellency
vostr {adj} :: apocopic form of vostro
vostro {adj} /ˈvɔstro/ :: your; plural and polite forms
vostro {pron} :: yours
votaborse {adj} :: expensive
votaccio {m} :: black mark (bad grade)
votacessi {mf} :: alternative form of vuotacessi
votaggine {f} :: alternative form of vuotaggine
votante {adj} :: voting
votante {mf} :: voter
votante {v} :: present participle of votare
votantesi {v} :: present participle of votarsi
votapozzi {m} :: alternative form of vuotapozzi
votare {v} :: to vote (for)
votare {v} :: to devote or dedicate (to)
votare {v} :: to vow
votarsi {vr} :: to devote oneself (to)
votato {adj} :: that has been voted on or for
votato {adj} :: (with a) destined or bound (to)
votatosi {v} :: past participle of votarsi
votazione {f} :: voting
votazione {f} :: mark (score in an exam)
votazza {f} [nautical] :: bailer
votazza {f} :: scoop (for handling flour etc)
votiaca {f} :: female equivalent of votiaco
votiaco {adj} /voˈtja.ko/ :: synonym of udmurto
votiaco {m} :: synonym of udmurto
votiaco {m} :: synonym of udmurto
votivo {adj} :: votive
voto {m} :: vow
voto {m} :: vote, ballot
voto {m} :: mark, grade
voto {m} :: votive offering
voto {m} :: wish
voto di sfiducia {m} [politics] :: vote of no confidence
voucher {m} /ˈvau̯.t͡ʃer/ :: voucher (piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount)
vov {m} :: A form of eggnog made with Marsala or other ingredients
voyeurismo {m} :: voyeurism
voyeuristico {adj} :: voyeuristic
vu {f} /vu/ :: letter: v; vee
vu' cumprà {m} :: A street trader of North African origin
vucumprà {m} :: A street trader of North African origin
vu doppia {f} :: alternative form of doppia vu
vudu {m} /ˈvu.du/ :: alternative form of vudù
vudu {adj} :: alternative form of vudù
vudù {m} /vuˈdu/ :: voodoo
vudù {adj} :: voodoo [attributive]
vuduismo {m} /vu.duˈis.mo/ :: voodooism, voodoo
vuduista {mf} /vu.duˈis.ta/ :: voodooist
Vuelta {prop} [cycling, by ellipsis] :: The Vuelta a España
Vuelta a España {prop} [cycling] /ˌvwɛl.t(a) a eˈspaɲ.ɲa/ :: Vuelta a España (annual cycling race in Spain)
vulcanalie {f} :: Vulcanalia
vulcanesimo {m} :: alternative form of vulcanismo
vulcaniane {mf} :: Vulcan (inhabitant of the fictional planet)
vulcaniano {adj} [science fiction] :: Vulcan
vulcaniano {m} [science fiction] :: Vulcan
vulcanicità {f} :: volcanicity
vulcanico {adj} :: volcanic
vulcanio {adj} :: Vulcan (attributive)
vulcanismo {m} :: volcanism
vulcanizzabile {adj} :: vulcanizable
vulcanizzante {v} :: present participle of vulcanizzare
vulcanizzante {adj} :: vulcanizing
vulcanizzante {adj} :: curing
vulcanizzante {m} :: vulcanizing or curing agent
vulcanizzare {vt} :: to vulcanize
vulcanizzare {vt} :: to cure
vulcanizzato {adj} :: vulcanized
vulcanizzato {adj} :: cured
vulcanizzatore {m} :: vulcanizer (machine or operator)
vulcanizzazione {f} [chemistry] :: vulcanization
vulcano {m} :: volcano
Vulcano {prop} [Roman god] :: Vulcan
Vulcano {prop} :: a small volcanic island in the Tyrrhenian Sea
vulcanoclastico {adj} :: volcanoclastic
vulcanologa {f} :: female equivalent of vulcanologo
vulcanologia {f} :: volcanology, vulcanology
vulcanologico {adj} :: volcanological
vulcanologo {m} :: volcanologist
vulgarità {f} :: Variant of volgarità
vulgata {f} :: a common or popular saying
Vulgata {prop} /vulˈɡa.ta/ :: Vulgate (Latin Bible translation)
vulnerabile {adj} :: vulnerable
vulnerabilità {f} :: vulnerability
vulnerante {v} /vul.neˈran.te/ :: present participle of vulnerare
vulnerante {adj} :: That injures or wounds
vulnerare {vt} [literary] /vul.neˈra.re/ :: to wound, to injure
vulnerare {vt} [literary, figurative] :: to infringe, to violate
vulneraria {f} :: kidney vetch, woundwort (Anthyllis vulneraria)
vulnerario {adj} :: curative, vulnerary
vulva {f} [anatomy] /ˈvul.va/ :: The external female genitalia; vulva
vulva {f} [by extension, slang, humorous] :: vagina
vulvare {adj} [anatomy] :: vulvar
vulvaria {f} [botany] :: stinking goosefoot (Chenopodium vulvaria)
vulvectomia {f} :: vulvectomy
vulvite {f} :: [medicine] vulvitis
vulvovaginale {adj} [anatomy] :: vulvovaginal
vulvovaginite {f} :: vulvovaginitis
vuotacessi {mf} :: A person employed to clean toilets
vuotaggine {f} :: vacuity
vuotaggine {f} :: emptiness
vuotamele {m} :: apple-corer
vuotamente {adv} :: emptily
vuotamento {m} :: emptying
vuotante {v} :: present participle of vuotare
vuotantesi {v} :: present participle of vuotarsi
vuotapozzi {m} :: A person employed to empty cesspits (originally to clean wells)
vuotapozzi {m} :: A slovenly person
vuotare {vt} :: to empty
vuotare {vt} :: to drain
vuotarsi {v} :: reflexive of vuotare
vuotarsi {v} :: to empty
vuotatore {m} :: emptier
vuotatosi {v} :: past participle of vuotarsi
vuotatura {f} :: emptying
vuotazucchine {m} :: A kitchen knife, with a hollow blade, used to remove the pulp from courgettes
vuotezza {f} :: emptiness
vuotezza {f} :: vacancy
vuoto {adj} /ˈvwɔto/ :: empty, vacant
vuoto {m} :: gap
vuoto {m} :: vacancy
vuoto {m} :: vacuum
vuotometro {m} :: vacuum gauge
vuvuzela {f} :: vuvuzela