User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-v
v' {pron} | :: apocopic form of vi |
v' {adv} | :: apocopic form of vi#Etymology_2_2 |
v {n} | :: See under V |
V {letter} /vu/ | :: letter: vu, vi |
va' {interj} /ˈva/ | :: An expression of surprise, anger or resignation |
Va. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of viola |
vabbè {adv} | :: alternative spelling of va beh |
va beh {adv} [colloquial] /vabˈbɛ/ | :: okay; never mind |
va bene {interj} | :: OK!; okay!; all right! |
va bene {interj} | :: fair enough |
vacabile {adj} /vaˈ | :: That can become vacant |
vacante {adj} | :: vacant |
vacante {v} | :: present participle of vacare |
vacanza {f} /vaˈkan.t͡sa/ | :: holiday [British], vacation [US] |
vacanziera {f} | :: female equivalent of vacanziero |
vacanziere {adj} /va.kanˈt͡sjɛ.re/ | :: holiday (attributive) |
vacanziere {m} | :: holidaymaker, holidayer, vacationer |
vacanziero {adj} /va.kanˈt͡sjɛ.ro/ | :: alternative form of vacanziere |
vacanziero {m} | :: alternative form of vacanziere |
vacare {vi} | :: To be vacant |
vacazione {f} | :: A period of work |
vacazione {f} [legal] | :: period before a law comes into force |
vacca {f} | :: cow |
vacca {f} [slang, figurative, derogatory] | :: whore, slut |
vaccaia {f} /vakˈka.ja/ | :: feminine noun of vaccaio |
vaccaia {f} | :: synonym of capovaccaio |
vaccaia bigia {f} | :: synonym of capovaccaio |
vaccaio {m} | :: cowherd |
vaccareccia {f} | :: herd of cows |
vaccareccia {f} | :: cowshed |
vaccaro {m} | :: Variant of vaccaio |
vaccata {f} | :: foolishness, nonsense |
vaccheria {f} | :: cowshed |
vaccheria {f} | :: dairy farm |
vacchetta {f} | :: cowhide |
vacchino {adj} | :: alternative form of vaccino |
vacchino {m} | :: cheese made from cow's milk |
vaccinabile {adj} | :: That can be vaccinated |
vaccinale {adj} | :: vaccinal |
vaccinante {v} | :: present participle of vaccinare |
vaccinantesi {v} | :: present participle of vaccinarsi |
vaccinare {vt} | :: to vaccinate someone against something |
vaccinaro {m} [Rome] /vat.tʃiˈ | :: tanner, skinner (usually of cow's skin) |
vaccinaro {m} [Rome, dated] | :: butcher |
vaccinarsi {vr} | :: To get vaccinated, to have a vaccination |
vaccinatore {m} | :: vaccinator, inoculator |
vaccinatosi {v} | :: past participle of vaccinarsi |
vaccinazione {f} [medicine] | :: vaccination, immunization |
vaccinico {adj} [immunology] | :: vaccinal |
vaccinico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: vaccinic |
vaccino {adj} | :: cow (attributive) |
vaccino {adj} | :: bovine |
vaccino {m} [immunology] | :: vaccine |
vaccinogeno {adj} | :: vaccinogenic |
vaccinoprofilassi {f} [medicine] | :: prophylactic vaccination |
vaccinostilo {m} [medicine] | :: vaccinostyle |
vaccinoterapia {f} [medicine] | :: vaccine therapy |
vaccinoterapico {adj} [medicine] | :: vaccine therapy (attributive) |
vacci piano {interj} | :: easy does it |
vacillamento {m} | :: tottering, staggering, reeling, swaying |
vacillamento {m} | :: wobbling, swaying, swinging, teetering |
vacillamento {m} | :: flickering |
vacillamento {m} | :: wavering |
vacillante {v} | :: present participle of vacillare |
vacillante {adj} | :: shaky, unsteady, rocky |
vacillante {adj} | :: flickering |
vacillantemente {adv} | :: shakily, unsteadily |
vacillantemente {adv} | :: flickeringly |
vacillare {vi} | :: to sway |
vacillare {vi} | :: to totter or stagger along; to wobble |
vacillare {vi} | :: to flicker |
vacillare {vi} | :: to waver, falter |
vacillare {vi} | :: to stand shilly-shally |
vacillare {vi} | :: to blow hot and cold |
vacillazione {f} | :: vacillation |
vacillazione {f} | :: uncertainty, perplexity |
vacillità {f} | :: inconstancy, fickleness |
vacuamente {adv} | :: vacuously |
vacuazione {f} | :: A form of pasteurization of milk under a partial vacuum |
vacuista {mf} [philosophy] | :: vacuist |
vacuità {f} | :: vacuousness, vacuity |
vacuo {adj} | :: vacuous, vacant, empty, blank |
vacuolare {adj} | :: vacuolar |
vacuolizzante {v} | :: present participle of vacuolizzare |
vacuolizzare {vi} | :: to vacuolate |
vacuolizzato {adj} | :: vacuolated |
vacuolizzazione {f} | :: vacuolation |
vacuolo {m} [biology] | :: vacuole |
vacuoma {m} | :: A complex of vacuoles that form in the cytoplasm of a cell |
vacuometro {m} | :: vacuum gauge |
vacuoscopio {m} | :: vacuum gauge |
vacuostato {m} | :: A pressure controller for use with a vacuum pump |
vacuumterapia {f} [medicine] | :: vacuum therapy |
va da sé {phrase} [idiomatic] /ˌva‿d.da‿(s)ˈse/ | :: it goes without saying (that...) |
vademecum {m} /va.deˈmɛ.kum/ | :: vade mecum |
Vadena {prop} | :: Vadena (small town) |
vadenese {adj} | :: Of or from Vadena |
vadenoto {adj} | :: Of or from Vadena |
vadense {adj} | :: Of or from Vo' |
vadoso {adj} | :: vadose |
va e vieni {m} | :: coming and going |
vaffa {m} | :: Short and more polite form of vaffanculo |
vaffanculo {interj} [vulgar, slang] /vaf.fanˈku.lo/ | :: fuck you!, fuck off!, go fuck yourself!; get lost! up yours! |
vafro {adj} [literary] | :: cunning, sly, wily, crafty |
vagabile {adj} | :: wandering |
vagabonda {f} | :: female equivalent of vagabondo |
vagabondaggine {f} | :: vagrancy, vagabondage, vagabondism |
vagabondaggio {m} | :: vagrancy |
vagabondaggio {m} | :: wandering |
vagabondaggio {m} | :: roaming |
vagabondante {v} | :: present participle of vagabondare |
vagabondare {vi} | :: to wander, roam, ramble or err |
vagabondeggiante {v} | :: present participle of vagabondeggiare |
vagabondeggiare {v} | :: To bum around (as a vagabond) |
vagabonderia {f} | :: synonym of vagabondaggine |
vagabondo {adj} | :: wandering |
vagabondo {adj} | :: idle |
vagabondo {m} | :: vagabond, vagrant, tramp, hobo, wanderer |
vagabondo {m} | :: layabout, loafer |
vagale {adj} [anatomy] | :: vagal |
vagamente {adv} | :: vaguely |
vagamondo {mf} [colloquial] | :: vagabond, wanderer |
vagante {adj} | :: wandering |
vagante {adj} | :: rambling |
vagante {v} | :: present participle of vagare |
vagare {vi} | :: to wander, ramble, roam, range |
vagellamento {m} | :: delirium |
vagellamento {m} | :: ranting |
vagellante {v} | :: present participle of vagellare |
vagellare {v} | :: To be delirious; to rant |
vagello {m} | :: A small bath or similar vessel used for dying |
vagente {v} | :: present participle of vagire |
vagheggiamento {m} | :: loving or amorous gaze |
vagheggiamento {m} | :: longing, yearning |
vagheggiante {v} | :: present participle of vagheggiare |
vagheggiare {vt} | :: to contemplate fondly; to admire |
vagheggiare {vt} | :: to long for, to yearn for |
vagheggiarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vagheggiare |
vagheggiarsi {v} | :: to contemplate fondly about oneself; to admire oneself |
vagheggiato {adj} | :: longed-for, yearned-for |
vagheggiatore {m} | :: yearner |
vagheggiatore {m} | :: suitor, wooer |
vagheggino {m} | :: fopling, dandy |
vaghezza {f} | :: vagueness |
vaghezza {f} | :: desire, longing |
vaghissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vago |
vagillante {v} | :: present participle of vagillare |
vagillare {v} | :: alternative form of vacillare |
vagina {f} [anatomy] | :: vagina |
vaginale {adj} [anatomy] | :: vaginal |
vaginalite {f} | :: vaginalitis |
vaginalmente {adv} | :: vaginally |
vaginismo {m} | :: vaginismus |
vaginite {f} | :: vaginitis |
vagire {vi} [but takes avere as its auxiliary] | :: to cry or wail (of a baby) |
vagito {m} | :: cry or wail (of a baby) |
vagito {m} | :: stirring, dawn |
vaglia {m} | :: money order |
vagliante {v} | :: present participle of vagliare |
vagliare {vt} | :: to sieve, sift, riddle |
vagliare {vt} | :: to weigh up |
vagliatore {m} | :: sifter, siever, screener |
vagliatrice {f} | :: sifter (sifting machine) |
vagliatura {f} | :: sifting, sieving, screening, riddling; winnowing |
vagliatura {f} | :: the material so produced |
vaglio {m} | :: sieve |
vaglio {m} [figurative, by extension] | :: examination, scrutiny |
vago {adj} [literary or poetic] /ˈva.ɡo/ | :: wandering, moving |
vago {adj} | :: vague |
vago {adj} [literary] | :: eager, desirous |
vago {adj} [literary] | :: beautiful, lovely, pleasant |
vago {adj} [anatomy] | :: vagal |
vago {m} [literary or archaic] | :: lover |
vago {m} | :: ambiguity |
vago {m} [anatomy] | :: vagus, vagus nerve |
vago {m} | :: grain (particle of a substance) |
vago {m} | :: coffee bean |
vago {m} | :: grape |
vago {m} | :: bead (of a rosary) |
vagolante {v} | :: present participle of vagolare |
vagolare {vi} | :: To wander, roam or rove |
vagolitico {adj} | :: vagolytic |
vagolitico {m} [pharmacology] | :: vagolytic agent, vagolytic drug |
vagonata {f} [literal] | :: wagonload |
vagonata {f} [figurative, transferred sense] | :: lot, heap, boatload |
vagoncino {m} | :: trolley |
vagoncino {m} | :: cablecar, gondola (hanging cabin) |
vagoncino {m} | :: tram, truck, wagon (in a mine) |
vagone {m} | :: truck, wagon, freight car |
vagone {m} | :: carriage, car (railway) |
vagone {m} | :: railroad car, railcar |
vagone letto {n} | :: sleeping car (A railroad car with sleeping facilities for passengers travelling overnight) |
vagone merce {m} | :: alternative form of vagone merci |
vagone merci {m} | :: freight car, goods wagon, van |
vagone ristorante {m} | :: dining car |
vagonetto {m} | :: trolley, mule (e.g. at a railway station) |
vagonetto {m} | :: tram, truck, wagon (in a mine) |
vagonista {m} | :: carman (especially in a mine) |
vagotomia {f} [surgery] | :: vagotomy |
vagotonia {f} [pathology] | :: vagotonia |
vagotonico {adj} | :: vagotonic |
vah {interj} | :: alternative form of va'! |
vaiaio {m} | :: person who tans or sells the fur of the gray-squirrel |
vaiaio {m} | :: furrier |
vai a quel paese {interj} | :: get lost! |
vai a quel paese {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] | :: Used to tell somebody to go away or leave one alone |
vaiato {adj} [heraldry] | :: vairy |
vai e vieni {m} | :: coming and going |
vainiglia {f} | :: alternative form of vaniglia |
vaio {m} | :: vair (fur of the gray squirrel) |
vaio {m} | :: dark grey (colour) |
vaio {adj} | :: dark gray |
vaio {adj} | :: dark speckled |
vaiolato {adj} | :: speckled, spotted, variegated |
vaiolato {adj} | :: pitted |
vaiolato {adj} | :: blackish (of fruit) |
vaiolatura {f} | :: pitting (of metal) |
vaiolatura {f} | :: any of several rot-like diseases of plants |
vaiolazione {f} /ˈt͡ | :: synonym of vaiolizzazione |
vaiolizzazione {f} /͡satˈt͡ | :: An obsolete treatment for smallpox involving the inoculation of pus |
vaiolo {m} | :: smallpox |
vaioloide {m} [medicine] | :: vaioloid |
vaioloso {adj} [pathology] | :: variolous |
vaioloso {adj} [pathology] | :: smallpox (attributive) |
vairone {m} | :: vairone |
vaiuolo {m} | :: alternative form of vaiolo |
vaivoda {m} | :: alternative form of voivoda |
val {f} | :: apocopic form of valle |
Valacchia {prop} | :: Walachia, Wallachia |
valacco {adj} | :: Vlach, Wallachian |
Valalla {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Walhalla |
valanga {f} | :: avalanche |
valangato {adj} | :: avalanche (attributive) |
valcante {v} | :: present participle of valcare |
valcare {v} | :: alternative form of valicare |
valchiria {f} [Norse mythology] | :: Valkyrie, Walkyrie |
valchiria {f} [figuratively] | :: virago, battleaxe (domineering woman) |
Valcuvia {prop} | :: Valcuvia (valley) |
Valdagno {prop} | :: Valdagno (town/and/commune) |
Valdemaro {prop} | :: given name |
valdese {adj} | :: Waldensian |
valdese {mf} | :: Waldensian |
Valdichiana {prop} | :: A large alluvial basin in Tuscany and Umbria |
valdismo {m} | :: Waldensian movement |
Val di Sole {prop} | :: An alpine valley in the province of Trentino in Trentino-Alto Adige |
Valdo {prop} | :: given name, comparable to English Waldo |
valdostana {f} | :: feminine noun of valdostano |
valdostano {adj} /val.doˈ | :: Of or relating to Valle d'Aosta or its people |
valdostano {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Valle d'Aosta |
vale a dire {adv} | :: namely |
vale a dire {conj} | :: that is to say |
Valencia {prop} | :: Valencia (capital city) |
Valencia {prop} | :: Valencia (autonomous community) |
Valencia {prop} | :: Valencia (province) |
valenciana {f} | :: feminine noun of valenciano |
valenciano {adj} | :: Valencian |
valenciano {m} | :: Valencian |
valenciennes {m} | :: Valenciennes lace |
valenciennes {adj} | :: Valenciennes (attributive) |
valente {v} /vaˈlɛn.te/ | :: present participle of valere |
valente {adj} | :: able, talented |
valente {adj} [archaic] | :: valiant, brave |
valente {adj} [archaic] | :: wise; virtuous |
valente {adj} [inorganic chemistry, in combination] | :: valent (having a specified valency) |
valentesi {v} | :: present participle of valersi |
valentia {f} /va.lenˈti.a/ | :: skill, ability |
valentina {f} | :: valentine (greeting card) |
Valentina {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Valentino |
Valentini {prop} | :: an ancient people from Sardinia |
Valentiniano {prop} | :: Valentinian |
valentino {m} [colloquial] | :: boyfriend, fiancé |
Valentino {prop} | :: given name |
Valentino {prop} | :: surname |
valentissimo {adj} | :: superlative of valente |
valentuomo {m} | :: worthy or honest man |
valenza {f} | :: value, worthiness |
valenza {f} [chemistry, linguistics] | :: valence, valency |
Valenza {prop} | :: Valencia (in Spain) |
Valenza {prop} | :: Valence (in France) |
valenzanese {adj} | :: Of or from Valenzano |
valenzano {adj} | :: Valencian |
Valenzano {prop} | :: Valenzano (small town) |
Valenzia {prop} | :: Valencia |
valere {vi} /vaˈ | :: to be worth |
valere {vi} | :: to be valid; to apply; to count |
valere {vi} | :: to translate to/as; to mean |
valere {vi} | :: (with a + inf.) to be enough; to suffice |
valere {vt} | :: to obtain or earn [a positive result] |
valere {vt} [archaic] | :: to merit |
valere la pena {vi} [idiom] | :: (also with [ che + subj. ] or [ di + inf. ]) to be worth it |
Valeria {prop} | :: given name |
valeriana {f} | :: valerian (plant of genus Valeriana) |
valerianato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: valerianate |
valerianella {f} | :: corn salad, lamb’s lettuce, rapunzel (Valerianella locusta) |
valerianico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: valeric |
Valeriano {prop} | :: Valerian, Valerianus |
valerico {adj} | :: valeric |
valerilene {m} [organic compound] | :: valerylene |
Valerio {prop} /vaˈlɛ.ri.o/ | :: given name |
valersi {v} | :: reflexive of valere |
valersi {v} | :: (with di) to make use (of) |
valetudinario {adj} | :: valetudinarian |
valetudinario {m} | :: valetudinarian |
valevole {adj} | :: valid |
valevolmente {adv} | :: validly |
Val Gardena {n} /ˌval ɡarˈ | :: A region in the Dolomites of South Tyrol |
valgismo {m} | :: valgus deformity |
valgo {adj} | :: valgus |
Valguarnera {prop} | :: surname |
Valhalla {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Walhalla |
valì {m} | :: wali |
valicabile {adj} | :: passable |
valicabilità {f} | :: passableness |
valicaio {m} /va.liˈ | :: One who works silk on a particular spinning machine (the valico) |
valicante {v} | :: present participle of valicare |
valicare {v} | :: to cross (a range of mountains etc.) |
valicare {v} | :: to overcome, surmount |
valicare {v} | :: to switch over |
valicare {v} | :: to transgress |
valicatore {m} | :: surmounter |
valicatore {m} | :: transgressor |
valico {m} /ˈ | :: pass (through mountains etc) |
valico {m} | :: mountain pass |
valico {m} [historical] | :: A kind of spinning machine |
valico {m} | :: A section of some spinning machines, on which spindles are set |
validamente {adv} | :: validly |
validamente {adv} | :: effectively |
validamente {adv} | :: really |
validamente {adv} | :: substantially |
validante {v} | :: present participle of validare |
validare {vt} | :: to validate |
validatrice {f} | :: validator (machine that datestamps tickets etc) |
validazione {f} | :: validation |
validissimo {adj} | :: superlative of valido |
validità {f} | :: validity |
valido {adj} | :: valid, effective, good, substantial, sound, strong |
Valier {prop} | :: surname |
Valier {prop} | :: A noble family of Venice |
valigeria {f} | :: travel goods |
valigeria {f} | :: travel goods factory |
valigeria {f} | :: travel goods shop |
valigetta {f} | :: diminutive of valigia |
valigetta {f} | :: briefcase, document case |
valigia {f} /vaˈlidʒa/ | :: suitcase |
valigiaia {f} | :: female equivalent of valigiaio |
valigiaio {m} | :: leather goods manufacturer or seller |
valigiona {f} | :: A big suitcase |
valigione {m} | :: A big suitcase |
valimento {m} | :: value |
valimento {m} | :: virtue |
valina {f} [amino acid] | :: valine |
vallame {m} | :: synonym of avvallamento |
vallante {m} | :: fish farmer (person who works in a fish farm) |
vallarolo {m} | :: a native or inhabitant of Valle San Giovanni in the Province of Teramo in the Abruzzo Region of Italy |
vallarolo {adj} | :: of, or relating to. the town of Valle San Giovanni |
Vallassina {prop} | :: Vallassina (valley) |
vallassinese {adj} | :: Of or from Vallassina |
vallata {f} | :: valley |
valle {f} /ˈval.le/ | :: valley |
vallea {f} | :: valley |
Valle d'Aosta {prop} /ˌval.le d‿aˈɔ.sta/ | :: Valle d'Aosta (region) |
Valle d'Aosta {prop} | :: Valle d'Aosta (province) |
Valle dei Mulini {n} | :: An open-air museum displaying old and new tools to produce pasta in Gragnano Campania Italy |
Valle dei Re {prop} | :: Valley of the Kings (Egyptian valley known for its tombs) |
Vallemaggia {prop} | :: Vallemaggia (district) |
valle perturbante {f} | :: uncanny valley |
vallerano {adj} [Switzerland] | :: valley-dwelling; valley (attributive) |
Valle San Giovanni {prop} | :: A suburb of Teramo, Italy |
vallesano {adj} | :: Of or from Valais |
Vallese {prop} | :: Vallese (canton) |
valletta {f} | :: diminutive of valle; small valley |
valletta {f} | :: young lady assistant on a television show |
valletto {m} | :: valet |
valletto {m} | :: assistant (on TV programmes) |
Vallettopoli {prop} | :: A wide-ranging criminal scandal, centered on alleged sexual extortion, that occurred in Italy in 2006–2007 |
vallicoltura {f} | :: lagoon fish breeding (Venice) |
valligiano {adj} /valːiˈd͡ʒano/ | :: valley (attributive) |
valligiano {m} | :: inhabitant of a valley |
vallisneria {f} | :: eelgrass |
vallivo {adj} | :: (river) valley (attributive) |
vallo {m} | :: wall |
vallombrosano {adj} | :: Vallombrosan |
vallone {adj} | :: Walloon |
vallone {mf} | :: Walloon (person) |
vallone {mf} | :: Deep valley {m} |
vallone {m} [singular only] | :: Walloon (language) |
vallonea {f} | :: valonia oak (Quercus trojana, syn. Quercus aegilops) |
Vallonia {prop} | :: Vallonia (region) |
valloso {adj} | :: With many valleys |
Valmarana {prop} | :: surname |
Valmarana {prop} | :: A noble family of Venice |
Valmontone {prop} | :: Valmontone (small town) |
Valona {prop} | :: Valona (city) |
valore {adv} [followed by di] | :: as much as, as many as |
valore {m} | :: value |
valore {m} | :: sense, meaning |
valore atteso {m} [probability theory] | :: expected value |
valore di verità {m} [logic, mathematics, algebra] | :: truth value, logical value |
valore facciale {m} [uncommon] | :: face value |
valore facciale {m} | :: denomination (of a postage stamp etc) |
valore logico {m} | :: synonym of valore di verità |
valore nominale {m} | :: face value |
valore nominale {m} | :: denomination (of a coin, of a banknote) |
valore nominale {m} | :: nominal value |
valore nominale {m} | :: par value |
valoriale {adj} | :: value (attributive) |
valorizzante {v} | :: present participle of valorizzare |
valorizzante {adj} | :: enhancing |
valorizzantesi {v} | :: present participle of valorizzarsi |
valorizzare {vt} | :: to enhance, show off |
valorizzare {vt} | :: to exploit, increase the value of, improve |
valorizzarsi {v} | :: reflexive of valorizzare |
valorizzarsi {vr} | :: to make the most of oneself |
valorizzarsi {vr} | :: to increase [in value, in importance], appreciate |
valorizzatore {m} | :: exploiter |
valorizzatosi {v} | :: past participle of valorizzarsi |
valorizzazione {f} | :: exploitation, utilization |
valorizzazione {f} | :: improvement, enhancement |
valorosa {f} | :: feminine noun of valoroso |
valorosamente {adv} | :: valiantly, courageously, valorously |
valorosità {f} | :: valour |
valoroso {adj} | :: courageous, valorous, valiant |
valoroso {m} | :: valiant or courageous person |
valpolicella {n} | :: alternative case form of Valpolicella |
Valpolicella {m} | :: A dry red wine made in the region of Verona from various local grape varieties and consequently of variable quality |
Valpurga {prop} | :: Walpurgis |
valsente {m} | :: value, price |
valsente {m} | :: money |
valsente {m} | :: riches |
Valsesia {prop} | :: An alpine valley in the Vercelli and Novara provinces of Piemonte |
valsesiano {adj} | :: Of or from Valsesia |
valsosi {v} | :: past participle of valersi |
Valtellina {prop} | :: An alpine region in northern Lombardy |
valtellinese {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Valtellina |
valtellinese {mf} | :: Native or inhabitant of Valtellina |
Valtravaglia {prop} | :: Valtravaglia (valley) |
valtzer {m} | :: alternative form of valzer |
valuta {f} | :: currency |
valutabile {adj} | :: That can be valued or estimated, measurable, assessable |
valutabilità {f} | :: Property of being assessable; measurability |
valutante {v} | :: present participle of valutare |
valutantesi {v} | :: present participle of valutarsi |
valutare {v} | :: to value |
valutare {v} | :: to assess, evaluate or estimate |
valutare {v} | :: to appreciate |
valutare {v} | :: to weigh up |
valutario {adj} | :: currency [attributive] |
valutarsi {vr} | :: To value, esteem or appreciate oneself |
valutativo {adj} | :: evaluative, of evaluation |
valutato {adj} | :: valued |
valutato {adj} | :: assessed, estimated |
valutatore {m} | :: surveyor, assessor |
valutatosi {v} | :: past participle of valutarsi |
valutatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of valutatore |
valutazione {f} | :: valuation, estimation, feedback |
valutazione {f} | :: estimate, assessment, appraisal |
valutazione {f} | :: calculation, reckoning |
valva {f} [anatomy, zoology] | :: valve, half shell |
valvare {adj} | :: valve (attributive) |
valvare {adj} [zoology] | :: valvular |
valvare {adj} [botany] | :: valvate |
valvassino {m} | :: vavasour's vassal |
valvassore {m} | :: vavasor, vavasour |
valvola {f} [mechanics, hydraulics, electronics, musical instruments] | :: valve |
valvola {f} [electricity] | :: fuse |
valvola {f} [anatomy] | :: valve, valvule |
valvola a farfalla {f} | :: butterfly valve |
valvola a spillo {f} | :: needle valve |
valvola cardiaca {f} [anatomy] | :: heart valve |
valvolame {f} | :: valves |
valvola mitrale {f} [anatomy] | :: mitral valve (in the heart) |
valvolare {adj} | :: valve (attributive) |
valvolare {adj} | :: valvular |
valvola tricuspide {f} [anatomy] | :: tricuspid valve |
valvulopatia {f} [medicine] | :: valvulopathy |
valzer {m} [music] | :: waltz |
vamp {f} | :: vamp (flirtatious woman) |
vampa {f} /ˈ | :: heat, flame |
vampa {f} [figurative] | :: hot flush (skin sensation) |
vampa {f} [figurative] | :: burning sentiment |
vampante {adj} | :: flaming |
vampata {f} | :: burst, flame, blush |
vampiresco {adj} | :: vampire (attributive), vampirish |
vampirismo {m} | :: vampirism |
vampiro {m} /vamˈ | :: vampire |
vampiro {m} | :: vampire bat (mammal) |
vampo {f} [obsolete, literary] /ˈvam.po/ | :: heat, flame |
vanadato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: vanadate |
vanadico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: vanadic |
vanadio {m} [chemistry] /vaˈna.djo/ | :: vanadium |
vanagloria {f} | :: boastfulness, vainglory |
vanagloriante {v} | :: present participle of vanagloriarsi |
vanagloriantesi {v} | :: present participle of vanagloriarsi |
vanagloriarsi {vr} | :: To boast (about oneself) |
vanagloriatosi {v} | :: past participle of vanagloriarsi |
vanagloriosa {f} | :: vainglorious or boastful woman |
vanagloriosamente {adv} | :: vaingloriously, boastfully |
vanaglorioso {adj} | :: vainglorious, boastful |
vanaglorioso {m} | :: vainglorious or boastful person |
vanamente {adv} | :: vainly, in vain |
vanante {v} | :: present participle of vanare |
vanare {v} | :: alternative form of vaneggiare |
Vandali {prop} | :: Vandals (Germanic people) |
vandalicamente {adv} | :: vandalically |
vandalicamente {adv} | :: in an uncivilised manner |
vandalico {adj} | :: of vandalism; vandalic |
vandalismo {m} | :: vandalism |
vandalizzante {v} | :: present participle of vandalizzare |
vandalizzare {v} | :: To vandalise / vandalize |
vandalo {adj} | :: Vandal [attributive] |
vandalo {m} | :: Vandal |
vandalo {m} | :: vandal |
Vandea {prop} | :: Vendée |
vandeano {adj} | :: Vendean |
vanderù {m} /van.deˈru/ | :: synonym of sileno |
vaneggiamento {m} | :: raving |
vaneggiamento {m} | :: delirium |
vaneggiante {v} | :: present participle of vaneggiare |
vaneggiare {vi} | :: to rave |
vaneggiatore {m} | :: raver (delirious person) |
vanello {m} | :: lapwing |
vanente {v} | :: present participle of vanire |
vanerello {adj} [of a person] | :: superficial, frivolous, lightweight |
vanescente {adj} | :: alternative form of evanescente |
vanesia {f} | :: vain woman |
vanesiata {f} | :: vanity (action of a vain person) |
vanesio {adj} | :: vain, conceited, foppish, big-headed |
vanesio {m} | :: vain person, fop, dandy |
vanesio {m} | :: bragger |
vanessa {f} | :: red admiral, painted lady or any other butterfly of the genus Vanessa |
Vanessa {prop} | :: given name |
vanezza {f} | :: synonym of vanità |
vanga {f} | :: spade |
vangaiola {f} | :: A type of small hand-held fishing net |
vangante {v} | :: present participle of vangare |
vangare {vt} | :: To dig (the earth with a spade) |
vangatore {m} | :: digger |
vangatura {f} | :: digging |
vangelio {m} | :: alternative form of vangelo |
Vangelista {m} | :: alternative case form of vangelista |
vangelizzante {v} | :: present participle of vangelizzare |
vangelizzare {v} | :: alternative form of evangelizzare |
vangelo {m} /vanˈd͡ʒɛ.lo/ | :: gospel |
vangelo {m} | :: gospel truth |
vangheggia {f} | :: The blade of a spade or any similar agricultural implement |
vanghetta {f} | :: (small) spade |
vanghetta {f} [military] | :: entrenching tool |
vanghetto {m} | :: (small) spade (used, especially, for gardening) |
vangile {m} | :: A small, metal rod, near the base of a spade, used to sink the blade by using the foot |
vanificante {v} | :: present participle of vanificare |
vanificare {vt} | :: to frustrate, to thwart, to defeat, to nullify |
vaniglia {f} /vaˈniʎʎa/ | :: vanilla (all senses) |
vanigliato {adj} | :: vanilla (attributive) |
vanillico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: vanillic |
vanillina {f} | :: vanillin |
vanillina {f} | :: vanilla (flavour/flavor) |
vaniloquio {m} | :: empty talk, raving, nonsense |
vanire {v} | :: To vanish, disappear |
vanire {v} | :: To dissolve |
vanissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vano |
vanità {f} | :: vanity, conceit |
vanità {f} | :: vainness, uselessness |
vanitosamente {adv} | :: vainly |
vanitosetto {adj} | :: rather vain or conceited |
vanitoso {adj} | :: vain, conceited |
vanitoso {m} | :: A vain or conceited person |
vanni {mp} [poetic, often figuratively] /ˈ | :: vans, wings |
Vanni {prop} /ˈ | :: diminutive of Giovanni |
vannino {m} | :: A one-year-old colt |
vano {adj} | :: vain, useless, idle |
vano {adj} | :: quaint |
vano {m} | :: space, opening, compartment, bay |
vano {m} | :: room |
vantadore {m} | :: alternative form of vantatore |
vantaggiante {v} | :: present participle of vantaggiare |
vantaggiare {v} | :: alternative form of avvantaggiare |
vantaggio {m} | :: advantage, vantage |
vantaggio {m} | :: favour, plus, benefit, edge |
vantaggiosamente {adv} | :: profitably, advantageously |
vantaggiosissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vantaggioso |
vantaggiosissimo {adj} | :: very advantageous |
vantaggiosissimo {adj} | :: very favorable |
vantaggioso {adj} | :: advantageous, favourable |
vantagione {f} | :: alternative form of vantazione |
vantamento {m} | :: boasting, bragging |
vantante {v} | :: present participle of vantare |
vantantesi {v} | :: present participle of vantarsi |
vantare {vt} | :: to boast or show off |
vantare {vt} | :: to praise |
vantare {vt} | :: to claim, lay claim |
vantarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vantare |
vantarsi {vr} | :: to boast or brag (about) |
vantarsi {vr} | :: to show off |
vantatore {m} | :: braggart |
vantatosi {v} | :: past participle of vantarsi |
vantazione {f} | :: boasting, bragging |
vanteria {f} /van.teˈri.a/ | :: boasting, bragging |
vanto {m} | :: boast |
vanto {m} | :: vaunt |
vanto {m} | :: merit, virtue |
Vanuatu {prop} | :: Vanuatu |
vanvera {f} | :: only in a vanvera |
Vanvitelli {prop} | :: surname |
Vanvitelli {prop} | :: Luigi Vanvitelli, Italian painter and architect |
Vanzago {prop} | :: Vanzago (small town) |
vapoforno {m} | :: steam oven |
vaporabile {adj} | :: evaporable |
vaporabilità {f} | :: Property of being evaporable; evaporability |
vaporante {v} | :: present participle of vaporare |
vaporare {v} | :: To evaporate |
vaporare {v} | :: To steam |
vaporazione {f} | :: evaporation |
vaporazione {f} | :: inhalation (of medicine etc) with steam |
vapore {m} /vaˈpore/ | :: steam |
vapore {m} | :: vapour especially water vapour |
vapore acqueo {m} | :: water vapor |
vaporetto {m} [Venice] | :: vaporetto |
vaporetto {m} | :: steamer |
vaporiera {f} | :: steam locomotive |
vaporiera {f} | :: food steamer |
vaporimetro {m} | :: vaporimeter |
vaporissaggio {m} | :: evaporation |
vaporizzabile {adj} | :: That can be vaporized; vaporizable |
vaporizzante {v} | :: present participle of vaporizzare |
vaporizzantesi {v} | :: present participle of vaporizzarsi |
vaporizzare {vt} | :: to vaporize |
vaporizzare {vt} | :: to atomize [spray perfume] |
vaporizzare {vt} | :: to spray [e.g. a plant with water] |
vaporizzare {vt} | :: to steam [treat industrially with steam] |
vaporizzarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vaporizzare |
vaporizzarsi {vr} | :: to vaporize, evaporate |
vaporizzatore {m} | :: spray, atomizer |
vaporizzatore {m} | :: evaporator |
vaporizzatosi {v} | :: past participle of vaporizzarsi |
vaporizzatura {f} | :: steaming (treatment of textiles) |
vaporizzazione {f} | :: evaporation |
vaporosamente {adv} | :: flimsily, gauzily, fluffily |
vaporosità {f} | :: flimsiness, gauziness, fluffiness |
vaporoso {adj} | :: flimsy, gauzy, fluffy, vaporous |
Vara {prop} | :: Vara (river) |
varabile {adj} | :: launchable |
Varaita {prop} | :: A tributary of the Po river in Piemonte |
varamento {m} | :: launching, launch |
varamento {m} | :: The putting into place of the prefabricated parts of a building |
varano {m} | :: monitor lizard |
Varano {prop} | :: Any of several villages throughout Italy |
Varano {prop} | :: surname |
varante {v} | :: present participle of varare |
varare {vt} [nautical] | :: to launch |
varare {vt} | :: to launch, pass, approve |
varcabile {adj} | :: passable |
varcante {v} | :: present participle of varcare |
varcare {vt} | :: to cross, pass |
varcare {vt} [figurative, by extension] | :: to exceed, overstep (go beyond) |
varcare {vt} [literary] | :: to bring or transport somewhere |
varcare {vt} | :: [of age] to be over |
varcare {vt} [archaic or literary] | :: to extend from edge to edge |
varcare {vit} [archaic or literary] | :: to move through water |
varcare {vi} [archaic or literary] | :: [of time] to go by |
varco {m} | :: passage, passageway, especially if narrow and hard to cross |
varco {m} | :: the act of crossing or passing |
varco {m} [figurative, euphemism] | :: the transition from life to death |
varea {f} [nautical] | :: yardarm |
varecchi {m} | :: soda ash derived from seaweed |
varecchina {f} | :: bleach (sodium hypochlorite solution) |
varechina {f} | :: bleach, disinfectant (domestic) |
varego {adj} | :: Varangian |
varego {m} | :: Varangian |
Varese {prop} | :: Varese (province) |
Varese {prop} | :: Varese (capital city) |
varesino {adj} | :: Of or relating to Varese or the Varese people |
varesino {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Varese |
varesotto {adj} | :: Of or from Varese |
varesotto {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Varese |
variabile {adj} /varˈ | :: changeable, varying, variable, unsteady, unsettled |
variabile {f} [mathematics] | :: variable, placeholder |
variabile nascosta {f} [physics] | :: hidden variable |
variabilità {f} | :: variability |
variabilmente {adv} | :: variably, changeably |
variadico {adj} [mathematics] | :: variadic |
variago {adj} | :: Varangian |
variago {m} | :: Varangian |
varialuce {m} | :: dimmer |
variamente {adv} | :: variously |
variamento {m} | :: synonym of variazione |
variante {v} /vaˈrjante/ | :: present participle of variare |
variante {f} | :: variant |
variantemente {adv} | :: variably |
variantista {mf} | :: A philologist who specializes in the variants of a text |
variantistica {f} | :: The branch of philology concerned with variants of a text |
varianza {f} | :: variance |
variare {v} | :: to change, to vary, to diversify |
variatamente {adv} | :: varyingly (with variety or variation) |
variato {adj} | :: varied |
variatore {m} | :: variator |
variatore {m} | :: changer, converter (electrical) |
variazionale {adj} | :: variational |
variazione {f} | :: variation (all senses) |
variazione {f} | :: change |
varice {f} [medicine] | :: varicose vein |
varicella {f} [disease] | :: chickenpox, varicella |
varicelloso {adj} | :: chickenpox (attributive); suffering from chickenpox |
varichina {f} | :: alternative form of varechina |
varicosità {f} | :: varicosis, varicosity |
varicoso {adj} | :: varicose |
varie ed eventuali {phrase} | :: any other business |
variegatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of variegato |
variegato {adj} | :: variegated, motley, pied |
variegato {adj} | :: diversified, varied |
variegato {adj} | :: checkered |
variente {f} | :: variant |
varietà {f} | :: variety |
varietà {f} | :: difference |
varietà {f} [mathematics] | :: manifold |
varietà {m} | :: variety show |
varietà {m} | :: variety theatre |
varietà {m} | :: cabaret |
varietale {adj} | :: varietal |
varifocale {adj} [optics] | :: multifocal, varifocal |
variforme {adj} | :: variform |
vario {adj} /ˈva.rjo/ | :: varied, various |
vario {m} | :: diversity |
variografo {m} | :: A variometer equipped with a recorder |
variolato {adj} | :: speckled |
variolizzazione {f} /va.rjo.lid.d͡zatˈt͡ | :: alternative form of vaiolizzazione |
variometro {m} [aviation] /vaˈrjɔ.me.tro/ | :: variometer, rate-of-climb indicator |
variopinto {adj} | :: multicolored, varicolored |
variopinto {adj} | :: pied |
varisico {adj} | :: Variscan |
varismo {m} [pathology] | :: varus deformity |
varistore {m} [physics] | :: varistor |
varmetro {m} | :: varmeter |
varo {m} [nautical] | :: launch, launching |
varo {m} | :: launching, passing |
Varo {prop} | :: Varus |
Varo {prop} | :: The river Var, that flows in France |
Varrone {prop} | :: Varro |
varroniano {adj} | :: Varronian |
Varsavia {prop} /varˈsa.vja/ | :: Varsavia (capital city) |
varsaviano {adj} | :: Varsovian |
varsaviano {m} | :: Varsovian |
varvassino {m} | :: synonym of valvassino |
varvassore {m} | :: synonym of valvassore |
vasaia {f} | :: female equivalent of vasaio |
vasaio {m} | :: potter |
vasale {adj} | :: vascular |
Vasari {prop} | :: surname |
Vasari {prop} | :: Giorgio Vasari, Italian artist and art historian |
vasariano {adj} | :: Vasarian, Of or relating to Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574), Italian painter, architect, writer, and historian |
vasaro {m} | :: synonym of vasaio |
vasca {f} | :: basin, pond, tank, tub, vat |
vasca {f} | :: bath, bathtub, tub |
vasca {f} | :: length [length of a swimming pool] |
vasca da bagno {f} | :: bathtub |
vascellino {m} | :: A small barrel, made of juniper wood, in which balsamic vinegar is matured |
vascello {m} /vaʃˈʃɛl.lo/ | :: vessel, ship; especially a large warship in use during the 18th century |
vaschetta {f} | :: diminutive of vasca |
vaschetta {f} | :: tub |
vaschetta {f} | :: basin, small basin |
Vasco {prop} | :: given name |
vascolare {adj} [anatomy, botany] | :: vascular |
vascolare {adj} | :: vase (attributive) |
vascolarizzato {adj} | :: vascularized |
vascolarizzato {adj} | :: vascular |
vascolarizzazione {f} [anatomy] | :: vascularization |
vascolo {m} | :: vasculum |
vascolopatia {f} [pathology] | :: vasculopathy |
vascoloso {adj} [anatomy] | :: vascular |
vasculite {f} [pathology] | :: vasculitis |
vasculopatia {f} [disease] | :: vasculopathy |
vasculopatico {adj} [medicine] | :: vasculopathic |
vasectomia {f} [surgery] | :: vasectomy |
vasectomizzante {v} | :: present participle of vasectomizzare |
vasectomizzare {v} | :: To vasectomize |
vaselina {f} | :: petroleum jelly, vaseline |
vasellaio {m} | :: synonym of vasaio |
vasellame {m} | :: crockery |
vasellame {m} | :: glassware |
vasellamento {m} | :: synonym of vasellame |
vasellina {f} | :: Variant of vaselina |
vasello {m} | :: diminutive of vaso |
vasello {m} | :: A small jar or vase |
vasello {m} | :: The small container of water that the priest uses at Mass, to cleanse his fingers before touching the consecrated host |
vaseria {f} | :: A collection of pots, especially those used for pot plants |
vasetto {m} | :: diminutive of vaso |
vasetto {m} | :: jar |
vasetto {m} | :: pot or small pot |
vaso {m} | :: jar, pot |
vaso {m} | :: vase |
vasoattivo {adj} [medicine] | :: vasoactive |
vasocostrittore {adj} [medicine] | :: vasoconstricting, vasoconstrictive |
vasocostrizione {f} [medicine] | :: vasoconstriction |
vaso da notte {m} | :: chamber pot |
vaso deferente {m} [anatomy] | :: vas deferens |
vasodilatatore {adj} [medicine] /ˌˈ | :: vasodilatory |
vasodilatazione {f} [medicine] /ˌˈt͡ | :: vasodilation |
vasoformative {adj} | :: vasoformative |
vasomotilità {f} [physiology] | :: vasomotility, vasomotion |
vasomotore {adj} [physiology, pharmacology] | :: vasomotor |
vasomotorio {adj} | :: vasomotor |
vasomotricità {f} [physiology] | :: vasomotion, vasomotricity |
vasopressina {f} [biochemistry] | :: vasopressin |
vasopressore {adj} [physiology, pharmacology] | :: vasopressor |
vasopressore {m} [pharmacology] | :: vasopressor agent, vasopressor drug |
vasopressorio {adj} [physiology, pharmacology] | :: vasopressor |
vasoresezione {f} [surgery] | :: vasectomy |
vaso sanguifero {m} [anatomy] | :: blood vessel |
vaso sanguigno {m} [anatomy] | :: blood vessel |
vasospasmo {m} [pathology] | :: vasospasm |
vasospastico {adj} | :: vasospastic |
vassallaggio {m} | :: vassalage |
vassallaggio {m} | :: servitude, bondage |
vassallatico {adj} | :: vassal (attributive) |
vassallesco {adj} | :: vassalic |
vassallo {m} | :: vassal |
vassallo {adj} | :: vassalic |
vassello {m} | :: synonym of vascello |
vassoiata {f} | :: trayful |
vassoio {m} | :: tray, platter, cabaret |
vastamente {adv} | :: vastly, hugely, immensely |
vastasata {f} | :: A type of 18th-century Sicilian farce |
vastaso {m} | :: synonym of facchino |
vastese {adj} | :: Of or from Vasto |
vastezza {f} | :: vastness |
vastissimo {adj} /vasˈ | :: superlative of vasto |
vastità {f} | :: vastness |
vasto {adj} | :: vast |
Vasto {prop} | :: Vasto (town) |
vate {m} [literary] | :: prophet, fortune-teller |
vate {m} [figuratively] | :: an inspired or prophetic poet or other writer; vates |
vaticanista {mf} | :: Vatican correspondent |
vaticano {adj} | :: Vatican [attributive] |
Vaticano {prop} | :: the Vatican |
vaticinante {v} | :: present participle of vaticinare |
vaticinare {vt} | :: to predict, foretell, spell, forebode |
vaticinato {adj} | :: predicted, foretold |
vaticinatore {m} | :: vaticinator, prophet |
vaticinazione {f} | :: divination, prediction |
vattelapesca {adv} | :: who knows, God knows |
vattelappesca {adv} | :: Variant of vattelapesca |
vattene {interj} | :: shoo!, clear off!, go away! |
Vattimo {prop} | :: surname |
vau {mf} /vau̯/ | :: waw, specifically: |
vau {mf} | :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤅 |
vau {mf} | :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter ו |
Vaud {prop} | :: Vaud (canton) |
Vc. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of violoncello |
ve {pron} | :: alternative form of vi |
vecchia {f} /ˈvɛk.kja/ | :: An old woman |
vecchiaccia {f} /vekˈkjat.t͡ʃa/ | :: pejorative of vecchia: crone, hag |
vecchiaccio {m} /vekˈkjat.t͡ʃo/ | :: pejorative of vecchio: geezer (old man, especially a grumpy one) |
vecchiaia {f} /vekˈkja.ja/ | :: old age |
vecchiardo {m} | :: (grumpy) old man |
vecchiarello {m} | :: alternative form of vecchierello |
vecchierella {f} /vek.kjeˈrɛ | :: diminutive of vecchia: little old woman |
vecchierello {m} /vek.kjeˈrɛl.lo/ | :: diminutive of vecchio: little old man |
vecchietta {f} /vekˈkjet.ta/ | :: diminutive of vecchia: little old woman |
vecchietto {m} /vekˈ | :: diminutive of vecchio: little old man |
vecchiezza {f} [literary] /vekˈkjet.t͡sa/ | :: old age |
vecchina {f} | :: (little) old woman |
vecchio {adj} /ˈvɛk.kjo/ | :: old, outworn |
vecchio {adj} | :: old-fashioned, out-of-date |
vecchio {adj} | :: mature, ripe |
vecchio {m} | :: An old man |
vecchio {m} /ˈvek.kjo/ | :: only used in vecchio marino |
vecchio marino {m} /ˈvek.kjo maˈ | :: synonym of foca |
vecchiona {f} /vekˈ | :: augmentative of vecchia, specifically: |
vecchiona {f} | :: A very old woman |
vecchiona {f} | :: An old woman of large build |
vecchione {m} /vekˈ | :: augmentative of vecchio, specifically: |
vecchione {m} | :: A very old man |
vecchione {m} | :: An old man of large build |
vecchio rammollito {m} | :: Variant of vecchio rincoglionito |
vecchio rincoglionito {m} | :: old fart |
vecchio rincoglionito {m} | :: geezer |
vecchio stampo {adj} | :: old school |
vecchio stampo {m} | :: old school |
vecchiotto {adj} /vekˈkjɔ | :: somewhat old |
vecchissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vecchio |
vecchiume {m} /vekˈ | :: old rubbish or junk |
veccia {f} | :: vetch |
vecciato {adj} | :: Made with, or mixed with vetch |
vecciola {f} | :: wild vetch |
veccione {m} | :: spring vetch (Lathyrus vernus) |
veccioso {adj} | :: synonym of vecciato |
vecciule {m} | :: vetch stem (used as fodder) |
vece {f} | :: change |
vece {f} | :: vicissitude |
Vecellio {prop} | :: surname |
Vecoli {prop} | :: surname |
vedantino {adj} | :: Vedantic |
vedente {v} | :: present participle of vedere |
vedente {adj} | :: seeing |
vedente {adj} | :: sighted |
vedentesi {v} | :: present participle of vedersi |
veder {v} | :: apocopic form of vedere |
vederci {v} | :: to possess the faculty of sight |
vedere {v} /veˈ | :: to see |
vedere {v} | :: to look at |
vedere {v} | :: to find out |
vedere {v} | :: to meet |
vedere {v} | :: to visit |
vedere {v} | :: to grasp (an idea) |
vedere doppio {v} | :: to see double |
vedere la luce {v} | :: to see the light |
vedere la pagliuzza negli occhi degli altri e non la trave nei suoi {v} | :: to see the mote in others’ eyes but not the beam in his own |
vedere rosso {v} | :: to see red |
vedersi {v} | :: reflexive of vedere |
vedersi {vr} | :: to see oneself or each other |
vedersi {vr} | :: to realize, find oneself, be |
vedersi {vr} | :: to show (be visible) |
vedetta {f} | :: lookout (person on guard) |
vedetta {f} | :: patrol ship |
vedette {f} | :: star (actress) |
vedibile {adj} | :: seeable |
vedico {adj} | :: Vedic |
vedi infra {phrase} | :: see below |
vedi Napoli e poi muori {proverb} /ˌve.di ˈ e‿pˌpɔi ˈmwɔ.ri/ | :: see Naples and die (nothing compares to the beauty of Naples, so you can die after you've seen it) |
vedismo {m} | :: Vedism |
veditore {m} | :: observer, spectator |
veditore {m} | :: overseer |
vedova {f} | :: widow |
vedova bianca {f} | :: A woman whose husband is living abroad, a grass widow |
vedovaggio {m} /ve.doˈvad.d͡ʒo/ | :: widowhood |
vedova nera {f} [arachnid] | :: black widow |
vedova nobile {f} | :: dowager |
vedovante {v} | :: present participle of vedovare |
vedovanza {f} /ve.doˈvan.t͡sa/ | :: widowhood |
vedovare {v} | :: To widow |
vedovare {v} | :: To deprive, divest |
vedovella {f} | :: young widow |
vedovella {f} | :: sweet scabious, mourning bride (Sixalix atropurpurea, syn. Scabiosa atropurpurea) |
vedovella {f} | :: titi (Callicebus torquatus) |
vedovile {adj} | :: widow / widower (attributive) |
vedovile {m} | :: dower |
vedovina {f} | :: Young widow |
vedovina {f} | :: scabious (plant) |
vedovità {f} | :: widowhood |
vedovo {adj} | :: widowed |
vedovo {m} | :: widower |
vedretta {f} | :: hanging-cirque glacier |
veduità {f} | :: widowhood (Variant of vedovità) |
veduta {f} | :: view, vista, panorama |
vedute grette {f} {p} [idiom] | :: synonym of vedute ristrette |
vedute ristrette {f} {p} [idiom] | :: inward-looking perspective; closed-mindedness, parochialism, insularity |
vedute strette {f} {p} [idiom] | :: synonym of vedute ristrette |
vedutismo {m} [arts] | :: landscape painting |
vedutista {mf} [arts] | :: landscape painter |
vedutosi {v} | :: past participle of vedersi |
vee-jay {mf} | :: veejay |
veemente {adj} | :: vehement, keen |
veemente {adj} | :: vigorous |
veemente {adj} | :: overwhelming |
veementemente {adv} | :: vehemently |
veemenza {f} | :: vehemence |
Vega {prop} | :: Vega |
vegana {f} | :: female equivalent of vegano |
veganesimo {m} | :: alternative form of veganismo |
veganismo {m} | :: veganism |
vegano {adj} | :: vegan (relating to vegans or veganism) |
vegano {m} | :: vegan (person who follows a vegan diet) |
vegetabile {adj} | :: That can vegetate |
vegetabile {adj} [obsolete] | :: Variant of vegetale |
vegetabile {m} [obsolete] | :: Variant of vegetale |
vegetabilità {f} | :: Property of what can vegetate |
vegetale {m} | :: vegetable |
vegetale {adj} | :: vegetable |
vegetalianismo {m} | :: alternative form of veganismo |
vegetaliano {m} | :: vegetalian, vegan |
vegetaliano {adj} | :: vegetalian, vegan |
vegetante {v} | :: present participle of vegetare |
vegetare {vt} | :: to vegetate |
vegetarianesimo {m} | :: alternative form of vegetarismo |
vegetarianismo {m} | :: alternative form of vegetarismo |
vegetariano {m} | :: vegetarian |
vegetariano {adj} | :: vegetarian |
vegetarismo {m} | :: vegetarianism |
vegetativo {adj} | :: vegetative (all senses) |
vegetazionale {adj} | :: vegetation (attributive) |
vegetazione {f} | :: vegetation |
vegeto {adj} | :: luxuriant, thriving |
vegeto {adj} | :: healthy, vigorous |
vegetoanimale {adj} | :: vegetoanimal |
vegetominerale {adj} | :: vegetomineral |
Vegezio {prop} | :: Vegetius |
veggente {v} | :: present participle of vedere |
veggente {mf} | :: seer, clairvoyant |
veggentesi {v} | :: present participle of vedersi |
veggenza {f} | :: clairvoyance |
vegghia {f} | :: alternative form of veglia |
veggia {f} | :: barrel |
veggia {f} | :: barrelful |
veggiante {v} | :: present participle of veggiare |
veggiare {v} | :: alternative form of vegliare |
veggio {m} | :: hot water bottle (made from terracotta) |
veglia {f} | :: vigil, watch |
veglia {f} | :: An all-night party or other gathering |
veglia {f} | :: wake, arval |
veglia {f} | :: a period after a person's death before the body is buried |
Veglia {prop} | :: Veglia (island) |
vegliante {v} | :: present participle of vegliare |
vegliarda {f} | :: respected old woman |
vegliardo {m} | :: A respected old man |
vegliare {vt} | :: to watch over |
vegliare {vi} | :: to stay up; to keep a vigil |
vegliatore {m} | :: A person who keeps a vigil |
veglievolmente {adv} | :: wakefully, vigilantly |
veglio {adj} /ˈvɛʎ.ʎo/ | :: old |
veglio {m} | :: old man |
veglio {m} | :: obsolete form of vello |
veglione {m} | :: all-night party or celebration (especially one held on New Year's Eve) |
veglionissimo {m} | :: A particularly solemn all-night celebration |
vegnente {adj} | :: alternative form of veniente |
vehemente {adj} | :: obsolete form of veemente |
veicolante {v} | :: present participle of veicolare |
veicolare {adj} | :: vehicular (both senses); vehicle [attributive] |
veicolare {adj} | :: transmissive |
veicolare {vt} [medicine] | :: to transmit [a disease, etc.] |
veicolare {vt} [figuratively] | :: to spread [an idea, etc.] |
veicolazione {f} | :: vehiculation |
veicolo {m} /ve.ˈi.ko.lo/ | :: vehicle |
veicolo {m} | :: carrier (of germs etc.) |
veicolo spaziale {m} | :: spacecraft |
Veio {prop} | :: Veii (Etruscan site) |
veivolo {m} | :: Variant of velivolo |
vela {f} [nautical] | :: sail |
vela {f} [nautical, sports] | :: sailing |
velabile {adj} | :: That can be veiled or clouded |
velacciere {m} [nautical] | :: barquentine |
velaccino {m} [nautical] | :: fore-topgallant (sail) |
velaccio {m} [nautical] | :: topgallant |
velaio {m} [nautical] | :: sailmaker |
vela maestra {f} [nautical] | :: mainsail |
velame {m} [literary, figuratively] /veˈ | :: veil, covering |
velante {v} | :: present participle of velare |
velantesi {v} | :: present participle of velarsi |
vela quadra {f} [nautical] | :: square sail |
velare {adj} [anatomy, phonetics] /veˈ | :: velar |
velare {vt} | :: to veil, shroud, cover |
velario {m} | :: velarium |
velario {m} | :: curtain |
velarizzante {v} | :: present participle of velarizzare |
velarizzare {vt} | :: to velarize |
velarizzazione {f} [phonetics] | :: velarization |
velarsi {v} | :: reflexive of velare |
velarsi {vr} | :: to become veiled or covered |
velatamente {adv} | :: veiled |
velatamente {adv} | :: covertly |
velatamente {adv} | :: mistily |
velatino {m} | :: A light, stiffened fabric used for modelling women's clothes |
velatino {m} | :: A gauze filter used in cinematography to give a soft image |
velato {adj} | :: veiled |
velato {adj} | :: sheer (stockings etc) |
velatosi {v} | :: past participle of velarsi |
velatura {f} | :: covering, veiling |
velatura {f} | :: a filmy layer |
velatura {f} | :: opacity (of wine) |
velatura {f} | :: the sails of a ship considered as a whole |
velatura {f} | :: the wings etc of an aircraft considered as a whole |
veleggiamento {m} | :: sailing |
veleggiamento {m} | :: soaring, gliding, sailplaning |
veleggiante {v} | :: present participle of veleggiare |
veleggiare {vi} | :: to sail |
veleggiare {vi} | :: to glide |
veleggiatore {m} | :: sailplane |
veleggiatore {m} | :: glider |
velenifero {adj} | :: venomous |
velenifero {adj} | :: poisonous (especially such a snake) |
veleno {m} /veˈ | :: poison |
velenosamente {adv} | :: poisonously |
velenosamente {adv} | :: acrimoniously, sharply, bitterly |
velenosissimo {adj} | :: superlative of velenoso |
velenosità {f} | :: poisonous nature |
velenoso {adj} | :: poisonous |
veleria {f} | :: sail loft |
veleria {f} [nautical] | :: sails |
veletta {f} | :: veil (of a hat) |
velettante {v} | :: present participle of velettare |
velettare {v} | :: To wear a veil (during mourning etc) |
velia {f} /ˈvɛ.lja/ | :: alternative form of averla |
velico {adj} | :: sailing (attributive) |
veliero {m} [nautical] | :: sailing ship |
velificio {m} | :: sail factory, sail loft |
velina {f} | :: tissue paper |
velina {f} | :: carbon paper, more properly carta velina |
velina {f} | :: tissue (paper handkerchief) |
velina {f} | :: TV showgirl |
velina {f} | :: press release, handout (originally carbon copies sent to news media during Musolinis regime) |
velinante {v} | :: present participle of velinare |
velinare {v} | :: To print an official press release (typically as ordered by government) |
velinaro {m} | :: A journalist who publishes government statements without questioning them |
Velino {prop} | :: Velino (river) |
velismo {m} [sports] | :: sailing |
velista {mf} | :: sailor, yachtsman |
velite {m} /ˈvɛ.li.te/ | :: velite |
velivolo {m} | :: aircraft |
velivolo {adj} | :: aircraft (attributive) |
velivolo {adj} | :: of or relating to a body of water that is crossed by ships |
velle {m} /ˈvɛl.le/ | :: will, volition |
velleità {f} | :: fancy, velleity |
velleità {f} | :: vain ambition, fanciful ambition |
velleitariamente {adv} | :: fancifully, unrealistically |
velleitario {adj} | :: overambitious, fanciful, unrealistic |
velleitarismo {m} | :: wishful thinking |
vellerismo {m} /vel.leˈ | :: alternative form of wellerismo |
velletrano {adj} | :: Of or from Velletri |
Velletri {prop} | :: Velletri (town) |
vellicamento {m} | :: tickling |
vellicamento {m} | :: tickle |
vellicante {v} | :: present participle of vellicare |
vellicare {v} | :: to tickle |
vellicare {v} | :: to titillate |
vellicazione {f} | :: tickling |
vellicazione {f} | :: titillation |
vellichio {m} | :: A tickling feeling |
vello {m} | :: hair, fur |
vello {m} | :: fleece |
velloso {adj} | :: hairy |
velloso {adj} | :: fleecy |
vellutante {v} | :: present participle of vellutare |
vellutare {vt} | :: To give a velvet finish to textiles |
vellutata {f} | :: velouté (sauce) |
vellutata {f} | :: a thick soup, or a soup of creamy consistency (but usually not made with cream), e.g. vellutata di piselli (pea soup) or vellutata di zucca (pumpkin soup) |
vellutato {adj} | :: velvety |
vellutato {adj} | :: mellow |
vellutatrice {f} | :: napping machine |
vellutatura {f} | :: napping (process of raising the nap on cloth) |
vellutino {m} | :: light velvet (material) |
vellutino {m} | :: velvet ribbon |
vellutino {m} | :: birthwort (of genus Aristolochia) |
velluto {m} | :: velvet (material) |
velma {f} | :: A small, semi-submerged island |
velo {m} | :: veil |
velo {m} [anatomy] | :: velum |
veloce {adj} /veˈlo.tʃe/ | :: fast, quick, speedy, rapid |
veloce {adj} | :: [figuratively] cursory |
velocemente {adv} | :: quickly, speedily, fast, rapidly |
velocipedastro {m} [rare, familar, pejorative] | :: bad cyclist who is a danger to others |
velocipede {m} | :: velocipede |
velocipedista {mf} | :: velocipedist |
velociraptor {m} [dinosaurs] | :: velociraptor |
velocissimamente {adv} | :: superlative of velocemente - Very fastly |
velocissimo {adj} | :: superlative of veloce |
velocista {mf} [sports] | :: sprinter |
velocità {f} | :: speed, velocity, rate, pace, rapidity |
velocità {f} [athletics, cycle racing] | :: sprint (race) |
velocità angolare {f} [mathematics, physics] | :: angular velocity |
velocità della luce {f} [physics] | :: speed of light |
velocità del suono {f} [physics] | :: speed of sound |
velocità di fuga {f} [astrophysics] | :: escape velocity |
velocità di rotazione {f} | :: alternative form of velocità angolare |
velocità radiale {f} [astronomy] | :: radial velocity |
velocizzante {v} | :: present participle of velocizzare |
velocizzantesi {v} | :: present participle of velocizzarsi |
velocizzare {vt} | :: to speed up, quicken |
velocizzarsi {v} | :: reflexive of velocizzare |
velocizzarsi {vr} | :: to speed up, quicken |
velocizzatosi {v} | :: past participle of velocizzarsi |
velocizzazione {f} | :: speeding up, acceleration |
velocrespo {m} | :: chiffon |
velocross {m} [sports] | :: cross-country cycling |
velodromo {m} | :: velodrome |
velopendulo {m} | :: soft palate |
velopendulo {m} | :: palatine uvula |
veltra {f} [literary, rare] /ˈvɛl.tra/ | :: female equivalent of veltro |
veltro {m} [literary] /ˈvɛl.tro/ | :: greyhound [male] |
Veltroni {prop} | :: surname |
Veltroni {prop} | :: Walter Veltroni, Italian politician |
veltroniano {adj} | :: Of or relating to Italian politician Walter Veltroni |
veltroniano {m} | :: A supporter of Walter Veltroni |
vemente {adj} | :: alternative form of veemente |
vemenza {f} | :: alternative form of veemenza |
vemenzia {f} | :: alternative form of veemenza |
vena {f} [anatomy, botany, zoology] | :: vein (all senses) |
vena {f} | :: grain (of wood) |
vena {f} | :: talent, aptitude, gift, bent |
vena {f} | :: inspiration |
vena {f} | :: inclination, desire |
vena {f} | :: lode, seam (of a mineral) |
venabulo {m} /veˈna.bu.lo/ | :: spit (for roasting) |
vena cava {f} [anatomy] | :: vena cava |
vena cava inferiore {f} [anatomy] | :: inferior vena cava |
vena cava superiore {f} [anatomy] | :: superior vena cava |
Venafro {prop} | :: Venafro (town) |
venagione {m} [obsolete] /ve.naˈd͡ʒ | :: hunting |
vena giugulare {f} [anatomy] | :: jugular vein |
venale {adj} | :: venal |
venale {adj} | :: market, selling (attributive) |
venale {adj} | :: commercial |
venalità {f} | :: venality |
venalmente {adv} | :: venally |
venamento {m} | :: synonym of venatura |
Venanzio {prop} | :: given name |
vena porta {f} [anatomy] | :: portal vein |
venardì {m} | :: alternative form of venerdì |
venare {vt} /veˈ | :: To cover with veins of streaks (e.g. marble, wood etc.) |
vena safena {f} [anatomy] | :: saphenous vein |
venato {adj} | :: veined, streaked (marble etc) |
venato {adj} | :: grained (wood) |
venatorio {adj} /ve.naˈtɔ | :: hunting (attributive) |
venatura {f} | :: vein or streak (in marble etc) |
venatura {f} | :: grain (of wood) |
vena varicosa {f} [pathology] | :: varicose vein |
venazione {f} [botany] | :: venation |
Venceslao {prop} | :: Wenceslaus, Wenceslas |
vendemmia {f} | :: grape harvest |
vendemmiabile {adj} | :: That can be harvested (of grapes) |
vendemmiaio {m} [historical] /ven.demˈ | :: Vendémiaire (the first month of the French Republican Calendar) |
vendemmiale {adj} | :: grape-harvest, vintage (attributive) |
vendemmiale {m} [rare] | :: synonym of vendemmiaio |
vendemmiante {v} | :: present participle of vendemmiare |
vendemmiare {vit} | :: to harvest grapes |
vendemmiatore {m} | :: grape picker, reaper or harvester |
vendemmiatore {m} [rare, masculine only] | :: synonym of vendemmiaio |
vendemmiatrice {f} | :: harvester (machine) |
vendente {v} | :: present participle of vendere |
vendentesi {v} | :: present participle of vendersi |
vendere {v} /ˈvendere/ | :: to sell |
vendereccio {adj} | :: saleable |
vendersi {v} | :: reflexive of vendere |
vendersi {vr} | :: to sell [, of a product] |
vendersi {vr} | :: to prostitute (sell oneself) |
vendesi {adv} | :: for sale |
vendesi {m} | :: for-sale sign or announcement |
vendetta {f} /venˈdet.ta/ | :: revenge, vengeance |
Vendetti {prop} | :: surname |
vendibile {adj} | :: saleable, salable |
vendibilità {f} | :: saleability |
vendicabile {adj} /ven.diˈ | :: that can be avenged; avengeable |
vendicante {v} | :: present participle of vendicare |
vendicantesi {v} | :: present participle of vendicarsi |
vendicare {vt} | :: to avenge or revenge |
vendicarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vendicare |
vendicarsi {v} [di, su, con] | :: to revenge or avenge oneself |
vendicativamente {adv} | :: vindictively |
vendicatività {f} /ven.di.ka.ti.viˈta/ | :: vengefulness, vindictiveness |
vendicativo {adj} /ven.di.kaˈti.vo/ | :: vindictive |
vendicato {adj} /ven.diˈ | :: avenged; that has been avenged |
vendicatore {adj} | :: avenging |
vendicatore {m} | :: avenger, revenger, vindicator |
vendicatosi {v} | :: past participle of vendicarsi |
vendicatrice {f} | :: avenger, revenger, vindicator |
vendicchiante {v} | :: present participle of vendicchiare |
vendicchiare {v} | :: To sell little, or for little profit |
vendichevole {adj} /ven.diˈke.vo.le/ | :: that avenges; avenging |
vendifrottole {mf} | :: liar |
vendifumo {m} [colloquial] | :: one who tries to cheat others by boasting about a nonexistent ability or unrealistic possibility; snake oil salesman, swindler |
vendita {f} /ˈven.di.ta/ | :: sale |
vendita {f} | :: shop |
vendita {f} [football] | :: transfer (of a player, between clubs) |
vendita {f} | :: A cell of Carbonari |
vendita al dettaglio {f} | :: retail sale |
vendita di oggetti usati {f} | :: rummage sale |
venditore {m} | :: seller, vendor, monger, purveyor |
venditrice {f} | :: female equivalent of venditore |
Venditti {prop} | :: surname |
Venditti {prop} | :: Antonello Venditti, Italian singer and songwriter |
-vendolo {suffix} | :: used to form nouns that mean a person who sells a specified product |
venducchiante {v} | :: present participle of venducchiare |
venducchiare {v} | :: alternative form of vendicchiare |
vendutissimo {adj} | :: superlative of venduto |
venduto {adj} | :: corrupt |
vendutosi {v} | :: past participle of vendersi |
Venedico {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
venefico {adj} | :: poisonous |
venefico {adj} | :: harmful |
venenosità {f} | :: Variant of velenosità |
venenoso {adj} | :: alternative form of velenoso |
venentesi {v} | :: present participle of venirsi |
Venera {prop} | :: given name |
venerabile {adj} /ve.neˈ | :: venerable |
venerabilità {f} | :: venerability |
venerabilmente {adv} | :: venerably |
Veneranda {prop} | :: given name |
venerando {adj} | :: venerable |
venerante {v} | :: present participle of venerare |
venerare {vt} | :: to venerate, revere |
veneratore {m} | :: venerator |
venerazione {f} | :: veneration, reverence, worship |
venerdì {m} /venerˈdi/ | :: Friday |
Venerdì Santo {prop} | :: Good Friday |
venere {f} | :: a beautiful woman |
venere {f} | :: a prostitute |
Venere {prop} /ˈvɛ | :: [astronomy] Venus (planet) |
Venere {prop} [mythology, Roman god] | :: Venus (Roman goddess) |
venereamente {adv} | :: venereally |
venereamente {adv} | :: sensually, lasciviously |
venereo {adj} [pathology] | :: venereal |
venereologia {f} [medicine] | :: venereology |
venerevole {adj} | :: venerable |
venerevolmente {adv} | :: venerably |
veneriano {adj} | :: Venusian |
veneriano {m} | :: Venusian |
veneticità {f} | :: The spirit or characteristics of the Veneto |
venetico {adj} | :: Venetic |
venetico {m} | :: Venetic |
veneto {adj} | :: of Veneto (region of Italy); from Veneto |
veneto {m} | :: native or inhabitant of Veneto |
veneto {m} | :: Venetian (language) |
Veneto {prop} /ˈvɛ | :: Veneto (region) |
Venezia {prop} /veˈnɛttsja/ | :: Venezia (capital city) |
Venezia {prop} | :: Venezia (metropolitan city) |
Venezia {prop} | :: The letter V in the Italian phonetic alphabet |
Venezia Giulia {prop} /veˈnɛtt͡sja ˈd͡ʒulja/ | :: Venezia Giulia (historic region) |
veneziana {f} | :: feminine noun of veneziano |
venezianità {f} | :: The property of being Venetian, Venetian spirit or essence |
veneziano {adj} | :: Venetian |
veneziano {m} | :: Venetian (male person) |
veneziano {m} | :: Venetian (form or Venetian language spoken in Venice) |
Veneziano {prop} | :: surname |
Venezuela {prop} /veneddzuˈɛla/ | :: Venezuela (country) |
venezuelana {f} | :: female equivalent of venezuelano |
venezuelano {adj} | :: Venezuelan |
venezuelano {m} | :: Venezuelan |
vengiante {v} | :: present participle of vengiare |
vengiare {v} /venˈd͡ʒ | :: to avenge |
veniale {adj} | :: venial [sin] |
veniale {adj} | :: pardonable, excusable |
venialità {f} | :: veniality, the property of quality of being venial or excusable |
venialmente {adv} | :: venially |
venialmente {adv} | :: pardonably, excusably |
veniente {adj} | :: coming, next |
Venier {prop} | :: surname |
Venier {prop} | :: A noble family of Venice |
venir {v} | :: apocopic form of venire |
venire {vi} | :: to come |
venire {vi} | :: to move further or nearer to |
venire {vi} | :: to arrive |
venire {vi} | :: to manifest itself |
venire {vi} | :: to take position |
venire {vi} | :: (with da) to originate (from) |
venire {vi} [vulgar, slang] | :: to ejaculate |
venire {vi} | :: to come to |
venire {vi} | :: to come to mind |
venire {vi} | :: to result |
venire {vi} | :: to complete or be able to accomplish |
venire {vi} [familiar] | :: to cost |
venire {vi} | :: (with di/da + inf.) to be compelled (to do); to have an impulse (to do) |
venire {vi} | :: to be (see usage notes) |
venire {vi} | :: [of a person] to be born |
venire {vi} | :: [of a plant] to come out of the ground; to spring up |
venire {vi} | :: to complete successfully; to come out; to end up |
venire {vi} | :: to there be |
venire ai fatti {v} | :: to bring about, specify |
venire al dunque {v} | :: to cut to the chase |
venire al dunque {v} | :: to get down to brass tacks |
venire alla luce {v} | :: to come up |
venire alla luce {v} | :: to emerge |
venire allo scoperto {v} | :: to come out |
venire al mondo {v} | :: to be born (Literally "to come into the world") |
venire al punto {v} | :: to get to the point |
venire al sodo {v} | :: to get down to brass tacks |
venire al sodo {v} | :: to cut to the chase |
venire a mancare {v} | :: to disappear |
venire a mancare {v} | :: to pass away |
venire a patti {v} | :: to come to terms |
venire dal niente {v} | :: to be a self-made man |
venire fuori {v} | :: to come up |
venire fuori {v} | :: to emerge |
venire fuori senza un graffio {v} | :: to emerge unscathed (from an accident) |
venire in aiuto {v} | :: to come to someone's aid / come to someone's rescue (help/rescue someone) |
venire meno {vi} [also, hyperbolic] | :: to faint |
venire meno {vi} | :: to no longer exist; to cease |
venire meno {vi} | :: to ebb; to fade away; to become less |
venire meno {vi} | :: to be insufficient or not enough; to fail |
venire meno {v} [a] | :: to break [a commitment] or renege (on) [a promise] |
venire meno {vt} | :: to break; to violate |
venirsi {v} | :: reflexive of venire |
venirsi {v} | :: to come, arrive |
veniticcio {adj} | :: alternative form of avventizio |
Venoge {prop} | :: Venoge (river) that flows into Lake Geneva |
Venosa {prop} | :: Venosa (town) |
venosino {adj} | :: Of or from Venosa |
venosità {f} | :: venosity |
venoso {adj} [anatomy] | :: venous |
venostano {adj} | :: Of or from Val Venosta |
ventaccio {m} | :: very strong wind |
ventaglia {f} | :: ventail |
ventagliaio {m} | :: fan maker or seller |
ventagliante {v} | :: present participle of ventagliare |
ventagliare {v} | :: to fan |
ventaglio {m} | :: fan (hand-held device) |
ventaglio {m} [figuratively] | :: series, range |
ventarola {f} | :: fire fan |
ventarola {f} | :: weathercock |
ventata {f} | :: gust, windflaw |
ventata {f} | :: blow |
ventata {f} [figuratively] | :: a sudden and ephemeral surge |
ventatura {f} | :: rigging (set of wires and cables used to stabilize a structure (e.g. on a radio mast, but not nautical meaning)) |
ventavolo {m} | :: north wind |
ventennale {adj} | :: Taking place every twenty years |
ventennale {adj} | :: Lasting twenty years |
ventennale {m} | :: A twentieth anniversary |
ventenne {adj} | :: twenty-year-old |
ventenne {mf} | :: twenty-year-old |
ventennio {m} | :: a period of twenty years |
ventennio {m} [historical, with definite article] | :: the twenty years of Fascist rule in Italy (1922-1943) |
ventesimo {adj} | :: twentieth |
ventesimo {m} | :: twentieth (the one in 20th position) |
ventesimo {m} | :: twentieth (fraction) |
venti {adj} /ˈven.ti/ | :: twenty |
venti {num} | :: twenty |
venticello {m} /ven.tiˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ | :: breeze |
venticinque {adj} /ven.tiˈt͡ʃin.kwe/ | :: twenty-five |
venticinque {num} | :: twenty-five |
venticinquemila {adj} | :: twenty-five thousand |
venticinquemila {num} | :: twenty-five thousand |
venticinquemilanovecento {adj} | :: twenty-five thousand nine hundred |
venticinquemilanovecento {num} | :: twenty-five thousand nine hundred |
venticinquennale {adj} | :: That lasts twenty-five years |
venticinquennale {adj} | :: That happens every twenty-five years |
venticinquennale {m} | :: A twenty-five year anniversary |
venticinquenne {adj} | :: twenty-five-year-old |
venticinquenne {mf} | :: twenty-five-year-old |
venticinquennio {m} | :: A period of twenty-five years |
venticinquennio {m} | :: A twenty-fifth anniversary |
venticinquesimo {adj} | :: twenty-fifth |
venticinquesimo {m} | :: twenty-fifth |
venticinquina {f} | :: A collection of twenty-five things |
venticinquina {f} [by extension] | :: About, or roughly twenty-five |
ventidue {adj} | :: twenty-two |
ventidue {num} | :: twenty-two |
ventidue {m} | :: twenty-two (a .22 calibre pistol or rifle) |
ventiduenne {adj} | :: twenty-two-year-old |
ventiduenne {mf} | :: twenty-two-year-old |
ventiduesimo {adj} | :: twenty-second |
ventiduesimo {m} | :: twenty-second |
ventiera {f} | :: ventilation tower (that opens onto a roof, to ventilate rooms below) |
ventilabro {m} | :: An agricultural tool in the form of a fan used to separate grain from chaff |
ventilamento {m} | :: synonym of ventilazione |
ventilante {v} | :: present participle of ventilare |
ventilare {vt} | :: to ventilate, air |
ventilato {adj} | :: airy, windy, ventilated |
ventilato {adj} | :: (of an oven) fan (attributive) |
ventilatore {m} | :: fan (device for moving air) |
ventilatorio {adj} | :: ventilatory |
ventilatorista {mf} | :: ventilation engineer / installer |
ventilazione {f} | :: ventilation |
Ventimiglia {prop} /ven.tiˈmiʎ.ʎa/ | :: Ventimiglia (city) |
ventimigliese {adj} | :: Of, or from, Ventimiglia (town in Liguria) |
ventimigliese {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Ventimiglia |
ventimila {adj} | :: twenty thousand |
ventimila {num} | :: twenty thousand |
ventimillesimo {adj} | :: twenty-thousandth |
ventimillesimo {m} [ordinal numbers] | :: twenty-thousandth |
ventina {f} | :: a score (of) |
ventina {f} | :: about twenty; twentyish |
ventino {m} | :: twenty-cent coin |
ventinove {adj} | :: twenty-nine |
ventinove {num} | :: twenty-nine |
ventinovennale {adj} | :: That lasts for twenty-nine years |
ventinovennale {adj} | :: That happens every twenty-nine years |
ventinovenne {adj} | :: twenty-nine-year-old |
ventinovenne {mf} | :: twenty-nine-year-old |
ventinovesimo {adj} | :: twenty-ninth |
ventinovesimo {m} | :: twenty-ninth |
ventiquattrenne {adj} | :: twenty-four-year-old |
ventiquattrenne {mf} | :: twenty-four-year-old |
ventiquattresimo {adj} /ven.ti.kwatˈ | :: twenty-fourth |
ventiquattresimo {m} | :: twenty-fourth |
ventiquattro {adj} /ven.tiˈkwat.tro/ | :: twenty-four |
ventiquattro {num} | :: twenty-four |
ventiquattr'ore {f} | :: alternative form of ventiquattrore |
ventiquattrore {fp} | :: 24 hours (period corresponding to a day) |
ventiquattrore {f} | :: A sports event (such as a race) that lasts 24 hours |
ventiquattrore {f} | :: A small folder for carrying tickets and other small documents |
ventiquattrore {f} | :: An overnight bag |
ventisei {adj} | :: twenty-six |
ventisei {num} | :: twenty-six |
ventiseienne {adj} | :: twenty-six-year-old |
ventiseienne {mf} | :: twenty-six-year-old |
ventiseiesimo {adj} | :: twenty-sixth |
ventiseiesimo {m} | :: twenty-sixth |
ventisettana {f} /ven.ti.setˈ | :: The 1527 edition of the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio |
ventisettana {f} | :: The 1827 edition of The Betrothed (Manzoni novel) by Alessandro Manzoni |
ventisette {adj} | :: twenty-seven |
ventisette {num} | :: twenty-seven |
ventisettemila {adj} | :: twenty-seven thousand |
ventisettemila {num} | :: twenty-seven thousand |
ventisettenne {adj} | :: twenty-seven-year-old |
ventisettenne {mf} | :: twenty-seven-year-old |
ventisettesimo {adj} | :: twenty-seventh |
ventisettesimo {m} | :: twenty-seventh |
ventitré {adj} | :: twenty-three |
ventitré {num} | :: twenty-three |
ventitreenne {adj} | :: twenty-three-year-old |
ventitreenne {mf} | :: twenty-three-year-old |
ventitreesimo {adj} /ven.ti.treˈ | :: twenty-third |
ventitreesimo {m} | :: twenty-third |
vento {m} /ˈvɛ | :: wind (movement of air caused by differences in atmospheric pressure) |
Vento {prop} | :: surname |
ventola {f} | :: fan, rotor, impeller |
ventolante {v} | :: present participle of ventolare |
ventolare {v} | :: alternative form of ventilare |
ventolatura {f} | :: ventilation |
ventolatura {f} | :: winnowing |
ventosa {f} | :: suction cup |
ventosa {f} [zoology] | :: sucker [organ] |
ventosamente {adv} | :: windily, breezily |
ventosamente {adv} | :: conceitedly |
ventosità {f} | :: windiness |
ventoso {adj} [weather] | :: windy, breezy |
ventoso {adj} | :: conceited, inflated |
ventoso {m} [historical] | :: Ventôse (the sixth month of the French Republican Calendar) |
vento solare {m} [astronomy] | :: solar wind |
vento stellare {m} [astronomy] | :: stellar wind |
Ventotene {prop} | :: Ventotene (small island) |
ventottenne {adj} | :: twenty-eight-year-old |
ventottenne {mf} | :: twenty-eight-year-old |
ventottesimo {adj} | :: twenty-eighth |
ventottesimo {m} | :: twenty-eighth |
ventotto {adj} | :: twenty-eight |
ventotto {num} | :: twenty-eight |
ventraia {f} | :: belly |
ventraia {f} | :: entrails (of a slaughtered animal), tripe |
ventraiuola {f} | :: tripe seller (traditionally female) |
ventrale {adj} [anatomy] | :: abdominal, ventral |
ventralista {mf} [sport] | :: A high jumper who uses the old "belly-down" (either straddle or Western roll) technique |
ventralmente {adv} | :: ventrally |
ventralmente {adv} | :: abdominally |
ventrata {f} | :: synonym of panciata |
ventrata {f} | :: bellyful (binge eating) |
ventre {m} /ˈvɛn.tre/ | :: abdomen, midriff, belly, stomach |
ventre {m} | :: womb |
ventresca {f} | :: ventresca |
ventresca {f} | :: bacon |
ventricchio {m} | :: synonym of ventriglio |
ventricolare {adj} [anatomy] | :: ventricular |
ventricolo {m} /ven.ˈtri.ko.lo/ | :: ventricle |
ventricoso {adj} | :: ventricose |
ventriera {f} | :: body belt |
ventriera {f} | :: corset |
ventriglio {m} | :: ventriculus, midgut |
ventriloquio {m} | :: ventriloquism |
ventriloquo {adj} | :: ventriloquistic |
ventriloquo {m} | :: ventriloquist |
ventrobronco {m} | :: ventrobronchus |
ventrolaterale {adj} [anatomy] | :: ventrolateral |
ventromediale {adj} [anatomy] | :: ventromedial |
ventun {m} | :: apocopic form of ventuno |
ventun {adj} | :: apocopic form of ventuno |
ventunenne {adj} | :: twenty-one-year-old |
ventunenne {mf} | :: twenty-one-year-old |
ventunesimo {adj} | :: twenty-first |
ventunesimo {m} | :: twenty-first |
ventuno {adj} | :: twenty-one |
ventuno {num} | :: twenty-one |
ventuno {m} | :: twenty-one (card game) |
ventunomila {adj} | :: twentyone thousand |
ventunomila {num} | :: twentyone thousand |
ventura {f} /venˈtu.ra/ | :: destiny, fate, chance |
ventura {f} [archaic] | :: chance, coincidence, accident |
ventura {f} | :: fortune, chance, luck |
Venturi {prop} | :: surname |
venturiero {m} | :: adventurer |
venturiero {m} | :: soldier of fortune |
venturimetro {m} | :: venturi tube |
venturo {adj} /venˈ | :: next, coming |
venturo {adj} | :: forthcoming |
venturone {m} | :: citril finch, Carduelis citrinella |
venturone corso {m} | :: Corsican finch |
venturosamente {adv} | :: fortunately, luckily |
venturoso {adj} /ven.tuˈro.zo/ | :: fortunate, lucky |
venusiano {adj} | :: Venusian |
venusiano {adj} | :: Venus (all senses, attributive) |
venusiano {m} | :: A Venusian (male or of unspecified sex) |
venustà {f} [literary] /ve.nusˈta/ | :: beauty with a specific component of gracefulness, esp. said of feminine beauty |
venusto {adj} [literary] /veˈ | :: beautiful in a specifically graceful way |
venuta {f} | :: coming, arrival |
venuta {f} | :: female comer |
venuto {adj} | :: coming |
venuto {m} | :: comer |
venutosi {v} | :: past participle of venirsi |
vepraio {m} | :: synonym of roveto |
vepre {m} [literary] /ˈvɛ | :: thornbush |
vera {f} [Northern Italian] /ˈve.ra/ | :: wedding ring, wedding band |
vera {f} [architecture] | :: puteal, wellhead |
verace {adj} [literary] /veˈra.t͡ʃe/ | :: synonym of vero |
verace {adj} | :: true |
verace {adj} | :: truthful |
verace {adj} | :: honest, sincere |
verace {adj} [chiefly in Neapolitan] | :: genuine |
veracemente {adv} | :: truly |
veracità {f} | :: truthfulness |
veracità {f} | :: accuracy, veracity |
veracità {f} | :: genuineness |
vera da pozzo {f} | :: wellhead, puteal |
veramente {adv} | :: really, indeed, actually, truly |
veranda {f} | :: verandah, porch |
Verano {prop} | :: Vöran (in Trentino-Alto Adige) |
veratro {m} | :: veratrum, white hellebore (Veratrum album) |
verbale {adj} /verˈba.le/ | :: verbal, spoken |
verbale {m} | :: record |
verbale {m} | :: minutes |
verbalismo {m} | :: verbalism |
verbalistico {adj} | :: verbalistic |
verbalizzante {v} | :: present participle of verbalizzare |
verbalizzare {v} | :: to verbalize |
verbalizzare {v} | :: to give verbal evidence, etc |
verbalizzatore {m} | :: witness (who gives verbal evidence) |
verbalizzazione {f} | :: verbalization |
verbalmente {adv} | :: verbally, orally |
verbanese {adj} | :: Of or from Verbania |
Verbania {prop} | :: Verbania (town/and/province) |
Verbano {prop} | :: Lake Maggiore |
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola {prop} | :: Verbano-Cusio-Ossola |
verbasco {m} | :: mullein |
verbena {f} | :: verbena, vervain |
verbenone {m} | :: verbenone |
verbicausa {adv} | :: synonym of verbigrazia |
verbigerazione {f} | :: verbigeration |
verbigrazia {adv} | :: for example, for instance |
verbita {mf} | :: Verbite (missionary of the Society of the Divine Word) |
verbo {m} [part of speech] /ˈvɛ | :: verb |
verbo {m} [theology, religion, dated in other senses] | :: word |
Verbo {m} [religion] | :: Word |
verbo difettivo {m} | :: defective verb |
verbo pronominale {m} | :: pronominal verb |
verbosamente {adv} | :: verbosely, long-windedly |
verbo servile {m} [grammar] | :: modal verb |
verbosità {f} | :: verbosity, wordiness |
verboso {adj} | :: verbose, wordy |
vercellese {adj} | :: Of or from Vercelli |
Vercelli {prop} | :: Vercelli (town/and/province) |
Vercelloni {prop} | :: surname |
Vercingetorige {prop} | :: Vercingetorix |
verdacchio {adj} /verˈdak.kjo/ | :: greenish |
verdacchio {m} | :: greengage |
verdaccio {m} | :: A dark green colour |
verdaccio {m} | :: Such a pigment used in fresco painting |
verdastro {adj} | :: greenish |
verdazzurro {adj} | :: blue-green (in colour) |
verdazzurro {m} | :: blue-green (colour) |
verde {adj} | :: green |
verde {adj} | :: pale |
verde {adj} | :: unripe |
verde {m} | :: The colour green |
verde {m} | :: verdure, greenery |
verde {m} [heraldry] | :: vert |
verdeazzurro {adj} | :: alternative form of verdazzurro |
verdebiondo {adj} | :: Pale yellowish-green (in colour) |
verdebruno {adj} | :: greenish-brown (in colour) |
verdecupo {adj} | :: Intensely dark green (in colour) |
verdeggiamento {m} | :: greening (of foliage / vegetation) |
verdeggiante {v} | :: present participle of verdeggiare |
verdeggiante {adj} | :: green, verdant, lush |
verdeggiare {vi} | :: To green (become green and lush) |
verdegiallo {adj} /ver.deˈd͡ʒal.lo/ | :: yellowish green |
verdegrigio {adj} | :: grey-green |
verdello {m} | :: summer lemon (light green Sicilian variety of lemon) |
verdello {m} | :: greenfinch |
verdemare {adj} | :: sea-green (in colour) |
verdemare {m} | :: sea-green (colour) |
verde militare {m} | :: olive drab (military fabric color) |
verde oliva {m} | :: olive, olive green (colour) |
verde olivastro {m} | :: A dull olive green colour (the colour of Italian soldier's uniforms in the Second World War) |
verdeoro {adj} | :: green and gold |
verderame {m} | :: verdigris |
verdesca {f} /verˈdes.ka/ | :: blue shark (Prionace glauca) |
verdescuro {adj} | :: Dull, dark green (in colour) |
verdeterra {m} | :: synonym of verdaccio |
verdetto {m} | :: verdict |
verdezza {f} | :: greenness |
Verdi {prop} | :: surname |
Verdi {prop} | :: Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer |
Verdi {prop} [colloquial] | :: Any of several Green political parties |
verdiano {adj} | :: Verdian (of or pertaining to Giuseppe Verdi) |
verdicante {v} | :: present participle of verdicare |
verdicare {vi} | :: To be green, verdant or lush |
verdicchio {m} | :: A variety of white grape grown in the Marche |
verdicchio {m} | :: A white wine made from this grape |
verdiccio {adj} | :: greenish |
verdigno {adj} | :: Dull greenish (in colour) |
verdino {adj} | :: pale green |
verdino {m} | :: pale green |
verdognolo {adj} | :: pale-green (in colour) |
verdognolo {m} | :: pale-green (colour) |
verdolino {adj} | :: Pale green (colour) |
verdolino {m} | :: Pale green (colour) |
verdolino {m} | :: A variety of green fig with small fruit |
verdona {f} /verˈ | :: common mora, mora (Mora moro) |
verdone {adj} /verˈ | :: dark green |
verdone {m} | :: A dark green color |
verdone {m} [regional] | :: A kind of green tomato used for salads |
verdone {m} | :: European greenfinch, greenfinch (Chloris chloris) |
verdone {m} | :: synonym of verdesca |
verdone {m} | :: synonym of verdona |
verdone {m} | :: synonym of colombina verde |
verdone {m} [humorous] | :: buck (one US dollar) |
Verdone {prop} | :: surname |
Verdone {prop} | :: Carlo Verdone, Italian actor and comedian |
verdone asiatico {m} | :: synonym of verdone di Cina |
verdone bastardo {m} | :: synonym of ciuffolotto scarlatto |
verdone di Cina {m} | :: oriental greenfinch (Chloris sinica) |
verdone testagrigia {m} | :: synonym of verdone di Cina |
verdore {m} | :: verdancy |
verduco {m} | :: A type of sword, originally from Spain, having a four-sided blade |
verdugale {m} | :: synonym of guardinfante |
verdume {m} | :: greenery (especially an excess of vegetation) |
verdura {f} | :: vegetable(s) |
Verdura {prop} | :: Verdura (river) |
verduraio {m} | :: greengrocer |
verduraio {m} | :: greengrocer's (shop) |
verduriere {m} | :: greengrocer or fruiterer |
verdurina {f} [especially in plural] | :: crudités, or raw vegetables intended for further processing |
verduzzo {m} | :: A Friulian white grape variety |
verecondamente {adv} | :: modestly |
verecondamente {adv} | :: chastenedly |
verecondia {f} | :: modesty |
verecondo {adj} | :: modest |
verecondo {adj} | :: chastened |
verga {f} /ˈver.ɡa/ | :: cane, rod |
verga {f} | :: crook (of a shepherd) |
verga {f} [vulgar] | :: penis, dick |
Verga {prop} /ˈver.ɡa/ | :: surname |
Verga {prop} | :: Giovanni Verga (1840–1922), Italian writer |
Vergada {prop} | :: Vergada (island) |
vergaio {m} | :: A type of coppice in which the plants are cut low to the ground |
vergante {v} | :: present participle of vergare |
vergare {v} | :: To cane (beat with a rod) |
vergare {v} | :: To write (on lined paper) |
vergaro {m} | :: alternative form of vergaio |
Vergassola {prop} | :: surname |
vergatina {f} | :: flimsy (sort of typing paper) |
vergatino {adj} | :: manifold (paper) |
vergatino {m} | :: ticking (material) |
vergato {adj} | :: lined (having a pattern of lines) |
vergatura {f} | :: stripes (on material) |
vergatura {f} | :: lineation (on maps etc) |
vergella {f} | :: rod (of metal to be formed into wire) |
vergello {m} | :: A stick, with indentations smeared with birdlime, used to trap birds |
vergenza {f} | :: vergence |
vergere {v} [literary, rare, a] /ˈvɛr.d͡ʒ | :: to turn to or towards |
Vergerio {prop} | :: surname |
Vergerio {prop} | :: Pietro Paolo Vergerio, Italian bishop |
vergheggiante {v} | :: present participle of vergheggiare |
vergheggiare {vt} [uncommon] | :: to beat with a rod |
verghettato {adj} | :: striped |
verghiano {adj} /verˈɡ | :: Relating to Italian writer Giovanni Verga (1840–1922), or characteristic of his writings |
verginale {adj} | :: virginal |
verginale {adj} | :: chaste |
verginalmente {adv} | :: virginally, chastely |
vergine {adj} /ˈver.d͡ʒ | :: virgin |
vergine {adj} [of film etc] | :: blank |
vergine {f} | :: virgin, maiden |
Vergine {prop} /ˈver.d͡ʒ | :: Virgo, specifically: |
Vergine {prop} [astronomy] | :: The Virgo (constellation) constellation |
Vergine {prop} [astrology, zodiac constellations] | :: The Virgo (astrology) astrological sign (symbol ♍) |
verginella {f} | :: A wicked girl who pretends to be pure and innocent |
Vergine Maria {prop} | :: Virgin Mary |
vergineo {adj} /verˈdʒ | :: alternative form of virgineo |
verginiano {adj} | :: Virgin Islander (attributive) |
verginiano {m} | :: Virgin Islander |
verginità {f} | :: virginity |
verginità {f} | :: chastity |
vergogna {f} /verˈɡoɲ.ɲa/ | :: shame, disgrace, discredit, scandal |
vergogna {f} | :: embarrassment, shyness |
vergogna {f} [in plural] | :: private parts |
vergognante {v} | :: present participle of vergognare |
vergognantesi {v} | :: present participle of vergognarsi |
vergognare {vt} | :: to shame |
vergognare {vt} | :: to embarrass |
vergognarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vergognare |
vergognarsi {vr} | :: to be ashamed, feel ashamed |
vergognarsi {vr} | :: to feel embarrassed, be shy |
vergognatosi {v} | :: past participle of vergognarsi |
vergognevolmente {adv} | :: shamefully |
vergognosamente {adv} | :: shamefully |
vergognoso {adj} | :: timid, shy |
vergognoso {adj} | :: shameful |
vergognoso {adj} | :: disgraceful |
vergola {f} | :: silk thread |
vergola {f} | :: gold or silver thread |
vergolante {v} | :: present participle of vergolare |
vergolare {v} [archaic] /ver.ɡoˈ | :: To put within quotation marks |
vergolare {v} [archaic] | :: To beat with a stick |
vergolare {v} [archaic] | :: To mark using a line |
vergolare {v} [rare] | :: To decorate with threads of silk or gold |
vergolato {adj} | :: decorated with silken (or precious metal) threads |
veridicità {f} | :: truthfulness |
veridicità {f} | :: veracity |
veridico {adj} | :: truthful |
veridico {adj} | :: true |
verifica {f} | :: verification, test, control, check, inspection, examination |
verificabile {adj} | :: verifiable |
verificabilità {f} | :: verifiability |
verificante {v} | :: present participle of verificare |
verificantesi {v} | :: present participle of verificarsi |
verificare {vt} | :: to verify, test, check, examine, inspect, survey |
verificarsi {v} | :: reflexive of verificare |
verificarsi {vr} | :: to occur, happen |
verificarsi {vr} | :: to come true |
verificatore {m} | :: checker, verifier (person) |
verificatore {m} | :: comptroller |
verificatosi {v} | :: past participle of verificarsi |
verificatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of verificatore |
verificatrice {f} [computing] | :: verifier (device) |
verificazione {f} | :: verification |
verificazionismo {m} [philosophy] | :: verificationism |
verificazionista {adj} [philosophy] | :: verificationist |
verina {f} [nautical] /veˈ | :: A hooked cable used to grapple the anchor chain |
verismo {m} | :: verism, realism |
verissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vero |
verista {adj} [art] | :: verist, veristic; realist (attributive) |
veristicamente {adv} | :: veristically, realistically |
veristico {adj} [art] | :: verist, veristic, realist |
verità {f} | :: truth |
veritabile {adj} | :: truthful |
veritabile {adj} | :: true |
veritevole {adj} | :: truthful |
veritevolmente {adv} | :: truthfully |
veritieramente {adv} | :: truthfully |
veritieramente {adv} | :: truly |
veritiero {adj} | :: truthful |
veritiero {adj} | :: true |
verla {f} /ˈvɛ | :: alternative form of averla |
verme {m} /ˈvɛrme/ | :: worm |
verme di terra {m} | :: earthworm |
vermena {f} | :: young branch |
Vermentino {m} | :: A variety of white grape grown in Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia |
Vermentino {m} | :: A dry white wine made from these grapes |
vermicaio {m} | :: A wriggling mass of worms |
vermicelli {mp} /vermiˈtʃɛlli/ | :: vermicelli |
vermicello {m} [especially in plural] | :: vermicelli (type of pasta) |
vermiciattolo {m} /vermiˈtʃattolo/ | :: vermicule |
vermicolare {adj} | :: vermicular, vermiform, vermiculate, wormlike |
vermicolazione {f} | :: vermiculation |
vermicoloso {adj} | :: wormy |
vermicoloso {adj} | :: verminous |
vermiculite {f} [mineral] | :: vermiculite |
vermiforme {m} | :: vermiform |
vermifugo {adj} | :: vermifugal |
vermifugo {m} | :: vermifuge |
vermiglio {adj} | :: vermillion |
vermiglio {m} | :: vermillion |
vermiglione {m} | :: vermilion (pigment) |
verminaio {m} | :: A place teeming with worms |
verminaio {m} | :: (figuratively) A place filled with corruption |
verminante {v} | :: present participle of verminare |
verminare {v} | :: To be wormy (have intestinal worms) |
verminazione {f} | :: vermination |
verminoso {adj} | :: wormy |
verminoso {adj} | :: verminous |
vermocane {m} | :: staggers (disease of animals) |
vermocane {m} | :: bearded fireworm (Hermodice carunculata) |
Vermont {prop} /verˈmɔnt/ | :: Vermont (state) |
vermouth {n} | :: vermouth |
vermut {m} | :: vermouth |
vernaccia {f} | :: Any of several varieties of white grape cultivated in Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia |
vernaccia {f} | :: Any of several white wines produced from these grapes |
vernacolare {adj} | :: vernacular |
vernacolo {m} | :: vernacular |
vernale {adj} /verˈna.le/ | :: vernal, springly |
vernale {adj} [poetic] | :: wintry, winter [attributive] |
vernalizzante {v} | :: present participle of vernalizzare |
vernalizzare {vt} | :: to vernalize |
vernalizzazione {f} | :: vernalization |
vernare {v} [obsolete] /verˈ | :: to bring spring, to be vernal |
vernare {v} [obsolete, of birds] | :: to sing during spring |
vernare {v} [literary] | :: To winter (to spend the winter) |
vernare {v} [literary] | :: To experience the climate of winter |
vernare {v} [literary, impersonal, rare, of weather] | :: to worsen (as in winter) |
vernazione {f} | :: vernation |
vernengo {adj} | :: winter-ripening |
vernice {f} | :: paint |
vernice {f} | :: varnish (transparent paint) |
vernice {f} [figuratively] | :: veneer, gloss |
vernice {f} [jocular, figuratively, by extension] | :: makeup, cosmetics |
vernice {f} [rare] | :: preview (private viewing) |
vernice di fondo {n} | :: Primer paint |
vernice molle {f} [art] | :: soft ground (etching material) |
verniceria {f} | :: paint shop (part of a factory where things are painted) |
verniciabile {adj} | :: paintable |
verniciante {v} | :: present participle of verniciare |
verniciante {adj} | :: varnishing, painting (attributive) |
verniciare {vt} | :: To varnish or paint |
verniciatore {m} | :: painter, varnisher (person or machine) |
verniciatura {f} | :: painting (the action of applying paint) |
verniciatura {f} | :: varnishing |
verniero {m} | :: vernier |
vernino {adj} | :: winter (attributive) |
vernino {adj} [botany] | :: vernal |
vernissage {m} | :: preview (private viewing) |
verno {m} [literary] | :: Variant of inverno |
vero {adj} /ˈveːro̞/ | :: true |
vero {adj} | :: real, genuine |
vero {m} | :: truth |
vero e proprio {adj} | :: real, veritable, true, downright, perfect, proper, sheer |
Veroli {prop} | :: Veroli (town) |
Verona {prop} /veˈroːna/ | :: Verona (city/and/province) |
veronalismo {m} | :: veronalism |
verone {m} | :: balcony |
verone {m} | :: loggia |
veronese {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Verona; a Veronese |
veronese {adj} | :: Veronese; of or relating to Verona or the Verona people |
veronica {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: veronica (cloth) |
veronica {f} [bullfighting] | :: veronica (movement of the cape) |
veronica {f} [botany] | :: veronica (flower) |
verosimigliante {adj} | :: synonym of verosimile |
verosimiglianza {f} | :: likelihood, probability |
verosimiglianza {f} | :: plausibility |
verosimiglianza {f} | :: verisimilitude |
verosimile {adj} | :: likely, plausible, probable |
verosimilmente {adv} | :: probably, most likely, seemingly |
verretta {f} | :: bolt fired from a crossbow |
verrettata {f} | :: A blow from a crossbow bolt |
verrettone {m} | :: Large bolt fired from a crossbow |
Verri {prop} | :: surname |
verricellista {m} | :: winchman |
verricello {m} [nautical] | :: winch, windlass |
verricello {m} | :: block |
verrina {f} | :: auger |
verrinante {v} | :: present participle of verrinare |
verrinare {v} | :: To auger |
verro {m} | :: boar (male pig) |
verrocchio {m} | :: olive oil press |
verruca {f} [medicine] | :: verruca |
verrucaria {f} | :: The fungus Verrucaria rupestris |
Verrucchio {prop} | :: alternative form of Verucchio |
verrucoso {adj} | :: warty, verrucose |
verruto {m} | :: synonym of verrettone |
versabile {adj} | :: pourable |
versaccio {m} | :: grimace (accompanied by a cry of disgust etc) |
Versace {prop} /verˈsaːtʃe/ | :: surname |
Versace {prop} | :: Gianni Versace, Italian fashion designer |
versaiolo {adj} | :: doggerel |
versamento {m} | :: pouring |
versamento {m} | :: payment |
versamento {m} | :: deposit |
versamento {m} [medicine] | :: effusion |
versante {m} | :: face, side of a mountain or mountain range |
versante {m} [banking] | :: person who makes a deposit |
versante {v} | :: present participle of versare |
versantesi {v} | :: present participle of versarsi |
versare {vt} | :: to pour, to decant |
versare {vt} [by extension] | :: to empty [the contents] by inclining a container downwards; to pour |
versare {vt} | :: to spill |
versare {vt} [banking] | :: to pay, to deposit |
versare {vt} | :: to shed |
versare {vi} [rare] | :: to leak |
versare {v} [in] | :: to find oneself (in) [a bad situation, etc.] |
versare acqua {v} | :: To urinate |
versarsi {v} | :: reflexive of versare |
versarsi {vi} | :: to spill out |
versarsi {vi} | :: to overflow, boil over |
versarsi {vi} | :: [of a body of water] to flow (into) |
versarsi {v} [in, su] | :: [of people] to congregate (in/around); to create a crowd (at) |
versarsi {v} [si] | :: [archaic, rare] to get angry (at/because of) |
versatile {adj} /verˈsaː.t̪i.le/ | :: versatile |
versatile {adj} | :: all-round, all around, multiskilled |
versatilità {f} | :: versatility |
versato {adj} | :: versed, practiced |
versatore {m} | :: pourer |
versatore {m} | :: pitcher (used to contain water for washing the hands) |
versatosi {v} | :: past participle of versarsi |
Verscio {prop} | :: Verscio (small town) |
verseggiabile {adj} | :: That can be put into verse |
verseggiante {v} | :: present participle of verseggiare |
verseggiare {vt} | :: to versify, to put into verse |
verseggiare {vi} | :: to versify |
verseggiatore {f} | :: versifier |
verseggiatura {f} | :: versifying |
verseggiatura {f} | :: versification |
versetto {m} | :: line (of verse) |
versetto {m} | :: verse (of the Bible) |
versicolo {m} | :: Short, or worthless poem |
versicolore {adj} [literary] /ˈ | :: Having different colors; versicoloured, varicoloured |
versiera {f} | :: witch, she-devil |
versiera {f} [maths] | :: witch of Agnesi |
versificabile {adj} | :: versifiable |
versificante {v} | :: present participle of versificare |
versificare {v} | :: To versify |
versificatorio {adj} | :: versifying |
versificazione {f} | :: versification, versifying |
Versilia {prop} | :: A fashionable, coastal region of northern Tuscany |
versiliberista {adj} | :: free verse (attributive) |
versiliese {adj} | :: Of or from Versilia |
versione {f} | :: version |
versione {f} | :: translation from ancient languages (Latin, Ancient Greek) to a modern one |
verso {m} [poetry] /ˈvɛ | :: verse |
verso {m} | :: song |
verso {m} | :: cackle (of a hen or goose) |
verso {prep} | :: toward |
verso {prep} | :: in the direction of |
verso {prep} | :: in relation to |
verso {prep} | :: in the vicinity of; near; by |
verso {prep} | :: at about [a time] |
verso {prep} | :: close to [an age] |
verso {prep} | :: vicinity, proximity, nearby |
verso {prep} | :: around, near to, close to |
versoio {m} | :: mouldboard (of a plough) |
verso pollice {n} | :: synonym of pollice verso |
versore {m} [maths] | :: unit vector, versor |
versus {prep} | :: versus |
versuzia {f} | :: cunning, guile, malice |
vertà {f} /verˈta/ | :: syncopic form of verità |
vertebra {f} [skeleton] | :: vertebra |
vertebra cervicale {f} [skeleton] | :: cervical vertebra |
vertebrale {adj} [anatomy] | :: vertebral |
vertebra lombare {f} [skeleton] | :: lumbar vertebra |
vertebrato {adj} | :: vertebrate |
vertebrato {m} | :: vertebrate |
vertebra toracica {f} [skeleton] | :: thoracic vertebra |
vertebroplastica {f} [medicine] | :: vertebroplasty |
vertente {v} | :: present participle of vertere |
vertente {adj} | :: pending, pendent |
vertenza {f} [law] | :: lawsuit, case |
vertenza {f} [transferred sense] | :: dispute |
vertenziale {adj} | :: dispute (attributive) |
vertenzialità {f} | :: disputes |
vertere {vi} | :: to be about, turn on, concern |
vertere {vi} | :: to be pending |
verticale {adj} | :: vertical |
verticale {f} | :: vertical |
verticale {f} | :: handstand, headstand (gymnastics) |
verticale {f} | :: down (clue in a crossword) |
verticalismo {m} [architecture] | :: verticalism |
verticalità {f} | :: verticality, verticalness |
verticalizzante {v} | :: present participle of verticalizzare |
verticalizzare {vt} | :: to organize vertically |
verticalizzare {vt} [sports] | :: to push (the ball) upfield |
verticalizzazione {f} [economy] | :: vertical integration |
verticalizzazione {f} [football] | :: long ball |
verticalmente {adv} | :: vertically |
vertice {m} [geometry] /ˈvɛr.ti.t͡ʃe/ | :: vertex |
vertice {m} [also, figuratively] | :: peak, top |
vertice {m} [by extension, politics] | :: summit (gathering or assembly of leaders) |
verticillate {adj} [botany] | :: verticillate |
verticillo {m} [botany] | :: verticil, whorl |
verticismo {m} | :: oligarchy |
verticista {mf} | :: oligarch (or supporter of an oligarchy) |
verticistico {adj} | :: oligarchic |
vertigine {f} | :: dizziness, giddiness, (in plural) vertigo |
vertigine {f} [obsolete] | :: revolution |
vertiginosamente {adv} | :: dizzily |
vertiginosamente {adv} | :: dramatically, rapidly |
vertiginosità {f} | :: vertiginousness |
vertiginoso {adj} /ver.ti.d͡ʒiˈno.zo/ | :: dizzy, dizzying, vertiginous, giddy |
vertiginoso {adj} | :: enormous, stunning, staggering, plunging |
vertiginoso {adj} | :: explosive, rapid, breakneck |
vertiplano {m} | :: VTOL aircraft |
vertù {f} | :: synonym of virtù |
vertute {f} | :: synonym of virtù |
Verucchio {prop} | :: Verucchio (town) |
verun {pron} | :: apocopic form of veruno |
veruno {adj} [archaic, literary, following a negative statement] /veˈ | :: no, not any |
veruno {pron} [archaic, literary, following a negative statement] | :: no one, nobody |
verve {f} | :: verve |
verza {f} /ˈver.t͡sa/ | :: Savoy cabbage |
Verzasca {prop} | :: A river, and associated valley, in Ticino |
verzaschese {adj} | :: Of or from Verzasca |
verzelata {f} [uncommon] /ver.d͡zeˈla.ta/ | :: alternative form of verzelato |
verzelato {m} /ver.d͡zeˈ | :: leaping mullet (Liza saliens) |
verzellina {f} /ver.d͡zelˈ | :: synonym of calderugia: common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) |
verzellino {m} /ver.d͡zelˈ | :: serin (Serinus serinus) |
verzellino dal groppone bianco {m} | :: white-rumped seedeater |
verziere {m} | :: garden, kitchen garden, orchard |
verzotto {m} | :: Savoy cabbage |
verzura {f} | :: vegetation (green plants) |
veschio {m} | :: alternative form of vischio |
vescia {f} /ˈveʃ.ʃa/ | :: wind, flatulence, particularly a silent one |
vescia {f} [mycology] | :: One of several mushrooms of the Lycoperdon genus |
vesciaia {f} | :: A gossipy woman |
vescica {f} /veʃˈʃi.ka/ | :: bladder |
vescica {f} | :: blister |
vescicale {adj} | :: vesical, bladder (attributive) |
vescicante {adj} /veʃ.ʃiˈkan.te/ | :: vesicant |
vescicante {m} [historical] | :: A medication causing blisters on the skin |
vescicante {m} [figurative, rare] | :: An annoying person |
vescicante {m} [entomology] | :: synonym of meloide |
vescicaria {adj} /veʃ.ʃiˈka.rja/ | :: only used in erba vescicaria |
vescicaria {f} | :: bladder senna (Colutea arborescens) |
vescicatorio {adj} | :: vesicatory, vesicant |
vescicazione {f} | :: blistering, vesication |
vescichetta {f} [anatomy] | :: vesicle |
vescichetta seminale {f} [anatomy] | :: seminal vesicle |
vescicola {f} [anatomy] | :: vesicle |
vescicola biliare {f} [anatomy] | :: gall bladder |
vescicolare {adj} [anatomy] | :: vesical |
vescicolare {adj} [anatomy] | :: vesicular |
vescicolare {adj} | :: vesicular (having vesicles) |
vescicola seminale {f} [anatomy] | :: seminal vesicle |
vescicolato {adj} | :: vesicular |
vescicolazione {f} | :: vesiculation |
vescicoso {adj} | :: blistery (full of blisters) |
vescoso {adj} | :: alternative form of vischioso |
vescovado {m} | :: bishopric |
vescovado {m} | :: bishop's palace |
vescovato {m} | :: bishopric |
vescovile {adj} | :: episcopal, bishop's (attributive) |
vescovilmente {adv} | :: episcopally |
vescovo {m} /ˈveskovo/ | :: bishop (clergyman) |
vespa {f} /ˈvɛspa/ | :: wasp |
vespa {f} | :: motor scooter (originally capitalised) |
Vespa {f} | :: an Italian brand of motor scooter (or any similar motor scooter) |
Vespa {prop} | :: surname |
vespaio {m} | :: wasp's nest (real and figurative) |
vespaio {m} | :: anthrax |
vesparia {f} | :: bee orchid (Ophrys apifera) |
vespasiano {m} | :: urinal (building) |
Vespasiano {prop} | :: Vespasian |
vesperale {adj} | :: vesperal |
vespero {prop} [astronomy] | :: Venus, evening star, Hesperus, Vesper |
vesperone {m} | :: vespers (service) |
vespertilio {m} | :: bat (flying animal) |
vespertillo {m} | :: alternative form of vespertilio |
vespertino {adj} | :: pertaining to the evening |
vespeto {m} | :: wasp's nest |
vespiere {m} /vesˈpjɛ.re/ | :: synonym of gruccione |
vespigno {adj} | :: stimulating, appetizing, piquant |
vespino {n} | :: A low-power motor scooter (typically 50 cc) |
vespista {mf} | :: Vespa (of any motor scooter) rider |
vespoidale {adj} [zoology, rare] | :: wasp-like |
vespone {m} | :: A high-powered motor scooter |
Vespri siciliani {prop} | :: The rebellion known as the Sicilian Vespers |
vespro {m} [poetic] | :: evening |
vespro {m} | :: vespers |
Vespucci {prop} | :: surname |
Vespucci {prop} | :: Amerigo Vespucci, Italian navigator |
vessante {v} | :: present participle of vessare |
vessare {vt} | :: To oppress |
vessatore {m} | :: oppressor, tormentor, maltreater |
vessatore {adj} | :: oppressive, tormenting, harassing |
vessatorio {adj} | :: oppressive |
vessatorio {adj} | :: vexatious |
vessazione {f} | :: oppression |
vessazione {f} | :: vexation |
vessica {f} | :: alternative form of vescica |
vessicante {adj} /ves.siˈkan.te/ | :: obsolete form of vescicante |
vessicante {m} | :: obsolete form of vescicante |
vessillario {m} | :: vexillary |
vessillario {m} | :: standard bearer |
vessillazione {f} | :: vexillation |
vessillifero {m} | :: vexillary (in Ancient Rome) |
vessillifero {m} | :: standard-bearer |
vessillifero {m} | :: forerunner, precursor |
vessillo {m} /vesˈsillo/ | :: standard (military flag) |
vessillo {m} | :: banner, ensign |
vessillologia {f} | :: vexillology |
vessillologo {m} | :: vexillologist |
vestaglia {f} | :: dressing gown |
vestaglietta {f} | :: house dress |
vestaglietta {f} | :: simple frock |
vestale {adj} | :: vestal |
vestale {f} | :: vestal virgin |
veste {f} [of a woman] /ˈvɛs.te/ | :: dress |
veste {f} [in the plural] | :: clothes |
veste {f} [by extension] | :: appearance, capacity |
veste {f} [of a monk] | :: habit |
vestente {v} | :: present participle of vestire |
vestentesi {v} | :: present participle of vestirsi |
Vestfalia {prop} | :: Westphalia |
vestiario {m} | :: clothing, clothes |
vestiarista {mf} | :: costumier |
vestibilità {f} | :: wearability |
vestibolare {adj} [anatomy] | :: vestibular |
vestibolo {m} [architecture] /vesˈ | :: hall, lobby, vestibule |
vestibolo {m} [anatomy, rail transportation] | :: vestibule |
vestibolococleare {adj} [anatomy] | :: vestibulocochlear |
vestigio {m} | :: vestige, trace |
vestigio {m} [in the plural] | :: remains, ruins |
vestimento {m} | :: garment |
vestimento {m} | :: clothing |
vestina {f} | :: baby dress |
vestire {vt} | :: to dress |
vestire {vt} | :: to clothe |
vestire {vt} | :: to make somebody's clothes |
vestire {vt} | :: to wear, put on |
vestire {vt} | :: to fit |
vestire {vi} | :: to be dressed, dress, wear |
vestirsi {v} | :: reflexive of vestire |
vestirsi {vr} | :: to get dressed, dress |
vestirsi {vr} | :: to clothe oneself |
vestirsi {vr} | :: to put on, wear, be dressed, dress, dress up |
vestirsi a festa {v} | :: to dress up |
vestirsi bene {v} | :: to dress up |
vestirsi bene {v} | :: to spiff up |
vestirsi bene {v} | :: to spruce up |
vestitino {m} | :: diminutive of vestito |
vestitino {m} | :: clothes, dress (for children) |
vestitino {m} | :: A short dress. (for women) |
vestito {adj} | :: dressed, clothed |
vestito {m} | :: suit, dress, frock, clothes |
vestito {m} [in the plural] | :: clothing |
vestito da sposa {m} | :: wedding dress |
vestitore {adj} | :: dressing (attributive) |
vestitosi {v} | :: past participle of vestirsi |
vestitura {f} | :: dressing (act of putting on clothes) |
vestitura {f} | :: covering, coating (material) |
vestizione {f} | :: clothing, dressing (with religious habit) |
Vesubia {prop} | :: The river Vésubie, that flows in France |
vesuviano {adj} | :: Vesuvian |
Vesuvio {prop} | :: Vesuvius |
veterana {f} | :: feminine noun of veterano |
veterano {m} /ve.teˈ | :: veteran (all senses), old hand |
veterinaria {f} | :: veterinary science |
veterinaria {f} | :: female equivalent of veterinario |
veterinario {adj} | :: veterinary |
veterinario {m} | :: veterinarian, vet, veterinary, veterinary surgeon |
vetero- {prefix} /ˈvɛ | :: original or old-fashioned (used, especially, in a religious or political context) |
veterocattolico {adj} | :: Old Catholic |
veterocomunismo {m} | :: The original, Marxist-Leninist, version of communism |
veterotestamentario {adj} | :: Old Testament (attributive) |
vetiver {m} | :: vetiver |
vetiveria {f} | :: vetiver |
veto {m} /ˈvɛ.to/ | :: veto |
vetraio {m} | :: glassblower |
vetraio {m} | :: glazier |
Vetralla {prop} | :: Vetralla (town) |
vetrame {m} | :: glassware |
vetraria {f} | :: a building where glass is moulded mainly to create artistic pieces |
vetrario {adj} | :: glass (attributive) |
vetrata {f} | :: glass window |
vetrata {f} | :: glass door, glass wall |
vetrata {f} | :: stained glass window |
vetrata {f} | :: windowpane |
vetrato {adj} | :: glass (attributive) |
vetratura {f} | :: glass, glazing |
vetreria {f} | :: glassworks, glasshouse |
vetreria {f} | :: glassware |
vetriata {f} | :: synonym of vetrata |
vetriato {adj} | :: glazed (having windows or glaze) |
vetriciaia {f} | :: synonym of saliceto |
vetriera {f} | :: glass window |
vetriera {f} | :: glass display cabinet |
vetrificabile {adj} | :: vitrifiable |
vetrificante {v} | :: present participle of vetrificare |
vetrificantesi {v} | :: present participle of vetrificarsi |
vetrificare {vt} | :: to vitrify |
vetrificare {vt} [ceramics] | :: to glaze |
vetrificarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vetrificare |
vetrificarsi {vr} | :: to vitrify |
vetrificato {adj} | :: vitrified |
vetrificatosi {v} | :: past participle of vetrificarsi |
vetrificazione {f} | :: vitrification |
vetrigno {adj} | :: vitreous, glassy |
vetrigno {m} | :: vitrified paving brick |
vetrina {f} | :: display window, shop window, window [of a shop] |
vetrina {f} | :: showcase, display cabinet |
vetrina {f} | :: glaze (for pottery, ceramic, etc.) |
vetrina {f} [regional] | :: glass sideboard |
vetrina {f} [pluralonly] | :: glasses |
vetrinante {v} | :: present participle of vetrinare |
vetrinare {v} | :: To glaze (pottery) |
vetrinatura {f} | :: glazing (of pottery) |
vetrinetta {f} [furniture] | :: small glass showcase, hutch |
vetrinista {mf} | :: window dresser |
vetrinistica {f} | :: window dressing |
vetrino {m} | :: slide (microscope) |
vetrino {adj} [rare] | :: made out of a fragile material that can be easily chipped |
vetriola {f} | :: synonym of parietaria |
vetrioleggiante {v} | :: present participle of vetrioleggiare |
vetrioleggiare {vt} [rare] | :: to throw acid (vitriol) (especially into the face, or to deface something) |
vetriolo {m} | :: vitriol |
vetro {m} /ˈve.tro/ | :: glass (transparent material) |
vetroasfalto {m} /ˈ | :: A glass fabric saturated with asphalt |
vetrocamera {f} | :: insulating glass (two sheets of glass, fused at the edges, with an insulating layer of air etc) |
vetrocementista {m} | :: A person who makes vetrocemento |
vetrocemento {m} [architecture] | :: A structure of squares of toughened glass in a framework of reinforced concrete |
vetroceramica {f} | :: glass-ceramic |
vetrocromia {f} [arts] | :: painting on glass |
vetrofania {f} | :: decal |
vetroflex {m} | :: rock wool, mineral wool |
vetrofusione {f} | :: fused glass |
vetrometallo {m} | :: A vitreous form of a metal alloy used as a structural material |
vetrone {m} | :: black ice |
vetroresina {f} | :: fibreglass |
vetroso {adj} | :: glassy |
vetta {f} | :: top, summit, crown (of a hill etc) |
vetta {f} [figurative, by extension] | :: peak, high point |
vetta {f} [figurative, by extension] | :: first place, commanding position, top |
vetta {f} [literary] | :: end of a branch |
Vette {prop} | :: Vectis |
vettina {f} | :: jug (especially of oil) |
vettonica {f} | :: alternative form of bettonica |
vettore {m} | :: vector |
vettore {m} | :: carrier (transport, especially in combination) |
vettore di bandiera {n} | :: flag carrier (A transportation company, such as a shipping or airline company, that is registered in a given state) |
vettoriale {adj} | :: vectorial; vector (attributive) |
vettovaglia {f} | :: (especially in plural) victuals |
vettovagliamento {m} | :: provisioning, victualling |
vettovagliante {v} | :: present participle of vettovagliare |
vettovagliare {vt} | :: To provision or victual |
vettovaglie {fp} | :: provisions, victuals, stores |
vettrico {adj} [biochemistry, medicine] | :: vector, carrier (attributive) |
vettura {f} | :: car |
vettura {f} | :: carriage (in a train) |
vettura {f} | :: coach |
vetturale {m} | :: carrier |
vetturalesco {adj} | :: carrier (attributive) |
vetturetta {f} | :: small car |
vetturina {f} | :: melilot, sweet clover (of genus Melilotus) |
vetturino {m} | :: coachman (driver of horse-drawn coach) |
Vetulonia {prop} | :: A part of Castiglione della Pescaia in Tuscany; once an Etruscan town |
vetuloniese {adj} | :: Of or from Vetulonia |
vetustà {f} [literary] /ve.tusˈta/ | :: ancientness, oldness |
vetustà {f} [by extension] | :: obsolescence |
vetusto {adj} [literary] /veˈ | :: ancient, old |
Vezzali {prop} | :: surname |
Vezzali {prop} | :: Valentina Vezzali, Italian fencer |
vezzato {adj} | :: smart, shrewd, cunning |
vezzeggiamento {m} | :: fondling, pampering |
vezzeggiamento {m} | :: caress |
vezzeggiante {v} | :: present participle of vezzeggiare |
vezzeggiantesi {v} | :: present participle of vezzeggiarsi |
vezzeggiare {vt} | :: to pamper or coddle; to caress |
vezzeggiare {vt} | :: to make a fuss of |
vezzeggiarsi {vr} | :: To pamper oneself, to coddle oneself |
vezzeggiarsi {vr} | :: To pamper each other, to coddle each other |
vezzeggiativo {m} | :: pet name, term of endearment |
vezzeggiativo {adj} | :: endearing |
vezzeggiatore {m} | :: pamperer |
vezzeggiatosi {v} | :: past participle of vezzeggiarsi |
vezzo {m} | :: habit, mannerism, quirk |
vezzo {m} | :: bad habit |
vezzo {m} | :: caress |
vezzosamente {adv} | :: prettily, charmingly |
vezzosità {f} | :: affectation |
vezzoso {adj} | :: pretty, charming |
vezzoso {adj} | :: affected |
VHS {mf} | :: VHS |
vi {pron} | :: second-person personal plural object pronoun: you, to you |
vi {pron} | :: second-person reflexive plural: yourselves |
vi {pron} [often not translated] | :: it; about it, of it, on it |
vi {adv} [formal] | :: there |
vi {adv} [formal] | :: here |
vi {f} | :: alternative form of vu |
Vi {pron} [uncommon, very, formal or polite] /ˈvi/ | :: you [singular], to you [singular], yourself |
vì {f} | :: apocopic form of vita |
via {f} | :: road, street, path |
via {f} | :: way, route |
via {f} | :: means [to an end] |
via {f} | :: tract [in the body] |
via {f} | :: start [of a race] |
via {adv} | :: away |
via {adv} | :: out |
via {prep} | :: away from |
via {interj} | :: come on! |
via {interj} | :: go away! |
via aerea {f} [anatomy, mostly in plural] | :: airway |
viabile {adj} | :: road (attributive) |
viabile {adj} | :: passable |
viabilista {adj} | :: (road) traffic (attributive) |
viabilista {adj} | :: road, highway (attributive) |
viabilistico {adj} | :: road / traffic (attributive) |
viabilità {f} | :: practicability |
viabilità {f} | :: road conditions |
viabilità {f} [in the plural] | :: roads |
viabilità {f} | :: highway engineering |
viaccia {f} | :: badly maintained road |
viaccia {f} | :: street of ill-repute |
viadana {f} | :: A strong, cotton canvas, used for making sails etc |
Viadana {prop} | :: Viadana (town) |
viadanese {adj} | :: Of or from Viadana |
via di accesso {f} | :: doorway |
via di accesso {f} | :: entry |
via di mezzo {f} | :: middle ground |
via di rullaggio {f} | :: taxiway |
viadotto {m} | :: viaduct |
via ferrata {f} [climbing] /ˌvi.a ferˈra.ta/ | :: via ferrata (protected climbing route) |
viaggetto {m} | :: diminutive of viaggio |
viaggetto {m} | :: a short journey; a trip |
viaggiante {v} | :: present participle of viaggiare |
viaggiante {adj} | :: travelling |
viaggiar {v} | :: apocopic form of viaggiare |
viaggiare {v} /vjadˈdʒare/ | :: to travel, to journey, to tour, (by plane) to fly |
viaggiare {v} [of a vehicle] | :: to run, to travel |
viaggiatore {m} | :: traveller, voyager |
viaggiatore {m} | :: passenger |
viaggiatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of viaggiatore |
viaggio {m} /viˈad.dʒo/ | :: journey, trip, tour, voyage |
viaggio {m} [also in the plural] | :: travels, travel, travelling |
viaggio di nozze {m} | :: honeymoon |
Via Lattea {prop} | :: The Milky Way |
Vialba {prop} | :: A district of Milan |
vialbese {adj} | :: Of or relating to Vialba |
viale {m} | :: boulevard, avenue, parkway |
vialetto {m} | :: path, lane, alley |
via libera {m} | :: green light, go-ahead, clearance |
vialone {m} | :: broad avenue |
vialone nano {n} | :: A type of rice |
viandante {mf} | :: traveller |
viandante {mf} | :: wayfarer |
Vianello {prop} | :: surname |
Vianello {prop} | :: Raimondo Vianello, Italian actor and television host |
viante {mf} | :: synonym of viandante |
viareggino {adj} | :: Of or from Viareggio |
Viareggio {prop} | :: Viareggio (coastal town) |
viario {adj} | :: street, road, highway (attributive) |
viatico {m} /viˈa.ti.ko/ | :: The communion administered as part of the last rites |
viatico {m} | :: comfort or reassurance before an undertaking |
viatico {m} [idiomatic] | :: stepping stone |
viatorio {adj} | :: voyage [attributive] |
viavai {m} | :: coming and going, bustle |
viavai {m} | :: hive of activity |
via via {adv} | :: gradually |
via via {adv} [archaic] | :: soon; shortly |
via via che {prep} | :: as soon as |
vibice {f} | :: bruise |
vibice {f} | :: stretch mark |
vibice {f} | :: vibex |
vibonese {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Vibo Valentia |
vibonese {mf} | :: Native or inhabitant of Vibo Valentia |
Vibo Valentia {prop} | :: Vibo Valentia |
vibraculo {m} | :: vibraculum |
vibrafonista {mf} [music] | :: vibraphonist |
vibrafono {m} [musical instruments] | :: vibraphone |
vibramento {m} | :: vibration |
vibrante {v} | :: present participle of vibrare |
vibrante {adj} | :: vibrating |
vibrante {adj} | :: vibrant, resonant |
vibrare {vi} | :: to vibrate |
vibrare {vi} | :: to rattle |
vibrare {vi} | :: to twang |
vibrare {vt} | :: to deliver or deal [a blow] |
Vibrata {prop} | :: Vibrata (small river) |
vibratezza {f} [uncommon] | :: vibrancy |
vibratile {adj} | :: vibratory, vibrating |
vibratilità {f} | :: The property of being vibratory or vibrating |
vibrato {m} [music] | :: vibrato |
vibratore {m} | :: vibrator |
vibratorio {adj} | :: vibratory |
vibratura {f} | :: vibration (applied to poured concrete) |
vibrazionale {adj} | :: vibrational |
vibrazionale {adj} | :: vibrating |
vibrazione {f} | :: vibration |
vibrazione {f} | :: chatter |
vibrione {m} | :: vibrio |
vibrissa {f} | :: vibrissa |
vibrissa {f} [in the plural] | :: A cat's whiskers |
vibro- {prefix} | :: Forms words related to vibration |
vibrofinitrice {f} | :: A machine that vibrates poured concrete to ensure that a mould is properly filled |
vibrografo {m} | :: vibrograph |
vibrogramma {m} | :: vibrogram |
vibromassaggiatore {m} | :: vibromassager (massage vibrator) |
vibromassaggio {m} | :: vibromassage |
vibrometria {f} | :: vibrometry |
vibrometro {m} | :: vibrometer |
vibroscopico {adj} | :: vibroscopic |
vibroscopio {m} | :: vibroscope |
vibroterapia {f} [medicine] | :: vibrotherapy |
vibrovaglio {m} | :: vibrating screen / sieve |
Vicari {prop} | :: Vicari (town/and/commune) |
vicariale {adj} | :: vicarial |
vicariante {adj} | :: substituting |
vicariante {adj} | :: vicarious |
vicarianza {f} | :: vicariance |
vicariare {v} | :: To substitute |
vicariato {m} | :: vicarship |
vicariato {m} | :: vicariate |
vicario {m} | :: vicar |
vice- {prefix} | :: vice- |
vice {mf} | :: deputy, substitute, vice |
vice allenatore {m} | :: alternative spelling of viceallenatore |
vice-allenatore {m} | :: alternative spelling of viceallenatore |
viceallenatore {m} [sports] | :: deputy coach |
viceammiraglio {m} [nautical] | :: vice admiral |
vicebrigadiere {m} | :: sergeant |
vicecampione {m} | :: runner-up [in a championship] |
vicecancelliere {m} | :: vice-chancellor |
vicecapo {m} | :: deputy chief |
vicecapogruppo {m} | :: vice-captain |
vicecomandante {m} | :: deputy commander or captain |
vicecomitale {adj} | :: viscount [attributive] |
vicecommissario {m} | :: deputy commissioner or superintendent |
viceconsole {m} | :: vice-consul |
viceconte {m} | :: synonym of visconte |
vicedirettore {m} | :: deputy manager, editor or headmaster; assistant manager |
vicedomino {m} | :: synonym of visdomino |
vicegovernatore {m} | :: deputy governor |
vicegovernatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of vicegovernatore |
vicemadre {f} | :: foster mother |
viceministro {m} | :: an undersecretary [in Italy: a second-in-command to a politically-appointed Minister] |
vicenda {f} /viˈt͡ʃɛn.da/ | :: affair, event, story |
vicendevole {adj} | :: mutual |
vicendevole {adj} | :: reciprocal |
vicendevolezza {f} | :: mutuality |
vicendevolezza {f} | :: reciprocity |
vicendevolmente {adv} | :: mutually |
vicendevolmente {adv} | :: reciprocally, each other, one another |
vicennale {adj} | :: That occurs every twenty years |
vicennale {m} | :: A twentieth anniversary |
vicennale {m} | :: (in Ancient Rome) A celebration to mark the twentieth year of an Emperor's reign |
vicennio {m} | :: synonym of ventennio |
vicentino {adj} | :: Vicentine (of or relating to Vicenza or the Vicentine people) |
vicentino {m} | :: Vicentine (a native or inhabitant of Vicenza) |
Vicenza {prop} /viˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ | :: Vicenza (city/and/province) |
viceolimpionica {f} | :: feminine noun of viceolimpionico |
viceolimpionico {adj} | :: Olympic runner-up [attributive] |
viceolimpionico {m} | :: Olympic silver medalist |
vicepadre {m} | :: foster father |
viceparroco {m} | :: curate |
viceprefetto {m} | :: subprefect |
viceprefetto {m} | :: deputy rector [of a college] |
vicepremier {mf} | :: vice-president of a council |
vicepreside {mf} | :: vice-president |
vicepreside {mf} | :: vice-chairman |
vicepresidente {m} /vi.t͡ʃˈdɛn.te/ | :: vice president |
vicepresidente {m} | :: vice chairman |
vicepresidenza {f} | :: vice-presidency, vice presidency |
vicepretore {m} | :: deputy magistrate |
vicepretore {m} | :: (in Ancient Rome) propraetor |
vicepretura {f} | :: the office of a vicepretore |
vicequestore {m} | :: deputy chief constable, deputy chief of police |
viceré {m} | :: viceroy |
vicereale {adj} | :: viceregal |
vicereame {m} | :: viceroyalty |
viceredattore {m} | :: assistant editor |
viceregina {f} | :: vicereine |
vicerettore {m} | :: assistant rector |
vicerettore {m} | :: vice-chancellor |
vicesceriffo {m} | :: deputy [assistant sheriff in US] |
vicesegretario {m} | :: vice-secretary, deputy |
vicesindaco {m} | :: assistant mayor |
viceversa {adv} | :: vice versa; the other way around; and back |
viceversa {adv} [familiar] | :: instead |
viceversa {conj} [familiar] | :: but, instead |
vicheria {f} | :: synonym of vicaria |
vichianesimo {m} [philosophy] | :: The humanism of Giambattista Vico |
vichiano {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of Giambattista Vico |
vichinga {f} | :: female equivalent of vichingo |
vichingo {adj} /viˈkinɡo/ | :: Viking |
vichingo {m} | :: Viking |
vicin {adj} | :: apocopic form of vicino |
vicina {f} | :: female equivalent of vicino |
vicinale {adj} | :: local |
vicinale {adj} | :: nearby |
vicinale {adj} [chemistry] | :: vicinal |
vicinalità {f} | :: vicinality |
viciname {m} | :: neighbours |
vicinante {v} | :: present participle of vicinare |
vicinante {adj} | :: close to home |
vicinanza {f} | :: proximity, closeness, nearness |
vicinanza {f} [in the plural] | :: vicinity, surroundings |
vicinare {v} | :: To be nearby |
vicinato {m} | :: neighbourhood |
vicinato {m} [in the plural] | :: neighbours |
viciniore {adj} | :: neighbouring (land etc) |
vicinissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vicino |
vicinissimo {adj} | :: very close, very near |
vicinissimo {adj} | :: closest |
vicinità {f} | :: closeness, proximity |
vicino {adj} /viˈtʃino/ | :: near, close |
vicino {adv} [with a] | :: near |
vicino {m} | :: neighbour, neighbourhood |
vicissitudine {f} | :: vicissitude |
vicissitudinevolmente {adv} | :: interchangeably, reciprocally, mutually |
vicitante {v} | :: present participle of vicitare |
vicitare {v} | :: alternative form of visitare |
vico {m} /ˈvi.ko/ | :: village, hamlet |
vico {m} | :: district |
vico {m} | :: alley, lane |
vicoletto {m} | :: A very small village |
vicoletto {m} | :: A small alleyway |
vicolo {m} /ˈvi.ko.lo/ | :: alley, alleyway |
vicolo cieco {m} | :: blind alley |
vicolo cieco {m} | :: dead end (all senses) |
vicolo cieco {m} | :: deadlock |
vicolo cieco {m} | :: stalemate |
Vicopisano {prop} | :: Vicopisano (small town) |
videata {f} [computing, neologism] | :: screenful, screen, screenshot |
video- {prefix} | :: video- |
video {m} /ˈ | :: video (all senses) |
video {m} | :: display (screen) |
video {m} | :: monitor (TV) |
videoamatore {m} | :: amateur video maker |
videoamatoriale {adj} | :: amateur video (attributive) |
videoamplificatore {m} | :: video amplifier |
videoarte {f} | :: video art |
videoartista {mf} | :: video artist |
videocamera {f} | :: video camera (portable, with a recorder) |
videocassetta {f} | :: videocassette |
videocellulare {m} | :: A mobile (cellular) videophone |
videochattante {v} | :: present participle of videochattare |
videochattare {v} | :: To video chat |
videochiamante {v} | :: present participle of videochiamare |
videochiamare {vit} | :: to call (someone) on a videophone |
videochiamata {f} | :: videophone call |
videocitofono {m} | :: video doorphone, video entryphone, video intercom, video door entry |
videoclip {m} | :: music video |
videocomunicante {v} | :: present participle of videocomunicare |
videocomunicare {v} | :: To communicate using computers or phones equipped with cameras and screens |
videocomunicazione {f} | :: video communication |
videoconferenza {f} | :: video conference |
videocontrollo {m} | :: control (of a system) via CCTV |
videocrazia {f} | :: The power of the image over society; videocracy |
videodipendente {mf} | :: TV addict; couch potato |
videodipendenza {f} | :: addiction to television |
videodisco {m} | :: video disc, laserdisc (various formats) |
videodiscoteca {f} | :: A discotheque that displays music videos |
videofilm {m} | :: video (film shot using video technology) |
videofonino {m} | :: video mobile phone |
videofono {m} | :: videophone |
videofrequenza {f} | :: video / television frequency |
videogame {m} /̯oˈɡei̯m/ | :: video game |
videogiocante {v} | :: present participle of videogiocare |
videogiocare {vi} | :: To play videogames |
videogiocatore {m} | :: gamer, videogamer |
videogioco {m} [video games] | :: video game |
videogiornalismo {m} | :: videojournalism |
videogiornalista {mf} | :: videojournalist |
videografica {f} | :: video graphics |
videografico {adj} | :: videographic |
videogramma {m} | :: videogram |
videointervista {f} | :: An interview via TV or videoconferencing |
videolento {m} | :: videolink |
videoleso {adj} | :: visually handicapped |
videolettore {m} | :: video player |
videolibro {m} | :: video (or electronic) book (any of several formats) |
videoludico {adj} | :: video game (attributive) |
videomagnetico {adj} | :: videotape (attributive) |
videomania {f} | :: A passion for TV or videogames |
videomessaggio {m} | :: message sent electronically |
videomontaggio {m} | :: video montage |
videomusic {m} | :: music played on a music video |
video musicale {m} | :: music video |
videonastro {m} | :: videotape |
videonoleggiatore {m} | :: video rental business or its owner |
videonoleggio {m} | :: video rental shop, video rental store, video shop, video store |
videopirata {m} | :: video pirate (person who makes/sells illegal copies of videos, DVDs etc) |
videopirateria {f} | :: video piracy (making/selling illegal copies of videos, DVDs etc) |
videopoker {m} | :: Any electronic, console-based version of poker |
videopredicatore {m} | :: TV preacher (especially in the US) |
videoproiettore {m} | :: video projector |
videoproiezione {f} | :: video projection |
videoregistrante {v} | :: present participle of videoregistrare |
videoregistrare {vt} | :: To videotape, tape, video (record on videotape) |
videoregistratore {m} | :: video recorder; videocassette recorder |
videoregistrazione {f} | :: video recording |
videoreporter {mf} | :: TV reporter (especially one working alone, with mobile equipment) |
videoripresa {f} | :: filming (on video) |
videoriproduttore {m} | :: video recorder |
videoriproduzione {f} | :: reproduction of video signals recorded on tape |
videoscrittura {f} | :: word processing |
videoscrivere {v} | :: To write using a word processor |
videoscultura {f} [art] | :: artwork involving images displayed on TV screens or PC monitors |
videosegnale {m} | :: TV signal |
videosegnale {m} | :: picture (as a function of the TV signal quality) |
videosimulazione {f} | :: A video simulation (especially of a dangerous situation, used for demonstration or training) |
videosistema {m} | :: video system |
videosorveglianza {f} | :: video surveillance, CCTV |
videosorvegliato {adj} | :: Under video surveillance |
videotape {m} | :: videotape |
videoteca {f} | :: Shop that sells or rents videotapes |
Videotel {prop} | :: An Italian videotex service utilising the telephone network, popular before and alongside the World Wide Web |
videotelefonia {f} | :: videotelephony |
videotelefonico {adj} | :: videotelephonic |
videotelefonino {m} | :: A mobile phone that has a built-in video camera |
videotelefono {m} | :: videophone |
videoterminale {m} [computing] | :: (video) terminal, VDU |
videotrasmettente {v} | :: present participle of videotrasmettere |
videotrasmettere {vt} | :: to broadcast by television; to televise |
videotutorial {m} | :: video tutorial |
vidiconoscopio {m} | :: vidicon |
vidigrafo {m} | :: A device that transfers video to film |
vidimante {v} | :: present participle of vidimare |
vidimare {vt} | :: To authenticate |
vidimatore {m} | :: authenticator |
vidimazione {f} | :: authentication |
Vidoni {prop} | :: surname |
vi doppia {f} | :: alternative form of doppia vu |
vidovile {adj} | :: alternative form of vedovile |
vidovità {f} | :: widowhood (Variant of vedovità) |
viduile {adj} | :: alternative form of vedovile |
viduità {f} | :: widowhood (Variant of vedovità) |
viella {f} [musical instruments] | :: vielle |
viemeglio {adv} | :: alternative form of viemmeglio |
viemmeglio {adv} | :: even more |
viemmeglio {adv} | :: even better |
Vienna {prop} | :: Vienna (capital city) |
Vienna {prop} | :: Vienna (state) |
viennese {adj} | :: Viennese |
viennese {mf} | :: Viennese (person) |
vie più {adj} | :: alternative spelling of viepiù |
viepiù {adv} | :: more and more, increasingly |
viepiù {adv} | :: (with che) much more (than) |
vieppiù {adj} | :: alternative spelling of viepiù |
Vieste {prop} | :: Vieste (town) |
vietabile {adj} | :: That can be forbidden |
vietabilità {f} | :: Property of what can be forbidden |
vietamento {m} | :: synonym of divieto |
vietante {v} | :: present participle of vietare |
vietare {vt} | :: to forbid, to prohibit, to ban, to stop, to prevent |
vietatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vietato |
vietativo {adj} | :: prohibiting |
vietato {adj} | :: forbidden |
vietato {v} | :: past participle of vietare |
vietatore {m} | :: prohibitor |
vietcong {mf} | :: Vietcong (fighter) |
Vietnam {prop} | :: Vietnam |
vietnamita {m} | :: Vietnamese person |
vietnamita {m} [uncountable] | :: Vietnamese language |
vietnamita {adj} | :: Vietnamese |
vieto {adj} [literary] /ˈvjɛ.to/ | :: old |
vieto {adj} [pejorative] | :: antiquated, outdated |
vieto {adj} [regional, rare, of food] | :: rancid or stale |
vietume {m} /vjeˈ | :: A collection of old, outdated or antiquated things |
Vigata {prop} | :: Vigata (fictional town), in the books by Andrea Camilleri, based on Porto Empedocle |
vigecuplo {adj} | :: twentyfold |
vigecuplo {m} | :: Something that is a twentyfold greater |
vigente {adj} [legal] /vi.ˈd͡ʒɛn.te/ | :: in force, in effect |
vigente {adj} | :: current, in use |
vigente {v} | :: present participle of vigere |
vigenza {f} [legal] | :: validity (state of being in force) |
vigere {vi} [impersonal] | :: to be in force |
vigere {vi} [impersonal] | :: to be current or in use |
vigesimale {adj} | :: vigesimal (to base 20) |
vigesimo {adj} [literary] /viˈd͡ʒezimo/ | :: twentieth |
vigevanasco {adj} | :: Of or from Vigevano |
Vigevanasco {prop} | :: synonym of Vigevano |
vigevanese {adj} | :: Of, or from, Vigevano |
vigevanese {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Vigevano |
Vigevano {prop} | :: Vigevano (town) |
Vigezzina {prop} | :: the railway from Domodossola in Italy to Locarno in Switzerland |
vigilante {v} | :: present participle of vigilare |
vigilante {adj} | :: vigilant, watchful, alert |
vigilante {mf} | :: security guard |
vigilante {mf} | :: vigilante |
vigilanza {f} | :: supervision |
vigilanza {f} | :: surveillance |
vigilanza {f} | :: vigilance |
vigilare {vt} | :: To supervise, to monitor, to guard, to keep an eye on |
vigilare {vi} | :: (but takes avere as auxiliary) To keep watch, to look out |
vigilata {f} | :: Woman on probation |
vigilato {adj} | :: on probation |
vigilato {m} | :: person on probation |
vigilatore {m} | :: supervisor |
vigilatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of vigilatore |
vigile {adj} | :: vigilant, watchful, alert |
vigile {m} | :: (local) policeman, traffic cop, traffic warden |
vigile del fuoco {m} | :: fireman, firefighter |
vigile del fuoco {m} | :: (in plural) fire brigade, fire department, fire company |
vigilessa {f} | :: female equivalent of vigile |
vigile urbano {m} [colloquial] | :: cop (especially a traffic cop) |
vigile urbano {m} | :: point duty officer |
vigile urbano {m} | :: traffic control officer |
vigilia {f} | :: vigil |
vigilia {f} | :: eve (day before another specified) |
Vigilia {prop} | :: Christmas Eve |
vigilia di Capodanno {prop} /viˈdʒiːlia ˈdikapodanno/ | :: New Year's Eve |
vigilia di Natale {f} | :: Christmas Eve |
vigiliare {adj} | :: vigil (attributive) |
vigintivirato {m} | :: vigintivirate |
viglia {f} | :: An agricultural broom (used to sweep a threshing floor) |
vigliaccamente {adv} | :: cowardly |
vigliaccata {f} | :: dirty trick |
vigliaccata {f} | :: cowardly action |
vigliaccata {f} | :: prank |
vigliaccheria {f} | :: cowardice |
vigliaccheria {f} | :: cowardly action |
vigliaccio {m} | :: chaff (the remains of threshing activity) |
vigliacco {adj} | :: cowardly |
vigliacco {adj} | :: contemptible |
vigliacco {m} | :: coward |
vigliacco {m} | :: rogue, scoundrel |
vigliante {v} | :: present participle of vigliare |
vigliare {v} | :: To sweep up after threshing |
vigliatura {f} | :: sweeping up (after threshing) |
vigliatura {f} | :: sweepings (so obtained) |
viglietto {m} | :: synonym of biglietto |
Vigliotti {prop} | :: surname |
vigna {f} | :: vineyard |
vignaiolo {m} | :: owner of a vineyard |
vignaiolo {m} | :: vine dresser |
vignaiuolo {m} | :: Variant of vignaiolo |
vignato {adj} | :: (of land) cultivated with vines |
vigneto {m} | :: A vineyard |
vignetta {f} | :: illustration |
vignetta {f} [comics] | :: cartoon (in a newspaper) |
vignetta {f} [comics] | :: panel |
vignetta {f} [comics] | :: strip |
vignettatura {f} | :: vignetting (the making of a photograph with blurred edges) |
vignettista {mf} | :: illustrator |
vignettista {mf} | :: cartoonist |
vignettistica {f} | :: vignetting (the making of vignettes) |
Vignola {prop} | :: Vignola (small town) |
vignuolo {m} | :: small vineyard |
vigogna {f} | :: vicuña |
vigore {m} /vi.ˈɡ | :: vigour, stamina, strength |
vigore {m} | :: force, impetus |
vigore {m} | :: force, validity, effectiveness |
vigoreggiante {v} | :: present participle of vigoreggiare |
vigoreggiare {vi} | :: to be vigorous |
vigoreggiare {vi} | :: to flourish, to thrive |
Vigorelli {prop} | :: surname |
vigorente {v} | :: present participle of vigorire |
vigoria {f} | :: vigour, force, strength, energy |
vigorire {v} | :: To invigorate |
vigorire {v} | :: To reinvigorate |
vigorosamente {adv} | :: vigorously |
vigorosissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vigoroso |
vigorosità {f} | :: force, vigour, vigorousness |
vigoroso {adj} | :: vigorous, spanking |
vigoroso {adj} | :: strong, powerful |
vigoroso {adj} | :: energetic |
vile {adj} | :: cowardly, dastardly |
vile {adj} | :: base, miserable, mean |
vile {adj} | :: cheap, worthless, base |
vile {mf} | :: coward |
Vilfredo {prop} | :: given name |
vilificante {v} | :: present participle of vilificare |
vilificare {v} | :: To vilify |
vilificatore {adj} | :: despising, demeaning |
vilificatore {adj} | :: mocking, sneering |
vilificatore {adj} | :: vilifying |
vilio {adj} | :: cheap, inexpensive |
vilipendente {v} | :: present participle of vilipendere |
vilipendere {vt} | :: To despise or scorn or vilipend |
vilipendio {m} [legal] | :: public insult, public defamation |
vilipendio {m} | :: vilification, scorn |
vilità {f} | :: Variant of viltà |
villa {f} /ˈ | :: mansion |
villa {f} | :: detached house, residence |
villa {f} | :: country house, villa |
villa {f} | :: countryside |
villa {f} | :: farm |
villa {f} | :: village, small town |
villa {f} [poetic] | :: city, town |
Villaco {prop} | :: Villaco (town) |
villa comunale {f} [chiefly Southern Italy] | :: public garden, park |
Villadicani {prop} | :: surname |
Villa Farnesina {prop} | :: An art museum in Rome |
villaggio {m} | :: village, hamlet |
Villa Medici {prop} | :: A group of buildings hosting the Academy of France in Rome Italy |
villana {f} | :: feminine noun of villano |
villanamente {adv} | :: rudely, discourteously |
villanamente {adv} | :: boorishly, uncouthly, grossly |
villanata {f} | :: rude or impolite act |
villancico {m} [music genre, poetry] /vi.janˈsi.ko/ | :: villancico (traditional Spanish or Portuguese folk song) |
villaneggiamento {m} | :: alternative form of svillaneggiamento |
villaneggiante {v} | :: present participle of villaneggiare |
villaneggiare {vt} | :: synonym of svillaneggiare |
villaneggiatore {adj} | :: insulting |
villanelle {f} | :: villanelle |
villanello {m} | :: A young peasant or farmer |
villanescamente {adv} | :: rustically, crudely |
villanescamente {adv} | :: impolitely |
villanesco {adj} | :: redneck (attributive) |
villanesco {adj} | :: boorish, rude, rough |
villania {f} /vil.laˈni.a/ | :: rudeness, bad manners |
villano {adj} | :: rude, bad-mannered |
villano {m} | :: A rude or bad-mannered person; lout or boor |
villano {m} | :: peasant |
villanoviano {adj} | :: Villanovan |
villanzone {m} | :: boor (rude person) |
Villarosa {prop} | :: Villarosa (village) |
Villarosa {prop} | :: surname |
Villa Rosebery {prop} | :: Villa Rosebery in Naples, Italy is one of the three official residences of the President of the Italian Republic, so named because it was owned by the British prime minister, The 5th Earl of Rosebery |
villata {f} | :: village |
villeggiante {v} | :: present participle of villeggiare |
villeggiante {mf} | :: holidaymaker, holidayer, vacationer |
villeggiare {vi} | :: To holiday (spend one's holidays) |
villeggiatura {f} | :: a vacation in the countryside, on the seaside, or in the mountains |
villereccio {adj} | :: rustic, rural, country (attributive) |
villesco {adj} | :: rustic, rural |
villetta {f} | :: small house with a garden; cottage, chalet |
villetta a schiera {f} | :: row house |
villico {m} | :: farmboy, countryman |
villina {f} [protein] | :: villin |
villino {m} | :: detached house, house |
villino {m} | :: cottage |
villo {m} [anatomy, botany] | :: villus |
villocentesi {f} [medicine] | :: chorionic villus sampling, CVS |
villona {f} | :: A large mansion |
villona {f} | :: A large villa |
villosità {f} | :: hairiness |
villosità {f} [anatomy, botany] | :: villosity |
villoso {adj} | :: hairy |
villoso {adj} [anatomy, botany] | :: villous |
villotta {f} [music] | :: villotta |
vilmente {adv} | :: like a coward; cowardly |
vilmente {adv} | :: meanly, miserably |
Vilna {prop} | :: Vilna (capital city) |
Vilnius {prop} | :: Vilnius (capital city) |
viltà {f} | :: cowardice |
viltà {f} | :: cowardly action |
viltà {f} | :: pusillanimity |
viltade {f} | :: alternative form of viltà |
vilucchio {m} /viˈluk.kjo/ | :: The plant Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed) |
vilucchione {m} | :: hedge bindweed (Calystegia sepium) |
vilume {m} | :: synonym of volume |
vilume {m} | :: A quantity of rubbish, tat etc |
vilume {m} | :: mob (of peasants etc) |
viluppo {m} | :: tangle |
vimentina {f} [protein] | :: vimentin |
Viminale {prop} | :: Viminal |
Viminale {prop} | :: Italian Ministry of the Interior (housed in the Palazzo del Viminale) |
viminata {f} | :: trellis, wattle (woven twigs) |
vimine {m} | :: osier |
vimine {m} | :: wicker, wickerwork |
vimpa {f} | :: vimpa |
vin {m} | :: apocopic form of vino |
vinaccia {f} | :: pomace (from grapes) |
vinacciera {f} [nautical] | :: A tanker used to transport wine in bulk |
vinacciolo {m} | :: grape seed / pip |
vinaia {f} | :: female equivalent of vinaio |
vinaio {m} | :: wine merchant, wine seller, vintner |
vinaio {m} | :: host, innkeeper |
vinaiola {f} | :: female equivalent of vinaiolo |
vinaiolo {m} | :: wine merchant, wine seller, vintner |
vinaiolo {m} | :: host, innkeeper |
vinaiolo {m} | :: winemaker |
vinarello {m} [art] | :: painting using red wine on paper |
vinario {adj} | :: wine (attributive) |
vinato {adj} | :: wine-coloured |
vinattiera {f} | :: female equivalent of vinattiere |
vinattiere {m} | :: vintner |
vinattiere {m} | :: innkeeper |
vinavil {m} | :: A polyvinyl acetate glue (originally a trademark) |
vin brulé {m} [alcoholic beverage] | :: mulled wine |
vincaia {f} | :: osier plantation, osier grove |
vincaia {f} | :: osier thicket |
vincapervinca {f} | :: greater periwinkle (Vinca major) |
vincastra {f} | :: alternative form of vincastro |
vincastro {m} | :: crook (shepherd's staff, bishop's crozier) |
vincente {adj} | :: winning |
vincentesi {v} | :: present participle of vincersi |
vincenziano {adj} | :: Vincentian |
vincenzina {f} | :: A nun of the Figlie della carità di San Vincenzo de' Paoli |
Vincenzo {prop} | :: given name |
vincer {v} | :: apocopic form of vincere |
vincere {vit} /ˈvintʃere/ | :: to win |
vincere {vt} | :: to vanquish, defeat |
vincersi {v} | :: reflexive of vincere |
vincersi {vr} | :: to control oneself |
vincersi {vr} | :: to win, be winnable |
vincersi {vr} [rare, formal] | :: to be evident, be confirmed (by something) |
vincheto {m} | :: osier plantation, osier grove |
vincheto {m} | :: osier thicket |
vinchio {m} | :: alternative form of vinco |
Vinchio {prop} | :: Vinchio (village) |
Vinci {prop} /ˈvin.tʃi/ | :: Vinci (small town), nearby which Leonardo da Vinci was born |
vinciano {adj} /vinˈtʃ | :: Of or from Vinci (town in Tuscany) |
vinciano {adj} | :: Relating to Leonardo da Vinci |
vincibile {adj} | :: winnable, vincible |
vincibosco {m} | :: honeysuckle |
vincido {adj} | :: flexible, pliable |
vincido {adj} | :: limp, wilted |
vinciglio {m} | :: withe, withy |
vincigrassi {mp} | :: A form of lasagne, from Le Marche, made with chicken livers |
vinciperdi {m} | :: A race or game in which the winner is the one who finishes last or has the fewest points |
vincisgrassi {m} [culinary] | :: A type of lasagne from Le Marche (seven layers of flat pasta, meat sauce called ragù and Béchamel sauce with a lot of nutmeg) |
vincita {f} /ˈvin.t͡ʃi.ta/ | :: win, victory |
vincita {f} [in the plural] | :: winnings |
vincitore {adj} | :: winning, victorious |
vincitore {adj} | :: defeating, vanquishing |
vincitore {m} | :: winner |
vincitore {m} | :: victor |
vincitore del premio Nobel {m} | :: Nobel laureate (winner of a Nobel Prize) |
vincitrice {f} | :: winner |
vincitrice {f} | :: victor |
vinco {m} | :: osier, wicker (flexible branch of willow) |
vinco {m} | :: osier Salix viminalis |
vinco {m} [by extension] | :: willow |
vincolabile {adj} | :: bindable |
vincolabile {adj} | :: limitable |
vincolante {v} | :: present participle of vincolare |
vincolante {adj} | :: binding |
vincolare {vt} [legal] | :: to bind |
vincolare {vt} | :: to tie down |
vincolare {vt} | :: to limit [the movement of something] |
vincolare {vt} | :: to curb, subjugate |
vincolatività {f} | :: bindingness |
vincolativo {adj} | :: binding |
vincolato {adj} | :: bound |
vincolato {adj} | :: tied down |
vincolismo {m} [economics] | :: The advocacy of a regulated or an interventionist economy |
vincolista {mf} [economics] | :: An advocate of a regulated or an interventionist economy |
vincolistico {adj} | :: restriction, control (attributive) |
vincolo {m} /ˈvin.ko.lo/ | :: bond, tie |
vincolo {m} | :: encumbrance (legal) |
vincolo {m} | :: constraint (scientific) |
vincolo di sangue {m} | :: blood tie, family tie |
vincotto {m} | :: Cooked grape must (from Puglia) used as a sauce for pouring |
vindice {adj} [literary] /ˈvin.di.t͡ʃe/ | :: avenging, revenging |
vindice {mf} [literary] | :: avenger, revenger |
Vindonissa {prop} | :: (the site of) a Roman fort near Windisch in Switzerland |
Vinegia {prop} | :: [archaic, poetic] Vinegia (capital city) |
vinello {m} | :: diminutive of vino |
vinello {m} | :: light and pleasant wine |
vinello {m} | :: A weak, watery wine made from grape pomace |
vineria {f} | :: wine bar |
Vinicio {prop} | :: given name |
vinicolo {adj} /vi.ˈni.ko.lo/ | :: wine (attributive) |
vinicolo {adj} | :: wine-producing (region) |
vinifero {adj} | :: wine-producing |
vinificante {v} | :: present participle of vinificare |
vinificare {vi} | :: To make wine, to vinify |
vinificatore {m} | :: winemaker |
vinificatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of vinificatore |
vinificazione {f} | :: winemaking, vinification |
vinilacetato {m} [organic compound] | :: vinyl acetate |
vinilacetilene {m} [organic compound] | :: vinylacetylene |
vinilazione {f} [organic chemistry] | :: vinylation |
vinilbenzene {m} [organic compound] | :: vinylbenzene |
vinile {m} [organic chemistry] | :: vinyl |
vinile {m} | :: vinyl (phonograph record) |
vinilestere {m} [organic chemistry] | :: vinyl ester |
vinilico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: vinyl (attributive) |
vinilidene {m} [organic chemistry] | :: vinylidene |
vinilite {f} | :: vinylite (an early form of polyvinyl chloride) |
vinilpelle {f} | :: imitation (vinyl) leather |
vinismo {m} | :: alcoholism (from excessive wine drinking) |
viniziano {adj} | :: medieval spelling of veneziano |
vino {m} /ˈvino/ | :: wine |
vino bianco {m} | :: white wine |
vino cotto {m} | :: A form of wine, from Le Marche, in which the must is reduced by boiling before fermentation |
vino da dessert {m} | :: dessert wine |
vino della casa {m} | :: house wine |
vinolenza {f} | :: drunkenness |
vinomele {m} | :: wine mixed with honey |
vino rosato {m} | :: rosé wine |
vino rosso {m} | :: red wine |
vinosità {f} | :: vinosity |
vinoso {adj} | :: vinous, winy, wine (attributive) |
vinoterapia {f} | :: vinotherapy |
vinsantaia {f} / vin.sanˈta.ja/ | :: A space under the roof in which barrels of Vin Santo are fermented |
vin santo {m} [chiefly uncountable] | :: vin santo or any similar wine |
vinsanto {m} [chiefly uncountable] | :: alternative spelling of vin santo |
vinta {f} | :: female equivalent of vinto |
vinto {m} | :: loser |
vinto {adj} | :: defeated, beaten |
vintosi {v} | :: past participle of vincersi |
viola {adj} /ˈvjɔ.la/ | :: purple, violet |
viola {f} | :: viola, violet (plant) |
viola {f} | :: violet, purple (color) |
viola {f} [musical instruments] /ˈvjɔ.la/ | :: viola |
viola {f} [musical instruments] | :: fiddle |
Viola {prop} | :: given name |
Viola {prop} | :: surname |
violabile {adj} | :: breakable |
violabile {adj} | :: violable |
violabilità {f} | :: violability |
violabilità {f} | :: breakability |
violabilmente {adv} | :: violably |
violacciocca {f} | :: stock, wallflower (Matthiola incana) |
violacciocco {m} | :: alternative form of violacciocca |
violaceo {adj} | :: purplish, violet |
violaciocca {f} /ˈtʃɔk.ka/ | :: wallflower |
viola da braccio {f} [musical instruments] | :: synonym of viola (instrument larger than a violin, smaller than a cello) |
viola da gamba {f} [musical instrument] | :: viola da gamba |
violaio {m} | :: A planting of violets |
violamento {m} | :: synonym of violazione |
violante {v} | :: present participle of violare |
Violante {prop} /vi.oˈlan.te/ | :: given name |
viola pomposa {f} [musical instruments] | :: viola pomposa |
violare {vt} | :: to break, violate, infringe, profane, run afoul of |
violare {vt} [dated] | :: to rape |
violastro {adj} | :: violetish |
violatore {m} | :: violator |
violatore {m} | :: breaker |
violatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of violatore |
violazione {f} | :: violation |
violazione {f} | :: infringement |
violazione {f} | :: breach |
violazione {f} | :: desecration |
violenta {f} | :: feminine noun of violento |
violenta {f} | :: violent woman |
violentamente {adv} | :: violently |
violentamento {m} | :: violation |
violentante {v} | :: present participle of violentare |
violentare {vt} | :: to rape, violate, do violence to |
violentatore {m} | :: rapist |
violentatore {m} | :: violator |
violentazione {f} | :: violation |
violentemente {adv} | :: violently |
violentissimo {adj} | :: superlative of violento |
violento {adj} /vjoˈlɛ | :: violent |
violento {m} | :: violent person |
violenza {f} /vjoˈlɛn.t͡sa/ | :: violence |
violetta {f} | :: violet (plant) |
Violetta {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
violetto {adj} | :: violet |
violetto {m} | :: violet (colour) |
violinaio {m} | :: violin maker or seller |
violinante {v} | :: present participle of violinare |
violinare {v} | :: synonym of sviolinare |
violinata {f} | :: synonym of sviolinata |
violinista {mf} | :: violinist |
violinistico {adj} [music] | :: violin (attributive) |
violino {m} | :: violin, fiddle |
violino {m} | :: violin, violinist |
violista {mf} | :: violist |
violoncellista {mf} [music] | :: cellist |
violoncello {m} [musical instruments] | :: violoncello, cello |
violone {m} [musical instruments] | :: violone |
viomicina {f} | :: viomycin |
viottola {f} | :: lane (small road in the countryside) |
viottola {f} | :: trail |
viottolo {m} /ˈvjɔ | :: path, track |
vipera {f} /ˈvipera/ | :: viper, adder |
vipera {f} [figuratively] | :: a catty person |
viperaio {m} | :: nest of vipers |
viperaio {m} | :: viper catcher |
vipereo {adj} | :: viperine |
viperide {m} | :: viperid |
viperino {adj} | :: viperine |
viperino {adj} | :: venomous (real and figurative) |
viperino {m} | :: Young viper |
vipistrello {m} /vi.pisˈtrɛl.lo/ | :: obsolete form of pipistrello |
vipitenese {adj} | :: Of or from Vipiteno |
Vipiteno {prop} | :: Vipiteno (small town) |
vipla {f} | :: polyvinyl chloride |
vippame {f} [pejorative] | :: the collective of famous people (VIPs), seen as out of touch or elitist |
vipra {f} | :: alternative form of vipera |
viradore {m} | :: alternative form of viratore |
viraggio {m} [nautical] | :: coming about |
viraggio {m} | :: turn (especially of an aircraft) |
viraggio {m} | :: toning (photographic) |
virago {f} /viˈra.ɡo/ | :: amazon |
virale {adj} | :: viral (all senses) |
viramento {m} [nautical] | :: tack |
virante {v} | :: present participle of virare |
virare {vi} | :: to veer, turn away |
virare {vi} [nautical] | :: to come about, change course; to tack |
virare {vi} | :: to bank [an aircraft] |
virata {f} | :: turn |
virata {f} | :: change of course |
virata {f} | :: bank (of an aircraft) |
viratore {m} | :: turning gear, jacking gear |
virente {adj} | :: verdant |
virente {adj} | :: thriving, vigorous |
virescente {adj} | :: virescent |
virescenza {f} | :: virescence |
virgiliano {adj} | :: Virgil (attributive) |
virgiliano {adj} | :: Of or relating to Mantua and its football team |
Virgilio {prop} | :: Virgil (a Roman writer) |
Virgilio {prop} | :: given name |
Virgilio {prop} | :: surname |
Virgilio {prop} | :: A village near Mantua where Virgil was born (originally named Andes) |
virginale {m} [musical instruments] | :: virginal (early harpsichord) |
virginale {adj} | :: Variant of verginale |
virginalista {mf} [music] | :: virginalist |
virgine {adj} | :: alternative form of vergine |
virgine {mf} | :: alternative form of vergine |
virgineo {adj} [dated] /virˈdʒ | :: virginly, maidenly, virgin-like |
virgineo {adj} [dated, figuratively] | :: candid, chaste, virginal, verecund |
virginia {adj} | :: (of tobacco) From Virginia |
Virginia {prop} | :: Virginia (state) |
Virginia {prop} | :: given name |
Virginia Occidentale {prop} | :: West Virginia (US state) |
virginità {f} | :: Variant of verginità |
virgola {f} | :: comma |
virgola {f} | :: comma, point |
virgola {f} [fashion] | :: synonym of vergola |
virgolante {v} | :: present participle of virgolare |
virgolare {v} | :: To place text within quotation marks |
virgolato {adj} | :: placed within quotation marks |
virgolatura {f} | :: Putting text in quotation marks |
virgoleggiante {v} | :: present participle of virgoleggiare |
virgoleggiare {vt} [rare] | :: synonym of virgolare |
virgoletta {f} [typography] | :: quotation mark, inverted comma |
virgolettante {v} | :: present participle of virgolettare |
virgolettare {vt} | :: To put in quotation marks, to put in quotes, to put in inverted commas |
virgolettato {adj} | :: in quotation marks, in quotes, in inverted commas |
virgolettato {adj} | :: quoted word for word, quoted verbatim |
virgolettato {adj} | :: guillemet |
virgolettato {m} | :: A text quoted word for word, a text quoted verbatim |
virgolettatura {f} | :: Putting text in quotation marks |
virgolette {f} [typography] | :: quotation marks, quotes, inverted commas, speech marks, guillemet |
virgulto {m} | :: slip, shoot (of a plant) |
virgulto {m} | :: scion |
viricide {m} [medicine] | :: viricide |
viridità {f} | :: viridity, greenness |
virile {adj} | :: virile |
virilismo {m} | :: virilism |
virilità {f} | :: virility |
virilizzante {v} | :: present participle of virilizzare |
virilizzare {vt} [uncommon] | :: to make virile, to virilize |
virilizzazione {f} | :: virilization |
virilmente {adv} | :: in a manly way |
virilocale {adj} | :: virilocal |
virilocalità {f} | :: virilocality |
viriloide {adj} | :: masculine |
virione {m} | :: virion |
Virna {prop} | :: given name |
viro {m} [poetic] /ˈ | :: man [a male adult] |
virofissaggio {m} [photography] | :: fixing |
virogenesi {f} | :: virogenesis |
viroide {m} | :: viroid |
virola {f} | :: ferrule |
virologa {f} | :: female equivalent of virologo |
virologia {f} [pathology] | :: virology |
virologico {adj} [pathology] | :: virological |
virologo {m} | :: virologist |
virometro {m} | :: turn indicator (in an aircraft) |
virosi {f} [pathology] | :: virosis |
virtù {f} | :: virtue |
virtù {f} | :: power |
virtuale {adj} | :: virtual |
virtualismo {m} [philosophy] | :: virtualism |
virtualità {f} | :: virtuality |
virtualizzante {v} | :: present participle of virtualizzare |
virtualizzare {v} | :: to virtualize |
virtualizzazione {f} | :: virtualization |
virtualmente {adv} | :: potentially |
virtudioso {adj} /vir.tuˈdjo.zo/ | :: synonym of virtuoso |
virtuosa {f} | :: feminine noun of virtuoso |
virtuosamente {adv} | :: virtuously |
virtuosismo {m} | :: virtuosity |
virtuosissimo {adj} | :: superlative of virtuoso |
virtuosissimo {adj} | :: very virtuous |
virtuosissimo {adj} | :: very skillful |
virtuosistico {adj} | :: virtuosic, virtuoso |
virtuosità {f} | :: virtuousness |
virtuosità {f} | :: skill, skilfulness |
virtuoso {adj} | :: virtuous |
virtuoso {adj} | :: skilful |
virtuoso {adj} | :: upright |
virtuoso {m} | :: virtuoso, master (of an instrument) |
virulento {adj} [biology, pathology] | :: virulent |
virulento {adj} | :: virulent, bitter, acrimonious |
virulenza {f} [biology, pathology] | :: virulence |
virulenza {f} | :: virulence, acrimony, bitterness |
virus {m} [virology] | :: virus |
visaggio {m} | :: face |
visaggio {m} | :: figure, shape, appearance |
visagismo {m} | :: cosmetology (the art of maintaining a young-looking face by means of cosmetics etc) |
visagista {mf} | :: beautician |
viscaccia {f} | :: viscacha |
viscerale {adj} | :: visceral |
visceralmente {adv} | :: viscerally |
viscere {m} | :: internal organ |
viscere {m} | :: bowel (figurative) |
viscere {m} [in the plural] | :: entrails, viscera, guts |
visceropatia {f} [pathology] | :: visceropathy |
visceroptosi {f} | :: visceroptosis |
vischio {m} | :: mistletoe |
vischio {m} | :: birdlime (extracted from mistletoe or other plants) |
vischiosamente {adv} | :: viscously, stickily |
vischiosità {f} | :: stickiness, viscosity |
vischioso {adj} | :: viscous |
vischioso {adj} | :: sticky |
viscidamente {adv} | :: slimily |
viscidamente {adv} | :: smarmily |
viscidio {m} | :: viscidium |
viscidissimo {adj} | :: superlative of viscido; very slimy |
viscidità {f} | :: sliminess |
viscidità {f} | :: smarminess |
viscido {adj} | :: slimy (all senses) |
viscido {adj} | :: slick |
viscido {adj} | :: smarmy |
viscidume {m} | :: slime (slimy mess) |
visciola {f} | :: sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) |
visciolata {f} | :: sour cherry conserve |
visciolata {f} | :: wine made of sour cherries and red grapes |
visciolato {m} | :: sour cherry liqueur |
visciolo {m} | :: sour cherry tree |
visco {m} [obsolete] | :: bond, impediment |
viscoelasticità {f} [physics] | :: viscoelasticity |
viscoelastico {adj} [physics] | :: viscoelastic |
viscontado {m} | :: viscounty |
visconte {m} | :: viscount |
visconteo {adj} | :: Visconti (attributive) |
viscontessa {f} | :: viscountess |
Visconti {prop} | :: surname |
viscontino {m} | :: A young viscount |
viscontino {m} | :: The son of a viscount |
viscoplastico {adj} /vis.koˈplas.ti.ko/ | :: viscoplastic |
viscosa {f} | :: viscose |
viscosimetrico {adj} [physics] | :: viscosimetric |
viscosimetro {m} [physics] | :: viscosimeter, viscometer |
viscosità {f} | :: viscosity |
viscoso {adj} | :: viscous |
visdominato {m} | :: The office of a visdomino |
visdomino {m} | :: A person, in medieval times, who took the place of a lord or bishop in various situations |
visema {f} | :: expressive face movements, especially with reference to the articulation of phonemes while speaking |
visetto {m} | :: small face |
visetto {m} | :: pretty face |
visibile {adj} | :: visible |
visibile {adj} | :: evident, clear, apparent |
visibile {adj} | :: viewable |
visibile {m} | :: visible |
visibilio {ms} | :: profusion |
visibilio {ms} | :: ecstacy, rapture (Especially in the term: andare in visibilio) |
visibilità {f} | :: visibility |
visibilmente {adv} | :: visibly, noticeably, clearly |
visiera {f} | :: peak, visor |
visiera {f} | :: mask |
Visigoti {prop} | :: Visigoths |
visigotico {adj} | :: Visigothic |
visigoto {adj} | :: Visigothic |
visigoto {m} | :: Visigoth |
visino {m} | :: diminutive of viso; small face |
visino {m} | :: pretty face |
Visintini {prop} | :: surname |
Visintini {prop} | :: A small region of Portole in Croatia |
visionabile {adj} | :: viewable |
visionante {v} | :: present participle of visionare |
visionare {vt} | :: to view, preview |
visionare {vt} | :: to examine, eye |
visionario {adj} | :: visionary |
visionario {m} | :: visionary |
visione {f} /viˈzjoːne/ | :: vision (all senses) |
visione {f} | :: sight |
visione {f} | :: view |
visir {m} | :: vizier |
visirato {m} | :: vizierate |
visire {m} | :: alternative form of visir |
visirre {m} | :: alternative form of visir |
visita {f} /ˈvizita/ | :: visit |
visitabile {adj} | :: visitable |
visitabilità {f} | :: visitability |
visitamento {m} | :: visit |
visitandina {f} | :: Visitandine (member of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary |
visitante {v} | :: present participle of visitare |
visitantesi {v} | :: present participle of visitarsi |
visitare {v} | :: to visit |
visitare {v} | :: to examine |
visitarsi {vr} | :: To make a visit (especially to the doctor) |
visitatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of visitato |
visitatore {m} /vi.zi.taˈ | :: visitor, caller |
visitatosi {v} | :: past participle of visitarsi |
visitatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of visitatore |
visitazione {f} | :: visitation |
Visitazione {f} | :: The Visitation (of Mary and Elizabeth) |
visitina {f} | :: quick visit, short visit, flying visit, dash |
visivamente {adv} | :: visually |
visivo {adj} | :: visual |
Vismara {prop} | :: surname |
Visnù {prop} | :: Vishnu |
visnuismo {m} | :: Vaishnavism |
visnuita {mf} | :: Vaishnavist |
visnuitico {adj} | :: Vaishnavist |
viso {m} | :: face |
visone {m} | :: mink |
visone americano {m} | :: American mink |
visonetto {m} | :: imitation mink (fur) |
visore {m} /vi.ˈ | :: viewer (slides, microfilm etc) |
vispezza {f} | :: liveliness, vivacity |
vispistrello {m} /vis.pisˈtrɛl.lo/ | :: obsolete form of pipistrello |
vispo {adj} | :: lively |
vispo {adj} | :: quick |
vissuto {adj} [of a story etc] | :: from real life |
vissuto {adj} [of a person] | :: experienced |
vissutosi {v} | :: past participle of viversi |
vista {f} | :: sight, eyesight, vision, visual acuity |
vista {f} | :: a view, panorama |
vistante {v} | :: present participle of vistare |
vistare {vt} | :: to visa |
vistare {vt} | :: to approve, to okay, to endorse, to stamp |
visto {m} | :: tick (sign) |
visto {m} | :: approval |
visto {m} | :: visa |
visto che {conj} | :: seeing that |
Vistola {prop} | :: Vistula |
vistosamente {adv} | :: gaudily, showily |
vistosi {v} | :: past participle of vedersi |
vistosità {f} | :: showiness, loudness, gaudiness |
vistoso {adj} /visˈtoso/ | :: gaudy, showy |
visuale {adj} | :: visual |
visuale {f} | :: view |
visualità {f} | :: visuality |
visualizzabile {adj} | :: visualizable |
visualizzabile {adj} | :: imaginable |
visualizzante {v} | :: present participle of visualizzare |
visualizzare {vt} | :: to display |
visualizzare {vt} | :: to visualize, show |
visualizzatore {m} [computing] | :: display (unit), viewer |
visualizzazione {f} | :: visualization |
visualizzazione {f} | :: display |
visualizzazione {f} | :: sight, view |
visualizzazione volumetrica {f} [computing] | :: 3D visualization based on voxels |
visualmente {adv} | :: visually |
visura {f} | :: certification (especially of properties) |
visurista {mf} | :: certification clerk |
vita {f} /ˈvi.ta/ | :: life |
vita {f} | :: waist |
vitaccia {f} | :: hard life |
vita da gran signore {f} | :: synonym of vita da nababbo |
vita da nababbo {f} | :: life of Riley |
vitaiolo {m} | :: bon viveur, man about town, binger, playboy |
vitalba {f} | :: old man's beard, traveller's joy (Clematis vitalba) |
vitalbaio {m} | :: A clump of old man's beard |
vitale {adj} | :: vital, life [attributive], living |
vitale {adj} [figuratively] | :: vital, crucial, essential |
vitale {adj} [medicine, biology] | :: viable |
vitale {adj} | :: lively, alive, vital |
Vitaliano {prop} | :: given name |
Vitalïano {prop} | :: medieval spelling of Vitaliano |
vitalismo {m} | :: vitalism |
vitalissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vitale |
vitalistico {adj} | :: vitalistic |
vitalità {f} | :: vitality, vigour, ebullience |
vitaliziante {v} | :: present participle of vitaliziare |
vitaliziare {v} | :: To pay someone an annuity |
vitalizio {m} | :: life annuity |
vitalizio {adj} | :: lifelong |
vitalizzante {v} | :: present participle of vitalizzare |
vitalizzare {v} | :: To revitalize |
vitame {m} | :: A collection of vines |
vitamina {f} | :: vitamin |
vitamina A {f} | :: vitamin A |
vitamina B {f} | :: vitamin B |
vitamina B1 {f} | :: vitamin B1 |
vitamina B2 {f} | :: vitamin B2 |
vitamina B3 {f} | :: vitamin B3 |
vitamina B4 {f} | :: vitamin B4 |
vitamina B5 {f} | :: vitamin B5 |
vitamina B6 {f} | :: vitamin B6 |
vitamina B7 {f} | :: vitamin B7 |
vitamina B8 {f} | :: vitamin B8 |
vitamina B9 {f} | :: vitamin B9 |
vitamina C {f} | :: vitamin C |
vitamina D {f} | :: vitamin D |
vitamina E {f} | :: vitamin E |
vitamina K {f} | :: vitamin K |
vitamina N {f} | :: vitamin N |
vitaminico {adj} | :: vitamin (attributive), vitaminic |
vitaminizzante {v} | :: present participle of vitaminizzare |
vitaminizzare {vt} | :: to enrich with vitamins |
vitaminizzazione {f} | :: vitamin enrichment |
vitaminologia {f} | :: vitaminology |
vitando {adj} [rare] /viˈ | :: That is to be avoided |
vite {f} | :: screw |
vite {f} | :: vine |
vite di Archimede {f} | :: Archimedes screw |
vitella {f} | :: (female) calf |
vitella {f} | :: veal |
vitellaio {m} | :: A breeder of calves |
vitellaio {m} | :: A tanner of calfskin |
vitellino {m} | :: diminutive of vitello |
vitellino {adj} [anatomy] | :: vitelline |
vitellium {m} | :: An alloy of cobalt, chromium and molybdenum use to make prostheses etc |
vitello {m} /viˈtɛl.lo/ | :: calf [animal] |
vitello {m} | :: veal |
vitellone {m} | :: bullock |
vitellone {m} | :: beef (from a young animal) |
vitellone {m} | :: loafer (idle person) |
viterbese {adj} | :: Of or from Viterbo |
Viterbo {prop} /viˈtɛ | :: Viterbo (province/and/town) |
viteria {f} | :: screws |
vite vergine {f} [plant] | :: Parthenocissus quinquefolia: Virginia creeper |
viticchio {m} | :: synonym of vilucchione |
viticcio {m} [botany] | :: tendril, cirrus |
viticcioso {adj} | :: tendrilled |
viticolo {adj} /vi.ˈti.ko.lo/ | :: viticultural |
viticoltore {m} | :: viticulturist (vine grower) |
viticoltura {f} | :: viticulture (vine growing) |
viticultore {m} | :: alternative spelling of viticoltore |
viticultura {f} | :: alternative spelling of viticoltura |
vitifero {adj} | :: vine-bearing |
vitifero {adj} | :: grape-producing |
vitigno {m} /viˈtiɲ.ɲo/ | :: variety (of grape or wine) |
vitiligine {f} [disease] | :: vitiligo |
vitina {f} | :: A small waist |
vitina {f} | :: bodice, camisole |
vitineo {adj} [art, architecture] | :: Decorated with twisted vines |
vitino {m} | :: narrow waist |
vitiperio {m} | :: alternative form of vituperio |
vitivinicolo {adj} | :: viticultural |
vitivinicoltore {m} | :: winegrower |
vitivinicoltura {f} | :: winegrowing |
Vito {prop} | :: given name |
vitoperio {m} | :: alternative form of vituperio |
vitrectomia {f} [surgery] | :: vitrectomy |
vitreo {adj} | :: glassy, glass (attributive) |
vitreo {adj} | :: vitreous, glazed |
vitrescente {adj} | :: vitreous, glassy |
vitrescenza {f} | :: vitrescence |
vitrex {m} | :: A tempered glass used in construction |
vitrificazione {f} | :: vitrification |
vitroclastico {adj} [petrology] /vi.troˈklas.ti.ko/ | :: vitroclastic |
vitronectina {f} [protein] | :: vitronectin |
vitruviano {adj} | :: Vitruvian |
Vitruvio {prop} | :: Vitruvius |
Vittadello {prop} | :: surname |
vittima {f} | :: victim |
vittimismo {m} | :: victimism |
vittimista {mf} | :: victimist |
vittimistico {adj} | :: self-pitying |
vittimizzante {v} | :: present participle of vittimizzare |
vittimizzare {vt} | :: To victimize or bully |
vittimizzazione {f} | :: victimization |
vitto {m} | :: food |
vitto {m} | :: board (in a lodging house) |
vittore {adj} | :: victorious |
Vittore {prop} | :: Victor |
vittoria {f} /vitˈtɔrja/ | :: victory |
Vittoria {prop} | :: given name |
Vittoria {prop} | :: Victoria (the queen, the lake) |
vittoria a tavolino {f} | :: walkover (unopposed victory) |
vittoria di Pirro {f} | :: Pyrrhic victory |
vittoria di Pirro {f} | :: hollow victory |
vittoriale {adj} | :: triumphal |
vittoriano {adj} | :: Victorian |
Vittoriano {prop} | :: The monument to Vittorio Emanuele II d'Italia in Rome |
vittoriato {m} | :: Victoriate |
Vittorio {prop} | :: given name |
vittoriosamente {adv} | :: victoriously |
vittorioso {adj} | :: victorious |
vittorioso {adj} | :: triumphant |
vittovaglia {f} | :: alternative form of vettovaglia |
vittuaglia {f} | :: alternative form of vettovaglia |
Vitturi {prop} | :: surname |
vitulino {adj} | :: veal (attributive) |
vitulino {adj} | :: calf (attributive) |
vituperabile {adj} | :: blameworthy, vituperable |
vituperabilmente {adv} | :: blameworthily, vituperably |
vituperante {v} | :: present participle of vituperare |
vituperare {vt} | :: To vituperate or vilify |
vituperativo {adj} | :: dishonourable, ignominious |
vituperativo {adj} | :: vituperative |
vituperatore {adj} | :: vituperative, vilifying |
vituperazione {f} | :: vituperation, vilification |
vituperevole {adj} | :: shameful, despicable |
vituperevolmente {adv} | :: shamefully, despicably, contemptibly |
vituperio {m} | :: insult |
vituperosamente {adv} | :: insultingly, vituperatively |
vituperosamente {adv} | :: shamefully |
vituperoso {adj} | :: vituperative, insulting |
vituperoso {adj} | :: shameful |
viuola {f} [musical instruments] | :: alternative form of viola |
viuzza {f} | :: diminutive of via: alley, small road, narrow road |
viva {interj} | :: hooray! |
viva {interj} | :: long live ... ! |
viva {interj} | :: three cheers for ... ! |
vivacchiante {v} | :: present participle of vivacchiare |
vivacchiare {vi} /vi.vakˈ | :: To scrape a living |
vivace {adj} /viˈvatʃe/ | :: lively, vital, bright |
vivace {adj} | :: keen, hardheaded |
vivace {adj} | :: brisk |
vivace {adj} | :: vivid |
vivacemente {adv} | :: vivaciously |
vivacemente {adv} | :: in a lively manner |
vivacemente {adv} | :: vividly, brightly |
vivacissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vivace |
vivacità {f} | :: liveliness, vivacity |
vivacità {f} | :: keenness |
vivacità {f} | :: vividness, brilliance |
vivacizzante {v} | :: present participle of vivacizzare |
vivacizzare {vt} | :: to liven / spice up |
vivacizzazione {f} | :: livening up |
vivaddio {interj} | :: thank God |
vivaddio {interj} | :: by God |
vivagno {m} [textiles] | :: selvage, selvedge |
vivagno {m} [water, landforms] | :: shore, bank |
vivaio {m} [of plants and figuratively] | :: nursery, breeding ground |
vivaio {m} [of fish] | :: farm, fishery, pond |
vivaismo {m} | :: fish farming |
vivaismo {m} [agriculture] | :: nursery gardening |
vivaista {mf} | :: nursery man/woman |
vivaista {mf} | :: fish farmer |
vivaistico {adj} | :: plant nursery (attributive) |
vivaistico {adj} | :: farm, fishery, pond (attributive) |
Vivaldi {prop} | :: surname |
Vivaldi {prop} | :: Antonio Vivaldi, Italian composer |
vivamente {adv} | :: deeply, profoundly |
vivamente {adv} | :: sincerely, warmly |
vivamente {adv} | :: keenly |
vivanda {f} | :: food, viand |
vivanda {f} | :: dish (of food) |
vivandante {v} | :: present participle of vivandare |
vivandare {v} [literary, rare] /vi.vanˈ | :: To eat |
vivandiere {m} | :: vivandier, sutler |
vivavoce {m} | :: alternative form of viva voce |
vivavoce {adj} | :: alternative form of viva voce |
vivente {adj} | :: living |
viventesi {v} | :: present participle of viversi |
viventi {mp} | :: The living |
vivenza {f} | :: living (being alive) |
Vivenzio {prop} | :: given name |
vivere {vit} /ˈ | :: to live; to be alive |
vivere {vit} | :: to subsist |
vivere {vit} | :: to be |
vivere {m} | :: living, life |
vivere {m} | :: lifestyle |
vivere allo stato brado {v} | :: to live in the wild state |
vivere allo stato brado {v} | :: to live in a natural state |
vivere allo stato brado {v} | :: to be free |
vivere in un proprio mondo {v} | :: to live in a world of your own |
viveri {mp} | :: supplies, provisions, victuals |
viverna {f} | :: wyvern |
viverna {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: wyvern |
viversi {vr} | :: To live (in a place) |
viveur {m} | :: viveur |
vivezza {f} | :: vivacity, liveliness, vividness |
vivezza {f} | :: brightness |
Viviana {prop} | :: given name, equivalent to English Vivian, Vivien, Vivienne |
Viviani {prop} | :: surname |
vivibile {adj} | :: livable, liveable, viable |
vivibilità {f} | :: quality of life |
vivibilità {f} | :: viability |
vivibilmente {adv} | :: In a livable manner |
vividamente {adv} | :: vividly |
vividezza {f} | :: vividness |
vivido {adj} /ˈ | :: vivid, lively |
vivido {adj} | :: vivid, bright |
vivificamento {m} | :: synonym of vivificazione |
vivificante {v} | :: present participle of vivificare |
vivificantesi {v} | :: present participle of vivificarsi |
vivificare {vt} | :: to vivify, animate |
vivificarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vivificare |
vivificarsi {vr} | :: to be revivified |
vivificativo {adj} | :: vivifying, restorative |
vivificatore {m} | :: vivifier |
vivificatore {adj} | :: vivifying |
vivificatore {adj} | :: invigorating, reviving, refreshing |
vivificatosi {v} | :: past participle of vivificarsi |
vivificazione {f} | :: vivification |
vivificazione {f} | :: invigoration, reviving |
vivinatalità {f} [statistics] | :: live birth rate |
viviparità {f} | :: viviparity |
viviparo {adj} | :: viviparous |
vivisettore {adj} | :: vivisectionist |
vivisettore {m} | :: vivisectionist |
vivisettorio {adj} | :: vivisection (attributive) |
vivisezionante {v} | :: present participle of vivisezionare |
vivisezionare {vt} | :: To vivisect |
vivisezione {f} | :: vivisection |
vivissimo {adj} | :: superlative of vivo |
vivissimo {adj} | :: very lively |
vivissimo {adj} | :: very strong, very deep |
vivissimo {adj} | :: deepest, warmest [thanks, congratulations, etc.] |
vivo {adj} /ˈvi.vo/ | :: alive, live |
vivo {adj} | :: brisk, animate, vivacious |
vivo {adj} | :: vivid, intense, brilliant |
vivo {m} | :: living person |
vivo e vegeto {adj} | :: alive and kicking |
vivuola {f} [musical instruments] | :: synonym of viola |
vivuto {adj} [archaic] | :: synonym of vissuto |
viziante {v} | :: present participle of viziare |
viziare {vt} | :: to spoil |
viziare {vt} | :: to invalidate |
viziare {vt} | :: to ruin |
viziatamente {adv} | :: defectively, imperfectly |
viziatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of viziato |
viziato {adj} | :: spoilt (person) |
viziato {adj} | :: invalid, invalidated (legal) |
viziato {adj} | :: spoiled, ruined |
viziato {adj} | :: stale, foul (air) |
viziatura {f} | :: spoilage |
viziatura {f} | :: invalidation |
viziatura {f} | :: defect (congenital) |
vizietto {m} | :: flaw, weakness |
vizio {m} /ˈvit.tsjo/ | :: vice |
vizio {m} | :: bad habit |
vizio {m} | :: flaw, defect |
vizio {m} | :: error, fault (grammatical) |
vizio capitale {m} | :: (especially in plural) deadly sin |
viziosa {f} | :: depraved woman |
viziosa {f} | :: vicious woman |
viziosamente {adv} | :: viciously |
viziosità {f} | :: viciousness |
viziosità {f} | :: degeneracy, depravation |
viziosità {f} | :: defectiveness, faultiness |
vizioso {adj} | :: depraved |
vizioso {adj} | :: vicious |
vizioso {adj} | :: defective, faulty |
vizioso {m} | :: depraved person |
vizioso {m} | :: vicious person |
vizzato {m} | :: synonym of vitigno |
vizzo {adj} | :: withered |
vizzo {adj} | :: wrinkled |
Vl. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of violino |
Vla. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of viola |
vladika {m} | :: An Orthodox bishop |
vladika {m} | :: A Vladika |
Vlc. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of violoncello |
Vn. {n} [music] | :: abbreviation of violino |
Vo' {prop} | :: alternative form of Vò |
Vò {prop} | :: Vò (town) |
vocabolariesco {adj} | :: relating to a vocabulary |
vocabolariesco {adj} | :: verbose and pedantic |
vocabolarietto {m} | :: pocket-dictionary |
vocabolario {m} /vo.ka.boˈla.rjo/ | :: vocabulary, lexicon |
vocabolario {m} | :: dictionary |
vocabolarista {mf} /ˈris.ta/ | :: lexicographer (compiler of a dictionary) |
vocabolarizzante {v} | :: present participle of vocabolarizzare |
vocabolarizzare {v} | :: To build a vocabulary |
vocabolarizzazione {f} | :: the compilation of a vocabulary |
vocabolista {m} | :: lexicographer |
vocabolo {m} /voˈ | :: word, term |
vocabulista {mf} | :: lexicographer |
vocale {adj} /voˈkale/ | :: vocal; voice [attributive] |
vocale {f} | :: vowel |
vocalico {adj} /voˈ | :: vowel [attributive], vocalic |
vocalismo {m} | :: vocalism |
vocalità {f} | :: vocality |
vocalizzante {v} | :: present participle of vocalizzare |
vocalizzare {vti} | :: to vocalize |
vocalizzazione {f} | :: vocalization |
vocante {v} | :: present participle of vocare |
vocare {vt} [archaic] /voˈ | :: to call, name; to invoke |
vocativo {adj} /vo.kaˈti.vo/ | :: vocative |
vocativo {m} [grammar] | :: vocative, vocative case |
vocazionale {adj} | :: vocational |
vocazionalità {f} | :: suitability (of the soil for a crop) |
vocazione {f} /vo.kaˈt͡ | :: vocation |
vocazione {f} | :: calling (religious) |
voce {f} /ˈvo.t͡ʃe/ | :: voice |
voce {f} | :: sound an animal makes |
voce {f} | :: word, term |
voce {f} [regional] | :: drinking game |
voce {f} [archaic] | :: announcement |
voce bianca {f} | :: Boy's voice before the speech mutation of puberty |
voce bianca {f} | :: Voice of a castrato |
vocerio {m} | :: chatter |
vocianesimo {m} [art] | :: An artistic and literary movement, of the early 20th century, that sought to provincialize Italian culture |
vociano {adj} | :: Relating to La Voce (periodico) |
vociano {adj} | :: Relating to the artistic movement vocianesimo |
vociante {v} /voˈt͡ʃan.te/ | :: present participle of vociare |
vociare {vi} /voˈt͡ʃ | :: to speak too loudly, often rudely |
vociare {vt} [rare] | :: to shout |
vociare {m} | :: loud noise from many voices |
vociatore {adj} /vo.t͡ʃaˈ | :: chattering |
vociferante {v} | :: present participle of vociferare |
vociferare {vt} | :: To be rumoured (that) |
vociferare {vi} | :: To clamour, shout or vociferate |
vociferatore {m} | :: shouter |
vociferatore {m} | :: gossip (person) |
vociferazione {f} | :: shouting, clamour, vociferation |
vociferazione {f} | :: gossip, rumour |
vocina {f} | :: feeble voice |
vocio {m} /voˈt͡ʃio̯/ | :: shouting, vociferation |
vocio {m} | :: chatter |
vocione {m} | :: A strong, hollow, or loud voice |
vodese {adj} | :: Of or from Vaud |
vodka {f} | :: vodka |
vodu {m} /ˈvo.du/ | :: alternative form of vudù |
vodu {adj} | :: alternative form of vudù |
vodù {m} /voˈdu/ | :: alternative form of vudù |
vodù {adj} | :: alternative form of vudù |
voduismo {m} /vo.duˈ | :: alternative form of vuduismo |
voduista {mf} /vo.duˈis.ta/ | :: alternative form of vuduista |
voga {m} | :: rowing |
voga {m} | :: vogue |
vogalonga {f} [Venice] | :: A non-competitive rowing regatta in the form of a race between Venice and Burano |
vogante {v} | :: present participle of vogare |
vogare {vi} [sports, nautical] | :: To row (a boat) |
vogata {f} | :: rowing |
vogata {f} | :: stroke (of an oar) |
vogatore {m} [sports, nautical] | :: oarsman |
vogatore {m} | :: rowing machine (masculine only) |
vogatrice {f} [sports, nautical] | :: oarswoman |
vogatura {f} | :: synonym of vogata |
vogavanti {m} [nautical] | :: A rower, in ancient galleys, who set the rhythm for the other rowers to follow (the stroke) |
Voghera {prop} | :: Voghera (town) |
vogherese {adj} | :: Of, or from, Voghera |
vogherese {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Voghera |
voglia {f} | :: wish, will, desire, longing |
voglia {f} | :: birthmark |
vogliente {adj} | :: alternative form of volente |
voglievole {adj} | :: desirous |
voglievole {adj} | :: attractive |
voglioloso {adj} | :: eager |
voglioloso {adj} | :: desirous |
voglioloso {adj} | :: willing |
vogliosamente {adv} | :: yearningly, longingly, eagerly |
vogliosamente {adv} | :: wishfully |
vogliosamente {adv} | :: lustfully |
vogliosamente {adv} | :: eagerly, willingly, readily |
vogliosità {f} | :: desire |
vogliosità {f} | :: longing, craving |
vogliosità {f} | :: willingness, readiness, eagerness |
voglioso {adj} | :: longing, craving |
voglioso {adj} | :: lustful, agog |
voglioso {adj} | :: wishful, desirous |
voglioso {adj} | :: willing, eager |
Vogorno {prop} | :: Vogorno (village) |
voi {pron} /ˈvoi/ | :: you (second person plural) |
Voi {pron} [uncommon, very, formal or polite, chiefly in Southern Italy] /ˈvoi/ | :: you [singular] |
voialtri {pron} | :: you (everyone except me or us, "you lot") |
voicemail {m} | :: voice mail |
voile {m} | :: voile |
voi stesse {pron} | :: yourselves |
voi stessi {pron} | :: yourselves |
voivoda {m} | :: vaivode, voivode |
vojtiliano {adj} | :: Relating to the pontificate of w:Pope John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła) |
vojtilismo {m} | :: The religious doctrine and politics of w:Pope John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła) |
volanda {f} | :: flour dust (during milling) |
volanda {f} | :: distributor (device) |
volandiero {adj} | :: charter (flight etc) |
volano {m} | :: shuttlecock |
volano {m} | :: flywheel |
volant {m} | :: frill, flounce |
volante {adj} | :: flying |
volante {adj} | :: loose (of a page) |
volante {adj} | :: freelance |
volante {m} | :: steering wheel (of a car) |
volante {m} | :: Italian police car |
volantinaggio {m} | :: leafleting, leaflet distribution, flyer distribution |
volantinante {v} | :: present participle of volantinare |
volantinare {vt} | :: To distribute brochures, leaflets, tracts etc |
volantino {m} | :: flier, leaflet, handout |
volantone {m} | :: A relatively large leaflet (especially a party political one) |
volare {vi} | :: to fly |
volare {vi} | :: to go quickly |
volare via {v} | :: to fly away, flush |
volare via {v} | :: to flee, escape |
volata {f} | :: flight (of a bird etc) |
volata {f} | :: final sprint (of a cycle race) |
volatile {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: volatile |
volatile {adj} | :: flying |
volatile {m} | :: bird |
volatile {m} | :: fowl |
volatilità {f} | :: volatility (all senses) |
volatilizzabile {adj} | :: volatilizable |
volatilizzante {v} | :: present participle of volatilizzare |
volatilizzantesi {v} | :: present participle of volatilizzarsi |
volatilizzare {vt} | :: to volatilize |
volatilizzarsi {v} | :: reflexive of volatilizzare |
volatilizzarsi {vr} | :: to volatilize |
volatilizzarsi {vr} | :: to disappear [in a puff of smoke] |
volatilizzatosi {v} | :: past participle of volatilizzarsi |
volatilizzazione {f} | :: volatilization |
volatona {f} | :: The final sprint in a cycle race |
volatore {adj} | :: flying |
volatore {m} | :: flyer (person or thing that flies) |
vol-au-vent {m} | :: vol-au-vent |
volemia {f} [pathology] | :: blood volume |
volemico {adj} [medicine] | :: volemic |
volente {adj} | :: willing |
volente {adj} | :: willful |
volente {adj} | :: unforced |
volente o nolente {adj} | :: willing or not; whether one likes it or not |
volenterosa {f} | :: willing woman, keen woman |
volenterosamente {adv} | :: willingly |
volenteroso {adj} | :: willing, keen |
volenteroso {m} | :: willing person, keen person |
volentesi {v} | :: present participle of volersi |
volentieri {adv} /vo.lenˈtjɛ.ri/ | :: willingly, gladly, with pleasure |
volentierissimo {adv} | :: with great pleasure, I'd be delighted to |
volentiermente {adv} | :: synonym of volentieri |
volentieroso {adj} | :: alternative form of volenteroso |
voler {v} | :: apocopic form of volere |
voler bene {v} | :: alternative spelling of volere bene |
volerci {vr} [impersonal] | :: to take; to be needed; to be required |
volerci {vr} [impersonal] | :: to be adequate, appropriate, or right |
volerci fegato {v} | :: to take guts |
voler dire {vi} | :: to mean |
volere {vt} | :: to want |
volere {m} | :: will, wish, desire, want |
volere bene {vi} | :: to be affectionate to someone, to feel affection or love for someone; to care for/about (literally, to wish good to); to be fond of |
volere dire {v} | :: alternative form of voler dire |
volere è potere {proverb} | :: where there's a will, there's a way |
volerne {v} | :: See: it volere ne |
volerne {v} | :: [with a] to hold a grudge, bear a grudge, or harbour a grudge (against) |
volersi {v} | :: reflexive of volere |
volersi {vr} | :: to love or be fond of each other |
Volga {prop} | :: The river Volga |
volgare {adj} | :: common, popular |
volgare {adj} | :: vulgar, coarse, sleazy |
volgare {adj} | :: vernacular |
volgare {m} | :: vernacular |
volgarismo {m} [linguistics] | :: vulgarism |
volgarissimo {adj} | :: superlative of volgare |
volgarità {f} | :: vulgarity |
volgarizzabile {adj} | :: That can be popularized |
volgarizzamento {m} | :: translation (into the vernacular) |
volgarizzante {v} | :: present participle of volgarizzare |
volgarizzare {vt} | :: to popularize |
volgarizzatore {m} | :: popularizer |
volgarizzatore {m} | :: translator (into the vernacular) |
volgarizzazione {f} | :: popularization |
volgarizzazione {f} | :: translation into the vernacular |
volgarmente {adv} | :: commonly |
volgarmente {adv} | :: vulgarly, coarsely |
volgente {v} | :: present participle of volgere |
volgente {adj} | :: turning |
volgentesi {v} | :: present participle of volgersi |
volgere {vt} /ˈvɔl.d͡ʒ | :: to turn something |
volgere {vi} [+ a] | :: to turn to or towards something |
volgere {vi} [+ a] | :: to bend around something |
volgersi {vr} | :: to turn or turn round |
volgibile {adj} | :: turnable |
volgimento {m} | :: turning |
volgitore {adj} | :: turning |
volgo {m} /ˈvol.ɡo/ | :: common people |
volicchiante {v} | :: present participle of volicchiare |
volicchiare {v} | :: To make a series of short flights (as a bird leaving the nest for the first time) |
voliera {f} /voˈljɛ.ra/ | :: aviary |
volitività {f} | :: volitivity |
volitività {f} | :: volition |
volitivo {adj} | :: volitive |
volizione {f} | :: volition |
volley {m} | :: volleyball |
vollistico {adj} | :: volleyball (attributive) |
volo {m} /ˈvo.lo/ | :: flight (of a bird; trip in a plane) |
volontà {f} | :: will, volition |
volontariamente {adv} | :: voluntarily |
volontariato {m} | :: voluntary service or work |
volontarietà {f} | :: voluntary character; voluntariness |
volontario {adj} | :: voluntary |
volontario {m} | :: volunteer |
volontarismo {m} | :: voluntarism |
volontariste {mf} | :: voluntarist |
volontaristico {adj} | :: voluntaristic |
volonteroso {adj} | :: alternative form of volenteroso |
volontieri {adv} /vo.lonˈtjɛ.ri/ | :: alternative form of volentieri |
volo pindarico {m} | :: Pindaric flight |
volovelismo {m} [sports] | :: gliding |
volovelista {mf} | :: sailplane or glider pilot |
volovelistico {adj} | :: sailplaning, gliding |
volpacchiotto {m} /vol.pakˈkjɔ | :: diminutive of volpe: fox cub (young fox) |
volpacchiotto {m} [figuratively] | :: sly person |
volpaia {f} | :: fox's den |
volpante {v} | :: present participle of volpare |
volpare {vi} | :: To be affected with smut (of a plant) |
volpato {adj} | :: smutty, mildewy |
volpe {f} | :: fox, vixen |
volpe {f} | :: a crafty person |
volpeggiante {v} | :: present participle of volpeggiare |
volpeggiare {vi} [uncommon] | :: to be crafty |
volpicino {m} | :: fox cub (young fox) |
volpigno {adj} | :: alternative form of volpino |
volpina {f} [regional] /volˈ | :: synonym of muggine |
volpinamente {adv} | :: cunningly |
volpino {adj} | :: vulpine |
volpino {adj} | :: fox (attributive) |
volpino {m} | :: fox cub (young fox) |
volpino {m} | :: Pomeranian (dog) |
volpoca {f} /volˈpɔ.ka/ | :: shelduck, properly the common shelduck |
volpoca {f} | :: sheldrake (male of species) |
volpone {m} | :: old fox - crafty person |
volsco {adj} | :: Volscian |
volsiniese {adj} | :: Of or from Volsinii |
Volsinii {prop} | :: An ancient Etruscan town near modern Bolsena |
volt {m} | :: volt |
volta {f} /ˈvɔlta/ | :: time, instance, occasion |
volta {f} | :: turn |
volta {f} [architecture, anatomy] | :: vault |
Volta {prop} | :: surname |
Volta {prop} | :: Alessandro Volta, Italian scientist |
Volta {prop} | :: The river Volta |
voltabile {adj} | :: turnable |
voltacasacca {m} | :: volte-face, about turn, about-face |
voltafaccia {m} | :: volte-face, about turn, about-face |
voltafieno {m} | :: tedder |
voltagabbana {mf} | :: turncoat |
voltagabbana {mf} | :: about-face |
voltaggio {m} [physics] | :: voltage |
Voltaggio {prop} | :: Voltaggio (village) |
voltaico {adj} | :: voltaic |
voltaire {f} | :: A low armchair with a high back |
voltaismo {m} | :: voltaism |
voltamaschio {m} | :: monkey wrench |
voltamento {m} | :: turn (action of turning) |
voltametro {m} | :: voltammeter |
voltammetria {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: voltammetry |
voltamperometro {m} | :: voltammeter |
voltamperora {m} | :: watt-hour |
voltamperorametro {m} | :: watt-hour meter |
voltante {v} | :: present participle of voltare |
voltantesi {v} | :: present participle of voltarsi |
voltapasta {m} | :: A blade, in the form of a ploughshare, used in kneading machines that are used to make pasta dough |
voltapietre {m} | :: turnstone (Arenaria interpres) |
voltar {v} | :: apocopic form of voltare |
voltare {vt} | :: to turn |
voltare {vt} | :: to flip |
voltare {vt} [rare] | :: to make [something] turn; to rotate |
voltare {vt} [literary] | :: to translate |
voltare {vi} | :: (typically with a or verso) to turn (in) [a direction] |
voltare pagina {v} [idiom] | :: to turn the page |
voltarsi {v} | :: reflexive of voltare |
voltarsi {v} | :: to turn (oneself) |
voltarsi {v} [contro] | :: [rare] to rebel (against) |
voltastomaco {m} | :: disgust |
voltastomaco {m} | :: nausea |
voltastomaco {m} | :: the creeps |
voltatosi {v} | :: past participle of voltarsi |
volteggiamento {m} | :: circling |
volteggiamento {m} | :: curve, turn |
volteggiante {v} | :: present participle of volteggiare |
volteggiare {vi} | :: to circle, hover [of birds, etc.] |
volteggiare {vi} | :: to spin, gyrate |
volteggiare {vi} [gymnastics] | :: to vault |
volteggiatore {m} | :: vaulter |
voltelettrone {m} [physics] | :: electron volt |
volteriano {adj} | :: alternative form of volterriano |
Volterra {prop} | :: Volterra (small town) |
Volterra {prop} | :: surname; Vito Volterra, Italian mathematician and physician |
volterrana {f} [architecture] | :: vault (having bricks laid flat) |
volterrana {f} | :: hollow block (for building) |
volterrano {adj} | :: Of or from Volterra |
volterrano {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Volterra |
volterriano {adj} | :: Voltairian |
voltiano {adj} | :: Volta (attributive) |
voltimetro {m} | :: alternative form of voltmetro |
voltinismo {m} [biology] | :: voltinism |
voltmetrico {adj} | :: voltmetric (measured using a voltmeter) |
voltmetro {m} [physics] | :: voltmeter |
volto {adj} /ˈ | :: facing |
volto {adj} | :: concerning |
volto {m} | :: face |
voltoio {m} | :: The part of a bridle to which bells and the reins are attached |
voltolante {v} | :: present participle of voltolare |
voltolantesi {v} | :: present participle of voltolarsi |
voltolare {vt} | :: to roll over |
voltolarsi {v} | :: reflexive of voltolare |
voltolarsi {v} | :: to roll over |
voltolino {m} | :: spotted crake |
voltoloni {adv} | :: rolling about |
voltometro {m} | :: alternative form of voltmetro |
voltosi {v} | :: past participle of volgersi |
Voltri {prop} | :: Voltri (small town) |
voltura {f} | :: registration (of a property transfer) |
voltura {f} | :: transfer |
volturante {v} | :: present participle of volturare |
volturare {vt} | :: to register (a transfer, especially that of a property) |
volturare {vt} | :: to transfer |
Volturno {prop} | :: Volturno (river) |
volubile {adj} | :: inconstant, changeable, variable |
volubile {adj} | :: shifty |
volubile {adj} | :: fickle, moody |
volubilità {f} | :: fickleness, inconstancy, changeability, flightiness |
volubilmente {adv} | :: inconstantly |
volume {m} | :: volume |
volumenometro {m} | :: volumenometer |
volumetria {f} | :: volumetry |
volumetricamente {adv} | :: volumetrically |
volumetrico {adj} | :: volumetric |
volumetto {m} | :: A small volume |
volumico {adj} | :: volume (attributive) |
volumico {adj} | :: volumetric |
voluminizzante {v} | :: present participle of voluminizzare |
voluminizzare {v} | :: To volumize |
voluminizzazione {f} | :: volumizing, volumization |
voluminosamente {adv} | :: voluminously, largely |
voluminosità {f} | :: voluminousness, bulkiness, largeness |
voluminoso {adj} | :: voluminous, very large, bulky |
voluntà {f} | :: alternative form of volontà |
voluta {f} | :: spiral, volute, curl |
voluta {f} | :: wreath |
volutabro {m} | :: mire |
volutabro {m} | :: filth |
volutabro {m} | :: ugliness |
volutamente {adv} | :: deliberately |
voluto {adj} | :: deliberate, intentional |
voluto {adj} | :: wanted, desired |
volutoci {v} | :: past participle of volerci |
volutosi {v} | :: past participle of volersi |
voluttà {f} | :: pleasure (especially intense or sensual) |
voluttabro {m} | :: alternative form of volutabro |
voluttuario {adj} | :: unnecessary, luxury |
voluttuosamente {adv} | :: voluptuously |
voluttuosità {f} | :: voluptuousness |
voluttuoso {adj} | :: voluptuous |
voluttuoso {adj} | :: luxurious |
voluttuoso {adj} | :: sensuous |
volva {f} /ˈvɔ | :: volva (cup-shaped mass at the base of various fungi) |
volvente {v} | :: present participle of volvere |
volvere {vt} [poetic] /ˈvɔ | :: obsolete form of volgere |
volverina {f} | :: wolverine (mammal) |
volverina {f} | :: glutton |
volvolo {m} | :: volvulus |
Vomano {prop} | :: Vomano (river) |
vombato {m} | :: wombat |
vomente {v} | :: present participle of vomire |
vomerale {m} | :: ploughshare |
vomere {m} | :: ploughshare |
vomere {m} [skeleton] | :: vomer, vomer bone |
vomerese {adj} | :: Of or from Vomero |
vomero {m} | :: ploughshare (Variant of: vomere) |
Vomero {prop} | :: Vomero (district) |
vomeronasale {adj} [anatomy] | :: vomeronasal |
vomire {v} | :: To vomit |
vomitamento {m} | :: vomiting |
vomitamento {m} | :: regurgitation |
vomitante {v} | :: present participle of vomitare |
vomitare {vit} | :: to vomit, be sick, throw up |
vomitaticcio {m} | :: vomit (material vomited) |
vomitativo {adj} | :: emetic |
vomitativo {m} | :: emetic |
vomitatore {m} | :: vomiter |
vomitatorio {adj} | :: synonym of vomitativo |
vomitevole {adj} | :: nauseating, disgusting |
vomito {m} | :: vomiting, emesis |
vomito {m} | :: vomit, sick, vomitus |
vomitossina {f} | :: vomitoxin |
vomizione {f} | :: vomition, vomiting |
vongola {f} /ˈvon.ɡ | :: clam |
vongolara {f} | :: A type of trawlnet used to collect clams |
vongolaro {m} | :: clam fisherman |
vongola verace {f} | :: cross-cut carpet shell (Venerupis decussata) |
vongolista {m} | :: clam fisherman |
voodoo {m} | :: alternative spelling of vudù |
voodoo {adj} | :: alternative spelling of vudù |
vopo {m} | :: A member of the Vopo |
-vora {suffix} | :: Used to form feminine nouns corresponding to -vore |
vora {f} [regional, Apulia] /ˈvɔ.ra/ | :: A sinkhole formed by the erosion of water or by the collapse of a cave's vault |
vorace {adj} | :: ravenous |
vorace {adj} | :: voracious |
voracemente {adv} | :: ravenously |
voracemente {adv} | :: voraciously |
voracità {f} /vo.ra.t͡ʃiˈta/ | :: voracity, voraciousness |
voragine {f} /voˈra.d͡ʒ | :: chasm, abyss |
voraginoso {adj} [literary] /vo.ra.ɡiˈno.zo/ | :: abyssal, voraginous |
vorago {f} [poetic] /voˈra.ɡo/ | :: alternative form of voragine: abyss, chasm |
vorante {v} | :: present participle of vorare |
vorare {v} [literary] /voˈ | :: obsolete form of divorare |
voratore {m} [obsolete, literary] /vo.raˈ | :: devourer |
voratore {m} [obsolete, literary, figurative] | :: destroyer, annihilator |
voratrice {f} [obsolete, literary] /vo.raˈtri.t͡ʃe/ | :: female equivalent of voratore |
Vormazia {prop} | :: Worms |
-voro {suffix} | :: Used to form masculine nouns analogous to -vore |
-voro {suffix} | :: Used to form adjectives analogous to -vorous |
vortale {m} [computing] | :: vortal |
vorticale {adj} | :: vortical |
vorticale {m} | :: line of force |
vorticante {v} | :: present participle of vorticare |
vorticare {vi} | :: To whirl or swirl |
vortice {m} | :: whirl |
vortice {m} | :: vortex |
vorticella {f} | :: Any protozoan of the genus Vorticella |
vorticismo {m} [arts] | :: vorticism |
vorticista {mf} [arts] | :: vorticist |
vorticosamente {adv} | :: round and round, in whirls, vortically |
vorticoso {adj} | :: vortical; vortex (attributive) |
voscenza {f} | :: Your Excellency (as a title) |
vosco {adv} [poetic, archaic] /ˈvɔs.ko/ | :: with you [plural] |
Vosgi {prop} | :: Vosges |
vossignoria {fs} [honorific, dated] /vos.siɲ.ɲoˈri.a/ | :: Your Lordship, Your Ladyship, Your Excellency |
vostr {adj} | :: apocopic form of vostro |
vostro {adj} /ˈvɔstro/ | :: your; plural and polite forms |
vostro {pron} | :: yours |
votaborse {adj} | :: expensive |
votaccio {m} | :: black mark (bad grade) |
votacessi {mf} | :: alternative form of vuotacessi |
votaggine {f} | :: alternative form of vuotaggine |
votante {adj} | :: voting |
votante {mf} | :: voter |
votante {v} | :: present participle of votare |
votantesi {v} | :: present participle of votarsi |
votapozzi {m} | :: alternative form of vuotapozzi |
votare {v} | :: to vote (for) |
votare {v} | :: to devote or dedicate (to) |
votare {v} | :: to vow |
votarsi {vr} | :: to devote oneself (to) |
votato {adj} | :: that has been voted on or for |
votato {adj} | :: (with a) destined or bound (to) |
votatosi {v} | :: past participle of votarsi |
votazione {f} | :: voting |
votazione {f} | :: mark (score in an exam) |
votazza {f} [nautical] | :: bailer |
votazza {f} | :: scoop (for handling flour etc) |
votiaca {f} | :: female equivalent of votiaco |
votiaco {adj} /voˈtja.ko/ | :: synonym of udmurto |
votiaco {m} | :: synonym of udmurto |
votiaco {m} | :: synonym of udmurto |
votivo {adj} | :: votive |
voto {m} | :: vow |
voto {m} | :: vote, ballot |
voto {m} | :: mark, grade |
voto {m} | :: votive offering |
voto {m} | :: wish |
voto di sfiducia {m} [politics] | :: vote of no confidence |
voucher {m} /ˈvau̯.t͡ʃer/ | :: voucher (piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount) |
vov {m} | :: A form of eggnog made with Marsala or other ingredients |
voyeurismo {m} | :: voyeurism |
voyeuristico {adj} | :: voyeuristic |
vu {f} /vu/ | :: letter: v; vee |
vu' cumprà {m} | :: A street trader of North African origin |
vucumprà {m} | :: A street trader of North African origin |
vu doppia {f} | :: alternative form of doppia vu |
vudu {m} /ˈvu.du/ | :: alternative form of vudù |
vudu {adj} | :: alternative form of vudù |
vudù {m} /vuˈdu/ | :: voodoo |
vudù {adj} | :: voodoo [attributive] |
vuduismo {m} /vu.duˈ | :: voodooism, voodoo |
vuduista {mf} /vu.duˈis.ta/ | :: voodooist |
Vuelta {prop} [cycling, by ellipsis] | :: The Vuelta a España |
Vuelta a España {prop} [cycling] /ˌvwɛl.t(a) a eˈspaɲ.ɲa/ | :: Vuelta a España (annual cycling race in Spain) |
vulcanalie {f} | :: Vulcanalia |
vulcanesimo {m} | :: alternative form of vulcanismo |
vulcaniane {mf} | :: Vulcan (inhabitant of the fictional planet) |
vulcaniano {adj} [science fiction] | :: Vulcan |
vulcaniano {m} [science fiction] | :: Vulcan |
vulcanicità {f} | :: volcanicity |
vulcanico {adj} | :: volcanic |
vulcanio {adj} | :: Vulcan (attributive) |
vulcanismo {m} | :: volcanism |
vulcanizzabile {adj} | :: vulcanizable |
vulcanizzante {v} | :: present participle of vulcanizzare |
vulcanizzante {adj} | :: vulcanizing |
vulcanizzante {adj} | :: curing |
vulcanizzante {m} | :: vulcanizing or curing agent |
vulcanizzare {vt} | :: to vulcanize |
vulcanizzare {vt} | :: to cure |
vulcanizzato {adj} | :: vulcanized |
vulcanizzato {adj} | :: cured |
vulcanizzatore {m} | :: vulcanizer (machine or operator) |
vulcanizzazione {f} [chemistry] | :: vulcanization |
vulcano {m} | :: volcano |
Vulcano {prop} [Roman god] | :: Vulcan |
Vulcano {prop} | :: a small volcanic island in the Tyrrhenian Sea |
vulcanoclastico {adj} | :: volcanoclastic |
vulcanologa {f} | :: female equivalent of vulcanologo |
vulcanologia {f} | :: volcanology, vulcanology |
vulcanologico {adj} | :: volcanological |
vulcanologo {m} | :: volcanologist |
vulgarità {f} | :: Variant of volgarità |
vulgata {f} | :: a common or popular saying |
Vulgata {prop} /vulˈɡa.ta/ | :: Vulgate (Latin Bible translation) |
vulnerabile {adj} | :: vulnerable |
vulnerabilità {f} | :: vulnerability |
vulnerante {v} /vul.neˈran.te/ | :: present participle of vulnerare |
vulnerante {adj} | :: That injures or wounds |
vulnerare {vt} [literary] /vul.neˈ | :: to wound, to injure |
vulnerare {vt} [literary, figurative] | :: to infringe, to violate |
vulneraria {f} | :: kidney vetch, woundwort (Anthyllis vulneraria) |
vulnerario {adj} | :: curative, vulnerary |
vulva {f} [anatomy] /ˈ | :: The external female genitalia; vulva |
vulva {f} [by extension, slang, humorous] | :: vagina |
vulvare {adj} [anatomy] | :: vulvar |
vulvaria {f} [botany] | :: stinking goosefoot (Chenopodium vulvaria) |
vulvectomia {f} | :: vulvectomy |
vulvite {f} | :: [medicine] vulvitis |
vulvovaginale {adj} [anatomy] | :: vulvovaginal |
vulvovaginite {f} | :: vulvovaginitis |
vuotacessi {mf} | :: A person employed to clean toilets |
vuotaggine {f} | :: vacuity |
vuotaggine {f} | :: emptiness |
vuotamele {m} | :: apple-corer |
vuotamente {adv} | :: emptily |
vuotamento {m} | :: emptying |
vuotante {v} | :: present participle of vuotare |
vuotantesi {v} | :: present participle of vuotarsi |
vuotapozzi {m} | :: A person employed to empty cesspits (originally to clean wells) |
vuotapozzi {m} | :: A slovenly person |
vuotare {vt} | :: to empty |
vuotare {vt} | :: to drain |
vuotarsi {v} | :: reflexive of vuotare |
vuotarsi {v} | :: to empty |
vuotatore {m} | :: emptier |
vuotatosi {v} | :: past participle of vuotarsi |
vuotatura {f} | :: emptying |
vuotazucchine {m} | :: A kitchen knife, with a hollow blade, used to remove the pulp from courgettes |
vuotezza {f} | :: emptiness |
vuotezza {f} | :: vacancy |
vuoto {adj} /ˈvwɔto/ | :: empty, vacant |
vuoto {m} | :: gap |
vuoto {m} | :: vacancy |
vuoto {m} | :: vacuum |
vuotometro {m} | :: vacuum gauge |
vuvuzela {f} | :: vuvuzela |