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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-b

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baa {n} (bleating of sheep) :: 發咩聲, 发咩声 /fā miē sheng/
baaing {n} (bleating of a sheep) ::
Ba'athism {n} (ideology) :: 阿拉伯復興社會黨, 阿拉伯复兴社会党 /Ālābó fùxīng shèhuìdǎng/, 復興黨, 复兴党 /fùxīngdǎng/
baba ganoush {n} (Lebanese dish) :: 茄泥糨糊 /qiéní jiànghu/
Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) :: 芭芭雅嘎 /Bābāyǎgā/, 雅加婆婆 /Yǎjiā Pópo/, 巴巴亞加, 巴巴亚加 /Bābāyàjiā/
babble {n} (idle talk) :: 廢話, 废话 /fèihuà/, 閑話, 闲话 /xiánhuà/
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
babehood {n} (babyhood) SEE: babyhood ::
babirusa {n} (a member of the genus Babyrousa) :: 馬魯古鹿豚, 马鲁古鹿豚 /mǎlǔgǔlùtún/, 鹿豚 /lùtún/, 鹿豬, 鹿猪 /lùzhū/, 逐鹿 /zhúlù/
baboon {n} (primate) :: 狒狒 /fèifèi/
babouche {n} (Turkish or oriental slipper) :: 平底拖鞋 /píngdǐ tuōxié/
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
babushka {n} (an old woman) :: 老婆婆
baby {n} (very young human being) :: 嬰兒, 婴儿 /yīng'ér/, 娃娃 /wáwa/, 小娃娃 /xiǎowáwa/, 宝宝 /bǎobǎo/, 嬰幼兒, 婴幼儿 /yīngyòu'ér/, 嬰孩, 婴孩 /yīnghái/, , /yīng/ [literary]
baby {n} (young animal) :: /zǎi/, 毛毛 /máomao/, 小崽子 /xiǎozǎizi/
baby {n} (term of endearment) :: 寶貝, 宝贝 /bǎobèi/, 小寶寶, 小宝宝 /xiǎobǎobao/, 寵兒, 宠儿 /chǒng'ér/, 心肝 /xīngān/
baby {n} (form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive) :: 親愛的, 亲爱的 /qīn'ài de/
baby blue {adj} (pale blue color) :: 浅蓝色 /qiǎnlánsè/, 淺藍色
baby boom {n} (post-World War II baby boom (1946 to 1964)) :: 嬰兒潮, 婴儿潮 /yīng'ér cháo/, 第二次世界大戰後生育高峰期, 第二次世界大战后生育高峰期 /dì'èr cì shìjiè dàzhàn hòu shēngyù gāofēng qī/
baby boom {n} (any increase in the birth rate) :: 生育高峰期 /shēngyù gāofēng qī/
baby boomer {n} (person born after Second World War) :: 世界大戰生育高峰期出生, 世界大战生育高峰期出生 /dì èr cì shìjiè dàzhàn hòu shēngyù gāofēngqī chūshēng de rén/
baby bottle {n} (bottle with a teat) :: 奶瓶 /nǎipíng/, 嬰兒奶瓶, 婴儿奶瓶 /yīng'ér nǎipíng/
baby buggy {n} (a wheeled chair for the transport of a baby) SEE: stroller ::
baby bump {n} (noticeable abdominal swelling in a pregnant woman) :: 孕肚 /yùndù/
baby carriage {n} (cart that is designed for moving a baby around in a lying position) SEE: pram ::
baby corn {n} (young maize) :: 玉米筍, 玉米笋 /yùmǐsǔn/, 玉米尖 /yùmǐjiān/, 玉米仔 /yùmǐzǐ/
baby face {n} (face resembling that of a baby) :: 娃娃臉, 娃娃脸 /wáwaliǎn/ (doll face)
baby fat {n} (natural fat of the body of a child) SEE: puppy fat ::
baby fat {n} (bodyfat gained by a woman during pregnancy) :: 懷孕增加體重, 怀孕增加体重 /huáiyùn shí zēngjiā de tǐzhòng/
baby food {n} (food designed for babies) :: 嬰兒食品, 婴儿食品 /yīng'ér shípǐn/
baby formula {n} (artificial substitute for human breast milk) SEE: infant formula ::
baby grand {n} (small grand piano) :: 小型鋼琴, 小型钢琴 /xiǎoxíng gāngqín/
babyhood {n} (state or period of infancy) :: 幼兒期, 幼儿期 /yòu'érqī/
Babylon {prop} (capital of Babylonia) :: 巴比倫, 巴比伦 /Bābǐlún/
Babylonia {prop} (ancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia) :: 巴比倫尼亞, 巴比伦尼亚 /Bābǐlúnníyà/
babymaking {n} :: 造人 /zàorén/
baby powder {n} (astringent powder) :: 寶寶粉, 宝宝粉 /bǎobǎofěn/
baby's breath {n} (Gypsophila) :: 石頭花, 石头花 /shítouhuā/
baby seat {n} (child safety seat) SEE: child safety seat ::
baby shower {n} (party) :: 嬰兒沐浴, 婴儿沐浴 /yīng'ér mùyù/ [calque of English]
babysit {v} (To watch or tend someone else's child for a period of time, often for money) :: 代人照看孩子 /dàirén zhàokàn háizi/, 照看嬰兒, 照看婴儿 /zhàokàn yīngér/
babysitter {n} (baby or child caretaker) :: [literally] 臨時孩子, 临时孩子 /línshí kān háizi de rén/
baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth ::
baby weight {n} (weight of a baby at birth) SEE: birth weight ::
baby weight {n} (weight gained by a woman during pregnancy) :: 懷孕增加體重, 怀孕增加体重 /huáiyùn shí zēngjiā de tǐzhòng/
baccalaureate {n} (bachelor's degree) SEE: bachelor's degree ::
baccarat {n} (card game) :: 百家樂
Bach {prop} (German composer) :: 巴赫 /Bāhè/
bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: 單身漢, 单身汉 /dānshēnhàn/
bachelor {n} (person who has achieved bachelor's degree) :: 學士, 学士 /xuéshì/
Bachelor of Arts {n} (collegiate degree) :: 文學學士, 文学学士 /wénxué xuéwèi/, 文學士, 文学士 /wénxuéshì/
Bachelor of Laws {n} (degree) :: 法學士, 法学士 /fǎxuéshì/
Bachelor of Science {n} (three- to four-year undergraduate degree) :: 理學士, 理学士 /lǐxuéshì/
bachelor party {n} (party) :: 單身派對, 单身派对 /dānshēn pàiduì/
bachelor's degree {n} (first or lowest academic degree) :: 學士學位, 学士学位 /xuéshì xuéwèi/
bacillus {n} (any bacteria in the genus Bacillus) :: 桿菌, 杆菌 /gǎnjūn/, 芽孢桿菌, 芽孢杆菌 /yábāo gǎnjùn/
back {adj} (near the rear) ::
back {adj} (not current) :: 以前的 /yǐqián de/
back {adj} (far from the main area) :: 偏僻的 /piānpì de/
back {adv} (to or in a previous condition or place) :: 向後, 向后 /xiànghòu/, , /hòu/
back {adv} (away from the front or from an edge) :: 後面的, 后面的 /hóumiàn de/
back {n} (the rear of body) :: 背部 /bèibù/, /bèi/, 脊背 /jǐbèi/
back {n} (the reverse side) :: 後面, 后面 /hóumiàn/
back {n} (that which is farthest away from the front) :: 最後, 最后 /zuìhòu/
back {n} (the part of something that goes last) :: 最後的, 最后的 /zuìhòu de/
back {n} (a position behind most players on the team) :: 後面的, 后面的 /hòumiàn de/
backache {n} (any pain or ache in the back, see also: lumbago) :: 背疼 /bèiténg/, 腰痛 /yāotòng/
back and forth {adv} (from one place to another and back again) :: 來回, 来回 /láihuí/
back and forth {n} (movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position) :: 往返 /wǎng-fǎn/, 來回, 来回 /láihuí/
backbencher {n} (member of Parliament who does not have cabinet rank) :: 後坐議員, 后坐议员 /hòuzuò yìyuán/, 普通議員, 普通议员 /pǔtōng yìyuán/
backbite {v} (to make defamatory statements about another) :: 戳脊梁骨 /chuō jǐlianggǔ/, 戳脊梁 /chuō jǐliang/, 誹謗, 诽谤 /fěibàng/
backboard {n} (basketball) :: 籃板, 篮板 /lánbǎn/
backbone {n} (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) :: 骨幹, 骨干 /gǔgàn/, 脊骨 /jígǔ/, 背骨 /bèigǔ/, 脊椎 /jǐzhuī/
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine ::
backcountry {n} (remote region) :: 窮鄉僻壤, 穷乡僻壤 /qióngxiāngpìrǎng/
back cover {n} (cover on the opposite side of the front cover) :: 封底 (fēngdǐ)
back door {n} (secret, unprotected means of access) :: 後門, 后门 /hòumén/
back door {n} (slang: anus) :: 後庭, 后庭 /hòutíng/
backdoor {n} (backdoor (all definitions)) SEE: back door ::
backdrop {n} (a decorated cloth hung at the back of a stage) :: 背景幕
back end {n} (computing: part of a system that is farthest from the user) :: 後端, 后端 /hòuduān/
backflip {n} (an act of rotating your body) :: 後空翻, 后空翻 /hòukōngfān/
backgammon {n} (board game) :: 雙陸棋, 双陆棋 /shuānglùqí/
background {n} (part of picture) :: 背景 /bèijǐng/
background {n} (relevant information) :: 背景 /bèijǐng/
background {n} (less important feature) :: 背景 /bèijǐng/
background check {n} (report on an individual) :: 背景调查
background music {n} (music played in a public space) :: 背景音樂, 背景音乐 /bèijǐng yīnyuè/
background music {n} (music in a film, video game or other medium) :: 背景音樂, 背景音乐 /bèijǐng yīnyuè/
backlash {n} (violent or abrubt reaction) :: 反彈, 反弹 /fǎntán/
backlit {adj} (illuminated from behind) :: 背光 /bèiguāng de/
backlog {n} (an accumulation or buildup) :: 積壓, 积压 /jīyā/
backlog {n} (a reserve source or supply) :: 存貨, 存货 /cúnhuò/, 儲備, 储备 /chúbèi/
backlog {v} (to acquire something as a backlog, or to become a backlog) :: 積壓, 积压 /jīyā/
back-of-the-envelope {adj} :: 粗略 /cūlüè de/
backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: 背包 /bēibāo/, 背囊 /bēináng/
backpacker {n} (a traveler) :: 背包客 /bēibāokè/
backpackers {n} (hostel) SEE: hostel ::
back page {n} (final page) SEE: back cover ::
back pain {n} (pain felt in the back) :: 背痛 /bèitòng/
backpay {n} (withheld payment for work) :: 補薪, 补薪 /bǔxīn/
backrest {n} (back piece of a chair) :: 靠背 /kàobèi/
backronym {n} :: 支援頭文字, 支援头文字 /zhīyuántóuwénzì/
backscratcher {n} (rod for scratching one's own back) :: 抓耙子 /zhuāpázi/ (scratching rake), 癢癢撓, 痒痒挠 /yǎngyangnáo/ (itch scratcher), 笑刷兒, 笑刷儿 /xiàoshuār/ (laughing brush), 爪仗 /zhǎozhàng/ (claw to rely on), 不求人 /bùqiúrén/ (not to seek help from others), 老頭樂, 老头乐 /lǎotóulè/, 搔背爬 /sāobèipá/
back seat {n} (seat) :: 後座, 后座 /hòuzuò/
backside {n} (back side of something) :: 後方, 后方 /hòufāng/, 背面 /bèimiàn/
backside {n} (buttocks) :: 臀部 /túnbù/, /tún/, 屁股 /pìgu/
backslide {v} (to revert to a previous, worse state) :: 開倒車
backstab {v} (to attack someone (especially verbally) unfairly) :: 背叛 /bèipàn/
backstory {n} (previous life and experiences of a fictional character) :: 背景故事 /bèijǐng gùshì/
back street {n} (small and narrow street) :: 背街 /bèijiē/
backstroke {n} (a swimming stroke swum on one's back) :: 仰泳 /yǎngyǒng/, 背泳 /bèiyǒng/
back to square one {adv} (back to the start, as after a dead-end or failure) :: 原點, 原点 /huídào yuándiǎn/
back-translate {v} (to translate back to original language) :: 回譯, 回译 /huíyì/
back-translation {n} (activity) :: 回譯, 回译 /huíyì/
back-translation {n} (text) :: 回譯, 回译 /huíyì/
backup {n} (copy of file or record) :: 備份, 备份 /bèifèn/
back vowel {n} (Any vowel sound produced in the back of the mouth) :: 後元音, 后元音 /hòuyuányīn/
backward {adj} (in the direction reverse of normal) :: 逆向 /nìxiàng/
backward {adv} (in the direction towards the back) :: 向後, 向后 /xiànghòu/
backward compatibility {n} (compatibility with older systems) :: 向後兼容, 向后兼容 /xiànghòu jiānróng/
backward compatible {adj} (compatible with older systems) :: 向下兼容 /xiàngxià jiānróng/
backwater {n} (a remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc.) :: 窮鄉僻壤, 穷乡僻壤 /qióngxiāngpìrǎng/
backyard {n} (yard to the rear of a house) :: 後院, 后院 /hòuyuàn/
bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: 鹹肉, 咸肉 /xūn xiánròu/, 培根 /péigēn/, 燻肉/熏肉 /xūnròu/, 鹹肉, 咸肉 /xiánròu/
bacon and eggs {n} (a dish consisting of bacon and eggs) :: 培根雞蛋, 培根鸡蛋 /péigēn jīdàn/
bacteria {n} (bacteria) :: 細菌, 细菌 /xìjūn/
bacterial {adj} (of or caused by bacteria) :: 微生物的 /Wéishēngwù de/
bacteriologist {n} (microbiologist) :: 細菌學家, 细菌学家 /xìjùnxuéjiā/
bacteriology {n} (scientific study of bacteria) :: 細菌學, 细菌学 /xìjùnxué/
bacteriophage {n} (a virus that infects bacteria) :: 噬菌體, 噬菌体 /shìjūntǐ, shìjùntǐ/
bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: 細菌, 细菌 /xìjūn/
Bactria {prop} (Greek name for ancient country) :: 大夏 /Dàxià/
Bactrian camel {n} (Camelus bactrianus) :: 雙峰駱駝, 双峰骆驼 /shuāngfēng luòtuo/
baculum {n} (bone found in the penis of some mammals) :: 陰莖骨, 阴茎骨 /yīnjīnggǔ/
bad {adj} (unfavorable; negative) :: , /huài/, 不好 /bùhǎo/
bad {adj} (not suitable or fitting) :: 恰當, 恰当 /bù qiàdàng/, 合適, 合适 /bù héshì/
bad {adj} (not appropriate, of manners etc.) :: 恰當, 恰当 /bù qiàdàng/, 合適, 合适 /bù héshì/
bad {adj} (tricky; stressful; unpleasant) :: 困難, 困难 /kùnnan/, 麻煩, 麻烦 /máfan/
bad {adj} (evil, wicked) :: 邪惡, 邪恶 /xié'è/
bad {adj} (faulty; not functional) :: 毛病 /yǒu máobìng de/, , /huài/, 故障 /gùzhàng/
bad {adj} (of breath: malodorous) :: /chòu/
bad {adj} (bold and daring) :: 果敢 /guǒgǎn/
bad {adj} (severe; urgent) :: 嚴重, 严重 /yánzhòng/, 緊急, 紧急 /jǐnjí/
bad {adj} (spoilt, rotten, overripe) SEE: spoilt ::
Badakhshan {prop} (historical region) :: 巴達赫尚, 巴达赫尚 /Bādáhèshàng/; 巴達克山, 巴达克山 /Bādákèshān/ [historically]
bad apple {n} (a person who is not wholesome) :: 害群之馬, 害群之马 /hàiqúnzhīmǎ/, 老鼠屎 /lǎoshǔshǐ/
badass {adj} (belligerent and troublesome) SEE: belligerent ::
badass {n} (belligerent or mean person) :: 混蛋, 痞子
bad breath {n} (unpleasant breath) :: 口臭 /kǒuchòu/
bad egg {n} (rogue) :: 壞蛋
Baden {prop} (former state) :: 巴登 /Bādēng/
Baden-Württemberg {prop} (state of Germany) :: 巴登-符騰堡, 巴登-符腾堡 /Bādēng-Fúténgbǎo/
badge {n} (distinctive mark) :: 徽章 /huīzhāng/, 象徵, 象征 /xiàngzhēng/, 徽號, 徽号 /huīhào/
badge {n} (something characteristic) :: 象徵, 象征 /xiàngzhēng/
badge {n} (carved ornament on the stern of a vessel) :: 標記, 标记 /biāojì/
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
badger {n} (mammal) :: /huān/
badger {v} (pester) :: 糾纏, 纠缠 /jiūchán/, 困擾, 困扰 /kùnrǎo/
bad guy {n} (a villain) :: 壞人, 坏人 /huàirén/, 壞蛋, 坏蛋 /huàidàn/, 惡人, 恶人 /èrén/
badinage {n} (playful raillery; banter) :: 打趣
bad luck {n} (misfortune) :: 運氣不好, 运气不好 /yùnqi bùhǎo/, 運氣, 运气 /huài yùnqi/, 噩運, 噩运 /èyùn/, 不幸 /bùxìng/, 倒霉 /dǎoméi/, 霉運, 霉运 /méiyùn/
badminton {n} (a racquet sport) :: 羽毛球 /yǔmáoqiú/
badminton racket {n} (racket used to hit a shuttlecock) :: 羽毛球拍 /yǔmáoqiúpāi/, 羽球拍 /yǔqiúpāi/
bad money drives out good {proverb} (debased coinage replaces purer coinage) :: 劣幣驅逐良幣, 劣币驱逐良币
bad news {n} (news of unpleasant, unfortunate or sad events) :: 壞消息, 坏消息 /huài xiāoxi/
Badong {prop} (county in central China) :: 巴東, 巴东 /Bādōng/
bad-tempered {adj} (having a bad temper) :: 易怒 /yìnù/, 壞脾氣的, 坏脾气的 /huàipíqì de/
bad things come in threes {proverb} (unfortunate events usually occur more than twice) :: [no exact equivalent exists] 禍不單行, 祸不单行 /huòbùdānxíng/ (disasters do not come alone)
badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware ::
Baekje {prop} (former Korean kingdom) :: 百濟, 百济 /Bǎijì/
baffle {v} (to totally bewilder; confuse or perplex) :: 迷惑 /míhuò/, 使困惑 /shǐ kùnhuò/
bag {n} (flexible container) :: /bāo/, /dài/
bag {n} (ugly woman) :: 醜八怪, 丑八怪 /chǒubāguài/ [man or woman], 醜姑娘, 丑姑娘 /chǒu gūniáng/
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
bagboy {n} (person employed to put clients' purchases in bags) :: 打包男孩, 打包男孩 /dǎbāonánhái/
bagel {n} (toroidal bread roll that is boiled and then baked) :: 貝果, 贝果 /bèiguǒ/, 焙果 /bèiguǒ/, 培果 /péiguǒ/, 百吉圈 /bǎijí quān/, 百吉 /bǎijí/, 麵包圈, 面包圈 /miànbāoquān/
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage ::
baggage carousel {n} (device to deliver luggage) :: 行李傳送帶, 行李传送带 /xínglǐ chuánsòngdài/
baggage cart {n} (luggage cart) SEE: luggage cart ::
baggage claim {n} (designated location for receiving checked luggage) :: 行李提取處, 行李提取处 /xínglǐ tíqǔ chù/, 行李領取處, 行李领取处 /xínglǐ lǐngqǔ chù/, 行李認領處, 行李认领处 /xínglǐ rènlǐng chù/, 行李提領處, 行李提领处 /xínglǐ tílǐng chù/
baggage reclaim {n} (designated location for receiving checked luggage) SEE: baggage claim ::
Baghchi {prop} (town in Hotan County, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 巴格其 /Bāgéqí/
Baghdad {prop} (city) :: 巴格達, 巴格达 /Bāgédá/
bagna cauda {n} (dip made from anchovies, olive oil and garlic) :: 鯷魚蘸醬, 鳀鱼蘸酱 /xiāngsuàn tíyú rè zhànjiàng/
bag of bones {n} (a skinny person) :: 骨瘦如柴 /gǔshòurúchái/
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: 風笛, 风笛 /fēngdí/
bagua {n} (the eight trigrams of the I Ching) :: 八卦 /bāguà/
baguette {n} (a variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape) :: 麵包, 面包 /Fǎshì chánggùn miànbāo/, 麵包, 面包 /Fǎgùn miànbāo/
bah {interj} (expressing contempt) :: [strong, offensive] /pēi/
Bahá'í {adj} (pertaining to Bahá'ís or beliefs held in the Bahá'í Faith) :: 巴哈伊 /bāhā'ī/
Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: 巴哈馬, 巴哈马 /Bāhāmǎ/
Bahá'í Faith {prop} (religion) :: 大同教 /dàtóngjiào/, 巴哈伊信仰 /bāhāyī xìnyǎng/, 巴哈伊教 /bāhāyījiào/
Bahrain {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: 巴林 /Bālín/
Bahraini {n} (a person from Bahrain or of Bahraini descent) :: 巴林人 (Bālín rén)
baht {n} (unit of currency) :: 泰銖, 泰铢 /Tài zhū/
Bai {n} :: 白族 /báizú/
Baidu {prop} (technology company) :: 百度 /Bǎidù/
bai ji {n} (Chinese orchid) :: 白芨 /báijī/, 白及 /báijí/
baiji {n} (freshwater dolphin) :: 白鱀豚 /báijìtún/
baijiu {n} (clear Chinese alcoholic beverage) :: 白酒 /báijiǔ/; 燒酒, 烧酒 /shāojiǔ/
Baikal {prop} (a large lake in Russia) :: 貝加爾, 贝加尔 /Bèijiā'ěr/
Baikonur {prop} (city and cosmodrome in Kazakhstan) :: 拜科努爾 {m}, 拜科努尔 /Bàikēnǔ'ěr/
bail {n} (security) :: 保釋金, 保释金 /bǎoshìjīn/
bailiff {n} (equivalent officers of the court in foreign contexts) :: 法警 /fǎjǐng/
bailout {n} (a rescue, especially a financial rescue) :: 救助 /jiùzhù/, 緊急援助, 紧急援助 /jǐnjí yuánzhù/, 企業救濟, 企业救济 /qǐyè jiùjì/
Baily's beads {n} (Baily's beads) :: 倍里珠, 貝里珠串
bain-marie {n} (pan containing hot water) :: 水浴器 /shuǐyùqì/, 雙重蒸鍋, 双重蒸锅 /shuāngchóng zhēngguō/
Baird's sandpiper {n} (Calidris bairdii) :: 白腹滨鹬 /bái fù bīn-yù/
Baisha {prop} (rural township in northern Penghu (the Pescadores)) :: 白沙 /Báishā/
bait {n} (substance used in catching fish) :: 誘餌, 诱饵 /yòuěr/, 魚餌, 鱼饵 /yú'ěr/
Baiyang {prop} (town in central China) :: 白洋 /Báiyáng/
Baiyang {prop} (subdistrict in western China) :: 柏楊 /Báiyáng/
Bak {prop} (Korean surname) :: /Piáo/
Bačka {prop} (historical region divided between Serbia and Hungary) :: 巴奇卡 /bāqíkǎ/
bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: /kǎo/, /hōng/, 焙燒, 焙烧 /bèishāo/, 烘烤 /hōngkǎo/
baked {adj} (cooked by baking) :: 烘烤的 /hōngkǎo de/, 烤的 /kǎo de/
baked Alaska {n} (dessert of ice cream encased in cake and meringue and briefly baked) :: 热烤阿拉斯加
baked beans {n} (food) :: 烘豆 /hōngdòu/, 焗豆 /júdòu/
baked good {n} (baked item with flour as main ingredient) :: 焙烤食品 /bèikǎo shípǐn/, 麵包, 面包 /miànbāo/
baked goods {n} (bread etc.) :: 焙烤食品 /bèikǎo shípǐn/, 麵包, 面包 /miànbāo/
baked potato {n} (potato that has been baked) :: 烤土豆 /kǎotǔdòu/ [mainland China], 烤馬鈴薯, 烤马铃薯 /kǎomǎlíngshǔ/
Bakelite {n} (heat-resisting chemically inert resin) :: 膠木, 胶木 /jiāomù/, 電木, 电木 /diànmù/
baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: 麵包師傅, 面包师傅 /miànbāo shīfu/
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery ::
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: 麵包店, 面包店 /miànbāodiàn/, 麵包房, 面包房 /miànbāofáng/
baking {n} (action in which something is baked) :: /kǎo/, /hōng/, 焙燒, 焙烧 /bèishāo/, 烘烤 /hōngkǎo/
baking powder {n} (dry leavening agent used in baking) :: 發酵粉, 发酵粉 /fājiàofěn/, 焙粉 /bèifěn/, 發粉, 发粉 /fāfěn/, 起子 /qǐzi/
baking soda {n} (common name for sodium bicarbonate) :: 蘇打粉, 苏打粉 /sūdáfěn/
baking tray {n} (oven-proof tray) :: 焙烤淺盤, 焙烤浅盘 /bèikǎo qiǎnpán/
baklava {n} (sweet pastry) :: 果仁蜜餅, 果仁蜜饼 /guǒrénmìbĭng/, 蜜糖果仁千層酥, 蜜糖果仁千层酥 /mìtáng guǒrén qiāncéngsū/, 巴拉瓦餅, 巴拉瓦饼 /bālāwǎ bǐng/
Baku {prop} (the capital city of Azerbaijan) :: 巴庫, 巴库 /Bākù/
balaclava {n} (headgear) :: 巴拉克拉瓦 /bālākèlāwǎ/, 頭套, 头套 /tóutào/
balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: 巴拉萊卡, 巴拉莱卡 /bālāláikǎ/; 巴拉萊卡琴, 巴拉莱卡琴 /bālāláikǎ-qín/; 三角琴 /sānjiǎoqín/
balance {n} (equilibrium) :: 平衡 /pínghéng/
balance {n} (scales) :: 天秤 /tiānpíng/
balance {n} (awareness of both viewpoints) :: 中立 /zhōnglì/
balance {n} (accounting: list of credits and debits) :: 結存, 结存 /jiécún/
balance {v} (to estimate) SEE: estimate ::
balance {n} (astrology: Libra) SEE: Libra ::
balance of power {n} (situation of equilibrium) :: 權力平衡, 权力平衡 /quánlì pínghéng/, 均勢, 均势 /jūnshì/, 勢力均衡, 势力均衡 /shìlì jūnhéng/
balance of probabilities {n} (legal standard) :: 可能差額, 可能差额 /kěnéng chā'é/, 蓋然性權衡, 盖然性权衡 /gàiránxìng quánhéng/
balance of trade {n} (difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time) :: 貿易差額, 贸易差额 /màoyì chā'é/
balance sheet {n} (summary of assets, liabilities and equity) :: 資產負債表, 资产负债表 /zīchǎn fùzhaì biaǒ/
balance wheel {n} (timepiece mechanism) :: 擺輪 / 摆轮 /bǎilún/
balanoposthitis {n} (inflammation of the glans penis and the prepuce) :: 龜頭包皮炎, 龟头包皮炎 /guītóubāopíyán/
balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: 陽臺, 陽台, 阳台 /yángtái/
bald {adj} (having no hair) :: 禿頭的, 秃头的 /tūtóu de/, 光禿禿的, 光秃秃的 /guāngtūtū de/
bald eagle {n} (species of eagle native to North America) :: 白頭海雕, 白头海雕 /báitóu hǎidiāo/
balderdash {n} (nonsense) :: 胡說八道, 胡说八道 /húshuōbādào/
baldness {n} (condition or state of being (or becoming) bald) :: 禿頭, 秃头 /tūtóu/
bald spot {n} (area on the head which has little or no hair) :: 禿斑, 秃斑 /tūbān/, 秃了一块 /tūleyíkuài/ [formal], 地中海 /dìzhōnghǎi/ [colloquial]
Baldwin {prop} (given name) :: 鮑德溫, 鲍德温 /Bàodéwēn/
bale {v} (to remove water from a boat) SEE: bail ::
bale {n} (rounded bundle of goods) :: 捆包 /kǔnbāo/, /bāo/, /kǔn/
Balearic Islands {prop} (group of Mediterranean islands) :: 巴利阿里群島, 巴利阿里群岛 /Bālì'ālǐ qúndǎo/
baleen {n} (plates in mouth of baleen whale) :: 鯨鬚, 鲸须 /jīngxū/
baleen whale {n} (whale of the Mysticeti suborder) :: 鬚鯨, 须鲸 /xūjīng/
Balhae {prop} (kingdom) :: 渤海國, 渤海国 /Bóhǎiguó/
Bali {prop} (island of Indonesia) :: 巴厘島, 巴厘岛 /Bālí dǎo/, 巴厘 /Bālí/
Bali {prop} (district in northern Taiwan) :: 八里 /Bālǐ/
Balkan {adj} (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) :: 巴爾幹, 巴尔干 /Bā'ěrgàn/
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanization {n} (fragmentation of a region into several small states) :: 巴爾幹化, 巴尔干化 /Bā'ěrgànhuà/
Balkanization {n} (any disintegration process) :: 巴爾幹化, 巴尔干化 /Bā'ěrgànhuà/
Balkan Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in southeastern Europe, see also: Balkans) :: 巴爾幹半島
Balkans {prop} (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) :: 巴爾幹, 巴尔干 /Bā'ěrgàn/, 巴爾幹半島, 巴尔干半岛 /Bā'ěrgàn bàndǎo/
ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: /qiú/
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: /qiú/
ball {n} (quantity of string, thread, etc., wound into a spherical shape) :: 毛球 /máoqiú/
ball {n} (baseball: a pitch that falls outside the strike zone) :: 壞球, 坏球 /huàiqiú/
ball {n} (mathematics: set of points in a metric space lying within a given distance of a given point) :: 球體 /qiútǐ/, 球体 /qiútǐ/
ball {n} (testicle) :: 睾丸 /gāowán/ [biological], /dàn/ [slang]
ball {n} (formal dance) :: 舞會, 舞会 /wǔhuì/
ballad {n} (narrative poem) :: 民謠, 民谣 /mínyáo/, 歌謠, 歌谣 /gēyáo/, 短歌 /duǎngē/
ballast {n} (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel) :: 壓載, 压载 /yāzài/
ball bearing {n} (bearing assembly with spherical balls) :: 滾珠軸承, 滚珠轴承 /gǔnzhū zhóuchéng/
ball boy {n} (A male person responsible for retrieving balls) :: 球童 /qiútóng/
ballerina {n} (female ballet dancer) :: [gender neutral] 芭蕾舞演員, 芭蕾舞演员 /bālěiwǔ yǎnyuán/, [female] 芭蕾舞女演員, 芭蕾舞女演员 /bālěiwǔ nǚ yǎnyuán/
ballet {n} (form of dance) :: 芭蕾舞 /bālěiwǔ/, 舞劇, 舞剧 /wǔjù/
ball game {n} (game played with a ball) :: 球類運動, 球类运动 /qiúlèi yùndòng/
ball game {n} (specific match) :: 球賽, 球赛 /qiúsài/
ball game {n} (Mesoamerican ballgame) :: 中美洲蹴球 /Zhōngměizhōu cùqiú/
ball game {n} (affair, issue) :: 事情 /shìqing/, /shì/
ballgame {n} (ball game) SEE: ball game ::
ball girl {n} (female who clears balls) :: 球童, 球童 /qiútóng/
ballista {n} (crossbow-like military engine for hurling large missiles) :: 弩炮 /nǔ pào/
ballistic missile {n} (missile) :: 彈道飛彈, 弹道飞弹 /dàndào fēidàn/, 彈道導彈, 弹道导弹 /dàndào dǎodàn/
ballistics {n} (science of the study of falling objects) :: 彈道學, 弹道学 /dàndàoxué/
ballistic vest {n} (bulletproof vest) SEE: bulletproof vest ::
ball lightning {n} (a short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air) :: 球狀閃電, 球状闪电 /qiúzhuàng shǎndiàn/, 球雷 /qiúléi/
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob ::
balloon {n} (inflatable and buoyant object) :: 氣球, 气球 /qìqiú/
balloon {n} (child’s toy) :: 氣球, 气球 /qìqiú/
balloon {n} (inflatable object to transport people through the air) :: 氣球, 气球 /qìqiú/, 風船, 风船 /fēngchuán/
balloonfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
ballot {n} (paper used for vote-casting) :: 選票, 选票 /xuǎnpiào/
ballot {n} (process of voting) :: 投票 /tóupiào/
ballot box {n} (a sealed box into which a voter puts a voting slip) :: 票箱 /piàoxiāng/, 票匭, 票匦 /piàoguǐ/, 投票箱 /tóupiàoxiāng/
ballot paper {n} (voting form) :: 選票, 选票 /xuǎnpiào/
ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
ball player {n} (player of a ball game) :: 球手 /qiúshǒu/
ballplayer {n} (ball player) SEE: ball player ::
ballpoint pen {n} (pen) :: 圓珠筆, 圆珠笔 /yuánzhūbǐ/ [Mainland China], 原子筆, 原子笔 /yuánzǐbǐ/ [Taiwan]
ballroom {n} (large room used for dancing) :: 舞廳, 舞厅 /wǔtīng/
ballroom {n} (type of elegant dance) :: 交際舞, 交际舞 /jiāojìwǔ/
ballroom dancing {n} (a style of dancing) :: 社交舞
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball ::
balls {n} (bravery) :: 有種, 有种 /yǒuzhǒng/
balm {n} (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (plant or tree yielding such substance) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (soothing lotion) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (figurative: something soothing) SEE: balsam ::
balmy {adj} (mild and pleasant) :: 温暖惬意的
balneology {n} (study of baths and bathing) :: 浴療學, 浴疗学 /yùliáoxué/ [study], 浴療, 浴疗 /yùliáo/ [therapy]
balneotherapy {n} (treatment of disease by bathing) :: 浴療法, 浴疗法 /yùliáofǎ/
Balochi {prop} (language) :: 俾路支語, 俾路支语 /Bǐlùzhī-yǔ/
balsam {n} (soothing ointment) :: 香脂 /xiāngzhī/, 香膏 /xiānggāo/, 香油 /xiāngyóu/
balsam {n} (flowering plant of the genus Impatiens) :: 鳳仙花, 凤仙花 /fèngxiānhuā/
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: 波羅的海, 波罗的海 /Bōluódì-hǎi/
Baltimore {prop} (city in central Maryland, USA) :: 巴爾的摩 /Bāěrdìmó/
balun {n} (electronic device) :: 換衡器
balustrade {n} (row of balusters) :: 欄杆, 栏杆 /lángān/
balut {n} (embryo food) :: 毛蛋 /máodàn/
Bamako {prop} (capital of Mali) :: 巴馬科, 巴马科 /Bāmǎkē/
Bambara {prop} (language) :: 班巴拉语
Bamberg {prop} (city in south central Germany) :: 班貝格, 班贝格 /Bānbèigé/
bamboo {n} (plant) :: 竹子 /zhúzi/
bamboo {n} (wood) :: 竹子 /zhúzi/, 竹材 /zhúcái/
bamboo {adj} (made of bamboo) :: 竹製的, 竹製的 /zhú zhì de/
Bamboo Curtain {prop} (political barrier between communist and capitalist in Asia) :: 竹幕 /zhúmù/
bamboo shoot {n} (edible part of some bamboo types) :: 竹筍, 竹笋 /zhúsǔn/
ban {v} (forbid) :: 禁止 /jìnzhǐ/
ban {n} (prohibition) :: 禁止 /jìnzhǐ/
Banach space {n} (complete normed vector space) :: 巴拿赫空間, 巴拿赫空间 /Bānáhè kōngjiān/
banal {adj} (common) :: 平凡 /píngfán/, 平庸 /píngyōng/, 平常 /píngcháng/
banana {n} (fruit) :: 香蕉 /xiāngjiāo/
banana {n} (plant) :: 香蕉樹, 香蕉树 /xiāngjiāoshù/
banana {n} (colour) :: 香蕉顏色, 香蕉颜色 /xiāngjiāo yánsè/
banana {n} (pejorative: person of Asian descent) :: 香蕉 /xiāngjiāo/
banana bread {n} (type of bread made with mashed bananas) :: 香蕉麵包, 香蕉面包 /xiāngjiāo miànbāo/
banana leaf {n} (leaf of a banana plant) :: 芭蕉葉, 芭蕉叶 /bājiāoyè/, 蕉葉, 蕉叶 /jiāoyè/
banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) :: 香蕉 /xiāngjiāo pí/
bananaquit {n} (Coereba flaveola) :: 蕉森鶯
banana republic {n} (country) :: 香蕉共和國, 香蕉共和国 /xiāngjiāo gònghéguó/
banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel ::
banana split {n} (A dessert containing a banana cut in half) :: 香蕉船 /xiāngjiāochuán/
banchan {n} (Korean or similar side dish) :: 飯饌, 饭馔 /fànzhuàn/, 小菜 /xiǎocài/
band {n} (strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together) :: , /dài/, 帶子, 带子 /dàizi/
band {n} (part of radio spectrum) :: 波段 /bōduàn/
band {n} (group of musicians) :: 樂隊, 乐队 /yuèduì/
band {n} (group of people loosely united for a common purpose) :: , /dǎng/
bandage {n} (medical binding) :: 繃帶, 绷带 /bēngdài/, 綁帶, 绑带 /bǎngdài/
bandage {v} (to apply a bandage to something) :: 包紮, 包扎 /bāozā, bāozhā/
bandage {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
band-aid {n} (adhesive bandage) :: 創可貼, 创可贴 /chuàngkětiē/, 邦迪 /bāngdí/, OK繃
bandana {n} (large kerchief) :: 頭巾, 头巾 /tóujīn/, 大手帕 /dàshǒupà/, [elegant, feminine] 印花絲巾, 印花丝巾 /yìnhuā sījīn/
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} (capital of Brunei) :: 斯里巴加灣, 斯里巴加湾 /Sīlǐbājiāwān/, 斯里巴卡旺 /Sīlǐbākǎwàng/
band camp {n} (intensive program) :: 樂隊營, 乐队营 /yuèduìyíng/
banded anteater {n} (numbat) SEE: numbat ::
bandicoot {n} (small Australian marsupial with a long snout) :: 袋狸 /dàilí/
bandit {n} (one who robs others) :: 匪徒 /fěitú/, 土匪 /tǔfěi/, 強盜, 强盗 /qiángdào/
bandog {n} (guard dog) SEE: guard dog ::
bandsaw {n} (a saw whose blade is a continuous band) :: 帶鋸, 带锯 /dàijù/
Bandung {prop} (capital city of West Java Province) :: 萬隆, 万隆 /Wànlóng/
bandura {n} (Ukrainian plucked stringed instrument) :: 班杜拉琴 /bāndùlāqín/
bandwidth {n} (width of a frequency band) :: 帶寬, 带宽 /dàikuān/, 頻帶, 频带 /píndài/, 頻寬, 频宽 /pínkuān/
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
bang {v} (slang: to engage in sexual intercourse) :: , /gàn/
bang {interj} (verbal percussive sound) :: /pēng/
Bangalore {prop} (state capital of Karnataka, India) :: 班加羅爾, 班加罗尔 /Bānjiāluó'ěr/
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast ::
Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: 曼谷 /Màngǔ/
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: 孟加拉國, 孟加拉国 /Mèngjiālāguó/, 孟加拉 /Mèngjiālā/
Bangladeshi {n} (person from Bangladesh or of Bangladeshi descent) :: 孟加拉人 /Mèngjiālā rén/
Bangladeshi {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bangladesh) :: 孟加拉的 /Mèngjiālā de/
bangs {n} (hair that hangs down over the forehead) :: 劉海, 刘海 /liúhǎi/, 劉海兒, 刘海儿 /liúhǎir/
Bangui {prop} (capital of the Central African Republic) :: 班吉 /Bānjí/
banish {v} (to send someone away and forbid that person from returning) :: 逐出 /zhúchū/, 驅逐, 驱逐 /qūzhú/
banister {n} (the handrail on the side of a staircase) :: 欄杆, 栏杆 /lángān/
banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: 班卓琴 /bānzhuōqín/
Banjul {prop} (capital of the Gambia) :: 班珠爾, 班珠尔 /Bānzhū'ěr/, [Taiwan] 班竹 /Bānzhú/
bank {n} (institution) :: 銀行, 银行 /yínháng/
bank {n} (branch office) :: 銀行, 银行 /yínháng/
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: /àn/
bankable {adj} (reliable) SEE: reliable ::
bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) :: 銀行賬戶, 银行账户 /yínháng zhànghù/, 戶頭, 户头 /hùtóu/
bankbook {n} (booklet used to record bank transactions) :: 存摺 /cúnzhé/
bank card {n} (card issued by a bank) :: 銀行卡, 银行卡 /yínhángkǎ/
banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: 銀行家, 银行家 /yínhángjiā/
banker's lamp {n} (type of lamp) :: 銀行燈, 银行灯 /yínhángdēng/
Bankhar {n} :: 藏獒 /Zàng'áo/
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
banknote {n} (paper currency) :: 鈔票, 钞票 /chāopiào/, 莊票, 庄票 /zhuāngpiào/, 紙幣, 纸币 /zhǐbì/
Bank of China {prop} (state-owned publicly-traded commercial bank based in China) :: 中國銀行, 中国银行 /zhōngguó yínháng/, 中行 /zhōngháng/
Bank of England {prop} (central bank of the United Kingdom) :: 英格蘭銀行, 英格兰银行 /Yīnggélán Yínháng/, 英倫銀行, 英伦银行 /Yīnglún Yínháng/
Bank of England {prop} (building in Threadneedle Street) :: 英格蘭銀行, 英格兰银行 /Yīnggélán Yínháng/, 英倫銀行, 英伦银行 /Yīnglún Yínháng/
Bank of England {prop} (organisation which controls the bank of United Kingdom) :: 英格蘭銀行, 英格兰银行 /Yīnggélán Yínháng/, 英倫銀行, 英伦银行 /Yīnglún Yínháng/
bankrupt {adj} (having been legally declared insolvent) :: 破產著, 破产着 /pòchǎnzhe/
bankrupt {v} (force into bankruptcy) :: 破產, 破产 /pòchǎn/
bankruptcy {n} (legally declared or recognised condition of insolvency) :: 破產, 破产 /pòchǎn/
bank statement {n} (statement of transactions and balances) :: 銀行對帳單, 银行对帐单 /yínháng duìzhàngdān/
banner {n} (flag) :: 旗子 /qízi/, /qí/, 旗幟, 旗帜 /qízhì/
banner {n} (large sign) :: 橫幅, 横幅 /héngfú/
Banqiao {prop} (administrative seat of New Taipei City; towns in central China) :: 板橋, 板桥 /Bǎnqiáo/
banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: 宴會, 宴会 /yànhuì/, 筵席 /yánxí/, 盛宴 /shèngyàn/
banshee {n} (in Irish folklore, a female spirit) :: [no exact term exists] 報喪女妖, 报丧女妖 /bàosāng nǚyāo/, 喪門神, 丧门神 /sàngménshén/ ["messenger of death"], 喪門星, 丧门星 /sàngménxīng/ ["messenger of death"]
bantamweight {n} (weight in sports) :: 最輕量級, 最轻量级 /zuìqīngliàngjí/
bantamweight {n} (competitor) :: 最輕量級拳擊運動員, 最轻量级拳击运动员 /zuìqīngliàngjí quánjī yùndòngyuán/
Bantu {n} (language family) :: 班圖 /Bāntú/
banyan {n} (Indian trader, merchant) :: 印度商人 /Yìndù shāngrén/
banyan {n} (tropical Indian fig tree) :: /róng/, 榕樹, 榕树 /róngshù/
banyan {n} (type of loose gown worn in India) :: 睡袍 /shuìpáo/, 晨衣 /chényī/
banzai {interj} (hurrah) SEE: hurrah ::
banzai {interj} (a celebratory cheer) :: 萬歲, 万岁 /wànsuì/
bao {n} (Chinese steamed stuffed bun) :: 包子 /bāozi/
baobab {n} (Adansonia digitata) :: [monkey bread tree] 猴麵包樹, 猴面包树 /hóu miànbāo shù/; [macaque tree] 猢猻樹, 猢狲树 /húsūn shù/
Baoding {prop} (a city in China) :: 保定 /Bǎodìng/
Baoji {prop} (prefecture-level city in western China) :: 寶雞, 宝鸡 /Bǎojī/
Baokang {prop} (county in central China) :: 保康 /Bǎokāng/
Baoshan {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 保山 /Bǎoshān/
Baoshan {prop} (district in China) :: 寶山, 宝山 /Bǎoshān/
Baotou {prop} (a prefecture-level city in northern China) :: 包頭, 包头 /Bāotóu/
baozi {n} (Chinese steamed stuffed bun) :: 包子 /bāozi/
Baphomet {prop} (pagan deity) :: 巴風特, 巴风特 /bāfēngtè/, 巴弗滅, 巴弗灭 /bāfúmiè/
baptise {v} (baptise) SEE: baptize ::
baptism {n} (Christian sacrament) :: 洗禮, 洗礼 /xǐlǐ/, 浸禮, 浸礼 /jìnlǐ/
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) :: 領洗池 /lǐngxǐchí/
baptism by fire {n} (baptism of fire) SEE: baptism of fire ::
baptism of fire {n} (the first experience of a severe ordeal) :: 炮火的洗禮, 炮火的洗礼 /pàohuǒ de xǐlǐ/
Baptist {n} (adherent of a Protestant denomination (or various subdenominations) of Christianity) :: 浸禮會教友, 浸礼会教友 /jìnlǐhuì jiàoyǒu/
baptize {v} (To perform the Christian sacrament of baptism) :: 施洗 /shīxǐ/, 施浸 /shījìn/
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe ::
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure ::
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
bar {n} (soccer: crossbar) SEE: crossbar ::
bar {n} (music: vertical line across a staff) SEE: bar line ::
bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) :: 酒吧 /jiǔbā/, 酒館, 酒馆 /jiǔguǎn/, 酒店 /jiǔdiàn/
bar {n} (counter of such a premises) :: 吧檯, 吧台 /bātái/
bar {v} (to obstruct the passage of) :: 阻碍, 阻止
bar {v} (to prohibit) :: 禁止
bar {v} (to lock or bolt with a bar) :: 闩上
Barack {prop} (male given name) :: 巴拉克 /Bālākè/
barb {n} (bit for a horse) SEE: bit ::
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: 巴巴多斯 /Bābāduōsī/
Barbara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of female given name) :: 芭芭拉 /Bābālā/, 巴巴拉 /Bābālā/, 白芭蕾 //
barbarian {adj} (uncivilized) :: 野蠻, 野蛮 /yěmán/, 文明 /bù wénmíng/
barbarian {n} (uncivilized person) :: 野蠻人, 野蛮人 /yěmánrén/, 番子 /fānzi/, 蠻人, 蛮人 /mánrén/
barbarian {n} (derogatory term for someone from a developing country) :: 落後, 落后 /luòhòu de rén/ (backward person) [no equivalent exists]
barbarian {n} (warrior associated with Sword and Sorcery stories) :: 野蠻人, 野蛮人 /yěmánrén/
barbaric {adj} (uncivilised) :: 野蠻, 野蛮 /yěmán/, 殘暴, 残暴 /cánbào/, 粗野 /cūyě/
barbarous {adj} (barbarian) SEE: barbarian ::
barbarous {adj} (barbaric) SEE: barbaric ::
Barbary lion {n} (Panthera leo leo) :: 巴巴裡獅, 巴巴里狮 /Bābālǐ shī/
barbecue {n} (cooking instrument) :: 燒烤, 烧烤 /shāokǎo/
barbecue {v} (to cook food on a barbecue, see also: ) :: 燒烤, 烧烤 /shāokǎo/
barbecue {v} (grill) SEE: grill ::
barbecue sauce {n} (type of sauce) :: 燒烤醬, 烧烤酱 /shāokǎojiàng/, 燒烤汁, 烧烤汁 /shāokǎozhī/, 烤肉醬, 烤肉酱 /kǎoròujiàng/, 燒烤調味汁, 烧烤调味汁 /shāokǎo tiáowèizhī/
barbed wire {n} (twisted strands of steel wire) :: 鐵絲網, 铁丝网 /tiěsīwǎng/, 有刺的鐵絲網, 有刺的铁丝网 /yǒu cì de tiěsīwǎng/, 鐵刺絲, 铁刺丝 /tiěcìsī/
barbell {n} (wide steel bar with premeasured weights) :: 槓鈴, 杠铃 /gànglíng/
barber {n} (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) :: 理髮師, 理发师 /lǐfǎshī/
barberry {n} (Berberis) :: 小檗 /xiǎobò/
barber shop {n} (business which offers haircuts to men) SEE: barbershop ::
barbershop {n} (barber's shop) :: 理髮店, 理发店 /lǐfàdiàn, lǐfǎdiàn/
Barbie {n} (doll) :: 芭比娃娃 /Bābǐ wáwá/, 芭比 /Bābǐ/
barbiturate {n} (salt or ester of barbituric acid) :: 巴比妥酸鹽, 巴比妥酸盐 /bābǐtuǒ suānyán/, 巴比妥酸酯 /bābǐtuǒ suānzhǐ/
barbiturate {n} (derivative of barbituric acid that acts as a depressant of the central nervous system) :: 巴比妥藥物, 巴比妥药物 /bābǐtuǒlèi yàowù/
barbituric acid {n} (heterocyclic compound) :: 巴比妥酸 /bābǐtuǒsuān/, 丙二醯脲, 丙二酰脲 /bǐngèrxiānniào/
barcarole {n} (Venetian folk song) :: 船歌 /chuángē/
Barcelona {prop} (capital of Catalonia) :: 巴塞羅那, 巴塞罗那 /Basèluōnà/ [mainland China], 巴塞隆納, 巴塞隆纳 [Taiwan]
barchan {n} (arc-shaped sand ridge) :: 新月形沙丘 /xīnyuèxíng shāqiū/
bar chart {n} (graph in the form of boxes of different heights) :: 條形圖, 条形图 /tiáoxíngtú/
barcode {n} (set of machine-readable parallel bars) :: 條形碼, 条形码 /tiáoxíngmǎ/, 條碼, 条码 /tiáomǎ/
barcode reader {n} (electronic device) :: 條碼掃描器, 条码扫瞄器 /tiáomǎ sǎomiáoqì/, 條形碼閱讀器, 条形码阅读器 /tiáoxíngmǎ yuèdúqì/, 條碼槍, 条码枪 /tiáomǎqiāng/
barcode scanner {n} (barcode reader) SEE: barcode reader ::
bard {n} (professional poet and singer) :: 詩人, 诗人 /shīrén/, 吟遊詩人, 吟游诗人 /yínyóu shīrén/
bard {n} (fat bacon) :: 熏肉片 /xūnròupiàn/
bardo {n} (state of existence between death and subsequent reincarnation) :: 中有 /zhōngyǒu/, 中陰, 中阴 /zhōngyīn/
bare {adj} (naked, uncovered) :: , 赤裸
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
barefoot {adj} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: 赤腳, 赤脚 /chìjiǎo/, 光腳, 光脚 /guāngjiǎo/
barefoot {adv} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: 赤腳, 赤脚 /chìjiǎo/
barefoot doctor {n} (farmer with basic medical training) :: 赤腳醫生, 赤脚医生 /chìjiǎo yīshēng/
barefooted {adj} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barefooted {adv} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: 僅僅, 仅仅 /jǐnjǐn/
barely {adv} (merely) SEE: merely ::
Barents Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) :: 巴倫支海, 巴伦支海 /Bālúnzhī hǎi/
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barfly {n} (person who spends much time in a bar) :: 酒吧的常客
bargain {n} (agreement or contract concerning sale of property) :: 契約, 契约 /qìyuē/, 合同 /hétóng/
bargain {n} (item bought at a low price) :: 便宜货, 廉价品
bargain {v} (to make a bargain) :: 議價, 议价 /yìjià/, 侃價, 侃价 /kǎnjià/, 砍价
barge {n} (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters) :: 駁船, 驳船 /bóchuán/
bar graph {n} (bar chart) SEE: bar chart ::
barista {n} (person who prepares coffee in a coffee shop for customers) :: 咖啡師, 咖啡师 /kāfēishī/
baritone {n} (male voice) :: 男中音 /nánzhōngyīn/
baritone horn {n} (baritone horn) SEE: baritone ::
barium {n} (chemical element) :: /bèi/
bark {v} (to make a loud noise (dogs)) :: 汪汪 /wāngwāng jiào/, /fèi/
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: /fèi/
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: 樹皮, 树皮 /shùpí/
bark {v} (to girdle) SEE: girdle ::
barking deer {n} (muntjac) SEE: muntjac ::
barking dogs seldom bite {proverb} (people who make threats rarely carry them out) :: 刀子嘴豆腐心 /dāozi zuǐ dòufu xīn/, 善吠的狗很少咬人 /shàn fèi-de gǒu hěn shǎo yǎo rén/
barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: 大麥, 大麦 /dàmài/
bar line {n} (vertical line across a staff) :: 小節線 /xiaǒjíexiàn/, 小节线 /xiaǒjíexiàn/
barman {n} (bartender) SEE: bartender ::
barn {n} (child) SEE: child ::
barn {n} (building) :: 穀倉, 谷仓 /gǔcāng/, 糧倉, 粮仓 /liángcāng/
barnacle {n} (instrument to fix on the nose of a vicious horse) SEE: twitch ::
barnacle {n} (marine crustacean) :: 藤壺, 藤壶 /ténghú/
Barnaul {prop} (city in Russia) :: 巴爾瑙爾, 巴尔瑙尔 /Bā'ěrnǎo'ěr/
bar none {adv} (without exception) :: 例外, 例外 /wú lìwài/
barn owl {n} (Tyto alba) :: 倉鴞, 仓鸮 /cāngxiāo/
barnstar {n} (image posted on personal page) :: 星章 /xīngzhāng/
barn swallow {n} (species of swallow) :: 家燕 /jiāyàn/
bar of chocolate {n} (chocolate bar) SEE: chocolate bar ::
bar of chocolate {n} (slab of chocolate) :: 巧克力塊, 巧克力块 /qiǎokèlì kuài/
Barolo {n} (wine made from Nebbiolo grapes) :: 巴羅洛, 巴罗洛 /bāluóluò/
barometer {n} (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) :: 氣壓表, 气压表 /qìyābiǎo/, 氣壓計, 气压计 /qìyājì/
barometz {n} (half-animal and half-plant said to grow in the form of a sheep, see also: vegetable lamb) :: 植物羊 /zhíwùyáng/
barometz {n} (Cibotium barometz) :: 金狗毛蕨 /jīngǒumáojué/
baron {n} (male ruler of a barony) :: 男爵 /nánjué/
baroness {n} (female ruler of a barony) :: 男爵夫人 /nánjué fūrén/, 女性男爵 /nǚxìng nánjué/
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: 營房, 营房 /yíngfáng/, 兵營, 兵营 /bīngyíng/
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark ::
barracuda {n} (marine fish) :: 梭子魚, 梭子鱼 /suōziyú/, 梭魚, 梭鱼 /suōyú/
barrage {n} (heavy curtain of artillery fire) :: 彈幕, 弹幕 /dànmù/
barramundi {n} (species of diadromous fish) :: 尖吻鱸, 尖吻鲈 /jiānwěnlú/, 巴拉曼底魚, 巴拉曼底鱼 /bālāmàndǐyú/, 盲鰽, 盲鰽 /mángqiú or mángcáo/
barred spiral galaxy {n} (spiral galaxy) :: 棒旋星系 /tòujìngzhuàng xīngxì/
barrel {n} (tube) SEE: tube ::
barrel {n} (jar) SEE: jar ::
barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: /tǒng/
barrel {n} (quantity) :: /tǒng/
barrel {n} (metallic tube of a gun) :: 炮管 /pàoguǎn/, 枪管, 槍管 /qiāngguǎn/
barrel bomb {n} :: 桶裝炸彈 /tǒng zhuāng zhà dàn/
barrel organ {n} (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) :: 手搖風琴, 手摇风琴 /shǒuyáo fēngqín/
barren {adj} (infertile) :: 贫瘠
barren {adj} (bleak) :: 荒芜
barricade {n} (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) :: 路障 /lùzhàng/
barrier {n} (structure that bars passage) :: , 栅栏
barrier {n} (obstacle or impediment) :: /zhàng/, 障碍 /zhàng'ài/
barrier {n} (boundary or limit) :: , 边界
barrier reef {n} (reef separated from the adjacent coast) :: 堡礁 /bǎojiāo/
barrister {n} (lawyer with the right to speak as an advocate in higher lawcourts) :: 律師, 律师 /lǜshī/
barrow {n} (mound of earth and stones raised over a grave) :: 墳塚, 坟冢 /fénzhǒng/, 古墓 /gǔmù/
barrow {n} (castrated boar) :: 阉公猪
Barry {prop} (a name) :: 貝瑞, 贝瑞 /Bèiruì/
bar stool {n} (stool used for sitting) :: 酒吧椅 /jiǔbāyǐ/
barstool {n} (bar stool) SEE: bar stool ::
bartender {n} (person who works in a bar) :: 酒吧服務人員, 酒吧服务人员 /jiǔbā de fúwù rényuán/, [dated] 酒保 /jiǔbǎo/, [mixologist] 調酒師, 調酒師 /tiáojiǔshī/
barter {n} (exchange of goods or services) :: 以物易物 /yǐwùyìwù/, 物物交換, 物物交换 /wùwù jiāohuàn/, 以物換物, 以物换物 /yǐwùhuànwù/, 實物交易, 实物交易 /shíwù jiāoyì/
barter {n} (goods or services) :: 易貨貿易, 易货贸易 /yìhuò màoyì/
barter {v} (exchange goods or services without involving money) :: 以物易物 /yǐwùyìwù/, 物物交換, 物物交换 /wùwù jiāohuàn/, 以物換物, 以物换物 /yǐwùhuànwù/, 實物交易, 实物交易 /shíwù jiāoyì/
Bartholin's gland {n} (gland on the vaginal orifice that secretes mucus) :: 前庭大腺 /qiántíng dàxiàn/
Bartholomew {prop} (the Apostle) :: 巴爾多祿茂, 巴尔多禄茂 /Bā'ěrduōlùmào/, 巴多罗买, 巴多羅買 /Bāduōluómǎi/
baryon {n} (heavy subatomic particle) :: 重子 /zhòngzǐ/
basalt {n} (hard rock) :: 玄武岩 /xuánwǔyán/
base {n} (something from which other things extend) :: 基礎, 基础 /jīchǔ/
base {n} (starting point of thought) :: 基礎, 基础 /jīchǔ/
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) :: 基地 /jīdì/
base {n} (headquarters) :: 總部, 总部 /zǒngbù/
base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) :: 鹼性, 碱性 /jiǎn xìng/
base {n} (safe zone in children's game) :: , /lěi/
base {n} (bass) SEE: bass ::
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron ::
base {n} (radix) SEE: radix ::
baseball {n} (ball game) :: 棒球 /bàngqiú/
baseball cap {n} (cap) :: 鸭舌帽, 鴨舌帽 /yāshémào/, 太陽帽, 太阳帽 /tàiyángmào/, 棒球帽 /bàngqiúmào/
baseball player {n} (a person who plays baseball) :: 棒球運動員, 棒球运动员 /bàngqiú yùndòngyuán/
baseboard {n} (panel or molding between floor and interior wall) SEE: skirting board ::
Basel {prop} (city in Switzerland) :: 巴塞爾, 巴塞尔 /Bāsài'ěr/
baseless {adj} (based on something that is not true) SEE: unfounded ::
baseline {n} (tennis: chalk line at the farthest ends of the court indicating the boundary of the area of play) :: 底线 /dǐxiàn/
basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: 地下室 /dìxiàshì/
bash {v} (to strike) :: /zòu/
bash {v} (collide) SEE: collide ::
bashful {adj} (inclined to avoid notice) :: 害羞 /hàixiū/
Bashi Channel {prop} (the channel of water between Luzon and Taiwan) :: 巴士海峽, 巴士海峡 /Bāshì Hǎixiá/
Bashkir {n} (a Bashkir person) :: 巴什基爾人, 巴什基尔人 /Bāshíjīěr’rén/
Bashkir {prop} (language) :: 巴什基爾語, 巴什基尔语 /Bāshíjī'ěr yǔ/
Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan ::
Bashkortostan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: 巴什科爾托斯坦, 巴什科尔托斯坦 /Bāshíkē'ěrtuōsītǎn/
Bashkortostani {adj} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
Bashkortostani {n} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
bash the bishop {v} (slang for masturbate (male)) :: 打飛機, 打飞机 /dǎ fēijī/ (to beat the aeroplane)
bash up {v} (assault someone with the intention of causing physical injury) :: 猛擊, 猛击 /měngjī/, 打傷, 打伤 /dǎshāng/
basic {adj} (necessary, essential for life or some process) :: 基本的 /jīběn de/
basic {adj} (elementary, simple, merely functional) :: 基本的 /jīběn de/, 基礎的, 基础的 /jīchǔ de/
basic {adj} (chemistry: of a base) :: 鹼性 /jiǎnxìng/, 碱性 /jiǎnxìng/
basic education {n} (education) :: 基礎教育, 基础教育 /jīchǔ jiàoyù/
basic research {n} (type of research) :: 基礎研究, 基础研究 /jīchǔ yánjiū/
basic training {n} (standard training regime for introducing new recruits) :: 基本功 /jīběngōng/
basil {n} (plant) :: 羅勒, 罗勒 /luólè/
basil {n} (herb) :: 羅勒, 罗勒 /luólè/
Basil {prop} (male given name) :: 巴賽爾, 巴赛尔 /Bāsài'ěr/
basilica {n} (Christian church building having a nave) :: 大圣堂
basilisk {n} (snake-like dragon type) :: 巴西利斯克 /bāxīlìsīkè/
basin {n} (wide bowl for washing) :: 洗滌槽, 洗涤槽 /xǐdícáo/
basin {n} (area of land that drains into a common outlet) :: 流域 /liúyù/
basis {n} (underlying condition) :: 基礎, 基础 /jīchǔ/
basis point {n} (one hundredth of one percentage point) :: 基點, 基点 /jīdiǎn/
basket {n} (container) :: 籃子, 篮子 /lánzi/
basket {n} (notional place to store items before ordering them online) :: 購物籃, 购物篮 /gòuwùlán/
basket {n} (basketball: hoop from which a net is suspended) :: 籃子, 篮子 /lánzi/
basket {n} (in basketball) :: 籃圈, 篮圈 /lánquān/
basket {n} (basketball: act of putting the ball through the basket) :: 得分, 得分 /dé fēn/
basketball {n} (the sport) :: 籃球, 篮球 /lánqiú/
basketball {n} (the ball used in the sport) :: 籃球, 篮球 /lánqiú/
basketball hoop {n} (a hoop use in basketball) :: 籃球框, 篮球框 /lánqiú kuàng/, 籃框, 篮框 /lánkuàng/
basketball player {n} (person who plays basketball) :: 籃球運動員, 篮球运动员 /lánqiú yùndòngyuán/
basket case {n} (one made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic or stress) :: 废人
basket case {n} (in a bad condition) :: 糟糕
Basmachi {prop} (a rebel against the Russian or Soviet rule in Central Asia) :: 巴斯瑪奇, 巴斯玛奇 /bāsīmǎqí/
Basque {n} (language) :: 巴斯克語, 巴斯克语 /Bāsīkè yǔ/
Basque {n} (member of a people) :: 巴斯克人 /Bāsīkèrén/
Basque {adj} (relative to the Basque people or their language) :: 巴斯克的 /Bāsīkè de/
Basque Country {prop} (geographical region in Spain and France) :: 巴斯克地區, 巴斯克地区 /Bāsīkè dìqū/
Basque Country {prop} (autonomous community within Spain) :: 巴斯克自治區, 巴斯克自治区 /Bāsīkè zìzhìqū/
Basra {prop} (city in Iraq) :: 巴士拉 /Bāshìlā/
bas-relief {n} (a low or mostly-flat sculpture) :: 浮雕 /fúdīao/
bass {n} (low spectrum of sound) :: 低音 /dīyīn/
bass {n} (singer) :: 男低音 /nándīyīn/, 低音 /dīyīn/
bass {n} (musical instrument) :: 貝斯, 贝斯 /bèisī/
bass {n} (perch) :: 鱸魚, 鲈鱼 /lúyú/
bass bar {n} (long wooden strip) :: 低音樑, 低音梁 /dīyīnliáng/
bass clef {n} (music symbol) :: 低音譜號, 低音谱号 /dīyīn pǔhào/
bass drum {n} (large drum with a low pitch) :: 大鼓 /dàgǔ/
Basseterre {prop} (capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis) :: 巴斯特爾, 巴斯特尔 /Bāsītè'ěr/
Basse-Terre {prop} (capital city of Guadeloupe) :: 巴斯特尔
bass fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass guitar {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: 電貝斯, 电贝斯 /diànbèisī/, 貝斯吉他, 贝斯吉他 /bèisī jítā/, 低音吉他 /dīyīn jítā/, 貝斯 /bèisī/
bassoon {n} (musical instrument in the woodwind family) :: 低音管 /dīyīnguǎn/, 巴松管 /bāsōngguǎn/, 大管 /dàguǎn/
bass viol {n} (musical instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass violin {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bast {n} (fibre made from the phloem of certain plants) :: 韌皮, 韧皮 /rènpí/
bastard {n} (longsword) SEE: longsword ::
bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: 私生子 /sīshēngzǐ/
bastard {n} (contemptible etc. person) :: 王八蛋 /wángbadàn/
bastard {n} :: 王八蛋 /wángbadàn/, 雜種, 杂种 /zázhǒng/
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress ::
bastille {n} (citadel) SEE: citadel ::
bastille {n} (castle tower, or fortified building; small citadel or fortress) :: 城堡 /chéngbǎo/
Bastille {prop} (a prison in France) :: 巴士底獄, 巴士底狱 /Bāshìdǐ yù/
Bastille Day {prop} (French national holiday) :: 巴士底日 /Bāshìdǐ Rì/
bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: 蝙蝠 /biānfú/, 飛鼠, 飞鼠 /fēishǔ/, 伏翼 /fúyì/, 服翼 /fúyì/, 仙鼠 /xiānshǔ/, 夜燕 /yèyàn/
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) :: 球棒 /qiúbàng/, 球拍 /qiúpāi/
bat an eyelid {v} (to react in any slight way) :: 眨眼
batch {n} (quantity of anything produced in one operation) :: 批次 /pīcì/, /pī/, 批量 /pīliàng/
batch {n} (computing) :: 程序組, 程序组 /chéngxù zǔ/
batch file {n} (file containing instructions for OS) :: 批處理文件, 批处理文件 /pīchǔlǐ wénjiàn/, 批處理, 批处理 /pīchǔlǐ/
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
bat-eared fox {n} (Otocyon megalotis) :: 蝠耳狐 /fú'ěrhú/, 大耳狐 /dà'ěrhú/, 好望狐 /Hǎowàng hú/
Batesian mimicry {n} (resemblance of a non-poisonous species to a poisonous one) :: 貝氏擬態, 贝氏拟态 /bèishìnǐtài/
bath {n} (tub) :: 浴缸 /yùgāng/, 浴盆 /yùpén/, 澡盆 /zǎopén/
bath {n} (room) :: 浴室 /yùshì/
bath {n} (act of bathing) :: 沐浴 /mùyù/, 洗澡 /xǐzǎo/
Bath {prop} (City in England) :: 巴斯 /Bā sī/
bathe {v} (to clean oneself with water) :: 沐浴 /mùyù/, 洗浴 /xǐyù/
bathe {v} (to sunbathe) SEE: sunbathe ::
bathhouse {n} (a building with baths for communal use) :: 澡堂 /zǎotáng/, 浴堂 /yùtáng/, 浴池 /yùchí/
bathing {n} (act of bathing) :: 洗澡 /xǐzǎo/
bathing cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers) SEE: swim cap ::
bathing suit {n} (tight fitting garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
bathing trunks {n} (pair of shorts or briefs) SEE: swimming trunks ::
bath mat {n} (mat used next to a bathtub) :: 浴室地墊, 浴室地垫 /yùshì dìdiàn/, 防滑墊, 防滑垫 /fánghuádiàn/
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth ::
bathos {n} (nadir) SEE: nadir ::
bathrobe {n} (terrycloth robe) :: 浴衣 /yùyī/
bathroom {n} (a room with a bathtub) :: 浴室 /yùshì/
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
bathroom scales {n} (flat floor-mounted scales) :: 體重秤, 体重秤 /tǐzhòngchèng/, 浴室秤 /yùshìchèng/
Bathsheba {prop} (biblical character) :: 巴特舍巴 /Bātèshèbā/, 拔示巴 /Báshìbā/
bath towel {n} (towel for drying the body) :: 浴巾 /yùjīn/
bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: 浴缸 /yùgāng/, 浴盆 /yùpén/, 澡盆 /zǎopén/
bathyscaphe {n} (self-propelled deep-sea submersible) :: 深潛器, 深潜器 /shēnqiánqì/
bathysphere {n} (diving chamber) :: 潛水球, 潜水球 /qiánshuǐqiú/
batik {n} (A method of dyeing fabric) :: 蠟染, 蜡染 /làrǎn/, 蠟纈, 蜡缬 /làxié/
Batman {prop} (the bat-themed hero) :: 蝙蝠俠 /biānfúxiá/
baton {n} (military staff of office) :: 警棍 /jǐnggùn/, /bàng/, 棒子 /bàngzi/
baton {n} (music: conductor's stick) :: 指揮棒, 指挥棒 /zhǐhuībàng/
baton {n} (club of the police) :: 警棍 /jǐnggùn/
battalion {n} (army unit) :: , /yíng/, 大隊, 大队 /dàduì/
Battambang {prop} (city in Cambodia) :: 馬德望, 马德望 /Mǎdéwàng/
batter {n} (beaten mixture of flour and liquid) :: 麵糊, 面糊 /miànhù/
batter {n} (player attempting to hit the ball) :: 击球手
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: 破城槌 /pòchéngchuí/, 攻城槌 /gōngchéngchuí/
battery {n} (device storing electricity) :: 電池, 电池 /diànchí/
battery {n} (legal: act of unlawful violence) :: 毆打, 殴打 /ōudǎ/, 蓄意傷害, 蓄意伤害 /xùyì shānghài/
battery {n} (coordinated group of artillery) :: 砲兵連, 炮兵连 /pàobīng lián/, 砲兵營, 炮兵营 /pàobīng yíng/
battery {n} (array of similar things) :: 一群 /yī qún/, 一組, 一組 /yī zǔ/, 一系列 /yī xìliè/
battery {n} (set of cages for hens) :: 雞籠, 鸡笼 /jīlóng/, , /lóng/
battery electric vehicle {n} (electric vehicle that uses chemical energy stored in rechargeable battery packs) :: 純電動車, 纯电动车 /chúndiàndòngchē/, 電瓶車, 电瓶车 /diànpíngchē/, 電池電動車, 电池电动车 /diànchí diàndòngchē/, 蓄電池電動機車, 蓄电池电动机车 /xùdiànchí diàndòngjīchē/
battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: 戰役, 战役 /zhànyì/, 戰鬥, 战斗 /zhàndòu/
battle {n} ((obsolete) a division of an army; a battalion) :: 斗争
battle {n} :: 爭鬥, 戰鬥
battle-ax {n} (battle axe) SEE: battle axe ::
battle axe {n} (electric guitar) SEE: electric guitar ::
battle axe {n} (ancient military weapon) :: 戰斧, 战斧 /zhànfǔ/, 斧鉞, 斧钺 /fǔyuè/, 大斧子 /dàfǔzi/, 戚揚, 戚扬 /qīyáng/
battle axe {n} (belligerent woman) :: 老潑婦, 老泼妇 /lǎopōfù/
battle cry {n} (something the troops yell out when going to war or battle) :: 喊殺聲, 喊杀声 /hǎnshāshēng/, 吶喊聲, 呐喊声 /nàhǎnshēng/
battle cry {n} (motto or personal statement) :: 口號, 口号 /kǒuhào/
battlefield {n} (field of a land battle) :: 戰場, 战场 /zhànchǎng/, 沙場, 沙场 /shāchǎng/
battlefront {n} (line along which opposing armies engage in combat) :: 前線 /qiánxiàn/
battleground {n} (location) SEE: battlefield ::
battleground {n} (subject of dispute) :: 戰場, 战场 /zhànchǎng/
battlement {n} (indented parapet formed by a series of rising members) :: 防衛牆, 防卫墙 /fángwèiqiáng/, 城垛 /chéngduǒ/
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) :: 不列顛戰役, 不列颠战役 /Bùlièdiān zhànyì/
battleship {n} (warship) :: 戰艦, 戰列艦, 战舰 /zhànjiàn/, 战列舰 /zhànlièjiàn/
battleship {n} (guessing game) :: 海戰, 海战 /hǎizhàn/
baud {n} (A rate defined as the number of signalling events per second) :: 波特 /bōtè/, , /bāo/
Bauhaus {prop} (modernist style) :: 包豪斯 /Bāoháosī/
bauxite {n} (ore) :: 鋁土礦, 铝土矿 /lǚtǔkuàng/
Bavaria {prop} (state) :: 拜恩 /Bái'ēn/
Bavarian {prop} (German dialect) :: 巴伐利亚语 (Bāfálìyà yǔ)
ba-wan {n} (Taiwanese snack food) :: 肉圓, 肉圆 /ròuyuán/
bay {n} (herb) :: 月桂 /yuèguì/
bay {n} (body of water) :: 海灣, 海湾 /hǎiwān/, , /wān/
bay {n} (brown colour/color) :: 紅褐色, 红褐色 /hónghésè/
Bay {prop} (area) :: 灣區, 湾区 /Wānqū/
bayan {n} (a Russian accordion) :: 手風琴, 手风琴 /shǒufēngqín/ [accordion], 鍵鈕式手風琴, 键钮式手风琴 /jiàn niǔ shì shǒufēngqín/
Bayer designation {n} (stellar designation) :: 拜耳命名法, 巴耶恆星命名法
Bayingolin {prop} (an autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang) :: 巴音郭楞 /Bāyīnguōléng/
bay leaf {n} (herb) :: 月桂 /yuèguì/
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) :: 孟加拉灣, 孟加拉湾 /Mèngjiālā wān/
bayonet {n} (weapon) :: 刺刀 /cìdāo/
Bayonne {prop} (city and commune of southwest France) :: 巴约讷 /Bāyuēnè/
bazaar {n} (marketplace) :: 市場, 市场 /shìchǎng/, 巴扎 /bāzhā/, 巴剎, 巴刹 /bāshā/, 街市 /jiēshì/, 集市 /jíshì/
Bazhong {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 巴中 /Bāzhōng/
bazooka {n} (American shoulder fired rocket grenade launcher) :: 巴祖卡 /bāzǔkǎ/, 火箭筒 /huǒjiàntǒng/
BB cream {n} (facial cosmetic product) :: BB霜 /BB shuāng/
BBS {n} (bulletin board system) :: 論壇, 论坛 /lùntán/, 揭示板 /jiēshìbǎn/
BC {adv} (before Christ) :: 公元前 /gōngyuánqián/, 主前 /zhǔqián/ [Christian]
BCE {adv} (before the common era) :: 公元前 /gōngyuán qián/
BCG {n} (Bacillus of Calmette and Guérin) :: 卡介苗 /kǎjièmiáo/
béchamel sauce {n} (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk) :: 貝夏梅爾調味醬, 贝夏梅尔调味酱 /bèixiàméi'ěr tiáowèijiàng/, 白汁 /báizhī/, 白醬, 白酱 /báijiàng/, 貝夏媚醬, 贝夏媚酱 /bèixiàmèijiàng/
Béchamp {prop} (Francophone surname) :: 貝尚, 贝尚 /Bèishàng/
Bắc Kạn {prop} (province of Vietnam) :: 北𣴓 /Běijiàn/
be {v} (occupy a place) :: /zài/
be {v} (occur, take place) :: /zài/, /yǒu/
be {v} (exist) :: /shì/, /yǒu/
be {v} (elliptical form of "be here", or similar) :: /shì/, /yǒu/, /zài/, , /lái/
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: Literary: /wéi/ [archaic], /yě/; /shì/
be {v} (used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same) :: /shì/
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) :: /shì/, [absent with adjectives]
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: Not used in Chinese
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase) :: /shì/
be {v} (used to form the passive voice) :: [particle] /()/ /bèi/ + verb, or implied
be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) :: /zài/, 正在 /zhèngzài/, verb + , /zhe/
be {v} ((archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs) :: Not used in Chinese
be {v} (used to form future tenses, especially the future subjunctive) :: Not used in Chinese
be {v} (used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like) :: Not used in Chinese
be able to {v} (have ability to) :: [be able to do sth] /néng/, 能夠, 能够 /nénggòu/, [be skillful in doing sth] , /huì/
beach {n} (sandy shore) :: 海灘, 海滩 /hǎitān/
beach ball {n} (a large light inflatable ball used in beach games) :: 海灘球, 海滩球 /hǎitān qiú/
beach soccer {n} (variant of soccer) :: 沙灘足球, 沙滩足球 /shātān zúqiú/
beach towel {n} (towel used at the beach) :: 沙灘毛巾, 沙滩毛巾 /shātān máojīn/
beach volleyball {n} (sport) :: 沙灘排球, 沙滩排球 /shātān páiqiú/
beach volleyball {n} (ball) :: 沙灘排球, 沙滩排球 /shātān páiqiú/
beacon {n} (signal fire) :: /fēng/, 狼烟 /láng yān/
bead {n} (rosary ball) :: 念珠 /niànzhū/, /zhū/
bead {n} (pierced small round object) :: 珠子 /zhūzi/
bead {n} (small drop of liquid) :: 小滴 /xiǎodī/
beads {n} (beaded necklace) :: 念珠 /niànzhū/, /zhū/
bead tree {n} (Melia azedarach) :: 楝樹, 楝树 /liànshù/
beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: 鳥嘴, 鸟嘴 /niǎozuǐ/, /zuǐ/, /huì/
beam {n} (large piece of timber or iron) :: /liáng/, 橫梁, 横梁 /héngliáng/
beam {n} (ray) :: 光束 /guāngshù/, 光線, 光线 /guāngxiàn/, 射線, 射线 /shèxiàn/
beam {n} (connector of notes) :: 符槓 /fúgàng/, 符杠 /fúgàng/
bean {n} (seed) :: /dòu/
bean {n} (guinea coin) SEE: guinea ::
beanbag {n} (piece of furniture) :: 豆袋沙發, 豆袋沙发 /dòudài shāfā/, 懶人沙發, 懒人沙发 /lǎnrén shāfā/
beanbag {n} (small cloth bag) :: 豆袋
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
bean goose {n} (Anser fabalis) :: 豆雁 /dòuyàn/
beanie {n} (cap that fits the head closely) :: 毛線帽, 毛线帽 /máoxiànmào/
bean sprout {n} (a sprout grown out of a bean) :: 綠豆芽, 绿豆芽 /lǜdòuyá/, 豆芽 /dòuyá/
bean sprout {n} (the vegetarian food) :: 芽菜 /yácài/, 豆芽 /dòuyá/, 豆芽菜 /dòuyácài/
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
bear {v} (to carry) :: 攜帶, 携带 /xiédài/, , /xié/, , /dài/, , /yùn/
bear {v} (to tolerate, to put up with) :: 忍受 /rěnshòu/, 忍耐 /rěnnài/
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: /xióng/, /tuí/ [archaic]
bear {n} (large hairy man) :: /xióng/
bearcat {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda ::
bearcat {n} (giant panda) SEE: giant panda ::
bear cub {n} (young bear) :: 熊崽 /xióngzǎi/, 小熊 /xiǎoxióng/
beard {n} (facial hair) :: 鬍子, 胡子 /húzi/, 鬍鬚, 胡须 /húxū/
bearded tit {n} (Panurus biarmicus) :: 文須雀, 文须雀 /wénxūquè/
bearded vulture {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
bear fruit {v} (succeed in some task) :: 見效, 见效 /jiànxiào/, 結實, 结实 /jiēshí/
bear hug {n} (any especially large hug, usually friendly) :: 熊抱 /xióngbào/
bearing {n} (mechanical device) :: 軸承, 轴承 /zhóuchéng/
bearing {n} (nautical sense) :: 方位 /fāngwèi/, 方向 /fāngxiàng/
bearing {n} (relevance) :: 關係, 关系 /guānxi/
bearing {n} (posture) :: 舉止, 举止 /jǔzhǐ/
bear in mind {v} (remember, consider) :: 注意 /zhùyì/, 記住, 记住 /jìzhù/
bear market {n} (state of stock market) :: 熊市 /xióngshì/
bear meat {n} (meat from a bear) :: 熊肉 /xióngròu/
be ashamed {v} (feel ashamed) :: (感到慚愧, (感到惭愧 /(gǎndào) cánkuì/
beast {n} (non-human animal) :: 四足獸, 四足兽 /sì zú shòu/, , /shòu/, 野獸, 野兽 /yěshòu/
beast {n} (violent/antisocial person) :: 畜生 /chùshēng/, 兇暴而殘忍的人, 凶暴而残忍的人 /xiōngbào ér cánrěn de rén/, 禽獸, 禽兽 /qínshòu/
beast of burden {n} (animal that carries or pulls a load) :: 馱畜, 驮畜 /tuóchù/
beast of burden {n} (domesticated animal trained to perform tasks for humans) :: 馴養動物, 驯养动物 /xùnyǎng dòngwù/
beast of prey {n} (animal) :: 食肉動物, 食肉动物 /shíròu dòngwù/, 猛獸, 猛兽 /měngshòu/
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: 打擊, 打击 /dǎjī/, /dǎ/
beat {v} (to strike or pound repeatedly) :: /dǎ/
beat {v} (to win against) :: , /yíng/, 勝利, 胜利 /shènglì/
beat {n} (act of reporting before a rival) SEE: scoop ::
beat around the bush {v} (to treat a topic but omit its main points) :: 拐彎抹角, 拐弯抹角 /guǎiwānmòjiǎo/, 轉彎抹角, 转弯抹角 /zhuǎnwānmòjiǎo/, 兜圈子 /dōuquānzi/, 繞圈子, 绕圈子 /ràoquānzi/
beaten {adj} (defeated) SEE: defeated ::
beater {n} (a kitchen implement for mixing) :: 攪拌器, 搅拌器 /jiǎobànqì/, 攪打器, 搅打器 /jiǎodǎqì/
beatification {n} (the act of beatifying) :: 宣福禮, 宣福礼 /xuānfúlǐ/
beat it {v} (to go away) :: 滾!, 滚! /gǔn!/, 走開!, 走开! /zǒukāi!/, 滾開!, 滚开! /gǔnkāi/
beat it {v} (vulgar: to masturbate) :: 打飛機, 打飞机 /dǎ fēijī/
Beatles {prop} (rock music quartet) :: 披頭士, 披头士 /Pītóushì/, 披頭四, 披头四 /Pītóusì/
beat one's brains out {v} (rack one's brain) SEE: rack one's brain ::
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Beaufort scale {prop} (measure for the intensity of the wind) :: 蒲福氏風級 /púfúshìfēngjí/
beautician {n} (one who does hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments) :: 美容師, 美容师 /měiróngshī/
beautiful {adj} (possessing charm and attractive) :: 漂亮 /piàoliang/, /měi/, 好看 /hǎokàn/, 美麗, 美丽 /měilì/
beautiful {adj} (of weather: pleasant, clear) :: 好天 /hǎotiān/
beautifully {adv} (In a beautiful manner) :: 美麗地, 美丽地 /měilì de/
beautify {v} (to make beautiful or more beautiful) :: 美化 /měihuà/
beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: 美麗, 美丽 /měilì/, 漂亮 /piàoliang/, /měi/
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: male) :: 帥哥, 帅哥 /shuàigē/
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) :: 美人 /měirén/, 美女 /měinǚ/
beauty {n} (something particularly good or pleasing) :: /mĕi/
beauty contest {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
beauty is in the eye of the beholder {proverb} (people have different ideas of what is beautiful) :: 情人眼裡出西施, 情人眼里出西施 /qíngrén yǎnlǐ chū Xī Shī/, 情人眼中出西施 /qíngrén yǎnzhōng chū Xīshī/
beauty pageant {n} (competition on attractiveness) :: 選美比賽, 选美比赛 /xuǎnměi bǐsài/, 選美, 选美 /xuǎnměi/, 選美活動, 选美活动 /xuǎnměi huódòng/
beauty parlor {n} (salon with hairdressers and beauticians) :: 美容院 /měiróngyuàn/
beauty salon {n} (beauty salon) SEE: beauty parlor ::
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
beaver {n} (semiaquatic rodent) :: 海狸 /hǎilí/, 河狸 /hélí/
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake ::
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up ::
be awake {v} (to not sleep) :: /xǐng/
beazle {n} (bezel) SEE: bezel ::
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: 出生 /chūshēng/, 出世 /chūshì/
becak {n} (cycle rickshaw) SEE: cycle rickshaw ::
be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: /jiào/, 稱為, 称为 /chēngwéi/
be careful {interj} (proceed with caution) :: 小心 /xiǎoxīn/
because {adv} (on account) :: 因為, 因为 /yīnwèi/
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: 因為, 因为 /yīnwèi/, [more formal] 由於, 由于 /yóuyú/
because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) :: 由於, 由于 /yóuyú/, 基於, 基于 /jīyú/, 為了, 为了 /wèile/
become {v} (to begin to be) :: /chéng/, 成為, 成为 /chéngwéi/, ...了 /...le/ [change of state particle]
becquerel {n} (unit of radioactive activity) :: 貝克勒爾, 贝克勒尔 /bèikèlè'ěr/
bed {n} (shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear) SEE: pallet ::
bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: /chuáng/, 床鋪, 床铺 /chuángpù/, 睡鋪, 睡铺 /shuìpù/, 臥榻, 卧榻 /wòtà/ [literary]
bed {n} (the bottom of a lake or other body of water) :: 河床 /héchuáng/
bed {n} (deposit of ore, coal etc.) :: 矿床 /kuàngchuáng/
bed and breakfast {n} (guesthouse providing breakfast) :: 提供住宿早餐旅館, 提供住宿早餐旅馆 /tígōng zhùsù yǔ zǎocān de lǚguǎn/, 住宿早餐酒店 /zhùsù jiā zǎocān jiǔdiàn/, 民宿 /mínsù/
bedboard {n} (part of bed) :: 床板, 铺板
bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insect) :: 臭蟲, 臭虫 /chòuchóng/, 壁蝨, 壁虱 /bìshī/, 蜰蟲, 蜰虫 /féichóng/, 床蝨, 床虱 /chuángshī/
bedclothes {n} (sheets, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed) :: 床上用品 /chuángshàng yòngpǐn/
bedcover {n} (decorative cover for a bed) SEE: bedspread ::
bedouin {n} (desert-dweller) :: 貝都因人, 贝都因人 /bèidōuyīn rén/
bedpan {n} (chamber pot used while still in bed) :: 便盆 /biànpén/
bedraggled {adj} (unkempt) :: 全身湿透的, 满身泥污的
bedrock {n} (underground solid rock) :: 基岩 /jīyán/
bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: 臥室, 卧室 /wòshì/, 寢室, 寝室 /qǐnshì/
bed sheet {n} (sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: 床單, 床单 /chuángdān/
bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: 床單, 床单 /chuángdān/
bedside table {n} (nightstand) SEE: nightstand ::
bedsore {n} (Lesion caused by pressure) :: 褥瘡 /rǔchuāng/, 褥疮
bedspread {n} (coverlet) SEE: coverlet ::
bedspread {n} (topmost covering of a bed) :: 床罩 /chuángzhào/
bedtime {n} (time when one goes to bed to sleep) :: 就寢時間, 就寝时间 /jiùqǐn shíjiān/
bedtime story {n} (story read to children before they sleep) :: 故事 /shuìqián gùshì/
bedwetter {n} (person who (habitually) urinates in his bed (during sleep)) :: 尿床 /niàochuáng de rén/, 遺尿症患者, 遗尿症患者 /yíniàozhèng huànzhě/
bedwetter {n} (coward (pejorative)) :: 膽小鬼, 胆小鬼 /dǎnxiǎoguǐ/
bedwetting {n} (involuntary urination while asleep) :: 尿床 /niàochuáng/, 遺尿, 遗尿 /yíniào/, 夜遺尿, 夜遗尿 /yèyíniào/
bee {n} (insect) :: 蜜蜂 /mìfēng/
bee {n} (name of the letter B, b) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
beebread {n} (bee pollen with added honey and bee secretions) :: 蜂花粉 /fēnghuāfěn/
beech {n} (tree of genus Fagus) :: 山毛櫸, 山毛榉 /shānmáojǔ/, 水青岡 /shuǐqīnggāng/
bee-eater {n} (bird in the family Meropidae) :: 食蜂鳥, 食蜂鸟 /shífēngniǎo/, 蜂虎科 /fēnghǔ-kē/ (family)
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow ::
beef {n} (meat) :: 牛肉 /niúròu/
beef jerky {n} :: 牛肉干
beefsteak {n} (steak) :: 牛排 /niúpái/
beef up {v} (to strengthen or reinforce) SEE: strengthen ::
beehive {n} (home of bees) :: 蜂箱 /fēngxiāng/, 蜂巢 /fēngcháo/
beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: 養蜂人, 养蜂人 /yǎngfēngrén/
beekeeping {n} (raising bees) :: 養蜂, 养蜂 /yǎngfēng/, 養蜂業, 养蜂业 /yǎngfēngyè/
Beelzebub {prop} (a Semitic deity, another name for the Devil) :: 别西卜 /Biéxībǔ/, 巴力西卜 /Bālìxībǔ/, 貝爾則步, 贝尔则步 /Bèiěrzébù/ [Catholic]
been there, done that {phrase} (assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic) :: 曾經滄海難為水, 曾经沧海难为水 /céngjīngcānghǎi nánwéi shuǐ/
beep {n} (the sound of a the horn of a car) :: 嘟嘟, 嘟嘟 /dūdū xiǎng/, 嘟嘟, 嘟嘟 /dūdū shēng/, /dū/, 嘟嘟 /dūdū/
beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: 啤酒 /píjiǔ/
beer bar {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
beer belly {n} (protruding abdomen) :: 將軍肚, 将军肚 /jiāngjūndù/, 啤酒肚 /píjiǔdù/
beer bottle {n} (a bottle designed to contain beer) :: 啤酒瓶 /píjiǔpíng/
beer can {n} (can containing beer) :: 啤酒罐 /píjiǔguàn/
beer gut {n} (beer belly) SEE: beer belly ::
beer mat {n} (mat, often with an advertisement for a brewery on it, to rest one's glass) :: 啤酒杯墊, 啤酒杯垫 /píjiǔ bēidiàn/
beer parlor {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
beer parlour {n} (a bar, selling beers, that has tables) :: 啤酒客廳, 啤酒客厅 /píjiǔ kètīng/, 啤酒館, 啤酒馆 /píjiǔguǎn/
bee sting {n} (puncture from a bee) :: 蜂蜇傷, 蜂蜇伤 /fēngzhēshāng/ [includes both bee and wasp stings]
bee sting {n} (very small breasts) :: 飛機場, 飞机场 /fēijīchǎng/
beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum ::
beeswax {n} (wax secreted by bees) :: 蜜蠟, 蜜蜡 /mìlà/
beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: 甜菜 /tiáncài/
Beethoven {prop} (German surname) :: 貝多芬, 贝多芬 /Bèiduōfēn/
beetle {n} (insect) :: 甲蟲, 甲虫 /jiǎchóng/, 甲殼蟲, 甲壳虫 /jiǎqiàochóng, jiǎkéchóng/
Beetle {n} (Volkswagen car) :: 甲殼蟲, 甲壳虫 /Jiǎqiàochóng/
beetroot {n} (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) :: 紅菜頭, 红菜头 /hóngcàitóu/, 甜菜根 /tiáncàigēn/, [also "sugar beet"] 甜菜 /tiáncài/
before {prep} (earlier than) :: ...以前 /...yǐqián/, ...之前 /...zhīqián/
before {prep} (in front of in space) :: ...以前 /...yǐqián/, ...之前 /...zhīqián/
before {prep} (in front of according to an ordering system) :: ...以前 /...yǐqián/, ...之前 /...zhīqián/
before {adv} (at an earlier time) :: 以前 /yǐqián/
before dark {prep} (before night begins to fall) :: 在黃昏之前, 在黄昏之前 /zài huánghūn zhīqián/
beforehand {adv} (at an earlier time) :: 提前 /tíqián/, 事先 /shìxiān/, 先行 /xiānxíng/, 預先, 预先 /yùxiān/, 頭裡, 头里 /tóuli/
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon ::
befoul {v} (to make foul, to soil) :: 弄脏
befriend {v} (make friends) SEE: make friends ::
befuddle {v} (perplex or confuse) :: 使困惑, 使迷惑
beg {v} (to request the help of someone, often in the form of money) :: 央求 /yāngqiú/, /qiú/, [for food or money] 乞討, 乞讨 /qǐtǎo/
beg {v} (to plead with someone for help) :: 央求 /yāngqiú/, /qiú/
beget {v} (to beget) SEE: procreate ::
beget {v} (to cause, to produce) :: 招致 /zhāozhì/
beget {v} (to procreate) :: 生育 /shēngyù/, 生殖 /shēngzhí/, 產生, 产生 /chǎnshēng/
beggar {n} (person who begs) :: 乞丐 /qǐgài/, 叫花子 /jiàohuāzi/, 花子 /huāzi/
beggar {n} (person suffering poverty) :: 窮人, 穷人 /qióngrén/
begin {v} (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) :: 開始, 开始 /kāishǐ/
beginner {n} (someone who just recently started) :: 初學者, 初学者 /chūxuézhě/
beginner's luck {n} (beginner's luck) :: 新手運氣, 新手运气 /xīnshǒu de yùnqì/
beginning {n} (act of doing that which begins anything) :: 開始, 开始 /kāishǐ/
beginning {n} (that which begins or originates something) :: 起源
begrudge {v} (give reluctantly) :: 勉強(), 勉强() (miǎnqiǎng [gěi]), 不愿(), 不愿() (bùyuàn [gěi]), 吝惜 /lìnxī/
begrudge {v} (be envious or covetous) :: 妒忌 /dùjì/
beg to differ {v} (offer an opposing opinion humbly) :: 不敢苟同 /bùgǎngǒutóng/
beg to differ {v} (differ strongly in opinion) :: 不敢苟同 /bùgǎngǒutóng/
beguile {v} (to deceive or delude (using guile)) :: 欺騙, 欺骗 /qīpiàn/, 欺瞞, 欺瞒 /qīmán/
beguile {v} (charm, delight) :: 迷人 /mírén/
beguine {n} (ballroom dance) :: 比根 /bǐgēn/, 比根舞 /bǐgēnwǔ/
beguine {n} (music) :: 比跟音樂, 比跟音乐 (bǐgēn yīnyuè)
behave {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) :: 做人 /zuòrèn/, 舉動, 举动 /jǔdòng/
behave oneself {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) SEE: behave ::
behavior {n} (way an animal or human behaves or acts) :: 行為, 行为 /xíngwéi/
behavior {n} (way matter or systems behave) :: 行為, 行为 /xíngwéi/
behavioral crisis {n} :: 行為危機, 行为危机 /xíngwéi wēijī/
behaviorism {n} (approach to psychology focusing on behavior) :: 行為主義, 行为主义 /xíngwéizhǔyì/
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
behavioural science {n} (analysis and investigation of human and animal behaviour) :: 行為科學, 行为科学 /xíngwéi kēxué/
behead {v} (to remove the head) :: [informal] 砍頭, 砍头 /kǎntóu/, [formal] 斬首, 斩首 /zhǎnshǒu/
beheadal {n} (beheading) SEE: beheading ::
beheading {n} (an instance of beheading) :: 斬首, 斩首 /zhǎnshǒu/, 斬罪, 斩罪 /zhǎnzuì/, 斷頭, 断头 /duàntóu/, 杀头, 殺頭 /shātóu/, 問斬, 问斩 /wènzhǎn/
behemoth {n} (mighty beast in the Book of Job) :: 貝西摩斯, 贝西摩斯 /bèixīmósī/, 巨獸, 巨兽 /jùshòu/
behemoth {n} (mighty monster) :: 巨獸, 巨兽 /jùshòu/
behest {n} (vow) SEE: vow ::
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise ::
Behçet's disease {n} (multi-system disorder) :: 貝賽特氏症, 贝赛特氏症 /Bèisàitèshì zhèng/
behind {prep} (at the back of) :: ...後面, ...后面 /... hòumiàn/, ...後邊, ...后边 /... hòubiān/
behind {prep} (to the back of) :: ...後面, ...后面 /... hòumiàn/, ...後邊, ...后边 /... hòubiān/
behind bars {prep} (in jail or prison) :: 監牢, 监牢 /guān zài jiānláo lǐ/, 身陷囹圄 /shēnxiànlíngyǔ/
behind every successful man there stands a woman {proverb} (men's success often depends on the support and work and support of their wives for female partners) :: 成功男人背後一個女人, 成功男人背后一个女人 /měi gè chénggōng de nánrén bèihòu dōu yǒu yīgè nǚrén/
behind the scenes {prep} (in secret; out of public view) :: 幕後, 幕后 /mùhòu/
behind the times {prep} (out of date, old-fashioned) :: 過時, 过时 /guòshí/, 落伍 /luòwǔ/, 落後, 落后 /luòhòu/
behind time {prep} (arriving late) :: 遲到, 迟到 /chídào/, , /lái wǎn/
behold {v} (to see, to look at) :: /kàn/
beholder {n} (someone who observes or beholds; an observer or spectator) :: 旁觀者, 旁观者 /pángguānzhě/
Beigan {prop} (township in Lienchiang (the Matsu Islands), Taiwan (ROC)) :: 北竿 /Běigān/
beige {n} (colour) :: 米黃, 米黄 /mǐhuáng/, 米色 /mǐsè/
beige {adj} (having a slightly yellowish gray colour) :: 米黃, 米黄 /mǐhuáng/, 米色 /mǐsè/
Beihai {prop} (city in China) :: 北海 /Běihǎi/
Beijing {prop} (capital of China) :: 北京 /Běijīng/
Beijinger {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {adj} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijing opera {n} (Peking opera) SEE: Peking opera ::
be in for {v} (able to expect) :: 可能遭到, 可能遭到 /kěnéng huì zāodào/
being {n} (a living creature) :: 生物 /shēngwù/
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) :: 存在 /cúnzài/
Beirut {prop} (capital of Lebanon) :: 貝魯特, 贝鲁特 /Bèilǔtè/
bek {n} (Turkic governor) :: 伯克 /bókè/
Bekasi {prop} (city in Indonesia) :: 勿加泗 /Wùjiāsì/
Belarus {prop} (country) :: 白俄羅斯, 白俄罗斯 /Bái'éluōsī/, 白俄國, 白俄国 /Bái'éguó/
Belarusian {adj} (pertaining to Belarus) :: 白俄羅斯的, 白俄罗斯的 /Bái'éluósī de/
Belarusian {n} (language) :: 白俄羅斯語, 白俄罗斯语 /bái'éluósīyǔ/, 白俄羅斯文, 白俄罗斯文 /bái'éluósīwén/
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) :: 白俄羅斯人, 白俄罗斯人 /bái'éluósīrén/
be late {v} (arrive late) :: 遲到 /chídào/
belated {adj} (later in relation to the proper time) :: 晚到的, 迟来的
bel canto {n} (elegant style of singing) :: 美聲唱法, 美声唱法 /měishēng chàngfǎ/
belch {v} (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) :: 打嗝 /dǎgé/, 噯氣, 嗳气 /ǎiqì/, 飽嗝, 饱嗝 /bǎogé/, /gé/
Belfast {prop} (capital of Northern Ireland) :: 貝爾法斯特, 贝尔法斯特 /Bèi'ěrfǎsītè/
Belgian {n} (Belgian, person from Belgium) :: 比利時人, 比利时人 /bǐlìshírén/
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) :: 比利時的, 比利时的 /Bǐlìshí de/
Belgian Sheepdog {n} (Umbrella term for the four Belgian sheepdog variants) :: 比利時牧羊犬, 比利时牧羊犬 /Bǐlìshí mùyáng quǎn/
Belgium {prop} (country in Europe) :: 比利時, 比利时 /Bǐlìshí/
Belgorod {prop} (a city in Russia) :: 別爾哥羅德, 别尔哥罗德 /Bié'ěrgēluódé/
Belgrade {prop} (capital of Serbia) :: 貝爾格萊德, 贝尔格莱德 /Bèi'ěrgéláidé/
belief {n} (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) :: 相信 /xiāngxìn/, 信心 /xìnxīn/
belief {n} (something believed) :: 信念 /xìnniàn/
belief {n} (religious faith) :: 信仰 /xìnyǎng/, 信教 /xìnjiào/
belief system {n} (system of beliefs) :: 信仰體系, 信仰体系 /xìnyǎng tǐxì/
believable {adj} (capable of being believed; credible) :: 相信 (kě xiāngxìn de)
believe {v} (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) :: 相信 /xiāngxìn/
believe {v} (to accept as true) :: 相信 /xiāngxìn/
believe it or not {adv} (you may not believe the following, but it is true) :: 信不信由你
believer {n} (person who believes) :: 信徒 /xìntú/
belittle {v} (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is) :: 貶低, 贬低 /biǎndī/, 輕視, 轻视 /qīngshì/ [to look down on]
Belize {prop} (country) :: 伯利茲, 伯利兹 /Bǎilìzī/
Belizean {n} (person from Belize) :: 伯利茲人 /bólìzī rén/
Belizean {adj} (Pertaining to Belize) :: 伯利兹的 /bólìzī de/
Belizian {n} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean ::
Belizian {adj} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean ::
bell {n} (percussive instrument) :: , /zhōng/, , /líng/ [small]
belladonna {n} (a plant, Atropa belladonna) SEE: deadly nightshade ::
bell-bottoms {n} (pants that are flared from the knee downwards) :: 喇叭褲, 喇叭裤 /lǎbākù/
bellboy {n} (A male worker, usually at a hotel, who carries luggage and runs errands) :: 服務生, 服务生 /fúwùshēng/
belle {n} (beautiful woman) :: 美女 /měinǚ/, 美人 /měirén/
Belle Époque {prop} (period of European history) :: 美好年代 /Měihǎo Niándài/
belles-lettres {n} (humanities) SEE: humanities ::
belles-lettres {n} (light literary compositions valued for their aesthetic properties) :: 純文學, 纯文学 /chúnwénxué/, 美文 /měiwén/, 詩禮, 诗礼 /shīlǐ/
bellgirl {n} (a female bellhop) :: 女性服务生 /nǚxìng fúwùshēng/
bell housing {n} (cover) :: 外殼, 外壳 /wàiké/, 外罩 /wàizhào/, 飛輪殼, 飞轮壳 /fēilúnké/, 鐘型罩, 钟型罩 /zhōngxíngzhào/
bellicism {n} (an inclination to war) :: 黷武主義, 黩武主义 /dúwǔ zhǔyì/
bellicist {n} (warmonger) SEE: warmonger ::
belligerent {adj} (engaged in warfare) :: 参战的, 交战中的
belligerent {n} (state or other armed participant in warfare) :: 交战国 /jiāozhànguó/
bellows {n} (air blower) :: 風箱, 风箱 /fēngxiāng/
bell pepper {n} (spicy-sweet vegetable) :: 菜椒 /càijiāo/
bells and whistles {n} (extra features added for show rather than function) :: 花哨附加功能, 花哨附加功能 /huāshao de fùjiā gōngnéng/
Bell's palsy {n} (paralysis of cranial nerve VII, the facial nerve) :: 貝爾氏麻痺, 贝尔氏麻痹 /Bèi'ěrshì mábì/
bell tower {n} (tower in which a bell (or set of bells) is hung; a belfry) :: 鍾塔, 钟塔 /zhōngtǎ/, 鐘樓, 钟楼 /zhōnglóu/
belly {n} (abdomen) :: /fù/, 腹部 /fùbù/, 肚子 /dùzi/
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel ::
belly dance {n} (form of dance) :: 肚皮舞 /dùpíwǔ/
belly dancer {n} (person who performs belly dances) :: 肚皮舞舞女, 肚皮舞舞女 /dùpíwǔ wǔnǚ/
Belmopan {prop} (Belmopan) :: 貝爾莫潘, 贝尔莫潘 /Bèi'ěrmòpān/
belong {v} (be part of a group) :: 屬於, 属于 /shǔyú/
belong {v} (be the property of) :: 屬於, 属于 /shǔyú/
belongings {n} (plural form of belonging) :: 所有物 /suǒyǒuwù/
beloved {adj} (loved) :: 親愛的, 亲爱的 /qīn'ài de/, 心愛的, 心爱的 /xīn'ài de/, 鍾愛的, 钟爱的 /zhōng'ài de/
beloved {n} (someone who is loved) :: 心愛, 心爱 /xīn'ài de rén/
below {prep} (lower in spatial position than) :: 在...下面 /zài...xiàmian/, 在...之下 /zài...zhīxià/
belowstairs {adv} (downstairs) SEE: downstairs ::
Bel Paese {n} (mild creamy Italian cheese) :: 貝爾·佩塞芝士, 贝尔·佩塞芝士 /bèiěr pèisāi zhīshì/, 貝爾·帕埃塞芝士, 贝尔·帕埃塞芝士 /bèiěr pàāisāi zhīshì/
belt {n} (band worn around the waist) :: 腰帶, 腰带 /yāodài/, , /dài/, 皮帶, 皮带 /pídài/ [only leather]
belt {n} (geographical region) :: 地帶, 地带 /dìdài/
beltway {n} (a freeway that encircles a city) SEE: ring road ::
beluga {n} (cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) :: 白鯨, 白鲸 /báijīng/, 貝魯卡鯨, 贝鲁卡鲸 /bèilǔkǎ jīng/
beluga {n} (fish, Huso huso) :: 鱘魚, 鲟鱼 /xúnyú/, 大鰉魚, 大鳇鱼 /dàhuángyú/
belvedere {n} (raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area) :: 望景樓, 望景楼 /wàngjǐnglóu/
be my guest {v} (do as you wish) :: 請便, 请便 /qǐngbiàn/, 請自便, 请自便 /qǐng zì biàn/, 別客氣, 别客气 /bié kèqì/
bench {n} (long seat) :: 長椅, 长椅 /chángyǐ/
bench {n} (workbench) SEE: workbench ::
benchlet {n} (stool) SEE: stool ::
bend {v} (to cause to shape into a curve) :: /qū/, /qū/, , /wān/
bend {v} (to change direction) :: 轉彎
bend down {v} (to bend one's legs while upright to get to a lower position) :: 俯下 /fǔxià/, 彎腰, 弯腰 /wānyāo/
bend over {v} (to bend one's upper body forward) :: 俯身 /fǔshēn/
bend over backwards {v} (make a great effort) :: 竭盡全力, 竭尽全力 /jiéjìnquánlì/, 拚命 /pànmìng/
bend the knee {v} (submit to another's authority) :: 順從, 顺从 /shùncóng/
benefactor {n} (on who gives gifts or help) :: 恩人 /ēnrén/
beneficent {adj} (beneficent) :: 仁慈 /réncí/, 慈善 /císhàn/, 善行 /shànxíng/
beneficial {adj} (helpful or good to something or someone) :: 有益的 /yǒuyì de/, 有利的 /yǒulì de/
benefit {n} (advantage, help or aid) :: 得益 /déyì/, 益處, 益处 /yìchu/
benefit of the doubt {n} (a favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence) :: 疑點利益
Benelux {prop} (an economic and customs union made up of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) :: 經濟聯盟, 经济联盟 /Bǐ-Hé-Lú jīngjì liánméng/
benevolence {n} (disposition to do good) :: 仁慈 /réncí/, /rén/, 慈悲 /cíbēi/
benevolent {adj} (having a disposition to do good) :: 仁慈 /réncí/, 慈善 /císhàn/, 善良 /shànliáng/
Bengal {prop} (region in South Asia) :: 孟加拉 /Mèngjiālā/
Bengali {adj} (of or pertaining to Bengal) :: 孟加拉 /Mèngjiālā/
Bengali {n} (person from Bengal) :: 孟加拉人 /mèngjiālārén/
Bengali {n} (language) :: 孟加拉語, 孟加拉语 /mèngjiālāyǔ/
Bengal tiger {n} (Panthera tigris tigris) :: 孟加拉虎 /mèngjiālāhǔ/, 印度虎 /yìndùhǔ/
Bengbu {prop} (city) :: 蚌埠 /Bèngbù, Bàngbù/
Benghazi {prop} (Benghazi, Libya) :: 班加西 /Bānjiāxī/
benighted {adj} (lacking education or knowledge, see also: unenlightened) :: /dùn/, 溝瞀, 沟瞀 /kòumào/ [literary], 蒙昧 /méngmèi/, 悶悶, 闷闷 /mènmèn/ [literary], 愚昧 /yúmèi/
Benin {prop} (country) :: 貝寧, 贝宁 /Bèiníng/
Benjamin {prop} (the youngest son of Jacob) :: 便雅憫, 便雅悯 /Biànyǎmǐn/
Benjamin {prop} (male given name) :: 本傑明, 本杰明 /Běnjiémíng/
bent {adj} (Homosexual) :: , /wān/, 同性恋的
bent {n} (area) SEE: grassland ::
benthos {n} (flora and fauna at the bottom of a body of water) :: 底棲生物, 底栖生物
Bentley {n} (British car) :: 賓利, 宾利 /Bīnlì/
bento {n} (a Japanese packed lunch) :: 飯盒, 饭盒 /fànhé/, 便當, 便当 /biàndāng/ [Taiwan]
benumb {v} (make numb) SEE: numb ::
Ben Wa ball {n} (pair of balls used for vaginal stimulation) :: 阴道球 /yīndàoqiú, 陰道球/, 内用球 /nèiyòngqiú, 內用球;/
Benxi {prop} (a city of China) :: 本溪 /Běnxī/
benzaldehyde {n} (C6H5CHO) :: 苯甲醛 /běn jiǎ quán/, 安息香醛 /ān xī xiāng quán/
benzene {n} (aromatic compound C6H6) :: /běn/
benzene {n} (the phenyl group) SEE: phenyl ::
benzenol {n} :: 苯酚 /běnfēn/
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene ::
benzocaine {n} (local anesthetic) :: 对氨基苯甲酸乙酯 /duìānjīběnjiǎsuānyǐzhǐ/
benzodiazepine {n} (any of a class of psychoactive drugs) :: 苯二氮䓬 /běnèrdànzhuó/
benzoic acid {n} (white crystalline organic acid, C6H5COOH) :: 苯甲酸 /běn jiǎ suān/, 安息香酸 /ān xī xiāng suān/
benzyl {n} (chemical compound) :: /biàn/, 苄基 /biànjī/
be off with you {phrase} (go away; get out) :: 走開, 走开 /zǒukāi/, 滾開, 滚开 /gǔnkāi/
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade ::
Beowulf {prop} (Epic poem) :: 貝奧武夫, 贝奥武夫 /Bèi'àowǔfū/
be prepared {phrase} (motto) :: 準備, 准备 /zhǔnbèi/
bequeath {v} (to give or leave by will) :: 遺贈, 遗赠 /yízèng/
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence ::
berate {v} (chide vehemently) :: 痛罵, 痛骂 /tòngmà/
Berber {n} (Member of northwest African ethnic group) :: 柏柏爾, 柏柏尔 /Bòbò'ěr/
Berber {prop} (a group of closely related languages) :: 柏柏爾語, 柏柏尔语 /Bòbò'ěryǔ/
berberine {n} (alkaloid) :: 小檗鹼, 小檗硷 /xiǎobòjiǎn/, 黃連素, 黄连素 /huángliánsù/
bereavement {n} (The state of being bereaved; deprivation; especially the loss of a relative by death) :: 喪親, 丧亲 /sàngqīn/
beret {n} (type of brimless cap) :: 貝雷帽, 贝雷帽 /bèiléimào/
bergamot {n} (Mentha × piperita) SEE: peppermint ::
beriberi {n} (pathology: ailment caused by deficiency of vitamin B) :: 腳氣病, 脚气病 /jiǎoqìbìng/, 軟腳, 软脚 /ruǎnjiǎo/, 軟腳病, 软脚病 /ruǎnjiǎobìng/
be right {v} (be correct in one's judgement or statement about something) :: , /shì duì de/
be right back {phrase} (indicate speaker will return in a moment) :: 馬上回來, 马上回来 /mǎshàng huílái/
Bering Sea {prop} (sea) :: 白令海 /Báilìng-hǎi/
Bering Strait {prop} (strait between Russia and Alaska) :: 白令海峽, 白令海峡 /Báilìng hǎixiá/
berkelium {n} (transuranic chemical element) :: /péi/
Berlin {prop} (capital city of Germany) :: 柏林 /Bólín/
Berliner {n} (native or inhabitant of Berlin) :: 柏林人 /Bólínrén/
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) :: 柏林圍牆, 柏林围墙 /Bólín Wéiqiáng/
Berlusconi {prop} (surname) :: 貝盧斯科尼, 贝卢斯科尼 /Bèilúsīkēní/; [Taiwan] 貝魯斯科尼, 贝鲁斯科尼 /Bèilǔsīkēní/
Bermuda {prop} (island group) :: 百慕大 /Bǎimùdà/, 百慕大群島, 百慕大群岛 /Bǎimùdà qúndǎo/
Bermuda Triangle {prop} (area in Atlantic Ocean) :: 百慕大三角 /Bǎimùdà sānjiǎo/
Bern {prop} (city) :: 伯爾尼, 伯尔尼 /Bó'ěrní/
Bernoulli's principle {prop} (principle) :: 伯努利定律 /Bónǔlì dìnglǜ/
berry {n} (small fruit) :: 漿果, 浆果 /jiāngguǒ/, /méi/
berry {n} (soft fruit developing from a superior ovary and containing seeds not encased in pits) :: 漿果, 浆果 /jiāngguǒ/
bersagliere {n} (marksman or rifleman in Italian regiments) :: 意大利狙擊兵, 意大利狙击兵 /Yìdàlì jūjībīng/
berserk {n} (a crazed Norse warrior who fought in a frenzy) :: 狂戰士, 狂战士 /kuángzhànshì/, 巴薩卡, 巴萨卡 /bāsàkǎ/
berserk {adj} (injuriously, maniacally, or furiously violent or out of control) :: 狂暴 /kuángbào/
berserker {n} (Norse warrior) SEE: berserk ::
berth {n} (bunk) :: 床位 /chuángwèi/
berth {n} (space to moor) :: 泊位 /bówèi/
beryllium {n} (chemical element) :: , /pí/
beseech {v} (to beg) :: 懇求, 恳求 /kěnqiú/, 哀求 /āiqiú/
beshrew {v} (to invoke or wish evil upon; to curse) :: 咒罵
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
beside {prep} (next to) :: 在...旁邊, 在...旁边 /zài...pángbiān/
beside oneself {prep} (consumed by an emotion) :: 異常激動, 异常激动 /yìcháng jīdòng/
besides {prep} (in addition to) :: 除了...以外 /chúle...yǐwài/
besides {prep} (other than; except for) :: 除了...以外 /chúle...yǐwài/
besides {adv} (also; in addition) :: 還有, 还有 /háiyǒu/, 並且, 并且 /bìngqiě/
besides {adv} (moreover; furthermore) :: 並且, 并且 /bìngqiě/, 而且 /érqiě/, 還有, 还有 /háiyǒu/, 況且, 况且 /kuàngqiě/
besiege {v} (to surround with armed forces) :: 圍攻, 围攻 /wéigōng/
be silent {v} (refrain from speaking) :: 緘默, 缄默 /jiānmò/, 沉默 /chénmò/
besmirch {v} (make dirty) :: 弄髒, 弄脏 /nòngzāng/
besmirch {v} (tarnish; debase) :: 浼污 /měiwū/, 污漫 /wūmàn/
bespectacled {adj} (wearing spectacles (glasses)) :: 眼鏡, 眼镜 /yǒu dài yǎnjìng/
bespoke {adj} (individually or custom made) :: 定做 /dìngzuò de/, 定製, 定制 /dìngzhì de/
bespoke {adj} (relating to someone who makes custom-made products) :: [must be followed by a specific product] 定做 /dìngzuò de/, 定製, 定制 /dìngzhì de/
best {adj} (superlative of the adjective good) :: 最好 /zuìhǎo/
best {adv} (superlative of the adverb well) :: 最好 /zuìhǎo/
best friend {n} (an especially close and trusted friend) :: 最好朋友 (zuìhǎo de péngyou)
bestiality {n} (sexual activity) :: 獸姦, 兽奸 /shòujiān/
bestir {v} (to put into brisk or vigorous action) :: 行動起來, 行动起来 /xíngdòng qǐlai/, 活躍起來, 活跃起来 /huóyuè qǐlai/
bestir {v} (to become active) :: 激勵, 激励 /jīlì/, 振作 /zhènzuò/
best-kept secret {n} (something interesting or important but not well-known) :: [rarely known fact] 鮮為人知, 鲜为人知 /xiǎnwéirénzhī de shì/, [best secret place] /zuì bàng de mì jìng/
best laid plans {n} (idiom used to signify the futility) :: 人算不如天算 /rén suàn bùrú tiān suàn/ “man’s plans cannot compare to heaven’s plans”, 计划赶不上变化 /jì huà gan bú shàng biàn huà/, 计划赶不上变化 /jì huà gǎn bú shàng biàn huà/ “plans never catch up changes”
best man {n} (primary attendant to the groom) :: 男儐相, 男傧相 /nánbīnxiāng/
best of both worlds {n} (combination of two contradictory benefits) :: 兩全其美, 两全其美 /liǎngquánqíměi/, 兩者優點, 两者优点 /liǎngzhě zhī yōudiǎn/
bestow {v} (to present a thing as a gift or honour) :: 賜給, 赐给 /cìgěi, sìgěi/
best practice {n} (procedure for best results) :: 最佳實踐, 最佳实践 /zuìjiā shíjiàn/
best regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) :: 此致敬意 /cǐzhì jìngyì/, 此致敬禮, 此致敬礼 /cǐzhì jìnglǐ/
bestseller {n} (book or thing sold in large numbers) :: 暢銷書, 畅销书 /chàngxiāoshū/, 熱門書籍, 热门书籍 /rèmén shūjí/
best-selling {adj} (superlative of well-selling) :: 暢銷, 畅销 (zuì chàngxiāo)
bet {n} (a wager) :: 打賭, 打赌 /dǎdǔ/
bet {v} (to stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event) :: 打賭, 打赌 /dǎdǔ/
beta {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) :: 貝塔, 贝塔 /bèitǎ/
beta blocker {n} (blocking agent) :: β-受體阻滯劑, β-受体阻滞剂 /β-shòutǐ zǔzhìjì/
beta-carotene {n} (class of plant pigments) :: β-胡蘿蔔素, β-胡萝卜素 /bèitǎ-húluóbosù/
beta particle {n} (energetic electron or positron) :: β粒子 /β-lìzǐ/, 貝塔粒子, 贝塔粒子 /bèitǎ lìzǐ/
betel {n} (either of two plants: the betel pepper or betel nut) :: 檳榔, 槟榔 /bīnláng/, 蔞葉, 蒌叶 /lóuyè/
betel bag {n} (small bag) :: 檳榔, 槟榔 /bīnláng bāo/ [no equivalent term exists]
Betelgeuse {prop} (supergiant) :: 參宿四, 参宿四 /Shēnxiùsì/
betel leaf {n} (leaf of the betel) :: 蔞葉, 蒌叶 /lóuyè/
betel nut {n} (An egg-shaped seed of the betel palm) :: 檳榔果, 槟榔果 /bīnglángguǒ/
betel palm {n} (Areca catechu, an Asiatic palm) :: 檳榔, 槟榔 /bīngláng/
betel pepper {n} (Piper betle) :: 蔞葉, 蒌叶 /lóuyè/, 蒟醬, 蒟酱 /jǔjiàng/
be that as it may {adv} (nevertheless) :: 儘管如此, 尽管如此 (jǐnguǎn rúcǐ)
be there or be square {phrase} (encourage someone to go somewhere) :: 不見不散, 不见不散 /bùjiànbùsàn/
Bethlehem {prop} (City) :: 伯利恆, 伯利恒 /Bólìhéng/, 白冷 /Báilěng/ [Catholic]
betray {v} (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) :: 背叛 /bèipàn/, 出賣, 出卖 /chūmài/
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
betrayer {n} (someone who betrays) :: 叛徒 /pàntú/
betroth {v} (to promise to give in marriage) :: 許配, 许配 /xǔpèi/, 許嫁, 许嫁 /xǔjià/, /pìn/
betroth {v} (to promise to take as a future spouse) :: 訂婚, 订婚 /dìnghūn/
betrothal {n} (mutual promise) :: 定親, 定亲 /dìngqīn/, 婚約, 婚约 /hūnyuē/
betrothed {n} (fiancé or fiancée) :: 訂婚了, 订婚了 /dìnghūn le/ [verb]
betrothment {n} (betrothal) SEE: betrothal ::
Betsy {prop} (female given name) :: 貝琪 /Bèiqí/, 贝齐 /Bèiqí/
betta {n} (Fish of the genus Betta) :: 搏魚
better {adj} (comparative of the adjectives good or well) :: /gèng hǎo/, 比較, 比较 /bǐjiào hǎo de/, , /jiào hǎo de/
better an egg today than a hen tomorrow {proverb} (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush) SEE: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush ::
better late than never {adv} (it’s better to do something late, than to never do it at all) :: , /chí zuò zǒng bǐ bù zuò hǎo/, 亡羊補牢, 亡羊补牢 /wángyángbǔláo/
better safe than sorry {proverb} (it is preferable to be cautious) :: 小心駛得萬年船, 小心驶得万年船 /xiǎoxīn shǐ dé wàn nián chuán/
better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness {proverb} (in bad times it is worthwhile to do good) :: 與其詛咒黑暗不如點燃蠟燭, 与其诅咒黑暗不如点燃蜡烛 /yǔqí zǔzhòu hēi'àn, bùrú diǎnrán yī gēn làzhú/
between {prep} (in the position or interval that separates two things) :: 之間, 之间 /zhījiān/
between a rock and a hard place {prep} :: 進退兩難, 进退两难 /jìntuìliǎngnán/
between jobs {prep} ((euphemistic) unemployed) :: 暫時待業, 暂时待业 /zànshí dàiyè/
between Scylla and Charybdis {prep} (idiomatic) :: 進退維谷 /jìntuìwéigǔ/
between the devil and the deep blue sea {prep} (choice between two undesirable options) :: 進退兩難, 进退两难 /jìntuìliǎngnán/
bevel {n} (An edge that is canted, one that is not a 90 degree angle) :: 斜角 /xiéjiǎo/
beverage {n} (drink) :: 飲料, 饮料 /yǐnliào/, 飲品, 饮品 /yǐnpǐn/
bevy {n} (large group of birds) :: /qún/
bewildered {adj} (confused) :: 困惑的
bewilderment {n} (state of being bewildered) :: 为难, 困惑
bewitch {v} (to cast a spell) :: 施魔法於, 蠱惑
be wrong {v} (have an incorrect belief, be mistaken) :: , /cuò le/
bey {n} (governor of a Turkish dominion) :: 貝伊, 贝伊 /bèiyī/
beyond {prep} (beyond) SEE: above ::
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown ::
beyond {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
beyond a reasonable doubt {prep} (legal standard) :: 毫無合理疑問, 毫无合理疑问 /háowú hélǐ yíwèn/, 毫無疑義, 毫无疑义 /háowú yíyì/
beyond the pale {prep} (behaviour) :: 逾越常軌, 逾越常轨 /yúyuè chángguǐ/
bezel {n} (the rim and flange which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object) :: 盤座, 盘座 /pánzuò/
bezoar {n} (mass of undigested matter) :: 馬寶
Bhagavad Gita {prop} (epic poem) :: 薄伽梵歌 /Bójiāfàn Gē/
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India ::
Bharat {prop} (an alternative name of India) :: [rare] 婆羅多, 婆罗多 /Póluóduō/, 巴拉特 /Bālātè/
bhikkhu {n} (Buddhist monk) :: 比丘 /bǐqiū/, 和尚 /héshang/, 僧侶, 僧侣 /sēnglǚ/
bhikkhuni {n} (Buddhist nun) :: 比丘尼 /bǐqiūní/
Bhopal {prop} (capital of Madhya Pradesh, India) :: 博帕爾, 博帕尔 /Bópà'ěr/
Bhubaneshwar {prop} (Bhubaneswar) SEE: Bhubaneswar ::
Bhubaneswar {prop} (capital of Odisha, India) :: 布巴內斯瓦爾, 布巴内斯瓦尔 /Bùbānèisīwǎ'ěr/
Bhutan {prop} (Himalayan country) :: 不丹 /Bùdān/
bi- {prefix} (two-) :: , /shuāng/
biangbiang noodles {n} (type of noodle) :: 𰻞𰻞麵, 𰻝𰻝面 /biángbiángmiàn/, 𰻞𰻞兒麵, 𰻝𰻝儿面 /biángbiángrmiàn/, 油潑扯麵, 油泼扯面 /yóupō chěmiàn/
bianqing {n} (sounding stones) :: 編磬, 编磬 /biānqìng/
bianzhong {n} (bells) :: 編鐘, 编钟 /biānzhōng/
biarchy {n} (rule by 2 people) SEE: diarchy ::
bias {n} (inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality) :: 偏见
biased {adj} (exhibiting bias; prejudiced) :: 偏心的 /yǒu piānxīn de/, 偏見的, 怀偏见的 /huái piānjiàn de/
biathlon {n} (winter sport) :: 冬季兩項, 冬季两项 /dōngjì liǎng xiàng/, 兩項競賽, 两项竞赛 /liǎng xiàng jìngsài/, 兩項比賽, 两项比赛 /liǎng xiàng bǐsài/
Białystok {prop} (city) :: 比亞韋斯托克, 比亚韦斯托克 /Bǐyǎwéisītuōkè/
bib {n} (item of clothing for protecting other clothes while eating) :: 圍兜, 围兜 /wéidōu/, 圍嘴兒, 围嘴儿 /wéizuǐr/
bibimbap {n} (Korean dish of white rice topped with vegetables, beef, a whole egg, and gochujang) :: 朝鮮拌飯, 朝鲜拌饭 /Cháoxiǎn bànfàn/
bible {n} (comprehensive manual) :: 圣经 /shèngjīng/
bible {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Bible {prop} (Jewish holy book) SEE: Tanakh ::
Bible {prop} (Christian holy book) :: 聖經, 圣经 /shèngjīng/
Bible Belt {prop} (area where conservative Protestant Christianity is dominant) :: 聖經帶, 圣经带 /shèngjīngdài/
Bible Belt {prop} (area in the United States) :: 聖經帶, 圣经带 /shèngjīngdài/
biblical {adj} (of or relating to the Bible) :: 聖經的, 圣经的 /shèngjīng de/
bibliography {n} (section of a written work) :: 文獻目錄, 文献目录 /wénxiàn mùlù/
bibliography {n} (list of books or documents) :: 文獻目錄, 文献目录 /wénxiàn mùlù/
bibliography {n} (study of the history of books) :: 目錄學, 目录学 /mùlùxué/
biblioklept {n} (a person who steals books) :: 書賊, 书贼 /shū zéi/
bibliomaniac {n} (person who is obsessed with owning valuable books) :: 書迷, 书迷 /shūmí/
bibliophage {n} (person who loves books) SEE: bookworm ::
bicameral {adj} (having two separate legislative chambers) :: 兩院制的, 两院制的 /liǎngyuànzhì de/, 議院, 议院 /yǒu liǎng gè yìyuàn de/
bicameralism {n} (principle of dividing legislative body into two groups) :: 兩院制, 两院制 /liǎngyuànzhì/
bicarbonate {n} (chemistry) :: 碳酸氢根 /tàn suān qīng gēn/, 碳酸氢盐 /tàn suān qīng yán/
bicarbonate of soda {n} (sodium bicarbonate) SEE: sodium bicarbonate ::
bicephalous {adj} (Having two heads) :: 雙頭的, 双头的 /shuāngtóu de/, 兩頭的, 两头的 /liǎngtóu de/
biceps {n} (any muscle having two heads) :: 二頭肌, 二头肌 /èrtóujī/, 肱二頭肌, 肱二头肌 /gōng'èrtóujī/
biceps {n} (biceps brachii) SEE: biceps brachii ::
biceps brachii {n} (biceps brachii) :: 肱二頭肌, 肱二头肌 /gōng'èrtoújī/
bichon {n} (Bichon Frisé) SEE: Bichon Frisé ::
Bichon Frisé {n} (Bichon Frisé) :: 比熊犬 /bǐxióngquǎn/
bicker {v} (quarrel in a tiresome manner) :: 鬥嘴, 斗嘴 /dòuzuǐ/
bicker {n} (skirmish) :: 衝突, 冲突 /chōngtū/
Bicolano {n} (person) :: 比科拉諾人
Bicol Peninsula {prop} (Bicol Peninsula) :: 比科尔半岛
Bicol Region {prop} (Bicol Region) :: 比科爾區
bicycle {n} (vehicle) :: 自行車, 自行车 /zìxíngchē/, 腳踏車, 脚踏车 /jiǎotàchē/ [Taiwan], 單車, 单车 /dānchē/ [regional], 鐵馬, 铁马 /tiěmǎ/ [Taiwan], 自由車, 自由车 /zìyóuchē/
bicycle helmet {n} (helmet worn while riding a bicycle) :: 自行車頭盔, 自行车头盔 /zìxíngchē tóukuī/
bicycle lane {n} (lane of a roadway designated for use by cyclists) :: 自行車道, 自行车道 /zìxíngchēdào/
bicyclist {n} (rider of bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bid {v} (intransitive: to make an offer) :: 出價, 出价 /chūjià/, 投標, 投标 /tóubiāo/
bid {v} (intransitive: to make an attempt) :: 嘗試
bid {n} (offer at an auction) :: 出價, 出价 /chūjià/
Biden {prop} (surname) :: 拜登 /Bàidēng/
bide one's time {v} (to wait, especially for a suitable opportunity) :: 等待时机 /děngdàishíjī/, 等机会 /děngjīhuì/
bidet {n} (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) :: 坐浴桶 /zuòyùtǒng/, 坐浴盤 /zuòyùpán/, 智能廁板, 智能厕板 /zhìnéng cèbǎn/
bidimensional {adj} (two-dimensional) SEE: two-dimensional ::
bidirectional {adj} (moving in two directions) :: 雙向, 双向 /shuāngxiàng/
bid rigging {n} (conspiracy) :: 圍標
bieberite {n} (mineral) :: 赤礬, 赤矾 /chìfán/
biennale {n} (a biennial celebration or exhibition) :: 雙年展, 双年展 /shuāngniánzhǎn/ [exhibition]
bifurcate {v} (divide into two) :: 分叉 /fēnchā/
bifurcation {n} (biology: division into two branches) :: 椏叉, 桠叉 /yāchā/
bifurcation {n} (any place where one divides into two) :: 分叉
big {adj} (of a great size, see also: large) :: /dà/
big {adj} (adult) :: 大人 /dàrén/
Big5 {prop} (character encoding method for Traditional Chinese characters) :: 五大碼, 五大码 /wǔdàmǎ/, 大五碼, 大五码 /dàwǔmǎ/
bigamist {n} (someone who practices bigamy) :: 重婚者 /chónghūnzhě/
bigamy {n} (state of having two spouses simultaneously) :: 重婚 /chónghūn/
Big Apple {prop} (nickname for New York City) :: 大蘋果, 大苹果 /Dà Píngguǒ/
big baby {n} (Adult or youth prone to immature behavior associated with babies.) :: 巨嬰, 巨婴 /jùyīng/
Big Bad Wolf {n} (fictional evil wolf) :: 大灰狼 /dài huī láng/
big bang {n} (explosion creating a universe) :: 大爆炸 /dàbàozhà/, 大霹靂, 大霹雳 /dàpīlì/
Big Bang {prop} (cosmic event) :: 大霹靂理論, 大霹雳理论 /dà pīlì lǐlùn/, 大爆炸 /dà bàozhà/
Big Ben {prop} (the hour bell in London) :: 大本鐘, 大本钟 /Dà Běn zhōng/
big-breasted {adj} (having large breasts) :: /xiōng dà/
big brother {n} (a sibling's older brother) SEE: older brother ::
Big Brother {prop} (a figurehead representing oppressive control) :: 老大哥 /lǎodàgē/
big business {n} (large corporations) :: 公司 /dà gōngsī/
big cheese {n} (very important figure) :: [in any field] 大人物 /dàrénwù/, [political or military VIP] 要人 /yàorén/, [political or military VIP], 權勢之人, 权势之人 /quánshìzhīrén/, [colloquial; celebrity] 大腕兒, 大腕儿 /dàwànr/, 頭面人物, 头面人物 /tóumiànrénwù/, 龍頭老大, 龙头老大 /lóngtóulǎodà/
big data {n} (collection of data sets) :: 大數據, 大数据 /dàshùjù/
big deal {n} (something very important) :: 大事 /dàshì/
big deal {n} (someone very important) :: 大人物 /dàrénwù/
big deal {interj} (so what) :: 那又怎麼樣, 那又怎么样 /nà yòu zěnmeyàng/, 所以呢 /suǒyǐ ne/
Big Dipper {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) :: 北斗七星 /běidǒu qīxīng/, 北斗星 /běidǒuxīng/
big eater {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton ::
big fish in a small pond {n} (one who has achieved a high rank in a small location) :: 大材小用 /dàcáixiǎoyòng/
Bigfoot {n} (unidentified yeti-like animal) :: 大脚野人 /dàjiǎo yěrén/
Big Mac {n} (burger) :: 巨無霸, 巨无霸 /jùwúbà/, 大麥克漢堡, 大麦克汉堡 /Dà Màikè Hànbǎo/ [Taiwan], 麥香堡, 麦香堡 /Màixiāngbǎo/ [Taiwan, obsolete]
bigot {n} (translations to be checked) :: 盲信者 /mángxìnzhě/, 執拗, 执拗 /zhíniù de rén/, 偏見, 偏见 /bào piānjiàn de rén/
bigoted {adj} (being a bigot) :: 固執己見, 固执己见 /gùzhíjǐjiàn/, 執迷, 执迷 /zhímí/, 偏執, 偏执 /piānzhí/, 不耐 /bùnài/
bigotedness {n} (bigotry) SEE: bigotry ::
bigotry {n} (intolerant prejudice, opinionatedness, or fanaticism; fanatic intolerance) :: 偏見, 偏见 /piānjiàn/, 偏執, 偏执 /piānzhí/
big picture {n} (totality of a situation) :: 大局 /dàjú/
big screen {n} (surface) :: 大銀幕, 大银幕 /dàyínmù/
big shot {n} (person with reputation or importance) SEE: big cheese ::
big sister {n} (a sibling's older sister) SEE: older sister ::
big toe {n} (largest of the toes of the foot of a human) :: 大腳趾, 大脚趾 /dàjiǎozhǐ/, 拇指 /mǔzhǐ/, 拇趾 /mǔzhǐ/, 大趾 /dàzhǐ/
big two {n} :: 大老二 /dà lǎo èr/
big wheel {n} (big cheese) SEE: big cheese ::
big wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel ::
Bihar {prop} (a state in eastern India) :: 比哈爾邦, 比哈尔邦 /Bǐhā'ěr-bāng/
bijection {n} (function that is both a surjection and an injection) :: 雙射, 双射 /shuāngshè/
bike {n} (promiscuous woman) :: 自行车
bike cab {n} (cycle rickshaw used as taxi) SEE: pedicab ::
bike lane {n} (bicycle lane) SEE: bicycle lane ::
biker {n} (person who rides a bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bikini {n} (bathing suit) :: 比基尼 /bǐjīní/
bilabial {n} (a speech sound articulated with both lips) :: 雙唇音, 双唇音 /shuāngchúnyīn/
bilateral {adj} (having two sides) :: 雙邊, 双边 /shuāngbiān/, 雙方, 双方 /shuāngfāng/
bilby {n} (Australian desert marsupial) :: 兔耳袋狸 /tù'ěrdàilí/
bildungsroman {n} (a type of novel) :: 教育小說, 教育小说 /jiàoyù xiǎoshuō/
bile {n} (secretion produced by the liver) :: 膽汁, 胆汁 /dǎnzhī/
bile duct {n} (structure carrying bile) :: 膽管, 胆管 /dǎnguǎn/
bilingual {adj} (speaking two languages) :: 雙語, 双语 /shuāngyǔ/
bilingual {adj} (written in two languages) :: 雙語, 双语 /shuāngyǔ/
bilingual {n} (a person who is bilingual) :: 雙語, 双语 /huì shuāngyǔ de rén/
bilingualism {n} (condition of being bilingual) :: 双语
bilirubin {n} (bile pigment) :: 膽紅素, 胆红素 /dǎnhóngsù/
bill {n} (bird's beak) :: 鳥嘴, 鸟嘴 /niǎozuǐ/, /zuǐ/, /huì/
bill {n} (draft of a law) :: 草案 /cǎo'àn/
bill {n} (law: declaration made in writing, stating some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant) :: 法案 /fǎ'àn/
bill {n} (invoice) :: 帳單, 帐单 /zhàngdān/
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote ::
Bill {prop} (male given name) :: 比爾, 比尔 /Bǐ'ěr/
billboard {n} (large advertisement along side of highway) :: 看板 /kànbǎn/, 廣告牌, 广告牌 /guǎnggàopái/
billet-doux {n} (love letter) SEE: love letter ::
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet ::
billhook {n} (agricultural implement) :: , /qiè/
billiards {n} (a cue sport) :: 台球 /táiqiú/, 撞球 /zhuàngqiú/, 彈子, 弹子 /dànzǐ/
billion {n} (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) :: 十億, 十亿 /shíyì/
billion {n} (a million million; 1,000,000,000,000, see also: trillion) :: /zhào/
billionaire {n} (wealth exceeding one billion (109)) :: 億萬富翁, 亿万富翁 /yìwàn fùwēng/
bill of exchange {n} (document demanding payment from another party) :: 匯票, 汇票 /huìpiào/
bill of lading {n} (waybill for transport by boat) :: 提貨單, 提货单 /tíhuòdān/, 提單, 提单 /tídān/
bill of rights {n} (a formal statement of the rights of a specified group of people) :: 權利法案, 权利法案 /quánlì fǎ'àn/
billow {n} (large wave) :: 巨浪
Billy {prop} (William) SEE: William ::
billy goat {n} (male goat) :: 雄山羊 /xióng shānyáng/
Billy Wix {prop} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl ::
bimbo {n} (physically attractive woman who lacks intelligence) :: 小妞 /xiǎoniū/
bin {n} (container for rubbish) :: 垃圾桶 /lājītǒng/
binary {adj} (logic states) :: 二進, 二进 /èrjìn/
binary {adj} (not ASCII) :: 二進制的, 二进制的 /èrjìnzhì de/
binary {adj} :: 二进制 /èrjìnzhì/
binary operator {n} (operator taking two operands) :: 二元運算子, 二元运算子 /èryuán yùnsuànzi/, 二元運算符, 二元运算符 /èryuán yùnsuànfú/
bind {v} (transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.) :: , /fù/
bind {v} (transitive connect) :: 包紮, 包扎 /bāozhā, bāozā/, /kǔn/, , /bǎng/
binder {n} (material or clothing used in binding or flattening the breasts) :: 束胸 /shùxiōng/
binder clip {n} (device for binding sheets of paper) :: 長尾夾, 长尾夹 /chángwěijiā/
binding {n} (spine of a book) :: 裝訂, 装订 /zhuāngdìng/
binge drinking {n} (consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol) :: 酗酒 /xùjiǔ/
binge eating disorder {n} (medical disorder) :: 過胖暴食症
binge-watch {v} (watch multiple episodes of a television programme) :: 刷劇, 刷剧 /shuājù/
bingo {n} (game of chance) :: 賓果, 宾果 /bīnguǒ/, 賓果遊戲, 宾果游戏 /bīnguǒ yóuxì/
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
binoculars {n} (hand-held device for looking at a distance) :: 望遠鏡, 望远镜 /wàngyuǎnjìng/, 雙筒望遠鏡, 双筒望远镜 /shuāngtǒng wàngyuǎnjìn/
binomial nomenclature {n} (The scientific system of naming each species of organism with a Latinized name in two parts) :: 雙名法, 双名法 /shuāngmíngfǎ/, 二名法 /èrmíngfǎ/
bio- {prefix} (life) :: 生物 /shēngwù/, 生命 /shēngmìng/
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) :: 生物化學, 生物化学 /shēngwù huàxué/
biodegradability {n} (capacity of a material to decompose over time) :: 生物降解能力 /shēngwù jiàngjiě nénglì/, 生物降解性 /shēngwù jiàngjiěxìng/
biodegradable {adj} (capable of being decomposed by biological activity) :: 生物降解 /kě shēngwù jiàngjiě de/
biodegradation {n} (decomposition of any material by microorganisms) :: 生物降解 /shēngwù jiàngjiě/
biodiesel {n} (fuel) :: 生物柴油 /shēngwù cháiyóu/, 生質柴油, 生质柴油 /shēngzhì cháiyóu/
biodiversity {n} (diversity of flora and fauna) :: 生物多樣性, 生物多样性 /shēngwùduōyàngxìng/
bioenergy {n} (energy produced from a biological resource) :: 生物能源 /shēngwù néngyuán/, 生物能 /shēngwùnéng/
biofuel {n} (biofuel) :: 生物燃料 /shēngwù ránliào/, 生質燃料, 生质燃料 /shēngzhì ránliào/, 生態燃料, 生态燃料 /shēngtài ránliào/
biogas {n} (gas produced by organic waste matter, used as a fuel) :: 生物燃氣, 生物燃气 /shēngwù ránqì/, 生化氣體, 生化气体 /shēnghuà qìtǐ/, 生質氣體, 生质气体 /shēngzhì qìtǐ/
biography {n} (personal life story) :: 傳記, 传记 /zhuànjì/
biohazard {n} (biological risk) :: 生物危害 /shēngwù wēihài/, 生物危險, 生物危险 /shēngwù wēixiǎn/
bioinformatics {n} (field of science) :: 生物信息學, 生物信息学 /shēngwù xìnxīxué/ [Mainland China], 生物資訊學, 生物资讯学 /shēngwù zīxùnxué/ [Taiwan]
biologic {adj} (biological) SEE: biological ::
biological {n} (of biology) :: 生物 /shēngwù/
biological clock {n} (mechanism) :: 生物鐘, 生物钟 /shēngwùzhōng/
biological clock {n} (progression from puberty to menopause) :: 生物鐘, 生物钟 /shēngwùzhōng/
biological immortality {n} (phenomenon) :: 生物永生 /shēngwù yǒngshēng/
biological parent {n} (biological parent) :: 生身父母 /shēngshēn fùmǔ/
biological weapon {n} (biological pathogen) :: 生物武器 /shēngwù wǔqì/
biologist {n} (student of biology; one versed in the science of biology) :: 生物學家, 生物学家 /shēngwùxuéjiā/
biology {n} (study of living matter) :: 生物學, 生物学 /shēngwùxué/
bioluminescence {n} (emission of light by a living organism) :: 生物發光, 生物发光 /shēngwùfāguāng/
biomass {n} (total mass of living things) :: 生物量 /shēngwùliàng/
biomass {n} (vegetation used as fuel) :: 生物質能, 生物质能 /shēngwù zhìnéng/
bionic ear {n} (cochlear implant) SEE: cochlear implant ::
biophysics {n} (science) :: 生物物理學, 生物物理学 /shēngwùwùlǐxué/
biopolymer {n} (polymer that occurs in a living organism) :: 生物聚合物
biopsy {n} (removal and examination of a sample of tissue for diagnostic purposes) :: 活組織檢查, 活组织检查 /huózǔzhī jiǎnchá/, 活檢, 活检 /huójiǎn/, 切片檢查, 切片检查 /qiēpiàn jiǎnchá/
biopsy {v} (to take a sample for pathological examination) :: 活組織檢查, 活组织检查 /huózǔzhī jiǎnchá/, 活檢, 活检 /huójiǎn/, 切片檢查, 切片检查 /qiēpiàn jiǎnchá/
biosphere {n} (part of Earth capable of supporting life) :: 生物圈 /shēngwùquān/
biota {n} (the living organisms of a region) :: 生物群 /shēngwùqún/, 生物相 /shēngwùxiāng/, 地方生物誌, 地方生物志 /dìfāng shēngwùzhì/
biotherapy {n} (any of several unrelated therapies that use natural biological processes) :: 生物治療, 生物治疗 /shēngwù zhìliáo/
biotherapy {n} (the use of living organisms in the control of disease) :: 生物治療, 生物治疗 /shēngwù zhìliáo/
biphenyl {n} (organic compound) :: 聯苯, 联苯 /liánběn/
biplane {n} (airplane that has two pairs of wings) :: 雙翼機, 双翼机 /shuāngyìjī/
bipod {n} (two-legged stand) :: 雙腳架, 双脚架 /shuāngjiǎojià/
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) :: 躁鬱症, 躁郁症 /zàoyùzhèng/
biradiate {adj} (having two rays) :: 輻射, 辐射 (shuāng fúshè de)
birch {n} (tree) :: 樺樹, 桦树 /huàshù/; , /huà/; 樺木, 桦木 /huàmù/
birch {n} (wood) :: 樺木, 桦木 /huàmù/
Bircher muesli {n} (breakfast dish) :: 瑞士麥片粥, 瑞士麦片粥 /dòng Ruìshì màipiànzhōu/
bird {n} (animal) :: , /niǎo/, /què/
birdcage {n} (cage to keep birds in) :: 鳥籠, 鸟笼 /niǎolóng/
bird cherry {n} (Prunus padus) :: 稠李 /chóuli/
bird dog {n} (gun dog) SEE: gun dog ::
bird flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
birdhouse {n} (aviary) SEE: aviary ::
birdhouse {n} (small house for birds) :: 禽舍 /qínshě/, 小鳥舍, 小鸟舍 /xiǎoniǎoshè/
birdie {n} (badminton: shuttlecock) SEE: shuttlecock ::
birdie {n} (bird, birdling) :: 小鳥, 小鸟 /xiǎoniǎo/
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time ::
birdlime {n} (sticky substance to catch birds) :: 粘鳥膠 /zhānniǎojiāo/
bird of paradise {n} (bird) :: 極樂鳥, 极乐鸟 /jílèniǎo/, 天堂鳥, 天堂鸟 /tiāntángniǎo/, 風鳥, 风鸟 /fēngniǎo/
bird of paradise {n} (flower) :: 鶴望蘭, 鹤望兰 /hèwànglán/, 極樂鳥花, 极乐鸟花 /tiāntángniǎohuā/
bird of passage {n} (bird) SEE: migrant ::
bird of prey {n} (carnivorous bird) :: 猛禽 /měngqín/
bird's-eye view {n} (view from directly or high above) :: 鳥瞰, 鸟瞰 /niǎokàn/
bird's nest soup {n} (Chinese delicacy) :: 燕窩湯, 燕窝汤 /yànwōtāng/
birds of a feather {n} (people having similar characters) :: [people of the same kind] 同類, 同类 /tónglèi de rén/ (one hill's badgers), [derogatory] 一丘之貉 /yīqiūzhīhé/ (goods of the same road), [colloquial] 一路貨, 一路货 /yīlùhuò/
birds of a feather flock together {proverb} (people of similar character, etc. tend to associate) :: 物以類聚, 物以类聚 /wùyǐlèijù/
birds of the feather flock together {proverb} (birds of a feather flock together) SEE: birds of a feather flock together ::
birdsong {n} (musical sound made by a bird) :: 鳥鳴, 鸟鸣 /niaǒmíng/
bird strike {n} (collision between a bird and an aircraft) :: 鳥撞, 鸟撞 /niǎozhuàng/, 鳥擊, 鸟击 /niǎojī/
birdwatcher {n} (a person who observes or identifies wild birds in their natural environment) :: 觀鳥, 观鸟 /guānniǎozhě/, 賞鳥, 赏鸟 /shǎngniǎozhě/, 觀鳥愛好者, 观鸟爱好者 /guānniǎo àihàozhě/, 賞鳥愛好者, 赏鸟爱好者 /shǎngniǎo àihàozhě/
birdwatching {n} (observing wild birds) :: 觀鳥, 观鸟 /guānniǎo/, 賞鳥, 赏鸟 /shǎngniǎo/
biretta {n} (square cap) :: 四角帽 /sìjiǎomào/
Birmingham {prop} (city and borough in England) :: 伯明翰 /Bómínghàn/
Birmingham {prop} (city in Alabama) :: 伯明翰 /Bómínghàn/
Birmingham {prop} (city in Michigan) :: 伯明翰 /Bómínghàn/
biro {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
Birobidzhan {prop} (city in Russia) :: 比羅比詹, 比罗比詹 /Bǐluóbǐzhān/
birth {n} (process of childbearing; beginning of life) :: 出生 /chūshēng/
birth {n} (beginning or start; a point of origin) :: 誕生, 诞生 /dànshēng/
birth certificate {n} (official document certifying the details of a person's birth) :: 出生證, 出生证 /chūshēngzhèng/, 出生證明書, 出生证明书 /chūshēng zhèngmíngshū/
birth control {n} (voluntary control of the number of children conceived) :: 生育控制 /shēngyù kòngzhì/, 節育, 节育 /jiéyù/, 避孕 /bìyùn/, 計劃生育, 计划生育 /jìhuà shēngyù/
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth ::
birthday {n} (anniversary) :: 生日 /shēngrì/, 生辰 /shēngchén/
birthday {n} (date of birth) :: 出生日期 /chūshēngrìqī/
birthday cake {n} (a cake made to celebrate a birthday) :: 生日蛋糕 /shēngrì dàngāo/
birthday card {n} (greeting card) :: 生日賀卡, 生日贺卡 /shēngrì hèkǎ/, 生日卡 /shēngrìkǎ/
birthday party {n} (a party held to celebrate a birthday) :: 生日宴會, 生日宴会 /shēngrì yànhuì/, 生日聚會, 生日聚会 /shēngrì jùhuì/, 生日派對, 生日派对 /shēngrì pàiduì/, 生日會, 生日会 /shēngrìhuì/
birthday suit {n} (nakedness) :: 一絲不掛, 一丝不挂 /yīsībùguà/, 赤條條地, 赤条条地 /chìtiáotiáo de/ [stark naked], 赤身裸体
birth defect {n} (any of several medical disorders that are present at birth) :: 先天缺陷 /xiāntiān quēxiàn/
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) :: /zhì/, 胎記, 胎记 /tāijì/
birth name {n} (name chosen at birth) :: 本名 /běnmíng/
birthplace {n} (location where a person is born) :: 出生地 /chūshēngdì/
birthrate {n} (rate of live births to population) :: 出生率 /chūshēnglǜ/
birthright {n} (something that is owed since birth, due to inheritance) :: 傳家寶, 传家宝 /chuánjiābǎo/
birth weight {n} (weight of a baby at birth) :: 出生體重, 出生体重 /chūshēng tǐzhòng/
birthweight {n} (birthweight) SEE: birth weight ::
biryani {n} (dish of spiced rice) :: 印度, 印度 /Yìndù xiàngfàn/
biscuit {n} (cracker) SEE: cracker ::
biscuit {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) :: 餅乾, 饼干 /bǐnggān/
bisector {n} (A line or curve that bisects or divides a line segment, angle, or other figure into two equal parts) :: 二等分線, 二等分线 /èr děngfēn xiàn/
bisexual {adj} (sexually attracted to both men and women) :: 雙性戀的, 双性恋的 /shuāngxìngliàn de/
bisexual {adj} (botany: having both male and female organs) :: 兩性的, 两性的 /liǎngxìng de/, 雙性的, 双性的 /shuāngxìng de/
bisexual {n} (bisexual person) :: 雙性戀者, 双性恋者 /shuāngxìngliànzhě/
bisexual {adj} (hermaphrodite) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
bisexuality {n} (psychology) :: 雙性戀, 双性恋 /shuāngxìngliàn/
Bishkek {prop} (capital of Kyrgyzstan) :: 比什凯克 /Bǐshíkǎikè/
Bishnupriya Manipuri {prop} (language) :: 比什奴普萊利亞-曼尼浦爾語, 比什奴普莱利亚-曼尼浦尔语 /Bǐshénnúpǔláilìyǎ-mànnípǔěryǔ/
bishop {n} (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) :: 主教 /zhǔjiào/
bishop {n} (chess piece) :: /xiàng/, 主教 /zhǔjiào/
bismuth {n} (chemical element) :: , /bì/
bison {n} (wild ox, Bison bonasus) :: 野牛 /yěniú/
Bissau {prop} (capital of Guinea-Bissau) :: 比紹, 比绍 /Bǐshào/
bissextile {n} (leap year) SEE: leap year ::
bissextile year {n} (year with an extra day) SEE: leap year ::
bit {n} (metal in horse's mouth) :: 馬銜, 马衔 /mǎxián/
bit {n} (computing smallest unit of storage) :: /wèi/, 比特 /bǐtè/, 位元 /wèiyuán/, 二進位元, 二进位元 /èrjìn wèiyuán/ [Taiwan], 二進制位元, 二进制位元 /èrjìnzhì wèiyuán/ [Taiwan], 二進制數字, 二进制数字 /èrjìnzhì shùzì/, 二進制位, 二进制位 /èrjìnzhì wèi/
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin ::
bit by bit {adv} (small amount at a time) :: 逐漸, 逐渐 /zhújiàn/, 漸漸, 渐渐 /jiànjiàn/
bitch {n} (female canine) :: 母狗 /mǔgǒu/
bitch {n} (disagreeable, aggressive person, usually female) :: 賤人, 贱人 /jiànrén/, 婊子 /biǎozi/, 娼婦, 娼妇 /chāngfù/
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint ::
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog ::
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch ::
bitchy {adj} (spiteful; catty) :: , /jiàn/, 惡毒, 恶毒 /èdú/
bitchy {adj} (irritable) :: 易怒 /yìnù/, 急躁 /jízào/
bitcoin {n} (cryptocurrency) :: 比特幣, 比特币 /bǐtèbì/
bite {v} (to cut into by clamping the teeth) :: /yǎo/
bite {v} (to hold something by clamping one’s teeth) :: 咬住 /yǎozhù/, /yǎo/
bite {v} (to attack with the teeth) :: /yǎo/
bite {v} (to sting) :: /yǎo/, /dīng/
bite {n} (mouthful) :: /kǒu/
bite me {interj} (expression of discontent or aggravation) :: 咬我啊
bite off more than one can chew {v} (To try to do too much) :: 貪多嚼不爛, 贪多嚼不烂 /tān duō jiáo bú làn/, 好高騖遠, 好高骛远 /hào gāo wù yuǎn/
bite the dust {v} (to quit or fail) :: 吃灰 /chīhuī/
bite the hand that feeds one {v} (cause harm to a benefactor) :: 狗咬呂洞賓, 狗咬吕洞宾 /gǒu yǎo Lǚ Dòngbīn/, 忘恩負義, 忘恩负义 / wàng ēn fù yì/
Bithynia {prop} (ancient region) :: 比提尼亞 /Bǐtíníyà/
bitmap {n} (a series of bits) :: 點陣, 点阵 /diǎnzhèn/
Bitola {prop} (city) :: 比托拉 /Bǐtuōlā/
bitrate {n} (frequency of bits at passing point) :: 位元率 /wèiyuánlǜ/
bitter {adj} (having an acrid taste) :: 苦澀, 苦涩 /kǔsè/, /kǔ/
bitter {adj} (harsh, piercing or stinging) :: /kǔ/, 嚴酷, 严酷 /yánkù/
bitter {adj} (hateful or hostile) :: 可恨 /kěhèn/, 可惡, 可恶 /kěwù/, [hostile] 懷敵意, 怀敌意 /huáidíyì/
bitter {adj} (cynical and resentful) :: 心酸 /xīnsuān/
bitter {n} (liquid or powder used in mixed drinks or as tonic) :: 苦啤酒 /kǔpíjiǔ/
bitter melon {n} (plant Momordica charantia) :: 苦瓜 /kǔguā/
bitter melon {n} (fruit of Momordica charantia) :: 苦瓜 /kǔguā/
bittern {n} (salt substance used in tofu) :: 鹽滷, 盐卤 /yánlǔ/
bitter orange {n} (tree) :: 苦橙樹, 苦橙树 /kǔchéngshù/
bitter orange {n} (fruit) :: 苦橙 /kǔchéng/
bittersweet {adj} (both bitter and sweet) :: 苦甜 /kǔtián/
bitumen {n} (Mineral pitch) :: 瀝青, 沥青 /lìqīng/
bivouac {n} (encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering) :: 露宿 /lùsù/, 露營, 露营 /lùyíng/, 野營, 野营 /yěyíng/
biwa {n} (lute) :: 日本琵琶 /Rìběn pípa/
bixie {n} (mythical beast) :: 辟邪 /bìxié/
bizarre {adj} (strangely unconventional) :: 奇怪 /qíguài/, 不可思議, 不可思议 /bùkěsīyì/
Bizerte {prop} (city in Tunisia) :: 比塞大 /Bǐsàidà/
blab {n} (gossip) SEE: gossip ::
blabbermouth {n} (chatterbox) SEE: chatterbox ::
black {adj} (absorbing all light) :: /hēi/, 黑色 /hēisè/, 烏色, 乌色 /wūsè/ [regional]
black {adj} (relating to people with dark skin) :: 黑人 /hēirén/
black {n} (colour/color) :: 黑色 /hēisè/
black {n} (dark-skinned person) :: 黑人 /hēirén/
black Africa {prop} (roughly sub-Saharan Africa) :: 黑非洲 /Hēi Fēizhōu/
black alder {n} (Alnus glutinosa tree) :: 歐洲桤木, 欧洲桤木 /Ōuzhōu qīmù/
black alder {n} (wood or other product) :: 歐洲桤木, 欧洲桤木 /Ōuzhōu qīmù/
black and blue {adj} (covered in bruises) :: 鼻青脸肿的, 青一块紫一块的
black and white {adj} (black-and-white) SEE: black-and-white ::
black-and-white {adj} (displaying images in shades of grey/gray) :: 黑白 /hēibái/
black-and-white television {n} (system) :: 黑白電視, 黑白电视 /hēibái diànshì/
black-and-white television {n} (set) :: 黑白電視, 黑白电视 /hēibái diànshì/, 黑白電視機, 黑白电视机 /hēibái diànshìjī/
black art {n} (witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, etc.) :: 妖术, 魔法
black-backed jackal {n} (Canis mesomelas) :: 黑背胡狼 /hēibèi húláng/
black bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) SEE: garbage bag ::
Blackbeard {prop} (pirate's name) :: 黑鬍子, 黑胡子 /Hēi Húzi/
black-bellied plover {n} (An arctic bird) :: 灰斑鴴, 灰斑鸻 /huībānhéng/
black belt {n} (highest belt color in various martial arts) :: 黑帶, 黑带 /hēidài/
black belt {n} (person who has attained the black belt) :: 黑帶, 黑带 /hēidài/
blackberry {n} (shrub) :: 黑莓 /hēiméi/
blackberry {n} (fruit) :: 黑莓 /hēiméi/
BlackBerry {n} (device (transliterations)) :: 黑莓手機, 黑莓手机 /hēiméi shǒujī/
blackbird {n} (Turdus merula: blackbird) :: 山鳥, 山鸟 /shānniǎo/, 烏鶇, 乌鸫 /wūdōng/
blackbird {n} (bird of the family Icteridae) :: 黑鸝, 黑鹂 /hēilí/
blackboard {n} (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) :: 黑板 /hēibǎn/
blackbody {n} (an idealized object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it) :: 黑體, 黑体 /hēitǐ/
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) :: 黑箱 /hēixiāng/, 黑匣子 /hēixiázi/, 黑盒子 /hēihézi/
black box {n} (theoretical construct or device) :: 黑箱 /hēixiāng/, 黑盒 /hēihé/
black-capped chickadee {n} (Poecile atricapillus) :: 黑盖山雀
black cardamom {n} (plant and spice) :: 草果
black cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher ::
black cat {n} (black-furred cat) :: 黑貓, 黑猫 /hēimāo/
black child {n} (black child, see also: pickaninny) :: 黑人小孩 /hēirén xiǎohái/ [neutral]
black coal {n} (high quality coal) :: 煙煤, 烟煤 /yānméi/, 黑煤 /hēiméi/
black coffee {n} (coffee served without cream or milk) :: 黑咖啡 /hēikāfēi/, 清咖啡 /qīngkāfēi/
black-collar {adj} (pertaining to employment in the black market) :: 黑領, 黑领 /hēilǐng/
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) :: 夜鷺, 夜鹭 /yèlù/
black currant {n} (shrub) :: 黑加侖, 黑加仑 /hēijiālún/, 黑醋栗 /hēicùlì/
black currant {n} (berry) :: 黑加侖, 黑加仑 /hēijiālún/, 黑醋栗 /hēicùlì/
Black Death {prop} (14th century pandemic outbreak) :: 黑死病 /hēisǐbìng/
black earth {n} (chernozem) SEE: chernozem ::
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder ::
black eye {n} (bruised eye) :: 黑眼圈 /hēiyǎnquān/, 熊猫眼 /xióngmāoyǎn/
black-eyed pea {n} (cowpea bean, the produce of the aforementioned plant) :: 豇豆 /jiāngdòu/
black-eyed Susan {n} (Rudbeckia hirta) :: 黑心金光菊 /hēixīn jīnguāngjú/, 黑心菊 /hēixīnjú/
black flag {n} (flag used as a symbol of anarchism) :: 黑旗 /hēiqí/
Black Forest {prop} (German forest and mountain range) :: 黑森林 /Hēi Sēnlín/
Black Forest gâteau {n} (type of gâteau originating in the Black Forest region of Germany) :: 黑森林蛋糕 /Hēi Sēnlín dàngāo/
Black Friday {prop} (day after U.S. Thanksgiving Day) :: 黑色星期五 /Hēisè Xīngqīwǔ, Hēisè Xīngqíwǔ/
Black Friday {prop} (sales period involving heavy price reductions) :: 黑色星期五 /Hēisè Xīngqīwǔ, Hēisè Xīngqíwǔ/, 黑五 /Hēiwǔ/
black grouse {n} (Lyrurus tetrix) :: 黑琴雞, 黑琴鸡 /hēiqínjī/
blackguard {n} (scoundrel) SEE: scoundrel ::
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) :: 红嘴鸥 /hóng zuǐ ōu/
black hole {n} (celestial body) :: 黑洞 /hēidòng/
black horse {n} :: 鐵驪, 铁骊 /tiělí/
black humor {n} (subgenre of comedy) :: 黑色幽默 /hēisè yōumò/
black ibis {n} (Pseudibis papillosa) :: 黑䴉, 黑鹮 /hēihuán/
black ice {n} (invisible film of ice) :: 黑冰 /hēibīng/
blacking {n} (shoe polish) SEE: shoe polish ::
blackjack {n} (card game) :: 二十一點, 二十一点 /èrshíyī diǎn/
black jail {n} (facility) :: 黑監獄, 黑监狱 /hēijiānyù/
black lead {n} (graphite) SEE: graphite ::
blackleg {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker ::
black-legged kittiwake {n} (Rissa tridactyla) :: 三趾鸥 /sān-zhǐ ōu/
black light {n} (light bulb that emits ultraviolet light) :: 黑光燈, 黑光灯 /hēiguāngdēng/, 不可見光燈, 不可见光灯 /bùkějiàn guāngdēng/, 紫外線, 紫外线 /zǐwàixiàn/
black liquor {n} (a waste product in pulp and paper industry) :: 黑液 /hēiyè/
blacklist {n} (list or set of people or entities to be shunned or banned) :: 黑名單, 黑名单 /hēimíngdān/
black magic {n} (magic derived from evil forces) :: 黑魔法 /hēimófǎ/, 黑巫術, 黑巫术 /hēiwūshù/
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) :: 勒索 /lèsuǒ/, 敲詐, 敲诈 /qiāozhà/, 誅求, 诛求 /zhūqiú/, 逼勒 /bīlè/, 要挾, 要挟 /yāoxié/, 訛詐, 讹诈 /ézhà/
blackmail {v} (to extort money) :: 勒索 /lèsuǒ/, 敲詐, 敲诈 /qiāozhà/, 誅求, 诛求 /zhūqiú/, 逼勒 /bīlè/, 要挾, 要挟 /yāoxié/, 訛詐, 讹诈 /ézhà/
blackmailer {n} (someone who blackmails) :: 敲詐者, 敲诈者 /qiāozhàzhě/, 勒索者 /lèsuǒzhě/
black market {n} (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls) :: 黑市 /hēishì/
black olive {n} (olive picked after it has ripened) :: 黑橄欖, 黑橄榄 /hēigǎnlǎn/
blackout {n} (a large-scale power failure) :: 停電, 停电 /tíngdiàn/
blackout {n} (the mandatory blinding of all light) :: 暗轉, 暗转 /ànzhuǎn/
black pepper {n} (spice) :: 黑胡椒 /hēihújiāo/
black rat {n} (Rattus rattus) :: 屋頂鼠, 屋顶鼠 /wūdǐngshǔ/, 黑鼠 /hēishǔ/
black redstart {n} (a small passerine bird) :: 赭紅尾鴝, 赭红尾鸲 /zhěhóng wěiqú/
black rhinoceros {n} (Diceros bicornis) :: 黑犀
black rice {n} (type of rice) :: 黑米 /hēimǐ/
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) :: 黑海 /Hēihǎi/
black sesame soup {n} (Chinese dessert) :: 芝麻糊 /zhīmahù/
black sheep {n} (nonconformist) :: 不墨守成规者
black sheep {n} (disliked person) :: 害群之馬, 害群之马 /hàiqúnzhīmǎ/, 敗類, 败类 /bàilèi/
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist ::
blackshirt {n} (uniformed Italian fascist, member of a paramilitary wing of the party) :: 黑衣黨員, 黑衣党员 /hēiyīdǎng yuán/, 黑衫黨成員, 黑衫党成员 /hēishāndǎng chéngyuán/
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) :: 鐵匠, 铁匠 /tiējiàng/; 鐵匠, 铁匠 /títiējiàng/
black speargrass {n} (Heteropogon contortus) :: 黄茅 or 黃茅 /huángmáo/
black swan {n} (Cygnus atratus) :: 黑天鵝, 黑天鹅 /hēitiān'é/
black swan {n} (something believed non-existent) :: 黑天鹅
black tea {n} (tea leaves which have been "fermented") :: 紅茶, 红茶 /hóngchá/
black tea {n} (cup of tea served without milk) :: 紅茶, 红茶 /hóngchá/
blackwater {n} (contaminated waste water) :: 黑水 /hēishuǐ/, 污水 /wūshuǐ/
bladder {n} (hollow inflatable organ in botany) :: 氣囊
bladder {n} (inflatable bag inside a ball) :: 球膽
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder ::
bladder cancer {n} (disease in which abnormal cells multiply without control in the bladder) :: 膀胱癌 /pángguāng'ái/
bladder cherry {n} (Physalis alkekengi) :: 酸漿, 酸浆 /suānjiāng/
bladder infection {n} (urinary tract infection) SEE: urinary tract infection ::
blade {n} (sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil) :: /rèn/
blade {n} (the flat part of a leaf or petal) :: 葉片, 叶片 /yèpiàn/
blade {n} (slang term for a weapon such as a dagger) :: /dāo/
Blagoevgrad {prop} (town in Bulgaria) :: 布拉戈耶夫格勒 /Bùlāgēyéfūgélè/
Blagoveshchensk {prop} (city in Siberia) :: 布拉戈維申斯克, 布拉戈维申斯克 /Bùlāgēwéishēnsīkè/, 海蘭泡, 海兰泡 /Hǎilánpào/
blame {n} (state of having caused a bad event) :: 責備, 责备 /zébèi/
blame {v} (place blame upon) :: 責備, 责备 /zébèi/, 責怪, 责怪 /zéguài/, /guài/
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility ::
blanch {v} (to cook by dipping briefly into boiling water, then directly into cold water) :: /chāo/
bland {adj} (Lacking in taste or vigor) :: 乏味的 /fáwèide/
blank {adj} (free from writing, printing or marks) :: 空白 /kòngbái/
blank {n} (simulation cartridge) :: 空包彈, 空包弹 /kōngbāodàn/
blank check {n} (signed check) :: 空白支票 /kòngbái zhīpiào/
blanket {n} (fabric) :: 毯子 /tǎnzi/
blanket term {n} (word or phrase used to describe multiple groups of related things) SEE: umbrella term ::
blasphemous {adj} (lacking piety or respect for the sacred) :: 褻瀆神靈, 亵渎神灵 /xièdú shénlíng/
blasphemy {n} (Irreverence toward something sacred) :: 褻瀆, 亵渎 /xièdú/
blast {n} (violent gust of wind) :: 疾風, 疾风 /jífēng/
-blast {suffix} (an immature cell or tissue) :: -细胞 /mǔxìbāo/
blastoderm {n} (point from which the embryo develops) :: 胚盤, 胚盘 /pēipán/
blastoma {n} (type of tumour) :: 胚細胞瘤, 胚细胞瘤 /pēixìbāoliú/
blat {n} (connections; relationships; one's social or business network (Russia)) :: 關係, 关系 /guānxi/
blay {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak ::
blaze {n} (fast-burning fire) :: 火焰 /huǒyàn/
bleach {v} (to treat with bleach) :: 漂白 /piǎobái/
bleach {n} (chemical) :: 漂白劑, 漂白剂 /piǎobáijì/
bleacher {n} (one who bleaches) :: 漂白劑, 漂白剂
bleacher {n} (seating for spectators) :: 露天看台
bleak {adj} (without color) :: 苍白
bleak {adj} (desolate and exposed) :: 荒凉
bleak {adj} (cheerless) :: 黯淡, 惨淡
bleed {v} (lose blood) :: 出血 /chūxiě/, 流血 /liúxuè, liúxiě/, 放血 /fàngxuè/
bleeding {n} (the flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel) :: 出血 /chūxuè, chūxiě/ [chūxiě is more colloquial], 滲色, 渗色 /shènsè/
bleed out {v} (die due to excess bloodloss) :: 失血過多, 失血过多 /shīxuè guòduō ér sǐ/
bleep censor {n} (software module) :: 尖銳聲音檢查員, 尖锐声音检查员 /jianrui shengyin jiangzhayuan/
blend {n} (in linguistics) SEE: portmanteau word ::
blender {n} (machine) :: 混合器 /hùnhéqì/
blepharoplasty {n} (plastic surgery on the eyelid) :: 重瞼術, 重睑术 /chóngjiǎnshù/, 割雙眼皮, 割双眼皮 /gēshuāngyǎnpí/, 雙眼皮手術, 双眼皮手术 /shuāngyǎnpí shǒushù/
bless {v} (confer blessing on) :: 保佑 /bǎoyòu/, /yòu/, 祝福 /zhùfú/
blessing {n} (divine or supernatural aid or reward) :: 祝福 /zhùfú/
blessing {n} (prayer before a meal) SEE: grace ::
blessing in disguise {n} (A seeming misfortune that turns out to be for the best) :: 因禍得福, 因祸得福 /yīn huò dé fú/
bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: [uncommon] 一百歲, 一百岁 /yībǎi suì/ ((live up to) 100 years)
bless you {interj} (short for "God bless you") SEE: God bless you ::
blight {n} (plant disease) :: 枯萎病
blimp {n} (airship) :: 軟式小型飛船, 软式小型飞船 /ruǎnshìxiǎoxíngfēichuán/
blind {adj} (unable to see) :: /máng/, 盲目 /mángmù/, 失明 /shīmíng/ [formal], /xiā/ [colloquial], /gǔ/ [archaic]
blind {n} (covering for a window) :: 百葉窗 , 百叶窗 /bǎiyèchuāng/
blind alley {n} (street that leads nowhere) SEE: dead end ::
blind date {n} (romantic meeting between two people who have never met before, see also: miai) :: 相親, 相亲 /xiāngqīn/
blindfold {n} (a covering, usually a bandage, for the eyes) :: 眼罩 /yǎnzhào/
blind gut {n} (caecum) SEE: caecum ::
blindingly {adv} (extremely) SEE: extremely ::
blind man's buff {n} (game where someone is blindfolded and tries to catch the others) :: 躲猫猫 /duǒ māo māo/, 捉迷藏 /zhuō mí cáng/
blind massage {n} (massage given by a blind masseur) :: 盲人按摩 /mángrén ànmó/
blindness {n} (condition of being blind) :: 盲目性 /mángmùxìng/
blind spot {n} (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina) :: 盲點, 盲点 /mángdiǎn/
blind spot {n} (part of the road that cannot be seen) :: 盲點, 盲点 /mángdiǎn/
blind spot {n} (inability to recognize a fact or think clearly) :: 盲點
blind tiger {n} (speakeasy) SEE: speakeasy ::
blind tiger {n} (shogi piece) :: 盲虎 /mánghǔ/
blink {v} (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) :: 眨眼 /zhǎyǎn/, 眨眼睛 /zhǎ yǎnjīng/, /zhǎ/
blink of an eye {n} (very short period of time) :: 眨眼 /zhǎyǎn/
bliss {n} (perfect happiness) :: 極樂, 极乐 /jílè/, 喜悅, 喜悦 /xǐyuè/, 福佑 /fúyòu/, 幸福 /xìngfú/
blister {n} (bubble on the skin) :: 水泡 /shuǐpào/
blister {n} (bubble on a painted surface) :: 氣泡 /shuǐpào/, 气泡 /qìpào/
blister {v} (cause blisters to form) :: 起水泡, 起水泡 /qǐ shuǐ pào/
Blitzen {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) :: 閃電, 闪电 /Shǎndiàn/
blitzkrieg {n} (fast military offensive) :: 閃電戰, 闪电战 /shǎndiànzhàn/
blizzard {n} (severe snowstorm) :: 暴風雪, 暴风雪 /bàofēngxuě/, 大風雪, 大风雪 /dàfēngxuě/
BL Lac object {n} (type of galaxy with AGN) :: 蝎虎座BL型天體, 蠍虎BL天體
bloc {n} (group of voters or politicians) :: 集團, 集团 /jítuán/
bloc {n} (group of countries) :: 聯合, 联合 /liánhé/
block {n} (substantial often approximately cuboid piece) :: 積木 /jīmù/
block {n} (chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading) :: 砧板 /zhēnbǎn/
block {n} (distance from one street to another) :: 街區, 街区 /jiēqū/
block {n} (slang: human head) :: /tóu/
block {n} (set of paper sheets) :: 一批 /yìpī/
block {n} (computing: logical data storage unit) ::
block {n} (part of a ship's rigging) :: 索具 /suǒjù/
block {n} (something that prevents passing) :: 障礙物, 障碍物 /zhàngāiwù/
block {n} (volleyball: defensive play) :: 排球 /páiqiú/
block {n} (stupid fellow) SEE: blockhead ::
block {n} (solitary confinement) SEE: solitary confinement ::
blockade {n} (the isolation of something) :: 封鎖, 封锁 /fēngsuǒ/
blockbuster {n} (high-explosive bomb) :: 巨型炸彈, 巨型炸弹 /jùxíng zhàdàn/
blockbuster {n} (film or book, that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales) :: 巨片 /jùpiān/, 大片 /dàpiān/, 風靡一時的事物, 风靡一时的事物 /fēngmí yīshí de shìwù/
blockchain {n} (shared record) :: 區塊鏈, 区块链 /qūkuàiliàn/
blockhead {n} (stupid person) :: 傻子 /shǎzi/, 傻瓜 /shǎguā/
block of flats {n} (apartment building) SEE: apartment building ::
Bloc Québécois {prop} (federal political party in Canada) :: 魁人政團, 魁人政团 /Kuǐrén Zhèngtuán/
Bloemfontein {prop} (city) :: 布隆方丹 /Bùlóngfāngdān/
blog {n} (a personal or corporate website) :: 博客 /bókè/ (most common term), 部落格 /bùluògé/, 博落 /bóluò/, 網誌, 网志 /wǎngzhì/
blogger {n} (contributor to a blog) :: 博客 /bókè/
blogosphere {n} (the totality of blogs) :: 博客圈 /bókèquān/
blogpost {n} :: 博文 /bówén/
blond {adj} (of a pale golden colour) :: 金髮, 金发 /jīnfà/
blond {n} (fair-haired person) :: 金髮, 金发 /jīnfà/ [blond hair]
blonde {n} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blonde {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) :: /xuè, xiě/
blood {n} (family relationship due to birth, e.g. between siblings) :: 血液 /xuèyè/
blood bank {n} (place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored) :: 血庫, 血库 /xuèkù/
bloodbath {n} (indiscriminate killing or slaughter) :: 血洗 /xuèxǐ/, 大屠殺, 大屠杀 /dàtúshā/
blood brother {n} (unrelated male friend confirmed by a ceremonial mingling of blood) :: 把兄弟 /bǎxiōngdì/, 盟兄弟 /méngxiōngdì/
blood brother {n} (unrelated male friend considered to share such strong relationship) :: 把兄弟 /bǎxiōngdì/, 盟兄弟 /méngxiōngdì/
blood cell {n} (any of the cells normally found in the blood) :: 血細胞, 血细胞 /xuèxìbāo/, 血球 /xuèqiú/
blood clot {n} :: 血栓 /xuèshuān/
blood corpuscle {n} (blood cell) SEE: blood cell ::
blood drive {n} (activity in which persons are requested to donate blood) :: 獻血活動, 献血活动 /xiànxiě huódòng/
blood feud {n} (feud between clans or families) SEE: vendetta ::
blood flow {n} (continuous circulation of blood in the cardiovascular system) :: 血流 /xuèliú/, 血液循環, 血液循环 /xuèyè xúnhuán/
blood group {n} (blood type) SEE: blood type ::
blood is thicker than water {proverb} (relationships are stronger within the family) :: 血濃於水, 血浓于水 /xùenóngyúshuǐ/
blood moon {n} (moon as it appears during a total lunar eclipse) :: 血月 /xuèyuè/
blood orange {n} (type of orange) :: 血橙 /xuèchéng/
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) :: 血壓, 血压 /xuèyā/
blood pudding {n} (blood sausage) SEE: blood sausage ::
blood red {adj} (of a deep vivid red colour) :: 殷紅, 殷红 /yīnhóng/
blood relation {n} (person) :: 血親, 血亲 /xuèqīn/, 骨肉 /gǔròu/
blood relative {n} (blood relation) SEE: blood relation ::
bloodroot {n} (plant) :: 血根草 /xiěgēncǎo/
blood sausage {n} (type of sausage) :: 血腸, 血肠 /xuècháng, xiěcháng/
bloodshed {n} (shedding or spilling of blood) :: 流血 /liúxuè, liúxiě/
blood sister {n} (sister by birth) :: 親姐妹, 亲姐妹 /qīn jiěmèi/
blood sport {n} (sport involving the killing of animals) :: 流血運動, 流血运动 /liúxuè yùndòng/
bloodstained {adj} (stained, spotted or otherwise discolored with blood) :: 血污的 /xuèwū de/
bloodstone {n} (type of green chalcedony) :: 血石 /xuèshí/, 血石髓 /xuèshísuǐ/, 血滴石 /xuèdīshí/, 血玉髓 /xuèyùsuǐ/
bloodstream {n} (flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal) :: 血液 /xuèyè, xiěyè/, 血流 /xuèliú, xiěliú/
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire ::
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite ::
bloodsucker {n} (animal that drinks the blood of others) :: 吸血動物, 吸血动物 /xīxuè dòngwù/ [animal], 吸血者 /xīxuèzhě/ [human or animal]
bloodsucker {n} (one who attempts to take as much from others as possible) :: 吸血鬼 /xīxuèguǐ/
blood sugar {n} (glucose in the blood) :: 血糖 /xuètáng/
blood sugar {n} (amount of glucose in a person's blood) :: 血糖 /xuètáng/
blood supply {n} (volume of blood flowing to part of the body over a particular time period) :: 血運, 血运 /xuèyùn/
blood, sweat and tears {n} (person's determination and hard work) :: 血汗 /xuèhàn/ [lit. "blood and sweat"]
blood test {n} (a serologic analysis of a sample of blood) :: 驗血, 验血 /yànxuè/
bloodthirsty {adj} (thirsty for blood) :: 嗜血 /shìxiě/
blood tofu {n} (food product made of coagulated animal blood) :: 血豆腐 /xuèdòufu/, /xuè/ [usually qualified with the animal], 血旺 [southwestern China]
blood transfusion {n} (taking blood from one and giving it to another individual) :: 輸血, 输血 /shūxuè or shūxiě/
blood type {n} (blood classification) :: 血型 /xiěxíng, xuèxíng/
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) :: 血管 /xuèguǎn or xiěguǎn/
blood work {n} (blood test) SEE: blood test ::
bloody {adj} (intensifier) :: 残忍的 /cánrěnde/
bloody mary {n} (cocktail made from vodka and tomato juice) :: 血瑪麗, 血玛丽 /xuèmǎlì/, 血瑪莉, 血玛莉 /xuèmǎlì/
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower ::
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom ::
bloomers {n} (Women’s underpants with short legs.) :: 灯笼裤 /dēnglóngkù/
blooper {n} (filmed or videotaped outtake) :: NG /ēnjī/
blossom {n} (flowers on trees) :: /huā/
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) :: 開花, 开花 /kāihuā/, , /kāi/
blotter {n} (piece of blotting paper) SEE: blotting paper ::
blotter {n} (police station register) :: 記事簿, 记事簿 /jìshìbù/
blotting paper {n} (absorbent paper used to dry ink) :: 吸墨紙, 吸墨纸 /xīmòzhǐ/
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
blouse {n} (an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt) :: 女襯衫, 女衬衫 /nǚ chènshān/
blouse {n} (military: a loose-fitting uniform jacket) :: 工作罩衫
blow {v} (to produce an air current) :: /chuī/, , /guā/
blow {v} (to propel by an air current) :: 刮走 /guāzǒu/
blow {v} (to be propelled by an air current) :: 隨風飄動 /guā/, 随风飘动 /suífēng piāodòng/
blow {v} (to create or shape by blowing) :: 吹氣 /guā/, 吹气 /chuīqì/
blow {v} ((of a cetacean) exhale visibly through the spout the seawater) :: 喘氣 /guā/, 喘气 /chuǎnqì/
blow {v} (to explode) :: 爆炸 /bàozhà/
blow {v} (be very undesirable) :: 搞砸 /gǎozá/
blow {v} (to squander) :: 浪費, 浪费 /làngfèi/
blow {v} (to leave) :: 離開, 离开 /líkāi/
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow ::
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
blow a kiss {v} (to kiss one's hand and blow towards the recipient) :: 某人飛吻, 某人飞吻 /gěi mǒurén fēiwěn/
blow away {v} (to impress greatly) :: 印象深刻
blow-dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
blower {n} (device) :: 鼓風機, 鼓风机 /gǔfēngjī/
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
blowfish {n} (any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe) :: 河豚 /hétún/
blowfish {n} (a delicacy popular in Japan served raw as sushi that may, if improperly prepared, contain deadly levels of neurotoxins) :: 河豚 /hétún/
blowfly {n} (flies of the family Calliphoridae) :: 麗蠅, 丽蝇 /lìying/, 綠頭蒼蠅, 绿头苍蝇 /lǜtóu cāngying/
blowgun {n} (weapon) :: 吹箭 /chuījiàn/
blowhard {n} (person who talks too much or too loudly) :: 吹牛大王
blow hot and cold {v} (inconsistent behavior) :: 朝三暮四 /zhāosānmùsì/
blowjob {n} (the act of fellatio) :: 吹功 /chuīgōng/, 吹簫, 吹箫 /chuīxiāo/, 口交 /kǒu jiāo/
blow one's nose {v} (to expel mucus from nose) :: 擤鼻子 /xǐng bízi/
blow one's top {v} (lose one's temper) SEE: lose one's temper ::
blow out of proportion {v} (overreact or overstate) :: 小題大作, 小题大作 /xiǎotídàzuò/
blowpipe {n} (weapon) SEE: blowgun ::
blow the whistle {v} (disclose information to the public) :: 揭發, 揭发 /jiēfā/, 舉報, 举报 /jǔbào/, 告發, 告发 /gàofā/, 檢舉, 检举 /jiǎnjǔ/
blow the whistle {v} (make a sound which signals a referee's action or the end of a game) :: 吹哨 /chuīshào/
blowtorch {n} (tool) :: 噴燈, 喷灯 /pēndēng/
blow up {v} (to explode (transitive)) :: 炸掉 /zhàdiào/, 爆破 /bàopò/
blow up {v} (to explode (intransitive)) :: 炸掉 /zhàdiào/
blow up in one's face {v} (fail disastrously) :: 栽跟頭, 栽跟头 /zāigēntou/
bludgeon {n} (short heavy club) :: 棍棒 /gùnbàng/
blue {adj} (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) :: 藍色, 蓝色 /lánsè/, , /lán/
blue {adj} (pornographic) :: 下流的
blue {n} (colour) :: 藍色, 蓝色 /lánsè/
blue {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
blue {n} (blue uniform) SEE: blues ::
blue {n} (bluefish) SEE: bluefish ::
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
Bluebeard {prop} (the famous fairy tale) :: 藍鬍子, 蓝胡子 /Lán Húzi/
Bluebeard {prop} (the title character) :: 藍鬍子, 蓝胡子 /Lán Húzi/
blueberry {n} (fruit) :: 藍莓, 蓝莓 /lánméi/
bluebird {n} (bird of Sialia) :: 藍知更鳥, 蓝知更鸟 /lánzhīgēngniǎo/
bluebottle {n} (man-of-war) SEE: man-of-war ::
bluebottle {n} (cornflower) SEE: cornflower ::
blue card {n} (European work permit) :: 藍卡, 蓝卡 /lánkǎ/
blue cheese {n} (kind of cheese with bluish mold) :: 藍乾酪, 蓝干酪 /lángānlào/
blue-collar {adj} (working class) :: 藍領, 蓝领 /lánlǐng/
blue-collar {adj} (pertaining to the culture of blue-collar workers) :: 藍領, 蓝领 /lánlǐng/
blue-eyed soul {n} (white soul) SEE: white soul ::
bluefin tuna {n} (tuna species) :: 藍鰭金槍魚 /lánqíjīnqiāngyú/, 藍鰭鮪魚 /lánqíwěiyú/
bluefish {n} (Pomatomus saltatrix) :: 扁鰺, 扁鲹 /biǎnshēn/, 藍魚, 蓝鱼 /lányú/, 藍鯥, 蓝鯥 /lánlù/
blue giant {n} (very luminous star) :: 藍巨星, 蓝巨星 /lánjùxīng/
blue-green {adj} (color between blue and green) :: Literary Chinese:
Blue House {prop} (executive mansion of South Korea) :: 青瓦臺, 青瓦台 /Qīngwǎtái/
blue jeans {n} (denim trousers, see also: jeans) :: 牛仔褲, 牛仔裤 /niúzǎikù/
blue mussel {n} (Mytilus edulis) :: 藍貝, 蓝贝 /lánbèi/
blue-ocean {adj} (related to an industry lacking competition) :: 藍海, 蓝海 /lánhǎi/
blueprint {n} (print produced by this process) :: 藍圖, 蓝图 /lántú/
blueprint {n} (any detailed technical drawing) :: 設計圖, 设计图 /shèjìtú/
blueprint {n} (any detailed plan of action) :: 計劃, 计划 /jìhuà/, 藍圖 蓝图 /lántú/
blues {n} (musical form) :: 藍調, 蓝调 /lándiào/, 布魯斯, 布鲁斯 /bùlǔsī/
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) :: 藍屏死機, 蓝屏死机 /lánpíng sǐjī/, 藍色當機畫面, 蓝色当机画面 /lánsè dāngjī huàmiàn/, 蓝屏 /lánpíng/
bluestone {n} (slate) SEE: slate ::
bluestone {n} (limestone) SEE: limestone ::
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt ::
blue supergiant {n} (a large blue giant) :: 藍超巨星, 蓝超巨星 /lánchāojùxīng/
bluethroat {n} (bird) :: 蓝点颏 /lándiǎnké/
blue tit {n} (Cyanistes caeruleus) :: 蓝山雀 /lán shānquè/
bluetongue {n} (disease of ruminants) :: 藍舌病, 蓝舌病 /lánshébìng/
Bluetooth {prop} (personal area wireless network) :: 藍牙, 蓝牙 /Lányá/
blue whale {n} (a whale, Balaenoptera musculus) :: 藍鯨, 蓝鲸 /lánjīng/
blue-winged kookaburra {n} (Dacelo leachii) :: 藍翅笑翠鳥, 蓝翅笑翠鸟 /lánchì xiàocuìniǎo/
blunder {n} (mistake) :: 错误
blunderbuss {n} (old style of firearm with a distinctive large opening at the muzzle) :: 雷筒 /léitǒng/, 雷管 /léiguǎn/
blunt {adj} (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) :: , /dùn/
blunt instrument {n} (object lacking sharp surfaces used to cause injury) :: 鈍器, 钝器 /dùnqì/
blur {v} (make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim) :: 模糊 /móhu/
blur {v} (become indistinct) :: 模糊 /móhu/
Blu-ray {n} (format) :: 藍光光盤, 蓝光光盘 /lánguāng guāngpán/
Blu-ray Disc {n} (optical disc) :: 藍光光盤, 蓝光光盘 /lánguāng guāngpán/
blurb {n} (a short description of a book, film, or other work) :: 大作廣告, 大作广告 /dàzuò guǎnggào/
blurry {adj} (not clear, crisp, or focused) :: 模糊 /móhu/, 模糊不清 /móhubùqīng/, 不清楚 /bùqīngchu/
blurry {adj} (lacking well-defined boundaries) :: 模糊 /móhu/, 模糊不清 /móhubùqīng/, 不清楚 /bùqīngchu/
blurt {v} (to speak suddenly and unadvisedly) :: 脫口而出, 脱口而出 /tuōkǒu'érchū/, 走嘴 /zǒuzuǐ/
blurt out {v} (blurt) SEE: blurt ::
blush {n} (makeup) :: 胭脂 /yānzhī/
blush {v} (to redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment) :: 臉紅, 脸红 /liǎnhóng/
Blu-Tack {n} (putty-like adhesive) :: 藍丁膠, 蓝丁胶 /lándīngjiāo/, 寶貼, 宝贴 /bǎotiē/, 泥膠, 泥胶 /níjiāo/
Blythe {prop} (transliterations of place in England and U.S.A.) :: 布萊斯, 布莱斯 /Bùláisī/
Blythe {prop} (transliterations of surname) :: 布萊斯, 布莱斯 /Bùláisī/
Blythe {prop} (transliterations of female given name) :: 布萊斯, 布莱斯 /Bùláisī/
BMW {prop} (colloquial names and pronunciations, apart from the romanised "BMW") :: 寶馬, 宝马 /Bǎomǎ/ [literally: treasure horse]
Bàng-uâ-cê {n} (a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Min Dong) :: 平話字, 平话字 /pínghuàzì/
bánh xèo {n} (Vietnamese fried pancake) :: 越南煎餅, 越南煎饼 /Yuènán jiānbǐng/
BNO {n} :: 英國國民(海外), 英国国民(海外) /Yīngguó guómín (hǎiwài)/
boa {n} (snake) :: 蟒蛇 /mǎngshé/, 王蛇 /wángshé/
boa constrictor {n} (snake) :: 蟒蛇 /mǎngshé/, 大蟒 /dàmǎng/
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar ::
boar {n} (male pig) :: 公豬, 公豬 /gōngzhū/
board {n} (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) :: /bǎn/, 板子 /bǎnzi/
board {n} (short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.) :: 黑板 /hēibǎn/, [whiteboard] 白板 /báibǎn/
board {n} (managing committee) :: 委員會, 委员会 /wěiyuánhuì/
board {v} (to step or climb onto) :: [ship] 上船 /shàngchuán/, [plane] 登機, 登机 /dēngjī/
board and lodging {n} (lodging with daily meals) :: 膳宿 /shànsù/, 食宿 /shísù/
boarder {n} (pupil who lives at school during term) :: 寄宿生 /jìsùshēng/
boarder {n} (someone who pays for meals and lodging) :: , /jìshànzhě/
boarder {n} (sailor attacking an enemy ship by boarding) :: , /bèi pài qiǎng dēng dí chuán zhě/
boarder {n} (one who uses a snowboard) :: 雪地滑板 /wán xuědìhuábǎn de rén/
board game {n} (game played on a board) :: 版圖遊戲, 版图游戏 /bǎntú yóuxì/, 圖版遊戲, 图版游戏 /túbǎn yóuxì/, 紙盤遊戲, 纸盘游戏 /zhǐpán yóuxì/, 棋盤遊戲, 棋盘游戏 /qípán yóuxì/, 紙上遊戲, 纸上游戏 /zhǐshàng yóuxì/, 桌面遊戲, 桌面游戏 /zhuōmiàn yóuxì/, 棋類遊戲, 棋类游戏 /qílèi yóuxì/, 桌遊, 桌游 /zhuōyóu/
boarding {n} (embarkation) :: 登船 /dēngchuán/ [ship], 乘船 /chéngchuán/ [ship], 上船 /shàngchuán/ [ship], 登機, 登机 /dēngjī/ [plane]
boarding house {n} (private house for paying guests) :: 招待所 /zhāodàisuǒ/, 寄宿舍 /jìsùshè/
boarding house {n} (boarding school building) :: 宿舍 /sùshè/
boarding pass {n} (a document to board a plane, ship, etc.) :: 登機證, 登机证 /dēngjīzhèng/, 登機牌, 登机牌 /dēngjīpái/
boarding school {n} (school which provides board and lodging) :: 寄宿學校, 寄宿学校 /jìsù xuéxiào/
board of directors {n} (group of people elected by stockholders) :: 董事會, 董事会 /dǒngshìhuì/
boast {v} (to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself) :: 吹牛 /chuīniú/, 吹噓, 吹嘘 /chuīxū/, 自誇, 自夸 /zìkuā/
boastful {adj} (tending to boast or brag) :: 自誇的, 自夸的 /zìkuā de/
boat {n} (water craft) :: /chuán/, 小船 /xiǎochuán/, /zhōu/, /tǐng/
boatel {n} (a ship used as a hotel) :: 水上旅館, 水上旅馆 /shuǐshàng lǚguǎn/
boater {n} (someone who travels by boat) :: 船工 /chuángōng/
boater {n} (straw hat) :: 硬草帽 /yìngcǎomào/
boatman {n} (a man in charge of a small boat) :: 船工 /chuángōng/
boat people {n} (refugees fleeing by sea) :: 船民 /chuánmín/
boat people {n} (ethnic group that principally lives on fishing and houseboats) :: 蜑家, 疍家 /dànjiā/
boat person {n} (person who enjoys boats) :: 喜歡, 喜欢 /xǐhuān chuán de rén/
boat person {n} (member of boat people) :: 船民 /chuánmín/
boatyard {n} (shipyard) SEE: shipyard ::
bob {n} (bobber) SEE: float ::
bob {n} (curtsey) SEE: curtsey ::
bobber {n} (buoyant fishing device) SEE: float ::
bobbin {n} (spool around which wire or thread is coiled) :: 線軸, 线轴 /xiànzhóu/
bobbin {n} (small spool in a sewing machine) :: 線軸, 线轴 /xiànzhóu/
bobble {n} (furry ball attached on top of a hat) :: 漏接 /lòujiē/
bobby pin {n} (type of hair pin) SEE: hairgrip ::
bobcat {n} (North American wild cat) :: 短尾貓, 短尾猫 /duǎn wěimāo/
bob haircut {n} (a haircut) :: 波波頭, 波波头 /bōbōtóu/
bobolink {n} (songbird) :: 刺歌雀
bobsled {n} (the sled) SEE: bobsleigh ::
bobsled {n} (the sport) SEE: bobsleigh ::
bobsleigh {n} (sled) :: 有舵雪橇 /yǒuduòxuěqiāo/, 長雪橇, 长雪橇 /chángxuěqiāo/, 長橇, 长橇 /chángqiāo/
Bob's your uncle {phrase} (desirable conclusion is reached) :: 這樣, 这样 /jiù zhèyàng bei/
bocce {n} (A game similar to bowls or pétanque) :: 意大利室外地滾球, 意大利室外地滚球 /Yìdàlì shì shìwài dìgǔnqiú xì/, 硬地滾球, 硬地滚球 /Yìngdìgǔnqiú /
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German ::
bodhi {n} (enlightenment) :: 菩提 /pútí/
bodhicitta {n} :: 菩提心, 道意
Bodhipathapradīpa {prop} (Atiśa's text) :: 菩提道燈論, 菩提道灯论 /Pútí Dào Dēng Lùn/
bodhisattva {n} (bodhisattva) :: 菩薩, 菩萨 /púsà/, 菩提薩埵, 菩提萨埵 /pútísàduǒ/
bodhi tree {n} (fig tree under which the Buddha sat) :: 菩提樹, 菩提树 /pútíshù/
bodhi tree {n} (Indian fig tree) SEE: sacred fig ::
bodily fluid {n} (biofluid) :: 體液, 体液 /tǐyè/
bodily function {n} (physical process) :: 身體機能, 身体机能 /shēntǐ jīnéng/
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger ::
bodkin {n} (hairpin) SEE: hairpin ::
body {n} (physical structure of a human or animal) :: 身體, 身体 /shēntǐ/
body {n} (fleshly or corporeal nature of a human) :: 身體, 身体 /shēntǐ/
body {n} (corpse) :: 軀體, 躯体 /qūtǐ/
body {n} (torso) :: 軀幹, 躯干 /qūgàn/
body {n} (largest or most important part of anything (e.g. car bodywork)) :: 本體, 本体 /běntǐ/
body {n} (organisation, company or other authoritative group) :: 機構, 机构 /jīgòu/, 法人 /fǎrén/
body {n} (group having a common purpose or opinion) :: 團體, 团体 /tuántǐ/
body {n} (collection of knowledge) :: 正文, 正文 /zhèng wén/
body {n} (any physical object or material thing) :: 物體, 物体 /wùtǐ/
body {n} (comparative viscosity, solidity or substance) :: 有黏性 /yǒuniánxìng/
body art {n} (application of tattoos, piercings or jewellery) :: 人體藝術, 人体艺术 /réntǐ yìshù/
body art {n} (type of performance art) :: 人體藝術, 人体艺术 /réntǐ yìshù/
bodybuilder {n} (a person who uses diet and exercise to build an aesthetically muscular physique) :: 健美運動人員, 健美运动人员 /jiànměi yùndòng rényuán/
bodybuilding {n} (sport of muscle development) :: 健美運動, 健美运动 /jiànměi yùndòng/
body butter {n} (moisturizer) :: 身體霜, 身体霜 /shēntǐshuāng/
body clock {n} (biological clock) SEE: biological clock ::
body corporate {n} (corporation) SEE: corporation ::
body corporate {n} (organization of individuals owning a shared housing facility) :: 物業管理公司, 物业管理公司 /wùyè guǎnlǐ gōngsī/, 物業公司, 物业公司 /wùyè gōngsī/
body double {n} (film stand-in) :: 替身 (tìshēn)
body double {n} (political decoy) :: 替身 (tìshēn)
bodyguard {n} (person responsible for protecting an individual) :: 保鏢, 保镖 /bǎobiāo/, 護衛, 护卫 /hùwèi/, 衛士, 卫士 /wèishì/
body hair {n} (androgenic hair) :: 體毛, 体毛 /tǐmáo/
body-hugging {adj} (clinging tightly to one's body) :: 緊身, 紧身 /jǐnshēn/
body image {n} (subjective inner picture of one's physical appearance) :: 身體形象, 身体形象 /shēntǐ xíngxiàng/, 身體意象, 身体意象 /shēntǐ yìxiàng/
body language {n} (non-verbal communication) :: 肢體語言, 肢体语言 /zhītǐ yǔyán/, 身體語言, 身体语言 /shēntǐ yǔyán/, 身勢語, 身势语 /shēnshìyǔ/
body odour {n} (unpleasant smell on a perons's body) :: 體臭, 体臭 /tǐchòu/, 狐臭 /húchòu/, 狐臊 /húsāo/, 腋臭 /yèchòu/
body of water {n} (significant accumulation of water) :: 水體, 水体 /shuǐtǐ/
body painting {n} (application of paint to the body) :: 人體彩繪, 人体彩绘 /réntǐ cǎihuì/
body painting {n} (body painted this way) :: 人體彩繪, 人体彩绘 /réntǐ cǎihuì/
bodypainting {n} (body painting) SEE: body painting ::
body part {n} (anatomy: part of organism) :: , /tǐ/, /zhī/, 身體部位, 身体部位 /shēntǐ bùwèi/
body piercing {n} (the practice) :: 體環, 体环 /tǐhuán/, 人體穿孔, 人体穿孔 /réntǐ chuānkǒng/, 身體穿洞, 身体穿洞 /shēntǐ chuāndòng/
body piercing {n} (the hole) :: 體環, 体环 /tǐhuán/, 人體穿孔, 人体穿孔 /réntǐ chuānkǒng/, 身體穿洞, 身体穿洞 /shēntǐ chuāndòng/
body pillow {n} (body-length pillow) :: 抱枕
bodysuit {n} (a one-piece, skin-tight garment rather like a leotard) :: 緊身衣, 紧身衣 /jǐnshēnyī/
body temperature {n} (the current temperature of the body of a person or animal) :: 體溫, 体温 /tǐwēn/
body text {n} (main portion of text) :: 正文 /zhèngwén/
Boeing {prop} (An American aerospace company) :: 波音 /Bōyīn/
Boeotia {prop} (a district in Greece) :: 波奥提亚
Bofan {prop} (town in central China) :: 孛畈 /Bófàn/
boffin {n} ((informal) engineer or scientist) :: 科學家, 科学家 /kēxuéjiā/
bog {n} (expanse of marshland) :: 沼澤, 沼泽 /zhǎozé/
bogan {n} (unsophisticated or lower class person) :: 土包子 /tǔbāozi/, 鄉巴佬, 乡巴佬 /xiāngbalǎo/
bogatyr {n} (medieval Russian heroic warrior, see also: bahadur) :: 博加特耶爾, 博加特耶尔 /bójiātèyé'ěr/, 維塔茲, 维塔兹 /wéitǎzī/
bog bilberry {n} (berry) :: 𣛭柿 /dūshì/
bogey {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
bogeyman {n} (menacing, ghost-like monster in children's stories) :: 怪物 /guàiwù/, 魔鬼 /móguǐ/
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
bogie {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
Bogotá {prop} (Bogota) SEE: Bogota ::
Bogota {prop} (capital of Colombia) :: 波哥大 /Bōgēdà/
bogus {adj} (counterfeit or fake; not genuine) :: /jiǎ/, , /wěi/, 虛偽, 虚伪 /xūwěi/
Bohemia {prop} (The region of the Czech Republic) :: 波希米亞, 波希米亚 /Bōxīmǐyà/
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium ::
bohrium {n} (chemical element) :: 𨨏 (钅波) (bō)
boil {n} (accumulation of pus) :: 疔瘡, 疔疮 /dīngchuāng/, /dīng/
boil {v} (heat (a liquid) until it begins to turn into a gas) :: 煮沸 /zhǔfèi/, /zhǔ/
boil {v} (cook in boiling water) :: /zhǔ/, /āo/
boil {v} (begin to turn into a gas) :: 沸騰, 沸腾 /fèiténg/
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry ::
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
boiled {adj} (cooked in hot water) :: 煮沸 /zhǔfèi/, /zhǔ/
boiled egg {n} (boiled egg (generic)) :: 煮雞蛋, 煮鸡蛋 /zhǔ jīdàn/
boiled egg {n} (hard-boiled egg) :: 硬熟蛋 /yìngshúdàn/
boiled egg {n} (soft-boiled egg) :: 半熟蛋 /bànshúdàn/
boiled sweet {n} (hard sweet) SEE: hard candy ::
boiler {n} (device for heating circulating water) :: 鍋爐, 锅炉 /guōlú/
boiler room {n} (a room that houses the boiler) :: 鍋爐房, 锅炉房 /guōlú fáng/
boiling point {n} (temperature at which a liquid boils) :: 沸點, 沸点 /fèidiǎn/
boisterous {adj} (full of energy; noisy) :: 喧鬧的, 喧闹的 /xuānnào de/, 愛鬧的, 爱闹的 /àinào de/, 狂歡的, 狂欢的 /kuánghuān de/, 狂暴的 /kuángbào de/, 猛烈的 /měngliè de/, 哄然的 /hōngrán de/
bok choy {n} (Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis) :: 白菜 /báicài/
bokeh {n} (subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image) :: 散景
Bokmål {n} (language) :: 巴克摩挪威語, 巴克摩挪威语 /Bakèmó Nuówēiyǔ/, 書面挪威語, 书面挪威语 /Shūmiàn Nuówēiyǔ/
bold {adj} (courageous, daring) :: 膽大, 胆大 /dǎndà/, 勇敢 /yǒnggǎn/
bold {adj} (having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface) :: 粗體的, 粗体的 /cūtǐ de/
boldly {adv} (in a bold manner) :: 大膽地, 大胆地 /dàdǎn de/
Bole {prop} (city in Xinjiang, China) :: 博樂, 博乐 /Bólè/
Bolivia {prop} (country in South America) :: 玻利維亞, 玻利维亚 /Bōlìwéiyà/
Bollywood {prop} (Indian film industry) :: 寶萊塢, 宝莱坞 /Bǎoláiwù/
Bologna {prop} (city) :: 博洛尼亞, 博洛尼亚 /Bóluòníyà/
Bolognese {adj} (of or relating to Bologna) :: 博洛尼亞的, 博洛尼亚的 /Bóluòníyà de/
Bolognian {adj} (of or relating to Bologna) SEE: Bolognese ::
Bolshevik {n} (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) :: 布爾什維克, 布尔什维克 /bù'ěrshíwéikè/
bolster {n} (a large cushion or pillow) :: 靠枕, 墊枕
bolster {v} (to brace, reinforce, secure, or support) :: 加强, 支持, 巩固
bolt {n} (metal fastener) :: 螺栓 /luóshuān/
bolt {n} (sliding pin or bar in a lock) :: 門栓, 门栓 /ménshuān/
bolt {n} (bar to prevent a door from being forced open) :: 門栓, 门栓 /ménshuān/
bolt {n} (sliding mechanism to chamber and unchamber a cartridge in a firearm) :: 螺栓 /luóshuān/
bolt {n} (short, stout, blunt-headed arrow) :: 弩箭, 弩箭 (lǔ)
bolt {n} (lightning spark) :: 閃電, 閃電 (shǎn diàn)
bolt {n} (large roll of material) :: /pǐ/
bolt {n} (standard measure of length of canvas) :: , /juǎn/
bolt cutter {n} (large pair of pliers to cut bolts) :: 斷線鉗, 断线钳 /duànxiànqián/
bolt from the blue {n} (something totally unexpected) :: 晴天霹靂, 晴天霹雳 /qíngtiānpīlì/, 突如其來, 突如其来 /tūrúqílái, túrúqílái/
bomb {n} (device filled with explosives) :: 炸彈, 炸弹 /zhàdàn/
bomb {v} (attack with bombs) :: 轟炸, 轰炸 /hōngzhà/
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success ::
bombard {v} (to attack something with bombs, artillery shells, or other missiles) :: 砲擊, 炮击 /pàojī/, 轟擊, 轰击 /hōngjī/
bombardment {n} (act of bombing, esp towns or cities) :: 轟擊, 轰击 /hōngjī/, 砲擊, 炮击 /pàojī/
bombardment {n} (heavy artillery fire) :: 砲擊, 炮击 /pàojī/
Bombay {n} (Mumbai) SEE: Mumbai ::
bomber {n} (aircraft) :: 轟炸機, 轰炸机 /hōngzhàjī/
bombing {n} (action of dropping bombs from the air) :: 轟炸, 轰炸 /hōngzhà/
bombproof {n} (air-raid shelter) SEE: air-raid shelter ::
bomb shelter {n} (air-raid shelter) SEE: air-raid shelter ::
bona fide {adj} (done in good faith) :: 善意
bona fides {n} (good faith) SEE: good faith ::
Bonaire {prop} (island) :: 博奈尔 /Bónàiěr/
Bonaparte's gull {n} (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) :: 博氏鸥 /bó-shì ōu/
Bonapartism {n} (pratices and ideology of Napoleon Bonaparte) :: 波拿巴主義, 波拿巴主义 /Bōnábā zhǔyì/
bon appétit {phrase} (used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat) :: [used in the same context] 慢慢吃 /mànmàn chī/ (eat slowly), 請慢用, 请慢用 /qǐng màn yòng/ (use slowly)
bond {n} (documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract) :: 債券, 债券 /zhàiquàn/
bondage {n} (The state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery) :: 奴役 /núyì/, 束縛, 束缚 /shùfù/
bondage {n} (The practice of tying people up for sexual pleasure) :: 人身依附 /rénshēn yīfù/, 綁縛, 绑缚 /bǎngfù, bǎngfú/
Bondi {prop} (suburb of Sydney) :: 邦迪, 邦廸 /Bāngdí/, 邦戴, 邦代 /Bāngdài/
Bondi Beach {prop} (suburb of Sydney) :: 邦迪海灘, 邦廸海滩 /Bāngdí hǎitān/, 邦戴海灘, 邦代海滩 /Bāngdài hǎitān/
bond length {n} :: 鍵長, 键长 /jiàncháng/
bondman {n} (man bound in servitude) :: [m & f] 奴隸, 奴隶 /núlì/, [m & f] 農奴, 农奴 /nóngnú/
bondwoman {n} (female slave) :: 奴隸, 奴隶 (nǚ núlì)
bone {v} (to remove bones) :: 去骨 /qùgǔ/, 剔骨 /tīgǔ/
bone {n} (material) :: 骨質, 骨质 /gǔzhì/, 骨頭, 骨头 /gǔtou, gútou/
bone {n} (component of a skeleton) :: 骨頭, 骨头 /gǔtóu/, /gǔ/
bone black {n} (preparation containing carbonized bone) :: 骨炭 /gǔtàn/
bone density {n} (bone mineral density) :: 骨質密度, 骨质密度 /gǔzhì mìdù/, 骨密度 /gǔmìdù/
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) :: 骨髓 /gǔsuǐ/, /suǐ/
boner {n} (erect penis) :: 勃起 /bóqǐ/
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection ::
bonesetting {n} (the practice of realigning broken or disjointed bones) :: 接骨 /jiēgǔ/
bone tissue {n} (osseous tissue) SEE: osseous tissue ::
bone to pick {n} (item of disagreement) :: 不滿, 不满 /bùmǎn/, 意見, 意见 /yìjiàn/
bonfire {n} (fire to burn unwanted items or people) :: 篝火 /gōuhuǒ/
bonfire {n} (large, outdoor controlled fire) :: 篝火 /gōuhuǒ/
bong {n} (vessel used in smoking various substances) :: 大麻煙槍, 大麻烟枪 /dàmá yānqiāng/
bongo {n} (mammal) :: 紫羚 /zǐlíng/
bongo {n} (drum) :: 邦哥鼓 /bāngēgǔ/
bongo drum {n} (bongo) SEE: bongo ::
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
bonk {v} (to have sexual intercourse) :: , /gàn/, /gǎo/
Bonn {prop} (a city in Germany) :: 波恩 /Bō'ēn/
bonnet {n} (cover over the engine of a motor car) :: 引擎蓋, 引擎盖 /yǐnqínggài/
bonnet {n} (second stomach of a ruminant) SEE: reticulum ::
bonobo {n} (pygmy chimpanzee) :: 倭黑猩猩 /wōhēixīngxīng/, 倭猩猩 /wōxīngxīng/
bonsai {v} (a miniaturized tree or plant) :: 盆景 /pénjǐng/, 盆栽 /pénzāi/
bonus {n} (something extra that is good) :: 額外收獲, 额外收获 /éwài shōuhuò/
bonus {n} (extra amount of money given as a premium) :: 獎金, 奖金 /jiǎngjīn/, 紅利, 红利 /hónglì/
bon voyage {interj} (wish of good journey) :: 一路平安 /yīlù-píng'ān/, 一路順風, 一路顺风 /yīlù-shùnfēng/
bonze {n} (Buddhist monk or priest in East Asia) :: 和尚 /héshàng/, /sēng/, 僧人 /sēngrén/
boo {interj} (loud exclamation intended to scare someone) :: /bèng/, /wà/, , /yò/, /hèi/
boo {interj} (exclamation used by a member of an audience) :: /xū/
boo {v} (to shout boos derisively (intransitive)) :: 喝倒彩 /hèdàocǎi/
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) :: 波波 /bōbō/, 咪咪 /mīmī/
boob job {n} (breast augmentation) :: 隆胸 /lóngxiōng/
booby {n} (bird) :: 塘鹅 /táng é/, 鰹鳥 /jiān niǎo/
booby trap {n} (an unforeseen source of danger; a pitfall) SEE: pitfall ::
booby trap {n} (antipersonnel device deliberately hidden or disguised as a harmless object) :: 餌雷, 饵雷 /ěrléi/
booger {n} (a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus) :: 鼻屎 /bíshǐ/, 鼻涕, 鼻涕 /gān bítì/, 鼻牛兒, 鼻牛儿 /bíniúr/ ["nose cow"],, 鼻牛 /bíniú/
boogie-woogie {n} (music genre) :: 布吉伍吉 /bùjíwǔjí/, 搏基沃基 /bójīwòjī/
book {n} (ebook) SEE: e-book ::
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) :: , /shū/
book {n} (record of betting) :: 記錄, 记录 /jìlù/
book {v} (to reserve) :: 預訂, 预订 /yùdìng/
bookbag {n} (bag for holding books for school) :: 書包, 书包 /shūbāo/
bookcase {n} (furniture displaying books) :: 書架, 书架 /shūjià/, 書櫥, 书橱 /shūchú/
bookend {n} (object designed to keep books upright) :: 書擋, 书挡 /shūdǎng/
book fair {n} (public event at which books are sold) :: 書展, 书展 /shūzhǎn/, 書市, 书市 /shūshì/
bookie {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker ::
booking {n} (reservation for a service) :: 預訂, 预订 /yùdìng/, 訂位, 订位 /dìngwèi/
booking {n} (engagement of a performer) :: 預約, 预约 /yùyuē/
bookjacket {n} (jacket of a book) SEE: dust jacket ::
bookkeeper {n} (person responsible for keeping records) :: 簿記員, 簿记员 /bùjìyuán/, 会计 /kuàijì/, 會計 /kuàijì/
bookkeeping {n} (skill of keeping records of financial transactions) :: 記帳, 记帐 /jìzhàng/, 簿記, 簿记 /bùjì/
booklet {n} (small book) :: 小册子 /xiǎocèzi/, /cè/
bookmaker {n} (a person who calculates odds and accepts bets; a bookie) :: 賭注登記人, 赌注登记人 /dǔzhùdēngjìrén/, 賭博業者, 赌博业者 /dǔbóyèzhě/
bookmark {n} (strip used to mark a place in a book) :: 書籤, 书签 /shūqiān/
bookmark {n} (record of the address of a file or page) :: 書籤, 书签 /shūqiān/
book number {n} (unique number) :: 書號, 书号 /shūhào/
Book of Mormon {prop} (one of the sacred works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) :: 摩門經, 摩门经 /Móménjīng/ [former translation], 摩爾門經, 摩尔门经 /Mó'ěrménjīng/
bookrack {n} (rack for books) SEE: bookshelf ::
bookseller {n} (person) :: 賣書者, 卖书者 /màishūzhě/
bookseller {n} (business) :: 書商, 书商 /shūshāng/
bookshelf {n} (shelf for storing books) :: 書架, 书架 /shūjià/, 書櫥, 书橱 /shūchú/
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) :: 書店, 书店 /shūdiàn/; 書局, 书局 /shūjú/
Books of Moses {prop} (five books) :: 摩西書, 摩西书 /Móxīshū/
bookstall {n} (shop) :: 書亭, 书亭 /shūtíng/
bookstand {n} (stall where books are sold) :: 書攤, 书摊 /shūtān/, 書報亭, 书报亭 /shūbàotíng/
bookstand {n} (stand made for holding books open) :: 書架, 书架 /shūjià/, 閱覽架, 阅览架 /yuèlǎnjià/
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop ::
book value {n} (the value of an asset) :: 賬面價值, 账面价值 /zhàngmiàn jiàzhí/
book value {n} (the price for which an item should be bought or sold) :: 賬面價值, 账面价值 /zhàngmiàn jiàzhí/
bookworm {n} (avid reader) :: 书虫, 書蟲 /shūchóng/
Boolean {n} (type of variable) :: 布爾值, 布尔值 /Bù'ěr zhí/
Boolean algebra {n} (algebraic structure) :: 布爾代數, 布尔代数 /Bù'ěr dàishù/
boom {interj} (sound of explosion) :: /pēng/, /pēng/
boom {n} (period of prosperity) :: 景氣繁榮, 景气繁荣 /jǐngqì fánróng/, 景氣, 景气 /jǐngqì/, 繁榮, 繁荣 /fánróng/
boom {v} (to be prosperous) :: 繁荣
boom {n} (abrupt, low-pitched sound) :: 嗡嗡的聲音, 嗡嗡的声音 /wēng wēng de shēng yīn/
boom {n} (spar extending the foot of a sail) :: 吊杆, 吊杆 /diào gān/
boom {n} (horizontal member of a crane) :: 支臂, 支臂 /zhī bèi/
boomerang {n} (flat curved airfoil) :: 回飛棒, 回飞棒 /huífēibàng/, 回旋鏢, 回旋镖 /huíxuánbiāo/, 飛去來器, 飞去来器 /fēiqùláiqì/, 飛鏢, 飞镖 /fēibiāo/, 回力鏢, 回力镖 /huílìbiāo/, 飛旋鏢, 飞旋镖 /fēixuánbiāo/
booming {adj} (experiencing a period of prosperity) :: 欣欣向榮, 欣欣向荣 /xīnxīnxiàngróng/, 蓬勃 /péngbó/
booming {adj} (loud and resonant) :: 大聲, 大声 /chāo dàshēng de/
boondock {n} (rural area) :: 窮鄉僻壤, 穷乡僻壤 /qióngxiāngpìrǎng/
boondock {v} (camp in dry location) :: 露營, 露营 /lùyíng/ [no equivalent exists; lit. "to camp"]
boondock {v} (stay in a recreational vehicle) :: 露營車, 露营车 /kāi lùyíngchē/ [no equivalent exists; lit. "to drive a recreational vehicle"]
booster {n} (The first stage of a multistage rocket) :: 運載火箭, 运载火箭 /yùnzài huǒjiàn/
boot {n} (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) :: 靴子 /xuēzi/, 長靴, 长靴 /chángxuē/
boot {v} (kick) :: /tī/
boot {v} (to start a system) :: 啟動, 启动 /qǐdòng/, 起動, 起动 /qǐdòng/
boot {n} (kick) SEE: kick ::
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk ::
bootblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
boot camp {n} (initial, basic indoctrination, physical fitness training and basic instruction in armed forces) :: 訓練營地, 训练营地 /xùnliàn yíngdì/, 新兵訓練, 新兵训练 /xīnbīng xùnliàn yíng/
booth {n} (A small stall for the display and sale of goods) :: 攤子, 摊子 /tānzi/, 货摊
booth {n} (An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person) :: 小室 /xiǎoshì/, /tíng/,
bootlicker {n} (person who behaves in a servile or obsequious manner) :: 拍馬屁, 拍马屁 /pāimǎpì zhě/, 奴才 /núcái/
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot ::
bootstrap {v} :: (长统靴的) 拔靴带 (cháng tǒng xuē de) (bá xuē dài)
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot ::
booty {n} (plunder) :: 贓物, 赃物 /zāngwù/
bopomofo {prop} (Zhuyin fuhao) SEE: Zhuyin fuhao ::
borborygm {n} (gurgling or rumbling noise produced by gas in the bowels) SEE: borborygmus ::
borborygmus {n} (the rumbling sounds in the intestines) :: 腸鳴音, 肠鸣音 /chángmíngyīn/
Bordeaux {prop} (a city in France) :: 波爾多, 波尔多 /Bō'ěrduō/
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
border {n} (the outer edge of something) :: 邊界, 边界 /biānjiè/, /jìng/
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) :: 國境, 国境 /guójìng/, 邊界, 边界 /biānjiè/, 邊境, 边境 /biānjìng/, 疆界 /jiāngjiè/
border collie {n} (border collie) :: 邊境牧羊犬, 边境牧羊犬 /biānjìng mùyáng quǎn/, 邊界牧羊犬, 边界牧羊犬 /biānjiè mùyáng quǎn/
Border Collie {n} (Border Collie) SEE: border collie ::
border guard {n} (person) :: 邊防人員, 边防人员 /biānfáng rényuán/, 邊防, 边防 /biānfáng/
bordering {adj} (having a common boundary or border) :: 设立疆界 /shèlìjiāngjiè/; 設立疆界 /shèlìjiāngjiè/
borderland {n} (land near a border) :: 邊陲, 边陲 /biānchuí/
bore {v} (to inspire boredom) :: 煩擾, 烦扰 /fánrǎo/
bored {adj} (suffering from boredom) :: 厭煩, 厌烦 /yànfán/, 無聊, 无聊 /wúliáo/
boredom {n} (state of being bored) :: 無聊, 无聊 /wúliáo/, 乏味 /fáwèi/, 無趣, 无趣 /wúqù/
bore water {n} (water accumulated in aquifers below the earth's surface) SEE: groundwater ::
boric acid {n} (White crystalline solid soluble as a weak acid) :: 硼酸 /péngsuān/
boring {adj} (causing boredom) :: [formal] 乏味 /fáwèi/, [informal] 無聊, 无聊 /wúliáo/, [slang] 沒勁, 没劲 /méijìn/
Boris {prop} (male given name) :: 鮑里斯, 鲍里斯 /Bàolǐsī/
born {adj} (given birth to) :: 出生 /chūshēng/
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born ::
born-again {adj} (renewed commitment to Jesus Christ) :: 重生 /chóngshēng/
bornane {n} :: 莰烷 /kǎnwán/
Borneo {prop} (island) :: 婆羅洲, 婆罗洲 /Póluózhōu/
borneol {n} (bicyclic organic compound) :: 冰片 /bīngpiàn/, 龍腦, 龙脑 /lóngnǎo/, 茨醇 /cíchún/
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth {adj} (born rich or in a wealthy family) :: 含著金勺子出生, 含着金勺子出生 /hán zhe jīn sháozi chūshēng de/ (born with a gold spoon in one's mouth)
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow ::
Borobudur {prop} (Buddhist monument) :: 波罗浮屠, 婆罗浮屠
boron {n} (chemical element) :: /péng/
borough {n} (administrative district) :: , /zhèn/, , /qū/
borough {n} (municipal borough) :: 自治市 /zìzhìshì/
borrow {v} (receive temporarily) :: , , /dài/, /zhāi/
borrowed scenery {n} (principle of incorporating background landscape into the composition of a garden) :: 借景 /jièjǐng/
borrower {n} (one who borrows) :: 借款人 /jièkuǎnrén/, 借用人 /jièyòngrén/
borrowing {n} (loanword) SEE: loanword ::
borscht {n} (beetroot soup) :: 羅宋湯, 罗宋汤 /Luósòng-tāng/
borstal {n} (juvenile institution) SEE: reform school ::
borzoi {n} (breed of dog) :: 俄國狼狗, 俄国狼狗 /Éguó lánggǒu/
Bose-Einstein condensate {n} (gaseous superfluid) :: 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚 /Bōsè-Àiyīnsītǎn níngjù/
bosk {n} (thicket; small wood) SEE: thicket ::
Bosnia {prop} (northern part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a geographic and historical entity) :: 波斯尼亞, 波斯尼亚 /Bōsīníyà/
Bosnia {prop} (short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina') :: 波黑 /Bōhēi/, 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: [full name] 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那, 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 /Bōsīníyà hé Hēisāigēwéinà/, [abbreviation] 波黑 /Bōhēi/
Bosniak {n} :: 波斯尼亞人, 波斯尼亚人 /Bōsīníyǎ-rén/
Bosnian {n} (the people) :: 波斯尼亞人, 波斯尼亚人 /bōsīníyǎrén/
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: 波斯尼亞語, 波斯尼亚语 /Bōsīníyǎ-yǔ/
bosom {n} (chest, breast) :: 胸部 /xiōngbù/, 乳房 /rǔfáng/
bosom buddy {n} (bosom friend) SEE: bosom friend ::
bosom friend {n} (very close friend) :: 知己 /zhījǐ/, 知音 /zhīyīn/
bosomy {adj} (having a large bosom) SEE: big-breasted ::
boson {n} (particle) :: 玻色子 /bōsèzi/
Bosphorus {prop} (a strait that passes through Istanbul) :: 博斯普魯斯海峽, 博斯普鲁斯海峡 /Bósīpǔlǔsī hǎixiá/
boss {n} (supervisor) :: 老闆, 老板 /lǎobǎn/, 主管 /zhǔguǎn/
boss {n} (person in charge) :: 老闆, 老板 /lǎobǎn/, 主管 /zhǔguǎn/
boss {v} (to exercise authority over (someone)) :: 督責, 督责 /dūzé/
bossy {adj} (tending to give orders to others) :: 發號施令的, 发号施令的 /ài fāhàoshīlìng de/, 跋扈 /báhù/
Bostan {prop} (town; township) :: 博斯坦 /Bósītǎn/
Boston {prop} (city in Massachusetts) :: 波士頓, 波士顿 /Bōshìdùn/
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot ::
botanical garden {n} (a place where a variety of plants are grown for scientific reasons) :: 植物園, 植物园 /zhíwùyuán/
botanic garden {n} (botanical garden) SEE: botanical garden ::
botanist {n} (a person engaged in botany) :: 植物学家, 植物学者
botany {n} (scientific study of plants) :: 植物學, 植物学 /zhíwùxué/
Boötes {prop} (a constellation) :: 牧夫座 /Mùfūzuò/
botfly {n} (insect) :: 馬蠅, 马蝇 /mǎying/
botfly {n} :: 牛虻 /niúméng/, /méng/
both {determiner} (each of two; one and the other) :: ... /...dōu/, 雙方, 双方 /shuāngfāng/, , /liǎ/, , /liǎng/
both {conj} (both...and...) :: ………… /jì... yòu.../, ………… /yòu... yòu.../
bother {v} (to annoy, disturb) :: 煩擾, 烦扰 /fánrǎo/, 麻煩, 麻烦 /máfan/
bother {v} (make or take trouble) :: 費事, 费事 /fèishì/
bother {n} (fuss, ado) :: 鬧騰, 闹腾 /nàoténg/
bother {n} (trouble, inconvenience) :: 麻煩, 麻烦 /máfán/
botheration {interj} (expression of annoyance) SEE: bother ::
Botox {prop} (toxic compound) :: 肉毒桿菌毒素, 肉毒杆菌毒素 /ròudúgānjūndúsù/, 肉毒桿菌素, 肉毒杆菌素 /ròudúgānjūnsù/, 肉毒毒素 /ròudúdúsù/
bo tree {n} (sacred fig) SEE: sacred fig ::
Botswana {prop} (Republic of Botswana) :: 博茨瓦納, 博茨瓦纳 /Bócíwǎnà/, 波札那 /Bōzhánà/
bottle {n} (container) :: 瓶子 /píngzi/, /píng/
bottle {n} (container with a rubber nipple) SEE: baby bottle ::
bottle cap {n} (closure used to seal bottles) :: 瓶蓋, 瓶盖 /pínggài/
bottled water {n} (drinking water sold in a bottle) :: 瓶裝水, 瓶装水 /píngzhuāngshuǐ/
bottle gourd {n} (calabash) SEE: calabash ::
bottleneck {n} (neck of a bottle) :: 瓶頸, 瓶颈 /píngjǐng/
bottleneck {n} (part of a process that is too slow or cumbersome) :: 耽誤, 耽误 /dānwu/
bottlenose dolphin {n} (species of dolphin) :: 寬吻海豚, 宽吻海豚 /kuānwěn hǎitún/
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) :: 開瓶器, 开瓶器 /kāipíngqì/
bottle shop {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store ::
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
bottom {n} (lowest part) :: 底部 /dǐbù/, 底端 /dǐduān/, /dǐ/
bottom {n} (gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex) :: 被動, 被动 /bèidòng/, /líng/, 0 /líng/
bottom line {n} (final balance) :: 帐本底线
bottom line {n} (summary or result) :: 总结
bottoms up {interj} (Cheers!) :: 乾杯, 干杯 /gānbēi/ [dry cup]
bottom the house {v} (clean a house extremely thoroughly) :: 徹底打掃房子, 彻底打扫房子 /chèdǐ dǎsǎo fángzi/
bottom-up {adj} (hierarchical system that progresses from multiple, small subunits to a single, large basic unit) :: 自下而上的 /zìxià'érshàng de/
botulin {n} (nerve toxin) :: 肉毒桿菌, 肉毒杆菌 /ròudúgānjūn/
botulism {n} (medical condition) :: 香腸中毒, 香肠中毒 /xiāngcháng zhòngdú/, 波特淋菌中毒 /bōtèlín jūn zhòngdú/
boudoir {n} (woman's private room) SEE: bower ::
Bougainville {prop} (island in Papua New Guinea) :: 布干維爾, 布干维尔 /Bùgānwéi'ěr/
bough {n} (tree branch) :: 樹枝, 树枝 /shùzhī/, /zhī/, /dà zhī/
bouillabaisse {n} (mixture) SEE: mixture ::
bouillabaisse {n} (type of fish stew or soup from Provence) :: 馬賽魚湯, 马赛鱼汤 /Mǎsài yútāng/ (Marseilles fish soup)
bouillon cube {n} (cube) :: 湯塊, 汤块 /tāngkuài/
boulder {n} (large mass of stone) :: 漂礫, 漂砾 /piāolì/, 磐石 /pánshí/, 頑石, 顽石 /wánshí/, 圓石頭, 圆石头 /yuánshítou/
boulevard {n} (broad, landscaped thoroughfare) :: 林蔭大道, 林荫大道 /línyīndàdào/, 大道 /dàdào/
bounce off the walls {v} (to be overly active) :: 興高采烈, 兴高采烈 /xīnggāocǎiliè/
bouncing {adj} (healthy; vigorous) :: 健壮的
boundary {n} (dividing line or location between two areas) :: 邊界, 边界 /biānjiè/
boundary {n} ((topology) the set of points in the closure, not belonging to the interior) :: 邊界, 边界 /biānjiè/
bounden {adj} (made obligatory, see also: obligatory) :: 責任 /yǒuzérènde/
bound form {n} (bound form) :: 黏附形式 /niánfù xíngshì/
boundless {adj} (without bounds, unbounded) :: 無邊, 无边 /wúbiān/
bound variable {n} (variable that has an allocated storage location) :: 約束變量, 约束变量 /yuēshù biànliàng/, 約束變數, 约束变数 /yuēshù biànshù/
bounty {n} (reward for some specific act) :: 獎金, 奖金 /jiǎngjīn/, 賞金, 赏金 /shǎngjīn/, 贈款, 赠款 /zèngkuǎn/
bounty {n} (generosity) SEE: generosity ::
bounty {n} (generosity) SEE: generosity ::
bounty hunter {n} (person who catches criminals in return for a reward) :: 賞金獵人, 赏金猎人 /shǎngjīn lièrén/
bouquet {n} (bunch of flowers) :: 花束 /huāshù/
bouquet {n} (scent of wine) :: 酒香 /jiǔxiāng/, 芳香 /fāngxiāng/
bourbon {n} (whiskey) :: 波本威士忌 /bōběn wēishìjì/
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
bourgeois {n} (the middle class) :: 中产阶级 /zhōngchǎnjiējí/
bourgeois {n} (9-point type) :: 小五 /xiǎowǔ/
bourgeoisie {n} (class) :: 資產階級, 资产阶级 /zīchǎn jiējí/, 布爾喬亞, 布尔乔亚 /bù'ěrqiáoyà/, 中產階級, 中产阶级 /zhōngchǎn jiējí/
Bournemouth {prop} (town in Dorset) :: 伯恩茅斯 /Bóēnmáosī/
bourse {n} (stock exchange) SEE: stock exchange ::
boutique {n} (a small shop, especially one that sells fashionable clothes, jewelry and the like) :: 時裝店, 时装店 /shízhuāngdiàn/, 精品店 /jīngpǐndiàn/
Bouvet Island {prop} (uninhabited volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean) :: 布韋島, 布韦岛 /Bùwéidǎo/
Bouyei {prop} (a language) SEE: Yay ::
Bouyei {n} (a Tai ethnic group) :: 布依族 /Bùyī zú/
bouzouki {n} (lute) :: 布祖基琴 /bùzǔjīqín/
bovine {n} (animal like cattle, buffalo, bison) :: /niú/
bovine spongiform encephalopathy {n} (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: 牛海绵状脑病 /niúhǎimiánzhuàngnǎobìng/, 疯牛病 /fēngniúbìng/
bow {n} (weapon used for shooting arrows) :: /gōng/
bow {n} (bend in a rod or planar surface) :: 彎曲, 弯曲 /wānqū/
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) :: 弦樂器的弓, 弦乐器的弓 /xuányuèqì de gōng/
bow {n} (type of knot with two loops) :: 蝴蝶結, 蝴蝶结 /húdiéjié/
bow {v} (to play music on an instrument using a bow) :: 用弓拉曲 /yònggōnglāqǔ/
bow {v} (to become bent) :: 彎曲, 弯曲 /wānqū/
bow {v} (to bend a thing) :: 弄彎 /nòngwān/
bow {v} (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) :: 鞠躬 /jūgōng/, /gōng/, 哈腰 /hāyāo/
bow {n} (gesture made by bending forward at the waist) :: 鞠躬 /jūgōng/
bow and arrow {n} (weapon) :: 弓箭 /gōngjiàn/, 弓矢 /gōngshǐ/ [literary]
bow drill {n} (a simple hand-operated tool) SEE: fire drill ::
bowel {n} (large intestine) :: 大腸, 大肠 /dàcháng/
bowel {n} (intestines, entrails) ::
bowel cancer {n} (any of the many types of cancers affecting the gastrointestinal tract) :: 大腸癌, 大肠癌 /dàcháng'ái/
bowel movement {n} (discharge of feces) :: 排便 /páibiàn/
bowel movement {n} (feces thus produced) :: 糞便, 粪便 /fènbiàn/
bowel obstruction {n} (obstruction of the intestines) :: 腸梗阻, 肠梗阻 /chánggěngzǔ/
bowels {n} (intestines) :: , /cháng/, 腸子, 肠子 /chángzi/
bower {n} (a woman's bedroom or private apartments, especially in a medieval castle) :: 閨房, 闺房 /guīfáng/
bowfin {n} (Amia calva) :: 弓鳍鱼 /gōngqíyú/
Bowie {prop} (surname) :: 鮑伊, 鲍伊 /Bàoyī/
bowl {n} (container for food) :: /wǎn/
bowl {n} (lawn bowls) SEE: bowls ::
bowl {n} (haircut) SEE: bowl cut ::
bowl cut {n} (haircut) :: 西瓜頭, 西瓜头 /xīguātóu/
bowleg {n} (leg that curves outward from the knee) :: 羅圈腿, 罗圈腿 /luóquāntuǐ/, 膝內翻, 膝内翻 /xīnèifān/
bow-legged {adj} (having a bowleg) :: 羅圈腿, 罗圈腿 /luóquāntuǐ/
bowler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
bowler {n} (bowler hat) SEE: bowler hat ::
bowler hat {n} (hard round black felt hat) :: 禮帽, 礼帽 /lǐmào/, 圓頂硬禮帽, 圆顶硬礼帽 /yuándǐng yìng lǐmào/
bowling {n} (a game played by rolling a ball down an alley) :: 保齡球, 保龄球 /bǎolíngqiú/
bowling alley {n} (a building which contains bowling lanes) :: 保齡球館, 保龄球馆 /bǎolíngqiúguǎn/
bowls {n} (precision sport) :: 草地滾球, 草地滚球 /cǎodì gǔnqiú/
bow maker {n} (one who manufactures bows for musical instruments) :: 製弓師, 制弓师 /zhìgōngshī/
bowman {n} (archer) SEE: archer ::
bowsprit {n} (spar projecting over the prow of a sailing vessel) :: 船首斜桅 /chuánshǒu xiéwéi/, 艏斜桅 /shǒuxiéwéi/
bowstring {n} (string of an archer's bow) :: 弓弦 /gōngxián/, /xián/
bowtie {n} (necktie shaped like a bow) :: 領結, 领结 /lǐngjié/
bow wow {n} (sound of a dog barking) :: 汪汪 /wāngwāng/
bow-wow {interj} (bow wow) SEE: bow wow ::
box {n} (cuboid space; container) :: 箱子 /xiāngzi/, /xiāng/, 盒子 /hézi/, 匣子 /xiázi/ [small]
box {n} (as much as fills a box) :: /yī xiāng/, /xiāng/
box {n} (compartment to sit inside) :: 證人席, 证人席 /zhèngrén xí/ [courtroom], 分隔式雅座 /fēn gé shì yǎzuò/ [restaurant], 包廂, 包厢 /bāoxiāng/ [theatre]
box {n} (small rectangular shelter) :: 小室 /xiǎoshì/, /tíng/, /péng/
box {n} (computer, or the case in which it is housed) :: 電腦, 电脑 /diànnǎo/
box {n} ((cricket) hard protector for the genitals) :: 護身, 护身 /hùshēn/
box {v} (to place inside a box) :: 裝箱, 装箱 /zhuāngxiāng/
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) :: 黃楊木, 黄杨木 /huángyángmù/
box {v} (to strike with the fists) :: , /dǎ/
box {n} (input field on an electronic display) SEE: text box ::
box {v} (to strike with the fists) :: 耳光, 耳光 /ěrguāng/
box {v} (to fight against (a person) in a boxing match) :: 鬥拳, 斗拳 /dòuquán/
box {v} (to participate in boxing) :: 參加拳擊比賽, 参加拳击比赛 /cānjiā quánjí bǐsài/
box and whiskers plot {n} (box plot) SEE: box plot ::
boxcutter {n} (utility knife) SEE: utility knife ::
boxer {n} (participant in a boxing match) :: 拳擊手, 拳击手 /quánjīshǒu/
boxer {n} (breed of dog) :: 拳師狗, 拳师狗 /quánshīgǒu/
Boxer {n} (participant in the Boxer Rebellion) :: 義和團, 义和团 /yìhétuán/
boxer briefs {n} (style of underpants) :: 四角裤, 四角内裤
boxers {n} (boxer shorts) SEE: boxer shorts ::
boxer shorts {n} (underwear) :: 平角裤, 平角褲 /píngjiǎokù/, 四角褲, 四角裤 /sìjiǎokù/
boxing {n} (the sport of boxing) :: 拳擊 拳击 /quánjī, quánjí/
Boxing Day {n} (the day after Christmas: 26 December) :: 節禮日, 节礼日 /jiélǐrì/
boxing glove {n} (padded mitten worn in boxing) :: 拳擊手套, 拳击手套 /quánjī shǒutào/
boxing ring {n} (a space, in which a boxing match is fought) :: 拳擊台, 拳击台 /quánjítái/
box office {n} (ticket office) :: 票房 /piàofáng/, 售票處, 售票处 /shòupiàochù/
box plot {n} (graphical summary of data) :: 箱形圖, 箱形图 /xiāngxíngtú/
box set {n} (set of books) :: 套裝書, 套装书 /tàozhuāng shū/
box someone's ears {v} (slap on the side of the head) :: 打耳光 /dǎ ěrguāng/
boxthorn {n} (plant of the genus Lycium) SEE: wolfberry ::
boy {n} (young male) :: 男孩 /nánhái/, 少年 /shàonián/, 男孩子 /nánháizi/, 小伙子 /xiǎohuǒzi/
boy {n} (male servant) :: 男僕, 男仆 /nánpú/
boy {n} (male of any age, used as a friendly diminutive) :: 男生 /nán shēng/
boy {n} (adult male found attractive) :: 男人 /nán rén/
boy {n} (male friend) :: 老弟 /lǎo dì/
boy {interj} (surprise or pleasure) :: ! /wā/
boyar {n} (rank of aristocracy) :: 波雅爾, 波雅尔 /bōyǎ'ěr/
boy band {n} (pop group whose members are all young men) :: 男子組合, 男子组合 /nánzǐ zǔhé/
boycott {v} (to abstain from dealing with a person or organisation as a protest) :: 抵制 /dǐzhì/, 杯葛 /bēigé/ [loanword]
boycott {n} (the act of boycotting) :: 抵制 /dǐzhì/, 杯葛 /bēigé/ [loanword]
boyfriend {n} (male partner in a romantic relationship) :: 男朋友 /nánpéngyou/, [boyfriend or girlfriend] 對象, 对象 /duìxiàng/
boyfriend {n} (male friend) :: [male friend] 朋友 /nán de péngyou/, [buddy] 哥們兒, 哥们儿 /gēmenr/
boyish {adj} (like a boy) :: 少年的 /shàonián de/
Boy Scout {n} (male member of the Scout Movement) :: 童子軍, 童子军 /tóngzǐjūn/, 童軍, 童军 /tóngjūn/
bra {n} (brassiere) :: 奶罩 /nǎizhào/, 胸罩 /xiōngzhào/
brace {n} (harness) SEE: harness ::
brace {n} (system to correct crooked teeth) SEE: braces ::
brace {n} (curly bracket) SEE: curly bracket ::
bracelet {n} (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) :: 手鐲, 手镯 /shǒuzhuó/, 鐲子, 镯子 /zhuózi/
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs ::
braces {n} (device for straightening teeth) :: 牙套 /yátào/, 牙齒矯正器, 牙齿矫正器 /yáchǐ jiǎozhèngqì/
brachial plexus {n} :: 臂神經叢
brachium {n} (upper arm) SEE: upper arm ::
bracken {n} (any of several coarse ferns) :: 羊齒, 羊齿 /yángchǐ/, 蕨菜 /juécài/
bracket {n} (item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf) :: 支架 /zhījià/, 托架 /tuōjià/
bracket {n} (generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">") :: 括號, 括号 /kuòhào/
bracket {n} (one of several ranges of numbers) :: 等級, 等级 /děngjí/
bracket {n} (square bracket) SEE: square bracket ::
bracket {n} (round bracket) SEE: round bracket ::
brackish {adj} (slightly salty) :: [no adjective exists; "brackish water":] 汽水 /qìshuǐ/, 半海水 /bànhǎishuǐ/
brackish {adj} (repulsive) SEE: repulsive ::
bract {n} (leaf or leaf-like structure) :: 苞片 /bāopiàn/
brad {n} :: 活页纸书钉
Bradford {prop} (town in West Yorkshire) :: 布拉德福德 /Bùlādéfúdé/
brae {n} (hillside or slope) SEE: hillside ::
brag {v} (to boast) :: 吹牛 /chuīniú/, 吹噓, 吹嘘 /chuīxū/, 自誇, 自夸 /zìkuā/
brag {n} (boast) SEE: boast ::
Bragança {prop} (city in the homonymous district of Portugal) :: 布拉干薩, 布拉干萨 /Bùlāgānsà/
braggadocio {n} (braggart) SEE: braggart ::
braggardly {adj} (boastful) SEE: boastful ::
braggart {n} (one who constantly brags or boasts) :: 吹牛的 /chuīniú de/, 牛皮大王 /niúpí dàwáng/
braggart {adj} (characterized by boasting) SEE: boastful ::
bragging rights {n} (the prerogative to praise oneself) :: 吹噓資本, 吹嘘资本 /chuīxū de zīběn/
Brahma {prop} (Hindu god of creation) :: 梵天 /Fàntiān/
Brahman {prop} (concept of Hinduism) :: 婆羅門, 婆罗门 /póluómén/, /fàn/
Brahmi {prop} (script) :: 婆羅米文, 婆罗米文 /Póluómǐ wén/
brahmin {n} (caste) :: 婆羅門, 婆罗门 /póluómén/
braid {v} (to intertwine) :: 編織, 编织 /biānzhī/
braid {n} (weave of three or more strands) :: 辮子, 辫子 /biànzi/
braid {n} (hairstyle) :: 辮子, 辫子 /biànzi/
braille {n} (system of writing using raised dots) :: 盲文 /mángwén/, 點字, 点字 /diǎnzì/, 盲字 /mángzì/
brain {n} (organ) :: 頭腦, 头脑 /tóunǎo/, , /nǎo/, 腦部, 脑部 /nǎobù/, 腦子, 脑子 /nǎozi/
brain {n} (intelligent person) :: 聰明人, 聪明人 /cōngmíngrén/
brain {n} (person providing intelligence) :: 智者 /jìzhě/
brain {n} (brains: intellect) :: 智力 /jìlì/
brain cancer {n} (cancer of the brain) :: 腦癌, 脑癌 /nǎo'ái/
brain cell {n} (cell in brain) :: 腦細胞, 脑细胞 /nǎoxìbāo/
brainchild {n} (creation) :: 智力产物, 主意
brain coral {n} (any of several species of coral in the shape of a brain) :: 腦珊瑚, 脑珊瑚 /nǎoshānhú/
brain drain {n} (emigration of educated people) :: 人才外流 /réncái wàiliú/, 人才流失 /réncái liúshī/
brain gain {n} (immigration of educated people) :: 人才引進, 人才引进 /réncái yǐnjìn/
brainless {adj} (unintelligent; having little or no common sense) :: 瞎頭子, 瞎头子 /xiātóuzi/, 無頭腦的, 无头脑的 /wútóunǎo de/
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence ::
brain stem {n} (part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum) :: 腦幹, 脑干 /nǎogàn/
brainstorm {n} (brainstorming) SEE: brainstorming ::
brainstorming {n} (method of problem solving) :: 腦力激盪法, 脑力激荡法 /nǎolì jīdàng fǎ/
brain-teaser {n} (a complex riddle or puzzle) :: 脑筋急转弯
brain trust {n} (group of experts who advise a government) :: 智囊团, 专家顾问团, 军师团
brain trust {n} (any group of experts) :: 智囊团, 专家小组
brainwash {n} (effect upon one's memory, belief or ideas) :: 洗腦, 洗脑 /xǐnǎo/
brainwash {v} (to affect one's mind) :: 洗腦, 洗脑 /xǐnǎo/
brain-washing {n} (form of indoctrination) :: 洗腦, 洗脑 /xǐnǎo/
brainwave {n} (any of many rhythmic fluctuations of electric potential between parts of the brain) :: 腦波, 脑波 /nǎobō/
braise {v} (To cook in a small amount of liquid) :: , /dùn/, /zhēng/ [to steam], , /huì/, /pá/
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) :: 剎車, 刹车 /shāchē/, 制動器, 制动器 /zhìdòngqì/
brake {v} (to operate brakes) :: 剎車, 刹车 /shāchē/, 制動, 制动 /zhìdòng/, 煞車, 煞车 /shāchē/
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry ::
brambling {n} (bird) :: 燕雀 /yànquè/
Brampton {prop} (city in Ontario) :: 布蘭普頓, 布兰普顿 /Bùlánpǔdùn/, 賓頓, 宾顿 /Bīndùn/
bran {n} (outside layer of a grain) :: 麩皮, 麸皮 /fūpí/, , /fū/
branch {n} (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) :: /zhī/, 樹枝, 树枝 /shùzhī/
branch {n} (part that divides like the branch of a tree) :: 分支 /fēn zhī/
branch {n} (location of an organization with several locations) :: 支店 /zhīdiàn/, 部門, 部门 /bùmén/
branch cut {n} (curve) :: 分支切割
branch office {n} (office separate from the headquarters of the business) :: 分公司 /fēngōngsī/, 分局 /fēnjú/, 支局 /zhījú/
branch of government {n} (part of a governing body) :: 政府部門, 政府部门 /zhèngfǔ bùmén/
brand {n} (name, symbol, logo) :: 牌子 /páizi/, /pái/
brand {n} (a specific product, service, or provider so distinguished) :: 牌子 /páizi/, 品牌 /pǐnpái/
Brandenburg {prop} (state) :: 勃蘭登堡, 勃兰登堡, 布蘭登堡
brandish {v} (to move a weapon) :: 揮舞, 挥舞 /huīwǔ/, , /huī/
brand name {n} (trade name) SEE: trade name ::
brand new {adj} (utterly new) :: 全新 /quánxīn/, 嶄新, 崭新 /zhǎnxīn/, 簇新 /cùxīn/
Brandon {prop} (Transliterations of the surname) :: 布蘭登, 布兰登 /Bùlándēng/
brand spanking new {adj} (brand new) SEE: brand new ::
brandy {n} (liquor) :: 白蘭地, 白兰地 /báilándì/
brandy {n} (variety of brandy) :: 白蘭地, 白兰地 /báilándì/
brane {n} (hypothetical object) :: /mó/
Brannock device {n} (tool used to measure a foot's length) :: 量腳器, 量脚器 /liàngjiǎoqì/
Brasília {prop} (The capital of Brazil) :: 巴西利亞, 巴西利亚 /Bāxīlìyà/
brass {n} (alloy of copper and zinc) :: 黃銅, 黄铜 /huángtóng/
brass band {n} (group of musicians who play brass instruments) :: 銅管樂隊, 铜管乐队 /tóngguǎn yuèduì/
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra ::
brass instrument {n} (musical instrument) :: 銅管樂器, 铜管乐器 /tóngguǎn yuèqì/
brass knuckles {n} (weapon which reinforces the fist) :: 指節銅環, 指节铜环 /zhǐjiétónghuán/, 指節銅套, 指节铜套 /zhǐjiétóngtào/, [Hong Kong] 鐵蓮花, 铁莲花 /tiěliánhuā/
brassware {n} (articles made from brass) :: 黃銅器, 黄铜器 /huángtóngqì/
brat {n} (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child) :: 小子 /xiǎozi/, 小孩兒, 小孩儿 (chòu xiǎoháir), 小淘氣, 小淘气 /xiǎotáoqì/, 小屁孩
brat {n} (bratwurst) SEE: bratwurst ::
Bratislava {prop} (The capital of Slovakia) :: 布拉迪斯拉發, 布拉迪斯拉发 /Bùlādísīlāfā/
bratwurst {n} (A small pork sausage) :: 德國碎肉香腸, 德国碎肉香肠 /Déguó suìròu xiāngcháng/
bravado {n} (a false show of courage) :: 虛張聲勢, 虚张声势 /xūzhāng-shēngshì/
brave {adj} (strong in the face of fear) :: 勇敢 /yǒnggǎn/
bravery {n} (being brave) :: 勇敢 /yǒnggǎn/
brawl {n} (disorderly argument or fight) :: 打鬧, 打闹 /dǎnào/, 打架 /dǎjià/, 吵架 /chǎojià/, 鬥毆, 斗殴 /dòu'ōu/
brazier {n} (An upright standing or hanging metal bowl used for holding burning coal) :: 火盆 /huǒpén/
Brazil {prop} (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) :: 巴西 /Bāxī/
Brazilian {n} (person from Brazil) :: 巴西人 /Bāxī-rén/
Brazilian jiu-jitsu {n} (martial art and combat sport derived from judo) :: 巴西柔術, 巴西柔术 /Bāxī róushù/
brazil nut {n} (tree) :: 巴西堅果樹, 巴西坚果树 /bāxījiānguǒshù/, 巴西果樹, 巴西果树 /bāxīguǒshù/, 鮑魚果樹, 鲍鱼果树 /bàoyúguǒshù/
brazil nut {n} (nut) :: 巴西果 /bāxīguǒ/, 鮑魚果, 鲍鱼果 /bàoyúguǒ/, 巴西堅果, 巴西坚果 /bāxījiānguǒ/
Brazzaville {prop} (the capital of the Republic of the Congo) :: 布拉柴維爾, 布拉柴维尔 /Bùlācháiwéi'ěr/
breach of contract {n} (failure to perform) :: 違約, 违约 /wéiyuē/
bread {n} (baked dough made from cereals) :: 麵包, 面包 /miànbāo/
bread {n} (countable: any variety of bread) :: 麵包, 面包 /miànbāo/
bread and circuses {n} (food and entertainment provided by the state) :: 麵包與馬戲, 面包与马戏 /miànbāo yǔ mǎxì/
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach ::
breadbasket {n} (basket for storing or carrying bread) :: 麵包籃, 面包篮 /miànbāolán/
breadbasket {n} (food bowl) SEE: food bowl ::
breadbox {n} (a container for storing bread) :: 麵包盒, 面包盒 /miànbāohé/
breadcrumb {n} (tiny piece of bread) :: 麵包屑, 面包屑 /miànbāoxiè/, 麵包糠, 面包糠 /miànbāokāng/ [dried]
breadfruit {n} (tree) :: 麵包樹, 面包树 /miànbāoshù/
breadfruit {n} (fruit) :: 麵包果, 面包果 /miànbāoguǒ/
bread machine {n} (household appliance which makes dough) SEE: bread maker ::
bread maker {n} (household appliance which makes bread) :: 麵包機, 面包机 /miànbāojī/
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker ::
breadmaker {n} (bread maker) SEE: bread maker ::
bread roll {n} (miniature round loaf of bread) :: 圓面包, 圆面包 /yuánmiànbāo/
breadstick {n} (slender loaf of crisp bread) :: 麵包棒, 麪包棒, 面包棒 /miànbāo bàng/
breadth {n} (width) SEE: width ::
breadwinner {n} (primary income-earner in a household) :: 養家活口的人, 养家活口的人 /yǎngjiā huókǒu de rén/, 養家的人, 养家的人 /yǎngjiā de rén/
break {v} (intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces) :: 打破 /dǎpò/
break {v} (transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces) :: 打破 /dǎpò/
break {v} (intransitive, of a bone: to crack) :: 折,骨折
break {v} (to divide (money) into smaller units) ::
break {v} (transitive: to do that which is forbidden by (something)) :: 破戒,犯戒
break {v} (intransitive: to stop functioning properly or altogether) ::
break {v} (transitive: to cause to stop functioning) :: 破坏, 损坏
break {n} (rest or pause, usually from work) :: 休息 /xiūxí/
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile ::
breakable {adj} (able to be broken) :: 易碎的 /yì suì de/
breakable {n} (something that is easily breakable) :: 易碎品
break a leg {interj} (expression of best wishes to a performer) :: 祝你好運, 祝你好运 /zhù nǐ hǎoyùn/
break a sweat {v} (to start sweating) :: 出汗 /chūhàn/
break a sweat {v} (to put effort into something) :: 费劲
break bad {v} (to go wrong, to turn toward immorality or crime) :: 變壞, 变坏 /biànhuài/
break bread {v} (eat a meal, especially shared) :: 進餐, 进餐 /jìncān/
break bread {v} (take part in Holy Communion) :: 擘餅, 擘饼 /bòbǐng/
break bulk {v} (to remove items in shipment from their packaging, container, or vessel) :: 卸货
breakdancing {n} (Style of dance) :: 霹靂舞, 霹雳舞 /pīlìwǔ/
breakdown {n} (failure, particularly mechanical) :: 故障 /gùzhàng/
break even {v} (to neither gain nor lose money) :: 不賠不賺, 不赔不赚 /bùpéibùzhuàn/, 保本 /bǎoběn/
break-even point {n} (The point where total costs equal total sales revenue) :: 收支平衡點, 收支平衡点 /shōuzhī pínghéng diǎn/, 盈虧平衡點, 盈亏平衡点 /yíngkuī pínghéng diǎn/
breakfast {n} (first meal of the day) :: 早飯, 早饭 /zǎofàn/, 早餐 /zǎocān/
breakfast cereal {n} (food made from processed grains) :: [no exact equivalent exists, the following are references only] 早餐穀物, 早餐谷物 /zǎocān gǔwù/, 穀類食品, 谷类食品 /gǔlèi shípǐn/, [technically "rolled oats" but can be understood as cereal] 麥片, 麦片 /màipiàn/
breaking news {n} (news that just happened or is happening) :: 突發新聞, 突发新闻 /tūfā xīnwén/, 插播新聞, 插播新闻 /chābō xīnwén/, 即時新聞, 即时新闻 /jíshí xīnwén/, 重磅新聞, 重磅新闻 /zhòngbàng xīnwén/
break of dawn {n} (daybreak) SEE: daybreak ::
break one's fast {v} (archaic: to eat breakfast) :: 吃早餐 /chī zǎocān/
break out {v} (to escape, especially forcefully or defiantly) :: 逃出 /táochū/
break out {v} (to begin suddenly; to emerge in a certain condition) :: 爆發, 爆发 /bàofā/, 勃發, 勃发 /bófā/
breakpoint {n} ((computing) point in a program where operation may be interrupted) :: 斷點, 断点 /duàndiǎn/
break ranks {v} (military) :: 打乱队形
break someone's heart {v} (to cause a person to feel grief or sadness) :: [break...'s heart] 打碎... (dǎsuì... de xīn)
break the bank {v} (win all the money that is available to be paid) :: 大錢, 大钱 /yíng dàqián/, 銀行倒閉, 银行倒闭 /ràng yínháng dǎobì/
break the bank {v} (exhaust one's financial resources) :: 耗費巨資, 耗费巨资 /hàofèi jùzī/, 破產, 破产 /pòchǎn/, 傾家蕩產, 倾家荡产 /qīngjiādàngchǎn/
break the ice {v} (to start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness) :: 打破僵局 /dǎpò jiāngjú/, 打破冷場, 打破冷场 /dǎpò lěngchǎng/, 破冰 /pòbīng/
breakthrough {n} (military advance) :: 突破 /tūpò/
breakthrough {n} (major progress) :: 突破 /tūpò/
break up {v} (intransitive: to disintegrate) :: 粉碎 /fěnsuì/, 破碎 /pòsuì/
break up {v} (to end a relationship) :: 分手 /fēnshǒu/, 分開, 分开 /fēnkāi/, /chuī/
breakup {n} (breakdown) SEE: breakdown ::
breakwater {n} (construction in or around a harbour) :: 防波堤 /fángbōdī/
breakwater {n} (beach barrier) :: 防波堤 /fángbōdī/
break wind {v} (to fart) :: 放屁 /fàngpì/
bream {n} (fish of the genus Abramis) :: /fáng/
breast {n} (milk-producing organ) :: 乳房 /rǔfáng/, /xiōng/
breast {n} (chest) :: 胸部 /xiōngbù/
breast {n} (seat of emotions) :: 思想 /sīxiǎng/
breast {n} (animal's thorax) :: 胸甲 /xiōngjiǎ/
breast {n} (choice cut of meat from poultry or other animals) :: /xiōng/
breast augmentation {n} (cosmetic procedure) :: 隆胸手術, 隆胸手术 /lóngxiōng shǒushù/
breastaurant {n} (restaurant featuring scantily clad waitresses) :: 波霸餐廳, 波霸餐厅 /bōbà cāntīng/
breastbone {n} (the central narrow bone in the front of the chest) :: 胸骨 /xiōnggǔ/
breast cancer {n} (cancer of the breast) :: 乳癌 /rǔ'ái/
breastfeed {v} (feed a baby milk via the breasts) :: 餵奶, 喂奶 /wèinǎi/, 哺乳 /bǔrǔ/, 母乳餵養, 母乳喂养 /mǔrǔ wèiyǎng/
breastfeeding {n} (activity) :: 餵奶, 喂奶 /wèinǎi/, 哺乳 /bǔrǔ/, 母乳餵養, 母乳喂养 /mǔrǔ wèiyǎng/
breast implant {n} (medical prosthesis) :: 隆胸 /lóngxiōng/, 豐胸, 丰胸 /fēngxiōng/, 隆乳 /lóngrǔ/, 豐乳, 丰乳 /fēngrǔ/
breast milk {n} (milk produced by humans) :: 母乳 /mǔrǔ/, 人乳 /rénrǔ/, 人奶 /rénnǎi/
breastpin {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
breast pump {n} (device used to extract breast milk) :: 吸乳器 /xīrǔqì/, 吸奶器 /xīnǎiqì/
breaststroke {n} (swimming stroke) :: 蛙泳 /wāyǒng/, 俯泳 /fǔyǒng/, 胸泳 /xiōngyǒng/, 蛙式 /wāshì/
breath {n} (act or process of breathing) :: 呼吸 /hūxī/, 氣息, 气息 /qìxī/
breath {n} (air expelled from the lungs) :: 呼吸 /hūxī/
breathability {n} (ability of fabric to transmit air and moisture) :: 透氣性, 透气性 /tòuqìxìng/
breathability {n} (quality of air suitable for breathing) :: 空氣質量, 空气质量 /kōngqì zhìliàng/
breathalyzer {n} (a device that measures alcohol in expired air) :: 酒精測定器, 酒精测定器 /jiǔjīng cèdìngqì/
breathe {v} (to draw air in and out) :: 呼吸 /hūxī/, /xī/
breathe down someone's neck {v} (to follow or supervise too closely) :: 某人, 某人 /jǐn dīng zhe mǒurén/, 密切監視某人, 密切监视某人 /mìqiè jiānshì mǒurén/
breathing {n} (act of respiration) :: 呼吸 /hūxī/
breathlessness {n} (state of being breathless or out of breath) :: 呼吸困難, 呼吸困难 /hūxī kùnnán/
breathlessness {n} (difficult respiration) SEE: shortness of breath ::
breathtaking {adj} (stunningly beautiful) :: 驚險, 惊险 /jīngxiǎn/
breath test {n} (test) :: 呼吸試驗, 呼吸试验 /hūxī shìyàn/
breech birth {n} (birth in which the fetus comes feet or knees first) :: 臀位分娩 /túnwèi fēnmiǎn/
breechblock {n} (block that closes the breech of a breech-loading gun) :: 槍閂, 枪闩 /qiāngshuān/ [gun], 炮閂, 炮闩 /pàoshuān/ [cannon]
breeches {n} (a garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs) :: 五分褲, 五分裤 /wǔfēnkù/, 半長褲, 半长裤 /bànchángkù/, 馬褲, 马裤 /mǎkù/
breed {v} (to sexually produce offspring) :: 繁殖 /fánzhí/, 培育 /péiyù/
breed {v} (of animals, to mate) :: 配种
breed {v} (to keep animals and have them reproduce) :: 育种
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
breeze {n} (a light, gentle wind) :: 微風, 微风 /wēifēng or wéifēng (Taiwan)/, 和風, 和风 /héfēng/, 清風, 清风 /qīngfēng/, 輕風, 轻风 /qīngfēng/
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly ::
Bremen {prop} (city) :: 不來梅, 不来梅 /Bùláiméi/
Brendan {prop} (male given name) :: 布倫丹, 布伦丹 /Bùlúndān/
Breslau {prop} (Wroclaw) SEE: Wroclaw ::
Brest {prop} (a city in Brittany) :: 布雷斯特 /Bùléisītè/
Brest {prop} (a city in Belarus) :: 布列斯特 /Bùlièsītè/
brethren {n} (the body of members) :: 同胞
Breton {n} (the language) :: 布列塔尼語, 布列塔尼语 /Bùliětǎní yǔ/
brevity is the soul of wit {proverb} (conciseness is essential to witty remarks) :: 言以簡為貴, 言以简为贵 /yán yǐ jiǎn wéi guì/, 言貴簡潔, 言贵简洁 /yánguìjiǎnjié/
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer ::
brew {v} (make tea or coffee) :: /qī/, /pào/, /zhǔ/, , /chōng/
brew {v} (make a hot soup) :: /zhǔ/
brew {v} (to make beer) :: 釀造, 酿造 /niàngzào/, 釀製, 酿制 /niàngzhì/
brew {v} (to contrive; plot) :: 圖謀, 图谋 /túmóu/, 密謀, 密谋 /mìmóu/
brew {v} (to go through the process of brewing beer) :: 釀造, 酿造 /niàngzào/, 釀製, 酿制 /niàngzhì/
brew {v} (to be in a state of preparation) :: 醞釀, 酝酿 /zài yùnniàng zhī zhōng/
brew {n} (something brewed) :: 釀製飲料, 酿制饮料 /niàngzhì yǐnliào/
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
brew {n} (cup of tea) SEE: cup of tea ::
brewery {n} (building where beer is produced) :: 釀酒廠, 酿酒厂 /niàngjiǔchǎng/, 啤酒廠, 啤酒厂 /píjiǔchǎng/
Brexit {prop} (withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU) :: 英國脫歐, 英国脱欧 /Yīngguó tuō'ōu/, 英國退歐, 英国退欧 /Yīngguó tuì'ōu/
Brezhnev {prop} (surname) :: 勃列日涅夫
Brian {prop} (male given name) :: 布莱恩
bribe {n} (inducement to dishonesty) :: 賄賂, 贿赂 /huìlù/, 行賄, 行贿 /xínghuì/
bribe {v} (to give a bribe) :: 賄賂, 贿赂 /huìlù/, 行賄, 行贿 /xínghuì/
bribery {n} (making of illegal payment to persons in official positions as a means of influencing their decisions) :: 行賄, 行贿 /xínghuì/
bribery {n} (giving, offering or accepting bribes) :: 受賄, 受贿 /shòuhuì/ [receiving bribes]
bribetaker {n} (a person who takes bribes) :: 受賄者, 受贿者 /shòuhuìzhě/
BRIC {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) :: 金磚四國, 金砖四国 /Jīn zhuān sì guó/ (golden brick four countries); BRIC; 磚塊, 砖块 /zhuānkuài/ (brick)
brick {n} (hardened block used for building) :: , /zhuān/, 磚塊, 砖块 /zhuānkuài/, 磚頭, 砖头 /zhuāntóu/
brick {n} (a building material) :: , /zhuān/, 磚塊, 砖块 /zhuānkuài/, 磚頭, 砖头 /zhuāntóu/
brick {n} (a heavy electronic device that has become obsolete) :: , /zhuān/
brick {n} :: 磚頭, 砖头 /zhuāntóu/
brick {v} (electronics: to render non-functional) :: 使……變磚, 使……变砖
brick {n} (term for a helpful, reliable person) :: 好心腸的, 好心肠的 /hǎo xīn cháng de/
brick and mortar {adj} (buildings and property for the conduct of a business) :: ["brick-and-mortar"] 實體, 实体 /shítǐ de/, ["brick-and-mortar shop"] 實體店, 實體店 /shítǐdiàn/
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) :: 磚匠, 砖匠 /zhuānjiàng/, 砌磚工, 砌砖工 /qìzhuāngōng/, 瓦工 /wǎgōng/
brick-tea {n} (tea leaves) :: 磚茶, 砖茶 /zhuānchá/
BRICS {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) :: 金磚五國, 金砖五国 /Jīnzhuānwǔguó/ (golden brick five countries)
bridal carry {n} (means of carrying a person) :: 公主抱 /gōngzhǔbào/
bride {n} (woman in the context of her own wedding) :: 新娘 /xīnniáng/, 新婦, 新妇 /xīnfù/, 新娘子 /xīnniángzi/, 新媳婦兒, 新媳妇儿 /xīnxífur/ [colloquial]
bridegroom {n} (bridegroom, groom) :: 新郎 /xīnláng/
bride price {n} (sum paid to the family of the bride) :: 彩禮, 彩礼 /cǎilǐ/, 聘禮, 聘礼 /pìnlǐ/, 財禮, 财礼 /cáilǐ/
bridesmaid {n} (woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony) :: 伴娘 /bànniáng/, 女儐相, 女傧相 /nǚbīnxiàng/
bridge {n} (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) :: , /qiáo/, 橋樑, 桥梁 /qiáoliáng/
bridge {n} (bony ridge of the nose) :: 鼻樑, 鼻梁 /bíliáng/
bridge {n} (nautical) :: 船橋, 船桥 /chuánqiáo/
bridge {n} (card game) :: 橋牌, 桥牌 /qiáopái/
bridgehead {n} (area around the end of a bridge) :: 橋頭, 桥头 /qiáotóu/
bridge loan {n} (money loaned for a short period) :: 過橋貸款, 过桥贷款 /guòqiáo dàikuǎn/
Bridgetown {prop} (capital of Barbados) :: 布里奇敦 /Bùlǐqídūn/, 橋鎮, 桥镇 /Qiáozhèn/
bridging visa {n} (temporary visa) :: 過橋簽證, 过桥签证 /guòqiáo qiānzhèng/
bridle {n} (headgear for horse) :: , /pèi/, 轡頭, 辔头 /pèitóu/, 馬籠頭, 马笼头 /mǎlóngtóu/
bridled tern {n} (Onychoprion anaethetus) :: 褐翅燕鸥 /bái-méi yàn-ōu/
brie {n} (mild French cheese) :: 布利乾酪, 布利干酪 /bùlì gānlào/, 布利奶酪 /bùlì nǎilào/, 布利乳酪 /bùlì rǔlào/, 布里乳酪 /bùlǐ rǔlào/
briefcase {n} (case used for carrying documents) :: 公文包 /gōngwénbāo/, 皮包 /píbāo/
briefs {n} (male underwear) :: 貼身短內褲, 贴身短内裤 /tiēshēn duǎnnèikù/
brigade {n} (organized group of people) :: , /duì/, /bān/
brigade {n} (military unit) :: /lǚ/, 旅團, 旅团 /lǚtuán/
brigand {n} (bandit) :: 強盜, 强盗 /qiángdào/, 土匪 /tǔfěi/
bright {adj} (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) :: 明亮 /míngliàng/, /liàng/, /míng/; Literary Chinese:
bright {adj} (intelligent) :: [simplified] 聪明 /cōngmíng/, [traditional] 聰明
brightness {n} (the quality of being bright) :: 明亮 /míngliàng/
brilliance {n} (The quality of being exceptionally effulgent) :: /huī/
brilliant {adj} :: 光明, 燦爛, 灿烂 (chán làn); 出色的, 出色的 (chū sè de); 明亮的, 明亮的 (míng liàng de); 明亮的, 明亮的 (míng liàng de); 英明的, 英明的 (yīng míng de); 輝煌的, 辉煌的 (huī huáng de)
brillo pad {n} (scouring pad containing soap) :: 肥皂鋼絲絨, 肥皂钢丝绒 /féizào gāngsīróng/
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur ::
brine {n} (salt water) :: 鹽水, 盐水 /yánshuǐ/, 鹹水, 咸水 /xiánshuǐ/
brine {n} (the sea or ocean) :: [sea water] 海水 /hǎishuǐ/
bring {v} (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) :: 帶來, 带来 /dàilái/ [bringer is coming], 帶去, 带去 /dàiqu/ [bringer is going]
bring a knife to a gunfight {v} (to be inadequately equipped) :: 雞蛋石頭, 鸡蛋石头 /ná zhe jīdàn pèng shítou/ [hit stones with eggs]
bring home the bacon {v} (to make a living) :: [earn enough money to support one's family] 掙錢養家, 挣钱养家 (zhèngqián yǎngjiā), [earn a living] 謀生, 谋生 /móushēng/
bring it {v} (to apply maximum effort to an effort) :: 放手一搏 /fàng shoǔ yī bó/
bring owls to Athens {v} (to undertake a pointless venture) SEE: carry coals to Newcastle ::
bring to a boil {v} (heat something until it reaches boiling point) :: 沸騰, 沸腾 /fèiténg/
bring to bear {v} (aim a weapon) :: 瞄準, 瞄准 /miáozhǔn/
bring to bear {v} (employ to achieve an effect) :: 施加 /shījiā/, 應用, 应用 /yìngyòng/
bring to justice {v} (cause a person to be brought to trial on offenses) :: 繩之以法, 绳之以法 /shéngzhīyǐfǎ/, 歸案, 归案 /guī'àn/
bring to light {v} (expose) :: [expose] 揭發, 揭发 /jiēfā/, [make public] 公開, 公开 /gōngkāi/, [divulge] 透露 /tòulù/, [discover] 發現, 发现 /fāxiàn/
bring up the rear {v} (to be last in a moving line of people) :: 墊後, 垫后 /diànhòu/
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant ::
brinkmanship {n} (pursuit of an advantage) :: 邊緣政策, 边缘政策 /biānyuán zhèngcè/
brinkmate {n} :: 絕殺
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea ::
briny {adj} (salty) :: /xián/
brioche {n} (type of bun) :: 布莉歐 /bùlì'ōu/
Brisbane {prop} (Capital of Queensland, Australia) :: 布里斯班 /Bùlǐsībān/
brisket {n} (the chest of an animal) :: 胸部 /xiōngbù/, 胸肉 /xiōngròu/
brisket {n} (a cut of meat from an animal chest) :: {c块} /nán/ [Only commonly for beef [牛腩]]
bristletail {n} (insect of the order Zygentoma) :: 衣魚, 衣鱼 /yīyú/
Bristol {prop} (city in south-west England) :: 布里斯托爾, 布里斯托尔 /Bùlǐsītuō'ěr/, 布里斯托, 布里斯托 /Bùlǐsītuō/ [Taiwan]
Brit {n} (British person) SEE: Briton ::
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom ::
Britain {prop} (island, see also: Great Britain; British Isles) :: 不列顛, 不列颠 /Bùlièdiān/
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany ::
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants ::
britches {n} (breeches) SEE: breeches ::
Briticism {n} (word or expression used in Britain) :: 英國英語, 英国英语 /Yīngguó yīngyǔ/, 英國人特用的詞, 英国人特用的词 /Yīngguórén tèyòng de cí/
British {prop} (citizens or inhabitants of Britain) :: 英國人, 英国人 /yīngguórén/
British {prop} (the citizens or inhabitants of the UK) :: 英國人, 英国人 /yīngguórén/
British {prop} (the British English language) :: 英國英語, 英国英语 /yīngguóyǔ/
British {adj} (of Britain) :: 英國的, 英国的 /Yīngguó de/
British Columbia {prop} (province of Canada) :: 不列顛哥倫比亞, 不列颠哥伦比亚 /Bùlièdiān Gēlúnbǐyà/, 英屬哥倫比亞, 英属哥伦比亚 /Yīngshǔ Gēlúnbǐyà/
British Commonwealth {prop} (Commonwealth of Nations) SEE: Commonwealth of Nations ::
British Empire {prop} (empire) :: 大英帝國, 大英帝国 /Dàyīng Dìguó/
British English {n} (English language as in Britain, especially in England) :: 英國英語, 英国英语 /Yīngguó Yīngyǔ/, 英式英語, 英式英语 /Yīngshì Yīngyǔ/
British Indian Ocean Territory {prop} (UK overseas territory) :: 英屬印度洋領地, 英属印度洋领地 /Yīngshǔ Yìndù Yáng Lǐngdì/
British Isles {prop} (group of islands) :: 不列顛諸島, 不列颠诸岛 /Bùlièdiān zhūdǎo/, 英倫諸島, 英伦诸岛 /Yīnglún zhūdǎo/, 不列顛群島, 不列颠群岛 /Bùlièdiān qúndǎo/
British Virgin Islands {prop} (British overseas territory) :: 英屬維爾京群島, 英属维尔京群岛 /Yīng shǔ Wéi'ěrjīng qúndǎo/
Briton {n} (inhabitant of Great Britain) :: 英國人, 英国人 /Yīngguórén/
Brittany {prop} (region of North West France) :: 布列塔尼 /Bùliètǎní/
brittle {adj} (able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure) :: 易碎的易损坏的
brittle star {n} (echinoderms) :: 海蛇尾 /hǎishéwěi/
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother ::
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit ::
broach {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
broach {n} (architecture: spire) SEE: spire ::
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide ::
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore ::
broadband {n} (high-capacity internet connection) :: 寬帶, 宽带 /kuāndài/
broad bean {n} (Vicia faba) :: 蠶豆, 蚕豆 /cándòu/
broadcast {n} (transmission of a radio or television programme) :: 廣播, 广播 /guǎngbō/
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means) :: 廣播, 广播 /guǎngbō/, 播報, 播报 /bōbào/
broadcasting {n} (business or profession of radio and television) :: 廣播, 广播 /guǎngbò/
broad daylight {n} (abundant natural illumination in daytime) :: 大白天 /dàbáitiān/
broaden {v} (to become broad) :: 擴大, 扩大 /kuòdà/
broad-leaved epiphyllum {n} (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) :: 曇花 /tánhuā/
broadsword {n} (longsword with a broad cutting blade) :: 闊劍, 阔剑 /kuòjiàn/
brocade {n} (fabric) :: 錦緞, 锦缎 /jǐnduàn/, , /jǐn/
brocade {v} (decorate fabric with patterns) :: 織錦, 织锦 /zhījǐn/
Broca's area {n} (area of the frontal lobe of the brain) :: 布洛卡區, 布洛卡区 /bùluòkǎqū/
broccoli {n} (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) :: 西蘭花, 西兰花 /xīlánhuā/, 西藍花, 西蓝花 /xīlánhuā/, 青花菜 /qīnghuācài/, 綠菜花, 绿菜花 /lǜcàihuā/, 綠花椰菜, 绿花椰菜 /lǜhuāyēcài, lǜhuāyécài/
brochure {n} (booklet of printed informational matter) :: 小冊子, 小册子 /xiǎocèzi/
broil {v} (to cook by direct, radiant heat) :: /kǎo/, , /shāo/
broke {adj} (lacking money; bankrupt) :: 手頭緊, 手头紧 /shǒutóujǐn/, 手緊, 手紧 /shǒujǐn/, 沒錢, 没钱 /méiqián/
brokeback {adj} ((slang) homoerotic, see also: homoerotic) :: 斷背, 断背 /duànbèi/
broken {adj} (fragmented) :: 破碎 /pòsuì/, [+ -的 -de] 打破 dǎpò, , /huài/
broken heart {n} (feeling of grief or loss) :: 失戀, 失恋 /shīliàn/, 破碎的心 /pòsuì-de xīn/
broker {n} (mediator between a buyer and seller) :: 經紀人, 经纪人 /jīngjìrén/, 中間人, 中间人 /zhōngjiānrén/
bromance {n} (close but non-sexual relationship between men) :: 基友 /jīyǒu/, 男漫 /nánmàn/, 兄弟情 /xiōngdìqíng/, 兄弟情誼, 兄弟情谊 /xiōngdì qíngyì/
bromide {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude ::
bromine {n} (nonmetallic chemical element) :: /xiù/
bromophenol blue {n} (acid-base indicator) :: 溴酚藍 /xiùfēnlán/
bromothymol blue {n} (4,4'-(3H-2,1 benzoxathiol-3-ylidene) bis [2 bromo-3-methyl-6-(1-methylethyl)phenol] S,S-dioxide) :: 溴百里酚藍, 溴百里酚蓝 /xiùbǎlǐfēnlán/, 溴百里香酚藍, 溴百里香酚蓝 /xiùbǎlǐxiāngfēnlán/, 溴瑞香草藍, 溴瑞香草蓝 /xiùruìxiāngcǎolán/, 溴化麝香草酚藍, 溴化麝香草酚蓝 /xiùhuàshèxiāngcǎofēnlán/, 溴麝香草酚藍, 溴麝香草酚蓝 /xiùshèxiāngcǎofēnlán/, 溴瑞香草酚藍, 溴瑞香草粉蓝 /xiùruìxiāngcǎolfēnán/, 酒精藍色指示劑, 酒精蓝色指示剂 /jiǔjīng lánsè zhǐshìjì/
bronchitis {n} (inflammation of the lungs) :: 支氣管炎, 支气管炎 /zhīqìguǎnyán/
bronchodilator {n} (drug used to dilate and relax the bronchial passages) :: 支氣管擴張藥, 支气管扩张药 /zhīqìguǎn kuòzhāngyào/
bronchus {n} (Either or two branches of the trachea) :: 支氣管, 支气管 /zhīqìguǎn/
Bronx {prop} (borough of New York City) :: 布朗克斯 /Bùlǎngkèsī/
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry ::
bronze {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
bronze {n} (alloy) :: 青銅, 青铜 /qīngtóng/
bronze {n} (colour) :: 青銅色, 青铜色 /qīngtóngsè/
bronze {adj} (made of bronze) :: 青銅 /qīngtóng jì de/
bronze {adj} (having a bronze colour) :: 青銅 /qīngtóng sè de/
bronze {n} (bronze medal) SEE: bronze medal ::
Bronze Age {prop} (archaeology) :: 青銅時代, 青铜时代 /qīngtóng shídài/
bronze medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, bronze) :: 銅牌, 铜牌 /tóngpái/
bronzeware {n} (articles made from bronze) :: 青銅器, 青铜器 /qīngtóngqì/
brooch {n} (jewellery with pin) :: 胸針, 胸针 /xiōngzhēn/, 別針, 别针 /biézhēn/, [on a tie] 領針, 领针 /lǐngzhēn/
brook {n} (a small stream) :: 小河 /xiǎohé/, 溪流 /xīliú/
brook {v} (tolerate) SEE: tolerate ::
Brooklyn {prop} (borough of New York City) :: 布魯克林, 布鲁克林 /Bùlǔkèlín/
broom {n} (domestic utensil) :: 掃帚, 扫帚 /sàozhou/, 掃把, 扫把 /sàobǎ/, /zhǒu/
broom {n} (sweeper in curling) :: 冰壺刷子, 冰壶刷子 /bīnghú shuāzi/, 刷子 /shuāzi/
broom {v} (to sweep) :: , /sǎo/, 掃除, 扫除 /sǎochú/
broomcorn millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet ::
bros before hoes {proverb} (a man should prioritize his male friends over his girlfriend or wife) :: 不要重色輕友, 不要重色轻友 /bùyào zhòngsèqīngyǒu/
broth {n} (water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled) :: 肉湯 /ròutāng/
broth {n} (soup made from broth) :: 肉湯 /ròutāng/
broth cube {n} (bouillon cube) SEE: bouillon cube ::
brothel {n} (house of prostitution) :: 妓院 /jìyuàn/, 勾欄, 勾栏 /gōulán/, 行院 /hángyuàn/, 花柳 /huāliǔ/, 青樓, 青楼 /qīnglóu/, 堂子 /tángzi/, 煙花柳巷, 烟花柳巷 /yānhuāliǔxiàng/, 窯子, 窑子 /yáozi/
brother {n} (male sibling) :: 哥哥 /gēge/ [elder], 弟弟 /dìdi/ [younger], 兄弟 /xiōngdì/ [brothers], 兄弟 /xiōngdi/ [younger]
brother {n} (male fellow member of a religious community) :: 弟兄 /dìxiōng/
brother-german {n} (brother by birth) :: 親兄弟, 亲兄弟 /qīn xiōngdì/
brotherhood {n} (state of being brothers or a brother) :: 哥們義氣, 哥们义气 /gēmen yìqì/
brother-in-arms {n} (fellow combatant or soldier) :: 戰友, 战友 /zhànyǒu/
brother-in-law {n} (one's husband's brother) :: 大伯子 /dàbǎizi/ [elder brother], 小叔子 /xiǎoshūzi/ [younger brother]
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's brother) :: 内兄 /nèixiōng/ 大舅子 /dàjiùzi/ [older brother]; 内弟 /nèidì/ [younger brother], 婦兄, 妇兄 /fùxiōng/ [wife's older brother], 小舅子 /xiǎojiùzi/ [wife's younger brother], 大舅 /dàjiù/ [wife's older brother], 小舅 /xiǎojiù/ [wife's younger brother], 婦弟, 妇弟 /fùdì/ [wife's younger brother]
brother-in-law {n} (one's sister's husband) :: 姐夫 /jiěfu/ [older sister's husband], 妹夫 /mèifu/ [younger sister's husband], 姊夫 /zǐfū/ [older sister's husband], 姊丈 /zǐzhàng/ [older sister's husband], 妹倩 /mèiqiàn/ [younger sister's husband], 妹婿 /mèixù/ [younger sister's husband], 妹丈 /mèizhàng/ [younger sister's husband]
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's sister's husband) :: 姨夫 /yífū/, 襟兄 /jīnxiōng/ [wife's older sister's husband], 襟弟 /jīndì/ [wife's younger sister's husband]
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead ::
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow ::
brown {n} (colour) :: 棕色 /zōngsè/, 褐色 /hèsè/, 咖啡色 /kāfēisè/
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) :: 褐色 /hèsè/, 棕色 /zōngsè/, [coffee colour] 咖啡色 /kāfēisè/
brown {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
Brown {prop} (transliterations of the English name "Brown") :: 布朗 /Bùlǎng/
brown bear {n} (Ursus arctos) :: 棕熊 /zōngxióng/, [archaic] , /pí/, 馬熊, 马熊 /mǎxióng/, 人熊 /rénxióng/
brown coal {n} (lignite) SEE: lignite ::
brown dwarf {n} (starlike object) :: 棕矮星 /zōng'ǎixīng/
brown eye {n} (vulgar, slang for the anus) :: 屁眼
brown hare {n} (brown hare) SEE: European hare ::
Brownian motion {n} (random motion of particles suspended in a fluid) :: 布朗運動, 布朗运动 /Bùlǎng yùndòng/
brownie {n} (small rich cake) :: 布朗尼 /bùlǎngní/
brownie {n} (mythical creature) :: 棕仙 /zōngxiān/
brownnose {v} (fawn) SEE: fawn ::
brownnose {v} (to flatter in obsequious manner) :: 拍馬屁, 拍马屁 /pāi mǎpì/, 拍馬, 拍马 /pāimǎ/
brown noser {n} (one who brownnoses) :: 巴兒狗, 巴儿狗 /bārgǒu/, 擦鞋仔 /cāxiézǐ/
brown rat {n} (Rattus norvegicus) :: 褐鼠 /hèshǔ/
brown recluse spider {n} :: 棕色遁蛛 /zōngsè dùnzhū/, 褐色隱蛛 /hésè yǐnzhū/, 提琴蜘蛛 /tíqín zhīzhū/, 提琴背蜘蛛 /tíqínbèi zhīzhū/, 棕色提琴蜘蛛 /zōngsè tíqín zhīzhū/
brown rice {n} (unpolished rice) :: 糙米 /cāomǐ/
brown study {n} (melancholy mood accompanied by deep thought) :: 冥思出神 /míngsīchūshén/
brown sugar {n} (partially refined sugar) :: 紅糖, 红糖 /hóngtáng/ ["red sugar"]
browse {v} (scan, casually look through) :: 隨便, 随便 /suíbiàn kàn/, 閒逛, 闲逛 /xiánguàng/, 逛一逛 /guàngyīguàng/
browse {v} (move about while sampling) :: 隨便, 随便 /suíbiàn kàn/, 閒逛, 闲逛 /xiánguàng/, 逛一逛 /guàngyīguàng/
browse {v} (navigate through hyperlinked documents) :: 瀏覽, 浏览 /liúlǎn/
browse {v} (move about while eating parts of plants) :: 吃草 /chīcǎo/, 綠葉, 绿叶 /kěn lǜyè/
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser ::
brucellosis {n} (infection by the bacterium, Brucella) :: 波狀熱, 波状热 /bōzhuàngrè/
Bruges {prop} (city in Belgium) :: 布魯日, 布鲁日 /Bùlǔrì/
bruise {n} (medical: mark on the skin) :: 瘀青 /yūqīng/
Brumaire {prop} (the second month of the French Republican Calendar) :: 霧月, 雾月 /Wùyuè/
brunch {n} (a meal) :: 早午餐 /zǎo wǔcān/ [early lunch], 早中饭
Brunei {prop} (a country in Southeast Asia) :: 文萊, 文莱 /Wénlái/, 汶萊, 汶莱 /Wènlái/
brunette {adj} (having brown or black hair) :: 棕髮, 棕发 /zōngfà/ [brown hair], 黑髮, 黑发 /hēifà/ [black hair]
Brunhild {prop} (valkyrie) :: 布倫希爾德 /bù-lún-xī-ěr-dé/
brunion {n} (nectarine) SEE: nectarine ::
Bruno {prop} (male given name) :: 布魯諾, 布鲁诺 /Bùlǔnuò/
Bruno {prop} (surname) :: 布魯諾, 布鲁诺 /Bùlǔnuò/
bruschetta {n} (Italian toasted bread topped with garlic and tomatoes) :: 普切塔 /pǔqiētǎ/
brush {n} (implement) :: 刷子 /shuāzi/, /shuā/, , /bǐ/ [writing brush]
brush {v} (to clean (with a brush)) :: /shuā/
brush one's teeth {v} (to clean one's teeth with a toothbrush) :: 刷牙 /shuāyá/
brushtail {n} (brushtail possum) SEE: brushtail possum ::
brushtail possum {n} (Trichosurus vulpecula) :: 刷尾負鼠, 刷尾负鼠 /shuāwěi fùshǔ/
brush-turkey {n} :: 叢塚雉, 丛冢雉 /cóngzhǒngzhì/
brushwood {n} (small trees and shrubs) :: 矮林 /ǎilín/
brusque {adj} (rudely abrupt, unfriendly) :: 唐突 /tángtū/, 粗暴 /cūbào/, 無禮, 无礼 /wúlǐ/
Brussels {prop} (capital of Belgium) :: 布魯塞爾, 布鲁塞尔 /Bùlǔsài'ěr/
Brussels sprout {n} (vegetable) :: 球芽甘藍, 球芽甘蓝 /qiúyá gānlán/, 抱子甘藍, 抱子甘蓝 /bào zǐ gānlán/, 芽甘藍, 芽甘蓝 /yágānlán/
brutal {adj} (savagely violent) :: 残忍的, 野蛮的
bruxism {n} (habit or practice of grinding the teeth) :: 磨牙 /móyá/
Bryan {prop} (male given name) :: 布萊恩
Bryansk {prop} (city in Russia) :: 布良斯克 /Bùliángsīkè/
Bryce {prop} (given name) :: 布萊斯, 布莱斯 /Bùláisī/
Bryce {prop} (surname) :: 布莱斯 /Bùláisī/
bryozoan {n} (invertebrate in the phylum Bryozoa) :: 苔蘚蟲, 苔藓虫 /táixiǎnchóng/
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek ::
bubble {n} (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) :: /pào/, 氣泡, 气泡 /qìpào/, 泡沫 /pàomò/
bubble {n} (period of intense speculation in a market) :: 泡沫 /pàomò/
bubble {n} (someone who has been fooled) SEE: dupe ::
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep ::
bubble {v} (to cheat, delude) SEE: cheat ::
bubble bath {n} (bath in which an additive is poured into the water to create bubbles) :: 泡泡浴 /pàopàoyù/
bubble bath {n} (soap-based product) :: 泡泡浴露 /pàopàoyùlù/
bubble cake {n} (chocolate crackle) SEE: chocolate crackle ::
bubblegum {n} (chewing gum) :: 泡泡糖 /pàopàotáng/
bubble level {n} (tool) SEE: spirit level ::
bubble sort {n} (sorting algorithm) :: 冒泡排序 /màopào páixù/, 氣泡排序, 气泡排序 /qìpào páixù/, 泡沫排序 /pàomò páixù/
bubble tea {n} (milk tea with tapioca balls) :: 珍珠奶茶 /zhēnzhū nǎichá/, 珍奶 /zhēnnǎi/
bubble wrap {n} (cushioning material) :: 氣泡布, 气泡布 /qìpàobù/
bubonic plague {n} (disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis) :: 腺鼠疫 /xiànshǔyì/
Bucharest {prop} (The capital of Romania) :: 布加勒斯特 /Bùjiālèsītè/
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
bucket {n} (container) :: 水桶 /shuǐtǒng/, 吊桶 /diàotǒng/
bucket list {n} (a list of things to accomplish before one's death) :: 平生夢想, 平生梦想 /píngshēng mèngxiǎng dān/, 平生願望, 平生愿望 /píngshēng yuànwàng dān/
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) :: 白金漢宮, 白金汉宫 /Báijīnhàn gōng/
buckle {n} (belt clasp) :: 扣環, 扣环 /kòuhuán/, 搭扣 /dākòu/
buckler {n} (small shield) :: 小圆盾, 小型盾
buckle up {v} (to fasten one's seat belt or safety belt) :: 繫上安全帶, 系上安全带 (jìshang ānquándài)
buck's party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party ::
bucktooth {n} :: 獠牙 /liáoyá/, 齙牙, 龅牙 /bāoyá/
buck up {v} (to become encouraged) :: 打起精神 /dǎqǐ jīngshén/
buckwheat {n} (Fagopyrum esculentum plant) :: 蕎麥, 荞麦 /qiáomài/
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) :: 蕎麥, 荞麦 /qiáomài/
bud {n} (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) :: /yá/
Budapest {prop} (the capital city of Hungary) :: 布達佩斯, 布达佩斯 /Bùdápèisī/
buddha {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
buddha {n} (enlightened human) :: /fó/, 佛陀 /fótuó/
Buddha {prop} (spiritual and philosophical teacher) :: /Fó/, 佛陀 /Fótuó/, 浮屠 /Fútú/, 釋迦牟尼, 释迦牟尼 /Shìjiāmóuní/, 浮圖, 浮图 /Fútú/, 佛馱, 佛驮 /Fótuó/, 浮陀 /Fútuó/, 休屠 /Xiūtú/, 浮頭, 浮头 /Fútóu/, 勃陀 /Bótuó/, 勃馱, 勃驮 /Bótuó/, 部多 /Bùduō/, 部陀 /Bùtuó/, 毋陀 /Wútuó/, 沒馱, 没驮 /Mòtuó/, 沸馱, 沸驮 /Fèituó/, 步他 /Bùtā/, 復豆, 复豆 /Fùdòu/, 佛圖, 佛图 /Fótú/, 物他 /Wùtā/, 馞陀 /Bótuó/, 沒陀, 没陀 /Mòtuó/, 佛祖 /Fózǔ/, 釋迦, 释迦 /Shìjiā/, 釋迦牟尼佛, 释迦牟尼佛 /Shìjiāmóuní Fó/, 釋迦佛, 释迦佛 /Shìjiā Fó/
Buddhahood {n} (state of being enlightened by Buddhist teachings) :: 佛境 /fójìng/
Buddha's hand {n} (citrus fruit) :: 佛手 /fóshǒu/, 佛手柑 /fóshǒugān/
Buddhism {n} (religion and philosophy) :: 佛教 /fójiào/
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism) :: 佛教 /Fójiào/
Buddhist {n} (practitioner of Buddhism) :: 佛教徒 /fójiàotú/
buddy {n} (friend or casual acquaintance) :: 哥兒, 哥儿 /gēr/, 伙伴 /huǒbàn/
buddy {n} (informal address to a stranger) :: 老表 /lǎobiǎo/, 老兄 /lǎoxiōng/
budgerigar {n} (species of parakeet) :: 虎皮鸚鵡, 虎皮鹦鹉 /hǔpí yīngwǔ/
budget {n} (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) :: 預算, 预算 /yùsuàn/
budget {n} (itemized summary of intended expenditure) :: 預算, 预算 /yùsuàn/, 經費, 经费 /jīngfèi/
budget {adj} (of, or relating to a budget) :: 預算, 预算 (yù suàn)
budget {adj} (appropriate to a restricted budget) :: 預算, 预算 (yù suàn)
budyonovka {n} (Red Army hat) :: 布琼尼帽 /Bùqióngní mào/
Buenos Aires {prop} (capital of Argentina) :: 布宜諾斯艾利斯, 布宜诺斯艾利斯 /Bùyínuòsī-Aìlìsī/
buff {v} (To polish and make shiny) :: 擦亮
buffalo {n} (Old World mammals) :: 水牛 /shuǐniú/
buffalo {n} (North American bison) :: 野牛 /yěniú/
buffalo {v} (outwit, confuse) :: 愚弄, 愚弄 /yú nòng/
Buffalo {prop} (a city in New York State) :: 水牛城 /Shǔiníu-chéng/
buff-breasted sandpiper {n} (Calidris subruficollis) :: 黄胸鹬 /huáng-xiōng yù/
buffer {n} (portion of memory in computing) :: 緩衝器, 缓冲器 /huǎnchōngqì/, 缓冲区 /huǎnchōngqū/
buffet {n} (counter or sideboard) :: 小賣部, 小卖部 /xiǎomàibù/
buffet {n} (food, see also: smorgasbord) :: 自助餐 /zìzhùcān/
buffoon {n} (one who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion) :: 小丑 /xiǎochǒu/
bug {n} (an insect of the order Hemiptera) :: 臭蟲, 臭虫 /chòuchóng/
bug {n} (a colloquial name for insect) :: , /chóng/
bug {n} (problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)) :: 錯誤, 错误 /cuòwù/
bug {n} (contagious illness, bacteria, virus) :: 病菌 /bìngjūn/
bug {n} (an enthusiasm for something) :: 熱衷, 热衷 /rèzhōng/
bug {n} (an electronic listening device) :: 竊聽器, 窃听器 /qiētīngqì/
bug {v} (to annoy) :: 煩擾, 烦扰 /fánrǎo/
bug {v} (to install an electronic listening device in) :: 安裝竊聽器, 安装窃听器 /ānzhuāng qiētīngqì/
bugbear {n} (imaginary creature) :: 熊蜂
bugger {n} (heretic) SEE: heretic ::
bugger factor {n} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law ::
bugger off {interj} (go away) SEE: get lost ::
buggery {n} (anal sex) SEE: anal sex ::
buggy {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart ::
bugle {n} (music: simple brass instrument) :: 軍號, 军号 /jūnhào/, 號角, 号角 /hàojiǎo/
bugler {n} (someone who plays the bugle) :: 司號員, 司号员 /sīhàoyuán/
bug screen {n} (window screen) SEE: window screen ::
bug spray {n} (insecticide for household pests) :: 杀虫剂
build {v} ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) :: 建設, 建设 /jiànshè/, 建造 /jiànzào/
builder {n} (a person who builds or constructs things) :: 建築工人, 建筑工人 /jiànzhú gōngrén/
builder {n} (a bodybuilder) SEE: bodybuilder ::
building {n} (act or process of building) :: 建設, 建设 /jiànshè/
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) :: 建築, 建筑 /jiànzhù/, 建築物, 建筑物 /jiànzhùwù/
building block {n} (component that is part of a larger construction) :: 基礎, 基础 /jīchǔ/
building block {n} (block made of wood or plastic that is used as a children's toy) :: 積木, 积木 /jīmù/
building material {n} (any material which is used for construction purposes) :: 建築材料, 建筑材料 /jiànzhù cáiliào/, 建材 /jiàncái/
building site {n} (place where a building is located, under construction, or will be erected) :: 施工重地 /shīgōng zhòngdì/, 建築工地, 建筑工地 /jiànzhù gōngdì/, 工地 /gōngdì/
building society {n} (financial institution) :: 建築房屋互助協會, 建筑房屋互助协会 /jiànzhù fángwū hùzhù xiéhuì/, 建房互助會, 建房互助会 /jiànfáng hùzhùhuì/
building worker {n} (construction worker) SEE: construction worker ::
built environment {n} (physical things constructed by humans as aids to living) :: 建成環境, 建成环境 /jiànchéng huánjìng/
Bujumbura {prop} (former capital of Burundi) :: 布松布拉 /Bùsōngbùlā/
Bukhara {prop} (city in Uzbekistan) :: 布哈拉 /Bùhālā/
bukkake {n} (act of multiple people ejaculating on someone) :: 顏射, 颜射 /yánshè/
bulb {n} (rounded solid object) :: /pāo/
bulb {n} (bulb-shaped root) :: 鱗莖, 鳞茎 /línjīng/
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
bulbourethral gland {n} (bulbourethral gland) :: 尿道球腺 /niàodiào qiú xiàn/
bulbul {n} (bird of the family Pycnonotidae) :: /bēi/
Bulgaria {prop} (country) :: 保加利亞, 保加利亚 /Bǎojiālìyà/
Bulgarian {adj} (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) :: 保加利亞的, 保加利亚的 /Bǎojiālìyà de/
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) :: 保加利亞人, 保加利亚人 /bǎojiālìyǎrén/
Bulgarian {n} (language) :: 保加利亞語, 保加利亚语 /bǎojiālìyǎyǔ/
bulge {n} (Something sticking out) :: 鼓包 /gǔbāo/, 隆起 /lóngqǐ/
bulge {v} (to stick out from) :: 凸出 /tūchū/, 突出 /túchū/
bulgogi {n} (a Korean dish) :: 韓國燒烤, 韩国烧烤 /Hánguó shāokǎo/
bulimia {n} (eating disorder) :: 暴食症 /bàoshízhèng/, 神经性暴食症 /shénjīngxìng bàoshízhèng/
bulimia nervosa {n} (eating disorder) SEE: bulimia ::
bulk {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
bulkhead {n} (partition on ship) :: 隔壁 /gébì/
bulkhead {n} (partition on air- or spacecraft) :: 隔壁 /gébì/
bulky refuse {n} (bulky waste) SEE: bulky waste ::
bulky waste {n} (a waste type that is too large to be accepted by the regular waste collection) :: 大件垃圾 /dàjiànlājī/
bull {n} (uncastrated adult male bovine) :: 公牛 /gōngniú/, /tè/
bullcrap {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
bulldog {n} (breed of dog) :: 牛頭犬, 牛头犬 /niútóuquǎn/
bulldozer {n} (tractor) :: 推土機, 推土机 /tuītǔjī/
bullet {n} (projectile) :: 子彈, 子弹 /zǐdàn/
bulletin board {n} (a board) :: 揭示板 /jiēshìbǎn/, 佈告欄, 布告栏 /bùgàolán/
bulletin board system {n} (computer system to exchange messages and data) :: 電子佈告欄, 电子布告栏 /diànzǐ bùgàolán/, 電子佈告欄系統, 电子布告栏系统 /diànzǐ bùgàolán xìtǒng/, BBS
bullet point {n} (item of a bullet list) :: 項目符號, 项目符号 /xiàngmù fúhào/
bulletproof {adj} (capable of withstanding a bullet) :: 防彈, 防弹 /fángdàn/
bulletproof vest {n} (garment) :: 防彈衣, 防弹衣 /fángdànyī/, 鋼絲背心, 钢丝背心 /gāngsī bèixīn/
bullet train {n} (Japanese high-speed train) :: 新幹線, 新干线 /xīngànxiàn/, 子彈火車, 子弹火车 /zǐdàn huǒchē/
bullet train {n} (high-speed train) :: 子彈火車, 子弹火车 /zǐdàn huǒchē/, 高鐵, 高铁 /gāotiě/
bullet train {n} (suicide by small firearm) :: 舉槍自盡, 举枪自尽 /jǔqiāngzìjìn/
bull fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bullfighter {n} (a toreador or matador) :: 鬥牛士, 斗牛士 /dòuniúshì/
bullfighting {n} (spectacle of manipulating and killing a bull) :: 公牛戰鬥, 公牛战斗 /gōngniú zhàndòu/, 鬥牛, 斗牛 /dòuniú/
bullfinch {n} (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) :: 灰雀 /huīquè/
bullfrog {n} (bullfrog) :: 牛蛙 /niúwā/, 美國牛蛙, 美国牛蛙 /Měiguó niúwā/
bull market {n} (state of stock market) :: 牛市 /niúshì/
Bullmastiff {n} (breed of dog) :: 鬥牛獒, 斗牛獒 /dòuniú'áo/
bullock's heart {n} (fruit) :: 牛心番荔枝 /niúxīn fānlìzhī/
bull run {n} (event in which people run with bulls in the streets) :: 奔牛節, 奔牛节 /bēnniújié/
bullseye {n} (centre of a target) :: 靶心 /bǎxīn/, 紅心, 红心 /hóngxīn/
bull shark {n} (Carcharhinus leucas) :: 公牛鯊, 公牛鲨 /gōngniúshā/
bullshit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) :: 廢話, 废话 /fèihuà/, 狗屁 /gǒupì/, 放屁 /fàngpì/
bullshit {interj} (expression of disbelief) :: 狗屁 /gǒupì/
bull terrier {n} :: 牛頭㹴, 牛头㹴 /niútóu gěng/
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
bully {n} (person who is cruel to others) :: 土霸 /tǔbà/, 暴徒 /bàotú/
bully {v} (to intimidate) :: 欺負, 欺负 /qīfu/, 欺侮 /qīwǔ/, 侮慢 /wǔmàn/
bully {v} (act aggressively towards) :: 欺負, 欺负 /qīfù/
bullying {n} (persistent acts intended to make life unpleasant) :: 欺負, 欺负 /qīfu/, 恃強欺弱, 恃强欺弱 /shìqiángqīruò/, 恃強凌弱, 恃强凌弱 /shìqiánglíngruò/, 欺凌 /qīlíng/
bulwark {n} (breakwater) SEE: breakwater ::
bum {n} (hobo) :: 瘪三 /biēsān/, 乞丐 /qǐgài/
bum bag {n} (small pouch attached to a belt) SEE: fanny pack ::
bumblebee {n} (genus of bee) :: 大黃蜂, 大黄蜂 /dàhuángfēng/, 熊蜂 /xióngfēng/
bumboat {n} (a small boat used for carrying provisions to ships) :: 小販船, 小贩船 /xiǎofànchuán/, 販船, 贩船 /fànchuán/
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper ::
bumfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
bump {n} (a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury) :: 疙瘩 /gēda/
bump {n} (a post in an Internet forum thread made in order to raise the thread's profile) ::
bumper {n} (impact absorber on a vehicle) :: 保險杠, 保险杠 /bǎoxiǎn'gāng/, 緩衝器, 缓冲器 /huǎnchōngqì/
bumper {n} (mechanical device to absorb impact) :: 緩衝器, 缓冲器 /huǎnchōngqì/
bumper car {n} (vehicle) :: 碰碰车 /pèngpèngchē/, 碰碰車
bumpkin {n} (yokel) :: 鄉下佬, 乡下佬 /xiāngxialǎo/, 鄉下人, 乡下人 /xiāngxiarén/
bun {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie ::
bun {n} (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) :: 小圓麵包, 小圆面包 /xiǎo yuán miànbāo/, 饅頭, 馒头 /mántóu/, , /mó/, 包子 /bāozi/, 小麵包, 小面包 /xiǎomiànbāo/
bun {n} (A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head) :: 髮髻, 发髻 /fàjì/, /jì/
bunch {n} (a group of similar things) :: /shù/, /cù/
bundle {n} (group of objects held together by wrapping or tying) :: /kǔn/, /bāo/, /shù/
bundt cake {n} (ring-shaped cake) :: 圓環蛋糕, 圆环蛋糕 /yuánhuán dàngāo/, 奶油圓蛋糕, 奶油圆蛋糕 /nǎiyóu yuándàngāo/
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe ::
bungalow {n} (single-storey house) :: 平房 /píngfáng/
bungee jump {n} (instance of bungee jumping) :: 蹦極, 蹦极 /bèngjí/, 笨豬跳, 笨猪跳 /bènzhūtiào/, 高空彈跳, 高空弹跳 /gāokōng tántiào/, 蹦極跳, 蹦极跳 /bèngjítiào/
bungee jump {v} (to participate in bungee jumping) :: 蹦極, 蹦极 /bèngjí/, 笨豬跳, 笨猪跳 /bènzhūtiào/, 高空彈跳, 高空弹跳 /gāokōng tántiào/, 蹦極跳, 蹦极跳 /bèngjítiào/
bungee jumping {n} (jumping from a great height with a cord) :: 蹦極, 蹦极 /bèngjí/, 笨豬跳, 笨猪跳 /bènzhūtiào/, 高空彈跳, 高空弹跳 /gāokōng tántiào/, 蹦極跳, 蹦极跳 /bèngjítiào/
bungle {v} (to botch up, bumble or incompetently perform a task) :: 搞砸, 使搞砸
bungler {n} (one who makes mistakes) :: 糊塗蟲, 糊涂虫 /hútuchóng/, 笨手笨腳, 笨手笨脚 /bènshǒubènjiǎo/
bunion {n} (bump on the big toe) :: 拇囊炎 /mǔnángyán/, 雞眼, 鸡眼 /jīyǎn/
bunk {n} (one of a series of berth in tiers) :: 舖位, 铺位 /pùwèi/, 床位 /chuángwèi/
bunk bed {n} (two or more beds fixed on top of one another) :: 雙層床, 双层床 /shuāngcéngchuáng/
bunkbed {n} (bunk bed) SEE: bunk bed ::
bunker {n} (hardened shelter) :: 掩體, 掩体 /yǎntǐ/, 地堡 /dìbǎo/
bunker {n} (truant) SEE: truant ::
bunkhouse {n} (A building providing sleeping quarters for workers) :: 工棚, 工寮
Buôn Ma Thuột {prop} (city in Vietnam) :: 邦美蜀 /Bāngměishǔ/
bunny {n} (young rabbit) :: 小兔 /xiǎotù/, 小兔子 /xiǎotùzi/
bunny hug {n} (hoodie) SEE: hoodie ::
Bunsen burner {n} (small laboratory gas burner) :: 本生燈, 本生灯 /běnshēngdēng/
Bunun {n} (an ethnic group in Taiwan) :: 布農族, 布农族 /Bùnóngzú/
buoy {n} (moored float) :: 浮標, 浮标 /fúbiāo/
buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
buoyance {n} (buoyancy) SEE: buoyancy ::
buoyancy {n} (physics: upward force on an immersed body) :: 浮力 /fúlì/
burbot {n} (a freshwater fish: Lota lota) :: 江鱈, 江鳕 /jiāngxuě/, 山鯰魚, 山鲶鱼 /shānniányú/, 花鯰魚, 花鲶鱼 /huāniányú/
burden {n} (heavy load) :: 負荷, 负荷 /fùhè/
burden {n} (responsibility, onus) :: 負擔, 负担 /fùdān/
burden of proof {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) :: 舉證責任, 举证责任 /jǔzhèng zérèn/, 證明責任, 证明责任 /zhèngmíng zérèn/
burden of proof {n} (obligation of the person making a claim to provide evidence for their position) :: 舉證責任, 举证责任 /jǔzhèng zérèn/, 證明責任, 证明责任 /zhèngmíng zérèn/
burdock {n} (any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium) :: 牛蒡 /niúbàng/
bureau {n} (office (room)) :: /shǔ/, /jú/, 辦公室, 办公室 /bàngōngshì/, 事務所, 事务所 /shìwùsuǒ/
bureaucracy {n} (government by bureaus) :: 官僚體制, 官僚体制 /guānliáo tǐzhì/
bureaucracy {n} (system of administration) :: 官僚 /guānliáo/, 官僚制 /guānliáozhì/
bureaucracy {n} (body of officers) :: 官僚體制, 官僚体制 /guānliáo tǐzhì/
bureaucracy {n} (excessive red tape) :: 繁文縟節, 繁文缛节 /fánwénrùjié/, 形式主義, 形式主义 /xíngshìzhǔyì/; 官僚 /guānliáo/
bureaucrat {n} (An official in a bureaucracy) :: 官僚 /guānliáo/
bureaucratese {n} (pejorative term for language typically used by bureaucrats) :: 官腔 /guānqiāng/
bureaucratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: 官僚的
bureaucratism {n} :: 官僚主義
bureau de change {n} (a place where foreign currency can be exchanged) :: 外匯交易場所, 外汇交易场所 (wàihuì jiāoyì chǎngsuǒ), 外幣兌換, 外币兑换 (wàibì duìhuàn suǒ)
burette {n} (glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock used for titration, etc.) :: 滴定管 /dīdìngguǎn/
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: 布爾加斯
burger {n} (informal: hamburger) :: 漢堡, 汉堡 /hànbǎo/
burglar {n} :: 竊盜, 窃盗 /qièdào/, 竊賊, 窃贼 /qièzéi/
burglarproof {adj} (as secure as possible against burglary) :: 防盜的, 防盗的 /fángdào de/
burglary {n} (the crime of breaking into) :: 夜入私宅罪 /yèrùsīzháizuì/, 盜竊罪, 盗窃罪 /dàoqièzuì/, 盜竊, 盗窃 /dàoqiè/
Burgundy {prop} (region) :: 勃艮第 /Bógěndì/
burial {n} (interment) :: 埋葬 /máizàng/
burka {n} (female garment that covers the whole body) :: 罩袍 /zhàopáo/, 波卡 /bōkǎ/, 布嘎 /bùgā/, 布爾卡, 布尔卡 /bù'ěrkǎ/
Burkina Faso {prop} (country) :: 布基納法索, 布基纳法索 /Bùjǐnà Fǎsuǒ/
burlak {n} (a man employed in dragging ships upstream) :: 縴夫, 纖夫, 纤夫 /qiànfū/
burlap {n} (strong cloth) :: 粗麻布 /cūmábù/
burly {adj} (well-built) :: 魁偉, 魁伟 /kuíwěi/
Burma {prop} (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) :: 緬甸, 缅甸 /Miǎndiàn/
Burmese {adj} (Of or relating to Burma) :: 緬甸的, 缅甸的 /Miǎndiàn de/
Burmese {n} (a person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent) :: 緬甸人, 缅甸人 /Miǎndiàn rén/
Burmese {prop} (language) :: 緬甸語, 缅甸语 /miǎndiànyǔ/
burn {n} (physical injury) :: 燒傷, 烧伤 /shāoshāng/
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) :: 燃燒, 燃烧 /ránshāo/
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: , /shāo/, 燃燒, 燃烧 /ránshāo/
burn {v} (to injure with heat or chemicals) :: , /shāo/
burn {n} (vegetable disease) SEE: brand ::
burn {v} (to cauterize) SEE: cauterize ::
burn {v} (to sunburn) SEE: sunburn ::
burn down {v} (cause a structure to burn to nothing) :: 燒毀, 烧毁 /shāohuǐ/, 焚毀, 焚毁 /fénhuǐ/
burn down {v} (completely burn so that nothing remains) :: 燒光, 烧光 /shāoguāng/, 燒掉, 烧掉 /shāodiào/
burner {n} (element on a kitchen stove) :: 燃燒器, 燃烧器 /ránshāoqì/, [gas burner] 煤氣灶, 煤气灶 /méiqìzào/
burner {n} (A mobile phone used for only a short time and then thrown away so that the owner cannot be traced) SEE: burn phone ::
burning {adj} (so hot as to seem to burn (something)) :: 燃烧的
burning {adj} (feeling very hot) :: 灼热的
burning {adj} (feeling great passion) :: 炽热的
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle ::
burning bush {n} (biblical object) :: 燃燒的荊棘, 燃烧的荆棘 /ránshāo de jīngjí/
burning bush {n} (Euonymus atropurpureus) :: 紫衛矛, 紫卫矛 /zǐwèimáo/, 美衛矛, 美卫矛 /měiwèimáo/
burning bush {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
burn notice {n} (dismissing an unreliable agent) :: 敗露通知, 败露通知 /bàilù tōngzhī/
burn one's bridges {v} (burn one's bridges) :: 過河拆橋, 过河拆桥 /guò hé chāi qiáo/ [cross the river, tear down the bridge], 破釜沉舟 /pòfǔchénzhōu/ [smash the (cooking) pots and sink the boats]
burn one's candle at both ends {v} (burn the candle at both ends) SEE: burn the candle at both ends ::
burn phone {n} (mobile phone used for only a short time and then thrown away so that the owner cannot be traced) :: 一次性手機, 一次性手机 /yīcìxìng shǒujī/
burn the candle at both ends {v} (work hard night and day) :: 夙興夜寐, 夙兴夜寐 /sùxīngyèmèi/
burn the candle at both ends {v} :: 三更燈火五更雞, 三更灯火五更鸡 /sāngēng dēnghuǒ wǔgēng jī/
burn the midnight oil {v} (work through the night) :: 開夜車, 开夜车 /kāi yèchē/ ("to drive the night car"), 焚膏繼晷, 焚膏继晷 /féngāojìguǐ/, 挑燈夜戰, 挑灯夜战 /tiǎodēngyèzhàn/
burocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: 官僚的
burp {n} (a softer belch) :: 飽嗝 /bǎogé/, 饱嗝 /bǎogé/, 噯氣, 嗳气 /ǎiqì/
burp {v} (to emit a burp) :: 打嗝 /dǎgé/, 噯氣, 嗳气 /ǎiqì/, 飽嗝, 饱嗝 /bǎogé/, /gé/
burqa {n} (burka) SEE: burka ::
burqini {n} (head-to-toe swimsuit) :: 布基尼 /bùjīní/
burrata {n} (cheese similar to creamy mozzarella) :: 布拉塔芝士 /bùlātǎ zhīshì/
burrito {n} (Mexican dish) :: 墨西哥卷餅, 墨西哥卷饼 /Mòxīgē juǎnbǐng/
burrow {n} (a tunnel or hole) :: 地洞 /dìdòng/
Bursa {prop} (city in Turkey) :: 布爾薩, 布尔萨 /Bù'ěrsà/
bursitis {n} (inflammation of a bursa) :: 黏液囊炎 /niányènángyán/
burst {v} (to break from internal pressure) :: 爆裂 /bàoliè/, 破裂 /pòliè/
burst {n} (instance or act of bursting) :: 爆裂 /bàoliè/, 破裂 /pòliè/
bursting {adj} (urgently needing to urinate) :: 尿急 /niàojí/
burst into tears {v} (suddenly start crying) :: 突然起來, 突然起来 /tūrán kū qǐlái/
Burundi {prop} (a country in Eastern Africa) :: 布隆迪 /Bùlóngdí/
bury {v} (inter a corpse in a grave or tomb) :: 埋葬 /máizàng/, /mái/
bury {v} (place in the ground) :: 掩埋 /yǎnmái/, 埋藏 /máicáng/
Buryat {adj} (from, of, or pertaining to, Buryatia) :: 布里亞特, 布里亚特 /Bùlǐyàtè/, 不里牙惕 /Bùlǐyátì/ [historial]
Buryatia {prop} (Buryatia, Russia) :: 布里亞特, 布里亚特 /Bùlǐyàtè/
bury one's head in the sand {v} (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation) :: 採取鴕鳥政策, 采取鸵鸟政策 /cǎiqǔ tuóniǎo zhèngcè/
bury the hatchet {v} (to stop fighting or arguing) :: 化干戈為玉帛, 化干戈为玉帛 /huà gāngē wéi yùbó/, 言歸於好, 言归于好 /yánguīyúhǎo/, 和解 /héjiě/
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance ::
bus {n} (vehicle) :: 公共汽車, 公共汽车 /gōnggòng qìchē/, 巴士 /bāshì/, 公車, 公车 /gōngchē/ [Taiwan], 公交車, 公交车 /gōngjiāochē/ [mainland China], 公交 /gōngjiāo/ [mainland China], 公汽 /gōngqì/ [mainland China], 客車
bus {n} (electrical conductor) :: 總線, 总线 /zǒngxiàn/, [Taiwan] 匯流排, 汇流排 /huìliúpái/
Busan {prop} (Busan, South Korea) :: 釜山 /Fǔshān/
Buscemi {prop} (city of Sicily) :: 布谢米 /Bùxièmǐ/
bus driver {n} (driver of a bus) :: 公交車司機, 公交车司机 /gōngjiāochē sījī/, 巴士駕駛員, 巴士驾驶员 /bāshì jiàshǐyuán/
bush {n} (category of woody plant) :: 灌木 /guànmù/
Bush {prop} (surname) :: 布什 /Bùshí/
bushbaby {n} (galago) SEE: galago ::
bush dog {n} (a wild canine animal) :: 藪犬, 薮犬 /sǒuquǎn/
bushel {n} (dry measure) :: 蒲式耳 /púshì'ěr/
bushel {n} (vessel of capacity of a bushel) :: 蒲式耳 /púshì'ěr/
bushido {n} (ethical code of the samurai) :: 武士道 /wǔshìdào/
business {n} (commercial enterprise or establishment) :: 事業, 事业 /shìyè/, 企業, 企业 /qǐyè/
business {n} (occupation, work or trade of a person) :: 商業, 商业 /shāngyè/
business administration {n} (course of study) :: 商業管理, 商业管理 /shāngyè guǎnlǐ/, 企業管理, 企业管理 /qǐyè guǎnlǐ/
business analyst {n} (person who analyzes the operations) :: 業務分析師, 业务分析师 /yèwù fēnxīshī/
business before pleasure {proverb} (discharging one's obligations should come before one's own gratification) :: 先工作後玩樂, 先工作后玩乐 /xiān gōngzuò hòu wánlè/
business card {n} (small card) :: 名片 /míngpiàn/, 名刺 /míngcì/ [literary], 名帖 /míngtiě/ [obsolete]
business class {n} (class of travelling) :: 公務艙, 公务舱 /gōngwùcāng/, 商務艙, 商务舱 /shāngwùcāng/
business cycle {n} (economic fluctuation) :: 景氣循環, 景气循环 /jǐngqì xúnhuán/
business hours {n} (hours and days when a given business is available to the public) :: 營業時間, 营业时间 /yíngyè shíjiān/
business hours {n} (hours and days when businesses generally operate) :: 營業時間, 营业时间 /yíngyè shíjiān/
business intelligence {n} (information that pertains to a business organization) :: 商業智能, 商业智能 /shāngyè zhìnéng/, 商業智慧, 商业智慧 /shāngyè zhìhuì/
businessman {n} (a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution) :: 商人 /shāngrén/
business model {n} (way in which a business ensures it generates income) :: 商業模式, 商业模式 /shāngyè móshì/, 經營模式, 经营模式 /jīngyíng móshì/
business park {n} (area of consisting solely of commercial buildings and enterprises) :: 商務園區, 商务园区 /shāngwù yuánqū/
businessperson {n} (a person in business) :: 商人 /shāngrén/
business plan {n} (summary) :: 商業計劃
business studies {n} (subject covering various elements of business) :: 商學, 商学 /shāngxué/
business trip {n} (business trip) :: 出差 /chūchāi/
business venture {n} (enterprise) :: 風險企業, 风险企业 /fēngxiǎn qǐyè/
businesswoman {n} (woman of business) :: 女商人 /nǚshāngrén/
busker {n} (street performer) :: 街頭藝人, 街头艺人 /jiētóu yìrén/
busload {n} (amount that can fit on a bus) :: 一大车
bus route {n} (set route of bus service) :: 巴士路線, 巴士路线 /bāshì lùxiàn/, 公交線路, 公交线路 /gōngjiāo xiànlù/
bus shelter {n} (A building or other structure constructed at a bus stop) :: 候車亭
bus station {n} (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) :: 公共汽車總站, 公共汽车总站 /gōnggòng qìchē zǒngzhàn/
bus stop {n} (a stop for public transport buses) :: 汽車站, 汽车站 /qìchēzhàn/, 車站, 车站 /chēzhàn/, 公共汽車站, 公共汽车站 /gōnggòngqìchēzhàn/, 巴士站 /bāshìzhàn/
bust {n} (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders) :: 胸像 /xiōngxiàng/, 半身像 /bànshēnxiàng/
bust {n} (breasts and upper thorax of a woman) :: 婦女胸部, 妇女胸部 /fùnǚ xiōngbù/
bustard {n} (any of several birds of the family Otididae) :: , /bǎo/
busting {adj} (urgently needing to urinate) SEE: bursting ::
busty {adj} (having large breasts) :: 乳房豐滿的, 乳房丰满的 /rǔfáng fēngmǎn de/, 大胸脯的 /dà xiōngpú de/
busy {adj} (crowded with business or activities) :: /máng/, 繁忙 /fánmáng/
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) :: /máng/, 繁忙 /fánmáng/
busybody {n} (someone who interferes with others) :: 管閒事, 管闲事 /ài guǎnxiánshì de rén/
but {conj} (rather) :: 可是 /kěshì/, 但是 /dànshì/, 不過, 不过 /búguò/, /ér/
but {conj} (although) :: 可是 /kěshì/, 但是 /dànshì/, 不過, 不过 /búguò/
but {conj} (except) :: 除了……以外 /chúle...yǐwài/
but {conj} (solely, only, merely (obsolete)) :: /zhǐ/
butane {n} (the organic compound) :: 丁烷 /dīngwán/
butanol {n} (alcohol of butane) :: 丁醇 /dīngchún/
butcher {n} (a person who prepares and sells meat) :: 屠夫 /túfū/, 屠戶, 屠户 /túhù/, 賣肉者, 卖肉者 /màiròuzhě/
butcher {v} (To slaughter animals and prepare meat for market) :: 屠宰 /túzǎi/
butcher {v} (to kill brutally) :: 屠殺, 屠杀 /túshā/
butcher block {n} (style of assembled wood) :: 肉墩 /ròudūn/, 肉案 /ròu'àn/
butcher's {n} (butcher’s shop) :: 肉舖, 肉铺 /ròupù/
butchershop {n} (a butcher's shop) :: 肉舖, 肉铺 /ròupù/
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
butler {n} (manservant having charge of wines and liquors) :: 管家 /guǎnjiā/, 男僕, 男仆 /nánpú/
butler {n} (chief male servant) :: 管家 /guǎnjiā/, 執事 /zhíshì/
butsudan {n} (Buddhist shrine) :: 佛壇 /fú tán/, 佛坛 /fú tán/
butt {n} (buttocks) :: 屁股 /pìgu/, 臀部 /túnbù/, /tún/
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) :: 煙頭, 烟头 /yāntóu/
butt {v} ((transitive) to strike bluntly) :: , /dǐng/
butt chin {n} (cleft chin) SEE: cleft chin ::
butter {n} (soft foodstuff made from milk) :: 黃油, 黄油 /huángyóu/, 牛油 /niúyóu/, 白脫, 白脱 /báituō/
butterbur {n} (herb) :: 蜂斗菜属 /fēng dòu cài shǔ/
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil ::
buttercup {n} (herb of the genus Ranunculus) :: 毛茛 /máogèn/, 金鳳花, 金凤花 /jīnfènghuā/
butterfly {n} (insect) :: 蝴蝶 /húdié/
butterfly {n} (swimming stroke) SEE: butterfly stroke ::
butterfly effect {n} (technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory) :: 蝴蝶效應, 蝴蝶效应 /húdié xiàoyīng/
butterflyfish {n} (tropical marine fish) :: 蝴蝶魚 /húdiéyú/
butterfly knife {n} (folding pocket knife) :: 蝴蝶刀 /húdiédāo/
butterfly net {n} (net used to collect butterflies) :: 捕蟲網, 捕虫网 /bǔchóngwǎng/, 捕網, 捕网 /bǔwǎng/, 蝴蝶網, 蝴蝶网 /húdiéwǎng/
butterfly stroke {n} (swimming stroke) :: 蝶泳 /diéyǒng/, 蝶式 /diéshì/
butter knife {n} (dull-edged knife for spreading butter) :: 黃油刀, 黄油刀 /huángyóu dāo/
buttermilk {n} (traditional buttermilk) :: 酪乳 /làorǔ/, 酪漿, 酪浆 /làojiāng/
buttermilk {n} (cultured buttermilk) :: 發酵酪乳, 发酵酪乳 /fājiào làorǔ/
butterscotch {n} (hard candy) :: 奶油糖果 /nǎiyóu tángguǒ/
butterscotch {n} (sauce or syrup made of similar ingredients) :: 奶油糖漿, 奶油糖浆 /nǎiyóu tángjiāng/
butter tea {n} :: 酥油茶 /sūyóuchá/
butter up {v} (to flatter) :: 討好, 讨好 /tǎohǎo/, 奉承 /fèngchéng/, [colloquial] 拍馬屁, 拍马屁 /pāimǎpì/
Butterworth {prop} (town in Malaysia) :: 北海
buttfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
butt heads {v} (argue uncompromisingly) :: 發生衝突, 发生冲突 /fāshēng chōngtū/
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
buttock {n} (each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body) :: 屁股 /pìgu/, 臀部 /túnbù/,
button {n} (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) :: 釦子 /kòuzi/, 扣子 /kòuzi/
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) :: 按鈕, 按钮 /ànniǔ/
button {n} (in computer software, an on-screen control that can be selected) :: 按鈕, 按钮 /ànniǔ/
button {n} (a badge worn on clothes) :: 小徽章, 小徽章 /xiǎo huī zhāng/
button {n} (botany: a bud) :: , /yá/
button {n} (slang: clitoris) :: 花蕾, 花蕾 /huālěi/
button {v} (to fasten with a button) :: /kòu/
buttonhole {n} (hole for a button) :: 紐孔, 纽孔 /niǔkǒng/
button mushroom {n} (Agaricus bisporus) :: 洋菇 /yánggū/
buttonwood {n} (mangrove) SEE: mangrove ::
butt plug {n} (A sex toy for the anus and rectum) :: 肛門插座, 肛门插座 /gāngmén chāzuò/, 肛門塞, 肛门塞 /gāngménsāi/
buxom {adj} :: 凹凸有致 /āotūyǒuzhì/
buy {v} (to obtain something with money) :: , /mǎi/
buy {v} (to accept as true) :: 買賬, 买账 /mǎizhàng/
buy {n} (purchase) SEE: purchase ::
buy back {v} (repurchase) :: 買回, 买回 /mǎihuí/, 回購, 回购 /huígòu/, 贖回, 赎回 /shúhuí/, 返銷, 返销 /fǎnxiāo/
buyer {n} (person who makes purchases) :: 買主, 买主 /mǎizhǔ/, 購買人, 购买人 /gòumǎirén/, 購買者, 购买者 /gòumǎizhě/, 買方, 买方 /mǎifāng/
buyer's market {n} (excess of supply over demand) :: 買方市場, 买方市场 /mǎifāng shìchǎng/
buying power {n} (purchasing power) SEE: purchasing power ::
buy low, sell high {proverb} (commonplace investment advice) :: 低買高賣, 低买高卖
buy time {v} (purposefully cause a delay, in order to achieve something else) :: 争取时间
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper ::
buzzard {n} (bird of the genus Buteo) :: , 𫛭 /kuáng/
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture ::
buzzer {n} (device) :: 蜂鳴器, 蜂鸣器 /fēngmíngqì/, 蜂音器 /fēngyīnqì/
buzzword {n} (word drawn from or imitative of technical jargon) :: 流行詞, 流行词 /liúxíngcí/, 行話, 行话 /hánghuà/
by {prep} (near, or next to) :: 在……旁 /zāi … pang/
by {prep} (not later than) :: ……之前 /...zhīqián/
by {prep} (indicates the agent of a passive verb) :: /bèi/, /yóu/, , /ràng/, , /gěi/, /jiào/
by {prep} (indicates a means) :: 用… /yòng/, 由… /yóu/
by accident {adv} (accidentally) SEE: accidentally ::
by all means {prep} (emphatically yes, definitely) :: 千萬, 千万 /qiānwàn/
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon ::
by and large {adv} (mostly, generally; with few exceptions) :: 總的來說, 总的来说 /zǒngdeláishuō/, 大體上, 大体上 /dàtǐshang/, 大體而言, 大体而言 /dàtǐ éryán/, 全盤看來, 全盘看来 /quánpán kànlái/, 一般 /yībān/, 大致上 /dàzhìshang/
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) :: 碰巧 /pèngqiǎo/, 湊巧, 凑巧 /còuqiǎo/, 恰巧 /qiàqiǎo/, 剛好, 刚好 /gānghǎo/
by default {prep} (in absence of any opposing action) :: 默認情況, 默认情况 /mòrènqíngkuàngxià/
by degrees {prep} (in gradual steps) :: 逐漸, 逐渐 /zhújiàn de/
Bydgoszcz {prop} (a city in Poland) :: 比得哥什 /Bǐdégēshí/
by dint of {prep} (because of; by reason of) SEE: because of ::
bye {interj} (short for goodbye, see also: goodbye) :: 再見, 再见 /zàijiàn/, 再會, 再会 /zàihuì/, 回見, 回见 /huíjiàn/, 拜拜 /bàibài, bāibái, báibái/, 88 /bābā/ [SMS slang]
bye-bye {n} (goodbye, see also: bye; goodbye) :: 再見, 再见 /zàijiàn/, 再會, 再会 /zàihuì/, 拜拜 /bàibài, bāibái, báibái/, 88 /bābā/ [SMS slang]
by-election {n} (special election) :: 補選, 补选 /bǔxuǎn/
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot ::
by God {adv} (oath) :: 发誓
by God {interj} (surprise) :: 我的天啊 /wǒ-de tiān a/, 上帝 /Shàngdì/, 天啊 /tiān a/
by hand {prep} (manually) SEE: manually ::
by heart {prep} (knowing completely) :: 靠記憶, 靠记忆 /kào jìyì/
by hook or by crook {prep} (by any means possible) :: 千方百計, 千方百计 /qiānfāngbǎijì/
bylaw {n} (law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization) :: 规章 /guīzhāng/, 公司章程 /gōngsī guīzhāng/
bylina {n} (traditional East Slavic oral epic narrative poem) :: 勇士讚歌, 勇士赞歌 /yǒngshì zàngē/
by means of {prep} (By using) :: /yòng/
by mistake {prep} (mistakenly) SEE: mistakenly ::
by no means {prep} (certainly not) :: 絕不, 绝不 /juébù/, 決不, 决不 /juébù/
by oneself {prep} (without help) :: 自己 /zìjǐ/
by oneself {prep} (without company) :: 一個人, 一个人 /yī​gè​rén/
byproduct {n} (secondary or additional product) :: 副產品, 副产品 /fùchǎnpǐn/
byre {n} (a barn, especially one used for keeping cattle) :: 牛舍
bystander {n} (a person who, although present at some event, does not take part in it; an observer or spectator) :: 旁觀者, 旁观者 /pángguānzhě/
byte {n} (8-bit unit) :: 字節, 字节 /zìjié/, 位元組, 位元组 /wèiyuánzǔ/
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way ::
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when ::
by the way {prep} (incidentally) :: 順便一句, 顺便一句 /shùnbiàn wèn yījù/, 順便一下, 顺便一下 /shùnbiàn wèn yīxià/, 對了, 对了 /duìle/
by turns {adv} (one after the other) SEE: in turn ::
byword {n} (a proverb) :: 格言 /géyán/, 民諺, 民谚 /mínyàn/
Byzantine Empire {prop} (Greek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region) :: 拜占庭帝國, 拜占庭帝国 /Bàizhàntíng Dìguó/
Byzantium {prop} (Byzantine Empire) SEE: Byzantine Empire ::
Byzantium {prop} (ancient Greek city) :: 拜占庭 /Bàizhàntíng/
Bézier curve {n} (kind of parametric curve) :: 貝茲曲線, 贝兹曲线 /Bèizī qǔxiàn/