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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-f

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fa {n} /fɑ/ (fourth note of a major scale) :: fa
Fabian {prop} /ˈfeɪbi.ən/ (male given name) :: Fabián
Fabius {prop} (male given name) :: Fabio
fable {n} /ˈfeɪbəl/ (fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept) :: fábula {f}
fabric {n} /ˈfæb.ɹɪk/ (material made of fibers) :: tela {f}, tejido {m}, género {m}
fabric {n} :: tejido
fabricate {v} /ˈfæb.ɹɪ.keɪt/ :: fabricar
fabrication {n} /fæbɹɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act) :: fabricación {f}, manufactura {f}
fabrication {n} (that which is fabricated; a falsehood) :: falsedad {f}, mentira {f}, invención {f}
fabric softener {n} (a chemical agent used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer) :: suavizante {m}, suavizante textil {m}
fabulist {n} /ˈfæbjəlɪst/ (one who writes or tells fables) :: fabulista {m} {f}
fabulous {adj} /ˈfæbjʊləs/ (mythical or legendary; incredible) :: increíble, fabuloso
fabulous {adj} (of the nature of a fable; unhistorical) :: fantástico, fabuloso
fabulous {adj} (extraordinary, especially in being very large) :: extraordinario, fabuloso
fabulous {adj} (very good; wonderful) :: maravilloso, fabuloso
fabulously {adv} /ˈfæbjʊləsli/ (in a fabulous manner) :: fabulosamente, estupendamente
facade {n} /fəˈsaːd/ (face of a building) :: fachada {f}
facade {n} (deceptive outward appearance) :: fachada
face {v} (to face) SEE: look ::
face {v} /feɪs/ (position oneself towards) :: encarar, mirar, enfrentarse
face {v} (deal with, confront) :: enfrentar, encarar
face {n} (typography: typeface) SEE: typeface ::
face {n} (computing: interface) SEE: interface ::
face {n} (one's complete facial cosmetic application) SEE: makeup ::
face {n} (amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc.) SEE: face value ::
face {n} (front part of head) :: cara {f}, faz {f}, rostro {m}, jeta {f}
face {n} (facial expression) :: gesto {m}, cara {f}, mueca {f}
face {n} (public image) :: imagen {f}, cara {f}, reputación {f}
face {n} (good reputation; standing in the eyes of others) :: reputación {f}
face {n} (geometry: bounding surface of a polyhedron) :: faz {f}, cara {f}
face {n} (slang: type of wrestler) :: [especially Mexico] técnico {m}
face {n} :: lado {m}, cariz {m}, haz, frente {m}, superficie {f}
facebook {n} /ˈfeɪsˌbʊk/ (a college publication) :: libro de caras
Facebook {prop} /ˈfeɪs.bʊk/ (social-networking website) :: Facebook {m}
face-down {adv} (such that the face or front is positioned downward) :: boca abajo, bocabajo
facemask {n} /ˈfeɪs.mæsk/ (covering used to protect the face used for diving) :: máscara {f}
facemask {n} (mask made of common textiles worn over the mouth and nose) :: mascarilla {f}, cuberito para la cara {m}
facemask {n} (part of the helmet that covers the face) :: máscara {f}, barras {f-p}
facemask {n} (foul of grasping a facemask during play) :: sujetar de la máscara
facemask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask ::
facet {n} /ˈfæsɪt/ (flat surface cut into a gem) :: faceta {f}
facet {n} (one among many similar yet distinct things) :: faceta {f}
facet {n} (one member of a compound eye) :: faceta {f}, omatidio {m} [anatomy]
face the music {v} (to accept or confront the unpleasant consequences of one's actions) :: aguantar el chaparrón, atenerse a las consecuencias, afrontar las consecuencias, apechugar
facetious {adj} /fəˈsiːʃəs/ (flippant) :: fisgón, socarrón
facetious {adj} (pleasantly humorous, jocular) :: faceto {m} [obsolete]
face to face {adv} (in person) :: frente a frente, cara a cara
face-to-face {adv} (face to face) SEE: face to face ::
face-to-face {adj} (in another's presence) :: faz a faz, cara a cara
face-up {adv} (in a position with the face upwards) :: boca arriba, bocarriba
face up to {v} :: afrontar, arrostrar
face value {n} (the stated value or amount) :: valor facial {m}, valor nominal {m}
facial {adj} /ˈfeɪʃəl/ (of the face) :: facial
facial hair {n} (hair on the face of a human) :: vello facial {m}
facial nerve {n} (nerve) :: nervio facial {m}
facilitate {v} /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ (to make easy or easier) :: facilitar
facilitator {n} (person who helps a group to have an effective dialog without taking any side of the argument) :: facilitador {m}
facility {n} /fəˈsɪlɪti/ (dexterity, skill) :: facilidad {f}
facility {n} (physical means of doing something) :: instalación {m}, material
facsimile {n} /fækˈsɪm.ə.li/ (copy or reproduction) :: facsímil {m}
facsimile {v} (fax) SEE: fax ::
fact {n} /fækt/ (an honest observation) :: hecho {m}
fact {n} (something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation) :: hecho {m}
fact {n} (an objective consensus on a fundamental reality) :: hecho {m}
fact {n} :: hecho {m}
facticity {n} /fækˈtɪsɪti/ (quality or state of being a fact) :: facticidad {f}
facticity {n} (state of being in the world without any knowable reason for such existence, or of being in a particular state of affairs which one has no control over) :: facticidad {f}
faction {n} /ˈfæk.ʃən/ (group of people) :: facción {f}
factional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or composed of factions) :: faccional
factious {adj} /ˈfækʃəs/ (of, pertaining to, or caused by factions) :: sedicioso, faccioso
fact of life {n} :: ley de vida {f}
factoid {n} /ˈfæktɔɪd/ (inaccurate statement believed to be true) :: factoide {m}
factor {n} /ˈfæktə/ (integral part) :: factor
factor {n} (mathematical sense) :: factor
factor {n} (influence) :: factor
factor {n} :: factor
factor {v} (to find all factors of a number) :: factorizar
factorable {adj} (capable of being factored) :: factorizable
factorial {n} /fækˈtɔːɹi.əl/ (mathematical operation or its result) :: factorial {m}
factorize {v} (create a list of factors) :: factorizar
factorize {v} (divide an expression into listing items) :: factorizar
factor of production {n} (resource used for production) :: factor productivo {m}, factor de producción {m}
factory {n} /ˈfæktəɹi/ (manufacturing place) :: fábrica {f}, planta {f}
factotum {n} /fækˈtoʊ.təm/ (person having many responsibilities) :: todero {m}
factotum {n} (general servant) :: muchacho de los mandados {m}, hombre orquesta {n}
factotum {n} (jack of all trades) :: muchacho de los mandados {m}, hombre orquesta {n}
factual {adj} /ˈfæk(t)ʃuəl/ (of facts) :: efectivo, fáctico, factual
facultative {adj} /ˈfæ.kəl.tə.tɪv/ (not obligate; optional) :: facultativo
faculty {n} /ˈfæ.kəl.ti/ (scholarly staff at colleges or universities) :: cuerpo docente {m}
faculty {n} (division of a university) :: facultad {f}
faculty {n} (ability, skill, or power) :: facultad {f}
fad {n} /fæd/ (phenomenon) :: moda {f}, moda pasajera {f}
fade {adj} /feɪd/ (tasteless) :: insípido, insulso {m}, desabrido {m}, soso {m}
fade {v} (to grow weak, lose strength) :: atenuar, disminuir
fade {v} (to lose freshness, brightness) :: desteñir
fade {v} (to vanish) :: desvanecerse
fade {v} (to cause to fade) :: deslucir
fade out {v} (to slowly disappear) :: evanescer, desvanecer
fado {n} (song) :: fado {m}
faena {n} /faˈenə/ (passes) :: faena {f}
fag {n} /fæɡ/ (homosexual man) :: puto {m}, maricón {m}, joto, marica {m}, mariquita {f}, parguela {m} [Andalusian]
fagboy {n} (contemptible young gay man) :: mariconcito {m}, puñalito {m}, colita {f}
fag-end {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt ::
faggot {n} (male homosexual) SEE: fag ::
faggot {n} /ˈfæ.ɡət/ (piece of firewood) :: leña {f}
faggot {n} (bundle of sticks) :: haz {m}
faggot {n} (pork meatball) :: albóndiga de puerco, albóndiga de cerdo
faggot {n} (annoying person) :: huevón {m}
faggotry {n} /ˈfæɡətɹi/ (the quality of being a faggot) :: mariconería {f}
fag hag {n} (woman who likes gay men) :: mariliendre {f}
faglet {n} (young male homosexual) :: mariconcito {m}, jotito {m}
Fahrenheit {adj} /fɑːɹənˈhaɪt/ (temperature scale) :: Fahrenheit
faience {n} (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic) :: loza {f}, fayenza {f}
fail {v} /feɪl/ (be unsuccessful) :: fracasar, zozobrar
fail {v} (not achieve a stated goal) :: negar, fracasar, no conseguir
fail {v} (cease to operate) :: pararse
fail {v} (to receive one or more non-passing grades in academic pursuits) :: suspender, desaprobar, reprobar
failed state {n} (type of state) :: estado fallido {m}
failing {n} /ˈfeɪ.lɪŋ/ (defect) :: falta, defecto, lacra
failing {prep} (if the preferred or prior option is not possible) :: a falta de
failure {n} /ˈfeɪljɚ/ (state or condition opposite of success) :: fallo {m}, fracaso {m}
failure {n} (object or person incapable of success) :: fracasado {m}
failure {n} (termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function) :: avería {f}
faint {adj} /feɪ̯nt/ (lacking strength; inclined to lose consciousness) :: débil
faint {adj} (lacking distinctness, hardly perceptible) :: tenue
faint {adj} (performed in a weak or feeble manner) :: tenue
faint {n} (the act of fainting) :: desmayo {m}, soponcio, deliquio
faint {v} (to lose consciousness) :: desmayar
fainting {n} /ˈfeɪntɪŋ/ (an act of collapsing to a state of temporary unconsciousness) :: desmayo
fair {adj} /fɛə/ (pretty or attractive) :: bello
fair {adj} (unblemished and innocent) :: inocente
fair {adj} (light in color or pale) :: pastel
fair {adj} (just, equitable) :: justo, equitativo
fair {adj} (adequate, reasonable, decent) :: razonable
fair {adj} (nautical: favorable to a ship's course) :: viento de popa
fair {n} (celebration) :: feria {f}
fair {n} (professional event, trade fair) :: feria de muestras {f}
fair {n} (a travelling amusement park) :: feria {f}
fair and square {adv} (fairly and undoubtedly) :: en buena lid
fair and square {adv} (within the applicable rules) :: justamente
fair enough {interj} (very well) :: muy bien, me parece bien
fair game {n} (a goal or an object that may legitimately be sought) :: blanco legítimo {m}
fair-haired {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
fairheaded {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
fairlead {n} (device to guide a line) :: gatera {f}
fairly {adv} /ˈfɛɹ.li/ (in a fair manner) :: francamente, abiertamente
fairly {adv} (partly, not fully; somewhat) :: bastante
fairness {n} (property of being just, equitable) :: imparcialidad {f}, equidad {f}
fairness {n} (property of being beautiful) :: belleza {f}
fair play {n} (good behavior) :: juego limpio {m}
fair sex {n} (women) :: sexo débil {m}, bello sexo {m}
fair trade {n} (system of trading) :: comercio justo
fairway {n} ((nautical) a navigable channel in a harbour) :: canalizo {m}
fairy {n} /ˈfɛə̯ɹi/ (mythical being) :: hada {f}
fairy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) :: marica {m}, mujercita {m}
fairy cake {n} (cupcake) SEE: cupcake ::
fairy floss {n} (fairy floss) SEE: candy floss ::
fairy godmother {n} (benevolent magical female) :: hada madrina {f}
fairy godmother {n} (generous benefactor) :: benefactor {m}
fairy ring {n} (ring of fungi) :: anillo de hadas {m}
fairy tale {n} (folktale) :: cuento de hadas {m}
fait accompli {n} /ˈfeɪt.əˌkɔm.pli/ (established fact) :: hecho consumado {m}
faith {n} /feɪθ/ (feeling that something is true) :: fe {f}
faith {n} (religious belief system) :: fe {f}
faith {n} (confidence in the intentions or abilities) :: confianza {f}, fe {f}
faithful {adj} /ˈfeɪθ.fəl/ (loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause) :: fiel, leal
faithful {adj} (having faith) :: fiel
faithfully {adv} /ˈfeɪθfəli/ (in a faithful manner) :: fielmente
faithfulness {n} (the state of being faithful) :: fidelidad {f}, lealtad {f}
fajita {n} /fəˈhiːtə/ (dish) :: fajita {f}
fake {adj} /feɪk/ (not real) :: falso
fake {n} (something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently) :: falsificación {f}
fake {v} (to modify fraudulently to make sth. look better) :: falsear, falsificar
fake {v} (to counterfeit, falsify) :: falsear
fake {v} (to make a false display of) :: fingir
fakir {n} /fəˈkiɹ/ (ascetic mendicant) :: fakir {m}
fakon {n} /ˈfeɪkn̩/ (fake bacon) :: tocino calcado {m}
falafel {n} /fəˈlɑfəl/ (Middle Eastern food) :: falafel {m}, faláfel {m}
falafel {n} (pita with falafel balls inside) :: falafel {m}, faláfel {m}
falafel {n} (single falafel ball) :: falafel {m}, faláfel {m}
falchion {n} /ˈfɔltʃən/ (sword) :: bracamante
falciform {adj} /ˈfæl.sɪ.fɔɹm/ (sickle-shaped) :: falciforme
falcon {n} /ˈfælkən/ (bird of the genus Falco) :: halcón {m}, falcón {m}
falconer {n} /ˈfælkənɚ/ (a person who breeds or trains hawks) :: halconero {m}, halconera {f}
falconer {n} (one who follows the sport of fowling with hawks) :: cetrero {m}, cetrera {f}
falconry {n} (sport of hunting by using trained birds of prey) :: cetrería {f}
faldstool {n} (portable, folding chair used by a bishop) :: faldistorio {m}
Falkland Islander {n} (person from the Falkland Islands) :: malvinés, malvinense
Falkland Islands {prop} (overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic) :: islas Malvinas {f-p}
Falkland Islands wolf {n} (Dusicyon australis) :: guará
Falklands War {prop} (a conflict between Argentina and the United Kingdom) :: Guerra de las Malvinas
fall {n} (season) SEE: autumn ::
fall {n} /fɔːl/ (act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point) :: caída {f}
fall {n} (a period of decline before the end) :: decadencia {f}
fall {v} (move to a lower position under the effect of gravity) :: caer, caerse
fall {v} (come down or descend) :: descender
fall {v} (become or change into) :: caer
fallacious {adj} /fə.ˈleɪ.ʃəs/ (characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken) :: erróneo
fallacy {n} /ˈfæləsi/ (false argument) :: falacia {f}
fall apart {v} (intransitive: break into pieces through being in a dilapidated state) :: despedazarse, desintegrarse, deshacerse, desvencijarse
fall apart {v} (be emotionally in crisis) :: venirse abajo
fall armyworm {n} :: cogollero del maíz, oruga militar tardía
fall asleep {v} (to pass into sleep) :: dormirse
fallback {n} /ˈfɔːl.bæk/ (a backup plan) :: plan B {m}
fall behind {v} (to be late) :: atrasar
fallen angel {n} (angel who was exiled from heaven) :: ángel caído {m}
fall equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
fall for {v} (To fall in love with) :: enamorarse
fall guy {n} (a scapegoat) :: pagano
fallibilism {n} /ˈfælɪbɪlɪzəm/ (doctrine that knowledge is never certain) :: falibilismo {m}
fallibility {n} (state of being prone to error) :: falibilidad {f}
fallible {adj} (capable of making mistakes or being wrong) :: falible
fall ill {v} (become ill) :: enfermar, enfermarse
falling star {n} (shooting star) SEE: shooting star ::
fall in line {v} :: pasar por el aro
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love) :: enamorarse
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love towards each other) :: enamorarse, amartelarse
fall off {v} (To become detached or to drop from.) :: caer
fall off {v} (To diminish in size, value, etc.) :: caer
falloff {n} (A reduction or decline) :: caída {f}
fall off the turnip truck {v} (to be unsophisticated in rustic manner) :: caerse del guindo, caerse del nido, caerse de un nido
fall off the wagon {v} (to cease a self-improvement or reform ; to lapse back into an addiction) :: recaer
fall on {v} (be assigned to) :: recaer
fall on deaf ears {v} (of a request, complaint, etc, to be ignored) :: caer en saco roto
Fallopian tube {n} (duct) :: trompa de Falopio {f}
fall out {v} (come out by falling) :: caerse
fall out {v} (cease to be on friendly terms) :: desavenir [pronominal], desconcertar [pronominal]
fallout {n} /ˈfɔlˌaʊt/ (event of airborne particles falling to the ground) :: lluvia
fallout {n} (particles that fall to the ground) :: ceniza {f}
fallout {n} (negative side effect) :: efectos colaterales
fall out of love {v} (cease to be in love, see also: unlove) :: desenamorar [colloquial]
fall over {v} (fall from an upright position to a horizontal position) :: caerse
fallow {n} /ˈfæloʊ/ (ground left unseeded for a year) :: barbecho, guamil {m}
fallow {n} (uncultivated land) :: yermo {m}
fallow deer {n} /ˈfæl.əʊˌdɪə/ (Dama dama, a ruminant mammal) :: gamo {m}
fall through the cracks {v} (slip through the cracks) SEE: slip through the cracks ::
false {adj} /fɔls/ (untrue, not factual, wrong) :: falso
false {adj} (spurious, artificial) :: postizo
false {adj} (state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result) :: falso
false {adj} :: falso, falaz
false alarm {n} (warning sound that turns out to be erroneous) :: falsa alarma {f}
false croup {n} (croup) SEE: croup ::
false drop {n} (to learn the basics) :: documento recuperado no pertinente
false friend {n} /ˌfɔls ˈfɹɛnd/ (type of word) :: falso amigo {m}
falsehood {n} /ˈfɒlsˌhʊd/ (false statement) :: falsedad {f}
falsely {adv} (in a false manner) :: falsamente
false negative {n} /ˈfɔːls ˈnɛɡətɪv/ (result of a test that shows as absent something that is present) :: falso negativo {m}
false negative {n} ((statistics) type II error) SEE: type II error ::
falseness {n} (falsehood) :: falsedad {f}, falsía {f}, falacia {f}, lo equivocado, lo falso, lo erróneo
false trevally {n} (Lactarius lactarius) :: pagapa, pez blanco {m}
falsetto {n} /fɔlˈsɛt.oʊ/ ("false" (singing) voice in any human) :: falsete {m}
falsifiability {n} (quality of being falsifiable) :: falsabilidad {f}
falsification {n} (the act of making false) :: falsificación {f}
falsify {v} /ˈfɒlsɪfaɪ/ (to alter so as to be false) :: falsificar
falsify {v} (to counterfeit, forge) :: falsificar
falter {v} /ˈfɔːltə(r)/ (To hesitate) :: dudar
falter {v} (To stammer) SEE: stammer ::
fame {n} /feɪm/ (state of being famous) :: fama {f}
Famennian {prop} :: Fameniense
familial {adj} /fəˈmɪljəl/ (of or pertaining to a human family) :: familiar
familial Mediterranean fever {n} (inflammatory disorder) :: fiebre mediterránea familiar {f}
familiar {adj} /fəˈmɪl.i.ə/ (known to one) :: familiar
familiar {n} (attendant spirit) :: espíritu familiar {m}, familiar
familiarity {n} /fəmɪlɪˈæɹɪti/ (the state of being extremely friendly; intimacy) :: intimidad {f}
familiarity {n} (undue intimacy; impertinence) :: impertinencia {f}
familiarity {n} (an instance of familiar behaviour) :: familiaridad {f}
familiarity {n} (close or habitual acquaintance with someone; recognizability) :: familiaridad {f}
familiarity breeds contempt {proverb} (if you know someone very well, you stop respecting them) :: donde hay confianza, da asco
familiarization {n} (process of familiarizing) :: familiarización {f}
familiarize {v} (make or become familiar with something or someone) :: familiarizar
familiarly {adv} (in a familiar manner) :: familiarmente
family {n} /ˈfæm(ɪ)li/ (immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children) :: familia {f}
family {n} (group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom) :: familia {f}
family {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species) :: familia {f}
family {n} (music: a group of instrument having the same basic method of tone production) :: familia {f}
family {n} (linguistics: a group of languages believed to have descended from the same ancestral language) :: familia {f}
family {n} ((used attributively)) :: familiar
family {n} (family member) SEE: family member ::
family doctor {n} (practitioner of family medicine) SEE: general practitioner ::
family home evening {n} (An evening set apart for activities.) :: noche familiar {f}
family member {n} (person belonging to a family) :: pariente {m} {f}
family name {n} (surname) SEE: surname ::
family planning {n} (birth control, especially when carried out by monogamous heterosexual couples) :: planificación familiar {f}
family reunion {n} (gathering of family members) :: reunión familiar {f}
family tree {n} (family tree) :: árbol genealógico {m}
famine {n} /ˈfæmɪn/ (extreme shortage of food in a region) :: hambruna, hambre
famous {adj} /ˈfeɪməs/ (well known) :: famoso, célebre, afamado {m}
famous {adj} :: famoso
famous for being famous {adj} (having attained celebrity status for no particularly identifiable reason) :: famoso por ser famoso
fan {n} /fæn/ (hand-held device) :: abanico {m}
fan {n} (electrical device) :: ventilador {m}, abanico {m} [Colombian Atlantic Coast, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Northwestern Venezuela, Puerto Rico]
fan {v} (to blow air on by means of an electric fan) :: ventilar
fan {v} (to blow air on by means of a hand-held fan) :: abanicar
fan {n} (admirer) :: fan {m} {f}, hincha {m} {f}, aficionado {m}, seguidor {m}, forofo
fanatic {adj} /fəˈnæt.ɪk/ (fanatical) :: fanático
fanatic {n} (one who is zealously enthusiastic) :: fanático {m}
fanatical {adj} /fəˈnætɪkəl/ (having an extreme, irrational zeal or enthusiasm) :: fanático
fanatically {adv} (in a fanatical manner) :: fanáticamente
fanaticism {n} (characteristic or practice of being a fanatic) :: fanatismo {m}
fanaticize {v} (make into a fanatic) :: fanatizar
fanbelt {n} (belt which turns a cooling fan) :: correa del ventilador {f}
fanboy {n} (someone devoted to a single subject) :: fan {m}, simpatizante
fanciful {adj} (imaginative or unreal) :: imaginado {m}, fantástico {m}
fancy {n} /ˈfæn.si/ (The imagination; the image-making power of the mind) :: fantasía {f}, magín {m}
fancy {adj} (decorative) :: elegante
fancy {v} (To be sexually attracted to) :: [informal] gustar, ser atraído por, hacer tilín
fancy {v} (would like to) :: gustar, tener ganas de, antojarse [Mexico], apetecer [Spain], provocar [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela], tincar [Chile]
fan death {n} (death supposedly caused by staying overnight in a closed room with an electric fan) :: muerte por ventilador {f}
fandom {n} /ˈfændəm/ (fans taken as a group) :: afición {f}
fandom {n} (subculture of fans) :: fandom {m}
fanfare {n} /ˈfænfɛəɹ/ (a flourish of trumpets or horns) :: fanfarria {f}
fanfare {n} (a show of ceremony or celebration) :: fanfarria {f}, bombo y platillo
fan fiction {n} /fæn fɪkʃən/ (fiction made by fans) :: fanficción {f}, fánfic {m}
fang {n} /fæŋ/ (canine tooth) :: colmillo {m}
fanlight {n} (semioval window with a fan-like structure of ribs) :: montante
fanny {n} (buttocks) SEE: ass ::
fanny {n} (vulva or vagina) SEE: pussy ::
fanny {n} (Sexual intercourse with a woman) SEE: pussy ::
fanny pack {n} (small pouch worn at the waist) :: banano {m} [Chile], cangurera {f} [Mexico], cangura {f} [Costa Rica], canguro {m} [Colombia], koala {m} [Venezuela], riñonera {f} [Argentina, Spain, Uruguay]
fanslation {n} /fænzˈleɪʃən/ (unofficial translation of a media product) :: traducción aficionada, [emulation] traducción emulatoria
fanslator {n} (person or online group that carries out fanslation) :: traductor aficionado {m}
fansub {n} /ˈfænˌsʌb/ (subtitles translated by amateurs) :: fansub {m}
fantasise {v} (fantasise) SEE: fantasize ::
fantasize {v} /ˈfæntəˌsaɪz/ (intransitive: to indulge in fantasy) :: fantasear
fantastic {adj} /fænˈtæstɪk/ (wonderful, marvelous, excellent, extraordinarily good) :: fantástico
fantastical {adj} (fantastic) SEE: fantastic ::
fantastical {adj} (fanciful) SEE: fanciful ::
fantastically {adv} (in a fantastic manner) :: fantásticamente
fantastically {adv} (to a fantastic extent) :: fantásticamente
fantasy {n} /ˈfæntəsi/ (that which comes from one's imagination) :: fantasia {f}
Fantizi {prop} (Traditional Chinese) SEE: Traditional Chinese ::
FAQ {n} /ɛf.eɪ.kjuː/ (acronym for Frequently Asked Questions) :: PUF {f-p}, FAQ
faqir {n} (fakir) SEE: fakir ::
far {n} (spelt) SEE: spelt ::
far {adv} /fɑɹ/ :: lejos
far {adv} (very much; by a large amount) SEE: very much ::
far {adj} (remote in space) :: lejano
farad {n} (unit of capacitance) :: faradio
Faraday cage {n} (conductive surrounding) :: jaula de Faraday {f}
far and wide {adv} (over a great distance or large area) :: por todas partes
faraway {adj} (distant) :: alejado, distante, lejano
farce {n} /fɑːs/ (style of humor) :: farsa {f}
farce {n} (situation full of ludicrous incidents) :: farsa, sainete
fard {v} (to embellish or gloss over) SEE: embellish ::
fardingbag {n} (rumen) SEE: rumen ::
fare {n} /feɚ/ (money paid for a transport ticket) :: pasaje {m}
fare {n} (paying passenger) :: pasajero {m}
fare {n} :: precio {m}
fare {v} (to travel) :: viajar
Far East {prop} (East and Southeast Asia, see also: ) :: Extremo Oriente {m}
Far East {prop} (region in Russia) SEE: Russian Far East ::
fare dodger {n} (a person who deliberately avoids payment for public transport) :: polizón {m}
farewell {n} /fɛəˈwɛl/ (a wish of happiness at parting) :: adiós
farewell {n} (an act of departure) :: despedida {f}
farewell {v} (bid farewell) :: despedirse
far-fetched {adj} (not likely) :: forzado, traído por los pelos, poco probable, improbable, inverosímil, jalado de los pelos, triado de los pelos
far-flung {adj} (distant) :: remoto
far-flung {adj} (widespread) :: extendido, extenso, extenso, amplio
far from it {adv} (completely different; contrary to previous assumption) :: nada más lejos, para nada
far left {n} (most liberal political or religious grouping) :: ultraizquierda {f}, extrema izquierda {f}
far-left {adj} (very leftist) :: ultraizquierdo
farm {n} /fɑːɹm/ (a place where agricultural activities take place) :: finca {f}, granja {f}
farmboy {n} (boy who works on a farm) :: chico del campo {m}, niño de la provincia {m}, niño campesino {m}
farmer {n} /fɑɹmɚ/ (person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock) :: granjero {m}, granjera {f}
farmhand {n} (farm worker) :: gañán {m}, peón agrícola {m}, trabajador agrícola {m}, labriego
farmhouse {n} /ˈfɑːmhaus/ (farmer's residence) :: alquería {f}
farming {n} (agriculture) SEE: agriculture ::
farm worker {n} (person who works on, but does not own, a farm) :: peón agrícola {m}
farmworker {n} (farmworker) SEE: farm worker ::
Faroe Islander {n} (inhabitant of the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroe Islands {prop} /ˈfɛəɹəʊ ˌaɪləndz/ (group of islands between Scotland and Iceland) :: Islas Feroe {f-p}
Faroese {adj} /ˌfɛəɹəʊˈiːz/ (pertaining to the Faroese language, people or Faroe Islands) :: faroés
Faroese {n} (person from the Faroe Islands) :: faroés {m}
Faroese {n} (language) :: faroés {m}
Faroish {n} (person from the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroish {prop} (language) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroish {adj} /ˈfɛəɹəuɪʃ/ (pertaing to the Faroish language, people or Faroe Islands) :: faroés
far point {n} (eye can focus) :: punto remoto {m}
farrago {n} /fəˈɹeɪɡoʊ/ (confused miscellany) :: fárrago
farrier {n} /ˈfæɹi.ə/ (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves) :: herrador {m}, herradora {f}
far right {n} /ˌfɑːˈɹʌɪt/ (extreme right wing) :: extrema derecha {f}, ultraderecha {f}
far-right {adj} /ˈfɑːˌɹʌɪt/ (very right-wing) :: ultraderechista
farrow {n} /ˈfæɹoʊ/ (litter of piglets) :: lechigada (de cochinillos) {f}
Farsi {n} (Persian language) SEE: Persian ::
farsightedness {n} (condition of being unable to focus on near objects) :: hipermetropía {f}
fart {v} /fɑːt/ (to emit flatulent gases) :: peer, soltar un pedo, pedorrear, ventosear
fart {n} (an emission of flatulent gases) :: pedo {m}
fascia {n} /ˈfæʃə/ (tissue) :: fascia {f}
fascia {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard ::
fascia lata {n} (fascia of the thigh muscle) :: fascia lata {f}
fasciated antshrike {n} (Cymbilaimus lineatus) :: batará lineado
fascicle {n} /ˈfæsɪkəl/ (bundle of skeletal muscle fibers) :: fascículo {m}
fasciectomy {n} (fasciotomy) SEE: fasciotomy ::
fasciitis {n} /fæʃiˈaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of the fascia) :: fascitis {f}
fascinate {v} /ˈfæsɪneɪt/ (to evoke interest or attraction) :: fascinar
fascinating {adj} /ˈfæsɪˌneɪtɪŋ/ (having interesting qualities; captivating; attractive) :: fascinante
fascination {n} /fæsɪˈneɪʃən/ (the act of fascinating, bewitching, or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft) :: fascinación
fascination {n} (the state or condition of being fascinated) :: fascinación
fasciotomy {n} (the cutting of the fascia to relieve tension or pressure) :: fasciotomía {f}
fascism {n} /ˈfæʃɪz(ə)m/ (extreme totalitarian political regime) :: fascismo {m}
fascist {adj} /ˈfæʃɪst/ (of or relating to fascism) :: fascista, [slang] facha
fascist {adj} (supporting the principles of fascism) :: fascista, [slang] facha
fascist {adj} (informal: unfairly oppressive or needlessly strict) :: fascista
fascist {n} (proponent of fascism) :: fascista {m} {f}
fascistic {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist ::
fascistization {n} (process of becoming fascist) :: fascistización {f}
fascistoid {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist ::
fashion {n} /ˈfæʃən/ (current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons) :: moda {f}
fashion {n} (style, or manner, in which to do something) :: manera {f}, modo {m}
fashion {n} (popular trends) :: moda {f}
fashionable {adj} /ˈfæʃənəbl̩/ (characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style) :: a la moda, de moda
fashion designer {n} (someone who designs clothing professionally) :: diseñador de moda {m}
fashion model {n} (model) SEE: model ::
fast {adj} /fɑːst/ (moving or capable of moving with great speed) :: rápido
fast {adv} (with great speed) :: rápidamente
fast {v} (to abstain from food) :: ayunar
fast {n} (train that only calls at some stations) SEE: express ::
fast {adj} (tenacious, retentive) SEE: tenacious ::
fast {n} (fasting) SEE: fasting ::
fasten {v} /ˈfɑːsən/ (to attach or connect in a secure manner) :: atar, abrochar
fastener {n} /ˈfæsənɚ/ (any device that fastens) :: cerrador {m}
faster {n} /ˈfæstɚ/ (one who fasts) :: ayunador {m}, ayunadora {f}
fast food {n} (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly) :: comida rápida {f}; platos preparados {m-p}
fastidious {adj} /fæˈstɪdi.əs/ (excessively particular) :: cicatero, quisquilloso, regodeón
fastidious {adj} (overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness) :: maniático de la limpieza
fastidious {adj} (difficult to please) :: exigente
fasting {n} (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food) :: ayuno {m}
fasting {n} (period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food) :: ayuno {m}
fast lane {n} (the lane intended or reserved for vehicles moving at faster speeds) :: carril de alta velocidad {m}
fast track {n} (The quickest or most direct method or path) :: vía rápida
fat {n} (vat) SEE: vat ::
fat {adj} /fæt/ (carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body) :: gordo
fat {adj} (thick) :: grueso
fat {n} (specialized animal tissue) :: grasa {f}
fat {n} (refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat) :: grasa {f}
Fatah {prop} (Fatah) :: Fatah {m}
fatal {adj} /ˈfeɪtəl/ (proceeding from fate) :: fatal
fatal {adj} (foreboding death) :: fatal
fatal {adj} (causing death) :: fatal
fatalism {n} (doctrine that all events are subject to fate) :: fatalismo {m}
fatalist {n} (fatalist, person who believes in fatalism) :: fatalista {m} {f}
fatalistic {adj} (of or pertaining to fatalism) :: fatalista
Fata Morgana {n} /ˌfɑtə mɔɹˈɡɑnə/ (form of mirage caused by temperature inversion) :: Fata Morgana {f}, fatamorgana {f}
fat-ass {n} /ˈfæɾæs/ (an overweight or obese person) :: gordinflón
fatberg {n} /ˈfætbɜːɡ/ (large accumulation of fat, etc., which clogs sewers) :: fatberg
fat cat {n} (rich person who contributes to a political campaign) :: pez gordo {m}
fat catshark {n} (Apristurus pinguis) :: colayo gordo {m}
fat content {n} (amount of fat) :: materia grasa {f}
fat dormouse {n} (edible dormouse) SEE: edible dormouse ::
fate {n} /feɪt/ (that which predetermines events) :: destino {m}, azar {m}
fate {n} (destiny) :: destino {m}, azar {m}
fateful {adj} /ˈfeɪtfəl/ (momentous, significant, setting or sealing ones fate) :: funesto
fatfuck {n} (vulgar, derogatory) :: [Chile] guatón culiado {m}, gordo de mierda {m}
fathead minnow {n} (Pimephales promelas) :: piscardo de cabeza grande {m} [Spain], carpita cabezona {f} [Mexico]
father {n} /ˈfɑːðə(ɹ)/ (male parent) :: padre {m}
father {n} (term of address for a priest) :: padre {m}
father {v} (to give rise to) :: engendrar, ocasionar, producir
father {v} (to act as a father) :: engendrar
Father {prop} (God, the father of Creation) :: Padre {m}
Father {prop} (term of address for a Christian priest) :: padre {m}
fatherhood {n} /ˈfɑ.ðɚˌhʊd/ (being a father) :: paternidad {f}
father-in-law {n} (one's spouse's father) :: suegro {m}
fatherland {n} (country of one's ancestry) :: patria {f}
Father's Day {n} (holiday in celebration of fatherhood) :: Día del Padre {m}
Father Time {prop} (Personification of time) :: Padre Tiempo
fathom {n} /ˈfæðəm/ (unit of length) :: braza {f}
fathom {v} ((transitive, archaic) to encircle with outstretched arms) :: abrazar
fathom {v} ((transitive) to measure the depth of, take a sounding of) :: sondar, sondear
fathom {v} ((transitive, figuratively) to manage to comprehend) :: comprender, ahondar, profundizar
fatidic {adj} /feɪˈtɪdɪk/ (Of or pertaining to prophecy) :: fatídico
fatigue {n} /fəˈtiːɡ/ (weariness) :: fatiga {f}
fatigue {v} (to tire or make weary) :: fatigar
fatigues {n} /fəˈti-ɡz/ (military clothing) :: traje de faena {m}
fatiloquent {adj} /feɪˈtɪləkwənt/ (prophetic, speaking of fate) :: profético
Fatima {prop} (daughter of Muhammad) :: Fátima {f}
Fatima {prop} (female given name) :: Fátima {f}
fatphobia {n} (fear or dislike towards fat people) :: gordofobia {f}
fatso {n} /ˈfætsoʊ/ (an overweight person) :: gordinflón {m}, guatón {m}
fatten {v} /ˈfætən/ (to cause to be fatter) :: engordar
fatten {v} (to become fatter) :: engordar
fatty {adj} /ˈfæɾ.i/ (containing fat) :: graso {m}
fatty {adj} (like fat, greasy) :: graso
fatty {n} (fat person) :: gordito {m}, guatoncito {m}
fatty acid {n} (acid) :: ácido graso {m}
fatty liver {n} (fatty liver) :: esteatosis hepática {f}, hígado graso {m}
fatuous {adj} /ˈfætʃ.u.əs/ (obnoxiously stupid, vacantly silly, content in one's foolishness) :: fatuo
fatwa {n} /ˈfætwɑ/ (legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti) :: fetua {f}, fatua {f}, fatwa {f}
faubourg {n} /ˈfəʊbʊəɡ/ (an outlying part of a city or town) :: extramuros
faucet {n} (tap) SEE: tap ::
fault {n} /fɔlt/ (defect) :: defecto {m}, falla {f}
fault {n} (blame; responsibility for a mistake) :: culpa {f}
fault {n} (geology fracture in rock) :: falla {f}
fault {n} (tennis: illegal serve) :: falta {f}
faultfinder {n} (a person who finds fault) :: sacafaltas
faultless {adj} (without fault) :: impecable, perfecto, intachable, sin tacha
faultlessness {n} (absence of faults) :: impecabilidad {f}
faulty {adj} /ˈfɔːlti/ (having or displaying faults; not perfect; not adequate or acceptable) :: defectuoso {m}, imperfecto {m}
fauna {n} /ˈfɔː.nə/ (animals considered as a group) :: fauna {f}
fauna {n} (a book, cataloging the animals of a country etc.) :: fauna
Faustian {adj} /ˈfaʊstɪən/ (of or pertaining to Faust) :: fáustico
Faustian bargain {n} /ˈfaʊstɪən ˈbɑːɡən/ (agreement in which a person abandons spiritual values or moral principles in order to obtain benefits) :: pacto fáustico
fauvism {n} (artistic movement) :: fovismo {m}
faux {adj} /foʊ/ (fake or artificial) :: falso
faux ami {n} (false friend) SEE: false friend ::
faux pas {n} /fəʊ pɑː/ (social blunder) :: [informally] metida de pata {f}, metedura de pata {f}
fava bean {n} (Vicia faba) SEE: broad bean ::
favipiravir {n} :: favipiravir {m}
favor {n} /ˈfeɪvɚ/ (deed in which help is voluntarily provided) :: favor
favor {n} (goodwill; benevolent regard) :: favor {m}
favor {v} (to look upon fondly; to prefer) :: preferir, favorecer
favorable {adj} (favourable) SEE: favourable ::
favour {n} (favor) SEE: favor ::
favour {v} (favor) SEE: favor ::
favourable {adj} /ˈfeɪv(ə)ɹəbəl/ (opportune) :: favorable
favoured {adj} /ˈfeɪ.vɚd/ (treated or regarded with partiality) :: agraciado
favourite {adj} /ˈfeɪv.ɹɪt/ (preferred) :: favorito, preferido, predilecto
favourite {n} (person who enjoys special regard or favour) :: favorito {m}
favouritism {n} (unfair favouring) :: favoritismo {m}
fawn {n} /fɔːn/ (young deer) :: cervatillo {m}
fawn {n} (colour) :: beis {m}, marrón claro {m}
fawner {n} (one who fawns) :: lisonjero {m}, lisonjera {f}
fax {n} /fæks/ (document transmitted by telephone) :: fax {m}
fax number {n} (fax number) :: número de fax {m}
fayalite {n} (iron-rich olivine mineral) :: fayalita {f}
fear {n} /fɪəɹ/ (uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat) :: miedo {m}, temor {m}
fear {n} (a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone) :: miedo {m}, pavor {m}
fear {n} (extreme veneration or awe) :: temor {m}, respeto {m}
fear {n} :: miedo {m}, temor {m}
fear {v} (feel fear about (something)) :: temer, tener miedo de
fearful {adj} /ˈfɪəfəl/ (frightened, filled with terror) :: miedoso, temeroso
fearful {adj} :: terrible, espantoso; tremendo; temeroso
fearless {adj} /ˈfɪɹləs/ (free from fear) :: intrépido, impávido, sin miedo
fearlessness {n} (quality of being fearless) :: valor {m}, impavidez {f}, intrepidez {f}
fearmonger {n} (alarmist) SEE: alarmist ::
feasibility {n} (state of being feasible) :: factibilidad {f}
feasible {adj} /ˈfiːzəbəl/ (that can be done in practice) :: factible, asequible, dable, viable, realizable, hacedero, agible, ejecutable
feast {n} /fiːst/ (large, often ceremonial meal) :: festín, fiesta, comilona {f}
feast {n} (festival, holiday, solemn, or more commonly, joyous, anniversary) :: fiesta {f}
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary {prop} :: fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, fiesta del Virgen del Rosario
feat {n} /fiːt/ (an accomplishment that's relatively rare or difficult) :: hazaña {f}, proeza {f}, gesta {f}, logro {m}, empresa {f}, hito {m}, hombrada {f}, machada {f}
feather {n} /ˈfɛð.ɚ/ (branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds) :: pluma {f}
featherbed {v} (to pamper, cosset or mollycoddle) :: ser indulgente, consentir, mimar, tener entre algodones
feather duster {n} /ˈfɛð.ɚ ˈdʌstɚ/ (implement used to remove surface dust) :: plumero {m}
feathered {adj} (covered with feathers) :: emplumado
feather in one's cap {n} (a recognized accomplishment) :: triunfo personal {m}
featherless {adj} (having no feathers) :: implume
feature {n} /ˈfiːtʃə/ (important or main item) :: característica {f}, atracción {f}, atractivo {m}
feature {n} (long, prominent article or item in the media) :: reportaje {m}, articulo {m}
feature {n} (one of the physical constituents of the face) :: rasgo {m}, facciones {f-p}
feature {n} (computing: beneficial capability of a piece of software) :: función {f}, funcionalidad {f}, elemento {m}
feature {v} (ascribe the greatest importance) :: priorizar
feature {v} (to star, to contain) :: protagonizar, presentar, ofrecer, incluir
feature {v} (to appear, to make an appearance) :: aparecer, figurar
featured {adj} (displayed with special treatment) :: destacado
febrile {adj} /ˈfiːbɹaɪl/ (feverish) :: febril
February {prop} /ˈfɛb.ɹuˌɛɹi/ (second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars) :: febrero {m}
February fill-dike {prop} (rural appellation for the month of February) :: [Castilian] febrero, cebadero [dated], lluvioso febrero, año cebadero [dated]
fecal {adj} /ˈfiːkəl/ (of or relating to feces) :: fecal {m} {f}
fecal matter {n} (feces) :: heces {f}, materia fecal {f}
fecaluria {n} :: fecaluria
feceate {v} (to discharge feces from the digestive tract) :: defecar
feces {n} /ˈfiːsiːz/ :: heces {f-p}
fecund {adj} /ˈfiː.kənd/ (highly fertile; able to produce offspring) :: fecundo
fecundability {n} :: fecundabilidad
fecundate {v} (to make fertile) :: fecundar
fecundate {v} (to inseminate) :: fecundar
federal {adj} /ˈfɛdəɹəl/ (pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations) :: federal {m} {f}
federal {adj} (pertaining to the national government level) :: federal {m} {f}
federal government {n} (general term for a federal government) :: gobierno federal {m}
federalism {n} (system of government) :: federalismo {m}
federalization {n} (unification of states) :: federalización {f}
federalize {v} (unite into a federation) :: federalizar
Federal Republic of Germany {prop} (Germany's official name) :: República Federal de Alemania {f}
Federal Reserve System {prop} (US central banking system) :: Sistema de la Reserva Federal
federate {v} :: federar
federation {n} /ˌfɛdəˈɹeɪʃn̩/ (array of nations or states) :: federación {f}
federative {adj} (federal) SEE: federal ::
Federative Republic of Brazil {prop} (official name of Brazil) :: República Federativa del Brasil {f}
fedora {n} /fɪˈdɔːɹə/ (a felt hat) :: fedora {m}, borsalino {m}, gacho {m} [Argentina]
fed up {adj} (frustrated) :: harto, cansado, hastiado, cabreado, chorreado
fee {n} /fiː/ (monetary payment charged for professional services) :: honorario {m}, tarifa {f}, cuota {f}
feeble {adj} /ˈfiːbəl/ (deficient in physical strength) :: débil, endeble, feble
feeble {adj} (wanting force, vigor or efficiency in action or expression) :: endeble, deficiente, feble
feed {v} /ˈfiːd/ (to give food to eat) :: alimentar, dar de comer
feed {v} (to give to a machine for processing) :: alimentar
feed {n} (food given to (especially herbivorous) animals) :: pienso {m}
feed {n} (something supplied continuously; as, a satellite feed) :: señal {f}
feed {n} (encapsulated online content that you can subscribe to with a feed reader) :: feed {m}
feedback {n} /ˈfiːdˌbæk/ (critical assessment of process or activity) :: feedback {m}, valoración {f}, comentario {m}, reacción {f}
feedback {n} (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself) :: retroacción {f}, realimentación {f}, retroalimentación {f}, feedback {m}
feedback {n} (howling noise) :: acople {m}, retroalimentación {f}, retroalimentación acústica {f}
feeder {n} (baseball:pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
feeding {n} /ˈfiːdɪŋ/ (an instance of giving food) :: alimentación {f}
feeding {n} (an instance of eating) :: alimentación {f}
feeding bottle {n} (feeding bottle) :: biberón {m}, mamadera {f}
feel {v} /fiːl/ (transitive: to sense by touch) :: sentir, tocar
feel {v} (transitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state about) :: sentir
feel {v} (transitive: to think or believe) :: sentir, creer
feel {v} (intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state) :: sentirse
feel {v} (copulative: to seem) :: parecer
feel {v} (intransitive: to sympathise) :: sentirlo, compadecer
feel {v} :: sentir , sentirse
feel {n} (quality) :: tacto {m}
feel {n} (mental impression) :: aspecto {m}
feel {n} (act of fondling) :: caricia {f}
feel {n} (vague understanding) :: idea {f}
feel {n} (intuitive ability) :: talento {m}
feeler {n} /ˈfiːləɹ/ (an antenna or appendage used to feel, as on an insect) :: antena {f}
feeling {adj} /ˈfilɪŋ/ (emotionally sensitive) :: sentimental
feeling {n} (sensation) :: sensación
feeling {n} (emotion) :: sentimiento {m}, emoción {f}
feeling {n} (in plural: emotional state or well-being) :: sentimientos {m}
feeling {n} (in plural: emotional attraction or desire) :: sentimientos
feeling {n} (intuition) :: intuición, presentimiento {m}, corazonada {f}
feel like {v} (have a desire for something, or to do something) :: tener ganas de, apetecer, estar por la labor
feel like {v} (perceive oneself to resemble) :: sentirse como
feet of clay {n} (a hidden weak point) :: pies de barro {m-p}
feign {v} /feɪn/ (to make a false show) :: fingir
feign {v} (to give a mental existence to something) :: inventar, imaginar
feijoa {n} /feɪˈʒoʊ.ə/ (shrub) :: feijoa {f}
feint {v} /feɪ̯nt/ (to make a counterfeit move to confuse an opponent) :: fintar , fintear
feint {n} (a movement made to confuse the opponent) :: amago {m}, finta {f}
feisty {adj} /ˈfaɪsti/ (tenacious) :: tenaz
feisty {adj} (belligerent) :: agresivo
feldspar {n} (any of a large group of rock-forming minerals) :: feldespato {m}
Felicia {prop} /fəˈliʃə/ (female given name) :: Felisa
felicide {n} (catslaughter) SEE: catslaughter ::
felicitate {v} (congratulate) SEE: congratulate ::
felicitation {n} (congratulation) SEE: congratulation ::
felicitous {adj} (auspicious, fortunate, lucky) SEE: auspicious ::
felicitous {adj} /fəˈlɪsɪtəs/ (appropriate, apt, fitting) :: oportuno
felicity {n} (happiness) SEE: happiness ::
felicity {n} /fəˈlɪsɪti/ (apt and pleasing style in speech, writing, etc.) :: felicidad
Felicity {prop} (female given name) :: Felicidad
felid {n} (member of Felidae) :: félido {m}
feline {adj} /ˈfiːlaɪn/ (of or pertaining to cats) :: felino {m}
feline {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
Felix {prop} /ˈfiːlɪks/ (male given name) :: Félix
fell {v} /fɛl/ (to make something fall) :: talar, cortar
fella {n} /fɛ.lə/ (fella) :: [slang] tío, muchacho
fellatio {n} /fəˈleɪ.ʃi.əʊ/ (oral stimulation of penis) :: felación {f}, fellatio {m} {f}
feller {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack ::
fellow {n} /ˈfɛloʊ/ (a colleague or partner) :: colega
fellow {n} (a companion; a comrade) :: amigo {m}, compañero {m}
fellow {n} (an equal) :: congénere
fellow {n} (a male person; a man) :: tipo {m}, hombre {m}, muchacho {m}
fellowship {n} /ˈfɛləʃɪp/ (Company of people that shares the same interest or aim) :: confraternidad {f}
fellwalking {n} (walking in the fells) :: senderismo {m}
felon {n} /ˈfɛlən/ (a person convicted of a crime) :: delincuente {m} {f}, criminal {m} {f}
felonious {adj} (Done with intent to commit a crime) :: intencionado {m}
felony {n} /ˈfɛ.lə.ni/ (A serious criminal offense) :: crimen {m}, delito {m}, felonía {f} [US]
felt {n} /fɛlt/ (cloth made of matted fibres of wool) :: fieltro {m}
felt-tip pen {n} (pen that holds ink conveyed to a writing surface by a felt nib) :: rotulador {m}
felucca {n} (sailing boat) :: falúa {f}, faluca {f}
female {adj} /ˈfiː.meɪl/ (belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it) :: femenino {m}, hembra
female {adj} (having an internal socket) :: hembra
female {n} (one of the feminine sex or gender) :: hembra {f}
female circumcision {n} (operation involving removal of any of various parts of the female external genital organs) :: circuncisión femenina {f}, ablación del clítoris {f}
female ejaculation {n} (forceful expulsion of fluids from the vagina) :: eyaculación femenina {f}
female genital cutting {n} (female genital mutilation) SEE: female genital mutilation ::
female genital mutilation {n} (the complete amputation or partial cutting of the external female genitalia) :: mutilación genital femenina {f}
feme covert {n} /fɛmˈkʌvət/ (law, a married woman) :: mujer casada {f}
feme sole {n} /ˈfɛmsəʊl/ (law, a single woman) :: mujer soltera {f}
femicide {n} /ˈfɛmɪsaɪd/ (killing of women) :: femicidio {m}, feminicidio {m}
feminationalism {n} :: feminacionalismo {m}
feminazi {n} (intolerant radical feminist) :: feminazi {f}
feminazism {n} :: feminazismo {m}
feminine {adj} /ˈfɛmɪnɪn/ (of the female sex) :: femenino
feminine {adj} (belonging to females) :: femenil, de mujeres
feminine {adj} (having the qualities associated with women) :: femenino
feminine {adj} (of the feminine grammatical gender distinction) :: femenino
feminine {n} ((grammar)) :: femenino {m}
feminine {n} (woman) SEE: woman ::
femininity {n} /fɛmɪˈnɪnɪti/ (femininity) :: feminidad {f}, femineidad {f}
feminism {n} /ˈfɛmɪnɪz(ə)m/ (the social theory or political movement) :: feminismo {m}
feminist {adj} /ˈfɛmənɪst/ (relating to or in accordance with feminism) :: feminista {m} {f}
feminist {n} (advocate of feminism; person who believes in bringing about the equality of men and women) :: feminista {m} {f}
feminist {n} (member of a feminist political movement) :: feminista {m} {f}
feministic {adj} (feminist) SEE: feminist ::
feminization {n} /ˌfemɪnɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act of feminizing, or the state of being feminized) :: feminización {f}
feminization {n} (development of female sex characteristics) :: feminización {f}
feminize {v} /ˈfɛmɪnaɪz/ (to make (more) feminine) :: feminizar
feminize {v} (to become (more) feminine) :: feminizarse
feminology {n} (cognates of feminology as a synonym of women's studies) :: feminología {f}
femismo {n} (strong femine pride) :: hembrismo {m}
femme fatale {n} /fɛm fəˈtæl/ (seductive and dangerous woman) :: mujer fatal {f}
femonationalism {n} :: femonacionalismo {m}
femoral {adj} (of, pertaining to, or near the femur or thigh) :: femoral
femtogram {n} (unit of mass) :: femtogramo {m}
femtosecond {n} (unit of time) :: femtosegundo {m}
femur {n} /ˈfiːmə(ɹ)/ (segment of insect’s leg) :: fémur {m}
femur {n} (thighbone) SEE: thighbone ::
fence {n} /fɛns/ (barrier) :: cerca {f}, cerramiento {m}, barda {f} [Mexico], valla {f}, seto {m}
fence {n} (someone who hides or buys and sells stolen goods) :: perista {m} {f}, [Americas] reducidor {m}
fence {v} (to enclose by building a fence) :: cercar
fencer {n} /ˈfɛnsə/ (a participant in the sport of fencing) :: esgrimidor {m}, esgrimidora {f}, esgrimista {m} {f}
fencing {n} /ˈfɛnsɪŋ/ (sport) :: esgrima {f}
fencing {n} (material used to make fences) :: cerca
fencing {n} (fences used as barriers or an enclosure) :: vallado {m}, cerca {f}
fend {v} /fɛnd/ (to take care of or responsibility for oneself) :: valerse por sí mismo
fender {n} /ˈfɛnd.ə(ɹ)/ (panel of a car) :: aleta {f}
fender {n} (shield on a bicycle) :: guardabarros {m}
fender {n} (nautical term) :: defensa {f}
fennec {n} /ˈfɛnɪk/ (fox) :: fénec {m}
fennec fox {n} (fox) SEE: fennec ::
fennel {n} /ˈfɛnəl/ (Foeniculum vulgare, the plant) :: hinojo {m}
fennel {n} (spice used in cooking) :: hinojo {m}
Fennicize {v} (to make Finnish) :: finlandizar
Fennoscandia {prop} (geographic area) :: Fenoscandia {f}
Fennoscandia {prop} (Fennoscandian Shield) :: Escudo báltico {m}
fenofibrate {n} :: fenofibrato {m}
fenugreek {n} /ˈfɛnjʊˌɡɹiːk/ (spice) :: alholva {f}, fenogreco {m}
feral {adj} /ˈfɛɹəl/ (wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild) :: ferino {m}, feroz, fiero {m}, cimarrón {m}, montaraz {m}, salvaje {m}, bravo {m}
feral cat {n} (domesticated cat returned to the wild) :: gato asilvestrado {m}
Ferdinand {prop} /ˈfɝdn̩.ænd/ (male given name) :: Fernando, Hernando, Hernán
ferial {adj} /ˈfɛɹɪəl/ (pertaining to an ordinary weekday) :: ferial
fermata {n} /fɜːɹˈmɑːtə/ (holding a note beyond its usual duration or the notation representing it) :: calderón {m}
ferment {v} /fɚˈmɛnt/ (to react using fermentation) :: fermentar
fermentation {n} /ˌfɜː(ɹ)mənˈteɪʃən/ (anaerobic biochemical reaction) :: fermentación {f}
fermentation {n} (state of agitation or excitement) :: fermentación {f}
fermion {n} /ˈfɜːmɪɒn/ (particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states) :: fermión {m}
fermionic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fermions) :: fermiónico {m}
fermium {n} /ˈfɜːɹmiəm/ (chemical element) :: fermio {m}
fern {n} /fɝn/ (plant) :: helecho {m}, helez {m}
ferocious {adj} /fəˈɹəʊʃəs/ (Marked by extreme and violent energy) :: feroz
ferociously {adv} (in a ferocious manner) :: ferozmente
ferret {n} /ˈfɛɹɪt/ (the mammal Mustela putorius furo) :: hurón {m}
ferret {v} (to bring to light by searching) :: buscar, rebuscar, fisgonear
ferric {adj} /ˈfɛɹɪk/ (chemistry: of compounds of iron in which it has a valence or oxidation number of 3) :: férrico
ferric oxide {n} (chemical compound) :: óxido férrico {m}
ferrier {n} (ferryman) SEE: ferryman ::
ferrimagnetism {n} (a form of antiferromagnetism) :: ferrimagnetismo {m}
Ferris wheel {n} /ˈfɛɹəs wiːl/ (ride at a fair consisting of large wheel) :: noria {f}, [Mexico] rueda de la fortuna {f}, vuelta al mundo {f}, rueda moscovita {f}, rueda de Chicago {f}
ferritin {n} (any of a family of iron-carrying globular protein complexes consisting of 24 protein subunits) :: ferritina {f}
ferroelectric {adj} (physical effect) :: ferroeléctrico
ferroelectricity {n} (electric polarization) :: ferroelectricidad {f}
ferromagnetic {adj} (easily magnetized) :: ferromagnético
ferromagnetism {n} (the phenomenon whereby certain substances can become permanent magnets) :: ferromagnetismo
ferrous {adj} /ˈfɛɹəs/ (of or containing iron) :: férreo
ferrous {adj} (chemistry) :: ferroso
ferrous oxide {n} (chemical compound) :: óxido ferroso {m}
ferruginous duck {n} (Aythya nyroca) :: porrón pardo {m}
ferruginous hawk {n} (Buteo regalis) :: gavilán herrumbroso {m}
ferrule {n} /ˈfɛɹ(ə)l/ (band or cap placed around a shaft to reinforce it or to prevent splitting) :: casquillo {m}, virola {f}
ferrule {n} ((billiards) plastic band attaching the tip to the cue) :: casquillo {m}
ferry {n} /ˈfɛɹi/ (boat) :: ferri {m}, ferry {m}, transbordador {m}
ferryboat {n} /ˈfɛɹiˌboʊt/ (boat) :: ferry {m}, transbordador {m}, barco {m}, ferri {m}
ferryman {n} (Charon) SEE: Charon ::
ferryman {n} (man who operates a ferry) :: barquero {m}, balsero {m}
fertile {adj} /ˈfɝːtəl/ ((of land etc) capable of growing abundant crops) :: fértil, feraz
fertile {adj} ((biology) capable of reproducing) :: fértil
fertile {adj} ((of an imagination etc) productive or prolific) :: fértil
Fertile Crescent {prop} /ˈfɝːtəl ˈkɹɛsənt/ (crescent-shaped arc of fertile land) :: Creciente fértil
fertility {n} /fɚːˈtɪləti/ (the condition, or the degree of being fertile) :: fertilidad {f}
fertility {n} (the birthrate of a population) :: fertilidad {f}
fertilizable {adj} (capable of being fertilized) :: fecundable
fertilization {n} (act of rendering fertile) :: fertilización {f}
fertilization {n} (act of fecundating) :: fecundación {f}
fertilize {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate ::
fertilize {v} (to make fertile by adding nutrients) :: fertilizar, abonar
fertilizer {n} /ˈfɜːɹtəlaɪzəɹ/ (a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants) :: abono orgánico {m}, fertilizante {m}
fertilizer {n} (a chemical compound created to have the same effect.) :: fertilizante {m}
fervent {adj} /ˈfɝ.vənt/ (exhibiting particular enthusiasm, zeal, conviction, persistence, or belief) :: ferviente
fervently {adv} (in a fervent manner) :: fervientemente, fervorosamente
fervor {n} /ˈfɝvɚ/ (intense, heated emotion; passion, ardor) :: fervor {m}, ardor {m}, acaloramiento {m}, apasionamiento {m}
fervour {n} (fervor) SEE: fervor ::
fescennine {adj} /ˈfɛsənʌɪn/ (obscene or scurrilous) :: licencioso, chocarrero, verde, de color, picante, cachondo
fescue {n} (stick, etc., used chiefly to point out letters to children) SEE: pointer ::
fess {n} /fɛs/ (band) :: faja {f}
fess up {v} (confess) SEE: confess ::
festival {n} /ˈfɛstəvəl/ (event or community gathering) :: festival {m}
festively {adv} (in a festive manner) :: festivamente
festivity {n} (festival) :: festividad {f}
festivity {n} (experience or expression) :: festividad {f}
festoon {n} /fɛsˈtuːn/ (ornament which hangs loosely from two tacked spots) :: guirnalda
festoon {n} (architecture: bas-relief, painting, or structural motif resembling a festoon) :: festón
festoon {n} (cable with light globes attached) :: guirnalda luminosa {f}
festoon {n} :: guirnalda {f}
festoon {v} (to hang ornaments which hang loosely from two tacked spots) :: enguirnaldar
feta {n} /ˈfɛtə/ (a variety of curd cheese) :: feta {f}
fetal {adj} /ˈfitl̩/ (pertaining to, or connected with, a fetus) :: fetal
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder {n} (disorder) :: desórden de espectro alcohólico fetal {m}
fetch {n} (wraith) SEE: wraith ::
fetch {v} /fɛtʃ/ (To retrieve; to bear towards; to get) :: traer, buscar
fetch {v} (To obtain as price or equivalent; to sell for) :: venderse
fetching {adj} /ˈfɛtʃɪŋ/ (Attractive; pleasant to regard) :: atractivo
fetid {adj} /ˈfɛtɪd/ (foul-smelling) :: fétido
fetidness {n} (the quality of being fetid) :: hedor {m}, fetidez {f}, hediondez {f}
fetish {n} /ˈfɛt.ɪʃ/ (something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire) :: fetiche {m}
fetish {n} (something believed to possess spiritual or magical powers) :: fetiche {m}
fetish {n} (irrational or abnormal fixation) :: fetiche {m}
fetishism {n} (belief that natural objects have supernatural powers) :: fetichismo {m}
fetishism {n} (paraphilia where the object of attraction is an inanimate object or a part of a person's body) :: fetichismo {m}
fetlock {n} (joint of the horse's leg) :: menudillo {m}
fetter {n} /ˈfɛt.ɚ/ (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs) :: grillos {m-p}, pihuelas {f-p}, [for animals] manea {f}, [for birds] pihuela {f}
fetter {n} (anything that restricts or restrains in any way) :: grillos {m} {p}, pihuela {f}, traba {f}, obstáculo {m}
fetter {v} (to shackle or bind up with fetters) :: engrillar, aherrojar
fetter {v} (to restrain or impede) :: impedir
fetus {n} /ˈfiːtəs/ (fetus) :: feto {m}
feud {n} /fjuːd/ (A state of long-standing mutual hostility) :: rivalidad {f}, pelea {f}, enemistad {f}, hostilidad {f}
feud {n} (estate granted to a vassal) :: feudo
feudal {adj} /ˈfju.ɾɫ̩/ (of, or relating to feudalism) :: feudal
feudalism {n} /ˈfju.dəlɪzəm/ (social system) :: feudalismo {m}
feudalistic {adj} (of feudalism) SEE: feudal ::
fever {n} /ˈfivɚ/ (higher than normal body temperature) :: fiebre {f}, calentura {f}
feverfew {n} (Tanacetum parthenium) :: matricaria {f}, hierba santa {f}
feverish {adj} /ˈfi.vɚ.ɪʃ/ (in the state of having a fever) :: febril
feverish {adj} (filled with excess energy) :: febril
feverishly {adv} /ˈfi.vɚ.ɪʃ.li/ (with excitement and determination) :: febrilmente
few {determiner} /fju/ (indefinite, usually small number) :: poco
few {determiner} (small number) :: pocos {m}, pocas {f}
fewer {determiner} /ˈfjuːɚ/ (comparative of few; a smaller number) :: menos
few sandwiches short of a picnic {phrase} (Not sane) :: faltarle un hervor
fey {adj} /feɪ/ (doomed to die) :: destinado a morir
fey {adj} (strange or otherworldly) :: etéreo, extraño
fey {adj} (spellbound) :: embelesado
fey {adj} (magical or fairylike) :: mágico
Feynman diagram {n} /ˈfaɪnmən ˈdaɪəɡɹæm/ (pictorial representation of the interactions of subatomic particles) :: diagrama de Feynman {m}
Fez {prop} /fɛz/ (city in Morocco) :: Fez
ff. {phrase} (and the following) :: ss. (p. 3 y ss., p. 3 ss. - página 3 y siguientes)
fiancé {n} /fiˈɑnseɪ/ (man who is engaged to be married) :: novio {m}, prometido {m}
fiancée {n} /fiˈɑnseɪ/ (woman who is engaged to be married) :: novia {f}, prometida {f}
fianchetto {n} /fɪənˈt͡ʃɛtəʊ/ (chess) :: fianchetto
fiasco {n} /fɪˈæs.kəʊ/ (ludicrous or humiliating situation) :: fiasco {m}, fracaso {m}
fiat lux {phrase} (let there be light) SEE: let there be light ::
fib {n} /fɪb/ (a more or less inconsequential lie) :: milonga, patraña, trola, mentirijilla [colloquial, Spain]
fiber {n} (fibre) SEE: fibre ::
fiberglass {n} (fibreglass) SEE: fibreglass ::
fibre {n} /ˈfaɪ.bə(ɹ)/ (muscle fiber) :: fibra
fibre {n} :: fibra {f}
fibre {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
fibre cement {n} :: fibrocemento {m}, uralita {f}
fibreglass {n} /ˈfaɪbəɡlɑːs/ (glass extruded into fibers) :: fibra de vidrio {f}
fibreglass {n} (composite material) :: plástico reforzado con fibra de vidrio {m}, plástico reforzado con vidrio {m}, plástico reforzado con vidrio {m}
fibrillation {n} (contraction of the muscle fibers of the heart) :: fibrilación {f}
fibrin {n} /ˈfaɪbɹɪn/ (fibrous substance) :: fibrina {f}
fibrinogen {n} (protein that in humans plays a part in the forming of clots) :: fibrinógeno {m}
fibroblastoma {n} :: fibroblastoma {m}
fibroelastosis {n} :: fibroelastosis {f}
fibroma {n} (benign tumour of fibrous connective tissue) :: fibroma {m}
fibromyalgia {n} (condition characterised by chronic pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles, tendons, and joints) :: fibromialgia {f}
fibrosis {n} /faɪˈbɹoʊsɪs/ (formation of connective tissue) :: fibrosis {f}
fibrous {adj} /ˈfaɪbɹəs/ (of or pertaining to fibre) :: fibroso
fibula {n} (ancient brooch) :: fíbula {f}
fibula {n} (calf bone) SEE: calf bone ::
fickle {adj} /ˈfɪk.əl/ (quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance) :: inconstante, veleidoso, voluble, pendular
fickleness {n} (quality of being fickle) :: veleidad
fiction {n} /ˈfɪk.ʃən/ (literary type) :: ficción {f}
fiction {n} (invention) :: ficción {f}
fictional {adj} (invented, as opposed to real) :: ficticio, inventado, ficcional
fictitious {adj} /fɪkˈtɪʃəs/ (invented) :: ficticio, inventado
fiddle {n} /ˈfɪd(ə)l/ (instrument) :: violín {m}
fiddle {n} (adjustment) :: ajuste {m}, arreglo {m}
fiddle {n} (fraud) :: estafa {f}, engaño {m}, engañifa {f}, chanchullo {m}, tejemaneje {m}, petardo {m}, timo {m}
fiddle {v} (to adjust in order to cover a basic flaw or fraud) :: amañar
fiddlefuck {v} (waste time) SEE: waste time ::
fiddlesticks {interj} /ˈfɪdl̩.stɪks/ (expression of mild dismay or annoyance) :: jolín, jolines, ostras
fideicommissum {n} (benefit) :: fideicomiso {m}
fideism {n} /ˈfideɪɪzəm/ (doctrine) :: fideísmo {m}
fideist {n} (subscriber to fideism) :: fideísta {m}
Fidel {prop} /fɪˈdel/ (male given name) :: Fidel {m}
fidelity {n} /fɪˈdɛl.ɪ.ti/ (faithfulness to one's duties) :: fidelidad
fidelity {n} (accuracy, or exact correspondence to some given quality or fact) :: fidelidad
fidelity {n} (loyalty, especially to one's spouse) :: fidelidad
fidelity {n} (the degree to which an electronic system accurately reproduces a given sound or image) :: fidelidad
fidget {v} /ˈfɪdʒ.ɪt/ (to move around nervously) :: revolverse
fidget spinner {n} (stress-relieving toy) :: spinner {m}
fiduciary {adj} /fʌɪˈdjuːʃəɹi/ (related to trusts and trustees) :: fiduciario
fiduciary {n} (trustee) :: fiduciario {m}, fiduciaria {f}, mandatario, apoderado, procurador, representante, curador
fief {n} /fiːf/ (estate) :: feudo {m}
fiefdom {n} /ˈfiːf.dəm/ (estate controlled by a feudal lord) :: feudo {m}
fiefdom {n} (organization in the control of a dominant individual) :: feudo {m}
field {n} /fiːld/ (land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country) :: campo {m}, agro
field {n} (wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals) :: campo {m}
field {n} (place where a battle is fought) :: campo {m}
field {n} (physics: region affected by a particular force) :: campo {m}
field {n} (course of study or domain of knowledge or practice) :: terreno {m}, campo {m}, ámbito {m}
field {n} (in mathematics) :: cuerpo {m}, campo {m}
field {n} (sports: area reserved for playing a game) :: campo {m}, cancha {f}
field {n} (geology: region containing a particular mineral) :: campo {m} [(particularly oil)]
field {n} (heraldry: background of the shield) :: campo {m}
fieldfare {n} /ˈfiːldfɛə/ (Turdus pilaris) :: zorzal real {m}
field hockey {n} (form of hockey) :: hockey sobre hierba {m}
field hospital {n} (medical unit) :: hospital de campaña {m}
field maple {n} (Acer campestre) :: arce menor {m}, arce campestre {m}, arce silvestre {m}
field marshal {n} (highest military rank after the commander in chief) :: mariscal de campo {m}
field of vision {n} /ˈfiːld ɘv ˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ (area that a person, etc., can see without turning the head) :: campo visual {m}
field poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy ::
field trip {n} (educational trip) :: excursión {f}
fiend {n} /fiːnd/ (demon) :: diablo {m}, diablillo {m}, demonio {m}
fiend {n} (very evil person) :: diablo {m}, malvado {m}, monstruo {m}
fiend {n} (addict, fanatic) :: [en las drogas] metido {m}, adicto, fanático {m}
fiendish {adj} /ˈfiːndɪʃ/ (sinister, evil) :: diabólico
fiendishly {adv} (extremely, very) SEE: extremely ::
fierce {adj} /fɪəs/ (extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage) :: fiero, feroz, enconado {m}
fierce {adj} (resolute or strenuously active) :: feroz
fierce {adj} (threatening in appearance or demeanor) :: feroz {m}, fiero {m}
fiercely {adv} /fɪɹsli/ (in a fierce manner) :: fieramente
fiesta {n} /fɪˈɛstə/ (religious festival in Spanish speaking country) :: fiesta {f}
fiesta {n} (festive occasion) :: fiesta {f}
fife {n} (small shrill pipe) :: pífano {m}
fifteen {num} /ˈfɪf.tiːn/ (cardinal number) :: quince {m}
fifteenth {adj} /ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ/ (ordinal form of number fifteen, see also: 15th) :: decimoquinto
fifteenth {n} (person or thing in the fifteenth position) :: decimoquinto {m}, decimoquinta {f}
fifteenth {n} (one of fifteen equal parts) :: quinceavo {m}
fifth {adj} /fɪfθ/ (Ordinal form of the number 5, see also: 5th) :: quinto
fifth {n} (one of five equal parts of a whole) :: quinto {m}
fifth column {n} (a group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal) :: quinta columna {f}
fifth wheel {n} /ˌfɪfθ ˈʍiːl/ (type of trailer hitch) :: quinta rueda {f}
fifth wheel {n} (anything superfluous or unnecessary) :: quedarse tocando el violín
fifties {n} /ˈfɪftiz/ (The decade of the 1850s, 1950s, etc.) :: años cincuenta
fiftieth {adj} /ˈfɪf.ti.əθ/ (the ordinal form of the number fifty) :: quincuagésimo
fiftieth {n} (the person or thing in the fiftieth position) :: quincuagésimo
fiftieth {n} (one of fifty equal parts of a whole) :: cincuentavo
fifty {num} /ˈfɪfti/ (cardinal number) :: cincuenta
fifty-eight {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y ocho
fifty-eighth {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo octavo
fifty-fifth {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo quinto
fifty-first {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo primero
fifty-five {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y cinco
fifty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y cuatro
fifty-fourth {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo cuarto
fifty-nine {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y nueve
fifty-ninth {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo noveno
fifty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y uno
fifty-second {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo segundo
fifty-seven {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y siete
fifty-seventh {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo séptimo
fifty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y seis
fifty-sixth {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo sexto
fiftysomething {n} (quinquagenarian) SEE: quinquagenarian ::
fifty-third {adj} (ordinal number) :: quincuagésimo tercero
fifty-three {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y tres
fifty-two {num} (cardinal number) :: cincuenta y dos
fig {n} /fɪɡ/ (tree or shrub) :: higuera {f}
fig {n} (fruit) :: higo {m}, breva {f}
fight {v} /fʌɪt/ ((intransitive) to contend in physical conflict) :: pelear, luchar, batirse
fight {v} (to strive for) :: luchar
fight {v} ((transitive) to contend in physical conflict against) :: combatir
fight {n} (occasion of fighting) :: lucha {f}
fight {n} (martial arts match) :: combate {m}
fight dirty {v} (to use the worst ways) :: pelear sucio
fighter {n} /ˈfaɪtɚ/ (person who fights) :: guerrero, combatiente {m}, luchador {m}
fighter {n} (warrior) :: guerrero {m}
fighter {n} (aircraft type) :: caza
fighter {n} (boxer) SEE: boxer ::
fighter aircraft {n} (fighter aircraft) SEE: fighter plane ::
fighter plane {n} (military aircraft) :: avión de caza {m}
fight fire with fire {v} (idiomatic) :: combatir el fuego con fuego
fighting fish {n} (Betta splendens) :: luchador de Siam {m}
fight like cat and dog {v} :: llevarse como el perro y el gato
fig leaf {n} (leaf of the fig plant) :: hoja de higo {f}
fig leaf {n} (leaf covering genitals in a work of art) :: hoja de higo {f}
figment {n} /ˈfɪɡ.mənt/ (fabrication, fantasy, invention) :: quimera, espejismo, ensueño, ficción
fig tree {n} (fig tree) SEE: fig ::
figurative {adj} /ˈfɪɡjʊɹətɪv/ (metaphorical; not literal) :: figurativo, figurado, traslaticio
figuratively {adv} (in a figurative manner) :: figurativamente
figure {n} (figure of speech) SEE: figure of speech ::
figure {v} (to think, to assume, to suppose, to reckon) SEE: assume ::
figure {n} /ˈfɪɡjɚ/ (drawing) :: figura {f}
figure {n} (a person, representing a certain consciousness) :: figura {f}
figure {n} (numeral) :: cifra {f}
figure {n} (shape) :: figura {f}
figure {v} (to calculate, to solve a mathematical problem) :: ocurrírsele
figured bass {n} /ˈfɪɡjɚdbeɪs/ (musical notation) :: bajo cifrado {m}
figurehead {n} /ˈfɪɡjəɹˌhɛd/ (carved figure on the prow of a sailing ship) :: mascarón de proa {m}
figurehead {n} (someone in a nominal position of leadership) :: hombre de paja {m}, figura decorativa {f}, testaferro {m}
figure-hugging {adj} :: ajustado {m}, ceñido {f}
figure of merit {n} (a numerical value considered useful in comparing the quality of things) :: figura de mérito
figure of speech {n} (word or phrase) :: figura retórica {f}
figure out {v} (to calculate) SEE: calculate ::
figure out {v} (come to understand) :: deducir, darse cuenta, descubrir
figure skating {n} (sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on skates) :: patinaje artístico {m} patinaje artístico sobre hielo {m}
figurine {n} /fɪɡ(j)əˈɹin/ (a small carved or molded figure) :: figura
Fiji {prop} /ˈfi.dʒi/ (Fiji - a country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands) :: Fiyi
Fijian {n} /fiːˈdʒiːən/ (a person from Fiji or of Fijian descent) :: fiyiano {m}
Fijian {adj} (Pertaining to Fiji, or its language or people) :: fiyiano {m}
filament {n} /ˈfɪləmənt/ (fine thread or wire) :: filamento
filament {n} (stalk of a stamen in a flower) :: filamento {m}
filarial {adj} /fɪˈlɛːɹɪəl/ (of or pertaining to filaria) :: filarial
filbert {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel ::
filbert {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut ::
filch {v} /fɪltʃ/ (to steal) :: hurtar
file {n} /faɪl/ (collection of papers) :: archivo {m}, ficha {f}, carpeta
file {n} (computer terminology) :: archivo {m}, fichero {m}
file {v} (to commit papers) :: gestionar
file {v} (to archive) :: archivar
file {v} (to store computer data) :: guardar
file {v} (to make a formal request) :: gestionar, cursar
file {n} (column of people) :: fila {f}
file {n} (chess: vertical line of squares) :: columna {f}
file {n} (cutting or smoothing tool) :: lima {f}
file {v} (to smooth with a file) :: limar
file cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture) SEE: filing cabinet ::
file extension {n} (string of characters) :: extensión de archivo
filename {n} /ˈfaɪlneɪm/ (name assigned to a file) :: nombre de archivo {m}
file size {n} (length of a file) :: tamaño del archivo {m}
filet mignon {n} /fɪˈleɪ mɪnˈjõː(n)/ (steak cut of beef) :: filete miñón {m}
File Transfer Protocol {n} (protocol used to transfer files) :: Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros {m}, FTP {m}
filial {adj} /ˈfi.li.əl/ (pertaining to a son or daughter) :: filial
filial piety {n} (respect to one's parents and ancestors) :: piedad filial {f}
filibuster {n} /ˈfɪlɪbʌstə(ɹ)/ (freebooter) :: filibustero {m}
filicide {n} /ˈfɪ.lɪ.sʌɪd/ (person who kills his or her own child) :: filicida {m} {f}
filicide {n} (killing) :: filicidio {m}
filigree {n} /ˈfɪl.ɪ.ɡɹiː/ (a delicate and intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire) :: filigrana {f}
filigree {v} (to decorate something with intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire) :: afiligranar
filing cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture) :: archivador {m} (usually tall piece of furniture), archivero {m} (person or in Mex. piece of furniture), fichero {m} (box or piece of furniture), casillero {m} (more general-purpose piece of furniture)
Filipina {n} /fɪlɪˈpiːnə/ (A female native or inhabitant of the Philippines) :: filipina {f}
Filipina {adj} (Of or pertaining to female natives or inhabitants of the Philippines) :: filipina {f} [not gender-specific]
Filipino {n} /fɪlɪˈpinoʊ/ (native or inhabitant of the Philippines) :: filipino {m}
Filipino {adj} (of or pertaining to the Philippines or its people) :: filipino
fill {v} /fɪl/ (occupy fully, take up all of) :: llenar
fill {v} (add contents to, so it is full) :: llenar
fill {v} (treat (a tooth)) :: empastar
fill {v} :: llenar
fill {n} (something used to occupy empty spaces) :: relleno {m}
filler {n} /ˈfɪl.ə(ɹ)/ (Any spoken sound or word used to fill gaps in speech; filled pause.) :: muletilla {f}, coletilla {f}, latiguillo {m}
fillet {n} /ˈfɪ.lɪt/ (strip of deboned meat or fish) :: filete {m}
fill in {v} (fill) SEE: fill ::
fill in {v} (to inform somebody, especially to supply someone missing or missed information) :: informar
fill in {v} (to substitute for somebody or something) :: reemplazar, remplazar, substituir
fill in {v} (fill out) SEE: fill out ::
filling {n} /ˈfɪɫlɪŋ/ (in dentistry) :: empaste {m}, tapadura {f}, relleno {m}
filling station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
fillip {n} (brief period of time) SEE: jiffy ::
fillip {v} (to strike or tap smartly) SEE: strike ::
fillip {n} /ˈfɪlɪp/ (action of holding the tip of a finger against the thumb and then releasing it with a snap) :: papirote
fillip {v} (to drive as if by a fillip) SEE: excite ::
fillip {n} (something unimportant) SEE: trifle ::
fill out {v} /fɪl aʊt/ (to complete a form) :: rellenar, cumplimentar
fill out {v} (to have one's physique expand) :: engordar, crecer
fill up {v} (to make full) :: llenar
filly {n} /ˈfɪli/ (young female horse) :: potra {f}, potranca {f}
film {n} (motion picture) SEE: movie ::
film {n} /fɪlm/ (thin layer) :: película {f}
film {n} (photographic film) :: película {f}
film {v} (to record a motion picture) :: filmar, rodar, cinematografiar
film director {n} (person) :: director de cine {m}, director cinematográfico {m}, realizador {m}
filmesque {adj} (of or relating to films) SEE: cinematic ::
filmic {adj} (of or relating to movies) SEE: cinematic ::
filming {n} /ˈfɪlmɪŋ/ (the action of the verb "to film") :: filmación {f}
filmmaker {n} (producer or director of films / movies) :: cineasta {m} {f}
film star {n} (movie star) SEE: movie star ::
filter {n} /ˈfɪltɚ/ (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance) :: filtro {m}
filter {n} :: filtro {m}
filter {v} (to sort, sift, or isolate) :: filtrar
filter {v} (to pass through a filter or to act as though passing through a filter) :: filtrarse
filter out {v} (To selectively remove part of something) :: quitar filtrando, eliminar filtrando, tamizar
filter tube {n} (empty cigarette tube with filter) :: tubo con filtro {m}
filth {n} /fɪlθ/ (dirt) :: mugre {f}, porquería {f}, inmundicia, bascosidad {f}, bahorrina {f} [rare]
filthiness {n} (dirtiness) SEE: dirtiness ::
filthy {adj} /ˈfɪlθi/ (covered with filth; very dirty) :: sucio, mugriento, mugroso, inmundo, cochambroso
filthy {adj} (obscene or offensive) :: sucio, obsceno, guarro, [Mexico] pelado
fimbria {n} (anatomy: structure in the form of a fringe) :: fimbria {f}
fin {n} /fɪn/ (appendage of a fish) :: aleta {f}
fin {n} (appendage of a cetacean or other marine animal) :: aleta {f}
fin {n} (device used by divers) :: aleta {f}
finagle {v} /fɪˈneɪ.ɡəl/ ((transitive) to obtain or achieve by indirect and usually deceitful methods) :: enchufar
finagle {v} ((transitive, intransitive) to cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods (often with "out of")) :: hacer trampas, trufar, escamotear, hurtar, birlar, estafar, timar, petardear
Finagle's law {prop} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law ::
final {n} /ˈfaɪ.nəl/ (test or examination given at the end of a term or class) :: final {m}
final {n} (sports: last round in a contest) :: final {f}
final {adj} (last; ultimate) :: final {m}, último {m}
final clause {n} (type of dependent clause) :: oración final {f}
finale {n} /fɨˈnɑli/ (grand end of something, especially a show or a piece of music) :: final
finalist {n} (participant in final) :: finalista {m} {f}
finally {adv} /ˈfaɪ.nl̩.i/ (ultimately) :: por fin
finally {adv} (definitively) :: finalmente
finally {adv} :: finalmente, por fin
final say {n} (right to make a final decision) :: última palabra {f}
finance {n} /ˈfaɪnæns/ (management of money and other assets) :: finanza {f}
finance {v} (to obtain or provide funding for a transaction or undertaking) :: financiar
financial {adj} /faɪˈnænʃəl/ (related to finances) :: financiero
financially {adv} (in terms of finance or money) :: financieramente
financing {n} (funding) SEE: funding ::
finback {n} (fin whale) SEE: fin whale ::
finch {n} /fɪntʃ/ (any bird of the family Fringillidae) :: pinzón {m}
find {v} /faɪnd/ (encounter, locate, discover) :: encontrar, hallar
find {v} (decide that) :: creer, encontrar
find {v} (determine, judge) :: determinar, juzgar
find {n} (anything found) :: hallazgo {m}
find {v} (discover) SEE: discover ::
finder {n} (discoverer) SEE: discoverer ::
finding {n} /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ (result of research or an investigation) :: descubrimiento {m}
find out {v} (to discover) :: descubrir, averiguar
fine {adj} /faɪn/ (of superior quality) :: fino {m}, bueno {m}
fine {adj} (of a particular grade of quality, usually between "very good" and "very fine", and below "mint") :: fino {m}, bueno {m}
fine {adj} (of weather: sunny and not raining) :: soleado {m}
fine {adj} (being acceptable, adequate, passable, or satisfactory) :: bueno {m}
fine {adj} (good-looking, attractive) :: bonito {m}, apuesto {m}
fine {adj} (made up of particularly small pieces) :: fino
fine {adj} (particularly slender; especially thin, narrow, or of small girth) :: fino {m}, delgado {m}
fine {n} /faɪn/ (payment for breaking the law) :: multa {f}
fine {v} (to issue a fine as punishment) :: multar
fine arts {n} (purely aesthetic arts) :: bellas artes {f-p}
fine print {n} (details printed in small type) :: letra pequeña {f}, letra chica {f}
finesse {n} /fɪˈnɛs/ (property of having elegance, grace, refinement, or skill) :: fineza {f}
fine-structure constant {n} (fine-structure constant) :: constante de estructura fina {f}
finger {v} /ˈfɪŋɡə/ (to identify or point out) :: apuntar, señalar
finger {v} (to poke) :: hurgar
finger {v} (to penetrate and sexually stimulate with one's finger) :: dedear
finger {n} (the breadth of a finger) SEE: digit ::
finger {n} ((anatomy) extremity of the hand) :: dedo {m} (de la mano)
finger {n} (finger-shaped pieces of food) :: barra {f}, dedo {m}
finger {n} (something similar in function to a finger) :: [control motion] barra {f}, control {m}
finger {n} (finger pier) :: muelle en espigón {m}
finger {n} (a fingersbreadth of alcohol) :: dedo {m}
finger {n} (skill in the use of the fingers) :: dedeo {m}
fingerboard {n} (part of musical instrument) :: traste {m}
fingercuffs {n} (Chinese finger trap) SEE: Chinese finger trap ::
fingered citron {n} (Buddha's hand) SEE: Buddha's hand ::
finger food {n} (Food that can be eaten with one's hands) :: pasaboca
fingering {n} (sexual act) :: [los dedos analmente (anal)] insertar, [los dedos vaginalmente (vagina)] insertar
finger millet {n} (a plant grown as a cereal) :: ragi {m}, mijo africano {m}
fingernail {n} /ˈfɪŋɡɚˌneɪl/ (covering near the tip of finger) :: uña {f}
fingerprint {n} /ˈfɪŋɡɚˌpɹɪnt/ (the pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers) :: huella digital {f}, huella dactilar {f}
fingerprint {n} (the patterns left on surfaces where fingertips have touched) :: huella digital {f}, huella dactilar {f}
finger ring {n} (ring) :: sortija {f}
fingertip {n} /ˈfɪŋɡɚˌtɪp/ (the end of the finger) :: yema del dedo {f}
finger-wag {v} (to move the index finger from left to right to left, as to say no or reject something) :: menear del dedo
finicky {adj} /ˈfɪnɪki/ (fastidious and fussy; difficult to please; exacting) :: fastidioso, melindroso, remilgado, puntilloso {m}, quisquilloso {m}, tiquismiquis, pejiguero, esquilimoso {m}, pedante
finish {n} /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ (end) :: meta {f}, fin {m}
finish {n} (protective coating) :: acabado {m}
finish {v} (to complete) :: acabar
finish {v} (to come to an end) :: acabar, terminar, finalizar, acabarse, terminarse
finish {n} (finish line) SEE: finish line ::
finished {adj} /ˈfɪnɪʃt/ (processed or perfected) :: terminado
finished product {n} (final version of a product) :: producto terminado {m}
finishing touch {n} (final addition, change, or embellishment) :: último toque {m}, retoque {m}, broche de oro {m} [usu. preceded by poner el], las últimas pinceladas {f-p}
finish line {n} (line marking end of a race) :: meta {f}
finish off {v} (to kill) SEE: kill ::
finish off {v} (to finish completely) :: terminar
Finistère {prop} (département) :: Finisterre {f}
finite {adj} /ˈfaɪnaɪt/ (having an end or limit) :: limitado, finito
finite {adj} (grammar: limited by person or number) :: personal
finiteness {n} (the state of being finite) :: finitud {m}
finity {n} (state or characteristic of being limited) :: finidad, finitud
Finland {prop} /ˈfɪn.lənd/ (Nordic country) :: Finlandia {f}
Finlandization {n} (the influence of a large state on a smaller one) :: finlandización
Finn {n} /fɪn/ (person from Finland) :: finlandés {m}, finlandesa {f}
Finnic {adj} (Finnish) SEE: Finnish ::
Finnish {adj} /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ (of Finland) :: finlandés, finés
Finnish {adj} (of the Finnish language) :: finlandés, finés
Finnish {n} (language) :: finlandés {m}, finés {m}
Finnish forest reindeer {n} (Rangifer tarandus fennicus) :: reno finlandés de bosque {m}
Finno-Ugric {adj} (of or relating to Finno-Ugric) :: finoúgrio
fin whale {n} (Balaenoptera physalus) :: ballena de aleta {f}
fios de ovos {n} /ˈfiːəʊz di ˈəʊvəʊz/ (traditional Portuguese sweet food) :: huevo hilado {m}, pelo de caballo {m}
fir {n} /fɝ/ (conifer of the genus Abies) :: abeto {m}
fire {v} /ˈfaɪə(ɹ)/ (to heat pottery, etc.) :: cocer
fire {v} (to terminate the employment of) :: despedir, echar, licenciar, correr [Mexico, colloquial]
fire {v} (transitive: to shoot) :: disparar, tirar
fire {v} (intransitive: to shoot) :: disparar, descargar
fire {v} (sport: to shoot, to attempt to score a goal) :: tirar, disparar
fire {v} (to set on fire) SEE: set on fire ::
fire {v} (farriery: to cauterize) SEE: cauterize ::
fire {n} (oxidation reaction) :: fuego {m}, incendio {m}
fire {n} (instance of this chemical reaction) :: fuego {m}, lumbre {f}
fire {n} (damaging occurrence of fire) :: incendio {m}
fire {n} (alchemy: one of the basic elements) :: fuego {m}
fire {n} (heater or stove used in place of real fire) :: estufa {f}, horno {m}
fire {n} (elements to start a fire) :: fuego {m}
fire {n} (in-flight bullets) :: disparo {m}, tiro {m}
fire alarm {n} (device which warns people of a possible fire) :: alarma de incendios {f}, alarma anti-incendio {m}
firearm {n} (personal weapon) :: arma de fuego {f}
fire at will {phrase} (military command) :: ¡fuego a discreción!
firebrand {n} /ˈfaɪɚ.bɹænd/ (argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary) :: instigador {m}, agitador {m}
firebrand {n} (torch or other burning stick) :: tea {f}, tizón {m}, teda {f}, tuerre
fire brick {n} (brick) SEE: firebrick ::
firebrick {n} (a brick capable of withstanding high temperatures) :: ladrillo refractario {m}
fire brigade {n} /ˈfaɪə(ɹ)bɹɪˌɡeɪd/ (group within a corporation or industrial site) :: brigada de bomberos {f}, cuerpo de bomberos
fire brigade {n} (organization for preventing and putting out fires) :: cuerpo de bomberos
firebug {n} (pyromaniac or arsonist) :: pirómano {m}
firecracker {n} (a firework) :: petardo, piola, triquitraque
firecracker {n} (an energetic, unpredictable person) :: fiera
firedamp {n} (an inflammable gas found in coal mines) :: grisú {m}
fire department {n} (fire department) :: cuerpo de bomberos {m}, brigada de bomberos {f}
fire drill {n} (practice to prepare for evacuation in the event of a fire) :: simulacro de incendio {m}
fire engine {n} /faɪɚ.ɛn.dʒɪn/ (fire truck) :: coche de bomberos {m}
fire escape {n} (emergency doors, ladders etc. as a class) :: escalera de escape de incendios {f}
fire escape {n} (emergency escape route) :: ruta de evacuación {f}, vía de evacuación {f}, vía de escape {f}, ruta de salida {f}
fire extinguisher {n} /ˈfaɪəɹ ɪkˌstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ.ə(ɹ)/ (device for putting out a fire) :: extintor {m}, extinguidor {m} [Latin America], matafuego {m}
fire-eyed diucon {n} (South American bird) :: huilco {m}, ulco {m}, diucón {m}
firefighter {n} /ˈfaɪə(ɹ)ˌfaɪt.ə(ɹ)/ (person who puts out fires) :: bombero {m}, bombera {f}
firefly {n} (Lampyridae) :: luciérnaga {f}
firefox {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda ::
fire hose {n} (hose designed to deliver water to douse a fire) :: manguera de incendios {f}
fire hose {n} (any fast, heavy stream) :: chorro {m}
fire house {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station ::
firehouse {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station ::
fire hydrant {n} (a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main) :: hidrante {m}, boca de incendio {f}
fireman {n} (someone skilled in fighting fire) SEE: firefighter ::
fireman {n} /ˈfaɪɹmən/ (male skilled in fighting fire) :: bombero {m}
fireman {n} (person who keeps the fire going underneath a steam boiler) :: fogonero {m}
fireplace {n} /ˈfaɪɹpleɪs/ (open hearth) :: chimenea {f}
fireproof {adj} :: ignífugo
fire ship {n} (wooden ship) :: brulote {m}
fireside {n} :: alrededor de la chimenea
fire stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
firestarter {n} (person who starts fires) :: incendiario {m}
firestarter {n} (tool used to start a fire) :: encendedor {m}
fire station {n} (building for firefighters) :: parque de bomberos {m}
firesteel {n} (firestriker) SEE: firestriker ::
firestorm {n} (Fire intensity greatly increased by winds) :: tormenta ígnea {f}, conflagración {m}
firestriker {n} (piece of steel used for striking a spark) :: eslabón
fire triangle {n} :: triángulo del fuego
fire truck {n} (fire truck in general) SEE: fire engine ::
fire up {v} (To ignite) :: prender
fire up {v} (Of an engine: to start) :: arrancar, encender
fire up {v} (Computing: to launch) :: arrancar, iniciar, bootear
firewall {n} /ˈfaɪ(ə)ɹˌwɔl/ (fireproof barrier) :: muro cortafuego {m}
firewall {n} (computer software) :: cortafuegos {m}, firewall {m}
firewire {n} (a high speed digital link standard, IEEE 1394-1995) :: FireWire
firewoman {n} (female firefighter) :: bombera
firewood {n} (wood intended to be burned, typically for heat) :: leña {f}
firework {n} (exploding device) :: fuego artificial {m}
fireworks {n} /ˈfaɪ̯.ə.wɜːks/ (plural of firework) :: fuegos artificiales {m-p}
fireworks {n} (event or display of fireworks) :: fuegos artificiales {m-p}
firing squad {n} (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone or to discharge weapons ceremonially) :: pelotón de fusilamiento {m}
firm {n} /fɜɹm/ (business partnership) :: firma {f}
firm {adj} (steadfast, secure (position)) :: firme
firm {adj} (solid, rigid (material state)) :: firme
firm {v} (to make firm or strong) :: afirmar
firm {v} (Australian, betting: to shorten) SEE: shorten ::
firmament {n} /ˈfɜːməm(ə)nt/ (vault of the heavens, see also: heavens; sky) :: firmamento {m}
firmly {adv} /fɝmli/ (in a firm or definite or strong manner) :: firmemente
firmness {n} /ˈfɝmnəs/ (state of being firm) :: firmeza {f}
firmware {n} (firmware) :: firmware {m}, soporte lógico inalterable {m}
first {adj} /fɜːst/ (numeral first, see also: 1st) :: primer, primera {f}
first {adv} (before anything else) :: primeramente, para empezar
first {n} (person or thing in the first position) :: primero {m}, primo {m}
first {n} (new occurrence) :: estreno {m}
first aid {n} (basic care) :: primeros auxilios {m-p}
first-aid box {n} (box containing first aid and medical supplies) :: botiquín {m}
first aid kit {n} (standard collection of first aid supplies) :: botiquín {m}
first and foremost {adv} (primarily; most importantly) :: antes que nada, sobretodo
first and last {n} (given name and surname) :: nombre y apellido {m}
firstborn {n} (the first child in a family) :: primogénito {m}, primogénita {f}
first class {adj} :: de primera clase
first come, first served {proverb} (people will be dealt with in the order they arrive) :: por orden de llegada
first-come-first-served {adj} :: por orden de llegada
first cousin {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
first cousin once removed {n} (child of a first cousin) :: sobrino segundo {m}
first cousin once removed {n} (first cousin of a parent) :: tío segundo {m}, tía segunda {f}
first day cover {n} (first day cover) :: sobre de primer día {m}
first-degree burn {n} (mild burn) :: quemadura de primer grado {f}
first floor {n} (floor at the level of the street) :: planta baja {f}, primer piso {m}
first floor {n} (floor above the ground floor) :: planta primera, primera planta
firstfruit {n} (An offering of the first of a harvest) :: primicia {f}, primicias {f-p}
firsthand {adj} (direct, without intermediate stages) :: de primera mano
First Lady {n} (the wife of the President of a country) :: primera dama {f}
first lieutenant {n} (rank in the United States) :: alférez {m}
first light {n} (dawn) SEE: dawn ::
first love {n} (one's first feeling of romantic love) :: primer amor {m}
firstly {adv} /ˈfɜɹstli/ (In the first place) :: primeramente
first name {n} (name chosen by parents) :: nombre, nombre de pila {m}
first of all {adv} (before anything else) :: en primer lugar
first-order logic {n} (formal deductive system expanded from propositional logic) :: lógica de primer orden {f}
first person {n} (the form of a pronoun verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement) :: primera persona {f}
first-person shooter {n} (game) :: tirador en primera persona, shooter en primera persona {m}
first rate {adj} (superb) :: de primera
first-rate {adj} (exceptionally good) :: de primera clase, excelente
first things first {phrase} (let's deal with matters of highest priority first) :: primero lo primero, lo primero es lo primero
First Vision {prop} (appearance of God and Jesus to Joseph Smith, Jr. near Palmyra) :: Primera Visión
First World {prop} (countries aligned with the West during the Cold War) :: primer mundo {m}
First World {prop} (wealthy, developed nations) :: primer mundo {m}
first world problem {n} (frustration or complaint) :: problema del primer mundo {f}
First World War {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
fiscal {adj} /ˈfɪskəl/ (pertaining to finance in general) :: fiscal
fiscal {n} (solicitor) SEE: solicitor ::
fiscal {n} (attorney general) SEE: attorney general ::
fiscal policy {n} (government policy) :: política fiscal {f}
fiscal stamp {n} (revenue stamp) SEE: revenue stamp ::
fish {v} /fɪʃ/ (intransitive: to try to catch fish) :: pescar
fish {n} (vertebrate animal) :: pez {m}, pescado {m}
fish {n} (flesh of fish as food) :: pescado {m}
fish {n} (period of time spent fishing) :: pesca {f}
fishball {n} (pulverized fish shaped into a ball) :: bola de pescado {f}
fishbone {n} (bone of a fish) :: espina {f}, espina del pescado
fisher {n} /ˈfɪʃɚ/ (person who fishes) :: pescador {m}
fisher cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher ::
fisherman {n} /ˈfɪʃɚmən/ (person catching fish) :: pescador {m}, pescadora {f}
fisheye lens {n} (wide-angle lens with extremely wide field of view) :: objetivo ojo de pez {m}, ojo de pez {m}
fish farming {n} (practice of operating fish farms) :: acuicultura {f}
fish finger {n} (stick of processed fish) :: palito de pescado {m}
fish garth {n} (dam or weir) :: cañar {m}
fishhook {n} /ˈfɪʃˌhʊk/ (barbed hook for fishing) :: hamo {m}, anzuelo {m}
fishing {n} /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ (act or sport of catching fish) :: pesca {f}
fishing {n} (business of catching fish) :: pesca {f}
fishing boat {n} (boat used for fishing) :: barco pesquero {m}, pesquero {m}
fishing cat {n} (Prionailurus viverrinus) :: gato pescador {m}
fishing expedition {n} (search for (incriminating) information) :: expedición de pesca {f}
fishing ground {n} (area of water used for fishing) :: caladero
fishing hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
fishing line {n} (chord or line where the hook or lure is attached) :: cuerda de pescar {f}, hilo de pescar {m}
fishing net {n} (net used for fishing) :: atarraya {f}, red de pesca {f}
fishing rod {n} (rod used for angling) :: caña de pesca {f}
fishing vessel {n} (fishing vessel) SEE: fishing boat ::
fish in troubled waters {v} (to take advantage from a chaotic situation) :: a río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores
fishline {n} (fishing line) SEE: fishing line ::
fishmarket {n} (market where fish is sold) :: pescadería {f}
fishmonger {n} /ˈfɪʃˌmʌŋɡ.ə(ɹ)/ (person who sells fish) :: pescadero {m}, pescadera {f}
fishmonger {n} (fishmonger's) SEE: fishmonger's ::
fishmonger's {n} (shop that sells fish) :: pescadería {f}
fishnet {n} (fishing net) SEE: fishing net ::
fish out of water {n} (a person in unfamiliar, and often uncomfortable, surroundings) :: como pez fuera del agua
fish slice {n} (kitchen utensil) SEE: spatula ::
fish stick {n} (rectangular piece of processed fish) SEE: fish finger ::
fish tank {n} (container designed for holding water and marine life) :: pecera {f}
fish trap {n} (contraption to catch fish) :: buitrón {m}, nasa {f}
fish-trap {n} (fish trap) SEE: fish trap ::
fishwife {n} (a woman who sells or works with fish) :: pescadera {f}
fishy {n} /ˈfɪʃi/ (little fish) :: pececito {m}, pescadito {m}
fishy {adj} (suspicious; inspiring doubt) :: sospechoso
fission {n} /ˈfɪʃən/ (process whereby one item splits to become two) :: fisión {f}
fission {n} (process by which a bacterium splits into two) :: fisión {f}
fission {v} (to cause to undergo fission) :: fisionar
fissiped {adj} (having the toes separated from each other) :: fisípedo
fissiped {n} (animal that has the toes separated) :: fisípedo {m}
fissure {n} /ˈfɪʃ.ɚ/ (a crack or opening, as in a rock) :: grieta {f}, fisura {f}
fist {n} /fɪst/ (clenched hand) :: puño {m}
fist {n} ((printing) the pointing hand symbol) :: índice {m} puño {m}
fist {v} (to strike with the fist) :: apuñalar
fistful {n} (fistful) :: puñado {m}
fisticuffs {n} /ˈfɪs.tɪ.kʌfs/ (informal: a fight with the fists) :: trifulca {f}
fisting {n} /ˈfɪstɪŋ/ (sexual practice of fisting) :: fisting {m}
fistula {n} /ˈfɪs.tjə.lə/ (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels) :: fístula {f}
fistula {n} (tube, pipe, or a hole) :: fístula {f}
fit {adj} /fɪt/ (suitable, proper) :: apropiado
fit {adj} (in good shape) :: en (buena) forma
fit {v} (to conform to in size and shape) :: caber
fit {v} (to have right size and cut, as of clothing) :: quedar
fit {v} (to be in harmony) :: hacer juego [idiomatic]
fit {n} (seizure) :: arrebato {m}, convulsión {f}
fit {n} (sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom) :: acceso {m}
fit {n} (sudden outburst of emotion) :: arrebato {m}, arrebatamiento {m}, acaloramiento {m}, arrechucho, ramalazo
fit {v} (adjust) SEE: adjust ::
fit {v} (make ready) SEE: prepare ::
fitch {n} (European polecat) SEE: European polecat ::
fitful {adj} (irregular; unsteady; characterized by fits) :: irregular {m} {f}, inestable {m} {f}
fitfully {adv} (in a fitful manner) :: irregularmente {m} {f}
fit like a glove {v} (to be a perfect fit, to be exactly the right size) :: sentar como un guante, como anillo al dedo
fitness {n} /ˈfɪtnəs/ (cultivation of an attractive and healthy physique) :: aptitud {f}, [ARG] ámbito {m}
fitness {n} (ability to perform) :: capacidad {f}, nivel físico {m}
fitted sheet {n} (sheet with elastic edges) :: sábana ajustable
fitting room {n} (a room in a store for trying on clothes) :: probador {m}
Fittipaldi {prop} :: Fittipaldi
five {num} /faɪv/ (cardinal number) :: cinco
fivefold {adj} (in fives) :: quíntuple
five hundred {num} /ˈfaɪv ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 500) :: quinientos
five o'clock {n} (the start of the sixth hour) :: las cinco {f-p}
five o'clock shadow {n} (stubble beard) :: barba de días {f}, barba incipiente {f}
five of a kind {n} (five cards of the same rank) :: repóker {m}, repóquer {m}
fivescore {n} (hundred) SEE: hundred ::
five senses {n} (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) :: cinco sentidos {m-p}
fivesome {n} (group of five) :: quinteto {m}
five thousand {num} (5000) :: cinco mil
fiveway {n} (something occurring between five) :: quinteto, entre cinco
fix {v} /ˈfɪks/ (to mend or repair) :: arreglar, reparar, componer
fix {v} (to attach; to affix; to hold in place) :: fijar
fix {v} (to prepare) :: preparar
fix {v} (to make a contest, vote, or gamble unfair) :: amañar
fix {v} (to render an animal infertile) :: capar
fix {n} (an instance of fixing) :: reparación
fix {n} (a difficult situation or dilemma) :: aprieto {m}
fix {n} (a single dose of an addictive drug) :: dosis {f}, chute, tiro
fix {n} (determination of location) :: localización {f}
fixation {n} /fɪksˈeɪʃən/ (state of mind involving obsession) :: obsesión {f}
fixed {adj} (stationary) SEE: stationary ::
fixed asset {n} (finance: an organization's fixed assets) :: activo fijo {m}
fixedly {adv} /ˈfɪk.sɪd.li/ (in a fixed manner) :: fijamente
fixed point {n} (value unchanged by a mapping) :: punto fijo {m}
fixed route {n} (form of public transit) :: ruta fija {f}
fixed star {n} (distant star) :: estrella fija {f}
fixer {n} (chemical used in photographic development) :: fijador {m}
fixture {n} /ˈfɪkstʃɚ/ ((sports) A scheduled match) :: fixture {m}
fizz {n} (carbonated beverage) SEE: soda ::
fizzle {v} /ˈfɪzəl/ (to decay or die off to nothing) :: fundir, apagar, menguar
fizzy drink {n} (fizzy drink) SEE: soda ::
fjord {n} /ˈfiːɔːd/ (long, narrow, deep inlet) :: fiordo {m}
flabby {adj} /ˈflæb.i/ (yielding to the touch) :: flácido, fofo, lacio {m}
flabby {adj} :: fofo
flaccid {adj} /ˈflæksɪd/ (flabby) :: flácido, mole
flaccid {adj} (soft, floppy) :: flácido, blando
flaccidity {n} (the condition of being flaccid) :: flacidez {f}
flag {n} /flæɡ/ (piece of cloth or often its representation) :: bandera {f}
flag {n} :: bandera {f}
flag {v} (to furnish with flags) :: embanderar
flag {v} (to mark with a flag) :: marcar o señalar con una bandera
flag {v} (to signal to) :: parar
flag {v} (computing: to signal) :: señalar
flag {v} (weaken) :: desfallecer, flaquear
flag {n} (plant with sword-shaped leaves) :: lirio {m}
flag {n} (flagstone) :: losa {f}, piedra {f}
flag {v} (lay down flagstones) :: enlosar
flag-bearer {n} (one who carries a flag) :: abanderado {m}, abanderada {f}
flag-bearer {n} (one who openly promotes an idea or value and becomes symbolic for it) :: abanderado {m}
flagellant {n} (one who practices self-flagellation) :: flagelante {m}
flagellate {v} (to whip or scourge) :: flagelar
flagellum {n} (whip) SEE: whip ::
flagellum {n} /fləˈdʒɛləm/ (long whiplike organelle) :: flagelo
flagon {n} /flæɡ.ən/ (a large bottle) :: jarro {m}
flagpole {n} /ˈflæɡˌpoʊl/ (pole for flags) :: asta {f}
flagrant {adj} /ˈfleɪ.ɡɹənt/ (obvious and offensive) :: flagrante, sangrante
flag semaphore {n} :: semáforo {m}, alfabeto semáforo {m}
flagship {n} /ˈflæɡʃɪp/ (ship occupied by the fleet's commander) :: buque insignia {m}
flagship {n} (the most important one out of a related group) :: buque insignia {m}
flagstaff {n} (flagpole) SEE: flagpole ::
flagstone {n} /ˈflæɡ.stəʊn/ (rectangular paving or roofing stone) :: adoquín {m} laja {f}
flagstone {n} (kind of rock) :: laja {f}
flail {n} /fleɪl/ (tool) :: mayal {m}
flail {n} (weapon) :: mangual {m}
flail {v} (to wave or swing vigorously) :: sacudirse, agitarse, debatirse [uncommon]
flail {v} (to thresh) :: desgranar
flair {n} /flɛɚ/ (natural or innate talent or aptitude) :: talento {m}
flake {n} /fleɪk/ (thin chiplike layer) :: escama {f}, hojuela {f}, copa {f}, copo {m}
flake {n} (archaeology: thin stone tool) :: lasca {f}
flake {n} (an unreliable person) :: tronera {m} {f}, proteo {m}, inservible {m} {f}
flake {v} (to break or chip) :: descamar, descarapelar
flambé {v} (to add and ignite alcohol to food) :: flambear
flamboyant {adj} /flamˈbɔɪənt/ (showy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc.) :: extravagante, exuberante, vistoso {m}, ostentoso {m}, churrigueresco {m}
flamboyant {adj} (referring to the final stage of French Gothic architecture from the 14th to the 16th centuries) :: flamígero
flamboyant {n} (tree) :: acacia {f} [Venezuela], acacia roja {f} [Colombia], árbol de fuego {m} [El Salvador], chivato {m} [Argentina, Paraguay], flamboyán {m} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico], framboyán {m} [Cuba], malinche {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua], pajarilla {f} [Bolivia], tabachín {m} [Mexico]
flame {n} /fleɪm/ (visible part of fire) :: flama {f}, llama
flamenco {n} /fləˈmɛŋkəʊ/ (a genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain) :: flamenco {m}
flamenco {n} (a song or a dance in such a style) :: flamenco {m}
flamethrower {n} /ˈfleɪmˌθɹoʊ.ɚ/ (device that projects a flame) :: lanzallamas {m}
flaming {adj} /ˈfleɪmɪŋ/ (On fire with visible flames) :: llameante
flamingo {n} /fləˈmɪŋɡoʊ/ (bird) :: flamenco {m}
flammable {adj} (capable of burning, see also: inflammable) :: inflamable
flammable {adj} (easily set on fire) :: inflamable
flan {n} /flæn/ (custard dessert) :: flan {m}
Flanders {prop} /ˈflæn.dɚz/ (subnational state in the north of federal Belgium) :: Flandes
Flanders {prop} :: Flandes {m}
flaneur {n} /flɑˈnʊɚ/ (one who wanders aimlessly) :: vagante {m} {f}, vagueante {m} {f}, callejero {m}, azotacalles {m}, paseante ocioso {m}, mirón {m}
flange {n} /flændʒ/ (rib or rim for strengthening) :: pestaña {f}; reborde {m}; patín {m}
flange {n} (projecting edge) :: pestaña {f}, refuerzo {m}
flange {n} (slang:vulva) SEE: vulva ::
flank {n} /flæŋk/ (flesh between the last rib and the hip) :: costado {m}
flank {n} (side of military formation) :: flanco {m}
flank {n} (side) :: flanco {m}
flank steak {n} :: sobrebarriga, matambre
flannel {n} /ˈflænəl/ (soft cloth material) :: franela {f}
flap {n} /flæp/ (concerning an aeroplane) :: flap {m}
flap {n} (surgical tissue) :: colgajo {m}
flap {v} (to move (something broad and loose) up and down) :: batir
flapjack {n} (pancake) SEE: pancake ::
flare {n} /flɛ͜ə/ (type of pyrotechnic) :: bengala {f}
flash {v} /flæʃ/ (to telephone someone, only allowing the phone to ring once) :: pinchar
flash {n} (burst of light) :: relámpago {m}
flash {n} (short for camera flash) :: flash {m}
flashback {n} /ˈflæʃbæk/ (a dramatic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative) :: analepsis {f}
flashcard {n} /ˈflæʃˌkɑɹd/ (memorization aide) :: flashcard {m}
flashcard {n} (solid-state digital memory) :: tarjeta de memoria {f}
flash drive {n} (storage device) :: memoria USB {f}, pendrive {m}, lápiz de memoria {m}, lápiz USB {m}
flash flood {n} (sudden flood) :: crecida {f}
flashing {n} /ˈflæʃɪŋ/ (weatherproofing) :: impermeabilización {n}
flashing {n} (exposing one's naked body, or part of it) :: flaseo {m}, flashing {m}
flash in the pan {n} (transient occurrence with no long-term effect) :: llamarada de petate
flashlight {n} /ˈflæʃˌlaɪt/ (battery-powered hand-held light source) :: linterna {f}, [Costa Rica, Nicaragua] foco {m}, lámpara {f}
flash point {n} (temperature) :: punto de inflamabilidad {m}
flashpoint {n} (lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture) SEE: flash point ::
flashpoint {n} (figuratively; a hotspot) SEE: flash point ::
flask {n} /flɑːsk/ (container for a small amount of beverage) :: petaca {f}, licorera disfrazada {f}, frasquera
flask {n} (container to carry a small amount of alcoholic beverage; pocket flask) :: petaca {f}
flask {n} (laboratory glassware) :: matraz {m}
flat {n} (palm of the hand) SEE: palm ::
flat {adj} /flæt/ (having no variations in altitude) :: llano, plano
flat {adj} (with its carbon dioxide having come out of solution) :: sin gas
flat {adj} (of a body part having no projection) :: chato {m}
flat {n} (music: note played a semitone lower than a natural) :: bemol {m}
flat {n} (apartment) SEE: apartment ::
flatbed truck {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck ::
flat-earther {n} (person who believes the Earth is flat) :: terraplanista {m} {f}, tierraplanista {m} {f}
flatfish {n} /ˈflætfɪʃ/ (fish of the order Pleuronectiformes) :: pez plano {m}
flat-headed cat {n} (Prionailurus planiceps) :: gato de cabeza plana {m}
flatly {adv} /ˈflætli/ (in a manner showing complete certainty) :: categóricamente, de plano
flatly {adv} (in a manner that shows no emotions) :: en redondo
flatmate {n} /ˈflætmeɪt/ (a person with whom one shares a flat) :: compañero de piso {m}
flatness {n} /ˈflætnəs/ (state of being flat) :: planicidad {f}
flatness {n} (state of being planar) :: planaridad {f}
flatness {n} (state of being bland) :: aburrición {f}
flatness {n} (mattness) :: matidez {f}
flat peach {n} (Prunus persica var. platycarpa) :: paraguayo {m}
flatscreen {n} (flatpanel screen or device) :: pantalla plana {f}
flatten {v} /ˈflætən/ (to make something flat) :: aplanar, achatar
flatten {v} (to become flat) :: 'aplanarse', 'achatarse'
flattened {adj} (made flat by something) :: achatado, aplastado
flatten the curve {v} (to reduce the rate at which an infection spreads during an epidemic) :: aplanar la curva
flatter {v} /ˈflætɚ/ (to compliment someone) :: adular, halagar
flatter {v} (to enhance someone's vanity) :: adular, lisonjear, lisonjear, incensar
flatter {v} (to portray something to advantage) :: retocar
flatter {v} (to convey notions without certainty) :: halagar
flatter {n} (hammer) :: martillo {m}
flattered {adj} (in a positive mood because of a comment or action which causes one to feel proud of oneself) :: halagado
flatterer {n} (one who flatters) :: lisonjeador {m} {f}, lisonjero {m} {f}, adulador [adj.], halagador {m}
flattering {adj} /ˈflætəɹɪŋ/ (attractive or good-looking; that makes one look good) :: lisonjero, lisonjeador
flatteringly {adv} (in a flattering manner) :: lisonjeramente
flattery {n} /ˈflætəɹi/ (excessive praise) :: adulación {f}, peloteo {m}
flattery {n} (instant of excessive praise) :: piropo {m}, camelo {m}, lisonja {f}, requiebro {m}, halago {m}, flor {f}, zalamería {f}, carantoña {f}
flat tyre {n} (deflated tyre) :: llanta desinflada {f}, llanta pinchada {f}, llanta ponchada {f}, llanta vacía {f}, neumático desinflado {m}, neumático pinchado {m}, pinchadura {f}, pinchazo {m}, rueda pinchada {f}
flatuency {n} (flatulence) SEE: flatulence ::
flatulence {n} /ˈflæt͡ʃələns/ (state of having gas in digestive system) :: flatulencia {f}, ventosidad {f}, flato {m}, pedo {m}, cuesco {m} [Spain]
flatulent {adj} /ˈflætjʊlənt/ (affected by gas in the intestine) :: flatulento {m}, flatulente {f}
flatulist {n} /ˈflætʃəlɪst/ (a professional farter) :: flatulista {m}
flatus {n} /ˈfleɪtəs/ (gas) :: flato {m}
flatus {n} (expulsion) :: ventosidad {f}
flat water {n} (still water) SEE: still water ::
flatworm {n} (worm of Platyhelminthes) :: platelminto {m}, gusano plano {m}
Flaubertian {adj} /floʊˈbɝti.ən/ (relating to Gustave Flaubert) :: flaubertiano
flaunt {v} /flɔnt/ (to display with ostentation) :: lucir, presumir, ostentar, tremolar
flautist {n} (flute player) :: flautista {m} {f}
flavonoid {n} /ˈfleɪvənɔɪd/ (any of many compounds that are plant metabolites) :: flavonoide {m}
flavor {n} /ˈfleɪvɚ/ (the quality produced by the sensation of taste) :: sabor {m}, gusto {m}
flavor {n} (a variety (of taste)) :: sabor {m}
flaw {n} /ˈflɔ/ (crack or breach) :: falla
flaw {n} (defect, fault) :: imperfección, desperfecto, pega {f}
flaw {n} (defect in a gemstone) :: defecto {m}
flawless {adj} /ˈflɔːləs/ (without flaws, see also: perfect) :: impecable, perfecto
flax {n} /flæks/ (plant) :: lino {m}
flax {n} (the fibers) :: filasa {f}
flax-leaved daphne {n} (plant) :: torvisco {m}
flaxseed {n} /ˈflæksiːd/ (seed of the flax plant) :: lina {f}
flay {v} /fleɪ/ (to strip skin off) :: desollar, despellejar
flayer {n} (one who flays, see also: knacker) :: desollador {m}
flea {n} /fliː/ (parasitic insect) :: pulga {f}
fleabag {n} (unkempt mammal) :: pulguienta {f}, pulguiento {m}
flea market {n} (an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios) :: rastro {m}, rastrillo {m}, mercadillo {m}
fleawort {n} (a Plantago plant of laxative seeds) SEE: psyllium ::
fleck {n} (lock) SEE: lock ::
fleck {n} (flake) SEE: flake ::
fleck {n} /flɛk/ (small spot) :: mota {f}
fleck {n} :: mota {f}, salpicadura {f}
fledgling {adj} /ˈflɛd͡ʒ.lɪŋ/ (inexperienced) :: inexperto, bisoño {m}, principiante {m} {f}
fledgling {n} (young bird) :: pollito {m}, polluelo {m}
fledgling {n} (inexperienced person) :: amateur {m} {f}, novato {m}, principiante {m} {f}, pipiolo
flee {v} /fliː/ (to run away; to escape) :: huir
flee {v} (to escape from) :: huir
flee {v} (to disappear quickly) :: desvanecerse
flee {v} :: huir, fugarse
fleece {n} /fliːs/ (hair or wool of a sheep) :: lana {f}, toisón {m}
fleece {n} (insulating skin with the wool attached) :: piel {f}, vellón {m}
fleece {n} (textile) :: felpa {f}, pana {f}, terciopelo
fleece {v} (to con or trick someone out of money) :: esquilmar, desplumar
fleece {v} (to shear the fleece) :: esquilar
fleet {n} /fliːt/ (group of vessels or vehicles) :: flota {f}
fleeting {adj} /ˈfliːtɪŋ/ (passing quickly) :: fugaz
fleetingly {adv} (in a fleeting manner) :: fugazmente
fleetly {adv} (swiftly) SEE: swiftly ::
Fleming {n} (native or inhabitant of Flanders) :: flamenco {m}, flamenca {f}
Flemish {adj} /ˈflɛmɪʃ/ (of or relating to Flanders) :: flamenco, flamenca {f}
Flemish {adj} (of or relating to the Flemish variety of the Dutch language) :: flamenco, flamenca {f}
Flemish {prop} (the Dutch language as it is spoken in Flanders) :: flamenco {m}
flerovium {n} /flɪˈɹoʊviəm/ (chemical element) :: flerovio {m}
flesh {n} /flɛʃ/ (body tissue) :: carne {f}
flesh {n} (skin) :: pellejo {m}
flesh {n} (animal tissue as food) :: carne {f}
flesh {n} (human body entity) :: carne {f}
flesh {n} (edible part of fruit/vegetable) :: carne {f}
flesh {n} (colour) :: carne {f}
fleshpot {n} (place offering entertainment of a sensual or luxurious nature) :: antro de libertinaje {m}, antro de placer {m}
fleshy {adj} /ˈflɛʃi/ (of, relating to, or resembling flesh) :: carnoso
fleshy {adj} (having considerable flesh) :: cachetudo, carnoso, carnudo, carrilludo
fletcher {n} /ˈflɛtʃ.ə(ɹ)/ (a manufacturer of bows and arrows) :: flechero {m}
fleur-de-lis {n} /ˌflɝdəˈlis/ (heraldic charge) :: flor de lis {f}
flex {v} /flɛks/ (to tighten one's muscles) :: tensar
flexibility {n} (quality of being flexible) :: flexibilidad {f}
flexible {adj} /ˈflɛk.sɪ.bəl/ (easily bent without breaking) :: flexible, doblegable
flexible {adj} (easy and compliant) :: obediente
flexible {adj} (capable or being adapted or molded) :: flexible
flexitarianism {n} (The practice of eating mainly vegetarian with exceptions) :: flexitarianismo
flexography {n} (a method of printing) :: flexografía {f}
flick {n} (film) SEE: film ::
flick {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
flick {v} /flɪk/ (to move (something) with a short, quick motion) :: sacudir
flicker {n} /ˈflɪkɚ/ (an unsteady flash of light) :: parpadeo {m}
flicker {v} (to burn or shine unsteadily) :: parpadear, titilar
flicker {v} (to keep going on and off) :: parpadear, titilar, centellear
flight {n} /flaɪt/ (act of flying) :: vuelo {m}
flight {n} (instance of flying) :: vuelo {m}
flight {n} (journey made by an aircraft) :: vuelo {m}
flight {n} (set of stairs) :: tramo {m}
flight {n} (act of fleeing) :: fuga {f}, huida
flight attendant {n} (member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers) :: azafata [stewardess]; azafato [steward]; aeromoza, moza [Latin America, stewardess]; aeromozo, mozo [Latin America, steward]; auxiliar de vuelo
flight code {n} (flight number) SEE: flight number ::
flight deck {n} (aircraft cockpit) SEE: cockpit ::
flight feather {n} (wing feather) :: rémige {f}, remera {f}
flight number {n} (callsign) :: número de vuelo {m}
flighty {adj} /ˈflaɪti/ (given to silly ideas) :: caprichoso, necio
flighty {adj} ((of a bird) that flies easily or often) :: volador
flimsy {n} /ˈflɪmzi/ (Thin typing paper used to make multiple copies) :: papel cebolla {m}
flinch {v} /flɪntʃ/ (to make a sudden, involuntary movement in response to a stimulus) :: estremecerse, reaccionar
fling {n} /ˈflɪŋ/ (short sexual relationship) :: aventura {f}, lío {m}, rollo {m}, devaneo {m}, escarceo amoroso {m}, amorío {m}
fling {v} (to throw with violence or quick movement; to hurl) :: aventar, lanzar
fling {v} (to throw oneself in a violent or hasty manner; to rush or spring with violence or haste) :: tirarse, lanzarse, echarse, arrojarse
flint {n} /flɪnt/ (hard fine-grained quartz which generates sparks when struck) :: pedernal {m}, sílex
flint {n} (piece of flint, such as gunflint used to produce a spark, see also: firestriker) :: pedernal {m}
flint {n} (small cylinder) :: pedernal {m}, piedra {f}
flip {n} /flɪp/ (maneuver which rotates an object end-over-end) :: volteo {m}, inversión {f}, media vuelta {f}
flip {n} (complete change of direction) :: cambio de sentido {m}
flip {n} (hairstyle) :: alas {f-p}, peinado flip {m}
flip {v} (to throw (as in to turn over)) :: dar vuelta, voltear
flip chart {n} (large pad) :: papelógrafo {m}, rotafolio {m}
flip-flop {n} (footwear) SEE: thong ::
flip-flop {n} /ˈflɪpˌflɑp/ (bistable electronic circuit) :: biestable {m}
flip-flopper {n} (person with changing opinions) :: voltiarepas {m} {f} [Colombia]
flip off {v} (to make a rude or obscene gesture) :: dar el dedo {m}
flippancy {n} /ˈflɪ.pɛn.si/ (disrespectful levity or pertness) :: locuacidad {f}
flippant {adj} /ˈflɪ.pənt/ (lacking respect) :: fresco, insolente
flipper {n} /ˈflɪpɚ/ (marine mammal's wide limb for swimming) :: aleta {f}
flipper {n} (paddle-like rubber covering for the foot) :: aleta {f}
flipper {n} (kitchen spatula) SEE: spatula ::
flip the bird {v} (to make a rude or obscene gesture, particularly with the middle finger) :: hacer la peineta
flirt {n} /flɝt/ (one who flirts) :: coqueto {m}, coqueta {f} [woman], ligón {m} [man], mariposón {m}, ligona {f} [woman]
flirt {n} (act of flirting) :: flirteo {m}, coqueteo {m}
flirt {v} (to play at courtship) :: flirtear, [Chile, colloquial] pinchar con alguien, coquetear, galantear, ligar, besuquearse
flirtatious {adj} /flɚˈteɪʃəs/ (having a tendency to flirt often) :: coqueto
flit {v} /flɪt/ (to move quickly from one location to another) :: revolotear
flittermouse {n} (bat) SEE: bat ::
float {v} /fləʊt/ (to be supported by a liquid) :: flotar
float {v} (to be capable of floating) :: flotar
float {v} (to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating) :: flotar
float {v} (to drift gently through the air) :: flotar
float {v} (to move in a fluid manner) :: flotar
float {n} (trailer or vehicle decorated for a parade) :: carroza {f}
floating {adj} /ˈfloʊtɪŋ/ (that floats) :: flotante
floating market {n} (market) :: mercado flotante
floating point {adj} (computing) :: punto flotante {m}, coma flotante {f}
floating wood tile {n} (laminate flooring) SEE: laminate flooring ::
flobber {n} (pouting) SEE: pouting ::
flock {n} /flɑk/ (group of birds) :: bandada {f}
flock {n} (group of sheep or goats) :: hato {m}, manada {f}, rebaño {m}
flock {n} (people served by a particular pastor) :: congregación {f}, grey {m}
flock {n} (group of people) :: multitud {f}
flock {v} (to congregate) :: apelotonar
floe {n} /fləʊ/ (a low, flat mass of floating ice) :: hielo marino {m}, banquisa {f}, témpano {m}
flog {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
flog {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat ::
flog {v} /flɑɡ/ (to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment) :: azotar
flog {v} (agriculture: to exploit) :: esquilmar, explotar
flog {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
flogging {n} /ˈflɒɡɪŋ/ (punishment) :: azotamiento {m}
flood {n} /flʌd/ (overflow of water) :: inundación {f}; avenida {f}, riada {f}
flood {n} (large number or quantity) :: diluvio {m}
Flood {prop} (the flood referenced in the Book of Genesis) :: diluvio universal
flooding {n} /ˈflʌdɪŋ/ (act of flooding) :: anegamiento {m}, inundación {f}, riada {f}
floodplain {n} (a plain formed by the deposition of flooding) :: terreno inundable {m}, llanura aluvial inundable {f}, vega inundable {f}
floof {v} (fluff) SEE: fluff ::
floor {n} /flɔɹ/ (bottom part of a room) :: piso {m} [Latin America], suelo {m} [Spain]
floor {n} (right to speak) :: palabra {f}
floor {n} (storey of a building) SEE: storey ::
floor {n} (dance floor) SEE: dance floor ::
floorball {n} (hockey-like ball game) :: floorball {m}
floorcloth {n} (cloth for cleaning floors) :: aljofifa {f} [Southern Spain], bayeta {f} [Spain standard usage], coleto {m} [Venezuela], frazada de piso {f} [Cuba], jerga {f} [Mexico], paño rejilla {m} [Argentina], rodilla {f} [Northern Spain], trapero {m} [Chile], trapo de piso {m} [Argentina, Uruguay], trapo rejilla {m} [Argentina, Uruguay]
flop {v} /flɑp/ (to fall heavily, because lacking energy) :: desplomarse
flop {v} (to fail completely, not to be successful at all) :: fracasar
flop {v} :: tirarse
flop {n} :: fracaso {m}
flophouse {n} (cheap hotel) SEE: doss-house ::
floppy {adj} /ˈflɒ.pi/ (limp, not hard, firm or rigid; flexible) :: flojo {m}
floppy {n} ((computing) a floppy disk) :: disquete {m}
floppy disk {n} (flexible disk used for storing digital data) :: disquete {m}, disco flexible {m}
floppy disk drive {n} (floppy drive) SEE: floppy drive ::
floppy diskette drive {n} (computer hardware device) SEE: floppy drive ::
floppy drive {n} (device for reading floppy disks) :: disquetera {f}, unidad de disquete {f}
flora {n} /ˈflɔː.ɹə/ (plants considered as a group) :: flora {f}
Flora {prop} /ˈflɔːɹə/ (the goddess of flowers) :: Flora
Flora {prop} (female given name) :: Flora
floral {adj} /ˈflɔɹəl/ (of or pertaining to flowers) :: floral
Floréal {prop} /ˌflɔɹeɪˈɑl/ ( the eighth month of French Republican Calendar) :: floreal {m}
Florence {prop} /ˈflɒɹəns/ (province in Tuscany, Italy) :: Florencia {f}
Florence {prop} (city in Tuscany, Italy) :: Florencia {f}
Florence {prop} (female given name) :: Florencia {f}
Florentine {adj} /ˈflɒɹəntaɪn/ (of or relating to the Italian city of Florence) :: florentino
Florentine {n} (a native or resident of the Italian city of Florence) :: florentino {m}, florentina {f}
floret {n} (small flower) :: flósculo {m}
floriculture {n} (the farming of flowers) :: floricultura {f}
Florida {prop} /ˈflɒɹ.ɪ.də/ (US state) :: Florida {f}
Floridian {n} /flɔˈɹɪdi.ən/ (an inhabitant or a resident of the state of Florida) :: floridense {m} {f}
floriferous {adj} (bearing flowers) :: florífero
florin {n} (guilder) SEE: guilder ::
Florina {prop} (city in Greece) :: Flórina {f}
florist {n} /ˈflɔːɹɪst/ (a person who sells flowers) :: florista {m} {f}
floristry {n} (production, commerce and trade in flowers) :: floristería {f}
florist's {n} (a shop that sells flowers) :: florería {f}
floss {n} /flɔs/ (a thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth) :: hilo dental
flotation {n} /floʊˈteɪʃən/ (a state of floating) :: flotación {f}
flotation {n} (process of separating minerals) :: flotación {f}
flotilla {n} /floʊˈtɪlə/ (small fleet) :: flotilla {f}
flotsam {n} /ˈflɒtsəm/ (flotsam) :: pecio {m}
flounce {v} (to make spastic motions) SEE: flounder ::
flounder {n} (any flatfish) SEE: flatfish ::
flounder {n} /ˈflaʊndɚ/ (Platichthys flesus) :: platija {f}
flounder {v} (to attempt to move or regain one's balance) :: trastabillar, tambalearse
flounder {v} (to act clumsily or confused) :: trastabillar, titubear
flour {n} /ˈflaʊɚ/ (ground cereal grains or other foodstuff) :: harina {f}
flour {v} (to apply flour to something) :: enharinar
flourish {v} /ˈflʌ.ɹɪʃ/ (to prosper or fare well) :: prosperar
flourish {n} (dramatic gesture) :: ademanes
flourish {n} (ornamentation) :: floritura {f}, floreo
floury {adj} /ˈflaʊɹi/ (resembling flour) :: harinoso
flout {v} /flaʊt/ (to express contempt for the rules by word or action) :: sobreponerse, saltarse a la torera [colloquial; of an action]
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: run ::
flow {n} /floʊ/ (the movement of a fluid) :: flujo {m}
flow {n} (the rising movement of the tide) :: flujo {m}
flow {n} (smoothness or continuity) :: flujo {m}
flow {n} (rate of fluid movement) :: caudal {m}
flow {v} (to move as a fluid) :: fluir
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: stream ::
flow chart {n} (schematic representation of a process) :: diagrama de flujo {m}
flower {n} (reproductive structure in angiosperms) :: flor {f}
flower {v} (to put forth blooms) :: florecer
flowerbed {n} (place where flowers are grown) :: parterre {m}, macizo {m}
flower girl {n} (florist) SEE: florist ::
flower girl {n} (participant in a wedding procession) :: violetera
flowering plant {n} (common term for an "angiosperm") :: planta con flores {f}
flowerpot {n} /ˈflaʊɚˌpɑt/ (container in which plants are grown) :: maceta {f}, matero {m} [Venezuela], plantera {f} [Northeastern Argentina, Paraguay], potera {f} [Colombian Atlantic Coast], tiesto {m} [Puerto Rico, Spain]
flowery {adj} (pertaining to flowers) :: floral
flowery {adj} (decorated with flowers) :: florido
flowery {adj} (of a speech or piece of writing) :: bombástico
flowmeter {n} (device for measuring flow) :: caudalímetro {m}
flu {n} /fluː/ (influenza) :: gripe {f}, gripa {f} [Colombia, Mexico]
flub {n} /flʌb/ (mistake) :: [Mexico] metida de pata {f}
flub {v} (to err) :: [Mexico] meter la pata
fluctuation {n} /flʌktʃuːˈeɪʃən/ (wavelike motion) :: fluctuación {f}
fluctuation {n} (wavering; unsteadiness) :: fluctuación {f}
fludrocortisone {n} (corticosteroid hormone) :: fludrocortisona {f}
flue {n} /fluː/ (pipe that carries gaseous combustion products away from their origin) :: tubo {m}
fluency {n} /ˈfluːənsi/ (quality of smoothness of flow) :: fluidez {f}
fluency {n} (linguistics: being fluent in a language) :: fluidez {f}
fluency {n} (quality of consistently applying skill correctly) :: desenvoltura {f}, desparpajo
fluent {adj} /ˈfluːənt/ (able to speak a language accurately and confidently) :: fluido {m}, fluida {f}
fluently {adv} (expressing oneself easily) :: fluentemente
fluff {n} /flʌf/ (light fur etc) :: pelusa {f}
fluff {n} :: pelusa {f}, plumón {m}
fluffer {n} /ˈflʌfɚ/ (arouses a male pornographic actor through fellatio) :: recalentador
fluffy {adj} /flʌfi/ (covered with fluff) :: peludo, suave
fluffy {adj} (light; soft; airy) :: fofo {m}, fofa {f}
fluid {n} /ˈfluɪd/ (any state of matter which can flow) :: fluido
fluid {adj} (of or relating to fluid) :: fluido
fluidity {n} (the state of being fluid rather than viscous) :: fluidez {f}
fluidly {adv} (in a fluid manner) :: fluidamente
fluke {n} /fluk/ (stroke of luck) :: chiripa {f}, churro
fluke {n} (anchor blade) :: uña {f}, pico de loro {m}
fluke {n} (a metal hook on the head of certain staff weapons) :: muerte {f}
flukey {adj} (lucky) SEE: lucky ::
flulike {adj} /ˈfluːlʌɪk/ (resembling influenza) :: gripal
flummoxed {adj} (totally confused or puzzled) :: desconcertado
flunk {v} /flʌŋk/ (to fail) :: [South America] aplazar, [specially Central America, Mexico] reprobar, [Spain] suspender, [colloquial] catear [Spain], [Venezuela] raspar, [Costa Rica] sacar nota roja, [Mexico] tronar
flunk {v} (to deny a passing grade) :: [South America] aplazar, [specially Central America, Mexico] reprobar, [Spain] suspender, [colloquial] bochar [Argentina], [Spain] catear, [Peru] jalar, [Chile, Colombia] rajar, [Venezuela] raspar, [Costa Rica] poner nota roja, [Mexico] tronar
fluorapatite {n} /flʊəˈɹæpətaɪt/ :: fluorapatita {f}
fluorescence {n} /flʊˈɹɛsəns/ (emission of light) :: fluorescencia {f}
fluorescent {adj} /flɔˈɹɛsɨnt/ (of or relating to fluorescence) :: fluorescente
fluoride {n} /ˈflɔɹaɪd/ (fluoride) :: fluoruro {m}
fluorine {n} /ˈflɔːɹiːn/ (chemical element) :: flúor {m}
fluorite {n} /flɔɹait/ (mineral) :: fluorita {f}, fluorina {f}
fluorocarbon {n} (hydrocarbon derivative) :: fluorocarburo {m}
fluoroscope {n} (device used to view X-ray images) :: fluoroscopio {m}
fluoroscopy {n} (examination using a fluoroscope) :: fluoroscopia {f}
fluoxetine {n} (one of SSRI antidepressant drugs) :: fluoxetina {f}
flurry {n} /ˈflʌɹi/ (brief snowfall) :: ráfaga {f}
flurry {n} (sudden activity) :: frenesí {m}
flush {adj} /ˈflʌʃ/ (smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out) :: plano, alineado
flush {adj} (wealthy or well off) :: rico {m}
flush {n} (suffusion of the face with blood) :: chapeta {f} [on the cheeks]
flush {n} (any tinge of red colour) :: sonrojo {m}
flush {n} (poker hand) :: flor {f}, color {m}, flux {m}
flush toilet {n} (toilet that uses water to remove waste) :: water {m} taza {f}, inodoro {m}, excusado {m}, retrete {m}
flute {n} /fluːt/ (woodwind instrument) :: flauta {f}
flute {n} (glass) :: copa de flauta {f}
flute {n} (architecture: vertical groove in a pillar) :: acanaladura {f}, estría {f}
fluted {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
flutist {n} (flute player) SEE: flautist ::
flutter {v} /ˈflʌtɚ/ (to flap or wave quickly) :: ondear
fluvial {adj} (fluvial) :: fluvial
fluvisol {n} (soil type) :: fluvisol {m}
flux {n} /flʌks/ (a chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding) :: fundente {m}
flux {n} (the rate of transfer of energy (electric flux, magnetic flux)) :: flujo {m}
fly {n} /flaɪ/ (insect of the order Diptera) :: mosco, mosca {f}
fly {n} (insect of the family Muscidae) :: mosca {f}
fly {n} (fishing lure) :: mosca {f}
fly {v} (to travel through air) :: volar
fly {v} (to flee) :: huir
fly {v} (to cause to travel through the air) :: volar, hacer volar, ir volando
fly {n} (act of flying) :: vuelo {m}
fly {n} (type of small, fast carriage) :: calesa {f}
fly {n} (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants) :: bragueta {f}
fly {adj} (quick-witted) :: listo, vivo, pillo, astuto
fly agaric {n} (Amanita muscaria) :: oronja falsa {f}, matamoscas {m}
flyblown {adj} /ˈflaɪˌbloʊn/ (tainted) :: corrompido, mancillado, contaminado
flyblown {adj} (sordid, squalid) :: pútrido
flyby {n} (flight past celestial object) :: sobrevolar
flyby {n} (ceremonial low-level flight) :: sobrevuelo {m}
flyer {n} (someone who pilots or rides in an airplane) :: piloto; volante {m}, octavilla {f}, circular
fly fishing {n} (form of angling) :: pesca con mosca {f}
fly-half {n} (rugby position) :: medio de apertura {m}
flying {n} (flying (noun)) SEE: flight ::
flying {adj} /ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ/ (that can fly) :: volador, volante
flying buttress {n} (buttress that stands apart from the structure that it supports) :: arbotante {m}
Flying Dutchman {prop} /ˌflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈdʌtʃ.mən/ (mythical ghost ship) :: Holandés Volador {m}, Holandés Errante {m}
flying fish {n} (tropical marine fish) :: pez volador {m}
flying fox {n} (bat of the genera Pteropus or Acerodon) :: zorro volador {m}
flying saucer {n} (disc-shaped unidentified flying object) :: platillo volante {m}, platillo volador {m}
Flying Spaghetti Monster {prop} (spaghetti deity) :: Monstruo de Espagueti Volador
flying squirrel {n} (squirrel) :: ardilla voladora {f}
fly off at a tangent {v} :: irse por los cerros de Úbeda
fly off the handle {v} (become very angry) :: perder los estribos
fly on the wall {n} (quiet, non-participating or unseen observer) :: agujero en la pared (hole in the wall)
fly screen {n} (window screen) SEE: window screen ::
flyswatter {n} (device for swatting flies) :: matamoscas
flywheel {n} (rotating mass) :: volante {m}
FML {interj} (expression of despairing annoyance) :: puta vida
foal {n} /foʊl/ (young horse) :: potranco {m}, potro {m}, potra {f}, potrillo {m}
foam {n} /foʊm/ (substance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains) :: espuma {f}
foam {v} (form or emit foam) :: espumar
foam at the mouth {v} (froth at the mouth) SEE: froth at the mouth ::
foam rubber {n} (foam rubber) SEE: foam ::
foamy {adj} /foʊmi/ (full of foam) :: esponjoso {m} (material), espumoso (liquid)
fob {n} /fɒb/ (chain or ribbon) :: leontina {f}
fob {v} (To cheat, to trick) :: engatusar
focal {adj} /ˈfoʊ.kl̩/ (belonging to or concerning a focus) :: focal
focal {adj} ((medicine) limited to a small area) :: focal
focus {n} /ˈfoʊ.kəs/ (in optics) :: foco {m}, punto focal {m}
focus {n} (in mathematics) :: foco {m}
focus {n} (fact of the convergence of light on the photographic medium) :: enfoque {m}
focus {n} (quality of the convergence of light on the photographic medium) :: enfoque {m}
focus {n} (concentration of attention) :: foco {m}
focus {n} (exact point of where an earthquake occurs) :: hipocentro {m}
focus {v} (cause (rays of light, etc) to converge at a single point) :: enfocar
focus {v} (to adjust (a lens, an optical instrument)) :: enfocar
focus {v} (transitive: to concentrate one's attention) :: centrarse en, enfocar
focus {v} (intransitive: to concentrate one's attention) :: concentrarse
fodder {n} /ˈfɑdɚ/ (food for animals) :: forraje {m}, pienso {m}
foe {n} (enemy) SEE: enemy ::
foetus {n} (fetus) SEE: fetus ::
fog {n} /fɑɡ/ (cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision) :: niebla {f}
fog {n} (Scottish: moss) SEE: moss ::
foible {n} /ˈfɔɪbəl/ (a quirk, idiosyncrasy, or mannerism; unusual habit or way) :: manía {f}
foible {n} (a weakness or failing of character) :: defecto {m}, punto débil {m}
foible {n} ((fencing) part of a sword) :: parte débil {f}
foie gras {n} /ˌfwɑ ˈɡɹɑ/ (fattened liver of geese or ducks) :: foie gras {m}, fuagrás {m}
foil {n} /fɔɪl/ (thin sheet of metal) :: lámina de metal {f}, folio {m}
foil {n} (thin aluminium/aluminum or tin used for wrapping food) :: papel de aluminio {m}
foil {n} (type of sword used in fencing) :: florete {m}
foil {v} (prevent from being accomplished) :: frustrar
foil {n} (shortened form of hydrofoil) SEE: hydrofoil ::
foist {v} /fɔɪst/ (force another to accept) :: endilgar, endosar
-fold {suffix} (used to make adjectives) :: veces (as a separate word: see example); a threefold increase - un aumento de tres veces
-fold {suffix} (used to make adverbs) :: veces (as a separate word: see example)
fold {v} /foʊld/ (bend (thin material) over) :: plegar, doblar
fold {v} (make the proper arrangement (in a thin material) by bending) :: plegar
fold {v} (fall over) :: doblarse, derribar
fold {v} (give way on a point or in an argument) :: ceder
fold {v} (poker: withdraw from betting) :: pasar, abandonar
fold {v} (stir gently with a folding action) :: incorporar
fold {n} (act of folding) :: doblamiento {m}
fold {n} (bend or crease) :: dobladura {f}, pliegue {m}, doblez {m}
fold {n} (enclosure for domestic animals) :: corral {m}, cerca {f}, aprisco {m}, redil {m}
fold {n} (home, family) :: cuna {f}
foldable {adj} (that can be folded) :: plegable
folder {n} /ˈfoʊɫdɚ/ (organizer) :: carpeta {f}
folder {n} (container of computer files) :: carpeta {f}
folder {n} (person who folds things) :: doblador {m}, dobladora {f}
folding {adj} /ˈfəʊldɪŋ/ (made to fold) :: plegable
folding screen {n} (furniture) :: biombo {m}
foldout {n} (gatefold) :: desplegable {m}
foldout {adj} (that folds out from a closed position) :: desplegable
foley {n} (a foley artist) SEE: foley artist ::
foley artist {n} (foley artist) :: especialista en efectos sonoros {m}
foliage {n} /ˈfoʊliɪdʒ/ (the leaves of plants) :: follaje {m}
foliation {n} /fəʊlɪˈeɪʃn/ (topology: a set of subspaces coextensive with a manifold) :: foliación {f}
folic acid {n} (vitamin B9, a polycyclic heterocyclic carboxylic acid) :: ácido fólico {m}
folivore {n} /ˈfəʊlɪvɔː(ɹ)/ (herbivore that eats mostly foliage) :: folívoro {m}, filófago {m}
folk {n} /fəʊk/ (inhabitants of a region) :: pueblo, gente
folk etymology {n} (false etymology) :: etimología popular {f}, paretología {f}
folklore {n} /ˈfəʊk.lɔː/ (tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population) :: folclore {m}, folclor {m}, demosofía {f}
folkloric {adj} (of or pertaining to folklore) :: folclórico
folklorism {n} (use of tradition outside the cultural context in which it was created) :: folclorismo {m}
folkloristics {n} (formal academic study of folklore) :: ciencia del folklore {f}
folk music {n} (music originating from a specific region) :: música folklórica {f}, folk música {f}
folktale {n} (story that is part of the oral tradition of a people) :: leyenda {f}
follicle {n} (anatomy) :: folículo {m}
follicle {n} (botany) :: folículo {m}
follicle stimulating hormone {n} (hormone) :: hormona foliculoestimulante {f}
follicular {adj} (of or pertaining to the follicle) :: folicular
follicular dendritic cell {n} (specific cells found in lymph follicles) :: célula dendrítica folicular {f}
folliculitis {n} (inflammation of one or more hair follicles) :: foliculitis {f}
follow {v} /ˈfɑloʊ/ (to go or come after in physical space) :: seguir
follow {v} (to go or come after in a sequence) :: seguir
follow {v} (to carry out in accordance to) :: seguir
follower {n} (one who follows) :: seguidor {m}
follower {n} (imitator) :: imitador
follower {n} (pursuer) :: seguidor {m}
follower {n} (social media consumer) :: seguidor {m}
following {adj} /ˈfɑloʊɪŋ/ (next in sequence or time) :: siguiente
following {adj} (to be specified) :: próximo
follow suit {v} (play a card of the same suit) :: arrastrar
follow suit {v} (follow an example) :: seguir el ejemplo
follow-up {n} ((medicine) revisiting) :: seguimiento
Fomalhaut {prop} (star) :: Fomalhaut {m}
foment {v} /foʊˈmɛnt/ (to incite or cause) :: fomentar
foment {v} ((medicine) to apply a poultice to) :: fomentar
fomite {n} /ˈfoʊmaɪt/ (inanimate object capable of transferring infectious agents) :: fómite {m}
fond {v} (be fond of, like) SEE: like ::
fond {adj} /fɒnd/ (affectionate) :: afectuoso
fond {adj} (indulgent) :: indulgente, condescendiente
fond {adj} (outlandish) :: insensato, imprudente
fond {v} (have affection for) :: encariñarse, encariñarse
fond {v} (be fond of, have affection for) :: tener cariño a, querer
fondle {v} /ˈfɒndl/ (to fondle) :: acariciar
fondness {n} /ˈfɑndnəs/ (the quality of being fond) :: apego {m}, querencia
fondue {n} /ˈfɒnduː/ (dish) :: fondue {f}
font {n} /fɑnt/ (typesetting: a grouping of consistently-designed glyphs) :: fuente {f}
fontanelle {n} (soft spot on a baby's head) :: fontanela {f}, mollera {f}
food {n} /fuːd/ (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life) :: alimento {m}, comida {f}, víveres {m-p}
food {n} (foodstuff) :: alimento, comida, vianda {f}
food bank {n} (a non-profit, charitable organization that distributes food to feed the hungry) :: banco de alimentos {m}
food chain {n} (feeding relationship between species) :: cadena alimentaria {f}, cadena trófica {f}
food court {n} (common area for dining) :: paseo de comida {m}
food fish {n} (fish used for food) :: pescado {m}
food poisoning {n} (any food-borne disease) :: intoxicación alimentaria {f}, toxiinfección alimentaria {f}
food processor {n} (kitchen appliance) :: robot de cocina {m}, procesor de alimentos
foodstuff {n} /ˈfuːdˌstʌf/ (material that may be used as food) :: nutriente {m}, alimento {m}
food truck {n} (A van that serves hot food to customers) :: gastroneta {f}
food web {n} /ˈfuːd wɛb/ (diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in a particular ecosystem) :: red trófica {f}
fool {n} /fuːl/ (person with poor judgement or little intelligence) :: bobo {m}, tonto {m}, necio {m}, imbécil
fool {n} (jester) :: bufón {m}
fool {n} (tarot card) :: loco {m}, bufón {m}
fool {v} (to trick; to make a fool of someone) :: engañar, engrupir, tomar el pelo
fool around {v} (to waste time) :: pelar la pava [Spain, colloquial]
foolhardy {adj} /ˈfuːlhɑːdi/ (marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger) :: temerario
foolish {adj} /ˈfuː.lɪʃ/ (lacking good sense or judgement; unwise) :: tonto, necio, imprudente
foolish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a fool) :: tonto
foolishness {n} (thing or event that is foolish) :: sandez {f}, tontería {f}
foolproof {adj} /ˈfuːl ˌpɹuːf/ ((device) fail-safe) :: seguro
foolproof {adj} ((plan) infallible) :: infalible
fool's errand {n} (foolish undertaking) :: misión imposible {f}, tarea de tontos {f}
fool's gold {n} (mineral or other substance often mistaken for gold) :: oro de los tontos {m}, oro de los pobres {m}
fool's mate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) :: mate del loco {m}
foosball {n} /ˈfuːsˌbɔːl/ (table soccer) :: futbolín {m}, futillo {m}, [Mexico, Uruguay] futbolito {m}, [Chile] tacataca {f}
foot {n} /fʊt/ (part of animal’s body) :: pata {f}
foot {n} (part of human body) :: pie {m}, pinrel {m} [slang], queso [slang]
foot {n} (bottom of anything) :: pie {m}
foot {n} (unit of measure) :: pie {m}
foot {n} (metrical foot) SEE: metrical foot ::
footage {n} /ˈfʊtɪd͡ʒ/ (amount of film that has been used) :: filmación análoga
foot-and-mouth disease {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) :: fiebre aftosa {f}, glosopeda {f}
football {n} /ˈfʊtbɔl/ (Association football) :: fútbol {m}, futbol {m} [Mexico]; balompié {m}, balón-pie {m}; pambol [Mexico]
football {n} (US game) SEE: American football ::
football {n} (Canadian game) SEE: Canadian football ::
footballer {n} /ˈfʊtbɔːləɹ/ (one who plays football) :: futbolista {m} {f}
football player {n} (footballer) SEE: footballer ::
footbath {n} /ˈfʊtbɑːθ/ (act of washing the feet) :: baño de pie
footbath {n} (small basin or bath designed for washing feet) :: pediluvio {m}
footbridge {n} (bridge for pedestrians) :: puente peatonal {m}, pasarela {f}
footer {n} /ˈfʊtə/ (line of information at the bottom of a page) :: pie de página {m}
footer {v} (slang: to meddle) :: perder el tiempo
foothold {n} (a solid grip with the feet) :: punto de apoyo {m}
foot locker {n} (footlocker) SEE: footlocker ::
footlocker {n} (a rectangular trunk) :: baúl pequeño {m}, cofre pequeño {m}
footloose {adj} (tending to do as one pleases) :: despreocupado
footloose {adj} (without many commitments or responsibility) :: sin compromiso, libre
footman {n} (servant who runs in front of his master's carriage) :: lacayo {m}
footnote {n} /ˈfʊtˌnoʊt/ (comment at the bottom of a printed page) :: nota {f}, nota a pie de página {f}
footpath {n} /ˈfʊtˌpæθ/ (path for pedestrians) :: acera {f}
footprint {n} /ˈfʊtpɹɪnt/ (the impression of the foot) :: pisada {f}, huella {f}
footprint {n} (profession or lifestyle) :: pasos {f-p}
footprint {n} (ecological impact of a human activity) :: huella {f}
foot rot {n} (athlete's foot) SEE: athlete's foot ::
foot soldier {n} (infantryman) SEE: infantryman ::
footstep {n} /ˈfʊtstɛp/ (mark left by a foot) :: huella {f}, paso {m}
footstep {n} (step, as in a stair) :: paso {m} [obsolete], peldaño {m}
footstep {n} (distance of one footstep) :: paso {m}
footstool {n} /ˈfʊtˌstuːl/ (a low stool) :: reposapiés {m}, escabel {m}
footwear {n} (an item of clothing that is worn on the foot) :: calzado {m}
fop {n} /fɒp/ (vain man) :: petimetre {m}, pisaverde {m}, gomoso {m}, dandi {m}, currutaco {m}, boquirrubio {m}, lechuguino {m}
foppery {n} (stupidity) SEE: stupidity ::
foppish {adj} /ˈfɒp.ɪʃ/ (like a fop) :: peripuesto, gomoso, alindado {m}, litri
for {conj} /fɔɹ/ (because) :: porque, pues, como
for {prep} (towards) :: a, hacia
for {prep} (directed at, intended to belong to) :: para
for {prep} (supporting) :: por
for {prep} (because of) :: por
for {prep} (over (a period of time)) :: por, durante
for {prep} (in order to obtain or acquire) :: por
for {prep} (by the standards of) :: para ser
for a change {prep} (as a departure from the usual) :: para variar
forage {n} /ˈfɒɹɪdʒ/ (fodder for animals) :: forraje {m}
forage {v} :: forrajear
for all intents and purposes {prep} (For every functional purpose) :: a todos los efectos
foraminifer {n} (any protist of the taxon Foraminifera) :: foraminífero {m}
for a song {prep} (very cheaply) :: de balde
foray {n} /ˈfɔːɹ.eɪ/ (incursion) :: incursión {m}
forbear {v} /fɔɹˈbɛɚ/ (to keep away from) :: abstenerse
forbear {v} (to control oneself when provoked) :: retenerse
for better or worse {prep} (No matter what the future may hold) :: a las duras y a las maduras [colloquial], en las buenas y en las malas [colloquial], en la fortuna y en la adversidad [formal, religious]
forbid {v} /fɚˈbɪd/ (to disallow) :: prohibir, vedar, vetar, negar
forbidden {adj} /fɝˈbɪdən/ (not allowed) :: prohibido
Forbidden City {prop} (palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties) :: Ciudad Prohibida {f}
forbidden fruit {n} (the fruit forbidden to Adam) :: fruto prohibido {m}
forbidden fruit {n} (illicit pleasure) :: fruto prohibido {m}
forbidden fruit is the sweetest {proverb} (forbidden things seem more appealing) :: la fruta prohibida es la más dulce
forbode {v} (forebode) SEE: forebode ::
force {n} /fɔɹs/ (anything that is able to make a big change in person or thing) :: fuerza {f}
force {n} (physical quantity) :: fuerza {f}
force {v} (compel (someone to do something)) :: obligar
force {v} (cause to occur, overcoming resistance) :: forzar
force {v} :: forzar
force {n} (waterfall) SEE: waterfall ::
forced heirship {n} :: legítima {f}
forced labor {n} (work which one is compelled to perform) :: trabajo forzado {m}
force field {n} (physics) :: campo de fuerzas {m}
force field {n} (science fiction) :: campo de fuerza {m}
forcefulness {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)sfəlnəs/ (being forceful) :: fortaleza {f}, vigor {m}
force majeure {n} /ˈfɔːs məˈʒɜː/ (unavoidable catastrophe) :: fuerza mayor {f}, caso fortuito {m}
forcemeat {n} (chopped meat) :: farsa
force of nature {n} (a mighty natural force which is beyond human control) :: fuerza de la naturaleza {f}
force of nature {n} ((particle physics) a fundamental force) :: fuerza de la naturaleza {f}
forceps {n} /ˈfɔːsɛps/ (instrument used in surgery) :: fórceps {m}
ford {n} /fɔɹd/ (crossing) :: vado {m}
ford {v} (to cross a stream) :: vadear
Fordism {n} (Fordism) :: fordismo {m}
forearm {n} /ˈfɔɹˌɑɹm/ (part of the arm) :: antebrazo {m}
forebear {n} (ancestor) :: ancestro {m} {f}, antepasado {m} {f}
forebode {v} /fɔːˈbəʊd/ (to predict a future event; to hint at something that will happen (especially as a literary device)) :: presagiar
foreboding {n} (sense of evil to come) :: mal presentimiento
forebrain {n} (part of the brain) :: prosencéfalo {m}
forebuy {v} (to buy beforehand) :: precomprar
forecast {v} /ˈfɔɹkæst/ (estimate future conditions) :: predecir, pronosticar
forecast {n} (estimation) :: pronóstico {m}, previsión {f}
forecast {n} (weather prediction) :: pronóstico del tiempo {m}
forecaster {n} (A person who predicts future outcomes based on current and past evidence.) :: pronosticador {m}
forecastle {n} /ˈfoʊkˌsəl/ (nautical: raised part of the upper deck at bow) :: castillo de proa {m}
foreclose {v} /ˌfɔɹˈkloʊz/ (to repossess) :: embargar
foreclose {v} (to cut off) :: evitar; impedir
foreclosure {n} (proceeding by a creditor) :: embargo {m}, ejecución de hipoteca {f}, acción hipotecaria {f}
forefather {n} /ˈfɔɹˌfɑːðɚ/ (ancestor) :: ancestro {m}, antepasado {m}, ascendiente {m}, predecesor {m}
forefinger {n} /ˈfɔɹˌfɪŋ.ɡɚ/ (first finger next to the thumb) :: índice {m}, dedo índice {m}
forefront {n} /ˈfɔɹfɹʌnt/ (forefront) :: vanguardia {f}, primer plano {m}
forego {v} (precede) SEE: precede ::
foregoing {adj} /ˌfɔː(ɹ)ˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ (occurring before or in front of something else) :: precedente
foregone conclusion {n} (predictable or inevitable conclusion) :: ser de prever, estar cantado
foreground {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)ˌɡɹaʊnd/ (The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane) :: primer plano {m}
forehead {n} /ˈfɔɹɛd/ (part of face above eyebrows) :: frente {f}
foreign {n} (foreigner) SEE: foreigner ::
foreign {adj} /ˈfɔɹɪn/ (located outside one's own country or place) :: extraño
foreign {adj} (originating from or characteristic of a different country) :: extranjero, forastero, foráneo
foreign {adj} (relating to a different nation) :: extranjero {m}, exterior
foreign {adj} (not characteristic of or naturally taken in by an organism or system) :: extraño {m}
foreign affairs {n} :: asuntos exteriores
foreign body {n} (unwanted intruding object) :: cuerpo extraño {m}
foreign country {n} (country of which one is not a citizen) :: extranjero {m}
foreign currency {n} (currency used in a foreign country) :: moneda extranjera {f}, divisa {f}
foreign debt {n} (debt owed to foreigners) :: deuda externa {f}
foreign debt {n} :: deuda externa {f}
foreigner {n} /ˈfɒɹ.ɪ.nə(ɹ)/ (person in a foreign land) :: extranjero {m}, extranjera {f}, forastero {m}, fuereño {m}
foreign exchange {n} (foreign currency) SEE: foreign currency ::
foreign exchange {n} (exchange of currency from one country for currency from another country) :: cambio de divisa {m}
foreignism {n} (a trait, custom, phrase or characteristic typical of a foreign country or language) :: extranjerismo {m}
foreign language {n} (any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place) :: lengua extranjera {f}
foreign minister {n} (cabinet official) :: ministro extranjero {m}
foreignness {n} /ˈfɔɹən.nəs/ (quality of being, appearing, or being perceived as foreign) :: ajenidad {f}
foreign policy {n} (government's policy) :: política exterior
foreign trade {n} (trade between a country and other countries) :: comercio exterior
foreknow {v} /ˌfɔɹˈnoʊ/ (to have foreknowledge of) :: prever, conocer de antemano
foreland {n} (headland) SEE: headland ::
foreland {n} (zone where eroded material is deposited) :: antepaís
forelock {n} (hair that hangs over the forehead) :: flequillo {m}
foreman {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)mən/ (leader of a work crew) :: capataz {m}
foreman {n} (member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its behalf) :: presidente del jurado {m} {f}, presidenta del jurado {f}
foremast {n} (foremost mast) :: palo de trinquete {m}
forename {n} /ˈfɔɹneɪm/ (a name that precedes surname) :: nombre {m}, nombre propio {m}, nombre de pila {m}
forenoon {n} (morning) SEE: morning ::
forensic {adj} /fəˈɹɛn.zɪk/ (relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law) :: forense
forensic {adj} (relating to, or appropriate for courts of law) :: legal
forensic {adj} (relating to, or used in debate or argument) :: retórico
forensic science {n} (collection of physical evidence and its subsequent analysis) :: criminalística {f}, medicina forense {f}, medicina legal {f}
foreplay {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)pleɪ/ (foreplay) :: juego previo {m}, preliminares {m}
forerunner {n} (precursor, harbinger) :: precursor
foresee {v} /fɔɹˈsi/ (to anticipate) :: pronosticar, prever
foreseeable {adj} (able to be foreseen or anticipated) :: previsible
foreshadow {v} /fɔːˈʃadəʊ/ (To presage, or suggest something in advance) :: presagiar
foreshock {n} (tremor preceding the mainshock in earthquake) :: sismo inicial, sismo premonitor
foreshortening {n} (art technique) :: escorzo {m}
foresight {n} (ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future) :: previsión {f}, profecía {f}, adivinación, clarividencia {f}, presciencia {f}
foreskin {n} /ˈfɔːskɪn/ (prepuce / foreskin) :: prepucio {m}
forest {n} /ˈfɔɹɪst/ (dense collection of trees) :: bosque {m}, floresta {f}, selva {f}, foresta {f}
forest {v} (to cover an area with trees) :: forestar
forestation {n} (act of planting a forest) :: silvicultura {f}
forested {adj} (covered in forest) :: boscoso, selvático, arbolado {m}, arborizado {m}, nemoroso {m}
forest fire {n} (fire) :: incendio forestal {m}
forestry {n} (science of planting and growing trees) :: silvicultura {f}
forestry {n} (art and practice of planting and growing trees) :: silvicultura {f}
forestry {n} (tree farm) SEE: tree farm ::
foretell {v} /fɔɹ.ˈtɛɫ/ (to predict the future) :: predecir, pronosticar, vaticinar
foretop {n} (forelock of a horse) SEE: forelock ::
for ever {adv} (forever) SEE: forever ::
forever {adv} /fəˈɹɛvɚ/ (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time) :: para siempre
forever {adv} ((colloquially) for an excessively long time) :: por siempre
forever {adv} ((colloquially) constantly or frequently) :: constantemente, sin cesar
forever {n} (mythical time in the infinite future) :: eternidad
forever {n} :: por siempre, para siempre
forevermore {adv} /fɔːɹˈɛv.ɚ.mɔːɹ/ (at any or all times in the future; forever) :: cinvocarás
forewarned is forearmed {proverb} (proverb) :: hombre prevenido vale por dos
foreword {n} /ˈfɔɹwɝːd/ (an introductory section) :: prefacio {m}
forex {n} /ˈfɔɹˌɛks/ (short for foreign exchange) :: forex {m}
for example {prep} (as an example) :: por ejemplo, verbigracia [formal]
forfeit {n} /ˈfɔɹ.fɪt/ (penalty) :: penalización {f}
forfeit {v} (to suffer the loss) :: perder
forfeit {v} (to give up in defeat) :: [se] rendir
for free {prep} (without paying) :: gratis
forge {n} /fɔɹd͡ʒ/ (furnace or hearth) :: fragua {f}, forja {f}
forge {n} (workshop) :: fragua {f}, forja {f}
forge {v} (to shape a metal) :: forjar
forge {v} (to create a forgery of) :: falsificar
forged {adj} /fɔːdʒd/ (fake (as documents)) :: falsificado
forged {adj} (fabricated by forging) :: forjado
forger {n} (person who creates forgeries, falsifies documents with intent to defraud; counterfeiter) :: falsario {m}, falsaria {f}, falsificador {m}, falsificadora {f}
forger {n} (person who forges metals) :: forjador {m}, forjadora {f}
forgery {n} (invention) SEE: invention ::
forgery {n} /ˈfɔːɹ.dʒəɹ.ɪ/ (the act of forging metal into shape) :: forjadura {f}
forgery {n} (the act of forging, fabricating or producing falsely) :: falsificación {f}
forgery {n} (that which is forged or counterfeited) :: falsificación {f}
forgery {n} :: falsificación
forget {v} /fəˈɡɛt/ (to lose remembrance of) :: olvidar
forget {v} (to unintentionally not do) :: olvidar
forget {v} (to leave behind) :: dejar
forget {v} (to cease remembering) :: olvidar
forgetful {adj} (liable to forget) :: olvidadizo, desmemoriado
forgetfulness {n} /fəˈɡɛtfʊlnɪs/ (proneness to let slip from the mind) :: desmemoria {f}, mala memoria {f}, poca memoria {f}, memoria de pollo {f}
forgetfulness {n} (loss of remembrance) :: olvido {m}, pérdida de memoria {f}
forgetfulness {n} (failure to bear in mind) :: desmemoria {f}, mala memoria {f}, poca memoria {f}, memoria de pollo {f}
forget it {v} (It doesn't matter) :: olvídalo
forget it {v} (reply to an expression of gratitude) :: ¡tranquilo {m}
forget it {v} (I don't want to continue with this conversation) :: olvídalo
forget-me-not {n} /fɚˈɡɛt.miˌnɑt/ (plant of the genus Myosotis) :: nomeolvides {f}
forgettable {adj} (easily forgotten) :: olvidable
forgive {v} /fə(ɹ)ˈɡɪv/ (transitive, to pardon) :: perdonar, disculpar
forgiveness {n} /fɚˈɡɪvnəs/ (the action of forgiving) :: perdón {m}
forgiveness {n} (readiness to forgive) :: misericordia {f}
forgo {v} /fɔːˈɡəʊ/ (to let pass) :: pasar por alto
forgo {v} (to do without) :: dejar de lado
for God's sake {interj} (Exclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience) :: por Dios, por el amor de Dios, pardiez
for good {prep} (forever; permanently) :: con toda la barba, para siempre, definitivamente, de una vez por todas
for good measure {prep} (in excess of the required minimum) :: por si acaso, por precaución
forgotten {adj} /fɚˈɡɑt.n̩/ (of which knowledge has been lost, which is no longer remembered) :: olvidado
for instance {adv} (as an example) SEE: for example ::
forint {n} /ˈfɔ.ɹɪnt/ (unit of currency) :: florín húngaro {m}, forinto {m}
fork {n} /fɔɹk/ (pronged tool) :: horca {f}, trinche {m}
fork {n} (eating utensil) :: tenedor {m}, trinche {m}
fork {n} (intersection) :: bifurcación {f}
fork {n} (bicycle fork) :: horquilla {f}
fork {v} (to divide into two or more branches) :: bifurcarse
fork {n} (tuning fork) SEE: tuning fork ::
fork {n} (forklift) SEE: forklift ::
fork {n} (UK: crotch) SEE: crotch ::
fork {n} (gallows) SEE: gallows ::
forkbeard {n} (the European forked hake (Phycis blennoides)) :: brótola de fango
forked tongue {n} :: lengua viperina
forkful {n} (amount a fork will hold) :: lo que abarca un tenedor {m}
forklift {n} (small industrial vehicle) :: carretilla elevadora {f}, carretilla {f}, grúa horquilla {f}, montacargas {m}, toro {m} [colloquial]
forlorn {adj} /fəˈlɔːn/ (abandoned, deserted, left behind) :: abandonado
forlorn {adj} (miserable) :: desamparado {m}, desamparada {f}
forlorn {adj} (unlikely to succeed) :: desesperado
forlornly {adv} (in a forlorn manner) :: tristemente, desgraciadamente
form {n} /fɔɹm/ (shape or visible structure) :: forma {f}
form {n} (document to be filled in) :: formulario {m}, forma {f}, planilla {f}
form {v} (to give shape) :: formar
form {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) SEE: grade ::
formal {adj} /ˈfɔɹməl/ (being in accord with established forms) :: formal
formal {adj} (relating to the form or structure of something) :: formal
formal {adj} (ceremonial) :: protocolario
formaldehyde {n} (organic compound) :: formaldehído
formalist {n} /ˈfɔɹml̩ˌɪst/ (overly formal person) :: formalista {m} {f}
formalist {adj} (of or pertaining to formalism) :: formalista
formalistic {adj} (formalist) SEE: formalist ::
formality {n} (The state of being formal) :: formalidad {f}
formality {n} (specific requirement) :: formalidad {f}
formalize {v} /ˈfɔː(ɹ).mə.laɪz/ (to give something a definite form) :: formalizar
formalize {v} (to give something formal or official standing) :: formalizar
formalize {v} (to act with formality) :: formalizar [pronominal]
formal language {n} (set of finite strings) :: lenguaje formal {m}
formally {adv} /ˈfɔɹməli/ (in a formal manner) :: formalmente
formally {adv} (in accordance with official procedure) :: formalmente
formally {adv} (in accordance with rigorous rules) :: formalmente
formant {n} (band of frequencies) :: formante {m}
format {n} /ˈfɔːɹ.mæt/ (layout of a document) :: formato {m}
format {n} (form of presentation) :: formato {m}
format {n} (computing: file type) :: formato
format {v} (create or edit the layout of a document) :: formatear
format {v} (computing: prepare a mass storage medium for initial use) :: formatear
formatting {n} /ˈfɔɹmætiŋ/ (The style of a document's format) :: formateo {m}
formatting {n} (The code in a markup language which determines a document's format) :: formateo {m}
former {adj} /ˈfɔɹmɚ/ (previous) :: anterior, antiguo
former {adj} (first of aforementioned two items) :: primero {m}, primera {f}, aquello, aquella
formerly {adv} /ˈfɔɹmɚli/ (at some time in the past) :: anteriormente, otrora
formerly {adv} (previously; once) :: antes, otrora
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia {prop} (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia) :: Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Exrepública Yugoslava de Macedonia
form factor {n} (in quantum field theory) :: factor de forma {m}
formic {adj} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)mɪk/ (of formic acid) :: fórmico
formic {adj} (antly) SEE: antly ::
formic acid {n} (methanoic acid) :: ácido fórmico {m}
formless {adj} /ˈfɔːmləs/ (without form) :: sin forma
form of address {n} (term of address) SEE: term of address ::
Formosa {prop} (Taiwan) SEE: Taiwan ::
formula {n} /ˈfɔː.mjʊ.lə/ (in mathematics) :: fórmula {f}
formula {n} (in chemistry) :: fórmula {f}
formula {n} (drink given to babies) :: preparado para lactantes {m}, leche maternizada {f}, fórmula infantil {f}
Formula One {prop} (discipline in motor racing) :: Fórmula Uno {f}, Fórmula 1 {f}
formulate {v} (to reduce to, or express in, a formula; to put in a clear and definite form of statement or expression) :: formular
formulation {n} (act, process, or result of formulating or reducing to a formula) :: formulación {f}
formwork {n} (used in construction) :: encofrado
Fornax {prop} (constellation) :: Fornax
fornicate {v} /ˈfɔː.nɪ.kət/ (to engage in fornication) :: fornicar
fornication {n} /ˌfɔɹnɪˈkeɪʃən/ (sexual intercourse considered illicit) :: fornicación {f}
fornix {n} (anatomy: archlike structure or fold) :: fórnix {m}
fornix {n} (brain part) :: fórnix {m}
for nothing {adv} (for free) :: de balde
for now {prep} (at the moment; until later) :: por ahora
for one {adv} (as the first in a number of examples) :: en primer lugar, antes de nada
for real {adj} (genuine, true or natural) :: ¿de veras?
for real {adv} (truly) :: ¿de veras?
Forro {prop} (language) :: forro {m}
forsake {v} /fɔɹˈseɪk/ (to abandon) :: abandonar
for sale {prep} (being offered for purchase) :: a la venta
for short {prep} (As an abbreviated form) :: para abreviar, para los amigos
forsooth {adv} /fɔɹˈsuθ/ (indeed, truthfully, really) :: veramente {m}, en verdad {m}, de vero {m}
for starters {adv} (as an initial point) :: en primer lugar, para empezar
forsterite {n} (a magnesium-rich olivine mineral) :: forsterita {f}
Forster's tern {n} (Sterna forsteri) :: charrán de Forster {m}
for sure {prep} (definitely) :: por seguro, a ciencia cierta
fort {n} /fɔɹt/ (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops) :: fuerte {m}, fortaleza {f}
fort {n} :: fuerte {m}
forte {n} /ˈfɔːteɪ/ (strength or talent) :: fuerte {m}, punto fuerte {m}
for that matter {prep} (as far as that is concerned) :: ya que estamos
forthcoming {adj} /fɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ/ (approaching or about to take place) :: próximo, venturo
forthcoming {adj} (available when needed) :: disponible
forthcomingness {n} (the state or quality of being forthcoming (approaching)) :: proximidad
forthcomingness {n} (the state or quality of being forthcoming (available)) :: disponibilidad
for the moment {adv} (at the moment) SEE: for the time being ::
for the nonce {prep} /nɒn(t)s/ (for the time being) :: por esta vez
for the record {prep} (For the purpose of being recorded) :: que conste
for the sake of {prep} (because of) :: por amor a
for the time being {adv} (temporarily; until later) :: por ahora, por el momento, por lo pronto, de momento
forthwith {adv} /fɔːθˈwɪð/ (without delay, see also: immediately) :: inmediatamente
forties {n} (the decade of the 1840s, 1940s etc) :: años cuarenta, década de 1940
fortieth {adj} /ˈfɔɹ.ti.əθ/ (ordinal form of forty, see also: 40th) :: cuadragésimo
fortieth {n} (person or thing) :: cuadragésimo
fortieth {n} (one of forty equal parts) :: cuarentavo
fortification {n} /ˌfɔː(ɹ)tɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of fortifying) :: fortificación {f}
fortification {n} (that which fortifies) :: fortificación {f}
fortify {v} /ˈfɔɹtɪfaɪ/ (increase the defenses of) :: fortalecer
fortify {v} (increase the nutritional value) :: enriquecer
fortifying {n} :: fortalecimiento {m}
fortissimo {adv} (very loud) :: fortísimo
fortitude {n} /ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd/ (mental or emotional strength) :: fortaleza
fortnight {n} /ˈfɔɹt.naɪt/ (period of two weeks) :: quincena {f}
fortnightly {adj} (occurring once in a fortnight) :: bisemanal
fortnightly {adv} (once in a fortnight) :: bisemanalmente
fortress {n} /ˈfɔɹ.tɹəs/ (fortified place) :: fortaleza {f}
fortuitous {adj} /fɔːˈtjuːɪtəs/ (happening by chance, not necessarily a lucky one) :: fortuito
fortuitously {adv} (in a fortuitous manner) :: fortuitamente
fortuity {n} (state of being fortuitous) :: azar {m}
fortuity {n} (fortuitous event) :: azar {m}
fortunate {adj} /ˈfɔːt͡ʃənɪt/ (Coming by good luck or favorable chance) :: afortunado
fortunate {adj} (Bringing some good thing not foreseen as certain) :: propicio, favorable
fortunate {adj} (Lucky, favored by fortune) :: afortunado
fortunate {adj} :: afortunada
fortunately {adv} /ˈfɔɹt͡ʃənɪtli/ (in a fortunate manner) :: afortunadamente
fortunately {adv} (it is fortunate that) :: dichosamente
fortune {n} /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ (destiny) :: fortuna {f}
fortune {n} (a chance) :: fortuna {f}
fortune {n} (good luck) :: fortuna {f}
fortune cookie {n} (snack) :: galleta de la fortuna {f}
fortune favors the bold {proverb} (luck favors the adventurous) :: a los osados, ayuda la fortuna
fortune hunter {n} (person who eagerly seeks wealth) :: cazafortunas
fortuneteller {n} (person who professes to predict the future in return for money) :: vidente {m} {f}, adivino {m}, adivina {f}
fortuneteller {n} (cootie catcher) SEE: cootie catcher ::
forty {num} /ˈfɔɹti/ (the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine) :: cuarenta
forty-eight {num} (48) :: cuarenta y ocho
forty-first {adj} (41st) :: cuadragésimo primero
forty-five {num} /ˌfɔɹtiˈfaɪv/ (45) :: cuarenta y cinco
forty-four {num} (44) :: cuarenta y cuatro
forty-nine {num} (49) :: cuarenta y nueve
forty-one {num} (41) :: cuarenta y uno
forty-seven {num} (47) :: cuarenta y siete
forty-seventh {adj} (47th) :: cuadragésimo séptimo
forty-seventh {n} (1/47) :: cuadragésimo séptimo
forty-six {num} (46) :: cuarenta y seis
fortysomething {n} (quadragenarian) SEE: quadragenarian ::
forty-three {num} (43) :: cuarenta y tres
forty-two {num} (Cardinal number) :: cuarenta y dos
forum {n} /ˈfɔːɹəm/ (place for discussion) :: foro {m}
forum {n} (Internet message board) :: foro {m}
forum non conveniens {n} (doctrine of law) :: derecho del tribunal de rehusar jurisdicción {m}
forward {adj} /ˈfɔː.wəd/ (without customary restraint) :: descarado, fresco, confianzudo
forward {adv} (towards the front) :: adelante, avante
forward {adv} (into the future) :: adelante, a partir de
forward {v} (send (something received) to a third party) :: reenviar, remitir
forward {n} (player nearest to the opposing soccer team) :: delantero, ariete
forward compatibility {n} (compatibility with future systems) :: compatibilidad hacia adelante {f}
forward line {n} (soccer) :: delantera {f}
forward roll {n} (movement) :: vuelta de carnero {f}
forward slash {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
for what it's worth {prep} (considering what limited worth this advice may have) :: por si sirve de algo
for your information {prep} (used to introduce a rebuttal to the interlocutor's previous statement) :: para tu información, [Usted form] para su información
fossil {n} /ˈfɑːsəl/ (The mineralized remains of an animal or plant) :: fósil {m}
fossil fuel {n} (fuel) :: combustible fósil {m}
fossilization {n} (the process of conversion into a fossil) :: fosilización {f}
fossil record {n} (the collective record of fossils) :: registro fósil {m}
foster {adj} /ˈfɔstɚ/ (providing parental care to unrelated children) :: adoptivo {m}
foster {adj} (receiving such care) :: adoptivo {m}, adoptado {m}
foster {v} (to nurture or bring up offspring; or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child) :: criar
foster {v} (to cultivate and grow something) :: fomentar
foster {v} :: promover, incentivar
foster care {n} (system by which a child is cared for) :: acogimiento familiar {m}
foster family {n} (family having at least one foster child) :: familia de acogida {f}
foster father {n} (an adult male who cares for a foster child) :: padre adoptivo {m}
foster home {n} (adoptive parent's home) :: casa de acogida {f}
fostering {n} :: fomento
fougasse {n} (old-fashioned type of land mine) :: fogata {f}
foul {adj} /faʊl/ (covered with, or containing, extraneous matter) :: inmundo
foul {adj} (scurrilous; obscene or profane; abusive) :: indecente, grosero, obsceno
foul {adj} (hateful; detestable; shameful; odious; wretched) :: repugnante, perro
foul {v} (to make dirty) :: ensuciar
foul {v} (to besmirch) :: ensuciar
foul {v} (to clog or obstruct) :: tapar, obstruer
foul {v} (to entangle) :: enredar
foul {v} (to become clogged) :: taparse
foul {v} (to become entangled) :: enredarse
foul {v} (to commit a foul) :: cometer una falta
foul {n} (offence in sports) :: falta {f}
foul-mouthed {adj} (of a user of bad language) :: malhablado, desbocado, deslenguado, lenguaraz
foul one's own nest {v} (to hurt one's own interests, especially to damage the reputation of one's self) :: tirar piedras contra el propio tejado
foul play {n} (unfair, unethical, or criminal behavior) :: juego sucio {m}
foul play {n} (violation of rules) :: juego sucio {m}
foul-smelling {adj} (having a bad odour) :: maloliente, fétido {m}
found {v} /faʊnd/ (to start an organization) :: fundar
found {v} (to begin building) :: fundar
found {v} :: fundar, instaurar
found {v} (melt) SEE: melt ::
foundation {n} /faʊnˈdeɪʃən/ (act of founding) :: fundación {f}
foundation {n} (that upon which anything is founded) :: cimiento {m}
foundation {n} (lowest and supporting part or member of a wall) :: cimiento {m}
foundation {n} (endowed institution or charity) :: fundación {f}
foundation {n} (cosmetic cream) :: base {f}
founder {n} /ˈfaʊndɚ/ (one who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author) :: fundador {m}
founder {v} (to sink) :: hundir, zozobrar, irse a pique
founder {v} (to fail) :: fracasar, zozobrar
founding {n} /ˈfaʊndɪŋ/ (establishment of something) :: fundación {f}
founding {adj} (who or that founds or found) :: fundador {m}
founding member {n} (member of an organization that was involved in the organization's foundation, see also: cofounder) :: miembro fundador {m}
foundling {n} (abandoned child, left by its parent) :: expósito {m} [dated]
foundry {n} /faʊndɹi/ (facility that melts metals) :: fundición {f}, [obsolete] fundería {f}, forja {f}
fount {n} (something from which water flows) :: fuente {f}
fount {n} (metaphorical source) :: fuente {f}
fount {n} (drinking device for animals) SEE: waterer ::
fountain {n} (spring) SEE: spring ::
fountain {n} /ˈfaʊn.ʔn̩/ (artificial water feature) :: fuente {f}
fountain {n} :: fuente {f}
fountain of youth {n} (anything reputed to have the power to restore health and vitality) :: fuente de la juventud {f}
fountain pen {n} (pen containing a reservoir of ink) :: estilógrafo {m}, pluma estilográfica {f}, pluma {f}
four {num} /fɔɹ/ (the cardinal number 4) :: cuatro
four {n} (digit or figure 4) :: cuatro
four {n} (basketball: power forward) SEE: power forward ::
four by two {n} (Jew) SEE: Jew ::
four-dimensional {adj} (measurable along four mutually perpendicular axes) :: cuatridimensional {m} {f}, cuadridimensional, tetradimensional
four-dimensional {adj} (of the four dimensions of space-time) :: cuatridimensional {m} {f}, cuadridimensional, tetradimensional
four-eyes {n} (person who wears spectacles) :: gafotas {m}, cuatro ojos {m} {f}, gafudo {m}, gafuda {f}
fourfold {v} :: cuadruplicar
four-four time {n} (four-four time) :: compás de cuatro de ocho {f}
fourgie {n} /ˈfoʊɹd͡ʒi/ (foursome) :: cuarteto {m}, orgia entre cuatro {m}
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {prop} (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) :: cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis {m-p}
four hundred {num} /ˈfoʊɹ ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 400) :: cuatrocientos {m}, cuatrocientas {f}
Fourier transform {n} (mathematics: a process that expresses a function) :: transformada de Fourier {f}
four-leaf clover {n} (clover with four leaves) :: trébol de cuatro hojas {m}
four-letter word {n} (swear word) SEE: swear word ::
four o'clock {n} (the start of the fifth hour) :: las cuatro {f-p}
four of a kind {n} (four cards of the same rank) :: póquer {m}
foursome {n} (group of four) :: cuarteto {m}
four-stroke engine {n} (type of engine) :: motor de cuatro tiempos {m}
fourteen {num} /ˈfɔɹt.tin/ (cardinal number) :: catorce
fourteenth {adj} /ˌfɔɹˈtiːnθ/ (ordinal form of the number fourteen, see also: 14th) :: decimocuarto
fourteenth {n} (something in the fourteenth position) :: decimocuarto {m}, decimocuarta {f}
fourteenth {n} (one of fourteen equal parts of a whole) :: catorceavo {m}
fourth {n} (quarter) SEE: quarter ::
fourth {adj} /fɔɹθ/ (ordinal form of the number four, see also: 4th) :: cuarto
fourth cousin {n} (fourth cousin) :: primo cuarto {m}, prima cuarta {f}
four thousand {num} (4000) :: cuatro mil
fourth person {n} (person distinct from first, second, and third persons) :: cuarta persona {f}
four-wheel drive {n} (vehicle) :: cuatro por cuatro {m}, todoterreno {m}
foveal {adj} /ˈfəʊvɪəl/ (of or pertaining to the fovea) :: foveal
fowl {n} (bird) SEE: bird ::
fowl {n} /faʊl/ (bird of the order Galliformes) :: ave {f}
fowl {n} (birds which are hunted or kept for food) :: ave {f}
fox {n} /fɒks/ (Vulpes) :: zorro {m}, zorra {f}, raposo {m}, raposa {f}, vulpeja {f}
fox {n} (cunning person) :: zorro {m}
foxberry {n} (plant and berry Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry ::
fox cub {n} (young fox) :: zorruelo {m}, zorruela {f}
foxglove {n} (plant of the genus Digitalis) :: digital {f}
fox in the henhouse {n} (predator loose among the prey) :: zamuro cuidando carne {m} [Venezuela]
foxling {n} (little fox) SEE: fox cub ::
foxtail {n} (foxtail grass) :: cola de zorro {f}
foxy {adj} /ˈfɑksi/ (having the qualities of a fox) :: zorruno
foxy {adj} ((of a person) red-haired) :: pelirrojo
foyer {n} /ˈfɔɪ.eɪ/ (lobby, corridor, or waiting room) :: zaguán {m}, foyer {m}
Fårö {prop} (the island) :: Fårö
fracas {n} /ˈfɹeɪkəs/ (a noisy disorderly quarrel) :: alboroto {m}, tumulto {m}, altercado, gresca {f}
fracking {n} (hydraulic fracturing) SEE: hydraulic fracturing ::
fractal {n} /ˈfɹæk.təl/ (self-similar geometric figure) :: fractal {m}
fractal {n} (figure irregular at all scales) :: fractal {m}
fractal {adj} (having the form of a fractal) :: fractal
fractal dimension {n} (a dimension for making measurements on a fractal set) :: dimensión fractal {f}
fraction {n} /ˈfɹæk.ʃən/ (part of a whole) :: fracción, {f}
fraction {n} (arithmetic: ratio) :: fracción, {f}, quebrado {m}
fractionator {n} (apparatus used to separate the components of a mixture by fractionation) :: fraccionador {m}
fractious {adj} /ˈfɹæk.ʃəs/ (given to troublemaking) :: quisquilloso
fractious {adj} (irritable, argumentative, quarrelsome) :: quisquilloso
fracture {n} /ˈfɹæk.tʃə/ (act of breaking, or something broken) :: fractura {f}
fracture {v} (break) :: fracturar
fragile {adj} /ˈfɹædʒəl/ (easily broken or destroyed) :: frágil
fragilely {adv} (in a fragile manner) :: frágilmente
fragility {n} /fɹəˈd͡ʒɪlɪti/ (condition or quality of being fragile) :: fragilidad {f}
fragment {n} /ˈfɹæɡmənt/ (portion or segment of an object) :: fragmento
fragment {v} (to break apart) :: fragmentar
fragment {v} (to cause to be broken into pieces) :: fragmentar
fragmentation {n} (act of fragmenting or something fragmented; disintegration) :: fragmentación {f}
fragmentation {n} (process by which fragments of an exploding bomb scatter.) :: fragmentación {f}
fragmentation {n} (the breaking up and dispersal of a file into non-contiguous areas of a disk) :: fragmentación {f}
fragmentation {n} (the breaking up of a data packet when larger than the transmission unit of a network) :: fragmentación {f}
fragmenter {n} :: fragmentador {m}
fragrance {n} /ˈfɹeɪɡɹəns/ (pleasant smell or odour) :: fragancia {f}, aroma {m}
fragrant {adj} /ˈfɹeɪ.ɡɹənt/ (sweet-smelling) :: fragante
frail {adj} /fɹeɪl/ (easily broken physically) :: frágil, débil, delicado
frail {adj} (weak, infirm) :: frágil, débil, delicado
frail {adj} (mentally fragile) :: frágil, débil, delicado
frail {adj} (liable to fall from virtue) :: frágil
frailty {n} (condition of being frail) :: fragilidad {f}
frame {v} /fɹeɪm/ (put together the structural elements) :: levantar la estructura, armar
frame {v} (add a decorative border to a picture) :: enmarcar
frame {v} (position visually within a fixed boundary) :: concebir, contextualizar
frame {v} (establish a context in words) :: encuadrar, contextualizar
frame {v} (cause a person to appear guilty) :: inculpar falsamente, incriminar falsamente, hacer la cama
frame {n} (structural elements of a building or other constructed object) :: estructura {f}, armazón {f}
frame {n} (structure of a person's body) :: esqueleto {m}, osamenta {f}
frame {n} (rigid, generally rectangular mounting) :: marco {m}
frame {n} (piece of photographic film containing an image) :: fotograma {m}, cuadro {m}
frame {n} (chunk of data) :: lote {m}
frame {n} (division of a second) :: cuadro {m}
framework {n} /ˈfɹeɪm.wɝk/ (the arrangement of support beams that represent a buildings general shape and size) :: entramado {m}
framework {n} (a basic conceptual structure) :: infraestructura {f}
framework {n} :: marco
franc {n} /fɹæŋk/ (former currency of France and Belgium) :: franco {m}
franc {n} :: franco {m}
France {prop} /fɹæns/ (country) :: Francia {f}
Frances {prop} /ˈfɹænsɪz/ (feminine form of Francis) :: Francisca
Franche-Comté {prop} (region) :: Franco Condado {m}
franchise {n} /ˈfɹænt͡ʃaɪ̯z/ (right or privilege officially granted by a government) :: concesión {f}
franchise {n} (authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area) :: franquicia {f}
franchise {n} (legal exemption from jurisdiction) :: franquicia {f}
franchise {n} (right to vote at a public election) :: derecho a sufragio {m}, derecho de voto {m}, sufragio activo {m}, derecho de sufragio {m}
Francis {prop} /ˈfɹænsɪs/ (male given name) :: Francisco, Paco
Franciscan {n} /fɹænˈsɪskən/ (a monk or nun belonging to the religious order founded by St Francis of Assisi) :: franciscano {m}
Franciscan {adj} (relating to St Francis or to the Franciscans) :: franciscano
francium {n} /ˈfɹænsi.əm/ (chemical element) :: francio {m}
Franco- {prefix} (relating to France or French) :: franco-
Francoism {prop} (the dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain) :: franquismo {m}
Francoist {adj} :: franquista {m} {f}
Francoist {n} :: franquista {m} {f}
francolin {n} /ˈfɹæŋkəlɪn/ (partridge) :: francolín {m}
Franconia {prop} (region of Germany) :: Franconia {f}
Francophile {n} (one who loves France) :: francófilo {m}, francófila {f}
Francophone {adj} /ˈfɹæŋkɒfəʊn/ (French-speaking) :: francófono
Francophone {n} (speaker of French) :: francohablante {m} {f}, francófono {m}
Franco-Provençal {prop} (a Romance language) :: francoprovenzal
frangible {adj} /ˈfɹæn(d)ʒɪb(ə)l/ (able to be broken) :: frangible
frank {adj} /fɹæŋk/ (bluntly honest) :: franco {m}
Frank {n} /fɹæŋk/ (one of the Franks) :: franco {m}
Frank {prop} (male given name) :: Franco
frankenword {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word ::
Frankfurt {prop} /ˈfɹæŋkfə(ɹ)t/ (Frankfurt-am-Main) :: Francfort {m}
Frankfurt {prop} (Frankfurt-an-der-Oder) :: Francfort {m}
Frankfurt am Main {prop} /ˈfɹæŋkfɜː(ɹ)t æm ˈmaɪn/ (city in Hesse, Germany, see also: Frankfurt) :: Fráncfort del Meno
frankfurter {n} (type of sausage) SEE: wiener ::
frankfurter {n} (type of sausage) SEE: Vienna sausage ::
frankincense {n} (incense) :: olíbano {m}, franquincienso {m}, francoincienso {m}
Frankish {prop} /ˈfɹæŋkɪʃ/ (the language of the Franks) :: fráncico {m}
Franklin's gull {n} (Leucophaeus pipixcan) :: gaviota pipizcan {f}
frankly {adv} /ˈfɹæŋkli/ (in a frank, open or (too) honest manner) :: francamente
frankness {n} /ˈfɹæŋknɛs/ (frankness) :: franqueza {f}
Franquist {adj} (pertaining to Francisco Franco) :: franquista
Franquist {n} (supporter of Francisco Franco) :: franquista {m} {f}
frantic {adj} /ˈfɹæntɪk/ (In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush) :: frenético {m}
Franz Josef Land {prop} (archipelago in Russia) :: Tierra de Francisco José {f}
frappuccino {n} :: frappuccino
Frasch process {prop} :: proceso Frasch {m}
Fraser Island {prop} (island) :: isla Fraser {f}
Frasnian {prop} :: Frasniense
fraternal {adj} /fɹəˈtɝnəl/ (of brothers) :: fraternal, fraterno
fraternally {adv} (in a fraternal manner) :: fraternalmente
fraternal nephew {n} (brother's son) :: sobrino fraternal {m}
fraternity {n} (the quality of being brothers) :: hermandad
fraternity {n} (group of people associated for a common purpose) :: fraternidad {f}, confraternidad
fraternize {v} /ˈfɹætɚnɑɪz/ (to associate with others in a brotherly manner) :: fraternizar
fratricidal {adj} (of or pertaining to fratricide) :: fratricida {m} {f}
fratricide {n} (killing of one's sibling) :: fratricidio {m}
fratricide {n} (person who commits this crime) :: fratricida {m} {f}
fraud {n} /fɹɔd/ (an act of deception) :: fraude {m}
fraud {n} (one who performs fraud) :: defraudador
fraud {v} (defraud) SEE: defraud ::
fraudulence {n} /ˈfɹɔː.djʊ.l(ə)ns/ (condition of being fraudulent) :: fraudulencia {f}
fraudulent {adj} /ˈfɹɔ.dʒə.lənt/ (dishonest; based on fraud or deception) :: fraudulento {m}
fraudulently {adv} (in a fraudulent manner) :: fraudulentamente
fraught {adj} /fɹɔt/ (laden) :: cargado {m}
fraught {adj} (charged or accompanied with) :: cargado
fraught {adj} (distressed) :: angustiado, tenso
fraxinella {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
fray {v} /fɹeɪ/ (to unravel) :: deshilacharse
fray {v} (to cause exhaustion to a person's mental strength) :: desgastar
fray {v} (to bear the expense of) :: costear
fray {n} (affray; broil; contest; combat; brawl; melee) :: combate {m}, riña {f}, batalla {f}
frayed {adj} /fɹeɪd/ (unravelled) :: deshilachado
freak {n} /fɹiːk/ (sudden causeless change or turn of the mind) :: capricho {m}, antojo {m}
freak {n} (oddball, especially in physiology) :: fenómeno {m}
freak {n} (person who has an obsession or extreme knowledge of something) :: fanático, friki {m} {f}
freak out {v} (react with anger or fear) :: rayarse, trastornarse
freak out {v} (scare someone) :: asustar
freak show {n} (freak show) :: espectáculo de fenómenos {m}
freckle {n} /ˈfɹɛkəl/ (small pigmentation spot on the skin) :: peca {f}
freckle {v} (become covered with freckles) :: tener peca
freckled {adj} (having freckles) :: pecoso
freckled duck {n} /ˌfɹɛkəld ˈdʌk/ (Stictonetta naevosa) :: pato pecoso {m}
Frederick {prop} /ˈfɹɛd(ə)ɹɪk/ (male given name) :: Federico {m}, Fadrique {m}
free {adj} /fɹiː/ (not imprisoned) :: libre
free {adj} (unconstrained) :: libre
free {adj} (unobstructed) :: libre, sin obstáculos, despejado
free {adj} (not in use) :: libre, desocupado
free {adj} (without obligations) :: libre, exento
free {adj} (software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement) :: libre
free {adv} (without needing to pay) :: gratis
free {v} (make free) :: librar
free {adj} (obtainable without payment) SEE: free of charge ::
-free {suffix} (free from; without) :: sin [before the word combined with], libre de [before the word combined with]
freebooting {n} (piracy or plundering) :: piratería {f}
freedom {n} /ˈfɹiːdəm/ (not being imprisoned or enslaved) :: libertad {f}
freedom {n} (The lack of a specific constraint) :: libertad {f}
freedom fighter {n} (fighter) :: luchador por la libertad {m}
freedom fries {n} (french fries) SEE: french fries ::
freedom of assembly {n} /ˈfɹiːdəməvəˈsɛmbli/ (right of citizens to freely congregate or assemble) :: libertad de reunión
freedom of association {n} (right) :: libertad de asociación {f}
freedom of contract {n} /fɹiː.dəm.əv.kɒn.tɹækt/ (freedom of individuals to bargain among themselves) :: libertad contractual {f}
freedom of expression {n} (right to express an opinion in public) :: libertad de expresión {f}
freedom of movement {n} /fɹiː.dəm.əv.muːv.mənt/ (the right of a citizen to travel within a state, and to leave and return to that state) :: libre circulación {f}
freedom of religion {n} /ˈfɹiː.dəm əv ɹɪˈlɪ.dʒən/ (the right to hold any religious beliefs) :: libertad de culto {f}
freedom of speech {n} (right to speak without fear of harm) SEE: free speech ::
freedom of the press {n} /ˈfɹiː.dəm əv ðə ˈpɹɛs/ (right of media to disseminate ideas and opinions) :: libertad de prensa {f}
free-for-all {n} (deathmatch) SEE: deathmatch ::
freehand {adj} :: a mano alzada, a pulso
free imperial city {n} (self-ruling city within the Holy Roman Empire subordinate only to the emperor) :: ciudad imperial libre {f}
freelance {n} /ˈfɹiˌlæns/ (one who sells their services to clients with short-term contracts) :: trabajador autónomo {m}, freelance
freelance {adj} (Of, or relating to a freelance) :: freelance
freelancer {n} (who freelances) :: trabajador independiente {m}, trabajadora independiente {f}, autónomo {m}, autónoma {f}
freeload {v} (to live off the generosity of others) :: comer la sopa boba, chupar del bote [Spain, colloquial]
freeloader {n} /ˈfɹiːləʊdə(ɹ)/ (one who does not contribute or pay appropriately) :: gorrón {m}, chupóptero, gallofero
freely {adv} /ˈfɹili/ (in a free manner) :: libremente
free market {n} (type of market) :: mercado libre {m}
freemason {n} (freemason) SEE: Freemason ::
Freemason {n} (member of the Free and Accepted Masons) :: francmasón {m}
Freemasonism {n} (Freemasonry) SEE: Freemasonry ::
Freemasonry {prop} (institutions and ways of the Freemasons) :: masonismo {m}
free of charge {adv} (without any payment - adverb) SEE: for free ::
free of charge {adj} (not requiring any payment - adjective) :: gratis, gratuito
free radical {n} (molecule, ion, or atom with an unpaired electron) :: radical libre {m}
free rein {n} (the absence of constraints) :: carta blanca {f}, rienda suelta, barra libre
free software {n} (software that can be freely copied and modified) :: software libre {m}
free speech {n} /fɹiː ˈspiːtʃ/ (right to express an opinion in public) :: libertad de palabra {f}, libertad de expresión {f}
free-standing {adj} (free-standing) SEE: freestanding ::
freestanding {adj} (standing or set apart) :: independiente
freethinker {n} (person who has formed their opinions using reason and rational enquiry) :: librepensador {m}, librepensadora {f}
free throw {n} (basketball) :: tiro libre {m}
free-throw line {n} (basketball) :: linea de tiros libres {f}
free time {n} (time that can be spent on one's own activities rather than work) :: tiempo libre, ocio {m}, tiempo ocio {m}
Freetown {prop} (capital of Sierra Leone) :: Freetown
free trade {n} (trade free from government interference) :: comercio libre {m}
freeway {n} /ˈfɹiː.wei/ (road designed for safe high-speed motoring) :: autopista {f}
free will {n} (natural inclination) :: libre albedrío {m}
free will {n} (ability to choose one's actions) :: libre albedrío {m}
freezable {adj} (capable of being frozen) :: congelable
freeze {v} /ˈfɹiːz/ (to become solid due to low temperature) :: helar
freeze {v} (to lower something's temperature to freezing point) :: helar, congelar
freeze {v} (of temperature, to drop below zero) :: helar
freeze {n} (period of cold) :: helada {f}
freeze {n} ((computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputs) :: colgarse
freeze-dry {v} (to cause to sublimate from frozen state) :: liofilizar
freeze-drying {n} (process of dehydration by sublimation) :: liofilización
freezer {n} /fɹiːzə/ (part of a refrigerator) :: congelador {m}
freezer {n} (stand-alone appliance) :: congelador {m}
freezer {n} (room) :: cámara frigorífica {f}
freezer burn {n} (desiccation caused by being kept in a freezer too long) :: quemadura de congelación {f}
freezing {adj} /ˈfɹiːz.ɪŋ/ (very cold) :: helado, glacial
freezing {n} :: congelación {f}
freezing point {n} (temperature) :: punto de congelación {m}
Freiburg {prop} /fɹaɪ.bɜː(ɹ)ɡ/ (a German city) :: Friburgo
freight {n} /fɹeɪt/ (payment for transportation) :: flete
freight {n} (goods) :: carga {f}, flete {m}, cargamento {m}
freight {n} (transport of goods) :: transporte de mercancías {m}
freight {v} (to load with freight) :: cargar
freighter {n} (vessel used to carry freight) SEE: cargo ship ::
freight train {n} (train used for transportation of freight) SEE: goods train ::
french {v} (to kiss another person) SEE: French kiss ::
french {v} (to kiss) SEE: French kiss ::
French {prop} /fɹɛnt͡ʃ/ (principal language of France and other related countries) :: francés {m}
French {n} (people of France, collectively) :: franceses {m-p}
French {adj} (of or relating to France) :: francés
French {adj} (of or relating to the French people) :: francés
French {adj} (of or relating to the French language) :: francés
French bread {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette ::
French Bulldog {n} (French Bulldog) :: bulldog francés {m}
French Canadian {n} (Canadian whose first language is French) :: canadiense francés {m}
French disease {n} (syphilis) :: mal francés {m} [French malady]
French door {n} (French window) SEE: French window ::
french fries {n} (deep fried strips of potato) :: [Spain] patatas fritas {p}, [Mexico] papas fritas {p}, [Nicaragua] papitas fritas {p}
French Guiana {prop} (Department of French Guiana) :: Guayana Francesa
French honeysuckle {n} (perennial herb) :: zulla {f}
French horn {n} (musical instrument) :: trompa {f}
Frenchification {n} (act or action of Frenchifying, something Frenchified) :: afrancesamiento {m}
Frenchify {v} /ˈfɹɛntʃɪfaɪ/ :: afrancesar
French kiss {n} /frɛntʃˈkɪs/ (a kiss involving the tongue) :: beso francés {m}, beso con lengua {m}, morreo {m}
French kiss {v} (to give a French kiss) :: [colloquial] tranzar, morrear
French leave {n} (sudden or unannounced departure) :: despedida a la francesa {f} (take French leave)
French letter {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
Frenchly {adv} /ˈfɹɛn(t)ʃli/ (In the manner of the French or their tongue) :: francesamente
Frenchman {n} (man of French birth or nationality) :: francés {m}
French paradox {prop} (French paradox) :: paradoja francesa {f}
French Polynesia {prop} /ˈfɹɛntʃ pɑ.lɪˈni.ʒə/ (Overseas territory of France) :: Polinesia Francesa {f}
French-Provençal {prop} (Franco-Provençal) SEE: Franco-Provençal ::
French Republic {prop} (country) :: República Francesa {f}
French Republican Calendar {prop} (calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France) :: calendario republicano francés {m}
French Southern and Antarctic Lands {prop} (overseas territory of France) :: Tierras Australes y Antárticas Francesas {f-p}
French stick {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette ::
French toast {n} /ˌfɹɛnt͡ʃ ˈtoʊst/ (food prepared by dipping bread into egg batter and frying) :: torrijas {f-p}
French window {n} (door) :: cristalera {f}, puerta ventana {f}
Frenchwoman {n} (a French woman) :: francesa {f}
Frenchy {n} (derogatory term for a French native) :: franchute {m} {f}
frenetic {adj} /fɹəˈnɛt.ɪk/ (fast, frantic, harried, or frenzied) :: frenético
frenetically {adv} (in a frenetic manner) :: frenéticamente
frenulum {n} /ˈfrɛnjələm/ (anatomy: small fold of tissue preventing an organ in the body from moving too far) :: frenillo {m}
frenzy {n} /ˈfɹɛnzi/ (state of wild activity or panic) :: frenesí {m}, manía {f}
frequency {n} /ˈfɹiːkwənsi/ (rate of occurrence of anything) :: frecuencia {f}
frequency {n} (property of occurring often rather than infrequently) :: frecuencia {f}
frequency {n} (number of occurrences divided by time) :: frecuencia {f}
frequency {n} :: frecuencia
frequency modulation {n} (use of a modulating wave) :: modulación de la frecuencia
frequent {adj} /ˈfɹiː.kwənt/ (done or occurring often) :: frecuente {m} {f}
frequent {v} /fɹɪˈkwɛnt/ (to visit often) :: frecuentar
frequentative {n} (subclass of imperfective verbs that denotes a continuously repeated action) :: frecuentativo {m}
frequentative aspect {n} (grammatical subclass of the imperfective aspect) :: frecuentativo {m}
frequently {adv} /ˈfɹiː.kwənt.li/ (at frequent intervals) :: frecuentemente
frequently asked questions {n} (online document) :: preguntas frecuentes {p}
fresco {n} /ˈfɹɛskoʊ/ (artwork made by applying water-based pigment to wet or fresh lime mortar or plaster) :: fresco {m}
fresco {n} (technique used to make such an artwork) :: fresco {m}
fresh {adj} /fɹɛʃ/ (new or clean) :: nuevo
fresh {adj} (of produce, not from storage) :: fresco
fresh {adj} (refreshing or cool) :: fresco, refrescante
fresh {adj} (without salt) :: simple, dulce [of water]
fresh {adj} (rude or inappropriate) :: grosero, fresco, descarado, maleducado, faltón [colloquial]
fresh air {n} (clean air from outside) :: aire fresco {m}
freshman {n} /ˈfɹɛʃmən/ (a person of either sex entering the first year of an institution) :: novato {m}, mechón {m}cachimbo {m}
freshness {n} /ˈfɹɛʃnəs/ (freshness) :: frescura {f}, frescor {f}
fresh water {n} (water with little salt) :: agua dulce {f}
freshwater {adj} (living in fresh water) :: dulceacuícola
freshwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water ::
fret {v} (to bind, tie) SEE: bind ::
fret {v} /fɹɛt/ (to chafe or irritate; to worry) :: preocuparse, comerse la cabeza
fret {n} (one of the pieces of metal, etc., across the neck of a guitar or other string instrument) :: traste {m}
fretful {adj} /ˈfɹɛtfəl/ (irritable) :: irritable, gruñón
Freudian {adj} /ˈfɹɔɪ.di.ən/ (relating to or influenced by Sigmund Freud) :: freudiano
Freudian {n} (a follower of Sigmund Freud) :: freudiano {m}
Freudian slip {n} /ˌfɹɔɪdi.ən ˈslɪp/ (subconscious mistake in speech or action) :: acto fallido {m}, lapsus {m}, desliz freudiano {m}, fallido {m}, lapsus revelador {m}, parapraxis {f}
friability {n} (quality of being friable) :: friabilidad {f}
friable {adj} /ˈfɹaɪəbl̩/ (easily broken into small fragments, crumbled, or reduced to powder) :: friable, frágil, quebradizo, desmenuzable
friable {adj} (loose and large-grained in consistency) :: flojo
friable {adj} :: desmenuzable {m} {f}, desmoronable {m} {f}
friar {n} /ˈfɹaɪɚ/ (member of certain Christian orders) :: fraile
friar's cowl {n} (species of plant) :: arisaro {m}, zumillo {m}
fricative {n} /ˈfɹɪkətɪv/ (consonant) :: fricativa {f}
fricative {adj} (produced by air flowing through a restriction in the oral cavity) :: fricativo
friction {n} /ˈfɹɪkʃən̩/ (The rubbing of one object or surface against another) :: fricción {f}
friction {n} :: fricción {f}
Friday {n} /ˈfɹaɪdeɪ/ (day of the week) :: viernes {m}
Friday {adv} (on Friday) :: el viernes
fridge {n} /fɹɪd͡ʒ/ (short for refrigerator, see also: refrigerator) :: refri {m}, frigo
fried {adj} /fɹaɪd/ (cooked by frying) :: frito
fried egg {n} (egg that has been shallow fried) :: huevo frito {m}, huevo estrellado {m}
fried rice {n} (form of rice) :: arroz frito {m}
friend {v} /fɹɛnd/ (to act as the friend of) :: favorecer
friend {v} (to add as a friend) :: amistar, hacer amigos
friend {n} (person whose company one enjoys) :: amigo {m}, amiga {f}
friend {n} (boyfriend or girlfriend) :: novio {m}, novia {f}
friend {n} (person with whom you are acquainted) :: conocido {m}
friend {n} (person who provides assistance) :: aliado {m}, aliada {f}
friend {n} ((sarcastic) form of address used to warn someone) :: mijo {m}, fulano {m}, amiguito {m}, compadre {m}
friendlily {adv} (friendly) SEE: friendly ::
friendliness {n} (the quality of being friendly) :: amigabilidad {f}
friendly {adj} /ˈfɹɛndli/ (approachable, warm) :: amistoso, amigable
friendly {n} :: amistoso {m}, amistosa {f}
friendly {n} (sports: game) SEE: exhibition game ::
friendly fire {n} /ˌfɹɛnd.liˈfaɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (fire from allied or friendly forces) :: fuego amigo {m}
friendly match {n} (exhibition game) SEE: exhibition game ::
friends {n} /fɹɛn(d)z/ (participants in a two-way friendship) :: amigos, amigas {f}
friendship {n} /ˈfɹɛndʃɪp/ ((uncountable) condition of being friends) :: amistad {f}
friendship with benefits {n} (non-emotional sexual friendship) :: amistad con derechos {f}, amistad con ventajas {f}
friends in high places {n} :: tener buenas aldabas, enchufismo {m}
friend with benefits {n} (friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship) :: amigo con ventajas {m}, amiga con ventajas {f}, amigo con derechos {m}, amiga con derechos {f}, amigovio {m}, amigovia {f}, amigo con derecho a roce {m}, amiga con derecho a roce {f}, follamigo {m}
friend zone {n} /ˈfɹɛnd zoʊn/ (situation) :: zona de amigos {f}, zona de amistad {f}
Friesland {prop} /fɹiːzlænd/ (province of the Netherlands) :: Frisia {f}
frieze {n} /ˈfɹiːz/ (architecture: space between architrave and cornice) :: friso {m}
frieze {n} (sculptured or richly ornamented band) :: friso {m}
frigate {n} /ˈfɹɪɡ.ət/ (An obsolete type of sailing warship) :: fragata {f}
frigate {n} (A 19th c. type of warship) :: fragata {f}
frigate {n} (A modern type of warship) :: fragata {f}
frigatebird {n} /ˈfɹɪ.ɡətˌbɝd/ (bird of the family Fregatidae) :: rabihorcado {m}, fragata {f}
fright {n} /fɹaɪt/ (A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger) :: susto {m}
frighten {v} /ˈfɹaɪtn̩/ (to disturb with fear) :: atemorizar
frightened {adj} /ˈfɹaɪtn̩d/ (afraid, suffering from fear) :: atemorizado {m}
frightening {adj} /ˈfɹaɪtənɪŋ/ (scary) :: alarmante, aterrador
frightening {adj} (awful) :: terrible
frighteningly {adv} (in a frightening manner) :: espantosamente
frightful {adj} /ˈfɹaɪtfəl/ (full of that which causes fright) :: temible
frigid {adj} /ˈfɹɪdʒɪd/ (very cold) :: frígido
frigid {adj} (sexually unresponsive, especially of a woman) :: frío, frígido
frill {n} /fɹɪl/ (pleated material used as decoration) :: volante {m}
frill {n} (luxury) :: perifollo {m}
Frimaire {prop} /fɹiˈmɛəɹ/ (the third month of the French Republican Calendar) :: frimario {m}
fringe {n} /fɹɪndʒ/ (decorative border) :: orla {f}
fringe {n} (members of a social group holding unorthodox views) :: extremista {m} {f}, radical {m} {f}
fringe {n} (the periphery of a city) :: periferia {f}
fringe {adj} (outside the mainstream) :: marginal, a contracorriente
fringe {v} (to decorate with fringe) :: orlar
fringe benefit {n} (benefit received in addition to pay) :: retribución en especie {f}
Frisbee {n} /ˈfɹɪzbi/ (disk) :: frisbee {m}
Frisian {prop} /ˈfɹɪʒən/ (the Frisian language group) :: frisón {m}
Frisian {n} (person from the Dutch province of Friesland) :: frisón {m}
Frisian {adj} :: frisón
Frisian {prop} (the West Frisian language) SEE: West Frisian ::
frisk {adj} /fɹɪsk/ (lively; brisk; frolicsome) :: vivaracho {m}
frisk {v} (to frolic) :: juguetear
frisk {v} (to search somebody by feeling their clothes) :: cachear
frisky {adj} /ˈfɹɪski/ (playful; energetic; lively; enthusiastic) :: juguetón, enérgico, vivaz, entusiasta
frisson {n} /fɹiˈsoʊn/ (a shiver) :: escalofrío
frittata {n} (omelette) SEE: omelette ::
fritter {v} (sinter) SEE: sinter ::
fritter {v} /ˈfɹɪtɚ/ (to waste time) :: malgastar energías
Friuli {prop} (region of Italy) :: Friul {m}
Friuli-Venezia Giulia {prop} (region) :: Friuli-Venecia Julia
frivolity {n} (frivolous act) :: frivolidad {f}
frivolous {adj} /ˈfɹɪv.əl.əs/ (silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner) :: frívolo
frivolous {adj} (of little weight or importance; not worth notice) :: frívolo, banal, nimio, trivial
frivolously {adv} (in a frivolous manner) :: frívolamente
frizzy {adj} /ˈfɹɪzi/ (formed of a mass of small, tight, wiry curls) :: encrespado, crespo {m}, rizado {m}, chino [Mexico], ensortijado, esponjado, con frizz
frock {n} /fɹɒk/ (female garment) :: vestido {m}
frock {v} (to make a cleric) :: ordenar
frog {n} /fɹɑɡ/ (amphibian) :: rana {f}
frog {n} (French person) :: franchute, gabacho
frog legs {n} (hind legs of frog as food) :: ancas de rana {p}
frogman {n} (diver) :: buzo {m}, submarinista {m} {f}, hombre rana {m}
frogmouth {n} (bird of the family Podargidae) :: podárgido, podargo
frogspawn {n} (frogs' eggs) :: huevas de rana {f-p}
frolic {v} /ˈfɹɒlɪk/ (behave playfully and uninhibitedly) :: juguetear, retozar
frolic {n} (gaiety; merriment) :: jugueteo {m}
frolic {n} (playful antic) :: juguetear
from {prep} /fɹɒm/ (with the source or provenance of or at) :: de
from {prep} (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at) :: de, desde
from {prep} (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of) :: de
from a mile away {prep} :: verse a la legua
from A to Z {prep} (comprehensively) :: de pe a pa, de la cruz a la fecha
from dusk to dawn {prep} (from sunset to sunrise) :: de sol a sol
from now on {adv} (from now, indefinitely) :: de ahora en adelante, de aquí en adelante, en lo sucesivo, a partir de ahora
from pillar to post {adv} (from one place to another) :: ir de Herodes a Pilatos, de ceca en meca
from scratch {prep} (from the beginning) :: desde cero, de cero, ex novo
from scratch {prep} :: desde cero
from the bottom of one's heart {prep} (in earnest, with one's full feelings) :: de corazón, de todo corazón, desde el fondo del corazón
from the get-go {prep} (from the very beginning) :: desde el principio
from the ground up {adv} (from the beginning) :: desde cero
from time to time {prep} (occasionally) :: de vez en cuando, a veces
frond {n} /fɹɑnd/ (leaf of a fern) :: fronda {f}, fronde {f}
front {n} /fɹʌnt/ (facing side) :: frente {m}
front {n} (meteorology: interface between airmasses) :: frente {m}
front {n} (military: area or line of conflict) :: frente {m}
front {n} :: frente {m}
front {v} (assume false or disingenuous appearances) :: aparentar, fingir
frontal {adj} /ˈfɹʌntəl/ (of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone) :: frontal
frontal bone {n} (bone of the forehead) :: hueso frontal {m}, frontal {m}
frontalis {n} (muscle) :: frontal {m}, músculo frontal {m}
frontal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum) :: lóbulo frontal {m}
front desk {n} (reception) SEE: reception ::
front end {n} ((computing) that part of a hardware or software system that is closest to the user) :: frontal {m}, interfaz {f} [parasynonym]
frontier {n} /fɹʌnˈtɪɹ/ (part of a country that fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region) :: frontera {f}
frontispiece {n} /ˈfɹʌn.tɪˌspiːs/ (publishing: illustration) :: frontispicio {m}
front man {n} (public face) :: testaferro {m} {f}
fronton {n} (a court used for Basque pelota) :: frontón {m}
front page {n} (initially visible page of a publication) :: portada {f}, primera plana
front-page {adj} (deserve to be put on the front page) :: de primera plana
front-page {adj} (appears on the front page) :: de primera plana
front runner {n} (most likely winner in a contest, election, etc.) :: favorecido {m}, candidato adelante {m}, preferido {m}
front vowel {n} (Any vowel sound produced in the front of the mouth) :: vocal anterior {m}
frosh {n} (frog) SEE: frog ::
frost {n} /fɹɔst/ (cover of minute ice crystals) :: escarcha {f}
frost {n} (cold weather that would cause frost) :: helada {f}
frost {v} (to get covered with frost) :: escarchar [intr. impers.]
frost {v} (to coat with white icing to resemble frost) :: glasear, granizar
frostbite {n} (the freezing of some part of the body) :: congelamiento {m}, congelación {f}
frostbite {v} (to expose to the effect of frost) :: congelar
frost fair {n} :: feria helada
froth {n} /fɹɔθ/ (foam) :: espuma {f}
froth {v} (To create froth) :: espumar
froth at the mouth {v} /ˈfɹɒθ ət ðə ˈmaʊθ/ (rage) :: echar espumarajos por la boca
frounce {v} (to crease, wrinkle) SEE: frown ::
frounce {v} (to curl) SEE: curl ::
frown {n} /fɹaʊn/ (facial expression) :: ceño {m}
frown {v} (to have a frown on one's face) :: fruncir el ceño
frown {v} :: fruncir
frown at {v} (to disapprove of) SEE: frown upon ::
frown upon {v} (facial expression) :: desaprobar, estar mal visto
frowst {n} /fɹaʊst/ (stuffiness; stifling warmth in a room) :: tufo, tufarada, mofeta
frowst {v} (to enjoy a warm, stuffy room) :: encerrarse, enclaustrarse, recluirse
frozen {adj} /ˈfɹəʊzən/ (having undergone freezing) :: congelado
frozen shoulder {n} (adhesive capsulitis) SEE: adhesive capsulitis ::
Fructidor {prop} /ˌfɹʊktəˈdɔɹ/ (the twelfth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: fructidor {m}
fructify {v} (to bear fruit) :: fructificar
fructose {n} /ˈfɹʌk.toʊs/ (monosaccharide ketose sugar) :: fructosa {f}
frugal {adj} /ˈfɹuːɡəl/ (economical, avoiding waste, thrifty) :: frugal
frugality {n} /fɹuːˈɡæləti/ (quality of being frugal; prudent economy; thrift) :: frugalidad {f}
frugivore {n} /ˈfɹuːdʒɪˌvɔɹ/ (animal that eats mostly fruit) :: frugívoro {m}
frugivorous {adj} (having a diet that consists mostly of fruit) :: frugívoro
fruit {n} /fɹuːt/ (part of plant) :: fruta {f}, fruto {m}
fruit {n} (food) :: fruta {f}
fruit {n} (offensive slang: homosexual or effeminate man) :: maricón {m}, marica {m}
fruit {v} (to produce fruit) :: dar fruta
fruit bowl {n} (bowl for fruit) :: frutero {m}
fruiterer {n} /ˈfɹuːtəɹə/ (one who sells fruit) :: frutero {m}, frutera {f}, verdulero {m}, verdulera {f}
fruit fly {n} (Drosophilidae) :: mosca de la fruta {f}
fruitful {adj} /ˈfɹuːtfəl/ (favorable to the growth) :: fértil
fruitful {adj} (productive, yielding benefits) :: fértil, prolífico, productivo, fructífero
fruiting body {n} (fungal structure) :: cuerpo fructífero {m}, esporocarpo {m}
fruit juice {n} (juice of fruit) :: jugo de fruta {m}
fruitless {adj} /ˈfɹuːtləs/ (unproductive; useless) :: infructuoso {m}, infructuosa {f}, estéril
fruitmonger {n} (fruiterer) SEE: fruiterer ::
fruit salad {n} (salad made of fruit) :: macedonia {f}, ensalada de frutas {f}
fruitseller {n} (fruiterer) SEE: fruiterer ::
fruit tree {n} (a tree that bears a crop of edible fruit on a regular basis) :: árbol frutal {m}
fruity {adj} /ˈfɹuːti/ (containing fruit or fruit flavouring) :: afrutado
frustrate {v} /ˈfɹʌstɹeɪt/ (to disappoint or defeat) :: frustrar
frustrating {adj} /fɹʌˈstɹeɪ̯tɪŋ/ (discouraging; causing annoyance or anger by excessive difficulty) :: frustrante
frustration {n} /fɹʌsˈtɹeɪʃən/ (feeling of annoyance) :: frustración {f}
frustration {n} (act of frustrating) :: frustración
frustration {n} :: frustración {f}
frustum {n} (truncated cone or pyramid) :: tronco {m}, tronco de geometría, tronco geométrico {m}
fry {v} /fɹaɪ/ (to cook (something) in hot fat or oil) :: freír
fry {v} ((intransitive) cook in hot fat or oil) :: freírse
fry {v} (suffer because of too much heat) :: asarse
fry {v} (informal: be executed by the electric chair) :: freír
fry {n} (fried potato) :: papas fritas {f-p}, patatas fritas {f-p}
fry {n} (young fish) :: alevín {m}
fryer {n} (A container for frying food) :: freidora {f}
frying pan {n} (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food) :: sartén
fuchsia {n} /ˈfjuːʃə/ (plant) :: fucsia
fuchsia {n} (colour) :: fucsia
fuck {v} /fʌk/ (to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar) :: [Spain] follar, follarse, [Argentina, Uruguay] coger, [Mexico] chingar, jalar, tirarse, cepillarse, pichar, culear, joder, vergar, cachar, garchar
fuck {v} (to insert an object into a specified body part) :: [Spain] follar, tirar, joder, [Latin America] coger, chingar, pichar, culear, vergar, [Ecuador] entucar
fuck {v} (to put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation) :: joder, cagar, [Colombia] tirar, [Mexico] chingar
fuck {n} (an act of sexual intercourse) :: polvo
fuck {n} (highly contemptible person) :: [Spain] capullo {m}, [Latin America] pendejo {m}
fuck {interj} (expression of dismay or discontent) :: ¡joder!, ¡puta!, ¡mierda!
fuckable {adj} (sexually attractive) :: jodible, follable, culeable, cachable, tirable
fuck and chuck {v} (hit it and quit it) SEE: hit it and quit it ::
fuck around {v} (to procrastinate) :: joder
fuck around {v} (to fool around; joking, bugging) :: putear, joder, molestar, huevear [Chile], fregar [Ecuador], mamar [Mexico]
fuck buddy {n} (vulgar term for a sex partner without emotional attachment) :: follamigo {m}, follamiga {f}, chongo {m} (Argentina)
fucked {adj} /fʌkt/ (in trouble) :: jodido {m}
fucker {n} /ˈfʌk.ə(ɹ)/ (one who fucks) :: follador {m}, folladora {f}
fucking {n} /ˈfʌkɪŋ/ (an act of sexual intercourse) :: follando {f}, jodiendo {f}, [Mexico] chingando {f}, [Mexico] cogiendo {f}
fucking {adj} (as an intensifier) :: [Latin America] maldito, [Mexico] pinche, [Spain] puto {m}, jodido {m}
fucking {adj} (offensive or worthless) :: [Latin America] maldito, [Mexico] pinche, [Spain] puto {m}, jodido {m}
fucking {adv} (an intensifier) :: jodidamente, [Mexico, is used as adverb by some people even if identical to the adjective] pinche
fuck it {interj} :: a la chingada, a la verga [Mexico], a tomar por culo [Spain], al carajo, a la mierda, a la porra [euphemistic]
fuck like rabbits {v} (have copious amounts of sex) :: coger como conejos {m-p}
fuck me {interj} (a vulgar expression of dismay at undesired events happening to oneself) :: ¡joder! [vulgar], ¡me cago en...! [vulgar]
fuck off {v} (go to hell, disappear, screw oneself) :: ir al infierno, ¡vete a tomar por culo!, ¡vete a la mierda!
fuck off {v} (to annoy, irritate, see also: annoy; irritate) :: joder, pudrir
fuck off {interj} (go away!) :: vete a la mierda
fuck off {v} (fritter, fuck around) SEE: fritter ::
fucktard {n} (an extraordinarily stupid person) :: pendejo {m}, tarado {m}, retrasado mental {m}, menso {m}, cojudo {m}
fuck this {interj} :: a la chingada, a la mierda, a la mierda esto, a la porra [euphemistic], a tomar por culo [Spain], al carajo
fuck up {v} /ˈfʌkˌʌp/ (to make a mistake, to go wrong) :: joderla, fastidiarla, meter la pata, cagarla, pifiar
fuck up {v} (to break or destroy [to be merged into injure or damage]) :: joder, cagar, [Colombia] tirar, [Mexico] chingar
fuckup {n} /ˈfʌkʌp/ (serious mistake) :: embarrada {f}, quilombo {m}, cagada {f}
fuckup {n} (person making mistakes) :: tarado {m}, boludo {m}, pelotudo {m}, idiota {m}, patán {m}
fuckup {n} (noneffective person) :: menzo {m}
fuck you {n} (fuck you) :: jódete (fuck yourself), que te jodan (go get fucked), vete a la mierda (go to the shit), vete a la verga ((go) to the dick (to get fucked))
fuck your mother's cunt {interj} :: anda a joder al coño de tu madre
fucose {n} (aldohexose present in several glycans) :: fucosa {f}
fudge {n} /fʌdʒ/ (a very sweet confection) :: manjar {m}, dulce {m}, ate {m} [Mexico], ganache {m}
fudge {n} (a less than perfect decision or solution) :: componenda {f}
fudge {v} (To alter something from its true state) :: manipular
fudge {interj} (euphemism for "fuck!") :: rayos
Fuegian {adj} /fjuˈidʒi.ən/ (of or pertaining to Tierra del Fuego) :: fueguino {m}
Fuegian {n} (someone from Tierra del Fuego) :: fueguino {m}, fueguina {f}
fuel {n} /ˈfjuw əɫ/ (substance consumed to provide energy) :: combustible {m}
fuel cell {n} /ˈfjuː(ə)l sɛl/ (electrochemical device) :: pila de combustible, célula de combustible
fuel tank {n} (a container of fuel) :: tanque de combustible {m}
Fuenlabrada {prop} (city) :: Fuenlabrada
Fuerteventura {prop} (island) :: Fuerteventura
fuet {n} (salami from Catalonia) :: fuet {m}
fugacious {adj} /fjuːˈɡeɪ.ʃəs/ (Fleeting, fading quickly, transient) :: fugaz
fugitive {n} /ˈfjuːd͡ʒɪtɪv/ (a person who is fleeing or escaping from something) :: fugitivo {m}, prófugo
fugitive {adj} (fleeing or running away) :: fugitivo
fugitive {adj} (transient, fleeting or ephemeral) :: fugaz
fugu {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
fugue {n} /ˈfjuːɡ/ (piece of music) :: fuga {f}
Fujimorism {prop} (the political ideology of Alberto Fujimori) :: fujimorismo {m}
fulcrum {n} /ˈfʌlk.ɹəm/ (support about which a lever pivots) :: pivote {m}, punto de apoyo {m}, fulcro {m}
fulfill {v} /fʊlˈfɪl/ (to carry out) :: cumplir
fulfill {v} (to satisfy emotionally) :: realizar, satisfacer
fulfilment {n} /fʊlˈfɪl.mənt/ (being fulfilled) :: satisfacción {f}
fulgurous {adj} /ˈfʊl.ɡɪə.ɹəs/ (resembling a lightning flash) :: fulguroso
fuliginous {adj} /fjuːˈlɪ.dʒɪ.nəs/ (pertaining to or resembling soot) :: fuliginoso
full {adj} /fʊl/ (containing the maximum possible amount) :: lleno
full {adj} (complete) :: completo
full {adj} (total, entire) :: entero {m}
full {adj} (satisfied, in relation to eating) :: satisfecho, lleno
full {v} (to make cloth denser) :: abatanar
full {n} (phase of the moon) SEE: full moon ::
full angle {n} (round angle) SEE: round angle ::
full-blooded {adj} (of purebred ancestry) :: de pura cepa
full dress {n} (clothing worn on formal occasions) :: gala {f}
fuller {n} /ˈfʊlə(ɹ)/ (person) :: batanero
fuller {n} (tool) :: fuelle
fuller's earth {n} /ˌfʊləz ˈɜːθ/ (A fine clay used in fulling cloth) :: tierra de batán
fulling mill {n} (water mill) :: batán {m}
full moon {n} (phase of moon when in opposition to sun) :: plenilunio {m}, luna llena {f}
full name {n} (full name of a person) :: nombre completo {m}
full of oneself {adj} (egotistical) :: encantado de haberse conocido [colloquial]
full-scale {adj} (of the same size) SEE: life-size ::
full speed ahead {adj} (nautical) :: a toda máquina
full speed ahead {adj} (idiom, maximum effort) :: a toda máquina
full stop {n} /ˌfʊl ˈstɒp/ (The punctuation mark “.”) :: punto {m}
full-throated {adj} (having ample breasts) SEE: buxom ::
full-time {adj} (Involving a full amount of time spent on some activity) :: de tiempo completo, de jornada completa
fully {adv} /ˈfʊli/ (in a full manner) :: completamente
fully {adv} (to a full extent) :: completamente, a fondo
fulmar {n} (seabird in the genus Fulmarus) :: fulmar {m}
fulminant {adj} (coming on quickly and destructively) :: fulminante
fulminate {v} /ˈfʌlmɪneɪt/ (To make a verbal attack) :: fulminar
fulminate {v} (To issue as a denunciation) :: fulminar
fulminate {v} (To strike with lightning) :: fulminar
fulminate {n} (Any salt or ester of fulminic acid) :: fulminato {m}
fumarole {n} (opening in the crust of an astronomical body that emits steam and gases) :: fumarola {f}
fumble {v} /ˈfʌmbəl/ (To handle nervously or awkwardly) :: cantar, perder el balón
fume {n} /fjuːm/ (gas or vapor that is strong-smelling or dangerous to inhale) :: humo {m}
fume {v} (to emit fumes) :: humear
fume {v} (to express or feel great anger) :: echar humo [colloquial]
fume hood {n} (a ventilated compartment in which chemical procedures may be undertaken) :: campana {f}, campana de gases {f}
fumigate {v} (disinfect) :: fumigar
fumigation {n} (act) :: fumigación {f}
fumigator {n} (one who fumigates) :: fumigador {m}
fun {n} /fʌn/ (enjoyment or amusement) :: diversión {f}, gracia {f}
fun {adj} (enjoyable, amusing) :: divertido {m}
Funafuti {prop} (capital of Tuvalu) :: Funafuti
funambulist {n} (tightrope walker) SEE: tightrope walker ::
function {n} /ˈfʌŋkʃən/ (what something does or is used for) :: función {f}
function {n} (professional or official position) :: cargo {m}
function {n} (official or social occasion) :: función {f}
function {n} (mathematics: a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs) :: función {f}
function {n} (computing: routine that returns a result) :: función {f}
function {n} (biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part) :: función {f}
function {v} (to have a function) :: fungir
function {v} (to carry on a function) :: funcionar, fungir, marchar
functional {adj} /ˈfʌŋk(t)ʃənəl/ (in good working order) :: operativo
functional {adj} (useful, serving a purpose) :: útil
functional {adj} (such that its symptoms cannot be referred to any appreciable lesion or change of structure) :: funcional {mf}
functional group {n} (characteristic grouping of elements) :: grupo funcional {m}
functionalism {n} /ˈfʌŋkʃənəlɪzəm/ (psychology) :: funcionalismo {m}
functionality {n} (ability) :: funcionalidad {f}
functioning {adj} (functional) SEE: functional ::
functioning {n} (action of the verb function) :: funcionamiento {m}
functor {n} /ˈfʌŋktə/ (category theory: category mapping) :: funtor {m}
fund {n} /ˈfʌnd/ (sum or source of money) :: fondo {m}, capital {m}
fund {n} (money-management operation) :: fondo {m}
fund {v} (to pay for) :: financiar, sufragar {m}, patrocinar
fundament {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
fundament {n} (foundation) SEE: foundation ::
fundamental {adj} /ˌfʌndəˈmɛntəl/ (pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation) :: fundamental
fundamental force {n} (force between elementary particles) SEE: fundamental interaction ::
fundamental interaction {n} (basic forces that act between elementary particles) :: interacción fundamental {f}
fundamentalism {n} (religion) :: fundamentalismo
fundamentalist {n} (one who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts) :: fundamentalista {m} {f}
fundamentally {adv} (to the very core of the matter) :: fundamentalmente
fundamental particle {n} (elementary particle) SEE: elementary particle ::
fundamental theorem {n} (fundamental theorem) :: teorema fundamental {m}
funded {adj} /ˈfʌndɪd/ (having financial support) :: financiado
fundiform {adj} /ˈfʌndɪfɔːm/ (sling-shaped) :: fundiforme
funding {n} /ˈfʌndɪŋ/ (money provided as funds) :: financiación {f}, financiamiento {m}
fundraiser {n} /ˈfʌnd.ɹeɪ.zɚ/ (event undertaken to get money) :: recaudación de fondos {f}
funduscope {n} (ophthalmoscope) SEE: ophthalmoscope ::
funeral {n} /ˈfjuːnəɹəl/ (ceremony to honour a deceased person) :: funeral {m}
funeral director {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker ::
funeral home {n} (mortuary) :: funeraria {f}
funeral home {n} (business providing funeral services) :: funeraria {f}
funeral march {n} (slow march often played at funerals) :: marcha fúnebre {f}
funerary {adj} /ˈfjuːn(ə)ɹi/ (relating to a funeral) :: funerario
funereal {adj} /fjuːˈnɪəɹɪ.əl/ (relating to a funeral) :: funerario, fúnebre, funeral
funerial {adj} (solemn) SEE: solemn ::
fun fact {n} :: dato curioso {m}, ¿sabías que...? {m}
fungal {adj} /ˈfʌŋɡəl/ (of or pertaining to a fungus) :: fúngico
fungibility {n} (property of a good or a commodity whereby individual units are capable of mutual substitution) :: fungibilidad {f}
fungible {adj} /ˈfʌndʒɪbəl/ (able to be substituted for something of equal value) :: fungible
fungous {adj} (of or pertaining to a fungus) SEE: fungal ::
fungus {n} /ˈfʌŋ.ɡəs/ (any member of the kingdom Fungi) :: hongo {m}
funicular {n} (rail transit system) :: ferrocarril funicular {m}
funk {n} (spark) SEE: spark ::
funk {n} /fʌŋk/ (genre of popular music) :: funk {m}
funnel {n} /ˈfʌnəl/ (utensil used to guide poured liquids) :: embudo {m}
funnel {n} (smoke flue, chimney) SEE: chimney ::
funny {adj} /ˈfʌni/ (amusing; comical) :: divertido {m}, cómico {m}, gracioso {m}, chistoso {m}
funny {adj} (strange; unusual) :: extraño {m}, raro {m}, inusual
funny farm {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse ::
fur {n} /fɜː(ɹ)/ (hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick) :: pelo {m}, pelaje {m}
fur {n} (hairy skin processed to serve as clothing) :: piel {m}
fur {n} (coating resembling fur) :: pelaje {m}, piel {m}
furan {n} (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds) :: furano {m}
furanic {adj} :: furánico
furbelow {n} (ruffle) SEE: ruffle ::
furcate {adj} /ˈfɝ.keɪt/ (forked, branched) :: ahorquillado
furcate {v} (to fork or branch out) :: ahorquillar
fur coat {n} (coat made of animal fur) :: cuero {m}, pelliza {f}
furcula {n} (forked bone in birds, see also: wishbone) :: fúrcula {f}
furious {adj} /ˈfjʊə.ɹɪəs/ (transported with passion or fury) :: furioso
furious {adj} (rushing with impetuosity) :: furioso
furiously {adv} /ˈfjʊə̯ɹi.ə̯sli/ (in a furious manner; angrily) :: furiosamente
furl {v} /fɝl/ (to lower, roll up and secure something) :: aferrar, recoger
furlough {n} /ˈfɝ.loʊ/ (leave of absence) :: permiso {m}, dispensa {f}, licencia {m}
furlough {n} (period of unpaid time off used by an employer to reduce costs) :: ausencia no pagada {f}, sabático obligatorio no pagado {m}
furnace {n} /ˈfɝnɪs/ (device for heating in a factory, melting metals, etc) :: horno {m}, caldera {f}
furnace {n} (device for heating a building) :: calefacción {f}
furnace {n} (device for heating) SEE: oven ::
furnish {v} /ˈfɝnɪʃ/ (to provide with furniture or other equipment) :: amoblar, amueblar
furnish {v} (to supply) :: suministrar, proporcionar, dotar
furnished {adj} /ˈfɝnɪʃt/ (equipped with whatever is needed) :: equipado {m}
furnished {adj} (supplied with furniture) :: amoblado
furniture {n} /ˈfɝnɪtʃɚ/ (large movable items) :: [multiple items] mobiliario {m}, [one item] mueble {m}
furore {n} /ˈfjʊəɹɚ/ (uproar) :: furor {m}
furrier {n} /ˈfɜɹiəɹ/ (person who sells, makes and deals otherwise with fur) :: peletero {m} {f}
furrow {v} (to wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle ::
furrow {n} /ˈfʌɹoʊ/ (trench cut in the soil) :: surco {m}
furrow {n} (deep wrinkle in the skin of the face) :: arruga {f}, surco {m}
furrow {v} (to make one or more cuts or grooves in) :: surcar
furrow {v} (to pull one's brows together) :: fruncir
furry {adj} /ˈfɝi/ (covered with fur) :: peludo {m}, velludo {m}, cabelludo {m}
furry {n} (member of the furry fandom) :: peludo
fursona {n} /fɝˈsoʊnə/ (animal character representing oneself) :: fursona {f}
fursuit {n} (animal outfit in the furry subculture) :: fursuit {m}
further {v} /fɜː(ɹ)ðə(ɹ)/ (to support progress) :: fomentar, asistir {m}, exhortar {m}
further {v} :: desarrollar, desenvolver
further {adv} (comparative of far) :: más lejos
further {adv} (in addition) :: adicionalmente
further {adv} :: lejos
furthermore {adv} /ˈfɜː(ɹ).ðə(ɹ).mɔː(ɹ)/ (In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information) :: más, es más, además, otrosí [law]
furthest {adv} /ˈfɜː(ɹ)ðɪst/ (to, at or over the greatest distance) :: más lejos
furtive {adj} /ˈfɝ.ɽɪv/ (stealthy) :: furtivo, sigiloso
furtively {adv} /ˈfɜːtɪvli/ (in a furtive manner) :: furtivamente, a hurtadillas
furuncle {n} (boil) SEE: boil ::
fury {n} /ˈfjʊɹi/ (extreme anger) :: furia {f}, rabia {f}, furor {m}
fury {n} (strength or violence in action) :: furia {f}
Fury {prop} (female personification of vengeance) :: furia {f}
furze {n} (Ulex gen. et spp., an evergreen shrub) SEE: gorse ::
fuse {n} /fjuːz/ (cord) :: mecha {f}
fuse {n} (device igniting charge) :: espoleta {f}
fuse {n} (device preventing overloading of a circuit) :: fusible {m}
fuse {v} (transitive: to melt together) :: fundir
fuselage {n} /ˈfjuːzəˌlɑːʒ/ (main body of aerospace vehicle) :: fuselaje {m}
fusel oil {n} (byproduct of alcoholic fermentation) :: aceite de fusel {m}
Fusha {prop} /ˈfʊshə/ (standard Arabic) :: árabe estándar {m}, árabe literal {m}, fusja {f}
fusibility {n} (ease with which a material will melt) :: fusibilidad {f}
fusible {adj} (able to be fused) :: fusible, fundible
fusiform {adj} (spindle-shaped) :: fusiforme
fusil {n} /ˈfjuːzɪl/ (heraldic feature) :: fusado {m}
fusil {n} (weapon) :: fusil {m}
fusilier {n} /ˌfjuːzɪˈlɪə/ (infantryman) :: fusilero {m}
fusillade {n} /ˈfjuːsɪˌle͡ɪd/ (the simultaneous firing of a number of firearms) :: descarga {f}, ráfaga {f}
fusillade {n} (a rapid outburst) :: ráfaga {f}, torrente {m}
fusilli {n} /ˌfuːˈziːli/ (pasta) :: fusilli {m}, fuchile, fussil, refusil
fusion {n} /ˈfjuː.ʒən/ (act of melting something by heating it) :: derretimiento {m} fundición {f}
fusion {n} (merging of elements into a union) :: fusión {f}
fusion {n} (nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine) :: fusión {f}
fusion {n} (result of the hybridation of two genes) :: fusión
fusion {n} (lipid bilayers merging their hydrophobic core) :: fusión
fuss {n} /fʌs/ (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something) :: fandango {m}, jaleo {m}, escándalo {m}
fussbudget {n} /ˈfʌsˌbʌdʒɪt/ (One who complains a great deal, especially about unimportant matters) :: criticón {m}, quisquilloso {m}, tiquismiquis {m}, mañoso {m}, maniático {m}, pejiguero
fusspot {n} (person who makes a fuss) SEE: fussbudget ::
fussy {adj} /ˈfʌ.si/ (particular about details) :: puntilloso, quisquilloso {m}, tiquismiquis, resabiado {m}, remilgado {m}
fussy {adj} (having a tendency to fuss or cry) :: llorón {m}
fustian {n} /ˈfʌs.tʃən/ (a kind of coarse twilled cotton or cotton and linen stuff) :: fustán {m}, fustal {m}
fustigate {v} (hit someone with a club) :: fustigar
fustigate {v} (harshly criticize someone) :: fustigar
fusty {adj} (old-fashioned, refusing to change or update) :: apolillado, desfasado, trasnochado, viejuno [Spain, colloquial]
futile {adj} /ˈfju.taɪ.əl/ (incapable of producing results) :: inútil, vano {m}
futility {n} (quality of being futile) :: futilidad {f}
futon {n} /ˈfuːtɒn/ (thin mattress placed on a floor or on a raised, foldable frame) :: futón {m}
futsal {n} (form of soccer) :: fútbol sala
futtock {n} /ˈfʌtək/ (curved rib-like timbers) :: genol {m}, costilla {f}, arco {m}, peinazo {m}, radio {m}, ligazón {f}, nervio {m}, jenol {m},
future {n} /ˈfjuːt͡ʃɚ/ (the time ahead) :: futuro {m}, porvenir {m}
future {n} :: futuro {m}
future {adj} (having to do with or occurring in the future) :: futuro, venidero
future {n} (grammar) SEE: future tense ::
future perfect {n} :: futuro compuesto {m}
futures {n} (futures contract) SEE: futures contract ::
futures contract {n} (contract traded on a futures exchange) :: contrato de futuros {m}
future tense {n} (time form of a verb) :: futuro {m}, tiempo futuro {m}
futurism {n} (art movement) :: futurismo {m}
futurism {n} (study of possible futures) SEE: futurology ::
futurist {n} (adherent to the principles of futurism) :: futurista {m} {f}, futurístico {m}, futurística {f}
futurist {adj} (advanced so far beyond that which is current as to appear to be from the future) :: futurista, futurístico
futurist {n} (one who studies and predicts possible futures) SEE: futurologist ::
futuristic {adj} (futurist) SEE: futurist ::
futurologist {n} (person) :: futurólogo {m}, futuróloga {f}
futurology {n} (scientific forecasting of future trends in science, technology or society) :: futurología {f}
fuzz {n} (cop) SEE: cop ::
fuzz {n} (police) SEE: police ::
fuzz {n} /fʌz/ (the police (slang)) :: pasma {f}
fuzzy {adj} /ˈfʌzi/ (vague or imprecise) :: impreciso {m}
fuzzy logic {n} (logic based on the notion of fuzzy set) :: lógica difusa {f}, lógica borrosa {f}
FYI {phrase} (for your information) SEE: for your information ::
fylfot {n} (swastika) SEE: swastika ::
fynbos {n} (fynbos) :: fynbos {m}
FYROM {prop} /fɪɹəm/ (abbreviation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) :: ERYM