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User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-n

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-n {suffix} :: [case suffix] on. Used to form the superessive case
-n {suffix} :: [deadjectival adverb suffix] Added to an adjective to form an adverb
-n {suffix} :: [denumeral and depronominal adverb suffix] Added to a numeral to form an adverb
n {letter} :: letter: enn
n {letter} :: character as a unit of measurement (one of the basic elements making up a text file or string)
N {letter} :: letter: enn
-na {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
na {interj} :: well, so, hey
-ná {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
nábob {n} :: nabob, nawab (an Indian ruler)
nábob {n} :: nabob, nawab (a rich person)
naci {n} [slang] :: trousers, pants
náci {n} [historical] :: Nazi (member of the National Socialist German Workers Party)
nacionalizmus {n} :: nationalism
-nád {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
nád {n} :: cane, reed (tall stiff perennial grass-like plants growing together in groups near water)
nádas {adj} :: reedy, reeded (full of reeds)
nádas {n} [botany, ecology] :: reed bed (place where reeds grow)
nádcukor {n} :: cane sugar (sugar obtained from the sugarcane plant)
Nadin {prop} :: given name
Nádja {prop} :: given name. Cognates to Nadia
nádor {n} :: palatine (was the highest dignitary in the Kingdom of Hungary after the king - a kind of powerful prime minister and supreme judge - from the kingdom's rise up to 1848/1918)
nadrág {n} :: trousers, pants
nadrágszerep {n} [theater] :: breeches role, breeches part, pants role, trouser role (a role in a theatrical production in which an actress appears in male clothing)
nadrágszíj {n} :: belt (a band worn around the waist to hold pants to one's body)
nadrágtartó {n} :: braces [UK], suspenders [US]
nadragulya {n} :: deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
Nágaföld {prop} :: Nágaföld (state)
Nagaszaki {prop} :: Nagaszaki (city)
nagy {adj} :: big, great
nagy {n} :: an important person
nagy {n} :: an older child
nagy {n} :: an adult
nagyanya {n} :: grandmother (mother of someone’s parent)
nagyanyó {n} :: grandmother, grandma (mother of someone’s parent)
nagyapa {n} :: grandfather
nagyarányú {adj} :: large-scale
nagyarányúbb {adj} :: comparative of nagyarányú
nagybácsi {n} :: uncle (brother of someone’s father or mother)
nagybani {adj} :: wholesale, mass-
nagybáty {n} :: uncle
nagybátya {n} [archaic] :: alternative form of nagybáty
nagybetű {n} :: capital, capital letter (uppercase letter)
nagybetűs {adj} :: starting with a capital letter
nagybetűs {adj} [figurative] :: genuine, real, actual
nagybőgő {n} [musical instruments] :: double bass, contrabass
Nagy-Britannia {prop} :: Great Britain
Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága {prop} :: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (Kingdom in Europe)
Nagycenk {prop} :: Nagycenk (village)
nagycsütörtök {n} :: Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday
nagydíj {n} :: Grand Prix
nagyérdemű {adj} :: of great merit
nagyérdemű {n} [collective] :: audience, public, viewer, listener (a particular group of people with a common interest, aim)
nagyestélyi {n} :: evening dress, ball gown
nagyfejű {adj} :: big-headed
nagy fokú {adj} :: high degree of, high level of something, considerable
nagyfokú {adj} :: superseded spelling of nagy fokú
nagyfröccs {n} :: spritzer made of 2 deciliters of wine (red or white) and 1 deciliter soda water
nagygép {n} :: mainframe (powerful computer)
nagyhatalom {n} :: great power (a sovereign state with the ability to exert its influence on a global scale; also used in figurative sense)
nagyhét {n} :: Holy Week
nagyít {vt} :: to magnify, enlarge (to make an object appear larger by means of a lens)
nagyít {vt} [figuratively, often, pejorative] :: to exaggerate, magnify (to make something appear greater or more important than it is)
nagyítás {n} :: the act of magnifying, making something bigger
nagyítás {n} [photography] :: print (manually developed photograph independent of size)
nagyíthatatlan {adj} :: unmagnifiable, unenlargeable
nagyítható {adj} :: magnifiable, enlargeable
nagyító {adj} :: magnifying, enlarging
nagyító {n} :: magnifying glass
nagyítógép {n} [photography] :: enlarger (optical device used to make prints from a negative)
nagyíttat {vt} :: to make someone magnify/enlarge something
nagy ívű {adj} :: ambitious, large-scale, far-reaching (characterized by or demonstrating wide-ranging ambition or scale)
nagyja {n} :: the bulk (of it) (the bigger or major part of the given thing)
nagyjából {adv} :: roughly, by and large, on the whole
nagykabát {n} :: greatcoat (a heavy overcoat)
Nagykanizsa {prop} :: Nagykanizsa (city)
nagykerár {n} :: wholesale price (the price which a wholesaler charges for goods sold to retailers)
nagykereskedelem {n} :: wholesale
nagykereskedelmi {adj} [attributive] :: wholesale
nagykereskedés {n} :: wholesale
nagykövet {n} :: ambassador
nagykövetség {n} :: embassy (organization representing a foreign state)
nagyközönség {n} :: public, general public (people in general)
Nagylak {prop} :: Nagylak (village)
Nagylak {prop} :: Nagylak (placename)
nagylátószögű {adj} [photography] :: wide-angle (pertaining to a short focal length lens)
nagylátószögű objektív {n} [photography] :: wide-angle lens (lens having a wide field of view)
nagylelkű {adj} :: generous
nagylelkűbb {adj} :: comparative of nagylelkű
nagylelkűség {n} :: generosity (the trait of being willing to give your money and/or time)
Nagylózs {prop} :: Nagylózs (village)
nagymama {n} :: grandmother
nagy mellű {adj} :: big-breasted, full-bosomed
nagymellű {adj} [rare] :: bumptious, forward, haughty, self-important, big-headed
nagy méretű {adj} :: large, formidable, large scale, large size (of large dimensions)
nagyméretű {adj} :: superseded spelling of nagy méretű
nagymértékben {adv} :: to a great extent, largely, in a great part
nagymise {n} :: High Mass
nagynéni {n} :: aunt
nagyobb {adj} :: comparative of nagy
nagyokat mond {v} [idiomatic] :: to talk big, draw the long bow (to exaggerate without ill intentions)
nagyoll {vt} :: to find something too big
nagyon {adv} :: very (to a high degree)
nagyon finom volt {phrase} :: it was delicious
nagyon köszönöm {phrase} :: many thanks
nagyon szépen köszönöm {phrase} :: thank you very much
nagypapa {n} :: grandfather
nagypéntek {n} :: Good Friday
nagy prérityúk {n} :: greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido, a large bird in the grouse family native to North America)
nagyrészt {adv} :: mostly, largely, mainly, for the most part, in the main, on the whole
nagyság {n} :: size, measure, dimension
nagyság {n} :: magnitude, greatness
nagyságú {adj} :: of a named size
nagyszabású {adj} :: grand, huge, monumental, big-time, wide-scale, major
nagyszájú {adj} [pejorative] :: loud-mouthed (of someone who talks too much or too loudly)
nagyszájú {adj} [pejorative] :: pert, mouthy (talking, replying in an insolent manner)
nagyszájú {n} :: loudmouth (one who talks too much or too loudly)
nagyszámú {adj} :: numerous
nagyszerű {adj} :: magnificent, great
nagyszerűbb {adj} :: comparative of nagyszerű
nagyszerűen {adv} :: splendidly, magnificently, wonderfully, superbly
nagyszombat {n} :: Holy Saturday
nagyszótár {n} :: unabridged dictionary, comprehensive dictionary (with approximately more than 100 thousand entries)
Nagy-tavak {prop} :: Great Lakes
nagyterc {n} [music] :: major third
nagytompor {n} [anatomy] :: greater trochanter (an eminence on the proximal femur, below the head)
nagyujj {n} :: thumb (of the hand)
nagyujj {n} :: big toe (of the foot)
nagyvak {n} [poker] :: big blind
nagyvállalat {n} :: corporation, big enterprise (large company, large business)
nagyváros {n} :: metropolis, large city
nagyvárosi {adj} :: big-city, metropolitan, urban
nagyvonalú {adj} [of a person] :: generous
nagyvonalú {adj} [of a plan, idea, etc.] :: large-scale
nagyzol {vi} :: to talk big, boast, brag (to exaggerate one's abilities or achievements)
nahát {interj} :: well I never, you don't say (exclamation of surprise)
naiv {adj} :: naive
naivan {adv} :: naively
naivitás {n} :: naïveté (lack of sophistication, experience, judgement or worldliness; artlessness; gullibility; credulity)
-nak {suffix} :: [case suffix] to, for. Used to form the dative case
-nak {suffix} [case suffix] :: 's, of. Used to form the possessive case from the noun of the possessor, along with the ending -a/-e/-ja/-je added to the possession. Often omitted if the act of possession is not the predicate of the sentence
-nak {suffix} :: as, for (in the function or role specified)
-nak {suffix} :: Concessive sense: used to devalue the predicate of the sentence when repeated and followed by a clause that contrasts with or contradicts it. See also -ni
-nak {suffix} :: [personal suffix] third-person plural present tense (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-nák {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
-nák {suffix} [personal suffix, proscribed] :: Occasionally used to form the first-person singular present tense of back-vowel verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation). This usage is usually considered a grave offence; it is called nákolás
-nál {suffix} [case suffix] :: at. Used to form the adessive case
-nál {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
nála {pron} :: at his/her place, on him/her
nála {pron} :: than (used with words in comparative form)
-nálak {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of transitive verbs with a second-person object (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
-nám {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
Namíbia {prop} :: Namíbia (country)
namíbiai {adj} :: Namibian (of, from, or relating to Namibia, its people or language)
namíbiai {n} :: Namibian (a person from Namibia or of Namibian descent)
Namíbiai Köztársaság {prop} :: Republic of Namibia (official name of Namibia)
naná {interj} [colloquial] :: sure, sure thing, sure enough, for shizzle, you bet, deffo, definitely, certainly, of course, no question
-nának {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
Nándor {prop} :: given name
-nánk {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation)
nano- {prefix} :: nano-
nanométer {n} :: nanometre (UK), nanometer (US); symbol: nm
nanoszekundum {n} :: nanosecond (a measure of time equal to one billionth of a second; abbreviation: ns)
nap {n} :: day
nap {n} :: sun (also written Nap in astronomical context)
nap {n} [attributive] :: solar
Nap {n} :: the Sun
nap-éj egyenlőség {n} :: equinox
napéjegyenlőség {n} :: superseded spelling of nap-éj egyenlőség
napellenző {n} :: visor (fore piece of a cap)
napernyő {n} :: sunshade, parasol
naperőmű {n} :: solar power plant
napfelkelte {n} :: sunrise (time of day)
napfény {n} :: sunlight, sun, sunshine
napfogyatkozás {n} :: solar eclipse (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun)
napforduló {n} :: solstice (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun)
naphal {n} :: pumpkinseed, a North American sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
napi {adj} :: daily, day-, everyday, day-to-day
napijegy {n} :: day ticket
napilap {n} :: daily (a newspaper that is published every day)
napirend {n} :: agenda (list of matters to be taken up)
napirendi {adj} :: agenda
napjainkban {adv} :: nowadays, these days, at present
napkelet {n} :: East, Orient
napkelet {n} :: sunrise (time of day)
napkelte {n} :: sunrise (time of day)
napközben {adv} :: during the day, by day (in the course of the day)
naplemente {n} :: sunset (time of day)
napló {n} :: diary, journal
napló {n} [computing] :: log
naplopó {adj} [derogatory] :: deadbeat (lazy or irresponsible)
naplopó {n} [derogatory] :: idler, lazybones, deadbeat (a lazy person who avoids working and spends time with doing nothing)
napnyugta {n} :: sunset (time of day)
Napóleon {prop} :: Napoleon (Bonaparte)
Napóleon {prop} :: given name
Nápoly {prop} :: Nápoly (province/and/city)
nápolyi {adj} :: Neapolitan (pertaining to Naples)
nápolyi {n} :: Neapolitan wafer
nápolyi ostya {n} :: Neapolitan wafer
nápolyi szelet {n} :: Neapolitan wafer
naponta {adv} :: daily
napóra {n} :: sundial
napos {adj} :: sunny, sunlit
napos {adj} :: -day (of a certain number of days)
napos {n} :: person on duty (military person, student, etc.)
nappal {adv} :: during the day, at daytime
nappal {n} :: daytime (bright part of the day)
nappali {adj} :: daytime, diurnal, day-, of the day
nappali {adj} [education] :: full-time (of a student or course/training)
nappali {n} :: living room, morning room, sitting room, parlour
napraforgó {n} :: sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
napraforgósárga {adj} :: sunflower (of a bright yellow, like that of the sunflower petals)
naprakész {adj} :: up-to-date, current
naprendszer {n} :: solar system
napsugár {n} :: sunbeam
napsütés {n} :: sunshine
napszak {n} :: time of day (e.g. morning, afternoon, evening)
napszél {n} [astronomy] :: solar wind
napszemüveg {n} :: sunglasses
napszítta {adj} :: sunbleached (faded by the sun)
napszúrás {n} [diseases] :: sunstroke
naptár {n} :: calendar
naptári {adj} :: calendar
naptej {n} :: sunscreen, sunblock
napvilág {n} :: daylight, sunlight
narancs {n} :: orange (fruit)
narancs {n} :: orange (colour)
narancsbőr {n} :: cellulite
narancsdzsem {n} :: orange marmalade
narancsfa {n} :: orange (tree)
narancshéj {n} :: orange peel
narancsos {adj} :: orange (with orange, prepared with orange, has a taste of orange)
narancsosabb {adj} :: comparative of narancsos
narancssárga {adj} :: orange (-coloured)
narancsszín {adj} :: orange (color)
narancsszínű {adj} [colour] :: orange (having the colour of the fruit of an orange tree)
narancsszínűbb {adj} :: comparative of narancsszínű
nárcisz {n} :: daffodil
nargilé {n} :: hookah, narghile
narkotikum {n} [medicine] :: narcotic (any type of drug that reduces pain or induces sleep)
narkotikus {adj} :: narcotic (inducing sleep; causing narcosis)
narratológia {n} :: narratology (the study of narrative structure)
narrátor {n} :: narrator
narvál {n} :: narwhal
nász {n} :: nuptials, wedding
naszád {n} :: sloop, pinnace, gunboat (a small warship)
nászajándék {n} :: wedding present
nászút {n} :: honeymoon (trip taken by a newly married couple)
nátha {n} [diseases] :: common cold, head cold
-nátok {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation)
nátrium {n} :: sodium (symbol: Na)
nátrium-klorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: sodium chloride
naturalizál {vt} :: to naturalize (to grant citizenship to someone not born a citizen)
naturalizál {vt} :: to adopt (a child)
naturalizmus {n} :: naturalism
Nauru {prop} :: Nauru (country)
NAV {prop} :: initialism of Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal
navigáció {n} :: navigation
navigációs {adj} :: navigational
Názáret {prop} :: Názáret (city)
NB {n} :: abbreviation of Nemzeti Bajnokság
n-dimenziós tér {n} [mathematics] :: n-dimensional space
NDK {prop} [historical] :: GDR (the former German Democratic Republic)
-ne {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
ne {adv} :: don't, should/shall not, stop (doing something)
-né {suffix} :: Mrs, wife of (suffix indicating marriage)
-né {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
né- {prefix} [pronoun prefix] :: some- (in the sense ‘a few’, attached to some interrogative pronouns)
{interj} :: look!, see! (expressing surprise or wanting to get attention)
nebáncsvirág {n} [folksy] :: impatiens, touch-me-not, jewelweed (any of various ornamental plants of the genus Impatiens)
nebáncsvirág {n} [figuratively, sarcastic] :: a sensitive, easily offendable person
nebáncsvirág {n} [figuratively, sarcastic] :: a bashful, shy person who blushes easily
-ned {suffix} :: Used to form the second-person singular informal of an infinitive
-néd {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
nedv {n} :: fluid, moisture, juice, sap
nedves {adj} :: wet (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid)
nedvesebb {adj} :: comparative of nedves
nedvesség {n} :: moisture
ne ébreszd fel az alvó oroszlánt {proverb} :: let sleeping dogs lie
nefelejcs {n} :: forget-me-not (plant)
negatív {adj} :: negative
negatív {n} [photography] :: negative (image in which dark areas represent light ones, and the converse)
negatív {n} :: mould (of casting)
negatívabb {adj} :: comparative of negatív
negédes {adj} [dated, literary] :: demure, dainty, affected (simulated in order to impress)
negédesebb {adj} :: comparative of negédes
néger {n} [now potentially offensive] :: black (a person of African descent)
néger {n} [pejorative] :: ghostwriter
negligál {vt} :: to neglect
neglizsé {n} :: negligee, negligée
négus {n} [historical] :: Negus, title of the ruler of Ethiopia
négy {num} :: four
négydimenziós {adj} :: four-dimensional
negyed {n} :: quarter, fourth (one of four equal parts)
negyed {n} :: district
negyedév {n} :: quarter (of a year)
negyedéves {adj} :: fourth-year (student in a college or university)
negyedéves {n} :: a fourth-year student in a college or university
negyedfél {num} [archaic] :: three and a half
negyedik {num} :: fourth
negyedik {num} [education, substantival usage] :: fourth grade (the period in school that comes after third grade and before fifth grade)
negyedike {n} :: the fourth (day of a month)
negyedóra {n} :: quarter of an hour (fifteen minutes)
negyedszer {adv} :: for the fourth time
négyen {adv} :: the four of us/you/them
négyes {adj} :: four-piece, quadruple, … of four
négyes {adj} :: number four
négyes {n} :: four (the number four)
négyes {n} :: foursome (a set of four)
négyes {n} :: mark four (the grade "B" in school, i.e. the second best grade: "above average" or "good")
négyes {n} [music] :: quartet, quartette
négyes {n} [dance] :: quadrille
négyes fogat {n} :: four-in-hand (a team of four horses, controlled by a single driver)
négyes fogat {n} :: four-in-hand (a carriage drawn by four such horses)
négyfejű {adj} :: four-headed
négyfejű combizom {n} [anatomy] :: quadriceps femoris
négylábú {adj} :: four-legged (animal, piece of furniture, etc.)
négylábú {n} [biology] :: tetrapod (any member of the taxonomic unit Tetrapoda)
négylábú {n} :: quadruped (a mammal ambulating on all fours)
négylábú {n} :: four-legged friend, dog
négyszemközt {adv} :: in private, in confidence, one-to-one, face-to-face (occurring privately with the involvement of two people)
négyszer {adv} :: four times; on four occasions
négyszög {n} [geometry] :: quadrangle, quadrilateral (a geometric shape with four angles and four straight sides; a four-sided polygon)
negyven {num} :: forty
negyvenedik {num} :: fortieth
negyvenegy {num} :: forty-one
negyvenegyedik {num} :: forty-first
negyvenharmadik {num} :: forty-third
negyvenhárom {num} :: forty-three
negyvenhat {num} :: forty-six
negyvenhatodik {num} :: forty-sixth
negyvenhét {num} :: forty-seven
negyvenhetedik {num} :: forty-seventh
negyvenkettedik {num} :: forty-second
negyvenkettő {num} :: forty-two
negyvenkilenc {num} :: forty-nine
negyvenkilencedik {num} :: forty-ninth
negyvennégy {num} :: forty-four
negyvennegyedik {num} :: forty-fourth
negyvenöt {num} :: forty-five
negyvenötödik {num} :: forty-fifth
negyvennyolc {num} :: forty-eight
negyvennyolcadik {num} :: forty-eighth
négyzet {n} [geometry] :: square (polygon)
négyzet {n} [mathematics] :: square (the second power of a number)
négyzetcentiméter {n} :: square centimetre, square centimeter (unit of area)
négyzetgyök {n} [mathematics] :: square root
négyzetkilométer {n} :: square kilometer
négyzetméter {n} :: square metre, square meter (standard unit of area)
négyzetméteres {adj} :: -square meter, -square metre
négyzetszám {n} [mathematics] :: square number
néha {adv} :: sometimes
néhai {adj} :: late (deceased)
néhanapján {adv} :: occasionally, now and then, once in a while
néha-néha {adv} :: every now and then, once in a while, from time to time, occasionally, very seldom
néhány {determiner} :: some, a few, several
néhány {pron} :: some (of us / you / them) (used only with plural possessive suffix: néhányunk, néhányatok, néhányuk)
néhányan {adv} :: some, a few
néhányszor {adv} :: several times, couple of times, a few times
nehari {contraction} [slang] :: sorry (expresses regret, remorse, or sorrow)
nehéz {adj} :: difficult (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand)
nehéz {adj} :: heavy
nehéz {n} [with a possessive suffix] :: the (most) difficult part of a task
nehéz {n} [normally in the phrase nehezére esik, usually with a possessive suffix] :: the heaviness, difficulty, or burden of something
nehéz {n} :: something heavy or difficult
nehezebb {adj} :: comparative of nehéz
nehezebben {adv} :: comparative of nehezen
nehezen {adv} :: hard, difficult
nehezére esik {v} [idiomatic, followed by an infinitive] :: to find it difficult to do something, to be hard for someone to do something, to have difficulty doing something, to pain someone to do something
nehézfém {n} [chemistry] :: heavy metal
nehézipar {n} :: heavy industry
nehezít {vt} :: to complicate, to make things more difficult or hard
nehézkes {adj} :: cumbersome, laborious, laboured, difficult, ponderous, unaccommodating
nehézség {n} :: difficulty
nehézsúlyú {adj} :: heavyweight
nehogy {conj} :: lest (in order that …… should not ……)
néhol {adv} :: here and there (in some places, in not too many places)
ne igyál előre a medve bőrére {proverb} :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched
nejlon {n} :: nylon (polyamide-based strong, transparent plastic)
nejlonharisnya {n} :: nylon stockings
nejlonzacskó {n} :: plastic bag (packaging made of thin, flexible, plastic film, used for containing food, waste etc.)
-nek {suffix} :: [case suffix] to, for. Used to form the dative case
-nek {suffix} [case suffix] :: 's, of. Used to form the possessive case from the noun of the possessor, along with the ending -a/-e/-ja/-je added to the possession. Often omitted if the act of possession is not the predicate of the sentence
-nek {suffix} :: as, for (in the function or role specified)
-nek {suffix} :: Concessive sense: used to devalue the predicate of the sentence when repeated and followed by a clause that contrasts with or contradicts it. See also -ni
-nek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: third-person plural present tense (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-nek {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a word to form the name of an occupation
-nék {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
-nék {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
ne keltsd fel az alvó oroszlánt {proverb} :: let sleeping dogs lie
neki- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: moving towards someone or something (and reaching it)
neki- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: acting toward a certain direction
neki- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: giving oneself over to certain emotions
neki {pron} :: to/for him/her
néki {pron} [dialectal, literary] :: synonym of neki
nekilát {vi} :: to set about, get down (followed by nak) (to initiate or begin some action)
nekimegy {vi} :: to bump against, run into something (to collide with something) (with nak)
nekimegy {vi} :: to attack someone
nekimegy {vi} :: to have a go at something, to make an attempt (such as a test or exam) (with nak)
nekrológ {n} :: obituary (a biography of a recently deceased person, written by a journalist and published in a newspaper)
-nél {suffix} [case suffix] :: at. Used to form the adessive case
-nél {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
-nélek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of transitive verbs with a second-person object (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
nélkül {postp} :: without
nélküle {pron} :: without him/her/it
nélküli {adj} :: without, -less, devoid of
nélkülöz {vit} :: to lack, miss, need, require (to be without)
nélkülözhetetlen {adj} :: indispensable
nélkülözhetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of nélkülözhetetlen
-nem {suffix} :: Used to form the first-person singular of an infinitive
nem {interj} :: no, not
nem {adv} :: no, not
nem {n} :: sex, gender
nem {n} [grammar] :: gender (division of nouns and pronouns)
nem {n} [biology, taxonomy] :: genus (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species)
nem {n} :: kind, sort
-ném {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
néma {adj} :: dumb, mute, speechless, silent (unable to speak; lacking power of speech)
néma {adj} [linguistics] :: silent (part, letter)
néma {n} :: mute (a person who does not have the power of speech)
némább {adj} :: comparative of néma
némafilm {n} [cinematography] :: silent film (a film with no synchronized recorded sound, especially spoken dialogue)
néma, mint a sír {adj} [simile] :: silent as the grave, silent as the tomb
némán {adv} :: mutely, silently, speechlessly
nem a ruha teszi az embert {proverb} :: clothes don't make the man
nem az én asztalom {phrase} [colloquial] :: it is not up my alley, it is not my business/bag, I know nothing about it
némber {n} [pejorative] :: female, wench, slut
nem beszélek angolul {phrase} :: I don't speak English
nem beszélek magyarul {phrase} :: I don't speak Hungarian
nemcsak {conj} :: not only
nemdohányzó {adj} :: nonsmoking (having restrictions for smoking)
nemegyszer {adv} :: many times (more than once)
némely {determiner} :: some (a small, indefinite quantity)
némely {pron} [plural only] :: some people
némelyik {determiner} :: some
némelyik {pron} :: some of them (used only in the form of némelyikük with plural possessive suffix)
nem értem {phrase} :: I don't understand
nemes {adj} :: noble
nemes {n} :: noble, nobleman
nemesb {adj} [archaic] :: comparative of nemes
nemesebb {adj} :: comparative of nemes
nemesfém {n} [chemistry] :: noble metal
nemesi {adj} :: Of or relating to the nobles
nem esik messze az alma a fájától {proverb} :: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, like father, like son
nemesség {n} :: nobility
német {adj} :: German (of or relating to Germany, its people or language)
német {n} :: German (person)
német {n} [singular only] :: German (language)
Német Demokratikus Köztársaság {prop} [historical] :: German Democratic Republic
német juhászkutya {n} :: German Shepherd (a large-sized breed of dog often used as a guard dog or police dog)
Németország {prop} :: Németország (country)
németországi {adj} :: of, from, or relating to Germany
németül {adv} :: in German, German
nemeukleidészi geometria {n} :: nonstandard form of nemeuklideszi geometria
nemeuklideszi geometria {n} [mathematics] :: non-Euclidean geometry
nemfém {n} [chemistry] :: nonmetal (an element, such as phosphorus or chlorine, that does not have the chemical or physical properties of a metal)
nem fenékig tejfel {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: not all beer and skittles, not just fun and games, not a bed of roses
nemi {adj} :: sexual
némi {determiner} :: some
nemigen {adv} :: hardly, not particularly, not too much, not really
némiképp {adv} :: somewhat, slightly
némiképpen {adv} :: somewhat, slightly
némileg {adv} :: somewhat, kind of, sort of
nemkívánatos {adj} :: undesirable
nem látja a fától az erdőt {v} [idiomatic] :: can't see the forest for the trees, can't see the wood for the trees
nemleges {adj} :: negative
nem létező {adj} :: nonexistent
nem mind arany, ami fénylik {proverb} :: all that glitters is not gold
nem oszt, nem szoroz {phrase} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of se nem oszt, se nem szoroz
nemrég {adv} :: recently, not long ago
nemrégiben {adv} :: recently
nemsokára {adv} :: soon, shortly
nemtom {contraction} :: eye dialect of nem tudom
nem törhető szóköz {n} [typography, computing] :: non-breaking space (variant of the space character that prevents text from wrapping onto the next line at that point)
nem tudok magyarul {phrase} :: I don't speak Hungarian
nem tudom {phrase} :: I don't know
nemű {adj} [in compounds and phrases] :: of …… kind or sort
nemű {adj} [in compounds] :: of …… gender
nem vagyok vallásos {phrase} :: I'm not religious
nemz {vt} :: to beget, to father, to sire
nemzedék {n} :: generation (people having approximately the same age and living in the same time period)
nemzedék {n} :: generation (the average amount of time needed for children to grow up and have children of their own, generally considered to be a period of around thirty years, used as a measure of time)
nemzés {n} :: begetting, generation
nemzés {n} :: siring
nemzet {n} :: nation
nemzetbiztonság {n} :: national security
nemzetbiztonsági {adj} :: of national security
nemzeti {adj} :: national
Nemzeti Bajnokság {prop} [sports] :: The Hungarian professional league for association football clubs
nemzetibb {adj} :: comparative of nemzeti
nemzeti park {n} :: national park (an area of land that is not built upon, but reserved by the national government for recreational use)
nemzetiség {n} :: nationality
nemzetiségű {adj} :: of ... nationality
nemzetiszocializmus {n} :: National Socialism (ideology of the NSDAP)
nemzetközi {adj} :: international
nemzetköziesítés {n} :: internationalization (act of making something suitable for international markets)
nemzetközileg {adv} :: internationally
Nemzetközi Olimpiai Bizottság {prop} :: International Olympic Committee
nemzetközösség {n} :: commonwealth
nemzetség {n} :: clan, family, kindred
nemzetség {n} [biology] :: genus (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species)
nemzőszerv {n} :: reproductive organ
-nének {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
néni {n} :: aunt, Mrs. (a form of address for an older woman, especially by children or in case of great age difference)
-nénk {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation)
neo- {prefix} :: neo-
neodímium {n} :: neodymium
neoklasszikus {adj} :: neoclassical
neologizmus {n} :: neologism (recently coined word)
neon {n} :: neon (symbol: Ne)
neonatális {adj} :: neonatal
neonreklám {n} :: neon sign
neonvilágítás {n} :: neon lighting
neorealizmus {n} :: neorealism
nép {n} :: people (as a large group)
nép {n} :: people (all the persons forming the State)
Nepál {prop} :: Nepál (country)
nepáli {adj} :: Nepalese (of or relating to Nepal, its people or language)
nepáli {n} :: Nepalese (person)
nepáli {n} [singular only] :: Nepalese (language)
Nepáli Szövetségi Demokratikus Köztársaság {prop} :: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (official name of Nepal)
népdal {n} :: folk song
népének {n} :: chant, religious song
népes {adj} :: populous (having a large population; densely populated)
népesség {n} :: population (the people living within a political or geographical boundary)
népességnövekedés {n} :: population growth
népességrobbanás {n} :: baby boom, population explosion (any increase in the birth rate)
népgazdaság {n} [historical, economics] :: national economy (the entire economy of a socialist state)
népi {adj} :: people's
népi {adj} :: folk
népirtás {n} :: genocide (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people)
Nepjida {prop} :: Nepjida (capital city)
népköztársaság {n} :: people's republic
népmese {n} :: folktale
néprajz {n} :: ethnography
néprajzi {adj} :: ethnographic, ethnographical
népsűrűség {n} :: population density
népszámlálás {n} :: census (official count of members of a population)
népszaporodás {n} :: population growth
Népszava {prop} :: A social-democratic Hungarian language newspaper published in Hungary
népszavazás {n} [politics] :: referendum (a direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment)
népszerű {adj} :: popular (beloved or approved by the people)
népszerűbb {adj} :: comparative of népszerű
népszerűség {n} :: popularity (the quality or state of being popular)
népszerűtlen {adj} :: unpopular
népszerűtlenebb {adj} :: comparative of népszerűtlen
népszerűtlenség {n} :: unpopularity
néptánc {n} :: folk dance
néptáncos {n} :: folk dancer (a person who takes part in folk dancing)
neptúnium {n} :: neptunium (element)
Neptunusz {prop} [Roman mythology] :: Neptune (Roman god)
Neptunusz {prop} :: Neptune (planet)
nesz {n} :: slight sound, rustle
nesze {interj} [colloquial, possibly rude] :: here you are! (handing something over to someone)
neszesszer {n} :: cosmetic bag, small bag for toiletry
nesztelen {adj} :: noiseless, soundless, silent
nesztelenebb {adj} :: comparative of nesztelen
net {n} [colloquial, computing, Internet] :: Internet
-netek {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural of a conjugated infinitive
-nétek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation)
nettó {adj} :: net (remaining after expenses or deductions)
nettó {n} [colloquial] :: net profit
nettó {n} [rare] :: net weight
neuma {n} [music] :: neume
neurológia {n} :: neurology (the branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of nervous system)
neurológiai {adj} :: neurological
neurológus {n} :: neurologist
neurózis {n} [clinical psychology] :: neurosis
neutrínó {n} [physics] :: neutrino (elementary particle with no electric charge)
neutron {n} [particle] :: neutron (subatomic particle having no charge)
név {n} :: name
név {n} [grammar] :: noun
névadás {n} :: naming (the act or process of giving names to persons or things)
névadási {adj} :: naming [attributive usage]
névátvitel {n} [rhetoric] :: name transfer, transfer of name
nevel {vt} :: to educate
nevelés {n} :: raising, upbringing, rearing, education
nevelési {adj} :: pedagogic, pedagogical, educational
nevelő {adj} :: educational, instructive (especially in connection with proper upbringing as opposed to merely transmitting knowledge)
nevelő {adj} [in compounds] :: foster
nevelő {n} :: educator, governess (especially one who takes care of children and teaches them good manners)
névelő {n} [grammar] :: article
nevelőnő {n} :: governess
nevelőszülő {n} :: foster parent
neveltetés {n} :: education, upbringing, schooling
neves {adj} :: famous, well-known, renowned
nevet {vit} :: to laugh (at something or someone n)
nevetés {n} :: laughter
nevetgél {vt} :: to giggle
nevetség {n} :: jeer, mockery, ridicule
nevetséges {adj} :: ridiculous
nevetségesebb {adj} :: comparative of nevetséges
nevez {vt} :: to name (give a name to)
nevezés {n} :: naming, calling
nevezés {n} [sports] :: entry (in a competition)
nevezési {adj} :: entry (in a competition)
nevezet {n} [archaic] :: name (the name of a particular person, place, class, or thing)
nevezetes {adj} :: famous, celebrated, renowned, notable, noteworthy, significant
nevezetesen {adv} :: namely
nevezetű {adj} :: named, called
nevezhető {adj} :: nameable (something of a sort; with nak)
nevező {n} [mathematics] :: denominator (lower part of a fraction)
neveztetik {vi} [archaic] :: to be called (to have as one's name) ( nak)
Nevis {prop} :: Nevis (island)
névjegy {n} :: business card, visiting card, card (a small card with a person's name and professional information)
névjegy {n} [archaic] :: signature (a person’s name, written by that person)
névjegykártya {n} :: business card
névmás {n} [grammar] :: pronoun
névmutató {n} :: index (of a book)
névnap {n} :: name day
névrokon {n} :: namesake (a non-relative person with the same last name as another)
névszó {n} [linguistics] :: nominal (a part of speech that includes nouns, adjectives, numerals, and pronouns)
névtan {n} :: onomastics
névtelen {adj} :: anonymous
névtelenség {n} :: anonymity
névutó {n} [grammar] :: postposition (equivalent of English preposition except it comes after the word it refers to)
névutómelléknév {n} [linguistics] :: postpositional adjective (an adjective formed from a postposition with the -i adjective-forming suffix, such as melletti, alatti)
nevű {adj} :: named, called
New York {prop} :: New York (largest city)
New York {prop} :: New York (state)
New York-i {adj} :: from New York, of or related to New York
néz {vt} :: to look (at something ra)
néz {vt} :: to watch (something t)
néz {vt} :: to overlook (followed by ra) (to offer a view of something from a higher position)
nézd {interj} [colloquial] :: look
nézeget {vt} :: to look at someone or something for a longer time; to eye, examine, study several people or objects separately, one after another
nézeget {vi} :: to keep looking at someone or something
nézelődik {vi} :: to look about, look around
nézés {n} :: look, gaze
nézet {n} :: view, opinion, judgement, point of view
nézet {vt} :: to have someone watch or see or look at something
nézeteltérés {n} :: difference, disagreement, dissension, argument
nézettség {n} :: viewership, audience (the number of people who watch a television program or other video broadcast)
nézettség {n} [television] :: rating (the estimated popularity of a television program)
néző {adj} :: viewing, observing
néző {n} :: viewer, spectator, observer, onlooker
nézőkép {n} [computing] :: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
nézőkép {n} [photography] :: a small-size print made from a negative, used for evaluation and preview
nézőközönség {n} :: audience (a large gathering of people listening to or watching a performance, speech)
nézőpont {n} :: point of view, viewpoint, perspective, aspect
nézve {postp} :: with respect to, as to, concerning, in connection with
nézve {postp} :: for (affecting someone in a positive or negative way)
nézze {interj} [formal] :: look
-ng {suffix} [frequentative suffix] :: Added to a verb or less frequently to a noun to form a verb denoting a repetitive action. Linking vowels are usually used between the stem and the suffix
-ni {suffix} [infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the infinitive
-ni {suffix} :: Concessive sense: used to devalue the predicate of the sentence when repeated and followed by a clause that contrasts with or contradicts it. See also -nak/-nek
-ni {suffix} [somewhat, dated or literary, with the omission of lehet] :: one can…, it is possible to…
ni {interj} [colloquial] :: lo!, look!
-nia {suffix} :: Used to form the third-person singular and the second-person singular formal of an infinitive
Nicaragua {prop} :: Nicaragua (country)
nicaraguai {adj} :: Nicaraguan (of, from, or relating to Nicaragua or its people)
nicaraguai {n} :: Nicaraguan (a person from Nicaragua or of Nicaraguan descent)
Nick {prop} :: Nick (village)
-nie {suffix} :: Used to form the third-person singular and the second-person singular formal of an infinitive
Niger {prop} :: Niger (country)
Niger {prop} :: Niger (river)
Nigéria {prop} :: Nigéria (country)
nihilista {n} :: nihilist
nikáb {n} :: niqab
Niké {prop} [Greek god] :: Nike (the goddess of victory and triumph)
Niki {prop} :: given name
nikkel {n} :: nickel (symbol: Ni)
Nikolett {prop} :: given name
nikotin {n} [chemistry] :: nicotine (addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco)
nikotintartalom {n} :: nicotine content
Nílus {prop} :: Nílus (river)
nímand {n} [colloquial] :: nobody, nonentity
nincs {v} :: there is no, there is not
nincsen {v} :: alternative form of nincs
nincsen öröm üröm nélkül {proverb} :: there is no joy without alloy, you have to take the bad with the good, you have to take the bitter with the sweet
nincsen rózsa tövis nélkül {proverb} :: no rose without a thorn
nincs kolbászból fonva a kerítés {phrase} [idiomatic] :: money doesn't grow on trees, there's no such thing as a free lunch
nincs mit {phrase} :: don't mention it, forget it, no problem, not at all (said in response to an expression of gratitude)
nincstelen {adj} :: penniless, poverty-stricken, destitute
nincstelen {n} [mostly in plural] :: pauper, the poor, have-nots, down-and-outer (a person without any money or possessions)
nindzsa {n} :: ninja
nini {interj} [colloquial] :: lo!, look!
nióbium {n} :: niobium (symbol: Nb)
-niok {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix, dialectal or archaic] :: Used to form the third-person plural of a conjugated infinitive
-niök {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix, dialectal or archaic] :: Used to form the third-person plural of a conjugated infinitive
nirvána {n} :: nirvana
nitrogén {n} :: nitrogen (symbol: N)
nitrogén-dioxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: nitrogen dioxide
Niue {prop} :: Niue (country)
-niuk {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural of a conjugated infinitive
-niük {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural of a conjugated infinitive
-nk {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: our (first-person plural, single possession)
-nként {suffix} [distributive suffix] :: Added to a noun
-nként {suffix} :: It can express the manner when something happens to each member of a set one by one
-nként {suffix} :: It can also express the frequency in time
-nni {suffix} [infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the infinitive
{n} :: Noh, a form of classical Japanese musical drama
NOB {prop} :: IOC
Nobel-díj {n} :: Nobel Prize
nobélium {n} :: nobelium (chemical element, symbol No)
-nod {suffix} :: Used to form the second-person singular informal of an infinitive
Noé {prop} :: Noah [biblical character]
Nógrád {prop} :: Nógrád (administrative county)
noha {conj} :: though
-nok {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a word to form the name of an occupation
nokedli {n} :: spaetzle, dumpling (egg noodle)
-nom {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular of a conjugated infinitive
nomád {adj} :: nomadic
nomád {n} :: nomad
nómenklatúra {n} :: nomenclature
nominális {adj} :: nominal
nonstop {adj} :: nonstop (without stopping or interruption)
nonstop {adv} :: nonstop (without stopping or interruption)
nonstop {n} :: A convenience store open 24 hours a day
nonszensz {n} :: nonsense
Nóra {prop} :: given name
Norbert {prop} :: given name
Norbi {prop} :: given name
Norfolk-sziget {prop} :: Norfolk Island (Territory of Norfolk Island)
Nóri {prop} :: given name
norma {n} :: norm, standard
normál {adj} :: standard
normál {adj} :: normal, ordinary, regular
normálalak {n} [mathematics] :: scientific notation
normális {adj} :: normal
normális {adj} :: in one's right mind
normálisan {adv} :: normally
normális eloszlás {n} [mathematics] :: normal distribution
normatív {adj} :: normative
normatívabb {adj} :: comparative of normatív
norvég {adj} :: Norwegian (of, from, or relating to Norway, its people or language)
norvég {n} :: Norwegian (person)
norvég {n} [singular only] :: Norwegian (language)
Norvégia {prop} :: Norway
norvégiai {adj} :: Norwegian (of, from, or relating to Norway, its people or language)
norvégiai {n} :: Norwegian (a native of Norway)
nos {interj} :: well
nosztalgia {n} [literary] :: nostalgia, homesickness (a longing for home or familiar surroundings)
nosztalgia {n} :: nostalgia (yearning for the things of the past)
nóta {n} :: song
-notok {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural of a conjugated infinitive
notórius {adj} :: notorious, infamous (widely known, especially for something negative)
nov. {n} :: Nov, Nov. (November)
Novaja Zemlja {prop} :: Novaja Zemlja (archipelago)
novella {n} [literature] :: tale, story, short story
november {n} :: November
novemberi {adj} :: November, in November, of November
noxa {n} [medicine] :: noxa (anything that exerts a harmful influence)
{n} :: woman
{vi} :: to grow
-nöd {suffix} :: Used to form the second-person singular informal of an infinitive
nődögél {vi} :: to slowly grow
nőgyógyász {n} :: gynecologist
nőgyógyászat {n} :: gynecology
nőgyógyászati {adj} :: gynecological
nőgyűlölet {n} :: misogyny
nőgyűlölő {n} :: misogynist
női {adj} :: women’s, ladies’, womanly, feminine, female (of or related to women or the female gender in general, typically used by women, belonging to women, or consisting of women)
nőies {adj} :: womanly, feminine
-nök {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a word to form the name of an occupation
-nöm {suffix} :: Used to form the first-person singular of an infinitive
nőmozgalom {n} :: women's movement, feminist movement
nőnem {n} :: female sex
nőnem {n} [grammar] :: feminine gender
nőnemű {adj} :: female
nőnemű {adj} [grammar] :: feminine
nős {adj} :: married (with a woman)
nőstény {adj} :: female (animal)
nőstény {n} :: female (animal)
nőtlen {adj} [of a man] :: unmarried, single
nőtlenség {n} :: bachelorhood, celibacy (unmarried state)
-nötök {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural of a conjugated infinitive
növekedés {n} :: growth, increase
növekedési {adj} :: of or related to growth
növekedik {vi} :: to grow (to appear or sprout)
növekszik {vi} :: alternative form of növekedik
növekvő {adj} :: growing, increasing
növel {vt} :: to increase (to make larger)
növelés {n} :: increase
növendék {n} :: pupil, student (especially someone's private student)
növény {n} [botany] :: plant (an organism of the kingdom Plantae)
növény-egészségügyi {adj} :: superseded spelling of növényegészségügyi
növényegészségügyi {adj} :: phytosanitary (concerning the health of plants)
növénygyűjtemény {n} [botany] :: synonym of herbárium, herbarium
növényi {adj} :: vegetal (pertaining to plants or vegetables, vegetation)
növénytan {n} [biology] :: botany (the scientific study of plants, a branch of biology)
növényvilág {n} :: flora (plants considered as a group)
növényzet {n} :: vegetation, flora, greenery, verdure (plants, taken collectively)
nővér {n} [dated, except in the plural] :: sister (daughter of the same parents as another person)
nővér {n} [contemporary] :: older sister
nővér {n} :: female nurse (woman trained to provide care for the sick; especially when addressing them)
nővér {n} [religion] :: sister (female member of a religious community)
növés {n} :: growth
növés {n} :: build, figure, stature
növeszt {vt} :: to make grow, grow (cause to grow)
nudizmus {n} :: nudism
nudli {n} :: noodle
nukleáris {adj} :: nuclear
nulla {num} :: zero
nulla {n} :: zero
nulla {n} :: someone or something of no importance; cipher
nulla {adj} [colloquial] :: zero, none whatsoever, none at all
nulladik {num} :: zeroth
nulláz {vi} :: to zero (to set to zero)
nullhipotézis {n} [mathematics] :: null hypothesis
numera {n} [slang] :: sexual intercourse
numerikus analízis {n} [mathematics] :: numerical analysis
numizmatika {n} :: numismatics
nuncsaku {n} [martial arts] :: nunchucks, nunchaku (a weapon consisting of two sticks joined by a chain or cord)
-nunk {suffix} :: Used to form the first-person plural of an infinitive
{n} :: nu (Greek letter)
-nünk {suffix} :: Used to form the first-person plural of an infinitive
Nüx {prop} [Greek god] :: Nyx (the primordial goddess of the night)
-ny {suffix} [nominal-forming suffix] :: Added to a word to form a noun or an adjective
ny {letter} :: letter: enny
Ny {n} :: W (west)
Ny {letter} :: letter: enny
nyafog {vt} :: to whine, whimper (to complain or protest with a whine)
nyafogás {n} :: whine, whining, whimpering
nyáj {n} :: flock, herd, drove
nyáj {n} [religion] :: congregation, flock, fold
nyájimmunitás {n} [epidemiology] :: herd immunity
nyak {n} [anatomy] :: neck
nyák {n} :: mucus, slime
nyakas {adj} :: having a neck, something with a neck
nyakas {adj} :: headstrong, stubborn
nyakasabb {adj} :: comparative of nyakas
nyakcsigolya {n} [anatomy] :: cervical vertebra (any of the seven vertebrae of the neck)
nyakfodor {n} :: ruff (collar)
nyakkendő {n} :: necktie, tie
nyaklánc {n} :: necklace
nyaksál {n} :: scarf, muffler, shawl, neckerchief
nyakszirt {n} :: nape, occiput (the back part of the neck)
nyakszirtcsont {n} [anatomy] :: occipital bone (the bone at the back of the skull)
nyakszirti {adj} :: occipital
nyakszirti lebeny {n} [anatomy] :: occipital lobe (one of the four major divisions of the cerebrum of the brain, located behind the temples)
nyakszirtlebeny {n} [anatomy] :: occipital lobe (one of the four major divisions of the cerebrum of the brain, located behind the temples)
nyaktekercs {n} :: wryneck (Jynx torquilla)
nyaktiló {n} :: guillotine (machine used for the application of capital punishment)
nyakú {adj} :: -necked, with a …… neck (having some specific type of neck)
nyal {vt} :: to lick
nyál {n} :: saliva
nyalka {adj} :: dashing, jaunty, natty, smart
nyálka {n} :: mucus, mucilage, phlegm, rheum
nyalkább {adj} :: comparative of nyalka
nyálkahártya {n} [anatomy] :: mucous membrane, mucosa
nyálmirigy {n} [anatomy] :: salivary gland
nyaló {adj} :: licking
nyaló {n} :: licker
nyalóka {n} :: lollipop
nyár {n} :: poplar (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus, including aspen and cottonwood)
nyár {n} [obsolete] :: marsh
nyár {n} :: summer
nyaral {vi} :: to summer (to spend the summer, as in a particular place on holiday)
nyaralás {n} :: summer holiday, summer vacation (a stretch of leisure time during the summer, spent away from work or duty and devoted to rest or pleasure)
nyaranként {adv} :: every summer
nyarankénti {adj} :: every summer (occurring or appearing every summer)
nyaranta {adv} :: every summer
nyári {adj} :: summer, summery, aestival (of or relating to summer)
nyári időszámítás {n} :: daylight saving time
nyári lúd {n} :: greylag goose (Anser anser)
nyáron {adv} :: summer, in the summer, in summer
nyárs {n} :: spit, skewer (a thin metal or wooden rod on which meat is skewered for cooking, often over a fire)
nyárs {n} [historical] :: stake, pale, pole
nyavalya {n} [folksy] :: illness, disease, malady
nyavalya {n} [folksy, colloquial] :: misery
nyavalya {n} [vulgar] :: hell (in angry speech)
nyávog {vit} :: to meow (of a cat, to make its cry, see miau)
NyDNy {n} :: WSW (west-southwest)
nyel {vt} :: to swallow
nyél {n} :: handle (the part of an object which is designed to be held in the hand when used or moved)
nyélbe üt {vt} [idiomatic] :: to wrap up, arrange, wind up, conclude (a deal) (to get something successfully completed)
nyeldes {vt} :: to swallow repeatedly (of food, drink, tears, air, smoke: to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach or figuratively to the lungs)
nyeles {adj} :: with a handle, designed to have a handle
nyelés {n} :: swallowing (the act of taking into the stomach through the throat; the act of bearing patiently without retaliation)
nyelés {n} [rare] :: gulp (a small amount that can be swallowed at once)
nyeletlen {adj} :: with no handle
nyelőcső {n} [anatomy] :: gullet, esophagus [US], oesophagus [UK] (the tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach)
nyelű {adj} :: -handled (having a specified number or kind of handles)
nyelv {n} :: tongue (the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal)
nyelv {n} :: language (a method of interhuman communication)
nyelv {n} :: language, tongue (the conventional system of communication used by a particular community)
nyelv {n} :: language (the parlance of a particular specialist field)
nyelv {n} :: language (a particular style or manner of expression; idiom)
nyelv {n} [medicine, adjectival usage] :: lingual
nyelv alatti ideg {n} [neuroanatomy] :: hypoglossal nerve (the 12th cranial nerve)
nyelvbotlás {n} :: slip of the tongue, lapsus linguae (a mistake in speech)
nyelvcsalád {n} [linguistics] :: language family (a set of languages which have evolved from a common ancestor)
nyelvcsont {n} [anatomy] :: hyoid bone, lingual bone (a bone in the human neck which supports the tongue)
nyelvérzék {n} :: Sprachgefühl (a natural gift for languages)
nyelvész {n} :: linguist (a person who studies languages)
nyelvészet {n} :: linguistics
nyelvészeti {adj} :: linguistic
nyelv-garat ideg {n} [neuroanatomy] :: glossopharyngeal nerve (the 9th cranial nerve)
nyelvi {adj} :: linguistic, lingual (of, or relating to language)
nyelvjárás {n} :: dialect (a language variety that is characteristic of a particular area, community or group)
nyelvjárástan {n} :: dialectology
nyelvkurzus {n} :: language course
nyelvmandula {n} [anatomy] :: lingual tonsil (a rounded mass of lymphatic tissue that covers the posterior region of the tongue)
nyelvoktatás {n} :: language teaching
nyelvtan {n} :: grammar
nyelvtani {adj} :: grammatical
nyelvtannáci {n} [slang] :: grammar Nazi (person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language usage of others)
nyelvtörő {n} :: tongue-twister
nyelvtudás {n} :: knowledge (of a language)
nyelvtudomány {n} :: linguistics (the scientific study of language)
nyelvújítás {n} [linguistics] :: language reform
nyelvű {adj} :: -language, -speaking
nyelvű {adj} :: -tongued, with a …… tongue (having a specific kind of tongue)
nyelvű {adj} :: -lingual
nyelvvizsga {n} :: language proficiency test (a standardized test to assess someone's language proficiency of a foreign language)
NyÉNy {n} :: WNW (west-northwest)
nyenyec {adj} :: Nenets (of or relating to the Nenets people or language)
nyenyec {n} :: Nenets (person)
nyenyec {n} [singular only] :: Nenets (language)
nyenyere {n} :: hurdy-gurdy
nyer {vt} :: to win, acquire in a lucky way
nyérc {n} :: mink (a small carnivore)
nyereg {n} :: saddle (a seat for a rider placed on the back of a horse or other animal)
nyereg {n} :: saddle (a seat on a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)
nyereg {n} [anatomy] :: bridge (the upper bony ridge of the human nose)
nyereg {n} [music] :: bridge (the piece, on string instruments, that supports the strings from the sounding board)
nyeregalátét {n} :: saddle pad (a pad placed under a saddle on a horse)
nyeregpont {n} [mathematics] :: saddle point
nyeregtakaró {n} :: saddle blanket, saddlecloth, saddle cloth, saddle pad, numnah (fabric inserted under a saddle to cushion it, and to protect the horse's back)
nyeremény {n} :: prize, winning (money or objects gained by success in competition or contest, or in gambling)
nyereség {n} :: profit
nyereséges {adj} :: profitable (producing a profit)
nyereségesebb {adj} :: comparative of nyereséges
nyergel {vt} :: to saddle (to put a saddle on an animal)
nyergelés {n} :: saddling (the act of placing a saddle on an animal)
nyerít {vi} [of a horse] :: to neigh (sound of a horse, see nyihaha)
nyerít {vi} [figuratively, pejorative, of a human] :: to laugh boisterously, to have a horselaugh (to make an eardrum-piercing sound similar to a horse's cry when laughing loudly)
nyers {adj} :: [of a material] crude, raw, unmanufactured
nyers {adj} :: [of food] raw, uncooked
nyers {adj} :: [of a person] rough, coarse
nyers {adj} :: rough (approximate)
nyers {adj} :: gross (whole amount, total)
nyersanyag {n} :: raw material
nyersebb {adj} :: comparative of nyers
nyersolaj {n} :: crude oil
nyertes {adj} :: winning
nyertes {n} :: winner
nyest {n} :: beech marten, stone marten (Martes foina)
-nyi {suffix} :: -ful, as much as. Added to a noun to form an adjective meaning "as much that can fit into", "as big as …"
nyí {v} [folksy, of dog, cat, etc.] :: to whimper, whine
nyí {v} [folksy, of a person] :: to cry
nyihaha {interj} :: neigh (the sound of a horse)
nyikhaj {n} :: good-for-nothing, scapegrace
nyikorog {vi} :: to squeak, creak (to emit a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound, as by the friction of hard substances)
nyíl {n} :: arrow (projectile)
nyíl {n} :: arrow (symbol)
nyilas {n} :: archer
nyilas {n} [historical] :: a member of the Hungarian Nazi party called arrow-cross
nyilas {n} [historical] :: an arrow-cross thug
Nyilas {prop} :: Sagittarius
nyílás {n} :: opening
nyílás {n} :: blooming (flower)
nyílászáró {n} [architecture, formal] :: (framed) opening, aperture, door or window (a structure used to close off openings in buildings)
nyilatkozat {n} :: communiqué, manifesto
nyilatkozat {n} :: declaration, statement
nyilatkozik {vt} :: to comment publicly
nyílhegy {n} :: arrowhead
nyílik {vi} :: to open
nyílt {adj} :: open
nyílt {adj} :: plain, unconcealed, forthright, outspoken
nyíltabb {adj} :: comparative of nyílt
nyíltabban {adv} :: comparative of nyíltan
nyíltan {adv} :: openly, plainly
nyíltság {n} :: candor, honesty, sincerity
nyílt titok {n} :: open secret
nyilván {adv} :: obviously
nyilvánít {vt} :: to manifest, pronounce, declare, to make evident
nyilvános {adj} :: public (pertaining to the affairs or official affairs of all people)
nyilvánosabb {adj} :: comparative of nyilvános
nyilvánosabban {adv} :: comparative of nyilvánosan
nyilvánosan {adv} :: publicly
nyilvánosan működő részvénytársaság {n} :: public limited company
nyilvánosház {n} :: brothel
nyilvánosság {n} :: publicity
nyilvántart {vt} :: to keep a record of
nyilvántartás {n} :: (official) record, register
nyilvántartási {adj} :: registration
nyilvánul {vi} :: to manifest, to become evident
nyilvánvaló {adj} :: obvious (easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory)
nyilvánvalóan {adv} :: obviously
nyilvánvalóbb {adj} :: comparative of nyilvánvaló
nyilvánvalóbban {adv} :: comparative of nyilvánvalóan
nyír {vt} :: to cut, trim (hair)
nyír {vt} :: to mow, cut (grass, lawn)
nyír {vt} :: to shear (sheep)
nyír {n} :: birch
nyír {n} [zoology] :: frog (an organ on the bottom of a horse’s hoof that assists in the circulation of blood)
nyírás {n} :: haircut, cut, cutting
Nyírderzs {prop} :: Nyírderzs (village)
Nyíregyháza {prop} :: Nyíregyháza (city)
nyíregyházi {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to Nyíregyháza
nyíregyházi {n} :: A person from Nyíregyháza
nyírfajd {n} :: black grouse (a large, black bird with a lyre-shaped tail, Lyrurus tetrix (syn. Tetrao tetrix))
nyirkos {adj} :: moist, humid [air, hand]
nyirkos {adj} :: damp [house]
nyirkosság {n} :: dampness, humidity, moistness, moisture, clamminess
nyirok {n} [anatomy] :: lymph (a colourless, watery, bodily fluid carried by the lymphatic system, that consists mainly of white blood cells)
nyirokcsomó {n} [anatomy] :: lymph node, lymphatic node, lymph gland
nyirokedény {n} [anatomy] :: lymph vessel, lymphatic vessel, lymphatic (a thin-walled vessel structured like a blood vessel, that carry lymph)
nyirokér {n} [anatomy] :: lymph vessel, lymphatic vessel, lymphatic (a thin-walled vessel structured like a blood vessel, that carry lymph)
nyirokrendszer {n} [anatomy] :: lymphatic system
Nyírtass {prop} :: Nyírtass; Nyírtass (village)
nyit {vt} :: to open
nyitány {n} [music] :: overture (a musical introduction to a piece of music)
nyitány {n} [by extension] :: prelude, opening event/act/episode (a forerunner to anything, an indicator of approaching events)
nyitó {adj} :: opening
nyitó {n} :: opener
nyitott {adj} :: open
nyitottabb {adj} :: comparative of nyitott
nyitott kapukat dönget {v} [idiomatic] :: to preach to the choir, preach to the converted (to force an open door, to ask something that was already agreed to or self-explanatory)
nyitóünnepség {n} :: opening ceremony (a ceremony to mark the official opening of a building or event)
nyitva {adv} :: open (in an open state; especially with the verbs van, lesz, áll, hagy, marad, tart, and talál)
nyitvatartás {n} :: opening hours, office hours, business hours (the regular times of day when a shop, office or similar is open to the public)
nyitvatermő {n} :: gymnosperm
nyitva van a mészárszék {phrase} [idiomatic, dated] :: Your fly is open. (said to a man or boy)
nyolc {num} :: eight
nyolcadik {num} :: eighth
nyolcadika {n} :: the eighth (day of a month)
nyolcan {adv} :: the eight of us/you/them
nyolcezer {num} :: eight thousand
nyolcvan {num} :: eighty
nyolcvanadik {num} :: eightieth
nyolcvanegy {num} :: eighty-one
nyolcvanhárom {num} :: eighty-three
nyolcvanhat {num} :: eighty-six
nyolcvanhét {num} :: eighty-seven
nyolcvankettő {num} :: eighty-two
nyolcvankilenc {num} :: eighty-nine
nyolcvannégy {num} :: eighty-four
nyolcvanöt {num} :: eighty-five
nyolcvannyolc {num} :: eighty-eight
nyolcszög {n} :: octagon
nyom {vt} :: to press, push
nyom {vt} :: to weigh
nyom {vt} [slang] :: to do
nyom {n} :: trace, trail, track
nyom {n} :: imprint (an impression; the mark left behind by printing something)
nyomán {postp} :: based on, on the basis of, after, from, according to
nyomás {n} [physics] :: pressure
nyomású {adj} :: of/with …… pressure
nyomaszt {vit} :: to weigh on someone's mind, to weigh down
nyomasztó {adj} :: depressing, oppressive, gloomy, grim
nyomasztóbb {adj} :: comparative of nyomasztó
nyomaték {n} :: emphasis
nyomban {adv} [somewhat, literary] :: immediately, promptly
nyombél {n} [anatomy] :: duodenum (the first part of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extending to the jejunum)
nyomda {n} :: printing house, printery (an establishment where printing is done)
nyomdafesték {n} :: printing ink
nyomdai {adj} :: typographical (of or relating to typography or printing)
nyomdai {adj} [about quote or apostrophe characters] :: curly, smart
nyomdász {n} :: printer (person)
nyomkod {vt} :: to press, push repeatedly
nyomó {n} [usually in compounds] :: presser, squeezer, masher, ricer (a person or device that presses or squeezes)
nyomor {n} :: misery, poverty
nyomornegyed {n} :: slum (a dilapidated neighborhood where many people live in a state of poverty)
nyomorú {adj} [rare, literary] :: miserable, having misery
nyomorult {adj} :: miserable, wretched
nyomorult {adj} :: knavish, villainous
nyomorultabb {adj} :: comparative of nyomorult
nyomorúságos {adj} :: miserable (full of unhappiness and misery)
nyomorúságos {adj} :: poverty-stricken, poor
nyomorúságos {adj} :: miserable, wretched, worthless, lousy (in expressing contempt)
nyomott {adj} [of a mood] :: downcast, downbeat, dejected, depressed, low-spirited
nyomott {adj} [derogatory, slang] :: batty, nuts
nyomoz {vt} :: to investigate (after something: után)
nyomoz {vt} [obsolete] :: to search, seek, look for
nyomozás {n} :: investigation, search
nyomozó {n} [law enforcement] :: detective, investigator (a police officer who looks for evidence as part of solving a crime)
nyomozóiroda {n} :: detective agency, bureau of investigations
nyomtat {vt} :: to print, imprint, impress
nyomtatás {n} :: printing
nyomtatási {adj} :: printing
nyomtató {n} [computer hardware] :: printer
nyomtatott {adj} :: printed (reproduced on paper by means of a machine)
nyomtatott {adj} :: block (handwritten without connecting the letters)
nyomtatvány {n} :: print, printed paper, printed book, form
nyoszolya {n} [dated, poetic] :: bed (a piece of furniture on which to rest or sleep)
nyoszolya {n} [dialectal, literary] :: bed (an ornate, canopied bed, towering with lots of pillows and comforters)
nyoszolya {n} [dated, dialectal] :: bedstead, cot (a crude bed on four legs, without sides)
nyoszolya {n} [poetic] :: resting place
nyoszolyácska {n} :: diminutive of nyoszolya
nyög {vit} :: to moan
nyögés {n} :: moan, groan
nyrt. {n} :: abbreviation of nyilvánosan működő részvénytársaság
nyugágy {n} :: deck chair (or deckchair)
nyugalom {n} :: tranquillity, serenity, calmness, peacefulness
nyugat {n} [singular only] :: west
Nyugat-Ázsia {prop} :: Western Asia
nyugat-délnyugat {n} [singular only] :: west-southwest
nyugat-északnyugat {n} [singular only] :: west-northwest
Nyugat-Európa {prop} :: Western Europe
nyugat-európai {adj} :: Western European
nyugati {adj} :: western
Nyugati {prop} :: ellipsis of Nyugati pályaudvar
nyugatibb {adj} :: comparative of nyugati
Nyugat-Szahara {prop} :: Nyugat-Szahara (territory)
nyugdíj {n} :: pension
nyugdíjas {n} :: pensioner, retiree
nyugdíjaskor {n} :: retirement age
nyugdíjaz {vt} :: to pension off, to retire (remove somebody from the workforce, place somebody in retirement)
nyugdíjba megy {v} [idiom] :: to retire (to withdraw from a public station, from working, or from business)
nyugdíjfolyósító {adj} :: of pension payment, pension disbursement
nyugger {n} [slang] :: pensioner, retiree
nyugodalmas {adj} [folksy, colloquial] :: peaceful, restful, quiet, tranquil
nyugodt {adj} :: calm, peaceful, tranquil
nyugodtabb {adj} :: comparative of nyugodt
nyugodtan {adv} :: calmly, peacefully, tranquilly, quietly
nyugodtan {adv} :: still (without motion)
nyugodtan {adv} :: safely (without inadvertently causing any negative consequences)
nyugodtan {adv} [for encouragement, optionally followed by an imperative] :: feel free (to…), be my guest, go ahead, don't hesitate (to…) (you don't need to worry about doing what you requested)
nyugszik {vi} :: to rest
nyugszik {vi} [of the sun] :: to set
nyugta {n} :: receipt (written acknowledgement)
nyugta {n} :: peace
nyugta {n} :: (sun) set
nyugtalanít {vt} :: to worry (to make somebody worried)
nyugtalanít {vt} :: to disquiet, bother
nyugtalanító {adj} :: worrying, worrisome, disquieting (causing worry or unease)
nyugtalanság {n} :: restlessness, disquiet, disquietude, uneasiness, anxiety, inquietude
nyugtalanság {n} :: unrest, agitation, disturbance, turbulence, turmoil (a state of trouble and confusion, especially in a political context)
nyugtat {vt} :: to rest, repose
nyugtat {vt} :: to calm, still, quiet, reassure, soothe, comfort
nyugtatószer {n} :: sedative, tranquilizer
nyugtatvány {n} [archaic] :: receipt (written acknowledgement)
nyújt {vt} :: to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to prolong
nyújt {vt} [cooking] :: to roll out (when baking)
nyújt {vt} :: to stretch (the muscles, in exercising)
nyújt {vt} :: to pass, to hand (to hold an object away from one's body, towards someone so that they can take it)
nyújt {vt} :: to afford, to provide (an opportunity)
nyújt {vt} :: to grant, extend, bestow, impart, offer, render (e.g. help)
nyújtható {adj} :: stretchable (capable of being stretched)
nyúl {n} :: rabbit (mammal), hare
nyúl {n} [slang] :: chicken, scaredy-cat (a coward)
nyúl {vi} :: to reach one's hand for something
nyulacska {n} [childish] :: bunny
nyúlik {vi} :: to stretch, lengthen, elongate
nyúlszívű {adj} [humorous, sarcastic, of a person] :: chicken-hearted, cowardly (not brave; lacking courage)
nyúlvány {n} :: extension, continuation
nyúlvány {n} [anatomy] :: process
nyuszi {n} [childish] :: bunny (a rabbit, especially a juvenile)
nyuszi {n} [childish] :: Easter Bunny
nyuszi {n} [colloquial] :: chicken (a coward, shy person)
nyuszika {n} [childish] :: bunny
nyuszt {n} :: pine marten (Martes martes)
nyű {n} :: larva, grub, maggot, worm
nyű {vt} :: [of clothing] to wear away, to wear out
nyű {v} [dialectal] :: to weed
nyűg {n} :: nuisance, bother
nyűg {n} :: dreariness
nyűg {n} [obsolete] :: a type of front-leg hobble, typically made of rope or leather
nyűglődik {vi} [especially of children] :: to whimper, fuss, be cranky (to cry, whine, complain, to behave irritably and be a nuisance to others)
nyűglődik {vi} :: to struggle (with a task, followed by val)
nyűgös {adj} :: whining, peevish, petulant (irritated, constantly complaining)
nyűgöz {vt} [rare] :: to hobble a horse
nyűgöz {vt} [archaic, literary] :: to hinder, to constrain (one's freedom)
nyüszít {vi} [of a dog] :: to whimper, whine