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User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-u

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
u. {conj} :: abbreviation of und
U {letter} :: The twenty-first letter of the German alphabet
ü {letter} :: The letter u with an umlaut
u. a. {adv} :: abbreviation of unter anderen, unter anderem
u. a. {adv} :: abbreviation of und andere
u.a. {adv} [sometimes proscribed] :: alternative form of u. a.
üäh {interj} :: an exclamation of disgust: yuck, etc
U-Ausschuss {m} :: clipping of Untersuchungsausschuss (board of enquiry, investigation committee)
U-Ausschuß {noun} :: obsolete spelling of U-Ausschuss
u.A.w.g. {phrase} [proscribed] :: RSVP
U-Bahn {f} :: An underground railway, subway
übel {adj} :: evil
übel {adj} :: queasy, ill
übel {adj} :: bad
Übel {n} :: evil
Übel {n} :: bad (an economic good with a negative price)
Übel {n} [archaic] :: illness; suffering
Übelbach {prop} {n} :: Übelbach (municipality)
Übelkeit {f} :: nausea (feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit)
übellaunig {adj} :: bad-tempered
übel nehmen {v} :: to resent, to take offense
übelriechend {adj} :: malodorous, foul-smelling
übelriechend {adj} :: putrid
Übelstand {m} :: grievance
Übeltat {f} :: evil deed
Übeltäter {m} :: malefactor
Übeltäter {m} :: evildoer
übelwollen {v} :: to wish [somebody] ill
üben {v} :: to practice / practise
über- {prefix} :: über-, over-, super-, supra-, preter-, meta-
über {prep} [accusative or dative] :: above, over (spatially)
über {prep} :: about, concerning, over, at (in reference to)
über {prep} [accusative] :: via, through, by way of
über {prep} [accusative] :: across
über {prep} [accusative] :: during, for, over a time period
über {prep} [accusative] :: about
über {prep} :: around, among
über {prep} :: over, more than, above (a quantity)
über {prep} :: beyond
über {prep} :: at (when 'over' or 'about' could roughly be substituted)
über {adv} :: over [in certain select phrases]
über {postp} [following accusative] :: throughout
überabzählbar {adj} [mathematics] :: uncountable, nondenumerable
Überackern {prop} {n} :: Überackern (municipality)
überall {adv} :: everywhere
überall {adv} :: anywhere (in whatever place)
überall {adv} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: forms prepositional adverbs of alles (everything)
überall {adv} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: is added to a prepositional adverb in order to express that the latter includes a wide variety of items
über alles {adv} :: above all
überallhin {adv} :: everywhere
überallmächtig {adj} :: superalmighty
überaltert {adj} :: having an excessive proportion of older individuals
überaltert {adj} :: antiquated, outdated
Überangebot {n} :: surplus, oversupply, glut
überantworten {v} :: to entrust, give over
überarbeiten {v} :: to edit something in order to improve it; to edit something that it it is nearly completely rewritten
überarbeiten {v} :: sich überarbeiten: to work so much as to make someone over-stressed
überarbeitet {adj} :: edited
überarbeitet {adj} :: over-stressed [of work]
Überarbeitung {f} :: revision
überaus {adv} :: extremely
überbelegt {adj} :: overcrowded
überbeugen {vr} [chiefly] :: to bend over
Überbevölkerung {f} :: overpopulation
überbewerten {v} :: to overrate
überbewertet {adj} :: overrated
überbieten {vt} :: to exceed
überbieten {vt} :: to outbid
überbleiben {v} :: to remain
Überbleibsel {n} :: remnant
Überbleibsel {n} :: relic, relict
Überblendeffekt {m} :: transition effect
Überblendregler {m} :: crossfader
Überblick {m} :: overview; bird's-eye view; big picture (view of the entirety, both literally and figuratively)
Überblick {m} :: overview (brief summary)
überbordend {adj} :: excessive
überbordender {adj} :: comparative of überbordend
überbordendsten {adj} :: superlative of überbordend
überbrücken {v} :: to bridge
Überbrückung {f} :: bridging
Überbrückungshilfe {f} :: interim aid, stop-gap aid, provisional assistance
überdachen {v} :: to put a roof on something that doesn't necessarily need one
überdacht {adj} :: thought through, thought out; (re)considered
überdacht {adj} :: roofed, having a roof or canopy
überdauern {v} :: to survive, outlast
über den Berg sein {v} [idiom] :: to turn the corner
über den Jordan gehen {v} [idiom, euphamism] :: to die
überdenken {v} :: to reconsider, to rethink
überdenken {v} :: to think over, to consider
über den Löffel barbieren {v} :: pull a fast one
über den Tellerrand schauen {v} [idiom] :: to think outside the box
über die Dörfer {adv} [idiomatic] :: through the countryside; via country roads (as opposed to highways)
über die Planke gehen {v} [idiomatic] :: to walk the plank
über die Runden kommen {v} [idiomatic] :: to make ends meet
überdies {adv} :: moreover
über die Stränge schlagen {v} [idiomatic] :: to kick over the traces
über die Ufer treten {v} [a river] :: to overflow its banks
überdimensioniert {adj} :: oversized
Überdosierung {f} :: overdosage
Überdosierung {f} :: overdosing
Überdosis {f} :: overdose
Überdruck {m} :: overpressure
Überdruss {m} :: weariness
überdrüssig {adj} :: annoying
überdünischer {adj} :: trans-Duna; situated on the other (that is, north) side of the Duna (Daugava)
überdurchschnittlich {adj} :: above average
übereifrig {adj} :: overzealous
Übereile {f} :: overhaste
übereilen {vt} :: to rush, to precipitate
übereilen {vr} :: to act rashly
übereilt {adj} :: overhasty, precipitate
Übereilung {f} :: precipitance, precipitation
übereinander {adv} :: one above the other
Übereinanderlagerung {f} :: superimposition
übereingestimmt {v} :: past participle of übereinstimmen
übereinstimmen {v} :: to coincide, match, correspond, accord
übereinstimmen {v} :: to concur, agree
übereinstimmen {v} :: to harmonize
Übereinstimmung {f} :: agreement
Übereinstimmung {f} :: accordance
übereinzelsprachlich {adj} :: pertaining to more than just an individual language; representing a linguistic universal
überfahren {vt} [to drive over, causing injury or death] :: to run over, to run down
überfahren {vt} [of a red traffic light or stop sign] :: to go through, to overshoot
überfahren {vi} [dated, auxiliary "sein", to go from one shore of a river or other waterway to another] :: to pass over, to cross
überfahren {vt} [dated, auxiliary "haben", to transport from one shore of a river or other waterway to another] :: to take across, to ferry over
Überfall {m} :: attack, assault
Überfall {m} :: robbery
Überfall {m} [country] :: invasion
überfallen {v} :: to attack, to assault
überfallen {v} [bank] :: to raid
überfallen {v} [country] :: to invade
überfällig {adj} :: overdue
Überfamilie {f} :: superfamily
Überfinanzierung {f} :: overfinancing
überfischen {v} :: to overfish
überfischt {adj} :: overfished
Überfischung {m} :: overfishing
überfliegen {v} :: to fly over
überfliegen {v} [by extension] :: to skim; flick through (read quickly, skipping some detail)
Überfluss {m} :: abundance, profusion
Überfluss {m} :: surplus
Überfluß {m} :: obsolete spelling of Überfluss
überflüssig {adj} :: superfluous, extraneous, redundant, spare
überflüssig {adj} :: dispensable
überflüssig {adv} :: superfluously
überfluten {v} :: to flood
überflutet {v} :: past participle of überfluten
Überflutung {f} :: flooding, overload
überfordern {vt} :: To demand or ask more of someone or something than is within her/his/its capabilities
überfordern {v} :: to overexert
überfordern {v} :: to overcharge
überfordern {v} :: to overwhelm
überfordern {v} :: to overload
Überforderung {f} :: overexertion
Überforderung {f} :: excessive demand, excessive demands
Überforderung {f} :: excessive challenge
Überfremdung {f} [pejorative] :: "over-foreignization"; excessive immigration
überfreut {adj} [South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal: Harburg, Elandskraal] :: filled with (effusive) joy; overjoyed
überführen {vt} :: to transfer, translate, move
überführen {vt} :: to convert
überführen {vt} :: to prove that somebody has committed a crime
überführt {v} :: past participle of überführen
überführt {adj} :: transferred
überführt {adj} :: transformed, converted
überführt {adj} :: convicted (found guilty)
Überführung {f} :: overpass
Übergabe {f} :: handover
Übergabe {f} :: surrender
Übergabe {f} :: delivery
Übergabeparameter {m} [programming] :: transfer parameter to a function or method
Übergang {m} :: crossing
Übergang {m} :: transition
übergangen {v} :: past participle of übergehen
Übergangsbestimmung {f} [law] :: A transitional provision (statutory provision that regulates a process that starts before an amendment or enactment of the statute comes into force, and ends after the amendment or enactment of the statute has come into force)
Übergangsmetall {n} :: transition metal
Übergangsmetallkomplex {m} [chemistry] :: transition metal complex
Übergangsmetalloxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: transition metal oxide
Übergangsregierung {f} :: provisional government
Übergangsritus {m} [anthropology] :: rite of passage
übergangsweise {adj} :: transitional
übergeben {vt} :: to hand over
übergeben {vr} :: to vomit
über Gebühr {adv} :: unduly
übergefahren {v} :: past participle of überfahren
übergeführt {adj} :: converted
übergegangen {v} :: past participle of übergehen
übergehen {v} :: to skip
übergehen {v} :: to ignore
übergehen {v} :: to change, to transition
übergehen {v} :: to merge
übergenau {adj} :: excessively exact
übergeordnet {v} :: past participle of überordnen
übergeordnet {adj} :: superordinate, senior
übergeordnet {adj} :: superior
übergeordnet {adj} :: primary
übergeschlagen {v} :: past participle of überschlagen
über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten {proverb} :: there's no accounting for taste
übergespielt {v} :: past participle of überspielen
Übergewicht {n} :: overweight
übergewichtig {adj} :: overweight
übergewichtiger {adj} :: comparative of übergewichtig
übergewichtigsten {adj} :: superlative of übergewichtig
übergewogen {v} :: past participle of überwiegen
übergezogen {v} :: past participle of überziehen
überglücklich {adj} :: overjoyed
übergolden {vt} :: to gild
übergreifen {v} :: to spread
übergreifen {v} :: to usurp
übergreifend {adj} :: overarching, comprehensive
Übergriff {m} :: intervention
Übergriff {m} :: incursion, encroachment, abuse, infringement, attack
übergriffig {adj} :: encroaching or infringing (upon someone's space, rights, or especially sexual self-determination)
übergriffig {adj} [obsolete, of a, tree] :: so large that a person cannot put their arms around it
übergroß {adj} :: oversized, excessively large
überhandnehmen {vi} :: to get out of hand
überhart {adj} :: overly hard
überhastet {adj} :: overly hasty
überhäufen {v} :: to shower, flood, overload [+ mit (object) = with]
überhaupt {adv} :: at all; anyway
überhaupt {adv} :: actually
überhaupt {adv} :: even
überhaupt nicht {adv} :: not at all
überheblich {adj} :: arrogant, smug
überheblicher {adj} :: comparative of überheblich
Überheblichkeit {f} :: arrogance, hubris
überheblichsten {adj} :: superlative of überheblich
überhitzen {v} :: to overheat
überhitzt {v} :: past participle of überhitzten
überhitzt {adj} :: superheated
überhitzt {adj} :: overheated
Überhitzung {f} :: overheating
Überhitzung {f} [pathology] :: hyperthermia
überholen {vti} :: to overtake; to pass (e.g. a vehicle, a runner)
überholen {vt} [figurative] :: to excel; to become more or better than
überholen {vt} :: to overhaul (to check, repair and/or modernize a machine)
überholt {adj} :: outdated
Überholung {f} :: an instance of overtaking or passing
Überholung {f} :: overhaul (renovation)
Überhose {noun} :: leggings
überirdisch {adj} :: above ground
überirdisch {adj} :: supernal, unearthly
überkandidelt {adj} [slang] :: eccentric
Überklasse {f} [taxonomy] :: [software, object-oriented] superclass
überknöcheln {v} :: to sprain, twist [one's ankle]
überkommen {v} [archaic] :: to overcome; to conquer; to seize
überkommen {v} [of emotions] :: to overcome; to overwhelm
überkommen {v} [dated] :: to inherit
überkommen {v} [regional, including western Germany] :: to travel and arrive
überkreuzen {v} :: to intersect
überladen {v} :: To overload
überladen {v} :: To clutter
überladen {v} :: To supercharge
überladen {adj} :: cluttered, fussy
überladen {adj} :: overloaded
überlagert {adj} :: superimposed
überlagert {adj} :: overlaid
überlagert {adj} :: multiplexed
Überlagerung {f} :: superposition
überlang {adj} :: overly long
überlang {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: overly tall
Überlänge {f} :: overlength
Überlänge {f} [of clothing, mattresses, etc.] :: tall size
Überlappung {f} :: overlap, overlapping
Überlappung {f} :: lap, lapping
überlassen {v} :: to relinquish (give up, abandon)
überlassen {v} :: to leave (something) in someone’s care
überlassen {v} :: to leave over, to spare
überlasten {v} :: overload
Überlastung {f} :: overload
überlaufen {v} :: to overflow
überlaufen {v} :: to defect
Überläufer {m} :: renegade, defector, turncoat
überleben {vi} :: to survive
überleben {vt} :: to outlive
Überleben {n} :: survival
Überlebende {f} :: survivor (a woman who survived)
Überlebender {m} :: survivor
Überlebensdauer {f} :: (length of) survival
Überlebenskunst {f} :: (the art of) survival
überlebenswichtig {adj} :: survival (attributive)
überlebt {adj} :: outdated
überlegen {adj} :: superior [higher in quality]
überlegen {v} :: to think, to think over
Überlegenheit {f} :: superiority
überlegenswert {adj} :: worth considering
Überlegung {f} :: consideration (the process of considering)
Überleitung {f} :: transition
Überleitung {f} [music] :: bridge (in a rock or jazz tune)
Überleitung {f} :: reconciliation
überlesen {v} :: to overlook
überlesen {v} :: to skim through
überliefern {vt} :: to hand down
Überlieferung {f} :: deliverance
Überlieferung {f} :: tradition
Überlieferung {f} [religion, Islam] :: hadith
überlisten {v} :: to cheat
überlisten {v} :: to dupe
überlisten {v} :: to trick (to fool; to cause to believe something untrue)
überm {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of über dem
Übermacht {f} :: superior numbers, superiority in/of numbers
übermannen {vt} :: to overpower
übermannen {vt} :: to overwhelm
Übermaß {n} :: excess
Übermaß {n} :: overkill
übermäßig {adj} :: excessive, profuse
Übermensch {m} [literally] :: A "superior human"; Overman
übermenschlich {adj} :: superhuman
übermitteln {v} :: to transmit
Übermittlung {f} :: transmission, transfer
übermögen {v} [dated] :: to prevail, to overcome
übermorgen {adv} :: overmorrow, the day after tomorrow
Übermorgen {n} :: the day after tomorrow
übermüd {adj} [colloquial, poetic] :: alternative form of übermüde
übermüde {adj} :: overtired, overly tired
übermüden {v} :: to overtire, to overfatigue
Übermut {m} :: high spirits, cockiness
übermütig {adj} :: jaunty; cocky
übern {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of über den
über Nacht {adv} :: overnight (for a single night)
über Nacht {adv} [idiomatic, less common] :: overnight (within a short period of time)
übernachten {v} :: to stay overnight, to sleep over, spend the night
Übernachtung {f} :: overnight stay
Übernahme {f} :: taking possession
Übernahme {f} :: assumption, acceptance
Übernahme {f} [economics] :: takeover
Übername {m} [linguistics] :: nickname
übernatürlich {adj} :: supernatural
übernehmen {v} :: to take over, replace
übernehmen {v} :: to assume, to accept
übernehmen {v} :: to take
übernehmen {v} :: to copy, to adopt
übernehmend {adj} :: taking over, receiving, acquiring
Übernervosität {f} :: intense nervousness
überordnen {v} :: to raise something to a higher rank or position, to elevate, to superordinate
überordnen {v} :: to make of higher priority, to treat as of more value or importance, to prioritize, to put above
Überproduktion {f} :: overproduction
überprüfbar {adj} :: verifiable
überprüfen {v} :: to check
überprüfte Ausnahme {f} [computing] :: checked exception
Überprüfung {f} :: check, examination, inspection
überpünktlich {adj} :: overly punctual
überqueren {v} :: to cross, to traverse
überragen {vt} :: to outdo, outshine
überragen {vt} :: to stick out
überraschen {vt} :: to surprise
überraschend {adj} :: surprising
überraschend {adv} :: unexpectedly
überraschenderweise {adv} :: surprisingly
überrascht {adj} :: surprised
Überraschung {f} :: surprise
überreagieren {v} :: to overreact
Überreaktion {f} :: overreaction
überreden {v} :: to talk over, persuade
überreden {v} :: to talk about
überredet {v} :: past participle of überreden
überreichen {vt} :: to hand something over, to present
überreicht {v} :: past participle of überreichen
Überrest {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: residue, remnant, leftover, relic
Überrest {m} [in the plural, euphemism] :: remains, corpse
Überrest {m} [historiography] :: remains, leftover(s): non-traditional source (inadvertently produced source of information of historiographical interest)
Überrollbügel {m} :: roll bar
überrollen {v} :: to run over [i.e. by a vehicle]
überrollen {v} [military] :: to overrun
Überrollkäfig {m} :: roll cage
Überrollschutz {m} :: rollover protection structure, rollover protection system (ROPS)
überrumpeln {vt} :: to take by surprise
überrunden {v} [sports] :: to lap
überrunden {v} :: to exceed
übers {contraction} :: über + das over the, above the
Übersäuerung {f} :: acidosis
Übersaxen {prop} {n} :: Übersaxen (municipality)
Überschall {m} :: supersonic
überschallen {v} [sound, noise] :: to drown out
Überschallgeschwindigkeit {f} :: supersonic speed
Überschallknall {m} :: sonic boom
überschatten {v} :: to overshadow
überschattet {v} :: past participle of überschatten
überschätzen {v} :: to overestimate
Überschätzung {f} :: overestimation
überschaubar {adj} :: assessable
überschaubar {adj} :: comprehensible
überschaubar {adj} :: manageable
überschaubar {adj} :: reasonable
überschaubar {adj} :: straightforward
überschießend {adj} :: excessive
überschießend {adj} :: exaggerated
überschießend {adj} :: overshooting
Überschlag {m} [sports] :: 360-degree rotation of the body at a bar or on the floor, handspring
Überschlag {m} [mathematics] :: estimate, rough calculation
Überschlag {m} [physics] :: electrical breakdown
überschlagen {v} :: (auxiliary haben) to cross (the legs)
überschlagen {v} :: (auxiliary sein) (of waves) to break
überschlagen {vt} :: to skip over (in a book)
überschlagen {vt} [mathematics] :: to estimate
überschlagen {vr} :: to overturn
überschlagen {vr} :: (of events) to come thick and fast
überschlagen {vr} :: (of the voice) to crack
überschnappen {v} [slang] :: to go mad
überschneiden {v} :: to intersect
überschreiben {v} :: to make over; to sign over (property)
überschreiben {v} :: to title; to provide something with a heading
überschreiben {v} :: to write over something; to overwrite
überschreiben {v} [computing] :: to overwrite
überschreiben {v} [software, object-oriented] :: to override
überschreiten {v} :: to exceed
überschreitend {adj} :: exceeding, transcending, transgressing
Überschreitung {f} :: crossing
Überschreitung {f} :: transgression, exceedance, overrun, violation, infringement, abuse
Überschrift {f} :: heading
Überschrift {f} :: headline
überschritten {v} :: past participle of überschreiten
überschritten {adj} :: exceeded
überschritten {adj} :: transcended
Überschuh {m} :: overshoe, galosh
überschulden {vt} :: to overload with debt
überschulden {vir} :: to get overindebted
Überschuldung {f} :: over-indebtedness, excessive debt
Überschuss {m} :: surplus, excess
Überschuß {m} :: obsolete spelling of Überschuss
überschüssig {adj} :: excess, surplus, spare, excessive
überschwänglich {adj} :: effusive, gushing
überschwemmen {v} :: to flood
Überschwemmung {f} :: flooding; flood; overflow of a body of water
übersehen {v} :: to overlook, disregard, ignore
übersetzen {v} :: to translate, to interpret
übersetzen {v} [computing] :: to compile
übersetzen {v} :: to cross, to traverse, to pass over, to ferry
Übersetzen {n} :: translation
Übersetzen {n} [computing] :: compilation
Übersetzer {m} :: translator (male or of unspecified sex)
Übersetzerin {f} :: female translator
Übersetzung {f} :: translation
übersetzungstechnisch {adj} :: translationary; translation technology (attributive)
Übersetzungswissenschaft {f} :: traductology, translation studies
Übersetzungswörterbuch {n} :: translation dictionary
Übersicht {f} :: overview; bird's-eye view; big picture (view of the entirety, both literally and figuratively)
Übersicht {f} :: overview (brief summary)
übersichtlich {adj} :: easily looked over and understood; clear; overseeable
übersichtlich {adj} :: well arranged, clearly arranged
übersichtlich {adj} [euphemistic] :: small, meager, sparse
Übersichtlichkeit {f} :: clarity
Übersichtlichkeit {f} :: lucidity
übersiedeln {v} :: to move [change residence]
übers Ohr hauen {v} :: pull a fast one, to rip off
Überspannung {f} [electricity] :: overvoltage, surge
überspielen {v} :: to dub, to rerecord sth
überspielen {v} :: to transfer sth
überspielt {noun} [sports] :: overplayed (playing (in a game, etc.) too often; overexerted)
überspielt {noun} [Austria, obsolete] :: worn, old, overused
überspitzen {v} :: to exaggerate
überspitzt {adj} :: exaggerated
Überspitztheit {f} :: exaggeratedness, overstatedness (state or quality of being exaggerated or overstated)
Überspitzung {f} [figuratively] :: exaggeration
überspülen {v} :: to wash over
überstaatlich {adj} :: supranational
überstanden {v} :: past participle of überstehen
überstehen {v} :: to endure
übersteigen {v} :: to exceed
übersteigend {adj} :: exceeding, transcending
übersteuern {v} [automotive] :: to oversteer
Übersteuern {n} [automotive] :: oversteer
überstiegen {v} :: past participle of übersteigen
überstimmen {v} :: to overrule
überstimmen {v} :: to outvote
überströmen {v} :: to overflow
Überstunde {f} :: overtime
überstürzen {v} :: to rush
überstürzen {v} :: to jump the gun
überteuern {v} :: to overprice
überteuert {adj} :: overpriced
Überteuerung {f} :: overpricing
übertönen {v} [sound, noise] :: to drown out
übertöten {v} :: to overkill
Übertötung {f} :: overkill
übertragen {v} :: to transfer, transmit
übertragen {v} :: to translate
übertragen {v} :: to broadcast, televise
übertragen {v} :: to hand over something to somebody, entrust somebody with something, confer a right on somebody
übertragen {v} [medicine] :: to have a post-term birth
übertragen {vr} :: to be passed on to somebody (disease, illness)
übertragen {vr} [figuratively] :: to communicate itself to somebody (enthusiasm, nervousness, etc.)
übertragen {adj} :: figurative
übertragend {adj} :: carrying, transmitting
übertragend {adj} :: conferring, assigning
Übertrager {m} :: agent noun of übertragen
Übertrager {m} :: transformer
Übertrager {m} :: transducer
Übertrager {m} :: exchanger
Überträger {m} [biology] :: carrier (person or animal transmitting a disease without contracting it)
Übertragung {f} :: transmission
Übertragung {f} :: transfer
Übertragung {f} :: translation
übertreffen {v} :: to exceed
übertreffen {v} :: to surpass
übertreiben {v} :: to exaggerate
übertreiben {v} :: to overdo
Übertreibung {f} :: exaggeration
übertreten {vi} [with zu] :: to join (another faith, party, etc.); to convert to
übertreten {vt} :: to step beyond; to trespass; to violate; to breach
Übertretung {f} :: transgression, trespass, breach, violation, infringement, prevarication
übertrieben {v} :: past participle of übertreiben
Übertritt {m} :: transfer; crossing (over border etc.)
Übertritt {m} :: (religious) conversion
übertroffen {v} :: past participle of übertreffen
übertroffen {adj} :: surpassed, exceeded
übertroffen {adj} :: excelled, outdone
übertünchen {v} :: to whitewash
überübermorgen {adv} :: in three days, the day after the day after tomorrow
Übervölkerung {f} :: overpopulation
übervorteilen {vt} [chiefly formal] :: to take advantage of; to give someone less than they deserve
überwachen {v} :: to control, to monitor, to supervise
überwachen {v} :: to keep under surveillance
überwachsen {adj} :: overgrown
überwachsen {v} :: to overgrow
überwacht {v} :: past participle of überwachen
Überwachung {f} :: surveillance
Überwachungskamera {f} :: surveillance camera
überwältigen {v} :: to overwhelm [also figuratively]
überwärts {adv} :: upwards
überwechseln {v} :: to move [from one place to another]
überwechseln {v} :: to change [from one topic, organization, faith, etc. to another]
überweisen {v} :: to transfer
Überweisung {f} [money] :: money transfer
Überweisung {f} [medicine] :: referral
überwiegen {v} :: To outweigh, preponderate
überwiegen {v} :: To prevail, predominate
überwiegen {v} :: To weigh too much
überwiegend {adj} :: predominant, prevalent
überwiegend {adv} :: largely, mostly, predominantly
überwinden {vt} :: to overcome, to get over
Überwindung {f} :: overcoming, surmounting
Überwindung {f} :: conquest
überwintern {vi} :: to hibernate
überwintern {vit} :: to overwinter
überwogen {v} :: past participle of überwiegen
Überwurf {m} [textiles] :: a loose upper garment, such as a gown, shawl or thin cloak, especially for women
Überwurf {m} [textiles] :: a throw (cloth, usually thin, thrown over a sofa etc.)
Überwurf {m} [wrestling] :: a hold where one throws the opponent over one's shoulders
Überzahl {f} :: majority, superior number(s)
überzeugen {vt} :: to convince
überzeugen {vr} :: to convince oneself
überzeugt {adj} :: convinced
Überzeugung {f} :: belief, conviction
überziehen {v} :: To put on [an article of clothing etc.] (over something else)
überziehen {v} :: To hit, whack [with eins or ein paar and the dative of the person hit]
überziehen {v} :: To cover or overlay
überziehen {v} [finance] :: To overdraw
überziehen {v} :: To overrun
Überziehen {n} :: stall (of an aircraft)
überzogen {v} :: past participle of überziehen
überzogen {adj} :: overdrawn
überzogen {adj} :: excessive, exorbitant
Überzug {m} :: verbal noun of überziehen (in both stresses)
Überzug {m} :: anything that covers an object wholly or partially in such a fashion that it is drawn planarly above it, casing, coating, cover, coat, overlay
Überzug {m} :: a piece of clothing that covers the main body of a human, dog etc. in a loose fashion from the exterior
Überzug {m} [weightlifting] ::  pullover
überzwerch {adj} :: crossed, (turned) crosswise; turned, especially in an inappropriate way
überzwerch {adj} [dialectal, of people] :: crotchety
überzwerch {adj} [heraldry] :: fesswise; turned sideways
ubiquitär {adj} :: ubiquitous
üblich {adj} :: usual
üblicher {adj} :: comparative of üblich
üblicherweise {adv} :: generally, usually, normally
üblichsten {adj} :: superlative of üblich
U-Boot {n} :: a U-boat or submarine
übrig {adj} [attributive] :: rest of, remaining
übrig {adj} [predicative] :: left, left over; spare
übrigbleiben {v} :: To remain
übrigbleibend {adj} :: residual
übrigbleibend {adv} :: residually
übrigens {adv} :: by the way
übriggeblieben {adj} :: remaining, leftover
übriggeblieben {adj} :: extant
übrighaben {v} :: to care for [i.e. like or appreciate]
übriglassen {v} :: to leave [to remain]
Übung {f} [uncountable] :: practice (degree of being used to and proficient in some activity)
Übung {f} [countable] :: practice; exercise; training; workout; drill; maneuver (the usually repeated performance of an activity for the sake of improvement and learning)
Übung {f} [countable] :: a kind of university class where skills taught in lectures or seminars are exercised (similar to a Tutorium, but more likely to be obligatory and taught by proper staff)
Übung macht den Meister {proverb} :: practice makes perfect
Übungsbuch {n} :: reader, book of exercises
Uchte {f} [Christianity, regional, chiefly Westphalia] :: midnight mass or early morning mass (at Christmas and Easter)
Ucker {noun} :: alternative spelling of Uecker
Uckermark {prop} :: Uckermark (district)
Ud {f} :: oud
Uderns {prop} {n} :: Uderns (municipality)
Udmurte {m} :: Udmurt (man from the Udmurtia region)
Udmurtin {f} :: Udmurt (woman from the Udmurtia region)
udmurtisch {adj} :: Udmurt (related to Udmurtia, the Udmurts or the Udmurt language)
Udmurtisch {n} :: Udmurt (the Udmurt language)
Udo {prop} :: given name
UdSSR {prop} {f} :: USSR
ü. d. Z. {phrase} :: über der Zeile (“above the line”)
Uebersetzung {f} [now nonstandard] :: alternative form of Übersetzung, used in some older texts and when technical limitations prevent the use of umlauts
Uecker {prop} {f} :: Uecker (river) which flows into the Szczecin Lagoon
Ufer {n} :: shore, shoreline
Ufer {n} [of a river] :: bank
Uferschwalbe {f} :: sand martin (Riparia riparia)
Uferweg {m} :: a path alongside a bank or shore; a towpath; a lakeside path
Uferweg {m} [less common] :: a path leading up to a bank or shore
uff {interj} :: whew (used before, during or after a mentally or physically strenuous activity, or while thinking of it)
Ufo {n} :: alternative spelling of UFO
UFO {n} :: UFO
Ufologe {m} :: ufologist
Ufologie {f} :: ufology
U-förmig {adj} :: U-shaped
ufty {adj} :: awesome; cool; exciting
UG {noun} :: abbreviation of Untergeschoss
Uganda {prop} {n} :: Uganda
Ugander {m} :: Ugandan
Uganderin {f} :: Ugandan (A person from Uganda or of Ugandan descent)
ugandisch {adj} :: Ugandan
ugaritisch {adj} :: Ugaritic (related to the city of Ugarit)
Ugaritisch {n} :: Ugaritic, the Ugaritic language
ugrisch {adj} :: Ugric (related to the Ugric language group)
U-Haft {f} [law enforcement] :: Short for Untersuchungshaft (remand)
Uhlan {m} :: alternative spelling of Ulan
Uhr {f} [invariable] :: hours, o'clock (indicates the time within a twelve- or twenty-four-hour period)
Uhr {f} :: clock (instrument used to measure or keep track of time)
Uhr {f} [in compounds] :: meter; gauge (a kind of measuring device, typically for water and gas consumption)
Uhr {f} :: watch (worn, portable timepiece)
Uhrenbeweger {m} :: watch winder
Uhrenfeder {f} :: watchspring
Uhrenturm {m} [architecture] :: clock tower
Uhrglasnagel {m} :: watch glass
Uhrmacher {m} :: clockmaker, watchmaker, horologist (male or of unspecified sex)
Uhrmacherin {f} :: clockmaker, watchmaker, horologist (female)
Uhrwerk {n} :: clockwork
Uhrzeiger {m} [clock, watch] :: hand
Uhrzeigersinn {m} :: clockwise direction
Uhrzeit {f} :: time, time of day (time according to the clock)
Uhu {m} :: Eurasian eagle owl, Bubo bubo (bird, owl species)
Uhu {m} :: liquid glue for domestic use
Uhüchen {n} :: diminutive of Uhu
Uibersetzung {f} :: obsolete form of Übersetzung
uigurisch {adj} :: Uyghur (related to the Uyghurs or their language)
Uigurisch {n} :: Uyghur (the Uyghur language)
Ukas {m} :: ukase (proclamation from the Russian ruler)
Ukelei {m} :: bleak (fish)
Ukraine {prop} {f} :: Ukraine
Ukrainer {m} :: Ukrainian (male or of unspecified sex) (ethnic Ukrainian or citizen of Ukraine)
Ukrainerin {f} :: Ukrainian (female) (ethnic Ukrainian or citizen of Ukraine)
ukrainisch {adj} :: Ukrainian (relating to Ukraine or its people)
Ukrainisch {n} :: Ukrainian (language)
Ukulele {f} :: ukulele
UKW {noun} :: initialism of Ultrakurzwelle
Ulan {m} [historical, military] :: uhlan (lancer, a soldier armed with a lance in a former light cavalry unit)
Uldonia {prop} {n} [obsolete] :: Uldonia (province)
Ulexit {m} [mineral] :: ulexite
Ulk {m} :: joke
ulkig {adj} :: funny, comical, quirky
Ulkus {n} :: ulcer
Ulme {f} :: elm (tree)
Ulmer {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Ulm
Ulrich {prop} {m} :: given name, popular in Germany since the Middle Ages
Ulrichsberg {prop} {n} :: Ulrichsberg (municipality)
Ulrike {prop} {f} :: given name
Ulten {prop} {n} :: Ulten (municipality)
Ultima Ratio {f} :: last resort
ultimativ {adj} :: ultimate (greatest or maximum)
Ultimatum {n} :: ultimatum
ultrahart {adj} :: ultrahard
Ultrahochvakuum {n} :: ultrahigh vacuum
ultrakalt {adj} :: ultracold
ultrakonservativ {adj} :: ultraconservative
ultrakurz {adj} :: ultrashort
Ultraleichtflugzeug {n} [aircraft] :: ultralight
ultramarin {adj} :: ultramarine
ultramontan {adj} :: ultramontane
ultrareich {adj} :: ultrarich
Ultraschall {m} [physics] :: ultrasound
ultraviolett {adj} :: ultraviolet
Ultraviolett {n} :: ultraviolet (light)
Ultraviolettlicht {n} :: ultraviolet light
Ultraviolettstrahlung {f} :: ultraviolet radiation
um- {prefix} :: round, round about
um- {prefix} :: repeatedly, over again, re-
um- {prefix} :: in another way
um- {prefix} :: to the ground, down, over
um {prep} [with accusative] :: about
um {prep} [with accusative] :: around
um {prep} [with accusative] :: at, by [when relating to time]
um {prep} [with accusative] :: by [percentage difference]
um {conj} [introduces a zu-clause] :: in order to, so as to
um {adj} [predicative, not attributive] :: up, in the sense of finished
um {adv} :: around, about
um {adv} :: turned over, changed, from one state to another
Umänderer {m} :: agent noun of umändern
Umänderer {m} :: Someone who or something that alters something; alterer
umändern {v} :: to alter
umarbeiten {v} :: To rework, revamp
umarbeiten {v} :: To revise
umarmen {v} :: to embrace, to hug
Umarmung {f} :: embrace, hug
Umbau {m} :: rebuilding, reconstruction, renovation
umbauen {v} [a building or apartment] :: to convert
umbauen {v} :: To rebuild, reconstruct
umbauen {v} :: to surround with buildings, walls, or other constructions
umbaut {v} :: past participle of umbauen
umbenennen {v} :: to rename
umbiegen {v} :: to bend
umbiegen {v} :: to turn
umbilden {v} :: to reshape
umbilden {v} :: to reshuffle, to reorganize
umbilikal {adj} :: umbilical
umbinden {v} :: to tie on [i.e. around the neck, wrist, etc.]
umblättern {v} :: to flip [e.g. pages]
umblicken {vr} :: to look around
Umbra {f} :: umbra
Umbrien {prop} :: Umbrien (region)
umbringen {v} :: to kill, to murder
umbrisch {adj} :: Umbrian (of or pertaining to Umbria)
Umbrisch {n} :: Umbrian (the Umbrian language)
Umbruch {m} [figuratively] :: upheaval
umbuchen {v} :: to rebook
umbuchen {v} :: to transfer (money)
um den Finger wickeln {vt} [idiom] :: to wrap around one's little finger; but typically with the implication of winning someone over by one’s charms
um den heißen Brei herumreden {v} [idiom] :: beat about the bush
umdenken {v} :: to rethink
um den kleinen Finger wickeln {v} :: alternative form of um den Finger wickeln
umdeuten {v} :: to reinterpret; to give a new meaning
Umdeutung {f} :: reinterpretation
um die Ecke bringen {v} [verb] :: to get rid of, to kill, to do someone in, to rub someone out
um die Ecke denken {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to think outside the box
umdisponieren {v} :: to change plans
umdrehen {v} :: to turn, to turn around, to flip, to reverse
umdrehen {vr} :: to turn, to turn around, to look back
Umdrehung {f} :: a single cycle of rotation
umeinandergestanden {v} :: past participle of umeinanderstehen
umeinanderstehen {v} :: synonym of herumstehen
um ein Haar {prep} [idiom] :: by a hair's breadth
umerziehen {v} :: to reeducate
Umerziehung {f} :: reeducation
Umerziehungslager {n} :: reeducation camp
umfahren {v} :: to drive somebody over, to knock somebody down with a vehicle
umfahren {v} :: to drive around something, to bypass
umfallen {v} :: to topple, fall down
Umfang {m} [mathematics] :: perimeter, circumference
Umfang {m} :: extent, scale, reach, scope, range
umfangen {v} :: to embrace, clasp
umfangen {v} [literary] :: to envelop, surround, enclose
umfangreich {adj} :: extensive, wide
umfangreich {adj} :: considerable
umfangreich {adj} :: comprehensive, enormous, large, substantial
umfangreich {adj} :: heavyset
Umfangswinkel {m} :: inscribed angle, circumferential angle, peripheral angle
umfärben {v} [to color with dye] :: to redye
umfassen {v} :: to encompass
umfassen {v} :: to comprise
umfassen {v} :: to change grip
umfassend {adj} :: comprehensive
umfasst {adj} :: encompassed
umfasst {adj} :: spanned
umfasst {adj} :: enfolded
Umfeld {n} :: environment (political or social setting, arena or condition)
umfließen {v} :: to flow around
umfließen {v} [text] :: to wrap
umformbar {adj} :: convertible, transformable
umformen {v} :: To transform, rearrange
umformen {v} :: To reshape
umformen {v} :: To convert
Umformen {n} :: transformation
Umformen {n} :: rearrangement
umformulieren {v} :: to rephrase, to restate
umformuliert {v} :: past participle of umformulieren
Umformulierung {f} :: rephrasing, restating
Umformung {f} :: conversion, transformation, reshaping
Umfrage {f} :: survey, poll
umfrieden {v} :: to enclose [i.e. by a fence or wall]
Umgang {m} :: dealings, (social) intercourse
Umgang {m} :: acquaintances
Umgang {m} :: (church) procession
umgangen {v} :: past participle of umgehen
umgänglich {adj} :: companionable, accostable, affable
Umgangsprache {noun} :: alternative form of Umgangssprache
Umgangssprache {f} [linguistics] :: colloquial language, colloquialism
Umgangssprache {f} [linguistics] :: vernacular, non-standard language
umgangssprachlich {adj} [linguistics] :: colloquial (informal but within standard language norms)
umgangssprachlich {adj} [linguistics] :: vernacular, non-standard (non-standard usage)
umgarnen {v} :: to charm, to seduce
umgeändert {v} :: past participle of umändern
umgeändert {adj} :: altered
umgearbeitet {v} :: past participle of umarbeiten
umgebaut {v} :: past participle of umbauen
umgebaut {adj} :: converted
umgebaut {adj} :: rebuilt, reconstructed
umgeben {v} :: to surround (to encircle or simultaneously extend on all sides of something)
umgebend {adj} :: surrounding
umgebend {adj} :: ambient
umgebend {adj} :: environmental
umgeblickt {v} :: past participle of umblicken
Umgebung {f} :: environment (area around something)
Umgebungsluft {f} :: ambient air
Umgebungstemperatur {f} :: ambient temperature
Umgebungsvariable {f} :: environment variable
umgefahren {v} :: past participle of umfahren
umgefärbt {v} :: past participle of umfärben
umgeformt {v} :: past participle of umformen
umgegangen {v} :: past participle of umgehen
umgehen {vt} :: to avoid, bypass, to go around [a physical obstacle]
umgehen {vt} :: to avoid [something nonphysical]
umgehen {vi} [with mit] :: to handle, to deal with
umgehen {vi} :: to go around (to circulate (in))
umgehen {vi} [of ghosts] :: to haunt, to walk the earth
umgehend {adj} :: immediate
umgehend {adv} :: immediately
umgekehrt {adj} :: reverse
umgekehrt {adv} :: the other way round, the other way around
Umgekehrte Polnische Notation {f} [computing] :: reverse Polish notation
umgelautet {v} :: past participle of umlauten
umgelegt {v} :: past participle of umlegen
um genau zu sein {adv} :: to be exact, to be precise; in fact
umgerechnet {adj} :: equivalent (in another currency)
umgeschmolzen {v} :: past participle of umschmelzen
umgesetzt {v} :: past participle of umsetzen
umgesetzt {adj} :: implemented
umgesetzt {adj} :: converted, transformed
umgewandelt {v} :: past participle of umwandeln - converted, transformed
umgewöhnen {vr} :: to reaccustom, readapt
um Gottes willen {prep} :: for the love of God, for God's sake
umhaben {v} :: to have on
Umhang {m} :: a cloak
Umhängetasche {f} :: satchel, shoulder bag, tote sack
umhauen {vt} :: to fell
umhauen {vt} :: to blow someone's mind
Umhausen {prop} {n} :: Umhausen (municipality)
umher {adv} :: around, round, about
umherbewegen {vtr} :: to move around
umhergehen {v} :: to walk around
umherziehen {v} :: to move around, to roam
umherziehend {adj} :: wandering, itinerant, itinerating
um Himmels willen {phrase} :: Oh my God!, Oh dear!, Oh no!, No way!; expletive used to express extreme surprise, shock or disbelief
um Himmels willen {adv} :: on earth; expletive used for emphasis after an interrogative word
umhinkönnen {v} [mostly negated] :: to be able to avoid
umhüllen {v} :: To encase, envelop, wrap, shroud
umhüllen {v} :: To muffle
umhüllt {v} :: past participle of umhüllen
umhüllt {adj} :: encased, shrouded, enveloped
umhüllt {adj} :: muffled
umkämpft {adj} :: embattled, contested
Umkehr {f} :: reversal
umkehrbar {adj} :: reversible
umkehrbar {adj} :: convertible
Umkehrbarkeit {f} :: reversibility
Umkehrbarkeit {f} [physics] :: reciprocity
umkehren {v} :: to turn around
Umkehrung {f} :: inversion
Umkehrung {f} :: reversal
Umkehrung {f} :: converse, inverse
umkippen {v} :: to topple, to topple over
umklammern {v} :: to clutch, clasp, grip; to embrace
umklammert {v} :: past participle of umklammern
umklappen {v} :: to fold over, fold down
Umkleidekabine {f} :: synonym of Ankleidekabine
umkommen {v} :: to be killed; to perish; to die a (usually) violent death
Umkreis {m} :: surroundings
Umkreis {m} :: circumcircle
Umkreis {m} :: compass (area)
umkreisen {v} :: to circle, to orbit: to revolve or move in a circle around
umkrempeln {v} :: to turn inside out
umkristallisieren {v} :: To recrystallize
umkristallisiert {v} :: past participle of umkristallisieren
Umkristallisierung {f} :: recrystallization
Umkugel {f} [geometry] :: circumsphere, circumscribed sphere
Umlage {f} :: levy, apportionment
Umlagerung {f} :: rearrangement
Umland {n} :: hinterland, environs
Umlauf {m} :: circulation
Umlauf {m} :: revolution (astronom.)
Umlauf {m} :: orbit (astronom.)
Umlauf {m} :: tour
Umlauf {m} :: currency
Umlauf {m} :: whitlow (med.)
Umlaufbahn {f} :: orbit (of a planet or satellite)
umlaufen {v} :: to run around something
umlaufen {v} :: to orbit
umläufig {adj} :: circulating, circulatory
Umlaufrendite {f} [finance] :: current yield (especially of gilt-edged securities)
Umlaufzeit {f} :: period, circulation period
Umlaufzeit {f} :: (Astronomy) period of circulation, period of revolution
Umlaut {m} [linguistics, grammar] :: umlaut
Umlaut {m} :: The diacritical mark ( ¨ ) placed over a vowel to indicate such assimilation: ä, ö, ü
Umlaut {m} :: one of the German letters ä, ö, ü (capital letter: Ä, Ö, Ü)
umlauten {v} :: to umlaut
umlegen {vt} :: to lay around
umlegen {vt} :: to tilt, to lay flat
umlegen {vt} [of costs] :: to apportion
umlegen {vt} [of a switch] :: to flip
umlegen {vt} [of a lever] :: to shift, to move
umlegen {vt} [of a necklace, scarf, coat etc.] :: to put on
umlegen {vt} [slang] :: to kill or murder; to waste
umleiten {v} :: to reroute, to redirect, to divert
Umleitung {f} :: redirection, rerouting, detour
umlernen {v} :: to retrain
umliegend {adj} :: surrounding
umlügen {v} :: To reinterpret in a dishonest and distorted manner, to offer a dishonest and distorted reinterpretation
ummanteln {v} :: to encase, encapsulate
ummanteln {v} :: to shroud, coat
ummanteln {v} :: to sheath
ummantelt {v} :: past participle of ummanteln
ummantelt {adj} :: encased, encapsulated
ummantelt {adj} :: jacketed, shrouded, coated
Ummantelung {f} :: jacket, cladding (for insulation)
ummauern {v} :: to surround with walls; to wall in
ummauert {adj} :: walled
umnachtet {adj} :: confused, demented
umparken {vt} :: to repark
umpflanzen {v} :: to replant, to transplant
umpolen {vt} :: to reverse the polarity of
Umpolung {f} :: reversal (especially of polarity)
Umpolung {f} :: reversion
Umpolung {f} :: commutation
umreißen {v} :: to pull down
umreißen {v} :: to outline
umringen {v} :: to surround
Umriss {m} :: outline (line marking the boundary of an object figure)
umrühren {v} :: to stir, to stir up
umrüsten {v} :: to retool, to retrofit
ums {contraction} :: um + das
umsatteln {v} :: to change the saddle
umsatteln {v} :: to switch (a profession etc.)
Umsatz {m} :: turnover, revenue, sales
Umsatz {m} [chemistry] :: conversion
umschaltbar {adj} :: reversible
umschaltbar {adj} :: switchable
umschalten {v} :: to switch
Umschalttaste {f} :: shift key
umschauen {vr} [chiefly south Germany, Austria, Switzerland] :: to look around (nach for)
umschichten {v} :: to regroup
umschiffen {v} :: to circumnavigate
umschiffen {v} :: to work around, to avoid
Umschlag {m} :: envelope
Umschlag {m} [medicine] :: compress
Umschlag {m} [economics] :: turnover
umschlagen {vt} :: to turn
umschlagen {vt} :: to fell
umschließen {v} :: to encompass, to embrace, to surround
umschlingen {v} :: To twine (around), to embrace, entangle (an object)
umschlingen {v} :: To embrace in the arms
Umschlingung {f} :: entwinement
umschlossen {adj} :: enclosed
umschlossen {adj} :: surrounded
umschlossen {adj} [radioactivity] :: sealed
umschmelzen {v} :: To remelt, recast
umschränkt {adj} [rare] :: restricted, constrained, limited
umschreiben {v} :: to rewrite (modify a text)
umschreiben {v} :: to transcribe; to transliterate (convert to another script)
umschreiben {v} :: to make over; to sign over (officially give property to someone else)
umschreiben {v} :: to try to express or explain in words; to define; to verbalise
umschreiben {v} :: to state (something) in such a way as to avoid something; to paraphrase; to use circumlocution
Umschreibung {f} :: paraphrase, circumlocution
Umschrift {f} [linguistics] :: transcription; transliteration
Umschrift {f} [numismatics] :: circumscription
umschulden {v} [finance] :: to convert debts
Umschuldung {f} [finance] :: conversion of debts
umschulen {v} :: to move schools
umschulen {v} :: to retrain [for a new profession, trade, etc.]
umschulen {v} [rare] :: to (politically) re-educate
Umschulung {f} :: retraining
Umschulung {f} :: reeducation
umschütten {v} [a container] :: to knock over
umschütten {v} [a liquid or mass] :: to pour or transfer from one container to another
Umschweif {m} :: circumlocution
umsehen {vr} :: to look around
umsehen {vr} :: to look back, to look round
umseitig {adj} :: overleaf
umsetzen {v} :: To implement, to realize
umsetzen {v} :: To transform, translate, convert, transpose
Umsetzung {f} :: implementation, execution, realisation
Umsicht {f} :: policy
Umsicht {f} :: prudence
Umsicht {f} :: providence
Umsicht {f} :: discretion
umsichtig {adj} :: circumspect, prudent
umsiedeln {vi} :: to resettle [auxiliary verb: sein]
umsiedeln {vt} :: to resettle [auxiliary verb: haben]
Umsiedlung {f} :: resettlement
ums Leben kommen {v} [possibly euphemistic] :: to lose one's life; to die; usually in an accident or by homicide
umso {conj} :: the (forming the parallel comparative with je)
umso {conj} :: all the more, so much (the)
umsonst {adv} :: free of charge, gratis
umsonst {adv} :: in vain, without success
umsonst {adv} :: for nothing; for the sake of doing it (without expecting reply)
umsorgen {v} :: to look after [someone]
Umspannwerk {n} :: transformer substation
Umstand {m} :: circumstance (an event; a fact; a particular incident)
umständlich {adj} :: complicated, long-winded
umständlich {adj} :: awkward; heavy-handed, cumbersome
Umstandskrämer {m} :: person who performs the daily tasks in an unnecessary difficult way
umstandslos {adj} :: uncircumstantial
umstandslos {adj} :: inconsequential
Umstandswort {n} [grammar] :: adverb
umsteigen {vi} :: to change, to switch (from one means of transport to another)
umstellen {v} :: to surround
umstellen {v} :: to relocate
Umstellung {f} :: conversion, migration, changeover, switch, cutover
Umstellung {f} :: reorganization, reorientation
umstimmen {v} :: to retune
umstimmen {v} :: to change someone's mind
umstoßen {v} :: to knock over, to knock down
umstoßen {v} :: to overthrow
umstritten {adj} :: controversial
umstritten {adj} :: disputed
umstrukturieren {v} :: to restructure
Umstrukturierung {f} :: restructuring, reorganization
Umstrukturierung {f} :: reshuffle (political)
Umsturz {m} :: overthrow
Umsturz {m} :: putsch, coup d'état
umstürzen {vi} :: to fall over
umstürzen {vt} :: to topple
umstürzen {vt} :: to overthrow
Umstürzler {m} [politics] :: overthrower
umstürzlerisch {adj} :: subversive
umtaufen {v} :: to rebaptize
umtauschen {v} :: to exchange
umtauschen {v} :: to return (bring back a bought item to the seller)
umtreiben {v} :: to drive around
umtreiben {v} :: to worry [someone]
umtreten {v} :: To boot (sth.)
umtriebig {adj} :: always on the go, go-getting
um und um {adv} :: all around
umverteilen {vt} :: to redistribute
umverteilt {v} :: past participle of umverteilen
Umverteilung {f} :: redistribution
Umvolkung {f} [politics] :: a policy that aims at radically changing the demographic composition of a population, through immigration and influencing reproductive behaviour
umwalten {v} :: to look after, protect
umwälzen {v} :: to turn over
umwälzen {v} [figuratively] :: to revolutionize
umwälzen {v} :: to circulate [i.e. fluids]
Umwälzung {f} :: upheaval
umwandeln {v} :: To convert, change, commute
umwandeln {v} :: To transform, transmute
umwandelt {v} :: past participle of umwandeln
umwandelt {adj} :: converted, transformed, transmuted
Umwandlung {f} :: conversion
Umwandlung {f} :: transformation, transmutation
Umwandlung {f} :: change
Umwandlung {f} [chess] :: transformation of a pawn into another chessman
Umwandlungspunkt {m} :: point of transformation or transition
Umweg {m} :: detour (a diversion or deviation from one's original route)
Umwelt {f} :: environment; milieu; surroundings
Umwelt {f} :: environment; ecosystem
Umweltaspekt {m} :: environmental aspect
Umweltauswirkung {f} :: environmental impact
umweltbedingt {adj} :: environmentally conditioned
Umweltbedingung {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: environmental condition(s)
Umweltbelastung {f} :: ecological stress
umweltbewusst {adj} :: environmentally-friendly
Umweltchemie {f} [chemistry] :: environmental chemistry
Umweltforschung {f} :: environmental / ecological research
umweltfreundlich {adj} :: environmentally friendly
umweltgefährlich {adj} :: hazardous for the environment
Umweltminister {m} :: environment minister
Umweltministerium {n} :: ministry of the environment
umweltpolitisch {adj} :: environmental politics (attributive)
Umweltrelevanz {f} :: environmental / ecological relevance
umweltschädlich {adj} :: ecologically harmful
umweltschonend {adj} :: environmentally-friendly
Umweltschutz {m} :: environmentalism
Umweltschutz {m} :: conservation
Umweltschutzbehörde {f} :: environmental agency
Umweltschützer {m} :: environmentalist
Umweltschützerin {f} :: environmentalist (female)
Umwelttechnik {f} :: environmental technology
Umweltverschmutzung {f} :: pollution
umweltverträglich {adj} :: environmentally compatible, environmentally friendly, sustainable
umwenden {vt} :: to turn over
umwenden {vr} :: to turn around
umwerben {v} :: to court somone
umwerben {v} :: to woo someone
umwerfen {v} :: to knock over
umwerfen {v} [of clothing] :: to throw on
umwerfend {adj} :: stunning
Umwertung {f} :: revaluation
Umwertung {f} :: re-evaluation
Umwertung {f} [philosophy] :: transvaluation
um … willen {prep} :: for the sake of, for … sake
umwölkt {adj} :: clouded, cloudy
Umwölkung {f} :: clouding (becoming foggy or gloomy)
umzäunen {v} :: to fence in, enclose
umziehen {v} :: [change residence] to move [auxiliary verb: sein]
umziehen {vr} :: to change clothes [auxiliary verb: haben]
umziehen {v} :: to parade [auxiliary verb: sein]
umzingeln {v} :: to encircle, to surround
Umzingelung {f} :: encirclement
Umzinglung {f} :: alternative form of Umzingelung
Umzug {m} :: move, removal, relocation (change of residence)
Umzug {m} :: parade
un- {prefix} :: un- [denoting absence, a lack of; violative of; contrary to]
un- {prefix} :: grave; bad; horrifying
unabänderlich {adj} :: unchangeable; invariable
unabdingbar {adj} :: indispensable
unabdinglich {adj} :: indispensable
unabdinglich {adj} :: inalienable
unabhängig {adj} :: independent
unabhängig {adv} :: independently, irrespectively, [[regardless]
Unabhängigkeit {f} :: independence
Unabhängigkeitserklärung {f} :: declaration of independence
Unabhängigkeitskrieg {m} :: war of independence
unabkömmlich {adj} :: indispensable
unablässig {adj} :: unrelenting, relentless, incessant, unremitting, tireless, assiduous, ceaseless
unablässig {adv} :: ceaselessly, incessantly, unremittingly
unabsehbar {adj} :: unforeseeable
unabsehbar {adj} :: immeasurable
unabsehbar {adv} :: to an unforeseen extent
unabsehbar {adv} :: immeasurably
unabsichtlich {adj} :: unintentional
unabsichtlicher {adj} :: comparative of unabsichtlich
unabsichtlichsten {adj} :: superlative of unabsichtlich
unabwendbar {adj} :: unavoidable, unpreventable
Unabwendbarkeit {f} :: inevitability, unpreventableness
unachtsam {adj} :: unwary, careless
Unachtsamkeit {f} :: unwariness, carelessness
unähnlich {adj} :: unlike, dissimilar
Unähnlichkeit {f} :: dissimilarity
unakzeptabel {adj} :: unacceptable
unamerikanisch {adj} :: un-American
unanfechtbar {adj} :: incontestable, indisputable, unassailable, undeniable
unangebracht {adj} :: inappropriate, unseemly
unangemessen {adj} :: inappropriate, inadequate, undue
unangenehm {adj} :: unpleasant
unangenehm {adv} :: unpleasantly
unangepasst {adj} :: maladjusted
unangepasst {adj} :: inadequate
unangerührt {adj} :: untouched
unangesehen {adj} :: disreputable
unangesehen {adj} :: disrespectable
unangetastet {adj} :: untouched
unangetastet {adj} :: inviolate
unangetastet {adj} :: unsolicited
unangreifbar {adj} :: unassailable
unangreifbar {adj} :: impregnable
unangreifbar {adj} :: invulnerable
unannehmbar {adj} :: unacceptable
Unannehmlichkeit {f} :: inconvenience
unanständig {adj} :: indecent
Unanständigkeit {f} :: indecency
unanstößig {adj} :: inoffensive
unantastbar {adj} :: inviolable
unappetitlich {adj} :: unappetizing, uninviting
unartig {adj} :: ill behaved
unattraktiv {adj} :: unattractive
unauffällig {adj} :: inconspicuous, unobtrusive (not prominent or easily noticeable)
unauffällig {adv} :: inconspicuously
Unauffälligkeit {f} :: inconspicuousness
unauffindbar {adj} :: untraceable, nowhere to be found
unaufgefordert {adj} :: unsolicited, unbidden, gratuitous
unaufgefordert {adj} :: uninvited
unaufgeklärt {adj} :: unexplained
unaufgeräumt {adj} :: untidy
unaufhörlich {adj} :: ceaseless, endless, incessant, unceasing, unremitting, unrelenting, continuous
unauflöslich {adj} :: indissoluble, insoluble
unaufmerksam {adj} :: inattentive
Unaufmerksamkeit {f} :: inattentiveness
unaufrichtig {adj} :: insincere, disingenuous
unausführbar {adj} :: impracticable
unausführbar {adj} :: unfeasible
unausgegoren {adj} :: half-baked, inchoate
unauslöschlich {adj} :: indelible, unquenchable, inextinguishable
unaussprechbar {adj} :: unpronounceable; which cannot be pronounced
unaussprechlich {adj} :: unpronounceable
unaussprechlich {adj} :: unspeakable, unutterable, ineffable [so sacred, mysterious or overawing that it cannot be spoken of or described]
unaussprechlich {adj} :: unspeakable, inexpressible, unmentionable, nameless [so horrible, shocking or immoral that the speaker shuns away from expressing it]
unausstehlich {adj} :: insufferable, obnoxious, intolerable, unbearable
unausweichlich {adj} :: inescapable
Unband {n} :: tomboy, hoyden
unbändig {adj} :: unruly, unrestrained
unbändig {adj} :: irrepressible, boisterous
unbändig {adj} :: uncontrollable, unbridled
unbändig {adj} :: wild, stormy
unbarmherzig {adj} :: pitiless, ruthless
unbeabsichtigt {adj} :: unintentional (not intended or deliberate; inadvertent; unwitting)
unbeantwortet {adj} :: unanswered
unbeaufsichtigt {adj} :: unattended
unbeaufsichtigt {adj} :: uncontrolled
unbebaut {adj} :: undeveloped, unbuilt, vacant
unbedankt {adj} :: unappreciated
unbedarft {adj} :: clueless
unbedarft {adj} :: inexperienced
unbedarft {adj} :: unexperienced
unbedarft {adj} :: naive
unbedarfter {adj} :: comparative of unbedarft
unbedenklich {adj} :: unobjectionable
unbedenklich {adj} :: harmless
unbedenklich {adj} :: uncritical
unbedenklich {adj} :: inoffensive
unbedeutend {adj} :: insignificant, trifling
unbedeutender {adj} :: comparative of unbedeutend
unbedeutendsten {adj} :: superlative of unbedeutend
unbedingt {adj} :: absolute
unbedingt {adj} [Austria, Switzerland] :: unconditional (prison sentence)
unbedingt {adv} :: absolutely, definitely
unbedingt {adv} :: unconditionally
unbeeindruckt {adj} :: unimpressed
unbeeinflussbar {adj} :: unalterable
unbeeinflussbar {adj} :: uninfluenceable, unswayable
unbeeinflusst {adj} :: unaffected
unbeeinflusst {adj} :: uninfluenced
unbefangen {adj} :: impartial, unbiased
unbefangen {adj} :: uninhibited, unselfconscious
Unbefangenheit {f} :: impartiality
Unbefangenheit {f} :: uninhibitedness
Unbefleckte Empfängnis {prop} {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: Immaculate Conception
unbefriedigend {adj} :: unsatisfying
unbefristet {adj} :: permanent
unbefugt {adj} :: unauthorised
unbeglichen {adj} :: undischarged, unsettled, unpaid
unbegreiflich {adj} :: incomprehensible
unbegreiflich {adj} :: inconceivable
unbegreiflich {adj} :: inscrutable
unbegrenzt {adj} :: unlimited; indefinite
unbegrenzt {adj} :: limitless, unbounded
unbegründet {adj} :: groundless, unfounded, baseless, unwarranted
unbehaart {adj} :: hairless, bald
Unbehagen {n} :: discontent
unbehaglich {adj} :: uncomfortable (not comfortable)
unbehaglich {adj} :: awkward
unbehauen {adj} :: unhewn
unbeherrscht {adj} :: unrestrained (Lacking self-control.)
Unbeherrschtheit {f} :: lack of self control
unbeholfen {adj} :: clumsy, awkward, shiftless
unbeholfen {adv} :: clumsily, awkwardly
Unbeholfenheit {f} [uncountable] :: clumsiness, awkwardness, unwieldiness, helplessness (the state of being clumsy, awkward, etc.)
Unbeholfenheit {f} [countable] :: (an act of clumsiness)
unbeirrbar {adj} :: unwavering, unswerving, single-minded
unbeirrt {adj} :: unflustered, imperturbable
unbekannt {adj} :: unknown, unbeknownst
unbekannt {adj} :: unfamiliar
Unbekannte {f} :: stranger
Unbekannte {f} [mathematics] :: unknown
unbekleidet {adj} :: unclothed, undressed, naked
unbekümmert {adj} :: unconcerned, carefree
unbekümmert {adj} :: careless
Unbekümmertheit {f} :: carelessness, easygoingness, nonchalance
unbelastet {adj} :: unladen, unloaded, unencumbered, unstressed
unbelebt {adj} :: anorganic, inanimate, lifeless; empty, deserted, uninhabited, unpopulated
unbelebt {adj} [grammar] :: inanimate
unbelegt {adj} :: undocumented
unbelehrbar {adj} :: unwilling to learn
unbeliebt {adj} :: unpopular
unbemannt {adj} :: unmanned
unbemerkt {adj} :: unnoticed, unseen, unobserved
unbenannt {adj} :: innominate
unbenommen {adj} [predicative only] :: permitted, allowed [followed by the dative of the person who is permitted to do the action]
unbenutzbar {adj} :: unusable
unbenutzt {adj} :: unused
unbequem {adj} :: uncomfortable, inconvenient
unbequemer {adj} :: comparative of unbequem
unbequemsten {adj} :: superlative of unbequem
unberechenbar {adj} :: incalculable
unberechenbar {adj} :: unpredictable
unberechtigt {adj} :: unauthorized
unberechtigt {adj} :: unjustified
unberührt {adj} :: untouched, pristine
unbeschadet {adj} :: unscathed, uninjured, inviolate
unbeschadet {prep} :: irrespective
unbescholten {adj} :: of unblemished reputation, respectable
unbescholten {adj} [law] :: having no police record
Unbescholtenheit {f} :: unblemished reputation, respectability
Unbescholtenheit {f} [law] :: absence of a police record
unbeschrankt {adj} :: alternative form of unbeschränkt
unbeschränkt {adj} :: unlimited, unrestricted, unbounded
unbeschrieben {adj} :: blank, not written upon
unbeschulbar {adj} :: unschooled
unbeschwert {adj} :: light-hearted
unbesehen {adj} :: indiscriminate, unquestioning
unbesehen {adj} :: uncritical
unbesetzt {adj} :: unoccupied
unbesiegbar {adj} :: invincible
Unbesiegbarkeit {f} :: invincibility
unbesiegt {adj} :: undefeated
unbesorgt {adj} :: unconcerned
unbesorgt {adj} :: easy-minded, at ease
Unbesorgtheit {f} :: unconcern
Unbesorgtheit {f} :: easy-mindedness
unbespielbar {adj} :: unplayable
unbeständig {adj} :: unstable, unsteady
unbeständig {adj} :: fickle
Unbeständigkeit {f} :: instability, unsteadiness
Unbeständigkeit {f} :: fickleness
unbestimmbar {adj} :: unpredictable, undeterminable
unbestimmt {adj} :: undetermined
unbestimmter Artikel {m} [grammar] :: indefinite article
unbestreitbar {adj} :: undeniable
unbestritten {adj} :: undisputed
unbeteiligt {adj} :: uninvolved
unbeteiligt {adj} :: unconcerned, indifferent
unbetont {adj} :: unstressed
unbeugbar {adj} :: uninflectable
unbeugsam {adj} :: inflexible, uncompromising, unbending
unbeugsam {adj} :: indomitable
unbeugsam {adj} :: uninflectable
unbewacht {adj} :: unguarded, unattended
unbewaffnet {adj} :: unarmed
unbeweglich {adj} :: immovable
unbeweglich {adj} :: unagile
unbeweglich {adj} :: unversatile
unbewehrt {adj} :: unaided, unallied
unbeweibt {adj} [colloquial] :: unmarried, unfriended
unbeweisbar {adj} :: unprovable
Unbeweisbarkeit {f} :: unprovability
unbewohnbar {adj} :: uninhabitable
unbewohnt {adj} :: uninhabited, untenanted, unoccupied, vacant
unbewusst {adj} :: unconscious, unaware
unbewußt {adj} :: obsolete spelling of unbewusst
unbezahlbar {adj} :: priceless
unbezwingbar {adj} :: indomitable, invincible
unbezwingbar {adj} :: impregnable, unassailable
unbezwingbar {adj} :: uncontrollable
unbezwingbar {adj} :: irrepressible
Unbildung {f} :: lack of education
Unbill {f} {m} {n} :: inconvenience
Unbinilium {n} :: unbinilium (suspected chemical element)
unblutig {adj} :: bloodless (taking place without loss of blood)
unbotmäßig {adj} :: insubordinate
unbotmäßig {adj} :: rebellious
unbrauchbar {adj} :: useless
unbrauchbar {adj} :: unusable; unsuitable
unbrennbar {adj} :: incombustible
unbrennbar {adj} :: fireproof
unbunt {adj} :: achromatic, colourless
unchillig {adj} :: unpleasant
unchillig {adj} :: uncomfortable
unchristlich {adj} :: unchristian, unholy, ungodly
und {conj} [co-ordinating] :: and
und {conj} [colloquial] :: links two nouns, often a person and an activity, in rhetoric questions to express an opposition between them
und {interj} :: so?, now?, and?
Undank {m} :: ingratitude; thanklessness; unthankfulness
undankbar {adj} :: ungrateful
Undankbarkeit {f} :: ungratefulness
undatiert {adj} :: undated
undefinierbar {adj} :: indefinable
undeklinierbar {adj} :: indeclinable
undemokratisch {adj} :: undemocratic
undenkbar {adj} :: incogitable
undenkbar {adj} :: unimaginable
undenkbar {adj} :: unthinkable
Undercut {m} :: (hairstyle) undercut
Underdog {m} :: underdog
undeutlich {adj} :: indistinct; vague, hazy
undeutsch {adj} :: un-German; not typically German
undeutsch {adj} [chiefly Nazism] :: anti-German; contrary to ideals of Germanness
Undezillion {num} :: A long scale undecillion, 1066
UND-Gatter {n} [electronics] :: AND gate, a logic gate performing a Boolean logic AND operation
undicht {adj} :: leaking
Undichtigkeit {m} :: leakage, leak
Undine {f} :: an undine
Unding {n} :: something that is unheard of, unacceptable, and/or immoral
Unding {n} :: nonsense; something absurd
und ob {adv} [colloquial] :: you bet, and how
und/oder {conj} :: and/or
und so weiter {adv} :: et cetera, and so on, and so forth
undulös {adj} :: undulating, wavy
und, und, und {adv} [colloquial] :: et cetera; and so on; on and on; implying that the list is particularly long, and often that something is a burden
undurchdringbar {adj} :: impenetrable, impermeable, impassable, inaccessible
undurchdringlich {adj} :: impenetrable
undurchlässig {adj} :: impenetrable
undurchschaubar {adj} :: inscrutable, impenetrable , unfathomable
undurchsichtig {adj} :: opaque
Undurchsichtigkeit {f} :: nontransparency, opacity
undurchsuchbar {adj} :: unsearchable
und was nicht alles {phrase} :: and whatnot
und zwar {adv} :: actually, in fact
und zwar {adv} :: namely
und zwar {adv} :: absolutely
uneben {adj} :: uneven, rough, bumpy
Unebenheit {f} :: bump
Unebenheit {f} :: unevenness
unecht {adj} :: apocryphal, fake, false, not genuine
unecht {adv} :: apocryphally
unechte Karettschildkröte {f} :: loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta
unedel {adj} :: base
unedel {adj} :: ignoble
unehelich {adj} :: extramarital
unehelich {adj} :: born out of wedlock
Unehre {f} :: dishonor
unehrlich {adj} :: dishonest
uneigennützig {adj} :: unselfish, selfless, altruistic
uneigentlich {adj} :: improper
uneigentlich {adj} :: figurative
uneingedeutscht {adj} :: not adapted to the orthography, phonology and/or morphology of the German language
uneingeschränkt {adj} :: unlimited, unrestrictive
uneinholbar {adj} :: uncatchable
uneinig {adj} :: divided
Uneinigkeit {f} :: discord, disunity
uneinnehmbar {adj} :: impregnable, unassailable
uneins {adj} :: divided
uneinsichtig {adj} :: unreasonable
uneitel {adj} :: modest
uneitel {adv} :: modestly
unelastisch {adj} :: inelastic
unempfindlich {adj} :: insensitive
unendlich {adj} :: infinite
unentbehrlich {adj} :: indispensable, essential
unentdeckt {adj} :: undiscovered
unentdeckt {adj} :: undetected
unentgeltlich {adj} :: not in return for payment
unentgeltlich {adj} [finance, legal] :: not to purchase
unentgeltlich {adj} [legal] :: not for valuable consideration
unentrinnbar {adj} :: inescapable
unentschieden {adj} :: undecided, undetermined
unentschieden {adj} :: tied (sport)
Unentschieden {n} :: draw; tie
Unentschlossenheit {f} :: indecision
unentschuldbar {adj} :: inexcusable, indefensible
unentwegt {adj} :: steadfast
unentwirrbar {adj} :: inextricable
unerbittlich {adj} :: relentless, pitiless; unyielding
unerbittlich {adv} :: relentlessly, stubbornly
unerfahren {adj} :: inexperienced, green
unerfindlich {adj} :: incomprehensible
unerforscht {adj} :: unexplored, uncharted
unerfreulich {adj} :: unpleasant, unpleasing
unerfüllbar {adj} :: unattainable, unrealizable, infeasible
unergiebig {adj} :: unproductive, infertile
unergründlich {adj} :: unfathomable, fathomless, deep
unergründlich {adj} :: inscrutable
unergründlich {adj} :: impenetrable
unerheblich {adj} :: irrelevant
unerheblich {adj} :: negligible, insignificant
unerheblich {adj} :: futile
unerhört {adj} :: unheard-of
unerhört {adj} :: outrageous; scandalous; egregious
unerhört {adj} :: tremendous; enormous; immense
unerkannt {adj} :: unrecognised
unerkannt {adj} :: undiagnosed
unerklärlich {adj} :: unexplainable; inexplicable
unerlässlich {adj} :: requisite, necessary
unerlaubt {adj} :: unauthorised
unerlaubt {adj} :: illicit, illegal, unlawful
unerlaubte Entfernung von der Truppe {f} [military, law] :: AWOL (unauthorized absence from duty without the proven intention of leaving permanently)
unermesslich {adj} :: immensurable
unermüdlich {adj} :: tireless, indefatigable
unermüdlich {adv} :: tirelessly
unerquicklich {adj} :: unedifying
unerquicklich {adj} :: unproductive, fruitless
unerquicklich {adj} :: unpleasant
unerrechenbar {adj} :: incalculable
unerreichbar {adj} :: unavailable, unreachable
unerreicht {adj} :: unrivalled, unmatched, unequalled, unparalleled
unersättlich {adj} :: insatiable
Unersättlichkeit {f} :: insatiability
unerschlossen {adj} :: untapped
unerschlossen {adj} :: undeveloped, unexploited
unerschöpflich {adj} :: inexhaustible
unerschöpflich {adj} :: unfailing
unerschöpflich {adj} :: tireless
unerschrocken {adj} :: fearless, dauntless
Unerschrockenheit {f} :: dauntlessness, fearlessness, boldness, intrepidness, hardiness, bravery
unerschütterlich {adj} :: imperturbable, unshakeable, unflappable, unwavering
unerschwinglich {adj} :: prohibitive, exorbitant, unaffordable (very expensive)
unersetzlich {adj} :: irreplaceable; irredeemable; indispensable
unersprießlich {adj} :: fruitless, unproductive, unprofitable
unerträglich {adj} :: unbearable
unerwartet {adj} :: unexpected
unerwidert {adj} :: unanswered
unerwidert {adj} :: unrequited
unerwünscht {adj} :: undesirable, unwanted
unethisch {adj} :: unethical, immoral
unfähig {adj} :: incapable, unable, inept
unfähig {adj} :: incompetent
Unfähigkeit {f} :: inability
unfair {adj} :: unfair
unfairer {adj} :: comparative of unfair
Unfall {m} :: accident
unfallflüchtig {adj} :: accident-prone
unfallfrei {adj} :: accident-free
Unfallversicherung {f} :: accident insurance
Unfallwagen {m} :: a car that has been affected by an accident
Unfallwagen {m} [in a particular accident especially] :: the car that caused the accident
unfassbar {adj} :: incomprehensible, inconceivable
unfasslich {adj} :: incomprehensible, inconceivable
unfehlbar {adj} :: infallible, unerring
Unfehlbarkeit {f} :: infallibility
Unfehlbarkeit {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: papal infallibility
Unflat {m} :: filth
Unflat {m} [vulgar, offensive] :: disgusting person
unflätig {adj} :: foul-mouthed, scurrilous
unflektierbar {adj} :: uninflected
unfrei {adj} :: unfree
unfreiwillig {adj} :: involuntary
unfremd {adj} [uncommon] :: unforeign
unfreundlich {adj} :: unfriendly
unfreundlicher {adj} :: comparative of unfreundlich
unfreundlicherweise {adv} :: unkindly
Unfreundlichkeit {f} [uncountable] :: unkindness, unfriendliness (the state of being unkind)
Unfreundlichkeit {f} [countable] :: unkindness, unfriendliness (an act of unkindness)
unfreundlichsten {adj} :: superlative of unfreundlich
Unfriede {m} :: strife
unfruchtbar {adj} :: infertile
unfruchtbar {adj} :: fruitless
Unfruchtbarkeit {f} :: infertility
Unfug {m} :: nonsense
Unfug {m} :: mischief
-ung {suffix} :: -ing; forms nouns from verbs, usually describing either an event in which an action is carried out, or the result of that action
ung. {adj} :: abbreviation of ungarisch
ungalant {adj} :: ungallant, unchivalrous
ungangbar {adj} :: impassable
ungar {adj} :: not suited for agriculture
Ungar {m} :: Hungarian (person)
Ungarin {f} :: Hungarian [female person from Hungary]
ungarisch {adj} :: Hungarian (related to Hungary, its language or its people)
Ungarisch {prop} {n} :: Hungarian language
Ungarn {prop} {n} :: Hungary
ungeachtet {prep} :: regardless of, notwithstanding
ungeahnt {adj} :: unsuspected, unforeseen
ungebacken {adj} :: unbaked
ungebändigt {adj} :: undisciplined
ungebildet {adj} :: uneducated; uncultured
ungeboren {adj} :: unborn
ungebräuchlich {adj} :: uncommon, unusual
ungebraucht {adj} :: unused
ungebremst {adj} :: unrestrained
ungebrochen {adj} :: unbroken
ungebrochen {adj} :: uninterrupted
ungebührlich {adj} :: improper
ungebunden {adj} :: unbound [e.g. a book]
ungebunden {adj} :: free (from constraints both literal and figurative)
ungebunden {adj} :: independent, without ties
ungebunden {adj} :: unattached (without a spouse or romantic partner)
Ungeduld {f} :: impatience (quality of being impatient)
ungeduldig {adj} :: impatient
ungeduldig {adv} :: impatiently
ungeduldiger {adj} :: comparative of ungeduldig
ungeduldigsten {adj} :: superlative of ungeduldig
ungeeignet {adj} :: inappropriate, unsuitable, inadequate
ungeeigneter {adj} :: comparative of ungeeignet
ungeeignetsten {adj} :: superlative of ungeeignet
ungefähr {adj} :: approximate
ungefähr {adv} :: about
ungefähr {adv} :: approximately
ungefährlich {adj} :: benign, harmless, safe, innocuous
ungefiltert {adj} :: unfiltered
ungefragt {adj} :: unasked; not asked for
ungefragt {adj} [rare, generally erroneous] :: without having asked
ungefrühstückt {adj} :: unbreakfasted
ungegessen {adj} :: uneaten
ungehalten {adj} :: indignant
ungehalten {adv} :: indignantly
ungehemmt {adj} :: unchecked, unbridled, unrestrained, uninhibited
ungeheuer {adj} :: enormous
ungeheuer {adv} :: enormously
Ungeheuer {n} :: monster
ungeheuerlich {adj} :: monstrous (hideous or frightful)
ungehindert {adj} :: unhindered
ungehindert {adj} :: unimpeded
ungehobelt {adj} :: unpolished
ungehobelt {adj} :: uncouth
ungehörig {adj} :: improper, unseemly
ungehorsam {adj} :: disobedient
Ungehorsam {m} :: disobedience
ungehorsamer {adj} :: comparative of ungehorsam
ungehorsamsten {adj} :: superlative of ungehorsam
ungekämmt {adj} :: unkempt, dishevelled, shaggy
ungeklärt {adj} :: unexplained
ungeklärt {adj} :: unresolved, unsettled
ungekocht {adj} :: uncooked
ungekürzt {adj} :: unabridged
ungelegen {adj} :: inconvenient, inopportune
ungelenk {adj} :: ungainly, awkward, clumsy
ungelogen {adv} :: truly
ungelöst {adj} :: unresolved, unsolved
Ungemach {n} [dated] :: hardship
Ungemach {n} :: adversity, ill
ungemäht {adj} :: unmown
ungemein {adj} :: uncommonly, very, tremendously
Ungenach {prop} {n} :: Ungenach (municipality)
ungenau {adj} :: imprecise, inexact
ungenau {adj} :: inaccurate
Ungenauigkeit {f} :: inaccuracy
ungeniert {adj} :: unashamed, unabashed
ungenießbar {adj} :: inedible, uneatable, undrinkable
ungenießbar {adj} :: unbearable, unattainable, insupportable
ungenügend {adj} :: insufficient, inadequate
ungenügsam {adj} :: insatiable
ungeöffnet {adj} :: unopened
ungeordnet {adj} :: untidy, disorganized, confused
ungepaart {adj} :: unpaired
ungepflastert {adj} :: unpaved
ungepflegt {adj} :: unkempt
ungerade {adj} :: odd (not divisible by two)
ungerade {adj} :: uneven
ungerade Zahl {f} [mathematics] :: odd number
ungerechnet {adj} :: uncounted
ungerechnet {adj} :: unaccounted-for
ungerecht {adj} :: unjust, unfair
ungerechterweise {adv} :: unjustly, unrightfully
ungerechtfertigt {adj} :: unjustified
ungerechtfertigterweise {adv} :: unjustifiedly
Ungerechtigkeit {f} :: injustice
ungereimt {adj} :: unrhymed
ungereimt {adj} :: inconsistent
Ungereimtheit {f} :: inconsistency
ungereinigt {adj} :: uncleaned, unpurified, untreated
ungerichtet {adj} :: undirected
ungern {adv} :: unwillingly; usually expressed in English through verb phrases such as "doesn't like", "don't want", etc
ungerührt {adj} [emotion] :: untouched, unmoved
ungerundet {adj} :: unrounded (spoken without rounded lips)
ungesalzen {adj} :: unsalted
ungesättigt {adj} :: unsaturated (all senses)
ungesäuert {adj} :: unleavened
ungesäuert {adj} :: azymous
ungeschält {adj} :: unpeeled
ungeschehen {adj} :: unhappened, never happened
ungeschehen {adj} :: undone
ungeschehen machen {v} :: to undo
Ungeschicklichkeit {f} [uncountable] :: a lack of dexterity, lack of skill, clumsiness, awkwardness
Ungeschicklichkeit {f} [countable] :: blunder, slip
ungeschickt {adj} :: clumsy (awkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous)
ungeschlacht {adj} :: clumsy, gross
ungeschlechtlich {adj} :: asexual
ungeschliffen {adj} :: unpolished; uncut [as a stone]
ungeschliffen {adj} :: crude, coarse [as a person]
ungeschminkt {adj} :: without makeup, not made up
ungeschminkt {adj} [truth, etc.] :: unvarnished, plain
ungeschoren {adj} :: unshorn
ungeschoren {adj} :: unhindered, unrestrained, unrestricted
ungeschützt {adj} :: unprotected
ungesetzlich {adj} :: illegal
ungesichert {adj} :: unsecured
ungesichert {adj} :: insecure, uncertain
ungespannt {adj} :: incurious
ungespannt {adj} :: lax
ungeständig {adj} :: unconfessed
ungestört {adj} :: undisturbed
ungestraft {adj} :: scot-free
ungestüm {adj} :: impetuous
Ungestüm {n} :: impetuosity
ungesühnt {adj} :: unpunished
ungesund {adj} :: unhealthy (detrimental to health)
ungesund {adj} [of appearance, symptoms] :: unhealthy (indicative of bad health)
ungesund {adj} [rare, of living beings] :: unhealthy; ill; in poor health; doubtful, but if usable at all, only for chronic or recurrent illness
ungesunder {adj} [rare] :: comparative of ungesund
ungesünder {adj} :: comparative of ungesund
ungesundesten {adj} [rare] :: superlative of ungesund
ungesündesten {adj} :: superlative of ungesund
ungesüßt {adj} :: unsweetened
ungetan {adj} :: undone, unfinished
Ungetüm {n} :: monster
ungeübt {adj} :: inexperienced, unskilled
ungewiss {adj} :: uncertain
ungewiß {adj} :: alternative spelling of ungewiss
Ungewissheit {f} :: uncertainty
ungewöhnlich {adj} :: uncommon, unusual, unordinary
ungewöhnlich {adv} :: unusually
ungewöhnlicherweise {adv} :: quite unusually
ungewohnt {adj} :: uncustomary, unusual
ungewohnt {adj} :: unfamiliar, unaccustomed
ungewollt {adj} :: unintended, unwanted, inadvertant, unintentional
ungewünscht {adj} :: unwanted
ungewünscht {adj} :: unasked-for
Ungeziefer {n} [uncountable] :: vermin; pests; restricted to small animals, usually insects or spiders, sometimes also mice, etc.
Ungeziefer {n} [countable, rare] :: a vermin animal; a despised creature
ungeziemend {adj} :: unbecoming, unseemly, indecent
ungezogen {adj} :: naughty
ungezuckert {adj} :: unsugared, unsweetened
ungiftig {adj} :: nontoxic
ungiftig {adj} :: nonvenomous
Ungka {m} :: agile gibbon, black-handed gibbon (Hylobates agilis)
ungläubig {adj} :: incredulous, skeptical
ungläubig {adj} [religion] :: infidel, unbelieving, unfaithful (not of the religion one considers as the true one)
ungläubig {adj} [religion, dated] :: irreligious, agnostic, atheist
Ungläubige {f} [religion] :: infidel, heathen, disbeliever, unbeliever (female)
Ungläubige {f} [rare or dated] :: nonbeliever (female)
Ungläubiger {m} [religion] :: infidel, heathen, disbeliever, unbeliever (male or of unspecified sex)
Ungläubiger {m} :: nonbeliever (male or of unspecified sex)
Ungläubigkeit {f} :: disbelief, incredulity
unglaublich {adj} :: unbelievable, incredible
unglaubwürdig {adj} :: incredible, unbelievable
ungleich {adj} :: dissimilar, different
ungleich {adj} :: unequal
ungleich {adv} :: unequally
Ungleichgewicht {n} :: imbalance
Ungleichgewicht {n} :: disequilibrium
ungleichmäßig {adj} :: uneven, irregular
ungleichmäßig {adj} :: patchy
Ungleichung {f} :: inequality (a statement that one quantity is less (or greater) than another)
Ungleichung {f} :: inequation
Unglück {n} :: unhappiness; sorrow
Unglück {n} :: bad luck; misfortune
Unglück {n} :: accident, calamity, catastrophe
unglücklich {adj} :: unhappy, unjoyous, unjoyful, misfortunate, miserable
unglücklich {adj} :: unfortunate, unlucky, inauspicious, unauspicious, untoward, hapless
unglücklich {adv} :: unfortunately, unhappily, unluckily, haplessly, inartfully
unglücklicher {adj} :: comparative of unglücklich
unglücklicherweise {adv} :: unfortunately
unglücklichsten {adj} :: superlative of unglücklich
unglückselig {adj} :: unfortunate, hapless
Unglückshäher {m} :: Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus, a jay widespread in northern Eurasia)
Unglückshäher {m} :: gray jay (bird of the genus Perisoreus)
Ungnade {f} :: disgrace (The condition of being out of favor.)
ungnädig {adj} :: irritated, grumpy
ungnädig {adj} :: unhealthy
ungnädig {adj} :: merciless, cruel
ungnädig {adj} :: ungracious
ungrammatisch {adj} :: ungrammatical
ungültig {adj} :: invalid
ungünstig {adj} :: unfavourable
ungut {adj} :: not good, bad
unhaltbar {adj} :: untenable, indefensible (of a theory or argument, incapable of being maintained or justified)
Unheil {n} :: calamity (an event resulting in great loss)
unheilbar {adj} :: incurable
unheilig {adj} :: unholy
unheilvoll {adj} :: fatal
unheilvoll {adj} :: malign, portentous, sinister
unheimlich {adj} :: uncanny
unheimlich {adj} :: creepy, eerie
unheimlich {adj} :: incredible
unhistorisch {adj} :: unhistoric, unhistorical
unhöflich {adj} :: rude
unhöflich {adj} :: uncivil
unhöflicherweise {adv} :: discourteously
Unhöflichkeit {f} [uncountable] :: rudeness, discourtesy, impoliteness, discourteousness (The state of being rude.)
Unhöflichkeit {f} [countable] :: rudeness, discourtesy (An act of rudeness.)
Unhold {m} :: monster
Unhold {m} :: fiend
unhörbar {adj} :: inaudible, quiet, silent
unhybridisiert {adj} :: unhybridized
unhygienisch {adj} :: unhygienic, insanitary
Uni {f} [colloquial] :: uni; university
Uni-Bib {f} :: short for Universitätsbibliothek
unidentifiziert {adj} :: unidentified
uniert {adj} :: united
Uniform {f} :: uniform (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group)
Uniformität {f} :: uniformity
unikal {adj} :: unique
Unikat {n} :: one of a kind (one-of-a-kind)
Uniklinik {f} :: university clinic
unikursal {adj} :: unicursal
unilateral {adj} :: unilateral
uninteressant {adj} :: uninteresting
Union {f} :: union
Union {prop} {f} [politics] :: The CDU/CSU: the union of the two Christian democratic parties in Germany, the CSU in Bavaria and the CDU in the rest of Germany
Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken {prop} {f} :: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
unislamisch {adj} :: un-Islamic
unisono {adv} [music, also, figuratively] :: in unison
Unisono {n} [music] :: unison
unitär {adj} :: unitary
unitaristisch {adj} :: unitary, unitarist
Unittest {m} [software, testing] :: unit test
Unit-Test-Framework {n} [software, testing] :: unit testing framework
Unit-Test-Programmiergerüst {n} [software, testing] :: unit testing framework
Univerbation {f} [linguistics] :: univerbation
universal {adj} :: universal
universell {adj} :: universal
universitär {adj} :: varsity (attributive)
Universität {f} :: university
Universitätsdozent {m} :: lecturer, instructor (at a university)
Universitätsdozent {m} [Austria] :: privatdozent
Universitätsstadt {f} :: college town, university town
universitätsübergreifend {adj} :: interuniversity, intervarsity
Universum {n} :: universe
univok {adj} [literary] :: unequivocal, univocal
unkalkulierbar {adj} :: incalculable
Unkameradschaftlichkeit {f} :: literally "uncompanionshipliness", i. e. the state or quality of not conforming to the companion
unkaputtbar {adj} [colloquial] :: indestructible, unbreakable
Unke {f} :: fire-bellied toad (genus Bombina)
Unkenreflex {m} [zoology] :: unkenreflex
unkeusch {adj} :: unchaste
Unkeuschheit {f} :: unchastity
unklar {adj} :: unclear
Unklarheit {f} :: unclearness
unklug {adj} :: unwise
unkommerziell {adj} :: noncommercial
unkommunikativ {adj} :: uncommunicative
unkompliziert {adj} :: uncomplicated
unkonkret {adj} :: not concrete (irreal)
unkontrolliert {adj} :: uncontrolled, unbridled
unkontrolliert {adj} [technology] :: unchecked, runaway, uncontrolled
unkontrolliert {adj} :: erratic
unkonventionell {adj} :: unconventional
unkonventionelle Spreng- und Brandvorrichtung {f} :: improvised explosive device (explosive weapon)
Unkonventionelle Spreng- und Brandvorrichtung {f} :: alternative case form of unkonventionelle Spreng- und Brandvorrichtung
unkorrodiert {adj} :: uncorroded
Unkosten {p} :: costs the sum of which, taken collectively, is hard to estimate beforehand
Unkraut {n} :: weed, weeds (unwanted plant)
unkrautartig {adj} :: weedy, considered a weed
Unkrautsäer {m} :: troublemaker (male or of unspecified sex) (one who causes trouble, especially deliberately)
unkreativ {adj} :: uncreative
unkritisch {adj} :: not critical
unkritisch {adj} [of a person] :: uncritical
unkündbar {adj} :: uncancellable, non-terminable, permanent
unkundig {adj} :: ignorant (having little knowledge)
unlängst {adv} :: recently (in the recent past)
unlauter {adj} :: unfair, insincere
unlauter {adj} :: dishonest
unlegiert {adj} :: unalloyed
unleidig {adj} :: bothersome, intolerable
unlesbar {adj} :: illegible
unlesbar {adj} :: unreadable
Unlesbarkeit {f} :: illegibility
Unlesbarsein {f} :: illegibility
unleserlich {adj} :: illegible
unleugbar {adj} :: undeniable, indisputable, unquestionable
unleugbar {adj} :: doubtless
unlieb {adj} :: not nice
unlimitiert {adj} :: unlimited
unliniert {adj} :: unlined
unliniiert {adj} :: alternative form of unliniert
unliterarisch {adj} :: unliterary
unlöslich {adj} :: insoluble
Unlöslichkeit {f} :: insolubility
Unlust {f} :: lack of desire
Unlust {f} :: aversion
unlustig {adj} :: reluctant, disinclined
unlustig {adj} :: joyless, lustless
Unmaß {n} :: excessive amount, too great amount
Unmaßgeblichkeit {f} :: irrelevance, unauthoritativeness
Unmenge {f} :: huge amount
Unmensch {m} :: brute (coarse or brutal person)
unmenschlich {adj} :: inhuman, inhumane
Unmenschlichkeit {f} :: inhumanity
unmessbar {adj} :: immeasurable
unmetabolisiert {adj} :: unmetabolized
unmilitärisch {adj} :: unmilitary, unmilitaristic
unmischbar {adj} :: immiscible
unmissverständlich {adj} :: not misunderstandable
unmissverständlich {adj} :: unmistakable
unmittelbar {adj} :: immediate, direct
unmöglich {adj} :: impossible
unmöglicher {adj} :: comparative of unmöglich
unmöglichsten {adj} :: superlative of unmöglich
unmoralisch {adj} :: immoral
unmotiviert {adj} :: unmotivated
unmotiviert {adj} :: motiveless
unmündig {adj} :: underage, minor, immature
Unmut {m} :: discontent, displeasure, chagrin
Unmut {m} :: resentment
unnachahmlich {adj} :: inimitable
unnachgiebig {adj} :: unyielding
unnachgiebiger {adj} :: comparative of unnachgiebig
unnachgiebigsten {adj} :: superlative of unnachgiebig
unnahbar {adj} :: unapproachable, inaccessible
unnatürlich {adj} :: unnatural
unnd {conj} :: obsolete spelling of und
unnötig {adj} :: unnecessary
unnötigerweise {adv} :: unnecessarily, needlessly
unns {pron} :: obsolete spelling of uns
unnütz {adj} :: useless, pointless
unordentlich {adj} :: untidy (sloppy)
unordentlicher {adj} :: comparative of unordentlich
unordentlichsten {adj} :: superlative of unordentlich
Unordnung {f} :: disorder (absence of order)
unorthodox {adj} :: unorthodox
Unpaarhufer {m} :: perissodactyl, odd-toed ungulate
unpaarig {adj} :: unpaired
Unpaarzeher {noun} :: perissodactyl, odd-toed ungulate
unparteiisch {adj} [not in favor of one faction] :: impartial, unbiased
Unparteiische {f} :: female who is impartial
Unparteiische {f} [sports] :: female referee
Unparteiischer {m} :: someone who is impartial
Unparteiischer {m} [sports] :: referee
unparteilich {adj} :: impartial
unpassend {adj} :: improper; unsuitable to needs or circumstances
unpassierbar {adj} :: impassable, insurmountable
unpässlich {adj} :: indisposed, unwell
unpathetisch {adj} :: unpathetic
Unperson {f} :: nonperson
unpersönlich {adj} :: impersonal
unpfändbar {adj} :: undistrainable
unplaciert {adj} :: unplaced
unplatziert {adj} :: unplaced
unpolar {adj} :: nonpolar
unpolitisch {adj} :: apolitical
unpopulär {adj} :: unpopular
unpraktisch {adj} :: impractical
unprätentiös {adj} :: unpretentious
unproblematisch {adj} :: unproblematic
unrasiert {adj} :: unshaven
Unrast {f} :: restlessness, anxiety; unrest
Unrat {m} :: litter, trash
unreaktiv {adj} :: unreactive, inert
unrealistisch {adj} :: unrealistic
unrealistischerweise {adv} :: unrealistically
unrecht {adj} :: wrong, unethical
Unrecht {n} :: injustice
Unrecht {n} :: wrongdoing
unrechtmäßig {adj} :: illegitimate
unrechtmäßigsten {adj} :: superlative of unrechtmäßig
Unrechtsjustiz {f} :: unjust justice; justice, carried out according to laws but perceived as injustice according to higher or other laws
Unrechtsstaat {m} [politics] :: state without justice, tyrannical state
unredlich {adj} :: dishonest
unregelmäßig {adj} :: infrequent
unregelmäßig {adj} :: unsteady
unregelmäßig {adj} :: irregular
Unregelmäßigkeit {f} :: irregularity, anomaly
unreif {adj} :: unripe
unreif {adj} :: immature
Unreife {f} :: immaturity
Unreife {f} :: unripeness
unrein {adj} :: impure
unrein {adj} :: dirty, foul
Unreinheit {f} [usually, uncountable] :: impurity
Unreinheit {f} [religion] :: ritual impurity; a state of being unfit for contact with the holy, caused e.g. by sin or by bodily conditions
Unreinheit {f} [countable] :: something impure, an impure spot, e.g. a pimple or stain
Unreinigkeit {f} :: impurity, uncleanness
unrentabel {adj} :: unprofitable
unrettbar {adj} :: irredeemable, irreversible
unrichtig {adj} :: incorrect
unromantisch {adj} :: unromantic
Unruh {f} :: balance wheel of a timepiece
Unruhe {f} :: turbulence, perturbation, moving more than biding, budging more than considered pleasant
Unruhe {f} :: restlessness, nervousness, lacking calmness of the inner disposition of a human or other animal
Unruhe {f} [usually, in the plural] :: turmoil, unrest, upheaval, fights in a country
Unruhe {f} [regional] :: field eryngo (Eryngium campestre)
unruhig {adj} :: noisy
unruhig {adj} :: anxious, restless
unruhig {adv} :: fitfully
unrühmlich {adj} :: inglorious
unrühmlich {adj} :: unpraiseworthy
unsachlich {adj} :: unobjective
unsachlich {adj} :: uncalled-for
unsagbar {adj} :: indescribable, extraordinary, unspeakable, tremendous, terrible
unsäglich {adj} :: unspeakable
unsäglich {adj} :: inexpressible
unsäglicher {adj} :: comparative of unsäglich
unsanft {adj} :: rough, coarse, brutish
unsauber {adj} :: unclean, impure
unsauber {adj} :: untidy
unsauber {adj} :: inaccurate
Unsauberkeit {f} :: uncleanliness
unschädlich {adj} :: harmless, innocuous
unscharf {adj} :: blurred, fuzzy, out of focus, indistinct
Unschärferelation {f} :: (quantum physics) uncertainty principle
unschätzbar {adj} :: inestimable, uncalculable, invaluable
unscheinbar {adj} :: inconspicuous, unobtrusive, nondescript
unschierig {adj} :: clumsy, awkward, cumbersome, unwieldy
unschlächtig {adj} :: disgusting
unschlagbar {adj} :: unbeatable
unschliefbar {adj} [Southern Germany, Austria, of caves, chimneys, pipes, etc.] :: too tight to crawl through
unschlüssig {adj} :: inconclusive, uncertain
unschmeichelhaft {adj} :: unflattering, unbecoming
unschön {adj} :: not beautiful; unattractive; unbeautiful
Unschuld {f} :: innocence
Unschuld {f} :: virginity
unschuldig {adj} [legal] :: innocent
Unschuldsvermutung {f} :: Presumption of innocence
unschuldsvoll {adj} :: innocent
unschwierig {adj} :: easy
unser {determiner} :: our
Unserdeutsch {n} :: Unserdeutsch
unsereiner {pron} [dated] :: one of us
unseresgleichen {pron} :: the likes of us
unseretwegen {adv} :: because of us, for our sake
unseretwegen {adv} :: as far as we are concerned (we don't mind if); for all we care
unseriös {adj} :: disrespectable, unreliable
unseriöser {adj} :: comparative of unseriös
unseriösesten {adj} :: superlative of unseriös
unsertwegen {adv} :: alternative form of unseretwegen
unsexy {adj} [colloquial] :: unsexy
unsicher {adj} :: uncertain
unsicher {adj} :: unsafe
unsicher {adj} :: insecure
Unsicherheit {f} :: uncertainty
Unsicherheit {f} :: insecurity
unsichtbar {adj} :: invisible
Unsichtbarkeit {f} :: invisibility
unsichtig {adj} :: hazy
unsichtig {adj} :: unsightly
unsilbisch {adj} :: unsyllabic
unsinkbar {adj} :: unsinkable
Unsinn {m} :: nonsense
unsinnig {adj} :: nonsensical
unsinnig {adj} :: unreasonable
unsinnig {adv} :: nonsensically
unsinnig {adv} :: unreasonably
unsinnigerweise {adv} :: nonsensically
Unsitte {f} :: wrong custom, bad habit
unsittlich {adj} :: immoral
unsozial {adj} :: antisocial, unsocial, asocial
unspezifisch {adj} :: nonspecific, unspecific
unspielbar {adj} :: unplayable
unsportlich {adj} :: unathletic, unfit, not good at sports
unsportlich {adj} :: unsportsmanlike
unsportlicher {adj} :: comparative of unsportlich
unsportlichsten {adj} :: superlative of unsportlich
unsretwegen {adv} :: alternative form of unseretwegen
unsrige {pron} :: of ours
unßer {pron} :: obsolete spelling of unser
unstandesgemäß {adj} :: unbefitting
unstatthaft {adj} :: Inadmissible, not allowed, against the rules,
unsterblich {adj} :: immortal
Unsterblichkeit {f} [uncountable] :: immortality
Unstern {m} [formal, dated] :: bad star; bad sign
unsternbedroht {adj} :: star-crossed
unstet {adj} [archaic] :: erratic
unstet {adj} :: unsteady
unstet {adv} [archaic] :: erratically
unstetig {adj} :: discontinuous
unstillbar {adj} :: insatiable
unstillbar {adj} :: unquenchable
unstillbar {adj} :: inexhaustible
unstöchiometrisch {adj} [chemistry] :: unstoichiometric
unsträflich {adj} [dated] :: irreproachable
Unsträflichkeit {f} [dated] :: irreproachability
unstrittig {adj} :: indisputable, uncontroversial
unstrukturiert {adj} :: unstructured
unstrukturiertesten {adj} :: superlative of unstrukturiert
Unsumme {f} :: huge sum
Unsupported titles/Period slash period {symbol} [law] :: v., versus
unsympathisch {adj} :: unsympathetic, disagreeable
unsystematisch {adj} :: unsystematic, disorganized
untadelig {adj} :: blameless, irreproachable, impeccable
untalentiert {adj} :: untalented
Untat {f} :: atrocity
Untat {f} :: malpractice
untätig {adj} :: idle (not engaged in any occupation or employment)
Untätigkeit {f} :: inactivity, idleness
untauglich {adj} :: unfit, unsuited
untauglich {adj} :: ineligible
Untauglichkeit {f} :: unfitness
Untauglichkeit {f} :: ineligibility
untechnisch {adj} :: untechnical, nontechnical
unteilbar {adj} :: indivisible
unten {adv} :: below
unten {adv} :: south
unten {adv} :: at a later point in a text
untenherum {adv} [colloquial] :: down below, down there
unter- {prefix} :: sub-, under-
unter {prep} :: under
unter {prep} :: below
unter {prep} :: among, between
unter {prep} [chiefly literary] :: with; along with; accompanied by an action (often concessive)
unter {prep} [rare or regional] :: during
Unter {m} :: jack, knave (playing card)
Unterabsatz {m} :: subparagraph
Unterabschnitt {m} :: subsection
Unterabteilung {f} :: branch, subdivision, subsection
unter aller Kanone {prep} [idiom] :: dreadful, abysmal
unter aller Sau {adv} [colloquial, slightly, vulgar] :: unacceptably bad
unter anderem {adv} :: among other things, inter alia, amongst others
Unterarm {m} [anatomy] :: forearm [part of the arm]
Unterart {f} :: subspecies
Unterbegriff {m} :: hyponym
unterbeschäftigt {adj} :: underemployed
unterbesetzt {adj} :: understaffed, undermanned
unterbewerten {v} :: to underrate, to underestimate
unterbewertet {v} :: past participle of unterbewerten
unterbewusst {adj} :: subconscious
Unterbewusstsein {n} :: subconscious mind
unterbinden {v} :: to put a stop to
Unterbindung {f} :: inhibition
Unterbindung {f} :: prohibition
unterbrechen {v} :: to interrupt
Unterbrechung {f} :: interruption
unterbreiten {v} :: To submit [e.g. a plan for consideration], to suggest
unterbreiten {v} :: to spread underneath
unterbringen {v} :: to accommodate
unterbringen {v} :: to host
Unterbringung {f} :: accommodation, housing
unterbrochen {v} :: past participle of unterbrechen
Unterbruch {m} [Switzerland] :: synonym of Unterbrechung
unterbuttern {v} [colloquial] :: to walk over
unter Dach und Fach {phrase} [idiom] :: to be finalized
Unterdeck {n} :: underdeck, lower deck [of a ship or boat]
unter den Blinden ist der Einäugige König {proverb} :: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
unter den Teppich kehren {v} [idiom] :: sweep something under the rug
unter der Woche {adv} :: during the week; on weekdays
unterdes {adv} [dated] :: meanwhile, in the meantime
unterdessen {adv} :: meanwhile, in the meantime
unter die Gürtellinie gehen {v} [idiom] :: to go below the belt
unter die Haube bringen {v} [figuratively] :: to get somebody married
Unterdruck {m} :: underpressure
unterdrücken {v} :: to suppress, to oppress
unterdrückt {adj} :: oppressed
unterdrückt {adj} :: suppressed, repressed
Unterdrückung {f} :: oppression
unterdurchschnittlich {adj} :: subnormal, below average
untereinander {adv} :: among ourselves / themselves
untereinander {adv} :: one under the other
Untereinheit {f} :: subunit [especially of a protein]
unterentwickelt {adj} :: underdeveloped
unterer {adj} [attributive only] :: lower, nether
unterer {adj} [attributive only] :: inferior
unterernährt {adj} :: undernourished
Unterernährung {f} :: undernourishment
Unterfamilie {f} :: subfamily
Unterfangen {n} :: undertaking
unterfinanzieren {vt} :: to underfund
unterfinanziert {v} :: past participle of unterfinanzieren
Unterfinanzierung {f} :: underfunding, underfinancing
unterfordern {vt} :: to underchallenge
unterführen {vt} :: to pass below
Unterführung {f} :: underpass
Unterfunktion {f} [maths] :: subfunction
Unterfunktion {f} [pathology] :: diminished function (of an organ etc)
Untergang {m} :: fall, downfall, doom
Untergang {m} [nautical] :: sinking
Untergang {m} [astronomy] :: setting
untergärig {adj} :: bottom-fermented
Untergattung {f} [taxonomy] :: subgenus
untergeben {adj} :: subordinate
untergebracht {v} :: past participle of unterbringen
untergehen {v} :: to set (of a heavenly body: to disappear below the horizon)
untergehen {v} :: to fall, to go down (to be defeated)
untergehen {v} :: to perish
untergehen {v} :: to go under (water)
untergeordnet {v} :: past participle of unterordnen
untergeordnet {adj} :: subordinate, junior
untergeordnet {adj} :: inferior, menial
untergeordnet {adj} :: secondary
untergeschoben {v} :: past participle of unterschieben
Untergeschoss {n} :: basement
untergeschrieben {v} :: past participle of unterschreiben
Untergewand {n} [dated, formal] :: undergarment
Untergewand {n} [Southern Germany, dated in Austria] :: slip, petticoat
untergraben {vt} :: to undermine, to subvert
untergriffig {adj} :: biased, not impartial
Untergrund {m} [geology] :: subsurface, substratum
Untergrund {m} :: underground
Untergrundbahn {f} :: underground railway
Untergruppe {f} :: subgroup
Untergruppe {f} :: subset, subdivision
Untergruppe {f} :: subassembly
unterhalb {prep} [with the genitive] :: below
Unterhalt {m} :: alimony (court-enforced allowance)
unterhalten {vt} :: to maintain
unterhalten {vt} :: to entertain
unterhalten {vr} :: to converse
Unterhalter {m} :: entertainer
unterhaltsam {adj} :: amusing; entertaining; enjoyable
Unterhaltung {f} :: conversation
Unterhaltung {f} :: entertainment
Unterhändler {m} :: negotiator [male or of unspecified sex]
Unterhändlerin {f} :: female negotiator
Unterhaus {n} :: lower house
Unterhaus {n} :: House of Commons
Unterhaus {n} :: House of Representatives
Unterhemd {n} :: undershirt
Unterholz {n} :: underbrush, underwood, undergrowth
Unterhöschen {n} :: diminutive of Unterhose
Unterhose {f} :: underpants (any piece of underwear covering at least the genitalia and buttocks)
unterirdisch {adj} :: underground, subterranean
unterirdisch {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: abysmal (extremely bad; terrible)
unterjährig {adj} :: during a year
unterjochen {v} :: to subjugate
Unterjochung {f} :: subjugation
unterjubeln {vi} :: to plant
Unterkategorie {f} :: subcategory
Unterkiefer {m} :: mandible
Unterklasse {f} [taxonomy, software, object-oriented] :: subclass
unterklassig {adj} :: lower class
Unterkleid {n} :: slip (undergarment), petticoat
Unterkohlstätten {prop} {n} :: Unterkohlstätten (municipality)
unterkommen {v} :: to find a place (job, acommodation etc.)
unterkommen {v} :: to find shelter
unterkriegen {v} :: to bring down
unterkühlt {v} :: past participle of unterkühlen
unterkühlt {adj} :: chilly (of a personality)
unterkühlt {adj} :: hypothermic
unterkühlt {adj} :: undercooled
unterkühlt {adj} [physics] :: supercooled
Unterkühlung {f} :: hypothermia
Unterkühlung {f} :: undercooling
Unterkühlung {f} [physics] :: supercooling
Unterkunft {f} :: accommodation (lodging)
Unterlage {f} :: base
Unterlage {f} :: pad
Unterlage {f} :: underlay
Unterlage {f} :: document (mostly in plural)
Unterlage {f} :: rootstock
Unterlamm {prop} {n} :: Unterlamm (municipality)
Unterlass {m} :: Only used in: <span class
unterlassen {v} :: to refrain from, to eschew; to forbear
Unterlassung {f} :: omission
Unterlauf {m} :: lower reaches
unterlaufen {vt} :: to circumvent, undermine
unterlaufen {v} [agent in dative] :: to make [i.e. a mistake, error]
unterlegen {adj} :: inferior
unterlegen {adj} :: defeated
unterlegen {v} :: to underlay, to put under
unterlegen {v} :: past participle of unterliegen
unterlegt {v} :: past participle of unterlegen
Unterleib {m} :: abdomen
unterliegen {vi} [_, + dative] :: To be inferior to, be beaten by
unterliegen {vi} [_, + dative] :: To be subject to
unterliegen {v} :: to lie beneath
Unterlippe {f} [anatomy] :: lower lip, underlip
unterm {contraction} :: contraction of unter dem
untermauern {vt} :: to underpin
untermauern {vt} [figuratively] :: to underpin, to corroborate
untermauert {v} :: past participle of untermauern
Untermauerung {f} :: underpinning
untermeerisch {adj} :: undersea, submarine
Untermensch {m} [derogatory] :: An inferior person; a subhuman
Untermenü {n} [computer] :: submenu
unterminiert {adj} :: undermined
untern {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of unter den
Unternberg {prop} {n} :: Unternberg (municipality)
unternehmen {vt} :: to undertake
Unternehmen {n} :: business, enterprise, company
Unternehmen {n} :: undertaking
Unternehmen {n} [military] :: operation
Unternehmen Eiche {noun} [literally] :: "operation oak"; The daring rescue of Benito Mussolini by German special forces in World War II
Unternehmensanleihe {f} :: corporate bond
Unternehmensanwendungsintegration {f} [computing] :: Enterprise Application Integration
unternehmenseigen {adj} :: company-owned
Unternehmer {m} :: entrepreneur
unternehmerisch {adj} :: entrepreneurial
Unternehmertum {n} :: entrepreneurship
Unternehmung {f} :: undertaking
Unternehmung {f} [business, rare] :: business, enterprise, company
unternommen {v} :: past participle of unternehmen
Unteroffizier {m} [military] :: non-commissioned officer, NCO
Unteroffizier {m} [military rank, Germany] :: A military rank in the German Bundeswehr equivalent to sergeant or staff sergeant in anglophone armed forces
Unteroffizierin {f} :: feminine noun of Unteroffizier
unterordnen {v} :: to subordinate
Unterordner {m} :: subfolder
Unterordnung {f} :: subordination
Unterordnung {f} :: hypotaxis
Unterperfuss {prop} {n} :: Unterperfuss (municipality)
Unterpfand {n} [law] :: pledge
Unterpfand {n} :: guarantee
unterprivilegiert {adj} :: underprivileged
unterproportional {adj} :: disproportionate
unterqualifiziert {adj} :: underqualified
unterreden {vr} [dated] :: to converse
Unterredung {f} :: discussion, interview
Unterricht {m} :: lesson, class, instruction, education
unterrichten {v} :: to teach, to school
unterrichten {v} :: to inform
Unterrichtsfach {n} :: school subject
Unterrichtsstunde {f} :: lesson, class, class hour, class period (usually a period of 45 minutes)
Unterrichtung {f} :: information, notification
Unterrichtung {f} :: instruction, tuition
Unterrock {m} :: petticoat (woman's garment worn under a skirt)
unters {contraction} :: unter + das
untersagen {v} :: To forbid, prohibit, ban, interdict
untersagt {v} :: past participle of untersagen
Untersatz {m} :: something put underneath
Untersatz {m} :: coaster
Untersatz {m} :: mat
Untersatz {m} :: stand
Untersatz {m} :: saucer
unterschätzen {v} :: to underestimate
Unterschätzung {f} :: underestimation, underestimate
unterscheidbar {adj} :: differentiable
unterscheidbar {adj} :: discernible
unterscheidbar {adj} :: distinguishable
unterscheiden {vt} :: to distinguish, differentiate
unterscheiden {vr} :: to differ
unterscheidend {adj} :: distinguishing, distinctive, differential
Unterscheidung {f} :: differentiation, discrimination
Unterscheidungsvermögen {n} :: discernment
Unterscheidungsvermögen {n} :: discrimination
Unterscheidungsvermögen {n} :: the ability to distinguish between things
Unterschenkel {m} :: shank (the part of the leg between the knee and the ankle)
Unterschicht {f} :: underclass, riff-raff
Unterschicht {f} :: substratum
Unterschicht {f} :: understorey
unterschieben {vt} :: to foist, to deceptively push something onto someone
unterschieben {vt} :: to falsely attribute an action
Unterschied {m} :: difference
unterschieden {v} :: past participle of unterscheiden
unterschieden {adj} :: (easily) distinguished
unterschiedlich {adj} :: different; differing, varying
unterschiedlich {adv} :: differently, in varying ways
unterschlächtig {adj} :: undershot (of a waterwheel)
unterschlagen {v} :: to embezzle
Unterschlagung {f} :: embezzlement
Unterschlagung {f} :: conversion (taking with the intent of exercising over a chattel an ownership inconsistent with the real owner's right of possession)
Unterschlupf {m} :: shelter, hiding place, bolthole
unterschlüpfen {v} :: to slip under, to find accommodation
unterschreiben {vti} :: to sign (write one’s signature)
unterschreiben {v} [obsolete] :: to sign
unterschreiben {v} [rather rare] :: to write under or below something
unterschreiten {v} :: to fall below
unterschreitend {adj} :: falling below, falling short of
unterschrieben {v} :: past participle of unterschreiben
Unterschrift {f} :: signature
Unterschrift {f} :: caption (text placed and relating to an image or table)
unterschwellig {adj} :: subliminal
unterschwelliger {adj} :: comparative of unterschwellig
unterschwelligsten {adj} :: superlative of unterschwellig
Unterseeboot {n} :: submarine
unterseeisch {adj} :: submarine, undersea
Unterseite {f} :: underside, underneath, bottom
Unterseite {f} :: underbelly
Unterseite {f} :: subpage
untersetzen {v} :: to place underneath
untersetzen {v} :: to pervade
Untersetzer {m} [gardening] :: drainage plate
Untersetzer {m} :: coaster
untersetzt {adj} :: stocky, thickset
Untersiebenbrunn {prop} {n} :: Untersiebenbrunn (municipality)
untersinken {v} :: to sink
Unterstand {m} :: shelter
Unterstand {m} :: bunker
unterstehen {v} :: to be subordinate to
unterstehen {vr} :: to dare, to have the audacity
unterstehen {v} :: to shelter
unterstellen {v} :: to put beneath, shelter under
unterstellen {vi} [+ subordinate clause] :: to assume, suppose, postulate, take it
unterstellen {vti} [+ dative object] :: to allege that someone has done something; to accuse someone of a misdeed
unterstellen {vt} [+ dative object] :: to (make) subordinate
unterstellt {v} :: past participle of unterstellen
unterstellt {adj} :: insinuated
unterstellt {adj} :: assumed
Unterstellung {f} :: subordination
Unterstellung {f} :: assumption, presumption, imputation, insinuation
Unterstellung {f} :: safekeeping, custody, depositing (temporary storing in a sheltered place)
untersteuern {v} [automotive] :: to understeer
Untersteuern {n} [automotive] :: understeer
Unterstinkenbrunn {prop} {n} :: Unterstinkenbrunn (municipality)
unterstöchiometrisch {adj} [chemistry] :: substoichiometric
unterstreichen {v} :: to underscore, to underline
Unterstrich {m} :: (character) underscore
unterstrichen {v} :: past participle of unterstreichen
unterstützen {v} :: to support
Unterstützung {f} :: support
untersuchen {v} :: to examine, to investigate
untersuchend {adj} :: examining, probing, investigating
Untersuchung {f} :: examination, investigation
Untersuchungsausschuss {m} :: board of enquiry, investigation committee
Untersuchungsausschuß {noun} :: obsolete spelling of Untersuchungsausschuss
Untersuchungsergebnis {n} :: findings
Untersuchungshaft {f} [law enforcement] :: remand
Untersuchungskommission {f} :: investigative commission
Untersuchungsmethode {f} :: (standard) method of investigation
Untertagebau {m} :: (deep) underground mining
untertan {adj} [often used as a predicative adjective] :: tributary
Untertan {m} :: a citizen in a monarchy; a subject
Untertan {m} [figurative] :: a citizen in any kind of state who is naively uncritical of the government; or anybody who is habitually very obedient to their superiors
untertänig {adj} :: subservient, submissive
Untertänigkeit {f} :: subservience
untertan machen {v} :: to subdue
Untertasse {f} :: saucer
untertauchen {v} [in water] :: to dive, to plunge [of a diver, etc.]; to submerge [of a submarine, etc.]
untertauchen {v} [figuratively] :: to disappear, to go hiding
Untertauern {prop} {n} :: Untertauern (municipality)
Unterteil {n} :: underside
unterteilen {v} :: to divide
unterteilt {adj} :: divided
Untertitel {m} :: subheading
Untertitel {m} :: subtitle
Untertitel {m} :: caption (of a picture)
untertiteln {v} :: to subtitle
Untertitelung {f} :: subtitling (addition of subtitles)
Untertitelung {f} :: subtitle
Unterton {m} [countable] :: a subtle and implicit message contained in an explicit message; an undertone, an undercurrent
Unterton {m} [countable] :: subharmonic
untertreiben {v} :: to understate
untertreiben {v} :: to trivialize
Untertreibung {f} :: understatement, trivialization
Unterversorgung {f} :: undersupply
Unterversorgung {f} :: deficiency (dietary)
Unterverzeichnis {n} [computer] :: subdirectory
unter vier Augen {idiom} :: in private
Unterwart {prop} {n} :: Unterwart (municipality)
unterwärts {adv} :: downwards
Unterwäsche {f} :: underwear
unterwasserarchäologisch {adj} :: underwater archeology (attributive)
unterwegs {adv} :: en route, in transit, underway
unterwegs {adv} :: on the way or figuratively, on one's way
unterweisen {v} :: to teach
Unterweißenbach {prop} {n} :: Unterweißenbach (municipality)
Unterweitersdorf {prop} {n} :: Unterweitersdorf (municipality)
Unterwelt {f} :: underworld
unterwerfen {v} [ditransitive] :: to subdue, to subordinate [+ acc] + [+ dat]
unterwerfen {vr} :: to submit to [+ dat]
Unterwerfung {f} :: subjugation
Unterwerfung {f} :: submission
Unterwerfung {f} :: surrender
unterwinden {vr} [dated] :: to take it upon oneself
unterworfen {v} :: past participle of unterwerfen
unterwürfig {adj} :: submissive
Unterwürfigkeit {f} :: submission, submissiveness
Unterzahl {f} :: synonym of Minderzahl
unterzeichnen {v} :: to sign (to give legal consent by writing one's signature)
unterzeichnet {v} :: past participle of unterzeichnen
Unterzeichnung {f} :: signing
Unterzeile {f} [journalism] :: subheadline (a smaller line below the headline)
Unterzeile {f} [journalism] :: caption (text below a picture)
unterziehen {vt} :: to subject to
unterziehen {vr} [with genitive or dative] :: to undergo
unterziehen {vt} [cooking] :: to fold in
untief {adj} :: shallow (of water only)
Untiefe {f} [nautical] :: shallows; shoal; shallow depth
Untiefe {f} [chiefly figurative] :: abyss; precarious depth
Untier {n} :: A wild, aggressive animal, which can be legendary
untrennbar {adj} :: inseparable
untreu {adj} :: unfaithful
Untreue {f} :: unfaithfulness; disloyalty
untrew {adj} :: obsolete spelling of untreu
untröstlich {adj} :: inconsolable, disconsolate
untrüglich {adj} :: unerring, infallible, reliable
untrüglich {adj} :: unmistakable
untüchtig {adj} :: inefficient
untüchtig {adj} :: inept
Untugend {f} :: bad habit
Untugend {f} :: negative virtue
untunlich {adj} :: inadvisable
untunlich {adj} :: impossible
untypisch {adj} :: atypical
untypischerweise {adv} :: atypically
unüberbrückbar {adj} :: unbridgeable, insurmountable, irreconcilable
unüberhörbar {adj} :: unmistakable
unüberlegt {adj} :: rash, not thought-through
unüberlegt {adv} :: rashly
unüberprüfte Ausnahme {f} [computing] :: unchecked exception
unüberschaubar {adj} :: unmanageable
unübersehbar {adj} :: incalculable
unübersetzbar {adj} :: untranslatable
unübersichtlich {adj} :: not simple or quick to look over; unclear, confusing
unübersichtlicher {adj} :: comparative of unübersichtlich
unübersichtlichsten {adj} :: superlative of unübersichtlich
unübertrefflich {adj} :: unsurpassable, unbeatable, superlative, consummate, outstanding
unüberwindlich {adj} :: unconquerable
unüblich {adj} :: unusual
unüblicher {adj} :: comparative of unüblich
unüblichsten {adj} :: superlative of unüblich
unumgänglich {adj} :: essential; inevitable
unumgänglich {adj} [of a person] :: difficult; prickly
unumgehbar {adj} :: inevitable
unumkehrbar {adj} :: irreversible
unumschränkt {adj} :: unlimited, unrestrictive
unumstößlich {adj} :: unalterable; which cannot be overturned
unumstritten {adj} :: uncontroversial
unumstritten {adj} :: undisputed
unumstritten {adj} :: indisputable
Ununbium {n} :: ununbium
Ununhexium {n} :: ununhexium
Ununoctium {n} :: ununoctium
Ununpentium {n} :: ununpentium
Ununquadium {n} :: ununquadium
Ununseptium {n} :: ununseptium
ununterbrochen {adj} :: continuous, uninterrupted, incessant
ununterscheidbar {adj} :: indifferentiable
ununterscheidbar {adj} :: indiscernable
ununterscheidbar {adj} :: indiscriminable
ununterscheidbar {adj} :: indistinguishable
Ununtrium {n} :: ununtrium
unveränderbar {adj} :: immutable
unveränderlich {adj} :: immutable
unverändert {adj} :: unchanged, unaltered, unmodified
unverantwortlich {adj} :: irresponsible, reckless
unverantwortlich {adv} :: irresponsibly
Unverantwortlichkeit {f} :: irresponsibility
unverbesserlich {adj} :: unimprovable; which cannot be improved
unverbesserlich {adj} :: incorrigible (unimprovable because any correction is impossible)
unverbesserlich {adj} [less common] :: perfect (unimprovable because something is its theoretical best)
unverbesserlich {adj} [colloquial] :: diehard
unverbindlich {adj} :: non-binding
unverbindlich {adj} :: non-commital
unverblümt {adj} :: forthright, blunt, outspoken
unverbraucht {adj} :: unconsumed, unspent
unverbraucht {adj} :: unspoiled
unverbrüchlich {adj} :: unbreakable
unverbrüchlich {adj} :: steadfast
unverdächtig {adj} :: unsuspected, unsuspicious
unverdient {adj} :: undeserved
unverdrossen {adj} :: undaunted, indefatigable, undeterred, untiring
unvereinbar {adj} :: incombinable, incompatible, inconsistent, irreconcilable
unverfänglich {adj} :: innocuous; uncontroversial
unverformbar {adj} :: undeformable
unverfroren {adj} :: unabashed, blatant, brazen, audacious
unverfroren {adv} :: unabashedly, blatantly
Unverfrorenheit {f} :: impertinence, insolence, brazenness
unvergessen {adj} :: unforgotten
unvergesslich {adj} :: unforgettable
unvergleichbar {adj} :: incomparable
unvergleichlich {adj} :: incomparable
unverhältnismäßig {adj} :: disproportionate
unverheiratet {adj} :: unmarried (having no husband or wife)
unverhofft {adj} :: unexpected
unverhohlen {adj} :: blatant, overt, flagrant, unconcealed, unashamedly, plainspoken
unverkäuflich {adj} :: unsaleable
unverkäuflich {adj} :: not for sale
unverkennbar {adj} :: unmistakable
unverletzlich {adj} :: inviolable, invulnerable
unverletzt {adj} :: unhurt, unscathed
unvermeidbar {adj} :: unavoidable
unvermeidlich {adj} :: inevitable
unvermindert {adj} :: unabated, undiminished, unrelenting
unvermischt {adj} :: unmixed, unblended, pure, unadulterated
unvermischt {adj} :: unalloyed
unvermittelt {adj} :: unexpected, unforeseen, surprising
Unvermögen {n} :: inability, incapacity
Unvernunft {f} [uncountable] :: irrationality, unreason
unvernünftig {adj} :: unreasonable
Unvernünftigkeit {f} [uncountable] :: unreasonableness (The state of being unreasonable.)
Unvernünftigkeit {f} [countable] :: unreasonableness (An unreasonable act.)
unveröffentlicht {adj} :: unpublished
unverschämt {adj} :: impertinent (insolent, ill-mannered)
unverschämt {adj} [price] :: exorbitant, steep
Unverschämtheit {f} :: cheekiness, impudence, impertinence, insolence
unverschuldet {adj} :: blameless, guiltless
unversehens {adv} :: all of a sudden; unexpectedly
unversehrt {adj} [of a person] :: unharmed, unhurt
unversehrt {adj} [of a thing] :: undamaged, intact
Unversehrtheit {f} [of a person] :: freedom from injury, freedom from harm
Unversehrtheit {f} [of a thing] :: intactness
unversilbert {adj} :: not silverplated
unversöhnlich {adj} :: unforgiving, irreconcilable
unverstanden {adj} :: not understood
unverstanden {adj} :: misunderstood
unverständlich {adj} :: incomprehensible
unverständlich {adj} :: ununderstandable (Karl Jaspers)
unverständlicher {adj} :: comparative of unverständlich
unverständlicherweise {adv} :: inexplicably, incomprehensibly
Unverständnis {noun} :: incomprehension
unversucht {adj} :: untried
Unverträglichkeit {f} :: incompatibility
Unverträglichkeit {f} :: intolerance
unverwandelbar {adj} :: intransformable, intransmutable, unshapable
unverwandt {adj} :: unrelated
unverwandt {adj} :: unchanging, fixed, resolute, steadfast
unverwandt {adj} [chiefly of a person's gaze] :: unblinking, unswerving, unwavering, unflinching
unverwechselbar {adj} :: unmistakable, unique
unverwertbar {adj} :: unusable
Unverweslichkeit {f} :: incorruption, incorruptibility
unverwundbar {adj} :: invulnerable
unverzagt {adj} :: undaunted, intrepid
unverzeihlich {adj} :: unforgivable
unverzichtbar {adj} :: indispensable, essential
unverzüglich {adv} :: immediately, forthwith
unvollendet {adj} :: unfinished, incomplete
unvollkommen {adj} :: imperfect
unvollkommen {adj} :: incomplete
unvollständig {adj} :: incomplete, partial
Unvollständigkeit {f} :: incompleteness
unvorbereitet {adj} :: unprepared
unvordenklich {adj} :: immemorial, ancient
Unvoreingenommenheit {f} :: impartiality
unvorhergesehen {adj} :: unforeseen, unexpected
unvorhersagbar {adj} :: unpredictable
unvorhersehbar {adj} :: unpredictable, unforeseeable
Unvorhersehbarkeit {f} :: contingency, unpredictability
unvorstellbar {adj} :: unimaginable
unvorteilhaft {adj} :: disadvantageous, unfavourable
unwägbar {adj} :: imponderable
Unwägbarkeit {f} :: the quality of being imponderable or unknowable
Unwägbarkeit {f} :: vagary (something, especially a future event, that is imponderable or unknowable)
unwählbar {adj} :: unelectable
unwahr {adj} :: untrue
Unwahrheit {f} :: untruth
unwahrscheinlich {adj} :: unlikely, improbable
unwahrscheinlich {adj} [dated, still used by some older speakers] :: unbelievable, incredible
unwandelbar {adj} :: unalterable, immutable, unwavering, steadfast
unwartbar {adj} :: not maintainable
unwegsam {adj} :: impassable, inaccessible
unweigerlich {adj} :: inevitable
unweise {adj} :: unwise
unweit {prep} [with genitive or von + dative] :: not far from
unwesentlich {adj} :: insignificant, inessential
Unwetter {n} :: severe weather, unweather
unwichtig {adj} :: unimportant
unwiderlegbar {adj} :: irrefutable
Unwiderlegbarkeit {f} :: irrefutability, unfalsifiability
unwiderruflich {adj} :: irrevocable
unwiderstehlich {adj} :: irresistible
Unwiderstehlichkeit {f} :: irresistibility
unwiederbringlich {adj} :: irretrievable, unrecoverable
unwiederholbar {adj} :: unrepeatable
unwillkürlich {adj} :: spontaneous, instinctive, involuntary
unwillkürlich {adv} :: instinctively
unwirklich {adj} :: unreal, insubstantial
unwirksam {adj} :: ineffective
unwirksam {adj} :: void
unwirksam {adj} :: inefficient, ineffectual
unwirsch {adj} :: surly, gruff, testy, indignant
unwirsch {adj} :: cheeky, impertinent
unwirtlich {adj} :: inhospitable
unwirtschaftlich {adj} :: uneconomical, inefficient, wasteful
Unwissen {n} :: ignorance
unwissend {adj} :: unaware, ignorant, unknowing, unsuspecting
unwissend {adj} :: inexperienced
Unwissenheit {f} :: ignorance
Unwissenheit schützt vor Strafe nicht {proverb} :: Ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse
unwissenschaftlich {adj} :: unscientific
unwohl {adj} :: unwell, indisposed, mildly sick
Unwohlsein {n} :: unwellness, indisposition, mild sickness
Unwürde {f} :: indignity
unwürdig {adj} :: unworthy, dishonourable, undignified
Unzahl {f} :: immense number; myriad
unzählbar {adj} :: uncountable (too many to be counted)
unzählbar {adj} [linguistics] :: uncountable
unzählig {adj} :: countless
unzähmbar {adj} :: untameable, indomitable
Unzähmbarkeit {f} :: Indomitability, the quality of being untameable or indomitable
Unze {f} :: ounce
Unzeit {f} :: inopportune time
unzeitgemäß {adj} :: anachronistic
unzeitig {adj} :: untimely
unzerkaut {adj} :: not to be chewed (especially as a medication)
unzerreißbar {adj} :: unbreakable (by ripping)
unzerstörbar {adj} :: indestructible
Unzerstörbarkeit {f} :: indestructibility
unzerstört {adj} :: undestroyed, intact
unzertrennbar {adj} :: inseparable
unzertrennlich {adj} :: inseparable
unzial {adj} :: uncial
unzivilisiert {adj} :: uncivilised
Unzucht {f} [also, law, now chiefly religion] :: fornication; adultery; lewdness; promiscuity (any sexual behaviour considered immoral or forbidden)
unzüchtig {adj} :: licentious, indecent, immoral
unzufrieden {adj} :: discontent, dissatisfied
Unzufriedenheit {f} :: discontent, dissatisfaction
unzugänglich {adj} :: inaccessible, impenetrable
unzukömmlich {adj} [Austria] :: inadequate
Unzukömmlichkeit {f} [uncountable] :: inadequacy
Unzukömmlichkeit {f} [Austria, Swiss, plural only] :: discrepancies, shortcomings
unzulänglich {adj} :: inadequate, insufficient
unzulänglich {adj} [literary, dated] :: unreachable
Unzulänglichkeit {f} :: inadequacy, insufficiency
unzulässig {adj} :: inadmissible, impermissible, not to be allowed
unzulässig {adv} :: inadmissibly
unzulässigerweise {adv} :: impermissibly, without authorization, improperly, wrongly, unduly, unlawfully
unzumutbar {adj} :: unreasonable, unacceptable
unzureichend {adj} :: inadequate, insufficient, deficient
unzusammenhängend {adj} :: incoherent, disjointed; unrelated
unzustellbar {adj} :: undeliverable, dead (of mail)
unzutreffend {adj} :: inapplicable
unzutreffend {adj} :: incorrect, inappropriate, improper
unzuverlässig {adj} :: unreliable
Unzuverlässigkeit {f} :: unreliability (the quality of being unreliable)
unzweideutig {adj} :: unequivocal, unambiguous
unzweifelhaft {adj} :: unquestionable, indubitable
u. ö. {abbr} :: [abbreviation of und öfter] and more often
Update {n} :: update
updaten {v} :: To update
Upload {m} :: upload
uploaden {v} [computing] :: to upload (transfer data from a peripheral or subordinate system to a larger or more central one)
UPN {noun} [computing] :: initialism of Umgekehrte Polnische Notation
üppig {adj} :: opulent, luscious, ample
üppiger {adj} :: comparative of üppig
Üppigkeit {f} :: opulence
üppigsten {adj} :: superlative of üppig
ups {interj} :: oops
ur- {prefix} :: ur- (proto-, primitive, original)
ur- {prefix} :: great-; indicates an additional generation of separation between relatives
ur- {prefix} [especially, Austria] :: very; used to intensify adjectives
ur- {prefix} :: [in some old inherited nouns] alternative form of er-
Ur {m} :: aurochs
Urabstimmung {f} :: secret ballot
Uracil {n} [organic compound] :: uracil
Urahn {m} :: ancestor, forebear
Ural {prop} {m} :: Urals
uralt {adj} :: very old, ancient
uramerikanisch {adj} :: ur-American, proto-American
Urämie {f} [pathology] :: uremia
Uran {n} :: uranium
Uranbombe {f} :: uranium (fission) bomb
Uranerz {n} :: uranium ore
uranhaltig {adj} [inorganic chemistry, mineralogy] :: uranium-containing
Uranhexafluorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: uranium hexafluoride
Uraninit {n} :: uraninite
Uranismus {m} [dated] :: uranism, male homosexuality
Uranisotop {n} :: uranium isotope
Uranus {prop} {m} :: Uranus [planet]
Uranus {prop} {m} :: Uranus (Greek god)
Uraufführung {f} :: premiere (debut performance)
urban {adj} :: urban
urbaner {adj} :: comparative of urban
Urban Gardening {n} [horticulture] :: urban horticulture
urbanisieren {v} :: to urbanize
Urbanistik {f} :: urbanism; (study of cities)
urbanophil {adj} [botany] :: urbanophilic
urbansten {adj} :: superlative of urban
urbar {adj} [of land] :: cultivated, fit for cultivation; prepared for (agricultural or silvicultural) use; arable, cultivable
Urbar {n} :: an urbarium (medieval register of land ownership)
Urbarium {n} :: synonym of Urbar
Urbarmachung {f} :: [land] cultivation, reclamation
Urbevölkerung {f} :: indigenous population, aboriginal population, native people
Urbild {n} :: archetype
Urbild {n} :: exemplar
Urbild {n} [math] :: preimage
urchig {adj} :: alternative form of urig
Urchrist {m} :: early Christian
urcool {adj} [colloquial] :: ur-cool
Urd {prop} {f} [Norse mythology] :: Urd
Urdu {n} :: the Asian language Urdu
Ureinwohner {m} :: native inhabitant (often applied to indigenous people)
Urenkel {m} :: great-grandchild
Urenkel {m} :: great-grandson
Urenkel {m} :: later descendant
Urethan {n} :: (chemistry) urethane (C3H7NO2)
Urfassung {f} :: original version
urgemütlich {adj} :: Very cosy
urgerm. {adj} :: abbreviation of urgermanisch
urgermanisch {adj} :: Proto-Germanic (related to the Proto-Germanic language or to its speakers)
Urgermanisch {n} :: Proto-Germanic (the Proto-Germanic language)
Urgeschichte {f} :: prehistory
Urgeschichte {f} [Biblical studies] :: primeval history, Genesis 1-11
urgeschichtlich {adj} :: prehistoric
urgesellschaftlich {adj} :: Pertaining to prehistoric, primitive society
Urgestein {n} [dated] :: primary rock, such as granite, gneiss, etc
Urgestein {n} [figurative] :: an institution in a company or organization, a founding father, a veteran, etc
urgieren {v} :: to request
Urgroßmutter {f} :: great-grandmother
Urgroßvater {m} :: great-grandfather
Urheber {m} :: author
Urheberrecht {n} [law] :: copyright
urheberrechtlich {adj} :: related to copyright, with respect to copyright
Urheberschaft {f} :: authorship
Urheimat {f} :: Urheimat
Uria {prop} :: Uriah [biblical character]
-urie {suffix} [pathology, ] :: -uria
urig {adj} :: rustic, authentic; original
Urin {m} :: urine
urinal {adj} :: urinal, urinary
Urinal {n} :: urinal
urinieren {v} [formal] :: to urinate
Urinstein {m} :: urine scale
Urinstinkt {m} :: basic instinct
Urknall {m} :: Big Bang
Urknalltheorie {m} :: Big Bang theory
Urkontinent {prop} :: former name of Pangäa
Urkontinent {noun} :: palaeocontinent. (a former continent that existed in the past.)
Urkunde {f} :: document
Urkunde {f} :: certificate, legal instrument
Urkundenbuch {n} :: A book holding a collection of medieval certificates or documents with a common subject like a family or geographic area; register
Urkundenfälschung {f} [law] :: falsification of a document
Urkundenhypothese {f} [Biblical studies] :: documentary hypothesis
Urkundenlehre {f} [sciences] :: diplomatics (scholarly discipline centred on the critical analysis of documents, especially historical documents)
Urkundenlehre {f} :: a textbook of diplomatics
urkundlich {adj} :: documented, documentary (related to a document or deed)
Urlaub {m} :: leave
Urlaub {m} :: holiday
Urlaub {m} :: vacation
urlauben {v} :: to go on vacation
Urlauber {m} :: holidaymaker, vacationer
Urlauber {m} [military] :: A person on leave
urlaubsreif {adj} [colloquial] :: needing a holiday; overworked
Urmeter {m} :: (original) standard meter (International standard of length)
urn. {adj} :: abbreviation of urnordisch
Urne {f} :: urn
Urne {f} :: ballot box
urnordisch {adj} :: Proto-Norse (related to the Proto-Norse language)
Urnordisch {n} :: Proto-Norse (the Proto-Norse language)
uroborisch {adj} :: ouroboros (attributive)
Urologe {m} :: urologist
Urologie {f} :: urology
Urologin {f} :: female urologist
urologisch {adj} :: urological
Uropa {m} :: great-grandfather
urplötzlich {adj} :: Very sudden
urplötzlich {adv} :: all of a sudden
Urs {prop} :: given name. Common in Switzerland, rare in other German-speaking countries
Ursache {f} :: cause (source or reason of an event or action)
Urschleim {m} :: Urschleim
Urschrei {m} [psychology] :: primal scream
Urschrift {f} :: original document
Ursel {prop} :: given name, a diminutive form of Ursula
urslawisch {adj} :: Proto-Slavic (related to the Proto-Slavic language)
Urslawisch {n} :: Proto-Slavic (the Proto-Slavic language)
Ursprache {f} :: proto-language
Ursprache {f} :: original language
Ursprung {m} :: origin
ursprünglich {adj} :: original, initial
ursprünglich {adv} :: originally, initially
Ursprungsbezeichnung {f} :: designation of origin
Ursprungsland {n} :: country of origin
Ursprungsort {m} :: place / point of origin
urst {adj} :: great, cool (used as an intensifying epithet)
Ursula {prop} :: given name
Ursünde {f} [Christianity] :: original sin (Adam’s disobedience to God)
Ursünde {f} [Christianity, rarer] :: original sin (state of sinfulness of all human beings)
Ursuppe {f} :: primordial soup
Urszene {f} [psychoanalysis] :: primal scene
Urteil {n} :: judgment (the preferred spelling in a legal context), verdict, sentence (court decision)
Urteil {n} :: judgement, opinion, usually one given after detailed consideration
urteilen {v} :: to judge
Urteilskraft {f} :: judgment
Urteilskraft {f} [philosophy] :: power of judgment
Urteilsvermögen {n} :: discernment, judgment
Urtext {m} :: original version of a text
Urtext {m} :: urtext
Urtheil {n} :: obsolete spelling of Urteil
urtheilen {v} :: obsolete spelling of urteilen
Urtier {n} :: protozoon, protozoan
Urtier {prop} {f} :: Urtier (river)
Uruguay {prop} {n} :: Uruguay (country)
Uruguayer {m} :: Uruguayan
uruguayisch {adj} :: Uruguayan
Urvertrauen {n} [psychology] :: basic trust (the confidence of a child in the presence of their mother)
Urvertrauen {n} [figuratively] :: strong confidence that is not questioned
urverwandt {adj} [linguistics] :: cognate
Urvogel {m} :: Archaeopteryx
Urwald {m} :: primeval forest
Urwald {m} :: jungle
Urzeit {f} :: An unspecified time period extremely long ago, prehistoric times
urzeitlich {adj} :: primeval
Urzustand {m} :: original or primal condition or state
USA {prop} {p} :: USA (country)
US-amerikanisch {adj} :: American, Usonian (of or pertaining to the United States or its culture)
Usance {f} :: practice, usage
USB {m} :: USB
Usbeke {m} :: Uzbek (male or of unspecified sex) (native or inhabitant from Usbekistan)
Usbekin {f} :: Uzbek (female) (native or inhabitant of Uzbekistan)
usbekisch {adj} :: Uzbek (of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, its people or language)
Usbekisch {prop} {n} :: Uzbek (the language)
Usbekistan {prop} {n} :: Uzbekistan
USB-Stick {m} :: flash drive; thumb drive; USB drive; memory stick
Uschanka {f} :: ushanka
Uschi {prop} :: A diminutive of the female given name Ursula
US-Dollar {m} :: US dollar (official currency of the United States)
usselig {adj} [colloquial, regional, western Germany] :: alternative form of üsselig
üsselig {adj} [colloquial, regional, western Germany] :: shabby, unattractive (e.g. of clothes, furniture)
üsselig {adj} [colloquial, regional, western Germany] :: wet and cold, unpleasant (of weather)
USSR {prop} {f} :: initialism of Ukrainische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik
usuell {adj} :: usual
usurpieren {v} :: to usurp (to seize power)
Usus {m} :: custom (long-established practice)
usw. {adv} :: etc.
Uta {prop} :: given name
Utah {prop} {n} :: Utah (state)
Ute {prop} :: given name
Utensil {n} [mostly used in plural] :: utensil
uterin {adj} :: uterine
Uterus {m} [medicine, specialist] :: uterus
utilitär {adj} :: utilitarian
Utilitarismus {m} :: utilitarianism (the theory of the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people")
utilitaristisch {adj} :: utilitarian
Utopie {f} :: utopia
utopisch {adj} :: utopian
utopischer {adj} :: comparative of utopisch
utopischsten {adj} :: superlative of utopisch
Utopismus {m} :: utopianism
Utopist {m} :: utopian
Utrum {n} [linguistics] :: common gender
Utzenaich {prop} {n} :: Utzenaich (municipality)
Uvula {f} [anatomy] :: uvula
uvular {adj} :: uvular
Uvular {m} [phonetics] :: uvular
Uwe {prop} :: given name popular from the 1930s to the 1960s