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User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-l

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
l {letter} :: The 12th letter of the Spanish alphabet
L {letter} :: The 12th letter of the Spanish alphabet
la {art} :: the
la {pron} :: Impersonal neuter pronoun (accusative) in certain colloquial phrases: 'it', 'this'
la {m} [music] :: la (sixth note of the scale)
la {m} [music] :: A (the musical note or key)
lab {m} :: lab (laboratory)
Labán {prop} :: Laban (Biblical character)
lábaro {m} :: labarum
Labastida {prop} :: surname
la belleza está en los ojos de quien ve {proverb} :: beauty is in the eye of the beholder (individuals have different inclinations on what is beautiful)
labelo {m} [botany] :: labellum
laberíntico {adj} :: labyrinthine
laberintitis {f} [pathology] :: labyrinthitis
laberinto {m} :: labyrinth (maze)
labia {f} :: gift of the gab
labial {adj} :: labial (of or pertaining to the lips)
labial {adj} [phonetics] :: labial (articulated by the lips)
labial {f} [phonetics] :: labial (a consonant articulated by the lips)
labialización {f} :: labialization
labializar {v} :: to labialize
labiérnago {m} :: mock prive (Phillyrea latifolia)
labiérnago {m} :: Phillyrea angustifolia
lábil {adj} :: labile, unstable
labilidad {f} :: lability
labio {m} [anatomy] :: lip (fleshy protrusion around the opening of the mouth)
labio {m} [anatomy] :: labium (fold of skin on either side of the vagina)
labiodental {adj} :: labiodental
labiodental {f} :: labiodental consonant
labioplastia {f} :: labiaplasty
labiovelar {adj} :: labiovelar
labor {f} :: job, task
labor {f} :: work, effort
labor {f} :: labor
labor {f} :: needlework, embroidery
laborable {adj} :: working
laborable {adj} :: plowable
laboral {adj} :: Of or pertaining to labor
laboralidad {f} :: working patterns, labour market
laboralista {mf} :: labour lawyer, employment lawyer
laboralmente {adv} :: occupationally
laborar {v} :: to labor, work
laboratorial {adj} [attributive] :: lab, laboratory
laboratorialmente {adv} :: laboratorily
laboratorio {m} :: laboratory
laboratorista {mf} :: laboratory assistant, worker or technician
laboreo {m} :: working, tilling (of the soil, etc.)
laboriosamente {adv} :: laboriously
laboriosidad {f} :: industriousness, laboriousness
laborioso {adj} :: laborious, toilsome
laborismo {m} :: labour movement
laborista {adj} [politics] :: Labour (of the Labour government)
laborista {mf} [politics] :: Labour Party member or supporter
labortana {f} :: feminine noun of labortano
labortano {adj} :: Of or from Labort
labortano {m} :: Someone from Labort
labra {f} :: working
labrada {f} :: A field that has been worked in preparation for planting
labrador {m} :: farmer, husbandman
labrador {m} :: Labrador (ellipsis of Labrador retriever)
labrador {m} [rare] :: worker, laborer
Labrador {prop} {m} :: Labrador (mainland portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador)
labradora {f} :: feminine noun of labrador
labradorita {f} [mineral] :: labradorite
labrantío {m} :: arable land
labranza {f} :: farm
labranza {f} :: farmland
labranza {f} :: farming (business of cultivating land)
labrar {v} :: to work
labrar {v} :: to carve, to craft
labrar {v} :: to plough
labriega {f} :: farmhand
labriego {m} :: farmhand
laburante {mf} :: worker
laburar {v} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: to work
laburo {m} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] :: work
laburo {m} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] :: hard or tiring task
laca {f} :: lacquer
laca {f} :: hair spray
la cabeza blanca y el seso por venir {proverb} :: there's no fool like an old fool
la cabra siempre tira al monte {proverb} :: a leopard can't change his spots
lacandón {adj} :: Lacandon
lacandón {m} :: Lacandon
lacandona {f} :: feminine noun of lacandón
lacaniano {adj} :: Lacanian
lacanofobia {f} :: lachanophobia
lacar {v} :: to lacquer
lacaya {f} :: feminine noun of lacayo
lacayo {m} :: lackey
lacear {v} :: to lasso, to snare
lacear {v} :: to trap
lacedemonia {f} :: feminine noun of lacedemonio
lacedemonio {adj} :: Lacedaemonian
lacedemonio {m} :: Lacedaemonian
laceración {f} :: laceration
lacerante {adj} :: excruciating, piercing
lacerar {v} :: to cut, to lacerate
lacería {f} :: strapwork
Lacerta {prop} [constellation] :: Lacerta
lacertoso {adj} :: muscular
lacha {f} [Chile, Peru, pejorative] :: female lover
lacha {f} [Spain] :: shame
lache {m} [, colloquial, Andalusia] :: shame
lache {m} [, colloquial, Andalusia] :: embarrassment
lacho {m} [Chile, Peru, colloquial] :: womanizer
lacho {m} [Chile, Peru, pejorative] :: lover
lacio {adj} :: limp, flaccid, flabby
lacio {adj} :: limp (lacking stiffness)
lacio {adj} :: languid
lacio {adj} :: straight (of hair)
Lacio {prop} {m} :: Lacio (region)
lacito {m} [Puerto Rico] :: bow tie
lacolito {m} [geology] :: laccolith
lacón {m} :: pork shoulder
la concha de la lora {phrase} [Argentina, vulgar] :: fucking shit; holy fuck (expression of extreme anger, frustration, disappointment etc.)
lacónicamente {adv} :: laconically, tersely
lacónico {adj} :: laconic, brief, concise
laconismo {m} :: laconism
La Coruña {prop} {f} :: La Coruña (province)
La Coruña {prop} {f} :: La Coruña (city)
lacra {f} :: fault, defect
lacra {f} :: bane; blot
lacrar {v} :: to seal
lacre {m} :: sealing wax
lacrimación {f} :: lacrimation
lacrimal {adj} :: lachrymal (relating to tears)
lacrimal {m} :: lachrymal
lacrimar {v} :: to weep
lacrimógeno {adj} :: tear (attributive); tear-inducing
lacrimógeno {adj} :: tearful, causing tears; sad, emotional
lacrimógeno {adj} :: lachrymatory
lacrimoso {adj} :: lachrymose; of or relating to tears or weeping
lacrosse {m} [sports] :: lacrosse
lactación {f} :: lactation
lactación {f} :: breastfeeding
lactancia {f} :: breastfeeding
lactancia {f} :: breastfeeding period
lactante {m} :: a baby, usually from one to twelve months old
lactar {v} :: to breast-feed
lactasa {f} [enzyme] :: lactase
lactato {m} :: lactate
lácteo {m} :: a dairy product
lácteo {m} [in the plural] :: dairy
lácteo {adj} :: milky (resembling milk)
lácteo {adj} :: lactic, milk (attributive); of, or relating to milk
lácteo {adj} :: dairy (containing or made from milk)
lactescente {adj} :: lactescent, milky
lacticinio {m} :: lacticinium
láctico {adj} :: lactic
lactoalbúmina {f} [protein] :: lactalbumin
lactobacilo {m} :: Lactobacillus
lactodensímetro {m} :: lactometer
lactoferrina {f} :: lactoferrin
lactómetro {m} :: lactometer
lactona {f} [organic compound] :: lactone
lactosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: lactose
lactosuero {m} :: whey
lacunar {adj} :: lacunar
lacunario {adj} :: lacunary
la curiosidad mató al gato {proverb} :: curiosity killed the cat
lacustre {adj} :: Of or relating to a lake; lacustrine
ladear {v} :: to tilt
ladear {v} :: to tip
ladear {v} :: to bend
ladear {v} :: to lean
ladear {vr} :: to lean
ladearse {v} :: reflexive of ladear
la de gajos {f} [idiom, soccer] :: a soccer ball/a football
la de la vergüenza {f} [idiom] :: The last piece of food left on a plate, mannersbit, manners piece
la del pulpo {f} [idiom] :: A severe scolding or reprimand; a ticking-off
la del pulpo {f} [idiom, uncountable, dated] :: A beating, usually given to a child by his parents
ladera {f} :: slope
ladero {adj} :: lateral
ladilla {f} :: crab louse
ladilla {adj} [Venezuela, mildly, vulgar, slang] :: annoying, pain in the ass
ladinamente {adv} :: craftily
Ladiniano {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Ladinian (subdivision of the Triassic period)
Ladiniense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Ladinian (subdivision of the Triassic period)
ladino {adj} :: astute, crafty, acute
ladino {adj} [Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama] :: mestizo
ladino {m} :: a mestizo person
ladino {m} :: the Ladin language of Italy
ladino {m} :: Ladino; the Judeo-Spanish language
Ladislao {prop} {m} :: given name
ladito {m} :: diminutive of lado
lado {m} :: side
lado {m} :: face
lado bueno {m} :: bright side
lado bueno {m} :: good side
ladrador {adj} :: barking, barky (prone to bark)
ladrar {v} [of dogs] :: to bark
ladrar pero no morder {interj} :: to be all bark and no bite
ladrido {m} :: bark, yelp, yap, yip (short, loud, explosive utterance)
ladrillazo {m} :: A blow/hit with a brick
ladrillera {f} :: brickworks
ladrillo {m} :: brick
ladrillo caravista {m} :: face brick
ladrón {adj} :: having the qualities of a thief
ladrón {m} :: thief; robber; crook
ladrón {m} [Spain] :: adapter (device allowing more plugs at an outlet)
ladrona {f} :: female equivalent of ladrón
ladronzuelo {m} :: small-time thief
la duda ofende {phrase} :: How could you think such a thing?
laelia {f} :: laelia
Laertes {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Laertes (the father of Odysseus)
La Española {prop} {f} :: Hispaniola
La Esperanza {prop} {f} :: La Esperanza (district)
la esperanza es la última que muere {proverb} :: One should never lose hope; hope springs eternal
La Estrella {prop} {m} :: La Estrella (city)
laforina {f} [enzyme] :: laforin
lagaña {f} :: sleep (rheum found in the corner of the eye after sleeping)
lagañoso {adj} :: having sleep in one's eyes
lagar {m} :: a vat in which olives and grapes are pressed
la garantía soy yo {phrase} :: take my word for it
lagarta {f} :: gypsy moth
lagarta {f} [slang, vulgar, offensive] :: bitch
lagartear {v} :: to bask
lagartear {v} :: to hunt lizards
lagartero {adj} :: lizardlike
lagartija {f} :: (small) lizard
lagartija {f} :: (exercise) push-up, press-up [mostly UK]
lagarto {m} :: lizard
lagazo {m} [video games] :: lag, lagging (when continuity fails in a video game)
lagerpétido {m} :: lagerpetid
lago {m} :: lake
Lago {prop} :: surname
La Gomera {prop} {f} :: La Gomera (island)
lagomorfo {adj} :: lagomorph, lagomorphic
lagomorfo {m} :: lagomorph
lago Ness {prop} {m} :: lago Ness (lake)
lagópodo {m} :: ptarmigan
lagosta {f} [obsolete] :: locust, lobster
Lago Superior {prop} {m} :: Lake Superior
la gota que colmó el vaso {f} [idiomatic] :: the straw that broke the camel's back
lagrangiano {adj} :: Lagrangian
lagrangiano {m} :: Lagrangian
lágrima {f} :: tear, teardrop
lagrimal {adj} :: lachrymal (relating to tears)
lagrimal {adj} :: lacrimal (relating to tear-secreting organs)
lagrimal {adj} [by extension] :: causing tears
lagrimar {v} :: to cry
lágrimas de cocodrilo {fp} [idiomatic] :: crocodile tears
lagrimear {v} :: to water up; to cry easily
lagrimeo {m} :: watering up, tearing up
lagrimilla {f} :: diminutive of lagrima
lagrimita {f} :: diminutive of lágrima
lagrimón {m} :: augmentative of lágrima; large tear, teardrop
lagrimoso {adj} :: alternative spelling of lacrimoso
Laguardia {prop} :: surname
laguito {m} :: diminutive of lago
laguna {f} :: lagoon
laguna {f} :: lake, pond, pool [smaller than lago but bigger than charca]
laguna {f} :: lacuna, gap, hole, void
laguna {f} :: shortcoming, deficiency
laguna {f} :: omission
laguna {f} [legal] :: loophole
lagunar {adj} :: lacunary
lagunero {adj} :: from San Cristóbal de La Laguna
lagunero {adj} :: from the Laguna region, located between Coahuila and Durango, in Mexico
lagunero {m} :: Someone from San Cristóbal de La Laguna
lagunero {m} :: Someone from the Laguna region, located between Coahuila and Durango, in Mexico
lagunilla {f} :: diminutive of laguna; small lake
La Habana {prop} {f} :: La Habana (capital city)
lahar {m} :: lahar
La Haya {prop} {f} :: La Haya (city/administrative capital)
laho {interj} [backslang, slang, vesre] :: hello, hi
lahuán {m} :: Patagonian cypress
laicado {m} :: laity
laical {adj} :: lay, laical (of or pertaining to the laity)
laicidad {f} :: secularism
laicismo {m} :: laicism
laicista {adj} :: lay
laicización {f} :: secularization
laicizar {v} :: to laicize, to secularize
laico {adj} :: lay, secular
laico {m} :: layman
laido {adj} [archaic, ] :: ugly
laido {adj} [archaic, ] :: ignominious
laido {adj} [archaic, ] :: sad, downcast
laika {m} :: Laika (dog breed)
laísmo {m} :: The practice of using la as indirect object pronoun when referring to feminine nouns, instead of the standard le
laja {f} :: slab
lakota {mf} :: Lakota
laksa {f} :: laksa
La Laguna {prop} {f} :: La Laguna (city)
lalar {v} [Paraguay] :: to mouth off; to complain
la leche {phrase} [Spain, idiomatic] :: wow
Lali {prop} {f} :: given name
la Libertad {prop} {f} :: la Libertad (region)
Lalo {prop} {m} :: given name
Lalo {prop} {m} :: given name
Lalo {prop} {m} :: given name (perhaps the most common use)
Lalo {prop} {m} :: given name
Lalo {prop} {m} :: given name
lama {f} :: slime, mud
lama {f} :: fine sand
lama {f} [Chile, Colombia, Costa Rico, Mexico] :: moss
lama {m} [Buddhism] :: lama (master of Tibetan Buddhism)
la madre del cordero {f} [idiom] :: the rub; the fact of the matter
la madre putria {f} [Latin America, euphemistic, pejorative, vulgar] :: The prostituted motherland. Used in a pejorative reference to Spain
la madre que te parió {interj} [pejorative] :: son of a bitch, holy fuck (literally, "the mother who bore you"; an insult said out of anger)
lamaísta {mf} :: lamaist
La Mancha {prop} {f} :: La Mancha
lamanita {mf} :: Lamanite
la mar {adv} [idiom, colloquial] :: very
la mar {adv} [idiom, colloquial] :: a lot
lamarckiano {adj} :: Lamarckian
lamarckismo {m} :: Lamarckism
Lamas {prop} :: Lamas (province)
lambada {f} :: lambada
lambayeque {adj} :: Lambayeque
Lambayeque {prop} :: Lambayeque (region)
Lambayeque {prop} :: Lambayeque (city)
lambda {f} :: lambda; the Greek letter Λ, λ
lambdoideo {adj} :: lambdoid
lambeculo {mf} [Argentina, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay] :: alternative form of lameculos
lambeculos {mf} [Mexico, Uruguay] :: alternative form of lameculos
lambel {m} [heraldiccharge] :: label
lambeosaurino {m} :: lambeosaurine
lamber {v} [dated] :: alternative form of lamer
lambiscar {vt} :: to lick up
lambiscón {adj} :: fawning; adulating
lambiscón {m} :: brown-noser; suck-up
lambón {m} [Latin America, slang] :: asskisser, suck-up
lambón {adj} :: servile, obsequious
lambona {f} :: feminine noun of lambón
lambrequín {m} [heraldry] :: lambrequin
lambrusco {m} :: Lambrusco
lambucia {f} :: feminine noun of lambucio
lambucio {m} [Venezuela, pejorative] :: moocher
La Meca {prop} {f} :: La Meca (city)
lameculismo {m} :: ass-licking; brownnosing
lameculos {mf} [vulgar, derogatory] :: ass-licker [US], arse-licker [UK], asskisser, [US], arse-kisser [UK], brown noser, toady, sycophant
lamedura {f} :: lick
lamela {f} :: lamella
lamelar {adj} :: lamellar
lamelipodio {m} :: lamellipodium
lamentable {adj} :: lamentable, regrettable
lamentablemente {adv} :: unfortunately, regrettably, sadly, woefully, regretfully, unluckily, lamentably, alas, disappointingly, tragically
lamentación {f} :: lamentation
Lamentaciones {prop} {fp} [bible] :: Lamentations (the book of the Bible)
lamentar {v} :: to lament, to regret
lamentar {v} :: to mourn (often followed by la muerte de or la pérdida de)
lamento {m} :: lament, wail, wailing, plaint
lamer {v} :: to lick [stroke with the tongue]
lamer {v} :: to lick [lap; take in with the tongue]
lamera {f} :: feminine noun of lamero
lamer el culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar, derogatory] :: to kiss ass [US], to kiss arse [UK]; to brownnose, to suck up
lamero {m} [La Gomera] :: a water harvesting system
lamero {m} [mining] :: person in charge of placing the dinamite.
lamero {adj} [slang] :: related to lamers
lamero {m} [slang] :: lamer
lametazo {m} :: touch
lámina {f} [botany, anatomy] :: lamina
lámina {f} [botany] :: blade
lámina {f} :: engraving
lámina {f} :: slap, sheet
lámina {f} [geology] :: sill
laminación {f} :: lamination
laminador {m} :: laminator (machine that laminates)
laminador {m} :: rolling mill (machine that rolls metal)
laminadora {f} :: laminator
laminar {adj} :: laminar
laminar {v} :: to laminate
laminario {m} :: poster
laminilla {f} [mycology] :: lamella
laminina {f} [protein] :: laminin
lamivudina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: lamivudine
lampa {f} [Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia] :: hoe
lámpada {f} :: obsolete spelling of lámpara
lampar {v} :: to burn; scold (the mouth or tongue)
lámpara {f} :: lamp
lámpara {f} :: torch, flashlight
lámpara halógena {f} :: halogen lamp
lamparilla {f} :: diminutive of lámpara: small lamp
lamparita {f} :: diminutive of lámpara
lamparón {m} :: stain (on clothing - especially from sweat or grease)
lamparón {m} :: augmentative of lámpara
lamparosa {f} [Central America] :: grubby bugger
lampás {m} :: lampas
lampasado {adj} [heraldry] :: langued
lampasear {v} [Philippines] :: to clean with a coconut husk
lampazo {m} :: burdock
lampazo {m} [Argentina, Nicaragua] :: mop
lampazo {m} [Uruguay] :: squeegee mop (the tool Uruguayans prefer for mopping)
lampiño {adj} :: hairless bodied
lampiño {adj} :: beardless
lampiño {adj} :: having less or smaller body hair than other similar
lamprea {f} :: lamprey (a fish)
lampreado {m} :: A type of patty made with cassava
lamprófido {m} :: lamprophyre
lana {f} :: wool
lana {f} [Mexico, colloquial] :: cash, money, dough
lana de vidrio {f} :: glass wool
lanado {adj} :: woolly; fluffy
lanar {adj} :: wool-bearing
lance {m} :: launch (act of launching)
lance {m} :: throw
lance {m} :: cast (fishing)
lancear {v} :: to spear
lanceolado {adj} [botany] :: lanceolate; lanceolated
lanceolato {adj} :: lanceolate
lancero {m} :: lancer
lanceta {f} :: lancet
lancha {f} :: boat, motorboat, speedboat
lancha {f} :: launch (boat)
lanchera {f} :: motorboat owner or driver
lanchero {m} :: motorboat owner or driver
lanchón {m} :: large motorboat
land {m} :: one of the federal states of Germany
landa {f} :: plain (a sandy plain)
Landa {prop} :: surname
Landa {prop} :: Landa (village)
Landas {prop} :: Landas (department)
Landerico {prop} {m} :: Landry
landgrave {m} :: landgrave
landgraviato {m} :: landgravate
landgravina {f} :: A female landgrave
landgravina {f} :: landgravine; the wife of a landgrave
-landia {suffix} :: -land, land of
landó {m} :: landau
landre {f} :: hidden moneybag
Landrigo {prop} :: surname
Landron {prop} :: surname meaning long
Landry {prop} {mf} :: surname
lanera {f} :: feminine noun of lanero
lanero {m} :: wool dealer
lanero {m} :: wool store (place where wool is stored)
lanero {adj} :: wool; woollen
Langhiense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Langhian (subdivision of the Miocene epoch)
langosta {f} :: locust
langosta {f} :: lobster
langostera {f} :: feminine noun of langostero
langostero {adj} :: lobster-fishing
langostero {m} :: lobsterer
langostino {m} :: prawn
lánguidamente {adv} :: languidly
languidecer {v} :: to languish, pine away
languideciente {m} :: languishing, dying out
languidez {f} :: languor
lánguido {adj} :: languid, weak
languor {m} [rare] :: languor
langur {m} :: langur
lanilla {f} :: diminutive of lana
la noche es capa de pecadores {proverb} :: the night is a cloak for sinners.
lanolina {f} :: lanolin
lanosidad {f} :: woolliness
lanoso {adj} :: woolly
lansquenete {m} :: lansquenet
lantánido {m} [chemistry] :: lanthanide
lantano {m} :: lanthanum
lanteja {f} :: obsolete spelling of lenteja
lanudo {adj} :: woolly
lanudo {adj} :: longhaired, shaggy-haired
lanugo {m} :: lanugo
Lanuza {prop} :: surname
lanza {f} :: lance, spear, glaive
lanza {m} :: clipping of lanzaperfume
lanzable {adj} :: launchable
lanzacargas {m} :: depth-charge launcher
lanzacohetes {m} :: bazooka, rocket-propelled grenade
lanzada {f} :: lance thrust
lanzadera {f} :: shuttle
lanzadera {f} :: launchpad
lanzadera {f} :: launcher
lanzadera {f} :: looper (in sewing)
lanzadestellos {m} :: flashing light (on a car)
lanzado {adj} :: fearless, reckless
lanzado {adj} :: very fast
lanzado {adj} :: forward
lanzador {m} :: pitcher, in baseball
lanzadora {f} :: (female) pitcher, in baseball
lanzafuegos {m} :: flamethrower
lanzagranadas {m} :: grenade launcher
lanzallamas {m} :: flamethrower
lanzamiento {m} :: launch (act of launching)
lanzamiento {m} :: throwing
lanzamiento {m} :: release
lanzamiento aéreo {m} :: airdrop
lanzamiento de peso {m} [athletics] :: shot put
lanzamiento en paracaídas {f} :: airdrop
lanzamisiles {m} :: rocket launcher
lanzaperfume {m} :: an aromatic spray often taken as a recreational drug, popular in Brazil
lanzapuentes {m} :: AVLB
lanzar {v} :: to throw
lanzar {v} :: to launch
lanzar {v} [baseball] :: to pitch
Lanzarote {prop} {m} :: Lanzarote (island)
Lanzarote {prop} {m} :: given name
lanzaroteña {f} :: feminine noun of lanzaroteño
lanzaroteño {adj} :: Of or from Lanzarote
lanzaroteño {m} :: Someone from Lanzarote
lanzatorpedos {adj} :: only used in tubo lanzatorpedos and barco lanzatorpedos
lanzatorpedos {m} :: torpedo boat
lanzazo {m} :: hit from a lance
lanze {m} :: obsolete spelling of lance
lanzón {m} :: lancetfish
lanzuela {f} :: diminutive of lanza
lao {adj} :: Lao (language)
lao {adj} :: Lao (person)
lao {adj} :: Lao (of or relating to Laos)
lao {mf} :: Lao (person)
lao {prop} {m} :: Lao (language)
lao {prop} {m} :: Lao (ethnic group)
Laocio {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Lao-Tsé
Laocoonte {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Laocoön (the Trojan and the Argonaut)
Laos {prop} :: Laos
laosiano {adj} :: Laotian, Lao
laosiano {m} :: Laotian, Lao (person)
Lao-Tsé {prop} {m} :: Laozi (influential Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism)
Laozi {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Lao-Tsé
lapa {f} :: limpet
lapa {f} [figurative] :: limpet, person who sticks to another
lapacho {m} :: lapacho
la paciencia es una virtud {proverb} :: patience is a virtue
La Palma {prop} {f} :: The fifth largest of the Canary Islands
La Pampa {prop} {f} :: La Pampa (province)
laparo- {prefix} :: laparo-
laparoscopia {f} [surgery] :: laparoscopy
laparoscopía {f} :: alternative form of laparoscopia
laparoscópico {adj} :: laparoscopic (relating to laparoscopy)
laparoscopio {m} [surgery] :: laparoscope
laparotomía {f} [surgery] :: laparotomy
La Paz {prop} {f} :: La Paz (capital city)
La Paz {prop} {f} :: La Paz (department)
La Paz {prop} {f} :: La Paz (capital city)
lapicera {f} :: pen
lapicero {m} :: pencil holder, pencil pot
lapicero {m} :: pencil box, pencil case
lapicero {m} :: pencil
lapicero {m} [Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, South and Southwestern Mexico] :: pen
lapicero {m} [Central Mexico] :: mechanical pencil
lápida {f} :: tombstone, gravestone
lapidación {f} :: lapidation, stoning
lapidar {v} :: to stone (to throw stones at)
lapidario {adj} :: lapidary
lapidario {m} :: lapidary
lapislázuli {m} :: lapis lazuli (blue stone)
lapita {adj} :: Lapita
lápita {f} :: Lapith
lápiz {m} :: pencil
lapizar {v} :: to pencil; to write or draw with a pencil
lápiz de labios {m} :: lipstick
lápiz labial {m} :: lipstick
lápiz mecánico {m} :: mechanical pencil
laplaciano {m} [mathematics] :: Laplacian (operator)
laplaciano {adj} :: Laplacian (of, or relating to Laplace)
la pluma es más poderosa que la espada {proverb} :: the pen is mightier than the sword
lapo {m} [colloquial] :: spittle, spit
Lapointe {prop} {mf} :: surname
la polla en vinagre {phrase} [Spain, vulgar, idiomatic] :: the bomb, fantastic
lapón {adj} :: Laplander
lapón {m} :: Laplander
Laponia {prop} {f} :: Laponia (region)
Laporte {prop} :: surname
la pregunta del millón {f} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: million dollar question
lapso {m} :: A lapse
lapsus {m} :: lapsus
lapsus linguae {m} :: A lapsus linguae; an inadvertent remark, a slip of the tongue
laptop {mf} :: laptop
laquear {v} :: to lacquer
lar {m} :: hearth
Lara {prop} {mf} :: surname
lardero {adj} [chiefly archaic] :: fat
Lardizabal {prop} {m} :: surname
lardo {m} :: lard
la reconcha de la lora {phrase} [Argentina, vulgar] :: alternative form of la concha de la lora
lareña {f} :: feminine noun of lareño
lareño {adj} :: Of or from Lares
lareño {m} :: Someone from Lares
larense {adj} :: Of or from the state of Lara, Venezuela
larense {mf} :: Someone from the state of Lara, Venezuela
largamente {adv} :: widely
largar {v} :: to chase away
largar {v} :: to let go
largar {v} :: to release
largar {vr} :: to go away, to scram, get out, shove off
largo {adj} :: long (having much distance from one terminating point to another)
largo {adj} :: long, lengthy, extended, prolonged, protracted, (having great duration)
largo {adj} :: long, long-running (seemingly lasting a lot of time)
largo {adj} :: good (slightly larger than the given amount)
largo {m} :: length
largo {interj} :: get out!, scram!
largo {interj} :: get away!
largometraje {m} :: feature film (full-length film)
largoplacista {adj} :: long-term
largo y tendido {adv} [idiom] :: long and hard
larguero {m} [architecture] :: crossbeam
larguero {m} [architecture] :: jamb
larguero {m} :: bolster (in bed)
larguero {m} [sport] :: crossbar
largueza {f} :: largesse
larguirucho {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: lanky
larguirucho {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: beanpole (tall and thin person)
larguísimo {adj} :: superlative of largo
larguísimo {adj} [figuratively] :: endless, interminable
largura {f} :: length
laricio {m} :: black pine; Austrian pine, Pinus nigra
laringal {adj} :: laryngeal
laringal {f} :: laryngeal
laringe {f} :: larynx
laríngeo {adj} :: laryngeal (relating to the larynx)
laringitis {f} [pathology] :: laryngitis
laringofaringe {m} :: laryngopharynx
laringóloga {f} :: laryngologist
laringología {f} :: laryngology
laringólogo {m} :: laryngologist
La Rioja {prop} {f} :: La Rioja (autonomous community/and/province)
La Rioja {prop} {f} :: La Rioja (province)
Larrazabal {prop} {f} :: surname
larva {f} [obsolete] :: ghost
larva {f} :: larva
larváceo {m} :: larvacean
larvado {adj} :: latent
larvado {adj} :: hidden, suppressed, concealed
larval {adj} :: larval
larvario {adj} :: larval
las {art} :: the
las {pron} :: feminine plural pronoun
lasallista {adj} :: Lasallian
lasallista {mf} :: Lasallian
lasaña {f} :: lasagna
lasca {f} :: stone chip, lithic flake
lasca {f} :: thin slice
Las Cabras {prop} {m} :: Las Cabras (city)
Lascano {prop} :: surname
lascar {vt} [nautical] :: to slacken; slip
lascivamente {adv} :: lasciviously
lascivia {f} :: lasciviousness
lascivia {f} [dated] :: immoderate appetite, longing
lascivo {adj} :: lewd, lascivious, lecherous, prurient, salacious
láser {m} :: laser
laserpicio {m} [plant] :: Laserpitium siler L.
láser tag {m} :: laser tag
La Silla {prop} :: La Silla
lasitud {f} :: lassitude, exhaustion
lasix {m} :: Lasix
las mil {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: extremely late, ridiculously late
las mil y quinientas {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: extremely late, ridiculously late
laso {adj} :: weary; tiring
laso {adj} :: stright; uncurled (hair)
Las Palmas {prop} :: Las Palmas (province)
Las Palmas {prop} :: Las Palmas (city)
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria {prop} :: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (city)
las reglas están hechas para romperse {phrase} :: rules are made to be broken
las reglas se hicieron para romperse {phrase} :: rules are made to be broken
lassi {m} :: lassi
las tantas {fp} :: wee hours
lástima {f} :: a pity
lastimado {adj} :: hurt, injured
lastimadura {f} :: injury
lastimar {v} :: to injure
lastimar {v} :: to hurt (cause physical or emotional pain)
lastimar {v} :: to damage, harm
lastimar {v} :: to offend
lastimar {v} :: to pity
lastimar {vr} :: to hurt oneself
lastimarse {v} :: reflexive of lastimar To hurt oneself, to feel sorry for
lastimero {adj} :: harmful; noxious
lastimero {adj} :: pitiful
lastimosamente {adv} :: regretfully
lastimoso {adj} :: shameful, pitiful, blameworthy
lastra {f} :: a large flat stone, a slap of stone
lastrar {v} :: to ballast
lastrar {v} :: to burden, weigh down
lastre {m} [nautical] :: ballast
lastre {m} :: burden
lastre {m} :: prudence
la suerte favorece a los audaces {proverb} :: fortune favors the bold (luck favors the adventurous)
Las Vegas {prop} {f} :: Las Vegas (city)
lat. {n} :: abbreviation of latín
lata {f} :: can, tin, tin can, canister (vessel)
lata {f} :: tin, tin-plate (material)
lata {f} :: plate, sheet of metal
lata {f} [colloquial] :: annoyance, nuisance, drag (that which annoys)
lata {f} [colloquial] :: pity
lata {f} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: chat
latencia {f} :: latency
late night {m} [television] :: late-night show
late night show {m} [television] :: late night show
latente {adj} :: latent
latera {f} :: feminine noun of latero
lateral {adj} :: lateral, to the side
lateral {adj} [linguistics] :: lateral
lateral {mf} [football] :: wingback
lateral {mf} [linguistics] :: lateral
lateralidad {f} :: laterality
lateralización {f} :: lateralization
lateralizar {v} :: to lateralize
lateralmente {adv} :: laterally
laterita {f} :: laterite
laterítico {adj} :: lateritic
latero {adj} :: dull; boring
latero {m} :: tinsmith
látex {m} :: latex
laticífero {m} :: laticifer
latido {m} :: beat, pulsation
latiente {adj} :: beating
latifoliado {adj} :: broad-leaved
latifundio {m} :: large estate, large land property
latifundismo {m} :: The system in which land is held by large estates
latifundista {mf} :: Owner of a large estate
latigazo {m} :: lash, whiplash (stroke with a whip)
latigazo cervical {m} [medicine] :: whiplash
látigo {m} :: whip (pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod, a plaited or braided rope, or a thong)
latiguillo {m} :: small whip
latiguillo {m} :: stock phrase
latiguillo {m} :: catchphrase
latiguillo {m} :: cliché
latiguillo {m} [theatre] :: hamming, hamming it up
latín {m} :: Latin; the language of the ancient Romans
latina {f} :: feminine noun of latino; a Latina
latinajo {m} [pejorative] :: word in Dog Latin
latinar {v} :: to speak Latin
latinar {v} :: to write in Latin
latín clásico {m} :: Classical Latin
latine {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: someone of Latin American descent, regardless of gender; e.g. a Latino or Latina
latín eclesiástico {m} :: Ecclesiastical Latin
latinidad {f} :: Latino-ness, Latino culture
latinismo {m} :: Latinism
latinista {mf} :: Latinist
latinización {f} :: Latinization
latinizar {v} :: to Latinize
latin lover {m} [colloquial] :: Don Juan, playboy, lady's man
latino {adj} :: of or related to Lazio, Italy
latino {adj} :: of or related to the Latin language
latino {adj} :: of or related to any of the various Romance languages
latino {adj} :: of or related to Latin people, speakers of Romance languages
latino {adj} :: Latino, Latin American
latino {m} :: a Latino
Latinoamérica {prop} {f} :: Those countries in the Americas and related islands which speak Latin-derived languages, mostly Spanish and Portuguese: Latin America
latinoamericana {f} :: feminine noun of latinoamericano
latinoamericanista {mf} :: Lover or supporter of Latin America
latinoamericano {adj} :: Latin American
latinoamericano {m} :: Latin American
latín vulgar {m} :: Vulgar Latin
latir {v} :: to beat, throb (said of a heart)
latir {v} [of a dog] :: to bark
latita {f} :: diminutive of lata
latitud {f} :: latitude
latitudinal {adj} :: latitudinal
latitudinarianismo {m} :: latitudinarianism
lato {adj} :: dilated, expanded, extended
latón {m} :: brass
latón {m} [colloquial] :: hackberry
latonera {f} :: feminine noun of latonero
latonería {f} :: body shop
latonero {m} :: brass dealer or maker
Latorre {prop} :: surname
latoso {adj} [colloquial] :: annoying, tedious, boring
-latría {suffix} :: -latry
latrocinio {m} :: larceny
lauburu {m} :: Basque cross
laucha {f} :: mouse (small rodent or computer mouse)
laucha {f} :: sagacious person
lauchita {f} :: diminutive of laucha
laúd {m} :: lute (fretted stringed instrument of European origin)
laudabilidad {f} :: laudableness
laudable {adj} :: praiseworthy
láudano {m} :: laudanum
laudar {vt} [law] :: to rule or deliver a verdict
laudar {v} [archaic] :: to laud
laudatio {f} :: praise
laudatorio {adj} :: laudatory
laude {f} :: tombstone
laude {f} [archaic] :: praise
laudista {mf} :: lutist; lutanist
laudo {m} [legal] :: ruling, decision
laudo {m} [legal] :: arbitration award
Laura {prop} {f} :: given name
laurear {v} :: to honor
laurel {m} [plant] :: laurel
laurencio {m} :: lawrencium
Laurier {prop} {mf} :: Laurier (surname)
laurisilva {f} :: a laurel forest
lauro {m} :: synonym of laurel
lauro {m} :: glory, praise
lauroceraso {m} :: cherry laurel (shrub)
Lausana {prop} {f} :: Lausana (city)
lava {f} :: lava
lava {f} :: washing
lavable {adj} :: washable
lavabo {m} :: washbasin
lavacara {f} [Andes] :: washbasin
lavacoches {m} [Spain] :: car wash
lavacopas {m} [Chile] :: dishwasher (machine)
lavacopas {m} [Chile] :: utility sink (used for dishwashing)
lavacopas {m} [Uruguay] :: glasswasher
lavada {f} :: a washing, a cleaning, a laundry load
lavadero {m} :: washboard
lavadero {m} :: laundry, laundry room (washing place)
lavadero {m} :: washing sink
lavadero {m} [bodybuilding] :: six pack
lavado {m} :: laundry
lavado {m} :: laundering
lavado {m} :: washing, wash
lavado de cerebro {m} :: brainwashing
lavador {m} :: washer (someone or something that washes)
lavadora {f} :: washing machine, washer, wash
lavaje {m} :: washing (especially of wool)
lavamanos {m} :: sink
lavamanos {m} :: washbowl
lavamática {f} :: laundrette
lavanco {m} :: great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
lavanda {f} :: lavender (plant and flower)
lavanda {f} :: lavender (color)
lavandera {f} :: lavender seller
lavandera {f} :: laundrywoman
lavandera {f} :: wagtail
lavandería {f} :: laundry, laundromat
lavandero {m} :: laundryman; laundry worker
lavandina {f} [Argentina] :: bleach
lavaparabrisas {m} :: windshield washing fluid, screen wash
Lavapiés {prop} :: Lavapiés (neighborhood)
lavaplatos {m} :: dishwasher
lavaplatos {m} [Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela] :: kitchen sink
lavar {vt} :: to wash
lavar {vt} :: to wipe, clear (disgrace, doubt, etc.)
lavarropa {m} :: alternative form of lavarropas
lavarropas {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: washing machine
lavarse {v} :: to wash oneself
lavarse {v} :: to wash a body part of oneself (e.g. hands, hair)
lavarse las manos {v} [idiomatic] :: to wash one's hands of
lavativa {f} :: enema
lavatorio {m} :: washing (of oneself)
lavatorio {m} :: washbasin; washbowl; washstand
lavatrastos {m} [Honduras] :: sink basin, utility sink (used in lieu of a dishwasher for dishwashing)
lavavajilla {m} [Argentina] :: dishwasher
lavavajillas {m} :: dishwasher
la vida es breve {phrase} :: life is short
la vida es sólo una {phrase} :: life is only once
la vida es sólo una {phrase} :: you only live once
la vida son dos días {phrase} :: life is short
lavija {f} [regional] :: alternative form of clavija
lawrencio {m} :: alternative spelling of laurencio
lawsonita {f} [mineral] :: lawsonite
laxamente {adv} :: laxly
laxante {adj} :: laxative
laxante {m} [medicine] :: laxative
laxar {v} [rare] :: to ease, to loosen
laxismo {m} :: laxism
laxitud {f} :: laxness, laxity
laxo {adj} [formal] :: lax
laya {f} :: type; kettle of fish
lazar {v} :: to lasso something
lazareto {m} :: lazaretto
lazarillo {m} :: guide dog
lazarillo {m} :: guide
Lázaro {prop} {m} :: given name
Lazarte {prop} {m} :: surname
lazi {m} [pejorative] :: Yellow ribbon used by Catalan independentists
lazi {m} [by extension, pejorative] :: Catalan independentists that wear yellow ribbons
lazo {m} :: ribbon
lazo {m} :: lasso
lazo {m} :: bow (type of knot)
lazo {m} :: link
lazo {m} :: bond
lazo {m} :: snare, trap
lazo {m} [Bolivia] :: bow tie, bowtie
LCD {m} [electronics, computing] :: LCD (liquid crystal display)
Lea {prop} {f} :: Leah [biblical figure]
Lea {prop} {f} :: given name
leader {mf} :: unadapted form of líder
leal {adj} :: adhering to the rules of propriety, fair, honest, loyal, true
lealdad {f} :: obsolete form of lealtad
lealísimo {adj} :: superlative of leal
lealista {adj} :: loyalist
lealista {mf} :: loyalist
lealmente {adv} :: loyally
lealtad {f} :: loyalty
Leandro {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Leander
Leandro {prop} {m} :: given name
leasing {m} :: leasing
lebaniego {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Liébana (region of Spain)
lebeche {m} :: southwest wind; libecchio
leberwurst {f} :: liverwurst
Leblanc {prop} {mf} :: surname
lebranche {m} :: Lebranche mullet, liza (species of fish, Mugil liza)
lebrasta {f} :: feminine noun of lebrasto
lebrastilla {f} :: feminine noun of lebrastillo
lebrastillo {m} :: diminutive of lebrasto; a small leveret
lebrasto {m} [obsolete] :: leveret
lebrastón {m} :: leveret
lebrato {m} :: leveret
lebrel {m} [specifically] :: hound, sighthound, whippet
lebrela {f} :: feminine noun of lebrel
lebrel afgano {m} :: Afghan Hound, Afghan hound
lebrel irlandés {m} :: Irish wolfhound
lebrel italiano {m} :: Italian greyhound
lebrillo {m} :: A kind of ceramic bowl
lebruno {adj} :: harelike
lección {f} :: lesson (a section of learning or teaching)
lección {f} :: lesson (something to learn or be learned)
lección {f} :: lesson (something that serves as a warning or encouragement)
lección {f} :: lesson (a section of a religious text)
leccionario {m} :: lectionary
Lecco {prop} {m} :: Lecco (town and province)
lecha {f} :: milt
lechal {adj} :: suckling
lechar {adj} :: milky
lechar {v} [Latin America] :: to milk
lechar {v} [Latin America] :: to whitewash
lechatelierita {f} :: lechatelierite
lechazo {f} :: The meat of a young, unweaned lamb
leche {f} [food] :: milk
leche {f} [slang, vulgar] :: cum, semen
leche {interj} [vulgar, Spain] :: shit
leche condensada {f} :: condensed milk
leche de almendra {f} :: almond milk
leche de arroz {f} :: rice milk
leche de avellana {f} :: hazelnut milk
leche de avena {f} :: oat milk
leche de cáñamo {f} :: hemp milk
leche de coco {f} :: coconut milk
leche desnatada {f} :: skim milk
leche de soja {f} :: soy milk
leche de tigre {f} [Peru] :: A sauce or marinade with a lime-fish base
leche frita {f} :: A Spanish dessert made of milk, sugar, cornflour and other ingredients
leche materna {f} :: breast milk
lechera {f} :: feminine noun of lechero
lechera {f} :: milkmaid
lechera {f} :: milk churn
lechera {f} :: milk can
lechera {f} :: milk jug
lechería {f} :: dairy, creamery
lechero {adj} :: milky
lechero {adj} :: dairy (used to produce milk)
lechero {m} :: milkman
lechetrezna {f} :: spurge (tree of the Euphorbia genus)
lechina {f} [Venezuela, pathology] :: chicken pox
lechita {f} :: (literally) little milk
lechita {f} :: (slang) semen
lecho {m} :: bed (piece of furniture)
lecho {m} :: bed (garden plot)
lecho {m} :: riverbed (path where a river runs)
lecho {m} [geology] :: stratum (layer of sedimentary rock)
lecho de muerte {m} :: deathbed
lechón {m} :: suckling piglet
lechona {f} :: A popular Colombian dish consisting of a roast pig stuffed, yellow peas, green onion and yellow rice
lechona {f} :: feminine noun of lechón
lechoncillo {m} :: diminutive of lechón
lechoncita {f} :: diminutive of lechona
lechoncito {m} :: suckling pig
lechosa {f} :: alternative form of lechoza
lechoso {adj} :: milky
lechoso {m} [Ecuador] :: A type of tree found in the Galápagos, in the genus Scalesia
lechota {f} [vulgar slang] :: semen
lechoza {f} [Venezuela, Dominican Republic] :: papaya
lechucita {mf} :: diminutive of lechuza
lechucita {mf} :: Any of a number of small owls
lechuga {f} :: lettuce
lechuga {interj} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: expresses anger, upsetness, or annoyance; euphemism for leche
lechugas {interj} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: Expresses anger, upset, or annoyance. Euphemism for leche
lechuguera {f} :: feminine noun of lechuguero
lechuguero {m} :: one who sells or harvests lettuce
lechuguilla {f} :: lechuguilla (a species of agave)
lechuguita {f} :: diminutive of lechuga
lechuza {f} :: owl
lechuza {f} :: barn owl (any species of owl from the Tytonidae family)
lechuza blanca {m} :: western barn owl
lechuza común {f} :: barn owl (Tyto alba)
lechuzón {m} :: Any of a number of large owl species
lecitina {f} [organic chemistry] :: lecithin
lécito {m} :: lekythos
lectina {f} [protein] :: lectin
lectivo {adj} [attributive] :: teaching, school, schooling
lectoescritura {f} :: reading and writing
lectoestratotipo {m} [geology] :: lectostratotype
lector {adj} :: reading
lector {adj} :: reading aloud to other people
lector {m} :: reader
lectora {f} :: feminine noun of lector
lectorado {m} :: assistantship
lectoral {adj} [attributive] :: reading
lectoría {f} :: readership
lectotipo {m} :: lectotype
lectura {f} :: reading
lectura {f} [nonstandard, slang] :: lecture
lectura {f} [printing, dated] :: A medium size of type equated with the French cicéro and variously equal to 11 or 12 points
Lecubarri {prop} :: surname
led {m} :: LED
Ledesma {prop} {f} :: Ledesma (town/and/municipality/)
Ledesma {prop} {f} :: surname derived from the town in Salamanca, Spain
le dijo la sartén al cazo ¡aparta que me tiznas! {proverb} :: pot calling the kettle black
Leeds {prop} {f} :: Leeds (large city/and/metropolitan borough)
leer {v} :: to read
leer entre líneas {v} [idiomatic] :: to read between the lines
leer la cartilla {v} [idiom] :: to read the riot act; tick off; scold; reprimand
leer los labios {v} :: to lipread
leerse {v} :: reflexive of leer
lefa {f} [Spain, vulgar] :: semen
lefazo {m} [vulgar] :: cumwad
lefazo {m} [vulgar] :: cumshot
Lefkosia {prop} :: Lefkosia (capital city)
legación {f} :: legation
legado {m} :: legacy
legajo {m} :: file (collection of documents)
legal {adj} :: legal, statutory
legal {adj} :: lawful
legal {adj} [colloquial] :: legit
legalidad {f} :: legality
legalismo {m} :: legalism
legalista {mf} :: legalist
legalización {f} :: legalization
legalizar {v} :: to legalize
legalizar {v} :: to register (a vehicle)
legalmente {adv} :: legally, lawfully
légamo {m} :: slime
legaña {f} :: alternative form of lagaña
leganense {adj} :: Of or from Leganés
leganense {mf} :: Someone from Leganés
Leganés {prop} :: Leganés (city)
legañoso {adj} :: alternative form of lagañoso
legar {v} :: to hand down
legar {v} [rare] :: to join, bring together, unite
legar {v} [rare, regional] :: to tie or bind (especially in the context of tying sheep for shearing)
Legarda {prop} {f} :: surname
Legaspi {prop} :: surname
legataria {f} :: female equivalent of legatario
legatario {m} :: legatee
Legazpi {prop} :: Legazpi (village)
legendariamente {adv} :: legendarily
legendario {adj} :: legendary
leggings {mp} :: leggings
legibilidad {f} :: legibility
legible {adj} :: legible
legión {f} :: legion
legionario {adj} :: legionary
legionario {m} :: legionary
legionela {f} :: Legionnaires' disease
legionelosis {f} :: Legionnaires' disease
legislación {f} :: legislation
legislador {m} :: legislator
legisladora {f} :: feminine noun of legislador
legislar {v} :: to legislate
legislativamente {adv} :: legislatively
legislativo {adj} :: legislative
legislatura {f} :: legislature
legista {adj} :: skilled in law; legist
legista {mf} :: one skilled in law
legítima {f} [law] :: forced heirship
legitimación {f} :: authentication, legitimation
legitimador {adj} :: legitimizing
legítimamente {adv} :: legitimately
legitimar {vt} :: to legitimize
legitimaria {f} :: feminine noun of legitimario
legitimario {adj} [law] :: of or relating to forced heirship
legitimario {m} [law] :: forced heir
legitimidad {f} :: legitimacy
legitimismo {m} :: legitimism
legitimista {mf} :: legitimist
legitimización {f} :: legitimization
legitimizar {v} [proscribed] :: alternative spelling of legitimar
legítimo {adj} :: legitimate, rightful, lawful
legítimo {adj} :: real, true
legítimo {adj} :: aboveboard
legítimo {adj} [colloquial] :: legit
lego {adj} :: ignorant, lay
lego {m} :: layman
legón {m} :: a type of hoe
legrado {m} [surgery] :: curettage
Legrand {prop} {mf} :: surname
legsweep {m} :: legsweep
legua {f} :: league (distance)
legüero {adj} [attributive] :: league (unit of distance)
leguleya {f} :: feminine noun of leguleyo
leguleyada {f} :: pettifoggery
leguleyo {adj} :: pettifogging
leguleyo {m} :: pettifogger (unethical lawyer)
legumbre {f} :: legume
legumbre {f} :: vegetable
leguminoso {adj} :: leguminous
lehendakari {mf} :: synonym of lendakari
leído {adj} :: read
leído {adj} :: well-read
leiomioma {m} [medicine] :: leiomyoma
Leire {prop} {f} :: given name
leishmaniasis {f} :: leishmaniasis
leishmaniosis {f} :: alternative form of leishmaniasis
leísmo {m} :: The practice of using le as a direct object pronoun when referring to people
leitmotiv {m} [music] :: leitmotif (a recurring melodic theme in an opera)
leitmotiv {m} [by extension] :: leitmotif (recurring theme)
leitzarra {adj} :: of or from Leiza
leitzarra {mf} :: Someone from Leiza
Leiva {prop} {f} :: surname
lejanamente {adv} :: remotely, distantly
lejanía {f} :: distance, remoteness
lejanía {f} :: faraway place
lejanísimo {adj} :: superlative of lejano
lejano {adj} :: far, faraway
Lejano Oriente {prop} {m} :: Far East
lejía {f} :: lye
lejía {f} :: bleach
lejísimo {adv} :: alternative form of lejísimos
lejísimos {adv} :: superlative of lejos
lejos {adv} :: far
lelo {adj} :: dumb, stupid
lema {m} :: motto
lema {m} :: slogan (especially a political one)
lema {m} :: theme, subject
lema {m} :: headword, term, title
lema {m} :: lemma
lema {m} [heraldry] :: motto
lemario {m} :: index of entries in a linguist work (such as a dictionary)
lematizar {v} :: to lemmatize
Lemery {prop} :: surname
lemming {m} :: lemming (rodent)
lemniscático {adj} :: lemniscatic
lemongrass {m} :: lemongrass
lemon pie {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: lemon meringue pie
lempira {f} :: lempira
Lempira {prop} :: One of the departments of Honduras
lémur {m} :: lemur
leña {f} :: firewood, wood (pieces of wood gathered to burn as fuel)
leña {f} :: kindling
leñador {m} :: lumberjack, logger, woodcutter (person whose work is to fell trees)
leñador {m} :: lumber seller (person who sells wood as building material)
leñador {m} :: firewood seller (person who sells wood as fuel)
leñadora {f} :: feminine noun of leñador
leñadora {f} [slang, LGBT] :: lumberjack lesbian; lumberjill lesbian
leñador furtivo {m} [logging] :: poacher
leñame {m} :: wood; timber
lenape {mf} :: Lenape
leñar {v} [regional] :: to cut down trees
leñazo {m} [colloquial] :: mighty blow
leñazo {m} :: Blow/strike with a stick
lenca {mf} :: Lenca
lencera {f} :: hosier
lencería {f} :: lingerie
lencero {m} :: hosier
lencinismo {m} :: The political beliefs or works of the Lencinas family
lendakari {mf} :: lehendakari
lendano {adj} :: From Lérida
lendano {m} :: Someone from Lérida
lendroso {adj} :: nitty (having nits in one's hair)
leñera {f} :: woodshed
leñero {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: rude (when playing a sport)
lenga {f} :: lenga (tree)
lenga {f} :: lenga beech
Lengrand {prop} {mf} :: surname
lengua {f} [anatomy] :: tongue
lengua {f} :: language
lengua {f} :: Spanish (subject taught in schools)
lengua aislada {f} :: language isolate
lengua de signos {f} :: sign language
lengua de signos española {f} :: Spanish sign language
lenguadina {f} :: sand dab
lenguadina {f} [Spain] :: dab (common dab)
lenguado {m} :: sole (fish)
lengua extranjera {f} :: foreign language
lenguaje {m} :: language
lenguaje {m} :: vocabulary
lenguaje de máquina {m} :: machine language
lenguaje de programación {m} :: A programming language
lengua materna {f} :: mother tongue
lengua natural {f} :: natural language
lenguarada {f} :: lick
lenguaraz {adj} :: talkative, verbose
lenguaraz {adj} :: foul-mouthed
lengua viperina {f} [idiomatic] :: forked tongue
lengüeta {f} :: flap; tab
lengüetazo {m} :: (big) lick
lengüetear {v} :: to lick
lengüicorto {adj} [colloquial] :: taciturn, quiet, reserved, untalkative
lenición {f} :: lenition
lenidad {f} :: lenience
Leningrado {prop} {f} [historical] :: Leningrado (city); former name of Saint Petersburg, used from 1924 to 1991
Leningrado {prop} {m} :: Leningrado (oblast)
leninismo {m} :: Leninism
leninista {adj} :: Leninist
leninista {mf} :: Leninist
lenitivo {adj} :: lenitive
lenitivo {m} :: lenitive
leño {m} :: log; piece of wood, timber
leño {m} [Mexico, Honduras, slang] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
lenocinio {m} [formal] :: pimping
lenocinio {m} :: prostitution
leñoso {adj} :: woodlike
lentamente {adv} :: slowly
lente {m} :: lens
lente {m} :: glasses (in the plural, by extension)
lente de contacto {f} :: contact lens
lenteja {f} :: lentil
lentejar {m} :: A lentil field
lentejas, si quieres las comes y si no, las dejas {phrase} :: take it or leave it
lentejuela {f} :: spangle, sequin
lentes {mp} :: eyeglasses
lenticela {f} :: lenticel
léntico {adj} :: lentic
lenticular {adj} :: lenticular
lenticuloestriado {adj} [anatomy] :: lenticulostriate
lentificar {v} :: to slow down
lentigo {m} :: lentigo
lentilla {f} :: contact lens
lentillo {m} :: contact lens
lentisco {m} :: mastic (Pistacia lentiscus)
lentísimo {adj} :: superlative of lento; very slow
lentitud {f} :: slowness
lento {adj} :: slow
lenzuelo {m} :: bedsheet
Leo {prop} {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Leo (constellation)
Leo {prop} {m} [astrology] :: Leo (zodiac sign)
león {m} :: lion
león {m} :: antlion
león {m} [heraldiccharge] :: lion
león {m} [figurative] :: a brave person
león {m} [Central America, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela] :: cougar, puma, mountain lion
león {m} [soccer] :: a person connected with Athletic Bilbao, a Spanish football team from the city of Bilbao
León {prop} {m} :: León (province)
León {prop} {m} :: León (city)
León {prop} {m} :: León (department)
León {prop} {m} :: León (city)
León {prop} {m} :: surname
León {prop} {m} :: given name
León {prop} {m} :: surname
leona {f} :: feminine noun of león
leonado {adj} :: tawny
Leonardo {prop} {m} :: given name
leoncillo {m} :: diminutive of león
león de montaña {m} [Mexico, US Spanish] :: mountain lion, cougar, puma
León de Nemea {prop} {m} :: Nemean Lion (mythical lion of Nemea)
leonera {f} :: lion's den
leonera {f} :: lion's cage
leonera {f} :: mess; messy place; tip
leonera {f} :: gambling den
leonera {f} :: crowded prison cell
leonero {m} :: lion tamer
leonés {adj} :: Leonese
leonés {m} :: Leonese person
leonés {prop} {m} :: Leonese language
leonesa {f} :: feminine noun of leonés
leonesismo {m} :: patriotism to León
leonesista {mf} :: Someone with pro-León sentiments
leonino {adj} :: leonine (relating or similar to a lion)
leonino {adj} :: one-sided, unfair
león marino {m} :: sea lion
Leonor {prop} {f} :: given name
leontina {f} :: fob
leopardado {adj} [heraldry] :: passant guardant
leopardo {m} :: leopard
leopardo {m} [heraldiccharge] :: leopard
leopardo de las nieves {m} :: snow leopard
Leopoldo {prop} :: given name
leotardo {m} :: leotard
lepenismo {m} :: LePenism
lepera {f} :: feminine noun of lepero
lepero {adj} :: of, relating to, or from, Lepe, a town in Huelva, Spain
lepero {m} :: Someone from Lepe
lepidolita {f} [mineral] :: lepidolite
lepidóptero {m} :: lepidopteran
lepisma de la harina {f} :: bristletail
leporino {adj} [upper lips] :: cleft- or hare-
lepra {f} :: leprosy
leprosario {m} :: leper colony, leprosarium
leprosería {f} :: leprosarium
leproso {adj} [pathology] :: leprous
leptina {f} [hormone] :: leptin
leptocéfalo {m} :: leptocephalus
leptón {m} :: lepton (particle)
leptón {m} :: lepton (coin)
leptónico {adj} :: leptonic
leptospira {f} :: leptospira
leptospirosis {f} :: leptospirosis
Lepus {prop} [constellation] :: Lepus (winter constellation of the northern sky)
lerdo {adj} :: slow, sluggish, of animals
lerdo {adj} :: dim-witted, oafish, inefficient
lerense {adj} :: From Pontevedra
lerense {mf} :: Someone from Pontevedra
Lérida {prop} {f} :: Lérida (province)
Lérida {prop} {f} :: Lérida (city)
Lérida {prop} {f} :: The letter L in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
leridano {adj} :: Of or from Lérida
leridano {m} :: Someone from Lérida
lero {interj} [El Salvador, Often used repeatedly] :: Used to indicate a long and dull conversation
lero {interj} [Mexico, Often used repeatedly] :: Used to indicate mockery
Leroux {prop} :: surname
les {art} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: the
lesbiana {f} :: feminine noun of lesbiano
lesbiana {f} :: lesbian
lesbianismo {m} :: lesbianism
lesbiano {adj} :: Lesbian (of or from Lesbos)
lesbiano {adj} :: lesbian (of or relating to female homosexuality)
lesbiano {m} :: Lesbian (native of Lesbos)
lésbico {adj} :: lesbian
lesbio {adj} :: Lesbian (of or from Lesbos)
lesbio {adj} :: lesbian (of or pertaining to lesbians and lesbianism)
lesbio {m} :: Lesbian (native of Lesbos)
lesbofobia {f} :: lesbophobia
Lesbos {prop} :: Lesbos (island)
lesear {vi} [Chile, colloquial] :: to be joking
lesear {vi} [Chile, colloquial] :: to idle doing stupid things
lesear {vt} [Chile, colloquial] :: to play for a fool, to kid someone, to have someone on
lesena {f} :: lesene
lesera {m} [Chile] :: stupidity (stupid act)
lesera {m} [Chile, also in the plural] :: bullshit
lesión {f} :: lesion; injury
lesionar {vt} :: to wound
lesividad {f} :: harmfulness
lesivo {adj} :: harmful or damaging (to); injurious; detrimental
lesna {f} :: rare form of lezna
leso {adj} :: hurt
leso {adj} [Chile, pejorative] :: stupid, idiot (of a person)
lesotense {adj} :: relating to Lesotho
lesotense {mf} :: Mosotho
Lesoto {prop} {f} :: Lesotho
lessepsiano {adj} :: Lessepsian
lestrigón {m} :: Laestrygonian
letal {adj} :: lethal, deadly
letalidad {f} :: lethality
letalmente {adv} :: lethally
letame {m} :: manure, (land) fertilizer
letanía {f} :: litany (a ritual liturgical prayer)
letanía {f} :: litany (a prolonged or tedious list)
letargia {f} :: lethargy
letárgico {adj} :: lethargic; sluggish
letargo {m} :: lethargy, tiredness
Lete {prop} {m} :: Lethe
Leteo {prop} {m} :: Lethe
Leti {prop} {f} :: given name
leticia {f} :: (rare) joy, happiness
Leticia {prop} {f} :: given name
Leto {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Leto (mother of Apollo)
letón {adj} :: Latvian (from or native to Latvia)
letón {adj} :: Latvian (pertaining to Latvia)
letón {m} :: a Latvian
letón {m} :: the Latvian language
letona {f} :: feminine noun of letón
Letonia {prop} {f} :: Latvia
letra {f} :: letter (symbol)
letra {f} :: handwriting
letra {f} :: lyrics
letra bastardilla {f} :: italic; letter in italics
letrada {f} :: (certified) lawyer
letrado {adj} :: educated; erudite
letrado {m} :: (certified) lawyer
letraherida {f} :: feminine noun of letraherido
letraherido {m} :: a lover of literature or books
letraherido {adj} :: one who loves literature
letra lunar {f} :: moon letter
letra mayúscula {f} :: capital letter
letra minúscula {f} :: lower-case letter
letra pequeña {f} :: fine print, small print
letra superior {f} :: synonym of letra volada
letra volada {f} :: A small superscript letter
letra voladita {f} :: synonym of letra volada
letrero {m} :: sign, signboard, signpost
letrilla {f} [poetry] :: rondeau
letrina {f} :: latrine, outhouse
letrista {mf} :: songwriter, lyricist
letrozol {m} :: letrozole
Letu {prop} {f} :: given name
leu {m} :: leu
leucaena {f} :: white leadtree (Leucaena leucocephala)
leucemia {f} [pathology] :: leukemia
leucémico {adj} :: leukemic
leucémico {m} :: A person who has leukemia
leucina {f} [amino acid] :: leucine
Leucipo {prop} {m} [philosophy] :: Leucippus
leucisco {m} :: roach (fish)
leucita {f} [mineral] :: leucite
leucocitario {adj} :: leukocytic
leucocito {m} :: leukocyte
leucocitosis {f} :: leukocytosis
leucoencefalopatía {f} :: leukoencephalopathy
leucoma {m} [pathology] :: leucoma
leucoplasto {m} [cytology] :: leucoplast
leucotomía {f} [surgery] :: leukotomy
leucotrieno {m} :: leukotriene
leudante {adj} :: self-rising, self-raising
leudar {v} :: to leaven
leudo {adj} [said of dough or bread] :: fermented or leavened with yeast
leva {f} [military] :: draft (of troops)
leva {f} [mechanical] :: cog
leva {f} [mechanical] :: cam
levadizo {adj} :: able to be lifted
levadura {f} :: yeast
levadura de panadería {f} :: baker's yeast
levantador {m} [volleyball] :: setter
levantadora {f} [volleyball] :: setter
levantamiento {m} :: lifting, raising
levantamiento {m} :: uprising, revolt
levantar {v} :: to lift
levantar {v} :: to raise, put up
levantar {v} :: to put up; build up (buildings)
levantar {v} :: to increase; turn up (volume, power etc.)
levantar {v} :: to adjourn; close; end (a meeting)
levantar {v} [hunting] :: to flush out
levantar {v} :: to draw up (plans)
levantar {v} :: to take, make (a census)
levantar {v} :: to remove; get rid of (a prohibition)
levantar {v} :: to nick, rob (steal)
levantar {v} :: to take down (a tent)
levantar {v} :: to give rise to
levantar {v} :: to set up, found (a business)
levantar {v} :: to bring back, make successful again (a business)
levantar {v} :: to take home, earn (money)
levantar {v} [card games] :: to pick (a card)
levantar {v} [card games] :: to beat (a hand)
levantar {vr} :: to get up
levantar {vr} :: to ride; mount (have sex with)
levantar cabeza {v} [idiom] :: to get back on one's feet; to get out of a tricky situation
levantar el vuelo {v} :: To take flight; to take off (start flying)
levantarse {v} :: to get up, to get out of bed
levantarse con el pie izquierdo {v} [idiomatic] :: to get out of bed on the wrong side
levante {m} :: east
levante {m} :: East (wind), levanter
Levante {prop} {m} :: Levant (the countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea)
levantinista {adj} [football] :: of or related to Levante UD
levantinista {mf} [football] :: Someone associated with Levante UD, as a player, coach, fan etc
levantino {adj} :: Levantine
levantisco {adj} :: rebellious
levantista {mf} [soccer] :: A person connecting with Levante UD, as a fan, player, coach etc.
levantón {adj} :: raising
levar {v} [nautical] :: to raise anchor
levar {v} [obsolete] :: to put up
levar {v} [obsolete] :: synonym of llevar
levar {v} [obsolete] :: synonym of quitar
levar {v} [obsolete, of a star] :: to be born
leve {adj} :: mild, slight, light
leve {adj} :: minor, trivial
levedad {f} :: lightness; levity
levemente {adv} :: lightly
levemente {adv} :: softly
Leví {prop} {m} :: Levi (Biblical character and tribe)
leviatán {m} :: leviathan (a sea monster of tremendous strength)
leviatán {m} :: leviathan (something large; behemoth)
levigar {v} :: to levigate, to make smooth
levísimo {adj} :: superlative of leve
levístico {m} :: lovage
levita {f} :: frock
levita {f} :: long coat
levita {f} :: tail coat
levita {f} :: dress coat
levitación {f} :: levitation
levitar {v} :: to levitate
Levítico {prop} {m} :: Leviticus (the book of the Bible and Torah)
levitón {m} :: large frock coat
levodopa {f} :: levodopa
levofloxacino {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: levofloxacin
levógiro {adj} :: counterclockwise, anticlockwise, widdershins
levorfanol {m} :: levorphanol
levulinato {m} :: levulinate
lexema {m} :: lexeme
lexical {adj} :: lexical
lexicalización {f} :: lexicalization
lexicalizar {v} [grammar] :: to lexicalise
léxicamente {adv} :: lexically
léxico {adj} :: lexical
léxico {m} :: lexicon (dictionary or vocabulary)
lexicógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of lexicógrafo
lexicografía {f} :: lexicography (art or craft of writing dictionaries)
lexicográfico {adj} :: lexicographic
lexicógrafo {m} :: lexicographer
lexicología {f} :: lexicology
lexicológico {adj} :: lexicological
lexicón {m} :: lexicon
lexos {adj} :: obsolete spelling of lejos
ley {f} :: law (a well-established characteristic of nature)
ley {f} :: law (body of rules issued by a legislative body)
ley {f} :: law (particular piece of legislation)
ley {f} :: religion, credence, worship of a god
ley de Coulomb {f} [physics] :: Coulomb's law
ley de Hooke {f} [physics] :: Hooke's law
ley de la selva {f} :: law of the jungle
ley del buen samaritano {f} [law] :: Good Samaritan law
ley del embudo {f} [idiom] :: a rule suggesting there's one law for the rich and another for the poor, double standard regarding wealth
ley del silencio {f} [idiom] :: blue wall of silence
ley de Murphy {prop} {f} :: Murphy's law (adage which states that if anything can go wrong it will)
ley de Ohm {f} [physics] :: Ohm's law
ley de vida {f} :: (that's) life; it's a fact of life
leyenda {f} :: legend, saga, traditional story
leyenda {f} :: life of a saint
leyenda {f} :: legend, idol (famous and admired person)
leyenda {f} :: legend, inscription (on a coin or medal)
leyenda {f} :: caption, footer (on a photo or illustration)
leyenda {f} :: the act of reading
Leyenda Negra {prop} {f} [historiography] :: Black Legend (the depiction of Spain as cruel, greedy and fanatical)
Leyenda Rosa {prop} {f} [politics] :: White Legend
leyenda urbana {f} :: urban legend
ley orgánica {f} :: organic law
ley seca {f} [idiom] :: prohibition (prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcohol)
leyteño {adj} :: Leyteño
leyteño {m} :: Leyteño
Leyva {prop} {f} :: surname mostly known as the second surname of the leaders of the disbanded Mexican Beltrán-Leyva drug cartel
lezguina {f} :: feminine noun of lezguino
lezguino {adj} :: Lezghin
lezguino {m} :: Lezghin
lezna {f} :: awl
LGBT {adj} [Latin America] :: LGBT
LGTB {adj} [Spain] :: LGBT
Lhasa {prop} :: Lhasa (capital city)
Lía {prop} {f} :: Leah [in modern versions of the Bible]
Lía {prop} {f} :: given name
liadísimo {adj} :: superlative of liado
liana {f} :: liana
liante {mf} :: tricky customer; smooth talker; shit-stirrer
liar {v} :: to bind, tie
liar {v} :: to wrap, wrap up
liar {v} :: to roll [a cigarette]
liar {v} [colloquial] :: to deceive, confuse
liar {vr} [colloquial, Spain] :: to french, snog, make out
liarla parda {v} [idiom, Spain] :: To mess up big time
liasa {f} [enzyme] :: lyase
libación {f} :: libation
libanés {adj} :: Lebanese (A person from Lebanon)
libanés {m} :: Lebanese (A person from Lebanon)
libanesa {f} :: feminine noun of libanés
Líbano {prop} {m} :: Líbano (country)
libar {v} :: to swig or sip a beverage (usually implies an alcoholic beverage)
libelo {m} :: libel
libelo {m} :: libelle
libélula {f} :: dragonfly
liberación {f} :: liberation
liberacionista {mf} :: liberationist
liberado {adj} :: liberated
liberador {m} :: liberator
liberadora {f} :: feminine noun of liberador
liberal {adj} :: liberal
liberal {adj} [US politics] :: liberal
liberal {mf} :: liberal
liberal {mf} [US politics] :: liberal
liberalidad {f} :: liberality
liberalísimo {adj} :: superlative of liberal
liberalismo {m} :: liberalism
liberalización {f} :: liberalization
liberalizador {adj} :: liberating
liberalizador {m} :: liberator
liberalizar {v} :: to liberalize
liberalizar {v} :: to deregulate
liberalmente {adv} :: liberally
liberalsocialista {mf} :: Liberal Socialist
liberar {v} :: to liberate, to release, to free, to set free, to free up
liberar {v} :: to deliver, to rid (someone from/of something)
liberar {v} :: to relieve (e.g., relieve pressure, tension, stress)
liberarse {v} :: reflexive of librar
liberatario {m} :: libertarian
Liberia {prop} {f} :: Liberia (country)
liberiana {f} :: feminine noun of liberiano
liberiano {adj} :: Liberian
liberiano {m} :: Liberian
líbero {m} [football] :: sweeper
líbero {m} [volleyball] :: libero
libérrimamente {adv} :: completely freely
libérrimo {adj} :: superlative of libre
libertad {f} :: liberty, freedom
libertad {f} :: latitude, leeway
libertad condicional {f} [law] :: parole
libertad condicional {f} [law] :: probation
libertad de expresión {f} :: freedom of speech
libertad de prensa {f} :: freedom of the press
libertador {adj} :: liberating; that which liberates or frees
libertador {m} :: liberator
libertadora {f} :: feminine noun of libertador
libertar {v} :: to liberate, set free
libertaria {f} :: female equivalent of libertario
libertarianismo {m} :: alternative form of libertarismo
libertario {adj} :: libertarian
libertario {m} :: libertarian
libertarismo {m} [politics] :: libertarianism
liberteña {f} :: feminine noun of liberteño
liberteño {adj} :: Of or from La Libertad, Chontales
liberteño {adj} :: Of, from, or supporting Club Libertad, a soccer club from Asunción, Paraguay
liberteño {m} :: Someone from La Libertad, Chontales
liberteño {m} :: A player, coach, fan or someone otherwise connected to Club Libertad, a soccer club from Asunción, Paraguay
liberticida {adj} :: liberticidal, liberticide
liberticida {mf} :: liberticide (one who causes the destruction of liberty)
liberticidio {m} :: liberticide (the destruction of liberty)
libertinaje {m} :: debauchery
libertinaje {m} :: libertinage
libertino {adj} :: libertine, rakish, profligate
libertino {m} :: libertine, rake, profligate
liberto {adj} :: free, liberated
liberto {m} :: a free or liberated person
libia {f} :: feminine noun of libio
Libia {prop} {f} :: Libia (country)
libídine {f} :: lust
libidinosidad {f} :: libidinosity
libidinoso {adj} :: libidinous, lustful
libido {f} :: libido, sex drive
libio {adj} :: Libyan
libio {m} :: Libyan
libra {f} :: pound (unit of mass or force/weight)
libra {f} :: pound (unit of currency of the United Kingdom and its dependencies)
libra {mf} :: Libra (someone with the Libra star sign)
Libra {prop} {f} [astronomy, astrology] :: Libra (constellation)
Libra {prop} {f} [astrology] :: Libra (astrological sign)
libración {f} :: leveling out
libraco {m} :: A very good book
libraco {m} :: A very large book
libraco {m} [obsolete] :: pejorative of libro; a bad or weathered book
librador {m} [banking] :: drawer
libradora {f} :: feminine noun of librador
libra esterlina {f} :: pound sterling
libramiento {m} :: liberation
libramiento {m} [finance] :: payment order
libranza {f} :: payment order
libranza {f} :: time off; leave (from work)
librar {v} :: to save, to rescue, to deliver, to preserve
librar {v} :: to free, to exempt
librar {v} :: to place, to put (hope, trust)
librar {v} :: to issue (a check, a decree)
librar {v} :: to make (an appointment)
librar {v} :: to wage, to engage (battle, war)
librar {v} :: to give birth
librar {v} :: to expel the placenta
librazo {m} :: A hit with a book
libre {adj} :: free (not imprisoned or enslaved)
libre {adj} :: free (unconstrained by timidity or distrust)
libre {adj} :: free (without obligations)
libre {adj} [grammar] :: free (that can be unattached to another morpheme)
libre {adj} :: free (without; not containing)
LIBRE {prop} :: Liberalismo Renovador
librea {f} :: livery
libre albedrío {m} [philosophy] :: free will (ability to choose one's actions)
librecambismo {m} :: the support of, or belief in, free trade
librecambista {adj} :: of or pertaining to free trade
librecambista {mf} :: A believer in free trade
libre comercio {m} :: free trade
libremente {adv} :: freely
librepensador {m} :: freethinker
librepensadora {f} :: feminine noun of librepensador
librepensamiento {m} :: freethought
librera {f} :: feminine noun of librero
librería {f} :: bookshop, bookstore
librero {m} :: bookseller
librero {m} :: bookshelf, bookcase
libresco {adj} :: bookish, relating to books
libreta {f} :: notebook
libreta de conducir {f} [Uruguay] :: driver's license
libretista {mf} :: librettist
libreto {m} :: libretto
Libreville {prop} :: Libreville (capital city)
librillo {m} :: diminutive of libro, small book
librillo {m} :: stomach (of certain animals)
librillo {m} :: A dish from Ecuador, made with a cow stomach
librito {m} :: diminutive of libro
libro {m} :: book
libro abierto {m} :: open book
libro cerrado {m} [idiom] :: closed book
libro de bolsillo {m} :: paperback
libro de contabilidad {m} [accounting] :: ledger
libro de familia {m} [Spain] :: family record book
libro de las sombras {m} :: book of shadows
Libro de Mormón {prop} {m} [Mormonism] :: Book of Mormon
libro de texto {m} :: textbook
libro de visitas {m} :: guestbook
libro electrónico {m} :: e-book
libro mayor {m} [accounting] :: ledger
librote {m} :: augmentative of libro
Licantén {prop} {m} :: Licantén (city)
licantenino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Licantén
licántropa {f} :: feminine noun of licántropo
licantropía {f} [folklore] :: lycanthropy
licántropo {m} :: werewolf, lycanthrope
licaón {m} :: African wild dog
liceal {mf} :: high school student
liceísta {mf} [South America] :: student of a liceo (high school)
licencia {f} :: license
licencia {f} :: permission
licencia {f} :: leave (absence from work)
licencia {f} :: licentiate (degree)
licencia de conducir {f} [Latin America] :: driver's license
licencia de manejo {f} [Mexico] :: driver's license
licenciado {adj} :: licensed
licenciado {m} :: bachelor (person having the first university degree)
licenciamiento {m} [military] :: discharge
licenciamiento {m} :: licensing
licenciante {mf} :: licencer
licenciar {v} :: to license
licenciataria {f} :: feminine noun of licenciatario
licenciatario {m} :: licensee
licenciatura {f} :: degree, bachelor, Bachelor's degree (first academic degree)
licenciosidad {f} :: licentiousness
licencioso {adj} :: licentious
liceo {m} [Latin America] :: secondary school, high school (in some countries)
Licha {prop} {f} :: given name
Licha {prop} {f} :: given name
liche {m} :: lich
lichi {m} :: lychee (tree)
lichi {m} :: lychee (fruit)
licia {f} :: feminine noun of licio
Licia {prop} :: Lycia (ancient region)
licio {adj} :: Lycian
licio {m} :: Lycian
licitación {f} :: bid
licitador {m} :: bidder
licitadora {f} :: feminine noun of licitador
lícitamente {adv} :: licitly
licitante {adj} :: bidding
licitante {mf} :: bidder
licitar {v} :: to bid
licitatorio {adj} [attributive] :: bidding
lícito {adj} :: licit
lícito {adj} :: just, fair
licitud {f} :: legality, lawfulness
licofita {f} :: lycopod
licopeno {m} :: lycopene
licopodio {m} :: lycopod
licor {m} :: liqueur
licorcito {m} :: diminutive of licor
licorera {f} :: liquor bottle
licorería {f} :: liquor store
licra {f} :: Lycra
lictor {m} :: lictor (official in Ancient Rome)
licuación {f} :: liquefaction
licuado {m} :: smoothie, blended drink made with milk, fruit and usually ice
licuadora {f} :: juicer
licuadora {f} :: blender
licuar {v} :: to puree; to blend; to liquefy using a blender
licuefacción {f} :: liquefaction
lid {f} :: lawsuit
lid {f} :: fight
lídar {m} :: lidar
líder {mf} :: leader (of a group of people, a sports team etc.)
liderar {v} :: to lead
liderato {m} :: leadership (state or position of being a leader)
liderazgo {m} :: leadership
liderear {v} :: alternative spelling of liderar
lideresa {f} :: female equivalent of líder; (female) leader
liderizar {v} :: To lead; run
lidia {f} [bullfighting] :: bullfight
Lidia {prop} {f} :: Lydia [biblical character]
Lidia {prop} {f} :: given name
lidiador {m} [bullfighting] :: bullfighter
lidiadora {f} :: feminine noun of lidiador
lidiar {vi} :: to fight, battle
lidiar {vt} [bullfighting] :: to bullfight until the animal dies
lidiar {vi} :: to oppose someone
lidiar {vi} :: to attempt to negotiate with an annoying person
lidiar {vi} [rare] :: to argue, litigate
lidiar {v} :: to cope, deal with, handle
lidio {adj} :: Lydian
lidio {m} :: Lydian
lidocaína {f} :: lidocaine
Liébana {prop} :: Liébana (comarca)
liebre {f} :: hare
Liechtenstein {prop} :: Liechtenstein
liechtensteiniano {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to, Liechtenstein
liechtensteiniano {m} :: Liechtensteiner
Lieja {prop} {f} :: Lieja (town/and/province)
liejense {mf} :: A person from Liège
liejense {adj} :: Of or from Liège
liendre {f} :: nit (egg of a louse)
lienzo {m} :: canvas
lienzo {m} :: linen
lienzo {m} :: painting, picture
lifestyle {m} [marketing] :: lifestyle
lifting {m} :: lifting, facelift
liga {f} [politics, general] :: league
liga {f} :: band; suspender (UK), garter (US)
liga {f} [metallurgy] :: alloy, mixture
liga {f} :: mistletoe
liga {f} :: elastic band
ligación {f} :: binding, joining, union
Liga de Campeones {prop} {f} [soccer] :: Champions League (the highest-level European club football tournament)
ligado {m} [typography] :: ligature (character that combines letters)
ligado {m} [music] :: legato
ligadura {f} :: ligature
ligadura {f} :: knot
ligadura {f} :: tying
ligadura {f} [music] :: slur
ligamayorista {m} [baseball] :: major-leaguer
ligamentario {adj} [attributive] :: ligament
ligamento {m} :: ligament
ligamiento {m} :: tying
ligamiento {m} [genetics] :: linkage
ligando {m} [chemistry] :: ligand
ligante {m} :: ligand
ligar {v} :: to flirt
ligar {v} :: to link, join
ligar {v} :: to tie
ligar {v} [colloquial] :: to pull; to score (kiss or have sex)
ligasa {f} [enzyme] :: ligase
ligazón {m} :: link, connection
ligazón {m} :: liaison
ligeramente {adv} :: slightly
ligeramente {adv} :: lightly
ligereza {f} :: agility
ligereza {f} :: lightness, levity, lightheartedness
ligereza {f} :: inconstancy, instability
ligereza {f} :: flippancy, light-mindedness
ligerísimamente {adv} :: superlative of ligeramente
ligerísimo {adj} :: superlative of ligero
ligerito {adj} :: diminutive of ligero
ligero {adj} :: light, not heavy
ligero de cascos {adj} [idiom] :: reckless; foolhardy
light {adj} :: light (low in fat, calories, salt, alcohol, etc.)
light {adj} :: [of cigarettes] light (low in tar, nicotine and other noxious chemicals)
light {adj} :: [by extension] Lacking substance or seriousness; lite
lignano {m} :: lignan
lignificación {f} :: lignification
lignificar {v} :: to lignify
lignina {f} [biochemistry] :: lignin
lignito {m} [geology] :: lignite
ligón {adj} [colloquial] :: flirty, flirtatious
ligón {m} [colloquial] :: flirt, player, lady's man, rake
ligre {m} :: liger; a species crossbred between a male lion and a female tiger
ligue {m} :: cruising (a concerted effort to find sex) or gay sex
liguero {adj} [attributive] :: league
liguero {m} :: garter belt
liguilla {f} :: small league, play-off competition
liguista {adj} :: of or relating to a league
liguista {adj} :: of, relating to, or supporting L.D.U. Quito, a soccer club from Quito, Ecuador
liguista {mf} :: A team or player in a sports league
liguista {mf} :: A supporter, coach, or player of L.D.U. Quito
lígula {f} [botany] :: ligule
ligulado {adj} :: ligulate
ligur {adj} :: Ligurian (of or pertaining to Liguria)
ligur {mf} :: Ligurian (native or inhabitant of Liguria)
Liguria {prop} {f} :: Liguria (region)
ligustro {m} [plant] :: privet
lihueñe {m} :: dihueñe
lija {f} :: sandpaper
lijadora {f} :: sander (tool)
lijar {v} :: to sand
like {m} [Internet slang] :: like
likear {v} [Internet] :: to like
lila {f} :: lilac (flower)
lila {f} :: lilac (bush)
lila {m} :: lilac (color)
lila {m} [dated] :: twit; idiot
lila {adj} :: lilac, purple, violet
Lilia {prop} {f} :: given name
liliácea {f} :: Any lily of the Lilaceae family
Liliana {prop} {f} :: given name
Liliosa {prop} {f} [archaic] :: given name
liliputiense {adj} :: lilliputian
liliputiense {mf} :: lilliputian
Lilongüe {prop} {f} :: Lilongüe (city/capital city)
lima {f} :: lime (fruit)
lima {f} [dialectal] :: lemon (fruit)
lima {f} :: file (tool to smoothen a surface)
Lima {prop} {f} :: Lima (capital city)
Lima {prop} {f} :: Lima (province)
limaco {m} :: slug (animal)
lima de uñas {f} :: nail file
limadora {f} :: shaper (tool)
limadura {f} :: filing (small particle that has been removed by a file)
limán {m} :: liman
limanda {f} :: dab (fish)
limar {v} :: to file (with a file or rasp)
límbico {adj} [anatomy] :: limbic
limbo {m} [Roman Catholic theology] :: limbo (the place where innocent souls exist)
limbo {m} :: limbo (an in-between place)
limbo {m} [botany] :: blade, edge
limbo {m} [astronomy] :: limb
Limburgo {prop} {m} :: Limburgo (province)
Limburgo {prop} {m} :: Limburgo (province)
limburgués {adj} :: Limburgish
limburgués {m} :: Limburgian
limburgués {m} :: Limburgish (language)
limburguesa {f} :: feminine noun of limburgués
limen {m} [poetic] :: threshold, doorstep
limeño {adj} :: of or from Lima
limeño {m} :: someone from Lima
limerencia {f} :: limerence
limero {m} :: lime (tree)
limfoblástico {adj} :: lymphoblastic
limícola {adj} :: wading (said of birds)
liminar {adj} :: liminal
limitación {f} :: limitation
limitación {f} :: constraint
limitadamente {adv} :: to a limited extent
limitadísimo {adj} :: superlative of limitado
limitado {adj} :: limited
limitador {adj} :: limiting
limitante {adj} :: limiting
limitar {vt} :: to limit
limitar {vi} :: to abut
limitar {vi} :: to border
limitarse {v} :: reflexive of limitar
limitativo {adj} :: limiting, restrictive
limite {m} :: limitation; limit
límite {m} :: limit, threshold
limítrofe {adj} :: neighboring, bordering
límnico {adj} :: limnic
limnóloga {f} :: limnologist
limnología {f} :: limnology
limnológico {adj} :: limnologic
limnólogo {m} :: limnologist
limo {m} :: mud, slime, silt
limolita {f} :: siltstone
limón {m} :: lemon (fruit)
limón {m} [Mexico, various dialects] :: lime (fruit)
limonada {f} :: lemonade
limonado {adj} :: lemon colored or flavored
limonario {m} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: lemon tree
limoncillo {m} :: mamoncillo
limoncito {m} :: diminutive of limón
limoneno {m} :: limonene
limonense {adj} :: Of or from Limón Province, Costa Rica
limonense {mf} :: An inhabitant of Limón Province, Costa Rica
limonera {f} :: lemon seller
limonero {m} :: lemon seller
limonero {m} :: lemon, lemon tree
limonero {m} [Latin America] :: lime tree [citrus]
limonero {m} :: wagon shaft
limonita {f} [mineral] :: limonite
limosena {f} :: feminine noun of limosnero
Limosín {prop} {m} :: Limosín (former region)
limosina {f} :: limousine
limosna {f} :: alms
limosna {f} :: charity; charitable donation
limosnear {vi} :: to beg for alms
limosnero {adj} :: charitable
limosnero {m} :: beggar
limoso {adj} :: muddy
limpeña {f} :: feminine noun of limpeño
limpeño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Limpio in Paraguay
limpeño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Limpio in Paraguay
limpia {f} :: a cleansing, a cleaning
limpiabotas {m} :: Work that consists in washing shoes and boots
limpiachimeneas {mf} :: chimney sweep
limpiacristales {m} :: window cleaner (person)
limpiacristales {m} :: window cleaner (product)
limpiador {adj} :: cleaning
limpiador {m} :: cleaner (cleansing product)
limpiador {m} :: windscreen wiper, windshield wiper
limpiadora {f} :: feminine noun of limpiador
limpiamente {adv} :: cleanly
limpiaparabrisas {m} :: windshield wiper; windscreen wiper
limpiapipas {m} :: pipe cleaner
limpiaplatos {m} :: washing-up brush
limpiaplatos {m} :: silver hairgrass
limpiaplatos {m} :: Agrostis castellana
limpiaplatos {m} :: Agrostis pourretii
limpiar {v} :: to clean
limpiar {v} :: to wash
limpiar {v} :: to wipe
limpiar {vr} :: to wipe oneself
limpiarse {v} :: (reflexive of limpiar) to clean oneself
limpiavidrios {m} :: window-cleaning liquid
limpidez {f} :: clearness, limpidity
límpido {adj} :: limpid, clear
limpieza {f} :: cleanliness
limpieza {f} :: cleaning
limpieza de sangre {f} :: Pure (usually Iberian) Christian ancestry, absent Muslim or Jewish blood
limpieza étnica {f} :: ethnic cleansing
limpio {adj} :: clean
limpio {adj} [colloquial] :: broke, out of pocket
limpísimo {adj} :: superlative of limpio
limpito {adj} :: diminutive of limpio
limusina {f} :: limousine, limo
liña {f} [archaic] :: line
linaje {m} :: ancestry, lineage
linalol {m} [chemistry] :: linalool
linar {m} :: flax field
linarense {adj} :: Of or from Linares, Colombia
linarense {adj} :: Of or from Linares, Jaén
linarense {adj} :: Of or from Linares de la Sierra
linarense {adj} :: Of or from Linares de Mora
linarense {adj} :: Of or from Linares de Riofrío
linarense {adj} :: Of or from Linares, Nuevo León
linarense {mf} :: Someone from Linares (any of the above places)
Linares {prop} :: surname
linaza {f} :: flaxseed, linseed
lince {m} :: lynx
lince ibérico {m} :: Iberian lynx
lince rojo {m} :: bobcat
linchamiento {m} :: lynching
linchar {v} :: to lynch
lindamente {adv} :: prettily
lindano {m} [organic compound] :: lindane
lindante {adj} :: bordering
lindar {vi} :: to abut
lindar {vi} :: to border
lindar {m} :: doorstep; threshold; stoop
linde {mf} :: boundary
lindera {f} :: lindera
lindero {m} :: edge, boundary
lindero {adj} :: adjoining, bordering
lindeza {f} :: prettiness
lindeza {f} :: niceness; decentness
lindísimo {adj} :: superlative of lindo
lindo {adj} :: pretty
lindo {adj} :: cute
lindura {f} [Latin America] :: prettiness
line {m} [rugby] :: lineout
línea {f} [math, art, electricity, telephone] :: line
línea {f} [theatre, TV] :: individual script, dialogue for each actor
línea {f} [government, business] :: command, order
línea {f} :: government policy, government action
línea {f} [slang] :: thin, long dose of cocaine
línea blanca {f} :: white goods
línea de crédito {f} :: line of credit
línea de demarcación {f} :: demarcation line
línea de flotación {f} [nautical] :: water line
línea de Schreger {f} [usually in the plural] :: Schreger line
línea de tiempo {f} :: time line
línea directa {f} [telephony] :: A hotline, a telephone line that provides immediate assistance
lineado {adj} :: banded; lined
línea eléctrica {f} :: power line
línea fija {f} :: landline (fixed telephone communications cable)
lineal {adj} :: linear
Lineal A {prop} {m} :: Linear A
Lineal B {prop} {m} :: Linear B
linealidad {f} :: linearity
linealización {f} :: linearization
linealizar {v} :: to linearize
linealmente {adv} :: linearly
linealmente independiente {adj} [linear algebra] :: linearly independent
lineamento {m} :: synonym of lineamiento
lineamiento {m} :: line, border
linear {adj} [botany] :: linear
linear {v} :: to line
linear {v} :: to outline, mark out
Líneas de Nazca {prop} {fp} :: Nazca Lines (geoglyphs in Peru)
linebacker {m} :: linebacker
linense {adj} :: Of or from La Línea de la Concepción
linense {mf} :: Someone from La Línea de la Concepción
liner {m} :: liner
lineup {m} :: lineup
linfa {f} :: lymph
linfa {f} [poetic] :: water
linfangioleiomiomatosis {f} [pathology] :: lymphangioleiomyomatosis
linfangitis {f} :: lymphangitis
linfático {adj} :: lymphatic
linfedema {m} :: lymphedema
linfo- {prefix} :: lympho-
linfoblástico {adj} :: lymphoblastic
linfoblasto {m} :: lymphoblast
linfocina {f} :: lymphokine
linfocitario {adj} [attributive] :: lymphocyte
linfocítico {adj} :: lymphocytic
linfocito {m} [cytology, immunology] :: lymphocyte
linfoide {adj} :: lymphoid
linfoma {m} :: lymphoma
linfoma de Hodgkin {m} [disease, oncology] :: Hodgkin's lymphoma (malignant lymphoid neoplasm)
linfopenia {f} [pathology] :: lymphopenia
linfopoyesis {f} [biology] :: lymphopoiesis
linfoproliferativo {adj} :: lymphoproliferative
linfotrópico {adj} :: lymphotropic
lingote {m} :: ingot
linguado {adj} [heraldry] :: langued
lingual {adj} :: lingual
lingüicidio {mf} :: linguicide
linguine {mp} :: alternative form of linguini
linguini {mp} :: linguine (ribbons of pasta narrower than tagliatelle)
linguinis {mp} :: alternative form of linguini
lingüista {mf} :: linguist
lingüística {f} :: linguistics
lingüística computacional {f} :: computational linguistics
lingüística diacrónica {f} [linguistics] :: diachronic linguistics
lingüística histórica {f} [linguistics] :: historical linguistics
lingüísticamente {adv} :: linguistically
lingüístico {adj} :: linguistic
linier {m} [sport] :: linesman, assistant referee
liniera {f} :: feminine noun of liniero
liniero {m} [sports] :: lineman
link {m} [computing] :: link (text or a graphic that can be activated to open another document)
linkbuilding {m} :: link building
linneano {adj} :: Linnean
lino {m} :: linen
lino {m} :: flax
linoleato {m} :: linoleate
linoleico {adj} :: linoleic
linolénico {adj} :: linolenic
linóleo {m} :: linoleum
linón {m} :: lawn (a type of thin linen or cotton)
linotipista {mf} :: linotyper, linotypist
linterna {f} :: lantern
linterna {f} :: flashlight, torch
linterna de Aristóteles {f} [zoology] :: Aristotle's lantern (jaws of sea urchins)
linterna eléctrica {f} :: flashlight
linterna mágica {f} :: magic lantern
linternilla {f} :: diminutive of linterna
linternilla {f} :: blackchin
linyera {mf} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: bundle of clothing
linyera {mf} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: tramp; bum; rolling stone
lío {m} :: bundle
lío {m} [colloquial] :: huddle
lío {m} [colloquial] :: trouble, hassle, problem, mess
lío {m} [colloquial] :: lover, bit on the side
liofilización {f} :: freeze-drying, lyophilisation
liofilizadora {f} :: a freeze-drying machine, a lyophilizer
liofilizar {v} :: to freeze-dry
lionés {adj} :: Of or from Lyon
lionés {m} :: Someone from Lyon
lionesa {f} :: feminine noun of lionés
Liorna {prop} {f} :: Liorna (city)
Liorno {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Liorna
lioso {adj} :: keen on stirring up; rabblerousing
lipasa {f} [enzyme] :: lipase
Lípetsk {prop} {m} :: Lípetsk (city)
lipídico {adj} :: lipidic; of or pertaining to lipids
lípido {m} [organic compound] :: lipid
lipo {m} :: lipo
lipoatrofia {f} :: lipoatrophy
lipodistrofia {f} :: lipodystrophy
lipoescultura {f} :: liposculpture
lipofílico {adj} :: lipophilic
lipofuscina {f} [biochemistry] :: lipofuscin
lipograma {m} :: lipogram
lipoico {adj} :: lipoic
lipoinyección {f} :: lipoinjection
lipolisis {f} :: lipolysis
lipólisis {f} :: lipolysis
lipoma {m} [oncology] :: lipoma
lipooxigenasa {f} [enzyme] :: lipooxygenase
lipopolisacárido {m} [organic compound] :: lipopolysaccharide
lipoproteína {f} :: lipoprotein
liposarcoma {m} [oncology] :: liposarcoma
liposoluble {adj} :: liposoluble
liposoma {m} :: liposome
liposucción {f} :: liposuction
lipotimia {f} [medical] :: collapse
lipstick {m} :: lipstick
lique {n} :: lichen
liquen {m} :: lichen
liquénico {adj} :: lichenic
liquenificación {f} [dermatology] :: lichenification
liquenización {f} [lichenology] :: lichenization
liquenización {f} [dermatology] :: lichenification
liquenizar {v} :: to lichenize
liquenología {f} :: lichenology
liquidación {f} :: sale, liquidation sale, clearance sale, closeout sale (sale of goods at reduced prices)
liquidacionista {mf} :: liquidationist
liquidador {m} :: liquidator (one who liquidates)
liquidadora {f} :: feminine noun of liquidador
liquidámbar {m} :: liquidambar, sweetgum
liquidar {v} :: to liquidate (to settle a debt)
liquidar {v} :: to liquidate (to settle the affairs of a company)
liquidar {v} :: to liquidate (to convert assets into cash)
liquidar {v} :: to liquefy
liquidez {f} :: liquidity
líquido {adj} :: liquid
líquido {m} :: liquid
líquido cefalorraquídeo {m} :: cerebrospinal fluid
líquido cerebroespinal {m} :: cerebrospinal fluid
lira {f} :: lyre
lira {f} :: lira (former currency of Italy)
Lira {prop} {f} :: Lyra (constellation)
lírica {f} :: lyric
lírica {f} :: lyric poetry
líricamente {adv} :: lyrically
lírico {adj} :: lyrical, lyric
líridas {fp} :: Lyrids
lirio {m} :: flag (plant)
lirio {m} :: iris (plant)
lirio {m} :: lily (flower)
lirio de mar {m} :: sea lily
lirismo {m} :: lyricism
liróforo {m} :: poet; wordsmith
lirón {m} :: dormouse
lirón careto {m} :: garden dormouse
lirondo {adj} :: only used in mondo y lirondo
lis {f} :: synonym of lirio
lis {f} :: synonym of flor de lis
lisa {f} :: mullet, white mullet
Lisboa {prop} {f} :: Lisboa (capital city)
lisboeta {adj} :: from Lisbon
lisboeta {adj} :: of or relating to Lisbon
lisboeta {mf} :: a native of Lisbon; Lisboner
Liselotte {prop} {f} :: given name
lisérgico {adj} :: lysergic
lisiado {adj} :: crippled
lisiar {vt} :: to cripple
lisina {f} [amino acid] :: lysine
lisión {f} [obsolete] :: injury; wound
-lisis {suffix} :: -lysis
lisis {f} [chemistry] :: lysis
liso {adj} :: smooth
liso {adj} :: plain
liso {adj} :: flat
liso {adj} :: flat-chested (woman)
liso {adj} :: straight
lisonja {f} :: flattering comment
lisonjeador {m} :: flatterer
lisonjeadora {f} :: feminine noun of lisonjeador
lisonjear {v} :: to flatter; to wheedle; to fawn
lisonjear {v} :: to delight; to please
lisonjear {v} :: to pay compliments to
lisonjera {f} :: feminine noun of lisonjero
lisonjeramente {adv} :: flatteringly, fawningly
lisonjero {adj} :: flattering, fawning
lisonjero {adj} :: pleasing, agreeable
lisonjero {adj} :: complimentary
lisonjero {m} :: flatterer, fawner
lisosoma {m} [cytology] :: lysosome
lisosomal {adj} :: lysosomal
lisozima {f} [enzyme] :: lysozyme
lista {f} :: list, roll
lista {f} :: stripe
lista {f} :: roster
lista de correo {f} :: mailing list
lista de éxitos {f} [music] :: chart, hit parade
lista de reproducción {f} :: playlist
lista de seguimiento {f} :: watchlist
listado {adj} :: readied
listado {m} :: list
listado {m} [fish] :: skipjack [official term]
lista negra {f} :: blacklist
listar {v} :: to list
listeriosis {f} [pathology] :: listeriosis
listeza {f} :: cleverness
listilla {f} :: feminine noun of listillo
listillo {m} [colloquial] :: smart aleck, smartass
listín {m} :: list of highlights
listín {m} :: telephone book
listísimo {adj} :: superlative of listo
listo {adj} :: clever, smart [with ser]
listo {adj} :: ready, set, all set, prepared, poised, up, down [with estar]
listo {adj} :: alert
listo {interj} :: get set! (before starting a race)
listo {interj} :: that's it! (it's finished!)
listo de papeles {adj} [idiomatic] :: in for it; doomed; out of action; DOA
listón {m} [architecture] :: lath
listón {m} :: strip
listón {m} :: batten, slat
listón {m} [sports] :: bar, crossbar
listón {m} [figurative] :: bar, standard (level to overcome)
listón {m} [Mexico, Guatemala] :: ribbon
lisura {f} :: smoothness
lisura {f} :: flatness
lisura {f} :: calmness
lisura {f} :: sincerity
lisura {f} [Latin America] :: cheeky remark, disrespectful comment
lisuriento {adj} :: foul-mouthed
-lita {suffix} [geology] :: -lite
litar {vt} [uncommon] :: to make a sacrifice in order to please the gods
litera {f} :: bunk
litera {f} :: bunk bed
litera {f} :: berth, couchette (on either a ship or a train)
literal {adj} :: literal
literalidad {f} :: literalness
literalmente {adv} :: literally
literalmente {adv} :: verbatim
literariamente {adv} :: In a literary manner
literario {adj} :: literary
literata {f} :: feminine noun of literato
literato {m} :: literatus, man of letters
literatura {f} :: literature
litiasis {f} [medicine] :: lithiasis
lítico {adj} :: lithic
litigación {f} :: litigation
litigante {adj} [law] :: litigating
litigante {mf} [law] :: litigant
litigar {v} :: to litigate
litigio {m} :: litigation, lawsuit
litigiosidad {f} :: litigiousness
litigioso {adj} :: litigious
litio {m} :: lithium
litis {f} [legal] :: lawsuit
litispendencia {f} :: lis pendens
-lito {suffix} :: -lith, -lite
-lito {suffix} [Southern Spain] :: variant of -ito, forms diminutives of nouns
lito- {prefix} :: litho-
Lito {prop} {m} :: given name
litófilo {m} :: lithophile
litógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of litógrafo
litografía {f} :: lithography
litografía {f} :: lithograph
litografiar {v} :: to lithograph
litográfico {adj} :: lithographic
litógrafo {m} :: lithographer
litología {f} [geology] :: lithology
litológico {adj} :: lithological
litopterno {m} :: litoptern
litoral {adj} :: coastal
litoral {m} :: coast; coastline
litoraleña {f} :: feminine noun of litoraleño
litoraleño {adj} :: Of or from the Argentine Littoral
litoraleño {m} :: Someone from the Argentine Littoral
litoralense {adj} :: Of or from Litoral de San Juan, Venezuela
litoralense {mf} :: Someone from Litoral de San Juan, Venezuela
litorlanse {adj} :: Of or related to Deportivo La Guaira Fútbol Club, a football team from Caracas
litorlanse {mf} :: Someone who plays for, or supports, Deportivo La Guaira Fútbol Club
litósfera {f} [geology] :: lithosphere
litosiderito {m} :: stony-iron meteorite
litote {f} :: Litotes, understatement.
lítotes {f} :: alternative form of litote
litotomía {f} :: lithotomy
litotómico {adj} :: lithotomic
litotripsia {f} :: lithotripsy
litro {m} [SI units] :: litre; liter [US]
litrona {f} :: bottle of size one liter
lituana {f} :: feminine noun of lituano
Lituania {prop} {f} :: Lithuania
lituano {adj} :: Lithuanian (from or native to Lithuania)
lituano {adj} :: Lithuanian (pertaining to Lithuania)
lituano {m} :: a Lithuanian
lituano {m} :: the Lithuanian language
Litueche {prop} {m} :: Litueche (city)
lituechino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Litueche
liturgia {f} :: liturgy
liturgia {f} :: ritual
litúrgicamente {adv} :: liturgically
litúrgico {adj} :: liturgical
Liubliana {prop} {f} :: Liubliana (capital city)
livermorio {m} :: livermorium
Liverpool {prop} {m} :: Liverpool (city/and/metropolitan borough)
liverpuliana {f} :: feminine noun of liverpuliano
liverpuliano {adj} :: Liverpudlian, Scouse (of or pertaining to Liverpool, Merseyside, North West England, United Kingdom)
liverpuliano {m} :: Liverpudlian, Scouser (native or resident of Liverpool, Merseyside, North West England, United Kingdom)
livianamente {adv} :: lightly
livianamente {adv} :: in a free-spirited manner
liviandad {f} :: lightness
liviandad {f} :: triviality, frivolity
livianísimo {adj} :: superlative of liviano
liviano {adj} :: light (of low weight)
liviano {adj} :: light (unimportant, trivial)
liviano {adj} :: easygoing
liviano {m} :: lung
lividez {f} :: paleness, whiteness
lívido {adj} :: livid, ashen, leaden gray
living {m} [Argentina] :: living room
livonia {f} :: feminine noun of livonio
Livonia {prop} {f} :: Livonia (historical region)
livonio {m} :: Livonian (language)
livonio {m} :: Livonian (person)
livor {m} :: a bluish color
livor {m} :: malice, malignity
livor {m} [archaic, literary] :: bruise
Livorno {prop} {f} :: Livorno (province/and/city)
lixiviación {f} [chemistry] :: leaching
lixiviar {vt} :: to lixiviate; leach
lixosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: lyxose
liza {f} [formal] :: battle, fight
liza {f} [historical] :: palaestra
liza {f} :: list (field of combat); joust
lizo {m} [textiles] :: warp thread
ll {letter} :: elle, the 14th letter of the Spanish alphabet, after l and before m
Ll {letter} :: The 14th letter of the Spanish alphabet
LL {letter} :: elle, the 14th letter of the Spanish alphabet, after L and before M
llaga {f} :: wound
llaga {f} :: sore
llaga {f} :: ulcer
llagar {v} :: to wound
llajua {f} :: A spicy sauce from Bolivia, made from locotos
llajwa {f} :: alternative spelling of llajua
llama {f} :: flame
llama {f} :: llama (camelid mammal)
llamada {f} :: call
llamada a la oración {f} [Islam] :: call to prayer
llamado {adj} :: called
llamado {m} :: call
llamador {m} :: door knocker
llamador {m} :: caller
llamador {m} :: messenger
llamamiento {m} :: call, appeal
llamamiento {m} [legal] :: bequest (of personal property), devise (of real property)
llamante {mf} :: caller
llamar {v} :: to summon, to call
llamar {v} :: to call (on the telephone)
llamar {v} :: to knock (on a door)
llamar {v} :: to ring (a doorbell)
llamar {v} :: to refer to
llamar {v} :: to appeal; to attract
llamar {vr} :: to be called
llamarada {f} :: sudden flare-up, blaze
llamarada {f} :: flushing
llamarada de petate {f} [idiomatic] :: flash in the pan
llamar al pan, pan, y al vino, vino {v} [idiom] :: to call a spade a spade
llamar a quintas {v} [idiomatic] :: to call up (to the army)
llamar la atención {v} [idiomatic] :: to attract attention, draw attention
llamarse {v} :: (reflexive of llamar) to be called (to call oneself, be named)
Llamas {prop} :: A name of several localities in Asturias, Spain
Llamas {prop} :: surname, the 544th most common in Mexico and 428th most common in Spain
llamativa {f} :: flamboyant
llamativamente {adv} :: horrifically
llamativo {adj} :: striking, showy
llamativo {adj} :: (said of food) dry; inducing thirst
llameante {adj} :: flaming, blazing
llamear {vi} :: to blaze
llamita {f} :: diminutive of llama
llana {f} :: trowel
llanada {f} :: plain
llanamente {adv} :: plainly, plain, simply, candidly
llanera {f} :: feminine noun of llanero
llanerense {adj} :: Of or from Llanera
llanerense {mf} :: Someone from Llanera
llanero {m} [South America, chiefly Venezuela, Colombia] :: plainsman, cowboy, llanero
Llanes {prop} :: Llanes (coastal town)
llaneza {m} :: plainness
llaneza {m} :: frankness
llaneza {m} :: simplicity
llanisco {adj} :: Of or from Llanes
llanisco {m} :: Someone from Llanes
llanísimo {adj} :: superlative of llano
llanista {adj} :: Of or from Los Llanos
llanito {adj} :: Gibraltarian
llanito {m} :: Gibraltarian
llano {adj} :: even; flat; level
llano {adj} :: plain
llano {adj} :: straightforward
llano {adj} [phonetics] :: paroxytone (penultimate accented)
llano {m} :: plain (an open, grassy, mostly treeless land)
llanta {f} :: obsolete form of planta
llanta {f} [cycling, automotive] :: tyre rim, wheelrim
llanta {f} [Latin America] :: tyre
llanta {f} [colloquial, Mexico] :: fat, protruding belly
llantén {m} :: plantain (plant of the genus Plantago)
llantén {m} :: ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
llantén menor {m} :: ribwort (Plantago lanceolata or Plantago major)
llantera {f} :: sobbing; weeping; big cry
llantería {f} :: tire yard
llantero {m} :: Someone who works in a tire shop or tire yard
llanto {m} :: crying
llanura {f} [landforms] :: plain
Llanura de las Jarras {prop} {f} :: Plain of Jars (plateau in Laos)
llapingacho {m} :: An Ecuadorian pancake made with potato and cheese
llave {f} :: key (to open doors)
llave {f} :: key (of musical instrument)
llave {f} :: key (in heraldry)
llave {f} :: spanner, wrench
llave {f} :: faucet, tap, water tap, spigot
llave {f} :: curly bracket (left curly bracket and right curly bracket)
llave {f} :: switch (a device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow)
llave {f} [wrestling] :: hold (position or grip used to control the opponent)
llave {f} [uncountable] :: A game where a small metal disc is thrown at a small metal structure
llavear {v} [Argentina] :: to lock
llave de cierre {f} :: stopcock
llave inglesa {f} :: adjustable spanner [UK], adjustable wrench [US], adjustable wrench [US], crescent wrench [US], crescent spanner [AU, NZ]
llavera {f} :: feminine noun of llavero
llavero {m} :: keyring, keychain, keyfob
llavero {m} :: key holder (a holder for keys for wall)
llavero {m} :: keyholder, claviger (person in charge of keys for a given location)
llavija {f} [regional] :: alternative form of clavija
llavín {m} :: small key
lleca {f} [vesre] :: street
llegada {f} :: arrival
llegadero {m} :: end; end of the road
llegado {adj} :: arrived, received, delivered
llegador {m} [cycling] :: sprint finisher
llégale {interj} [Mexico] :: get lost, go away (used to ask someone to leave)
llegar {vi} :: to arrive, get (to)
llegar {vi} :: to get up to, to go up to (+ a or + hasta)
llegar {vi} :: to be sufficient
llegar {vi} :: to manage (be successful)
llegar a final de mes {v} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of llegar a fin de mes
llegar a fin de mes {v} [idiom] :: to make ends meet
llegar a la suela del zapato {v} [idiomatic, usually in the negative] :: To not compare to, to have nothing on
llegar al llegadero {v} [Venezuela, idiom] :: to reach the point of no return
llegar a ser {v} :: to become, to get to be, to come to be, to make it to
llegarse {v} :: reflexive of llegar
llegar y besar {v} :: alternative form of llegar y besar el santo
llegar y besar el santo {v} [idiomatic] :: To do something super-quickly, in a flash
lleísmo {m} :: the practice of distinguishing the Spanish sounds represented by the letter ye ("y") and the letter elle ("ll")
llello {m} [Latin America, slang] :: coke; cocaine
llenadera {f} :: limit (to tell when something is full or when something is enough)
llenador {adj} :: filling
llenar {vt} :: to fill something up
llenar {vt} :: to fill out or complete a form
llenar {vt} :: to complete a group
llenar {vt} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: synonym of hartar
llenar {vt} [Cuba, Uruguay] :: synonym of molestar
llenar {vi} [rare, of the moon] :: to become full
llenarse {vr} :: to gorge oneself
llenísimo {adj} :: jam-packed, crowded
llenito {adj} :: diminutive of lleno
llenito {adj} :: chubby; plump
lleno {adj} :: full
llenura {f} :: fullness
llesca {f} [slang] :: weed, dope (marijuana)
llevadero {adj} :: tolerable; manageable; bearable
llevadero {adj} :: entertaining
llevanza {f} :: carrying out
llevar {vt} :: to take, to carry, to take away, to carry away, to carry around, to bring, to bear, to lug (implies to move something further from who speaks)
llevar {vt} :: to take, to take out (implies moving someone further from the speaker)
llevar {v} [a] :: to lead, to lead to, to drive, to drive to
llevar {vt} [with gerund] :: to have spent time, have been
llevar {vt} :: to wear (short for the more formal llevar puesto)
llevar {vt} :: to have, include (have as a component, part, accessory or ingredient)
llevar {vt} :: to give a lift, to give a ride
llevar {v} [colloquial] :: to hold up, to be doing, to cope
llevar a cabo {v} :: to carry out, fulfill, accomplish
llevar adelante {v} [idiom] :: to carry out, carry through
llevar a efecto {v} [idiom] :: to carry out, to put into effect
llevar a gala {v} [idiomatic] :: to pride oneself on
llevar al huerto {vt} [idiomatic] :: to twist someone's arm (to coerce, force)
llevar al huerto {vt} [idiomatic] :: to have one's way with, to get into someone's pants
llevar el paso {v} :: to keep time
llevar la contraria {v} [idiom] :: to go against; say something against
llevar los pantalones {v} [idiomatic] :: to wear the pants, to wear the trousers
llevar puesto {v} [idiom] :: to wear
llevarse {v} :: to wear
llevarse {v} [colloquial] :: to be in, to be fashionable
llevarse a la boca {vt} [idiom] :: to have (something) to eat
llevarse bien {v} :: to get on; get along (well)
llevarse como el perro y el gato {v} [simile, idiom] :: to fight like cat and dog
llevarse el gato al agua {v} [idiomatic] :: to pull it off (succeed)
llevarse la palma {v} [idiomatic] :: to win, to bear the palm, to bear away the palm, to carry the day, to take the cake, to take the prize, to take the biscuit, to beat it all, to run away with the prize
llevarse por delante {v} [idiomatic] :: to mow down
llobaca {m} [vesre] :: horse
Llobregat {prop} {m} :: a river running through Catalonia
llorar {vi} :: to cry, to weep
llorar {vt} :: to mourn
llorasangre {m} :: horned lizard (Phrynosoma spp.)
llorasangre {m} :: a kind of plant (Bocconia sp.)
Llorente {prop} :: surname
llorera {f} :: weep, gushing of tears, bout of crying
lloretense {adj} :: of or from Lloret de Mar
lloretense {mf} :: Someone from Lloret de Mar
llorica {adj} :: whining
llorica {mf} [colloquial, Spain] :: crybaby (one who whines or complains)
lloriquear {vi} :: to cry a little, whimper
lloriqueo {m} :: whimper
lloriqueo {m} :: whining
lloro {m} :: cry; weep
llorón {m} :: crybaby, whiner
llorón {adj} :: sniveling, weeping, whiny
llorona {f} [folklore] :: weeping woman (from the Latin American folkloric legend La Llarona)
llorona {f} [colloquial] :: banshee (in general, by extension of the legend)
llorona {f} :: feminine noun of llorón
lloroncito {adj} :: diminutive of llorón
lloroso {adj} :: weeping
lloroso {adj} :: mournful, sad
lloroso {adj} [of eyes] :: watery
Llosa {prop} :: surname
llovedizo {adj} :: leaky
llover {vi} [impersonal] :: to rain
llover a cántaros {v} [idiomatic] :: To pour; to rain heavily; to rain cats and dogs
llover a mares {v} [idiomatic, impersonal] :: To pour; to rain heavily; to rain cats and dogs
llover con ganas {v} [impersonal, idiomatic] :: rain heavily
llover sobre mojado {v} [idiom, impersonal] :: To be one thing after another
llovido del cielo {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of thin air
llovizna {f} :: drizzle
lloviznar {vi} [impersonal] :: to lightly rain; to drizzle
llueva o truene {adv} [idiomatic] :: come rain or shine (regardless of the circumstances)
llueva, truene o relampaguee {adv} [idiomatic] :: come rain or shine (regardless of the circumstances)
lluvia {f} :: rain
lluvia {f} :: shower (precipitation)
lluvia ácida {f} :: acid rain
lluvia de estrellas {f} :: A meteor shower
lluvia de ideas {f} :: brainstorm
lluvia de meteoros {f} :: A meteor shower
lluviosidad {f} :: rainfall; precipitation
lluvioso {adj} :: rainy
lo {art} :: neuter definite article used to make abstract nouns from adjectives; the
lo {pron} :: impersonal neuter pronoun (clitic form of ello); it, that
loa {f} :: praise
loable {adj} :: laudable
loablemente {adv} :: laudably, commendably
lo antes posible {adv} :: as soon as possible
loar {vt} :: to praise
loba {f} :: feminine noun of lobo, a she-wolf
loba {f} [slang] :: a fox: an attractive woman
loba {f} [slang] :: a bitch: a prostitute
lobado {adj} :: lobed; lobate
lobagante {m} [obsolete] :: European lobster
lobal {adj} :: lobal
Lobamba {prop} :: Lobamba (the traditional and <<legislative capital>> of <<c/Eswatini>>)
lo barato sale caro {proverb} :: cheap objects or solutions can end up being expensive, because they don’t last as long, require high maintenance or are inefficient
lo barato sale caro {proverb} :: buy cheap, buy twice
lobarro {m} [obsolete] :: synonym of robalo
lobato {m} :: a wolf cub, a wolfling
lobbista {mf} :: lobbyist
lobby {m} :: lobby (group of people who try to influence public officials)
lobería {f} :: Area where a lot of wolves live
lobería {f} :: wolf hunt
lobería {f} [Argentina, Peru] :: sea lion breeding ground
lobero {adj} :: lupine
lobero {m} :: wolfhound
lobero {m} :: wolf hunter
lobero irlandés {m} :: Irish wolfhound
lobezno {m} :: wolf cub
lobi {m} :: lobby
lobina {f} :: European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
lobisón {m} :: werewolf
lobista {mf} :: lobbyist
lobita {f} :: diminutive of loba
lobito {m} :: diminutive of lobo
lobo {m} :: wolf
lobo {m} [Spain, dated] :: drunkenness
lobo con piel de cordero {m} [idiom] :: wolf in sheep's clothing
lobo del mar {m} :: alternative form of lobo de mar
lobo de mar {m} :: seal
lobo de mar {m} :: sea lion
lobo de Tasmania {m} :: thylacine
Lobo Feroz {prop} {m} :: Big Bad Wolf (any fictional evil wolf that appears in fairy tales or fables)
lobo marino {m} :: seal
lobo marino {m} :: sea lion
lobo marino {m} :: seadog
lobo marino de California {m} :: California sea lion
lobotomía {f} [surgery] :: lobotomy
lobotomización {f} :: lobotomization/lobotomisation
lobotomizar {v} :: to lobotomize [North America], to lobotomise [UK, Australia]
lóbrego {adj} :: dark
lóbrego {adj} :: sad
lóbrego {adj} :: gloomy
lobreguez {f} :: darkness
lobreguez {f} :: gloominess
lo bueno, si breve {proverb} :: alternative form of lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno
lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno {proverb} :: the shorter, the better
lobulado {adj} :: lobate
lobular {adj} :: lobar
lobular {adj} :: lobular
lobulillar {adj} :: lobular
lobulillo {m} :: lobule
lóbulo {m} :: lobe
lóbulo {m} :: lobule
lóbulo {m} :: ear lobe
lóbulo frontal {m} [neurology] :: frontal lobe
lóbulo occipital {m} [neurology] :: occipital lobe
lóbulo parietal {m} [neurology] :: parietal lobe
lóbulo temporal {m} [neurology] :: temporal lobe
lobuno {adj} :: lupine, wolflike, wolfish
loca {f} :: feminine noun of loco
loca {f} [pejorative] :: a madwoman
loca {f} [slang] :: an effeminate man or boy
loca {f} [slang] :: a very flirtatious homosexual man or boy
locación {f} :: rental, leasing
local {adj} :: local
local {m} :: premises, rooms
local {m} [Mexico] :: store or other retail unit in a shopping center
local de alterne {f} :: hostess bar
localía {f} [sport] :: state of playing at home; home advantage
localidad {f} :: place, locality
localidad {f} :: seat (in theatre, show)
localismo {m} :: localism
localista {adj} :: local, localist
localizable {adj} :: localizable/localisable
localizable {adj} :: available
localización {f} :: finding, location
localización {f} :: localization
localizado {adj} :: located
localizador {m} :: localizer
localizador {adj} [private international law] :: jurisdiction-selecting (not content-oriented)
localizadora {f} :: feminine noun of localizador
localizar {vt} :: to find
localizar {vt} :: to localize, locate
localizar {vr} :: to be located, localized
localmente {adv} :: locally
locamente {adv} :: madly, crazily
locataria {f} :: feminine noun of locatario
locatario {m} :: tenant, renter
locativo {adj} :: locative
locativo {m} :: locative
locera {f} [colloquial, Honduras and Venezuela] :: A woman who makes or sells items made of china.
locero {m} [colloquial, Honduras and Venezuela] :: One who makes or sells items made of china.
locha {f} :: loach (freshwater fish)
loche {m} [Peru] :: pumpkin, crookneck pumpkin, butternut squash, winter squash
loche {m} [Andalusia] :: ginger (color)
Lochkoviense {prop} {m} :: Lochkovian
loción {f} :: lotion
locker {m} :: locker
loco {adj} :: crazy, insane, mad [asserting that something is out of place in the head]
loco {adj} :: rash, risky, imprudent
loco {adj} :: tremendous, terrific, huge, enormous
loco {adj} :: overgrown, rambling
loco {adj} :: loose [pipe fittings, pulley]
loco {adj} :: sexy [only with "ser" e.g. "soy loco"]
loco {m} [pejorative] :: a crazy person; a madman
loco {m} :: a highly affected homosexual; fruit
loco {m} :: a plant in the genus Astragalus or Oxytropis
loco {m} [Chile] :: Chilean edible gastropod mollusk that resembles abalone but is, in fact, a muricid (Concholepas concholepas)
loco de remate {adj} :: stark raving mad
lo comido por lo servido {proverb} :: what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts
locomoción {f} :: locomotion (the ability to move from place to place)
locomotor {adj} :: locomotive (relating to locomotion)
locomotora {f} :: locomotive (the power unit of a train that pulls the coaches or wagons)
locos y niños dicen la verdad {phrase} [idiom] :: Crazy people and children tell the truth, meaning they have no inhibition to express how they see things
locote {m} [Paraguay] :: bell pepper, sweet pepper
locotractor {m} :: traction engine
locrio {m} :: dish made from rice cooked with meat
locro {m} :: A stew consisting of squash, common beans, corn and/or potatoes, sometimes with meat
locuacidad {f} :: loquacity, talkativeness, garrulity, flippancy
locuaz {adj} :: loquacious
locución {f} :: idiom
locución adjetiva {f} :: adjective phrase
locución adverbial {f} :: adverbial phrase
locución verbal {f} :: verb phrase
lóculo {m} :: loculus
locura {f} [uncountable] :: madness, craziness
locura {f} [countable] :: an act of madness (i.e., an act based on a lack of judgement or reasoning; an act causing surprise due to its anomalous nature)
Locura de Marzo {prop} {f} [basketball] :: March Madness
locurón {m} :: augmentative of locura
locus {m} [genetics] :: locus
locutar {v} :: to speak (on the radio or on a recording)
locutor {m} [media] :: announcer, newscaster, newsreader, commentator
locutora {f} :: female equivalent of locutor
locutorio {m} :: call shop, parlor
lodazal {m} :: A muddy place; morass, mire, mudhole
loden {m} :: loden
lodícula {f} :: lodicule
lodo {m} :: mud; muck; mire
lodosano {adj} :: Of or from Lodosa
lodosano {m} :: Someone from Lodosa
lodoso {adj} :: muddy, boggy
lofocito {m} [cytology] :: lophocyte
lofóforo {m} [zoology] :: lophophore
lofotrocozoo {m} [zoology] :: lophotrochozoan
loft {m} :: loft
logana {f} :: loganberry
logar {vt} [archaic] :: to rent
logarítmicamente {adv} :: logarithmically
logarítmico {adj} :: logarithmic
logaritmo {m} :: logarithm
logia {f} :: lodge (Freemasons)
-logía {suffix} :: -logy, -ology
lógia {f} :: obsolete spelling of logia
lógica {f} :: logic
lógica {f} :: female logician
lógica borrosa {f} :: fuzzy logic
lógica difusa {f} :: fuzzy logic
lógicamente {adv} :: logically
-lógico {suffix} :: -logical, -logic
lógico {adj} :: logical
lógico {m} :: logician
login {m} :: login
logística {f} :: logistics
logísticamente {adv} :: logistically
logístico {adj} :: logistical
-logo {suffix} :: -logist (one who studies)
logográfico {adj} :: logographic
logograma {m} :: logogram
logomaquia {f} :: logomachy (dispute over the meaning of words)
logopeda {mf} :: speech therapist
logopedia {f} :: speech therapy, logopedics
logorrea {f} :: logorrhea (excessive talkativeness)
logorrea {f} [pathology] :: logorrhea (excessive and often uncontrollable speaking due to a mental disorder)
logorreico {adj} :: logorrheic
logotipo {m} :: A logo
logotipo {m} :: A mascot
logrado {adj} :: successful
lograr {vt} :: to get, to obtain
lograr {vt} :: to achieve, to manage to
lograrse {v} :: to be successful
logrera {f} :: feminine noun of logrero
logrero {m} :: moneylender
logro {m} :: attainment, success
logro {m} [video games] :: achievement
logroñés {adj} :: Of or from Logroño
logroñés {m} :: Someone from Logroño
logroñesa {f} :: feminine noun of logroñés
Logroño {prop} {m} :: Logroño (capital city)
loguear {v} [computing] :: to log in; log on
loína {f} :: feminine noun of loíno
loíno {adj} :: Of or from El Loa, Chile
loíno {adj} :: of or pertaining to C.D. Cobreloa, a football club from Calama, Chile
loíno {m} :: Someone connected to C.D. Cobreloa, as a fan, player, coach etc
loíno {m} :: Someone from El Loa
Loira {prop} :: Loira (river)
Loira {prop} :: Loira (department)
loísmo {m} :: The nonstandard practice of using lo or la as indirect object pronouns when referring to people, instead of the standard le
lojana {f} :: feminine noun of lojano
lojano {adj} :: Of or from the province or city of Loja Province, Ecuador
lojano {m} :: An inhabitant of the province or city of Loja Province, Ecuador
lola {f} [colloquial, Chile] :: girl
lola {f} [colloquial, usually in plural, Mexico] :: breasts, bosom, boobies, knockers
Lola {prop} {f} :: given name
Loles {prop} {f} :: given name
Loli {prop} {f} :: given name
Lolita {prop} {f} :: given name
lolo {adj} [colloquial, Chile] :: young, teen, juvenile (person)
lolo {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: kid, boy, girl
Lolol {prop} {m} :: Lolol (city)
lololino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Lolol
loma {f} [geography] :: a long hill or mountain
loma {f} [geography] :: a low hill
loma {f} [urbanism] :: suburb
lomada {f} :: hill; hillock
lomaje {m} [Cono Sur] :: a low ridge
lo más mínimo {adv} [idiomatic] :: (not) in the slightest, not in the least
lombarda {f} :: feminine noun of lombardo
Lombardía {prop} {f} :: Lombardía (region)
lombardo {adj} :: Lombard
lombardo {m} :: Lombard
lombricultura {f} :: worm farming
lombriz {f} :: worm
lombriz de tierra {m} :: earthworm
lombriz solitaria {f} :: tapeworm
Lomé {prop} :: Lomé (capital city)
lomerío {m} :: highland
lomita {f} :: diminutive of loma
lomitería {f} :: A restaurant selling lomitos
lomito {m} :: diminutive of lomo
lomito {m} :: steak sandwich
lomo {m} [anatomy, in the plural] :: back (the rear of body)
lomo {m} [anatomy, also, in the plural] :: lower back, lumbar
lomo {m} :: loin, tenderloin (any of several cuts of meat)
lomo {m} :: fillet [of fish] (a strip or compact piece of meat)
lomo {m} [in the plural] :: rib (cut of meat enclosing one or more rib bones)
lomo {m} :: spine (the narrow, bound edge of a book)
lomo {m} :: crease [of a hide, fabric, etc]
lomo {m} :: blunt edge [of a blade]
lomo {m} [Latin America, colloquial] :: flesh
lomo saltado {m} :: A Peruvian dish consisting of steak strips, fried potatoes, spices and other ingredients
lona {f} :: canvas
lona {f} :: sail cloth
lona {f} :: cotton duck
lona {f} :: tarpaulin
loncha {f} :: slice
loncha {f} :: slab
lonche {m} [Latin America] :: a light meal or snack taken at noon or in the afternoon
lonche {m} [Peru] :: tea (light meal with tea or coffee)
lonche {m} [Mexico] :: a sandwich on a roll, a torta
lonchear {v} :: to slice, slice up
lonchera {f} :: lunchbox
lonchería {f} :: snack bar
lonco {m} :: lonco
loncotear {v} :: to engage in a kind of wrestle
londinense {adj} [relational] :: London (of, from or pertaining to London in the UK)
londinense {mf} :: Londoner
Londres {prop} {m} :: Londres (capital city)
longa {f} [music] :: longa
longanimidad {f} :: longanimity, forbearance, long-suffering
longaniza {f} :: pork sausage
longaniza {f} [slang] :: wiener, dick (penis)
longevidad {f} :: longevity
longevo {adj} :: long-lived, long-living, that lives for a long time
longicornio {adj} :: Having long horns, or long hornlike appendages
longísimo {adj} [anatomy] :: longissimus (attributive)
longitud {f} :: length
longitud {f} :: longitude
longitud de onda {f} :: wavelength
longitudinal {adj} :: longitudinal (relating to length or longitude)
longitudinal {adj} :: longitudinal (sampling data over time)
longitudinalmente {adv} :: longitudinally
longividente {adj} [obsolete] :: long-living
longko {m} :: alternative form of lonco
longobarda {f} :: feminine noun of longobardo
longobardo {adj} :: Lombard
longobardo {m} :: Lombard
longuísimo {adj} [rare, superlative] :: very long
longura {f} [obsolete] :: length
lonja {f} :: slice, rasher
lonja {f} :: beer belly
lonja {f} :: market (especially for fish)
lontananza {f} :: distance
look {m} [colloquial] :: Look; style, appearance
loor {m} [literary, formal] :: praise
Lope {prop} {m} :: given name
López {prop} :: surname
lopezobradorista {adj} :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexican politician
lopezobradorista {mf} :: A supporter of Andrés Manuel López Obrador
lopezportillista {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, José López Portillo, president of Mexico 1976-1982
lopezportillista {mf} :: A supporter of José López Portillo
lo primero es lo primero {phrase} :: first things first (let's deal with matters of highest priority first)
lo prometido es deuda {phrase} :: a promise is a promise
lo que {pron} :: what (the thing that)
lo que {pron} :: whatever
lo que {pron} :: which (pronoun refering to a clause)
loquear {vi} :: to act foolishly
loquear {vt} [US Spanish] :: to lock
lo que no mata, engorda {proverb} :: That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
loquera {f} :: feminine noun of loquero
loquerío {m} [Chile, Peru] :: kerfuffle
loquero {m} [colloquial, deprecative] :: A shrink (psychologist or psychiatrist)
lo que sea {adv} [sometimes dismissively] :: whatever
lo que se han de comer los gusanos, que lo disfruten los cristianos {phrase} :: Used as a tongue in cheek justification for promiscuity or wearing revealing clothes
loquilla {f} :: feminine noun of loquillo
loquillo {adj} :: diminutive of loco
loquillo {m} :: diminutive of loco
loquios {m} :: lochia
loquísimo {adj} :: superlative of loco
loquita {f} :: feminine noun of loquito
loquito {adj} :: diminutive of loco
loquito {m} :: diminutive of loco
lora {f} :: feminine noun of loro
lorazepam {m} :: lorazepam
lord {m} :: lord (British title)
lordosis {f} [pathology] :: lordosis
loreal {adj} :: loreal
Lorena {prop} {f} :: Lorena (region)
Lorena {prop} {f} :: given name transferred from the place name and thereby equivalent to English Lorraine
lorenés {adj} :: Of or from Lorraine
lorenés {m} :: Someone from Lorraine
lorenesa {f} :: feminine noun of lorenés
Lorenza {prop} {f} :: given name (feminine form of Lorenzo)
Lorenzana {prop} :: surname
Lorenzo {prop} {m} :: given name
Lorenzo {prop} {m} :: surname
Lorenzo {prop} {m} :: The letter L in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
Lorenzo {prop} {m} :: Name given to the sun
loretana {f} :: feminine noun of loretano
loretano {adj} :: Of or from the Loreto Region, Peru
loretano {m} :: Someone from the Loreto Region, Peru
Loreto {prop} {f} :: given name
Loreto {prop} {f} :: Loreto (region)
loricífero {m} [zoology] :: loriciferan
lorículo {m} :: hanging parrot
loriga {f} :: mail, chain mail
loriga {f} :: bard (armor for a horse)
lorito {m} :: diminutive of loro
lorito {m} :: fig parrot
loro {m} :: parrot, parakeet
loro {m} [by extension] :: chatterbox
loroco {m} :: loroco vine, Fernaldia pandurata
loroco {m} :: loroco flowers, commonly used in pupusas
loro tricahue {m} :: burrowing parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus)
lorquiano {adj} :: Lorcan (of or relating to Federico García Lorca)
lorquina {f} :: feminine noun of lorquino
lorquino {adj} :: Of or from Lorca
lorquino {m} :: Someone from Lorca
lorza {f} :: frill
lorza {f} [Spain] :: spare tyre [UK], spare tire [North America], flab, roll of fat
los {art} :: the
los {pron} :: plural masculine or neuter pronoun
losa {f} :: flagstone, paving stone, slab, tile (flat, rectangular piece of rock or stone)
Losada {prop} :: surname
losange {m} :: rhombus
losange {m} [heraldiccharge] :: lozenge
Los Ángeles {prop} :: Los Ángeles (large city)
Los Ángeles {prop} :: Los Ángeles (city)
losanjado {adj} [heraldry] :: lozenged
losartán {m} :: losartan
los casis no cuentan {proverb} :: almost doesn't count
loseta {f} :: (small) tile
lo siento {interj} :: sorry
losiento {interj} :: informal form of lo siento
Lot {prop} {m} :: Lot (Biblical character)
lote {m} :: lot (chance assignment)
lote {m} :: lot, claim
lote {m} :: plot (of land)
lote {m} [production] :: batch
lote {m} [informatics] :: batch
loteador {m} :: An owner of a lote
lotear {vt} :: to distribute into lots
lotecito {m} :: diminutive of lote
loteo {m} :: lot (distinct portion or plot of land)
lotera {f} :: lottery-ticket seller
lotería {f} :: lottery
lotería {f} :: A traditional Mexican game of chance, similar to bingo, but using images on a deck of cards instead of numbered ping pong balls
lotero {m} :: lottery-ticket seller
lotificación {f} :: subdivision of land
lotificar {v} [Central America] :: to divide up into lots
lotización {f} [Latin America] :: dividing up into lots
loto {m} :: lotus
lotófaga {f} :: lotus eater
lotófago {m} :: lotus eater
lounge {m} :: lounge
Lourdes {prop} {f} :: given name
Lovaina {prop} {f} :: Leuven/Louvain (Belgian city)
lovastatina {f} :: lovastatin
lovecraftiano {adj} :: Lovecraftian
low cost {adj} :: low-cost; budget
loza {f} :: earthenware
loza {f} :: dishes, dishware
loza {f} :: porcelain, china
loza {f} :: ceramic floor tile
Lozada {prop} :: Lozada (locality)
Lozada {prop} :: surname
lozanía {f} :: vigor, vitality
lozano {adj} :: fresh; lush
lozano {adj} :: healthy-looking
Lozano {prop} {m} :: surname
LQSA {prop} :: initialism of La que se avecina a Spanish sitcom
LSE {f} :: initialism of lengua de signos española
LTA {prop} [Argentina] :: La Tenes Adentro
lúa {f} [nautical] :: lee
Luanda {prop} :: Luanda (capital city)
Lubiano {prop} {m} :: Lubiano (village)
Lubiano {prop} {m} :: surname
lubina {f} :: sea bass
lubricación {f} :: lubrication
lubricante {m} :: lubricant
lubricar {v} :: to lubricate
lubricidad {f} :: slipperiness
lúbrico {adj} [biology, mycology] :: lubricous, slimy
lúbrico {adj} :: slippery
lúbrico {adj} :: lusty
lúbrico {adj} [rare] :: vicious
lubrificación {f} :: lubrication
lubrificante {m} :: lubricant
lubrificar {v} :: to lubricate
luca {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: a thousand pesos
luca {f} [Peru, colloquial] :: nuevo sol
lucana {f} :: feminine noun of lucano
Lucanas {prop} :: Lucanas (province)
lucano {adj} :: Lucanian
lucano {m} :: Lucanian
Lucano {prop} {m} :: Lucan
Lucas {prop} {m} :: Luke [biblical character]
Lucas {prop} {m} :: Luke [book of the Bible]
Lucas {prop} {m} :: given name
lucaya {f} :: feminine noun of lucayo
lucayo {adj} :: Lucayan
lucayo {m} :: Lucayan
lucecilla {f} :: diminutive of luz
lucecita {f} :: diminutive of luz
lucense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lugo
lucense {mf} :: Someone from Lugo
lucentina {f} :: feminine noun of lucentino
lucentino {adj} :: of or from Lucena
lucentino {m} :: Someone from Lucena
Lucerna {prop} {f} :: Lucerna (capital city)
Lucerna {prop} {f} :: Lucerna (canton)
Lucerna {prop} {f} :: Lucerna (lake)
lucernario {m} :: skylight
lucero {m} :: luminary (natural light-giving body)
lucero {m} :: brilliance, luster
lucero {m} :: morningstar, daystar
Lucero {prop} {m} :: surname
lucha {f} :: fight, fighting, fray
lucha {f} :: struggle, battle [in the figurative sense], strife, striving
lucha {f} [sport, martial art] :: wrestling
lucha {f} :: control, enforcement, fight (e.g. disease control, tobacco control, drug control)
Lucha {prop} {f} :: given name, Luz María or María de la Luz
Lucha {prop} {f} :: given name, María Luisa
luchador {adj} :: fighting
luchador {m} :: fighter, scrapper
luchador {m} [sports] :: wrestler
luchador {m} :: struggler
luchadora {f} :: feminine noun of luchador
lucha grecorromana {f} [martial arts] :: Greco-Roman wrestling
lucha libre {f} [martial arts] :: freestyle wrestling, including professional wrestling
luchar {v} :: to fight, to battle, to do battle
luchar {v} :: to struggle, to strive, to contend, to grapple
luchar {v} [sport] :: to wrestle
lucharniego {adj} [hunting, of dogs] :: nocturnal
luchístico {adj} [attributive] :: wrestling
luchita {f} :: diminutive of lucha
Lucho {prop} {m} :: Nickname for Luis
Lucía {prop} {f} :: given name
Luciana {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Luciano
Luciano {prop} {m} :: given name
Luciano {prop} {m} :: Lucian, the Sophist
lúcidamente {adv} :: lucidly, clearheadedly
lucidez {f} :: lucidity, lucidness
lucidísimo {adj} :: superlative of lúcido
lúcido {adj} :: lucid
lucidor {adj} :: shiny
luciente {adj} :: shining
luciérnaga {f} :: firefly
Lucifer {prop} :: Lucifer
luciferino {adj} :: satanic; devilish
lucífero {adj} [poetic] :: bright, radiant, dazzling, luminous, giving off light
lucífero {m} :: the morningstar, daystar, planet Venus
lucillo {m} :: stone grave
lucimiento {m} :: wearing, sporting
lucio {m} :: pike (any carnivorous freshwater fish of the genus Esox)
lucio {m} :: slowworm
lucio {adj} :: bright, luminous
lucio {adj} :: shiny
lución {m} :: slowworm
lucir {vi} :: to shine
lucir {vt} :: to sport, wear
lucir {vt} [figurative] :: to show off, to display, to look like
lucirse {v} :: reflexive of lucir
lucite {m} :: Lucite
lucrar {v} :: to profit, win, gain, opportune, lucrate
lucrar {v} :: to obtain one's desires
lucrar {vr} :: To make a killing, get rich
lucrarse {v} :: reflexive of lucrar
lucrativo {adj} :: lucrative, profitable
lucro {m} :: profit, gain, lucre
lucroniense {adj} :: Of or from Logroño
lucroniense {mf} :: Someone from Logroño
luctuoso {adj} :: sad, mournful, grieving
lucubración {f} :: lucubration
lúcuma {f} :: lucmo (fruit)
lucumí {m} :: A form of Yoruba used as a liturgical language in aantería, a syncretic religion of Cuba
Ludfordiense {prop} {m} :: Ludfordian
ludibrio {m} [formal] :: mockery; scorn
lúdico {adj} :: ludic
ludificación {f} :: gamification
ludificar {v} :: To gamify
ludir {v} :: to rub, to scrape
ludismo {m} [historical] :: Luddism (opposition to the Industrial Revolution by textile workers)
ludismo {m} [by extension, pejorative] :: Luddism (opposition to technological progress)
ludista {mf} :: Luddite
ludópata {mf} :: gambler
ludopatía {f} :: gambling addiction
ludoteca {f} :: playroom
ludoteca {f} :: games room
lúdrico {adj} [formal] :: fun
luego {adv} :: then (afterward)
luego {adv} :: later, later on (at some point in the future)
luego {adv} [Latin America] :: soon (within a short time)
luego {conj} :: therefore (consequently)
luego de {prep} [Argentina, Mexico, Dominican Republic] :: after, following
luego luego {adv} :: at once, immediately
lueguito {adv} :: diminutive of luego
luengo {adj} [obsolete, poetic] :: long
luético {adj} [medicine] :: luetic
lúgano {m} :: Eurasian siskin
lugar {m} :: place
lugarcillo {m} :: diminutive of lugar
lugarcito {m} :: diminutive of lugar
lugar común {m} :: truism
lugareña {f} :: feminine noun of lugareño
lugareño {m} :: inhabitant, local
lugartenencia {f} :: lieutenantship
lugartenienta {f} :: feminine noun of lugarteniente
lugarteniente {m} :: deputy, lieutenant
luge {m} :: luge (sport)
Lugo {prop} {m} :: Lugo (province)
Lugo {prop} {m} :: Lugo (city)
lúgubre {adj} :: lugubrious, mournful, gloomy
lúgubremente {adv} :: lugubriously; gloomily
lugués {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lugo
lugués {m} :: Someone from Lugo
Luiña {prop} :: surname
luis {m} :: louis (currency)
Luis {prop} {m} :: given name
Luisa {prop} {f} :: given name
luiseña {f} :: feminine noun of luiseño
luiseño {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Luiseño people or their language
luiseño {m} :: One of the Luiseño people
luisiana {f} :: feminine noun of luisiano
Luisiana {prop} {f} :: Louisiana
luisianés {adj} [Louisiana] :: Louisianan (from or native to Louisiana)
luisianés {adj} [Louisiana] :: Louisianan (pertaining to Louisiana)
luisiano {adj} :: Louisianian, Louisianan
luisiano {m} :: Louisianian, Louisianan
Luisito {prop} {m} :: given name
lujazo {adj} :: lucky, fortunate
lujazo {m} :: luxury
lujo {m} :: luxury, extravagance (wealthy and comfortable surroundings)
lujo {m} :: luxury (something desirable but expensive)
lujo {m} :: luxury, treat, indulgence (something pleasant but not necessary)
lujo {m} :: ritz, fanciness
lujosamente {adv} :: luxuriously
lujosísimo {adj} :: superlative of lujoso
lujoso {adj} :: luxurious
lujuria {f} :: lust
lujuria {f} :: excess
lujuriante {adj} :: luxuriant
lujuriosamente {adv} :: lustfully
lujurioso {adj} :: lustful
Lula {prop} {f} :: A pet form for Lourdes (including María de Lourdes)
lulismo {m} :: Lulism (political ideology of former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)
lulo {m} :: Solanum quitoense; a tart tomato-like fruit that grows in Colombia and Ecuador
lumbago {m} [pathology] :: lumbago
lumbalgia {f} [pathology] :: lumbago (lower back pain)
lumbar {adj} :: lumbar
lumbo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: lumbo-
lumbociático {adj} :: lumbar
lumbosacro {adj} :: lumbosacral
lumbrada {f} :: large fire
lumbral {m} :: obsolete spelling of umbral
lumbre {f} :: combustible material
lumbre {f} :: fire (matter that has produced or is capable of producing fire)
lumbre {f} :: light produced by fire
lumbre {f} :: luminosity, clearness
lumbrera {f} :: genius, intelligent person
lumbrera {f} :: louver
lumbrera {f} :: luminary (all senses)
lumbrera {f} [dated] :: lamp or other device for giving light
lumbrera {f} [poetic, in the plural] :: eyes
lumbrera {f} [nautical] :: porthole
lumbrera {f} :: (often ironical) stupid, dumb, slow person
lumbrical {adj} :: lumbrical
lumbrical {m} [anatomy] :: lumbrical (muscle)
lumbrícido {m} :: earthworm
lumbroso {adj} :: bright; emitting light
lumen {m} :: lumen
lumi {f} [colloquial] :: slut; slag; hussy (prostitute)
lumia {f} :: whore; hooker
luminancia {f} :: luminance
luminar {m} :: shining star
luminaria {f} :: vigil fire
luminaria {f} :: lamp, light
luminaria {f} :: altar lamp
luminaria {mf} :: luminary, star, celebrity
lumínico {adj} :: relating to light
luminiscencia {f} :: luminescence
luminiscente {adj} :: luminescent
luminol {m} [organic compound] :: luminol
luminosamente {adv} :: brightly
luminosidad {f} :: luminosity
luminoso {adj} :: luminous, bright
luminotecnia {f} :: lighting
lumpectomía {f} [surgery] :: lumpectomy
lumpemproletariado {m} :: alternative form of lumpenproletariado
lumpen {m} :: underclass, hoi polloi
lumpenintelligentsia {f} :: rare spelling of lumpen-intelligentsia
lumpenproletariado {m} :: lumpenproletariat
lumpo {m} :: lumpfish
lumpureña {f} :: feminine noun of lumpureño
lumpureño {adj} :: KLite (of or pertaining to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
lumpureño {m} :: KLite (native or resident of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
luna {f} :: moon
Luna {prop} {f} :: Earth's Moon
Luna {prop} {f} :: given name of modern usage
Luna {prop} {f} :: surname
lunación {f} :: lunation
lunada {f} :: Moonlight party
luna de miel {f} :: honeymoon (trip taken by a newly married couple)
lunado {adj} :: crescent-shaped
luna llena {f} :: full moon
lunamoto {m} :: moonquake
luna nueva {f} :: new moon
lunar {adj} :: lunar
lunar {m} :: mole, birthmark
lunar {m} :: polka dot
lunática {f} :: feminine noun of lunático
lunático {m} :: lunatic
lunatomalacia {f} [pathology] :: Kienbock's disease
lunch {m} :: lunch
lunchería {f} :: canteen
lunes {m} :: Monday
lunes de Pascua {prop} {m} :: Easter Monday
luneta {f} :: lens
luneta {f} :: box (seating compartment in a theater)
luneta {f} [architecture] :: lunette
luneta {f} [candy, Mexico] :: a lens-shaped colour-varied sugar-coated chocolate confectionery
luneto {m} :: lunette
lunfa {m} [colloquial] :: alternative form of lunfardo
lunfardismo {m} :: A word or phrase in Lunfardo
lunfardo {adj} :: Lunfardo
lunfardo {m} :: Lunfardo
lungo {adj} [Lunfardo] :: long
lúnula {f} [geometry] :: lunula
lupa {f} :: magnifying glass
lupanar {m} :: brothel
Lupe {prop} {f} :: given name
lúpico {adj} [attributive] :: lupus
lupino {m} :: lupin; lupine
Lupita {prop} {f} :: given name
lúpulo {m} :: hop plant
lupus {m} :: lupus
Lupus {prop} [constellation] :: Lupus (summer constellation of the northern sky)
luqueña {f} :: feminine noun of luqueño
luqueño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Luque, Paraguay
luqueño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Luque, Paraguay
lúrex {m} :: Lurex
lusa {f} :: feminine noun of luso
Lusacia {prop} {f} :: Lusatia (region)
Lusaka {prop} :: Lusaka (capital)
lusitania {f} :: feminine noun of lusitano
Lusitania {prop} {f} :: Lusitania (ancient Roman province)
lusitano {adj} :: Portuguese
lusitano {m} :: Portuguese
luso {adj} :: Portuguese
luso {m} :: Portuguese
lusobrasileña {f} :: feminine noun of lusobrasileño
lusobrasileño {adj} :: Portuguese-Brazilian
lusobrasileño {m} :: Portuguese Brazilian
luso-español {adj} :: Luso-Spanish
lusófona {f} :: feminine noun of lusófono
lusófono {adj} [of a person] :: Portuguese-speaking
lusófono {m} :: Lusophone, a Portuguese-speaker
luso-francés {adj} :: Luso-French
lustrabotas {m} :: shoeshiner
lustrador {m} :: polisher
lustradora {f} :: feminine noun of lustrador
lustral {adj} :: lustral
lustrar {v} :: to polish
lustre {m} :: lustre, shine
lustro {m} :: lustrum; five-year period
lustroso {adj} :: lustrous, glossy
Luteciano {prop} {m} :: Lutetian
Luteciense {prop} {m} :: Lutetian
lutecio {m} :: lutetium
luteína {f} :: lutein
luteinizante {adj} :: luteinizing
luteo {adj} :: luteal
luterana {f} :: feminine noun of luterano
luteranismo {m} :: Lutheranism
luterano {adj} :: Lutheran (related to the Lutheran church)
luterano {m} :: Lutheran (member of the Lutheran church)
Lutero {prop} {m} :: Luther
Lutetiano {prop} {m} :: Lutetian
luthier {m} :: alternative spelling of lutier
lutier {m} :: luthier (person who repairs wooden instruments)
lutita {f} [geology, dated] :: lutite
luto {m} :: mourning (feeling or expressing sorrow or regret, especially over someone's death)
lutria {f} [archaic] :: otter
luvita {adj} :: Luwian
luvita {mf} :: Luwian
luvita {m} :: Luwian
lux {m} :: lux
luxación {f} :: dislocation
luxar {v} :: to dislocate
Luxemburgo {prop} {m} :: Luxembourg
luxemburgués {adj} :: Luxembourgish (from or native to Luxembourg)
luxemburgués {adj} :: Luxembourgish (pertaining to Luxembourg)
luxemburgués {m} :: A person from Luxembourg
luxemburgués {m} :: the Luxembourgish language
luxemburguesa {f} :: feminine noun of luxemburgués
luz {f} :: light
luz {f} [anatomy] :: lumen
luz {f} [figurative, usually, in the plural] :: brightness, intelligence
luz {f} [figurative] :: focus, point of view, understanding
luz {f} [electricity] :: electric power
Luz {prop} {f} :: given name
luz antiniebla {f} :: fog light
luz de cruce {f} :: dipped headlight
luz negra {f} :: black light
Luzón {prop} {m} :: Luzon (largest island of the Philippines)
Luzón {prop} {m} :: Luzon (a municipality in Spain)
luz trasera {f} :: taillight; taillamp
Luzuriaga {prop} :: surname
luz zodiacal {f} [astronomy] :: zodiacal light
lxs {art} [uncommon] :: the
lynchiano {adj} :: Lynchian
Lyon {prop} {m} :: Lyon (capital city)
Lyón {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Lyon