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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-v

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
v {letter} :: The twenty-second letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet
VA {n} [initialism, film] :: "version anglais" — English-language version (EV); a film dubbed in English
va banque {phrase} :: hit the bank
vacance {f} :: vacancy, free position
vacance {f} [plural only] :: holidays
vacance {f} :: vacation
vacancier {m} :: holiday-maker
vacancier {adj} :: holiday (attributive)
vacancière {f} :: feminine noun of vacancier
vacant {adj} :: vacant
vacarme {m} :: noise, din, uproar, racket
vacataire {mf} :: temp, temporary
vacataire {mf} :: supply teacher
vacation {f} [legal] :: session
vaccarèse {m} :: A variety of black grape from the Rhône region
vaccénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: vaccenic
vaccin {m} :: vaccine (substance that stimulates production of antibodies)
vaccinal {adj} :: vaccinal
vaccination {f} :: vaccination
vacciner {v} :: to vaccinate
vaccinologie {f} :: vaccinology
vaccinologue {mf} :: vaccinologist
vaccinothérapie {f} [medicine] :: vaccine therapy
vache {f} :: cow (bovine)
vache {adj} [colloquial] :: harsh
vache {adj} [informal, slang] :: nasty
vache à lait {f} :: cash cow (something that generates free cash flow)
vache de mer {f} :: sea cow
vachement {adv} [slang, colloquial] :: bloody, extremely
vacher {m} :: cowherd
vachère {f} :: cowgirl
vacherie {f} :: cowshed
vacherie {f} :: nastiness, wickedness
vacherin {m} :: vacherin
vacherin {m} :: A kind of cake made with meringue and cream or ice cream
Vacher luisant {m} :: shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis)
vache sacrée {f} [figuratively] :: taboo subject, sacred cow (something which shouldn't be broached or criticized, for fear of public outcry)
vaches maigres {fp} [figuratively] :: scarcity
vachette {f} :: young cow, calf
vachette {f} :: calfskin
vachette {f} [historical] :: type of dice game
va chier {interj} [vulgar] :: go fuck yourself! fuck off!
Vachon {prop} :: surname
vacillamment {adv} :: vacillatingly
vacillant {adj} :: vacillating
vacillement {m} :: flicker, flickering
vacillement {m} :: lurch, lurching
vaciller {v} :: to vacillate
vaciller {v} :: to flicker out (as a candle)
vacuité {f} :: vacuum, emptiness
vacuolaire {adj} :: vacuolar
vacuolome {m} [biology] :: vacuome
vacuome {f} :: vacuome
vacuum {m} :: vacuum (space containing no matter)
Vadel {prop} :: surname
vader {v} [nonstandard, Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative form of aller, to go
vader {v} [Switzerland] :: to get away
vadimien {adj} :: Of or relating to Roger Vadim Plemiannikov (1928–2000), French screenwriter, film director and producer, known for visually lavish films with erotic qualities
vadrouille {f} [colloquial] :: walk, wander, stroll
vadrouille {f} [dated, outside, Quebec] :: mop (implement for washing floors)
vadrouiller {v} :: to gad about, loiter about, wander around
Vaduz {prop} :: Vaduz (town/and/municipality/capital)
va-et-vient {m} :: comings and goings, toing and froing
va-et-vient {m} [electronics] :: two-way switch
vagabond {adj} :: vagabonding
vagabond {m} :: vagabond
vagabondage {m} :: vagabondage
vagabonde {f} :: feminine noun of vagabond
vagabonder {v} :: to walk about, wander
vagabonder {v} :: to roam, wander, walk the earth
vagal {adj} [anatomy] :: vagal
vagin {m} :: vagina
vaginal {adj} :: vaginal
vaginalement {adv} :: vaginally
vagine {f} :: vagina
vaginisme {m} :: vaginismus (muscular contraction)
vaginoplastie {f} :: vaginoplasty
vaginovésical {adj} [anatomy] :: vaginovesical
vagir {v} [chiefly of a baby or child] :: to wail; to howl; to bawl
vagissement {m} [chiefly of a child or baby] :: cry; wail; howl
vagonet {m} :: alternative spelling of wagonnet
vague {f} :: wave
vague {adj} :: vague
vague {m} :: vagueness
vague à l'âme {m} [figuratively] :: sadness, melancholy, dumps
vague de chaleur {f} :: heat wave, hot spell
vague de froid {f} :: cold snap, cold wave
vaguelette {f} :: wavelet
vaguement {adv} :: vaguely
vaguemestre {m} [military, archaic] :: wagonmaster
vaguemestre {m} [military] :: letter corporal, military postman
vaguer {vi} [dated or literary] :: to wander, to wander aimlessly
vahiné {f} :: wahine (Polynesian woman)
vaillamment {adv} :: valiantly
vaillance {f} [usually, in the singular] :: valiance, courage, bravery
Vaillancourt {prop} :: surname
vaillant {adj} :: valiant
vaillant {adj} [Quebec, Acadia] :: hard-working
vaillant {adj} [Louisiana French] :: nice
vaillant {adj} [Louisiana French] :: healthy
vaille que vaille {adv} :: as best one can, somehow
vain {adj} :: useless, ineffective, fruitless
vain {adj} :: vain, shallow
vaincre {vt} :: to defeat, vanquish
vaincre {vi} :: to win
vaincu {m} :: loser (defeated party)
vainement {adv} :: vainly, in vain
vainqueur {m} :: conqueror
vainqueur {m} :: victor, winner
vair {m} [tincture] :: vair
vairon {adj} :: (of eyes) wall-eyed
vairon {m} :: minnow
vaironner {vi} :: to minnow (fish trout using a minnow as bait)
vaisseau {m} :: ship, vessel
vaisseau {m} :: vessel (i.e. blood vessel)
vaisseau sanguin {m} [anatomy] :: blood vessel
vaisseau spatial {m} :: spaceship (vehicle that flies through space)
vaisselier {m} :: dresser (vertical china cabinet)
vaisselle {f} :: crockery, dishes, dishware
vaisselle {f} :: table- and cookware that remains to be washed
val {m} [literary] :: valley, vale
valable {adj} :: valid, acceptable
valablement {adv} :: validly
Valachie {prop} {f} :: Wallachia
Valais {prop} {m} :: Valais (canton)
valaque {adj} :: Wallachian (related to Wallachia)
Valaque {mf} :: Wallachian (someone from Wallachia)
Valcourt {prop} :: surname
Val d'Aoste {prop} {m} :: Valle d'Aosta
Val-de-Livre {prop} :: A commune in Marne, France
Val de Loire {prop} {m} :: Loire Valley
Val-de-Marne {prop} :: Val-de-Marne (department)
valdingue {m} :: fall, falling
valdingue {m} :: drop, dropping
valdinguer {v} :: To fail
Val-d'Oise {prop} {m} :: Val-d'Oise (department)
Val-d'Or {prop} :: Val-d'Or (town)
valence {f} [chemistry] :: valence
valence {f} [linguistics] :: valency
Valence {prop} {f} :: Valence (city/and/commune/capital)
Valence {prop} {f} :: Valence (village/commune)
Valence {prop} {f} :: Valence (town/commune)
Valence {prop} {f} :: Valence (capital city)
Valence {prop} {f} :: Valence (autonomous community)
Valence {prop} {f} :: Valence (province)
valenciennois {adj} :: Of or from Valenciennes
Valentin {prop} :: given name
Valentine {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Valentin
valéral {f} [organic compound] :: valeral
valérate {m} [organic chemistry] :: valerate
valérianate {m} [organic chemistry] :: valerianate
valériane {f} :: valerian (plant)
valérianique {adj} :: valerianic
valérianique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: valeric
Valérie {prop} :: given name
valérine {f} [organic compound] :: valerin
valérique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: valeric
Valéry {prop} {m} :: given name derived from Latin Valerius
valet {m} [history] :: a male attendant of a knight or a lord
valet {m} [history] :: officer belonging to the king's house or a princely house, also valet de chambre
valet {m} :: a male servant, a footman
valet {m} :: a wooden stand on which to hold clothes and accessories in preparation for dressing, also valet de nuit
valet {m} [card games] :: jack
valetaille {f} :: lackeys, flunkeys
valet d'écurie {m} :: groom, stableboy
valétudinaire {adj} :: valetudinarian
valeur {f} :: value, worth
valeur {f} :: valor, gallantry
valeur absolue {f} :: absolute value (numerical value of a real number)
valeur ajoutée {f} [economics] :: value added
valeur ajoutée {f} [by extension] :: added value
valeur de vérité {f} [logic] :: truth value
valeureusement {adv} :: valiantly, bravely
valeureux {adj} :: valiant; brave
valeur faciale {f} [economics] :: par value, face value, stated value
valeur nominale {f} [economics] :: par value, face value, stated value
valeur propre {f} [linear algebra] :: eigenvalue
valeur sûre {f} :: a sound investment, a time-tested asset; a safe bet
validation {f} :: validation
valide {adj} :: valid
validement {adv} :: validly
valider {v} :: to validate
validité {f} :: validity
valise {f} :: case, suitcase
vallaud {adj} :: Of or from La Valla-en-Gier
vallécule {f} [anatomy] :: vallecula
vallée {f} [geography] :: valley
Vallée d'Aoste {prop} {f} :: Vallée d'Aoste (region)
Vallée des rois {prop} {f} :: Valley of the Kings (Egyptian valley known for its tombs)
vallon {m} :: dale, small valley
vallonné {adj} :: hilly
vallonnement {m} :: undulation
valoche {f} [familiar] :: suitcase
valoir {vi} :: to be worth
valoir {vt} :: to earn, to win, to bring (something of value)
valoir {vr} :: to be the same, to have no difference between
valoir la peine {v} [de] :: to be worth the trouble; to be worth it; to be worthwhile
valoir le détour {v} [colloquial] :: to be worth the trip, to be worth the journey, to be worth a visit, to be worth seeing (literally, "to be worth the detour")
valoir mieux {v} [impersonal] :: be better
valoir son pesant d'or {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be worth one's weight in gold
valois {adj} :: Of or from any of several places named Val
Valois {prop} :: surname
Valois {prop} :: The dynasty that ruled France in the 14th to 16th centuries
valorisable {adj} :: recoverable
valorisant {adj} :: valorizing (that adds value)
valorisation {f} :: promotion
valorisation {f} :: gain in value, appreciation
valoriser {v} :: to valorize, to add value
valse {f} :: waltz
valser {v} :: to waltz
valser {v} :: to be moved quickly and violently
valseur {m} :: waltzer
valseuse {f} :: feminine noun of valseur
valse viennoise {f} :: Viennese waltz (dance)
valve {f} :: valve
vamper {v} :: to vamp (seduce)
vampire {m} :: vampire
vampirique {adj} :: vampiric
vampiriser {v} :: to vampirize
vampirisme {m} :: vampirism
van {m} :: a winnowing basket
vanadique {adj} :: vanadic
vanadium {m} :: vanadium
vancouverois {adj} :: Vancouverite
Vancouverois {m} :: Vancouverite
vancouvérois {adj} :: Vancouverite
Vancouvérois {m} :: Vancouverite
Vancouveroise {f} :: feminine noun of Vancouverois
Vancouvéroise {f} :: feminine singular of Vancouvérois
vandale {mf} :: vandal
vandale {mf} :: Vandal
Vandale {m} :: Vandal (member of an ancient east Germanic tribe)
vandaliser {v} :: to vandalise, to vandalize
vandalisme {m} :: vandalism
Vandievoet {prop} [chiefly Belgium] :: surname
Van Dievoet {prop} [chiefly Belgium] :: surname
vandoise {f} :: dace, chub
Vanessa {prop} :: given name
vanille {f} :: vanilla
vanillé {adj} :: vanilla, vanilla-flavoured
vanilline {f} :: vanillin
vanilloïde {m} [organic chemistry] :: vanilloid
vanité {f} :: futility, pointlessness
vanité {f} :: vanity (excessive pride)
vanité {f} :: vanitas
vaniteuse {f} :: feminine noun of vaniteux
vaniteusement {adv} :: vainly, frivolously
vaniteux {adj} :: conceited, frivolous, vain
vaniteux {m} :: a conceited person, frivolous person, vain person
vannage {m} [agriculture] :: winnowing
vanne {f} :: floodgate, gate
vanne {f} [colloquial] :: pointed pleasantry, dig, cutting remark
vanneau {m} :: lapwing (bird)
vanneau {m} :: queen scallop (mollusc)
vanner {vt} [agriculture] :: to winnow
vanner {vt} :: to shake about, jolt, jostle
vanner {vt} :: to scrutinise (analyse thoroughly)
vanner {v} [colloquial] :: to knacker, tire out, flush
vanner {v} [cooking] :: to stir (a sauce or soup) to avoid the formation of a skin
vanner {vt} :: to provide [a river] with sluice gates or floodgates
vanner {vi} :: to kid, joke, crack jokes
vanner {vt} [colloquial] :: to kid, tease, rib someone
vannerie {f} :: wickerwork
vannerie {f} :: the art of making wickerwork
Vannes {prop} :: Vannes
vanneur {m} :: winnower
vanneuse {f} :: feminine noun of vanneur
vannier {m} :: basketmaker, basketweaver
vannière {f} :: feminine singular of vannier
vantail {m} :: leaf (of door), panel (of window)
vantail {m} :: door (of cupboard, wardrobe etc.)
vantard {m} :: boaster, bragger
vantardise {f} :: boastfulness
vantardise {f} :: braggartry
vanté {adj} :: praised, vaunted
vanter {v} :: to praise, to vaunt
vanter {vr} :: to boast, brag
vanuatais {adj} :: Vanuatuan
Vanuatu {prop} {m} :: Vanuatu
va-nu-pieds {mf} :: tramp, homeless person
vapeur {f} :: steam
vapeur {f} :: vapour
vapeur {m} :: steamship
vapeur d'eau {f} :: water vapor, steam
vapocraquage {m} [chemistry] :: steam cracking
vapocraquer {v} [chemistry] :: to steam-crack
vapocraqueur {m} [chemistry] :: steam cracker
vapocuiseur {m} :: pressure cooker
vaporeusement {adv} :: steamily, mistily
vaporeusement {adv} :: transparently
vaporeux {adj} :: vaporous, misty
vaporeux {adj} :: filmy, transparent
vaporisateur {m} :: vaporizer
vaporisation {f} :: vaporization
vaporiser {v} :: to vaporize (turn into vapour)
vapoter {v} :: To vape (smoke e-cigarettes)
vapoteur {m} :: vaper (person who uses e-cigarettes)
vapoteuse {f} :: feminine singular of vapoteur
vaquer {v} [archaic] :: to vacate
vaquer {v} [archaic] :: to discontinue
vaquer {v} :: to busy oneself with, to be occupied with
vaquer {v} :: to scurry about looking for food
vaquer {v} :: to get down to business
Var {prop} {m} :: Var
varan {m} :: monitor lizard
Varane {prop} :: surname
varappe {f} [sports] :: rock climbing
varapper {v} :: to go rock climbing, climb rocks
varappeur {m} :: climber, rock climber
varappeuse {f} :: feminine noun of varappeur
varec {m} :: alternative spelling of varech
varech {m} :: kelp
Varennes {prop} :: A French commune
vareuse {f} [nautical] :: blouse
vareuse {f} [military] :: tunic
variabilité {f} :: variability
variable {adj} :: variable
variable {f} :: variable
variable de classe {f} [object-oriented] :: class variable
variablement {adv} :: variably
variance {f} :: variance
variant {adj} :: varied, which varies; variable
variante {f} :: variant
variateur {m} :: variator
variation {f} :: variation
variationnel {adj} [maths] :: variational
varice {f} :: varicose vein
varicelle {f} :: chicken pox (disease)
varié {adj} :: varied, various, diverse
varier {v} :: to vary
variétal {adj} :: varietal
variété {f} :: variety
variété {f} :: type, genre
variole {f} [pathology] :: smallpox
variolique {adj} :: variolous, smallpox (attributive)
variqueux {adj} :: varicose
Varsovie {prop} :: Varsovie (capital city)
varsovien {adj} :: Varsovian (from or of Warsaw)
Varsovien {m} :: Varsovian (someone from Warsaw)
Varsovienne {f} :: feminine noun of Varsovien
va savoir {interj} [colloquial] :: who knows? go figure
va savoir pourquoi {interj} [colloquial] :: go figure!
vasculaire {adj} :: vascular
vascularisé {adj} :: vascularized
vasculariser {v} :: To vascularize
vascularité {f} :: vascularity
vasculotrope {adj} :: vasculotropic
vase {f} :: silt, mud
vase {m} :: vase
vase communicant {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: communicating vessel
vasectomie {f} :: vasectomy (male sterilization)
vaseline {f} :: vaseline
vaseux {adj} :: muddy
vaseux {adj} [colloquial] :: woolly (explanation, definition etc.)
vasière {f} :: mudflat
vasistas {m} :: transom window (window above a door or another window)
vasistas {m} :: fortochka (small ventilation window)
vasodilatateur {adj} [biochemistry] :: vasodilatory
vasodilatateur {m} [biochemistry] :: vasodilator
vasointestinal {adj} [anatomy] :: vasointestinal
vasque {f} :: basin, bowl
vassal {adj} :: vassal
vassal {m} :: a vassal
vassale {f} :: feminine noun of vassal
vassalique {adj} :: vassal (attributive)
vassaliser {v} :: to vassal
vassalité {f} :: vassalage
vassalité {f} :: subjugation
vasselage {m} :: vassalage
vaste {adj} :: vast
vastement {adv} :: greatly; much
VASTF {n} [initialism] :: "version anglais sous-titres français" — English version with French subtitles (EVFST); a film dubbed in English, and subtitled in French
vas-y {phrase} [informal, singular] :: go ahead; go on
va te faire foutre {interj} [vulgar] :: go get fucked!; go fuck yourself!; get your butt out of here!; fuck you!; fuck off!
va-t-en-guerre {m} [pejorative] :: warmonger, hawk
vatican {adj} :: Vatican
vaticane {adj} :: in, of or relating to, the Vatican (papal palace and sovereign city state enclaved in Rome)
vaticane {adj} [metonymy] :: of or relating to the Holy See, to the papacy
vaticination {f} :: vaticination
vatrouchka {f} :: vatrushka
Vaucluse {prop} {m} :: Vaucluse (department)
vauclusien {adj} :: Of or from Vaucluse
Vauclusien {m} :: Native or resident of Vaucluse
Vauclusienne {f} :: feminine noun of Vauclusien
Vaud {prop} :: Vaud (canton)
vaudais {adj} :: Of or from Vaulx-en-Velin
vaudeville {m} :: vaudeville
vaudevilliste {m} :: A vaudeville artist
vaudois {adj} [geography] :: of or from Vaud (canton in Switzerland)
vaudois {adj} [Christianity] :: Waldensian; related to the doctrine of Peter Valdo
vaudou {m} :: voodoo (African and Afro-Caribbean religion)
vaudou {adj} :: voodoo (attributive)
vaurien {m} :: good-for-nothing, a person regarded as useless or worthless
vautour {m} :: vulture
vautour {m} [pejorative, figuratively] :: shark, vulture
vautour moine {m} :: The Eurasian black vulture
vautrer {vt} [rare] :: to wallow (to roll one's body, or a part of it, in the mud or something of similar texture)
vautrer {vr} :: to sprawl; to wallow
vautrer {vr} [figuratively] :: to wallow
vautrer {vr} [familiar] :: to tumble heavily on the ground
vautrer {vr} [familiar] :: to fail
vauvert {m} :: only used in au diable-vauvert
vavasseur {m} [history] :: vavasour, subvassal
VBCI {m} :: IFV (infantry fighting vehicle) abbreviation of véhicule blindé de combat d'infanterie
VBL {m} [military] :: LAV (light armoured vehicle); initialism of véhicule blindé léger
Vc. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violoncelle
VdO {prop} [sports] :: abbreviation of Val-d'Or
VDO {prop} [sports] :: abbreviation of Val-d'Or
VDQS {m} :: initialism of vin délimité de qualité supérieure
ve {n} :: abbreviation of veuve
{m} :: letter: v
{m} :: calf
{interj} [Marseille] :: look!
veau {m} [animal] :: calf
veau {m} :: veal
veau d'or {m} :: golden calf
veau d'or {m} [figuratively] :: golden calf (money, wealth)
vecteur {adj} :: disease-carrying
vecteur {m} :: disease-carrier, vector
vecteur {m} [mathematics] :: vector (a directed quantity)
vecteur propre {f} [linear algebra] :: eigenvector
vectoriel {adj} :: vectorial (of or pertaining to a vector)
vectoriellement {adv} :: vectorially
vectorisation {f} :: vectorization/vectorisation
vectoriser {v} :: to vectorize
vécu {m} :: experience (what one experiences)
vécu {m} :: inner life
véda {m} :: Veda
vedettariat {m} :: stardom
vedette {f} :: star (celebrity)
vedette {f} [watercraft] :: flagship
vedette {f} [lexicography] :: headword (word used as the title of a section)
vedette {f} [military, historical] :: vedette (sentry)
védique {adj} :: Vedic
védisme {m} :: Vedism (Vedic religion and culture)
végé {mf} [colloquial] :: veggie (vegetarian person)
végé {adj} [colloquial] :: veggie (vegetarian)
Végèce {prop} {m} :: Vegetius
végépâté {m} :: vegepate (veggie pâté / vegan pate / vegetarian paté)
végétal {m} :: Plant
végétal {adj} :: Of or relating to plants
végétalien {adj} :: vegan
végétalien {m} :: vegan
végétalienne {f} :: feminine noun of végétalien; a female vegan
végétalisation {f} :: revegetation
végétalisé {adj} :: Covered with plants
végétaliser {v} :: To vegetate
végétalisme {m} :: veganism
végétarien {adj} :: vegetarian (of a person, not eating animal flesh)
végétarien {adj} :: vegetarian (of a food, not containing animal flesh)
végétarien {m} :: vegetarian (person who or animal that does not eat any animal flesh)
végétarienne {f} :: feminine noun of végétarien; a female vegetarian
végétarisme {m} :: vegetarianism
végétatif {adj} :: vegetative
végétation {f} :: vegetation
végéter {vi} :: to vegetate
véhémence {f} :: vehemence
véhément {adj} :: vehement
véhémentement {adv} :: vehemently
véhiculage {m} :: transportation, conveyance
véhiculaire {adj} :: vehicular
véhicule {m} :: vehicle
véhicule {m} [Buddhism] :: vehicle
véhicule de dépannage {m} :: synonym of dépanneuse (tow truck)
véhicule hybride rechargeable {m} :: plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)
véhiculer {v} :: to transport in a vehicle, to carry
véhiculer {v} [figurative] :: to promote, to convey (a message), to carry
véhicule utilitaire sport {m} :: sport utility vehicle
veillant {adj} :: watching, vigilant
veille {f} :: the day before, the eve
veille {f} :: wakefulness
veille {f} :: (night) watch, vigil
veillée {f} :: gathering (in the evening)
veillée {f} :: vigil
veiller {vi} :: To stay up, sit up
veiller {vi} :: To keep guard, keep watch
veiller {vi} :: To look after, see to ( + à); see to it that ( + à ce que)
veiller {vi} :: To watch over (someone) ( + sur)
veiller {vt} :: To keep watch over a sick person at night; to do a death wake for
veiller {vi} [Quebec] :: To go out in the evening, e.g. in parties, clubs, bars..
veiller au grain {v} [literal] :: to be on guard for a sudden, violent gust of wind
veiller au grain {v} [figurative] :: to keep an eye on things, to look out for squalls, to keep a weather eye open
veilleur {m} :: watchman
veilleuse {f} :: feminine noun of veilleur
veilleuse {f} :: night light
veilleuse {f} :: sidelight (on a car)
veilleuse {f} :: pilot light
veinage {m} :: veining (decorative pattern on cut wood)
veinard {m} [colloquial] :: lucky bastard, lucky devil, lucky beggar, jammy Arab
veinard {adj} [colloquial] :: lucky, jammy, flukey
veine {f} [anatomy] :: vein
veine {f} [geology] :: vein, seam
veine {f} [colloquial] :: luck
veiner {v} :: to vein (streak with marks similar to veins)
veineux {adj} :: venous, of or relating to veins; having numerous veins
vêlage {m} :: calving (all senses)
vélaire {adj} [phonetics, phonology] :: velar
vélar {m} :: a wallflower (member of the genus Erysimum)
vélarisation {f} [linguistics] :: velarization
vélasquézien {adj} :: Velazquezian
velcro {m} :: Velcro
velcroter {v} :: to velcro
vêler {v} :: to calve (all senses)
vélin {m} :: vellum
véliplanchiste {mf} :: windsurfer
velle {f} :: female cow calf
velléitaire {adj} :: irresolute, weak-willed, indecisive
velléité {f} :: weak will
velléité {f} :: indecisiveness
vélo {m} [usually, colloquial] :: bike, bicycle, cycle
vélo à neige {m} :: fatbike (a bicycle with very wide fat tires to traverse on snow and ice)
vélo à neige {m} :: snowbike (a mountain bike with its front wheel replaced by a ski)
vélo à neige {m} :: skibike (a bicycle frame with both wheels replaced by skis, which may also lack a seat, having the rider stand on the rear ski)
vélo à pneus surdimensionnés {m} :: a fatbike; synonym of fat bike (a bike for riding on trails of ice and snow)
vélo-café {m} :: a type of food cart mobile vending point, a tricycle-based mobile coffee cart cafe, similar to an ice cream cart tricycle, with the cart hosting an espresso machine, coffee maker, coffee grinder, and supplies
véloce {adj} :: swift
vélocement {adv} :: swiftly
vélocimétrique {adj} :: velocimetric
vélocipède {m} :: a velocipede
vélocipède {m} :: bicycles in general
vélocipédique {adj} :: cyclist or cycling (attributive)
vélocité {f} :: velocity
vélo couché {m} :: recumbent (special type of bicycle)
vélodrome {m} :: velodrome
vélomoteur {m} :: moped
vélo-pupitre {m} :: a combination of stationary bike and student desk; a student desk with a set of bicycle pedals attached, to allow stationary biking while reading, writing and in-classroom sit-down learning
véloroute {f} :: cycle path
vélorue {f} :: A shared-use road for bicycles and automobiles, on which the bikes may range over the entire vehicular use surface, and where priority is given to cyclists
vélorution {f} :: activism to promote cycling as an alternative mode of transport
véloski {m} :: skibob
vélotaf {m} [slang, cycling] :: bike commuting
vélotaff {m} [slang, cycling] :: bike commuting
vélo-taxi {m} :: alternative spelling of vélotaxi
vélotaxi {m} :: A cycle rickshaw
vélo tout terrain {m} :: mountain bike
vélo tout-terrain {m} :: alternative spelling of vélo tout terrain
velours {m} :: velvet
velours côtelé {m} :: corduroy
velours d'Utrecht {m} :: Utrecht velvet
velouté {adj} :: velvety
velouté {adj} :: smooth
velouté {m} :: smoothness, softness
velouté {m} [cooking] :: a velouté
velouter {v} :: to give (something) a velvety finish
velouter {v} :: to soften, make smooth
velouteux {adj} :: velvety
velu {adj} :: hairy
velu {adj} [botany] :: villous
vélux {m} :: skylight, roof window, Velux window
venaison {f} :: venison (meat)
vénal {adj} [of a person, pejorative] :: Available for a price; venal
vénalement {adv} :: venally
vénalité {f} :: venality
venant {adj} :: coming
venant {m} :: comer
vendange {f} :: vintage (yield of grapes for wine-making)
vendange {f} [by extension] :: grapes harvested for wine-making
vendange {f} [chiefly plural] :: grape harvesting season
vendanger {v} :: to vintage
vendangeur {m} :: vintager (grape picker/harvester)
vendangeuse {f} :: feminine noun of vendangeur
Vendée {prop} {f} :: Vendée (department)
Vendée {prop} {f} :: Vendée (river)
vendéen {adj} :: Vendean
Vendéen {m} :: Someone from Vendée
vendémiaire {m} [historical] :: Vendémiaire (the first month of the French Republican Calendar)
vendetta {f} :: vendetta
vendeur {adj} :: sellable; able to sell a lot
vendeur {m} :: salesman
vendeur {m} :: seller, vendor
vendeuse {f} :: feminine noun of vendeur
Vendôme {prop} :: A town in the Loir-et-Cher department of the Centre-Val de Loire region of France
vendômois {adj} :: Of or from Vendôme
Vendômois {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Vendôme
Vendômoise {f} :: feminine noun of Vendômois
vendre {vt} :: to sell
vendre {v} [reflexive, as se vendre] :: to sell
vendre {vt} :: to sell out (betray)
vendredi {m} :: Friday
vendredi fou {m} :: Black Friday
vendredi noir {m} :: Black Friday synonym of vendredi fou
vendredi saint {prop} {m} :: Good Friday
vendre la mèche {v} [colloquial] :: to spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
vendre père et mère {v} [pejorative, figuratively] :: to sell one's own grandmother (used to say that one is ready to do anything)
vendre son âme au diable {v} [figuratively] :: to sell one's soul to the devil
vendu {adj} :: corrupt
venelle {f} :: alley
vénéneux {adj} :: venomous
vénérable {adj} :: venerable
vénérablement {adv} :: venerably
vénération {f} :: veneration
vénère {adj} [slang] :: pissed off
vénérer {v} :: to worship; to venerate
vénerie {f} [hunting] :: venery
vènerie {f} :: alternative spelling of vénerie
vénérien {adj} :: venereal
vénète {adj} :: Venetic
Vénétie {prop} {f} :: Vénétie (region)
veneur {m} :: hunter, huntsman (with hounds)
Venezuela {prop} {m} :: Venezuela (country)
vénézuélien {adj} :: Venezuelan
Vénézuélien {m} :: Venezuelan (person)
Vénézuélienne {f} :: feminine noun of Vénézuélien
vengeance {f} :: revenge, vengeance
venger {v} :: to avenge, to take revenge (upon)
vengeresse {f} :: feminine noun of vengeur
vengeur {adj} :: vengeful
vengeur {m} :: avenger
véniel {adj} :: venial, pardonable
véniellement {adv} :: venially
venimeusement {adv} :: venomously, poisonously
venimeux {adj} :: poisonous, venomous
venimosité {f} :: venomousness
venin {m} :: venom (poison)
venin {m} [figuratively] :: venom (feeling of malign or contempt)
venir {vi} :: To come (to move from one place to another that is nearer the speaker)
venir à bout {v} [de] :: to overcome, to manage to finish
venir à Canossa {v} :: alternative form of aller à Canossa
venir à l'esprit {v} :: to spring to mind, to come to mind, to cross someone's mind
venir au monde {v} [idiomatic] :: to be born
venir de {v} :: to come from, to be from, to originate from
venir de {v} :: (followed by an infinitive) to have just done
venir du cœur {v} [figuratively] :: to come straight from the heart
venir en âge {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: to turn twenty-one years of age
Venise {prop} :: Venise (capital city)
Venise {prop} :: Venise (metropolitan city)
vénitien {adj} :: Venetian (relating to Venice)
vénitien {m} :: Venetian (language)
Vénitien {m} :: Venetian person
vénitienne {f} :: In french vénitienne means a Venetian style shoe
vénitienne {f} :: Italian cloth (textile - "tissage")
Vénitienne {f} :: feminine noun of Vénitien
vent {m} :: Atmospheric wind
vent {m} [euphemistic] :: A flatulence
vent {m} [uncountable] :: Empty words, hot air
ventail {m} :: alternative form of vantail
vent debout {adj} [contre] :: strongly opposed to
vent dominant {m} [climatology] :: prevailing wind
vente {f} :: sale
venté {adj} :: windy
vente aux enchères {f} :: auction (public sales event)
vente de garage {f} [Quebec] :: garage sale
vente pyramidale {f} [economics] :: pyramid scheme
venter {v} [impersonal, weather] :: To be windy, to blow
venter à décorner les bœufs {v} [simile, impersonal, weather] :: To be extremely windy
venter à écorner les bœufs {v} :: alternative form of venter à décorner les bœufs
venteux {adj} :: windy (charactized by strong winds)
ventilateur {m} :: ventilator, fan
ventilateur {m} :: pedestal fan
ventilation {f} :: ventilation: replacement of stale or noxious air with fresh
ventilation {f} :: ventilation: mechanical system used to circulate and replace air
ventilation {f} :: repartition
ventilatoire {adj} :: breathing (attributive)
ventiler {v} :: to ventilate
ventiler {v} :: [dated] to discuss, debate
ventiler {v} :: [dated] to evaluate, estimate
ventiler {v} :: to break down (a total into parts)
ventilo {m} [colloquial] :: fan (machine used for circulating air)
vent interstellaire {m} :: solar wind
ventôse {m} [historical] :: Ventôse (the sixth month of the French Republican Calendar)
ventouse {f} :: plunger
ventouse {f} :: suction cup
ventouse {f} :: cup for fire cupping
ventouse {f} :: ventouse
ventouse {f} [biology] :: sucker
ventouse {f} [slang] :: sucker (a person who sucks; a general term of disparagement)
ventral {adj} :: ventral
ventre {m} [anatomy] :: belly; stomach
ventre {m} [physics] :: antinode
ventre à pattes {m} [figuratively] :: walking stomach, stomach on legs (person who is hungry all the time)
ventre mou {m} :: weakness, weak spot, soft underbelly
ventre sur pattes {m} [figuratively] :: walking stomach, stomach on legs (person who is hungry all the time)
ventriculaire {adj} [anatomy, physiology, medicine] :: ventricular
ventricule {m} :: ventricle
ventriculographie {f} :: ventriculography
ventrier {adj} [anatomy] :: abdominal
ventriloque {mf} :: ventriloquist
ventripotent {adj} :: ventripotent
ventru {adj} [of a man] :: potbellied, paunchy
ventru {adj} [of an object] :: rounded, bulging
vent solaire {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
vent stellaire {m} [astronomy] :: stellar wind
vent travers {m} [nautical] :: beam reach
venue {f} :: coming, arrival
Vénus {prop} {f} :: Venus (Roman goddess)
Vénus {prop} {f} :: Venus (planet)
vénusien {adj} :: Venusian (relating to Venus)
vépéciste {m} :: mail-order company; person/firm selling remotely
vêpre {m} [archaic, humorous] :: The evening
vêprée {f} [outdated] :: The end of the afternoon; evening
vêpres {fp} :: vespers
vêpres {fp} :: evensong
vepse {m} :: Veps (Finno-Ugric language)
ver {m} :: worm
véracité {f} :: veracity
véracité {f} :: authenticity
véraison {f} [regional, South of France] :: veraison
véranda {f} :: veranda
ver à soie {m} :: silkworm
vératrine {f} :: veratrin
verbal {adj} :: verbal
verbalement {adv} :: verbally; orally
verbalisation {f} :: verbalization, verbalisation
verbaliser {vt} :: to verbalize, to put into words (express using speech)
verbaliser {v} [law] :: to make a statement (dresser un procès-verbal)
verbaliser {vt} [law] :: to give somebody a ticket, a fine; to write up somebody
verbatim {m} :: verbatim
verbatim {adv} :: verbatim
verbe {m} :: speech
verbe {m} :: tone of voice
verbe {m} :: way of speaking
verbe {m} [grammar] :: verb
verbe auxiliaire {m} [grammar] :: auxiliary verb
verbe intransitif {m} :: intransitive verb (action verb not taking a direct object)
verbe pronominal {m} :: pronominal verb
verbe transitif {m} :: transitive verb (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object)
verbeusement {adv} :: verbosely
verbeux {adj} :: verbose
verbiage {m} :: verbiage
verbicruciste {m} :: cruciverbalist; constructor of crossword puzzles
verbosité {f} :: verbosity
Vercingétorix {prop} {m} :: Vercingetorix
Vercors {prop} :: A massif in the Prealps
vercouline {f} :: A form of raclette (fondue) from the Vercors massif
vercussien {adj} :: Of or from Vercors
verdâtre {adj} :: greeny, greenish
verdet {m} :: verdigris
ver de terre {m} :: earthworm
verdeur {f} :: greenness
verdeur {f} :: tartness, sharpness; acidity (of wine)
verdeur {f} :: vitality
verdiau {m} :: purple osier (Salix purpurea)
verdict {m} :: verdict
verdien {adj} :: Verdian
verdir {v} :: to turn green
verdissant {adj} :: greening
verdissement {m} :: the act of turning green
verdoyant {adj} :: verdant
verdoyer {v} :: to be/become verdant, green
Verdun {prop} :: Verdun
verdunois {adj} :: of or pertaining to Verdun
verdure {f} :: verdure, greenness
vérécondie {f} [obsolete] :: restraint, reserve, modesty
véreux {adj} :: maggoty, worm-eaten
véreux {adj} :: (of lawyer, public official etc.) bent, dodgy, crooked, sheisty
verge {f} :: rod
verge {f} :: penis (male sexual organ)
verge {f} [Canada] :: yard
vergé {adj} :: ribbed, veined
vergé {adj} :: laid (paper)
vergé {adj} :: streaky (colour)
vergée {f} :: rood (quarter of an acre)
verger {m} :: orchard
vergerette {f} :: fleabane
vergerolle {f} :: synonym of vergerette
vergeron {m} :: warbler (bird)
vergette {f} [literally] :: A small (wooden) rod
vergette {f} :: A clothes-brush
vergette {f} [heraldiccharge] :: A pale at least fivefold thinner then usual
vergeture {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: stretch mark
vergeure {f} [papermaking] :: Brass wire attached to laid paper
vergeure {f} :: (By extension) the lines caused by this wire
vergeüre {f} :: alternative spelling of vergeure
verglaçant {adj} :: freezing
verglaçante {adj} :: freezing (of rain or snow)
verglacé {adj} :: icy (of a surface)
verglas {m} :: black ice
vergne {m} :: alder (tree)
vergogne {f} [archaic or literary] :: shame (feeling)
vergogne {f} [archaic or literary] :: restraint, moderation
vergogne {f} [archaic or literary] :: modesty, decency
vergue {f} [nautical] :: yard [of sailing ship]
véridique {adj} :: veracious, truthful; true, for real
véridiquement {adv} :: veraciously, truthfully
vérifiabilité {f} :: verifiability
vérifiable {adj} :: verifiable (able to be verified or confirmed)
vérificateur {m} :: checker, verifier
vérification {f} :: verification
vérificatrice {f} :: feminine noun of vérificateur
vérifier {v} :: to verify
vérin {m} :: cylinder (containing a piston)
verisimilitude {f} :: verisimilitude
véritable {adj} :: veritable
véritablement {adv} :: really, truly
vérité {f} :: truth
verjus {m} :: verjuice
verjus {m} [colloquial] :: wine which is too green
verlan {m} :: verlan (type of backslang used in French)
verlaniser {v} :: to verlanize, verlanise
ver luisant {m} :: firefly
ver luisant {m} :: glowworm
vermeil {adj} :: bright red; vermilion
vermeil {adj} [of mouth, lips, etc.] :: ruby; cherry
vermeil {adj} :: rosy
vermeil {m} :: vermeil (gold-plated silver with a reddish hue)
Vermette {prop} :: surname
vermicelle {m} :: vermicelli
vermiculite {f} [mineral] :: vermiculite
vermifuge {adj} [medicine] :: vermifuge
vermifuge {m} [medicine] :: vermifuge
vermillon {m} :: cinnabar
vermillon {m} :: vermilion
vermine {f} :: vermin (destructive creatures)
vermine {f} :: vermin (a contemptible person)
vermineux {adj} :: verminous
vermisseau {m} :: small earthworm, grub
vermivore {m} :: vermivore
vermivore {adj} :: vermivorous
vermoudre {vr} :: alternative form of vermouler.
vermouler {vr} :: to grow worm-eaten
vermoulu {adj} :: riddled with woodworm, worm-eaten
vermoulu {adj} [figuratively] :: moth-eaten
vernaculaire {adj} :: vernacular
vernaculaire {m} :: vernacular
Verne {prop} :: Verne; surname
verni {adj} :: varnished, covered by varnish
verni {adj} :: lucky
vernir {v} :: to varnish
vernis {m} :: varnish
vernis {m} :: nail polish
vernis {m} :: veneer
vernis à ongles {m} :: nail polish
vernissage {m} :: varnishing, glazing
vernissage {m} :: a private viewing at a gallery
vernissé {adj} :: glazed (pottery)
vernissé {adj} :: glossy
vernisser {vt} :: to glaze (pottery)
Véro {prop} {f} :: given name
vérole {f} :: syphilis; pox
vérolé {adj} :: syphilitic
vérolé {adj} :: pockmarked
véronais {adj} :: Veronese
Véronais {m} :: of or from Verona
Véronaise {f} :: feminine singular of Véronais
Vérone {prop} {f} :: Vérone (city)
Vérone {prop} {f} :: Verona (province)
véronique {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: veronica (cloth)
véronique {f} [bullfighting] :: veronica (movement of the cape)
véronique {f} [botany] :: veronica (flower)
Véronique {prop} {f} :: given name
verrat {m} :: boar (male pig)
verre {m} [usually, uncountable] :: glass (substance)
verre {m} :: symbol of fragility
verre {m} :: symbol of transparency
verre {m} [countable] :: Object in this substance
verre {m} [optics] :: glass
verre {m} :: lens
verre {m} :: glass (drinking vessel)
verre {m} :: its content
verre à shot {m} :: shot glass
verrer {v} :: To scour
verrerie {f} :: glassworks
verrerie {f} :: glassware
verrier {m} :: glassmaker; glassblower
verrier {adj} :: glass (attributive)
verrière {f} :: A glass skylight
verrière {f} :: feminine noun of verrier
verrine {f} :: verrine
verroterie {f} :: glass jewellery
verrou {m} [on a door] :: bolt
verrou {m} [on a gun] :: lock
verrou {m} [computer science] :: lock, mutex
verrouillable {adj} :: lockable
verrouillage {m} :: locking (action of locking something)
verrouiller {v} :: to bolt, to bolt up (lock with a bolt)
verrouiller {v} :: to lock (to prevent something ,e.g. a button or keypad, from performing its task)
verrue {f} :: wart, verruca
vers {prep} :: towards
vers {prep} :: to
vers {prep} :: around, circa (with a date or time)
vers {m} :: verse
versaillais {adj} :: Of or from Versailles
versaillais {adj} [politics] :: that opposed the commune of 1871
Versailles {prop} {fp} :: Versailles (municipality/and/suburb)
Versailles {prop} {fp} [by ellipsis] :: Versailles (the Palace of Versailles)
versant {m} :: slope, side
versatile {adj} :: versatile; easily changeable
versatile {adj} :: indecisive
versatilité {f} :: versatility
versatilité {f} :: fickleness
versé {adj} [always followed by dans] :: versed, knowledgeable (in something), conversant (with something)
verseau {m} [geography] :: An uncovered slope above an entablature used to carry away water
Verseau {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: The stellar constellation Aquarius
Verseau {prop} {m} [astrology] :: The zodiac sign Aquarius
versement {m} [finance] :: payment, especially an electronic transaction
verser {vt} :: to pour
verser {vt} :: to pay, to put money into a fund
verser {vi} [of a vehicle] :: to overturn (turn over, capsize)
verset {m} :: diminutive of vers
verset {m} :: verse (of religious text)
verseur {m} :: pourer
verseur {m} :: payer
verseur {adj} :: pouring
versification {f} :: versification
versifier {v} :: to versify
version {f} :: version; model (a specific state, variant, or form of something)
version {f} :: a translation exercise
version {f} :: a translation
version {f} :: a specific manner of reporting a fact or event
version {f} [medicine] :: an obstetric maneuver to change the fetus' position inside the uterus so as to facilitate childbirth
vers libre {m} :: free verse
verso {m} :: verso, reverse, back, overleaf (of a page)
verso {m} [printing] :: left-hand page
versoir {m} :: moldboard
Verstappen {prop} :: Verstappen; surname
verste {f} :: "(Russian meas.) verst"
vert {m} :: green
vert {adj} :: green
vert-de-gris {m} :: verdigris (blue-green patina on copper and copper alloys)
vert de jalousie {adj} :: green with envy
vert de peur {adj} :: scared to death, white as a sheet, terrified
vert de rage {adj} :: livid, furious, beside oneself with anger
vertébral {adj} :: vertebral
vertébré {m} :: vertebrate
vertèbre {f} :: vertebra
vertèbre cervicale {f} :: cervical vertebra
vertement {adv} :: strongly, eagerly
vertement {adv} :: harshly, sharply
vert-galant {m} :: "A brisk spark".
vertical {adj} :: vertical
verticalement {adv} :: vertically (in a vertical direction or position)
verticalité {f} :: verticality, verticalness
verticité {f} :: verticity
vertige {m} :: dizziness, vertigo
vertigineusement {adv} :: vertiginously
vertigineusement {adv} :: dizzily
vertigineux {adj} :: vertiginous
vertigineux {adj} :: dizzy
vert pomme {adj} :: apple-green
vertu {f} :: virtue
vertueusement {adv} :: virtuously
vertueux {adj} :: virtuous
vertugadin {m} :: farthingale
vérumontanum {m} [anatomy] :: verumontanum
verve {f} :: eloquence
verve {f} :: verve, brio
verveine {f} [plant] :: vervain, verbena
verveine {f} :: verbena tea; vervain liqueur
Verville {prop} :: surname
vésanie {f} :: vesania
vésanique {adj} :: vesanic
vesce {f} :: vetch
vésical {adj} [anatomy] :: vesical
vésicant {adj} :: vesicant
vésiculaire {adj} :: vesicular(being, having, or resembling a vesicle or vesicles)
vésicule {f} :: bladder (A flexible sac that can expand and contract and that holds liquids or gases.)
vésicule biliaire {f} :: gall bladder (pear-shaped organ that stores bile)
vésiculeux {adj} [anatomy] :: vesicular
vespasienne {f} :: urinal (in street)
vespéral {adj} [literary] :: evening (attributive)
vespéralement {adv} :: during the evening
vespiforme {adj} [biology] :: vespiform
vespoïde {m} :: vespoid
vesse {f} :: fart
vesse-de-loup {f} :: puffball
vesser {v} [dated, colloquial] :: To fart
vessie {f} [anatomy] :: bladder
Vesta {prop} [Roman god] :: Vesta
Vesta {prop} [astronomy] :: Vesta
vestale {f} :: vestal
veste {f} :: jacket (garment)
vestiaire {m} :: locker room, changing room
vestiaire {m} [religion] :: vestry
vestibulaire {adj} :: vestibular
vestibule {m} :: hall, entrance hall
vestibule {m} :: vestibule
vestige {m} :: vestige, relic
vestigial {adj} :: vestigial
vestimentaire {adj} :: vestimentary, sartorial; clothing, dress (attributive)
vestimentairement {adv} :: vestimentarily
veston {m} :: (man's) jacket
Vestphalie {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Westphalie
Vésuve {prop} {m} :: Vesuvius (volcano in Italy)
vêtement {m} :: garment, item of clothing
vêtement {m} :: (in plural vêtements) clothes, clothing
vétéran {m} :: veteran
vétérant {adj} :: alternative form of vétéran
vétérinaire {adj} :: veterinary
vétérinaire {mf} :: veterinarian, veterinary surgeon, vet [short form for the two previous terms]
vétérotestamentaire {adj} :: vetero-testamentary, Old Testament (attributive)
vétillard {m} :: trifler (someone who trifles)
vétille {f} :: trifle, triviality
vétiller {vi} [archaic] :: to trifle (deal with unimportant things)
vétilleux {adj} :: punctilious
vétilleux {adj} :: captious
vêtir {vt} [dated] :: to dress, to clothe
vêtir {vp} [dated] :: to dress, get dressed
vétiver {m} :: vetiver
veto {m} :: veto
veto {mf} :: vet (veterinarian)
véto {m} :: veto
véto {mf} [colloquial] :: vet (veterinarian, veterinary surgeon)
Vettel {prop} :: Vettel; surname
vêtu {adj} :: dressed
vêture {f} :: investiture
vêture {f} :: clothing (action)
vêture {f} [architecture] :: cladding
vétuste {adj} :: run-down, dilapidated
vétuste {adj} :: outdated, antiquated
vétusté {f} :: dilapidation
veuf {n} :: widower (a man whose wife has died and who has not remarried)
veuf {adj} :: widowed
veuf {adj} :: odd (missing its pair)
veule {adj} [literary] :: feeble
veulerie {f} [literary] :: spinelessness, feebleness
veuvage {m} :: widowhood
veuve {f} :: widow
veuve noire {f} :: black widow (arachnid)
veuve noire {f} :: black widow (woman who kills)
vexant {adj} :: annoying; irritating; frustrating
vexation {f} :: insult
vexation {f} :: humiliation
vexation {f} :: harassment
vexatoire {adj} :: vexatious, harassing
vexé {adj} :: vexed, annoyed
vexer {v} :: to irritate; to annoy
vexer {v} :: to offend, to hurt
vexillologie {f} :: vexillology
vexillologique {adj} :: vexillological
vexillologiquement {adv} :: vexillogically
VF {n} [initialism, film] :: "version française" — French-language version (FV); a film dubbed in French
VFSTA {n} [initialism] :: "version français sous-titres anglais" — French-language version with English subtitles (OFVEST); a film dubbed in French with English-language subtitles
VHR {mf} [masculine] :: PHEV; abbreviation of véhicule hybride rechargeable
VHR {mf} [feminine] :: abbreviation of voiture hybride rechargeable
VHS {f} :: VHS
via {prep} :: via, through, by way of
viabiliser {vt} :: to service (provide with services)
viabilité {f} :: viability
viabilité {f} :: suitable condition of a road
viable {adj} :: viable, feasible
viaduc {m} :: viaduct
via ferrata {f} [climbing] :: via ferrata (protected climbing route)
viager {adj} :: life (attributive)
viande {f} :: meat
viande {f} [obsolete] :: food
viande {f} [sexuality] :: an object of sexual desire; a piece of meat
viande fumée {f} :: smoked meat [meats that have been smoke-cured]
viande fumée {f} :: smoked meat [Montreal-style smoked meat]
viande fumée {f} :: smoked meat sandwich
viande hachée {f} :: ground meat, minced meat
viarge {interj} [Quebec, vulgar, slang] :: An indication of surprise, indignation, or any other emotion
viatique {m} [religion] :: viaticum (eucharist)
viatique {m} :: money, provisions (for a journey)
Viaud {prop} :: surname
vibe {f} :: vibe
vibraculaire {m} :: vibraculum
vibrance {f} :: vibrancy
vibraphone {m} :: vibraphone
vibraphoniste {mf} :: vibraphonist
vibrateur {m} :: vibrator [mechanical device]
vibratile {adj} :: vibratile
vibration {f} :: vibration
vibrationnel {adj} :: vibrational
vibrato {m} [music] :: vibrato
vibratoire {adj} :: vibratory
vibrer {v} :: to vibrate
vibreur {m} :: vibrate mode (in a mobile phone etc)
vibrion {m} :: vibrio
vibrionique {adj} :: vibrionic
vibrionnaire {adj} :: vibrionic
vibrionnant {adj} :: attention-seeking
vibrisse {f} [anatomy, ornithology] :: vibrissa
vibro- {prefix} :: Forms words related to vibration
vibromasseur {m} [sex] :: vibrator
vibronique {adj} :: vibronic
vicaire {m} :: vicar; curate
vicarial {adj} :: vicarial
vicariat {m} :: curacy
vice {m} :: vice
vice anglais {m} [slang] :: flagellation
vice anglais {m} [slang] :: homosexuality
vice caché {m} [law] :: latent defect, hidden defect
vice de forme {m} [law] :: formal defect, irregularity, technical flaw, breach of procedure
Vicence {prop} :: Vicenza
vicentin {adj} :: Vicentine
Vicentin {m} :: Vicentine
Vicentine {f} :: feminine singular of Vicentin
vice-président {m} [politics] :: vice-president
vice-roi {m} :: viceroy
vicésimal {adj} :: vigesimal
vichy {m} :: gingham
vichy {m} :: Vichy water
Vichy {prop} {mf} :: Vichy
vichysme {m} :: The Vichy regime (in Vichy France)
vichyssois {adj} :: Of or from Vichy
vichyssois {adj} :: Pertaining to the Vichy wartime government
Vichyssois {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Vichy
vichyssoise {f} :: vichyssoise
Vichyssoise {f} :: feminine singular of Vichyssois
vichyste {adj} :: Of or from Vichy
vichyste {mf} :: A partisan during the Vichy France regime
Vichyste {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Vichy
vicié {adj} :: polluted, tainted; vitiated
vicier {vt} :: to invalidate
vicier {vt} :: to vitiate
vicieusement {adv} :: viciously
vicieux {adj} :: lecherous, perverted, depraved
vicieux {adj} :: sly, deceitful; tricky (question)
vicieux {adj} :: vicious (horse)
vicieux {adj} [literary] :: wrong (word, pronunciation, etc.)
vicieux {m} :: pervert
vicinal {adj} :: vicinal
vicinité {f} :: vicinity
vicissitude {f} :: vicissitude
vicomte {m} :: viscount
vicomté {f} :: viscountship
vicomtesse {f} :: viscountess
victimaire {adj} :: victim (attributive)
victimation {f} :: victimization
victime {f} :: victim
victimer {vt} :: To victimize
victimisation {f} :: victimization/victimisation
victimiser {vt} :: To victimize
victimologie {f} :: victimology
victoire {f} :: victory; win
Victoire {prop} {f} :: given name
victoire à la Pyrrhus {f} :: Pyrrhic victory (a costly victory)
Victor {prop} :: given name
Victoria {prop} :: given name
Victoria {prop} :: Victoria (the lake)
Victoriatown {prop} [historic] :: Victoriatown; Victoriatown (neighbourhood). synonym of Village-aux-Oies (a former Irish neighbourhood in Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Victoriaville {prop} :: Victoriaville (town)
victorien {adj} [architecture] :: Victorian
victorieusement {adv} :: victoriously
victorieux {adj} :: victorious
victuaille {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: provisions, victuals
vidage {m} :: emptying
vidange {f} :: oil change (the emptying and replacing of engine oil in a vehicle)
vidange {f} [Quebec slang] :: garbage, trash
vidanger {v} :: To empty a reservoir, cesspit etc
vidanger {v} :: to change the oil in the motor of a vehicle
vidangeur {m} :: A person who empties a reservoir, cesspit etc
vide {adj} :: empty
vide {adj} :: devoid
vide {adj} :: blank (page, tape)
vide {adj} :: vacant; unfurnished (apartment)
vide {m} :: (empty) space
vide {m} :: vacuum, void
vide {m} :: emptiness
vide {m} :: gap
vidéaste {mf} :: videographer
vide-couilles {m} [sex, vulgar] :: cum dumpster
vide-grenier {m} :: garage sale
vide juridique {m} [law] :: legal vacuum
vidéo- {prefix} :: video-
vidéo {f} :: video (television show, movie)
vidéocassette {f} :: videocassette (cassette containing recorded videotape)
vidéoclip {m} :: music video
vidéocommunication {f} :: video communication
vidéoconférence {f} :: video conference
vidéodisque {m} :: videodisc / videodisk
vidéoludique {adj} :: videogaming (attributive)
vidéoludiquement {adv} :: as in a video game
vidéophone {m} :: videophone
vidéoprojecteur {m} :: video projector
vidéosurveillance {f} :: video surveillance, CCTV
vidéotéléphone {m} :: videotelephone; videophone
vidéotex {m} :: Teletext
vidéothèque {f} :: video collection
vidéothèque {f} :: video library
vide-pomme {m} :: apple-corer
vider {v} :: to empty, to empty out
vider {v} :: to gut (e.g. a fish)
vider l'abcès {v} :: synonym of crever l'abcès
vider les arçons {v} [horsemanship] :: to dismount (to leave the saddle)
vider les couilles {v} [à] :: [vulgar] to empty someone (else)'s balls
vider les couilles {vr} :: [vulgar] to empty one's balls
vider son sac {vi} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get something off one's chest, to pour one's heart out
videur {m} :: bouncer
videuse {f} :: bouncer
vidien {adj} :: Vidian
viduité {f} [dated, literary] :: widowhood
vie {f} :: life, the state of organisms (organic beings) prior to death
vie {f} :: life, period in which one is alive, between birth and death
vie {f} :: biography, life
vie {f} :: life, lifeforms
vie {f} :: cost of living
vie {f} [Switzerland, Jura] :: way, path (road, railway, etc)
vie de château {f} [figuratively] :: life of Riley
vie de chien {f} :: dog's life (miserable life)
vie de cocagne {f} :: life of Riley, good life (life of ease, pleasure and luxury)
vie de Cocagne {f} :: alternative spelling of vie de cocagne
vie de patachon {f} :: life in the fast lane
vie de tous les jours {f} :: everyday life, day-to-day life, daily life
vieil irlandais {m} :: the Old Irish language
vieil islandais {m} :: alternative form of vieux norrois
vieillard {m} :: an old man, an old person
vieillarde {f} :: feminine noun of vieillard
vieille école {f} :: the old-school way, the traditional way
vieille fille {f} :: spinster, old maid
vieille France {adj} :: traditional, old-fashioned, conservative, old-school
vieillement {adv} :: agedly in an old way
vieillerie {f} [often, in the plural] :: old stuff
vieilles lunes {fp} :: old-fashioned ideas, outdated ideas, hackneyed ideas; things of the past
vieillesse {f} :: old age
vieillesse {f} :: oldness
vieilli {adj} :: old-fashioned; dated
vieillir {vi} :: to grow old, to age
vieillir {vt} :: to make (someone) look older
vieillir {vr} :: to make oneself look older
vieillissant {adj} :: aging
vieillissement {m} :: ageing, the action of getting older
vieillot {adj} :: antiquated
vieillot {adj} :: quaint
vielle {f} [musical instruments] :: vielle, hurdy-gurdy
vielle à roue {f} :: hurdy-gurdy (stringed instrument)
vieller {v} :: to play a vielle
vielleur {m} :: An actor who plays the part of an old man
vielleuse {f} :: feminine singular of vielleur
viendez {interj} [slang] :: come on, come
Vienne {prop} {f} :: Vienne (capital city)
Vienne {prop} {f} :: Vienne (department)
Vienne {prop} {f} :: Vienne (river)
Vienne {prop} {f} :: Vienne (city)
viennois {adj} :: Viennese (from Vienna)
Viennois {m} :: a Viennese person
Viennoise {f} :: feminine noun of Viennois
viennoiserie {f} :: Danish pastry
Vientiane {prop} :: Vientiane (capital city)
vie privée {f} :: private life
vie quotidienne {f} :: everyday life, day-to-day life, daily life
vierge {adj} :: virgin
vierge {adj} :: [recording/storage media] blank
Vierge {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: The stellar constellation Virgo
Vierge {prop} {f} [astrology] :: The zodiac sign Virgo
Vierge {mf} :: Virgo (person with this star sign)
Vierge Marie {prop} {f} :: Virgin Mary (Jesus' mother)
vie sociale {f} :: social life (interpersonal relationships taken collectively; the whole of public activities performed in association with others for the purpose of pleasure)
vietminh {adj} [attributive] :: Vietminh
Vietnam {prop} {m} :: Vietnam
Viet Nam {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Vietnam
Viêt Nam {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Vietnam
vietnamien {adj} :: Vietnamese
vietnamien {m} :: Vietnamese (language)
Vietnamien {m} :: Vietnamese (Vietnamese person)
Vietnamienne {f} :: feminine noun of Vietnamien
vietnamiser {v} :: To make (more) Vietnamese
vieux {adj} :: old
vieux {m} :: old person
vieux breton {m} :: Old Breton (language)
vieux comme Hérode {adj} [simile] :: older than dirt
vieux comme le monde {adj} [simile] :: older than dirt, old as the hills, old as time
vieux comme les chemins {adj} [simile] :: old as the hills, old as time
vieux comme Mathusalem {adj} [simile] :: older than dirt
vieux croûton {m} [offensive, colloquial] :: an old fart
vieux de la vieille {m} [colloquial] :: veteran, old hand, old-timer, old-school one, old boy, boy of the old brigade
vieux français {m} :: alternative form of ancien français
vieux gallois {m} :: Old Welsh
vieux jeu {adj} :: old-fashioned (of persons, manners)
vieux jours {mp} :: old age (of a person)
vieux néerlandais {m} :: the Old Dutch language
vieux norois {m} :: alternative spelling of vieux norrois
vieux norrois {m} :: Old Norse language
vieux perse {m} :: Old Persian
vieux-perse {m} :: Old Persian
vieux russe {m} :: Old Russian, Old East Slavic
vif {adj} :: lively, brisk
vif {adj} :: vivid, bright
vif {adj} :: keen, sharp
vif {adj} [words] :: poignant, cutting, sharp
vif {adj} [edges] :: sharp, jagged
vif {adj} [pain] :: acute, intense, strong
vif {adj} [feelings, emotions] :: great, deep
vif {m} :: living person
vif-argent {m} :: quicksilver; mercury
vif-argent {m} [figuratively] :: rapidness, agility
vigésimal {adj} :: vigesimal
vigie {f} [nautical] :: lookout; watch
vigie {f} :: crow's nest
vigilamment {adv} :: vigilantly
vigilance {f} :: vigilance
vigilant {adj} :: vigilant
vigile {m} :: guard, security guard
vigile {f} [archaic] :: vigil (eve of a religious festival)
vigiler {v} :: To maintain a vigil
vigipirate {adj} :: antiterrorist
vigne {f} :: vine
vigne {f} :: vineyard
vigneron {m} :: winemaker; vigneron
vigneron {adj} :: winemaking (attributive use)
Vigneron {prop} :: Vigneron; surname
vigneronne {f} :: feminine noun of vigneron
vignette {f} :: vignette
vignette {f} :: image, illustration, motif
vignettiste {mf} :: vignettist
vigne vierge {f} :: Virginia creeper
vignoble {m} :: vineyard (grape plantation)
vigogne {m} :: vicuna, vicuña
vigoureusement {adv} :: vigorously (with intense energy)
vigoureux {adj} :: vigorous
vigousse {f} :: vigour, energy
vigousse {adj} [Switzerland] :: vigorous, lively
viguerie {f} [historical] :: A medieval court system that existed in the southern areas of France
vigueur {f} :: vigour
viguier {m} [historical] :: a magistrate that administered a viguerie
vil {adj} :: cheap, worthless
vil {adj} :: vile (morally low)
vilain {m} :: villain
vilain {m} :: peasant
vilain {m} :: country dweller
vilain {adj} :: ugly
vilain {adj} :: disagreeable
vilain {adj} :: villainous
Vilaine {prop} :: Vilaine (river)
vilainement {adv} :: displeasingly; uglily
vilainement {adv} :: dangerously
vilainement {adv} :: miserly; in a miserly way
vilainement {adv} :: immorally
vilain petit canard {m} :: ugly duckling
vilayet {m} :: vilayet
vilbrequin {m} :: alternative form of vilebrequin
vilebrequin {m} :: crank (tool)
vilebrequin {m} :: crankshaft
vilement {adv} :: vilely, basely
vilenie {f} :: vileness, baseness
vilenie {f} :: wickedness
vilipender {vt} :: to vilipend, vilify, revile, scorn, despise, condemn
villa {f} :: villa
villa {f} :: house in the country
village {m} :: village
village {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: town, city
Village-aux-Oies {prop} [historic, colloquial] :: Goose Village; Village-aux-Oies (neighbourhood). (a former neighbourhood in Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Village-Neuf {prop} :: Village-Neuf (commune)
villageois {adj} :: villagelike, characteristic of a village
villageois {m} :: villager (someone who lives in a village)
villageoise {f} :: female equivalent of villageois
villanelle {f} :: villanelle
villard {adj} :: Of or from Villefontaine
Villard {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Villefontaine
Villarde {f} :: feminine noun of Villard
villardien {adj} :: Of or from Villard-Bonnot or Villard-de-Lans
villardois {adj} :: Of or from Villard-Saint-Christophe or Villars-les-Dombes
-ville {suffix} :: -ville
ville {f} :: town, city
Ville {prop} {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: Ville (city)
Ville de Québec {prop} {f} :: Ville de Québec (capital city)
ville-dortoir {f} :: dormitory town, bedroom community
Villefort {prop} :: A commune in Aude
Villefort {prop} :: A commune in Lozère
Villegaignon {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Villegagnon
Villegaignon {prop} {m} :: Villegaignon
villégiateur {m} :: holidaymaker, vacationer
villégiatrice {f} :: feminine noun of villégiateur
villégiature {f} :: holiday
villégiature {f} :: holiday home
ville morte {f} [Africa] :: general strike
ville morte {f} [Africa] :: A town shut down by a general strike
Villeneuve {prop} :: surname
-viller {suffix} [chiefly northern Alsace, Lorraine] :: alternative spelling of -willer
villette {f} :: a small village
villeux {adj} [biology] :: villous
Villiers {prop} :: Any of a number of communes in France
Villiers {prop} :: surname
villosité {f} :: villus
Vilnius {prop} :: Vilnius (capital city)
vimentine {f} [protein] :: vimentin
vin {m} :: wine
vinage {m} :: An ancient manorial right to produce wine on one's land
vinage {m} :: The addition of alcohol to wine
vinaigre {m} :: vinegar
vinaigre balsamique {m} :: balsamic vinegar
vinaigrer {v} :: To souse
vinaigrer {v} :: To pickle
vinaigrette {f} :: vinaigrette (sauce), French dressing
vinaigrette {f} :: vinaigrette (vehicle)
vinaigrier {m} :: vinegar maker
vinaigrier {m} :: cruet (for vinegar)
vinaire {adj} :: wine (attributive)
vinasse {f} [chemistry] :: vinasse
vinasse {f} [colloquialism] :: Poor-quality, bad-tasting wine
vin blanc {m} :: white wine
Vincennes {prop} {f} :: Vincennes (city)
Vincent {prop} :: given name
Vincent {prop} :: surname
vincible {adj} :: vincible
vinciblement {adv} :: vincibly
vinculine {f} [protein] :: vinculin
vin de copeau {m} :: wine in which woodchips have been soaked in order to lighten it
vin de glace {m} :: icewine (alcoholic beverage made from grape juice squeezed from naturally frozen grapes left on the vine)
vin de maison {m} :: house wine
vin de messe {m} :: altar wine
vin de palme {m} :: palm wine
vin de pays {m} :: country wine
vin de poire {m} :: synonym of poiré (perry)
vin de poire {m} :: pear wine (a grape-based wine infused with pear or artificial pear flavour)
vin de riz {m} :: rice wine
vin de table {m} :: table wine
vin d'honneur {m} :: wine reception (buffet with drinks provided)
vindicatif {adj} :: vindictive, vengeful (having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge)
vindicativement {adv} :: vindictively
vindicte {f} :: condemnation
vindicte {f} :: retribution
vin doux {f} :: dessert wine (sweet wine)
vin doux {f} :: grape juice not yet fermented into wine
viné {adj} :: (of wine) fortified
viner {v} :: To add alcohol to a wine to conserve it, in order to transport it without it deteriorating; fortify
vineux {adj} :: vinous
Vingrau {prop} {m} :: Vingrau (town)
vin gris {m} :: A kind of rosé wine made from red grapes, in particular Pinot Noir
vingt {num} :: twenty
vingt {m} :: twenty
vingtaine {f} :: About twenty
vingt-cinq {m} :: twenty-five
vingt-deux {m} :: twenty-two
vingt-deux {interj} :: cheese it!
vingt dieux {interj} [dated] :: blow me down, bloody hell, gosh, good God
vingt et un {num} :: alternative form of vingt-et-un
vingt-et-un {num} :: twenty-one
vingt-et-un {m} :: twenty-one
vingt-et-unième {adj} :: twenty-first
vingt-et-unième {m} :: a twenty-first
vingt-huit {m} :: twenty-eight
vingtième {adj} :: twentieth
vingtième {mf} :: twentieth
vingtièmement {adv} :: twentiethly
vingt-neuf {m} :: twenty-nine
vingt-quatre {m} :: twenty-four
vingt-sept {m} :: twenty-seven
vingt-six {m} :: twenty-six
vingt-trois {m} :: twenty-three
vingtupler {v} :: To multiply by twenty
vingtupler {v} :: To make, or become, twenty times as large
vinicole {adj} :: wine production (attributive)
viniculture {f} :: viniculture
vinifère {adj} :: viniferous; wine-producing
vinificateur {m} :: winemaker
vinification {f} :: winemaking
vinification {f} :: The fermentation stage of winemaking
vinifier {v} :: to make into wine; to vinify
vinique {adj} :: wine (attributive)
vin jaune {m} :: vin jaune
vinomètre {m} :: vinometer
vinosité {f} :: vinosity
vin rosé {m} :: rosé wine
vin rouge {m} :: red wine
vintage {adj} :: vintage
Vintimille {prop} {f} :: Vintimille (city)
vinylacétylène {f} [organic compound] :: vinylacetylene
vinyle {adj} :: vinyl
vinyle {m} :: vinyl
vinylidène {m} :: vinylidene
vinylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: vinylic
viol {m} :: a rape
violacé {adj} :: purplish
violacer {v} :: to turn purple, to purple
Violaine {prop} {f} :: given name
violateur {m} :: violator, profaner
violation {f} :: violation
violâtre {adj} [literary] :: purpureal, violet
violatrice {f} :: female equivalent of violateur
viol collectif {m} :: gang rape
viol conjugal {m} :: marital rape
viole {f} :: viol
viole d'amour {f} [musical instruments] :: viola d'amore
viole de gambe {f} [musical instruments] :: viola da gamba
violemment {adv} :: violently
violence {f} [uncountable] :: violence
violence {f} [countable] :: act of violence
violence conjugale {f} [uncountable] :: domestic violence
violence conjugale {f} [countable] :: a specific act of domestic violence
viol en réunion {m} :: gang rape
violent {adj} :: violent
violenter {vt} :: to subject to violence, commit violence upon
violenter {vt} [criticized] :: to rape, sexually assault
violer {vt} :: To violate
violer {vt} :: To rape, to have sex with an unwilling partner
violet {m} [usually, uncountable] :: purple (colour)
violet {m} [countable] :: mushroom with a violet cap, such as a webcap or cortinar
violet {adj} :: purple
Violet {prop} :: surname
violette {f} :: violet (plant)
Violette {prop} {f} :: given name
violeur {m} :: rapist
violeuse {f} :: feminine noun of violeur
violier {m} :: stock (of genus Matthiola)
violon {m} :: violin
violon {m} :: violinist
violon {m} [slang] :: jail
violon alto {m} [musical instruments] :: viola
violoncelle {m} :: cello; violoncello
violoncelliste {mf} :: cellist (person who plays the cello)
violon d'Ingres {m} :: hobby, passion
violoner {v} :: to play violon, especially, to play poorly, to fiddle
violoneuse {f} :: feminine singular of violoneux
violoneux {m} :: fiddler (fiddle player)
violoniste {mf} :: violinist
vionnet {m} [very, rare, Switzerland, Ain] :: small street or lane
viorne {f} :: viburnum
vipère {f} :: viper
vipère {f} [figuratively] :: a malignant person
vipère de la mort {f} :: common death adder
vipéridé {m} :: viperid
vipérin {adj} :: viperine, viperous
virage {m} :: bend, turn, curve
virage {m} :: change, shift (in orientation)
virage {m} [skiing] :: turn
virage {m} :: change in colour
virage en lacets {m} :: A succession of hairpin bends
virago {f} :: virago
viral {adj} :: viral
viralement {adv} :: virally
viralité {f} :: contagiousness
viralité {f} :: virality
vire {f} [Switzerland] :: A small ledge on the side of a mountain
virée {f} [colloquial] :: trip
virée {f} [colloquial] :: car or bike ride
virelai {m} [poetry] :: virelai
virelangue {m} :: tongue-twister
virement {m} :: bank transfer, wire transfer
virer {vi} :: to bear, veer (change direction slightly)
virer {vi} :: to turn into, become
virer {vt} [banking] :: to transfer [money, from one account to another]
virer {vt} [colloquial] :: to get rid of, fire, shitcan
virer de bord {v} [nautical] :: to tack, to change tack, to put about
virer de bord {v} [figuratively] :: to change sides, to box the compass
virer de bord {v} [figuratively] :: to switch teams (to change one's sexual orientation)
virer une brosse {phrase} :: [Quebec, slang] to get wasted, drunk, smashed
vireux {adj} :: poisonous
virevoltant {adj} :: twirling, spinning
virevolte {f} :: twirl; spin; turn
virevolter {v} :: to twirl, spin around, loop around
Virgile {prop} {m} :: Virgil
virginal {adj} :: virginal
virginal {m} :: virginal
virginalement {adv} :: virginally; as a virgin
Virginie {prop} {f} :: The US state of Virginia
Virginie {prop} {f} :: given name
Virginie-Occidentale {prop} {f} :: Virginie-Occidentale (state)
virginité {f} :: virginity (state of being a virgin)
virginité {f} [literary] :: moral purity
virgule {f} :: comma (punctuation mark)
virgule {f} [mathematics] :: decimal point (see usage notes)
virgule fixe {f} [mathematics, computing] :: fixed point
virgule flottante {f} [mathematics, computing] :: floating point
virguler {v} [typography] :: to put a comma or commas (in a text)
virialisation {f} :: virialization
viriel {m} :: virial
viril {adj} :: virile
viril {adj} :: manly, masculine
virilement {adv} :: virilely
viriliser {vt} :: to masculinize
virilité {f} :: virility
virion {m} [virology] :: A virion
viroïde {m} [virology, botany] :: viroid (A short section of RNA but without the protein coat typical of viruses)
virologie {f} :: virology (branch of microbiology that deals with the study of viruses and viral disease)
virologique {adj} :: virological
virologiste {mf} :: virologist
virologue {mf} :: virologist
virose {m} [pathology] :: virosis
virtualité {f} :: virtuality
virtuel {adj} :: virtual
virtuellement {adv} :: virtually
virtuose {adj} :: virtuoso
virtuose {mf} :: virtuoso
virtuosité {f} :: virtuosity
virulemment {adv} :: virulently
virulent {adj} [medicine] :: virulent
virulent {adj} :: virulent (hostile)
virus {m} :: virus
virus à ADN {m} [virology] :: DNA virus
virus à ARN {m} [virology] :: RNA virus
virus informatique {m} [computing] :: computer virus
vis {f} :: screw (metal fastener)
visa {m} :: a mark or stamp attesting to the performance of an official action
visa {m} :: a travel visa
visage {m} :: face (anatomy)
visagiste {mf} :: make-up artist
vis-à-vis {adv} [archaic] :: Facing, face-to-face
vis-à-vis {m} :: A meeting, especially a private one
vis-à-vis {m} :: A position where two things face each other
vis-à-vis {m} :: An equivalent
vis-à-vis {m} [rare] :: What faces someone or something, such as a view or the person seated in front
vis-à-vis {m} [historical] :: A type of S-shaped couch or sofa that allows people to be seated face-to-face
vis-à-vis de {prep} :: Opposite
vis-à-vis de {prep} :: Regarding, vis-à-vis
viscéral {adj} :: visceral
viscéral {adj} :: gut (attributive)
viscéralement {adv} :: viscerally
viscère {m} [anatomy, chiefly in the plural] :: viscera, intestines
viscine {f} :: viscin
viscosimètre {m} :: viscometer
viscosité {f} :: viscosity
viser {v} :: to aim at, target
viser {v} :: to issue with a visa
viseur {m} :: sight (on a gun)
viseur {m} [photography] :: viewfinder
Vishnou {prop} {m} [Hinduism] :: Vishnu (the god)
visibilité {f} :: visibility
visible {adj} :: visible
visiblement {adv} :: visibly
visière {f} :: visor
visio {f} :: video conference
visioconférence {f} :: video conference
vision {f} :: vision, sight
vision centrale {f} :: central vision
vision du monde {f} :: worldview
visionnable {adj} :: viewable
visionnage {m} :: viewing
visionnaire {adj} :: visionary
visionnaire {mf} :: visionary
visionnement {m} [Canada] :: a viewing (of a film)
visionner {v} :: to view
visionneur {m} [computing] :: viewer
visionneuse {f} :: A slide viewer
visionneuse {f} [computing] :: viewer
vision périphérique {f} :: peripheral vision
visiophone {m} :: videophone
visite {f} :: visit
visite guidée {f} :: guided tour
visiter {v} :: to visit (a place)
visiteur {m} :: visitor
visiteuse {f} :: female equivalent of visiteur
vison {m} :: mink
vison d'Amérique {m} :: American mink (Mustela vison)
vison d'Europe {m} :: European mink (Mustela lutreola)
visqueux {adj} :: slimy, sticky
visqui {m} [rare] :: whisky
vissage {m} :: screwing
visser {v} :: to screw in; to screw on
visseuse {f} :: electric screwdriver, power screwdriver, screwgun
Vistule {prop} {f} :: Vistula (Polish river)
visualisation {f} :: visualization
visualiser {v} :: to visualize
visuel {adj} :: visual
visuellement {adv} :: visually
visuomoteur {adj} [anatomy] :: visuomotor
vit {m} [obsolete, literary] :: pintle, John Thomas (penis)
vital {adj} :: vital
vitalement {adv} :: vitally
vitalisme {m} :: vitalism
vitaliste {adj} :: vitalist
vitaliste {mf} :: vitalist
vitalité {f} :: vitality
vitamine {f} :: vitamin
vitaminé {adj} :: vitaminized
vitamine A {f} :: vitamin A
vitamine C {f} :: vitamin C
vitaminique {adj} :: vitamin (attributive)
vitchoura {m} :: witzchoura
vite {adv} :: quickly
vite {adj} [obsolete or colloquial] :: quick; fast
vîte {adv} :: archaic spelling of vite
vite fait {adv} [colloquial] :: more or less (approximately)
vite fait {adv} [colloquial] :: quickly, chop-chop, pronto
vitellin {adj} :: vitellin
vitelline {adj} :: vitelline
vitement {adv} [rare, nonstandard or archaic] :: fast; quickly
vitesse {f} :: speed
vitesse {f} [automotive] :: gear
vîtesse {f} :: obsolete spelling of vitesse
vitesse angulaire {f} [physics] :: angular velocity
vitesse de croisière {f} :: cruising speed
vitesse de la lumière {f} :: speed of light (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum or in a substance)
vitesse de libération {f} [astrophysics] :: escape velocity
vitesse d'obturation {f} [photography] :: shutter speed
viticole {adj} :: viticulture (attributive)
viticulteur {m} :: (male) winegrower
viticulteur {m} :: (male) viticulturist
viticultrice {f} :: female equivalent of viticulteur
viticulture {f} :: viticulture
vitrage {m} :: glass panelling in a building, or part of it
vitrage {m} :: window pane
vitrail {m} :: stained glass
vitrail {m} [by extension] :: stained glass window
vitrailliste {mf} :: A person who makes stained glass and installs such windows
vitre {f} :: pane of glass, window pane
vitre {f} :: window (of a vehicle)
vitrer {vt} :: to cover with glass, set a glass pane
vitrerie {f} :: glaziery
vitrerie {f} :: windows
vitreusement {adv} :: vitreously
vitreusement {adv} :: glassily
vitreux {adj} :: vitreous, glassy
vitrier {m} :: glazier (craftsman who works with glass, fitting windows, etc)
vitrière {f} :: feminine singular of vitrier
vitrifier {v} :: to vitrify
vitrifier {v} :: to make solid as glass
vitrifier {v} :: to lacquer, give something a smooth, glassy finish
vitrimère {m} [organic chemistry] :: vitrimer
vitrine {f} :: shop window
vitrine {f} [by extension] :: shopping
vitrine {f} :: vitrine (glass-paneled cabinet or case for displaying articles)
vitriol {m} :: vitriol (all senses)
vitrioler {v} :: To vitriolize
vitrollais {adj} :: Of or relating to Vitrolles, France
vitulin {adj} :: vituline
vitupérateur {m} :: vituperator
vitupération {f} :: vituperation, invective
vitupératrice {f} :: feminine noun of vitupérateur
vitupérer {v} [contre] :: to vituperate; to rant and rave; to rail against
vivable {adj} :: bearable
vivable {adj} :: pleasant
vivace {adj} :: Full of life or vitality; vivacious
vivace {adj} :: Long-lived, enduring
vivace {adj} [botany] :: Of a plant that can live for many years; hardy
vivace {adj} [botany] :: perennial
vivacement {adv} :: vivaciously
vivacité {f} :: vivacity
vivaldien {adj} :: Vivaldian
vivandier {m} :: a seller of food and beverages to troops; a sutler
vivandière {f} :: female equivalent of vivandier
vivaneau {m} :: red snapper fish
vivant {adj} :: alive; living
vivant {m} :: a living person
vivant {m} :: a lifetime
vivant {m} :: all living things
vivarium {m} :: vivarium
vivat {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: cheer
vive {f} :: any of certain kind of fish, especially the sand tilefish (Malacanthus plumieri) or the Guinean weever (Trachinus armatus) From FishBase
vivement {adv} :: forcefully, vigorously
viveur {m} :: debauchee
Viviane {prop} :: given name
Vivien {prop} {m} :: given name
Vivienne {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Vivien
vivier {m} :: fishpond
vivier {m} [figuratively] :: breeding-ground
vivifier {v} :: to vivify
vivipare {adj} :: viviparous
viviparement {adv} :: viviparously
vivisection {f} :: vivisection
vivoter {v} [colloquial] :: to struggle, to get by, make ends meet (live without luxury)
vivre {v} :: to live
vivre {v} :: to experience
vivre au-dessus de ses moyens {v} :: to live beyond one's means
vivre avec son temps {v} :: to move with the times
vivre d'amour et d'eau fraiche {v} :: to live a carefree life
vivre d'amour et d'eau fraîche {v} :: alternative spelling of vivre d'amour et d'eau fraiche
vivre dans une grotte {v} [figuratively] :: to live under a rock
vivres {mp} [plurale tantum] :: food supplies, provisions
vivre sa vie {v} :: to live one's life, to live one's own life, to get on with one's life
vivrier {adj} :: food-producing
vizir {m} :: vizier
vizirat {m} :: vizierate
VJ {mf} :: VJ, a video jockey
Vl. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violon
v'la {interj} [colloquial] :: nonstandard spelling of voilà
vlan {interj} :: wham!, bang!, whack!, wallop!
vlan {m} :: bling
Vlc. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violoncelle
VLS {m} [automotive] :: abbreviation of véhicule en libre-service or voiture en libre-service
VLS {m} [bicycling] :: abbreviation of vélo en libre-service
VMR {prop} {f} [Quebec] :: TMR ; Ville Mont-Royal - a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada
Vn. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of violon
Vo {prop} :: surname
VO {n} [initialism, film] :: "version originale" — original-language version (OV); a non-French-language film
{n} :: abbreviation of verso
VOA {n} [initialism, film] :: initialism of version originale anglaisoriginal English version (OEV); an English-language film
VOASTF {n} [initialism] :: "version originale anglais sous-titres français" — English-language original with French subtitles (OEVFST); a film with original English-language dialogue having French-language subtitles
vocable {m} :: term
vocabulaire {m} :: vocabulary
vocabulaire actif {m} :: active vocabulary
vocabulaire passif {m} :: passive vocabulary
vocal {adj} :: vocal, related to the voice
vocalement {adv} :: vocally (with respect to vocals)
vocalique {adj} :: vocalic, vowel (attributive)
vocaliquement {adv} :: vocalically (with regard to vowels
vocalise {f} :: a vocalise
vocaliser {v} :: to vocalize
vocaliste {mf} :: vocalist
vocatif {m} [grammar] :: vocative, vocative case
vocation {f} :: vocation (calling)
vocation {f} :: vocation (employment; career; work)
vocifération {f} :: vociferation
vociférer {vi} [sometimes transitive] :: to shout, scream, vociferate
vodka {f} :: vodka
voeu {m} :: nonstandard spelling of vœu
vœu {m} :: vow
vœu {m} :: wish
vœu pieux {m} :: vain wish, wishful thinking
VOF {n} [initialism, film] :: "version originale français" — original French version (OFV); a French-language film
VOFASTF {n} [initialism] :: "version originale française anglaise sous-titres français" — French English-language original with French subtitles (OFEVFST); a film with a mix of both French and English-language dialogue having French-language subtitles
VOFSTA {n} [initialism] :: "version originale française sous-titres anglais" — French-language original with English subtitles (OFVEST); a film with original French-language dialogue having English-language subtitles
vogue {f} :: vogue
vogue la galère {adv} :: come what may
voguer {vi} :: to travel through the water
voguer {v} [of a ship or goods on a ship] :: to sail
voguer {v} [of an animal] :: to swim
voguer {v} [of rowers] :: to row
voici {v} :: here is
voici {prep} :: ago
voici que {adv} :: here
voie {f} :: way, track
voie {f} :: lane (of a highway)
voie {f} [figuratively] :: calling, path in life
voie de circulation {f} :: traffic lane, taxiway
voie de communication {f} :: communication channel, communication route, communication pathway; connecting road, thoroughfare
voie de droit {f} :: right course of law
voie de fait {f} [law] :: violence
voie de garage {f} [rail] :: stabling siding [UK]
voie de garage {f} [figuratively] :: dead end
voie ferrée {phrase} [rail transport] :: Railroad track
voie lactée {f} [astronomy] :: the Milky Way (as seen from Earth)
Voie lactée {f} :: alternative spelling of voie lactée
voie métabolique {f} [physiology] :: metabolic pathway
voie rapide {f} :: expressway
voie romaine {f} [historical] :: Roman road
voie verte {f} :: greenway
voilà {v} :: There (it) is
voilà {v} :: Here (it) is
voilà {v} :: That is
voilage {m} :: veiling
voilage {m} :: veils, nets
voilage {m} :: net curtain
voilà tout {interj} :: that's all, there you have it
voile {m} [countable] :: veil
voile {f} [countable] :: sail
voile {f} [uncountable, sports] :: sailing
voilé {adj} :: veiled (wearing a veil)
voile du palais {m} :: soft palate
voile intégral {m} :: burqa
voile latine {f} :: lateen
voiler {vt} :: To veil (cover with a veil)
voiler {vt} :: To cover up, to cloak, to veil (to restrict the view of something)
voiler {vr} :: To become cloudy, to become hazy
voiler {vr} :: To cover up with a veil
voilerie {f} :: sailmaker's (workshop)
Voiles {prop} {mp} :: Vela (constellation)
voilette {f} :: veil (on a hat)
voilier {m} :: sailboat (a boat propelled by sails)
voilier {m} :: sailfish
voilier {m} :: sailmaker (profession)
voilure {f} :: sail (all the sails of a ship)
voilure {f} :: wing (all the lift-producing surfaces of an aircraft)
voir {v} :: to see (visually)
voir {v} :: to see (to understand)
voir {v} :: to see (to visit, to go and see)
voir {adv} [Louisiana French] :: please (used to mark the imperative)
voir d'un bon œil {vt} [figuratively] :: to look on with a favourable eye, to view in a favourable light, to welcome
voir d'un mauvais œil {vt} :: to take a dim view of, to look unfavourably on, to frown upon
voir du pays {v} :: to travel around, to get around
voire {adv} [obsolete] :: truly
voire {adv} [literary] :: even, indeed
voire {adv} [literary] :: it remains to be seen
voirement {adv} [obsolete, 17th century and earlier] :: really; truly
voir grand {v} [colloquial] :: to think big
voirie {f} :: road, rail and waterways network
voir la vie en rose {v} [colloquial] :: to wear rose-colored glasses
voir le bout du tunnel {v} [figuratively] :: to see the light at the end of the tunnel
voir le jour {v} [figuratively] :: to be born
voir le jour {v} [figuratively] :: to see the light of day
voir le loup {v} [humorous] :: to lose one's virginity
voir midi à sa porte {v} [figuratively] :: to look at things in a solipsistic manner, to be wrapped up in oneself
voir rouge {v} [colloquial] :: to see red, to be furious
voir trente-six chandelles {v} [figuratively] :: to see stars
voir venir {vt} [colloquial] :: to see coming
voisé {adj} [linguistics] :: voiced (sounded with vibration of the vocal cords)
voisement {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: sonorization, voicing
voisin {adj} :: neighbouring/neighboring
voisin {m} :: neighbour/neighbor
voisinage {m} :: proximity, vicinity
voisinage {m} :: neighbourly relations
voisinage {m} :: neighbourhood
voisinage orthographique {m} :: orthographic neighborhood
voisin de palier {m} :: neighbour across the landing, neighbour across the hall, next door neighbour
voisine {f} :: female equivalent of voisin
voisiner {vi} [archaic] :: to be good neighbours
voisiner {vi} :: to neighbour, be next to or near to
voiture {f} :: car (motorized vehicle)
voiture {f} [historical] :: car (wheeled vehicle usually pulled by a horse)
voiture {f} :: car (wagon)
voiture-balai {f} :: broom wagon
voiture-bélier {f} :: vehicle used to ram into a building or crowd
voiture de fonction {f} :: company car, take-home vehicle
voiture hybride rechargeable {m} :: A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) that is a car
voiture piégée {f} :: car bomb (car filled with explosives)
voiturer {vt} [archaic] :: to transport
voiturer {vt} :: to drive, chauffeur (transport by vehicle)
voiture-restaurant {f} :: dining car
voiture téléguidée {f} :: radio-controlled car
voiturette {f} :: small car
voiturette {f} :: toy car
voiturette {f} :: voiturette
voiturier {m} [originally] :: a haulier
voiturier {m} :: a valet (person employed to park a vehicle)
voiturière {f} :: feminine singular of voiturier
voiturin {m} :: vetturino
voïvode {m} :: voivode
voix {f} [general, music, linguistics] :: voice
voix {f} [politics] :: vote
voix active {f} [grammar] :: active voice
voix de crécelle {f} :: a rasping and high-pitched voice, a shrill voice, an unpleasant voice
voix de la raison {f} :: voice of reason
voix de poitrine {f} [music] :: chest voice
voix de stentor {f} :: a stentorian voice
voix de tête {f} [music] :: head voice
voix off {f} :: voice-over
voix passive {f} [grammar] :: passive voice
vol {m} :: flight
vol {m} :: stealing, theft, robbery
volage {adj} :: flighty, fickle
volage {adj} :: unfaithful
volaille {f} :: poultry
volailler {m} :: poulterer
vol à la tire {m} :: pickpocketing
vol à l'étalage {m} :: shoplifting; an instance of shoplifting
vol à main armée {m} :: armed robbery
volant {m} :: steering wheel
volant {m} [technical] :: flywheel
volant {m} :: flounce
volant {m} [badminton] :: shuttlecock, birdie
volapük {m} :: Volapük (language)
volatil {adj} [chemistry] :: volatile
volatil {adj} [computing, of memory] :: volatile
volatil {adj} [computing, of a variable] :: volatile
volatil {adj} :: flying, volant
volatil {adj} :: evanescent
volatile {m} :: fowl, bird
volatiliser {vtr} [chemistry] :: to volatilize
volatiliser {vt} :: to extinguish, obliterate
volatiliser {vr} :: to vanish
volatilité {f} :: volatility
vol-au-vent {m} :: A puff pastry with a hole to accommodate a filling, generally savoury. Vol-au-vent
vol à voile {m} :: gliding
volcan {m} :: volcano
volcanique {adj} :: volcanic
volcanisme {m} :: volcanism (natural phenomena associated with volcanoes)
volcanologie {f} :: volcanology (study of volcanoes)
volcanologique {adj} :: volcanological
volcanologue {mf} :: vulcanologist
vol coqueluche {m} [alternative medicine] :: a European climatotherapy for whooping cough, that involves a flight consisting of a rapid ascent to 3-3.5km up, staying there for 3/4-1 hour, descent to 1.5km and then landing
volée {f} [of birds] :: flying, flight
volée {f} [of birds] :: flock, group
volée {f} [of missiles] :: volley
volée {f} [colloquial] :: thrashing, defeat
volée {f} [of stairs] :: flight
volée {f} [sports] :: volley
volée de bois vert {f} :: severe reprimand, often to correct an undesirable behaviour
volée de bois vert {f} :: harsh criticism
volémie {f} :: blood volume
voler {vi} :: to fly (through the air)
voler {vt} :: to fly (an aircraft)
voler {vt} [falconry] :: to pursue flying
voler {vi} :: to scarper, flee
voler {vt} :: to steal, rob
voler de ses propres ailes {v} [figuratively] :: to stand on one's own two feet
voler en éclats {vi} [figuratively] :: to be smashed to pieces, to be smashed to bits, to shatter
voler la vedette {v} [à] :: to steal someone's thunder, to steal the show from someone, to steal the limelight from someone
volet {m} :: (window) shutter
volet {m} [aviation] :: flap
volet {m} :: volet, wing (of a triptych)
volet {m} :: section, part (of a trilogy, plan, etc.)
voleter {v} :: to flutter
voleur {m} :: robber, thief
voleur {m} :: flier (one who flies)
voleur {adj} :: thieving, thievish
voleur à la tire {m} :: pickpocket
voleur de grand chemin {m} [historical] :: highwayman, highway robber
voleuse {f} :: female equivalent of voleur
Volhynie {prop} {f} :: Volhynie (region)
volière {f} :: aviary
volière {f} :: birdcage
volition {f} [philosophy, psychology] :: volition
volley {m} [sports] :: volleyball
volley-ball {m} :: volleyball (sport)
volleyball {m} :: alternative spelling of volley-ball
volley-ball de plage {m} :: alternative spelling of volleyball de plage
volleyball de plage {m} [sport] :: beach volleyball
volleyballène {m} [organic chemistry] :: volleyballene
volleyer {vt} [sports] :: to volley
volleyeur {m} :: volleyball player
volleyeuse {f} :: feminine noun of volleyeur
volontaire {adj} :: voluntary, deliberate
volontaire {adj} :: volunteer
volontaire {adj} :: determined
volontaire {adj} :: wilful
volontaire {mf} :: a volunteer
volontairement {adv} :: intentionally, voluntarily
volontariat {m} :: volunteering (action of volunteering)
volontarisme {m} :: voluntarism
volontariste {adj} :: voluntarist
volontariste {adj} :: volunteer (used attributively)
volonté {f} :: wish, will
volontiers {adv} :: willingly, gladly
volt {m} :: volt
voltage {m} :: voltage
voltaïque {adj} :: voltaic
voltaïquement {adv} :: voltaically
voltairien {adj} :: Voltairean
voltamètre {m} :: voltmeter
voltamétrique {adj} :: voltammetric
volte-face {f} :: U-turn; about face (act of turning round 180 degrees)
volte-face {f} [figuratively] :: U-turn; volte-face
volter {vi} [fencing] :: to make a volt
voltige {f} :: aerobatics
voltige {f} :: vaulting
voltigeant {adj} :: fluttering
voltiger {vi} :: to flutter
voltiger {v} [Louisiana French] :: to fly, to take a plane
voltigeur {m} :: voltigeur (all senses)
voltigeur {m} [Canada, baseball] :: outfielder
voltigeuse {f} :: feminine singular of voltigeur
voltmètre {m} :: voltmeter
volubile {adj} :: inconstant, changeable, variable
volubilement {adv} :: volubly
volubilité {f} :: volubility
volume {m} :: volume (of a book, a written work)
volume {m} :: volume (sound)
volume {m} :: volume (amount of space something takes up)
volume {m} :: volume (amount; quantity)
volume {m} [figuratively] :: an overly long piece of writing
volume sonore {m} :: sound level
volumétrique {adj} :: volumetric
volumétriquement {adv} :: volumetrically
volumineux {adj} :: voluminous, bulky, packed, thick
volumique {adj} :: volumic (pertaining to volume)
volupté {f} :: voluptuousness
volupté {f} :: rich and intense pleasure, especially sexual pleasure
voluptueusement {adv} :: voluptuously
voluptueux {adj} :: voluptuous
volute {f} [architecture] :: volute
volute {f} [music, lutherie] :: scroll (of a musical instrument)
volvacé {adj} :: Having the form of a pocket or sack
vomer {m} :: vomer, vomer bone
voméronasal {adj} [anatomy] :: vomeronasal
vomi {m} :: vomit
vomir {v} :: to vomit
vomissement {m} :: sick; vomit (act of vomiting)
vomissure {f} :: vomit, sick
vomitif {adj} :: vomitive, emetic
vomitif {m} :: vomitive, emetic
vomito {m} :: vomito (disease)
vonckiste {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Jean-François Vonck
vonckiste {mf} :: A revolutionary supporter of Jean-François Vonck
vorace {adj} :: voracious, ravenous
voracement {adv} :: voraciously
voracité {f} :: voracity, voraciousness
-vore {suffix} :: -vore
-vore {suffix} :: -vorus
vortex {m} :: vortex
vorticité {f} :: vorticity
Vosges {prop} {fp} :: Vosges (mountain range)
Vosges {prop} {fp} :: Vosges (department)
vosgien {adj} :: of or relating to Vosges
Vosgien {m} :: person from or living in Vosges
Vosgienne {f} :: feminine noun of Vosgien
VOST {n} [initialism] :: version originale sous-titréeoriginal version with subtitles; a non-French film with French subtitles
VOSTA {n} [initialism] :: "version originale sous-titres anglais" — non-French original with English subtitles (OFVEST); a non-French-language film having English-language subtitles
VOSTF {f} [initialism] :: "version originale sous-titres français" — original-language version French subtitles (OVFST); a film in a non-French language, with French-language subtitles
vostfr {n} :: alternative form of VOSTF
vostre {pron} :: archaic spelling of votre
Vostre Majesté {pron} :: archaic spelling of Votre Majesté
votant {m} :: voter (one who votes)
votation {f} :: Action of voting
vote {m} :: vote
vote à main levée {m} :: show of hands
voter {v} :: to vote
votif {adj} :: votive
votre {determiner} [possessive] :: Your, belonging to you (plural)
Votre Altesse {pron} :: Your Highness
Votre Courtoisie {pron} :: Your Courtesy
votredit {determiner} :: your (plural) said
Votre Excellence {pron} :: Your Excellency
Votre Grâce {pron} :: your grace
Votre Grandeur {pron} :: Your Highness
Votre Majesté {pron} :: Your Majesty, address for a ruling monarch
Votre Révérence {pron} :: Your Worship
voudou {m} [Louisiana French] :: voodoo
vouer {v} :: to vow
vouer {vt} :: to devote (+ à to)
vouer {vr} :: to devote oneself, to be devoted
vouer aux gémonies {vt} :: to pillory, to blame
voueur {m} :: vower (someone who vows)
voueur {m} :: devoter (someone who devotes)
voueuse {f} :: feminine noun of voueur
Vouillé {prop} {m} :: Vouillé (municipality)
Vouillé {prop} {m} [by ellipsis] :: Battle of Vouillé
vouivre {f} [mythology, heraldiccharge] :: wyvern
vouivre {f} [mythology, regional] :: a mythical reptile said to inhabit Lorraine, Jura, and other regions of France
voulez-vous coucher avec moi {phrase} :: would you like to sleep with me?
vouloir {vt} :: to want, wish, desire
vouloir {vr} :: to see oneself as; to give the impression of, to seem
vouloir {m} :: will
vouloir c'est pouvoir {proverb} :: Where there's a will, there's a way.
vouloir dire {v} :: to mean; to signify
vous {pron} :: The plural personal pronoun in the second person:
vous {pron} :: [subject pronoun] You
vous {pron} :: [direct object pronoun] You
vous {pron} :: You, to you [indirect object pronoun]
vous {pron} [formal, polite] :: plural or singular personal pronoun in the second person
vous autres {pron} :: You; ye: second-person plural pronoun
vous-autres {pron} :: alternative spelling of vous autres
vous-même {pron} [emphatic] :: yourself
vous-mêmes {pron} [emphatic] :: yourselves
vous m'en direz des nouvelles {phrase} :: I'm sure you'll like it! You won't regret it!
voussoir {m} [architecture] :: voussoir
voussure {f} [architecture] :: The curving profile of an arch
vous voulez rire {interj} [colloquial] :: you gotta be joking! you must be kidding!
voute {f} :: alternative spelling of voûte
voûte {f} [architecture] :: arch
voûte {f} [architecture] :: vault
voûte céleste {f} [poetic] :: welkin, vault of heaven, canopy of heaven, celestial vault, sky, heavens
voûte d'ogives {f} [architecture] :: ribbed vault
voûte palatine {f} [anatomy] :: hard palate
vouter {v} :: alternative spelling of voûter
voûter {vt} :: to vault a ceiling
voûter {vt} :: to cause to stoop
vouvoiement {m} :: The use of formal register, addressing someone with the polite vous-form
vouvouzela {f} [rare] :: alternative spelling of vuvuzela
vouvoyer {vt} :: to address someone using the formal pronoun vous rather than the informal tu, to use the V-form, to "you" (as opposed to "to "thou"")
voyable {adj} [obsolete] :: visible
voyage {m} :: trip, travel
voyage d'affaires {m} :: business trip
voyage de noces {m} :: honeymoon (trip taken by a newly wed married couple)
voyager {v} :: to travel
voyageur {m} :: traveller
voyageuse {f} :: feminine noun of voyageur
voyagiste {mf} :: tour operator
voyance {f} :: The apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses
voyance {f} :: mind-reading
voyant {adj} :: clairvoyant
voyant {adj} :: showy, gaudy
voyant {adj} :: staring
voyant {m} :: seer, clairvoyant
voyant {m} :: light (e.g. on a car dashboard)
voyant {m} [nautical] :: dayboard
voyelle {f} :: vowel
voyer {m} :: a civil servant whose work is connected to roads, waterways, or railways
voyeur {m} :: observer; watcher
voyeur {m} :: voyeur, peeping tom
voyeurisme {m} :: voyeurism (derivation of sexual satisfaction by watching people secretly)
voyeuriste {adj} :: voyeuristic
voyeuse {f} :: feminine noun of voyeur
voyons {interj} :: really!
voyons {interj} :: yeah right!
voyons voir {interj} :: let's see, let me see
voyou {m} [pejorative] :: thug, yob
voyoucratie {f} :: mob rule
VPC {f} :: initialism of vente par correspondance (mail order)
VPS {m} :: abbreviation of vélo à pneus surdimensionnés synonym of fat bike
vrac {m} :: bulk
vrai {adj} :: true
vrai {adj} :: real
vrai {m} :: truth
vrai {adv} :: true; truly
vraiement {adv} :: obsolete spelling of vraiment
vraiment {adv} :: truly, really, genuinely
vraiment {adv} [intensifier] :: really; very
vraiment {interj} :: really? for real?
vraisemblable {adj} :: plausible, likely
vraisemblablement {adv} :: probably
vraisemblance {f} :: verisimilitude
vraisemblance {f} :: likelihood
vraquier {m} :: bulk carrier
vrille {f} [botany] :: tendril
vrille {f} [technology] :: gimlet
vrille {f} :: spiral
vrille {f} [aviation] :: tailspin, spin
vriller {v} :: to wind up; roll up
vriller {v} :: to gimlet
vrillette {f} :: a type of beetle that eats wood: specifically; one of a small number of species of beetle
vrmnt {adv} [text messaging, internet] :: short for vraiment
vrombir {v} :: to hum, whirr
vrombissement {m} :: humming, whirring, whizzing
VRP {n} [France] :: initialism of voyageur représentant placier
vs. {prep} :: nonstandard spelling of vs
vs {prep} :: vs.
VSL {prop} {f} [Quebec] :: VSL ; Ville Saint-Laurent (Ville St-Laurent) - a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada
V.T.T. {m} :: abbreviation of vélo tout terrain
VTT {m} :: initialism of vélo tout terrain: mountain bike
VTT {m} :: initialism of véhicule tout-terrain: an ATV (all terrain vehicle)
vu {prep} :: given (based on)
Vu {prop} :: surname
vue {f} :: sight (something seen)
vue {f} :: sight, eyesight, vision
vue {f} :: view
vue de l'esprit {f} [sometimes, pejorative] :: a creation of the mind, a convenient but artificial way of seeing things, a theoretical view; a figment of the imagination
vue d'ensemble {f} :: overview, overall view, overall picture, bird's-eye view, survey
Vuillermoz {prop} :: surname
vulcain {m} :: red admiral (butterfly: Vanessa atalanta)
Vulcain {prop} {m} [mythology] :: Vulcan [Roman god]
Vulcain {prop} {m} [astronomy, historical] :: Vulcan [hypothetical planet]
vulcanien {adj} :: Vulcanian
vulcaniser {v} :: to vulcanise; vulcanize
vulcanisme {m} :: vulcanism
vulcanisme {m} :: volcanism
vulcanologie {f} :: volcanology (study of volcanoes)
vulcanologique {adj} :: volcanological
vulcanologue {mf} :: volcanologist
vulgaire {adj} :: vulgar, crude
vulgairement {adv} :: commonly, popularly
vulgairement {adv} :: vulgarly
vulgarisateur {adj} :: popularizing
vulgarisateur {m} :: popularizer
vulgarisation {f} :: popular science
vulgariser {v} :: to generalize
vulgarité {f} :: vulgarity (quality of being vulgar)
vulgate {f} :: Common and widespread popular saying
vulgum pecus {m} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: The populace, laymen, or the ignorant
vulnérabilité {f} :: vulnerability (the state of being vulnerable)
vulnérable {adj} :: vulnerable
vulnéraire {adj} :: vulnerary
vulnéraire {m} :: vulnerary
vulpiculture {f} :: the raising of foxes
vulpin {adj} :: vulpine
vulpin {adj} [figuratively] :: vulpine; foxlike
vulpin {m} :: foxtail (grass)
vulpinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: vulpinic
vulpique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: vulpic
vulvaire {adj} [anatomy] :: vulvar
vulvaire {f} [botany] :: stinking goosefoot, Chenopodium vulvaria
vulve {f} :: vulva
vulvectomie {f} :: vulvectomy
vulvite {f} :: [medicine] vulvitis
vumètre {m} :: VU meter
Vuong {prop} :: surname
vu que {conj} :: given that, seeing that
VUS {n} :: SUV (sport utility vehicle) initialism of véhicule utilitaire sport
vuvuzela {f} :: vuvuzela