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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-p

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pace {v} (to walk to and fro) :: פסע /pasá'/
pacific {adj} (calm, peaceful, see also: calm; peaceful) :: שקט (shakeit) משקיט (mash'keet)
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water) :: האוקינוס הפסיפי {m} /ha-okyanós ha-pasifi/, האוקיינוס השקט \ האוקינוס השקט {m} /ha-okyanós ha-shakét/
pacifier {n} (for a baby) :: מוצץ {m} /motsets/
pacifism {n} (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence) :: פציפיזם {m} /patsifízm/
pack {n} (group of dogs) :: להקה {f} /lahaqá/
package {n} (something which is packed) :: חבילה {f} /khavilá/
packer {n} (person packing things) :: אורז {m} /orez/, אורזת {f} /orézet/
packet {n} (small pack) :: חבילה {f} /khavilá/
pad {v} (to stuff) SEE: stuff ::
padding {n} (soft filling material) :: ריפוד {m}
paddle wheel {n} (wheel fitted with paddles) :: גלגל משוטות {m} /galgal meshotot/
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows) :: שדה אורז {m}
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
pagan {adj} (relating to non main world religions) :: פגני /paganí/, אלילי /'elilí/
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion) :: עובד אלילים {m} /'ovéd 'elilím/
paganism {n} (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity) :: פגניות {f}
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy ::
page {n} (one side of a leaf of a book) :: עמוד {f} /amúd/, צד /tsad/
page {n} (one of the pieces of paper bound together within a book or document) :: דף /daf/
page {n} (serving boy) :: נער {m} /náar/
page {n} (Internet: web page) SEE: web page ::
pageant {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
pager {n} (device) :: איתורית {f} /iturít/, זימונית {f} /zimunít/
pagoda {n} (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) :: פגודה
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket ::
pain {n} (ache or bodily suffering) :: כאב {m} /k'év/
pain {n} (annoying person or thing) :: טרדן {m} /tardán/, מטרד {m} /mitrád/, קרציה {f} /kartsiyá/, נאג'ס {m}
pain in the arse {n} (pain in the ass) SEE: pain in the ass ::
pain in the ass {n} (something that causes discomfort) :: קוץ בתחת {m} /qots ba-'tahat/
pain in the butt {n} (nuisance) SEE: pain in the ass ::
pain in the neck {n} (that which is annoying) SEE: pain in the ass ::
painkiller {n} (a drug that numbs the pain in the body) :: משכך כאבים {m} /meshakeḥ ke'evim/
paint {n} (substance) :: צבע {m} /tséva/
paint {v} (apply paint to) :: צבע /tzavá/
paintbrush {n} (thin brush) :: מכחול {m} /mikh'khól/, מברשת {f} /mivréshet/
painted dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painted hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painted wolf {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painter {n} (artist) :: צבע {m} /tsabá/
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set ::
pair {n} (two similar or identical things) :: זוג {m} /zug/, צמד {m} /tzémed/
pair {n} (two people in a relationship) :: זוג {m} /zug/, צמד {m} /tzémed/
pair {n} (used with binary nouns) :: זוג {m} /zug/
pair {n} (couple of working animals attached to work together) :: צמד {m} /tzémed/
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars ::
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles) :: מחוגה {f} /mekhuga/
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors ::
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of tongs {n} (tongs) SEE: tongs ::
pair of tweezers {n} (tweezers) SEE: tweezers ::
pajamas {n} (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in) :: פיג׳מה {f} /pijama/
Pakistan {prop} (country in South Asia) :: פקיסטן {m} /pakistán/
palace {n} (large, lavish residence) :: ארמון {m} /armon/
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords) :: ארמון וסטמינסטר {m} /Armon Vestminster/
palate {n} (roof of the mouth) :: חך {m} /khékh/
pale {adj} (light in color) :: חור /heveir/
paleography {n} (study of old forms of writing) :: פלאוגרפיה
Palestine {prop} (geographic region) :: פלשתינה {f} /palestína/, ארץ ישראל {f}
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively) :: פלסטין /falastín/
Palestine {prop} (historical: former British entity) :: פלשתינה (א״י) {f} /palestína (E.Y.)/
Palestine {prop} :: Biblical: פלשת /p'leshet/; Modern: פלשתין /Falastin/; Pre-1948: פלשתינה /Palestina/, ארץ־ישראל /Erets Yisra'el/
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people) :: פלשתינאי
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent) :: פלסטיני
palette {n} (board) :: פתכה {f} /ptekhá/
Pali {prop} (a Middle Indo-Aryan language) :: פאלי
palindrome {n} (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards) :: פלינדרום {m} /pálindrom/
palladium {n} (chemical element) :: פלדיום {?} /paládyum/
palliative {adj} (reducing progression and relieving symptoms) :: מקל {m} /makel/
palm {n} (inner, concave part of hand) :: כף יד {f} /kaf yád/, כף {f} /kaf/
palm {n} (corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal) :: כף {f} /kaf/
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree ::
palmier {n} (puff pastry) :: אוזני פיל
palm tree {n} (tropical tree) :: דקל {m} /dékel/
Palmyra {prop} (ancient city) :: תדמור /tadmor/
pamphlet {n} (booklet) SEE: booklet ::
Panama {prop} (country) :: פנמה {f} /panama/
pan-Arabism {n} (movement) :: פאן-ערביות /pan-'araviut/
pancake {n} (thin batter cake) :: פנקייק
pancreas {n} (gland near the stomach) :: לבלב /lavlav/
panda {n} (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda) :: פנדה /panda/
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda ::
pandeism {n} (belief in a god both pantheistic and deistic) :: פנדאיזם {m} /pandayizm/
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general ::
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population) :: פנדמיה
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp ::
Pandora {prop} (Character in Greek mythology) :: פנדורה
Pandora's box {n} (a source of unforeseen trouble) :: תיבת פנדורה {f}
panentheism {n} :: פנאנתאיזם
panettone {n} (Christmas brioche with candied fruit) :: פנטונה {m} /panetóne/
panforte {n} (dense flat cake) :: פנפורטה {m}
Pangaea {prop} (supercontinent prior to Triassic) :: פנגיאה {f} /Pangía/
panic {n} (overpowering fright) :: בהלה {m} /beholeh/
panna cotta {n} (Italian dessert made from double cream) :: פנקוטה {f} /panakóta/
pansy {n} (plant) :: אמנון ותמר {m} /amnón vetamár/
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants ::
pantheism {n} (belief that the universe is divine) :: פנתאיזם {m} /panteizm/
panther {n} (big cat with black fur) :: פנתר שחר {m} /pantér šaḥór/
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls) :: תחתונים
pantry {n} (storage room) :: מזוה {m} /mezaveh/
pants {n} (garment covering the body from the waist downwards) :: מכנסיים \ מכנסים {m-p} /mikhnasáyim/
pants {n} (undergarment covering the genitals) :: תחתונים {m-p} /takhtoním/
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge ::
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad ::
paparazzi {n} (paparazzo) SEE: paparazzo ::
paparazzo {n} (freelance photographer of celebrities) :: פפראצי {m} /papparátzi/
papaya {n} (fruit) :: פפיה /papaia/
paper {n} (sheet material) :: נייר \ ניר {m} /n'yár/, דף {m} /dáf/
paper {adj} (made of paper) :: נייר
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper ::
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper ::
paper {n} (wrapping paper) SEE: wrapping paper ::
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document ::
paper aeroplane {n} (toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper) :: מטוס ניר {m} /matós nyar/
paper airplane {n} (paper aeroplane) SEE: paper aeroplane ::
paperboard {n} (thick paper) :: בריסטול {m} /bristól/
paper clip {n} (paper clip) :: מהדקם /mehadkim/
paper tiger {n} (paper tiger) :: רוח וצלצולים
paper towel {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) :: מגבת נייר {f} /magévet n'yár/
papier-mâché {n} (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object) :: עיסת נייר / עסת ניר {m} /isát nyar/
Papua New Guinea {prop} (country in Oceania) :: פפואה־גינאה החדשה /papu'a-gine'a ha-khadasha/
papyrus {n} (plant in the sedge family) :: גומא \ גמא {m} /góme/, פפירוס {m} /papírus/, גומא פפירוס \ גמא־פפירוס {m} /góme-papírus/
papyrus {n} (material made from this plant) :: פפירוס {m} /papírus/
papyrus {n} (scroll or document written on this material) :: פפירוס {m} /papírus/
parabola {n} (a conic section) :: פרבולה {f} /parábola/
parachute {n} (a device designed to control the fall of an object) :: מצנח {m} /matsnéakh/
parade {n} (organized procession) :: תהלוכה {f} /tahalukhá/, מצעד {m} /mits'ád/
paradigm {n} (example serving as a model or pattern) :: פאראדיגמה {f} /paradigma/
paradise {n} (heaven) :: גן עדן {m} /gan éden/
paradise {n} (very pleasant place) :: גן עדן {m} /gan éden/
paradise {n} (very pleasant experience) :: גן עדן {m} /gan éden/
paradox {n} (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true) :: פרדוקס
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene ::
paragon {n} (model or pattern) :: מופת {m} /mofét/
paragraph {n} (passage in text) :: פיסקה \ פסקה {f} /piská/
Paraguay {prop} (country in South America) :: פרגוואי / פרגואי /paragvay/
parallel {adj} (equally distant from one another at all points) :: מקביל {m-p} /makbil/
parallel {adj} (having the same overall direction) :: מקביל {m} /makbíl/
parallel {n} (one of a set of parallel lines) :: מקביל {m} /makbíl/
parallel {n} (line of latitude) :: קו רוחב {m} /káv rókhav/
parallel {v} (of a path etc: to be parallel to something else) :: הקביל /hikbíl/
parallel {v} (to compare or liken something to something else) :: השווה \ השוה /hishvá/
parallelepiped {n} (solid figure) :: מקבילון {m} /makbilón/
parallelogram {n} (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length) :: מקבילית {f} /makbilít/
paralyse {v} (paralyse) SEE: paralyze ::
paralysis {n} (loss of muscle control) :: שיתוק
paralyze {v} (to afflict with paralysis) :: שיתק /shitéq/
paralyzed {adj} ((of a person or part of the body) partly or wholly incapable of movement; disabled) :: שותק /shutáq/
paramecium {n} (organism) :: סנדלית {f} /sandalít/
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions) :: סכיזופרניה פרנואידית {f} /skizofrenya paranoydit/
paraphrase {n} (restatement of a text) :: פרפרזה {f} /parafráza/
parashah {n} (weekly Torah portion) :: פרשה {f}
parasite {n} (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back) :: פרזיט {m} /parazít/
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism) :: טפיל {m} /tapil/, פרזיט {m} /parazít/
paratrooper {n} (soldier that parachutes from aircraft) :: צנחן /tzanhan/
parcel {n} (package wrapped for shipment) :: חבילה {f} /khavilá/
parchment {n} (material) :: קלף {m} /k'láf/
pardon {n} (forgiveness for an offence) :: סליחה {f} /s'likhá/, מחילה {f} /m'khilá/
pardon {n} :: חנינה (ĥanina) {f}
pardon {interj} (interjection, request to repeat) :: סליחה {f} /s'likhá/
pardon me {phrase} (sorry, as an apology) :: סליחה {f} /sliḥá/, סלח לי /slaḥ li/ [to a male], סלחי לי /silḥí li/ [to a female], סלחו לי /silḥú li/ [to a group]
parenchyma {n} (functional part of an organ, as opposed to supporting tissue) :: פרנכימה
parent {n} (person from whom one is descended) :: הורה {m} /horé/
parent {n} :: הורה {m} /hore/, הורה {f} /hora/, plural: הורים (horim) {m} or {m}{f}, הורות {f} /horot/
parents {n} (one's parents) :: הורים {m-p} /horím/
Paris {prop} (capital of France) :: פריז /pariz/
Paris {prop} (Trojan prince) :: פאריס {m} /paris/
park {n} (ground for recreation) :: פרק {m} /park/
park {v} (bring to a halt) :: חנה /khaná/
parking lot {n} (open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use) :: חניון {m} /khanyón/
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease) :: מחלת פרקינסון {m} /makhalot parkinson/
parkour {n} (athletic discipline) :: פארקור {m} /parqur/
parliament {n} (institution with elected or appointed members) :: פרלמנט /parlamént/
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament ::
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous ::
parody {n} (expression making fun of something else) :: פרודיה /paródya/
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
paroxysm {n} (random or sudden outburst) :: פרוקסיזום {m}
paroxytone {adj} (paroxytone) :: מלעיל
paroxytone {n} (paroxytone) :: מלעיל /mil’él/
parrot {n} (kind of bird) :: תכי / תוכי {m} /túki/
parrot {v} (to repeat exactly without showing understanding) :: חיקה /khiká/, חיקה כתוכי /khiká k'túki/
parsley {n} (plant Petroselinum crispum) :: פטרוזיליה {f} /petrozílya/
parsnip {n} (the plant Pastinaca sativa) :: גזר לבן {m} /gézer lavan/
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa) :: גזר לבן {m} /gézer lavan/
part {n} (math: factor) SEE: factor ::
part {n} (fraction of a whole) :: שבר {m} /shéver/, חלק {m} /khélek/
part {n} (position or role, especially in a play) :: תפקיד {m} /tafkid/
part {n} (hair dividing line) :: שביל {m} /shvil/
part {v} (to leave the company of) :: נפרד {m} /nifrad/
part {v} (to divide in two) :: חילק {m} /khilek/
part {v} (to become divided in two or separated) :: התחלק {m} /hitkhalek/
partial derivative {n} (derivative with respect to one variable) :: נגזרת חלקית {f} /nigzéret chelkít/
participation {n} (act of participating) :: השתתפות {f} /hishtatfút/
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle ::
participle {n} (verb form) :: בינוני {m} /bēnoní/
particle {n} (body with very small size) :: חלקיק {m} /khelkik/, גרגיר {m} /gargir/
particle {n} (elementary particle or subatomic particle) :: חלקיק {m} /khelkik/
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech) :: מלית {f} /milít/
particle physics {n} (particle physics) :: פיזיקת חלקיקים
particular {adj} (known only to an individual person or group) SEE: confidential ::
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla ::
partition {n} (collection of non-empty, disjoint subsets of a set) :: חלוקה {f} /chaluká/
partly {adv} (in part) :: חלקי /chelki/
partner {n} (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) :: שתף /shutáf/
partner {n} (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner) :: בן זוג {m} /ben zúg/, בת זוג {f} /bat zúg/
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs) :: חלק דיבור {m} /khélek dibúr/
partridge {n} (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris) :: חוגלה \ חגלה {f} /khoglá/
party {n} (social gathering) :: מסיבה \ מסבה {f} /m'sibá/
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party ::
Pasargadae {prop} (ancient city of Persia) :: פסארגאדה
Pascal {prop} (male given name) :: פסח /pésaḥ/
pasha {n} (title) :: פחה {m}
Pashto {n} (official language of Afghanistan) :: פשטו {f} /pashto/
Pashtun {prop} (Pashto) SEE: Pashto ::
Pashtunwali {prop} (Pashtun tribal code of conduct) :: פשטונוואלי
pass {n} (opening, road, or track, available for passing) :: מעבר {m} /ma'avár/
pass {n} (password) SEE: password ::
pass away {v} (to die (euphemistic)) :: נפטר /niftár/, הלך לעולמו /halákh l'olamó/
passenger {n} (one who rides or travels in a vehicle) :: נוסע {m} /noséa'/
passenger pigeon {n} (an extinct bird of the species Ectopistes migratorius) :: יונה נודדת
passenger ship {n} (type of ship) :: אנית נוסעים {f} /oniyat nos'im/
passing {n} (death, dying; the end) :: פטירה {f} /ptirá/
passion {n} :: תאווה
passivism {n} (quality or principle of being passive) :: פסיביזם /passivisem/
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die ::
Passover {prop} (Jewish festival) :: פסח {m} /pésakh/
passport {n} (official document) :: דרכון {m} /darkón/
password {n} (word used to gain admittance) :: ססמה {f} /sisma/
password {n} (computing: string of characters known only to a user) :: סיסמה
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago ::
past {n} (period of time that has already happened) :: עבר {m} /avár/
past {n} ((grammar) past tense) :: עבר {m} /avar/
pasteurise {v} (pasteurize) SEE: pasteurize ::
pasteurize {v} (to heat food in order to kill harmful organisms) :: לפסטר {m-p} /lepaster/
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd ::
pastry {n} (food group) :: מאפה {m} /ma'afé/
patch {n} (figuratively: fit) SEE: fit ::
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool ::
patent troll {n} (company, person, etc., that owns and enforces patents in an aggressive and opportunistic manner) :: טרול פטנטים
paternal aunt {n} (the sister of one's father) :: דודה {f} /dóda/
paternal uncle {n} (brother of one's father) :: דוד {m} /dod/
path {n} (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians) :: דרך {f} /dérekh/
path {n} (graph theory: a sequence of vertices from one vertex to another) :: מסלול {m} /maslúl/
path {n} (topology: a continuous map) :: מסילה {f} /mesilá/
pathetic {adj} (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion) :: קורע לב /koréa lev/ [literally: heart tearing]
pathetic {adj} (arousing scorn or contempt) :: פתטי /patéti/
pathogen {n} (an organism or substance that causes disease) :: פתוגן {m} /patogen/
pathology {n} (branch of medicine) :: פתולוגיה {f}
pathology {n} (abnormality) :: פתולוגיה {f}
pathos {n} :: פתוס {f}
patience {n} (quality of being patient) :: סבלנות {f}
patient {adj} (not losing one's temper while waiting) :: סבלני /savlaní/
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor) :: מטופל /metupál/, פצינט {m} /patzyént/
Patil {prop} (surname) :: פטיל
patio {n} (a paved outside area, adjoining a house, used for dining or recreation) :: פטיו
Patras {prop} (city of Greece) :: פאטראי
patriarch {n} (male leader) :: פטריארך {m} /patriárkh/
Patrick {prop} (given name) :: פטריק
patriot {n} (person who loves, supports and defends their country) :: פטריוט {m} /patri'ot/
patriotism {n} (love of one's own country) :: פטריוטיות {f} /leumanút/
patrol {n} :: סיור /si'ûr/
patronising {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending ::
patronizing {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending ::
patsy {n} (a person who is taken advantage of) :: פראייר {m} /frayer/
patty {n} (a portion of ground meat or vegetarian equivalent) :: קציצה {f} /qtzitzá/
pattypan {n} (pattypan squash) SEE: pattypan squash ::
pattypan squash {n} (squash) :: פטיסון
Paul {prop} (the Apostle) :: פאולוס
Paul {prop} (male given name) :: פול /pol/
Paulette {prop} (female given name) :: פולט {f} /Polet/
pause {n} (temporary stop or rest) :: אתנח /etnah/
pavement {n} (footpath) :: מדרכה
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
paw {n} (soft foot of an animal) :: כף {f} /kaf/
pawn {n} (chess piece) :: חייל {m} /chayal/, רגלי {m} /ragli/
pawn {n} (someone who is being manipulated) :: פיון {m} /pion/
pawn {n} ((rare) type of shop) :: חנות משכונות {f}, בית עבוט {m}
pay {v} (to give money in exchange for goods or services) :: שילם \ שלם /shilém/
payess {n} (sidelocks worn by Hasidic and Orthodox male Jews) SEE: payot ::
payot {n} (sidelocks worn by Hasidic and Orthodox male Jews (payess, payot)) :: פאה {f} /pe'á/
PBUH {interj} (peace be upon him) :: עליו השלום {m} /'aláv hashalóm/
pe {n} (Semitic letter) :: פא /pê/
pea {n} (plant) :: אפונה {f} /afuna/
peace {n} (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence) :: שלום \ שלום {m} /shalóm/
peace {n} (state of mind) :: שלווה \ שלוה {f} /shalvá/
peace {n} (state of being free from war) :: שלום \ שלום {m} /shalóm/
peace be upon him {interj} (honorific phrase used by some Jews) :: עליו השלום /'aláv hashalóm/
peaceful {adj} (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil) :: שקט
peaceful {adj} (motionless and calm; placid) :: שלו, שקט
peach {n} (tree) :: אפרסק {m} /afarsék/
peach {n} (fruit) :: אפרסק {m} /afarsék/
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach ::
peachy {adj} (very good) :: הכל דבש /hakól dvash/
peacock {n} (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo) :: טווס \ טוס {m} /tavás/
peak {n} (point, sharp end) :: קדקוד {m} /qodqód/
peak {n} (highest value reached) :: שיא {m} /si/
peak {n} (mountain top) :: פסגה {f} /pisgá/
peanut {n} (a legume resembling a nut) :: בוטן {m} /boten/, אגוז אדמה /egoz adama/
peanut butter {n} (spread made from ground peanuts) :: חמאת בוטנים {f} /khem'át botním/
pear {n} (fruit) :: אגס {m} /agás/
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl ::
pearl {n} (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks) :: פנינה {f} /p'niná/, מרגלית {f} /margalít/
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher ::
Pearl Harbor {prop} (a harbor on Oahu) :: פרל הארבור
peasant {n} (member of the agriculture low class) :: אכר {m}, חקלאי {m}, חקלאית {f}
peat {n} (soil) :: כבול {m} /kavul/
pebble {n} (stone) :: חלוק {m} /ẖalúq/
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick ::
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage ::
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian ::
pedantry {n} (overly ambitious display of learning) :: דקדוקי עניות /dikdûkei aniyût/
pederasty {n} (pederasty) :: פדרסטיה {f} /pederastya/
pederasty {n} (archaic: homosexual anal sex) SEE: sodomy ::
pedestal {n} (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) :: כן {m} /kan/
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle) :: הולך־רגל {m} /holékh-régel/, הולכת־רגל {m} /holékhet-régel/
pedigree {n} (chart of ancestors) :: יחוס {m} /yiḥǘs/
pedophile {n} (an adult who is sexually attracted to children) :: פדופיל {m} /pedofil/
pedophilia {n} (sexual feeling or desire by adults towards children) :: פדופיליה
pee {n} :: שתן /sheten/
pee {v} :: השתין /hishtín/
peekaboo {n} (game for small children) :: קו־קו {m} /ku-ku/
peel {n} (skin of a fruit) :: קליפה {f} /klipá/
pee-pee {n} (childish: urine) SEE: wee-wee ::
pee-pee {n} (childish: genitalia) SEE: wee-wee ::
pegasus {n} (winged horse) :: פגסוס {m} /pégasus/
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
Pekin duck {n} (breed of domestic duck) :: ברוז פקין / ברווז פקין {m} /barváz pekín/
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
pelican {n} (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) :: שקנאי
Peloponnese {prop} (region of Greece) :: פלופונסוס {m} /peluponisus/
pelt {n} (human skin, see also: skin) :: עור {m}
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing ::
pen {n} (writing tool) :: עט {m} /et/
Pen-ch'i {prop} (Benxi) SEE: Benxi ::
pencil {n} (graphite writing-instrument) :: עיפרון \ עפרון {m} /iparón/
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case ::
pencil case {n} (object purposed to contain stationery) :: קלמר {m} /kalmár/
pen drive {n} (flash drive) SEE: flash drive ::
pendulum {n} (body suspended from a fixed support) :: מטוטלת {f} /metutelet/
Penelope {prop} (wife of Odysseus) :: פנלופה {f}
penfriend {n} (person with whom one exchanges letters) SEE: pen pal ::
penguin {n} (flightless sea bird) :: פינגוין {m} /pingvín/
penicillin {n} (penicillin) :: פניצילין
peninsula {n} (piece of land projecting into water) :: חצי אי {m} /khatsí-í/
penis {n} :: פין {m} /pin/, זין {m} /záyin/ [slang]
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member ::
penitent {n} (one who repents of sin) :: בעל תשובה {m}
penitentiary {n} (prison) :: בית סהר {m} /beit sóhar/
pen name {n} (writer's pseudonym) :: שם עט {m} /shem et/
penny {n} (1/100 of a pound sterling or British pound) :: פני /péni/
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent ::
pen pal {n} (friend with whom one communicates using letters) :: חבר לעט
pension {n} (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services) :: פנסיה
pension {v} (to force to retire) :: גמלה /gimlah/
pentagon {n} (a polygon with five sides and five angles) :: מחומש \ מחמש {m} /mekhumásh/
Pentagon {prop} (headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense) :: פנטגון {m} /pentagón/
pentagonal {adj} (of, relating to, or shaped like a pentagon) :: מחומש /mekhumásh/
pentagram {n} (shape of five-pointed star) :: פנטגרם {m} /pentagram/
Pentateuch {prop} (first five books of the Bible) :: תורה {f} /toráh/, חמישה חומשי תורה \ חמשה חמשי תורה {m-p} /khamishá khum'shéi torá/, תורת משה {f} /torát moshé/
Pentecost {prop} (Jewish festival) :: שבועות {m} /shavuót/
penult {n} (next-to-last syllable of a word) :: see מלעיל /mil'él/ [adverb]
penumbra {n} (partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse) :: פלג צל {m}
Penza {prop} (a city in Russia) :: פנזה
people {n} (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons) :: אנשים {m-p} /anashim/
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.) :: עם {m} /am/, אומה {f}
peoplehood {n} (collective sense of being part of a distinct people) :: עמיות {f} /amiut/
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria) :: הרפובליקה האלג'יראית הדמוקרטית העממית {f}
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China) :: הרפובליקה העממית של סין {f} /harepúblika ha'amamít shel sin/
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones {proverb} (one shouldn't criticize others for having the same fault) :: מי שגר בבית מזכוכית שלא ישליך אבנים /Mi she-gar be-vayit mi-zekhukhit she-lo yashlikh avanim/
pepper {n} (spice) :: פלפל {m} /pilpel/, פלפל שחר {m} /pilpel shakhor/ [black pepper]
pepper {n} (fruit of the capsicum) :: פלפל /pilpel/
pepper spray {n} (non-lethal riot-control agent) :: תרסיס פלפל
Pepsi {prop} (the brand of drink) :: פפסי
per {prep} (for each) :: לכל /l'khol/
per {prep} (in accordance with) :: על פי /al pi/
percent {n} (a part or other object per hundred) :: אחוז /akhúz/
perception {n} (that which is detected by the five senses) :: תפיסה /tfissa/, קליטה /klita/
peremptory {adj} ((law) Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal) :: חלוט
pereq {n} (subdivision of a massechet) :: פרק {m} /pérek/
perestroika {prop} (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) :: פרסטרויקה {f} /perestroika/
perfection {n} (being perfect) :: השתלמות /hishtalmut/
perfectionism {n} (a dislike for anything less than perfection) :: פרפקציוניזם {m} /perfektzyónizem/
perfectitude {n} (perfection) SEE: perfection ::
performance {n} (live show or concert) :: הצגה {f} /hatzagá/
performing arts {n} (arts involving performance) :: אמנות הבמה {f} /omanút habamá/
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell) :: בושם / בשם {m} /bósem/
perfume {v} (to apply perfume to) :: בישם /bisém/
perhaps {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: אולי /ulái/
Pericles {prop} (Greek politician) :: פריקלס /Periklis/
perigee {n} (closest point in an orbit about the Earth) :: פריגיאה {f} /perigéa/
peril {n} :: סכנה /sakana/
perineum {n} (anatomical term) :: חיץ הנקביים {m} /kheyts ha-nekavayim/
period {n} (a length of time) :: תקופה {f} /tqufá/
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity) :: תקופה {f} /tqufá/
period {n} (punctation mark “.”) :: נקדה {f} /nequdá/
period {n} (geology: subdivision of an era) :: תור {m} /tor/
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation ::
periodic {adj} (having repeated cycles) :: מחזורי /machzorí/
periodic {adj} ((mathematics) of a state) :: מחזורי /machzorí/
periodic table {n} (tabular chart of the chemical elements) :: הטבלה המחזורית {f} /ha-ṭabelah ha-maḥazôrît/
perish {v} :: אבד /avád/
periwinkle {n} (plant) :: וינקה {f} /vínka/
Perm {prop} (city in Russia) :: פרם /perm/
permission {n} (authorisation) :: התר {m} /hetér/
permit {v} (allow (something) to happen) :: התיר /hitír/, הרשה /hirshá/
permit {n} (an artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal) :: רשיון {m} /rishayón/, התר {m} /hetér/
pern {n} (honey buzzard) SEE: honey buzzard ::
peroxide {n} (hydrogen peroxide) SEE: hydrogen peroxide ::
perpendicular {adj} (at or forming a right angle to) :: מאונך \ מאנך {m} /me`unák/, ניצב \ נצב {m} /nitsáv/
perpendicular {n} (line or plane) :: מאונך {m} /me`unákh/, ניצב {m} /nitsáv/
perpetual {adj} :: תמידי /t'midí/
perpetuate {v} (to make perpetual) :: הנציח /hintsíakh/
perpetuation {n} (prolonging existence) :: הנצחה
Perpignan {prop} (city in Pyrénées-Orientales, France) :: פרפיניאן {m} /Perpinyán/
perplexity {n} :: מבוכה (m"vucha)
per se {adv} (by itself) :: כשלעצמו
persecution {n} (a program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people) :: רדיפה {f} /redifá/
Persephone {prop} (Greek goddess) :: פרספונה
Persepolis {prop} (ancient city of Persia) :: פרספוליס
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran ::
Persia {prop} (region of ancient Iran) :: פרס {f} /parás/
Persian {n} (the Persian language) :: פרסית {f} /parsít/
Persian {n} (person from Persia) :: פרסי {m} /parsi/
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia) :: פרסי /parsi/
Persian Gulf {prop} (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula) :: המפרץ הפרסי {m} /ha-mifráts ha-pársi/
persimmon {n} (fruit) :: אפרסמון {m} /afarsemón/
persimmon {n} (tree) :: אפרסמון {m} /afarsemón/
persistent {adj} (refusing to give up) :: עקשן /akshán/
persistent {adj} (insistently repetitive) :: מתמיד /matmíd/
persistent {adj} (math: non-transient) :: נשנה /nishné/
person {n} (individual) :: בן אדם {m} /ben ádam/ אדם {m} /ádam/
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man) :: בן אדם {m} /ben ádam/
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category) :: גוף {m}
personality {n} (set of qualities that make a person distinct from other people) :: אישיות {f} /ishiyút/
personality {n} (celebrity) :: אישיות {f} /ishiyút/
persona non grata {n} (a person who is not welcome) :: אישיות בלתי רצוי
personnel {n} (employees, office staff) :: סגל {m} /segel/
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
persuade {v} (convince) :: שכנע /shikhnéa/
Perth {prop} (city in Western Australia) :: פרת'
Peru {prop} (country in South America) :: פרו /peru/
peruke {n} (wig) :: פאה {f}
Peruvian {n} (person from Peru) :: פרואני {m}, פרואנית {f}
Peruvian {adj} (pertaining to Peru) :: פרואנית {f}
pervert {n} (sexually perverted person) :: סוטה {m} /sote/
Pesach {prop} (Passover) SEE: Passover ::
pescetarianism {n} (dietary choice) :: פסקטריאניזם {m}
pestilence {n} (any highly contagious epidemic disease) :: מגפה {f} /magefá/
pestle {n} (instrument used with a mortar to grind things) :: מדוך {m} /madokh/, עלי {m} /eli/
pesto {n} (an Italian sauce especially for pasta) :: פסטו {m} /pɛsṭō/
pet {n} (an animal kept as a companion) :: חיית מחמד \ חית מחמד {f} /khayát makhmád/
pet {v} (fondle (an animal)) :: ליטף
petal {n} (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower) :: עלי כותרת {m} /alai koteret/
Peter {prop} (male given name) :: פטר /Péter/
Peter {prop} (the Apostle) :: פטרוס
pet hate {n} (personal dislike) SEE: pet peeve ::
pet peeve {n} (something that is personally annoying; a personal dislike) :: שנאת מחמד /sin'át maḥmád/
petrichor {n} (distinctive scent which accompanies rain) :: פטריכור
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline ::
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil ::
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky {prop} (city in Russia) :: פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי
Petrosyan {prop} (surname) :: פטרוסיאן /petrosyan/
Petrozavodsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: פטרוזבודסק
Peugeot {prop} (French manufacturer of cars) :: פיג׳ו /pižó/
phalange {n} (phalanx) SEE: phalanx ::
phalanx {n} (finger or toe bone) :: גליל {m} /galíl/
phallic {adj} (having to do with the penis) :: פאלי {m} /fáli/, פאלית {f} /fálit/
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
phallus {n} (the penis or its representation) :: פאלוס {m} /falus/
pharaoh {n} (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt) :: פרעה {m} /par'ó/
Pharisee {n} (member of an ancient Jewish political party, social movement, etc) :: פרוש /parúsh/
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
pharmacist {n} (professional who dispenses prescription drugs) :: רוקח /rokeiach/
pharmacology {n} (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals) :: פרמקולוגיה {f} /farmakologya/
pharmacy {n} (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed) :: בית מרקחת {m} /beyt mirkakhat/
pharynx {n} (part of alimentary canal) :: לע {m} /lóa'/, בית הבליעה {m} /beit habli'á/
phase {n} (distinguishable part of a sequence) :: שלב {m} /shaláv, sh'láv/
phi {n} (Greek letter) :: פי {f} /fi/
Philadelphia {prop} (largest city in Pennsylvania) :: פילדלפיה {f} /filadélfia/
philanthropist {n} (very generous person) :: בעל צדקה {m}
philanthropy {n} (charity) SEE: charity ::
philanthropy {n} (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind) :: נדבנות
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship ::
Philip {prop} (biblical persons) :: פיליפוס
Philippine {adj} (Filipino) SEE: Filipino ::
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines) :: עיט פיליפיני /eij pilipini/
Philippines {prop} (Republic of the Philippines) :: הפיליפינים {p} /ha-filipinim/
Philistia {prop} (ancient pentapolis in the Levant) :: פלשת {f}
philistine {n} (Philistine) SEE: Philistine ::
Philistine {n} (person from Philistia) :: פלשתי {m} /P'lishti/
philology {n} (historical linguistics) :: פילולוגיה {f} /filológiya/
philosophaster {n} (a pretender to philosophy; a petty or charlatan philosopher) :: פלספן {m} (palsefán), פלספנית {f} (palsefanít)
philosopher {n} (person devoted to studying philosophy) :: פילוסוף {m} /filosof/
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone) :: אבן החכמים {m} /'éven ha-khakhamím/
Phineas {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Phinehas ::
Phinehas {prop} (biblical character) :: פינחס {m} /Pīn'ḥās/
phlegm {n} :: ליחה {f}
phlegmatic {adj} (not easily excited to action) :: פלגמטי /flegmati/
phlogiston {n} (hypothetical fiery principle) :: פלוגיסטון {m} /flogistón/
Phnom Penh {prop} (capital city of Cambodia) :: פנום פן
phobia {n} (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety) :: פוביה
Phoenician {prop} (Semitic language spoken by the inhabitants of Phoenicia) :: פיניקית {f} /fīnīqīt/
phoenix {n} (mythological bird) :: עוף חול {m} /'of ḥol/
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
phonetic alphabet {n} :: אלפבית צלילי (alefbiet tslili)
phonograph {n} (archaic record player) SEE: gramophone ::
phonograph record {n} (record) SEE: record ::
phony {adj} (fraudulent; fake) :: מזויף
phosphorus {n} (element) :: זרחן /zarkhan/
phosphorylation {n} (the process of transferring a phosphate group from a donor to an acceptor) :: זירחון
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph ::
photo {v} (to take a photograph) :: צילם /tsilém/
photocopier {n} (machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates) :: מכונת צלום / מכונת צילום {f} /mekhonát tsilúm/
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier) :: צילום {m} /tsilúm/
photocopy {v} (to make a copy using a photocopier) :: צילם /tsilém/
photocopying {n} (The process by which photocopies are made) :: צילום {m} /tsilúm/
photograph {n} (picture) :: תצלום {m} /tatslúm/, תמונה {f} /tmuná/
photograph {v} (to take a photograph) :: צילם \ צלם /tsilém/
photographer {n} (one who takes photographs) :: צלם {m} /tsalám/
photography {n} (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces) :: צילום {m} /tzilém/
photon {n} (quantum of light) :: פוטון {m}
photophobia {n} (excessive sensitivity to light) :: פוטופוביה
photosynthesis {n} (biological process) :: פוטוסינתזה {f} /fotosinteza/
phrase {n} (short written or spoken expression) :: צרוף לשון {f} /tzeirüf lashon/, משפט {m} /mishpát/
phrase book {n} (book of everyday expressions and vocabulary) :: ניבון {m} /nivón/
phrasebook {n} (book used to learn foreign language) SEE: phrase book ::
phraseology {n} (phrasebook) SEE: phrase book ::
Phrygian {adj} (of or relating to Phrygia, its people or their culture) :: פריגי {m} /frigi/
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward) :: מצנפת פריגית {f} /mitznefét frigíyat/
phylactery {n} (leather case containing biblical scrolls, worn by Jewish men; the tefilla) :: טוטפת /totefet/, תפילין {p} /tefillin/
phylum {n} ((biology, taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class) :: מערכה {f} /ma'arachá/
physical {adj} (having to do with the material world; tangible) :: ממשי, פיזי
physical {adj} (having to do with physics) :: פיזי
physical {adj} (having to do with the body; corporeal) :: גופני, פיזי
physician {n} (medical doctor) :: רופא {m} /rofé/, רופאה {f} /rof'á/, דוקטור {m} /dóktor/ [colloquial, while addressing a doctor]
physicist {n} (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics) :: פיזיקאי {m} /fizikái/
physics {n} (branch of science) :: פיזיקה {f} /fizika/
physiology {n} (branch of biology) :: פיזיולוגיה {f} /fizyológya/
pi {n} (letter of Greek alphabet) :: פאי / פי {f} /pay/
pianissimo {adv} (very soft) :: פיאניסימו /p'yanísimo/
pianist {n} (piano player) :: פסנתרן {m}, פסנתרנית {f}
piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument) :: פסנתר {m} /psantér/
picaresque {n} (picaresque novel) :: רומן פיקרסקי
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose ::
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum ::
pickle {n} (preserved cucumber) :: מלפפון חמוץ {m}
pick one's nose {v} (insert a finger into one's nostril) :: לחטט באף
pickpocket {n} (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby) :: כייס {m} /kayás/
pick up {v} (to collect a passenger) :: אסף /asáf/
picture {n} (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc) :: תמונה {f} /tmuná/
picture {n} (photograph) :: תמונה {f} /tmuná/, תצלום {m} /tatslúm/
picture {n} (informal: cinema) :: סרט {m} /séret/
picture {v} (to imagine or envision) :: דמיין \ דמין /dimyén/
picturesque {adj} (resembling a picture or painting) :: ציורי
Pi Day {prop} (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi)) :: יום פאי {m}
pie {n} (type of pastry) :: פשטידה {f} /pashtidá/, פאי {m} /pái/ [transliteration from English], תמליא {m} /tamlí/ [neoligism]
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
piece {n} (part of a larger whole) :: חלק {m} /khélek/
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance ::
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle ::
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
piece of cake {n} (simple or easy job) :: משחק ילדים /miskhak yeladim/ (child's play)
piece of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment ::
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
piece of shit {n} (a bad thing) :: חתיכת חרא /hatihat hara/
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
pier {n} (raised platform built from the shore out over water) :: מזח {m} /mézakh/
pierce {v} (create a hole for jewelry) :: רצע /ratzá'/
pig {n} (mammal of genus Sus) :: חזיר {m} /khazír/
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork ::
pigeon {n} (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae) :: יונה {f} /yoná/
pig in a poke {n} (something whose true value is concealed or unknown) :: חתול בשק
piglet {n} (young pig) :: חזרזיר {m} /khazarzír/
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pigment {n} (any color in plant or animal cells) :: פיגמנט {m} /pigmént/
Pikachu {n} (Pokémon) :: פיקאצ'ו {m} /Píqatshu/
pilaf {n} (dish) :: פילאף {m} /pilaf/
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pile {n} (heap) :: ערמה
pile {n} (obsolete: reverse of a coin) SEE: tails ::
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy ::
piles {n} (plural of pile) SEE: pile ::
pilgrim {n} (traveler, especially to religious sites) :: עולה רגל {m} /olé régel/, צלין {m} /tzalyán/
pilgrimage {n} (religious journey, or one to a sacred place) :: עליה לרגל /ali'a la-regel/
pill {n} (small object for swallowing) :: כדור {m} /kadúr/, גלולה {f} /glulá/
pillage {v} (loot or plunder by force) :: שדד {m} /shadád/
pillage {n} (the spoils of war) :: שלל {m} /shalál/
pillage {n} (the act of pillaging) :: ביזה {f} /bizá/
pillar {n} (large post, often used as supporting architecture) :: עמוד {m} /'amúd/
pillow {n} (soft cushion used to support the head in bed) :: כרית {f} /karít/
pilot {n} (controller of aircraft) :: טייס {m} /tayas/
Pilsen {prop} (city in the Czech Republic) :: פלזן
pimp {n} (prostitution solicitor) :: סרסור {m} /sarsur/
pimple {n} (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin) :: פצעון /pitson/
pin {n} (needle without an eye, used for fastening) :: סיכה \ סכה {f} /siká/
pinata {n} (candy-filled container that is hit with a stick) :: פיניאטה
pinch {v} (to squeeze a small amount of skin) :: צבט /tsavát/
pinch {n} (small amount of powder) :: קמץ {m} /qómetz/
pine {n} (tree of the genus Pinus) :: אורן {m} /ʾoren/
pineal gland {n} (small endocrine gland) :: בלוטת האצטרובל
pineapple {n} (plant) :: אננס {m} /ananás/
pineapple {n} (fruit) :: אננס {m} /ananás/
pineapple guava {n} (feijoa) SEE: feijoa ::
pinecone {n} (seed-bearing cone of a pine tree) :: אצטרובל {m} /etztrubal/
pine nut {n} (edible seeds of evergreen pine) :: צנובר {m}
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine ::
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis ::
pink {n} (pale red colour) :: ורוד /varod/
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white) :: ורוד \ ורד /varód/
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
pink jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Giro d'Italia) :: חלצה ורודה {f} /khultzá verúda/
pinkwashing {n} (practice of using support of breast cancer to market products) :: פינקוושינג {m}
pinkwashing {n} (practice of presenting something as gay-friendly to downplay negative aspects) :: פינקוושינג {m}
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear) :: אפרכסת {f} /afarkéset/
Pinocchio {prop} (protagonist) :: פינוקיו {m} /Pinókio/
Pinocchio {prop} (fairy tale) :: פינוקיו {m} /Pinókio/
Pinot Noir {n} (black grape) :: פינו נואר {m}
Pinsk {prop} (city in Belarus) :: פינסק /pinsk/
Pinyin {prop} (romanization of Mandarin Chinese) :: פין-יין {m} /pin-yin/
piñon {n} (pine nut) SEE: pine nut ::
pioneer {n} (one who goes before) :: חלוץ {m} /khalúts/
pipe {n} (rigid tube) :: צינור \ צנור {m} /tsinór/
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe ::
pipe dream {n} (near impossibility) :: [formally, dreaming of Spain] חלומות באספמיה {m-p} /ḥalomót be aspámya/, [formally, tower flying in air] מגדל פורח באויר {m} /migdál poréaḥ baavír/
piper {n} (musician who plays a pipe) :: חלילן {m} /ẖalilán/
Pippi Longstocking {n} (a girl with flamboyant red hair in pigtails and freckles) :: בילבי גרב-ברך {f} /bilbi gerev berekh/, בילבי בת-גרב {f} /bilbi bat gerev/, בילבי {f} /bilbi/, גילגי {f} /gilgi/
piracy {n} (robbery at sea) :: שוד ים {m} /shod yam/, שד ימי {m} /shod yami/, פירטיות {f} /piratiyut/
piracy {n} (hijacking) :: פירטיות {f} /piratiyut/
piranha {n} (South American fish) :: פיראניה {f} /pirana/
pirate {n} (one who plunders at sea) :: שודד ים {m} /shodéd yam/
pirozhki {n} (small pastries) :: פירוז'קי
pirozhok {n} (pirozhki) SEE: pirozhki ::
Pisces {prop} (constellation) :: דגים /dagím/
Pisces {prop} (astrological sign) :: דגים /dagím/
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant ::
piss {v} :: השתין /hishtín/
pissaladière {n} (pizza-like pie from southern France) :: פיסלדיר {f}, פיסאלאדיר {f} /pisaladiyér/
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
pistachio {n} (fruit) :: פיסטוק
pistol {n} (handgun) :: אקדח {m} /ekdákh/
piston {n} (solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder) :: בוכנה \ בכנה {f} /bukhná/
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine ::
pita {n} (bread pouch used for making sandwiches) :: פיתה {f} /pita/
Pitcairn Islands {prop} (British territory) :: פיטקרן /pitkern/
pitch {n} (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar) :: זפת {f} /zefet/
pitcher {n} (A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids) :: כד /kad/
pith {n} (soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees) :: מהות /mahut/
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord ::
pitiful {adv} :: מעורר רחמים (meʿorer rɑḥɑmim), עלוב
pitta bread {n} (flat bread made from wheat flour) SEE: pita ::
pituitary gland {n} (endocrine gland) :: בלוטת יותרת המוח
pity {v} :: רחם /rakhám/
pivot {n} (that on which something turns) :: ציר {m} /tsir/
pixel {n} (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory) :: פיקסל {m} /piksel/, פיקסלים {m-p} /pikselím/
pizza {n} (baked Italian dish) :: פיצה {f} /pítsa/
pizza parlor {n} (pizzeria) SEE: pizzeria ::
pizzeria {n} (outlet that primarily sells pizza) :: פיצריה {f} /pitseríya/
place {n} (location, position) :: מקום {m} /makóm/, מיקום {m} /mikum/
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square) :: כיכר \ ככר {m} /kikár/
place {n} (region of a land) :: אזור {m} /ezor/
place {n} (somewhere to sit) :: מקום {m} /makóm/
place {n} (frame of mind) :: מצב {m} /matzav/
place {n} (informal: house or home) :: בית {m} /báyit/
place {n} (a role or purpose, a station) :: מקום {m} /makóm/
place {v} (to put in a specific location) :: מיקם /mikém/
place {v} (to earn a given spot in a competition) :: הגיע /higía/
place {v} (to remember where and when something or someone was previously encountered) :: מיקם /mikém/
placebo {n} (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment) :: פלצבו {m} /platzébo/
placement {n} (the act of placing or putting in place) :: מיקום {m} /mikúm/
placement {n} (a location or position) :: מיקום {m} /mikúm/
placenta {n} (anatomy: placenta) :: שליה {f}
plague {n} (specific disease "the Plague") :: דבר {m} /déver/
plague {n} (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence) :: מגפה {f} /magefá/
plague {n} (widespread affliction, calamity) :: מכה {f} /makká/
plague {n} :: מגפה {f} /maggefa/
plaice {n} :: סול {m} /sol/
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) :: מישור {m} /mishór/, ערבה {f} /'aravá/
plaintiff {n} (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant) :: המבקש (ha'mevakesh)
plan {n} (technical drawing) :: תכנית {f} / tokhnit/
plan {n} (set of intended actions) :: תוכנית \ תכנית {f} /tokhnít/
plan {v} (to intend) :: תכנן, יזם
Planck's constant {n} (constant) :: קבוע פלאנק {m} /kavua plank/
plane {adj} (of a surface: flat or level.) :: מישורי /mishori/
plane {n} (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) :: מישור {m} /mishor/
plane {n} (a tool) :: מקצוע {m} /maktsoa/
plane {v} (to smooth with a plane) :: הקציע /hiktsia/
plane {n} (airplane) :: מטוס {m} /matós/, מטוס {m} /matós/, אווירון {n} /avirón/, אוירון {n} /avirón/
plane {n} (deciduous tree) :: דולב {m} /dolev/
planet {n} (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) :: כוכב לכת {m} /kokháv lékhet/
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun) :: כוכב לכת {m} /kokháv lékhet/
planet {n} (similar body in orbit around a star) :: כוכב לכת {m} /kokháv lékhet/
planet {n} :: כוכב לכת {m} /kokhav lekhet/
planetary nebula {n} (nebulosity) :: ערפילית פלנטרית {f}
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane ::
planetree {n} (sycamore) SEE: sycamore ::
plank {n} (long, broad and thick piece of timber) :: קרש {m} /keresh/
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory ::
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis) :: צמח {m} /tsémakh/
planter {n} (box or pot) :: עציץ {m} /'atzítz/
plasma {n} (high energy state of matter) :: פלזמה {f} /plazma/
plasma {n} (component of blood) :: פלזמה {f} /plazma/
plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
plastic {n} (synthetic thermoplastic polymer) :: פלסטיק /plástik/
plat {n} (plot of land) SEE: lot ::
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot ::
plate {n} (flat dish) :: צלחת {f} /tsalákhat/
plate {n} (prize given to the winner in a contest) SEE: prize ::
plateau {n} (level expanse) :: רמה {f}
platform {n} (politics: political stance on a broad set of issues) :: מצע {m} /matsa'/
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers) :: רציף {m} /r'tsif/
platinum {n} (metal) :: פלטינה /platína/
Plato {prop} (Greek philosopher) :: אפלטון {m} /aplatón/
platonic love {n} (intimate but non-sexual affection) :: אהבה אפלטונית {f} /ahavá aplatónit/
platoon {n} (unit of 30-40 soldiers) :: מחלקה {f} /makhlaká/
platypus {n} (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) :: ברווזן /barvazon/
play {v} (act in a manner such that one has fun) :: שחק / שיחק /sikhék/, השתעשע /hishta'ashéa/
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun) :: ניגן (ב־) /nigén (b'-)/
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense, not affecting a noun)) :: ניגן /nigén/
play {v} (act in a performance) :: שיחק \ שחק /sikhék/
play {v} (use a device to hear (a recording)) :: השמיע /hishmía/
play {n} (playful activity) :: משחק {m} /miskhák/, שעשוע {m} /sha'ashúa/
play {n} (individual's performance in a sport) :: משחק {m} /misḥāq/
play {n} (theatrical performance) :: משחק {m} /misḥāq/, מחזה {m} /makhazé/
playboy {n} (man who devotes himself to pleasure) :: נער שעשועים {m} /na'ar sha'ashu'im/
Playboy Bunny {n} (waitress at a Playboy Club) :: שפנפנת פלייבוי
play down {v} (play down) SEE: downplay ::
player {n} (one who plays a musical instrument) :: נגן {m} /nagán/
player {n} :: שחקנ /sachkan/
playful {adj} (liking or prone to play) :: אוהב משחקים /ohev misḥakim/, משתעשע /mishta'shea/, משתובב /mishtovev/
playful {adj} (funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome) :: עליז /a'liz/, משעשע /mesha'shea/
playground {n} (large open space to play on, usually for children) :: גן שעשועים {m} /gan sha'ashuím/, מגרש משחקים {m} /migrásh misẖaqím/
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater ::
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card) :: קלף משחק {f}, קלף {f} /klaf/
play truant {v} (be absent from school without permission) :: הבריז /hivriz/
play with fire {v} (put oneself in a precarious situation) :: שחק באש /siẖéq beésh/
plaza {n} (a towns' public square) :: כיכר \ ככר /kikár/
pleasant {adj} (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner) :: נעים /na'ím/
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request) :: בבקשה /b'vakashá/
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody) :: נעים מאוד /na'im me'od/
please pass the salt {phrase} (please pass the salt) :: העבר המלח, בבקשה {m} /he'evér ha-mélakh, b'vakashá/, העבירי המלח, בבקשה {f} /he'evíri ha-mélakh, b'vakashá/
please say that again {phrase} (please say that again) :: חזור שנית /ḥazór shenít/
pleasure {n} (a state of being pleased) :: עונג \ עגג {m} /'óneg/
plebiscite {n} (A referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty) :: משאל עם {m} /mish'ál 'ám/
plectrum {n} (music: small piece for plucking strings) :: מפרט
pledge {v} (to make a solemn promise) :: נשבע /nishbá/
Pleiades {prop} (Greek mythology) :: פליאדות
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy) :: פליאדות, כימה /kimā/
plenty {n} (a more-than-adequate amount) :: שפע {m}
pleroma {n} (the region of light above the world) :: פלרומה /pleroma/
pliers {n} (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand) :: מלקחת {f} /melkákhat/
Plimsoll line {n} (International Load Line) :: קו טעינה {m}
plot {n} (course of a story) :: עלילה {f}
plot hole {n} (an inconsistence within a storyline) :: חור בעלילה {m} //
plough {n} (device pulled through the ground) :: מחרשה {f} /maxréša/
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting) :: חרש /kharásh/
plough {v} (to use a plough) :: חרש /kharásh/
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
plover {n} (wading bird of the family Charadriidae) :: חופמי {m} /ḥofamí/
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough ::
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
pluck {v} (to pull something sharply; to pull something out) :: קטף /qatáf/
plug {n} (electric connecting device) :: תקע {m} /téka'/
plug-in {n} (computer add-on) :: מתקע {m} /mitká/
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus domestica) :: שזיף {m} /sh'zíf/
plum {n} (raisin when used in pudding or cake) SEE: raisin ::
plume {n} (feather) :: פלומה
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum ::
plural {adj} (more than one) :: לשון רבים /lišon rabim/
plus {prep} (arithmetic: sum) :: פלוס /ploos/, ועוד /ve'od/
Plutarch {prop} (Greek historian) :: פלוטארכוס /Plutarkhus/
Pluto {prop} (Kuiper belt object - a dwarf planet) :: פלוטו /pluto/
plutocracy {n} (government by the wealthy) :: פלוטוקרטיה {f} /plútokrátya/
plutonium {n} (chemical element) :: פלוטוניום {m} /plutónyum/
Pluviôse {prop} (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: פלויביוז {m} /pluyviyóz/
Plymouth {prop} (a city in Devon, England) :: פלימות׳
plywood {n} (construction material) :: עץ סנדוויץ׳ {m}
p.m. {adv} (after noon) :: אחרי הצהריים
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer ::
pneumothorax {n} (presence of air inside the pleural cavity) :: פנאומותורקס {m} /pne'umotóraks/, חזה אוויר {m} /khazé avír/
pocket {n} (bag stitched to an item of clothing) :: כיס {m} /kis/
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook ::
pocket flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages) SEE: hip flask ::
pocket money {n} (money given to a child) :: דמי כיס {m-p} /dmei kis/
podcast {n} (podcast) :: פודקאסט {m} /pódkast/
Podgorica {prop} (capital city of Montenegro) :: פודגוריצה
podiatrist {n} (specialist in foot care) :: פודיאטר {m}, פודיאטרית {f}
podiatry {n} (podiatry, care of the feet) :: פודיאטריה
poem {n} (literary piece written in verse) :: שיר {m} /shir/
poet {n} (person who writes poems) :: פייטן {m} /paytán/, משורר {m} /meshorér/
poetry {n} (literature composed in verse) :: שירה {f} /shirá/
pogrom {n} (riot with the intent to massacre or terrorize a certain group, usually Jews) :: פוגרום {m} /pogróm/
point {n} (location or place) :: נקודה {f}
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object) :: נקודה \ נקדה {f} /n'kudá/
point {n} (full stop) :: נקדה {f} /n'kudá/
point {n} (mark or stroke above letter) :: נקדה {f} /n'kudá/
point {n} (unit of scoring in a game or competition) :: נקודה {f}
point {n} (arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.)) :: נקודה {f}
point {v} (to extend finger) :: הצביע /hitzbi'á/
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice ::
poison {n} (substance harmful to a living organism) :: רעל {m} /ra'àl/, סם {m} /sam/
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock ::
Poisson process {n} (stochastic process) :: תהליך פואסון {m} /tahalích poasón/
Poland {prop} (European country) :: פולין /polin/, פולניה {f} /polania/
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus) :: דוב הקוטב {m} /dov ha-kotev/
Polaris {prop} (star) :: כוכב הצפון
pole {n} (long and slender object for construction or support) :: מוט {m} /mot/, כלונס {m} /klonas/
pole {n} (extreme of an axis) :: קוטב {m} /kotev/
Pole {n} (person from Poland) :: פולני {m} /polaní/, פולנית {f} /polanít/
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk ::
police {n} (an organisation that enforces the law) :: משטרה {f} /mishtará/
police dog {n} (trained dog for police work) :: כלב משטרה {m} /kelev mishtará/
policeman {n} (a member of a police force) :: שוטר {m} /shotér/
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency) :: שוטר {m} /shotér/, שוטרת {f} /shotéret/
police station {n} (building of police force) :: תחנת משטרה {f} /takhanát mishtará/
policewoman {n} (a female police officer) :: שוטרת {f} /shotéret/
policy {n} (principle of conduct) :: מדיניות {f} /mediniyuth/
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance ::
Polish {adj} (of Poland or its language) :: פולני /polaní/
Polish {n} (the language of Poland) :: פולנית {f} /polnít/
polite {adj} (well-mannered) :: מנומס /m'numás/
political {adj} :: פוליטי /politi/
political party {n} (political organization) :: מפלגה /miflagá/
political prisoner {n} (person) :: אסיר פוליטי
politician {n} (one engaged in politics) :: פוליטיקאי {m} /politiká`i/, פוליטיקאית {m} /politiká`it/
politics {v} (a methodology and activities associated with running a government) :: פוליטיקה {f} /polítika/
pollen {n} (fine granular substance produced in flowers) :: אבקה {f}
pollution {n} (the contamination of the environment by harmful substances) :: זיהום /zihum/
pollution {n} :: זיהום
polo {n} (ball game) :: פולו {m} /polo/
polonium {n} (chemical element) :: פולוניום /polonyum/
polyamory {n} (practices involving relationships with multiple partners) :: פוליאמוריה
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene ::
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene) :: פוליאתילן {m}
polygamy {n} :: פוליגמיה (polygamia) {f}
polyglot {n} (one who masters, notably speaks, several languages) :: פוליגלוט /poliglot/, מולטילינגואל /multilingual/
polyglot {n} :: רב־לשוני
polygon {n} (plane figure bounded by straight edges) :: מצולע {m} /metsulá/, פוליגון {m} /poligón/
polygraph {n} (device to discern if a subject is lying) :: פוליגרף (polygraf) {m}
Polynesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: פולינזיה {f} /polinezia/
polyspast {n} (machine consisting of many pulleys) SEE: block and tackle ::
polytheism {n} (belief in the existence of multiple gods) :: פוליתאיזם
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene ::
pomegranate {n} (fruit) :: רמון {m} /rimmṓn/
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit ::
pomelo {n} (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis) :: פומלו, פומלה {f} /pomela/ [colloquial]
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay ::
pond {n} (small lake) :: אגם {m} /agám/, בריכה \ ברכה {f} /brekhá/
ponder {v} (to think deeply) :: הרהר /hirhér/
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense ::
Pondicherry {prop} (Puducherry) SEE: Puducherry ::
poodle {n} (any of various breeds of poodle) :: פודל {m} /pudl/
pool {n} (supply of resources) :: מאגר {m}
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool ::
poop deck {n} (stern deck on top of the cabin(s)) :: ספון בית האחרה {m} /sipun beyt ha-akhrah/
poor {adj} (with little or no possessions or money) :: עני /ani/, דלת העם /dalat ha'am/
poor {adj} (used to express pity) :: מסכן /miskén/, אמלל
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill ::
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit ::
popcorn {n} (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating) :: פופקורן {m} /pópqor(e)n/
pope {n} (head of the Roman Catholic Church) :: אפיפיור {m} /apifyor/
Popemobile {n} (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope) :: פופמוביל
Popeye {prop} (tough cartoon sailor) :: פופאי {m} /popai/
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot ::
poplar {n} (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus) :: צפצפה {f} /tzaftzafáh/
poppy {n} (plant) :: פרג {m} /parág/
popsicle {n} (serving of frozen juice on a stick) :: קרטיב /kartív/, ארטיק קרח /artík keráḥ/, קרחון /karḥon/
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population ::
populated {adj} (with inhabitants) :: מאוכלס /m'ukhlás/
population {n} (all people living within a political or geographical boundary) :: אוכלוסייה \ אכלוסיה {f} /ukhlusiyá/, אוכלוסין \ אכלוסין {m-p} /ukhlusín/
population {n} (biology: collection of organisms) :: אוכלוסייה \ אכלוסיה {f} /ukhlusiyá/, אוכלוסין \ אכלוסין {m-p} /ukhlusín/
population {n} (number of residents in a given area) :: אוכלוסייה \ אכלוסיה {f} /ukhlusiyá/, אוכלוסין \ אכלוסין {m-p} /ukhlusín/
population {n} (statistics: greater group of units from which a sample can be drawn) :: אוכלוסייה \ אכלוסיה {f} /ukhlusiyá/, אוכלוסין \ אכלוסין {m-p} /ukhlusín/
porcelain {n} (hard white translucent ceramic) :: חרסינה {f} /kharsina/
porcelain {n} (items (esp. dishware or objets d'art) made of porcelain) :: חרסינה {f} /kharsína/
porch {n} (a covered and enclosed entrance to a building) :: מרפסת {f} /mirpéset/
porcupine {n} (large rodent) :: דורבן / דרבן {m} /dorbán/
pork {n} (meat of a pig) :: (בשר) חזיר {m} /(b'sar) khazír/, בשר לבן {m} /basár laván/ [euphemistic]
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography ::
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity) :: פורנוגרפי /pornografi/
pornography {n} (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent) :: פורנוגרפיה {f} /pornografya/
porridge {n} (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal) :: דייסה {f} /daysá/
port {n} (dock or harbour) :: נמל {m} /namél/
port {n} (port city) SEE: port city ::
Port-au-Prince {prop} (capital of Haiti) :: פורט-או-פרנס
Port Blair {prop} (capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India) :: פורט בלייר
port city {n} (city built around a port) :: עיר נמל {f}
portcullis {n} (gate in the form of a grating) :: שער מתרומם {m}
portfolio {n} (case) :: פורטפוליו
portfolio {n} (collection) :: פורטפוליו
porthole {n} (circular window) :: אשקף {m} /eshkaf/
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry ::
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word ::
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words) :: הלחם בסיסים {m} /hɛlḥēm bəsīsīm/
Port Moresby {prop} (capital of Papua New Guinea) :: פורט מורסבי
portrait {n} (painting of a person) :: דיוקן {m} /dyoqán/
Portugal {prop} (country) :: פורטוגל {f} /portogal/
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the region of Portugal) :: פורטוגלי, פורטוגזי
Portuguese {n} (the language) :: פורטוגזית {f} /portugizít/
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal) :: הרפובליקה הפורטוגלית /Ha-repubeliqah ha-Por'tugalit/
pose {n} (affectation) :: פוזה {f}
posek {n} (decisor) SEE: decisor ::
position {n} (place, location) :: מקום {m} /míkum/
position {n} (post of employment) :: תפקיד {m} /tafqíd/, משרה {f} /misra/
position {n} (stand) :: עמדה {f} /'emdá/
position {n} (posture) :: תנוחה {f} /t'nukhá/
positive recurrence {n} (the quality of being positive recurrent) :: נשנות חיובית {f} /nishnút chiyuvít/
positive recurrent {adj} (recurrent with finite expected return time) :: נשנה חיובי /nishné chiyuví/
positron {n} (positron) :: פוזיטרון
possession is nine-tenths of the law {proverb} (proverb) :: גדולה חזקה מטענה, חזקה היא תשע עשיריות מהחוק, המחזיק בנכס הוא כמעט בעליו החוקי
possibility {n} (quality of being possible) :: אפשרות {f} /efsharút/
possibility {n} (a thing possible) :: אפשרות {f} /efsharút/
possibility {n} (option) :: אפשרות {f} /efsharút/
possible {adj} (able but not certain to happen) :: אפשרי
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps ::
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum ::
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid) :: בול דאר\בול דואר {m} /bul dóar/, בול {m} /bul/
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox ::
postcard {n} (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope) :: גלויה {f} /g'luyá/
postcode {n} (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) :: מקוד
poster {n} (picture intended to be attached to a wall) :: כרזה {f} /krazá/
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman ::
postmodernism {n} (a style of art, literature, etc) :: פוסטמודרניזם
post office {n} (place) :: דאר {m} /do-ahr/
postpone {v} (to delay or put off an event) :: דחה /dakhá/
post-traumatic stress disorder {n} (condition that develops following some stressful situation) :: הפרעת דחק פוסט-טראומטית
pot {n} (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.) :: סיר {m} /sir/
pot {n} (marijuana) :: חשיש {m} /ḥashísh/
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage ::
potassium {n} (the chemical element) :: אשלגן {m} /ashlegán/
potato {n} (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable) :: תפוח אדמה {m} /tapuákh adamá/, בולבוס {m} /bulbus/ [flowery]
potato pancake {n} (potato pancake) :: לביבה {f} /levivá/
pot calling the kettle black {n} (situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser) :: כל הפוסל במומו פוסל /kol hapossel, b'mumo possel/ (all who disqualify [another due to a fault], disqualifies [him through the reflection] of his own fault)
potency {n} :: יכולת {f}
potential {adj} (existing in possibility) :: פוטנציאלי /potentziáli/
potion {n} (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical) :: שיקוי {m} /shikuy/
Potiphar {prop} (an Egyptian and captain of the guard) :: פוטיפר {m} /potifár/
potpourri {n} (a medley of songs or music) :: מחרוזת {f} /maḥrozet/
Potsdam {prop} (city) :: פוטסדאם /Potsdam/
potter {n} (one who makes pots and ceramic wares) :: קדר {m} /kadar/
Potter {prop} (surname) :: פוטר
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom ::
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
potty {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine ::
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
pouch {n} :: 'פאוץ {m}, כיס {m}
poultry {n} (fowl meat) :: עוף {m} /'of/
pound {n} (unit of mass (12 troy ounces)) :: ליטרה {f} /litrá/
pound {n} (unit of currency) :: לירה {f} /líra/
pound {n} (US: symbol #) SEE: hash ::
pound cake {n} (dense yellow cake made from equal quantities of butter, eggs, flour and sugar) :: עוגת פאונד {f} /ugát páund/
pound sign {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash ::
pound sterling {n} (currency of the UK) :: לירה שטרלינג
pour {v} (to cause to flow in a stream) :: שפך, מזג
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy) :: עמק הפו {m} /émek ha-Pó/
poverty {n} (quality or state of being poor) :: עוני, דלות {f} /dalut/
powder {n} (fine particles of any dry substance) :: אבקה {f} /avka/
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder ::
power {n} (capability or influence) :: כח {m} /kóach/
power {n} (control, particularly legal or political) :: כח {m} /kóach/ סמכות {f} /samkhút/, שלטון {m} /shiltón/
power {n} (influential nation, company etc.) :: מעצמה {f} /ma’atsamá/, עוצמה {f} /‘otsmá/
power {n} (physical force or strength) :: כח {m} /kóaḥ/
power {n} (electricity, electricity supply) :: חשמל {m} /chashmál/
power {n} (physics: measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy) :: הספק {m} /hespék/
power {n} (maths: product of equal factors) :: חזקה {f} /ḥezká/
power {n} (set theory: cardinality) SEE: cardinality ::
power {n} (power) SEE: potency ::
powerful {adj} (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence) :: עוצמתי /‘otsmatí/
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station ::
power set {n} (set of all subsets of a set) :: קבוצת חוזקה \ קבוצת חזקה {f} /k'vutzát khozká/
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced) :: תחנת כוח \ תחנת־כח {f} /takhanát-kóakh/
power supply {n} (part of apparatus) :: ספק כוח {m} /sapák kóakh/
pox {n} (syphilis) SEE: syphilis ::
practical {adj} (based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis) :: מעשי
practical {adj} (being likely to be effective and applicable to a real situation) :: ישים, בר-ישום
practice makes perfect {proverb} (if one practices an activity enough, one will eventually master it) :: קשה באימונים קל בקרב
Prague {prop} (capital of the Czech Republic) :: פראג \ פרג {f}
Praia {prop} (capital of Cape Verde) :: פראיה
Prairial {prop} (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar) :: פרריאל {m} /preriyál/
prairie {n} (An extensive area of relatively flat grassland) :: ערבה {f} /'aravá/
praise {v} (to give praise to) :: שיבח \ שבח /shibéakh/
praise the Lord {interj} (phrase used to thank God by Christians) :: הללויה /hal'luyáh/, הללוקה /hal'lukáh/
prank {n} (practical joke or mischievous trick) :: מתיחה {f} /metichah/
praseodymium {n} (chemical element) :: פרסיאודימיום /prasiodímyum/
prawn {n} (large shrimp) :: חסילונים
pray {v} (to petition a higher being) :: התפלל /hitpalél/
pray {v} (to talk to God) :: התפלל /hitpalél/
prayer {n} (practice of communicating with one's God) :: תפילה \ תפלה {f} /t'filá/
prayer shawl {n} (prayer shawl) :: טלית {f} /talít/, טליתות {f-p} /talitót/
praying mantis {n} (any of various predatory insects of the Mantidae family) :: גמל שלמה {m} /gamál shlomó/
pre- {prefix} (before) :: טרום /trom/, קדם /qdam/
precariousness {n} (state of being uncertain) :: אי-יציבות {f} /í-yetzivút/
precedent {n} (past act used as example) :: תקדים {m} /takdím/
precedent {n} (leading case which is cited to justify a judgment) :: תקדים {m} /takdím/
precept {n} (rule or principle governing personal conduct) :: tsav, tsawv
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very ::
precious {adj} (of high value or worth) :: יקר {m} /yaqár/
precious {adj} (regarded with love) :: יקר {m} /yaqár/
precipice {n} (very steep cliff) :: צוק {m}
precipitation {n} (weather: water falling from the atmosphere) :: משקעים {?}
precipitation {n} (chemistry: chemical reaction forming solid in liquid) :: שיקוע {m}
predator {n} (animal or organism that hunts) :: טורף {m} /toréf/
predicate {n} ((grammar) part of sentence that states something about its subject) :: נשוא /nasu/
predicate {n} ((logic) a term of a statement, where the statement may be true or false) :: פרדיקט {m}, פדיקט {m} /predicat/
prediction {n} (a statement about the future) :: תחזית {f} /tahazit/
pre-dreadnought {n} (late 19th or early 20th century battleship) :: קדם דרדנוט {m} /kdam drednot/
preemie {n} (Premature baby) :: פג {m} /pág/
prefecture {n} (The district governed by a prefect) :: מחוז
prefer {v} (to favor) :: העדיף /he'edíf/
preference {n} (selection) :: העדפה {f} /ha'adafá/
preference {n} (option to select or selected) :: העדפה {f} /ha'adafá/
preference {n} (state of being preferred) :: העדפה {f} /ha'adafá/
preference {n} (liking) :: העדפה {f} /Ha`adafá/
preference {n} (bias) :: העדפה {f} /ha'adafá/
preferences {n} :: העדפות {f-p} /ha'adafot/
preferences {n} (plural of "preference") SEE: preference ::
preferred stock {n} (stock senior to common stock) :: מניית בכורה {f}
pregnancy {n} (condition) :: היריון {m} /herayón/
pregnancy test {n} (a piece of test equipment) :: בדיקת היריון
pregnant {adj} (carrying developing offspring within the body) :: מעובר \ מעבר /m'ubár/, בהיריון \ בהריון /b'herayón/, הרה /haré/
prehistoric {adj} (of relating to the epoch before written record) :: פרהיסטורי /prehistóri/
prehistory {n} (era before written records) :: פרהיסטוריה
premature {adj} (occurring before a state of readiness or maturity) :: טרם לבגרות /térem l'bagrút/
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister ::
premise {n} (proposition antecedently supposed or proved) :: הנחה {f}
premise {n} (either of the first two propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced) :: הנחה {f}
premise {n} (matters previously stated or set forth) :: הנחה {f}
premolar {n} (tooth) :: מלתעה {f} /malta'á/, קדם טוחנת {f} /qdam toḥenét/
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework ::
prepare {v} (to make ready for a specific future purpose) :: הכין /hekhín/
prepare {v} (to make oneself ready) :: התכונן /hitkonén/
prepared {adj} (ready, willing) :: נכון /naˈꭓon/, מוכן {m} /muˈꭓan/
preparedness {n} (state of being prepared) :: מוכנות {f} /mukhanút/
prepone {v} (to reschedule to an earlier time) :: להקדים
preposition {n} (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by") :: מילת יחס / מלת יחס {f} /milat yakhas/
prepuce {n} (foreskin of certain animals) SEE: sheath ::
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin ::
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right ::
presence {n} (fact or condition of being present) :: נוכחות {f} /nokhekhút/
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift ::
present {n} (present tense) SEE: present tense ::
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity) :: נוכח /nokhéakh/
present {n} (current time) :: הווה {m} /hové/
present {v} (bring into the presence of) :: הציג /hitsíg/
presentable {adj} (able to be presented) :: ייצוגי /yitsugi/
present tense {n} (form of language) :: לשון הוה {m} /l'shón hové/
presidency {n} (office or role of president) :: נשיאות {f} /n'si'út/
president {n} (the head of state of a republic) :: נשיא /nasí/, נשיאה {f} /?/
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House ::
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear ::
press {n} (printed media) :: עיתונות
press {n} (publisher) SEE: publisher ::
Pressburg {prop} (Bratislava) SEE: Bratislava ::
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media) :: מסיבת עיתונאים \ מסבת עתונאים {f} /m'sibát-itona'ím/
pressure {n} (a pressing; force applied to a surface) :: לחץ {m} /lákhats/
pressure ulcer {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore ::
presumed {adj} (appearing to be the most probable) :: משוער
presumptive {adj} (based on presumption) :: משוער /mechoar/
presumptuous {adj} (going beyond what is proper) :: יהיר, שחצן, חוצפן
pretext {v} (employ a pretext) :: אמתלה /amátlah/
Pretoria {prop} (capital of South Africa) :: פרטוריה
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive) :: יפה {m} /yafé/, יפה {f} /yafá/
pretzel {n} (toasted bread or cracker in the shape of a knot) :: בייגלה {m} /béigele/
prevent {v} (to keep from happening) :: מנע /maná'/
previous {adj} (prior) :: קודם {m} /qodém/
prey {n} (that which may be seized by animals) :: טרף {m} /téref/
priapism {n} (medical condition) :: פריאפיזם {m} /priapizm/
price {n} (cost required to gain possession of something) :: מחיר {m} /m'khír/
price {n} (cost of an action or deed) :: מחיר {m} /mekhír/
price of tea in China {n} (irrelevant to the topic at hand) :: מה עניין שמיטה אצל הר סיני /má inyán sh'mitá étzel hár sináy/
price stability {n} (state of economy characterized by low inflation) :: יציבות מחירים {f}
pride {n} (quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc.) :: גאווה \ גאוה {f} /gaavá/
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one) :: גאווה \ גאוה {f} /gaavá/
priest {n} (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson)) :: כמר {m} /kómer/ [Christian], כהן /kohén/
primary source {n} (original work) :: מקור ראשוני {m} /makór rishoní/
primary source {n} (document) :: מקור ראשוני {m} /makór rishoní/
prime {adj} (first in excellence, quality, or value) :: מצויין {m} /metsuyán/
prime {adj} (mathematics: having no factors except itself and unity) :: ראשוני {m} /rishoní/
prime {adj} (first in importance, degree, or rank) :: ראשי {m} /rashí/
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government) :: ראש־ממשלה {m} /rosh-memshalá/
prime number {n} (natural number) :: מספר ראשוני {m}
prime time {n} (block of television programming) :: זמן שיא {m} /zmán si'/, שעת השיא /sh'át si'/
priming {n} (substance) :: תחול {m} /tikhul/
primogeniture {n} (state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents) :: העדפת הבכור
primordial {adj} (earliest) :: בראשיתי {m} /bereshití/
primordial sea {n} (the oceans of the earth in Precambrian or Paleozoic times) :: המרק הקדום
Primorsky Krai {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: מחוז פרימוריה
prince {n} (male ruler or head of a principality) :: נסיך {m} /nasik/
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch) :: נסיך {m} /nasik/, בן מלך {m} /ben mélech/
Prince of Darkness {prop} (Satan; the Devil) :: נסיך האופל {m} /Nesikh haOfel/
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title) :: נסיך ויילס {m} /nasikh veils/
princess {n} (female member of royal family) :: נסיכה {f} /nesikhá/
princess {n} (female monarch, or wife of a ruler) :: נסיכה {f} /nesikhá/
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle ::
principal {adj} (primary, main) :: בכיר {m} /bachír/
principal {n} (chief administrator of a school) :: מנהל {m} /menahél/, מנהלת {m} /menahélet/
principality {n} (region) :: נסיכות {f} /nesikhut/
Principality of Andorra {prop} (official name of Andorra) :: נסיכות אנדורה /Nesikut Andora/
Principality of Liechtenstein {prop} (official name of Liechtenstein) :: נסיכות ליכטנשטין /Nesikut Lichenštein/
Principality of Monaco {prop} (official name of Monaco) :: נסיכות מונקו /Nesichut Monako/
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality ::
principle {n} (fundamental assumption) :: עקרון {m} /ikarón/
principle {n} (rule to solve a problem) :: עקרון {m} /ikarón/
principle {n} (moral rule or aspect) :: עקרון {m} /ikarón/
principle {n} (rule of nature) :: עקרון {m} /ikarón/
print {v} (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine) :: הדפיס /hidpís/
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images) :: מדפסת {f} /madpéset/
prise {n} (prize) SEE: prize ::
prison {n} (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes) :: כלא {m} /kéle/, בית כלא {m} /beit kéle/, בית סהר {m} /beit sóhar/, בית האסורים {m} /beit haasurím/
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy) :: שבוי {m} /shavúy/, שבויה {f} /shvuyá/
Pristina {prop} (city) :: פרישטינה
privacy {n} (state of being private) :: פרטיות {f} /pratiyut/, פרטיות {f} /pratiyut/
private {adj} (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group) :: פרטי /p'ratí/
private {adj} (not accessible by the public) :: פרטי /p"rati/
private {adj} :: פרטי /prati/, חשאי /ḥasha'i/
private {n} (soldier) :: טוראי /turai/
privateer {n} (privately owned warship) :: פריבטיר {m} /privair/
privateer {n} (officer or crew of a privateer ship) :: פריבטיר {m} /privair/
private life {n} (aspect of one's life that are personal) :: חיים פרטיים {m-p} /khayím pratiyím/
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
privilege {n} (particular benefit, advantage, or favor) :: פריבילגיה {f} /privilégya/, זכות יתר {f} /zchut yéter/
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet ::
privy {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine ::
prize {n} (something captured) :: שלל {m} /shalal/
prize {n} (anything captured using the rights of war) :: שלל {m} /shalal/
prize {n} (honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest) :: פרס {m} /pras/
prize money {n} (money offered as a prize) :: דמי שלל {m-p} /dmey shalal/
pro- {prefix} (prefix meaning supporting or favouring) :: פרו־ /p'ro-/
probability theory {n} (study of probability) :: תורת ההסתברות {f} /torát hahistabrút/
probable {adj} (likely to be true) :: סביר {m} /savir/
probably {adv} (in all likelihood) :: כנראה /kanir'é/
probe {n} (any of various medical instruments used to explore wounds, organs, etc) :: זונדה {f} /zónda/
probe {n} (investigation or inquiry) :: מחקר {m} /mehkár/, חקירה {f} /khakirá/, בדיקה {f} /bdiká/
problem {n} (difficulty) :: בעיה {f} /be'aya/
proboscis {n} (elongated tube) :: חדק {m} /ḥédeq/
process {n} (series of events to produce a result) :: תהליך {m} /tahalíkh/
process {v} (to perform a particular process) :: עיבד /ibéd/
proclaim {v} (to state excitedly, verbosely and candidly) :: הצהיר /hitzhír/
proclamation {n} (a statement which is proclaimed) :: הצהרה {f} /hatz'hará/
procreate {v} (to procreate) SEE: beget ::
procrustean bed {n} (arbitrary standard to which compliance is enforced) :: מטת סדום {f} /mitát sdom/
produce {v} (to make or manufacture) :: ייצר /yitsér/
product {n} (multiplication result) :: מכפלה {f} /machpelá/
production {n} (the act of producing) :: תפוקה
profanity {n} (obscene, lewd or abusive language) :: גסות {f} /gasút/, ניבול פה {m}
profession {n} (occupation) :: מקצוע {m} /miqtzó'a/
professor {n} (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university) :: פרופסור {m} /profésor/, פרופסורית {f} /profesorít/, פרופ׳ /prof./ [abbrev.]
profile {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation ::
progeny {n} (offspring) :: צאצא {m} /tze'etza/
program {n} (set of structured activities) :: תוכנית / תכנית {f} /tokhnit/
program {n} (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television) :: תוכנית / תכנית /tokhnit/
program {n} (software application) :: תוכנית / תכנית /tokhnit/
program {v} (to enter a program or other instructions into a computer) :: תיכנת /tikhnét/
program {v} :: לתכנת /le-tekhnet/
programmable {adj} (capable of being programmed) :: בר־תכנות
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program ::
programmer {n} (one who writes computer programs) :: מתכנת {m} / m'takhnét/, תוכניתן {m} /tokhnithan/
programming {n} (act of writing a computer program) :: תכנות {m} /tichnut/
programming {n} (brain-washing) SEE: brain-washing ::
programming language {n} (code of reserved words and symbols) :: שפת תכנות {f} /s'fat tikhnút/
progress {n} (movement onwards or forwards) :: התקדמות {f} /hitqadmut/
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous ::
prohibited {adj} (forbidden) SEE: forbidden ::
project {n} (planned endeavor) :: פרויקט {m} /proyékt/, מיזם {m} /meizám/
project {v} (to cast (image, shadow)) :: הקרין /hikrín/
project {v} (to make plans for; forecast) :: תכנן /tikhnén/, ציפה /tzipá/
projectile {n} (object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon) :: קליע {m} /kalia/
projection {n} (something which projects) :: בליטה {f} /blitɑ/, בלט {m} /belet/, זיז {m} /ziz/
projection {n} (forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation) :: הערכה {f} /hɑʿɑrɑḥɑ/
project management {n} (discipline of organizing and managing project resources) :: ניהול פרויקטים
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long ::
prolog {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue ::
prologue {n} (speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel) :: פרולוג {m}
promenade {n} (place to walk) :: טילת /tayellet/
promethium {n} (chemical element) :: פרומתיום /prométyum/
promise {n} (vow) :: הבטחה {f} /havtakhá/, נדר {m} /néder/
promise {v} (to commit to something) :: הבטיח /hivtíakh/
Promised Land {prop} (land promised by God) :: הארץ המובטחת {f} /haáretz ha-muvtachat/
pronoia {n} (belief that people conspire to do one good) :: פרונויה
pronoun {n} (type of noun) :: כנוי גוף / כנוי גוף {m} /kinoi guf/
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say ::
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate) :: ביטא \ בטא /bité/
pronunciation {n} (sound of a word) :: הגייה \ הגיה {f} /hagiya/
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced) :: ביטוי \ בטוי {m} /bitúi/, הגייה \ הגיה {f} /hagiya/
proof {n} (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth) :: הוכחה {f} /hokhakhá/, ראיה {f} /r'ayá/
proof {adj} (used in proving or testing) :: ראיה /r"aya/
propaganda {n} (concerted set of messages) :: תעמולה
propagandist {n} (Person who disseminates propaganda) :: תעמלן /taa`mlan/
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel) :: מדחף {m} /madchef/
proper {adj} (fit, suitable) :: ראוי {m} /ra'úy/
proper {adj} :: יאה /yaʾe/, נכון /naḥon/
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity) :: שם פרטי {m} /shem pratí/
property {n} (something owned) :: רכוש {m} /rekhúsh/
property {n} (piece of real estate) :: נכס {m} /nékhes/
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing) :: זכות הקניין {f} /zkhút hakinyán/
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept) :: תכונה {f} /tkhuná/, מאפיין {m} /me`afyén/
property {n} (computing: an editable parameter associated with an application, or its value) :: תכונה {f} /tkhuná/, מאפיין {m} /me`afyén/
prophecy {n} (prediction) :: נבואה {f}
prophet {n} (one who speaks by divine inspiration) :: נביא {m} /naví/, איש האלוהים {m} /ish ha'elohim/
prophet {n} (one who foretells the future) :: נביא {m} /navi/, מגד עתידות {m} /maged atidot/
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size ::
proposition {n} (an assertion which is provably true, but not important enough to be a theorem) :: טענה {f} /ta'aná/
proprietary {adj} (relating to property or ownership) :: קניני
pros and cons {n} (for and against) :: בעד ונגד
prose {n} (written language not intended as poetry) :: פרוזה {f} /prozá/
prosecutor {n} (a person instituting criminal prosecution) :: תובע
prosopagnosia {n} (disorder of face perception) :: פרוסופגנוזיה
prosopography {n} (a study of the individuals in a group of people within a specific context and their relationships) :: פרוסופוגרפיה
prospect {n} (position affording a fine view) SEE: lookout ::
prostate {n} (prostate gland) :: בלוטת הערמונית {f}
prostate gland {n} (prostate) SEE: prostate ::
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit) :: זונה {f} /zoná/, זונה {m} /zoné/
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore ::
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit) :: זנות {f} /znut/
protactinium {n} (chemical element) :: פרוטקטיניום /protaktínyum/
protagonist {n} (main character) :: דמות ראשית {f} /dmut rashít/, גיבור {m} /gibor/
protagonist {n} (leading person in a contest) :: מוביל {m} /movil/
protect {v} (to keep safe) :: הגן /hegén/
protection {n} (process of keeping sthg safe) :: הגנה {f} /haganá/
protective {adj} (serving, intended or wishing to protect) :: הגנתי
protein {n} (biochemistry: complex molecule) :: חלבון {m} /ḥelbón/
protein {n} (class of food) :: חלבון {m} /ḥelbón/
protest {v} (to make a strong objection) :: מחאה {f} /m"chá'ah/
prototype {n} (original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects) :: אב טיפוס
protractor {n} (a circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles) :: מד־זווית
protrude {v} (to extend from) :: בלט
proud {adj} (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied) :: גאה (ge'e)
Provence {prop} (region in France) :: פרובאנס /provans/
proverb {n} (phrase expressing a basic truth) :: פתגם {m} /pitgam/
Proverbs woman {n} (virtuous woman) :: אשת חיל {f} /éshet cháyil/
provide {v} (to furnish (with)) :: לספק /lesapek/
province {n} (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level) :: פרובינציה /províntsya/
provision {n} (law: clause in a legal instrument) :: תנאי {m} /tnay/
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
proxy {n} (agent or substitute authorized to act for another person) :: שליח {m} /shaliach/
prude {n} (A person who is or tries to be excessively proper) :: חסוד {m} /ẖasúd/
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum ::
Prussia {prop} (former German province) :: פרוסיה /prusia/
pry {v} (to look where one is not welcome; to be nosey) :: חטטנות /ḥatetanut/
pry {n} (lever) :: מנוף {m} /manof/
pry {n} (leverage) :: הנפה {f} /hanafa/
PS {n} (addendum to a letter) :: נ״ב /n"b/
psalm {n} (sacred song) :: מזמור {m} /mizmór/
psalm {n} (a hymn collected into one book of the Old Testament) :: מזמור {m} /mizmór/
Psalms {prop} (book of the Bible) :: תהלים /tehilim/
pseudograph {n} (Graph that contains loops as well as multiple edges between vertices) :: מולטיגרף
pseudoscorpion {n} (arachnid) :: דמוי עקרב {m} /dmuy akráv/, זוטקרב {m} /zutakráv/
pseudoword {n} (unit) :: מילת תפל /milat tefel/
psi {n} (Greek letter) :: פסי {f} /psi/
Pskov {prop} (a city in Russia) :: פסקוב {m}
psychedelic {adj} (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.) :: פסיכדלי {m} /psichedéli/
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
psychiatry {n} (branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders) :: פסיכיאטריה /psikhi'atr'yá/
psycho {adj} ((colloquial or pejorative) Psychotic) :: פסיכי /psikhi/
psycho {n} (psychotic or otherwise insane person) :: פסיכי /psikhi/
psychokinesis {n} (movement inanimate objects by the use of psychic power) :: טלקינזיס
psychologist {n} (expert in the field of psychology) :: פסיכולוג {m} /p'sikhológ/, פסיכולוגית {f} /p'sikhológit/
psychology {n} (study of the human mind) :: פסיכולוגיה {f} /psikhologya/
psychology {n} :: פסיכולוגיה {f} /psikologia/
psychopathy {n} (personality disorder) :: פסיכופתיה {f} /psikhopatya/
psychotherapist {n} (who practices psychotherapy) :: פסיכותרפיסט {m}
psychotherapy {n} (treatment of those with mental illness) :: טיפול נפשי
pâté {n} (finely-ground paste of meat, fish or vegetables) :: פטה
pétanque {n} (form of boules) :: פטאנק
Ptolemy {prop} (name of Greek origin) :: תלמי /talmai/
pub {n} (public house) :: פאב {m} /pab/, בר {m} /bar/
pubic hair {n} (collectively) :: שער הערווה {f}
public {n} (people in general) :: צבור {m} /tsibúr/
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub ::
public relations {n} (profession) :: יחסי ציבור
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict ::
publisher {n} (One who publishes, especially books) :: הוצאה לאור {f} /hotza'ah la'or/, מוציא לאור
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert ::
puddle {n} (a small pool of water) :: שלולית
puddle {n} :: שלולית {f} /shlulit/
Puducherry {prop} (Puducherry, India) :: פודוצ׳רי
Puerto Rico {prop} (Caribbean Commonwealth) :: פורטו ריקו /porto riko/
puff pastry {n} (light, flaky pastry) :: בצק עלים {m} /b'tzék alím/
puke {v} (to vomit) :: הקיא /hekí/
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pulchritudinous {adj} (having great physical beauty) :: יפה תואר
puli {n} (breed of Hungarian sheepdog) :: פולי {m} /puli/
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken ::
pullet {n} (young hen) :: פרגית {f} /pargít/
pulley {n} (one of simple machines) :: גלגלת /galgelet/
pulpit {n} (raised platform in church) :: במה {f} /báma/, בימה {f} /bima/ (also used to describe the platform in a synagogue where the rabbi conducts the sermon)
pulpit {n} (plane's cockpit) SEE: cockpit ::
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star) :: פולסר {m}
pumice {n} (pumice) :: פומיס
pump {n} (trainer or sneaker) SEE: trainer ::
pump {n} (device for moving liquid or gas) :: משאבה {f} /mash'evá/
pumpkin {n} (plant) :: דלעת {f} /dla'át/
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant) :: דלעת {f} /dla'át/
pumpkin {n} (color) :: דלעת {f} /dla'át/
pun {n} (joke or type of wordplay) :: משחק מילים /mis'hak meelim/
punch {n} (hit or strike with one's fist) :: אגרוף {m} /egróf/
punch {n} (device for creating holes in thin material) :: מקב {m} /makav/
punch {n} (beverage) :: פונץ׳ {m} /punch/
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd ::
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching) :: שק חבטות {m} /saq ḥavatót/, שק אגרוף {m} /saq igrúf/
puncture {v} (puncture) SEE: pierce ::
Pune {prop} (city in India) :: פונה
punishment {n} (the act of punishing) :: עונש \ ענש {m} /'ónesh/, ענישה {f}
punishment {n} :: ענישה {f}
Punjab {prop} (geographical region in South Asia) :: פנג׳אב
Punjabi {n} (language spoken in the Punjab region, in Northern India and eastern Pakistan) :: פנג'אבי
Punjabi {n} :: פונג׳בית /punjabít/
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
punt {n} (narrow shallow boat propelled by a pole) :: פונטית {f} /puntit/
pupa {n} (insect) :: גלם / גולם {m} /gólem/
pupil {n} (learner) :: תלמיד {m} /talmíd/, תלמידה {f} /talmidá/
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye) :: אישון {m} /ishón/
puppet {n} (movable model of a person or animal) :: בובה \ בבה {f} /bubá/
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
puppy {n} (young dog) :: כלבלב {m}, כלבלבה {f}
puppyish {adj} (With the qualities of a puppy) :: [slang] מכלובלב {m} /mekluvlav/
pure {adj} (free of flaws or imperfections) :: טהור /tahor/
purely imaginary number {n} (imaginary number) SEE: imaginary number ::
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory ::
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death) :: כור המצרף
purge {v} :: לטהר
Purim {prop} (Jewish festival) :: פורים /purím/
purple {n} (colour) :: סגול /sagol/
purplish {adj} (somewhat purple in colour/color) :: סגלגל /s'galgal/
purpose {n} (target) :: מטרה {f} /matará/
purpose {n} (intention) :: כוונה {f} /kavaná/
purpose {n} (determination) :: נחישות {f} /nekhishút/
purpose {n} (subject of discourse) :: נושא {m} /nosé/
purpose {n} (reason for doing something) :: סיבה {f} /siba/, מוטיבציה {f} /motivátsija/
purpose {v} (have set as one's purpose; intend) :: מתכוון /mitkavén/
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
purse {n} (small bag for carrying money) :: ארנק {m} /arnak/
pursue {v} (to follow urgently) :: רדף /radaf/
pus {n} (fluid found in regions of infection) :: מגלה {f} /muglá/
Pusan {prop} (Busan) SEE: Busan ::
Pushkin {prop} (Russian surname) :: פושקין /pushkin/
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia) :: כוס {m} /kus/
put {v} (to place something somewhere) :: שים /shim/
put {v} (to bring or set into a certain relation, state or condition) :: שים /shim/
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill ::
put-down {n} (insult or barb) :: ירידה {f} /y'ridá/
Putin {prop} (surname) :: פוטין
putsch {n} (a coup; an illegal effort to forcibly overthrow the current government) :: פוטש {m} /putsh/
put up {v} (to put up with) SEE: put up with ::
put up with {v} :: להשלים עם /lehashlim 'im/
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword ::
puzzle {n} (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) :: חידה {f} /ḥidá/
puzzle {n} (riddle) :: חידה {f} /ḥidá/
puzzled {adj} (confused or perplexed) :: מבולבל {m} /mevulbal/
Pyongyang {prop} (capital of North Korea) :: פיונגיאנג {m} /pyongyang/
pyramid {n} (ancient construction) :: פירמידה {f} /piramída/
pyramid {n} (construction) :: פירמידה {f} /piramída/
pyramid {n} (in geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base) :: פירמידה {f} /piramída/
pyroclastic flow {n} (pyroclastic flow) :: זרם פירוקלסטי {m}
pyrotechnics {n} (art and technology of fireworks) :: פירוטכניקה {f} /pirotekhnika/
Pythagoras {prop} (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) :: פיתגורס
pyx {n} (nautical: box for compass) SEE: binnacle ::