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The following megatable is mainly from the following sources, especially the 1st:

As comes to data from the 1st, the glosses have been translated from Finnish by myself (User:Tropylium); they are tentative and in many respects approximate; and they should be taken as neither authoritative nor as grounds for assigning meanings for descendants of the roots.

*i *ie *ea *oa *uo *o *u
*∅- *i- *ë- (N/A) *ea- *ā- *oa- (N/A) *o- *u-
*c- *ci- *cë- - *cea- *cā- *coa- *cuo- *co- -
*č- *či- *čë- *čie- *čea- *čā- *čoa- *čuo- *čo- *ču-
*δ- - *δë- - - *δā- - *δuo- - -
? *f- - - *fie- *fea-
  • *feavlē (hole in hide from cutting off a leg)
*fā- - *fuo- - -
? *h- - *hë- - *hea- *hā- *hoa- (N/A) *ho- *hu-
*j- (N/A) *jë- *jie- *jea- *jā- *joa- *juo- *jo- *ju-
*k- *ki- *kë- *kie- *kea- *kā- *koa- *kuo- *ko- *ku-
*l- *li- *lë- *lie- *lea- *lā- *loa- *luo- *lo- *lu-
*m- - *më- *mie- *mea- *mā- *moa- *muo- *mo- *mu-
*n- *ni- *në- *nie- *nea- *nā- *noa- *nuo- *no- *nu-
  • *nulppō (reindeer with short or no antlers)
  • *nuttë (fur-lined boot)
*ń- *ńi- *ńë- *ńie- *ńea- *ńā- *ńoa- *ńuo- - *ńu-
*p- *pi- *pë- *pie- *pea- *pā- *poa- *puo- *po- *pu-
*r- *ri- *rë- *rie- *rea- *rā- *roa- *ruo- *ro- *ru-
*s- *si- *së- *sie- *sea- *sā- *soa- *suo- *so- *su-
*š- - *šë- *šie- - *šā- - *šuo- *šo- *šu-
*t- *ti- *të- *tie- *tea- *tā- *toa- *tuo- *to- *tu-
*v- *vi- *vë- *vie- *vea- *vā- (N/A) *vuo- (N/A) (N/A)