User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-r
r {letter} | :: letter: err |
R {letter} | :: letter: err |
-ra {suffix} [case suffix] | :: onto, on; [of time] for, by. Used to form the sublative case |
rá- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: on, onto |
rá {pron} | :: upon/on/unto him/her/it |
rá {adv} | :: synonym of később, later (after ra for the amount of time passed; usually of days or longer periods) |
ráad {vt} | :: to put something (clothing) on someone ( ra) |
ráadásul {adv} | :: in addition, moreover |
rab {adj} | :: captive |
rab {n} | :: captive, prisoner |
Rába {prop} | :: Rába (a river in southeastern Austria and western Hungary) |
rabbi {n} [Judaism] | :: rabbi |
rábeszél {vt} | :: to persuade someone (into something ra) |
rabiátus {adj} [literary] | :: violent, bullying, savage, hot-tempered |
rablás {n} | :: robbery |
rabló {adj} | :: predatory, marauding |
rabló {adj} | :: predaceous (insect) |
rabló {n} | :: robber (one who robs or steals) |
rabol {vt} | :: to rob |
raboskodik {vi} | :: to live in captivity, languish in prison |
rabság {n} | :: captivity, imprisonment |
rabszolga {n} | :: slave |
rabszolgafelkelés {n} | :: slave rebellion (an armed uprising by slaves) |
rabszolga-társadalom {n} | :: slave society |
rábukkan {vi} [with ra] | :: to stumble upon, chance, chance upon, come across (to discover or find something or somebody by accident) |
rabul ejt {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to take someone prisoner, to capture someone |
rabul ejt {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to capture, to enthral, to enchant, to fascinate, to charm someone |
racemizáció {n} [chemistry] | :: racemization |
Ráchel {prop} [Bible] | :: Rachel (younger daughter of Laban, sister to Leah, and second wife of Jacob) |
Ráchel {prop} | :: given name |
ráció {n} | :: reason, sense |
racionális {adj} [of a person or personal characteristics] | :: rational (reasonable; healthy or balanced intellectually; exhibiting reasonableness) |
racionális {adj} [mathematics, not comparable] | :: rational |
racionális függvény {n} [mathematics] | :: rational function |
racionális szám {n} | :: rational number |
racionalizál {vt} | :: to rationalize |
rács {n} | :: grating, grid (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size) |
rács mögött {adv} [idiomatic] | :: behind bars |
radiáció {n} | :: radiation |
radiátor {n} | :: radiator, heater |
radikális {adj} | :: radical (favoring fundamental change, or change at the root cause of a matter) |
radikális {adj} | :: radical (thoroughgoing; far-reaching) |
radikális {n} [politics] | :: radical (a member of a radical party) |
radikálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of radikális |
radikálisan {adv} | :: radically |
radikalizmus {n} | :: radicalism |
radio- {prefix} | :: radio- |
rádió {n} | :: radio (technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves) |
rádió {n} [radio] | :: radio (device) |
radioaktív {adj} [physics] | :: radioactive |
radioaktivitás {n} [physics] | :: radioactivity |
rádiócsillagászat {n} [astronomy] | :: radio astronomy |
radioizotóp {n} | :: radioisotope |
radiokarbonos kormeghatározás {n} [physics, archaeology, paleontology] | :: radiocarbon dating, carbon dating (a method of estimating the age of an artifact or biological vestige based on the relative amounts of the different isotopes of carbon present in a sample) |
radiológia {n} [medicine] | :: radiology (the technique and process of using X-ray to create visual representations of the interior of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention) |
radiológia {n} [medicine] | :: department of radiology (in a hospital) |
radiológus {n} | :: radiologist |
rádióműsor {n} [radio] | :: radio programme |
radionika {n} | :: radionics |
rádióriporter {n} [radio] | :: radio reporter |
rádiós {adj} | :: radio (of or relating to radio or radio broadcasting) |
rádiós {n} [radio] | :: radioman, signalman, signaller, radio operator |
rádiótelefon {n} | :: cell phone |
rádióüzenet {n} [Internet] | :: radio message, radio (continuous broadcasting of sound recordings) |
rádióüzenet {n} [astronomy] | :: an interstellar radio message |
radír {n} | :: eraser, rubber |
radírgumi {n} [rare, dated] | :: eraser, rubber |
radíroz {vt} | :: to erase, rub out |
rádium {n} | :: radium |
Radnóti {prop} | :: Miklós Radnóti, Hungarian poet |
rádöbben {vi} | :: to realize something ( ra) (suddenly, with dismay) |
rádzsa {n} | :: rajah |
rádzsa jóga {n} | :: Raja yoga |
rádzsput {n} | :: Rajput |
ráér {vi} | :: to have time |
ráér {vi} [of things to be done] | :: not to be urgent, to brook some delay |
ráf {n} | :: headband |
ráf {n} [folksy] | :: hoop (a circular band of iron used on wooden wheels) |
rafinált {adj} [technology, of products] | :: refined (purified, reduced in or freed from impurities) |
rafinált {adj} [figuratively] | :: refined (showing good taste) |
rafinált {adj} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: cunning, artful, wily |
rafináltabb {adj} | :: comparative of rafinált |
rafinéria {n} [rare] | :: refinement (good taste, manners) |
rafinéria {n} | :: craftiness, wiliness |
rafinéria {n} [archaic] | :: refinery |
rag {n} [grammar] | :: inflectional suffix/affix, termination, ending (most often but not always a case ending) |
rág {vt} | :: to chew |
ragacs {n} | :: mastic, cement, putty, goo |
ragacsos {adj} | :: gluey |
ragacsosabb {adj} | :: comparative of ragacsos |
ragad {vi} | :: to stick, cling |
ragad {vt} | :: to seize, grasp, grip |
ragadós {adj} | :: sticky |
ragadozó {adj} | :: predatory, predaceous, rapacious, carnivorous, flesh eating (living by preying on other living animals) |
ragadozó {n} | :: predator |
ragadozó madár {n} | :: bird of prey, raptor |
ragadvány {n} [archaic] | :: a folk name for plants that are covered with hooked hairs which cling to animal fur, e.g. burdock, cleaver |
ragadvány {n} [archaic] | :: infection, contagion |
ragadvány {n} [archaic] | :: something that sticks to something or someone |
ragadványnév {n} | :: nickname, byname, moniker (an informal label, often drawing attention to a particular attribute) |
rágalmaz {vt} | :: to slander, vilify, calumniate, defame, libel |
rágalmazás {n} | :: slander, calumniation, calumny, defamation, aspersion |
rágalmazó {n} | :: calumniator |
rágalom {n} | :: slander, calumny |
ragály {n} [archaic] | :: contagion, plague (a serious infectious disease) |
ragály {n} [archaic or literary, literal or figurative] | :: epidemic (a widespread disease that affects many individuals in a population) |
ragaszt {vt} | :: to glue, stick |
ragasztó {adj} | :: adhesive |
ragasztó {n} | :: glue, adhesive |
ragasztó {n} | :: paster (sticker or person) |
ragasztószalag {n} | :: adhesive tape |
rágcsál {vt} | :: to gnaw, chew |
rágcsáló {n} | :: rodent |
raglán {n} | :: raglan |
Ragnarök {prop} [Norse mythology] | :: Ragnarok |
rágógumi {n} | :: chewing gum |
rágógumi {n} | :: bubblegum |
ragos {adj} [grammar] | :: suffixed (in a stricter sense: inflected), with a(n inflectional) suffix, containing a(n inflectional) suffix |
rágós {adj} | :: tough (especially of meat: difficult to chew) |
rágósabb {adj} | :: comparative of rágós |
ragoz {vt} [grammar] | :: to inflect, decline, conjugate (to vary the form of a word to express case, tense, gender, number, mood, etc.) |
ragozás {n} [grammar] | :: inflection, conjugation, declension |
ragozatlan {adj} [grammar, of a word] | :: uninflected (that has not been inflected) |
ragozhatatlan {adj} [grammar, of a word] | :: indeclinable, undeclinable (not grammatically declinable) |
ragozható {adj} [grammar] | :: declinable |
ragtapasz {n} | :: plaster |
ragyog {vi} | :: to shine, glitter, glisten, sparkle |
ragyog {v} [by extension] | :: to beam, glow, shine with ( tól) |
ragyogás {n} | :: brilliance, brightness |
ragyogás {n} | :: glamour, pomp |
ragyogó {adj} | :: splendid (possessing or displaying splendor) |
ragyogóbb {adj} | :: comparative of ragyogó |
raj {n} [of bees and other insects] | :: swarm, [of birds] flock |
raj {n} [military] | :: squad, section, squadron (with approx. 13 people) |
rája {n} | :: ray (a marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) |
rája {pron} [folksy] | :: synonym of rá |
Rajna {prop} | :: Rhine (river that flows through Europe) |
rajong {vi} | :: to be enthusiastic about/over something or someone, have a passion (for: ért), to admire, adore (to love with one's entire heart and soul; regard with deep respect and affection) |
rajongás {n} | :: admiration, adoration |
rajongó {n} | :: fan, enthusiast, devotee |
rajongói {adj} | :: of fan, enthusiast, devotee |
rájön {vi} | :: to find out, discover, detect, realize something ( ra) |
rájön {v} | :: to be overcome by a feeling, to feel compelled to express an emotion (the person affected takes ra and the feeling remains in the nominative) |
rajt {interj} | :: go! |
rajt {n} | :: start (beginning point of a race) |
rajta- {prefix} [verbal prefix, rare] | :: on it (often figuratively) |
rajta {pron} | :: on him/her/it |
rajtaütés {n} [military, law enforcement] | :: raid |
rajz {n} | :: drawing |
rajzik {vi} [of insects, birds] | :: to swarm (to move as a swarm) |
rajzik {vi} [of crowd of people or vehicles] | :: to stream, flow, flood, rush (to move in large unorganized groups) |
rajzik {vi} | :: to hang around someone and showering attention (followed by körül) |
rajzik {vi} [of thoughts, images in someone's mind] | :: to flow, whirl, swirl |
rajzol {vt} | :: to draw (to sketch; to depict with lines) |
rajzoló {n} | :: drawer (one who draws something) |
rajzszén {n} | :: charcoal (a stick of black carbon material used for drawing) |
rak {vt} | :: to put, set |
rák {n} | :: crab, lobster |
rák {n} [medicine, oncology] | :: cancer (a disease in which the cells of a tissue undergo uncontrolled and often rapid proliferation) |
Rák {prop} [astronomy] | :: Cancer (a constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a crab) |
rákellenes {adj} | :: anticancer |
rakéta {n} | :: rocket |
rakétatámaszpont {n} [military] | :: rocket base |
rákkeltő {adj} | :: carcinogenic (causing or tending to cause cancer) |
rákkeltőbb {adj} | :: comparative of rákkeltő |
rákkutatás {n} | :: cancer research |
raklap {n} | :: pallet |
rakódik {v} | :: to be deposited, settle on something ( ra) |
rakodómunkás {n} | :: stevedore, dockworker, docker, longshoreman, heaver |
rakodópart {n} | :: quay |
rakomány {n} | :: load, cargo, shipment, freight |
rákos {adj} [archaic, of a body of water] | :: densely populated by crabs or crayfish |
rákos {adj} [of food] | :: having crustaceans as an ingredient |
rákos {adj} | :: diagnosed with cancer |
rákos {adj} [oncology] | :: cancerous (affected by cancer) |
rakott {adj} | :: pleated |
rakott {adj} | :: layered |
rakpart {n} | :: quay |
raktár {n} | :: repository, store, depository, warehouse |
raktárépület {n} | :: warehouse, storehouse, storage building |
raktáros {n} | :: warehouseman |
raktároz {vt} | :: to store |
raktározás {n} | :: storage (the act of storing goods; the state of being stored) |
Ráktérítő {prop} | :: Tropic of Cancer |
ráküld {vt} | :: to send someone onto someone or something (with ra) (to let or compel a person, animal or group to go and attack someone or something) |
RAM {n} [electronics, computing] | :: RAM (random access memory) |
ramadán {n} | :: Ramadan (time of fasting and the ninth month of the Islamic calendar) |
ramaty {adj} [colloquial] | :: wretched, rubbishy |
ramatyabb {adj} | :: comparative of ramaty |
rámosolyog {vi} | :: to smile (at someone or something ra) |
rámutat {vi} | :: to point (a finger at someone or something ra) |
rámutat {vi} | :: to point out (a fact), to indicate |
ránc {n} | :: wrinkle (a line or crease in the skin) |
ráncos {adj} | :: wrinkled |
ráncosabb {adj} | :: comparative of ráncos |
randevú {n} | :: rendezvous, meeting, appointment |
randevú {n} | :: date (a romantic meeting between two people) |
randevúzik {vi} | :: to date, to take someone out on a date (someone val) |
randi {n} [colloquial] | :: rendezvous, date (a romantic meeting between two people) |
randizás {n} | :: dating (form of romantic courtship) |
randizik {vi} [colloquial] | :: to date, to go on a date, to take someone out on a date (someone val) |
random {adj} | :: random |
random {adj} [colloquial] | :: undistinguished, average, arbitrary, whichever, any |
ránézésre {adv} | :: on the face of it (so far as one can see; just by looking) |
rang {n} | :: rank |
rang {n} | :: place, standing, status (in society) |
ráng {vi} | :: to jerk, twitch, squirm, writhe |
rangos {adj} | :: prestigious, titled, of rank, grandee (of a person of high status, rank or title) |
rangos {adj} | :: prestigious, honored, respectable, high level, great, distinguished (a title, place, position, etc. of high esteem) |
rangú {adj} | :: -ranking, -rate |
Rangun {prop} | :: Rangun (city) |
ráni {n} | :: rani |
ránt {vt} | :: to pull [suddenly], yank, tug, hoik, give a pull or tug |
ránt {vt} [cuisine] | :: to fry in breadcrumbs |
rántotta {n} | :: scrambled eggs |
rántott hús {n} | :: breaded chicken or pork, like Wiener schnitzel |
rap {n} [music] | :: rap |
raponc {n} | :: rampion |
ráspoly {n} | :: rasp (coarse file) |
rászed {vt} | :: to dupe, swindle, deceive, trick |
rászed {v} [colloquial] | :: to persuade someone (into something ra) |
rasszista {adj} | :: racist |
rasszista {n} | :: racist |
rasszizmus {n} | :: racism |
raszta {n} | :: dreadlocks (hair is left to grow into long matted strings) |
ráta {n} | :: rate |
rátesz {vt} | :: to put on, to put, to place (on something ra) |
rátesz {vt} | :: to bet (with the stake in the accusative) |
rávág {vi} | :: to strike a blow at someone or something ( ra), to whack (to deal a sharp blow) |
rávág {vt} [colloquial] | :: to reply quickly and assertively, to give a rapid, determinded answer, a lightning retort |
ravasz {adj} | :: sly, cunning, artful, wily |
ravasz {n} [obsolete] | :: fox |
ravasz {n} | :: trigger (of a gun) |
ravaszabb {adj} | :: comparative of ravasz |
ravaszkás {adj} | :: arch, sly, impish (mischievous without ill-will) |
ravaszkodás {n} | :: chicanery (deception by use of trickery, quibbling, or subterfuge) |
ravaszkodik {vi} | :: to finesse, be sly (with someone: val) (to behave slyly, to manipulate or deceive in a crafty way to reach one's goals) |
ravaszság {n} | :: trickery, guile (astuteness often marked by a certain sense of cunning or artful deception) |
ravatal {n} | :: bier, catafalque |
rávesz {vt} | :: to persuade (someone) to do something |
ráz {vt} | :: to shake |
ráz {vi} [electricity] | :: to be live (to be capable of causing shock or electrocution if touched) |
rázás {n} | :: shake, shaking |
rázás {n} | :: [of a vehicle] jolt |
razzia {n} | :: raid (an attack or invasion for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering) |
-re {suffix} [case suffix] | :: onto, on. Used to form the sublative case |
re- {prefix} | :: indicates repetition, again |
re- {prefix} | :: indicates a return to previous state, back |
ré {n} | :: re, a syllable used in solfège to represent the second note of a major scale |
reá {pron} [dialectal or literary] | :: synonym of rá |
reagál {vi} | :: to react, to respond |
reagani {adj} | :: Reaganian (of or relating to Ronald Reagan) |
reája {pron} [folksy or poetic] | :: synonym of reá |
reakció {n} | :: reaction, response (action in response to an event) |
reális {adj} | :: real |
reális {n} | :: realism, reality |
reálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of reális |
realisztikus {adj} | :: realistic |
realisztikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of realisztikus |
realitás {n} | :: reality |
realizál {vt} | :: to realize |
realizmus {n} | :: realism |
rebellió {n} [archaic] | :: rebellion |
rece {n} | :: milling (on coins) |
réce {n} | :: duck, teal (any of various small freshwater ducks of the genus Anas) |
recehártya {n} | :: retina (nerve layer of the eye) |
recenzió {n} [newspapers] | :: review (an account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work) |
recepció {n} | :: reception |
recept {n} | :: recipe (instructions for making food dishes) |
recept {n} | :: prescription (a written order by a physician for the administration of a medicine) |
recésgyomor {n} [zoology] | :: reticulum, honeycomb stomach (the second chamber in the alimentary canal of a ruminant animal) |
recesszió {n} | :: recession |
reciprok {adj} [mathematics] | :: reciprocal |
reciprok {n} [mathematics] | :: reciprocal |
recseg {vi} | :: to crack, creak, crackle (to make a cracking sound, such as wood or ice moving under pressure) |
recseg {vi} | :: to crackle (of a device producing sound: to make a popping sound) |
recseg {vt} [literary] | :: to rasp (to utter in a grating voice) |
recsegés {n} | :: creak (the sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking) |
Recsk {prop} | :: Recsk (village) |
redő {n} [literary] | :: wrinkle (a line or crease in the skin, especially when caused by age or fatigue) |
redő {n} [sewing] | :: fold, pleat, plait, crease, crinkle (an artistically designed fold in the fabric of a garment) |
redőny {n} | :: roller shutter |
redőnyzár {n} [photography] | :: focal-plane shutter (shutter in which a slit moves across the frame immediately in front of the film or image sensor) |
redukál {vt} | :: to reduce |
referencia {n} | :: reference |
reflektor {n} | :: spotlight |
reflektorfény {n} | :: spotlight |
reflex {n} | :: reflex (an automatic response to a simple stimulus which does not require mental processing) |
reflex {n} [photography] | :: reflection |
reform {n} | :: reform |
reformáció {n} | :: reformation |
reformál {vt} | :: to reform |
református {adj} [Protestantism, theology] | :: Calvinist; the Reformed church in general |
református {n} | :: Calvinist (a follower of Calvinism) |
-reg {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a stem – often an onomatopoeia – to form a verb expressing a repetitive action |
reg {n} [obsolete] | :: morning |
rég {adv} | :: long ago, long time |
rege {n} | :: myth, tale, saga, legend |
régebben {adv} | :: comparative of régen |
régebbi {adj} | :: comparative of régi |
régen {adv} | :: long time ago, long ago |
regenerál {vt} | :: to regenerate, revitalize |
regenerál {vt} [biology] | :: to regenerate (to replace lost or damaged tissue) |
régens {n} | :: regent (one who rules in place of the monarch) |
regény {n} | :: novel (work of prose fiction) |
regényalak {n} [literature] | :: fictional character (a character in a novel) |
regényíró {n} | :: novelist, fictionist |
réges-rég {adv} | :: very long ago (at a time in the past, especially the distant past) |
réges-régen {adv} | :: very long ago (at a time in the past, especially the distant past) |
régész {n} | :: archaeologist, archeologist [US] |
régészet {n} | :: archaeology, archeology [US] |
régészeti {adj} | :: archaeological |
reggel {adv} | :: in the morning |
reggel {n} | :: morning |
reggeledik {vi} [of the morning] | :: to break, to arrive |
reggeli {adj} | :: (early) morning (of or relating to the time period between approx. 6 and 9 o'clock) |
reggeli {n} | :: breakfast |
reggelizik {v} | :: to breakfast (to eat the morning meal) |
régi {adj} | :: old |
régi {n} [in the plural, of people] | :: the ancients, the old folk |
régi {n} | :: usual, same (a previous state or situation) |
régibb {adj} | :: comparative of régi |
régies {adj} | :: old-style, old-fashioned, antiquated, archaic, dated, outdated |
regiment {n} [archaic] | :: regiment |
régimódi {adj} | :: old-fashioned (style) |
régimódi {adj} | :: old-fashioned, fusty (mindset) |
régió {n} | :: region |
regionális {adj} | :: regional |
régiség {n} | :: antique, antiquities |
regisztráció {n} | :: registration |
regisztrál {vt} | :: to register |
regisztrál {vt} [computing] | :: to sign up, register |
regisztrálás {n} | :: registration |
regisztrált {adj} | :: registered |
regnál {vi} | :: to reign |
régóta {adv} | :: long, a while, a long time |
regresszív {adj} | :: regressive |
regresszívebb {adj} | :: comparative of regresszív |
regruta {n} | :: recruit |
reguláris kifejezés {n} [computing] | :: regular expression |
regulatívum {n} [archaic] | :: guideline |
rehabilitáció {n} | :: rehabilitation |
rehabilitációs {adj} | :: rehabilitation |
rehabilitál {vt} | :: to rehabilitate |
rejlik {vi} | :: to be hidden, to lie (e.g. behind something) |
rejszol {v} [slang] | :: to jerk off, to rub off, to masturbate (male) |
rejt {vt} | :: to hide |
rejteget {vt} | :: to hide someone or something |
rejteget {vt} [figuratively, of a person] | :: to conceal, hide |
rejtek {n} [archaic, literature] | :: hiding place |
rejtekhely {n} | :: hiding place |
rejtelem {n} | :: mystery |
rejtelmes {adj} | :: mysterious |
rejtelmesebb {adj} | :: comparative of rejtelmes |
rejtély {n} | :: mystery (something secret or unexplainable) |
rejtélyes {adj} | :: mysterious |
rejtélyesebb {adj} | :: comparative of rejtélyes |
rejtett {adj} | :: hidden |
rejtettebb {adj} | :: comparative of rejtett |
rejtvény {n} | :: puzzle (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) |
Réka {prop} | :: given name |
rekesz {n} | :: compartment (one of the parts into which an area is subdivided) |
rekesz {n} | :: crate (large open box or basket, used to transport fragile goods) |
rekesz {n} [photography] | :: aperture (the opening of a photographic lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light passing through) |
rekeszérték {n} [photography] | :: f-stop (any of the discrete steps for adjusting the aperture of a lens) |
reklám {n} | :: advertisement, commercial |
reklámbetű {n} [typography] | :: display typeface (decorative typeface designed to catch the attention in large sizes) |
reklámoz {vt} | :: to advertise |
reklámozás {n} [marketing] | :: advertisement (the act of commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar) |
reklámprogram {n} [computing] | :: adware |
reklámszoftver {n} [computing, rare] | :: adware |
rekonstrukció {n} | :: reconstruction |
rekord {n} | :: record (most extreme known value of some achievement) |
rekord {n} [computing] | :: record (set of data relating to a single individual or item) |
rektor {n} [education] | :: rector (headmaster or headmistress of a university) |
rekvirál {vt} [dated] | :: to requisition, commandeer (to seize for military use) |
reláció {n} [mathematics] | :: relation (set of ordered tuples, a Boolean function of two or more arguments) |
relatív {adj} | :: relative (not absolute; connected to or depending on something else) |
relatívabb {adj} | :: comparative of relatív |
relativitás {n} | :: relativity |
relativitáselmélet {n} [physics] | :: theory of relativity |
relatív prím {adj} [mathematics] | :: relatively prime, coprime |
relaxál {vi} | :: to relax |
relevancia {n} | :: relevance |
releváns {adj} | :: relevant (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic) |
releváns {adj} | :: relevant (meaningful, important, significant) |
relevánsabb {adj} | :: comparative of releváns |
relígió {n} [obsolete] | :: religion |
relikvia {n} | :: relic |
relikvia {n} | :: memorabilia |
rém {n} | :: spook, ghast (a scary, repulsive, hostile specter or phantom) |
rém {n} [figuratively] | :: specter (a threatening mental image) |
rém {n} | :: menace, terror (a bothersome person who frightens others) |
rém {adv} [colloquial] | :: very, really, awfully, extremely, terribly |
rémálom {n} | :: nightmare (a very bad or frightening dream) |
remeg {vi} | :: to shake, quiver |
remegés {n} | :: tremor (shake, quiver, or vibration) |
remek {adj} | :: superb, splendid, glorious, magnificent |
remek {n} | :: masterpiece, masterwork |
remek {interj} | :: great! splendid! (expression of gladness about something) |
remekebb {adj} | :: comparative of remek |
rémeket lát {v} [idiomatic] | :: to imagine things, to overreact, to be an alarmist (to anticipate a bad outcome without having a good reason for it, to have irrational fear, to see worrying signs everywhere, to judge the situation/future negatively) |
remekmű {n} | :: masterpiece, masterwork, chef d'œuvre |
remekül {adv} | :: superbly, splendidly, magnificently |
remél {vt} | :: to hope |
remélhető {adj} | :: to be hoped / expected |
remélhetőleg {adv} | :: hopefully (it is hoped that) |
remény {n} | :: hope |
reménytelen {adj} | :: hopeless |
reményteljes {adj} | :: hopeful, promising |
reményteljesebb {adj} | :: comparative of reményteljes |
rémes {adj} | :: terrible, awful |
remete {n} | :: hermit, eremite, anchorite |
remetelak {n} | :: hermitage (dwelling) |
remeterák {n} | :: hermit crab |
remilitarizál {v} | :: to remilitarize |
rémiszt {vt} | :: to terrify, frighten, scare, alarm |
rémtett {n} | :: atrocity (a horrible, gruesome act, a hideous crime) |
rémtörténet {n} | :: horror story |
rémül {vi} | :: to get frightened |
rémület {n} | :: fright, terror, horror, dread (sudden and violent fear) |
rén {n} | :: reindeer |
Renáta {prop} | :: given name. Hungarian equivalent of Renata |
Renault {prop} | :: A French motorcar manufacturer |
rend {n} | :: order |
rendel {vt} | :: to order, to place an order, to book (to request some product or service) |
rendel {vi} [of doctors] | :: to have consulting hours, to receive (be available for) patients (to have office hours to provide some product or service) |
rendel {vit} | :: to order, to decree, to summon, to ordain, to assign, to direct, to stipulate, to prescribe |
rendelés {n} | :: verbal noun of rendel, ordering, decreeing, summoning, ordaining, assigning, directing, stipulating, prescribing |
rendelés {n} | :: order (a request for some product or service) |
rendelés {n} | :: (doctor's) consultation, consulting hours |
rendelet {n} | :: order, decree, ruling |
rendelkezés {n} | :: order, command, direction |
rendelkezés {n} [chiefly in phrases with áll and bocsát] | :: disposal |
rendelkezésre áll {v} [idiom] | :: to be available, to be at someone's disposal |
rendelkezik {vi} | :: to have, to possess something ( val) |
rendelkezik {vi} | :: to give orders about something, to direct or order something (to be done) ( ról or felől) |
rendelkezik {vi} | :: (of a law) to provide, to stipulate something ( ról or felől) |
rendelkezik {vi} | :: to dispose of or dispose over, to rule over something ( felett) |
rendelkező {n} | :: the holder of, one who owns, possesses |
rendellenes {adj} | :: irregular, abnormal, anomalous |
rendellenesség {n} | :: irregularity, anomaly |
rendellenesség {n} | :: disorder (in organs) |
rendellenesség {n} | :: malformation, deformation |
rendelőintézet {n} [formal] | :: clinic (a medical facility for the treatment and diagnosis of outpatients) |
rendelőintézeti {adj} | :: of or related to a clinic, health center (of a medical facility for the treatment and diagnosis of outpatients) |
rendelvény {n} [formal] | :: prescription (physician's written order) |
rendes {adj} | :: tidy, neat, orderly |
rendes {adj} [of a person] | :: decent, good, fine |
rendes {adj} [of a person] | :: fair, equitable, level-headed, sensible, considerate, well-meaning, nice (towards someone val) |
rendes {adj} | :: normal, usual, regular, customary |
rendes {adj} | :: having equal and permanent status; ordinary, full |
rendesebb {adj} | :: comparative of rendes |
rendesen {adv} | :: usually, normally, as a rule, generally |
rendesen {adv} | :: tidily, neatly, properly |
rendesen {adv} | :: really, actually |
rendetlen {adj} | :: untidy, disorderly |
rendetlen {adj} [of a person] | :: careless, negligent, sloppy |
rendetlen {adj} | :: irregular |
rendetlenebb {adj} | :: comparative of rendetlen |
rendetlenkedik {v} | :: to misbehave, be mischievous, play up |
rendetlenkedik {v} | :: to play up (to hurt, give one pain, trouble) |
rendetlenség {n} | :: mess, disorder, untidiness |
rendez {vt} | :: to arrange, to order |
rendez {vt} | :: to order, sort, rank (to arrange into some sequence, e.g. numerically, alphabetically, chronologically, or by price) |
rendez {vt} | :: to settle, to pay off (a debt or bill) |
rendez {vt} | :: to settle, to dispose of, to straighten out, to sort out, to remedy, to put right (a problem or complaint) |
rendez {vt} | :: to patch up, to mend, to repair (a relationship with someone) |
rendez {vt} | :: to direct (a film or play) |
rendez {vt} | :: to hold, to host, to give, to throw (an event) |
rendez {vt} | :: to make, to create, to cause, to kick up (an incident, e.g. a scandal or scene) |
rendez {vt} [typography] | :: to align (text in a word processor: left, right, centered, or justified) |
rendez {vt} [mathematics] | :: to reduce, to cancel (to simplify an equation without changing its value, e.g. by removing a common factor from both sides of an equation) |
rendezés {n} | :: settlement |
rendezés {n} [film, theater] | :: directing |
rendezés {n} [computing] | :: sorting, sort, ordering |
rendezett {adj} | :: ordered |
rendezettebb {adj} | :: comparative of rendezett |
rendezett pár {n} [set theory] | :: ordered pair |
rendező {n} | :: director |
rendezői {adj} | :: of stage |
rendezvény {n} | :: event, program (set of activities) |
rendezvénysorozat {n} | :: event series (a series of events and activities organized around the same subject - e.g. science, culture, sport - lasting several days or weeks, such as a series of concerts on a music festival) |
rendhagyó {adj} | :: irregular |
rendhagyó ige {n} [grammar] | :: irregular verb |
rendi {adj} | :: Of or relating to order |
rendkívül {adv} | :: extraordinarily, extremely |
rendkívüli {adj} | :: exceptional |
rendőr {n} | :: police officer, policeman (a member of the police) |
rendőrautó {n} | :: police car |
rendőr-főkapitányság {n} | :: central police headquarters |
rendőri {adj} | :: police |
rendőrkapitányság {n} | :: police station, police department, police headquarters |
rendőrkocsi {n} | :: police car |
rendőrkutya {n} | :: police dog |
rendőrnő {n} | :: policewoman |
rendőrség {n} | :: police |
rendőrség {n} | :: police station |
rendőrségi {adj} | :: police |
rendre {adv} [formal] | :: respectively (used when comparing lists, where the term denotes that the items in the lists correspond to each other in the order they are given) |
rendre {adv} [archaic, folksy] | :: by turns, successively, in order, step by step (one after the other without pause) |
rendre {interj} [archaic, politics] | :: order! (the speaker's call to order during sessions in legislature) |
rendszám {n} [automotive] | :: (vehicle) registration number (the code itself) |
rendszám {n} [automotive, by extension] | :: number plate (GB/AU), license plate (US) (the object) |
rendszám {n} [chemistry] | :: atomic number |
rendszámtábla {n} [automotive] | :: number plate [UK], license plate [US] (the sign itself as an object) |
rendszer {n} | :: system |
rendszeres {adj} | :: regular |
rendszeresebb {adj} | :: comparative of rendszeres |
rendszeresebben {adv} | :: comparative of rendszeresen |
rendszeresen {adv} | :: regularly (with constant frequency) |
rendszeresség {n} | :: regularity |
rendszergazda {n} [computing] | :: system administrator, sysadmin |
rendszerint {adv} | :: usually, generally, normally, ordinarily |
rendszermag {n} [computing] | :: kernel (the central part of many computer operating systems) |
rendszertálca {n} [computing] | :: system tray |
rendszertan {n} | :: taxonomy |
rendszertelen {adj} | :: unsystematic, unsystematical, random, haphazard, unmethodical |
rendszertelenül {adv} | :: desultorily, haphazardly, inordinately, irregularly, randomly |
rendszerváltás {n} | :: change of system, change of regime, transition, political transformation |
rendszerváltozás {n} | :: regime change (the transition from one political regime to another) |
rendületlen {adj} [slightly, archaic] | :: strong, immovable (something that is firm as a rock, cannot be easily shaken or moved) |
rendületlen {adj} [literary, of a person] | :: steadfast, steady, resolute |
rendületlenebbül {adv} | :: comparative of rendületlenül |
rendületlenül {adv} | :: firmly, steadily, imperturbably |
reneszánsz {adj} | :: Renaissance |
reneszánsz {adj} [typography] | :: oldstyle (in the traditional style of typefaces designed to mimic the handwriting of scribes) |
reneszánsz {n} | :: Renaissance |
reneszánsz {n} | :: renaissance |
reng {vi} | :: to shake, tremble, quiver, quake |
rengés {n} | :: shake, shaking, trembling, quake |
rengeteg {adj} | :: an enormous amount of, loads of, a great many, extremely much |
rengeteg {n} [literary] | :: huge trackless forest |
rengetegebb {adj} | :: comparative of rengeteg |
rénium {n} | :: rhenium (chemical element, symbol Re) |
renovál {vt} | :: to renovate, renew (to revamp something to make it look new again) |
renoválás {n} | :: renovation, restoration |
rénszarvas {n} | :: reindeer [Rangifer tarandus] |
rény {n} [obsolete, literary] | :: virtue |
reorganizál {vt} | :: to reorganize |
rep- {prefix} | :: flight, air (used as a prefix only) |
répa {n} | :: beet |
répa {n} | :: carrot |
répacukor {n} | :: beet sugar (sugar obtained from sugar beet as opposed to sugar cane) |
reparál {vt} | :: to repair |
repatriál {vi} | :: to repatriate (to return to one's birth country after a long absence and to request restoring one's original citizenship) |
repatriál {vt} [rare] | :: to repatriate (of government authority: to restore a person to his or her own country) |
repatriál {vt} [rare] | :: to repatriate (of body of government: to return a POW or refugee to his or her own country) |
repce {n} | :: colza, oilseed rape (Brassica napus) |
repedés {n} | :: crack, crevice, split |
repertoár {n} | :: repertoire, repertory (dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared to perform or display) |
repeta {n} | :: seconds, second helping |
repetál {vi} [colloquial] | :: to take/have a second helping |
repked {vi} [of birds] | :: to fly quickly from one location to another |
repked {vi} [of bullets, arrow, stone, etc.] | :: to fly in quick succession |
repked {vi} [of light objects in the wind] | :: to fly |
reprezentál {vt} | :: to represent (to stand or act in the place of; to perform the duties, exercise the rights, or otherwise act on behalf of) |
reprezentál {vt} | :: to represent (to serve as a sign or symbol of) |
reprezentatív {adj} | :: representative |
reprezentatívabb {adj} | :: comparative of reprezentatív |
reprivatizál {vt} | :: to reprivatize |
reprodukál {vt} | :: to repeat (to echo something that was heard, seen or read previously) |
reprodukál {vt} | :: to reproduce, copy (to produce an image or copy of) |
reprodukál {vt} [archaic] | :: to reproduce, recreate (to produce again) |
reprodukció {n} | :: reproduction |
reptér {n} [colloquial] | :: airport |
repül {vi} | :: to fly (of winged animals and aircrafts, to propel oneself through the air) |
repül {vi} | :: to fly (to travel by means of an aircraft or spacecraft) |
repül {vi} | :: to be hurled, shot or blown through the air (especially with force or speed) |
repül {vi} [literary] | :: to speed, to run, to rush (to go very fast) |
repül {vi} [figurative] | :: to fly, to fly by (of time, to pass very fast) |
repül {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be kicked out (to be forcefully removed from a position, office, school, lodging, etc.) |
repülés {n} | :: flight |
repülő {adj} | :: flying, aeronautic, aero- |
repülő {n} | :: flyer, airman, aviator, pilot |
repülő {n} | :: aircraft, airplane [US], aeroplane [UK] |
repülőgép {n} | :: aeroplane [UK], airplane [US], aircraft |
repülőgép-anyahajó {n} | :: aircraft carrier |
repülőgépgyár {n} | :: airplane factory |
repülőjegy {n} | :: airplane ticket |
repülőszőnyeg {n} | :: flying carpet |
repülőtér {n} | :: airport |
repülőút {n} | :: flight (a trip made by an aircraft, particularly one between two cities or countries, which is often planned or reserved in advance) |
rés {n} | :: slit, rift, gap, hole |
rés {n} | :: used in expressions meaning alert, guard |
rest {adj} | :: lazy |
restaurálás {n} | :: restoration (the process of bringing an object back to its original state) |
restaurátor {n} | :: restorer |
restell {vt} | :: to be (slightly) ashamed (of something t) |
restell {vt} | :: to be lazy, loth to do something |
rész {n} | :: part, piece |
rész {n} | :: share |
rész {n} | :: section, region |
részben {adv} | :: partly, partially, in part, to an extent |
részecske {n} [physics] | :: particle |
részecskefizika {n} | :: particle physics |
részecskegyorsító {n} [physics] | :: particle accelerator |
részeg {adj} | :: drunk, drunken |
részeg {n} | :: drunk, drunkard (an intoxicated person) |
részegebb {adj} | :: comparative of részeg |
részegedik {vi} | :: to become drunk (mainly used with verbal prefixes meg- and le-) |
részeges {adj} | :: drunken (addicted to drinking) |
részeges {n} | :: drunkard (person who is habitually drunk) |
részegesebb {adj} | :: comparative of részeges |
részegítő {adj} | :: intoxicating |
részegítőbb {adj} | :: comparative of részegítő |
részegség {n} | :: drunkenness |
részegszik {vi} | :: alternative form of részegedik |
reszel {vt} | :: to file, rasp, grate (to shred things into small pieces using a tool such as a rasp) |
reszelék {n} | :: shavings, filings, scrapings (small particles or pieces left after or created by shaving) |
reszelő {n} | :: file, rasp (a tool used for shaping wood or other material) |
reszelő {n} | :: grater, shredder (a kitchen utensil) |
részemről {adv} | :: for my part, with me, of me, as far as I'm concerned |
részére {postp} | :: for, to (especially when giving, sending, passing (on), or delivering something to another person) |
részére {pron} | :: for/to him/her/it |
részes {adj} | :: participating in something |
részes {adj} [agriculture] | :: shared |
részes {n} | :: part of something |
részesedés {n} | :: share |
részes eset {n} [grammar] | :: dative case |
részesít {vt} | :: to give someone a share in something, to grant someone something |
részesül {vi} | :: to receive, get (something ban) |
részhalmaz {n} [mathematics] | :: subset |
részint {adv} | :: partly |
részint {adv} [when used in pairs] | :: on the one hand... on the other hand, partly...partly |
reszket {vi} | :: to quiver, to tremble, to flutter |
reszketés {n} | :: tremble, trembling, shiver, shivering, shudder, shuddering, quaver, wavering, quake, quiver, shake, tremor |
reszkíroz {vt} [colloquial] | :: to risk |
részleg {n} | :: department |
részleges {adj} | :: partial, incomplete |
részlet {n} | :: detail |
részlet {n} | :: installment (a portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times) |
részletes {adj} | :: detailed |
részletesebb {adj} | :: comparative of részletes |
részletesebben {adv} | :: comparative of részletesen |
részletesen {adv} | :: in detail |
részletez {vt} | :: to detail, specify, itemize (to explain in detail) |
részmunkaidős {adj} | :: part-time |
reszort {n} [formal] | :: sphere, ambit, scope, reach, purview, jurisdiction (the area of control and influence of something) |
részrehajló {adj} | :: partial, biased (favoring one person, side, or point of view) |
részrehajlóbb {adj} | :: comparative of részrehajló |
résztvevő {n} | :: partaker, participant |
részvény {n} | :: share, stock |
részvényes {n} | :: shareholder [UK], stockholder [US] |
részvénytársaság {n} | :: joint-stock company |
részvénytőzsde {n} | :: stock exchange |
részvétel {n} | :: participation |
rét {n} | :: meadow, grassland |
rét {n} | :: fold, layer, ply, stratum |
réteg {n} | :: layer (single thickness of some material covering a surface) |
rétegű {adj} | :: layered |
retek {n} | :: radish |
retek {n} [singular only, colloquial] | :: dirt |
rétes {n} | :: strudel (paper-thin sheets of dough in multiple layers filled with fruit, cream cheese, poppy seed, walnut or pumpkin etc.) |
rétesliszt {n} | :: A special high-gluten flour used for making strudel. The high gluten content provides the elasticity needed to make the proper strudel |
retesz {n} | :: bolt (a sliding pin or bar in a lock) |
réti {adj} | :: meadow-, field-, grassland- |
réti csiperke {n} | :: field mushroom, meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestris) |
retina {n} | :: retina |
retirál {vi} [archaic] | :: to retire (to retreat from action or danger; to withdraw for safety or pleasure; as, to retire from battle) |
retirál {vi} [colloquial, of debate] | :: to withdraw, retreat (to give up one's point of view) |
rétoromán {n} [linguistics] | :: Rhaeto-Romance (a group of related Romance languages spoken in north and north-eastern Italy and southeastern Switzerland, or any of these languages individually) |
retrográd {adj} [politics, of a person or group] | :: retrograde (wanting to return to the past; opposing progress; directed backwards, retreating; reverting) |
retrográd {adj} [psychology] | :: retrograde (relating to events that occurred, or information that was learned, before an injury or the onset of a disease) |
retrográd {adj} [astronomy, of a body orbiting another] | :: retrograde (in the opposite direction to the orbited body's spin) |
retrospektív {adj} | :: retrospective |
retrospektívebb {adj} | :: comparative of retrospektív |
retteg {vi} | :: to dread (to fear greatly) |
retteg {vt} [poetic] | :: to be afraid of |
rettegett {adj} | :: feared, dreaded |
retten {vi} | :: to recoil (in horror) |
rettenet {n} | :: terror, horror, fright |
rettenetes {adj} | :: terrible |
rettenetesebb {adj} | :: comparative of rettenetes |
rettenetesen {adv} | :: terribly, awfully |
retusál {vt} [photography] | :: to retouch (improve a photograph by adding or correcting details, or by removing flaws) |
retyerutya {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: kindred (distant and close relatives, collectively) |
retyerutya {n} | :: odds and ends (all one's belongings) |
rév {n} | :: (minor) harbor, port (especially for small boats or ferries) |
rév {n} [dialectal] | :: ferry, ferryboat |
rév {n} [literary, figuratively, especially in the form révbe] | :: haven, safe haven, harbor, shelter, refuge |
révátkelés {n} | :: ferry, ferriage (crossing from one port to another by ferry) |
révén {adv} | :: via, by means of |
reverenda {n} | :: cassock (an item of clerical clothing: a long, sheath-like, close-fitting, ankle-length robe worn by clergy members of some Christian denominations) |
révész {n} | :: ferryman |
revideál {vt} | :: to revise, audit |
revideál {vt} | :: to reconsider |
revizionista {adj} | :: revisionist (of, or relating to revisionism) |
revizionista {n} | :: revisionist (a proponent of revisionism) |
revolver {n} | :: revolver |
réz {n} | :: copper (symbol: Cu) |
rezeg {vi} | :: to vibrate, to oscillate, to tremble, to judder, to quiver |
rezervál {vt} | :: to reserve |
rezervátum {n} | :: nature reserve, reservation [US], reserve [Canada], preserve (a protected area in nature) |
rezervátum {n} | :: reservation (a tract of land set apart by the US government for the use of a Native American people) |
rezesbanda {n} | :: brass band (a group of musicians who play brass instruments) |
rezg {v} [poetic, archaic] | :: alternative form of rezeg |
rezisztencia {n} | :: resistance |
rezonancia {n} [physics] | :: resonance |
rezümé {n} | :: curriculum vitae [UK], résumé [US] |
rezsi {n} | :: overhead (the operating expenses of a business or a private residential unit) |
rezsim {n} | :: regime, régime |
Rezső {prop} | :: Roger. given name |
Rhône {prop} | :: Rhone (a river in Switzerland and France that flows from the Alps to the Mediterranean Sea) |
rí {vi} [literary, folksy] | :: to weep |
rí {vt} [literary, folksy] | :: to say something while weeping |
riadó {n} | :: alarm (summons to arms) |
rianás {n} | :: ice crack, specifically thermal crack that forms on ice covering a body of water |
rianás {n} | :: the event of such a crack forming, typically accompanied by a distinctive sound |
riaszt {vt} | :: to alert, alarm |
riasztás {n} | :: alarm |
riasztó {adj} | :: alarming, frightening |
riasztó {n} | :: alarm system |
ribanc {n} [slang, offensive] | :: bitch, whore |
ribizli {n} | :: currant |
ribizli {n} [slang, humorous] | :: bitch, whore, slut (from ribi, diminutive of ribanc 'slut') |
riboszóma {n} [biology, cytology] | :: ribosome (small organelle found in all cells, involved in the production of proteins) |
Richárd {prop} | :: given name |
ricinusolaj {n} | :: castor oil |
rideg {adj} | :: unfriendly |
ridegebb {adj} | :: comparative of rideg |
Riga {prop} | :: Riga (capital city) |
rigai {adj} | :: Rigan (of, from, or pertaining to, Riga) |
rigai {n} | :: Rigan (someone from Riga) |
rigó {n} | :: thrush (any of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) |
rigó {n} | :: ellipsis of sárgarigó |
rigó {n} | :: ellipsis of nádirigó |
Rijád {prop} | :: Rijád (capital city) |
riksa {n} | :: rickshaw, ricksha |
rím {n} [poetry] | :: rhyme |
rím {n} [phonology] | :: rime (the second part of a syllable, from the vowel on, as opposed to the onset) |
rima {n} [literary, offensive] | :: harlot |
rímel {vi} | :: to rhyme |
ring {vi} | :: to swing, to rock |
ring {vi} [of a ship] | :: to sway, to roll |
ring {n} [dated, boxing] | :: ring, boxing ring (space in which a boxing match is contested) |
ringat {vt} | :: to dandle, rock, cradle (to move gently back and forth) |
rinocérosz {n} | :: rhinoceros |
riport {n} | :: report (a piece of information given to someone) |
riporter {n} | :: reporter |
riporternő {n} | :: female reporter (a female journalist who investigates, edits and reports news stories for newspapers, radio and television) |
Rita {prop} | :: given name |
ritka {adj} | :: rare |
ritka {adj} | :: sparse |
ritkább {adj} | :: comparative of ritka |
ritkábban {adv} | :: comparative of ritkán |
ritkán {adv} | :: seldom |
ritkaság {n} | :: rarity, rareness (property of being rare) |
ritkaság {n} | :: rarity, curiosity (rare object) |
ritkaság {n} [physics] | :: strangeness (quantum number of subatomic particles) |
ritmikus {adj} | :: rhythmic |
ritmikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of ritmikus |
ritmikus gimnasztika {n} | :: rhythmic gymnastics |
ritmus {n} | :: rhythm |
rituális {adj} | :: ritual |
rituálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of rituális |
rituálisabban {adv} | :: comparative of rituálisan |
rituálisan {adv} | :: ritually |
rítus {n} | :: rite, ritual (an established, ceremonious, usually religious act or process) |
rítus {n} | :: ritual (habitual practice, frequent repetition of the same act) |
rivalg {vi} [archaic] | :: to cheer (to applaud with cheers or shouts) |
rivalg {vi} [archaic, of a wind instrument, like a horn] | :: to shriek, to screech |
rivális {adj} | :: rival, competing |
rivális {n} | :: rival, competitor |
rivalizál {vi} | :: to rival (to compete with someone) (followed by val) |
rivalizálás {n} | :: rivalry |
rizikó {n} | :: risk |
rizóma {n} [botany] | :: rhizome (a horizontal, underground stem of some plants that sends out roots and shoots from its nodes) |
rizs {n} | :: rice |
rizsföld {n} | :: rice paddy, paddy field, paddy (an irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown) |
rizsliszt {n} | :: rice flour (flour made from rice) |
rizsma {n} [printing] | :: ream (quantity of 500 sheets of paper) |
rizspehely {n} | :: rice flakes (breakfast cereal) |
rizstermelés {n} | :: rice production (cultivation of rice) |
ró {vt} | :: to notch, carve, engrave, cut into, nick, score |
ró {v} | :: putting burden on someone, such as a fine, a task, blame, etc |
ró {vt} [figurative] | :: to impose, levy (a fine, a tax) on someone ( ra) |
ró {vt} [figurative] | :: to assign (a task) to someone ( ra) |
ró {vt} [figurative] | :: to lay, impose (a burden) on someone ( ra) |
ró {vt} [figurative] | :: to lay, place (blame) on someone ( ra) |
ró {vt} | :: to roam, walk, ply, rove (the streets, sea, etc.) |
ró {n} | :: rho (Greek letter) |
robban {vi} | :: to explode |
robbanás {n} | :: explosion (a violent release of energy) |
robbanékony {adj} | :: explosive (with the capability to, or likely to, explode) |
robbanékony {adj} | :: explosive (easily driven to anger) |
robbanó {adj} | :: exploding, blasting, explosive, bursting (with the capability to, or likely to, explode) |
robbanóanyag {n} | :: explosive (any explosive substance) |
robbant {vt} | :: to blow up, blast (to cause something or someone to explode) |
robbantott {adj} | :: exploded |
robbantott ábra {n} | :: exploded view (a view in a drawing showing how parts in an assembly fit together) |
Róbert {prop} | :: given name |
Robi {prop} | :: given name |
robog {vi} | :: to rush |
roborál {vt} | :: to roborate, strengthen, fortify (to make an impoverished body stronger) |
robot {n} [historical] | :: socage, forced labour |
robot {n} [figuratively] | :: hard work, drudgery |
robot {n} | :: robot |
robotol {vi} [historical] | :: to do/perform socage-service |
robotol {vi} [figuratively] | :: to drudge, slave away, work hard |
robotos {n} [historical] | :: bondman, socager |
rock {n} [music] | :: rock (style of music) |
rockegyüttes {n} [music] | :: rock band, rock group |
ródium {n} | :: rhodium (symbol: Rh) |
ródli {n} [dated] | :: sled, sleigh |
ródlidomb {n} [rare] | :: sledding hill |
Rodosz {prop} | :: Rodosz (island/regional unit/and/city) |
rodoszi kolosszus {n} | :: Colossus of Rhodes |
-rog {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a stem – often an onomatopoeia – to form a verb expressing a repetitive action |
rogy {vi} [with ra] | :: to collapse, fall/drop down |
rogy {vr} [figuratively, with magába] | :: to collapse, break down (internally, mentally) |
rohad {vi} | :: to rot |
rohadék {n} [derogatory, offensive, vulgar] | :: bastard, son of a bitch, scumbag, fucker (despicable man) |
rohadt {adj} | :: rotten (decayed, gone bad) |
rohadtabb {adj} | :: comparative of rohadt |
roham {n} | :: attack |
rohamosan {adv} | :: rapidly, fast, apace |
rohan {vi} | :: to rush, to hurry |
rohan {vi} | :: to run, to sprint |
róka {n} | :: fox |
róka {n} [slang] | :: vomit, puke, barf |
rokka {n} | :: spinning wheel (a device for spinning thread or yarn from fibres) |
rokon {n} | :: relative |
rokon {adj} | :: related, similar, akin |
rokon értelmű {adj} | :: synonymic, synonymous |
rokonság {n} | :: kinship, relationship |
rokonság {n} | :: kindred, family, relatives |
rokonszenv {n} | :: sympathy |
rokonszenves {adj} [of a person] | :: pleasant, likeable, engaging, attractive (nice, having a pleasant character) |
rokonszenvesebb {adj} | :: comparative of rokonszenves |
-ról {suffix} [case suffix] | :: Used to form the delative case, indicating movement from a surface |
-ról {suffix} | :: from (place) |
-ról {suffix} | :: off (place) |
-ról {suffix} | :: from (time) |
-ról {suffix} | :: of, about, on |
róla {pron} | :: about him/her/it |
róla {pron} | :: off him/her/it |
Roland {prop} | :: given name |
Roli {prop} | :: given name |
Rolle-féle gyöktétel {n} [algebra] | :: rational root theorem |
roller {n} | :: kick scooter, push scooter, scooter (a small platform with two wheels that is propelled by a rider pushing off the ground) |
rollfilm {n} [photography] | :: roll film (spool-wound photographic film protected from light exposure by a paper backing) |
rom {n} | :: ruin |
roma {n} | :: Rom (a member of the Roma people) |
Róma {prop} | :: Róma (capital city) |
római {adj} | :: Roman (of or from Rome) |
Római Birodalom {prop} [historical] | :: Roman Empire (the empire which succeeded the Roman Republic) |
római kömény {n} | :: cumin (plant, Cuminum cyminum) |
római szám {n} | :: Roman numeral (numeral represented using a Roman system involving the letters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M) |
román {adj} | :: Romanian (of, from, or relating to Romania, its people or language) |
román {n} | :: Romanian (person) |
román {n} [singular only] | :: Romanian (language) |
román {adj} | :: Romance (in linguistics) |
román {adj} | :: romanesque (in history of art) |
románc {n} | :: romance |
Románia {prop} | :: Romania |
romániai {adj} | :: Romanian |
romanticizmus {n} | :: romanticism |
romantika {n} | :: Romanticism (an artistic and intellectual movement, stressing emotion, freedom and individual imagination, that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century) |
romantika {n} | :: romance |
romantikus {adj} | :: romantic |
romantikus {n} | :: romantic (a follower or adherent of Romanticism) |
rombol {vt} | :: to destroy, ravage |
rombolás {n} | :: destruction |
rombusz {n} [geometry] | :: rhombus |
Rómeó {prop} | :: given name |
romkocsma {n} | :: ruin pub |
romlékony {adj} | :: perishable (that which perishes or is short-lived, e.g. of food that does not keep for long) |
romlik {vi} | :: to deteriorate, go wrong, go off |
romlik {vi} | :: to be devalued, depreciate |
romlik {vi} | :: to worsen |
romlott {adj} | :: spoiled, rotten, bad |
romlott {adj} | :: corrupt, debauched |
romos {adj} | :: ruined, ruinous, dilapidated (characterized by ruin; as, an edifice, bridge, or wall in a ruinous state) |
romosabb {adj} | :: comparative of romos |
róna {n} | :: plain |
roncs {n} | :: wreck, wreckage (the remains or debris of something which has been severely damaged or destroyed) |
roncs {n} [figuratively] | :: wreck (a person who is worn out due to illness, age, etc.) |
ronda {adj} | :: ugly |
rondább {adj} | :: comparative of ronda |
rongy {n} | :: cloth (a piece of cloth used for cleaning) |
rongy {n} | :: rag, shred, tatter (a shred of torn cloth) |
rongy {n} | :: rag (tattered clothes) |
rongy {n} [by extension, colloquial] | :: clothes |
rongy {n} [slang] | :: grand (a thousand forint banknote) |
rongy {n} [colloquial] | :: scum, bastard (a reprehensible, morally depraved person) |
rongy {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: good-for-nothing, useless, worthless |
rongyabb {adj} | :: comparative of rongy |
rongybaba {n} | :: rag doll |
rongyol {vt} | :: to tear to rags/shreds |
rongyos {adj} | :: ragged, tattered, frayed |
rongyos {adj} [colloquial] | :: measly, lousy, paltry |
rongyosabb {adj} | :: comparative of rongyos |
rongyrázás {n} | :: flaunt, showing off |
rongyszedő {n} | :: ragman, rag and bone man |
ront {vt} | :: to spoil |
rop {vt} | :: to dance briskly, passionately, with all one's strength or power, without holding back, with all one's might |
ropog {vi} | :: to crunch, crack, crackle |
Rorschach-teszt {n} [psychology] | :: Rorschach test |
ros hasana {n} | :: alternative form of rós ha-sána |
rós ha-sána {n} [Judaism] | :: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) |
rós hásáná {n} | :: alternative form of rós ha-sána |
roskatag {adj} | :: dilapidated, tumbledown, ramshackle |
roskatag {adj} [of a person] | :: decrepit |
roskatagabb {adj} | :: comparative of roskatag |
rost {n} | :: fiber |
rost {n} | :: grill (grid of metal to roast food on) |
rosta {n} | :: riddle, sifter, sieve (a device to separate larger objects from smaller objects) |
rosta {n} | :: screening (the process of filtering out the less acceptable quality from something) |
rostacsont {n} [anatomy] | :: ethmoid bone (the bone of the skull between the eyes and at the roof of the nose) |
rossz {adj} | :: bad |
rossz {adj} | :: evil |
rossz {n} | :: evil, wrong, ill, harm |
rosszabb {adj} | :: comparative of rossz |
rosszban sántikál {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be up to some mischief |
rosszban töri a fejét {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be up to some mischief |
rosszindulat {n} | :: malice |
rosszindulatú {adj} | :: malevolent, evil-minded, malicious (having or displaying ill will, wishing harm on others) |
rosszindulatú {adj} [medicine] | :: malignant (tending to produce death, threatening a fatal issue) |
rosszkor {adv} | :: at the wrong time |
rosszkor {adv} | :: at an inopportune/inconvenient time, at an awkward moment, at a bad time |
rossz lóra tesz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to back the wrong horse, pick the wrong horse (to wrongly expect the victory or success of something or someone) |
rossz pénz nem vész el {proverb} | :: a bad penny always turns up (a person or thing which is unpleasant, dishonorable, or unwanted tends to appear) |
rossz szemmel néz {vt} [idiomatic, with ra] | :: to frown upon, dislike, disapprove of someone or something (to consider/view someone or something negatively) |
rosszul {adv} | :: badly |
rotring {n} | :: mechanical pencil (a pencil with a replaceable and mechanically extendable lead) |
rovar {n} | :: insect |
rovarcsípés {n} | :: insect bite |
rovartan {n} | :: entomology, insectology |
rovására {postp} [figuratively] | :: at the expense of |
rovására {adv} [figuratively] | :: at his/her/its expense |
rovat {n} [newspapers] | :: column (a recurring feature in a periodical) |
rovó {adj} [of tax, fine] | :: imposing, assessing |
rovó {adj} [of blame, letters into stone or wood] | :: placing, laying |
rovó {adj} [of knife] | :: cutting, scoring, carving |
rovó {adj} [about or around the streets] | :: walking, roving, roaming, loitering |
rovó {n} | :: scorer, carver (a tool used to cut into stone or wood) |
rovó {n} [education] | :: formal, written reprimand to primary or secondary school students (normally due to serious misconduct; possibly as a last resort before expulsion) |
rovó {n} [obsolete] | :: tax collector |
rozébor {n} | :: rosé wine |
rozmár {n} | :: walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) |
rozmaring {n} | :: rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis] |
rozoga {adj} | :: dilapidated, ramshackle, shaky |
rozoga {adj} | :: frail, delicate, weak, decrepit, doddery |
rozogább {adj} | :: comparative of rozoga |
rozs {n} | :: rye |
rózsa {n} | :: rose |
Rózsa {prop} | :: given name |
rózsaablak {n} | :: rose window |
rózsafüzér {n} | :: rosary |
rózsaolaj {n} | :: rose oil |
rózsás {adj} | :: full of roses (adorned with roses) |
rózsás {adj} | :: rosy, pink (color) |
rózsás {adj} | :: bright, optimistic (mood) |
rózsásabb {adj} | :: comparative of rózsás |
rózsás flamingó {n} | :: greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) |
rózsaszín {n} | :: the color pink |
rózsaszín {adj} | :: pink |
rózsaszínű {adj} [colour] | :: alternative form of rózsaszín |
rózsatermesztés {n} | :: rose growing |
rozsda {n} | :: rust (the reddish-brown coat on iron-containing materials as a result of moisture and oxidation) |
rozsda {n} | :: rust (a disease of plants caused by a reddish-brown fungus) |
rozsdabarna {adj} | :: rusty (reddish-brown) |
rozsdabarna {n} | :: rust (colour) |
rozsdamentes {adj} | :: rustproof |
rozsdamentes acél {n} | :: stainless steel |
rozsdás {adj} | :: rusty, rusted (marked or corroded by rust) |
rozsdás {adj} | :: rusty (affected with the fungal plant disease called rust) |
rozsdás {adj} [figuratively, rare] | :: old, old-fashioned |
rozsdás {adj} [figuratively, of human voice] | :: hoarse, husky |
rozsdásabb {adj} | :: comparative of rozsdás |
rozsdásodás {n} | :: rusting (the development of rust on a surface) |
rozsdásodik {vi} | :: to rust (to develop/build up rust, to become rusty, to oxidize, especially of iron or steel) |
rozsdaszínű {adj} | :: rust-colored |
rozskenyér {n} | :: rye bread |
rozsomák {n} | :: wolverine, glutton, carcajou |
röf {interj} | :: oink (representing the sound made by a pig) |
röffen {vi} [of a pig] | :: to grunt once (to give a grunt, see röf) |
röffen {vi} [figuratively, of a person] | :: to tell off, snarl (to utter in a harsh, direct way) |
röffent {vi} | :: synonym of röffen |
röfög {vt} [of a pig] | :: to grunt, oink (of a pig or in imitation thereof, to make its characteristic sound repetitively, see röf) |
-rög {suffix} [frequentative suffix] | :: Added to a stem – often an onomatopoeia – to form a verb expressing a repetitive action |
rög {n} | :: clod, lump (a small piece of solid thing, usually rock) |
rög {n} | :: nugget (gold) |
rög {n} | :: clot (in blood) |
rög {n} [figuratively] | :: soil |
rögös {adj} | :: cloddish (earth), uneven soil |
rögös {adj} | :: bumpy (road) |
rögös {adj} [figuratively] | :: thorny, rough (life) |
rögösebb {adj} | :: comparative of rögös |
rögtön {adv} | :: immediately |
rögtönöz {vt} | :: to improvise |
rögtönzés {n} | :: improvisation |
rögzít {vt} | :: to secure, fasten (something t to something hoz) |
rögzít {vt} | :: to record ( ban) |
rögzít {vt} [of prices] | :: to fix |
rögzít {vt} [of wages] | :: to freeze |
rögzítő {n} | :: fastener |
rögzítő {n} | :: synonym of üzenetrögzítő, answering machine |
röhög {v} [derogatory] | :: to guffaw, snicker, giggle, laugh |
-ről {suffix} [case suffix] | :: Used to form the delative case |
-ről {suffix} | :: from (place) |
-ről {suffix} | :: off (place) |
-ről {suffix} | :: from (time) |
-ről {suffix} | :: of, about, on |
röntgen {n} | :: X-ray [machine] |
röntgen {n} | :: radiograph, a photograph made with X-rays |
röntgenfelvétel {n} | :: radiograph, X-ray photograph |
röp- {prefix} | :: alternative form of rep- |
röpköd {vi} [of birds] | :: to fly quickly from one location to another |
röpköd {vi} [of bullets, arrow, stone, etc.] | :: to fly in quick succession |
röpköd {vi} [of light objects in the wind] | :: to fly |
röplabda {n} | :: volleyball (game) |
röplabda {n} | :: volleyball (ball) |
röplabdacsapat {n} | :: volleyball team |
röpül {vi} | :: alternative form of repül |
rövid {adj} | :: short |
rövid {adj} | :: short (a drink of spirits, shortened from [[|rövid ital ]], a calque of English short drink) |
rövidáru {n} | :: haberdashery (ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods sold in a haberdasher's shop) |
rövid csőrű {adj} | :: short-billed, short-beaked (having a short beak) |
rövidcsőrű {adj} | :: short-billed, short-beaked (used only in certain biological terms) |
rövidcsőrű siketfajd {n} | :: black-billed capercaillie (Tetrao parvirostris) |
rövidebb {adj} | :: comparative of rövid |
rövidebben {adv} | :: comparative of röviden |
röviden {adv} | :: briefly, in short |
rövidesen {adv} [somewhat, literary] | :: soon, shortly |
rövidít {vt} | :: to shorten |
rövidítés {n} | :: abbreviation |
rövidített {adj} | :: abbreviated |
rövidlátás {n} [pathology] | :: myopia, short-sightedness, nearsightedness |
rövidlátás {n} [figuratively] | :: short-sightedness (inability to predict the consequences) |
rövidnadrág {n} | :: shorts |
rövidül {vi} | :: to shorten (to become shorter and shorter) |
rövidzár {n} [electricity] | :: short circuit |
rőzse {n} | :: brushwood, twig, stick (dry branches and twigs fallen from trees and shrubs) |
rt. {n} | :: joint-stock company |
Ruanda {prop} | :: Ruanda (country) |
rubel {n} | :: ruble (monetary unit) |
rubensi {adj} | :: Rubenesque |
rubídium {n} | :: rubidium (symbol: Rb) |
Rubik {prop} | :: Rubik (city) |
Rubik-kocka {n} | :: Rubik's cube (a mechanical puzzle with the shape of a cube) |
rubin {n} | :: ruby (gemstone) |
rúd {n} | :: pole, rod |
rudas {adj} | :: provided with poles, bars, rods |
rudas {n} | :: pole-horse |
Rudolf {prop} | :: given name |
rúdugrás {n} | :: pole vault |
rúg {vt} | :: to kick |
rugalmas {adj} [of a material] | :: elastic (capable of stretching; particularly, capable of stretching so as to return to an original shape or size when force is released) |
rugalmas {adj} [of gait, movement] | :: limber, springy |
rugalmas {adj} [figuratively, of a person] | :: flexible, resilient (not invincibly rigid or obstinate, being able to easily and skillfully adapt to different circumstances and conditions) |
rugalmasabb {adj} | :: comparative of rugalmas |
rugalmasan {adv} | :: flexibly, elastically, resiliently |
rugany {n} [rare, becoming obsolete] | :: spring (a mechanical device made of flexible or coiled material used mainly in chairs and beds) |
rúgás {n} | :: kick, kicking |
rugó {n} | :: spring (device made of flexible material) |
ruha {n} | :: clothes (articles made of fabrics, wool or leather, used to cover the human body) |
ruha {n} | :: garment, piece of clothing (a single item of clothing, such as a shirt or a sock) |
ruha {n} | :: outfit (a set of clothing worn at the same time) |
ruha {n} | :: dress (an item of clothing worn by a woman which combines a top and a skirt) |
ruha {n} | :: cloth, towel (woven fabric used for drying dishes, cleaning, making a compress, etc.) |
ruhástul {adv} | :: with all his/her/their clothes on |
ruhatár {n} | :: cloakroom (room intended for holding guests' cloaks, as at a theater) |
ruhatár {n} | :: wardrobe (an individual's entire collection of clothing) |
ruhátlan {adj} | :: unclothed, undressed, nude |
ruhaujj {n} | :: sleeve |
ruház {vt} | :: to clothe, dress (to continuously supply someone with clothes or clothing) |
ruház {vt} | :: to confer, bestow, grant (to grant rights, role, responsibiliy, authority; to someone: ra) |
ruházat {n} | :: clothing, wear, apparel, attire |
rulett {n} [games] | :: roulette |
rum {n} | :: rum (a distilled spirit) |
rumba {n} | :: rumba (dance) |
rúpia {n} | :: rupee |
ruszki {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: Russian |
ruszki {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: Russian (person) |
rusztikus {adj} | :: rustic |
rusztikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of rusztikus |
rut {interj} | :: gobble (representation of the sound of a turkey; can be used repetitively) |
rút {adj} [literary] | :: ugly, hideous (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) |
rút {adj} [literary] | :: ugly, hideous (offensive to one's sensibilities or morality) |
ruténium {n} | :: ruthenium (symbol: Ru) |
rutin {n} | :: routine |
rúzs {n} | :: lipstick (make-up for the lips) |
rúzs {n} | :: rouge (make-up for the cheeks) |
rügy {n} | :: bud (a newly sprouted leaf or blossom that has not yet unfolded) |
rüh {n} [diseases] | :: scabies (a contagious skin infestation in humans by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei) |
rüh {n} | :: mange (a skin disease of mammals caused by parasitic mites) |
rühell {vt} [colloquial] | :: to detest, hate, loathe (can't stand to do something) |
Rydberg-állandó {n} [physics] | :: Rydberg constant (a universal scaling factor for all spectroscopic transitions) |