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User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-p

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
p. {f} :: abbreviation of página
p {letter} :: letter
P {letter} :: The 17th letter of the Spanish alphabet
pa' {prep} [colloquial] :: apocopic form of para
pa {prep} [colloquial] :: apocopic form of para, for, to
PA {f} [medicine] :: initialism of presión arterial
PA {f} [biology] :: initialism of potencial de acción
pabellón {m} :: pavilion
pabellón {m} [Chile] :: operating room
pabellón {m} :: ensign (national flag flown on a vessel)
pabellón {m} [Venezuela] :: pabellón criollo
pabelloncito {m} :: diminutive of pabellón
pabellón criollo {m} [Venezuela] :: Traditional dish composed of rice, shredded beef, black beans, and fried plantain slices
pabilo {m} :: candlewick
pábilo {m} :: alternative form of pabilo
pablismo {m} :: Support for Pablo Iglesias Turrión, a Spanish politician
pablista {adj} :: Supporting Pablo Iglesias Turrión, secretary-general of Podemos
pablista {mf} :: A supporter of Pablo Iglesias Turrión
Pablito {prop} {m} :: given name
Pablo {prop} {m} :: Paul [biblical character]
Pablo {prop} {m} :: given name
pábulo {m} :: fodder, pabulum
paca {f} :: bale (bundle)
paca {f} [colloquial, pejorative, Latin America] :: female police officer
paca {f} [chiefly Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay] :: paca (rodent of the genus Cuniculus)
Paca {prop} {f} :: given name
pacana {f} :: pecan
pacano {m} :: pecan
Pacasmayo {prop} :: Pacasmayo (province)
Pacasmayo {prop} :: Pacasmayo (city/provincial capital)
pacato {adj} :: timid, modest
pacaya {f} :: Costa Rican bamboo palm (Chamaedorea costaricana)
paceño {adj} :: Of or relating to the city of La Paz, in several countries
paceño {m} :: Someone from La Paz
pacense {adj} :: Of or from Badajoz
pacense {mf} :: Someone from Badajoz
pacer {v} :: to graze, to pasture
pacer {v} :: to put out to pasture
pacer {v} :: to eat away, to nibble, to gnaw
pacha {f} [El Salvador, Nicaragua] :: baby bottle
pachá {m} :: pasha
Pachamama {prop} {f} :: Pachamama
pachamámico {adj} [attributive] :: Pachamama
pachanca {f} :: Magellanic penguin
pachanga {f} :: party (social gathering)
pachanga {f} [sports] :: A pick-up game of a sport; a football, basketball or another sport kickabout; a friendly game
pachanguero {adj} :: noisy, boisterous
pacharán {m} :: patxaran
pache {m} :: a food from Guatemala, similar to a tamal but with potato dough
pacho {adj} :: lazy
pacho {adj} [Central America] :: short
pacho {adj} [El Salvador, Nicaragua] :: shallow, flat (not deep)
pacho {adj} [Central America, Chile] :: chubby and short
pachorra {f} [colloquial] :: laziness, apathy
pachorriento {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] :: lazy
pachuca {f} :: feminine noun of pachuco
pachucho {adj} :: poorly, under the weather
pachuco {adj} [Mexico] :: flashy, flashily dressed
pachuco {adj} [Costa Rica] :: slang (often considered low-class)
pachuco {m} [Costa Rica] :: uneducated person from the city who uses city slang
pachulí {m} :: patchouli (east Indian plant plant)
pachulí {m} :: patchouli (fragrance produced from this plant)
pachuquismo {m} [uncountable] :: the culture of the pachucos
pachuquismo {m} :: a word or expression from pachuco culture used in Spanish
paciencia {f} :: patience, forbearance (the quality of being patient)
paciente {adj} :: patient
paciente {mf} [medical] :: patient
pacientemente {adv} :: patiently
pacientísimo {adj} :: superlative of paciente
pacificación {f} :: pacification
pacificador {adj} :: pacifying, peace making
pacificador {m} :: peacemaker, pacifier (one who pacifies)
pacificadora {f} :: feminine noun of pacificador
pacíficamente {adv} :: peacefully
pacificar {v} :: to pacify
pacífico {adj} :: peaceful
Pacífico {prop} {m} [ocean] :: Short form of Océano Pacífico, the Pacific Ocean
pacifismo {m} :: pacifism
pacifista {mf} :: pacifist
pack {m} :: pack, package
pack {m} :: kit, set, bundle
packaging {m} :: packaging
paco {adj} :: reddish (color)
paco {m} :: llama
paco {m} [chiefly Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay] :: male paca
paco {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama] :: police officer
paco {m} [colloquial, obsolete, Spain] :: During Spanish occupation in Africa, a Moroccan sniper
paco {m} [Spain, recreational drug] :: A cheap drug made from cocaine paste mixed with raticide, caffeine and other chemicals
Paco {prop} {m} :: given name
pacos {mp} :: plural of paco
pacos {mp} [Chile, pejorative] :: the police
pacotilla {f} :: free luggage of a sailor
pacotilla {f} :: trash, junk, garbage (something of inferior quality)
pacotilla {f} [Latin America] :: mob, rabble
pacotilla {f} [El Salvador, Nicaragua] :: gang
pacotillero {m} [pejorative, Latin America] :: junk dealer
pactar {vt} :: to agree upon
pactismo {m} :: pactism
pactista {mf} :: pactist
pacto {m} :: pact
pacto {m} :: contract, agreement
pactómetro {m} [Spain] :: coalition builder, coalition calculator; A tool, app or program is a calculator that allows calculating the sums of Members of Parliament between the parties for possible government pacts, after knowing the results of an election
padana {f} :: feminine noun of padano
padano {adj} :: Padan
padano {m} :: Padan
padawan {m} :: padawan
paddock {m} [motor racing] :: paddock
padecer {vit} :: to suffer
padecimiento {m} :: The current action of suffering damage, injury or a disease
pádel {m} :: padel
Padilla {prop} {f} :: surname
Padilla {prop} {f} :: A placename
padouca {adj} :: Padouca
padouca {mf} :: Padouca
padrastrillo {m} :: diminutive of padrastre
padrastro {m} :: stepfather
padrastro {m} :: hangnail
padrazo {m} :: Great father
padre {m} [family] :: father
padre {m} [religion] :: father
padre {adj} [Mexico, slang] :: cool, acceptable, easy
Padre {pron} :: Father (a title for a Latin Catholic priest and also God the Father)
padre biológico {m} :: biological father, birth father
padre biológico {m} :: biological parent, birth parent [gender unspecified]
padrecito {m} :: diminutive of padre
padre nuestro {m} :: alternative form of padrenuestro
padrenuestro {m} :: Lord's Prayer
padrillo {m} [Latin America] :: stallion
padrinazgo {m} :: sponsorship
padrino {m} :: godfather
padrino {m} :: sponsor (at a wedding, graduation, First Communion, etc.)
padrino {m} [bullfighting] :: high-ranking bullfighter who gives the "alternativa" to a "novillero"
padrísimo {adj} :: superlative of padre
padrito {m} :: diminutive of padre
padrón {m} :: augmentative of padre
padrón {m} :: census
padrón {m} [politics] :: electoral roll
padrón {m} [Central America] :: stud horse, stallion (adult male horse kept for breeding)
padrote {adj} :: augmentative of padre
padrote {m} :: augmentative of padre
padrote {m} :: protector, master, patron
padrote {m} [Central America, Colombia] :: stud horse, stallion (adult male horse kept for breeding)
padrote {m} [Central America, Mexico] :: pimp (prostitution solicitor)
Padua {prop} :: Padua (capital city)
Padua {prop} :: Padua (province)
Padua {prop} :: surname
padyak {m} :: rickshaw
paella {f} :: paella
paellera {f} :: paellera
paf {interj} :: bang!
pág {f} :: abbreviation of página p (page)
paga {f} :: payment
paga {f} :: payoff
paga {f} :: salary
pagable {adj} :: payable
pagadero {adj} :: to be paid under certain conditions
pagadero {adj} :: payable
pagadero {m} :: payer
pagado {adj} :: paid
pagador {adj} :: paying
pagador {m} :: payer
pagafantas {mf} [Spain, slang] :: friend-zonee, nice guy, orbiter (someone stuck in the friend zone)
págalo {m} :: skua
págalo ártico {m} :: Arctic skua (seabird)
págalo grande {m} :: great skua
págalo parásito {m} :: Arctic skua (seabird)
pagana {f} :: feminine noun of pagano
paganismo {m} :: paganism
pagano {adj} :: pagan
pagano {m} :: pagan
pagapensiones {mf} [pejorative, Spain] :: delinquent and criminal immigrant
pagar {v} :: to pay
pagar {v} :: to pay for
pagar a escote {v} [idiomatic] :: to go Dutch; to split the bill
pagar a tocateja {v} [idiom] :: to pay a lot of money in cash
pagaré {m} :: promissory note, IOU
pagar el pato {v} [idiomatic] :: To bear the brunt; to take the rap
pagar los platos rotos {v} [idiomatic] :: to carry the can
pagarse {v} :: reflexive of pagar
pagaza {f} :: Any of a number of species of terns
pagaza elegante {f} :: elegant tern (Thalasseus elegans)
pagaza piconegra {f} :: gull-billed tern (Gelochelidon nilotica)
pagaza piquirroja {f} :: Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia)
pagaza real {f} :: royal tern (Thalasseus maximus)
page {m} :: page, pageboy
página {f} :: page
paginación {f} :: pagination
página de inicio {f} :: home page
paginar {v} :: to paginate
página web {f} :: web page
pago {m} :: pay, payment
pago {m} :: estate [of a vineyard or olive farm]
pagoda {f} :: pagoda
pagro {m} :: porgy
paguita {f} :: diminutive of paga
paiche {m} :: the arapaima (Arapaima gigas)
paico {m} [Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru] :: epazote
paico {m} [Chile] :: euphemism for pico (penis), usually used in the phrase "pal pico" (meaning "in a very bad situation")
paidofilia {f} :: alternative spelling of pedofilia
paidófilo {adj} :: alternative form of pedófilo
paidófilo {m} :: alternative form of pedófilo
paila {f} :: paila (large bowl)
pailebot {m} :: alternative spelling of pailebote
pailebote {m} [nautical] :: a small schooner
pailebote {m} [nautical] :: pilot boat
Paine {prop} :: A town, mountain, and park in Chile
paíño {m} :: storm petrel
paintball {m} :: paintball
paiquil {m} :: orange-ball-tree
país {m} :: country (the territory of a nation)
país {m} :: country, land (a set region of land having particular human occupation or agreed limits)
paisa {m} [Latin America, slang] :: Someone from a rural or rustic area
paisa {m} [Latin America, slang] :: A Chinese immigrant
paisa {m} [Colombia, colloquial] :: Someone from the Paisa Region of northwest Colombia
paisa {m} [Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, colloquial] :: Someone from any place in Colombia
paisa {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial] :: Someone from Nicaragua
paisa {m} :: paisa (a hundredth of a rupee or a taka)
paisaje {m} :: landscape (the view of an area of land)
paisaje {m} :: countryside
paisajismo {m} :: landscape painting
paisajismo {m} :: landscaping
paisajismo urbano {m} :: landscape gardening
paisajista {mf} :: landscaper
paisajísticamente {adv} :: regarding the landscape; in terms of views
paisajístico {adj} :: landscape [attributive]
paisana {f} :: feminine noun of paisano
paisanaje {m} :: collection of persons from the same original country/location
paisanito {m} :: diminutive of paisano
paisano {m} :: a fellow countryman
paisano {m} :: a peasant (someone who lives in the countryside)
paisano {m} [Jewish] :: a fellow Jew
país en vías de desarrollo {m} :: developing country
Países Bajos {prop} {mp} :: Países Bajos (country)
Países Catalanes {prop} {mp} :: Catalan Countries
paisito {m} :: diminutive of país
país miembro {m} :: member country
paisuchito {m} :: diminutive of paisucho
paisucho {m} :: pejorative of país
País Vasco {prop} {m} :: País Vasco (autonomous community)
Paita {prop} :: Paita (province)
Paita {prop} :: Paita (city/provincial capital)
paiute {adj} :: Paiute
paiute {mf} :: Paiute
paja {f} [countable] :: straw (dried stalk of a cereal plant)
paja {f} [uncountable] :: straw (dried stalks considered collectively)
paja {f} :: A drinking straw
paja {f} [slang] :: wank, handjob, masturbation
paja {f} [colloquial, countable, Guatemala, El Salvador] :: lie, falsehood
paja {f} [colloquial, uncountable, Colombia] :: bullshit, lies, falsehoods
paja {f} [Peruvian Spanish] :: very good, great, excellent
paja {f} [vulgar, uncountable, Argentina, Chile] :: laziness, tiredness, fatigue
pajar {m} :: haystack
pájara {f} :: bird
pájara {f} :: paper bird; origami bird
pájara {f} :: kite (flying toy)
pájara {f} :: collapse; hit the wall (of a cyclist)
pajarear {vi} :: to be distracted, be absentminded, have one's head in the clouds, daydream
pajarear {vi} :: to go birding, to go birdwatching
pajarera {f} :: coop or large cage for birds
pajarera {f} :: very small room or house
pajarero {m} :: birdcatcher
pajarero {m} :: bird seller
pajarero {adj} [attributive] :: bird
Pajares {prop} :: surname
pajaril {adj} [attributive] :: bird; ornithic, avine
pajarillo {m} :: diminutive of pájaro
pajarita {f} :: feminine noun of pajarito, a small bird
pajarita {f} :: an origami (piece of art made by folding paper)
pajarita {f} :: a bowtie, bow tie (most commonly used in Spain, Cuba, Mexico but also used in other parts of countries regionally)
pajarita {f} [Louisiana] :: butterfly
pajarito {m} :: diminutive of pájaro, birdie
pajarito {m} [slang, euphemistic] :: penis
pajarito {m} :: packsaddle for a mule or burro
Pajarito {prop} {m} :: surname
pájaro {m} :: bird (usually a small bird capable of flying)
pájaro {m} [Dominican Republic, Cuba, slang] :: homosexual
pájaro {m} [colloquial, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela] :: penis
pájaro {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: person of questionable or shady character, or involved in dubious affairs
pájaro carpintero {m} :: woodpecker
pájaro de mal agüero {m} [idiom] :: bird of ill omen
pajarón {adj} [colloquial, Chile, Peru] :: absentminded, distracted, scatty
pajarón {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid
pajarón {m} [Chile, Peru] :: a person, who pays no attention, an absentminded, distracted person, a daydreamer
pajarona {f} :: feminine noun of pajarón
pajaronear {vi} [colloquial, South America] :: to be distracted, be absentminded, have one's head in the clouds, daydream
pajaroneo {m} [South America] :: absent-mindedness
pajarraca {f} [colloquial] :: fuss
paja toquilla {f} :: The fiber of the Panama hat palm, Carludovica palmata
paja-toquilla {f} :: alternative spelling of paja toquilla
paje {m} :: page, pageboy
paje {m} :: cabin boy
pajear {vt} :: to masturbate someone
pajearse {vi} :: to masturbate (oneself)
pajecillo {m} :: diminutive of paje
pajero {m} :: Itinerant straw seller
pajero {m} [Nicaragua] :: plumber
pajero {m} [Central America] :: One who speaks nonsense
pajero {m} [El Salvador, colloquial] :: liar
pajero {m} [Latin America, colloquial, vulgar, pejorative] :: wanker, tosser (someone who wanks)
pajero {m} :: idiot (a stupid, annoying or ineffectual person)
pajero {m} :: bum, lazy ass
pajilla {f} [Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica] :: A drinking straw
pajilla {f} [vulgar, slang, Spain] :: wank, handjob, masturbation
pajillero {m} [colloquial, vulgar, pejorative] :: wanker, tosser, jerkoff (someone who masturbates)
pajita {f} :: diminutive of paja
pajita {f} :: drinking straw [Spain]
pajizo {adj} :: covered or made of straw
pajizo {adj} :: yellowish, straw (color)
pajonal {m} :: scrubland, brushland
pajoso {adj} :: strawlike
pajoso {adj} :: full of straw
pajote {m} :: mulch
pajúo {adj} [Venezuela] :: idiotic
pajúo {m} [Venezuela] :: idiot, cretin
paki {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: Pakistani
paki {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: Paki shop
Pakistán {prop} {m} :: Pakistan
pakistaní {adj} :: Pakistani
pakistaní {mf} :: Pakistani
pa'l {contraction} :: contraction of para el
pal {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of para (for) + el (the)
pala {f} :: shovel, spade
pala {f} :: blade of an oar, a shovel, etc
pala {f} [shoemaking] :: upper, vamp
pala {f} :: setting (piece of metal in which a precious gem is fixed)
pala {f} :: paddle
palabra {f} :: word
palabra {f} :: wording
palabra {f} :: word (promise)
palabra clave {f} :: keyword, key word
palabra clave {f} [cryptography] :: codeword
palabra compuesta {f} :: compound word
palabra de honor {adj} :: strapless
palabra mágica {f} :: magic word, spell
palabras mayores {fp} [idiom] :: something else; another level
palabrear {v} [Chile] :: to insult
palabreja {f} :: a strange or weird word
palabrería {f} :: claptrap (empty verbiage or nonsense)
palabrerío {m} :: claptrap (empty verbiage or nonsense)
palabrero {adj} :: wordy
palabrilla {f} :: diminutive of palabra
palabrita {f} :: diminutive of palabra
palabro {m} :: swear word
palabro {m} :: nonsense word; nonce word
palabrota {f} :: offensive word, swear word, swear
palacete {m} :: small palace, mansion, villa
palacial {adj} :: palatial (of or relating to a palace)
palaciegamente {adv} :: palatially
palaciego {adj} :: palatial (of or relating to a palace)
palaciego {m} :: courtier
palacio {m} :: palace
palacio {m} :: mansion
Palacios {prop} {m} :: surname
palada {f} :: A strike with a spade
paladar {m} :: palate (roof of the mouth, and sense of taste)
paladar {m} :: A small family-run restaurant in a Cuban home
paladar hendido {m} :: cleft palate
paladeable {adj} :: tasteable, savourable
paladear {v} :: to savor
paladear {v} :: to taste
paladear {v} :: to cleanse the palate
pala de dientes {f} [Asturias] :: pitchfork
paladín {m} :: paladin
paladín {m} :: defender, champion, forerunner
paladina {f} :: female equivalent of paladín
paladinamente {adv} :: publicly
paladio {m} :: palladium
paladión {f} :: palladium
palado {adj} [heraldry] :: paly
palafítico {adj} [attributive] :: stilts
palafito {m} :: stilt house
Palafox {prop} :: surname
palafrén {m} :: palfrey
palafrenera {f} :: feminine noun of palafrenero
palafrenero {m} :: palfreyman
palagonita {f} [geology] :: palagonite
palanca {f} :: lever
palanca {f} :: leverage, influence
palanca {f} :: joystick
palanca {f} :: handle (on a toilet)
palanca {f} :: diving board, springboard
palanca {f} [football] :: chip, chipped shot
palanca de cambios {f} :: gear stick, gear lever
palanca de mando {f} :: joystick
palanca de marchas {f} :: gear stick, gear lever
palangana {f} :: bowl, washbowl, vat
palangre {f} [fishing] :: longline
palangre {f} [Venezuela] :: A bribe made to a newspaper to publish a biased story
palangrero {m} [fishing] :: longline fishing boat
palangrero {m} [fishing] :: longline fisherman
palangrista {adj} [Venezuela, of a newspaper] :: That takes bribes to publish biased information
palanqueo {m} :: leverage
palanqueta {f} :: crowbar
palanqueta {f} [Cuba, Mexico] :: cereal bar
palanquilla {f} :: diminutive of palanca
palanquín {m} :: palanquin (a type of covered litter)
pa' lante {adv} [colloquial] :: contraction of para adelante; forward
Palao {prop} :: surname
Palaos {prop} :: Palau (Republic of Palau)
palapa {f} :: palapa
palasita {f} :: alternative form of pallasita
palatabilidad {f} :: palatability
palatal {adj} :: palatal
palatal {f} :: palatal
palatalización {f} :: palatalization
palatalizar {vt} [phonetics] :: to palatalize (to pronounce a sound with the tongue against the palate)
palatalizar {vir} [phonetics] :: to palatalize (to be pronounced with the tongue against the palate)
palatino {adj} :: palatine
palatino {adj} :: palatial (of or relating to a palace)
palatización {f} :: palatalization
palauano {adj} :: Palauan
palauano {m} :: Palauan
palavolo {f} :: volleyball
palawan {m} :: Palawan
palazo {m} :: A hit or blow with a stick
palazzo {m} :: palazzo (palatial urban building in Italy)
palco {m} :: (theater) box
palco {m} :: bench
palé {m} :: pallet
pálea {f} :: palea
paleador {m} :: shoveler; someone who uses a shovel
paleador {m} [baseball] :: batter
paleadora {f} :: feminine noun of paleador
palear {v} :: to shovel
paleártico {adj} :: palearctic
Palencia {prop} {f} :: Palencia (province)
Palencia {prop} {f} :: Palencia (city)
Paleno {prop} {m} :: surname
palenque {m} :: palisade
palenque {m} :: pit (miniature arena for cockfighting)
Palenque {prop} :: Palenque
palenquero {m} :: Palenquero
palentino {adj} :: From Palencia
palentino {m} :: Someone from Palencia
paleoambiental {adj} :: paleoenvironmental
paleoambiente {m} :: paleoenvironment
paleoantropología {f} :: paleoanthropology
paleoantropológico {adj} :: paleoanthropological
paleoantropólogo {m} :: paleoanthropologist
paleoartista {mf} :: paleoartist
paleobiogeografía {f} :: paleobiogeography
paleobióloga {f} :: feminine noun of paleobiólogo
paleobiología {f} :: paleobiology
paleobiólogo {m} :: paleobiologist
paleobotánica {f} :: paleobotany
paleobotánico {adj} :: paleobotanical
paleoclima {m} [geology] :: paleoclimate
paleocristiano {adj} :: paleochristian
paleoecología {f} :: paleoecology
paleoecológico {adj} :: paleoecological
paleoeuropeo {adj} :: Paleo-European
paleógeno {adj} :: Paleogene
paleogeografía {f} :: paleogeography
paleogeográfico {adj} :: paleogeographical
paleognato {m} :: paleognath
paleógrafa {f} :: paleographer
paleografía {f} :: paleography
paleográfico {adj} :: paleographic
paleógrafo {m} :: paleographer
paleohispánico {adj} :: Paleohispanic
paleoindio {adj} :: Paleoindian
paleolítico {adj} :: paleolithic
paleólogo {m} :: paleologist
paleontóloga {f} :: feminine noun of paleontólogo
paleontología {f} :: paleontology
paleontológico {adj} :: paleontological
paleontólogo {m} :: paleontologist
paleopatológico {adj} :: paleopathological
paleozoico {adj} :: Paleozoic
paleozoico {m} :: Paleozoic
paleozoología {f} :: paleozoology
palera {f} :: feminine noun of palero
palermitano {adj} :: Of or from Palermo
palermitano {m} :: Someone from Palermo
palero {m} :: A person who works with a spade, shovel, bat or paddle in various ways
palero {m} :: A vendor
palero {m} :: A gardener
palero {m} :: A stoker or shoveller (in the engine room)
palero {m} :: A cleaner
palero {m} [Mexico] :: shill (accomplice of a con artist)
palero {m} :: wild asparagus
palero {m} :: pigweed
palestina {f} :: feminine noun of palestino
Palestina {prop} {f} :: Palestine
palestino {adj} :: Palestinian
palestino {m} :: Palestinian
palestino {m} :: foulard
palestra {f} [historical] :: palaestra
palet {m} :: pallet
paleta {f} :: diminutive of pala
paleta {f} :: trowel, small shovel
paleta {f} :: lollipop, paleta
paleta {f} :: ice lolly, paleta
paleta {f} :: palette
paleta {f} :: feminine noun of paleto
paletada {f} :: trowel
paletada {f} :: trowelful
paletada {f} :: spadeful
paletada {f} :: spatula
paletada {f} :: sail, blade
paletada {f} :: palette
paletada {f} :: incisor (tooth)
paletada {f} :: hit with a spade or shovel
paletería {f} :: An ice lolly vendor
paletilla {f} :: diminutive of paleta
paletismo {m} :: ignorance, tastelessness
paletizar {v} :: To palletize
paleto {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: uncouth, ignorant, unsophisticated, tasteless, illiterate, clumsy, country bumpkin
paleto {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: hick, yokel, hillbilly (illiterate person, clumsy with no style or manners, an unskilled peasant)
paletón {m} [El Salvador] :: pleat (on a pair of pants or a skirt)
palguín {m} :: orange-ball-tree
paliacate {m} [Mexico] :: a brightly colored scarf or handkerchief
paliación {f} :: palliation (temporary relief)
paliar {vt} :: to palliate, alleviate
paliativo {adj} [medicine] :: palliative
paliativo {m} [medicine] :: palliative
paliatorio {adj} :: palliative
pálida {f} [colloquial, Chile, Argentina] :: pallor, paleness (due to drug abuse or sickness)
pálidamente {adv} :: palely
palidecer {vi} :: to pale, to become pale
palidez {f} :: paleness
palidísimo {adj} :: superlative of pálido
pálido {adj} :: ashen
pálido {adj} :: pale
paliducho {adj} :: pale-looking
palier {m} [mechanics] :: bearing
palilalia {f} :: palilalia
palillo {m} :: toothpick
palillo {m} :: chopstick (single eating utensil)
palillo {m} :: diminutive of palo: small stick
palillo {m} :: very thin person
palillo de cóctel {m} :: cocktail stick
palillona {f} [Honduras] :: majorette
palimpsesto {m} :: palimpsest
palín {m} :: A traditional Mapuche game similar to hockey
palindrómico {adj} :: palindromic
palíndromo {m} :: palindrome
palingenésico {adj} :: palingenesic
palinodia {f} :: palinode
palinología {f} :: palynology
palinspástico {adj} :: palinspastic
palio {m} :: pallium
palique {m} :: short humorous article
palique {m} :: chitchat
paliquear {v} :: to natter; to chit-chat
palisandro {m} :: Any of a number of uninteresting trees. See w:es:Palisandro for more details
palista {mf} :: paddler
palista {mf} :: A pelota paleta player
palita {f} :: diminutive of pala
palito {m} :: diminutive of palo
palito {m} :: stick (of a lollipop, ice pop, popsicle)
palito {m} :: twig, little wooden stick or rod
palito {m} [Caribbean] :: cinnamon tea beverage
palito {m} [colloquial, euphemistic, Mexico] :: sexual intercourse
palitroque {f} :: small stick
palitroque {f} :: banderilla
paliza {f} :: beating, bashing
palizada {f} :: palisade
palizón {m} [colloquial] :: hit, whack
palladiana {f} :: feminine noun of palladiano
palladianismo {m} :: Palladian architecture
palladiano {adj} :: Palladian
palladiano {m} :: Palladian
pallar {m} :: lima bean
pallar {v} [mineralogy] :: to extract
Pallasca {prop} :: Pallasca (province)
Pallasca {prop} :: Pallasca (district)
pallasita {f} [geology] :: pallasite
palloza {f} :: a house with thatched conical roof and circular plant, typical of the highlands of eastern Galicia
palma {f} :: palm of the hand
palma {f} :: palm tree
palma {f} :: palm leaf
palma aceitera {f} :: oil palm
palmada {f} :: slap (a blow with the palm of the hand)
palmada {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: clap (the act of striking the palms of the hands together)
palmadamente {adv} :: palmately
palma de la mano {f} :: palm (inner, concave part of hand)
Palma de Mallorca {prop} {f} :: Palma de Mallorca (city)
palmadita {f} :: diminutive of palmada
palmar {adj} :: related to palms (hand and tree); palmar
palmar {m} :: palm grove
palmar {v} [colloquial] :: to die
palmarés {m} :: list of winners or champions, prize list
palmariamente {adv} :: plainly, clearly
palmario {adj} :: clear, obvious, blatant
palmarla {v} [colloquial] :: to croak, snuff it (die)
palmatoria {f} :: cane (short stick used for corporal punishment)
palmatoria {f} :: a hit with the cane
palmatoria {f} :: a type of candlestick
palmear {vi} :: to clap
palmear {vt} :: to slap on the back
palmense {adj} :: Of or from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
palmense {mf} :: Someone from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
palmera {f} :: palm (tree)
palmera {f} :: palmier (pastry)
palmeral {m} :: palm tree wood or plantation
palmero {m} :: Someone who claps rhythmically in flamenco performances
palmero {adj} :: Of or pertaining to La Palma
palmero {m} :: Someone from La Palma
palmero {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: A unconditional fan or admirer; toadeater, sycophant, toady
palmesano {adj} :: Of or from Palma de Mallorca
palmesano {m} :: Someone from Palma de Mallorca
palmeta {f} :: cane (for hitting), slapper
palmetazo {m} :: strike with a cane
palmicultor {adj} [attributive] :: palm tree
palmicultor {m} :: palm tree growers
palmilla {f} :: insole
Palmilla {prop} {m} :: Palmilla (city)
palmillano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Palmilla
palmípedo {adj} :: palmipedous
palmípedo {m} :: palmiped
Palmira {prop} :: Palmira (<<ancient>> Semitic <<city>> in modern <<c/Syria>>)
palmireno {adj} :: Palmyrene
palmireno {m} :: Palmyrene
palmita {f} :: palmita
palmita {f} :: diminutive of palma
palmitato {m} :: palmitate
palmítico {adj} :: palmitic
palmito {m} :: heart of palm
palmitoiltransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: palmitoyltransferase
palmo {m} :: span; handspan
palmo {m} :: inch; inkling (small amount)
palmo a palmo {adv} [idiomatic] :: step by step
palmotear {vi} :: to applaud
palo {m} :: stake, stick, wood
palo {m} [card games] :: suit
palo {m} [heraldiccharge] :: pale
palo {m} :: hit, blow, strike (especially, with a stick)
palo {m} [figurative] :: blow
palo {m} [nautical] :: mast (a tall, slim post or tower used to support the sails on a ship)
palo {m} [sports] :: post; goalpost; woodwork
palo {m} [historical] :: execution by hanging or beheading
palo {m} [music] :: style (of flamenco)
palo {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: tree
palo {m} [slang, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] :: shot (a small serving of alcoholic spirits)
palo {m} [vulgar, Latin America] :: penis
palo de agua {m} [Venezuela, idiom] :: downpour
palo de golf {m} :: golf club
paloma {f} :: dove, pigeon
paloma {f} [Central America, Venezuela] :: penis
Paloma {prop} {f} :: given name
paloma mensajera {f} :: homing pigeon
palomar {m} :: dovecot, dovecote
Palomares {prop} :: surname
paloma torcaz {f} :: common wood pigeon
palo mayor {m} :: mainmast
palomera {f} :: feminine noun of palomero
palomero {m} :: pigeon hunter
palometa {f} :: dropwort
palomilla {f} :: wing nut
palomilla {f} :: a mixture of water and anise liquor
palomilla {f} :: (piece of) popcorn
palomilla {f} :: white horse
palomilla {f} :: ball bearing
palomilla {f} :: sirloin (cut of beef)
palomilla {f} :: gutter hanger
palomilla {f} [Guatemala, Mexico] :: clique; club;. band (of people with a similar hobby)
palomilla {f} [Honduras, Mexico, Panama] :: gang (of criminals, thugs etc.)
palomilla {f} [Honduras, Mexico] :: gang (of youths)
palomilla {f} [Cuba, Panama] :: clique; club;. band (of people with a similar hobby)
palomilla {f} :: white horse; whitecap (wave)
palomilla {f} :: feminine noun of palomillo
palomilla {f} :: Any of a number of butterflies and plants
palomilla {f} :: Indianmeal moth (Plodia interpunctella)
palomilla {f} :: green oak tortrix (Tortrix viridana)
palomilla {f} :: fumitory (Fumaria)
palomilla {f} :: dyer's alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria)
palomilla {f} :: European columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris)
palomilla {f} :: ivy-leaved toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis)
palomilla {f} :: alpine toadflax (Linaria alpina)
palomino {m} :: palomino
palomino {m} :: squab (baby pigeon, baby dove, dove chick)
palomino {m} :: skid mark (visible stain left on underpants)
palomino {m} :: pigeon droppings
palomita {f} :: diminutive of paloma, little dove
palomita {f} :: popcorn (from its resemblance in appearance to doves)
palomita {f} [Peru] :: penis
palomo {m} :: male dove, male pigeon, cock pigeon
palomo {m} [vulgar, Dominican Republic, slang] :: coward, no-good
palosanto {m} :: Any of a number of trees
palo seco {adj} :: sans serif
palotada {f} :: blow with a stick
palote {m} :: downstroke
palote {m} :: beanpole
paloteo {m} :: stick dance
palotino {adj} :: Pallottine
palotino {m} :: Pallottine
Palpa {prop} :: Palpa (province)
Palpa {prop} :: Palpa (town/provincial capital)
palpable {adj} :: palpable
palpablemente {adv} :: palpably
palpación {f} :: palpation
palpador {m} :: A kind of sensor
palpar {v} :: to feel
palpebral {adj} :: palpebral
palpitación {f} :: palpitation
palpitante {adj} :: throbbing, pulsing
palpitar {v} :: to palpitate
palpite {m} :: hunch
pálpito {m} :: hunch
palpo {m} :: palp; palpus
palquín de Chile {m} :: orange-ball-tree
palquista {mf} :: burglar who enters through a window or balcony
palquito {m} :: diminutive of palco
palta {f} [Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay] :: avocado (fruit)
palta {adj} [Peru] :: embarrasing, fear
palto {m} [Chile, Argentina] :: avocado (tree)
paltó {m} :: paletot; overcoat
paltón {m} [slang, Chile] :: snob
paltona {f} :: feminine noun of paltón
paludal {adj} :: paludal, palustral
palude {f} :: rare form of paúl
palúdico {adj} :: palustral
palúdico {adj} [medicine] :: malarial
paludismo {m} :: malaria (disease)
paluego {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: food debris between the teeth
palurda {f} :: feminine noun of palurdo
palurdo {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: boring, uncouth, ignorant, unsophisticated, tasteless, illiterate, clumsy (related to peasants)
palurdo {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: hick, yokel (illiterate person, clumsy with no style or manners, an unskilled peasant)
palustre {adj} :: palustral
pama {adj} :: Paman
pambacería {f} :: A bakery that sells pambazo
pambazo {m} :: pambazo, a Mexican baguette of white bread used for making sandwiches
pambol {m} [colloquial, derogatory, Mexico] :: soccer
pambolera {f} :: feminine noun of pambolero
pambolero {adj} [Mexico] :: footballing; football
pambolero {m} [Mexico] :: footballer
pame {adj} :: Pame
pame {mf} :: Pame
pamela {f} :: A type of straw hat with large brim, typically worn by women
Pamir {prop} {m} :: Pamir (range)
pampa {f} :: pampa
pampanga {f} :: feminine noun of pampango
pampango {adj} :: Kapampangan
pampango {m} :: Kapampangan (people)
pampango {m} :: Kapampangan (language)
pámpano {m} :: shoot of a vine
pampeano {adj} :: Pampan
pampeano {m} :: Pampan
pampera {f} :: feminine noun of pampero
pampero {adj} :: Of or from the pampas
pampero {m} :: An inhabitant of the pampas
pampero {m} :: pampero (wind)
pámpido {m} :: A person from the Pampas
pampiniforme {adj} [anatomy] :: pampiniform
pamplina {f} :: nonsense
pamplinada {f} :: trifle (insignificant amount)
Pamplona {prop} {f} :: Pamplona
pamplonés {adj} :: From Pamplona
pamplonés {m} :: Someone from Pamplona
pamplonica {adj} :: of or from Pamplona
pamplonica {mf} :: Someone from Pamplona
pampsiquismo {m} :: panpsychism
pamú {mf} :: A member of the Pamu tribe in Equatorial Guinea
pan- {prefix} :: pan-
pan {m} :: bread
pan {m} :: bun (e.g. the kinds used for a hamburger or hot dog)
pan {m} [figurative] :: money, dough
pan {m} [figurative] :: work, job
PAN {prop} [Mexico] :: initialism of Partido Acción Nacional
PAN {prop} [Guatemala] :: initialism of Partido de Avanzada Nacional
pana {f} :: breakdown (of vehicle)
pana {f} :: velour, corduroy
pana {f} [Puerto Rico] :: breadfruit
pana {f} [Puerto Rico, Venezuelan, Ecuador, slang] :: dude, friend
pana {f} [Chile] :: liver (used as food)
panacea {f} :: panacea
pan ácimo {m} :: unleavened bread
panadera {f} :: feminine noun of panadero
panadería {f} :: bakery
panadero {m} :: baker (person who bakes and sells bread, etc)
panafricanismo {m} :: Pan-Africanism
panafricanista {mf} :: a supporter of Pan-Africanism
panafricano {adj} :: Pan-African
panal {m} [bees] :: honeycomb
pañal {m} :: diaper, nappy
pañalera {f} :: diaper bag; nappy bag
panalillo {m} :: sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima)
pañalillo {m} :: Little nappy (diminutive of pañal)
panamá {m} :: Panama hat
Panamá {prop} {m} :: Panamá (country)
Panamá {prop} {m} :: Panamá (province)
panameñismo {m} :: patriotism for Panama
panameñismo {m} :: A word of saying found predominately in Panamanian Spanish
panameñista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Partido Panameñista, a Panamanian political party
panameñista {mf} :: A member of the Partido Panameñista
panameño {adj} :: Panamanian
panameño {m} :: Panamanian
panamericanismo {m} :: Pan-Americanism
panamericano {adj} :: Pan-American
panapén {m} [Puerto Rico] :: breadfruit
panárabe {adj} :: pan-Arab
panarabismo {m} :: pan-Arabism
panarra {m} :: bat (winged mammal)
panarra {m} [colloquial] :: simpleton
panatela {f} :: a long thin biscuit
panatela {f} :: a long thin cigar
panatenaico {adj} :: Panathenaic
panca {f} [Andes] :: dried maize leaf
pancarta {f} :: banner (large sign)
pancartilla {f} :: diminutive of pancarta
pancatalanismo {m} :: pan-Catalanism
panceta {f} :: Cured bacon
Panchatantra {prop} :: Panchatantra
Panchen Lama {m} :: Panchen Lama
panchería {f} [Uruguay, Argentina] :: hot dog stand, hot dog joint
panchito {m} :: diminutive of pancho
panchito {m} :: fried peanut seed, usually with salt
panchito {m} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, slang] :: a Hispanic person from the Americas
pancho {adj} :: calm, relaxed
pancho {adj} :: satisfied
pancho {m} :: young blackspot sea bream
pancho {m} [colloquial] :: belly
pancho {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: hot dog
Pancho {prop} [colloquial] :: given name
pancista {adj} :: opportunist
pancista {mf} :: opportunist
pancita {f} :: diminutive of panza
pancita {f} :: tripe (food)
pancita de res {f} :: cow tripe
pancito {m} :: diminutive of pan
panco {m} :: A cabotage vessel formerly used in the Philippines
pan comido {m} [idiomatic] :: cinch, a piece of cake, a cakewalk, a breeze, a slam dunk, a no-brainer, duck soup, a walk in the park, a walkover, a picnic (something easy to do)
pan comido {m} [idiomatic] :: easy as pie, easy-peasy [adjectival noun]
pan con pan, comida de tontos {phrase} :: Merging very similar things or doing always the same thing is boring and unsatisfactory
pancracio {m} :: pankration
Pancracio {prop} {m} :: Pancras
páncreas {m} [anatomy] :: pancreas
pancreático {adj} :: pancreatic
pancreaticoduodenal {adj} [anatomy] :: pancreaticoduodenal
pancreatitis {f} [pathology] :: pancreatitis
pancreatoduodenal {adj} :: pancreatoduodenal
pancrelipasa {f} [enzyme] :: pancrelipase
pancromático {adj} :: panchromatic
panda {f} :: [colloquial, collective] gang, bunch
panda {m} :: panda
panda rojo {m} :: red panda
pandear {v} :: to bend
pandear {v} :: to be inclined
pandear {v} :: to bulge out
pan de Dios {m} [idiomatic, Argentina, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Uruguay] :: A kindhearted, benevolent person
pandeiro {m} :: pandeiro
pandeísmo {m} :: pandeism
pandeísta {mf} :: pandeist
pandemia {f} :: pandemic
pandémico {adj} :: pandemic
pan de molde {m} :: sandwich bread
pandemónium {m} :: pandemonium
pan de oro {m} :: gold leaf
pandera {f} :: tambourine
pandereta {f} :: tambourine
pandero {m} :: tambourine (percussion instrument consisting of a small hoop closed on one side with a drum frame and featuring jingling metal disks on the tread)
pan de sal {m} :: pandesal (bread)
pandilla {f} :: gang
pandillera {f} :: feminine noun of pandillero
pandilleril {adj} [attributive] :: gang
pandillerismo {m} :: gangsterism
pandillero {m} :: gangster (member of a gang or group)
pandillismo {m} :: gang violence
pandillita {f} :: diminutive of pandilla
pandina {f} :: feminine noun of pandino
pandino {adj} :: Of or from the department of Pando Department, Bolivia
pandino {m} :: An inhabitant of the department of Pando Department, Bolivia
pando {adj} :: crooked, bent
pando {adj} :: shallow (water)
pando {adj} :: sluggish, slow (moving slowly)
pando {adj} [El Salvador] :: unlucky (having bad luck)
pando {m} :: plane (open flat land between mountains)
Pando {prop} :: Pando (department)
Pandora {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Pandora
pan dulce {m} [Mexico] :: Mexican sweet bread [also called this in most other countries except for southern South America]
pan dulce {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: panettone
panecillo {m} :: diminutive of pan
panegírico {adj} :: panegyric
panegírico {m} :: panegyric
panegirista {mf} :: panegyrist
panel {m} :: panel
panela {f} :: panela (solid piece of unrefined sugar)
panelero {adj} :: of or pertaining to panela
panelista {mf} :: panelist
panenteísmo {m} :: panentheism
paneo {m} :: panorama, panning
panera {f} :: breadbasket
panera {f} :: garner, granary
pañería {f} :: drapes
pañería {f} :: drapery
panero {m} :: A basket used in a bakery to place bread being taken out of the oven
panero {m} :: A small, round mat
panero {adj} [of a person] :: who has a great liking for bread
pañero {m} :: draper, clothier, dry-goods dealer
pañero {adj} [attributive] :: textile, cloth
paneslavismo {m} :: Pan-Slavism
panetela {f} [Cuba] :: pound cake
panetela {f} :: variant form of panatela
panetón {m} :: panettone
paneuropeo {adj} :: Pan-European
Panfilia {prop} :: Pamphylia
pánfilo {adj} :: slow of understanding: dull, naive
panfletaria {f} :: feminine noun of panfletario
panfletario {adj} :: propagandist
panfletario {m} :: propagandist
panfletillo {m} :: diminutive of panfleto
panfleto {m} :: pamphlet (but of a political, often defamatory, nature)
panga {f} [Latin America] :: panga (small inflatable motorboat used in Latin America)
panga {f} [Spain] :: swai, iridescent shark (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)
panga {f} [fish] :: torpedo scad (Pterogymnus laniarius)
Pangasinense {n} :: the Pangasinense language, spoken in the Philippines, in particular, Pangasinan, northern Tarlac, and southwestern La Union, both located north of Metro Manila in the island of Luzon in the Philippines
Pangasinense {n} :: One of the native speakers of the Pangasinense language
Pangasinense {n} :: the Pangasinense people, in particular, the natives of Pangasinan, northern Tarlac, and southwestern La Union in the island of Luzon in the Philippines
Pangasinense {adj} :: pertaining to the Pangasinense language or its speakers
Pangea {prop} {f} :: Pangaea
pangermana {f} :: feminine noun of pangermano
pangermano {m} :: Pan-German
panglosiano {adj} :: Panglossian
pangolín {m} :: pangolin
pangrama {m} :: pangram
pangue {m} :: giant rhubarb
panhelénico {adj} :: Panhellenic
panhelenismo {m} :: panhellenism
panhipopituitarismo {m} [pathology] :: panhypopituitarism
panhispánico {adj} :: pan-Hispanic
pañí {m} [slang] :: water
paniaguarse {v} :: to make friends; buddy up
pánico {adj} :: pertaining to the good Pan
pánico {adj} :: panic (of fear, fright etc.)
pánico {m} :: panic
pánico {m} :: fear, fright
panícula {f} :: panicle
paniculada {f} :: panicle
panículo {m} :: panniculus
panificación {f} :: breadmaking
panificador {m} :: bread maker
panificadora {f} :: feminine noun of panificador
panificadora {f} :: (industrial) bakery
pañil {m} :: orange-ball-tree
pan integral {m} :: wholemeal bread
panismo {m} :: The political beliefs and ideologies of the Partido Acción Nacional
panista {adj} :: of or relating to PAN, a Mexican political party
panista {mf} :: A supporter or member of PAN, a Mexican political party
pañito {m} :: diminutive of paño
Panixtlahuaca {prop} :: Panixtlahuaca (placename)
panizo {m} :: millet
panizo {m} :: maize; corn
pañizuelo {m} :: synonym of pañuelo
panko {m} :: panko
paño {m} :: cloth
paño {m} :: wipe
paño {m} [Mexico] :: rebozo
panocha {f} :: corncob
panocha {f} :: ear of grain
panocha {f} [botany] :: panicle
panocha {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile] :: pancake made of cornmeal and cheese
panocha {f} [Mexico] :: coarse brown sugar
panocha {f} [vulgar, Cuba, Central America, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela] :: pussy (vagina)
panocho {m} :: The dialect of Spanish spoken in Murcia
paño de cocina {m} :: dishcloth
paño de lágrimas {m} [idiomatic] :: shoulder to cry on
panoja {f} :: alternative form of panocha
pañol {m} [nautical] :: store, storeroom, locker
pañolada {f} :: The act of waving a white handkerchief at an event, especially a football game or a bullfight, as a form of protest
pañoleta {f} :: neckerchief
panoli {mf} [colloquial, Spain] :: dimwit, sucker
pañolillo {m} :: diminutive of pañol
pañolito {m} :: diminutive of pañol
pañolón {m} :: shawl
panonia {f} :: feminine noun of panonio
Panonia {prop} {f} :: Pannonia
panonio {adj} :: Pannonian (of or pertaining to the historical region of Pannonia)
panonio {m} :: Pannonian (native or resident of the historical region of Pannonia)
panoplia {f} :: panoply (of armor)
panoplia {f} :: panoply (of arms)
panoplia {f} :: range; panoply
panóptico {m} :: panopticon (hypothetical prison wherein all the cells are visible from the centre of the building)
panorama {m} :: panorama
panorama {m} :: outlook
panorámico {adj} :: panoramic
Paños {prop} :: surname
pañoso {adj} :: ragged
pan para hoy, hambre para mañana {proverb} :: There is a short-term benefit, but in the long run it isn't beneficial; short-term gain, long-term pain
panqué {m} [Mexico, Venezuela, US Spanish] :: pound cake
panqueca {f} :: pancake
panqueque {m} [Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay] :: crepe, pancake
panquequería {f} [South America] :: pancake house, pancake restaurant
panquita {f} :: diminutive of panca
pan rebanado {m} :: sliced bread
panregional {adj} :: pan-regional
panruso {adj} :: all-Russian
pansexual {adj} :: pansexual
pansexualidad {f} :: pansexuality
pantagruélico {adj} :: lavish, excessive, pantagruelian
pantalán {m} :: finger pontoon
Pantaleón {prop} :: given name
Pantaleón {prop} :: surname deriving from the given name
pantaleta {f} [Mexico, also used in the plural] :: slip, underpants
pantaleta {f} [Venezuela, also used in the plural] :: panties
pantaletas {fp} :: underpants, slip
pantaletas {fp} :: plural of pantaleta
pantalla {f} :: screen
pantalla {f} [computing] :: display screen
pantalla {f} :: lampshade
pantalla {f} [Puerto Rico] :: earring
pantallazo {m} [computing] :: screenshot
pantallita {f} :: diminutive of pantalla
pantalón {m} :: trousers, pants
pantaloncillo {m} :: shorts
pantaloncillo {m} :: underpants
pantaloncillos {mp} :: shorts
pantaloncito {m} :: diminutive of pantalón
pantalones vaqueros {mp} :: jeans
pantaloneta {f} :: Shorts used for sports
pantanal {m} :: swamp, marshland, wetland
pantano {m} :: swamp, marsh
pantano {m} :: moor
pantanoso {adj} :: swampy, marshy
pantanoso {adj} :: tricky, tough
panteísmo {m} :: pantheism
panteísta {mf} :: pantheist
pantenol {m} [organic compound] :: panthenol
panteón {m} :: pantheon
panteón {m} :: mausoleum
panteón {m} [Latin America] :: graveyard
Panteón {prop} {m} :: Pantheon
panteonera {f} :: gravedigger
panteonero {m} [Latin America, Andalusia] :: gravedigger
panteonero {m} [Nicaragua, Peru] :: sexton
pantera {f} :: panther
pantera {f} [mythology, heraldry] :: panther
pantera nebulosa {f} :: clouded leopard (not actually in the genus Panthera but rather in the genus Neofelis)
pantera negra {f} :: black panther
panterita {f} :: diminutive of pantera
panti {f} :: pantyhose [North America], tights [UK]
pantilla {f} :: sideburn
pantimedia {f} [Latin America] :: pantyhose [North America], tights [UK]
pantocrátor {m} :: Pantocrator
pantócrator {m} :: Pantocrator
pantógrafo {m} :: pantograph
Pantoja {prop} :: surname
pantomima {f} :: pantomime
pantoque {m} [nautical] :: bilge
pantorra {f} [colloquial] :: calf (muscle)
pantorrilla {f} :: calf (part of the leg)
pan tostado {m} :: toast
pantotenato {m} :: pantothenate
pantoténico {adj} :: pantothenic
pants {mp} :: pants
pantufla {f} :: slipper, pantofle, babouche
pantuflo {m} :: alternative form of pantufla
pan tumaca {m} :: Pa amb tomàquet, a Catalonian dish consisting of a slice of bread soaked in tomato, seasoned with olive oil and salt
pantumaca {m} :: alternative form of pan tumaca
panty {m} :: pantyhose
panucho {m} :: panucho
Pánuco {prop} {m} :: a river in North-Eastern Mexico, which flows out in the Gulf of Mexico, by Tampico
pañuelito {m} :: diminutive of pañuelo
pañuelo {m} :: handkerchief
pañuelo {m} :: tissue (e.g., Kleenex)
Panyab {prop} {m} :: Punjab
panyabí {m} :: Punjabi (language)
panza {f} :: paunch
panza {f} :: stomach
panza {f} :: belly
panzazo {m} :: hit, strike or shove (made using the belly)
panzazo {m} :: hit, strike (received in the belly)
panzer {m} :: panzer
panzón {adj} [colloquial] :: paunchy, with a big belly
panzudo {adj} :: paunchy (having a large belly)
papa {m} :: pope (an honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome)
papa {f} [Latin America, Canary Islands, Andalusia] :: potato
papa {f} [childish, familiar] :: very bland soup, or more broadly, food in general
papa {f} [figuratively] :: nonsense, trifle, rubbish
Papa {prop} {m} :: the Pope (head of both the Catholic and Coptic Churches)
papá {m} [colloquial, familiar, affectionate] :: dad
papá {m} [colloquial, familiar, affectionate, in the plural] :: parents
papa a la huancaína {f} :: A Peruvian dish consisting of boiled potatoes in a creamy sauce
papable {m} :: A papabile
papable {adj} :: papabile
papacito {m} :: diminutive of papá; daddy
papada {f} :: double chin
papada {f} :: dewlap, wattle
papado {m} :: papacy
papadum {m} :: papadum
papafigo {m} :: ortolan
papa frita {f} [Latin America] :: french fry, French fry
papagayo {m} :: parrot (Psittaciformes)
papagayo {m} :: parrotfish, in Scardidae
papagayo {m} :: peacock fish (Labrus mixtus, syn. Labrus variegatus)
papagayo {m} :: Any wrasse, (Labridae)
papagayo {m} :: roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis)
papagayo {m} :: Joseph's coat (Amaranthus tricolor)
papagayo {m} :: elephant ear (Caladium)
papahuevos {m} :: A large effigy representing a person, often a famous person, at certain Spanish and Latin American festivities
papaína {f} [enzyme] :: papain
papaíto {m} :: diminutive of papá; daddy
papaja {m} :: papakha
papal {adj} :: papal
papalina {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
papalisa {f} [Bolivia, Peru] :: ulloco (Ullucus)
papaliza {f} :: alternative spelling of papalisa
papalomé {m} [Mexico] :: butterfly agave (Agave potatorum)
papaloquelite {m} [Mexico] :: Any of several culinary herbs in the genus Porophyllum, notable for a very strong, distinctive flavor reminiscent of cilantro
papalota {f} [El Salvador] :: kite (kite)
papalote {m} [Cuba, Honduras, Mexico] :: kite (toy)
papamoscas {m} :: flycatcher
papamóvil {m} [colloquial] :: Popemobile
papanatas {m} :: gullible person
papanatismo {m} :: Excessive admiration
papanicolao {m} [medicine] :: Pap smear
papanicolaou {m} :: Pap test
Papá Noel {prop} {m} :: Father Christmas, Santa Claus
papar {v} :: to slurp, gulp
papar {v} [colloquial] :: to munch, chow down
paparazi {m} :: alternative spelling of paparazzi
paparazzi {m} :: paparazzo
paparrucha {f} :: nonsense, trifle, tosh
paparrucha {f} :: hoax
papas arrugadas {fp} :: A dish from Tenerife consisting of small potatoes boiled in very salty water
papaturro {m} :: Coccoloba caracasana papaturro
papaya {f} :: papaya (fruit)
papaya {f} [Cuba, slang, euphemism] :: vagina
papaya {f} [slang] :: easy
papayo {m} :: papaya tree, pawpaw tree
papayuela {m} :: mountain papaya (fruit and tree)
papazote {m} :: augmentative of papá, big daddy
papel {m} :: paper
papel {m} :: role
papel aluminio {m} :: aluminium foil
papel carbón {m} :: carbon paper
papel de aluminio {m} :: aluminum foil, tinfoil
papel de calco {m} :: tracing paper
papel de China {m} [Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua] :: tissue paper (for gift bags or to wrap delicate items)
papel de fumar {m} :: rolling paper
papel de lija {m} :: sandpaper
papel de plata {m} :: aluminium foil
papel de seda {m} :: tissue paper (for gift bags or to wrap delicate items)
papel de tornasol {m} :: litmus paper
papelejo {m} :: pejorative of papel
papeleo {m} :: paperwork
papelera {f} :: garbage can, litter bin, wastebin
papelería {f} :: stationery shop / store
papelería {f} [uncountable] :: stationery
papelero {adj} [attributive] :: paper
papelero {m} :: paper maker
papelero {m} :: stationer
papelero {m} [vulgar, Dominican Republic, slang] :: liar, two-faced person, role player
papeleta {f} :: sheet of paper
papeleta {f} :: ballot (paper used for vote-casting)
papeleta {f} :: certificate
papeleta {f} :: bill
papeleta {f} :: problem; pickle
papel gráfico {m} :: graph paper
papel higiénico {m} :: toilet paper
papelillo {m} :: diminutive of papel
papelina {f} :: diminutive of papel
papelito {m} :: piece of paper, especially a small piece
papel maché {m} :: papier-mâché (paper mixed with glue used to create sculptures)
papel moneda {m} :: paper money
papelógrafo {m} :: flip chart
papelón {m} :: spectacle, scene, an embarrassing display
papelón {m} :: unrefined whole cane sugar
papelón {m} :: wastepaper, pasteboard
papelote {m} :: synonym of papelucho
papel pintado {m} :: wallpaper
papel tapiz {m} :: wallpaper
papelucho {m} :: pejorative of papel
papeo {m} [colloquial] :: grub
paper {m} :: paper (written document that reports scientific or academic research)
paperas {fp} [colloquial] :: mumps
papi {m} [colloquial] :: daddy
papiado {adj} :: buff
papiamento {m} :: Papiamento
papi chulo {m} :: a casanova, a cutie pie, a teddy bear, a machoman
papila {f} [anatomy] :: papilla
papilar {adj} :: papillary
papilla {f} :: baby food
papillote {f} :: papillote
papiloma {f} [medicine] :: papilloma
papiloso {adj} :: papilliferous
papiráceo {adj} :: papyraceous
papiro {m} :: papyrus (a plant in the sedge family)
papiro {m} :: papyrus (a material similar to paper)
papiro {m} :: papyrus (a scroll or document written on papyrus)
papiroflexia {f} [chiefly uncountable] :: origami (the Japanese art of paper folding)
papiróloga {f} :: feminine noun of papirólogo
papirología {f} :: papyrology
papirólogo {m} :: papyrologist
papirotazo {m} :: flick
papisa {f} :: papess
papista {mf} :: papist
papista {mf} :: a person who obeys the pope in all things
papita {f} [Latin America] :: chip [US]; crisp [UK]
papita {f} [Latin America, colloquial] :: piece of cake (something that is very easy)
papita {f} :: diminutive of papa
papito {m} :: diminutive of papá; daddy
páprika {f} :: paprika
papú {adj} :: Papua New Guinean
papú {mf} :: Papua New Guinean
Papúa {prop} {f} :: Papua (the southern part of what is now called Papua New Guinea)
papuano {adj} :: Papua New Guinean (of or pertaining to Papua New Guinea)
papuano {m} :: Papua New Guinean (native or resident of Papua New Guinea)
Papúa Nueva Guinea {prop} {f} :: Papua New Guinea
pápula {f} :: papule
papus {m} :: pappus
paquebote {m} :: packet-boat
paquetazo {m} :: augmentative of paquete
paquete {m} :: parcel
paquete {m} :: package
paquete {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: chump, useless, butterfingers (an incompetent person)
paquete {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: lunchbox (male genitals enclosed in clothing)
paquete {m} [colloquial] :: scrotum, package
paquetería {f} :: haberdashery (shop selling clothes for men)
paquetería {f} :: package, shipment
paquetico {m} :: diminutive of paquete
paquetito {m} :: diminutive of paquete; small packet
Paqui {prop} :: given name
paquicefalosáurido {m} :: pachycephalosaur
paquicefalosaurio {m} :: pachycephalosaur
paquidérmico {adj} :: pachydermatous
paquidermo {adj} :: pachydermatous
paquidermo {m} :: pachyderm
paquimetría {f} :: pachymetry
paquiptilo {m} [archaic] :: synonym of pato-petrel (prion, bird of the genus Pachyptila)
paquistaní {adj} :: alternative form of pakistaní
paquistaní {mf} :: alternative form of pakistaní
Paquita {prop} {f} :: given name
Paquito {prop} {m} :: A diminutive and flattering form of Paco, or (via it) of the male given name Francisco
par {adj} :: even (divisible by two)
par {m} :: pair (two of the same or similar items that go together)
par {m} :: couple (two of the same or similar items)
par {m} [physics] :: two equal non-collinear forces; that is a force couple in Newtonian mechanics
par {m} :: peer (somebody who is, or something that is, at a level equal)
par {m} :: some, a few
par {f} [finance] :: par (acceptable level)
para- {prefix} :: para-
para {prep} :: for, to (expressing a recipient)
para {prep} :: to, in order to, so, for (expressing the intended purpose of an action)
para {prep} :: by, due, due on, due by (expressing a deadline)
para {prep} :: for (expressing contrast from what is expected)
para {prep} :: for, to, in one's opinion, as far as one is concerned (expressing an opinion, perception or perspective)
para {prep} :: for, to, in one's opinion, as far as one is concerned (expressing using one's efforts for a group or an authority figure such as a sports team or a company/boss)
para abajo {m} :: A dance movement in salsa. It involves forward basic movement (boy with left) while turning the girl to the right. Then (boy with right) stepping right while pulling the girl close and turning her to the left. Meanwhile the girl keeps on taking sliding steps backwards
para abajo {adv} :: down
para abajo {adv} :: downward
para arriba y para abajo {adv} [idiomatic] :: all over the place
parabeno {m} :: paraben
parabenzoquinona {f} [organic compound] :: parabenzoquinone
parabidisminuido {adj} [geometry] :: parabidiminished
parabién {m} [usually in plural] :: congratulations
parabiosis {f} :: parabiosis
parábola {f} [mathematics] :: parabola
parábola {f} :: parable
parabólico {adj} :: parabolic
parabolizar {v} :: to parabolize
paraboloide {m} :: paraboloid
parabraquial {adj} :: parabrachial
parabrisas {m} :: windscreen, windshield
paracaídas {m} :: parachute
paracaidismo {m} :: parachuting, skydiving
paracaidismo {m} :: [colloqual] squatting
paracaidista {mf} :: parachutist, skydiver
paracaidista {mf} [military] :: paratrooper
paracaidista {mf} [colloquial] :: gatecrasher
Paracelso {prop} {m} :: Paracelsus
paracentral {adj} :: paracentral
paracetamol {m} :: paracetamol
parachoques {m} :: bumper
parachoques {m} :: fender
parachoques {m} [slang] :: breasts, knockers, bumpers
para colmo {adv} [idiom] :: to top it off, to top it all off, on top of that, to boot, to cap it all, to crown it all, in addition, on top of all that, moreover, besides
para con {conj} [formal] :: relating to
paracorto {m} [baseball] :: shortstop
paracrino {adj} :: paracrine
parada {f} :: stop (the act of stopping)
parada {f} :: station (a location where things stop)
parada {f} :: feminine noun of parado
parada en boxes {f} [motor racing] :: pit stop
para dar y tomar {adv} [idiomatic] :: all over the place
paradero {m} :: whereabouts
paradero {m} [Latin America] :: stop (bus, train, etc.)
paradigma {m} :: paradigm
paradigmáticamente {adv} :: paradigmatically
paradigmático {adj} :: paradigmatic
paradisiaco {adj} :: heavenly, paradisiac
paradisíaco {adj} :: heavenly, paradisiac
paradita {f} :: diminutive of parada
parado {adj} :: stopped, halted, immobile, idle
parado {adj} :: standing
parado {adj} :: unemployed; on the dole
parado {adj} :: confused, bewildered
parado {adj} :: in a (good or bad) state
parado {adj} [slang, Mexico] :: erect [a penis, when using masculine nouns, preceded by the verb tener or traer]
parado {m} :: unemployed person
paradoja {f} :: paradox
paradoja francesa {f} :: French paradox
paradojal {adj} :: paradoxical
paradójicamente {adv} :: paradoxically
paradójico {adj} :: paradoxical
paradón {m} [sports] :: a great save or stop
parador {m} :: hostel
parador {m} [Spain] :: a kind of official luxury hotel
parador en corto {m} [baseball] :: shortstop
paraestatal {adj} :: semipublic
paraestatal {f} :: A semipublic or semigovernmental organization
parafascismo {m} [fascism] :: para-fascism
parafernalia {f} :: paraphernalia
parafilético {adj} :: paraphyletic
parafilia {f} :: paraphilia
parafina {f} :: paraffin
parafiso {m} :: paraphyse
parafrasear {v} :: to paraphrase
paráfrasis {f} :: paraphrase
paragoge {f} :: paragoge
paragógico {adj} :: paragogic
paragolpes {m} :: bumper
paragón {m} :: obsolete spelling of parangón
parágrafo {m} :: alternative form of párrafo
paragua {m} [dialectal, nonstandard] :: alternative form of paraguas
paraguariense {adj} :: Paraguayan (from or native to Paraguay)
paraguariense {adj} :: Paraguayan (pertaining to Paraguay)
paraguas {m} :: umbrella, brolly [UK]
paraguay {m} :: The Paraguayan parrot
Paraguay {prop} {f} :: Paraguay (country)
Paraguay {prop} {f} :: Paraguay (major river)
paraguayo {adj} :: Paraguayan (from or native to Paraguay)
paraguayo {adj} :: Paraguayan (pertaining to Paraguay)
paraguayo {mf} :: Paraguayan
paraguazo {m} :: A blow/hit with an umbrella
paragüero {m} :: umbrella stand
paragüero {m} :: umbrella maker
paragüita {mf} :: diminutive of paraguas
paragüita {mf} :: a small umbrella or cocktail umbrella
para gustos colores {phrase} :: there's no accounting for taste, different strokes for different folks
para gustos hay colores {phrase} :: alternative form of para gustos colores
para gustos, los colores {phrase} :: alternative form of para gustos colores
parahúso {m} :: a kind of screw
paraíso {m} :: paradise
paraíso {m} :: heaven
paraíso fiscal {m} :: tax haven (country or territory where certain taxes are very low)
paraje {m} :: place
paraje {m} :: stopover, layover
paraje {m} :: campground
paralaje {mf} :: parallax
paraldehído {m} [organic chemistry] :: paraldehyde
paralectotipo {m} :: paralectotype
paralegal {m} :: paralegal
paralela {f} :: parallel
paralelamente {adv} :: parallel, in a parallel way
paralelepípedo {m} [geometry] :: parallelepiped
paralelismo {m} :: parallelism
paralelización {f} :: parallelization
paralelizar {v} :: to parallelize
paralelo {adj} :: parallel
paralelogramo {m} [geometry] :: parallelogram
paralenguaje {m} [linguistics] :: paralanguage
paralímpico {adj} :: Paralympic
paralímpico {m} :: Paralympian
paralingüística {f} :: paralinguistics
paralipsis {f} [rhetoric] :: paraleipsis
parálisis {f} :: paralysis
parálisis cerebral {f} :: cerebral palsy
paralítico {adj} :: paralysed
paralítico {adj} :: paralytic
paralización {f} :: paralysation
paralizador {adj} :: paralyzing
paralizante {adj} :: paralyzing
paralizar {v} :: to paralyze
paramagnético {adj} :: paramagnetic
paramanteles {m} :: tablemat
paramara {adj} :: Paramara
paramara {mf} :: Paramara
Paramaribo {prop} :: Paramaribo (capital city)
para más datos {v} [idiomatic] :: as a matter of fact; to be precise
para más escarnio {phrase} [idiom] :: to make matters worse
para más inri {adv} [idiomatic] :: to make matters worse, on top of that
paramecio {m} :: paramecium
paramédica {f} :: feminine noun of paramédico
paramédico {m} :: paramedic
paramento {m} :: wall; facing
paramera {f} :: Area of moorland
parametrar {v} :: to parametrize
paramétrico {adj} :: parametric
parametrizable {adj} :: parametrizable
parametrización {f} :: parametrization
parametrizar {v} :: to parametrize
parámetro {m} :: parameter
paramilitar {adj} :: paramilitary
paramilitar {mf} :: paramilitary (A member of a paramilitary group)
paramilitarismo {m} :: paramilitarism
páramo {m} :: wasteland, badlands
páramo {m} :: moor
paramotor {m} :: paramotor
para muestra basta un botón {adv} [idiomatic] :: for example; for instance; case in point
para muestra un botón {adv} :: alternative form of para muestra basta un botón
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (river)
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (state)
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (provincial capital)
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (municipality)
para nada {adv} :: not at all, absolutely not
paranaense {adj} :: of or from Paraná
paranaense {mf} :: someone from Paraná
paranasal {adj} :: paranasal
parancera {f} :: feminine noun of parancero
parancero {m} :: birdcatcher
Paranday {prop} :: Paranday (district)
Parangaricutirimícuaro {prop} :: tongue twister similar to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
parangón {m} :: comparison
parangonable {adj} :: comparable
parangonar {v} :: to compare
paraninfo {m} :: assembly hall
paraninfo {m} :: paranymph
paranoia {f} :: paranoia
paranoico {adj} :: paranoid
paranoico {m} :: paranoid person
paranoide {adj} :: paranoid
paranormal {adj} :: paranormal
parante {m} :: post (of wood, metal, etc.)
paranza {f} :: a hideout where the hunter waits for game to come by
paraolfatorio {adj} [anatomy] :: parolfactory
parapanamericano {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Parapan American Games
para parar un tren {adv} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: in great quantity, coming out of one's ears
parapátrico {adj} [biology] :: parapatric
parapente {m} :: paraglider (lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure)
parapente {m} :: paragliding
parapentista {mf} :: paraglider
parapetar {v} :: to shield, hide, protect
parapetear {v} [Venezuela] :: to do a quick fix, to do a workaround, to bodge (UK)
parapeto {m} :: parapet, breastwork
parapetrolero {adj} :: para-petroleum
paraplejia {f} :: paraplegia
paraplejía {f} :: alternative form of paraplejia
parapléjico {adj} :: paraplegic
parapléjico {m} :: paraplegic
parapléxica {f} :: feminine noun of parapléxico
parapolicía {mf} :: parapolice officer
parapolicía {f} :: parapolice
parapolicial {adj} :: parapolice (within the police force but above the law)
parapolítica {f} :: parapolitics
parapsicóloga {f} :: feminine noun of parapsicólogo
parapsicología {f} :: parapsychology
parapsicológico {adj} :: parapsychological
parapsicólogo {m} :: parapsychologist
para que {conj} :: so that (followed by the subjunctive)
parar {v} :: to stop, halt
parar {v} :: to put up, stand up
parar {v} :: to lift, raise
parar {vr} :: to stand up
parar {vr} :: to situate oneself
parar {vp} [Chile] :: see pararlas
parar el carro {v} [idiomatic] :: to rein in, to pull up, to put an end to something (stop somebody doing something by reprimanding)
pararlas {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to make sense of the situation or of what has been said
parar los pies a alguien {v} [idiomatic] :: to stop (someone) in their tracks
pararrayo {m} :: alternative spelling of pararrayos
pararrayos {m} :: lightning rod (metallic conductor that protects from lightning)
pararrenal {adj} [anatomy] :: pararenal
pararse {v} :: reflexive of parar
parasailing {m} :: parasailing
para siempre {adv} :: forever
parasimpático {adj} :: parasympathetic
parasíntesis {f} [linguistics] :: parasynthesis (the formation of words by a simultaneous combination of compounding and adding an affix, as in tierraplanista, mileurista)
parasíntesis {f} [linguistics] :: parasynthesis (the formation of words in which the prefixing and the suffixing are involved simultaneously, as in amueblar)
parasintético {adj} [linguistics] :: parasynthetic
parasismo {m} :: alternative spelling of paroxismo
parasistema {m} [education] :: distance learning
parasitación {f} :: parasitization, parasitation
parasitar {v} :: to parasitize
parasitario {adj} :: parasitic
parasítico {adj} :: parasitic
parasitismo {m} :: parasitism
parásito {adj} :: parasitic
parásito {m} :: parasite
parasitoide {m} :: parasitoid
parasitóloga {f} :: feminine noun of parasitólogo
parasitología {f} :: parasitology
parasitólogo {m} :: parasitologist
parasitosis {f} :: parasitosis
parasol {m} :: umbrella (used to protect against the sun)
parasol {m} :: sunshade
parasol {m} [automotive] :: sun visor
parasol {m} :: parasol
parasomnia {f} :: parasomnia
para sus adentros {adv} [idiom] :: inside, to oneself
parataxón {m} [taxonomy] :: parataxon
parate {m} :: halt; hiatus
paraterminal {adj} [anatomy] :: paraterminal
paratexto {m} :: paratext
parathormona {f} [hormone] :: parathormone, parathyroid hormone
paratifoideo {adj} :: paratyphoid
paratión {m} :: parathion
paratipo {m} :: paratype
paratiroide {adj} :: parathyroid
paratiroide {f} :: parathyroid gland
paratiroideo {adj} :: parathyroid
paratránsito {m} [US Spanish] :: paratransit
paratransporte {m} :: paratransit
paraujano {m} :: Paraujano (language)
paraujano {m} :: Paraujano (person)
paraumbilical {adj} :: paraumbilical
paravertebral {adj} :: paravertebral
parazonio {m} :: parazonium
parbolizado {adj} :: parboiled
parca {f} [poetic] :: personification of death
parca {f} :: One of the Fates
Parca {prop} {f} :: Grim Reaper
Parcas {prop} {fp} [Roman mythology] :: the Parcae, the Fates
parce {mf} [Colombia, slang] :: friend, loyal friend
parcela {f} :: parcel (division of land)
parcela {f} :: small part
parcelación {f} :: parcelling of land
parcelamiento {m} :: neighbourhood
parcelar {v} :: to parcel
parcelario {adj} :: divided into plots
parcelita {f} :: diminutive of parcela
parces {mp} {fp} [Colombia, slang] :: plural of parce
parcha {f} [Puerto Rico] :: passion fruit
parchar {vt} :: to patch
parche {m} :: patch (for clothing or software)
parche {m} :: eyepatch
parche {m} :: patch (e.g. nicotine patch)
parche {m} :: quick fix
parche {m} :: drumhead
parchear {vt} :: to patch; patch up
parchear {vt} [rare] :: to touch up; grope; feel up
parche curita {m} :: band-aid; plaster
parchís {m} :: Ludo (board game)
parchita {f} :: diminutive of parche
parchita {f} [Venezuela] :: passion fruit
parcial {adj} :: partial (part of a whole)
parcial {adj} :: partial, biased (not impartial)
parcial {adj} :: mid-term
parcial {m} :: a tennis set
parcialidad {f} :: partiality
parcializar {v} :: to be biased
parcialmente {adv} :: partially
parco {adj} :: frugal
pardeamiento {m} :: browning
pardela {f} :: shearwater (Calonectris diomedea, a seabird of the Atlantic and Mediterranean)
pardiez {interj} [euphemistic, dated, Spain] :: for God's sake, by God
pardiez {m} :: swear word; curse word
pardilla {f} :: feminine noun of pardillo
pardillo {m} [colloquial] :: sucker, gullible person
pardo {adj} :: brown
pardo {adj} :: [of weather] dull, overcast
pardo {adj} :: [of a voice] gruff, hoarse
pardo {m} [poetic, literary] :: leopard
pardusco {adj} :: brownish, dun
parduzco {adj} :: alternative form of pardusco
paré {adj} [Louisiana] :: similar
pareada {f} :: A semi-detached house
parear {v} :: to pair; to form a pair
parece mentira {phrase} :: It's hard to believe
parecer {v} [impersonal] :: to seem, to see fit
parecer {vp} :: to believe
parecer {vp} :: to think
parecer {v} :: to strike (seem, appear, make an impression)
parecer {m} [archaic] :: appearance (used generally when a person is pretty)
parecer {m} :: opinion
parecerse {v} :: to look alike, to take after, to resemble one another
parecerse {v} :: to be like, to resemble
Parece Vela {prop} {f} :: synonym of Okinotorishima
parecidísimo {adj} :: superlative of parecido
parecido {adj} :: similar
parecido {m} :: resemblance
pared {f} :: wall, especially of a house or room
pared celular {m} [biology] :: cell wall
Paredes {prop} :: surname
paredón {m} :: thick, stone wall
paredón {m} :: wall against which people are shot by firing squad
Paredones {prop} {m} :: Paredones (city)
paredonino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Paredones
pareja {f} :: couple
pareja {f} :: partner (spouse)
Pareja {prop} :: surname
pareja de hecho {f} :: domestic partnership (a legal union established in some Spanish regions to regulate the relationships of cohabiting couples)
parejamente {adv} :: equally
parejero {m} :: racehorse
parejita {f} :: diminutive of pareja
parejo {adj} :: level
parejo {adj} :: uniform
parejo {adj} :: even
paremia {f} :: proverb, saying; paroemia
paremióloga {f} :: feminine noun of paremiólogo
paremiología {f} :: paremiology
paremiólogo {m} :: paremiologist
parénesis {f} :: parenesis
parénquima {m} [biology] :: parenchyma
parenquimático {adj} :: parenchymatous
parenquimatoso {adj} :: parenchymatous
parénquimpia {m} :: parenchyma
parental {adj} :: parental
parentela {f} :: kinfolk, relatives, relations
parenteral {adj} [medicine] :: parenteral
parentesco {m} :: kinship
paréntesis {m} :: parenthesis
paréntesis {m} :: break, gap, (period of temporal interruption)
paréntesis angular {m} :: angle bracket
parentético {adj} :: parenthetical
parenting {m} :: parenting
parentosoma {m} [cytology] :: parenthesome
pareo {m} :: pareo
parescer {v} :: obsolete spelling of parecer
paresia {f} :: paresis
parestesia {f} :: paresthesia
pargo {m} :: porgy
pargo {m} [Venezuela, Cuba, pejorative, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] :: a flamboyant homosexual man, queer, faggot
paria {mf} :: pariah, outcast
parida {f} :: silly thing
parida {f} :: stupid remark
parida {f} :: nonsense
paridad {f} :: parity, equality
paridera {f} :: birth, giving birth (of cattle)
paridera {f} :: place where cattle give birth
paridera {f} :: season of the year in which cattle give birth
parienta {f} :: female relative (member of one's family)
pariente {mf} :: relative, relation (member of one's family)
parietal {adj} [anatomy] :: parietal
parietal {m} :: parietal bone
parieto- {prefix} [anatomy] :: parieto-
parietooccipital {adj} [anatomy] :: parietooccipital
pariguayo {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: 'nerd', party-watcher
parihuela {f} :: stretcher
paripé {m} [colloquial] :: white lie
parir {v} [vulgar in some areas] :: to give birth
parir {v} :: to think up; imagine
parir {v} :: to explain
parir a medias {v} [idiomatic] :: to go Dutch; go fifty-fifty; go halves
Paris {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Paris, the Trojan prince
París {prop} :: París (caplc)
París {prop} :: París (department)
París {prop} :: The letter P in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
parisienne {f} [printing, dated] :: A small size of type, standardized as 5 point
parisiense {adj} :: Parisian
parisiense {mf} :: Parisian
parisino {adj} :: Parisian
parisino {m} :: Parisian
parista {mf} :: Someone on the dole
paritario {adj} :: equal, fair
pariteña {f} :: feminine noun of pariteño
pariteño {adj} :: Of or from Parita Province
pariteño {m} :: Someone from Parita Province
paritorio {m} :: delivery room
parka {f} :: parka
parking {m} :: car park [North America], parking lot [North America] (an area where cars may be parked)
parking {m} :: parking garage
párking {m} :: parking lot; car park
párkinson {m} :: Parkinson's
parkinsonismo {m} :: Parkinson's disease
parkour {m} :: parkour
Parla {prop} :: Parla (city)
Parlament {prop} {m} :: parliament of Catalonia
parlamentar {v} :: to parley
parlamentaria {f} :: feminine noun of parlamentario
parlamentariamente {adv} :: parliamentarily
parlamentario {adj} :: parliamentary
parlamentario {m} :: parliamentarian (member of a parliament)
parlamentarismo {m} :: A parliamentary government
parlamentarista {mf} :: parliamentarian
parlamento {m} :: parliament
parlamento {m} :: reasoning, wording
parlamento {m} :: A speaking role, as opposed to acotación
Parlamento Europeo {prop} {m} :: European Parliament
parlanchín {adj} :: talkative; loquatious
parlante {m} [Latin America] :: loudspeaker
parlante {m} :: speaker (one who speaks)
parlante {adj} :: speaking
parlar {v} :: to speak
parlar {v} :: to chatter
parlasuriano {adj} :: Of or relating to the Parlamento del Mercosur
parlasuriano {m} :: A member of the Parlamento del Mercosur
parlasurianoa {f} :: feminine noun of parlasuriano
parleño {adj} :: from Parla
parleño {m} :: Someone from Parla
parlero {adj} :: chatty; talkative
parlero {adj} :: jokey
parlero {adj} :: talking
parlero {adj} :: expressive
parlotear {v} :: to babble, prattle, blabber, gab, waffle, jabber, rattle, yap
parmenídea {f} :: feminine noun of parmenídeo
parmenídeo {adj} [philosophy] :: Parmenidean
parmenídeo {m} [philosophy] :: Parmenidean
Parménides {prop} {m} :: Parmenides
parmesano {adj} :: Parmesan
parmesano {m} :: parmesan (cheese)
parnaso {m} :: group of poets (of a certain era, style, location)
parnaso {m} :: collection of poems
Parnaso {prop} {m} :: Parnassus
parné {m} [colloquial] :: dough, cash (money)
parnés {m} [archaic] :: cash; dosh; money
paro {m} :: stagnation, freeze up
paro {m} :: unemployment
paro {m} :: strike (work stoppage)
paro {m} :: cardiac arrest, short form of paro cardíaco
paro {m} [Mexico] :: pretext
paro {m} [Mexico] :: a favour, help, cover-up, (preceded by hacerle un, hacerme un, to indicate "to do someone a favour", "to help someone", "to protect someone by lying")
parodia {f} :: parody
parodia {f} :: travesty
parodiar {v} :: to parody
paródico {adj} :: parodic
parodista {m} :: parodist
parola {f} [slang] :: hard-on, erection (erect penis)
parole {m} :: parole
parón {m} :: break, stop
parónimo {m} :: paronym (word with same root as other word)
parota {f} :: monkey-ear tree; elephant-ear tree (Enterolobium cyclocarpum)
parótida {f} [anatomy] :: parotid gland
parotiditis {f} [disease] :: mumps, parotitis
paroxetina {f} :: paroxetine
paroxismo {m} :: paroxysm
paroxístico {adj} :: paroxysmal
parpadeante {adj} :: flickering
parpadear {v} :: to blink (light or eyes)
parpadear {v} :: to bat one's eyelids, to flutter the eyelids
parpadeo {m} :: A flicker
parpadeo {m} :: wink
párpado {m} [anatomy] :: eyelid
parpar {v} :: to quack
parque {m} :: park
parque {m} :: parking lot
parque {m} [Mexico] :: ammo
parqué {m} :: parquet
parqué {m} :: stock exchange
parqueadero {m} [Latin America] :: parking lot
parquear {vt} [Latin America] :: to park (to bring a vehicle to a halt in a specified place)
parque biosaludable {m} :: outdoor gym
parquecito {m} :: diminutive of parque
parquedad {f} :: thrift
parque de atracciones {m} :: amusement park
parque de bomberos {m} :: fire station
parque de diversiones {m} :: amusement park
parque nacional {m} :: national park
parque natural {m} :: nature park
parqueo {m} [Latin America, regional] :: car park (an area where cars may be parked)
parquet {m} :: parquet
parque temático {m} :: theme park
parquímetro {m} :: parking meter
parquización {f} :: turning into a park
parquizar {vt} :: to make into a park
parra {f} :: grapevine (the plant on which grapes grow)
Parra {prop} :: surname
parrafada {f} :: sermon; long boring talk
parrafada {f} :: chat; heart to heart
parrafillo {m} :: diminutive of párrafo
parrafito {m} :: diminutive of párrafo
párrafo {m} :: paragraph
parral {m} :: vine arbour
parranda {f} :: parranda
parranda {f} :: (loud) party, shindig, jamboree, blast
parranda {f} :: binge, spree
parrandear {v} :: to party
parrandera {f} :: feminine noun of parrandero
parrandero {m} [Latin America] :: party animal
Parreño {prop} {mf} :: surname
parricida {adj} :: parricidal
parricida {mf} :: parricide (person)
parricidio {m} :: parricide (act)
parrilla {f} :: grill
parrilla {f} [figurative] :: grid
parrilla {f} :: small grapevine
parrilla {f} [Latin America] :: luggage rack
parrillada {f} :: barbecue (meal or event)
parrilla de salida {f} [sports] :: starting grid
parrilla de vuelos {f} [aviation] :: arrivals board or departures board
parrilla de vuelos {f} [aviation] :: List of destinations served by an airport
parrillera {f} :: grill (for cooking)
parrillero {m} :: broiler (chicken)
párroca {f} :: feminine noun of párroco
párroco {m} :: priest
parroquia {f} :: parish
parroquial {adj} :: parochial (pertaining to a parish)
parroquialización {f} :: The division of land into parishes
parroquiana {f} :: feminine noun of parroquiano
parroquiano {m} :: parishioner
parroquiano {m} :: patron (regular customer)
parsec {m} :: parsec
pársec {m} :: parsec (parallax second)
parsimonia {f} :: calmness
parsimoniosamente {adv} :: thriftily
parsimonioso {adj} :: thrifty
parsimonioso {adj} :: unhurried, calm
parta {f} :: feminine noun of parto
parte {f} :: part, section, portion, share, piece, bit, cut, proportion
parte {f} :: place, somewhere
parte {f} :: side
parte {f} [legal] :: party (e.g. a third party, state party, to be party to)
parte {f} :: behalf
parte {f} :: stint (i.e. allotted portion of work)
parte {m} :: message, report, dispatch
parte {m} :: traffic ticket, sticker
parteaguas {m} [geology, hydrology] :: watershed
parteaguas {m} [by extension, figuratively] :: watershed, turning point
partear {vt} :: to midwife
partecilla {f} :: diminutive of parte
partecita {f} :: diminutive of parte
parte de la oración {f} :: part of speech
parteluz {m} :: mullion
parte médico {m} :: medical report
partenaire {mf} :: partner
partenariado {m} :: partnership
partenogénesis {f} [biology] :: parthenogenesis
Partenón {prop} {m} :: The Parthenon
partera {f} :: midwife
partería {f} :: midwifery
parterre {m} :: Flowerbed
partes pudendas {fp} [idiomatic] :: private parts
Partia {prop} {f} [history, geography] :: Parthia
partición {f} :: partition; effect of dividing or partitioning
particionado {m} :: partitioning
particional {adj} :: partitional
particionamiento {m} :: partitioning
particionar {vt} :: to partition
participación {f} :: participation
participante {adj} :: participating
participante {mf} :: participant, participator
participar {v} :: to take part, to participate
participativo {adj} :: participative
partícipe {adj} :: participating
partícipe {mf} :: participant
participio {m} [grammar] :: participle
participio pasado {m} :: past participle
participio presente {m} [grammar] :: present participle
pártico {adj} :: Parthian
pártico {m} :: Parthian
partícula {f} :: particle
partícula alfa {f} :: alpha particle
partícula beta {f} :: beta particle
particulado {adj} :: particulate
partícula elemental {f} :: elementary particle
partícula gamma {f} :: gamma particle
particular {adj} :: specific, particular
particular {adj} :: personal
particular {adj} :: private
particularidad {f} :: particularity
particularísimo {adj} :: superlative of particular
particularismo {m} :: particularism
particularista {adj} :: particularistic
particularista {mf} :: particularist
particularización {f} :: particularization
particularizar {v} :: to personalize
particularizar {v} :: to single out
particularizar {v} :: to explain in detail
particularizar {v} :: to whittle down
particularizar {vr} :: to stand out
particularmente {adv} :: particularly
partícula subatómica {f} [physics] :: subatomic particle
partida {f} :: departure
partida {f} :: match, lot, game (of cards etc.)
partida {f} :: passing (death)
partida {f} :: certificate
partidaria {f} :: feminine noun of partidario
partidario {adj} :: in favor of
partidario {m} :: supporter, partisan
partidazo {m} :: Great game
partidazo {m} :: catch of the day (desirable partner choice)
partidillo {m} :: diminutive of partido
partidismo {m} :: partisanship (an inclination to be partisan or biased)
partidismo {m} :: bias, partiality, favoritism
partidista {adj} :: partisan
partidista {mf} :: partisan
partidita {f} :: diminutive of partida
partidizar {v} :: to become, or make, partisan
partido {adj} :: broken
partido {adj} [heraldry] :: divided into two equal parts vertically, per pale
partido {adj} :: departed
partido {adj} :: split
partido {m} [politics] :: party
partido {m} [sports] :: game, match [chiefly for soccer]
partido {m} [hair] :: hair parting or part
partido {m} :: advantage, benefit
partido {m} :: a subdivision of Buenos Aires Province
partidocracia {f} :: partocracy, partitocracy, partocracy
partidor {m} [genetics] :: primer
partidora {f} :: feminine noun of partidor
partidura {f} :: parting (of hair)
partío {adj} :: pronunciation spelling of partido
partir {v} :: to divide, split
partir {v} :: to go away, leave, depart
partir {vr} :: to crack up, have a laugh
partir {vr} [colloquial] :: to fall in love
partir {vp} :: to crack open (e.g., one's head)
partir la pana {v} [idiom] :: to make it; to be successful
partirse {v} :: reflexive of partir
partirse los codos {v} [idiomatic] :: to slog one's guts out; to work one's ass off
partisana {f} :: feminine noun of partisano
partisano {m} :: partisan (a guerrilla fighter)
partitocracia {f} :: partocracy, partitocracy, partocracy
partitura {f} [music] :: score
parto {m} :: childbirth, labor
parto {m} :: offspring
parto {adj} :: Parthian
parto {m} :: Parthian
partón {m} :: parton
parturienta {f} :: parturient, woman in labor
party {m} :: party
parusía {f} :: parousia
parva {f} :: unthreshed grain
parva {f} :: pile, heap
parvada {f} [Central America] :: flock (of birds)
parvedad {f} :: small amount
parvo {adj} [formal] :: small, minute
párvula {f} :: feminine noun of párvulo
parvularia {f} :: feminine noun of parvulario
parvulario {m} :: nursery school, preschool
parvulario {m} :: kindergarten
parvulario {m} :: educator, teacher (in a nursery school or kindergarten)
parvulito {m} :: diminutive of párvulo
párvulo {m} :: toddler, preschooler
párvulo {adj} :: childlike
pasa {f} :: raisin
pasable {adj} :: passable, tolerable
pasablemente {adv} :: passably; tolerably
pasaboca {m} :: finger food
pasabolas {mf} [tennis] :: pusher
pasacalle {m} [music genre] :: passacaglia (historical Spanish dance)
pasada {f} :: transit, crossing
pasada {f} :: moment, time
pasada {f} :: turn, run, instance
pasada {f} :: play, move, turn in a game
pasada {f} :: superficial, quick work (for example haircut, paint, etc.)
pasada {f} [colloquial] :: wonder, marvel (something astonishing, amazing)
pasadera {f} :: bridge
pasadera {f} :: boardwalk
pasadía {m} :: field trip
pasadía {m} :: living; livelihood (enough money to get by from day to day)
pasadista {adj} :: old-fashioned; old-style
pasadizo {m} :: passage, corridor
pasadizo {m} :: shortcut
pasado {adj} :: past
pasado {adj} :: former
pasado {adj} :: last
pasado {m} :: past, bygones
pasado {m} [grammar] :: past
pasado de moda {adj} :: old-fashioned, dated
pasado mañana {adv} :: day after tomorrow
pasado mañana {m} :: day after tomorrow
pasador {m} :: bolt (of a crossbow, or of a door)
pasador {m} :: barrette; hairpin
pasador {m} :: pin for tie
pasador {m} :: pin (decorative)
pasador {m} :: sieve, colander
pasador {m} [Latina America] :: rolling pin
pasador {m} :: cord; lace (for tying clothes)
pasador {m} :: converter (for example, VHS to DVD)
pasagero {m} :: archaic spelling of pasajero
pasaje {m} :: passing, crossing
pasaje {m} [especially, Latin America] :: ticket, fare (for travel)
pasaje {m} [collective] :: all passengers on a plane or boat
pasaje {m} :: alleyway (narrow street)
pasaje {m} [literature, music] :: excerpt, passage
pasaje {m} [nautical] :: strait
pasaje digestivo {m} :: digestive tract
pasajera {f} :: feminine noun of pasajero
pasajeramente {adv} :: transiently
pasajero {adj} :: transient, passing
pasajero {m} :: passenger
pasamanería {f} :: passementerie
pasamano {m} :: handrail
pasamanos {m} :: alternative form of pasamano
pasamiento {m} :: passage (act of passing)
pasamiento {m} [euphemistic] :: death
pasamontaña {m} :: synonym of pasamontañas
pasamontañas {m} :: balaclava
pasanaku {m} [Bolivia] :: A form of economic agreement based on trust in which members of a group help each other out financially
pasante {m} :: intern, trainee
pasante {m} :: assistant
pasante {m} :: articled clerk (in law)
pasante {adj} [heraldry] :: passant
pasantía {f} :: internship
pasantía {f} :: practicum
pasapalo {m} [Venezuela] :: appetizer
pasapiezas {m} :: bughouse chess
pasaporte {m} :: passport
pasaportú {m} [Louisiana] :: saw
pasapurés {m} :: masher, potato masher
pasar {v} :: to pass, to hand, to slip
pasar {vi} :: to happen
pasar {vt} :: to pass, to get past, to go past, to go by, to go over, to get through
pasar {vt} :: to spend time
pasar {vi} :: to enter a room
pasar {vr} :: to go too far, exaggerate
pasar {vr} :: to exceed, surpass, go over
pasar {vr} :: to ripen too much, become rotten, become off (food)
pasar {vt} :: to pass (filter)
pasar {vt} :: to strain, to sieve, to sift
pasar {vt} :: to break the law, rule, order
pasar {vt} :: to trespass (enter on someone's property without permission)
pasar {v} :: to puree (crush or grind food into a puree)
pasar {v} :: to omit, leave out
pasar {vt} :: to send, transmit
pasar {vt} :: to stand, tolerate, bear
pasar {v} :: to go through, to pass through, to swing by (+ por)
pasar {v} :: to pass an exam
pasar {vp} :: to stop by, to swing by
pasar {vp} :: to spend (time)
pasar a mayores {v} [idiom] :: to fully develop
pasar apuros {v} [idiom] :: to have a hard time
pasar a un segundo plano {v} [idiomatic] :: to take a back seat, to play second fiddle, to be on the back burner, to fade into the background
pasar de castaño oscuro {v} [idiomatic] :: to be beyond a joke; to go too far
pasarela {f} :: catwalk
pasarela {f} :: footbridge
pasarela {f} :: gangway
pasarela {f} :: pedestrian overpass
pasar factura {v} [idiomatic] :: to take its toll (on)
pasar la bola {v} [idiom] :: to pass the buck
pasarlas canutas {v} [idiom] :: have a bad time about it
pasar las de Caín {v} [idiom] :: to go through hell
pasarlas moradas {v} [idiom] :: have a bad time about it
pasarlas negras {v} [idiom] :: have a bad time about it
pasarlas putas {v} [idiom] :: have a bad time about it
pasar lista {v} [idiom] :: to call roll
pasarlo {v} [idiom] :: to enjoy (oneself in a certain way)
pasarlo bien {v} [idiomatic] :: To have a good time
pasarlo bomba {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To have a whale of a time; to have a blast
pasarlo en grande {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To have a whale of a time
pasarlo pipa {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To have a whale of a time
pasarlo teta {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To have a whale of a time
pasar página {v} [idiomatic] :: To turn the page, turn over a new leaf
pasar por alto {v} [idiom] :: to overlook; skip, forgo
pasar por la piedra {v} [idiomatic] :: to humiliate
pasar por la piedra {v} [idiomatic] :: to have one's wicked way (with)
pasar por las horcas caudinas {v} [idiomatic] :: to face the music, bite the bullet
pasar revista {v} [idiomatic] :: to do the rounds
pasar revista {v} [military, idiomatic] :: to inspect the troops
pasarse {v} :: reflexive of pasar
pasarse de la raya {v} [idiomatic] :: to cross the line, step out of line, go too far
pasarse de rosca {v} [idiomatic] :: to go too far, overstep the mark
pasarse el arroz {v} [idiomatic] :: to be over the hill, to be past one's prime
pasárselas {v} [idiom] :: to kill time; pass time
pasarse la vida {v} [idiom] :: to be forever (doing something)
pasarse siete pueblos {v} [idiomatic] :: to go too far, go past the limit
pasarse tres pueblos {v} [idiomatic] :: to go too far, go past the limit
pasatiempo {m} :: pastime
pasatista {adj} :: passing
pasatista {adj} :: looking back at the past
pasbol {m} [baseball] :: passed ball
Pasco {prop} :: Pasco (region)
Pasco {prop} :: Pasco (province)
pascua {f} [Christianity] :: Easter
pascua {f} [Judaism] :: Passover
pascua {f} [Christianity] :: The period between the birth of Christ and the adoration of the Magi
Pascua {f} :: alternative case form of pascua
pascual {adj} :: paschal
Pascual {prop} {m} :: given name
Pascuala {prop} {f} :: given name
pascualina {f} :: A type of vegetable pie, especially stuffed with spinach
pascuense {adj} :: Pascuense
pascuense {mf} :: Pascuense
pascuense {m} :: Pascuense (language)
pascuero {m} :: poinsettia (flower)
pase {m} :: pass, permit
pase {m} [sports] :: pass (the act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another)
paseador {m} :: sitter, minder (one employed to look after something)
paseadora {f} :: feminine noun of paseador
paseante {adj} :: passing; going by
pasear {vi} :: to stroll, to saunter, to promenade
pasear {vi} :: to walk, to take a walk
pasear {vi} :: to ride, to go for a ride (e.g. on an animal, in a car, in a hot air balloon)
pasear {vt} :: to walk (e.g. a dog)
pasearse {v} :: reflexive of pasear, to take a walk
pasearse {v} :: to loiter
pasearse {v} :: to stroll
pase de lista {m} :: roll call
paseíllo {m} [bullfighting] :: paseíllo
paseíto {m} :: diminutive of paseo
pase lo que pase {adv} :: come what may
paseña {f} :: feminine noun of paseño
paseño {adj} :: El Pasoan (of or pertaining to El Paso, Texas)
paseño {m} :: El Pasoan (native or resident of El Paso, Texas)
paseo {m} :: walk, stroll
paseo {m} :: outing, excursion
paseo {m} :: promenade (place where one takes a walk for leisure)
paseo {m} [hyperbole] :: vacation, holiday
paseo {m} :: walk in the park, stroll in the park (something easy)
paseo {m} :: a summary execution committed as part of the White Terror during the Spanish Civil War
paseo de comida {f} :: food court
paseriforme {adj} :: passerine
pashmina {f} :: pashmina
pashtún {adj} :: Pashtun
pasible {adj} :: long-suffering
pasible {adj} :: punishable, punished, liable [to a legal punishment]
pasiega {f} :: feminine noun of pasiego
pasiego {adj} :: Of or related to Vega de Pas
pasiego {m} :: Someone from Vega de Pas
pasilla {f} :: pasilla (chili)
pasillismo {m} :: strutting, showing off
pasillo {m} :: hallway, corridor
pasillo {m} :: aisle
pasillo {m} [music genre, Latin America] :: pasillo
pasión {f} :: passion
pasión {f} :: inertia, idleness (the opposite of action)
pasional {adj} :: passionate
pasionaria {f} :: passionflower (any of very many North American vines of the family Passifloraceae)
pasionario {adj} [religion, attributive] :: Passion
pasionista {adj} :: Passionist
pasionista {mf} :: Passionist
pasita {f} :: diminutive of pasa
pasito {m} :: diminutive of paso
pasito {m} :: nativity scene (in Costa Rica)
pasivación {f} :: passivation
pasivamente {adv} :: passively
pasividad {f} :: passivity
pasivo {adj} :: passive
pasivo {adj} [gay slang] :: bottom
pasivo {m} [accounting] :: any debt or material obligation of an enterprise or individual
paslama {f} :: green sea turtle
pasma {mf} [colloquial, Spain] :: cop, pig (Police officer)
pasma {f} [colloquial] :: fuzz, cops, the po-po (police)
pasmado {adj} :: absent-minded
pasmado {adj} :: astounded, stunned
pasmado {adj} :: with bated breath
pasmado {adj} [heraldry] :: open-mouthed (fish)
pasmar {vt} :: to amaze, to surprise
pasmarote {mf} [colloquial] :: idiot, dimwit
pasmo {m} :: astonishment
pasmoso {adj} :: astounding
paso {adj} :: dry (said of fruit)
paso {m} :: A step or pace walking
paso {m} :: A step in a set of instructions
paso {m} :: A way
paso {m} :: The pitch of a helix or screw thread
paso {m} [geography] :: pass, col
paso {m} :: A float for a religious parade, carried on the backs of a group of people, called costaleros
paso a desnivel {m} [roads] :: overpass, grade separation
paso a dos {m} :: pas de deux
paso a nivel {m} :: level crossing
paso a paso {adv} :: step by step
paso cebra {m} :: zebra crossing
paso de cebra {m} :: zebra crossing
paso-doble {m} :: alternative spelling of paso doble
pasodoble {m} :: A certain kind of march (music)
paso elevado {m} :: overpass
paso en falso {m} :: stumble, misstep, false step
paso inferior {m} :: underpass
pasola {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: motor scooter
pasón {n} [colloquial, Mexico] :: wonder, marvel (something astonishing)
paso superior {m} :: overpass
pasota {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: apathetic
pasota {mf} [Spain, colloquial] :: Someone who couldn't care less, someone who doesn't give a damn
pasotismo {m} :: apathy
pasquín {m} :: pasquinade
pasquín {m} :: rag (low-quality newspaper) (derogatory)
passar {v} :: obsolete spelling of pasar
password {m} :: password
pasta {f} :: pasta
pasta {f} :: paste, dough
pasta {f} :: biscuit
pasta {f} [Spain, slang] :: money, dough
pasta de dientes {f} :: toothpaste
pasta de papel {f} :: wood pulp
pastafrola {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: A type of sweet pie, most often filled with quince jelly; crostata
pastar {v} :: to graze
paste {m} [Mexico] :: pasty, pastie (a type of pie or turnover)
paste {m} :: loofah (plant in the Luffa genus)
pastear {v} :: to graze
pastel {m} :: cake
pastel {m} :: pastry
pastel {m} :: pie
pastel {m} [art] :: pastel
pastelazo {m} :: a custard pie in the face
pastel de carne {m} :: meatloaf
pastel de carne {m} :: meat pie
pastel de cumpleaños {m} :: birthday cake
pastel de luna {m} :: moon cake
pastelear {v} :: to suck up; kiss ass; backscratch
pastelera {f} :: feminine noun of pastelero
pastelería {f} :: pastry shop, cake shop
pastelería {f} :: confectionery
pastelero {m} :: pastry cook, confectioner
pastelillo {m} :: diminutive of pastel, a small cake
pastelito {m} :: diminutive of pastel, small cake
pastelón {m} :: big cake
pastera {f} :: Someone whose job is to put ground olives into a basket, known as the capacho
pasterización {f} :: alternative form of pasteurización
pasterizar {v} :: to pasteurize
pastero {adj} :: grazing; suitable for pasture
pastero {m} :: Someone whose job is to put ground olives into a basket, known as the capacho
pasteurización {f} :: pasteurisation
pasteurizar {v} :: to pasteurize
pastiche {m} :: pastiche (work that imitates the work of a previous artist)
pasticho {m} [Venezuela] :: lasagna
pastilla {f} :: pill
pastilla {f} :: cake (block of a dense material)
pastilla {f} :: bar (block of soap or chocolate)
pastilla {f} :: cube (cube of stock)
pastilla {f} :: pad (brake pad)
pastilla de frenos {f} :: brake pad
pastillera {f} :: feminine noun of pastillero
pastillero {m} :: pillbox
pastillero {m} [colloquial] :: pill popper
pastillita {f} :: diminutive of pastilla
pastis {m} :: pastis
pastita {f} :: diminutive of pasta
pastito {m} :: diminutive of pasto
pastizal {m} :: grassland, pasture (land covered with grass)
pasto {m} :: pasture
pasto {m} :: lawn
pasto {m} :: grass
pasto {m} :: Pashto (language)
pastón {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: bomb, fortune (a huge amount of money)
pastor {m} :: shepherd
pastor {m} :: herder
pastor {m} :: pastor, priest
Pastor {prop} :: surname
pastora {f} :: female equivalent of pastor
pastoral {adj} :: pastoral
pastoral {f} :: pastoral
pastor alemán {m} :: German Shepherd
pastoralmente {adv} :: pastorally
pastorcilla {f} :: diminutive of pastora
pastorcillo {m} :: diminutive of pastor
pastorcita {f} :: diminutive of pastora
pastorcito {m} :: diminutive of pastor
pastorear {v} :: to shepherd
pastorela {f} :: pastorela
pastoreo {m} :: grazing
pastoreo {m} :: shepherding
pastoril {adj} :: pastoral
pastoso {adj} :: thick, viscous
Pastrana {prop} :: Pastrana (town)
Pastrana {prop} :: surname
pastranismo {m} :: The political beliefs, or regime of, Andrés Pastrana Arango, President of Colombia from 1998 to 2002
pastrón {m} :: pastrami (seasoned cut of smoked beef)
pastún {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Pashtun people or their language
pastún {m} :: Pashtun (person)
pastún {m} [uncountable] :: Pashto (language)
pastura {f} :: pasture, grassland
pastusa {f} :: feminine noun of pastuso
pastuso {adj} :: Of or from Pasto
pastuso {m} :: Someone from Pasto
-pata {suffix} :: -path
pata {f} :: paw, foot, leg (of an animal)
pata {f} :: leg (of furniture)
pata {f} [colloquial] :: human leg, foot [often used in anger]
pata {f} [colloquial] :: footprint [often used in anger]
pata {f} :: pocket flap
pata {f} :: tie, draw
pata {f} :: feminine noun of pato; female duck
patache {m} :: patache (boat)
patacón {m} :: deep-fried plantain slice
patacón {m} [Venezuela] :: fried plantain sandwich, stuffed with shredded meat, cheese and ham
pataconcito {m} [Panama] :: dump; garbage yard
pataconcito {m} :: diminutive of patacón
patada {f} :: kick
pata de burro {f} :: Chilean abalone
pata de ganso {f} [anatomy] :: pes anserinus
pata de ganso {f} :: See: es pata ganso
patadita {f} :: diminutive of patada; small kick
patadón {m} :: Mighty kick
patagio {m} :: patagium
patagón {adj} :: Patagonian
patagón {m} :: Patagonian
patagona {f} :: feminine noun of patagón
Patagonia {prop} {f} :: Patagonia
patagónico {adj} :: Patagonian
patalear {v} :: to stamp, stomp
pataleo {m} :: stamp, stamping, stomp, stomping
pataleta {f} :: tantrum (childish display or fit of bad temper)
patán {m} :: boor (rude person)
patana {f} [Dominican Republic] :: tractor-trailer
patana {f} :: feminine noun of patán
patanería {f} :: loutishness
patarashca {f} :: A dish from Peru, in which a fish wrapped in leaves is cooked on hot coals
patas arriba {adj} [idiom] :: messy, in a mess
patas de gallo {fp} :: crow's feet
patata {f} [Spain, Philippines] :: potato
patata {f} [colloquial] :: piece of rubbish
patata caliente {f} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: hot potato (unwanted problem)
patata dulce {f} [Spain] :: sweet potato
patata frita {f} :: singular of patatas fritas
patatal {m} :: potato field
patatas alioli {fp} :: A Spanish dish consisting of small pieces of potatoes, with aioli sauce
patatas bravas {fp} :: patatas bravas
patatas fritas {fp} :: fries, French fries, chips (UK)
patatas fritas {fp} :: chips (US), crisps, potato chips
patatera {f} :: potato (plant)
patatera {f} :: potato grower
patatero {adj} [attributive] :: potato (pertaining to or relating to potato)
patatero {m} :: potato grower/farmer/producer
patatero {m} :: potato merchant
patatús {m} [colloquial] :: swoon, faint (act of fainting)
patatús {m} [colloquial] :: heart attack
pataxte {m} [Central America] :: The tree Theobroma bicolor or its fruit, related to cacao
Pataz {prop} :: Pataz (province)
patchwork {m} :: patchwork
paté {m} :: pâté, pate
pateador {adj} :: kicking
pateador {m} :: kicker (something that kicks)
pateadura {f} :: stamping
pateadura {f} :: protest
patear {v} :: to kick
patear {v} :: to hit
patear {v} :: to stamp, stomp
patena {f} :: paten
patentabilidad {f} :: patentability
patentado {m} :: patenting
patentamiento {m} :: patenting
patentar {vt} :: to patent
patente {adj} :: patent
patente {adj} :: blatant, obvious
patente {adj} :: clear, clear-cut
patente {m} :: patent (declaration issued by a government to an inventor)
patente {m} [Argentina, Chile] :: the license plate of a vehicle
patentemente {adv} :: patently, obviously, evidently
patentizar {v} :: to make obvious
patepluma {adj} [Honduras] :: Of or from Santa Bárbara Department, Honduras
patepluma {mf} :: Someone from Santa Bárbara Department, Honduras
patera {f} :: small boat (especially one used for illegal immigration across the Mediterranean Sea)
paterfamilias {m} :: paterfamilias
paternal {adj} :: paternal, fatherly
paternalismo {m} :: paternalism
paternalista {adj} :: paternalistic
paternalista {mf} :: paternalist
paternalistamente {adv} :: paternalistically
paternalmente {adv} :: paternally
paternidad {f} :: fatherhood
paternidad {f} :: paternity
paterno {adj} :: parental
paterno {adj} :: paternal
patéticamente {adv} :: pathetically
patético {adj} :: pathetic
patético {adj} [colloquial] :: awful, terrible (very bad)
patetismo {m} :: poignancy
pathos {m} :: pathos
Pati {prop} {f} :: given name
patí {m} :: Luciopimelodus pati
-patía {suffix} :: [feeling or passion] -pathy
-patía {suffix} [pathology, abnormal state] :: -pathy
patiamarillo {adj} :: yellow-footed
patiazul {adj} :: blue-footed
patibulario {adj} :: horrifying, harrowing
patibulario {adj} :: sinister
patíbulo {m} :: gallows
-pático {suffix} :: -pathic
patidifuso {adj} [colloquial] :: gobsmacked, astounded
patiecito {m} :: diminutive of patio
patilla {f} :: sideburn
patilla {f} :: arm, sidepiece (of glasses)
patilla {f} [Colombia, Venezuela, Caribbean] :: watermelon
patillaje {m} :: pinout
patín {m} :: skate, roller skate
patín {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: foul smell
patín {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: party
pátina {f} :: patina (a colored coating as results from oxidation of bronze or copper)
patinador {adj} :: skating
patinador {m} :: skater
patinadora {f} :: feminine noun of patinador
patinaje {m} :: skating
patinaje artístico {m} :: figure skating
patinaje de velocidad {m} :: speed skating
patinar {vt} :: To patine
patinar {vi} :: to skate
patinar {vi} :: to slip, slide
patinata {f} [Venezuela] :: Group of ice skaters
patinazo {m} :: skid
patinazo {m} [colloquial] :: slip, error, mistake, cock-up
patinegro {adj} :: blackfoot, black-footed
patineta {f} :: scooter (child's foot-operated vehicle)
patineta {f} :: skateboard
patinete {m} :: kick scooter, push scooter, scooter
patinillo {m} :: diminutive of patín
Patiño {prop} :: surname
patio {m} :: yard, patio
patio {m} :: courtyard
patio {m} :: playground (clipping of patio de recreo) or (clipping of patio de juegos)
patiperro {m} [Chile] :: globetrotter; avid journeyer
patirrojo {adj} :: red-footed
patisserie {f} :: patisserie
patita {f} :: diminutive of pata
patitieso {adj} [colloquial] :: having a numb leg or feet; with a dead leg
patitieso {adj} [colloquial] :: baffled
patitieso {adj} [colloquial] :: on end
patito {m} :: duckling
patito feo {m} [idiom] :: ugly duckling
patizambo {adj} :: bow-legged
pato {m} :: duck, drake
pato {m} [vulgar, slang, Antilles, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Puerto Rico] :: homosexual, faggot
Pato {prop} [Chile, colloquial] :: given name
pato almizclero {m} :: musk duck
pato arlequín {m} :: harlequin duck
Patoburgo {prop} {m} :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives)
patochada {f} [colloquial] :: bloomer, whopper, blunder
pato colorado {m} :: red-crested pochard
pato criollo {m} :: Muscovy duck
pato de mar {m} :: Guanay cormorant
Pato Donald {prop} {m} :: Donald Duck (Disney character)
patofisiología {f} :: pathophysiology
pato friso {m} :: gadwall (Mareca strepera)
patogénesis {f} :: pathogenesis
patogenia {f} [pathology] :: pathogenesis
patogenicidad {f} :: pathogenicity
patogénico {adj} :: pathogenic
patógeno {adj} :: pathogenic
patógeno {m} :: pathogen
patognomónico {adj} [medicine] :: pathognomonic
patojo {adj} :: bowlegged
patojo {m} :: bowlegged person
patojo {m} [Central America] :: kid (child)
Patolandia {prop} {f} [Latin America] :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives)
pato lilo {m} :: Guanay cormorant
patóloga {f} :: feminine noun of patólogo
patología {f} :: pathology
patológicamente {adv} :: pathologically
patológico {adj} :: pathological
patologista {mf} :: pathologist
patologización {f} :: pathologization
patologizar {v} :: to pathologize
patólogo {m} :: pathologist
Pato Lucas {prop} {m} :: Daffy Duck
patón {adj} :: having big feet
pato silbador {m} :: whistling duck
patoso {adj} :: clumsy (lacking coordination)
patota {f} [Latin America] :: mob, gang
patotero {adj} :: thuggish
patotero {m} :: thug
patovica {m} :: bouncer (security guard employed at bars or nightclubs)
patraña {f} :: tall tale (a greatly exaggerated, fantastic story)
patraña {f} :: lie
patranca {f} :: Magellanic penguin
patria {f} :: homeland, fatherland, motherland
patria chica {f} :: hometown, native region
patria potestad {f} :: (child) custody
patria potestad {f} :: parental rights
patriarca {m} :: patriarch
patriarcado {m} :: patriarchy
patriarcado {m} :: patriarchate
patriarcal {adj} :: patriarchal
patriarchâ {m} :: obsolete spelling of patriarca
Patricia {prop} {f} :: given name
patriciado {m} :: patricianship, patricianhood
patricio {m} :: patrician
Patricio {prop} {m} :: given name
patrilineal {adj} :: patrilineal
patrimonial {adj} :: patrimonial, hereditary
patrimonial {adj} :: heritage (e.g. heritage site or building, heritage value)
patrimonialismo {m} :: patrimonialism
patrimonialista {mf} :: patrimonialist
patrimonializable {adj} :: Able to be part of the heritage
patrimonialización {f} :: the making part of heritage
patrimonializar {v} :: to make part of heritage
patrimonialmente {adv} :: patrimonially
patrimonio {m} :: estate, property
patrimonio {m} :: assets, wealth
patrimonio {m} :: heritage
Patrimonio {prop} :: surname
Patrimonio de la Humanidad {prop} {m} :: World Heritage Site
patrio {adj} [formal] :: native, home (of one's homeland)
patriota {adj} :: patriotic
patriota {mf} :: patriot
patriotería {f} :: jingoism
patriotería {f} :: chauvinism
patrioterismo {m} :: chauvinism (excessive patriotism)
patriotero {adj} :: jingoistic
patrióticamente {adv} :: patriotically
patriótico {adj} :: patriotic
patriotismo {m} :: patriotism
patrística {f} :: patristics
patrístico {adj} :: patristic
patrocinador {m} :: sponsor (person or organisation that pays part of the cost of an event or service)
patrocinadora {f} :: feminine noun of patrocinador
patrocinante {mf} :: sponsor
patrocinar {vt} :: to sponsor (to pay part of the cost of an event or service)
patrocinio {m} :: sponsorship
Patroclo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Patroclus
patrón {m} :: protector
patrón {m} :: boss
patrón {m} :: master
patrón {m} :: patron
patrón {m} :: pattern
Patrón {prop} :: surname
patrona {f} :: feminine noun of patrón
patrona {f} :: feminine noun of patrono
patronal {adj} [attributive] :: patron saint
patronal {adj} :: patronal
patronal {adj} [attributive] :: owner of a house where someone is a guest
patronal {adj} [attributive] :: employer
patronal {adj} [attributive] :: management
patronal {adj} [attributive, nautical] :: skipper
patronal {f} :: management
patronal {f} :: employers
patronato {m} :: patronage
patronazgo {m} :: patronage
patronazgo {m} :: patronage of a saint
patronear {v} [nautical] :: to skipper
patronímico {adj} :: patronymic
patronizar {v} :: to patronize
patrono {m} [religion] :: patron saint
patrono {m} :: patron (one who protects and supports)
patrono {m} :: owner of a house where someone is a guest
patrono {m} :: employer
patrono {m} :: master
patrulla {f} :: patrol
patrullador {m} :: patroller
patrullaje {m} :: patrolling, patrol
patrullar {vit} :: to patrol
patrullera {f} :: patrol boat
patrullero {adj} :: related to patrolling
patrullero {m} :: patrolman
patrullero {m} :: patrol boat
patudo {adj} [El Salvador] :: having big feet
patujú {m} :: hanging lobster claw (Heliconia rostrata)
patulina {f} :: patulin
patullar {v} :: To stomp
patullar {v} :: To chat loudly
pauciinmune {adj} :: pauci-immune
paujil {m} :: Any curassow of the genus Crax
paúl {m} :: a moor, a heath
Paula {prop} {f} :: given name
paulatinamente {adv} :: slowly, gradually
paulatino {adj} :: gradual
Paulette {prop} {f} :: given name
pauliciano {adj} :: Paulician
pauliciano {m} :: Paulician
Paulina {prop} {f} :: given name
paulino {adj} :: Pauline (of or relating to the Apostle Paul)
Paulino {prop} {m} :: given name
paulista {mf} :: An inhabitant of São Paulo, Brazil
paulistana {f} :: feminine noun of paulistano
paulistano {m} [demonym] :: Paulistan, someone born in, or an inhabitant of, the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil
paulistano {adj} :: Paulistan (of or pertaining to São Paulo)
Paulito {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Paulo
pauperismo {m} :: pauperism
pauperización {f} :: impoverishment
pauperizar {v} :: to pauperize
paupérrimo {adj} [formal, archaic] :: superlative of pobre
pausa {f} :: break, pause
pausadamente {adv} :: pausingly, slowly
pausado {adj} :: slow, unhurried
pausar {v} :: to pause
pauta {f} :: ruler, rule
pauta {f} :: guideline, guiding principle
pauta {f} :: guide, rule, pattern, model
pautaje {m} [Ecuador] :: (ad) placement, scheduling [how often an ad is shown, at what times, what channels, during what programs, etc.]
pautaje {m} [Ecuador] :: advertisement, publicity
pautaje {m} :: logging [making entries in a log]
pautar {v} :: to trace lines
pautar {v} :: to regulate, to lay down rules
pautar {v} [Latin America] :: to advertise
pava {f} :: turkey hen
pava {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: bore
pava {f} :: A type of pot; a boiler
pavada {f} :: turkey herd
pavada {f} :: A children's game
pavada {f} [colloquial, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay] :: bullshit, nonsense, tosh (dumb talk or act)
pava real {f} :: feminine noun of pavo real
pavarreal {f} :: feminine noun of pavorreal
pavazo {m} :: augmentative of pavo
pavera {f} :: feminine noun of pavero
pavero {m} :: turkey farmer
pavesa {f} :: ember (hot piece of ash)
pavezna {f} :: A poult; the young of a turkey
pavezno {m} :: A poult; the young of a turkey
pavía {f} :: A variety of peach
Pavía {prop} :: Pavía (province)
Pavía {prop} :: Pavía (city)
pávido {adj} [poetic] :: faint, shy (easily frightened)
pavimentación {f} :: paving
pavimentar {v} :: to pave
pavimento {m} :: road surface [British], pavement [US]
pavimento {m} :: paving
pavloviano {adj} :: Pavlovian
pavo {m} :: turkey
pavo {m} :: peacock
pavo {m} [slang] :: buck (dollar)
pavo {m} [slang] :: euro
pavo {m} [slang] :: moron, airhead, dummy, dope (dumb man)
pavón {m} [rare] :: peacock
pavón {m} :: moth of the genus Saturnia (so called because of the spots in its wings resemble those of the peacock)
pavonar {v} :: To bronze
pavonear {vi} :: to strut, to show off
pavonear {vr} :: to strut around, to swagger, to sashay, to preen, to prance around
pavonearse {vr} :: to show off, to strut around, to swagger, to sashay, to preen, to prance around
pavoneo {m} :: strut, swagger
pavor {m} :: dread, fright, fear
pavo real {m} :: peacock
pavorosamente {adv} :: frightfully
pavoroso {adj} :: dreadful
pavorreal {m} :: peacock
pavoso {adj} [Caribbean] :: unlucky
pavura {f} :: fear
paxte {m} :: alternative spelling of paste
pay {m} [Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico] :: pie (food)
payana {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: jacks (children's game)
payana {f} [Nicaragua] :: broken rice
payanés {adj} :: Of or from Popayán, Colombia
payanés {m} :: Someone from Popayán, Colombia
payasa {f} :: feminine noun of payaso
payasada {f} :: antic, clowning
payasear {v} :: to goof
payasito {m} :: diminutive of payaso
payaso {m} :: clown
payés {m} [Spain, Catalonia] :: farmer, peasant
payo {adj} :: non-Romani person
payo {m} :: non-Romani person; gadjo
payoponi {mf} [pejorative, Spain] :: A South American
Paysandú {prop} :: Paysandú (city)
Paysandú {prop} :: Paysandú (department)
paz {f} :: peace
Paz {prop} {f} :: given name
Paz {prop} {f} :: surname derived from the given name, or from a nickname for a peaceful person
pazguato {adj} :: silly, foolish
pazguato {adj} :: prudish
pazo {m} [Spain] :: Galician manor
PCA {prop} [botany] :: DYC; "damn yellow composite"
PCE {prop} {m} :: Communist Party of Spain
PCR {f} [Medicine] :: initialism of proteína C reactiva CRP
PCUS {prop} {mf} [history, politics] :: CPSU (initialism of Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética)
P. D. {f} :: abbreviation of posdata
pe {f} :: letter: p
pea {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
peaje {m} :: toll (fee for using roads or bridges)
peajero {m} :: toll booth worker; toll-collector
peán {m} :: paean
peana {f} :: pedestal
peatón {m} :: pedestrian
peatona {f} :: feminine noun of peatón
peatonal {adj} :: pedestrian (of or intended for those who are walking)
peatonalización {f} :: pedestrianization
peatonalizar {v} :: to pedestrianize
peatonalmente {adv} :: on foot
peazo {m} :: pronunciation spelling of pedazo
pebete {m} :: punk, fuse
pebete {m} :: incense stick
pebete {m} [Argentina] :: a kind of bread roll
pebetero {m} :: A vessel for burning incense, a thurible
pebre {mf} :: pepper (powdered condiment)
pebre {mf} :: A Chilean condiment containing coriander, vinegar, garlic and pepper
peca {f} :: freckle
pecable {adj} :: peccable; liable to sin
pecadillo {m} :: diminutive of pecado; a peccadillo, minor sin
pecado {m} :: sin
pecado capital {m} :: deadly sin
pecado mortal {m} :: mortal sin, deadly sin
pecado original {m} :: original sin
pecador {adj} :: sinful
pecador {m} :: sinner
pecadora {f} :: feminine noun of pecador
pecaminoso {adj} :: sinful
pecán {m} :: pecan
pecana {f} :: pecan (nut)
pecante {adj} :: peccant, sinning, sinful
pecar {v} :: to sin
pecarí {m} :: peccary
pecatriz {f} [obsolete] :: sinner
pececillo {m} :: diminutive of pez; fishy; a small fish
pececillo de plata {m} :: silverfish
pececito {m} :: diminutive of pez; little fish, fishy
pecenista {adj} :: Of or relating to the National Coalition Party of El Salvador
pecenista {mf} :: A member or supporter of the National Coalition Party of El Salvador
pecera {f} :: fish tank, aquarium
Peces {prop} {m} {p} [zodiac] :: Pisces
peceto {m} :: eye of round
pechar {v} :: to pay a tax or other tribute
pechar {v} :: to trick (someone) out of money
pechar {v} :: to pay a fine
pechar {v} :: to put up with; to deal with
peche {adj} [El Salvador] :: skinny; skin and bones
peche {mf} [El Salvador] :: skinny person; skin and bones
pechenega {f} :: feminine noun of pechenego
pechenego {adj} :: Pecheneg
pechenego {m} :: Pecheneg
pechera {f} :: chestplate
pechera {f} :: (sport) bib
pechero {m} :: bib
pechiazul {m} :: The bluethroat. A small bird
pechiblanco {adj} :: white-breasted (of a bird)
pechina {f} [architecture] :: pendentive
pechinegro {adj} :: black-breasted
pechirrojo {adj} :: red-breasted (said of many species of bird)
pecho {m} :: thorax
pecho {m} :: chest; the front of the thorax
pecho {m} :: breast (of a woman)
pecho {m} [figuratively] :: breast, heart; seat of the emotions, feelings, etc
pecho {m} [figuratively] :: valor, strength, fortitude
pechocha {f} [slang, pejorative] :: hot stuff; sugar lips; babe
pechonalidad {f} [slang] :: attractive breasts, as a trait standing in for having personality
pechoño {adj} :: churchy, overly sanctimonious, exaggeratedly pietistic
pechote {m} :: augmentative of pecho, big breast
pechuga {f} [ornithology] :: bird breast
pechuga {f} :: poultry breast
pechuga {f} [by extension] :: human chest or breast
pechugón {adj} :: barrel-chested
pechugón {adj} :: having large pectorals
pechugón {m} :: A large-chested man
pechugón {m} :: A man with large pectorals
pechugona {f} :: feminine noun of pechugón
pecio {f} :: shipwreck, wreck
peciolado {adj} :: petiolated
peciolar {adj} :: petiolar
peciolo {m} :: alternative form of pecíolo
pecíolo {m} [botany] :: petiole
pecíolo {m} [entomology] :: petiole
peciólulo {m} :: petiolule
pécora {f} :: bitch
pécora {f} :: whore
pecorino {m} :: pecorino
pecoso {adj} :: freckled, freckly
pectato {f} :: pectate
pectina {f} [carbohydrate] :: pectin
pectinado {adj} [mycology] :: pectinate
pectíneo {adj} [anatomy] :: pectineal
pectíneo {m} [muscle] :: pectineus
pectoral {adj} :: pectoral (of or pertaining to the breast or chest)
pectus excavatum {m} :: pectus excavatum
pecuario {adj} :: Of or related to cattle raising
peculado {m} :: embezzlement
peculiar {adj} :: peculiar
peculiaridad {f} :: peculiarity, oddity
peculiaridad {f} :: quirk, idiosyncrasy
peculiarísimo {adj} :: superlative of peculiar
peculiarmente {adv} :: peculiarly
peculio {m} :: savings, scraps, nest egg
pecuniariamente {adv} :: financially, monetarily, pecuniarily
pecuniario {adj} :: financial, monetary, pecuniary
peda {f} [slang] :: state of being drunk, e.g. “lo besé pero fue por la peda”, “I kissed him but it was because I was drunk” (because of my drunken state)
pedacería {f} :: group of pieces, pieces, scraps, cullet
pedacillo {m} :: diminutive of pedazo
pedacito {m} :: diminutive of pedazo
pedacito {m} :: small piece
pedacito {m} :: chip (e.g., chocolate chips)
pedagoga {f} :: feminine noun of pedagogo
pedagogía {f} :: pedagogy
pedagógicamente {adv} :: pedagogically
pedagógico {adj} :: pedagogical, educational
pedagogo {m} :: pedagogue, educator
pedal {m} :: pedal (lever operated by one’s foot)
pedal {m} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
pedalada {f} :: the act of pedaling
pedalazo {m} [cycling] :: push of the pedal
pedalear {v} :: to pedal
pedalera {f} :: pedal keyboard
pedalero {m} :: pedalboard, pedal keyboard
pedalier {m} :: pedal keyboard
pedalista {mf} :: pedaller, cyclist
pedáneo {adj} :: small-town
pedanía {f} :: district, borough
pedante {adj} :: pedantic
pedante {mf} :: pedant (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning)
pedantería {f} :: pedantry (overly ambitious display of learning)
pedantescamente {adv} :: pedantically
pedantesco {adj} :: pedantic
pedantismo {m} :: pedantry
pedazo {m} :: piece, chunk, hunk, bit, bite (a part of a larger whole)
pedazo {m} :: patch (e.g. of sky, cloth, skin, space)
pedazo {m} :: scrap (e.g. of paper, information)
pedazo {m} :: lump (e.g. of metal, rock, clay, wood)
pedazo {m} :: slab (e.g. of meat, of cheese)
pedazo {m} :: shard (e.g. of glass, ice)
pedazo de pan {m} [idiom] :: a harmless fellow; an angel
pedecista {mf} :: Member or supporter of the Partido Demócrata Cristiano
pedegista {m} :: A member or supporter of Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea
pedegista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea, or its politics
pedemonte {m} :: piedmont
pederasta {m} :: pederast
pederastia {f} :: pederasty
pedernal {m} :: flint
pedestal {m} [architecture] :: pedestal (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like)
pedestal {m} [figuratively] :: pedestal (a place of reverence or honor)
pedestre {adj} :: pedestrian, walking
pedestremente {adv} :: pedestrianly
pediatra {mf} :: pediatrician
pediatría {f} :: pediatrics
pediátrico {adj} :: pediatric
pedicelado {adj} :: pedicellate
pedicelario {m} :: pedicellaria
pedicelo {m} [botany, zoology, mycology] :: pedicel
pedículo {m} [anatomy] :: pedicle
pedículo {m} [botany] :: pedicel
pedículo {m} :: louse
pediculosis {f} :: pediculosis
pedicura {f} :: pedicure
pedicure {m} :: pedicure
pedicurista {mf} :: pedicurist
pedido {m} :: order
pedido {m} :: bulk purchase
pedigree {m} :: pedigree
pedigrí {m} :: pedigree
pedigüeña {f} :: feminine noun of pedigüeño
pedigüeñería {f} :: quality of being a schnorrer; beggarliness
pedigüeño {m} :: sponger
pediluvio {m} :: footbath
pedimento {m} :: petition
pedipalpo {m} :: pedipalp
pedir {v} :: to ask for something
pedir {v} :: to request someone else to do something
pedir {v} :: to order something
pedir {v} :: to call, to call in (e.g. to call for help, to call for backup, to call in a favor)
pedir cotufas en el golfo {v} [idiom] :: to ask for the moon
pedir la luna {v} [idiom] :: to ask for the moon
pedir papas {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, Galicia] :: to give up
pedo {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: drunk, high, intoxicated
pedo {m} :: fart (in some places, such as Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries, the 'd' is dropped in this meaning, thus the word is written and pronounced "peo")
pedo {m} [slang] :: drunkenness
pedo {m} [Mexico, El Salvador] :: party
pedo {m} [Latin America, slang] :: problem, issue (in some places the 'd' is almost always dropped in this meaning, thus the word is written and pronounced "peo")
pedófila {f} :: feminine noun of pedófilo
pedofilia {f} :: pedophilia
pedófilo {adj} :: pedophilic
pedófilo {m} :: pedophile
pedofobia {f} :: pedophobia
pedológico {adj} :: pedological
pedorrear {v} :: to fart
pedorrera {f} :: string of farts
pedorrero {adj} :: farty (prone to farting)
pedorreta {f} :: raspberry (fart sound made with the mouth)
pedorriento {adj} [Mexico] :: farty (prone to farting)
pedorro {adj} [vulgar] :: farty (someone or something that farts)
pedorro {m} [vulgar] :: farter (someone or something that farts)
pedorro {m} [vulgar] :: ass, buttocks
pedrada {f} :: throw of a stone
pedrada {f} :: blow/hit of a stone
pedraplén {m} [construction, engineeering] :: rockfill (compacted rock used to prevent erosion or flooding)
pedrea {f} :: throw of a stone; casting of a stone
pedrea {f} :: stone-throwing fight
pedrea {f} :: hail
pedrea {f} :: small prize in a lottery
pedregal {m} :: A place or region with rocky terrain
pedregal {m} [Mexico] :: lava field
pedregaleño {adj} :: Of or from El Pedregal
pedregaleño {m} :: Someone from El Pedregal
pedregosidad {f} :: rockiness; stoniness
pedregoso {adj} :: stony
pedrenal {m} :: obsolete spelling of pedernal
pedrense {adj} :: OF or from Las Piedras, Uruguay
pedrense {mf} :: Someone from Las Piedras, Uruguay
pedrera {f} :: quarry
pedrería {f} :: gemstone collection
pedrero {m} :: stone worker; stonecutter
pedrero {m} [historical] :: cannon shooting stone cannonballs
pedrete gris {m} :: black-crowned night heron
pedrisco {m} :: hail (balls of ice)
Pedro {prop} {m} :: Peter [biblical character]
Pedro {prop} {m} :: given name
pedrolo {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: big rock (large diamond)
pedroso {adj} [rare] :: stony; rocky
pedrusco {m} :: rock; stone
pedunculado {adj} [botany] :: pedunculate
peduncular {adj} [anatomy] :: peduncular
pedúnculo {m} [botany] :: peduncle
pedúnculo {m} [anatomy] :: peduncle (a bundle of neurons connecting parts of the brain)
peeling {m} :: peeling; peel (surgery of remove the outer layer of skin from a part of the body)
peer {v} :: to break wind, to fart
peer {vr} :: to break wind; fart
pega {f} [colloquial, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru] :: work
pega {f} [Venezuela] :: glue
pega {f} :: gluing
pega {f} :: obstacle
pegacarteles {m} :: billposter
pegada {f} [boxing] :: punch (a hit or strike with one's fist)
pegada {f} :: punch (power, strength, energy)
pegada {f} :: sticking, adhesion
pegadito {adj} :: diminutive of pegado
pegadizo {adj} :: sticky
pegadizo {adj} :: catchy
pegadizo {adj} :: infectious
pegado {adj} :: cleaving
pegado {adj} :: sticking
pegado {adj} :: stuck
pegado {adj} :: adherent
pegado {adj} :: attached
pegado {adj} [computing] :: hanging
pegador {m} :: fighter; boxer
pegajosidad {f} :: stickiness
pegajoso {adj} :: tacky, sticky
pegajoso {adj} :: clingy
pegajoso {adj} :: slimy
pegamento {m} :: glue (substance) [synthetic]
pegamento {m} [figurative] :: glue
pegamiento {m} :: gluing, glue (action of gluing)
pegante {m} [Colombia, Dominican Republic and perhaps other places] :: glue
pegar {vi} :: to stick
pegar {vi} :: to match; to fit; to go with
pegar {vi} :: to be strong (of food and drink)
pegar {vt} [computing] :: to paste
pegar {vt} :: to glue
pegar {vt} :: to hit; strike
pegar {vt} :: to give; dish out (a strike)
pegar {vt} :: to infect; pass on; infect (a disease)
pegar {vt} [colloquial] :: to do; take; have (a kind of catch-all verb for various actions)
pegar {v} [colloquial] :: to flirt, hit on
pegar fuego {v} :: to set fire
pegar la hebra {v} [idiom] :: to shoot the breeze; to chitchat
pegar las mangas {v} [euphemism, idiom] :: to kick the bucket; snuff it
pegar ojo {v} [idiomatic] :: To sleep
pegarse {vi} :: to stick, to become attached, to adhere
pegarse {vi} :: to take root
pegarse {vt} :: to have
pegársela {v} [idiom] :: to trick
pegársela {v} [idiom] :: to cheat on; cuckold
pegársele a alguien las sábanas {v} [idiom] :: to oversleep
pegarse un tiro {v} [idiomatic] :: to shoot oneself
pegar un parche {v} [idiomatic] :: to pull the wool over someone's eyes, to pull a fast one
Pegaso {prop} {m} :: Pegasus
pegatina {f} :: sticker (adhesive label or decal)
pegmatita {f} :: pegmatite
pegmatítico {adj} :: pegmatitic
pego {m} [card games] :: A trick consisting of taking two cards from the pack instead of one
pegote {m} :: goop, gloop, glob, glop, sticky mess (literally or figuratively)
pegote {m} :: eyesore
pegote {m} :: burdock (Arctium lappa)
pegotear {v} :: To stick
pegotear {v} :: To sponge; blag
pegoyo {m} :: pillar (of hórreo)
pegullo {m} [Aragón] :: flock; herd (of animals)
pehuén {m} :: monkey puzzle tree
pehuenche {adj} :: Pehuenche
peinadito {m} :: diminutive of peinado
peinado {m} :: hairstyle
peinado {m} :: hairdo
peinador {m} :: hairdresser, comber
peinador {m} :: combing machine
peinadora {f} :: comber
peinar {vt} :: to comb (something)
peinar {vr} :: to comb oneself
peinarse {v} :: reflexive of peinar
peine {m} :: comb
peine navaja {m} :: razor comb
peineta {f} [Latin America] :: comb
peineta {f} [Spain] :: the finger (obscene or insulting gesture made by raising one's middle finger)
peinilla {f} [Latin America] :: comb
peinilla {f} [Latin America] :: Short machete
peirón {m} :: wayside cross
p. ej. {adv} :: abbreviation of por ejemplo; e.g.
peje {m} :: fish
Peje {prop} {m} [colloquial] :: Mexican politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador
pejelagarto {m} [chiefly Mexico and Central America] :: gar; garfish (fish of the family Lepisosteidae)
Pejenaute {prop} :: surname
pejerrey {m} :: Any of various fish, known in English as smelts, grunions, or silversides
pejesapo {m} :: A species of clingfish, Sicyases sanguineus
pejiguera {f} :: nuisance
pejiguero {adj} :: petty
pejista {mf} [Mexico, politics] :: A supporter of Mexican politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador
pejotista {mf} :: justicialist
pejotista {mf} :: A supporter of the Justicialist Party
Pekín {prop} :: Pekín (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pekinés {adj} :: Pekingese
pekinés {m} :: Pekingese (native or inhabitant of Beijing)
pekinés {m} :: Pekingese (small dog)
pekinesa {f} :: feminine noun of pekinés
pela {f} :: a hit or a beating
pela {f} [colloquial] :: Peseta (former currency of Spain)
pelada {f} :: feminine noun of pelado
pelada {f} :: bald head
peladero {m} [latin America] :: desert, wasteland (area with no or little or no vegetation)
peladilla {f} :: sugared almond
pelado {adj} :: peeled, skinned, shelled (having the outer layer e.g. peel, skin, husk etc. removed)
pelado {adj} :: treeless, bare (with no or little vegetation)
pelado {adj} :: hairless
pelado {adj} :: bald
pelado {adj} [figuratively] :: broke, pennyless (without money)
pelado {adj} [figuratively] :: uncultivated, uncivilized
pelado {adj} [by extension, Mexico] :: obscene, filthy
pelado {adj} [Chile] :: naked, nude
pelado {adj} [Chile] :: promiscuous
pelado {m} :: baldie
pelador {adj} :: peeling
pelador {adj} :: gossip, calumnious
pelador {m} :: peeler
pelador {m} :: gossip
peladora {f} :: peeler [electric machine that peels potatoes]
peladora {f} :: peeler, husker [a woman who peels]
peladura {m} :: peeling (of skin)
peladura {m} :: falling out (of hair)
Peláez {prop} {m} :: surname
pelagatos {m} :: nobody (unimportant person)
pelagianismo {m} :: Pelagianism
pelágico {adj} :: pelagic
pelagornítido {m} :: pelagornithid
pelagra {f} [disease] :: pellagra (disease caused by niacin deficiency)
pelaíta {f} [Colombia] :: little girl
pelaje {m} :: fur coat
pelambre {m} :: abundant covering of hair
pelambre {m} :: patch of hair
pelambre {m} :: gossip (usually criticizing somebody not present)
pelambre {m} :: quality or condition of a person
pelambre {m} [rare] :: patch of bare skin
pelambrera {f} :: mop of hair
pelandusca {f} [colloquial] :: floozy, harlot (prostitute)
pelao {adj} :: pronunciation spelling of pelado
pelapapas {m} :: potato peeler
pelapatatas {m} :: potato peeler
pelar {v} :: to peel [fruits, vegetables]
pelar {v} :: to skin [an animal]
pelar {v} :: to shell [nuts, shellfish]
pelar {v} :: to unwrap
pelar {v} :: to pluck [a bird]
pelar {v} :: to cut the hair of
pelar {vt} :: to spread negative gossip, run down, criticise somebody
pelar {v} :: to exfoliate
pelar {v} :: to steal
pelar {vt} [Mexico, colloquial, especially, in the negative] :: to notice someone, to pay attention to someone
pelar {vtr} [vulgar] :: to matter
pelar el gallo {v} [idiom, Mexico, colloquial] :: kick the bucket; snuff it
pelar la pava {v} [idiomatic, dated, Spain] :: To flirt; to engage in courtship, especially by a window or a balcony
pelar la pava {v} [idiomatic, Spain] :: to gossip; to chitchat
pelarse {vr} :: to have one's hair cut
pelarse {vr} :: to lose one's hair; to go bald
pelarse {vr} :: to peel (of skin, from the sun, etc.)
pelarse {vr} :: to fray (rope, wire)
pelarse {v} [Chile] :: to steal
pelarse {v} [Chile] :: to flirt
pelarse {v} [Chile] :: to make out with a stranger at a social event
pelársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] :: To wank
pelársela {v} [idiom] :: To not give a shit
pelasga {f} :: feminine noun of pelasgo
pelasgo {m} :: Pelasgian
Pelayo {prop} {m} :: given name, Pelagius
peldaño {m} :: step, stair (single step in a staircase)
peldaño {m} :: step, rung (crosspiece forming a step of a ladder)
peldón {interj} [Puerto Rico] :: pronunciation spelling of perdón
pelea {f} :: fight, brawl
pelea {f} :: struggle [physical]
pelea {f} :: quarrel, argument
pelea {f} [boxing] :: fight, bout
pelea de gallos {f} :: cockfight
peleador {adj} :: combative, fighting
peleador {adj} :: quarrelsome, feisty
pelear {vi} :: to fight (to contend in physical conflict)
pelear {vi} :: to fight, to argue
pelear {vi} :: to fight for, to struggle against
pelechar {v} :: to molt/moult
pelecoide {m} :: pelecoid
peledeísta {adj} :: Supporting the Partido de la Liberación Dominicana
peledeísta {mf} :: A Supporter of the Partido de la Liberación Dominicana
pelela {f} :: potty (child's urinal)
pelele {m} [colloquial] :: wimp
pelele {m} :: rompers (one-piece garment for babies)
pelele {m} :: dummy (stupid person)
pelele {m} :: puppet, tool
peleón {m} :: bully
peletera {f} :: feminine noun of peletero
peletería {f} :: the fur industry
peletería {f} :: a fur shop
peletero {m} :: furrier
peletizar {v} :: to pelletize
peli {f} [slang] :: clipping of película, movie
peliagudo {adj} :: difficult, tricky
peliblanco {adj} :: white-haired
pelícana {f} :: pelican
pelicano {m} :: alternative form of pelícano
pelícano {m} :: pelican
pelícano {m} [colloquial] :: a large nose
pelicorto {adj} :: shorthaired
película {f} :: film (layer)
película {f} :: movie, film
película {f} :: story (invented story, especially one as an excuse)
película de terror {f} :: horror film, horror movie
peliculero {adj} [colloquial] :: fantasizing, overly imaginative
peliculero {adj} [rare] :: filmic, cinematic (related to movies)
peliculero {adj} [rare] :: cinephile, filmaholic (having a love of films or the cinema)
peliculero {m} [colloquial] :: filmmaker, cineast
peliculero {m} [colloquial] :: daydreamer
peliculón {m} :: great movie
pelignos {mp} :: Paeligni
peligrar {v} :: to be in danger
peligro {m} :: peril, danger
peligrosamente {adv} :: dangerously
peligrosidad {f} :: dangerousness
peligrosísimo {adj} :: superlative of peligro
peligroso {adj} :: perilous, dangerous
pelilargo {adj} :: long-haired
pelillo {m} :: diminutive of pelo
pelín {m} :: bit, tiny, very small (to a small extent; in a small amount) (usually with "un (a)")
pelirroja {f} :: feminine noun of pelirrojo
pelirrojita {f} :: feminine noun of pelirrojito
pelirrojito {m} :: diminutive of pelirrojo
pelirrojo {adj} :: redheaded
pelirrojo {m} :: redhead
pelita {f} :: pelite
pelítico {adj} :: pelitic
pelito {m} :: diminutive of pelo
pella {f} :: lump, dollop, mass
pelleja {f} :: animal skin, hide
pelleja {f} :: pelt
pellejería {f} :: tannery
pellejo {m} :: skin, hide
pellejo {m} :: (dead) skin
pellejo {m} :: wineskin
pellet {m} :: pellet (projectile)
pelliza {f} :: A fur coat
pelliza {f} :: A faux fur coat or jacket
pelliza {f} :: a dolman jacket
pellizcar {v} :: to pinch, nip
pellizco {m} :: pinch (act of pinching)
pellizco {m} :: pinch (small amount of e.g. seasoning)
pellizquito {m} :: diminutive of pellizco
pelluhuano {adj} :: from the Chilean commune of Pelluhue
Pelluhue {prop} {m} :: Pelluhue (commune)
pelma {mf} [colloquial] :: bore
pelmazo {m} :: augmentative of pelma; great bore
pelo {m} :: hair (a single hair)
pelo {m} :: hair (all hair on the head)
pelo {m} :: fur
peloide {m} :: peloid
pelón {adj} :: with little or no hair
pelón {adj} :: bald or balding
pelón {adj} :: with short hair
pelón {adj} :: barren
pelón {m} [Latin America] :: nectarine
peloponesia {f} :: feminine noun of peloponesio
peloponesio {adj} :: Peloponnesian
peloponesio {m} :: Peloponnesian
Peloponeso {prop} {m} :: Peloponnese
pelosidad {f} :: alternative spelling of pilosidad
peloso {adj} :: hairy
pelota {f} [sports] :: ball (a round or ellipsoidal object)
pelota {f} [sports] :: ball game
pelota {f} [figurative, vulgar, usually, in the plural] :: testicle
pelota {mf} :: people pleaser, toady, sycophant, bootlicker, toadeater, brown noser, kiss-ass [North America]
pelota paleta {f} :: A sport similar to Basque pelota using a bat to hit the ball, instead of the hand
pelotari {mf} :: pelota player
pelota vasca {f} :: Basque pelota
pelotazo {m} :: a hit with a ball
pelotazo {m} [Spain] :: a get-rich-quick plan
pelotear {v} [sports] :: to have an informal game, play for fun
pelotear {v} [tennis] :: to knock up
pelotear {v} [tennis] :: to kick a ball about
pelotear {vt} :: to twirl around, to swing about
pelotear {v} :: to bicker, argue
pelotear {vi} [colloquial] :: to suck up; brownnose
peloteo {m} [tennis] :: knock-up
peloteo {m} [tennis] :: long rally
peloteo {m} [soccer] :: kick-about
peloteo {m} :: flattery
peloteo {m} :: sucking up
pelotera {f} :: row; quarrel
pelotera {f} :: baseball player
peloteril {adj} [attributive] :: baseball
peloterito {m} :: diminutive of pelotero
pelotero {m} :: baseball player
pelotillera {f} :: feminine noun of pelotillero
pelotillero {m} :: sycophant; toady
pelotita {f} :: diminutive of pelota
pelotón {m} :: group, team
pelotón {m} :: heap, bunch
pelotón {m} :: platoon
pelotón de fusilamiento {m} :: firing squad
pelotudez {f} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: stupidity
pelotudo {adj} [Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, colloquial, highly vulgar] :: stupid, dumb
pelotudo {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, colloquial, highly vulgar] :: dummy, idiot, boob
peltado {adj} :: peltate
peltre {m} :: pewter (tin alloy)
pelu {f} :: hairdresser's; barber shop
peluca {f} :: wig
peluche {m} [textiles] :: plush
peluche {m} [toys] :: soft toy, stuffed animal
pelúcido {adj} :: pellucid
pelucón {m} :: bigwig
peludo {adj} :: hairy
peludo {adj} :: furry, fuzzy
peludo {adj} :: hairball-like
peludo {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: drunkenness
peluqueada {f} :: haircut
peluquear {v} :: to cut someone's hair; give a haircut
peluquear {vr} :: to have one's hair cut; cut one's hair
peluquera {f} :: feminine noun of peluquero
peluquería {f} :: hair salon, hairdressing salon, hairdresser's
peluquero {m} :: barber, hairdresser
peluquín {m} :: diminutive of peluca; wiglet
peluquín {m} :: A type of wig with curls and a pigtail, once commonly used
pelusa {f} :: fluff, fuzz (light fur)
pelusa {f} :: lint
pelusa {f} [colloquial] :: jealousy
pelusilla {f} :: diminutive of pelusa, fluff
pelvi {m} :: Middle Persian language
pelviano {adj} [anatomy] :: pelvic
pélvico {adj} :: pelvic
pelvis {f} :: pelvis
pemolina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: pemoline
pemón {adj} :: Pemon
pemón {m} :: Pemon
pena {f} :: punishment
pena {f} :: pain, sadness
pena {f} :: trouble
pena {f} [Latin America] :: embarrassment
pena {f} :: pity
peña {f} :: A rock, stone, cliff or outcropping
peña {f} :: A group of regulars, circle of friends
peña {f} [colloquial] :: people
peña {f} [Chile] :: a left wing cultural centre featuring music, dance, education, and activism
peña {f} [Sport] :: supporters club
Peña {prop} :: surname
penacho {m} :: tuft
pena de muerte {f} :: death penalty
penal {adj} :: penal
penal {m} :: a kind of prison
penal {m} [soccer] :: penalty
penalazo {m} [football] :: augmentative of penal
penalidad {f} :: hardship
penalista {mf} :: expert in criminal law
penalizable {adj} :: penalizable
penalización {f} :: penalty
penalizar {vt} :: to penalize
penalmente {adv} :: penally
Peñalosa {prop} {f} :: A name of two archaeological sites in southern Spain:
Peñalosa {prop} {f} :: Peñalosa (archaeological site)
Peñalosa {prop} {f} :: Peñalosa (archaeological site)
Peñalosa {prop} {f} :: surname, a variant of Peñaloza
Peñaloza {prop} :: surname
penalti {m} [soccer] :: penalty
penalti {m} [family] :: shotgun wedding, a forced marriage that happens because the bride became pregnant
penalti a lo Panenka {m} :: Panenka
penar {v} :: to punish
Peñaranda {prop} :: surname
peñarolense {adj} [football] :: Of or relating to Club Atlético Peñarol, a football team from Uruguay
peñarolense {mf} :: Someone associated with Club Atlético Peñarol, a Uruguayan football team, as a coach, player, fan etc
peñascal {m} :: A place with lots of rocks or boulders
peñasco {m} :: large rock, boulder
peñascoso {adj} :: rocky, craggy
peñazo {adj} [colloquial] :: mind-numbingly boring, dull
peñazo {m} [colloquial] :: bore, drag
penca {adj} [Chile, slang] :: bad, lame, uncool
penca {adj} :: feminine singular form of penco
penca {f} [botany] :: main rib or vein of a leaf
penca {f} :: fleshy stalk, leafstalk or leaf of certain plants, e.g., celery leafstalks or nopal leaves
penca {f} [Chile] :: penis
penca {f} [Chile] :: radish (large oblong variety)
penca {f} :: agave
penca {f} [Costa Rica] :: drunkenness
pencazo {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: hit (collision or other physical accident)
pencazo {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: bang, bash, punch
pencazo {f} [Chile, colloquial] :: shots (instance of drinking alcohol)
penco {m} :: nag (weak horse)
penco {m} :: numpty, buffoon
penco {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: a lot of, a pile of
penco {m} [Louisiana] :: rabbit
pend {mf} [slang] :: dumbass; retard; plonker
pendeja {f} :: feminine noun of pendejo
pendeja {f} :: female, idiot
pendeja {f} :: Degrading term to call a woman
pendejada {f} :: bullshit (deceitful statement)
pendejear {v} [pejorative, slang, vulgar, Latin America] :: To fool around; to procrastinate; to fritter aimlessly or distractedly
pendejismo {m} [pejorative, vulgar] :: stupidity, assholery, the quality of being a pendejo
pendejito {f} :: diminutive of pendejo
pendejo {m} :: A pubic hair
pendejo {m} [pejorative, vulgar] :: arsehole, asshole, dirtbag, scumbag
pendejo {m} [pejorative] :: dumbass (stupid person)
pendejo {m} [chiefly Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: young boy
pendejo {m} [Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: punk (an adolescent who presumes to be an adult)
pendejo {m} [Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico] :: coward
pendejo {m} [Puerto Rico] :: an active member of the Partido Nuevo Progresista
pendejo {m} [Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, US Spanish, Venezuela] :: dickhead (stupid person)
pendejo {m} [Peru, vulgar] :: perspicacious, perceptive, cunning, smart, clever, scoundrel
pendejón {m} :: augmentative of pendejo
pendencia {f} :: quarrel, dispute, feud
pendenciero {adj} :: quarrelsome (looking for a fight)
pendenciero {m} :: troublemaker, quarreler, bully
pender {v} :: to hang, dangle
pender {v} :: to be pending, to be undecided
pender de un hilo {v} [idiom] :: to hang by a thread
pender de un hilo {v} [idiom] :: to hang in the balance
péndex {adj} :: young; kid
péndex {mf} :: kid; youngster; young'un
pendiente {adj} :: pending, outstanding
pendiente {adj} :: hanging
pendiente {adj} :: attentive, careful
pendiente {m} :: pendant (hanging piece of jewelry)
pendiente {m} :: pendant (hanging earring)
pendiente {f} :: slope (declivity)
péndola {f} :: pen, quill
péndola {f} :: pendulum
pendolista {mf} :: calligrapher
pendón {m} :: pennant, pennon
pendón {m} :: slob
pendón {m} :: slut
pendoncillo {m} :: diminutive of pendón
pendonear {vi} :: to laze around
pendrive {m} :: pen drive
pendular {adj} :: fickle
pendular {adj} :: commuter (that commutes)
pendulazo {m} :: swing
péndulo {adj} :: hanging; dangling
péndulo {m} :: pendulum
pene {m} [anatomy] :: penis
pene artificial {m} :: strap-on
penecillo {m} :: diminutive of pene
penectomía {f} [surgery] :: penectomy
Penélope {prop} {f} :: Penelope
penepé {mf} :: A supporter of New Progressive Party (Puerto Rico)
peñero {m} [nautical] :: a small fishing boat
penetración {f} :: penetration
penetrador {adj} :: penetrating
penetrador {m} :: penetrator
penetradora {f} :: feminine noun of penetrador
penetrancia {f} :: penetrance
penetrante {adj} :: penetrating, piercing, penetrant
penetrante {adj} :: pervasive
penetrante {adj} :: pungent, sharp, poignant (smell)
penetrante {adj} :: insightful, keen, searching
penetrante {adj} [figuratively] :: biting (e.g., biting cold, biting criticism)
penetrar {v} :: to penetrate
penetrómetro {m} :: penetrometer
peneuvista {adj} [politics] :: Supporting the Basque Nationalist Party
peneuvista {mf} [politics] :: A Basque Nationalist Party member or supporter
Peñeyrúa {prop} [rare] :: surname, an alternative form of Piñeyrúa found principally in Uruguay
peniano {adj} [anatomy] :: penile (of or relating to the penis)
penicilasa {f} [enzyme] :: penicillinase
penicilina {f} :: penicillin
penillanura {f} :: peneplain
península {f} :: peninsula
península ibérica {prop} {f} :: península ibérica (peninsula)
peninsular {adj} :: peninsular
penique {m} :: penny
peñista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico
peñista {mf} :: A supporter of Enrique Peña Nieto
peñista {mf} [sports] :: A member of a supporters club
peñista {mf} [sports] :: A reveler at a party (part of a peña)
penitencia {f} :: Penance
penitencial {adj} :: penitential
penitenciar {v} :: to penance
penitenciaría {f} :: penitentiary, prison
penitenciario {adj} :: related to penitentiaries
penitente {mf} :: a penitent
peñizcar {v} [Chile] :: to pinch
peño {m} :: foundling
penol {m} :: yardarm
peñón {m} :: crag (rocky outcrop)
penosamente {adv} :: painfully, sorrowfully
penosamente {adv} :: painstakingly, grudgingly
penosidad {f} :: pitifulness
penosidad {f} :: difficulty
penosidad {f} :: painfulness
penosísimo {adj} :: superlative of penoso
penoso {adj} :: tough, difficult
penoso {adj} :: painful
penoso {adj} :: awful, pitiful
penquista {adj} :: of, from, or pertaining to Concepción, Chile
penquista {mf} :: someone from Concepción
pensable {adj} :: thinkable, cogitable
pensador {m} :: thinker
pensadora {f} :: feminine noun of pensador
pensamiento {m} :: thought
pensamiento {m} :: thinking
pensamiento {m} :: pansy
pensante {adj} :: thinking
pensar {v} :: to think
pensar {v} :: to reflect upon a situation
pensar {v} :: to intend; to try
pensar {v} :: to think about
pensar dos veces {v} [idiomatic] :: to think twice
pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo {v} :: to daydream
pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo {v} :: to contemplate
pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo {vi} :: To become lost in thought, to ponder
pensarse {v} :: reflexive of pensar
pensativamente {adv} :: pensively
pensativo {adj} :: pensive
pensil {adj} :: hanging
pensilvana {f} :: feminine noun of pensilvano
Pensilvania {prop} {f} :: Pennsylvania (US state)
pensilvano {adj} :: Pennsylvanian
pensilvano {m} :: Pennsylvanian
pensión {f} :: guesthouse
pensión {f} :: pension
pensionable {adj} :: pensionable
pensional {adj} [attributive] :: pension
pensionar {vt} :: to pension
pensionario {m} :: pensioner
pensionario {adj} [attributive] :: pension
pensionista {mf} :: pensioner
pénsum {m} [Venezuela, Guatemala] :: university study plan
penta- {prefix} :: penta-
pentacampeón {m} :: five-time champion
pentacampeonato {m} :: five-time championship
pentácoron {m} [geometry] :: pentachoron
pentáculo {m} :: pentacle
pentadecágono {m} [geometry] :: pentadecagon
pentadecano {m} [organic compound] :: pentadecane
pentaedro {m} :: pentahedron
pentaeritritol {m} [organic compound] :: pentaerythritol
pentafluoruro {m} :: pentafluoride
pentagonal {adj} :: pentagonal
pentagonismo {m} :: pentagonism
pentagonista {adj} :: pentagonist
pentágono {adj} :: pentagonal
pentágono {m} :: pentagon
Pentágono {prop} {m} :: The Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense
pentagrama {f} [music] :: staff
pentagrama {f} [geometry] :: pentagram
pentaleno {m} [organic compound] :: pentalene
pentalobulado {adj} :: five-lobulated; pentalobulated
pentalobular {adj} :: pentalobular
pentalogía {f} :: pentalogy
pentámero {adj} :: pentamerous
pentámetro {m} :: pentameter
pentamillonaria {f} :: pentamillionaire
pentamillonario {m} :: pentamillionaire
pentano {m} [organic compound] :: pentane
pentanoato {m} [organic chemistry] :: pentanoate
pentanol {m} [organic compound] :: pentanol
pentapétala {f} :: pentapetalous plant
pentaprisma {m} :: pentaprism
Pentateuco {prop} {m} [Bible] :: Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible)
pentatleta {mf} :: pentathlete
pentatlón {m} :: pentathlon
pentatlón moderno {m} :: modern pentathlon
pentatónico {adj} :: pentatonic
pentavalente {adj} :: pentavalent
pentavocalismo {m} [linguistics] :: the notion that Quechua has five phonemic vowels, instead of three
pentecostal {adj} :: Pentecostal
pentecostalismo {m} :: Pentecostalism
pentecostés {prop} {m} :: alternative case form of Pentecostés
Pentecostés {prop} {m} :: Pentecost
penteno {m} [organic chemistry] :: pentene
penthouse {m} :: penthouse
pentilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: pentyl
pentino {m} [organic chemistry] :: pentyne
pentito {m} :: pentito
pentolita {f} :: pentolite
pentosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: pentose
pentóxido {m} :: pentoxide
penúltimo {adj} :: penultimate
penumbra {f} :: penumbra
penumbra {f} :: half-light
penumbra {f} :: shadow, shade
penumbral {adj} :: penumbral
penuria {f} :: hardship (financial), penury
penuria {f} :: shortage, lack, dearth
penutí {adj} :: Penutian
peón {m} :: foot soldier, infantryman
peón {m} :: child's toy top
peón {m} :: piece, token, or man in board games
peón {m} [chess] :: pawn
peón {m} [checkers] :: piece, checker, draughtsman
peón {m} [mechanical] :: axle, spindle
peón {m} :: beehive
peón {m} :: laborer, worker
peón {m} [bullfighting] :: matador's assistant
peona {f} :: feminine noun of peón
peonada {f} :: A unit of measure equivalent to around 400 m², the area which a peon could be expected to work in a day
peonaje {m} :: peonage
peón caminero {m} :: navvy
peoncito {m} :: diminutive of peón
peón de brega {m} [bullfighting] :: matador's assistant
peoneta {m} :: alternative form of pioneta
peonia {f} :: feminine noun of peonio
peonía {f} :: peony
peonio {adj} :: Paeonian
peonio {m} :: Paeonian
peonza {f} :: spinning top
peor {adj} :: comparative of malo, worse
peor {adj} :: superlative of malo, worst
peor {adv} :: comparative of mal, worse
peorcito {adj} :: diminutive of peor
Peor es Nada {prop} {m} :: Peor es Nada (town)
peoresnadino {adj} :: from the Chilean town of Peor es Nada
pepa {f} [Latin America] :: pip, stone (seed inside fruits)
pepa {f} [Latin America] :: pepita, certain large edible seeds e.g. sunflower seed
pepa {f} :: nugget (small piece of metal especially gold)
pepa {f} [Latin America, slang] :: pill (recreatinal drug in pill-form especially amphetamine)
pepa {f} [Latin America, slang] :: clitoris
Pepa {prop} {f} :: given name
Pepe {prop} {m} :: A diminutive of the male given name José
pepear {v} [Peru] :: to drug a person to steal him
pepekausa {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, 60th president of Peru (2016-)
pepekausismo {m} :: support for Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, president of Peru from 2016 to 2018
pepekausista {mf} :: A supporter of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, president of Peru from 2016 to 2018
pepena {f} [Mexico, Cetral America] :: collecting, gathering
pepenador {m} [Mexico] :: scavenger
pepenar {v} [Central America, Mexico] :: to scrounge
pepenar {v} [Central America, Mexico, Philippines] :: to pick up, to collect
pepenar {v} [Mexico, Nicaragua] :: to steal, loot
peperina {f} :: [Argentina] Minthostachys spp., especially Minthostachys verticillata
pepero {adj} [politics, usually pejorative, Spain] :: Of or relating to the Partido Popular, a Spanish political party
pepero {m} [politics, usually pejorative, Spain] :: A member or supporter of the Partido Popular, a Spanish political party
pepero {m} [Peru] :: A person who drugs someone to steal his things
peperomia {f} :: peperomia
peperoni {m} :: pepperoni
pepesca {f} [El Salvador] :: a small kind of fish (Brachyrhaphis olomina)
pepián {m} :: synonym of pipián (stew)
pepián {m} :: synonym of pipián (sauce)
pepinera {f} :: feminine noun of pepinero
pepinero {adj} :: of, relating to, or supporting, CD Leganés, a football team from Leganés, Spain
pepinero {m} :: cucumber farmer
pepinero {m} :: Someone connected with CD Leganés, as a player, coach, fan, etc
pepinillo {m} :: pickle (cucumber preserved in a solution)
pepino {m} :: cucumber (plant)
pepino {m} :: cucumber (vegetable)
pepino de mar {m} :: sea cucumber
pepita {f} :: pepita
pepita {f} :: nugget, especially of gold or platinum
Pepita {prop} {f} :: given name
pepitero {m} :: bitter orange
pepitero {m} :: saltator
pepito {m} :: A small sandwich with meat
Pepito {prop} {m} :: given name
Pepito paga doble {m} [idiom] :: shell game
peplo {m} :: peplos
peplum {m} :: peplum
pepón {m} [rare] :: watermelon
pepsina {f} [enzyme] :: pepsin
pepsinógeno {f} [biochemistry] :: pepsinogen
péptico {adj} :: peptic
peptidasa {f} [enzyme] :: peptidase
peptídico {adj} :: peptidic
péptido {adj} :: peptidal
péptido {m} :: peptide
peptidoglicano {m} [organic compound] :: peptidoglycan
peptidoglucano {m} :: peptidoglycan
peptona {f} [protein] :: peptone
peque {mf} [colloquial] :: kiddo (a child)
pequeña burguesía {f} :: petite bourgeoisie
pequeñajo {m} [pejorative] :: diminutive of pequeño, ugly little
Pequeña Martinica {prop} {f} :: Petite Martinique
pequeñez {f} :: smallness
pequeñez {f} :: pettiness
pequeñez {f} :: trifle, trivial thing
pequeñín {adj} :: diminutive of pequeño
pequeñísimo {adj} :: superlative of pequeño
pequeñito {adj} :: diminutive of pequeño, very small, very little
pequeño {adj} :: small; little
pequeñoburgués {adj} :: petit bourgeois
pequeñuelo {adj} :: diminutive of pequeño
Pequín {prop} :: alternative spelling of Pekín: Pequín (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pequinés {adj} :: alternative spelling of pekinés
pequinés {m} :: alternative spelling of pekinés
pequinesa {f} :: feminine noun of pequinés
pera {f} :: pear
pera {f} :: chin
pera {f} [boxing] :: speed bag
perada {f} :: perry
peral {m} :: pear tree
peralillano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Peralillo
Peralillo {prop} {m} :: Peralillo (city)
Peralta {prop} :: surname
peraltar {vt} [architecture] :: to bank (a curve)
peraltar {vt} :: to bank (to form into a bank or heap)
peralto {m} :: altitude
peras y manzanas {fp} [idiomatic] :: apples and oranges
peras y manzanas {fp} :: See: es peras y manzanas
perbromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: perbromate
perca {f} :: perch, Perca fluviatilis
perca {f} :: bass
perca común {m} :: European perch
percal {m} :: percale
percal {m} :: shebang
percal {m} :: feint of the cape (term in bullfighting)
percalina {f} :: percaline
percán {m} [coloquial, Chile] :: mold
percance {m} :: accident, mishap
per cápita {adv} :: per capita
percatar {v} [archaic] :: to notice
percatar {vr} :: to take into account
percatarse {vr} :: to take into account
percebe {m} :: barnacle
percentil {m} :: percentile
percepción {f} :: perception, perceiving
percepción extrasensorial {f} :: extrasensory perception
perceptibilidad {f} :: perceptiveness
perceptible {adj} :: perceptible
perceptiblemente {adv} :: perceptibly
perceptivo {adj} :: perceptive (having perception: insight, understanding or intuition)
perceptivo {adj} :: perceptual
perceptor {m} :: recipient
perceptora {f} :: feminine noun of perceptor
perceptrón {m} :: perceptron
perceptual {adj} :: perceptual
perceptualmente {adv} :: perceptually
percha {f} :: coat hanger
percha {f} :: coat rack
percha {f} :: perch
percha {f} :: physique; build (of body, especially a good one)
perchar {v} :: To card (with a carding machine)
perchero {m} :: coat rack
percherón {m} :: Percheron
percibir {v} :: to perceive
perclorato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: perchlorate
percloroetileno {m} :: perchloroethylene
percolación {f} :: percolation
percolar {v} :: to percolate; permeate
percudir {v} :: to make grimy; to dirty
percusión {f} :: percussion
percusionista {mf} :: percussionist
percusivo {adj} :: percussive
percutáneo {adj} :: percutaneous
percutar {v} :: alternative spelling of percutir
percutir {v} :: to strike
percutir {v} :: to tap
percutivo {adj} :: percussive
percutor {m} :: hammer (part of firearm)
perdedor {m} :: loser
perdedora {f} :: feminine noun of perdedor
perder {v} :: to lose
perder {v} :: to miss, to miss out
perder {v} :: to waste
perder {v} [sports] :: to trail; to be down
perder {vr} :: to get lost
perder aceite {v} [idiom, pejorative] :: to be gay
perder el culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to be in a rush
perder el culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to bust one's balls
perder el norte {v} [idiom] :: to lose the plot
perder el tiempo {v} [idiom] :: to waste time; dilly-dally
perder fuelle {v} [idiomatic] :: to run out of steam
perder gas {v} [idiomatic] :: to run out of steam
perder la chaveta {v} [idiom, colloquial] :: to go nuts; to lose one's head
perder los estribos {v} [idiomatic] :: to lose one's temper, to fly off the handle, lose one's head, blow one's top
perder peso {v} :: to lose weight, to shed weight, to reduce weight, to cut weight, to drop weight
perder un tornillo {v} [idiom] :: to lose one's mind
perdicera {f} :: feminine noun of perdicero
perdicero {adj} [attributive] :: partridge
perdicero {m} :: partridge farmer
perdición {f} :: doom, ruin, downfall, undoing, destruction, bane
perdición {f} [religion] :: perdition, damnation
pérdida {f} :: loss
pérdida {f} :: leak
perdidamente {adv} :: helplessly, hopelessly, head over heels
perdido {adj} :: lost
perdidoso {adj} :: easily lost
perdigón {m} :: A young partridge
perdigón {m} :: A small lead pellet used as ammunition
perdigonazo {m} :: Shot by a pellet gun
perdiguero {m} :: pointer (dog)
perdimiento {m} :: loss
perdimiento {m} :: perdition
perdiz {f} :: partridge
perdiz {f} :: great tinamou (Tinamus major)
perdiz {f} :: tinamou
perdiz chilena {f} :: Chilean tinamou
perdiz negra {f} :: black partridge Melanoperdix niger
perdiz pardilla {f} :: grey partridge
Perdomo {prop} :: surname
perdón {interj} :: sorry, pardon me (excuse me)
perdón {interj} :: sorry, pardon (I didn't hear you)
perdón {m} :: pardon
perdón {m} :: mercy
perdonable {adj} :: forgivable, pardonable
perdonar {vt} :: to pardon, excuse, forgive
perdonarse {v} :: reflexive of perdonar
perdonavidas {m} :: arrogant person
perdonazo {m} :: Huge apology; apology from the bottom of one's heart
perdulario {adj} :: forlorn, dissolute
perdulario {m} :: ne'er-do-well
perdurabilidad {f} :: perdurability
perdurable {adj} :: durable
perduración {f} :: perduration
perdurar {v} :: to last for a long time
perdurar {v} :: to endure
perecear {v} [colloquial] :: to postpone, waste time, retard or defer something due to one's laziness, negligence, or sloth
perecedero {adj} :: perishable
perecer {vi} :: to die, to perish (cease to live)
perecer {v} :: to long for
perecible {adj} :: perishable, spoilable
peregrina {f} :: feminine noun of peregrino
peregrinación {f} :: pilgrimage
peregrinación {f} [by extension] :: voyage; journey
peregrinaje {m} :: pilgrimage
peregrinar {v} :: to peregrinate; to travel abroad
peregrinidad {f} :: strangeness
peregrino {adj} :: traveling, wandering, foreign
peregrino {adj} :: strange, weird, rare
peregrino {adj} [birds] :: migratory
peregrino {m} :: pilgrim
peregrino {m} :: traveler
perejil {m} :: parsley
perennal {adj} :: perennial
perenne {adj} :: perennial
perennemente {adv} :: perennially, endlessly
perennidad {f} :: perennity
perennifolio {adj} [botany] :: evergreen
perennizar {vt} :: to make permanent
perenquén {m} :: Boettger's wall gecko
perenquén {m} [Canarian] :: gecko
perentoriamente {adv} :: peremptorily, urgently
perentoriedad {f} :: haste, urgency
perentorio {adj} :: peremptory
perentorio {adj} :: decisive, final, absolute
perentorio {adj} :: urgent, imperative
Perera {prop} {f} :: surname
Pérez {prop} :: surname
pereza {f} :: laziness
pereza {f} [colloquial] :: a drag (something tedious)
perezjimenista {mf} :: A supporter of Marcos Pérez Jiménez, former president of Venezuela
perezosamente {adv} :: lazily
perezoso {adj} :: lazy
perezoso {m} :: sloth [mammal]
perfección {f} :: perfection
perfeccionador {adj} :: perfecting
perfeccionador {m} :: perfecter
perfeccionadora {f} :: feminine noun of perfeccionador
perfeccionamiento {m} :: An instance of perfecting
perfeccionar {v} :: to perfect
perfeccionismo {m} :: perfectionism
perfeccionista {adj} :: perfectionistic
perfeccionista {mf} :: perfectionist, anal-retentive
perfectamente {adv} :: perfectly
perfectibilidad {f} :: perfectibility
perfectible {adj} :: perfectible
perfectísimamente {adv} :: superlative of perfectamente
perfectísimo {adj} :: superlative of perfecto
perfectito {adj} :: diminutive of perfecto
perfectivo {adj} :: perfective
perfecto {adj} :: perfect
Perfecto {prop} {m} :: given name
pérfidamente {adv} :: perfidiously
perfidia {f} :: perfidy
pérfido {adj} :: perfidious
perfil {m} :: profile
perfil {m} :: side view; side-on view
perfil {m} [internet] :: profile; profile page
perfil {m} [employment] :: profile
perfilador {m} :: pencil (for various cosmetic uses)
perfilar {v} :: to outline
perfil bajo {m} :: low profile
perfluorocarbono {m} :: perfluorocarbon
perfluoroctano {m} :: perfluorooctane
perfluorohexano {m} :: perfluorohexane
perforación {f} :: perforation
perforador {m} :: perforator
perforadora {f} :: hole punch
perforadora {f} :: keypunch
perforadora {f} :: mining drill
perforante {adj} :: perforating; perforant
perforar {vt} :: to puncture, to pierce to perforate
perforarse {v} :: reflexive of perforar
performance {f} :: performance art
performance {f} :: performance (amount of useful work accomplished)
performar {v} :: to perform
performático {adj} [attributive] :: performance; performing
performatividad {f} :: performativity
performativo {adj} [linguistics] :: performative
performer {mf} :: performer
perfumado {adj} :: scented, perfumed
perfumar {v} :: to scent
perfume {m} :: perfume
perfumera {f} :: perfumer; perfume maker or seller
perfumería {f} :: perfumery, perfume shop
perfumero {m} :: perfumer; perfume maker or seller
perfumista {mf} :: perfumer
perfusión {f} :: perfusion
pergamino {m} :: parchment (material, made from a polished animal skin, used like paper for writing)
pergelisol {m} :: permafrost
pergelisuelo {m} :: permafrost
pergeñar {v} [colloquial] :: to sketch out, draw up
pergeño {m} :: aspect, appearance
pérgola {f} :: pergola, arbor
pergolero {m} :: bowerbird
peri- {prefix} :: peri-
periantio {m} [botany] :: perianth
perianto {m} :: alternative form of periantio
periastro {m} :: periapsis
pericárdico {adj} [anatomy] :: pericardial
pericardio {m} [anatomy] :: pericardium
pericardiocentesis {f} [surgery] :: pericardiocentesis
pericardiofrénico {adj} [anatomy] :: pericardiophrenic
pericarditis {f} [cardiology, pathology] :: pericarditis
pericarpelo {m} :: pericarpel
pericarpio {m} [botany] :: pericarp
pericas {adj} :: feminine plural of perico
pericia {f} :: skill, expertise
periciado {adj} :: skilled
pericial {adj} [legal] :: expert
periciclo {m} :: pericycle
pericito {m} :: pericyte
periclasa {f} [mineral] :: periclase
Pericles {prop} :: Pericles
periclitar {v} :: to decay, decline, wither
perico {m} :: parakeet
perico {m} :: Large fan (device used to fan oneself)
perico {m} :: headdress
perico {m} :: A Venezuelan dish made of scrambled eggs, butter, onions and tomatoes
perico {m} [colloquial] :: urinal
perico {m} [slang] :: coke, blow, snow (cocaine)
perico {adj} [football, attributive] :: connected with RCD Espanyol, as a player, fan, coach etc
perico {mf} [football, attributive] :: A person connected with w:RCD Espanyol, as a player, fan, coach etc
pericón {m} :: A kind of dance from South America. See w:es:Pericón (danza)
pericón {m} :: The accompanying music to the above dance
pericón {m} :: Any of a number of uninteresting plants
pericondritis {f} :: perichondritis
perícopa {f} :: pericope
perico ripiao {m} :: type of traditional merengue music
pericos {adj} :: masculine plural of perico
pericote {m} :: a traditional dance of Asturias
pericote {m} [Peru] :: mouse (animal)
pericú {mf} :: Pericú
peridental {adj} :: peridental
peridio {m} :: peridium
peridiolo {m} :: peridiole
peridotita {f} :: peridotite
peridoto {m} :: peridot
peridural {adj} :: peridural
perieco {m} :: one of the Perioikoi
periferia {f} :: periphery
periféricamente {adv} :: peripherally
periférico {adj} :: peripheral
periférico {m} :: peripheral
perifolio {m} :: chervil
perifollo {m} :: chervil
perifonear {v} :: to broadcast on the radio
perifoneo {m} :: Advertising by blasting out sound from a car's speaker
perífrasis {f} [linguistics, grammar] :: periphrasis
perifrásticamente {adv} :: periphrastically
perifrástico {adj} :: periphrastic
perigeo {m} [astronomy] :: perigee
periglacial {adj} :: periglacial
periglaciar {adj} :: periglacial
perigonial {adj} :: perigonial
perihelio {m} [astronomy] :: perihelion
perilagunar {adj} :: perilacunar
perilipina {f} [protein] :: perilipin
perilla {f} :: goatee
perilla {f} :: knob, doorknob
perimetral {adj} :: perimeter (attributive)
perimetralmente {adv} :: perimetrically
perimetrar {v} :: to perimeter
perimétrico {adj} :: perimetric
perímetro {m} :: perimeter
perimido {adj} :: outdated
perimuscular {adj} [anatomy] :: perimuscular
perinasal {adj} :: perinasal
perinatal {adj} :: perinatal
perinatóloga {f} :: feminine noun of perinatólogo
perinatología {f} :: perinatology
perinatólogo {m} :: perinatologist
periné {m} [anatomy] :: perineum
perineal {adj} :: perineal
perineo {m} [anatomy] :: perineum
perineorrafia {f} :: perineorraphy
perineumonía {f} :: peripneumonia
perinola {f} [Latin America] :: A kind of spinning top, usually with six sides, used for betting games
perinola {f} [Venezuela] :: cup-and-ball
periocular {adj} :: periocular
periódicamente {adv} :: periodically
periodicidad {f} :: regularity
periódico {adj} :: periodic
periódico {m} :: newspaper
periodicucho {m} :: rag (low-quality newspaper)
periodificación {f} :: accrual
periodismo {m} :: journalism
periodista {mf} :: journalist
periodísticamente {adv} :: journalistically
periodístico {adj} :: journalistic
periodización {f} :: periodization
periodizar {v} :: to periodize
periodo {m} :: alternative form of período
período {m} :: period (time)
período {m} :: period, menstrual cycle
período {m} [geology] :: period
periodo de entreguerras {m} :: interwar period
periodoncia {f} :: periodontics, periodontology
periodontal {adj} :: periodontal
periodontitis {f} :: periodontitis
periodonto {m} :: peridontium
periostio {m} :: periosteum
periostraco {m} :: periostracum
peripatético {adj} :: peripatetic
peripecia {f} [drama] :: peripeteia (sudden reversal of fortune as a plot point)
peripecia {f} :: incident
peripecia {f} :: adventure
periplo {m} :: round trip, journey
perípolo {m} [historical] :: A member of the Peripoli, a kind of patrol or police force in Ancient Greece
períptero {m} :: peripteros
peripuesto {adj} :: dressed up; well-dressed
periquera {f} :: flock of parakeets
periquera {f} :: cacophonous gibberish
periquete {m} [colloquial] :: tick, jiffy
periquito {m} :: budgerigar
periquito {adj} [football, attributive] :: A person connected with w:RCD Espanyol, as a player, fan, coach etc
perirrenal {adj} [anatomy] :: perirenal
periscópico {adj} :: periscopic
periscopio {m} :: periscope
perisodáctilo {m} :: perissodactyl
perista {mf} :: receiver of stolen goods; fence
peristalsis {f} :: peristalsis
peristáltico {adj} :: peristaltic
peristaltismo {m} :: peristalsis
peristilo {m} :: peristyle
peritación {m} :: expert
peritaje {m} :: expert opinion
peritar {v} :: to evaluate as an expert witness
peritísimo {adj} :: superlative of perito
perito {adj} :: experienced; expert
perito {m} :: expert
perito {m} [law] :: expert witness (ellipsis of perito judicial)
peritoneal {adj} [anatomy] :: peritoneal
peritoneo {m} [anatomy] :: peritoneum
peritonitis {f} [pathology] :: peritonitis
peritubular {adj} :: peritubular
periurbano {adj} :: periurban
perivascular {adj} :: perivascular
perjudicador {adj} :: harmful, injurious, damaging (causing damage)
perjudicar {vt} :: to damage, harm, injure
perjudicar {vt} [Latin America] :: to malign, defame
perjudicial {adj} :: hurtful, harmful, detrimental
perjuicio {m} :: detriment (the opposite of a benefit)
perjurador {m} :: perjurer
perjuradora {f} :: perjurer
perjurar {v} :: to perjure oneself
perjurar {v} :: to swear (promise)
perjurar {v} :: to swear (promise) again and again
perjurio {m} :: perjury
perjuro {adj} :: related to perjury
perjuro {m} [colloquial] :: perjury
perla {f} :: pearl
perla {f} :: bead
perla {f} [heraldiccharge] :: pall
perla {f} [printing, dated] :: a small size of type, standardized as 4 or 5 point
perlar {v} [poetic] :: to spatter; to sprinkle
perlífero {adj} :: of or pertaining to pearls or pearling
perlita {f} :: perlite
permacongelamiento {m} :: permafrost
permacultura {f} :: permaculture
permafrost {m} [geology] :: permafrost
permagel {m} :: permafrost
permanecer {vi} :: to stay, remain, stand
permanencia {f} :: permanence
permanencia {f} :: permanent contract
permanencia {f} :: continuous living
permanencia {f} [sports] :: non-relegation/non-promotion
permanente {adj} :: permanent
permanente {f} :: perm, permanent wave, permanent
permanente {f} :: permanent marker
permanentemente {adv} :: permanently
permanganato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: permanganate
permangánico {adj} :: permanganic
permeabilidad {f} :: permeability
permeabilización {f} :: waterproofing
permeabilizar {v} :: to clear
permeable {adj} :: permeable
permear {v} :: to permeate
permetrina {f} :: permethrin
permineralización {f} :: permineralization
permisibilidad {f} :: permissibility
permisible {adj} :: permissible, allowable
permisión {f} :: permission
permisionario {m} :: concessionaire
permisividad {f} :: permissiveness
permisivo {adj} :: permissive
permiso {m} :: permission
permiso {m} :: license
permiso {m} :: leave (absence from work)
permiso {interj} :: excuse me, pardon
permiso de conducir {m} :: driving licence
permitir {v} :: to allow, permit
permitir {vp} :: to afford
permitir {vp} :: to indulge in
permitir {vr} :: to be allowed, to allow oneself, to be permitted
permitirse {v} :: to allow oneself
permitividad {f} :: permittivity
permutación {f} [mathematics] :: permutation
permutar {v} :: to exchange
permutar {v} [mathematics] :: to permute
pernada {f} :: kick
pernambucana {f} :: feminine noun of pernambucano
pernambucano {adj} :: Pernambucan
pernambucano {m} :: Pernambucan
pernambuco {m} :: brazilwood
pernear {v} :: to stomp; to stamp
pernear {v} :: to walk about
pernear {v} :: to shake one's legs
pernera {f} :: leg (of a pair of trousers, shorts etc.)
perniciosísimo {adj} :: superlative of pernicioso
pernicioso {adj} :: pernicious
pernil {m} :: knuckle of pork
perno {m} :: large spike
perno {m} :: bolt
pernoctación {f} :: pernoctation, a night spent sleeping away, particularly not at home
pernoctar {v} :: to spend the night; to overnight
pero {conj} :: but
pero {m} :: but (restriction)
perogrullada {f} :: truism (obvious truth)
perogrullo {particle} :: only used in verdad de perogrullo
Perón {prop} :: surname
peroné {m} [skeleton] :: calf bone, fibula
peroneo {adj} :: fibular
peronismo {m} :: Peronism
peronista {mf} [Argentina, politics] :: Peronist
peronista {adj} [Argentina, politics] :: Peronist
peronizar {v} :: to cause to become more linked to the Peronist regime
peroración {f} :: peroration
peroración {f} :: long speech
perorar {v} :: to make a speech
perorata {f} [colloquial] :: boring speech, spiel
perovskita {f} [mineral] :: perovskite
peroxidación {f} :: peroxidation
peroxidasa {f} [enzyme] :: peroxidase
peróxido {m} [chemistry] :: peroxide
peróxido de hidrógeno {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrogen peroxide
peroxinitrato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: peroxynitrate
peroxinitrito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: peroxynitrite
peroxisoma {m} [cytology] :: peroxisome
perpendicular {adj} :: perpendicular
perpendicularidad {f} :: perpendicularity
perpendicularmente {adv} :: perpendicularly
perpetración {f} :: perpetration
perpetrador {m} :: perpetrator
perpetradora {f} :: feminine noun of perpetrador
perpetrar {v} :: to carry out, to perpetrate
Perpetua {prop} {f} :: given name
perpetuación {f} :: perpetuation
perpetuamente {adv} :: perpetually
perpetuar {v} :: to perpetuate
perpetuidad {f} :: perpetuity
perpetuo {adj} :: perpetual
perpiaño {m} :: perpent stone
Perpiñán {prop} {f} :: Perpignan
perplejidad {f} :: perplexity
perplejidad {f} :: bafflement, bewilderment
perplejo {adj} :: perplexed, baffled, confused
perplejo {adj} :: nonplussed, nonplused
perpunte {m} :: a padded jacket serving as an armor
perquirir {vt} [obsolete] :: to seek out
perquirir {vt} [obsolete] :: to investigate
perra {f} [feminine] :: dog, bitch
perra {f} :: bitch (despicable or disagreeable, aggressive female person)
perra {f} :: prostitute, whore
perra {f} :: slut
perra {f} [colloquial] :: cash, dosh, dough (money)
perra {f} [colloquial] :: booze-up
perrada {f} :: dogs; pack of dogs
perrarina {f} [Venezuela] :: dry dog kibble
perrazo {m} :: augmentative of perro
perrear {v} [Argentina, colloquial] :: to deceive
perrear {v} [slang] :: to twerk, dance reggaeton
perredista {adj} :: of or relating to the Party of the Democratic Revolution, a social democratic party from Mexico
perredista {mf} :: Supporter of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, a social democratic party from Mexico
perreo {m} :: twerking
perrera {f} :: dog pound, shelter dog [US], rescue dog [UK]
perrera {f} :: kennel, doghouse
perrería {f} :: dogs
perrería {f} :: dirty trick
perrero {m} :: dogcatcher
perreta {f} :: fit; tantrum
perrezna {f} :: puppy
perrezno {m} :: diminutive of perro; a small dog
perrezno {m} [rare] :: diminutive of perro; a puppy, pup
perrilla {f} [Mexico] :: stye
perrillo {m} :: diminutive of perro
perrita {f} :: diminutive of perra, female doggy
perrito {m} :: doggy, diminutive of perro
perrito {m} :: puppy
perrito {m} :: hot dog
perrito caliente {m} [Spain] :: hot dog
perrito faldero {m} [idiom] :: lapdog
perro {m} :: dog (animal)
perro {m} [pejorative] :: asshole (despicable person)
perro {adj} :: doggy, doggish
perro {adj} :: awful
perro {adj} :: wicked, mean
perro antiexplosivos {m} :: sniffer dog (for explosives)
perro caliente {m} :: hot dog
perro de agua {m} :: water dog
perro de agua {m} [Mexico] :: otter
perro de agua {m} [Mexico] :: ferret
perro de caza {m} :: hunting dog
perro de mil leches {m} [idiom] :: mongrel, crossbred dog
perro de presa {m} :: hunting dog
perro faldero {m} :: lap dog
perroflauta {mf} [derogative, Spain] :: crusty, punk, hippie, hipster, busker, left-wing anticapitalist, antisystem
perro guardián {m} :: watchdog
perro guía {m} :: guide dog
perro ladrador, poco mordedor {proverb} :: barking dogs seldom bite
perro pastor {m} :: sheepdog, shepherd dog
perro que no camina, no encuentra hueso {proverb} :: practice makes perfect; no pain no gain
perrote {m} :: augmentative of perro, big dog
perro viejo {m} [idiom] :: old hand
perruno {adj} :: doglike
perruno {adj} [attributive] :: dog, doggy
persa {adj} :: Persian (of, from, or pertaining to Persia)
persa {m} :: Persian (Persian language)
persa {mf} :: Persian (person from Persia)
persa antiguo {m} :: Old Persian language
persa medio {m} :: Middle Persian language
persa nuevo {m} :: New Persian language
persecución {f} :: persecution
persecución {f} :: chase
persecución {f} :: paranoia, persecution complex
persecución equipos {f} [cycling] :: team pursuit
persecución individual {f} [cycling] :: individual pursuit
persecutor {m} :: persecutor
persecutora {f} :: persecutor
persecutorio {adj} :: persecutory
Perséfone {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Persephone
perseguible {adj} [law] :: indictable
perseguido {adj} :: obsessed
perseguido {adj} :: paranoid
perseguidor {m} :: chaser, pursuer
perseguidora {f} :: female equivalent of perseguidor
perseguir {v} :: to pursue, to chase, to go after
perseidas {fp} :: Perseids
Perseo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Perseus (demigod)
perseverancia {f} :: perseverance
perseverante {adj} :: persevering
perseverar {vi} :: to persevere
Persia {prop} {f} :: Persia
persiana {f} :: blind
persiana {f} :: shutter
pérsico {adj} :: Persian
persignarse {vr} [Christianity] :: to cross oneself, (make the sign of the cross over oneself)
persistencia {f} :: persistence
persistente {adj} :: persistent
persistentemente {adv} :: persistently
persistir {vi} :: to persist
persona {f} :: person (an individual; usually a human being)
personación {f} :: appearance (in person)
persona de muchos oficios {f} :: jack of all trades
personaje {mf} :: personage
personaje {mf} :: personality
personaje {mf} :: character in a film, book or other media
personajillo {m} :: minor celebrity
personajillo {m} :: minor character
personajito {m} :: diminutive of personaje
personal {adj} :: personal
personal {m} :: personnel, staff
personal [colloquial] :: folks, people, mob, crowd; the masses
personalidad {f} :: personality
personalísimo {adj} :: superlative of personal
personalismo {m} :: personalism
personalista {mf} :: personalist
personalizable {adj} :: personalizable
personalizable {adj} :: customizable
personalização {n} :: personalization (act of personalizing something)
personalización {f} :: personalization (act of personalizing something)
personalizado {adj} :: custom (made to fit someone’s specific needs)
personalizar {v} :: to personalize, to customize
personalmente {adv} :: personally
personarse {v} [formal] :: to arrive, turn up, make one's way
personera {f} [Latin America] :: spokesperson
personería {f} :: legal status
personero {m} [Latin America] :: spokesperson
personificación {f} :: personification
personificar {v} :: to personify
personilla {f} :: diminutive of persona
personita {f} :: diminutive of persona
perspectiva {f} :: perspective
perspectiva {f} :: prospect
perspectiva linear {f} :: linear perspective
perspectivismo {m} :: perspectivism
perspectivo {m} :: perspectivist
perspicacia {f} :: perspicacity, acumen
perspicacidad {f} :: perspicacity
perspicaz {adj} :: perceptive, perspicacious, insightful, shrewd
perspicaz {adj} [of vision] :: acute
perspicazmente {adv} :: keenly, acutely
perspicuo {adj} :: perspicuous, clear
persuadir {vt} :: to persuade
persuasión {f} :: persuasion
persuasión {f} :: inducement
persuasión {f} :: conviction
persuasivamente {adv} :: persuasively
persuasivo {adj} :: persuasive
pertactina {f} [protein] :: pertactin
pertecnetato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pertechnetate
pertenecer {v} :: to belong; to pertain
pertenecerse {v} :: to be independent
perteneciente {adj} :: belonging to
pertenencia {f} :: belonging
pertenencia {f} :: property
pertener {v} :: obsolete form of pertenecer
pértiga {f} :: pole
pértiga {f} :: pole (used in the sport of pole vaulting)
pertiguero {m} :: verger
pertiguista {mf} :: pole vaulter
pertinacia {f} :: persistence
pertinacia {f} :: obstinacy
pertinaz {adj} :: pertinacious
pertinaz {adj} :: enduring, persistent
pertinencia {f} :: pertinence, importance
pertinente {adj} :: pertinent, relevant
pertinente {adj} :: appropriate
pertinentemente {adv} :: pertinently
pertita {f} [mineral] :: perthite
pertita {f} :: Perthian, Perthite (resident or native of Perth, Australia)
pertita {adj} :: Perthian (of or pertaining to Perth, Australia)
pertrechar {v} :: to outfit (supply with equipment)
pertrecho {m} :: munitions, arms, instruments, machines, and other equipment needed for use by soldiers, defensive fortifications, or warships
pertrecho {m} :: instruments or equipment needed for any operations
pertrechos {mp} :: gear, equipment
perturbación {f} :: perturbation, disturbance, disruption, agitation
perturbado {adj} :: disturbed (person)
perturbador {adj} :: disturbing, perturbing, unsettling
perturbador {adj} :: upsetting
perturbador {adj} :: disruptive
perturbador {m} :: troublemaker
perturbador {m} :: agitator
perturbadora {f} :: feminine noun of perturbador
perturbadoramente {adv} :: disturbingly
perturbar {v} :: to perturb, to disturb, to bother
perturbativo {adj} :: perturbative
pertúsico {adj} [pathology] :: pertussal
pertussis {f} :: pertussis
Perú {prop} {m} :: Perú (country)
peruana {f} :: feminine noun of peruano
peruanidad {f} :: Peruvianness
peruanista {mf} :: Peruanist
peruano {adj} :: Peruvian (from or native to Peru)
peruano {adj} :: Peruvian (pertaining to Peru)
peruano {m} :: a Peruvian
peruca {mf} [Argentina, slang, sometimes, derogatory] :: Peruvian
Perusa {prop} {f} :: Perugia (city)
peruviana {f} :: feminine noun of peruviano
peruviano {adj} :: Peruvian (from or native to Peru)
peruviano {adj} :: Peruvian (pertaining to Peru)
peruviano {m} :: a Peruvian
perversamente {adv} :: perversely, wickedly
perversidad {f} :: perversity, depravity
perversión {f} :: perversion
perverso {adj} :: bad, mean, wicked
perverso {adj} :: perverse (of desires etc)
perverso {adj} :: perverted
pervertido {adj} :: perverted
pervertir {v} :: to pervert, lead astray, garble, corrupt
pervivencia {f} :: survival, prevalence
pervivir {v} :: prevail, survive
peryodato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: periodate
pesa {f} :: weight (object cf. peso)
pesa {f} [exercise] :: dumbbell
pesa {f} [Latin America] :: balance, scales
pesadamente {adv} :: heavily
pesadamente {adv} :: annoyingly
pesadez {f} :: heaviness, heft (quality of weight)
pesadez {f} :: tediousness, boringness
pesadez {f} :: nuisance
pesadez {f} :: ache, pain (feeling of heaviness)
pesadilla {f} :: nightmare
pesadilla {f} [figuratively] :: bane
pesadillesco {adj} :: nightmarish
pesadísimo {adj} :: superlative of pesado
pesadito {adj} :: diminutive of pesado
pesado {adj} :: heavy in weight
pesado {adj} :: annoying
pesado {adj} :: boring
pesado {adj} :: serious
pesado {m} [colloquial] :: pest, annoying person
pesadumbre {f} :: sorrow
pesadumbre {f} :: trouble
pesadumbre {f} :: heaviness
pesaje {m} :: weighing
pesaje {m} [sports] :: weigh-in
pésame {m} :: condolence
pesar {vt} :: to weigh (to determine the weight of an object)
pesar {vt} :: to weigh (to have a certain weight)
pesar {v} :: to ponder
pesar {v} :: to have weight
pesar {v} :: to be seriousness, to be grave
pesar {vr} :: to weigh oneself
pesar {m} :: grief, regret, chagrin
pesario {m} [medicine] :: pessary (vaginal suppository)
pesaroso {adj} :: regretful
pesaroso {adj} :: mournful
pesa rusa {f} :: kettlebell
pesca {f} :: fishing
pesca de arrastre {f} [fishing] :: trawling
pescader {m} :: fishmonger
pescadera {f} :: feminine noun of pescader
pescadería {f} :: fishmonger's, fish shop (shop that sells fish)
pescadería {f} :: fishmarket
pescadero {m} :: fishmonger (person who sells fish)
pescadilla {f} :: striped weakfish (Cynoscion striatus)
pescadilla {f} :: whiting (Merlangius merlangus)
pescadilla {f} :: fried fish taco (using whiting, tuna, red snapper, cod, etc.)
pescadilla que se muerde la cola {f} [idiom] :: vicious circle
pescadilla que se muerde la cola {f} :: ouroboros
pescadito {m} :: diminutive of pescado, little fish
pescado {m} :: fish that has been caught; food fish
pescador {adj} :: That fishes
pescador {m} :: fisherman or fisher
pescadora {f} :: fisherwoman
pescadora {f} :: (female) fisher
pescador furtivo {m} [fish] :: poacher
pescante {m} [nautical] :: davit
pescante {m} :: driving seat (of a carriage or cart)
pescar {v} :: to fish
pescar {v} :: to angle
pescar {v} [colloquial] :: to get
pescar {v} [colloquial] :: to catch
pescar {v} [colloquial] :: to mind, pay attention to (a person)
pescar {v} [colloquial] :: to search, or fish for information
pescar {v} [colloquial] :: to screw, to get action (have sex)
pescar una cogorza {v} [idiomatic] :: to go on a bender; to go out boozing
pescozón {m} :: smack on the neck
pescuecear {v} :: to crane one's neck
pescuecear {v} [Venezuela, of fighting cocks] :: to lock necks
pescuecear {v} [Venezuela] :: to stick one's neck out
pescueceo {m} :: The act of sticking out one's neck
pescuezo {m} :: scruff of the neck
pescuezo {m} :: neck (neck of animal)
pese a {prep} :: in spite of, notwithstanding, despite, although, even though
pese a quien pese {adv} [idiomatic] :: by all means, by any reckoning
pese a quien pese {adv} [idiomatic] :: like it or not
pesebre {m} :: manger
pesebre {m} :: a confined space set apart for the feeding of animals
pesebre {m} :: nativity scene
pesera {f} :: feminine noun of pesero
pesero {m} :: butcher
pesero {m} :: minibus
peseta {f} :: peseta
pesetera {f} :: feminine noun of pesetero
pesetero {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: tight-fisted, stingy, miser
pesetero {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: moneygrubber/money-grubber
pesetilla {f} :: diminutive of peseta
peshmerga {mf} :: peshmerga
pesificación {f} :: conversion into pesos
pésimamente {adv} :: extremely poorly
pesimismo {m} :: pessimism, gloom
pesimista {adj} :: pessimistic
pesimista {mf} :: pessimist
pésimo {adj} :: superlative of malo: lousy, rubbish, abysmal, poor, terrible, awful, rotten, horrible, dismal, appalling, dreadful (very bad)
pesista {mf} :: weightlifter
pesito {m} :: diminutive of peso
peso {m} :: weight (the force on an object due to gravitational attraction)
peso {m} :: weight (a block of metal used in a balance)
peso {m} :: weight class
peso {m} :: peso (unit of currency)
peso {m} :: weight (importance or influence)
peso {m} :: weight, burden, load, brunt (pressure)
peso atómico {m} [physics] :: atomic weight
peso bruto {m} :: gross weight
peso específico {m} :: specific gravity
pésol {m} :: pea (vegetable)
peso molecular {m} :: molecular weight
peso muerto {m} :: deadweight, dead weight
peso muerto {m} [exercise] :: deadlift
peso neto {m} :: net weight
peso pesado {m} [boxing] :: heavyweight
peso pesado {m} [idiom] :: heavyweight; big fish; big cheese
pespuntar {v} :: to backstitch
pespuntear {v} :: To backstitch
pesquera {f} :: fish company
pesquería {f} :: fishing (activity)
pesquería {f} :: fishing ground
pesqueridor {m} [obsolete] :: investigator; researcher
pesquero {adj} :: fishing (which or who is fishing)
pesquero {adj} :: fishing (related to fishing)
pesquero {m} :: fishing boat
pesquirir {v} [obsolete] :: to investigate; to research
pesquis {m} [colloquial] :: brains; nous; know-how
pesquisa {f} :: inquiry
pesquisaje {m} :: screening (detection of disease)
pesquisar {v} :: to investigate
pesquisidor {m} [archaic] :: investigator
pesquisidora {f} :: feminine noun of pesquisidor
pesquizaje {m} :: screening
pestaña {f} :: flange
pestaña {f} [anatomy] :: eyelash
pestaña {f} [computing] :: tab (navigational widget in a GUI)
pestañear {v} :: to wink, blink
pestañear {v} :: to bat an eyelid
pestañeo {m} :: flutter, flapping
pestañeo {m} :: wink, blink (blinking of an eye)
pestañí {f} [colloquial, ] :: police
pestañí {mf} [colloquial, ] :: police officer (a member of a police force)
pestañina {f} [Colombia] :: mascara
peste {f} :: plague
peste {f} :: contagious disease
peste {f} :: reek, unpleasant or repulsive smell
peste bovina {f} :: rinderpest
peste negra {f} [historical] :: Black Death, Black Plague
pesticida {f} :: pesticide
pestífero {adj} :: pestiferous
pestilencia {f} :: pestilence
pestilencial {adj} :: pestilent
pestilente {adj} :: pestilent, stinking
pestillo {m} :: A latch
pestillo {m} :: A bolt (lock)
pestiño {m} :: a type of small pancake made with honey
pestiño {m} [colloquial] :: a boring or annoying person
pesto {m} :: pesto
pesuvista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
pesuvista {mf} :: A member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
peta {f} [Bolivia] :: turtle
petaca {f} :: tobacco pouch
petaca {f} :: hip flask
petaca {f} [Mexico] :: suitcase
petaca {f} [Mexico, in the plural] :: buttocks
petado {adj} [colloquial] :: packed, full of people
petalita {f} [mineral] :: petalite
pétalo {m} :: petal
petaloide {adj} :: petaloid
petaloideo {adj} :: petaloid
petámetro {m} :: petametre
petanca {f} [games] :: pétanque
petar {v} [colloquial] :: to fill up; cram
petar {vt} [colloquial] :: to please, gratify, content
petarda {f} :: feminine noun of petardo
petardear {v} :: to backfire
petardo {m} :: firecracker (a firework)
petardo {m} :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
petardo {m} :: swindle
petardo {m} :: trash, rubbish
petardo {m} :: blowjob
petardo {m} :: a boring or annoying person
petardo {m} :: ugly woman
petareña {f} :: feminine noun of petareño
petareño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Petare, Venezuela
petareño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Petare, Venezuela
petate {m} :: Fibers obtained from the leaves of palm trees found in the Caribbean and Mesoamerica, (most commonly Leucothrinax morrisii and Thrinax radiata)
petate {m} :: A mat woven from petate, commonly used as a bedroll and for other purposes
petatearse {vp} [colloquial, Chile, El Savador, Mexico, Panama] :: to die
petazeta {m} :: pop rock
petazolcoate {m} :: centipede
pete {m} [Latin America, slang] :: blowjob
pete {m} [Latin America, childish] :: pacifier, short form of chupete
pete {m} [Latin America, slang] :: noob, unskilled player
petear {v} [Latin America, slang] :: To give a blowjob. To give a pete
Petén {prop} :: Petén (department)
petenera {f} :: A type of Andalusian music played with the guitar
petequia {f} [medicine] :: petechia
petersburgués {adj} :: Petersburgian (of or pertaining to Saint Petersburg, Russia)
petersburgués {m} :: Petersburgian (native or resident of Saint Petersburg, Russia)
petersburguesa {f} :: feminine noun of petersburgués
petición {f} :: request
petición {f} [networking] :: request
peticionante {adj} :: petitioning
peticionar {v} :: to petition
peticionaria {f} :: feminine noun of peticionario
peticionario {m} :: petitioner
petimetre {mf} :: dandy, fop
petipuá {m} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico] :: green pea (the vegetable)
petipuás {m} [Costa Rica, Venezuela] :: green pea (the vegetable)
petirrojo {m} :: robin (Erithacus rubecula)
petiso {adj} [Latin America] :: little, small, wee
petista {mf} [politics] :: a person who supports or is affiliated to the Brazilian Workers' Party
petista {adj} [politics] :: pertaining or related to the Brazilian Workers' Party
petisú {m} :: cream puff
petisuis {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: sexy young minx; wee bonny lass; young babe
petitorio {adj} :: petitory
petit pois {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, ] :: pea (the vegetable)
petizo {adj} [Argentina] :: little; wee
peto {m} :: bib
peto {m} :: breastplate
peto {m} :: shirtfront
peto {m} [zoology] :: plastron
peto {m} [historical] :: plastron
peto {m} [sports] :: chest pad
petral {m} [equestrian] :: breastplate
petrarquismo {m} :: Petrarchism
petrarquista {mf} :: Petrarchist
petrel {m} :: petrel
pétreo {adj} :: petrous
pétreo {adj} :: stony
pétreo {adj} :: rocky
pétreo {adj} :: of stone
pétreo {adj} :: stone
petricor {m} :: petrichor
petrificación {f} :: petrifaction, petrification
petrificar {vt} :: to petrify
petril {m} :: obsolete spelling of pertil
petro {m} :: petro
petrocasa {f} [Venezuela] :: A type of mass-produced Venezuelan house, manufactured by Corporación Petroquímica de Venezuela and used for public housing
petrochequera {f} [Venezuela] :: Donation of government money to foreign countries
petrodiésel {m} :: diesel
petrodiplomacia {f} :: petro-diplomacy
petrodólar {m} :: petrodollar
petroestado {m} :: petrostate
petroglifo {m} :: petroglyph
petrograbado {m} :: petroglyph
petrografía {f} :: petrography
petrográfico {adj} :: petrographic
petrolato {m} :: petrolatum; petroleum jelly
petróleo {m} :: petroleum, oil
petroleoquímica {f} :: petroleum chemistry
petroleoquímico {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the petroleum industry
petrolera {f} :: oil company
petrolero {adj} [attributive] :: oil, petrol (related to mineral oil)
petrolero {m} :: oil tanker
petrolífero {adj} :: petroliferous
petrolífico {adj} :: synonym of petrolífero
petróloga {f} :: feminine noun of petrólogo
petrología {f} [geology] :: petrology
petrológico {adj} :: petrologic
petrólogo {m} :: petrologist
petromacorisana {f} :: feminine noun of petromacorisano
petromacorisano {adj} :: Of or from the province of San Pedro de Macorís in the Dominican Republic
petromacorisano {m} :: An inhabitant of the province of San Pedro de Macorís in the Dominican Republic
petroprecios {mp} :: petrol prices
petroquímica {f} :: petrochemistry
petroquímico {adj} :: petrochemical
petroso {adj} :: stony; rocky
petroso {adj} [anatomy] :: petrous
petulancia {f} :: self-pride, conceitedness
petulante {adj} :: posing, self-proud, conceited
petulante {mf} :: poser (conceited person)
petunia {f} :: petunia
peuca {f} [slang, rural, Chile] :: sweetheart, a girl which is engaged with someone
peuca {f} [slang, Chile] :: term of contempt for a young woman (due to phonetical similitude with puta)
peuco {m} [Chile] :: an American hawk, Harris Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)
peumino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Peumo
peumo {m} :: Chilean acorn; (Cryptocarya alba)
Peumo {prop} {m} :: Peumo (city)
peyorativamente {adv} :: pejoratively
peyorativo {adj} :: pejorative
peyorativo {m} :: pejorative (disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression)
peyote {m} :: peyote
pez {f} :: pitch, tar
pez {m} :: fish (especially while alive)
pez {m} [colloquial] :: idiot, dimwit
pez cirujano {m} :: surgeonfish
pez de leche {m} :: milkfish
pez de San Pedro {m} :: John Dory
pez dorado {m} :: goldfish
pez espada {m} :: swordfish
pez gato {m} :: catfish
pez globo {m} :: blowfish
pez gordo {m} [idiomatic] :: head honcho, big cheese, fat cat
pez loro {m} :: parrotfish
pez luna {m} :: sunfish; ocean sunfish (large marine fish)
pez mantequilla {f} :: halibut
pezón {m} [anatomy, especially, of a female] :: nipple
pez payaso {m} :: clownfish
pez plano {m} :: flatfish
pez rojo {m} :: goldfish
pezuelo {m} :: end of a thread
pezuña {f} :: hoof
pez volador {m} :: flying fish
PGR {f} :: La Procuraduría General de la República, The attorney general of Mexico
phablet {m} :: phablet
philósopho {m} :: obsolete form of filósofo
phishing {m} [computing] :: phishing
photobomb {m} :: photobomb
photoshop {m} :: photoshop
photoshopear {v} :: to photoshop
pi {f} :: pi; the Greek letter Π, π
piacular {adj} :: piacular
piada {f} :: chirping (action of chirping)
piada {f} [colloquial] :: Expression of someone similar to the other person usually used. Salvador tiene muchas piadas de su maestro
piadina {f} :: piadina
piadosamente {adv} :: piously
piadosísimo {adj} :: superlative of piadoso
piadoso {adj} :: pious
piadoso {adj} :: pitiful
piafar {v} [of animals, especially horses] :: to stamp; to piaffe
pialar {v} :: to lasso
Piamonte {prop} {m} :: Piamonte (region)
piamontés {m} :: Piedmontese (language)
piamontés {m} :: Piedmontese (person)
piamontés {adj} :: Piedmontese
piamontesa {f} :: feminine noun of piamontés
piangua {f} :: A species of mussel, Andara tuberculosa
pianismo {m} :: pianism
pianista {mf} :: pianist
pianístico {adj} :: pianistic
pianito {m} :: diminutive of piano
piano {m} [musical instrument] :: piano
piano de cola {m} :: grand piano
piano de media cola {m} [musici] :: baby grand
pianola {f} [musical instruments] :: player piano, pianola
piar {v} :: to chirp
piara {f} :: herd [of pigs, sheep etc.]
piastra {f} :: piastre (historical Spanish and Spanish-American currency)
piastra {f} :: piastre (modern denomination in the Middle East)
PIB {m} :: initialism of producto interior bruto
piba {f} :: chick; lass; broad (woman)
pibe {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, Canary Islands, colloquial] :: kid, young person
pibe {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: boyfriend
pibí {m} :: peewee
pibil {adj} [Mexico, Yucatán, said of a food] :: Wrapped in banana or plantain leaves and cooked underground
pibipollo {m} :: A Mayan dish made of chicken and pork, cornflour and various other ingredients
pibón {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: hottie, cutie (attractive person)
pica {f} :: pike, lance
pica {f} :: pick (digging tool)
pica {f} [card games] :: spade (a playing card of the suit spades, picas)
picabayas {m} :: berrypecker
picacho {m} :: peak; summit
picada {f} :: peck (an act of striking with a beak)
picada {f} :: appetizer (small portion of food)
picadero {m} :: riding school
picadero {m} [slang] :: fuckpad; love nest (place for sexual relations)
picadillo {m} :: salad (made of chopped food)
picadillo {m} :: minced meat
picadito {adj} :: diminutive of picado
picado {adj} :: rotten, spoiled
picado {adj} :: piqued
picado {adj} [of a tooth] :: decayed
picado {adj} [of the sea] :: choppy
picado {adj} [of food, especially meat] :: minced, ground
picado {adj} [colloquial] :: bitter, pissed
picado {m} [film] :: overhead shot
picado {m} [music] :: staccato note
picado {m} [Argentina] :: kick around (informal football game)
picador {m} :: someone who stabs or wounds
picador {m} :: someone who cuts sugar-cane
picador {m} [bullfighting] :: picador
picadora {f} :: feminine noun of picador
picadura {f} :: a bite, e.g. from a snake or insect
picadura {f} :: a wound
picaflor {m} :: hummingbird
picaflor {m} [colloquial] :: womanizer, flirt
picahielo {m} :: icepick
picajoso {adj} :: touchy
picamaderos {m} :: woodpecker
picamaderos de Magallanes {m} :: Magellanic woodpecker
picana {f} [Latin America] :: prod, cattle prod
picaña {f} :: A type of rump steak
picante {adj} :: (of food) hot and spicy
picante {adj} :: vulgar, risque
picantera {f} :: A picantería cook
picantería {f} [Peru, Ecuador] :: A restaurant which specialises in spicy Andean cuisine
picantero {m} :: A picantería cook
picantito {adj} :: diminutive of picante
picapedrera {f} :: feminine noun of picapedrero
picapedrero {m} :: stonecutter
picapinos {m} :: great spotted woodpecker
picapleitos {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: shark lawyer
picaporte {m} :: doorknob, door handle
picaporte {m} :: knocker, door knocker
picar {vi} :: to itch (to feel itchy; to feel a need to be scratched)
picar {v} :: to sting
picar {v} :: to chop
picar {v} :: to bite
picar {v} [culinary] :: to mince, to dice
picar {v} :: to stab; to wound
picar {v} [colloquial] :: to snack; to nibble; to have a bite
picar {v} :: to rot; to decay; to eat away; to rust
picar {v} :: to pique
picar {v} :: to crush [ice]
picar {vi} :: to sting or be pungent to the lips or tongue, be spicy or, of a candy, very sour
picar {v} [slang, Mexico] :: to sexually penetrate, fuck
picar {vr} :: to get angry, get annoyed, take offence
picar {vr} :: to turn sour
picar {vr} [Mexico, with con] :: to get addicted, fascinated, enraptured
pícaramente {adv} :: craftily; cunningly
picardía {f} :: naughtiness, craftiness
picardía {f} :: act of mischief, dirty trick
picardía {f} :: rude word, insult
Picardía {prop} {f} :: Picardía (former region)
picardo {adj} :: Picard
picardo {m} :: Picard (person)
picardo {m} :: Picard (language)
picarescamente {adv} :: picaresquely
picaresco {adj} :: picaresque
picaridina {f} :: icaridin
picarillo {adj} :: diminutive of pícaro
pícaro {adj} :: lacking honor
pícaro {adj} :: malicious
pícaro {adj} :: cunning
pícaro {m} :: rogue
picarón {adj} :: naughty, feisty
picassesco {adj} :: Picassoesque
picasso {m} :: alternative case form of Picasso
Picasso {prop} {mf} :: surname
Picasso {prop} {mf} :: Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist
Picasso {m} :: Picasso (work of art by Pablo Picasso)
picatartes {m} :: rockfowl
picatoste {m} :: A type of sweetened crouton
picatroncos {m} :: woodpecker
picaza {f} :: magpie
picazo {m} :: peck (from a beak)
picazón {f} :: itch, itching
picazón {f} :: rash
piccolo {m} :: piccolo
pícea {f} :: spruce
picena {f} :: feminine noun of piceno
piceno {m} :: Picente
picha {f} [Spain, vulgar] :: penis
picha {f} [Mexico, vulgar] :: cunt (probably from or cognate with piča)
picha brava {m} [idiom, colloquial] :: stud; player (man who has many sexual partners)
pichabrava {m} [colloquial] :: stud; player (man who has many sexual partners)
pichadura {f} [Paraguay] :: annoyance; disdain
pichar {v} [Latin America, baseball] :: to pitch
pichar {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck
pichar {v} [colloquial] :: to urinate
piche {n} [Venezuela] :: rotten
pichel {m} [Spain] :: stein, small liquid container wider at the bottom than the top, closed by a hinged lid
pichel {m} [Mexico] :: water jug
pichel {m} [El Salvador, Costa Rica] :: pitcher
picheo {m} [baseball] :: pitch (throw)
pícher {m} [baseball] :: pitcher
pichete {m} [Honduras] :: lizard
pichi {m} :: pinafore
pichí {m} [childish, Argentina, Uruguay] :: pee; pee-pee; wee
pichicatear {v} :: synonym of cicatear
pichicatera {f} :: feminine noun of pichicatero
pichicatero {m} [Cono Sur] :: druggie; drug addict; junkie
pichichi {m} [football, Spain] :: top scorer in the league
Pichidegua {prop} {m} :: Pichidegua (city)
pichideguano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Pichidegua
pichilemino {adj} :: from Pichilemu, Chile
Pichilemo {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pichilemu
Pichilemu {prop} {m} :: Pichilemu (city)
Pichilemu {prop} {m} :: surname
pichinga {f} [El Salvador, colloquial] :: water jug
pichinga {f} [Honduras, colloquial] :: drunkenness
pichín pichán {adv} [idiom, childish] :: so-so; not bad; okayish
pichón {m} :: a young pigeon or dove
pichón {m} :: squab
pichón {m} [colloquial] :: guy, fellow, fella
pichona {f} :: feminine noun of pichón
pichoncito {m} :: diminutive of pichón
pichoneta {mf} :: Manx shearwater
pichula {f} [vulgar, Argentina, Chile, Peru] :: penis
pichulear {v} [Chile] :: to lie; fib
pichulear {v} [Uruguay, Argentina] :: to hunt bargains; to sniff out a good deal
pichuleo {m} [Cono Sur] :: stinginess
pickles {mp} :: pickles
pickup {mf} :: pickup (vehicle)
picle {m} [Chile] :: pickle
picle {m} [Chile] :: any pickled food
pícnic {m} :: picnic (outdoor meal)
picnómetro {m} :: pycnometer
pico {m} :: beak (of a bird)
pico {m} :: sharp point
pico {m} :: pick, pickaxe
pico {m} :: peak, summit (of a mountain)
pico {m} :: spout
pico {m} :: a bit, a little
pico {m} [zoology] :: crest
pico {m} [vulgar, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica] :: penis
pico {m} [colloquial, Bolivia, Colombia] :: kiss
pico {m} [colloquial] :: trap; gob (mouth)
picocuña {m} :: wedgebill
pico de gallo {m} :: A condiment generally made with diced raw onions, tomatoes, chiles, and cilantro
picofino {adj} :: slender-billed (said of various species of bird)
picogordo {m} :: hawfinch
picogramo {m} :: picogram
picogrueso {m} :: grosbeak
picoleto {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: cop (of the Guardia Civil)
picolezna {m} :: xenops
picoloro {m} :: parrotbill
pico menor {m} :: lesser spotted woodpecker
picómetro {m} :: picometer
picón {adj} :: chatty
piconegro {adj} :: black-billed (said of a number of species of birds)
piconera {f} :: coal seller
picop {m} :: pick-up truck
picopando {m} :: godwit
picoplano {m} :: flatbill
picoplata {adj} :: said of various species of silver-billed birds, including the silverbill
picor {m} :: stinging
picor {m} :: burning
picornavirus {m} :: picornavirus
picoroco {m} [Chile, Peru] :: Edible South American barnacle Austromegabalanus psittacus
picosito {adj} :: diminutive of picoso
picoso {adj} [Latin America] :: spicy
picota {f} :: pillory
picota {f} :: sweet cherry
picota {f} [nautical] :: pump-cheek
Picota {prop} :: Picota (province)
picotazo {m} :: peck (with a beak)
picotazo {m} :: sting
picotazo {m} :: bite by an animal
picotear {vt} :: to peck (strike with a beak)
picotear {vit} :: to nibble
picoteo {m} :: pecking
picoteo {m} [Spain] :: finger food
picozapato {m} :: shoebill
picrato {m} :: picrate
pícrico {adj} :: picric
picto {m} :: Pict
pictografía {f} :: pictograph
pictográfico {adj} :: pictographic
pictograma {m} :: pictogram
pictorialismo {m} :: pictorialism
pictorialista {mf} :: pictorialist
pictóricamente {adv} :: pictorially
pictórico {adj} :: pictorial
picudo {adj} :: beaked
picudo {adj} :: pointy
picudo {adj} :: pointed
picudo {adj} :: pointy-nosed
picudo {adj} :: chatty
picudo {m} :: weevil
picunche {mf} :: Picunche
picure {m} [Venezuela] :: agouti
pidgin {m} [linguistics] :: pidgin (amalgamation of two languages having no native speakers)
pídola {f} :: leapfrog
pidulle {m} [Chile] :: pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis or of the family Oxyuridae)
pie {m} :: foot [of a person]
pie {m} [poetry] :: foot
pie {m} [Central America, South America] :: pie
pié {m} :: obsolete spelling of pie
piececillo {m} :: diminutive of pie
piececito {m} :: diminutive of pie
piecito {m} :: diminutive of pie
piedad {f} :: pity, mercy
piedad {f} :: piety
Piedad {prop} {f} :: given name
pie de atleta {m} :: athlete's foot
pie de burro {f} :: Chilean abalone
pie de caballo {m} :: coltsfoot
pie de monte {m} :: foothill
piedemonte {m} :: foothill
piedra {f} :: stone (hard earthen substance that can form large rocks)
piedra {f} :: flint (small cylinder used to produce a spark in a lighter, etc.)
piedra {f} :: hailstone (single ball of hail, or solid precipitation)
piedra {f} :: crack (potent, relatively cheap, addictive variety of cocaine)
piedra angular {f} :: cornerstone
piedra de luna {f} [mineral] :: moonstone (gemstone)
piedra de moler {f} :: grinding stone
piedra de moler {f} :: grindstone, millstone
Piedra de Rosetta {prop} {f} :: Rosetta Stone
piedra de toque {f} :: touchstone
piedra filosofal {f} [occult] :: philosopher's stone
piedralipe {f} :: cupric sulfate
piedra pómez {f} :: pumice
piedra preciosa {f} :: gemstone
piedrazo {m} :: hit with a stone
piedrecilla {f} :: diminutive of piedra
piedrecita {f} :: diminutive of piedra
piedrita {f} :: diminutive of piedra
piel {f} :: skin
piel {f} :: fur
piélago {m} :: the open sea; pelagic waters
piélago {m} [poetic] :: the sea
piélago {m} [figuratively] :: something vast, countless, innumerable
piélago {m} [archaic] :: pond, reservoir
piel de gallina {f} [idiomatic] :: goose bumps; raised skin, usually on the neck or arms caused by cold or fear
pielecilla {f} :: diminutive of piel
pielero {m} :: leather seller
piel fina {m} [idiom] :: thin skin [state of being overly sensitive to criticism; quickness to take offence; irritability; touchiness]
piel fina {m} :: See: es piel fina; thin skin
pielonefritis {f} [disease] :: pyelonephritis
piemontés {adj} :: alternative spelling of piamontés
piemontés {m} :: alternative spelling of piamontés
piensa mal y acertarás {proverb} :: Always assume the worst (of someone)
pienso {m} :: animal feed
pienso {m} [obsolete] :: thought
Pieonchang {prop} :: Pyeongchang
piercing {m} :: piercing
pierna {f} :: leg (lower limb of a human)
piernas {m} [dated] :: twit; idiot
piernera {f} :: leg bag
piernita {f} :: diminutive of pierna
piernón {adj} :: having big legs
piernudo {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: having big legs
pierogi {m} :: pierogi
pierolista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Nicolás de Piérola Villena, Peruvian politician
pierolista {mf} :: A supporter of Nicolás de Piérola Villena
pies de barro {mp} [idiom] :: feet of clay
pietaje {m} :: footage
pietersita {f} [mineral] :: pietersite
pietismo {m} :: Pietism
pietista {adj} :: Pietist
pietista {mf} :: Pietist
pieza {f} :: piece, part
pieza {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Chile] :: room
pieza {f} [heraldry] :: ordinary
piezoelectricidad {f} :: piezoelectricity
piezoeléctrico {adj} :: piezoelectric
piezométrico {adj} :: piezometric
piezómetro {m} :: piezometer
pífano {m} :: fife (musical instrument)
pifear {v} [colloquial] :: to screw up; mess up
pifia {f} [colloquial] :: small flaw, defect
pifia {f} [colloquial] :: mistake, fault, error
pifiar {vi} :: to drop the ball, screw up, mess up
pifiar {vt} [Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru] :: to boo
pifiar {vt} [Bolivia, Peru] :: to mock, dig, make fun of
pifiar {vt} [Mexico] :: to nick, rob
pifiar {vi} [music] :: to blow across a flute or other reedless woodwind instrument
pigidio {m} :: pygidium
pigmentación {f} :: pigmentation
pigmentar {vt} :: to pigment, dye
pigmentario {adj} :: pigmented
pigmento {m} :: pigment
pigmentoso {adj} :: pigmentous
pigmeo {adj} :: pygmy
pigmeo {mf} :: pygmy
pignoración {f} :: pignoration
pignorar {v} :: to pawn
pigóstilo {m} [anatomy] :: pygostyle
pigricia {f} :: laziness
pihuel {m} :: red-backed hawk
pija {f} :: feminine noun of pijo
pija {f} [vulgar] :: penis
pijada {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: A pijo attitude, particularly, or things made by a pijo; snobbery, snobbism
pijada {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: nonsense, trifle, baloney
pijada {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: nonsense, stupidity
pijama {m} :: pyjamas
pijamada {f} :: sleepover, slumber party
pijao {mf} :: Pijao
pijao {adj} :: Pijao
pije {m} [Chile] :: snob; toff; posho
pijería {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: Characteristic of a pijo; snobbiness
pijería {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: Group of pijo people
pijerío {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: Characteristic of a pijo; snobbiness
pijerío {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: Group of pijo people
pijo {adj} [Spain, colloquial, derogatory] :: snobby, posh
pijo {m} [Spain, colloquial, derogatory] :: snob, dandy
pijo {m} [vulgar] :: penis
pijotada {f} :: alternative form of pijada
pijotero {adj} [colloquial, Spain] :: annoying
pijotero {adj} [colloquial, Argentina] :: stingy
pijuí {m} :: spinetail
pikachurina {f} [protein] :: pikachurin
pila {f} :: small battery
pila {f} :: pile, mound
pila {f} [colloquial] :: a lot
pila {f} [heraldiccharge] :: pile
pila {f} :: sink; washbasin
pila {f} :: font
pila bautismal {f} :: baptismal font
piladora {f} :: chipper (machine)
pilar {m} :: pillar, pier
pilar {m} [rugby] :: The player who is next to the hooker in a scrum
pilar {v} :: to pound
Pilar {prop} {f} :: given name
pilarense {adj} :: Of or from Pilar Partido
pilarense {adj} :: Of or from Pilar, Buenos Aires
pilarense {adj} :: Of or from Pilar, Córdoba Province
pilarense {adj} :: Of or from Pilar (Santa Fe)
pilarense {adj} :: Of or from Pilar, Paraguay
pilarense {mf} :: Someone from Pilar Partido
pilarense {mf} :: Someone from Pilar, Buenos Aires
pilarense {mf} :: Someone from Pilar, Córdoba Province
pilarense {mf} :: Someone from Pilar (Santa Fe)
pilarense {mf} :: Someone from Pilar, Paraguay
pilastra {f} [architecture] :: pilaster (rectangular pillar that supports or decorates a wall or roof)
pilates {m} :: pilates
pilcha {f} [rural, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay] :: low-quality clothes
pilcha {f} [colloquial, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay] :: high-quality clothes
pilcha {f} [Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay] :: each element of the riding tack, such as a stirrup or saddle
Pilcuyo {prop} :: Pilcuyo (district)
píldora {f} :: pill
píldora abortiva {f} :: the pill (contraceptive)
píldora del día después {f} :: morning-after pill
píleo {m} :: pileus (hat)
pileta {f} [Argentina] :: pool; swimming pool
pileta {f} :: basin
piletón {m} :: stream pool
Pili {prop} {f} :: given name
pilila {f} [Spain, colloquial, childish] :: penis
pilla {f} :: feminine noun of pillo
pilla {f} [Ecuador] :: prostitute
pillado {adj} :: busted, caught
pillado {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy (in love); head over heels
pillaje {m} :: pillage
pillán {m} :: Pillan
pilla pilla {m} :: tag, it (children's chasing game)
pillar {v} :: to catch, get, to grab (e.g. grab a cab, get lunch, grab a drink, catch a movie)
pillar {v} :: to pilfer, steal
pillar {v} [game] :: to tag
pillar {v} [colloquial] :: to get (a joke)
pillar {v} [colloquial] :: to catch, to catch up to
pillar {v} [colloquial] :: to catch, to pick up, to bust, to nab (someone doing something illegal)
pillar {v} [colloquial] :: to come down with, catch, to pick up (an illness)
pillar {v} [colloquial] :: to pick up on, to take (e.g. information, a hint)
pillar {v} [Spain, colloquial] :: to score (e.g. drugs)
pillar {vr} [colloquial] :: to jam (your finger)
pillar {vr} [colloquial] :: to fall in love, to crush on someone
pillar cacho {v} [colloquial, idiom] :: To hook up (with someone)
pillarse un pedo {v} [idiomatic, slang] :: to get trashed, get wasted
pillar una cogorza {v} [idiomatic] :: to go on a bender; to go out boozing
pillastre {mf} :: scoundrel
pillastrón {m} [colloquial] :: rogue, rascal
pillería {f} :: tricking, playing tricks
pillete {m} :: scamp; rogue
pillín {m} [colloquial] :: naughty boy, rascal
pillo {adj} :: clever
pillo {adj} :: cheeky, impudent
pillo {adj} :: mean, nasty
pillo {m} :: cheeky or naughty person, crook or thief
pilluelo {m} :: rascal; scamp
pilmama {f} [Latin America] :: nanny
pilocítico {adj} :: pilocytic
pilón {m} :: pylon
pilón {m} :: A gift given by a vendor to accompany a transaction
pilón {m} :: pestle
pilón {m} :: basin, sink
pilón {m} [Chile] :: deaf (hearing impaired)
pilona {f} :: bollard
piloncillo {m} :: panela
pilono {m} :: alternative spelling of pilón
pilórico {adj} :: pyloric
píloro {m} [anatomy] :: pylorus
pilosidad {f} :: hairiness
piloso {adj} :: hairy
piloso {adj} [attributive] :: hair
pilotaje {m} :: piloting
pilotar {v} :: to pilot
pilote {m} [architecture] :: pile
pilotear {v} :: to pilot
pilotín {m} :: pilot's assistant
piloto {m} :: pilot
piloto {m} :: driver (racing)
piloto {m} :: flashing light
piloto automático {m} :: autopilot
piloto de prueba {m} :: test pilot
pil pil {m} :: alternative form of pil-pil
pil-pil {m} :: pil-pil
pil-pil {m} :: cod in pil-pil sauce
piltra {f} [colloquial] :: bed
piltrafa {f} :: scrap of meat
piltrafa {f} :: offal, scrap, junk (object in very bad condition)
piltrafa {f} :: rag
piltrafa {f} :: skinny, feeble person
piltrafa {f} :: someone pathetic/a wuss
Piluca {prop} {f} :: given name
pilucho {adj} [Chile, Costa Rica] :: naked; nude
pima {adj} :: Pima
pima {mf} :: Pima
Pimentel {prop} :: surname
pimentero {m} :: pepper mill, pepper grinder
pimentón {m} :: paprika
pimentón {m} :: a relish made from red sweet peppers
pimentón {m} :: the pimiento (fruit)
pimentón {m} [Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela] :: bell pepper, sweet pepper
pimentón de la Vera {m} :: Pimentón de La Vera
pimentonero {m} [football] :: Someone, such as a fan, player, coach etc., that is associated with Real Murcia, a football club in Murcia, Spain
pimentoso {adj} :: piquant
pimienta {f} :: pepper (herb, peppercorns)
pimienta de Cayena {f} :: cayenne pepper
pimienta de Jamaica {m} :: allspice
pimienta negra {f} :: black pepper
pimiento {m} :: pepper (fruit of the capsicum)
pimiento {m} :: pepper plant
pimiento {m} [Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru] :: bell pepper (ellipsis of pimiento morrón)
pimiento morrón {m} [Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Chile] :: bell pepper, sweet pepper
pim pam pum {phrase} :: bish bash bosh
pimpante {adj} :: lively
pimpina {f} [Venezuela] :: large petrol can
pimpinela {f} :: any plant of the genus Pimpinella
pimpinera {f} :: feminine noun of pimpinero
pimpinero {adj} :: of or pertaining to the illegal gasoline trade
pimpinero {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: Illegal gasoline (petrol) trader, near the border of Colombia and Venezuela
pimplar {v} [colloquial] :: to booze; to drink to excess
pimpollo {m} [agriculture] :: a seedling
pimpollo {m} [forestry] :: a pine tree sapling
pimpollo {m} [forestry] :: a young tree
pimpollo {m} [botany] :: a new stem either soft or wooden
pimpollo {m} [botany] :: a nearly blossomed rose flower
pimpollo {m} :: A very handsome, gallant, and graceful boy or young man
pimpón {m} :: ping pong
pin {m} :: pin, lapel pin
pin {m} [electricity] :: pin (any of the individual connecting elements of a multipole electrical connector)
pin {m} :: PIN, PIN number
PIN {m} :: alternative form of pin
PIN {m} :: initialism of proyecto de identificación nacional
pina {f} :: border-stone
Pina {prop} {f} :: given name
piña {f} [botany] :: pinecone
piña {f} [fruit] :: pineapple
piña {f} [Canarias, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Honduras, Cuba, Uruguay] :: punch (blow with the fist)
piña {f} [Argentina, colloquial] :: collision, accident, crash
piña {f} [figurative] :: close-knit group
Piña {prop} {m} :: surname, variation of Peña
pinacate {m} [Mexico] :: pinacate beetle, stink beetle
pinacocito {m} [cytology] :: pinacocyte
pinacodermo {m} [zoology] :: pinacoderm
piña colada {f} :: a piña colada cocktail
pinacoteca {f} :: art gallery, especially one devoted to paintings
pináculo {m} [architecture] :: pinnacle
pináculo {m} [architecture] :: spire
pinadamente {adv} :: pinnately
pinado {adj} :: pinnate
pinar {m} :: pine grove
pinareño {adj} :: Of or from Pinar del Río
pinareño {m} :: Someone from Pinar del Río
piñata {f} :: pinata (doll filled with candy)
pinaza {f} :: pinnace
pinaza {f} :: dead leaves from a pine tree
piñazo {m} [colloquial] :: smash; hit; bash; bonk
pinball {m} :: pinball
pincel {m} :: paintbrush [usually less thick than a brocha]
pincelada {f} :: brushstroke
pincelar {v} :: to paint with a brush
pincha {f} [Spain] :: disc jockey, DJ
pinchadiscos {mf} :: deejay, DJ, disc jockey
pinchado {adj} :: Something which is punctured
pinchar {v} :: to puncture, prick, pierce
pinchar {v} :: to poke
pinchar {v} [animals, needle] :: to sting
pinchar {v} [computation] :: to click
pinchar {v} [colloquial] :: to flirt
pinchar {v} [colloquial] :: to get flirted
pinchar {v} [telephony] :: to call up by telephone and suspend before a conversation is initiated in order to make the receiver call back
pinchar {v} [telephony, colloquial] :: putting some tool for hearing in secret private conversation by phone; eavesdropping
pinchar {vi} [colloquial] :: to slip up (fail)
pinchar {v} [colloquial] :: to fuck
pinchar {v} [colloquial] :: to wind up, pester
pinchar en hueso {v} [idiomatic] :: to slip up (make a mistake)
pincharse {vr} :: to shoot up (to inject drugs intravenously)
pinchazo {m} :: prick, sting
pinchazo {m} :: puncture
pinchazo {m} :: eavesdropping
pinche {adj} [Mexico, vulgar] :: damned, goddamned
pinche {adj} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua, also by a minority in El Salvador] :: stingy, cheap
pinche {m} [Mexico] :: a kitchen servant
pinche {m} [Chile, Puerto Rico] :: hairpin (fastener for the hair)
pincher {m} :: pinscher
pinchito {m} :: diminutive of pincho
pinchito {m} [slang, vulgar, Spain, ] :: sexual intercourse
pincho {m} :: skewer
pincho {m} [slang] :: a shank
pincho {m} [slang] :: a shag (fornication)
pincho {m} [Spain] :: snack, small serving of food
pincho {m} [computing] :: stick, data stick, drive
pincho {m} :: prick
pincho moruno {m} :: skewer; skewered meat
pinchoteo {m} [Asturias] :: snack, light bite
pinciano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Valladolid
pinciano {m} :: Someone from Valladolid
pinda {f} :: pinda sweda
pindari {m} :: Pindari
pindárico {adj} :: Pindaric
Píndaro {prop} {m} :: Pindar
pindín {m} :: A dance and music style from Panama
pindio {adj} [Northern Spain, especially Cantabria and Asturias] :: steep
Pindo {prop} {m} :: Pindo (mountain range)
pindó {m} :: queen palm
pindonga {f} [slang] :: A woman who spends much of her time outside of home and generally in bad company or in little respected occupations
pineal {adj} :: pineal
pinealocito {m} :: pinealocyte
Pineda {prop} {m} :: surname
piñén {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: dirt (on the body)
pineno {m} [organic chemistry] :: pinene
pinera {f} :: feminine noun of pinero
piñera {f} :: pineapple plantation
Piñera {prop} :: surname
piñeragate {m} :: Piñeragate scandal [a political scandal in Chile, 1992, involving right-wing politician Sebastián Piñera]
pinero {adj} :: Of or from Pinos del Valle
pinero {m} :: Someone from Pinos del Valle
Piñeyrúa {prop} :: surname
pinga {f} [Latin America, euphemistic, vulgar, slang, ] :: penis
pingajo {m} :: rag
pingajo {m} :: ragged person
pinganillo {m} [Spain] :: intercommunicating earpiece
pinganillo {m} [Spain] :: security earpiece or earphone
pinganillo {m} [Spain] :: hidden earpiece
ping pong {m} [sport] :: ping pong
ping pong {m} [by extension] :: a back and forth or volatile fluctuation of anything
ping-pong {m} :: ping pong; table tennis
pingüe {adj} :: fat, plump
pingüe {adj} :: abundant, copious
pingüedinoso {adj} :: plump
pingüinera {f} :: penguin colony
pingüino {m} :: penguin
pingüino {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: a student
pingüino del Sur {m} :: Magellanic penguin
pingüino de Magallanes {m} :: Magellanic penguin
pingüino magallánico {m} :: Magellanic penguin
pingüino patagónico {m} :: Magellanic penguin
pingüino rey {m} :: king penguin
pingullo {m} :: a type of bamboo flute
pinillo {m} :: diminutive of pino
pinillo {m} :: Any of a number of relatively small plants. See pinillo|Spanish Wikipedia for more details
pininos {mp} :: synonym of pinitos
pinito {m} :: diminutive of pino
pinito {m} [usually in plural] :: first steps (made by an infant)
pinjante {m} [architecture] :: a hanging fleuron
pinnadamente {adv} :: pinnately
pinnado {adj} :: pinnate
pinnatífido {adj} :: pinnatifid
pinnatipartido {adj} :: pinnatipartite
pinnatisecta {f} :: pinnatisect
pinnípedo {m} :: pinniped
pínnula {f} :: pinnule
pinnulado {adj} :: pinnulate
pino {m} :: pine
piño {m} [colloquial] :: tooth
pino araucano {m} :: monkey puzzle tree
pino araucaria {m} :: monkey puzzle tree
pinocha {f} :: pine needle
Pinochet {prop} :: surname
pinochetismo {m} [uncountable] :: Pinochetism; the specific conservative ideology associated with the Pinochet dictatorship, 1973-1990
pinochetista {mf} :: A supporter of the regime of Augusto Pinochet
pinochetista {adj} :: Supporting the regime of Augusto Pinochet
pino chileno {m} :: monkey puzzle tree
Pinocho {prop} :: Pinocchio
pino de brazos {m} :: monkey puzzle tree
pinol {m} :: alternative form of pinole
Piñol {prop} :: surname of Catalan origin
pinole {m} [Latin America] :: pinole
pinolera {f} :: feminine noun of pinolero
pinolero {adj} [colloquial] :: Nicaraguan
pinolero {m} [colloquial] :: Nicaraguan
pinolillo {m} :: pinolillo
piñón {m} :: pine nut
piñón {m} :: pine sapling
piñón {m} [mechanics] :: pinion (small gear or spindle)
piñón {m} [mechanics] :: sprocket (toothed wheel that enmeshes with a chain)
piñón {m} :: pinion (outer part of a bird's wing)
Piñón {prop} :: surname
piñonero {adj} :: yielding pine nuts
piñonero {adj} :: monkey puzzle tree
pino patagónico {m} :: monkey puzzle tree
Pinotepa Nacional {prop} :: Pinotepa Nacional (city)
Pinotepa Nacional {prop} :: Pinotepa Nacional (municipality)
pinsapar {m} :: Spanish fir grove
pinsapo {m} :: Spanish fir
pinta {f} :: look, appearance
pinta {f} :: small spot, dot or stain
pinta {f} [US Southwest, Northern Mexico, slang] :: jail
pinta {f} [Dominican Republic, Colombia, slang] :: being well-dressed or well-put
pintacaras {mf} :: facepainter
pintacaras {m} :: face painting
pintacaritas {mf} :: facepainter
pintacaritas {m} :: face painting
pintado {m} [history] :: the tattoed indigenous people of Cebu during the Spanish occupation of the Philippines
pintalabios {m} :: lipstick
pintamonas {mf} :: A novice painter; a painter with poor skills
pintar {vt} :: to paint (to apply paint to)
pintar {vti} :: to paint (to create an image with paints)
pintar {vt} :: to draw (to depict with lines)
pintar {vi} [of a situation] :: to look, to seem
pintar {v} [colloquial] :: to have to do somewhere
pintar la mona {v} [idiom] :: to do bugger all; to do jack shit
pintarrajear {vt} :: to daub (paint)
pintarse {v} :: reflexive of pintar, to make up one's face
pintarse {v} :: to put lipstick on oneself
pintarse {v} :: to color one's hair
pintaúñas {m} :: nail polish
pintear {v} [impersonal] :: to drizzle
pintear {vr} :: to play hookey
pinteño {adj} :: Of or from Pinto
pinteño {m} :: Someone from Pinto
pinteriano {adj} :: Pinteresque
pintiparado {adj} :: identical, a carbon copy
pintiparado {adj} [colloquial] :: perfectly suitable
pinto {adj} [Latin America] :: spotted, pinto, mottled, blotchy
pinto {adj} [Caribbean] :: clever, cunning
pinto {adj} [Caribbean] :: drunk
pinto {adj} [Costa Rica] :: A meal served for lunch or dinner based on gallo pinto but also with a type of meat and possibly some extras
Pinto {prop} {m} :: Pinto (places)
Pinto {prop} {m} :: surname
pintojo {adj} :: speckled; spotted
pintón {adj} :: attractive; handsome (with a connotation of relatively fair skin and wealth)
pintón {adj} [of fruit] :: ripening
pintón {m} :: corn borer (Ostrinia)
pintor {m} :: painter
pintora {f} :: feminine noun of pintor
pintorescamente {adv} :: picturesquely
pintoresco {adj} :: picturesque, quaint
pintoresquismo {m} :: picturesqueness
pintoresquismo {m} [art] :: a tendency or movement in visual art that opts for the picturesque
pintorrear {vt} [colloquial] :: to splash paint on
pintorretear {v} :: to daub with paint
pintura {f} :: painting
pintura {f} :: paint (colorant substance)
pintura {f} :: paintwork
pintura rupestre {f} :: cave painting
pinturera {f} :: feminine noun of pinturero
pintureramente {adv} :: elegantly, beautifully
pinturero {adj} :: swaggery
pinturero {m} :: show-off
pinturita {f} :: diminutive of pintura
pintxo {m} :: pintxo
piñuela {f} :: penguin (Bromelia pinguin)
piñuela {f} :: The edible fruit from this tree
pinyin {m} :: Pinyin
Pinyin {prop} {m} :: Pinyin
pinza {f} :: tweezer, tweezers
pinza {f} :: pliers (nose pliers, usually)
pinza {f} :: pincers
pinza {f} :: tongs
pinza {f} :: claw (pincer of a crustacean)
pinza {f} :: clothes peg
pinza {f} :: clamp (general purpose kind of tool)
pinza {f} :: caliper (measuring tool)
pinza {f} :: gripper
pinza {f} :: forceps
pinzamiento {m} :: slipped disc
pinzar {v} :: to tweeze
pinzón {m} :: finch (bird)
pinzón real {m} :: The brambling. A small bird
pinzón vulgar {m} :: The chaffinch, a small bird
pío {m} :: chirp; cheep
pío {adj} :: pious
Pío {prop} {m} :: given name
piocha {f} [Mexico] :: goatee
piocha {f} [Chile] :: badge
piocianina {f} :: pyocyanin
pioderma {m} [medicine] :: pyoderma
piojento {adj} :: of or relating to lice
piojento {adj} :: lousy (infested with lice)
piojito {m} :: tyrannulet
piojo {m} :: a louse, a cootie (a kind of parasitic insect, lice)
piojoso {adj} :: lousy (infested with lice)
piola {f} :: thin rope
piola {f} :: a messy ending of old string or wires
piola {f} :: firecracker
piola {adj} [Argentina] :: agreeable, charming, pleasant, having good countenance
piola {adj} [Argentina] :: awesome; cool
piola {adj} [Argentina] :: astute, quick-witted
piolet {m} [climbing] :: piolet, ice ax
piolín {m} [Latin America] :: cord, twine
pión {m} :: pion
pionera {f} :: feminine noun of pionero
pioneril {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Palacio de los Pioneros
pionerita {f} :: diminutive of pionera
pionero {adj} :: pioneering
pionero {m} :: pioneer
pioneta {m} :: peonage
pioneta {m} :: codriver of a truck / lorry
pionono {m} :: A type of sweet pastry
Pionyang {n} :: Pionyang (capital city)
piornal {m} :: A type of brushland
piorrea {f} [pathology] :: pyorrhea, pyorrhoea
pipa {f} :: (smoking) pipe
pipa {f} :: barrel
pipa {f} [colloquial] :: gun
pipa {adv} [colloquial] :: very good
pipa {m} [colloquial] :: a genius, a smart person
pipa {f} [Spain] :: sunflower seed
pipa {f} [Central America] :: green coconut
pipa de agua {f} :: water pipe (device for smoking)
piparra {f} :: A type of Basque chili pepper
Pipe {prop} [Chile, colloquial] :: given name
Pipe {prop} :: diminutive of Felipe
piperaquina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: piperaquine
piperazina {f} [organic compound] :: piperazine
piperidina {f} :: piperidine
piperita {f} :: peppermint
piperrada {f} :: pipérade
pipeta {f} :: pipette (small glass tube used for transferring liquid)
pipi {m} [colloquial] :: louse
pipí {m} [infantile] :: urine
pipián {m} :: a kind of zucchini
pipián {m} [Mexico] :: A type of sauce made with pumpkin seeds or almonds, toasted corn and green chili
pipián {m} [Mexico] :: A type of stew made with such sauce
pipiar {v} :: alternative spelling of piar
pipil {mf} :: Pipil
pipil {m} :: Pipil
pipil {adj} :: Pipil
pípila {f} [Mexico] :: (female) turkey
pipiola {f} :: feminine noun of pipiolo
pipiolo {m} :: kid (young person)
pipiolo {m} :: newbie, noob, fledgling
pipiolo {adj} :: young, junior
pipirigallo {m} :: sainfoin
pipirisnáis {adj} [colloquial, Mexico, El Salvador] :: expensive and fancy (said of an object)
pipirisnáis {adj} [colloquial, Mexico, El Salvador] :: fancy and well made-up (said of a person's look)
pipoca {f} [Bolivia] :: popcorn
pipón {adj} [Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Peru] :: having a protruding belly
pipón {adj} [Uruguay, Argentina] :: having the appetite satisfied; stuffed, sated
pipope {adj} [Mexico, pejorative] :: Related to people described as pipope
pipope {mf} [Mexico, pejorative] :: A native or inhabitant of Puebla, perceived to be vain or classist
piporro {m} :: bassoon
piporro {m} :: bassoonist
pipote {m} [Venezuela] :: garbage can
pipote {m} :: small barrel
pique {m} [card games] :: spade
pique {m} :: downward movement
pique {m} :: jump, leap
pique {m} :: hit, fix [of drugs]
pique {m} :: rivalry, loggerheads
pique {m} :: grudge match
piqueo {m} :: snack; appetiser
piquera {f} :: hole, vent (in a beehive)
piquera {f} :: dive, hole (building of poor quality)
piquero {m} :: piker; pikeman (soldier)
Piquet {prop} :: Piquet; surname
piqueta {f} :: pickaxe (heavy iron tool with a head that is pointed on one side, chisel-edged on the other)
piqueta {f} :: peg, tent peg (peg, driven into the ground, to hold a rope that supports a tent)
piqueta {f} :: jump, leap (act of jumping)
piquete {m} :: prick (in the skin)
piquete {m} :: shot, jab (with a syringe)
piquete {m} :: injection
piquete {m} :: sting (bump in the skin made by an insect)
piquete {m} [slang, Mexico] :: a small or medium amount of a strong alcoholic beverage (usually tequila, rum or brandy) poured in a non-alcoholic beverage, such as punch, coffee, juice, soda beverage, etc
piquete {m} :: picket line
piquetear {v} :: to picket
piquete de ejecución {m} :: firing squad
piquetera {f} :: feminine noun of piquetero
piquetero {m} [Argentina] :: picketer
piquicorto {adj} :: short-beaked (said of various species of bird)
piquicurvo {adj} :: recurve-billed
piquigordo {adj} :: large-billed (said of various bird species, especially species of bluebill and seedcracker)
piquigualdo {adj} :: yellow-beaked (said of various species of bird)
piquillín {m} :: Condalia microphylla, an uninteresting bush
piquillo {m} :: piquillo
piquirrojo {adj} :: red-beaked (said of a number of bird species)
piquito {m} :: diminutive of pico
piquituerto {m} :: crossbill
pira {f} :: pyre
pira {f} :: escape, flight
piradísimo {adj} :: superlative of pirado
pirado {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
piragua {f} :: pirogue
piragua {f} [Puerto Rico] :: piragua
piragüismo {m} :: canoeing
piragüista {mf} :: canoer, canoeist
piramidal {adj} :: pyramidal (pyramid-shaped)
piramidal {adj} [anatomy] :: triquetrum
pirámide {f} :: pyramid
piramidólogo {m} :: pyramidologist
piraña {f} :: piranha
piránico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyranic
pirano {f} [organic compound] :: pyran
piranosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: pyranose
pirar {vp} [colloquial] :: to go away
pirargirita {f} [mineral] :: pyrargyrite
pirárselas {v} [idiom] :: to scram; to skedaddle; to beat it
pirata {mf} :: pirate
pirata {mf} [Argentina, pejorative] :: English, British
pirataje {m} :: piracy
piratear {v} :: to pirate, hijack
piratear {v} [intellectual property] :: to pirate (to make and/or sell illegal copies)
pirateo {m} :: hack (illegal access to a computer network)
piratería {f} :: piracy
pirazina {f} [organic compound] :: pyrazine
pirazol {m} [organic compound] :: pyrazole
pirca {f} :: a low wall in Incan architecture
pirenaico {adj} :: Pyrenean (relating to the Pyrenees)
Pireo {prop} {m} :: Pireo (city)
piretrina {f} [organic compound] :: pyrethrin
piretroide {m} [organic compound] :: pyrethroid
pirexia {f} :: pyrexia
piricuaco {m} :: (Nicaragua) (offensive) Sandinista soldier or combatant
piridazina {f} [organic compound] :: pyridazine
piridina {f} [organic compound] :: pyridine
piridoxal {m} :: pyridoxal
piridoxina {f} :: pyridoxine
piriforme {adj} :: pyriform
pirimetamina {f} [organic compound] :: pyrimethamine
pirimidina {f} [organic compound] :: pyrimidine
pirineo {adj} :: Pyrenean
Pirineos {prop} :: Pyrenees
pirinola {f} [Latin America] :: top (child’s spinning toy)
piripi {adj} [colloquial] :: tipsy
pirita {f} :: pyrite
pirítico {adj} :: pyritic
piro- {prefix} :: pyro-
piro {m} :: A member of the Yine people of Peru
piroclástico {adj} :: pyroclastic
piroclasto {m} [geology] :: pyroclast
pirocloro {f} [mineral] :: pyrochlore
pirodoxina {f} :: pyridoxine
pirofórico {adj} :: pyrophoric
pirofosfatasa {f} [enzyme] :: pyrophosphatase
pirofosfato {f} [inorganic compound] :: pyrophosphate
pirógeno {m} :: pyrogen
pirograbar {v} :: To pyrograph
pirólisis {f} [chemistry] :: pyrolysis
pirolusita {f} [mineral] :: pyrolusite
pirómana {f} :: feminine noun of pirómano
piromanía {f} :: pyromania
pirómano {m} :: arsonist
pirómano {m} :: pyromaniac
pirómetro {m} :: pyrometer (instrument designed to measure high temperatures)
piromusical {adj} :: pyromusical
piropeador {m} :: sweet talker
piropear {v} :: to sweet-talk
piropo {m} [mineral] :: pyrope (a type of garnet)
piropo {m} [colloquial] :: compliment, flattering comment (usually addressed to an unknown woman on the street); pick-up line, catcall
piroquinesis {f} [parapsychology, science fiction] :: pyrokinesis
pirosis {f} :: pyrosis, heartburn
pirotecnia {f} :: pyrotechnics
pirotecnia {f} :: fireworks or other explosive materials
pirotecnia {f} :: a factory of such materials
pirotécnica {f} :: feminine noun of pirotécnico
pirotécnico {adj} :: pyrotechnic
pirotécnico {m} :: pyrotechnist
piroxenita {f} :: pyroxenite
piroxeno {m} [mineral] :: pyroxene
pirrarse {vr} :: to be nuts (about); to be crazy (about) (really like)
pírrico {adj} :: Pyrrhic
pirrol {m} [organic compound] :: pyrrole
pirrolidina {f} :: pyrrolidine
pirrolisina {f} [amino acid] :: pyrrolysine
pirrotina {f} [mineral] :: pyrrhotite
pirrotita {f} [mineral] :: pyrrhotite
pirrurris {mf} [Mexico, slang] :: posho; snob
pirsin {m} :: piercing (hole for jewelry, and the jewelry itself)
pirueta {f} :: pirouette
pirueta {f} :: caper (playful behaviour)
piruja {f} [vulgar, Mexico] :: prostitute
pirujo {m} [Central America] :: bread roll
piruleta {f} [Spain] :: lollipop
pirulí {m} :: lollipop
pirulo {m} [colloquial] :: penis
piruvato {m} [organic compound] :: pyruvate
pirúvico {adj} :: pyruvic
pis {m} :: pee, wee
Pisa {prop} {f} :: Pisa (city/and/province)
pisada {f} :: footstep, footprint
pisador {adj} :: stepper (person or animal who steps energetically)
pisador {m} :: pestle, plunger
pisana {f} :: feminine noun of pisano
pisando huevos {adv} [idiomatic] :: very slowly
pisano {adj} :: Pisan (native or inhabitant of Pisa)
pisano {m} :: Pisan (native or inhabitant of Pisa)
pisapapeles {m} :: paperweight
pisapatatas {m} :: potato masher
pisar {vi} :: to step; to walk; to tread
pisar {vt} :: to step on; to walk on (something); to tread on (something)
pisar {vit} [vulgar, Cuba, El Salvador, Dominican Republic] :: to have sex, fuck
pisar el callo {v} [idiom, colloquial] :: annoy; get someone's goat
pisaverde {m} [colloquial] :: fop, coxcomb, popinjay, dandy
pisca {f} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: female turkey (bird)
pisca {m} [Mexico] :: harvesting (of coffee, cotton and corn in particular)
piscícola {adj} :: fish-breeding
piscicultor {m} :: fish farmer
piscicultora {f} :: fish farmer
piscicultura {f} :: pisciculture (the farming of fish)
piscifactoría {m} :: fish farm
piscigranja {f} :: fish farm
piscina {f} :: swimming pool
piscinazo {m} [football] :: dive (feigned foul)
piscinazo {m} :: dive, plunge
piscinero {m} [sport, colloquial] :: diver
piscis {adj} :: Born under the zodiac sign Pisces
Piscis {prop} {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Pisces (constellation)
Piscis {prop} {m} [astrology] :: Pisces (star sign)
pisco {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: turkey (bird)
pisco {m} :: pisco (see "English" above)
Pisco {prop} :: Pisco (province)
Pisco {prop} :: Pisco (city/provincial capital)
piscolabis {m} :: snack
piscucha {f} [El Salvador] :: kite
piscuiz {m} :: thistletail
pisiforme {adj} :: pisiform
pisiforme {m} [anatomy] :: pisiform bone
pisito {m} :: diminutive of piso
pisito {m} :: little rug
piso {m} [Latin America] :: floor, ground (surface of the earth)
piso {m} :: floor, story, storey (level of a building)
piso {m} [Spain] :: flat, apartment
piso {m} :: deck (level on a ship or vehicle)
piso {m} [in compounds, in the plural] :: decker (bus, bed)
piso {m} :: level, layer of a structure e.g. a cake
piso {m} :: tier (layer of a cake)
piso {m} [Chile] :: footstool
piso {m} [Chile] :: rug, carpet
piso {m} [Spain] :: sole
piso {m} :: step (action and effect of stepping on something)
piso franco {m} [Spain] :: safe house
pisolítico {adj} :: pisolitic
pisolito {m} :: pisolite
pisotear {v} :: to trample
pisotón {m} :: stamp; stomp (with the foot)
pispar {v} [colloquial] :: to watch, to observe; to lurk, to spy on
pispás {n} :: only used in en un pispás
pispear {v} :: to gaze; peer
pisque {m} :: synonym of tamal pisque
pisquera {f} :: feminine noun of pisquero
pisquero {adj} :: Of or from Pisco
pisquero {adj} [attributive] :: pisco
pisquero {m} :: Someone from Pisco
pista {f} :: track, course, trail
pista {f} :: (aviation) runway
pista {f} :: clue
pista {f} [bowling] :: lane
pistache {m} :: alternative form of pistacho
pistachero {m} :: pistachio (tree)
pistacho {m} :: pistachio (nut)
pista de aterrizaje {f} :: landing strip
pista de baile {f} :: dance floor
pista de hielo {m} :: ice rink
pista de tenis {f} [tennis] :: tennis court
pista rápida {f} [tennis] :: hardcourt
pistear {v} [Mexico] :: to drink alcohol in a social setting
pistear {v} [Argentina] :: to participate in an illegal car race
pistilado {adj} :: pistillate
pistilo {m} [botany] :: pistil
pistilodio {m} :: pistillody
pisto {m} [slang, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras] :: money
pisto {m} [slang, Mexico] :: hard liquor
pisto {m} [cuisine] :: ratatouille [dish prepared with chopped vegetables, especially peppers, onion, eggplant, and zucchini, which is fried and mixed with tomato sauce and sometimes scrambled egg or a fried egg]
pistola {f} :: pistol; gun
pistola de aire {f} :: air pistol
pistola de clavos {f} :: nail gun
pistolera {f} :: holster
pistolera {f} :: fat thigh
pistolerismo {m} :: the practice used by Spanish employers during King Alfonso XIII's reconstruction crisis of hiring thugs to face syndicalists and notable workers – and vice versa
pistolero {m} :: a gunman
pistolero {m} :: an armed bandit
pistoletazo {m} :: gunshot, firing of a gun
pistolete {m} :: A type of pistol
pistolita {f} :: diminutive of pistola
pistolón {m} :: musket
pistón {m} :: piston
Pistoya {prop} {f} :: Pistoia
Pisuerga {prop} {m} :: A river in Spain, whose source is in the Cantabrian Mountains and which flows into the Duero
pita {f} :: century plant (Agave americana)
pita {f} :: pita (fiber obtained from Agave americana)
pita {m} :: pita (flat bread pouch)
pitadera {f} :: beeping; honking or a car horn
pitador {adj} :: puffing
pitador {m} :: puffer (someone or something that puffs)
pitadora {f} :: feminine noun of pitador
pitadora {f} [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru] :: pressure cooker
Pitágoras {prop} {m} :: Pythagoras (ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher)
pitagórica {f} :: feminine noun of pitagórico
pitagórico {adj} :: Pythagorean
pitagórico {m} :: Pythagorean
pitagorín {m} [colloquial] :: brainiac, brainbox
pitahaya {f} :: dragon fruit
pitajo {m} :: chat-tyrant
pitanza {f} :: daily bread
pitanza {f} :: ration (of food)
pitar {v} :: to whistle, buzz, beep, honk, puff
pitar {v} [sports] :: to referee
pitarra {m} :: a variety of wine from Extremadura and neighbouring regions
pitazo {m} :: whistle blow
pitbull {m} :: pit bull terrier
pitchear {v} [business] :: to pitch
pitcheo {m} [baseball] :: pitching
pitcher {m} :: alternative spelling of pícher
pitén {m} [Cuba] :: pick-up game of baseball
piti {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: fag, ciggy (cigarette)
pitido {m} :: whistle, beep (sound)
pitido {m} :: bleep (i.e. sound of a word being censored)
pitido final {m} :: final whistle
pitillera {f} :: cigarette case
pitillo {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: drinking straw
pitillo {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: ciggy, fag, cig (cigarette)
pitillo {m} [Spain] :: slim-fit, skinny (pants)
pítima {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
pitiminí {adj} :: tiny and cute
pitiona {f} [Mexico] :: Lippia alba (flowering plant used in cooking and traditional medicine)
pitiriasis {f} [dermatology] :: pityriasis
pitito {m} :: diminutive of pito
pitiyanqui {mf} [Puerto Rico, Venezuela, pejorative] :: someone who supports United States interventionism and imitates the culture of the United States
pitiyanqui {adj} :: of or pertaining to pitiyanquis
pito {m} :: whistle
pito {m} :: fife
pito {m} :: catcall
pito {m} :: woodpecker
pito {m} [slang, Latin America] :: cigarette, especially marijuana cigarette
pito {m} [slang] :: penis
pito {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay] :: tobacco pipe
pito {m} [Central America] :: coffee bean
pitohuí {m} :: pitohui
pitón {f} [snake] :: python
pitón {m} :: small horn
pitón {m} [colloquial, usually in plural] :: small tit, breast
pitonazo {m} [bullfighting] :: A hit with the horn
pitoncito {m} :: diminutive of pitón; small horn
pito negro {m} :: black woodpecker
pitonisa {f} [historical] :: Pythia (priestess presiding over the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi)
pitonisa {f} :: diviner, foreteller, fortune teller
pitonisa {f} :: magician
pito real {m} :: green woodpecker
pitorreal {m} :: collared aracari (Pteroglossus torquatus)
pitorreal {m} :: mountain trogon (Trogon mexicanus)
pitorrearse {vr} :: to jibe; mock; poke fun at
pitorreo {m} [colloquial] :: jibing; mocking; scorn
pitorro {m} [Spain] :: spout
pituco {adj} :: posh; toff
pitufa {f} :: feminine noun of pitufo
pitufeo {m} [finance] :: smurfing (the practice of making financial transactions in a specific pattern to avoid scrutiny)
pitufo {m} [comics, fictional character] :: smurf
pitufo {m} [colloquial] :: small child
pitufo {m} [colloquial] :: municipal policeman
pituitario {adj} :: pituitary
pituso {adj} :: cute
Piura {prop} :: Piura (region)
Piura {prop} :: Piura (province)
Piura {prop} :: Piura (city)
piurana {f} :: feminine noun of piurano
piurano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the province of Piura, Peru
piurano {m} :: Someone from the province of Piura, Peru
piure {m} :: Edible tunicate (Pyura chilensis)
pivón {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: alternative form of pibón
pivot {m} [basketball] :: pivot
pívot {mf} [basketball] :: center
pivotante {adj} :: pivotal
pivotar {v} :: to pivot
pivotear {v} :: alternative form of pivotar
pixel {m} :: alternative form of píxel
píxel {m} :: pixel
pixelar {v} :: to pixelate
píxide {f} :: pyx
piyama {m} :: pyjamas
pizarra {f} :: slate (metamorphic rock)
pizarra {f} [education] :: blackboard, chalkboard
pizarra {f} [sports] :: scoreboard
pizarra blanca {m} :: whiteboard
pizarrera {f} :: feminine noun of pizarrero
pizarrero {m} :: slater
pizarrín {f} [euphemistic, Mexico] :: the penis
pizarrista {adj} :: Of or related to Gonzalo Pizarro, a conquistador, or especially to his battles
pizarrista {m} :: Someone fighting in Gonzalo Pizarro's army
Pizarro {prop} {m} :: surname most associated with the conquistador of the Inca Empire, Francisco Pizarro
pizarrón {m} [education] :: chalkboard, blackboard
pizarroso {adj} :: slaty; slatey
pizca {f} :: a little bit, ounce, iota, smidgeon, modicum, trace, lick
pizca {f} :: pinch, dash (e.g., a pinch of salt, a dash of vanilla extract)
pizcar {v} :: to pinch
pizote {m} :: white-nosed coati (Nasua narica)
pizpereto {adj} :: alternative form of pizpireto
pizpireto {adj} :: lively, buzzy
pizquita {f} :: diminutive of pizca
pizza {f} :: pizza
pizzera {f} :: pizza maker
pizzería {f} :: pizzeria (commercial establishment where pizzas are made and sold)
pizzero {m} :: pizza maker
placa {f} :: plate
placa {f} :: shield, sign
placa {f} :: badge
placa {f} :: choppers (artificial teeth)
placa {f} [geology] :: plate
placa {f} [dentistry] :: tartar
placa {f} :: A game played in the Dominican Republic which is similar to cricket (also known as "plaquita")
placa base {f} [computing] :: motherboard
placa dentobacteriana {f} :: dental plaque
placaje {m} [sports] :: tackle
placa madre {f} [computing] :: motherboard
placar {v} [obsolete] :: to calm
placar {v} [rugby] :: to tackle
placa tectónica {f} [geology] :: tectonic plate
placear {v} :: to sell at retail price
placebo {m} :: placebo
placel {m} [geography] :: placer
placel {m} :: sandbank
pláceme {m} :: congratulation
placenta {f} [anatomy, botany] :: placenta
placentación {f} :: placentation
placentario {adj} :: placental
placenteramente {adv} :: pleasantly
placentero {adj} :: pleasant (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner)
placentina {f} :: feminine noun of placentino
placentino {adj} :: Of or from Plasencia
placentino {m} :: Someone from Plasencia
placer {vi} [used with indirect object pronouns] :: to like (something or someone)
placer {v} [literary] :: to please (somebody)
placer {m} :: pleasure; something done to please
placer {m} [geology, mining] :: placer
placer {m} [nautical] :: sandbank
plácet {m} :: blessing
placeta {f} :: diminutive of plaza
placeteña {f} :: feminine noun of placeteño
placeteño {adj} :: Of or from Placetas, Cuba
placeteño {m} :: Someone from Placetas, Cuba
plácidamente {adv} :: placidly
placidez {f} :: calm, placidness
plácido {adj} :: placid
Placilla {prop} {m} :: Placilla (city)
placillano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Placilla, Colchagua region
placino {adj} [football] :: associated with the Panamanian football club Plaza Amador
placino {m} [football] :: Someone associated with the Panamanian football club Plaza Amador
placita {f} :: diminutive of plaza
plaço {m} :: obsolete spelling of plazo
placodermo {m} :: placoderm
placozoo {m} [zoology] :: placozoan
plaf {interj} :: bang!, boom!, crash!
plaff {interj} :: alternative spelling of plaf
plafón {m} :: ceiling lamp
plafón {m} :: soffit
plaga {f} :: plague
plaga {f} :: nuisance
plagar {vt} :: to plague
plagar {vt} [colloquial] :: to fill, infest
plagar {vr} [colloquial] :: to become full of, become infested
plagiador {m} :: plagiarist; one who plagiarizes
plagiadora {f} :: feminine noun of plagiador
plagiar {v} :: to plagiarize
plagiar {v} [US Spanish] :: to capture, abduct, kidnap
plagiaria {f} :: feminine noun of plagiario
plagiario {adj} :: of or pertaining to plagiarism
plagiario {m} :: plagiarist
plagio {m} :: plagiarism
plagio {m} [US Spanish] :: kidnapping
plagioclasa {f} [mineral] :: plagioclase
plaguicida {f} :: pesticide
plan {m} :: plan
plan {m} :: scheme [systematic plan of future action]
plan {m} :: intention
plan {m} [colloquial] :: mood
planar {adj} :: planar (relating to a plane)
planaria {f} :: planarian
Planas {prop} :: surname
planazo {m} :: Great plan
plancha {f} :: iron (metal tool used for transferring heat)
plancha {f} :: ironing (the act of pressing clothes with an iron)
plancha {f} :: ironing (laundry that has been ironed)
plancha {f} :: slab (large, flat piece of solid material)
plancha {f} :: grill (cooking device)
plancha {f} :: push-up; plank (exercise)
plancha {f} :: embarrassing mistake
plancha {f} :: bellyflop
plancha {f} [soccer] :: foul (with the foot) [always used with the definite article la]
plancha {f} [nautical] :: plank
planchabragas {m} [colloquial, derogative] :: pussywhipped, under the thumb, henpecked, cowed (a man who lets himself be ruled by his partner)
planchabragas {m} [colloquial, derogative] :: allied man feminist
planchado {adj} :: ironed
planchado {adj} [South America, colloquial] :: tired, flattened
planchado {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: broke
planchado {m} :: ironing [laundry to be or that has been ironed]
planchador {m} :: presser, ironer (someone who irons or presses clothes)
planchadora {f} :: feminine noun of planchador
planchar {v} :: to iron
planchar {v} [Mexico] :: to talk or chat romantically someone with his/her girlfriend/boyfriend, usually inside home, in porch or in a public place, without apparent sexual proposals
planchar {vt} [Mexico, Cuba] :: to stand someone up
planchar {v} :: to be a wallflower (not dance)
planchar la oreja {v} [idiom] :: to hit the sack
planchazo {m} [dated] :: cock-up
planchazo {m} :: belly flop (a style of diving into a body of water in which the surface impact is made mostly by one's abdomen.)
planchazo {m} [sports] :: big dive
planchazo {m} :: Hit with an iron
planchear {vt} :: to plate
planchita {f} :: diminutive of plancha
planctóloga {f} :: feminine noun of planctólogo
planctología {f} [biology] :: planktology
planctológico {adj} :: planktological
planctólogo {m} :: planktologist
plancton {m} [biology] :: plankton
planctónico {adj} :: planktonic
planctonología {f} :: alternative form of planctología
planctonológico {adj} :: alternative form of planctológico
planctonólogo {m} :: alternative form of planctólogo
planeación {f} :: planning
planeado {adj} :: planned
planeador {m} :: glider
planeadora {f} :: speedboat, powerboat
planeamiento {m} :: planning
planeante {adj} :: gliding
planear {v} :: to plan, to plot
planear {v} :: to plane, to glide (fly unpowered, of a bird or plane)
planeo {m} :: gliding flight, volplane (unpowered flight, of a bird or plane)
planeta {m} :: planet
planeta enano {m} :: dwarf planet
planeta externo {m} :: outer planet
planeta extrasolar {m} :: exoplanet
planeta interno {m} :: inner planet
planetario {adj} :: planetary
planetario {m} :: planetarium
planeta superhabitable {m} :: superhabitable planet
planetesimal {adj} :: planetesimal
planetita {f} :: diminutive of planeta
planetocéntrico {adj} :: planetocentric
planetoide {m} [astronomy] :: asteroid
planetología {f} [astronomy] :: planetology
planicidad {f} :: flatness
planicie {f} :: plain (an extension of land with relatively low relief)
plañidera {f} :: (professional) weeper, mourner, grieve (a woman paid to grieve at a funeral)
plañidero {adj} :: prone to crying or lamenting; crybabylike
planificación {f} :: planification
planificación urbana {f} :: town planning
planificador {m} :: planner
planificadora {f} :: feminine noun of planificador
planificar {vt} :: to plan, arrange beforehand
planilla {f} [Latin America] :: form
planilla {f} :: payroll
planilla {f} :: list
planillar {v} :: to send documentation
planillón {m} :: sheet to gather signatures
planimetría {f} :: planimetry
planimétrico {adj} :: planimetric
planímetro {m} :: planimeter (measuring device)
planing {m} :: plan, planning
planing {m} :: timetable, schedule
plañir {v} :: to cry and groan
planisferio {m} :: planisphere
planísimo {adj} :: superlative of plano
planitud {f} :: flatness
Plan Marshall {prop} {m} :: Marshall Plan
plano {adj} :: plane, level
plano {adj} :: flat
plano {m} [geometry] :: plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
plano {m} :: level
plano {m} [cinematography] :: shot
plano {m} :: plan (of a building)
plano {m} :: street plan, map of a city
plano {m} [sport] :: shot
plano acotado {m} :: contour map
plano cartesiano {m} [geometry] :: Cartesian plane
plano inclinado {m} :: inclined plane
planta {f} :: plant (organism of the kingdom Plantae)
planta {f} :: plant (factory)
planta {f} :: floor, level (of a high building)
planta {f} :: sole (bottom of a shoe or boot)
planta {f} [anatomy] :: sole
plantación {f} :: plantation
planta desaladora {f} :: desalination plant
plantador {m} :: planter
plantador {m} :: dibber, dibbler (person)
plantador {m} :: dibber, dibble (tool)
plantadora {f} :: feminine noun of plantador
planta nuclear {f} :: nuclear power plant
planta obediente {f} :: arrowroot
plantar {v} :: to plant (put a plant or seeds into the ground)
plantar {v} :: to plant, place (an object in the ground)
plantar {v} :: to place, put
plantar {v} :: to stand up (not go to an agreed arrangement)
plantar {v} :: to smack, whack
plantar {v} :: to peck (kiss)
plantar {vr} :: to put oneself, to settle
plantar {vr} :: to stick to (an idea)
plantar {vr} [card games] :: to stick (not take any more cards)
plantar {adj} [anatomy] :: plantar
plantar cara {v} [idiomatic] :: to face up to
plantarse {v} :: reflexive of plantar
plantar un pino {v} :: See: es plantar un pino
plantar un pino {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to take a dump (to defecate)
planteamiento {m} :: approach, position
planteamiento {m} :: idea; plan
planteamiento del problema {m} :: problem statement
plantear {v} :: to bring up, to pose, to present (e.g., a problem, challenge, threat)
plantear {v} :: to raise, to pose, to suggest, to propose, to bring up, to formulate (e.g., a question, a solution, an idea)
plantear {v} :: to consider
plantear {vp} :: to arise, to come up
plantearse {v} :: reflexive of plantear
plantel {m} :: schoolhouse (building where school is held)
plantel {m} :: staff, personnel
plantel {m} [Argentina, sports] :: squad; team
planteo {m} :: suggestion
planteo {m} :: protest
plantígrado {adj} [zoology] :: plantigrade
plantígrado {m} [zoology] :: plantigrade
plantilla {f} :: template
plantilla {f} :: staff, personnel
plantilla {f} [sport] :: squad
plantilla {f} :: insole (for the shoe)
plantilla {f} :: sole (of tights)
plantín {m} :: pot plant; houseplant
plantío {m} :: planting
plantío {m} :: patch, bed
plantita {f} :: diminutive of planta
plantón {m} :: sapling
plantón {m} :: sit-in (protest)
plantoso {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: cool (said of a thing or a look)
plantoso {interj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: cool!, alright!
plántula {f} [botany] :: seedling
plánula {f} :: planula
plaqueta {f} :: platelet
plaquetario {adj} :: platelet
plaquinol {m} :: hydroxychloroquine
plaquita {f} :: diminutive of placa
plaquita {f} :: A Dominican bat-and-ball game similar to cricket (also known as "la placa")
plas {interj} :: wham!, whack!
plas {interj} :: down! (command given to a dog or other kind of pet)
plasa {f} [Louisiana] :: place
Plasencia {prop} :: Plasencia (market city)
plasma {m} [physics, biology] :: plasma
plasmable {adj} :: mouldable, shapable
plasmación {f} :: visualisation
plasmaféresis {f} :: plasmapheresis
plasmar {vt} :: to mould, shape
plasmar {v} :: to express, represent, give shape to
plasmático {adj} :: of or relating to plasma, plasmatic
plásmido {m} :: plasmid
plasmina {f} :: plasmin
plasminógeno {m} [enzyme] :: plasmin
plasmodesmo {m} [biology] :: plasmodesma
plasmodio {m} :: plasmodium
plasmón {m} :: plasmon
plasta {f} :: lump, soft mass of matter (usually soft, thick and sticky)
plasta {f} :: flattened object
plasta {f} :: plasticine, modelling clay
plasta {f} [colloquial] :: piece of shit; turd
plasta {f} [colloquial] :: annoying or stupid person
plasta {f} [colloquial] :: bore, dullard
-plastia {suffix} :: -plasty
plástica {f} :: art (school subject)
plásticamente {adv} :: plastically
plásticamente {adv} :: by means of art
plasticidad {f} :: plasticity
plástico {adj} :: plastic (constructed of plastic)
plástico {m} :: plastic (a stiff but usually slightly flexible synthetic material)
plastidecor {m} :: crayon
plastidio {m} :: synonym of plasto
plástido {m} :: synonym of plasto
plastificación {f} :: plastification
plastificante {m} :: plasticizer
plastificar {vt} :: to plasticize
plastiglomerado {m} [geology] :: plastiglomerate
plastilina {f} :: plasticine
plasto {m} [biology] :: plastid
plastocianina {f} [protein] :: plastocyanin
plastoquinona {f} :: plastoquinone
plastrón {m} [zoology] :: plastron
plata {adj} [heraldry] :: argent
plata {f} :: silver
plata {f} [Hispanic America] :: money
platabanda {f} [architecture] :: border, edging
plataforma {f} :: platform (a raised stage used for speeches and performances)
plataforma {f} :: platform (a place or opportunity to express one's opinions)
plataforma {f} [computing] :: platform (a particular type of operating system or environment)
plataforma de hielo flotante {f} :: ice shelf
plataforma de lanzamiento {f} :: launchpad
platal {m} [Latin America] :: fortune (large amount of money)
platanal {m} :: piece of land cultivating plantains
platanar {m} :: banana plantation
platanero {adj} [attributive] :: banana
platanero {m} :: banana grower
plátano {m} [Spain, botany] :: sycamore, plane (a tree belonging to the genus Platanus)
plátano {m} [Peru, Chile, Mexico, Spain] :: banana (fruit)
plátano {m} :: plantain (the plant and fruit related to banana, not the Plantago genus)
plátano guineo {m} :: banana (fruit)
plátano macho {m} :: plantain (banana)
platea {f} :: stalls (of a theatre)
plateado {adj} :: silver-plated
plateado {adj} :: silver, silvery (colour)
plateado {m} :: silver (color/colour)
platear {v} :: to silver-plate
platear {v} :: to turn silver
platelminto {m} :: flatworm, platyhelminth
platense {adj} :: of or from La Plata
platense {m} :: Someone from La Plata
plateresco {adj} :: plateresque
platería {f} :: silver shop / store
platero {m} :: silversmith
plática {f} :: discussion; chat
platicar {v} :: to chat
platicón {m} [Latin America] :: charlatan
platija {f} [ichthyology] :: European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
platija {f} [ichthyology] :: European flounder (Platichthys flesus)
platillo {m} :: saucer
platillo {m} [music] :: cymbal
platillo {m} [Mexico] :: dish [type of prepared food]
platillo {m} :: stew
platillo volador {m} :: flying saucer (disc-shaped unidentified flying object)
platillo volante {m} :: flying saucer (disc-shaped unidentified flying object)
platina {f} [archaic] :: platinum
platina {f} :: stage (of a microscope)
platinado {adj} :: platinum (colored)
platinífero {adj} :: platiniferous
platino {adj} :: Platine
platino {m} :: platinum
platinoso {adj} [chemistry] :: platinous
platinotipia {f} :: platinum print
platirrino {adj} :: platyrrhine
platirrino {m} :: platyrrhine
platita {f} :: diminutive of plata
platito {m} :: saucer (usually a decorative one in a china set, often made of porcelain)
platito {m} :: diminutive of plato
plato {m} :: plate, dish (crockery)
plato {m} :: dish (of food)
plato {m} :: course (of a meal)
plato {m} :: plate (of a gear)
plato {m} [cycling] :: chainring
plató {m} :: stage, set (at TV or movies)
plato de ducha {f} :: shower tray
platón {m} :: augmentative of plato; platter, large plate or bowl
platón {m} [Colombia, Ecuador] :: wash basin
Platón {prop} {m} :: Plato
platónica {f} :: feminine noun of platónico
platónicamente {adv} :: platonically
platónico {adj} :: Platonic (of or relating to Plato and/or his philosophical doctrines)
platónico {adj} :: platonic (non-sexual)
platónico {m} :: Platonist
platonismo {m} :: Platonism
plato principal {m} :: main course, main dish
plausibilidad {f} :: plausibility
plausible {adj} :: plausible
plausiblemente {adv} :: plausibly
play {m} :: play (button)
Play {prop} {f} :: PlayStation
playa {f} :: beach
playa {f} :: car park
playback {m} [music, singing] :: lip-syncing
playball {m} [baseball] :: The shout of "play ball!" said to start a baseball game
playboy {m} :: playboy
playera {f} [Mexico] :: T-shirt
playera {f} [Spain] :: trainer, sneaker (sports shoe)
playerito {m} :: Any of various species of sandpipers
playero {adj} [attributive] :: beach
playero {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having horns pointing horizontally out
playero {m} :: any of several species of sandpiper, in the genus Calidris
playero {m} [Spain] :: trainer, sneaker (sports shoe)
playero {m} [Equatorial Guinea] :: a member of any of various coastal ethnic groups, including the Kombe people, Kwasio people, Lengue people, and Benga people peoples
playita {f} :: diminutive of playa
playlist {f} :: playlist (list of music tracks to be played)
playo {adj} [Latin America] :: shallow or flat
playo {m} [Ecuador] :: pliers
playo {m} [slang, Costa Rica] :: a homosexual
playoff {m} [sports] :: playoff
playón {m} :: augmentative of playa
plaza {f} :: plaza, town square
plaza {f} :: fortified town
plaza {f} [employment] :: position
plaza {f} [entertainment] :: bullring
plaza {f} [commerce] :: mall, shopping center
plaza de armas {f} [Peru] :: town square
plaza de toros {f} :: bullring
plazo {m} :: period, term (time limit), deadline
plazo {m} :: installment, payment
plazoleta {f} :: a small town square
plazuela {f} :: diminutive of plaza; small square
pleamar {f} :: high tide
plebe {f} :: plebeians, common people
plebe {f} [historical] :: plebs
plebe {mf} [colloquial, Sinaloa and Sonora, Mexico] :: kid, child
plebe {mf} [New Mexico] :: kids, children, mass noun, compare with gente usage
plebeya {f} :: feminine noun of plebeyo
plebeyo {m} :: commoner
plebeyo {m} [historical] :: plebeian
plebiscitar {v} :: to hold a plebiscite on
plebiscitar {v} :: to decide (something) by plebiscite
plebiscitar {v} :: to elect by plebiscite
plebiscitario {adj} :: plebiscitary
plebiscito {m} :: plebiscite
plecóptero {m} :: plecopteran
plectro {m} [music] :: plectrum (small piece of material for plucking strings)
plegable {adj} :: folding
plegable {adj} :: foldable
plegadera {f} :: (non-metallic) knife (made of paper, wood etc.)
plegadizo {adj} :: bendy; pliable
plegador {m} :: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder
plegador {m} :: weaver’s roller, piece of wood around which the warp revolves
plegador {adj} :: that folds
plegamiento {m} :: folding
plegar {vt} :: to fold
plegaria {f} :: request, asking, prayer
plegaria {f} :: intercession (prayer)
pleistocénico {adj} :: Pleistocene
pleistoceno {adj} :: Pleistocene
pleita {f} :: A strip of esparto for plaiting
pleitear {v} :: to take to court
pleitecillo {m} :: diminutive of pleite
pleitesía {f} :: respect
pleitesía {f} :: tribute
pleito {m} :: lawsuit
pleito {m} [Latin America] :: fight
pleito {m} [Latin America] :: argument
plen {adj} [Louisiana] :: much, a lot
plen {adv} [Louisiana] :: much, a lot
plena {f} [Louisiana] :: a plain, pl. plains
plenairista {adj} :: en plein air
plenairista {mf} :: a painter who paints en plein air
plenamente {adv} :: fully
plenario {adj} :: plenary
plenario {m} :: plenary session
plenilunio {m} :: full moon
plenipotenciario {adj} :: plenipotentiary
plenipotenciario {m} :: plenipotentiary
plenísimo {adj} :: superlative of pleno
plenitud {f} :: plenitude
pleno {m} :: plenary or joint session
pleno {adj} :: full (containing the maximum amount possible)
pleno {adj} :: plenary
pleno {adj} :: fulfilling
pleno {adj} [emphatic, before the noun] :: in the middle of (a time or space); at the height of; in broad
pleonasmo {m} [rhetoric] :: pleonasm
pleonástico {adj} :: pleonastic
pleonexía {f} :: pleonexia
pleonéxico {adj} :: pleonexic
plequepleque {m} [Panama] :: hubbub, argument
pléroma {f} [gnosticism] :: pleroma
plesiosaurio {m} [paleontology] :: plesiosaur
pletina {f} :: tape deck
plétora {f} :: plethora (an excessive amount or number)
plétora {f} [medicine] :: plethora (an excess of red blood cells or bodily humours)
pletórico {adj} [medicine] :: plethoric
pletórico {adj} :: plethoric; overabundant
pleura {f} [anatomy] :: pleura
pleural {adj} :: pleural
pleuresía {f} [pathology] :: pleurisy
pleurito {m} :: pleurite
pleuronectiforme {m} :: flounder (any fish of the order Pleuronectiformes)
pleuston {m} :: pleuston
plexiforme {adj} :: plexiform
plexiglás {m} :: plexiglass
plexo {m} :: plexus
pléyade {f} :: pleiad (group of important people)
pleyto {m} :: obsolete spelling of pleito
pliego {m} :: sheet (of paper)
pliego {m} :: document, folder
pliegue {m} :: a fold or crease
pliegue {m} :: a pleat, tuck
plieguecillo {m} :: diminutive of pliegue
plim {interj} :: meh (expressing indifference)
plin {interj} :: meh (expressing indifference)
Plinio {prop} {m} :: Pliny
plinto {m} :: plinth
plioceno {adj} :: Pliocene
plioceno {m} :: the Pliocene
pliosaurio {m} :: pliosaur
plisar {v} :: to pleat
plis plas {m} :: jiffy; split second
plomada {f} :: plumb line
plomazo {m} [colloquial] :: mighty bore (boring person)
plomazo {m} :: pellet shot
plomazo {m} :: wound or mark from a pellet
plomería {f} [Latin America] :: plumbing (used in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uruguay)
plomero {m} [Latin America, Andalusia, Philippines] :: plumber (used in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uruguay)
plomizo {adj} :: grey, leaden
plomizo {adj} :: leadlike (resembling the metal lead)
plomo {m} :: lead (heavy, pliable, inelastic metal)
plomo {m} :: grey (colour between white and black)
plomo {m} :: plumb line
plomo {m} :: fuse
plomo {m} [colloquial] :: bore, drag (something boring or dull)
plosivo {adj} :: plosive
plot {m} [story-telling] :: plot
plóter {m} [computing] :: plotter (device)
plugin {m} :: plugin
pluma {f} :: feather
pluma {f} :: pen, fountain pen
pluma {f} [Mexico, US Spanish] :: ballpoint pen
pluma {f} :: quill
pluma {f} [figurative] :: writer, penman
plumada {f} :: stroke of the pen
plumada {f} :: feathers
pluma de indio {f} :: Any of several species of bromeliad in the genus Vriesia (Bromeliaceae)
pluma de indio {f} :: The croton, a species of euphorb in the genus Codiaeum (Euphorbiaceae)
pluma estilográfica {f} :: fountain pen, pen
plumaje {m} :: plumage (feathers)
plumario {m} :: writer; journo; hack
plumazo {m} :: stroke of the pen
plumazo {m} :: feather mattress
plumbagíneo {adj} :: plumbaginaceous
plumbagíneo {adj} :: plumbaginous
plumbato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: plumbate
plúmbeo {adj} :: leaden (made of or resembling lead)
plumbito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: plumbite
plumería {f} :: set of feathers
plumero {m} :: feather duster
plumero {m} :: pen holder
plumier {m} :: pencil box
plumífero {adj} :: feathered
plumífero {m} :: fleece (jacket)
plumífero {m} [derogatory] :: hack (writer)
plumilla {f} :: nib (for writing)
plumilla {f} [pejorative] :: journo
plumín {m} :: nib
plumita {f} :: diminutive of pluma
plumón {m} :: marker
plumón {m} :: comforter, duvet
plumoso {adj} :: feathered; feathery
plúmula {f} [botany] :: plumule
pluot {m} :: pluot
plural {adj} :: plural, multiple
plural {m} [grammar] :: plural
pluralidad {f} :: plurality
pluralismo {m} :: pluralism
pluralista {adj} :: pluralist
pluralista {mf} :: pluralist
pluralización {f} :: pluralization
pluralizar {v} :: to pluralize
pluralmente {adv} :: plurally
pluri- {prefix} :: pluri-
plurianual {adj} :: multiyear
pluricelular {adj} [biology] :: multicellular
pluricultural {adj} :: multicultural, pluricultural
pluriculturalidad {f} :: multiculturality
pluridimensional {adj} :: pluridimensional, pluridimensional
pluridisciplinar {adj} :: pluridisciplinary
pluriemplear {v} :: to work multiple jobs; to moonlight
pluriempleo {m} :: moonlighting (working of a second job)
plurifamiliar {adj} :: multifamily
plurilingüe {adj} :: multilingual
plurilingüismo {m} :: multilingualism
plurinacional {adj} :: plurinational
plurinacionalidad {f} :: The state of having a multi-nationality society
plurinacionalizar {v} :: to multinationalise
plurinominal {adj} [politics] :: plurinominal
pluriocupación {f} :: multiple advertising
pluripartidario {adj} :: multiparty
pluripartidismo {m} :: multiparty system
pluripartidista {adj} [politics] :: multiparty
pluripatológico {adj} :: multi-pathological; having multiple illnesses
pluripotencia {f} :: pluripotency
pluripotencial {adj} :: pluripotential
pluripotente {adj} :: pluripotent
pluriregional {adj} :: multiregional
pluriverbal {adj} :: multiword
plus {m} :: bonus (extra earnings)
pluscuamperfecto {adj} :: pluperfect
pluscuamperfecto {m} :: pluperfect tense
plusmarca {f} :: record (the most extreme known value of some variable)
plusmarquista {mf} :: record holder
plustrabajo {m} :: surplus labour
plusvalía {f} :: capital gain or capital gains
plusvalor {m} :: surplus value
Plutarco {prop} {m} :: Plutarch
plutarquiano {adj} :: Plutarchian
plutarquiano {m} :: Plutarchian
plutocracia {f} :: plutocracy
plutócrata {mf} :: plutocrat
plutocrático {adj} :: plutocratic
plutón {m} [geology] :: pluton
Plutón {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Pluto (dwarf planet)
Plutón {prop} {m} [Roman mythology] :: Pluto (god)
plutoniano {adj} :: Plutonian
plutoniano {adj} [geology] :: plutonic
plutónico {adj} [mineralogy] :: plutonic
plutonio {m} :: plutonium
pluvial {adj} :: pluvial, rain (attributive)
pluviometría {f} :: pluviometry
pluviométrico {adj} [attributive] :: rainfall
pluviómetro {m} :: pluviometer, rain gauge
pluviosidad {f} :: rainfall
pluvioso {adj} :: pluvious
pluvioso {adj} :: rainy
pluviselva {f} :: rainforest
pluvisilva {f} :: rainforest
plycem {m} :: fibre cement
p. m. {adv} :: p.m.
pm {adv} :: p.m. (after noon)
PMA {prop} :: abbreviation of Programa Mundial de Alimentos; WFP
pneuma {m} :: obsolete form of neuma
pneumático {adj} :: obsolete form of neumático
pneumático {m} :: obsolete form of neumático
PNN {m} [Colombia] :: abbreviation of parque nacionale naturale
PNN {m} [Central America] :: abbreviation of plan nacional de numeracion
PNV {prop} {m} [politics] :: Basque Nationalist Party
po {interj} [colloquial, Chile] :: emphatical
poácea {f} :: grass (of the Poaceae family)
población {f} :: population
población {f} :: town, village
poblacional {adj} [attributive] :: population
poblacionalmente {adv} :: populationally
pobladísimo {adj} :: superlative of poblado
pobladito {adj} :: diminutive of poblado
poblado {adj} :: having people, populous, populated
poblado {adj} [databases] :: populated, having data, being not empty
poblado {m} :: settlement (village)
poblador {m} :: settler, colonist
pobladora {f} :: feminine noun of poblador
poblamiento {m} :: (act of) population
poblano {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Puebla
poblano {m} :: poblano (chile pepper)
poblar {v} :: to populate
poblarse {v} :: reflexive of poblar
Poblete {prop} {m} :: Poblete (village)
Poblete {prop} {m} :: surname deriving from the village in Ciudad Real
pobre {adj} :: [before the noun] poor (pitiable, pitiful)
pobre {adj} :: [after the noun] poor (lacking money, resources, etc.)
pobrecilla {adj} :: diminutive of pobre
pobrecillo {adj} :: diminutive of pobre
pobrecillo {m} :: diminutive of pobre; poor thing
pobrecita {f} :: feminine noun of pobrecito
pobrecito {m} :: diminutive of pobre; poor thing
pobredad {f} [dated] :: poverty
pobremente {adv} :: poorly
pobrete {adj} :: diminutive of pobre
pobrete {mf} :: diminutive of pobre
pobretón {adj} :: augmentative of pobre, very poor
pobretón {m} :: poor guy
pobretona {f} :: feminine noun of pobretón
pobreza {f} :: poverty
pobrezafilia {f} :: An Internet trend of sexualizing poor, dark-skinned South American women
pobrísimo {adj} :: superlative of pobre
pocera {f} :: feminine noun of pocero
pocero {m} :: well digger
pocero {m} :: well cleaner
poceta {f} :: tide pool
poceta {f} [Mexico] :: pothole
poceta {f} [Venezuela] :: toilet bowl
pocha {f} [slang] :: a Mexican American female who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringa
pochar {v} [culinary] :: to poach
pochear {v} [culinary] :: to poach
pochismo {m} [slang, uncountable] :: The state or phenomenon of being a pocho (a Mexican who has assimilated to white US culture)
pochismo {m} [slang] :: An anglicism in Spanish taken from US English
pocho {m} [Mexico, slang, derogatory] :: pocho (assimilated Mexican-American who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringo)
pocho {m} [slang] :: Spanglish
pocho {adj} [Spain, of fruit] :: rotten
pocho {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: sick
pocho {adj} [also, figurative] :: faded, pale
pocho {adj} [Mexico, derogatory] :: Americanized
pochoclo {m} [Argentina, normally, in plural] :: popcorn
pocholada {f} [colloquial] :: cutie; something cute as hell
pochote {m} [State of Mexico] :: shaving brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum)
pochote {m} [Sinaloa] :: Ceiba acuminata
pochote {m} :: Ceiba aesculifolia
pochote {m} :: silk-cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra)
pochote {m} :: Cochlospermum vitifolium
pochote {m} :: Malabar chestnut (Pachira aquatica)
pocilga {f} :: pigsty (shelter or enclosure where pigs are kept)
pocilga {f} :: dump, pigsty, kip (very untidy house or room)
pocillo {m} :: bowl, dish
pocillo {m} [Latin America] :: small coffee cup, mug
pócima {f} :: potion (beverage with magical or medicinal powers)
poción {f} [beverage] :: potion
poco {adj} :: little, not much
poco {adj} :: few, not many
poco {adj} :: un-, not
poco {adv} :: little (not much)
poco {m} :: little (a small amount)
poco {m} :: a short time, a little while
poco a poco {adv} :: little by little, step by step, gradually
poco hecho {adj} :: rare (cooked very lightly)
poco o nada {adv} [idiomatic] :: hardly at all; barely at all
pocotón {m} [Venezuela, Colombia, slang] :: A large amount of something
póculo {m} :: a drinking cup
póculo {m} [dated] :: liquid that is drunk
poda {f} :: pruning, cutting
podadera {f} :: billhook (tool used for pruning)
podador {m} :: pruner
podadora {f} [Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia] :: lawn mower, lawnmower
podadora {f} :: feminine noun of podador
podal {adj} [math] :: pedal
podar {v} :: to prune
podargo {m} :: frogmouth
podcast {m} :: podcast
pódcast {m} :: alternative form of podcast
podemista {adj} [politics, rare] :: Pertaining to Podemos, a Spanish political party
podemista {mf} [politics, rare] :: A support of Podemos
podemita {adj} [politics, usually pejorative, Spain] :: Pertaining to Podemos, a Spanish political party
podemita {mf} [politics, pejorative, Spain] :: A member or supporter of Podemos, a Spanish political party
podemización {f} [Spain] :: The process of causing to turn into, or adopt the politics of, Podemos
podemizar {v} [Spain] :: to cause to turn into, or adopt the politics of, Podemos
podemizar {vr} [Spain] :: to become like, or adopt the policies of, Podemos
Podemos {prop} :: A Spanish left wing political party
podenco {m} :: hound (any of a variety of dog breeds)
podenco andaluz {m} :: Andalusian Hound
podenco ibicenco {m} :: Ibizan Hound
poder {m} :: power, reign
poder {m} :: authorization
poder {m} :: proxy (written certificate of authority to act for another)
poder {v} :: to be able, can
poder {vr} [El Salvador, colloquial] :: to be familiar with something, or with somebody's personality
poder adquisitivo {m} [business, economics] :: purchasing power
poder con {v} :: to manage
poder con {v} :: to cope
poderdante {mf} [law] :: grantor
poderío {m} :: power
poderosamente {adv} :: powerfully, mightily
poderosísimo {adj} :: superlative of poderoso
poderoso {adj} :: powerful
poderoso caballero es don dinero {proverb} :: money talks
poderse {v} :: reflexive of poder
podiatra {m} [Latin America] :: podiatrist
podio {m} :: podium
pódium {m} :: platform, podium
-podo {suffix} :: -pod
podocito {m} [cytology] :: podocyte
podóloga {f} :: female podiatrist
podología {f} :: podology
podológico {adj} :: podological
podólogo {m} :: podiatrist
podómetro {m} :: pedometer (device that measures the number of steps taken)
podredumbre {f} :: putrefaction
podrido {adj} :: rotten, spoiled, addled
podrido {adj} :: rotted, putrid, decayed, putrified
podrir {v} :: alternative form of pudrir
poema {m} :: poem (literary piece written in verse)
poemario {m} :: collection of poems
poema sinfónico {m} :: symphonic poem
poemático {adj} :: poetic
poemita {m} :: diminutive of poema
poesía {f} :: poetry
poesía {f} :: poem (a literary piece written in verse)
poeta {mf} :: poet
poetastro {m} :: poetaster
poéticamente {adv} :: poetically
poético {adj} :: poetic
poetisa {f} :: female poet, poetess (feminine noun of poeta)
poetización {f} :: poetization
poetizar {v} :: to embellish with poetry
pofavo {contraction} [internet, humorous] :: pronunciation spelling of por favor
po favó {interj} :: pronunciation spelling of por favor
pogo {m} :: pogo
pogromo {m} :: pogrom
poison {m} [Louisiana] :: poison
pokemón {m} :: alternative spelling of pokémon
pokémon {m} :: Pokémon
pokemoniano {adj} [attributive] :: Pokemon
pokeparada {f} :: PokéStop
póker {m} :: poker (card game)
póker {m} [poker] :: four of a kind
póker {m} [sports] :: four or more goals scored in a match
polaca {f} :: feminine noun of polaco
polaco {adj} :: Polish (from or native to Poland)
polaco {adj} :: Polish (pertaining to Poland)
polaco {m} :: Pole (person from Poland)
polaco {m} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] :: Catalan (person from Catalonia)
polaco {m} :: the Polish language
polacra {f} :: polacre (type of ship)
polaina {f} :: gaiter, spat
Polanco {prop} {m} :: Polanco (locality)
Polanco {prop} {m} :: surname
Polanco {prop} {m} :: Polanco (neighborhood)
polaquiuria {f} [pathology] :: frequent urination
polar {adj} :: polar
polaridad {f} :: polarity
polarimetría {f} :: polarimetry
polarimétrico {adj} :: polarimetric
polarímetro {m} :: polarimeter
polarizabilidad {f} :: polarizability
polarización {f} :: polarization
polarizador {adj} :: polarizing
polarizante {adj} :: polarizing
polarizar {v} :: to polarize, polarise
polaroid {f} :: polaroid
polca {f} :: polka (lively dance originating in Bohemia)
polca {f} :: polka (music for this dance)
pólder {m} :: polder
pole {m} [motor racing] :: Pole position
polea {f} :: pulley
polemarca {m} [Ancient Greece] :: polemarch (military commander in chief in ancient Athens)
polémica {f} :: controversy, polemic
polémicamente {adv} :: polemically
polémico {adj} :: controversial, polemic
polemista {mf} :: polemicist
polemizar {v} :: to argue, debate (about a controversial topic)
polemizar {v} :: to polemicize
polen {m} [botany] :: pollen
polenta {f} :: polenta
poleo {m} :: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
poleo {m} :: [Argentina, Chile] Lippia turbinata
poleo {m} :: [Ecuador] Minthostachys spp
polera {f} :: shirt
polerón {m} :: hoodie
polesa {f} :: feminine noun of poleso
poleso {adj} :: Of or from Pola de Siero
poleso {m} :: Someone from Pola de Siero
poli- {prefix} :: poly-
poli {mf} [colloquial] :: cop
poli {f} [colloquial] :: heat, the police
poliaceno {m} [organic compound] :: acene
poliacetileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyyne, polyacetylene
poliacrilamida {f} :: polyacrilamide
poliacrilato {m} :: polyacrylate
poliadenilación {f} :: polyadenylation
polialcohol {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyalcohol
poliamida {f} :: polyamide
poliamina {f} [organic chemistry] :: polyamine
poliamor {m} :: polyamory (relationship with multiple partners with the consent of all involved)
poliamoroso {adj} :: polyamorous
poliandria {f} :: polyandry
poliandro {adj} :: polyandrous
poliangeítis {f} [pathology] :: polyangiitis
poliarquía {f} :: polyarchy
poliárquico {adj} :: polyarchic
poliartritis {f} [pathology] :: polyarthritis
poliatómico {adj} :: polyatomic
polibasita {f} [mineral] :: polybasite
polibutadieno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polybutadiene
policarbonato {m} :: polycarbonate
Policarpo {prop} :: surname
policéntrico {adj} :: polycentric
policétido {m} :: polyketide
policía {f} :: police, police department, police force, police service
policía {mf} :: police officer (a member of a police force)
policiaco {adj} :: alternative spelling of policíaco
policíaco {adj} [Latin America] :: Related to the police, police force
policíaco {adj} :: whodunit, whodunnit [UK]
policíaco {adj} :: police procedural
policial {adj} [Spain] :: Related to the police, police force
policial {adj} :: police procedural
policial {adj} :: whodunit, whodunnit [UK]
policialmente {adv} :: in a policelike manner
policía secreta {f} :: secret police
policíclico {adj} :: polycyclic
policitemia {f} :: polycythemia
policivo {adj} [Colombia] :: police
policlínica {f} :: polyclinic
policlínico {m} :: polyclinic
policlonal {adj} :: polyclonal
policlorado {adj} :: polychlorinated
policloruro {m} [chemistry] :: polychloride
policondensación {f} :: polycondensation
policontusiones {fp} :: multiple bruising
policoral {adj} :: polychoral
policotiledóneo {adj} :: polycotyledonous
policristalino {adj} :: polycristalline
policromar {v} :: to paint in various colours
policromático {adj} :: polychromatic
policromía {f} :: polychromy
policromo {adj} :: varicolored (US), varicoloured (UK)
polícromo {adj} :: alternative spelling of policromo
policultivo {m} :: polyculture
polidactilia {f} :: polydactyly
polideportivo {adj} :: multisport
polideportivo {m} :: sports centre, sports center
poliducto {m} [Latin America] :: oil pipeline
poliédrico {adj} :: polyhedral
poliedro {m} [geometry] :: polyhedron
poliéster {m} [chemistry] :: polyester
poliestireno {m} :: polystyrene
poliestireno expandido {m} :: expanded polystyrene foam (EPS), styrofoam
polietilenglicol {m} :: polyethylene glycol
polietileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyethylene
polifacético {adj} :: multi-faceted
polifacético {adj} :: polymathic
polifarmacológico {adj} :: polypharmacological
polifenismo {m} [genetics] :: polyphenism
polifenol {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyphenol
polifenólico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: polyphenolic
polifilético {adj} :: polyphyletic
polifonía {f} [music] :: polyphony (musical texture of independent voices)
polifónico {adj} :: polyphonic (of or relating to polyphony)
polifónico {adj} [music] :: polyphonic (having independent melodies)
polifonista {mf} :: polyphonist
polífono {adj} :: alternative form of polifónico
poliforum {m} :: multi-use building
polifosfato {m} [chemistry] :: polyphosphate
polifuncional {adj} :: polyfunctional
polifuncional {adj} [attributive] :: utility player
poligalacturonasa {f} [enzyme] :: polygalacturonase
poligamia {f} :: polygamy (the condition of having more than one spouse)
poligamia {f} [zoology] :: polygamy (the condition of having more than one mate)
poligamia {f} [botany] :: polygamy (the condition of bearing both perfect and unisexual flowers)
polígamo {adj} :: polygamous
poligénesis {f} :: polygenesis
poligénico {adj} :: polygenic
poliginia {f} :: polygyny
poliglandular {adj} :: polyglandular
poliglicerol {m} :: polyglycerol
poliglota {f} :: feminine noun of poligloto
poliglotismo {m} :: polyglotism
poligloto {m} :: rare form of polígloto
polígloto {m} :: polyglot (one who is able to speak multiple language)
polígloto {m} :: A multilingual Christian Bible
polígloto {adj} :: polyglot (of a person, able to speak multiple language)
polígloto {adj} :: multilingual (written in multiple languages)
poligonal {adj} :: polygonal
poligonera {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: female equivalent of poligonero; chavette
poligonero {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] :: chav, townie/towny
poligonero {adj} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] :: chavvy
polígono {m} :: polygon
polígono {m} :: industrial park
polígono industrial {m} :: industrial park
polígono regular {m} [geometry] :: regular polygon
poligráfico {adj} :: polygraphic
polígrafo {m} :: polygraph
poliinsaturado {adj} :: polyunsaturated
polilla {f} :: moth
polilla {f} :: grub, woodworm, bookworm
polilla {f} [figurative] :: cause of progressive destruction
polilobulado {adj} :: polylobulated
polilogaritmo {m} :: polylogarithm
polímata {mf} :: polymath
polimerasa {f} [enzyme] :: polymerase
polimérico {adj} :: polymeric
polimerización {f} :: polymerization
polimerizar {vt} :: to polymerize
polímero {m} [chemistry] :: polymer
polimetálico {adj} :: poly-metallic
polímetro {m} :: multimeter
polimixina {f} :: polymixin
polimodal {adj} :: polymodal
polimórfico {adj} :: polymorphic
polimorfismo {m} :: polymorphism
polimorfo {m} [mineralogy] :: polymorph
polimorfo {adj} :: polymorphous
polimorfonuclear {adj} :: polymorphonuclear
polimorfonuclear {m} :: polymorphonuclear
polinación {f} :: alternative form of polinización
polinesia {f} :: feminine noun of polinesio
Polinesia {prop} {f} :: Polynesia
Polinesia Francesa {prop} {f} :: French Polynesia
polinésico {adj} :: Polynesian
polinesio {adj} :: Polynesian
polinesio {m} :: Polynesian
polineuropatía {f} :: polyneuropathy
polinia {f} :: polynya
polinia {f} :: pollinium
polínico {adj} :: pollen (attributive)
polinio {m} :: pollinium
polinización {f} :: pollination
polinizador {adj} :: pollinating
polinizador {m} :: pollinator
polinizar {v} :: to pollinate
polinomial {adj} [algebra] :: polynomial (relating to polynomials)
polinómico {adj} :: polynomial
polinomio {m} :: polynomial
polinomio característico {m} [linear algebra] :: characteristic polynomial
polinosis {m} :: hay fever
polinuclear {adj} :: polynuclear
polinucleótido {m} [biochemistry] :: polynucleotide
-polio {suffix} :: -poly
polio {f} :: polio
poliol {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyol
poliomielitis {f} :: poliomyelitis
polioperado {adj} [colloquial, usually derogative] :: Someone with many plastic surgeries
poliorcética {f} :: poliorcetics
poliovirus {m} [virology] :: poliovirus
polioxometalato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: polyoxometallate
polipasto {m} :: polyspast, block and tackle
polipeptídico {adj} [biochemistry] :: polypeptidic
polipéptido {m} [protein] :: polypeptide
poliploide {adj} :: polyploid
poliploidía {f} :: polyploidy
pólipo {m} [medicine, biology] :: polyp
polipoético {m} :: political poet
poliporo {m} :: polypore
poliposis {f} [medicine] :: polyposis
polipropileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polypropylene
poliproteína {f} :: polyprotein
políptico {m} :: polyptych
poliqueto {m} :: polychete
poliquístico {adj} :: polycystic
poliquistosis {f} [pathology] :: polycystic disease
polir {v} :: obsolete form of pulir
polirricinoleato {m} :: polyricinoleate
polirubro {m} [Argentina] :: convenience store
polis {f} :: polis
polisacárido {m} [carbohydrate] :: polysaccharide
polisario {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Frente Polisario
polisemia {f} :: polysemy
polisémico {adj} :: polysemous, polysemic
polisílabo {adj} [linguistics] :: polysyllabic
polisíndeton {m} [rhetoric] :: polysyndeton
polisinodial {adj} :: polisynodial
polisintético {adj} :: polysynthetic
polisomnografía {f} [medicine] :: polysomnography
polisomnograma {m} :: polysomnogram
polisón {m} :: bustle (frame worn underneath a woman's skirt)
polispasto {m} :: rare form of polipasto
polista {mf} :: polo player
polisulfuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: polysulfide
politburó {m} :: politburo
politécnico {adj} :: polytechnic
politeísmo {m} :: polytheism
politeísta {adj} :: polytheistic
politerpeno {m} [organic compound] :: polyterpene
politerpenoide {m} [organic compound] :: polyterpenoid
política {f} :: politics (activities associated with running a government or organisation)
política {f} :: policy (a formal principle or protocol of conduct)
política {f} :: feminine noun of político
política de avestruz {f} [idiom] :: ostrich policy
políticamente {adv} :: politically
políticamente correcto {adj} :: politically correct
politicastro {m} :: corrupt politician
político {adj} :: political
político {adj} :: in-law
político {m} :: politician
politionato {m} [chemistry] :: polythionate
politípico {adj} :: polytypic
politipo {m} [mineralogy] :: polytype
politiquear {v} :: To waffle on about politics; to drone on about politics
politiqueo {m} :: political manoeuvring
politiquera {f} :: political intriguer
politiquería {f} :: excessive politics
politiquero {m} :: political intriguer
politización {f} :: politicization [US], politicisation [UK]
politizar {vt} :: to politicize, politicise (give something political characteristics)
politizar {vt} :: to politicize, politicise (make someone politically active)
politóloga {f} :: feminine noun of politólogo
politología {f} :: political science
politológica {f} :: political scientist
politólogo {m} :: political scientist
politomía {f} :: polytomy
politono {m} :: polytone (polyphonic ringtone)
politopo {m} [geometry] :: polytope
politrauma {m} :: polytrauma
politraumatismo {m} :: multiple trauma
politraumatizado {adj} :: polytraumatized
politrópico {adj} :: polytropic
poliuretano {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyurethane
poliuria {f} [medicine] :: polyuria
polivalencia {f} :: multiusage
polivalente {adj} :: multi-purpose, all-purpose
polivalente {adj} :: multifaceted
polivinilo {m} :: polyvinyl
póliza {f} :: policy (contract of insurance)
polizón {m} :: stowaway
polizón {m} :: bum, tramp
polizonte {m} [pejorative] :: cop
polizonte {m} :: stowaway
polka {f} :: polka
polla {f} :: young hen, pullet
polla {f} :: a beverage made with milk, eggs, cinnamon, and, in Mexico, with sherry liquor added
polla {f} :: a type of lottery in Chile
polla {f} [slang, vulgar, Spain] :: cock
pollada {f} :: brood
pollada {f} :: Peruvian chicken recipe prepared in exchange of receiving a profit to help a particular need
pollastre {m} :: young chicken
pollastre {m} :: whippersnapper
pollazo {m} :: dickslap, cock slap
pollazo {m} :: augmentative of polla, monster cock, horse dick
pollera {f} :: pollera
pollera {f} [Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: skirt, overskirt, kilt
pollera {f} :: baby walker, a walking frame used to help teach children to walk without falling
pollera {f} :: chicken coop
pollera {f} :: chicken farmer
pollera {f} :: chicken seller
pollera tubo {f} [Argentina] :: pencil skirt
pollería {f} :: An establishment or location where poultry is sold
pollería {f} :: A restaurant specialising in chicken
pollerín {f} :: skirt
pollerita {f} :: diminutive of pollera
pollero {m} :: one who raises and sells chickens for a living
pollero {m} [El Salvador] :: coyote (smuggler of illegal immigrants)
pollero {m} :: chicken coop; place where chickens are raised
pollerudo {adj} :: henpecked
pollina {f} :: feminine noun of pollino
pollino {m} :: ass, donkey, especially a young and untamed one
pollino {m} :: a rude, unsophisticated or ignorant person
pollino {adj} [of a person] :: rude, unsophisticated or ignorant
pollita {f} :: feminine noun of pollito
pollita {f} :: diminutive of polla
pollito {m} :: young chicken
pollito {m} [colloquial] :: young child
pollo {m} :: young chicken (specially a male, or one of unspecified gender)
pollo {m} :: chicken (meat)
pollo {adj} [Chile, slang] :: unexperienced
pollo a la naranja {m} :: orange chicken
pollón {m} :: monster cock; huge dick
pollón {m} :: man with a huge cock
pollón {adj} :: big-dicked; well hung
polluela {f} :: feminine noun of polluelo
polluelo {m} :: chick (young bird)
polluelo {m} :: fledgling (young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flight)
polo {m} [geography, electricity] :: pole
polo {m} :: polo (ball game)
polo {m} :: polo shirt
polo {m} [chiefly Spain] :: popsicle, ice lolly
polo acuático {m} :: water polo
polola {f} [Chile] :: feminine noun of pololo
pololear {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to court, woo
pololear {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to go steady
pololo {m} [Chile] :: boyfriend (partner in a romantic relationship)
polonés {adj} :: Polish (from or native to Poland)
polonés {adj} :: Polish (pertaining to Poland)
polonés {m} [music] :: a piece of music imitative of Polish dances
Polonia {prop} {f} :: Poland
polonio {m} :: polonium
polonización {f} :: Polonization
polono {adj} [obsolete] :: Polish (from or native to Poland)
polono {adj} [obsolete] :: Polish (pertaining to Poland)
polo opuesto {m} :: polar opposite
Polo Sur {prop} {m} :: South Pole
poltrón {adj} :: lazy
poltrona {f} :: armchair
polución {f} :: pollution (ejaculation)
polvareda {f} :: dustcloud
polvareda {f} :: fuss, hubbub
polvazo {m} :: augmentative of polvo; great shag; hell of a fuck
polvera {f} :: powder compact
polvete {m} :: synonym of polvo
polvillo {m} :: dust
polvillo {m} [Latin America] :: blight (plant disease)
polvito {m} :: diminutive of polvo
polvo {m} :: dust (fine, dry particles of matter found in the air and covering the surface of objects)
polvo {m} :: powder, dust (fine particles of a dry substance)
polvo {m} [vulgar, colloquial] :: fuck, screw (sexual intercourse)
polvo {m} [plurale tantum] :: see polvos
polvo cósmico {m} :: cosmic dust
polvo de hornear {m} :: baking powder (a dry leavening agent used in baking)
pólvora {f} :: gunpowder
polvoriento {adj} :: dusty
polvorilla {mf} :: an antsy person; a livewire
polvorín {m} :: powder keg
polvorín {m} :: gunpowder
polvorín {m} :: minefield, warzone
polvorón {m} :: A type of shortbread made of flour, sugar, milk, and nuts, popular in Spain, Latin America and other former Spanish colonies, such as the Philippines, during Christmastime
polvoroso {adj} :: dusty
polvos de talco {m} :: talcum powder
poma {f} [poetic, literary] :: fruit
poma {f} [rare] :: apple
poma {f} :: pome
pomada {f} :: salve, ointment, cream
pomarada {f} :: apple orchard
pomelo {m} :: pomelo
pomelo {m} :: grapefruit
pomerana {f} :: feminine noun of pomerano
pomerania {f} :: feminine noun of pomeranio
Pomerania {prop} {f} :: Pomerania
pomeranio {adj} :: Pomeranian
pomeranio {m} :: Pomeranian
pomerano {adj} :: Pomeranian
pomerano {m} :: Pomeranian
pómez {f} [attributive] :: pumex
pomito {m} :: diminutive of pomo
pomo {m} [Spain] :: knob, doorknob, pommel
pomo {m} :: apple tree
pomo {m} :: flask
pomológico {adj} :: pomological
pomor {mf} :: Pomor
pompa {f} :: pomp
pompa {f} :: boastfulness, ostentation, pageantry, glitz
pompa {f} :: solemn procession
pompa {f} :: bubble
pompa {f} :: pump
pompa {f} [Mexico] :: buttock
pompaje {m} :: compressor stall
pompas fúnebres {fp} :: funeral, funeral service
pompeta {f} [colloquial] :: butt; ass
Pompeya {prop} {f} :: Pompeii
pompeyano {adj} :: Of or from Pompeii
pompeyano {m} :: Someone from Pompeii
pompis {m} [colloquial, anatomy, Mexico] :: butt (buttocks)
pompo {adj} [Colombia, of a pointed object] :: blunt, worn down
pompón {m} :: pompon
pomponera {f} :: pompom girl
pomposamente {adv} :: pompously
pomposidad {f} :: pomposity
pomposo {adj} :: pompous, highfalutin
pómulo {m} :: cheekbone
ponchar {v} :: to strike out
ponchar {v} :: to punch in/out (at work)
ponche {m} :: punch (drink)
ponchera {f} :: punchbowl
ponchito {m} :: antpitta
poncho {m} :: poncho
Poncho {prop} {m} :: given name
ponderable {adj} :: ponderable, notable
ponderación {f} :: weighting, calculation
ponderación {f} :: praise
ponderado {adj} :: esteemed, highly respected
ponderado {adj} :: weighted
ponderador {mf} :: one who ponders
ponderador {mf} :: one who weighs
ponderar {vt} :: to ponder, consider
ponderar {vt} :: to weight
ponderativo {adj} :: exaggerating
ponderoso {adj} :: level-headed
ponderoso {adj} :: heavy
ponedora {f} :: layer; laying hen
ponencia {f} :: report, presentation, address, speech
ponente {mf} [politics] :: rapporteur
ponente {mf} :: a speaker at a meeting, or congress
ponente {mf} :: a proposer of a motion
poner {vtr} [non-reflexive] :: to put, to put up, to place, to lay
poner {vt} :: to set, to set up (e.g. set an alarm, set up chairs)
poner {vt} :: to put on (e.g. put on a smile, a happy face, a brave face; put on a pot of coffee, put something on display)
poner {vt} :: to choose, to designate (for a job, charge or responsibility)
poner {vt} :: to make (e.g. make somebody nervous, jealous, sad, emotional, uncomfortable)
poner {vt} :: to make, to give (in certain phrases; e.g. to make available, give an injection, to give effect)
poner {vt} :: to name, to give a nickname
poner {vt} :: to bring (e.g. to bring online, to bring order to, to bring up to speed or date, to bring to light)
poner {vt} :: to lay (e.g. to lay eggs, lay the foundation or groundwork)
poner {vt} :: to turn, to turn on (e.g. to turn the other cheek, turn on music, to turn upside-down)
poner {vt} :: to get (in certain phrases)
poner {vt} :: to call (in certain phrases; e.g. to call into question, call into doubt, call somebody's bluff)
poner {vt} :: to pay (attention)
poner {vt} :: to draw (e.g. to draw a line or set up a boundary)
poner {vt} :: to plant, to set up (e.g. plant one's feet, plant a bomb, set up explosives, plant a bug, set up a camera, plant a weapon)
poner {vt} [Mexico, slang] :: to contribute; to bring
poner {v} [electronics] :: to play
poner {vt} [Spain, colloquial] :: To turn on, make horny
poner {vr} :: to put on, to don, to change into (clothing, shoes, accoutrements)
poner {vr} :: to get
poner {vr} :: (of a heavenly body) to set (i.e., to sink beneath the horizon)
poner {vr} :: to become, to get ("become" is used in reference to entering into a physical or emotional state) (e.g. become anxious, fashionable, naughty, nervous, offensive, pale, sad, serious, stern, tense, ugly, violent, weird, etc.)
poner {vr} :: to start doing something, to begin, to get down to (+ a + infinitive)
poner {vr} :: to put oneself
poner a caldo {v} [idiomatic] :: to tell off, scold
poner alguien en su sitio {v} [idiomatic] :: to put someone in their place
poner al tanto {v} [idiomatic] :: to brief, give a rundown
poner a parir {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to slag off; rip to shreds
poner a prueba {v} [idiom] :: to put to the test, to pilot
poner coto {v} [idiomatic] :: to put an end to
poner de los nervios {v} [idiomatic] :: to get on someone's nerves, to grate on
poner de manifiesto {vr} [idiomatic] :: to put on record
poner de patitas en la calle {v} [idiom] :: To chuck out; throw out; expel
poner de relieve {v} [idiom] :: to highlight
poner el acento {v} [idiomatic] :: to stress, highlight, underline
poner el broche de oro {v} [idiomatic] :: to add the finishing touches
poner el carro delante del burro {phrase} :: alternative form of poner el carro delante de los bueyes
poner el carro delante del caballo {v} [idiom] :: alternative form of poner el carro delante de los bueyes
poner el carro delante de los bueyes {v} [idiom] :: put the cart before the horse
poner el gorro {v} [idiom] :: to commit adultery
poner en evidencia {v} [idiom] :: to ridiculize
poner en peligro {v} :: to endanger, to jeopardize, to imperil, to compromise, to put at risk, to put in danger, to put in jeopardy
poner en tela de juicio {v} [idiomatic] :: to call into question, question; cast doubt
poner la mente {v} [idiom] :: put one's mind to
poner la mira en {v} [idiom] :: to focus on; to have in sight
poner la pelota en juego {v} [idiomatic] :: get the ball rolling
ponerle el cascabel al gato {v} [idiom] :: to bell the cat
poner los cuernos {v} [idiomatic] :: to cheat on, put horns on
poner los ojos en blanco {v} [idiomatic] :: to roll one's eyes
poner pies en polvorosa {v} [idiom] :: to take to one's heels; flee
poner por las nubes {v} [idiomatic] :: to praise to the skies, to sing the praises of (to speak highly of)
ponerse {v} :: reflexive of poner, to put on, as in clothing
ponerse {v} :: to become (used with an adjective, especially a negative adjective)
ponerse {v} :: to set (sun)
ponerse {v} :: to begin (doing something)
ponerse de pie {v} :: to stand up, to stand, to get to one's feet, to get back on one's feet
ponerse el mundo por montera {v} [idiomatic] :: to throw caution to the wind
ponerse las botas {v} [idiom] :: to make a killing
ponerse las botas {v} [idiom] :: to have a blow-out; have a real feast (a social function, especially one with large quantities of food)
ponerse las pilas {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to pull up one's socks; to pull one's socks up
ponerse las pilas {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to get one's act together
ponerse palote {v} [idiomatic, Spain, colloquial] :: to go hard (get an erection)
poner tierra de por medio {v} [idiom] :: To scram; to get away; to take to one's heels
poner tierra en medio {v} [idiom] :: To scram; to get away; to take to one's heels
poner tierra por medio {v} [idiom] :: To scram; to get away; to take to one's heels
poner toda la carne en el asador {v} [idiom] :: to give one's all; to pull out all the stops
poner una pica en Flandes {v} [idiomatic] :: To slog
poner verde {v} [idiomatic] :: to criticise; to put down
Ponferrada {prop} :: Ponferrada (city)
pongo {m} :: orangutan
poni {m} :: pony
Poniatowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
poniente {adj} :: west, western
poniente {adj} :: setting (sun or star)
poniente {m} :: west
ponja {m} [vesre] :: Japanese (a person)
ponqué {m} :: pound cake
pontazgo {m} [historical] :: A type of tribute or toll paid to the owner of a bridge upon crossing it
Pontevedra {prop} {f} :: Pontevedra (province)
Pontevedra {prop} {f} :: Pontevedra (city)
pontevedrés {adj} :: From Pontevedra
pontevedrés {m} :: Someone from Pontevedra
pontevedresa {f} :: feminine noun of pontevedrés
póntico {adj} :: Pontic
pontificado {m} :: pontificate
pontificado {m} :: papacy
pontifical {adj} :: pontifical
pontificalmente {adv} :: pontifically
pontificar {v} :: to pontificate
pontificar {v} :: to orate
pontífice {m} :: pontiff
pontífice {m} :: pontifex
pontificio {adj} :: pontifical
pontificio {adj} :: papal
ponto {m} [poetic] :: sea; seas
Ponto {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Pontus (pre-Olympian god of the sea)
pontón {m} :: pontoon (for boats)
pontón {m} :: bridge made of planks
pontonero {m} :: bridge maker
pony {m} :: pony
ponzoña {f} :: poison
ponzoña {f} :: venom
ponzoñar {v} :: rare form of emponzoñar
ponzoñoso {adj} :: poisonous, venomous, toxic
ponzu {m} :: ponzu
Poo {prop} :: Poo (town)
pool {m} :: pool (sport)
pop {m} [Uruguay] :: popcorn
pop {m} :: pop, pop music
popa {f} :: stern (back of a boat or ship)
popcorn {m} :: popcorn
pope {m} [Russian Orthodoxy] :: pope (Russian Orthodox priest)
popero {m} :: pop music fan
popero {adj} :: pop, poppy
poplíteo {adj} :: popliteal
Popo {prop} :: A popular nickname for the volcano Popocatépetl in Mexico
popó {m} [infantile, Chile] :: butt
popó {m} [Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia] :: excrement, poo
popó {m} [infantile, Argentina, Uruguay] :: excrement, poo
Popocatépetl {prop} {m} :: Popocatépetl
popolazzo {m} :: riffraff
popoloca {adj} :: Popoloca
popoloca {mf} :: Popoloca
popoluca {adj} :: Popoluca
popoluca {mf} :: Popoluca
poporopo {m} [Guatemala] :: popcorn
popote {m} [Mexico] :: drinking straw
popper {m} :: popper (capsule for recreational use as a sexual stimulant)
popperiano {adj} :: Popperian
populachero {adj} [attributive] :: hoi polloi
populachero {adj} :: rabble-rousing
populacho {m} :: mob, hoi polloi
popular {adj} :: popular
popular {adj} [politics, Spain] :: Pertaining to PP (Partido Popular), a Spanish political party
popular {mf} [politics, Spain] :: A member or supporter of PP (Partido Popular), a Spanish political party
popularidad {f} :: popularity
popularísimo {adj} :: superlative of popular
popularización {f} :: popularization
popularizador {m} :: popularizer
popularizadora {f} :: feminine noun of popularizador
popularizar {v} :: to popularise (UK), to popularize (US)
popularmente {adv} :: popularly
populismo {m} [politics] :: populism (doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions of the general people)
populista {adj} :: populist
populista {mf} :: populist
populoso {adj} :: populous
popurrí {m} :: potpourri (collection of various things)
popurrí {m} [music] :: medley
popusa {f} :: A kind of corn tortilla
popusería {f} :: A restaurant that sells popusas
poquedad {f} :: shortness; scantiness
póquer {m} :: poker (card game)
póquer {m} [poker] :: four of a kind
póquer {m} [sports] :: four or more goals scored in a match
poquilla {f} :: feminine noun of poquillo
poquillo {adj} :: diminutive of poco
poquillo {m} :: diminutive of poco
poquísimo {adj} :: superlative of poco
poquitico {adj} :: diminutive of poquito
poquitín {m} :: diminutive of poquito; tiny bit
poquitito {m} :: diminutive of poquito; tiny bit
poquito {adj} :: diminutive of poco, tiny, very small
poquito {adv} :: diminutive of poco
por {prep} :: by (indicates the creator of a work)
por {prep} :: for (indicates something given in an exchange)
por {prep} :: through, out, via (indicating movement)
por {prep} :: across (indicating movement)
por {prep} :: about
por {prep} :: due to, because of, for, for the sake of, out of (to express cause or motive)
por {prep} [used with directions] :: over
por {prep} :: by, times, multiplied by
por {prep} :: according to, for, regarding (to express opinion or something concerning someone)
por {prep} :: via, through, by (indicating the means of something)
por {prep} :: for (indicating duration)
por {prep} :: for, for the sake of, on behalf of (indicating doing something for someone's benefit)
por {prep} :: per, for each
por {prep} :: to (indicating something that has not yet passed)
por {prep} :: about to (indicating something that will soon happen)
pora {prep} :: obsolete spelling of para
por aclamación {adv} [idiomatic] :: unanimously
por adelantado {adv} :: in advance
por ahí {adv} :: out there, over there, that way
por ahí {adv} :: around (in a place different than where the speaker currently is; otherwise, use por aquí.)
por ahí {adv} [idiom] :: roughly, thereabout, thereabouts (i.e. approximately)
por ahora {adv} :: for now
por allí {adv} :: over there, there, around there, that way
por allí {adv} [idiom] :: or thereabouts; roughly; or so; -ish (roughly, approx)
por añadidura {adv} [idiom] :: in addition
por antonomasia {adj} [idiom] :: par excellence
por arte de birlibirloque {adv} [idiom] :: as if by magic
por arte de magia {adv} :: as if by magic
Porca {prop} :: surname
por casualidad {adv} :: by chance
porcelana {f} :: porcelain
porcelanato {m} :: porcelain tile (A type of ceramic)
porcentaje {m} :: percentage
porcentual {adj} [attributive] :: percentage, percent
porcentualmente {adv} :: percentage-wise, in term of percentage
porche {m} :: veranda, verandah; stoop; porch
porcicultor {m} :: pig-farmer
porcicultura {f} :: porciculture (pig-farming)
por ciento {adv} :: percent
porciento {adv} :: alternative form of por ciento
por cientos {adv} :: by the hundreds, in large numbers
por cientos {adv} :: for hundreds
por cierto {adv} [idiom] :: by the way, by the by, incidentally
porcino {adj} :: porcine, pig
porcino {m} :: the pork meat industry
porcinocultura {f} :: pig farming
porciolismo {m} :: The politics of José María de Porcioles (1904-1993), former mayor of Barcelona
porciolista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to José María de Porcioles (1904-1993), the former mayor of Barcelona, or his policies
porciolista {mf} :: Supporter of José María de Porcioles
porción {f} :: portion
porción {f} :: part (fraction of a whole)
porcionador {m} :: scoop; scooper
por compromiso {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of a sense of duty
por consiguiente {adv} :: consequently
por cuanto {adv} :: inasmuch as, in that
por cuentapropia {adv} :: on one's own, being self-employed
por demás {adv} [idiomatic] :: by the way, by and by
por demás {adv} [idiomatic] :: in vain
por demás {adv} [idiomatic] :: too much, in excess, excessively
por de pronto {adv} [idiom] :: for now, for the time being
por descontado {adv} [idiomatic] :: on course, naturally
por desgracia {adv} [idiomatic] :: unfortunately, sadly, alas, regrettably, tragically, unluckily
por Dios {interj} :: for God's sake, by God
por Dios bendito {interj} :: good Lord!, good heavens
pordiosear {vi} :: to beg
pordiosera {f} :: feminine noun of pordiosero
pordiosero {m} :: beggar (a person who begs)
por efecto de {prep} :: due to; thanks to
por ejemplo {adv} :: for example; for instance; e.g.
por el amor de Dios {interj} :: for God's sake, for the love of God, for Christ's sake, for crying out loud
por el contrario {conj} :: on the contrary, conversely, to the contrary, contrariwise, on the other hand, in contrast, instead, rather
por el cual {conj} :: whereby, by which
por el culo te la hinco {phrase} [humorous, vulgar] :: A meaningless phrase said after the number cinco (five)
por el interés te quiero Andrés {phrase} :: I'm only interested in being (romantically) with you because of what you can offer
por el momento {adv} [idiom] :: for the time being; at the moment
por el morro {adv} [idiomatic] :: for free
por encima de la ley {adv} :: above the law
por ende {conj} [formal] :: hence, therefore, so
por ensalmo {adv} [idiomatic] :: as if by magic
por eso {conj} :: therefore, that is why
por eso {interj} :: I mean(t) that
porfa {adv} [colloquial] :: contraction of por favor
por faplís {adv} [colloquial, neologism] :: please
porfaplís {adv} [colloquial, neologism] :: please
por favor {interj} :: please
por favor {interj} [dialectal] :: you're welcome
porfía {f} :: obstinacy
porfiadamente {adv} :: obstinately, pertinaciously, contentiously
porfiado {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate
porfiar {v} :: to insist, persist
porfiar {v} :: to argue
porfídico {adj} :: porphyritic
pórfido {m} [geology] :: porphyry
por fin {adv} [idiomatic] :: finally, at last, at long last
porfiria {f} :: porphyria
porfiriana {f} :: feminine noun of porfiriano
porfiriano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Porfirio Díaz, Mexican soldier and politician
porfiriano {m} :: A supporter of Porfirio Díaz
porfiriato {prop} {m} :: The era in Mexican history during which Porfirio Díaz was in power
porfirina {f} [organic compound] :: porphyrin
porfirismo {m} :: The period in Mexico under the rule of Porfirio Díaz (1876-1911)
porfirista {adj} :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Porfirio Díaz, President of Mexico on various occasions
porfirista {mf} :: A supporter of Porfirio Díaz
porfirítico {adj} :: porphyritic
por fortuna {adv} [idiomatic] :: luckily
por fortuna {adv} :: by chance
por goleada {adv} :: by a landslide (with big marginals, with a lot)
por goleada {adv} :: by a landslide (win scoring many goals)
por h o por b {adv} [idiomatic] :: for one reason or another
poridad {m} :: obsolete spelling of puridad
poridat {m} :: obsolete spelling of puridad
porífero {m} [zoology] :: poriferan
por la boca muere el pez {proverb} :: what you say can do you harm; silence is golden; loose lips sink ships; keep mum
por la cara {adv} [idiomatic] :: boldly or blatantly but unmeritedly
por la cara {adv} [idiomatic] :: without paying or doing any effort
por la cara {adv} [idiomatic] :: with no reason or justification
por la presente {adv} [formal] :: hereby (by this means, action or process)
por la puerta grande {adv} [idiomatic] :: held in great honour, in a big way
por las buenas o por las malas {adv} [idiomatic] :: the easy way or the hard way
por las dudas {adv} [idiomatic] :: just in case
por las malas o por las buenas {adv} [idiomatic] :: the easy way or the hard way
por las nubes {adj} [idiomatic] :: sky-high, through the roof, off the charts, at an extortionate price
por lo bajini {adv} [idiom] :: on the quiet, hush hush
por lo común {adv} [idiomatic] :: generally, in general, commonly
por lo demás {adv} :: otherwise, in all other respects
por lo general {adv} [idiomatic] :: generally, in general, by and large, usually, typically
por lo menos {adv} :: at least
por lo poco que uno sabe {prep} :: for all one knows
por lo pronto {adv} [idiom] :: for now, for the time being
por lo que {conj} :: so, consequently, therefore
por lo que {adv} :: why, what... for
por lo que {adv} :: for what, from what, about what, by what, because of what, through what
por lo que respecta a {prep} :: when it comes to; regarding; as for
por lo que sé {phrase} :: as far as I know
por los cuatro costados {adv} [idiom] :: through and through
por los siglos de los siglos {adv} [idiomatic] :: eternally; forever and ever
por lo tanto {adv} :: thus, so, as such (in this way or manner)
por lo tanto {adv} :: consequently, thereby, accordingly
por lo tanto {adv} :: therefore, hence
por lo visto {adv} [idiomatic] :: apparently, seemingly, from what one can see
por más que {conj} :: however much; however many
por más señas {adv} [idiomatic] :: to be precise
por medio de {prep} :: by means of (through the medium of)
pormenor {m} :: circumstance
pormenorizadamente {adv} :: in minute detail
pormenorizar {v} :: to describe in great detail
por menos de nada {adv} [idiomatic] :: for no reason whatsoever
por menudo {adv} :: in detail
por menudo {adv} :: in instalments
por mi parte {prep} [idiomatic] :: for my part; as for me; I, for one
por mi parte {prep} [idiomatic] :: on my end
por momentos {adv} [idiomatic] :: by the minute, by the second
por mucho {adv} [idiomatic] :: by far, by a lot
por mucho {adv} :: through a lot, through enough
por mucho que {conj} :: synonym of por más que
porno- {prefix} :: porn-
porno {adj} [colloquial] :: porno
porno {m} [colloquial] :: porno
pornofiesta {f} :: porn party
pornógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of pornógrafo
pornografía {f} :: pornography
pornográfico {adj} :: pornographic
pornógrafo {m} :: pornographer
por no hablar de {conj} [idiomatic] :: not to mention
pornovenganza {f} :: revenge porn
poro {m} :: pore (a tiny opening in the skin)
poro {m} :: pore (any small opening)
por obra de {prep} [idiom] :: thanks to; due to
por obra y gracia de {prep} [idiom] :: thanks to; due to
Porón {prop} {m} :: Mount Porón, location of the Spanish village of Benarrabá, province of Málaga in southern Spain
porongo {m} :: calabash
pororó {m} [Eastern Bolivia, Northern and Western Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: popcorn
porosidad {f} :: porosity
poroso {adj} :: porous
poroto {m} [southern Latin America] :: bean
por otra parte {adv} :: otherwise. In all other respects
por otra parte {adv} :: on the other hand
por otro lado {adv} :: on the other hand
por partes {adv} [idiomatic] :: step by step
por pies {adv} [idiom] :: fleeing quickly; leaving like a bat out of hell
por poco {adv} :: almost, narrowly
por poder {adv} [idiomatic] :: by proxy
por puertas {adv} [idiomatic] :: poor as Job
porq {conj} [colloquial] :: coz
porque {conj} :: because
por qué {adv} :: why, for what reason
porqué {m} :: a reason (e.g. the reason why something happens)
porque hoy es hoy {adv} [idiom] :: just because; for the hell of it
porquera {f} :: feminine noun of porquero
porquería {f} :: crap, trash
porquería {f} :: filth
porquería {f} :: nonsense
porquería {f} :: junk, rubbish
porqueriza {f} :: pigpen; pigsty
porquerizo {m} :: pig farmer
porquero {m} :: pig farmer
porque tú lo digas {phrase} :: if you say so
porra {f} :: club, baton, truncheon, night stick (a baton, or military staff of command, now especially the stick carried by a police officer)
porra {f} :: thick type of churro
porra {f} [colloquial] :: sweepstake (about an event, e.g. a football match)
porra {interj} :: no way! hell no!
porrada {f} :: synonym of porrazo
porrada {f} :: thump
porrada {f} :: shedload; load (large amount or number of something)
porrada {f} :: stupid comment
porras {interj} :: shit
porrazo {m} [colloquial] :: hit; whack
porrera {f} :: feminine noun of porrero
porrero {m} :: stoner (pot smoker)
porreta {f} :: leaves (at the tip of certain vegetables)
porreta {mf} [colloquial] :: stoner (someone who regular smokes marijuana)
porril {adj} :: Of or relating to a porro group
porrista {mf} [Honduras, Costa Rica] :: cheerleader
porrito {m} :: diminutive of porro
porro {m} [plant] :: leek
porro {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid
porro {m} [Mexico] :: A member of a criminal shock group, mainly targeting student protesters
porro {m} :: joint, reefer
porrón {m} :: pochard (bird in the genus Aythya)
porrón {m} :: porron (glass jar with a long spout)
porrón bastardo {m} :: greater scaup
porrón pardo {m} :: ferruginous duck
porrusalda {f} :: A soup dish from Navarre and La Rioja, Spain, made with leeks, potatoes and carrots
por separado {adv} [idiomatic] :: separately, individually, independently, singly, severally
por si {conj} :: in case
por si acaso {adv} :: just in case
por si las moscas {adv} [colloquial, idiom] :: just in case
por sí mismo {adv} :: on one's own
por sí solo {adv} :: on one's own
por sistema {adv} [idiomatic] :: systematically
por su cuenta {adv} :: on one's own
por suerte {adv} :: luckily
por supuesto {adv} :: of course
por supuesto {adv} :: certainly (affirmative answer)
por supuesto {adv} :: for sure
porta {f} [nautical] :: porthole
porta {f} :: obsolete spelling of puerta
portaaeronaves {m} :: aircraft carrier
portaaviones {m} :: aircraft carrier
portabebés {m} :: baby carrier
portabilidad {f} :: portability (often of computer software)
portable {adj} :: portable
portacerrojo {m} :: bolt holder (of a weapon)
portacintas {m} :: tape holder (stationery)
portación {f} :: carrying
portacontenedores {m} [nautical] :: container ship (ship designed to transport containers)
portada {f} :: portal
portada {f} :: cover (of a book, magazine or CD)
portada {f} :: front page (of a newspaper)
portada {f} :: main page, home page (of a website)
portadiscos {m} :: CD holder
portadista {mf} :: cover illustrator
portador {m} :: carrier
portadora {f} :: feminine noun of portador
portaequipaje {m} :: luggage rack
portaequipajes {m} :: luggage rack
portaestandarte {mf} [military] :: standard-bearer
portafolio {m} :: A portfolio, a case for carrying papers
portafolios {m} :: a portfolio, a case for carrying papers
portafolios {m} :: plural of portafolio
portafusil {m} :: rifle sling
porta-goma {m} :: eraser pen
portahelicópteros {m} :: helicopter carrier
portaherramientas {m} :: toolbelt
portahidroaviones {m} :: seaplane tender
portainjerto {m} :: rootstock
portaje {m} :: toll
portal {m} [architecture] :: portal; porch
portal {m} [Internet] :: portal
portal {adj} [anatomy] :: portal
portalada {f} :: Large gate or entrance
portaligas {m} :: suspender belt, garter belt
portalón {m} [nautical] :: gangway
portalón {m} [architecture] :: great doorway
portaminas {m} :: mechanical pencil
portamonedas {m} :: purse, coin purse
portante {adj} :: carrying
portante {m} :: amble
por tanto {adv} :: thus (in this way or manner)
por tanto {adv} :: consequently
por tanto {adv} :: therefore
portañuela {f} :: obsolete spelling of portezuela
portaobjetos {m} :: slide (of microscope)
portapapeles {m} :: clipboard
portar {v} :: to bear; to carry
portar {vr} :: to behave; to be good
portarretrato {m} :: small standing frame for fotos
portarrollos {m} :: toilet roll holder; kitchen roll holder
portarse {v} :: reflexive of portar
portátil {adj} :: portable
portátil {m} :: notebook, laptop (computer)
portatrajes {m} :: suit bag
portavasos {m} :: cupholder
portavasos {m} [Latin America] :: coaster
portavelas {m} :: candle holder
portaviandas {m} :: lunch box
portaviones {m} :: aircraft carrier
portavocía {f} :: spokesmanship, spokespersonship
portavoz {mf} :: spokesperson
portavoz {m} :: megaphone
portazgo {m} :: a toll paid historically in Spain by travelers for passage on roads
portazo {m} :: The act of slamming a door
portazo {m} :: The instance of a door slamming
porte {m} :: carriage, carrying
porte {m} :: size, dimension
porte {m} :: freightage (price of transporting goods)
porte {m} :: freight, cargo
porte {m} :: appearance of a person
porteador {adj} :: carrying; bearing
porteador {m} :: carrier; bearer; porter
porteadora {f} :: feminine noun of porteador
portear {v} :: to carry; lug; haul
portear {v} :: to slam or bang (on a door)
porteño {adj} :: Native to or inhabiting a port town
porteño {adj} [Argentina] :: Native to or inhabiting the port town of Buenos Aires
porteño {m} [Argentina] :: A person native to or inhabiting the port town of Buenos Aires
portento {m} :: wonder, marvel
portento {m} :: something wonderful or amazing
portento {m} :: a sight to behold
portentosamente {adv} :: prodigiously
portentoso {adj} :: prodigious, wonderful, marvelous, portentous
porteo {m} :: carrying; carriage
portera {f} :: feminine noun of portero
portería {f} :: lobby of a hotel
portería {f} :: reception desk
portería {f} [sports] :: goal (structure)
por término medio {adv} :: on average
portero {m} :: doorman, porter, gatekeeper (a person who holds open the door at the entrance to a building, summons taxicabs, and provides an element of security; in apartment buildings, he also accepts deliveries and may perform certain concierge type services)
portero {m} :: bouncer, chucker-out (a member of security personnel employed by bars, nightclubs, etc to maintain order and deal with patrons who cause trouble)
portero {m} [sports] :: goalkeeper
portero automático {m} :: entryphone, doorphone, intercom, interfone
portero electrónico {m} :: doorphone
portezuela {f} :: car door
porticado {adj} :: porticoed
pórtico {m} :: portico
pórtico {m} :: porch
portilla {f} [nautical] :: porthole
portillo {m} :: gate
portobello {m} :: portobello
portocaval {adj} [anatomy] :: portocaval
portocruzana {f} :: feminine noun of portocruzano
portocruzano {adj} :: Of or from Puerto La Cruz
portocruzano {m} :: Someone from Puerto La Cruz
por todas partes {adv} [idiom] :: everywhere, all over the place, all around, throughout
por todos los medios {adv} :: by all means, by any means, by every means, in every way
por todos los santos {phrase} :: good heavens!
portón {m} :: portal
portón {m} :: large door
portoncito {m} :: diminutive of portón
portorriqueña {f} :: feminine noun of portorriqueño
portorriqueño {m} :: Puerto Rican (from Puerto Rico)
portovejense {adj} :: Of or from Portoviejo, Ecuador
portovejense {mf} :: An inhabitant of Portoviejo, Ecuador
Port Royal {prop} :: Port Royal (town); alternative form of Puerto Real
portuario {adj} [attributive] :: port
portuense {adj} :: of or pertaining to Porto, Portugal
portuense {adj} :: from or pertaining to a port city
portuense {mf} :: native or resident of Porto, Portugal
Portugal {prop} {m} :: Portugal (country)
portugalujo {adj} :: Of or from the town of Portugalete in Spain
portugalujo {m} :: An inhabitant of the town of Portugalete in Spain
portugués {adj} :: Portuguese (from or native to Portugal)
portugués {adj} :: Portuguese (pertaining to Portugal)
portugués {m} :: Portuguese (person)
portugués {m} :: Portuguese (language)
portuguesa {f} :: female equivalent of portugués
portulano {adj} [attributive] :: portolan
portulano {m} :: portolan
portuñol {m} :: Portuñol
Port Vila {prop} :: Port Vila (capital city)
por último {adv} :: finally, lastly, last, in conclusion, to conclude, in closing
por una vez {adv} [idiom] :: for once
por un lado {adv} :: on the one hand
por un pelo {adv} [idiomatic] :: by the skin of one's teeth, by a hair
por un perro que maté, mataperros me llamaron {phrase} :: give a dog a bad name and hang him
por un tubo {adv} [colloquial, idiom] :: in waves (in a large quantity)
porvenir {m} :: future, prospects, potential
por ventura {adv} [idiomatic] :: perhaps, maybe, perchance
por vida de Dios {interj} [dated] :: for the love of God; for Christ's sake
pos- {prefix} :: after-; post-
pos {conj} [Latin America] :: alternative spelling of pues
pos {prep} [archaic] :: after, behind
pos {m} :: pursuit
posacné {adj} :: post-acne
posada {f} [antiquated] :: hotel, inn
Posadas {prop} {m} :: surname
posadera {f} :: feminine noun of posadero
posadero {m} :: innkeeper
posadero {m} :: perch (for bird)
posadero {m} :: deckchair
posadero {m} :: derrière; backside
posajuste {m} :: post-adjustment
posapuentes {m} :: synonym of lanzapuentes
posar {v} :: to pose
posar {v} :: to stay or lodge in a habitation
posar {v} :: to rest on a surface
posavasos {m} :: coaster (used to prevent drinking vessels from leaving marks on a table)
posavasos {m} :: cupholder
posbélico {adj} :: postwar
poscapitalismo {m} :: postcapitalism
poscirugía {f} :: postsurgery
posclásico {adj} :: postclassic
poscolonial {adj} :: postcolonial
poscomunismo {m} :: postcommunism
poscomunista {adj} :: post-Communist
poscomunista {mf} :: post-Communist
posconflicto {adj} :: postwar
posconmocional {adj} :: post-concussive
poscontemporáneo {adj} :: before one's time
poscosecha {adj} :: post-harvest
poscristiano {adj} :: post-Christian
posdata {f} :: postscriptum (something appended in writing)
posdesarrollo {m} :: postdevelopment
posdiscal {adj} :: postdiscal
posdoctorado {m} :: alternative spelling of postdoctorado
posdoctoral {adj} :: postdoctoral
poseedor {adj} :: owning
poseedor {m} :: owner
poseer {v} :: to possess, to own, to hold, to have
poseer {v} [figuratively, educated] :: to sexually penetrate
poseído {adj} :: possessed (controlled by evil spirits)
Poseidón {prop} {m} :: Poseidon
poselectoral {adj} :: postelectoral
posesión {f} :: possession
posesionar {v} :: to hand over
posesionar {vr} :: to take over
posesivo {adj} :: possessive
poseso {m} :: possessed person, madman
posesor {m} :: possessor
posesora {f} :: feminine noun of posesor
posesorio {adj} :: possessory
posestreptocócico {adj} :: poststreptococcal
posestructuralismo {m} :: alternative form of postestructuralismo
posfeminista {adj} :: postfeminist
posfranquismo {m} :: The period in Spanish history after the death of Francisco Franco
posfranquista {adj} :: post-Franquist
posfusión {adj} :: postfusion
posganglionar {adj} :: postganglionic
posgradista {mf} :: postgraduate (student)
posgrado {m} :: postgraduate study
posgraduado {m} :: postgraduate
posgramsciano {adj} :: post-Gramscian
posguerra {f} :: post-war period
posibilidad {f} :: possibility
posibilidad {f} [usually plural] :: means
posibilidad {f} [singular or plural] :: potential, chance, odds, opportunity
posibilismo {m} :: possibilism
posibilista {adj} :: possibilist
posibilista {mf} :: possibilist
posibilitar {vt} :: to make possible
posible {adj} :: possible
posiblemente {adv} :: possibly
posición {f} :: position
posicional {adj} :: positional
posicionamiento {m} :: positioning
posicionar {vt} :: to position
posidonia {f} :: seagrass
posindustrial {adj} :: postindustrial
posinversión {f} :: postinversion
pósit {m} :: post-it note
positivamente {adv} :: positively
positivar {v} :: To develop (a photo)
positividad {f} :: positivity
positivismo {m} :: positivity, optimism
positivismo {m} [philosophy] :: positivism
positivista {adj} :: positivist
positivista {mf} :: positivist
positivo {adj} :: positive
pósito {m} :: Governmental institution in charge of collecting and storing grain in order to distribute it in times of need
pósito {m} :: A storehouse where the grain collected by an such institution is kept, a granary
positrón {m} :: positron
positrónico {adj} :: positronic
positronio {m} :: positronium
posmenopáusico {adj} :: postmenopausal
posmodernidad {f} :: postmodernity
posmodernismo {m} :: postmodernism
posmodernista {mf} :: postmodernist
posmoderno {adj} :: postmodern
posnatal {adj} :: postnatal
poso {m} :: dregs, grounds (sediments of a drink)
poso {m} :: trace, remnant
posobligatorio {adj} :: alternative form of postobligatorio
posología {f} :: posology
posoperación {f} :: post-operation
posoperatorio {adj} :: postoperative
posotomano {adj} :: post-Ottoman
pospago {m} :: post-payment
pospandemia {f} :: postpandemic
posparto {adj} :: postbirth
pospetrolero {adj} :: post-petrol
pospolítico {adj} :: postpolitical
posponer {v} :: to postpone
posponerse {v} :: reflexive of posponer
posporno {m} :: post-pornography
posposición {f} :: postponement
posposición {f} [linguistics] :: postposition
posproducción {f} :: post-production
pospunk {m} :: postpunk
posquemador {m} :: afterburner
posrenal {adj} :: postrenal
posrevolucionario {adj} :: postrevolutionary
posromanticismo {m} :: post-romanticism
posromántico {adj} :: postromantic
post- {prefix} :: post-
post. {adj} :: abbreviation of posterior
post {m} [computing] :: post
posta {interj} :: really, truth
posta {f} :: slug (a bullet)
posta {mf} :: courier
postal {adj} :: postal
postal {f} :: postcard
postalveolar {adj} :: postalveolar
postapocalíptico {adj} :: postapocalyptic
post-autoritario {adj} :: post-authoritarian
postbasal {adj} :: postbasal
postcanino {adj} :: postcanine
postcanino {m} :: postcanine
postcastrismo {m} :: post-Castroism (period of time after Fidel Castro's government in Cuba)
postclásico {adj} :: postclassic
postcoital {adj} :: postcoital
postcolonial {adj} :: postcolonial
postcombustión {f} :: postcombustion
postconflicto {m} :: postconflict period
postcosecha {f} :: postharvest
postcraneal {adj} :: postcranial
postdata {f} :: alternative form of posdata
postdictadura {f} :: The era after a dictatorship
postdiscal {adj} :: postdiscal
postdoc {m} :: postdoc
postdoctorada {f} :: A postdoctoral student
postdoctorado {m} :: postdoc
postdoctoral {adj} :: postdoctoral
poste {m} :: post [of wood], pole
postear {v} :: to put posts (a fence)
postear {v} [internet] :: to post
poste indicador {m} :: signpost, guidepost, marker
postejercicio {adj} :: post-exercise
postelectoral {adj} :: alternative form of poselectoral
postemporada {f} :: post-season
postensar {v} :: to post-tension
posteo {m} [Internet] :: post
póster {m} :: poster
postergable {adj} :: delayable, postponable
postergación {f} :: postponement
postergar {vt} :: to postpone
postergarse {v} :: (reflexive of postergar)
posteridad {f} :: posterity
posterior {adj} :: posterior, later
posterioridad {f} :: posteriority
posteriormente {adv} :: afterwards, later
postero- {prefix} :: postero-
posteroinferior {adj} [anatomy] :: posteroinferior
posterosuperior {adj} [anatomy] :: posterosuperior
postestructuralismo {m} [philosophy] :: poststructuralism
postgraduado {adj} :: alternative spelling of posgraduado
postgraduado {m} :: alternative spelling of posgraduado
postguerra {f} :: alternative form of posguerra
posti {m} :: post-it note
postigo {m} :: shutter (protective panels over a window)
postiguillo {m} :: diminutive of postigo
postilla {f} :: scab
postilla {f} :: postil, marginal note
postillón {m} :: postillion
postilloso {adj} :: scabbed
postimpresionismo {m} [arts] :: postimpressionism
postimpresionista {mf} :: postimpressionist
postín {m} :: luxury
postín {m} :: boastful behaviour
postindustrial {adj} :: postindustrial
postítulo {m} :: a postgraduate course
postizo {adj} :: false, artificial
postizo {adj} :: prosthetic
postizo {m} :: switch (whip)
postmarxista {adj} :: post-Marxist
postmenopáusico {adj} :: postmenopausal
postmodernidad {f} :: postmodernity
postmodernismo {m} :: alternative spelling of posmodernismo
postmodernista {adj} :: postmodernist
postmodernista {mf} :: postmodernist
postmoderno {adj} :: alternative form of posmoderno
postmortem {m} :: post mortem
post mórtem {adj} :: post mortem
postnatal {adj} :: postnatal
postnominal {adj} :: postnominal
postobligatorio {adj} [education] :: post-compulsory (education)
postocular {adj} :: postocular
postoperatorio {adj} :: postoperative
postor {m} :: bidder
postora {f} :: feminine noun of postor
postorbital {adj} :: postorbital
postparto {adj} :: alternative spelling of posparto
postponer {v} :: alternative spelling of posponer
postposición {f} :: postposition
postprandial {adj} :: postprandial
postprocesado {m} :: postprocess
postproducción {f} :: postproduction
postquemador {m} :: afterburner
postquirúrgico {adj} :: postsurgical
postración {f} :: depression
postración {f} :: prostration
postrado {adj} :: prostrate (lying flat)
postraduccional {adj} :: post-translational
postranscripcional {adj} :: postranscriptional
postrar {v} :: to prostrate, lie prostrate, to lie low
postrar {v} [pronomial] :: to prostrate oneself, to kneel, to fall to one's knees (in obedience, to beg etc.)
postrar {v} :: to debilitate
postraumático {adj} :: posttraumatic
postre {m} :: dessert; sweet
postrecito {m} :: diminutive of postre
postremero {adj} :: alternative form of postrimero
postrenal {adj} :: alternative form of posrenal
postreramente {adv} :: ultimately, lastly
postrero {adj} :: last; final; dying
postrevolución {f} :: post-revolution period
postrimerías {fp} :: final stages, end part, end
postrimero {adj} [literary] :: last; final
postropical {adj} :: post-tropical
post scriptum {m} :: synonym of posdata
postsecundario {adj} :: post-secondary
postsináptico {adj} :: postsynaptic
postsinodal {adj} :: postsynodal
postsoviético {adj} :: post-Sovietic
postulación {f} :: nomination (to a political position, etc)
postulador {m} :: postulator
postuladora {f} :: feminine noun of postulador
postulante {mf} :: candidate
postular {v} :: to postulate
postular {v} :: to nominate
postular {vr} :: to apply, for example to a job. Se postuló para un trabajo - He applied for a job
postularse {v} :: reflexive of postular
póstumamente {adv} :: posthumously
póstumo {adj} :: posthumous
postura {f} :: position
postura {f} [yoga] :: pose
postura {f} :: posture, attitude
postural {adj} :: postural
postureador {m} :: poseur, poser
postureadora {f} :: feminine noun of postureador
posturear {v} :: to pose; to play to the gallery
postureo {m} :: posturing, the act of a poseur/poser; the act of play to the gallery; showing off (the act in the social networks and also in real life pretending to be someone you aren’t (as in, pretending to be rich) or to be doing something you don’t just because “everyone else” does it or because it looks cool)
postventa {f} :: alternative spelling of posventa
postverdad {f} :: post-truth
postvocálico {adj} :: post-vowel
posvacacional {adj} :: postvacation
posventa {adj} :: after-sales
posverbal {adj} [grammar] :: derived from a verb
posverbal {adj} [grammar] :: postverbal (placed after a verb)
posverbal {m} [grammar] :: word derived from a verb
posverdad {f} :: post-truth
pota {f} :: cuttlefish
potabilidad {f} :: drinkability
potabilización {f} :: purification (often, of water)
potabilizador {m} :: purifier
potabilizador {adj} :: purifying
potabilizar {v} :: to make something drinkable
potable {adj} :: potable, drinkable
potaje {m} :: broth, stew
potaje {m} [in the plural] :: dry legumes
potaje {m} :: a broth or beverage containing a mélange of ingredients
potaje {m} :: farrago, mishmash (a confused mixture of things)
potaje de vigilia {m} :: A stew made with cod, chickpeas and spinach. It is traditionally served in Spain at Easter
potajero {adj} [attributive] :: legumes
potajero {m} :: broth pot
potar {v} [colloquial, Spain] :: to puke, to throw up
potarro {m} :: European flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus)
potasa {f} :: potash
potasemia {f} [medicine] :: kalemia
potásico {adj} :: potassic
potasio {m} :: potassium
potazo {m} :: tin (for collecting money for charity)
potazo {m} :: fundraiser
pote {m} :: pot
pote {m} :: stew
potencia {f} :: power, potency
potencia {f} :: powerlifting
potenciación {f} :: strengthening
potenciador {adj} :: enhancing, stimulating
potenciador {m} :: enhancer, stimulator
potencial {adj} :: potential
potencial {m} :: potential
potencial {m} :: conditional tense
potencial de acción {f} :: action potential
potencialidad {f} [philosophy] :: potentiality
potencialidad {f} :: virtuality
potencialización {f} :: potentialization
potencializar {v} :: to potentiate
potencialmente {adv} :: potentially
potenciamiento {m} :: enhancement, promotion
potenciar {vt} :: to promote, strengthen
potenciómetro {m} [physics] :: potentiometer
potentada {f} :: feminine noun of potentado
potentado {m} :: tycoon, magnate, potentate
potente {adj} :: powerful
potentemente {adv} :: powerfully
potentemente {adv} :: potently
potentisimo {adj} :: most powerful
potentísimo {adj} :: superlative of potente
potenzado {adj} [heraldry] :: potenty
poterna {f} :: postern
potestad {f} :: power, authority (authority to carry out something; typically has a legal or political connotation)
potestativo {adj} :: potestative
potingue {m} [colloquial] :: hogwash; swill
potingue {m} [colloquial] :: face cream or other cosmetic product
Potiphar {prop} {m} :: Potiphar
poto {m} [Peru, Chile] :: buttocks
poto {m} [Peru, Chile] :: butt
potorro {m} [vulgar] :: pussy; cunt
Potosí {prop} :: Potosí (department)
potosino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí
potra {f} :: filly, (young) mare, foal
potrada {f} :: group (of colts)
potranca {f} :: feminine noun of potranco
potranco {m} :: foal of less than three years
potrero {m} :: ranch or open range where horses are raised
potrero {m} :: enclosed pasture that is (overgrazed) common land
potrero {m} :: long mesa on the flank of a mountain
potrero {m} :: wrangler (of horses)
potrillo {m} :: diminutive of potro, male foal
potro {m} [mammals] :: (young) stallion
potro {m} [mammals] :: colt, foal
potro {m} [torture] :: rack
potro {m} [sports] :: vault, vaulting horse
potro {m} [Argentina, colloquial] :: stud (attractive, muscular man)
poule {f} :: pool stage
POUM {prop} {m} [politics] :: Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista. An anti-Stalinist, revolutionary, communist party formed in Spain in 1935, which was active during the Spanish Civil War
povre {adj} :: obsolete spelling of pobre
power pop {m} :: power pop
poyete {m} :: ledge
poyo {m} :: A bench of stone or other material that is attached to a door
poza {f} :: puddle
poza {f} :: backwater
poza de marea {f} :: tidepool
pozo {m} :: well [hole in the ground as a source of water or other fluids]
pozo artesiano {m} :: artesian well
pozo escalonado {m} :: stepwell
pozol {m} :: a drink made from purple maize and sugar, popular amomg indigenous communities in southern Mexico and parts of Central America
pozole {m} :: pozole, a Mexican soup
pozo negro {m} :: cesspool
pozo petrolífero {m} :: oil well
pozo termal {m} [usually plural] :: hot spring; thermal spring
pozuelo {m} :: bowl
PP {prop} {m} :: initialism of Partido Popular
PPK {prop} {m} :: initialism of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski president of Peru from 2016 to 2018
PPP {prop} :: initialism of Partido Popular Progresista
PPSOE {prop} :: blend of PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) and PP (Partido Popular); often used by critics to denote their similar positions
PPT {prop} :: PPT (abbreviation of PowerPoint, the slide presentation software)
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of por que
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of por qué
pq {conj} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of porque
prácrito {m} :: Prakrit
práctica {f} :: practice
práctica {f} :: internship
practicable {adj} :: practicable, feasible
practicaje {m} [nautical] :: pilotage
practicamente {adv} :: practically
prácticamente {adv} :: practically
practicante {mf} :: practitioner, practiser
practicante {mf} :: intern, trainee
practicar {vt} :: to practice
practicar {vti} :: to exercise
practicidad {f} :: practicality, convenience
práctico {adj} :: practical
práctico {adj} :: handy, convenient, useful
práctico {adj} :: hands-on
práctico {adj} :: working (e.g. working proficiency, working level, working knowledge)
pradecillo {m} :: diminutive of prado
pradejonera {f} :: feminine noun of pradejonero
pradejonero {adj} :: of or from Pradejón
pradejonero {m} :: Someone from Pradejón
pradera {f} :: pasture
pradera {f} :: grassland, prairie
pradería {f} :: meadowland; pasture land
pradial {m} :: Prairial
pradillo {m} :: diminutive of prado
prado {m} :: meadow
Prado {prop} :: surname
Praga {prop} {f} :: Praga (capital city)
pragma {m} :: pragma
pragmática {f} [linguistics, semiotics] :: pragmatics (study of the use of the language in a social context)
pragmática {f} [legal, obsolete] :: A law emanating from a competent Spanish authority, but technically differing from a royal decree or command in the formalities of its publication
pragmáticamente {adv} :: pragmatically
pragmático {adj} :: pragmatic
pragmatismo {m} :: pragmatism
pragmatista {adj} :: pragmatist
pragmatista {mf} :: pragmatist
praguense {adj} :: Praguian (of or pertaining to Prague, Czechia)
praguense {mf} :: Praguer (native or resident of Prague, Czechia)
pran {m} [Venezuela] :: drug lord; baron; big cheese of criminal organisation
pranato {m} :: hierarchy of prison guards
praseodimio {m} :: praseodymium
pratense {adj} :: pasture-dwelling
pratihara {adj} :: Pratigura
pravastatina {f} :: pravastatin
pravedad {f} :: wickedness, immorality, depravity
pravísimo {adj} :: superlative of pravo
pravo {adj} :: wicked, immoral, depraved
praxeología {f} :: praxeology
praxis {f} :: praxis
prazosina {f} :: prazosin
PRD {prop} {m} :: The Party of the Democratic Revolution, a social democratic party in Mexico
pre- {prefix} :: pre-
pre {m} [obsolete] :: loan
prea {f} :: taking; something taken
preactivación {f} :: preactivation
preacuerdo {m} :: pre-agreement
preadolescencia {f} :: preadolescence
preadolescente {adj} :: preadolescent
preadolescente {mf} :: preadolescent
preagónico {adj} :: preagonic
preagrupamiento {m} :: pre-grouping
preagrupar {v} :: to group together beforehand
prealerta {f} :: standby, yellow alert
prealimentar {v} :: to feedforward
prealpes {mp} :: Prealps
preámbulo {m} :: preamble
preamplificador {m} :: preamplifier
preanalítico {adj} :: preanalytical
preanunciar {v} :: To foreshadow; to preannounce
preanuncio {m} :: pre-announcement
preaprobar {v} :: to preapprove
prear {v} [obsolete] :: to prey
prear {v} [obsolete] :: to rob; to loot
prearmar {v} :: to preinstall
preautonomía {f} :: a preliminary stage towards autonomy
preautonómico {adj} :: preautonomic
preaval {m} :: commitment of guarantee
preavisar {v} :: to forewarn; give advance notice
preaviso {m} :: forewarning, heads-up
preballet {m} :: preballet
prebarroco {adj} :: pre-baroque
prebase {m} :: (make-up) primer
prebásico {adj} :: preschool
prebélico {adj} :: antebellum
prebenda {f} :: prebend, prebendary
prebenda {f} :: sinecure
prebendar {v} :: to award a prebendary
prebendario {adj} [Paraguay] :: prebendary
prebendarismo {m} [Paraguay] :: sinecurism
prebenjamín {adj} [sports] :: Of or pertaining to an age group below that of benjamín (generally around age 7-9 years old)
prebenjamín {m} [sports] :: Someone in the above age-group team
prebiótico {adj} :: prebiotic
prebiótico {m} :: prebiotics
prebostazgo {m} :: provostship
preboste {m} :: provost
precalentamiento {m} [cooking] :: preheating
precalentamiento {m} [exercise] :: warm-up
precalentar {v} [cooking] :: to preheat
precalificación {f} :: prequalifying
precalificar {v} :: to prequalify
precámbrico {adj} :: Precambrian
precampaña {f} :: pre-campaign
precanceroso {adj} [oncology] :: precancerous
precandidata {f} :: feminine noun of precandidato
precandidato {m} :: potential candidate
precandidatura {f} :: potential candidacy
precapitalista {adj} :: precapitalist
precapitalista {mf} :: precapitalist
precargar {v} :: to preload
precariado {m} :: precariat
precariamente {adv} :: precariously
precariedad {f} :: precariousness
precario {adj} :: precarious, uncertain
precario {adj} :: poor
precarista {mf} :: squatter
precarización {f} :: casualization (the increase of precarious work in the labour market)
precarización {f} :: precarization
precarizar {vt} :: to make precarious
precarizar {vt} :: to casualize
precarnavalera {f} :: pre-carnival festivities
precaución {f} :: precaution
precautelar {v} :: to protect, preserve
precautoriamente {adv} :: precautionarily
precautorio {adj} :: precautionary
precaver {vt} :: to prevent
precavidamente {adv} :: cautiously
precavido {adj} :: careful, cautious (knowing to prevent risks)
precedencia {f} :: precedence
precedente {adj} :: previous, preceding, foregoing
precedente {m} :: precedent
precedentemente {adv} :: prior, earlier
preceder {v} :: to precede
precentral {adj} [anatomy] :: precentral
preceptivamente {adv} :: obligatorily; mandatorily
preceptivo {adj} :: obligatory, mandatory
precepto {m} :: precept
preceptor {m} :: preceptor
preceptor {m} :: teacher
preceptora {f} :: feminine noun of preceptor
preceptuar {v} :: to lay down, set (rules)
precerámico {adj} :: preceramic
precesión {f} :: precession
prechequeo {m} :: prior check-in
preciado {adj} :: precious
preciado {adj} :: valuable
preciar {v} :: rare form of apreciar
preciar {vr} :: to pride oneself (on)
preciarse {v} :: to have self-pride; to value oneself
preciarse {v} :: to pride oneself (on)
precintar {v} :: to parcel
precintar {v} :: to seal, to seal off
precinto {m} :: precinct
precio {m} :: price
precio {m} :: worth; cost
preciosamente {adv} :: beautifully
preciosidad {f} :: preciousness, prettiness
preciosidad {f} :: preciosity
preciosidad {f} :: loveliness, gorgeousness; beauty
preciosísimo {adj} :: superlative of precioso
preciosismo {m} :: préciosité (French writing style)
preciosismo {m} [pejorative] :: exaggeratedly dressed up
preciosista {mf} :: writer pertaining to the French style called préciosité
precioso {adj} :: gorgeous
precioso {adj} :: cute
precioso {adj} :: precious
preciosura {f} :: preciousness, prettiness
preciosura {f} :: preciosity
precipicio {m} :: abyss
precipicio {m} :: precipice
precipitación {f} :: precipitation (weather)
precipitadamente {adv} :: precipitously, abruptly
precipitado {adj} :: rash, precipitate (hasty, not careful or considered)
precipitar {v} :: to precipitate
precipitar {vr} :: to rush in, to rush into, to jump the gun
precipitarse {v} :: reflexive of precipitar
precisamente {adv} :: precisely
precisar {v} :: to state, specify
precisar {v} :: to need, to require
precisión {f} :: precision
preciso {adj} :: precise
preciso {adj} :: necessary
precitado {adj} :: aforementioned
preclaro {adj} :: illustrious
preclásico {adj} :: preclassical
preclasificación {f} :: pre-classification
preclasificada {f} [sport] :: seed
preclasificado {m} [sport] :: seed
preclasificatoria {f} :: preliminary round
preclausura {f} :: pre-decommissioning
preclínico {adj} :: preclinical
preclusión {f} [legal] :: estoppel
preclusivo {adj} :: preclusive
precocer {v} :: to parbake (to bake (bread or dough) partially so it can be rapidly frozen for storage)
precocidad {f} :: precociousness
precocinar {v} :: to precook (partially or completely cook in advance)
precognición {f} :: precognition
precolombino {adj} :: pre-Columbian
precolonial {adj} :: precolonial
precompilar {v} :: to precompile
precomprar {v} :: to prebuy
preconcebido {adj} :: preconceived
preconcebir {vt} :: to preconceive, prethink
preconcentrador {adj} :: preconcentrating
preconcentrador {m} :: preconcentrator
preconcepción {f} :: preconception
preconcepcional {adj} :: preconceptional
preconcepto {m} :: preconception
preconcurso {m} :: clipping of preconcurso de acreedores
preconcurso de acreedores {m} [legal] :: The first step in the concurso de acreedores
precondición {f} :: precondition
preconfigurar {v} :: to preconfigure
preconformidad {f} :: preconformity
precongresual {adj} :: pre-congress
preconización {f} :: preconization
preconizar {vt} :: to praise
preconocer {v} :: to predict, to foretell
preconsciente {m} :: preconscious
preconstitucional {adj} :: preconstitutional
preconstituir {vt} :: to preconstitute
precontractual {adj} :: precontractual
precontrato {m} :: precontract
preconvocar {v} [sports] :: to call up as part of a provisional squad
precordillera {f} :: foothills
precordillerana {f} :: feminine noun of precordillerano
precordillerano {m} :: Someone from the precordillera
precoz {adj} :: precocious
precoz {adj} :: early
precozmente {adv} :: prematurely
precréditos {mp} :: pre-credits
precrimen {m} :: precrime
precrisis {adj} :: precrisis
precristiano {adj} :: pre-Christian
precriterio {m} :: prior criterion
precuela {f} :: prequel
precuña {f} [anatomy] :: precuneus
precursor {adj} :: precursory, preceding
precursor {m} :: precursor, forerunner
precursora {f} :: feminine noun of precursor
preda {f} :: obsolete spelling of prea
predación {f} :: predation; depredation
predador {adj} :: predatory
predador {m} :: predator (any animal or other organism that hunts and kills other organisms)
predar {v} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of depredar
predar {v} :: obsolete spelling of prear
predatorio {adj} :: predatory
predecesor {m} :: predecessor
predecesora {f} :: (female) predecessor
predecible {adj} :: predictable
predeciblemente {adv} :: predictably
predecir {v} :: to predict
predefinido {adj} :: predefined
predela {f} [arts] :: predella
predemencia {f} :: predementia
predemocrático {adj} :: prodemocratic
predestinación {f} :: predestination
predestinar {v} :: to predestine
predeterminación {f} :: predetermination
predeterminado {adj} :: predetermined
predeterminar {v} :: to predetermine
prediabetes {f} :: prediabetes
prediabético {adj} :: prediabetic
prediabético {m} :: prediabetic
predial {adj} [attributive] :: real estate; property
prediálisis {f} :: predialysis
prediaria {f} :: feminine noun of prediario
prediario {m} :: convict; prisoner
prédica {f} :: sermon
predicación {f} :: preaching
predicado {m} [grammar] :: predicate
predicado {m} [logic] :: predicate
predicador {adj} :: preaching
predicador {m} :: preacher
predicadora {f} :: female equivalent of predicador
predicamento {m} :: prestige
predicamento {m} [Latin America] :: predicament (difficult situation)
predicar {vt} :: to preach
predicativo {adj} :: predicative
predicativo {m} :: predicative
predicción {f} :: prediction
predictibilidad {f} :: predictability
predictivo {adj} :: predictive
predictor {m} :: predictor, indicator
predigital {adj} :: predigital
predilección {f} :: predilection; fondness
predilecto {adj} :: favorite, preferred
predinástico {adj} :: predynastic
predio {m} :: plot of land
prediseñar {v} :: to predesign
predisponente {adj} :: predisposing
predisponer {v} :: to predispose
predisponer {v} :: to prejudice
predisposición {f} :: predisposition
predistribución {f} :: predistribution
prednisona {f} :: prednisone
predominancia {f} :: prevalence
predominante {adj} :: predominant
predominantemente {adv} :: predominantly
predominar {v} :: to predominate
predominio {m} :: ascendancy; predominance
preeclampsia {f} [pathology] :: preeclampsia
preelaborar {v} :: to preprocess
preelaborar {v} :: to premake, make beforehand
preelectoral {adj} :: preelection
preelectoralismo {m} :: pre-electoralism
preeliminar {adj} [sports] :: preliminary
preembarque {m} :: pre-shipment
preemergencia {f} :: preemergence
preeminencia {f} :: pre-eminence
preeminente {adj} :: preeminent
preeminentemente {adv} :: preeminently
preentrenamiento {m} :: pretraining
preenvasar {v} :: to prepackage
preescolar {adj} :: preschool
preestablecer {v} :: to preestablish
preestatal {adj} :: pre-state
preestrenar {v} [entertainment] :: to preview (prior to general release)
preestreno {m} :: preview, pre-screening
preexistencia {f} :: preexistence
preexistente {adj} :: preexistent
prefabricación {f} :: prefabrication
prefabricado {adj} :: prefabricated
prefacio {m} :: preface
prefación {f} :: preface
prefactibilidad {f} :: pre-feasibility
prefecta {f} :: prefect
prefecto {m} :: prefect
prefectoral {adj} :: alternative form of prefectural
prefectura {f} :: prefecture
prefectural {adj} :: prefectural
preferencia {f} :: preference
preferencia {f} :: bias
preferencial {adj} :: preferential
preferencialmente {adv} :: preferentially
preferente {adj} :: preferential
preferentemente {adv} :: preferentially
preferentista {mf} [finance] :: preferred stockholder
preferible {adj} :: preferable
preferiblemente {adv} :: preferably
preferido {adj} :: preferred, of choice
preferido {adj} :: favorite, popular
preferido {m} :: favorite (e.g. favorite to win)
preferir {v} :: to prefer
preferir {v} :: to rather (be or do)
prefiguración {f} :: prefiguration
prefigurar {v} :: to prefigure, to presage
prefijación {f} :: prefixation
prefijal {adj} [linguistic morphology] :: prefixal
prefijar {v} :: to prearrange
prefijar {v} [linguistics] :: to prefix
prefijo {m} :: prefix
prefijo {m} :: area code
prefijo {adj} :: [of an affix] prefixed
prefloración {f} :: prefloration
prefoliación {f} :: prefoliation
preformar {v} :: to preform
prefrontal {adj} :: prefrontal
pregabalina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: pregabalin
preganglionar {adj} :: preganglionic
pregar {v} [obsolete] :: to fix; to join
pregestacional {adj} :: pregestational
pregnenolona {f} :: pregnenolone
pregón {m} :: proclamation
pregonar {v} :: to proclaim
pregonero {adj} :: divulging
pregonero {adj} :: proclaiming
pregonero {mf} :: auctioneer
pregonero {m} :: town crier
pregrabado {adj} :: prerecorded
pregrado {m} :: undergraduate course
preguerra {f} :: prewar time period
pregunta {f} :: question (sentence that asks for information)
preguntador {adj} :: inquisitive, nosy, questioning (asking a lot of questions)
preguntar {v} :: to ask
preguntar {vr} :: to wonder, to ask oneself
pregunta retórica {f} :: rhetorical question
preguntarse {v} :: to wonder; to ask oneself
preguntita {f} :: diminutive of pregunta
preguntón {adj} :: inquisitive, nosy, questioning (asking a lot of questions)
pregustar {v} :: To eat a meal, generally before an important person, in order to check if it's poisoned
prehispánico {adj} :: prehispanic
prehistoria {f} :: prehistory
prehistoriador {m} :: prehistorian
prehistoriadora {f} :: feminine noun of prehistoriador
prehistórico {adj} :: prehistoric
prehnita {f} [mineral] :: prehnite
prehospitalario {adj} :: prehospital
preimagen {f} :: preimage
preimplantacional {adj} :: preimplantational
preimpresión {f} :: preprint
preimpreso {adj} :: preprinted
preinauguración {f} :: pre-inauguration
preincaico {adj} :: pre-Incan
preindoeuropeo {adj} :: pre-Indo-European
preindustria {f} :: preindustrial age
preindustrial {adj} :: preindustrial
preinfarto {m} :: pre-heart attack
preinforme {m} :: preliminary report
preinkaico {adj} :: alternative spelling of preincaico
preinscribir {v} :: to preregister
preinscripción {f} :: preregistration
preinscrito {adj} :: joined beforehand
preinspección {f} :: pre-inspection
preinstalación {f} :: preinstallation
preinstalar {v} :: to preinstall
preinternet {adj} :: pre-internet
preinversión {f} :: preinvestment
preislámico {adj} :: Pre-Islamic
prejubilación {f} :: early retirement
prejubilado {m} :: Pre-retired person
prejubilar {v} :: to retire early; take early retirement
prejudicial {adj} :: prior to the administration of justice
prejudicialidad {f} :: prejudicialness
prejuiciado {adj} :: prejudiced
prejuicio {m} :: prejudice
prejuicioso {adj} :: prejudiced, biased
prejuvenil {adj} :: in an age group prior to the juvenil (age depends on the country)
prejuzgamiento {m} :: prejudgment
prejuzgar {vt} :: to prejudge
prekinder {m} :: prekindergarten
prelacía {f} :: synonym of prelatura
prelación {f} :: precedence, priority
prelada {f} :: prelatess
prelado {m} :: prelate
prelanzamiento {m} :: prelaunch
prelaticio {adj} [attributive] :: prelate
prelatura {f} :: prelacy
prelegislativo {adj} :: prelegislative
preliberación {f} :: preliberation
preliminar {adj} :: preliminary, introductory
preliminares {mp} :: foreplay
preliminarmente {adv} :: preliminarily
preliquidación {f} :: pre-liquidation
prelista {f} :: shortlist
prelitoral {m} :: coast, coastal area
preludiar {v} :: to herald, prelude
preludio {m} [music] :: prelude
preludio {m} :: introduction
premaligno {adj} :: premalignant
premática {f} [legal, obsolete] :: A law emanating from a competent Spanish authority, but technically differing from a royal decree or command in the formalities of its publication
prematrícula {f} :: preregistration
prematrimonial {adj} :: premarital
prematuramente {adv} :: prematurely
prematuridad {f} :: prematurity
prematuro {adj} :: premature, early
premaxilar {m} :: premaxilla
premedicación {f} :: premedication
premeditación {f} :: premeditation
premeditadamente {adv} :: purposely
premeditar {vt} :: to plan
premenopáusico {adj} :: premenopausal
premenstrual {adj} :: premenstrual
premetro {m} [Argentina] :: The light rail line in Buenos Aires that connects to the main underground network
premezcla {f} :: premix
premia {f} [obsolete] :: urgency
premiación {f} :: award ceremony
premiado {adj} :: award-winning, prizewinning, awarded
premiar {v} :: to award (give a prize)
premiar {vt} [obsolete] :: to hurry, to rush
premier {mf} :: premier (head of government)
premiere {f} :: premiere
premilitar {adj} :: pre-military (service)
premio {m} :: prize, award (honour or reward)
premio {m} :: prize (that which may be won)
premio {m} :: premium (bonus paid in addition to normal payments)
premio de consuelo {m} :: consolation prize
premio nobel {mf} :: Nobel Prize winner
Premio Nobel {m} :: Nobel Prize
premioso {adj} :: slow; clumsy
premioso {adj} :: unskilled at writing or speaking
premioso {adj} :: laboured
premioso {adj} :: annoying
premioso {adj} :: tight (clothes)
premisa {f} [logic] :: premise
premium {adj} :: premium
premoderno {adj} :: premodern
premolar {adj} :: premolar
premonición {f} :: premonition
premonitor {m} :: foreshock
premonitor {m} :: premonition, forewarning
premonitoriamente {adv} :: warningly
premonitorio {adj} :: premonitory
premonstratense {adj} :: Premonstratensian
premonstratense {mf} :: Premonstratensian
premontano {adj} :: premontane
premontañoso {adj} :: pre-mountainous
premorir {v} :: to predecease (to die sooner than)
premortem {m} :: premortem
premostrar {v} :: to show beforehand; to guide, direct
premostrar {v} :: to predict, presage, prognosticate
premundial {m} [soccer] :: World Cup qualifying round
premundialista {adj} [sports, attributive] :: Qualifying for the World Cup
premura {f} :: urgency, hurry
preñado {adj} :: pregnant
preñar {vt} :: to impregnate, make pregnant
prenasalizar {v} :: to prenasalize
prenatal {adj} :: prenatal
prenatalmente {adv} :: prenatally
prenavideño {adj} :: before Christmas
prencipal {adj} :: obsolete spelling of principal
prenda {f} [finance] :: collateral, security (security or guarantee pledged for the repayment of a loan)
prenda {f} :: garment (single item of clothing)
prenda {f} [Venezuela] :: jewel (precious or semi-precious stone)
prendar {v} :: to charm
prendedor {m} :: button (a badge worn on clothes)
prendedor {m} :: barrette
prender {v} :: to catch, to arrest
prender {v} :: to take, to pick up
prender {v} :: to light, to ignite
prender {v} :: to turn on (light, machine etc.)
prender fuego {v} :: to set fire
prendero {m} :: second-hand dealer (especially of second-hand clothes)
prendido {adj} :: turned on, switched on
prendimiento {m} :: arrest (of Jesus)
preñez {f} :: pregnancy
prenilación {f} :: prenylation
prenombre {m} :: praenomen
prenómina {f} :: preliminary squad
prensa {f} :: press (machine or exercise)
prensa {f} :: press (print-based media)
prensa amarilla {f} :: the gutter press
prensaje {m} :: recording (of music)
prensapapas {m} :: potato press
prensar {v} :: to press
prensa rosa {f} :: tabloid press; the tabs; the tabloids
prensil {adj} :: prehensile
prensión {f} :: grip, grasp
prenupcial {adj} :: prenuptial
preocupación {f} :: worry
preocupación {f} :: preoccupation
preocupación {f} :: anxiety
preocupadísimo {adj} :: superlative of preocupado
preocupado {adj} :: worried, concerned
preocupante {adj} :: worrying
preocupar {vt} :: to worry, to concern, to trouble, to be worrisome to, to preoccupy
preocupar {vr} :: to fret, to worry about/over, to be worried about/over, to be concerned about/over, to be troubled about/over, to care about (+ por usually, + de occasionally)
preocuparse {v} :: to worry or get worried
preolímpico {adj} :: pre-Olympic
preolímpico {m} [sports] :: qualifying stage for the Olympic Games
preón {m} :: preon
preoperacional {adj} :: preoperational
preoperatividad {f} :: State of being preoperative
preoperatorio {adj} [surgery] :: preoperative
preopérculo {m} :: preoperculum
preopinante {adj} :: Having previously expressed their opinion
preopinante {mf} :: One that previously expressed their opinion
preóptico {adj} :: preoptic
preorbital {adj} :: preorbital
preorden {m} :: preorder
preordenar {v} :: to preorder
prepa {f} [Mexico] :: high school
prepagar {v} :: to prepay
prepago {adj} :: prepaid
preparación {f} :: preparation
preparadísimo {adj} :: superlative of preparado
preparado {adj} :: prepared
preparado {adj} :: qualified, well-qualified
preparado {m} :: preparation
preparador {m} :: preparer, one who prepares
preparadora {f} :: feminine noun of preparador
preparar {v} :: to prepare
prepararse {v} :: reflexive of preparar, to prepare oneself
preparativo {adj} :: preparative, preparatory
preparatoria {f} [Mexico] :: high school
preparatoriamente {adv} :: preparatorily
preparatorio {adj} :: preparatory, introductory
preparto {adj} :: pre-birthing
prepesaje {m} :: weigh-in
prepintar {v} :: To pre-paint
prepirenaico {adj} :: Of or from the Pre-Pyrenees
prepirineo {m} :: Pyrenean foothills
prepizza {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, cooking] :: pizza base, consisting of dough and sauce and only lightly cooked
preponderancia {f} :: preponderance
preponderancia {f} :: superiority
preponderante {adj} :: predominant, prevailing
preponderantemente {adv} :: prominently
preponderantemente {adv} :: predominantly
preponderar {vi} :: to predominate, to dominate, to prevail
preposición {f} :: preposition
preposicional {adj} :: prepositional
prepósito {m} :: superior (religious leader)
prepóstero {adj} :: back-to-front
prepostulado {m} [politics, rare] :: pre-nomination
prepotencia {f} :: arrogance
prepotencia {f} :: absolute power; high power
prepotente {adj} :: overbearing, arrogant
preprimaria {f} :: preschool
preprocesador {m} :: preprocessor
preprocesamiento {m} :: preprocessing
preproducción {f} :: preproduction
preprofesional {adj} :: preprofessional
preproyecto {m} :: preliminary project
prepúber {adj} :: prepubescent
prepublicación {f} :: prepublication
prepucial {adj} [anatomy] :: preputial
prepucio {m} [anatomy] :: prepuce, foreskin
prequemador {m} [rocket science] :: preburner
preregistro {m} :: pre-registration
prerrafaelismo {m} :: preraphaelism
prerrafaelista {adj} :: Pre-Raphaelite
prerrafaelista {mf} :: Pre-Raphaelite
prerrafaelita {adj} :: pre-Rafael
prerramirense {adj} :: Before the reign of King Ramiro I of Asturias
prerrenal {adj} :: prerenal
prerrequisito {m} :: prerequisite
prerrevolucionario {adj} :: prerevolutionary
prerrogativa {f} :: prerogative
prerrománico {adj} :: pre-Romanesque
prerromano {adj} :: pre-Roman
prerromántico {adj} :: preromantic
pres {m} :: press (exercise)
presa {f} :: reservoir, dam
presa {f} :: piece of meat
presa {f} :: portion or piece of food
presa {f} :: feminine noun of preso, female prisoner
presa {f} :: capture
presa {f} :: prey
presa {f} :: stolen good
presa {f} :: sluice (artificial passage of water)
presa {f} :: weir
presa de hielo {f} :: ice dam
presagiar {v} :: to presage
presagio {m} :: premonition sign
presbiacusia {f} [pathology] :: presbycusis
presbicia {f} [medicine] :: presbyopia
presbiterado {m} :: presbyterate
presbiteral {adj} :: presbyteral
presbiterial {adj} :: presbyterial
presbiterianismo {m} :: Presbyterianism
presbiteriano {adj} :: Presbyterian (relating to the Presbyterian Church)
presbiteriano {m} :: Presbyterian (a member of the Presbyterian Church)
presbiterio {m} :: presbytery
presbiterio {m} :: chancel
presbítero {m} :: presbyter
presciencia {f} :: prescience
prescindencia {f} :: going without
prescindible {adj} :: expendable; dispensable
prescindir {v} :: to do without
prescribir {v} [medical] :: to prescribe
prescribir {v} [legal] :: to prescribe
prescripción {f} :: prescription
prescriptivo {adj} :: prescriptive
prescriptor {m} :: prescriber
prescrito {adj} :: unprosecutable (outside the statute of limitations)
presea {f} :: gem
presecuencia {f} :: presequence
presedimentador {m} :: presedimentation
preselección {f} [sports] :: provisional squad for the national team
preseleccionar {v} :: To preselect
presencia {f} :: presence
presencia {f} :: appearance, look
presencial {adj} :: in-person, on-site
presencial {adj} [of a course] :: attendance-based
presencial {adj} :: witnessing
presencialismo {m} :: presenteeism
presencialmente {adv} :: presentially
presenciar {v} :: to witness
presenil {adj} :: presenile
presenilina {f} [biochemistry] :: presenilin
presentable {adj} :: presentable
presentación {f} :: presentation
presentación {f} :: submission
presentado {adj} :: presented
presentado {adj} :: submitted
presentado {adj} :: filed, lodged
presentado {adj} :: tabled (e.g., a resolution or amendment)
presentador {m} :: presenter
presentador {m} :: host, hostess, master of ceremonies [for a performance etc.]
presentadora {f} :: feminine noun of presentador; female presenter
presentar {v} :: to present, to submit
presentar {v} :: to introduce (someone)
presentar {v} [law] :: to file (a lawsuit), to lodge (an appeal, a complaint)
presentar {v} [government] :: to table (e.g., a resolution, an amendment)
presente {adj} :: present
presente {adj} [formal] :: this
presente {m} [grammar] :: present
presente {m} :: present
presente de subjuntivo {m} [grammar] :: present subjunctive
presentencia {adj} :: presentence
presentimiento {m} :: presentiment
presentimiento {m} :: gut feeling, hunch
presentimiento {m} :: premonition
presentir {v} :: to have a feeling, have an idea
presentismo {m} :: presentism
preserie {f} :: preseries
preservación {f} :: preservation
preservado {adj} :: preserved
preservador {m} :: preserver
preservante {m} :: preservative (any agent that acts to preserve, especially food)
preservar {vt} :: to preserve
preservar {vp} :: to be preserved
preservarse {v} :: reflexive of preservar
preservativamente {adv} :: preservatively
preservativo {adj} :: preservative
preservativo {m} :: condom
presi {mf} :: prez (president)
presidencia {f} :: presidency
presidenciable {mf} :: possible presidential candidate
presidencial {adj} :: presidential
presidencialismo {m} :: A presidential government
presidencialista {adj} :: presidential
presidencialización {f} :: presidentialization
president {m} :: president of Catalonia
presidenta {f} :: feminine noun of presidente
presidente {mf} :: president
presidentito {m} :: diminutive of presidente
presidiario {m} :: convict
presidio {m} :: jail
presidio {m} [historical] :: garrison, presidio
presidir {vt} :: to preside
presilla {f} :: diminutive of presa
presilladora {f} [chiefly Cuba] :: stapler
presináptico {adj} :: presynaptic
presión {f} :: pressure
presión absoluta {f} [physics, meteorology] :: absolute pressure
presionadora {f} :: pestle, plunger
presionar {v} :: to pressure
presionar {v} :: to push, to press, to hit, to press down (e.g. a button, key, pen)
presionar {v} :: to pressurize to press on (e.g. press on a wound)
presionar {v} :: to urge, to push, to dragoon
presionar {v} :: to lobby
presionar {vr} :: to be pressed
presión arterial {f} [medicine] :: blood pressure
presión atmosférica {f} [physics, meteorology] :: atmospheric pressure (or air pressure, or barometric pressure)
presión barométrica {f} [physics, meteorology] :: synonym of presión atmosférica
presión manométrica {f} [physics, meteorology] :: gauge pressure (or relative pressure)
presión negativa {f} [physics, meteorology] :: negative pressure
presión osmótica {f} :: osmotic pressure
presión relativa {f} [physics, meteorology] :: synonym of presión manométrica
preso {adj} :: imprisoned
preso {m} :: prisoner
presocialista {adj} :: presocialist
presocrático {adj} :: pre-Socratic
presolar {adj} :: presolar
presolicitar {v} :: to go through the first stage of application
presolicitud {f} :: early stage of application
presoviético {adj} :: pro-Soviet
press {m} :: press (exercise)
prestación {f} :: service
prestación {f} :: perk, benefit
prestación {f} :: performance
prestación {f} [finance] :: loan, lending
prestacional {adj} [attributive] :: loaning
prestado {adj} :: lent
prestador {adj} :: lending
prestador {m} :: lender
prestamente {adv} :: promptly
prestamismo {m} :: loaning
prestamista {mf} :: moneylender
prestamista {mf} :: usurer, loan shark (someone lending money at exorbitant rates of interest)
préstamo {m} :: loan
préstamo {m} [linguistics] :: loanword, foreign word, borrowing
prestancia {f} :: excellence, distinction, superiority
prestanombre {m} :: A person or non-entity whose name is put on a legal document
prestante {adj} :: leading
prestar {vt} :: to give, pay (e.g., attention)
prestar {vt} :: to lend
prestar {vrt} :: to have a natural inclination, a natural tendency
prestar {vt} :: to take
prestar atención {v} [idiom] :: To pay attention; take notice
prestataria {f} :: feminine noun of prestatario
prestatario {adj} :: borrowing
prestatario {m} :: borrower
preste {m} [historical, obsolete] :: priest
presteza {f} :: alacrity; promptness
prestidigitación {f} :: prestidigitation, sleight of hand, legerdemain (manual dexterity in the execution of tricks)
prestidigitación {f} [figuratively] :: sleight of hand, legerdemain
prestidigitador {m} :: prestidigitator
prestidigitadora {f} :: feminine noun of prestidigitador
prestigiado {adj} :: prestigious
prestigiar {v} :: to honor, to make famous (to contribute to one's prestige)
prestigio {m} :: prestige, standing, (good) reputation, good name, face, kudos
prestigio {m} :: cachet
prestigioso {adj} :: prestigious, distinguished, famous, eminent
prestimonio {m} :: prestimony
prestísimamente {adv} :: superlative of prestamente
presto {adj} :: quick, swift, prompt
presto {adj} :: ready, prepared
presto {adv} :: immediately, promptly
presto {adv} [music] :: presto
presto {adv} :: right away, at once
presumario {m} [legal] :: preliminary process
presumible {adj} :: presumable
presumiblemente {adv} :: presumably
presumido {adj} :: arrogant, conceited
presumido {m} :: show-off
presumir {vi} :: to boast, show off
presumir {vt} :: to presume
presunción {f} :: presumption
presunción {f} :: conceit, presumptuousness, vanity
presunción {f} :: suspicion
presunción de inocencia {m} [legal] :: presumption of innocence
presuntamente {adv} :: presumably
presuntivamente {adv} :: presumptively
presuntivo {adj} :: presumptive
presunto {adj} :: presumed, assumed
presunto {adj} :: alleged
presuntuosamente {adv} :: presumptuously, conceitedly
presuntuoso {adj} :: presumptuous
presuntuoso {adj} :: impertinent
presuponer {v} :: to budget
presuponer {v} :: to presuppose
presuposición {f} :: presupposition
presupuestación {f} :: budgeting
presupuestal {adj} :: budgetary
presupuestalmente {adv} :: budgetarily; when it comes to the budget; budget-wise
presupuestar {v} :: to budget
presupuestariamente {adv} :: budgetarily
presupuestario {adj} :: budgetary
presupuesto {adj} :: estimated
presupuesto {m} :: budget
presupuesto {m} :: estimate
presupuesto {m} :: reason, motive
presura {f} :: worry
presura {f} :: speed
presura {f} :: persistence
presura {f} :: zeal, enthusiasm
presurización {f} :: pressurization
presurizar {v} :: to pressurize
presurosamente {adv} :: quickly, hastily
presuroso {adj} :: hurried, hasty
pretal {m} [horse tack] :: breastplate
pretalayótico {adj} :: pre-Talaiotic
pretemporada {f} :: preseason
pretención {f} [Venezuela] :: pretentiousness
pretenciosidad {f} :: pretentiousness
pretencioso {adj} :: pretentious
pretender {v} :: to pretend (claim, allege)
pretender {v} :: to intend, to aim (for/to)
pretender {v} :: to woo, to court
pretendidamente {adv} :: supposedly
pretendiente {adj} :: aspiring
pretendiente {mf} :: applicant
pretendiente {mf} :: suitor, wooer
pretendiente {mf} :: pretender (claimant to a throne)
pretensar {v} :: to prestress
pretensión {f} :: claim
pretensor {m} :: pretensioner
preterición {f} [rhetoric] :: preterition
preterición {f} [law] :: preterition
preterir {v} :: to leave out, to omit
pretérito {adj} :: Of things that have passed or occurred ongoing at some point in the past
pretérito {adj} [grammar] :: Of the preterite verb tense
pretérito {m} [grammar] :: The preterite tense
pretérito anterior {m} [grammar] :: past anterior tense
pretérito imperfecto {m} [grammar] :: past imperfect tense
pretérito indefinido {m} [grammar] :: indefinite preterite tense (simple past)
pretérito perfecto {m} [grammar] :: present perfect tense
pretérito pluscuamperfecto {m} [grammar] :: pluperfect tense
pretérmino {adj} :: preterm
pretermitir {v} :: to pretermit
preternatural {adj} :: preternatural
preternaturalmente {adv} :: preternaturally
pretextar {v} :: to give as a pretext
pretexto {m} :: pretext
pretibial {adj} :: pretibial
pretil {m} [construction] :: parapet
pretil {m} :: handrail
pretina {f} :: waistband
pretor {m} [law] :: magistrate
pretor {m} [law, historical] :: praetor
Pretoria {prop} :: Pretoria (administrative capital)
pretoriano {adj} :: Praetorian
pretorio {adj} :: praetorian
pretratamiento {m} :: pretreatment
pretroncal {adj} [of roads] :: subsidiary
pretroncal {f} :: B road
pretura {f} :: praetorship
preuniversitario {adj} :: pre-university
prevalecer {v} :: to prevail
prevaleciente {adj} :: prevailing, dominant
prevalencia {f} :: prevalence
prevalente {adj} :: prevalent
prevalentemente {adv} :: prevalently, prevailingly
prevaler {v} :: synonym of prevalecer
prevaricación {f} :: prevarication
prevaricador {adj} :: prevaricating
prevaricar {v} :: to prevaricate
prevaricar {v} [law] :: to commit perjury
prevaricar {v} :: to fall short performing, or to neglect, one's duties
prevaricar {v} [colloquial] :: to go mad
prevaricato {m} :: alternative spelling of prevaricación
prevención {f} :: prevention
prevenible {adj} :: preventable
prevenir {v} :: to prevent, to forestall, to preempt, to ward off, to stave off
prevenir {v} :: to avert (e.g. a disease, an accident, a disaster, danger)
prevenir {v} :: to forewarn, warn
prevenir {v} :: to anticipate
prevenir {v} [Mexico] :: to prepare
preventa {m} :: presale
preventivamente {adv} :: preventively, preemptively
preventivo {adj} :: preventive, preemptive
preventorio {m} :: preventorium
prever {v} :: to foresee
prever {v} :: to envisage
preverbal {adj} :: preverbal
prevesical {adj} [anatomy] :: prevesical
previamente {adv} :: previously
previo {adj} :: previous
previo {adj} :: prelim, preliminary
previrreinal {adj} :: pre-viceroy
previsibilidad {f} :: predictability
previsible {adj} :: foreseeable, predictable; falling within normal expectation
previsiblemente {adv} :: provisionally
previsión {f} :: prevision
previsión {f} :: precaution
previsional {adj} :: forecast, projected
previsionar {v} :: to prevision
previsivo {adj} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: synonym of previsor
previsor {adj} :: visionary (having foresight)
previsoramente {adv} :: prudently
previsto {adj} :: expected, predicted
previsualización {f} :: previsualization
previsualizar {v} :: to preview
prez {mf} :: honour
prezigapófisis {f} :: prezygapophysis
PRI {prop} {m} :: initialism of Partido Revolucionario Institucional
priapismo {m} [medicine] :: priapism
Príapo {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Priapus (god of procreation)
priato {m} :: The time when the Institutional Revolutionary Party held power in Mexico, from 1929 to 2000
Priene {prop} {f} :: Priene
priesa {f} :: obsolete spelling of prisa
prieta {f} :: blood sausage
prietita {mf} :: A supporter of Manuel García Prieto
prieto {adj} :: dark, swarthy. Used to describe both people and landscapes
prieto {adj} [Louisiana] :: black
Prieto {prop} {m} :: surname
priismo {m} :: The ideologies of, or support for, the Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party
priista {adj} [politics] :: Of or relating to the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico
priista {mf} [politics] :: A supporter or member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico
prima {f} :: feminine noun of primo
prima {f} :: bonus
prima {f} :: premium (amount to be paid for an insurance policy)
primacia {f} :: primacy
primacía {f} :: primacy; supremacy
primacial {adj} :: of or pertaining to primacy
prima cuarta {f} :: fourth cousin (female)
primada {f} [colloquial] :: Typically action of a dope; gullibility
prima hermana {f} :: first cousin (female)
primalidad {f} :: primality
prima quinta {f} :: fifth cousin (female)
primar {v} :: to predominate
primar {v} :: to give priority
primariamente {adv} :: primarily, chiefly, mainly
primarias {fp} [politics] :: first round of elections
primario {adj} :: first
primario {adj} :: primary, main
primario {adj} :: primordial
primasa {f} [enzyme] :: primase
prima segunda {f} :: second cousin (female)
primastra {f} :: feminine noun of primastro; stepcousin
primastro {m} :: stepcousin
primate {m} :: primate (animal)
prima tercera {f} :: third cousin (female)
primatóloga {f} :: feminine noun of primatólogo
primatología {f} :: primatology
primatólogo {m} :: primatologist
primavera {f} :: spring (season)
primavera {mf} :: simple soul; simple creature; simple sod
Primavera Árabe {prop} {f} [geopolitics] :: Arab Spring (2010 pro-democracy movement in Arab countries)
primavera bosquera {f} :: white-throated thrush (Turdus assimilis)
primaveral {adj} :: spring (attributive)
primazo {m} [Mexico] :: A nickname of Alfredo Del Mazo Mazo
primera {f} :: lowest gear in an motor vehicle
primera {f} :: first class
primera dama {f} :: first lady
Primera Guerra Mundial {prop} {f} :: First World War; World War I
primera instancia {f} :: low-level or district court
primeramente {adv} :: firstly
primera ministra {f} :: female equivalent of primer ministro
primer amor {m} :: first love
primera persona {f} :: first person
primera posición {f} [motor racing] :: pole position
primerísimo {adj} :: superlative of primero
primerísimo plano {m} [photography] :: close-up
primerito {adj} :: diminutive of primero
primeriza {f} :: feminine noun of primerizo
primerizo {m} :: first timer, newbie
primer ministro {m} :: prime minister
primer mundo {m} :: First World (wealthy, developed nations)
primero {m} :: former (in contrast to the latter), first, first one
primero {m} :: one of the five bids in the card game of Primero, consisting of a combination of four cards in the hand
primero {adj} :: first, first up
primero {adj} :: top (head)
primero {adj} :: chief, fundamental
primero {adj} :: prime, initial, front
primero {adv} :: first, first of all, firstly
primero espada {m} [bullfighting] :: leading matador
primero espada {m} [idiom] :: big cheese, bigwig
primer oficial {m} [nautical] :: first mate
primeros auxilios {mp} [medicine] :: first aid
primer plano {m} [cinematography, photography] :: foreground
primer plano {m} [photography] :: close-up
primer plano {m} [figuratively] :: forefront
primicia {f} :: scoop; exclusive (news reported before anyone else)
primicia {f} :: firstfruit
primicial {adj} [attributive] :: firstfruits
primicialmente {adv} :: exclusively
primigeniamente {adv} :: primitively
primigenio {adj} :: primitive, original
primigesta {adj} :: primigravid
primigesta {f} :: primigravida
primilla {f} :: diminutive of prima
primípara {f} :: primipara
primita {f} :: diminutive of prima
primitiva {f} :: feminine noun of primitivo
primitiva {f} [Spain] :: The Lotería Primitiva de España, a bi-weekly national lottery
primitivamente {adv} :: primitively (in a primitive manner)
primitivismo {m} :: primitivism
primitivista {adj} :: primitivistic
primitivista {mf} :: primitivist
primitivo {adj} :: primitive
primitivo {adj} :: original, initial, basic
primito {m} :: diminutive of primo
primo {m} :: cousin (of male or unspecified gender)
primo {adj} :: first
primo {adj} [mathematics] :: prime
primo {m} [mathematics] :: prime number
primo {m} [colloquial] :: sucker, gullible person
primo cuarto {m} :: fourth cousin
primogénito {adj} :: firstborn
primogénito {m} :: firstborn
primogenitura {f} :: primogeniture
primo hermano {m} :: first cousin (male)
primo quinto {m} :: fifth cousin
primor {m} :: skill, care
primor {m} :: lovely thing, gem
primordial {adj} :: primordial
primordialmente {adv} :: primordially, primevally
primordio {m} :: promordium
primorosamente {adv} :: elegantly, skillfully
primoroso {adj} :: prime, excellent, ace (First in excellence, quality, or value)
primorriverista {adj} :: of or pertaining to Miguel Primo de Rivera, ruler of Spain 1923-1930
primorriverista {mf} :: A supporter of Miguel Primo de Rivera
primo segundo {m} :: second cousin
primo tercero {m} :: third cousin
princesa {f} :: princess
princesita {f} :: diminutive of princesa
principado {m} :: principality
principal {adj} :: main, most important
principal {adj} :: essential
principal {m} :: chief, boss
principalidad {f} :: principalness
principalidad {f} :: principality
principalísimamente {adv} :: superlative of principalmente
principalísimo {adj} :: superlative of principal
principalización {f} [especially, Ecuador] :: making main or principal
principalizar {v} :: to make main
principalmente {adv} :: mainly
principalmente {adv} :: principally
príncipe {m} :: prince
príncipe {m} :: sovereign, ruler
príncipe {adj} :: first (edition of a publication)
príncipe azul {m} [idiomatic] :: Prince Charming
príncipe de las tinieblas {m} :: Prince of Darkness
principeduardina {f} :: feminine noun of principeduardino
principeduardino {adj} :: Prince Edward Islander (of or pertaining to Prince Edward Island)
principeduardino {m} :: Prince Edward Islander (native or resident of Prince Edward Island)
principesco {adj} :: princely
principiante {mf} :: novice (beginner)
principiar {v} :: to begin
principio {m} :: beginning, start, outset, get-go
principio {m} :: cause, origin
principio {m} :: principle
principio activo {m} :: active ingredient
principio de no agresión {m} [ethics, philosphy] :: non-aggression principle
principista {adj} :: principled
principito {m} :: diminutive of príncipe (minor or unimportant prince)
pringá {f} :: pringá
pringado {adj} :: dirty, filthy
pringado {adj} :: stuck with
pringado {adj} :: involved
pringado {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: loser, sucker, doormat (a person who is easily deceived, tricked or persuaded to do something; a naive person; a person who has the worst jobs at work)
pringado {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: poor thing, poor thing wretch, victim (an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance.)
pringado {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: fool, idiot
pringao {adj} :: pronunciation spelling of pringado
pringao {m} :: pronunciation spelling of pringado
pringar {vt} :: to drench, dip, or coat in grease or fat
pringar {vt} :: to squeeze a greasy food with bread, as a method of preparing it
pringar {vt} :: to carry out pringue, wherein someone is punished by having boiling grease thrown at them
pringar {vt} [colloquial] :: to denigrate or slander
pringar {vt} [colloquial] :: to place someone in an illegal or unethical position
pringar {vt} [Mexico] :: to splash
pringar {vt} [Nicaragua] :: to splatter clothes with water, as a way to iron them
pringar {vi} [impersonal, Mexico, El Salvador] :: to drizzle (to produce a light rain or mist)
pringar {vi} [colloquial] :: to work hard, especially in tough conditions for little benefit
pringarla {v} [colloquial] :: to croak, snuff it (die)
pringarla {v} [idiom] :: to screw up; mess up (a plan)
pringoso {adj} :: greasy, sticky
pringue {mf} :: fat; grease (especially from meat)
pringue {mf} :: grease, grime, gunk, goo
pringue {mf} :: a punishment consisting of throwing boiling grease at someone
prinia {f} :: prinia
printear {v} :: to print
prion {m} :: prion
priónico {adj} :: prionic
prior {m} :: prior (a high-ranking member of a monastery)
priora {f} :: feminine noun of prior; prioress
prioral {adj} :: priorial
priorato {m} :: priory
priorato {m} :: priorate
priori {particle} :: only used in a priori
prioridad {f} :: priority
prioridad {f} [road transport] :: right of way
prioritariamente {adv} :: In order of priority
prioritario {adj} :: priority
priorización {f} :: prioritization
priorizadamente {adv} :: preferably; with priority
priorizar {v} :: to prioritize (give something high priority)
Prípiat {prop} :: Pripyat
prisa {f} :: hurry, rush, urgency
priscilianista {mf} :: Priscillianist
prisión {f} :: prison (a place or institution of confinement, especially of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes or otherwise considered undesirable by the government)
prisionera {f} :: (female) prisoner
prisionera de guerra {f} :: feminine noun of prisionero de guerra
prisionero {m} :: prisoner
prisionero de guerra {m} :: prisoner of war
prisma {m} [geometry] :: prism (a polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape)
prisma {m} :: prism (a transparent block used to split or reflect light)
prisma {m} :: viewpoint, point of view, standpoint
prismático {adj} :: prismatic
prismáticos {mp} :: binoculars
prismatoide {m} [geometry] :: prismatoid
Pristina {prop} {f} :: Pristina (capital city)
Pristina {prop} {f} :: Pristina (district)
prístino {adj} :: pristine (unspoiled, uncorrupted or unsullied)
priva {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: booze; drink
privacidad {f} :: privacy
privación {f} [also in the plural] :: deprivation, privation, hardship
privada {f} [Mexico] :: cul-de-sac
privadamente {adv} :: privately
privadísimo {adj} :: superlative of privado
privado {adj} :: private, privy (e.g. a privy council)
privado {adj} :: deprived, deprived of, denied, bereft (usually followed by de)
privado {adj} :: unlisted (e.g. phone number)
privanza {f} :: favourite
privar {vt} :: to deprive
privar {vt} :: to prohibit
privar {vt} :: to refrain from doing something
privar {vr} [privarse] :: to do without
privar {vi} :: to be in vogue
privar {vi} [colloquial] :: to enjoy immensely (gustar-like)
privar {vr} [Latin America] :: to pass out, fall unconscious
privatista {mf} :: privatist
privativamente {adv} :: solely, privatively
privativo {adj} :: exclusive, singular, restricted to
privatizable {adj} :: privatizable
privatización {f} :: privatization
privatizador {adj} :: privatization (attributive)
privatizar {vt} :: to privatize (release government control to private industry)
privilegiado {adj} :: privileged
privilegiar {v} :: to favor
privilegio {m} :: privilege
PRM {prop} {m} :: initialism of Partido de la Revolución Mexicana
PRM {prop} {m} :: initialism of Partido Revolucionario Moderno
pro- {prefix} :: pro-
pro {prep} :: pro, in favor of, for
pro {mf} :: pro (professional)
pro {adj} :: pro (professional)
proa {f} [nautical] :: bow, prow (front of a boat or ship)
proactivamente {adv} :: proactively
proactividad {f} :: proactiveness
proactivo {adj} :: proactive
proalemán {adj} :: pro-German; German-friendly
proamericano {adj} :: Pro-American
proamnistía {adj} :: pro-amnesty
probabilidad {f} :: probability
probabilidad {f} :: likelihood
probabilidad {f} :: chance
probabilista {mf} :: probabilist
probabilísticamente {adv} :: probabilistically
probabilístico {adj} :: probabilistic
probable {adj} :: probable, likely
probable {adj} :: provable
probablemente {adv} :: probably, likely
probación {f} :: trial
probación {f} :: a kind of exam in order to become a monk
probadamente {adv} :: provably
probadita {f} :: diminutive of prueba
probado {adj} :: proven, tried
probador {m} :: fitting room
probador {m} :: tester
probadora {f} :: feminine noun of probador
probadura {f} :: trial
probadura {f} :: tasting, sampling
probanza {f} :: proof, evidence
probar {v} :: to prove
probar {v} :: to test, to demonstrate
probar {v} :: to taste
probar {v} :: to try, to try out, to sample, to test out, to give a go, to have a go
probar {v} :: to check out, to probe
probar {v} :: to suit
probar {v} :: to try out (for a team)
probar {vr} [with clothes, etc.] :: to try on, see if it fits
probar {vr} :: to prove oneself
probar {vr} :: to be tested, to be proved, to be proven
probar bocado {v} [idiomatic] :: to have a bite (try some food)
probarse {v} :: reflexive of probar, to try on (clothing)
probar suerte {v} [idiomatic] :: to try one's luck, have a go
probatorio {adj} :: probative
probatura {f} :: test
probeta {f} :: test tube
probidad {f} :: probity
probiótico {adj} [bacteriology] :: probiotic
problema {m} :: problem, issue, challenge, matter, concern, business, difficulty, snag (a difficulty or obstacle that has to be dealt with)
problema {m} :: trouble [singular or plural]
problema {m} :: question, dilemma, conundrum
problema {m} :: condition (illness)
problema {m} :: hot water [plural]
problemática {f} :: Group of problems of a certain science or topic
problemático {adj} :: problematic, problem, troublesome, troubled, problematical
problematización {f} :: problematization
problematizar {vt} :: to make something problematic; to problematize
problemilla {m} :: diminutive of problema; a small problem
problemita {m} :: diminutive of problema, a small problem
problemón {m} :: augmentative of problema
probo {adj} [formal] :: honest, upright
probóscide {f} :: proboscis
proboscídeo {m} :: proboscidean
proboscidio {m} :: proboscidean (mamal of the order Proboscidea)
procacidad {f} :: insolence; brazenness
procaína {f} :: procaine
procapitalista {adj} :: procapitalist
procapitalista {mf} :: procapitalist
procarionte {m} :: prokaryote
procariota {m} :: prokaryote
procatedral {f} :: procathedral
procaz {adj} :: bold
procaz {adj} :: shameless
procedencia {f} :: origin; providence
procedente {adj} :: arriving, coming
proceder {m} :: demeanor
proceder {v} :: to proceed
proceder {v} :: to move onwards
proceder {v} [with preposition de] :: to come from
procedibilidad {f} :: procedure
procedimental {adj} :: procedural
procedimiento {m} :: procedure
procedimiento {m} :: method
procedimiento {m} :: proceedings
procela {f} [poetic] :: storm
procelárida {f} :: procellariid
procelárido {m} :: procellariid
proceloso {adj} :: choppy; tempestuous (sea)
prócer {m} :: national or cultural hero
prócer {m} :: big shot; VIP
procerato {m} :: group of national heroes
procerato {m} :: group of VIP's
proceroso {adj} :: burly
procés {m} :: The process of Catalan independence
procesabilidad {f} :: processability
procesable {adj} :: processable
procesado {adj} :: processed [of products, food, modified through manufacture]
procesado {adj} [law] :: accused
procesador {m} :: processor
procesadora {f} :: processing plant
procesador de alimentos {m} :: food processor
procesal {adj} :: processual
procesalista {mf} :: procedural law expert
procesalmente {adv} :: procedurally
procesamiento {m} :: processing
procesar {v} :: to process
procesar {v} :: to prosecute
procesión {f} :: procession (act of progressing or proceeding)
procesión {f} :: procession (group of people or things moving along in an orderly manner, especially religeous)
procesional {adj} :: processional
procesionalmente {adv} :: processionally
procesionar {v} :: to carry in a parade or procession
procesionaria {f} :: processionary (moth)
proceso {m} :: process
proceso {m} [legal] :: lawsuit
proceso {m} [legal] :: trial
procesor {m} :: processor
procesual {adj} :: process
procíclico {adj} :: procyclic
procio {m} [isotope] :: protium
proclamación {f} :: proclamation
proclamar {v} :: to proclaim
proclítico {m} :: proclitic
proclive {adj} :: inclined, prone
proclividad {f} :: proclivity
procompetitivo {adj} :: procompetitive
procomún {m} :: common (resource accessible to all)
procomunista {adj} :: pro-Communist
proconservador {adj} :: pro-Conservative
procónsul {m} :: proconsul
proconsulado {m} :: proconsulate
proconsular {adj} :: proconsular
procrastinación {f} :: procrastination
procrastinador {m} :: procrastinator
procrastinar {v} :: to procrastinate
procreación {f} :: procreation
procrear {v} :: to procreate
proctóloga {f} :: feminine noun of proctólogo
proctología {f} :: proctology
proctólogo {m} :: proctologist
proctorragia {f} [medical] :: proctorrhagia
procu {f} :: procuratorship
procumbente {adj} :: procumbent
procuración {f} :: obtention
procurador {m} :: procurator, attorney, agent
procurador {m} [Spain] :: member of a regional parliament
procuradora {f} :: feminine noun of procurador
procuraduría {f} :: procuratorship
procurar {v} :: to obtain, acquire
procurar {v} [catenative] :: to try, attempt
procurar {v} :: to endeavor
procurar {v} :: to make sure, assure
procurar {v} :: to work as a procurator [attorney or agent]
procurarse {v} :: to secure
procústeo {adj} :: procrustean
prodemocracia {adj} :: prodemocracy
Pródico {prop} {m} :: Prodicus (a sophist from Ceos and contemporary of Socrates)
prodigalidad {f} :: prodigiousness, richness
pródigamente {adv} :: prodigally
prodigar {v} :: to squander, waste, spend lavishly
prodigar {v} :: to lavish
prodigio {m} :: A prodigy; an especially gifted or talented person
prodigiosamente {adv} :: prodigiously
prodigioso {adj} :: prodigious
pródigo {adj} :: lavish, prodigal
pródromo {m} :: prodrome
producción {f} :: production, output
producible {adj} :: producible
producido {adj} :: produced
producir {v} :: to produce
producir {vr} :: to occur, to be there, to take place, to happen, to arise, to come about (to be produced)
productivamente {adv} :: productively
productividad {f} :: productivity (state of being productive)
productivista {mf} :: productivist
productivo {adj} :: fruitful, productive
producto {m} :: product, commodity, item
producto {m} :: produce (usually plural)
producto {m} :: proceeds
producto {m} :: result (consequence)
producto {m} :: device (usually medical)
producto lácteo {m} :: dairy product (a foodstuff containing milk)
producto nacional bruto {m} :: gross national product
productor {m} :: producer
productora {f} :: feminine noun of productor
proelección {adj} :: pro-choice
proemio {m} :: preface, proemium
proespañol {adj} :: pro-Spanish
proestadounidense {adj} :: pro-American; pro-USA
proetarra {adj} :: ETA-friendly
proeuropeo {adj} :: pro-European, Europhilic
proeza {f} :: prowess (bravery or courage, especially in battle)
proeza {f} :: feat (heroic or extraordinary deed)
profana {f} :: feminine noun of profano
profanación {f} :: profanation
profanador {adj} :: profanatory, defiling
profanador {m} :: profaner, defiler, desecrater, desecrator
profanadora {f} :: feminine noun of profanador
profanamente {adv} :: profanely
profanar {vt} :: to profane
profanidad {f} :: profanity
profano {adj} :: profane; unholy (desecrating a holy place or thing)
profano {adj} :: profane; secular (not relating to religion)
profano {adj} :: inexperienced, amateur
profano {m} :: amateur
profármaco {m} :: prodrug
profase {f} :: prohase
profe {mf} [colloquial] :: clipping of profesor, teacher
profecía {f} :: foresight
profecía {f} :: prophecy
PROFECO {prop} :: Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, a Mexican government consumer protection organisation
profeminista {adj} :: profeminist
profeminista {mf} :: profeminist
proferir {vt} :: to utter, let out (especially an insult, curse, sigh or exclamation)
proferir {vt} [dated] :: to proffer, propose
profesar {vt} :: to profess
profesión {f} :: profession
profesión {f} :: calling
profesional {adj} :: professional
profesional {mf} :: professional
profesionalidad {f} :: professionalism
profesionalismo {m} :: professionalism
profesionalización {f} :: professionalisation/professionalization
profesionalizante {adj} :: becoming professional
profesionalizar {v} :: to professionalize
profesionalmente {adv} :: professionally
profesionista {mf} [Mexico] :: professional
profesión más antigua del mundo {f} [euphemistic, idiom] :: the world's oldest profession
profesor {m} [especially, Spain] :: teacher
profesor {m} :: professor, faculty member
profesora {f} :: feminine noun of profesor, (female) teacher
profesorado {m} :: teaching team, teachers, teaching staff
profesorado {m} :: teaching position
profesoral {adj} :: teacher, professorial (attributive)
profeta {m} :: prophet
profetal {m} :: prophetic, prophetical
proféticamente {adv} :: prophetically
profético {adj} :: prophetic
profetisa {f} :: prophetess
profetismo {m} :: prophetism
profetizar {v} :: to prophesy
profibrinolisina {f} [organic compound] :: plasmin
profiláctico {adj} :: prophylactic
profiláctico {m} :: condom
profiláctico {m} :: prophylactic
profilaxis {f} :: prophylaxis
prófuga {f} :: feminine noun of prófugo
profugar {v} [nonstandard] :: to go on the run; to flee as a fugitive
prófugo {m} :: a fugitive
prófugo {m} :: a draft dodger
profundamente {adv} :: profoundly, deeply
profundar {v} :: synonym of profundizar
profundidad {f} :: depth
profundísimo {adj} :: superlative of profundo
profundización {f} :: deepening (making more significant or profound)
profundizar {v} :: to deepen
profundo {adj} :: deep
profundo {adj} :: profound
profusamente {adv} :: profusely
profusamente {adv} :: widely
profusión {f} :: profusion, abundance
profuso {adj} :: profuse, rife
progenie {f} :: descent, lineage
progenitor {m} :: progenitor
progenitora {f} :: feminine noun of progenitor
progeria {f} :: progeria
progestágeno {m} :: progestogen
progesterona {f} [steroid hormone] :: progesterone
progestina {f} :: progestin
proglótide {f} :: proglottid
prognatismo {m} :: prognathism
progobierno {adj} :: pro-government
programa {m} :: programme, program
programa {m} :: show, programme
programa {m} [computing] :: program
programabilidad {f} :: programmability
programable {adj} :: programmable
programación {f} :: programming, setting (action)
programación {f} :: programme, guide, schedule (TV, radio etc.)
programación orientada a objetos {f} [programming] :: object-oriented programming
programa del corazón {m} [television] :: gossip show
programa de telerrealidad {m} :: reality show
programador {m} :: programmer (one who writes computer programs)
programadora {f} :: feminine noun of programador
programar {vt} :: to schedule
programar {vt} [computing, mathematics] :: to program
programarse {v} :: reflexive of programar
programáticamente {adv} :: programmatically
programático {adj} [attributive] :: programming
programón {m} :: augmentative of programa
progre {adj} [politics, slang, usually, pejorative] :: trendy, modern, progressive, liberal (one who advocates a certain course of action, of progressive political or social concern, with the naïve conviction of their own moral superiority.)
progre {adj} :: liberal, permissive
progresar {v} :: to progress
progreseño {adj} :: Of or from El Progreso
progreseño {m} :: Someone from El Progreso
progresión {f} :: progression
progresismo {m} :: progressivism
progresista {adj} [politics] :: progressive, progressist, progressionist
progresista {mf} [politics] :: progressive, progressist, progressionist (person)
progresivamente {adv} :: progressively
progresividad {f} :: progressiveness
progresivo {adj} :: progressive
progreso {m} :: progress, headway, advancement
progubermental {adj} :: progovernment
progubernamental {adj} :: pro-government
prohibición {f} :: prohibition
prohibicionismo {m} :: prohibitionism
prohibicionista {adj} :: prohibitionist
prohibicionista {mf} :: prohibitionist
prohibido {adj} :: forbidden
prohibir {vt} :: to forbid, prohibit, enjoin
prohibitivamente {adv} :: prohibitively
prohibitivo {adj} :: prohibitive
prohibitorio {adj} :: prohibitory
prohijar {vt} :: to adopt
prohombre {m} :: great or outstanding man
proindependentista {mf} :: pro-independentist
proindigenista {adj} :: pro-indigenist
proindigenista {mf} :: pro-indigenist
proinflamatorio {adj} :: proinflammatory
proinmigrante {adj} :: pro-immigrant
proiraní {adj} :: pro-Iran
proisraelí {adj} :: pro-Israel
prójima {f} [colloquial] :: slut
prójima {f} :: neighbor
prójimo {m} :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
prójimo {m} :: fellow man
prokurdo {adj} :: pro-Kurd
prolaborista {adj} :: Labour-supporting
prolactina {f} [hormone] :: prolactin
prolactinemia {f} [pathology] :: prolactinemia
prolapso {m} :: prolapsus
prolapso {m} :: descent
prole {f} :: progeny, offspring
prolegómeno {m} :: prologue
proletaria {f} :: feminine noun of proletario; proletarian
proletariado {m} :: proletariat
proletario {adj} :: proletarian
proletario {m} :: proletarian
proletarización {f} :: proletarianization
proletarizar {v} :: to proletarianize
proliferación {f} :: proliferation
proliferante {adj} :: proliferating
proliferar {vi} :: to proliferate
proliferativo {adj} :: proliferative
prolífero {adj} :: synonym of prolífico
prolíficamente {adv} :: prolifically
prolífico {adj} :: prolific
prolijamente {adv} :: carefully, thoroughly
prolijidad {f} :: prolixity
prolijidad {f} :: tediousness
prolijito {adj} :: diminutive of prolijo
prolijo {adj} :: prolix, tedious, particular, long-winded
prolijo {adj} :: overcareful
prolijo {adj} :: troublesome
prolina {f} [amino acid] :: proline
prologal {adj} :: prefatory
prologar {v} :: to preface
prólogo {m} :: prologue
prólogo {m} :: prelude
prologuista {mf} :: a writer of prologues
prolongación {f} :: prolongation
prolongadamente {adv} :: prolongedly, for a long time
prolongadísimo {adj} :: superlative of prolongado
prolongado {adj} :: prolonged, protracted, extended
prolongado {adj} :: lengthy, time-consuming
prolongado {adj} :: long-term
prolongamiento {m} :: prolongation
prolongar {v} :: to prolong, drag out
prolongarse {v} :: reflexive of prolongar
proloquio {m} :: proposition
promaucae {adj} :: Promaucae
promediar {v} :: to bisect
promediar {v} :: to determine the average
promedio {m} :: average
pro memoria {m} :: aide-mémoire
promercado {adj} :: market-friendly
promesa {f} :: promise
promesante {mf} :: member of a procession
promesar {v} [Argentina] :: to promise
prometedor {adj} :: promising
prometeico {adj} :: Promethean
Prometeo {prop} {m} :: Prometheus
prometer {v} :: to promise
prometida {f} :: fiancée (woman engaged to be married)
prometido {adj} :: engaged
prometido {adj} :: promised
prometido {m} :: fiance (man engaged to be married)
prometio {m} :: promethium
promielocítico {adj} :: promyelocytic
promielocito {m} [cytology] :: promyelocyte
prominencia {f} :: prominence
prominente {adj} :: prominent
prominentemente {adv} :: prominently
promiscuamente {adv} :: promiscuously
promiscuar {vi} [Christianity] :: To eat meat and fish for the same meal during Lent
promiscuidad {f} :: promiscuity
promiscuo {adj} :: mixed, ambiguous
promiscuo {adj} :: promiscuous
promisión {f} :: promise
promisor {adj} :: promissory
promisor {m} :: promisor
promisorio {adj} :: promissory
promo {f} :: promo
promoción {f} :: promotion
promoción {f} :: advocacy
promoción {f} :: advancement, fostering, furthering, furtherance (i.e. improvement of conditions)
promoción {f} :: class, year (specifically, a graduating class)
promoción {f} :: promo, promotion (on television)
promocional {adj} :: promotional
promocionalmente {adv} :: promotionally
promocionar {vt} :: to promote, to publicise, to plug
promontorio {m} :: promontory, headland
promotor {adj} :: promoting
promotor {m} :: promoter
promotora {f} :: female equivalent of promotor
promovente {adj} :: promoting
promover {v} :: to promote, to pioneer, to advance, to foster, to further
promover {v} :: to advocate for
promulgación {f} :: promulgation
promulgador {m} [law] :: enactor, promulgator
promulgadora {f} :: feminine noun of promulgador
promulgar {v} :: to promulgate
pronación {f} :: pronation
pronador {adj} :: pronator
pronaos {m} :: pronaos
pronazi {adj} :: pro-Nazi
prono {adj} :: prone (lying face downward)
pronombre {m} :: a pronoun
pronombre demostrativo {m} :: demonstrative pronoun
pronombre indeterminado {m} :: indefinite pronouns
pronombre personal {m} :: personal pronoun
pronombre reflexivo {m} :: reflexive pronoun
pronombre relativo {m} [grammar] :: relative pronoun
pronominal {adj} :: pronominal
pronominalizar {v} :: to pronominalize
pronosticador {m} :: forecaster
pronosticar {v} :: to forecast, prognosticate, foresee
pronóstico {m} :: forecast, prognosis
pronosupinación {f} :: pronosupination
pronoto {m} :: pronotum
prontamente {adv} :: promptly
prontísimo {adj} :: superlative of pronto
prontito {adv} :: diminutive of pronto
prontitud {f} :: promptitude
pronto {adj} :: prompt, on time
pronto {adj} :: ready
pronto {adv} :: soon, promptly, any time soon
prontuariado {adj} :: with a criminal record
prontuario {m} :: handbook, manual
prontuario {m} [legal] :: record; criminal record
pronuclear {adj} :: pronuclear
pronúcleo {m} :: pronucleus
pronunciable {adj} :: pronounceable
pronunciación {f} :: pronunciation
pronunciación {f} :: pronouncement
pronunciadamente {adv} :: remarkedly
pronunciadamente {adv} :: steeply
pronunciado {adj} :: marked; notable
pronunciado {adj} :: steep; sharp
pronunciador {m} [often, figuratively] :: pronouncer (something which pronounces)
pronunciadora {f} :: feminine noun of pronunciador
pronunciamento {m} :: pronunciamento
pronunciamiento {m} :: pronouncement, declaration
pronunciamiento {m} [by extension] :: A military uprising or coup in Spain or the Spanish American republics, particularly in the 19th century, usually accompanied by a statement declaring the existing government null and void
pronunciar {v} :: to pronounce
pronunciarse {v} :: reflexive of pronunciar
prooccidental {adj} :: pro-western
prooxidante {m} :: prooxidant
propagación {f} :: propagation
propagador {m} :: propagator
propagadora {f} :: feminine noun of propagador
propaganda {f} :: propaganda
propaganda {f} :: advertisement
propagandismo {m} :: propagandism
propagandista {mf} :: propagandist
propagandísticamente {adv} :: as propaganda; propagandistically
propagandístico {adj} :: propagandistic
propagar {vt} :: to propagate
propagarse {v} :: reflexive of propagar
propágulo {m} :: propagule
propalar {v} :: to reveal or divulge
propalestino {adj} :: pro-Palestine
propano {m} [organic compound] :: propane
propanona {f} [organic chemistry] :: propanone
propasar {v} :: to go too far, to get carried away
propasarse {v} :: reflexive of propasar
propedéutica {f} :: propedeutics
propedéutico {adj} :: propedeutic
propelente {adj} :: propellant
propelente {m} :: propellant
propender {v} :: to be inclined to
propeno {m} [organic chemistry] :: propene
propensión {f} :: propensity
propenso {adj} :: inclined, prone
Propercio {prop} {m} :: Propertius (Roman poet)
propi {f} :: tip (extra money paid)
propiamente {adv} :: strictly
propiciación {f} :: propitiation
propiciador {adj} :: enabling, propitiatory
propiciar {vt} :: to bring about, enable
propiciar {vt} [rare] :: to propitiate, appease
propiciatorio {adj} :: propitiatory (intended to appease)
propicio {adj} :: conducive, conducive to (+ para)
propicio {adj} :: propitious, favorable, auspicious, supportive
propiedad {f} :: property, belongings, estate (something that is possessed esp. a real estate)
propiedad {f} :: ownership (state of possessing something)
propiedad {f} :: propriety (fact of possessing something), proprietary
propietaria {f} :: feminine noun of propietario
propietario {adj} :: owning
propietario {adj} :: proprietary
propietario {m} :: owner, proprietor (of land or business)
propietario {m} :: landlord
propilbenceno {m} [organic chemistry] :: propylbenzene
propilenglicol {m} [organic compound] :: propylene glycol
propileno {m} [organic compound] :: propene
propílico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: propyl (attributive)
propilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: propyl
propina {f} :: tip (gratuity)
propinar {v} :: to hit or strike
propinilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: propynyl
propino {m} [organic compound] :: propyne, methylacetylene
propio {adj} :: own (belonging to)
propio {adj} :: proper
propio {adj} :: typical, characteristic
propiocepción {f} :: proprioception
propioceptivo {adj} :: proprioceptive
propionato {m} [organic chemistry] :: propionate
propiónico {adj} :: propionic
propionil {m} :: propionyl
proplastidio {m} [cytology] :: proplastid
propóleo {m} :: propolis; bee glue
propóleos {m} :: propolis (glue-like substance)
proponente {mf} :: proponent
proponer {v} :: to propose
proponer {vr} :: to put one's mind to
proporción {f} :: proportion
proporción {f} :: ratio
proporcionado {adj} :: proportionate
proporcionado {adj} :: suitable
proporcionado {adj} :: commensurate
proporcional {adj} :: proportional
proporcionalidad {f} :: proportionality
proporcionalmente {adv} :: proportionally
proporcionar {vt} :: to provide, supply
proporcionar {v} :: to adapt, adjust
proporcionar {v} :: to proportion, set or render in proportion
proposición {f} :: proposition
proposicional {adj} :: propositional
propositivamente {adv} :: Proactively; with foresight
propositivo {adj} :: propositional
propósito {m} :: purpose
propósito {m} :: resolution
propriamente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of propiamente
propriedad {f} :: obsolete spelling of propiedad
proprio {adj} :: obsolete spelling of propio
propuesta {f} :: proposal
propugnador {m} :: supporter
propugnadora {f} :: feminine noun of propugnador
propugnar {v} :: to advocate, stand up for, defend
propulsar {v} :: to propel
propulsarse {v} :: reflexive of propulsar
propulsión {f} :: propulsion
propulsión {f} [aviation, nautical] :: thrust
propulsor {adj} :: propulsive
propulsor {m} :: propulsion
propulsor {m} :: propellant
propulsor {m} :: propeller
propulsor {m} :: thruster
propulsor {m} :: promoter
propulsor {m} :: champion
propulsora {f} :: feminine noun of propulsor
prorrata {f} :: sharing; sharing out
prorrata {f} :: share; quota
prorratear {v} :: to prorate
prorrector {m} [Chile] :: deputy rector
prorrégimen {adj} :: pro-regime
prórroga {f} :: extension, extra time, prolongation (period of extra time)
prorrogable {adj} :: extendable
prorrogación {f} :: prolongation
prorrogar {v} :: to prolong, extend
prorrumpir {vi} [~ en] :: to burst into [tears, laughter, etc.]
prorruso {adj} :: pro-Russian
proruso {adj} :: Russophile
prosa {f} :: prose
prosaico {adj} :: prosaic (of or relating to prose)
prosaico {adj} :: bland, mundane
prosaísmo {m} :: prosaicness
prosapia {f} :: lineage; ancestry; stock
prosaurópodo {m} :: prosauropod
proscenio {m} :: proscenium
proscribir {v} :: to ban
proscribir {v} :: to exile
proscripción {f} [history] :: proscription
proscrito {adj} :: banned, exiled
prosecco {m} :: prosecco
prosecretaria {f} :: vice-secretary
prosecretario {m} :: vice-secretary
prosecución {f} :: pursuit
proseguir {vt} :: to continue (proceed with, prolong)
proseguir {vt} :: to pursue (aim for, go after (a specified objective, situation))
proseguir {vi} :: to continue, go on (resume (especially speaking))
proseguridad {adj} :: pro-security
prosélita {f} :: feminine noun of prosélito
proselitismo {m} :: proselytism
proselitista {adj} :: proselytizing
proselitista {mf} :: proselytizer
prosélito {m} :: proselyte, convert (one who has recently converted to a religion or doctrine)
prosenderista {mf} [Peru] :: A supporter of Sendero Luminoso
proseparatista {mf} :: pro-separatist
prosificación {f} :: prosification
prosista {mf} :: prose writer
prosístico {adj} [attributive] :: prose
prosodia {f} [linguistics, poetry] :: prosody
prosódico {adj} :: prosodic
prosoma {m} [entomology] :: prosoma
prosopografía {f} :: prosopography
prosopopeya {f} :: personification
prosopopeya {f} :: affected solemnity
prosoviético {adj} :: pro-Soviet
prospección {f} :: research
prospección {f} :: prospecting
prospectar {v} :: to prospect
prospectivo {adj} :: prospective
prospector {m} :: prospector
prospectora {f} :: feminine noun of prospector
prósperamente {adv} :: prosperously
prosperar {v} :: to prosper, to thrive, to flourish
prosperar {v} :: to boom (e.g., business)
prosperidad {f} :: prosperity
próspero {adj} :: prosperous, thriving, prospering
próspero {adj} :: successful (e.g., a successful business)
prostaciclina {f} [organic compound] :: prostacyclin
prostaglandina {f} [organic compound] :: prostaglandin
prostanoide {m} [organic compound] :: prostanoid
próstata {f} [anatomy] :: prostate
prostatectomía {f} :: prostatectomy
prostático {adj} :: prostatic
prostatitis {f} [pathology] :: prostatitis
prosternar {vr} :: to kneel [out of respect]
prostético {adj} :: prosthetic
prostibulario {adj} :: brothel
prostíbulo {m} :: brothel, whorehouse
próstilo {m} :: prostyle
prostitución {f} :: prostitution
prostituir {vt} :: to prostitute
prostituir {vp} :: to prostitute oneself
prostituta {f} :: feminine noun of prostituto
prostituto {m} :: prostitute
prostituyente {mf} :: john (client of a prostitute)
prosumidor {m} [jargon] :: prosumer
prota {m} :: star (of a film, show etc.)
protactinio {m} :: protactinium
protagónicamente {adv} :: prominently
protagónico {adj} :: leading (ranking first)
protagonismo {m} :: importance, prominence
protagonismo {m} :: leading role, leadership
protagonismo {m} :: prominence, taking an active part
protagonista {mf} :: protagonist, star
protagonización {f} :: starring
protagonizar {v} :: to star in, to be the protagonist in
Protágoras {prop} {m} [philosophy] :: Protagoras
protaurino {adj} :: pro-bullfighting
proteasa {f} [enzyme] :: protease
proteasoma {m} [biochemistry] :: proteasome
protección {f} :: protection
proteccionismo {m} :: protectionism
proteccionista {adj} :: protectionist
proteccionista {mf} :: protectionist
protector {adj} :: protective
protector {m} :: protector (someone who protects or guards)
protector {m} :: protector (a device or mechanism which is designed to protect)
protectora {f} :: feminine noun of protector
protectora {f} :: animal shelter (an organization that provides temporary homes for stray pet animals)
protectorado {m} :: protectorate
protector de bolsillo {m} :: pocket protector
protectriz {f} [uncommon] :: alternative form of protectora
proteger {v} :: to protect, to defend
protegible {adj} :: protectable
protegidísimo {adj} :: superlative of protegido
protegido {adj} :: protected
protegido {adj} :: sheltered
proteico {adj} :: protein (attributive usage)
proteicoenergético {adj} :: proteino-energetic
proteína {f} [protein] :: protein
proteína cinasa {f} :: alternative form of proteína quinasa
proteína kinasa {f} :: alternative form of proteína quinasa
proteína quinasa {f} [biochemistry] :: protein kinase
proteincinasa {f} :: alternative form of proteína quinasa
proteínico {adj} :: protein
proteinkinasa {f} :: alternative form of proteína quinasa
proteinoplasto {m} [cytology] :: proteinoplast
proteinquinasa {f} :: alternative form of proteína quinasa
proteinuria {f} [medicine] :: proteinuria
pro tempore {adv} :: pro tem
Proteo {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Proteus (moon of Neptune)
Proteo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Proteus
proteobacteria {f} :: protobacterium
proteoglicano {m} [protein] :: proteoglycan
proteoglucano {m} :: proteoglycan
proteoide {adj} :: proteoid
proteoide {m} :: proteoid
proteólisis {f} :: proteolysis
proteolítico {adj} :: proteolytic
proteoma {m} [genetics] :: proteome
proteómica {f} :: proteomics
proteómico {adj} :: proteomic
proteosoma {m} :: proteosome
proterozoico {adj} [geology] :: Proterozoic (relating to the eon from 2,500 to 541 million years ago)
protervo {adj} [formal] :: wicked; heinous
protésico {adj} :: prosthetic
prótesis {f} [medicine] :: prosthesis
prótesis {f} [linguistics] :: prothesis
protesorera {f} :: feminine noun of protesorero
protesorero {m} :: assistant treasurer
protesta {f} :: protest
protesta {f} [legal] :: objection
protestación {f} :: protestation; profession
protestante {adj} :: protestant
protestante {mf} :: protestant
protestantismo {m} :: Protestantism
protestar {v} :: to protest
protista {m} :: protist
proto- {prefix} :: proto-
protobúlgaro {m} [history] :: Bulgar
protocolar {adj} :: according to protocol
protocolario {adj} [attributive] :: protocol
protocolización {f} :: protocolization
protocolizar {vt} :: to notarise
protocolo {m} :: protocol
protocolo {m} :: conduct or etiquette rules
protodiácono {m} :: protodeacon
protodinástico {adj} :: protodynastic
protoelamita {m} :: Proto-Elamite
protoeslavo {adj} :: Proto-Slavic
protoeslavo {m} :: Proto-Slavic
protoestrella {f} :: protostar
protofonema {m} :: proto-phoneme
proto-germánico {m} :: alternative form of protogermánico
protogermánico {m} :: Proto-Germanic
protogótico {adj} :: Early Gothic
protohistoria {f} :: protohistory
protohistórico {adj} :: protohistoric
protoindoeuropeo {adj} :: Proto-Indo-European
protoindoeuropeo {prop} {m} :: Proto-Indo-European
protolengua {f} [linguistics] :: proto-language
protolenguaje {f} :: proto-language
protologismo {m} :: protologism
protomártir {mf} :: protomartyr
protomixteco {adj} :: proto-Mixtec
protomixteco {m} :: Protomixtec
protón {m} :: proton
protonación {f} [organic chemistry] :: protonation
protonado {adj} :: protonated
protonar {v} :: to protonate
protonefridio {m} :: protonephridium
protónico {adj} :: protonic
protonórdico {adj} :: Proto-Norse
protonórdico {m} :: Proto-Norse
protonotario {m} :: protonotary
protopalacial {adj} :: protopalatial
protoplaneta {m} :: protoplanet (astronomical object, approximately the size of the Moon, thought to collide and form planets)
protoplanetario {adj} :: protoplanetary
protoplasma {m} [cytology] :: protoplasm
protoplasmático {adj} :: of or pertaining to protoplasm
protoplasto {m} [cytology] :: protoplast
protopluma {f} :: protofeather
protoquechua {m} :: Protoquecha (protolanguage)
protórax {m} :: prothorax
protorromance {m} :: Proto-Romance
protosecuela {f} :: prequel
protostomado {m} :: alternative form of protóstomo
protóstomo {m} :: protostome
prototipar {v} :: to prototype
prototípicamente {adv} :: prototypically
prototípico {adj} :: prototypal
prototipo {m} :: prototype (an original object which is a basis for others)
prototipo {m} :: paragon, epitome
protoxilema {m} :: protoxylem
protozoario {adj} [biology] :: protozoan, protozoic
protozoario {m} [biology] :: protozoan
protozoo {m} [biology] :: protozoan
protráctil {adj} :: protractile
protrombina {f} [protein] :: prothrombin
protruir {v} :: to protrude; stick out
protrusión {f} :: protrusion
protuberancia {f} :: protuberance
protuberancial {adj} [anatomy] :: protuberantial
protuberancia solar {f} :: solar prominence
protuberante {adj} :: protuberant
protusión {f} :: protrusion
proucraniano {adj} :: pro-Ukrainian
proudhonismo {m} :: The beliefs of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
proustiano {adj} :: Proustian (reminiscent of Marcel Proust or his works)
provecho {m} :: benefit
provecho {m} :: worth, worthwhileness
provechosamente {adv} :: usefully, advantageously
provechoso {adj} :: profitable
provecto {adj} :: old; ancient
proveedor {m} :: supplier, provider, purveyor (one who supplies or provides what is needed, especially for subsistence)
proveedora {f} :: feminine noun of proveedor
proveedor de servicios {m} :: service provider
proveeduría {f} :: grocer's, grocery shop
proveer {v} :: to provide, purvey, supply, equip, furnish
proveer {v} :: to stock
proveer {v} :: to decide, resolve, settle
proveer {v} :: to bestow, give, grant
proveer {v} :: to appoint
proveer {v} [law] :: to decide, give a decision
proveniencia {f} :: provenance
proveniente {adj} :: coming (from), originating (from)
provenir {v} :: originate, arise (from)
provento {m} :: revenue
Provenza {prop} {f} :: Provenza (region)
provenzal {m} :: Provençal
provenzal {adj} :: Provençal
proverbial {adj} :: proverbial
proverbialmente {adv} :: proverbially
proverbio {m} :: proverb
proverbio {m} :: saying
Proverbios {prop} {m} [bible] :: Proverbs (the book of the Bible)
provicario {m} :: deputy vicar
provida {adj} :: pro-life
provida {mf} :: pro-lifer
providencia {f} :: providence
providencia {f} [Spain, legal] :: a resolution by a judge or court in order to direct and continue criminal procedures
providencial {adj} :: providential
providencialmente {adv} :: providentially
providente {adj} :: provident
próvido {adj} :: worthy; worthwhile
provincia {f} :: province
provincial {adj} :: provincial
provincialismo {m} [linguistics] :: provincialism (a word or locuation particular to a province or region)
provincialización {f} :: provincialization
provincializar {v} :: to provincialize
provincianismo {m} :: provincialism
provinciano {adj} :: provincial
provinciano {adj} :: bumpkinish
provinciano {m} :: bumpkin
proviniente {adj} :: synonym of proveniente
provirus {m} [virology] :: provirus
provisión {f} :: provision
provisional {adj} :: provisional
provisional {adj} :: makeshift
provisionalidad {f} :: provisionality (temporary character)
provisionalmente {adv} :: provisionally
provisionar {v} :: to cover (financially)
provisiorio {adj} :: provisional
provisor {m} :: provisor
provisoriamente {adv} :: provisionally
provisorio {adj} :: provisional
provitamina {f} :: protovitamin
provocación {f} :: provocation
provocado {adj} :: caused, brought about, stemming
provocado {adj} :: provoked, triggered, sparked
provocado {adj} :: induced
provocador {adj} :: provocative
provocador {adj} :: provoking
provocador {adj} :: contentious (given to struggling with others)
provocador {m} :: troublemaker, agitator, gadfly
provocar {v} :: to cause or provoke, to prompt
provocar {vp} [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela] :: to fancy, would like
provocarse {v} :: reflexive of provocar
provocativamente {adv} :: provocatively
provocativo {adj} :: provocative
proxémica {f} :: proxemics
proxeneta {mf} :: pimp (prostitution solicitor)
proxenetismo {m} :: proxenetism
proximal {adj} :: proximal
proximalmente {adv} :: proximally
próximamente {adv} :: shortly, soon
proximidad {f} :: proximity
próximo {adj} :: near
próximo {adj} :: next
próximo {adj} :: approaching, forthcoming
Próximo Oriente {prop} {m} :: Near East
proyanki {adj} :: pro-Yankee
proyección {f} :: projection
proyección {f} :: planning
proyección {f} :: slide, transparency
proyección {f} :: toss, throw
proyeccionista {mf} :: projectionist
proyectante {adj} :: projecting
proyectar {v} :: to project, to plan
proyectar {v} :: to shoot, to discharge
proyectil {m} :: projectile
proyectista {mf} :: designer, planner
proyectivo {adj} :: projective
proyecto {m} :: project, plan
proyecto de ley {m} [legal] :: bill
proyector {m} :: projector
proyectual {adj} :: project
prudencia {f} :: caution, care, prudence
prudencial {adj} :: prudential
prudencialmente {adv} :: prudentially
prudente {adj} :: prudent, wise, judicious, discreet, well-advised
Prudente {prop} :: surname
prudentemente {adv} :: prudently, discreetly, judiciously
prudentísimo {adj} :: superlative of prudente
Prudhomme {prop} :: surname
prueba {f} :: proof; evidence [usually in the plural]
prueba {f} :: an examination, test or quiz
prueba {f} :: a trial; an ordeal; an audition
prueba {f} :: an athletics event
prueba {f} [printing] :: proof, proof sheet
prueba de choque {f} :: crash test
prueba de fuego {f} :: litmus test, acid test
prueba de fuego {f} :: ordeal
prueba de fuego {f} :: trial by fire
prueba del algodón {f} [Spain] :: acid test
prueba del fuego {f} :: ordeal
pruebita {f} :: A quiz, especially a short one
pruriginoso {adj} :: itchy
pruriginoso {adj} [pathology] :: pruritic
prurito {m} [pathology] :: pruritus, itching
prurito {m} :: perfectionism
prusia {f} :: feminine noun of prusio
Prusia {prop} {f} :: Prusia (region)
Prusia {prop} {f} :: Prusia (former state)
prusiana {f} :: female equivalent of prusiano
prusiano {adj} :: Prussian
prusiano {m} :: Prussian (someone from Prussia)
prusiato {m} [chemistry, rare] :: cyanide, prussiate
prusio {adj} :: Prussian
prusio {m} :: Prussian
psalmo {m} :: obsolete form of salmo
psamita {f} :: psammite
psamoma {m} [medicine] :: psammoma body
psefología {f} :: psephology
pseudo- {prefix} :: pseudo- (not genuine)
pseudoaleatorio {adj} :: pseudorandom
pseudoaneurisma {m} [medicine] :: pseudoaneurysm
pseudoanglicismo {m} :: pseudo-anglicism
pseudoartrosis {f} [pathology] :: pseudarthrosis
pseudobulbo {m} :: pseudobulb
pseudocardenal {m} :: pseudocardinal (cardinal appointed by an antipope)
pseudocardenal {adj} :: pseudocardinal
pseudociencia {f} :: pseudoscience
pseudocientífico {adj} :: pseudoscientific (not genuinely scientific)
pseudocódigo {m} [computing] :: pseudocode (description of a computer programming algorithm)
pseudocolinesterasa {f} [enzyme] :: butyrylcholinesterase
pseudoconsulta {f} :: pseudo-consultation
pseudodemocracia {f} :: pseudodemocracy
pseudodemocrático {adj} :: pseudodemocratic
pseudodentado {adj} :: false-toothed
pseudodistancia {f} :: pseudodistance
pseudoefedrina {f} [organic compound] :: pseudoephedrine
pseudoelección {f} :: pseudo-election
pseudoestípula {f} :: pseudostipule
pseudoestratificado {adj} :: pseudostratified
pseudofeminista {adj} :: pseudofeminist
pseudogén {m} [genetics] :: pseudogene
pseudogota {f} [medicine] :: pseudogout
pseudohistoria {f} :: pseudohistory
pseudomembrana {f} :: pseudomembrane
pseudomembranoso {adj} :: pseudomembranous
pseudónimo {m} :: pseudonym
pseudópodo {m} :: alternative form of seudópodo
pseudosindicato {m} :: pseudo-syndicate
pseudotallo {m} :: pseudostem
pseudotecnología {f} :: pseudo-technology
pseudoterapia {f} :: pseudotherapy
psi {f} :: psi; the Greek letter Ψ, ψ
psico- {prefix} :: psycho-
psicoactivo {adj} :: psychoactive
psicoacústica {f} :: psychoacoustics
psicoacústico {adj} :: psychoacoustic
psicoanálisis {m} :: psychoanalysis
psicoanalista {mf} :: psychoanalyst
psicoanalítico {adj} :: psychoanalytic, psychoanalytical
psicoanalizar {v} :: to psychoanalyze
psicobiología {f} :: psychobiology
psicobiótico {adj} :: psychobiotic
psicobloc {m} [climbing] :: deep-water soloing
psicodelia {f} :: psychedelia
psicodélico {adj} :: psychedelic
psicodiagnóstico {adj} :: psychodiagnostic
psicodinámico {adj} :: psychodynamic
psicodrama {m} :: psychodrama
psicoeducación {f} :: psychoeducation
psicoeducativo {adj} :: psychoeducational
psicoemocional {adj} :: psychoemotional
psicoestimulante {m} :: psychostimulant
psicofármaco {m} :: psychotropic drug
psicofarmacología {f} :: psychopharmacology
psicofísico {adj} :: psychophysical
psicofisiología {f} :: psychophysiology
psicofonía {f} :: psychophony
psicogenético {adj} :: psychogenetic
psicohistoria {f} :: psychohistory
psicolingüística {f} :: psycholinguistics
psicóloga {f} :: feminine noun of psicólogo
psicología {f} :: psychology
psicológicamente {adv} [psychology] :: psychologically
psicológico {adj} [psychology] :: psychological
psicologismo {m} :: psychologism
psicologista {mf} :: psychologue, psychologist
psicólogo {m} [psychology] :: psychologist
psicometría {f} :: psychometry
psicométrico {adj} :: psychometric
psicomotor {adj} :: psychomotor
psicomotricidad {f} :: psychomotor education
psicomotriz {adj} :: psychomotor
psicooncóloga {f} :: psycho-oncologist
psicooncología {f} :: psycho-oncology
psicópata {mf} :: psychopath
psicópata {mf} :: psycho killer
psicopatía {f} :: psychopathy
psicopático {adj} :: psychopathic (relating to or suffering from psychopathy)
psicopatología {f} [psychology] :: psychopathology
psicopatológico {adj} :: psychopathological
psicopedagoga {mf} :: educational psychologist
psicopedagogía {f} :: psychopedagogy
psicopedagógico {adj} :: psychopedagogic
psicopompo {m} :: psychopomp
psicoprofiláctico {adj} :: psychoprophylactic
psicosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: psicose
psicosexual {adj} :: psychosexual
psicosis {f} :: psychosis, frenzy
psicosocial {adj} :: pyschosocial
psicosomático {adj} [psychology] :: psychosomatic
psicoterapeuta {mf} :: psychotherapist
psicoterapéutico {adj} :: psychotherapeutic
psicoterapia {f} :: psychotherapy
psicoterápico {adj} :: psychotherapeutic
psicoterror {m} :: psychological terror
psicótico {adj} :: psychotic
psicotrópico {adj} :: psychotropic
psilocibina {f} [organic compound] :: psilocybin
psilocina {f} [organic compound] :: psilocin
psiónica {f} :: psionics
psiónicamente {adv} :: psionically
psiónico {adj} :: psionic
psique {f} :: psyche
psiquiatra {mf} :: psychiatrist
psiquiatría {f} :: psychiatry
psiquiátrico {adj} :: psychiatric
psiquiátrico {m} :: psychiatric hospital
psíquicamente {adv} :: psychically
psíquico {adj} :: psychic, mental
psiquis {f} :: psyche
psiquismo {m} :: alternative spelling of siquismo (about the psyche, not the Sikhs)
psoas {m} :: psoas
psoasiliaco {adj} :: alternative form of psoasilíaco
psoasilíaco {adj} [anatomy] :: psoas-iliac
psocóptero {m} :: psocopteran
PSOE {prop} {m} :: acronym of Partido Socialista Obrero Español
psoraleno {m} :: psoralen
psoriásico {adj} :: psoriatic
psoriasis {f} [dermatology] :: psoriasis
PSUC {prop} {m} :: The Partido Socialista Unificado de Cataluña, a Communist party from Catalonia, Spain
PSUV {prop} {m} :: initialism of Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela
psuvista {adj} :: of or relating to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
psuvista {mf} :: A member of, or supporter of, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
psychológico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of psicológico
psycológico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of psicológico
pta {f} :: abbreviation of peseta peseta
pteridina {f} [organic compound] :: pteridine
pteridofita {f} :: pteridophyte
pteridófita {f} :: pteridophyte
pteridófito {m} :: pteridophyte
pteridóloga {f} :: feminine noun of pteridólogo
pteridología {f} :: pteridology
pteridólogo {m} :: pteridologist
pterigión {m} [ophthalmology] :: pterygium
pterigo- {prefix} :: pterygo-
pterigoide {adj} :: pterygoid
pterigoide {m} :: pterygoid
pterigoideo {m} :: pterygoid
pterigopalatino {adj} [anatomy] :: pterygopalatine
pterión {m} [skeleton] :: pterion
pterodáctilo {m} :: pterodactyl
pterosaurio {m} [paleontology] :: pterosaur
ptisico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of tísico
pto {m} :: abbreviation of puerto port
pto {m} :: abbreviation of punto pt; point
ptolemaico {adj} :: Ptolemaic
Ptolomeo {prop} {m} :: Ptolemy
ptosis {f} [medicine] :: ptosis
PU {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Puebla (Mexican state)
púa {f} :: sharp point, prong, spike, pick
púa {f} :: thorn
púa {f} [music] :: plectrum, pick
púa {f} [culinary] :: nut pick
púa {f} :: tine [of a fork]
puaj {interj} :: Ew!, phew!
puaj {interj} :: Gross!
pub {m} :: pub
pubalgia {f} [pathology] :: osteitis pubis, groin pain
púber {adj} :: adolescent
púber {mf} :: adolescent
pubertad {f} :: puberty
puberulento {adj} :: puberulent
pubérulo {adj} :: puberulous
pubescencia {f} :: pubescence
pubescente {adj} :: pubescent
pubiano {adj} :: pubic
púbico {adj} :: pubic (relating to the pubis)
pubis {m} :: pubis
publi {f} [colloquial] :: clipping of publicidad; publicity
publicable {adj} :: publishable
publicación {f} :: publication
publicador {adj} :: publishing
publicador {m} :: publisher
publicadora {f} :: feminine noun of publicador
públicamente {adv} :: publicly
publicano {m} [Ancient Rome] :: tax collector, publican
publicar {vt} :: to publish
publicar {vt} :: to release
publicarse {v} :: reflexive of publicar
publicidad {f} :: advertisement
publicidad {f} :: publicity
publicista {mf} :: publicist
publicitar {v} :: to publicize
publicitaria {f} :: feminine noun of publicitario
publicitariamente {adv} :: using advertising
publicitario {adj} :: relating to advertising
publicitario {m} :: advertiser
público {adj} :: public
público {m} :: audience
público {m} :: public
publimosca {f} [television] :: A digital on-screen graphic from the television broadcaster to promote its own content
publirreportaje {m} :: advertorial
pubococcígeo {adj} :: pubococcygeal, pubococcygeus
PUC {prop} :: initialism of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
pucará {m} :: pukara
Pucela {prop} {f} :: Valladolid
pucelana {f} :: feminine noun of pucelano
pucelano {adj} :: of or from Valladolid
pucelano {m} :: someone of or from Valladolid
pucha {f} [vulgar] :: pussy (a Spanish insult)
pucha {interj} [Argentina, Chile, Peru, colloquial] :: expresses pity, disappointment, sympathy
pucherazo {m} :: Hit or blow with a cooking pot
pucherazo {m} :: the cooking of the books in an election; rigged election
pucherillo {m} :: diminutive of puchero
pucherito {m} :: diminutive of puchero
puchero {m} :: cooking pot
puchero {m} :: stew (soup)
puchero {m} :: pout
puches {mp} {fp} :: porridge
púchica {interj} [El Salvador] :: fudge: euphemistic form of puta
puchito {m} [slang] :: A buddy
puchito {m} :: A smaller, lesser person
puchito {m} [Argentina, Chile, slang] :: diminutive of pucho, a cigarette or a roach
pucho {m} [Chile, Peru, Argentina, colloquial] :: cigarette
pucho {m} [Latin America] :: butt (used cigarette)
pucta {f} [slang, pejorative, emphatic] :: prostitute, whore; slut
pucté {m} :: black olive
PUD {prop} {m} :: acronym of Partido Unificación Democrática
Pudahuel {prop} {m} :: Pudahuel (city)
pudding {m} :: pudding
pudelación {f} [metallurgy] :: puddling
pudendo {adj} :: pudendal
pudendo {m} [obsolete] :: penis
pudibundez {f} :: prudery, prudishness
pudibundo {adj} :: prudish
púdicamente {adv} :: honestly
púdicamente {adv} :: modestly
púdico {adj} :: modest, humble, chaste
púdico {adj} :: bashful
pudiente {adj} :: wealthy, rich
pudin {m} [Spain] :: pudding
pudín {m} [Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, parts of Mexico] :: [desserts] pudding (sweet or savory)
pudor {m} :: shame
pudor {m} :: modesty
pudoroso {adj} :: modest, humble, chaste
pudoroso {adj} :: bashful
pudrición {f} :: rot, rotting
pudrido {adj} :: putrid, rotten
pudrimiento {m} :: decay, corruption
pudrir {vt} :: to rot
pudrir {vr} :: to rot, to decompose, to waste away, to putrefy
pudrirse {v} :: reflexive of pudrir
pudú {m} :: pudu (very small deer from the genus Pudu, native to the Andes)
Puebla {prop} {f} :: Puebla (city)
Puebla {prop} {f} :: Puebla (municipality)
Puebla {prop} {f} :: Puebla (state)
Puebla {prop} {f} :: A Roman Catholic archdiocese in Mexico
pueblada {f} :: major uprising; revolt by a large number of the population
pueblecillo {m} :: diminutive of pueblo
pueblecito {m} :: diminutive of pueblo: little village
pueblera {f} :: feminine noun of pueblero
pueblerino {adj} :: countryfied, rustic, countryish
pueblerino {m} :: Person from the countryside, countrysider, country bumpkin
pueblero {adj} [Argentina] :: living in a city
pueblero {m} [Argentina] :: townsman; city dweller
pueblero {m} [pejorative, Uruguay] :: townie
pueblito {m} :: diminutive of pueblo, a small village
pueblo {m} :: town, village
pueblo {m} :: the common people, the working classes
pueblo {m} :: population, people, nation
pueblo fantasma {m} :: ghost town
pueblo llano {m} :: common people
pueblucho {m} :: one-horse town, cowtown
pueblucho {m} [pejorative] :: bumfuck, backwater (small and unremarkable village)
puede ayudarme {phrase} [formal] :: can you help me?
puede que {v} [followed by the subjunctive] :: it may be that, it might be that (Used to express possibility of something happening)
puedes ayudarme {phrase} [colloquial] :: can you help me?
puelche {adj} :: Puelche
puelche {mf} :: Puelche
puente {m} :: bridge (construction spanning a waterway, ravine, or valley from an elevated height)
puente {m} :: long weekend; a day which falls between two work-free days (holidays or weekend days), on which leave is preferred
puente {m} :: arch of a foot (curved part of the bottom of a foot)
puente {m} [nautical] :: bridge, bridge deck (elevated platform above the upper deck of a mechanically propelled ship from which it is navigated and from which all activities on deck can be seen and controlled by the captain)
puente {m} [dentistry] :: bridge, denture (artificial replacement of one or more teeth)
puente aéreo {m} :: airbridge
puentear {v} [electronics] :: to bypass, bridge, hot-wire
puentear {v} :: to jump a grade
puentecilla {f} :: diminutive of puente
puentecillo {m} :: diminutive of puente
puentecito {m} :: diminutive of puente
puente levadizo {m} :: drawbridge
puenting {m} :: bungee jumping (from a bridge)
puénting {m} :: alternative spelling of puenting
puentismo {m} :: bungee jumping from a bridge
puer aeternus {m} :: inner child
puerca {f} :: sow (female pig)
puerco {m} :: pig
puerco {m} :: pork (the meat of a pig)
puerco {m} [slang, derogatory, Mexico] :: police officer; "pig"
puercoespín {m} :: porcupine
puerco no se rasca en javilla {proverb} [Dominican Republic] :: don't shoot yourself in the foot; people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
puerco pibil {m} :: cochinita pibil
puericia {f} :: preteen age
puericultor {m} :: paedologist
puericultora {f} :: feminine noun of puericultor
puericultorio {m} [Peru] :: orphanage
puericultura {f} :: paedology
pueril {adj} :: Of or pertaining to children or childhood
pueril {adj} :: childish, puerile
pueril {adj} :: futile, trivial
puerilidad {f} :: childishness; puerility
puerilidad {f} :: (pre-teen) childhood
puerilidad {f} :: childish behaviour or comment
puerperio {m} :: puerperium
puerquita {f} :: feminine noun of puerquito
puerquito {m} :: diminutive of puerco
puerro {m} :: leek
puerta {f} :: door (portal of entry into a building)
puerta {f} :: gate (doorlike structure outside a house)
puerta {f} :: gate (passageway in an airport)
puerta {f} :: doorway, doorstep, gateway
puerta {f} [sports] :: goal (area into which players attempt to put an object)
Puerta Argentina {prop} [historical] :: The Argentine name of Port Stanley during the Falklands War
puerta corredera {f} :: sliding door
puerta giratoria {f} :: revolving door
puerta trasera {f} :: back door
puerta trasera {f} :: tailgate
puertazo {m} :: doorbuster (a limited sale on select items during a prominent shopping day)
puertecilla {f} :: diminutive of puerta
puertecillo {m} :: diminutive of puerto
puertecita {f} :: diminutive of puerta
puertezuela {f} :: alternative form of portezuela
puertita {f} :: diminutive of puerta
puerto {m} :: port, harbour
puerto {m} :: ellipsis of puerto de montaña; mountain pass
puerto {m} [computing] :: port
Puerto Baquerizo Moreno {prop} :: Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (city)
puerto deportivo {m} :: marina (harbor for yachts)
Puerto España {prop} {m} :: Puerto España (capital city)
Puerto Príncipe {prop} {m} :: Puerto Príncipe (capital city)
Puerto Real {prop} {m} :: Puerto Real (city)
Puerto Real {prop} {m} :: Puerto Real (former capital city)
Puerto Rico {prop} :: Puerto Rico (island/and/territory)
Puerto-Rico {prop} {m} :: obsolete form of Puerto Rico
puertorriqueña {f} :: feminine noun of puertorriqueño
puertorriqueño {adj} :: Puerto Rican
puertorriqueño {m} :: Puerto Rican
Puerto Stanley {prop} :: Port Stanley
pues {conj} :: so, then, pues; in that case
pues {conj} :: because, since
pues bien {adv} [idiomatic] :: OK, right, so
puesta {f} :: clutch [of eggs]
puesta {f} :: sunset
puesta {f} :: tie, draw
puesta {f} :: placement
puesta del sol {f} :: sunset
puesta en escena {f} :: staging; mise en scene
puestazo {m} :: augmentative of puesto
puestecillo {m} :: diminutive of puesto
puestera {f} :: feminine noun of puestero
puestero {m} :: stallholder
puestito {m} :: diminutive of puesto
puesto {m} :: market stall, market stand
puesto {m} :: professional position, employment, job
puesto {adj} :: standing
puesto {adj} :: on (clothes)
puesto {adj} :: put on (cloth)
puesto {conj} :: because, as, since
puesto a precisar {adv} [idiom] :: precisely, specifically
puesto que {conj} :: given that
puf {interj} :: poof!
puf {m} :: poof (furniture)
PUF {f} :: FAQ
pufo {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: scam
púgil {m} :: boxer, pugilist
pugilato {m} :: boxing
pugilato {m} :: conflict
pugilismo {m} :: pugilism
pugilista {mf} :: pugilist, boxer
pugilístico {adj} :: boxing (attributive)
pugnacidad {f} :: pugnacity, quarrelsomeness
pugnar {v} :: to struggle; fight
pugnaz {adj} :: pugnacious; aggressive; belligerent
Puig {prop} :: surname
pujante {adj} :: booming, growing
pujanza {f} :: strength, might
pujar {vi} :: to struggle
pujar {vi} :: to dither, vacillate
pujar {vi} :: to struggle for words
pujar {vi} :: to push
pujar {vi} :: to bud
pujar {vt} :: to bid (at an auction)
pujolismo {m} :: Support of Jordi Pujol, president of Catalonia from 1980 to 2003
pujolista {mf} :: Supporter of Jordi Pujol, president of Catalonia from 1980 to 2003
pulcramente {adv} :: neatly, tidily
pulcritud {f} :: neatness, tidiness, smartness [UK]
pulcro {adj} :: tidy, neat
pulcro {adj} [poetic] :: pretty, beautiful
pulg {f} :: abbreviation of pulga
pulg {f} :: abbreviation of pulgada
pulga {f} :: flea
pulga {f} [colloquial, US Spanish] :: flea market
pulgada {f} :: inch
pulgar {m} :: thumb, big toe
Pulgarcito {prop} {m} :: Tom Thumb
pulgón {m} :: aphid in the family Aphididae
pulgoso {adj} :: flea-ridden
pulguita {f} :: diminutive of pulga
pulidamente {adv} :: neatly, tidily
Pulido {prop} {m} :: surname, the 143rd most common in Colombia and 311th most common in Mexico
pulidor {m} :: polish
pulidor {m} :: polisher
pulimentar {v} :: To polish
pulimento {m} :: polish
pulir {v} :: to polish
pulir {v} [colloquial] :: to beat up
pulla {f} :: an obscenity
pulla {f} :: a gibe; a burn; a dig
Pulla {prop} {f} :: Pulla (region)
pullés {adj} :: Apulian
pullés {m} :: Apulian
pullesa {f} :: feminine noun of pullés
pulmón {m} :: lung
pulmonado {m} :: pulmonate
pulmonar {adj} :: pulmonary
pulmón de acero {m} :: iron lung
pulmón en libro {m} [arachnology] :: book lung
pulmonía {f} [diseases] :: pneumonia
pulmonóloga {f} :: feminine noun of pulmonólogo
pulmonólogo {m} :: pulmonologist
pulóver {m} :: pullover; sweater
pulóver {m} [Cuba] :: T-shirt
pulpa {m} :: the soft part of an animal's body; flesh
pulpa {m} [botany, desserts] :: the fleshy part, pulp of fruit
pulpa {m} [botany] :: the pith of wood
pulpa {m} [gastronomy] :: the softest meat of beef, porc
pulpa {m} [chemical engineering] :: pulp (for producing paper)
pulpar {adj} :: pulpal
pulpectomía {f} :: pulpectomy
pulpera {f} :: feminine noun of pulpero
pulpería {f} [Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic] :: A small grocery store or convenience store
pulpería {f} [Latin America] :: A bar or tavern
pulpería {f} [Spain] :: A restaurant specializing in octopus
pulpero {m} :: storekeeper
pulpero {m} :: octopus cook or farmer
pulpito {m} :: diminutive of pulpo
púlpito {m} :: pulpit (raised platform in church)
pulpo {m} :: octopus
pulpo {m} :: bungee cord
pulpo a la gallega {m} :: A dish consisting of boiled octopus garnished with paprika, rock salt and olive oil
pulposo {adj} :: pulpy
pulpotomía {f} :: pulpotomy
pulque {m} :: pulque
pulquera {f} :: feminine noun of pulquero
pulquería {f} [Mexico] :: An establishment where pulque is sold
pulquero {adj} [Mexico] :: Pertaining or relating to pulque
pulquero {m} [Mexico] :: A person who makes or sells pulque
pulquérrimo {adj} :: superlative of pulcro
pulsación {f} :: pulsing, throbbing
pulsado {m} [computing] :: click
pulsador {m} :: switch, button
pulsante {adj} :: pulsating
pulsar {v} :: to press (a button, etc.)
pulsar {v} [computing] :: to click (to press and release a button on a computer mouse)
pulsar {v} :: to pulsate
púlsar {m} [astronomy] :: pulsar
pulsátil {adj} :: In the manner of something that pulses or strikes; pulsatile
pulsear {v} [Latin America] :: arm-wrestle, arm wrestle (to compete in an arm-wrestle)
pulsear {v} [Latin America, figurative, by extension] :: arm-wrestlearm wrestle (to struggle (with) for dominance)
pulsera {f} :: bracelet
pulserita {f} :: diminutive of pulsera
pulsimetro {m} [medicine] :: pulsimeter
pulsimetro {m} :: pulsometer
pulsión {f} :: pulsion
pulsión {f} :: drive, impulse, motivation
pulsional {adj} :: impulsive
pulsioxímetro {m} [medicine] :: pulse oximeter
pulso {m} :: pulse
pulso {m} :: arm-wrestle
pulsómetro {m} :: heart rate monitor
pululación {f} :: pullulation
pulular {v} :: to teem
pulular {v} :: to mill around
pulverización {f} :: pulverization
pulverizador {m} :: spray
pulverizador {m} :: atomizer
pulverizar {v} :: to pulverize, atomize
pulverulento {adj} :: pulverulent
pulvinar {m} [anatomy] :: pulvinar
pum {interj} :: pow [the sound of a pistol-shot]
pum {interj} :: pow [the sound of a violent impact, such as a punch]
pum {interj} :: pow [the sound of an explosion]
pum {interj} :: bang [a verbal emulation of a sudden percussive sound]
puma {m} :: cougar, mountain lion, puma [Puma concolor]
Pumanque {prop} {m} :: Pumanque (city)
pumanquino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Pumanque
pumita {f} :: pumice
pun {m} [onomatopoeia] :: The sound of discharging a firearm
pun {m} [onomatopoeia, vulgar] :: The sound of flatulence
puna {f} [Latin America] :: puna, Andean plateau
puna {f} [Latin America] :: altitude sickness
puna {f} [Latin America] :: Cold mountain wind
puñadito {m} :: diminutive of puñado
puñado {m} :: a handful, fistful
puñado {m} :: a lot
puñal {adj} [rare] :: Of the fist. Fitting in one's hands
puñal {adj} [rare] :: Of a fight or dispute
puñal {m} :: dagger
puñal {m} [Mexico, pejorative] :: a gay man; faggot
puñalá {f} :: alternative spelling of puñalada
puñalada {f} :: stab
puñalada trapera {f} [idiomatic] :: stab in the back
puñalillo {m} :: diminutive of puñal
puñalito {m} :: diminutive of puñal, fagboy
puñalote {m} [superlative] :: major, big, or total faggot
puñao {m} :: A small bag of dried fruits and nuts offered at parties or events in La Mancha
puñar {v} [archaic] :: to fight, attack
punch {m} :: punch (drink)
punchar {v} :: to pierce; to punch
punción {f} :: prick
punción {f} :: piercing
puncionar {v} :: to puncture
punción lumbar {f} :: lumbar puncture
pundonor {m} :: self-respect, amour propre
pundonorosamente {adv} :: punctiliously
pundonoroso {adj} :: punctilious
puneña {f} :: feminine noun of puneño
puneño {adj} :: Of or from the Puno Region of Peru
puneño {m} :: An inhabitant of the Puno Region of Peru
puñeta {f} :: border (of clothing)
puñeta {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: bore, bug, ballbreaker
puñeta {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: masturbation
puñetas {interj} [vulgar] :: fuck it, fuck
puñetazo {m} :: punch with the fist; thump
puñete {m} :: punch with the fist
puñetear {v} [Mexico] :: to punch
puñetero {adj} [vulgar, slang] :: wanker
puñetero {adj} [colloquial] :: damned, blasted, bloody
puñetero {adj} :: difficult, tough
punga {adj} [slang, Chile] :: vulgar, rascal, common person
pungencia {f} :: pungency
pungir {v} :: to prick, to puncture
punibilidad {f} :: punishability
punible {adj} :: punishable
punición {f} :: punishment
púnico {adj} :: Punic (of or relating to Carthage)
púnico {adj} :: Punic, treacherous
púnico {prop} {m} :: Punic [language]
punir {v} :: to punish
punitivo {adj} :: punitive
punk {m} :: punk
punki {adj} [Spain] :: punk
punki {mf} [Spain] :: punk
punky {adj} :: punky
Puno {prop} :: Puno (region)
Puno {prop} :: Puno (city)
puño {m} :: fist (hand with the fingers clenched or curled inward)
puño {m} :: fistful, handful, bunch (amount that can be contained in the hand)
puño {m} :: wristband, cuff (end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist)
puño {m} :: handle, hilt (part of a tool, weapon, or other object, that is designed to be held in the hand when used)
punsch {m} :: punch (beverage)
punta {f} :: tip, point, end
punta {f} :: pinch, bit (small amount)
puntación {f} :: dotting (putting dots on top of letters)
puntada {f} [sewing] :: stitch
punta del iceberg {f} [idiom] :: tip of the iceberg
puntaesteño {adj} :: Of or from Punta del Este
puntaesteño {m} :: Someone from Punta del Este
puntaje {m} [Latin America] :: score (record of points)
puntal {m} :: prop, support
puntal {m} :: mainstay, chief support
puntal {m} :: stanchion
puntana {f} :: feminine noun of puntano
puntano {adj} :: Of or from San Luis, Argentina
puntano {m} :: Someone from San Luis, Argentina
puntapié {m} :: kick (blow given with the foot)
puntar {v} :: to point, to mark with points
puntar {v} :: to add vowel markings, to Hebrew or Arabic script
puntarenense {adj} :: Of or from the city of Punta Arenas, Chile
puntarenense {adj} :: Of or from the city of Puntarenas, Costa Rica
puntarenense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the city of Punta Arenas, Chile
puntarenense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the city of Puntarenas, Costa Rica
punta rota {f} :: split end
puntazo {m} :: Injury caused by a sharp pointed object
puntazo {m} [bullfighting] :: light hit with the horn
puntazo {m} :: poke, jibe
puntazo {m} [colloquial] :: amazing thing, kick-ass thing, beauty
puntear {v} :: to dot, to engrave
puntear {v} :: to pluck
puntear {v} :: to stitch
puntear {v} [climbing] :: to lead, to lead climb
punteo {m} [music] :: plucking
puntería {f} :: marksmanship
puntería {f} :: aiming
puntería {f} :: aim
punterita {f} :: diminutive of puntera
puntero {adj} :: leading
puntero {adj} :: cutting-edge
puntero {m} [computing] :: pointer, cursor
puntero {m} :: leader
puntero {m} :: outstanding person
puntero {m} :: chisel (stonecutter's tool)
puntero {m} :: chanter (of bagpipes)
puntiagudo {adj} :: sharp-pointed
puntiforme {adj} :: pointlike
puntilla {f} :: puntilla, dagger
puntilla {f} [bullfighting] :: puntilla
puntilla {f} [also, figurative] :: final blow, coup de grâce
puntilla {f} :: tiptoe
puntilla {f} :: baby squid
puntilla {f} [cooking] :: paring knife
puntillazo {m} :: coup de grâce
puntillazo {m} [Chile] :: any of the massive beach parties held at La Puntilla, in Pichilemu, Chile
puntillero {m} [bullfighting] :: cachetero
puntillismo {m} :: pointillism
puntillista {adj} [music] :: pointillistic
puntillita {f} :: diminutive of puntilla
puntillo {m} :: diminutive of punto
puntillo {m} :: self-love
puntillo {m} [music] :: staccato dot
puntillo {m} :: light drunkenness
puntilloso {adj} :: punctilious
puntilloso {adj} :: touchy
puntita {f} :: diminutive of punta
puntito {m} :: diminutive of punto
punto {m} :: point (unit of measurement)
punto {m} :: decimal, point (arithmetic symbol), period
punto {m} :: [punto de encuentro] point, location, place
punto {m} :: stitch
punto {m} :: great surprise
punto {interj} :: that's it!
punto cardinal {m} :: cardinal point
punto ciego {m} :: blind spot (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina)
punto ciego {m} :: blind spot (driving)
puntocom {f} :: dotcom
punto débil {f} :: weak point; drawback
punto decimal {m} :: decimal point
punto de condensación {m} :: dew point
punto de cruz {m} :: cross-stitch
punto de ebullición {m} :: boiling point
punto de entrada {m} :: entry point
punto de fuga {m} :: vanishing point
punto de inflexión {m} :: inflection (a change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave)
punto de inflexión {m} :: turning point, tipping point
punto de partida {m} :: basis, starting point
punto de resistencia {m} [video games] :: health point, hit point, hitpoint, HP, life point
punto de rocío {m} :: dew point
punto de vista {m} :: point of view, viewpoint
puntofijismo {m} :: The Puntofijo Pact
puntofijista {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Punto Fijo Pact
punto fijo {m} [mathematics] :: fixed point
punto flotante {m} [computing] :: floating point
punto fuerte {m} :: forte, strong point
punto G {m} [anatomy, sexuality] :: G-spot
punto limpio {m} :: recycling station
punto muerto {m} :: dead end
punto muerto {m} :: neutral gear
punto muerto {m} :: dead center (in engineering)
punto muerto {m} :: break-even point
punto negro {m} :: accident black spot
punto remoto {m} :: far point
puntos suspensivos {mp} :: ellipsis (a mark used in printing to indicate an omission)
punto verde {m} :: recycling station
punto y coma {m} :: semicolon
puntuabilidad {f} :: sufficient points
puntuable {adj} :: point-scoring
puntuación {f} :: punctuation
puntuación {f} :: score (number of points)
puntual {adj} :: punctual, on time
puntualidad {f} :: punctuality
puntualísimo {adj} :: superlative of puntual
puntualización {f} :: point-by-point statement
puntualizar {v} :: to detail, to specify
puntualizar {v} :: to fix something in one's memory
puntualizar {v} :: to complete
puntualmente {adv} :: punctually, on time
puntuar {v} :: to punctuate
puntuar {v} :: to score or gain points
puntura {f} :: prick; puncture
punzada {f} :: sting [injury]
punzada {f} :: sting [pain]
punzante {adj} :: sharp, biting (pain)
punzante {adj} :: sharp, prickly (object)
punzar {vt} :: to perforate, punch
punzar {vi} :: to sting, twinge
punzó {m} :: ponceau, red
punzocortante {adj} :: pointed and sharp
punzón {m} :: awl
punzonar {v} :: To punch (holes)
punzón de hielo {m} :: ice pick
pupa {f} :: pupa
pupa {f} :: bump, especially a cold sore
pupa {f} [childish] :: boo-boo (pain)
pupación {f} :: pupation
pupila {f} [anatomy] :: pupil of the eye
pupila {f} :: feminine noun of pupilo, female pupil
pupilaje {m} :: pupilage, state of being a pupil
pupilar {adj} :: pupilar
pupilera {f} :: adopter of orphans
pupilo {m} :: orphan (in an orphanage)
pupilo {m} :: houseguest, boarder
pupilo {m} :: pupil
pupitre {m} :: A student desk
pupú {m} [colloquial] :: poop; poo
pupusa {f} [Central America] :: a stuffed tortilla
pupusa {f} [Central America, vulgar, slang] :: pussy, vulva
pupusería {f} [El Salvador] :: restaurant where pupusas are served or sold
puputov {m} :: a bottle filled with faeces used by demonstrators against the authorities during the 2017 Venezuelan protests
puquina {adj} :: Puquina
puquina {m} :: Puquina
puramente {adv} :: purely, solely
purasangre {adj} :: thoroughbred
puré {m} :: puree
puré {m} :: mash (for potatoes)
purépecha {adj} :: Purepecha
purépecha {mf} :: Purepecha
purépecha {m} :: Purepecha [language]
pureza {f} :: purity
purgación {f} :: purging
purgación {f} :: menstruation
purgante {adj} :: purging; purgative
purgante {m} :: purgative
purgar {v} :: to purge
purgar {v} :: to drain
purgatorio {m} :: purgatory
puridad {f} [rare] :: purity
puridad {f} :: secretiveness, stealth
purificación {f} :: purification
Purificación {prop} {f} :: given name
purificador {adj} :: purifying
purificador {m} :: water filter
purificador {m} :: air filter
purificante {adj} :: purifying
purificar {v} :: to purify, refine
purillo {m} :: diminutive of puro
purín {m} [agriculture] :: slurry
purina {f} [organic compound] :: purine
purísimo {adj} :: superlative of puro
purismo {m} :: purism
purista {adj} :: purist
purista {mf} :: purist
puritana {f} :: feminine noun of puritano
puritanismo {m} :: Puritanism (beliefs and practices of the Puritans)
puritanismo {m} :: puritanism (strict and austere religious practice)
puritano {adj} :: puritan
puritano {adj} :: Puritan
puritano {m} :: puritan
puritano {m} :: Puritan
puro {adj} :: pure, clear
puro {adj} :: alone, mere, nothing less than
puro {adv} :: only, merely
puro {m} :: cigar, puro
puro {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: a fine (especially a big one)
puro y duro {adj} [idiom] :: downright; plain; out-and-out
púrpura {adj} [heraldry] :: purpure
púrpura {adj} [anglicism] :: purple
púrpura {f} :: purple (colour)
púrpura {f} [in a poetic sense] :: blood
púrpura {f} :: Tyrian purple
púrpura {f} [mollusk] :: purple dye murex (Murex brandaris)
púrpura {f} [pathology] :: purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
purpurado {m} [religion] :: cardinal
purpurar {v} :: to make purple
purpúreo {adj} :: synonym of púrpura
purpurina {f} :: purpurin
purpurina {f} :: glitter
purrusalda {f} :: alternative spelling of porrusalda
purulento {adj} :: purulent, pussy
pururú {m} [northern Argentina] :: popcorn
Purús {prop} :: Purús (province)
Purús {prop} :: Purús (river)
pus {mf} :: pus
pusilánime {adj} :: pusillanimous
pusilánimemente {adv} :: pusillanimously
pusilanimidad {f} :: pusillanimity
pústula {f} :: pustule
pustulado {adj} :: pustulate
pustuloso {adj} :: pustular
puta {f} [pejorative, vulgar] :: whore, slut, prostitute
puta {f} [pejorative, vulgar] :: bitch
putada {f} :: dirty trick, raw deal, villainy
putada {f} :: bad luck, bummer, bastard
putada {f} :: scolding
puta de quinta {f} [vulgar, derogatory, extremely offensive, idiom] :: A cumwhore, cuntwhore, dickhole, prostitute, trash
putadilla {f} :: prank
putadita {f} :: diminutive of putada
putañear {v} [vulgar] :: to attend a prostitute
putañero {m} [vulgar] :: whoremonger; pimp who procures whores
putañero {adj} [vulgar] :: whorish
putañero {adj} [vulgar] :: addicted to whores, whoring
puta que te parió {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, vulgar, idiom] :: fuck you (catch-all response said out of anger)
putativo {adj} :: putative
putaza {f} [slang] :: mega-slut
putear {v} [vulgar] :: To prostitute oneself
putear {v} [vulgar] :: To attend a prostitute
putear {v} [vulgar] :: To fuck around, bother
putear {v} [vulgar] :: To insult or scold someone
Putellas {prop} :: surname
putería {f} [colloquial] :: whorehouse, brothel
putería {f} [colloquial] :: piss-take
putería {f} [colloquial] :: whoring
puterío {m} :: brothel, whorehouse
putero {adj} :: whoring; whoremongering
putero {m} [colloquial] :: whoremonger
putero {m} [colloquial] :: brothel, whorehouse
putero {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: gigolo
putero {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: kerb crawler
putero {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: A lot, a bunch
puticlub {m} :: brothel, whorehouse
putilla {f} :: diminutive of puta
putinesco {adj} :: Putinesque
putinización {f} :: Putinisation
putita {f} :: diminutive of puta. Little slut
puto {adj} [vulgar] :: fucking, goddamn
puto {m} [vulgar] :: man-whore
puto {m} [vulgar, pejorative] :: faggot
puto {m} [vulgar, pejorative] :: asshole, fucker, motherfucker
putón {m} :: augmentative of puta, superslut
putona {f} [colloquial] :: slut
Putre {prop} {m} :: Putre (city)
putrefacción {f} :: putrefaction
putrefacto {adj} :: rotten, putrid
putrefacto {adj} [figuratively] :: rotten
putrescina {f} [organic compound] :: putrescine
putria {f} [Latin America, pejorative, vulgar] :: prostituted motherland
pútrido {adj} :: putrid
puya {f} [bullfighting] :: Sharp point on the tip of the vara (bullfighter's lance)
puya {f} :: jibe; taunt
puya {interj} [El Salvador, euphemism] :: fudge (euphemism of the interjection puta "fuck!")
puyar {vt} :: to jab, poke
puyar {vt} :: to incite
puyazo {m} [bullfighting] :: blow or thrust with the lance
puzle {m} [colloquial] :: jigsaw puzzle
puzolana {f} :: puzzolan
puzolánico {adj} :: pozzolanic
puzzle {m} :: jigsaw puzzle
pyme {f} :: acronym of pequeña y mediana empresa; SME
PyME {f} :: alternative case form of pyme
PYME {f} :: alternative case form of pyme
pyrex {m} :: pyrex
Python {prop} {m} :: Python programming language
pza. {f} :: alternative form of pza
pza {f} :: abbreviation of plaza (place, square)
pza {f} :: abbreviation of pieza (piece)