User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-p
p. {f} | :: abbreviation of página |
p {letter} | :: letter |
P {letter} | :: The 17th letter of the Spanish alphabet |
pa' {prep} [colloquial] | :: apocopic form of para |
pa {prep} [colloquial] | :: apocopic form of para, for, to |
PA {f} [medicine] | :: initialism of presión arterial |
PA {f} [biology] | :: initialism of potencial de acción |
pabellón {m} | :: pavilion |
pabellón {m} [Chile] | :: operating room |
pabellón {m} | :: ensign (national flag flown on a vessel) |
pabellón {m} [Venezuela] | :: pabellón criollo |
pabelloncito {m} | :: diminutive of pabellón |
pabellón criollo {m} [Venezuela] | :: Traditional dish composed of rice, shredded beef, black beans, and fried plantain slices |
pabilo {m} | :: candlewick |
pábilo {m} | :: alternative form of pabilo |
pablismo {m} | :: Support for Pablo Iglesias Turrión, a Spanish politician |
pablista {adj} | :: Supporting Pablo Iglesias Turrión, secretary-general of Podemos |
pablista {mf} | :: A supporter of Pablo Iglesias Turrión |
Pablito {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Pablo {prop} {m} | :: Paul [biblical character] |
Pablo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
pábulo {m} | :: fodder, pabulum |
paca {f} | :: bale (bundle) |
paca {f} [colloquial, pejorative, Latin America] | :: female police officer |
paca {f} [chiefly Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay] | :: paca (rodent of the genus Cuniculus) |
Paca {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pacana {f} | :: pecan |
pacano {m} | :: pecan |
Pacasmayo {prop} | :: Pacasmayo (province) |
Pacasmayo {prop} | :: Pacasmayo (city/provincial capital) |
pacato {adj} | :: timid, modest |
pacaya {f} | :: Costa Rican bamboo palm (Chamaedorea costaricana) |
paceño {adj} | :: Of or relating to the city of La Paz, in several countries |
paceño {m} | :: Someone from La Paz |
pacense {adj} | :: Of or from Badajoz |
pacense {mf} | :: Someone from Badajoz |
pacer {v} | :: to graze, to pasture |
pacer {v} | :: to put out to pasture |
pacer {v} | :: to eat away, to nibble, to gnaw |
pacha {f} [El Salvador, Nicaragua] | :: baby bottle |
pachá {m} | :: pasha |
Pachamama {prop} {f} | :: Pachamama |
pachamámico {adj} [attributive] | :: Pachamama |
pachanca {f} | :: Magellanic penguin |
pachanga {f} | :: party (social gathering) |
pachanga {f} [sports] | :: A pick-up game of a sport; a football, basketball or another sport kickabout; a friendly game |
pachanguero {adj} | :: noisy, boisterous |
pacharán {m} | :: patxaran |
pache {m} | :: a food from Guatemala, similar to a tamal but with potato dough |
pacho {adj} | :: lazy |
pacho {adj} [Central America] | :: short |
pacho {adj} [El Salvador, Nicaragua] | :: shallow, flat (not deep) |
pacho {adj} [Central America, Chile] | :: chubby and short |
pachorra {f} [colloquial] | :: laziness, apathy |
pachorriento {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: lazy |
pachuca {f} | :: feminine noun of pachuco |
pachucho {adj} | :: poorly, under the weather |
pachuco {adj} [Mexico] | :: flashy, flashily dressed |
pachuco {adj} [Costa Rica] | :: slang (often considered low-class) |
pachuco {m} [Costa Rica] | :: uneducated person from the city who uses city slang |
pachulí {m} | :: patchouli (east Indian plant plant) |
pachulí {m} | :: patchouli (fragrance produced from this plant) |
pachuquismo {m} [uncountable] | :: the culture of the pachucos |
pachuquismo {m} | :: a word or expression from pachuco culture used in Spanish |
paciencia {f} | :: patience, forbearance (the quality of being patient) |
paciente {adj} | :: patient |
paciente {mf} [medical] | :: patient |
pacientemente {adv} | :: patiently |
pacientísimo {adj} | :: superlative of paciente |
pacificación {f} | :: pacification |
pacificador {adj} | :: pacifying, peace making |
pacificador {m} | :: peacemaker, pacifier (one who pacifies) |
pacificadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pacificador |
pacíficamente {adv} | :: peacefully |
pacificar {v} | :: to pacify |
pacífico {adj} | :: peaceful |
Pacífico {prop} {m} [ocean] | :: Short form of Océano Pacífico, the Pacific Ocean |
pacifismo {m} | :: pacifism |
pacifista {mf} | :: pacifist |
pack {m} | :: pack, package |
pack {m} | :: kit, set, bundle |
packaging {m} | :: packaging |
paco {adj} | :: reddish (color) |
paco {m} | :: llama |
paco {m} [chiefly Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay] | :: male paca |
paco {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama] | :: police officer |
paco {m} [colloquial, obsolete, Spain] | :: During Spanish occupation in Africa, a Moroccan sniper |
paco {m} [Spain, recreational drug] | :: A cheap drug made from cocaine paste mixed with raticide, caffeine and other chemicals |
Paco {prop} {m} | :: given name |
pacos {mp} | :: plural of paco |
pacos {mp} [Chile, pejorative] | :: the police |
pacotilla {f} | :: free luggage of a sailor |
pacotilla {f} | :: trash, junk, garbage (something of inferior quality) |
pacotilla {f} [Latin America] | :: mob, rabble |
pacotilla {f} [El Salvador, Nicaragua] | :: gang |
pacotillero {m} [pejorative, Latin America] | :: junk dealer |
pactar {vt} | :: to agree upon |
pactismo {m} | :: pactism |
pactista {mf} | :: pactist |
pacto {m} | :: pact |
pacto {m} | :: contract, agreement |
pactómetro {m} [Spain] | :: coalition builder, coalition calculator; A tool, app or program is a calculator that allows calculating the sums of Members of Parliament between the parties for possible government pacts, after knowing the results of an election |
padana {f} | :: feminine noun of padano |
padano {adj} | :: Padan |
padano {m} | :: Padan |
padawan {m} | :: padawan |
paddock {m} [motor racing] | :: paddock |
padecer {vit} | :: to suffer |
padecimiento {m} | :: The current action of suffering damage, injury or a disease |
pádel {m} | :: padel |
Padilla {prop} {f} | :: surname |
Padilla {prop} {f} | :: A placename |
padouca {adj} | :: Padouca |
padouca {mf} | :: Padouca |
padrastrillo {m} | :: diminutive of padrastre |
padrastro {m} | :: stepfather |
padrastro {m} | :: hangnail |
padrazo {m} | :: Great father |
padre {m} [family] | :: father |
padre {m} [religion] | :: father |
padre {adj} [Mexico, slang] | :: cool, acceptable, easy |
Padre {pron} | :: Father (a title for a Latin Catholic priest and also God the Father) |
padre biológico {m} | :: biological father, birth father |
padre biológico {m} | :: biological parent, birth parent [gender unspecified] |
padrecito {m} | :: diminutive of padre |
padre nuestro {m} | :: alternative form of padrenuestro |
padrenuestro {m} | :: Lord's Prayer |
padrillo {m} [Latin America] | :: stallion |
padrinazgo {m} | :: sponsorship |
padrino {m} | :: godfather |
padrino {m} | :: sponsor (at a wedding, graduation, First Communion, etc.) |
padrino {m} [bullfighting] | :: high-ranking bullfighter who gives the "alternativa" to a "novillero" |
padrísimo {adj} | :: superlative of padre |
padrito {m} | :: diminutive of padre |
padrón {m} | :: augmentative of padre |
padrón {m} | :: census |
padrón {m} [politics] | :: electoral roll |
padrón {m} [Central America] | :: stud horse, stallion (adult male horse kept for breeding) |
padrote {adj} | :: augmentative of padre |
padrote {m} | :: augmentative of padre |
padrote {m} | :: protector, master, patron |
padrote {m} [Central America, Colombia] | :: stud horse, stallion (adult male horse kept for breeding) |
padrote {m} [Central America, Mexico] | :: pimp (prostitution solicitor) |
Padua {prop} | :: Padua (capital city) |
Padua {prop} | :: Padua (province) |
Padua {prop} | :: surname |
padyak {m} | :: rickshaw |
paella {f} | :: paella |
paellera {f} | :: paellera |
paf {interj} | :: bang! |
pág {f} | :: abbreviation of página p (page) |
paga {f} | :: payment |
paga {f} | :: payoff |
paga {f} | :: salary |
pagable {adj} | :: payable |
pagadero {adj} | :: to be paid under certain conditions |
pagadero {adj} | :: payable |
pagadero {m} | :: payer |
pagado {adj} | :: paid |
pagador {adj} | :: paying |
pagador {m} | :: payer |
pagafantas {mf} [Spain, slang] | :: friend-zonee, nice guy, orbiter (someone stuck in the friend zone) |
págalo {m} | :: skua |
págalo ártico {m} | :: Arctic skua (seabird) |
págalo grande {m} | :: great skua |
págalo parásito {m} | :: Arctic skua (seabird) |
pagana {f} | :: feminine noun of pagano |
paganismo {m} | :: paganism |
pagano {adj} | :: pagan |
pagano {m} | :: pagan |
pagapensiones {mf} [pejorative, Spain] | :: delinquent and criminal immigrant |
pagar {v} | :: to pay |
pagar {v} | :: to pay for |
pagar a escote {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go Dutch; to split the bill |
pagar a tocateja {v} [idiom] | :: to pay a lot of money in cash |
pagaré {m} | :: promissory note, IOU |
pagar el pato {v} [idiomatic] | :: To bear the brunt; to take the rap |
pagar los platos rotos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to carry the can |
pagarse {v} | :: reflexive of pagar |
pagaza {f} | :: Any of a number of species of terns |
pagaza elegante {f} | :: elegant tern (Thalasseus elegans) |
pagaza piconegra {f} | :: gull-billed tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) |
pagaza piquirroja {f} | :: Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) |
pagaza real {f} | :: royal tern (Thalasseus maximus) |
page {m} | :: page, pageboy |
página {f} | :: page |
paginación {f} | :: pagination |
página de inicio {f} | :: home page |
paginar {v} | :: to paginate |
página web {f} | :: web page |
pago {m} | :: pay, payment |
pago {m} | :: estate [of a vineyard or olive farm] |
pagoda {f} | :: pagoda |
pagro {m} | :: porgy |
paguita {f} | :: diminutive of paga |
paiche {m} | :: the arapaima (Arapaima gigas) |
paico {m} [Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru] | :: epazote |
paico {m} [Chile] | :: euphemism for pico (penis), usually used in the phrase "pal pico" (meaning "in a very bad situation") |
paidofilia {f} | :: alternative spelling of pedofilia |
paidófilo {adj} | :: alternative form of pedófilo |
paidófilo {m} | :: alternative form of pedófilo |
paila {f} | :: paila (large bowl) |
pailebot {m} | :: alternative spelling of pailebote |
pailebote {m} [nautical] | :: a small schooner |
pailebote {m} [nautical] | :: pilot boat |
Paine {prop} | :: A town, mountain, and park in Chile |
paíño {m} | :: storm petrel |
paintball {m} | :: paintball |
paiquil {m} | :: orange-ball-tree |
país {m} | :: country (the territory of a nation) |
país {m} | :: country, land (a set region of land having particular human occupation or agreed limits) |
paisa {m} [Latin America, slang] | :: Someone from a rural or rustic area |
paisa {m} [Latin America, slang] | :: A Chinese immigrant |
paisa {m} [Colombia, colloquial] | :: Someone from the Paisa Region of northwest Colombia |
paisa {m} [Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, colloquial] | :: Someone from any place in Colombia |
paisa {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial] | :: Someone from Nicaragua |
paisa {m} | :: paisa (a hundredth of a rupee or a taka) |
paisaje {m} | :: landscape (the view of an area of land) |
paisaje {m} | :: countryside |
paisajismo {m} | :: landscape painting |
paisajismo {m} | :: landscaping |
paisajismo urbano {m} | :: landscape gardening |
paisajista {mf} | :: landscaper |
paisajísticamente {adv} | :: regarding the landscape; in terms of views |
paisajístico {adj} | :: landscape [attributive] |
paisana {f} | :: feminine noun of paisano |
paisanaje {m} | :: collection of persons from the same original country/location |
paisanito {m} | :: diminutive of paisano |
paisano {m} | :: a fellow countryman |
paisano {m} | :: a peasant (someone who lives in the countryside) |
paisano {m} [Jewish] | :: a fellow Jew |
país en vías de desarrollo {m} | :: developing country |
Países Bajos {prop} {mp} | :: Países Bajos (country) |
Países Catalanes {prop} {mp} | :: Catalan Countries |
paisito {m} | :: diminutive of país |
país miembro {m} | :: member country |
paisuchito {m} | :: diminutive of paisucho |
paisucho {m} | :: pejorative of país |
País Vasco {prop} {m} | :: País Vasco (autonomous community) |
Paita {prop} | :: Paita (province) |
Paita {prop} | :: Paita (city/provincial capital) |
paiute {adj} | :: Paiute |
paiute {mf} | :: Paiute |
paja {f} [countable] | :: straw (dried stalk of a cereal plant) |
paja {f} [uncountable] | :: straw (dried stalks considered collectively) |
paja {f} | :: A drinking straw |
paja {f} [slang] | :: wank, handjob, masturbation |
paja {f} [colloquial, countable, Guatemala, El Salvador] | :: lie, falsehood |
paja {f} [colloquial, uncountable, Colombia] | :: bullshit, lies, falsehoods |
paja {f} [Peruvian Spanish] | :: very good, great, excellent |
paja {f} [vulgar, uncountable, Argentina, Chile] | :: laziness, tiredness, fatigue |
pajar {m} | :: haystack |
pájara {f} | :: bird |
pájara {f} | :: paper bird; origami bird |
pájara {f} | :: kite (flying toy) |
pájara {f} | :: collapse; hit the wall (of a cyclist) |
pajarear {vi} | :: to be distracted, be absentminded, have one's head in the clouds, daydream |
pajarear {vi} | :: to go birding, to go birdwatching |
pajarera {f} | :: coop or large cage for birds |
pajarera {f} | :: very small room or house |
pajarero {m} | :: birdcatcher |
pajarero {m} | :: bird seller |
pajarero {adj} [attributive] | :: bird |
Pajares {prop} | :: surname |
pajaril {adj} [attributive] | :: bird; ornithic, avine |
pajarillo {m} | :: diminutive of pájaro |
pajarita {f} | :: feminine noun of pajarito, a small bird |
pajarita {f} | :: an origami (piece of art made by folding paper) |
pajarita {f} | :: a bowtie, bow tie (most commonly used in Spain, Cuba, Mexico but also used in other parts of countries regionally) |
pajarita {f} [Louisiana] | :: butterfly |
pajarito {m} | :: diminutive of pájaro, birdie |
pajarito {m} [slang, euphemistic] | :: penis |
pajarito {m} | :: packsaddle for a mule or burro |
Pajarito {prop} {m} | :: surname |
pájaro {m} | :: bird (usually a small bird capable of flying) |
pájaro {m} [Dominican Republic, Cuba, slang] | :: homosexual |
pájaro {m} [colloquial, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela] | :: penis |
pájaro {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: person of questionable or shady character, or involved in dubious affairs |
pájaro carpintero {m} | :: woodpecker |
pájaro de mal agüero {m} [idiom] | :: bird of ill omen |
pajarón {adj} [colloquial, Chile, Peru] | :: absentminded, distracted, scatty |
pajarón {adj} [colloquial] | :: stupid |
pajarón {m} [Chile, Peru] | :: a person, who pays no attention, an absentminded, distracted person, a daydreamer |
pajarona {f} | :: feminine noun of pajarón |
pajaronear {vi} [colloquial, South America] | :: to be distracted, be absentminded, have one's head in the clouds, daydream |
pajaroneo {m} [South America] | :: absent-mindedness |
pajarraca {f} [colloquial] | :: fuss |
paja toquilla {f} | :: The fiber of the Panama hat palm, Carludovica palmata |
paja-toquilla {f} | :: alternative spelling of paja toquilla |
paje {m} | :: page, pageboy |
paje {m} | :: cabin boy |
pajear {vt} | :: to masturbate someone |
pajearse {vi} | :: to masturbate (oneself) |
pajecillo {m} | :: diminutive of paje |
pajero {m} | :: Itinerant straw seller |
pajero {m} [Nicaragua] | :: plumber |
pajero {m} [Central America] | :: One who speaks nonsense |
pajero {m} [El Salvador, colloquial] | :: liar |
pajero {m} [Latin America, colloquial, vulgar, pejorative] | :: wanker, tosser (someone who wanks) |
pajero {m} | :: idiot (a stupid, annoying or ineffectual person) |
pajero {m} | :: bum, lazy ass |
pajilla {f} [Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica] | :: A drinking straw |
pajilla {f} [vulgar, slang, Spain] | :: wank, handjob, masturbation |
pajillero {m} [colloquial, vulgar, pejorative] | :: wanker, tosser, jerkoff (someone who masturbates) |
pajita {f} | :: diminutive of paja |
pajita {f} | :: drinking straw [Spain] |
pajizo {adj} | :: covered or made of straw |
pajizo {adj} | :: yellowish, straw (color) |
pajonal {m} | :: scrubland, brushland |
pajoso {adj} | :: strawlike |
pajoso {adj} | :: full of straw |
pajote {m} | :: mulch |
pajúo {adj} [Venezuela] | :: idiotic |
pajúo {m} [Venezuela] | :: idiot, cretin |
paki {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: Pakistani |
paki {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: Paki shop |
Pakistán {prop} {m} | :: Pakistan |
pakistaní {adj} | :: Pakistani |
pakistaní {mf} | :: Pakistani |
pa'l {contraction} | :: contraction of para el |
pal {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of para (for) + el (the) |
pala {f} | :: shovel, spade |
pala {f} | :: blade of an oar, a shovel, etc |
pala {f} [shoemaking] | :: upper, vamp |
pala {f} | :: setting (piece of metal in which a precious gem is fixed) |
pala {f} | :: paddle |
palabra {f} | :: word |
palabra {f} | :: wording |
palabra {f} | :: word (promise) |
palabra clave {f} | :: keyword, key word |
palabra clave {f} [cryptography] | :: codeword |
palabra compuesta {f} | :: compound word |
palabra de honor {adj} | :: strapless |
palabra mágica {f} | :: magic word, spell |
palabras mayores {fp} [idiom] | :: something else; another level |
palabrear {v} [Chile] | :: to insult |
palabreja {f} | :: a strange or weird word |
palabrería {f} | :: claptrap (empty verbiage or nonsense) |
palabrerío {m} | :: claptrap (empty verbiage or nonsense) |
palabrero {adj} | :: wordy |
palabrilla {f} | :: diminutive of palabra |
palabrita {f} | :: diminutive of palabra |
palabro {m} | :: swear word |
palabro {m} | :: nonsense word; nonce word |
palabrota {f} | :: offensive word, swear word, swear |
palacete {m} | :: small palace, mansion, villa |
palacial {adj} | :: palatial (of or relating to a palace) |
palaciegamente {adv} | :: palatially |
palaciego {adj} | :: palatial (of or relating to a palace) |
palaciego {m} | :: courtier |
palacio {m} | :: palace |
palacio {m} | :: mansion |
Palacios {prop} {m} | :: surname |
palada {f} | :: A strike with a spade |
paladar {m} | :: palate (roof of the mouth, and sense of taste) |
paladar {m} | :: A small family-run restaurant in a Cuban home |
paladar hendido {m} | :: cleft palate |
paladeable {adj} | :: tasteable, savourable |
paladear {v} | :: to savor |
paladear {v} | :: to taste |
paladear {v} | :: to cleanse the palate |
pala de dientes {f} [Asturias] | :: pitchfork |
paladín {m} | :: paladin |
paladín {m} | :: defender, champion, forerunner |
paladina {f} | :: female equivalent of paladín |
paladinamente {adv} | :: publicly |
paladio {m} | :: palladium |
paladión {f} | :: palladium |
palado {adj} [heraldry] | :: paly |
palafítico {adj} [attributive] | :: stilts |
palafito {m} | :: stilt house |
Palafox {prop} | :: surname |
palafrén {m} | :: palfrey |
palafrenera {f} | :: feminine noun of palafrenero |
palafrenero {m} | :: palfreyman |
palagonita {f} [geology] | :: palagonite |
palanca {f} | :: lever |
palanca {f} | :: leverage, influence |
palanca {f} | :: joystick |
palanca {f} | :: handle (on a toilet) |
palanca {f} | :: diving board, springboard |
palanca {f} [football] | :: chip, chipped shot |
palanca de cambios {f} | :: gear stick, gear lever |
palanca de mando {f} | :: joystick |
palanca de marchas {f} | :: gear stick, gear lever |
palangana {f} | :: bowl, washbowl, vat |
palangre {f} [fishing] | :: longline |
palangre {f} [Venezuela] | :: A bribe made to a newspaper to publish a biased story |
palangrero {m} [fishing] | :: longline fishing boat |
palangrero {m} [fishing] | :: longline fisherman |
palangrista {adj} [Venezuela, of a newspaper] | :: That takes bribes to publish biased information |
palanqueo {m} | :: leverage |
palanqueta {f} | :: crowbar |
palanqueta {f} [Cuba, Mexico] | :: cereal bar |
palanquilla {f} | :: diminutive of palanca |
palanquín {m} | :: palanquin (a type of covered litter) |
pa' lante {adv} [colloquial] | :: contraction of para adelante; forward |
Palao {prop} | :: surname |
Palaos {prop} | :: Palau (Republic of Palau) |
palapa {f} | :: palapa |
palasita {f} | :: alternative form of pallasita |
palatabilidad {f} | :: palatability |
palatal {adj} | :: palatal |
palatal {f} | :: palatal |
palatalización {f} | :: palatalization |
palatalizar {vt} [phonetics] | :: to palatalize (to pronounce a sound with the tongue against the palate) |
palatalizar {vir} [phonetics] | :: to palatalize (to be pronounced with the tongue against the palate) |
palatino {adj} | :: palatine |
palatino {adj} | :: palatial (of or relating to a palace) |
palatización {f} | :: palatalization |
palauano {adj} | :: Palauan |
palauano {m} | :: Palauan |
palavolo {f} | :: volleyball |
palawan {m} | :: Palawan |
palazo {m} | :: A hit or blow with a stick |
palazzo {m} | :: palazzo (palatial urban building in Italy) |
palco {m} | :: (theater) box |
palco {m} | :: bench |
palé {m} | :: pallet |
pálea {f} | :: palea |
paleador {m} | :: shoveler; someone who uses a shovel |
paleador {m} [baseball] | :: batter |
paleadora {f} | :: feminine noun of paleador |
palear {v} | :: to shovel |
paleártico {adj} | :: palearctic |
Palencia {prop} {f} | :: Palencia (province) |
Palencia {prop} {f} | :: Palencia (city) |
Paleno {prop} {m} | :: surname |
palenque {m} | :: palisade |
palenque {m} | :: pit (miniature arena for cockfighting) |
Palenque {prop} | :: Palenque |
palenquero {m} | :: Palenquero |
palentino {adj} | :: From Palencia |
palentino {m} | :: Someone from Palencia |
paleoambiental {adj} | :: paleoenvironmental |
paleoambiente {m} | :: paleoenvironment |
paleoantropología {f} | :: paleoanthropology |
paleoantropológico {adj} | :: paleoanthropological |
paleoantropólogo {m} | :: paleoanthropologist |
paleoartista {mf} | :: paleoartist |
paleobiogeografía {f} | :: paleobiogeography |
paleobióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of paleobiólogo |
paleobiología {f} | :: paleobiology |
paleobiólogo {m} | :: paleobiologist |
paleobotánica {f} | :: paleobotany |
paleobotánico {adj} | :: paleobotanical |
paleoclima {m} [geology] | :: paleoclimate |
paleocristiano {adj} | :: paleochristian |
paleoecología {f} | :: paleoecology |
paleoecológico {adj} | :: paleoecological |
paleoeuropeo {adj} | :: Paleo-European |
paleógeno {adj} | :: Paleogene |
paleogeografía {f} | :: paleogeography |
paleogeográfico {adj} | :: paleogeographical |
paleognato {m} | :: paleognath |
paleógrafa {f} | :: paleographer |
paleografía {f} | :: paleography |
paleográfico {adj} | :: paleographic |
paleógrafo {m} | :: paleographer |
paleohispánico {adj} | :: Paleohispanic |
paleoindio {adj} | :: Paleoindian |
paleolítico {adj} | :: paleolithic |
paleólogo {m} | :: paleologist |
paleontóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of paleontólogo |
paleontología {f} | :: paleontology |
paleontológico {adj} | :: paleontological |
paleontólogo {m} | :: paleontologist |
paleopatológico {adj} | :: paleopathological |
paleozoico {adj} | :: Paleozoic |
paleozoico {m} | :: Paleozoic |
paleozoología {f} | :: paleozoology |
palera {f} | :: feminine noun of palero |
palermitano {adj} | :: Of or from Palermo |
palermitano {m} | :: Someone from Palermo |
palero {m} | :: A person who works with a spade, shovel, bat or paddle in various ways |
palero {m} | :: A vendor |
palero {m} | :: A gardener |
palero {m} | :: A stoker or shoveller (in the engine room) |
palero {m} | :: A cleaner |
palero {m} [Mexico] | :: shill (accomplice of a con artist) |
palero {m} | :: wild asparagus |
palero {m} | :: pigweed |
palestina {f} | :: feminine noun of palestino |
Palestina {prop} {f} | :: Palestine |
palestino {adj} | :: Palestinian |
palestino {m} | :: Palestinian |
palestino {m} | :: foulard |
palestra {f} [historical] | :: palaestra |
palet {m} | :: pallet |
paleta {f} | :: diminutive of pala |
paleta {f} | :: trowel, small shovel |
paleta {f} | :: lollipop, paleta |
paleta {f} | :: ice lolly, paleta |
paleta {f} | :: palette |
paleta {f} | :: feminine noun of paleto |
paletada {f} | :: trowel |
paletada {f} | :: trowelful |
paletada {f} | :: spadeful |
paletada {f} | :: spatula |
paletada {f} | :: sail, blade |
paletada {f} | :: palette |
paletada {f} | :: incisor (tooth) |
paletada {f} | :: hit with a spade or shovel |
paletería {f} | :: An ice lolly vendor |
paletilla {f} | :: diminutive of paleta |
paletismo {m} | :: ignorance, tastelessness |
paletizar {v} | :: To palletize |
paleto {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: uncouth, ignorant, unsophisticated, tasteless, illiterate, clumsy, country bumpkin |
paleto {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: hick, yokel, hillbilly (illiterate person, clumsy with no style or manners, an unskilled peasant) |
paletón {m} [El Salvador] | :: pleat (on a pair of pants or a skirt) |
palguín {m} | :: orange-ball-tree |
paliacate {m} [Mexico] | :: a brightly colored scarf or handkerchief |
paliación {f} | :: palliation (temporary relief) |
paliar {vt} | :: to palliate, alleviate |
paliativo {adj} [medicine] | :: palliative |
paliativo {m} [medicine] | :: palliative |
paliatorio {adj} | :: palliative |
pálida {f} [colloquial, Chile, Argentina] | :: pallor, paleness (due to drug abuse or sickness) |
pálidamente {adv} | :: palely |
palidecer {vi} | :: to pale, to become pale |
palidez {f} | :: paleness |
palidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pálido |
pálido {adj} | :: ashen |
pálido {adj} | :: pale |
paliducho {adj} | :: pale-looking |
palier {m} [mechanics] | :: bearing |
palilalia {f} | :: palilalia |
palillo {m} | :: toothpick |
palillo {m} | :: chopstick (single eating utensil) |
palillo {m} | :: diminutive of palo: small stick |
palillo {m} | :: very thin person |
palillo de cóctel {m} | :: cocktail stick |
palillona {f} [Honduras] | :: majorette |
palimpsesto {m} | :: palimpsest |
palín {m} | :: A traditional Mapuche game similar to hockey |
palindrómico {adj} | :: palindromic |
palíndromo {m} | :: palindrome |
palingenésico {adj} | :: palingenesic |
palinodia {f} | :: palinode |
palinología {f} | :: palynology |
palinspástico {adj} | :: palinspastic |
palio {m} | :: pallium |
palique {m} | :: short humorous article |
palique {m} | :: chitchat |
paliquear {v} | :: to natter; to chit-chat |
palisandro {m} | :: Any of a number of uninteresting trees. See w:es:Palisandro for more details |
palista {mf} | :: paddler |
palista {mf} | :: A pelota paleta player |
palita {f} | :: diminutive of pala |
palito {m} | :: diminutive of palo |
palito {m} | :: stick (of a lollipop, ice pop, popsicle) |
palito {m} | :: twig, little wooden stick or rod |
palito {m} [Caribbean] | :: cinnamon tea beverage |
palito {m} [colloquial, euphemistic, Mexico] | :: sexual intercourse |
palitroque {f} | :: small stick |
palitroque {f} | :: banderilla |
paliza {f} | :: beating, bashing |
palizada {f} | :: palisade |
palizón {m} [colloquial] | :: hit, whack |
palladiana {f} | :: feminine noun of palladiano |
palladianismo {m} | :: Palladian architecture |
palladiano {adj} | :: Palladian |
palladiano {m} | :: Palladian |
pallar {m} | :: lima bean |
pallar {v} [mineralogy] | :: to extract |
Pallasca {prop} | :: Pallasca (province) |
Pallasca {prop} | :: Pallasca (district) |
pallasita {f} [geology] | :: pallasite |
palloza {f} | :: a house with thatched conical roof and circular plant, typical of the highlands of eastern Galicia |
palma {f} | :: palm of the hand |
palma {f} | :: palm tree |
palma {f} | :: palm leaf |
palma aceitera {f} | :: oil palm |
palmada {f} | :: slap (a blow with the palm of the hand) |
palmada {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: clap (the act of striking the palms of the hands together) |
palmadamente {adv} | :: palmately |
palma de la mano {f} | :: palm (inner, concave part of hand) |
Palma de Mallorca {prop} {f} | :: Palma de Mallorca (city) |
palmadita {f} | :: diminutive of palmada |
palmar {adj} | :: related to palms (hand and tree); palmar |
palmar {m} | :: palm grove |
palmar {v} [colloquial] | :: to die |
palmarés {m} | :: list of winners or champions, prize list |
palmariamente {adv} | :: plainly, clearly |
palmario {adj} | :: clear, obvious, blatant |
palmarla {v} [colloquial] | :: to croak, snuff it (die) |
palmatoria {f} | :: cane (short stick used for corporal punishment) |
palmatoria {f} | :: a hit with the cane |
palmatoria {f} | :: a type of candlestick |
palmear {vi} | :: to clap |
palmear {vt} | :: to slap on the back |
palmense {adj} | :: Of or from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
palmense {mf} | :: Someone from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
palmera {f} | :: palm (tree) |
palmera {f} | :: palmier (pastry) |
palmeral {m} | :: palm tree wood or plantation |
palmero {m} | :: Someone who claps rhythmically in flamenco performances |
palmero {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to La Palma |
palmero {m} | :: Someone from La Palma |
palmero {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: A unconditional fan or admirer; toadeater, sycophant, toady |
palmesano {adj} | :: Of or from Palma de Mallorca |
palmesano {m} | :: Someone from Palma de Mallorca |
palmeta {f} | :: cane (for hitting), slapper |
palmetazo {m} | :: strike with a cane |
palmicultor {adj} [attributive] | :: palm tree |
palmicultor {m} | :: palm tree growers |
palmilla {f} | :: insole |
Palmilla {prop} {m} | :: Palmilla (city) |
palmillano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Palmilla |
palmípedo {adj} | :: palmipedous |
palmípedo {m} | :: palmiped |
Palmira {prop} | :: Palmira (<<ancient>> Semitic <<city>> in modern <<c/Syria>>) |
palmireno {adj} | :: Palmyrene |
palmireno {m} | :: Palmyrene |
palmita {f} | :: palmita |
palmita {f} | :: diminutive of palma |
palmitato {m} | :: palmitate |
palmítico {adj} | :: palmitic |
palmito {m} | :: heart of palm |
palmitoiltransferasa {f} [enzyme] | :: palmitoyltransferase |
palmo {m} | :: span; handspan |
palmo {m} | :: inch; inkling (small amount) |
palmo a palmo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: step by step |
palmotear {vi} | :: to applaud |
palo {m} | :: stake, stick, wood |
palo {m} [card games] | :: suit |
palo {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: pale |
palo {m} | :: hit, blow, strike (especially, with a stick) |
palo {m} [figurative] | :: blow |
palo {m} [nautical] | :: mast (a tall, slim post or tower used to support the sails on a ship) |
palo {m} [sports] | :: post; goalpost; woodwork |
palo {m} [historical] | :: execution by hanging or beheading |
palo {m} [music] | :: style (of flamenco) |
palo {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: tree |
palo {m} [slang, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] | :: shot (a small serving of alcoholic spirits) |
palo {m} [vulgar, Latin America] | :: penis |
palo de agua {m} [Venezuela, idiom] | :: downpour |
palo de golf {m} | :: golf club |
paloma {f} | :: dove, pigeon |
paloma {f} [Central America, Venezuela] | :: penis |
Paloma {prop} {f} | :: given name |
paloma mensajera {f} | :: homing pigeon |
palomar {m} | :: dovecot, dovecote |
Palomares {prop} | :: surname |
paloma torcaz {f} | :: common wood pigeon |
palo mayor {m} | :: mainmast |
palomera {f} | :: feminine noun of palomero |
palomero {m} | :: pigeon hunter |
palometa {f} | :: dropwort |
palomilla {f} | :: wing nut |
palomilla {f} | :: a mixture of water and anise liquor |
palomilla {f} | :: (piece of) popcorn |
palomilla {f} | :: white horse |
palomilla {f} | :: ball bearing |
palomilla {f} | :: sirloin (cut of beef) |
palomilla {f} | :: gutter hanger |
palomilla {f} [Guatemala, Mexico] | :: clique; club;. band (of people with a similar hobby) |
palomilla {f} [Honduras, Mexico, Panama] | :: gang (of criminals, thugs etc.) |
palomilla {f} [Honduras, Mexico] | :: gang (of youths) |
palomilla {f} [Cuba, Panama] | :: clique; club;. band (of people with a similar hobby) |
palomilla {f} | :: white horse; whitecap (wave) |
palomilla {f} | :: feminine noun of palomillo |
palomilla {f} | :: Any of a number of butterflies and plants |
palomilla {f} | :: Indianmeal moth (Plodia interpunctella) |
palomilla {f} | :: green oak tortrix (Tortrix viridana) |
palomilla {f} | :: fumitory (Fumaria) |
palomilla {f} | :: dyer's alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) |
palomilla {f} | :: European columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) |
palomilla {f} | :: ivy-leaved toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis) |
palomilla {f} | :: alpine toadflax (Linaria alpina) |
palomino {m} | :: palomino |
palomino {m} | :: squab (baby pigeon, baby dove, dove chick) |
palomino {m} | :: skid mark (visible stain left on underpants) |
palomino {m} | :: pigeon droppings |
palomita {f} | :: diminutive of paloma, little dove |
palomita {f} | :: popcorn (from its resemblance in appearance to doves) |
palomita {f} [Peru] | :: penis |
palomo {m} | :: male dove, male pigeon, cock pigeon |
palomo {m} [vulgar, Dominican Republic, slang] | :: coward, no-good |
palosanto {m} | :: Any of a number of trees |
palo seco {adj} | :: sans serif |
palotada {f} | :: blow with a stick |
palote {m} | :: downstroke |
palote {m} | :: beanpole |
paloteo {m} | :: stick dance |
palotino {adj} | :: Pallottine |
palotino {m} | :: Pallottine |
Palpa {prop} | :: Palpa (province) |
Palpa {prop} | :: Palpa (town/provincial capital) |
palpable {adj} | :: palpable |
palpablemente {adv} | :: palpably |
palpación {f} | :: palpation |
palpador {m} | :: A kind of sensor |
palpar {v} | :: to feel |
palpebral {adj} | :: palpebral |
palpitación {f} | :: palpitation |
palpitante {adj} | :: throbbing, pulsing |
palpitar {v} | :: to palpitate |
palpite {m} | :: hunch |
pálpito {m} | :: hunch |
palpo {m} | :: palp; palpus |
palquín de Chile {m} | :: orange-ball-tree |
palquista {mf} | :: burglar who enters through a window or balcony |
palquito {m} | :: diminutive of palco |
palta {f} [Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay] | :: avocado (fruit) |
palta {adj} [Peru] | :: embarrasing, fear |
palto {m} [Chile, Argentina] | :: avocado (tree) |
paltó {m} | :: paletot; overcoat |
paltón {m} [slang, Chile] | :: snob |
paltona {f} | :: feminine noun of paltón |
paludal {adj} | :: paludal, palustral |
palude {f} | :: rare form of paúl |
palúdico {adj} | :: palustral |
palúdico {adj} [medicine] | :: malarial |
paludismo {m} | :: malaria (disease) |
paluego {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: food debris between the teeth |
palurda {f} | :: feminine noun of palurdo |
palurdo {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: boring, uncouth, ignorant, unsophisticated, tasteless, illiterate, clumsy (related to peasants) |
palurdo {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: hick, yokel (illiterate person, clumsy with no style or manners, an unskilled peasant) |
palustre {adj} | :: palustral |
pama {adj} | :: Paman |
pambacería {f} | :: A bakery that sells pambazo |
pambazo {m} | :: pambazo, a Mexican baguette of white bread used for making sandwiches |
pambol {m} [colloquial, derogatory, Mexico] | :: soccer |
pambolera {f} | :: feminine noun of pambolero |
pambolero {adj} [Mexico] | :: footballing; football |
pambolero {m} [Mexico] | :: footballer |
pame {adj} | :: Pame |
pame {mf} | :: Pame |
pamela {f} | :: A type of straw hat with large brim, typically worn by women |
Pamir {prop} {m} | :: Pamir (range) |
pampa {f} | :: pampa |
pampanga {f} | :: feminine noun of pampango |
pampango {adj} | :: Kapampangan |
pampango {m} | :: Kapampangan (people) |
pampango {m} | :: Kapampangan (language) |
pámpano {m} | :: shoot of a vine |
pampeano {adj} | :: Pampan |
pampeano {m} | :: Pampan |
pampera {f} | :: feminine noun of pampero |
pampero {adj} | :: Of or from the pampas |
pampero {m} | :: An inhabitant of the pampas |
pampero {m} | :: pampero (wind) |
pámpido {m} | :: A person from the Pampas |
pampiniforme {adj} [anatomy] | :: pampiniform |
pamplina {f} | :: nonsense |
pamplinada {f} | :: trifle (insignificant amount) |
Pamplona {prop} {f} | :: Pamplona |
pamplonés {adj} | :: From Pamplona |
pamplonés {m} | :: Someone from Pamplona |
pamplonica {adj} | :: of or from Pamplona |
pamplonica {mf} | :: Someone from Pamplona |
pampsiquismo {m} | :: panpsychism |
pamú {mf} | :: A member of the Pamu tribe in Equatorial Guinea |
pan- {prefix} | :: pan- |
pan {m} | :: bread |
pan {m} | :: bun (e.g. the kinds used for a hamburger or hot dog) |
pan {m} [figurative] | :: money, dough |
pan {m} [figurative] | :: work, job |
PAN {prop} [Mexico] | :: initialism of Partido Acción Nacional |
PAN {prop} [Guatemala] | :: initialism of Partido de Avanzada Nacional |
pana {f} | :: breakdown (of vehicle) |
pana {f} | :: velour, corduroy |
pana {f} [Puerto Rico] | :: breadfruit |
pana {f} [Puerto Rico, Venezuelan, Ecuador, slang] | :: dude, friend |
pana {f} [Chile] | :: liver (used as food) |
panacea {f} | :: panacea |
pan ácimo {m} | :: unleavened bread |
panadera {f} | :: feminine noun of panadero |
panadería {f} | :: bakery |
panadero {m} | :: baker (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) |
panafricanismo {m} | :: Pan-Africanism |
panafricanista {mf} | :: a supporter of Pan-Africanism |
panafricano {adj} | :: Pan-African |
panal {m} [bees] | :: honeycomb |
pañal {m} | :: diaper, nappy |
pañalera {f} | :: diaper bag; nappy bag |
panalillo {m} | :: sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima) |
pañalillo {m} | :: Little nappy (diminutive of pañal) |
panamá {m} | :: Panama hat |
Panamá {prop} {m} | :: Panamá (country) |
Panamá {prop} {m} | :: Panamá (province) |
panameñismo {m} | :: patriotism for Panama |
panameñismo {m} | :: A word of saying found predominately in Panamanian Spanish |
panameñista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Partido Panameñista, a Panamanian political party |
panameñista {mf} | :: A member of the Partido Panameñista |
panameño {adj} | :: Panamanian |
panameño {m} | :: Panamanian |
panamericanismo {m} | :: Pan-Americanism |
panamericano {adj} | :: Pan-American |
panapén {m} [Puerto Rico] | :: breadfruit |
panárabe {adj} | :: pan-Arab |
panarabismo {m} | :: pan-Arabism |
panarra {m} | :: bat (winged mammal) |
panarra {m} [colloquial] | :: simpleton |
panatela {f} | :: a long thin biscuit |
panatela {f} | :: a long thin cigar |
panatenaico {adj} | :: Panathenaic |
panca {f} [Andes] | :: dried maize leaf |
pancarta {f} | :: banner (large sign) |
pancartilla {f} | :: diminutive of pancarta |
pancatalanismo {m} | :: pan-Catalanism |
panceta {f} | :: Cured bacon |
Panchatantra {prop} | :: Panchatantra |
Panchen Lama {m} | :: Panchen Lama |
panchería {f} [Uruguay, Argentina] | :: hot dog stand, hot dog joint |
panchito {m} | :: diminutive of pancho |
panchito {m} | :: fried peanut seed, usually with salt |
panchito {m} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, slang] | :: a Hispanic person from the Americas |
pancho {adj} | :: calm, relaxed |
pancho {adj} | :: satisfied |
pancho {m} | :: young blackspot sea bream |
pancho {m} [colloquial] | :: belly |
pancho {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: hot dog |
Pancho {prop} [colloquial] | :: given name |
pancista {adj} | :: opportunist |
pancista {mf} | :: opportunist |
pancita {f} | :: diminutive of panza |
pancita {f} | :: tripe (food) |
pancita de res {f} | :: cow tripe |
pancito {m} | :: diminutive of pan |
panco {m} | :: A cabotage vessel formerly used in the Philippines |
pan comido {m} [idiomatic] | :: cinch, a piece of cake, a cakewalk, a breeze, a slam dunk, a no-brainer, duck soup, a walk in the park, a walkover, a picnic (something easy to do) |
pan comido {m} [idiomatic] | :: easy as pie, easy-peasy [adjectival noun] |
pan con pan, comida de tontos {phrase} | :: Merging very similar things or doing always the same thing is boring and unsatisfactory |
pancracio {m} | :: pankration |
Pancracio {prop} {m} | :: Pancras |
páncreas {m} [anatomy] | :: pancreas |
pancreático {adj} | :: pancreatic |
pancreaticoduodenal {adj} [anatomy] | :: pancreaticoduodenal |
pancreatitis {f} [pathology] | :: pancreatitis |
pancreatoduodenal {adj} | :: pancreatoduodenal |
pancrelipasa {f} [enzyme] | :: pancrelipase |
pancromático {adj} | :: panchromatic |
panda {f} | :: [colloquial, collective] gang, bunch |
panda {m} | :: panda |
panda rojo {m} | :: red panda |
pandear {v} | :: to bend |
pandear {v} | :: to be inclined |
pandear {v} | :: to bulge out |
pan de Dios {m} [idiomatic, Argentina, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Uruguay] | :: A kindhearted, benevolent person |
pandeiro {m} | :: pandeiro |
pandeísmo {m} | :: pandeism |
pandeísta {mf} | :: pandeist |
pandemia {f} | :: pandemic |
pandémico {adj} | :: pandemic |
pan de molde {m} | :: sandwich bread |
pandemónium {m} | :: pandemonium |
pan de oro {m} | :: gold leaf |
pandera {f} | :: tambourine |
pandereta {f} | :: tambourine |
pandero {m} | :: tambourine (percussion instrument consisting of a small hoop closed on one side with a drum frame and featuring jingling metal disks on the tread) |
pan de sal {m} | :: pandesal (bread) |
pandilla {f} | :: gang |
pandillera {f} | :: feminine noun of pandillero |
pandilleril {adj} [attributive] | :: gang |
pandillerismo {m} | :: gangsterism |
pandillero {m} | :: gangster (member of a gang or group) |
pandillismo {m} | :: gang violence |
pandillita {f} | :: diminutive of pandilla |
pandina {f} | :: feminine noun of pandino |
pandino {adj} | :: Of or from the department of Pando Department, Bolivia |
pandino {m} | :: An inhabitant of the department of Pando Department, Bolivia |
pando {adj} | :: crooked, bent |
pando {adj} | :: shallow (water) |
pando {adj} | :: sluggish, slow (moving slowly) |
pando {adj} [El Salvador] | :: unlucky (having bad luck) |
pando {m} | :: plane (open flat land between mountains) |
Pando {prop} | :: Pando (department) |
Pandora {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora |
pan dulce {m} [Mexico] | :: Mexican sweet bread [also called this in most other countries except for southern South America] |
pan dulce {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: panettone |
panecillo {m} | :: diminutive of pan |
panegírico {adj} | :: panegyric |
panegírico {m} | :: panegyric |
panegirista {mf} | :: panegyrist |
panel {m} | :: panel |
panela {f} | :: panela (solid piece of unrefined sugar) |
panelero {adj} | :: of or pertaining to panela |
panelista {mf} | :: panelist |
panenteísmo {m} | :: panentheism |
paneo {m} | :: panorama, panning |
panera {f} | :: breadbasket |
panera {f} | :: garner, granary |
pañería {f} | :: drapes |
pañería {f} | :: drapery |
panero {m} | :: A basket used in a bakery to place bread being taken out of the oven |
panero {m} | :: A small, round mat |
panero {adj} [of a person] | :: who has a great liking for bread |
pañero {m} | :: draper, clothier, dry-goods dealer |
pañero {adj} [attributive] | :: textile, cloth |
paneslavismo {m} | :: Pan-Slavism |
panetela {f} [Cuba] | :: pound cake |
panetela {f} | :: variant form of panatela |
panetón {m} | :: panettone |
paneuropeo {adj} | :: Pan-European |
Panfilia {prop} | :: Pamphylia |
pánfilo {adj} | :: slow of understanding: dull, naive |
panfletaria {f} | :: feminine noun of panfletario |
panfletario {adj} | :: propagandist |
panfletario {m} | :: propagandist |
panfletillo {m} | :: diminutive of panfleto |
panfleto {m} | :: pamphlet (but of a political, often defamatory, nature) |
panga {f} [Latin America] | :: panga (small inflatable motorboat used in Latin America) |
panga {f} [Spain] | :: swai, iridescent shark (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) |
panga {f} [fish] | :: torpedo scad (Pterogymnus laniarius) |
Pangasinense {n} | :: the Pangasinense language, spoken in the Philippines, in particular, Pangasinan, northern Tarlac, and southwestern La Union, both located north of Metro Manila in the island of Luzon in the Philippines |
Pangasinense {n} | :: One of the native speakers of the Pangasinense language |
Pangasinense {n} | :: the Pangasinense people, in particular, the natives of Pangasinan, northern Tarlac, and southwestern La Union in the island of Luzon in the Philippines |
Pangasinense {adj} | :: pertaining to the Pangasinense language or its speakers |
Pangea {prop} {f} | :: Pangaea |
pangermana {f} | :: feminine noun of pangermano |
pangermano {m} | :: Pan-German |
panglosiano {adj} | :: Panglossian |
pangolín {m} | :: pangolin |
pangrama {m} | :: pangram |
pangue {m} | :: giant rhubarb |
panhelénico {adj} | :: Panhellenic |
panhelenismo {m} | :: panhellenism |
panhipopituitarismo {m} [pathology] | :: panhypopituitarism |
panhispánico {adj} | :: pan-Hispanic |
pañí {m} [slang] | :: water |
paniaguarse {v} | :: to make friends; buddy up |
pánico {adj} | :: pertaining to the good Pan |
pánico {adj} | :: panic (of fear, fright etc.) |
pánico {m} | :: panic |
pánico {m} | :: fear, fright |
panícula {f} | :: panicle |
paniculada {f} | :: panicle |
panículo {m} | :: panniculus |
panificación {f} | :: breadmaking |
panificador {m} | :: bread maker |
panificadora {f} | :: feminine noun of panificador |
panificadora {f} | :: (industrial) bakery |
pañil {m} | :: orange-ball-tree |
pan integral {m} | :: wholemeal bread |
panismo {m} | :: The political beliefs and ideologies of the Partido Acción Nacional |
panista {adj} | :: of or relating to PAN, a Mexican political party |
panista {mf} | :: A supporter or member of PAN, a Mexican political party |
pañito {m} | :: diminutive of paño |
Panixtlahuaca {prop} | :: Panixtlahuaca (placename) |
panizo {m} | :: millet |
panizo {m} | :: maize; corn |
pañizuelo {m} | :: synonym of pañuelo |
panko {m} | :: panko |
paño {m} | :: cloth |
paño {m} | :: wipe |
paño {m} [Mexico] | :: rebozo |
panocha {f} | :: corncob |
panocha {f} | :: ear of grain |
panocha {f} [botany] | :: panicle |
panocha {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile] | :: pancake made of cornmeal and cheese |
panocha {f} [Mexico] | :: coarse brown sugar |
panocha {f} [vulgar, Cuba, Central America, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela] | :: pussy (vagina) |
panocho {m} | :: The dialect of Spanish spoken in Murcia |
paño de cocina {m} | :: dishcloth |
paño de lágrimas {m} [idiomatic] | :: shoulder to cry on |
panoja {f} | :: alternative form of panocha |
pañol {m} [nautical] | :: store, storeroom, locker |
pañolada {f} | :: The act of waving a white handkerchief at an event, especially a football game or a bullfight, as a form of protest |
pañoleta {f} | :: neckerchief |
panoli {mf} [colloquial, Spain] | :: dimwit, sucker |
pañolillo {m} | :: diminutive of pañol |
pañolito {m} | :: diminutive of pañol |
pañolón {m} | :: shawl |
panonia {f} | :: feminine noun of panonio |
Panonia {prop} {f} | :: Pannonia |
panonio {adj} | :: Pannonian (of or pertaining to the historical region of Pannonia) |
panonio {m} | :: Pannonian (native or resident of the historical region of Pannonia) |
panoplia {f} | :: panoply (of armor) |
panoplia {f} | :: panoply (of arms) |
panoplia {f} | :: range; panoply |
panóptico {m} | :: panopticon (hypothetical prison wherein all the cells are visible from the centre of the building) |
panorama {m} | :: panorama |
panorama {m} | :: outlook |
panorámico {adj} | :: panoramic |
Paños {prop} | :: surname |
pañoso {adj} | :: ragged |
pan para hoy, hambre para mañana {proverb} | :: There is a short-term benefit, but in the long run it isn't beneficial; short-term gain, long-term pain |
panqué {m} [Mexico, Venezuela, US Spanish] | :: pound cake |
panqueca {f} | :: pancake |
panqueque {m} [Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay] | :: crepe, pancake |
panquequería {f} [South America] | :: pancake house, pancake restaurant |
panquita {f} | :: diminutive of panca |
pan rebanado {m} | :: sliced bread |
panregional {adj} | :: pan-regional |
panruso {adj} | :: all-Russian |
pansexual {adj} | :: pansexual |
pansexualidad {f} | :: pansexuality |
pantagruélico {adj} | :: lavish, excessive, pantagruelian |
pantalán {m} | :: finger pontoon |
Pantaleón {prop} | :: given name |
Pantaleón {prop} | :: surname deriving from the given name |
pantaleta {f} [Mexico, also used in the plural] | :: slip, underpants |
pantaleta {f} [Venezuela, also used in the plural] | :: panties |
pantaletas {fp} | :: underpants, slip |
pantaletas {fp} | :: plural of pantaleta |
pantalla {f} | :: screen |
pantalla {f} [computing] | :: display screen |
pantalla {f} | :: lampshade |
pantalla {f} [Puerto Rico] | :: earring |
pantallazo {m} [computing] | :: screenshot |
pantallita {f} | :: diminutive of pantalla |
pantalón {m} | :: trousers, pants |
pantaloncillo {m} | :: shorts |
pantaloncillo {m} | :: underpants |
pantaloncillos {mp} | :: shorts |
pantaloncito {m} | :: diminutive of pantalón |
pantalones vaqueros {mp} | :: jeans |
pantaloneta {f} | :: Shorts used for sports |
pantanal {m} | :: swamp, marshland, wetland |
pantano {m} | :: swamp, marsh |
pantano {m} | :: moor |
pantanoso {adj} | :: swampy, marshy |
pantanoso {adj} | :: tricky, tough |
panteísmo {m} | :: pantheism |
panteísta {mf} | :: pantheist |
pantenol {m} [organic compound] | :: panthenol |
panteón {m} | :: pantheon |
panteón {m} | :: mausoleum |
panteón {m} [Latin America] | :: graveyard |
Panteón {prop} {m} | :: Pantheon |
panteonera {f} | :: gravedigger |
panteonero {m} [Latin America, Andalusia] | :: gravedigger |
panteonero {m} [Nicaragua, Peru] | :: sexton |
pantera {f} | :: panther |
pantera {f} [mythology, heraldry] | :: panther |
pantera nebulosa {f} | :: clouded leopard (not actually in the genus Panthera but rather in the genus Neofelis) |
pantera negra {f} | :: black panther |
panterita {f} | :: diminutive of pantera |
panti {f} | :: pantyhose [North America], tights [UK] |
pantilla {f} | :: sideburn |
pantimedia {f} [Latin America] | :: pantyhose [North America], tights [UK] |
pantocrátor {m} | :: Pantocrator |
pantócrator {m} | :: Pantocrator |
pantógrafo {m} | :: pantograph |
Pantoja {prop} | :: surname |
pantomima {f} | :: pantomime |
pantoque {m} [nautical] | :: bilge |
pantorra {f} [colloquial] | :: calf (muscle) |
pantorrilla {f} | :: calf (part of the leg) |
pan tostado {m} | :: toast |
pantotenato {m} | :: pantothenate |
pantoténico {adj} | :: pantothenic |
pants {mp} | :: pants |
pantufla {f} | :: slipper, pantofle, babouche |
pantuflo {m} | :: alternative form of pantufla |
pan tumaca {m} | :: Pa amb tomàquet, a Catalonian dish consisting of a slice of bread soaked in tomato, seasoned with olive oil and salt |
pantumaca {m} | :: alternative form of pan tumaca |
panty {m} | :: pantyhose |
panucho {m} | :: panucho |
Pánuco {prop} {m} | :: a river in North-Eastern Mexico, which flows out in the Gulf of Mexico, by Tampico |
pañuelito {m} | :: diminutive of pañuelo |
pañuelo {m} | :: handkerchief |
pañuelo {m} | :: tissue (e.g., Kleenex) |
Panyab {prop} {m} | :: Punjab |
panyabí {m} | :: Punjabi (language) |
panza {f} | :: paunch |
panza {f} | :: stomach |
panza {f} | :: belly |
panzazo {m} | :: hit, strike or shove (made using the belly) |
panzazo {m} | :: hit, strike (received in the belly) |
panzer {m} | :: panzer |
panzón {adj} [colloquial] | :: paunchy, with a big belly |
panzudo {adj} | :: paunchy (having a large belly) |
papa {m} | :: pope (an honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome) |
papa {f} [Latin America, Canary Islands, Andalusia] | :: potato |
papa {f} [childish, familiar] | :: very bland soup, or more broadly, food in general |
papa {f} [figuratively] | :: nonsense, trifle, rubbish |
Papa {prop} {m} | :: the Pope (head of both the Catholic and Coptic Churches) |
papá {m} [colloquial, familiar, affectionate] | :: dad |
papá {m} [colloquial, familiar, affectionate, in the plural] | :: parents |
papa a la huancaína {f} | :: A Peruvian dish consisting of boiled potatoes in a creamy sauce |
papable {m} | :: A papabile |
papable {adj} | :: papabile |
papacito {m} | :: diminutive of papá; daddy |
papada {f} | :: double chin |
papada {f} | :: dewlap, wattle |
papado {m} | :: papacy |
papadum {m} | :: papadum |
papafigo {m} | :: ortolan |
papa frita {f} [Latin America] | :: french fry, French fry |
papagayo {m} | :: parrot (Psittaciformes) |
papagayo {m} | :: parrotfish, in Scardidae |
papagayo {m} | :: peacock fish (Labrus mixtus, syn. Labrus variegatus) |
papagayo {m} | :: Any wrasse, (Labridae) |
papagayo {m} | :: roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) |
papagayo {m} | :: Joseph's coat (Amaranthus tricolor) |
papagayo {m} | :: elephant ear (Caladium) |
papahuevos {m} | :: A large effigy representing a person, often a famous person, at certain Spanish and Latin American festivities |
papaína {f} [enzyme] | :: papain |
papaíto {m} | :: diminutive of papá; daddy |
papaja {m} | :: papakha |
papal {adj} | :: papal |
papalina {f} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
papalisa {f} [Bolivia, Peru] | :: ulloco (Ullucus) |
papaliza {f} | :: alternative spelling of papalisa |
papalomé {m} [Mexico] | :: butterfly agave (Agave potatorum) |
papaloquelite {m} [Mexico] | :: Any of several culinary herbs in the genus Porophyllum, notable for a very strong, distinctive flavor reminiscent of cilantro |
papalota {f} [El Salvador] | :: kite (kite) |
papalote {m} [Cuba, Honduras, Mexico] | :: kite (toy) |
papamoscas {m} | :: flycatcher |
papamóvil {m} [colloquial] | :: Popemobile |
papanatas {m} | :: gullible person |
papanatismo {m} | :: Excessive admiration |
papanicolao {m} [medicine] | :: Pap smear |
papanicolaou {m} | :: Pap test |
Papá Noel {prop} {m} | :: Father Christmas, Santa Claus |
papar {v} | :: to slurp, gulp |
papar {v} [colloquial] | :: to munch, chow down |
paparazi {m} | :: alternative spelling of paparazzi |
paparazzi {m} | :: paparazzo |
paparrucha {f} | :: nonsense, trifle, tosh |
paparrucha {f} | :: hoax |
papas arrugadas {fp} | :: A dish from Tenerife consisting of small potatoes boiled in very salty water |
papaturro {m} | :: Coccoloba caracasana papaturro |
papaya {f} | :: papaya (fruit) |
papaya {f} [Cuba, slang, euphemism] | :: vagina |
papaya {f} [slang] | :: easy |
papayo {m} | :: papaya tree, pawpaw tree |
papayuela {m} | :: mountain papaya (fruit and tree) |
papazote {m} | :: augmentative of papá, big daddy |
papel {m} | :: paper |
papel {m} | :: role |
papel aluminio {m} | :: aluminium foil |
papel carbón {m} | :: carbon paper |
papel de aluminio {m} | :: aluminum foil, tinfoil |
papel de calco {m} | :: tracing paper |
papel de China {m} [Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua] | :: tissue paper (for gift bags or to wrap delicate items) |
papel de fumar {m} | :: rolling paper |
papel de lija {m} | :: sandpaper |
papel de plata {m} | :: aluminium foil |
papel de seda {m} | :: tissue paper (for gift bags or to wrap delicate items) |
papel de tornasol {m} | :: litmus paper |
papelejo {m} | :: pejorative of papel |
papeleo {m} | :: paperwork |
papelera {f} | :: garbage can, litter bin, wastebin |
papelería {f} | :: stationery shop / store |
papelería {f} [uncountable] | :: stationery |
papelero {adj} [attributive] | :: paper |
papelero {m} | :: paper maker |
papelero {m} | :: stationer |
papelero {m} [vulgar, Dominican Republic, slang] | :: liar, two-faced person, role player |
papeleta {f} | :: sheet of paper |
papeleta {f} | :: ballot (paper used for vote-casting) |
papeleta {f} | :: certificate |
papeleta {f} | :: bill |
papeleta {f} | :: problem; pickle |
papel gráfico {m} | :: graph paper |
papel higiénico {m} | :: toilet paper |
papelillo {m} | :: diminutive of papel |
papelina {f} | :: diminutive of papel |
papelito {m} | :: piece of paper, especially a small piece |
papel maché {m} | :: papier-mâché (paper mixed with glue used to create sculptures) |
papel moneda {m} | :: paper money |
papelógrafo {m} | :: flip chart |
papelón {m} | :: spectacle, scene, an embarrassing display |
papelón {m} | :: unrefined whole cane sugar |
papelón {m} | :: wastepaper, pasteboard |
papelote {m} | :: synonym of papelucho |
papel pintado {m} | :: wallpaper |
papel tapiz {m} | :: wallpaper |
papelucho {m} | :: pejorative of papel |
papeo {m} [colloquial] | :: grub |
paper {m} | :: paper (written document that reports scientific or academic research) |
paperas {fp} [colloquial] | :: mumps |
papi {m} [colloquial] | :: daddy |
papiado {adj} | :: buff |
papiamento {m} | :: Papiamento |
papi chulo {m} | :: a casanova, a cutie pie, a teddy bear, a machoman |
papila {f} [anatomy] | :: papilla |
papilar {adj} | :: papillary |
papilla {f} | :: baby food |
papillote {f} | :: papillote |
papiloma {f} [medicine] | :: papilloma |
papiloso {adj} | :: papilliferous |
papiráceo {adj} | :: papyraceous |
papiro {m} | :: papyrus (a plant in the sedge family) |
papiro {m} | :: papyrus (a material similar to paper) |
papiro {m} | :: papyrus (a scroll or document written on papyrus) |
papiroflexia {f} [chiefly uncountable] | :: origami (the Japanese art of paper folding) |
papiróloga {f} | :: feminine noun of papirólogo |
papirología {f} | :: papyrology |
papirólogo {m} | :: papyrologist |
papirotazo {m} | :: flick |
papisa {f} | :: papess |
papista {mf} | :: papist |
papista {mf} | :: a person who obeys the pope in all things |
papita {f} [Latin America] | :: chip [US]; crisp [UK] |
papita {f} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: piece of cake (something that is very easy) |
papita {f} | :: diminutive of papa |
papito {m} | :: diminutive of papá; daddy |
páprika {f} | :: paprika |
papú {adj} | :: Papua New Guinean |
papú {mf} | :: Papua New Guinean |
Papúa {prop} {f} | :: Papua (the southern part of what is now called Papua New Guinea) |
papuano {adj} | :: Papua New Guinean (of or pertaining to Papua New Guinea) |
papuano {m} | :: Papua New Guinean (native or resident of Papua New Guinea) |
Papúa Nueva Guinea {prop} {f} | :: Papua New Guinea |
pápula {f} | :: papule |
papus {m} | :: pappus |
paquebote {m} | :: packet-boat |
paquetazo {m} | :: augmentative of paquete |
paquete {m} | :: parcel |
paquete {m} | :: package |
paquete {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: chump, useless, butterfingers (an incompetent person) |
paquete {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: lunchbox (male genitals enclosed in clothing) |
paquete {m} [colloquial] | :: scrotum, package |
paquetería {f} | :: haberdashery (shop selling clothes for men) |
paquetería {f} | :: package, shipment |
paquetico {m} | :: diminutive of paquete |
paquetito {m} | :: diminutive of paquete; small packet |
Paqui {prop} | :: given name |
paquicefalosáurido {m} | :: pachycephalosaur |
paquicefalosaurio {m} | :: pachycephalosaur |
paquidérmico {adj} | :: pachydermatous |
paquidermo {adj} | :: pachydermatous |
paquidermo {m} | :: pachyderm |
paquimetría {f} | :: pachymetry |
paquiptilo {m} [archaic] | :: synonym of pato-petrel (prion, bird of the genus Pachyptila) |
paquistaní {adj} | :: alternative form of pakistaní |
paquistaní {mf} | :: alternative form of pakistaní |
Paquita {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Paquito {prop} {m} | :: A diminutive and flattering form of Paco, or (via it) of the male given name Francisco |
par {adj} | :: even (divisible by two) |
par {m} | :: pair (two of the same or similar items that go together) |
par {m} | :: couple (two of the same or similar items) |
par {m} [physics] | :: two equal non-collinear forces; that is a force couple in Newtonian mechanics |
par {m} | :: peer (somebody who is, or something that is, at a level equal) |
par {m} | :: some, a few |
par {f} [finance] | :: par (acceptable level) |
para- {prefix} | :: para- |
para {prep} | :: for, to (expressing a recipient) |
para {prep} | :: to, in order to, so, for (expressing the intended purpose of an action) |
para {prep} | :: by, due, due on, due by (expressing a deadline) |
para {prep} | :: for (expressing contrast from what is expected) |
para {prep} | :: for, to, in one's opinion, as far as one is concerned (expressing an opinion, perception or perspective) |
para {prep} | :: for, to, in one's opinion, as far as one is concerned (expressing using one's efforts for a group or an authority figure such as a sports team or a company/boss) |
para abajo {m} | :: A dance movement in salsa. It involves forward basic movement (boy with left) while turning the girl to the right. Then (boy with right) stepping right while pulling the girl close and turning her to the left. Meanwhile the girl keeps on taking sliding steps backwards |
para abajo {adv} | :: down |
para abajo {adv} | :: downward |
para arriba y para abajo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: all over the place |
parabeno {m} | :: paraben |
parabenzoquinona {f} [organic compound] | :: parabenzoquinone |
parabidisminuido {adj} [geometry] | :: parabidiminished |
parabién {m} [usually in plural] | :: congratulations |
parabiosis {f} | :: parabiosis |
parábola {f} [mathematics] | :: parabola |
parábola {f} | :: parable |
parabólico {adj} | :: parabolic |
parabolizar {v} | :: to parabolize |
paraboloide {m} | :: paraboloid |
parabraquial {adj} | :: parabrachial |
parabrisas {m} | :: windscreen, windshield |
paracaídas {m} | :: parachute |
paracaidismo {m} | :: parachuting, skydiving |
paracaidismo {m} | :: [colloqual] squatting |
paracaidista {mf} | :: parachutist, skydiver |
paracaidista {mf} [military] | :: paratrooper |
paracaidista {mf} [colloquial] | :: gatecrasher |
Paracelso {prop} {m} | :: Paracelsus |
paracentral {adj} | :: paracentral |
paracetamol {m} | :: paracetamol |
parachoques {m} | :: bumper |
parachoques {m} | :: fender |
parachoques {m} [slang] | :: breasts, knockers, bumpers |
para colmo {adv} [idiom] | :: to top it off, to top it all off, on top of that, to boot, to cap it all, to crown it all, in addition, on top of all that, moreover, besides |
para con {conj} [formal] | :: relating to |
paracorto {m} [baseball] | :: shortstop |
paracrino {adj} | :: paracrine |
parada {f} | :: stop (the act of stopping) |
parada {f} | :: station (a location where things stop) |
parada {f} | :: feminine noun of parado |
parada en boxes {f} [motor racing] | :: pit stop |
para dar y tomar {adv} [idiomatic] | :: all over the place |
paradero {m} | :: whereabouts |
paradero {m} [Latin America] | :: stop (bus, train, etc.) |
paradigma {m} | :: paradigm |
paradigmáticamente {adv} | :: paradigmatically |
paradigmático {adj} | :: paradigmatic |
paradisiaco {adj} | :: heavenly, paradisiac |
paradisíaco {adj} | :: heavenly, paradisiac |
paradita {f} | :: diminutive of parada |
parado {adj} | :: stopped, halted, immobile, idle |
parado {adj} | :: standing |
parado {adj} | :: unemployed; on the dole |
parado {adj} | :: confused, bewildered |
parado {adj} | :: in a (good or bad) state |
parado {adj} [slang, Mexico] | :: erect [a penis, when using masculine nouns, preceded by the verb tener or traer] |
parado {m} | :: unemployed person |
paradoja {f} | :: paradox |
paradoja francesa {f} | :: French paradox |
paradojal {adj} | :: paradoxical |
paradójicamente {adv} | :: paradoxically |
paradójico {adj} | :: paradoxical |
paradón {m} [sports] | :: a great save or stop |
parador {m} | :: hostel |
parador {m} [Spain] | :: a kind of official luxury hotel |
parador en corto {m} [baseball] | :: shortstop |
paraestatal {adj} | :: semipublic |
paraestatal {f} | :: A semipublic or semigovernmental organization |
parafascismo {m} [fascism] | :: para-fascism |
parafernalia {f} | :: paraphernalia |
parafilético {adj} | :: paraphyletic |
parafilia {f} | :: paraphilia |
parafina {f} | :: paraffin |
parafiso {m} | :: paraphyse |
parafrasear {v} | :: to paraphrase |
paráfrasis {f} | :: paraphrase |
paragoge {f} | :: paragoge |
paragógico {adj} | :: paragogic |
paragolpes {m} | :: bumper |
paragón {m} | :: obsolete spelling of parangón |
parágrafo {m} | :: alternative form of párrafo |
paragua {m} [dialectal, nonstandard] | :: alternative form of paraguas |
paraguariense {adj} | :: Paraguayan (from or native to Paraguay) |
paraguariense {adj} | :: Paraguayan (pertaining to Paraguay) |
paraguas {m} | :: umbrella, brolly [UK] |
paraguay {m} | :: The Paraguayan parrot |
Paraguay {prop} {f} | :: Paraguay (country) |
Paraguay {prop} {f} | :: Paraguay (major river) |
paraguayo {adj} | :: Paraguayan (from or native to Paraguay) |
paraguayo {adj} | :: Paraguayan (pertaining to Paraguay) |
paraguayo {mf} | :: Paraguayan |
paraguazo {m} | :: A blow/hit with an umbrella |
paragüero {m} | :: umbrella stand |
paragüero {m} | :: umbrella maker |
paragüita {mf} | :: diminutive of paraguas |
paragüita {mf} | :: a small umbrella or cocktail umbrella |
para gustos colores {phrase} | :: there's no accounting for taste, different strokes for different folks |
para gustos hay colores {phrase} | :: alternative form of para gustos colores |
para gustos, los colores {phrase} | :: alternative form of para gustos colores |
parahúso {m} | :: a kind of screw |
paraíso {m} | :: paradise |
paraíso {m} | :: heaven |
paraíso fiscal {m} | :: tax haven (country or territory where certain taxes are very low) |
paraje {m} | :: place |
paraje {m} | :: stopover, layover |
paraje {m} | :: campground |
paralaje {mf} | :: parallax |
paraldehído {m} [organic chemistry] | :: paraldehyde |
paralectotipo {m} | :: paralectotype |
paralegal {m} | :: paralegal |
paralela {f} | :: parallel |
paralelamente {adv} | :: parallel, in a parallel way |
paralelepípedo {m} [geometry] | :: parallelepiped |
paralelismo {m} | :: parallelism |
paralelización {f} | :: parallelization |
paralelizar {v} | :: to parallelize |
paralelo {adj} | :: parallel |
paralelogramo {m} [geometry] | :: parallelogram |
paralenguaje {m} [linguistics] | :: paralanguage |
paralímpico {adj} | :: Paralympic |
paralímpico {m} | :: Paralympian |
paralingüística {f} | :: paralinguistics |
paralipsis {f} [rhetoric] | :: paraleipsis |
parálisis {f} | :: paralysis |
parálisis cerebral {f} | :: cerebral palsy |
paralítico {adj} | :: paralysed |
paralítico {adj} | :: paralytic |
paralización {f} | :: paralysation |
paralizador {adj} | :: paralyzing |
paralizante {adj} | :: paralyzing |
paralizar {v} | :: to paralyze |
paramagnético {adj} | :: paramagnetic |
paramanteles {m} | :: tablemat |
paramara {adj} | :: Paramara |
paramara {mf} | :: Paramara |
Paramaribo {prop} | :: Paramaribo (capital city) |
para más datos {v} [idiomatic] | :: as a matter of fact; to be precise |
para más escarnio {phrase} [idiom] | :: to make matters worse |
para más inri {adv} [idiomatic] | :: to make matters worse, on top of that |
paramecio {m} | :: paramecium |
paramédica {f} | :: feminine noun of paramédico |
paramédico {m} | :: paramedic |
paramento {m} | :: wall; facing |
paramera {f} | :: Area of moorland |
parametrar {v} | :: to parametrize |
paramétrico {adj} | :: parametric |
parametrizable {adj} | :: parametrizable |
parametrización {f} | :: parametrization |
parametrizar {v} | :: to parametrize |
parámetro {m} | :: parameter |
paramilitar {adj} | :: paramilitary |
paramilitar {mf} | :: paramilitary (A member of a paramilitary group) |
paramilitarismo {m} | :: paramilitarism |
páramo {m} | :: wasteland, badlands |
páramo {m} | :: moor |
paramotor {m} | :: paramotor |
para muestra basta un botón {adv} [idiomatic] | :: for example; for instance; case in point |
para muestra un botón {adv} | :: alternative form of para muestra basta un botón |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (river) |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (state) |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (provincial capital) |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (municipality) |
para nada {adv} | :: not at all, absolutely not |
paranaense {adj} | :: of or from Paraná |
paranaense {mf} | :: someone from Paraná |
paranasal {adj} | :: paranasal |
parancera {f} | :: feminine noun of parancero |
parancero {m} | :: birdcatcher |
Paranday {prop} | :: Paranday (district) |
Parangaricutirimícuaro {prop} | :: tongue twister similar to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious |
parangón {m} | :: comparison |
parangonable {adj} | :: comparable |
parangonar {v} | :: to compare |
paraninfo {m} | :: assembly hall |
paraninfo {m} | :: paranymph |
paranoia {f} | :: paranoia |
paranoico {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranoico {m} | :: paranoid person |
paranoide {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranormal {adj} | :: paranormal |
parante {m} | :: post (of wood, metal, etc.) |
paranza {f} | :: a hideout where the hunter waits for game to come by |
paraolfatorio {adj} [anatomy] | :: parolfactory |
parapanamericano {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Parapan American Games |
para parar un tren {adv} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: in great quantity, coming out of one's ears |
parapátrico {adj} [biology] | :: parapatric |
parapente {m} | :: paraglider (lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure) |
parapente {m} | :: paragliding |
parapentista {mf} | :: paraglider |
parapetar {v} | :: to shield, hide, protect |
parapetear {v} [Venezuela] | :: to do a quick fix, to do a workaround, to bodge (UK) |
parapeto {m} | :: parapet, breastwork |
parapetrolero {adj} | :: para-petroleum |
paraplejia {f} | :: paraplegia |
paraplejía {f} | :: alternative form of paraplejia |
parapléjico {adj} | :: paraplegic |
parapléjico {m} | :: paraplegic |
parapléxica {f} | :: feminine noun of parapléxico |
parapolicía {mf} | :: parapolice officer |
parapolicía {f} | :: parapolice |
parapolicial {adj} | :: parapolice (within the police force but above the law) |
parapolítica {f} | :: parapolitics |
parapsicóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of parapsicólogo |
parapsicología {f} | :: parapsychology |
parapsicológico {adj} | :: parapsychological |
parapsicólogo {m} | :: parapsychologist |
para que {conj} | :: so that (followed by the subjunctive) |
parar {v} | :: to stop, halt |
parar {v} | :: to put up, stand up |
parar {v} | :: to lift, raise |
parar {vr} | :: to stand up |
parar {vr} | :: to situate oneself |
parar {vp} [Chile] | :: see pararlas |
parar el carro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to rein in, to pull up, to put an end to something (stop somebody doing something by reprimanding) |
pararlas {v} [Chile, colloquial] | :: to make sense of the situation or of what has been said |
parar los pies a alguien {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stop (someone) in their tracks |
pararrayo {m} | :: alternative spelling of pararrayos |
pararrayos {m} | :: lightning rod (metallic conductor that protects from lightning) |
pararrenal {adj} [anatomy] | :: pararenal |
pararse {v} | :: reflexive of parar |
parasailing {m} | :: parasailing |
para siempre {adv} | :: forever |
parasimpático {adj} | :: parasympathetic |
parasíntesis {f} [linguistics] | :: parasynthesis (the formation of words by a simultaneous combination of compounding and adding an affix, as in tierraplanista, mileurista) |
parasíntesis {f} [linguistics] | :: parasynthesis (the formation of words in which the prefixing and the suffixing are involved simultaneously, as in amueblar) |
parasintético {adj} [linguistics] | :: parasynthetic |
parasismo {m} | :: alternative spelling of paroxismo |
parasistema {m} [education] | :: distance learning |
parasitación {f} | :: parasitization, parasitation |
parasitar {v} | :: to parasitize |
parasitario {adj} | :: parasitic |
parasítico {adj} | :: parasitic |
parasitismo {m} | :: parasitism |
parásito {adj} | :: parasitic |
parásito {m} | :: parasite |
parasitoide {m} | :: parasitoid |
parasitóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of parasitólogo |
parasitología {f} | :: parasitology |
parasitólogo {m} | :: parasitologist |
parasitosis {f} | :: parasitosis |
parasol {m} | :: umbrella (used to protect against the sun) |
parasol {m} | :: sunshade |
parasol {m} [automotive] | :: sun visor |
parasol {m} | :: parasol |
parasomnia {f} | :: parasomnia |
para sus adentros {adv} [idiom] | :: inside, to oneself |
parataxón {m} [taxonomy] | :: parataxon |
parate {m} | :: halt; hiatus |
paraterminal {adj} [anatomy] | :: paraterminal |
paratexto {m} | :: paratext |
parathormona {f} [hormone] | :: parathormone, parathyroid hormone |
paratifoideo {adj} | :: paratyphoid |
paratión {m} | :: parathion |
paratipo {m} | :: paratype |
paratiroide {adj} | :: parathyroid |
paratiroide {f} | :: parathyroid gland |
paratiroideo {adj} | :: parathyroid |
paratránsito {m} [US Spanish] | :: paratransit |
paratransporte {m} | :: paratransit |
paraujano {m} | :: Paraujano (language) |
paraujano {m} | :: Paraujano (person) |
paraumbilical {adj} | :: paraumbilical |
paravertebral {adj} | :: paravertebral |
parazonio {m} | :: parazonium |
parbolizado {adj} | :: parboiled |
parca {f} [poetic] | :: personification of death |
parca {f} | :: One of the Fates |
Parca {prop} {f} | :: Grim Reaper |
Parcas {prop} {fp} [Roman mythology] | :: the Parcae, the Fates |
parce {mf} [Colombia, slang] | :: friend, loyal friend |
parcela {f} | :: parcel (division of land) |
parcela {f} | :: small part |
parcelación {f} | :: parcelling of land |
parcelamiento {m} | :: neighbourhood |
parcelar {v} | :: to parcel |
parcelario {adj} | :: divided into plots |
parcelita {f} | :: diminutive of parcela |
parces {mp} {fp} [Colombia, slang] | :: plural of parce |
parcha {f} [Puerto Rico] | :: passion fruit |
parchar {vt} | :: to patch |
parche {m} | :: patch (for clothing or software) |
parche {m} | :: eyepatch |
parche {m} | :: patch (e.g. nicotine patch) |
parche {m} | :: quick fix |
parche {m} | :: drumhead |
parchear {vt} | :: to patch; patch up |
parchear {vt} [rare] | :: to touch up; grope; feel up |
parche curita {m} | :: band-aid; plaster |
parchís {m} | :: Ludo (board game) |
parchita {f} | :: diminutive of parche |
parchita {f} [Venezuela] | :: passion fruit |
parcial {adj} | :: partial (part of a whole) |
parcial {adj} | :: partial, biased (not impartial) |
parcial {adj} | :: mid-term |
parcial {m} | :: a tennis set |
parcialidad {f} | :: partiality |
parcializar {v} | :: to be biased |
parcialmente {adv} | :: partially |
parco {adj} | :: frugal |
pardeamiento {m} | :: browning |
pardela {f} | :: shearwater (Calonectris diomedea, a seabird of the Atlantic and Mediterranean) |
pardiez {interj} [euphemistic, dated, Spain] | :: for God's sake, by God |
pardiez {m} | :: swear word; curse word |
pardilla {f} | :: feminine noun of pardillo |
pardillo {m} [colloquial] | :: sucker, gullible person |
pardo {adj} | :: brown |
pardo {adj} | :: [of weather] dull, overcast |
pardo {adj} | :: [of a voice] gruff, hoarse |
pardo {m} [poetic, literary] | :: leopard |
pardusco {adj} | :: brownish, dun |
parduzco {adj} | :: alternative form of pardusco |
paré {adj} [Louisiana] | :: similar |
pareada {f} | :: A semi-detached house |
parear {v} | :: to pair; to form a pair |
parece mentira {phrase} | :: It's hard to believe |
parecer {v} [impersonal] | :: to seem, to see fit |
parecer {vp} | :: to believe |
parecer {vp} | :: to think |
parecer {v} | :: to strike (seem, appear, make an impression) |
parecer {m} [archaic] | :: appearance (used generally when a person is pretty) |
parecer {m} | :: opinion |
parecerse {v} | :: to look alike, to take after, to resemble one another |
parecerse {v} | :: to be like, to resemble |
Parece Vela {prop} {f} | :: synonym of Okinotorishima |
parecidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of parecido |
parecido {adj} | :: similar |
parecido {m} | :: resemblance |
pared {f} | :: wall, especially of a house or room |
pared celular {m} [biology] | :: cell wall |
Paredes {prop} | :: surname |
paredón {m} | :: thick, stone wall |
paredón {m} | :: wall against which people are shot by firing squad |
Paredones {prop} {m} | :: Paredones (city) |
paredonino {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Paredones |
pareja {f} | :: couple |
pareja {f} | :: partner (spouse) |
Pareja {prop} | :: surname |
pareja de hecho {f} | :: domestic partnership (a legal union established in some Spanish regions to regulate the relationships of cohabiting couples) |
parejamente {adv} | :: equally |
parejero {m} | :: racehorse |
parejita {f} | :: diminutive of pareja |
parejo {adj} | :: level |
parejo {adj} | :: uniform |
parejo {adj} | :: even |
paremia {f} | :: proverb, saying; paroemia |
paremióloga {f} | :: feminine noun of paremiólogo |
paremiología {f} | :: paremiology |
paremiólogo {m} | :: paremiologist |
parénesis {f} | :: parenesis |
parénquima {m} [biology] | :: parenchyma |
parenquimático {adj} | :: parenchymatous |
parenquimatoso {adj} | :: parenchymatous |
parénquimpia {m} | :: parenchyma |
parental {adj} | :: parental |
parentela {f} | :: kinfolk, relatives, relations |
parenteral {adj} [medicine] | :: parenteral |
parentesco {m} | :: kinship |
paréntesis {m} | :: parenthesis |
paréntesis {m} | :: break, gap, (period of temporal interruption) |
paréntesis angular {m} | :: angle bracket |
parentético {adj} | :: parenthetical |
parenting {m} | :: parenting |
parentosoma {m} [cytology] | :: parenthesome |
pareo {m} | :: pareo |
parescer {v} | :: obsolete spelling of parecer |
paresia {f} | :: paresis |
parestesia {f} | :: paresthesia |
pargo {m} | :: porgy |
pargo {m} [Venezuela, Cuba, pejorative, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] | :: a flamboyant homosexual man, queer, faggot |
paria {mf} | :: pariah, outcast |
parida {f} | :: silly thing |
parida {f} | :: stupid remark |
parida {f} | :: nonsense |
paridad {f} | :: parity, equality |
paridera {f} | :: birth, giving birth (of cattle) |
paridera {f} | :: place where cattle give birth |
paridera {f} | :: season of the year in which cattle give birth |
parienta {f} | :: female relative (member of one's family) |
pariente {mf} | :: relative, relation (member of one's family) |
parietal {adj} [anatomy] | :: parietal |
parietal {m} | :: parietal bone |
parieto- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: parieto- |
parietooccipital {adj} [anatomy] | :: parietooccipital |
pariguayo {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] | :: 'nerd', party-watcher |
parihuela {f} | :: stretcher |
paripé {m} [colloquial] | :: white lie |
parir {v} [vulgar in some areas] | :: to give birth |
parir {v} | :: to think up; imagine |
parir {v} | :: to explain |
parir a medias {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go Dutch; go fifty-fifty; go halves |
Paris {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Paris, the Trojan prince |
París {prop} | :: París (caplc) |
París {prop} | :: París (department) |
París {prop} | :: The letter P in the Spanish phonetic alphabet |
parisienne {f} [printing, dated] | :: A small size of type, standardized as 5 point |
parisiense {adj} | :: Parisian |
parisiense {mf} | :: Parisian |
parisino {adj} | :: Parisian |
parisino {m} | :: Parisian |
parista {mf} | :: Someone on the dole |
paritario {adj} | :: equal, fair |
pariteña {f} | :: feminine noun of pariteño |
pariteño {adj} | :: Of or from Parita Province |
pariteño {m} | :: Someone from Parita Province |
paritorio {m} | :: delivery room |
parka {f} | :: parka |
parking {m} | :: car park [North America], parking lot [North America] (an area where cars may be parked) |
parking {m} | :: parking garage |
párking {m} | :: parking lot; car park |
párkinson {m} | :: Parkinson's |
parkinsonismo {m} | :: Parkinson's disease |
parkour {m} | :: parkour |
Parla {prop} | :: Parla (city) |
Parlament {prop} {m} | :: parliament of Catalonia |
parlamentar {v} | :: to parley |
parlamentaria {f} | :: feminine noun of parlamentario |
parlamentariamente {adv} | :: parliamentarily |
parlamentario {adj} | :: parliamentary |
parlamentario {m} | :: parliamentarian (member of a parliament) |
parlamentarismo {m} | :: A parliamentary government |
parlamentarista {mf} | :: parliamentarian |
parlamento {m} | :: parliament |
parlamento {m} | :: reasoning, wording |
parlamento {m} | :: A speaking role, as opposed to acotación |
Parlamento Europeo {prop} {m} | :: European Parliament |
parlanchín {adj} | :: talkative; loquatious |
parlante {m} [Latin America] | :: loudspeaker |
parlante {m} | :: speaker (one who speaks) |
parlante {adj} | :: speaking |
parlar {v} | :: to speak |
parlar {v} | :: to chatter |
parlasuriano {adj} | :: Of or relating to the Parlamento del Mercosur |
parlasuriano {m} | :: A member of the Parlamento del Mercosur |
parlasurianoa {f} | :: feminine noun of parlasuriano |
parleño {adj} | :: from Parla |
parleño {m} | :: Someone from Parla |
parlero {adj} | :: chatty; talkative |
parlero {adj} | :: jokey |
parlero {adj} | :: talking |
parlero {adj} | :: expressive |
parlotear {v} | :: to babble, prattle, blabber, gab, waffle, jabber, rattle, yap |
parmenídea {f} | :: feminine noun of parmenídeo |
parmenídeo {adj} [philosophy] | :: Parmenidean |
parmenídeo {m} [philosophy] | :: Parmenidean |
Parménides {prop} {m} | :: Parmenides |
parmesano {adj} | :: Parmesan |
parmesano {m} | :: parmesan (cheese) |
parnaso {m} | :: group of poets (of a certain era, style, location) |
parnaso {m} | :: collection of poems |
Parnaso {prop} {m} | :: Parnassus |
parné {m} [colloquial] | :: dough, cash (money) |
parnés {m} [archaic] | :: cash; dosh; money |
paro {m} | :: stagnation, freeze up |
paro {m} | :: unemployment |
paro {m} | :: strike (work stoppage) |
paro {m} | :: cardiac arrest, short form of paro cardíaco |
paro {m} [Mexico] | :: pretext |
paro {m} [Mexico] | :: a favour, help, cover-up, (preceded by hacerle un, hacerme un, to indicate "to do someone a favour", "to help someone", "to protect someone by lying") |
parodia {f} | :: parody |
parodia {f} | :: travesty |
parodiar {v} | :: to parody |
paródico {adj} | :: parodic |
parodista {m} | :: parodist |
parola {f} [slang] | :: hard-on, erection (erect penis) |
parole {m} | :: parole |
parón {m} | :: break, stop |
parónimo {m} | :: paronym (word with same root as other word) |
parota {f} | :: monkey-ear tree; elephant-ear tree (Enterolobium cyclocarpum) |
parótida {f} [anatomy] | :: parotid gland |
parotiditis {f} [disease] | :: mumps, parotitis |
paroxetina {f} | :: paroxetine |
paroxismo {m} | :: paroxysm |
paroxístico {adj} | :: paroxysmal |
parpadeante {adj} | :: flickering |
parpadear {v} | :: to blink (light or eyes) |
parpadear {v} | :: to bat one's eyelids, to flutter the eyelids |
parpadeo {m} | :: A flicker |
parpadeo {m} | :: wink |
párpado {m} [anatomy] | :: eyelid |
parpar {v} | :: to quack |
parque {m} | :: park |
parque {m} | :: parking lot |
parque {m} [Mexico] | :: ammo |
parqué {m} | :: parquet |
parqué {m} | :: stock exchange |
parqueadero {m} [Latin America] | :: parking lot |
parquear {vt} [Latin America] | :: to park (to bring a vehicle to a halt in a specified place) |
parque biosaludable {m} | :: outdoor gym |
parquecito {m} | :: diminutive of parque |
parquedad {f} | :: thrift |
parque de atracciones {m} | :: amusement park |
parque de bomberos {m} | :: fire station |
parque de diversiones {m} | :: amusement park |
parque nacional {m} | :: national park |
parque natural {m} | :: nature park |
parqueo {m} [Latin America, regional] | :: car park (an area where cars may be parked) |
parquet {m} | :: parquet |
parque temático {m} | :: theme park |
parquímetro {m} | :: parking meter |
parquización {f} | :: turning into a park |
parquizar {vt} | :: to make into a park |
parra {f} | :: grapevine (the plant on which grapes grow) |
Parra {prop} | :: surname |
parrafada {f} | :: sermon; long boring talk |
parrafada {f} | :: chat; heart to heart |
parrafillo {m} | :: diminutive of párrafo |
parrafito {m} | :: diminutive of párrafo |
párrafo {m} | :: paragraph |
parral {m} | :: vine arbour |
parranda {f} | :: parranda |
parranda {f} | :: (loud) party, shindig, jamboree, blast |
parranda {f} | :: binge, spree |
parrandear {v} | :: to party |
parrandera {f} | :: feminine noun of parrandero |
parrandero {m} [Latin America] | :: party animal |
Parreño {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
parricida {adj} | :: parricidal |
parricida {mf} | :: parricide (person) |
parricidio {m} | :: parricide (act) |
parrilla {f} | :: grill |
parrilla {f} [figurative] | :: grid |
parrilla {f} | :: small grapevine |
parrilla {f} [Latin America] | :: luggage rack |
parrillada {f} | :: barbecue (meal or event) |
parrilla de salida {f} [sports] | :: starting grid |
parrilla de vuelos {f} [aviation] | :: arrivals board or departures board |
parrilla de vuelos {f} [aviation] | :: List of destinations served by an airport |
parrillera {f} | :: grill (for cooking) |
parrillero {m} | :: broiler (chicken) |
párroca {f} | :: feminine noun of párroco |
párroco {m} | :: priest |
parroquia {f} | :: parish |
parroquial {adj} | :: parochial (pertaining to a parish) |
parroquialización {f} | :: The division of land into parishes |
parroquiana {f} | :: feminine noun of parroquiano |
parroquiano {m} | :: parishioner |
parroquiano {m} | :: patron (regular customer) |
parsec {m} | :: parsec |
pársec {m} | :: parsec (parallax second) |
parsimonia {f} | :: calmness |
parsimoniosamente {adv} | :: thriftily |
parsimonioso {adj} | :: thrifty |
parsimonioso {adj} | :: unhurried, calm |
parta {f} | :: feminine noun of parto |
parte {f} | :: part, section, portion, share, piece, bit, cut, proportion |
parte {f} | :: place, somewhere |
parte {f} | :: side |
parte {f} [legal] | :: party (e.g. a third party, state party, to be party to) |
parte {f} | :: behalf |
parte {f} | :: stint (i.e. allotted portion of work) |
parte {m} | :: message, report, dispatch |
parte {m} | :: traffic ticket, sticker |
parteaguas {m} [geology, hydrology] | :: watershed |
parteaguas {m} [by extension, figuratively] | :: watershed, turning point |
partear {vt} | :: to midwife |
partecilla {f} | :: diminutive of parte |
partecita {f} | :: diminutive of parte |
parte de la oración {f} | :: part of speech |
parteluz {m} | :: mullion |
parte médico {m} | :: medical report |
partenaire {mf} | :: partner |
partenariado {m} | :: partnership |
partenogénesis {f} [biology] | :: parthenogenesis |
Partenón {prop} {m} | :: The Parthenon |
partera {f} | :: midwife |
partería {f} | :: midwifery |
parterre {m} | :: Flowerbed |
partes pudendas {fp} [idiomatic] | :: private parts |
Partia {prop} {f} [history, geography] | :: Parthia |
partición {f} | :: partition; effect of dividing or partitioning |
particionado {m} | :: partitioning |
particional {adj} | :: partitional |
particionamiento {m} | :: partitioning |
particionar {vt} | :: to partition |
participación {f} | :: participation |
participante {adj} | :: participating |
participante {mf} | :: participant, participator |
participar {v} | :: to take part, to participate |
participativo {adj} | :: participative |
partícipe {adj} | :: participating |
partícipe {mf} | :: participant |
participio {m} [grammar] | :: participle |
participio pasado {m} | :: past participle |
participio presente {m} [grammar] | :: present participle |
pártico {adj} | :: Parthian |
pártico {m} | :: Parthian |
partícula {f} | :: particle |
partícula alfa {f} | :: alpha particle |
partícula beta {f} | :: beta particle |
particulado {adj} | :: particulate |
partícula elemental {f} | :: elementary particle |
partícula gamma {f} | :: gamma particle |
particular {adj} | :: specific, particular |
particular {adj} | :: personal |
particular {adj} | :: private |
particularidad {f} | :: particularity |
particularísimo {adj} | :: superlative of particular |
particularismo {m} | :: particularism |
particularista {adj} | :: particularistic |
particularista {mf} | :: particularist |
particularización {f} | :: particularization |
particularizar {v} | :: to personalize |
particularizar {v} | :: to single out |
particularizar {v} | :: to explain in detail |
particularizar {v} | :: to whittle down |
particularizar {vr} | :: to stand out |
particularmente {adv} | :: particularly |
partícula subatómica {f} [physics] | :: subatomic particle |
partida {f} | :: departure |
partida {f} | :: match, lot, game (of cards etc.) |
partida {f} | :: passing (death) |
partida {f} | :: certificate |
partidaria {f} | :: feminine noun of partidario |
partidario {adj} | :: in favor of |
partidario {m} | :: supporter, partisan |
partidazo {m} | :: Great game |
partidazo {m} | :: catch of the day (desirable partner choice) |
partidillo {m} | :: diminutive of partido |
partidismo {m} | :: partisanship (an inclination to be partisan or biased) |
partidismo {m} | :: bias, partiality, favoritism |
partidista {adj} | :: partisan |
partidista {mf} | :: partisan |
partidita {f} | :: diminutive of partida |
partidizar {v} | :: to become, or make, partisan |
partido {adj} | :: broken |
partido {adj} [heraldry] | :: divided into two equal parts vertically, per pale |
partido {adj} | :: departed |
partido {adj} | :: split |
partido {m} [politics] | :: party |
partido {m} [sports] | :: game, match [chiefly for soccer] |
partido {m} [hair] | :: hair parting or part |
partido {m} | :: advantage, benefit |
partido {m} | :: a subdivision of Buenos Aires Province |
partidocracia {f} | :: partocracy, partitocracy, partocracy |
partidor {m} [genetics] | :: primer |
partidora {f} | :: feminine noun of partidor |
partidura {f} | :: parting (of hair) |
partío {adj} | :: pronunciation spelling of partido |
partir {v} | :: to divide, split |
partir {v} | :: to go away, leave, depart |
partir {vr} | :: to crack up, have a laugh |
partir {vr} [colloquial] | :: to fall in love |
partir {vp} | :: to crack open (e.g., one's head) |
partir la pana {v} [idiom] | :: to make it; to be successful |
partirse {v} | :: reflexive of partir |
partirse los codos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to slog one's guts out; to work one's ass off |
partisana {f} | :: feminine noun of partisano |
partisano {m} | :: partisan (a guerrilla fighter) |
partitocracia {f} | :: partocracy, partitocracy, partocracy |
partitura {f} [music] | :: score |
parto {m} | :: childbirth, labor |
parto {m} | :: offspring |
parto {adj} | :: Parthian |
parto {m} | :: Parthian |
partón {m} | :: parton |
parturienta {f} | :: parturient, woman in labor |
party {m} | :: party |
parusía {f} | :: parousia |
parva {f} | :: unthreshed grain |
parva {f} | :: pile, heap |
parvada {f} [Central America] | :: flock (of birds) |
parvedad {f} | :: small amount |
parvo {adj} [formal] | :: small, minute |
párvula {f} | :: feminine noun of párvulo |
parvularia {f} | :: feminine noun of parvulario |
parvulario {m} | :: nursery school, preschool |
parvulario {m} | :: kindergarten |
parvulario {m} | :: educator, teacher (in a nursery school or kindergarten) |
parvulito {m} | :: diminutive of párvulo |
párvulo {m} | :: toddler, preschooler |
párvulo {adj} | :: childlike |
pasa {f} | :: raisin |
pasable {adj} | :: passable, tolerable |
pasablemente {adv} | :: passably; tolerably |
pasaboca {m} | :: finger food |
pasabolas {mf} [tennis] | :: pusher |
pasacalle {m} [music genre] | :: passacaglia (historical Spanish dance) |
pasada {f} | :: transit, crossing |
pasada {f} | :: moment, time |
pasada {f} | :: turn, run, instance |
pasada {f} | :: play, move, turn in a game |
pasada {f} | :: superficial, quick work (for example haircut, paint, etc.) |
pasada {f} [colloquial] | :: wonder, marvel (something astonishing, amazing) |
pasadera {f} | :: bridge |
pasadera {f} | :: boardwalk |
pasadía {m} | :: field trip |
pasadía {m} | :: living; livelihood (enough money to get by from day to day) |
pasadista {adj} | :: old-fashioned; old-style |
pasadizo {m} | :: passage, corridor |
pasadizo {m} | :: shortcut |
pasado {adj} | :: past |
pasado {adj} | :: former |
pasado {adj} | :: last |
pasado {m} | :: past, bygones |
pasado {m} [grammar] | :: past |
pasado de moda {adj} | :: old-fashioned, dated |
pasado mañana {adv} | :: day after tomorrow |
pasado mañana {m} | :: day after tomorrow |
pasador {m} | :: bolt (of a crossbow, or of a door) |
pasador {m} | :: barrette; hairpin |
pasador {m} | :: pin for tie |
pasador {m} | :: pin (decorative) |
pasador {m} | :: sieve, colander |
pasador {m} [Latina America] | :: rolling pin |
pasador {m} | :: cord; lace (for tying clothes) |
pasador {m} | :: converter (for example, VHS to DVD) |
pasagero {m} | :: archaic spelling of pasajero |
pasaje {m} | :: passing, crossing |
pasaje {m} [especially, Latin America] | :: ticket, fare (for travel) |
pasaje {m} [collective] | :: all passengers on a plane or boat |
pasaje {m} | :: alleyway (narrow street) |
pasaje {m} [literature, music] | :: excerpt, passage |
pasaje {m} [nautical] | :: strait |
pasaje digestivo {m} | :: digestive tract |
pasajera {f} | :: feminine noun of pasajero |
pasajeramente {adv} | :: transiently |
pasajero {adj} | :: transient, passing |
pasajero {m} | :: passenger |
pasamanería {f} | :: passementerie |
pasamano {m} | :: handrail |
pasamanos {m} | :: alternative form of pasamano |
pasamiento {m} | :: passage (act of passing) |
pasamiento {m} [euphemistic] | :: death |
pasamontaña {m} | :: synonym of pasamontañas |
pasamontañas {m} | :: balaclava |
pasanaku {m} [Bolivia] | :: A form of economic agreement based on trust in which members of a group help each other out financially |
pasante {m} | :: intern, trainee |
pasante {m} | :: assistant |
pasante {m} | :: articled clerk (in law) |
pasante {adj} [heraldry] | :: passant |
pasantía {f} | :: internship |
pasantía {f} | :: practicum |
pasapalo {m} [Venezuela] | :: appetizer |
pasapiezas {m} | :: bughouse chess |
pasaporte {m} | :: passport |
pasaportú {m} [Louisiana] | :: saw |
pasapurés {m} | :: masher, potato masher |
pasar {v} | :: to pass, to hand, to slip |
pasar {vi} | :: to happen |
pasar {vt} | :: to pass, to get past, to go past, to go by, to go over, to get through |
pasar {vt} | :: to spend time |
pasar {vi} | :: to enter a room |
pasar {vr} | :: to go too far, exaggerate |
pasar {vr} | :: to exceed, surpass, go over |
pasar {vr} | :: to ripen too much, become rotten, become off (food) |
pasar {vt} | :: to pass (filter) |
pasar {vt} | :: to strain, to sieve, to sift |
pasar {vt} | :: to break the law, rule, order |
pasar {vt} | :: to trespass (enter on someone's property without permission) |
pasar {v} | :: to puree (crush or grind food into a puree) |
pasar {v} | :: to omit, leave out |
pasar {vt} | :: to send, transmit |
pasar {vt} | :: to stand, tolerate, bear |
pasar {v} | :: to go through, to pass through, to swing by (+ por) |
pasar {v} | :: to pass an exam |
pasar {vp} | :: to stop by, to swing by |
pasar {vp} | :: to spend (time) |
pasar a mayores {v} [idiom] | :: to fully develop |
pasar apuros {v} [idiom] | :: to have a hard time |
pasar a un segundo plano {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take a back seat, to play second fiddle, to be on the back burner, to fade into the background |
pasar de castaño oscuro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be beyond a joke; to go too far |
pasarela {f} | :: catwalk |
pasarela {f} | :: footbridge |
pasarela {f} | :: gangway |
pasarela {f} | :: pedestrian overpass |
pasar factura {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take its toll (on) |
pasar la bola {v} [idiom] | :: to pass the buck |
pasarlas canutas {v} [idiom] | :: have a bad time about it |
pasar las de Caín {v} [idiom] | :: to go through hell |
pasarlas moradas {v} [idiom] | :: have a bad time about it |
pasarlas negras {v} [idiom] | :: have a bad time about it |
pasarlas putas {v} [idiom] | :: have a bad time about it |
pasar lista {v} [idiom] | :: to call roll |
pasarlo {v} [idiom] | :: to enjoy (oneself in a certain way) |
pasarlo bien {v} [idiomatic] | :: To have a good time |
pasarlo bomba {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: To have a whale of a time; to have a blast |
pasarlo en grande {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: To have a whale of a time |
pasarlo pipa {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: To have a whale of a time |
pasarlo teta {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: To have a whale of a time |
pasar página {v} [idiomatic] | :: To turn the page, turn over a new leaf |
pasar por alto {v} [idiom] | :: to overlook; skip, forgo |
pasar por la piedra {v} [idiomatic] | :: to humiliate |
pasar por la piedra {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have one's wicked way (with) |
pasar por las horcas caudinas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to face the music, bite the bullet |
pasar revista {v} [idiomatic] | :: to do the rounds |
pasar revista {v} [military, idiomatic] | :: to inspect the troops |
pasarse {v} | :: reflexive of pasar |
pasarse de la raya {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cross the line, step out of line, go too far |
pasarse de rosca {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go too far, overstep the mark |
pasarse el arroz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be over the hill, to be past one's prime |
pasárselas {v} [idiom] | :: to kill time; pass time |
pasarse la vida {v} [idiom] | :: to be forever (doing something) |
pasarse siete pueblos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go too far, go past the limit |
pasarse tres pueblos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go too far, go past the limit |
pasatiempo {m} | :: pastime |
pasatista {adj} | :: passing |
pasatista {adj} | :: looking back at the past |
pasbol {m} [baseball] | :: passed ball |
Pasco {prop} | :: Pasco (region) |
Pasco {prop} | :: Pasco (province) |
pascua {f} [Christianity] | :: Easter |
pascua {f} [Judaism] | :: Passover |
pascua {f} [Christianity] | :: The period between the birth of Christ and the adoration of the Magi |
Pascua {f} | :: alternative case form of pascua |
pascual {adj} | :: paschal |
Pascual {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Pascuala {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pascualina {f} | :: A type of vegetable pie, especially stuffed with spinach |
pascuense {adj} | :: Pascuense |
pascuense {mf} | :: Pascuense |
pascuense {m} | :: Pascuense (language) |
pascuero {m} | :: poinsettia (flower) |
pase {m} | :: pass, permit |
pase {m} [sports] | :: pass (the act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another) |
paseador {m} | :: sitter, minder (one employed to look after something) |
paseadora {f} | :: feminine noun of paseador |
paseante {adj} | :: passing; going by |
pasear {vi} | :: to stroll, to saunter, to promenade |
pasear {vi} | :: to walk, to take a walk |
pasear {vi} | :: to ride, to go for a ride (e.g. on an animal, in a car, in a hot air balloon) |
pasear {vt} | :: to walk (e.g. a dog) |
pasearse {v} | :: reflexive of pasear, to take a walk |
pasearse {v} | :: to loiter |
pasearse {v} | :: to stroll |
pase de lista {m} | :: roll call |
paseíllo {m} [bullfighting] | :: paseíllo |
paseíto {m} | :: diminutive of paseo |
pase lo que pase {adv} | :: come what may |
paseña {f} | :: feminine noun of paseño |
paseño {adj} | :: El Pasoan (of or pertaining to El Paso, Texas) |
paseño {m} | :: El Pasoan (native or resident of El Paso, Texas) |
paseo {m} | :: walk, stroll |
paseo {m} | :: outing, excursion |
paseo {m} | :: promenade (place where one takes a walk for leisure) |
paseo {m} [hyperbole] | :: vacation, holiday |
paseo {m} | :: walk in the park, stroll in the park (something easy) |
paseo {m} | :: a summary execution committed as part of the White Terror during the Spanish Civil War |
paseo de comida {f} | :: food court |
paseriforme {adj} | :: passerine |
pashmina {f} | :: pashmina |
pashtún {adj} | :: Pashtun |
pasible {adj} | :: long-suffering |
pasible {adj} | :: punishable, punished, liable [to a legal punishment] |
pasiega {f} | :: feminine noun of pasiego |
pasiego {adj} | :: Of or related to Vega de Pas |
pasiego {m} | :: Someone from Vega de Pas |
pasilla {f} | :: pasilla (chili) |
pasillismo {m} | :: strutting, showing off |
pasillo {m} | :: hallway, corridor |
pasillo {m} | :: aisle |
pasillo {m} [music genre, Latin America] | :: pasillo |
pasión {f} | :: passion |
pasión {f} | :: inertia, idleness (the opposite of action) |
pasional {adj} | :: passionate |
pasionaria {f} | :: passionflower (any of very many North American vines of the family Passifloraceae) |
pasionario {adj} [religion, attributive] | :: Passion |
pasionista {adj} | :: Passionist |
pasionista {mf} | :: Passionist |
pasita {f} | :: diminutive of pasa |
pasito {m} | :: diminutive of paso |
pasito {m} | :: nativity scene (in Costa Rica) |
pasivación {f} | :: passivation |
pasivamente {adv} | :: passively |
pasividad {f} | :: passivity |
pasivo {adj} | :: passive |
pasivo {adj} [gay slang] | :: bottom |
pasivo {m} [accounting] | :: any debt or material obligation of an enterprise or individual |
paslama {f} | :: green sea turtle |
pasma {mf} [colloquial, Spain] | :: cop, pig (Police officer) |
pasma {f} [colloquial] | :: fuzz, cops, the po-po (police) |
pasmado {adj} | :: absent-minded |
pasmado {adj} | :: astounded, stunned |
pasmado {adj} | :: with bated breath |
pasmado {adj} [heraldry] | :: open-mouthed (fish) |
pasmar {vt} | :: to amaze, to surprise |
pasmarote {mf} [colloquial] | :: idiot, dimwit |
pasmo {m} | :: astonishment |
pasmoso {adj} | :: astounding |
paso {adj} | :: dry (said of fruit) |
paso {m} | :: A step or pace walking |
paso {m} | :: A step in a set of instructions |
paso {m} | :: A way |
paso {m} | :: The pitch of a helix or screw thread |
paso {m} [geography] | :: pass, col |
paso {m} | :: A float for a religious parade, carried on the backs of a group of people, called costaleros |
paso a desnivel {m} [roads] | :: overpass, grade separation |
paso a dos {m} | :: pas de deux |
paso a nivel {m} | :: level crossing |
paso a paso {adv} | :: step by step |
paso cebra {m} | :: zebra crossing |
paso de cebra {m} | :: zebra crossing |
paso-doble {m} | :: alternative spelling of paso doble |
pasodoble {m} | :: A certain kind of march (music) |
paso elevado {m} | :: overpass |
paso en falso {m} | :: stumble, misstep, false step |
paso inferior {m} | :: underpass |
pasola {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] | :: motor scooter |
pasón {n} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: wonder, marvel (something astonishing) |
paso superior {m} | :: overpass |
pasota {adj} [Spain, colloquial] | :: apathetic |
pasota {mf} [Spain, colloquial] | :: Someone who couldn't care less, someone who doesn't give a damn |
pasotismo {m} | :: apathy |
pasquín {m} | :: pasquinade |
pasquín {m} | :: rag (low-quality newspaper) (derogatory) |
passar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of pasar |
password {m} | :: password |
pasta {f} | :: pasta |
pasta {f} | :: paste, dough |
pasta {f} | :: biscuit |
pasta {f} [Spain, slang] | :: money, dough |
pasta de dientes {f} | :: toothpaste |
pasta de papel {f} | :: wood pulp |
pastafrola {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: A type of sweet pie, most often filled with quince jelly; crostata |
pastar {v} | :: to graze |
paste {m} [Mexico] | :: pasty, pastie (a type of pie or turnover) |
paste {m} | :: loofah (plant in the Luffa genus) |
pastear {v} | :: to graze |
pastel {m} | :: cake |
pastel {m} | :: pastry |
pastel {m} | :: pie |
pastel {m} [art] | :: pastel |
pastelazo {m} | :: a custard pie in the face |
pastel de carne {m} | :: meatloaf |
pastel de carne {m} | :: meat pie |
pastel de cumpleaños {m} | :: birthday cake |
pastel de luna {m} | :: moon cake |
pastelear {v} | :: to suck up; kiss ass; backscratch |
pastelera {f} | :: feminine noun of pastelero |
pastelería {f} | :: pastry shop, cake shop |
pastelería {f} | :: confectionery |
pastelero {m} | :: pastry cook, confectioner |
pastelillo {m} | :: diminutive of pastel, a small cake |
pastelito {m} | :: diminutive of pastel, small cake |
pastelón {m} | :: big cake |
pastera {f} | :: Someone whose job is to put ground olives into a basket, known as the capacho |
pasterización {f} | :: alternative form of pasteurización |
pasterizar {v} | :: to pasteurize |
pastero {adj} | :: grazing; suitable for pasture |
pastero {m} | :: Someone whose job is to put ground olives into a basket, known as the capacho |
pasteurización {f} | :: pasteurisation |
pasteurizar {v} | :: to pasteurize |
pastiche {m} | :: pastiche (work that imitates the work of a previous artist) |
pasticho {m} [Venezuela] | :: lasagna |
pastilla {f} | :: pill |
pastilla {f} | :: cake (block of a dense material) |
pastilla {f} | :: bar (block of soap or chocolate) |
pastilla {f} | :: cube (cube of stock) |
pastilla {f} | :: pad (brake pad) |
pastilla de frenos {f} | :: brake pad |
pastillera {f} | :: feminine noun of pastillero |
pastillero {m} | :: pillbox |
pastillero {m} [colloquial] | :: pill popper |
pastillita {f} | :: diminutive of pastilla |
pastis {m} | :: pastis |
pastita {f} | :: diminutive of pasta |
pastito {m} | :: diminutive of pasto |
pastizal {m} | :: grassland, pasture (land covered with grass) |
pasto {m} | :: pasture |
pasto {m} | :: lawn |
pasto {m} | :: grass |
pasto {m} | :: Pashto (language) |
pastón {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: bomb, fortune (a huge amount of money) |
pastor {m} | :: shepherd |
pastor {m} | :: herder |
pastor {m} | :: pastor, priest |
Pastor {prop} | :: surname |
pastora {f} | :: female equivalent of pastor |
pastoral {adj} | :: pastoral |
pastoral {f} | :: pastoral |
pastor alemán {m} | :: German Shepherd |
pastoralmente {adv} | :: pastorally |
pastorcilla {f} | :: diminutive of pastora |
pastorcillo {m} | :: diminutive of pastor |
pastorcita {f} | :: diminutive of pastora |
pastorcito {m} | :: diminutive of pastor |
pastorear {v} | :: to shepherd |
pastorela {f} | :: pastorela |
pastoreo {m} | :: grazing |
pastoreo {m} | :: shepherding |
pastoril {adj} | :: pastoral |
pastoso {adj} | :: thick, viscous |
Pastrana {prop} | :: Pastrana (town) |
Pastrana {prop} | :: surname |
pastranismo {m} | :: The political beliefs, or regime of, Andrés Pastrana Arango, President of Colombia from 1998 to 2002 |
pastrón {m} | :: pastrami (seasoned cut of smoked beef) |
pastún {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Pashtun people or their language |
pastún {m} | :: Pashtun (person) |
pastún {m} [uncountable] | :: Pashto (language) |
pastura {f} | :: pasture, grassland |
pastusa {f} | :: feminine noun of pastuso |
pastuso {adj} | :: Of or from Pasto |
pastuso {m} | :: Someone from Pasto |
-pata {suffix} | :: -path |
pata {f} | :: paw, foot, leg (of an animal) |
pata {f} | :: leg (of furniture) |
pata {f} [colloquial] | :: human leg, foot [often used in anger] |
pata {f} [colloquial] | :: footprint [often used in anger] |
pata {f} | :: pocket flap |
pata {f} | :: tie, draw |
pata {f} | :: feminine noun of pato; female duck |
patache {m} | :: patache (boat) |
patacón {m} | :: deep-fried plantain slice |
patacón {m} [Venezuela] | :: fried plantain sandwich, stuffed with shredded meat, cheese and ham |
pataconcito {m} [Panama] | :: dump; garbage yard |
pataconcito {m} | :: diminutive of patacón |
patada {f} | :: kick |
pata de burro {f} | :: Chilean abalone |
pata de ganso {f} [anatomy] | :: pes anserinus |
pata de ganso {f} | :: See: es pata ganso |
patadita {f} | :: diminutive of patada; small kick |
patadón {m} | :: Mighty kick |
patagio {m} | :: patagium |
patagón {adj} | :: Patagonian |
patagón {m} | :: Patagonian |
patagona {f} | :: feminine noun of patagón |
Patagonia {prop} {f} | :: Patagonia |
patagónico {adj} | :: Patagonian |
patalear {v} | :: to stamp, stomp |
pataleo {m} | :: stamp, stamping, stomp, stomping |
pataleta {f} | :: tantrum (childish display or fit of bad temper) |
patán {m} | :: boor (rude person) |
patana {f} [Dominican Republic] | :: tractor-trailer |
patana {f} | :: feminine noun of patán |
patanería {f} | :: loutishness |
patarashca {f} | :: A dish from Peru, in which a fish wrapped in leaves is cooked on hot coals |
patas arriba {adj} [idiom] | :: messy, in a mess |
patas de gallo {fp} | :: crow's feet |
patata {f} [Spain, Philippines] | :: potato |
patata {f} [colloquial] | :: piece of rubbish |
patata caliente {f} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: hot potato (unwanted problem) |
patata dulce {f} [Spain] | :: sweet potato |
patata frita {f} | :: singular of patatas fritas |
patatal {m} | :: potato field |
patatas alioli {fp} | :: A Spanish dish consisting of small pieces of potatoes, with aioli sauce |
patatas bravas {fp} | :: patatas bravas |
patatas fritas {fp} | :: fries, French fries, chips (UK) |
patatas fritas {fp} | :: chips (US), crisps, potato chips |
patatera {f} | :: potato (plant) |
patatera {f} | :: potato grower |
patatero {adj} [attributive] | :: potato (pertaining to or relating to potato) |
patatero {m} | :: potato grower/farmer/producer |
patatero {m} | :: potato merchant |
patatús {m} [colloquial] | :: swoon, faint (act of fainting) |
patatús {m} [colloquial] | :: heart attack |
pataxte {m} [Central America] | :: The tree Theobroma bicolor or its fruit, related to cacao |
Pataz {prop} | :: Pataz (province) |
patchwork {m} | :: patchwork |
paté {m} | :: pâté, pate |
pateador {adj} | :: kicking |
pateador {m} | :: kicker (something that kicks) |
pateadura {f} | :: stamping |
pateadura {f} | :: protest |
patear {v} | :: to kick |
patear {v} | :: to hit |
patear {v} | :: to stamp, stomp |
patena {f} | :: paten |
patentabilidad {f} | :: patentability |
patentado {m} | :: patenting |
patentamiento {m} | :: patenting |
patentar {vt} | :: to patent |
patente {adj} | :: patent |
patente {adj} | :: blatant, obvious |
patente {adj} | :: clear, clear-cut |
patente {m} | :: patent (declaration issued by a government to an inventor) |
patente {m} [Argentina, Chile] | :: the license plate of a vehicle |
patentemente {adv} | :: patently, obviously, evidently |
patentizar {v} | :: to make obvious |
patepluma {adj} [Honduras] | :: Of or from Santa Bárbara Department, Honduras |
patepluma {mf} | :: Someone from Santa Bárbara Department, Honduras |
patera {f} | :: small boat (especially one used for illegal immigration across the Mediterranean Sea) |
paterfamilias {m} | :: paterfamilias |
paternal {adj} | :: paternal, fatherly |
paternalismo {m} | :: paternalism |
paternalista {adj} | :: paternalistic |
paternalista {mf} | :: paternalist |
paternalistamente {adv} | :: paternalistically |
paternalmente {adv} | :: paternally |
paternidad {f} | :: fatherhood |
paternidad {f} | :: paternity |
paterno {adj} | :: parental |
paterno {adj} | :: paternal |
patéticamente {adv} | :: pathetically |
patético {adj} | :: pathetic |
patético {adj} [colloquial] | :: awful, terrible (very bad) |
patetismo {m} | :: poignancy |
pathos {m} | :: pathos |
Pati {prop} {f} | :: given name |
patí {m} | :: Luciopimelodus pati |
-patía {suffix} | :: [feeling or passion] -pathy |
-patía {suffix} [pathology, abnormal state] | :: -pathy |
patiamarillo {adj} | :: yellow-footed |
patiazul {adj} | :: blue-footed |
patibulario {adj} | :: horrifying, harrowing |
patibulario {adj} | :: sinister |
patíbulo {m} | :: gallows |
-pático {suffix} | :: -pathic |
patidifuso {adj} [colloquial] | :: gobsmacked, astounded |
patiecito {m} | :: diminutive of patio |
patilla {f} | :: sideburn |
patilla {f} | :: arm, sidepiece (of glasses) |
patilla {f} [Colombia, Venezuela, Caribbean] | :: watermelon |
patillaje {m} | :: pinout |
patín {m} | :: skate, roller skate |
patín {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: foul smell |
patín {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: party |
pátina {f} | :: patina (a colored coating as results from oxidation of bronze or copper) |
patinador {adj} | :: skating |
patinador {m} | :: skater |
patinadora {f} | :: feminine noun of patinador |
patinaje {m} | :: skating |
patinaje artístico {m} | :: figure skating |
patinaje de velocidad {m} | :: speed skating |
patinar {vt} | :: To patine |
patinar {vi} | :: to skate |
patinar {vi} | :: to slip, slide |
patinata {f} [Venezuela] | :: Group of ice skaters |
patinazo {m} | :: skid |
patinazo {m} [colloquial] | :: slip, error, mistake, cock-up |
patinegro {adj} | :: blackfoot, black-footed |
patineta {f} | :: scooter (child's foot-operated vehicle) |
patineta {f} | :: skateboard |
patinete {m} | :: kick scooter, push scooter, scooter |
patinillo {m} | :: diminutive of patín |
Patiño {prop} | :: surname |
patio {m} | :: yard, patio |
patio {m} | :: courtyard |
patio {m} | :: playground (clipping of patio de recreo) or (clipping of patio de juegos) |
patiperro {m} [Chile] | :: globetrotter; avid journeyer |
patirrojo {adj} | :: red-footed |
patisserie {f} | :: patisserie |
patita {f} | :: diminutive of pata |
patitieso {adj} [colloquial] | :: having a numb leg or feet; with a dead leg |
patitieso {adj} [colloquial] | :: baffled |
patitieso {adj} [colloquial] | :: on end |
patito {m} | :: duckling |
patito feo {m} [idiom] | :: ugly duckling |
patizambo {adj} | :: bow-legged |
pato {m} | :: duck, drake |
pato {m} [vulgar, slang, Antilles, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Puerto Rico] | :: homosexual, faggot |
Pato {prop} [Chile, colloquial] | :: given name |
pato almizclero {m} | :: musk duck |
pato arlequín {m} | :: harlequin duck |
Patoburgo {prop} {m} | :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives) |
patochada {f} [colloquial] | :: bloomer, whopper, blunder |
pato colorado {m} | :: red-crested pochard |
pato criollo {m} | :: Muscovy duck |
pato de mar {m} | :: Guanay cormorant |
Pato Donald {prop} {m} | :: Donald Duck (Disney character) |
patofisiología {f} | :: pathophysiology |
pato friso {m} | :: gadwall (Mareca strepera) |
patogénesis {f} | :: pathogenesis |
patogenia {f} [pathology] | :: pathogenesis |
patogenicidad {f} | :: pathogenicity |
patogénico {adj} | :: pathogenic |
patógeno {adj} | :: pathogenic |
patógeno {m} | :: pathogen |
patognomónico {adj} [medicine] | :: pathognomonic |
patojo {adj} | :: bowlegged |
patojo {m} | :: bowlegged person |
patojo {m} [Central America] | :: kid (child) |
Patolandia {prop} {f} [Latin America] | :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives) |
pato lilo {m} | :: Guanay cormorant |
patóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of patólogo |
patología {f} | :: pathology |
patológicamente {adv} | :: pathologically |
patológico {adj} | :: pathological |
patologista {mf} | :: pathologist |
patologización {f} | :: pathologization |
patologizar {v} | :: to pathologize |
patólogo {m} | :: pathologist |
Pato Lucas {prop} {m} | :: Daffy Duck |
patón {adj} | :: having big feet |
pato silbador {m} | :: whistling duck |
patoso {adj} | :: clumsy (lacking coordination) |
patota {f} [Latin America] | :: mob, gang |
patotero {adj} | :: thuggish |
patotero {m} | :: thug |
patovica {m} | :: bouncer (security guard employed at bars or nightclubs) |
patraña {f} | :: tall tale (a greatly exaggerated, fantastic story) |
patraña {f} | :: lie |
patranca {f} | :: Magellanic penguin |
patria {f} | :: homeland, fatherland, motherland |
patria chica {f} | :: hometown, native region |
patria potestad {f} | :: (child) custody |
patria potestad {f} | :: parental rights |
patriarca {m} | :: patriarch |
patriarcado {m} | :: patriarchy |
patriarcado {m} | :: patriarchate |
patriarcal {adj} | :: patriarchal |
patriarchâ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of patriarca |
Patricia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
patriciado {m} | :: patricianship, patricianhood |
patricio {m} | :: patrician |
Patricio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
patrilineal {adj} | :: patrilineal |
patrimonial {adj} | :: patrimonial, hereditary |
patrimonial {adj} | :: heritage (e.g. heritage site or building, heritage value) |
patrimonialismo {m} | :: patrimonialism |
patrimonialista {mf} | :: patrimonialist |
patrimonializable {adj} | :: Able to be part of the heritage |
patrimonialización {f} | :: the making part of heritage |
patrimonializar {v} | :: to make part of heritage |
patrimonialmente {adv} | :: patrimonially |
patrimonio {m} | :: estate, property |
patrimonio {m} | :: assets, wealth |
patrimonio {m} | :: heritage |
Patrimonio {prop} | :: surname |
Patrimonio de la Humanidad {prop} {m} | :: World Heritage Site |
patrio {adj} [formal] | :: native, home (of one's homeland) |
patriota {adj} | :: patriotic |
patriota {mf} | :: patriot |
patriotería {f} | :: jingoism |
patriotería {f} | :: chauvinism |
patrioterismo {m} | :: chauvinism (excessive patriotism) |
patriotero {adj} | :: jingoistic |
patrióticamente {adv} | :: patriotically |
patriótico {adj} | :: patriotic |
patriotismo {m} | :: patriotism |
patrística {f} | :: patristics |
patrístico {adj} | :: patristic |
patrocinador {m} | :: sponsor (person or organisation that pays part of the cost of an event or service) |
patrocinadora {f} | :: feminine noun of patrocinador |
patrocinante {mf} | :: sponsor |
patrocinar {vt} | :: to sponsor (to pay part of the cost of an event or service) |
patrocinio {m} | :: sponsorship |
Patroclo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Patroclus |
patrón {m} | :: protector |
patrón {m} | :: boss |
patrón {m} | :: master |
patrón {m} | :: patron |
patrón {m} | :: pattern |
Patrón {prop} | :: surname |
patrona {f} | :: feminine noun of patrón |
patrona {f} | :: feminine noun of patrono |
patronal {adj} [attributive] | :: patron saint |
patronal {adj} | :: patronal |
patronal {adj} [attributive] | :: owner of a house where someone is a guest |
patronal {adj} [attributive] | :: employer |
patronal {adj} [attributive] | :: management |
patronal {adj} [attributive, nautical] | :: skipper |
patronal {f} | :: management |
patronal {f} | :: employers |
patronato {m} | :: patronage |
patronazgo {m} | :: patronage |
patronazgo {m} | :: patronage of a saint |
patronear {v} [nautical] | :: to skipper |
patronímico {adj} | :: patronymic |
patronizar {v} | :: to patronize |
patrono {m} [religion] | :: patron saint |
patrono {m} | :: patron (one who protects and supports) |
patrono {m} | :: owner of a house where someone is a guest |
patrono {m} | :: employer |
patrono {m} | :: master |
patrulla {f} | :: patrol |
patrullador {m} | :: patroller |
patrullaje {m} | :: patrolling, patrol |
patrullar {vit} | :: to patrol |
patrullera {f} | :: patrol boat |
patrullero {adj} | :: related to patrolling |
patrullero {m} | :: patrolman |
patrullero {m} | :: patrol boat |
patudo {adj} [El Salvador] | :: having big feet |
patujú {m} | :: hanging lobster claw (Heliconia rostrata) |
patulina {f} | :: patulin |
patullar {v} | :: To stomp |
patullar {v} | :: To chat loudly |
pauciinmune {adj} | :: pauci-immune |
paujil {m} | :: Any curassow of the genus Crax |
paúl {m} | :: a moor, a heath |
Paula {prop} {f} | :: given name |
paulatinamente {adv} | :: slowly, gradually |
paulatino {adj} | :: gradual |
Paulette {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pauliciano {adj} | :: Paulician |
pauliciano {m} | :: Paulician |
Paulina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
paulino {adj} | :: Pauline (of or relating to the Apostle Paul) |
Paulino {prop} {m} | :: given name |
paulista {mf} | :: An inhabitant of São Paulo, Brazil |
paulistana {f} | :: feminine noun of paulistano |
paulistano {m} [demonym] | :: Paulistan, someone born in, or an inhabitant of, the municipality of São Paulo, Brazil |
paulistano {adj} | :: Paulistan (of or pertaining to São Paulo) |
Paulito {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Paulo |
pauperismo {m} | :: pauperism |
pauperización {f} | :: impoverishment |
pauperizar {v} | :: to pauperize |
paupérrimo {adj} [formal, archaic] | :: superlative of pobre |
pausa {f} | :: break, pause |
pausadamente {adv} | :: pausingly, slowly |
pausado {adj} | :: slow, unhurried |
pausar {v} | :: to pause |
pauta {f} | :: ruler, rule |
pauta {f} | :: guideline, guiding principle |
pauta {f} | :: guide, rule, pattern, model |
pautaje {m} [Ecuador] | :: (ad) placement, scheduling [how often an ad is shown, at what times, what channels, during what programs, etc.] |
pautaje {m} [Ecuador] | :: advertisement, publicity |
pautaje {m} | :: logging [making entries in a log] |
pautar {v} | :: to trace lines |
pautar {v} | :: to regulate, to lay down rules |
pautar {v} [Latin America] | :: to advertise |
pava {f} | :: turkey hen |
pava {f} [Spain, colloquial] | :: bore |
pava {f} | :: A type of pot; a boiler |
pavada {f} | :: turkey herd |
pavada {f} | :: A children's game |
pavada {f} [colloquial, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay] | :: bullshit, nonsense, tosh (dumb talk or act) |
pava real {f} | :: feminine noun of pavo real |
pavarreal {f} | :: feminine noun of pavorreal |
pavazo {m} | :: augmentative of pavo |
pavera {f} | :: feminine noun of pavero |
pavero {m} | :: turkey farmer |
pavesa {f} | :: ember (hot piece of ash) |
pavezna {f} | :: A poult; the young of a turkey |
pavezno {m} | :: A poult; the young of a turkey |
pavía {f} | :: A variety of peach |
Pavía {prop} | :: Pavía (province) |
Pavía {prop} | :: Pavía (city) |
pávido {adj} [poetic] | :: faint, shy (easily frightened) |
pavimentación {f} | :: paving |
pavimentar {v} | :: to pave |
pavimento {m} | :: road surface [British], pavement [US] |
pavimento {m} | :: paving |
pavloviano {adj} | :: Pavlovian |
pavo {m} | :: turkey |
pavo {m} | :: peacock |
pavo {m} [slang] | :: buck (dollar) |
pavo {m} [slang] | :: euro |
pavo {m} [slang] | :: moron, airhead, dummy, dope (dumb man) |
pavón {m} [rare] | :: peacock |
pavón {m} | :: moth of the genus Saturnia (so called because of the spots in its wings resemble those of the peacock) |
pavonar {v} | :: To bronze |
pavonear {vi} | :: to strut, to show off |
pavonear {vr} | :: to strut around, to swagger, to sashay, to preen, to prance around |
pavonearse {vr} | :: to show off, to strut around, to swagger, to sashay, to preen, to prance around |
pavoneo {m} | :: strut, swagger |
pavor {m} | :: dread, fright, fear |
pavo real {m} | :: peacock |
pavorosamente {adv} | :: frightfully |
pavoroso {adj} | :: dreadful |
pavorreal {m} | :: peacock |
pavoso {adj} [Caribbean] | :: unlucky |
pavura {f} | :: fear |
paxte {m} | :: alternative spelling of paste |
pay {m} [Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico] | :: pie (food) |
payana {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: jacks (children's game) |
payana {f} [Nicaragua] | :: broken rice |
payanés {adj} | :: Of or from Popayán, Colombia |
payanés {m} | :: Someone from Popayán, Colombia |
payasa {f} | :: feminine noun of payaso |
payasada {f} | :: antic, clowning |
payasear {v} | :: to goof |
payasito {m} | :: diminutive of payaso |
payaso {m} | :: clown |
payés {m} [Spain, Catalonia] | :: farmer, peasant |
payo {adj} | :: non-Romani person |
payo {m} | :: non-Romani person; gadjo |
payoponi {mf} [pejorative, Spain] | :: A South American |
Paysandú {prop} | :: Paysandú (city) |
Paysandú {prop} | :: Paysandú (department) |
paz {f} | :: peace |
Paz {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Paz {prop} {f} | :: surname derived from the given name, or from a nickname for a peaceful person |
pazguato {adj} | :: silly, foolish |
pazguato {adj} | :: prudish |
pazo {m} [Spain] | :: Galician manor |
PCA {prop} [botany] | :: DYC; "damn yellow composite" |
PCE {prop} {m} | :: Communist Party of Spain |
PCR {f} [Medicine] | :: initialism of proteína C reactiva CRP |
PCUS {prop} {mf} [history, politics] | :: CPSU (initialism of Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética) |
P. D. {f} | :: abbreviation of posdata |
pe {f} | :: letter: p |
pea {f} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
peaje {m} | :: toll (fee for using roads or bridges) |
peajero {m} | :: toll booth worker; toll-collector |
peán {m} | :: paean |
peana {f} | :: pedestal |
peatón {m} | :: pedestrian |
peatona {f} | :: feminine noun of peatón |
peatonal {adj} | :: pedestrian (of or intended for those who are walking) |
peatonalización {f} | :: pedestrianization |
peatonalizar {v} | :: to pedestrianize |
peatonalmente {adv} | :: on foot |
peazo {m} | :: pronunciation spelling of pedazo |
pebete {m} | :: punk, fuse |
pebete {m} | :: incense stick |
pebete {m} [Argentina] | :: a kind of bread roll |
pebetero {m} | :: A vessel for burning incense, a thurible |
pebre {mf} | :: pepper (powdered condiment) |
pebre {mf} | :: A Chilean condiment containing coriander, vinegar, garlic and pepper |
peca {f} | :: freckle |
pecable {adj} | :: peccable; liable to sin |
pecadillo {m} | :: diminutive of pecado; a peccadillo, minor sin |
pecado {m} | :: sin |
pecado capital {m} | :: deadly sin |
pecado mortal {m} | :: mortal sin, deadly sin |
pecado original {m} | :: original sin |
pecador {adj} | :: sinful |
pecador {m} | :: sinner |
pecadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pecador |
pecaminoso {adj} | :: sinful |
pecán {m} | :: pecan |
pecana {f} | :: pecan (nut) |
pecante {adj} | :: peccant, sinning, sinful |
pecar {v} | :: to sin |
pecarí {m} | :: peccary |
pecatriz {f} [obsolete] | :: sinner |
pececillo {m} | :: diminutive of pez; fishy; a small fish |
pececillo de plata {m} | :: silverfish |
pececito {m} | :: diminutive of pez; little fish, fishy |
pecenista {adj} | :: Of or relating to the National Coalition Party of El Salvador |
pecenista {mf} | :: A member or supporter of the National Coalition Party of El Salvador |
pecera {f} | :: fish tank, aquarium |
Peces {prop} {m} {p} [zodiac] | :: Pisces |
peceto {m} | :: eye of round |
pechar {v} | :: to pay a tax or other tribute |
pechar {v} | :: to trick (someone) out of money |
pechar {v} | :: to pay a fine |
pechar {v} | :: to put up with; to deal with |
peche {adj} [El Salvador] | :: skinny; skin and bones |
peche {mf} [El Salvador] | :: skinny person; skin and bones |
pechenega {f} | :: feminine noun of pechenego |
pechenego {adj} | :: Pecheneg |
pechenego {m} | :: Pecheneg |
pechera {f} | :: chestplate |
pechera {f} | :: (sport) bib |
pechero {m} | :: bib |
pechiazul {m} | :: The bluethroat. A small bird |
pechiblanco {adj} | :: white-breasted (of a bird) |
pechina {f} [architecture] | :: pendentive |
pechinegro {adj} | :: black-breasted |
pechirrojo {adj} | :: red-breasted (said of many species of bird) |
pecho {m} | :: thorax |
pecho {m} | :: chest; the front of the thorax |
pecho {m} | :: breast (of a woman) |
pecho {m} [figuratively] | :: breast, heart; seat of the emotions, feelings, etc |
pecho {m} [figuratively] | :: valor, strength, fortitude |
pechocha {f} [slang, pejorative] | :: hot stuff; sugar lips; babe |
pechonalidad {f} [slang] | :: attractive breasts, as a trait standing in for having personality |
pechoño {adj} | :: churchy, overly sanctimonious, exaggeratedly pietistic |
pechote {m} | :: augmentative of pecho, big breast |
pechuga {f} [ornithology] | :: bird breast |
pechuga {f} | :: poultry breast |
pechuga {f} [by extension] | :: human chest or breast |
pechugón {adj} | :: barrel-chested |
pechugón {adj} | :: having large pectorals |
pechugón {m} | :: A large-chested man |
pechugón {m} | :: A man with large pectorals |
pechugona {f} | :: feminine noun of pechugón |
pecio {f} | :: shipwreck, wreck |
peciolado {adj} | :: petiolated |
peciolar {adj} | :: petiolar |
peciolo {m} | :: alternative form of pecíolo |
pecíolo {m} [botany] | :: petiole |
pecíolo {m} [entomology] | :: petiole |
peciólulo {m} | :: petiolule |
pécora {f} | :: bitch |
pécora {f} | :: whore |
pecorino {m} | :: pecorino |
pecoso {adj} | :: freckled, freckly |
pectato {f} | :: pectate |
pectina {f} [carbohydrate] | :: pectin |
pectinado {adj} [mycology] | :: pectinate |
pectíneo {adj} [anatomy] | :: pectineal |
pectíneo {m} [muscle] | :: pectineus |
pectoral {adj} | :: pectoral (of or pertaining to the breast or chest) |
pectus excavatum {m} | :: pectus excavatum |
pecuario {adj} | :: Of or related to cattle raising |
peculado {m} | :: embezzlement |
peculiar {adj} | :: peculiar |
peculiaridad {f} | :: peculiarity, oddity |
peculiaridad {f} | :: quirk, idiosyncrasy |
peculiarísimo {adj} | :: superlative of peculiar |
peculiarmente {adv} | :: peculiarly |
peculio {m} | :: savings, scraps, nest egg |
pecuniariamente {adv} | :: financially, monetarily, pecuniarily |
pecuniario {adj} | :: financial, monetary, pecuniary |
peda {f} [slang] | :: state of being drunk, e.g. “lo besé pero fue por la peda”, “I kissed him but it was because I was drunk” (because of my drunken state) |
pedacería {f} | :: group of pieces, pieces, scraps, cullet |
pedacillo {m} | :: diminutive of pedazo |
pedacito {m} | :: diminutive of pedazo |
pedacito {m} | :: small piece |
pedacito {m} | :: chip (e.g., chocolate chips) |
pedagoga {f} | :: feminine noun of pedagogo |
pedagogía {f} | :: pedagogy |
pedagógicamente {adv} | :: pedagogically |
pedagógico {adj} | :: pedagogical, educational |
pedagogo {m} | :: pedagogue, educator |
pedal {m} | :: pedal (lever operated by one’s foot) |
pedal {m} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
pedalada {f} | :: the act of pedaling |
pedalazo {m} [cycling] | :: push of the pedal |
pedalear {v} | :: to pedal |
pedalera {f} | :: pedal keyboard |
pedalero {m} | :: pedalboard, pedal keyboard |
pedalier {m} | :: pedal keyboard |
pedalista {mf} | :: pedaller, cyclist |
pedáneo {adj} | :: small-town |
pedanía {f} | :: district, borough |
pedante {adj} | :: pedantic |
pedante {mf} | :: pedant (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning) |
pedantería {f} | :: pedantry (overly ambitious display of learning) |
pedantescamente {adv} | :: pedantically |
pedantesco {adj} | :: pedantic |
pedantismo {m} | :: pedantry |
pedazo {m} | :: piece, chunk, hunk, bit, bite (a part of a larger whole) |
pedazo {m} | :: patch (e.g. of sky, cloth, skin, space) |
pedazo {m} | :: scrap (e.g. of paper, information) |
pedazo {m} | :: lump (e.g. of metal, rock, clay, wood) |
pedazo {m} | :: slab (e.g. of meat, of cheese) |
pedazo {m} | :: shard (e.g. of glass, ice) |
pedazo de pan {m} [idiom] | :: a harmless fellow; an angel |
pedecista {mf} | :: Member or supporter of the Partido Demócrata Cristiano |
pedegista {m} | :: A member or supporter of Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea |
pedegista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea, or its politics |
pedemonte {m} | :: piedmont |
pederasta {m} | :: pederast |
pederastia {f} | :: pederasty |
pedernal {m} | :: flint |
pedestal {m} [architecture] | :: pedestal (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) |
pedestal {m} [figuratively] | :: pedestal (a place of reverence or honor) |
pedestre {adj} | :: pedestrian, walking |
pedestremente {adv} | :: pedestrianly |
pediatra {mf} | :: pediatrician |
pediatría {f} | :: pediatrics |
pediátrico {adj} | :: pediatric |
pedicelado {adj} | :: pedicellate |
pedicelario {m} | :: pedicellaria |
pedicelo {m} [botany, zoology, mycology] | :: pedicel |
pedículo {m} [anatomy] | :: pedicle |
pedículo {m} [botany] | :: pedicel |
pedículo {m} | :: louse |
pediculosis {f} | :: pediculosis |
pedicura {f} | :: pedicure |
pedicure {m} | :: pedicure |
pedicurista {mf} | :: pedicurist |
pedido {m} | :: order |
pedido {m} | :: bulk purchase |
pedigree {m} | :: pedigree |
pedigrí {m} | :: pedigree |
pedigüeña {f} | :: feminine noun of pedigüeño |
pedigüeñería {f} | :: quality of being a schnorrer; beggarliness |
pedigüeño {m} | :: sponger |
pediluvio {m} | :: footbath |
pedimento {m} | :: petition |
pedipalpo {m} | :: pedipalp |
pedir {v} | :: to ask for something |
pedir {v} | :: to request someone else to do something |
pedir {v} | :: to order something |
pedir {v} | :: to call, to call in (e.g. to call for help, to call for backup, to call in a favor) |
pedir cotufas en el golfo {v} [idiom] | :: to ask for the moon |
pedir la luna {v} [idiom] | :: to ask for the moon |
pedir papas {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, Galicia] | :: to give up |
pedo {adj} [slang, vulgar] | :: drunk, high, intoxicated |
pedo {m} | :: fart (in some places, such as Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries, the 'd' is dropped in this meaning, thus the word is written and pronounced "peo") |
pedo {m} [slang] | :: drunkenness |
pedo {m} [Mexico, El Salvador] | :: party |
pedo {m} [Latin America, slang] | :: problem, issue (in some places the 'd' is almost always dropped in this meaning, thus the word is written and pronounced "peo") |
pedófila {f} | :: feminine noun of pedófilo |
pedofilia {f} | :: pedophilia |
pedófilo {adj} | :: pedophilic |
pedófilo {m} | :: pedophile |
pedofobia {f} | :: pedophobia |
pedológico {adj} | :: pedological |
pedorrear {v} | :: to fart |
pedorrera {f} | :: string of farts |
pedorrero {adj} | :: farty (prone to farting) |
pedorreta {f} | :: raspberry (fart sound made with the mouth) |
pedorriento {adj} [Mexico] | :: farty (prone to farting) |
pedorro {adj} [vulgar] | :: farty (someone or something that farts) |
pedorro {m} [vulgar] | :: farter (someone or something that farts) |
pedorro {m} [vulgar] | :: ass, buttocks |
pedrada {f} | :: throw of a stone |
pedrada {f} | :: blow/hit of a stone |
pedraplén {m} [construction, engineeering] | :: rockfill (compacted rock used to prevent erosion or flooding) |
pedrea {f} | :: throw of a stone; casting of a stone |
pedrea {f} | :: stone-throwing fight |
pedrea {f} | :: hail |
pedrea {f} | :: small prize in a lottery |
pedregal {m} | :: A place or region with rocky terrain |
pedregal {m} [Mexico] | :: lava field |
pedregaleño {adj} | :: Of or from El Pedregal |
pedregaleño {m} | :: Someone from El Pedregal |
pedregosidad {f} | :: rockiness; stoniness |
pedregoso {adj} | :: stony |
pedrenal {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pedernal |
pedrense {adj} | :: OF or from Las Piedras, Uruguay |
pedrense {mf} | :: Someone from Las Piedras, Uruguay |
pedrera {f} | :: quarry |
pedrería {f} | :: gemstone collection |
pedrero {m} | :: stone worker; stonecutter |
pedrero {m} [historical] | :: cannon shooting stone cannonballs |
pedrete gris {m} | :: black-crowned night heron |
pedrisco {m} | :: hail (balls of ice) |
Pedro {prop} {m} | :: Peter [biblical character] |
Pedro {prop} {m} | :: given name |
pedrolo {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: big rock (large diamond) |
pedroso {adj} [rare] | :: stony; rocky |
pedrusco {m} | :: rock; stone |
pedunculado {adj} [botany] | :: pedunculate |
peduncular {adj} [anatomy] | :: peduncular |
pedúnculo {m} [botany] | :: peduncle |
pedúnculo {m} [anatomy] | :: peduncle (a bundle of neurons connecting parts of the brain) |
peeling {m} | :: peeling; peel (surgery of remove the outer layer of skin from a part of the body) |
peer {v} | :: to break wind, to fart |
peer {vr} | :: to break wind; fart |
pega {f} [colloquial, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru] | :: work |
pega {f} [Venezuela] | :: glue |
pega {f} | :: gluing |
pega {f} | :: obstacle |
pegacarteles {m} | :: billposter |
pegada {f} [boxing] | :: punch (a hit or strike with one's fist) |
pegada {f} | :: punch (power, strength, energy) |
pegada {f} | :: sticking, adhesion |
pegadito {adj} | :: diminutive of pegado |
pegadizo {adj} | :: sticky |
pegadizo {adj} | :: catchy |
pegadizo {adj} | :: infectious |
pegado {adj} | :: cleaving |
pegado {adj} | :: sticking |
pegado {adj} | :: stuck |
pegado {adj} | :: adherent |
pegado {adj} | :: attached |
pegado {adj} [computing] | :: hanging |
pegador {m} | :: fighter; boxer |
pegajosidad {f} | :: stickiness |
pegajoso {adj} | :: tacky, sticky |
pegajoso {adj} | :: clingy |
pegajoso {adj} | :: slimy |
pegamento {m} | :: glue (substance) [synthetic] |
pegamento {m} [figurative] | :: glue |
pegamiento {m} | :: gluing, glue (action of gluing) |
pegante {m} [Colombia, Dominican Republic and perhaps other places] | :: glue |
pegar {vi} | :: to stick |
pegar {vi} | :: to match; to fit; to go with |
pegar {vi} | :: to be strong (of food and drink) |
pegar {vt} [computing] | :: to paste |
pegar {vt} | :: to glue |
pegar {vt} | :: to hit; strike |
pegar {vt} | :: to give; dish out (a strike) |
pegar {vt} | :: to infect; pass on; infect (a disease) |
pegar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to do; take; have (a kind of catch-all verb for various actions) |
pegar {v} [colloquial] | :: to flirt, hit on |
pegar fuego {v} | :: to set fire |
pegar la hebra {v} [idiom] | :: to shoot the breeze; to chitchat |
pegar las mangas {v} [euphemism, idiom] | :: to kick the bucket; snuff it |
pegar ojo {v} [idiomatic] | :: To sleep |
pegarse {vi} | :: to stick, to become attached, to adhere |
pegarse {vi} | :: to take root |
pegarse {vt} | :: to have |
pegársela {v} [idiom] | :: to trick |
pegársela {v} [idiom] | :: to cheat on; cuckold |
pegársele a alguien las sábanas {v} [idiom] | :: to oversleep |
pegarse un tiro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to shoot oneself |
pegar un parche {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pull the wool over someone's eyes, to pull a fast one |
Pegaso {prop} {m} | :: Pegasus |
pegatina {f} | :: sticker (adhesive label or decal) |
pegmatita {f} | :: pegmatite |
pegmatítico {adj} | :: pegmatitic |
pego {m} [card games] | :: A trick consisting of taking two cards from the pack instead of one |
pegote {m} | :: goop, gloop, glob, glop, sticky mess (literally or figuratively) |
pegote {m} | :: eyesore |
pegote {m} | :: burdock (Arctium lappa) |
pegotear {v} | :: To stick |
pegotear {v} | :: To sponge; blag |
pegoyo {m} | :: pillar (of hórreo) |
pegullo {m} [Aragón] | :: flock; herd (of animals) |
pehuén {m} | :: monkey puzzle tree |
pehuenche {adj} | :: Pehuenche |
peinadito {m} | :: diminutive of peinado |
peinado {m} | :: hairstyle |
peinado {m} | :: hairdo |
peinador {m} | :: hairdresser, comber |
peinador {m} | :: combing machine |
peinadora {f} | :: comber |
peinar {vt} | :: to comb (something) |
peinar {vr} | :: to comb oneself |
peinarse {v} | :: reflexive of peinar |
peine {m} | :: comb |
peine navaja {m} | :: razor comb |
peineta {f} [Latin America] | :: comb |
peineta {f} [Spain] | :: the finger (obscene or insulting gesture made by raising one's middle finger) |
peinilla {f} [Latin America] | :: comb |
peinilla {f} [Latin America] | :: Short machete |
peirón {m} | :: wayside cross |
p. ej. {adv} | :: abbreviation of por ejemplo; e.g. |
peje {m} | :: fish |
Peje {prop} {m} [colloquial] | :: Mexican politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador |
pejelagarto {m} [chiefly Mexico and Central America] | :: gar; garfish (fish of the family Lepisosteidae) |
Pejenaute {prop} | :: surname |
pejerrey {m} | :: Any of various fish, known in English as smelts, grunions, or silversides |
pejesapo {m} | :: A species of clingfish, Sicyases sanguineus |
pejiguera {f} | :: nuisance |
pejiguero {adj} | :: petty |
pejista {mf} [Mexico, politics] | :: A supporter of Mexican politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador |
pejotista {mf} | :: justicialist |
pejotista {mf} | :: A supporter of the Justicialist Party |
Pekín {prop} | :: Pekín (direct-administered municipality/capital city) |
pekinés {adj} | :: Pekingese |
pekinés {m} | :: Pekingese (native or inhabitant of Beijing) |
pekinés {m} | :: Pekingese (small dog) |
pekinesa {f} | :: feminine noun of pekinés |
pela {f} | :: a hit or a beating |
pela {f} [colloquial] | :: Peseta (former currency of Spain) |
pelada {f} | :: feminine noun of pelado |
pelada {f} | :: bald head |
peladero {m} [latin America] | :: desert, wasteland (area with no or little or no vegetation) |
peladilla {f} | :: sugared almond |
pelado {adj} | :: peeled, skinned, shelled (having the outer layer e.g. peel, skin, husk etc. removed) |
pelado {adj} | :: treeless, bare (with no or little vegetation) |
pelado {adj} | :: hairless |
pelado {adj} | :: bald |
pelado {adj} [figuratively] | :: broke, pennyless (without money) |
pelado {adj} [figuratively] | :: uncultivated, uncivilized |
pelado {adj} [by extension, Mexico] | :: obscene, filthy |
pelado {adj} [Chile] | :: naked, nude |
pelado {adj} [Chile] | :: promiscuous |
pelado {m} | :: baldie |
pelador {adj} | :: peeling |
pelador {adj} | :: gossip, calumnious |
pelador {m} | :: peeler |
pelador {m} | :: gossip |
peladora {f} | :: peeler [electric machine that peels potatoes] |
peladora {f} | :: peeler, husker [a woman who peels] |
peladura {m} | :: peeling (of skin) |
peladura {m} | :: falling out (of hair) |
Peláez {prop} {m} | :: surname |
pelagatos {m} | :: nobody (unimportant person) |
pelagianismo {m} | :: Pelagianism |
pelágico {adj} | :: pelagic |
pelagornítido {m} | :: pelagornithid |
pelagra {f} [disease] | :: pellagra (disease caused by niacin deficiency) |
pelaíta {f} [Colombia] | :: little girl |
pelaje {m} | :: fur coat |
pelambre {m} | :: abundant covering of hair |
pelambre {m} | :: patch of hair |
pelambre {m} | :: gossip (usually criticizing somebody not present) |
pelambre {m} | :: quality or condition of a person |
pelambre {m} [rare] | :: patch of bare skin |
pelambrera {f} | :: mop of hair |
pelandusca {f} [colloquial] | :: floozy, harlot (prostitute) |
pelao {adj} | :: pronunciation spelling of pelado |
pelapapas {m} | :: potato peeler |
pelapatatas {m} | :: potato peeler |
pelar {v} | :: to peel [fruits, vegetables] |
pelar {v} | :: to skin [an animal] |
pelar {v} | :: to shell [nuts, shellfish] |
pelar {v} | :: to unwrap |
pelar {v} | :: to pluck [a bird] |
pelar {v} | :: to cut the hair of |
pelar {vt} | :: to spread negative gossip, run down, criticise somebody |
pelar {v} | :: to exfoliate |
pelar {v} | :: to steal |
pelar {vt} [Mexico, colloquial, especially, in the negative] | :: to notice someone, to pay attention to someone |
pelar {vtr} [vulgar] | :: to matter |
pelar el gallo {v} [idiom, Mexico, colloquial] | :: kick the bucket; snuff it |
pelar la pava {v} [idiomatic, dated, Spain] | :: To flirt; to engage in courtship, especially by a window or a balcony |
pelar la pava {v} [idiomatic, Spain] | :: to gossip; to chitchat |
pelarse {vr} | :: to have one's hair cut |
pelarse {vr} | :: to lose one's hair; to go bald |
pelarse {vr} | :: to peel (of skin, from the sun, etc.) |
pelarse {vr} | :: to fray (rope, wire) |
pelarse {v} [Chile] | :: to steal |
pelarse {v} [Chile] | :: to flirt |
pelarse {v} [Chile] | :: to make out with a stranger at a social event |
pelársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] | :: To wank |
pelársela {v} [idiom] | :: To not give a shit |
pelasga {f} | :: feminine noun of pelasgo |
pelasgo {m} | :: Pelasgian |
Pelayo {prop} {m} | :: given name, Pelagius |
peldaño {m} | :: step, stair (single step in a staircase) |
peldaño {m} | :: step, rung (crosspiece forming a step of a ladder) |
peldón {interj} [Puerto Rico] | :: pronunciation spelling of perdón |
pelea {f} | :: fight, brawl |
pelea {f} | :: struggle [physical] |
pelea {f} | :: quarrel, argument |
pelea {f} [boxing] | :: fight, bout |
pelea de gallos {f} | :: cockfight |
peleador {adj} | :: combative, fighting |
peleador {adj} | :: quarrelsome, feisty |
pelear {vi} | :: to fight (to contend in physical conflict) |
pelear {vi} | :: to fight, to argue |
pelear {vi} | :: to fight for, to struggle against |
pelechar {v} | :: to molt/moult |
pelecoide {m} | :: pelecoid |
peledeísta {adj} | :: Supporting the Partido de la Liberación Dominicana |
peledeísta {mf} | :: A Supporter of the Partido de la Liberación Dominicana |
pelela {f} | :: potty (child's urinal) |
pelele {m} [colloquial] | :: wimp |
pelele {m} | :: rompers (one-piece garment for babies) |
pelele {m} | :: dummy (stupid person) |
pelele {m} | :: puppet, tool |
peleón {m} | :: bully |
peletera {f} | :: feminine noun of peletero |
peletería {f} | :: the fur industry |
peletería {f} | :: a fur shop |
peletero {m} | :: furrier |
peletizar {v} | :: to pelletize |
peli {f} [slang] | :: clipping of película, movie |
peliagudo {adj} | :: difficult, tricky |
peliblanco {adj} | :: white-haired |
pelícana {f} | :: pelican |
pelicano {m} | :: alternative form of pelícano |
pelícano {m} | :: pelican |
pelícano {m} [colloquial] | :: a large nose |
pelicorto {adj} | :: shorthaired |
película {f} | :: film (layer) |
película {f} | :: movie, film |
película {f} | :: story (invented story, especially one as an excuse) |
película de terror {f} | :: horror film, horror movie |
peliculero {adj} [colloquial] | :: fantasizing, overly imaginative |
peliculero {adj} [rare] | :: filmic, cinematic (related to movies) |
peliculero {adj} [rare] | :: cinephile, filmaholic (having a love of films or the cinema) |
peliculero {m} [colloquial] | :: filmmaker, cineast |
peliculero {m} [colloquial] | :: daydreamer |
peliculón {m} | :: great movie |
pelignos {mp} | :: Paeligni |
peligrar {v} | :: to be in danger |
peligro {m} | :: peril, danger |
peligrosamente {adv} | :: dangerously |
peligrosidad {f} | :: dangerousness |
peligrosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of peligro |
peligroso {adj} | :: perilous, dangerous |
pelilargo {adj} | :: long-haired |
pelillo {m} | :: diminutive of pelo |
pelín {m} | :: bit, tiny, very small (to a small extent; in a small amount) (usually with "un (a)") |
pelirroja {f} | :: feminine noun of pelirrojo |
pelirrojita {f} | :: feminine noun of pelirrojito |
pelirrojito {m} | :: diminutive of pelirrojo |
pelirrojo {adj} | :: redheaded |
pelirrojo {m} | :: redhead |
pelita {f} | :: pelite |
pelítico {adj} | :: pelitic |
pelito {m} | :: diminutive of pelo |
pella {f} | :: lump, dollop, mass |
pelleja {f} | :: animal skin, hide |
pelleja {f} | :: pelt |
pellejería {f} | :: tannery |
pellejo {m} | :: skin, hide |
pellejo {m} | :: (dead) skin |
pellejo {m} | :: wineskin |
pellet {m} | :: pellet (projectile) |
pelliza {f} | :: A fur coat |
pelliza {f} | :: A faux fur coat or jacket |
pelliza {f} | :: a dolman jacket |
pellizcar {v} | :: to pinch, nip |
pellizco {m} | :: pinch (act of pinching) |
pellizco {m} | :: pinch (small amount of e.g. seasoning) |
pellizquito {m} | :: diminutive of pellizco |
pelluhuano {adj} | :: from the Chilean commune of Pelluhue |
Pelluhue {prop} {m} | :: Pelluhue (commune) |
pelma {mf} [colloquial] | :: bore |
pelmazo {m} | :: augmentative of pelma; great bore |
pelo {m} | :: hair (a single hair) |
pelo {m} | :: hair (all hair on the head) |
pelo {m} | :: fur |
peloide {m} | :: peloid |
pelón {adj} | :: with little or no hair |
pelón {adj} | :: bald or balding |
pelón {adj} | :: with short hair |
pelón {adj} | :: barren |
pelón {m} [Latin America] | :: nectarine |
peloponesia {f} | :: feminine noun of peloponesio |
peloponesio {adj} | :: Peloponnesian |
peloponesio {m} | :: Peloponnesian |
Peloponeso {prop} {m} | :: Peloponnese |
pelosidad {f} | :: alternative spelling of pilosidad |
peloso {adj} | :: hairy |
pelota {f} [sports] | :: ball (a round or ellipsoidal object) |
pelota {f} [sports] | :: ball game |
pelota {f} [figurative, vulgar, usually, in the plural] | :: testicle |
pelota {mf} | :: people pleaser, toady, sycophant, bootlicker, toadeater, brown noser, kiss-ass [North America] |
pelota paleta {f} | :: A sport similar to Basque pelota using a bat to hit the ball, instead of the hand |
pelotari {mf} | :: pelota player |
pelota vasca {f} | :: Basque pelota |
pelotazo {m} | :: a hit with a ball |
pelotazo {m} [Spain] | :: a get-rich-quick plan |
pelotear {v} [sports] | :: to have an informal game, play for fun |
pelotear {v} [tennis] | :: to knock up |
pelotear {v} [tennis] | :: to kick a ball about |
pelotear {vt} | :: to twirl around, to swing about |
pelotear {v} | :: to bicker, argue |
pelotear {vi} [colloquial] | :: to suck up; brownnose |
peloteo {m} [tennis] | :: knock-up |
peloteo {m} [tennis] | :: long rally |
peloteo {m} [soccer] | :: kick-about |
peloteo {m} | :: flattery |
peloteo {m} | :: sucking up |
pelotera {f} | :: row; quarrel |
pelotera {f} | :: baseball player |
peloteril {adj} [attributive] | :: baseball |
peloterito {m} | :: diminutive of pelotero |
pelotero {m} | :: baseball player |
pelotillera {f} | :: feminine noun of pelotillero |
pelotillero {m} | :: sycophant; toady |
pelotita {f} | :: diminutive of pelota |
pelotón {m} | :: group, team |
pelotón {m} | :: heap, bunch |
pelotón {m} | :: platoon |
pelotón de fusilamiento {m} | :: firing squad |
pelotudez {f} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: stupidity |
pelotudo {adj} [Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, colloquial, highly vulgar] | :: stupid, dumb |
pelotudo {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, colloquial, highly vulgar] | :: dummy, idiot, boob |
peltado {adj} | :: peltate |
peltre {m} | :: pewter (tin alloy) |
pelu {f} | :: hairdresser's; barber shop |
peluca {f} | :: wig |
peluche {m} [textiles] | :: plush |
peluche {m} [toys] | :: soft toy, stuffed animal |
pelúcido {adj} | :: pellucid |
pelucón {m} | :: bigwig |
peludo {adj} | :: hairy |
peludo {adj} | :: furry, fuzzy |
peludo {adj} | :: hairball-like |
peludo {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: drunkenness |
peluqueada {f} | :: haircut |
peluquear {v} | :: to cut someone's hair; give a haircut |
peluquear {vr} | :: to have one's hair cut; cut one's hair |
peluquera {f} | :: feminine noun of peluquero |
peluquería {f} | :: hair salon, hairdressing salon, hairdresser's |
peluquero {m} | :: barber, hairdresser |
peluquín {m} | :: diminutive of peluca; wiglet |
peluquín {m} | :: A type of wig with curls and a pigtail, once commonly used |
pelusa {f} | :: fluff, fuzz (light fur) |
pelusa {f} | :: lint |
pelusa {f} [colloquial] | :: jealousy |
pelusilla {f} | :: diminutive of pelusa, fluff |
pelvi {m} | :: Middle Persian language |
pelviano {adj} [anatomy] | :: pelvic |
pélvico {adj} | :: pelvic |
pelvis {f} | :: pelvis |
pemolina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: pemoline |
pemón {adj} | :: Pemon |
pemón {m} | :: Pemon |
pena {f} | :: punishment |
pena {f} | :: pain, sadness |
pena {f} | :: trouble |
pena {f} [Latin America] | :: embarrassment |
pena {f} | :: pity |
peña {f} | :: A rock, stone, cliff or outcropping |
peña {f} | :: A group of regulars, circle of friends |
peña {f} [colloquial] | :: people |
peña {f} [Chile] | :: a left wing cultural centre featuring music, dance, education, and activism |
peña {f} [Sport] | :: supporters club |
Peña {prop} | :: surname |
penacho {m} | :: tuft |
pena de muerte {f} | :: death penalty |
penal {adj} | :: penal |
penal {m} | :: a kind of prison |
penal {m} [soccer] | :: penalty |
penalazo {m} [football] | :: augmentative of penal |
penalidad {f} | :: hardship |
penalista {mf} | :: expert in criminal law |
penalizable {adj} | :: penalizable |
penalización {f} | :: penalty |
penalizar {vt} | :: to penalize |
penalmente {adv} | :: penally |
Peñalosa {prop} {f} | :: A name of two archaeological sites in southern Spain: |
Peñalosa {prop} {f} | :: Peñalosa (archaeological site) |
Peñalosa {prop} {f} | :: Peñalosa (archaeological site) |
Peñalosa {prop} {f} | :: surname, a variant of Peñaloza |
Peñaloza {prop} | :: surname |
penalti {m} [soccer] | :: penalty |
penalti {m} [family] | :: shotgun wedding, a forced marriage that happens because the bride became pregnant |
penalti a lo Panenka {m} | :: Panenka |
penar {v} | :: to punish |
Peñaranda {prop} | :: surname |
peñarolense {adj} [football] | :: Of or relating to Club Atlético Peñarol, a football team from Uruguay |
peñarolense {mf} | :: Someone associated with Club Atlético Peñarol, a Uruguayan football team, as a coach, player, fan etc |
peñascal {m} | :: A place with lots of rocks or boulders |
peñasco {m} | :: large rock, boulder |
peñascoso {adj} | :: rocky, craggy |
peñazo {adj} [colloquial] | :: mind-numbingly boring, dull |
peñazo {m} [colloquial] | :: bore, drag |
penca {adj} [Chile, slang] | :: bad, lame, uncool |
penca {adj} | :: feminine singular form of penco |
penca {f} [botany] | :: main rib or vein of a leaf |
penca {f} | :: fleshy stalk, leafstalk or leaf of certain plants, e.g., celery leafstalks or nopal leaves |
penca {f} [Chile] | :: penis |
penca {f} [Chile] | :: radish (large oblong variety) |
penca {f} | :: agave |
penca {f} [Costa Rica] | :: drunkenness |
pencazo {f} [Chile, colloquial] | :: hit (collision or other physical accident) |
pencazo {f} [Chile, colloquial] | :: bang, bash, punch |
pencazo {f} [Chile, colloquial] | :: shots (instance of drinking alcohol) |
penco {m} | :: nag (weak horse) |
penco {m} | :: numpty, buffoon |
penco {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: a lot of, a pile of |
penco {m} [Louisiana] | :: rabbit |
pend {mf} [slang] | :: dumbass; retard; plonker |
pendeja {f} | :: feminine noun of pendejo |
pendeja {f} | :: female, idiot |
pendeja {f} | :: Degrading term to call a woman |
pendejada {f} | :: bullshit (deceitful statement) |
pendejear {v} [pejorative, slang, vulgar, Latin America] | :: To fool around; to procrastinate; to fritter aimlessly or distractedly |
pendejismo {m} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: stupidity, assholery, the quality of being a pendejo |
pendejito {f} | :: diminutive of pendejo |
pendejo {m} | :: A pubic hair |
pendejo {m} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: arsehole, asshole, dirtbag, scumbag |
pendejo {m} [pejorative] | :: dumbass (stupid person) |
pendejo {m} [chiefly Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: young boy |
pendejo {m} [Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: punk (an adolescent who presumes to be an adult) |
pendejo {m} [Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico] | :: coward |
pendejo {m} [Puerto Rico] | :: an active member of the Partido Nuevo Progresista |
pendejo {m} [Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, US Spanish, Venezuela] | :: dickhead (stupid person) |
pendejo {m} [Peru, vulgar] | :: perspicacious, perceptive, cunning, smart, clever, scoundrel |
pendejón {m} | :: augmentative of pendejo |
pendencia {f} | :: quarrel, dispute, feud |
pendenciero {adj} | :: quarrelsome (looking for a fight) |
pendenciero {m} | :: troublemaker, quarreler, bully |
pender {v} | :: to hang, dangle |
pender {v} | :: to be pending, to be undecided |
pender de un hilo {v} [idiom] | :: to hang by a thread |
pender de un hilo {v} [idiom] | :: to hang in the balance |
péndex {adj} | :: young; kid |
péndex {mf} | :: kid; youngster; young'un |
pendiente {adj} | :: pending, outstanding |
pendiente {adj} | :: hanging |
pendiente {adj} | :: attentive, careful |
pendiente {m} | :: pendant (hanging piece of jewelry) |
pendiente {m} | :: pendant (hanging earring) |
pendiente {f} | :: slope (declivity) |
péndola {f} | :: pen, quill |
péndola {f} | :: pendulum |
pendolista {mf} | :: calligrapher |
pendón {m} | :: pennant, pennon |
pendón {m} | :: slob |
pendón {m} | :: slut |
pendoncillo {m} | :: diminutive of pendón |
pendonear {vi} | :: to laze around |
pendrive {m} | :: pen drive |
pendular {adj} | :: fickle |
pendular {adj} | :: commuter (that commutes) |
pendulazo {m} | :: swing |
péndulo {adj} | :: hanging; dangling |
péndulo {m} | :: pendulum |
pene {m} [anatomy] | :: penis |
pene artificial {m} | :: strap-on |
penecillo {m} | :: diminutive of pene |
penectomía {f} [surgery] | :: penectomy |
Penélope {prop} {f} | :: Penelope |
penepé {mf} | :: A supporter of New Progressive Party (Puerto Rico) |
peñero {m} [nautical] | :: a small fishing boat |
penetración {f} | :: penetration |
penetrador {adj} | :: penetrating |
penetrador {m} | :: penetrator |
penetradora {f} | :: feminine noun of penetrador |
penetrancia {f} | :: penetrance |
penetrante {adj} | :: penetrating, piercing, penetrant |
penetrante {adj} | :: pervasive |
penetrante {adj} | :: pungent, sharp, poignant (smell) |
penetrante {adj} | :: insightful, keen, searching |
penetrante {adj} [figuratively] | :: biting (e.g., biting cold, biting criticism) |
penetrar {v} | :: to penetrate |
penetrómetro {m} | :: penetrometer |
peneuvista {adj} [politics] | :: Supporting the Basque Nationalist Party |
peneuvista {mf} [politics] | :: A Basque Nationalist Party member or supporter |
Peñeyrúa {prop} [rare] | :: surname, an alternative form of Piñeyrúa found principally in Uruguay |
peniano {adj} [anatomy] | :: penile (of or relating to the penis) |
penicilasa {f} [enzyme] | :: penicillinase |
penicilina {f} | :: penicillin |
penillanura {f} | :: peneplain |
península {f} | :: peninsula |
península ibérica {prop} {f} | :: península ibérica (peninsula) |
peninsular {adj} | :: peninsular |
penique {m} | :: penny |
peñista {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico |
peñista {mf} | :: A supporter of Enrique Peña Nieto |
peñista {mf} [sports] | :: A member of a supporters club |
peñista {mf} [sports] | :: A reveler at a party (part of a peña) |
penitencia {f} | :: Penance |
penitencial {adj} | :: penitential |
penitenciar {v} | :: to penance |
penitenciaría {f} | :: penitentiary, prison |
penitenciario {adj} | :: related to penitentiaries |
penitente {mf} | :: a penitent |
peñizcar {v} [Chile] | :: to pinch |
peño {m} | :: foundling |
penol {m} | :: yardarm |
peñón {m} | :: crag (rocky outcrop) |
penosamente {adv} | :: painfully, sorrowfully |
penosamente {adv} | :: painstakingly, grudgingly |
penosidad {f} | :: pitifulness |
penosidad {f} | :: difficulty |
penosidad {f} | :: painfulness |
penosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of penoso |
penoso {adj} | :: tough, difficult |
penoso {adj} | :: painful |
penoso {adj} | :: awful, pitiful |
penquista {adj} | :: of, from, or pertaining to Concepción, Chile |
penquista {mf} | :: someone from Concepción |
pensable {adj} | :: thinkable, cogitable |
pensador {m} | :: thinker |
pensadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pensador |
pensamiento {m} | :: thought |
pensamiento {m} | :: thinking |
pensamiento {m} | :: pansy |
pensante {adj} | :: thinking |
pensar {v} | :: to think |
pensar {v} | :: to reflect upon a situation |
pensar {v} | :: to intend; to try |
pensar {v} | :: to think about |
pensar dos veces {v} [idiomatic] | :: to think twice |
pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo {v} | :: to daydream |
pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo {v} | :: to contemplate |
pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo {vi} | :: To become lost in thought, to ponder |
pensarse {v} | :: reflexive of pensar |
pensativamente {adv} | :: pensively |
pensativo {adj} | :: pensive |
pensil {adj} | :: hanging |
pensilvana {f} | :: feminine noun of pensilvano |
Pensilvania {prop} {f} | :: Pennsylvania (US state) |
pensilvano {adj} | :: Pennsylvanian |
pensilvano {m} | :: Pennsylvanian |
pensión {f} | :: guesthouse |
pensión {f} | :: pension |
pensionable {adj} | :: pensionable |
pensional {adj} [attributive] | :: pension |
pensionar {vt} | :: to pension |
pensionario {m} | :: pensioner |
pensionario {adj} [attributive] | :: pension |
pensionista {mf} | :: pensioner |
pénsum {m} [Venezuela, Guatemala] | :: university study plan |
penta- {prefix} | :: penta- |
pentacampeón {m} | :: five-time champion |
pentacampeonato {m} | :: five-time championship |
pentácoron {m} [geometry] | :: pentachoron |
pentáculo {m} | :: pentacle |
pentadecágono {m} [geometry] | :: pentadecagon |
pentadecano {m} [organic compound] | :: pentadecane |
pentaedro {m} | :: pentahedron |
pentaeritritol {m} [organic compound] | :: pentaerythritol |
pentafluoruro {m} | :: pentafluoride |
pentagonal {adj} | :: pentagonal |
pentagonismo {m} | :: pentagonism |
pentagonista {adj} | :: pentagonist |
pentágono {adj} | :: pentagonal |
pentágono {m} | :: pentagon |
Pentágono {prop} {m} | :: The Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense |
pentagrama {f} [music] | :: staff |
pentagrama {f} [geometry] | :: pentagram |
pentaleno {m} [organic compound] | :: pentalene |
pentalobulado {adj} | :: five-lobulated; pentalobulated |
pentalobular {adj} | :: pentalobular |
pentalogía {f} | :: pentalogy |
pentámero {adj} | :: pentamerous |
pentámetro {m} | :: pentameter |
pentamillonaria {f} | :: pentamillionaire |
pentamillonario {m} | :: pentamillionaire |
pentano {m} [organic compound] | :: pentane |
pentanoato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pentanoate |
pentanol {m} [organic compound] | :: pentanol |
pentapétala {f} | :: pentapetalous plant |
pentaprisma {m} | :: pentaprism |
Pentateuco {prop} {m} [Bible] | :: Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) |
pentatleta {mf} | :: pentathlete |
pentatlón {m} | :: pentathlon |
pentatlón moderno {m} | :: modern pentathlon |
pentatónico {adj} | :: pentatonic |
pentavalente {adj} | :: pentavalent |
pentavocalismo {m} [linguistics] | :: the notion that Quechua has five phonemic vowels, instead of three |
pentecostal {adj} | :: Pentecostal |
pentecostalismo {m} | :: Pentecostalism |
pentecostés {prop} {m} | :: alternative case form of Pentecostés |
Pentecostés {prop} {m} | :: Pentecost |
penteno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pentene |
penthouse {m} | :: penthouse |
pentilo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pentyl |
pentino {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pentyne |
pentito {m} | :: pentito |
pentolita {f} | :: pentolite |
pentosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: pentose |
pentóxido {m} | :: pentoxide |
penúltimo {adj} | :: penultimate |
penumbra {f} | :: penumbra |
penumbra {f} | :: half-light |
penumbra {f} | :: shadow, shade |
penumbral {adj} | :: penumbral |
penuria {f} | :: hardship (financial), penury |
penuria {f} | :: shortage, lack, dearth |
penutí {adj} | :: Penutian |
peón {m} | :: foot soldier, infantryman |
peón {m} | :: child's toy top |
peón {m} | :: piece, token, or man in board games |
peón {m} [chess] | :: pawn |
peón {m} [checkers] | :: piece, checker, draughtsman |
peón {m} [mechanical] | :: axle, spindle |
peón {m} | :: beehive |
peón {m} | :: laborer, worker |
peón {m} [bullfighting] | :: matador's assistant |
peona {f} | :: feminine noun of peón |
peonada {f} | :: A unit of measure equivalent to around 400 m², the area which a peon could be expected to work in a day |
peonaje {m} | :: peonage |
peón caminero {m} | :: navvy |
peoncito {m} | :: diminutive of peón |
peón de brega {m} [bullfighting] | :: matador's assistant |
peoneta {m} | :: alternative form of pioneta |
peonia {f} | :: feminine noun of peonio |
peonía {f} | :: peony |
peonio {adj} | :: Paeonian |
peonio {m} | :: Paeonian |
peonza {f} | :: spinning top |
peor {adj} | :: comparative of malo, worse |
peor {adj} | :: superlative of malo, worst |
peor {adv} | :: comparative of mal, worse |
peorcito {adj} | :: diminutive of peor |
Peor es Nada {prop} {m} | :: Peor es Nada (town) |
peoresnadino {adj} | :: from the Chilean town of Peor es Nada |
pepa {f} [Latin America] | :: pip, stone (seed inside fruits) |
pepa {f} [Latin America] | :: pepita, certain large edible seeds e.g. sunflower seed |
pepa {f} | :: nugget (small piece of metal especially gold) |
pepa {f} [Latin America, slang] | :: pill (recreatinal drug in pill-form especially amphetamine) |
pepa {f} [Latin America, slang] | :: clitoris |
Pepa {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Pepe {prop} {m} | :: A diminutive of the male given name José |
pepear {v} [Peru] | :: to drug a person to steal him |
pepekausa {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, 60th president of Peru (2016-) |
pepekausismo {m} | :: support for Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, president of Peru from 2016 to 2018 |
pepekausista {mf} | :: A supporter of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, president of Peru from 2016 to 2018 |
pepena {f} [Mexico, Cetral America] | :: collecting, gathering |
pepenador {m} [Mexico] | :: scavenger |
pepenar {v} [Central America, Mexico] | :: to scrounge |
pepenar {v} [Central America, Mexico, Philippines] | :: to pick up, to collect |
pepenar {v} [Mexico, Nicaragua] | :: to steal, loot |
peperina {f} | :: [Argentina] Minthostachys spp., especially Minthostachys verticillata |
pepero {adj} [politics, usually pejorative, Spain] | :: Of or relating to the Partido Popular, a Spanish political party |
pepero {m} [politics, usually pejorative, Spain] | :: A member or supporter of the Partido Popular, a Spanish political party |
pepero {m} [Peru] | :: A person who drugs someone to steal his things |
peperomia {f} | :: peperomia |
peperoni {m} | :: pepperoni |
pepesca {f} [El Salvador] | :: a small kind of fish (Brachyrhaphis olomina) |
pepián {m} | :: synonym of pipián (stew) |
pepián {m} | :: synonym of pipián (sauce) |
pepinera {f} | :: feminine noun of pepinero |
pepinero {adj} | :: of, relating to, or supporting, CD Leganés, a football team from Leganés, Spain |
pepinero {m} | :: cucumber farmer |
pepinero {m} | :: Someone connected with CD Leganés, as a player, coach, fan, etc |
pepinillo {m} | :: pickle (cucumber preserved in a solution) |
pepino {m} | :: cucumber (plant) |
pepino {m} | :: cucumber (vegetable) |
pepino de mar {m} | :: sea cucumber |
pepita {f} | :: pepita |
pepita {f} | :: nugget, especially of gold or platinum |
Pepita {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pepitero {m} | :: bitter orange |
pepitero {m} | :: saltator |
pepito {m} | :: A small sandwich with meat |
Pepito {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Pepito paga doble {m} [idiom] | :: shell game |
peplo {m} | :: peplos |
peplum {m} | :: peplum |
pepón {m} [rare] | :: watermelon |
pepsina {f} [enzyme] | :: pepsin |
pepsinógeno {f} [biochemistry] | :: pepsinogen |
péptico {adj} | :: peptic |
peptidasa {f} [enzyme] | :: peptidase |
peptídico {adj} | :: peptidic |
péptido {adj} | :: peptidal |
péptido {m} | :: peptide |
peptidoglicano {m} [organic compound] | :: peptidoglycan |
peptidoglucano {m} | :: peptidoglycan |
peptona {f} [protein] | :: peptone |
peque {mf} [colloquial] | :: kiddo (a child) |
pequeña burguesía {f} | :: petite bourgeoisie |
pequeñajo {m} [pejorative] | :: diminutive of pequeño, ugly little |
Pequeña Martinica {prop} {f} | :: Petite Martinique |
pequeñez {f} | :: smallness |
pequeñez {f} | :: pettiness |
pequeñez {f} | :: trifle, trivial thing |
pequeñín {adj} | :: diminutive of pequeño |
pequeñísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pequeño |
pequeñito {adj} | :: diminutive of pequeño, very small, very little |
pequeño {adj} | :: small; little |
pequeñoburgués {adj} | :: petit bourgeois |
pequeñuelo {adj} | :: diminutive of pequeño |
Pequín {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Pekín: Pequín (direct-administered municipality/capital city) |
pequinés {adj} | :: alternative spelling of pekinés |
pequinés {m} | :: alternative spelling of pekinés |
pequinesa {f} | :: feminine noun of pequinés |
pera {f} | :: pear |
pera {f} | :: chin |
pera {f} [boxing] | :: speed bag |
perada {f} | :: perry |
peral {m} | :: pear tree |
peralillano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Peralillo |
Peralillo {prop} {m} | :: Peralillo (city) |
Peralta {prop} | :: surname |
peraltar {vt} [architecture] | :: to bank (a curve) |
peraltar {vt} | :: to bank (to form into a bank or heap) |
peralto {m} | :: altitude |
peras y manzanas {fp} [idiomatic] | :: apples and oranges |
peras y manzanas {fp} | :: See: es peras y manzanas |
perbromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perbromate |
perca {f} | :: perch, Perca fluviatilis |
perca {f} | :: bass |
perca común {m} | :: European perch |
percal {m} | :: percale |
percal {m} | :: shebang |
percal {m} | :: feint of the cape (term in bullfighting) |
percalina {f} | :: percaline |
percán {m} [coloquial, Chile] | :: mold |
percance {m} | :: accident, mishap |
per cápita {adv} | :: per capita |
percatar {v} [archaic] | :: to notice |
percatar {vr} | :: to take into account |
percatarse {vr} | :: to take into account |
percebe {m} | :: barnacle |
percentil {m} | :: percentile |
percepción {f} | :: perception, perceiving |
percepción extrasensorial {f} | :: extrasensory perception |
perceptibilidad {f} | :: perceptiveness |
perceptible {adj} | :: perceptible |
perceptiblemente {adv} | :: perceptibly |
perceptivo {adj} | :: perceptive (having perception: insight, understanding or intuition) |
perceptivo {adj} | :: perceptual |
perceptor {m} | :: recipient |
perceptora {f} | :: feminine noun of perceptor |
perceptrón {m} | :: perceptron |
perceptual {adj} | :: perceptual |
perceptualmente {adv} | :: perceptually |
percha {f} | :: coat hanger |
percha {f} | :: coat rack |
percha {f} | :: perch |
percha {f} | :: physique; build (of body, especially a good one) |
perchar {v} | :: To card (with a carding machine) |
perchero {m} | :: coat rack |
percherón {m} | :: Percheron |
percibir {v} | :: to perceive |
perclorato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perchlorate |
percloroetileno {m} | :: perchloroethylene |
percolación {f} | :: percolation |
percolar {v} | :: to percolate; permeate |
percudir {v} | :: to make grimy; to dirty |
percusión {f} | :: percussion |
percusionista {mf} | :: percussionist |
percusivo {adj} | :: percussive |
percutáneo {adj} | :: percutaneous |
percutar {v} | :: alternative spelling of percutir |
percutir {v} | :: to strike |
percutir {v} | :: to tap |
percutivo {adj} | :: percussive |
percutor {m} | :: hammer (part of firearm) |
perdedor {m} | :: loser |
perdedora {f} | :: feminine noun of perdedor |
perder {v} | :: to lose |
perder {v} | :: to miss, to miss out |
perder {v} | :: to waste |
perder {v} [sports] | :: to trail; to be down |
perder {vr} | :: to get lost |
perder aceite {v} [idiom, pejorative] | :: to be gay |
perder el culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: to be in a rush |
perder el culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: to bust one's balls |
perder el norte {v} [idiom] | :: to lose the plot |
perder el tiempo {v} [idiom] | :: to waste time; dilly-dally |
perder fuelle {v} [idiomatic] | :: to run out of steam |
perder gas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to run out of steam |
perder la chaveta {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to go nuts; to lose one's head |
perder los estribos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to lose one's temper, to fly off the handle, lose one's head, blow one's top |
perder peso {v} | :: to lose weight, to shed weight, to reduce weight, to cut weight, to drop weight |
perder un tornillo {v} [idiom] | :: to lose one's mind |
perdicera {f} | :: feminine noun of perdicero |
perdicero {adj} [attributive] | :: partridge |
perdicero {m} | :: partridge farmer |
perdición {f} | :: doom, ruin, downfall, undoing, destruction, bane |
perdición {f} [religion] | :: perdition, damnation |
pérdida {f} | :: loss |
pérdida {f} | :: leak |
perdidamente {adv} | :: helplessly, hopelessly, head over heels |
perdido {adj} | :: lost |
perdidoso {adj} | :: easily lost |
perdigón {m} | :: A young partridge |
perdigón {m} | :: A small lead pellet used as ammunition |
perdigonazo {m} | :: Shot by a pellet gun |
perdiguero {m} | :: pointer (dog) |
perdimiento {m} | :: loss |
perdimiento {m} | :: perdition |
perdiz {f} | :: partridge |
perdiz {f} | :: great tinamou (Tinamus major) |
perdiz {f} | :: tinamou |
perdiz chilena {f} | :: Chilean tinamou |
perdiz negra {f} | :: black partridge Melanoperdix niger |
perdiz pardilla {f} | :: grey partridge |
Perdomo {prop} | :: surname |
perdón {interj} | :: sorry, pardon me (excuse me) |
perdón {interj} | :: sorry, pardon (I didn't hear you) |
perdón {m} | :: pardon |
perdón {m} | :: mercy |
perdonable {adj} | :: forgivable, pardonable |
perdonar {vt} | :: to pardon, excuse, forgive |
perdonarse {v} | :: reflexive of perdonar |
perdonavidas {m} | :: arrogant person |
perdonazo {m} | :: Huge apology; apology from the bottom of one's heart |
perdulario {adj} | :: forlorn, dissolute |
perdulario {m} | :: ne'er-do-well |
perdurabilidad {f} | :: perdurability |
perdurable {adj} | :: durable |
perduración {f} | :: perduration |
perdurar {v} | :: to last for a long time |
perdurar {v} | :: to endure |
perecear {v} [colloquial] | :: to postpone, waste time, retard or defer something due to one's laziness, negligence, or sloth |
perecedero {adj} | :: perishable |
perecer {vi} | :: to die, to perish (cease to live) |
perecer {v} | :: to long for |
perecible {adj} | :: perishable, spoilable |
peregrina {f} | :: feminine noun of peregrino |
peregrinación {f} | :: pilgrimage |
peregrinación {f} [by extension] | :: voyage; journey |
peregrinaje {m} | :: pilgrimage |
peregrinar {v} | :: to peregrinate; to travel abroad |
peregrinidad {f} | :: strangeness |
peregrino {adj} | :: traveling, wandering, foreign |
peregrino {adj} | :: strange, weird, rare |
peregrino {adj} [birds] | :: migratory |
peregrino {m} | :: pilgrim |
peregrino {m} | :: traveler |
perejil {m} | :: parsley |
perennal {adj} | :: perennial |
perenne {adj} | :: perennial |
perennemente {adv} | :: perennially, endlessly |
perennidad {f} | :: perennity |
perennifolio {adj} [botany] | :: evergreen |
perennizar {vt} | :: to make permanent |
perenquén {m} | :: Boettger's wall gecko |
perenquén {m} [Canarian] | :: gecko |
perentoriamente {adv} | :: peremptorily, urgently |
perentoriedad {f} | :: haste, urgency |
perentorio {adj} | :: peremptory |
perentorio {adj} | :: decisive, final, absolute |
perentorio {adj} | :: urgent, imperative |
Perera {prop} {f} | :: surname |
Pérez {prop} | :: surname |
pereza {f} | :: laziness |
pereza {f} [colloquial] | :: a drag (something tedious) |
perezjimenista {mf} | :: A supporter of Marcos Pérez Jiménez, former president of Venezuela |
perezosamente {adv} | :: lazily |
perezoso {adj} | :: lazy |
perezoso {m} | :: sloth [mammal] |
perfección {f} | :: perfection |
perfeccionador {adj} | :: perfecting |
perfeccionador {m} | :: perfecter |
perfeccionadora {f} | :: feminine noun of perfeccionador |
perfeccionamiento {m} | :: An instance of perfecting |
perfeccionar {v} | :: to perfect |
perfeccionismo {m} | :: perfectionism |
perfeccionista {adj} | :: perfectionistic |
perfeccionista {mf} | :: perfectionist, anal-retentive |
perfectamente {adv} | :: perfectly |
perfectibilidad {f} | :: perfectibility |
perfectible {adj} | :: perfectible |
perfectísimamente {adv} | :: superlative of perfectamente |
perfectísimo {adj} | :: superlative of perfecto |
perfectito {adj} | :: diminutive of perfecto |
perfectivo {adj} | :: perfective |
perfecto {adj} | :: perfect |
Perfecto {prop} {m} | :: given name |
pérfidamente {adv} | :: perfidiously |
perfidia {f} | :: perfidy |
pérfido {adj} | :: perfidious |
perfil {m} | :: profile |
perfil {m} | :: side view; side-on view |
perfil {m} [internet] | :: profile; profile page |
perfil {m} [employment] | :: profile |
perfilador {m} | :: pencil (for various cosmetic uses) |
perfilar {v} | :: to outline |
perfil bajo {m} | :: low profile |
perfluorocarbono {m} | :: perfluorocarbon |
perfluoroctano {m} | :: perfluorooctane |
perfluorohexano {m} | :: perfluorohexane |
perforación {f} | :: perforation |
perforador {m} | :: perforator |
perforadora {f} | :: hole punch |
perforadora {f} | :: keypunch |
perforadora {f} | :: mining drill |
perforante {adj} | :: perforating; perforant |
perforar {vt} | :: to puncture, to pierce to perforate |
perforarse {v} | :: reflexive of perforar |
performance {f} | :: performance art |
performance {f} | :: performance (amount of useful work accomplished) |
performar {v} | :: to perform |
performático {adj} [attributive] | :: performance; performing |
performatividad {f} | :: performativity |
performativo {adj} [linguistics] | :: performative |
performer {mf} | :: performer |
perfumado {adj} | :: scented, perfumed |
perfumar {v} | :: to scent |
perfume {m} | :: perfume |
perfumera {f} | :: perfumer; perfume maker or seller |
perfumería {f} | :: perfumery, perfume shop |
perfumero {m} | :: perfumer; perfume maker or seller |
perfumista {mf} | :: perfumer |
perfusión {f} | :: perfusion |
pergamino {m} | :: parchment (material, made from a polished animal skin, used like paper for writing) |
pergelisol {m} | :: permafrost |
pergelisuelo {m} | :: permafrost |
pergeñar {v} [colloquial] | :: to sketch out, draw up |
pergeño {m} | :: aspect, appearance |
pérgola {f} | :: pergola, arbor |
pergolero {m} | :: bowerbird |
peri- {prefix} | :: peri- |
periantio {m} [botany] | :: perianth |
perianto {m} | :: alternative form of periantio |
periastro {m} | :: periapsis |
pericárdico {adj} [anatomy] | :: pericardial |
pericardio {m} [anatomy] | :: pericardium |
pericardiocentesis {f} [surgery] | :: pericardiocentesis |
pericardiofrénico {adj} [anatomy] | :: pericardiophrenic |
pericarditis {f} [cardiology, pathology] | :: pericarditis |
pericarpelo {m} | :: pericarpel |
pericarpio {m} [botany] | :: pericarp |
pericas {adj} | :: feminine plural of perico |
pericia {f} | :: skill, expertise |
periciado {adj} | :: skilled |
pericial {adj} [legal] | :: expert |
periciclo {m} | :: pericycle |
pericito {m} | :: pericyte |
periclasa {f} [mineral] | :: periclase |
Pericles {prop} | :: Pericles |
periclitar {v} | :: to decay, decline, wither |
perico {m} | :: parakeet |
perico {m} | :: Large fan (device used to fan oneself) |
perico {m} | :: headdress |
perico {m} | :: A Venezuelan dish made of scrambled eggs, butter, onions and tomatoes |
perico {m} [colloquial] | :: urinal |
perico {m} [slang] | :: coke, blow, snow (cocaine) |
perico {adj} [football, attributive] | :: connected with RCD Espanyol, as a player, fan, coach etc |
perico {mf} [football, attributive] | :: A person connected with w:RCD Espanyol, as a player, fan, coach etc |
pericón {m} | :: A kind of dance from South America. See w:es:Pericón (danza) |
pericón {m} | :: The accompanying music to the above dance |
pericón {m} | :: Any of a number of uninteresting plants |
pericondritis {f} | :: perichondritis |
perícopa {f} | :: pericope |
perico ripiao {m} | :: type of traditional merengue music |
pericos {adj} | :: masculine plural of perico |
pericote {m} | :: a traditional dance of Asturias |
pericote {m} [Peru] | :: mouse (animal) |
pericú {mf} | :: Pericú |
peridental {adj} | :: peridental |
peridio {m} | :: peridium |
peridiolo {m} | :: peridiole |
peridotita {f} | :: peridotite |
peridoto {m} | :: peridot |
peridural {adj} | :: peridural |
perieco {m} | :: one of the Perioikoi |
periferia {f} | :: periphery |
periféricamente {adv} | :: peripherally |
periférico {adj} | :: peripheral |
periférico {m} | :: peripheral |
perifolio {m} | :: chervil |
perifollo {m} | :: chervil |
perifonear {v} | :: to broadcast on the radio |
perifoneo {m} | :: Advertising by blasting out sound from a car's speaker |
perífrasis {f} [linguistics, grammar] | :: periphrasis |
perifrásticamente {adv} | :: periphrastically |
perifrástico {adj} | :: periphrastic |
perigeo {m} [astronomy] | :: perigee |
periglacial {adj} | :: periglacial |
periglaciar {adj} | :: periglacial |
perigonial {adj} | :: perigonial |
perihelio {m} [astronomy] | :: perihelion |
perilagunar {adj} | :: perilacunar |
perilipina {f} [protein] | :: perilipin |
perilla {f} | :: goatee |
perilla {f} | :: knob, doorknob |
perimetral {adj} | :: perimeter (attributive) |
perimetralmente {adv} | :: perimetrically |
perimetrar {v} | :: to perimeter |
perimétrico {adj} | :: perimetric |
perímetro {m} | :: perimeter |
perimido {adj} | :: outdated |
perimuscular {adj} [anatomy] | :: perimuscular |
perinasal {adj} | :: perinasal |
perinatal {adj} | :: perinatal |
perinatóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of perinatólogo |
perinatología {f} | :: perinatology |
perinatólogo {m} | :: perinatologist |
periné {m} [anatomy] | :: perineum |
perineal {adj} | :: perineal |
perineo {m} [anatomy] | :: perineum |
perineorrafia {f} | :: perineorraphy |
perineumonía {f} | :: peripneumonia |
perinola {f} [Latin America] | :: A kind of spinning top, usually with six sides, used for betting games |
perinola {f} [Venezuela] | :: cup-and-ball |
periocular {adj} | :: periocular |
periódicamente {adv} | :: periodically |
periodicidad {f} | :: regularity |
periódico {adj} | :: periodic |
periódico {m} | :: newspaper |
periodicucho {m} | :: rag (low-quality newspaper) |
periodificación {f} | :: accrual |
periodismo {m} | :: journalism |
periodista {mf} | :: journalist |
periodísticamente {adv} | :: journalistically |
periodístico {adj} | :: journalistic |
periodización {f} | :: periodization |
periodizar {v} | :: to periodize |
periodo {m} | :: alternative form of período |
período {m} | :: period (time) |
período {m} | :: period, menstrual cycle |
período {m} [geology] | :: period |
periodo de entreguerras {m} | :: interwar period |
periodoncia {f} | :: periodontics, periodontology |
periodontal {adj} | :: periodontal |
periodontitis {f} | :: periodontitis |
periodonto {m} | :: peridontium |
periostio {m} | :: periosteum |
periostraco {m} | :: periostracum |
peripatético {adj} | :: peripatetic |
peripecia {f} [drama] | :: peripeteia (sudden reversal of fortune as a plot point) |
peripecia {f} | :: incident |
peripecia {f} | :: adventure |
periplo {m} | :: round trip, journey |
perípolo {m} [historical] | :: A member of the Peripoli, a kind of patrol or police force in Ancient Greece |
períptero {m} | :: peripteros |
peripuesto {adj} | :: dressed up; well-dressed |
periquera {f} | :: flock of parakeets |
periquera {f} | :: cacophonous gibberish |
periquete {m} [colloquial] | :: tick, jiffy |
periquito {m} | :: budgerigar |
periquito {adj} [football, attributive] | :: A person connected with w:RCD Espanyol, as a player, fan, coach etc |
perirrenal {adj} [anatomy] | :: perirenal |
periscópico {adj} | :: periscopic |
periscopio {m} | :: periscope |
perisodáctilo {m} | :: perissodactyl |
perista {mf} | :: receiver of stolen goods; fence |
peristalsis {f} | :: peristalsis |
peristáltico {adj} | :: peristaltic |
peristaltismo {m} | :: peristalsis |
peristilo {m} | :: peristyle |
peritación {m} | :: expert |
peritaje {m} | :: expert opinion |
peritar {v} | :: to evaluate as an expert witness |
peritísimo {adj} | :: superlative of perito |
perito {adj} | :: experienced; expert |
perito {m} | :: expert |
perito {m} [law] | :: expert witness (ellipsis of perito judicial) |
peritoneal {adj} [anatomy] | :: peritoneal |
peritoneo {m} [anatomy] | :: peritoneum |
peritonitis {f} [pathology] | :: peritonitis |
peritubular {adj} | :: peritubular |
periurbano {adj} | :: periurban |
perivascular {adj} | :: perivascular |
perjudicador {adj} | :: harmful, injurious, damaging (causing damage) |
perjudicar {vt} | :: to damage, harm, injure |
perjudicar {vt} [Latin America] | :: to malign, defame |
perjudicial {adj} | :: hurtful, harmful, detrimental |
perjuicio {m} | :: detriment (the opposite of a benefit) |
perjurador {m} | :: perjurer |
perjuradora {f} | :: perjurer |
perjurar {v} | :: to perjure oneself |
perjurar {v} | :: to swear (promise) |
perjurar {v} | :: to swear (promise) again and again |
perjurio {m} | :: perjury |
perjuro {adj} | :: related to perjury |
perjuro {m} [colloquial] | :: perjury |
perla {f} | :: pearl |
perla {f} | :: bead |
perla {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: pall |
perla {f} [printing, dated] | :: a small size of type, standardized as 4 or 5 point |
perlar {v} [poetic] | :: to spatter; to sprinkle |
perlífero {adj} | :: of or pertaining to pearls or pearling |
perlita {f} | :: perlite |
permacongelamiento {m} | :: permafrost |
permacultura {f} | :: permaculture |
permafrost {m} [geology] | :: permafrost |
permagel {m} | :: permafrost |
permanecer {vi} | :: to stay, remain, stand |
permanencia {f} | :: permanence |
permanencia {f} | :: permanent contract |
permanencia {f} | :: continuous living |
permanencia {f} [sports] | :: non-relegation/non-promotion |
permanente {adj} | :: permanent |
permanente {f} | :: perm, permanent wave, permanent |
permanente {f} | :: permanent marker |
permanentemente {adv} | :: permanently |
permanganato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: permanganate |
permangánico {adj} | :: permanganic |
permeabilidad {f} | :: permeability |
permeabilización {f} | :: waterproofing |
permeabilizar {v} | :: to clear |
permeable {adj} | :: permeable |
permear {v} | :: to permeate |
permetrina {f} | :: permethrin |
permineralización {f} | :: permineralization |
permisibilidad {f} | :: permissibility |
permisible {adj} | :: permissible, allowable |
permisión {f} | :: permission |
permisionario {m} | :: concessionaire |
permisividad {f} | :: permissiveness |
permisivo {adj} | :: permissive |
permiso {m} | :: permission |
permiso {m} | :: license |
permiso {m} | :: leave (absence from work) |
permiso {interj} | :: excuse me, pardon |
permiso de conducir {m} | :: driving licence |
permitir {v} | :: to allow, permit |
permitir {vp} | :: to afford |
permitir {vp} | :: to indulge in |
permitir {vr} | :: to be allowed, to allow oneself, to be permitted |
permitirse {v} | :: to allow oneself |
permitividad {f} | :: permittivity |
permutación {f} [mathematics] | :: permutation |
permutar {v} | :: to exchange |
permutar {v} [mathematics] | :: to permute |
pernada {f} | :: kick |
pernambucana {f} | :: feminine noun of pernambucano |
pernambucano {adj} | :: Pernambucan |
pernambucano {m} | :: Pernambucan |
pernambuco {m} | :: brazilwood |
pernear {v} | :: to stomp; to stamp |
pernear {v} | :: to walk about |
pernear {v} | :: to shake one's legs |
pernera {f} | :: leg (of a pair of trousers, shorts etc.) |
perniciosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pernicioso |
pernicioso {adj} | :: pernicious |
pernil {m} | :: knuckle of pork |
perno {m} | :: large spike |
perno {m} | :: bolt |
pernoctación {f} | :: pernoctation, a night spent sleeping away, particularly not at home |
pernoctar {v} | :: to spend the night; to overnight |
pero {conj} | :: but |
pero {m} | :: but (restriction) |
perogrullada {f} | :: truism (obvious truth) |
perogrullo {particle} | :: only used in verdad de perogrullo |
Perón {prop} | :: surname |
peroné {m} [skeleton] | :: calf bone, fibula |
peroneo {adj} | :: fibular |
peronismo {m} | :: Peronism |
peronista {mf} [Argentina, politics] | :: Peronist |
peronista {adj} [Argentina, politics] | :: Peronist |
peronizar {v} | :: to cause to become more linked to the Peronist regime |
peroración {f} | :: peroration |
peroración {f} | :: long speech |
perorar {v} | :: to make a speech |
perorata {f} [colloquial] | :: boring speech, spiel |
perovskita {f} [mineral] | :: perovskite |
peroxidación {f} | :: peroxidation |
peroxidasa {f} [enzyme] | :: peroxidase |
peróxido {m} [chemistry] | :: peroxide |
peróxido de hidrógeno {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrogen peroxide |
peroxinitrato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: peroxynitrate |
peroxinitrito {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: peroxynitrite |
peroxisoma {m} [cytology] | :: peroxisome |
perpendicular {adj} | :: perpendicular |
perpendicularidad {f} | :: perpendicularity |
perpendicularmente {adv} | :: perpendicularly |
perpetración {f} | :: perpetration |
perpetrador {m} | :: perpetrator |
perpetradora {f} | :: feminine noun of perpetrador |
perpetrar {v} | :: to carry out, to perpetrate |
Perpetua {prop} {f} | :: given name |
perpetuación {f} | :: perpetuation |
perpetuamente {adv} | :: perpetually |
perpetuar {v} | :: to perpetuate |
perpetuidad {f} | :: perpetuity |
perpetuo {adj} | :: perpetual |
perpiaño {m} | :: perpent stone |
Perpiñán {prop} {f} | :: Perpignan |
perplejidad {f} | :: perplexity |
perplejidad {f} | :: bafflement, bewilderment |
perplejo {adj} | :: perplexed, baffled, confused |
perplejo {adj} | :: nonplussed, nonplused |
perpunte {m} | :: a padded jacket serving as an armor |
perquirir {vt} [obsolete] | :: to seek out |
perquirir {vt} [obsolete] | :: to investigate |
perra {f} [feminine] | :: dog, bitch |
perra {f} | :: bitch (despicable or disagreeable, aggressive female person) |
perra {f} | :: prostitute, whore |
perra {f} | :: slut |
perra {f} [colloquial] | :: cash, dosh, dough (money) |
perra {f} [colloquial] | :: booze-up |
perrada {f} | :: dogs; pack of dogs |
perrarina {f} [Venezuela] | :: dry dog kibble |
perrazo {m} | :: augmentative of perro |
perrear {v} [Argentina, colloquial] | :: to deceive |
perrear {v} [slang] | :: to twerk, dance reggaeton |
perredista {adj} | :: of or relating to the Party of the Democratic Revolution, a social democratic party from Mexico |
perredista {mf} | :: Supporter of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, a social democratic party from Mexico |
perreo {m} | :: twerking |
perrera {f} | :: dog pound, shelter dog [US], rescue dog [UK] |
perrera {f} | :: kennel, doghouse |
perrería {f} | :: dogs |
perrería {f} | :: dirty trick |
perrero {m} | :: dogcatcher |
perreta {f} | :: fit; tantrum |
perrezna {f} | :: puppy |
perrezno {m} | :: diminutive of perro; a small dog |
perrezno {m} [rare] | :: diminutive of perro; a puppy, pup |
perrilla {f} [Mexico] | :: stye |
perrillo {m} | :: diminutive of perro |
perrita {f} | :: diminutive of perra, female doggy |
perrito {m} | :: doggy, diminutive of perro |
perrito {m} | :: puppy |
perrito {m} | :: hot dog |
perrito caliente {m} [Spain] | :: hot dog |
perrito faldero {m} [idiom] | :: lapdog |
perro {m} | :: dog (animal) |
perro {m} [pejorative] | :: asshole (despicable person) |
perro {adj} | :: doggy, doggish |
perro {adj} | :: awful |
perro {adj} | :: wicked, mean |
perro antiexplosivos {m} | :: sniffer dog (for explosives) |
perro caliente {m} | :: hot dog |
perro de agua {m} | :: water dog |
perro de agua {m} [Mexico] | :: otter |
perro de agua {m} [Mexico] | :: ferret |
perro de caza {m} | :: hunting dog |
perro de mil leches {m} [idiom] | :: mongrel, crossbred dog |
perro de presa {m} | :: hunting dog |
perro faldero {m} | :: lap dog |
perroflauta {mf} [derogative, Spain] | :: crusty, punk, hippie, hipster, busker, left-wing anticapitalist, antisystem |
perro guardián {m} | :: watchdog |
perro guía {m} | :: guide dog |
perro ladrador, poco mordedor {proverb} | :: barking dogs seldom bite |
perro pastor {m} | :: sheepdog, shepherd dog |
perro que no camina, no encuentra hueso {proverb} | :: practice makes perfect; no pain no gain |
perrote {m} | :: augmentative of perro, big dog |
perro viejo {m} [idiom] | :: old hand |
perruno {adj} | :: doglike |
perruno {adj} [attributive] | :: dog, doggy |
persa {adj} | :: Persian (of, from, or pertaining to Persia) |
persa {m} | :: Persian (Persian language) |
persa {mf} | :: Persian (person from Persia) |
persa antiguo {m} | :: Old Persian language |
persa medio {m} | :: Middle Persian language |
persa nuevo {m} | :: New Persian language |
persecución {f} | :: persecution |
persecución {f} | :: chase |
persecución {f} | :: paranoia, persecution complex |
persecución equipos {f} [cycling] | :: team pursuit |
persecución individual {f} [cycling] | :: individual pursuit |
persecutor {m} | :: persecutor |
persecutora {f} | :: persecutor |
persecutorio {adj} | :: persecutory |
Perséfone {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Persephone |
perseguible {adj} [law] | :: indictable |
perseguido {adj} | :: obsessed |
perseguido {adj} | :: paranoid |
perseguidor {m} | :: chaser, pursuer |
perseguidora {f} | :: female equivalent of perseguidor |
perseguir {v} | :: to pursue, to chase, to go after |
perseidas {fp} | :: Perseids |
Perseo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Perseus (demigod) |
perseverancia {f} | :: perseverance |
perseverante {adj} | :: persevering |
perseverar {vi} | :: to persevere |
Persia {prop} {f} | :: Persia |
persiana {f} | :: blind |
persiana {f} | :: shutter |
pérsico {adj} | :: Persian |
persignarse {vr} [Christianity] | :: to cross oneself, (make the sign of the cross over oneself) |
persistencia {f} | :: persistence |
persistente {adj} | :: persistent |
persistentemente {adv} | :: persistently |
persistir {vi} | :: to persist |
persona {f} | :: person (an individual; usually a human being) |
personación {f} | :: appearance (in person) |
persona de muchos oficios {f} | :: jack of all trades |
personaje {mf} | :: personage |
personaje {mf} | :: personality |
personaje {mf} | :: character in a film, book or other media |
personajillo {m} | :: minor celebrity |
personajillo {m} | :: minor character |
personajito {m} | :: diminutive of personaje |
personal {adj} | :: personal |
personal {m} | :: personnel, staff |
personal [colloquial] | :: folks, people, mob, crowd; the masses |
personalidad {f} | :: personality |
personalísimo {adj} | :: superlative of personal |
personalismo {m} | :: personalism |
personalista {mf} | :: personalist |
personalizable {adj} | :: personalizable |
personalizable {adj} | :: customizable |
personalização {n} | :: personalization (act of personalizing something) |
personalización {f} | :: personalization (act of personalizing something) |
personalizado {adj} | :: custom (made to fit someone’s specific needs) |
personalizar {v} | :: to personalize, to customize |
personalmente {adv} | :: personally |
personarse {v} [formal] | :: to arrive, turn up, make one's way |
personera {f} [Latin America] | :: spokesperson |
personería {f} | :: legal status |
personero {m} [Latin America] | :: spokesperson |
personificación {f} | :: personification |
personificar {v} | :: to personify |
personilla {f} | :: diminutive of persona |
personita {f} | :: diminutive of persona |
perspectiva {f} | :: perspective |
perspectiva {f} | :: prospect |
perspectiva linear {f} | :: linear perspective |
perspectivismo {m} | :: perspectivism |
perspectivo {m} | :: perspectivist |
perspicacia {f} | :: perspicacity, acumen |
perspicacidad {f} | :: perspicacity |
perspicaz {adj} | :: perceptive, perspicacious, insightful, shrewd |
perspicaz {adj} [of vision] | :: acute |
perspicazmente {adv} | :: keenly, acutely |
perspicuo {adj} | :: perspicuous, clear |
persuadir {vt} | :: to persuade |
persuasión {f} | :: persuasion |
persuasión {f} | :: inducement |
persuasión {f} | :: conviction |
persuasivamente {adv} | :: persuasively |
persuasivo {adj} | :: persuasive |
pertactina {f} [protein] | :: pertactin |
pertecnetato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pertechnetate |
pertenecer {v} | :: to belong; to pertain |
pertenecerse {v} | :: to be independent |
perteneciente {adj} | :: belonging to |
pertenencia {f} | :: belonging |
pertenencia {f} | :: property |
pertener {v} | :: obsolete form of pertenecer |
pértiga {f} | :: pole |
pértiga {f} | :: pole (used in the sport of pole vaulting) |
pertiguero {m} | :: verger |
pertiguista {mf} | :: pole vaulter |
pertinacia {f} | :: persistence |
pertinacia {f} | :: obstinacy |
pertinaz {adj} | :: pertinacious |
pertinaz {adj} | :: enduring, persistent |
pertinencia {f} | :: pertinence, importance |
pertinente {adj} | :: pertinent, relevant |
pertinente {adj} | :: appropriate |
pertinentemente {adv} | :: pertinently |
pertita {f} [mineral] | :: perthite |
pertita {f} | :: Perthian, Perthite (resident or native of Perth, Australia) |
pertita {adj} | :: Perthian (of or pertaining to Perth, Australia) |
pertrechar {v} | :: to outfit (supply with equipment) |
pertrecho {m} | :: munitions, arms, instruments, machines, and other equipment needed for use by soldiers, defensive fortifications, or warships |
pertrecho {m} | :: instruments or equipment needed for any operations |
pertrechos {mp} | :: gear, equipment |
perturbación {f} | :: perturbation, disturbance, disruption, agitation |
perturbado {adj} | :: disturbed (person) |
perturbador {adj} | :: disturbing, perturbing, unsettling |
perturbador {adj} | :: upsetting |
perturbador {adj} | :: disruptive |
perturbador {m} | :: troublemaker |
perturbador {m} | :: agitator |
perturbadora {f} | :: feminine noun of perturbador |
perturbadoramente {adv} | :: disturbingly |
perturbar {v} | :: to perturb, to disturb, to bother |
perturbativo {adj} | :: perturbative |
pertúsico {adj} [pathology] | :: pertussal |
pertussis {f} | :: pertussis |
Perú {prop} {m} | :: Perú (country) |
peruana {f} | :: feminine noun of peruano |
peruanidad {f} | :: Peruvianness |
peruanista {mf} | :: Peruanist |
peruano {adj} | :: Peruvian (from or native to Peru) |
peruano {adj} | :: Peruvian (pertaining to Peru) |
peruano {m} | :: a Peruvian |
peruca {mf} [Argentina, slang, sometimes, derogatory] | :: Peruvian |
Perusa {prop} {f} | :: Perugia (city) |
peruviana {f} | :: feminine noun of peruviano |
peruviano {adj} | :: Peruvian (from or native to Peru) |
peruviano {adj} | :: Peruvian (pertaining to Peru) |
peruviano {m} | :: a Peruvian |
perversamente {adv} | :: perversely, wickedly |
perversidad {f} | :: perversity, depravity |
perversión {f} | :: perversion |
perverso {adj} | :: bad, mean, wicked |
perverso {adj} | :: perverse (of desires etc) |
perverso {adj} | :: perverted |
pervertido {adj} | :: perverted |
pervertir {v} | :: to pervert, lead astray, garble, corrupt |
pervivencia {f} | :: survival, prevalence |
pervivir {v} | :: prevail, survive |
peryodato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: periodate |
pesa {f} | :: weight (object cf. peso) |
pesa {f} [exercise] | :: dumbbell |
pesa {f} [Latin America] | :: balance, scales |
pesadamente {adv} | :: heavily |
pesadamente {adv} | :: annoyingly |
pesadez {f} | :: heaviness, heft (quality of weight) |
pesadez {f} | :: tediousness, boringness |
pesadez {f} | :: nuisance |
pesadez {f} | :: ache, pain (feeling of heaviness) |
pesadilla {f} | :: nightmare |
pesadilla {f} [figuratively] | :: bane |
pesadillesco {adj} | :: nightmarish |
pesadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pesado |
pesadito {adj} | :: diminutive of pesado |
pesado {adj} | :: heavy in weight |
pesado {adj} | :: annoying |
pesado {adj} | :: boring |
pesado {adj} | :: serious |
pesado {m} [colloquial] | :: pest, annoying person |
pesadumbre {f} | :: sorrow |
pesadumbre {f} | :: trouble |
pesadumbre {f} | :: heaviness |
pesaje {m} | :: weighing |
pesaje {m} [sports] | :: weigh-in |
pésame {m} | :: condolence |
pesar {vt} | :: to weigh (to determine the weight of an object) |
pesar {vt} | :: to weigh (to have a certain weight) |
pesar {v} | :: to ponder |
pesar {v} | :: to have weight |
pesar {v} | :: to be seriousness, to be grave |
pesar {vr} | :: to weigh oneself |
pesar {m} | :: grief, regret, chagrin |
pesario {m} [medicine] | :: pessary (vaginal suppository) |
pesaroso {adj} | :: regretful |
pesaroso {adj} | :: mournful |
pesa rusa {f} | :: kettlebell |
pesca {f} | :: fishing |
pesca de arrastre {f} [fishing] | :: trawling |
pescader {m} | :: fishmonger |
pescadera {f} | :: feminine noun of pescader |
pescadería {f} | :: fishmonger's, fish shop (shop that sells fish) |
pescadería {f} | :: fishmarket |
pescadero {m} | :: fishmonger (person who sells fish) |
pescadilla {f} | :: striped weakfish (Cynoscion striatus) |
pescadilla {f} | :: whiting (Merlangius merlangus) |
pescadilla {f} | :: fried fish taco (using whiting, tuna, red snapper, cod, etc.) |
pescadilla que se muerde la cola {f} [idiom] | :: vicious circle |
pescadilla que se muerde la cola {f} | :: ouroboros |
pescadito {m} | :: diminutive of pescado, little fish |
pescado {m} | :: fish that has been caught; food fish |
pescador {adj} | :: That fishes |
pescador {m} | :: fisherman or fisher |
pescadora {f} | :: fisherwoman |
pescadora {f} | :: (female) fisher |
pescador furtivo {m} [fish] | :: poacher |
pescante {m} [nautical] | :: davit |
pescante {m} | :: driving seat (of a carriage or cart) |
pescar {v} | :: to fish |
pescar {v} | :: to angle |
pescar {v} [colloquial] | :: to get |
pescar {v} [colloquial] | :: to catch |
pescar {v} [colloquial] | :: to mind, pay attention to (a person) |
pescar {v} [colloquial] | :: to search, or fish for information |
pescar {v} [colloquial] | :: to screw, to get action (have sex) |
pescar una cogorza {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go on a bender; to go out boozing |
pescozón {m} | :: smack on the neck |
pescuecear {v} | :: to crane one's neck |
pescuecear {v} [Venezuela, of fighting cocks] | :: to lock necks |
pescuecear {v} [Venezuela] | :: to stick one's neck out |
pescueceo {m} | :: The act of sticking out one's neck |
pescuezo {m} | :: scruff of the neck |
pescuezo {m} | :: neck (neck of animal) |
pese a {prep} | :: in spite of, notwithstanding, despite, although, even though |
pese a quien pese {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by all means, by any reckoning |
pese a quien pese {adv} [idiomatic] | :: like it or not |
pesebre {m} | :: manger |
pesebre {m} | :: a confined space set apart for the feeding of animals |
pesebre {m} | :: nativity scene |
pesera {f} | :: feminine noun of pesero |
pesero {m} | :: butcher |
pesero {m} | :: minibus |
peseta {f} | :: peseta |
pesetera {f} | :: feminine noun of pesetero |
pesetero {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: tight-fisted, stingy, miser |
pesetero {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: moneygrubber/money-grubber |
pesetilla {f} | :: diminutive of peseta |
peshmerga {mf} | :: peshmerga |
pesificación {f} | :: conversion into pesos |
pésimamente {adv} | :: extremely poorly |
pesimismo {m} | :: pessimism, gloom |
pesimista {adj} | :: pessimistic |
pesimista {mf} | :: pessimist |
pésimo {adj} | :: superlative of malo: lousy, rubbish, abysmal, poor, terrible, awful, rotten, horrible, dismal, appalling, dreadful (very bad) |
pesista {mf} | :: weightlifter |
pesito {m} | :: diminutive of peso |
peso {m} | :: weight (the force on an object due to gravitational attraction) |
peso {m} | :: weight (a block of metal used in a balance) |
peso {m} | :: weight class |
peso {m} | :: peso (unit of currency) |
peso {m} | :: weight (importance or influence) |
peso {m} | :: weight, burden, load, brunt (pressure) |
peso atómico {m} [physics] | :: atomic weight |
peso bruto {m} | :: gross weight |
peso específico {m} | :: specific gravity |
pésol {m} | :: pea (vegetable) |
peso molecular {m} | :: molecular weight |
peso muerto {m} | :: deadweight, dead weight |
peso muerto {m} [exercise] | :: deadlift |
peso neto {m} | :: net weight |
peso pesado {m} [boxing] | :: heavyweight |
peso pesado {m} [idiom] | :: heavyweight; big fish; big cheese |
pespuntar {v} | :: to backstitch |
pespuntear {v} | :: To backstitch |
pesquera {f} | :: fish company |
pesquería {f} | :: fishing (activity) |
pesquería {f} | :: fishing ground |
pesqueridor {m} [obsolete] | :: investigator; researcher |
pesquero {adj} | :: fishing (which or who is fishing) |
pesquero {adj} | :: fishing (related to fishing) |
pesquero {m} | :: fishing boat |
pesquirir {v} [obsolete] | :: to investigate; to research |
pesquis {m} [colloquial] | :: brains; nous; know-how |
pesquisa {f} | :: inquiry |
pesquisaje {m} | :: screening (detection of disease) |
pesquisar {v} | :: to investigate |
pesquisidor {m} [archaic] | :: investigator |
pesquisidora {f} | :: feminine noun of pesquisidor |
pesquizaje {m} | :: screening |
pestaña {f} | :: flange |
pestaña {f} [anatomy] | :: eyelash |
pestaña {f} [computing] | :: tab (navigational widget in a GUI) |
pestañear {v} | :: to wink, blink |
pestañear {v} | :: to bat an eyelid |
pestañeo {m} | :: flutter, flapping |
pestañeo {m} | :: wink, blink (blinking of an eye) |
pestañí {f} [colloquial, ] | :: police |
pestañí {mf} [colloquial, ] | :: police officer (a member of a police force) |
pestañina {f} [Colombia] | :: mascara |
peste {f} | :: plague |
peste {f} | :: contagious disease |
peste {f} | :: reek, unpleasant or repulsive smell |
peste bovina {f} | :: rinderpest |
peste negra {f} [historical] | :: Black Death, Black Plague |
pesticida {f} | :: pesticide |
pestífero {adj} | :: pestiferous |
pestilencia {f} | :: pestilence |
pestilencial {adj} | :: pestilent |
pestilente {adj} | :: pestilent, stinking |
pestillo {m} | :: A latch |
pestillo {m} | :: A bolt (lock) |
pestiño {m} | :: a type of small pancake made with honey |
pestiño {m} [colloquial] | :: a boring or annoying person |
pesto {m} | :: pesto |
pesuvista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela |
pesuvista {mf} | :: A member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela |
peta {f} [Bolivia] | :: turtle |
petaca {f} | :: tobacco pouch |
petaca {f} | :: hip flask |
petaca {f} [Mexico] | :: suitcase |
petaca {f} [Mexico, in the plural] | :: buttocks |
petado {adj} [colloquial] | :: packed, full of people |
petalita {f} [mineral] | :: petalite |
pétalo {m} | :: petal |
petaloide {adj} | :: petaloid |
petaloideo {adj} | :: petaloid |
petámetro {m} | :: petametre |
petanca {f} [games] | :: pétanque |
petar {v} [colloquial] | :: to fill up; cram |
petar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to please, gratify, content |
petarda {f} | :: feminine noun of petardo |
petardear {v} | :: to backfire |
petardo {m} | :: firecracker (a firework) |
petardo {m} | :: joint (marijuana cigarette) |
petardo {m} | :: swindle |
petardo {m} | :: trash, rubbish |
petardo {m} | :: blowjob |
petardo {m} | :: a boring or annoying person |
petardo {m} | :: ugly woman |
petareña {f} | :: feminine noun of petareño |
petareño {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Petare, Venezuela |
petareño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Petare, Venezuela |
petate {m} | :: Fibers obtained from the leaves of palm trees found in the Caribbean and Mesoamerica, (most commonly Leucothrinax morrisii and Thrinax radiata) |
petate {m} | :: A mat woven from petate, commonly used as a bedroll and for other purposes |
petatearse {vp} [colloquial, Chile, El Savador, Mexico, Panama] | :: to die |
petazeta {m} | :: pop rock |
petazolcoate {m} | :: centipede |
pete {m} [Latin America, slang] | :: blowjob |
pete {m} [Latin America, childish] | :: pacifier, short form of chupete |
pete {m} [Latin America, slang] | :: noob, unskilled player |
petear {v} [Latin America, slang] | :: To give a blowjob. To give a pete |
Petén {prop} | :: Petén (department) |
petenera {f} | :: A type of Andalusian music played with the guitar |
petequia {f} [medicine] | :: petechia |
petersburgués {adj} | :: Petersburgian (of or pertaining to Saint Petersburg, Russia) |
petersburgués {m} | :: Petersburgian (native or resident of Saint Petersburg, Russia) |
petersburguesa {f} | :: feminine noun of petersburgués |
petición {f} | :: request |
petición {f} [networking] | :: request |
peticionante {adj} | :: petitioning |
peticionar {v} | :: to petition |
peticionaria {f} | :: feminine noun of peticionario |
peticionario {m} | :: petitioner |
petimetre {mf} | :: dandy, fop |
petipuá {m} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico] | :: green pea (the vegetable) |
petipuás {m} [Costa Rica, Venezuela] | :: green pea (the vegetable) |
petirrojo {m} | :: robin (Erithacus rubecula) |
petiso {adj} [Latin America] | :: little, small, wee |
petista {mf} [politics] | :: a person who supports or is affiliated to the Brazilian Workers' Party |
petista {adj} [politics] | :: pertaining or related to the Brazilian Workers' Party |
petisú {m} | :: cream puff |
petisuis {f} [Spain, colloquial] | :: sexy young minx; wee bonny lass; young babe |
petitorio {adj} | :: petitory |
petit pois {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, ] | :: pea (the vegetable) |
petizo {adj} [Argentina] | :: little; wee |
peto {m} | :: bib |
peto {m} | :: breastplate |
peto {m} | :: shirtfront |
peto {m} [zoology] | :: plastron |
peto {m} [historical] | :: plastron |
peto {m} [sports] | :: chest pad |
petral {m} [equestrian] | :: breastplate |
petrarquismo {m} | :: Petrarchism |
petrarquista {mf} | :: Petrarchist |
petrel {m} | :: petrel |
pétreo {adj} | :: petrous |
pétreo {adj} | :: stony |
pétreo {adj} | :: rocky |
pétreo {adj} | :: of stone |
pétreo {adj} | :: stone |
petricor {m} | :: petrichor |
petrificación {f} | :: petrifaction, petrification |
petrificar {vt} | :: to petrify |
petril {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pertil |
petro {m} | :: petro |
petrocasa {f} [Venezuela] | :: A type of mass-produced Venezuelan house, manufactured by Corporación Petroquímica de Venezuela and used for public housing |
petrochequera {f} [Venezuela] | :: Donation of government money to foreign countries |
petrodiésel {m} | :: diesel |
petrodiplomacia {f} | :: petro-diplomacy |
petrodólar {m} | :: petrodollar |
petroestado {m} | :: petrostate |
petroglifo {m} | :: petroglyph |
petrograbado {m} | :: petroglyph |
petrografía {f} | :: petrography |
petrográfico {adj} | :: petrographic |
petrolato {m} | :: petrolatum; petroleum jelly |
petróleo {m} | :: petroleum, oil |
petroleoquímica {f} | :: petroleum chemistry |
petroleoquímico {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the petroleum industry |
petrolera {f} | :: oil company |
petrolero {adj} [attributive] | :: oil, petrol (related to mineral oil) |
petrolero {m} | :: oil tanker |
petrolífero {adj} | :: petroliferous |
petrolífico {adj} | :: synonym of petrolífero |
petróloga {f} | :: feminine noun of petrólogo |
petrología {f} [geology] | :: petrology |
petrológico {adj} | :: petrologic |
petrólogo {m} | :: petrologist |
petromacorisana {f} | :: feminine noun of petromacorisano |
petromacorisano {adj} | :: Of or from the province of San Pedro de Macorís in the Dominican Republic |
petromacorisano {m} | :: An inhabitant of the province of San Pedro de Macorís in the Dominican Republic |
petroprecios {mp} | :: petrol prices |
petroquímica {f} | :: petrochemistry |
petroquímico {adj} | :: petrochemical |
petroso {adj} | :: stony; rocky |
petroso {adj} [anatomy] | :: petrous |
petulancia {f} | :: self-pride, conceitedness |
petulante {adj} | :: posing, self-proud, conceited |
petulante {mf} | :: poser (conceited person) |
petunia {f} | :: petunia |
peuca {f} [slang, rural, Chile] | :: sweetheart, a girl which is engaged with someone |
peuca {f} [slang, Chile] | :: term of contempt for a young woman (due to phonetical similitude with puta) |
peuco {m} [Chile] | :: an American hawk, Harris Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) |
peumino {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Peumo |
peumo {m} | :: Chilean acorn; (Cryptocarya alba) |
Peumo {prop} {m} | :: Peumo (city) |
peyorativamente {adv} | :: pejoratively |
peyorativo {adj} | :: pejorative |
peyorativo {m} | :: pejorative (disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression) |
peyote {m} | :: peyote |
pez {f} | :: pitch, tar |
pez {m} | :: fish (especially while alive) |
pez {m} [colloquial] | :: idiot, dimwit |
pez cirujano {m} | :: surgeonfish |
pez de leche {m} | :: milkfish |
pez de San Pedro {m} | :: John Dory |
pez dorado {m} | :: goldfish |
pez espada {m} | :: swordfish |
pez gato {m} | :: catfish |
pez globo {m} | :: blowfish |
pez gordo {m} [idiomatic] | :: head honcho, big cheese, fat cat |
pez loro {m} | :: parrotfish |
pez luna {m} | :: sunfish; ocean sunfish (large marine fish) |
pez mantequilla {f} | :: halibut |
pezón {m} [anatomy, especially, of a female] | :: nipple |
pez payaso {m} | :: clownfish |
pez plano {m} | :: flatfish |
pez rojo {m} | :: goldfish |
pezuelo {m} | :: end of a thread |
pezuña {f} | :: hoof |
pez volador {m} | :: flying fish |
PGR {f} | :: La Procuraduría General de la República, The attorney general of Mexico |
phablet {m} | :: phablet |
philósopho {m} | :: obsolete form of filósofo |
phishing {m} [computing] | :: phishing |
photobomb {m} | :: photobomb |
photoshop {m} | :: photoshop |
photoshopear {v} | :: to photoshop |
pi {f} | :: pi; the Greek letter Π, π |
piacular {adj} | :: piacular |
piada {f} | :: chirping (action of chirping) |
piada {f} [colloquial] | :: Expression of someone similar to the other person usually used. Salvador tiene muchas piadas de su maestro |
piadina {f} | :: piadina |
piadosamente {adv} | :: piously |
piadosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of piadoso |
piadoso {adj} | :: pious |
piadoso {adj} | :: pitiful |
piafar {v} [of animals, especially horses] | :: to stamp; to piaffe |
pialar {v} | :: to lasso |
Piamonte {prop} {m} | :: Piamonte (region) |
piamontés {m} | :: Piedmontese (language) |
piamontés {m} | :: Piedmontese (person) |
piamontés {adj} | :: Piedmontese |
piamontesa {f} | :: feminine noun of piamontés |
piangua {f} | :: A species of mussel, Andara tuberculosa |
pianismo {m} | :: pianism |
pianista {mf} | :: pianist |
pianístico {adj} | :: pianistic |
pianito {m} | :: diminutive of piano |
piano {m} [musical instrument] | :: piano |
piano de cola {m} | :: grand piano |
piano de media cola {m} [musici] | :: baby grand |
pianola {f} [musical instruments] | :: player piano, pianola |
piar {v} | :: to chirp |
piara {f} | :: herd [of pigs, sheep etc.] |
piastra {f} | :: piastre (historical Spanish and Spanish-American currency) |
piastra {f} | :: piastre (modern denomination in the Middle East) |
PIB {m} | :: initialism of producto interior bruto |
piba {f} | :: chick; lass; broad (woman) |
pibe {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, Canary Islands, colloquial] | :: kid, young person |
pibe {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: boyfriend |
pibí {m} | :: peewee |
pibil {adj} [Mexico, Yucatán, said of a food] | :: Wrapped in banana or plantain leaves and cooked underground |
pibipollo {m} | :: A Mayan dish made of chicken and pork, cornflour and various other ingredients |
pibón {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: hottie, cutie (attractive person) |
pica {f} | :: pike, lance |
pica {f} | :: pick (digging tool) |
pica {f} [card games] | :: spade (a playing card of the suit spades, picas) |
picabayas {m} | :: berrypecker |
picacho {m} | :: peak; summit |
picada {f} | :: peck (an act of striking with a beak) |
picada {f} | :: appetizer (small portion of food) |
picadero {m} | :: riding school |
picadero {m} [slang] | :: fuckpad; love nest (place for sexual relations) |
picadillo {m} | :: salad (made of chopped food) |
picadillo {m} | :: minced meat |
picadito {adj} | :: diminutive of picado |
picado {adj} | :: rotten, spoiled |
picado {adj} | :: piqued |
picado {adj} [of a tooth] | :: decayed |
picado {adj} [of the sea] | :: choppy |
picado {adj} [of food, especially meat] | :: minced, ground |
picado {adj} [colloquial] | :: bitter, pissed |
picado {m} [film] | :: overhead shot |
picado {m} [music] | :: staccato note |
picado {m} [Argentina] | :: kick around (informal football game) |
picador {m} | :: someone who stabs or wounds |
picador {m} | :: someone who cuts sugar-cane |
picador {m} [bullfighting] | :: picador |
picadora {f} | :: feminine noun of picador |
picadura {f} | :: a bite, e.g. from a snake or insect |
picadura {f} | :: a wound |
picaflor {m} | :: hummingbird |
picaflor {m} [colloquial] | :: womanizer, flirt |
picahielo {m} | :: icepick |
picajoso {adj} | :: touchy |
picamaderos {m} | :: woodpecker |
picamaderos de Magallanes {m} | :: Magellanic woodpecker |
picana {f} [Latin America] | :: prod, cattle prod |
picaña {f} | :: A type of rump steak |
picante {adj} | :: (of food) hot and spicy |
picante {adj} | :: vulgar, risque |
picantera {f} | :: A picantería cook |
picantería {f} [Peru, Ecuador] | :: A restaurant which specialises in spicy Andean cuisine |
picantero {m} | :: A picantería cook |
picantito {adj} | :: diminutive of picante |
picapedrera {f} | :: feminine noun of picapedrero |
picapedrero {m} | :: stonecutter |
picapinos {m} | :: great spotted woodpecker |
picapleitos {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: shark lawyer |
picaporte {m} | :: doorknob, door handle |
picaporte {m} | :: knocker, door knocker |
picar {vi} | :: to itch (to feel itchy; to feel a need to be scratched) |
picar {v} | :: to sting |
picar {v} | :: to chop |
picar {v} | :: to bite |
picar {v} [culinary] | :: to mince, to dice |
picar {v} | :: to stab; to wound |
picar {v} [colloquial] | :: to snack; to nibble; to have a bite |
picar {v} | :: to rot; to decay; to eat away; to rust |
picar {v} | :: to pique |
picar {v} | :: to crush [ice] |
picar {vi} | :: to sting or be pungent to the lips or tongue, be spicy or, of a candy, very sour |
picar {v} [slang, Mexico] | :: to sexually penetrate, fuck |
picar {vr} | :: to get angry, get annoyed, take offence |
picar {vr} | :: to turn sour |
picar {vr} [Mexico, with con] | :: to get addicted, fascinated, enraptured |
pícaramente {adv} | :: craftily; cunningly |
picardía {f} | :: naughtiness, craftiness |
picardía {f} | :: act of mischief, dirty trick |
picardía {f} | :: rude word, insult |
Picardía {prop} {f} | :: Picardía (former region) |
picardo {adj} | :: Picard |
picardo {m} | :: Picard (person) |
picardo {m} | :: Picard (language) |
picarescamente {adv} | :: picaresquely |
picaresco {adj} | :: picaresque |
picaridina {f} | :: icaridin |
picarillo {adj} | :: diminutive of pícaro |
pícaro {adj} | :: lacking honor |
pícaro {adj} | :: malicious |
pícaro {adj} | :: cunning |
pícaro {m} | :: rogue |
picarón {adj} | :: naughty, feisty |
picassesco {adj} | :: Picassoesque |
picasso {m} | :: alternative case form of Picasso |
Picasso {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Picasso {prop} {mf} | :: Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist |
Picasso {m} | :: Picasso (work of art by Pablo Picasso) |
picatartes {m} | :: rockfowl |
picatoste {m} | :: A type of sweetened crouton |
picatroncos {m} | :: woodpecker |
picaza {f} | :: magpie |
picazo {m} | :: peck (from a beak) |
picazón {f} | :: itch, itching |
picazón {f} | :: rash |
piccolo {m} | :: piccolo |
pícea {f} | :: spruce |
picena {f} | :: feminine noun of piceno |
piceno {m} | :: Picente |
picha {f} [Spain, vulgar] | :: penis |
picha {f} [Mexico, vulgar] | :: cunt (probably from or cognate with piča) |
picha brava {m} [idiom, colloquial] | :: stud; player (man who has many sexual partners) |
pichabrava {m} [colloquial] | :: stud; player (man who has many sexual partners) |
pichadura {f} [Paraguay] | :: annoyance; disdain |
pichar {v} [Latin America, baseball] | :: to pitch |
pichar {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
pichar {v} [colloquial] | :: to urinate |
piche {n} [Venezuela] | :: rotten |
pichel {m} [Spain] | :: stein, small liquid container wider at the bottom than the top, closed by a hinged lid |
pichel {m} [Mexico] | :: water jug |
pichel {m} [El Salvador, Costa Rica] | :: pitcher |
picheo {m} [baseball] | :: pitch (throw) |
pícher {m} [baseball] | :: pitcher |
pichete {m} [Honduras] | :: lizard |
pichi {m} | :: pinafore |
pichí {m} [childish, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: pee; pee-pee; wee |
pichicatear {v} | :: synonym of cicatear |
pichicatera {f} | :: feminine noun of pichicatero |
pichicatero {m} [Cono Sur] | :: druggie; drug addict; junkie |
pichichi {m} [football, Spain] | :: top scorer in the league |
Pichidegua {prop} {m} | :: Pichidegua (city) |
pichideguano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Pichidegua |
pichilemino {adj} | :: from Pichilemu, Chile |
Pichilemo {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pichilemu |
Pichilemu {prop} {m} | :: Pichilemu (city) |
Pichilemu {prop} {m} | :: surname |
pichinga {f} [El Salvador, colloquial] | :: water jug |
pichinga {f} [Honduras, colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
pichín pichán {adv} [idiom, childish] | :: so-so; not bad; okayish |
pichón {m} | :: a young pigeon or dove |
pichón {m} | :: squab |
pichón {m} [colloquial] | :: guy, fellow, fella |
pichona {f} | :: feminine noun of pichón |
pichoncito {m} | :: diminutive of pichón |
pichoneta {mf} | :: Manx shearwater |
pichula {f} [vulgar, Argentina, Chile, Peru] | :: penis |
pichulear {v} [Chile] | :: to lie; fib |
pichulear {v} [Uruguay, Argentina] | :: to hunt bargains; to sniff out a good deal |
pichuleo {m} [Cono Sur] | :: stinginess |
pickles {mp} | :: pickles |
pickup {mf} | :: pickup (vehicle) |
picle {m} [Chile] | :: pickle |
picle {m} [Chile] | :: any pickled food |
pícnic {m} | :: picnic (outdoor meal) |
picnómetro {m} | :: pycnometer |
pico {m} | :: beak (of a bird) |
pico {m} | :: sharp point |
pico {m} | :: pick, pickaxe |
pico {m} | :: peak, summit (of a mountain) |
pico {m} | :: spout |
pico {m} | :: a bit, a little |
pico {m} [zoology] | :: crest |
pico {m} [vulgar, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica] | :: penis |
pico {m} [colloquial, Bolivia, Colombia] | :: kiss |
pico {m} [colloquial] | :: trap; gob (mouth) |
picocuña {m} | :: wedgebill |
pico de gallo {m} | :: A condiment generally made with diced raw onions, tomatoes, chiles, and cilantro |
picofino {adj} | :: slender-billed (said of various species of bird) |
picogordo {m} | :: hawfinch |
picogramo {m} | :: picogram |
picogrueso {m} | :: grosbeak |
picoleto {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: cop (of the Guardia Civil) |
picolezna {m} | :: xenops |
picoloro {m} | :: parrotbill |
pico menor {m} | :: lesser spotted woodpecker |
picómetro {m} | :: picometer |
picón {adj} | :: chatty |
piconegro {adj} | :: black-billed (said of a number of species of birds) |
piconera {f} | :: coal seller |
picop {m} | :: pick-up truck |
picopando {m} | :: godwit |
picoplano {m} | :: flatbill |
picoplata {adj} | :: said of various species of silver-billed birds, including the silverbill |
picor {m} | :: stinging |
picor {m} | :: burning |
picornavirus {m} | :: picornavirus |
picoroco {m} [Chile, Peru] | :: Edible South American barnacle Austromegabalanus psittacus |
picosito {adj} | :: diminutive of picoso |
picoso {adj} [Latin America] | :: spicy |
picota {f} | :: pillory |
picota {f} | :: sweet cherry |
picota {f} [nautical] | :: pump-cheek |
Picota {prop} | :: Picota (province) |
picotazo {m} | :: peck (with a beak) |
picotazo {m} | :: sting |
picotazo {m} | :: bite by an animal |
picotear {vt} | :: to peck (strike with a beak) |
picotear {vit} | :: to nibble |
picoteo {m} | :: pecking |
picoteo {m} [Spain] | :: finger food |
picozapato {m} | :: shoebill |
picrato {m} | :: picrate |
pícrico {adj} | :: picric |
picto {m} | :: Pict |
pictografía {f} | :: pictograph |
pictográfico {adj} | :: pictographic |
pictograma {m} | :: pictogram |
pictorialismo {m} | :: pictorialism |
pictorialista {mf} | :: pictorialist |
pictóricamente {adv} | :: pictorially |
pictórico {adj} | :: pictorial |
picudo {adj} | :: beaked |
picudo {adj} | :: pointy |
picudo {adj} | :: pointed |
picudo {adj} | :: pointy-nosed |
picudo {adj} | :: chatty |
picudo {m} | :: weevil |
picunche {mf} | :: Picunche |
picure {m} [Venezuela] | :: agouti |
pidgin {m} [linguistics] | :: pidgin (amalgamation of two languages having no native speakers) |
pídola {f} | :: leapfrog |
pidulle {m} [Chile] | :: pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis or of the family Oxyuridae) |
pie {m} | :: foot [of a person] |
pie {m} [poetry] | :: foot |
pie {m} [Central America, South America] | :: pie |
pié {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pie |
piececillo {m} | :: diminutive of pie |
piececito {m} | :: diminutive of pie |
piecito {m} | :: diminutive of pie |
piedad {f} | :: pity, mercy |
piedad {f} | :: piety |
Piedad {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pie de atleta {m} | :: athlete's foot |
pie de burro {f} | :: Chilean abalone |
pie de caballo {m} | :: coltsfoot |
pie de monte {m} | :: foothill |
piedemonte {m} | :: foothill |
piedra {f} | :: stone (hard earthen substance that can form large rocks) |
piedra {f} | :: flint (small cylinder used to produce a spark in a lighter, etc.) |
piedra {f} | :: hailstone (single ball of hail, or solid precipitation) |
piedra {f} | :: crack (potent, relatively cheap, addictive variety of cocaine) |
piedra angular {f} | :: cornerstone |
piedra de luna {f} [mineral] | :: moonstone (gemstone) |
piedra de moler {f} | :: grinding stone |
piedra de moler {f} | :: grindstone, millstone |
Piedra de Rosetta {prop} {f} | :: Rosetta Stone |
piedra de toque {f} | :: touchstone |
piedra filosofal {f} [occult] | :: philosopher's stone |
piedralipe {f} | :: cupric sulfate |
piedra pómez {f} | :: pumice |
piedra preciosa {f} | :: gemstone |
piedrazo {m} | :: hit with a stone |
piedrecilla {f} | :: diminutive of piedra |
piedrecita {f} | :: diminutive of piedra |
piedrita {f} | :: diminutive of piedra |
piel {f} | :: skin |
piel {f} | :: fur |
piélago {m} | :: the open sea; pelagic waters |
piélago {m} [poetic] | :: the sea |
piélago {m} [figuratively] | :: something vast, countless, innumerable |
piélago {m} [archaic] | :: pond, reservoir |
piel de gallina {f} [idiomatic] | :: goose bumps; raised skin, usually on the neck or arms caused by cold or fear |
pielecilla {f} | :: diminutive of piel |
pielero {m} | :: leather seller |
piel fina {m} [idiom] | :: thin skin [state of being overly sensitive to criticism; quickness to take offence; irritability; touchiness] |
piel fina {m} | :: See: es piel fina; thin skin |
pielonefritis {f} [disease] | :: pyelonephritis |
piemontés {adj} | :: alternative spelling of piamontés |
piemontés {m} | :: alternative spelling of piamontés |
piensa mal y acertarás {proverb} | :: Always assume the worst (of someone) |
pienso {m} | :: animal feed |
pienso {m} [obsolete] | :: thought |
Pieonchang {prop} | :: Pyeongchang |
piercing {m} | :: piercing |
pierna {f} | :: leg (lower limb of a human) |
piernas {m} [dated] | :: twit; idiot |
piernera {f} | :: leg bag |
piernita {f} | :: diminutive of pierna |
piernón {adj} | :: having big legs |
piernudo {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: having big legs |
pierogi {m} | :: pierogi |
pierolista {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Nicolás de Piérola Villena, Peruvian politician |
pierolista {mf} | :: A supporter of Nicolás de Piérola Villena |
pies de barro {mp} [idiom] | :: feet of clay |
pietaje {m} | :: footage |
pietersita {f} [mineral] | :: pietersite |
pietismo {m} | :: Pietism |
pietista {adj} | :: Pietist |
pietista {mf} | :: Pietist |
pieza {f} | :: piece, part |
pieza {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Chile] | :: room |
pieza {f} [heraldry] | :: ordinary |
piezoelectricidad {f} | :: piezoelectricity |
piezoeléctrico {adj} | :: piezoelectric |
piezométrico {adj} | :: piezometric |
piezómetro {m} | :: piezometer |
pífano {m} | :: fife (musical instrument) |
pifear {v} [colloquial] | :: to screw up; mess up |
pifia {f} [colloquial] | :: small flaw, defect |
pifia {f} [colloquial] | :: mistake, fault, error |
pifiar {vi} | :: to drop the ball, screw up, mess up |
pifiar {vt} [Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru] | :: to boo |
pifiar {vt} [Bolivia, Peru] | :: to mock, dig, make fun of |
pifiar {vt} [Mexico] | :: to nick, rob |
pifiar {vi} [music] | :: to blow across a flute or other reedless woodwind instrument |
pigidio {m} | :: pygidium |
pigmentación {f} | :: pigmentation |
pigmentar {vt} | :: to pigment, dye |
pigmentario {adj} | :: pigmented |
pigmento {m} | :: pigment |
pigmentoso {adj} | :: pigmentous |
pigmeo {adj} | :: pygmy |
pigmeo {mf} | :: pygmy |
pignoración {f} | :: pignoration |
pignorar {v} | :: to pawn |
pigóstilo {m} [anatomy] | :: pygostyle |
pigricia {f} | :: laziness |
pihuel {m} | :: red-backed hawk |
pija {f} | :: feminine noun of pijo |
pija {f} [vulgar] | :: penis |
pijada {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: A pijo attitude, particularly, or things made by a pijo; snobbery, snobbism |
pijada {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: nonsense, trifle, baloney |
pijada {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: nonsense, stupidity |
pijama {m} | :: pyjamas |
pijamada {f} | :: sleepover, slumber party |
pijao {mf} | :: Pijao |
pijao {adj} | :: Pijao |
pije {m} [Chile] | :: snob; toff; posho |
pijería {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: Characteristic of a pijo; snobbiness |
pijería {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: Group of pijo people |
pijerío {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: Characteristic of a pijo; snobbiness |
pijerío {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: Group of pijo people |
pijo {adj} [Spain, colloquial, derogatory] | :: snobby, posh |
pijo {m} [Spain, colloquial, derogatory] | :: snob, dandy |
pijo {m} [vulgar] | :: penis |
pijotada {f} | :: alternative form of pijada |
pijotero {adj} [colloquial, Spain] | :: annoying |
pijotero {adj} [colloquial, Argentina] | :: stingy |
pijuí {m} | :: spinetail |
pikachurina {f} [protein] | :: pikachurin |
pila {f} | :: small battery |
pila {f} | :: pile, mound |
pila {f} [colloquial] | :: a lot |
pila {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: pile |
pila {f} | :: sink; washbasin |
pila {f} | :: font |
pila bautismal {f} | :: baptismal font |
piladora {f} | :: chipper (machine) |
pilar {m} | :: pillar, pier |
pilar {m} [rugby] | :: The player who is next to the hooker in a scrum |
pilar {v} | :: to pound |
Pilar {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pilarense {adj} | :: Of or from Pilar Partido |
pilarense {adj} | :: Of or from Pilar, Buenos Aires |
pilarense {adj} | :: Of or from Pilar, Córdoba Province |
pilarense {adj} | :: Of or from Pilar (Santa Fe) |
pilarense {adj} | :: Of or from Pilar, Paraguay |
pilarense {mf} | :: Someone from Pilar Partido |
pilarense {mf} | :: Someone from Pilar, Buenos Aires |
pilarense {mf} | :: Someone from Pilar, Córdoba Province |
pilarense {mf} | :: Someone from Pilar (Santa Fe) |
pilarense {mf} | :: Someone from Pilar, Paraguay |
pilastra {f} [architecture] | :: pilaster (rectangular pillar that supports or decorates a wall or roof) |
pilates {m} | :: pilates |
pilcha {f} [rural, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay] | :: low-quality clothes |
pilcha {f} [colloquial, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay] | :: high-quality clothes |
pilcha {f} [Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay] | :: each element of the riding tack, such as a stirrup or saddle |
Pilcuyo {prop} | :: Pilcuyo (district) |
píldora {f} | :: pill |
píldora abortiva {f} | :: the pill (contraceptive) |
píldora del día después {f} | :: morning-after pill |
píleo {m} | :: pileus (hat) |
pileta {f} [Argentina] | :: pool; swimming pool |
pileta {f} | :: basin |
piletón {m} | :: stream pool |
Pili {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pilila {f} [Spain, colloquial, childish] | :: penis |
pilla {f} | :: feminine noun of pillo |
pilla {f} [Ecuador] | :: prostitute |
pillado {adj} | :: busted, caught |
pillado {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy (in love); head over heels |
pillaje {m} | :: pillage |
pillán {m} | :: Pillan |
pilla pilla {m} | :: tag, it (children's chasing game) |
pillar {v} | :: to catch, get, to grab (e.g. grab a cab, get lunch, grab a drink, catch a movie) |
pillar {v} | :: to pilfer, steal |
pillar {v} [game] | :: to tag |
pillar {v} [colloquial] | :: to get (a joke) |
pillar {v} [colloquial] | :: to catch, to catch up to |
pillar {v} [colloquial] | :: to catch, to pick up, to bust, to nab (someone doing something illegal) |
pillar {v} [colloquial] | :: to come down with, catch, to pick up (an illness) |
pillar {v} [colloquial] | :: to pick up on, to take (e.g. information, a hint) |
pillar {v} [Spain, colloquial] | :: to score (e.g. drugs) |
pillar {vr} [colloquial] | :: to jam (your finger) |
pillar {vr} [colloquial] | :: to fall in love, to crush on someone |
pillar cacho {v} [colloquial, idiom] | :: To hook up (with someone) |
pillarse un pedo {v} [idiomatic, slang] | :: to get trashed, get wasted |
pillar una cogorza {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go on a bender; to go out boozing |
pillastre {mf} | :: scoundrel |
pillastrón {m} [colloquial] | :: rogue, rascal |
pillería {f} | :: tricking, playing tricks |
pillete {m} | :: scamp; rogue |
pillín {m} [colloquial] | :: naughty boy, rascal |
pillo {adj} | :: clever |
pillo {adj} | :: cheeky, impudent |
pillo {adj} | :: mean, nasty |
pillo {m} | :: cheeky or naughty person, crook or thief |
pilluelo {m} | :: rascal; scamp |
pilmama {f} [Latin America] | :: nanny |
pilocítico {adj} | :: pilocytic |
pilón {m} | :: pylon |
pilón {m} | :: A gift given by a vendor to accompany a transaction |
pilón {m} | :: pestle |
pilón {m} | :: basin, sink |
pilón {m} [Chile] | :: deaf (hearing impaired) |
pilona {f} | :: bollard |
piloncillo {m} | :: panela |
pilono {m} | :: alternative spelling of pilón |
pilórico {adj} | :: pyloric |
píloro {m} [anatomy] | :: pylorus |
pilosidad {f} | :: hairiness |
piloso {adj} | :: hairy |
piloso {adj} [attributive] | :: hair |
pilotaje {m} | :: piloting |
pilotar {v} | :: to pilot |
pilote {m} [architecture] | :: pile |
pilotear {v} | :: to pilot |
pilotín {m} | :: pilot's assistant |
piloto {m} | :: pilot |
piloto {m} | :: driver (racing) |
piloto {m} | :: flashing light |
piloto automático {m} | :: autopilot |
piloto de prueba {m} | :: test pilot |
pil pil {m} | :: alternative form of pil-pil |
pil-pil {m} | :: pil-pil |
pil-pil {m} | :: cod in pil-pil sauce |
piltra {f} [colloquial] | :: bed |
piltrafa {f} | :: scrap of meat |
piltrafa {f} | :: offal, scrap, junk (object in very bad condition) |
piltrafa {f} | :: rag |
piltrafa {f} | :: skinny, feeble person |
piltrafa {f} | :: someone pathetic/a wuss |
Piluca {prop} {f} | :: given name |
pilucho {adj} [Chile, Costa Rica] | :: naked; nude |
pima {adj} | :: Pima |
pima {mf} | :: Pima |
Pimentel {prop} | :: surname |
pimentero {m} | :: pepper mill, pepper grinder |
pimentón {m} | :: paprika |
pimentón {m} | :: a relish made from red sweet peppers |
pimentón {m} | :: the pimiento (fruit) |
pimentón {m} [Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela] | :: bell pepper, sweet pepper |
pimentón de la Vera {m} | :: Pimentón de La Vera |
pimentonero {m} [football] | :: Someone, such as a fan, player, coach etc., that is associated with Real Murcia, a football club in Murcia, Spain |
pimentoso {adj} | :: piquant |
pimienta {f} | :: pepper (herb, peppercorns) |
pimienta de Cayena {f} | :: cayenne pepper |
pimienta de Jamaica {m} | :: allspice |
pimienta negra {f} | :: black pepper |
pimiento {m} | :: pepper (fruit of the capsicum) |
pimiento {m} | :: pepper plant |
pimiento {m} [Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru] | :: bell pepper (ellipsis of pimiento morrón) |
pimiento morrón {m} [Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Chile] | :: bell pepper, sweet pepper |
pim pam pum {phrase} | :: bish bash bosh |
pimpante {adj} | :: lively |
pimpina {f} [Venezuela] | :: large petrol can |
pimpinela {f} | :: any plant of the genus Pimpinella |
pimpinera {f} | :: feminine noun of pimpinero |
pimpinero {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the illegal gasoline trade |
pimpinero {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] | :: Illegal gasoline (petrol) trader, near the border of Colombia and Venezuela |
pimplar {v} [colloquial] | :: to booze; to drink to excess |
pimpollo {m} [agriculture] | :: a seedling |
pimpollo {m} [forestry] | :: a pine tree sapling |
pimpollo {m} [forestry] | :: a young tree |
pimpollo {m} [botany] | :: a new stem either soft or wooden |
pimpollo {m} [botany] | :: a nearly blossomed rose flower |
pimpollo {m} | :: A very handsome, gallant, and graceful boy or young man |
pimpón {m} | :: ping pong |
pin {m} | :: pin, lapel pin |
pin {m} [electricity] | :: pin (any of the individual connecting elements of a multipole electrical connector) |
pin {m} | :: PIN, PIN number |
PIN {m} | :: alternative form of pin |
PIN {m} | :: initialism of proyecto de identificación nacional |
pina {f} | :: border-stone |
Pina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
piña {f} [botany] | :: pinecone |
piña {f} [fruit] | :: pineapple |
piña {f} [Canarias, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Honduras, Cuba, Uruguay] | :: punch (blow with the fist) |
piña {f} [Argentina, colloquial] | :: collision, accident, crash |
piña {f} [figurative] | :: close-knit group |
Piña {prop} {m} | :: surname, variation of Peña |
pinacate {m} [Mexico] | :: pinacate beetle, stink beetle |
pinacocito {m} [cytology] | :: pinacocyte |
pinacodermo {m} [zoology] | :: pinacoderm |
piña colada {f} | :: a piña colada cocktail |
pinacoteca {f} | :: art gallery, especially one devoted to paintings |
pináculo {m} [architecture] | :: pinnacle |
pináculo {m} [architecture] | :: spire |
pinadamente {adv} | :: pinnately |
pinado {adj} | :: pinnate |
pinar {m} | :: pine grove |
pinareño {adj} | :: Of or from Pinar del Río |
pinareño {m} | :: Someone from Pinar del Río |
piñata {f} | :: pinata (doll filled with candy) |
pinaza {f} | :: pinnace |
pinaza {f} | :: dead leaves from a pine tree |
piñazo {m} [colloquial] | :: smash; hit; bash; bonk |
pinball {m} | :: pinball |
pincel {m} | :: paintbrush [usually less thick than a brocha] |
pincelada {f} | :: brushstroke |
pincelar {v} | :: to paint with a brush |
pincha {f} [Spain] | :: disc jockey, DJ |
pinchadiscos {mf} | :: deejay, DJ, disc jockey |
pinchado {adj} | :: Something which is punctured |
pinchar {v} | :: to puncture, prick, pierce |
pinchar {v} | :: to poke |
pinchar {v} [animals, needle] | :: to sting |
pinchar {v} [computation] | :: to click |
pinchar {v} [colloquial] | :: to flirt |
pinchar {v} [colloquial] | :: to get flirted |
pinchar {v} [telephony] | :: to call up by telephone and suspend before a conversation is initiated in order to make the receiver call back |
pinchar {v} [telephony, colloquial] | :: putting some tool for hearing in secret private conversation by phone; eavesdropping |
pinchar {vi} [colloquial] | :: to slip up (fail) |
pinchar {v} [colloquial] | :: to fuck |
pinchar {v} [colloquial] | :: to wind up, pester |
pinchar en hueso {v} [idiomatic] | :: to slip up (make a mistake) |
pincharse {vr} | :: to shoot up (to inject drugs intravenously) |
pinchazo {m} | :: prick, sting |
pinchazo {m} | :: puncture |
pinchazo {m} | :: eavesdropping |
pinche {adj} [Mexico, vulgar] | :: damned, goddamned |
pinche {adj} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua, also by a minority in El Salvador] | :: stingy, cheap |
pinche {m} [Mexico] | :: a kitchen servant |
pinche {m} [Chile, Puerto Rico] | :: hairpin (fastener for the hair) |
pincher {m} | :: pinscher |
pinchito {m} | :: diminutive of pincho |
pinchito {m} [slang, vulgar, Spain, ] | :: sexual intercourse |
pincho {m} | :: skewer |
pincho {m} [slang] | :: a shank |
pincho {m} [slang] | :: a shag (fornication) |
pincho {m} [Spain] | :: snack, small serving of food |
pincho {m} [computing] | :: stick, data stick, drive |
pincho {m} | :: prick |
pincho moruno {m} | :: skewer; skewered meat |
pinchoteo {m} [Asturias] | :: snack, light bite |
pinciano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Valladolid |
pinciano {m} | :: Someone from Valladolid |
pinda {f} | :: pinda sweda |
pindari {m} | :: Pindari |
pindárico {adj} | :: Pindaric |
Píndaro {prop} {m} | :: Pindar |
pindín {m} | :: A dance and music style from Panama |
pindio {adj} [Northern Spain, especially Cantabria and Asturias] | :: steep |
Pindo {prop} {m} | :: Pindo (mountain range) |
pindó {m} | :: queen palm |
pindonga {f} [slang] | :: A woman who spends much of her time outside of home and generally in bad company or in little respected occupations |
pineal {adj} | :: pineal |
pinealocito {m} | :: pinealocyte |
Pineda {prop} {m} | :: surname |
piñén {m} [colloquial, Chile] | :: dirt (on the body) |
pineno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pinene |
pinera {f} | :: feminine noun of pinero |
piñera {f} | :: pineapple plantation |
Piñera {prop} | :: surname |
piñeragate {m} | :: Piñeragate scandal [a political scandal in Chile, 1992, involving right-wing politician Sebastián Piñera] |
pinero {adj} | :: Of or from Pinos del Valle |
pinero {m} | :: Someone from Pinos del Valle |
Piñeyrúa {prop} | :: surname |
pinga {f} [Latin America, euphemistic, vulgar, slang, ] | :: penis |
pingajo {m} | :: rag |
pingajo {m} | :: ragged person |
pinganillo {m} [Spain] | :: intercommunicating earpiece |
pinganillo {m} [Spain] | :: security earpiece or earphone |
pinganillo {m} [Spain] | :: hidden earpiece |
ping pong {m} [sport] | :: ping pong |
ping pong {m} [by extension] | :: a back and forth or volatile fluctuation of anything |
ping-pong {m} | :: ping pong; table tennis |
pingüe {adj} | :: fat, plump |
pingüe {adj} | :: abundant, copious |
pingüedinoso {adj} | :: plump |
pingüinera {f} | :: penguin colony |
pingüino {m} | :: penguin |
pingüino {m} [Chile, colloquial] | :: a student |
pingüino del Sur {m} | :: Magellanic penguin |
pingüino de Magallanes {m} | :: Magellanic penguin |
pingüino magallánico {m} | :: Magellanic penguin |
pingüino patagónico {m} | :: Magellanic penguin |
pingüino rey {m} | :: king penguin |
pingullo {m} | :: a type of bamboo flute |
pinillo {m} | :: diminutive of pino |
pinillo {m} | :: Any of a number of relatively small plants. See pinillo|Spanish Wikipedia for more details |
pininos {mp} | :: synonym of pinitos |
pinito {m} | :: diminutive of pino |
pinito {m} [usually in plural] | :: first steps (made by an infant) |
pinjante {m} [architecture] | :: a hanging fleuron |
pinnadamente {adv} | :: pinnately |
pinnado {adj} | :: pinnate |
pinnatífido {adj} | :: pinnatifid |
pinnatipartido {adj} | :: pinnatipartite |
pinnatisecta {f} | :: pinnatisect |
pinnípedo {m} | :: pinniped |
pínnula {f} | :: pinnule |
pinnulado {adj} | :: pinnulate |
pino {m} | :: pine |
piño {m} [colloquial] | :: tooth |
pino araucano {m} | :: monkey puzzle tree |
pino araucaria {m} | :: monkey puzzle tree |
pinocha {f} | :: pine needle |
Pinochet {prop} | :: surname |
pinochetismo {m} [uncountable] | :: Pinochetism; the specific conservative ideology associated with the Pinochet dictatorship, 1973-1990 |
pinochetista {mf} | :: A supporter of the regime of Augusto Pinochet |
pinochetista {adj} | :: Supporting the regime of Augusto Pinochet |
pino chileno {m} | :: monkey puzzle tree |
Pinocho {prop} | :: Pinocchio |
pino de brazos {m} | :: monkey puzzle tree |
pinol {m} | :: alternative form of pinole |
Piñol {prop} | :: surname of Catalan origin |
pinole {m} [Latin America] | :: pinole |
pinolera {f} | :: feminine noun of pinolero |
pinolero {adj} [colloquial] | :: Nicaraguan |
pinolero {m} [colloquial] | :: Nicaraguan |
pinolillo {m} | :: pinolillo |
piñón {m} | :: pine nut |
piñón {m} | :: pine sapling |
piñón {m} [mechanics] | :: pinion (small gear or spindle) |
piñón {m} [mechanics] | :: sprocket (toothed wheel that enmeshes with a chain) |
piñón {m} | :: pinion (outer part of a bird's wing) |
Piñón {prop} | :: surname |
piñonero {adj} | :: yielding pine nuts |
piñonero {adj} | :: monkey puzzle tree |
pino patagónico {m} | :: monkey puzzle tree |
Pinotepa Nacional {prop} | :: Pinotepa Nacional (city) |
Pinotepa Nacional {prop} | :: Pinotepa Nacional (municipality) |
pinsapar {m} | :: Spanish fir grove |
pinsapo {m} | :: Spanish fir |
pinta {f} | :: look, appearance |
pinta {f} | :: small spot, dot or stain |
pinta {f} [US Southwest, Northern Mexico, slang] | :: jail |
pinta {f} [Dominican Republic, Colombia, slang] | :: being well-dressed or well-put |
pintacaras {mf} | :: facepainter |
pintacaras {m} | :: face painting |
pintacaritas {mf} | :: facepainter |
pintacaritas {m} | :: face painting |
pintado {m} [history] | :: the tattoed indigenous people of Cebu during the Spanish occupation of the Philippines |
pintalabios {m} | :: lipstick |
pintamonas {mf} | :: A novice painter; a painter with poor skills |
pintar {vt} | :: to paint (to apply paint to) |
pintar {vti} | :: to paint (to create an image with paints) |
pintar {vt} | :: to draw (to depict with lines) |
pintar {vi} [of a situation] | :: to look, to seem |
pintar {v} [colloquial] | :: to have to do somewhere |
pintar la mona {v} [idiom] | :: to do bugger all; to do jack shit |
pintarrajear {vt} | :: to daub (paint) |
pintarse {v} | :: reflexive of pintar, to make up one's face |
pintarse {v} | :: to put lipstick on oneself |
pintarse {v} | :: to color one's hair |
pintaúñas {m} | :: nail polish |
pintear {v} [impersonal] | :: to drizzle |
pintear {vr} | :: to play hookey |
pinteño {adj} | :: Of or from Pinto |
pinteño {m} | :: Someone from Pinto |
pinteriano {adj} | :: Pinteresque |
pintiparado {adj} | :: identical, a carbon copy |
pintiparado {adj} [colloquial] | :: perfectly suitable |
pinto {adj} [Latin America] | :: spotted, pinto, mottled, blotchy |
pinto {adj} [Caribbean] | :: clever, cunning |
pinto {adj} [Caribbean] | :: drunk |
pinto {adj} [Costa Rica] | :: A meal served for lunch or dinner based on gallo pinto but also with a type of meat and possibly some extras |
Pinto {prop} {m} | :: Pinto (places) |
Pinto {prop} {m} | :: surname |
pintojo {adj} | :: speckled; spotted |
pintón {adj} | :: attractive; handsome (with a connotation of relatively fair skin and wealth) |
pintón {adj} [of fruit] | :: ripening |
pintón {m} | :: corn borer (Ostrinia) |
pintor {m} | :: painter |
pintora {f} | :: feminine noun of pintor |
pintorescamente {adv} | :: picturesquely |
pintoresco {adj} | :: picturesque, quaint |
pintoresquismo {m} | :: picturesqueness |
pintoresquismo {m} [art] | :: a tendency or movement in visual art that opts for the picturesque |
pintorrear {vt} [colloquial] | :: to splash paint on |
pintorretear {v} | :: to daub with paint |
pintura {f} | :: painting |
pintura {f} | :: paint (colorant substance) |
pintura {f} | :: paintwork |
pintura rupestre {f} | :: cave painting |
pinturera {f} | :: feminine noun of pinturero |
pintureramente {adv} | :: elegantly, beautifully |
pinturero {adj} | :: swaggery |
pinturero {m} | :: show-off |
pinturita {f} | :: diminutive of pintura |
pintxo {m} | :: pintxo |
piñuela {f} | :: penguin (Bromelia pinguin) |
piñuela {f} | :: The edible fruit from this tree |
pinyin {m} | :: Pinyin |
Pinyin {prop} {m} | :: Pinyin |
pinza {f} | :: tweezer, tweezers |
pinza {f} | :: pliers (nose pliers, usually) |
pinza {f} | :: pincers |
pinza {f} | :: tongs |
pinza {f} | :: claw (pincer of a crustacean) |
pinza {f} | :: clothes peg |
pinza {f} | :: clamp (general purpose kind of tool) |
pinza {f} | :: caliper (measuring tool) |
pinza {f} | :: gripper |
pinza {f} | :: forceps |
pinzamiento {m} | :: slipped disc |
pinzar {v} | :: to tweeze |
pinzón {m} | :: finch (bird) |
pinzón real {m} | :: The brambling. A small bird |
pinzón vulgar {m} | :: The chaffinch, a small bird |
pío {m} | :: chirp; cheep |
pío {adj} | :: pious |
Pío {prop} {m} | :: given name |
piocha {f} [Mexico] | :: goatee |
piocha {f} [Chile] | :: badge |
piocianina {f} | :: pyocyanin |
pioderma {m} [medicine] | :: pyoderma |
piojento {adj} | :: of or relating to lice |
piojento {adj} | :: lousy (infested with lice) |
piojito {m} | :: tyrannulet |
piojo {m} | :: a louse, a cootie (a kind of parasitic insect, lice) |
piojoso {adj} | :: lousy (infested with lice) |
piola {f} | :: thin rope |
piola {f} | :: a messy ending of old string or wires |
piola {f} | :: firecracker |
piola {adj} [Argentina] | :: agreeable, charming, pleasant, having good countenance |
piola {adj} [Argentina] | :: awesome; cool |
piola {adj} [Argentina] | :: astute, quick-witted |
piolet {m} [climbing] | :: piolet, ice ax |
piolín {m} [Latin America] | :: cord, twine |
pión {m} | :: pion |
pionera {f} | :: feminine noun of pionero |
pioneril {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Palacio de los Pioneros |
pionerita {f} | :: diminutive of pionera |
pionero {adj} | :: pioneering |
pionero {m} | :: pioneer |
pioneta {m} | :: peonage |
pioneta {m} | :: codriver of a truck / lorry |
pionono {m} | :: A type of sweet pastry |
Pionyang {n} | :: Pionyang (capital city) |
piornal {m} | :: A type of brushland |
piorrea {f} [pathology] | :: pyorrhea, pyorrhoea |
pipa {f} | :: (smoking) pipe |
pipa {f} | :: barrel |
pipa {f} [colloquial] | :: gun |
pipa {adv} [colloquial] | :: very good |
pipa {m} [colloquial] | :: a genius, a smart person |
pipa {f} [Spain] | :: sunflower seed |
pipa {f} [Central America] | :: green coconut |
pipa de agua {f} | :: water pipe (device for smoking) |
piparra {f} | :: A type of Basque chili pepper |
Pipe {prop} [Chile, colloquial] | :: given name |
Pipe {prop} | :: diminutive of Felipe |
piperaquina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: piperaquine |
piperazina {f} [organic compound] | :: piperazine |
piperidina {f} | :: piperidine |
piperita {f} | :: peppermint |
piperrada {f} | :: pipérade |
pipeta {f} | :: pipette (small glass tube used for transferring liquid) |
pipi {m} [colloquial] | :: louse |
pipí {m} [infantile] | :: urine |
pipián {m} | :: a kind of zucchini |
pipián {m} [Mexico] | :: A type of sauce made with pumpkin seeds or almonds, toasted corn and green chili |
pipián {m} [Mexico] | :: A type of stew made with such sauce |
pipiar {v} | :: alternative spelling of piar |
pipil {mf} | :: Pipil |
pipil {m} | :: Pipil |
pipil {adj} | :: Pipil |
pípila {f} [Mexico] | :: (female) turkey |
pipiola {f} | :: feminine noun of pipiolo |
pipiolo {m} | :: kid (young person) |
pipiolo {m} | :: newbie, noob, fledgling |
pipiolo {adj} | :: young, junior |
pipirigallo {m} | :: sainfoin |
pipirisnáis {adj} [colloquial, Mexico, El Salvador] | :: expensive and fancy (said of an object) |
pipirisnáis {adj} [colloquial, Mexico, El Salvador] | :: fancy and well made-up (said of a person's look) |
pipoca {f} [Bolivia] | :: popcorn |
pipón {adj} [Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Peru] | :: having a protruding belly |
pipón {adj} [Uruguay, Argentina] | :: having the appetite satisfied; stuffed, sated |
pipope {adj} [Mexico, pejorative] | :: Related to people described as pipope |
pipope {mf} [Mexico, pejorative] | :: A native or inhabitant of Puebla, perceived to be vain or classist |
piporro {m} | :: bassoon |
piporro {m} | :: bassoonist |
pipote {m} [Venezuela] | :: garbage can |
pipote {m} | :: small barrel |
pique {m} [card games] | :: spade |
pique {m} | :: downward movement |
pique {m} | :: jump, leap |
pique {m} | :: hit, fix [of drugs] |
pique {m} | :: rivalry, loggerheads |
pique {m} | :: grudge match |
piqueo {m} | :: snack; appetiser |
piquera {f} | :: hole, vent (in a beehive) |
piquera {f} | :: dive, hole (building of poor quality) |
piquero {m} | :: piker; pikeman (soldier) |
Piquet {prop} | :: Piquet; surname |
piqueta {f} | :: pickaxe (heavy iron tool with a head that is pointed on one side, chisel-edged on the other) |
piqueta {f} | :: peg, tent peg (peg, driven into the ground, to hold a rope that supports a tent) |
piqueta {f} | :: jump, leap (act of jumping) |
piquete {m} | :: prick (in the skin) |
piquete {m} | :: shot, jab (with a syringe) |
piquete {m} | :: injection |
piquete {m} | :: sting (bump in the skin made by an insect) |
piquete {m} [slang, Mexico] | :: a small or medium amount of a strong alcoholic beverage (usually tequila, rum or brandy) poured in a non-alcoholic beverage, such as punch, coffee, juice, soda beverage, etc |
piquete {m} | :: picket line |
piquetear {v} | :: to picket |
piquete de ejecución {m} | :: firing squad |
piquetera {f} | :: feminine noun of piquetero |
piquetero {m} [Argentina] | :: picketer |
piquicorto {adj} | :: short-beaked (said of various species of bird) |
piquicurvo {adj} | :: recurve-billed |
piquigordo {adj} | :: large-billed (said of various bird species, especially species of bluebill and seedcracker) |
piquigualdo {adj} | :: yellow-beaked (said of various species of bird) |
piquillín {m} | :: Condalia microphylla, an uninteresting bush |
piquillo {m} | :: piquillo |
piquirrojo {adj} | :: red-beaked (said of a number of bird species) |
piquito {m} | :: diminutive of pico |
piquituerto {m} | :: crossbill |
pira {f} | :: pyre |
pira {f} | :: escape, flight |
piradísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pirado |
pirado {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy |
piragua {f} | :: pirogue |
piragua {f} [Puerto Rico] | :: piragua |
piragüismo {m} | :: canoeing |
piragüista {mf} | :: canoer, canoeist |
piramidal {adj} | :: pyramidal (pyramid-shaped) |
piramidal {adj} [anatomy] | :: triquetrum |
pirámide {f} | :: pyramid |
piramidólogo {m} | :: pyramidologist |
piraña {f} | :: piranha |
piránico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyranic |
pirano {f} [organic compound] | :: pyran |
piranosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: pyranose |
pirar {vp} [colloquial] | :: to go away |
pirargirita {f} [mineral] | :: pyrargyrite |
pirárselas {v} [idiom] | :: to scram; to skedaddle; to beat it |
pirata {mf} | :: pirate |
pirata {mf} [Argentina, pejorative] | :: English, British |
pirataje {m} | :: piracy |
piratear {v} | :: to pirate, hijack |
piratear {v} [intellectual property] | :: to pirate (to make and/or sell illegal copies) |
pirateo {m} | :: hack (illegal access to a computer network) |
piratería {f} | :: piracy |
pirazina {f} [organic compound] | :: pyrazine |
pirazol {m} [organic compound] | :: pyrazole |
pirca {f} | :: a low wall in Incan architecture |
pirenaico {adj} | :: Pyrenean (relating to the Pyrenees) |
Pireo {prop} {m} | :: Pireo (city) |
piretrina {f} [organic compound] | :: pyrethrin |
piretroide {m} [organic compound] | :: pyrethroid |
pirexia {f} | :: pyrexia |
piricuaco {m} | :: (Nicaragua) (offensive) Sandinista soldier or combatant |
piridazina {f} [organic compound] | :: pyridazine |
piridina {f} [organic compound] | :: pyridine |
piridoxal {m} | :: pyridoxal |
piridoxina {f} | :: pyridoxine |
piriforme {adj} | :: pyriform |
pirimetamina {f} [organic compound] | :: pyrimethamine |
pirimidina {f} [organic compound] | :: pyrimidine |
pirineo {adj} | :: Pyrenean |
Pirineos {prop} | :: Pyrenees |
pirinola {f} [Latin America] | :: top (child’s spinning toy) |
piripi {adj} [colloquial] | :: tipsy |
pirita {f} | :: pyrite |
pirítico {adj} | :: pyritic |
piro- {prefix} | :: pyro- |
piro {m} | :: A member of the Yine people of Peru |
piroclástico {adj} | :: pyroclastic |
piroclasto {m} [geology] | :: pyroclast |
pirocloro {f} [mineral] | :: pyrochlore |
pirodoxina {f} | :: pyridoxine |
pirofórico {adj} | :: pyrophoric |
pirofosfatasa {f} [enzyme] | :: pyrophosphatase |
pirofosfato {f} [inorganic compound] | :: pyrophosphate |
pirógeno {m} | :: pyrogen |
pirograbar {v} | :: To pyrograph |
pirólisis {f} [chemistry] | :: pyrolysis |
pirolusita {f} [mineral] | :: pyrolusite |
pirómana {f} | :: feminine noun of pirómano |
piromanía {f} | :: pyromania |
pirómano {m} | :: arsonist |
pirómano {m} | :: pyromaniac |
pirómetro {m} | :: pyrometer (instrument designed to measure high temperatures) |
piromusical {adj} | :: pyromusical |
piropeador {m} | :: sweet talker |
piropear {v} | :: to sweet-talk |
piropo {m} [mineral] | :: pyrope (a type of garnet) |
piropo {m} [colloquial] | :: compliment, flattering comment (usually addressed to an unknown woman on the street); pick-up line, catcall |
piroquinesis {f} [parapsychology, science fiction] | :: pyrokinesis |
pirosis {f} | :: pyrosis, heartburn |
pirotecnia {f} | :: pyrotechnics |
pirotecnia {f} | :: fireworks or other explosive materials |
pirotecnia {f} | :: a factory of such materials |
pirotécnica {f} | :: feminine noun of pirotécnico |
pirotécnico {adj} | :: pyrotechnic |
pirotécnico {m} | :: pyrotechnist |
piroxenita {f} | :: pyroxenite |
piroxeno {m} [mineral] | :: pyroxene |
pirrarse {vr} | :: to be nuts (about); to be crazy (about) (really like) |
pírrico {adj} | :: Pyrrhic |
pirrol {m} [organic compound] | :: pyrrole |
pirrolidina {f} | :: pyrrolidine |
pirrolisina {f} [amino acid] | :: pyrrolysine |
pirrotina {f} [mineral] | :: pyrrhotite |
pirrotita {f} [mineral] | :: pyrrhotite |
pirrurris {mf} [Mexico, slang] | :: posho; snob |
pirsin {m} | :: piercing (hole for jewelry, and the jewelry itself) |
pirueta {f} | :: pirouette |
pirueta {f} | :: caper (playful behaviour) |
piruja {f} [vulgar, Mexico] | :: prostitute |
pirujo {m} [Central America] | :: bread roll |
piruleta {f} [Spain] | :: lollipop |
pirulí {m} | :: lollipop |
pirulo {m} [colloquial] | :: penis |
piruvato {m} [organic compound] | :: pyruvate |
pirúvico {adj} | :: pyruvic |
pis {m} | :: pee, wee |
Pisa {prop} {f} | :: Pisa (city/and/province) |
pisada {f} | :: footstep, footprint |
pisador {adj} | :: stepper (person or animal who steps energetically) |
pisador {m} | :: pestle, plunger |
pisana {f} | :: feminine noun of pisano |
pisando huevos {adv} [idiomatic] | :: very slowly |
pisano {adj} | :: Pisan (native or inhabitant of Pisa) |
pisano {m} | :: Pisan (native or inhabitant of Pisa) |
pisapapeles {m} | :: paperweight |
pisapatatas {m} | :: potato masher |
pisar {vi} | :: to step; to walk; to tread |
pisar {vt} | :: to step on; to walk on (something); to tread on (something) |
pisar {vit} [vulgar, Cuba, El Salvador, Dominican Republic] | :: to have sex, fuck |
pisar el callo {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: annoy; get someone's goat |
pisaverde {m} [colloquial] | :: fop, coxcomb, popinjay, dandy |
pisca {f} [Colombia, Venezuela] | :: female turkey (bird) |
pisca {m} [Mexico] | :: harvesting (of coffee, cotton and corn in particular) |
piscícola {adj} | :: fish-breeding |
piscicultor {m} | :: fish farmer |
piscicultora {f} | :: fish farmer |
piscicultura {f} | :: pisciculture (the farming of fish) |
piscifactoría {m} | :: fish farm |
piscigranja {f} | :: fish farm |
piscina {f} | :: swimming pool |
piscinazo {m} [football] | :: dive (feigned foul) |
piscinazo {m} | :: dive, plunge |
piscinero {m} [sport, colloquial] | :: diver |
piscis {adj} | :: Born under the zodiac sign Pisces |
Piscis {prop} {m} [astronomy, astrology] | :: Pisces (constellation) |
Piscis {prop} {m} [astrology] | :: Pisces (star sign) |
pisco {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] | :: turkey (bird) |
pisco {m} | :: pisco (see "English" above) |
Pisco {prop} | :: Pisco (province) |
Pisco {prop} | :: Pisco (city/provincial capital) |
piscolabis {m} | :: snack |
piscucha {f} [El Salvador] | :: kite |
piscuiz {m} | :: thistletail |
pisiforme {adj} | :: pisiform |
pisiforme {m} [anatomy] | :: pisiform bone |
pisito {m} | :: diminutive of piso |
pisito {m} | :: little rug |
piso {m} [Latin America] | :: floor, ground (surface of the earth) |
piso {m} | :: floor, story, storey (level of a building) |
piso {m} [Spain] | :: flat, apartment |
piso {m} | :: deck (level on a ship or vehicle) |
piso {m} [in compounds, in the plural] | :: decker (bus, bed) |
piso {m} | :: level, layer of a structure e.g. a cake |
piso {m} | :: tier (layer of a cake) |
piso {m} [Chile] | :: footstool |
piso {m} [Chile] | :: rug, carpet |
piso {m} [Spain] | :: sole |
piso {m} | :: step (action and effect of stepping on something) |
piso franco {m} [Spain] | :: safe house |
pisolítico {adj} | :: pisolitic |
pisolito {m} | :: pisolite |
pisotear {v} | :: to trample |
pisotón {m} | :: stamp; stomp (with the foot) |
pispar {v} [colloquial] | :: to watch, to observe; to lurk, to spy on |
pispás {n} | :: only used in en un pispás |
pispear {v} | :: to gaze; peer |
pisque {m} | :: synonym of tamal pisque |
pisquera {f} | :: feminine noun of pisquero |
pisquero {adj} | :: Of or from Pisco |
pisquero {adj} [attributive] | :: pisco |
pisquero {m} | :: Someone from Pisco |
pista {f} | :: track, course, trail |
pista {f} | :: (aviation) runway |
pista {f} | :: clue |
pista {f} [bowling] | :: lane |
pistache {m} | :: alternative form of pistacho |
pistachero {m} | :: pistachio (tree) |
pistacho {m} | :: pistachio (nut) |
pista de aterrizaje {f} | :: landing strip |
pista de baile {f} | :: dance floor |
pista de hielo {m} | :: ice rink |
pista de tenis {f} [tennis] | :: tennis court |
pista rápida {f} [tennis] | :: hardcourt |
pistear {v} [Mexico] | :: to drink alcohol in a social setting |
pistear {v} [Argentina] | :: to participate in an illegal car race |
pistilado {adj} | :: pistillate |
pistilo {m} [botany] | :: pistil |
pistilodio {m} | :: pistillody |
pisto {m} [slang, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras] | :: money |
pisto {m} [slang, Mexico] | :: hard liquor |
pisto {m} [cuisine] | :: ratatouille [dish prepared with chopped vegetables, especially peppers, onion, eggplant, and zucchini, which is fried and mixed with tomato sauce and sometimes scrambled egg or a fried egg] |
pistola {f} | :: pistol; gun |
pistola de aire {f} | :: air pistol |
pistola de clavos {f} | :: nail gun |
pistolera {f} | :: holster |
pistolera {f} | :: fat thigh |
pistolerismo {m} | :: the practice used by Spanish employers during King Alfonso XIII's reconstruction crisis of hiring thugs to face syndicalists and notable workers – and vice versa |
pistolero {m} | :: a gunman |
pistolero {m} | :: an armed bandit |
pistoletazo {m} | :: gunshot, firing of a gun |
pistolete {m} | :: A type of pistol |
pistolita {f} | :: diminutive of pistola |
pistolón {m} | :: musket |
pistón {m} | :: piston |
Pistoya {prop} {f} | :: Pistoia |
Pisuerga {prop} {m} | :: A river in Spain, whose source is in the Cantabrian Mountains and which flows into the Duero |
pita {f} | :: century plant (Agave americana) |
pita {f} | :: pita (fiber obtained from Agave americana) |
pita {m} | :: pita (flat bread pouch) |
pitadera {f} | :: beeping; honking or a car horn |
pitador {adj} | :: puffing |
pitador {m} | :: puffer (someone or something that puffs) |
pitadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pitador |
pitadora {f} [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru] | :: pressure cooker |
Pitágoras {prop} {m} | :: Pythagoras (ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) |
pitagórica {f} | :: feminine noun of pitagórico |
pitagórico {adj} | :: Pythagorean |
pitagórico {m} | :: Pythagorean |
pitagorín {m} [colloquial] | :: brainiac, brainbox |
pitahaya {f} | :: dragon fruit |
pitajo {m} | :: chat-tyrant |
pitanza {f} | :: daily bread |
pitanza {f} | :: ration (of food) |
pitar {v} | :: to whistle, buzz, beep, honk, puff |
pitar {v} [sports] | :: to referee |
pitarra {m} | :: a variety of wine from Extremadura and neighbouring regions |
pitazo {m} | :: whistle blow |
pitbull {m} | :: pit bull terrier |
pitchear {v} [business] | :: to pitch |
pitcheo {m} [baseball] | :: pitching |
pitcher {m} | :: alternative spelling of pícher |
pitén {m} [Cuba] | :: pick-up game of baseball |
piti {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: fag, ciggy (cigarette) |
pitido {m} | :: whistle, beep (sound) |
pitido {m} | :: bleep (i.e. sound of a word being censored) |
pitido final {m} | :: final whistle |
pitillera {f} | :: cigarette case |
pitillo {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] | :: drinking straw |
pitillo {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: ciggy, fag, cig (cigarette) |
pitillo {m} [Spain] | :: slim-fit, skinny (pants) |
pítima {f} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
pitiminí {adj} | :: tiny and cute |
pitiona {f} [Mexico] | :: Lippia alba (flowering plant used in cooking and traditional medicine) |
pitiriasis {f} [dermatology] | :: pityriasis |
pitito {m} | :: diminutive of pito |
pitiyanqui {mf} [Puerto Rico, Venezuela, pejorative] | :: someone who supports United States interventionism and imitates the culture of the United States |
pitiyanqui {adj} | :: of or pertaining to pitiyanquis |
pito {m} | :: whistle |
pito {m} | :: fife |
pito {m} | :: catcall |
pito {m} | :: woodpecker |
pito {m} [slang, Latin America] | :: cigarette, especially marijuana cigarette |
pito {m} [slang] | :: penis |
pito {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay] | :: tobacco pipe |
pito {m} [Central America] | :: coffee bean |
pitohuí {m} | :: pitohui |
pitón {f} [snake] | :: python |
pitón {m} | :: small horn |
pitón {m} [colloquial, usually in plural] | :: small tit, breast |
pitonazo {m} [bullfighting] | :: A hit with the horn |
pitoncito {m} | :: diminutive of pitón; small horn |
pito negro {m} | :: black woodpecker |
pitonisa {f} [historical] | :: Pythia (priestess presiding over the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi) |
pitonisa {f} | :: diviner, foreteller, fortune teller |
pitonisa {f} | :: magician |
pito real {m} | :: green woodpecker |
pitorreal {m} | :: collared aracari (Pteroglossus torquatus) |
pitorreal {m} | :: mountain trogon (Trogon mexicanus) |
pitorrearse {vr} | :: to jibe; mock; poke fun at |
pitorreo {m} [colloquial] | :: jibing; mocking; scorn |
pitorro {m} [Spain] | :: spout |
pituco {adj} | :: posh; toff |
pitufa {f} | :: feminine noun of pitufo |
pitufeo {m} [finance] | :: smurfing (the practice of making financial transactions in a specific pattern to avoid scrutiny) |
pitufo {m} [comics, fictional character] | :: smurf |
pitufo {m} [colloquial] | :: small child |
pitufo {m} [colloquial] | :: municipal policeman |
pituitario {adj} | :: pituitary |
pituso {adj} | :: cute |
Piura {prop} | :: Piura (region) |
Piura {prop} | :: Piura (province) |
Piura {prop} | :: Piura (city) |
piurana {f} | :: feminine noun of piurano |
piurano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the province of Piura, Peru |
piurano {m} | :: Someone from the province of Piura, Peru |
piure {m} | :: Edible tunicate (Pyura chilensis) |
pivón {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: alternative form of pibón |
pivot {m} [basketball] | :: pivot |
pívot {mf} [basketball] | :: center |
pivotante {adj} | :: pivotal |
pivotar {v} | :: to pivot |
pivotear {v} | :: alternative form of pivotar |
pixel {m} | :: alternative form of píxel |
píxel {m} | :: pixel |
pixelar {v} | :: to pixelate |
píxide {f} | :: pyx |
piyama {m} | :: pyjamas |
pizarra {f} | :: slate (metamorphic rock) |
pizarra {f} [education] | :: blackboard, chalkboard |
pizarra {f} [sports] | :: scoreboard |
pizarra blanca {m} | :: whiteboard |
pizarrera {f} | :: feminine noun of pizarrero |
pizarrero {m} | :: slater |
pizarrín {f} [euphemistic, Mexico] | :: the penis |
pizarrista {adj} | :: Of or related to Gonzalo Pizarro, a conquistador, or especially to his battles |
pizarrista {m} | :: Someone fighting in Gonzalo Pizarro's army |
Pizarro {prop} {m} | :: surname most associated with the conquistador of the Inca Empire, Francisco Pizarro |
pizarrón {m} [education] | :: chalkboard, blackboard |
pizarroso {adj} | :: slaty; slatey |
pizca {f} | :: a little bit, ounce, iota, smidgeon, modicum, trace, lick |
pizca {f} | :: pinch, dash (e.g., a pinch of salt, a dash of vanilla extract) |
pizcar {v} | :: to pinch |
pizote {m} | :: white-nosed coati (Nasua narica) |
pizpereto {adj} | :: alternative form of pizpireto |
pizpireto {adj} | :: lively, buzzy |
pizquita {f} | :: diminutive of pizca |
pizza {f} | :: pizza |
pizzera {f} | :: pizza maker |
pizzería {f} | :: pizzeria (commercial establishment where pizzas are made and sold) |
pizzero {m} | :: pizza maker |
placa {f} | :: plate |
placa {f} | :: shield, sign |
placa {f} | :: badge |
placa {f} | :: choppers (artificial teeth) |
placa {f} [geology] | :: plate |
placa {f} [dentistry] | :: tartar |
placa {f} | :: A game played in the Dominican Republic which is similar to cricket (also known as "plaquita") |
placa base {f} [computing] | :: motherboard |
placa dentobacteriana {f} | :: dental plaque |
placaje {m} [sports] | :: tackle |
placa madre {f} [computing] | :: motherboard |
placar {v} [obsolete] | :: to calm |
placar {v} [rugby] | :: to tackle |
placa tectónica {f} [geology] | :: tectonic plate |
placear {v} | :: to sell at retail price |
placebo {m} | :: placebo |
placel {m} [geography] | :: placer |
placel {m} | :: sandbank |
pláceme {m} | :: congratulation |
placenta {f} [anatomy, botany] | :: placenta |
placentación {f} | :: placentation |
placentario {adj} | :: placental |
placenteramente {adv} | :: pleasantly |
placentero {adj} | :: pleasant (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner) |
placentina {f} | :: feminine noun of placentino |
placentino {adj} | :: Of or from Plasencia |
placentino {m} | :: Someone from Plasencia |
placer {vi} [used with indirect object pronouns] | :: to like (something or someone) |
placer {v} [literary] | :: to please (somebody) |
placer {m} | :: pleasure; something done to please |
placer {m} [geology, mining] | :: placer |
placer {m} [nautical] | :: sandbank |
plácet {m} | :: blessing |
placeta {f} | :: diminutive of plaza |
placeteña {f} | :: feminine noun of placeteño |
placeteño {adj} | :: Of or from Placetas, Cuba |
placeteño {m} | :: Someone from Placetas, Cuba |
plácidamente {adv} | :: placidly |
placidez {f} | :: calm, placidness |
plácido {adj} | :: placid |
Placilla {prop} {m} | :: Placilla (city) |
placillano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Placilla, Colchagua region |
placino {adj} [football] | :: associated with the Panamanian football club Plaza Amador |
placino {m} [football] | :: Someone associated with the Panamanian football club Plaza Amador |
placita {f} | :: diminutive of plaza |
plaço {m} | :: obsolete spelling of plazo |
placodermo {m} | :: placoderm |
placozoo {m} [zoology] | :: placozoan |
plaf {interj} | :: bang!, boom!, crash! |
plaff {interj} | :: alternative spelling of plaf |
plafón {m} | :: ceiling lamp |
plafón {m} | :: soffit |
plaga {f} | :: plague |
plaga {f} | :: nuisance |
plagar {vt} | :: to plague |
plagar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to fill, infest |
plagar {vr} [colloquial] | :: to become full of, become infested |
plagiador {m} | :: plagiarist; one who plagiarizes |
plagiadora {f} | :: feminine noun of plagiador |
plagiar {v} | :: to plagiarize |
plagiar {v} [US Spanish] | :: to capture, abduct, kidnap |
plagiaria {f} | :: feminine noun of plagiario |
plagiario {adj} | :: of or pertaining to plagiarism |
plagiario {m} | :: plagiarist |
plagio {m} | :: plagiarism |
plagio {m} [US Spanish] | :: kidnapping |
plagioclasa {f} [mineral] | :: plagioclase |
plaguicida {f} | :: pesticide |
plan {m} | :: plan |
plan {m} | :: scheme [systematic plan of future action] |
plan {m} | :: intention |
plan {m} [colloquial] | :: mood |
planar {adj} | :: planar (relating to a plane) |
planaria {f} | :: planarian |
Planas {prop} | :: surname |
planazo {m} | :: Great plan |
plancha {f} | :: iron (metal tool used for transferring heat) |
plancha {f} | :: ironing (the act of pressing clothes with an iron) |
plancha {f} | :: ironing (laundry that has been ironed) |
plancha {f} | :: slab (large, flat piece of solid material) |
plancha {f} | :: grill (cooking device) |
plancha {f} | :: push-up; plank (exercise) |
plancha {f} | :: embarrassing mistake |
plancha {f} | :: bellyflop |
plancha {f} [soccer] | :: foul (with the foot) [always used with the definite article la] |
plancha {f} [nautical] | :: plank |
planchabragas {m} [colloquial, derogative] | :: pussywhipped, under the thumb, henpecked, cowed (a man who lets himself be ruled by his partner) |
planchabragas {m} [colloquial, derogative] | :: allied man feminist |
planchado {adj} | :: ironed |
planchado {adj} [South America, colloquial] | :: tired, flattened |
planchado {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: broke |
planchado {m} | :: ironing [laundry to be or that has been ironed] |
planchador {m} | :: presser, ironer (someone who irons or presses clothes) |
planchadora {f} | :: feminine noun of planchador |
planchar {v} | :: to iron |
planchar {v} [Mexico] | :: to talk or chat romantically someone with his/her girlfriend/boyfriend, usually inside home, in porch or in a public place, without apparent sexual proposals |
planchar {vt} [Mexico, Cuba] | :: to stand someone up |
planchar {v} | :: to be a wallflower (not dance) |
planchar la oreja {v} [idiom] | :: to hit the sack |
planchazo {m} [dated] | :: cock-up |
planchazo {m} | :: belly flop (a style of diving into a body of water in which the surface impact is made mostly by one's abdomen.) |
planchazo {m} [sports] | :: big dive |
planchazo {m} | :: Hit with an iron |
planchear {vt} | :: to plate |
planchita {f} | :: diminutive of plancha |
planctóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of planctólogo |
planctología {f} [biology] | :: planktology |
planctológico {adj} | :: planktological |
planctólogo {m} | :: planktologist |
plancton {m} [biology] | :: plankton |
planctónico {adj} | :: planktonic |
planctonología {f} | :: alternative form of planctología |
planctonológico {adj} | :: alternative form of planctológico |
planctonólogo {m} | :: alternative form of planctólogo |
planeación {f} | :: planning |
planeado {adj} | :: planned |
planeador {m} | :: glider |
planeadora {f} | :: speedboat, powerboat |
planeamiento {m} | :: planning |
planeante {adj} | :: gliding |
planear {v} | :: to plan, to plot |
planear {v} | :: to plane, to glide (fly unpowered, of a bird or plane) |
planeo {m} | :: gliding flight, volplane (unpowered flight, of a bird or plane) |
planeta {m} | :: planet |
planeta enano {m} | :: dwarf planet |
planeta externo {m} | :: outer planet |
planeta extrasolar {m} | :: exoplanet |
planeta interno {m} | :: inner planet |
planetario {adj} | :: planetary |
planetario {m} | :: planetarium |
planeta superhabitable {m} | :: superhabitable planet |
planetesimal {adj} | :: planetesimal |
planetita {f} | :: diminutive of planeta |
planetocéntrico {adj} | :: planetocentric |
planetoide {m} [astronomy] | :: asteroid |
planetología {f} [astronomy] | :: planetology |
planicidad {f} | :: flatness |
planicie {f} | :: plain (an extension of land with relatively low relief) |
plañidera {f} | :: (professional) weeper, mourner, grieve (a woman paid to grieve at a funeral) |
plañidero {adj} | :: prone to crying or lamenting; crybabylike |
planificación {f} | :: planification |
planificación urbana {f} | :: town planning |
planificador {m} | :: planner |
planificadora {f} | :: feminine noun of planificador |
planificar {vt} | :: to plan, arrange beforehand |
planilla {f} [Latin America] | :: form |
planilla {f} | :: payroll |
planilla {f} | :: list |
planillar {v} | :: to send documentation |
planillón {m} | :: sheet to gather signatures |
planimetría {f} | :: planimetry |
planimétrico {adj} | :: planimetric |
planímetro {m} | :: planimeter (measuring device) |
planing {m} | :: plan, planning |
planing {m} | :: timetable, schedule |
plañir {v} | :: to cry and groan |
planisferio {m} | :: planisphere |
planísimo {adj} | :: superlative of plano |
planitud {f} | :: flatness |
Plan Marshall {prop} {m} | :: Marshall Plan |
plano {adj} | :: plane, level |
plano {adj} | :: flat |
plano {m} [geometry] | :: plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) |
plano {m} | :: level |
plano {m} [cinematography] | :: shot |
plano {m} | :: plan (of a building) |
plano {m} | :: street plan, map of a city |
plano {m} [sport] | :: shot |
plano acotado {m} | :: contour map |
plano cartesiano {m} [geometry] | :: Cartesian plane |
plano inclinado {m} | :: inclined plane |
planta {f} | :: plant (organism of the kingdom Plantae) |
planta {f} | :: plant (factory) |
planta {f} | :: floor, level (of a high building) |
planta {f} | :: sole (bottom of a shoe or boot) |
planta {f} [anatomy] | :: sole |
plantación {f} | :: plantation |
planta desaladora {f} | :: desalination plant |
plantador {m} | :: planter |
plantador {m} | :: dibber, dibbler (person) |
plantador {m} | :: dibber, dibble (tool) |
plantadora {f} | :: feminine noun of plantador |
planta nuclear {f} | :: nuclear power plant |
planta obediente {f} | :: arrowroot |
plantar {v} | :: to plant (put a plant or seeds into the ground) |
plantar {v} | :: to plant, place (an object in the ground) |
plantar {v} | :: to place, put |
plantar {v} | :: to stand up (not go to an agreed arrangement) |
plantar {v} | :: to smack, whack |
plantar {v} | :: to peck (kiss) |
plantar {vr} | :: to put oneself, to settle |
plantar {vr} | :: to stick to (an idea) |
plantar {vr} [card games] | :: to stick (not take any more cards) |
plantar {adj} [anatomy] | :: plantar |
plantar cara {v} [idiomatic] | :: to face up to |
plantarse {v} | :: reflexive of plantar |
plantar un pino {v} | :: See: es plantar un pino |
plantar un pino {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to take a dump (to defecate) |
planteamiento {m} | :: approach, position |
planteamiento {m} | :: idea; plan |
planteamiento del problema {m} | :: problem statement |
plantear {v} | :: to bring up, to pose, to present (e.g., a problem, challenge, threat) |
plantear {v} | :: to raise, to pose, to suggest, to propose, to bring up, to formulate (e.g., a question, a solution, an idea) |
plantear {v} | :: to consider |
plantear {vp} | :: to arise, to come up |
plantearse {v} | :: reflexive of plantear |
plantel {m} | :: schoolhouse (building where school is held) |
plantel {m} | :: staff, personnel |
plantel {m} [Argentina, sports] | :: squad; team |
planteo {m} | :: suggestion |
planteo {m} | :: protest |
plantígrado {adj} [zoology] | :: plantigrade |
plantígrado {m} [zoology] | :: plantigrade |
plantilla {f} | :: template |
plantilla {f} | :: staff, personnel |
plantilla {f} [sport] | :: squad |
plantilla {f} | :: insole (for the shoe) |
plantilla {f} | :: sole (of tights) |
plantín {m} | :: pot plant; houseplant |
plantío {m} | :: planting |
plantío {m} | :: patch, bed |
plantita {f} | :: diminutive of planta |
plantón {m} | :: sapling |
plantón {m} | :: sit-in (protest) |
plantoso {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: cool (said of a thing or a look) |
plantoso {interj} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: cool!, alright! |
plántula {f} [botany] | :: seedling |
plánula {f} | :: planula |
plaqueta {f} | :: platelet |
plaquetario {adj} | :: platelet |
plaquinol {m} | :: hydroxychloroquine |
plaquita {f} | :: diminutive of placa |
plaquita {f} | :: A Dominican bat-and-ball game similar to cricket (also known as "la placa") |
plas {interj} | :: wham!, whack! |
plas {interj} | :: down! (command given to a dog or other kind of pet) |
plasa {f} [Louisiana] | :: place |
Plasencia {prop} | :: Plasencia (market city) |
plasma {m} [physics, biology] | :: plasma |
plasmable {adj} | :: mouldable, shapable |
plasmación {f} | :: visualisation |
plasmaféresis {f} | :: plasmapheresis |
plasmar {vt} | :: to mould, shape |
plasmar {v} | :: to express, represent, give shape to |
plasmático {adj} | :: of or relating to plasma, plasmatic |
plásmido {m} | :: plasmid |
plasmina {f} | :: plasmin |
plasminógeno {m} [enzyme] | :: plasmin |
plasmodesmo {m} [biology] | :: plasmodesma |
plasmodio {m} | :: plasmodium |
plasmón {m} | :: plasmon |
plasta {f} | :: lump, soft mass of matter (usually soft, thick and sticky) |
plasta {f} | :: flattened object |
plasta {f} | :: plasticine, modelling clay |
plasta {f} [colloquial] | :: piece of shit; turd |
plasta {f} [colloquial] | :: annoying or stupid person |
plasta {f} [colloquial] | :: bore, dullard |
-plastia {suffix} | :: -plasty |
plástica {f} | :: art (school subject) |
plásticamente {adv} | :: plastically |
plásticamente {adv} | :: by means of art |
plasticidad {f} | :: plasticity |
plástico {adj} | :: plastic (constructed of plastic) |
plástico {m} | :: plastic (a stiff but usually slightly flexible synthetic material) |
plastidecor {m} | :: crayon |
plastidio {m} | :: synonym of plasto |
plástido {m} | :: synonym of plasto |
plastificación {f} | :: plastification |
plastificante {m} | :: plasticizer |
plastificar {vt} | :: to plasticize |
plastiglomerado {m} [geology] | :: plastiglomerate |
plastilina {f} | :: plasticine |
plasto {m} [biology] | :: plastid |
plastocianina {f} [protein] | :: plastocyanin |
plastoquinona {f} | :: plastoquinone |
plastrón {m} [zoology] | :: plastron |
plata {adj} [heraldry] | :: argent |
plata {f} | :: silver |
plata {f} [Hispanic America] | :: money |
platabanda {f} [architecture] | :: border, edging |
plataforma {f} | :: platform (a raised stage used for speeches and performances) |
plataforma {f} | :: platform (a place or opportunity to express one's opinions) |
plataforma {f} [computing] | :: platform (a particular type of operating system or environment) |
plataforma de hielo flotante {f} | :: ice shelf |
plataforma de lanzamiento {f} | :: launchpad |
platal {m} [Latin America] | :: fortune (large amount of money) |
platanal {m} | :: piece of land cultivating plantains |
platanar {m} | :: banana plantation |
platanero {adj} [attributive] | :: banana |
platanero {m} | :: banana grower |
plátano {m} [Spain, botany] | :: sycamore, plane (a tree belonging to the genus Platanus) |
plátano {m} [Peru, Chile, Mexico, Spain] | :: banana (fruit) |
plátano {m} | :: plantain (the plant and fruit related to banana, not the Plantago genus) |
plátano guineo {m} | :: banana (fruit) |
plátano macho {m} | :: plantain (banana) |
platea {f} | :: stalls (of a theatre) |
plateado {adj} | :: silver-plated |
plateado {adj} | :: silver, silvery (colour) |
plateado {m} | :: silver (color/colour) |
platear {v} | :: to silver-plate |
platear {v} | :: to turn silver |
platelminto {m} | :: flatworm, platyhelminth |
platense {adj} | :: of or from La Plata |
platense {m} | :: Someone from La Plata |
plateresco {adj} | :: plateresque |
platería {f} | :: silver shop / store |
platero {m} | :: silversmith |
plática {f} | :: discussion; chat |
platicar {v} | :: to chat |
platicón {m} [Latin America] | :: charlatan |
platija {f} [ichthyology] | :: European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) |
platija {f} [ichthyology] | :: European flounder (Platichthys flesus) |
platillo {m} | :: saucer |
platillo {m} [music] | :: cymbal |
platillo {m} [Mexico] | :: dish [type of prepared food] |
platillo {m} | :: stew |
platillo volador {m} | :: flying saucer (disc-shaped unidentified flying object) |
platillo volante {m} | :: flying saucer (disc-shaped unidentified flying object) |
platina {f} [archaic] | :: platinum |
platina {f} | :: stage (of a microscope) |
platinado {adj} | :: platinum (colored) |
platinífero {adj} | :: platiniferous |
platino {adj} | :: Platine |
platino {m} | :: platinum |
platinoso {adj} [chemistry] | :: platinous |
platinotipia {f} | :: platinum print |
platirrino {adj} | :: platyrrhine |
platirrino {m} | :: platyrrhine |
platita {f} | :: diminutive of plata |
platito {m} | :: saucer (usually a decorative one in a china set, often made of porcelain) |
platito {m} | :: diminutive of plato |
plato {m} | :: plate, dish (crockery) |
plato {m} | :: dish (of food) |
plato {m} | :: course (of a meal) |
plato {m} | :: plate (of a gear) |
plato {m} [cycling] | :: chainring |
plató {m} | :: stage, set (at TV or movies) |
plato de ducha {f} | :: shower tray |
platón {m} | :: augmentative of plato; platter, large plate or bowl |
platón {m} [Colombia, Ecuador] | :: wash basin |
Platón {prop} {m} | :: Plato |
platónica {f} | :: feminine noun of platónico |
platónicamente {adv} | :: platonically |
platónico {adj} | :: Platonic (of or relating to Plato and/or his philosophical doctrines) |
platónico {adj} | :: platonic (non-sexual) |
platónico {m} | :: Platonist |
platonismo {m} | :: Platonism |
plato principal {m} | :: main course, main dish |
plausibilidad {f} | :: plausibility |
plausible {adj} | :: plausible |
plausiblemente {adv} | :: plausibly |
play {m} | :: play (button) |
Play {prop} {f} | :: PlayStation |
playa {f} | :: beach |
playa {f} | :: car park |
playback {m} [music, singing] | :: lip-syncing |
playball {m} [baseball] | :: The shout of "play ball!" said to start a baseball game |
playboy {m} | :: playboy |
playera {f} [Mexico] | :: T-shirt |
playera {f} [Spain] | :: trainer, sneaker (sports shoe) |
playerito {m} | :: Any of various species of sandpipers |
playero {adj} [attributive] | :: beach |
playero {adj} [bullfighting] | :: Having horns pointing horizontally out |
playero {m} | :: any of several species of sandpiper, in the genus Calidris |
playero {m} [Spain] | :: trainer, sneaker (sports shoe) |
playero {m} [Equatorial Guinea] | :: a member of any of various coastal ethnic groups, including the Kombe people, Kwasio people, Lengue people, and Benga people peoples |
playita {f} | :: diminutive of playa |
playlist {f} | :: playlist (list of music tracks to be played) |
playo {adj} [Latin America] | :: shallow or flat |
playo {m} [Ecuador] | :: pliers |
playo {m} [slang, Costa Rica] | :: a homosexual |
playoff {m} [sports] | :: playoff |
playón {m} | :: augmentative of playa |
plaza {f} | :: plaza, town square |
plaza {f} | :: fortified town |
plaza {f} [employment] | :: position |
plaza {f} [entertainment] | :: bullring |
plaza {f} [commerce] | :: mall, shopping center |
plaza de armas {f} [Peru] | :: town square |
plaza de toros {f} | :: bullring |
plazo {m} | :: period, term (time limit), deadline |
plazo {m} | :: installment, payment |
plazoleta {f} | :: a small town square |
plazuela {f} | :: diminutive of plaza; small square |
pleamar {f} | :: high tide |
plebe {f} | :: plebeians, common people |
plebe {f} [historical] | :: plebs |
plebe {mf} [colloquial, Sinaloa and Sonora, Mexico] | :: kid, child |
plebe {mf} [New Mexico] | :: kids, children, mass noun, compare with gente usage |
plebeya {f} | :: feminine noun of plebeyo |
plebeyo {m} | :: commoner |
plebeyo {m} [historical] | :: plebeian |
plebiscitar {v} | :: to hold a plebiscite on |
plebiscitar {v} | :: to decide (something) by plebiscite |
plebiscitar {v} | :: to elect by plebiscite |
plebiscitario {adj} | :: plebiscitary |
plebiscito {m} | :: plebiscite |
plecóptero {m} | :: plecopteran |
plectro {m} [music] | :: plectrum (small piece of material for plucking strings) |
plegable {adj} | :: folding |
plegable {adj} | :: foldable |
plegadera {f} | :: (non-metallic) knife (made of paper, wood etc.) |
plegadizo {adj} | :: bendy; pliable |
plegador {m} | :: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder |
plegador {m} | :: weaver’s roller, piece of wood around which the warp revolves |
plegador {adj} | :: that folds |
plegamiento {m} | :: folding |
plegar {vt} | :: to fold |
plegaria {f} | :: request, asking, prayer |
plegaria {f} | :: intercession (prayer) |
pleistocénico {adj} | :: Pleistocene |
pleistoceno {adj} | :: Pleistocene |
pleita {f} | :: A strip of esparto for plaiting |
pleitear {v} | :: to take to court |
pleitecillo {m} | :: diminutive of pleite |
pleitesía {f} | :: respect |
pleitesía {f} | :: tribute |
pleito {m} | :: lawsuit |
pleito {m} [Latin America] | :: fight |
pleito {m} [Latin America] | :: argument |
plen {adj} [Louisiana] | :: much, a lot |
plen {adv} [Louisiana] | :: much, a lot |
plena {f} [Louisiana] | :: a plain, pl. plains |
plenairista {adj} | :: en plein air |
plenairista {mf} | :: a painter who paints en plein air |
plenamente {adv} | :: fully |
plenario {adj} | :: plenary |
plenario {m} | :: plenary session |
plenilunio {m} | :: full moon |
plenipotenciario {adj} | :: plenipotentiary |
plenipotenciario {m} | :: plenipotentiary |
plenísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pleno |
plenitud {f} | :: plenitude |
pleno {m} | :: plenary or joint session |
pleno {adj} | :: full (containing the maximum amount possible) |
pleno {adj} | :: plenary |
pleno {adj} | :: fulfilling |
pleno {adj} [emphatic, before the noun] | :: in the middle of (a time or space); at the height of; in broad |
pleonasmo {m} [rhetoric] | :: pleonasm |
pleonástico {adj} | :: pleonastic |
pleonexía {f} | :: pleonexia |
pleonéxico {adj} | :: pleonexic |
plequepleque {m} [Panama] | :: hubbub, argument |
pléroma {f} [gnosticism] | :: pleroma |
plesiosaurio {m} [paleontology] | :: plesiosaur |
pletina {f} | :: tape deck |
plétora {f} | :: plethora (an excessive amount or number) |
plétora {f} [medicine] | :: plethora (an excess of red blood cells or bodily humours) |
pletórico {adj} [medicine] | :: plethoric |
pletórico {adj} | :: plethoric; overabundant |
pleura {f} [anatomy] | :: pleura |
pleural {adj} | :: pleural |
pleuresía {f} [pathology] | :: pleurisy |
pleurito {m} | :: pleurite |
pleuronectiforme {m} | :: flounder (any fish of the order Pleuronectiformes) |
pleuston {m} | :: pleuston |
plexiforme {adj} | :: plexiform |
plexiglás {m} | :: plexiglass |
plexo {m} | :: plexus |
pléyade {f} | :: pleiad (group of important people) |
pleyto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pleito |
pliego {m} | :: sheet (of paper) |
pliego {m} | :: document, folder |
pliegue {m} | :: a fold or crease |
pliegue {m} | :: a pleat, tuck |
plieguecillo {m} | :: diminutive of pliegue |
plim {interj} | :: meh (expressing indifference) |
plin {interj} | :: meh (expressing indifference) |
Plinio {prop} {m} | :: Pliny |
plinto {m} | :: plinth |
plioceno {adj} | :: Pliocene |
plioceno {m} | :: the Pliocene |
pliosaurio {m} | :: pliosaur |
plisar {v} | :: to pleat |
plis plas {m} | :: jiffy; split second |
plomada {f} | :: plumb line |
plomazo {m} [colloquial] | :: mighty bore (boring person) |
plomazo {m} | :: pellet shot |
plomazo {m} | :: wound or mark from a pellet |
plomería {f} [Latin America] | :: plumbing (used in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uruguay) |
plomero {m} [Latin America, Andalusia, Philippines] | :: plumber (used in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Uruguay) |
plomizo {adj} | :: grey, leaden |
plomizo {adj} | :: leadlike (resembling the metal lead) |
plomo {m} | :: lead (heavy, pliable, inelastic metal) |
plomo {m} | :: grey (colour between white and black) |
plomo {m} | :: plumb line |
plomo {m} | :: fuse |
plomo {m} [colloquial] | :: bore, drag (something boring or dull) |
plosivo {adj} | :: plosive |
plot {m} [story-telling] | :: plot |
plóter {m} [computing] | :: plotter (device) |
plugin {m} | :: plugin |
pluma {f} | :: feather |
pluma {f} | :: pen, fountain pen |
pluma {f} [Mexico, US Spanish] | :: ballpoint pen |
pluma {f} | :: quill |
pluma {f} [figurative] | :: writer, penman |
plumada {f} | :: stroke of the pen |
plumada {f} | :: feathers |
pluma de indio {f} | :: Any of several species of bromeliad in the genus Vriesia (Bromeliaceae) |
pluma de indio {f} | :: The croton, a species of euphorb in the genus Codiaeum (Euphorbiaceae) |
pluma estilográfica {f} | :: fountain pen, pen |
plumaje {m} | :: plumage (feathers) |
plumario {m} | :: writer; journo; hack |
plumazo {m} | :: stroke of the pen |
plumazo {m} | :: feather mattress |
plumbagíneo {adj} | :: plumbaginaceous |
plumbagíneo {adj} | :: plumbaginous |
plumbato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plumbate |
plúmbeo {adj} | :: leaden (made of or resembling lead) |
plumbito {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plumbite |
plumería {f} | :: set of feathers |
plumero {m} | :: feather duster |
plumero {m} | :: pen holder |
plumier {m} | :: pencil box |
plumífero {adj} | :: feathered |
plumífero {m} | :: fleece (jacket) |
plumífero {m} [derogatory] | :: hack (writer) |
plumilla {f} | :: nib (for writing) |
plumilla {f} [pejorative] | :: journo |
plumín {m} | :: nib |
plumita {f} | :: diminutive of pluma |
plumón {m} | :: marker |
plumón {m} | :: comforter, duvet |
plumoso {adj} | :: feathered; feathery |
plúmula {f} [botany] | :: plumule |
pluot {m} | :: pluot |
plural {adj} | :: plural, multiple |
plural {m} [grammar] | :: plural |
pluralidad {f} | :: plurality |
pluralismo {m} | :: pluralism |
pluralista {adj} | :: pluralist |
pluralista {mf} | :: pluralist |
pluralización {f} | :: pluralization |
pluralizar {v} | :: to pluralize |
pluralmente {adv} | :: plurally |
pluri- {prefix} | :: pluri- |
plurianual {adj} | :: multiyear |
pluricelular {adj} [biology] | :: multicellular |
pluricultural {adj} | :: multicultural, pluricultural |
pluriculturalidad {f} | :: multiculturality |
pluridimensional {adj} | :: pluridimensional, pluridimensional |
pluridisciplinar {adj} | :: pluridisciplinary |
pluriemplear {v} | :: to work multiple jobs; to moonlight |
pluriempleo {m} | :: moonlighting (working of a second job) |
plurifamiliar {adj} | :: multifamily |
plurilingüe {adj} | :: multilingual |
plurilingüismo {m} | :: multilingualism |
plurinacional {adj} | :: plurinational |
plurinacionalidad {f} | :: The state of having a multi-nationality society |
plurinacionalizar {v} | :: to multinationalise |
plurinominal {adj} [politics] | :: plurinominal |
pluriocupación {f} | :: multiple advertising |
pluripartidario {adj} | :: multiparty |
pluripartidismo {m} | :: multiparty system |
pluripartidista {adj} [politics] | :: multiparty |
pluripatológico {adj} | :: multi-pathological; having multiple illnesses |
pluripotencia {f} | :: pluripotency |
pluripotencial {adj} | :: pluripotential |
pluripotente {adj} | :: pluripotent |
pluriregional {adj} | :: multiregional |
pluriverbal {adj} | :: multiword |
plus {m} | :: bonus (extra earnings) |
pluscuamperfecto {adj} | :: pluperfect |
pluscuamperfecto {m} | :: pluperfect tense |
plusmarca {f} | :: record (the most extreme known value of some variable) |
plusmarquista {mf} | :: record holder |
plustrabajo {m} | :: surplus labour |
plusvalía {f} | :: capital gain or capital gains |
plusvalor {m} | :: surplus value |
Plutarco {prop} {m} | :: Plutarch |
plutarquiano {adj} | :: Plutarchian |
plutarquiano {m} | :: Plutarchian |
plutocracia {f} | :: plutocracy |
plutócrata {mf} | :: plutocrat |
plutocrático {adj} | :: plutocratic |
plutón {m} [geology] | :: pluton |
Plutón {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Pluto (dwarf planet) |
Plutón {prop} {m} [Roman mythology] | :: Pluto (god) |
plutoniano {adj} | :: Plutonian |
plutoniano {adj} [geology] | :: plutonic |
plutónico {adj} [mineralogy] | :: plutonic |
plutonio {m} | :: plutonium |
pluvial {adj} | :: pluvial, rain (attributive) |
pluviometría {f} | :: pluviometry |
pluviométrico {adj} [attributive] | :: rainfall |
pluviómetro {m} | :: pluviometer, rain gauge |
pluviosidad {f} | :: rainfall |
pluvioso {adj} | :: pluvious |
pluvioso {adj} | :: rainy |
pluviselva {f} | :: rainforest |
pluvisilva {f} | :: rainforest |
plycem {m} | :: fibre cement |
p. m. {adv} | :: p.m. |
pm {adv} | :: p.m. (after noon) |
PMA {prop} | :: abbreviation of Programa Mundial de Alimentos; WFP |
pneuma {m} | :: obsolete form of neuma |
pneumático {adj} | :: obsolete form of neumático |
pneumático {m} | :: obsolete form of neumático |
PNN {m} [Colombia] | :: abbreviation of parque nacionale naturale |
PNN {m} [Central America] | :: abbreviation of plan nacional de numeracion |
PNV {prop} {m} [politics] | :: Basque Nationalist Party |
po {interj} [colloquial, Chile] | :: emphatical |
poácea {f} | :: grass (of the Poaceae family) |
población {f} | :: population |
población {f} | :: town, village |
poblacional {adj} [attributive] | :: population |
poblacionalmente {adv} | :: populationally |
pobladísimo {adj} | :: superlative of poblado |
pobladito {adj} | :: diminutive of poblado |
poblado {adj} | :: having people, populous, populated |
poblado {adj} [databases] | :: populated, having data, being not empty |
poblado {m} | :: settlement (village) |
poblador {m} | :: settler, colonist |
pobladora {f} | :: feminine noun of poblador |
poblamiento {m} | :: (act of) population |
poblano {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Puebla |
poblano {m} | :: poblano (chile pepper) |
poblar {v} | :: to populate |
poblarse {v} | :: reflexive of poblar |
Poblete {prop} {m} | :: Poblete (village) |
Poblete {prop} {m} | :: surname deriving from the village in Ciudad Real |
pobre {adj} | :: [before the noun] poor (pitiable, pitiful) |
pobre {adj} | :: [after the noun] poor (lacking money, resources, etc.) |
pobrecilla {adj} | :: diminutive of pobre |
pobrecillo {adj} | :: diminutive of pobre |
pobrecillo {m} | :: diminutive of pobre; poor thing |
pobrecita {f} | :: feminine noun of pobrecito |
pobrecito {m} | :: diminutive of pobre; poor thing |
pobredad {f} [dated] | :: poverty |
pobremente {adv} | :: poorly |
pobrete {adj} | :: diminutive of pobre |
pobrete {mf} | :: diminutive of pobre |
pobretón {adj} | :: augmentative of pobre, very poor |
pobretón {m} | :: poor guy |
pobretona {f} | :: feminine noun of pobretón |
pobreza {f} | :: poverty |
pobrezafilia {f} | :: An Internet trend of sexualizing poor, dark-skinned South American women |
pobrísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pobre |
pocera {f} | :: feminine noun of pocero |
pocero {m} | :: well digger |
pocero {m} | :: well cleaner |
poceta {f} | :: tide pool |
poceta {f} [Mexico] | :: pothole |
poceta {f} [Venezuela] | :: toilet bowl |
pocha {f} [slang] | :: a Mexican American female who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringa |
pochar {v} [culinary] | :: to poach |
pochear {v} [culinary] | :: to poach |
pochismo {m} [slang, uncountable] | :: The state or phenomenon of being a pocho (a Mexican who has assimilated to white US culture) |
pochismo {m} [slang] | :: An anglicism in Spanish taken from US English |
pocho {m} [Mexico, slang, derogatory] | :: pocho (assimilated Mexican-American who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringo) |
pocho {m} [slang] | :: Spanglish |
pocho {adj} [Spain, of fruit] | :: rotten |
pocho {adj} [Spain, colloquial] | :: sick |
pocho {adj} [also, figurative] | :: faded, pale |
pocho {adj} [Mexico, derogatory] | :: Americanized |
pochoclo {m} [Argentina, normally, in plural] | :: popcorn |
pocholada {f} [colloquial] | :: cutie; something cute as hell |
pochote {m} [State of Mexico] | :: shaving brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) |
pochote {m} [Sinaloa] | :: Ceiba acuminata |
pochote {m} | :: Ceiba aesculifolia |
pochote {m} | :: silk-cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra) |
pochote {m} | :: Cochlospermum vitifolium |
pochote {m} | :: Malabar chestnut (Pachira aquatica) |
pocilga {f} | :: pigsty (shelter or enclosure where pigs are kept) |
pocilga {f} | :: dump, pigsty, kip (very untidy house or room) |
pocillo {m} | :: bowl, dish |
pocillo {m} [Latin America] | :: small coffee cup, mug |
pócima {f} | :: potion (beverage with magical or medicinal powers) |
poción {f} [beverage] | :: potion |
poco {adj} | :: little, not much |
poco {adj} | :: few, not many |
poco {adj} | :: un-, not |
poco {adv} | :: little (not much) |
poco {m} | :: little (a small amount) |
poco {m} | :: a short time, a little while |
poco a poco {adv} | :: little by little, step by step, gradually |
poco hecho {adj} | :: rare (cooked very lightly) |
poco o nada {adv} [idiomatic] | :: hardly at all; barely at all |
pocotón {m} [Venezuela, Colombia, slang] | :: A large amount of something |
póculo {m} | :: a drinking cup |
póculo {m} [dated] | :: liquid that is drunk |
poda {f} | :: pruning, cutting |
podadera {f} | :: billhook (tool used for pruning) |
podador {m} | :: pruner |
podadora {f} [Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia] | :: lawn mower, lawnmower |
podadora {f} | :: feminine noun of podador |
podal {adj} [math] | :: pedal |
podar {v} | :: to prune |
podargo {m} | :: frogmouth |
podcast {m} | :: podcast |
pódcast {m} | :: alternative form of podcast |
podemista {adj} [politics, rare] | :: Pertaining to Podemos, a Spanish political party |
podemista {mf} [politics, rare] | :: A support of Podemos |
podemita {adj} [politics, usually pejorative, Spain] | :: Pertaining to Podemos, a Spanish political party |
podemita {mf} [politics, pejorative, Spain] | :: A member or supporter of Podemos, a Spanish political party |
podemización {f} [Spain] | :: The process of causing to turn into, or adopt the politics of, Podemos |
podemizar {v} [Spain] | :: to cause to turn into, or adopt the politics of, Podemos |
podemizar {vr} [Spain] | :: to become like, or adopt the policies of, Podemos |
Podemos {prop} | :: A Spanish left wing political party |
podenco {m} | :: hound (any of a variety of dog breeds) |
podenco andaluz {m} | :: Andalusian Hound |
podenco ibicenco {m} | :: Ibizan Hound |
poder {m} | :: power, reign |
poder {m} | :: authorization |
poder {m} | :: proxy (written certificate of authority to act for another) |
poder {v} | :: to be able, can |
poder {vr} [El Salvador, colloquial] | :: to be familiar with something, or with somebody's personality |
poder adquisitivo {m} [business, economics] | :: purchasing power |
poder con {v} | :: to manage |
poder con {v} | :: to cope |
poderdante {mf} [law] | :: grantor |
poderío {m} | :: power |
poderosamente {adv} | :: powerfully, mightily |
poderosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of poderoso |
poderoso {adj} | :: powerful |
poderoso caballero es don dinero {proverb} | :: money talks |
poderse {v} | :: reflexive of poder |
podiatra {m} [Latin America] | :: podiatrist |
podio {m} | :: podium |
pódium {m} | :: platform, podium |
-podo {suffix} | :: -pod |
podocito {m} [cytology] | :: podocyte |
podóloga {f} | :: female podiatrist |
podología {f} | :: podology |
podológico {adj} | :: podological |
podólogo {m} | :: podiatrist |
podómetro {m} | :: pedometer (device that measures the number of steps taken) |
podredumbre {f} | :: putrefaction |
podrido {adj} | :: rotten, spoiled, addled |
podrido {adj} | :: rotted, putrid, decayed, putrified |
podrir {v} | :: alternative form of pudrir |
poema {m} | :: poem (literary piece written in verse) |
poemario {m} | :: collection of poems |
poema sinfónico {m} | :: symphonic poem |
poemático {adj} | :: poetic |
poemita {m} | :: diminutive of poema |
poesía {f} | :: poetry |
poesía {f} | :: poem (a literary piece written in verse) |
poeta {mf} | :: poet |
poetastro {m} | :: poetaster |
poéticamente {adv} | :: poetically |
poético {adj} | :: poetic |
poetisa {f} | :: female poet, poetess (feminine noun of poeta) |
poetización {f} | :: poetization |
poetizar {v} | :: to embellish with poetry |
pofavo {contraction} [internet, humorous] | :: pronunciation spelling of por favor |
po favó {interj} | :: pronunciation spelling of por favor |
pogo {m} | :: pogo |
pogromo {m} | :: pogrom |
poison {m} [Louisiana] | :: poison |
pokemón {m} | :: alternative spelling of pokémon |
pokémon {m} | :: Pokémon |
pokemoniano {adj} [attributive] | :: Pokemon |
pokeparada {f} | :: PokéStop |
póker {m} | :: poker (card game) |
póker {m} [poker] | :: four of a kind |
póker {m} [sports] | :: four or more goals scored in a match |
polaca {f} | :: feminine noun of polaco |
polaco {adj} | :: Polish (from or native to Poland) |
polaco {adj} | :: Polish (pertaining to Poland) |
polaco {m} | :: Pole (person from Poland) |
polaco {m} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] | :: Catalan (person from Catalonia) |
polaco {m} | :: the Polish language |
polacra {f} | :: polacre (type of ship) |
polaina {f} | :: gaiter, spat |
Polanco {prop} {m} | :: Polanco (locality) |
Polanco {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Polanco {prop} {m} | :: Polanco (neighborhood) |
polaquiuria {f} [pathology] | :: frequent urination |
polar {adj} | :: polar |
polaridad {f} | :: polarity |
polarimetría {f} | :: polarimetry |
polarimétrico {adj} | :: polarimetric |
polarímetro {m} | :: polarimeter |
polarizabilidad {f} | :: polarizability |
polarización {f} | :: polarization |
polarizador {adj} | :: polarizing |
polarizante {adj} | :: polarizing |
polarizar {v} | :: to polarize, polarise |
polaroid {f} | :: polaroid |
polca {f} | :: polka (lively dance originating in Bohemia) |
polca {f} | :: polka (music for this dance) |
pólder {m} | :: polder |
pole {m} [motor racing] | :: Pole position |
polea {f} | :: pulley |
polemarca {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: polemarch (military commander in chief in ancient Athens) |
polémica {f} | :: controversy, polemic |
polémicamente {adv} | :: polemically |
polémico {adj} | :: controversial, polemic |
polemista {mf} | :: polemicist |
polemizar {v} | :: to argue, debate (about a controversial topic) |
polemizar {v} | :: to polemicize |
polen {m} [botany] | :: pollen |
polenta {f} | :: polenta |
poleo {m} | :: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) |
poleo {m} | :: [Argentina, Chile] Lippia turbinata |
poleo {m} | :: [Ecuador] Minthostachys spp |
polera {f} | :: shirt |
polerón {m} | :: hoodie |
polesa {f} | :: feminine noun of poleso |
poleso {adj} | :: Of or from Pola de Siero |
poleso {m} | :: Someone from Pola de Siero |
poli- {prefix} | :: poly- |
poli {mf} [colloquial] | :: cop |
poli {f} [colloquial] | :: heat, the police |
poliaceno {m} [organic compound] | :: acene |
poliacetileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyyne, polyacetylene |
poliacrilamida {f} | :: polyacrilamide |
poliacrilato {m} | :: polyacrylate |
poliadenilación {f} | :: polyadenylation |
polialcohol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyalcohol |
poliamida {f} | :: polyamide |
poliamina {f} [organic chemistry] | :: polyamine |
poliamor {m} | :: polyamory (relationship with multiple partners with the consent of all involved) |
poliamoroso {adj} | :: polyamorous |
poliandria {f} | :: polyandry |
poliandro {adj} | :: polyandrous |
poliangeítis {f} [pathology] | :: polyangiitis |
poliarquía {f} | :: polyarchy |
poliárquico {adj} | :: polyarchic |
poliartritis {f} [pathology] | :: polyarthritis |
poliatómico {adj} | :: polyatomic |
polibasita {f} [mineral] | :: polybasite |
polibutadieno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polybutadiene |
policarbonato {m} | :: polycarbonate |
Policarpo {prop} | :: surname |
policéntrico {adj} | :: polycentric |
policétido {m} | :: polyketide |
policía {f} | :: police, police department, police force, police service |
policía {mf} | :: police officer (a member of a police force) |
policiaco {adj} | :: alternative spelling of policíaco |
policíaco {adj} [Latin America] | :: Related to the police, police force |
policíaco {adj} | :: whodunit, whodunnit [UK] |
policíaco {adj} | :: police procedural |
policial {adj} [Spain] | :: Related to the police, police force |
policial {adj} | :: police procedural |
policial {adj} | :: whodunit, whodunnit [UK] |
policialmente {adv} | :: in a policelike manner |
policía secreta {f} | :: secret police |
policíclico {adj} | :: polycyclic |
policitemia {f} | :: polycythemia |
policivo {adj} [Colombia] | :: police |
policlínica {f} | :: polyclinic |
policlínico {m} | :: polyclinic |
policlonal {adj} | :: polyclonal |
policlorado {adj} | :: polychlorinated |
policloruro {m} [chemistry] | :: polychloride |
policondensación {f} | :: polycondensation |
policontusiones {fp} | :: multiple bruising |
policoral {adj} | :: polychoral |
policotiledóneo {adj} | :: polycotyledonous |
policristalino {adj} | :: polycristalline |
policromar {v} | :: to paint in various colours |
policromático {adj} | :: polychromatic |
policromía {f} | :: polychromy |
policromo {adj} | :: varicolored (US), varicoloured (UK) |
polícromo {adj} | :: alternative spelling of policromo |
policultivo {m} | :: polyculture |
polidactilia {f} | :: polydactyly |
polideportivo {adj} | :: multisport |
polideportivo {m} | :: sports centre, sports center |
poliducto {m} [Latin America] | :: oil pipeline |
poliédrico {adj} | :: polyhedral |
poliedro {m} [geometry] | :: polyhedron |
poliéster {m} [chemistry] | :: polyester |
poliestireno {m} | :: polystyrene |
poliestireno expandido {m} | :: expanded polystyrene foam (EPS), styrofoam |
polietilenglicol {m} | :: polyethylene glycol |
polietileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyethylene |
polifacético {adj} | :: multi-faceted |
polifacético {adj} | :: polymathic |
polifarmacológico {adj} | :: polypharmacological |
polifenismo {m} [genetics] | :: polyphenism |
polifenol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyphenol |
polifenólico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: polyphenolic |
polifilético {adj} | :: polyphyletic |
polifonía {f} [music] | :: polyphony (musical texture of independent voices) |
polifónico {adj} | :: polyphonic (of or relating to polyphony) |
polifónico {adj} [music] | :: polyphonic (having independent melodies) |
polifonista {mf} | :: polyphonist |
polífono {adj} | :: alternative form of polifónico |
poliforum {m} | :: multi-use building |
polifosfato {m} [chemistry] | :: polyphosphate |
polifuncional {adj} | :: polyfunctional |
polifuncional {adj} [attributive] | :: utility player |
poligalacturonasa {f} [enzyme] | :: polygalacturonase |
poligamia {f} | :: polygamy (the condition of having more than one spouse) |
poligamia {f} [zoology] | :: polygamy (the condition of having more than one mate) |
poligamia {f} [botany] | :: polygamy (the condition of bearing both perfect and unisexual flowers) |
polígamo {adj} | :: polygamous |
poligénesis {f} | :: polygenesis |
poligénico {adj} | :: polygenic |
poliginia {f} | :: polygyny |
poliglandular {adj} | :: polyglandular |
poliglicerol {m} | :: polyglycerol |
poliglota {f} | :: feminine noun of poligloto |
poliglotismo {m} | :: polyglotism |
poligloto {m} | :: rare form of polígloto |
polígloto {m} | :: polyglot (one who is able to speak multiple language) |
polígloto {m} | :: A multilingual Christian Bible |
polígloto {adj} | :: polyglot (of a person, able to speak multiple language) |
polígloto {adj} | :: multilingual (written in multiple languages) |
poligonal {adj} | :: polygonal |
poligonera {f} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: female equivalent of poligonero; chavette |
poligonero {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] | :: chav, townie/towny |
poligonero {adj} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] | :: chavvy |
polígono {m} | :: polygon |
polígono {m} | :: industrial park |
polígono industrial {m} | :: industrial park |
polígono regular {m} [geometry] | :: regular polygon |
poligráfico {adj} | :: polygraphic |
polígrafo {m} | :: polygraph |
poliinsaturado {adj} | :: polyunsaturated |
polilla {f} | :: moth |
polilla {f} | :: grub, woodworm, bookworm |
polilla {f} [figurative] | :: cause of progressive destruction |
polilobulado {adj} | :: polylobulated |
polilogaritmo {m} | :: polylogarithm |
polímata {mf} | :: polymath |
polimerasa {f} [enzyme] | :: polymerase |
polimérico {adj} | :: polymeric |
polimerización {f} | :: polymerization |
polimerizar {vt} | :: to polymerize |
polímero {m} [chemistry] | :: polymer |
polimetálico {adj} | :: poly-metallic |
polímetro {m} | :: multimeter |
polimixina {f} | :: polymixin |
polimodal {adj} | :: polymodal |
polimórfico {adj} | :: polymorphic |
polimorfismo {m} | :: polymorphism |
polimorfo {m} [mineralogy] | :: polymorph |
polimorfo {adj} | :: polymorphous |
polimorfonuclear {adj} | :: polymorphonuclear |
polimorfonuclear {m} | :: polymorphonuclear |
polinación {f} | :: alternative form of polinización |
polinesia {f} | :: feminine noun of polinesio |
Polinesia {prop} {f} | :: Polynesia |
Polinesia Francesa {prop} {f} | :: French Polynesia |
polinésico {adj} | :: Polynesian |
polinesio {adj} | :: Polynesian |
polinesio {m} | :: Polynesian |
polineuropatía {f} | :: polyneuropathy |
polinia {f} | :: polynya |
polinia {f} | :: pollinium |
polínico {adj} | :: pollen (attributive) |
polinio {m} | :: pollinium |
polinización {f} | :: pollination |
polinizador {adj} | :: pollinating |
polinizador {m} | :: pollinator |
polinizar {v} | :: to pollinate |
polinomial {adj} [algebra] | :: polynomial (relating to polynomials) |
polinómico {adj} | :: polynomial |
polinomio {m} | :: polynomial |
polinomio característico {m} [linear algebra] | :: characteristic polynomial |
polinosis {m} | :: hay fever |
polinuclear {adj} | :: polynuclear |
polinucleótido {m} [biochemistry] | :: polynucleotide |
-polio {suffix} | :: -poly |
polio {f} | :: polio |
poliol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyol |
poliomielitis {f} | :: poliomyelitis |
polioperado {adj} [colloquial, usually derogative] | :: Someone with many plastic surgeries |
poliorcética {f} | :: poliorcetics |
poliovirus {m} [virology] | :: poliovirus |
polioxometalato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: polyoxometallate |
polipasto {m} | :: polyspast, block and tackle |
polipeptídico {adj} [biochemistry] | :: polypeptidic |
polipéptido {m} [protein] | :: polypeptide |
poliploide {adj} | :: polyploid |
poliploidía {f} | :: polyploidy |
pólipo {m} [medicine, biology] | :: polyp |
polipoético {m} | :: political poet |
poliporo {m} | :: polypore |
poliposis {f} [medicine] | :: polyposis |
polipropileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polypropylene |
poliproteína {f} | :: polyprotein |
políptico {m} | :: polyptych |
poliqueto {m} | :: polychete |
poliquístico {adj} | :: polycystic |
poliquistosis {f} [pathology] | :: polycystic disease |
polir {v} | :: obsolete form of pulir |
polirricinoleato {m} | :: polyricinoleate |
polirubro {m} [Argentina] | :: convenience store |
polis {f} | :: polis |
polisacárido {m} [carbohydrate] | :: polysaccharide |
polisario {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Frente Polisario |
polisemia {f} | :: polysemy |
polisémico {adj} | :: polysemous, polysemic |
polisílabo {adj} [linguistics] | :: polysyllabic |
polisíndeton {m} [rhetoric] | :: polysyndeton |
polisinodial {adj} | :: polisynodial |
polisintético {adj} | :: polysynthetic |
polisomnografía {f} [medicine] | :: polysomnography |
polisomnograma {m} | :: polysomnogram |
polisón {m} | :: bustle (frame worn underneath a woman's skirt) |
polispasto {m} | :: rare form of polipasto |
polista {mf} | :: polo player |
polisulfuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: polysulfide |
politburó {m} | :: politburo |
politécnico {adj} | :: polytechnic |
politeísmo {m} | :: polytheism |
politeísta {adj} | :: polytheistic |
politerpeno {m} [organic compound] | :: polyterpene |
politerpenoide {m} [organic compound] | :: polyterpenoid |
política {f} | :: politics (activities associated with running a government or organisation) |
política {f} | :: policy (a formal principle or protocol of conduct) |
política {f} | :: feminine noun of político |
política de avestruz {f} [idiom] | :: ostrich policy |
políticamente {adv} | :: politically |
políticamente correcto {adj} | :: politically correct |
politicastro {m} | :: corrupt politician |
político {adj} | :: political |
político {adj} | :: in-law |
político {m} | :: politician |
politionato {m} [chemistry] | :: polythionate |
politípico {adj} | :: polytypic |
politipo {m} [mineralogy] | :: polytype |
politiquear {v} | :: To waffle on about politics; to drone on about politics |
politiqueo {m} | :: political manoeuvring |
politiquera {f} | :: political intriguer |
politiquería {f} | :: excessive politics |
politiquero {m} | :: political intriguer |
politización {f} | :: politicization [US], politicisation [UK] |
politizar {vt} | :: to politicize, politicise (give something political characteristics) |
politizar {vt} | :: to politicize, politicise (make someone politically active) |
politóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of politólogo |
politología {f} | :: political science |
politológica {f} | :: political scientist |
politólogo {m} | :: political scientist |
politomía {f} | :: polytomy |
politono {m} | :: polytone (polyphonic ringtone) |
politopo {m} [geometry] | :: polytope |
politrauma {m} | :: polytrauma |
politraumatismo {m} | :: multiple trauma |
politraumatizado {adj} | :: polytraumatized |
politrópico {adj} | :: polytropic |
poliuretano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyurethane |
poliuria {f} [medicine] | :: polyuria |
polivalencia {f} | :: multiusage |
polivalente {adj} | :: multi-purpose, all-purpose |
polivalente {adj} | :: multifaceted |
polivinilo {m} | :: polyvinyl |
póliza {f} | :: policy (contract of insurance) |
polizón {m} | :: stowaway |
polizón {m} | :: bum, tramp |
polizonte {m} [pejorative] | :: cop |
polizonte {m} | :: stowaway |
polka {f} | :: polka |
polla {f} | :: young hen, pullet |
polla {f} | :: a beverage made with milk, eggs, cinnamon, and, in Mexico, with sherry liquor added |
polla {f} | :: a type of lottery in Chile |
polla {f} [slang, vulgar, Spain] | :: cock |
pollada {f} | :: brood |
pollada {f} | :: Peruvian chicken recipe prepared in exchange of receiving a profit to help a particular need |
pollastre {m} | :: young chicken |
pollastre {m} | :: whippersnapper |
pollazo {m} | :: dickslap, cock slap |
pollazo {m} | :: augmentative of polla, monster cock, horse dick |
pollera {f} | :: pollera |
pollera {f} [Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: skirt, overskirt, kilt |
pollera {f} | :: baby walker, a walking frame used to help teach children to walk without falling |
pollera {f} | :: chicken coop |
pollera {f} | :: chicken farmer |
pollera {f} | :: chicken seller |
pollera tubo {f} [Argentina] | :: pencil skirt |
pollería {f} | :: An establishment or location where poultry is sold |
pollería {f} | :: A restaurant specialising in chicken |
pollerín {f} | :: skirt |
pollerita {f} | :: diminutive of pollera |
pollero {m} | :: one who raises and sells chickens for a living |
pollero {m} [El Salvador] | :: coyote (smuggler of illegal immigrants) |
pollero {m} | :: chicken coop; place where chickens are raised |
pollerudo {adj} | :: henpecked |
pollina {f} | :: feminine noun of pollino |
pollino {m} | :: ass, donkey, especially a young and untamed one |
pollino {m} | :: a rude, unsophisticated or ignorant person |
pollino {adj} [of a person] | :: rude, unsophisticated or ignorant |
pollita {f} | :: feminine noun of pollito |
pollita {f} | :: diminutive of polla |
pollito {m} | :: young chicken |
pollito {m} [colloquial] | :: young child |
pollo {m} | :: young chicken (specially a male, or one of unspecified gender) |
pollo {m} | :: chicken (meat) |
pollo {adj} [Chile, slang] | :: unexperienced |
pollo a la naranja {m} | :: orange chicken |
pollón {m} | :: monster cock; huge dick |
pollón {m} | :: man with a huge cock |
pollón {adj} | :: big-dicked; well hung |
polluela {f} | :: feminine noun of polluelo |
polluelo {m} | :: chick (young bird) |
polluelo {m} | :: fledgling (young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flight) |
polo {m} [geography, electricity] | :: pole |
polo {m} | :: polo (ball game) |
polo {m} | :: polo shirt |
polo {m} [chiefly Spain] | :: popsicle, ice lolly |
polo acuático {m} | :: water polo |
polola {f} [Chile] | :: feminine noun of pololo |
pololear {v} [Chile, colloquial] | :: to court, woo |
pololear {v} [Chile, colloquial] | :: to go steady |
pololo {m} [Chile] | :: boyfriend (partner in a romantic relationship) |
polonés {adj} | :: Polish (from or native to Poland) |
polonés {adj} | :: Polish (pertaining to Poland) |
polonés {m} [music] | :: a piece of music imitative of Polish dances |
Polonia {prop} {f} | :: Poland |
polonio {m} | :: polonium |
polonización {f} | :: Polonization |
polono {adj} [obsolete] | :: Polish (from or native to Poland) |
polono {adj} [obsolete] | :: Polish (pertaining to Poland) |
polo opuesto {m} | :: polar opposite |
Polo Sur {prop} {m} | :: South Pole |
poltrón {adj} | :: lazy |
poltrona {f} | :: armchair |
polución {f} | :: pollution (ejaculation) |
polvareda {f} | :: dustcloud |
polvareda {f} | :: fuss, hubbub |
polvazo {m} | :: augmentative of polvo; great shag; hell of a fuck |
polvera {f} | :: powder compact |
polvete {m} | :: synonym of polvo |
polvillo {m} | :: dust |
polvillo {m} [Latin America] | :: blight (plant disease) |
polvito {m} | :: diminutive of polvo |
polvo {m} | :: dust (fine, dry particles of matter found in the air and covering the surface of objects) |
polvo {m} | :: powder, dust (fine particles of a dry substance) |
polvo {m} [vulgar, colloquial] | :: fuck, screw (sexual intercourse) |
polvo {m} [plurale tantum] | :: see polvos |
polvo cósmico {m} | :: cosmic dust |
polvo de hornear {m} | :: baking powder (a dry leavening agent used in baking) |
pólvora {f} | :: gunpowder |
polvoriento {adj} | :: dusty |
polvorilla {mf} | :: an antsy person; a livewire |
polvorín {m} | :: powder keg |
polvorín {m} | :: gunpowder |
polvorín {m} | :: minefield, warzone |
polvorón {m} | :: A type of shortbread made of flour, sugar, milk, and nuts, popular in Spain, Latin America and other former Spanish colonies, such as the Philippines, during Christmastime |
polvoroso {adj} | :: dusty |
polvos de talco {m} | :: talcum powder |
poma {f} [poetic, literary] | :: fruit |
poma {f} [rare] | :: apple |
poma {f} | :: pome |
pomada {f} | :: salve, ointment, cream |
pomarada {f} | :: apple orchard |
pomelo {m} | :: pomelo |
pomelo {m} | :: grapefruit |
pomerana {f} | :: feminine noun of pomerano |
pomerania {f} | :: feminine noun of pomeranio |
Pomerania {prop} {f} | :: Pomerania |
pomeranio {adj} | :: Pomeranian |
pomeranio {m} | :: Pomeranian |
pomerano {adj} | :: Pomeranian |
pomerano {m} | :: Pomeranian |
pómez {f} [attributive] | :: pumex |
pomito {m} | :: diminutive of pomo |
pomo {m} [Spain] | :: knob, doorknob, pommel |
pomo {m} | :: apple tree |
pomo {m} | :: flask |
pomológico {adj} | :: pomological |
pomor {mf} | :: Pomor |
pompa {f} | :: pomp |
pompa {f} | :: boastfulness, ostentation, pageantry, glitz |
pompa {f} | :: solemn procession |
pompa {f} | :: bubble |
pompa {f} | :: pump |
pompa {f} [Mexico] | :: buttock |
pompaje {m} | :: compressor stall |
pompas fúnebres {fp} | :: funeral, funeral service |
pompeta {f} [colloquial] | :: butt; ass |
Pompeya {prop} {f} | :: Pompeii |
pompeyano {adj} | :: Of or from Pompeii |
pompeyano {m} | :: Someone from Pompeii |
pompis {m} [colloquial, anatomy, Mexico] | :: butt (buttocks) |
pompo {adj} [Colombia, of a pointed object] | :: blunt, worn down |
pompón {m} | :: pompon |
pomponera {f} | :: pompom girl |
pomposamente {adv} | :: pompously |
pomposidad {f} | :: pomposity |
pomposo {adj} | :: pompous, highfalutin |
pómulo {m} | :: cheekbone |
ponchar {v} | :: to strike out |
ponchar {v} | :: to punch in/out (at work) |
ponche {m} | :: punch (drink) |
ponchera {f} | :: punchbowl |
ponchito {m} | :: antpitta |
poncho {m} | :: poncho |
Poncho {prop} {m} | :: given name |
ponderable {adj} | :: ponderable, notable |
ponderación {f} | :: weighting, calculation |
ponderación {f} | :: praise |
ponderado {adj} | :: esteemed, highly respected |
ponderado {adj} | :: weighted |
ponderador {mf} | :: one who ponders |
ponderador {mf} | :: one who weighs |
ponderar {vt} | :: to ponder, consider |
ponderar {vt} | :: to weight |
ponderativo {adj} | :: exaggerating |
ponderoso {adj} | :: level-headed |
ponderoso {adj} | :: heavy |
ponedora {f} | :: layer; laying hen |
ponencia {f} | :: report, presentation, address, speech |
ponente {mf} [politics] | :: rapporteur |
ponente {mf} | :: a speaker at a meeting, or congress |
ponente {mf} | :: a proposer of a motion |
poner {vtr} [non-reflexive] | :: to put, to put up, to place, to lay |
poner {vt} | :: to set, to set up (e.g. set an alarm, set up chairs) |
poner {vt} | :: to put on (e.g. put on a smile, a happy face, a brave face; put on a pot of coffee, put something on display) |
poner {vt} | :: to choose, to designate (for a job, charge or responsibility) |
poner {vt} | :: to make (e.g. make somebody nervous, jealous, sad, emotional, uncomfortable) |
poner {vt} | :: to make, to give (in certain phrases; e.g. to make available, give an injection, to give effect) |
poner {vt} | :: to name, to give a nickname |
poner {vt} | :: to bring (e.g. to bring online, to bring order to, to bring up to speed or date, to bring to light) |
poner {vt} | :: to lay (e.g. to lay eggs, lay the foundation or groundwork) |
poner {vt} | :: to turn, to turn on (e.g. to turn the other cheek, turn on music, to turn upside-down) |
poner {vt} | :: to get (in certain phrases) |
poner {vt} | :: to call (in certain phrases; e.g. to call into question, call into doubt, call somebody's bluff) |
poner {vt} | :: to pay (attention) |
poner {vt} | :: to draw (e.g. to draw a line or set up a boundary) |
poner {vt} | :: to plant, to set up (e.g. plant one's feet, plant a bomb, set up explosives, plant a bug, set up a camera, plant a weapon) |
poner {vt} [Mexico, slang] | :: to contribute; to bring |
poner {v} [electronics] | :: to play |
poner {vt} [Spain, colloquial] | :: To turn on, make horny |
poner {vr} | :: to put on, to don, to change into (clothing, shoes, accoutrements) |
poner {vr} | :: to get |
poner {vr} | :: (of a heavenly body) to set (i.e., to sink beneath the horizon) |
poner {vr} | :: to become, to get ("become" is used in reference to entering into a physical or emotional state) (e.g. become anxious, fashionable, naughty, nervous, offensive, pale, sad, serious, stern, tense, ugly, violent, weird, etc.) |
poner {vr} | :: to start doing something, to begin, to get down to (+ a + infinitive) |
poner {vr} | :: to put oneself |
poner a caldo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to tell off, scold |
poner alguien en su sitio {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put someone in their place |
poner al tanto {v} [idiomatic] | :: to brief, give a rundown |
poner a parir {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to slag off; rip to shreds |
poner a prueba {v} [idiom] | :: to put to the test, to pilot |
poner coto {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put an end to |
poner de los nervios {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get on someone's nerves, to grate on |
poner de manifiesto {vr} [idiomatic] | :: to put on record |
poner de patitas en la calle {v} [idiom] | :: To chuck out; throw out; expel |
poner de relieve {v} [idiom] | :: to highlight |
poner el acento {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stress, highlight, underline |
poner el broche de oro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to add the finishing touches |
poner el carro delante del burro {phrase} | :: alternative form of poner el carro delante de los bueyes |
poner el carro delante del caballo {v} [idiom] | :: alternative form of poner el carro delante de los bueyes |
poner el carro delante de los bueyes {v} [idiom] | :: put the cart before the horse |
poner el gorro {v} [idiom] | :: to commit adultery |
poner en evidencia {v} [idiom] | :: to ridiculize |
poner en peligro {v} | :: to endanger, to jeopardize, to imperil, to compromise, to put at risk, to put in danger, to put in jeopardy |
poner en tela de juicio {v} [idiomatic] | :: to call into question, question; cast doubt |
poner la mente {v} [idiom] | :: put one's mind to |
poner la mira en {v} [idiom] | :: to focus on; to have in sight |
poner la pelota en juego {v} [idiomatic] | :: get the ball rolling |
ponerle el cascabel al gato {v} [idiom] | :: to bell the cat |
poner los cuernos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cheat on, put horns on |
poner los ojos en blanco {v} [idiomatic] | :: to roll one's eyes |
poner pies en polvorosa {v} [idiom] | :: to take to one's heels; flee |
poner por las nubes {v} [idiomatic] | :: to praise to the skies, to sing the praises of (to speak highly of) |
ponerse {v} | :: reflexive of poner, to put on, as in clothing |
ponerse {v} | :: to become (used with an adjective, especially a negative adjective) |
ponerse {v} | :: to set (sun) |
ponerse {v} | :: to begin (doing something) |
ponerse de pie {v} | :: to stand up, to stand, to get to one's feet, to get back on one's feet |
ponerse el mundo por montera {v} [idiomatic] | :: to throw caution to the wind |
ponerse las botas {v} [idiom] | :: to make a killing |
ponerse las botas {v} [idiom] | :: to have a blow-out; have a real feast (a social function, especially one with large quantities of food) |
ponerse las pilas {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to pull up one's socks; to pull one's socks up |
ponerse las pilas {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to get one's act together |
ponerse palote {v} [idiomatic, Spain, colloquial] | :: to go hard (get an erection) |
poner tierra de por medio {v} [idiom] | :: To scram; to get away; to take to one's heels |
poner tierra en medio {v} [idiom] | :: To scram; to get away; to take to one's heels |
poner tierra por medio {v} [idiom] | :: To scram; to get away; to take to one's heels |
poner toda la carne en el asador {v} [idiom] | :: to give one's all; to pull out all the stops |
poner una pica en Flandes {v} [idiomatic] | :: To slog |
poner verde {v} [idiomatic] | :: to criticise; to put down |
Ponferrada {prop} | :: Ponferrada (city) |
pongo {m} | :: orangutan |
poni {m} | :: pony |
Poniatowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
poniente {adj} | :: west, western |
poniente {adj} | :: setting (sun or star) |
poniente {m} | :: west |
ponja {m} [vesre] | :: Japanese (a person) |
ponqué {m} | :: pound cake |
pontazgo {m} [historical] | :: A type of tribute or toll paid to the owner of a bridge upon crossing it |
Pontevedra {prop} {f} | :: Pontevedra (province) |
Pontevedra {prop} {f} | :: Pontevedra (city) |
pontevedrés {adj} | :: From Pontevedra |
pontevedrés {m} | :: Someone from Pontevedra |
pontevedresa {f} | :: feminine noun of pontevedrés |
póntico {adj} | :: Pontic |
pontificado {m} | :: pontificate |
pontificado {m} | :: papacy |
pontifical {adj} | :: pontifical |
pontificalmente {adv} | :: pontifically |
pontificar {v} | :: to pontificate |
pontificar {v} | :: to orate |
pontífice {m} | :: pontiff |
pontífice {m} | :: pontifex |
pontificio {adj} | :: pontifical |
pontificio {adj} | :: papal |
ponto {m} [poetic] | :: sea; seas |
Ponto {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Pontus (pre-Olympian god of the sea) |
pontón {m} | :: pontoon (for boats) |
pontón {m} | :: bridge made of planks |
pontonero {m} | :: bridge maker |
pony {m} | :: pony |
ponzoña {f} | :: poison |
ponzoña {f} | :: venom |
ponzoñar {v} | :: rare form of emponzoñar |
ponzoñoso {adj} | :: poisonous, venomous, toxic |
ponzu {m} | :: ponzu |
Poo {prop} | :: Poo (town) |
pool {m} | :: pool (sport) |
pop {m} [Uruguay] | :: popcorn |
pop {m} | :: pop, pop music |
popa {f} | :: stern (back of a boat or ship) |
popcorn {m} | :: popcorn |
pope {m} [Russian Orthodoxy] | :: pope (Russian Orthodox priest) |
popero {m} | :: pop music fan |
popero {adj} | :: pop, poppy |
poplíteo {adj} | :: popliteal |
Popo {prop} | :: A popular nickname for the volcano Popocatépetl in Mexico |
popó {m} [infantile, Chile] | :: butt |
popó {m} [Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia] | :: excrement, poo |
popó {m} [infantile, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: excrement, poo |
Popocatépetl {prop} {m} | :: Popocatépetl |
popolazzo {m} | :: riffraff |
popoloca {adj} | :: Popoloca |
popoloca {mf} | :: Popoloca |
popoluca {adj} | :: Popoluca |
popoluca {mf} | :: Popoluca |
poporopo {m} [Guatemala] | :: popcorn |
popote {m} [Mexico] | :: drinking straw |
popper {m} | :: popper (capsule for recreational use as a sexual stimulant) |
popperiano {adj} | :: Popperian |
populachero {adj} [attributive] | :: hoi polloi |
populachero {adj} | :: rabble-rousing |
populacho {m} | :: mob, hoi polloi |
popular {adj} | :: popular |
popular {adj} [politics, Spain] | :: Pertaining to PP (Partido Popular), a Spanish political party |
popular {mf} [politics, Spain] | :: A member or supporter of PP (Partido Popular), a Spanish political party |
popularidad {f} | :: popularity |
popularísimo {adj} | :: superlative of popular |
popularización {f} | :: popularization |
popularizador {m} | :: popularizer |
popularizadora {f} | :: feminine noun of popularizador |
popularizar {v} | :: to popularise (UK), to popularize (US) |
popularmente {adv} | :: popularly |
populismo {m} [politics] | :: populism (doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions of the general people) |
populista {adj} | :: populist |
populista {mf} | :: populist |
populoso {adj} | :: populous |
popurrí {m} | :: potpourri (collection of various things) |
popurrí {m} [music] | :: medley |
popusa {f} | :: A kind of corn tortilla |
popusería {f} | :: A restaurant that sells popusas |
poquedad {f} | :: shortness; scantiness |
póquer {m} | :: poker (card game) |
póquer {m} [poker] | :: four of a kind |
póquer {m} [sports] | :: four or more goals scored in a match |
poquilla {f} | :: feminine noun of poquillo |
poquillo {adj} | :: diminutive of poco |
poquillo {m} | :: diminutive of poco |
poquísimo {adj} | :: superlative of poco |
poquitico {adj} | :: diminutive of poquito |
poquitín {m} | :: diminutive of poquito; tiny bit |
poquitito {m} | :: diminutive of poquito; tiny bit |
poquito {adj} | :: diminutive of poco, tiny, very small |
poquito {adv} | :: diminutive of poco |
por {prep} | :: by (indicates the creator of a work) |
por {prep} | :: for (indicates something given in an exchange) |
por {prep} | :: through, out, via (indicating movement) |
por {prep} | :: across (indicating movement) |
por {prep} | :: about |
por {prep} | :: due to, because of, for, for the sake of, out of (to express cause or motive) |
por {prep} [used with directions] | :: over |
por {prep} | :: by, times, multiplied by |
por {prep} | :: according to, for, regarding (to express opinion or something concerning someone) |
por {prep} | :: via, through, by (indicating the means of something) |
por {prep} | :: for (indicating duration) |
por {prep} | :: for, for the sake of, on behalf of (indicating doing something for someone's benefit) |
por {prep} | :: per, for each |
por {prep} | :: to (indicating something that has not yet passed) |
por {prep} | :: about to (indicating something that will soon happen) |
pora {prep} | :: obsolete spelling of para |
por aclamación {adv} [idiomatic] | :: unanimously |
por adelantado {adv} | :: in advance |
por ahí {adv} | :: out there, over there, that way |
por ahí {adv} | :: around (in a place different than where the speaker currently is; otherwise, use por aquí.) |
por ahí {adv} [idiom] | :: roughly, thereabout, thereabouts (i.e. approximately) |
por ahora {adv} | :: for now |
por allí {adv} | :: over there, there, around there, that way |
por allí {adv} [idiom] | :: or thereabouts; roughly; or so; -ish (roughly, approx) |
por añadidura {adv} [idiom] | :: in addition |
por antonomasia {adj} [idiom] | :: par excellence |
por arte de birlibirloque {adv} [idiom] | :: as if by magic |
por arte de magia {adv} | :: as if by magic |
Porca {prop} | :: surname |
por casualidad {adv} | :: by chance |
porcelana {f} | :: porcelain |
porcelanato {m} | :: porcelain tile (A type of ceramic) |
porcentaje {m} | :: percentage |
porcentual {adj} [attributive] | :: percentage, percent |
porcentualmente {adv} | :: percentage-wise, in term of percentage |
porche {m} | :: veranda, verandah; stoop; porch |
porcicultor {m} | :: pig-farmer |
porcicultura {f} | :: porciculture (pig-farming) |
por ciento {adv} | :: percent |
porciento {adv} | :: alternative form of por ciento |
por cientos {adv} | :: by the hundreds, in large numbers |
por cientos {adv} | :: for hundreds |
por cierto {adv} [idiom] | :: by the way, by the by, incidentally |
porcino {adj} | :: porcine, pig |
porcino {m} | :: the pork meat industry |
porcinocultura {f} | :: pig farming |
porciolismo {m} | :: The politics of José María de Porcioles (1904-1993), former mayor of Barcelona |
porciolista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to José María de Porcioles (1904-1993), the former mayor of Barcelona, or his policies |
porciolista {mf} | :: Supporter of José María de Porcioles |
porción {f} | :: portion |
porción {f} | :: part (fraction of a whole) |
porcionador {m} | :: scoop; scooper |
por compromiso {adv} [idiomatic] | :: out of a sense of duty |
por consiguiente {adv} | :: consequently |
por cuanto {adv} | :: inasmuch as, in that |
por cuentapropia {adv} | :: on one's own, being self-employed |
por demás {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by the way, by and by |
por demás {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in vain |
por demás {adv} [idiomatic] | :: too much, in excess, excessively |
por de pronto {adv} [idiom] | :: for now, for the time being |
por descontado {adv} [idiomatic] | :: on course, naturally |
por desgracia {adv} [idiomatic] | :: unfortunately, sadly, alas, regrettably, tragically, unluckily |
por Dios {interj} | :: for God's sake, by God |
por Dios bendito {interj} | :: good Lord!, good heavens |
pordiosear {vi} | :: to beg |
pordiosera {f} | :: feminine noun of pordiosero |
pordiosero {m} | :: beggar (a person who begs) |
por efecto de {prep} | :: due to; thanks to |
por ejemplo {adv} | :: for example; for instance; e.g. |
por el amor de Dios {interj} | :: for God's sake, for the love of God, for Christ's sake, for crying out loud |
por el contrario {conj} | :: on the contrary, conversely, to the contrary, contrariwise, on the other hand, in contrast, instead, rather |
por el cual {conj} | :: whereby, by which |
por el culo te la hinco {phrase} [humorous, vulgar] | :: A meaningless phrase said after the number cinco (five) |
por el interés te quiero Andrés {phrase} | :: I'm only interested in being (romantically) with you because of what you can offer |
por el momento {adv} [idiom] | :: for the time being; at the moment |
por el morro {adv} [idiomatic] | :: for free |
por encima de la ley {adv} | :: above the law |
por ende {conj} [formal] | :: hence, therefore, so |
por ensalmo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as if by magic |
por eso {conj} | :: therefore, that is why |
por eso {interj} | :: I mean(t) that |
porfa {adv} [colloquial] | :: contraction of por favor |
por faplís {adv} [colloquial, neologism] | :: please |
porfaplís {adv} [colloquial, neologism] | :: please |
por favor {interj} | :: please |
por favor {interj} [dialectal] | :: you're welcome |
porfía {f} | :: obstinacy |
porfiadamente {adv} | :: obstinately, pertinaciously, contentiously |
porfiado {adj} | :: stubborn, obstinate |
porfiar {v} | :: to insist, persist |
porfiar {v} | :: to argue |
porfídico {adj} | :: porphyritic |
pórfido {m} [geology] | :: porphyry |
por fin {adv} [idiomatic] | :: finally, at last, at long last |
porfiria {f} | :: porphyria |
porfiriana {f} | :: feminine noun of porfiriano |
porfiriano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Porfirio Díaz, Mexican soldier and politician |
porfiriano {m} | :: A supporter of Porfirio Díaz |
porfiriato {prop} {m} | :: The era in Mexican history during which Porfirio Díaz was in power |
porfirina {f} [organic compound] | :: porphyrin |
porfirismo {m} | :: The period in Mexico under the rule of Porfirio Díaz (1876-1911) |
porfirista {adj} | :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Porfirio Díaz, President of Mexico on various occasions |
porfirista {mf} | :: A supporter of Porfirio Díaz |
porfirítico {adj} | :: porphyritic |
por fortuna {adv} [idiomatic] | :: luckily |
por fortuna {adv} | :: by chance |
por goleada {adv} | :: by a landslide (with big marginals, with a lot) |
por goleada {adv} | :: by a landslide (win scoring many goals) |
por h o por b {adv} [idiomatic] | :: for one reason or another |
poridad {m} | :: obsolete spelling of puridad |
poridat {m} | :: obsolete spelling of puridad |
porífero {m} [zoology] | :: poriferan |
por la boca muere el pez {proverb} | :: what you say can do you harm; silence is golden; loose lips sink ships; keep mum |
por la cara {adv} [idiomatic] | :: boldly or blatantly but unmeritedly |
por la cara {adv} [idiomatic] | :: without paying or doing any effort |
por la cara {adv} [idiomatic] | :: with no reason or justification |
por la presente {adv} [formal] | :: hereby (by this means, action or process) |
por la puerta grande {adv} [idiomatic] | :: held in great honour, in a big way |
por las buenas o por las malas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: the easy way or the hard way |
por las dudas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: just in case |
por las malas o por las buenas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: the easy way or the hard way |
por las nubes {adj} [idiomatic] | :: sky-high, through the roof, off the charts, at an extortionate price |
por lo bajini {adv} [idiom] | :: on the quiet, hush hush |
por lo común {adv} [idiomatic] | :: generally, in general, commonly |
por lo demás {adv} | :: otherwise, in all other respects |
por lo general {adv} [idiomatic] | :: generally, in general, by and large, usually, typically |
por lo menos {adv} | :: at least |
por lo poco que uno sabe {prep} | :: for all one knows |
por lo pronto {adv} [idiom] | :: for now, for the time being |
por lo que {conj} | :: so, consequently, therefore |
por lo que {adv} | :: why, what... for |
por lo que {adv} | :: for what, from what, about what, by what, because of what, through what |
por lo que respecta a {prep} | :: when it comes to; regarding; as for |
por lo que sé {phrase} | :: as far as I know |
por los cuatro costados {adv} [idiom] | :: through and through |
por los siglos de los siglos {adv} [idiomatic] | :: eternally; forever and ever |
por lo tanto {adv} | :: thus, so, as such (in this way or manner) |
por lo tanto {adv} | :: consequently, thereby, accordingly |
por lo tanto {adv} | :: therefore, hence |
por lo visto {adv} [idiomatic] | :: apparently, seemingly, from what one can see |
por más que {conj} | :: however much; however many |
por más señas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: to be precise |
por medio de {prep} | :: by means of (through the medium of) |
pormenor {m} | :: circumstance |
pormenorizadamente {adv} | :: in minute detail |
pormenorizar {v} | :: to describe in great detail |
por menos de nada {adv} [idiomatic] | :: for no reason whatsoever |
por menudo {adv} | :: in detail |
por menudo {adv} | :: in instalments |
por mi parte {prep} [idiomatic] | :: for my part; as for me; I, for one |
por mi parte {prep} [idiomatic] | :: on my end |
por momentos {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by the minute, by the second |
por mucho {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by far, by a lot |
por mucho {adv} | :: through a lot, through enough |
por mucho que {conj} | :: synonym of por más que |
porno- {prefix} | :: porn- |
porno {adj} [colloquial] | :: porno |
porno {m} [colloquial] | :: porno |
pornofiesta {f} | :: porn party |
pornógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of pornógrafo |
pornografía {f} | :: pornography |
pornográfico {adj} | :: pornographic |
pornógrafo {m} | :: pornographer |
por no hablar de {conj} [idiomatic] | :: not to mention |
pornovenganza {f} | :: revenge porn |
poro {m} | :: pore (a tiny opening in the skin) |
poro {m} | :: pore (any small opening) |
por obra de {prep} [idiom] | :: thanks to; due to |
por obra y gracia de {prep} [idiom] | :: thanks to; due to |
Porón {prop} {m} | :: Mount Porón, location of the Spanish village of Benarrabá, province of Málaga in southern Spain |
porongo {m} | :: calabash |
pororó {m} [Eastern Bolivia, Northern and Western Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: popcorn |
porosidad {f} | :: porosity |
poroso {adj} | :: porous |
poroto {m} [southern Latin America] | :: bean |
por otra parte {adv} | :: otherwise. In all other respects |
por otra parte {adv} | :: on the other hand |
por otro lado {adv} | :: on the other hand |
por partes {adv} [idiomatic] | :: step by step |
por pies {adv} [idiom] | :: fleeing quickly; leaving like a bat out of hell |
por poco {adv} | :: almost, narrowly |
por poder {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by proxy |
por puertas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: poor as Job |
porq {conj} [colloquial] | :: coz |
porque {conj} | :: because |
por qué {adv} | :: why, for what reason |
porqué {m} | :: a reason (e.g. the reason why something happens) |
porque hoy es hoy {adv} [idiom] | :: just because; for the hell of it |
porquera {f} | :: feminine noun of porquero |
porquería {f} | :: crap, trash |
porquería {f} | :: filth |
porquería {f} | :: nonsense |
porquería {f} | :: junk, rubbish |
porqueriza {f} | :: pigpen; pigsty |
porquerizo {m} | :: pig farmer |
porquero {m} | :: pig farmer |
porque tú lo digas {phrase} | :: if you say so |
porra {f} | :: club, baton, truncheon, night stick (a baton, or military staff of command, now especially the stick carried by a police officer) |
porra {f} | :: thick type of churro |
porra {f} [colloquial] | :: sweepstake (about an event, e.g. a football match) |
porra {interj} | :: no way! hell no! |
porrada {f} | :: synonym of porrazo |
porrada {f} | :: thump |
porrada {f} | :: shedload; load (large amount or number of something) |
porrada {f} | :: stupid comment |
porras {interj} | :: shit |
porrazo {m} [colloquial] | :: hit; whack |
porrera {f} | :: feminine noun of porrero |
porrero {m} | :: stoner (pot smoker) |
porreta {f} | :: leaves (at the tip of certain vegetables) |
porreta {mf} [colloquial] | :: stoner (someone who regular smokes marijuana) |
porril {adj} | :: Of or relating to a porro group |
porrista {mf} [Honduras, Costa Rica] | :: cheerleader |
porrito {m} | :: diminutive of porro |
porro {m} [plant] | :: leek |
porro {adj} [colloquial] | :: stupid |
porro {m} [Mexico] | :: A member of a criminal shock group, mainly targeting student protesters |
porro {m} | :: joint, reefer |
porrón {m} | :: pochard (bird in the genus Aythya) |
porrón {m} | :: porron (glass jar with a long spout) |
porrón bastardo {m} | :: greater scaup |
porrón pardo {m} | :: ferruginous duck |
porrusalda {f} | :: A soup dish from Navarre and La Rioja, Spain, made with leeks, potatoes and carrots |
por separado {adv} [idiomatic] | :: separately, individually, independently, singly, severally |
por si {conj} | :: in case |
por si acaso {adv} | :: just in case |
por si las moscas {adv} [colloquial, idiom] | :: just in case |
por sí mismo {adv} | :: on one's own |
por sí solo {adv} | :: on one's own |
por sistema {adv} [idiomatic] | :: systematically |
por su cuenta {adv} | :: on one's own |
por suerte {adv} | :: luckily |
por supuesto {adv} | :: of course |
por supuesto {adv} | :: certainly (affirmative answer) |
por supuesto {adv} | :: for sure |
porta {f} [nautical] | :: porthole |
porta {f} | :: obsolete spelling of puerta |
portaaeronaves {m} | :: aircraft carrier |
portaaviones {m} | :: aircraft carrier |
portabebés {m} | :: baby carrier |
portabilidad {f} | :: portability (often of computer software) |
portable {adj} | :: portable |
portacerrojo {m} | :: bolt holder (of a weapon) |
portacintas {m} | :: tape holder (stationery) |
portación {f} | :: carrying |
portacontenedores {m} [nautical] | :: container ship (ship designed to transport containers) |
portada {f} | :: portal |
portada {f} | :: cover (of a book, magazine or CD) |
portada {f} | :: front page (of a newspaper) |
portada {f} | :: main page, home page (of a website) |
portadiscos {m} | :: CD holder |
portadista {mf} | :: cover illustrator |
portador {m} | :: carrier |
portadora {f} | :: feminine noun of portador |
portaequipaje {m} | :: luggage rack |
portaequipajes {m} | :: luggage rack |
portaestandarte {mf} [military] | :: standard-bearer |
portafolio {m} | :: A portfolio, a case for carrying papers |
portafolios {m} | :: a portfolio, a case for carrying papers |
portafolios {m} | :: plural of portafolio |
portafusil {m} | :: rifle sling |
porta-goma {m} | :: eraser pen |
portahelicópteros {m} | :: helicopter carrier |
portaherramientas {m} | :: toolbelt |
portahidroaviones {m} | :: seaplane tender |
portainjerto {m} | :: rootstock |
portaje {m} | :: toll |
portal {m} [architecture] | :: portal; porch |
portal {m} [Internet] | :: portal |
portal {adj} [anatomy] | :: portal |
portalada {f} | :: Large gate or entrance |
portaligas {m} | :: suspender belt, garter belt |
portalón {m} [nautical] | :: gangway |
portalón {m} [architecture] | :: great doorway |
portaminas {m} | :: mechanical pencil |
portamonedas {m} | :: purse, coin purse |
portante {adj} | :: carrying |
portante {m} | :: amble |
por tanto {adv} | :: thus (in this way or manner) |
por tanto {adv} | :: consequently |
por tanto {adv} | :: therefore |
portañuela {f} | :: obsolete spelling of portezuela |
portaobjetos {m} | :: slide (of microscope) |
portapapeles {m} | :: clipboard |
portar {v} | :: to bear; to carry |
portar {vr} | :: to behave; to be good |
portarretrato {m} | :: small standing frame for fotos |
portarrollos {m} | :: toilet roll holder; kitchen roll holder |
portarse {v} | :: reflexive of portar |
portátil {adj} | :: portable |
portátil {m} | :: notebook, laptop (computer) |
portatrajes {m} | :: suit bag |
portavasos {m} | :: cupholder |
portavasos {m} [Latin America] | :: coaster |
portavelas {m} | :: candle holder |
portaviandas {m} | :: lunch box |
portaviones {m} | :: aircraft carrier |
portavocía {f} | :: spokesmanship, spokespersonship |
portavoz {mf} | :: spokesperson |
portavoz {m} | :: megaphone |
portazgo {m} | :: a toll paid historically in Spain by travelers for passage on roads |
portazo {m} | :: The act of slamming a door |
portazo {m} | :: The instance of a door slamming |
porte {m} | :: carriage, carrying |
porte {m} | :: size, dimension |
porte {m} | :: freightage (price of transporting goods) |
porte {m} | :: freight, cargo |
porte {m} | :: appearance of a person |
porteador {adj} | :: carrying; bearing |
porteador {m} | :: carrier; bearer; porter |
porteadora {f} | :: feminine noun of porteador |
portear {v} | :: to carry; lug; haul |
portear {v} | :: to slam or bang (on a door) |
porteño {adj} | :: Native to or inhabiting a port town |
porteño {adj} [Argentina] | :: Native to or inhabiting the port town of Buenos Aires |
porteño {m} [Argentina] | :: A person native to or inhabiting the port town of Buenos Aires |
portento {m} | :: wonder, marvel |
portento {m} | :: something wonderful or amazing |
portento {m} | :: a sight to behold |
portentosamente {adv} | :: prodigiously |
portentoso {adj} | :: prodigious, wonderful, marvelous, portentous |
porteo {m} | :: carrying; carriage |
portera {f} | :: feminine noun of portero |
portería {f} | :: lobby of a hotel |
portería {f} | :: reception desk |
portería {f} [sports] | :: goal (structure) |
por término medio {adv} | :: on average |
portero {m} | :: doorman, porter, gatekeeper (a person who holds open the door at the entrance to a building, summons taxicabs, and provides an element of security; in apartment buildings, he also accepts deliveries and may perform certain concierge type services) |
portero {m} | :: bouncer, chucker-out (a member of security personnel employed by bars, nightclubs, etc to maintain order and deal with patrons who cause trouble) |
portero {m} [sports] | :: goalkeeper |
portero automático {m} | :: entryphone, doorphone, intercom, interfone |
portero electrónico {m} | :: doorphone |
portezuela {f} | :: car door |
porticado {adj} | :: porticoed |
pórtico {m} | :: portico |
pórtico {m} | :: porch |
portilla {f} [nautical] | :: porthole |
portillo {m} | :: gate |
portobello {m} | :: portobello |
portocaval {adj} [anatomy] | :: portocaval |
portocruzana {f} | :: feminine noun of portocruzano |
portocruzano {adj} | :: Of or from Puerto La Cruz |
portocruzano {m} | :: Someone from Puerto La Cruz |
por todas partes {adv} [idiom] | :: everywhere, all over the place, all around, throughout |
por todos los medios {adv} | :: by all means, by any means, by every means, in every way |
por todos los santos {phrase} | :: good heavens! |
portón {m} | :: portal |
portón {m} | :: large door |
portoncito {m} | :: diminutive of portón |
portorriqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of portorriqueño |
portorriqueño {m} | :: Puerto Rican (from Puerto Rico) |
portovejense {adj} | :: Of or from Portoviejo, Ecuador |
portovejense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of Portoviejo, Ecuador |
Port Royal {prop} | :: Port Royal (town); alternative form of Puerto Real |
portuario {adj} [attributive] | :: port |
portuense {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Porto, Portugal |
portuense {adj} | :: from or pertaining to a port city |
portuense {mf} | :: native or resident of Porto, Portugal |
Portugal {prop} {m} | :: Portugal (country) |
portugalujo {adj} | :: Of or from the town of Portugalete in Spain |
portugalujo {m} | :: An inhabitant of the town of Portugalete in Spain |
portugués {adj} | :: Portuguese (from or native to Portugal) |
portugués {adj} | :: Portuguese (pertaining to Portugal) |
portugués {m} | :: Portuguese (person) |
portugués {m} | :: Portuguese (language) |
portuguesa {f} | :: female equivalent of portugués |
portulano {adj} [attributive] | :: portolan |
portulano {m} | :: portolan |
portuñol {m} | :: Portuñol |
Port Vila {prop} | :: Port Vila (capital city) |
por último {adv} | :: finally, lastly, last, in conclusion, to conclude, in closing |
por una vez {adv} [idiom] | :: for once |
por un lado {adv} | :: on the one hand |
por un pelo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: by the skin of one's teeth, by a hair |
por un perro que maté, mataperros me llamaron {phrase} | :: give a dog a bad name and hang him |
por un tubo {adv} [colloquial, idiom] | :: in waves (in a large quantity) |
porvenir {m} | :: future, prospects, potential |
por ventura {adv} [idiomatic] | :: perhaps, maybe, perchance |
por vida de Dios {interj} [dated] | :: for the love of God; for Christ's sake |
pos- {prefix} | :: after-; post- |
pos {conj} [Latin America] | :: alternative spelling of pues |
pos {prep} [archaic] | :: after, behind |
pos {m} | :: pursuit |
posacné {adj} | :: post-acne |
posada {f} [antiquated] | :: hotel, inn |
Posadas {prop} {m} | :: surname |
posadera {f} | :: feminine noun of posadero |
posadero {m} | :: innkeeper |
posadero {m} | :: perch (for bird) |
posadero {m} | :: deckchair |
posadero {m} | :: derrière; backside |
posajuste {m} | :: post-adjustment |
posapuentes {m} | :: synonym of lanzapuentes |
posar {v} | :: to pose |
posar {v} | :: to stay or lodge in a habitation |
posar {v} | :: to rest on a surface |
posavasos {m} | :: coaster (used to prevent drinking vessels from leaving marks on a table) |
posavasos {m} | :: cupholder |
posbélico {adj} | :: postwar |
poscapitalismo {m} | :: postcapitalism |
poscirugía {f} | :: postsurgery |
posclásico {adj} | :: postclassic |
poscolonial {adj} | :: postcolonial |
poscomunismo {m} | :: postcommunism |
poscomunista {adj} | :: post-Communist |
poscomunista {mf} | :: post-Communist |
posconflicto {adj} | :: postwar |
posconmocional {adj} | :: post-concussive |
poscontemporáneo {adj} | :: before one's time |
poscosecha {adj} | :: post-harvest |
poscristiano {adj} | :: post-Christian |
posdata {f} | :: postscriptum (something appended in writing) |
posdesarrollo {m} | :: postdevelopment |
posdiscal {adj} | :: postdiscal |
posdoctorado {m} | :: alternative spelling of postdoctorado |
posdoctoral {adj} | :: postdoctoral |
poseedor {adj} | :: owning |
poseedor {m} | :: owner |
poseer {v} | :: to possess, to own, to hold, to have |
poseer {v} [figuratively, educated] | :: to sexually penetrate |
poseído {adj} | :: possessed (controlled by evil spirits) |
Poseidón {prop} {m} | :: Poseidon |
poselectoral {adj} | :: postelectoral |
posesión {f} | :: possession |
posesionar {v} | :: to hand over |
posesionar {vr} | :: to take over |
posesivo {adj} | :: possessive |
poseso {m} | :: possessed person, madman |
posesor {m} | :: possessor |
posesora {f} | :: feminine noun of posesor |
posesorio {adj} | :: possessory |
posestreptocócico {adj} | :: poststreptococcal |
posestructuralismo {m} | :: alternative form of postestructuralismo |
posfeminista {adj} | :: postfeminist |
posfranquismo {m} | :: The period in Spanish history after the death of Francisco Franco |
posfranquista {adj} | :: post-Franquist |
posfusión {adj} | :: postfusion |
posganglionar {adj} | :: postganglionic |
posgradista {mf} | :: postgraduate (student) |
posgrado {m} | :: postgraduate study |
posgraduado {m} | :: postgraduate |
posgramsciano {adj} | :: post-Gramscian |
posguerra {f} | :: post-war period |
posibilidad {f} | :: possibility |
posibilidad {f} [usually plural] | :: means |
posibilidad {f} [singular or plural] | :: potential, chance, odds, opportunity |
posibilismo {m} | :: possibilism |
posibilista {adj} | :: possibilist |
posibilista {mf} | :: possibilist |
posibilitar {vt} | :: to make possible |
posible {adj} | :: possible |
posiblemente {adv} | :: possibly |
posición {f} | :: position |
posicional {adj} | :: positional |
posicionamiento {m} | :: positioning |
posicionar {vt} | :: to position |
posidonia {f} | :: seagrass |
posindustrial {adj} | :: postindustrial |
posinversión {f} | :: postinversion |
pósit {m} | :: post-it note |
positivamente {adv} | :: positively |
positivar {v} | :: To develop (a photo) |
positividad {f} | :: positivity |
positivismo {m} | :: positivity, optimism |
positivismo {m} [philosophy] | :: positivism |
positivista {adj} | :: positivist |
positivista {mf} | :: positivist |
positivo {adj} | :: positive |
pósito {m} | :: Governmental institution in charge of collecting and storing grain in order to distribute it in times of need |
pósito {m} | :: A storehouse where the grain collected by an such institution is kept, a granary |
positrón {m} | :: positron |
positrónico {adj} | :: positronic |
positronio {m} | :: positronium |
posmenopáusico {adj} | :: postmenopausal |
posmodernidad {f} | :: postmodernity |
posmodernismo {m} | :: postmodernism |
posmodernista {mf} | :: postmodernist |
posmoderno {adj} | :: postmodern |
posnatal {adj} | :: postnatal |
poso {m} | :: dregs, grounds (sediments of a drink) |
poso {m} | :: trace, remnant |
posobligatorio {adj} | :: alternative form of postobligatorio |
posología {f} | :: posology |
posoperación {f} | :: post-operation |
posoperatorio {adj} | :: postoperative |
posotomano {adj} | :: post-Ottoman |
pospago {m} | :: post-payment |
pospandemia {f} | :: postpandemic |
posparto {adj} | :: postbirth |
pospetrolero {adj} | :: post-petrol |
pospolítico {adj} | :: postpolitical |
posponer {v} | :: to postpone |
posponerse {v} | :: reflexive of posponer |
posporno {m} | :: post-pornography |
posposición {f} | :: postponement |
posposición {f} [linguistics] | :: postposition |
posproducción {f} | :: post-production |
pospunk {m} | :: postpunk |
posquemador {m} | :: afterburner |
posrenal {adj} | :: postrenal |
posrevolucionario {adj} | :: postrevolutionary |
posromanticismo {m} | :: post-romanticism |
posromántico {adj} | :: postromantic |
post- {prefix} | :: post- |
post. {adj} | :: abbreviation of posterior |
post {m} [computing] | :: post |
posta {interj} | :: really, truth |
posta {f} | :: slug (a bullet) |
posta {mf} | :: courier |
postal {adj} | :: postal |
postal {f} | :: postcard |
postalveolar {adj} | :: postalveolar |
postapocalíptico {adj} | :: postapocalyptic |
post-autoritario {adj} | :: post-authoritarian |
postbasal {adj} | :: postbasal |
postcanino {adj} | :: postcanine |
postcanino {m} | :: postcanine |
postcastrismo {m} | :: post-Castroism (period of time after Fidel Castro's government in Cuba) |
postclásico {adj} | :: postclassic |
postcoital {adj} | :: postcoital |
postcolonial {adj} | :: postcolonial |
postcombustión {f} | :: postcombustion |
postconflicto {m} | :: postconflict period |
postcosecha {f} | :: postharvest |
postcraneal {adj} | :: postcranial |
postdata {f} | :: alternative form of posdata |
postdictadura {f} | :: The era after a dictatorship |
postdiscal {adj} | :: postdiscal |
postdoc {m} | :: postdoc |
postdoctorada {f} | :: A postdoctoral student |
postdoctorado {m} | :: postdoc |
postdoctoral {adj} | :: postdoctoral |
poste {m} | :: post [of wood], pole |
postear {v} | :: to put posts (a fence) |
postear {v} [internet] | :: to post |
poste indicador {m} | :: signpost, guidepost, marker |
postejercicio {adj} | :: post-exercise |
postelectoral {adj} | :: alternative form of poselectoral |
postemporada {f} | :: post-season |
postensar {v} | :: to post-tension |
posteo {m} [Internet] | :: post |
póster {m} | :: poster |
postergable {adj} | :: delayable, postponable |
postergación {f} | :: postponement |
postergar {vt} | :: to postpone |
postergarse {v} | :: (reflexive of postergar) |
posteridad {f} | :: posterity |
posterior {adj} | :: posterior, later |
posterioridad {f} | :: posteriority |
posteriormente {adv} | :: afterwards, later |
postero- {prefix} | :: postero- |
posteroinferior {adj} [anatomy] | :: posteroinferior |
posterosuperior {adj} [anatomy] | :: posterosuperior |
postestructuralismo {m} [philosophy] | :: poststructuralism |
postgraduado {adj} | :: alternative spelling of posgraduado |
postgraduado {m} | :: alternative spelling of posgraduado |
postguerra {f} | :: alternative form of posguerra |
posti {m} | :: post-it note |
postigo {m} | :: shutter (protective panels over a window) |
postiguillo {m} | :: diminutive of postigo |
postilla {f} | :: scab |
postilla {f} | :: postil, marginal note |
postillón {m} | :: postillion |
postilloso {adj} | :: scabbed |
postimpresionismo {m} [arts] | :: postimpressionism |
postimpresionista {mf} | :: postimpressionist |
postín {m} | :: luxury |
postín {m} | :: boastful behaviour |
postindustrial {adj} | :: postindustrial |
postítulo {m} | :: a postgraduate course |
postizo {adj} | :: false, artificial |
postizo {adj} | :: prosthetic |
postizo {m} | :: switch (whip) |
postmarxista {adj} | :: post-Marxist |
postmenopáusico {adj} | :: postmenopausal |
postmodernidad {f} | :: postmodernity |
postmodernismo {m} | :: alternative spelling of posmodernismo |
postmodernista {adj} | :: postmodernist |
postmodernista {mf} | :: postmodernist |
postmoderno {adj} | :: alternative form of posmoderno |
postmortem {m} | :: post mortem |
post mórtem {adj} | :: post mortem |
postnatal {adj} | :: postnatal |
postnominal {adj} | :: postnominal |
postobligatorio {adj} [education] | :: post-compulsory (education) |
postocular {adj} | :: postocular |
postoperatorio {adj} | :: postoperative |
postor {m} | :: bidder |
postora {f} | :: feminine noun of postor |
postorbital {adj} | :: postorbital |
postparto {adj} | :: alternative spelling of posparto |
postponer {v} | :: alternative spelling of posponer |
postposición {f} | :: postposition |
postprandial {adj} | :: postprandial |
postprocesado {m} | :: postprocess |
postproducción {f} | :: postproduction |
postquemador {m} | :: afterburner |
postquirúrgico {adj} | :: postsurgical |
postración {f} | :: depression |
postración {f} | :: prostration |
postrado {adj} | :: prostrate (lying flat) |
postraduccional {adj} | :: post-translational |
postranscripcional {adj} | :: postranscriptional |
postrar {v} | :: to prostrate, lie prostrate, to lie low |
postrar {v} [pronomial] | :: to prostrate oneself, to kneel, to fall to one's knees (in obedience, to beg etc.) |
postrar {v} | :: to debilitate |
postraumático {adj} | :: posttraumatic |
postre {m} | :: dessert; sweet |
postrecito {m} | :: diminutive of postre |
postremero {adj} | :: alternative form of postrimero |
postrenal {adj} | :: alternative form of posrenal |
postreramente {adv} | :: ultimately, lastly |
postrero {adj} | :: last; final; dying |
postrevolución {f} | :: post-revolution period |
postrimerías {fp} | :: final stages, end part, end |
postrimero {adj} [literary] | :: last; final |
postropical {adj} | :: post-tropical |
post scriptum {m} | :: synonym of posdata |
postsecundario {adj} | :: post-secondary |
postsináptico {adj} | :: postsynaptic |
postsinodal {adj} | :: postsynodal |
postsoviético {adj} | :: post-Sovietic |
postulación {f} | :: nomination (to a political position, etc) |
postulador {m} | :: postulator |
postuladora {f} | :: feminine noun of postulador |
postulante {mf} | :: candidate |
postular {v} | :: to postulate |
postular {v} | :: to nominate |
postular {vr} | :: to apply, for example to a job. Se postuló para un trabajo - He applied for a job |
postularse {v} | :: reflexive of postular |
póstumamente {adv} | :: posthumously |
póstumo {adj} | :: posthumous |
postura {f} | :: position |
postura {f} [yoga] | :: pose |
postura {f} | :: posture, attitude |
postural {adj} | :: postural |
postureador {m} | :: poseur, poser |
postureadora {f} | :: feminine noun of postureador |
posturear {v} | :: to pose; to play to the gallery |
postureo {m} | :: posturing, the act of a poseur/poser; the act of play to the gallery; showing off (the act in the social networks and also in real life pretending to be someone you aren’t (as in, pretending to be rich) or to be doing something you don’t just because “everyone else” does it or because it looks cool) |
postventa {f} | :: alternative spelling of posventa |
postverdad {f} | :: post-truth |
postvocálico {adj} | :: post-vowel |
posvacacional {adj} | :: postvacation |
posventa {adj} | :: after-sales |
posverbal {adj} [grammar] | :: derived from a verb |
posverbal {adj} [grammar] | :: postverbal (placed after a verb) |
posverbal {m} [grammar] | :: word derived from a verb |
posverdad {f} | :: post-truth |
pota {f} | :: cuttlefish |
potabilidad {f} | :: drinkability |
potabilización {f} | :: purification (often, of water) |
potabilizador {m} | :: purifier |
potabilizador {adj} | :: purifying |
potabilizar {v} | :: to make something drinkable |
potable {adj} | :: potable, drinkable |
potaje {m} | :: broth, stew |
potaje {m} [in the plural] | :: dry legumes |
potaje {m} | :: a broth or beverage containing a mélange of ingredients |
potaje {m} | :: farrago, mishmash (a confused mixture of things) |
potaje de vigilia {m} | :: A stew made with cod, chickpeas and spinach. It is traditionally served in Spain at Easter |
potajero {adj} [attributive] | :: legumes |
potajero {m} | :: broth pot |
potar {v} [colloquial, Spain] | :: to puke, to throw up |
potarro {m} | :: European flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus) |
potasa {f} | :: potash |
potasemia {f} [medicine] | :: kalemia |
potásico {adj} | :: potassic |
potasio {m} | :: potassium |
potazo {m} | :: tin (for collecting money for charity) |
potazo {m} | :: fundraiser |
pote {m} | :: pot |
pote {m} | :: stew |
potencia {f} | :: power, potency |
potencia {f} | :: powerlifting |
potenciación {f} | :: strengthening |
potenciador {adj} | :: enhancing, stimulating |
potenciador {m} | :: enhancer, stimulator |
potencial {adj} | :: potential |
potencial {m} | :: potential |
potencial {m} | :: conditional tense |
potencial de acción {f} | :: action potential |
potencialidad {f} [philosophy] | :: potentiality |
potencialidad {f} | :: virtuality |
potencialización {f} | :: potentialization |
potencializar {v} | :: to potentiate |
potencialmente {adv} | :: potentially |
potenciamiento {m} | :: enhancement, promotion |
potenciar {vt} | :: to promote, strengthen |
potenciómetro {m} [physics] | :: potentiometer |
potentada {f} | :: feminine noun of potentado |
potentado {m} | :: tycoon, magnate, potentate |
potente {adj} | :: powerful |
potentemente {adv} | :: powerfully |
potentemente {adv} | :: potently |
potentisimo {adj} | :: most powerful |
potentísimo {adj} | :: superlative of potente |
potenzado {adj} [heraldry] | :: potenty |
poterna {f} | :: postern |
potestad {f} | :: power, authority (authority to carry out something; typically has a legal or political connotation) |
potestativo {adj} | :: potestative |
potingue {m} [colloquial] | :: hogwash; swill |
potingue {m} [colloquial] | :: face cream or other cosmetic product |
Potiphar {prop} {m} | :: Potiphar |
poto {m} [Peru, Chile] | :: buttocks |
poto {m} [Peru, Chile] | :: butt |
potorro {m} [vulgar] | :: pussy; cunt |
Potosí {prop} | :: Potosí (department) |
potosino {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí |
potra {f} | :: filly, (young) mare, foal |
potrada {f} | :: group (of colts) |
potranca {f} | :: feminine noun of potranco |
potranco {m} | :: foal of less than three years |
potrero {m} | :: ranch or open range where horses are raised |
potrero {m} | :: enclosed pasture that is (overgrazed) common land |
potrero {m} | :: long mesa on the flank of a mountain |
potrero {m} | :: wrangler (of horses) |
potrillo {m} | :: diminutive of potro, male foal |
potro {m} [mammals] | :: (young) stallion |
potro {m} [mammals] | :: colt, foal |
potro {m} [torture] | :: rack |
potro {m} [sports] | :: vault, vaulting horse |
potro {m} [Argentina, colloquial] | :: stud (attractive, muscular man) |
poule {f} | :: pool stage |
POUM {prop} {m} [politics] | :: Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista. An anti-Stalinist, revolutionary, communist party formed in Spain in 1935, which was active during the Spanish Civil War |
povre {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of pobre |
power pop {m} | :: power pop |
poyete {m} | :: ledge |
poyo {m} | :: A bench of stone or other material that is attached to a door |
poza {f} | :: puddle |
poza {f} | :: backwater |
poza de marea {f} | :: tidepool |
pozo {m} | :: well [hole in the ground as a source of water or other fluids] |
pozo artesiano {m} | :: artesian well |
pozo escalonado {m} | :: stepwell |
pozol {m} | :: a drink made from purple maize and sugar, popular amomg indigenous communities in southern Mexico and parts of Central America |
pozole {m} | :: pozole, a Mexican soup |
pozo negro {m} | :: cesspool |
pozo petrolífero {m} | :: oil well |
pozo termal {m} [usually plural] | :: hot spring; thermal spring |
pozuelo {m} | :: bowl |
PP {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Partido Popular |
PPK {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski president of Peru from 2016 to 2018 |
PPP {prop} | :: initialism of Partido Popular Progresista |
PPSOE {prop} | :: blend of PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) and PP (Partido Popular); often used by critics to denote their similar positions |
PPT {prop} | :: PPT (abbreviation of PowerPoint, the slide presentation software) |
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of por que |
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of por qué |
pq {conj} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of porque |
prácrito {m} | :: Prakrit |
práctica {f} | :: practice |
práctica {f} | :: internship |
practicable {adj} | :: practicable, feasible |
practicaje {m} [nautical] | :: pilotage |
practicamente {adv} | :: practically |
prácticamente {adv} | :: practically |
practicante {mf} | :: practitioner, practiser |
practicante {mf} | :: intern, trainee |
practicar {vt} | :: to practice |
practicar {vti} | :: to exercise |
practicidad {f} | :: practicality, convenience |
práctico {adj} | :: practical |
práctico {adj} | :: handy, convenient, useful |
práctico {adj} | :: hands-on |
práctico {adj} | :: working (e.g. working proficiency, working level, working knowledge) |
pradecillo {m} | :: diminutive of prado |
pradejonera {f} | :: feminine noun of pradejonero |
pradejonero {adj} | :: of or from Pradejón |
pradejonero {m} | :: Someone from Pradejón |
pradera {f} | :: pasture |
pradera {f} | :: grassland, prairie |
pradería {f} | :: meadowland; pasture land |
pradial {m} | :: Prairial |
pradillo {m} | :: diminutive of prado |
prado {m} | :: meadow |
Prado {prop} | :: surname |
Praga {prop} {f} | :: Praga (capital city) |
pragma {m} | :: pragma |
pragmática {f} [linguistics, semiotics] | :: pragmatics (study of the use of the language in a social context) |
pragmática {f} [legal, obsolete] | :: A law emanating from a competent Spanish authority, but technically differing from a royal decree or command in the formalities of its publication |
pragmáticamente {adv} | :: pragmatically |
pragmático {adj} | :: pragmatic |
pragmatismo {m} | :: pragmatism |
pragmatista {adj} | :: pragmatist |
pragmatista {mf} | :: pragmatist |
praguense {adj} | :: Praguian (of or pertaining to Prague, Czechia) |
praguense {mf} | :: Praguer (native or resident of Prague, Czechia) |
pran {m} [Venezuela] | :: drug lord; baron; big cheese of criminal organisation |
pranato {m} | :: hierarchy of prison guards |
praseodimio {m} | :: praseodymium |
pratense {adj} | :: pasture-dwelling |
pratihara {adj} | :: Pratigura |
pravastatina {f} | :: pravastatin |
pravedad {f} | :: wickedness, immorality, depravity |
pravísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pravo |
pravo {adj} | :: wicked, immoral, depraved |
praxeología {f} | :: praxeology |
praxis {f} | :: praxis |
prazosina {f} | :: prazosin |
PRD {prop} {m} | :: The Party of the Democratic Revolution, a social democratic party in Mexico |
pre- {prefix} | :: pre- |
pre {m} [obsolete] | :: loan |
prea {f} | :: taking; something taken |
preactivación {f} | :: preactivation |
preacuerdo {m} | :: pre-agreement |
preadolescencia {f} | :: preadolescence |
preadolescente {adj} | :: preadolescent |
preadolescente {mf} | :: preadolescent |
preagónico {adj} | :: preagonic |
preagrupamiento {m} | :: pre-grouping |
preagrupar {v} | :: to group together beforehand |
prealerta {f} | :: standby, yellow alert |
prealimentar {v} | :: to feedforward |
prealpes {mp} | :: Prealps |
preámbulo {m} | :: preamble |
preamplificador {m} | :: preamplifier |
preanalítico {adj} | :: preanalytical |
preanunciar {v} | :: To foreshadow; to preannounce |
preanuncio {m} | :: pre-announcement |
preaprobar {v} | :: to preapprove |
prear {v} [obsolete] | :: to prey |
prear {v} [obsolete] | :: to rob; to loot |
prearmar {v} | :: to preinstall |
preautonomía {f} | :: a preliminary stage towards autonomy |
preautonómico {adj} | :: preautonomic |
preaval {m} | :: commitment of guarantee |
preavisar {v} | :: to forewarn; give advance notice |
preaviso {m} | :: forewarning, heads-up |
preballet {m} | :: preballet |
prebarroco {adj} | :: pre-baroque |
prebase {m} | :: (make-up) primer |
prebásico {adj} | :: preschool |
prebélico {adj} | :: antebellum |
prebenda {f} | :: prebend, prebendary |
prebenda {f} | :: sinecure |
prebendar {v} | :: to award a prebendary |
prebendario {adj} [Paraguay] | :: prebendary |
prebendarismo {m} [Paraguay] | :: sinecurism |
prebenjamín {adj} [sports] | :: Of or pertaining to an age group below that of benjamín (generally around age 7-9 years old) |
prebenjamín {m} [sports] | :: Someone in the above age-group team |
prebiótico {adj} | :: prebiotic |
prebiótico {m} | :: prebiotics |
prebostazgo {m} | :: provostship |
preboste {m} | :: provost |
precalentamiento {m} [cooking] | :: preheating |
precalentamiento {m} [exercise] | :: warm-up |
precalentar {v} [cooking] | :: to preheat |
precalificación {f} | :: prequalifying |
precalificar {v} | :: to prequalify |
precámbrico {adj} | :: Precambrian |
precampaña {f} | :: pre-campaign |
precanceroso {adj} [oncology] | :: precancerous |
precandidata {f} | :: feminine noun of precandidato |
precandidato {m} | :: potential candidate |
precandidatura {f} | :: potential candidacy |
precapitalista {adj} | :: precapitalist |
precapitalista {mf} | :: precapitalist |
precargar {v} | :: to preload |
precariado {m} | :: precariat |
precariamente {adv} | :: precariously |
precariedad {f} | :: precariousness |
precario {adj} | :: precarious, uncertain |
precario {adj} | :: poor |
precarista {mf} | :: squatter |
precarización {f} | :: casualization (the increase of precarious work in the labour market) |
precarización {f} | :: precarization |
precarizar {vt} | :: to make precarious |
precarizar {vt} | :: to casualize |
precarnavalera {f} | :: pre-carnival festivities |
precaución {f} | :: precaution |
precautelar {v} | :: to protect, preserve |
precautoriamente {adv} | :: precautionarily |
precautorio {adj} | :: precautionary |
precaver {vt} | :: to prevent |
precavidamente {adv} | :: cautiously |
precavido {adj} | :: careful, cautious (knowing to prevent risks) |
precedencia {f} | :: precedence |
precedente {adj} | :: previous, preceding, foregoing |
precedente {m} | :: precedent |
precedentemente {adv} | :: prior, earlier |
preceder {v} | :: to precede |
precentral {adj} [anatomy] | :: precentral |
preceptivamente {adv} | :: obligatorily; mandatorily |
preceptivo {adj} | :: obligatory, mandatory |
precepto {m} | :: precept |
preceptor {m} | :: preceptor |
preceptor {m} | :: teacher |
preceptora {f} | :: feminine noun of preceptor |
preceptuar {v} | :: to lay down, set (rules) |
precerámico {adj} | :: preceramic |
precesión {f} | :: precession |
prechequeo {m} | :: prior check-in |
preciado {adj} | :: precious |
preciado {adj} | :: valuable |
preciar {v} | :: rare form of apreciar |
preciar {vr} | :: to pride oneself (on) |
preciarse {v} | :: to have self-pride; to value oneself |
preciarse {v} | :: to pride oneself (on) |
precintar {v} | :: to parcel |
precintar {v} | :: to seal, to seal off |
precinto {m} | :: precinct |
precio {m} | :: price |
precio {m} | :: worth; cost |
preciosamente {adv} | :: beautifully |
preciosidad {f} | :: preciousness, prettiness |
preciosidad {f} | :: preciosity |
preciosidad {f} | :: loveliness, gorgeousness; beauty |
preciosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of precioso |
preciosismo {m} | :: préciosité (French writing style) |
preciosismo {m} [pejorative] | :: exaggeratedly dressed up |
preciosista {mf} | :: writer pertaining to the French style called préciosité |
precioso {adj} | :: gorgeous |
precioso {adj} | :: cute |
precioso {adj} | :: precious |
preciosura {f} | :: preciousness, prettiness |
preciosura {f} | :: preciosity |
precipicio {m} | :: abyss |
precipicio {m} | :: precipice |
precipitación {f} | :: precipitation (weather) |
precipitadamente {adv} | :: precipitously, abruptly |
precipitado {adj} | :: rash, precipitate (hasty, not careful or considered) |
precipitar {v} | :: to precipitate |
precipitar {vr} | :: to rush in, to rush into, to jump the gun |
precipitarse {v} | :: reflexive of precipitar |
precisamente {adv} | :: precisely |
precisar {v} | :: to state, specify |
precisar {v} | :: to need, to require |
precisión {f} | :: precision |
preciso {adj} | :: precise |
preciso {adj} | :: necessary |
precitado {adj} | :: aforementioned |
preclaro {adj} | :: illustrious |
preclásico {adj} | :: preclassical |
preclasificación {f} | :: pre-classification |
preclasificada {f} [sport] | :: seed |
preclasificado {m} [sport] | :: seed |
preclasificatoria {f} | :: preliminary round |
preclausura {f} | :: pre-decommissioning |
preclínico {adj} | :: preclinical |
preclusión {f} [legal] | :: estoppel |
preclusivo {adj} | :: preclusive |
precocer {v} | :: to parbake (to bake (bread or dough) partially so it can be rapidly frozen for storage) |
precocidad {f} | :: precociousness |
precocinar {v} | :: to precook (partially or completely cook in advance) |
precognición {f} | :: precognition |
precolombino {adj} | :: pre-Columbian |
precolonial {adj} | :: precolonial |
precompilar {v} | :: to precompile |
precomprar {v} | :: to prebuy |
preconcebido {adj} | :: preconceived |
preconcebir {vt} | :: to preconceive, prethink |
preconcentrador {adj} | :: preconcentrating |
preconcentrador {m} | :: preconcentrator |
preconcepción {f} | :: preconception |
preconcepcional {adj} | :: preconceptional |
preconcepto {m} | :: preconception |
preconcurso {m} | :: clipping of preconcurso de acreedores |
preconcurso de acreedores {m} [legal] | :: The first step in the concurso de acreedores |
precondición {f} | :: precondition |
preconfigurar {v} | :: to preconfigure |
preconformidad {f} | :: preconformity |
precongresual {adj} | :: pre-congress |
preconización {f} | :: preconization |
preconizar {vt} | :: to praise |
preconocer {v} | :: to predict, to foretell |
preconsciente {m} | :: preconscious |
preconstitucional {adj} | :: preconstitutional |
preconstituir {vt} | :: to preconstitute |
precontractual {adj} | :: precontractual |
precontrato {m} | :: precontract |
preconvocar {v} [sports] | :: to call up as part of a provisional squad |
precordillera {f} | :: foothills |
precordillerana {f} | :: feminine noun of precordillerano |
precordillerano {m} | :: Someone from the precordillera |
precoz {adj} | :: precocious |
precoz {adj} | :: early |
precozmente {adv} | :: prematurely |
precréditos {mp} | :: pre-credits |
precrimen {m} | :: precrime |
precrisis {adj} | :: precrisis |
precristiano {adj} | :: pre-Christian |
precriterio {m} | :: prior criterion |
precuela {f} | :: prequel |
precuña {f} [anatomy] | :: precuneus |
precursor {adj} | :: precursory, preceding |
precursor {m} | :: precursor, forerunner |
precursora {f} | :: feminine noun of precursor |
preda {f} | :: obsolete spelling of prea |
predación {f} | :: predation; depredation |
predador {adj} | :: predatory |
predador {m} | :: predator (any animal or other organism that hunts and kills other organisms) |
predar {v} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of depredar |
predar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of prear |
predatorio {adj} | :: predatory |
predecesor {m} | :: predecessor |
predecesora {f} | :: (female) predecessor |
predecible {adj} | :: predictable |
predeciblemente {adv} | :: predictably |
predecir {v} | :: to predict |
predefinido {adj} | :: predefined |
predela {f} [arts] | :: predella |
predemencia {f} | :: predementia |
predemocrático {adj} | :: prodemocratic |
predestinación {f} | :: predestination |
predestinar {v} | :: to predestine |
predeterminación {f} | :: predetermination |
predeterminado {adj} | :: predetermined |
predeterminar {v} | :: to predetermine |
prediabetes {f} | :: prediabetes |
prediabético {adj} | :: prediabetic |
prediabético {m} | :: prediabetic |
predial {adj} [attributive] | :: real estate; property |
prediálisis {f} | :: predialysis |
prediaria {f} | :: feminine noun of prediario |
prediario {m} | :: convict; prisoner |
prédica {f} | :: sermon |
predicación {f} | :: preaching |
predicado {m} [grammar] | :: predicate |
predicado {m} [logic] | :: predicate |
predicador {adj} | :: preaching |
predicador {m} | :: preacher |
predicadora {f} | :: female equivalent of predicador |
predicamento {m} | :: prestige |
predicamento {m} [Latin America] | :: predicament (difficult situation) |
predicar {vt} | :: to preach |
predicativo {adj} | :: predicative |
predicativo {m} | :: predicative |
predicción {f} | :: prediction |
predictibilidad {f} | :: predictability |
predictivo {adj} | :: predictive |
predictor {m} | :: predictor, indicator |
predigital {adj} | :: predigital |
predilección {f} | :: predilection; fondness |
predilecto {adj} | :: favorite, preferred |
predinástico {adj} | :: predynastic |
predio {m} | :: plot of land |
prediseñar {v} | :: to predesign |
predisponente {adj} | :: predisposing |
predisponer {v} | :: to predispose |
predisponer {v} | :: to prejudice |
predisposición {f} | :: predisposition |
predistribución {f} | :: predistribution |
prednisona {f} | :: prednisone |
predominancia {f} | :: prevalence |
predominante {adj} | :: predominant |
predominantemente {adv} | :: predominantly |
predominar {v} | :: to predominate |
predominio {m} | :: ascendancy; predominance |
preeclampsia {f} [pathology] | :: preeclampsia |
preelaborar {v} | :: to preprocess |
preelaborar {v} | :: to premake, make beforehand |
preelectoral {adj} | :: preelection |
preelectoralismo {m} | :: pre-electoralism |
preeliminar {adj} [sports] | :: preliminary |
preembarque {m} | :: pre-shipment |
preemergencia {f} | :: preemergence |
preeminencia {f} | :: pre-eminence |
preeminente {adj} | :: preeminent |
preeminentemente {adv} | :: preeminently |
preentrenamiento {m} | :: pretraining |
preenvasar {v} | :: to prepackage |
preescolar {adj} | :: preschool |
preestablecer {v} | :: to preestablish |
preestatal {adj} | :: pre-state |
preestrenar {v} [entertainment] | :: to preview (prior to general release) |
preestreno {m} | :: preview, pre-screening |
preexistencia {f} | :: preexistence |
preexistente {adj} | :: preexistent |
prefabricación {f} | :: prefabrication |
prefabricado {adj} | :: prefabricated |
prefacio {m} | :: preface |
prefación {f} | :: preface |
prefactibilidad {f} | :: pre-feasibility |
prefecta {f} | :: prefect |
prefecto {m} | :: prefect |
prefectoral {adj} | :: alternative form of prefectural |
prefectura {f} | :: prefecture |
prefectural {adj} | :: prefectural |
preferencia {f} | :: preference |
preferencia {f} | :: bias |
preferencial {adj} | :: preferential |
preferencialmente {adv} | :: preferentially |
preferente {adj} | :: preferential |
preferentemente {adv} | :: preferentially |
preferentista {mf} [finance] | :: preferred stockholder |
preferible {adj} | :: preferable |
preferiblemente {adv} | :: preferably |
preferido {adj} | :: preferred, of choice |
preferido {adj} | :: favorite, popular |
preferido {m} | :: favorite (e.g. favorite to win) |
preferir {v} | :: to prefer |
preferir {v} | :: to rather (be or do) |
prefiguración {f} | :: prefiguration |
prefigurar {v} | :: to prefigure, to presage |
prefijación {f} | :: prefixation |
prefijal {adj} [linguistic morphology] | :: prefixal |
prefijar {v} | :: to prearrange |
prefijar {v} [linguistics] | :: to prefix |
prefijo {m} | :: prefix |
prefijo {m} | :: area code |
prefijo {adj} | :: [of an affix] prefixed |
prefloración {f} | :: prefloration |
prefoliación {f} | :: prefoliation |
preformar {v} | :: to preform |
prefrontal {adj} | :: prefrontal |
pregabalina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: pregabalin |
preganglionar {adj} | :: preganglionic |
pregar {v} [obsolete] | :: to fix; to join |
pregestacional {adj} | :: pregestational |
pregnenolona {f} | :: pregnenolone |
pregón {m} | :: proclamation |
pregonar {v} | :: to proclaim |
pregonero {adj} | :: divulging |
pregonero {adj} | :: proclaiming |
pregonero {mf} | :: auctioneer |
pregonero {m} | :: town crier |
pregrabado {adj} | :: prerecorded |
pregrado {m} | :: undergraduate course |
preguerra {f} | :: prewar time period |
pregunta {f} | :: question (sentence that asks for information) |
preguntador {adj} | :: inquisitive, nosy, questioning (asking a lot of questions) |
preguntar {v} | :: to ask |
preguntar {vr} | :: to wonder, to ask oneself |
pregunta retórica {f} | :: rhetorical question |
preguntarse {v} | :: to wonder; to ask oneself |
preguntita {f} | :: diminutive of pregunta |
preguntón {adj} | :: inquisitive, nosy, questioning (asking a lot of questions) |
pregustar {v} | :: To eat a meal, generally before an important person, in order to check if it's poisoned |
prehispánico {adj} | :: prehispanic |
prehistoria {f} | :: prehistory |
prehistoriador {m} | :: prehistorian |
prehistoriadora {f} | :: feminine noun of prehistoriador |
prehistórico {adj} | :: prehistoric |
prehnita {f} [mineral] | :: prehnite |
prehospitalario {adj} | :: prehospital |
preimagen {f} | :: preimage |
preimplantacional {adj} | :: preimplantational |
preimpresión {f} | :: preprint |
preimpreso {adj} | :: preprinted |
preinauguración {f} | :: pre-inauguration |
preincaico {adj} | :: pre-Incan |
preindoeuropeo {adj} | :: pre-Indo-European |
preindustria {f} | :: preindustrial age |
preindustrial {adj} | :: preindustrial |
preinfarto {m} | :: pre-heart attack |
preinforme {m} | :: preliminary report |
preinkaico {adj} | :: alternative spelling of preincaico |
preinscribir {v} | :: to preregister |
preinscripción {f} | :: preregistration |
preinscrito {adj} | :: joined beforehand |
preinspección {f} | :: pre-inspection |
preinstalación {f} | :: preinstallation |
preinstalar {v} | :: to preinstall |
preinternet {adj} | :: pre-internet |
preinversión {f} | :: preinvestment |
preislámico {adj} | :: Pre-Islamic |
prejubilación {f} | :: early retirement |
prejubilado {m} | :: Pre-retired person |
prejubilar {v} | :: to retire early; take early retirement |
prejudicial {adj} | :: prior to the administration of justice |
prejudicialidad {f} | :: prejudicialness |
prejuiciado {adj} | :: prejudiced |
prejuicio {m} | :: prejudice |
prejuicioso {adj} | :: prejudiced, biased |
prejuvenil {adj} | :: in an age group prior to the juvenil (age depends on the country) |
prejuzgamiento {m} | :: prejudgment |
prejuzgar {vt} | :: to prejudge |
prekinder {m} | :: prekindergarten |
prelacía {f} | :: synonym of prelatura |
prelación {f} | :: precedence, priority |
prelada {f} | :: prelatess |
prelado {m} | :: prelate |
prelanzamiento {m} | :: prelaunch |
prelaticio {adj} [attributive] | :: prelate |
prelatura {f} | :: prelacy |
prelegislativo {adj} | :: prelegislative |
preliberación {f} | :: preliberation |
preliminar {adj} | :: preliminary, introductory |
preliminares {mp} | :: foreplay |
preliminarmente {adv} | :: preliminarily |
preliquidación {f} | :: pre-liquidation |
prelista {f} | :: shortlist |
prelitoral {m} | :: coast, coastal area |
preludiar {v} | :: to herald, prelude |
preludio {m} [music] | :: prelude |
preludio {m} | :: introduction |
premaligno {adj} | :: premalignant |
premática {f} [legal, obsolete] | :: A law emanating from a competent Spanish authority, but technically differing from a royal decree or command in the formalities of its publication |
prematrícula {f} | :: preregistration |
prematrimonial {adj} | :: premarital |
prematuramente {adv} | :: prematurely |
prematuridad {f} | :: prematurity |
prematuro {adj} | :: premature, early |
premaxilar {m} | :: premaxilla |
premedicación {f} | :: premedication |
premeditación {f} | :: premeditation |
premeditadamente {adv} | :: purposely |
premeditar {vt} | :: to plan |
premenopáusico {adj} | :: premenopausal |
premenstrual {adj} | :: premenstrual |
premetro {m} [Argentina] | :: The light rail line in Buenos Aires that connects to the main underground network |
premezcla {f} | :: premix |
premia {f} [obsolete] | :: urgency |
premiación {f} | :: award ceremony |
premiado {adj} | :: award-winning, prizewinning, awarded |
premiar {v} | :: to award (give a prize) |
premiar {vt} [obsolete] | :: to hurry, to rush |
premier {mf} | :: premier (head of government) |
premiere {f} | :: premiere |
premilitar {adj} | :: pre-military (service) |
premio {m} | :: prize, award (honour or reward) |
premio {m} | :: prize (that which may be won) |
premio {m} | :: premium (bonus paid in addition to normal payments) |
premio de consuelo {m} | :: consolation prize |
premio nobel {mf} | :: Nobel Prize winner |
Premio Nobel {m} | :: Nobel Prize |
premioso {adj} | :: slow; clumsy |
premioso {adj} | :: unskilled at writing or speaking |
premioso {adj} | :: laboured |
premioso {adj} | :: annoying |
premioso {adj} | :: tight (clothes) |
premisa {f} [logic] | :: premise |
premium {adj} | :: premium |
premoderno {adj} | :: premodern |
premolar {adj} | :: premolar |
premonición {f} | :: premonition |
premonitor {m} | :: foreshock |
premonitor {m} | :: premonition, forewarning |
premonitoriamente {adv} | :: warningly |
premonitorio {adj} | :: premonitory |
premonstratense {adj} | :: Premonstratensian |
premonstratense {mf} | :: Premonstratensian |
premontano {adj} | :: premontane |
premontañoso {adj} | :: pre-mountainous |
premorir {v} | :: to predecease (to die sooner than) |
premortem {m} | :: premortem |
premostrar {v} | :: to show beforehand; to guide, direct |
premostrar {v} | :: to predict, presage, prognosticate |
premundial {m} [soccer] | :: World Cup qualifying round |
premundialista {adj} [sports, attributive] | :: Qualifying for the World Cup |
premura {f} | :: urgency, hurry |
preñado {adj} | :: pregnant |
preñar {vt} | :: to impregnate, make pregnant |
prenasalizar {v} | :: to prenasalize |
prenatal {adj} | :: prenatal |
prenatalmente {adv} | :: prenatally |
prenavideño {adj} | :: before Christmas |
prencipal {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of principal |
prenda {f} [finance] | :: collateral, security (security or guarantee pledged for the repayment of a loan) |
prenda {f} | :: garment (single item of clothing) |
prenda {f} [Venezuela] | :: jewel (precious or semi-precious stone) |
prendar {v} | :: to charm |
prendedor {m} | :: button (a badge worn on clothes) |
prendedor {m} | :: barrette |
prender {v} | :: to catch, to arrest |
prender {v} | :: to take, to pick up |
prender {v} | :: to light, to ignite |
prender {v} | :: to turn on (light, machine etc.) |
prender fuego {v} | :: to set fire |
prendero {m} | :: second-hand dealer (especially of second-hand clothes) |
prendido {adj} | :: turned on, switched on |
prendimiento {m} | :: arrest (of Jesus) |
preñez {f} | :: pregnancy |
prenilación {f} | :: prenylation |
prenombre {m} | :: praenomen |
prenómina {f} | :: preliminary squad |
prensa {f} | :: press (machine or exercise) |
prensa {f} | :: press (print-based media) |
prensa amarilla {f} | :: the gutter press |
prensaje {m} | :: recording (of music) |
prensapapas {m} | :: potato press |
prensar {v} | :: to press |
prensa rosa {f} | :: tabloid press; the tabs; the tabloids |
prensil {adj} | :: prehensile |
prensión {f} | :: grip, grasp |
prenupcial {adj} | :: prenuptial |
preocupación {f} | :: worry |
preocupación {f} | :: preoccupation |
preocupación {f} | :: anxiety |
preocupadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of preocupado |
preocupado {adj} | :: worried, concerned |
preocupante {adj} | :: worrying |
preocupar {vt} | :: to worry, to concern, to trouble, to be worrisome to, to preoccupy |
preocupar {vr} | :: to fret, to worry about/over, to be worried about/over, to be concerned about/over, to be troubled about/over, to care about (+ por usually, + de occasionally) |
preocuparse {v} | :: to worry or get worried |
preolímpico {adj} | :: pre-Olympic |
preolímpico {m} [sports] | :: qualifying stage for the Olympic Games |
preón {m} | :: preon |
preoperacional {adj} | :: preoperational |
preoperatividad {f} | :: State of being preoperative |
preoperatorio {adj} [surgery] | :: preoperative |
preopérculo {m} | :: preoperculum |
preopinante {adj} | :: Having previously expressed their opinion |
preopinante {mf} | :: One that previously expressed their opinion |
preóptico {adj} | :: preoptic |
preorbital {adj} | :: preorbital |
preorden {m} | :: preorder |
preordenar {v} | :: to preorder |
prepa {f} [Mexico] | :: high school |
prepagar {v} | :: to prepay |
prepago {adj} | :: prepaid |
preparación {f} | :: preparation |
preparadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of preparado |
preparado {adj} | :: prepared |
preparado {adj} | :: qualified, well-qualified |
preparado {m} | :: preparation |
preparador {m} | :: preparer, one who prepares |
preparadora {f} | :: feminine noun of preparador |
preparar {v} | :: to prepare |
prepararse {v} | :: reflexive of preparar, to prepare oneself |
preparativo {adj} | :: preparative, preparatory |
preparatoria {f} [Mexico] | :: high school |
preparatoriamente {adv} | :: preparatorily |
preparatorio {adj} | :: preparatory, introductory |
preparto {adj} | :: pre-birthing |
prepesaje {m} | :: weigh-in |
prepintar {v} | :: To pre-paint |
prepirenaico {adj} | :: Of or from the Pre-Pyrenees |
prepirineo {m} | :: Pyrenean foothills |
prepizza {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, cooking] | :: pizza base, consisting of dough and sauce and only lightly cooked |
preponderancia {f} | :: preponderance |
preponderancia {f} | :: superiority |
preponderante {adj} | :: predominant, prevailing |
preponderantemente {adv} | :: prominently |
preponderantemente {adv} | :: predominantly |
preponderar {vi} | :: to predominate, to dominate, to prevail |
preposición {f} | :: preposition |
preposicional {adj} | :: prepositional |
prepósito {m} | :: superior (religious leader) |
prepóstero {adj} | :: back-to-front |
prepostulado {m} [politics, rare] | :: pre-nomination |
prepotencia {f} | :: arrogance |
prepotencia {f} | :: absolute power; high power |
prepotente {adj} | :: overbearing, arrogant |
preprimaria {f} | :: preschool |
preprocesador {m} | :: preprocessor |
preprocesamiento {m} | :: preprocessing |
preproducción {f} | :: preproduction |
preprofesional {adj} | :: preprofessional |
preproyecto {m} | :: preliminary project |
prepúber {adj} | :: prepubescent |
prepublicación {f} | :: prepublication |
prepucial {adj} [anatomy] | :: preputial |
prepucio {m} [anatomy] | :: prepuce, foreskin |
prequemador {m} [rocket science] | :: preburner |
preregistro {m} | :: pre-registration |
prerrafaelismo {m} | :: preraphaelism |
prerrafaelista {adj} | :: Pre-Raphaelite |
prerrafaelista {mf} | :: Pre-Raphaelite |
prerrafaelita {adj} | :: pre-Rafael |
prerramirense {adj} | :: Before the reign of King Ramiro I of Asturias |
prerrenal {adj} | :: prerenal |
prerrequisito {m} | :: prerequisite |
prerrevolucionario {adj} | :: prerevolutionary |
prerrogativa {f} | :: prerogative |
prerrománico {adj} | :: pre-Romanesque |
prerromano {adj} | :: pre-Roman |
prerromántico {adj} | :: preromantic |
pres {m} | :: press (exercise) |
presa {f} | :: reservoir, dam |
presa {f} | :: piece of meat |
presa {f} | :: portion or piece of food |
presa {f} | :: feminine noun of preso, female prisoner |
presa {f} | :: capture |
presa {f} | :: prey |
presa {f} | :: stolen good |
presa {f} | :: sluice (artificial passage of water) |
presa {f} | :: weir |
presa de hielo {f} | :: ice dam |
presagiar {v} | :: to presage |
presagio {m} | :: premonition sign |
presbiacusia {f} [pathology] | :: presbycusis |
presbicia {f} [medicine] | :: presbyopia |
presbiterado {m} | :: presbyterate |
presbiteral {adj} | :: presbyteral |
presbiterial {adj} | :: presbyterial |
presbiterianismo {m} | :: Presbyterianism |
presbiteriano {adj} | :: Presbyterian (relating to the Presbyterian Church) |
presbiteriano {m} | :: Presbyterian (a member of the Presbyterian Church) |
presbiterio {m} | :: presbytery |
presbiterio {m} | :: chancel |
presbítero {m} | :: presbyter |
presciencia {f} | :: prescience |
prescindencia {f} | :: going without |
prescindible {adj} | :: expendable; dispensable |
prescindir {v} | :: to do without |
prescribir {v} [medical] | :: to prescribe |
prescribir {v} [legal] | :: to prescribe |
prescripción {f} | :: prescription |
prescriptivo {adj} | :: prescriptive |
prescriptor {m} | :: prescriber |
prescrito {adj} | :: unprosecutable (outside the statute of limitations) |
presea {f} | :: gem |
presecuencia {f} | :: presequence |
presedimentador {m} | :: presedimentation |
preselección {f} [sports] | :: provisional squad for the national team |
preseleccionar {v} | :: To preselect |
presencia {f} | :: presence |
presencia {f} | :: appearance, look |
presencial {adj} | :: in-person, on-site |
presencial {adj} [of a course] | :: attendance-based |
presencial {adj} | :: witnessing |
presencialismo {m} | :: presenteeism |
presencialmente {adv} | :: presentially |
presenciar {v} | :: to witness |
presenil {adj} | :: presenile |
presenilina {f} [biochemistry] | :: presenilin |
presentable {adj} | :: presentable |
presentación {f} | :: presentation |
presentación {f} | :: submission |
presentado {adj} | :: presented |
presentado {adj} | :: submitted |
presentado {adj} | :: filed, lodged |
presentado {adj} | :: tabled (e.g., a resolution or amendment) |
presentador {m} | :: presenter |
presentador {m} | :: host, hostess, master of ceremonies [for a performance etc.] |
presentadora {f} | :: feminine noun of presentador; female presenter |
presentar {v} | :: to present, to submit |
presentar {v} | :: to introduce (someone) |
presentar {v} [law] | :: to file (a lawsuit), to lodge (an appeal, a complaint) |
presentar {v} [government] | :: to table (e.g., a resolution, an amendment) |
presente {adj} | :: present |
presente {adj} [formal] | :: this |
presente {m} [grammar] | :: present |
presente {m} | :: present |
presente de subjuntivo {m} [grammar] | :: present subjunctive |
presentencia {adj} | :: presentence |
presentimiento {m} | :: presentiment |
presentimiento {m} | :: gut feeling, hunch |
presentimiento {m} | :: premonition |
presentir {v} | :: to have a feeling, have an idea |
presentismo {m} | :: presentism |
preserie {f} | :: preseries |
preservación {f} | :: preservation |
preservado {adj} | :: preserved |
preservador {m} | :: preserver |
preservante {m} | :: preservative (any agent that acts to preserve, especially food) |
preservar {vt} | :: to preserve |
preservar {vp} | :: to be preserved |
preservarse {v} | :: reflexive of preservar |
preservativamente {adv} | :: preservatively |
preservativo {adj} | :: preservative |
preservativo {m} | :: condom |
presi {mf} | :: prez (president) |
presidencia {f} | :: presidency |
presidenciable {mf} | :: possible presidential candidate |
presidencial {adj} | :: presidential |
presidencialismo {m} | :: A presidential government |
presidencialista {adj} | :: presidential |
presidencialización {f} | :: presidentialization |
president {m} | :: president of Catalonia |
presidenta {f} | :: feminine noun of presidente |
presidente {mf} | :: president |
presidentito {m} | :: diminutive of presidente |
presidiario {m} | :: convict |
presidio {m} | :: jail |
presidio {m} [historical] | :: garrison, presidio |
presidir {vt} | :: to preside |
presilla {f} | :: diminutive of presa |
presilladora {f} [chiefly Cuba] | :: stapler |
presináptico {adj} | :: presynaptic |
presión {f} | :: pressure |
presión absoluta {f} [physics, meteorology] | :: absolute pressure |
presionadora {f} | :: pestle, plunger |
presionar {v} | :: to pressure |
presionar {v} | :: to push, to press, to hit, to press down (e.g. a button, key, pen) |
presionar {v} | :: to pressurize to press on (e.g. press on a wound) |
presionar {v} | :: to urge, to push, to dragoon |
presionar {v} | :: to lobby |
presionar {vr} | :: to be pressed |
presión arterial {f} [medicine] | :: blood pressure |
presión atmosférica {f} [physics, meteorology] | :: atmospheric pressure (or air pressure, or barometric pressure) |
presión barométrica {f} [physics, meteorology] | :: synonym of presión atmosférica |
presión manométrica {f} [physics, meteorology] | :: gauge pressure (or relative pressure) |
presión negativa {f} [physics, meteorology] | :: negative pressure |
presión osmótica {f} | :: osmotic pressure |
presión relativa {f} [physics, meteorology] | :: synonym of presión manométrica |
preso {adj} | :: imprisoned |
preso {m} | :: prisoner |
presocialista {adj} | :: presocialist |
presocrático {adj} | :: pre-Socratic |
presolar {adj} | :: presolar |
presolicitar {v} | :: to go through the first stage of application |
presolicitud {f} | :: early stage of application |
presoviético {adj} | :: pro-Soviet |
press {m} | :: press (exercise) |
prestación {f} | :: service |
prestación {f} | :: perk, benefit |
prestación {f} | :: performance |
prestación {f} [finance] | :: loan, lending |
prestacional {adj} [attributive] | :: loaning |
prestado {adj} | :: lent |
prestador {adj} | :: lending |
prestador {m} | :: lender |
prestamente {adv} | :: promptly |
prestamismo {m} | :: loaning |
prestamista {mf} | :: moneylender |
prestamista {mf} | :: usurer, loan shark (someone lending money at exorbitant rates of interest) |
préstamo {m} | :: loan |
préstamo {m} [linguistics] | :: loanword, foreign word, borrowing |
prestancia {f} | :: excellence, distinction, superiority |
prestanombre {m} | :: A person or non-entity whose name is put on a legal document |
prestante {adj} | :: leading |
prestar {vt} | :: to give, pay (e.g., attention) |
prestar {vt} | :: to lend |
prestar {vrt} | :: to have a natural inclination, a natural tendency |
prestar {vt} | :: to take |
prestar atención {v} [idiom] | :: To pay attention; take notice |
prestataria {f} | :: feminine noun of prestatario |
prestatario {adj} | :: borrowing |
prestatario {m} | :: borrower |
preste {m} [historical, obsolete] | :: priest |
presteza {f} | :: alacrity; promptness |
prestidigitación {f} | :: prestidigitation, sleight of hand, legerdemain (manual dexterity in the execution of tricks) |
prestidigitación {f} [figuratively] | :: sleight of hand, legerdemain |
prestidigitador {m} | :: prestidigitator |
prestidigitadora {f} | :: feminine noun of prestidigitador |
prestigiado {adj} | :: prestigious |
prestigiar {v} | :: to honor, to make famous (to contribute to one's prestige) |
prestigio {m} | :: prestige, standing, (good) reputation, good name, face, kudos |
prestigio {m} | :: cachet |
prestigioso {adj} | :: prestigious, distinguished, famous, eminent |
prestimonio {m} | :: prestimony |
prestísimamente {adv} | :: superlative of prestamente |
presto {adj} | :: quick, swift, prompt |
presto {adj} | :: ready, prepared |
presto {adv} | :: immediately, promptly |
presto {adv} [music] | :: presto |
presto {adv} | :: right away, at once |
presumario {m} [legal] | :: preliminary process |
presumible {adj} | :: presumable |
presumiblemente {adv} | :: presumably |
presumido {adj} | :: arrogant, conceited |
presumido {m} | :: show-off |
presumir {vi} | :: to boast, show off |
presumir {vt} | :: to presume |
presunción {f} | :: presumption |
presunción {f} | :: conceit, presumptuousness, vanity |
presunción {f} | :: suspicion |
presunción de inocencia {m} [legal] | :: presumption of innocence |
presuntamente {adv} | :: presumably |
presuntivamente {adv} | :: presumptively |
presuntivo {adj} | :: presumptive |
presunto {adj} | :: presumed, assumed |
presunto {adj} | :: alleged |
presuntuosamente {adv} | :: presumptuously, conceitedly |
presuntuoso {adj} | :: presumptuous |
presuntuoso {adj} | :: impertinent |
presuponer {v} | :: to budget |
presuponer {v} | :: to presuppose |
presuposición {f} | :: presupposition |
presupuestación {f} | :: budgeting |
presupuestal {adj} | :: budgetary |
presupuestalmente {adv} | :: budgetarily; when it comes to the budget; budget-wise |
presupuestar {v} | :: to budget |
presupuestariamente {adv} | :: budgetarily |
presupuestario {adj} | :: budgetary |
presupuesto {adj} | :: estimated |
presupuesto {m} | :: budget |
presupuesto {m} | :: estimate |
presupuesto {m} | :: reason, motive |
presura {f} | :: worry |
presura {f} | :: speed |
presura {f} | :: persistence |
presura {f} | :: zeal, enthusiasm |
presurización {f} | :: pressurization |
presurizar {v} | :: to pressurize |
presurosamente {adv} | :: quickly, hastily |
presuroso {adj} | :: hurried, hasty |
pretal {m} [horse tack] | :: breastplate |
pretalayótico {adj} | :: pre-Talaiotic |
pretemporada {f} | :: preseason |
pretención {f} [Venezuela] | :: pretentiousness |
pretenciosidad {f} | :: pretentiousness |
pretencioso {adj} | :: pretentious |
pretender {v} | :: to pretend (claim, allege) |
pretender {v} | :: to intend, to aim (for/to) |
pretender {v} | :: to woo, to court |
pretendidamente {adv} | :: supposedly |
pretendiente {adj} | :: aspiring |
pretendiente {mf} | :: applicant |
pretendiente {mf} | :: suitor, wooer |
pretendiente {mf} | :: pretender (claimant to a throne) |
pretensar {v} | :: to prestress |
pretensión {f} | :: claim |
pretensor {m} | :: pretensioner |
preterición {f} [rhetoric] | :: preterition |
preterición {f} [law] | :: preterition |
preterir {v} | :: to leave out, to omit |
pretérito {adj} | :: Of things that have passed or occurred ongoing at some point in the past |
pretérito {adj} [grammar] | :: Of the preterite verb tense |
pretérito {m} [grammar] | :: The preterite tense |
pretérito anterior {m} [grammar] | :: past anterior tense |
pretérito imperfecto {m} [grammar] | :: past imperfect tense |
pretérito indefinido {m} [grammar] | :: indefinite preterite tense (simple past) |
pretérito perfecto {m} [grammar] | :: present perfect tense |
pretérito pluscuamperfecto {m} [grammar] | :: pluperfect tense |
pretérmino {adj} | :: preterm |
pretermitir {v} | :: to pretermit |
preternatural {adj} | :: preternatural |
preternaturalmente {adv} | :: preternaturally |
pretextar {v} | :: to give as a pretext |
pretexto {m} | :: pretext |
pretibial {adj} | :: pretibial |
pretil {m} [construction] | :: parapet |
pretil {m} | :: handrail |
pretina {f} | :: waistband |
pretor {m} [law] | :: magistrate |
pretor {m} [law, historical] | :: praetor |
Pretoria {prop} | :: Pretoria (administrative capital) |
pretoriano {adj} | :: Praetorian |
pretorio {adj} | :: praetorian |
pretratamiento {m} | :: pretreatment |
pretroncal {adj} [of roads] | :: subsidiary |
pretroncal {f} | :: B road |
pretura {f} | :: praetorship |
preuniversitario {adj} | :: pre-university |
prevalecer {v} | :: to prevail |
prevaleciente {adj} | :: prevailing, dominant |
prevalencia {f} | :: prevalence |
prevalente {adj} | :: prevalent |
prevalentemente {adv} | :: prevalently, prevailingly |
prevaler {v} | :: synonym of prevalecer |
prevaricación {f} | :: prevarication |
prevaricador {adj} | :: prevaricating |
prevaricar {v} | :: to prevaricate |
prevaricar {v} [law] | :: to commit perjury |
prevaricar {v} | :: to fall short performing, or to neglect, one's duties |
prevaricar {v} [colloquial] | :: to go mad |
prevaricato {m} | :: alternative spelling of prevaricación |
prevención {f} | :: prevention |
prevenible {adj} | :: preventable |
prevenir {v} | :: to prevent, to forestall, to preempt, to ward off, to stave off |
prevenir {v} | :: to avert (e.g. a disease, an accident, a disaster, danger) |
prevenir {v} | :: to forewarn, warn |
prevenir {v} | :: to anticipate |
prevenir {v} [Mexico] | :: to prepare |
preventa {m} | :: presale |
preventivamente {adv} | :: preventively, preemptively |
preventivo {adj} | :: preventive, preemptive |
preventorio {m} | :: preventorium |
prever {v} | :: to foresee |
prever {v} | :: to envisage |
preverbal {adj} | :: preverbal |
prevesical {adj} [anatomy] | :: prevesical |
previamente {adv} | :: previously |
previo {adj} | :: previous |
previo {adj} | :: prelim, preliminary |
previrreinal {adj} | :: pre-viceroy |
previsibilidad {f} | :: predictability |
previsible {adj} | :: foreseeable, predictable; falling within normal expectation |
previsiblemente {adv} | :: provisionally |
previsión {f} | :: prevision |
previsión {f} | :: precaution |
previsional {adj} | :: forecast, projected |
previsionar {v} | :: to prevision |
previsivo {adj} [Colombia, Venezuela] | :: synonym of previsor |
previsor {adj} | :: visionary (having foresight) |
previsoramente {adv} | :: prudently |
previsto {adj} | :: expected, predicted |
previsualización {f} | :: previsualization |
previsualizar {v} | :: to preview |
prez {mf} | :: honour |
prezigapófisis {f} | :: prezygapophysis |
PRI {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Partido Revolucionario Institucional |
priapismo {m} [medicine] | :: priapism |
Príapo {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Priapus (god of procreation) |
priato {m} | :: The time when the Institutional Revolutionary Party held power in Mexico, from 1929 to 2000 |
Priene {prop} {f} | :: Priene |
priesa {f} | :: obsolete spelling of prisa |
prieta {f} | :: blood sausage |
prietita {mf} | :: A supporter of Manuel García Prieto |
prieto {adj} | :: dark, swarthy. Used to describe both people and landscapes |
prieto {adj} [Louisiana] | :: black |
Prieto {prop} {m} | :: surname |
priismo {m} | :: The ideologies of, or support for, the Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party |
priista {adj} [politics] | :: Of or relating to the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico |
priista {mf} [politics] | :: A supporter or member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico |
prima {f} | :: feminine noun of primo |
prima {f} | :: bonus |
prima {f} | :: premium (amount to be paid for an insurance policy) |
primacia {f} | :: primacy |
primacía {f} | :: primacy; supremacy |
primacial {adj} | :: of or pertaining to primacy |
prima cuarta {f} | :: fourth cousin (female) |
primada {f} [colloquial] | :: Typically action of a dope; gullibility |
prima hermana {f} | :: first cousin (female) |
primalidad {f} | :: primality |
prima quinta {f} | :: fifth cousin (female) |
primar {v} | :: to predominate |
primar {v} | :: to give priority |
primariamente {adv} | :: primarily, chiefly, mainly |
primarias {fp} [politics] | :: first round of elections |
primario {adj} | :: first |
primario {adj} | :: primary, main |
primario {adj} | :: primordial |
primasa {f} [enzyme] | :: primase |
prima segunda {f} | :: second cousin (female) |
primastra {f} | :: feminine noun of primastro; stepcousin |
primastro {m} | :: stepcousin |
primate {m} | :: primate (animal) |
prima tercera {f} | :: third cousin (female) |
primatóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of primatólogo |
primatología {f} | :: primatology |
primatólogo {m} | :: primatologist |
primavera {f} | :: spring (season) |
primavera {mf} | :: simple soul; simple creature; simple sod |
Primavera Árabe {prop} {f} [geopolitics] | :: Arab Spring (2010 pro-democracy movement in Arab countries) |
primavera bosquera {f} | :: white-throated thrush (Turdus assimilis) |
primaveral {adj} | :: spring (attributive) |
primazo {m} [Mexico] | :: A nickname of Alfredo Del Mazo Mazo |
primera {f} | :: lowest gear in an motor vehicle |
primera {f} | :: first class |
primera dama {f} | :: first lady |
Primera Guerra Mundial {prop} {f} | :: First World War; World War I |
primera instancia {f} | :: low-level or district court |
primeramente {adv} | :: firstly |
primera ministra {f} | :: female equivalent of primer ministro |
primer amor {m} | :: first love |
primera persona {f} | :: first person |
primera posición {f} [motor racing] | :: pole position |
primerísimo {adj} | :: superlative of primero |
primerísimo plano {m} [photography] | :: close-up |
primerito {adj} | :: diminutive of primero |
primeriza {f} | :: feminine noun of primerizo |
primerizo {m} | :: first timer, newbie |
primer ministro {m} | :: prime minister |
primer mundo {m} | :: First World (wealthy, developed nations) |
primero {m} | :: former (in contrast to the latter), first, first one |
primero {m} | :: one of the five bids in the card game of Primero, consisting of a combination of four cards in the hand |
primero {adj} | :: first, first up |
primero {adj} | :: top (head) |
primero {adj} | :: chief, fundamental |
primero {adj} | :: prime, initial, front |
primero {adv} | :: first, first of all, firstly |
primero espada {m} [bullfighting] | :: leading matador |
primero espada {m} [idiom] | :: big cheese, bigwig |
primer oficial {m} [nautical] | :: first mate |
primeros auxilios {mp} [medicine] | :: first aid |
primer plano {m} [cinematography, photography] | :: foreground |
primer plano {m} [photography] | :: close-up |
primer plano {m} [figuratively] | :: forefront |
primicia {f} | :: scoop; exclusive (news reported before anyone else) |
primicia {f} | :: firstfruit |
primicial {adj} [attributive] | :: firstfruits |
primicialmente {adv} | :: exclusively |
primigeniamente {adv} | :: primitively |
primigenio {adj} | :: primitive, original |
primigesta {adj} | :: primigravid |
primigesta {f} | :: primigravida |
primilla {f} | :: diminutive of prima |
primípara {f} | :: primipara |
primita {f} | :: diminutive of prima |
primitiva {f} | :: feminine noun of primitivo |
primitiva {f} [Spain] | :: The Lotería Primitiva de España, a bi-weekly national lottery |
primitivamente {adv} | :: primitively (in a primitive manner) |
primitivismo {m} | :: primitivism |
primitivista {adj} | :: primitivistic |
primitivista {mf} | :: primitivist |
primitivo {adj} | :: primitive |
primitivo {adj} | :: original, initial, basic |
primito {m} | :: diminutive of primo |
primo {m} | :: cousin (of male or unspecified gender) |
primo {adj} | :: first |
primo {adj} [mathematics] | :: prime |
primo {m} [mathematics] | :: prime number |
primo {m} [colloquial] | :: sucker, gullible person |
primo cuarto {m} | :: fourth cousin |
primogénito {adj} | :: firstborn |
primogénito {m} | :: firstborn |
primogenitura {f} | :: primogeniture |
primo hermano {m} | :: first cousin (male) |
primo quinto {m} | :: fifth cousin |
primor {m} | :: skill, care |
primor {m} | :: lovely thing, gem |
primordial {adj} | :: primordial |
primordialmente {adv} | :: primordially, primevally |
primordio {m} | :: promordium |
primorosamente {adv} | :: elegantly, skillfully |
primoroso {adj} | :: prime, excellent, ace (First in excellence, quality, or value) |
primorriverista {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Miguel Primo de Rivera, ruler of Spain 1923-1930 |
primorriverista {mf} | :: A supporter of Miguel Primo de Rivera |
primo segundo {m} | :: second cousin |
primo tercero {m} | :: third cousin |
princesa {f} | :: princess |
princesita {f} | :: diminutive of princesa |
principado {m} | :: principality |
principal {adj} | :: main, most important |
principal {adj} | :: essential |
principal {m} | :: chief, boss |
principalidad {f} | :: principalness |
principalidad {f} | :: principality |
principalísimamente {adv} | :: superlative of principalmente |
principalísimo {adj} | :: superlative of principal |
principalización {f} [especially, Ecuador] | :: making main or principal |
principalizar {v} | :: to make main |
principalmente {adv} | :: mainly |
principalmente {adv} | :: principally |
príncipe {m} | :: prince |
príncipe {m} | :: sovereign, ruler |
príncipe {adj} | :: first (edition of a publication) |
príncipe azul {m} [idiomatic] | :: Prince Charming |
príncipe de las tinieblas {m} | :: Prince of Darkness |
principeduardina {f} | :: feminine noun of principeduardino |
principeduardino {adj} | :: Prince Edward Islander (of or pertaining to Prince Edward Island) |
principeduardino {m} | :: Prince Edward Islander (native or resident of Prince Edward Island) |
principesco {adj} | :: princely |
principiante {mf} | :: novice (beginner) |
principiar {v} | :: to begin |
principio {m} | :: beginning, start, outset, get-go |
principio {m} | :: cause, origin |
principio {m} | :: principle |
principio activo {m} | :: active ingredient |
principio de no agresión {m} [ethics, philosphy] | :: non-aggression principle |
principista {adj} | :: principled |
principito {m} | :: diminutive of príncipe (minor or unimportant prince) |
pringá {f} | :: pringá |
pringado {adj} | :: dirty, filthy |
pringado {adj} | :: stuck with |
pringado {adj} | :: involved |
pringado {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: loser, sucker, doormat (a person who is easily deceived, tricked or persuaded to do something; a naive person; a person who has the worst jobs at work) |
pringado {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: poor thing, poor thing wretch, victim (an unfortunate person who suffers from a disaster or other adverse circumstance.) |
pringado {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: fool, idiot |
pringao {adj} | :: pronunciation spelling of pringado |
pringao {m} | :: pronunciation spelling of pringado |
pringar {vt} | :: to drench, dip, or coat in grease or fat |
pringar {vt} | :: to squeeze a greasy food with bread, as a method of preparing it |
pringar {vt} | :: to carry out pringue, wherein someone is punished by having boiling grease thrown at them |
pringar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to denigrate or slander |
pringar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to place someone in an illegal or unethical position |
pringar {vt} [Mexico] | :: to splash |
pringar {vt} [Nicaragua] | :: to splatter clothes with water, as a way to iron them |
pringar {vi} [impersonal, Mexico, El Salvador] | :: to drizzle (to produce a light rain or mist) |
pringar {vi} [colloquial] | :: to work hard, especially in tough conditions for little benefit |
pringarla {v} [colloquial] | :: to croak, snuff it (die) |
pringarla {v} [idiom] | :: to screw up; mess up (a plan) |
pringoso {adj} | :: greasy, sticky |
pringue {mf} | :: fat; grease (especially from meat) |
pringue {mf} | :: grease, grime, gunk, goo |
pringue {mf} | :: a punishment consisting of throwing boiling grease at someone |
prinia {f} | :: prinia |
printear {v} | :: to print |
prion {m} | :: prion |
priónico {adj} | :: prionic |
prior {m} | :: prior (a high-ranking member of a monastery) |
priora {f} | :: feminine noun of prior; prioress |
prioral {adj} | :: priorial |
priorato {m} | :: priory |
priorato {m} | :: priorate |
priori {particle} | :: only used in a priori |
prioridad {f} | :: priority |
prioridad {f} [road transport] | :: right of way |
prioritariamente {adv} | :: In order of priority |
prioritario {adj} | :: priority |
priorización {f} | :: prioritization |
priorizadamente {adv} | :: preferably; with priority |
priorizar {v} | :: to prioritize (give something high priority) |
Prípiat {prop} | :: Pripyat |
prisa {f} | :: hurry, rush, urgency |
priscilianista {mf} | :: Priscillianist |
prisión {f} | :: prison (a place or institution of confinement, especially of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes or otherwise considered undesirable by the government) |
prisionera {f} | :: (female) prisoner |
prisionera de guerra {f} | :: feminine noun of prisionero de guerra |
prisionero {m} | :: prisoner |
prisionero de guerra {m} | :: prisoner of war |
prisma {m} [geometry] | :: prism (a polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape) |
prisma {m} | :: prism (a transparent block used to split or reflect light) |
prisma {m} | :: viewpoint, point of view, standpoint |
prismático {adj} | :: prismatic |
prismáticos {mp} | :: binoculars |
prismatoide {m} [geometry] | :: prismatoid |
Pristina {prop} {f} | :: Pristina (capital city) |
Pristina {prop} {f} | :: Pristina (district) |
prístino {adj} | :: pristine (unspoiled, uncorrupted or unsullied) |
priva {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: booze; drink |
privacidad {f} | :: privacy |
privación {f} [also in the plural] | :: deprivation, privation, hardship |
privada {f} [Mexico] | :: cul-de-sac |
privadamente {adv} | :: privately |
privadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of privado |
privado {adj} | :: private, privy (e.g. a privy council) |
privado {adj} | :: deprived, deprived of, denied, bereft (usually followed by de) |
privado {adj} | :: unlisted (e.g. phone number) |
privanza {f} | :: favourite |
privar {vt} | :: to deprive |
privar {vt} | :: to prohibit |
privar {vt} | :: to refrain from doing something |
privar {vr} [privarse] | :: to do without |
privar {vi} | :: to be in vogue |
privar {vi} [colloquial] | :: to enjoy immensely (gustar-like) |
privar {vr} [Latin America] | :: to pass out, fall unconscious |
privatista {mf} | :: privatist |
privativamente {adv} | :: solely, privatively |
privativo {adj} | :: exclusive, singular, restricted to |
privatizable {adj} | :: privatizable |
privatización {f} | :: privatization |
privatizador {adj} | :: privatization (attributive) |
privatizar {vt} | :: to privatize (release government control to private industry) |
privilegiado {adj} | :: privileged |
privilegiar {v} | :: to favor |
privilegio {m} | :: privilege |
PRM {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Partido de la Revolución Mexicana |
PRM {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Partido Revolucionario Moderno |
pro- {prefix} | :: pro- |
pro {prep} | :: pro, in favor of, for |
pro {mf} | :: pro (professional) |
pro {adj} | :: pro (professional) |
proa {f} [nautical] | :: bow, prow (front of a boat or ship) |
proactivamente {adv} | :: proactively |
proactividad {f} | :: proactiveness |
proactivo {adj} | :: proactive |
proalemán {adj} | :: pro-German; German-friendly |
proamericano {adj} | :: Pro-American |
proamnistía {adj} | :: pro-amnesty |
probabilidad {f} | :: probability |
probabilidad {f} | :: likelihood |
probabilidad {f} | :: chance |
probabilista {mf} | :: probabilist |
probabilísticamente {adv} | :: probabilistically |
probabilístico {adj} | :: probabilistic |
probable {adj} | :: probable, likely |
probable {adj} | :: provable |
probablemente {adv} | :: probably, likely |
probación {f} | :: trial |
probación {f} | :: a kind of exam in order to become a monk |
probadamente {adv} | :: provably |
probadita {f} | :: diminutive of prueba |
probado {adj} | :: proven, tried |
probador {m} | :: fitting room |
probador {m} | :: tester |
probadora {f} | :: feminine noun of probador |
probadura {f} | :: trial |
probadura {f} | :: tasting, sampling |
probanza {f} | :: proof, evidence |
probar {v} | :: to prove |
probar {v} | :: to test, to demonstrate |
probar {v} | :: to taste |
probar {v} | :: to try, to try out, to sample, to test out, to give a go, to have a go |
probar {v} | :: to check out, to probe |
probar {v} | :: to suit |
probar {v} | :: to try out (for a team) |
probar {vr} [with clothes, etc.] | :: to try on, see if it fits |
probar {vr} | :: to prove oneself |
probar {vr} | :: to be tested, to be proved, to be proven |
probar bocado {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have a bite (try some food) |
probarse {v} | :: reflexive of probar, to try on (clothing) |
probar suerte {v} [idiomatic] | :: to try one's luck, have a go |
probatorio {adj} | :: probative |
probatura {f} | :: test |
probeta {f} | :: test tube |
probidad {f} | :: probity |
probiótico {adj} [bacteriology] | :: probiotic |
problema {m} | :: problem, issue, challenge, matter, concern, business, difficulty, snag (a difficulty or obstacle that has to be dealt with) |
problema {m} | :: trouble [singular or plural] |
problema {m} | :: question, dilemma, conundrum |
problema {m} | :: condition (illness) |
problema {m} | :: hot water [plural] |
problemática {f} | :: Group of problems of a certain science or topic |
problemático {adj} | :: problematic, problem, troublesome, troubled, problematical |
problematización {f} | :: problematization |
problematizar {vt} | :: to make something problematic; to problematize |
problemilla {m} | :: diminutive of problema; a small problem |
problemita {m} | :: diminutive of problema, a small problem |
problemón {m} | :: augmentative of problema |
probo {adj} [formal] | :: honest, upright |
probóscide {f} | :: proboscis |
proboscídeo {m} | :: proboscidean |
proboscidio {m} | :: proboscidean (mamal of the order Proboscidea) |
procacidad {f} | :: insolence; brazenness |
procaína {f} | :: procaine |
procapitalista {adj} | :: procapitalist |
procapitalista {mf} | :: procapitalist |
procarionte {m} | :: prokaryote |
procariota {m} | :: prokaryote |
procatedral {f} | :: procathedral |
procaz {adj} | :: bold |
procaz {adj} | :: shameless |
procedencia {f} | :: origin; providence |
procedente {adj} | :: arriving, coming |
proceder {m} | :: demeanor |
proceder {v} | :: to proceed |
proceder {v} | :: to move onwards |
proceder {v} [with preposition de] | :: to come from |
procedibilidad {f} | :: procedure |
procedimental {adj} | :: procedural |
procedimiento {m} | :: procedure |
procedimiento {m} | :: method |
procedimiento {m} | :: proceedings |
procela {f} [poetic] | :: storm |
procelárida {f} | :: procellariid |
procelárido {m} | :: procellariid |
proceloso {adj} | :: choppy; tempestuous (sea) |
prócer {m} | :: national or cultural hero |
prócer {m} | :: big shot; VIP |
procerato {m} | :: group of national heroes |
procerato {m} | :: group of VIP's |
proceroso {adj} | :: burly |
procés {m} | :: The process of Catalan independence |
procesabilidad {f} | :: processability |
procesable {adj} | :: processable |
procesado {adj} | :: processed [of products, food, modified through manufacture] |
procesado {adj} [law] | :: accused |
procesador {m} | :: processor |
procesadora {f} | :: processing plant |
procesador de alimentos {m} | :: food processor |
procesal {adj} | :: processual |
procesalista {mf} | :: procedural law expert |
procesalmente {adv} | :: procedurally |
procesamiento {m} | :: processing |
procesar {v} | :: to process |
procesar {v} | :: to prosecute |
procesión {f} | :: procession (act of progressing or proceeding) |
procesión {f} | :: procession (group of people or things moving along in an orderly manner, especially religeous) |
procesional {adj} | :: processional |
procesionalmente {adv} | :: processionally |
procesionar {v} | :: to carry in a parade or procession |
procesionaria {f} | :: processionary (moth) |
proceso {m} | :: process |
proceso {m} [legal] | :: lawsuit |
proceso {m} [legal] | :: trial |
procesor {m} | :: processor |
procesual {adj} | :: process |
procíclico {adj} | :: procyclic |
procio {m} [isotope] | :: protium |
proclamación {f} | :: proclamation |
proclamar {v} | :: to proclaim |
proclítico {m} | :: proclitic |
proclive {adj} | :: inclined, prone |
proclividad {f} | :: proclivity |
procompetitivo {adj} | :: procompetitive |
procomún {m} | :: common (resource accessible to all) |
procomunista {adj} | :: pro-Communist |
proconservador {adj} | :: pro-Conservative |
procónsul {m} | :: proconsul |
proconsulado {m} | :: proconsulate |
proconsular {adj} | :: proconsular |
procrastinación {f} | :: procrastination |
procrastinador {m} | :: procrastinator |
procrastinar {v} | :: to procrastinate |
procreación {f} | :: procreation |
procrear {v} | :: to procreate |
proctóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of proctólogo |
proctología {f} | :: proctology |
proctólogo {m} | :: proctologist |
proctorragia {f} [medical] | :: proctorrhagia |
procu {f} | :: procuratorship |
procumbente {adj} | :: procumbent |
procuración {f} | :: obtention |
procurador {m} | :: procurator, attorney, agent |
procurador {m} [Spain] | :: member of a regional parliament |
procuradora {f} | :: feminine noun of procurador |
procuraduría {f} | :: procuratorship |
procurar {v} | :: to obtain, acquire |
procurar {v} [catenative] | :: to try, attempt |
procurar {v} | :: to endeavor |
procurar {v} | :: to make sure, assure |
procurar {v} | :: to work as a procurator [attorney or agent] |
procurarse {v} | :: to secure |
procústeo {adj} | :: procrustean |
prodemocracia {adj} | :: prodemocracy |
Pródico {prop} {m} | :: Prodicus (a sophist from Ceos and contemporary of Socrates) |
prodigalidad {f} | :: prodigiousness, richness |
pródigamente {adv} | :: prodigally |
prodigar {v} | :: to squander, waste, spend lavishly |
prodigar {v} | :: to lavish |
prodigio {m} | :: A prodigy; an especially gifted or talented person |
prodigiosamente {adv} | :: prodigiously |
prodigioso {adj} | :: prodigious |
pródigo {adj} | :: lavish, prodigal |
pródromo {m} | :: prodrome |
producción {f} | :: production, output |
producible {adj} | :: producible |
producido {adj} | :: produced |
producir {v} | :: to produce |
producir {vr} | :: to occur, to be there, to take place, to happen, to arise, to come about (to be produced) |
productivamente {adv} | :: productively |
productividad {f} | :: productivity (state of being productive) |
productivista {mf} | :: productivist |
productivo {adj} | :: fruitful, productive |
producto {m} | :: product, commodity, item |
producto {m} | :: produce (usually plural) |
producto {m} | :: proceeds |
producto {m} | :: result (consequence) |
producto {m} | :: device (usually medical) |
producto lácteo {m} | :: dairy product (a foodstuff containing milk) |
producto nacional bruto {m} | :: gross national product |
productor {m} | :: producer |
productora {f} | :: feminine noun of productor |
proelección {adj} | :: pro-choice |
proemio {m} | :: preface, proemium |
proespañol {adj} | :: pro-Spanish |
proestadounidense {adj} | :: pro-American; pro-USA |
proetarra {adj} | :: ETA-friendly |
proeuropeo {adj} | :: pro-European, Europhilic |
proeza {f} | :: prowess (bravery or courage, especially in battle) |
proeza {f} | :: feat (heroic or extraordinary deed) |
profana {f} | :: feminine noun of profano |
profanación {f} | :: profanation |
profanador {adj} | :: profanatory, defiling |
profanador {m} | :: profaner, defiler, desecrater, desecrator |
profanadora {f} | :: feminine noun of profanador |
profanamente {adv} | :: profanely |
profanar {vt} | :: to profane |
profanidad {f} | :: profanity |
profano {adj} | :: profane; unholy (desecrating a holy place or thing) |
profano {adj} | :: profane; secular (not relating to religion) |
profano {adj} | :: inexperienced, amateur |
profano {m} | :: amateur |
profármaco {m} | :: prodrug |
profase {f} | :: prohase |
profe {mf} [colloquial] | :: clipping of profesor, teacher |
profecía {f} | :: foresight |
profecía {f} | :: prophecy |
PROFECO {prop} | :: Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, a Mexican government consumer protection organisation |
profeminista {adj} | :: profeminist |
profeminista {mf} | :: profeminist |
proferir {vt} | :: to utter, let out (especially an insult, curse, sigh or exclamation) |
proferir {vt} [dated] | :: to proffer, propose |
profesar {vt} | :: to profess |
profesión {f} | :: profession |
profesión {f} | :: calling |
profesional {adj} | :: professional |
profesional {mf} | :: professional |
profesionalidad {f} | :: professionalism |
profesionalismo {m} | :: professionalism |
profesionalización {f} | :: professionalisation/professionalization |
profesionalizante {adj} | :: becoming professional |
profesionalizar {v} | :: to professionalize |
profesionalmente {adv} | :: professionally |
profesionista {mf} [Mexico] | :: professional |
profesión más antigua del mundo {f} [euphemistic, idiom] | :: the world's oldest profession |
profesor {m} [especially, Spain] | :: teacher |
profesor {m} | :: professor, faculty member |
profesora {f} | :: feminine noun of profesor, (female) teacher |
profesorado {m} | :: teaching team, teachers, teaching staff |
profesorado {m} | :: teaching position |
profesoral {adj} | :: teacher, professorial (attributive) |
profeta {m} | :: prophet |
profetal {m} | :: prophetic, prophetical |
proféticamente {adv} | :: prophetically |
profético {adj} | :: prophetic |
profetisa {f} | :: prophetess |
profetismo {m} | :: prophetism |
profetizar {v} | :: to prophesy |
profibrinolisina {f} [organic compound] | :: plasmin |
profiláctico {adj} | :: prophylactic |
profiláctico {m} | :: condom |
profiláctico {m} | :: prophylactic |
profilaxis {f} | :: prophylaxis |
prófuga {f} | :: feminine noun of prófugo |
profugar {v} [nonstandard] | :: to go on the run; to flee as a fugitive |
prófugo {m} | :: a fugitive |
prófugo {m} | :: a draft dodger |
profundamente {adv} | :: profoundly, deeply |
profundar {v} | :: synonym of profundizar |
profundidad {f} | :: depth |
profundísimo {adj} | :: superlative of profundo |
profundización {f} | :: deepening (making more significant or profound) |
profundizar {v} | :: to deepen |
profundo {adj} | :: deep |
profundo {adj} | :: profound |
profusamente {adv} | :: profusely |
profusamente {adv} | :: widely |
profusión {f} | :: profusion, abundance |
profuso {adj} | :: profuse, rife |
progenie {f} | :: descent, lineage |
progenitor {m} | :: progenitor |
progenitora {f} | :: feminine noun of progenitor |
progeria {f} | :: progeria |
progestágeno {m} | :: progestogen |
progesterona {f} [steroid hormone] | :: progesterone |
progestina {f} | :: progestin |
proglótide {f} | :: proglottid |
prognatismo {m} | :: prognathism |
progobierno {adj} | :: pro-government |
programa {m} | :: programme, program |
programa {m} | :: show, programme |
programa {m} [computing] | :: program |
programabilidad {f} | :: programmability |
programable {adj} | :: programmable |
programación {f} | :: programming, setting (action) |
programación {f} | :: programme, guide, schedule (TV, radio etc.) |
programación orientada a objetos {f} [programming] | :: object-oriented programming |
programa del corazón {m} [television] | :: gossip show |
programa de telerrealidad {m} | :: reality show |
programador {m} | :: programmer (one who writes computer programs) |
programadora {f} | :: feminine noun of programador |
programar {vt} | :: to schedule |
programar {vt} [computing, mathematics] | :: to program |
programarse {v} | :: reflexive of programar |
programáticamente {adv} | :: programmatically |
programático {adj} [attributive] | :: programming |
programón {m} | :: augmentative of programa |
progre {adj} [politics, slang, usually, pejorative] | :: trendy, modern, progressive, liberal (one who advocates a certain course of action, of progressive political or social concern, with the naïve conviction of their own moral superiority.) |
progre {adj} | :: liberal, permissive |
progresar {v} | :: to progress |
progreseño {adj} | :: Of or from El Progreso |
progreseño {m} | :: Someone from El Progreso |
progresión {f} | :: progression |
progresismo {m} | :: progressivism |
progresista {adj} [politics] | :: progressive, progressist, progressionist |
progresista {mf} [politics] | :: progressive, progressist, progressionist (person) |
progresivamente {adv} | :: progressively |
progresividad {f} | :: progressiveness |
progresivo {adj} | :: progressive |
progreso {m} | :: progress, headway, advancement |
progubermental {adj} | :: progovernment |
progubernamental {adj} | :: pro-government |
prohibición {f} | :: prohibition |
prohibicionismo {m} | :: prohibitionism |
prohibicionista {adj} | :: prohibitionist |
prohibicionista {mf} | :: prohibitionist |
prohibido {adj} | :: forbidden |
prohibir {vt} | :: to forbid, prohibit, enjoin |
prohibitivamente {adv} | :: prohibitively |
prohibitivo {adj} | :: prohibitive |
prohibitorio {adj} | :: prohibitory |
prohijar {vt} | :: to adopt |
prohombre {m} | :: great or outstanding man |
proindependentista {mf} | :: pro-independentist |
proindigenista {adj} | :: pro-indigenist |
proindigenista {mf} | :: pro-indigenist |
proinflamatorio {adj} | :: proinflammatory |
proinmigrante {adj} | :: pro-immigrant |
proiraní {adj} | :: pro-Iran |
proisraelí {adj} | :: pro-Israel |
prójima {f} [colloquial] | :: slut |
prójima {f} | :: neighbor |
prójimo {m} | :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land) |
prójimo {m} | :: fellow man |
prokurdo {adj} | :: pro-Kurd |
prolaborista {adj} | :: Labour-supporting |
prolactina {f} [hormone] | :: prolactin |
prolactinemia {f} [pathology] | :: prolactinemia |
prolapso {m} | :: prolapsus |
prolapso {m} | :: descent |
prole {f} | :: progeny, offspring |
prolegómeno {m} | :: prologue |
proletaria {f} | :: feminine noun of proletario; proletarian |
proletariado {m} | :: proletariat |
proletario {adj} | :: proletarian |
proletario {m} | :: proletarian |
proletarización {f} | :: proletarianization |
proletarizar {v} | :: to proletarianize |
proliferación {f} | :: proliferation |
proliferante {adj} | :: proliferating |
proliferar {vi} | :: to proliferate |
proliferativo {adj} | :: proliferative |
prolífero {adj} | :: synonym of prolífico |
prolíficamente {adv} | :: prolifically |
prolífico {adj} | :: prolific |
prolijamente {adv} | :: carefully, thoroughly |
prolijidad {f} | :: prolixity |
prolijidad {f} | :: tediousness |
prolijito {adj} | :: diminutive of prolijo |
prolijo {adj} | :: prolix, tedious, particular, long-winded |
prolijo {adj} | :: overcareful |
prolijo {adj} | :: troublesome |
prolina {f} [amino acid] | :: proline |
prologal {adj} | :: prefatory |
prologar {v} | :: to preface |
prólogo {m} | :: prologue |
prólogo {m} | :: prelude |
prologuista {mf} | :: a writer of prologues |
prolongación {f} | :: prolongation |
prolongadamente {adv} | :: prolongedly, for a long time |
prolongadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of prolongado |
prolongado {adj} | :: prolonged, protracted, extended |
prolongado {adj} | :: lengthy, time-consuming |
prolongado {adj} | :: long-term |
prolongamiento {m} | :: prolongation |
prolongar {v} | :: to prolong, drag out |
prolongarse {v} | :: reflexive of prolongar |
proloquio {m} | :: proposition |
promaucae {adj} | :: Promaucae |
promediar {v} | :: to bisect |
promediar {v} | :: to determine the average |
promedio {m} | :: average |
pro memoria {m} | :: aide-mémoire |
promercado {adj} | :: market-friendly |
promesa {f} | :: promise |
promesante {mf} | :: member of a procession |
promesar {v} [Argentina] | :: to promise |
prometedor {adj} | :: promising |
prometeico {adj} | :: Promethean |
Prometeo {prop} {m} | :: Prometheus |
prometer {v} | :: to promise |
prometida {f} | :: fiancée (woman engaged to be married) |
prometido {adj} | :: engaged |
prometido {adj} | :: promised |
prometido {m} | :: fiance (man engaged to be married) |
prometio {m} | :: promethium |
promielocítico {adj} | :: promyelocytic |
promielocito {m} [cytology] | :: promyelocyte |
prominencia {f} | :: prominence |
prominente {adj} | :: prominent |
prominentemente {adv} | :: prominently |
promiscuamente {adv} | :: promiscuously |
promiscuar {vi} [Christianity] | :: To eat meat and fish for the same meal during Lent |
promiscuidad {f} | :: promiscuity |
promiscuo {adj} | :: mixed, ambiguous |
promiscuo {adj} | :: promiscuous |
promisión {f} | :: promise |
promisor {adj} | :: promissory |
promisor {m} | :: promisor |
promisorio {adj} | :: promissory |
promo {f} | :: promo |
promoción {f} | :: promotion |
promoción {f} | :: advocacy |
promoción {f} | :: advancement, fostering, furthering, furtherance (i.e. improvement of conditions) |
promoción {f} | :: class, year (specifically, a graduating class) |
promoción {f} | :: promo, promotion (on television) |
promocional {adj} | :: promotional |
promocionalmente {adv} | :: promotionally |
promocionar {vt} | :: to promote, to publicise, to plug |
promontorio {m} | :: promontory, headland |
promotor {adj} | :: promoting |
promotor {m} | :: promoter |
promotora {f} | :: female equivalent of promotor |
promovente {adj} | :: promoting |
promover {v} | :: to promote, to pioneer, to advance, to foster, to further |
promover {v} | :: to advocate for |
promulgación {f} | :: promulgation |
promulgador {m} [law] | :: enactor, promulgator |
promulgadora {f} | :: feminine noun of promulgador |
promulgar {v} | :: to promulgate |
pronación {f} | :: pronation |
pronador {adj} | :: pronator |
pronaos {m} | :: pronaos |
pronazi {adj} | :: pro-Nazi |
prono {adj} | :: prone (lying face downward) |
pronombre {m} | :: a pronoun |
pronombre demostrativo {m} | :: demonstrative pronoun |
pronombre indeterminado {m} | :: indefinite pronouns |
pronombre personal {m} | :: personal pronoun |
pronombre reflexivo {m} | :: reflexive pronoun |
pronombre relativo {m} [grammar] | :: relative pronoun |
pronominal {adj} | :: pronominal |
pronominalizar {v} | :: to pronominalize |
pronosticador {m} | :: forecaster |
pronosticar {v} | :: to forecast, prognosticate, foresee |
pronóstico {m} | :: forecast, prognosis |
pronosupinación {f} | :: pronosupination |
pronoto {m} | :: pronotum |
prontamente {adv} | :: promptly |
prontísimo {adj} | :: superlative of pronto |
prontito {adv} | :: diminutive of pronto |
prontitud {f} | :: promptitude |
pronto {adj} | :: prompt, on time |
pronto {adj} | :: ready |
pronto {adv} | :: soon, promptly, any time soon |
prontuariado {adj} | :: with a criminal record |
prontuario {m} | :: handbook, manual |
prontuario {m} [legal] | :: record; criminal record |
pronuclear {adj} | :: pronuclear |
pronúcleo {m} | :: pronucleus |
pronunciable {adj} | :: pronounceable |
pronunciación {f} | :: pronunciation |
pronunciación {f} | :: pronouncement |
pronunciadamente {adv} | :: remarkedly |
pronunciadamente {adv} | :: steeply |
pronunciado {adj} | :: marked; notable |
pronunciado {adj} | :: steep; sharp |
pronunciador {m} [often, figuratively] | :: pronouncer (something which pronounces) |
pronunciadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pronunciador |
pronunciamento {m} | :: pronunciamento |
pronunciamiento {m} | :: pronouncement, declaration |
pronunciamiento {m} [by extension] | :: A military uprising or coup in Spain or the Spanish American republics, particularly in the 19th century, usually accompanied by a statement declaring the existing government null and void |
pronunciar {v} | :: to pronounce |
pronunciarse {v} | :: reflexive of pronunciar |
prooccidental {adj} | :: pro-western |
prooxidante {m} | :: prooxidant |
propagación {f} | :: propagation |
propagador {m} | :: propagator |
propagadora {f} | :: feminine noun of propagador |
propaganda {f} | :: propaganda |
propaganda {f} | :: advertisement |
propagandismo {m} | :: propagandism |
propagandista {mf} | :: propagandist |
propagandísticamente {adv} | :: as propaganda; propagandistically |
propagandístico {adj} | :: propagandistic |
propagar {vt} | :: to propagate |
propagarse {v} | :: reflexive of propagar |
propágulo {m} | :: propagule |
propalar {v} | :: to reveal or divulge |
propalestino {adj} | :: pro-Palestine |
propano {m} [organic compound] | :: propane |
propanona {f} [organic chemistry] | :: propanone |
propasar {v} | :: to go too far, to get carried away |
propasarse {v} | :: reflexive of propasar |
propedéutica {f} | :: propedeutics |
propedéutico {adj} | :: propedeutic |
propelente {adj} | :: propellant |
propelente {m} | :: propellant |
propender {v} | :: to be inclined to |
propeno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propene |
propensión {f} | :: propensity |
propenso {adj} | :: inclined, prone |
Propercio {prop} {m} | :: Propertius (Roman poet) |
propi {f} | :: tip (extra money paid) |
propiamente {adv} | :: strictly |
propiciación {f} | :: propitiation |
propiciador {adj} | :: enabling, propitiatory |
propiciar {vt} | :: to bring about, enable |
propiciar {vt} [rare] | :: to propitiate, appease |
propiciatorio {adj} | :: propitiatory (intended to appease) |
propicio {adj} | :: conducive, conducive to (+ para) |
propicio {adj} | :: propitious, favorable, auspicious, supportive |
propiedad {f} | :: property, belongings, estate (something that is possessed esp. a real estate) |
propiedad {f} | :: ownership (state of possessing something) |
propiedad {f} | :: propriety (fact of possessing something), proprietary |
propietaria {f} | :: feminine noun of propietario |
propietario {adj} | :: owning |
propietario {adj} | :: proprietary |
propietario {m} | :: owner, proprietor (of land or business) |
propietario {m} | :: landlord |
propilbenceno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propylbenzene |
propilenglicol {m} [organic compound] | :: propylene glycol |
propileno {m} [organic compound] | :: propene |
propílico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: propyl (attributive) |
propilo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propyl |
propina {f} | :: tip (gratuity) |
propinar {v} | :: to hit or strike |
propinilo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propynyl |
propino {m} [organic compound] | :: propyne, methylacetylene |
propio {adj} | :: own (belonging to) |
propio {adj} | :: proper |
propio {adj} | :: typical, characteristic |
propiocepción {f} | :: proprioception |
propioceptivo {adj} | :: proprioceptive |
propionato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propionate |
propiónico {adj} | :: propionic |
propionil {m} | :: propionyl |
proplastidio {m} [cytology] | :: proplastid |
propóleo {m} | :: propolis; bee glue |
propóleos {m} | :: propolis (glue-like substance) |
proponente {mf} | :: proponent |
proponer {v} | :: to propose |
proponer {vr} | :: to put one's mind to |
proporción {f} | :: proportion |
proporción {f} | :: ratio |
proporcionado {adj} | :: proportionate |
proporcionado {adj} | :: suitable |
proporcionado {adj} | :: commensurate |
proporcional {adj} | :: proportional |
proporcionalidad {f} | :: proportionality |
proporcionalmente {adv} | :: proportionally |
proporcionar {vt} | :: to provide, supply |
proporcionar {v} | :: to adapt, adjust |
proporcionar {v} | :: to proportion, set or render in proportion |
proposición {f} | :: proposition |
proposicional {adj} | :: propositional |
propositivamente {adv} | :: Proactively; with foresight |
propositivo {adj} | :: propositional |
propósito {m} | :: purpose |
propósito {m} | :: resolution |
propriamente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of propiamente |
propriedad {f} | :: obsolete spelling of propiedad |
proprio {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of propio |
propuesta {f} | :: proposal |
propugnador {m} | :: supporter |
propugnadora {f} | :: feminine noun of propugnador |
propugnar {v} | :: to advocate, stand up for, defend |
propulsar {v} | :: to propel |
propulsarse {v} | :: reflexive of propulsar |
propulsión {f} | :: propulsion |
propulsión {f} [aviation, nautical] | :: thrust |
propulsor {adj} | :: propulsive |
propulsor {m} | :: propulsion |
propulsor {m} | :: propellant |
propulsor {m} | :: propeller |
propulsor {m} | :: thruster |
propulsor {m} | :: promoter |
propulsor {m} | :: champion |
propulsora {f} | :: feminine noun of propulsor |
prorrata {f} | :: sharing; sharing out |
prorrata {f} | :: share; quota |
prorratear {v} | :: to prorate |
prorrector {m} [Chile] | :: deputy rector |
prorrégimen {adj} | :: pro-regime |
prórroga {f} | :: extension, extra time, prolongation (period of extra time) |
prorrogable {adj} | :: extendable |
prorrogación {f} | :: prolongation |
prorrogar {v} | :: to prolong, extend |
prorrumpir {vi} [~ en] | :: to burst into [tears, laughter, etc.] |
prorruso {adj} | :: pro-Russian |
proruso {adj} | :: Russophile |
prosa {f} | :: prose |
prosaico {adj} | :: prosaic (of or relating to prose) |
prosaico {adj} | :: bland, mundane |
prosaísmo {m} | :: prosaicness |
prosapia {f} | :: lineage; ancestry; stock |
prosaurópodo {m} | :: prosauropod |
proscenio {m} | :: proscenium |
proscribir {v} | :: to ban |
proscribir {v} | :: to exile |
proscripción {f} [history] | :: proscription |
proscrito {adj} | :: banned, exiled |
prosecco {m} | :: prosecco |
prosecretaria {f} | :: vice-secretary |
prosecretario {m} | :: vice-secretary |
prosecución {f} | :: pursuit |
proseguir {vt} | :: to continue (proceed with, prolong) |
proseguir {vt} | :: to pursue (aim for, go after (a specified objective, situation)) |
proseguir {vi} | :: to continue, go on (resume (especially speaking)) |
proseguridad {adj} | :: pro-security |
prosélita {f} | :: feminine noun of prosélito |
proselitismo {m} | :: proselytism |
proselitista {adj} | :: proselytizing |
proselitista {mf} | :: proselytizer |
prosélito {m} | :: proselyte, convert (one who has recently converted to a religion or doctrine) |
prosenderista {mf} [Peru] | :: A supporter of Sendero Luminoso |
proseparatista {mf} | :: pro-separatist |
prosificación {f} | :: prosification |
prosista {mf} | :: prose writer |
prosístico {adj} [attributive] | :: prose |
prosodia {f} [linguistics, poetry] | :: prosody |
prosódico {adj} | :: prosodic |
prosoma {m} [entomology] | :: prosoma |
prosopografía {f} | :: prosopography |
prosopopeya {f} | :: personification |
prosopopeya {f} | :: affected solemnity |
prosoviético {adj} | :: pro-Soviet |
prospección {f} | :: research |
prospección {f} | :: prospecting |
prospectar {v} | :: to prospect |
prospectivo {adj} | :: prospective |
prospector {m} | :: prospector |
prospectora {f} | :: feminine noun of prospector |
prósperamente {adv} | :: prosperously |
prosperar {v} | :: to prosper, to thrive, to flourish |
prosperar {v} | :: to boom (e.g., business) |
prosperidad {f} | :: prosperity |
próspero {adj} | :: prosperous, thriving, prospering |
próspero {adj} | :: successful (e.g., a successful business) |
prostaciclina {f} [organic compound] | :: prostacyclin |
prostaglandina {f} [organic compound] | :: prostaglandin |
prostanoide {m} [organic compound] | :: prostanoid |
próstata {f} [anatomy] | :: prostate |
prostatectomía {f} | :: prostatectomy |
prostático {adj} | :: prostatic |
prostatitis {f} [pathology] | :: prostatitis |
prosternar {vr} | :: to kneel [out of respect] |
prostético {adj} | :: prosthetic |
prostibulario {adj} | :: brothel |
prostíbulo {m} | :: brothel, whorehouse |
próstilo {m} | :: prostyle |
prostitución {f} | :: prostitution |
prostituir {vt} | :: to prostitute |
prostituir {vp} | :: to prostitute oneself |
prostituta {f} | :: feminine noun of prostituto |
prostituto {m} | :: prostitute |
prostituyente {mf} | :: john (client of a prostitute) |
prosumidor {m} [jargon] | :: prosumer |
prota {m} | :: star (of a film, show etc.) |
protactinio {m} | :: protactinium |
protagónicamente {adv} | :: prominently |
protagónico {adj} | :: leading (ranking first) |
protagonismo {m} | :: importance, prominence |
protagonismo {m} | :: leading role, leadership |
protagonismo {m} | :: prominence, taking an active part |
protagonista {mf} | :: protagonist, star |
protagonización {f} | :: starring |
protagonizar {v} | :: to star in, to be the protagonist in |
Protágoras {prop} {m} [philosophy] | :: Protagoras |
protaurino {adj} | :: pro-bullfighting |
proteasa {f} [enzyme] | :: protease |
proteasoma {m} [biochemistry] | :: proteasome |
protección {f} | :: protection |
proteccionismo {m} | :: protectionism |
proteccionista {adj} | :: protectionist |
proteccionista {mf} | :: protectionist |
protector {adj} | :: protective |
protector {m} | :: protector (someone who protects or guards) |
protector {m} | :: protector (a device or mechanism which is designed to protect) |
protectora {f} | :: feminine noun of protector |
protectora {f} | :: animal shelter (an organization that provides temporary homes for stray pet animals) |
protectorado {m} | :: protectorate |
protector de bolsillo {m} | :: pocket protector |
protectriz {f} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of protectora |
proteger {v} | :: to protect, to defend |
protegible {adj} | :: protectable |
protegidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of protegido |
protegido {adj} | :: protected |
protegido {adj} | :: sheltered |
proteico {adj} | :: protein (attributive usage) |
proteicoenergético {adj} | :: proteino-energetic |
proteína {f} [protein] | :: protein |
proteína cinasa {f} | :: alternative form of proteína quinasa |
proteína kinasa {f} | :: alternative form of proteína quinasa |
proteína quinasa {f} [biochemistry] | :: protein kinase |
proteincinasa {f} | :: alternative form of proteína quinasa |
proteínico {adj} | :: protein |
proteinkinasa {f} | :: alternative form of proteína quinasa |
proteinoplasto {m} [cytology] | :: proteinoplast |
proteinquinasa {f} | :: alternative form of proteína quinasa |
proteinuria {f} [medicine] | :: proteinuria |
pro tempore {adv} | :: pro tem |
Proteo {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Proteus (moon of Neptune) |
Proteo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Proteus |
proteobacteria {f} | :: protobacterium |
proteoglicano {m} [protein] | :: proteoglycan |
proteoglucano {m} | :: proteoglycan |
proteoide {adj} | :: proteoid |
proteoide {m} | :: proteoid |
proteólisis {f} | :: proteolysis |
proteolítico {adj} | :: proteolytic |
proteoma {m} [genetics] | :: proteome |
proteómica {f} | :: proteomics |
proteómico {adj} | :: proteomic |
proteosoma {m} | :: proteosome |
proterozoico {adj} [geology] | :: Proterozoic (relating to the eon from 2,500 to 541 million years ago) |
protervo {adj} [formal] | :: wicked; heinous |
protésico {adj} | :: prosthetic |
prótesis {f} [medicine] | :: prosthesis |
prótesis {f} [linguistics] | :: prothesis |
protesorera {f} | :: feminine noun of protesorero |
protesorero {m} | :: assistant treasurer |
protesta {f} | :: protest |
protesta {f} [legal] | :: objection |
protestación {f} | :: protestation; profession |
protestante {adj} | :: protestant |
protestante {mf} | :: protestant |
protestantismo {m} | :: Protestantism |
protestar {v} | :: to protest |
protista {m} | :: protist |
proto- {prefix} | :: proto- |
protobúlgaro {m} [history] | :: Bulgar |
protocolar {adj} | :: according to protocol |
protocolario {adj} [attributive] | :: protocol |
protocolización {f} | :: protocolization |
protocolizar {vt} | :: to notarise |
protocolo {m} | :: protocol |
protocolo {m} | :: conduct or etiquette rules |
protodiácono {m} | :: protodeacon |
protodinástico {adj} | :: protodynastic |
protoelamita {m} | :: Proto-Elamite |
protoeslavo {adj} | :: Proto-Slavic |
protoeslavo {m} | :: Proto-Slavic |
protoestrella {f} | :: protostar |
protofonema {m} | :: proto-phoneme |
proto-germánico {m} | :: alternative form of protogermánico |
protogermánico {m} | :: Proto-Germanic |
protogótico {adj} | :: Early Gothic |
protohistoria {f} | :: protohistory |
protohistórico {adj} | :: protohistoric |
protoindoeuropeo {adj} | :: Proto-Indo-European |
protoindoeuropeo {prop} {m} | :: Proto-Indo-European |
protolengua {f} [linguistics] | :: proto-language |
protolenguaje {f} | :: proto-language |
protologismo {m} | :: protologism |
protomártir {mf} | :: protomartyr |
protomixteco {adj} | :: proto-Mixtec |
protomixteco {m} | :: Protomixtec |
protón {m} | :: proton |
protonación {f} [organic chemistry] | :: protonation |
protonado {adj} | :: protonated |
protonar {v} | :: to protonate |
protonefridio {m} | :: protonephridium |
protónico {adj} | :: protonic |
protonórdico {adj} | :: Proto-Norse |
protonórdico {m} | :: Proto-Norse |
protonotario {m} | :: protonotary |
protopalacial {adj} | :: protopalatial |
protoplaneta {m} | :: protoplanet (astronomical object, approximately the size of the Moon, thought to collide and form planets) |
protoplanetario {adj} | :: protoplanetary |
protoplasma {m} [cytology] | :: protoplasm |
protoplasmático {adj} | :: of or pertaining to protoplasm |
protoplasto {m} [cytology] | :: protoplast |
protopluma {f} | :: protofeather |
protoquechua {m} | :: Protoquecha (protolanguage) |
protórax {m} | :: prothorax |
protorromance {m} | :: Proto-Romance |
protosecuela {f} | :: prequel |
protostomado {m} | :: alternative form of protóstomo |
protóstomo {m} | :: protostome |
prototipar {v} | :: to prototype |
prototípicamente {adv} | :: prototypically |
prototípico {adj} | :: prototypal |
prototipo {m} | :: prototype (an original object which is a basis for others) |
prototipo {m} | :: paragon, epitome |
protoxilema {m} | :: protoxylem |
protozoario {adj} [biology] | :: protozoan, protozoic |
protozoario {m} [biology] | :: protozoan |
protozoo {m} [biology] | :: protozoan |
protráctil {adj} | :: protractile |
protrombina {f} [protein] | :: prothrombin |
protruir {v} | :: to protrude; stick out |
protrusión {f} | :: protrusion |
protuberancia {f} | :: protuberance |
protuberancial {adj} [anatomy] | :: protuberantial |
protuberancia solar {f} | :: solar prominence |
protuberante {adj} | :: protuberant |
protusión {f} | :: protrusion |
proucraniano {adj} | :: pro-Ukrainian |
proudhonismo {m} | :: The beliefs of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon |
proustiano {adj} | :: Proustian (reminiscent of Marcel Proust or his works) |
provecho {m} | :: benefit |
provecho {m} | :: worth, worthwhileness |
provechosamente {adv} | :: usefully, advantageously |
provechoso {adj} | :: profitable |
provecto {adj} | :: old; ancient |
proveedor {m} | :: supplier, provider, purveyor (one who supplies or provides what is needed, especially for subsistence) |
proveedora {f} | :: feminine noun of proveedor |
proveedor de servicios {m} | :: service provider |
proveeduría {f} | :: grocer's, grocery shop |
proveer {v} | :: to provide, purvey, supply, equip, furnish |
proveer {v} | :: to stock |
proveer {v} | :: to decide, resolve, settle |
proveer {v} | :: to bestow, give, grant |
proveer {v} | :: to appoint |
proveer {v} [law] | :: to decide, give a decision |
proveniencia {f} | :: provenance |
proveniente {adj} | :: coming (from), originating (from) |
provenir {v} | :: originate, arise (from) |
provento {m} | :: revenue |
Provenza {prop} {f} | :: Provenza (region) |
provenzal {m} | :: Provençal |
provenzal {adj} | :: Provençal |
proverbial {adj} | :: proverbial |
proverbialmente {adv} | :: proverbially |
proverbio {m} | :: proverb |
proverbio {m} | :: saying |
Proverbios {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Proverbs (the book of the Bible) |
provicario {m} | :: deputy vicar |
provida {adj} | :: pro-life |
provida {mf} | :: pro-lifer |
providencia {f} | :: providence |
providencia {f} [Spain, legal] | :: a resolution by a judge or court in order to direct and continue criminal procedures |
providencial {adj} | :: providential |
providencialmente {adv} | :: providentially |
providente {adj} | :: provident |
próvido {adj} | :: worthy; worthwhile |
provincia {f} | :: province |
provincial {adj} | :: provincial |
provincialismo {m} [linguistics] | :: provincialism (a word or locuation particular to a province or region) |
provincialización {f} | :: provincialization |
provincializar {v} | :: to provincialize |
provincianismo {m} | :: provincialism |
provinciano {adj} | :: provincial |
provinciano {adj} | :: bumpkinish |
provinciano {m} | :: bumpkin |
proviniente {adj} | :: synonym of proveniente |
provirus {m} [virology] | :: provirus |
provisión {f} | :: provision |
provisional {adj} | :: provisional |
provisional {adj} | :: makeshift |
provisionalidad {f} | :: provisionality (temporary character) |
provisionalmente {adv} | :: provisionally |
provisionar {v} | :: to cover (financially) |
provisiorio {adj} | :: provisional |
provisor {m} | :: provisor |
provisoriamente {adv} | :: provisionally |
provisorio {adj} | :: provisional |
provitamina {f} | :: protovitamin |
provocación {f} | :: provocation |
provocado {adj} | :: caused, brought about, stemming |
provocado {adj} | :: provoked, triggered, sparked |
provocado {adj} | :: induced |
provocador {adj} | :: provocative |
provocador {adj} | :: provoking |
provocador {adj} | :: contentious (given to struggling with others) |
provocador {m} | :: troublemaker, agitator, gadfly |
provocar {v} | :: to cause or provoke, to prompt |
provocar {vp} [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela] | :: to fancy, would like |
provocarse {v} | :: reflexive of provocar |
provocativamente {adv} | :: provocatively |
provocativo {adj} | :: provocative |
proxémica {f} | :: proxemics |
proxeneta {mf} | :: pimp (prostitution solicitor) |
proxenetismo {m} | :: proxenetism |
proximal {adj} | :: proximal |
proximalmente {adv} | :: proximally |
próximamente {adv} | :: shortly, soon |
proximidad {f} | :: proximity |
próximo {adj} | :: near |
próximo {adj} | :: next |
próximo {adj} | :: approaching, forthcoming |
Próximo Oriente {prop} {m} | :: Near East |
proyanki {adj} | :: pro-Yankee |
proyección {f} | :: projection |
proyección {f} | :: planning |
proyección {f} | :: slide, transparency |
proyección {f} | :: toss, throw |
proyeccionista {mf} | :: projectionist |
proyectante {adj} | :: projecting |
proyectar {v} | :: to project, to plan |
proyectar {v} | :: to shoot, to discharge |
proyectil {m} | :: projectile |
proyectista {mf} | :: designer, planner |
proyectivo {adj} | :: projective |
proyecto {m} | :: project, plan |
proyecto de ley {m} [legal] | :: bill |
proyector {m} | :: projector |
proyectual {adj} | :: project |
prudencia {f} | :: caution, care, prudence |
prudencial {adj} | :: prudential |
prudencialmente {adv} | :: prudentially |
prudente {adj} | :: prudent, wise, judicious, discreet, well-advised |
Prudente {prop} | :: surname |
prudentemente {adv} | :: prudently, discreetly, judiciously |
prudentísimo {adj} | :: superlative of prudente |
Prudhomme {prop} | :: surname |
prueba {f} | :: proof; evidence [usually in the plural] |
prueba {f} | :: an examination, test or quiz |
prueba {f} | :: a trial; an ordeal; an audition |
prueba {f} | :: an athletics event |
prueba {f} [printing] | :: proof, proof sheet |
prueba de choque {f} | :: crash test |
prueba de fuego {f} | :: litmus test, acid test |
prueba de fuego {f} | :: ordeal |
prueba de fuego {f} | :: trial by fire |
prueba del algodón {f} [Spain] | :: acid test |
prueba del fuego {f} | :: ordeal |
pruebita {f} | :: A quiz, especially a short one |
pruriginoso {adj} | :: itchy |
pruriginoso {adj} [pathology] | :: pruritic |
prurito {m} [pathology] | :: pruritus, itching |
prurito {m} | :: perfectionism |
prusia {f} | :: feminine noun of prusio |
Prusia {prop} {f} | :: Prusia (region) |
Prusia {prop} {f} | :: Prusia (former state) |
prusiana {f} | :: female equivalent of prusiano |
prusiano {adj} | :: Prussian |
prusiano {m} | :: Prussian (someone from Prussia) |
prusiato {m} [chemistry, rare] | :: cyanide, prussiate |
prusio {adj} | :: Prussian |
prusio {m} | :: Prussian |
psalmo {m} | :: obsolete form of salmo |
psamita {f} | :: psammite |
psamoma {m} [medicine] | :: psammoma body |
psefología {f} | :: psephology |
pseudo- {prefix} | :: pseudo- (not genuine) |
pseudoaleatorio {adj} | :: pseudorandom |
pseudoaneurisma {m} [medicine] | :: pseudoaneurysm |
pseudoanglicismo {m} | :: pseudo-anglicism |
pseudoartrosis {f} [pathology] | :: pseudarthrosis |
pseudobulbo {m} | :: pseudobulb |
pseudocardenal {m} | :: pseudocardinal (cardinal appointed by an antipope) |
pseudocardenal {adj} | :: pseudocardinal |
pseudociencia {f} | :: pseudoscience |
pseudocientífico {adj} | :: pseudoscientific (not genuinely scientific) |
pseudocódigo {m} [computing] | :: pseudocode (description of a computer programming algorithm) |
pseudocolinesterasa {f} [enzyme] | :: butyrylcholinesterase |
pseudoconsulta {f} | :: pseudo-consultation |
pseudodemocracia {f} | :: pseudodemocracy |
pseudodemocrático {adj} | :: pseudodemocratic |
pseudodentado {adj} | :: false-toothed |
pseudodistancia {f} | :: pseudodistance |
pseudoefedrina {f} [organic compound] | :: pseudoephedrine |
pseudoelección {f} | :: pseudo-election |
pseudoestípula {f} | :: pseudostipule |
pseudoestratificado {adj} | :: pseudostratified |
pseudofeminista {adj} | :: pseudofeminist |
pseudogén {m} [genetics] | :: pseudogene |
pseudogota {f} [medicine] | :: pseudogout |
pseudohistoria {f} | :: pseudohistory |
pseudomembrana {f} | :: pseudomembrane |
pseudomembranoso {adj} | :: pseudomembranous |
pseudónimo {m} | :: pseudonym |
pseudópodo {m} | :: alternative form of seudópodo |
pseudosindicato {m} | :: pseudo-syndicate |
pseudotallo {m} | :: pseudostem |
pseudotecnología {f} | :: pseudo-technology |
pseudoterapia {f} | :: pseudotherapy |
psi {f} | :: psi; the Greek letter Ψ, ψ |
psico- {prefix} | :: psycho- |
psicoactivo {adj} | :: psychoactive |
psicoacústica {f} | :: psychoacoustics |
psicoacústico {adj} | :: psychoacoustic |
psicoanálisis {m} | :: psychoanalysis |
psicoanalista {mf} | :: psychoanalyst |
psicoanalítico {adj} | :: psychoanalytic, psychoanalytical |
psicoanalizar {v} | :: to psychoanalyze |
psicobiología {f} | :: psychobiology |
psicobiótico {adj} | :: psychobiotic |
psicobloc {m} [climbing] | :: deep-water soloing |
psicodelia {f} | :: psychedelia |
psicodélico {adj} | :: psychedelic |
psicodiagnóstico {adj} | :: psychodiagnostic |
psicodinámico {adj} | :: psychodynamic |
psicodrama {m} | :: psychodrama |
psicoeducación {f} | :: psychoeducation |
psicoeducativo {adj} | :: psychoeducational |
psicoemocional {adj} | :: psychoemotional |
psicoestimulante {m} | :: psychostimulant |
psicofármaco {m} | :: psychotropic drug |
psicofarmacología {f} | :: psychopharmacology |
psicofísico {adj} | :: psychophysical |
psicofisiología {f} | :: psychophysiology |
psicofonía {f} | :: psychophony |
psicogenético {adj} | :: psychogenetic |
psicohistoria {f} | :: psychohistory |
psicolingüística {f} | :: psycholinguistics |
psicóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of psicólogo |
psicología {f} | :: psychology |
psicológicamente {adv} [psychology] | :: psychologically |
psicológico {adj} [psychology] | :: psychological |
psicologismo {m} | :: psychologism |
psicologista {mf} | :: psychologue, psychologist |
psicólogo {m} [psychology] | :: psychologist |
psicometría {f} | :: psychometry |
psicométrico {adj} | :: psychometric |
psicomotor {adj} | :: psychomotor |
psicomotricidad {f} | :: psychomotor education |
psicomotriz {adj} | :: psychomotor |
psicooncóloga {f} | :: psycho-oncologist |
psicooncología {f} | :: psycho-oncology |
psicópata {mf} | :: psychopath |
psicópata {mf} | :: psycho killer |
psicopatía {f} | :: psychopathy |
psicopático {adj} | :: psychopathic (relating to or suffering from psychopathy) |
psicopatología {f} [psychology] | :: psychopathology |
psicopatológico {adj} | :: psychopathological |
psicopedagoga {mf} | :: educational psychologist |
psicopedagogía {f} | :: psychopedagogy |
psicopedagógico {adj} | :: psychopedagogic |
psicopompo {m} | :: psychopomp |
psicoprofiláctico {adj} | :: psychoprophylactic |
psicosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: psicose |
psicosexual {adj} | :: psychosexual |
psicosis {f} | :: psychosis, frenzy |
psicosocial {adj} | :: pyschosocial |
psicosomático {adj} [psychology] | :: psychosomatic |
psicoterapeuta {mf} | :: psychotherapist |
psicoterapéutico {adj} | :: psychotherapeutic |
psicoterapia {f} | :: psychotherapy |
psicoterápico {adj} | :: psychotherapeutic |
psicoterror {m} | :: psychological terror |
psicótico {adj} | :: psychotic |
psicotrópico {adj} | :: psychotropic |
psilocibina {f} [organic compound] | :: psilocybin |
psilocina {f} [organic compound] | :: psilocin |
psiónica {f} | :: psionics |
psiónicamente {adv} | :: psionically |
psiónico {adj} | :: psionic |
psique {f} | :: psyche |
psiquiatra {mf} | :: psychiatrist |
psiquiatría {f} | :: psychiatry |
psiquiátrico {adj} | :: psychiatric |
psiquiátrico {m} | :: psychiatric hospital |
psíquicamente {adv} | :: psychically |
psíquico {adj} | :: psychic, mental |
psiquis {f} | :: psyche |
psiquismo {m} | :: alternative spelling of siquismo (about the psyche, not the Sikhs) |
psoas {m} | :: psoas |
psoasiliaco {adj} | :: alternative form of psoasilíaco |
psoasilíaco {adj} [anatomy] | :: psoas-iliac |
psocóptero {m} | :: psocopteran |
PSOE {prop} {m} | :: acronym of Partido Socialista Obrero Español |
psoraleno {m} | :: psoralen |
psoriásico {adj} | :: psoriatic |
psoriasis {f} [dermatology] | :: psoriasis |
PSUC {prop} {m} | :: The Partido Socialista Unificado de Cataluña, a Communist party from Catalonia, Spain |
PSUV {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela |
psuvista {adj} | :: of or relating to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela |
psuvista {mf} | :: A member of, or supporter of, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela |
psychológico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of psicológico |
psycológico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of psicológico |
pta {f} | :: abbreviation of peseta peseta |
pteridina {f} [organic compound] | :: pteridine |
pteridofita {f} | :: pteridophyte |
pteridófita {f} | :: pteridophyte |
pteridófito {m} | :: pteridophyte |
pteridóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of pteridólogo |
pteridología {f} | :: pteridology |
pteridólogo {m} | :: pteridologist |
pterigión {m} [ophthalmology] | :: pterygium |
pterigo- {prefix} | :: pterygo- |
pterigoide {adj} | :: pterygoid |
pterigoide {m} | :: pterygoid |
pterigoideo {m} | :: pterygoid |
pterigopalatino {adj} [anatomy] | :: pterygopalatine |
pterión {m} [skeleton] | :: pterion |
pterodáctilo {m} | :: pterodactyl |
pterosaurio {m} [paleontology] | :: pterosaur |
ptisico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of tísico |
pto {m} | :: abbreviation of puerto port |
pto {m} | :: abbreviation of punto pt; point |
ptolemaico {adj} | :: Ptolemaic |
Ptolomeo {prop} {m} | :: Ptolemy |
ptosis {f} [medicine] | :: ptosis |
PU {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Puebla (Mexican state) |
púa {f} | :: sharp point, prong, spike, pick |
púa {f} | :: thorn |
púa {f} [music] | :: plectrum, pick |
púa {f} [culinary] | :: nut pick |
púa {f} | :: tine [of a fork] |
puaj {interj} | :: Ew!, phew! |
puaj {interj} | :: Gross! |
pub {m} | :: pub |
pubalgia {f} [pathology] | :: osteitis pubis, groin pain |
púber {adj} | :: adolescent |
púber {mf} | :: adolescent |
pubertad {f} | :: puberty |
puberulento {adj} | :: puberulent |
pubérulo {adj} | :: puberulous |
pubescencia {f} | :: pubescence |
pubescente {adj} | :: pubescent |
pubiano {adj} | :: pubic |
púbico {adj} | :: pubic (relating to the pubis) |
pubis {m} | :: pubis |
publi {f} [colloquial] | :: clipping of publicidad; publicity |
publicable {adj} | :: publishable |
publicación {f} | :: publication |
publicador {adj} | :: publishing |
publicador {m} | :: publisher |
publicadora {f} | :: feminine noun of publicador |
públicamente {adv} | :: publicly |
publicano {m} [Ancient Rome] | :: tax collector, publican |
publicar {vt} | :: to publish |
publicar {vt} | :: to release |
publicarse {v} | :: reflexive of publicar |
publicidad {f} | :: advertisement |
publicidad {f} | :: publicity |
publicista {mf} | :: publicist |
publicitar {v} | :: to publicize |
publicitaria {f} | :: feminine noun of publicitario |
publicitariamente {adv} | :: using advertising |
publicitario {adj} | :: relating to advertising |
publicitario {m} | :: advertiser |
público {adj} | :: public |
público {m} | :: audience |
público {m} | :: public |
publimosca {f} [television] | :: A digital on-screen graphic from the television broadcaster to promote its own content |
publirreportaje {m} | :: advertorial |
pubococcígeo {adj} | :: pubococcygeal, pubococcygeus |
PUC {prop} | :: initialism of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |
pucará {m} | :: pukara |
Pucela {prop} {f} | :: Valladolid |
pucelana {f} | :: feminine noun of pucelano |
pucelano {adj} | :: of or from Valladolid |
pucelano {m} | :: someone of or from Valladolid |
pucha {f} [vulgar] | :: pussy (a Spanish insult) |
pucha {interj} [Argentina, Chile, Peru, colloquial] | :: expresses pity, disappointment, sympathy |
pucherazo {m} | :: Hit or blow with a cooking pot |
pucherazo {m} | :: the cooking of the books in an election; rigged election |
pucherillo {m} | :: diminutive of puchero |
pucherito {m} | :: diminutive of puchero |
puchero {m} | :: cooking pot |
puchero {m} | :: stew (soup) |
puchero {m} | :: pout |
puches {mp} {fp} | :: porridge |
púchica {interj} [El Salvador] | :: fudge: euphemistic form of puta |
puchito {m} [slang] | :: A buddy |
puchito {m} | :: A smaller, lesser person |
puchito {m} [Argentina, Chile, slang] | :: diminutive of pucho, a cigarette or a roach |
pucho {m} [Chile, Peru, Argentina, colloquial] | :: cigarette |
pucho {m} [Latin America] | :: butt (used cigarette) |
pucta {f} [slang, pejorative, emphatic] | :: prostitute, whore; slut |
pucté {m} | :: black olive |
PUD {prop} {m} | :: acronym of Partido Unificación Democrática |
Pudahuel {prop} {m} | :: Pudahuel (city) |
pudding {m} | :: pudding |
pudelación {f} [metallurgy] | :: puddling |
pudendo {adj} | :: pudendal |
pudendo {m} [obsolete] | :: penis |
pudibundez {f} | :: prudery, prudishness |
pudibundo {adj} | :: prudish |
púdicamente {adv} | :: honestly |
púdicamente {adv} | :: modestly |
púdico {adj} | :: modest, humble, chaste |
púdico {adj} | :: bashful |
pudiente {adj} | :: wealthy, rich |
pudin {m} [Spain] | :: pudding |
pudín {m} [Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, parts of Mexico] | :: [desserts] pudding (sweet or savory) |
pudor {m} | :: shame |
pudor {m} | :: modesty |
pudoroso {adj} | :: modest, humble, chaste |
pudoroso {adj} | :: bashful |
pudrición {f} | :: rot, rotting |
pudrido {adj} | :: putrid, rotten |
pudrimiento {m} | :: decay, corruption |
pudrir {vt} | :: to rot |
pudrir {vr} | :: to rot, to decompose, to waste away, to putrefy |
pudrirse {v} | :: reflexive of pudrir |
pudú {m} | :: pudu (very small deer from the genus Pudu, native to the Andes) |
Puebla {prop} {f} | :: Puebla (city) |
Puebla {prop} {f} | :: Puebla (municipality) |
Puebla {prop} {f} | :: Puebla (state) |
Puebla {prop} {f} | :: A Roman Catholic archdiocese in Mexico |
pueblada {f} | :: major uprising; revolt by a large number of the population |
pueblecillo {m} | :: diminutive of pueblo |
pueblecito {m} | :: diminutive of pueblo: little village |
pueblera {f} | :: feminine noun of pueblero |
pueblerino {adj} | :: countryfied, rustic, countryish |
pueblerino {m} | :: Person from the countryside, countrysider, country bumpkin |
pueblero {adj} [Argentina] | :: living in a city |
pueblero {m} [Argentina] | :: townsman; city dweller |
pueblero {m} [pejorative, Uruguay] | :: townie |
pueblito {m} | :: diminutive of pueblo, a small village |
pueblo {m} | :: town, village |
pueblo {m} | :: the common people, the working classes |
pueblo {m} | :: population, people, nation |
pueblo fantasma {m} | :: ghost town |
pueblo llano {m} | :: common people |
pueblucho {m} | :: one-horse town, cowtown |
pueblucho {m} [pejorative] | :: bumfuck, backwater (small and unremarkable village) |
puede ayudarme {phrase} [formal] | :: can you help me? |
puede que {v} [followed by the subjunctive] | :: it may be that, it might be that (Used to express possibility of something happening) |
puedes ayudarme {phrase} [colloquial] | :: can you help me? |
puelche {adj} | :: Puelche |
puelche {mf} | :: Puelche |
puente {m} | :: bridge (construction spanning a waterway, ravine, or valley from an elevated height) |
puente {m} | :: long weekend; a day which falls between two work-free days (holidays or weekend days), on which leave is preferred |
puente {m} | :: arch of a foot (curved part of the bottom of a foot) |
puente {m} [nautical] | :: bridge, bridge deck (elevated platform above the upper deck of a mechanically propelled ship from which it is navigated and from which all activities on deck can be seen and controlled by the captain) |
puente {m} [dentistry] | :: bridge, denture (artificial replacement of one or more teeth) |
puente aéreo {m} | :: airbridge |
puentear {v} [electronics] | :: to bypass, bridge, hot-wire |
puentear {v} | :: to jump a grade |
puentecilla {f} | :: diminutive of puente |
puentecillo {m} | :: diminutive of puente |
puentecito {m} | :: diminutive of puente |
puente levadizo {m} | :: drawbridge |
puenting {m} | :: bungee jumping (from a bridge) |
puénting {m} | :: alternative spelling of puenting |
puentismo {m} | :: bungee jumping from a bridge |
puer aeternus {m} | :: inner child |
puerca {f} | :: sow (female pig) |
puerco {m} | :: pig |
puerco {m} | :: pork (the meat of a pig) |
puerco {m} [slang, derogatory, Mexico] | :: police officer; "pig" |
puercoespín {m} | :: porcupine |
puerco no se rasca en javilla {proverb} [Dominican Republic] | :: don't shoot yourself in the foot; people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones |
puerco pibil {m} | :: cochinita pibil |
puericia {f} | :: preteen age |
puericultor {m} | :: paedologist |
puericultora {f} | :: feminine noun of puericultor |
puericultorio {m} [Peru] | :: orphanage |
puericultura {f} | :: paedology |
pueril {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to children or childhood |
pueril {adj} | :: childish, puerile |
pueril {adj} | :: futile, trivial |
puerilidad {f} | :: childishness; puerility |
puerilidad {f} | :: (pre-teen) childhood |
puerilidad {f} | :: childish behaviour or comment |
puerperio {m} | :: puerperium |
puerquita {f} | :: feminine noun of puerquito |
puerquito {m} | :: diminutive of puerco |
puerro {m} | :: leek |
puerta {f} | :: door (portal of entry into a building) |
puerta {f} | :: gate (doorlike structure outside a house) |
puerta {f} | :: gate (passageway in an airport) |
puerta {f} | :: doorway, doorstep, gateway |
puerta {f} [sports] | :: goal (area into which players attempt to put an object) |
Puerta Argentina {prop} [historical] | :: The Argentine name of Port Stanley during the Falklands War |
puerta corredera {f} | :: sliding door |
puerta giratoria {f} | :: revolving door |
puerta trasera {f} | :: back door |
puerta trasera {f} | :: tailgate |
puertazo {m} | :: doorbuster (a limited sale on select items during a prominent shopping day) |
puertecilla {f} | :: diminutive of puerta |
puertecillo {m} | :: diminutive of puerto |
puertecita {f} | :: diminutive of puerta |
puertezuela {f} | :: alternative form of portezuela |
puertita {f} | :: diminutive of puerta |
puerto {m} | :: port, harbour |
puerto {m} | :: ellipsis of puerto de montaña; mountain pass |
puerto {m} [computing] | :: port |
Puerto Baquerizo Moreno {prop} | :: Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (city) |
puerto deportivo {m} | :: marina (harbor for yachts) |
Puerto España {prop} {m} | :: Puerto España (capital city) |
Puerto Príncipe {prop} {m} | :: Puerto Príncipe (capital city) |
Puerto Real {prop} {m} | :: Puerto Real (city) |
Puerto Real {prop} {m} | :: Puerto Real (former capital city) |
Puerto Rico {prop} | :: Puerto Rico (island/and/territory) |
Puerto-Rico {prop} {m} | :: obsolete form of Puerto Rico |
puertorriqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of puertorriqueño |
puertorriqueño {adj} | :: Puerto Rican |
puertorriqueño {m} | :: Puerto Rican |
Puerto Stanley {prop} | :: Port Stanley |
pues {conj} | :: so, then, pues; in that case |
pues {conj} | :: because, since |
pues bien {adv} [idiomatic] | :: OK, right, so |
puesta {f} | :: clutch [of eggs] |
puesta {f} | :: sunset |
puesta {f} | :: tie, draw |
puesta {f} | :: placement |
puesta del sol {f} | :: sunset |
puesta en escena {f} | :: staging; mise en scene |
puestazo {m} | :: augmentative of puesto |
puestecillo {m} | :: diminutive of puesto |
puestera {f} | :: feminine noun of puestero |
puestero {m} | :: stallholder |
puestito {m} | :: diminutive of puesto |
puesto {m} | :: market stall, market stand |
puesto {m} | :: professional position, employment, job |
puesto {adj} | :: standing |
puesto {adj} | :: on (clothes) |
puesto {adj} | :: put on (cloth) |
puesto {conj} | :: because, as, since |
puesto a precisar {adv} [idiom] | :: precisely, specifically |
puesto que {conj} | :: given that |
puf {interj} | :: poof! |
puf {m} | :: poof (furniture) |
PUF {f} | :: FAQ |
pufo {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: scam |
púgil {m} | :: boxer, pugilist |
pugilato {m} | :: boxing |
pugilato {m} | :: conflict |
pugilismo {m} | :: pugilism |
pugilista {mf} | :: pugilist, boxer |
pugilístico {adj} | :: boxing (attributive) |
pugnacidad {f} | :: pugnacity, quarrelsomeness |
pugnar {v} | :: to struggle; fight |
pugnaz {adj} | :: pugnacious; aggressive; belligerent |
Puig {prop} | :: surname |
pujante {adj} | :: booming, growing |
pujanza {f} | :: strength, might |
pujar {vi} | :: to struggle |
pujar {vi} | :: to dither, vacillate |
pujar {vi} | :: to struggle for words |
pujar {vi} | :: to push |
pujar {vi} | :: to bud |
pujar {vt} | :: to bid (at an auction) |
pujolismo {m} | :: Support of Jordi Pujol, president of Catalonia from 1980 to 2003 |
pujolista {mf} | :: Supporter of Jordi Pujol, president of Catalonia from 1980 to 2003 |
pulcramente {adv} | :: neatly, tidily |
pulcritud {f} | :: neatness, tidiness, smartness [UK] |
pulcro {adj} | :: tidy, neat |
pulcro {adj} [poetic] | :: pretty, beautiful |
pulg {f} | :: abbreviation of pulga |
pulg {f} | :: abbreviation of pulgada |
pulga {f} | :: flea |
pulga {f} [colloquial, US Spanish] | :: flea market |
pulgada {f} | :: inch |
pulgar {m} | :: thumb, big toe |
Pulgarcito {prop} {m} | :: Tom Thumb |
pulgón {m} | :: aphid in the family Aphididae |
pulgoso {adj} | :: flea-ridden |
pulguita {f} | :: diminutive of pulga |
pulidamente {adv} | :: neatly, tidily |
Pulido {prop} {m} | :: surname, the 143rd most common in Colombia and 311th most common in Mexico |
pulidor {m} | :: polish |
pulidor {m} | :: polisher |
pulimentar {v} | :: To polish |
pulimento {m} | :: polish |
pulir {v} | :: to polish |
pulir {v} [colloquial] | :: to beat up |
pulla {f} | :: an obscenity |
pulla {f} | :: a gibe; a burn; a dig |
Pulla {prop} {f} | :: Pulla (region) |
pullés {adj} | :: Apulian |
pullés {m} | :: Apulian |
pullesa {f} | :: feminine noun of pullés |
pulmón {m} | :: lung |
pulmonado {m} | :: pulmonate |
pulmonar {adj} | :: pulmonary |
pulmón de acero {m} | :: iron lung |
pulmón en libro {m} [arachnology] | :: book lung |
pulmonía {f} [diseases] | :: pneumonia |
pulmonóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of pulmonólogo |
pulmonólogo {m} | :: pulmonologist |
pulóver {m} | :: pullover; sweater |
pulóver {m} [Cuba] | :: T-shirt |
pulpa {m} | :: the soft part of an animal's body; flesh |
pulpa {m} [botany, desserts] | :: the fleshy part, pulp of fruit |
pulpa {m} [botany] | :: the pith of wood |
pulpa {m} [gastronomy] | :: the softest meat of beef, porc |
pulpa {m} [chemical engineering] | :: pulp (for producing paper) |
pulpar {adj} | :: pulpal |
pulpectomía {f} | :: pulpectomy |
pulpera {f} | :: feminine noun of pulpero |
pulpería {f} [Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic] | :: A small grocery store or convenience store |
pulpería {f} [Latin America] | :: A bar or tavern |
pulpería {f} [Spain] | :: A restaurant specializing in octopus |
pulpero {m} | :: storekeeper |
pulpero {m} | :: octopus cook or farmer |
pulpito {m} | :: diminutive of pulpo |
púlpito {m} | :: pulpit (raised platform in church) |
pulpo {m} | :: octopus |
pulpo {m} | :: bungee cord |
pulpo a la gallega {m} | :: A dish consisting of boiled octopus garnished with paprika, rock salt and olive oil |
pulposo {adj} | :: pulpy |
pulpotomía {f} | :: pulpotomy |
pulque {m} | :: pulque |
pulquera {f} | :: feminine noun of pulquero |
pulquería {f} [Mexico] | :: An establishment where pulque is sold |
pulquero {adj} [Mexico] | :: Pertaining or relating to pulque |
pulquero {m} [Mexico] | :: A person who makes or sells pulque |
pulquérrimo {adj} | :: superlative of pulcro |
pulsación {f} | :: pulsing, throbbing |
pulsado {m} [computing] | :: click |
pulsador {m} | :: switch, button |
pulsante {adj} | :: pulsating |
pulsar {v} | :: to press (a button, etc.) |
pulsar {v} [computing] | :: to click (to press and release a button on a computer mouse) |
pulsar {v} | :: to pulsate |
púlsar {m} [astronomy] | :: pulsar |
pulsátil {adj} | :: In the manner of something that pulses or strikes; pulsatile |
pulsear {v} [Latin America] | :: arm-wrestle, arm wrestle (to compete in an arm-wrestle) |
pulsear {v} [Latin America, figurative, by extension] | :: arm-wrestlearm wrestle (to struggle (with) for dominance) |
pulsera {f} | :: bracelet |
pulserita {f} | :: diminutive of pulsera |
pulsimetro {m} [medicine] | :: pulsimeter |
pulsimetro {m} | :: pulsometer |
pulsión {f} | :: pulsion |
pulsión {f} | :: drive, impulse, motivation |
pulsional {adj} | :: impulsive |
pulsioxímetro {m} [medicine] | :: pulse oximeter |
pulso {m} | :: pulse |
pulso {m} | :: arm-wrestle |
pulsómetro {m} | :: heart rate monitor |
pululación {f} | :: pullulation |
pulular {v} | :: to teem |
pulular {v} | :: to mill around |
pulverización {f} | :: pulverization |
pulverizador {m} | :: spray |
pulverizador {m} | :: atomizer |
pulverizar {v} | :: to pulverize, atomize |
pulverulento {adj} | :: pulverulent |
pulvinar {m} [anatomy] | :: pulvinar |
pum {interj} | :: pow [the sound of a pistol-shot] |
pum {interj} | :: pow [the sound of a violent impact, such as a punch] |
pum {interj} | :: pow [the sound of an explosion] |
pum {interj} | :: bang [a verbal emulation of a sudden percussive sound] |
puma {m} | :: cougar, mountain lion, puma [Puma concolor] |
Pumanque {prop} {m} | :: Pumanque (city) |
pumanquino {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Pumanque |
pumita {f} | :: pumice |
pun {m} [onomatopoeia] | :: The sound of discharging a firearm |
pun {m} [onomatopoeia, vulgar] | :: The sound of flatulence |
puna {f} [Latin America] | :: puna, Andean plateau |
puna {f} [Latin America] | :: altitude sickness |
puna {f} [Latin America] | :: Cold mountain wind |
puñadito {m} | :: diminutive of puñado |
puñado {m} | :: a handful, fistful |
puñado {m} | :: a lot |
puñal {adj} [rare] | :: Of the fist. Fitting in one's hands |
puñal {adj} [rare] | :: Of a fight or dispute |
puñal {m} | :: dagger |
puñal {m} [Mexico, pejorative] | :: a gay man; faggot |
puñalá {f} | :: alternative spelling of puñalada |
puñalada {f} | :: stab |
puñalada trapera {f} [idiomatic] | :: stab in the back |
puñalillo {m} | :: diminutive of puñal |
puñalito {m} | :: diminutive of puñal, fagboy |
puñalote {m} [superlative] | :: major, big, or total faggot |
puñao {m} | :: A small bag of dried fruits and nuts offered at parties or events in La Mancha |
puñar {v} [archaic] | :: to fight, attack |
punch {m} | :: punch (drink) |
punchar {v} | :: to pierce; to punch |
punción {f} | :: prick |
punción {f} | :: piercing |
puncionar {v} | :: to puncture |
punción lumbar {f} | :: lumbar puncture |
pundonor {m} | :: self-respect, amour propre |
pundonorosamente {adv} | :: punctiliously |
pundonoroso {adj} | :: punctilious |
puneña {f} | :: feminine noun of puneño |
puneño {adj} | :: Of or from the Puno Region of Peru |
puneño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the Puno Region of Peru |
puñeta {f} | :: border (of clothing) |
puñeta {f} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: bore, bug, ballbreaker |
puñeta {f} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: masturbation |
puñetas {interj} [vulgar] | :: fuck it, fuck |
puñetazo {m} | :: punch with the fist; thump |
puñete {m} | :: punch with the fist |
puñetear {v} [Mexico] | :: to punch |
puñetero {adj} [vulgar, slang] | :: wanker |
puñetero {adj} [colloquial] | :: damned, blasted, bloody |
puñetero {adj} | :: difficult, tough |
punga {adj} [slang, Chile] | :: vulgar, rascal, common person |
pungencia {f} | :: pungency |
pungir {v} | :: to prick, to puncture |
punibilidad {f} | :: punishability |
punible {adj} | :: punishable |
punición {f} | :: punishment |
púnico {adj} | :: Punic (of or relating to Carthage) |
púnico {adj} | :: Punic, treacherous |
púnico {prop} {m} | :: Punic [language] |
punir {v} | :: to punish |
punitivo {adj} | :: punitive |
punk {m} | :: punk |
punki {adj} [Spain] | :: punk |
punki {mf} [Spain] | :: punk |
punky {adj} | :: punky |
Puno {prop} | :: Puno (region) |
Puno {prop} | :: Puno (city) |
puño {m} | :: fist (hand with the fingers clenched or curled inward) |
puño {m} | :: fistful, handful, bunch (amount that can be contained in the hand) |
puño {m} | :: wristband, cuff (end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist) |
puño {m} | :: handle, hilt (part of a tool, weapon, or other object, that is designed to be held in the hand when used) |
punsch {m} | :: punch (beverage) |
punta {f} | :: tip, point, end |
punta {f} | :: pinch, bit (small amount) |
puntación {f} | :: dotting (putting dots on top of letters) |
puntada {f} [sewing] | :: stitch |
punta del iceberg {f} [idiom] | :: tip of the iceberg |
puntaesteño {adj} | :: Of or from Punta del Este |
puntaesteño {m} | :: Someone from Punta del Este |
puntaje {m} [Latin America] | :: score (record of points) |
puntal {m} | :: prop, support |
puntal {m} | :: mainstay, chief support |
puntal {m} | :: stanchion |
puntana {f} | :: feminine noun of puntano |
puntano {adj} | :: Of or from San Luis, Argentina |
puntano {m} | :: Someone from San Luis, Argentina |
puntapié {m} | :: kick (blow given with the foot) |
puntar {v} | :: to point, to mark with points |
puntar {v} | :: to add vowel markings, to Hebrew or Arabic script |
puntarenense {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Punta Arenas, Chile |
puntarenense {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Puntarenas, Costa Rica |
puntarenense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Punta Arenas, Chile |
puntarenense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Puntarenas, Costa Rica |
punta rota {f} | :: split end |
puntazo {m} | :: Injury caused by a sharp pointed object |
puntazo {m} [bullfighting] | :: light hit with the horn |
puntazo {m} | :: poke, jibe |
puntazo {m} [colloquial] | :: amazing thing, kick-ass thing, beauty |
puntear {v} | :: to dot, to engrave |
puntear {v} | :: to pluck |
puntear {v} | :: to stitch |
puntear {v} [climbing] | :: to lead, to lead climb |
punteo {m} [music] | :: plucking |
puntería {f} | :: marksmanship |
puntería {f} | :: aiming |
puntería {f} | :: aim |
punterita {f} | :: diminutive of puntera |
puntero {adj} | :: leading |
puntero {adj} | :: cutting-edge |
puntero {m} [computing] | :: pointer, cursor |
puntero {m} | :: leader |
puntero {m} | :: outstanding person |
puntero {m} | :: chisel (stonecutter's tool) |
puntero {m} | :: chanter (of bagpipes) |
puntiagudo {adj} | :: sharp-pointed |
puntiforme {adj} | :: pointlike |
puntilla {f} | :: puntilla, dagger |
puntilla {f} [bullfighting] | :: puntilla |
puntilla {f} [also, figurative] | :: final blow, coup de grâce |
puntilla {f} | :: tiptoe |
puntilla {f} | :: baby squid |
puntilla {f} [cooking] | :: paring knife |
puntillazo {m} | :: coup de grâce |
puntillazo {m} [Chile] | :: any of the massive beach parties held at La Puntilla, in Pichilemu, Chile |
puntillero {m} [bullfighting] | :: cachetero |
puntillismo {m} | :: pointillism |
puntillista {adj} [music] | :: pointillistic |
puntillita {f} | :: diminutive of puntilla |
puntillo {m} | :: diminutive of punto |
puntillo {m} | :: self-love |
puntillo {m} [music] | :: staccato dot |
puntillo {m} | :: light drunkenness |
puntilloso {adj} | :: punctilious |
puntilloso {adj} | :: touchy |
puntita {f} | :: diminutive of punta |
puntito {m} | :: diminutive of punto |
punto {m} | :: point (unit of measurement) |
punto {m} | :: decimal, point (arithmetic symbol), period |
punto {m} | :: [punto de encuentro] point, location, place |
punto {m} | :: stitch |
punto {m} | :: great surprise |
punto {interj} | :: that's it! |
punto cardinal {m} | :: cardinal point |
punto ciego {m} | :: blind spot (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina) |
punto ciego {m} | :: blind spot (driving) |
puntocom {f} | :: dotcom |
punto débil {f} | :: weak point; drawback |
punto decimal {m} | :: decimal point |
punto de condensación {m} | :: dew point |
punto de cruz {m} | :: cross-stitch |
punto de ebullición {m} | :: boiling point |
punto de entrada {m} | :: entry point |
punto de fuga {m} | :: vanishing point |
punto de inflexión {m} | :: inflection (a change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave) |
punto de inflexión {m} | :: turning point, tipping point |
punto de partida {m} | :: basis, starting point |
punto de resistencia {m} [video games] | :: health point, hit point, hitpoint, HP, life point |
punto de rocío {m} | :: dew point |
punto de vista {m} | :: point of view, viewpoint |
puntofijismo {m} | :: The Puntofijo Pact |
puntofijista {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Punto Fijo Pact |
punto fijo {m} [mathematics] | :: fixed point |
punto flotante {m} [computing] | :: floating point |
punto fuerte {m} | :: forte, strong point |
punto G {m} [anatomy, sexuality] | :: G-spot |
punto limpio {m} | :: recycling station |
punto muerto {m} | :: dead end |
punto muerto {m} | :: neutral gear |
punto muerto {m} | :: dead center (in engineering) |
punto muerto {m} | :: break-even point |
punto negro {m} | :: accident black spot |
punto remoto {m} | :: far point |
puntos suspensivos {mp} | :: ellipsis (a mark used in printing to indicate an omission) |
punto verde {m} | :: recycling station |
punto y coma {m} | :: semicolon |
puntuabilidad {f} | :: sufficient points |
puntuable {adj} | :: point-scoring |
puntuación {f} | :: punctuation |
puntuación {f} | :: score (number of points) |
puntual {adj} | :: punctual, on time |
puntualidad {f} | :: punctuality |
puntualísimo {adj} | :: superlative of puntual |
puntualización {f} | :: point-by-point statement |
puntualizar {v} | :: to detail, to specify |
puntualizar {v} | :: to fix something in one's memory |
puntualizar {v} | :: to complete |
puntualmente {adv} | :: punctually, on time |
puntuar {v} | :: to punctuate |
puntuar {v} | :: to score or gain points |
puntura {f} | :: prick; puncture |
punzada {f} | :: sting [injury] |
punzada {f} | :: sting [pain] |
punzante {adj} | :: sharp, biting (pain) |
punzante {adj} | :: sharp, prickly (object) |
punzar {vt} | :: to perforate, punch |
punzar {vi} | :: to sting, twinge |
punzó {m} | :: ponceau, red |
punzocortante {adj} | :: pointed and sharp |
punzón {m} | :: awl |
punzonar {v} | :: To punch (holes) |
punzón de hielo {m} | :: ice pick |
pupa {f} | :: pupa |
pupa {f} | :: bump, especially a cold sore |
pupa {f} [childish] | :: boo-boo (pain) |
pupación {f} | :: pupation |
pupila {f} [anatomy] | :: pupil of the eye |
pupila {f} | :: feminine noun of pupilo, female pupil |
pupilaje {m} | :: pupilage, state of being a pupil |
pupilar {adj} | :: pupilar |
pupilera {f} | :: adopter of orphans |
pupilo {m} | :: orphan (in an orphanage) |
pupilo {m} | :: houseguest, boarder |
pupilo {m} | :: pupil |
pupitre {m} | :: A student desk |
pupú {m} [colloquial] | :: poop; poo |
pupusa {f} [Central America] | :: a stuffed tortilla |
pupusa {f} [Central America, vulgar, slang] | :: pussy, vulva |
pupusería {f} [El Salvador] | :: restaurant where pupusas are served or sold |
puputov {m} | :: a bottle filled with faeces used by demonstrators against the authorities during the 2017 Venezuelan protests |
puquina {adj} | :: Puquina |
puquina {m} | :: Puquina |
puramente {adv} | :: purely, solely |
purasangre {adj} | :: thoroughbred |
puré {m} | :: puree |
puré {m} | :: mash (for potatoes) |
purépecha {adj} | :: Purepecha |
purépecha {mf} | :: Purepecha |
purépecha {m} | :: Purepecha [language] |
pureza {f} | :: purity |
purgación {f} | :: purging |
purgación {f} | :: menstruation |
purgante {adj} | :: purging; purgative |
purgante {m} | :: purgative |
purgar {v} | :: to purge |
purgar {v} | :: to drain |
purgatorio {m} | :: purgatory |
puridad {f} [rare] | :: purity |
puridad {f} | :: secretiveness, stealth |
purificación {f} | :: purification |
Purificación {prop} {f} | :: given name |
purificador {adj} | :: purifying |
purificador {m} | :: water filter |
purificador {m} | :: air filter |
purificante {adj} | :: purifying |
purificar {v} | :: to purify, refine |
purillo {m} | :: diminutive of puro |
purín {m} [agriculture] | :: slurry |
purina {f} [organic compound] | :: purine |
purísimo {adj} | :: superlative of puro |
purismo {m} | :: purism |
purista {adj} | :: purist |
purista {mf} | :: purist |
puritana {f} | :: feminine noun of puritano |
puritanismo {m} | :: Puritanism (beliefs and practices of the Puritans) |
puritanismo {m} | :: puritanism (strict and austere religious practice) |
puritano {adj} | :: puritan |
puritano {adj} | :: Puritan |
puritano {m} | :: puritan |
puritano {m} | :: Puritan |
puro {adj} | :: pure, clear |
puro {adj} | :: alone, mere, nothing less than |
puro {adv} | :: only, merely |
puro {m} | :: cigar, puro |
puro {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: a fine (especially a big one) |
puro y duro {adj} [idiom] | :: downright; plain; out-and-out |
púrpura {adj} [heraldry] | :: purpure |
púrpura {adj} [anglicism] | :: purple |
púrpura {f} | :: purple (colour) |
púrpura {f} [in a poetic sense] | :: blood |
púrpura {f} | :: Tyrian purple |
púrpura {f} [mollusk] | :: purple dye murex (Murex brandaris) |
púrpura {f} [pathology] | :: purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
purpurado {m} [religion] | :: cardinal |
purpurar {v} | :: to make purple |
purpúreo {adj} | :: synonym of púrpura |
purpurina {f} | :: purpurin |
purpurina {f} | :: glitter |
purrusalda {f} | :: alternative spelling of porrusalda |
purulento {adj} | :: purulent, pussy |
pururú {m} [northern Argentina] | :: popcorn |
Purús {prop} | :: Purús (province) |
Purús {prop} | :: Purús (river) |
pus {mf} | :: pus |
pusilánime {adj} | :: pusillanimous |
pusilánimemente {adv} | :: pusillanimously |
pusilanimidad {f} | :: pusillanimity |
pústula {f} | :: pustule |
pustulado {adj} | :: pustulate |
pustuloso {adj} | :: pustular |
puta {f} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: whore, slut, prostitute |
puta {f} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: bitch |
putada {f} | :: dirty trick, raw deal, villainy |
putada {f} | :: bad luck, bummer, bastard |
putada {f} | :: scolding |
puta de quinta {f} [vulgar, derogatory, extremely offensive, idiom] | :: A cumwhore, cuntwhore, dickhole, prostitute, trash |
putadilla {f} | :: prank |
putadita {f} | :: diminutive of putada |
putañear {v} [vulgar] | :: to attend a prostitute |
putañero {m} [vulgar] | :: whoremonger; pimp who procures whores |
putañero {adj} [vulgar] | :: whorish |
putañero {adj} [vulgar] | :: addicted to whores, whoring |
puta que te parió {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, vulgar, idiom] | :: fuck you (catch-all response said out of anger) |
putativo {adj} | :: putative |
putaza {f} [slang] | :: mega-slut |
putear {v} [vulgar] | :: To prostitute oneself |
putear {v} [vulgar] | :: To attend a prostitute |
putear {v} [vulgar] | :: To fuck around, bother |
putear {v} [vulgar] | :: To insult or scold someone |
Putellas {prop} | :: surname |
putería {f} [colloquial] | :: whorehouse, brothel |
putería {f} [colloquial] | :: piss-take |
putería {f} [colloquial] | :: whoring |
puterío {m} | :: brothel, whorehouse |
putero {adj} | :: whoring; whoremongering |
putero {m} [colloquial] | :: whoremonger |
putero {m} [colloquial] | :: brothel, whorehouse |
putero {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: gigolo |
putero {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: kerb crawler |
putero {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: A lot, a bunch |
puticlub {m} | :: brothel, whorehouse |
putilla {f} | :: diminutive of puta |
putinesco {adj} | :: Putinesque |
putinización {f} | :: Putinisation |
putita {f} | :: diminutive of puta. Little slut |
puto {adj} [vulgar] | :: fucking, goddamn |
puto {m} [vulgar] | :: man-whore |
puto {m} [vulgar, pejorative] | :: faggot |
puto {m} [vulgar, pejorative] | :: asshole, fucker, motherfucker |
putón {m} | :: augmentative of puta, superslut |
putona {f} [colloquial] | :: slut |
Putre {prop} {m} | :: Putre (city) |
putrefacción {f} | :: putrefaction |
putrefacto {adj} | :: rotten, putrid |
putrefacto {adj} [figuratively] | :: rotten |
putrescina {f} [organic compound] | :: putrescine |
putria {f} [Latin America, pejorative, vulgar] | :: prostituted motherland |
pútrido {adj} | :: putrid |
puya {f} [bullfighting] | :: Sharp point on the tip of the vara (bullfighter's lance) |
puya {f} | :: jibe; taunt |
puya {interj} [El Salvador, euphemism] | :: fudge (euphemism of the interjection puta "fuck!") |
puyar {vt} | :: to jab, poke |
puyar {vt} | :: to incite |
puyazo {m} [bullfighting] | :: blow or thrust with the lance |
puzle {m} [colloquial] | :: jigsaw puzzle |
puzolana {f} | :: puzzolan |
puzolánico {adj} | :: pozzolanic |
puzzle {m} | :: jigsaw puzzle |
pyme {f} | :: acronym of pequeña y mediana empresa; SME |
PyME {f} | :: alternative case form of pyme |
PYME {f} | :: alternative case form of pyme |
pyrex {m} | :: pyrex |
Python {prop} {m} | :: Python programming language |
pza. {f} | :: alternative form of pza |
pza {f} | :: abbreviation of plaza (place, square) |
pza {f} | :: abbreviation of pieza (piece) |