User:OrphicBot/EditLogs/15August2016 AddRefs grc la non diffs 3

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tanquam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:tanquam]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

minutim: No change.


aboleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:aboleo]]     [[fr:aboleo]]
[[it:aboleo]]     [[ko:aboleo]]
[[la:aboleo]]     [[it:aboleo]]
[[pt:aboleo]]     [[la:aboleo]]
[[ru:aboleo]]     [[pt:aboleo]]

γνώμη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1106}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1106}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

honestatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|honestāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|honestāt}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἰκόνιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}
[[Category:grc:Cities]]  [[Category:grc:Cities]]

ἁγνότης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|54}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Strong's|G|54}}
[[pl:ἁγνότης]]         [[el:ἁγνότης]]

personatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[it:personatus]]  [[fr:personatus]]

contemptibilis: No change.


passionate: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|passiōnate}}                        {{la-adj-form|passiōnate}}
# {{inflection of|passiōnatus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|passiōnatus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[Category:en:Emotions]]                          ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:passionate]]                                 [[Category:en:Emotions]]
[[el:passionate]]                                 [[ca:passionate]]
[[es:passionate]]                                 [[cs:passionate]]
[[eu:passionate]]                                 [[et:passionate]]
[[fa:passionate]]                                 [[el:passionate]]
[[fr:passionate]]                                 [[es:passionate]]
[[ko:passionate]]                                 [[eu:passionate]]
[[hy:passionate]]                                 [[fa:passionate]]
[[io:passionate]]                                 [[fr:passionate]]
[[kn:passionate]]                                 [[ko:passionate]]
[[ku:passionate]]                                 [[hy:passionate]]
[[hu:passionate]]                                 [[io:passionate]]
[[ml:passionate]]                                 [[kn:passionate]]
[[my:passionate]]                                 [[ku:passionate]]
[[nl:passionate]]                                 [[hu:passionate]]
[[pl:passionate]]                                 [[ml:passionate]]
[[ru:passionate]]                                 [[my:passionate]]
[[fi:passionate]]                                 [[nl:passionate]]
[[sv:passionate]]                                 [[pl:passionate]]
[[ta:passionate]]                                 [[ru:passionate]]
[[te:passionate]]                                 [[fi:passionate]]
[[vi:passionate]]                                 [[sv:passionate]]
[[zh:passionate]]                                 [[ta:passionate]]

papyrio: No change.


insigno: No change.


viridis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin adjectives]]  
[[Category:la:Colors]]         [[Category:Latin adjectives]]
[[ca:viridis]]                 [[az:viridis]]
[[co:viridis]]                 [[ca:viridis]]
[[de:viridis]]                 [[co:viridis]]
[[fr:viridis]]                 [[de:viridis]]
[[ko:viridis]]                 [[fr:viridis]]
[[id:viridis]]                 [[ko:viridis]]
[[it:viridis]]                 [[id:viridis]]
[[ka:viridis]]                 [[it:viridis]]
[[lo:viridis]]                 [[ka:viridis]]
[[la:viridis]]                 [[lo:viridis]]
[[lt:viridis]]                 [[la:viridis]]
[[hu:viridis]]                 [[lt:viridis]]
[[mg:viridis]]                 [[hu:viridis]]
[[ja:viridis]]                 [[mg:viridis]]
[[pl:viridis]]                 [[ja:viridis]]
[[ru:viridis]]                 [[pl:viridis]]
[[fi:viridis]]                 [[ru:viridis]]
[[sv:viridis]]                 [[fi:viridis]]
[[tl:viridis]]                 [[sv:viridis]]
[[chr:viridis]]                [[tl:viridis]]
[[tr:viridis]]                 [[chr:viridis]]
[[uk:viridis]]                 [[tr:viridis]]
[[zh:viridis]]                 [[uk:viridis]]

impigre: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

series: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

merentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|merentēs}}                    {{la-part-form|merentēs}}
# {{inflection of|merēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|merēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|merēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|merēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|merēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|merēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|merēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|merēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|merēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|merēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|merēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|merēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

cubitura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|cubitūra}}                       {{la-part-form|cubitūra}}
# {{inflection of|cubitūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cubitūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cubitūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cubitūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cubitūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cubitūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cubitūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cubitūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cubitūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cubitūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|cubitūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|cubitūrā}}
# {{inflection of|cubitūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cubitūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:L&S}}

convecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lentiscifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

amplexator: No change.


Ἀριστείδης: No change.


insatiabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

κυβερνάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                          ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                 * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                            * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                                * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                                                                            * {{R:Slater}}
* Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider, Christine F. Salazar - Brill's New Pauly: K-Lyc, p. 31  * {{grc-Beekes}}
                                                                                            * Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider, Christine F. Salazar - Brill's New Pauly: K-Lyc, p. 31

dalmatica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|dalmatica}}                        {{la-adj-form|dalmatica}}
# {{inflection of|dalmaticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dalmaticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dalmaticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dalmaticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dalmaticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dalmaticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dalmaticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dalmaticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dalmaticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dalmaticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|dalmaticā}}                        {{la-adj-form|dalmaticā}}
# {{inflection of|dalmaticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dalmaticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:dalmatica]]                                 ===References===
[[cs:dalmatica]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[gl:dalmatica]]                                 * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:dalmatica]]                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

merr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|mær}}      * Danish: {{l|da|mær}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|mer}}     * Faroese: {{l|fo|mer}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|meri}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|meri}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|märr}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|märr}}
[[Category:non:Horses]]     ===References===
                            * {{R:Zoega}}
[[ku:merr]]                 [[Category:non:Horses]]
[[hu:merr]]                 [[ko:merr]]
[[mg:merr]]                 [[ku:merr]]
[[no:merr]]                 [[li:merr]]
[[ru:merr]]                 [[hu:merr]]
[[chr:merr]]                [[mg:merr]]
[[vi:merr]]                 [[no:merr]]

ficte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praesago: No change.


frigida: No change.


praepropero: No change.


expulsor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

trajector: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:trajector]]  [[fr:trajector]]

apostolicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

κρήγυος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
<references/>       * {{R:Cunliffe}}

foraminosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

condecerno: No change.


alemanice: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|alemanice}}                        {{la-adj-form|alemanice}}
# {{inflection of|alemanicus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|alemanicus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:NLW}}

primitivum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|prīmitīvum}}                       {{la-adj-form|prīmitīvum}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmitīvus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:primitivum]]                                ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Christiane: No change.


relevata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|relevāta}}                       {{la-part-form|relevāta}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|relevātā}}                       {{la-part-form|relevātā}}
# {{inflection of|relevātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relevātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:relevata]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

πολιτεία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

erroneus: No change.


ψιλότης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|yilo/ths|w=ψῑλότης}}  * {{R:LSJ|yilo/ths|w=ψῑλότης}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                * {{R:Bailly}}

mucro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Weapons]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}
[[ka:mucro]]             [[Category:la:Weapons]]
[[mg:mucro]]             [[fr:mucro]]
[[ru:mucro]]             [[ka:mucro]]
[[zh:mucro]]             [[ku:mucro]]

ἑξηκοστός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[ru:ἑξηκοστός]]  [[lt:ἑξηκοστός]]

στάτωρ: No change.


βουστροφηδόν: No change.


feror: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|feror}}                                {{la-verb-form|feror}}
# {{inflection of|ferō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[de:feror]]                                          ===References===
[[fr:feror]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

breviter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[mg:breviter]]                                                                                              [[da:breviter]]
[[pl:breviter]]                                                                                              [[mg:breviter]]
[[ru:breviter]]                                                                                              [[pl:breviter]]

talpae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|talpae}}                   {{la-noun-form|talpae}}
# {{inflection of|talpa||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|talpa||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|talpa||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|talpa||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|talpa||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|talpa||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|talpa||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|talpa||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:talpae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:talpae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

pertransitus: No change.


plasticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

affluo: No change.


munitiuncula: No change.


ὤψ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                        ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                            * {{R:Bailly}}
* J. B. Hofmann, Ετυμολογικόν Λεξικόν της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής (Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Griechischen)  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                                                                                          * J. B. Hofmann, Ετυμολογικόν Λεξικόν της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής (Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Griechischen)
[[fr:ὤψ]]                                                                                                 [[el:ὤψ]]
[[la:ὤψ]]                                                                                                 [[fr:ὤψ]]
[[li:ὤψ]]                                                                                                 [[la:ὤψ]]
[[mg:ὤψ]]                                                                                                 [[li:ὤψ]]

verticale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|verticale}}                        {{la-adj-form|verticale}}
# {{inflection of|verticalis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|verticalis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|verticalis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|verticalis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|verticalis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|verticalis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:verticale]]                                 ===References===
[[el:verticale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:verticale]]                                 [[de:verticale]]
[[gl:verticale]]                                 [[el:verticale]]
[[io:verticale]]                                 [[es:verticale]]
[[it:verticale]]                                 [[fr:verticale]]
[[mg:verticale]]                                 [[gl:verticale]]
[[nl:verticale]]                                 [[io:verticale]]
[[pl:verticale]]                                 [[it:verticale]]
[[ru:verticale]]                                 [[mg:verticale]]
[[fi:verticale]]                                 [[nl:verticale]]
[[vi:verticale]]                                 [[pl:verticale]]
[[zh:verticale]]                                 [[ru:verticale]]

sectator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sectātor}}                               {{la-verb-form|sectātor}}
# {{inflection of|sector||2|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sector||2|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sector||3|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sector||3|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[de:sectator]]                                         ===References===
                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
                                                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

scribendus: No change.


facile: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Synonyms====      ====Synonyms====
* {{l|la|faciliter}}  * {{l|la|faciliter}}
----                  ===References===
                      * {{R:L&S}}
                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}

ἀληθῶς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Adverb===                                             ===Adverb===
{{head|grc|adverb}}                                      {{head|grc|adverb}}
# [[truly]] ({{inflection of|ἀληθής||adverb|lang=grc}})  # [[truly]] ({{inflection of|ἀληθής||adverb|lang=grc}})
[[pl:ἀληθῶς]]                                            ===References===
                                                         * {{R:Strong's}}
                                                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

meditabundus: No change.


συμμάχομαι: No change.


σκίουρος: No change.


quaestuosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

precator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:precator]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

semicintium: No change.


obtero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

acies: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:acies]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:acies]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:acies]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[it:acies]]      [[cs:acies]]
[[kn:acies]]      [[de:acies]]
[[la:acies]]      [[fr:acies]]
[[mg:acies]]      [[ko:acies]]
[[nl:acies]]      [[it:acies]]
[[pl:acies]]      [[kn:acies]]
[[ru:acies]]      [[la:acies]]
[[ta:acies]]      [[mg:acies]]

nitor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:nitor]]                       [[fr:nitor]]
[[la:nitor]]                       [[ko:nitor]]
[[ru:nitor]]                       [[la:nitor]]

repetitus: No change.


fictio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:fictio]]     [[fr:fictio]]

quadrigonus: No change.


undabundus: No change.


λάμια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|w=Λάμιᾰ}}  * {{R:LSJ|w=Λάμιᾰ}}
                     * {{R:LBG}}

ἕρμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e(/rma}}                                       * {{R:LSJ|e(/rma}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                        * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|ερμα]]  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:ἕρμα]]                                              [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|ερμα]]
[[ko:ἕρμα]]                                              [[el:ἕρμα]]
[[mg:ἕρμα]]                                              [[fr:ἕρμα]]

simila: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:simila]]     [[de:simila]]
[[fr:simila]]     [[el:simila]]
[[ko:simila]]     [[fr:simila]]
[[io:simila]]     [[ko:simila]]
[[ku:simila]]     [[io:simila]]
[[hu:simila]]     [[ku:simila]]
[[mg:simila]]     [[hu:simila]]
[[ja:simila]]     [[mg:simila]]
[[pl:simila]]     [[ja:simila]]
[[fi:simila]]     [[pl:simila]]
[[chr:simila]]    [[fi:simila]]
[[tr:simila]]     [[chr:simila]]
[[zh:simila]]     [[tr:simila]]

νοῦς: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:νοῦς]]         [[el:νοῦς]]
[[fr:νοῦς]]         [[fr:νοῦς]]
[[ko:νοῦς]]         [[ko:νοῦς]]
[[lt:νοῦς]]         [[lt:νοῦς]]
[[pt:νοῦς]]         [[pt:νοῦς]]

phlebotomia: No change.


intrepide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:intrepide]]  [[fr:intrepide]]
[[pl:intrepide]]  [[it:intrepide]]
[[ru:intrepide]]  [[pl:intrepide]]

com-: LATIN: References added.

====Usage notes====                                             ====Usage notes====
Used before ''b'', ''p'', and ''m'', and rarely before vowels.  Used before ''b'', ''p'', and ''m'', and rarely before vowels.
----                                                            ===References===
                                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

condictum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                    ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|condictum}}                    {{la-verb-form|condictum}}
# {{inflection of|condīcō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|condīcō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
[[fr:condictum]]                              ===References===
[[ru:condictum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

altrinsecus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

affectatrix: No change.


excessivus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|excessiv}}  {{la-decl-1&2|excessiv}}
[[mg:excessivus]]         ===References===
[[pl:excessivus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

mercans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:mercans]]    [[fr:mercans]]

πάθη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:πάθη]]        [[el:πάθη]]
[[mg:πάθη]]        [[fr:πάθη]]
[[chr:πάθη]]       [[mg:πάθη]]

deicio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:deicio]]     [[fr:deicio]]

tutulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Headgear]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:NLW}}

quippe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
[[fr:quippe]]        [[es:quippe]]
[[ko:quippe]]        [[fr:quippe]]
[[pl:quippe]]        [[ko:quippe]]

νοσέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3611}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3611}}
[[lt:νοσέω]]             [[fr:νοσέω]]

φῄς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{head|grc|verb form}}                                {{head|grc|verb form}}
# {{inflection of|φημῐ́||2|s|pres|ind|act|lang=grc}}  # {{inflection of|φημῐ́||2|s|pres|ind|act|lang=grc}}
                                                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                                                      * {{R:Cunliffe}}

Πορσίνας: No change.


permultum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|permultum}}                       {{la-adj-form|permultum}}
# {{inflection of|permultus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|permultus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:permultum]]                                ===References===
[[ru:permultum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

psittacus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:psittacus]]       [[da:psittacus]]
[[hr:psittacus]]       [[fr:psittacus]]
[[lo:psittacus]]       [[hr:psittacus]]
[[la:psittacus]]       [[lo:psittacus]]
[[lt:psittacus]]       [[la:psittacus]]
[[hu:psittacus]]       [[lt:psittacus]]
[[mg:psittacus]]       [[hu:psittacus]]
[[pl:psittacus]]       [[mg:psittacus]]
[[pt:psittacus]]       [[pl:psittacus]]
[[ro:psittacus]]       [[pt:psittacus]]
[[sv:psittacus]]       [[ro:psittacus]]
[[chr:psittacus]]      [[sv:psittacus]]
[[vi:psittacus]]       [[chr:psittacus]]

aestimatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:aestimatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:aestimatio]]  [[fr:aestimatio]]
[[ru:aestimatio]]  [[mg:aestimatio]]

immissio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:immissio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Τιθραύστης: No change.



civitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:civitas]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[ca:civitas]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:civitas]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[el:civitas]]    [[az:civitas]]
[[es:civitas]]    [[ca:civitas]]
[[fr:civitas]]    [[cs:civitas]]
[[ko:civitas]]    [[de:civitas]]
[[hr:civitas]]    [[el:civitas]]
[[ky:civitas]]    [[es:civitas]]
[[la:civitas]]    [[fr:civitas]]
[[lt:civitas]]    [[ko:civitas]]
[[hu:civitas]]    [[hr:civitas]]
[[mg:civitas]]    [[ky:civitas]]
[[ml:civitas]]    [[la:civitas]]
[[pl:civitas]]    [[lt:civitas]]
[[pt:civitas]]    [[hu:civitas]]
[[ru:civitas]]    [[mg:civitas]]
[[fi:civitas]]    [[ml:civitas]]
[[sv:civitas]]    [[pl:civitas]]
[[chr:civitas]]   [[pt:civitas]]
[[zh:civitas]]    [[ru:civitas]]

Μολοσσία: No change.


coopertura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|coopertūra}}                       {{la-part-form|coopertūra}}
# {{inflection of|coopertūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coopertūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coopertūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coopertūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coopertūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coopertūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coopertūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coopertūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coopertūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coopertūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|coopertūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|coopertūrā}}
# {{inflection of|coopertūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coopertūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:coopertura]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

ξεῖ: No change.


propino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

veliger: No change.


barca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

adjecto: No change.


derelinquo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:derelinquo]]  [[ca:derelinquo]]
[[fr:derelinquo]]  [[es:derelinquo]]
[[ko:derelinquo]]  [[fr:derelinquo]]
[[mg:derelinquo]]  [[ko:derelinquo]]


dissimulanter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cataegis: No change.


elemosyna: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|elemosyn}}  {{la-decl-1st|elemosyn}}
[[cs:elemosyna]]          ===References===
[[mg:elemosyna]]          * {{R:du Cange}}

perviso: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|pervīsō}}                       {{la-part-form|pervīsō}}
# {{inflection of|pervīsus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervīsus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pervīsus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervīsus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pervīsus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervīsus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pervīsus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervīsus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:L&S}}

retorta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|retorta}}                       {{la-part-form|retorta}}
# {{inflection of|retortus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|retortus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|retortus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|retortus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|retortus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|retortus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|retortus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|retortus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|retortus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|retortus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|retortā}}                       {{la-part-form|retortā}}
# {{inflection of|retortus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|retortus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἄτροπος: No change.


debacchor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                 ====References====
* {{R:L&S|dēbacchor}}              * {{R:L&S|dēbacchor}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|dēbacchor|p=469/2}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|dēbacchor|486/3}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|dēbacchor|p=469/2}}
                                   * {{R:OLD|1|dēbacchor|486/3}}
===Etymology 2===                  
                                   ===Etymology 2===

refectum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|refectum}}                      {{la-part-form|refectum}}
# {{inflection of|refectus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|refectus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|refectus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|refectus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|refectus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|refectus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|refectus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|refectus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:refectum]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

ekkja: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:Íslensk orðsifjabók 1989}}  * {{R:Zoega}}
                                  * {{R:Íslensk orðsifjabók 1989}}
[[fr:ekkja]]                      [[da:ekkja]]
[[is:ekkja]]                      [[fr:ekkja]]
[[mg:ekkja]]                      [[is:ekkja]]
[[pl:ekkja]]                      [[mg:ekkja]]
[[ru:ekkja]]                      [[pl:ekkja]]
[[chr:ekkja]]                     [[ru:ekkja]]

regnans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|rēgnāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|rēgnāns}}
[[cs:regnans]]                ===References===
[[fr:regnans]]                * {{R:du Cange}}

parco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}                    * {{R:M&A}}
                                        * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]  
                                        [[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]

pavibundus: No change.


conclave: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

consimilo: No change.


ioco: No change.


Ἀρκεσίλαος: No change.


communia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|commūnia}}                       {{la-adj-form|commūnia}}
# {{inflection of|commūnis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commūnis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|commūnis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commūnis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|commūnis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commūnis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:communia]]                                ===References===
[[cs:communia]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:communia]]                                [[ca:communia]]

decuriatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

compitalis: No change.


fracturae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fractūrae}}                      {{la-part-form|fractūrae}}
# {{inflection of|fractūrus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractūrus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractūrus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractūrus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractūrus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractūrus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractūrus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractūrus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:fracturae]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

fastigate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

σιγή: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4602}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4602}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
----                     ----

olens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:olens]]      [[fr:olens]]

serpentina: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

colitor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|colitor}}                              {{la-verb-form|colitor}}
# {{inflection of|colō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|colō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|colō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:colitor]]                                        ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

fricator: No change.


corrogata: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====    ====Descendants====
* English: [[corvee]]  * English: [[corvee]]
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

erratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:erratus]]    [[de:erratus]]
[[fr:erratus]]    [[es:erratus]]

salamandra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cannaba: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cannab|cannabumema}}          {{la-noun-form|cannab|cannabumema}}
# {{inflection of|cannabum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cannabum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cannabum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cannabum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cannabum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cannabum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cannaba]]                               ===References===
[[mg:cannaba]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

allisio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

margr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                      {{top2}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|margur}}                                    * Faroese: {{l|fo|margur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|margur}}                                  * Icelandic: {{l|is|margur}}
{{mid2}}                                                      {{mid2}}
* Old Danish: {{l|gmq-oda|margh}}                             * Old Danish: {{l|gmq-oda|margh}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|marg}} (Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|margher}})  * Swedish: {{l|sv|marg}} (Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|margher}})
{{bottom}}                                                    {{bottom}}
                                                              * {{R:Zoega}}

Σαρπηδών: No change.


scopulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:scopulus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:scopulus]]   [[el:scopulus]]
[[sv:scopulus]]   [[fr:scopulus]]
[[chr:scopulus]]  [[mg:scopulus]]
[[zh:scopulus]]   [[sv:scopulus]]

χειμερινός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|xeimerino/s}}   * {{R:LSJ|xeimerino/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}

pastinatum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                    ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|pastinātum}}                   {{la-verb-form|pastinātum}}
# {{inflection of|pastinō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pastinō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
[[ru:pastinatum]]                             ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

Νίκη: No change.


partita: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|partīta}}                       {{la-part-form|partīta}}
# {{inflection of|partītus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|partītus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|partītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|partītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|partītus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|partītus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|partītus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|partītus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|partītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|partītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|partītā}}                       {{la-part-form|partītā}}
# {{inflection of|partītus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|partītus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[co:partita]]                                 ===References===
[[de:partita]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fa:partita]]                                 [[co:partita]]
[[fr:partita]]                                 [[de:partita]]
[[io:partita]]                                 [[el:partita]]
[[id:partita]]                                 [[fa:partita]]
[[it:partita]]                                 [[fr:partita]]
[[hu:partita]]                                 [[io:partita]]
[[mg:partita]]                                 [[id:partita]]
[[pl:partita]]                                 [[it:partita]]
[[scn:partita]]                                [[hu:partita]]
[[sh:partita]]                                 [[mg:partita]]
[[fi:partita]]                                 [[pl:partita]]
[[ta:partita]]                                 [[scn:partita]]
[[th:partita]]                                 [[sh:partita]]
[[chr:partita]]                                [[fi:partita]]
[[zh:partita]]                                 [[ta:partita]]

imperfectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:imperfectio]]  [[fr:imperfectio]]
[[pl:imperfectio]]  [[mg:imperfectio]]
[[ru:imperfectio]]  [[pl:imperfectio]]

infecundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

stipulor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ja:stipulor]]                    [[ko:stipulor]]

πτερόν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|ptero/n}}  * {{R:LSJ|ptero/n}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:πτερόν]]        [[cs:πτερόν]]
[[el:πτερόν]]        [[de:πτερόν]]
[[es:πτερόν]]        [[el:πτερόν]]
[[fr:πτερόν]]        [[es:πτερόν]]
[[ko:πτερόν]]        [[fr:πτερόν]]
[[lt:πτερόν]]        [[ko:πτερόν]]
[[mg:πτερόν]]        [[lt:πτερόν]]
[[ja:πτερόν]]        [[mg:πτερόν]]
[[uz:πτερόν]]        [[ja:πτερόν]]
[[ru:πτερόν]]        [[uz:πτερόν]]

cavior: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-comp|cav}}  {{la-decl-3rd-comp|cav}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

infer: No change.


elucubro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pistor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:pistor]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pistor]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[hu:pistor]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[mg:pistor]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[sv:pistor]]     [[de:pistor]]

attigo: No change.


longiuscule: No change.


rememoror: No change.


insomnium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:insomnium]]  [[pl:insomnium]]

litura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:litura]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

appetitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:appetitus]]  [[fr:appetitus]]

nitido: No change.


absumo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:absumo]]     [[fr:absumo]]
[[la:absumo]]     [[ko:absumo]]
[[ru:absumo]]     [[la:absumo]]

catenatorum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|catēnātōrum}}                    {{la-part-form|catēnātōrum}}
# {{inflection of|catēnātus||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|catēnātus||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|catēnātus||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|catēnātus||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:catenatorum]]                              ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

nasci: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                         ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|nāscī}}                             {{la-verb-form|nāscī}}
# {{inflection of|nāscor||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāscor||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}
----                                               ===References===
                                                   * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

admurmuro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:admurmuro]]  [[ko:admurmuro]]

Κόρινθος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Strong's}}
<references/>            * {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}

molitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:molitus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

samicum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|samicum}}                       {{la-adj-form|samicum}}
# {{inflection of|samicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|samicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|samicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|samicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|samicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|samicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|samicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|samicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

Palatinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

rosum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|rōsum}}                      {{la-part-form|rōsum}}
# {{inflection of|rōsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rōsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rōsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rōsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rōsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rōsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rōsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rōsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:rosum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:rosum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

furator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

heresis: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====               ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|heresis}}  {{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|heresis}}
[[sv:heresis]]                   ===References===
                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

februa: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|februa}}                     {{la-noun-form|februa}}
# {{inflection of|februum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|februum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|februum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|februum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|februum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|februum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[el:februa]]                               ===References===
[[fr:februa]]                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[pt:februa]]                               [[el:februa]]
[[sh:februa]]                               [[fr:februa]]

dapes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dapēs}}                   {{la-noun-form|dapēs}}
# {{inflection of|daps||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|daps||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|daps||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|daps||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|daps||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|daps||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:dapes]]                             ===References===
[[mg:dapes]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

iambelegus: No change.


sanum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sānum}}                       {{la-adj-form|sānum}}
# {{inflection of|sānus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sānus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:sanum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:sanum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

excusus: No change.


scelus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[de:scelus]]         [[cs:scelus]]
[[el:scelus]]         [[de:scelus]]
[[fr:scelus]]         [[el:scelus]]
[[ko:scelus]]         [[fr:scelus]]
[[it:scelus]]         [[ko:scelus]]
[[lt:scelus]]         [[it:scelus]]
[[hu:scelus]]         [[lt:scelus]]
[[mg:scelus]]         [[hu:scelus]]
[[pl:scelus]]         [[mg:scelus]]
[[ru:scelus]]         [[pl:scelus]]
[[chr:scelus]]        [[ru:scelus]]

Σειρήν: No change.


quantitative: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quantitative}}                        {{la-adj-form|quantitative}}
# {{inflection of|quantitativus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quantitativus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[cy:quantitative]]                                 ===References===
[[de:quantitative]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:quantitative]]                                 [[cy:quantitative]]
[[fa:quantitative]]                                 [[de:quantitative]]
[[fr:quantitative]]                                 [[et:quantitative]]
[[ko:quantitative]]                                 [[el:quantitative]]
[[hy:quantitative]]                                 [[fa:quantitative]]
[[io:quantitative]]                                 [[fr:quantitative]]
[[it:quantitative]]                                 [[ko:quantitative]]
[[ku:quantitative]]                                 [[hy:quantitative]]
[[lt:quantitative]]                                 [[io:quantitative]]
[[hu:quantitative]]                                 [[it:quantitative]]
[[ml:quantitative]]                                 [[ku:quantitative]]
[[my:quantitative]]                                 [[lt:quantitative]]
[[ja:quantitative]]                                 [[hu:quantitative]]
[[pl:quantitative]]                                 [[ml:quantitative]]
[[pt:quantitative]]                                 [[my:quantitative]]
[[ru:quantitative]]                                 [[ja:quantitative]]
[[fi:quantitative]]                                 [[pl:quantitative]]
[[ta:quantitative]]                                 [[pt:quantitative]]
[[chr:quantitative]]                                [[ru:quantitative]]
[[tr:quantitative]]                                 [[fi:quantitative]]
[[vi:quantitative]]                                 [[ta:quantitative]]
[[zh:quantitative]]                                 [[chr:quantitative]]

osculatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:osculatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

enubo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

luctuosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

laevis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:laevis]]     [[de:laevis]]
[[zh:laevis]]     [[fr:laevis]]

τρισάθλιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                   * {{R:Bailly}}

mangari: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{non-noun|m}}                              {{non-noun|m}}
# [[chandler]], [[monger]], [[shopkeeper]]  # [[chandler]], [[monger]], [[shopkeeper]]
                                            * {{R:Zoega}}

larga: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

sacerdotale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|sacerdōtāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|sacerdōtāle}}
# {{inflection of|sacerdōtālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacerdōtālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacerdōtālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacerdōtālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacerdōtālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacerdōtālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[el:sacerdotale]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:sacerdotale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[zh:sacerdotale]]                                 [[el:sacerdotale]]

locusta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=II|673}}                         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:la:EM|page=365ab}}                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|head=locusta|pages=347-348}}  * {{R:Peck}}
                                                   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[Category:la:Arthropods]]                         * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=II|673}}
[[Category:la:Insects]]                            * {{R:la:EM|page=365ab}}
                                                   * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|head=locusta|pages=347-348}}
[[eo:locusta]]                                     [[Category:la:Arthropods]]
[[fr:locusta]]                                     [[Category:la:Insects]]
[[io:locusta]]                                     [[de:locusta]]
[[it:locusta]]                                     [[eo:locusta]]
[[kn:locusta]]                                     [[fr:locusta]]
[[lb:locusta]]                                     [[ko:locusta]]
[[hu:locusta]]                                     [[io:locusta]]
[[mg:locusta]]                                     [[it:locusta]]
[[pl:locusta]]                                     [[kn:locusta]]
[[pt:locusta]]                                     [[lb:locusta]]
[[ro:locusta]]                                     [[hu:locusta]]
[[ru:locusta]]                                     [[mg:locusta]]
[[sv:locusta]]                                     [[pl:locusta]]
[[chr:locusta]]                                    [[pt:locusta]]
[[tr:locusta]]                                     [[ro:locusta]]
[[zh:locusta]]                                     [[ru:locusta]]

alpha: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ar:alpha]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:alpha]]      [[ar:alpha]]
[[el:alpha]]      [[de:alpha]]
[[es:alpha]]      [[et:alpha]]
[[fa:alpha]]      [[el:alpha]]
[[fr:alpha]]      [[es:alpha]]
[[ko:alpha]]      [[fa:alpha]]
[[hy:alpha]]      [[fr:alpha]]
[[io:alpha]]      [[ko:alpha]]
[[ku:alpha]]      [[hy:alpha]]
[[la:alpha]]      [[io:alpha]]
[[hu:alpha]]      [[ku:alpha]]
[[mg:alpha]]      [[la:alpha]]
[[ml:alpha]]      [[hu:alpha]]
[[my:alpha]]      [[mg:alpha]]
[[nl:alpha]]      [[ml:alpha]]
[[no:alpha]]      [[my:alpha]]
[[pl:alpha]]      [[nl:alpha]]
[[pt:alpha]]      [[no:alpha]]
[[ru:alpha]]      [[pl:alpha]]
[[fi:alpha]]      [[pt:alpha]]
[[sv:alpha]]      [[ru:alpha]]
[[ta:alpha]]      [[fi:alpha]]
[[te:alpha]]      [[sv:alpha]]
[[th:alpha]]      [[ta:alpha]]
[[tr:alpha]]      [[te:alpha]]
[[vi:alpha]]      [[th:alpha]]
[[zh:alpha]]      [[tr:alpha]]

Δημοσθένης: No change.


navalium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|nāvālium}}                      {{la-adj-form|nāvālium}}
# {{inflection of|nāvālis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāvālis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nāvālis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāvālis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nāvālis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāvālis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:navalium]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

frugalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|frugal}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                             * {{R:Century 1911|frugal}}
[[fr:frugalis]]              [[ca:frugalis]]
[[pl:frugalis]]              [[fr:frugalis]]

ἀκρασία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====     ====Descendants====
* English: [[acrasia]]  * English: [[acrasia]]
[[fr:ἀκρασία]]          ===References===
                        * {{R:LSJ}}
                        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Strong's}}

salvus: No change.


Scoti: No change.


elevatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:elevatio]]   [[fr:elevatio]]
[[ru:elevatio]]   [[mg:elevatio]]

vivide: No change.


Βίας: No change.


κονία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition
[[fr:κονία]]       [[el:κονία]]
[[ko:κονία]]       [[fr:κονία]]
[[ru:κονία]]       [[ko:κονία]]

citreus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:citreus]]          [[fr:citreus]]
[[chr:citreus]]         [[mg:citreus]]

dux: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:M&A}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag    * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                                                                           * {{R:NLW}}
----                                                                                                                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
                                                                                                                           * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag

συμπόσιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:BDAG}}       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:συμπόσιον]]   [[el:συμπόσιον]]
[[fr:συμπόσιον]]   [[fr:συμπόσιον]]
[[ko:συμπόσιον]]   [[ko:συμπόσιον]]
[[lt:συμπόσιον]]   [[lt:συμπόσιον]]
[[mg:συμπόσιον]]   [[mg:συμπόσιον]]

Stentor: No change.


buccino: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                           ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|type=nopass|buccin|buccināv}}  {{la-conj-1st|type=nopass|buccin|buccināv}}
[[ko:buccino]]                               ===References===
                                             * {{R:Stillwell}}


flacceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

grammata: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|grammata}}                  {{la-noun-form|grammata}}
# {{inflection of|gramma||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gramma||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gramma||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gramma||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gramma||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gramma||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:grammata]]                            ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

amantissimus: No change.


numerius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

simpuvium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:simpuvium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

octans: No change.


pancarpineus: No change.


constratum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:constratum]]  [[fr:constratum]]
[[ru:constratum]]  [[mg:constratum]]

holocaustoma: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-N|holocaustōma}}  {{la-decl-3rd-N|holocaustōma}}
                                * {{R:du Cange}}

cinnabaris: No change.


quoad: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
* Bruno Meinecke, Ph.D. ('''1960''') ''Third Year Latin''. (Allyn and Bacon, Inc.)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]                                                          * Bruno Meinecke, Ph.D. ('''1960''') ''Third Year Latin''. (Allyn and Bacon, Inc.)
[[fr:quoad]]                                                                        [[Category:Latin adverbs]]

expendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

beryllus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Gems]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[co:beryllus]]       [[Category:la:Gems]]
[[mg:beryllus]]       [[co:beryllus]]
[[ja:beryllus]]       [[fr:beryllus]]
[[pl:beryllus]]       [[mg:beryllus]]

obnoxio: No change.


serratum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|serrātum}}                       {{la-adj-form|serrātum}}
# {{inflection of|serrātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|serrātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|serrātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|serrātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|serrātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|serrātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|serrātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|serrātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

Φρίξος: No change.


aquilus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

σίδηρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                    * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:LSJ}}                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                    * {{R:Strong's}}
{{C|grc|Chemical elements|Metals}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
----                                {{C|grc|Chemical elements|Metals}}

idololatres: No change.


orata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ōrāta}}                       {{la-part-form|ōrāta}}
# {{inflection of|ōrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ōrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ōrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ōrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ōrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|ōrātā}}                       {{la-part-form|ōrātā}}
# {{inflection of|ōrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

auruginosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}

semimarinus: No change.


folia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|folia|g=n}}                 {{la-noun-form|folia|g=n}}
# {{inflection of|folium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|folium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|folium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|folium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|folium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|folium||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

Φώκαια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}

expensa: No change.


pulpita: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pulpita}}                     {{la-noun-form|pulpita}}
# {{inflection of|pulpitum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulpitum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulpitum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulpitum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulpitum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulpitum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:pulpita]]                               ===References===
                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

praenosco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:praenosco]]  [[fr:praenosco]]

finitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:finitus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:finitus]]    [[es:finitus]]
[[fj:finitus]]    [[fr:finitus]]
[[ja:finitus]]    [[mg:finitus]]
[[fi:finitus]]    [[fj:finitus]]
[[chr:finitus]]   [[ja:finitus]]

Κηφισός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}

nil: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                                                                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun|nīl|g=n|indecl=1}}                                                                                {{la-noun|nīl|g=n|indecl=1}}
# {{lb|la|chiefly|poetic}} [[nothing]]                                                                      # {{lb|la|chiefly|poetic}} [[nothing]]
#: ''Bene scripsisti de me, Thoma. Quam ergo mercedem accipies? '''Nil''' nisi te.''                        #: ''Bene scripsisti de me, Thoma. Quam ergo mercedem accipies? '''Nil''' nisi te.''
#:: You have written well of me, Thomas. What reward therefore will you receive? Nothing unless it is you.  #:: You have written well of me, Thomas. What reward therefore will you receive? Nothing unless it is you.
----                                                                                                        ===References===
                                                                                                            * {{R:L&S}}
                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ἅπτω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|681}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|681}}
                        * {{R:LBG}}
[[fr:ἅπτω]]             [[el:ἅπτω]]
[[it:ἅπτω]]             [[fr:ἅπτω]]
[[lt:ἅπτω]]             [[it:ἅπτω]]
[[ru:ἅπτω]]             [[lt:ἅπτω]]

quadruplex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:quadruplex]]  [[de:quadruplex]]
[[kn:quadruplex]]  [[fr:quadruplex]]
[[la:quadruplex]]  [[kn:quadruplex]]
[[mg:quadruplex]]  [[la:quadruplex]]
[[my:quadruplex]]  [[mg:quadruplex]]
[[pl:quadruplex]]  [[my:quadruplex]]
[[pt:quadruplex]]  [[pl:quadruplex]]
[[sv:quadruplex]]  [[pt:quadruplex]]
[[ta:quadruplex]]  [[sv:quadruplex]]
[[vi:quadruplex]]  [[ta:quadruplex]]
[[zh:quadruplex]]  [[vi:quadruplex]]

abstractum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|abstractum}}                       {{la-adj-form|abstractum}}
# {{inflection of|abstractus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abstractus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abstractus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abstractus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abstractus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abstractus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|abstractus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abstractus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:abstractum]]                                ===References===
[[nl:abstractum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

πέλομαι: No change.


ταῦρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5022}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5022}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ταῦρος]]            [[de:ταῦρος]]
[[ko:ταῦρος]]            [[fr:ταῦρος]]
[[lt:ταῦρος]]            [[ko:ταῦρος]]
[[mg:ταῦρος]]            [[lt:ταῦρος]]
[[tr:ταῦρος]]            [[mg:ταῦρος]]

obsoletus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:obsoletus]]  * {{R:M&A}}

caesum: No change.


expergefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vericula: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|vericula}}                     {{la-noun-form|vericula}}
# {{inflection of|vericulum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vericulum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vericulum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vericulum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vericulum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vericulum||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

gravatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)

impudicitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

laboratum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|labōrātum}}                      {{la-part-form|labōrātum}}
# {{inflection of|labōrātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|labōrātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|labōrātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|labōrātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|labōrātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|labōrātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|labōrātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|labōrātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[es:laboratum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:laboratum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

ὁλοθούριον: No change.


violentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:violentia]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:violentia]]   [[es:violentia]]
[[pl:violentia]]   [[fr:violentia]]
[[ru:violentia]]   [[mg:violentia]]
[[chr:violentia]]  [[pl:violentia]]

habitans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====             ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|habitāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|habitāns}}
----                           ===References===
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

convalescens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                 ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|convalēscēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|convalēscēns}}
                                   * {{R:L&S}}

ἀθάνατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[it:ἀθάνατος]]     [[fr:ἀθάνατος]]
[[lt:ἀθάνατος]]     [[it:ἀθάνατος]]

integritudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Helvetii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|Helvētiī}}                        {{la-adj-form|Helvētiī}}
# {{inflection of|Helvētius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Helvētius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Helvētius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Helvētius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Helvētius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Helvētius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Helvētius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Helvētius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:Helvetii]]                                 ===References===
[[es:Helvetii]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}

pergratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

chartularium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                       ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|chartulārium}}                    {{la-noun-form|chartulārium}}
# {{inflection of|chartulārius||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chartulārius||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

cordolium: No change.


barbiger: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:L&S|barbĭger}}              * {{R:L&S|barbĭger}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|barbĭgĕr|p=208/1}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:du Cange}}                  * {{R:Gaffiot|barbĭgĕr|p=208/1}}
* {{R:OLD|1|barbiger|225/3}}      * {{R:OLD|1|barbiger|225/3}}

grandesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:grandesco]]   [[ko:grandesco]]
[[chr:grandesco]]  [[mg:grandesco]]

norma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
* English: [[norm]]           * English: [[norm]]
* Italian: {{l|it|norma}}     * Italian: {{l|it|norma}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|norma}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|norma}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|норма}}     * Russian: {{l|ru|норма}}
** Bashkir: {{l|ba|норма}}    ** Bashkir: {{l|ba|норма}}
----                          ===References===
                              * {{R:L&S}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                              * {{R:du Cange}}
                              * {{R:Peck}}
                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

facto: No change.


muratus: No change.


criminosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

suffusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

scholae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|scholae}}                   {{la-noun-form|scholae}}
# {{inflection of|schola||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|schola||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|schola||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|schola||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|schola||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|schola||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|schola||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|schola||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:scholae]]                             ===References===
[[de:scholae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[it:scholae]]                             [[cs:scholae]]
[[mg:scholae]]                             [[de:scholae]]
[[sk:scholae]]                             [[fr:scholae]]

mellifluo: No change.


cubito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

equinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:equinus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:equinus]]    [[de:equinus]]

Ἀρσίνοος: No change.


rusca: LATIN: References added.

=====Descendants=====               =====Descendants=====
* Lombard: {{l|lmo|rusca}}          * Lombard: {{l|lmo|rusca}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|rusche}}      * Old French: {{l|fro|rusche}}
** Middle French: {{l|frm|rusche}}  ** Middle French: {{l|frm|rusche}}
*** French: {{l|fr|ruche}}          *** French: {{l|fr|ruche}}
* Piedmontese: {{l|pms|rusca}}      * Piedmontese: {{l|pms|rusca}}
* Old Provençal: {{l|pro|rusca}}    * Old Provençal: {{l|pro|rusca}}
** Catalan: {{l|ca|rusca}}          ** Catalan: {{l|ca|rusca}}
----                                ===References===
                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

toreuma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:toreuma]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

auctus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[la:auctus]]     [[fr:auctus]]
[[ru:auctus]]     [[la:auctus]]

anaglypta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|anaglypta}}                        {{la-adj-form|anaglypta}}
# {{inflection of|anaglyptus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anaglyptus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anaglyptus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anaglyptus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anaglyptus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anaglyptus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anaglyptus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anaglyptus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anaglyptus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anaglyptus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|anaglyptā}}                        {{la-adj-form|anaglyptā}}
# {{inflection of|anaglyptus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anaglyptus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

coortus: No change.


Φούλβιος: No change.


Θρασύβουλος: No change.


subsultim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praecipuus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:praecipuus]]  [[fr:praecipuus]]

replico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

accusatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:accusatio]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[io:accusatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:accusatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:accusatio]]  [[fr:accusatio]]

accedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

illaese: No change.


dejectio: No change.


ἀμβρόσιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}
[[fr:ἀμβρόσιος]]    [[el:ἀμβρόσιος]]

medela: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:medela]]     [[fr:medela]]
[[pt:medela]]     [[mg:medela]]

gumi: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Usage notes====                              ====Usage notes====
* Rarely appears in prose for [[alliteration]]:  * Rarely appears in prose for [[alliteration]]:
*: ''Guðs hús ok '''guma'''''                    *: ''Guðs hús ok '''guma'''''
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:Zoega}}

consiliatrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

λέχομαι: No change.


permano: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:permano]]    [[io:permano]]
[[ru:permano]]    [[mg:permano]]

strepito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:strepito]]   [[it:strepito]]
[[pl:strepito]]   [[mg:strepito]]
[[ru:strepito]]   [[pl:strepito]]

ferraria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

aes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[zh-min-nan:aes]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[br:aes]]          * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:aes]]          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[de:aes]]          [[zh-min-nan:aes]]
[[et:aes]]          [[br:aes]]
[[el:aes]]          [[ca:aes]]
[[es:aes]]          [[cs:aes]]
[[eu:aes]]          [[de:aes]]
[[fr:aes]]          [[et:aes]]
[[ko:aes]]          [[el:aes]]
[[io:aes]]          [[es:aes]]
[[is:aes]]          [[eu:aes]]
[[jv:aes]]          [[fr:aes]]
[[ku:aes]]          [[ko:aes]]
[[ky:aes]]          [[io:aes]]
[[la:aes]]          [[is:aes]]
[[lt:aes]]          [[jv:aes]]
[[li:aes]]          [[ku:aes]]
[[mg:aes]]          [[ky:aes]]
[[my:aes]]          [[la:aes]]
[[nl:aes]]          [[lt:aes]]
[[pl:aes]]          [[li:aes]]
[[ru:aes]]          [[mg:aes]]
[[sh:aes]]          [[my:aes]]
[[fi:aes]]          [[nl:aes]]
[[tr:aes]]          [[pl:aes]]

concurso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

palumbes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:palumbes]]        [[es:palumbes]]
[[lt:palumbes]]        [[fr:palumbes]]
[[pl:palumbes]]        [[lt:palumbes]]

Dionysius: No change.


beatitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

mutuus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:mutuus]]     [[cs:mutuus]]
[[mg:mutuus]]     [[fr:mutuus]]
[[ru:mutuus]]     [[mg:mutuus]]

sensifer: No change.


νόστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:νόστος]]       [[el:νόστος]]
[[it:νόστος]]       [[fr:νόστος]]
[[ka:νόστος]]       [[it:νόστος]]
[[mg:νόστος]]       [[ka:νόστος]]
[[pl:νόστος]]       [[mg:νόστος]]

albarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|albārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|albārium}}
# {{inflection of|albārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:albarium]]                                ===References===
[[ta:albarium]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

antepaenultimus: No change.


inclementia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bilanx: LATIN: References added.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ====References====
* {{R:Gaffiot|bĭlanx|p=218/1}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      * {{R:L&S}}
* Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 98/2], “bilanx”, ''subst.''  * {{R:Gaffiot|bĭlanx|p=218/1}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 98/2], “bilanx”, ''subst.''

cosmicus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|cosmic}}  {{la-decl-1&2|cosmic}}
[[fr:cosmicus]]         ===References===
[[la:cosmicus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐπιφέρω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)pife/rw}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)pife/rw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Slater}}
                       * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:ἐπιφέρω]]         [[el:ἐπιφέρω]]

invalidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:invalidus]]  [[co:invalidus]]
[[ja:invalidus]]  [[fr:invalidus]]
[[pt:invalidus]]  [[ja:invalidus]]

maculo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Zmyrna: No change.


Stratophanes: No change.


rasorium: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:rasorium]]   [[ky:rasorium]]

daedale: No change.


sacello: No change.


plenitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:plenitudo]]  [[fr:plenitudo]]
[[ja:plenitudo]]  [[mg:plenitudo]]

venditus: No change.


foederati: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|foederātī}}                       {{la-part-form|foederātī}}
# {{inflection of|foederātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|foederātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|foederātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|foederātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|foederātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|foederātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|foederātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|foederātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:foederati]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:foederati]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

dactylus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin autological terms]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                                      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mn:dactylus]]                       [[Category:Latin autological terms]]
[[pl:dactylus]]                       [[fr:dactylus]]
[[pt:dactylus]]                       [[mn:dactylus]]
[[ta:dactylus]]                       [[nl:dactylus]]
[[tr:dactylus]]                       [[pl:dactylus]]
[[vi:dactylus]]                       [[pt:dactylus]]
[[zh:dactylus]]                       [[ta:dactylus]]

delinquentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:delinquentia]]  [[fr:delinquentia]]
[[ru:delinquentia]]  [[pl:delinquentia]]

pupulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

mira: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
'''mīra'''                                   '''mīra'''
# {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||nom|f||s}}  # {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||nom|f||s}}
# {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||nom|n|p}}   # {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||nom|n|p}}
# {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||acc|n|p}}   # {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||acc|n|p}}
# {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||voc|f|s}}   # {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||voc|f|s}}
# {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||voc|n|p}}   # {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||voc|n|p}}
'''mīrā'''                                   '''mīrā'''
# {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||abl|f|s}}   # {{inflection of|lang=la|mīrus||abl|f|s}}
[[Category:Latin adjective forms]]           ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             [[Category:Latin adjective forms]]

ementior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

uls: No change.


decussatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

undivagus: No change.


coloratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:coloratus]]  [[de:coloratus]]
[[li:coloratus]]  [[it:coloratus]]

ἀλλαχόθι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

tonans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Laelius: No change.


δρᾶμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|1=dra=ma}}                                * {{R:LSJ|1=dra=ma}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                   * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Century 1911|drama}}                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                    * {{R:Century 1911|drama}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα]]  
                                                    [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα]]
[[ko:δρᾶμα]]                                        [[fr:δρᾶμα]]
[[lt:δρᾶμα]]                                        [[ko:δρᾶμα]]
[[mg:δρᾶμα]]                                        [[lt:δρᾶμα]]
[[ru:δρᾶμα]]                                        [[mg:δρᾶμα]]

clades: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ar:clades]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:clades]]     [[ar:clades]]
[[fy:clades]]     [[cs:clades]]
[[ko:clades]]     [[fr:clades]]
[[mg:clades]]     [[fy:clades]]
[[my:clades]]     [[ko:clades]]
[[ru:clades]]     [[mg:clades]]
[[fi:clades]]     [[my:clades]]
[[chr:clades]]    [[ru:clades]]

structus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:structus]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:structus]]   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Mogontiacum: No change.


notatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:notatus]]    [[es:notatus]]

αἰκία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[nl:αἰκία]]       [[ko:αἰκία]]

servus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:L&S}}
<references/>     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

quaternaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quaternāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|quaternāria}}
# {{inflection of|quaternārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaternārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quaternārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaternārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quaternārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaternārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quaternārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaternārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quaternārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaternārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|quaternāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|quaternāriā}}
# {{inflection of|quaternārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quaternārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

novacula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Weapons]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:novacula]]          [[Category:la:Weapons]]
[[mg:novacula]]          [[fr:novacula]]
[[pl:novacula]]          [[hu:novacula]]
[[ru:novacula]]          [[mg:novacula]]

intumescentia: No change.


tusci: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tuscī}}                        {{la-adj-form|tuscī}}
# {{inflection of|tuscus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tuscus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tuscus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tuscus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tuscus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tuscus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tuscus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tuscus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

incompte: No change.


tenebratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:tenebratio]]  [[fr:tenebratio]]

technicus: No change.


paedagogiani: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|paedagōgiānī}}                        {{la-adj-form|paedagōgiānī}}
# {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paedagōgiānus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

foratura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|forātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|forātūra}}
# {{inflection of|forātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|forātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|forātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|forātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|forātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|forātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|forātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|forātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|forātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|forātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|forātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|forātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|forātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|forātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[de:foratura]]                                 ===References===
[[ru:foratura]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                * {{R:NLW}}

exceptoria: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                      ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|exceptōria}}                     {{la-noun-form|exceptōria}}
# {{inflection of|exceptōrium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exceptōrium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exceptōrium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exceptōrium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|exceptōrium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exceptōrium||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

ἁρμονία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἁρμονία]]      [[fr:ἁρμονία]]
[[it:ἁρμονία]]      [[ko:ἁρμονία]]
[[mg:ἁρμονία]]      [[it:ἁρμονία]]
[[nl:ἁρμονία]]      [[mg:ἁρμονία]]
[[ru:ἁρμονία]]      [[nl:ἁρμονία]]

succentivus: No change.


septingenti: No change.


Ὕβλα: No change.


plicata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|plicāta}}                       {{la-part-form|plicāta}}
# {{inflection of|plicātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plicātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plicātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plicātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plicātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plicātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plicātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plicātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plicātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plicātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|plicātā}}                       {{la-part-form|plicātā}}
# {{inflection of|plicātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plicātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:plicata]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

impositus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

ostium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:ostium]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:ostium]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:ostium]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ku:ostium]]     [[de:ostium]]
[[lt:ostium]]     [[el:ostium]]
[[hu:ostium]]     [[fr:ostium]]
[[mg:ostium]]     [[id:ostium]]
[[pl:ostium]]     [[ku:ostium]]
[[pt:ostium]]     [[lt:ostium]]
[[ru:ostium]]     [[hu:ostium]]
[[fi:ostium]]     [[mg:ostium]]
[[sv:ostium]]     [[pl:ostium]]
[[ta:ostium]]     [[pt:ostium]]
[[chr:ostium]]    [[ru:ostium]]
[[tr:ostium]]     [[fi:ostium]]
[[vi:ostium]]     [[sv:ostium]]
[[zh:ostium]]     [[ta:ostium]]

hungr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                            ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|hungur}}                   * Icelandic: {{l|is|hungur}}
* Norwegian: {{l-nb|hunger}}, {{l-nn|hunger}}  * Norwegian: {{l-nb|hunger}}, {{l-nn|hunger}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|hunger}}                     * Swedish: {{l|sv|hunger}}
[[Category:Old Norse nouns]]                   ===References===
                                               * {{R:Zoega}}
[[io:hungr]]                                   [[Category:Old Norse nouns]]
[[pl:hungr]]                                   [[da:hungr]]

cavis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cavīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|cavīs}}
# {{inflection of|cavus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cavus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cavus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cavus||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:cavis]]                              ===References===
[[fr:cavis]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

globo: No change.


auspicor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]

inoboedientia: No change.


νύμφη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3565}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3565}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

mobile: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mōbile}}                        {{la-adj-form|mōbile}}
# {{inflection of|mōbilis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōbilis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōbilis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōbilis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōbilis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōbilis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

intellectio: No change.


intrita: No change.


incusator: No change.


praeordinator: No change.



statuarii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|statuāriī}}                        {{la-adj-form|statuāriī}}
# {{inflection of|statuārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|statuārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|statuārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|statuārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|statuārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|statuārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|statuārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|statuārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

strido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:strido]]     [[ko:strido]]
[[hu:strido]]     [[it:strido]]

bilibra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

navo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[br:navo]]       * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:navo]]       [[br:navo]]
[[hr:navo]]       [[fr:navo]]
[[io:navo]]       [[ko:navo]]
[[lo:navo]]       [[hr:navo]]
[[mg:navo]]       [[io:navo]]
[[ja:navo]]       [[lo:navo]]
[[uz:navo]]       [[mg:navo]]
[[pl:navo]]       [[ja:navo]]
[[ru:navo]]       [[uz:navo]]
[[fi:navo]]       [[pl:navo]]
[[tr:navo]]       [[ru:navo]]
[[vi:navo]]       [[fi:navo]]

emancipator: No change.


deprensa: No change.


improvise: No change.


taxatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:taxatio]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:taxatio]]    [[fr:taxatio]]

lodicula: No change.


Μεγαρεύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}

edendum: LATIN: References added.

====Participle====                            ====Participle====
{{la-part-form|ēdendum}}                      {{la-part-form|ēdendum}}
# {{inflection of|ēdendus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdendus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēdendus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdendus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēdendus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdendus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēdendus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēdendus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

fidele: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

conducum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun form|conducum}}                  {{la-noun form|conducum}}
# {{inflection of|condux||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|condux||gen|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

inveterasco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

deponens: No change.


grossus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>     * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:grossus]]    [[co:grossus]]

funerepus: No change.


Prusa: No change.


οἶνοψ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}

concrepo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:concrepo]]   [[ko:concrepo]]

albida: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|albida}}                        {{la-adj-form|albida}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|albidā}}                        {{la-adj-form|albidā}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:albida]]                                 ===References===
[[mg:albida]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

κακκάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{grc-Beekes}}

inhibitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

muttum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:muttum]]     [[fr:muttum]]

caelestis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[hr:caelestis]]  [[fr:caelestis]]
[[la:caelestis]]  [[hr:caelestis]]
[[mg:caelestis]]  [[la:caelestis]]
[[ja:caelestis]]  [[mg:caelestis]]
[[pl:caelestis]]  [[ja:caelestis]]
[[fi:caelestis]]  [[pl:caelestis]]

haeredes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|haeredēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|haeredēs}}
# {{inflection of|haeres||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|haeres||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|haeres||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|haeres||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|haeres||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|haeres||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:haeredes]]                            ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

pyra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

frio: No change.


irrisus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|irrīs}}  {{la-decl-1&2|irrīs}}
[[fr:irrisus]]         ===References===
[[mg:irrisus]]         * {{R:L&S}}

creticus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|creta}}       * {{l|la|creta}}
* {{l|la|Creta}}       * {{l|la|Creta}}
* {{l|la|cretanus}}    * {{l|la|cretanus}}
* {{l|la|cretus}}      * {{l|la|cretus}}
[[pl:creticus]]        ===References===
                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

alietum: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|aliēt}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|aliēt}}
[[Category:la:Birds]]    ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀκιδνός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

condignus: No change.


impulsor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|impulsor}}  {{la-decl-3rd|impulsor}}
----                      ===References===
                          * {{R:L&S}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

postumo: No change.


gemo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Δημήτηρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                                              * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1008}}                                                                                                   * {{R:DGE}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Woodhouse|1008}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[Category:grc:Greek deities]]                                                                                           
                                                                                                                         [[Category:grc:Greek deities]]
[[fr:Δημήτηρ]]                                                                                                           [[el:Δημήτηρ]]

εὐσεβής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:εὐσεβής]]     [[fr:εὐσεβής]]

absolutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:absolutio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:absolutio]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:absolutio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ja:absolutio]]  [[cs:absolutio]]
[[pl:absolutio]]  [[fr:absolutio]]
[[ru:absolutio]]  [[mg:absolutio]]

recuperatores: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                      ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|recuperātōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|recuperātōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|recuperātor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recuperātor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recuperātor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recuperātor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|recuperātor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recuperātor||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

coagulare: No change.


annotator: No change.


limr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Noun===                    ===Noun===
{{non-noun|m}}                {{non-noun|m}}
# [[limb]]                    # [[limb]]
[[Category:Old Norse nouns]]  ===References===
                              * {{R:Zoega}}
                              [[Category:Old Norse nouns]]

laterales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|laterālēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|laterālēs}}
# {{inflection of|laterālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laterālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laterālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laterālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laterālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laterālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laterālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laterālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laterālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laterālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laterālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laterālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

deminoratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cauponula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====             ====References====
* {{R:L&S|cauponula}}          * {{R:L&S|cauponula}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

γλαῦκα: No change.


astronomia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* German: {{l|de|Astronomie}}      * German: {{l|de|Astronomie}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|astronomía}}    * Galician: {{l|gl|astronomía}}
* Italian: {{l|it|astronomia}}     * Italian: {{l|it|astronomia}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|astronomia}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|astronomia}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|astronomie}}    * Romanian: {{l|ro|astronomie}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|astronomía}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|astronomía}}
[[Category:la:Astronomy]]          ===References===
                                   * {{R:Peck}}
----                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

bivia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|bivia}}                     {{la-noun-form|bivia}}
# {{inflection of|bivium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bivium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bivium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bivium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bivium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bivium||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

fluvius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ang:fluvius]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:fluvius]]    [[ang:fluvius]]
[[el:fluvius]]    [[cs:fluvius]]
[[es:fluvius]]    [[de:fluvius]]
[[eu:fluvius]]    [[el:fluvius]]
[[fr:fluvius]]    [[es:fluvius]]
[[it:fluvius]]    [[eu:fluvius]]
[[lt:fluvius]]    [[fr:fluvius]]
[[li:fluvius]]    [[it:fluvius]]
[[mg:fluvius]]    [[lt:fluvius]]
[[fj:fluvius]]    [[li:fluvius]]
[[ja:fluvius]]    [[mg:fluvius]]
[[pl:fluvius]]    [[fj:fluvius]]
[[pt:fluvius]]    [[ja:fluvius]]
[[ru:fluvius]]    [[pl:fluvius]]
[[chr:fluvius]]   [[pt:fluvius]]
[[tr:fluvius]]    [[ru:fluvius]]
[[zh:fluvius]]    [[chr:fluvius]]

pseudoprophetia: No change.


tribunicius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}

fugatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|fugāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|fugāt}}
[[fr:fugatus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

sese: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:sese]]       [[de:sese]]
[[es:sese]]       [[el:sese]]
[[fr:sese]]       [[es:sese]]
[[mg:sese]]       [[fr:sese]]
[[mn:sese]]       [[mg:sese]]
[[tr:sese]]       [[mn:sese]]

Πίερες: No change.


funetum: No change.


strigosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:strigosus]]  [[fr:strigosus]]

Πεπάρηθος: No change.


procurro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:procurro]]   [[el:procurro]]
[[ko:procurro]]   [[fr:procurro]]

pertinentia: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

δηνάριον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1220}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:DGE}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|1220}}
[[hu:δηνάριον]]          [[ko:δηνάριον]]

conflictatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|cōnflictāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|cōnflictāt}}
                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ocris: No change.


fabella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:fabella]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:fabella]]    [[el:fabella]]
[[sv:fabella]]    [[mg:fabella]]
[[chr:fabella]]   [[ru:fabella]]

ungella: No change.


vomicus: No change.


politus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:politus]]    * {{R:M&A}}

hostiliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)

permulto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:permulto]]   [[cs:permulto]]
[[ru:permulto]]   [[pl:permulto]]

impertitio: No change.



rubrum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rubrum}}                      {{la-adj-form|rubrum}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:rubrum]]                               ===References===
[[fr:rubrum]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pt:rubrum]]                               [[ca:rubrum]]

ultus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fi:ultus]]      [[fr:ultus]]

praecisum: No change.


συλλήβδην: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Woodhouse}}

αὐστηρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[mg:αὐστηρός]]    [[fr:αὐστηρός]]

δαίμων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                    ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                           * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}                           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                     * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1142}}               * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                          * {{R:Strong's|G|1142}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=1|page=297}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                      * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=1|page=297}}
[[el:δαίμων]]                         [[de:δαίμων]]
[[fr:δαίμων]]                         [[el:δαίμων]]
[[ko:δαίμων]]                         [[fr:δαίμων]]
[[it:δαίμων]]                         [[ko:δαίμων]]
[[lt:δαίμων]]                         [[it:δαίμων]]
[[mg:δαίμων]]                         [[lt:δαίμων]]
[[pl:δαίμων]]                         [[mg:δαίμων]]
[[ru:δαίμων]]                         [[pl:δαίμων]]

perfungor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

opaco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

τῆς: No change.


intermedius: No change.


fatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

φίλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                 ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|fi%2Flos2}}<!-- do not remove manual transliteration-->  * {{R:LSJ|fi%2Flos2}}<!-- do not remove manual transliteration-->
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                     * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5384}}                                            * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                       * {{R:Strong's|G|5384}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                                                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                   * {{grc-Beekes}}

deporto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

spero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:spero]]      [[de:spero]]
[[es:spero]]      [[el:spero]]
[[fr:spero]]      [[es:spero]]
[[ko:spero]]      [[fr:spero]]
[[it:spero]]      [[ko:spero]]
[[la:spero]]      [[it:spero]]
[[mg:spero]]      [[la:spero]]
[[nl:spero]]      [[mg:spero]]
[[pl:spero]]      [[nl:spero]]
[[pt:spero]]      [[pl:spero]]
[[ru:spero]]      [[pt:spero]]
[[fi:spero]]      [[ru:spero]]
[[chr:spero]]     [[fi:spero]]

obauratus: No change.


edax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:edax]]       [[es:edax]]
[[hr:edax]]       [[fr:edax]]
[[la:edax]]       [[hr:edax]]
[[mg:edax]]       [[la:edax]]
[[pl:edax]]       [[mg:edax]]
[[fi:edax]]       [[pl:edax]]

bracatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dolo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Noun====                              ====Noun====
{{la-noun-form|dolō|m}}                   {{la-noun-form|dolō|m}}
# {{inflection of|dolus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dolus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dolus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dolus||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}
                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

crebre: No change.


excusatum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|excusātum}}                      {{la-part-form|excusātum}}
# {{inflection of|excusātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excusātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excusātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excusātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excusātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excusātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excusātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excusātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:excusatum]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

aetitis: No change.


creper: No change.


contentio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:contentio]]  [[es:contentio]]
[[ru:contentio]]  [[fr:contentio]]

scrupulosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:scrupulosus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

defraudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Suebi: No change.


ἀνάστασις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                      * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}                      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|386}}           * {{R:DGE}}
* {{grc-wh-page|706}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|386}}
                                 * {{R:LBG}}
{{C|grc|Christianity|Theology}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                 * {{grc-wh-page|706}}
[[hu:ἀνάστασις]]                 {{C|grc|Christianity|Theology}}

fictitius: No change.


trivialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:trivialis]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:trivialis]]  [[ca:trivialis]]
[[sv:trivialis]]  [[fr:trivialis]]

acerbus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:acerbus]]    [[az:acerbus]]
[[de:acerbus]]    [[cs:acerbus]]
[[fr:acerbus]]    [[de:acerbus]]
[[la:acerbus]]    [[fr:acerbus]]
[[mg:acerbus]]    [[la:acerbus]]
[[fj:acerbus]]    [[mg:acerbus]]
[[nl:acerbus]]    [[fj:acerbus]]
[[pl:acerbus]]    [[nl:acerbus]]
[[ru:acerbus]]    [[pl:acerbus]]
[[fi:acerbus]]    [[ru:acerbus]]
[[chr:acerbus]]   [[fi:acerbus]]

trita: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|trīta}}                       {{la-part-form|trīta}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|trītā}}                       {{la-part-form|trītā}}
# {{inflection of|trītus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trītus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:trita]]                                 ===References===
[[it:trita]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ta:trita]]                                 [[fr:trita]]

destinatum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:destinatum]]  [[fr:destinatum]]

intingo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

duella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:duella]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

maternitas: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====             ====Descendants====
* Catalan: {{l|ca|maternitat}}  * Catalan: {{l|ca|maternitat}}
* English: {{l|en|maternity}}   * English: {{l|en|maternity}}
* French: {{l|fr|maternité}}    * French: {{l|fr|maternité}}
* Italian: {{l|it|maternità}}   * Italian: {{l|it|maternità}}
[[tr:maternitas]]               ===References===
                                * {{R:du Cange}}

politura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|polītūra}}                       {{la-part-form|polītūra}}
# {{inflection of|polītūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polītūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polītūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polītūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polītūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polītūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polītūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polītūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|polītūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polītūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|polītūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|polītūrā}}
# {{inflection of|polītūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|polītūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:politura]]                                 ===References===
[[it:politura]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[pl:politura]]                                 [[cs:politura]]
[[sh:politura]]                                 [[it:politura]]

arabam: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|arābam}}                              {{la-verb-form|arābam}}
# {{inflection of|arō||1|s|impf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arō||1|s|impf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

lucusta: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====       ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Locusta|Lōcusta}}  * {{l|la|Locusta|Lōcusta}}
* {{l|la|Lucusta|Lūcusta}}  * {{l|la|Lucusta|Lūcusta}}
[[fr:lucusta]]              ===References===
[[mg:lucusta]]              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

patrie: No change.


requisitum: No change.


alchemista: No change.


desiderabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

contueor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]

ponens: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                              ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                         {{top2}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|ponent}}                       * Catalan: {{l|ca|ponent}}
* French: {{l|fr|ponant}}                        * French: {{l|fr|ponant}}
* Istriot: {{l|ist|Punente}}                     * Istriot: {{l|ist|Punente}}
* Italian: {{l|it|ponente}}                      * Italian: {{l|it|ponente}}
{{mid2}}                                         {{mid2}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|poente}}, {{l|pt|ponente}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|poente}}, {{l|pt|ponente}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|ponen}}, {{l|oc|ponent}}       * Occitan: {{l|oc|ponen}}, {{l|oc|ponent}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|punenti}}                    * Sicilian: {{l|scn|punenti}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|ponente}}, {{l|es|poniente}}   * Spanish: {{l|es|ponente}}, {{l|es|poniente}}
{{bottom}}                                       {{bottom}}
[[fr:ponens]]                                    ===References===
[[fi:ponens]]                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

aurifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ro:aurifer]]    [[fr:aurifer]]

nidulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[id:nidulus]]    [[fr:nidulus]]

faber: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Nocentini|hw=fabbro}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                             * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:faber]]                 * {{R:Nocentini|hw=fabbro}}
[[el:faber]]                 [[ca:faber]]
[[fr:faber]]                 [[cs:faber]]
[[ko:faber]]                 [[el:faber]]
[[ku:faber]]                 [[fr:faber]]
[[hu:faber]]                 [[ko:faber]]
[[pl:faber]]                 [[ku:faber]]
[[ru:faber]]                 [[hu:faber]]
[[zh:faber]]                 [[pl:faber]]

Ἀντίμαχος: No change.


caninus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:caninus]]        [[el:caninus]]
[[id:caninus]]        [[fr:caninus]]
[[la:caninus]]        [[id:caninus]]
[[pl:caninus]]        [[la:caninus]]
[[ro:caninus]]        [[pl:caninus]]
[[ta:caninus]]        [[ro:caninus]]
[[chr:caninus]]       [[ta:caninus]]

ἀντιπρακτικός: No change.


phthisicus: No change.


sapo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

attollentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|attollentia}}                    {{la-part-form|attollentia}}
# {{inflection of|attollēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attollēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|attollēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attollēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|attollēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attollēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

τρέπω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}

Οὐεργίλιος: No change.


damnatorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary. Berlin: Langenschedit, 1966.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                       * Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary. Berlin: Langenschedit, 1966.

inhibitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:inhibitio]]  [[mg:inhibitio]]

adipiscor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[fr:adipiscor]]                   [[de:adipiscor]]
[[ko:adipiscor]]                   [[fr:adipiscor]]
[[mg:adipiscor]]                   [[ko:adipiscor]]

torreo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:torreo]]     [[ca:torreo]]
[[el:torreo]]     [[de:torreo]]
[[es:torreo]]     [[el:torreo]]
[[fr:torreo]]     [[es:torreo]]
[[ko:torreo]]     [[fr:torreo]]
[[ru:torreo]]     [[ko:torreo]]

avertarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

diabole: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:diabole]]    [[de:diabole]]
[[la:diabole]]    [[fr:diabole]]
[[mg:diabole]]    [[la:diabole]]

ποινή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

egestus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ēgest}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ēgest}}
                       * {{R:L&S}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

fold: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Noun===                                                                                                  ===Noun===
{{non-noun|f}}                                                                                              {{non-noun|f}}
# {{lb|non|poetic}} [[earth]], [[land]]; [[field]]                                                          # {{lb|non|poetic}} [[earth]], [[land]]; [[field]]
#* The ''[[w:Alvíssmál|Alvíssmál]]'', verses 9 and 10:                                                      #* The ''[[w:Alvíssmál|Alvíssmál]]'', verses 9 and 10:
#*: Hvé sú jǫrð heitir, / er liggr fyr alda sonum / heimi hverjum í?                                        #*: Hvé sú jǫrð heitir, / er liggr fyr alda sonum / heimi hverjum í?
#*: {{...}} ''Jǫrð'' heitir með mǫnnum, / en með Ásum '''''fold''''', / kalla ''vega'' Vanir.               #*: {{...}} ''Jǫrð'' heitir með mǫnnum, / en með Ásum '''''fold''''', / kalla ''vega'' Vanir.
#*:: How is the earth named, / that which lies before the sons of men, / in each of the worlds?             #*:: How is the earth named, / that which lies before the sons of men, / in each of the worlds?
#*:: {{..}} "Earth" it is named among men, / but among the Æsir "'''Field'''", / the Vanir call it "Ways".  #*:: {{..}} "Earth" it is named among men, / but among the Æsir "'''Field'''", / the Vanir call it "Ways".
[[ar:fold]]                                                                                                 ===References===
[[cs:fold]]                                                                                                 * {{R:Zoega}}
[[de:fold]]                                                                                                 [[ar:fold]]
[[et:fold]]                                                                                                 [[cs:fold]]
[[eu:fold]]                                                                                                 [[co:fold]]
[[fa:fold]]                                                                                                 [[de:fold]]
[[fr:fold]]                                                                                                 [[et:fold]]
[[ko:fold]]                                                                                                 [[eu:fold]]
[[hy:fold]]                                                                                                 [[fa:fold]]
[[hr:fold]]                                                                                                 [[fr:fold]]
[[io:fold]]                                                                                                 [[ko:fold]]
[[is:fold]]                                                                                                 [[hy:fold]]
[[it:fold]]                                                                                                 [[hr:fold]]
[[kn:fold]]                                                                                                 [[io:fold]]
[[sw:fold]]                                                                                                 [[is:fold]]
[[ku:fold]]                                                                                                 [[it:fold]]
[[li:fold]]                                                                                                 [[kn:fold]]
[[hu:fold]]                                                                                                 [[sw:fold]]
[[mg:fold]]                                                                                                 [[ku:fold]]
[[ml:fold]]                                                                                                 [[li:fold]]
[[my:fold]]                                                                                                 [[hu:fold]]
[[nl:fold]]                                                                                                 [[mg:fold]]
[[pl:fold]]                                                                                                 [[ml:fold]]
[[pt:fold]]                                                                                                 [[my:fold]]
[[ru:fold]]                                                                                                 [[nl:fold]]
[[sm:fold]]                                                                                                 [[pl:fold]]
[[simple:fold]]                                                                                             [[pt:fold]]
[[fi:fold]]                                                                                                 [[ru:fold]]
[[sv:fold]]                                                                                                 [[sm:fold]]
[[tl:fold]]                                                                                                 [[simple:fold]]
[[ta:fold]]                                                                                                 [[fi:fold]]
[[te:fold]]                                                                                                 [[sv:fold]]
[[th:fold]]                                                                                                 [[tl:fold]]
[[chr:fold]]                                                                                                [[ta:fold]]
[[tr:fold]]                                                                                                 [[te:fold]]
[[vi:fold]]                                                                                                 [[th:fold]]
[[zh:fold]]                                                                                                 [[chr:fold]]

quadrifariter: No change.


bromos: No change.


ingesto: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ingestō}}                       {{la-part-form|ingestō}}
# {{inflection of|ingestus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ingestus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ingestus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ingestus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ingestus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ingestus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ingestus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ingestus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[io:ingesto]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:L&S}}

exceptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fi:exceptus]]   [[fr:exceptus]]

Lilybaeum: No change.


παρῳδία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|parw%7Cdi/a}}      * {{R:LSJ|parw%7Cdi/a}}
* {{R:Bailly}}               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Century 1911|parody}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                             * {{R:Century 1911|parody}}
[[ko:παρῳδία]]               [[fr:παρῳδία]]
[[pl:παρῳδία]]               [[ko:παρῳδία]]

bovinator: No change.


retinendus: No change.



ridiculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:ridiculus]]  [[co:ridiculus]]
[[el:ridiculus]]  [[de:ridiculus]]
[[fr:ridiculus]]  [[el:ridiculus]]
[[ko:ridiculus]]  [[fr:ridiculus]]
[[hr:ridiculus]]  [[ko:ridiculus]]
[[la:ridiculus]]  [[hr:ridiculus]]
[[mg:ridiculus]]  [[la:ridiculus]]
[[ja:ridiculus]]  [[mg:ridiculus]]
[[ru:ridiculus]]  [[ja:ridiculus]]

occallatus: No change.


percis: No change.


advento: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

submoveo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

quadriduanus: No change.


ἐάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====               ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                      * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                 * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}                      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                 * {{R:Slater}}
* Encyclopedia Papyrus Larousse  * {{R:Strong's}}
                                 * Encyclopedia Papyrus Larousse
[[it:ἐάω]]                       [[fr:ἐάω]]
[[lt:ἐάω]]                       [[it:ἐάω]]
[[mg:ἐάω]]                       [[lt:ἐάω]]
[[ru:ἐάω]]                       [[mg:ἐάω]]

notoria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

circumspecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:circumspecto]]  [[fr:circumspecto]]
[[ru:circumspecto]]  [[ko:circumspecto]]

axilla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[cs:axilla]]            [[ca:axilla]]
[[co:axilla]]            [[cs:axilla]]
[[de:axilla]]            [[co:axilla]]
[[el:axilla]]            [[de:axilla]]
[[fr:axilla]]            [[el:axilla]]
[[io:axilla]]            [[fr:axilla]]
[[ku:axilla]]            [[io:axilla]]
[[mg:axilla]]            [[ku:axilla]]
[[ml:axilla]]            [[mg:axilla]]
[[pl:axilla]]            [[ml:axilla]]
[[pt:axilla]]            [[pl:axilla]]
[[ru:axilla]]            [[pt:axilla]]
[[fi:axilla]]            [[ru:axilla]]
[[ta:axilla]]            [[fi:axilla]]
[[vi:axilla]]            [[ta:axilla]]
[[zh:axilla]]            [[vi:axilla]]

dictor: No change.


trusa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|trūsa}}                       {{la-part-form|trūsa}}
# {{inflection of|trūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|trūsā}}                       {{la-part-form|trūsā}}
# {{inflection of|trūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[da:trusa]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:trusa]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:trusa]]                                 [[da:trusa]]
[[nah:trusa]]                                [[fr:trusa]]

offirmatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

praefectura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:praefectura]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:praefectura]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:praefectura]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

contectum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|contēctum}}                      {{la-part-form|contēctum}}
# {{inflection of|contēctus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contēctus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contēctus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contēctus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contēctus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contēctus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|contēctus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|contēctus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

effusio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:effusio]]    [[fr:effusio]]

persalutatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:persalutatio]]  [[fr:persalutatio]]

obligatorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:obligatorius]]  [[fr:obligatorius]]

anguste: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:anguste]]    [[cs:anguste]]
[[ja:anguste]]    [[fr:anguste]]

bestiarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bēstiārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|bēstiārium}}
# {{inflection of|bēstiārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bēstiārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bēstiārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bēstiārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bēstiārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bēstiārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bēstiārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bēstiārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:bestiarium]]                                ===References===
[[fr:bestiarium]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:bestiarium]]                                [[de:bestiarium]]
[[sv:bestiarium]]                                [[fr:bestiarium]]

ascensio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:ascensio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:ascensio]]   [[fr:ascensio]]

mna: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

subtemen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:subtemen]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

delirium: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                               ====Descendants====
{{top4}}                                                          {{top4}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|deliriu}}                                     * Asturian: {{l|ast|deliriu}}
* Bulgarian: {{l|bg|делир}}                                       * Bulgarian: {{l|bg|делир}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|deler}}, {{l|ca|deliri}}                        * Catalan: {{l|ca|deler}}, {{l|ca|deliri}}
* Czech: {{l|cs|delirium}}                                        * Czech: {{l|cs|delirium}}
* Danish: {{l|da|delirium}}                                       * Danish: {{l|da|delirium}}
* Dutch: {{l|nl|delier}}, {{l|nl|delirium}}                       * Dutch: {{l|nl|delier}}, {{l|nl|delirium}}
* English: {{l|en|delirium}}                                      * English: {{l|en|delirium}}
{{mid4}}                                                          {{mid4}}
* Esperanto: {{l|eo|deliro}}                                      * Esperanto: {{l|eo|deliro}}
* Estonian: {{l|et|deliirium}}                                    * Estonian: {{l|et|deliirium}}
* Finnish: {{l|fi|delirium}}                                      * Finnish: {{l|fi|delirium}}
* French: {{l|fr|délire}}, {{l|fr|delirium}}                      * French: {{l|fr|délire}}, {{l|fr|delirium}}
* German: {{l|de|Delirium}}                                       * German: {{l|de|Delirium}}
* Hungarian: {{l|hu|delírium}}                                    * Hungarian: {{l|hu|delírium}}
* Ido: {{l|io|deliro}}                                            * Ido: {{l|io|deliro}}
{{mid4}}                                                          {{mid4}}
* Interlingua: {{l|ia|delirio}}                                   * Interlingua: {{l|ia|delirio}}
* Italian: {{l|it|delirio}}                                       * Italian: {{l|it|delirio}}
* Kurdish: {{l|ku|delîriyûm}}                                     * Kurdish: {{l|ku|delîriyûm}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|delirium}}, {{l|no|dille}}                    * Norwegian: {{l|no|delirium}}, {{l|no|dille}}
* Polish: {{l|pl|delirium}}                                       * Polish: {{l|pl|delirium}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|delírio}}                                    * Portuguese: {{l|pt|delírio}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|delir}}                                        * Romanian: {{l|ro|delir}}
{{mid4}}                                                          {{mid4}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|дели́рий}}                                      * Russian: {{l|ru|дели́рий}}
* Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|делиријум}}, {{l|sh|delirijum|sc=Latn}}  * Serbo-Croatian: {{l|sh|делиријум}}, {{l|sh|delirijum|sc=Latn}}
* Slovak: {{l|sk|delírium}}                                       * Slovak: {{l|sk|delírium}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|delirio}}, {{l|es|delírium}}                    * Spanish: {{l|es|delirio}}, {{l|es|delírium}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|delirium}}                                      * Swedish: {{l|sv|delirium}}
* Turkish: {{l|tr|deliriyum}}                                     * Turkish: {{l|tr|deliriyum}}
{{bottom}}                                                        {{bottom}}
----                                                              ===References===
                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}

reginula: No change.


praecipio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:praecipio]]  [[el:praecipio]]
[[ko:praecipio]]  [[fr:praecipio]]

quirinalia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                           ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quirīnālia}}                                {{la-adj-form|quirīnālia}}
#{{inflection of|lang=la|quirinalis|quirīnālis|n|nom|p}}  #{{inflection of|lang=la|quirinalis|quirīnālis|n|nom|p}}
#{{inflection of|lang=la|quirinalis|quirīnālis|n|acc|p}}  #{{inflection of|lang=la|quirinalis|quirīnālis|n|acc|p}}
#{{inflection of|lang=la|quirinalis|quirīnālis|n|voc|p}}  #{{inflection of|lang=la|quirinalis|quirīnālis|n|voc|p}}
                                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

prodeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:prodeo]]     [[ca:prodeo]]
[[el:prodeo]]     [[de:prodeo]]
[[es:prodeo]]     [[el:prodeo]]
[[fr:prodeo]]     [[es:prodeo]]
[[ko:prodeo]]     [[fr:prodeo]]
[[id:prodeo]]     [[ko:prodeo]]
[[la:prodeo]]     [[id:prodeo]]
[[mg:prodeo]]     [[la:prodeo]]
[[pl:prodeo]]     [[mg:prodeo]]
[[ru:prodeo]]     [[pl:prodeo]]
[[chr:prodeo]]    [[ru:prodeo]]

motivum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mōtivum}}                       {{la-adj-form|mōtivum}}
# {{inflection of|mōtivus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōtivus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōtivus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōtivus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōtivus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōtivus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōtivus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōtivus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

tyrotarichos: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* “tyrotarichos” in the ''Oxford Latin Dictionary'', 1968  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                           * “tyrotarichos” in the ''Oxford Latin Dictionary'', 1968

bubones: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====       ====Descendants====
* Catalan: {{l|ca|bubó}}  * Catalan: {{l|ca|bubó}}
* English: {{l|en|bubo}}  * English: {{l|en|bubo}}
----                      ===References===
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

invisor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

conca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====    ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|conc}}  {{la-decl-1st|conc}}
[[ca:conca]]          ===References===
[[co:conca]]          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:conca]]          * {{R:Stillwell}}
[[it:conca]]          [[ca:conca]]
[[lt:conca]]          [[co:conca]]
[[hu:conca]]          [[fr:conca]]
[[mg:conca]]          [[gl:conca]]
[[pt:conca]]          [[it:conca]]
[[ru:conca]]          [[lt:conca]]
[[chr:conca]]         [[hu:conca]]
[[tr:conca]]          [[mg:conca]]

responsis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|respōnsīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|respōnsīs}}
# {{inflection of|respōnsum||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|respōnsum||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|respōnsum||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|respōnsum||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:responsis]]                              ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

langobardi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|langobardī}}                        {{la-adj-form|langobardī}}
# {{inflection of|langobardus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|langobardus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|langobardus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|langobardus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|langobardus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|langobardus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|langobardus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|langobardus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fi:langobardi]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                  * {{R:Peck}}
                                                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

seclusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:seclusus]]   [[fr:seclusus]]

activum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|actīvum}}                       {{la-adj-form|actīvum}}
# {{inflection of|actīvus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|actīvus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|actīvus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|actīvus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|actīvus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|actīvus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|actīvus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|actīvus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:activum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:activum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pl:activum]]                                [[de:activum]]
[[ru:activum]]                                [[fr:activum]]
[[fi:activum]]                                [[hu:activum]]

ὀπώρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}          * {{R:Strong's}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ὀπώρα]]              [[el:ὀπώρα]]
[[ko:ὀπώρα]]              [[fr:ὀπώρα]]
[[ru:ὀπώρα]]              [[ko:ὀπώρα]]


Ἰσραήλ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Strong's|G|2474}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2474}}
[[el:Ἰσραήλ]]            [[el:Ἰσραήλ]]
[[fr:Ἰσραήλ]]            [[fr:Ἰσραήλ]]
[[hu:Ἰσραήλ]]            [[hu:Ἰσραήλ]]
[[pl:Ἰσραήλ]]            [[pl:Ἰσραήλ]]

dolositas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:dolositas]]  [[fr:dolositas]]

ligulati: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ligulātī}}                        {{la-adj-form|ligulātī}}
# {{inflection of|ligulātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ligulātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ligulātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ligulātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ligulātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ligulātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ligulātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ligulātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

deveho: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:deveho]]     [[el:deveho]]

περισπάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[mg:περισπάω]]     [[fr:περισπάω]]

decemviralis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

subductus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:M&A}}
* {{R:Century 1911|site}}                                                                                                  * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
*                                                                         * {{R:Century 1911|site}}

collectivus: No change.


sumis: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sūmis}}                                {{la-verb-form|sūmis}}
# {{inflection of|sūmō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sūmō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

amarica: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|amāricā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|amāricā}}
# {{inflection of|amāricō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amāricō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:amarica]]                                           ===References===
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

dorcas: No change.


aquaticum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|aquāticum}}                       {{la-adj-form|aquāticum}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquāticus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquāticus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:aquaticum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:aquaticum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

conger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|conger}}   * English: {{l|en|conger}}
* Italian: {{l|it|grongo}}   * Italian: {{l|it|grongo}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|congrio}}  * Spanish: {{l|es|congrio}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|congre}}   * Catalan: {{l|ca|congre}}
[[Category:la:Fish]]         ===References===
                             * {{R:L&S}}
[[et:conger]]                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:conger]]                [[Category:la:Fish]]
[[io:conger]]                [[et:conger]]
[[hu:conger]]                [[el:conger]]
[[ja:conger]]                [[fr:conger]]
[[pl:conger]]                [[hy:conger]]
[[ru:conger]]                [[io:conger]]
[[fi:conger]]                [[hu:conger]]
[[te:conger]]                [[ja:conger]]
[[vi:conger]]                [[pl:conger]]
[[zh:conger]]                [[ru:conger]]

beneficentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:beneficentia]]  [[cs:beneficentia]]
[[pl:beneficentia]]  [[la:beneficentia]]
[[ru:beneficentia]]  [[pl:beneficentia]]

inseparabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:inseparabilis]]  [[fr:inseparabilis]]
[[pl:inseparabilis]]  [[mg:inseparabilis]]

dubitas: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|dubitās}}                                {{la-verb-form|dubitās}}
# {{inflection of|dubitō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dubitō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[ku:dubitas]]                                          ===References===
[[lt:dubitas]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:dubitas]]                                          [[ku:dubitas]]
[[mg:dubitas]]                                          [[lt:dubitas]]

tabernaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tabernāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|tabernāria}}
# {{inflection of|tabernārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabernārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tabernārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabernārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tabernārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabernārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tabernārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabernārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tabernārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabernārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|tabernāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|tabernāriā}}
# {{inflection of|tabernārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabernārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                              ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

despectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:despectus]]  [[es:despectus]]
[[ko:despectus]]  [[fr:despectus]]
[[fi:despectus]]  [[ko:despectus]]

mediocres: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mediōcrēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|mediōcrēs}}
# {{inflection of|mediōcris||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediōcris||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mediōcris||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediōcris||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mediōcris||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediōcris||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mediōcris||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediōcris||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mediōcris||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediōcris||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mediōcris||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediōcris||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

rabies: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bovillae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bovillae}}                       {{la-adj-form|bovillae}}
# {{inflection of|bovillus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bovillus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bovillus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bovillus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bovillus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bovillus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bovillus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bovillus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:bovillae]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

Περσεφόνη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1020}}

accessus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:accessus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:accessus]]   [[fr:accessus]]

μῶν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

falisci: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|faliscī}}                        {{la-adj-form|faliscī}}
# {{inflection of|faliscus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faliscus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faliscus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faliscus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faliscus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faliscus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faliscus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faliscus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

calamitosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:calamitosus]]  [[de:calamitosus]]
[[mg:calamitosus]]  [[fr:calamitosus]]

dormito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exorno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:exorno]]     [[ca:exorno]]
[[no:exorno]]     [[es:exorno]]
[[ru:exorno]]     [[no:exorno]]

suevi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|suēvī}}                                  {{la-verb-form|suēvī}}
# {{inflection of|suescō||1|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suescō||1|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[es:suevi]]                                            ===References===
                                                        * {{R:Peck}}
                                                        * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

tabulae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|tabulae}}                   {{la-noun-form|tabulae}}
# {{inflection of|tabula||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabula||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tabula||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabula||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tabula||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabula||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tabula||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tabula||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:tabulae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:tabulae]]                             * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:tabulae]]                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

setius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:setius]]     [[fr:setius]]
[[pl:setius]]     [[mg:setius]]

Κῦρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}
[[fr:Κῦρος]]            [[el:Κῦρος]]
[[la:Κῦρος]]            [[fr:Κῦρος]]
[[pt:Κῦρος]]            [[la:Κῦρος]]

desideo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:desideo]]    [[fr:desideo]]

libor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|lībor}}                                {{la-verb-form|lībor}}
# {{inflection of|lībō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:libor]]                                          ===References===
[[sh:libor]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

epulo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:epulo]]      [[fr:epulo]]
[[ru:epulo]]      [[pl:epulo]]

bovinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:bovinus]]    [[el:bovinus]]
[[la:bovinus]]    [[fr:bovinus]]

potestas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:potestas]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:potestas]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:potestas]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ky:potestas]]   [[cs:potestas]]
[[la:potestas]]   [[de:potestas]]
[[mg:potestas]]   [[fr:potestas]]
[[fj:potestas]]   [[ko:potestas]]
[[pl:potestas]]   [[ky:potestas]]
[[ru:potestas]]   [[la:potestas]]
[[sh:potestas]]   [[mg:potestas]]
[[ta:potestas]]   [[fj:potestas]]
[[chr:potestas]]  [[pl:potestas]]

liberatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:liberatio]]  [[fr:liberatio]]

aratura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|arātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|arātūra}}
# {{inflection of|arātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|arātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|arātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|arātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:aratura]]                                 ===References===
[[ko:aratura]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pl:aratura]]                                 [[cs:aratura]]
[[ru:aratura]]                                 [[ko:aratura]]
[[sk:aratura]]                                 [[it:aratura]]
[[fi:aratura]]                                 [[pl:aratura]]

splendeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[ko:splendeo]]       [[fr:splendeo]]
[[pt:splendeo]]       [[ko:splendeo]]
[[ru:splendeo]]       [[pt:splendeo]]

δουλεία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1397}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1397}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

proxima: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|proxima}}                        {{la-adj-form|proxima}}
# {{inflection of|proximus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|proximus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|proximus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|proximus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|proximus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|proximus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|proximus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|proximus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|proximus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|proximus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|proximā}}                        {{la-adj-form|proximā}}
# {{inflection of|proximus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|proximus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:proxima]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:proxima]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:proxima]]                                 [[cs:proxima]]
[[la:proxima]]                                 [[fr:proxima]]
[[mg:proxima]]                                 [[ko:proxima]]
[[ru:proxima]]                                 [[io:proxima]]

ὄνομα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                              ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                               * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3686}}                                                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                    * {{R:Strong's|G|3686}}
* Wilhelm Pape (1807–1854): Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache; ''ὄνομα''  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                                * Wilhelm Pape (1807–1854): Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache; ''ὄνομα''
[[Category:grc:Parts of speech]]                                                
                                                                                [[Category:grc:Parts of speech]]
[[cs:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[af:ὄνομα]]
[[da:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[cs:ὄνομα]]
[[de:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[da:ὄνομα]]
[[el:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[de:ὄνομα]]
[[es:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[el:ὄνομα]]
[[eo:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[es:ὄνομα]]
[[fr:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[eo:ὄνομα]]
[[ko:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[fr:ὄνομα]]
[[hr:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[ko:ὄνομα]]
[[it:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[hr:ὄνομα]]
[[lt:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[it:ὄνομα]]
[[hu:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[lt:ὄνομα]]
[[mg:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[hu:ὄνομα]]
[[nl:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[mg:ὄνομα]]
[[pl:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[nl:ὄνομα]]
[[ru:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[pl:ὄνομα]]
[[tr:ὄνομα]]                                                                    [[ru:ὄνομα]]

multipliciter: No change.


medicata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|medicāta}}                       {{la-part-form|medicāta}}
# {{inflection of|medicātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|medicātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|medicātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|medicātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|medicātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|medicātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|medicātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|medicātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|medicātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|medicātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|medicātā}}                       {{la-part-form|medicātā}}
# {{inflection of|medicātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|medicātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:medicata]]                                 ===References===
[[it:medicata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

kalendarium: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|kalendāri}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|kalendāri}}
----                         ===References===
                             * {{R:du Cange}}

στροφικός: No change.


compositus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:compositus]]  [[es:compositus]]
[[mg:compositus]]  [[fr:compositus]]
[[zh:compositus]]  [[mg:compositus]]

convictus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

creatus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ja:creatus]]    [[fr:creatus]]

Κτησίας: No change.


μαντεύομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3132}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3132}}
[[fr:μαντεύομαι]]        [[el:μαντεύομαι]]
[[ko:μαντεύομαι]]        [[fr:μαντεύομαι]]
[[lt:μαντεύομαι]]        [[ko:μαντεύομαι]]
[[mg:μαντεύομαι]]        [[lt:μαντεύομαι]]

incommode: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:incommode]]  [[ca:incommode]]
[[el:incommode]]  [[et:incommode]]
[[fr:incommode]]  [[el:incommode]]
[[hy:incommode]]  [[fr:incommode]]
[[io:incommode]]  [[hy:incommode]]
[[id:incommode]]  [[io:incommode]]
[[ku:incommode]]  [[id:incommode]]
[[hu:incommode]]  [[ku:incommode]]
[[mg:incommode]]  [[hu:incommode]]
[[ml:incommode]]  [[mg:incommode]]
[[my:incommode]]  [[ml:incommode]]
[[pl:incommode]]  [[my:incommode]]
[[ru:incommode]]  [[pl:incommode]]
[[ta:incommode]]  [[ru:incommode]]
[[te:incommode]]  [[ta:incommode]]
[[vi:incommode]]  [[te:incommode]]
[[zh:incommode]]  [[vi:incommode]]

apparitura: No change.


codicillus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:codicillus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:codicillus]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Φειδιππίδης: No change.


ferrata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ferrāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|ferrāta}}
# {{inflection of|ferrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|ferrātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|ferrātā}}
# {{inflection of|ferrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[it:ferrata]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

trieris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

placitum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:placitum]]   [[es:placitum]]
[[la:placitum]]   [[fr:placitum]]
[[ru:placitum]]   [[la:placitum]]

atheos: No change.


discipulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>       * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:discipulus]]   <references/>
[[es:discipulus]]   [[cs:discipulus]]
[[eu:discipulus]]   [[de:discipulus]]
[[fr:discipulus]]   [[es:discipulus]]
[[ko:discipulus]]   [[eu:discipulus]]
[[hr:discipulus]]   [[fr:discipulus]]
[[it:discipulus]]   [[ko:discipulus]]
[[la:discipulus]]   [[hr:discipulus]]
[[mg:discipulus]]   [[it:discipulus]]
[[ja:discipulus]]   [[la:discipulus]]
[[pl:discipulus]]   [[mg:discipulus]]
[[ru:discipulus]]   [[ja:discipulus]]
[[chr:discipulus]]  [[pl:discipulus]]

dejectus: No change.


crucifer: No change.


pulsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:pulsus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:pulsus]]     [[ca:pulsus]]
[[fr:pulsus]]     [[de:pulsus]]
[[mg:pulsus]]     [[es:pulsus]]
[[pl:pulsus]]     [[fr:pulsus]]
[[fi:pulsus]]     [[mg:pulsus]]

ἀσφάλεια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[it:ἀσφάλεια]]    [[el:ἀσφάλεια]]
[[lt:ἀσφάλεια]]    [[it:ἀσφάλεια]]

τάχα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|ta/xa^|w=τάχᾰ}}  * {{R:LSJ|ta/xa^|w=τάχᾰ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}          * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5029}}    * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}               * {{R:Strong's|G|5029}}
                           * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[pl:τάχα]]                [[el:τάχα]]
[[pt:τάχα]]                [[pl:τάχα]]

vulticulus: No change.


utervis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cappa: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                      {{top2}}
* Aromanian: {{l|rup|capã}}                                   * Aromanian: {{l|rup|capã}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|capa}}                                      * Catalan: {{l|ca|capa}}
* English: [[cape]], {{l|en|cappa}}, [[chape]], [[chaperon]]  * English: [[cape]], {{l|en|cappa}}, [[chape]], [[chaperon]]
* French: {{l|fr|chape}}, [[chaperon]], {{l|fr|cape}}         * French: {{l|fr|chape}}, [[chaperon]], {{l|fr|cape}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|cape}}                                    * Friulian: {{l|fur|cape}}
* Greek: {{l|el|κάπα}}                                        * Greek: {{l|el|κάπα}}
* Italian: {{l|it|cappa}}                                     * Italian: {{l|it|cappa}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|capa}}                                      * Occitan: {{l|oc|capa}}
{{mid2}}                                                      {{mid2}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|chape}}                                 * Old French: {{l|fro|chape}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|capa}}                                   * Portuguese: {{l|pt|capa}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|capă}}                                     * Romanian: {{l|ro|capă}}
* Sorbian, Lower: {{l|dsb|kapa}}                              * Sorbian, Lower: {{l|dsb|kapa}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|cappa}}                                   * Sicilian: {{l|scn|cappa}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|capa}}                                      * Spanish: {{l|es|capa}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|capa}}                                    * Venetian: {{l|vec|capa}}
{{bottom}}                                                    {{bottom}}
----                                                          ===References===
                                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

examino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

siculus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====            ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Sicule}} / [[Sicilia]]  * {{l|la|Sicule}} / [[Sicilia]]
[[mg:siculus]]                   ===References===
[[pl:siculus]]                   * {{R:du Cange}}


beccus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:beccus]]     [[fr:beccus]]
[[nl:beccus]]     [[mg:beccus]]
[[pl:beccus]]     [[nl:beccus]]
[[ru:beccus]]     [[pl:beccus]]

θεῖον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

=====References=====           =====References=====
* {{R:LSJ|qei=on1|θεῖον (A)}}  * {{R:LSJ|qei=on1|θεῖον (A)}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2303}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                   * {{R:Strong's|G|2303}}
                               * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:θεῖον]]                   [[el:θεῖον]]
[[ko:θεῖον]]                   [[fr:θεῖον]]
[[lt:θεῖον]]                   [[ko:θεῖον]]
[[mg:θεῖον]]                   [[lt:θεῖον]]
[[ru:θεῖον]]                   [[mg:θεῖον]]

οὖρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* LSJ 8th edition               * {{R:Bailly}}
<references />                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                * LSJ 8th edition
[[Category:grc:Bodily fluids]]  <references />
[[da:οὖρον]]                    [[Category:grc:Bodily fluids]]
[[mg:οὖρον]]                    [[da:οὖρον]]
[[pl:οὖρον]]                    [[fr:οὖρον]]

haereditas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

aquilifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

concavo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:concavo]]    [[fr:concavo]]
[[io:concavo]]    [[ko:concavo]]
[[it:concavo]]    [[io:concavo]]
[[mg:concavo]]    [[it:concavo]]
[[ja:concavo]]    [[mg:concavo]]
[[pl:concavo]]    [[ja:concavo]]
[[ru:concavo]]    [[pl:concavo]]
[[zh:concavo]]    [[ru:concavo]]

palo: No change.


Ἀναξίβιος: No change.


iacentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|iacentia}}                    {{la-part-form|iacentia}}
# {{inflection of|iacēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iacēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iacēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iacēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iacēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iacēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

conspissatus: No change.


lauriger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

petiolus: No change.


aequilibrium: No change.


erudite: LATIN: References added.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[el:erudite]]                                                                                               [[et:erudite]]
[[fr:erudite]]                                                                                               [[el:erudite]]
[[ko:erudite]]                                                                                               [[fr:erudite]]
[[io:erudite]]                                                                                               [[ko:erudite]]
[[it:erudite]]                                                                                               [[io:erudite]]
[[kn:erudite]]                                                                                               [[it:erudite]]
[[ku:erudite]]                                                                                               [[kn:erudite]]
[[hu:erudite]]                                                                                               [[ku:erudite]]
[[mg:erudite]]                                                                                               [[hu:erudite]]
[[ml:erudite]]                                                                                               [[mg:erudite]]
[[ps:erudite]]                                                                                               [[ml:erudite]]
[[pl:erudite]]                                                                                               [[ps:erudite]]
[[ru:erudite]]                                                                                               [[pl:erudite]]
[[sh:erudite]]                                                                                               [[ru:erudite]]
[[fi:erudite]]                                                                                               [[sh:erudite]]
[[sv:erudite]]                                                                                               [[fi:erudite]]
[[ta:erudite]]                                                                                               [[sv:erudite]]
[[te:erudite]]                                                                                               [[ta:erudite]]
[[tr:erudite]]                                                                                               [[te:erudite]]
[[vi:erudite]]                                                                                               [[tr:erudite]]
[[zh:erudite]]                                                                                               [[vi:erudite]]

impexus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

limes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

alta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|alta}}                       {{la-part-form|alta}}
# {{inflection of|altus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|altus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|altā}}                       {{la-part-form|altā}}
# {{inflection of|altus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|altus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

ἴμεν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                                                       ===Verb===
{{head|grc|verb form}}                                                           {{head|grc|verb form}}
# {{inflection of|εἶμι||1|p|pres|ind|lang=grc}} with future meaning: we will go  # {{inflection of|εἶμι||1|p|pres|ind|lang=grc}} with future meaning: we will go
                                                                                 * {{R:LSJ}}
                                                                                 * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                                                                                 * {{R:Cunliffe}}

κατοικέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:κατοικέω]]     [[el:κατοικέω]]
[[lt:κατοικέω]]     [[fr:κατοικέω]]
[[ru:κατοικέω]]     [[lt:κατοικέω]]

octoginta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:octoginta]]   [[et:octoginta]]
[[es:octoginta]]   [[el:octoginta]]
[[fr:octoginta]]   [[es:octoginta]]
[[ko:octoginta]]   [[fr:octoginta]]
[[is:octoginta]]   [[ko:octoginta]]
[[ky:octoginta]]   [[is:octoginta]]
[[lt:octoginta]]   [[ky:octoginta]]
[[hu:octoginta]]   [[lt:octoginta]]
[[mg:octoginta]]   [[hu:octoginta]]
[[nl:octoginta]]   [[mg:octoginta]]
[[pl:octoginta]]   [[nl:octoginta]]
[[pt:octoginta]]   [[pl:octoginta]]
[[ru:octoginta]]   [[pt:octoginta]]
[[tt:octoginta]]   [[ru:octoginta]]
[[chr:octoginta]]  [[tt:octoginta]]

ἄω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

=====References=====  =====References=====
* {{R:LSJ|a)/w3}}     * {{R:LSJ|a)/w3}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
                      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:ἄω]]             * {{R:DGE}}

παραβολᾶνοι: No change.


tomentosus: No change.


mixtura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|mixtūra}}                       {{la-part-form|mixtūra}}
# {{inflection of|mixtūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mixtūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mixtūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mixtūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mixtūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mixtūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mixtūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mixtūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mixtūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mixtūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|mixtūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|mixtūrā}}
# {{inflection of|mixtūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mixtūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐρυσίπελας: No change.


φιλόδοξος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[fr:φιλόδοξος]]  [[el:φιλόδοξος]]
[[io:φιλόδοξος]]  [[fr:φιλόδοξος]]
[[li:φιλόδοξος]]  [[io:φιλόδοξος]]
[[pl:φιλόδοξος]]  [[li:φιλόδοξος]]
[[pt:φιλόδοξος]]  [[pl:φιλόδοξος]]

accessorium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|accessōrium}}                       {{la-adj-form|accessōrium}}
# {{inflection of|accessōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accessōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ja:accessorium]]                                ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

cretica: No change.


lania: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|laniā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|laniā}}
# {{inflection of|laniō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laniō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:lania]]                                           ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

carminum: No change.


πορεύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|poreu/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|poreu/w}}
* {{R:Slater}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                     * {{R:Slater}}

octavum: LATIN: References added.

===Numeral===                                 ===Numeral===
{{la-num-form|octavum}}                       {{la-num-form|octavum}}
# {{inflection of|octavus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|octavus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|octavus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|octavus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|octavus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|octavus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|octavus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|octavus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:octavum]]                                ===References===
[[ru:octavum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[chr:octavum]]                               [[mg:octavum]]

vinarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:vinarius]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nardum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nardum}}                    {{la-noun-form|nardum}}
# {{inflection of|nardus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nardus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:nardum]]                              ===References===
[[pl:nardum]]                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

horrendum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|horrendum}}                       {{la-adj-form|horrendum}}
# {{inflection of|horrendus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|horrendus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:horrendum]]                                ===References===
[[pl:horrendum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

plumarii: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|plūmāriī}}                     {{la-noun-form|plūmāriī}}
# {{inflection of|plūmārius||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plūmārius||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plūmārius||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plūmārius||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|plūmārius||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plūmārius||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

funebris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press

clusa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|clūsa}}                       {{la-part-form|clūsa}}
# {{inflection of|clūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|clūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|clūsā}}                       {{la-part-form|clūsā}}
# {{inflection of|clūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|clūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:clusa]]                                 ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

rotata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|rotāta}}                       {{la-part-form|rotāta}}
# {{inflection of|rotātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rotātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rotātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rotātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rotātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|rotātā}}                       {{la-part-form|rotātā}}
# {{inflection of|rotātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:rotata]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

sacrate: No change.


apiastrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:apiastrum]]  [[fr:apiastrum]]

protritus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

mendosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:mendosus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:mendosus]]   [[fr:mendosus]]

Galilaea: No change.


gallicum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|gallicum}}                       {{la-adj-form|gallicum}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gallicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gallicus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

Brundisium: No change.


salitio: No change.


excellens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:excellens]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

arto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

abito: No change.


transfigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:transfigo]]  [[el:transfigo]]
[[ru:transfigo]]  [[ko:transfigo]]

amaricatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|amāricāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|amāricāt}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

denuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:denuo]]        [[fr:denuo]]
[[fj:denuo]]        [[ko:denuo]]
[[ja:denuo]]        [[fj:denuo]]
[[chr:denuo]]       [[ja:denuo]]

sibilo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vertibilis: LATIN: References added.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot|vertĭbĭlis|p=1,663/3}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                      * {{R:Gaffiot|vertĭbĭlis|p=1,663/3}}

κῶμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====           ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                  * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}            * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2970}}      * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                 * {{R:Strong's|G|2970}}
* {{R:ine:LIV|326|343}}      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|page=814}}  * {{R:ine:LIV|326|343}}
                             * {{R:grc:Beekes|page=814}}
[[fr:κῶμος]]                 [[el:κῶμος]]
[[ko:κῶμος]]                 [[fr:κῶμος]]
[[mg:κῶμος]]                 [[ko:κῶμος]]

reduviae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|reduviae}}                   {{la-noun-form|reduviae}}
# {{inflection of|reduvia||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reduvia||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reduvia||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reduvia||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reduvia||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reduvia||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reduvia||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reduvia||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:reduviae]]                             ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

Cortona: No change.


τιμωρέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5097}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|5097}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}

indeficientia: No change.


dichotomos: No change.


perpetua: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|perpetua}}                        {{la-adj-form|perpetua}}
# {{inflection of|perpetuus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perpetuus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perpetuus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perpetuus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perpetuus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perpetuus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perpetuus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perpetuus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perpetuus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perpetuus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|perpetuā}}                        {{la-adj-form|perpetuā}}
# {{inflection of|perpetuus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perpetuus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

cubitum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:M&A}}
[[da:cubitum]]           [[ca:cubitum]]
[[es:cubitum]]           [[da:cubitum]]
[[fr:cubitum]]           [[es:cubitum]]
[[io:cubitum]]           [[fr:cubitum]]
[[mg:cubitum]]           [[io:cubitum]]
[[no:cubitum]]           [[mg:cubitum]]
[[pl:cubitum]]           [[no:cubitum]]
[[pt:cubitum]]           [[pl:cubitum]]
[[ru:cubitum]]           [[pt:cubitum]]
[[sv:cubitum]]           [[ru:cubitum]]

scabinus: No change.


salacia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|salācia}}                     {{la-adj-form|salācia}}
# {{inflection of|salāx||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salāx||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salāx||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salāx||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|salāx||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salāx||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:salacia]]                              ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
                                            * {{R:Peck}}
                                            * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

clausura: No change.


anularis: No change.


indultus: No change.


inconstantia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}

arsura: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|arsura}}   * Italian: {{l|it|arsura}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|arsură}}  * Romanian: {{l|ro|arsură}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|asurar}}   * Spanish: {{l|es|asurar}}
[[fr:arsura]]                ===References===
[[it:arsura]]                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:arsura]]                [[fr:arsura]]
[[mg:arsura]]                [[it:arsura]]

sollers: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hr:sollers]]    [[fr:sollers]]
[[mg:sollers]]    [[hr:sollers]]

urina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Bodily fluids]]  
                               [[Category:la:Bodily fluids]]

nativitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:nativitas]]   [[fr:nativitas]]
[[ru:nativitas]]   [[mg:nativitas]]
[[chr:nativitas]]  [[ru:nativitas]]

excaeco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:excaeco]]    [[fr:excaeco]]
[[ru:excaeco]]    [[ko:excaeco]]

calefacto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

intestatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:intestatus]]  * {{R:Peck}}

excolentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|excolentia}}                    {{la-part-form|excolentia}}
# {{inflection of|excolens||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excolens||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excolens||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excolens||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excolens||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excolens||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

constantius: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                        ===Adverb===
{{head|la|adverb comparative form}}                 {{head|la|adverb comparative form}}
# {{comparative of|constanter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}  # {{comparative of|constanter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}
                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                    * {{R:Peck}}
                                                    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

consurgo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

passus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S|1. passus|passus1}}  * {{R:L&S|1. passus|passus1}}
* {{R:L&S|2. passus|passus2}}  * {{R:L&S|2. passus|passus2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
----                           * {{R:Peck}}
                               * {{R:NLW}}
                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

mutatoria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mūtātōria}}                        {{la-adj-form|mūtātōria}}
# {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|mūtātōriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|mūtātōriā}}
# {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūtātōrius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

discens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|discēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|discēns}}
[[chr:discens]]               ===References===
                              * {{R:du Cange}}

Danae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|Danae}}                        {{la-adj-form|Danae}}
# {{inflection of|Danaus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Danaus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[es:Danae]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:Danae]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[sr:Danae]]                                 [[es:Danae]]
[[zh:Danae]]                                 [[fr:Danae]]

sapidus: No change.


rigide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

inheredito: No change.


volans: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[gl:volans]]     [[fr:volans]]
[[li:volans]]     [[gl:volans]]

omnicarpus: No change.


cotonea: No change.


Ἀρκάς: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}             * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}     * {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}
[[Category:grc:Demonyms]]  [[Category:grc:Demonyms]]
[[el:Ἀρκάς]]               [[el:Ἀρκάς]]

sem: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|sem}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|sem}}
----                       ===References===
                           * {{R:Zoega}}

malivolentia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|malivolentia}}                     {{la-adj-form|malivolentia}}
# {{inflection of|malivolens||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malivolens||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malivolens||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malivolens||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malivolens||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malivolens||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

apostolicae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|apostolicae}}                       {{la-adj-form|apostolicae}}
# {{inflection of|apostolicus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apostolicus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|apostolicus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apostolicus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|apostolicus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apostolicus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|apostolicus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apostolicus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:apostolicae]]                                ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

adhaeresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:adhaeresco]]  [[el:adhaeresco]]

simulo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Century 1911|simulate}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                               * {{R:Century 1911|simulate}}

consonans: No change.


εὐάζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{grc-Beekes}}

exasperatio: No change.


eluceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:eluceo]]     [[fr:eluceo]]

familiae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|familiae}}                   {{la-noun-form|familiae}}
# {{inflection of|familia||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|familia||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|familia||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|familia||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|familia||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|familia||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|familia||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|familia||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:familiae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:familiae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ja:familiae]]                             [[cs:familiae]]

adonidium: No change.


bacifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:bacifer]]    [[de:bacifer]]
[[ro:bacifer]]    [[it:bacifer]]

totidem: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

palmarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

harenam: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
'''harēnam''' {{g|f}}                      '''harēnam''' {{g|f}}
# {{inflection of|harēna||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|harēna||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]              ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:harenam]]                             [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

exedra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:exedra]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:exedra]]     * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:exedra]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:exedra]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[vi:exedra]]     [[ca:exedra]]

γενεά: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1074}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1074}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:γενεά]]             [[el:γενεά]]
[[ko:γενεά]]             [[fr:γενεά]]
[[ka:γενεά]]             [[ko:γενεά]]
[[hu:γενεά]]             [[ka:γενεά]]
[[mg:γενεά]]             [[hu:γενεά]]
[[nl:γενεά]]             [[mg:γενεά]]
[[pt:γενεά]]             [[nl:γενεά]]
[[chr:γενεά]]            [[pt:γενεά]]

χαρακτήρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5481}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5481}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:χαρακτήρ]]          [[de:χαρακτήρ]]
[[fr:χαρακτήρ]]          [[el:χαρακτήρ]]
[[ko:χαρακτήρ]]          [[fr:χαρακτήρ]]
[[lt:χαρακτήρ]]          [[ko:χαρακτήρ]]
[[mg:χαρακτήρ]]          [[lt:χαρακτήρ]]

negativus: No change.


pecuniosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}

mellificium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

corollaria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

talia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

lethargicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

scholasticum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|scholasticum}}                       {{la-adj-form|scholasticum}}
# {{inflection of|scholasticus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scholasticus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scholasticus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scholasticus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scholasticus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scholasticus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|scholasticus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|scholasticus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:scholasticum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:scholasticum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

collarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|collārium}}                      {{la-adj-form|collārium}}
# {{inflection of|collāris||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collāris||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collāris||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collāris||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|collāris||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collāris||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[de:collarium]]                               ===References===
[[fr:collarium]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

αὑτός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                                                         ===Adjective===
{{grc-adj-1&2|αὑτή|ταὐτόν|n2=ταὐτό}}                                                    {{grc-adj-1&2|αὑτή|ταὐτόν|n2=ταὐτό}}
# {{alt form of|from=Attic|αὐτός|lang=grc}} by {{grc-apdx|cr|crasis}} with {{l|grc|ὁ}}  # {{alt form of|from=Attic|αὐτός|lang=grc}} by {{grc-apdx|cr|crasis}} with {{l|grc|ὁ}}
                                                                                        * {{R:LSJ}}
                                                                                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}

cellis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cellīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|cellīs}}
# {{inflection of|cella||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cella||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cella||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cella||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:cellis]]                             ===References===
[[cs:cellis]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:cellis]]                             [[ca:cellis]]
[[mg:cellis]]                             [[cs:cellis]]
[[sv:cellis]]                             [[de:cellis]]

prospicientia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

excusabundus: No change.


pars: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

lusores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lūsōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|lūsōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|lūsor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūsor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūsor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūsor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūsor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūsor||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:lusores]]                            ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

accipitrum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|accipitrum}}                   {{la-noun-form|accipitrum}}
# {{inflection of|accipiter||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accipiter||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:accipitrum]]                             ===References===
[[fr:accipitrum]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

animicida: No change.


εὖνις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:εὖνις]]       * {{grc-Beekes}}

duumvir: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:duumvir]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:duumvir]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[sh:duumvir]]    [[fr:duumvir]]
[[vi:duumvir]]    [[ko:duumvir]]
[[zh:duumvir]]    [[ro:duumvir]]

renuncia: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|renunciā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|renunciā}}
# {{inflection of|renunciō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|renunciō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                      ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

mundanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:mundanus]]   * {{R:M&A}}

ἀντίρρινον: No change.


ζητέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2212}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}      * {{R:Strong's|G|2212}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:ζητέω]]             [[el:ζητέω]]
[[lt:ζητέω]]             [[fr:ζητέω]]
[[mg:ζητέω]]             [[lt:ζητέω]]

collegium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Peck}}
[[bs:collegium]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[co:collegium]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:collegium]]   [[bs:collegium]]
[[ku:collegium]]   [[co:collegium]]
[[lt:collegium]]   [[et:collegium]]
[[hu:collegium]]   [[fr:collegium]]
[[mg:collegium]]   [[ku:collegium]]
[[fj:collegium]]   [[lt:collegium]]
[[pl:collegium]]   [[hu:collegium]]
[[ru:collegium]]   [[mg:collegium]]
[[sh:collegium]]   [[fj:collegium]]
[[chr:collegium]]  [[pl:collegium]]

acrimoniosus: LATIN: References added.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:NLW}}

orce: No change.


emitto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:emitto]]     [[el:emitto]]
[[ko:emitto]]     [[fr:emitto]]
[[zh:emitto]]     [[ko:emitto]]

circumflexe: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|circumflexe}}                       {{la-part-form|circumflexe}}
# {{inflection of|circumflexus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|circumflexus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:circumflexe]]                                 ===References===
[[mg:circumflexe]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[ru:circumflexe]]                                 [[fr:circumflexe]]

analis: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|anus|ānus}}   * {{l|la|anus|ānus}}
[[fr:analis]]          ===References===
[[id:analis]]          * {{R:du Cange}}

flagello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:flagello]]   [[fr:flagello]]
[[io:flagello]]   [[ko:flagello]]
[[it:flagello]]   [[io:flagello]]
[[mg:flagello]]   [[it:flagello]]
[[pl:flagello]]   [[mg:flagello]]
[[pt:flagello]]   [[pl:flagello]]
[[ru:flagello]]   [[pt:flagello]]
[[zh:flagello]]   [[ru:flagello]]

caeparius: No change.


gingiva: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:gingiva]]    [[ca:gingiva]]
[[et:gingiva]]    [[de:gingiva]]
[[fr:gingiva]]    [[et:gingiva]]
[[ko:gingiva]]    [[fr:gingiva]]
[[id:gingiva]]    [[ko:gingiva]]
[[ku:gingiva]]    [[id:gingiva]]
[[hu:gingiva]]    [[ku:gingiva]]
[[mg:gingiva]]    [[hu:gingiva]]
[[pl:gingiva]]    [[mg:gingiva]]
[[ru:gingiva]]    [[pl:gingiva]]
[[sh:gingiva]]    [[ru:gingiva]]
[[fi:gingiva]]    [[sh:gingiva]]
[[ta:gingiva]]    [[fi:gingiva]]
[[zh:gingiva]]    [[ta:gingiva]]

figura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

εὔφημος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Century 1911|euphemism}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                * {{R:Century 1911|euphemism}}
[[ru:εὔφημος]]                  [[fr:εὔφημος]]

βλύω: No change.


diffugio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:diffugio]]   [[es:diffugio]]
[[chr:diffugio]]  [[ko:diffugio]]

iniquitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[it:iniquitas]]  [[fr:iniquitas]]
[[mg:iniquitas]]  [[it:iniquitas]]

πεντηκοστή: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4005}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|4005}}
----                     ----

antimonium: LATIN: References added.

====Synonyms====                   ====Synonyms====
* {{l|la|stibium}}                 * {{l|la|stibium}}
[[Category:la:Chemical elements]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[id:antimonium]]                  [[Category:la:Chemical elements]]
[[mg:antimonium]]                  [[fr:antimonium]]
[[nl:antimonium]]                  [[id:antimonium]]
[[ja:antimonium]]                  [[hu:antimonium]]
[[pl:antimonium]]                  [[mg:antimonium]]
[[pt:antimonium]]                  [[nl:antimonium]]
[[sv:antimonium]]                  [[ja:antimonium]]

diverticulum: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|dīverticul}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|dīverticul}}
[[ca:diverticulum]]           ===References===
[[io:diverticulum]]           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ku:diverticulum]]           [[ca:diverticulum]]
[[pl:diverticulum]]           [[io:diverticulum]]
[[ru:diverticulum]]           [[id:diverticulum]]
[[ta:diverticulum]]           [[ku:diverticulum]]
[[vi:diverticulum]]           [[pl:diverticulum]]
[[zh:diverticulum]]           [[ru:diverticulum]]

polymito: No change.


frenator: No change.


παραδειγματίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3856}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3856}}

quasso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:quasso]]     [[fr:quasso]]
[[mg:quasso]]     [[ko:quasso]]
[[ru:quasso]]     [[mg:quasso]]

barbari: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:barbari]]    [[da:barbari]]
[[fr:barbari]]    [[el:barbari]]
[[io:barbari]]    [[fr:barbari]]
[[it:barbari]]    [[io:barbari]]
[[mg:barbari]]    [[it:barbari]]
[[pl:barbari]]    [[mg:barbari]]
[[pt:barbari]]    [[pl:barbari]]
[[ru:barbari]]    [[pt:barbari]]
[[sq:barbari]]    [[ru:barbari]]
[[sk:barbari]]    [[sq:barbari]]
[[sh:barbari]]    [[sk:barbari]]
[[sv:barbari]]    [[sh:barbari]]
[[tg:barbari]]    [[sv:barbari]]

stolo: No change.


ἐννήκοντα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

syllabae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|syllabae}}                   {{la-noun-form|syllabae}}
# {{inflection of|syllaba||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syllaba||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|syllaba||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syllaba||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|syllaba||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syllaba||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|syllaba||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syllaba||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:syllabae]]                             ===References===
[[sk:syllabae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

securis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[az:securis]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:securis]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fy:securis]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[hu:securis]]    [[az:securis]]
[[mg:securis]]    [[fr:securis]]
[[ru:securis]]    [[fy:securis]]

capitanea: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|capitānea}}                        {{la-adj-form|capitānea}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|capitāneā}}                        {{la-adj-form|capitāneā}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

εἰμί: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                        ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|ei)mi/1}}                                                                                                       * {{R:LSJ|ei)mi/1}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                                               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1510}}                                                                                                   * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                                                              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Smyth|768}}, [ 768 D]  * {{R:DGE}}
                                                                                                                          * {{R:Slater}}
[[el:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               * {{R:Strong's|G|1510}}
[[eu:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               * {{R:Smyth|768}}, [ 768 D]
[[ko:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[el:εἰμί]]
[[it:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[eu:εἰμί]]
[[la:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[fr:εἰμί]]
[[lb:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[ko:εἰμί]]
[[lt:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[it:εἰμί]]
[[hu:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[la:εἰμί]]
[[mg:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[lb:εἰμί]]
[[nl:εἰμί]]                                                                                                               [[lt:εἰμί]]

recrepo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Θύμβρα: No change.


rivale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rīvāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|rīvāle}}
# {{inflection of|rīvālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rīvālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rīvālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rīvālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rīvālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rīvālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:rivale]]                                 ===References===
[[el:rivale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:rivale]]                                 [[de:rivale]]
[[it:rivale]]                                 [[el:rivale]]
[[mg:rivale]]                                 [[fr:rivale]]
[[pl:rivale]]                                 [[io:rivale]]
[[sq:rivale]]                                 [[it:rivale]]
[[chr:rivale]]                                [[mg:rivale]]
[[zh:rivale]]                                 [[pl:rivale]]

Μάγνης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}

aeque: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:aeque]]      [[cs:aeque]]
[[fr:aeque]]      [[el:aeque]]
[[ky:aeque]]      [[fr:aeque]]
[[pl:aeque]]      [[ky:aeque]]

exstruo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:exstruo]]    [[fr:exstruo]]
[[la:exstruo]]    [[ko:exstruo]]

castra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                               * {{R:Peck}}
----                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

venditum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|vēnditum}}                      {{la-part-form|vēnditum}}
# {{inflection of|vēnditus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnditus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnditus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnditus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnditus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnditus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnditus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnditus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[es:venditum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:venditum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

jaxl: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Derived terms====     ====Derived terms====
* {{l|non|jaxlaverkr}}    * {{l|non|jaxlaverkr}}
* {{l|non|jaxlgarðr}}     * {{l|non|jaxlgarðr}}
[[Category:non:Anatomy]]  ===References===
[[Category:non:Teeth]]    * {{R:Zoega}}
[[io:jaxl]]               [[Category:non:Anatomy]]
[[is:jaxl]]               [[Category:non:Teeth]]
[[mg:jaxl]]               [[io:jaxl]]
[[sv:jaxl]]               [[is:jaxl]]

electuarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:electuarium]]  [[fr:electuarium]]

conqueror: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[et:conqueror]]  [[cs:conqueror]]
[[el:conqueror]]  [[et:conqueror]]
[[es:conqueror]]  [[el:conqueror]]
[[eo:conqueror]]  [[es:conqueror]]
[[ko:conqueror]]  [[eo:conqueror]]
[[hy:conqueror]]  [[ko:conqueror]]
[[ku:conqueror]]  [[hy:conqueror]]
[[hu:conqueror]]  [[ku:conqueror]]
[[mg:conqueror]]  [[hu:conqueror]]
[[ml:conqueror]]  [[mg:conqueror]]
[[my:conqueror]]  [[ml:conqueror]]
[[pl:conqueror]]  [[my:conqueror]]
[[ru:conqueror]]  [[pl:conqueror]]
[[sv:conqueror]]  [[ru:conqueror]]
[[ta:conqueror]]  [[sv:conqueror]]
[[te:conqueror]]  [[ta:conqueror]]
[[tr:conqueror]]  [[te:conqueror]]
[[vi:conqueror]]  [[tr:conqueror]]
[[zh:conqueror]]  [[vi:conqueror]]

ἔλεος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1656}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:DGE}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|1656}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἔλεος]]             * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[lt:ἔλεος]]             [[fr:ἔλεος]]
[[mg:ἔλεος]]             [[ko:ἔλεος]]

animositas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:animositas]]  [[de:animositas]]
[[mg:animositas]]  [[fr:animositas]]

secretarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:secretarium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Σαπφώ: No change.


ὁμίχλη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{head|grc|noun}}                              {{head|grc|noun}}
# {{alternative spelling of|ὀμίχλη|lang=grc}}  # {{alternative spelling of|ὀμίχλη|lang=grc}}
[[fr:ὁμίχλη]]                                  ===References===
                                               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}

caupona: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:caupona]]                 [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[la:caupona]]                 [[ca:caupona]]
[[mg:caupona]]                 [[cs:caupona]]
[[fj:caupona]]                 [[el:caupona]]
[[nl:caupona]]                 [[la:caupona]]
[[uz:caupona]]                 [[mg:caupona]]
[[pl:caupona]]                 [[fj:caupona]]
[[ru:caupona]]                 [[nl:caupona]]
[[ta:caupona]]                 [[uz:caupona]]
[[chr:caupona]]                [[pl:caupona]]
[[tr:caupona]]                 [[ru:caupona]]

Hydruntum: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====                      ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|loc=1|num=sg|Hydrūnt}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|loc=1|num=sg|Hydrūnt}}
[[Category:la:Cities]]                  ===References===
                                        * {{R:L&S}}

ignobilitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hr:ignobilitas]]  [[de:ignobilitas]]

actis: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|āctīs}}                      {{la-part-form|āctīs}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|āctus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:actis]]                                ===References===
[[fr:actis]]                                * {{R:Peck}}

praesepis: No change.


ebor: LATIN: References added.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:Niermeyer|ebor|363/1}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                              * {{R:Niermeyer|ebor|363/1}}
[[ku:ebor]]                   [[jv:ebor]]
[[pl:ebor]]                   [[ku:ebor]]

vegeto: No change.


ambrosio: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ambrosiō}}                        {{la-adj-form|ambrosiō}}
# {{inflection of|ambrosius||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambrosius||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambrosius||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambrosius||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambrosius||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambrosius||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ambrosius||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambrosius||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
[[el:ambrosio]]                                 ===References===
[[ru:ambrosio]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

hercules: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:hercules]]   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ku:hercules]]   [[fr:hercules]]
[[mg:hercules]]   [[it:hercules]]
[[ta:hercules]]   [[ku:hercules]]
[[te:hercules]]   [[mg:hercules]]
[[vi:hercules]]   [[ta:hercules]]

gaudimonium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:gaudimonium]]   [[lt:gaudimonium]]
[[pl:gaudimonium]]   [[ja:gaudimonium]]
[[ru:gaudimonium]]   [[pl:gaudimonium]]
[[chr:gaudimonium]]  [[ru:gaudimonium]]

perpurgo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:perpurgo]]   [[ko:perpurgo]]

neglegens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:neglegens]]   [[hr:neglegens]]
[[chr:neglegens]]  [[mg:neglegens]]

prosulto: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|prōsultō}}                       {{la-part-form|prōsultō}}
# {{inflection of|prōsultus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōsultus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōsultus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōsultus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōsultus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōsultus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōsultus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōsultus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:NLW}}

suffuror: No change.


exscindo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

custodes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|custōdēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|custōdēs}}
# {{inflection of|custōs||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|custōs||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|custōs||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|custōs||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|custōs||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|custōs||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:custodes]]                            ===References===
[[fr:custodes]]                            * {{R:Peck}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ἀποδίδωμι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)podi/dwmi}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)podi/dwmi}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:Strong's}}
                         * {{R:LBG}}
[[lt:ἀποδίδωμι]]         [[el:ἀποδίδωμι]]
[[ru:ἀποδίδωμι]]         [[lt:ἀποδίδωμι]]

Aletrium: No change.


demersus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

devirgino: No change.


syrtis: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|syrtis}}  {{la-decl-3rd-I-navis|syrtis}}
[[ta:syrtis]]                   ===References===
                                * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                * {{R:Peck}}

πολλαχόσε: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

desolatorius: No change.


habitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:habitudo]]   [[fr:habitudo]]

injectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:injectio]]   [[fr:injectio]]
[[zh:injectio]]   [[ru:injectio]]

tantulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


indicabilis: No change.


aequivocus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

triumpho: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

evolvo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Στησίχορος: No change.


interpolator: No change.


absorptio: No change.


concessio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:concessio]]  [[fr:concessio]]
[[ru:concessio]]  [[mg:concessio]]

tufa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:tufa]]       [[ca:tufa]]
[[eo:tufa]]       [[et:tufa]]
[[fr:tufa]]       [[eo:tufa]]
[[io:tufa]]       [[fr:tufa]]
[[id:tufa]]       [[io:tufa]]
[[it:tufa]]       [[id:tufa]]
[[ku:tufa]]       [[it:tufa]]
[[hu:tufa]]       [[ku:tufa]]
[[mg:tufa]]       [[hu:tufa]]
[[pl:tufa]]       [[mg:tufa]]
[[scn:tufa]]      [[pl:tufa]]
[[ta:tufa]]       [[scn:tufa]]
[[vi:tufa]]       [[ta:tufa]]

ratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

iatronices: No change.


φάρυγξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:φάρυγξ]]       [[el:φάρυγξ]]
[[ko:φάρυγξ]]       [[fr:φάρυγξ]]
[[ru:φάρυγξ]]       [[ko:φάρυγξ]]

propitiator: No change.


βλύζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}

nongenti: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:nongenti]]   [[es:nongenti]]
[[ko:nongenti]]   [[fr:nongenti]]
[[la:nongenti]]   [[ko:nongenti]]
[[nl:nongenti]]   [[la:nongenti]]
[[pl:nongenti]]   [[nl:nongenti]]
[[pt:nongenti]]   [[pl:nongenti]]
[[ru:nongenti]]   [[pt:nongenti]]
[[tg:nongenti]]   [[ru:nongenti]]

Αὔγη: No change.


eiulatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-4th|ēiulāt}}  {{la-decl-4th|ēiulāt}}
[[mg:eiulatus]]         ===References===
[[pl:eiulatus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

perimo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:perimo]]     [[es:perimo]]
[[ko:perimo]]     [[fr:perimo]]
[[mg:perimo]]     [[ko:perimo]]

vincibilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

circumtego: No change.


repurgo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:repurgo]]    [[es:repurgo]]
[[ru:repurgo]]    [[ko:repurgo]]

recitator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:recitator]]  [[da:recitator]]
[[mg:recitator]]  [[fr:recitator]]
[[pl:recitator]]  [[mg:recitator]]
[[ro:recitator]]  [[pl:recitator]]
[[sh:recitator]]  [[ro:recitator]]

impendia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

collinus: No change.


retium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

hydropicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:hydropicus]]  [[fr:hydropicus]]

intersectio: No change.



conduco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:conduco]]    [[el:conduco]]
[[ko:conduco]]    [[fr:conduco]]
[[it:conduco]]    [[ko:conduco]]
[[mg:conduco]]    [[it:conduco]]
[[ja:conduco]]    [[mg:conduco]]
[[chr:conduco]]   [[ja:conduco]]

ala: LATIN: References added. References sorted.  OLD NORSE: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ====Descendants====
{{top3}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   {{top3}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|ala}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * Asturian: {{l|ast|ala}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|ala}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * Catalan: {{l|ca|ala}}
* Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|jal}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|jal}}
* English: {{l|en|aisle}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * English: {{l|en|aisle}}
* French: {{l|fr|aile}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * French: {{l|fr|aile}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|ale}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * Friulian: {{l|fur|ale}}
* Italian: {{l|it|ala}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * Italian: {{l|it|ala}}
{{mid3}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   {{mid3}}
* Ligurian: {{l|lij|âa}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   * Ligurian: {{l|lij|âa}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|ala}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * Occitan: {{l|oc|ala}}
* Old Portuguese: {{l|roa-opt|aa}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         * Old Portuguese: {{l|roa-opt|aa}}
** Galician: {{l|gl|á}}, {{l|gl|ala}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ** Galician: {{l|gl|á}}, {{l|gl|ala}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}
** Portuguese: {{l|pt|á}}, {{l|pt|ala}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ** Portuguese: {{l|pt|á}}, {{l|pt|ala}} {{qualifier|borrowed}}
* Romansch: {{l|rm|ala}}, {{l|rm|ela}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     * Romansch: {{l|rm|ala}}, {{l|rm|ela}}
* Sardinian: {{l|sc|aba}}, {{l|sc|ala}}, {{l|sc|àua}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      * Sardinian: {{l|sc|aba}}, {{l|sc|ala}}, {{l|sc|àua}}
{{mid3}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   {{mid3}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|ala}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * Sicilian: {{l|scn|ala}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|ala}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * Spanish: {{l|es|ala}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|ała}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * Venetian: {{l|vec|ała}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 {{bottom}}
[[Category:Latin palindromes]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ===References===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:L&S}}
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Zoega}}
==Latvian==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
{{slim-wikipedia|lang=lv}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:Peck}}
[[File:Veľká jaskyňa v Dolnom Sokole (2004).jpg|thumb|250px|Ala (1)]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[File:Rabbit hole - - 1284436.jpg|thumb|175px|Trušu ala (2)]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [[Category:Latin palindromes]]
The usual theory considers {{m|lv|ala}} to be a {{borrowing|gml|hol||depth, hole, cave|lang=lv|nocap=1}}, or maybe from the same form in {{etyl|dum|lv}} or {{etyl|nds-de|lv}} ([[East Frisian]]); [[cf.]] {{cog|de|Höhle||cave}}; note, however, that this {{etyl|gem|-}} word is masculine, from which a feminine ''a''-stem borrowing into {{etyl|lv|-}} would seem unlikely.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ----
A different view suggests that {{m|lv|ala}} could also reflex an old {{etyl|ine-pro|lv}} stem {{m|ine-pro|*h₁el-}}, {{m|ine-pro|*ol-}}, {{m|ine-pro|*al-}} “to flow, to drain” with various {{etyl|bat|-}} reflexes: dialectal {{cog|lv|alots}}, {{m|lv|alogs}} (standarad {{m|lv|avots}}) “(water) source,” {{m|lv|alksna}}, {{m|lv|aluksna}} “miry, swampy place” ([[cf.]] placenames like {{m|lv|Alūksne}}, {{m|lv|Alūkstes}}), {{cog|lt|alėti|alė́ti}} “to flow, to drip.” The original meaning of {{m|lv|ala}} would thus have been “(water) source”, from which “place (e.g., cave, rift, pit) from which water springs” and finally simply “cave,” possibly under the influence of the aforementioned {{etyl|gem|-}} words.<ref>{{R:lv:LEV}}</ref>  ==Latvian==
===Pronunciation===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [[File:Veľká jaskyňa v Dolnom Sokole (2004).jpg|thumb|250px|Ala (1)]]
* {{lv-IPA|ala}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [[File:Rabbit hole - - 1284436.jpg|thumb|175px|Trušu ala (2)]]
===Noun===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The usual theory considers {{m|lv|ala}} to be a {{borrowing|gml|hol||depth, hole, cave|lang=lv|nocap=1}}, or maybe from the same form in {{etyl|dum|lv}} or {{etyl|nds-de|lv}} ([[East Frisian]]); [[cf.]] {{cog|de|Höhle||cave}}; note, however, that this {{etyl|gem|-}} word is masculine, from which a feminine ''a''-stem borrowing into {{etyl|lv|-}} would seem unlikely.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A different view suggests that {{m|lv|ala}} could also reflex an old {{etyl|ine-pro|lv}} stem {{m|ine-pro|*h₁el-}}, {{m|ine-pro|*ol-}}, {{m|ine-pro|*al-}} “to flow, to drain” with various {{etyl|bat|-}} reflexes: dialectal {{cog|lv|alots}}, {{m|lv|alogs}} (standarad {{m|lv|avots}}) “(water) source,” {{m|lv|alksna}}, {{m|lv|aluksna}} “miry, swampy place” ([[cf.]] placenames like {{m|lv|Alūksne}}, {{m|lv|Alūkstes}}), {{cog|lt|alėti|alė́ti}} “to flow, to drip.” The original meaning of {{m|lv|ala}} would thus have been “(water) source”, from which “place (e.g., cave, rift, pit) from which water springs” and finally simply “cave,” possibly under the influence of the aforementioned {{etyl|gem|-}} words.<ref>{{R:lv:LEV}}</ref>
# [[cave]] {{gloss|[[space]] or [[cavity]] [[form]]ed [[underground]], [[especially]] [[between]] [[rock]]s, or in the [[face]] of a [[cliff]] or [[hillside]]}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
#: ''klinšu '''alas''''' — rock '''caves'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ===Pronunciation===
#: ''pazemes '''ala''''' — subterranean '''cave'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         * {{lv-IPA|ala}}
#: '''''alu''' labirinti'' — '''cave''' labyrinths                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         {{audio|lv-riga-ala.ogg|lang=lv}}
#: '''''alu''' cilvēks'' — '''cave'''man                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
#: '''''alu''' zīmējumi'' — '''cave''' drawings, paintings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ===Noun===
#: ''Abhāzijā atrodas ala, kuras labirinti ir vairāk nekā trīs kilometrus gari'' — in Abkhazia there is a cave with labyrinths longer than three kilometers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                {{lv-noun|f|4th}}
# [[burrow]], [[hole]], [[lair]], [[den]] {{gloss|the [[dwelling]] of some [[animal]]s, in the [[form]] of a [[cavity]] with one or many [[exit]]s}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
#: ''peles, lapsas '''alas''' — mice, fox '''holes'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      # [[cave]] {{gloss|[[space]] or [[cavity]] [[form]]ed [[underground]], [[especially]] [[between]] [[rock]]s, or in the [[face]] of a [[cliff]] or [[hillside]]}}
#: ''āpšu, trušu '''alas''''' — badger, rabbit '''holes''', '''burrows'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  #: ''klinšu '''alas''''' — rock '''caves'''
#: ''rakt '''alu''''' — to dig a '''hole''', '''burrow'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  #: ''pazemes '''ala''''' — subterranean '''cave'''
#: ''nekā sevišķa tur neredzēja, izņemot nelielu caurumu zemē... likās tā kā kurmja '''ala''''' — there was nothing special to see there, except a small whole on the ground... it seemed to be a mole'''hill''' (lit. hole)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               #: '''''alu''' labirinti'' — '''cave''' labyrinths
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           #: '''''alu''' cilvēks'' — '''cave'''man
====Declension====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         #: '''''alu''' zīmējumi'' — '''cave''' drawings, paintings
{{lv-decl-noun|al|a|4th|extrawidth=-60}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #: ''Abhāzijā atrodas ala, kuras labirinti ir vairāk nekā trīs kilometrus gari'' — in Abkhazia there is a cave with labyrinths longer than three kilometers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # [[burrow]], [[hole]], [[lair]], [[den]] {{gloss|the [[dwelling]] of some [[animal]]s, in the [[form]] of a [[cavity]] with one or many [[exit]]s}}
===Derived terms===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        #: ''peles, lapsas '''alas''' — mice, fox '''holes'''
* {{l|lv|alu cilvēks}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #: ''āpšu, trušu '''alas''''' — badger, rabbit '''holes''', '''burrows'''
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           #: ''rakt '''alu''''' — to dig a '''hole''', '''burrow'''
===See also===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             #: ''nekā sevišķa tur neredzēja, izņemot nelielu caurumu zemē... likās tā kā kurmja '''ala''''' — there was nothing special to see there, except a small whole on the ground... it seemed to be a mole'''hill''' (lit. hole)
* {{l|lv|speleoloģija}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           {{lv-decl-noun|al|a|4th|extrawidth=-60}}
<references />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ===Derived terms===
[[Category:Latvian palindromes]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{l|lv|alu cilvēks}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ===See also===
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       * {{l|lv|speleoloģija}}
==Malay==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ===References===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           <references />
* {{rhymes|ə|lang=ms}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [[Category:Latvian palindromes]]
{{head|ms|preposition}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ----
# [[like]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ==Malay==
# [[according to]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
# [[on]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ===Pronunciation===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{rhymes|ə|lang=ms}}
[[Category:Malay palindromes]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       {{head|ms|preposition}}
==Northern Sami==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          # [[like]]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # [[according to]]
===Etymology===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            # [[on]]
Genitive of {{inh|se|smi-pro|*ëlë}}.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [[Category:Malay palindromes]]
{{se-adv}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ----
# [[over]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ==Northern Sami==
# [[on]], [[on top]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
====Derived terms====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Genitive of {{inh|se|smi-pro|*ëlë}}.
* {{l|se||alcces-}}, {{l|se||alcce-}}, {{l|se||allas-}} (locative stems of {{m|se|ieš||self}})                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
===Postposition===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         {{se-adv}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # [[over]]
# [[over]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 # [[on]], [[on top]]
# [[on]], [[onto]], [[on top of]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ====Derived terms====
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       * {{l|se||alcces-}}, {{l|se||alcce-}}, {{l|se||allas-}} (locative stems of {{m|se|ieš||self}})
==Old High German==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ===Postposition===
From {{inh|goh|gem-pro|*ēlō}}. Cognates include Old English {{m|ang|æl}} and Old Norse {{m|non|alr}}.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      # [[over]]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # [[on]], [[onto]], [[on top of]]
{{goh-noun|f|head=āla}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ----
# [[awl]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ==Old High German==
====Descendants====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ===Etymology===
* German: {{l|de|Ahle}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    From {{inh|goh|gem-pro|*ēlō}}. Cognates include Old English {{m|ang|æl}} and Old Norse {{m|non|alr}}.
[[Category:Old High German palindromes]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ===Noun===
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # [[awl]]
==Old Norse==                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
===Etymology===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * German: {{l|de|Ahle}}
From {{inh|non|gem-pro|*alaną||to nourish, grow}}, from {{etyl|ine-pro|non}} {{m|ine-pro|*al-||to grow}}.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [[Category:Old High German palindromes]]
{{non-verb}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ----
# to [[produce]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ==Old Norse==
# to [[testify]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
# to [[breed]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ===Etymology===
# to [[nourish]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           From {{inh|non|gem-pro|*alaną||to nourish, grow}}, from {{etyl|ine-pro|non}} {{m|ine-pro|*al-||to grow}}.
====Conjugation====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ===Verb===
{{rfinfl|non|verb}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        {{non-verb}}
[[Category:Old Norse palindromes]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         # to [[produce]]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # to [[testify]]
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       # to [[breed]]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # to [[nourish]]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:L&S}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Zoega}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [[Category:Old Norse palindromes]]

operte: No change.


balaustium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:balaustium]]  [[de:balaustium]]
[[mg:balaustium]]  [[fr:balaustium]]
[[ru:balaustium]]  [[mg:balaustium]]

septempliciter: No change.


φωτεινός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
==Greek==         * {{R:Strong's}}

Volsinii: No change.


artabis: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|artābis}}                              {{la-verb-form|artābis}}
# {{inflection of|artō||2|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|artō||2|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:artabis]]                                        ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

ἄφενος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* [' Perseus Online Dictionary: ἄφενος]  * {{R:DGE}}
{{attention|grc}}                                                                                                  * [' Perseus Online Dictionary: ἄφενος]
[[mg:ἄφενος]]                                                                                                      [[fr:ἄφενος]]

κνίδη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

jurisconsulti: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                         ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|jūriscōnsultī}}                     {{la-noun-form|jūriscōnsultī}}
# {{inflection of|jūriscōnsultus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūriscōnsultus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|jūriscōnsultus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūriscōnsultus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|jūriscōnsultus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūriscōnsultus||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

vernale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vernāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|vernāle}}
# {{inflection of|vernālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vernālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vernālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vernālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vernālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vernālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:vernale]]                                 ===References===
[[vi:vernale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

examinator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:examinator]]  [[de:examinator]]
[[fr:examinator]]  [[el:examinator]]
[[mg:examinator]]  [[fr:examinator]]
[[nl:examinator]]  [[mg:examinator]]
[[pl:examinator]]  [[nl:examinator]]
[[ro:examinator]]  [[pl:examinator]]
[[ru:examinator]]  [[ro:examinator]]
[[sv:examinator]]  [[ru:examinator]]
[[uk:examinator]]  [[sv:examinator]]

Αἰγύπτιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:LBG}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[pl:Αἰγύπτιος]]    [[hu:Αἰγύπτιος]]

callais: No change.


Κραναά: No change.


ecaudis: No change.


Sinonia: No change.


plumarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:plumarius]]  [[el:plumarius]]

combustum: No change.


calumniator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:calumniator]]  [[da:calumniator]]
[[hy:calumniator]]  [[et:calumniator]]
[[ku:calumniator]]  [[hy:calumniator]]
[[mg:calumniator]]  [[ku:calumniator]]
[[pl:calumniator]]  [[mg:calumniator]]
[[ru:calumniator]]  [[pl:calumniator]]
[[ta:calumniator]]  [[ru:calumniator]]
[[te:calumniator]]  [[ta:calumniator]]
[[vi:calumniator]]  [[te:calumniator]]
[[zh:calumniator]]  [[vi:calumniator]]

fabricaturae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fabricātūrae}}                      {{la-part-form|fabricātūrae}}
# {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fabricātūrus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:fabricaturae]]                                ===References===
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

μέλαν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{head|grc|head=μέλᾰν|adjective form}}       {{head|grc|head=μέλᾰν|adjective form}}
# {{inflection of|μέλᾱς||n|nom|s|lang=grc}}  # {{inflection of|μέλᾱς||n|nom|s|lang=grc}}
[[el:μέλαν]]                                 ===References===
[[es:μέλαν]]                                 * {{R:LSJ}}
[[pt:μέλαν]]                                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                             * {{R:Strong's}}
                                             * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Φθιώτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}

excelsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:excelsus]]   [[cs:excelsus]]
[[mg:excelsus]]   [[fr:excelsus]]

ventosa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ventōsa}}                        {{la-adj-form|ventōsa}}
# {{inflection of|ventōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|ventōsā}}                        {{la-adj-form|ventōsā}}
# {{inflection of|ventōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

insperatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀδικία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====     ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|93}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}           * {{R:Strong's|G|93}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἀδικία]]          [[de:ἀδικία]]
[[lt:ἀδικία]]          [[ko:ἀδικία]]
[[nl:ἀδικία]]          [[lt:ἀδικία]]
[[pl:ἀδικία]]          [[nl:ἀδικία]]
[[ru:ἀδικία]]          [[pl:ἀδικία]]

draga: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:Íslensk orðsifjabók 1989}}  * {{R:Zoega}}
                                  * {{R:Íslensk orðsifjabók 1989}}

aeruca: No change.


rubra: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rubra}}                       {{la-adj-form|rubra}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|rubrā}}                       {{la-adj-form|rubrā}}
# {{inflection of|ruber||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ruber||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

astutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:astutus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:astutus]]    [[fr:astutus]]
[[fi:astutus]]    [[mg:astutus]]

manibrium: No change.


nutabundus: No change.


miserabile: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|miserābile}}                        {{la-adj-form|miserābile}}
# {{inflection of|miserābilis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miserābilis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|miserābilis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miserābilis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|miserābilis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|miserābilis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:miserabile]]                                 ===References===
[[ko:miserabile]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[mg:miserabile]]                                 [[fr:miserabile]]
[[pl:miserabile]]                                 [[ko:miserabile]]
[[ru:miserabile]]                                 [[it:miserabile]]
[[tl:miserabile]]                                 [[mg:miserabile]]
[[chr:miserabile]]                                [[pl:miserabile]]
[[zh:miserabile]]                                 [[ru:miserabile]]

Φοινίκη: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}
[[el:Φοινίκη]]          [[el:Φοινίκη]]
[[hu:Φοινίκη]]          [[hu:Φοινίκη]]
[[pl:Φοινίκη]]          [[pl:Φοινίκη]]

quadratura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[eo:quadratura]]  [[ca:quadratura]]
[[fr:quadratura]]  [[eo:quadratura]]
[[it:quadratura]]  [[fr:quadratura]]
[[li:quadratura]]  [[it:quadratura]]
[[hu:quadratura]]  [[li:quadratura]]
[[mg:quadratura]]  [[hu:quadratura]]
[[pl:quadratura]]  [[mg:quadratura]]
[[pt:quadratura]]  [[pl:quadratura]]
[[zh:quadratura]]  [[pt:quadratura]]

letifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

scalarii: No change.


fuit: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|fuit}}                                {{la-verb-form|fuit}}
# {{inflection of|sum||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sum||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[ca:fuit]]                                          ===References===
[[cs:fuit]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:fuit]]                                          [[ca:fuit]]
[[mg:fuit]]                                          [[cs:fuit]]
[[ja:fuit]]                                          [[de:fuit]]
[[ru:fuit]]                                          [[fr:fuit]]
[[fi:fuit]]                                          [[mg:fuit]]
[[sv:fuit]]                                          [[ja:fuit]]

σπίζω: No change.


inspirator: No change.


industrie: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:industrie]]   [[ca:industrie]]
[[de:industrie]]   [[cs:industrie]]
[[et:industrie]]   [[de:industrie]]
[[el:industrie]]   [[et:industrie]]
[[es:industrie]]   [[el:industrie]]
[[fr:industrie]]   [[es:industrie]]
[[ko:industrie]]   [[fr:industrie]]
[[io:industrie]]   [[ko:industrie]]
[[it:industrie]]   [[io:industrie]]
[[ku:industrie]]   [[it:industrie]]
[[li:industrie]]   [[ku:industrie]]
[[hu:industrie]]   [[li:industrie]]
[[mg:industrie]]   [[hu:industrie]]
[[nl:industrie]]   [[mg:industrie]]
[[ja:industrie]]   [[nl:industrie]]
[[no:industrie]]   [[ja:industrie]]
[[pl:industrie]]   [[no:industrie]]
[[pt:industrie]]   [[pl:industrie]]
[[ro:industrie]]   [[pt:industrie]]
[[ru:industrie]]   [[ro:industrie]]
[[fi:industrie]]   [[ru:industrie]]
[[sv:industrie]]   [[fi:industrie]]
[[chr:industrie]]  [[sv:industrie]]
[[ug:industrie]]   [[chr:industrie]]
[[vi:industrie]]   [[ug:industrie]]

relevamen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

maritima: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Adjective====                               ====Adjective====
{{la-adj-form|maritimā}}                        {{la-adj-form|maritimā}}
# {{inflection of|maritimus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|maritimus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

formatura: No change.


cantatio: No change.


talpis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|talpīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|talpīs}}
# {{inflection of|talpa||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|talpa||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|talpa||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|talpa||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:talpis]]                             ===References===
[[fr:talpis]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

proculdubio: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                                                                                                                                                                                     ===Adverb===
{{head|la|adverb}}                                                                                                                                                                                               {{head|la|adverb}}
# {{lb|la|New Latin}} [[without]] [[doubt]]                                                                                                                                                                      # {{lb|la|New Latin}} [[without]] [[doubt]]
#* '''1708''', ''The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley'', volume 3, part(s 2 (8th edition) and 3, page 169:                                                                                                            #* '''1708''', ''The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley'', volume 3, part(s 2 (8th edition) and 3, page 169:
#*: Scio te bona esse voce: '''proculdubio''' illum obrues, si tympana, bombardas, tubas & tintinnabula oris tui afferas.                                                                                        #*: Scio te bona esse voce: '''proculdubio''' illum obrues, si tympana, bombardas, tubas & tintinnabula oris tui afferas.
#* '''1819''', ''The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England'', volume 7, ''De Augmentis Scientiarum'', page 297:                                   #* '''1819''', ''The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England'', volume 7, ''De Augmentis Scientiarum'', page 297:
#*: [...] quae tamen quibusdam ardelionibus acceptissima '''proculdubio''' fuerit.                                                                                                                               #*: [...] quae tamen quibusdam ardelionibus acceptissima '''proculdubio''' fuerit.
#* '''1901''', ''The Journal of Theological Studies'', volume 2, page 274:                                                                                                                                       #* '''1901''', ''The Journal of Theological Studies'', volume 2, page 274:
#*: cum dicitur quia caro concupiscit aduersus spiritum spiritus autem aduersus carnem, media '''proculdubio''' ponitur anima quae uel desideriis spiritus acquiescat uel ad carnis concupiscentias inclinetur?  #*: cum dicitur quia caro concupiscit aduersus spiritum spiritus autem aduersus carnem, media '''proculdubio''' ponitur anima quae uel desideriis spiritus acquiescat uel ad carnis concupiscentias inclinetur?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

floridus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:floridus]]   [[de:floridus]]
[[pl:floridus]]   [[fr:floridus]]

sacco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

substitutus: No change.


lifa: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                    {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|leve}}     * Danish: {{l|da|leve}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|liva}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|liva}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|lifa}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|lifa}}
{{mid2}}                    {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|leve}}  * Norwegian: {{l|no|leve}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|leva}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|leva}}
{{bottom}}                  {{bottom}}
----                        ===References===
                            * {{R:Zoega}}

spurce: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

roto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

permisceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:permisceo]]  [[el:permisceo]]
[[ko:permisceo]]  [[fr:permisceo]]
[[mg:permisceo]]  [[ko:permisceo]]

falso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

distribute: LATIN: References added.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[cs:distribute]]                                                                                            [[ar:distribute]]
[[cy:distribute]]                                                                                            [[cs:distribute]]
[[de:distribute]]                                                                                            [[cy:distribute]]
[[et:distribute]]                                                                                            [[de:distribute]]
[[el:distribute]]                                                                                            [[et:distribute]]
[[es:distribute]]                                                                                            [[el:distribute]]
[[fa:distribute]]                                                                                            [[es:distribute]]
[[fr:distribute]]                                                                                            [[fa:distribute]]
[[ko:distribute]]                                                                                            [[fr:distribute]]
[[hy:distribute]]                                                                                            [[ko:distribute]]
[[io:distribute]]                                                                                            [[hy:distribute]]
[[it:distribute]]                                                                                            [[io:distribute]]
[[kn:distribute]]                                                                                            [[it:distribute]]
[[kk:distribute]]                                                                                            [[kn:distribute]]
[[ku:distribute]]                                                                                            [[kk:distribute]]
[[li:distribute]]                                                                                            [[ku:distribute]]
[[hu:distribute]]                                                                                            [[li:distribute]]
[[mg:distribute]]                                                                                            [[hu:distribute]]
[[ml:distribute]]                                                                                            [[mg:distribute]]
[[my:distribute]]                                                                                            [[ml:distribute]]
[[ja:distribute]]                                                                                            [[my:distribute]]
[[pl:distribute]]                                                                                            [[ja:distribute]]
[[ru:distribute]]                                                                                            [[pl:distribute]]
[[sm:distribute]]                                                                                            [[ru:distribute]]
[[simple:distribute]]                                                                                        [[sm:distribute]]
[[fi:distribute]]                                                                                            [[simple:distribute]]
[[sv:distribute]]                                                                                            [[fi:distribute]]
[[ta:distribute]]                                                                                            [[sv:distribute]]
[[te:distribute]]                                                                                            [[ta:distribute]]
[[th:distribute]]                                                                                            [[te:distribute]]
[[chr:distribute]]                                                                                           [[th:distribute]]
[[vi:distribute]]                                                                                            [[chr:distribute]]
[[zh:distribute]]                                                                                            [[vi:distribute]]

gypsum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin nouns]]  * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[zh-min-nan:gypsum]]     [[Category:Latin nouns]]
[[et:gypsum]]             [[zh-min-nan:gypsum]]
[[es:gypsum]]             [[da:gypsum]]
[[eo:gypsum]]             [[et:gypsum]]
[[fr:gypsum]]             [[es:gypsum]]
[[ko:gypsum]]             [[eo:gypsum]]
[[hy:gypsum]]             [[fr:gypsum]]
[[io:gypsum]]             [[ko:gypsum]]
[[it:gypsum]]             [[hy:gypsum]]
[[ku:gypsum]]             [[io:gypsum]]
[[hu:gypsum]]             [[it:gypsum]]
[[mg:gypsum]]             [[ku:gypsum]]
[[ml:gypsum]]             [[hu:gypsum]]
[[my:gypsum]]             [[mg:gypsum]]
[[pl:gypsum]]             [[ml:gypsum]]
[[ru:gypsum]]             [[my:gypsum]]
[[simple:gypsum]]         [[pl:gypsum]]
[[fi:gypsum]]             [[ru:gypsum]]
[[ta:gypsum]]             [[simple:gypsum]]
[[te:gypsum]]             [[fi:gypsum]]
[[tr:gypsum]]             [[ta:gypsum]]
[[vi:gypsum]]             [[te:gypsum]]
[[zh:gypsum]]             [[tr:gypsum]]

majestas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:majestas]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ὑποδιαστολή: No change.


metaxa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

koppa: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun|g=n|indecl=1}}                                {{la-noun|g=n|indecl=1}}
# A [[Greek]] [[letter]], corresponding to Latin [[q]]  # A [[Greek]] [[letter]], corresponding to Latin [[q]]
[[Category:la:Greek letter names]]                      ===References===
                                                        * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:koppa]]                                            [[Category:la:Greek letter names]]
[[mg:koppa]]                                            [[fr:koppa]]
[[pl:koppa]]                                            [[ko:koppa]]
[[fi:koppa]]                                            [[io:koppa]]
[[sv:koppa]]                                            [[mg:koppa]]

interpunctio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:interpunctio]]  [[fr:interpunctio]]
[[nl:interpunctio]]  [[mg:interpunctio]]
[[ru:interpunctio]]  [[nl:interpunctio]]

ὑφέν: No change.


detentio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:detentio]]   [[es:detentio]]
[[ru:detentio]]   [[mg:detentio]]

froskr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                    ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                               {{top2}}
* English: {{l|en|frosk}} (dialectal)  * English: {{l|en|frosk}} (dialectal)
* Faroese: [[froskur]] {{g|m}}         * Faroese: [[froskur]] {{g|m}}
{{mid2}}                               {{mid2}}
* Icelandic: [[froskur]] {{g|m}}       * Icelandic: [[froskur]] {{g|m}}
* Norwegian: [[frosk]] {{g|m}}         * Norwegian: [[frosk]] {{g|m}}
{{bottom}}                             {{bottom}}
[[Category:non:Animals]]               ===References===
                                       * {{R:Zoega}}
[[mg:froskr]]                          [[Category:non:Animals]]
[[pl:froskr]]                          [[fr:froskr]]
[[pt:froskr]]                          [[mg:froskr]]

ὀλιγοθερμία: No change.


Γάλβας: No change.


infortunium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:infortunium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:infortunium]]  [[es:infortunium]]
[[ru:infortunium]]  [[fr:infortunium]]

decanto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praedicatura: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

sordidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:sordidus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:sordidus]]   [[cs:sordidus]]
[[it:sordidus]]   [[fr:sordidus]]
[[hu:sordidus]]   [[ko:sordidus]]
[[mg:sordidus]]   [[it:sordidus]]
[[fj:sordidus]]   [[hu:sordidus]]
[[pl:sordidus]]   [[mg:sordidus]]
[[tg:sordidus]]   [[fj:sordidus]]
[[chr:sordidus]]  [[pl:sordidus]]
[[tr:sordidus]]   [[tg:sordidus]]
[[zh:sordidus]]   [[chr:sordidus]]

crepito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

transversa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|transversa}}                        {{la-adj-form|transversa}}
# {{inflection of|transversus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|transversus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|transversus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|transversus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|transversus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|transversus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|transversus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|transversus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|transversus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|transversus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|transversā}}                        {{la-adj-form|transversā}}
# {{inflection of|transversus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|transversus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:transversa]]                                 ===References===
[[io:transversa]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[pl:transversa]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀγγέλλειν: No change.


explanatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

decennio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                            ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|decenniō}}                             {{la-noun-form|decenniō}}
# {{inflection of|decennium||dat|and|abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|decennium||dat|and|abl|s|lang=la}}
[[an:decennio]]                                       ===References===
[[el:decennio]]                                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:decennio]]                                       [[an:decennio]]
[[io:decennio]]                                       [[el:decennio]]
[[it:decennio]]                                       [[fr:decennio]]
[[lo:decennio]]                                       [[ko:decennio]]
[[hu:decennio]]                                       [[io:decennio]]
[[pl:decennio]]                                       [[it:decennio]]
[[ru:decennio]]                                       [[lo:decennio]]
[[fi:decennio]]                                       [[hu:decennio]]
[[tl:decennio]]                                       [[pl:decennio]]
[[tr:decennio]]                                       [[ru:decennio]]
[[zh:decennio]]                                       [[fi:decennio]]

νίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[lt:νίζω]]         [[it:νίζω]]

gracilitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

salivaris: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|salīvāris}}                              {{la-verb-form|salīvāris}}
# {{conjugation of|salīvō||2|s|pres|pass|ind|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|salīvō||2|s|pres|pass|ind|lang=la}}
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

nave: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lignarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:lignarius]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

insidiatrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lineola: No change.


Θάψος: No change.


infatuatus: LATIN: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}

πυρράζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4449}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
                                  * {{R:Strong's|G|4449}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek verbs]]  
                                  [[Category:Ancient Greek verbs]]

nidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:nidus]]      [[et:nidus]]
[[fr:nidus]]      [[el:nidus]]
[[ko:nidus]]      [[fr:nidus]]
[[ka:nidus]]      [[ko:nidus]]
[[ku:nidus]]      [[ka:nidus]]
[[mg:nidus]]      [[ku:nidus]]
[[pl:nidus]]      [[mg:nidus]]
[[ru:nidus]]      [[pl:nidus]]
[[ta:nidus]]      [[ru:nidus]]
[[chr:nidus]]     [[ta:nidus]]
[[vi:nidus]]      [[chr:nidus]]
[[zh:nidus]]      [[vi:nidus]]

σφέτερος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                      ===References===
{{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                             {{R:LSJ}}
{{catlangname|grc|reflexive pronouns|possessive adjectives}}<!-- reflexive possessive adjective isn't a category -->  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                                                                                                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:σφέτερος]]                                                                                                       {{catlangname|grc|reflexive pronouns|possessive adjectives}}<!-- reflexive possessive adjective isn't a category -->

referre: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                         ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|referre}}                           {{la-verb-form|referre}}
# {{inflection of|referō||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|referō||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}
[[ca:referre]]                                     ===References===
[[es:referre]]                                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:referre]]                                     [[ca:referre]]
[[fi:referre]]                                     [[es:referre]]

uppi: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                    {{top2}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|uppi}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|uppi}}
{{mid2}}                    {{mid2}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|uppi}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|uppi}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|uppe}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|uppe}}
{{bottom}}                  {{bottom}}
[[is:uppi]]                 ===References===
[[mg:uppi]]                 * {{R:Zoega}}

ἔραζε: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                     * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=I|page=449}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                      * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=I|page=449}}

natator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:natator]]    [[de:natator]]
[[my:natator]]    [[fr:natator]]

dictati: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dictātī}}                       {{la-part-form|dictātī}}
# {{inflection of|dictātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dictātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dictātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dictātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dictātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dictātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dictātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dictātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:dictati]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

candelabrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:candelabrum]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:candelabrum]]  <references/>
[[et:candelabrum]]  [[ca:candelabrum]]
[[el:candelabrum]]  [[cs:candelabrum]]
[[eo:candelabrum]]  [[de:candelabrum]]
[[fr:candelabrum]]  [[et:candelabrum]]
[[ko:candelabrum]]  [[el:candelabrum]]
[[io:candelabrum]]  [[eo:candelabrum]]
[[ku:candelabrum]]  [[fr:candelabrum]]
[[hu:candelabrum]]  [[ko:candelabrum]]
[[mg:candelabrum]]  [[io:candelabrum]]
[[my:candelabrum]]  [[ku:candelabrum]]
[[pl:candelabrum]]  [[hu:candelabrum]]
[[ro:candelabrum]]  [[mg:candelabrum]]
[[ru:candelabrum]]  [[my:candelabrum]]
[[sv:candelabrum]]  [[pl:candelabrum]]
[[ta:candelabrum]]  [[ro:candelabrum]]
[[vi:candelabrum]]  [[ru:candelabrum]]
[[zh:candelabrum]]  [[sv:candelabrum]]

Πασιφάη: No change.


clericus: No change.


refertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ζῆθος: No change.


scenofactorius: No change.


θέα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Στάγειρος: No change.


tornator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

corporatura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|corporātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|corporātūra}}
# {{inflection of|corporātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corporātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|corporātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corporātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|corporātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corporātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|corporātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corporātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|corporātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corporātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|corporātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|corporātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|corporātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corporātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[de:corporatura]]                                 ===References===
[[es:corporatura]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[fr:corporatura]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:corporatura]]                                 * {{R:NLW}}
[[pl:corporatura]]                                 [[de:corporatura]]
[[ru:corporatura]]                                 [[es:corporatura]]

κηρύσσω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}

abax: No change.


extrico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:extrico]]    [[fr:extrico]]
[[pl:extrico]]    [[ko:extrico]]
[[ru:extrico]]    [[pl:extrico]]

arenarii: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
'''arēnāriī'''                                  '''arēnāriī'''
# {{inflection of|arēnārius||m|gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arēnārius||m|gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arēnārius||n|gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arēnārius||n|gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arēnārius||m|nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arēnārius||m|nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arēnārius||m|voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arēnārius||m|voc|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin adjective forms]]              ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:arenarii]]                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                [[Category:Latin adjective forms]]

velociter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:velociter]]  [[es:velociter]]
[[mg:velociter]]  [[fr:velociter]]
[[ja:velociter]]  [[mg:velociter]]
[[pt:velociter]]  [[ja:velociter]]
[[ru:velociter]]  [[pt:velociter]]

hospitale: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[de:hospitale]]  [[cs:hospitale]]
[[es:hospitale]]  [[de:hospitale]]
[[fr:hospitale]]  [[es:hospitale]]
[[mg:hospitale]]  [[fr:hospitale]]
[[nl:hospitale]]  [[mg:hospitale]]
[[ja:hospitale]]  [[nl:hospitale]]
[[no:hospitale]]  [[ja:hospitale]]
[[pt:hospitale]]  [[no:hospitale]]

protestator: No change.


ralla: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ralla}}                        {{la-adj-form|ralla}}
# {{inflection of|rallus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rallus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rallus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rallus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rallus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rallus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rallus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rallus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rallus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rallus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|rallā}}                        {{la-adj-form|rallā}}
# {{inflection of|rallus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rallus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

skylda: OLD NORSE: References added.

=====Descendants=====            =====Descendants=====
* Icelandic: [[#Verb 2|skylda]]  * Icelandic: [[#Verb 2|skylda]]
[[mg:skylda]]                    ===References===
[[nl:skylda]]                    * {{R:Zoega}}
[[chr:skylda]]                   [[mg:skylda]]

στέλλω: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                         ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4724}}                                                                                                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                                                               * {{R:Strong's|G|4724}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
[[el:στέλλω]]                                                                                                              [[el:στέλλω]]
[[fr:στέλλω]]                                                                                                              [[fr:στέλλω]]
[[it:στέλλω]]                                                                                                              [[it:στέλλω]]
[[pl:στέλλω]]                                                                                                              [[pl:στέλλω]]
[[ru:στέλλω]]                                                                                                              [[ru:στέλλω]]

chorea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}

empiricus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S|empīrĭcus|empirice}}     * {{R:L&S|empīrĭcus|empirice}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|empīrĭcus|p=587/1}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|empīricus · a|606/1}}  * {{R:Gaffiot|empīrĭcus|p=587/1}}
                                   * {{R:OLD|1|empīricus · a|606/1}}
[[mg:empiricus]]                   [[fr:empiricus]]
[[pl:empiricus]]                   [[mg:empiricus]]

ἀξίωμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:ἀξίωμα]]      [[ca:ἀξίωμα]]
[[fr:ἀξίωμα]]      [[de:ἀξίωμα]]
[[ko:ἀξίωμα]]      [[fr:ἀξίωμα]]
[[mg:ἀξίωμα]]      [[ko:ἀξίωμα]]

patule: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|patule}}                        {{la-adj-form|patule}}
# {{inflection of|patulus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|patulus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:patule]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

catinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:catinus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:catinus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[pl:catinus]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Heliopolis: No change.


concitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:concitatio]]  [[fr:concitatio]]

proverbium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[co:proverbium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:proverbium]]  [[co:proverbium]]
[[hu:proverbium]]  [[de:proverbium]]
[[mg:proverbium]]  [[fr:proverbium]]
[[ru:proverbium]]  [[hu:proverbium]]

symphoniaci: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|symphōniacī}}                        {{la-adj-form|symphōniacī}}
# {{inflection of|symphōniacus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|symphōniacus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|symphōniacus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|symphōniacus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|symphōniacus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|symphōniacus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|symphōniacus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|symphōniacus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:Peck}}
                                                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

attero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:attero]]     [[fr:attero]]
[[fi:attero]]     [[ko:attero]]

tonate: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|tonāte}}                               {{la-verb-form|tonāte}}
# {{inflection of|tonō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tonō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

tabulatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:tabulatio]]  [[fr:tabulatio]]
[[ru:tabulatio]]  [[mg:tabulatio]]
[[fi:tabulatio]]  [[ru:tabulatio]]

tygi: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|tøj}}     * Danish: {{l|da|tøj}}
** Faroese: {{l|fo|toy}}   ** Faroese: {{l|fo|toy}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|tøy}}  * Norwegian: {{l|no|tøy}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|tyg}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|tyg}}
                           * {{R:Zoega}}

effractus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|effract}}  {{la-decl-1&2|effract}}
[[fr:effractus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

luxus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

=====Descendants=====        =====Descendants=====
{{top2}}                     {{top2}}
* French: {{l|fr|luxe}}      * French: {{l|fr|luxe}}
* Italian: {{l|it|lusso}}    * Italian: {{l|it|lusso}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|luxo}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|luxo}}
{{mid2}}                     {{mid2}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|lux}}     * Romanian: {{l|ro|lux}}
* Sardinian: {{l|sc|luscu}}  * Sardinian: {{l|sc|luscu}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|lujo}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|lujo}}
{{bottom}}                   {{bottom}}
[[de:luxus]]                 ===References===
[[fr:luxus]]                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[ko:luxus]]                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[io:luxus]]                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:luxus]]                 * {{R:M&A}}
[[ja:luxus]]                 [[de:luxus]]
[[pl:luxus]]                 [[fr:luxus]]
[[ru:luxus]]                 [[ko:luxus]]
[[tl:luxus]]                 [[io:luxus]]
[[ta:luxus]]                 [[hu:luxus]]
[[chr:luxus]]                [[mg:luxus]]

fabricensis: No change.


fidejussor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

reconciliatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ky:reconciliatio]]  [[fr:reconciliatio]]
[[pl:reconciliatio]]  [[ky:reconciliatio]]
[[ru:reconciliatio]]  [[pl:reconciliatio]]

Antipater: LATIN: References added.

===Proper noun===                                         ===Proper noun===
{{la-proper noun|Antipater|Antipatri|Antipatrī|m|third}}  {{la-proper noun|Antipater|Antipatri|Antipatrī|m|third}}
# {{l|en|Antipater}}                                      # {{l|en|Antipater}}
                                                          * {{R:L&S}}

delambo: No change.


ἡμῖν: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
[[de:ἡμῖν]]       [[de:ἡμῖν]]
[[el:ἡμῖν]]       [[el:ἡμῖν]]
[[fr:ἡμῖν]]       [[fr:ἡμῖν]]
[[ko:ἡμῖν]]       [[ko:ἡμῖν]]
[[nl:ἡμῖν]]       [[nl:ἡμῖν]]

iutae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|iūtae}}                      {{la-part-form|iūtae}}
# {{inflection of|iūtus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūtus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūtus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūtus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūtus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūtus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūtus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūtus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

familiaris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[hr:familiaris]]  [[fr:familiaris]]
[[pl:familiaris]]  [[hr:familiaris]]
[[ru:familiaris]]  [[pl:familiaris]]
[[sv:familiaris]]  [[ru:familiaris]]

contumacia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

impilia: No change.


μέλι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3192}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3192}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Κίλιξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}

terricola: No change.


caput: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                        ====References====
* {{R:L&S|caput}}                         * {{R:L&S|caput}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                               * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Online Etymology Dictionary|head}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Anatomy]]                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                          * {{R:Online Etymology Dictionary|head}}
[[ca:caput]]                              [[Category:la:Anatomy]]
[[cs:caput]]                              [[Category:Latin root words]]
[[da:caput]]                              [[az:caput]]
[[de:caput]]                              [[ca:caput]]
[[el:caput]]                              [[cs:caput]]
[[es:caput]]                              [[co:caput]]
[[eu:caput]]                              [[da:caput]]
[[fr:caput]]                              [[de:caput]]
[[ko:caput]]                              [[el:caput]]
[[hr:caput]]                              [[es:caput]]
[[io:caput]]                              [[eu:caput]]
[[it:caput]]                              [[fr:caput]]
[[kn:caput]]                              [[ko:caput]]
[[ku:caput]]                              [[hr:caput]]
[[ky:caput]]                              [[io:caput]]
[[la:caput]]                              [[it:caput]]
[[lt:caput]]                              [[kn:caput]]
[[hu:caput]]                              [[ku:caput]]
[[mg:caput]]                              [[ky:caput]]
[[ml:caput]]                              [[la:caput]]
[[ja:caput]]                              [[lt:caput]]
[[oc:caput]]                              [[hu:caput]]
[[pl:caput]]                              [[mg:caput]]
[[pt:caput]]                              [[ml:caput]]
[[ru:caput]]                              [[ja:caput]]
[[fi:caput]]                              [[oc:caput]]
[[ta:caput]]                              [[pl:caput]]
[[chr:caput]]                             [[pt:caput]]
[[tr:caput]]                              [[ru:caput]]
[[vi:caput]]                              [[fi:caput]]
[[zh:caput]]                              [[ta:caput]]

suboffendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

διήγησις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|dih/ghsis}}  * {{R:LSJ|dih/ghsis}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Ἑσπερίς: No change.


σάπων: No change.


confector: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


dispensor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|dispensor}}                                {{la-verb-form|dispensor}}
# {{inflection of|dispensō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dispensō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:dispensor]]                                          ===References===
[[tr:dispensor]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

infractus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

considerator: No change.


Φαρνάκης: No change.


bractea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:bractea]]    [[cs:bractea]]
[[mg:bractea]]    [[fr:bractea]]

inhumanitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἐχθρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:ἐχθρός]]       [[de:ἐχθρός]]
[[fr:ἐχθρός]]       [[el:ἐχθρός]]
[[ko:ἐχθρός]]       [[fr:ἐχθρός]]
[[lt:ἐχθρός]]       [[ko:ἐχθρός]]
[[hu:ἐχθρός]]       [[lt:ἐχθρός]]
[[mg:ἐχθρός]]       [[hu:ἐχθρός]]
[[pl:ἐχθρός]]       [[mg:ἐχθρός]]
[[ru:ἐχθρός]]       [[pl:ἐχθρός]]
[[tr:ἐχθρός]]       [[ru:ἐχθρός]]

cartilago: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:cartilago]]  [[fr:cartilago]]
[[mg:cartilago]]  [[hu:cartilago]]
[[ru:cartilago]]  [[mg:cartilago]]

hui: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}


Φθιῶτις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}

nutrio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references />    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  <references />

trieres: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|triērēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|triērēs}}
# {{inflection of|triēris||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triēris||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triēris||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triēris||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triēris||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triēris||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triēris||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triēris||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triēris||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triēris||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triēris||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triēris||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:trieres]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

concoctus: No change.


heredum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|hēredum}}                  {{la-noun-form|hēredum}}
# {{inflection of|hēres||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hēres||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:heredum]]                            ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

faenus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:faenus]]     [[la:faenus]]

propitiatorium: LATIN: References added.

====Adjective====                                    ====Adjective====
{{la-adj-form|propitiātōrium}}                       {{la-adj-form|propitiātōrium}}
# {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|propitiātōrius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

profero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:profero]]    [[el:profero]]
[[fr:profero]]    [[es:profero]]
[[ko:profero]]    [[fr:profero]]
[[la:profero]]    [[ko:profero]]
[[mg:profero]]    [[la:profero]]

Λιλύβαιον: No change.


insuefactus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:insuefactus]]  [[cs:insuefactus]]

plumbatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|plumbāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|plumbāt}}
[[fr:plumbatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

pegasus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|pēgas}}  {{la-decl-2nd|pēgas}}
[[gl:pegasus]]         ===References===
[[io:pegasus]]         * {{R:Peck}}
[[ku:pegasus]]         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ro:pegasus]]         [[gl:pegasus]]
[[sv:pegasus]]         [[io:pegasus]]
[[ta:pegasus]]         [[ku:pegasus]]
[[tr:pegasus]]         [[ml:pegasus]]
[[vi:pegasus]]         [[ro:pegasus]]
[[zh:pegasus]]         [[sv:pegasus]]

perlateo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

effectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:effectio]]   [[fr:effectio]]
[[ru:effectio]]   [[mg:effectio]]

adfixus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|adfīx}}  {{la-decl-1&2|adfīx}}
[[fr:adfixus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

more: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mōre}}                   {{la-noun-form|mōre}}
# {{inflection of|mōs||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōs||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                    ===References===
                                        * {{R:L&S}}

congeries: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:congeries]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:congeries]]   [[et:congeries]]
[[hy:congeries]]   [[es:congeries]]
[[ku:congeries]]   [[fr:congeries]]
[[mg:congeries]]   [[hy:congeries]]
[[ml:congeries]]   [[ku:congeries]]
[[my:congeries]]   [[mg:congeries]]
[[pl:congeries]]   [[ml:congeries]]
[[te:congeries]]   [[my:congeries]]
[[chr:congeries]]  [[pl:congeries]]
[[vi:congeries]]   [[te:congeries]]
[[zh:congeries]]   [[chr:congeries]]

bombycinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:bombycinus]]  [[fr:bombycinus]]

excusate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:excusate]]   [[es:excusate]]
[[mg:excusate]]   [[fr:excusate]]
[[chr:excusate]]  [[mg:excusate]]

laevus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:laevus]]     [[fr:laevus]]
[[ru:laevus]]     [[ko:laevus]]

σχέδιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:σχέδιος]]    [[el:σχέδιος]]
[[fr:σχέδιος]]    [[fr:σχέδιος]]

ἐσωτερικός: No change.


Θόας: No change.


distractum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|distractum}}                      {{la-part-form|distractum}}
# {{inflection of|distractus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|distractus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|distractus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|distractus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|distractus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|distractus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|distractus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|distractus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:distractum]]                                ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

conspergo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sacrata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|sacrāta}}                       {{la-part-form|sacrāta}}
# {{inflection of|sacrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|sacrātā}}                       {{la-part-form|sacrātā}}
# {{inflection of|sacrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacrātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:sacrata]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

gravium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|gravium}}                      {{la-adj-form|gravium}}
# {{inflection of|gravis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gravis||gen|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gravis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gravis||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gravis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gravis||gen|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:gravium]]                               ===References===
[[ja:gravium]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

berus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====   ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|bēr}}  {{la-decl-1&2|bēr}}
[[br:berus]]         ===References===
[[fr:berus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[li:berus]]         [[br:berus]]
[[mg:berus]]         [[fr:berus]]
[[zh:berus]]         [[id:berus]]

resectus: No change.


judicato: No change.


lanceola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:lanceola]]   [[fr:lanceola]]
[[ru:lanceola]]   [[pl:lanceola]]

fasciatim: No change.


auricularis: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                  ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|auricular}}, {{l|en|auricularia}}  * English: {{l|en|auricular}}, {{l|en|auricularia}}
* French: {{l|fr|oreiller}}                          * French: {{l|fr|oreiller}}
[[vi:auricularis]]                                   ===References===
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

commixtus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

amolior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:amolior]]                     [[fr:amolior]]
[[ru:amolior]]                     [[ko:amolior]]

praeiaceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

actuaris: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|āctuāris}}                              {{la-verb-form|āctuāris}}
# {{inflection of|āctuō||2|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āctuō||2|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[fr:actuaris]]                                        ===References===
[[ku:actuaris]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[nl:actuaris]]                                        [[fr:actuaris]]

raro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

mirandus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

injuste: No change.


eburarius: No change.


ἐγγύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)ggu/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)ggu/s}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}    * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}     * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                     * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:ἐγγύς]]         [[el:ἐγγύς]]
[[lt:ἐγγύς]]         [[fr:ἐγγύς]]
[[mg:ἐγγύς]]         [[lt:ἐγγύς]]
[[pl:ἐγγύς]]         [[mg:ἐγγύς]]

Ἠλί: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:Strong's|G|2242}}                 * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Strong's|G|2242}}
* [[:w:LXX|LXX]]                        * [[:w:LXX|LXX]]
* [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]  * [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]

obversor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

ἥκω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|h(/kw}}   * {{R:LSJ|h(/kw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[ru:ἥκω]]          [[lt:ἥκω]]

occidio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
{{R:L&S|occīdĭo}}   {{R:L&S|occīdĭo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}

aenitologium: No change.


delecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:delecto]]    [[ca:delecto]]
[[ko:delecto]]    [[fr:delecto]]
[[la:delecto]]    [[ko:delecto]]
[[pl:delecto]]    [[la:delecto]]
[[pt:delecto]]    [[pl:delecto]]
[[ru:delecto]]    [[pt:delecto]]

cogitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:cogitatio]]   [[de:cogitatio]]
[[fr:cogitatio]]   [[el:cogitatio]]
[[ko:cogitatio]]   [[fr:cogitatio]]
[[mg:cogitatio]]   [[ko:cogitatio]]
[[nl:cogitatio]]   [[mg:cogitatio]]
[[ja:cogitatio]]   [[nl:cogitatio]]
[[pl:cogitatio]]   [[ja:cogitatio]]
[[pt:cogitatio]]   [[pl:cogitatio]]
[[ru:cogitatio]]   [[pt:cogitatio]]
[[chr:cogitatio]]  [[ru:cogitatio]]

interdiu: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:interdiu]]   [[ja:interdiu]]

commissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:commissus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:commissus]]  [[ca:commissus]]
[[fi:commissus]]  [[el:commissus]]

largiloquus: No change.


epistolae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|epistolae}}                   {{la-noun-form|epistolae}}
# {{inflection of|epistola||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|epistola||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|epistola||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|epistola||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|epistola||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|epistola||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|epistola||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|epistola||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:epistolae]]                             ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

xysticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

perduco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:perduco]]    [[el:perduco]]
[[ko:perduco]]    [[fr:perduco]]
[[it:perduco]]    [[ko:perduco]]
[[mg:perduco]]    [[it:perduco]]

Τριτογενής: No change.


quantus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:Century 1911|quantity}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:quantus]]                 * {{R:Century 1911|quantity}}
[[la:quantus]]                 [[fr:quantus]]
[[hu:quantus]]                 [[ko:quantus]]
[[pl:quantus]]                 [[la:quantus]]
[[pt:quantus]]                 [[hu:quantus]]
[[ru:quantus]]                 [[pl:quantus]]

ferula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[co:ferula]]                  [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[eo:ferula]]                  [[co:ferula]]
[[fr:ferula]]                  [[de:ferula]]
[[io:ferula]]                  [[eo:ferula]]
[[it:ferula]]                  [[fr:ferula]]
[[ku:ferula]]                  [[io:ferula]]
[[mg:ferula]]                  [[it:ferula]]
[[my:ferula]]                  [[ku:ferula]]
[[pl:ferula]]                  [[mg:ferula]]
[[scn:ferula]]                 [[my:ferula]]
[[sh:ferula]]                  [[pl:ferula]]
[[ta:ferula]]                  [[scn:ferula]]
[[te:ferula]]                  [[sh:ferula]]
[[vi:ferula]]                  [[ta:ferula]]
[[zh:ferula]]                  [[te:ferula]]

circumago: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:circumago]]  [[fr:circumago]]

poenio: No change.


strictura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ro:strictura]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dividus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S|dīvĭdus}}              * {{R:L&S|dīvĭdus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|dīvĭdus|p=549/2}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:OLD|1|dīuidus|564/1}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|dīvĭdus|p=549/2}}
                                 * {{R:OLD|1|dīuidus|564/1}}
[[el:dividus]]                   [[de:dividus]]
[[fr:dividus]]                   [[el:dividus]]
[[mg:dividus]]                   [[fr:dividus]]
[[ja:dividus]]                   [[mg:dividus]]

radiatio: No change.


voltus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:voltus]]     [[es:voltus]]

denticulatus: No change.


maneo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:maneo]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:maneo]]      [[ca:maneo]]
[[fr:maneo]]      [[el:maneo]]
[[ko:maneo]]      [[es:maneo]]
[[hr:maneo]]      [[fr:maneo]]
[[la:maneo]]      [[ko:maneo]]
[[mg:maneo]]      [[hr:maneo]]
[[fj:maneo]]      [[la:maneo]]
[[no:maneo]]      [[mg:maneo]]
[[pl:maneo]]      [[fj:maneo]]
[[pt:maneo]]      [[no:maneo]]
[[ru:maneo]]      [[pl:maneo]]
[[fi:maneo]]      [[pt:maneo]]
[[chr:maneo]]     [[ru:maneo]]

cunei: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cuneī}}                     {{la-noun-form|cuneī}}
# {{inflection of|cuneus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cuneus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cuneus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cuneus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cuneus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cuneus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:cunei]]                               ===References===
[[fr:cunei]]                               * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[it:cunei]]                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

concitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|concit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|concit}}
[[fr:concitus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

morsico: No change.


committo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[el:committo]]   [[ca:committo]]
[[es:committo]]   [[el:committo]]
[[fr:committo]]   [[es:committo]]
[[ko:committo]]   [[fr:committo]]
[[la:committo]]   [[ko:committo]]
[[lt:committo]]   [[la:committo]]
[[mg:committo]]   [[lt:committo]]
[[fj:committo]]   [[mg:committo]]
[[pl:committo]]   [[fj:committo]]
[[ru:committo]]   [[pl:committo]]
[[fi:committo]]   [[ru:committo]]
[[chr:committo]]  [[fi:committo]]

Κάνναι: No change.


mas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

danisticus: No change.


Ἡρόδοτος: No change.


quotidiana: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quotīdiāna}}                        {{la-adj-form|quotīdiāna}}
# {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|quotīdiānā}}                        {{la-adj-form|quotīdiānā}}
# {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotīdiānus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:quotidiana]]                                 ===References===
[[it:quotidiana]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

virgetum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tranato: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

busta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|būsta}}                     {{la-noun-form|būsta}}
# {{inflection of|būstum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|būstum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|būstum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|būstum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|būstum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|būstum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[az:busta]]                               ===References===
[[cs:busta]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:busta]]                               [[az:busta]]
[[fr:busta]]                               [[cs:busta]]
[[ko:busta]]                               [[de:busta]]
[[hy:busta]]                               [[el:busta]]
[[io:busta]]                               [[fr:busta]]
[[it:busta]]                               [[ko:busta]]
[[lo:busta]]                               [[hy:busta]]
[[lt:busta]]                               [[io:busta]]
[[hu:busta]]                               [[it:busta]]
[[mg:busta]]                               [[lo:busta]]
[[fj:busta]]                               [[lt:busta]]
[[pl:busta]]                               [[hu:busta]]
[[ro:busta]]                               [[mg:busta]]
[[scn:busta]]                              [[fj:busta]]
[[sh:busta]]                               [[pl:busta]]
[[tl:busta]]                               [[ro:busta]]
[[chr:busta]]                              [[scn:busta]]
[[tr:busta]]                               [[sh:busta]]
[[zh:busta]]                               [[tl:busta]]

yfir: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Faroese: {{l|fo|yvir}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|yvir}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|yfir}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|yfir}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|över}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|över}}
----                        ===References===
                            * {{R:Zoega}}

destitutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:destitutio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:destitutio]]  [[mg:destitutio]]
[[zh:destitutio]]  [[pl:destitutio]]

baptista: No change.


Κλεομένης: No change.


gaudia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gaudia}}                     {{la-noun-form|gaudia}}
# {{inflection of|gaudium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gaudium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gaudium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gaudium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gaudium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gaudium||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:gaudia]]                               ===References===
[[fr:gaudia]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

minyades: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|minyadēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|minyadēs}}
# {{inflection of|minyas||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minyas||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minyas||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minyas||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minyas||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minyas||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:Peck}}

Ποστούμιος: No change.


obtenebresco: No change.


racemarius: No change.


sollicitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:sollicitatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:sollicitatio]]  [[fr:sollicitatio]]

perior: No change.


consaluto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:consaluto]]  [[ko:consaluto]]

susurro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

tanos: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:Stillwell}}

iudaica: LATIN: References added.

====Adjective====                              ====Adjective====
{{la-adj-form|iūdaicā}}                        {{la-adj-form|iūdaicā}}
# {{inflection of|iūdaicus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūdaicus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

peremptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

delatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dēlāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dēlāt}}
[[es:delatus]]         ===References===
[[fr:delatus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

clupea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:clupea]]     * {{R:Stillwell}}
[[mg:clupea]]     [[cs:clupea]]
[[ta:clupea]]     [[fr:clupea]]

eiero: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                  ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|eier|eierāv|eierāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|eier|eierāv|eierāt}}
                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

suspensio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:suspensio]]  [[mg:suspensio]]
[[fi:suspensio]]  [[ru:suspensio]]
[[sv:suspensio]]  [[fi:suspensio]]

martianus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|martiān}}  {{la-decl-1&2|martiān}}
                         * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

abigeator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[it:abigeator]]  [[fr:abigeator]]
[[mg:abigeator]]  [[it:abigeator]]

incommensurabilitas: No change.


aviarius: No change.


Tripolis: No change.


apud: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:NLW}}

ferrugineus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ferrugineus]]  [[de:ferrugineus]]
[[hr:ferrugineus]]  [[fr:ferrugineus]]
[[mg:ferrugineus]]  [[hr:ferrugineus]]

conspargo: No change.


inspecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

immisericors: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

excubia: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|excubi}}  {{la-decl-1st|excubi}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

mammothreptus: No change.


pylae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pylae]]      * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[chr:pylae]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

oleaster: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:oleaster]]   [[ar:oleaster]]
[[fr:oleaster]]   [[de:oleaster]]
[[io:oleaster]]   [[fr:oleaster]]
[[ku:oleaster]]   [[io:oleaster]]
[[ta:oleaster]]   [[ku:oleaster]]
[[vi:oleaster]]   [[ta:oleaster]]
[[zh:oleaster]]   [[vi:oleaster]]

arcatura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ληθαργία: No change.


historice: No change.


impraesentiarum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:impraesentiarum]]      [[Category:Latin adverbs]]

porca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

nixabundus: No change.


versiformis: No change.


sudus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sudus]]                                                                                                               * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
[[pl:sudus]]                                                                                                               [[fr:sudus]]

destina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀμερμουμνῆς: No change.


pinsor: No change.


unio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
----              <references/>

liticen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S|lĭtĭcen}}              * {{R:L&S|lĭtĭcen}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|lĭtĭcĕn|p=916/1}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|liticen|1,036/1}}    * {{R:Gaffiot|lĭtĭcĕn|p=916/1}}
                                 * {{R:OLD|1|liticen|1,036/1}}

introitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:introitus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:introitus]]   [[de:introitus]]
[[io:introitus]]   [[es:introitus]]
[[hu:introitus]]   [[fr:introitus]]
[[mg:introitus]]   [[io:introitus]]
[[pl:introitus]]   [[hu:introitus]]
[[fi:introitus]]   [[mg:introitus]]
[[sv:introitus]]   [[pl:introitus]]
[[ta:introitus]]   [[fi:introitus]]
[[chr:introitus]]  [[sv:introitus]]

pina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Lebedus: No change.


caballum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|caballum}}                    {{la-noun-form|caballum}}
# {{inflection of|caballus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|caballus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:caballum]]                              ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

publico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Ἐγκέλαδος: No change.


sordes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:sordes]]     [[da:sordes]]
[[mg:sordes]]     [[fr:sordes]]
[[ta:sordes]]     [[mg:sordes]]
[[te:sordes]]     [[ta:sordes]]

peltifer: No change.


Dalmatae: No change.


κίνησις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2796}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2796}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:κίνησις]]           [[ca:κίνησις]]
[[ko:κίνησις]]           [[fr:κίνησις]]
[[it:κίνησις]]           [[ko:κίνησις]]
[[mg:κίνησις]]           [[it:κίνησις]]
[[ja:κίνησις]]           [[mg:κίνησις]]
[[pl:κίνησις]]           [[ja:κίνησις]]

bubile: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sopor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

encomium: No change.


plaustrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:plaustrum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:plaustrum]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:plaustrum]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

deustus: No change.


δύο: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1417}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1417}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

acclamo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:acclamo]]    [[es:acclamo]]
[[ko:acclamo]]    [[fr:acclamo]]
[[it:acclamo]]    [[ko:acclamo]]
[[ru:acclamo]]    [[it:acclamo]]

borium: LATIN: References added.

====Synonyms====                   ====Synonyms====
* [[boracium]]                     * [[boracium]]
[[Category:la:Chemical elements]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[eu:borium]]                      [[Category:la:Chemical elements]]
[[la:borium]]                      [[ca:borium]]
[[lt:borium]]                      [[eu:borium]]
[[hu:borium]]                      [[gl:borium]]
[[mg:borium]]                      [[la:borium]]
[[nl:borium]]                      [[lt:borium]]
[[ja:borium]]                      [[hu:borium]]
[[pl:borium]]                      [[mg:borium]]
[[pt:borium]]                      [[nl:borium]]
[[ro:borium]]                      [[ja:borium]]
[[sv:borium]]                      [[pl:borium]]

ἥρως: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:ἥρως]]         [[de:ἥρως]]
[[fr:ἥρως]]         [[el:ἥρως]]
[[ko:ἥρως]]         [[fr:ἥρως]]
[[lt:ἥρως]]         [[ko:ἥρως]]
[[pl:ἥρως]]         [[lt:ἥρως]]
[[ru:ἥρως]]         [[pl:ἥρως]]

icio: No change.


medulla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:medulla]]                 [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[cy:medulla]]                 [[ca:medulla]]
[[et:medulla]]                 [[co:medulla]]
[[fr:medulla]]                 [[cy:medulla]]
[[io:medulla]]                 [[et:medulla]]
[[it:medulla]]                 [[fr:medulla]]
[[hu:medulla]]                 [[io:medulla]]
[[mg:medulla]]                 [[it:medulla]]
[[ml:medulla]]                 [[hu:medulla]]
[[pl:medulla]]                 [[mg:medulla]]
[[ru:medulla]]                 [[ml:medulla]]
[[fi:medulla]]                 [[pl:medulla]]
[[ta:medulla]]                 [[ru:medulla]]
[[vi:medulla]]                 [[fi:medulla]]
[[zh:medulla]]                 [[ta:medulla]]

admissor: No change.


sponsalia: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====        ====Related terms====
{{top2}}                     {{top2}}
* [[spondeo|spondeō]]        * [[spondeo|spondeō]]
* [[sponsa|sponsa]]          * [[sponsa|sponsa]]
* [[sponsio|spōnsiō]]        * [[sponsio|spōnsiō]]
{{mid2}}                     {{mid2}}
* [[sponsor#Latin|spōnsor]]  * [[sponsor#Latin|spōnsor]]
* [[sponsum|spōnsum]]        * [[sponsum|spōnsum]]
* [[sponsus|spōnsus]]        * [[sponsus|spōnsus]]
{{bottom}}                   {{bottom}}
[[Category:la:Marriage]]     ===References===
                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:sponsalia]]             * {{R:du Cange}}

archontes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun form|g=m-p|head=archontēs}}  {{head|la|noun form|g=m-p|head=archontēs}}
# {{inflection of|archōn||nom|p|lang=la}}   # {{inflection of|archōn||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|archōn||acc|p|lang=la}}   # {{inflection of|archōn||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|archōn||voc|p|lang=la}}   # {{inflection of|archōn||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:archontes]]                            ===References===
[[ku:archontes]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[my:archontes]]                            [[fr:archontes]]

robiginosus: No change.


textricum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|textrīcum}}                  {{la-noun-form|textrīcum}}
# {{inflection of|textrīx||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|textrīx||gen|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

clusor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

μνημονεύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|mnhmoneu/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|mnhmoneu/w}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
                        * {{R:Strong's}}
[[lt:μνημονεύω]]        [[el:μνημονεύω]]
[[chr:μνημονεύω]]       [[lt:μνημονεύω]]

coniunx: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
* Catalan: [[cònjuge]]     * Catalan: [[cònjuge]]
* Italian: [[coniuge]]     * Italian: [[coniuge]]
* Portuguese: [[cônjuge]]  * Portuguese: [[cônjuge]]
* Spanish: [[cónyuge]]     * Spanish: [[cónyuge]]
[[el:coniunx]]             ===References===
[[es:coniunx]]             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fj:coniunx]]             [[el:coniunx]]
[[pl:coniunx]]             [[es:coniunx]]
[[fi:coniunx]]             [[mg:coniunx]]

depasco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:depasco]]    [[fr:depasco]]
[[ru:depasco]]    [[ko:depasco]]

Κωρυκίς: No change.


odium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}               * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:en:Emotions]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:odium]]              [[Category:en:Emotions]]
[[es:odium]]              [[cs:odium]]
[[eo:odium]]              [[et:odium]]
[[fr:odium]]              [[es:odium]]
[[ko:odium]]              [[eo:odium]]
[[hy:odium]]              [[fr:odium]]
[[io:odium]]              [[ko:odium]]
[[kn:odium]]              [[hy:odium]]
[[ku:odium]]              [[io:odium]]
[[lt:odium]]              [[kn:odium]]
[[hu:odium]]              [[ku:odium]]
[[mg:odium]]              [[lt:odium]]
[[ml:odium]]              [[hu:odium]]
[[my:odium]]              [[mg:odium]]
[[ja:odium]]              [[ml:odium]]
[[pl:odium]]              [[my:odium]]
[[ru:odium]]              [[ja:odium]]
[[sh:odium]]              [[pl:odium]]
[[fi:odium]]              [[ru:odium]]
[[te:odium]]              [[sh:odium]]
[[chr:odium]]             [[fi:odium]]
[[vi:odium]]              [[te:odium]]
[[zh:odium]]              [[chr:odium]]

cuspis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:cuspis]]     [[fr:cuspis]]
[[mg:cuspis]]     [[la:cuspis]]
[[fi:cuspis]]     [[mg:cuspis]]

ervilia: No change.


atanuvium: No change.


scias: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sciās}}                                {{la-verb-form|sciās}}
# {{inflection of|sciō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sciō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[ca:scias]]                                          ===References===
[[de:scias]]                                          * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[el:scias]]                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:scias]]                                          [[ca:scias]]
[[nl:scias]]                                          [[de:scias]]
[[pt:scias]]                                          [[el:scias]]

ἄρχω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|757}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Slater}}
<references/>           * {{R:Strong's|G|757}}
[[fr:ἄρχω]]             [[el:ἄρχω]]
[[lt:ἄρχω]]             [[fr:ἄρχω]]
[[mg:ἄρχω]]             [[lt:ἄρχω]]
[[pt:ἄρχω]]             [[mg:ἄρχω]]

laetatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|laetāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|laetāt}}
[[es:laetatus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

alto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Διαγόρας: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1008}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|1008}}
[[el:Διαγόρας]]         [[el:Διαγόρας]]

beneplacentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|benēplacentia}}                    {{la-part-form|benēplacentia}}
# {{inflection of|benēplacēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|benēplacēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|benēplacēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|benēplacēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|benēplacēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|benēplacēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

stratos: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|strātōs}}                      {{la-part-form|strātōs}}
# {{inflection of|strātus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|strātus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:stratos]]                                ===References===
[[fr:stratos]]                                * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

brevia: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|breviā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|breviā}}
# {{inflection of|breviō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|breviō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[cs:brevia]]                                           ===References===
[[fr:brevia]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[la:brevia]]                                           [[cs:brevia]]
[[mg:brevia]]                                           [[fr:brevia]]
[[ru:brevia]]                                           [[it:brevia]]

Οὐαλερία: No change.


vivifico: No change.


dulcesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin defective verbs]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin defective verbs]]

arroganter: No change.


crismon: LATIN: Normalised entry. References added.

===References===          ===References===
<references/>             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin nouns]]  <references/>
                          [[Category:Latin nouns]]

transalpinus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|trānsalpīn}}  {{la-decl-1&2|trānsalpīn}}
[[de:transalpinus]]         ===References===
[[fr:transalpinus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

latum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|lātum}}                       {{la-adj-form|lātum}}
# {{inflection of|lātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:latum]]                                ===References===
[[cs:latum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:latum]]                                [[ca:latum]]
[[fr:latum]]                                [[cs:latum]]
[[ru:latum]]                                [[de:latum]]
[[zh:latum]]                                [[es:latum]]

scalpellum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:scalpellum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[id:scalpellum]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:scalpellum]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

spolio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:spolio]]     [[el:spolio]]
[[ko:spolio]]     [[fr:spolio]]
[[io:spolio]]     [[ko:spolio]]
[[mg:spolio]]     [[io:spolio]]
[[ru:spolio]]     [[mg:spolio]]

cichorium: No change.


residuum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|residuum}}                       {{la-adj-form|residuum}}
# {{inflection of|residuus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|residuus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|residuus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|residuus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|residuus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|residuus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|residuus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|residuus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[da:residuum]]                                ===References===
[[hy:residuum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ka:residuum]]                                [[da:residuum]]
[[ku:residuum]]                                [[hy:residuum]]
[[hu:residuum]]                                [[io:residuum]]
[[ml:residuum]]                                [[ka:residuum]]
[[pl:residuum]]                                [[ku:residuum]]
[[ru:residuum]]                                [[hu:residuum]]
[[sh:residuum]]                                [[ml:residuum]]
[[ta:residuum]]                                [[pl:residuum]]
[[te:residuum]]                                [[ru:residuum]]
[[chr:residuum]]                               [[sh:residuum]]
[[vi:residuum]]                                [[ta:residuum]]
[[zh:residuum]]                                [[te:residuum]]

trine: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|trīne}}                        {{la-adj-form|trīne}}
# {{inflection of|trīnus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trīnus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

biennis: No change.


tenus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                              ===References===
* {{R:L&S|tĕnus<sup>1</sup>|tenus1}}          * {{R:L&S|tĕnus<sup>1</sup>|tenus1}}
* {{R:L&S|tĕnus<sup>2</sup>|tenus2}}          * {{R:L&S|tĕnus<sup>2</sup>|tenus2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|1 tĕnŭs}}                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|2 tĕnus}}                       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                   * {{R:Gaffiot|1 tĕnŭs}}
* {{R:OLD|2|tenus<sup>1</sup> ~oris|2120/2}}  * {{R:Gaffiot|2 tĕnus}}
* {{R:OLD|2|tenus<sup>2</sup>|2120/2-3}}      * {{R:M&A}}
* {{R:Stelten|267/2}}                         * {{R:OLD|2|tenus<sup>1</sup> ~oris|2120/2}}
<references/>                                 * {{R:OLD|2|tenus<sup>2</sup>|2120/2-3}}
                                              * {{R:Stelten|267/2}}
[[ca:tenus]]                                  <references/>
[[el:tenus]]                                  [[ca:tenus]]
[[es:tenus]]                                  [[de:tenus]]
[[fr:tenus]]                                  [[el:tenus]]
[[mg:tenus]]                                  [[es:tenus]]
[[pt:tenus]]                                  [[fr:tenus]]
[[ru:tenus]]                                  [[mg:tenus]]
[[sv:tenus]]                                  [[pt:tenus]]

κλέπτω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2813}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes}}       * {{R:Strong's|G|2813}}
                         * {{R:grc:Beekes}}
[[el:κλέπτω]]            [[cs:κλέπτω]]
[[fr:κλέπτω]]            [[el:κλέπτω]]
[[ko:κλέπτω]]            [[fr:κλέπτω]]
[[it:κλέπτω]]            [[ko:κλέπτω]]
[[lt:κλέπτω]]            [[it:κλέπτω]]
[[hu:κλέπτω]]            [[lt:κλέπτω]]
[[mg:κλέπτω]]            [[hu:κλέπτω]]
[[ru:κλέπτω]]            [[mg:κλέπτω]]

ἔβενος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:DGE}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{R:xcl:HAB|եբենոս}}  * {{grc-Beekes}}
                        * {{R:xcl:HAB|եբենոս}}
[[ku:ἔβενος]]           [[ko:ἔβενος]]

hospitaliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

subsisto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

vasculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:vasculum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:vasculum]]   [[de:vasculum]]
[[ku:vasculum]]   [[fa:vasculum]]
[[mg:vasculum]]   [[fr:vasculum]]
[[pt:vasculum]]   [[ku:vasculum]]
[[ru:vasculum]]   [[mg:vasculum]]
[[ta:vasculum]]   [[pt:vasculum]]
[[vi:vasculum]]   [[ru:vasculum]]
[[zh:vasculum]]   [[ta:vasculum]]

reboo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:reboo]]      [[ko:reboo]]

cessero: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cesserō}}                                   {{la-verb-form|cesserō}}
# {{inflection of|cēdō||1|s|futr|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cēdō||1|s|futr|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:cessero]]                                             ===References===
                                                           * {{R:Stillwell}}

gryllus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Insects]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[es:gryllus]]           [[Category:la:Insects]]
[[la:gryllus]]           [[es:gryllus]]
[[hu:gryllus]]           [[fr:gryllus]]
[[mg:gryllus]]           [[la:gryllus]]
[[ro:gryllus]]           [[hu:gryllus]]
[[fi:gryllus]]           [[mg:gryllus]]
[[chr:gryllus]]          [[ro:gryllus]]

nominative: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|nōminātīve}}                        {{la-adj-form|nōminātīve}}
# {{inflection of|nōminātīvus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nōminātīvus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
----                                              ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

dissidentia: No change.


πείθω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3982}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3982}}
[[el:πείθω]]             [[cs:πείθω]]
[[fr:πείθω]]             [[el:πείθω]]
[[ko:πείθω]]             [[fr:πείθω]]
[[it:πείθω]]             [[ko:πείθω]]
[[mg:πείθω]]             [[it:πείθω]]
[[pl:πείθω]]             [[mg:πείθω]]
[[pt:πείθω]]             [[pl:πείθω]]
[[chr:πείθω]]            [[pt:πείθω]]

reductio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:reductio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:reductio]]   [[es:reductio]]
[[ru:reductio]]   [[fr:reductio]]

introlatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|intrōlāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|intrōlāt}}
[[es:introlatus]]         ===References===
[[fr:introlatus]]         * {{R:L&S}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

αἴθυια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

γαλεός: No change.


roseum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|roseum}}                       {{la-adj-form|roseum}}
# {{inflection of|roseus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|roseus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|roseus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|roseus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|roseus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|roseus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|roseus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|roseus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:roseum]]                                ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

adrepo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                   ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|adrēp|adrēps|adrēpt}}  {{la-conj-3rd|adrēp|adrēps|adrēpt}}
                                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

pontifex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                 * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|480}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:Peck}}
----                        * {{R:NLW}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                            * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|480}}

confidenter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:confidenter]]  [[fr:confidenter]]
[[mg:confidenter]]  [[ko:confidenter]]

peragratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:peragratio]]  [[fr:peragratio]]
[[ru:peragratio]]  [[mg:peragratio]]

aquatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|aquātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|aquātūra}}
# {{inflection of|aquātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aquātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|aquātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|aquātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|aquātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

evoco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

demigro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:demigro]]    [[ko:demigro]]

aestui: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|aestuī}}                    {{la-noun-form|aestuī}}
# {{inflection of|aestus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aestus||dat|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:aestui]]                              ===References===
                                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

inclamo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:inclamo]]    [[el:inclamo]]
[[ko:inclamo]]    [[fr:inclamo]]
[[mg:inclamo]]    [[ko:inclamo]]
[[ru:inclamo]]    [[mg:inclamo]]

concinentia: No change.


signarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

perturbator: No change.


indolesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:indolesco]]  [[fr:indolesco]]

bajulum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|bājulum}}                    {{la-noun-form|bājulum}}
# {{inflection of|bājulus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bājulus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

advenae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|advenae}}                   {{la-noun-form|advenae}}
# {{inflection of|advena||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|advena||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|advena||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|advena||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|advena||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|advena||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|advena||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|advena||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:advenae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:advenae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

buccea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:buccea]]     [[fr:buccea]]

Νέπως: No change.


effrenatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:effrenatus]]  [[cs:effrenatus]]

vilicatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|vīlicāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|vīlicāt}}
[[fr:vilicatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:L&S}}

extinguo: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                   ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                              {{top2}}
* Aromanian: {{l|rup|astingu}}, {{l|rup|astindziri}}  * Aromanian: {{l|rup|astingu}}, {{l|rup|astindziri}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|extingir}}                          * Catalan: {{l|ca|extingir}}
* English: {{l|en|extinct}}, {{l|en|extinguish}}      * English: {{l|en|extinct}}, {{l|en|extinguish}}
* French: {{l|fr|éteindre}}                           * French: {{l|fr|éteindre}}
* Italian: {{l|it|estinguere}}, {{l|it|stinguere}}    * Italian: {{l|it|estinguere}}, {{l|it|stinguere}}
{{mid2}}                                              {{mid2}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|esténher}}, {{l|oc|esténger}}       * Occitan: {{l|oc|esténher}}, {{l|oc|esténger}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|estaindre}}                     * Old French: {{l|fro|estaindre}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|extinguir}}                      * Portuguese: {{l|pt|extinguir}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|stinge}}, {{l|ro|stingere}}        * Romanian: {{l|ro|stinge}}, {{l|ro|stingere}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|extinguir}}                         * Spanish: {{l|es|extinguir}}
{{bottom}}                                            {{bottom}}
[[ko:extinguo]]                                       ===References===
                                                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

morior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
[[Category:la:Death]]              [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[fr:morior]]                      [[es:morior]]
[[ko:morior]]                      [[fr:morior]]
[[it:morior]]                      [[ko:morior]]
[[la:morior]]                      [[it:morior]]
[[lt:morior]]                      [[la:morior]]
[[mg:morior]]                      [[lt:morior]]
[[fj:morior]]                      [[mg:morior]]
[[ja:morior]]                      [[fj:morior]]
[[pl:morior]]                      [[ja:morior]]
[[pt:morior]]                      [[pl:morior]]
[[ru:morior]]                      [[pt:morior]]
[[fi:morior]]                      [[ru:morior]]
[[chr:morior]]                     [[fi:morior]]
[[tr:morior]]                      [[chr:morior]]
[[zh:morior]]                      [[tr:morior]]

intrinsecus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:intrinsecus]]  [[de:intrinsecus]]
[[mg:intrinsecus]]  [[fr:intrinsecus]]

caecitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[kn:caecitas]]   [[fr:caecitas]]
[[pl:caecitas]]   [[kn:caecitas]]
[[fi:caecitas]]   [[pl:caecitas]]
[[ta:caecitas]]   [[fi:caecitas]]

aequalitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:aequalitas]]  [[es:aequalitas]]
[[mg:aequalitas]]  [[fr:aequalitas]]

lepide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin adjective forms]]  
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]          [[Category:Latin adjective forms]]
                                    [[Category:Latin adverbs]]

myrrha: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

monitum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:monitum]]    [[es:monitum]]
[[li:monitum]]    [[fr:monitum]]
[[ru:monitum]]    [[li:monitum]]

flaccidus: No change.


vos: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

ἐπέχω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[lt:ἐπέχω]]        [[fr:ἐπέχω]]

pascualis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

junctura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|jūnctūra}}                       {{la-part-form|jūnctūra}}
# {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|jūnctūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|jūnctūrā}}
# {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|jūnctūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:junctura]]                                 ===References===
[[mg:junctura]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}

ampliatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:ampliatio]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:ampliatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

pudibundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:pudibundus]]  [[fr:pudibundus]]

clueo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:clueo]]      [[fr:clueo]]

consequenter: No change.


audientia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:audientia]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:audientia]]   [[cs:audientia]]
[[pl:audientia]]   [[fr:audientia]]
[[ru:audientia]]   [[mg:audientia]]
[[chr:audientia]]  [[pl:audientia]]

pactiuncula: No change.


confisus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:confisus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obligo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

stomachose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|stomachose}}                        {{la-adj-form|stomachose}}
# {{inflection of|stomachosus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|stomachosus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
                                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

pacisci: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|paciscī}}                             {{la-verb-form|paciscī}}
# {{inflection of|paciscor||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paciscor||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}
[[ca:pacisci]]                                       ===References===
[[es:pacisci]]                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

horreum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ast:horreum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:horreum]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:horreum]]    * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[es:horreum]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[it:horreum]]    [[ast:horreum]]
[[mg:horreum]]    [[ca:horreum]]
[[pl:horreum]]    [[el:horreum]]
[[ru:horreum]]    [[es:horreum]]

conturbatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vitulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[roa-rup:vitulus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:vitulus]]       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[hu:vitulus]]       [[roa-rup:vitulus]]
[[mg:vitulus]]       [[es:vitulus]]
[[ja:vitulus]]       [[fr:vitulus]]
[[ru:vitulus]]       [[hu:vitulus]]
[[chr:vitulus]]      [[mg:vitulus]]

ensifer: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S|ensĭfer}}                                                                                                                          * {{R:L&S|ensĭfer}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|ensĭfĕr (-ger)|p=590/3}}                                                                                                       * {{R:du Cange|ENSIFERI}}
* M. Annaeus Lucanus (1835) ''Pharsalia'' (poem).[]  * {{R:Gaffiot|ensĭfĕr (-ger)|p=590/3}}
* {{R:du Cange|ENSIFERI}}                                                                                                                    * M. Annaeus Lucanus (1835) ''Pharsalia'' (poem).[]
* {{R:OLD|1|ensifer|609/2}}                                                                                                                  * {{R:OLD|1|ensifer|609/2}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|ensifer|375/1}}                                                                                                              * {{R:Niermeyer|ensifer|375/1}}
* ''Glossary of Latin Words'', Bible History Online. (File retrieved 10-19-07)[]              * ''Glossary of Latin Words'', Bible History Online. (File retrieved 10-19-07)[]
[[it:ensifer]]                                                                                                                               [[it:ensifer]]
[[mg:ensifer]]                                                                                                                               [[mg:ensifer]]
[[fi:ensifer]]                                                                                                                               [[fi:ensifer]]

zothecula: No change.


arcto: No change.


capulum: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                             ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|cable}}                       * English: {{l|en|cable}}
* French: {{l|fr|câble}}                        * French: {{l|fr|câble}}
* Italian: {{l|it|cappio}}                      * Italian: {{l|it|cappio}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|cabo}}, {{l|pt|cacho}}     * Portuguese: {{l|pt|cabo}}, {{l|pt|cacho}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|cacha}} (through its plural)  * Spanish: {{l|es|cacha}} (through its plural)
[[fr:capulum]]                                  ===References===
[[mg:capulum]]                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

siccatio: No change.


expertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:expertus]]   [[es:expertus]]
[[ko:expertus]]   [[fr:expertus]]

Marcellus: No change.


sectilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:sectilis]]   [[fr:sectilis]]

subvento: No change.


singillatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Παυσανίας: No change.


gnosco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:gnosco]]     [[es:gnosco]]
[[ja:gnosco]]     [[ko:gnosco]]
[[pt:gnosco]]     [[ja:gnosco]]

fero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ca:fero]]       [[ast:fero]]
[[cs:fero]]       [[ca:fero]]
[[de:fero]]       [[cs:fero]]
[[el:fero]]       [[de:fero]]
[[es:fero]]       [[el:fero]]
[[eo:fero]]       [[es:fero]]
[[eu:fero]]       [[eo:fero]]
[[fr:fero]]       [[eu:fero]]
[[gl:fero]]       [[fr:fero]]
[[ko:fero]]       [[gl:fero]]
[[hr:fero]]       [[ko:fero]]
[[io:fero]]       [[hr:fero]]
[[it:fero]]       [[io:fero]]
[[kn:fero]]       [[it:fero]]
[[la:fero]]       [[kn:fero]]
[[lt:fero]]       [[la:fero]]
[[hu:fero]]       [[lt:fero]]
[[mg:fero]]       [[hu:fero]]
[[nl:fero]]       [[mg:fero]]
[[ja:fero]]       [[nl:fero]]
[[oc:fero]]       [[ja:fero]]
[[pl:fero]]       [[oc:fero]]
[[pt:fero]]       [[pl:fero]]
[[ro:fero]]       [[pt:fero]]
[[ru:fero]]       [[ro:fero]]
[[sk:fero]]       [[ru:fero]]
[[fi:fero]]       [[sk:fero]]
[[sv:fero]]       [[fi:fero]]
[[chr:fero]]      [[sv:fero]]
[[tr:fero]]       [[chr:fero]]
[[zh:fero]]       [[tr:fero]]

hortulanus: No change.


Vindicius: No change.


aculeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:L&S|ăcūlĕus}}             * {{R:L&S|ăcūlĕus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|ăcŭlĕus|p=26/3}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|aculeus|31/2}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                                * {{R:Gaffiot|ăcŭlĕus|p=26/3}}
[[fr:aculeus]]                  * {{R:OLD|1|aculeus|31/2}}
[[it:aculeus]]                  [[fr:aculeus]]
[[ku:aculeus]]                  [[id:aculeus]]
[[mg:aculeus]]                  [[it:aculeus]]
[[pt:aculeus]]                  [[ku:aculeus]]
[[ru:aculeus]]                  [[mg:aculeus]]
[[ta:aculeus]]                  [[pt:aculeus]]
[[vi:aculeus]]                  [[ru:aculeus]]

remansio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:remansio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:nanus]]      [[cs:nanus]]
[[fr:nanus]]      [[es:nanus]]
[[ka:nanus]]      [[fr:nanus]]
[[mg:nanus]]      [[ka:nanus]]
[[my:nanus]]      [[mg:nanus]]
[[pl:nanus]]      [[my:nanus]]
[[ru:nanus]]      [[pl:nanus]]
[[fi:nanus]]      [[ru:nanus]]
[[ta:nanus]]      [[fi:nanus]]

insolesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

εὐαί: No change.


Νότιον: No change.


ἔφαγον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                          * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5315}}                 * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Strong's|G|5315}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=II|page=1543}}  * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=II|page=1543}}
[[el:ἔφαγον]]                           [[el:ἔφαγον]]
[[ru:ἔφαγον]]                           [[ru:ἔφαγον]]

adsuetus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|adsuēt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|adsuēt}}
[[fr:adsuetus]]         ===References===
[[mg:adsuetus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Ἄργος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:Autenrieth}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}                 * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}                    * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}         * {{R:Slater}}
                               * {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}
[[fr:Ἄργος]]                   [[el:Ἄργος]]

continens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:continens]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:continens]]  [[da:continens]]
[[lo:continens]]  [[fr:continens]]
[[la:continens]]  [[ko:continens]]
[[lt:continens]]  [[lo:continens]]
[[li:continens]]  [[la:continens]]
[[mg:continens]]  [[lt:continens]]
[[pl:continens]]  [[li:continens]]
[[fi:continens]]  [[mg:continens]]
[[sv:continens]]  [[pl:continens]]

caliphas: No change.


ἐπιφανής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2016}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2016}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:ἐπιφανής]]          [[el:ἐπιφανής]]

semis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

φόβος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5401}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5401}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

λυπέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|lupe/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|lupe/w}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:λυπέω]]        [[el:λυπέω]]
[[lt:λυπέω]]        [[fr:λυπέω]]
[[mg:λυπέω]]        [[lt:λυπέω]]

circumcisus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

purgatorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:purgatorius]]  [[de:purgatorius]]
[[mg:purgatorius]]  [[fr:purgatorius]]

integro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

criniti: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|crīnītī}}                        {{la-adj-form|crīnītī}}
# {{inflection of|crīnītus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crīnītus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crīnītus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crīnītus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crīnītus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crīnītus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crīnītus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crīnītus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

Ὑάκινθος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}
[[pt:Ὑάκινθος]]         [[el:Ὑάκινθος]]

subvectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|subvect}}  {{la-decl-1&2|subvect}}
[[fr:subvectus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

pes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Anatomy]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}
----                     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

melioro: No change.


Κανύσιον: No change.


quindecim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[co:quindecim]]   [[az:quindecim]]
[[da:quindecim]]   [[co:quindecim]]
[[de:quindecim]]   [[da:quindecim]]
[[et:quindecim]]   [[de:quindecim]]
[[es:quindecim]]   [[et:quindecim]]
[[fr:quindecim]]   [[es:quindecim]]
[[ko:quindecim]]   [[fr:quindecim]]
[[is:quindecim]]   [[ko:quindecim]]
[[it:quindecim]]   [[is:quindecim]]
[[la:quindecim]]   [[it:quindecim]]
[[lt:quindecim]]   [[la:quindecim]]
[[hu:quindecim]]   [[lt:quindecim]]
[[nl:quindecim]]   [[hu:quindecim]]
[[pl:quindecim]]   [[nl:quindecim]]
[[pt:quindecim]]   [[pl:quindecim]]
[[ro:quindecim]]   [[pt:quindecim]]
[[ru:quindecim]]   [[ro:quindecim]]
[[sv:quindecim]]   [[ru:quindecim]]
[[th:quindecim]]   [[sv:quindecim]]
[[chr:quindecim]]  [[th:quindecim]]
[[uk:quindecim]]   [[chr:quindecim]]

mensis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
<references />        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:la:Time]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[af:mensis]]         <references />
[[az:mensis]]         [[Category:la:Time]]
[[co:mensis]]         [[af:mensis]]
[[da:mensis]]         [[roa-rup:mensis]]
[[de:mensis]]         [[az:mensis]]
[[el:mensis]]         [[cs:mensis]]
[[es:mensis]]         [[co:mensis]]
[[eu:mensis]]         [[da:mensis]]
[[fr:mensis]]         [[de:mensis]]
[[ko:mensis]]         [[el:mensis]]
[[lo:mensis]]         [[es:mensis]]
[[la:mensis]]         [[eu:mensis]]
[[lt:mensis]]         [[fr:mensis]]
[[hu:mensis]]         [[ko:mensis]]
[[mg:mensis]]         [[lo:mensis]]
[[fj:mensis]]         [[la:mensis]]
[[ja:mensis]]         [[lt:mensis]]
[[pl:mensis]]         [[hu:mensis]]
[[pt:mensis]]         [[mg:mensis]]
[[ru:mensis]]         [[fj:mensis]]
[[sm:mensis]]         [[ja:mensis]]
[[fi:mensis]]         [[pl:mensis]]
[[sv:mensis]]         [[pt:mensis]]
[[chr:mensis]]        [[ru:mensis]]

Vardaei: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====                   ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd|loc=1|num=pl|Vardae}}  {{la-decl-2nd|loc=1|num=pl|Vardae}}
[[Category:la:Tribes]]               ===References===
                                     * {{R:L&S}}

rubefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

reversus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:reversus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

quotum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quotum}}                       {{la-adj-form|quotum}}
# {{inflection of|quotus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quotus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quotus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quotus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quotus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ml:quotum]]                                ===References===
[[nl:quotum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

congrue: No change.


syngraphus: No change.


spineus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:spineus]]    [[pl:spineus]]
[[wa:spineus]]    [[ta:spineus]]

anhelo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

διλήμματος: No change.


Theophrastus: No change.


expergitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|expergit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|expergit}}
                          * {{R:L&S}}

spectio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obtempero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

incommiscibilis: No change.


terebinthus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cymatium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[io:cymatium]]   [[fr:cymatium]]
[[pl:cymatium]]   [[io:cymatium]]
[[ru:cymatium]]   [[pl:cymatium]]
[[zh:cymatium]]   [[ru:cymatium]]

Corinthus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:Corinthus]]        [[cs:Corinthus]]
[[fr:Corinthus]]        [[de:Corinthus]]
[[la:Corinthus]]        [[fr:Corinthus]]
[[pl:Corinthus]]        [[la:Corinthus]]
[[ru:Corinthus]]        [[pl:Corinthus]]
[[sk:Corinthus]]        [[ru:Corinthus]]

erigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:erigo]]      [[fr:erigo]]
[[it:erigo]]      [[ko:erigo]]
[[mg:erigo]]      [[it:erigo]]
[[chr:erigo]]     [[mg:erigo]]

quatuor: No change.


nervum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nervum}}                    {{la-noun-form|nervum}}
# {{inflection of|nervus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nervus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:nervum]]                              ===References===
[[mg:nervum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

splendidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:splendidus]]  [[cs:splendidus]]
[[mg:splendidus]]  [[fr:splendidus]]
[[ja:splendidus]]  [[mg:splendidus]]

τόπος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5117}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5117}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

μετεκίαθον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                    * {{R:LSJ|metakia/qw|w=μετακῑάθω}}
* {{R:LSJ|metakia/qw|w=μετακῑάθω}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}

vicis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=1130}}   * {{R:M&A}}
                                    * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=1130}}
[[Category:Latin nouns]]            
[[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]  [[Category:Latin nouns]]
                                    [[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]
[[cs:vicis]]                        [[ca:vicis]]
[[de:vicis]]                        [[cs:vicis]]
[[fr:vicis]]                        [[de:vicis]]
[[ko:vicis]]                        [[fr:vicis]]
[[la:vicis]]                        [[ko:vicis]]
[[mg:vicis]]                        [[la:vicis]]
[[fi:vicis]]                        [[mg:vicis]]

paegniarius: No change.


intervenio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:intervenio]]  [[fr:intervenio]]
[[pl:intervenio]]  [[ko:intervenio]]
[[ru:intervenio]]  [[pl:intervenio]]

influo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

δωράκινον: No change.


experimentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:experimentum]]   [[fr:experimentum]]
[[ja:experimentum]]   [[mg:experimentum]]
[[ru:experimentum]]   [[ja:experimentum]]
[[chr:experimentum]]  [[ru:experimentum]]

accensa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|accensa}}                       {{la-part-form|accensa}}
# {{inflection of|accensus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accensus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accensus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accensus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accensus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accensus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accensus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accensus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|accensus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accensus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|accensā}}                       {{la-part-form|accensā}}
# {{inflection of|accensus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|accensus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:accensa]]                                 ===References===
[[it:accensa]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

dabar: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                          ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|dabar}}                              {{la-verb-form|dabar}}
# {{inflection of|dō||1|s|impf|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dō||1|s|impf|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                ===References===
                                                    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

apsinthium: No change.


arcanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:arcanus]]    [[de:arcanus]]
[[fr:arcanus]]    [[el:arcanus]]
[[hu:arcanus]]    [[fr:arcanus]]
[[mg:arcanus]]    [[hu:arcanus]]
[[pl:arcanus]]    [[mg:arcanus]]
[[chr:arcanus]]   [[pl:arcanus]]

phthisis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S|phthĭsis}}                * {{R:L&S|phthĭsis}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|phthĭsis|p=1,177/3}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|p(h)thisis|1,376/2}}    * {{R:Gaffiot|phthĭsis|p=1,177/3}}
                                    * {{R:OLD|1|p(h)thisis|1,376/2}}
[[ko:phthisis]]                     [[fr:phthisis]]
[[io:phthisis]]                     [[ko:phthisis]]
[[ku:phthisis]]                     [[io:phthisis]]
[[mg:phthisis]]                     [[ku:phthisis]]
[[my:phthisis]]                     [[mg:phthisis]]
[[pl:phthisis]]                     [[my:phthisis]]
[[pt:phthisis]]                     [[pl:phthisis]]
[[ru:phthisis]]                     [[pt:phthisis]]
[[sv:phthisis]]                     [[ru:phthisis]]
[[ta:phthisis]]                     [[sv:phthisis]]
[[vi:phthisis]]                     [[ta:phthisis]]
[[zh:phthisis]]                     [[vi:phthisis]]

obrepo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vota: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|vōta}}                     {{la-noun-form|vōta}}
# {{inflection of|vōtum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vōtum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vōtum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vōtum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vōtum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vōtum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

expugno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

septuageni: No change.


obsignator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

εὑρετικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|eu(retiko/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|eu(retiko/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                         * {{R:Bailly}}

plico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}                                                                                                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[fr:plico]]                                                                                                             [[ca:plico]]
[[ko:plico]]                                                                                                             [[fr:plico]]
[[it:plico]]                                                                                                             [[ko:plico]]
[[mg:plico]]                                                                                                             [[it:plico]]
[[ja:plico]]                                                                                                             [[mg:plico]]
[[ru:plico]]                                                                                                             [[ja:plico]]
[[fi:plico]]                                                                                                             [[ru:plico]]

garrio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:garrio]]            [[fr:garrio]]
[[mg:garrio]]            [[ko:garrio]]
[[pt:garrio]]            [[mg:garrio]]
[[ru:garrio]]            [[pt:garrio]]

scaevus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[mg:scaevus]]        [[fr:scaevus]]
[[ru:scaevus]]        [[mg:scaevus]]

sidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[af:sidus]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:sidus]]      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:sidus]]      [[af:sidus]]
[[la:sidus]]      [[de:sidus]]
[[mg:sidus]]      [[el:sidus]]
[[fj:sidus]]      [[fr:sidus]]
[[nl:sidus]]      [[la:sidus]]
[[ja:sidus]]      [[mg:sidus]]
[[pl:sidus]]      [[fj:sidus]]
[[ru:sidus]]      [[nl:sidus]]
[[sm:sidus]]      [[ja:sidus]]
[[fi:sidus]]      [[pl:sidus]]
[[sv:sidus]]      [[ru:sidus]]
[[chr:sidus]]     [[sm:sidus]]

ludius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:ludius]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

viatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|viātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|viātūra}}
# {{inflection of|viātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|viātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|viātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|viātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

integralis: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-2E|integral}}  {{la-decl-3rd-2E|integral}}
[[mg:integralis]]            ===References===
                             * {{R:du Cange}}

dissentio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:dissentio]]  [[es:dissentio]]
[[ko:dissentio]]  [[fr:dissentio]]
[[ru:dissentio]]  [[ko:dissentio]]

struppus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:struppus]]   [[fr:struppus]]

εὑρίσκω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2147}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|2147}}
[[el:εὑρίσκω]]           [[cs:εὑρίσκω]]
[[fr:εὑρίσκω]]           [[el:εὑρίσκω]]
[[it:εὑρίσκω]]           [[fr:εὑρίσκω]]
[[lt:εὑρίσκω]]           [[it:εὑρίσκω]]
[[hu:εὑρίσκω]]           [[lt:εὑρίσκω]]
[[mg:εὑρίσκω]]           [[hu:εὑρίσκω]]
[[pl:εὑρίσκω]]           [[mg:εὑρίσκω]]
[[ru:εὑρίσκω]]           [[pl:εὑρίσκω]]
[[sv:εὑρίσκω]]           [[ru:εὑρίσκω]]

commulceo: No change.


discrimino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἄκαρπος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|175}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|175}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}

κοσμογράφος: No change.


perurgeo: No change.


falarica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Spears]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:falarica]]         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

sputo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:sputo]]      [[fr:sputo]]
[[io:sputo]]      [[ko:sputo]]
[[it:sputo]]      [[io:sputo]]
[[hu:sputo]]      [[it:sputo]]
[[mg:sputo]]      [[hu:sputo]]
[[ru:sputo]]      [[mg:sputo]]
[[chr:sputo]]     [[ru:sputo]]
[[zh:sputo]]      [[chr:sputo]]

percalleo: No change.


ambustio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|ambustiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|ambustiō}}
[[mg:ambustio]]           ===References===
[[ru:ambustio]]           * {{R:L&S}}

ἀσπάζομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)spa/zomai}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)spa/zomai}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's}}

albicatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|albicāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|albicāt}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

Οὐάρρων: No change.


Corduba: No change.


framea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Spears]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:framea]]           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Κλειώ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                * {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}
[[Category:grc:Greek deities]]  
                                [[Category:grc:Greek deities]]
[[pl:Κλειώ]]                    [[el:Κλειώ]]
[[ru:Κλειώ]]                    [[pl:Κλειώ]]

ἡλίκος: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                       * {{R:LSJ}}
{{catlangname|grc|relative adjectives|interrogative adjectives}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                                                  * {{R:Strong's}}
[[el:ἡλίκος]]                                                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                  {{catlangname|grc|relative adjectives|interrogative adjectives}}

coco: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cocō}}                     {{la-noun-form|cocō}}
# {{inflection of|cocus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cocus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cocus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cocus||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

saevitudo: No change.


Αἰσχίνης: No change.


pavefacio: No change.


serris: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|serrīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|serrīs}}
# {{inflection of|serra||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|serra||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|serra||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|serra||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[br:serris]]                             ===References===
[[cs:serris]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:serris]]                             [[br:serris]]

abstineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[de:abstineo]]   [[cs:abstineo]]
[[el:abstineo]]   [[de:abstineo]]
[[fr:abstineo]]   [[el:abstineo]]
[[ko:abstineo]]   [[fr:abstineo]]
[[la:abstineo]]   [[ko:abstineo]]
[[mg:abstineo]]   [[la:abstineo]]
[[ru:abstineo]]   [[mg:abstineo]]

figmentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:figmentum]]  [[mg:figmentum]]

ferendum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ferendum}}                      {{la-part-form|ferendum}}
# {{inflection of|ferendus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferendus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferendus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferendus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferendus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferendus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferendus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferendus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

smyrna: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ka:smyrna]]     * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[pl:smyrna]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                  * {{R:Stillwell}}

abligurritio: No change.


torris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:torris]]     [[br:torris]]
[[fr:torris]]     [[ca:torris]]
[[lo:torris]]     [[fr:torris]]
[[mg:torris]]     [[lo:torris]]
[[sv:torris]]     [[mg:torris]]

Λυκομήδης: No change.


recido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:recido]]     [[el:recido]]
[[ko:recido]]     [[fr:recido]]
[[it:recido]]     [[ko:recido]]
[[mg:recido]]     [[it:recido]]

beer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|beer}}                                {{la-verb-form|beer}}
# {{inflection of|beō||1|s|pres|pasv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|beō||1|s|pres|pasv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:Peck}}
                                                     * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

skola: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                    ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|skylle}}                              * Danish: {{l|da|skylle}}
* English: {{l|en|scullery}} {{qualifier|influenced}}  * English: {{l|en|scullery}} {{qualifier|influenced}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|skola}}                              * Faroese: {{l|fo|skola}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|skola}}                            * Icelandic: {{l|is|skola}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|skylle}}                           * Norwegian: {{l|no|skylle}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|skölja}}                             * Swedish: {{l|sv|skölja}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:Zoega}}

menstruus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:menstruus]]  [[de:menstruus]]
[[hr:menstruus]]  [[fr:menstruus]]
[[pt:menstruus]]  [[hr:menstruus]]

incredendus: No change.


relabor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:relabor]]    [[fr:relabor]]
[[mg:relabor]]    [[ko:relabor]]

vallium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|vallium}}                   {{la-noun-form|vallium}}
# {{inflection of|vallis||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vallis||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:vallium]]                             ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

reporrigo: No change.


volnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

τού: No change.


fundito: No change.


methodicus: No change.


dasea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}

praemonitum: No change.


stimulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

κέλλω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[mg:κέλλω]]        [[fr:κέλλω]]

duritia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:duritia]]    [[cs:duritia]]
[[mg:duritia]]    [[fr:duritia]]

consolidatio: No change.


Αὐσονία: No change.


tricesimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin numerals]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:tricesimus]]            [[Category:Latin numerals]]
[[pl:tricesimus]]            [[ko:tricesimus]]
[[ru:tricesimus]]            [[nl:tricesimus]]
[[chr:tricesimus]]           [[pl:tricesimus]]

perfacete: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

subsimus: No change.


vexator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

χρηστός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
<references/>      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:χρηστός]]     [[el:χρηστός]]
[[lt:χρηστός]]     [[fr:χρηστός]]
[[mg:χρηστός]]     [[lt:χρηστός]]
[[pl:χρηστός]]     [[mg:χρηστός]]

asellae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|asellae}}                   {{la-noun-form|asellae}}
# {{inflection of|asella||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|asella||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|asella||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|asella||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|asella||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|asella||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|asella||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|asella||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:asellae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:asellae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

gallinaceus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:gallinaceus]]  [[fr:gallinaceus]]
[[ru:gallinaceus]]  [[mg:gallinaceus]]

vulnerabilis: No change.


praeoccupo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:praeoccupo]]  [[fr:praeoccupo]]
[[ru:praeoccupo]]  [[ko:praeoccupo]]

Βηθλεέμ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}                      * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|965}}           * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                     * {{R:Strong's|G|965}}
[[el:Βηθλεέμ]]                   [[el:Βηθλεέμ]]
[[fr:Βηθλεέμ]]                   [[fr:Βηθλεέμ]]
[[li:Βηθλεέμ]]                   [[li:Βηθλεέμ]]
[[hu:Βηθλεέμ]]                   [[hu:Βηθλεέμ]]
[[Category:grc:Cities|Βηθλεεμ]]  [[Category:grc:Cities|Βηθλεεμ]]

διατριβή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

ῥαβδομαντεία: No change.


paganum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pāgānum}}                       {{la-adj-form|pāgānum}}
# {{inflection of|pāgānus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pāgānus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:paganum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:paganum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

ambagium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|ambāgium}}                   {{la-noun-form|ambāgium}}
# {{inflection of|ambāges||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ambāges||gen|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

Φούριος: No change.


πτολίεθρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
[[de:πτολίεθρον]]  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:πτολίεθρον]]  * {{R:Slater}}

quasi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                      * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                      * {{R:du Cange}}
                                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin conjunctions]]  * {{R:M&A}}
----                             [[Category:Latin conjunctions]]

θεωρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:θεωρός]]      [[el:θεωρός]]
[[ko:θεωρός]]      [[fr:θεωρός]]
[[ru:θεωρός]]      [[ko:θεωρός]]

appares: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|apparēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|apparēs}}
# {{inflection of|apparō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apparō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[mg:appares]]                                          ===References===
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

doceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:doceo]]      [[el:doceo]]
[[fr:doceo]]      [[es:doceo]]
[[ko:doceo]]      [[fr:doceo]]
[[la:doceo]]      [[ko:doceo]]
[[li:doceo]]      [[la:doceo]]
[[mg:doceo]]      [[li:doceo]]
[[pl:doceo]]      [[mg:doceo]]
[[pt:doceo]]      [[pl:doceo]]
[[ru:doceo]]      [[pt:doceo]]
[[fi:doceo]]      [[ru:doceo]]
[[zh:doceo]]      [[fi:doceo]]

Ἀβδηρίτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|999}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse|999}}

Μέτελλος: No change.


recise: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|recīse}}                       {{la-part-form|recīse}}
# {{inflection of|recīsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recīsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[it:recise]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

corona: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

scribo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                     * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
[[cs:scribo]]        [[az:scribo]]
[[de:scribo]]        [[cs:scribo]]
[[el:scribo]]        [[de:scribo]]
[[es:scribo]]        [[el:scribo]]
[[eu:scribo]]        [[es:scribo]]
[[fr:scribo]]        [[eu:scribo]]
[[ko:scribo]]        [[fr:scribo]]
[[hr:scribo]]        [[ko:scribo]]
[[ku:scribo]]        [[hr:scribo]]
[[la:scribo]]        [[ku:scribo]]
[[lt:scribo]]        [[la:scribo]]
[[mg:scribo]]        [[lt:scribo]]
[[fj:scribo]]        [[mg:scribo]]
[[ja:scribo]]        [[fj:scribo]]
[[pl:scribo]]        [[ja:scribo]]
[[pt:scribo]]        [[pl:scribo]]
[[ru:scribo]]        [[pt:scribo]]
[[fi:scribo]]        [[ru:scribo]]
[[chr:scribo]]       [[fi:scribo]]
[[tr:scribo]]        [[chr:scribo]]

lotor: No change.


glomerate: No change.


cribrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:cribrum]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:cribrum]]    [[es:cribrum]]
[[pl:cribrum]]    [[fr:cribrum]]
[[ru:cribrum]]    [[mg:cribrum]]

tortuose: No change.


lychnuchus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[sv:lychnuchus]]  [[mg:lychnuchus]]

obiectum: No change.


citer: No change.


liberalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:liberalis]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[id:liberalis]]  [[fr:liberalis]]
[[la:liberalis]]  [[hr:liberalis]]

παραλυτικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3885}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3885}}
[[fr:παραλυτικός]]       [[el:παραλυτικός]]
[[hu:παραλυτικός]]       [[fr:παραλυτικός]]
[[mg:παραλυτικός]]       [[hu:παραλυτικός]]

oritis: No change.


togata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|togāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|togāta}}
# {{inflection of|togātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|togātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|togātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|togātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|togātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|togātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|togātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|togātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|togātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|togātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|togātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|togātā}}
# {{inflection of|togātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|togātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[id:togata]]                                 ===References===
[[sh:togata]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}

horologium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:horologium]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:horologium]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:horologium]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[lo:horologium]]   [[ca:horologium]]
[[lt:horologium]]   [[de:horologium]]
[[hu:horologium]]   [[fr:horologium]]
[[mg:horologium]]   [[gl:horologium]]
[[fj:horologium]]   [[lo:horologium]]
[[pl:horologium]]   [[lt:horologium]]
[[ro:horologium]]   [[hu:horologium]]
[[ru:horologium]]   [[mg:horologium]]
[[sv:horologium]]   [[fj:horologium]]
[[ta:horologium]]   [[pl:horologium]]
[[chr:horologium]]  [[ro:horologium]]
[[zh:horologium]]   [[ru:horologium]]

κύπτω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2955}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|2955}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:κύπτω]]             [[el:κύπτω]]

potiores: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|potiōrēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|potiōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|potior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potior||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potior||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potior||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potior||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potior||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|potior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|potior||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

σωρός: No change.


vicissitudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:vicissitudo]]  * {{R:M&A}}

palmeus: No change.


usucapio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:usucapio]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:usucapio]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[tg:usucapio]]   [[fr:usucapio]]

ῥαββί: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4461}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|4461}}
[[hu:ῥαββί]]             [[fr:ῥαββί]]

pluvialia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pluviālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|pluviālia}}
# {{inflection of|pluviālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pluviālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pluviālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pluviālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pluviālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pluviālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:pluvialia]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

subo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

canneus: No change.


machinatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:machinatio]]  [[fr:machinatio]]

absoluto: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|absolūtō}}                       {{la-part-form|absolūtō}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

efferatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:efferatus]]  [[es:efferatus]]


θρόνον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                    * {{R:Bailly}}
[[mg:θρόνον]]       [[fr:θρόνον]]

tardo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dealbator: No change.


notio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:notio]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[hu:notio]]      [[es:notio]]
[[mg:notio]]      [[fr:notio]]
[[pl:notio]]      [[hu:notio]]
[[ru:notio]]      [[mg:notio]]
[[chr:notio]]     [[pl:notio]]

stimulatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:stimulatio]]  [[fr:stimulatio]]

adfinitas: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|adfīnitās}}  {{la-decl-3rd|adfīnitās}}
[[es:adfinitas]]           ===References===
[[fr:adfinitas]]           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

οὐκ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:οὐκ]]         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[it:οὐκ]]         [[el:οὐκ]]
[[pl:οὐκ]]         [[fr:οὐκ]]
[[ru:οὐκ]]         [[it:οὐκ]]

campanula: No change.


ἀδύνατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[it:ἀδύνατος]]    [[fr:ἀδύνατος]]
[[lt:ἀδύνατος]]    [[it:ἀδύνατος]]
[[pl:ἀδύνατος]]    [[lt:ἀδύνατος]]
[[ru:ἀδύνατος]]    [[pl:ἀδύνατος]]

apprehensio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:apprehensio]]  [[fr:apprehensio]]

cantharis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Insects]]  [[Category:en:Beetles]]
[[ku:cantharis]]         [[fr:cantharis]]
[[vi:cantharis]]         [[ku:cantharis]]
[[zh:cantharis]]         [[vi:cantharis]]

antra: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|antra}}                     {{la-noun-form|antra}}
# {{inflection of|antrum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antrum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antrum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antrum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antrum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antrum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:antra]]                               ===References===
[[fr:antra]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[id:antra]]                               [[ca:antra]]
[[kn:antra]]                               [[fr:antra]]
[[ku:antra]]                               [[hi:antra]]
[[lt:antra]]                               [[id:antra]]
[[mg:antra]]                               [[kn:antra]]
[[my:antra]]                               [[ku:antra]]
[[tl:antra]]                               [[lt:antra]]
[[ta:antra]]                               [[mg:antra]]
[[te:antra]]                               [[my:antra]]
[[chr:antra]]                              [[tl:antra]]
[[vi:antra]]                               [[ta:antra]]

retrospicio: No change.


hyperborei: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|hyperboreī}}                        {{la-adj-form|hyperboreī}}
# {{inflection of|hyperboreus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hyperboreus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hyperboreus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hyperboreus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hyperboreus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hyperboreus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hyperboreus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hyperboreus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:hyperborei]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:Peck}}
                                                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

proagorus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

quadrangulus: No change.


Φαῖαξ: No change.


fallibilis: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Ζάν: No change.


fataliter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

εἶδον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===Verb===                                                     ===Verb===
{{head|grc|verb form}}                                         {{head|grc|verb form}}
# {{inflection of|εἴδομαι||1|s|and|3|p|aor|act|ind|lang=grc}}  # {{inflection of|εἴδομαι||1|s|and|3|p|aor|act|ind|lang=grc}}
[[cs:εἶδον]]                                                   ===References===
[[el:εἶδον]]                                                   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}

cavannus: No change.


speciose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:speciose]]   [[fr:speciose]]
[[pl:speciose]]   [[it:speciose]]
[[ru:speciose]]   [[pl:speciose]]

λεγεών: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3003}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3003}}
[[ko:λεγεών]]            [[el:λεγεών]]
[[pl:λεγεών]]            [[ko:λεγεών]]
[[ru:λεγεών]]            [[pl:λεγεών]]

rumex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:rumex]]            [[fr:rumex]]
[[mg:rumex]]            [[ko:rumex]]
[[vi:rumex]]            [[mg:rumex]]

hospitia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|hospitia}}                     {{la-noun-form|hospitia}}
# {{inflection of|hospitium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hospitium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hospitium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hospitium||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fy:hospitia]]                               ===References===
[[mg:hospitia]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

labilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:labilis]]    [[fr:labilis]]
[[ru:labilis]]    [[mg:labilis]]

amplexatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|amplexāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|amplexāt}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

aera: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

nocivus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:nocivus]]    [[fr:nocivus]]
[[pl:nocivus]]    [[mg:nocivus]]

suffusorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

coquina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:coquina]]    [[cs:coquina]]
[[el:coquina]]    [[de:coquina]]
[[es:coquina]]    [[el:coquina]]
[[fr:coquina]]    [[es:coquina]]
[[ku:coquina]]    [[fr:coquina]]
[[hu:coquina]]    [[ku:coquina]]
[[mg:coquina]]    [[hu:coquina]]
[[fj:coquina]]    [[mg:coquina]]
[[nl:coquina]]    [[fj:coquina]]
[[fi:coquina]]    [[nl:coquina]]
[[sv:coquina]]    [[fi:coquina]]
[[chr:coquina]]   [[sv:coquina]]
[[zh:coquina]]    [[chr:coquina]]

victima: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                               * {{R:Peck}}
----                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

scelero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:scelero]]    [[fr:scelero]]
[[ru:scelero]]    [[mg:scelero]]

γέννησις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1083}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1083}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:γέννησις]]          [[el:γέννησις]]

frango: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

circumductio: LATIN: References added.

=====Inflection=====          =====Inflection=====
{{la-decl-3rd|circumductiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|circumductiō}}
[[ru:circumductio]]           ===References===
                              * {{R:L&S}}

super: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

siccius: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|siccius}}                       {{la-adj-form|siccius}}
# {{inflection of|siccior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|siccior||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|siccior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|siccior||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|siccior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|siccior||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

praepositura: No change.


caducus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:caducus]]    * {{R:NLW}}

amare: No change.



domicilium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:domicilium]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:domicilium]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[la:domicilium]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[hu:domicilium]]   [[de:domicilium]]
[[mg:domicilium]]   [[fr:domicilium]]
[[pl:domicilium]]   [[la:domicilium]]
[[ru:domicilium]]   [[lt:domicilium]]
[[chr:domicilium]]  [[hu:domicilium]]
[[zh:domicilium]]   [[mg:domicilium]]

Hiericus: No change.


nescientem: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|nescientem}}                    {{la-part-form|nescientem}}
# {{inflection of|nesciens||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nesciens||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nesciens||acc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nesciens||acc|f|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

consortia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|consortia}}                     {{la-adj-form|consortia}}
# {{inflection of|consors||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consors||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consors||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consors||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consors||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consors||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:consortia]]                              ===References===
[[fr:consortia]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:consortia]]                              [[ar:consortia]]
[[my:consortia]]                              [[fr:consortia]]
[[vi:consortia]]                              [[ku:consortia]]

corniculans: No change.


thynnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:thynnus]]    [[de:thynnus]]
[[mg:thynnus]]    [[fr:thynnus]]
[[pl:thynnus]]    [[mg:thynnus]]

vineus: No change.


laver: No change.


galericulum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:galericulum]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ejecta: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ējectā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|ējectā}}
# {{inflection of|ējectō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ējectō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[et:ejecta]]                                           ===References===
[[fr:ejecta]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:ejecta]]                                           [[et:ejecta]]
[[ta:ejecta]]                                           [[fr:ejecta]]
[[vi:ejecta]]                                           [[ku:ejecta]]
[[zh:ejecta]]                                           [[ru:ejecta]]

vexatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:vexatio]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:vexatio]]    [[fr:vexatio]]

Lethaea: No change.


sparsio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

diaetarius: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S|dĭaetārĭus}}                      * {{R:L&S|dĭaetārĭus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|dĭætārĭus|p=517/3}}           * {{R:du Cange|DIAETARII|DIÆTARII}}
* {{R:du Cange|DIAETARII|DIÆTARII}}         * {{R:Gaffiot|dĭætārĭus|p=517/3}}
* {{R:OLD|1|diaetārius|535/3}}              * {{R:OLD|1|diaetārius|535/3}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|dietarius (subst.)|330/1}}  * {{R:Niermeyer|dietarius (subst.)|330/1}}
[[fr:diaetarius]]                           [[fr:diaetarius]]

Ψαμμήτιχος: No change.


digestus: No change.


hippocampus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:hippocampus]]  [[ca:hippocampus]]
[[et:hippocampus]]  [[de:hippocampus]]
[[el:hippocampus]]  [[et:hippocampus]]
[[fr:hippocampus]]  [[el:hippocampus]]
[[io:hippocampus]]  [[fr:hippocampus]]
[[kn:hippocampus]]  [[io:hippocampus]]
[[ku:hippocampus]]  [[kn:hippocampus]]
[[hu:hippocampus]]  [[ku:hippocampus]]
[[nl:hippocampus]]  [[hu:hippocampus]]
[[pl:hippocampus]]  [[nl:hippocampus]]
[[ru:hippocampus]]  [[pl:hippocampus]]
[[fi:hippocampus]]  [[ru:hippocampus]]
[[ta:hippocampus]]  [[fi:hippocampus]]
[[vi:hippocampus]]  [[ta:hippocampus]]
[[zh:hippocampus]]  [[vi:hippocampus]]

Φίλιππος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1021}}                  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5376}}                 * {{R:Strong's|G|5376}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Woodhouse|1021}}
* [[:w:LSJ|LSJ]]                        * [[:w:LSJ|LSJ]]
* [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]  * [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]
----                                    ----

astui: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|astuī}}                    {{la-noun-form|astuī}}
# {{inflection of|astus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|astus||dat|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

proprietates: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|prōprietātēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|prōprietātēs}}
# {{inflection of|prōprietas||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōprietas||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōprietas||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōprietas||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prōprietas||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōprietas||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:proprietates]]                            ===References===
[[ja:proprietates]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}

quadragesima: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:quadragesima]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:quadragesima]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[li:quadragesima]]  [[de:quadragesima]]
[[mg:quadragesima]]  [[fr:quadragesima]]
[[ml:quadragesima]]  [[ku:quadragesima]]
[[nl:quadragesima]]  [[li:quadragesima]]
[[fi:quadragesima]]  [[mg:quadragesima]]
[[ta:quadragesima]]  [[ml:quadragesima]]
[[vi:quadragesima]]  [[nl:quadragesima]]
[[zh:quadragesima]]  [[fi:quadragesima]]

notos: No change.


convicium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:convicium]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[chr:convicium]]  [[mg:convicium]]

supplicanda: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|supplicanda}}                       {{la-part-form|supplicanda}}
# {{inflection of|supplicandus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|supplicandus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|supplicandus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|supplicandus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|supplicandus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|supplicandus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|supplicandus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|supplicandus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|supplicandus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|supplicandus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|supplicandā}}                       {{la-part-form|supplicandā}}
# {{inflection of|supplicandus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|supplicandus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

victoriosus: No change.


ῥακά: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4469}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|4469}}

senatrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

αὐθέντης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:αὐθέντης]]    [[el:αὐθέντης]]
[[ko:αὐθέντης]]    [[fr:αὐθέντης]]

χρή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[el:χρή]]        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
[[fr:χρή]]        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[ko:χρή]]        * {{R:Slater}}
[[lt:χρή]]        * {{R:Strong's}}
                  * {{R:Woodhouse}}


nihilo: No change.


ull: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                        ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                   {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|uld|g=c}}                 * Danish: {{l|da|uld|g=c}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|ull|g=f}}                * Faroese: {{l|fo|ull|g=f}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|ull|g=f}}              * Icelandic: {{l|is|ull|g=f}}
{{mid2}}                                   {{mid2}}
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{l|nb|ull|g=m|g2=f}}  * Norwegian Bokmål: {{l|nb|ull|g=m|g2=f}}
* Norwegian Nynorsk: {{l|nn|ull|g=f}}      * Norwegian Nynorsk: {{l|nn|ull|g=f}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|ull|g=c}}                * Swedish: {{l|sv|ull|g=c}}
{{bottom}}                                 {{bottom}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:Zoega}}

Καισάρεια: No change.


ἱπποπόταμος: No change.


syringitis: No change.


taxicus: No change.


στοιχάς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ===References===
* «[ {{lang|grc|στοιχάς}}]» on page 1,432/2 of Liddell & Scott’s ''[[w:A Greek–English Lexicon|Greek–English Lexicon]]'' (8th ed., 1897), Oxford: At the Clarendon Press  * {{R:LSJ}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * «[ {{lang|grc|στοιχάς}}]» on page 1,432/2 of Liddell & Scott’s ''[[w:A Greek–English Lexicon|Greek–English Lexicon]]'' (8th ed., 1897), Oxford: At the Clarendon Press

procido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:procido]]    [[fr:procido]]
[[io:procido]]    [[ko:procido]]
[[mg:procido]]    [[io:procido]]

indusio: No change.


propono: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:M&A}}
<references/>       * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:propono]]      [[el:propono]]
[[ko:propono]]      [[fr:propono]]
[[hu:propono]]      [[ko:propono]]
[[mg:propono]]      [[hu:propono]]
[[ja:propono]]      [[mg:propono]]
[[pl:propono]]      [[ja:propono]]

τύπτω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5180}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|5180}}
[[fr:τύπτω]]             [[el:τύπτω]]
[[it:τύπτω]]             [[fr:τύπτω]]
[[mg:τύπτω]]             [[it:τύπτω]]
[[ru:τύπτω]]             [[mg:τύπτω]]

rapidulus: No change.


eoad: No change.


mathematicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* ''Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary''  * {{R:M&A}}
                                             * ''Langenscheidt Pocket Latin Dictionary''
[[Category:Latin nouns]]                     
                                             [[Category:Latin nouns]]
[[ko:mathematicus]]                          [[fr:mathematicus]]
[[lo:mathematicus]]                          [[ko:mathematicus]]
[[nl:mathematicus]]                          [[lo:mathematicus]]
[[ru:mathematicus]]                          [[nl:mathematicus]]

λαβύρινθος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
<references/>      * {{grc-Beekes}}

repensatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

erubescentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

quinta: LATIN: References added.

===Numeral===                                 ===Numeral===
{{la-num-form|quīnta}}                        {{la-num-form|quīnta}}
# {{inflection of|quīntus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quīntus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quīntus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quīntus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quīntus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-num-form|quīntā}}                        {{la-num-form|quīntā}}
# {{inflection of|quīntus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quīntus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

leprosus: No change.


candida: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{head|la|adjective form|head=candidā}}        {{head|la|adjective form|head=candidā}}
# {{inflection of|candidus||f|abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|candidus||f|abl|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:candida]]                                 ===References===
[[de:candida]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[it:candida]]                                 [[ca:candida]]
[[pt:candida]]                                 [[de:candida]]
[[ro:candida]]                                 [[fr:candida]]
[[ta:candida]]                                 [[it:candida]]
[[zh:candida]]                                 [[pt:candida]]

manipulum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|manipulum}}                    {{la-noun-form|manipulum}}
# {{inflection of|manipulus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|manipulus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[io:manipulum]]                              ===References===
[[mg:manipulum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

sortitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:sortitus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:sortitus]]   [[es:sortitus]]

deductor: No change.


interdum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:interdum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:interdum]]   [[de:interdum]]
[[mg:interdum]]   [[eu:interdum]]
[[pl:interdum]]   [[fr:interdum]]
[[ru:interdum]]   [[mg:interdum]]
[[sv:interdum]]   [[pl:interdum]]

Παλληνεύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}

creantes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|creantēs}}                          {{la-part-form|creantēs}}
# {{inflection of|creāns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|creāns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|creāns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|creāns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|creāns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|creāns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

lancea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=832}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
* Carr, Thomas Swinburne (1836). ''A manual of Roman antiquities, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 232 note.[,M1]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* ''Glossary of Latin Words'', Bible History Online. (File retrieved 12-12-08)[]                                                                                                                                           * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Spears]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=832}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          * Carr, Thomas Swinburne (1836). ''A manual of Roman antiquities, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 232 note.[,M1]
----                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      * ''Glossary of Latin Words'', Bible History Online. (File retrieved 12-12-08)[]

vineaticus: No change.


Ἀρτάβανος: No change.


ulterior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

φαρμακός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|farmako/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|farmako/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:φαρμακός]]        [[el:φαρμακός]]

sta: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|stā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|stā}}
# {{inflection of|stō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|stō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

compte: No change.


spjall: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ===References===
* [ spjall] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].  * {{R:Zoega}}
* [ spjall] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].                    * [ spjall] in ''An Icelandic-English Dictionary'', R. Cleasby and G. Vigfússon, Clarendon Press, 1874, at [ Internet Archive].
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     * [ spjall] in ''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic'', G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at [ Internet Archive].
[[mg:spjall]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [[is:spjall]]
[[pl:spjall]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [[mg:spjall]]
[[sv:spjall]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [[pl:spjall]]

servulus: No change.


alemannice: No change.


ἀγέλη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|34}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|34}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀγέλη]]           [[el:ἀγέλη]]
[[is:ἀγέλη]]           [[fr:ἀγέλη]]
[[it:ἀγέλη]]           [[is:ἀγέλη]]
[[nl:ἀγέλη]]           [[it:ἀγέλη]]
[[ru:ἀγέλη]]           [[nl:ἀγέλη]]

baetulo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|baetulō}}                     {{la-noun-form|baetulō}}
# {{inflection of|baetulus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baetulus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|baetulus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|baetulus||abl|s|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                             * {{R:Stillwell}}

confutatio: No change.


μαθηματικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

Hamilcar: No change.


Σιτάλκης: No change.


lignatura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|lignātūra}}                       {{la-part-form|lignātūra}}
# {{inflection of|lignātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lignātūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lignātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lignātūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lignātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lignātūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lignātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lignātūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lignātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lignātūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|lignātūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|lignātūrā}}
# {{inflection of|lignātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lignātūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

σθένος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
<references/>      <references/>
----               ----

hircus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|286}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:hircus]]               * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|286}}
[[ko:hircus]]               [[cs:hircus]]
[[it:hircus]]               [[fr:hircus]]
[[lt:hircus]]               [[ko:hircus]]
[[hu:hircus]]               [[it:hircus]]
[[mg:hircus]]               [[lt:hircus]]
[[pl:hircus]]               [[hu:hircus]]
[[ro:hircus]]               [[mg:hircus]]
[[sv:hircus]]               [[pl:hircus]]
[[ta:hircus]]               [[ro:hircus]]
[[chr:hircus]]              [[sv:hircus]]

axungia: No change.


saxum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Mineralogy]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                            * {{R:Platner}}
[[de:saxum]]                [[Category:la:Mineralogy]]
[[eu:saxum]]                [[cs:saxum]]
[[fr:saxum]]                [[de:saxum]]
[[ko:saxum]]                [[es:saxum]]
[[hr:saxum]]                [[eu:saxum]]
[[la:saxum]]                [[fr:saxum]]
[[hu:saxum]]                [[ko:saxum]]
[[mg:saxum]]                [[hr:saxum]]
[[ja:saxum]]                [[la:saxum]]
[[pl:saxum]]                [[hu:saxum]]
[[ru:saxum]]                [[mg:saxum]]
[[sv:saxum]]                [[ja:saxum]]
[[chr:saxum]]               [[pl:saxum]]
[[tr:saxum]]                [[ru:saxum]]
[[zh:saxum]]                [[sv:saxum]]

monstruosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:monstruosus]]  [[fr:monstruosus]]

reclusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

consonanter: No change.


ducentesima: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

propendulus: No change.


ὄπιον: No change.


pugillum: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|pugnus}}      * {{l|la|pugnus}}
                       * {{R:L&S}}

sordido: No change.


sabbatizo: No change.


indubitate: No change.


amaritas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:amaritas]]   [[fr:amaritas]]

στοιχεῖον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4747}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4747}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:στοιχεῖον]]         [[el:στοιχεῖον]]
[[fr:στοιχεῖον]]         [[fr:στοιχεῖον]]
[[ko:στοιχεῖον]]         [[ko:στοιχεῖον]]
[[mg:στοιχεῖον]]         [[mg:στοιχεῖον]]
[[ru:στοιχεῖον]]         [[ru:στοιχεῖον]]

generale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|generāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|generāle}}
# {{inflection of|generālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|generālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|generālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|generālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|generālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|generālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[az:generale]]                                 ===References===
[[de:generale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:generale]]                                 [[az:generale]]
[[gl:generale]]                                 [[de:generale]]
[[ko:generale]]                                 [[el:generale]]
[[io:generale]]                                 [[fr:generale]]
[[it:generale]]                                 [[gl:generale]]
[[lo:generale]]                                 [[ko:generale]]
[[hu:generale]]                                 [[io:generale]]
[[mg:generale]]                                 [[it:generale]]
[[nl:generale]]                                 [[lo:generale]]
[[pl:generale]]                                 [[hu:generale]]
[[ro:generale]]                                 [[mg:generale]]
[[ru:generale]]                                 [[nl:generale]]
[[sh:generale]]                                 [[pl:generale]]
[[fi:generale]]                                 [[ro:generale]]
[[sv:generale]]                                 [[ru:generale]]
[[tl:generale]]                                 [[sh:generale]]
[[ta:generale]]                                 [[fi:generale]]
[[chr:generale]]                                [[sv:generale]]
[[zh:generale]]                                 [[tl:generale]]

commendabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

echeneis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vilico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:vilico]]     [[fr:vilico]]

curium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====                 ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|curi}}             {{la-decl-2nd-N|curi}}
[[Category:la:Chemical elements]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:PersEnc}}
----                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                   * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                   [[Category:la:Chemical elements]]

saltim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

conjunx: No change.


porro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

θεϊκός: No change.


superseminator: No change.


side: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sīde}}                                 {{la-verb-form|sīde}}
# {{inflection of|sīdō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sīdō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                                      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                                                      * {{R:Stillwell}}

litterae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|litterae}}                   {{la-noun-form|litterae}}
# {{inflection of|littera||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|littera||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|littera||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|littera||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|littera||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|littera||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|littera||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|littera||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:litterae]]                             ===References===
[[cs:litterae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:litterae]]                             [[ca:litterae]]
[[ko:litterae]]                             [[cs:litterae]]
[[lo:litterae]]                             [[el:litterae]]
[[la:litterae]]                             [[fr:litterae]]
[[lt:litterae]]                             [[ko:litterae]]
[[hu:litterae]]                             [[lo:litterae]]
[[mg:litterae]]                             [[la:litterae]]
[[pl:litterae]]                             [[lt:litterae]]
[[pt:litterae]]                             [[hu:litterae]]
[[ru:litterae]]                             [[mg:litterae]]
[[sk:litterae]]                             [[pl:litterae]]
[[chr:litterae]]                            [[pt:litterae]]

emphasis: No change.


continuatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|continuāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|continuāt}}
[[fr:continuatus]]         ===References===
[[ja:continuatus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}

afflo: No change.


occupatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:occupatus]]   [[fr:occupatus]]
[[fj:occupatus]]   [[mg:occupatus]]
[[pl:occupatus]]   [[fj:occupatus]]
[[chr:occupatus]]  [[pl:occupatus]]

cavatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:cavatus]]    [[fr:cavatus]]

φοῖνιξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                             ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                    * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]                                                              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5404}}                                                        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                                                                               * {{R:Cunliffe}}
{{C|grc|Colors|Palm trees|Fruits|Mythological creatures|Musical instruments}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|5404}}
                                                                               * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:φοῖνιξ]]                                                                  * [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]
[[ko:φοῖνιξ]]                                                                  {{C|grc|Colors|Palm trees|Fruits|Mythological creatures|Musical instruments}}

astupeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nutrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:nutrix]]     * {{R:M&A}}

viduatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|viduāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|viduāt}}
[[fr:viduatus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

jamjam: No change.



Aequi: No change.


urbanitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:urbanitas]]  [[fr:urbanitas]]
[[tg:urbanitas]]  [[ru:urbanitas]]

inruo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====               ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|inru|inru|inrut}}  {{la-conj-3rd|inru|inru|inrut}}
[[ko:inruo]]                     ===References===
                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

praejudicatus: No change.


adulterinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:adulterinus]]  [[fr:adulterinus]]

prolator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|prōlātor}}                                {{la-verb-form|prōlātor}}
# {{inflection of|prōlātō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōlātō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:prolator]]                                          ===References===
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

δαμνάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|damna/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|damna/w}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
                     * {{R:DGE}}

optume: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

antiquaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|antīquāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|antīquāria}}
# {{inflection of|antīquārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīquārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīquārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīquārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīquārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīquārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīquārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīquārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|antīquārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīquārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|antīquāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|antīquāriā}}
# {{inflection of|antīquārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antīquārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:antiquaria]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

turrim: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|turrim}}                    {{la-noun-form|turrim}}
# {{inflection of|turris||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|turris||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:turrim]]                              ===References===
[[la:turrim]]                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[nl:turrim]]                              [[fr:turrim]]

cogitate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cogitate]]   [[et:cogitate]]
[[ko:cogitate]]   [[fr:cogitate]]
[[hy:cogitate]]   [[ko:cogitate]]
[[it:cogitate]]   [[hy:cogitate]]
[[kn:cogitate]]   [[it:cogitate]]
[[ku:cogitate]]   [[kn:cogitate]]
[[li:cogitate]]   [[ku:cogitate]]
[[hu:cogitate]]   [[li:cogitate]]
[[mg:cogitate]]   [[hu:cogitate]]
[[ml:cogitate]]   [[mg:cogitate]]
[[my:cogitate]]   [[ml:cogitate]]
[[ja:cogitate]]   [[my:cogitate]]
[[pl:cogitate]]   [[ja:cogitate]]
[[fi:cogitate]]   [[pl:cogitate]]
[[ta:cogitate]]   [[fi:cogitate]]
[[te:cogitate]]   [[ta:cogitate]]
[[vi:cogitate]]   [[te:cogitate]]
[[zh:cogitate]]   [[vi:cogitate]]

derado: No change.


convergo: No change.


locus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                         * {{R:du Cange}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]       
                                    [[Category:Latin irregular nouns]]
----                                [[Category:Latin root words]]

deprecatorius: No change.


levia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|levia}}                       {{la-adj-form|levia}}
# {{inflection of|levis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|levis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|levis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|levis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|levis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|levis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:levia]]                                ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

docilitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:docilitas]]  [[es:docilitas]]
[[ru:docilitas]]  [[fr:docilitas]]

alabastra: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|alabastra}}                     {{la-noun-form|alabastra}}
# {{inflection of|alabastrum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|alabastrum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|alabastrum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|alabastrum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|alabastrum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|alabastrum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:alabastra]]                               ===References===
[[fr:alabastra]]                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[ru:alabastra]]                               [[ca:alabastra]]
[[sh:alabastra]]                               [[fr:alabastra]]
[[tg:alabastra]]                               [[uz:alabastra]]

ἀμφίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                             ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                    * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                               * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                 * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                 * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                    * {{R:DGE}}
                                               * {{R:Slater}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek adverbs|αμφις]]       
[[Category:Ancient Greek prepositions|αμφις]]  [[Category:Ancient Greek adverbs|αμφις]]
                                               [[Category:Ancient Greek prepositions|αμφις]]
[[fr:ἀμφίς]]                                   [[el:ἀμφίς]]
[[ru:ἀμφίς]]                                   [[fr:ἀμφίς]]

capillatura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:capillatura]]  [[pl:capillatura]]

centipes: No change.


Ὄλορος: No change.


pergaudeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ordinatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ordinatio]]  [[de:ordinatio]]
[[ru:ordinatio]]  [[fr:ordinatio]]

nuncio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nūnciō|m}}                   {{la-noun-form|nūnciō|m}}
# {{inflection of|nūncius||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nūncius||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nūncius||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nūncius||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

erotylus: No change.


calculum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|calculum}}                    {{la-noun-form|calculum}}
# {{inflection of|calculus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calculus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:calculum]]                              ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

commeatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:commeatus]]  * {{R:M&A}}

Latinae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:Latinae]]    [[cs:Latinae]]
[[la:Latinae]]    [[fr:Latinae]]
[[mg:Latinae]]    [[la:Latinae]]

cruciabundus: No change.


mein: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|men}}      * Danish: {{l|da|men}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|mein}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|mein}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|mein}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|mein}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|men}}     * Swedish: {{l|sv|men}}
[[ast:mein]]                ===References===
[[az:mein]]                 * {{R:Zoega}}
[[br:mein]]                 [[ast:mein]]
[[cs:mein]]                 [[az:mein]]
[[cy:mein]]                 [[bs:mein]]
[[da:mein]]                 [[br:mein]]
[[de:mein]]                 [[cs:mein]]
[[es:mein]]                 [[cy:mein]]
[[fr:mein]]                 [[da:mein]]
[[ko:mein]]                 [[de:mein]]
[[io:mein]]                 [[es:mein]]
[[is:mein]]                 [[fr:mein]]
[[ka:mein]]                 [[ko:mein]]
[[ku:mein]]                 [[io:mein]]
[[lb:mein]]                 [[is:mein]]
[[lt:mein]]                 [[ka:mein]]
[[li:mein]]                 [[ku:mein]]
[[hu:mein]]                 [[lb:mein]]
[[mg:mein]]                 [[lt:mein]]
[[fj:mein]]                 [[li:mein]]
[[nl:mein]]                 [[hu:mein]]
[[ja:mein]]                 [[mg:mein]]
[[no:mein]]                 [[fj:mein]]
[[pa:mein]]                 [[nl:mein]]
[[pl:mein]]                 [[ja:mein]]
[[pt:mein]]                 [[no:mein]]
[[ru:mein]]                 [[pa:mein]]
[[sk:mein]]                 [[pl:mein]]
[[sl:mein]]                 [[pt:mein]]
[[fi:mein]]                 [[ru:mein]]
[[sv:mein]]                 [[sk:mein]]
[[chr:mein]]                [[sl:mein]]
[[vi:mein]]                 [[fi:mein]]
[[vo:mein]]                 [[sv:mein]]
[[zh:mein]]                 [[chr:mein]]

venditor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:venditor]]   [[de:venditor]]
[[pl:venditor]]   [[fr:venditor]]
[[ru:venditor]]   [[pl:venditor]]

perite: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

commiscibilis: No change.


involvo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:involvo]]    [[fr:involvo]]
[[mg:involvo]]    [[ko:involvo]]

cortina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|cortīn}}  {{la-decl-1st|cortīn}}
----                    ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

inconsummabilis: No change.


gyro: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====              ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                         {{top2}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|girar}}        * Catalan: {{l|ca|girar}}
* English: [[gyrate]], [[gyre]]  * English: [[gyrate]], [[gyre]]
* French: {{l|fr|gyrer}}         * French: {{l|fr|gyrer}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|girâ}}       * Friulian: {{l|fur|girâ}}
{{mid2}}                         {{mid2}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|xirar}}       * Galician: {{l|gl|xirar}}
* Italian: {{l|it|girare}}       * Italian: {{l|it|girare}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|girar}}     * Portuguese: {{l|pt|girar}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|girar}}        * Spanish: {{l|es|girar}}
{{bottom}}                       {{bottom}}
[[et:gyro]]                      ===References===
[[fr:gyro]]                      * {{R:L&S}}
[[ku:gyro]]                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:gyro]]                      [[et:gyro]]
[[my:gyro]]                      [[fr:gyro]]
[[pl:gyro]]                      [[ku:gyro]]
[[ru:gyro]]                      [[li:gyro]]
[[sv:gyro]]                      [[hu:gyro]]
[[vi:gyro]]                      [[my:gyro]]
[[zh:gyro]]                      [[pl:gyro]]

inducta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|inducta}}                       {{la-part-form|inducta}}
# {{inflection of|inductus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inductus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inductus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inductus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inductus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inductus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inductus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inductus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inductus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inductus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|inductā}}                       {{la-part-form|inductā}}
# {{inflection of|inductus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inductus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:inducta]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

λέγειν: No change.


praedoceo: No change.


absumptio: No change.


spes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[br:spes]]       * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:spes]]       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[de:spes]]       <references/>
[[fr:spes]]       [[br:spes]]
[[ko:spes]]       [[ca:spes]]
[[is:spes]]       [[de:spes]]
[[mg:spes]]       [[es:spes]]
[[fj:spes]]       [[fr:spes]]
[[ja:spes]]       [[ko:spes]]
[[pl:spes]]       [[is:spes]]
[[ru:spes]]       [[mg:spes]]
[[fi:spes]]       [[fj:spes]]
[[sv:spes]]       [[ja:spes]]
[[ta:spes]]       [[pl:spes]]
[[chr:spes]]      [[ru:spes]]
[[zh:spes]]       [[fi:spes]]

suburbium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:suburbium]]  [[fr:suburbium]]
[[pl:suburbium]]  [[mg:suburbium]]
[[ru:suburbium]]  [[pl:suburbium]]

Stadius: No change.


σῖτος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                            ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|si%3Dtos}}                        * {{R:LSJ|si%3Dtos}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                           * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                            * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek irregular nouns]]  [[Category:Ancient Greek irregular nouns]]
[[Category:grc:Grains]]                     [[Category:grc:Grains]]
[[el:σῖτος]]                                [[el:σῖτος]]
[[fr:σῖτος]]                                [[fr:σῖτος]]
[[ko:σῖτος]]                                [[ko:σῖτος]]
[[it:σῖτος]]                                [[it:σῖτος]]
[[lt:σῖτος]]                                [[lt:σῖτος]]
[[hu:σῖτος]]                                [[hu:σῖτος]]
[[mg:σῖτος]]                                [[mg:σῖτος]]
[[pl:σῖτος]]                                [[pl:σῖτος]]
[[tg:σῖτος]]                                [[tg:σῖτος]]
[[tr:σῖτος]]                                [[tr:σῖτος]]

σημείωσις: No change.


rejicio: No change.


superposita: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|superposita}}                       {{la-part-form|superposita}}
# {{inflection of|superpositus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|superpositus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|superpositus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|superpositus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|superpositus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|superpositus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|superpositus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|superpositus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|superpositus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|superpositus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|superpositā}}                       {{la-part-form|superpositā}}
# {{inflection of|superpositus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|superpositus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:superposita]]                                 ===References===
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

desidiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

editum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

=====References=====                                                                                                                  =====References=====
* {{R:L&S|ēdĭtum}}                                                                                                                    * {{R:L&S|ēdĭtum}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|p=571/1|ēdĭta|edita}}                                                                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
*: — Gaffiot records this noun as ''{{l|en|plurale tantum}}'' (nom. {{m|la|ēdita}}, gen. {{m|la|ēditōrum}}), in plural senses, only.  * {{R:Gaffiot|p=571/1|ēdĭta|edita}}
                                                                                                                                      * {{R:M&A}}
====Adjective====                                                                                                                     *: — Gaffiot records this noun as ''{{l|en|plurale tantum}}'' (nom. {{m|la|ēdita}}, gen. {{m|la|ēditōrum}}), in plural senses, only.

amitto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:amitto]]     [[el:amitto]]
[[ko:amitto]]     [[fr:amitto]]
[[it:amitto]]     [[ko:amitto]]
[[mg:amitto]]     [[it:amitto]]
[[pl:amitto]]     [[mg:amitto]]
[[ru:amitto]]     [[pl:amitto]]
[[chr:amitto]]    [[ru:amitto]]

episcopi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{head|la|noun form}}                         {{head|la|noun form}}
# {{inflection of|episcopus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|episcopus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|episcopus||nom|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:episcopi]]                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:episcopi]]                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[sk:episcopi]]                               [[ca:episcopi]]

sonr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                      {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|søn|g=c}}                    * Danish: {{l|da|søn|g=c}}
* Elfdalian: {{l|ovd|sun|g=m}}                * Elfdalian: {{l|ovd|sun|g=m}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|sonur|g=m}}                 * Faroese: {{l|fo|sonur|g=m}}
{{mid2}}                                      {{mid2}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|sonur|g=m}}               * Icelandic: {{l|is|sonur|g=m}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|son}}, {{l|no|sønn|g=m}}  * Norwegian: {{l|no|son}}, {{l|no|sønn|g=m}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|son|g=c}}                   * Swedish: {{l|sv|son|g=c}}
{{bottom}}                                    {{bottom}}
[[af:sonr]]                                   ===References===
[[da:sonr]]                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
[[lt:sonr]]                                   [[af:sonr]]
[[ja:sonr]]                                   [[da:sonr]]
[[oc:sonr]]                                   [[ko:sonr]]
[[pl:sonr]]                                   [[lt:sonr]]
[[sv:sonr]]                                   [[ja:sonr]]

affirmativi: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|affirmātīvī}}                        {{la-adj-form|affirmātīvī}}
# {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|affirmātīvus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

congruus: No change.


consiliaris: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cōnsiliāris}}                               {{la-verb-form|cōnsiliāris}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsilior||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsilior||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[fr:consiliaris]]                                         ===References===
[[mg:consiliaris]]                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

χρηστότης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:χρηστότης]]   [[el:χρηστότης]]

sesaminus: No change.


cornutum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cornūtum}}                       {{la-adj-form|cornūtum}}
# {{inflection of|cornūtus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornūtus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

refutator: No change.


districtum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|districtum}}                       {{la-adj-form|districtum}}
# {{inflection of|districtus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|districtus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|districtus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|districtus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|districtus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|districtus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|districtus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|districtus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:districtum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:districtum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

sextum: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:sextum]]     [[ca:sextum]]
[[fi:sextum]]     [[ru:sextum]]

pavor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Calpe: No change.


γάλα: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

====References====          ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                 * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}            * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}              * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}                 * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}           * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1051}}     * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                * {{R:Strong's|G|1051}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}            * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:grc:Beverages]]  * {{grc-Beekes}}
----                        [[Category:grc:Beverages]]

contestor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:contestor]]  [[fr:contestor]]

Θέστωρ: No change.


mos: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag    * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                           * {{R:Peck}}
----                                                                                                                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
                                                                                                                           * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag

intubus: No change.


vesper: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:vesper]]       [[az:vesper]]
[[da:vesper]]       [[ca:vesper]]
[[de:vesper]]       [[da:vesper]]
[[et:vesper]]       [[de:vesper]]
[[fr:vesper]]       [[et:vesper]]
[[gl:vesper]]       [[fr:vesper]]
[[ko:vesper]]       [[gl:vesper]]
[[hy:vesper]]       [[ko:vesper]]
[[io:vesper]]       [[hy:vesper]]
[[it:vesper]]       [[io:vesper]]
[[ku:vesper]]       [[it:vesper]]
[[lt:vesper]]       [[ku:vesper]]
[[mg:vesper]]       [[lt:vesper]]
[[ml:vesper]]       [[mg:vesper]]
[[fj:vesper]]       [[ml:vesper]]
[[nl:vesper]]       [[fj:vesper]]
[[ja:vesper]]       [[nl:vesper]]
[[oc:vesper]]       [[ja:vesper]]
[[pl:vesper]]       [[oc:vesper]]
[[ru:vesper]]       [[pl:vesper]]
[[fi:vesper]]       [[ru:vesper]]
[[sv:vesper]]       [[fi:vesper]]
[[ta:vesper]]       [[sv:vesper]]
[[chr:vesper]]      [[ta:vesper]]
[[vi:vesper]]       [[chr:vesper]]
[[zh:vesper]]       [[vi:vesper]]

stabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:stabilis]]   [[de:stabilis]]
[[ru:stabilis]]   [[fr:stabilis]]
[[chr:stabilis]]  [[ru:stabilis]]

desipio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

δυστυχία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

prostratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:prostratus]]  [[el:prostratus]]

unz: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====   ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: [[uns]]  * Icelandic: [[uns]]
                      * {{R:Zoega}}

decocta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dēcocta}}                       {{la-part-form|dēcocta}}
# {{inflection of|dēcoctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcoctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcoctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcoctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcoctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcoctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcoctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcoctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēcoctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcoctus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|dēcoctā}}                       {{la-part-form|dēcoctā}}
# {{inflection of|dēcoctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēcoctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:decocta]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:L&S}}
                                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

sulcator: No change.


excusor: No change.


mellifluus: No change.


debitus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:debitus]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:debitus]]    [[el:debitus]]
[[mg:debitus]]    [[es:debitus]]

camaeus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|camae}}  {{la-decl-2nd|camae}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

nilum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:nilum]]      [[fr:nilum]]

levigatus: No change.


appendicium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Etruria: No change.


audientes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                    ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|audientēs}}                          {{la-part-form|audientēs}}
# {{inflection of|audiēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|audiēns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|audiēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|audiēns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|audiēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|audiēns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

venenifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

iactatrix: No change.


alium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[roa-rup:alium]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:alium]]       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:alium]]       [[roa-rup:alium]]
[[mg:alium]]       [[de:alium]]
[[ja:alium]]       [[es:alium]]
[[pt:alium]]       [[fr:alium]]
[[ru:alium]]       [[mg:alium]]

inversura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|inversūra}}                       {{la-part-form|inversūra}}
# {{inflection of|inversūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inversūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inversūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inversūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inversūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inversūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inversūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inversūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inversūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inversūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|inversūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|inversūrā}}
# {{inflection of|inversūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inversūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:L&S}}

uniformis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:uniformis]]   [[fr:uniformis]]
[[mg:uniformis]]   [[hu:uniformis]]
[[fi:uniformis]]   [[mg:uniformis]]
[[chr:uniformis]]  [[fi:uniformis]]

κατοικία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|katoiki/a1}}  * {{R:LSJ|katoiki/a1}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
                        * {{R:Strong's}}

obarmo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

eburnus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|eburn}}  {{la-decl-1&2|eburn}}
[[fr:eburnus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

assurgens: No change.


pallesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Λευκανός: No change.


rubicundulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

mediale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mediāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|mediāle}}
# {{inflection of|mediālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mediālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mediālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mediālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:mediale]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

emporia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|emporia}}                     {{la-noun-form|emporia}}
# {{inflection of|emporium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|emporium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|emporium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|emporium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|emporium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|emporium||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

bracchium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:bracchium]]         [[ast:bracchium]]
[[de:bracchium]]         [[da:bracchium]]
[[es:bracchium]]         [[de:bracchium]]
[[fr:bracchium]]         [[es:bracchium]]
[[ko:bracchium]]         [[fr:bracchium]]
[[hr:bracchium]]         [[ko:bracchium]]
[[la:bracchium]]         [[hr:bracchium]]
[[lt:bracchium]]         [[la:bracchium]]
[[hu:bracchium]]         [[lt:bracchium]]
[[mg:bracchium]]         [[hu:bracchium]]
[[fj:bracchium]]         [[mg:bracchium]]
[[pl:bracchium]]         [[fj:bracchium]]
[[sv:bracchium]]         [[pl:bracchium]]
[[chr:bracchium]]        [[sv:bracchium]]

utraque: No change.


tertius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:tertius]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:tertius]]    [[de:tertius]]
[[fr:tertius]]    [[el:tertius]]
[[ko:tertius]]    [[es:tertius]]
[[hr:tertius]]    [[fr:tertius]]
[[la:tertius]]    [[ko:tertius]]
[[lt:tertius]]    [[hr:tertius]]
[[mg:tertius]]    [[la:tertius]]
[[nl:tertius]]    [[lt:tertius]]
[[pl:tertius]]    [[mg:tertius]]
[[pt:tertius]]    [[nl:tertius]]
[[ru:tertius]]    [[pl:tertius]]
[[fi:tertius]]    [[pt:tertius]]
[[sv:tertius]]    [[ru:tertius]]
[[chr:tertius]]   [[fi:tertius]]

compendo: No change.


percutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:percutio]]   [[el:percutio]]
[[ko:percutio]]   [[fr:percutio]]

ingravesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:ingravesco]]  [[el:ingravesco]]

carbunculo: No change.


concorporalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:concorporalis]]  [[mg:concorporalis]]

subnervo: No change.


cruciatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:cruciatus]]  [[fr:cruciatus]]

incitatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

depopulo: No change.


orbis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
* Watkins, Calvert, ed., The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, 2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 2000.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                        * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                        * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                                                                        * Watkins, Calvert, ed., The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, 2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., 2000.

κύκλῳ: No change.


latomus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀείρειν: No change.


tornatilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ademptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:ademptio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:ademptio]]   * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

illatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:illatio]]    [[fr:illatio]]
[[ru:illatio]]    [[mg:illatio]]
[[chr:illatio]]   [[ru:illatio]]

πλέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}

mellarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:mellarium]]  [[mg:mellarium]]

intestinum: LATIN: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:intestinum]]  [[de:intestinum]]
[[fr:intestinum]]  [[es:intestinum]]
[[hu:intestinum]]  [[fr:intestinum]]
[[mg:intestinum]]  [[hu:intestinum]]
[[ja:intestinum]]  [[mg:intestinum]]
[[pl:intestinum]]  [[ja:intestinum]]
[[ru:intestinum]]  [[pl:intestinum]]
[[fi:intestinum]]  [[ru:intestinum]]
[[ta:intestinum]]  [[fi:intestinum]]

aggressor: No change.


sabana: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sabana}}                     {{la-noun-form|sabana}}
# {{inflection of|sabanum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sabanum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sabanum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sabanum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sabanum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sabanum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

dinumero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:dinumero]]   [[es:dinumero]]
[[ru:dinumero]]   [[ko:dinumero]]

contineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:contineo]]   [[cs:contineo]]
[[fr:contineo]]   [[el:contineo]]
[[ko:contineo]]   [[fr:contineo]]
[[la:contineo]]   [[ko:contineo]]
[[li:contineo]]   [[la:contineo]]
[[ja:contineo]]   [[li:contineo]]
[[pl:contineo]]   [[ja:contineo]]
[[fi:contineo]]   [[pl:contineo]]

exscreo: No change.


Ἄκαστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====     ====References====
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|999}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|999}}
[[el:Ἄκαστος]]         [[el:Ἄκαστος]]

πυγμή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
* LSJ 8th edition   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * LSJ 8th edition
[[cs:πυγμή]]        [[ca:πυγμή]]
[[el:πυγμή]]        [[cs:πυγμή]]
[[fr:πυγμή]]        [[el:πυγμή]]
[[li:πυγμή]]        [[fr:πυγμή]]
[[mg:πυγμή]]        [[li:πυγμή]]
[[nl:πυγμή]]        [[mg:πυγμή]]

incerno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:incerno]]    [[fr:incerno]]
[[mg:incerno]]    [[ko:incerno]]

ῥάδιξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
[[el:ῥάδιξ]]      [[el:ῥάδιξ]]

ambra: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* [[ambra grisea]]     * [[ambra grisea]]
* [[ambrosia]]         * [[ambrosia]]
* [[ambrum]]           * [[ambrum]]
----                   ===References===
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

longaevitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ka:longaevitas]]  [[fr:longaevitas]]

tollo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

metropolitanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:metropolitanus]]  [[fr:metropolitanus]]

ἀντικνήμιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}

compensatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:compensatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:compensatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

quadantenus: No change.


consiliosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

corrosus: No change.


murex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                                   ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|muriciform}}, {{l|en|muricite}}, {{l|en|muricoid}}  * English: {{l|en|muriciform}}, {{l|en|muricite}}, {{l|en|muricoid}}
* Italian: {{l|it|murice}}                                            * Italian: {{l|it|murice}} 
* Spanish: [[múrice]]                                                 * Spanish: [[múrice]]
* Translingual: [[Murex]]                                             * Translingual: [[Murex]]
[[fr:murex]]                                                          ===References===
[[ko:murex]]                                                          * {{R:L&S}}
[[ku:murex]]                                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[mg:murex]]                                                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:murex]]                                                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[zh:murex]]                                                          [[fr:murex]]

purifico: No change.


laqueus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:laqueus]]                 [[Category:Latin root words]]
[[chr:laqueus]]                [[fr:laqueus]]

ἀγρυπνία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|70}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|70}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ru:ἀγρυπνία]]        [[pl:ἀγρυπνία]]

stertito: No change.


vespae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:vespae]]     [[cs:vespae]]
[[mg:vespae]]     [[fr:vespae]]

cela: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cēlā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|cēlā}}
# {{inflection of|cēlō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cēlō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

δίπλωμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|di/plwma}}                                        * {{R:LSJ|di/plwma}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                 * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}                                                 * {{R:DGE}}
                                                            * {{R:LBG}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|διπλωμα]]  
                                                            [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|διπλωμα]]

opportune: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:opportune]]   [[ca:opportune]]
[[et:opportune]]   [[de:opportune]]
[[es:opportune]]   [[et:opportune]]
[[eo:opportune]]   [[es:opportune]]
[[fr:opportune]]   [[eo:opportune]]
[[ko:opportune]]   [[fr:opportune]]
[[hy:opportune]]   [[ko:opportune]]
[[io:opportune]]   [[hy:opportune]]
[[it:opportune]]   [[io:opportune]]
[[kn:opportune]]   [[it:opportune]]
[[ku:opportune]]   [[kn:opportune]]
[[mg:opportune]]   [[ku:opportune]]
[[ml:opportune]]   [[mg:opportune]]
[[my:opportune]]   [[ml:opportune]]
[[nl:opportune]]   [[my:opportune]]
[[ja:opportune]]   [[nl:opportune]]
[[pl:opportune]]   [[ja:opportune]]
[[sv:opportune]]   [[pl:opportune]]
[[te:opportune]]   [[sv:opportune]]
[[chr:opportune]]  [[te:opportune]]
[[vi:opportune]]   [[chr:opportune]]
[[zh:opportune]]   [[vi:opportune]]

στροβίλινος: No change.


palmaria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|palmāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|palmāria}}
# {{inflection of|palmārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palmārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palmārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palmārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palmārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palmārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palmārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palmārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palmārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palmārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|palmāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|palmāriā}}
# {{inflection of|palmārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palmārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

argillaceus: No change.


συνάπτω: No change.


depresse: No change.


editio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:editio]]     * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:editio]]     [[fr:editio]]
[[ja:editio]]     [[ko:editio]]
[[ru:editio]]     [[mg:editio]]

convalescentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|convalēscentia}}                    {{la-part-form|convalēscentia}}
# {{inflection of|convalēscēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|convalēscēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|convalēscēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|convalēscēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|convalēscēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|convalēscēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:convalescentia]]                              ===References===
[[mg:convalescentia]]                              * {{R:L&S}}
[[pl:convalescentia]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fi:convalescentia]]                              [[fr:convalescentia]]

filia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}             * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Family]]  * {{R:M&A}}
----                    [[Category:la:Family]]

lagana: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lagana}}                     {{la-noun-form|lagana}}
# {{inflection of|laganum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laganum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laganum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laganum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|laganum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laganum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[el:lagana]]                               ===References===
[[fr:lagana]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pl:lagana]]                               [[el:lagana]]
[[sh:lagana]]                               [[fr:lagana]]

galilaea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|galīlaea}}                        {{la-adj-form|galīlaea}}
# {{inflection of|galīlaeus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|galīlaeus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|galīlaeus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|galīlaeus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|galīlaeus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|galīlaeus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|galīlaeus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|galīlaeus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|galīlaeus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|galīlaeus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|galīlaeā}}                        {{la-adj-form|galīlaeā}}
# {{inflection of|galīlaeus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|galīlaeus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[de:galilaea]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

Amilcar: No change.


concoctio: No change.


oculum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
'''oculum''' {{g|m}}                       '''oculum''' {{g|m}}
# {{inflection of|oculus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|oculus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]              ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:oculum]]                              [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[it:oculum]]                              [[ca:oculum]]
[[mg:oculum]]                              [[cs:oculum]]
[[ja:oculum]]                              [[fr:oculum]]

cantabilis: No change.


θρεπτικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[fr:θρεπτικός]]  [[el:θρεπτικός]]

sobrius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[be:sobrius]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sobrius]]    [[be:sobrius]]
[[ko:sobrius]]    [[de:sobrius]]
[[mg:sobrius]]    [[fr:sobrius]]
[[ru:sobrius]]    [[ko:sobrius]]
[[fi:sobrius]]    [[mg:sobrius]]

lactuca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Vegetables]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[el:lactuca]]              [[Category:la:Vegetables]]
[[ky:lactuca]]              [[el:lactuca]]
[[la:lactuca]]              [[fr:lactuca]]
[[hu:lactuca]]              [[ky:lactuca]]
[[mg:lactuca]]              [[la:lactuca]]
[[pl:lactuca]]              [[hu:lactuca]]
[[ro:lactuca]]              [[mg:lactuca]]
[[sv:lactuca]]              [[pl:lactuca]]
[[ta:lactuca]]              [[ro:lactuca]]

penis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                      {{top2}}
* Albanian: {{l|sq|penis}}                    * Albanian: {{l|sq|penis}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|penis}}                     * Catalan: {{l|ca|penis}}
* English: {{l|en|penis}}                     * English: {{l|en|penis}}
* French: {{l|fr|pénis}}                      * French: {{l|fr|pénis}}
* German: {{l|de|Penis}}                      * German: {{l|de|Penis}}
* Italian: {{l|it|pene}}                      * Italian: {{l|it|pene}}
{{mid2}}                                      {{mid2}}
* Korean: {{l|ko|페니스}}                        * Korean: {{l|ko|페니스}}
* Japanese: {{l|ja|ペニス|tr=penisu}}            * Japanese: {{l|ja|ペニス|tr=penisu}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|pénis}}, {{l|pt|pênis}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|pénis}}, {{l|pt|pênis}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|penis}}                    * Romanian: {{l|ro|penis}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|пе́нис}}                    * Russian: {{l|ru|пе́нис}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|pene}}                      * Spanish: {{l|es|pene}}
{{bottom}}                                    {{bottom}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}
----                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                              * {{R:M&A}}
                                              [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

consopio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:consopio]]   [[ko:consopio]]
[[ru:consopio]]   [[pl:consopio]]

colluceo: No change.


summergo: No change.


descendens: No change.


ἔορ: No change.


indiges: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:indiges]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

paco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Λυκίδας: No change.


temporaneus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

σπονδή: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|spondh/}}  * {{R:LSJ|spondh/}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
----                 ----

acridium: No change.


aequi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:aequi]]      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

cohum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S|cohum|cohum1}}  * {{R:L&S|cohum|cohum1}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:cohum]]              [[fr:cohum]]

turbido: No change.


numquid: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

haeretico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>     * {{R:NLW}}

gabata: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:gabata]]     * {{R:Peck}}

desenesco: No change.


gladiator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:M&A}}
----                           [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

happ: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:non:Zoega}}  * {{R:Zoega}}
                   * {{R:non:Zoega}}
[[mg:happ]]        [[li:happ]]
[[pl:happ]]        [[mg:happ]]
[[ru:happ]]        [[pl:happ]]

asyla: No change.


curio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|curiō}}                     {{la-noun-form|curiō}}
# {{inflection of|curium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|curium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|curium||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:L&S}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                                           * {{R:Peck}}
                                           * {{R:NLW}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

consepelio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:consepelio]]  [[ko:consepelio]]

ἐξέρχομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)ce/rxomai}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)ce/rxomai}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                         * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:ἐξέρχομαι]]         [[el:ἐξέρχομαι]]
[[lt:ἐξέρχομαι]]         [[fr:ἐξέρχομαι]]
[[hu:ἐξέρχομαι]]         [[lt:ἐξέρχομαι]]

iulii: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|iūliī}}                        {{la-adj-form|iūliī}}
# {{inflection of|iūlius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūlius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūlius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūlius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūlius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūlius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|iūlius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iūlius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}

ablacto: No change.


Λυσίμαχος: No change.


braca: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                      {{top2}}
* Albanian: [[brekë]]         * Albanian: [[brekë]]
* French: {{l|fr|braie}}      * French: {{l|fr|braie}}
* Italian: {{l|it|braca}}     * Italian: {{l|it|braca}}
{{mid2}}                      {{mid2}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|braga}}     * Occitan: {{l|oc|braga}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|braga}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|braga}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|braga}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|braga}}
{{bottom}}                    {{bottom}}
[[af:braca]]                  ===References===
[[fr:braca]]                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[hu:braca]]                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:braca]]                  [[af:braca]]
[[scn:braca]]                 [[fr:braca]]
[[sr:braca]]                  [[hu:braca]]
[[sh:braca]]                  [[mg:braca]]
[[chr:braca]]                 [[ru:braca]]

delectabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

gurguliones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gurguliōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|gurguliōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|gurguliō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gurguliō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gurguliō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gurguliō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gurguliō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gurguliō||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

alucinator: No change.


iaceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[es:iaceo]]          [[el:iaceo]]
[[fr:iaceo]]          [[es:iaceo]]
[[ko:iaceo]]          [[fr:iaceo]]
[[la:iaceo]]          [[ko:iaceo]]
[[mg:iaceo]]          [[la:iaceo]]
[[pl:iaceo]]          [[mg:iaceo]]
[[ru:iaceo]]          [[pl:iaceo]]
[[chr:iaceo]]         [[ru:iaceo]]

conductor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cantarum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|cantārum}}                    {{la-part-form|cantārum}}
# {{inflection of|cantus||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantus||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cantarum]]                              ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀστράγαλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* LSJ 7th edition   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * LSJ 7th edition
[[mg:ἀστράγαλος]]   [[fr:ἀστράγαλος]]

disserto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:disserto]]   [[es:disserto]]
[[it:disserto]]   [[fr:disserto]]
[[ru:disserto]]   [[it:disserto]]

conceptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:conceptio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:conceptio]]   [[et:conceptio]]
[[ru:conceptio]]   [[fr:conceptio]]
[[chr:conceptio]]  [[mg:conceptio]]

consocius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ruricola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:ruricola]]                                             [[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]

faustus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:faustus]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[hu:faustus]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[chr:faustus]]   [[fr:faustus]]

multator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|multātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|multātor}}
# {{inflection of|multō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|multō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|multō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|multō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

ὑπερθετικός: No change.


foetor: No change.


reverso: No change.


flammeum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|flamme}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|flamme}}
[[ru:flammeum]]           ===References===
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ejectus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ēject}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ēject}}
[[fr:ejectus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

aperio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:aperio]]     [[de:aperio]]
[[es:aperio]]     [[el:aperio]]
[[fr:aperio]]     [[es:aperio]]
[[ko:aperio]]     [[fr:aperio]]
[[ku:aperio]]     [[ko:aperio]]
[[la:aperio]]     [[ku:aperio]]
[[li:aperio]]     [[la:aperio]]
[[mg:aperio]]     [[li:aperio]]
[[pl:aperio]]     [[mg:aperio]]
[[pt:aperio]]     [[pl:aperio]]
[[ru:aperio]]     [[pt:aperio]]
[[fi:aperio]]     [[ru:aperio]]
[[chr:aperio]]    [[fi:aperio]]

novitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:novitas]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:novitas]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ja:novitas]]    [[es:novitas]]
[[pl:novitas]]    [[fr:novitas]]

insultura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|īnsultūra}}                       {{la-part-form|īnsultūra}}
# {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|īnsultūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|īnsultūrā}}
# {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnsultūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

telonium: No change.


aedilicius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sicut: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:sicut]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:sicut]]      [[cs:sicut]]
[[pl:sicut]]      [[fr:sicut]]
[[chr:sicut]]     [[mg:sicut]]

adaeque: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

constupro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:constupro]]  [[ko:constupro]]

seminudus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἄσκησις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[mg:ἄσκησις]]     [[fr:ἄσκησις]]
[[pl:ἄσκησις]]     [[mg:ἄσκησις]]

calvaria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:calvaria]]   [[ca:calvaria]]
[[et:calvaria]]   [[de:calvaria]]
[[fr:calvaria]]   [[et:calvaria]]
[[it:calvaria]]   [[fr:calvaria]]
[[ja:calvaria]]   [[it:calvaria]]
[[pt:calvaria]]   [[ja:calvaria]]
[[ta:calvaria]]   [[pt:calvaria]]
[[vi:calvaria]]   [[ta:calvaria]]
[[zh:calvaria]]   [[vi:calvaria]]

amorabundus: No change.


regio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

concateno: No change.


κρατύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[it:κρατύς]]       [[fr:κρατύς]]

crediturus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|crēditūr}}  {{la-decl-1&2|crēditūr}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

οὐ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3756}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3756}}
[[de:οὐ]]                * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:οὐ]]                * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[it:οὐ]]                [[de:οὐ]]
[[la:οὐ]]                [[el:οὐ]]
[[lt:οὐ]]                [[fr:οὐ]]
[[pl:οὐ]]                [[it:οὐ]]
[[pt:οὐ]]                [[la:οὐ]]

discretio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:discretio]]  [[fr:discretio]]
[[ru:discretio]]  [[mg:discretio]]

lanienus: No change.


surripio: No change.


inconcinnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====               ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|inconcinnous}}  * English: {{l|en|inconcinnous}}
[[fr:inconcinnus]]                ===References===
[[mg:inconcinnus]]                * {{R:L&S}}
                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

inhumane: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:inhumane]]   [[et:inhumane]]
[[fa:inhumane]]   [[el:inhumane]]
[[io:inhumane]]   [[fa:inhumane]]
[[kn:inhumane]]   [[io:inhumane]]
[[ku:inhumane]]   [[kn:inhumane]]
[[hu:inhumane]]   [[ku:inhumane]]
[[ml:inhumane]]   [[hu:inhumane]]
[[my:inhumane]]   [[ml:inhumane]]
[[nl:inhumane]]   [[my:inhumane]]
[[pl:inhumane]]   [[nl:inhumane]]
[[fi:inhumane]]   [[pl:inhumane]]
[[sv:inhumane]]   [[fi:inhumane]]
[[vi:inhumane]]   [[sv:inhumane]]
[[zh:inhumane]]   [[vi:inhumane]]

antestari: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                          ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|antestārī}}                          {{la-verb-form|antestārī}}
# {{inflection of|antestō||pres|pasv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|antestō||pres|pasv|inf|lang=la}}
[[mg:antestari]]                                    ===References===
                                                    * {{R:Peck}}
                                                    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

cognosco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:cognosco]]   [[el:cognosco]]
[[ko:cognosco]]   [[fr:cognosco]]
[[la:cognosco]]   [[ko:cognosco]]
[[mg:cognosco]]   [[la:cognosco]]
[[nl:cognosco]]   [[mg:cognosco]]
[[pl:cognosco]]   [[nl:cognosco]]
[[chr:cognosco]]  [[pl:cognosco]]

subsidium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:subsidium]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:subsidium]]  [[de:subsidium]]
[[mg:subsidium]]  [[fr:subsidium]]
[[ru:subsidium]]  [[ko:subsidium]]

assoleo: No change.


armentarium: LATIN: References added.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}

alearis: No change.


consentio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:consentio]]  [[es:consentio]]
[[ko:consentio]]  [[fr:consentio]]
[[mg:consentio]]  [[ko:consentio]]
[[ja:consentio]]  [[mg:consentio]]
[[ru:consentio]]  [[ja:consentio]]

immodice: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praenomen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Onomastics]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[et:praenomen]]            [[Category:la:Onomastics]]
[[fr:praenomen]]            [[cs:praenomen]]
[[io:praenomen]]            [[et:praenomen]]
[[ku:praenomen]]            [[el:praenomen]]
[[mg:praenomen]]            [[fr:praenomen]]
[[ja:praenomen]]            [[io:praenomen]]
[[ru:praenomen]]            [[ku:praenomen]]
[[fi:praenomen]]            [[mg:praenomen]]
[[vi:praenomen]]            [[ja:praenomen]]
[[zh:praenomen]]            [[ru:praenomen]]

saluto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:saluto]]     [[az:saluto]]
[[de:saluto]]     [[cs:saluto]]
[[el:saluto]]     [[de:saluto]]
[[es:saluto]]     [[el:saluto]]
[[eo:saluto]]     [[es:saluto]]
[[fr:saluto]]     [[eo:saluto]]
[[gl:saluto]]     [[fr:saluto]]
[[ko:saluto]]     [[gl:saluto]]
[[io:saluto]]     [[ko:saluto]]
[[id:saluto]]     [[io:saluto]]
[[it:saluto]]     [[id:saluto]]
[[ku:saluto]]     [[it:saluto]]
[[la:saluto]]     [[ku:saluto]]
[[li:saluto]]     [[la:saluto]]
[[hu:saluto]]     [[li:saluto]]
[[mg:saluto]]     [[hu:saluto]]
[[nl:saluto]]     [[mg:saluto]]
[[ja:saluto]]     [[nl:saluto]]
[[pl:saluto]]     [[ja:saluto]]
[[ro:saluto]]     [[pl:saluto]]
[[ru:saluto]]     [[ro:saluto]]
[[fi:saluto]]     [[ru:saluto]]
[[tl:saluto]]     [[fi:saluto]]
[[chr:saluto]]    [[tl:saluto]]
[[zh:saluto]]     [[chr:saluto]]

maleficus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:maleficus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:maleficus]]  [[fr:maleficus]]
[[ru:maleficus]]  [[hr:maleficus]]

jaculatrix: No change.


mercimonium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:mercimonium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:mercimonium]]  [[de:mercimonium]]
[[ru:mercimonium]]  [[la:mercimonium]]

illacessitus: No change.


superbe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:superbe]]    [[cs:superbe]]
[[fr:superbe]]    [[de:superbe]]
[[ko:superbe]]    [[fr:superbe]]
[[io:superbe]]    [[ko:superbe]]
[[it:superbe]]    [[io:superbe]]
[[hu:superbe]]    [[it:superbe]]
[[mg:superbe]]    [[hu:superbe]]
[[pl:superbe]]    [[mg:superbe]]
[[pt:superbe]]    [[pl:superbe]]
[[ru:superbe]]    [[pt:superbe]]
[[fi:superbe]]    [[ru:superbe]]
[[vi:superbe]]    [[fi:superbe]]

noscentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vesiculosus: No change.


capillosus: No change.


udus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:udus]]       [[fr:udus]]
[[fj:udus]]       [[mg:udus]]
[[pl:udus]]       [[fj:udus]]
[[ru:udus]]       [[pl:udus]]
[[chr:udus]]      [[ru:udus]]

attolero: No change.


opera: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                      {{top2}}
* Albanian: {{l|sq|vepër}}                                    * Albanian: {{l|sq|vepër}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|obra}}                                      * Catalan: {{l|ca|obra}}
* Dutch: {{l|nl|opera}}                                       * Dutch: {{l|nl|opera}}
* English: {{l|en|opera}}                                     * English: {{l|en|opera}}
* Franco-Provençal: {{l|frp|ovra}}                            * Franco-Provençal: {{l|frp|ovra}}
* French: {{l|fr|œuvre}}, from Old French: {{l|fro|uevre}}    * French: {{l|fr|œuvre}}, from Old French: {{l|fro|uevre}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|opare}}                                   * Friulian: {{l|fur|opare}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|obra}}                                     * Galician: {{l|gl|obra}}
* Italian: {{l|it|opera}}                                     * Italian: {{l|it|opera}}
** Portuguese: {{l|pt|ópera}}                                 ** Portuguese: {{l|pt|ópera}}
* Old Irish: {{l|sga|opar}}                                   * Old Irish: {{l|sga|opar}}
** Irish: {{l|ga|obair}}                                      ** Irish: {{l|ga|obair}}
** Manx: {{l|gv|obbyr}}                                       ** Manx: {{l|gv|obbyr}}
** Scottish Gaelic: {{l|gd|obair}}                            ** Scottish Gaelic: {{l|gd|obair}}
{{mid2}}                                                      {{mid2}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|obra}}                                   * Portuguese: {{l|pt|obra}}
* Romanian: [[operă]]                                         * Romanian: [[operă]]
* Romansch: {{l|rm|ovra}}                                     * Romansch: {{l|rm|ovra}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|о́пера}}                                    * Russian: {{l|ru|о́пера}}
* Sardinian: {{l|sc|òbera}}, {{l|sc|òpera}}                   * Sardinian: {{l|sc|òbera}}, {{l|sc|òpera}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|òpira}}                                   * Sicilian: {{l|scn|òpira}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|huebra}}, {{l|es|obra}}                     * Spanish: {{l|es|huebra}}, {{l|es|obra}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|òpera}}, {{l|vec|òpra}}, {{l|vec|òpara}}  * Venetian: {{l|vec|òpera}}, {{l|vec|òpra}}, {{l|vec|òpara}}
* Walloon: {{l|wa|ouve}}                                      * Walloon: {{l|wa|ouve}}
{{bottom}}                                                    {{bottom}}
----                                                          ===References===
                                                              * {{R:L&S}}
                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                              * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                              * {{R:M&A}}

pedarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pedārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|pedārium}}
# {{inflection of|pedārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

mund: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|mund}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|mund}}
[[Category:non:Anatomy]]    ===References===
                            * {{R:Zoega}}

νηός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Smyth|328}}   * {{R:Smyth|328}}
[[el:νηός]]         [[el:νηός]]
[[ko:νηός]]         [[ko:νηός]]
[[ru:νηός]]         [[ru:νηός]]

alnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Trees]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[roa-rup:alnus]]      [[Category:la:Trees]]
[[et:alnus]]           [[roa-rup:alnus]]
[[fr:alnus]]           [[co:alnus]]
[[la:alnus]]           [[et:alnus]]
[[pl:alnus]]           [[fr:alnus]]
[[ro:alnus]]           [[la:alnus]]
[[ru:alnus]]           [[pl:alnus]]
[[sv:alnus]]           [[ro:alnus]]
[[tg:alnus]]           [[ru:alnus]]

territorialis: No change.


arrha: No change.


felicissime: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                       ===Adverb===
{{head|la|adverb superlative form}}                {{head|la|adverb superlative form}}
# {{superlative of|fēlīciter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}  # {{superlative of|fēlīciter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Ἀγκαῖος: No change.


armata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|armāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|armāta}}
# {{inflection of|armātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|armātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|armātā}}
# {{inflection of|armātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

branchiae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:branchiae]]  [[fr:branchiae]]
[[mg:branchiae]]  [[hu:branchiae]]
[[my:branchiae]]  [[mg:branchiae]]
[[vi:branchiae]]  [[my:branchiae]]
[[zh:branchiae]]  [[vi:branchiae]]

Αἶνος: No change.


volatica: No change.


trigonum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|trigōnum}}                       {{la-adj-form|trigōnum}}
# {{inflection of|trigōnus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trigōnus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:trigonum]]                                ===References===
[[ru:trigonum]]                                * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}

Epignomus: No change.


cuneatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ritus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

interverto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:interverto]]  [[fr:interverto]]
[[mg:interverto]]  [[ko:interverto]]

irreverens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

insectum: No change.


hordeaceus: No change.


Μιθριδάτης: No change.


linteolum: No change.


διάζωμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

siclum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|siclum}}                    {{la-noun-form|siclum}}
# {{inflection of|siclus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|siclus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

περισσός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|perisso/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|perisso/s}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:περισσός]]        [[el:περισσός]]

interrupte: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|interrupte}}                       {{la-part-form|interrupte}}
# {{inflection of|interruptus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|interruptus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[pl:interrupte]]                                 ===References===
[[ru:interrupte]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

trajectio: No change.


insolite: No change.


finitores: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fīnītōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|fīnītōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|fīnītor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīnītor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīnītor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīnītor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fīnītor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīnītor||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ja:finitores]]                            ===References===
                                            * {{R:Peck}}
                                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

stipate: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|stīpāte}}                               {{la-verb-form|stīpāte}}
# {{inflection of|stīpō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|stīpō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[fr:stipate]]                                         ===References===
[[it:stipate]]                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[vi:stipate]]                                         [[fr:stipate]]

emeriti: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ēmeritī}}                       {{la-part-form|ēmeritī}}
# {{inflection of|ēmeritus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēmeritus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēmeritus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēmeritus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēmeritus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēmeritus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēmeritus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēmeritus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[et:emeriti]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:emeriti]]                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ambulatura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:ambulatura]]  [[fr:ambulatura]]
[[mg:ambulatura]]  [[li:ambulatura]]
[[pl:ambulatura]]  [[mg:ambulatura]]
[[ru:ambulatura]]  [[pl:ambulatura]]

Αἴας: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1000}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1000}}
[[fr:Αἴας]]             [[el:Αἴας]]
[[nl:Αἴας]]             [[fr:Αἴας]]

emersus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ascriptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:ascriptio]]  [[fr:ascriptio]]

exauditio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

oestrus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:oestrus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:oestrus]]    [[el:oestrus]]
[[mg:oestrus]]    [[es:oestrus]]
[[pl:oestrus]]    [[fr:oestrus]]
[[ru:oestrus]]    [[mg:oestrus]]
[[sv:oestrus]]    [[pl:oestrus]]
[[ta:oestrus]]    [[ru:oestrus]]
[[chr:oestrus]]   [[sv:oestrus]]
[[vi:oestrus]]    [[ta:oestrus]]
[[zh:oestrus]]    [[chr:oestrus]]

sacella: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sacella}}                     {{la-noun-form|sacella}}
# {{inflection of|sacellum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacellum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacellum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacellum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacellum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacellum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:sacella]]                               ===References===
[[fr:sacella]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[my:sacella]]                               [[ar:sacella]]

peltatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

φύλαξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:φύλαξ]]       [[cs:φύλαξ]]
[[el:φύλαξ]]       [[de:φύλαξ]]
[[fr:φύλαξ]]       [[el:φύλαξ]]
[[ko:φύλαξ]]       [[fr:φύλαξ]]
[[lt:φύλαξ]]       [[ko:φύλαξ]]
[[mg:φύλαξ]]       [[lt:φύλαξ]]

infusco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:infusco]]    [[es:infusco]]
[[ru:infusco]]    [[ko:infusco]]

infacete: No change.


oleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

=====References=====  =====References=====
* {{R:L&S|2=oleo2}}   * {{R:L&S|2=oleo2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
===Etymology 3===     
                      ===Etymology 3===

dehortor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:dehortor]]   [[fr:dehortor]]

patibulum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:patibulum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:patibulum]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[sh:patibulum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

indoctus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:indoctus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bene: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[af:bene]]       * {{R:M&A}}
[[az:bene]]       * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[ca:bene]]       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[co:bene]]       [[af:bene]]
[[da:bene]]       [[az:bene]]
[[de:bene]]       [[ca:bene]]
[[el:bene]]       [[cs:bene]]
[[eu:bene]]       [[co:bene]]
[[fr:bene]]       [[da:bene]]
[[ko:bene]]       [[de:bene]]
[[io:bene]]       [[el:bene]]
[[it:bene]]       [[eu:bene]]
[[jv:bene]]       [[fr:bene]]
[[ku:bene]]       [[ko:bene]]
[[la:bene]]       [[io:bene]]
[[hu:bene]]       [[it:bene]]
[[mg:bene]]       [[jv:bene]]
[[fj:bene]]       [[ku:bene]]
[[nl:bene]]       [[la:bene]]
[[ja:bene]]       [[hu:bene]]
[[no:bene]]       [[mg:bene]]
[[pl:bene]]       [[fj:bene]]
[[pt:bene]]       [[nl:bene]]
[[ro:bene]]       [[ja:bene]]
[[ru:bene]]       [[no:bene]]
[[sk:bene]]       [[pl:bene]]
[[sl:bene]]       [[pt:bene]]
[[sh:bene]]       [[ro:bene]]
[[fi:bene]]       [[ru:bene]]
[[tl:bene]]       [[sk:bene]]
[[ta:bene]]       [[sl:bene]]
[[th:bene]]       [[sh:bene]]
[[chr:bene]]      [[fi:bene]]
[[tr:bene]]       [[tl:bene]]
[[zh:bene]]       [[ta:bene]]

κλύδων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:κλύδων]]       [[el:κλύδων]]
[[ko:κλύδων]]       [[fr:κλύδων]]
[[mg:κλύδων]]       [[ko:κλύδων]]

vadavero: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                 ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|vadāverō}}                                  {{la-verb-form|vadāverō}}
# {{inflection of|vadō||1|s|futr|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vadō||1|s|futr|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
                                                           * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

colona: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}

gurdus: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|p=728/1}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:du Cange}}            * {{R:Gaffiot|p=728/1}}
* {{R:OLD|1|gurdus|778/2}}  * {{R:OLD|1|gurdus|778/2}}
[[fr:gurdus]]               [[fr:gurdus]]
[[mg:gurdus]]               [[mg:gurdus]]
[[chr:gurdus]]              [[chr:gurdus]]

adorior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:adorior]]    [[el:adorior]]
[[fr:adorior]]    [[es:adorior]]
[[ko:adorior]]    [[fr:adorior]]
[[ky:adorior]]    [[ko:adorior]]
[[la:adorior]]    [[ky:adorior]]
[[pt:adorior]]    [[la:adorior]]
[[ru:adorior]]    [[pt:adorior]]

ψῆφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ψῆφος]]       [[el:ψῆφος]]
[[ko:ψῆφος]]       [[fr:ψῆφος]]
[[lt:ψῆφος]]       [[ko:ψῆφος]]
[[hu:ψῆφος]]       [[lt:ψῆφος]]

transmigratio: No change.


φενακίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                    * {{R:Bailly}}

inane: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

prasinum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|prasinum}}                       {{la-adj-form|prasinum}}
# {{inflection of|prasinus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prasinus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prasinus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prasinus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prasinus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prasinus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prasinus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prasinus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

contenebro: No change.


adversaria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

σκεῦος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|1=skeu=os}}    * {{R:LSJ|1=skeu=os}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Strong's|G|4632}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4632}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[el:σκεῦος]]            [[el:σκεῦος]]
[[fr:σκεῦος]]            [[fr:σκεῦος]]

τρίτος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|tri/tos}}  * {{R:LSJ|tri/tos}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}    * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}     * {{R:Strong's}}
                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}

violenter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:violenter]]  [[ca:violenter]]
[[fr:violenter]]  [[cs:violenter]]
[[io:violenter]]  [[fr:violenter]]
[[vi:violenter]]  [[io:violenter]]

aeditualis: No change.


tricenaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|trīcēnāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|trīcēnāria}}
# {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|trīcēnāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|trīcēnāriā}}
# {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trīcēnārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

quadriduum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:quadriduum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pransum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|prānsum}}                      {{la-part-form|prānsum}}
# {{inflection of|prānsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prānsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prānsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prānsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prānsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prānsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prānsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prānsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:pransum]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

betulus: No change.


illuminatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:illuminatio]]  [[es:illuminatio]]
[[mg:illuminatio]]  [[fr:illuminatio]]
[[ru:illuminatio]]  [[mg:illuminatio]]

amicatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|amīcāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|amīcāt}}
                        * {{R:NLW}}

amurca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pudicitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pudicitia]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:pudicitia]]  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Ἰόλαος: No change.


ἀστήρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)sth/r}}     * {{R:LSJ|a)sth/r}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|792}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|792}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀστήρ]]            [[el:ἀστήρ]]
[[ko:ἀστήρ]]            [[fr:ἀστήρ]]
[[hr:ἀστήρ]]            [[ko:ἀστήρ]]
[[lt:ἀστήρ]]            [[hr:ἀστήρ]]
[[mg:ἀστήρ]]            [[lt:ἀστήρ]]
[[pl:ἀστήρ]]            [[mg:ἀστήρ]]
[[ru:ἀστήρ]]            [[pl:ἀστήρ]]
[[tr:ἀστήρ]]            [[ru:ἀστήρ]]

germen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

virgultum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:virgultum]]  [[cs:virgultum]]
[[ru:virgultum]]  [[mg:virgultum]]

hornotinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

palmiger: No change.


Φειδίας: No change.


imperativus: No change.


renutus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|renut}}  {{la-decl-1&2|renut}}
                       * {{R:L&S}}

crystallinus: No change.


insociabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[tg:insociabilis]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praeservatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|praeservāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|praeservāt}}
                            * {{R:du Cange}}

βόνασος: No change.


palliolatim: No change.


eris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[co:eris]]       * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[de:eris]]       * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:eris]]       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[ku:eris]]       [[co:eris]]
[[li:eris]]       [[de:eris]]
[[mg:eris]]       [[es:eris]]
[[ja:eris]]       [[fr:eris]]
[[pl:eris]]       [[ku:eris]]
[[fi:eris]]       [[li:eris]]
[[sv:eris]]       [[mg:eris]]

δόρυ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}              * {{R:Slater}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}

raedarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

applumbo: No change.


imperatorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:imperatorius]]  [[fr:imperatorius]]
[[pl:imperatorius]]  [[hu:imperatorius]]
[[ru:imperatorius]]  [[pl:imperatorius]]

Ῥῆνος: No change.


κίρκος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}

amarico: No change.


deficiens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-1E|dēficiēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-1E|dēficiēns}}
[[fr:deficiens]]              ===References===
[[ru:deficiens]]              * {{R:du Cange}}

paludivagus: No change.


praematurus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:praematurus]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ja:praematurus]]  [[fr:praematurus]]

aesculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Trees]]                                       * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:la:Oaks]]                                        [[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]
[[fr:aesculus]]                                             [[Category:la:Trees]]
[[ru:aesculus]]                                             [[Category:la:Oaks]]

νεανίας: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3494}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|3494}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:νεανίας]]           [[de:νεανίας]]
[[el:νεανίας]]           [[el:νεανίας]]
[[fr:νεανίας]]           [[fr:νεανίας]]
[[ko:νεανίας]]           [[ko:νεανίας]]
[[lt:νεανίας]]           [[lt:νεανίας]]
[[mg:νεανίας]]           [[mg:νεανίας]]
[[pt:νεανίας]]           [[pt:νεανίας]]

adunatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|adūnāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|adūnāt}}
[[fr:adunatus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}

Γόρτυς: No change.


subsilis: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|subsilīs}}                                 {{la-verb-form|subsilīs}}
# {{inflection of|subsiliō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subsiliō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

pridie: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:pridie]]     [[ko:pridie]]
[[ru:pridie]]     [[pt:pridie]]

organa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

idoleum: No change.


ephesia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ephesia}}                        {{la-adj-form|ephesia}}
# {{inflection of|ephesius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ephesius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ephesius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ephesius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ephesius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ephesius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ephesius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ephesius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ephesius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ephesius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|ephesiā}}                        {{la-adj-form|ephesiā}}
# {{inflection of|ephesius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ephesius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

generose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[it:generose]]                                                                                              [[fr:generose]]
[[pl:generose]]                                                                                              [[it:generose]]
[[ru:generose]]                                                                                              [[pl:generose]]

excrementum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:excrementum]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:excrementum]]   [[es:excrementum]]
[[ru:excrementum]]   [[fr:excrementum]]
[[chr:excrementum]]  [[mg:excrementum]]

centauris: No change.


artificium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:artificium]]  * {{R:M&A}}

musivum: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|mūsīv}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|mūsīv}}
[[fr:musivum]]           ===References===
[[ru:musivum]]           * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀπονία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}
[[pl:ἀπονία]]     [[ko:ἀπονία]]

μεῖον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Aristoneus: No change.


gestum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|gestum}}                      {{la-part-form|gestum}}
# {{inflection of|gestus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gestus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gestus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gestus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gestus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gestus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gestus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gestus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:gestum]]                                ===References===
[[es:gestum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:gestum]]                                [[ca:gestum]]
[[mg:gestum]]                                [[es:gestum]]
[[ja:gestum]]                                [[fr:gestum]]
[[pl:gestum]]                                [[ko:gestum]]
[[ru:gestum]]                                [[mg:gestum]]

vinaceum: No change.


immolaticius: No change.


contemno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:contemno]]   [[el:contemno]]
[[ko:contemno]]   [[fr:contemno]]
[[mg:contemno]]   [[ko:contemno]]
[[ja:contemno]]   [[mg:contemno]]
[[pl:contemno]]   [[ja:contemno]]
[[ru:contemno]]   [[pl:contemno]]
[[fi:contemno]]   [[ru:contemno]]

profectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:profectus]]  * {{R:NLW}}

arete: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ārēte}}                                {{la-verb-form|ārēte}}
# {{inflection of|āreō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|āreō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                                      * {{R:Peck}}
                                                      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

jubilo: No change.


Ἀργεῖος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}             * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}     * {{R:Slater}}
                           * {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}

μετανοέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|metanoe/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|metanoe/w}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                       * {{R:Strong's}}

occubitus: No change.


constellatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:constellatio]]  [[fr:constellatio]]
[[ru:constellatio]]  [[pl:constellatio]]
[[zh:constellatio]]  [[ru:constellatio]]

remigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:remigo]]     [[el:remigo]]
[[fr:remigo]]     [[es:remigo]]
[[ko:remigo]]     [[fr:remigo]]
[[it:remigo]]     [[ko:remigo]]
[[mg:remigo]]     [[it:remigo]]
[[pl:remigo]]     [[mg:remigo]]
[[ru:remigo]]     [[pl:remigo]]

dinumerator: No change.


decerpo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:decerpo]]    [[el:decerpo]]

thapsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Derived terms====        ====Derived terms====
* ''[[Verbascum thapsus]]''  * ''[[Verbascum thapsus]]''
                             * {{R:Peck}}
                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

ἐρέβινθος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)re/binqos}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)re/binqos}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}

investigatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:investigatio]]  [[fr:investigatio]]
[[ru:investigatio]]  [[mg:investigatio]]
[[zh:investigatio]]  [[ru:investigatio]]

dementer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|dēmenter}}                                {{la-verb-form|dēmenter}}
# {{inflection of|dēmentō||1|s|pres|pasv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēmentō||1|s|pres|pasv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                     ===References===
                                                         * {{R:L&S}}
                                                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

poenales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|poenālēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|poenālēs}}
# {{inflection of|poenālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|poenālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|poenālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|poenālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|poenālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|poenālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|poenālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|poenālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|poenālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|poenālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|poenālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|poenālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[ja:poenales]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

matrimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}


ellifu: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                            ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                       {{top2}}
* Danish: [[elleve#Danish|elleve]]             * Danish: [[elleve#Danish|elleve]]
* Faroese: [[ellivu]]                          * Faroese: [[ellivu]]
* Icelandic: [[ellefu#Icelandic|ellefu]]       * Icelandic: [[ellefu#Icelandic|ellefu]]
{{mid2}}                                       {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l-nb|elleve}}, {{l-nn|elleve}}  * Norwegian: {{l-nb|elleve}}, {{l-nn|elleve}}
* Old Swedish: [[ællivu]]                      * Old Swedish: [[ællivu]]
** Swedish: {{l|sv|elva}}                      ** Swedish: {{l|sv|elva}}
{{bottom}}                                     {{bottom}}
[[nn:ellifu]]                                  ===References===
[[pl:ellifu]]                                  * {{R:Zoega}}

rogitatio: No change.


adpertinens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|adpertinēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|adpertinēns}}
[[sv:adpertinens]]                ===References===
                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

undulatio: No change.


suppositum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|suppositum}}                      {{la-part-form|suppositum}}
# {{inflection of|suppositus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppositus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suppositus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppositus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suppositus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppositus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|suppositus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|suppositus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[es:suppositum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:suppositum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

consumptum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|cōnsūmptum}}                      {{la-part-form|cōnsūmptum}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnsūmptus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:consumptum]]                                ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

sepulcretum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Burial]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:Platner}}
[[ru:sepulcretum]]      [[Category:la:Burial]]

morochites: No change.


lilietum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

harundinosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sanguinosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:sanguinosus]]  [[fr:sanguinosus]]

consitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:consitio]]   [[fr:consitio]]
[[ru:consitio]]   [[mg:consitio]]

pessimus: No change.


albido: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|albidō}}                        {{la-adj-form|albidō}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|albidus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|albidus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:albido]]                                 ===References===
[[kn:albido]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

hilare: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)

obsurdesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                              ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                              * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin words suffixed with -esco]]  
                                              [[Category:Latin words suffixed with -esco]]

bursa: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                                                                                                       ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                                                                                                  {{top2}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|bossa}}<!-- + “borsa”? -->                                                                                              * Catalan: {{l|ca|bossa}}<!-- + “borsa”? -->
* Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|buarsa}}                                                                                                             * Dalmatian: {{l|dlm|buarsa}}
* English: {{l|en|bursa}} ({{l|en|bursar}}, {{l|en|bursary}}), {{l|en|reimburse}} (via French), [[purse]] (in part, through Old English)  * English: {{l|en|bursa}} ({{l|en|bursar}}, {{l|en|bursary}}), {{l|en|reimburse}} (via French), [[purse]] (in part, through Old English)
* French: {{l|fr|bourse}} (via Old French {{l|fro|borse}})                                                                                * French: {{l|fr|bourse}} (via Old French {{l|fro|borse}})
* Galician: {{l|gl|bolsa}}                                                                                                                * Galician: {{l|gl|bolsa}}
* Irish: {{l|ga|bursa}}                                                                                                                   * Irish: {{l|ga|bursa}}
* Italian: {{l|it|borsa}}                                                                                                                 * Italian: {{l|it|borsa}}
{{mid2}}                                                                                                                                  {{mid2}}
* Old Portuguese: {{l|roa-opt|bolssa}}                                                                                                    * Old Portuguese: {{l|roa-opt|bolssa}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|bolsa}}                                                                                                              * Portuguese: {{l|pt|bolsa}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|boașă}}, {{l|ro|boașe}}                                                                                                * Romanian: {{l|ro|boașă}}, {{l|ro|boașe}}
* Romansch: {{l|rm|bursa}}, {{l|rm|buorsa}}                                                                                               * Romansch: {{l|rm|bursa}}, {{l|rm|buorsa}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|burza}}, {{l|scn|vurza}}, {{l|scn|buzza}}, {{l|scn|vuzza}}                                                            * Sicilian: {{l|scn|burza}}, {{l|scn|vurza}}, {{l|scn|buzza}}, {{l|scn|vuzza}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|bolsa}}                                                                                                                 * Spanish: {{l|es|bolsa}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                                                                {{bottom}}
----                                                                                                                                      ===References===
                                                                                                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

fartura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fartūra}}                       {{la-part-form|fartūra}}
# {{inflection of|fartūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fartūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|fartūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|fartūrā}}
# {{inflection of|fartūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fartūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[es:fartura]]                                 ===References===
[[eo:fartura]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[mg:fartura]]                                 [[es:fartura]]
[[pt:fartura]]                                 [[eo:fartura]]
[[zh:fartura]]                                 [[fr:fartura]]

Οἴαξ: No change.


dolia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dōlia}}                     {{la-noun-form|dōlia}}
# {{inflection of|dōlium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōlium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōlium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōlium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōlium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōlium||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:dolia]]                               ===References===
[[cs:dolia]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:dolia]]                               [[ca:dolia]]
[[my:dolia]]                               [[cs:dolia]]

demortuus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin words suffixed with -uus]]  
                                             [[Category:Latin words suffixed with -uus]]

χαλεπός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5467}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|5467}}
<references/>            * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:χαλεπός]]           [[de:χαλεπός]]
[[it:χαλεπός]]           [[el:χαλεπός]]
[[lt:χαλεπός]]           [[it:χαλεπός]]
[[pt:χαλεπός]]           [[lt:χαλεπός]]

crocallis: No change.


propago: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                        * {{R:M&A}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=787}}                                   * {{R:NLW}}
* Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber  * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=787}}
                                                                   * Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber

pensilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:pensilis]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

penteres: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pentērēs}}                    {{la-noun-form|pentērēs}}
# {{inflection of|pentēris||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pentēris||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pentēris||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pentēris||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pentēris||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pentēris||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}

transabeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|eo|eō}}       * {{l|la|eo|eō}}
[[ko:transabeo]]       ===References===
[[ru:transabeo]]       * {{R:L&S}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:NLW}}

θάλασσα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|qa/lassa}}     * {{R:LSJ|qa/lassa}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2281}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2281}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

quotidie: No change.


ecstasis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

gaesum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:gaesum]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:gaesum]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

serviens: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                                                                                 ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                                                                            {{top2}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|servent}}                                                                                         * Catalan: {{l|ca|servent}}
* English: {{l|en|sergeant}}                                                                                        * English: {{l|en|sergeant}}
* French: {{l|fr|sergent}}                                                                                          * French: {{l|fr|sergent}}
* Italian: {{l|it|serviente}}                                                                                       * Italian: {{l|it|serviente}}
{{mid2}}                                                                                                            {{mid2}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|sirvent}}                                                                                         * Occitan: {{l|oc|sirvent}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|servente}}, {{l|pt|serviente}}, {{l|pt|sargente}}, {{l|pt|sargento}} {{qualifier|via French}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|servente}}, {{l|pt|serviente}}, {{l|pt|sargente}}, {{l|pt|sargento}} {{qualifier|via French}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|sirviente}}                                                                                       * Spanish: {{l|es|sirviente}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                                          {{bottom}}
[[fr:serviens]]                                                                                                     ===References===
                                                                                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

scalarius: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

πάθημα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[pl:πάθημα]]      [[el:πάθημα]]

ἐγκέφαλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)gkefali/ths}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)gkefali/ths}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}          * {{R:Slater}}
                           * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἐγκέφαλος]]           [[el:ἐγκέφαλος]]
[[mg:ἐγκέφαλος]]           [[fr:ἐγκέφαλος]]
[[ru:ἐγκέφαλος]]           [[mg:ἐγκέφαλος]]

occipio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

amicabilis: No change.


bellans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|bellāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|bellāns}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

lupus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references />    * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  <references />

interrogator: No change.


promptuarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:promptuarium]]  [[mg:promptuarium]]

rixosus: No change.


melichrysos: No change.


disgregatio: No change.


inauratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:inauratus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Νεκῶς: No change.


corruptivus: No change.


defututus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====     ====References====
* {{R:L&S|defututus}}  * {{R:L&S|defututus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:defututus]]       [[it:defututus]]

lunatica: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|lūnātica}}                        {{la-adj-form|lūnātica}}
# {{inflection of|lūnāticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūnāticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūnāticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūnāticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūnāticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūnāticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūnāticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūnāticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūnāticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūnāticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|lūnāticā}}                        {{la-adj-form|lūnāticā}}
# {{inflection of|lūnāticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūnāticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:lunatica]]                                 ===References===
[[ko:lunatica]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

νοῦθος: No change.


producto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

agricultio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ku:agricultio]]  [[fr:agricultio]]
[[mg:agricultio]]  [[ku:agricultio]]
[[tr:agricultio]]  [[mg:agricultio]]

hereas: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|hereās}}                                {{la-verb-form|hereās}}
# {{inflection of|hereō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hereō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[mg:hereas]]                                          ===References===
                                                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

ἀρχιμανδρίτης: No change.


vitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:vitio]]      [[ca:vitio]]
[[fr:vitio]]      [[cs:vitio]]
[[ko:vitio]]      [[fr:vitio]]
[[ru:vitio]]      [[ko:vitio]]

abnato: No change.


anima: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

mercatum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mercātum}}                    {{la-noun-form|mercātum}}
# {{inflection of|mercātus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mercātus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:mercatum]]                              ===References===
[[ku:mercatum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ja:mercatum]]                              [[fr:mercatum]]

onerosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:onerosus]]   [[fr:onerosus]]

obeliscus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:obeliscus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:obeliscus]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

tuttugu: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                         ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                    {{top2}}
* Danish: [[tyve#Danish|tyve]]              * Danish: [[tyve#Danish|tyve]]
* Faroese: [[tjúgu]]                        * Faroese: [[tjúgu]]
* Icelandic: [[tuttugu#Icelandic|tuttugu]]  * Icelandic: [[tuttugu#Icelandic|tuttugu]]
{{mid2}}                                    {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l-nb|tjue}}, {{l-nn|tjue}}   * Norwegian: {{l-nb|tjue}}, {{l-nn|tjue}}
* Swedish: [[tjugo]]                        * Swedish: [[tjugo]]
{{bottom}}                                  {{bottom}}
[[az:tuttugu]]                              ===References===
[[da:tuttugu]]                              * {{R:Zoega}}
[[fr:tuttugu]]                              [[az:tuttugu]]
[[ga:tuttugu]]                              [[da:tuttugu]]
[[ko:tuttugu]]                              [[et:tuttugu]]
[[io:tuttugu]]                              [[fr:tuttugu]]
[[is:tuttugu]]                              [[ga:tuttugu]]
[[lt:tuttugu]]                              [[ko:tuttugu]]
[[li:tuttugu]]                              [[io:tuttugu]]
[[hu:tuttugu]]                              [[is:tuttugu]]
[[mg:tuttugu]]                              [[lt:tuttugu]]
[[fj:tuttugu]]                              [[li:tuttugu]]
[[nl:tuttugu]]                              [[hu:tuttugu]]
[[pl:tuttugu]]                              [[mg:tuttugu]]
[[ro:tuttugu]]                              [[fj:tuttugu]]
[[ru:tuttugu]]                              [[nl:tuttugu]]
[[fi:tuttugu]]                              [[pl:tuttugu]]
[[sv:tuttugu]]                              [[ro:tuttugu]]
[[chr:tuttugu]]                             [[ru:tuttugu]]
[[uk:tuttugu]]                              [[fi:tuttugu]]

sufficio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:sufficio]]   [[el:sufficio]]
[[ko:sufficio]]   [[fr:sufficio]]
[[la:sufficio]]   [[ko:sufficio]]
[[mg:sufficio]]   [[la:sufficio]]
[[chr:sufficio]]  [[mg:sufficio]]

Nigris: No change.


adjugo: No change.


murale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mūrāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|mūrāle}}
# {{inflection of|mūrālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūrālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūrālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūrālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mūrālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mūrālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:murale]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:murale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:murale]]                                 [[de:murale]]
[[mg:murale]]                                 [[fr:murale]]
[[nl:murale]]                                 [[ko:murale]]
[[zh:murale]]                                 [[io:murale]]

salio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[es:salio]]      [[de:salio]]
[[fr:salio]]      [[es:salio]]
[[ko:salio]]      [[fr:salio]]
[[io:salio]]      [[ko:salio]]
[[it:salio]]      [[io:salio]]
[[mg:salio]]      [[it:salio]]
[[pt:salio]]      [[mg:salio]]
[[ru:salio]]      [[pt:salio]]
[[chr:salio]]     [[ru:salio]]

nemorivagus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

antecello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

γελάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}

lancearius: No change.


practicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:practicus]]  [[fr:practicus]]
[[nl:practicus]]  [[mg:practicus]]
[[pl:practicus]]  [[nl:practicus]]

constipo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cathedrales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cathēdrālēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|cathēdrālēs}}
# {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cathēdrālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cathedrales]]                                ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

ludibrium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:ludibrium]]   [[cs:ludibrium]]
[[ko:ludibrium]]   [[fr:ludibrium]]
[[mg:ludibrium]]   [[ko:ludibrium]]
[[ru:ludibrium]]   [[mg:ludibrium]]
[[chr:ludibrium]]  [[ru:ludibrium]]

supera: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

conlusio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|conlūsiō}}  {{la-decl-3rd|conlūsiō}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

pavimentatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|pavimentāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|pavimentāt}}
[[li:pavimentatus]]         ===References===
                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

partiarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                            ===Adjective===
{{head|la|adjective}}                      {{head|la|adjective}}
# that [[shares]] with another             # that [[shares]] with another
# [[shared]]; that is shared with another  # [[shared]]; that is shared with another
                                           * {{R:L&S}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                                           * {{R:NLW}}

invoco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

clavatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:clavatus]]   [[de:clavatus]]
[[mg:clavatus]]   [[fr:clavatus]]

promiscue: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|prōmiscue}}                        {{la-adj-form|prōmiscue}}
# {{inflection of|prōmiscuus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prōmiscuus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[es:promiscue]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:promiscue]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ru:promiscue]]                                 [[es:promiscue]]

κτάομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Cunliffe}}  * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
[[el:κτάομαι]]    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[fr:κτάομαι]]    * {{R:Slater}}
[[ko:κτάομαι]]    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[mg:κτάομαι]]    [[el:κτάομαι]]

πέμπτος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|pe/mptos1}}  * {{R:LSJ|pe/mptos1}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}

spiniger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

deis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|deīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|deīs}}
# {{inflection of|deus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|deus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|deus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|deus||abl|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

μαργαρίτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|margari/ths}}  * {{R:LSJ|margari/ths}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3135}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Strong's|G|3135}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[fr:μαργαρίτης]]        [[el:μαργαρίτης]]
[[ko:μαργαρίτης]]        [[fr:μαργαρίτης]]
[[mg:μαργαρίτης]]        [[ko:μαργαρίτης]]
[[pl:μαργαρίτης]]        [[mg:μαργαρίτης]]
[[ru:μαργαρίτης]]        [[pl:μαργαρίτης]]

voco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|691f}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                             * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|691f}}
[[de:voco]]                  [[ca:voco]]
[[el:voco]]                  [[de:voco]]
[[es:voco]]                  [[el:voco]]
[[fr:voco]]                  [[es:voco]]
[[ko:voco]]                  [[fr:voco]]
[[io:voco]]                  [[ko:voco]]
[[it:voco]]                  [[io:voco]]
[[ka:voco]]                  [[it:voco]]
[[ku:voco]]                  [[ka:voco]]
[[la:voco]]                  [[ku:voco]]
[[li:voco]]                  [[la:voco]]
[[hu:voco]]                  [[li:voco]]
[[mg:voco]]                  [[hu:voco]]
[[ja:voco]]                  [[mg:voco]]
[[pl:voco]]                  [[ja:voco]]
[[pt:voco]]                  [[pl:voco]]
[[ru:voco]]                  [[pt:voco]]
[[fi:voco]]                  [[ru:voco]]
[[chr:voco]]                 [[fi:voco]]

attonsura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|attōnsūra}}                       {{la-part-form|attōnsūra}}
# {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|attōnsūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|attōnsūrā}}
# {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|attōnsūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

ὕδρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                       * {{R:LSJ}}
                                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
{{C|grc|Mythological creatures}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ὕδρα]]                       {{C|grc|Mythological creatures}}
[[mg:ὕδρα]]                       [[fr:ὕδρα]]

harka: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====              ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|harka|g=f}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|harka|g=f}}
----                             ===References===
                                 * {{R:Zoega}}

lympho: No change.


angr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|angur}}        * Icelandic: {{l|is|angur}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|angur}}          * Faroese: {{l|fo|angur}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|ånger}}          * Swedish: {{l|sv|ånger}}
* Danish: {{l|da|anger}}           * Danish: {{l|da|anger}}
* Middle English: {{l|enm|anger}}  * Middle English: {{l|enm|anger}}
** → Scots: {{l|sco|anger}}        ** → Scots: {{l|sco|anger}}
** → English: {{l|en|anger}}       ** → English: {{l|en|anger}}
[[Category:non:Emotions]]          ===References===
                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
[[sv:angr]]                        [[Category:non:Emotions]]

ineruditio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ineruditio]]  [[fr:ineruditio]]
[[ru:ineruditio]]  [[mg:ineruditio]]

Κουρίων: No change.


proseco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:proseco]]    [[fr:proseco]]

θήκη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2336}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2336}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

deonero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

singula: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                                                                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|singula}}                                                                                             {{la-adj-form|singula}}
# {{inflection of|singulus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}                                                                       # {{inflection of|singulus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|singulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}                                                                       # {{inflection of|singulus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|singulus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}                                                                       # {{inflection of|singulus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
#* '''c. 29 {{smallcaps|bc}}''', {{w|Publius Vergilius Maro}}, ''{{w|Georgicon}}'', III.285               #* '''c. 29 {{smallcaps|bc}}''', {{w|Publius Vergilius Maro}}, ''{{w|Georgicon}}'', III.285
#*: {{smallcaps|fvgit inreparabile tempvs}}<br>{{smallcaps|'''singvla''' dvm capti circvmvectamvr amore}}           #*: {{smallcaps|fvgit inreparabile tempvs}}<br>{{smallcaps|'''singvla''' dvm capti circvmvectamvr amore}}
#*:: Irretrievable time flies away while, in thrall to love, we are carried about from '''one thing to another'''.  #*:: Irretrievable time flies away while, in thrall to love, we are carried about from '''one thing to another'''.
# {{inflection of|singulus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}                                                                       # {{inflection of|singulus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|singulus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}                                                                       # {{inflection of|singulus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|singulā}}                                                                                             {{la-adj-form|singulā}}
# {{inflection of|singulus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}                                                                       # {{inflection of|singulus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:singula]]                                                                                                      ===References===
[[fr:singula]]                                                                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

craticius: No change.


cooptare: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cooptāre}}                               {{la-verb-form|cooptāre}}
# {{inflection of|cooptō||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}       # {{inflection of|cooptō||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cooptō||2|s|pres|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cooptō||2|s|pres|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cooptō||2|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cooptō||2|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                    ===References===
                                                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

supplantatio: No change.


zephyre: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                           ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|zephyre|m}}                           {{la-noun-form|zephyre|m}}
# {{inflection of|zephyrus|zephyrus|lang=la|voc|s}}  # {{inflection of|zephyrus|zephyrus|lang=la|voc|s}}
[[sk:zephyre]]                                       ===References===
                                                     * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

liquefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:liquefacio]]  [[ko:liquefacio]]

confabulor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ablutor: No change.


opacus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ca:opacus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:opacus]]     [[ca:opacus]]
[[ru:opacus]]     [[fr:opacus]]
[[ta:opacus]]     [[mg:opacus]]
[[zh:opacus]]     [[ru:opacus]]

cutis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fortunate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[cy:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[ca:fortunate]]
[[et:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[cy:fortunate]]
[[es:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[et:fortunate]]
[[fa:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[es:fortunate]]
[[fr:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[fa:fortunate]]
[[ko:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[fr:fortunate]]
[[hy:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[ko:fortunate]]
[[hr:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[hy:fortunate]]
[[io:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[hr:fortunate]]
[[it:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[io:fortunate]]
[[kn:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[it:fortunate]]
[[ku:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[kn:fortunate]]
[[li:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[ku:fortunate]]
[[hu:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[li:fortunate]]
[[mg:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[hu:fortunate]]
[[ml:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[mg:fortunate]]
[[my:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[ml:fortunate]]
[[ja:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[my:fortunate]]
[[pl:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[ja:fortunate]]
[[ru:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[pl:fortunate]]
[[simple:fortunate]]                                                                                         [[ru:fortunate]]
[[fi:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[simple:fortunate]]
[[sv:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[fi:fortunate]]
[[ta:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[sv:fortunate]]
[[te:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[ta:fortunate]]
[[th:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[te:fortunate]]
[[chr:fortunate]]                                                                                            [[th:fortunate]]
[[tr:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[chr:fortunate]]
[[vi:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[tr:fortunate]]
[[zh:fortunate]]                                                                                             [[vi:fortunate]]

bulla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

πολυποίκιλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}          * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
                     * {{R:Strong's}}

dulcitas: No change.


nidulor: No change.


Xantho: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|Xanthō}}                     {{la-noun-form|Xanthō}}
# {{inflection of|Xanthus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Xanthus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Xanthus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Xanthus||abl|s|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:L&S}}

coorior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:coorior]]    [[ko:coorior]]
[[chr:coorior]]   [[mg:coorior]]

togatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

inconsultus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}

ἄδικος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                     ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                                                                                                                         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                                                                                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                                                                                                                      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|94}}                                                                                                                                                                  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                                                                                                                           * {{R:Strong's|G|94}}
* Liddell & Scott, [*a:entry%20group=290:entry=a)prosdo/khtos A Greek-English Lexicon]  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                                                                                                                                       * Liddell & Scott, [*a:entry%20group=290:entry=a)prosdo/khtos A Greek-English Lexicon]
[[fr:ἄδικος]]                                                                                                                                                                          [[el:ἄδικος]]
[[ko:ἄδικος]]                                                                                                                                                                          [[fr:ἄδικος]]
[[lt:ἄδικος]]                                                                                                                                                                          [[ko:ἄδικος]]
[[pl:ἄδικος]]                                                                                                                                                                          [[lt:ἄδικος]]
[[ru:ἄδικος]]                                                                                                                                                                          [[pl:ἄδικος]]

exanimatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|exanimāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|exanimāt}}
                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

cogamus: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cōgāmus}}                              {{la-verb-form|cōgāmus}}
# {{inflection of|cōgō||1|p|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōgō||1|p|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[la:cogamus]]                                        ===References===
[[mg:cogamus]]                                        * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

icas: No change.


majuma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

parilitas: No change.


diluculat: No change.


Lupercus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S|Lŭpercus}}  * {{R:L&S|Lŭpercus}}
                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ru:Lupercus]]       [[fr:Lupercus]]

ἀποστολή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

plumifer: No change.


relictus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

lumina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lūmina}}                   {{la-noun-form|lūmina}}
# {{inflection of|lūmen||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūmen||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūmen||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūmen||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lūmen||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lūmen||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

vendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}

liba: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|lībā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|lībā}}
# {{inflection of|lībō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lībō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

egeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

verbum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===External links===             ===External links===
* {{R:L&S}}                      * {{R:L&S}}
[[Category:la:Parts of speech]]  ===References===
                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[af:verbum]]                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ast:verbum]]                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[be:verbum]]                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[co:verbum]]                    [[Category:la:Parts of speech]]
[[de:verbum]]                    [[af:verbum]]
[[el:verbum]]                    [[ast:verbum]]
[[es:verbum]]                    [[be:verbum]]
[[eu:verbum]]                    [[cs:verbum]]
[[fr:verbum]]                    [[co:verbum]]
[[ko:verbum]]                    [[da:verbum]]
[[hr:verbum]]                    [[de:verbum]]
[[io:verbum]]                    [[el:verbum]]
[[kn:verbum]]                    [[es:verbum]]
[[ka:verbum]]                    [[eu:verbum]]
[[ku:verbum]]                    [[fr:verbum]]
[[ky:verbum]]                    [[ko:verbum]]
[[la:verbum]]                    [[hr:verbum]]
[[lt:verbum]]                    [[io:verbum]]
[[hu:verbum]]                    [[kn:verbum]]
[[mg:verbum]]                    [[ka:verbum]]
[[mt:verbum]]                    [[ku:verbum]]
[[fj:verbum]]                    [[ky:verbum]]
[[nl:verbum]]                    [[la:verbum]]
[[ja:verbum]]                    [[lt:verbum]]
[[oc:verbum]]                    [[hu:verbum]]
[[pl:verbum]]                    [[mg:verbum]]
[[pt:verbum]]                    [[mt:verbum]]
[[ro:verbum]]                    [[fj:verbum]]
[[ru:verbum]]                    [[nl:verbum]]
[[fi:verbum]]                    [[ja:verbum]]
[[sv:verbum]]                    [[oc:verbum]]
[[chr:verbum]]                   [[pl:verbum]]
[[zh:verbum]]                    [[pt:verbum]]

anticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:anticus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ta:anticus]]    [[es:anticus]]

Καπανεύς: No change.


ἀταραξία: No change.


contribulis: No change.


secale: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:secale]]           [[fr:secale]]
[[ro:secale]]           [[pl:secale]]
[[ru:secale]]           [[ro:secale]]
[[ta:secale]]           [[ru:secale]]
[[chr:secale]]          [[ta:secale]]

consideratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:consideratio]]  [[fr:consideratio]]
[[zh:consideratio]]  [[ru:consideratio]]

pallium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:pallium]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:pallium]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:pallium]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[id:pallium]]    [[et:pallium]]
[[ku:pallium]]    [[el:pallium]]
[[mg:pallium]]    [[fr:pallium]]
[[nl:pallium]]    [[io:pallium]]
[[pl:pallium]]    [[id:pallium]]
[[ru:pallium]]    [[ku:pallium]]
[[fi:pallium]]    [[mg:pallium]]
[[ta:pallium]]    [[nl:pallium]]
[[chr:pallium]]   [[pl:pallium]]
[[vi:pallium]]    [[ru:pallium]]
[[zh:pallium]]    [[fi:pallium]]

berula: No change.


oppugno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====   ====References====
* {{R:L&S|oppugno}}  * {{R:L&S|oppugno}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:oppugno]]       [[el:oppugno]]
[[fr:oppugno]]       [[es:oppugno]]
[[ko:oppugno]]       [[fr:oppugno]]
[[it:oppugno]]       [[ko:oppugno]]
[[ru:oppugno]]       [[it:oppugno]]

baetulus: No change.


πλανάω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}
[[ru:πλανάω]]     [[fr:πλανάω]]

Οἰδίπους: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=2|page=1054}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|1019}}
                                       * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=2|page=1054}}
[[fr:Οἰδίπους]]                        [[el:Οἰδίπους]]

trifolium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin calques]]  
[[Category:la:Plants]]      [[Category:Latin calques]]
[[de:trifolium]]            [[co:trifolium]]
[[fr:trifolium]]            [[de:trifolium]]
[[ku:trifolium]]            [[fr:trifolium]]
[[mg:trifolium]]            [[ku:trifolium]]
[[ru:trifolium]]            [[mg:trifolium]]
[[vi:trifolium]]            [[ru:trifolium]]

οἰκέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3611}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3611}}
[[fr:οἰκέω]]             [[el:οἰκέω]]
[[it:οἰκέω]]             [[fr:οἰκέω]]
[[lt:οἰκέω]]             [[it:οἰκέω]]
[[pl:οἰκέω]]             [[lt:οἰκέω]]

accommodo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:accommodo]]  [[cs:accommodo]]
[[fr:accommodo]]  [[es:accommodo]]
[[ko:accommodo]]  [[fr:accommodo]]
[[ku:accommodo]]  [[ko:accommodo]]
[[la:accommodo]]  [[ku:accommodo]]
[[ru:accommodo]]  [[la:accommodo]]

articulo: No change.


Στράτος: No change.


claustrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ca:claustrum]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:claustrum]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:claustrum]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:claustrum]]  [[ca:claustrum]]
[[pl:claustrum]]  [[de:claustrum]]
[[pt:claustrum]]  [[fr:claustrum]]
[[ru:claustrum]]  [[id:claustrum]]
[[sk:claustrum]]  [[mg:claustrum]]
[[ta:claustrum]]  [[pl:claustrum]]
[[zh:claustrum]]  [[pt:claustrum]]

aegre: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:aegre]]      [[fr:aegre]]
[[la:aegre]]      [[ko:aegre]]
[[pl:aegre]]      [[la:aegre]]

emergo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:emergo]]     [[fr:emergo]]
[[zh:emergo]]     [[ko:emergo]]

castagnaretum: No change.


vacuitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sponsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sponsus]]            [[cs:sponsus]]
[[pl:sponsus]]            [[fr:sponsus]]
[[ru:sponsus]]            [[pl:sponsus]]

caprea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[cs:caprea]]                  [[Category:la:Mammals]]
[[ro:caprea]]                  [[cs:caprea]]
[[sv:caprea]]                  [[fr:caprea]]

auctumnus: No change.


finite: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====                                                                     ====Related terms====
{{rel3|fīnālis|fīniēns|fīniō|fīnis|fīnitimus|fīnītiō|fīnītīvus|fīnītor|fīnītus|lang=la}}  {{rel3|fīnālis|fīniēns|fīniō|fīnis|fīnitimus|fīnītiō|fīnītīvus|fīnītor|fīnītus|lang=la}}
[[cy:finite]]                                                                             ===References===
[[de:finite]]                                                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[el:finite]]                                                                             [[cy:finite]]
[[fa:finite]]                                                                             [[de:finite]]
[[fr:finite]]                                                                             [[et:finite]]
[[ko:finite]]                                                                             [[el:finite]]
[[hy:finite]]                                                                             [[fa:finite]]
[[io:finite]]                                                                             [[fr:finite]]
[[it:finite]]                                                                             [[ko:finite]]
[[kn:finite]]                                                                             [[hy:finite]]
[[ku:finite]]                                                                             [[io:finite]]
[[hu:finite]]                                                                             [[it:finite]]
[[mg:finite]]                                                                             [[kn:finite]]
[[ml:finite]]                                                                             [[ku:finite]]
[[my:finite]]                                                                             [[hu:finite]]
[[ja:finite]]                                                                             [[mg:finite]]
[[pl:finite]]                                                                             [[ml:finite]]
[[ru:finite]]                                                                             [[my:finite]]
[[simple:finite]]                                                                         [[ja:finite]]
[[fi:finite]]                                                                             [[pl:finite]]
[[sv:finite]]                                                                             [[ru:finite]]
[[ta:finite]]                                                                             [[simple:finite]]
[[te:finite]]                                                                             [[fi:finite]]
[[th:finite]]                                                                             [[sv:finite]]
[[tr:finite]]                                                                             [[ta:finite]]
[[vi:finite]]                                                                             [[te:finite]]
[[zh:finite]]                                                                             [[th:finite]]

fascino: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cantatrices: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cantātricēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|cantātricēs}}
# {{inflection of|cantātrix||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantātrix||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cantātrix||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantātrix||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cantātrix||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantātrix||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cantātrix||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantātrix||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cantātrix||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantātrix||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cantātrix||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cantātrix||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cantatrices]]                              ===References===
[[mg:cantatrices]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[nl:cantatrices]]                              [[fr:cantatrices]]

margarita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Gems]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                  [[Category:la:Gems]]

indemnatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

contabulatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|contabulāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|contabulāt}}
                            * {{R:du Cange}}

concorditer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vivo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press

agrimensor: No change.


perpensus: No change.


mariti: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|marītī}}                     {{la-noun-form|marītī}}
# {{inflection of|marītus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marītus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marītus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marītus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|marītus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|marītus||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

cato: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

jugulator: No change.


perurgens: No change.


respondeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

reticentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:reticentia]]  [[fr:reticentia]]

majalis: No change.


infinito: No change.


vindicatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:vindicatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:vindicatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:vindicatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

boarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:boarius]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Pergamis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|Pergamīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|Pergamīs}}
# {{inflection of|Pergamon||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Pergamon||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Pergamon||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Pergamon||abl|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:L&S}}

ταὐτολογία: No change.


venatrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἄτομος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)/tomos}}       * {{R:LSJ|a)/tomos}}
* {{R:Bailly}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}           * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Century 1911|atom}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                           * {{R:Century 1911|atom}}
[[mg:ἄτομος]]              [[fr:ἄτομος]]

θυγάτηρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2364}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|2364}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:θυγάτηρ]]           [[cs:θυγάτηρ]]
[[el:θυγάτηρ]]           [[de:θυγάτηρ]]
[[es:θυγάτηρ]]           [[el:θυγάτηρ]]
[[fr:θυγάτηρ]]           [[es:θυγάτηρ]]
[[ko:θυγάτηρ]]           [[fr:θυγάτηρ]]
[[hr:θυγάτηρ]]           [[ko:θυγάτηρ]]
[[lt:θυγάτηρ]]           [[hr:θυγάτηρ]]
[[hu:θυγάτηρ]]           [[lt:θυγάτηρ]]
[[mg:θυγάτηρ]]           [[hu:θυγάτηρ]]
[[pl:θυγάτηρ]]           [[mg:θυγάτηρ]]
[[ru:θυγάτηρ]]           [[pl:θυγάτηρ]]
[[sm:θυγάτηρ]]           [[ru:θυγάτηρ]]
[[tr:θυγάτηρ]]           [[sm:θυγάτηρ]]

nonae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====             ====Descendants====
* English: [[nones]]            * English: [[nones]]
[[Category:la:Calendar terms]]  ===References===
                                * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:nonae]]                    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                [[Category:la:Calendar terms]]

stramineus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ta:stramineus]]  [[pl:stramineus]]

cinyphes: No change.


dimissio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:dimissio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:dimissio]]   [[fr:dimissio]]
[[ru:dimissio]]   [[mg:dimissio]]

admistus: No change.


vipereus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

graecum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|graecum}}                       {{la-adj-form|graecum}}
# {{inflection of|graecus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|graecus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:graecum]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

deplorabundus: No change.


coronarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|corōnārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|corōnārium}}
# {{inflection of|corōnārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corōnārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|corōnārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corōnārius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|corōnārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corōnārius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|corōnārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|corōnārius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:coronarium]]                                ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

ἄγνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}

riva: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|rīvā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|rīvā}}
# {{inflection of|rīvō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rīvō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

malleoli: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|malleolī}}                     {{la-noun-form|malleolī}}
# {{inflection of|malleolus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malleolus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malleolus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malleolus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malleolus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malleolus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:malleoli]]                               ===References===
[[fr:malleoli]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

ὄνειρον: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:ὄνειρον]]     [[el:ὄνειρον]]
[[ko:ὄνειρον]]     [[ko:ὄνειρον]]

calces: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

naula: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|naula}}                     {{la-noun-form|naula}}
# {{inflection of|naulum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|naulum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|naulum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|naulum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|naulum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|naulum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:naula]]                               ===References===
[[et:naula]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[eu:naula]]                               [[cs:naula]]
[[fr:naula]]                               [[et:naula]]
[[io:naula]]                               [[el:naula]]
[[lt:naula]]                               [[eu:naula]]
[[hu:naula]]                               [[fr:naula]]
[[mg:naula]]                               [[io:naula]]
[[pl:naula]]                               [[lt:naula]]
[[ru:naula]]                               [[hu:naula]]
[[fi:naula]]                               [[mg:naula]]
[[sv:naula]]                               [[pl:naula]]
[[tl:naula]]                               [[ru:naula]]
[[chr:naula]]                              [[fi:naula]]
[[tr:naula]]                               [[sv:naula]]

caballion: No change.


martiane: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|martiāne}}                        {{la-adj-form|martiāne}}
# {{inflection of|martiānus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|martiānus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

percisus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|percīs}}  {{la-decl-1&2|percīs}}
[[fr:percisus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}

stagneus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

refarcio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                    ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-4th|refarc|refars|refart}}  {{la-conj-4th|refarc|refars|refart}}
                                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

morator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lio: No change.


anathema: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-N|anathema}}  {{la-decl-3rd-N|anathema}}
[[ca:anathema]]             ===References===
[[de:anathema]]             * {{R:L&S}}
[[et:anathema]]             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:anathema]]             [[ca:anathema]]
[[io:anathema]]             [[de:anathema]]
[[id:anathema]]             [[et:anathema]]
[[it:anathema]]             [[fr:anathema]]
[[kn:anathema]]             [[ko:anathema]]
[[ku:anathema]]             [[io:anathema]]
[[lt:anathema]]             [[id:anathema]]
[[hu:anathema]]             [[it:anathema]]
[[mg:anathema]]             [[kn:anathema]]
[[ml:anathema]]             [[ku:anathema]]
[[my:anathema]]             [[lt:anathema]]
[[nl:anathema]]             [[hu:anathema]]
[[ps:anathema]]             [[mg:anathema]]
[[pl:anathema]]             [[ml:anathema]]
[[pt:anathema]]             [[my:anathema]]
[[ru:anathema]]             [[nl:anathema]]
[[fi:anathema]]             [[ps:anathema]]
[[sv:anathema]]             [[pl:anathema]]
[[ta:anathema]]             [[pt:anathema]]
[[te:anathema]]             [[ru:anathema]]
[[tr:anathema]]             [[fi:anathema]]
[[vi:anathema]]             [[sv:anathema]]
[[zh:anathema]]             [[ta:anathema]]

celebritas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:celebritas]]  [[fr:celebritas]]

lustro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                          * {{R:M&A}}

imaginarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:imaginarius]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fiscus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Containers]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:fiscus]]               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[nl:fiscus]]               [[Category:la:Containers]]

longe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

pollicitus: No change.


suavior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:suavior]]    [[es:suavior]]

skip: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                     {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|skib}}      * Danish: {{l|da|skib}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|skip}}     * Faroese: {{l|fo|skip}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|skip}}   * Icelandic: {{l|is|skip}}
{{mid2}}                     {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|skip}}   * Norwegian: {{l|no|skip}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|skepp}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|skepp}}
{{bottom}}                   {{bottom}}
[[Category:non:Watercraft]]  ===References===
                             * {{R:Zoega}}

assuetus: No change.


confectura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:confectura]]  [[pl:confectura]]

pistillum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:pistillum]]  [[de:pistillum]]
[[mg:pistillum]]  [[fr:pistillum]]
[[ja:pistillum]]  [[mg:pistillum]]
[[ru:pistillum]]  [[ja:pistillum]]

pauxillum: No change.


παλίμψηστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                    * {{R:Bailly}}
[[fr:παλίμψηστος]]  [[el:παλίμψηστος]]

colluctor: No change.


vetustas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

officio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Derived terms====  ====Derived terms====
* [[ex officio]]       * [[ex officio]]
----                   ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:M&A}}
                       * {{R:NLW}}

Θεσσαλικός: No change.


sophus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ====References====
* {{R:L&S|sŏphus|sophus1}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S|sŏphus|sophus1}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* "[ sophos]", in James Bailey, ed., ''The universal Latin lexicon of Facciolauts and Forcellinus'', new ed., London : Baldwin and Cradock, 1828, v. 2, p. 585. {{OCLC|755192329}}.      * {{R:NLW}}
* "[$b649645?urlappend=%3Bseq=846 sŏphŏs or sŏphŭs]", in Frederick Percival Leverett, ed., ''A new and copious lexicon of the Latin language'', new ed., Boston: Bazin & Ellsworth, 1850, v. 1, p. 836. {{OCLC|870807716}}.  * "[ sophos]", in James Bailey, ed., ''The universal Latin lexicon of Facciolauts and Forcellinus'', new ed., London : Baldwin and Cradock, 1828, v. 2, p. 585. {{OCLC|755192329}}.
* "[ sophus]" in Charlton T. Lewis, ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', New York [u.a.]: American Book Company, 1890.                                            * "[$b649645?urlappend=%3Bseq=846 sŏphŏs or sŏphŭs]", in Frederick Percival Leverett, ed., ''A new and copious lexicon of the Latin language'', new ed., Boston: Bazin & Ellsworth, 1850, v. 1, p. 836. {{OCLC|870807716}}.
* "[ Sophus]", in {{w|Charles Anthon}}, ''A Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary, for the use of schools'', New York: Harper & Brothers, 1852 (1853 printing), p. 830. {{OCLC|463933035}}.     * "[ sophus]" in Charlton T. Lewis, ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', New York [u.a.]: American Book Company, 1890.
* "[ Sŏphus (-ŏs)]" in James R. V. Marchant, Joseph F. Charles, eds., ''Cassell's Latin dictionary'', New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953 printing, p. 532. {{OCLC|569568855}}.               * "[ Sophus]", in {{w|Charles Anthon}}, ''A Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary, for the use of schools'', New York: Harper & Brothers, 1852 (1853 printing), p. 830. {{OCLC|463933035}}.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * "[ Sŏphus (-ŏs)]" in James R. V. Marchant, Joseph F. Charles, eds., ''Cassell's Latin dictionary'', New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953 printing, p. 532. {{OCLC|569568855}}.
[[ku:sophus]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [[fr:sophus]]
[[mg:sophus]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [[ku:sophus]]
[[ru:sophus]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               [[mg:sophus]]

Tiberius: No change.


speculatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:speculatio]]  [[fr:speculatio]]

Tiro: No change.


lividum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|līvidum}}                       {{la-adj-form|līvidum}}
# {{inflection of|līvidus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|līvidus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:lividum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:lividum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

γέλως: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
* LSJ 7th edition   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * LSJ 7th edition
[[es:γέλως]]        [[el:γέλως]]
[[fr:γέλως]]        [[es:γέλως]]
[[is:γέλως]]        [[fr:γέλως]]
[[it:γέλως]]        [[is:γέλως]]
[[lt:γέλως]]        [[it:γέλως]]
[[mg:γέλως]]        [[lt:γέλως]]
[[pt:γέλως]]        [[mg:γέλως]]

εὐθυμία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|eu)qumi/a}}  * {{R:LSJ|eu)qumi/a}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Slater}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}

officiosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:officiosus]]  [[fr:officiosus]]

lentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:lentus]]     [[ca:lentus]]
[[fr:lentus]]     [[cs:lentus]]
[[ko:lentus]]     [[fr:lentus]]
[[hr:lentus]]     [[ko:lentus]]
[[id:lentus]]     [[hr:lentus]]
[[ka:lentus]]     [[id:lentus]]
[[la:lentus]]     [[ka:lentus]]
[[lt:lentus]]     [[la:lentus]]
[[hu:lentus]]     [[lt:lentus]]
[[mg:lentus]]     [[hu:lentus]]
[[fj:lentus]]     [[mg:lentus]]
[[nl:lentus]]     [[fj:lentus]]
[[pl:lentus]]     [[nl:lentus]]
[[ru:lentus]]     [[pl:lentus]]
[[zh:lentus]]     [[ru:lentus]]

cognatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Family]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cognatus]]         [[Category:la:Family]]

facesso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:facesso]]    [[fr:facesso]]

intra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

disjunctivus: No change.


peragrans: No change.


κορώνη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                          * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[Category:grc:Corvids]]  [[Category:grc:Birds]]
[[fr:κορώνη]]             [[el:κορώνη]]
[[ko:κορώνη]]             [[fr:κορώνη]]
[[ru:κορώνη]]             [[ko:κορώνη]]
[[tr:κορώνη]]             [[ru:κορώνη]]

ἴα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                                                                                        ===Verb===
{{head|grc|numeral form}}                                                                                         {{head|grc|numeral form}}
# {{inflection of|εἷς||f|nom|s<!-- also Aeolic and Ionic -->|lang=grc}} in {{grc-epi}}, {{grc-aio}}, {{grc-ion}}  # {{inflection of|εἷς||f|nom|s<!-- also Aeolic and Ionic -->|lang=grc}} in {{grc-epi}}, {{grc-aio}}, {{grc-ion}}
[[el:ἴα]]                                                                                                         ===References===
                                                                                                                  * {{R:LSJ}}
                                                                                                                  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                                                                                                                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}

περίζωμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                             ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|peri/zwma}}                                        * {{R:LSJ|peri/zwma}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                                                             * {{R:Bailly}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|περιζωμα]]  
[[el:περίζωμα]]                                              [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|περιζωμα]]
[[fr:περίζωμα]]                                              [[el:περίζωμα]]

implanator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|implānātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|implānātor}}
# {{inflection of|implānō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|implānō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|implānō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|implānō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:implanator]]                                        ===References===
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

ἄκορος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:DGE}}
                  * {{R:Slater}}

balat: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|bālat}}                                {{la-verb-form|bālat}}
# {{inflection of|bālō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bālō||3|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:Stillwell}}

maccus: No change.


hasta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
* Lewis & Short, [ A Latin Dictionary]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Nocentini|hw=asta}} <!-- etymology -->                                                                                                                        * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                                                                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                                                                                                                                       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[Category:Latin nouns]]                                                                                                                                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[Category:la:Spears]]                                                                                                                                              * {{R:Stillwell}}
                                                                                                                                                                    * Lewis & Short, [ A Latin Dictionary]
----                                                                                                                                                                * {{R:Nocentini|hw=asta}} <!-- etymology -->
                                                                                                                                                                    [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
                                                                                                                                                                    [[Category:Latin nouns]]

formalis: No change.


excusatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:excusatio]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:excusatio]]  [[fr:excusatio]]
[[pl:excusatio]]  [[ko:excusatio]]
[[ru:excusatio]]  [[mg:excusatio]]

gobio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gōbiō}}                     {{la-noun-form|gōbiō}}
# {{inflection of|gōbius||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gōbius||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gōbius||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gōbius||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

divitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:divitia]]    [[fr:divitia]]

flagitiose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

duumviratus: No change.


φθέγγομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5350}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|5350}}

Ἰδουμαία: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:Strong's|G|2401}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2401}}
[[hu:Ἰδουμαία]]          [[hu:Ἰδουμαία]]

ἔγωγε: No change.


batavis: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|batāvīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|batāvīs}}
# {{inflection of|batāvus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|batāvus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|batāvus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|batāvus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|batāvus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|batāvus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|batāvus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|batāvus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|batāvus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|batāvus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|batāvus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|batāvus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

παντοκρατής: No change.


everriculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:everriculum]]  * {{R:Peck}}

allato: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|allātō}}                       {{la-part-form|allātō}}
# {{inflection of|allātus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|allātus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|allātus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|allātus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allātus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:allato]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

cors: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

βδέλλα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* LSJ 7th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 7th edition

germanii: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|germāniī}}                     {{la-noun-form|germāniī}}
# {{inflection of|germānium||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|germānium||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:germanii]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

executa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|execūta}}                       {{la-part-form|execūta}}
# {{inflection of|execūtus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|execūtus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|execūtus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|execūtus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|execūtus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|execūtus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|execūtus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|execūtus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|execūtus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|execūtus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|execūtā}}                       {{la-part-form|execūtā}}
# {{inflection of|execūtus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|execūtus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

procella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:procella]]   [[et:procella]]
[[eu:procella]]   [[es:procella]]
[[fr:procella]]   [[eu:procella]]
[[hr:procella]]   [[fr:procella]]
[[it:procella]]   [[hr:procella]]
[[hu:procella]]   [[it:procella]]
[[mg:procella]]   [[hu:procella]]
[[pl:procella]]   [[mg:procella]]
[[tl:procella]]   [[pl:procella]]
[[chr:procella]]  [[tl:procella]]

remotio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Κασσάνδρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|1005}}
----                    ----

concupiscentia: No change.


sacculi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sacculī}}                     {{la-noun-form|sacculī}}
# {{inflection of|sacculus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacculus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacculus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacculus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sacculus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sacculus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:sacculi]]                               ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

Λείγηρ: No change.


Πιερία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1022}}

furibunde: No change.


cactus: No change.


excitatio: No change.


dacicus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dacic}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dacic}}
                       * {{R:Peck}}

Iob: LATIN: References added.

===Proper noun===                         ===Proper noun===
{{head|la|proper noun|g=m|indeclinable}}  {{head|la|proper noun|g=m|indeclinable}}
# [[Job]] {{gloss|biblical character}}    # [[Job]] {{gloss|biblical character}}
{{C|la|Biblical characters}}              ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}
[[pl:Iob]]                                {{C|la|Biblical characters}}

paucus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|p=1,127/1}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot|p=1,127/1}}
* {{R:OLD|1|paucus|1,312}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                            * {{R:OLD|1|paucus|1,312}}
[[es:paucus]]               [[cs:paucus]]
[[fr:paucus]]               [[es:paucus]]
[[ko:paucus]]               [[fr:paucus]]
[[ku:paucus]]               [[ko:paucus]]
[[mg:paucus]]               [[ku:paucus]]
[[ja:paucus]]               [[mg:paucus]]
[[ru:paucus]]               [[ja:paucus]]
[[chr:paucus]]              [[ru:paucus]]

consequentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:consequentia]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:consequentia]]  [[cs:consequentia]]
[[mg:consequentia]]  [[es:consequentia]]
[[pl:consequentia]]  [[fr:consequentia]]
[[ru:consequentia]]  [[mg:consequentia]]

adsumo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                     ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|adsūm|adsūmps|adsūmpt}}  {{la-conj-3rd|adsūm|adsūmps|adsūmpt}}
[[ko:adsumo]]                          ===References===
                                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

iniucunde: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|iniūcunde}}                        {{la-adj-form|iniūcunde}}
# {{inflection of|iniūcundus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|iniūcundus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

propulsatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:propulsatio]]  [[mg:propulsatio]]

axillae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|axillae}}                   {{la-noun-form|axillae}}
# {{inflection of|axilla||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|axilla||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|axilla||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|axilla||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|axilla||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|axilla||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|axilla||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|axilla||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:axillae]]                             ===References===
[[fr:axillae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[my:axillae]]                             [[ca:axillae]]
[[ta:axillae]]                             [[fr:axillae]]
[[vi:axillae]]                             [[mg:axillae]]

participantes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|participantēs}}                    {{la-part-form|participantēs}}
# {{inflection of|participāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|participāns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|participāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|participāns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|participāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|participāns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|participāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|participāns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|participāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|participāns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|participāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|participāns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                              ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

exorior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

νίκη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|ni/kh1}}                   * {{R:LSJ|ni/kh1}}
* [[w:Bauer lexicon|Bauer lexicon]]  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3529}}              * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                     * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                     * {{R:Strong's|G|3529}}
{{C|grc|War}}                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                     * [[w:Bauer lexicon|Bauer lexicon]]
----                                 * {{grc-Beekes}}

matrimis: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mātrimīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|mātrimīs}}
# {{inflection of|mātrimus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrimus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mātrimus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrimus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mātrimus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrimus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mātrimus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrimus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mātrimus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrimus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mātrimus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mātrimus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

conus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:conus]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:conus]]      [[fr:conus]]
[[nl:conus]]      [[ko:conus]]
[[ru:conus]]      [[mg:conus]]
[[fi:conus]]      [[nl:conus]]
[[sv:conus]]      [[ru:conus]]
[[vi:conus]]      [[fi:conus]]

tenuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:tenuo]]      [[ko:tenuo]]
[[ru:tenuo]]      [[ja:tenuo]]

perrogatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πεντάκις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|penta/kis|w=πεντάκῐς}}  * {{R:LSJ|penta/kis|w=πεντάκῐς}}
* {{R:Slater}}                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                 * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                  * {{R:Strong's}}
                                  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[nl:πεντάκις]]                   [[el:πεντάκις]]

basterna: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====      ====Descendants====
* French: [[basterne]]   * French: [[basterne]]
* Italian: [[basterna]]  * Italian: [[basterna]]
[[es:basterna]]          ===References===
[[fr:basterna]]          * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}
                         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

indocte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

συγγραφεύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:συγγραφεύς]]   [[fr:συγγραφεύς]]

subscripti: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|subscrīptī}}                       {{la-part-form|subscrīptī}}
# {{inflection of|subscrīptus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subscrīptus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subscrīptus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subscrīptus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subscrīptus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subscrīptus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|subscrīptus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|subscrīptus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

Νεοκλῆς: No change.


impendio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

intercisi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:intercisi]]  [[it:intercisi]]

leptis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|leptīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|leptīs}}
# {{inflection of|leptus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leptus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leptus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leptus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leptus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leptus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leptus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leptus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leptus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leptus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|leptus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|leptus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

δύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ|du/w2}}   * {{R:LSJ|du/w2}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
===Numeral===       * {{R:DGE}}

concursus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:concursus]]  * {{R:M&A}}

sagus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:sagus]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:sagus]]      [[el:sagus]]
[[la:sagus]]      [[eo:sagus]]

spiritualis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:spiritualis]]  [[el:spiritualis]]

ancus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin hapax legomena]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin hapax legomena]]
[[mg:ancus]]                       [[fr:ancus]]

galearia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

litr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|lød}}       * Danish: {{l|da|lød}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|litur}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|litur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|litur}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|litur}}
----                         ===References===
                             * {{R:Zoega}}

liquefactus: No change.


sextus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:sextus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:sextus]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fr:sextus]]     [[ca:sextus]]
[[ko:sextus]]     [[de:sextus]]
[[hr:sextus]]     [[es:sextus]]
[[la:sextus]]     [[fr:sextus]]
[[mg:sextus]]     [[ko:sextus]]
[[nl:sextus]]     [[hr:sextus]]
[[pl:sextus]]     [[la:sextus]]
[[pt:sextus]]     [[mg:sextus]]
[[ru:sextus]]     [[nl:sextus]]
[[fi:sextus]]     [[pl:sextus]]
[[sv:sextus]]     [[pt:sextus]]
[[ta:sextus]]     [[ru:sextus]]
[[chr:sextus]]    [[fi:sextus]]

argutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

mespila: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mespila}}                     {{la-noun-form|mespila}}
# {{inflection of|mespilum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mespilum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mespilum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mespilum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mespilum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mespilum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

sigila: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sigila}}                     {{la-noun-form|sigila}}
# {{inflection of|sigilum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sigilum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sigilum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sigilum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sigilum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sigilum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[es:sigila]]                               ===References===
[[fr:sigila]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ro:sigila]]                               [[es:sigila]]

quoque: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[el:quoque]]     [[cs:quoque]]
[[es:quoque]]     [[el:quoque]]
[[fr:quoque]]     [[es:quoque]]
[[it:quoque]]     [[fr:quoque]]
[[la:quoque]]     [[it:quoque]]
[[lt:quoque]]     [[la:quoque]]
[[li:quoque]]     [[lt:quoque]]
[[hu:quoque]]     [[li:quoque]]
[[mg:quoque]]     [[hu:quoque]]
[[fj:quoque]]     [[mg:quoque]]
[[nl:quoque]]     [[fj:quoque]]
[[pl:quoque]]     [[nl:quoque]]
[[ru:quoque]]     [[pl:quoque]]
[[chr:quoque]]    [[ru:quoque]]

repositum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|repositum}}                      {{la-part-form|repositum}}
# {{inflection of|repositus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|repositus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|repositus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|repositus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|repositus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|repositus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|repositus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|repositus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:repositum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:repositum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

largitor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vulva: No change.


rigator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ξυρόν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:ξυρόν]]       * LSJ 8th edition
[[mg:ξυρόν]]       [[el:ξυρόν]]
[[pl:ξυρόν]]       [[fr:ξυρόν]]

ibi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ploro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πέμπε: No change.


Σάρδεις: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:grc:Cities]]  [[Category:grc:Cities]]
[[hu:Σάρδεις]]           [[hu:Σάρδεις]]

mumia: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====    ====Declension====
{{la-decl-1st|mumi}}  {{la-decl-1st|mumi}}
----                  ===References===
                      * {{R:du Cange}}

commendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}                   * {{R:M&A}}
* {{R:Century 1911|commend}}  * {{R:NLW}}
                              * {{R:Century 1911|commend}}
[[ko:commendo]]               [[fr:commendo]]
[[it:commendo]]               [[ko:commendo]]
[[ku:commendo]]               [[it:commendo]]
[[mg:commendo]]               [[ku:commendo]]
[[pl:commendo]]               [[mg:commendo]]
[[ru:commendo]]               [[pl:commendo]]

supervehor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

assarum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|assārum}}                     {{la-adj-form|assārum}}
# {{inflection of|assus||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assus||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:assarum]]                              ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

abambulo: No change.


portentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:portentum]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ample: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ample}}                        {{la-adj-form|ample}}
# {{inflection of|amplus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amplus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ar:ample]]                                 ===References===
[[ca:ample]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[co:ample]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[et:ample]]                                 [[ar:ample]]
[[el:ample]]                                 [[ca:ample]]
[[es:ample]]                                 [[co:ample]]
[[eu:ample]]                                 [[de:ample]]
[[fa:ample]]                                 [[et:ample]]
[[fr:ample]]                                 [[el:ample]]
[[gl:ample]]                                 [[es:ample]]
[[ko:ample]]                                 [[eu:ample]]
[[hy:ample]]                                 [[fa:ample]]
[[hr:ample]]                                 [[fr:ample]]
[[io:ample]]                                 [[gl:ample]]
[[it:ample]]                                 [[ko:ample]]
[[kn:ample]]                                 [[hy:ample]]
[[ku:ample]]                                 [[hr:ample]]
[[la:ample]]                                 [[io:ample]]
[[li:ample]]                                 [[it:ample]]
[[hu:ample]]                                 [[kn:ample]]
[[mg:ample]]                                 [[ku:ample]]
[[ml:ample]]                                 [[la:ample]]
[[my:ample]]                                 [[li:ample]]
[[nl:ample]]                                 [[hu:ample]]
[[ja:ample]]                                 [[mg:ample]]
[[ps:ample]]                                 [[ml:ample]]
[[pl:ample]]                                 [[my:ample]]
[[ru:ample]]                                 [[nl:ample]]
[[sa:ample]]                                 [[ja:ample]]
[[simple:ample]]                             [[ps:ample]]
[[fi:ample]]                                 [[pl:ample]]
[[sv:ample]]                                 [[ru:ample]]
[[ta:ample]]                                 [[sa:ample]]
[[te:ample]]                                 [[simple:ample]]
[[th:ample]]                                 [[fi:ample]]
[[chr:ample]]                                [[sv:ample]]
[[tr:ample]]                                 [[ta:ample]]
[[vi:ample]]                                 [[te:ample]]
[[zh:ample]]                                 [[th:ample]]

Τεῦκρος: No change.


longisco: No change.


Cappadocia: No change.


furnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:furnus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[eu:furnus]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:furnus]]     <references/>
[[ja:furnus]]     [[el:furnus]]

attineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:attineo]]    [[el:attineo]]
[[ko:attineo]]    [[fr:attineo]]

september: LATIN: References added.

===See also===                  ===See also===
* {{pedialite|Roman calendar}}  * {{pedialite|Roman calendar}}
[[Category:la:Months]]          ===References===
                                * {{R:M&A}}

improperium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:improperium]]  [[fr:improperium]]
[[ru:improperium]]  [[mg:improperium]]

refractus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:refractus]]  [[fr:refractus]]

ἑρμηνεύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[el:ἑρμηνεύω]]   * {{R:Strong's}}

corruptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:corruptio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:corruptio]]  [[fr:corruptio]]
[[mg:corruptio]]  [[hr:corruptio]]
[[pl:corruptio]]  [[hu:corruptio]]
[[ru:corruptio]]  [[mg:corruptio]]


oleosus: No change.


adminiculor: No change.


pirarius: LATIN: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ===References===
* Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 798/1], “pirarius”  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         * Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 798/1], “pirarius”

dumosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

luis: No change.


museum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|mūsē}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|mūsē}}
----                    ===References===
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:PersEnc}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

dimensum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dīmēnsum}}                      {{la-part-form|dīmēnsum}}
# {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dīmēnsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:dimensum]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

compitalicius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

exseco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:exseco]]     [[fr:exseco]]

mergito: No change.


corpus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                * {{R:du Cange}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>                                                                                                              * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                           * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]                                                                                              * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
                                                                                                                           [[Category:Latin root words]]

cogo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

profecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:profecto]]   [[fr:profecto]]
[[it:profecto]]   [[ko:profecto]]
[[mg:profecto]]   [[it:profecto]]

annosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:annosus]]    [[fr:annosus]]
[[fj:annosus]]    [[mg:annosus]]
[[chr:annosus]]   [[fj:annosus]]

desponsus: No change.


competitio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:competitio]]  [[fr:competitio]]
[[ru:competitio]]  [[mg:competitio]]

doma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Βηθανία: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}                             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Strong's}}
* [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]  * [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]
[[hu:Βηθανία]]                          [[hu:Βηθανία]]
[[Category:grc:Cities|Βηθανια]]         [[Category:grc:Cities|Βηθανια]]

libidinosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

excogitator: No change.


jubeo: No change.


miseratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:miseratio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:miseratio]]  [[de:miseratio]]
[[ru:miseratio]]  [[fr:miseratio]]

sustineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:sustineo]]   [[el:sustineo]]
[[ko:sustineo]]   [[fr:sustineo]]
[[la:sustineo]]   [[ko:sustineo]]
[[mg:sustineo]]   [[la:sustineo]]
[[pl:sustineo]]   [[mg:sustineo]]
[[chr:sustineo]]  [[pl:sustineo]]

adapertio: No change.


φλόξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5395}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5395}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:φλόξ]]              [[el:φλόξ]]
[[ko:φλόξ]]              [[fr:φλόξ]]
[[it:φλόξ]]              [[ko:φλόξ]]
[[mg:φλόξ]]              [[it:φλόξ]]

anseres: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|anserēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|anserēs}}
# {{inflection of|anser||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anser||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anser||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anser||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anser||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anser||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:anseres]]                            ===References===
[[ku:anseres]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fi:anseres]]                            [[fr:anseres]]

palea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}

eversa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ēversa}}                       {{la-part-form|ēversa}}
# {{inflection of|ēversus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēversus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēversus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēversus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēversus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēversus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēversus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēversus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ēversus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēversus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|ēversā}}                       {{la-part-form|ēversā}}
# {{inflection of|ēversus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēversus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:eversa]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

sanctificatio: No change.


δίλημμα: No change.


Ἰνώ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}

incorruptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:M&A}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}

consummatum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|consummātum}}                      {{la-part-form|consummātum}}
# {{inflection of|consummātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consummātus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consummātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consummātus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consummātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consummātus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|consummātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|consummātus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

discessio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:discessio]]  [[fr:discessio]]
[[ru:discessio]]  [[mg:discessio]]

textorius: No change.


immersio: No change.


Οὐατίνιος: No change.


dioecetae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dioecētae}}                    {{la-noun-form|dioecētae}}
# {{inflection of|dioecētēs||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dioecētēs||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dioecētēs||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dioecētēs||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dioecētēs||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dioecētēs||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dioecētēs||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dioecētēs||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

opimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:opimus]]     [[fr:opimus]]
[[mg:opimus]]     [[ko:opimus]]

abequito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:abequito]]   [[ko:abequito]]
[[li:abequito]]   [[it:abequito]]
[[ru:abequito]]   [[li:abequito]]

commodo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:commodo]]    [[cs:commodo]]
[[fr:commodo]]    [[es:commodo]]
[[ko:commodo]]    [[fr:commodo]]
[[mg:commodo]]    [[ko:commodo]]
[[ro:commodo]]    [[mg:commodo]]
[[ru:commodo]]    [[ro:commodo]]

trusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

recordatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ky:recordatus]]  [[fr:recordatus]]

ingurgito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:ingurgito]]  [[ca:ingurgito]]
[[fr:ingurgito]]  [[es:ingurgito]]
[[it:ingurgito]]  [[fr:ingurgito]]
[[ru:ingurgito]]  [[it:ingurgito]]

sandalia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sandalia}}                     {{la-noun-form|sandalia}}
# {{inflection of|sandalium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sandalium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sandalium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sandalium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sandalium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sandalium||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

civilitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:civilitas]]  [[fr:civilitas]]
[[lo:civilitas]]  [[ku:civilitas]]
[[mg:civilitas]]  [[lo:civilitas]]

paludatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>     * {{R:M&A}}

eventura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                           ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|ēventūrusa}}                                {{la-part-form|ēventūrusa}}
# {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|ēventūrusā}}                                {{la-part-form|ēventūrusā}}
# {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|eventurus|ēventūrusus|abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:eventura]]                                            ===References===
                                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

pituita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Bodily fluids]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:pituita]]                 [[Category:la:Bodily fluids]]
[[io:pituita]]                 [[de:pituita]]
[[mg:pituita]]                 [[fr:pituita]]
[[zh:pituita]]                 [[io:pituita]]

zelosus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:zelosus]]    [[de:zelosus]]
[[mg:zelosus]]    [[fr:zelosus]]

Ἀρκτοῦρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1002}}

ovillus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ovill}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ovill}}
[[fr:ovillus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:L&S}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

praesum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:praesum]]    [[de:praesum]]
[[es:praesum]]    [[el:praesum]]
[[fr:praesum]]    [[es:praesum]]
[[ko:praesum]]    [[fr:praesum]]
[[la:praesum]]    [[ko:praesum]]
[[mg:praesum]]    [[la:praesum]]
[[pl:praesum]]    [[mg:praesum]]
[[pt:praesum]]    [[pl:praesum]]
[[ru:praesum]]    [[pt:praesum]]

baka: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Danish: {{l|da|bage}}     * Danish: {{l|da|bage}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|baka}}    * Faroese: {{l|fo|baka}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|baka}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|baka}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|bake}}  * Norwegian: {{l|no|bake}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|baka}}    * Swedish: {{l|sv|baka}}
----                        ===References===
                            * {{R:Zoega}}

pius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

canesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin defective verbs]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin defective verbs]]

inabsolutus: No change.


anglicus: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====          ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Anglia}}              * {{l|la|Anglia}}
* {{l|la|anglicanus}}          * {{l|la|anglicanus}}
[[Category:la:Nationalities]]  ===References===
                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:anglicus]]                [[Category:la:Nationalities]]

obolus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:obolus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:obolus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:obolus]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

aurosum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|aurōsum}}                       {{la-adj-form|aurōsum}}
# {{inflection of|aurōsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aurōsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:aurosum]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

cirratus: No change.


semiplenus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

secasses: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|secassēs}}                             {{la-verb-form|secassēs}}
# {{inflection of|secō||2|s|plup|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|secō||2|s|plup|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

allecta: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|allectā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|allectā}}
# {{inflection of|allectō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|allectō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[fr:allecta]]                                           ===References===
[[ku:allecta]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

κανονίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
                   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}

rideo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                                                                                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Roberts, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Spanish Language with Families of Words based on Indo-European Roots: Volume II                                                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
*  de Vaan, Michiel, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, vol. 7, of Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Alexander Lubotsky ed., Leiden: Brill, 2008.  * Roberts, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Spanish Language with Families of Words based on Indo-European Roots: Volume II 
                                                                                                                                                                                                    *  de Vaan, Michiel, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, vol. 7, of Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Alexander Lubotsky ed., Leiden: Brill, 2008.

contractus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:contractus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fy:contractus]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:contractus]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

denudatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:denudatio]]  [[fr:denudatio]]

amoebaeus: No change.


βουβών: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:LBG}}                * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Century 1911|bubo}}  * {{R:LBG}}
                           * {{R:Century 1911|bubo}}
[[ko:βουβών]]              [[el:βουβών]]
[[ru:βουβών]]              [[ko:βουβών]]

ἀγγελία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|31}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}           * {{R:Strong's|G|31}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀγγελία]]         [[el:ἀγγελία]]
[[ko:ἀγγελία]]         [[fr:ἀγγελία]]
[[it:ἀγγελία]]         [[ko:ἀγγελία]]
[[mg:ἀγγελία]]         [[it:ἀγγελία]]
[[nl:ἀγγελία]]         [[mg:ἀγγελία]]
[[pl:ἀγγελία]]         [[nl:ἀγγελία]]
[[pt:ἀγγελία]]         [[pl:ἀγγελία]]
[[ru:ἀγγελία]]         [[pt:ἀγγελία]]

Μοῦσα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1017}}                                                                                                   * {{R:Bailly}}
* Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag  * {{R:Woodhouse|1017}}
                                                                                                                         * Julius Pokorny ('''1959'''), ''Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch'', in 3 vols, Bern, München: Francke Verlag
[[ko:Μοῦσα]]                                                                                                             [[fr:Μοῦσα]]

ἁδρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}
[[ru:ἁδρός]]      [[pl:ἁδρός]]

Campana: No change.


devoratio: No change.


contractio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:contractio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

συνώνυμα: No change.


incurvo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:incurvo]]    [[es:incurvo]]
[[ko:incurvo]]    [[fr:incurvo]]
[[it:incurvo]]    [[ko:incurvo]]
[[ru:incurvo]]    [[it:incurvo]]

absurditas: No change.


abominosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

internus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:internus]]   [[co:internus]]
[[mg:internus]]   [[fr:internus]]

violaris: No change.


palis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pālīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|pālīs}}
# {{inflection of|pāla||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pāla||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pāla||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pāla||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:palis]]                             ===References===
[[fr:palis]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[id:palis]]                             [[ca:palis]]
[[mg:palis]]                             [[fr:palis]]
[[pl:palis]]                             [[io:palis]]
[[ru:palis]]                             [[id:palis]]
[[tl:palis]]                             [[mg:palis]]
[[vi:palis]]                             [[pl:palis]]
[[zh:palis]]                             [[ru:palis]]

sparus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Spears]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                    [[Category:la:Fish]]

ἕξις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e(/cis}}  * {{R:LSJ|e(/cis}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[es:ἕξις]]         [[el:ἕξις]]
[[fr:ἕξις]]         [[es:ἕξις]]
[[it:ἕξις]]         [[fr:ἕξις]]

praeterverto: No change.


τριάκοντα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5144}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5144}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:τριάκοντα]]         [[de:τριάκοντα]]
[[fr:τριάκοντα]]         [[el:τριάκοντα]]
[[ko:τριάκοντα]]         [[fr:τριάκοντα]]
[[is:τριάκοντα]]         [[ko:τριάκοντα]]
[[lt:τριάκοντα]]         [[is:τριάκοντα]]
[[hu:τριάκοντα]]         [[lt:τριάκοντα]]
[[mg:τριάκοντα]]         [[hu:τριάκοντα]]
[[nl:τριάκοντα]]         [[mg:τριάκοντα]]
[[pl:τριάκοντα]]         [[nl:τριάκοντα]]
[[ru:τριάκοντα]]         [[pl:τριάκοντα]]

ganea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:ganea]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

circumcurso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:circumcurso]]  [[ko:circumcurso]]

Libya: No change.


exopto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:exopto]]     [[ko:exopto]]

pessimo: No change.


ψιλοποιέω: No change.


Ἀβυδηνός: No change.


Persis: No change.


ὀφείλω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3784}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3784}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{grc-Beekes}}
[[ru:ὀφείλω]]            [[fr:ὀφείλω]]

sancta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|sāncta}}                       {{la-part-form|sāncta}}
# {{inflection of|sānctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sānctus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sānctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sānctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sānctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sānctus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sānctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sānctus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sānctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sānctus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|sānctā}}                       {{la-part-form|sānctā}}
# {{inflection of|sānctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sānctus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:sancta]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:sancta]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:sancta]]                                 [[cs:sancta]]

πάλλω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|pa/llw}}  * {{R:LSJ|pa/llw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}
[[fr:πάλλω]]        [[el:πάλλω]]

aspectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[la:aspectus]]   [[fr:aspectus]]
[[li:aspectus]]   [[la:aspectus]]
[[ru:aspectus]]   [[li:aspectus]]

τίνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5099}}                * {{R:Slater}}
                                       * {{R:Strong's|G|5099}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek verbs|τινω]]  
                                       [[Category:Ancient Greek verbs|τινω]]
[[fr:τίνω]]                            [[el:τίνω]]

afflecto: No change.


polypus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:polypus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:polypus]]    [[de:polypus]]
[[it:polypus]]    [[fr:polypus]]
[[mg:polypus]]    [[io:polypus]]
[[my:polypus]]    [[it:polypus]]
[[pt:polypus]]    [[mg:polypus]]
[[ta:polypus]]    [[my:polypus]]
[[te:polypus]]    [[pt:polypus]]
[[vi:polypus]]    [[ta:polypus]]
[[zh:polypus]]    [[te:polypus]]

crebritudo: No change.


praesepe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:praesepe]]   [[de:praesepe]]
[[pt:praesepe]]   [[la:praesepe]]
[[fi:praesepe]]   [[pt:praesepe]]
[[ta:praesepe]]   [[fi:praesepe]]

ferro: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|ferrō}}                     {{la-noun-form|ferrō}}
# {{inflection of|ferrum||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrum||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ferrum||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferrum||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                       ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

abstruse: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|abstrūse}}                       {{la-part-form|abstrūse}}
# {{inflection of|abstrūsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|abstrūsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[am:abstruse]]                                 ===References===
[[ar:abstruse]]                                 * {{R:L&S}}
[[et:abstruse]]                                 [[am:abstruse]]
[[el:abstruse]]                                 [[ar:abstruse]]
[[fa:abstruse]]                                 [[de:abstruse]]
[[fr:abstruse]]                                 [[et:abstruse]]
[[ko:abstruse]]                                 [[el:abstruse]]
[[hy:abstruse]]                                 [[fa:abstruse]]
[[io:abstruse]]                                 [[fr:abstruse]]
[[it:abstruse]]                                 [[ko:abstruse]]
[[kn:abstruse]]                                 [[hy:abstruse]]
[[ku:abstruse]]                                 [[io:abstruse]]
[[hu:abstruse]]                                 [[it:abstruse]]
[[mg:abstruse]]                                 [[kn:abstruse]]
[[ml:abstruse]]                                 [[ku:abstruse]]
[[my:abstruse]]                                 [[hu:abstruse]]
[[nl:abstruse]]                                 [[mg:abstruse]]
[[ps:abstruse]]                                 [[ml:abstruse]]
[[pl:abstruse]]                                 [[my:abstruse]]
[[pt:abstruse]]                                 [[nl:abstruse]]
[[ru:abstruse]]                                 [[ps:abstruse]]
[[simple:abstruse]]                             [[pl:abstruse]]
[[fi:abstruse]]                                 [[pt:abstruse]]
[[sv:abstruse]]                                 [[ru:abstruse]]
[[ta:abstruse]]                                 [[simple:abstruse]]
[[te:abstruse]]                                 [[fi:abstruse]]
[[th:abstruse]]                                 [[sv:abstruse]]
[[tr:abstruse]]                                 [[ta:abstruse]]
[[uk:abstruse]]                                 [[te:abstruse]]
[[vi:abstruse]]                                 [[th:abstruse]]
[[zh:abstruse]]                                 [[tr:abstruse]]

myrkr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===                                                                                                                                                                                          ===References===
* Entry [ "''myrkr''"] on page 305 in: Geir T. Zoëga "''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic''", Oxford at the Claredon Press (1910).  * {{R:Zoega}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                          * Entry [ "''myrkr''"] on page 305 in: Geir T. Zoëga "''A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic''", Oxford at the Claredon Press (1910).
[[nl:myrkr]]                                                                                                                                                                                              [[da:myrkr]]
[[sv:myrkr]]                                                                                                                                                                                              [[nl:myrkr]]

valeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Ecclesiastical Latin]]  
[[Category:Medieval Latin]]        [[Category:Ecclesiastical Latin]]
                                   [[Category:Medieval Latin]]
[[cs:valeo]]                       [[ca:valeo]]
[[de:valeo]]                       [[cs:valeo]]
[[el:valeo]]                       [[de:valeo]]
[[es:valeo]]                       [[el:valeo]]
[[fr:valeo]]                       [[es:valeo]]
[[ko:valeo]]                       [[fr:valeo]]
[[la:valeo]]                       [[ko:valeo]]
[[mg:valeo]]                       [[la:valeo]]
[[ja:valeo]]                       [[mg:valeo]]
[[pl:valeo]]                       [[ja:valeo]]
[[pt:valeo]]                       [[pl:valeo]]
[[ro:valeo]]                       [[pt:valeo]]
[[ru:valeo]]                       [[ro:valeo]]
[[fi:valeo]]                       [[ru:valeo]]
[[chr:valeo]]                      [[fi:valeo]]
[[zh:valeo]]                       [[chr:valeo]]

tumeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|633}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|633}}
[[ko:tumeo]]                [[fr:tumeo]]
[[mg:tumeo]]                [[ko:tumeo]]
[[chr:tumeo]]               [[mg:tumeo]]

digitalia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|digitālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|digitālia}}
# {{inflection of|digitālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|digitālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|digitālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|digitālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|digitālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|digitālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

cachrys: No change.


irrumo: No change.


fundamentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:fundamentum]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:fundamentum]]  [[cs:fundamentum]]
[[io:fundamentum]]  [[de:fundamentum]]
[[mg:fundamentum]]  [[fr:fundamentum]]
[[ru:fundamentum]]  [[io:fundamentum]]
[[sk:fundamentum]]  [[mg:fundamentum]]
[[vi:fundamentum]]  [[ru:fundamentum]]

agitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:agitatio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:agitatio]]   [[el:agitatio]]
[[ps:agitatio]]   [[fr:agitatio]]
[[ru:agitatio]]   [[mg:agitatio]]
[[zh:agitatio]]   [[ps:agitatio]]

caeduus: No change.


exorcista: No change.


calcatum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                  ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|calcātum}}                   {{la-verb-form|calcātum}}
# {{inflection of|calcō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calcō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
[[es:calcatum]]                             ===References===
[[fr:calcatum]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

abhorreo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[it:abhorreo]]   [[ko:abhorreo]]
[[li:abhorreo]]   [[it:abhorreo]]
[[mg:abhorreo]]   [[li:abhorreo]]
[[fj:abhorreo]]   [[mg:abhorreo]]
[[pl:abhorreo]]   [[fj:abhorreo]]
[[ru:abhorreo]]   [[pl:abhorreo]]
[[chr:abhorreo]]  [[ru:abhorreo]]
[[uk:abhorreo]]   [[chr:abhorreo]]

vectorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:vectorius]]  [[fr:vectorius]]

nares: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:nares]]      [[ar:nares]]
[[de:nares]]      [[ca:nares]]
[[et:nares]]      [[de:nares]]
[[fr:nares]]      [[et:nares]]
[[ku:nares]]      [[fr:nares]]
[[hu:nares]]      [[ku:nares]]
[[my:nares]]      [[hu:nares]]
[[pl:nares]]      [[my:nares]]
[[fi:nares]]      [[pl:nares]]
[[ta:nares]]      [[fi:nares]]
[[zh:nares]]      [[ta:nares]]

excursor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

bovatim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tenebrae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:tenebrae]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[is:tenebrae]]   [[el:tenebrae]]
[[ku:tenebrae]]   [[fr:tenebrae]]
[[la:tenebrae]]   [[is:tenebrae]]
[[hu:tenebrae]]   [[ku:tenebrae]]
[[mg:tenebrae]]   [[la:tenebrae]]
[[ja:tenebrae]]   [[hu:tenebrae]]
[[pl:tenebrae]]   [[mg:tenebrae]]
[[pt:tenebrae]]   [[ja:tenebrae]]
[[ru:tenebrae]]   [[pl:tenebrae]]
[[fi:tenebrae]]   [[pt:tenebrae]]
[[ta:tenebrae]]   [[ru:tenebrae]]
[[chr:tenebrae]]  [[fi:tenebrae]]

peregrinatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:peregrinatio]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:peregrinatio]]  [[fr:peregrinatio]]

πόρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                                                                  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                                  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                                                               * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}                                                                                                                     * {{R:LBG}}
* [[w:LSJ|LSJ]] ([ entry: πόρος])  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                                                                                                                * [[w:LSJ|LSJ]] ([ entry: πόρος])

apricus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:apricus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vanno: No change.


leno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====             ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
<references/>                  * {{R:M&A}}
                               * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

fastigo: No change.


syngraphe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|syngraphe}}                     {{la-noun-form|syngraphe}}
# {{inflection of|syngraphus||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|syngraphus||voc|s|lang=la}}
[[mg:syngraphe]]                               ===References===
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

recenseo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:recenseo]]   [[ca:recenseo]]
[[fr:recenseo]]   [[el:recenseo]]
[[ko:recenseo]]   [[fr:recenseo]]
[[li:recenseo]]   [[ko:recenseo]]

nocticola: LATIN: References added.

=====Declension=====                            =====Declension=====
{{la-decl-1st|nocticol}}                        {{la-decl-1st|nocticol}}
* can sometimes be {{l|la|nocticolum}}  * can sometimes be {{l|la|nocticolum}}
                                                * {{R:L&S}}

dilatatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dīlātāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dīlātāt}}
[[fr:dilatatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

Κυδωνιάτης: No change.


tumesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin defective verbs]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin defective verbs]]

Simo: No change.


dediticii: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|dēditīciī}}                        {{la-adj-form|dēditīciī}}
# {{inflection of|dēditīcius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēditīcius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēditīcius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēditīcius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēditīcius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēditīcius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēditīcius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēditīcius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

certamina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|certāmina}}                   {{la-noun-form|certāmina}}
# {{inflection of|certāmen||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|certāmen||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|certāmen||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|certāmen||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|certāmen||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|certāmen||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

εὔσκιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:Slater}}

ἑξακονταμοιρία: No change.


quadraginta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:quadraginta]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:quadraginta]]   [[et:quadraginta]]
[[fr:quadraginta]]   [[el:quadraginta]]
[[ko:quadraginta]]   [[es:quadraginta]]
[[is:quadraginta]]   [[fr:quadraginta]]
[[it:quadraginta]]   [[ko:quadraginta]]
[[ky:quadraginta]]   [[is:quadraginta]]
[[la:quadraginta]]   [[it:quadraginta]]
[[lt:quadraginta]]   [[ky:quadraginta]]
[[hu:quadraginta]]   [[la:quadraginta]]
[[mg:quadraginta]]   [[lt:quadraginta]]
[[nl:quadraginta]]   [[hu:quadraginta]]
[[pl:quadraginta]]   [[mg:quadraginta]]
[[pt:quadraginta]]   [[nl:quadraginta]]
[[ru:quadraginta]]   [[pl:quadraginta]]
[[tt:quadraginta]]   [[pt:quadraginta]]
[[chr:quadraginta]]  [[ru:quadraginta]]
[[uk:quadraginta]]   [[tt:quadraginta]]

solvendus: No change.


assola: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|assolā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|assolā}}
# {{inflection of|assolō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|assolō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                    ===References===
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

potiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|potiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|potiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|pōtio||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōtio||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pōtio||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōtio||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pōtio||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōtio||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:potiones]]                           ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

mortuarium: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* Dutch: {{l|nl|mortuarium}}       * Dutch: {{l|nl|mortuarium}}
* English: {{l|en|mortuary}}       * English: {{l|en|mortuary}}
* Italian: {{l|it|mortuario}}      * Italian: {{l|it|mortuario}}
* Old French: {{l|fro|mortuarie}}  * Old French: {{l|fro|mortuarie}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|mortuário}}   * Portuguese: {{l|pt|mortuário}}
[[hu:mortuarium]]                  ===References===
[[nl:mortuarium]]                  * {{R:du Cange}}

pollicitum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:pollicitum]]  [[fr:pollicitum]]
[[ru:pollicitum]]  [[mg:pollicitum]]

factio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:factio]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:factio]]     [[ca:factio]]
[[zh:factio]]     [[fr:factio]]

κάψις: No change.



concoquo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:concoquo]]   [[fr:concoquo]]


muralium: No change.


καίπερ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:καίπερ]]      [[el:καίπερ]]

perpetuus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:perpetuus]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:perpetuus]]  [[cs:perpetuus]]
[[ko:perpetuus]]  [[de:perpetuus]]
[[la:perpetuus]]  [[fr:perpetuus]]
[[mg:perpetuus]]  [[ko:perpetuus]]
[[pl:perpetuus]]  [[la:perpetuus]]
[[ru:perpetuus]]  [[mg:perpetuus]]

νειόθεν: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                          * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                       * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                     * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -θεν]]  
                                                     [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -θεν]]


reprehensio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:reprehensio]]  [[fr:reprehensio]]
[[ru:reprehensio]]  [[mg:reprehensio]]

cespes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:cespes]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

interpolo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

montanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:montanus]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:montanus]]   * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[sv:montanus]]   [[da:montanus]]

ulceratio: No change.


Τέκμησσα: No change.


attorreo: No change.


quadriformis: No change.


mutuor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:mutuor]]     [[fr:mutuor]]
[[mg:mutuor]]     [[ko:mutuor]]

Ὑψιπύλη: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
* Greek: {{l|el|Υψιπύλη}}      * Greek: {{l|el|Υψιπύλη}}
* Latin: {{l|la|Hypsipylē}}    * Latin: {{l|la|Hypsipylē}}
{{C|grc|Individuals|Islands}}  ===References===
                               * {{R:Autenrieth}}

assimilis: No change.


Larissa: No change.


dives: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ar:dives]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:dives]]      [[ar:dives]]
[[cy:dives]]      [[ca:dives]]
[[de:dives]]      [[cs:dives]]
[[es:dives]]      [[cy:dives]]
[[fr:dives]]      [[de:dives]]
[[hr:dives]]      [[es:dives]]
[[it:dives]]      [[fr:dives]]
[[ku:dives]]      [[hr:dives]]
[[la:dives]]      [[it:dives]]
[[lt:dives]]      [[ku:dives]]
[[hu:dives]]      [[la:dives]]
[[mg:dives]]      [[lt:dives]]
[[my:dives]]      [[hu:dives]]
[[ja:dives]]      [[mg:dives]]
[[pl:dives]]      [[my:dives]]
[[pt:dives]]      [[ja:dives]]
[[ru:dives]]      [[pl:dives]]
[[simple:dives]]  [[pt:dives]]
[[fi:dives]]      [[ru:dives]]
[[sv:dives]]      [[simple:dives]]
[[th:dives]]      [[fi:dives]]
[[chr:dives]]     [[sv:dives]]
[[vi:dives]]      [[th:dives]]

olivetum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:olivetum]]   [[co:olivetum]]
[[fr:olivetum]]   [[de:olivetum]]
[[pl:olivetum]]   [[fr:olivetum]]
[[ru:olivetum]]   [[pl:olivetum]]

gentiles: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|gentīlēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|gentīlēs}}
# {{inflection of|gentīlis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gentīlis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gentīlis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gentīlis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gentīlis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gentīlis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gentīlis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gentīlis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gentīlis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gentīlis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gentīlis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gentīlis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[ar:gentiles]]                                ===References===
[[ca:gentiles]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:gentiles]]                                * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:gentiles]]                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ku:gentiles]]                                [[ar:gentiles]]
[[hu:gentiles]]                                [[ca:gentiles]]
[[ml:gentiles]]                                [[cs:gentiles]]

foetus: No change.


commorsum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                      ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|commorsum}}                      {{la-verb-form|commorsum}}
# {{inflection of|commordeō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commordeō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

plenarie: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|plēnārie}}                        {{la-adj-form|plēnārie}}
# {{inflection of|plēnārius||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|plēnārius||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

octona: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|octōna}}                       {{la-adj-form|octōna}}
# {{inflection of|octōnī||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|octōnī||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|octōnī||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|octōnī||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|octōnī||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|octōnī||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

praebeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:praebeo]]    [[el:praebeo]]
[[ko:praebeo]]    [[fr:praebeo]]
[[li:praebeo]]    [[ko:praebeo]]
[[ru:praebeo]]    [[li:praebeo]]

confusio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:confusio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:confusio]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:confusio]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

inspiro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ventio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:ventio]]     [[fr:ventio]]

ἐλέφας: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|265}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse|265}}
[[da:ἐλέφας]]          [[af:ἐλέφας]]
[[de:ἐλέφας]]          [[da:ἐλέφας]]
[[el:ἐλέφας]]          [[de:ἐλέφας]]
[[fr:ἐλέφας]]          [[el:ἐλέφας]]
[[ko:ἐλέφας]]          [[fr:ἐλέφας]]
[[it:ἐλέφας]]          [[ko:ἐλέφας]]
[[lt:ἐλέφας]]          [[it:ἐλέφας]]
[[ja:ἐλέφας]]          [[lt:ἐλέφας]]
[[pl:ἐλέφας]]          [[ja:ἐλέφας]]
[[ru:ἐλέφας]]          [[pl:ἐλέφας]]
[[tr:ἐλέφας]]          [[ru:ἐλέφας]]

Bicorniger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

revereor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:revereor]]                    [[fr:revereor]]

admitto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:admitto]]    [[el:admitto]]
[[ko:admitto]]    [[fr:admitto]]
[[fi:admitto]]    [[ko:admitto]]

dormisco: No change.


saevidicus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ᾍδης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|*(/aidhs}}                * {{R:LSJ|*(/aidhs}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                   * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|86}}               * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                        * {{R:Strong's|G|86}}
<references />                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                    <references />
[[Category:grc:Place names|Αιδης]]  
                                    [[Category:grc:Place names|Αιδης]]
[[fr:ᾍδης]]                         [[el:ᾍδης]]

vulnus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:vulnus]]     [[de:vulnus]]
[[ko:vulnus]]     [[fr:vulnus]]
[[lt:vulnus]]     [[ko:vulnus]]
[[hu:vulnus]]     [[lt:vulnus]]
[[mg:vulnus]]     [[hu:vulnus]]
[[ja:vulnus]]     [[mg:vulnus]]
[[pl:vulnus]]     [[ja:vulnus]]
[[ru:vulnus]]     [[pl:vulnus]]
[[sh:vulnus]]     [[ru:vulnus]]
[[fi:vulnus]]     [[sh:vulnus]]
[[ta:vulnus]]     [[fi:vulnus]]
[[chr:vulnus]]    [[ta:vulnus]]

postumus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:postumus]]                                                                                                            * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:postumus]]                                                                                                            * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[sh:postumus]]                                                                                                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press

coaequales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|coaequālēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|coaequālēs}}
# {{inflection of|coaequālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coaequālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coaequālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coaequālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coaequālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coaequālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coaequālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coaequālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coaequālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coaequālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|coaequālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coaequālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Νέστωρ: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1018}}  * {{R:Woodhouse|1018}}
[[fr:Νέστωρ]]           [[el:Νέστωρ]]

tribulatus: No change.


excitator: No change.


suaveolentia: No change.


aurificium: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====               ====Related terms====
{{top4}}                            {{top4}}
* {{l|la|auraria|aurāria}}          * {{l|la|auraria|aurāria}}
* {{l|la|aurarius|aurārius}}        * {{l|la|aurarius|aurārius}}
* {{l|la|aurata|aurāta}}            * {{l|la|aurata|aurāta}}
* {{l|la|auratilis|aurātilis}}      * {{l|la|auratilis|aurātilis}}
* {{l|la|auratura|aurātūra}}        * {{l|la|auratura|aurātūra}}
* {{l|la|auratus|aurātus}}          * {{l|la|auratus|aurātus}}
* {{l|la|aureatus|aureātus}}        * {{l|la|aureatus|aureātus}}
* {{l|la|Aurelia|Aurēlia}}          * {{l|la|Aurelia|Aurēlia}}
* {{l|la|Aurelius|Aurēlius}}        * {{l|la|Aurelius|Aurēlius}}
{{mid4}}                            {{mid4}}
* {{l|la|aureolus}}                 * {{l|la|aureolus}}
* {{l|la|auresco|aurēscō}}          * {{l|la|auresco|aurēscō}}
* {{l|la|aureus}}                   * {{l|la|aureus}}
* {{l|la|auricoctor}}               * {{l|la|auricoctor}}
* {{l|la|auricolor}}                * {{l|la|auricolor}}
* {{l|la|auricomans|auricomāns}}    * {{l|la|auricomans|auricomāns}}
* {{l|la|auricomus}}                * {{l|la|auricomus}}
* {{l|la|aurifer}}                  * {{l|la|aurifer}}
* {{l|la|aurifex}}                  * {{l|la|aurifex}}
{{mid4}}                            {{mid4}}
* {{l|la|aurificina|aurificīna}}    * {{l|la|aurificina|aurificīna}}
* {{l|la|aurifluus}}                * {{l|la|aurifluus}}
* {{l|la|aurifodina|aurifodīna}}    * {{l|la|aurifodina|aurifodīna}}
* {{l|la|aurifrigium}}              * {{l|la|aurifrigium}}
* {{l|la|aurigans|aurigāns}}        * {{l|la|aurigans|aurigāns}}
* {{l|la|aurigena}}                 * {{l|la|aurigena}}
* {{l|la|auriger}}                  * {{l|la|auriger}}
* {{l|la|aurilegulus}}              * {{l|la|aurilegulus}}
* {{l|la|auripigmentum}}            * {{l|la|auripigmentum}}
{{mid4}}                            {{mid4}}
* {{l|la|auro|aurō}}                * {{l|la|auro|aurō}}
* {{l|la|aurosus|aurōsus}}          * {{l|la|aurosus|aurōsus}}
* {{l|la|aurugineus|aurūgineus}}    * {{l|la|aurugineus|aurūgineus}}
* {{l|la|aurugino|aurūginō}}        * {{l|la|aurugino|aurūginō}}
* {{l|la|auruginosus|aurūginōsus}}  * {{l|la|auruginosus|aurūginōsus}}
* {{l|la|aurugo|aurūgō}}            * {{l|la|aurugo|aurūgō}}
* {{l|la|aurulentus}}               * {{l|la|aurulentus}}
* {{l|la|aurum}}                    * {{l|la|aurum}}
{{bottom}}                          {{bottom}}
                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

oppansum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Alcyone: No change.


praeco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:praeco]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:praeco]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

saevus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:saevus]]     [[cs:saevus]]
[[fr:saevus]]     [[de:saevus]]
[[ko:saevus]]     [[fr:saevus]]
[[hr:saevus]]     [[ko:saevus]]
[[mg:saevus]]     [[hr:saevus]]
[[pl:saevus]]     [[mg:saevus]]
[[fi:saevus]]     [[pl:saevus]]
[[chr:saevus]]    [[fi:saevus]]

centiens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

grandes: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|grandēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|grandēs}}
# {{inflection of|grandis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grandis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grandis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grandis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grandis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grandis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grandis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grandis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grandis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grandis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grandis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grandis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

memoriale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|memoriāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|memoriāle}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:memoriale]]                                 ===References===
[[ko:memoriale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[it:memoriale]]                                 [[fr:memoriale]]
[[hu:memoriale]]                                 [[ko:memoriale]]

marcens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|marcēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|marcēns}}
[[fr:marcens]]                ===References===
                              * {{R:L&S}}

pulmentarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:pulmentarium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Γάδειρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                      * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}                   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                * {{R:Slater}}
                                 * {{R:Woodhouse}}

connubium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                                       ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|connubial}} (via {{l|la|connūbiālis}})  * English: {{l|en|connubial}} (via {{l|la|connūbiālis}})
                                                          * {{R:Peck}}
                                                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

peredes: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|peredēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|peredēs}}
# {{inflection of|peredō||2|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|peredō||2|s|futr|actv|indc|lang=la}}
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

semen: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                       {{top2}}
* English: {{l|en|semen}}      * English: {{l|en|semen}}
* Irish: {{l|ga|seamhan}}      * Irish: {{l|ga|seamhan}}
* Galician: {{l|gl|seme}}      * Galician: {{l|gl|seme}}
* Italian: {{l|it|seme}}       * Italian: {{l|it|seme}}
{{mid2}}                       {{mid2}}
* Romansh: {{l|rm|sem}}        * Romansh: {{l|rm|sem}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|semen}}      * Spanish: {{l|es|semen}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|sema}}     * Venetian: {{l|vec|sema}}
{{bottom}}                     {{bottom}}
[[Category:la:Bodily fluids]]  ===References===
[[Category:la:Sex]]            * {{R:L&S}}
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
----                           * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:M&A}}
                               [[Category:la:Bodily fluids]]

evocati: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:evocati]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:evocati]]    [[fr:evocati]]

computatio: No change.


emunda: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ēmundā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|ēmundā}}
# {{inflection of|ēmundō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ēmundō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:emunda]]                                           ===References===
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

Ῥοῦφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1024}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1024}}
===External links===    ===External links===

ampullae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
'''ampullae''' {{g|f}}                      '''ampullae''' {{g|f}}
# {{inflection of|ampulla||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ampulla||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ampulla||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ampulla||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ampulla||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ampulla||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ampulla||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ampulla||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]               ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:ampullae]]                             [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[fr:ampullae]]                             [[ca:ampullae]]
[[mg:ampullae]]                             [[cs:ampullae]]
[[ta:ampullae]]                             [[fa:ampullae]]
[[vi:ampullae]]                             [[fr:ampullae]]

freniger: No change.


ἐγγύθι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

invidia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

ὁράω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3708}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3708}}
[[el:ὁράω]]              [[cs:ὁράω]]
[[fr:ὁράω]]              [[el:ὁράω]]
[[ko:ὁράω]]              [[fr:ὁράω]]
[[it:ὁράω]]              [[ko:ὁράω]]
[[lt:ὁράω]]              [[it:ὁράω]]
[[hu:ὁράω]]              [[lt:ὁράω]]
[[mg:ὁράω]]              [[hu:ὁράω]]

οἶστρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* LSJ 8th edition   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * LSJ 8th edition
[[es:οἶστρος]]      [[el:οἶστρος]]
[[fr:οἶστρος]]      [[es:οἶστρος]]
[[mg:οἶστρος]]      [[fr:οἶστρος]]

strues: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:strues]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

chrysanthis: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|chrysanthīs}}                       {{la-adj-form|chrysanthīs}}
# {{inflection of|chrysanthus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chrysanthus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|chrysanthus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chrysanthus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|chrysanthus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chrysanthus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|chrysanthus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chrysanthus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|chrysanthus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chrysanthus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|chrysanthus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|chrysanthus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:PersEnc}}

longivivax: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adhaerentia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|adhaerentia}}                    {{la-part-form|adhaerentia}}
# {{inflection of|adhaerēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adhaerēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adhaerēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adhaerēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adhaerēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adhaerēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:adhaerentia]]                              ===References===
[[mg:adhaerentia]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

obnuntio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:obnuntio]]   [[fr:obnuntio]]
[[ru:obnuntio]]   [[ko:obnuntio]]

grani: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|grānī}}                     {{la-noun-form|grānī}}
# {{inflection of|grānum||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grānum||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[el:grani]]                               ===References===
[[fr:grani]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:grani]]                               [[el:grani]]
[[sm:grani]]                               [[fr:grani]]
[[sh:grani]]                               [[it:grani]]
[[wa:grani]]                               [[mg:grani]]

assensio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:assensio]]   [[mg:assensio]]

alienator: No change.


dicendus: No change.


reparabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

convolvo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:convolvo]]   [[fr:convolvo]]
[[mg:convolvo]]   [[ko:convolvo]]

consentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

Scandia: No change.


roseta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|rosēta}}                     {{la-noun-form|rosēta}}
# {{inflection of|rosētum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rosētum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rosētum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rosētum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rosētum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rosētum||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

Tuscus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

nabla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nabla}}                     {{la-noun-form|nabla}}
# {{inflection of|nablum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nablum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nablum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nablum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|nablum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nablum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:nabla]]                               ===References===
[[it:nabla]]                               * {{R:Peck}}
[[nl:nabla]]                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:nabla]]                               [[fr:nabla]]
[[fi:nabla]]                               [[it:nabla]]
[[vi:nabla]]                               [[nl:nabla]]
[[zh:nabla]]                               [[pl:nabla]]

altus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:L&S|altus1|altus1}}  * {{R:L&S|altus1|altus1}}
* {{R:L&S|altus2|altus2}}  * {{R:L&S|altus2|altus2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
===Participle===           * {{R:M&A}}

accipitrina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}

percalefio: No change.


Parnasus: No change.


adsita: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|adsita}}                       {{la-part-form|adsita}}
# {{inflection of|adsitus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsitus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsitus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsitus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsitus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsitus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsitus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsitus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adsitus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsitus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|adsitā}}                       {{la-part-form|adsitā}}
# {{inflection of|adsitus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adsitus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

transcensus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

irrisio: No change.


scrutor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|scrutiny}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:Century 1911|scrutiny}}
[[ko:scrutor]]                 [[fr:scrutor]]
[[pt:scrutor]]                 [[ko:scrutor]]
[[ru:scrutor]]                 [[pt:scrutor]]

decessor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:decessor]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

galeola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

devotiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dēvōtiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|dēvōtiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|dēvōtiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēvōtiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēvōtiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēvōtiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēvōtiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēvōtiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

Minerva: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Roman deities]]  
                               [[Category:la:Roman deities]]

navitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

falsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[co:falsus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[eo:falsus]]     [[co:falsus]]
[[fr:falsus]]     [[el:falsus]]
[[fy:falsus]]     [[eo:falsus]]
[[ko:falsus]]     [[fr:falsus]]
[[hr:falsus]]     [[fy:falsus]]
[[hu:falsus]]     [[ko:falsus]]
[[mg:falsus]]     [[hr:falsus]]
[[pl:falsus]]     [[hu:falsus]]
[[ru:falsus]]     [[mg:falsus]]
[[fi:falsus]]     [[pl:falsus]]
[[chr:falsus]]    [[ru:falsus]]

properus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:properus]]   [[fr:properus]]
[[ru:properus]]   [[mg:properus]]

phrynos: No change.


libella: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Tools]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                       * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:libella]]         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:libella]]         [[Category:la:Tools]]
[[chr:libella]]        [[de:libella]]

quadringenties: No change.


examinatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:examinatio]]  [[fr:examinatio]]
[[ru:examinatio]]  [[mg:examinatio]]

bucetum: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S|būcētum}}              * {{R:L&S|būcētum}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|būcētum|p=230/3}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:du Cange}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot|būcētum|p=230/3}}
* {{R:OLD|1|būcētum|244/2}}      * {{R:OLD|1|būcētum|244/2}}
[[ru:bucetum]]                   [[ru:bucetum]]

grata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|grāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|grāta}}
# {{inflection of|grātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|grātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|grātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|grātā}}
# {{inflection of|grātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|grātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

devirginator: No change.


delectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:delectus]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[te:delectus]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[zh:delectus]]   [[fr:delectus]]

insaniens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|īnsāniēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|īnsāniēns}}
                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

prunus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]  
                                                            [[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]
[[fr:prunus]]                                               [[de:prunus]]
[[ko:prunus]]                                               [[fr:prunus]]
[[ja:prunus]]                                               [[ko:prunus]]
[[pl:prunus]]                                               [[ja:prunus]]
[[ru:prunus]]                                               [[pl:prunus]]
[[fi:prunus]]                                               [[ru:prunus]]
[[sv:prunus]]                                               [[fi:prunus]]
[[chr:prunus]]                                              [[sv:prunus]]
[[vi:prunus]]                                               [[chr:prunus]]

impudico: No change.


diptota: No change.


κτείς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[el:κτείς]]      * {{R:Slater}}
[[fr:κτείς]]      * {{R:Woodhouse}}

grex: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:grex]]       [[cs:grex]]
[[es:grex]]       [[el:grex]]
[[fr:grex]]       [[es:grex]]
[[ko:grex]]       [[fr:grex]]
[[it:grex]]       [[ko:grex]]
[[mg:grex]]       [[it:grex]]
[[pl:grex]]       [[mg:grex]]
[[ru:grex]]       [[pl:grex]]
[[fi:grex]]       [[ru:grex]]
[[chr:grex]]      [[fi:grex]]

cochlear: No change.


consipio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:consipio]]   [[fr:consipio]]

superluceo: No change.


commensus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|commēns}}  {{la-decl-1&2|commēns}}
                         * {{R:L&S}}

longius: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fi:longius]]    [[pt:longius]]

descendentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dēscendentēs}}                    {{la-part-form|dēscendentēs}}
# {{inflection of|dēscendens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēscendens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēscendens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēscendens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēscendens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēscendens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēscendens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēscendens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēscendens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēscendens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēscendens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēscendens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

οὗτος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                         * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3778}}                                                                * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                                           * {{R:Strong's|G|3778}}
* {{R:Smyth|333}}                                                                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* William W. Goodwin, ''A Greek Grammar. Revised and enlarged'', Boston, 1900, p.85f.  * {{R:Smyth|333}}
                                                                                       * William W. Goodwin, ''A Greek Grammar. Revised and enlarged'', Boston, 1900, p.85f.
[[la:οὗτος]]                                                                           [[fr:οὗτος]]
[[lt:οὗτος]]                                                                           [[la:οὗτος]]
[[hu:οὗτος]]                                                                           [[lt:οὗτος]]

rangr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* Old English: [[wrang]]           * Old English: [[wrang]]
* Icelandic: {{l|is|rangur}}       * Icelandic: {{l|is|rangur}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|vrång}}          * Swedish: {{l|sv|vrång}}
[[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]  ===References===
                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
                                   [[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]

solaturus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|sōlātūr}}  {{la-decl-1&2|sōlātūr}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

passum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:passum]]     [[es:passum]]
[[mg:passum]]     [[fr:passum]]
[[ru:passum]]     [[mg:passum]]
[[fi:passum]]     [[ru:passum]]

ὠρυγή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition

simula: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|simulā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|simulā}}
# {{inflection of|simulō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|simulō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                    ===References===
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

imber: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:imber]]      [[fr:imber]]
[[hr:imber]]      [[ko:imber]]
[[ku:imber]]      [[hr:imber]]
[[la:imber]]      [[ku:imber]]
[[lt:imber]]      [[la:imber]]
[[li:imber]]      [[lt:imber]]
[[hu:imber]]      [[li:imber]]
[[mg:imber]]      [[hu:imber]]
[[fj:imber]]      [[mg:imber]]
[[pl:imber]]      [[fj:imber]]
[[ru:imber]]      [[pl:imber]]
[[sm:imber]]      [[ru:imber]]
[[fi:imber]]      [[sm:imber]]
[[tl:imber]]      [[fi:imber]]
[[chr:imber]]     [[tl:imber]]

convitium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

auratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:auratus]]    [[ca:auratus]]
[[fr:auratus]]    [[de:auratus]]
[[la:auratus]]    [[fr:auratus]]
[[mg:auratus]]    [[la:auratus]]
[[pl:auratus]]    [[mg:auratus]]
[[chr:auratus]]   [[pl:auratus]]

brutum: No change.


aether: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:aether]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[gl:aether]]     [[et:aether]]
[[io:aether]]     [[fr:aether]]
[[mg:aether]]     [[gl:aether]]
[[nl:aether]]     [[io:aether]]
[[pl:aether]]     [[mg:aether]]
[[pt:aether]]     [[nl:aether]]
[[ru:aether]]     [[pl:aether]]
[[sm:aether]]     [[pt:aether]]
[[fi:aether]]     [[ru:aether]]
[[ta:aether]]     [[sm:aether]]
[[tr:aether]]     [[fi:aether]]
[[vi:aether]]     [[ta:aether]]
[[zh:aether]]     [[tr:aether]]

frequento: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

insomnia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:insomnia]]   [[ar:insomnia]]
[[et:insomnia]]   [[da:insomnia]]
[[el:insomnia]]   [[et:insomnia]]
[[eo:insomnia]]   [[el:insomnia]]
[[fa:insomnia]]   [[eo:insomnia]]
[[fr:insomnia]]   [[fa:insomnia]]
[[ko:insomnia]]   [[fr:insomnia]]
[[hy:insomnia]]   [[ko:insomnia]]
[[io:insomnia]]   [[hy:insomnia]]
[[id:insomnia]]   [[io:insomnia]]
[[it:insomnia]]   [[id:insomnia]]
[[kn:insomnia]]   [[it:insomnia]]
[[ku:insomnia]]   [[kn:insomnia]]
[[hu:insomnia]]   [[ku:insomnia]]
[[mg:insomnia]]   [[hu:insomnia]]
[[ml:insomnia]]   [[mg:insomnia]]
[[my:insomnia]]   [[ml:insomnia]]
[[nl:insomnia]]   [[my:insomnia]]
[[ja:insomnia]]   [[nl:insomnia]]
[[no:insomnia]]   [[ja:insomnia]]
[[pl:insomnia]]   [[no:insomnia]]
[[ru:insomnia]]   [[pl:insomnia]]
[[fi:insomnia]]   [[ru:insomnia]]
[[sv:insomnia]]   [[fi:insomnia]]
[[ta:insomnia]]   [[sv:insomnia]]
[[vi:insomnia]]   [[ta:insomnia]]
[[zh:insomnia]]   [[vi:insomnia]]

obtento: No change.


scitatio: No change.


ὕπατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|u(/patos|w=ὕπᾰτος}}  * {{R:LSJ|u(/patos|w=ὕπᾰτος}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}               * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                 * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                 * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}              * {{R:Slater}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}               * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                               * {{grc-Beekes}}

rupico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

effundito: No change.


subintro: No change.


criniger: No change.


σιμός: No change.


Lethe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:Lethe]]      [[et:Lethe]]
[[fr:Lethe]]      [[el:Lethe]]
[[pl:Lethe]]      [[fr:Lethe]]

philosophandus: No change.


torculo: No change.


intestinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:M&A}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[hr:intestinus]]  [[fr:intestinus]]
[[ja:intestinus]]  [[hr:intestinus]]

aureatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:aureatus]]   [[fr:aureatus]]

anniversaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                     ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|anniversāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|anniversāria}}
# {{inflection of|anniversārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anniversārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anniversārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anniversārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anniversārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anniversārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anniversārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anniversārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|anniversārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anniversārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|anniversāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|anniversāriā}}
# {{inflection of|anniversārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anniversārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:anniversaria]]                                 ===References===
[[it:anniversaria]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

trini: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:trini]]      [[es:trini]]
[[la:trini]]      [[fr:trini]]
[[nl:trini]]      [[la:trini]]
[[pt:trini]]      [[nl:trini]]
[[ru:trini]]      [[pt:trini]]
[[sq:trini]]      [[ru:trini]]

principes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|prīncipēs}}                   {{la-noun-form|prīncipēs}}
# {{inflection of|prīnceps||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīnceps||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīnceps||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīnceps||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|prīnceps||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīnceps||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:principes]]                             ===References===
[[cs:principes]]                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[io:principes]]                             [[ca:principes]]
[[mg:principes]]                             [[cs:principes]]
[[nl:principes]]                             [[fr:principes]]
[[simple:principes]]                         [[io:principes]]
[[fi:principes]]                             [[mg:principes]]

inlisus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|inlīs}}  {{la-decl-1&2|inlīs}}
                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

dioecesanus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|dioecēsan}}  {{la-decl-1&2|dioecēsan}}
[[fr:dioecesanus]]         ===References===
                           * {{R:du Cange}}

instructor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

brisis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|brīsīs}}                   {{la-noun-form|brīsīs}}
# {{inflection of|brīsa||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|brīsa||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|brīsa||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|brīsa||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:brisis]]                             ===References===
[[ru:brisis]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

scrutator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:scrutator]]  [[et:scrutator]]
[[kn:scrutator]]  [[fr:scrutator]]
[[ta:scrutator]]  [[kn:scrutator]]
[[vi:scrutator]]  [[ta:scrutator]]

ἄρσην: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====        ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|730}}    * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}              * {{R:Strong's|G|730}}
* {{grc-Beekes|num=769}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                          * {{grc-Beekes|num=769}}
[[ko:ἄρσην]]              [[fr:ἄρσην]]
[[mg:ἄρσην]]              [[ko:ἄρσην]]
[[ru:ἄρσην]]              [[mg:ἄρσην]]

justus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[el:justus]]     [[co:justus]]
[[fr:justus]]     [[el:justus]]
[[ky:justus]]     [[fr:justus]]
[[lt:justus]]     [[ky:justus]]
[[mg:justus]]     [[lt:justus]]
[[ru:justus]]     [[mg:justus]]
[[sv:justus]]     [[ru:justus]]

vinco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

prolixus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

reciproco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ἐπύαξα: No change.


culleo: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|culleō}}                     {{la-noun-form|culleō}}
# {{inflection of|culleus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|culleus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|culleus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|culleus||abl|s|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

fututio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====   ====References====
* {{R:L&S|fututio}}  * {{R:L&S|fututio}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fututio]]       [[de:fututio]]
[[it:fututio]]       [[fr:fututio]]
[[ru:fututio]]       [[it:fututio]]

confulgeo: No change.


Aeneas: No change.


procrastinator: No change.


digne: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Καπιτώλιον: No change.


commentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:commentum]]  * {{R:M&A}}

Λαύρειον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1015}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1015}}

calumniatrix: No change.


daufr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                                                                ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                                                           {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|døv}}                                                                             * Danish: {{l|da|døv}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|deyvur}}                                                                         * Faroese: {{l|fo|deyvur}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|daufur}}                                                                       * Icelandic: {{l|is|daufur}}
{{mid2}}                                                                                           {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|nb|døv}} {{qualifier|bokmål}}, {{l|nn|dauv}}, {{l|nn|døv}} {{qualifier|nynorsk}}  * Norwegian: {{l|nb|døv}} {{qualifier|bokmål}}, {{l|nn|dauv}}, {{l|nn|døv}} {{qualifier|nynorsk}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|döv}}                                                                            * Swedish: {{l|sv|döv}}
{{bottom}}                                                                                         {{bottom}}
[[pl:daufr]]                                                                                       ===References===
                                                                                                   * {{R:Zoega}}

nycticorax: No change.


hiemalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:hiemalis]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tinctus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

chiliarchus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====            ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|chiliarch}}  * English: {{l|en|chiliarch}}
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Peck}}
                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

sopio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* S. A. Handford & Mary Herberg (2003), Latin-English : English-Latin Dictionary (Berlin: Langenscheidt)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                          * S. A. Handford & Mary Herberg (2003), Latin-English : English-Latin Dictionary (Berlin: Langenscheidt)
[[ko:sopio]]                                                                                              [[fr:sopio]]
[[it:sopio]]                                                                                              [[ko:sopio]]
[[pl:sopio]]                                                                                              [[it:sopio]]
[[ru:sopio]]                                                                                              [[pl:sopio]]

πόλις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4172}}                  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                             * {{R:Strong's|G|4172}}
* {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=II|page=1219f}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                         * {{R:grc:Beekes|volume=II|page=1219f}}
[[de:πόλις]]                             [[cs:πόλις]]
[[el:πόλις]]                             [[de:πόλις]]
[[fr:πόλις]]                             [[el:πόλις]]
[[ko:πόλις]]                             [[fr:πόλις]]
[[hr:πόλις]]                             [[ko:πόλις]]
[[it:πόλις]]                             [[hr:πόλις]]
[[lt:πόλις]]                             [[it:πόλις]]
[[hu:πόλις]]                             [[lt:πόλις]]
[[mg:πόλις]]                             [[hu:πόλις]]
[[ja:πόλις]]                             [[mg:πόλις]]
[[pl:πόλις]]                             [[ja:πόλις]]
[[ru:πόλις]]                             [[pl:πόλις]]
[[tr:πόλις]]                             [[ru:πόλις]]

attingo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:attingo]]    [[fr:attingo]]
[[la:attingo]]    [[ko:attingo]]
[[pl:attingo]]    [[la:attingo]]
[[ru:attingo]]    [[pl:attingo]]

impeto: No change.


ecclesiastica: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                      ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ecclēsiastica}}                        {{la-adj-form|ecclēsiastica}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|ecclēsiasticā}}                        {{la-adj-form|ecclēsiasticā}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsiasticus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[it:ecclesiastica]]                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

dissertura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dissertūra}}                       {{la-part-form|dissertūra}}
# {{inflection of|dissertūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissertūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissertūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissertūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissertūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissertūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissertūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissertūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dissertūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissertūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|dissertūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|dissertūrā}}
# {{inflection of|dissertūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dissertūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:NLW}}

eruditus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:eruditus]]   [[es:eruditus]]
[[hr:eruditus]]   [[fr:eruditus]]
[[ru:eruditus]]   [[hr:eruditus]]
[[chr:eruditus]]  [[ru:eruditus]]

promissus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Βοιωτία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1004}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1004}}

κρίκος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
<references/>       * {{grc-Beekes}}

sepia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Cephalopods]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                             * {{R:PersEnc}}
----                         * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

superfluito: No change.


plumeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Στρόφιος: No change.


dediticius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

impressio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:impressio]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:impressio]]  [[fr:impressio]]
[[ru:impressio]]  [[hu:impressio]]

effloreo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Hiberes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|Hibērēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|Hibērēs}}
# {{inflection of|Hibēr||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Hibēr||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Hibēr||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Hibēr||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Hibēr||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Hibēr||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:Hiberes]]                            ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}

centesimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:centesimus]]  [[es:centesimus]]
[[ko:centesimus]]  [[fr:centesimus]]
[[hr:centesimus]]  [[ko:centesimus]]
[[la:centesimus]]  [[hr:centesimus]]
[[nl:centesimus]]  [[la:centesimus]]
[[pl:centesimus]]  [[nl:centesimus]]

orbitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

strages: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:strages]]    [[fr:strages]]

tropicam: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tropicam}}                       {{la-adj-form|tropicam}}
# {{inflection of|tropicus||acc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tropicus||acc|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:tropicam]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

aequivoce: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|aequivoce}}                        {{la-adj-form|aequivoce}}
# {{inflection of|aequivocus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aequivocus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Σωκράτης: No change.


papo: No change.


heroice: No change.


paternalis: LATIN: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:NLW}}
[[chr:paternalis]]      [[id:paternalis]]

ebriolus: No change.


subrecto: No change.


ratae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ratae}}                       {{la-adj-form|ratae}}
# {{inflection of|ratus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ratus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ratus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ratus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ratus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ratus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ratus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ratus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[ca:ratae]]                                ===References===
[[fr:ratae]]                                * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

δεύτερος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                     * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:DGE}}                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1208}}            * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                       * {{R:Strong's|G|1208}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995|section=398.2}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                   * {{R:Sihler 1995|section=398.2}}
                                   * {{grc-Beekes}}

perpessus: No change.


mansuesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:mansuesco]]  [[es:mansuesco]]
[[ko:mansuesco]]  [[fr:mansuesco]]
[[ru:mansuesco]]  [[ko:mansuesco]]

laterculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S|lătercŭlus}}              * {{R:L&S|lătercŭlus}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|lătercŭlus|p=890/2}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:laterculus]]                   * {{R:Gaffiot|lătercŭlus|p=890/2}}
[[mg:laterculus]]                   * {{R:Peck}}

fessae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|fessae}}                       {{la-adj-form|fessae}}
# {{inflection of|fessus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fessus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fessus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fessus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fessus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fessus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fessus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fessus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:fessae]]                                ===References===
[[sv:fessae]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

hypotheca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

geniculo: No change.


Chios: LATIN: References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:Smith's DGRG}}             * {{R:L&S|Chī̆os}}
* {{R:L&S|Chī̆os}}               * {{R:Gaffiot|Chĭŏs|p=300/3}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|Chĭŏs|p=300/3}}    * {{R:Smith's DGRG}}
* {{R:OLD|1|Chios (⁓us)|310/2}}  * {{R:OLD|1|Chios (⁓us)|310/2}}
{{C|la|Greece|Islands}}          {{C|la|Greece|Islands}}
[[el:Chios]]                     [[el:Chios]]
[[fr:Chios]]                     [[fr:Chios]]
[[uk:Chios]]                     [[uk:Chios]]

exonero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

gambium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|gambium}}                       {{la-adj-form|gambium}}
# {{inflection of|gambius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gambius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gambius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gambius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gambius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gambius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|gambius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gambius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

moderor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Nocentini|hw=moderare}}      * {{R:M&A}}
                                   * {{R:Nocentini|hw=moderare}}
[[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]  
                                   [[Category:Latin deponent verbs]]
[[ko:moderor]]                     [[fr:moderor]]
[[ru:moderor]]                     [[ko:moderor]]

percuriosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

complector: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:complector]]   [[el:complector]]
[[ko:complector]]   [[fr:complector]]
[[la:complector]]   [[ko:complector]]
[[mg:complector]]   [[la:complector]]
[[chr:complector]]  [[mg:complector]]

bestiola: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[it:bestiola]]                [[fr:bestiola]]

fracidus: No change.


Πιλᾶτος: No change.


sufficiens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:sufficiens]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

donata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|dōnāta}}                       {{la-part-form|dōnāta}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|dōnātā}}                       {{la-part-form|dōnātā}}
# {{inflection of|dōnātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dōnātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[el:donata]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:donata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:donata]]                                 [[el:donata]]
[[pt:donata]]                                 [[fr:donata]]
[[sv:donata]]                                 [[it:donata]]

disturbo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sectatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:sectatio]]   [[fr:sectatio]]
[[ru:sectatio]]   [[mg:sectatio]]

consequens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}

recipe: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|recipe}}                                  {{la-verb-form|recipe}}
# {{inflection of|recipiō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|recipiō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[ar:recipe]]                                            ===References===
[[cs:recipe]]                                            * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:recipe]]                                            [[ar:recipe]]
[[es:recipe]]                                            [[cs:recipe]]
[[eu:recipe]]                                            [[et:recipe]]
[[fr:recipe]]                                            [[el:recipe]]
[[ko:recipe]]                                            [[es:recipe]]
[[hy:recipe]]                                            [[eu:recipe]]
[[io:recipe]]                                            [[fr:recipe]]
[[id:recipe]]                                            [[ko:recipe]]
[[it:recipe]]                                            [[hy:recipe]]
[[kn:recipe]]                                            [[io:recipe]]
[[ku:recipe]]                                            [[id:recipe]]
[[hu:recipe]]                                            [[it:recipe]]
[[mk:recipe]]                                            [[kn:recipe]]
[[mg:recipe]]                                            [[ku:recipe]]
[[ml:recipe]]                                            [[hu:recipe]]
[[my:recipe]]                                            [[mk:recipe]]
[[nl:recipe]]                                            [[mg:recipe]]
[[no:recipe]]                                            [[ml:recipe]]
[[oc:recipe]]                                            [[my:recipe]]
[[pl:recipe]]                                            [[nl:recipe]]
[[pt:recipe]]                                            [[no:recipe]]
[[simple:recipe]]                                        [[oc:recipe]]
[[fi:recipe]]                                            [[pl:recipe]]
[[sv:recipe]]                                            [[pt:recipe]]
[[ta:recipe]]                                            [[simple:recipe]]
[[te:recipe]]                                            [[fi:recipe]]
[[th:recipe]]                                            [[sv:recipe]]
[[uk:recipe]]                                            [[ta:recipe]]
[[vi:recipe]]                                            [[te:recipe]]
[[zh:recipe]]                                            [[th:recipe]]

lociservator: LATIN: References added.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:Niermeyer|lociservator|618/2}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                      * {{R:Niermeyer|lociservator|618/2}}

calcariarius: No change.


vindiciae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ignoscens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

rhombus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Shapes]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:rhombus]]          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[el:rhombus]]          [[Category:la:Shapes]]
[[ko:rhombus]]          [[de:rhombus]]
[[hy:rhombus]]          [[et:rhombus]]
[[hr:rhombus]]          [[el:rhombus]]
[[io:rhombus]]          [[fr:rhombus]]
[[kn:rhombus]]          [[ko:rhombus]]
[[mg:rhombus]]          [[hy:rhombus]]
[[ml:rhombus]]          [[hr:rhombus]]
[[my:rhombus]]          [[io:rhombus]]
[[nl:rhombus]]          [[kn:rhombus]]
[[ja:rhombus]]          [[mg:rhombus]]
[[no:rhombus]]          [[ml:rhombus]]
[[pl:rhombus]]          [[my:rhombus]]
[[ru:rhombus]]          [[nl:rhombus]]
[[simple:rhombus]]      [[ja:rhombus]]
[[fi:rhombus]]          [[no:rhombus]]
[[sv:rhombus]]          [[pl:rhombus]]
[[ta:rhombus]]          [[ru:rhombus]]
[[vi:rhombus]]          [[simple:rhombus]]
[[zh:rhombus]]          [[fi:rhombus]]

periclitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:periclitatio]]  [[fr:periclitatio]]

distinctio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:distinctio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:distinctio]]  [[fr:distinctio]]
[[ru:distinctio]]  [[mg:distinctio]]

putus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dati: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|datī}}                       {{la-part-form|datī}}
# {{inflection of|datus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|datus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|datus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

porrectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:porrectus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tepefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

canones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|canōnēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|canōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|canōn||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|canōn||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|canōn||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|canōn||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|canōn||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|canōn||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:canones]]                            ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

discus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:discus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:discus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[et:discus]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[es:discus]]     [[ca:discus]]
[[fr:discus]]     [[de:discus]]
[[ko:discus]]     [[et:discus]]
[[hy:discus]]     [[el:discus]]
[[io:discus]]     [[es:discus]]
[[it:discus]]     [[fr:discus]]
[[kn:discus]]     [[ko:discus]]
[[ku:discus]]     [[hy:discus]]
[[hu:discus]]     [[io:discus]]
[[mg:discus]]     [[it:discus]]
[[ml:discus]]     [[kn:discus]]
[[nl:discus]]     [[ku:discus]]
[[ja:discus]]     [[hu:discus]]
[[pl:discus]]     [[mg:discus]]
[[ru:discus]]     [[ml:discus]]
[[fi:discus]]     [[nl:discus]]
[[sv:discus]]     [[ja:discus]]
[[ta:discus]]     [[pl:discus]]
[[te:discus]]     [[ru:discus]]
[[chr:discus]]    [[fi:discus]]
[[tr:discus]]     [[sv:discus]]
[[vi:discus]]     [[ta:discus]]
[[zh:discus]]     [[te:discus]]

inordinatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:inordinatus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἄτοπος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)/topos}}          * {{R:LSJ|a)/topos}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}             * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}              * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}                   * {{R:LBG}}
* {{R:Century 1911|atopite}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                              * {{R:Century 1911|atopite}}
[[ru:ἄτοπος]]                 [[fr:ἄτοπος]]

achilleum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|achillēum}}                    {{la-noun-form|achillēum}}
# {{inflection of|achillēos||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|achillēos||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

constricto: No change.


adsistrix: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|adsistrīx}}  {{la-decl-3rd|adsistrīx}}
                           * {{R:du Cange}}

interfectibilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

montivagus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dorycnion: No change.


praetorianus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

aviditas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

prosus: No change.


demensum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:demensum]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:demensum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

intermitto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:intermitto]]  [[fr:intermitto]]
[[ja:intermitto]]  [[ko:intermitto]]

argentarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:argentarius]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:argentarius]]  [[fr:argentarius]]

arvix: No change.


ὁπλή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition
[[lt:ὁπλή]]        [[fr:ὁπλή]]
[[mg:ὁπλή]]        [[lt:ὁπλή]]

Κλαύδιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}
[[el:Κλαύδιος]]         [[el:Κλαύδιος]]

adjaceo: No change.


irritatus: No change.


propulso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

jejunatio: No change.


praevalens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====               ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|praevalēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|praevalēns}}
                                 * {{R:L&S}}
                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

adoratores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|adōrātōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|adōrātōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|adōrātor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adōrātor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adōrātor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adōrātor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|adōrātor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|adōrātor||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

appositum: No change.


eruo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:eruo]]       [[fr:eruo]]
[[fi:eruo]]       [[ko:eruo]]

holr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                                ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: [[holur]] {{g|m}}, [[hol]] {{g|f}}, [[holt]] {{g|n}}  * Icelandic: [[holur]] {{g|m}}, [[hol]] {{g|f}}, [[holt]] {{g|n}}
[[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]                                  ===References===
                                                                   * {{R:Zoega}}
                                                                   [[Category:Old Norse adjectives]]

adnotator: No change.


stimulatrix: No change.


circumvenio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:circumvenio]]  [[fr:circumvenio]]
[[mg:circumvenio]]  [[ko:circumvenio]]
[[ru:circumvenio]]  [[mg:circumvenio]]

πολυγαμία: No change.


erythinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fossicius: No change.


intelligentia: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                ====Descendants====
* Russian: {{l|ru|интеллигенция}}  * Russian: {{l|ru|интеллигенция}}
[[es:intelligentia]]               ===References===
[[ka:intelligentia]]               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:intelligentia]]               [[es:intelligentia]]
[[mg:intelligentia]]               [[ka:intelligentia]]
[[pl:intelligentia]]               [[lo:intelligentia]]
[[pt:intelligentia]]               [[hu:intelligentia]]
[[ru:intelligentia]]               [[mg:intelligentia]]
[[sv:intelligentia]]               [[pl:intelligentia]]
[[chr:intelligentia]]              [[pt:intelligentia]]


elegantia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:elegantia]]  [[cs:elegantia]]
[[ja:elegantia]]  [[fr:elegantia]]
[[pl:elegantia]]  [[ja:elegantia]]
[[ru:elegantia]]  [[pl:elegantia]]

lix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

crus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}

neglecte: No change.


Θερμοπύλαι: No change.


peculator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====        ====References====
* {{R:L&S|peculator}}     * {{R:L&S|peculator}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin nouns]]  
                          [[Category:Latin nouns]]
[[ku:peculator]]          [[fr:peculator]]
[[ml:peculator]]          [[ku:peculator]]
[[pl:peculator]]          [[ml:peculator]]
[[ru:peculator]]          [[pl:peculator]]
[[ta:peculator]]          [[ru:peculator]]
[[te:peculator]]          [[ta:peculator]]
[[vi:peculator]]          [[te:peculator]]
[[zh:peculator]]          [[vi:peculator]]

afr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Anagrams===              ===Anagrams===
* [[far#Icelandic|far]]     * [[far#Icelandic|far]]
* [[raf#Icelandic|raf]]     * [[raf#Icelandic|raf]]
[[Category:non:Beverages]]  ===References===
                            * {{R:Zoega}}
[[ku:afr]]                  [[Category:non:Beverages]]

competentes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|competentēs}}                    {{la-part-form|competentēs}}
# {{inflection of|competēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competēns||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|competēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competēns||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|competēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competēns||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|competēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competēns||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|competēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competēns||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|competēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|competēns||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀόρατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

ape: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ape}}                                 {{la-verb-form|ape}}
# {{inflection of|apō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:L&S}}

retusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:retusus]]    [[fr:retusus]]

βρύκω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

hallus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obses: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:obses]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[nl:obses]]      [[fr:obses]]

ocellus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:ocellus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:ocellus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ja:ocellus]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[fi:ocellus]]    [[fr:ocellus]]
[[ta:ocellus]]    [[ku:ocellus]]
[[vi:ocellus]]    [[ja:ocellus]]
[[zh:ocellus]]    [[ru:ocellus]]

soror: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Family]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                    [[Category:la:Family]]

feykja: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                 ====Descendants====
* Faroese: [[foykja]]               * Faroese: [[foykja]]
* Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|feykja]]  * Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|feykja]]
* Norwegian: [[føykje]], [[føyke]]  * Norwegian: [[føykje]], [[føyke]]
* Swedish: [[fyka]]                 * Swedish: [[fyka]]
[[mg:feykja]]                       ===References===
                                    * {{R:Zoega}}

facienda: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|facienda}}                       {{la-part-form|facienda}}
# {{inflection of|faciendus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faciendus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faciendus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faciendus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faciendus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faciendus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faciendus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faciendus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|faciendus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faciendus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|faciendā}}                       {{la-part-form|faciendā}}
# {{inflection of|faciendus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|faciendus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

excultus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

locutuleius: No change.


adminiculo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:adminiculo]]  [[es:adminiculo]]
[[ru:adminiculo]]  [[ko:adminiculo]]

exhortator: No change.


esus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:esus]]       [[es:esus]]
[[fi:esus]]       [[fr:esus]]

taeniola: No change.


detrimentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:detrimentum]]  [[cs:detrimentum]]
[[mg:detrimentum]]  [[fr:detrimentum]]
[[pl:detrimentum]]  [[mg:detrimentum]]
[[ru:detrimentum]]  [[pl:detrimentum]]

lemures: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|lemur}}  * English: {{l|en|lemur}}
[[fr:lemures]]             ===References===
[[ku:lemures]]             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[hu:lemures]]             * {{R:Peck}}
[[vi:lemures]]             * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[zh:lemures]]             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

contribuo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

latio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:latio]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

κόλυμβος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|379}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}            * {{R:LBG}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse|379}}
[[ko:κόλυμβος]]        [[fr:κόλυμβος]]
[[ru:κόλυμβος]]        [[ko:κόλυμβος]]

mersus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====    ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|mers}}  {{la-decl-1&2|mers}}
[[fr:mersus]]         ===References===
                      * {{R:L&S}}
                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

R: No change.


conjugatio: No change.


temo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Nautical]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                      [[Category:la:Nautical]]

choliambus: No change.


quadripartio: No change.


ἀρχιτέκτων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)rxite/ktwn}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)rxite/ktwn}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|753}}    * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}              * {{R:Strong's|G|753}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἀρχιτέκτων]]         [[el:ἀρχιτέκτων]]
[[ko:ἀρχιτέκτων]]         [[fr:ἀρχιτέκτων]]
[[hu:ἀρχιτέκτων]]         [[ko:ἀρχιτέκτων]]
[[ru:ἀρχιτέκτων]]         [[hu:ἀρχιτέκτων]]

μητρόπολις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|mhtro%2Fpolis}}  * {{R:LSJ|mhtro%2Fpolis}}
* {{R:Bailly}}             * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}           * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}                * {{R:LBG}}
                           * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:μητρόπολις]]          [[cs:μητρόπολις]]
[[fr:μητρόπολις]]          [[el:μητρόπολις]]
[[ru:μητρόπολις]]          [[fr:μητρόπολις]]

morigerus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀνάβρωσις: No change.


obauditio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[pl:obauditio]]  [[mg:obauditio]]

vitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἀλλήλων: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                                         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                                           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                                                                                           * {{R:DGE}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:Strong's}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
[[fr:ἀλλήλων]]                                                                                                             [[el:ἀλλήλων]]
[[lt:ἀλλήλων]]                                                                                                             [[fr:ἀλλήλων]]

ὑλακτέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}

sigillatim: No change.


peculiaris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

saccarius: No change.


bura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====       ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|bure}}  * Italian: {{l|it|bure}}
----                      ===References===
                          * {{R:L&S}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}
                          * {{R:PersEnc}}
                          * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

frondosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:frondosus]]  [[fr:frondosus]]

Καλπουρνία: No change.


coclearium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cocleārium}}                 {{la-noun-form|cocleārium}}
# {{inflection of|coclear||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|coclear||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[be:coclearium]]                           ===References===
[[hr:coclearium]]                           * {{R:L&S}}
[[lt:coclearium]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hu:coclearium]]                           * {{R:Peck}}
[[tg:coclearium]]                           [[be:coclearium]]
[[chr:coclearium]]                          [[hr:coclearium]]

conquestio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:conquestio]]  [[fr:conquestio]]
[[ru:conquestio]]  [[mg:conquestio]]

buccarum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
'''buccārum''' {{g|f}}                    '''buccārum''' {{g|f}}
# {{inflection of|bucca||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bucca||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]             ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:buccarum]]                           [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[la:buccarum]]                           [[ca:buccarum]]
[[mg:buccarum]]                           [[cs:buccarum]]

martius: LATIN: References added.

===See also===                  ===See also===
* {{pedialite|Roman calendar}}  * {{pedialite|Roman calendar}}
[[Category:la:Months]]          ===References===
                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cy:martius]]                  [[Category:la:Months]]
[[id:martius]]                  [[co:martius]]
[[lo:martius]]                  [[cy:martius]]
[[la:martius]]                  [[el:martius]]
[[ln:martius]]                  [[id:martius]]
[[hu:martius]]                  [[lo:martius]]
[[mg:martius]]                  [[la:martius]]
[[ja:martius]]                  [[ln:martius]]
[[ro:martius]]                  [[hu:martius]]
[[sv:martius]]                  [[mg:martius]]
[[uk:martius]]                  [[ja:martius]]

Ὑπερείδης: No change.


comissatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:comissatio]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:comissatio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

saecularis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:saecularis]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:saecularis]]  [[de:saecularis]]
[[pt:saecularis]]  [[fr:saecularis]]

cellarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cellarium]]  [[ca:cellarium]]
[[mg:cellarium]]  [[fr:cellarium]]
[[ru:cellarium]]  [[mg:cellarium]]

Σόλων: No change.


χερσαῖος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

τρέπειν: No change.


Διοκλῆς: No change.


decumae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|decumae}}                   {{la-noun-form|decumae}}
# {{inflection of|decuma||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|decuma||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|decuma||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|decuma||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|decuma||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|decuma||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|decuma||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|decuma||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:decumae]]                             ===References===
[[mg:decumae]]                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

agrimensores: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|agrīmēnsōrēs|g=m}}              {{la-noun-form|agrīmēnsōrēs|g=m}}
# {{inflection of|agrīmēnsor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agrīmēnsor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|agrīmēnsor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agrīmēnsor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|agrīmēnsor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agrīmēnsor||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

satietas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:satietas]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

coniicio: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                          ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd-IO|cōniic|cōniiēc|coniiect}}  {{la-conj-3rd-IO|cōniic|cōniiēc|coniiect}}
                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

humerus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|humer}}  {{la-decl-2nd|humer}}
[[ast:humerus]]        ===References===
[[ca:humerus]]         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:humerus]]         [[ast:humerus]]
[[el:humerus]]         [[ca:humerus]]
[[fr:humerus]]         [[de:humerus]]
[[ko:humerus]]         [[et:humerus]]
[[io:humerus]]         [[el:humerus]]
[[id:humerus]]         [[fr:humerus]]
[[kn:humerus]]         [[ko:humerus]]
[[ka:humerus]]         [[io:humerus]]
[[ku:humerus]]         [[id:humerus]]
[[hu:humerus]]         [[kn:humerus]]
[[mg:humerus]]         [[ka:humerus]]
[[ml:humerus]]         [[ku:humerus]]
[[ja:humerus]]         [[hu:humerus]]
[[pl:humerus]]         [[mg:humerus]]
[[ro:humerus]]         [[ml:humerus]]
[[fi:humerus]]         [[ja:humerus]]
[[ta:humerus]]         [[pl:humerus]]
[[te:humerus]]         [[ro:humerus]]
[[chr:humerus]]        [[fi:humerus]]
[[vi:humerus]]         [[ta:humerus]]
[[zh:humerus]]         [[te:humerus]]

gemmo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:gemmo]]      [[fr:gemmo]]
[[it:gemmo]]      [[ko:gemmo]]
[[mg:gemmo]]      [[it:gemmo]]
[[ru:gemmo]]      [[mg:gemmo]]

fraternalis: LATIN: References added.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:NLW}}

meliusculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pervium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pervium}}                       {{la-adj-form|pervium}}
# {{inflection of|pervius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pervius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pervius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pervius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pervius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:pervium]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

angiportus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

concluse: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|conclūse}}                       {{la-part-form|conclūse}}
# {{inflection of|conclūsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|conclūsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[it:concluse]]                                 ===References===
[[ja:concluse]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

corniger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:corniger]]   * {{R:Peck}}

naust: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Declension====            ====Declension====
{{non-decl-n-a|naust|naust}}  {{non-decl-n-a|naust|naust}}
[[vi:naust]]                  ===References===
                              * {{R:Zoega}}

σκέπτομαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
----                ----

Eleusium: No change.


anteverto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

papio: LATIN: References added.

====Derived terms====          ====Derived terms====
* {{l|la|Melambrotus papio}}   * {{l|la|Melambrotus papio}}
* {{l|la|Nemopterella papio}}  * {{l|la|Nemopterella papio}}
* {{l|la|Papio papio}}         * {{l|la|Papio papio}}
[[io:papio]]                   ===References===
[[tg:papio]]                   * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἁλικαρνασσός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                           * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}                           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1012}}                * {{R:DGE}}
                                      * {{R:Woodhouse|1012}}

κριτήριον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2922}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2922}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:κριτήριον]]         [[el:κριτήριον]]
[[ko:κριτήριον]]         [[fr:κριτήριον]]
[[mg:κριτήριον]]         [[ko:κριτήριον]]

geminus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:geminus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:geminus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[hr:geminus]]    * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[mg:geminus]]    [[el:geminus]]
[[pl:geminus]]    [[fr:geminus]]
[[ru:geminus]]    [[hr:geminus]]
[[sv:geminus]]    [[hu:geminus]]
[[chr:geminus]]   [[mg:geminus]]

vectura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:vectura]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:vectura]]    [[cs:vectura]]
[[sk:vectura]]    [[fr:vectura]]

Βενυσία: No change.


ignorantia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:ignorantia]]   [[cs:ignorantia]]
[[fr:ignorantia]]   [[es:ignorantia]]
[[mg:ignorantia]]   [[fr:ignorantia]]
[[pl:ignorantia]]   [[mg:ignorantia]]
[[ru:ignorantia]]   [[pl:ignorantia]]
[[chr:ignorantia]]  [[ru:ignorantia]]

aberratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                                  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Professor Kidd, et al. ''Collins Gem Latin Dictionary''. HarperCollins Publishers (Glasgow: 2004). ISBN 0-00-470763-X. page 1.  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                                  * Professor Kidd, et al. ''Collins Gem Latin Dictionary''. HarperCollins Publishers (Glasgow: 2004). ISBN 0-00-470763-X. page 1.
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                  [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[fr:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[de:aberratio]]
[[it:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[fr:aberratio]]
[[lt:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[it:aberratio]]
[[mg:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[lt:aberratio]]
[[nl:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[mg:aberratio]]
[[uz:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[nl:aberratio]]
[[pl:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[uz:aberratio]]
[[ru:aberratio]]                                                                                                                  [[pl:aberratio]]

senus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===See also===   ===See also===
* {{l|la|seni}}  * {{l|la|seni}}
----             ===References===
                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

catellum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|catellum}}                    {{la-noun-form|catellum}}
# {{inflection of|catellus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|catellus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

uggr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:non:Zoega}}  * {{R:Zoega}}
                   * {{R:non:Zoega}}

debellator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cessum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|cessum}}                   {{la-verb-form|cessum}}
# {{inflection of|cēdō||supine|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cēdō||supine|lang=la}}
[[es:cessum]]                             ===References===
[[fr:cessum]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

scando: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:scando]]     [[fr:scando]]
[[mg:scando]]     [[ko:scando]]
[[fj:scando]]     [[mg:scando]]
[[ru:scando]]     [[fj:scando]]
[[chr:scando]]    [[ru:scando]]

susurrator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

rorulentus: No change.


asa: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====  ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|ās}}  {{la-decl-1st|ās}}
----                ===References===
                    * {{R:L&S}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}

arens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

percursus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|percurs}}  {{la-decl-1&2|percurs}}
[[fr:percursus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

latratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[chr:latratus]]  [[fr:latratus]]

beatificator: No change.


diluvium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                      {{top2}}
* English {{l|en|diluvium}}, {{l|en|deluge}}  * English {{l|en|diluvium}}, {{l|en|deluge}}
* French: {{l|fr|déluge}}                     * French: {{l|fr|déluge}}
{{mid2}}                                      {{mid2}}
* Italian: {{l|it|diluvio}}                   * Italian: {{l|it|diluvio}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|diluvio}}                   * Spanish: {{l|es|diluvio}}
{{bottom}}                                    {{bottom}}
[[et:diluvium]]                               ===References===
[[fr:diluvium]]                               * {{R:L&S}}
[[io:diluvium]]                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ku:diluvium]]                               [[et:diluvium]]
[[hu:diluvium]]                               [[fr:diluvium]]
[[mg:diluvium]]                               [[io:diluvium]]
[[nl:diluvium]]                               [[id:diluvium]]
[[pl:diluvium]]                               [[ku:diluvium]]
[[ru:diluvium]]                               [[hu:diluvium]]
[[sv:diluvium]]                               [[mg:diluvium]]
[[chr:diluvium]]                              [[nl:diluvium]]
[[vi:diluvium]]                               [[pl:diluvium]]
[[zh:diluvium]]                               [[ru:diluvium]]

castimonia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:castimonia]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:castimonia]]  [[cs:castimonia]]

crumena: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Synonyms====   ====Synonyms====
* {{l|la|saccus}}  * {{l|la|saccus}}
* {{l|la|lūra}}    * {{l|la|lūra}}
* {{l|la|bursa}}   * {{l|la|bursa}}
* {{l|la|aluta}}   * {{l|la|aluta}}
[[fr:crumena]]     ===References===
[[mg:crumena]]     * {{R:L&S}}
[[zh:crumena]]     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Peck}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
                   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

corruptor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bales: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|bālēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|bālēs}}
# {{inflection of|bālō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bālō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

paraturae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|parātūrae}}                      {{la-part-form|parātūrae}}
# {{inflection of|parātūrus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parātūrus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|parātūrus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parātūrus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|parātūrus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parātūrus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|parātūrus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|parātūrus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

minari: No change.


nutatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|nūtāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|nūtāt}}
[[fr:nutatus]]         ===References===
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

consilesco: No change.


nassa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:nassa]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[eo:nassa]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[io:nassa]]      [[es:nassa]]
[[it:nassa]]      [[eo:nassa]]
[[hu:nassa]]      [[fr:nassa]]
[[mg:nassa]]      [[io:nassa]]
[[fj:nassa]]      [[it:nassa]]
[[ru:nassa]]      [[hu:nassa]]
[[chr:nassa]]     [[mg:nassa]]

Λύγδαμις: No change.


snerra: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Noun===                   ===Noun===
{{non-noun|f}}               {{non-noun|f}}
# [[attack]], [[onslaught]]  # [[attack]], [[onslaught]]
                             * {{R:Zoega}}

rosaceus: No change.


invitamentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:invitamentum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obiurgator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|obiūrgātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|obiūrgātor}}
# {{inflection of|obiūrgō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|obiūrgō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|obiūrgō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|obiūrgō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

χθές: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|xqe/s}}        * {{R:LSJ|xqe/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5504}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|5504}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:χθές]]              [[cs:χθές]]
[[es:χθές]]              [[el:χθές]]
[[fr:χθές]]              [[es:χθές]]
[[fy:χθές]]              [[fr:χθές]]
[[ko:χθές]]              [[fy:χθές]]
[[mg:χθές]]              [[ko:χθές]]
[[nl:χθές]]              [[mg:χθές]]
[[pl:χθές]]              [[nl:χθές]]
[[pt:χθές]]              [[pl:χθές]]
[[ru:χθές]]              [[pt:χθές]]
[[chr:χθές]]             [[ru:χθές]]
[[tr:χθές]]              [[chr:χθές]]

Ἀδράστεια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====     ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|999}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse|999}}

abecedarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                             ====Descendants====
* English: [[abecedarius#English|abecedarius]]  * English: [[abecedarius#English|abecedarius]]
* French: [[abécédaire]]                        * French: [[abécédaire]]
* Romanian: [[abecedar]]                        * Romanian: [[abecedar]]
[[de:abecedarius]]                              ===References===
[[et:abecedarius]]                              * {{R:L&S}}
[[fr:abecedarius]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[it:abecedarius]]                              * {{R:NLW}}
[[pl:abecedarius]]                              [[de:abecedarius]]
[[ru:abecedarius]]                              [[et:abecedarius]]
[[simple:abecedarius]]                          [[fr:abecedarius]]
[[zh:abecedarius]]                              [[it:abecedarius]]

γιγνώσκειν: No change.


Scytalosagittipelliger: No change.


admirabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:admirabilis]]  * {{R:M&A}}

extima: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|extima}}                        {{la-adj-form|extima}}
# {{inflection of|extimus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extimus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|extimus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extimus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|extimus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extimus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|extimus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extimus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|extimus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extimus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|extimā}}                        {{la-adj-form|extimā}}
# {{inflection of|extimus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extimus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:extima]]                                 ===References===
[[ta:extima]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

sagatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

gurum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gurum}}                    {{la-noun-form|gurum}}
# {{inflection of|gurus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gurus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:gurum]]                              ===References===
[[mg:gurum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

confertus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[hr:confertus]]  [[fr:confertus]]
[[ta:confertus]]  [[hr:confertus]]

Παρνασσός: No change.


polygonum: No change.


Xenophon: No change.


susurrium: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|susurri}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|susurri}}
[[mg:susurrium]]           ===References===
[[pl:susurrium]]           * {{R:du Cange}}

compatior: No change.


archimandrita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]  
                                                            [[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]

propter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[de:propter]]    [[cs:propter]]
[[el:propter]]    [[de:propter]]
[[es:propter]]    [[el:propter]]
[[fr:propter]]    [[es:propter]]
[[ko:propter]]    [[fr:propter]]
[[hr:propter]]    [[ko:propter]]
[[mg:propter]]    [[hr:propter]]
[[nl:propter]]    [[mg:propter]]
[[pl:propter]]    [[nl:propter]]
[[ru:propter]]    [[pl:propter]]
[[chr:propter]]   [[ru:propter]]

trochus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:trochus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:trochus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[ta:trochus]]    * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

τράπεζα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}

abra: LATIN: References added.

====Synonyms====                   ====Synonyms====
* {{sense|maid}} {{l|la|ancilla}}  * {{sense|maid}} {{l|la|ancilla}}
----                               ===References===
                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

subscriptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

reclusum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|reclūsum}}                      {{la-part-form|reclūsum}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|reclūsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|reclūsus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:reclusum]]                                ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

tegumentum: No change.


ludificatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

circumlitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====         ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|circumlit}}  {{la-decl-1&2|circumlit}}
                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

mansis: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|mansīs}}                      {{la-part-form|mansīs}}
# {{inflection of|mansus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mansus||dat|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mansus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mansus||dat|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mansus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mansus||dat|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mansus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mansus||abl|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mansus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mansus||abl|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mansus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mansus||abl|n|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

τάφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5028}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|5028}}
----                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Πολύγνωτος: No change.


gurgulio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:gurgulio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vietor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tectio: No change.


σολοικισμός: No change.


oraculum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:oraculum]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[el:oraculum]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ko:oraculum]]   [[cs:oraculum]]
[[hr:oraculum]]   [[el:oraculum]]
[[hu:oraculum]]   [[fr:oraculum]]
[[pl:oraculum]]   [[ko:oraculum]]
[[ru:oraculum]]   [[hr:oraculum]]

conflatoria: No change.


corrigiuncula: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}

exemplarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:exemplarium]]  [[cs:exemplarium]]
[[ru:exemplarium]]  [[mg:exemplarium]]

hamus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|279}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:hamus]]                * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:hamus]]                * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|279}}
[[fi:hamus]]                [[de:hamus]]
[[chr:hamus]]               [[fr:hamus]]

distuli: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|distulī}}                                 {{la-verb-form|distulī}}
# {{inflection of|differō||1|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|differō||1|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[es:distuli]]                                           ===References===
[[fr:distuli]]                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

inimicitiae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|inimīcitiae}}                   {{la-noun-form|inimīcitiae}}
# {{inflection of|inimīcitia||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inimīcitia||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inimīcitia||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inimīcitia||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inimīcitia||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inimīcitia||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inimīcitia||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inimīcitia||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:inimicitiae]]                             ===References===
[[ja:inimicitiae]]                             * {{R:du Cange}}

μορφόω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3445}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:BDAG}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|3445}}
[[mg:μορφόω]]            [[fr:μορφόω]]
[[ru:μορφόω]]            [[mg:μορφόω]]

quartalia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|quartālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|quartālia}}
# {{inflection of|quartālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quartālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quartālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quartālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|quartālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quartālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

insenesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

retinentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dodrantarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

negantia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Latinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[cs:Latinus]]    [[af:Latinus]]
[[fr:Latinus]]    [[cs:Latinus]]
[[la:Latinus]]    [[fr:Latinus]]
[[pl:Latinus]]    [[la:Latinus]]

καταγελαστής: No change.


βαρύτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

dedicator: No change.


Ἁρμαγεδών: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====                      ====References====
* {{R:Bailly}}                          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}                             * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|717}}                  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Strong's|G|717}}
* [[w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]   * [[w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]
[[Category:grc:Place names|Αρμαγεδων]]  [[Category:grc:Place names|Αρμαγεδων]]
[[el:Ἁρμαγεδών]]                        [[el:Ἁρμαγεδών]]
[[fr:Ἁρμαγεδών]]                        [[fr:Ἁρμαγεδών]]
[[hu:Ἁρμαγεδών]]                        [[hu:Ἁρμαγεδών]]

Acheruns: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

traditus: No change.


ἀόριστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

palmensis: No change.


rotulum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|rotulum}}                    {{la-noun-form|rotulum}}
# {{inflection of|rotulus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rotulus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

διοικοδομέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}       * {{R:DGE}}
                  * {{R:LBG}}

languesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin defective verbs]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin defective verbs]]
[[ko:languesco]]                    [[fr:languesco]]
[[mg:languesco]]                    [[ko:languesco]]

praecordium: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|praecordi}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|praecordi}}
[[ru:praecordium]]           ===References===
                             * {{R:du Cange}}

prima: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

tirator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|tirātor}}                             {{la-verb-form|tirātor}}
# {{conjugation of|tirō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|tirō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|tirō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|tirō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

aka: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                 ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                            {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|age}}              * Danish: {{l|da|age}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|aka}}             * Faroese: {{l|fo|aka}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|aka}}           * Icelandic: {{l|is|aka}}
{{mid2}}                            {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|ake}}           * Norwegian: {{l|no|ake}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|åka}}             * Swedish: {{l|sv|åka}}
{{bottom}}                          {{bottom}}
[[Category:Old Norse palindromes]]  ===References===
                                    * {{R:Zoega}}
                                    [[Category:Old Norse palindromes]]

storkr: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Noun===                    ===Noun===
{{non-noun|m}}                {{non-noun|m}}
# [[stork]]                   # [[stork]]
[[Category:Old Norse nouns]]  ===References===
                              * {{R:Zoega}}
[[fr:storkr]]                 [[Category:Old Norse nouns]]

oscito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:oscito]]     [[es:oscito]]
[[pl:oscito]]     [[fr:oscito]]
[[ru:oscito]]     [[pl:oscito]]
[[chr:oscito]]    [[ru:oscito]]

commissum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:commissum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:commissum]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:commissum]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:commissum]]  [[ca:commissum]]

eburneus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:eburneus]]         [[cs:eburneus]]
[[fr:eburneus]]         [[de:eburneus]]
[[la:eburneus]]         [[fr:eburneus]]
[[mg:eburneus]]         [[la:eburneus]]
[[pl:eburneus]]         [[mg:eburneus]]

Hierosolyma: No change.


αἰδώς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====Derived terms====  ====Derived terms====
* [[αἰδέσιμος]]        * [[αἰδέσιμος]]
* [[αἴδεσις]]          * [[αἴδεσις]]
* [[αἰδεστός]]         * [[αἰδεστός]]
* [[αἰδήμων]]          * [[αἰδήμων]]
* [[αἰδοῖος]]          * [[αἰδοῖος]]
* [[αἰδοῖον]]          * [[αἰδοῖον]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:αιδωσ}}  ===References===
                       * {{R:LSJ}}
[[el:αἰδώς]]           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[fr:αἰδώς]]           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
[[it:αἰδώς]]           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[lt:αἰδώς]]           * {{R:Slater}}
[[ru:αἰδώς]]           * {{R:Strong's}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}

quoquomodo: No change.


index: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

nonne: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Magontiacum: No change.


posca: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:posca]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[oc:posca]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

supersto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:supersto]]   [[fr:supersto]]
[[ru:supersto]]   [[ko:supersto]]

cuprum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Chemical elements]]  
                                   [[Category:la:Chemical elements]]
[[zh-min-nan:cuprum]]              [[az:cuprum]]
[[ca:cuprum]]                      [[zh-min-nan:cuprum]]
[[et:cuprum]]                      [[ca:cuprum]]
[[es:cuprum]]                      [[et:cuprum]]
[[eu:cuprum]]                      [[es:cuprum]]
[[fr:cuprum]]                      [[eu:cuprum]]
[[ko:cuprum]]                      [[fr:cuprum]]
[[hr:cuprum]]                      [[ko:cuprum]]
[[ku:cuprum]]                      [[hr:cuprum]]
[[lo:cuprum]]                      [[ku:cuprum]]
[[la:cuprum]]                      [[lo:cuprum]]
[[lt:cuprum]]                      [[la:cuprum]]
[[hu:cuprum]]                      [[lt:cuprum]]
[[mg:cuprum]]                      [[hu:cuprum]]
[[pl:cuprum]]                      [[mg:cuprum]]
[[pt:cuprum]]                      [[pl:cuprum]]
[[ru:cuprum]]                      [[pt:cuprum]]
[[fi:cuprum]]                      [[ru:cuprum]]
[[sv:cuprum]]                      [[fi:cuprum]]
[[zh:cuprum]]                      [[sv:cuprum]]

Persephone: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:L&S|Persĕphŏnē}}                * {{R:L&S|Persĕphŏnē}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|Persĕphŏnē|p=1,159/1}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|Persephonē|1,354/1}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|Persĕphŏnē|p=1,159/1}}
                                      * {{R:OLD|1|Persephonē|1,354/1}}
[[Category:la:Greek deities]]         
                                      [[Category:la:Greek deities]]

indo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Κλέων: No change.


irrite: No change.


Φιλοκράτης: No change.


antepagmentum: No change.


nero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
<references/>     * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:PersEnc}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

mensarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

morticinus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:morticinus]]  [[de:morticinus]]
[[mg:morticinus]]  [[fr:morticinus]]

consistorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:consistorium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:consistorium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:consistorium]]  [[el:consistorium]]

γαμικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|gamiko/s|w=γᾰμικός}}  * {{R:LSJ|gamiko/s|w=γᾰμικός}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}               * {{R:DGE}}
                                * {{R:Woodhouse}}

strenuo: No change.


striata: No change.


Agyrium: No change.


alauda: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Birds]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[el:alauda]]          [[Category:la:Birds]]
[[hr:alauda]]          [[cs:alauda]]
[[it:alauda]]          [[el:alauda]]
[[ky:alauda]]          [[fr:alauda]]
[[lt:alauda]]          [[hr:alauda]]
[[hu:alauda]]          [[it:alauda]]
[[mg:alauda]]          [[ky:alauda]]
[[pl:alauda]]          [[lt:alauda]]
[[ro:alauda]]          [[hu:alauda]]
[[ru:alauda]]          [[mg:alauda]]

mundator: No change.


ceratium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}               * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:OLD|2|cerātium|330/2}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                              * {{R:OLD|2|cerātium|330/2}}

πρεσβύτερος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|pre/sbus|w=πρέσβῠς}}  * {{R:LSJ|pre/sbus|w=πρέσβῠς}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}               * {{R:Strong's|G|4245}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4245}}         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:πρεσβύτερος]]              [[el:πρεσβύτερος]]
[[fr:πρεσβύτερος]]              [[fr:πρεσβύτερος]]
[[mg:πρεσβύτερος]]              [[mg:πρεσβύτερος]]
[[ru:πρεσβύτερος]]              [[ru:πρεσβύτερος]]
[[chr:πρεσβύτερος]]             [[chr:πρεσβύτερος]]

subiectum: No change.


Χειρίσοφος: No change.


calceata: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|calceāta}}                       {{la-part-form|calceāta}}
# {{inflection of|calceātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calceātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|calceātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calceātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|calceātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calceātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|calceātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calceātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|calceātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calceātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|calceātā}}                       {{la-part-form|calceātā}}
# {{inflection of|calceātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calceātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[li:calceata]]                                 ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

amethistus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd|amethist}}  {{la-decl-2nd|amethist}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

terminate: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|termināte}}                               {{la-verb-form|termināte}}
# {{inflection of|terminō||1|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|terminō||1|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[ar:terminate]]                                         ===References===
[[az:terminate]]                                         * {{R:L&S}}
[[co:terminate]]                                         [[ar:terminate]]
[[de:terminate]]                                         [[az:terminate]]
[[et:terminate]]                                         [[cs:terminate]]
[[es:terminate]]                                         [[co:terminate]]
[[fa:terminate]]                                         [[de:terminate]]
[[fr:terminate]]                                         [[et:terminate]]
[[ko:terminate]]                                         [[es:terminate]]
[[hy:terminate]]                                         [[fa:terminate]]
[[io:terminate]]                                         [[fr:terminate]]
[[it:terminate]]                                         [[ko:terminate]]
[[kn:terminate]]                                         [[hy:terminate]]
[[ku:terminate]]                                         [[io:terminate]]
[[hu:terminate]]                                         [[it:terminate]]
[[mg:terminate]]                                         [[kn:terminate]]
[[ml:terminate]]                                         [[ku:terminate]]
[[my:terminate]]                                         [[hu:terminate]]
[[nl:terminate]]                                         [[mg:terminate]]
[[ja:terminate]]                                         [[ml:terminate]]
[[pl:terminate]]                                         [[my:terminate]]
[[ru:terminate]]                                         [[nl:terminate]]
[[sm:terminate]]                                         [[ja:terminate]]
[[scn:terminate]]                                        [[pl:terminate]]
[[simple:terminate]]                                     [[ru:terminate]]
[[fi:terminate]]                                         [[sm:terminate]]
[[sv:terminate]]                                         [[scn:terminate]]
[[ta:terminate]]                                         [[simple:terminate]]
[[te:terminate]]                                         [[fi:terminate]]
[[vi:terminate]]                                         [[sv:terminate]]
[[zh:terminate]]                                         [[ta:terminate]]

anicula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cubicularius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:cubicularius]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

hiemantes: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                    ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|hiemantēs}}                          {{la-part-form|hiemantēs}}
# {{inflection of|hiemāns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hiemāns||nom|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hiemāns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hiemāns||acc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hiemāns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hiemāns||voc|m|and|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                    * {{R:du Cange}}

zelotes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]  
                                                            [[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]
[[es:zelotes]]                                              [[de:zelotes]]
[[eo:zelotes]]                                              [[es:zelotes]]
[[fr:zelotes]]                                              [[eo:zelotes]]
[[mg:zelotes]]                                              [[fr:zelotes]]
[[pl:zelotes]]                                              [[mg:zelotes]]
[[ru:zelotes]]                                              [[pl:zelotes]]

tabaco: No change.


adfligo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                     ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|adflīg|adflīx|adflīct}}  {{la-conj-3rd|adflīg|adflīx|adflīct}}
[[fr:adfligo]]                         ===References===
[[ko:adfligo]]                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

admoveo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:admoveo]]    [[fr:admoveo]]
[[la:admoveo]]    [[ko:admoveo]]
[[mg:admoveo]]    [[la:admoveo]]

adorno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|adorno}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                             * {{R:Century 1911|adorno}}

provolvens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====               ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|prōvolvēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|prōvolvēns}}
                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

consarrio: No change.


poeta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                 * {{R:M&A}}
                                                            * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]  
                                                            [[Category:Latin masculine nouns in the first declension]]

Καῖσαρ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1004}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1004}}
[[fr:Καῖσαρ]]           [[fr:Καῖσαρ]]
[[it:Καῖσαρ]]           [[it:Καῖσαρ]]
[[hu:Καῖσαρ]]           [[hu:Καῖσαρ]]

gelatus: No change.


Λοκρίς: No change.


ἀστρονομία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[bs:ἀστρονομία]]  [[af:ἀστρονομία]]
[[fr:ἀστρονομία]]  [[bs:ἀστρονομία]]
[[lt:ἀστρονομία]]  [[fr:ἀστρονομία]]
[[hu:ἀστρονομία]]  [[lt:ἀστρονομία]]
[[ja:ἀστρονομία]]  [[hu:ἀστρονομία]]
[[pl:ἀστρονομία]]  [[ja:ἀστρονομία]]
[[ru:ἀστρονομία]]  [[pl:ἀστρονομία]]

antelucanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

διδάσκαλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1320}}  * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1320}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Κώρυκος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1007}}

exos: No change.


incongruentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:incongruentia]]  [[ca:incongruentia]]
[[pl:incongruentia]]  [[fr:incongruentia]]
[[ru:incongruentia]]  [[pl:incongruentia]]

quinquiplico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[li:quinquiplico]]  [[ko:quinquiplico]]

penetro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

anteferri: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|anteferrī}}                           {{la-verb-form|anteferrī}}
# {{inflection of|anteferō||pres|pasv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|anteferō||pres|pasv|inf|lang=la}}
[[mg:anteferri]]                                     ===References===
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

satiricus: No change.


calefactus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

librilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:librilis]]   [[fr:librilis]]

haemesis: No change.


arci: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|arcī}}                   {{la-noun-form|arcī}}
# {{inflection of|arx||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arx||dat|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:arci]]                             ===References===
[[cs:arci]]                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[la:arci]]                             [[ca:arci]]
[[mg:arci]]                             [[cs:arci]]
[[nl:arci]]                             [[fr:arci]]
[[sh:arci]]                             [[la:arci]]

dubium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:dubium]]     [[cs:dubium]]
[[fr:dubium]]     [[de:dubium]]
[[ko:dubium]]     [[fr:dubium]]
[[hr:dubium]]     [[ko:dubium]]
[[mg:dubium]]     [[hr:dubium]]
[[pl:dubium]]     [[mg:dubium]]
[[ru:dubium]]     [[pl:dubium]]
[[chr:dubium]]    [[ru:dubium]]

unus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[az:unus]]       [[roa-rup:unus]]
[[ca:unus]]       [[az:unus]]
[[co:unus]]       [[ca:unus]]
[[da:unus]]       [[co:unus]]
[[de:unus]]       [[da:unus]]
[[et:unus]]       [[de:unus]]
[[el:unus]]       [[et:unus]]
[[es:unus]]       [[el:unus]]
[[eu:unus]]       [[es:unus]]
[[fr:unus]]       [[eu:unus]]
[[gl:unus]]       [[fr:unus]]
[[ko:unus]]       [[gl:unus]]
[[hy:unus]]       [[ko:unus]]
[[hr:unus]]       [[hy:unus]]
[[io:unus]]       [[hr:unus]]
[[it:unus]]       [[io:unus]]
[[ka:unus]]       [[it:unus]]
[[ku:unus]]       [[ka:unus]]
[[ky:unus]]       [[ku:unus]]
[[la:unus]]       [[ky:unus]]
[[lt:unus]]       [[la:unus]]
[[hu:unus]]       [[lt:unus]]
[[mg:unus]]       [[hu:unus]]
[[fj:unus]]       [[mg:unus]]
[[nl:unus]]       [[fj:unus]]
[[ja:unus]]       [[nl:unus]]
[[uz:unus]]       [[ja:unus]]
[[pl:unus]]       [[uz:unus]]
[[pt:unus]]       [[pl:unus]]
[[ru:unus]]       [[pt:unus]]
[[sr:unus]]       [[ru:unus]]
[[fi:unus]]       [[sr:unus]]
[[sv:unus]]       [[fi:unus]]
[[ta:unus]]       [[sv:unus]]
[[tt:unus]]       [[ta:unus]]
[[th:unus]]       [[tt:unus]]
[[chr:unus]]      [[th:unus]]
[[tr:unus]]       [[chr:unus]]
[[zh:unus]]       [[tr:unus]]

Drysidae: No change.


afflictum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|afflīctum}}                      {{la-part-form|afflīctum}}
# {{inflection of|afflīctus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|afflīctus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|afflīctus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|afflīctus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|afflīctus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|afflīctus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|afflīctus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|afflīctus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

salem: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|salem}}                  {{la-noun-form|salem}}
# {{inflection of|sāl||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sāl||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[de:salem]]                            ===References===
[[fr:salem]]                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[id:salem]]                            [[de:salem]]
[[nl:salem]]                            [[fr:salem]]
[[no:salem]]                            [[ko:salem]]
[[pl:salem]]                            [[id:salem]]
[[pt:salem]]                            [[nl:salem]]
[[ru:salem]]                            [[no:salem]]
[[fi:salem]]                            [[pl:salem]]

πλήσσω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                    * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:πλήσσω]]       [[el:πλήσσω]]
[[it:πλήσσω]]       [[fr:πλήσσω]]
[[mg:πλήσσω]]       [[it:πλήσσω]]

biduum: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|bidu}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|bidu}}
[[ru:biduum]]           ===References===
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

contempte: No change.


obiens: No change.


στρατηγός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4755}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|4755}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Woodhouse}}
----                     ----

cretura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Πλάγχος: No change.


cohonesto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:cohonesto]]  [[es:cohonesto]]

primitivus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:primitivus]]  [[fr:primitivus]]
[[ru:primitivus]]  [[mg:primitivus]]

δέκατος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|de/katos}}  * {{R:LSJ|de/katos}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}      * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}           * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}     * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}      * {{R:Strong's}}
                      * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Lavinium: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====          ====Descendants====
* Italian: {{l|it|Lavinio}}  * Italian: {{l|it|Lavinio}}
[[Category:la:Cities]]       ===References===
                             * {{R:L&S}}
[[ru:Lavinium]]              [[Category:la:Cities]]

darr: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
* Icelandic: {{l|is|darr}}  * Icelandic: {{l|is|darr}}
[[Category:en:Terns]]       ===References===
                            * {{R:Zoega}}

ἄφυλλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                         * {{R:DGE}}

cursorie: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cursōrie}}                        {{la-adj-form|cursōrie}}
# {{inflection of|cursōrius||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cursōrius||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

deuse: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|deūse}}                       {{la-part-form|deūse}}
# {{inflection of|deūsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|deūsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[te:deuse]]                                 ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

canicula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:canicula]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:canicula]]   [[fr:canicula]]
[[no:canicula]]   [[fy:canicula]]
[[pl:canicula]]   [[io:canicula]]
[[pt:canicula]]   [[no:canicula]]
[[ru:canicula]]   [[pl:canicula]]

spoliatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:spoliatio]]  [[fr:spoliatio]]

extimarum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|extimārum}}                     {{la-adj-form|extimārum}}
# {{inflection of|extimus||gen|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|extimus||gen|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:extimarum]]                              ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

graphia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|graphia}}                     {{la-noun-form|graphia}}
# {{inflection of|graphium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|graphium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|graphium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|graphium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|graphium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|graphium||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:graphia]]                               ===References===
[[mg:graphia]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

physica: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Physics]]  * {{R:M&A}}
----                     [[Category:la:Physics]]

Bithynia: No change.


redarguo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

papyraceus: No change.


duodecennium: No change.


innodo: No change.


Φορκίς: No change.


subsono: No change.


interturbatio: No change.


antestor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

lupanaria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ====References====
* Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 623/1], “lupanaria”  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             * {{R:Platner}}
===Etymology 2===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 623/1], “lupanaria”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ===Etymology 2===

triduum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:triduum]]    [[fr:triduum]]
[[ku:triduum]]    [[io:triduum]]
[[pl:triduum]]    [[ku:triduum]]
[[ru:triduum]]    [[pl:triduum]]
[[sh:triduum]]    [[ru:triduum]]
[[vi:triduum]]    [[sh:triduum]]

antevio: No change.


χωρίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|xwri/zw}}  * {{R:LSJ|xwri/zw}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
                     * {{R:Strong's}}

bracteati: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|bracteātī}}                        {{la-adj-form|bracteātī}}
# {{inflection of|bracteātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bracteātus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bracteātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bracteātus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bracteātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bracteātus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|bracteātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bracteātus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

paganicus: No change.


postremus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press

arga: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|arga}}                     {{la-noun-form|arga}}
# {{inflection of|argon||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|argon||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|argon||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|argon||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|argon||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|argon||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

laboratorium: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Antium: No change.


solitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:solitus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

virilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:virilis]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[hr:virilis]]    [[de:virilis]]
[[id:virilis]]    [[fr:virilis]]
[[la:virilis]]    [[hr:virilis]]

macello: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|macellō}}                        {{la-adj-form|macellō}}
# {{inflection of|macellus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macellus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|macellus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macellus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|macellus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macellus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|macellus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|macellus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:macello]]                                 ===References===
[[gl:macello]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:macello]]                                 [[fr:macello]]
[[it:macello]]                                 [[gl:macello]]
[[kn:macello]]                                 [[ko:macello]]
[[hu:macello]]                                 [[io:macello]]
[[mg:macello]]                                 [[it:macello]]
[[nl:macello]]                                 [[kn:macello]]
[[pl:macello]]                                 [[hu:macello]]
[[ru:macello]]                                 [[mg:macello]]
[[zh:macello]]                                 [[nl:macello]]

subiectus: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

ruptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ruptio]]     [[fr:ruptio]]
[[ru:ruptio]]     [[mg:ruptio]]

organicus: No change.


Tullius: No change.


absorbeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:absorbeo]]   [[fr:absorbeo]]
[[mg:absorbeo]]   [[ko:absorbeo]]
[[ru:absorbeo]]   [[mg:absorbeo]]

appropinquo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:appropinquo]]  [[el:appropinquo]]
[[ko:appropinquo]]  [[es:appropinquo]]
[[io:appropinquo]]  [[ko:appropinquo]]
[[la:appropinquo]]  [[io:appropinquo]]
[[ru:appropinquo]]  [[la:appropinquo]]

quingeni: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Κοῖος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Slater}}

depositarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

veterani: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|veterānī}}                        {{la-adj-form|veterānī}}
# {{inflection of|veterānus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|veterānus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|veterānus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|veterānus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|veterānus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|veterānus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|veterānus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|veterānus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[el:veterani]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:veterani]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                * {{R:Peck}}

conquestus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:conquestus]]  [[fr:conquestus]]

circumspectator: No change.


μετάνοια: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:μετάνοια]]    [[el:μετάνοια]]
[[mg:μετάνοια]]    [[ko:μετάνοια]]
[[ru:μετάνοια]]    [[mg:μετάνοια]]

fertilitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fertilitas]]  [[de:fertilitas]]
[[id:fertilitas]]  [[fr:fertilitas]]
[[mg:fertilitas]]  [[id:fertilitas]]
[[ja:fertilitas]]  [[mg:fertilitas]]

munite: No change.


palpamentum: No change.


benefio: No change.


Ταρτησσός: No change.


consummator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:consummator]]  [[ku:consummator]]
[[pl:consummator]]  [[mg:consummator]]
[[ru:consummator]]  [[pl:consummator]]
[[vi:consummator]]  [[ru:consummator]]

Trapezus: No change.


detrecto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:detrecto]]   [[ko:detrecto]]
[[sh:detrecto]]   [[ru:detrecto]]

εὔτηκτος: No change.


disposite: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|disposite}}                       {{la-part-form|disposite}}
# {{inflection of|dispositus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dispositus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:disposite]]                                 ===References===
[[pl:disposite]]                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

ἄλλως: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
{{R:LSJ|a)/llws}}   {{R:LSJ|a)/llws}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἄλλως]]        [[el:ἄλλως]]
[[pl:ἄλλως]]        [[fr:ἄλλως]]

peragrator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|peragrātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|peragrātor}}
# {{inflection of|peragrō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|peragrō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|peragrō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|peragrō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

oratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:oratus]]     [[es:oratus]]
[[mg:oratus]]     [[fr:oratus]]
[[fi:oratus]]     [[mg:oratus]]

diaeta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                       ===References===
* {{R:L&S|dĭaeta}}<!-- 15 entries in:  * {{R:L&S|dĭaeta}}<!-- 15 entries in:
* {{R:Gaffiot|dĭæta|p=517/3}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:du Cange}} -->                   * {{R:du Cange}} -->
* {{R:OLD|1|diaeta|535/3}}             * {{R:Gaffiot|dĭæta|p=517/3}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|diaeta|330/2}}         * {{R:Peck}}
                                       * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:diaeta]]                          * {{R:OLD|1|diaeta|535/3}}
[[fr:diaeta]]                          * {{R:Niermeyer|diaeta|330/2}}
[[ru:diaeta]]                          [[cs:diaeta]]

clericalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:clericalis]]  [[fr:clericalis]]

neptis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:neptis]]           [[fr:neptis]]
[[mg:neptis]]           [[la:neptis]]
[[pl:neptis]]           [[mg:neptis]]
[[ru:neptis]]           [[pl:neptis]]
[[chr:neptis]]          [[ru:neptis]]

astu: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|astū}}                     {{la-noun-form|astū}}
# {{inflection of|astus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|astus||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}
                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

carnivorus: No change.


deperditus: No change.


pensator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                   ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|pēnsātor}}                                    {{la-verb-form|pēnsātor}}
# {{inflection of|pēnsō||2|and|3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pēnsō||2|and|3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[fr:pensator]]                                              ===References===
                                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

distans: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|distāns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|distāns}}
----                          ===References===
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

liquesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:liquesco]]   [[fr:liquesco]]
[[mg:liquesco]]   [[ko:liquesco]]
[[tg:liquesco]]   [[mg:liquesco]]

sodalicium: No change.


pennula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:pennula]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[scn:pennula]]   [[de:pennula]]

albus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}             * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:la:Colors]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ca:albus]]            [[Category:la:Colors]]
[[da:albus]]            [[ca:albus]]
[[de:albus]]            [[cs:albus]]
[[el:albus]]            [[da:albus]]
[[es:albus]]            [[de:albus]]
[[fr:albus]]            [[el:albus]]
[[ko:albus]]            [[es:albus]]
[[io:albus]]            [[fr:albus]]
[[it:albus]]            [[ko:albus]]
[[kn:albus]]            [[io:albus]]
[[ka:albus]]            [[it:albus]]
[[lo:albus]]            [[kn:albus]]
[[la:albus]]            [[ka:albus]]
[[lt:albus]]            [[lo:albus]]
[[hu:albus]]            [[la:albus]]
[[mg:albus]]            [[lt:albus]]
[[ja:albus]]            [[hu:albus]]
[[pl:albus]]            [[mg:albus]]
[[pt:albus]]            [[ja:albus]]
[[ru:albus]]            [[pl:albus]]
[[fi:albus]]            [[pt:albus]]
[[sv:albus]]            [[ru:albus]]
[[chr:albus]]           [[fi:albus]]
[[tr:albus]]            [[sv:albus]]
[[zh:albus]]            [[chr:albus]]

platanum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|platanum}}                    {{la-noun-form|platanum}}
# {{inflection of|platanus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|platanus||acc|s|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

cusa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|cūsa}}                       {{la-part-form|cūsa}}
# {{inflection of|cūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cūsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cūsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cūsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cūsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cūsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|cūsā}}                       {{la-part-form|cūsā}}
# {{inflection of|cūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cūsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[es:cusa]]                                 ===References===
[[fr:cusa]]                                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

aborior: No change.


radicalis: No change.


gravate: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:gravate]]    [[fr:gravate]]

confectae: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|cōnfectae}}                      {{la-part-form|cōnfectae}}
# {{inflection of|cōnfectus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnfectus||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnfectus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnfectus||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnfectus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnfectus||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōnfectus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōnfectus||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:confectae]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

Φοιβίδας: No change.


pacifico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

deliquio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praelego: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:praelego]]   [[ko:praelego]]

agatha: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|agatha}}                     {{la-noun-form|agatha}}
# {{inflection of|agathum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agathum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|agathum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agathum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|agathum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|agathum||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:Stillwell}}

palumbinus: No change.


potius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:du Cange}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:potius]]               [[Category:Latin adverbs]]
[[nl:potius]]               [[fr:potius]]
[[chr:potius]]              [[mg:potius]]

ceraso: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[el:ceraso]]     [[cs:ceraso]]
[[it:ceraso]]     [[el:ceraso]]
[[mg:ceraso]]     [[it:ceraso]]

admissio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:admissio]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:admissio]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:admissio]]   [[fr:admissio]]
[[chr:admissio]]  [[mg:admissio]]

exportatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:exportatio]]  [[es:exportatio]]
[[ru:exportatio]]  [[fr:exportatio]]

pontem: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|pontem}}                  {{la-noun-form|pontem}}
# {{inflection of|pōns||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pōns||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[an:pontem]]                            ===References===
[[ca:pontem]]                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:pontem]]                            [[an:pontem]]
[[la:pontem]]                            [[ca:pontem]]

Lar: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S|Lar|Lar1}}  * {{R:L&S|Lar|Lar1}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:Lar]]            [[de:Lar]]

mariscos: No change.


absolutiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|absolūtiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|absolūtiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|absolūtiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|absolūtiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:absolutiones]]                           ===References===
[[fr:absolutiones]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}

stolidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:stolidus]]   [[fr:stolidus]]

Κλαυδία: No change.


palleo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:palleo]]     [[el:palleo]]
[[ko:palleo]]     [[fr:palleo]]

assideo: No change.


dola: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|dolā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|dolā}}
# {{inflection of|dolō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dolō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                  ===References===
                                                      * {{R:du Cange}}

πολίτης: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4177}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|4177}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

geirfugl: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Synonyms====                           ====Synonyms====
* {{sense|gyrfalcon}} {{l|non|geirfalki}}  * {{sense|gyrfalcon}} {{l|non|geirfalki}}
[[fr:geirfugl]]                            ===References===
[[is:geirfugl]]                            * {{R:Zoega}}

magisterium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:English words suffixed with -ium]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[et:magisterium]]                             [[Category:English words suffixed with -ium]]
[[ru:magisterium]]                             [[et:magisterium]]
[[vi:magisterium]]                             [[fr:magisterium]]
[[zh:magisterium]]                             [[ru:magisterium]]

malitiosa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|malitiōsa}}                        {{la-adj-form|malitiōsa}}
# {{inflection of|malitiōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malitiōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malitiōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malitiōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malitiōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malitiōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malitiōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malitiōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|malitiōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malitiōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|malitiōsā}}                        {{la-adj-form|malitiōsā}}
# {{inflection of|malitiōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|malitiōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:malitiosa]]                                 ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἱερώνυμος: No change.


captus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:captus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:captus]]     [[el:captus]]
[[mg:captus]]     [[es:captus]]
[[ru:captus]]     [[fr:captus]]
[[fi:captus]]     [[mg:captus]]

detentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἔκτασις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἔκτασις]]      [[fr:ἔκτασις]]
[[mg:ἔκτασις]]      [[ko:ἔκτασις]]

invictus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:invictus]]   [[el:invictus]]
[[pl:invictus]]   [[fr:invictus]]
[[fi:invictus]]   [[pl:invictus]]
[[sv:invictus]]   [[fi:invictus]]

cadaverosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

considerantia: No change.


filius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Family]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[af:filius]]           [[Category:la:Family]]
[[cs:filius]]           [[af:filius]]
[[co:filius]]           [[an:filius]]
[[da:filius]]           [[cs:filius]]
[[de:filius]]           [[co:filius]]
[[el:filius]]           [[da:filius]]
[[es:filius]]           [[de:filius]]
[[eu:filius]]           [[el:filius]]
[[fr:filius]]           [[es:filius]]
[[ko:filius]]           [[eu:filius]]
[[hr:filius]]           [[fr:filius]]
[[ku:filius]]           [[ko:filius]]
[[ky:filius]]           [[hr:filius]]
[[la:filius]]           [[ku:filius]]
[[lt:filius]]           [[ky:filius]]
[[hu:filius]]           [[la:filius]]
[[mg:filius]]           [[lt:filius]]
[[fj:filius]]           [[hu:filius]]
[[nl:filius]]           [[mg:filius]]
[[ja:filius]]           [[fj:filius]]
[[no:filius]]           [[nl:filius]]
[[pl:filius]]           [[ja:filius]]
[[pt:filius]]           [[no:filius]]
[[ru:filius]]           [[pl:filius]]
[[sk:filius]]           [[pt:filius]]
[[fi:filius]]           [[ru:filius]]
[[sv:filius]]           [[sk:filius]]
[[tl:filius]]           [[fi:filius]]
[[ta:filius]]           [[sv:filius]]
[[chr:filius]]          [[tl:filius]]

praevaricor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:praevaricor]]  [[fr:praevaricor]]
[[ru:praevaricor]]  [[ko:praevaricor]]

substructio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:substructio]]  [[fr:substructio]]
[[pt:substructio]]  [[mg:substructio]]
[[ru:substructio]]  [[pt:substructio]]

ebriolo: No change.



exuro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

perobscurus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pegma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:pegma]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:pegma]]      * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

παύω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}    * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:Strong's}}
                    * {{R:LBG}}

ah: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Interjection===   ===Interjection===
{{la-interj}}        {{la-interj}}
# [[ah#English|ah]]  # [[ah#English|ah]]
----                 ===References===
                     * {{R:L&S}}
                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

tardatio: No change.


minutum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|minūtum}}                      {{la-part-form|minūtum}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:minutum]]                                ===References===
[[lo:minutum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:minutum]]                                [[fr:minutum]]
[[ja:minutum]]                                [[lo:minutum]]

praetorius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:praetorius]]  [[fr:praetorius]]

exinanitas: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|exinānītās}}                      {{la-part-form|exinānītās}}
# {{inflection of|exinānītus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exinānītus||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

elanguesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

submersus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|submers}}  {{la-decl-1&2|submers}}
== References ==         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
                         == References ==

paracletus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

crypta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:crypta]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:crypta]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:crypta]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[mg:crypta]]     [[ca:crypta]]
[[pl:crypta]]     [[cs:crypta]]
[[ru:crypta]]     [[de:crypta]]
[[ta:crypta]]     [[fr:crypta]]

effectus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:effectus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:effectus]]   [[es:effectus]]
[[pl:effectus]]   [[fr:effectus]]
[[ru:effectus]]   [[mg:effectus]]

Σιθωνία: No change.


circumduco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}

ζέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                      ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                                                                      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                                                        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                                                                                          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                          * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                                                                        * {{R:Slater}}
* Encyclopedia Papyrus-Larousse (1963)                                                                  * {{R:Strong's}}
* J.B Hofmann, Ετυμολογικόν Λεξικόν της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής (Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Griechischen)  * Encyclopedia Papyrus-Larousse (1963)
                                                                                                        * J.B Hofmann, Ετυμολογικόν Λεξικόν της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής (Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Griechischen)
[[fr:ζέω]]                                                                                              [[el:ζέω]]
[[mg:ζέω]]                                                                                              [[fr:ζέω]]

avus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Family]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[az:avus]]             [[Category:la:Family]]
[[cs:avus]]             [[af:avus]]
[[co:avus]]             [[az:avus]]
[[da:avus]]             [[ca:avus]]
[[de:avus]]             [[cs:avus]]
[[el:avus]]             [[co:avus]]
[[eu:avus]]             [[da:avus]]
[[fr:avus]]             [[de:avus]]
[[fy:avus]]             [[el:avus]]
[[ko:avus]]             [[eu:avus]]
[[hr:avus]]             [[fr:avus]]
[[is:avus]]             [[fy:avus]]
[[it:avus]]             [[ko:avus]]
[[kn:avus]]             [[hr:avus]]
[[ka:avus]]             [[is:avus]]
[[ku:avus]]             [[it:avus]]
[[la:avus]]             [[kn:avus]]
[[lt:avus]]             [[ka:avus]]
[[mg:avus]]             [[ku:avus]]
[[nl:avus]]             [[la:avus]]
[[ja:avus]]             [[lt:avus]]
[[pl:avus]]             [[mg:avus]]
[[pt:avus]]             [[nl:avus]]
[[ro:avus]]             [[ja:avus]]
[[ru:avus]]             [[pl:avus]]
[[fi:avus]]             [[pt:avus]]
[[sv:avus]]             [[ro:avus]]
[[ta:avus]]             [[ru:avus]]
[[chr:avus]]            [[fi:avus]]
[[tr:avus]]             [[sv:avus]]

assuesco: No change.


edissero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

brome: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|brome}}                     {{la-noun-form|brome}}
# {{inflection of|bromos||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|bromos||voc|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:brome]]                               ===References===
[[da:brome]]                               * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[el:brome]]                               [[ca:brome]]
[[es:brome]]                               [[da:brome]]
[[eu:brome]]                               [[de:brome]]
[[fr:brome]]                               [[el:brome]]
[[gl:brome]]                               [[es:brome]]
[[ko:brome]]                               [[eu:brome]]
[[io:brome]]                               [[fr:brome]]
[[la:brome]]                               [[gl:brome]]
[[lt:brome]]                               [[ko:brome]]
[[hu:brome]]                               [[io:brome]]
[[mg:brome]]                               [[la:brome]]
[[ja:brome]]                               [[lt:brome]]
[[nn:brome]]                               [[hu:brome]]
[[pl:brome]]                               [[mg:brome]]
[[pt:brome]]                               [[ja:brome]]
[[ro:brome]]                               [[nn:brome]]
[[ru:brome]]                               [[pl:brome]]
[[fi:brome]]                               [[pt:brome]]
[[vi:brome]]                               [[ro:brome]]
[[zh:brome]]                               [[ru:brome]]

transvolo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:transvolo]]  [[fr:transvolo]]
[[ru:transvolo]]  [[ko:transvolo]]

Aulus: No change.


obsessor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pt:obsessor]]   [[fr:obsessor]]

proeliaris: No change.


quirito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Conjugation====                        ====Conjugation====
No perfect is attested.                    No perfect is attested.
{{la-conj-1st|type=nopass-noperf|quirīt}}  {{la-conj-1st|type=nopass-noperf|quirīt}}
[[fr:quirito]]                             ===References===
[[io:quirito]]                             * {{R:L&S}}
[[ru:quirito]]                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

silicia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:silicia]]    [[mg:silicia]]

hebraei: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|hebraeī}}                        {{la-adj-form|hebraeī}}
# {{inflection of|hebraeus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hebraeus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hebraeus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hebraeus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hebraeus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hebraeus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|hebraeus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hebraeus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:Peck}}
                                               * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

enascor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:enascor]]    [[fr:enascor]]

Atlas: No change.


gnaticidium: LATIN: References added.

====Declension====              ====Declension====
{{la-decl-2nd-N-ium|gnāticīd}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N-ium|gnāticīd}}
                                * {{R:du Cange}}

ὀγδοάς: No change.


Rhodo: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|Rhodō}}                     {{la-noun-form|Rhodō}}
# {{inflection of|Rhodus||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Rhodus||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|Rhodus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|Rhodus||abl|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:Rhodo]]                               ===References===
[[sk:Rhodo]]                               * {{R:L&S}}

noxitudo: No change.


moriens: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ja:moriens]]    [[fr:moriens]]
[[fi:moriens]]    [[ja:moriens]]

retensus: No change.


propulsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:propulsus]]  [[el:propulsus]]

linquo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:linquo]]     [[fr:linquo]]
[[mg:linquo]]     [[ko:linquo]]
[[pt:linquo]]     [[mg:linquo]]
[[ru:linquo]]     [[pt:linquo]]

ναρκόω: No change.


musa: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|Musa|Mūsa}}   * {{l|la|Musa|Mūsa}}
----                   ===References===
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Peck}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Volsce: No change.


tinos: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|tinōs}}                    {{la-noun-form|tinōs}}
# {{inflection of|tinus||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tinus||acc|p|lang=la}}
[[es:tinos]]                              ===References===
[[ro:tinos]]                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

flaminius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

mediocris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:mediocris]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[la:mediocris]]  [[fr:mediocris]]
[[mg:mediocris]]  [[hr:mediocris]]

accubitalia: No change.


exoticus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:exoticus]]   [[de:exoticus]]
[[fr:exoticus]]   [[el:exoticus]]

cotes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                              ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cōtēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|cōtēs}}
# {{inflection of|cōs||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōs||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōs||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōs||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cōs||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cōs||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                    ===References===
                                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

genuflexum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                       ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|genūflexum}}                      {{la-verb-form|genūflexum}}
# {{inflection of|genūflectō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|genūflectō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}


actito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ku:actito]]     [[ko:actito]]
[[ru:actito]]     [[ku:actito]]

ἀσφυξία: No change.


canon: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

conjuratio: No change.


intybus: No change.


queribundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

optice: No change.


καταγέλαστος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}          * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:καταγέλαστος]]  [[el:καταγέλαστος]]
[[mg:καταγέλαστος]]  [[fr:καταγέλαστος]]
[[pl:καταγέλαστος]]  [[mg:καταγέλαστος]]

Cnaeus: No change.


rescriptum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:L&S|rē-scrībo|rescribo}}  * {{R:L&S|rē-scrībo|rescribo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:rescriptum]]               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:rescriptum]]               * {{R:Peck}}
                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

tripus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Usage notes====                                                            ====Usage notes====
* In post-Classical Latin, {{term||tripūs}} is sometimes treated as feminine.  * In post-Classical Latin, {{term||tripūs}} is sometimes treated as feminine.
[[fr:tripus]]                                                                  ===References===
[[la:tripus]]                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
                                                                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                               * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                               * {{R:Peck}}

noscitabundus: No change.


exercitatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}

Halicarnassus: No change.


πλάγιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

abagmentum: No change.


βότρυς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1009}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|1009}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
<references/>            * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[es:βότρυς]]            [[el:βότρυς]]
[[fr:βότρυς]]            [[es:βότρυς]]
[[ru:βότρυς]]            [[fr:βότρυς]]

paradoxi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|paradoxī|n}}                   {{la-noun-form|paradoxī|n}}
# {{inflection of|paradoxum||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|paradoxum||gen|s|lang=la}}
[[el:paradoxi]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

subrogatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|subrogāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|subrogāt}}
[[fr:subrogatus]]         ===References===
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

collaboratum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                      ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|collabōrātum}}                   {{la-verb-form|collabōrātum}}
# {{inflection of|collabōrō||acc|sup|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|collabōrō||acc|sup|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

inunctura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                 ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|inunctūra}}                       {{la-part-form|inunctūra}}
# {{inflection of|inunctūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inunctūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inunctūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inunctūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inunctūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inunctūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inunctūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inunctūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|inunctūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inunctūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|inunctūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|inunctūrā}}
# {{inflection of|inunctūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|inunctūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:NLW}}

κλίμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:Strong's}}

ascribo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:ascribo]]    [[fr:ascribo]]

Caria: No change.


clepsydra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                             * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:en:Clocks]]       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:en:Timekeeping]]  * {{R:PersEnc}}
                             * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:clepsydra]]             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:clepsydra]]             [[Category:en:Clocks]]
[[ko:clepsydra]]             [[Category:en:Timekeeping]]
[[ku:clepsydra]]             [[cs:clepsydra]]
[[ru:clepsydra]]             [[et:clepsydra]]
[[ta:clepsydra]]             [[fr:clepsydra]]
[[vi:clepsydra]]             [[ko:clepsydra]]
[[zh:clepsydra]]             [[io:clepsydra]]

Μενοίτιος: No change.


Asia: No change.


pubes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===           ===References===
* {{R:L&S|pubes1|pubes1}}  * {{R:L&S|pubes1|pubes1}}
* {{R:L&S|pubes2|pubes2}}  * {{R:L&S|pubes2|pubes2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ar:pubes]]               * {{R:Peck}}
[[ast:pubes]]              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fa:pubes]]               [[ar:pubes]]
[[fr:pubes]]               [[ast:pubes]]
[[ko:pubes]]               [[ca:pubes]]
[[ku:pubes]]               [[fa:pubes]]
[[my:pubes]]               [[fr:pubes]]
[[pl:pubes]]               [[ko:pubes]]
[[ru:pubes]]               [[ku:pubes]]
[[fi:pubes]]               [[my:pubes]]
[[ta:pubes]]               [[pl:pubes]]
[[te:pubes]]               [[ru:pubes]]
[[vi:pubes]]               [[fi:pubes]]
[[zh:pubes]]               [[ta:pubes]]

affor: No change.


Lesbos: No change.


quadrate: No change.


Iosephus: No change.


inlacrimo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                              ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|inlacrim|inlacrimāv|inlacrimāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|inlacrim|inlacrimāv|inlacrimāt}}
                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

nivalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:nivalis]]    [[fr:nivalis]]
[[pl:nivalis]]    [[ja:nivalis]]
[[sv:nivalis]]    [[pl:nivalis]]
[[chr:nivalis]]   [[sv:nivalis]]

δρᾶσις: No change.


medicina: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

leto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Death]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                       * {{R:PersEnc}}
----                   * {{R:Peck}}
                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

sodalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[fr:sodalis]]        [[es:sodalis]]
[[mg:sodalis]]        [[fr:sodalis]]
[[pt:sodalis]]        [[mg:sodalis]]
[[ru:sodalis]]        [[pt:sodalis]]

trientius: No change.


Ἰλισός: No change.


Ἄλβη: No change.


Παλλάντιον: No change.


γέεννα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|ge/enna}}      * {{R:LSJ|ge/enna}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1067}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:DGE}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|1067}}

retrusus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|retrūs}}  {{la-decl-1&2|retrūs}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

ἐραστής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ἐραστής]]      [[el:ἐραστής]]
[[ko:ἐραστής]]      [[fr:ἐραστής]]
[[it:ἐραστής]]      [[ko:ἐραστής]]
[[mg:ἐραστής]]      [[it:ἐραστής]]

alarii: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ālāriī}}                        {{la-adj-form|ālāriī}}
# {{inflection of|ālārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālārius||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ālārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālārius||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ālārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālārius||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ālārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ālārius||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[de:alarii]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:Peck}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

pauxillus: No change.


canus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Colors]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:canus]]            [[Category:la:Colors]]
[[hr:canus]]            [[cs:canus]]
[[la:canus]]            [[fr:canus]]
[[mg:canus]]            [[hr:canus]]
[[ja:canus]]            [[la:canus]]
[[pl:canus]]            [[mg:canus]]
[[ru:canus]]            [[ja:canus]]
[[fi:canus]]            [[pl:canus]]
[[sv:canus]]            [[ru:canus]]
[[chr:canus]]           [[fi:canus]]

expalpor: No change.



fastigium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:fastigium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fastigium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:fastigium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ta:fastigium]]  [[ca:fastigium]]
[[vi:fastigium]]  [[fr:fastigium]]
[[zh:fastigium]]  [[mg:fastigium]]

femoralia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|femorālia}}                       {{la-adj-form|femorālia}}
# {{inflection of|femorālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|femorālis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|femorālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|femorālis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|femorālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|femorālis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:femoralia]]                                ===References===
[[mg:femoralia]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

zacones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|zācōnēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|zācōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|zācōn||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zācōn||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zācōn||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zācōn||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zācōn||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zācōn||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:zacones]]                            ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

lumbus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>                                                                                                              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press
[[es:lumbus]]                                                                                                              <references/>
[[mg:lumbus]]                                                                                                              [[es:lumbus]]
[[ja:lumbus]]                                                                                                              [[fr:lumbus]]
[[pl:lumbus]]                                                                                                              [[mg:lumbus]]
[[fi:lumbus]]                                                                                                              [[ja:lumbus]]
[[ta:lumbus]]                                                                                                              [[pl:lumbus]]

vipera: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:vipera]]           [[zh-min-nan:vipera]]
[[el:vipera]]           [[de:vipera]]
[[fr:vipera]]           [[el:vipera]]
[[io:vipera]]           [[fr:vipera]]
[[it:vipera]]           [[io:vipera]]
[[lt:vipera]]           [[it:vipera]]
[[hu:vipera]]           [[lt:vipera]]
[[mg:vipera]]           [[hu:vipera]]
[[fj:vipera]]           [[mg:vipera]]
[[pl:vipera]]           [[fj:vipera]]
[[ro:vipera]]           [[pl:vipera]]
[[ru:vipera]]           [[ro:vipera]]
[[sr:vipera]]           [[ru:vipera]]
[[sh:vipera]]           [[sr:vipera]]
[[fi:vipera]]           [[sh:vipera]]
[[chr:vipera]]          [[fi:vipera]]
[[zh:vipera]]           [[chr:vipera]]

calciamenta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                       ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|calciamenta}}                     {{la-noun-form|calciamenta}}
# {{inflection of|calciamentum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calciamentum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|calciamentum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calciamentum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|calciamentum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calciamentum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:calciamenta]]                               ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

rastrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===              ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                   * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|rastrum}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Tools]]         * {{R:Peck}}
                              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:rastrum]]                * {{R:Century 1911|rastrum}}
[[mg:rastrum]]                [[Category:la:Tools]]

aliquam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

spurcitia: No change.


emptor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[af:emptor]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[et:emptor]]     [[af:emptor]]
[[fr:emptor]]     [[de:emptor]]
[[hu:emptor]]     [[et:emptor]]
[[mg:emptor]]     [[fr:emptor]]
[[chr:emptor]]    [[hu:emptor]]

Ἡρῴδης: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}                  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2264}}                 * {{R:Strong's|G|2264}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}
* [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]  * [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]
[[fr:Ἡρῴδης]]                           [[fr:Ἡρῴδης]]
[[hu:Ἡρῴδης]]                           [[hu:Ἡρῴδης]]

εὐθύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|eu)qu/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|eu)qu/s}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}    * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}     * {{R:Strong's}}
                     * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:εὐθύς]]         [[el:εὐθύς]]
[[lt:εὐθύς]]         [[fr:εὐθύς]]
[[hu:εὐθύς]]         [[lt:εὐθύς]]
[[mg:εὐθύς]]         [[hu:εὐθύς]]
[[pl:εὐθύς]]         [[mg:εὐθύς]]

Ἀσκληπίδης: No change.


zonalis: No change.


limitatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|līmitāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|līmitāt}}
[[fr:limitatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:du Cange}}

cracentes: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cracentēs}}                     {{la-adj-form|cracentēs}}
# {{inflection of|cracens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cracens||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cracens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cracens||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cracens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cracens||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cracens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cracens||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cracens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cracens||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cracens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cracens||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

effarcio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:effarcio]]   [[ko:effarcio]]

ἐνθουσιαστής: No change.


pascuus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

territorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

perfosso: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|perfossō}}                       {{la-part-form|perfossō}}
# {{inflection of|perfossus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perfossus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perfossus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perfossus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:L&S}}

puerilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:puerilis]]   [[de:puerilis]]
[[fr:puerilis]]   [[es:puerilis]]
[[nl:puerilis]]   [[fr:puerilis]]

Κάρυστος: No change.


vianda: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|vianda}}                       {{la-part-form|vianda}}
# {{inflection of|viandus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viandus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viandus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viandus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viandus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viandus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viandus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viandus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|viandus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viandus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|viandā}}                       {{la-part-form|viandā}}
# {{inflection of|viandus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|viandus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

ἀμυντικός: No change.


Κνίδος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Woodhouse|1006}}
===External links===    ===External links===

coctilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S|coctĭlis}}  * {{R:L&S|coctĭlis}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:coctilis]]       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

intercalo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

sindon: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====             ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|sindon|sindōn}}  {{la-decl-3rd|sindon|sindōn}}
[[fr:sindon]]                  ===References===
[[mg:sindon]]                  * {{R:L&S}}
                               * {{R:Peck}}

typographus: No change.


adludo: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                 ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-3rd|adlūd|adlūs|adlūs}}  {{la-conj-3rd|adlūd|adlūs|adlūs}}
[[fr:adludo]]                      ===References===
[[ko:adludo]]                      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

armigera: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|armigera}}                      {{la-adj-form|armigera}}
# {{inflection of|armiger||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armiger||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armiger||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armiger||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armiger||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armiger||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armiger||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armiger||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|armiger||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armiger||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|armigerā}}                      {{la-adj-form|armigerā}}
# {{inflection of|armiger||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|armiger||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[it:armigera]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

excreta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|excrēta}}                       {{la-part-form|excrēta}}
# {{inflection of|excrētus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excrētus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excrētus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excrētus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excrētus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excrētus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excrētus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excrētus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|excrētus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excrētus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|excrētā}}                       {{la-part-form|excrētā}}
# {{inflection of|excrētus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|excrētus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

rudia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                             ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|rudia}}                       {{la-adj-form|rudia}}
# {{inflection of|rudis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rudis||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rudis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rudis||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|rudis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rudis||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:rudia]]                                ===References===
[[ko:rudia]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[pl:rudia]]                                [[fr:rudia]]
[[pt:rudia]]                                [[ko:rudia]]
[[ru:rudia]]                                [[mg:rudia]]

matronatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

halipleumon: No change.


adiuero: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                        ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-1st|adiuer|adiuerāv|adiuerāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|adiuer|adiuerāv|adiuerāt}}
                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

eccum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:eccum]]      [[fr:eccum]]

aethiopis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

optimi: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|optimī}}                        {{la-adj-form|optimī}}
# {{inflection of|optimus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|optimus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|optimus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|optimus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|optimus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|optimus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|optimus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|optimus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:optimi]]                                 ===References===
[[la:optimi]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

γλαύξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                  * {{R:DGE}}
[[fr:γλαύξ]]      [[el:γλαύξ]]
[[ru:γλαύξ]]      [[fr:γλαύξ]]

sublevator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|sublevātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|sublevātor}}
# {{inflection of|sublevō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sublevō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|sublevō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sublevō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

caritas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

spondeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

corna: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|corna}}                     {{la-noun-form|corna}}
# {{inflection of|cornum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cornum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cornum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:corna]]                               ===References===
[[fr:corna]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
[[it:corna]]                               [[cs:corna]]
[[mg:corna]]                               [[fr:corna]]
[[pt:corna]]                               [[gl:corna]]
[[chr:corna]]                              [[it:corna]]

dapifex: No change.


offoco: No change.


prognosis: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====             ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                        {{top2}}
* English: {{l|en|prognosis}}   * English: {{l|en|prognosis}}
* French: {{l|fr|pronostic}}    * French: {{l|fr|pronostic}}
* German: {{l|de|Prognose}}     * German: {{l|de|Prognose}}
{{mid2}}                        {{mid2}}
* Italian: {{l|it|prognosi}}    * Italian: {{l|it|prognosi}}
* Norman: {{l|nrf|prog'nose}}   * Norman: {{l|nrf|prog'nose}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|pronóstico}}  * Spanish: {{l|es|pronóstico}}
{{bottom}}                      {{bottom}}
[[es:prognosis]]                ===References===
[[fa:prognosis]]                * {{R:L&S}}
[[gl:prognosis]]                [[es:prognosis]]
[[ko:prognosis]]                [[fa:prognosis]]
[[hy:prognosis]]                [[fr:prognosis]]
[[io:prognosis]]                [[gl:prognosis]]
[[id:prognosis]]                [[ko:prognosis]]
[[it:prognosis]]                [[hy:prognosis]]
[[kn:prognosis]]                [[io:prognosis]]
[[ku:prognosis]]                [[id:prognosis]]
[[hu:prognosis]]                [[it:prognosis]]
[[mg:prognosis]]                [[kn:prognosis]]
[[ml:prognosis]]                [[ku:prognosis]]
[[no:prognosis]]                [[hu:prognosis]]
[[pl:prognosis]]                [[mg:prognosis]]
[[ru:prognosis]]                [[ml:prognosis]]
[[fi:prognosis]]                [[no:prognosis]]
[[ta:prognosis]]                [[pl:prognosis]]
[[te:prognosis]]                [[ru:prognosis]]
[[tr:prognosis]]                [[fi:prognosis]]
[[vi:prognosis]]                [[ta:prognosis]]
[[zh:prognosis]]                [[te:prognosis]]

nidum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|nīdum}}                    {{la-noun-form|nīdum}}
# {{inflection of|nīdus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nīdus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:nidum]]                              ===References===
[[ku:nidum]]                              * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:nidum]]                              * {{R:Stillwell}}

detondeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

pueraster: No change.


πρόσληψις: No change.


argus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Usage notes===                                                  ===Usage notes===
* Used exclusively as a taxonomic epithet and thus not inflected.  * Used exclusively as a taxonomic epithet and thus not inflected.
[[de:argus]]                                                       ===References===
[[et:argus]]                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:argus]]                                                       * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[io:argus]]                                                       * {{R:Peck}}
[[it:argus]]                                                       * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[mg:argus]]                                                       [[de:argus]]
[[ml:argus]]                                                       [[et:argus]]
[[ro:argus]]                                                       [[fr:argus]]
[[ru:argus]]                                                       [[io:argus]]
[[te:argus]]                                                       [[it:argus]]
[[vi:argus]]                                                       [[ku:argus]]
[[zh:argus]]                                                       [[mg:argus]]

παράδεισος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3857}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3857}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

instinctus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:instinctus]]  [[fr:instinctus]]
[[pl:instinctus]]  [[mg:instinctus]]

trireme: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|trirēme}}                        {{la-adj-form|trirēme}}
# {{inflection of|trirēmis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trirēmis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trirēmis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trirēmis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trirēmis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trirēmis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ar:trireme]]                                 ===References===
[[cs:trireme]]                                 * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[fr:trireme]]                                 [[ar:trireme]]
[[ko:trireme]]                                 [[cs:trireme]]
[[io:trireme]]                                 [[et:trireme]]
[[ku:trireme]]                                 [[fr:trireme]]
[[hu:trireme]]                                 [[ko:trireme]]
[[pl:trireme]]                                 [[io:trireme]]
[[ru:trireme]]                                 [[ku:trireme]]
[[sk:trireme]]                                 [[hu:trireme]]
[[fi:trireme]]                                 [[pl:trireme]]
[[ta:trireme]]                                 [[ru:trireme]]
[[te:trireme]]                                 [[sk:trireme]]
[[vi:trireme]]                                 [[fi:trireme]]

expejuro: No change.


vellica: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|vellicā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|vellicā}}
# {{inflection of|vellicō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vellicō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[it:vellica]]                                           ===References===
                                                         * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

arrisio: No change.



psalterium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:psalterium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:psalterium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:psalterium]]  [[fr:psalterium]]
[[vi:psalterium]]  [[io:psalterium]]
[[zh:psalterium]]  [[lt:psalterium]]

cognitiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cognitiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|cognitiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|cognitio||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cognitio||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cognitio||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cognitio||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cognitio||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cognitio||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cognitiones]]                           ===References===
[[mg:cognitiones]]                           * {{R:du Cange}}

disputator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[pl:disputator]]  [[mg:disputator]]

cio: No change.


argenteolus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:NLW}}

Alpinas: No change.


diphyes: No change.


tyria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|tyria}}                        {{la-adj-form|tyria}}
# {{inflection of|tyrius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tyrius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tyrius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tyrius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tyrius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tyrius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tyrius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tyrius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tyrius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tyrius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|tyriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|tyriā}}
# {{inflection of|tyrius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tyrius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:PersEnc}}

placor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

incidentiae: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|incidentiae}}                   {{la-noun-form|incidentiae}}
# {{inflection of|incidentia||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incidentia||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|incidentia||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incidentia||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|incidentia||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incidentia||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|incidentia||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|incidentia||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

racemus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:Latin terms derived from substrate languages]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:racemus]]                                             [[Category:Latin terms derived from substrate languages]]
[[mg:racemus]]                                             [[de:racemus]]

late: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Related terms====   ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|latus|lātus}}  * {{l|la|latus|lātus}}
----                    ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:M&A}}

ἐμπειρία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:DGE}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἐμπειρία]]    [[fr:ἐμπειρία]]
[[mg:ἐμπειρία]]    [[ko:ἐμπειρία]]

ductio: No change.


tak: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                                      ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                                 {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|tag}}                                   * Danish: {{l|da|tag}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|tak}}                                  * Faroese: {{l|fo|tak}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|tak}}                                * Icelandic: {{l|is|tak}}
{{mid2}}                                                 {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|tak}}                                * Norwegian: {{l|no|tak}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|tag}} (Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|tak}})  * Swedish: {{l|sv|tag}} (Old Swedish {{l|gmq-osw|tak}})
{{bottom}}                                               {{bottom}}
----                                                     ===References===
                                                         * {{R:Zoega}}

nundinor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

vernaculus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:vernaculus]]  [[ca:vernaculus]]
[[fr:vernaculus]]  [[de:vernaculus]]
[[mg:vernaculus]]  [[fr:vernaculus]]
[[pt:vernaculus]]  [[mg:vernaculus]]

cornicines: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cornicinēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|cornicinēs}}
# {{inflection of|cornicen||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornicen||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cornicen||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornicen||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cornicen||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cornicen||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:cornicines]]                            ===References===
                                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

μηχανικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
{{R:LSJ}}         {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

minuta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|minūta}}                       {{la-part-form|minūta}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|minūtā}}                       {{la-part-form|minūtā}}
# {{inflection of|minūtus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

morale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|mōrāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|mōrāle}}
# {{inflection of|mōrālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōrālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōrālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōrālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mōrālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mōrālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

gurges: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:gurges]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[it:gurges]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[zh:gurges]]     [[fr:gurges]]

eventum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:eventum]]    [[es:eventum]]
[[mg:eventum]]    [[fr:eventum]]
[[ja:eventum]]    [[mg:eventum]]
[[pl:eventum]]    [[ja:eventum]]
[[ru:eventum]]    [[pl:eventum]]
[[chr:eventum]]   [[ru:eventum]]

κέχηνα: No change.


disjunctim: No change.


pator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:pator]]      [[mg:pator]]

patrocinium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:patrocinium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:patrocinium]]  [[cs:patrocinium]]

Hellespontus: No change.


inartificiose: No change.


optio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:optio]]      * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:optio]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fi:optio]]      [[fr:optio]]
[[chr:optio]]     [[mg:optio]]

abdictus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|abdīct}}  {{la-decl-1&2|abdīct}}
[[li:abdictus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

vertigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:vertigo]]      [[ca:vertigo]]
[[de:vertigo]]      [[cs:vertigo]]
[[et:vertigo]]      [[de:vertigo]]
[[el:vertigo]]      [[et:vertigo]]
[[eo:vertigo]]      [[el:vertigo]]
[[fr:vertigo]]      [[eo:vertigo]]
[[ko:vertigo]]      [[fr:vertigo]]
[[io:vertigo]]      [[ko:vertigo]]
[[kn:vertigo]]      [[io:vertigo]]
[[ku:vertigo]]      [[kn:vertigo]]
[[hu:vertigo]]      [[ku:vertigo]]
[[mg:vertigo]]      [[hu:vertigo]]
[[ml:vertigo]]      [[mg:vertigo]]
[[my:vertigo]]      [[ml:vertigo]]
[[nl:vertigo]]      [[my:vertigo]]
[[pl:vertigo]]      [[nl:vertigo]]
[[pt:vertigo]]      [[pl:vertigo]]
[[ru:vertigo]]      [[pt:vertigo]]
[[sh:vertigo]]      [[ru:vertigo]]
[[fi:vertigo]]      [[sh:vertigo]]
[[sv:vertigo]]      [[fi:vertigo]]
[[ta:vertigo]]      [[sv:vertigo]]
[[te:vertigo]]      [[ta:vertigo]]
[[vi:vertigo]]      [[te:vertigo]]
[[zh:vertigo]]      [[vi:vertigo]]

glutis: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|glutīs}}                                 {{la-verb-form|glutīs}}
# {{inflection of|glutiō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|glutiō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[de:glutis]]                                           ===References===
[[el:glutis]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:glutis]]                                           [[de:glutis]]

pestis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====        ====Descendants====
* French: {{l|fr|peste}}   * French: {{l|fr|peste}}
* Italian: {{l|it|peste}}  * Italian: {{l|it|peste}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|peste}}  * Spanish: {{l|es|peste}}
[[Category:la:Diseases]]   ===References===
                           * {{R:L&S}}
[[fr:pestis]]              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[ko:pestis]]              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:pestis]]              * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:pestis]]              [[Category:la:Diseases]]
[[ru:pestis]]              [[fr:pestis]]
[[fi:pestis]]              [[ko:pestis]]
[[chr:pestis]]             [[io:pestis]]
[[zh:pestis]]              [[hu:pestis]]

affectatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

decumanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:decumanus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:decumanus]]  [[el:decumanus]]

indifferens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====              ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-1E|indifferēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-1E|indifferēns}}
[[fr:indifferens]]              ===References===
[[mg:indifferens]]              * {{R:L&S}}
[[ru:indifferens]]              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

Ἁρμόδιος: No change.


emineo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:emineo]]     [[fr:emineo]]
[[pt:emineo]]     [[ko:emineo]]
[[ru:emineo]]     [[pt:emineo]]
[[chr:emineo]]    [[ru:emineo]]

ἀκοή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)koh/}}       * {{R:LSJ|a)koh/}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Strong's}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[it:ἀκοή]]              [[fr:ἀκοή]]
[[mg:ἀκοή]]              [[it:ἀκοή]]
[[nl:ἀκοή]]              [[mg:ἀκοή]]
[[ru:ἀκοή]]              [[nl:ἀκοή]]

persultator: No change.


εὔψυχος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Ταρσός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:Woodhouse|1026}}                  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5019}}                 * {{R:Strong's|G|5019}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                            * {{R:Woodhouse|1026}}
* [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]  * [[:w:Novum Testamentum Graece|NA27]]
[[Category:grc:Cities]]                 [[Category:grc:Cities]]
[[el:Ταρσός]]                           [[el:Ταρσός]]
[[pl:Ταρσός]]                           [[pl:Ταρσός]]

οἰκονομία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|oi)konomi/a}}  * {{R:LSJ|oi)konomi/a}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:οἰκονομία]]         [[el:οἰκονομία]]
[[mg:οἰκονομία]]         [[fr:οἰκονομία]]

Placentia: No change.


sacrificatus: No change.


lacessitus: No change.


mora: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S|mŏra¹|mora1}}  * {{R:L&S|mŏra¹|mora1}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}              * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                     * {{R:M&A}}
                         * {{R:Peck}}
                         * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

saccharinus: No change.


Ὁρτήσιος: No change.


acritas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:PersEnc}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:acritas]]    * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:acritas]]    * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

coniger: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

malis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|mālīs}}                                {{la-verb-form|mālīs}}
# {{inflection of|mālō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mālō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[br:malis]]                                          ===References===
[[ca:malis]]                                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:malis]]                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:malis]]                                          [[br:malis]]
[[ko:malis]]                                          [[ca:malis]]
[[id:malis]]                                          [[cs:malis]]
[[la:malis]]                                          [[de:malis]]
[[mg:malis]]                                          [[fr:malis]]
[[fi:malis]]                                          [[ko:malis]]
[[sv:malis]]                                          [[id:malis]]

helzt: OLD NORSE: References added.

===Adverb===                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ===Adverb===
{{non-adv}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             {{non-adv}}
# [[most]], most of all, especially                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     # [[most]], most of all, especially
#* ''Þik vil ek '''helzt''' eiga, þótt ek kjósa um alla menn'' (Sigrdrífumál / Völsunga saga, chapter 21. "Thee would I [[fainest]] choose, though I had all men's sons to choose from." trans. William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, Walter Scott Press, London, 1888)  #* ''Þik vil ek '''helzt''' eiga, þótt ek kjósa um alla menn'' (Sigrdrífumál / Völsunga saga, chapter 21. "Thee would I [[fainest]] choose, though I had all men's sons to choose from." trans. William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, Walter Scott Press, London, 1888)
[[nl:helzt]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ===References===
[[sv:helzt]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * {{R:Zoega}}

conformis: No change.


calciator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|calciātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|calciātor}}
# {{inflection of|calciō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calciō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|calciō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|calciō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
[[li:calciator]]                                        ===References===
[[mg:calciator]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

bullitus: No change.


deturpator: No change.


permoneo: No change.


exitiabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

κριός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:LBG}}         * {{R:LBG}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

epli: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                     ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                {{top2}}
* Danish: {{l|da|æble|g=n}}             * Danish: {{l|da|æble|g=n}}
* Faroese: {{l|fo|epli|g=n}}            * Faroese: {{l|fo|epli|g=n}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|epli|g=n}}          * Icelandic: {{l|is|epli|g=n}}
{{mid2}}                                {{mid2}}
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{l|nb|eple|g=n}}   * Norwegian Bokmål: {{l|nb|eple|g=n}}
* Norwegian Nynorsk: {{l|nn|eple|g=n}}  * Norwegian Nynorsk: {{l|nn|eple|g=n}}
* Swedish: {{l|sv|äpple|g=n}}           * Swedish: {{l|sv|äpple|g=n}}
{{bottom}}                              {{bottom}}
[[af:epli]]                             ===References===
[[az:epli]]                             * {{R:Zoega}}
[[de:epli]]                             [[af:epli]]
[[el:epli]]                             [[az:epli]]
[[es:epli]]                             [[da:epli]]
[[eu:epli]]                             [[de:epli]]
[[fr:epli]]                             [[el:epli]]
[[ko:epli]]                             [[es:epli]]
[[io:epli]]                             [[eu:epli]]
[[id:epli]]                             [[fr:epli]]
[[is:epli]]                             [[ko:epli]]
[[it:epli]]                             [[io:epli]]
[[lt:epli]]                             [[id:epli]]
[[li:epli]]                             [[is:epli]]
[[hu:epli]]                             [[it:epli]]
[[mg:epli]]                             [[lt:epli]]
[[fj:epli]]                             [[li:epli]]
[[nl:epli]]                             [[hu:epli]]
[[ja:epli]]                             [[mg:epli]]
[[uz:epli]]                             [[fj:epli]]
[[pl:epli]]                             [[nl:epli]]
[[pt:epli]]                             [[ja:epli]]
[[ru:epli]]                             [[uz:epli]]
[[fi:epli]]                             [[pl:epli]]
[[sv:epli]]                             [[pt:epli]]
[[tg:epli]]                             [[ru:epli]]
[[chr:epli]]                            [[fi:epli]]
[[tr:epli]]                             [[sv:epli]]
[[uk:epli]]                             [[tg:epli]]

orno: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                                * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                                           * Andrew L. Sihler ('''1995''') ''New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin'', New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press

propugnator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:propugnator]]  [[mg:propugnator]]
[[ru:propugnator]]  [[pl:propugnator]]

circumiaceo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

murritis: No change.


gravidus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:gravidus]]   [[fr:gravidus]]
[[ja:gravidus]]   [[mg:gravidus]]
[[ru:gravidus]]   [[ja:gravidus]]

comestores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|comestōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|comestōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|comestor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|comestor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|comestor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|comestor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|comestor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|comestor||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:comestores]]                            ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

ῥανίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition

θέρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====        ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}               * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2330}}   * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}              * {{R:Strong's|G|2330}}
                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}

amarities: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:amarities]]  [[fr:amarities]]

ereptio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:ereptio]]    [[fr:ereptio]]
[[ru:ereptio]]    [[mg:ereptio]]

inhonoratio: No change.


devastator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:devastator]]  [[fr:devastator]]
[[pl:devastator]]  [[mg:devastator]]
[[ro:devastator]]  [[pl:devastator]]
[[ru:devastator]]  [[ro:devastator]]
[[sh:devastator]]  [[ru:devastator]]
[[fi:devastator]]  [[sh:devastator]]
[[vi:devastator]]  [[fi:devastator]]

Πελοπίδας: No change.


prostibula: No change.


charta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

quinquagesimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:quinquagesimus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:quinquagesimus]]   [[ko:quinquagesimus]]
[[chr:quinquagesimus]]  [[nl:quinquagesimus]]

psaltes: No change.



dimano: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:dimano]]     [[es:dimano]]

frutecta: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                    ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|frutecta}}                     {{la-noun-form|frutecta}}
# {{inflection of|frutectum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frutectum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frutectum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frutectum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|frutectum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|frutectum||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

nonagenarius: No change.


cordata: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|cordāta}}                        {{la-adj-form|cordāta}}
# {{inflection of|cordātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordātus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cordātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordātus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cordātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordātus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cordātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordātus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cordātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordātus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|cordātā}}                        {{la-adj-form|cordātā}}
# {{inflection of|cordātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cordātus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:cordata]]                                 ===References===
[[it:cordata]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

Stabiae: No change.


succrispus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

τόν: No change.


Κίτιον: No change.


egestas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:egestas]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:egestas]]    [[fr:egestas]]
[[ru:egestas]]    [[ko:egestas]]

Mnevis: No change.


ventilator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ventilātor}}                              {{la-verb-form|ventilātor}}
# {{inflection of|ventilō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventilō||2|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ventilō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ventilō||3|s|futr|pasv|impr|lang=la}}
----                                                     ===References===
                                                         * {{R:L&S}}

quaqua: LATIN: References added.

===Pronoun===                                  ===Pronoun===
{{la-pronoun-form|quāquā}}                     {{la-pronoun-form|quāquā}}
# {{inflection of|quisquis||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|quisquis||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                               * {{R:L&S}}

ἀναιρέω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|a)naire/w}}  * {{R:LSJ|a)naire/w}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Slater}}
                       * {{R:Strong's}}

aliquanto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[io:aliquanto]]  [[fr:aliquanto]]
[[mg:aliquanto]]  [[io:aliquanto]]
[[pl:aliquanto]]  [[mg:aliquanto]]
[[ru:aliquanto]]  [[pl:aliquanto]]

fustibalator: No change.


luculentus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[hr:luculentus]]  [[fr:luculentus]]
[[la:luculentus]]  [[hr:luculentus]]
[[mg:luculentus]]  [[la:luculentus]]

obmordeo: No change.


ἀκαρής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:DGE}}

pulchrae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pulchrae}}                      {{la-adj-form|pulchrae}}
# {{inflection of|pulcher||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulcher||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulcher||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulcher||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulcher||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulcher||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pulcher||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pulcher||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:pulchrae]]                               ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

sacrificiolus: No change.


restor: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|rēstor}}                                {{la-verb-form|rēstor}}
# {{inflection of|rēstō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rēstō||1|s|pres|pasv|indc|lang=la}}
[[ko:restor]]                                          ===References===
[[io:restor]]                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

condonatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:condonatio]]  [[fr:condonatio]]


κάλαμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2563}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2563}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

subiacens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-1E|subiacēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-1E|subiacēns}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

venerabundus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

consolatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|cōnsōlāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|cōnsōlāt}}
[[fr:consolatus]]         ===References===
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

navari: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                       ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|nāvārī}}                          {{la-verb-form|nāvārī}}
# {{inflection of|nāvō||pres|pasv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|nāvō||pres|pasv|inf|lang=la}}
[[fi:navari]]                                    ===References===
                                                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

exuberatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====        ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|exūberāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|exūberāt}}
[[fr:exuberatus]]         ===References===
                          * {{R:du Cange}}

superator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

primule: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|prīmule}}                        {{la-adj-form|prīmule}}
# {{inflection of|prīmulus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|prīmulus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ar:primule]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

Σαλούστιος: No change.


populus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S|populus|populus2}}                                * {{R:L&S|populus|populus2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                            * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[Category:Latin heteronyms]]                               * {{R:NLW}}
                                                            * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[cs:populus]]                                              [[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]
[[de:populus]]                                              [[Category:Latin heteronyms]]
[[es:populus]]                                              [[az:populus]]
[[eu:populus]]                                              [[cs:populus]]
[[fr:populus]]                                              [[de:populus]]
[[ko:populus]]                                              [[el:populus]]
[[io:populus]]                                              [[es:populus]]
[[kn:populus]]                                              [[eu:populus]]
[[ku:populus]]                                              [[fr:populus]]
[[la:populus]]                                              [[ko:populus]]
[[lt:populus]]                                              [[io:populus]]
[[hu:populus]]                                              [[kn:populus]]
[[mg:populus]]                                              [[ku:populus]]
[[fj:populus]]                                              [[la:populus]]
[[ja:populus]]                                              [[lt:populus]]
[[pl:populus]]                                              [[hu:populus]]
[[pt:populus]]                                              [[mg:populus]]
[[ro:populus]]                                              [[fj:populus]]
[[ru:populus]]                                              [[ja:populus]]
[[sk:populus]]                                              [[pl:populus]]
[[sh:populus]]                                              [[pt:populus]]
[[fi:populus]]                                              [[ro:populus]]
[[sv:populus]]                                              [[ru:populus]]
[[chr:populus]]                                             [[sk:populus]]

punctum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Time]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[da:punctum]]        [[Category:la:Time]]
[[es:punctum]]        [[da:punctum]]
[[fr:punctum]]        [[de:punctum]]
[[ku:punctum]]        [[es:punctum]]
[[hu:punctum]]        [[fr:punctum]]
[[mg:punctum]]        [[ku:punctum]]
[[ru:punctum]]        [[hu:punctum]]
[[sh:punctum]]        [[mg:punctum]]
[[ta:punctum]]        [[ru:punctum]]
[[chr:punctum]]       [[sh:punctum]]
[[vi:punctum]]        [[ta:punctum]]

adversus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:adversus]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:adversus]]   [[cs:adversus]]
[[fr:adversus]]   [[de:adversus]]
[[hr:adversus]]   [[es:adversus]]
[[la:adversus]]   [[fr:adversus]]
[[nl:adversus]]   [[hr:adversus]]
[[pl:adversus]]   [[la:adversus]]
[[pt:adversus]]   [[nl:adversus]]
[[ru:adversus]]   [[pl:adversus]]

quadrigatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:la:Currency]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

fracto: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|fractō}}                       {{la-part-form|fractō}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||dat|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||dat|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||abl|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fractus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fractus||abl|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:fracto]]                                 ===References===
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

saxeus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

oricilla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

possessivus: No change.


ἐπιθανάτιος: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1935}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|1935}}

bombitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|bombīt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|bombīt}}
                        * {{R:NLW}}

apas: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|apās}}                                {{la-verb-form|apās}}
# {{inflection of|apō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|apō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:du Cange}}

tristitia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:tristitia]]       [[roa-rup:tristitia]]
[[es:tristitia]]       [[cs:tristitia]]
[[fr:tristitia]]       [[es:tristitia]]
[[lt:tristitia]]       [[fr:tristitia]]
[[hu:tristitia]]       [[lt:tristitia]]
[[mg:tristitia]]       [[hu:tristitia]]
[[pl:tristitia]]       [[mg:tristitia]]
[[pt:tristitia]]       [[pl:tristitia]]
[[ru:tristitia]]       [[pt:tristitia]]
[[sk:tristitia]]       [[ru:tristitia]]

mandones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mandōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|mandōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|mandō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mandō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mandō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mandō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mandō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mandō||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[es:mandones]]                           ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

novissimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:novissimus]]   [[es:novissimus]]
[[mg:novissimus]]   [[fr:novissimus]]
[[ja:novissimus]]   [[mg:novissimus]]
[[sv:novissimus]]   [[ja:novissimus]]
[[chr:novissimus]]  [[sv:novissimus]]

intermoveo: No change.


ficatum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:du Cange}}
                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:ficatum]]         [[co:ficatum]]
[[fr:ficatum]]         [[es:ficatum]]
[[mg:ficatum]]         [[fr:ficatum]]
[[ja:ficatum]]         [[mg:ficatum]]
[[ru:ficatum]]         [[ja:ficatum]]

suasus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:suasus]]     [[fr:suasus]]

percello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:percello]]   [[el:percello]]
[[ko:percello]]   [[fr:percello]]

Λυδία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Strong's}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1016}}

verna: LATIN: References added. References sorted.  OLD NORSE: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:Zoega}}
----                                                                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
==Norwegian Bokmål==                                                                                         * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
===Alternative forms===                                                                                      
* {{l|nb|vernet}}                                                                                            ----
===Verb===                                                                                                   ==Norwegian Bokmål==
{{head|nb|verb form}}                                                                                        
                                                                                                             ===Alternative forms===
# {{inflection of|verne||simple|past|lang=nb}}                                                               * {{l|nb|vernet}}
# {{inflection of|verne||past|part|lang=nb}}                                                                 
----                                                                                                         {{head|nb|verb form}}
==Norwegian Nynorsk==                                                                                        # {{inflection of|verne||simple|past|lang=nb}}
                                                                                                             # {{inflection of|verne||past|part|lang=nb}}
===Alternative forms===                                                                                      
* {{l|nn|verne}}                                                                                             ----
===Etymology===                                                                                              ==Norwegian Nynorsk==
From {{inh|nn|non|verna}}.                                                                                   
                                                                                                             ===Alternative forms===
===Pronunciation===                                                                                          * {{l|nn|verne}}
* {{IPA|/ʋɛrna/|lang=nn}} {{nn-pronu-note}}                                                                  
===Verb===                                                                                                   From {{inh|nn|non|verna}}.
# [[defend]], [[protect]]                                                                                    * {{IPA|/ʋɛrna/|lang=nn}} {{nn-pronu-note}}
#: {{ux|nn|Det gjeld å '''verna''' om interessene sine.|It is important to '''protect''' one's interests.}}  
====Synonyms====                                                                                             {{nn-verb-1}}
* {{nn-inf|verj|/}}                                                                                          
* {{nn-inf|tryggj|/}}                                                                                        # [[defend]], [[protect]]
                                                                                                             #: {{ux|nn|Det gjeld å '''verna''' om interessene sine.|It is important to '''protect''' one's interests.}}
{{head|nn|noun plural form|g=n-p}}                                                                           ====Synonyms====
                                                                                                             * {{nn-inf|verj|/}}
# {{inflection of|vern||def|p|lang=nn}}                                                                      * {{nn-inf|tryggj|/}}
===References===                                                                                             ===Noun===
* {{R:The Nynorsk Dictionary}}                                                                               {{head|nn|noun plural form|g=n-p}}
----                                                                                                         # {{inflection of|vern||def|p|lang=nn}}
==Old Norse==                                                                                                ===References===
                                                                                                             * {{R:The Nynorsk Dictionary}}
Cf. {{term|vǫrn||defence}}                                                                                   ----
===Verb===                                                                                                   ==Old Norse==
# [[defend]], [[protect]]                                                                                    Cf. {{term|vǫrn||defence}}
====Descendants====                                                                                          ===Verb===
* Danish: {{l|da|værne}}                                                                                     {{non-verb|vernaða|vernuðu|vernaðr}}
* Norwegian: {{l|no|verne}}                                                                                  
* Swedish: {{l|sv|värna}}                                                                                    # [[defend]], [[protect]]
[[ca:verna]]                                                                                                 ====Descendants====
[[cs:verna]]                                                                                                 * Danish: {{l|da|værne}}
[[de:verna]]                                                                                                 * Norwegian: {{l|no|verne}}
[[fr:verna]]                                                                                                 * Swedish: {{l|sv|värna}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:L&S}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:Zoega}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:Peck}}
                                                                                                             * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

duodecimus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:duodecimus]]   [[fr:duodecimus]]
[[lt:duodecimus]]   [[ko:duodecimus]]
[[nl:duodecimus]]   [[lt:duodecimus]]
[[ru:duodecimus]]   [[nl:duodecimus]]
[[sv:duodecimus]]   [[ru:duodecimus]]
[[chr:duodecimus]]  [[sv:duodecimus]]

orale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|orale}}                        {{la-adj-form|orale}}
# {{inflection of|oralis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|oralis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|oralis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|oralis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|oralis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|oralis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:orale]]                                 ===References===
[[co:orale]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:orale]]                                 [[ca:orale]]
[[fr:orale]]                                 [[co:orale]]
[[gl:orale]]                                 [[de:orale]]
[[ko:orale]]                                 [[el:orale]]
[[io:orale]]                                 [[fr:orale]]
[[it:orale]]                                 [[gl:orale]]
[[nl:orale]]                                 [[ko:orale]]
[[ja:orale]]                                 [[io:orale]]
[[pl:orale]]                                 [[it:orale]]
[[fi:orale]]                                 [[nl:orale]]
[[chr:orale]]                                [[ja:orale]]
[[tr:orale]]                                 [[pl:orale]]
[[vi:orale]]                                 [[fi:orale]]
[[zh:orale]]                                 [[chr:orale]]

Ἀτθίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:DGE}}                         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1003}}              * {{R:DGE}}
                                    * {{R:Woodhouse|1003}}
[[Category:grc:Place names|Ατθις]]  
[[Category:grc:Demonyms]]           [[Category:grc:Place names|Ατθις]]

κλίσις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}
[[it:κλίσις]]     [[ko:κλίσις]]
[[pt:κλίσις]]     [[it:κλίσις]]

stulte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:stulte]]     [[cs:stulte]]
[[fr:stulte]]     [[el:stulte]]
[[io:stulte]]     [[fr:stulte]]

trepide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

affligito: No change.


laetus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:laetus]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[de:laetus]]     * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
[[es:laetus]]     [[cs:laetus]]
[[fr:laetus]]     [[de:laetus]]
[[ko:laetus]]     [[el:laetus]]
[[hr:laetus]]     [[es:laetus]]
[[ky:laetus]]     [[fr:laetus]]
[[la:laetus]]     [[ko:laetus]]
[[lt:laetus]]     [[hr:laetus]]
[[hu:laetus]]     [[ky:laetus]]
[[mg:laetus]]     [[la:laetus]]
[[fj:laetus]]     [[lt:laetus]]
[[ja:laetus]]     [[hu:laetus]]
[[pl:laetus]]     [[mg:laetus]]
[[pt:laetus]]     [[fj:laetus]]
[[ru:laetus]]     [[ja:laetus]]
[[chr:laetus]]    [[pl:laetus]]

Παναίτιος: No change.


concussio: No change.


ῥάφυς: No change.


nuperus: No change.


exjuro: No change.


meretricium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|meretrīcium}}                       {{la-adj-form|meretrīcium}}
# {{inflection of|meretrīcius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|meretrīcius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:meretricium]]                                ===References===
[[ru:meretricium]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}


laetifico: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:laetifico]]  [[es:laetifico]]
[[lt:laetifico]]  [[ko:laetifico]]
[[ru:laetifico]]  [[lt:laetifico]]

prior: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                           ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                * {{R:du Cange}}
                                           * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin comparative adjectives]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[et:prior]]                               [[Category:Latin comparative adjectives]]
[[es:prior]]                               [[et:prior]]
[[eo:prior]]                               [[el:prior]]
[[fr:prior]]                               [[es:prior]]
[[ko:prior]]                               [[eo:prior]]
[[hy:prior]]                               [[fr:prior]]
[[io:prior]]                               [[ko:prior]]
[[it:prior]]                               [[hy:prior]]
[[kn:prior]]                               [[io:prior]]
[[ku:prior]]                               [[it:prior]]
[[la:prior]]                               [[kn:prior]]
[[hu:prior]]                               [[ku:prior]]
[[mg:prior]]                               [[la:prior]]
[[ml:prior]]                               [[hu:prior]]
[[my:prior]]                               [[mg:prior]]
[[nl:prior]]                               [[ml:prior]]
[[ja:prior]]                               [[my:prior]]
[[pl:prior]]                               [[nl:prior]]
[[pt:prior]]                               [[ja:prior]]
[[ro:prior]]                               [[pl:prior]]
[[ru:prior]]                               [[pt:prior]]
[[sm:prior]]                               [[ro:prior]]
[[simple:prior]]                           [[ru:prior]]
[[sh:prior]]                               [[sm:prior]]
[[sv:prior]]                               [[simple:prior]]
[[ta:prior]]                               [[sh:prior]]
[[te:prior]]                               [[sv:prior]]
[[chr:prior]]                              [[ta:prior]]
[[vi:prior]]                               [[te:prior]]
[[zh:prior]]                               [[chr:prior]]

rumigo: No change.


κεστός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
{{R:LSJ|kesto/s}}   {{R:LSJ|kesto/s}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}

vannes: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|vannēs}}                              {{la-verb-form|vannēs}}
# {{conjugation of|vannō||2|s|fut|act|ind|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|vannō||2|s|fut|act|ind|lang=la}}
----                                                 ===References===
                                                     * {{R:Stillwell}}

instrumentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:instrumentum]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:instrumentum]]   [[cs:instrumentum]]
[[ko:instrumentum]]   [[de:instrumentum]]
[[la:instrumentum]]   [[fr:instrumentum]]
[[mg:instrumentum]]   [[ko:instrumentum]]
[[pl:instrumentum]]   [[la:instrumentum]]
[[ru:instrumentum]]   [[mg:instrumentum]]
[[chr:instrumentum]]  [[pl:instrumentum]]
[[tr:instrumentum]]   [[ru:instrumentum]]

abscessio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====     ====References====
* {{R:L&S|abscessĭo}}  * {{R:L&S|abscessĭo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[nl:abscessio]]       * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Μίλων: No change.


μαστιγοφόρος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|mastigofo/ros|w=μαστῑγοφόρος}}  * {{R:LSJ|mastigofo/ros|w=μαστῑγοφόρος}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                            * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                         * {{R:Bailly}}
                                          * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Δεύς: No change.


aquarium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|aquārium}}                       {{la-adj-form|aquārium}}
# {{inflection of|aquārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aquārius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ar:aquarium]]                                ===References===
[[da:aquarium]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:aquarium]]                                [[ar:aquarium]]
[[el:aquarium]]                                [[da:aquarium]]
[[es:aquarium]]                                [[de:aquarium]]
[[eu:aquarium]]                                [[et:aquarium]]
[[fa:aquarium]]                                [[el:aquarium]]
[[fr:aquarium]]                                [[es:aquarium]]
[[gl:aquarium]]                                [[eu:aquarium]]
[[ko:aquarium]]                                [[fa:aquarium]]
[[hy:aquarium]]                                [[fr:aquarium]]
[[hr:aquarium]]                                [[gl:aquarium]]
[[io:aquarium]]                                [[ko:aquarium]]
[[id:aquarium]]                                [[hy:aquarium]]
[[it:aquarium]]                                [[hr:aquarium]]
[[kn:aquarium]]                                [[io:aquarium]]
[[ku:aquarium]]                                [[id:aquarium]]
[[lt:aquarium]]                                [[it:aquarium]]
[[li:aquarium]]                                [[kn:aquarium]]
[[hu:aquarium]]                                [[ku:aquarium]]
[[mg:aquarium]]                                [[lt:aquarium]]
[[ml:aquarium]]                                [[li:aquarium]]
[[my:aquarium]]                                [[hu:aquarium]]
[[nl:aquarium]]                                [[mg:aquarium]]
[[pl:aquarium]]                                [[ml:aquarium]]
[[ru:aquarium]]                                [[my:aquarium]]
[[sa:aquarium]]                                [[nl:aquarium]]
[[scn:aquarium]]                               [[pl:aquarium]]
[[fi:aquarium]]                                [[ru:aquarium]]
[[sv:aquarium]]                                [[sa:aquarium]]
[[ta:aquarium]]                                [[scn:aquarium]]
[[th:aquarium]]                                [[fi:aquarium]]
[[chr:aquarium]]                               [[sv:aquarium]]
[[tr:aquarium]]                                [[ta:aquarium]]
[[vi:aquarium]]                                [[th:aquarium]]
[[zh:aquarium]]                                [[chr:aquarium]]

Abatos: No change.


retego: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Σφακτηρία: No change.


ὑπόκρισις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5272}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|5272}}
[[fr:ὑπόκρισις]]         [[ca:ὑπόκρισις]]
[[ko:ὑπόκρισις]]         [[fr:ὑπόκρισις]]
[[mg:ὑπόκρισις]]         [[ko:ὑπόκρισις]]

ea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                                                                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:M&A}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)

deductio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:deductio]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:deductio]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ru:deductio]]   [[ca:deductio]]

flaccus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[co:flaccus]]    <references/>
[[fr:flaccus]]    [[co:flaccus]]
[[mg:flaccus]]    [[es:flaccus]]

claustra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:claustra]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:claustra]]   [[ca:claustra]]
[[mg:claustra]]   [[fr:claustra]]
[[pt:claustra]]   [[ko:claustra]]
[[ro:claustra]]   [[mg:claustra]]
[[sk:claustra]]   [[pt:claustra]]

buxus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Trees]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:buxus]]           [[Category:la:Trees]]
[[mg:buxus]]           [[de:buxus]]
[[nl:buxus]]           [[fr:buxus]]
[[ro:buxus]]           [[mg:buxus]]
[[chr:buxus]]          [[nl:buxus]]

disicio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:disicio]]    [[es:disicio]]
[[ko:disicio]]    [[fr:disicio]]

pollis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                         ====References====
* {{R:L&S|pollis}}                         * {{R:L&S|pollis}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|p=1,195/3|pollis|1_pollis}}  * {{R:Gaffiot|p=1,195/3|pollis|1_pollis}}
                                           * {{R:PersEnc}}
===Etymology 2===                          * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                                           ===Etymology 2===

excitatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:excitatus]]  [[cs:excitatus]]

praemonitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adimo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:adimo]]      [[el:adimo]]
[[ko:adimo]]      [[fr:adimo]]
[[it:adimo]]      [[ko:adimo]]
[[la:adimo]]      [[it:adimo]]
[[mg:adimo]]      [[la:adimo]]
[[ru:adimo]]      [[mg:adimo]]

fartus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:fartus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:fartus]]     [[de:fartus]]
[[mg:fartus]]     [[el:fartus]]
[[pt:fartus]]     [[fr:fartus]]
[[sv:fartus]]     [[mg:fartus]]

cerasus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                                                            * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:cerasus]]                                              [[Category:Latin feminine nouns in the second declension]]
[[ky:cerasus]]                                              [[de:cerasus]]
[[lo:cerasus]]                                              [[fr:cerasus]]
[[mg:cerasus]]                                              [[it:cerasus]]
[[uz:cerasus]]                                              [[ky:cerasus]]
[[pl:cerasus]]                                              [[lo:cerasus]]
[[tg:cerasus]]                                              [[mg:cerasus]]
[[chr:cerasus]]                                             [[uz:cerasus]]

umerulus: No change.


τέμνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}          * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Sihler 1995}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                     * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:τέμνω]]         * {{R:Sihler 1995}}
[[it:τέμνω]]         [[el:τέμνω]]
[[lt:τέμνω]]         [[fr:τέμνω]]
[[mg:τέμνω]]         [[it:τέμνω]]
[[pl:τέμνω]]         [[lt:τέμνω]]
[[ru:τέμνω]]         [[mg:τέμνω]]
[[chr:τέμνω]]        [[pl:τέμνω]]

apostatrix: No change.


exulceratio: No change.


avoco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:avoco]]      [[es:avoco]]
[[it:avoco]]      [[ko:avoco]]
[[ku:avoco]]      [[it:avoco]]
[[ru:avoco]]      [[ku:avoco]]

penetrabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

universaliter: No change.


absterreo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:absterreo]]  [[ko:absterreo]]

laqueator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|laqueātor}}                             {{la-verb-form|laqueātor}}
# {{conjugation of|laqueō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|laqueō||2|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
# {{conjugation of|laqueō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}  # {{conjugation of|laqueō||3|s|fut|pass|imp|lang=la}}
                                                       * {{R:L&S}}
                                                       * {{R:NLW}}

faciendum: No change.


Ἰθάκη: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1014}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
[[Category:grc:Islands|Ιθακη]]  * {{R:Woodhouse|1014}}
[[nl:Ἰθάκη]]                    [[Category:grc:Islands|Ιθακη]]

Ἀμαζονομαχία: No change.


agape: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====           ====Descendants====
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|ágape}}  * Portuguese: {{l|pt|ágape}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|ágape}}     * Spanish: {{l|es|ágape}}
[[de:agape]]                  ===References===
[[et:agape]]                  * {{R:L&S}}
[[el:agape]]                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:agape]]                  [[de:agape]]
[[hy:agape]]                  [[et:agape]]
[[io:agape]]                  [[el:agape]]
[[id:agape]]                  [[fr:agape]]
[[it:agape]]                  [[ko:agape]]
[[ka:agape]]                  [[hy:agape]]
[[ku:agape]]                  [[io:agape]]
[[mg:agape]]                  [[id:agape]]
[[ml:agape]]                  [[it:agape]]
[[my:agape]]                  [[ka:agape]]
[[no:agape]]                  [[ku:agape]]
[[pl:agape]]                  [[mg:agape]]
[[ru:agape]]                  [[ml:agape]]
[[sh:agape]]                  [[my:agape]]
[[sv:agape]]                  [[no:agape]]
[[ta:agape]]                  [[pl:agape]]
[[te:agape]]                  [[ru:agape]]
[[tr:agape]]                  [[sh:agape]]
[[vi:agape]]                  [[sv:agape]]
[[zh:agape]]                  [[ta:agape]]

saltor: LATIN: References added.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

Γλαύκων: No change.


refugio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

resona: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|resonā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|resonā}}
# {{inflection of|resonō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|resonō||1|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

Κλεοπάτρα: No change.


ἀγοράζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|59}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                       * {{R:Strong's|G|59}}
[[fr:ἀγοράζω]]         [[el:ἀγοράζω]]
[[it:ἀγοράζω]]         [[fr:ἀγοράζω]]
[[hu:ἀγοράζω]]         [[it:ἀγοράζω]]
[[pt:ἀγοράζω]]         [[hu:ἀγοράζω]]

cinaedicus: No change.


robigino: No change.


harundineus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

balanites: No change.


animalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:animalis]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:animalis]]   [[cs:animalis]]
[[la:animalis]]   [[de:animalis]]
[[mg:animalis]]   [[fr:animalis]]
[[chr:animalis]]  [[la:animalis]]

qualum: No change.


καταβαίνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|katabai/nw}}  * {{R:LSJ|katabai/nw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}        * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}          * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's}}        * {{R:Slater}}
                        * {{R:Strong's}}
[[lt:καταβαίνω]]        [[el:καταβαίνω]]
[[hu:καταβαίνω]]        [[lt:καταβαίνω]]

iaspachates: No change.


fistula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ar:fistula]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:fistula]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[de:fistula]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[es:fistula]]    [[ar:fistula]]
[[fr:fistula]]    [[ca:fistula]]
[[ko:fistula]]    [[de:fistula]]
[[hy:fistula]]    [[et:fistula]]
[[io:fistula]]    [[es:fistula]]
[[ku:fistula]]    [[fr:fistula]]
[[mg:fistula]]    [[ko:fistula]]
[[ml:fistula]]    [[hy:fistula]]
[[my:fistula]]    [[io:fistula]]
[[nl:fistula]]    [[ku:fistula]]
[[pl:fistula]]    [[mg:fistula]]
[[ru:fistula]]    [[ml:fistula]]
[[sh:fistula]]    [[my:fistula]]
[[ta:fistula]]    [[nl:fistula]]
[[te:fistula]]    [[pl:fistula]]
[[chr:fistula]]   [[ru:fistula]]
[[vi:fistula]]    [[sh:fistula]]
[[zh:fistula]]    [[ta:fistula]]

Θεόδωρος: No change.


insessus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ναός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                   ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                          * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:Bauer lexicon|Bauer lexicon]]  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3485}}              * {{R:Slater}}
                                     * {{R:Strong's|G|3485}}
{{C|grc|Places of worship}}          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                     * [[w:Bauer lexicon|Bauer lexicon]]
                                     {{C|grc|Places of worship}}

motio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:motio]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:motio]]      [[fr:motio]]
[[chr:motio]]     [[mg:motio]]

polite: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|polīte}}                                {{la-verb-form|polīte}}
# {{inflection of|poliō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|poliō||2|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[ar:polite]]                                          ===References===
[[ca:polite]]                                          * {{R:L&S}}
[[cs:polite]]                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[de:polite]]                                          [[ar:polite]]
[[et:polite]]                                          [[ca:polite]]
[[el:polite]]                                          [[cs:polite]]
[[es:polite]]                                          [[da:polite]]
[[eo:polite]]                                          [[de:polite]]
[[eu:polite]]                                          [[et:polite]]
[[fr:polite]]                                          [[el:polite]]
[[ko:polite]]                                          [[es:polite]]
[[hr:polite]]                                          [[eo:polite]]
[[io:polite]]                                          [[eu:polite]]
[[it:polite]]                                          [[fr:polite]]
[[kn:polite]]                                          [[ko:polite]]
[[ku:polite]]                                          [[hr:polite]]
[[lt:polite]]                                          [[io:polite]]
[[hu:polite]]                                          [[it:polite]]
[[mg:polite]]                                          [[kn:polite]]
[[ml:polite]]                                          [[ku:polite]]
[[my:polite]]                                          [[lt:polite]]
[[nl:polite]]                                          [[hu:polite]]
[[ja:polite]]                                          [[mg:polite]]
[[uz:polite]]                                          [[ml:polite]]
[[pl:polite]]                                          [[my:polite]]
[[ru:polite]]                                          [[nl:polite]]
[[sm:polite]]                                          [[ja:polite]]
[[simple:polite]]                                      [[uz:polite]]
[[fi:polite]]                                          [[pl:polite]]
[[sv:polite]]                                          [[ru:polite]]
[[ta:polite]]                                          [[sm:polite]]
[[te:polite]]                                          [[simple:polite]]
[[th:polite]]                                          [[fi:polite]]
[[chr:polite]]                                         [[sv:polite]]
[[vi:polite]]                                          [[ta:polite]]
[[zh:polite]]                                          [[te:polite]]

difficulter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]                                                                                   
                                                                                                             [[Category:Latin adverbs]]
[[ko:difficulter]]                                                                                           [[fr:difficulter]]

vecors: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:vecors]]     [[fr:vecors]]

Ἄρατος: No change.


Ἀντισθένης: No change.


sortiger: No change.


quanquam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sacerdotalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:sacerdotalis]]  [[fr:sacerdotalis]]

opiatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====     ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|opiāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|opiāt}}
                       * {{R:du Cange}}

anisum: No change.


transcendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:transcendo]]  [[fr:transcendo]]
[[mg:transcendo]]  [[ko:transcendo]]

nocens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:nocens]]     [[fr:nocens]]

immanitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

fas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                 * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|203}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                            * {{R:Peck}}
----                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                            * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|203}}

piso: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====    ====References====
{{R:L&S|pīso|piso2}}  {{R:L&S|pīso|piso2}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                  * {{R:Peck}}
                      * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

adlego: LATIN: References added.

=====Inflection=====                   =====Inflection=====
{{la-conj-1st|adlēg|adlēgāv|adlēgāt}}  {{la-conj-1st|adlēg|adlēgāv|adlēgāt}}
[[fr:adlego]]                          ===References===
[[ko:adlego]]                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

levius: LATIN: References added.

===Adverb===                                     ===Adverb===
{{head|la|adverb comparative form}}              {{head|la|adverb comparative form}}
# {{comparative of|leviter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}  # {{comparative of|leviter|POS=adverb|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

σφυγμικός: No change.


Οὐίνδιξ: No change.


circumstringo: No change.


candesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin defective verbs]]  
                                    [[Category:Latin defective verbs]]
[[mg:candesco]]                     [[ko:candesco]]

extirpo: No change.


simulator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

candela: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:xcl:HAB|կանթեղ|vol=II|page=514}}  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----                                    * {{R:Peck}}
                                        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
                                        * {{R:xcl:HAB|կանթեղ|vol=II|page=514}}

ὑγρός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|u(gro/s}}                * {{R:LSJ|u(gro/s}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}                     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                     * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|5200}}            * {{R:Strong's|G|5200}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=1118}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                                   * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=III|page=1118}}
[[et:ὑγρός]]                       [[da:ὑγρός]]
[[fr:ὑγρός]]                       [[et:ὑγρός]]
[[it:ὑγρός]]                       [[fr:ὑγρός]]
[[mg:ὑγρός]]                       [[it:ὑγρός]]

ἀγοραῖος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|60}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|60}}
* {{R:LBG}}            * {{R:LBG}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}

tenor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                         ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|tenor}}                   * English: {{l|en|tenor}}
* French: {{l|fr|teneur}}, {{l|fr|ténor}}   * French: {{l|fr|teneur}}, {{l|fr|ténor}}
* Icelandic: {{l|is|tenór}}                 * Icelandic: {{l|is|tenór}}
* Italian: {{l|it|tenore}}                  * Italian: {{l|it|tenore}}
* Portuguese {{l|pt|teor}}, {{l|pt|tenor}}  * Portuguese {{l|pt|teor}}, {{l|pt|tenor}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|tenor}}                   * Spanish: {{l|es|tenor}}
----                                        ===References===
                                            * {{R:L&S}}
                                            * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

centralis: No change.


φύλαξις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                  * {{R:Bailly}}

obtestor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ὠκύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Slater}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ὠκύς]]         [[el:ὠκύς]]
[[mg:ὠκύς]]         [[fr:ὠκύς]]

careor: No change.


zizypha: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|zīzypha}}                     {{la-noun-form|zīzypha}}
# {{inflection of|zīzyphum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zīzyphum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zīzyphum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zīzyphum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|zīzyphum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|zīzyphum||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

incanus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:incanus]]    * {{R:NLW}}

culter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                     * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* New Latin Grammar, Allen and Greenough,1903.  * {{R:M&A}}
<references/>                                   * {{R:Peck}}
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[Category:la:Weapons]]                         * New Latin Grammar, Allen and Greenough,1903.
[[el:culter]]                                   [[Category:la:Weapons]]
[[it:culter]]                                   [[az:culter]]
[[hu:culter]]                                   [[el:culter]]
[[mg:culter]]                                   [[fr:culter]]
[[fj:culter]]                                   [[it:culter]]
[[uz:culter]]                                   [[hu:culter]]
[[pl:culter]]                                   [[mg:culter]]
[[ru:culter]]                                   [[fj:culter]]
[[sm:culter]]                                   [[uz:culter]]
[[te:culter]]                                   [[pl:culter]]
[[tg:culter]]                                   [[ru:culter]]
[[chr:culter]]                                  [[sm:culter]]

σοφίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4679}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|4679}}
[[fr:σοφίζω]]            [[fr:σοφίζω]]

vinctor: No change.


Φειά: No change.


βαίνω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Slater}}
[[fr:βαίνω]]        [[el:βαίνω]]
[[it:βαίνω]]        [[fr:βαίνω]]
[[mg:βαίνω]]        [[it:βαίνω]]
[[pt:βαίνω]]        [[mg:βαίνω]]
[[ru:βαίνω]]        [[pt:βαίνω]]

seris: No change.


συγχρονίζω: No change.


manducor: No change.


cognitura: No change.


substantialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}

δῶμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1430}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|1430}}
<references/>            * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:δῶμα]]              [[el:δῶμα]]
[[mg:δῶμα]]              [[fr:δῶμα]]
[[ru:δῶμα]]              [[mg:δῶμα]]

volgaris: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

quarta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obtendo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἑξακισμυριοτετρακισχιλιοστός: No change.


prorsus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:prorsus]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[sk:prorsus]]    [[fr:prorsus]]


Ῥόδη: No change.


rivus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                     * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                 * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=326}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=I|page=326}}
[[es:rivus]]                    [[roa-rup:rivus]]
[[fr:rivus]]                    [[es:rivus]]
[[ko:rivus]]                    [[fr:rivus]]
[[ja:rivus]]                    [[ko:rivus]]
[[pt:rivus]]                    [[ja:rivus]]
[[ru:rivus]]                    [[pt:rivus]]

sulfureus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ebeninus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:ebeninus]]   [[fr:ebeninus]]

excanto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

frequentator: No change.


laxus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[fr:laxus]]          [[de:laxus]]
[[mg:laxus]]          [[fr:laxus]]
[[fi:laxus]]          [[mg:laxus]]

triones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|triōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|triōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|triō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|triō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|triō||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

πολύς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4183}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|4183}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

salvia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

obsecratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:obsecratio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:obsecratio]]  [[fr:obsecratio]]

ἀξιόω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                        * {{R:LSJ}}
                                   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
{{catlangname|grc|control verbs}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                                   * {{R:Strong's}}
[[fr:ἀξιόω]]                       {{catlangname|grc|control verbs}}
[[mg:ἀξιόω]]                       [[el:ἀξιόω]]
[[ru:ἀξιόω]]                       [[fr:ἀξιόω]]

νᾶνος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:νᾶνος]]        [[el:νᾶνος]]
[[ko:νᾶνος]]        [[fr:νᾶνος]]
[[la:νᾶνος]]        [[ko:νᾶνος]]
[[mg:νᾶνος]]        [[la:νᾶνος]]
[[ru:νᾶνος]]        [[mg:νᾶνος]]

telum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
<references/>     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:telum]]      <references/>
[[ko:telum]]      [[cs:telum]]
[[ku:telum]]      [[fr:telum]]
[[mg:telum]]      [[ko:telum]]
[[ja:telum]]      [[ku:telum]]
[[pl:telum]]      [[mg:telum]]
[[ru:telum]]      [[ja:telum]]
[[chr:telum]]     [[pl:telum]]

medella: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1st|medell}}  {{la-decl-1st|medell}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}

initus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:initus]]     [[cs:initus]]
[[fr:initus]]     [[es:initus]]
[[mg:initus]]     [[fr:initus]]

tenuis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:tenuis]]     [[fr:tenuis]]
[[ku:tenuis]]     [[ko:tenuis]]
[[mg:tenuis]]     [[ku:tenuis]]
[[ru:tenuis]]     [[mg:tenuis]]
[[ta:tenuis]]     [[ru:tenuis]]
[[chr:tenuis]]    [[ta:tenuis]]

relego: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πάνσοφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                     * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                               * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek adjectives|πανσοφος]]  
                                                [[Category:Ancient Greek adjectives|πανσοφος]]

puppis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Nautical]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                          * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:puppis]]             [[Category:la:Nautical]]
[[gl:puppis]]             [[el:puppis]]
[[mg:puppis]]             [[fr:puppis]]
[[pl:puppis]]             [[fy:puppis]]
[[ru:puppis]]             [[gl:puppis]]

criminator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[vi:criminator]]  [[mg:criminator]]

infirmo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

Πολύφημος: No change.


angustiator: No change.


finitor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ja:finitor]]    [[fr:finitor]]
[[ru:finitor]]    [[ja:finitor]]

νῆσος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}            * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}       * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|460}}  * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}      * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Woodhouse|460}}
                       * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[de:νῆσος]]           [[da:νῆσος]]
[[et:νῆσος]]           [[de:νῆσος]]
[[el:νῆσος]]           [[et:νῆσος]]
[[es:νῆσος]]           [[el:νῆσος]]
[[fr:νῆσος]]           [[es:νῆσος]]
[[ko:νῆσος]]           [[fr:νῆσος]]
[[hr:νῆσος]]           [[ko:νῆσος]]
[[it:νῆσος]]           [[hr:νῆσος]]
[[lt:νῆσος]]           [[it:νῆσος]]
[[li:νῆσος]]           [[lt:νῆσος]]
[[hu:νῆσος]]           [[li:νῆσος]]
[[mg:νῆσος]]           [[hu:νῆσος]]
[[pl:νῆσος]]           [[mg:νῆσος]]
[[pt:νῆσος]]           [[pl:νῆσος]]
[[ru:νῆσος]]           [[pt:νῆσος]]
[[sm:νῆσος]]           [[ru:νῆσος]]
[[tr:νῆσος]]           [[sm:νῆσος]]

utpote: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[chr:utpote]]    [[de:utpote]]

coaetaneo: No change.


fusilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:fusilis]]    [[fr:fusilis]]

claro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

moriturus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|moritūr}}  {{la-decl-1&2|moritūr}}
[[es:moriturus]]         ===References===
[[fr:moriturus]]         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fi:moriturus]]         [[es:moriturus]]

merus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:merus]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:merus]]      * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[mg:merus]]      [[fr:merus]]
[[pt:merus]]      [[ko:merus]]
[[zh:merus]]      [[hr:merus]]

opinantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|opīnantia}}                    {{la-part-form|opīnantia}}
# {{inflection of|opīnāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opīnāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|opīnāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opīnāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|opīnāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opīnāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

amores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|amōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|amōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|amor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|amor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amor||voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                     ===References===
                                         * {{R:Peck}}

percrebresco: LATIN: References added.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:percrebresco]]  [[fr:percrebresco]]

annicto: No change.


cachecticus: No change.


fossus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[es:fossus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

morate: No change.


milti: OLD NORSE: References added.

=====Inflection=====                                                      =====Inflection=====
{{non-decl-n-ja|milt|nsi=milti|asi=milti|gs=miltis|npi=milti|api=milti}}  {{non-decl-n-ja|milt|nsi=milti|asi=milti|gs=miltis|npi=milti|api=milti}}
[[az:milti]]                                                              ===References===
[[de:milti]]                                                              * {{R:Zoega}}
[[eu:milti]]                                                              [[az:milti]]
[[lv:milti]]                                                              [[de:milti]]
[[lt:milti]]                                                              [[et:milti]]
[[mg:milti]]                                                              [[eu:milti]]
[[pl:milti]]                                                              [[lv:milti]]
[[pt:milti]]                                                              [[lt:milti]]
[[ru:milti]]                                                              [[mg:milti]]
[[tr:milti]]                                                              [[pl:milti]]

θεωρία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2335}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2335}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Τιγρανόκερτα: No change.


deciens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

exacerbatrix: No change.


inexpeditus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ablatum: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                  ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ablātum}}                    {{la-verb-form|ablātum}}
# {{inflection of|auferō||supine|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|auferō||supine|lang=la}}
[[de:ablatum]]                              ===References===
[[es:ablatum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}
[[mg:ablatum]]                              [[de:ablatum]]

dein: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adverb===                              ===Adverb===
{{head|la|adverb}}                        {{head|la|adverb}}
# {{alternative form of|deinde|lang=la}}  # {{alternative form of|deinde|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:L&S}}
                                          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

tippula: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                      {{top2}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|típula}}                    * Catalan: {{l|ca|típula}}
* English: {{l|en|tipula}}, {{l|en|tipulid}}  * English: {{l|en|tipula}}, {{l|en|tipulid}}
* Esperanto: {{l|eo|tipolo}}                  * Esperanto: {{l|eo|tipolo}}
* French: {{l|fr|tipule}}                     * French: {{l|fr|tipule}}
{{mid2}}                                      {{mid2}}
* Italian: {{l|it|tipula}}                    * Italian: {{l|it|tipula}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|típula}}                    * Spanish: {{l|es|típula}}
* Translingual: {{l|mul|Tipula}}              * Translingual: {{l|mul|Tipula}}
{{bottom2}}                                   {{bottom2}}
[[Category:la:Insects]]                       ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}

compello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:Century 1911|compel}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                             * {{R:Century 1911|compel}}
[[ko:compello]]              [[fr:compello]]
[[ru:compello]]              [[ko:compello]]
[[fi:compello]]              [[ru:compello]]
[[chr:compello]]             [[fi:compello]]

suspendium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:suspendium]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

minutalia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|minūtalia}}                  {{la-noun-form|minūtalia}}
# {{inflection of|minūtal||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtal||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtal||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtal||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|minūtal||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|minūtal||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

perfossura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                  ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|perfossūra}}                       {{la-part-form|perfossūra}}
# {{inflection of|perfossūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perfossūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perfossūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perfossūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|perfossūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|perfossūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|perfossūrā}}
# {{inflection of|perfossūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|perfossūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:L&S}}

τοπογράφος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

====References====  ====References====
* [[w:LSJ|LSJ]]     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                    * [[w:LSJ|LSJ]]
[[pl:τοπογράφος]]   [[el:τοπογράφος]]
[[ru:τοπογράφος]]   [[pl:τοπογράφος]]

posticulum: No change.


θῆτα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* LSJ 8th edition  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * LSJ 8th edition
[[fr:θῆτα]]        [[ca:θῆτα]]
[[ko:θῆτα]]        [[fr:θῆτα]]
[[la:θῆτα]]        [[ko:θῆτα]]
[[pl:θῆτα]]        [[la:θῆτα]]

χάρμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                          ===References===
{{R:LSJ|xa/rma}}                                          {{R:LSJ|xa/rma}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                                        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
                                                          * {{R:Slater}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|χαρμα]]  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:χάρμα]]                                              [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -μα|χαρμα]]

telirrhizos: No change.


centrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

πλήρωμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}        * {{R:LBG}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:πλήρωμα]]     [[el:πλήρωμα]]
[[chr:πλήρωμα]]    [[fr:πλήρωμα]]

scio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:scio]]       [[el:scio]]
[[fr:scio]]       [[es:scio]]
[[ko:scio]]       [[fr:scio]]
[[io:scio]]       [[ko:scio]]
[[kn:scio]]       [[io:scio]]
[[lo:scio]]       [[kn:scio]]
[[la:scio]]       [[lo:scio]]
[[lt:scio]]       [[la:scio]]
[[hu:scio]]       [[lt:scio]]
[[mg:scio]]       [[hu:scio]]
[[fj:scio]]       [[mg:scio]]
[[ja:scio]]       [[fj:scio]]
[[pl:scio]]       [[ja:scio]]
[[pt:scio]]       [[pl:scio]]
[[ru:scio]]       [[pt:scio]]
[[fi:scio]]       [[ru:scio]]
[[tl:scio]]       [[fi:scio]]
[[chr:scio]]      [[tl:scio]]
[[zh:scio]]       [[chr:scio]]

careo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                      * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=II|page=586}}  * {{R:M&A}}
                                 * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=II|page=586}}

εἰκονομαχία: No change.


palimbacchius: No change.


invito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}               * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                          * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin verbs]]  
                          [[Category:Latin verbs]]

consolabilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}

hyale: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|hyale}}                     {{la-noun-form|hyale}}
# {{inflection of|hyalus||voc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|hyalus||voc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:hyale]]                               ===References===
[[mg:hyale]]                               * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

triumphatorius: No change.


defixiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dēfixiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|dēfixiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|dēfixio||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēfixio||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēfixio||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēfixio||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dēfixio||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dēfixio||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:defixiones]]                           ===References===
                                            * {{R:du Cange}}

ἑξηκοντάμοιρος: No change.


lepor: No change.


capillaris: No change.


paenitentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:paenitentia]]  [[es:paenitentia]]
[[ko:paenitentia]]  [[fr:paenitentia]]
[[mg:paenitentia]]  [[ko:paenitentia]]

pastoricium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pastōrīcium}}                       {{la-adj-form|pastōrīcium}}
# {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pastōrīcius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

nego: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

emendicor: No change.


quidni: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin adverbs]]  
                            [[Category:Latin adverbs]]
[[fr:quidni]]               [[de:quidni]]

anxietas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:anxietas]]   [[fr:anxietas]]
[[mg:anxietas]]   [[la:anxietas]]
[[nl:anxietas]]   [[mg:anxietas]]

subjacentia: No change.


dissensus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:dissensus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:dissensus]]  [[de:dissensus]]
[[io:dissensus]]  [[es:dissensus]]
[[ru:dissensus]]  [[fr:dissensus]]
[[fi:dissensus]]  [[io:dissensus]]

comes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ὑπομονή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|u(pomonh/}}  * {{R:LSJ|u(pomonh/}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
                       * {{R:Strong's}}

strigilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

acceptator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:NLW}}
[[mg:acceptator]]  [[fr:acceptator]]

correpo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

offla: No change.


pabulatorius: No change.


eum: No change.


perblande: No change.


posteaquam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:posteaquam]]  [[la:posteaquam]]
[[ru:posteaquam]]  [[mg:posteaquam]]

anarchia: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====               ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                          {{top2}}
* [[Catalan]]: {{l|ca|anarquia}}  * [[Catalan]]: {{l|ca|anarquia}}
* English: {{l|en|anarchy}}       * English: {{l|en|anarchy}}
* French: {{l|fr|anarchie}}       * French: {{l|fr|anarchie}}
* German: {{l|de|Anarchie}}       * German: {{l|de|Anarchie}}
{{mid2}}                          {{mid2}}
* Italian: {{l|it|anarchia}}      * Italian: {{l|it|anarchia}}
* Polish: {{l|pl|anarchia}}       * Polish: {{l|pl|anarchia}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|anarquia}}   * Portuguese: {{l|pt|anarquia}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|anarquía}}      * Spanish: {{l|es|anarquía}}
{{bottom}}                        {{bottom}}
----                              ===References===
                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

Abraham: No change.


petulantia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

proclive: No change.


alacer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:alacer]]     [[el:alacer]]
[[fr:alacer]]     [[es:alacer]]
[[ko:alacer]]     [[fr:alacer]]
[[pt:alacer]]     [[ko:alacer]]
[[ru:alacer]]     [[pt:alacer]]
[[fi:alacer]]     [[ru:alacer]]

exauctoro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

oracula: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Noun===                                   ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|ōrācula}}                     {{la-noun-form|ōrācula}}
# {{inflection of|ōrāculum||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrāculum||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ōrāculum||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrāculum||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ōrāculum||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ōrāculum||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:oracula]]                               ===References===
[[fr:oracula]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}
                                             * {{R:Peck}}

pastor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                      {{top2}}
* Asturian: {{l|ast|pastor}}                  * Asturian: {{l|ast|pastor}}
* Catalan: {{l|ca|pastor}}                    * Catalan: {{l|ca|pastor}}
* Dutch: {{l|nl|pastoor}}                     * Dutch: {{l|nl|pastoor}}
* English: {{l|en|pastor}}                    * English: {{l|en|pastor}}
* Esperanto: [[pastro]]                       * Esperanto: [[pastro]]
* French: {{l|fr|pasteur}}, {{l|fr|pâtre}}    * French: {{l|fr|pasteur}}, {{l|fr|pâtre}}
* Friulian: {{l|fur|pastôr}}                  * Friulian: {{l|fur|pastôr}}
* German: [[Pastor]]                          * German: [[Pastor]]
* Italian: {{l|it|pastore}}                   * Italian: {{l|it|pastore}}
{{mid2}}                                      {{mid2}}
* Norman: {{l|nrf|pasteur}}                   * Norman: {{l|nrf|pasteur}}
* Occitan: {{l|oc|pastre}}                    * Occitan: {{l|oc|pastre}}
* Portuguese: {{l|pt|pastor}}                 * Portuguese: {{l|pt|pastor}}
* Romanian: {{l|ro|păstor}}                   * Romanian: {{l|ro|păstor}}
* Romansh: {{l|rm|pastur}}, {{l|rm|pastour}}  * Romansh: {{l|rm|pastur}}, {{l|rm|pastour}}
* Russian: {{l|ru|па́стырь}}                  * Russian: {{l|ru|па́стырь}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|pasturi}}                 * Sicilian: {{l|scn|pasturi}}
* Spanish: {{l|es|pastor}}                    * Spanish: {{l|es|pastor}}
* Venetian: {{l|vec|pastor}}                  * Venetian: {{l|vec|pastor}}
{{bottom}}                                    {{bottom}}
----                                          ===References===
                                              * {{R:L&S}}
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}
                                              * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

fulsit: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                              ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|fulsit}}                                 {{la-verb-form|fulsit}}
# {{inflection of|fulgeō||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fulgeō||3|s|perf|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:fulsit]]                                           ===References===
                                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

ἄγαμος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}         * {{R:Strong's}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:ἄγαμος]]            [[Category:grc:Family]]
[[pl:ἄγαμος]]            [[el:ἄγαμος]]
[[pt:ἄγαμος]]            [[pl:ἄγαμος]]

Gaipor: No change.


Φοίνισσα: No change.


αὐλητρίς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|au)lhtri/s}}  * {{R:LSJ|au)lhtri/s}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}       * {{R:DGE}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse}}

holus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                 * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:ine:deVaan2008|287}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                            * {{R:ine:deVaan2008|287}}
[[ko:holus]]                [[fr:holus]]
[[ku:holus]]                [[ko:holus]]
[[lo:holus]]                [[ku:holus]]
[[mg:holus]]                [[lo:holus]]
[[pl:holus]]                [[mg:holus]]

Aquileia: No change.


κρίνειν: No change.


succinericius: No change.


sphingion: No change.


nequaquam: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

conditorium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:conditorium]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

Ὀρόντης: No change.


Ἰδομένη: No change.


corollarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:corollarium]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:corollarium]]  [[fr:corollarium]]

numerus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]  * {{R:M&A}}
                               * {{R:Peck}}
[[az:numerus]]                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[co:numerus]]                 [[Category:Latin root words]]
[[es:numerus]]                 [[az:numerus]]
[[eu:numerus]]                 [[cs:numerus]]
[[fr:numerus]]                 [[co:numerus]]
[[ko:numerus]]                 [[de:numerus]]
[[ku:numerus]]                 [[es:numerus]]
[[la:numerus]]                 [[eu:numerus]]
[[lt:numerus]]                 [[fr:numerus]]
[[hu:numerus]]                 [[ko:numerus]]
[[mg:numerus]]                 [[ku:numerus]]
[[mt:numerus]]                 [[la:numerus]]
[[ja:numerus]]                 [[lt:numerus]]
[[pl:numerus]]                 [[hu:numerus]]
[[pt:numerus]]                 [[mg:numerus]]
[[ru:numerus]]                 [[mt:numerus]]
[[sk:numerus]]                 [[ja:numerus]]
[[sh:numerus]]                 [[pl:numerus]]
[[fi:numerus]]                 [[pt:numerus]]
[[sv:numerus]]                 [[ru:numerus]]
[[tl:numerus]]                 [[sk:numerus]]
[[chr:numerus]]                [[sh:numerus]]

doctrinale: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|doctrīnāle}}                        {{la-adj-form|doctrīnāle}}
# {{inflection of|doctrīnālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|doctrīnālis||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|doctrīnālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|doctrīnālis||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|doctrīnālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|doctrīnālis||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:doctrinale]]                                 ===References===
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

humaniter: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[ko:humaniter]]                                                                                             [[fr:humaniter]]
[[id:humaniter]]                                                                                             [[ko:humaniter]]
[[la:humaniter]]                                                                                             [[id:humaniter]]

acceptilatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====      ====References====
{{R:L&S|acceptĭlātĭo}}  {{R:L&S|acceptĭlātĭo}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                        * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:acceptilatio]]     * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:acceptilatio]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

παῖς: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3816}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3816}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:παῖς]]              [[cs:παῖς]]
[[fr:παῖς]]              [[el:παῖς]]
[[ko:παῖς]]              [[fr:παῖς]]
[[it:παῖς]]              [[ko:παῖς]]
[[lt:παῖς]]              [[it:παῖς]]
[[mg:παῖς]]              [[lt:παῖς]]
[[nl:παῖς]]              [[mg:παῖς]]
[[ja:παῖς]]              [[nl:παῖς]]
[[pl:παῖς]]              [[ja:παῖς]]
[[pt:παῖς]]              [[pl:παῖς]]
[[ru:παῖς]]              [[pt:παῖς]]
[[tr:παῖς]]              [[ru:παῖς]]
[[zh:παῖς]]              [[tr:παῖς]]

caminum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|camīnum}}                    {{la-noun-form|camīnum}}
# {{inflection of|camīnus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|camīnus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:caminum]]                              ===References===
[[ru:caminum]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

badia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|badia}}                        {{la-adj-form|badia}}
# {{inflection of|badius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|badius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|badius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|badius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|badius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|badius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|badius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|badius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|badius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|badius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|badiā}}                        {{la-adj-form|badiā}}
# {{inflection of|badius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|badius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:badia]]                                 ===References===
[[cs:badia]]                                 * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[el:badia]]                                 [[ca:badia]]
[[eu:badia]]                                 [[cs:badia]]
[[fr:badia]]                                 [[de:badia]]
[[ko:badia]]                                 [[el:badia]]
[[hy:badia]]                                 [[eu:badia]]
[[io:badia]]                                 [[fr:badia]]
[[it:badia]]                                 [[ko:badia]]
[[hu:badia]]                                 [[hy:badia]]
[[mg:badia]]                                 [[io:badia]]
[[fj:badia]]                                 [[it:badia]]
[[oc:badia]]                                 [[hu:badia]]
[[uz:badia]]                                 [[mg:badia]]
[[pl:badia]]                                 [[fj:badia]]
[[pt:badia]]                                 [[oc:badia]]
[[ru:badia]]                                 [[uz:badia]]
[[sv:badia]]                                 [[pl:badia]]
[[chr:badia]]                                [[pt:badia]]

flaminium: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|flāminium}}                       {{la-adj-form|flāminium}}
# {{inflection of|flāminius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāminius||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flāminius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāminius||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flāminius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāminius||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|flāminius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|flāminius||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:flaminium]]                                ===References===
                                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

dissero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:dissero]]    [[de:dissero]]
[[fr:dissero]]    [[es:dissero]]
[[ko:dissero]]    [[fr:dissero]]

marita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}

iurgo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[fr:iurgo]]      [[es:iurgo]]
[[ko:iurgo]]      [[fr:iurgo]]
[[pt:iurgo]]      [[ko:iurgo]]

glutio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:glutio]]     [[fr:glutio]]

heres: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}           * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:De Vaan 2008}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                      * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:heres]]          * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:heres]]          * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ku:heres]]          * {{R:De Vaan 2008}}
[[ru:heres]]          [[fr:heres]]
[[fi:heres]]          [[ko:heres]]
[[chr:heres]]         [[ku:heres]]
[[zh:heres]]          [[mg:heres]]

περιφέρω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:LBG}}       * {{R:Strong's}}
                  * {{R:LBG}}
[[lt:περιφέρω]]   [[el:περιφέρω]]

fermentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:fermentum]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[nl:fermentum]]  [[fr:fermentum]]
[[ru:fermentum]]  [[mg:fermentum]]

inscitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:inscitus]]   [[mg:inscitus]]

suffusio: No change.


praegestio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

alligo: No change.


opacitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:opacitas]]   [[fr:opacitas]]
[[zh:opacitas]]   [[ru:opacitas]]

monstratus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:monstratus]]  [[es:monstratus]]

Ζάκυνθος: No change.


coturnix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:coturnix]]   [[az:coturnix]]
[[hr:coturnix]]   [[fr:coturnix]]
[[lt:coturnix]]   [[hr:coturnix]]
[[mg:coturnix]]   [[lt:coturnix]]
[[pl:coturnix]]   [[mg:coturnix]]
[[ro:coturnix]]   [[pl:coturnix]]
[[sv:coturnix]]   [[ro:coturnix]]
[[chr:coturnix]]  [[sv:coturnix]]

digressus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:digressus]]  [[fr:digressus]]

στάχυς: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}         * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Strong's|G|4719}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4719}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:στάχυς]]            [[el:στάχυς]]
[[fr:στάχυς]]            [[fr:στάχυς]]
[[mg:στάχυς]]            [[mg:στάχυς]]

Οἰνόμαος: No change.


ancilla: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[cs:ancilla]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:ancilla]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[es:ancilla]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fy:ancilla]]    [[cs:ancilla]]
[[ku:ancilla]]    [[de:ancilla]]
[[mg:ancilla]]    [[es:ancilla]]
[[ja:ancilla]]    [[fr:ancilla]]
[[pl:ancilla]]    [[fy:ancilla]]
[[pt:ancilla]]    [[ku:ancilla]]
[[ru:ancilla]]    [[mg:ancilla]]
[[sv:ancilla]]    [[ja:ancilla]]
[[ta:ancilla]]    [[pl:ancilla]]

arcte: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Λυσικλῆς: No change.


peculatus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:peculatus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

hinnus: No change.


morsellum: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                                               ====Descendants====
* English: {{l|en|morsel}}                                        * English: {{l|en|morsel}}
* French: {{l|fr|morceau}} (through Old French {{l|fro|morsel}})  * French: {{l|fr|morceau}} (through Old French {{l|fro|morsel}})
* Norman: [[morcé]]                                               * Norman: [[morcé]]
[[es:morsellum]]                                                  ===References===
                                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

opinator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

fido: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

nigresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

sanguineus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                        * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Colors]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:sanguineus]]       [[Category:la:Colors]]
[[mg:sanguineus]]       [[el:sanguineus]]
[[ja:sanguineus]]       [[fr:sanguineus]]
[[pl:sanguineus]]       [[mg:sanguineus]]

procus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

perconor: No change.


putide: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====                ====References====
* {{R:L&S|pūtĭdē}}                * {{R:L&S|pūtĭdē}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|pūtĭdē|p=1,281/3}}  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:OLD|1|pūtidē|1,526/1}}      * {{R:Gaffiot|pūtĭdē|p=1,281/3}}
                                  * {{R:OLD|1|pūtidē|1,526/1}}
===Etymology 2===                 
                                  ===Etymology 2===

occludo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[it:occludo]]    [[fr:occludo]]

lactaris: No change.


digressio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:digressio]]  [[fr:digressio]]

opium: No change.


disco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                        ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                             * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                             * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                        * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]  
                                        [[Category:Latin reduplicative verbs]]

novalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:novalis]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Argyrippus: No change.


πέρδιξ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:πέρδιξ]]      [[el:πέρδιξ]]
[[ko:πέρδιξ]]      [[fr:πέρδιξ]]
[[mg:πέρδιξ]]      [[ko:πέρδιξ]]
[[pl:πέρδιξ]]      [[mg:πέρδιξ]]

emendicator: No change.


formidulose: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                    ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|formīdulōse}}                        {{la-adj-form|formīdulōse}}
# {{inflection of|formīdulōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|formīdulōsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

vituli: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                  ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|vitulī}}                     {{la-noun-form|vitulī}}
# {{inflection of|vitulus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vitulus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vitulus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vitulus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vitulus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vitulus||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:vituli]]                               ===References===
[[mg:vituli]]                               * {{R:du Cange}}

incitatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ru:incitatio]]  [[fr:incitatio]]

constitutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:constitutus]]  [[cs:constitutus]]
[[mg:constitutus]]  [[fr:constitutus]]

castigate: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|castīgāte}}                               {{la-verb-form|castīgāte}}
# {{inflection of|castīgō||1|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|castīgō||1|p|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[co:castigate]]                                         ===References===
[[et:castigate]]                                         * {{R:L&S}}
[[fa:castigate]]                                         [[co:castigate]]
[[fr:castigate]]                                         [[et:castigate]]
[[ko:castigate]]                                         [[es:castigate]]
[[hy:castigate]]                                         [[fa:castigate]]
[[io:castigate]]                                         [[fr:castigate]]
[[it:castigate]]                                         [[ko:castigate]]
[[kn:castigate]]                                         [[hy:castigate]]
[[ku:castigate]]                                         [[io:castigate]]
[[hu:castigate]]                                         [[it:castigate]]
[[mg:castigate]]                                         [[kn:castigate]]
[[ml:castigate]]                                         [[ku:castigate]]
[[my:castigate]]                                         [[hu:castigate]]
[[pl:castigate]]                                         [[mg:castigate]]
[[fi:castigate]]                                         [[ml:castigate]]
[[ta:castigate]]                                         [[my:castigate]]
[[te:castigate]]                                         [[pl:castigate]]
[[vi:castigate]]                                         [[fi:castigate]]
[[zh:castigate]]                                         [[ta:castigate]]

Lysimachus: No change.


fines: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fīnēs}}                                    {{la-noun-form|fīnēs}}
# {{inflection of|fīnis||nom|p|;|acc|p|;|voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fīnis||nom|p|;|acc|p|;|voc|p|lang=la}}
----                                                      ===References===
                                                          * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

ἡγεμονία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2231}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|2231}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:ἡγεμονία]]          [[fr:ἡγεμονία]]
[[lt:ἡγεμονία]]          [[ko:ἡγεμονία]]
[[ru:ἡγεμονία]]          [[lt:ἡγεμονία]]

pertergeo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Οἴαγρος: No change.


magnalia: No change.


migma: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[sh:migma]]      [[mg:migma]]
[[ta:migma]]      [[sh:migma]]
[[zh:migma]]      [[ta:migma]]

nepeta: No change.


acalephe: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:acalephe]]                [[Category:Latin noun forms]]

tristis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[cs:tristis]]    * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:tristis]]    [[cs:tristis]]
[[fr:tristis]]    [[el:tristis]]
[[fy:tristis]]    [[es:tristis]]
[[ko:tristis]]    [[fr:tristis]]
[[hr:tristis]]    [[fy:tristis]]
[[mg:tristis]]    [[ko:tristis]]
[[pl:tristis]]    [[hr:tristis]]
[[pt:tristis]]    [[mg:tristis]]
[[fi:tristis]]    [[pl:tristis]]
[[chr:tristis]]   [[pt:tristis]]

Κλώδιος: No change.


argumentosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}          * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                     * {{R:NLW}}


valetudo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:valetudo]]   * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:valetudo]]   [[fr:valetudo]]
[[pt:valetudo]]   [[ko:valetudo]]
[[ru:valetudo]]   [[mg:valetudo]]

velo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:M&A}}

παρεμβολή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * {{R:Strong's}}
* M. Wright: ''A New Greek-English and English-Greek Lexicon - A Greek and English Lexicon, On a Plan Entirely New: In Four Parts; Greek; Greek-English, Difficult Inflexions, English-Greek, and Proper Names.'' 7th edition, London, 1843, p.117                                                                                                                                                                                                                * {{R:Woodhouse}}
* ''Anweisung zur Lateinischen Sprache, aus Emmanuelis Alvari S. J. Institutionibus Grammaticis, Von einem Priester bemeldter Gesellschaft kurz zusammen gezogen. Worzu noch kommen: Anfangsgründe der Lateinischen Verskunst; [...] Zum Gebrauch der Schulen der Gesellschaft JEsu in der Oberdeutschen Provinz.'' New and improved edition<!-- Neue, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage -->, <!-- Ingolstadt und Augsburg, --> 1770, p.326 (spelled: ϖαϱεμϐολὴ)  * M. Wright: ''A New Greek-English and English-Greek Lexicon - A Greek and English Lexicon, On a Plan Entirely New: In Four Parts; Greek; Greek-English, Difficult Inflexions, English-Greek, and Proper Names.'' 7th edition, London, 1843, p.117
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * ''Anweisung zur Lateinischen Sprache, aus Emmanuelis Alvari S. J. Institutionibus Grammaticis, Von einem Priester bemeldter Gesellschaft kurz zusammen gezogen. Worzu noch kommen: Anfangsgründe der Lateinischen Verskunst; [...] Zum Gebrauch der Schulen der Gesellschaft JEsu in der Oberdeutschen Provinz.'' New and improved edition<!-- Neue, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage -->, <!-- Ingolstadt und Augsburg, --> 1770, p.326 (spelled: ϖαϱεμϐολὴ)

hisdem: No change.


exsolesco: No change.


manipulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:manipulus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:manipulus]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:manipulus]]  [[de:manipulus]]

census: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[am:census]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[et:census]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[el:census]]     * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fa:census]]     [[am:census]]
[[fr:census]]     [[et:census]]
[[ko:census]]     [[el:census]]
[[hy:census]]     [[es:census]]
[[io:census]]     [[fa:census]]
[[id:census]]     [[fr:census]]
[[it:census]]     [[ko:census]]
[[kn:census]]     [[hy:census]]
[[ku:census]]     [[io:census]]
[[la:census]]     [[id:census]]
[[li:census]]     [[it:census]]
[[hu:census]]     [[kn:census]]
[[mg:census]]     [[ku:census]]
[[ml:census]]     [[la:census]]
[[ja:census]]     [[li:census]]
[[pa:census]]     [[hu:census]]
[[pl:census]]     [[mg:census]]
[[pt:census]]     [[ml:census]]
[[sa:census]]     [[ja:census]]
[[fi:census]]     [[pa:census]]
[[ta:census]]     [[pl:census]]
[[te:census]]     [[pt:census]]
[[chr:census]]    [[sa:census]]
[[tr:census]]     [[fi:census]]
[[vi:census]]     [[ta:census]]
[[zh:census]]     [[te:census]]

tempori: No change.


balneatrix: No change.


delector: No change.


Ἄνδρος: No change.


memoriales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|memoriālēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|memoriālēs}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|memoriālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|memoriālis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
----                                             ===References===
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

praes: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:praes]]      * {{R:Peck}}
[[mg:praes]]      * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

fortuitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                                                             ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                                                                  * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}                                                                                                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)  * {{R:NLW}}
                                                                                                             * Charlton T. Lewis ('''1891''') ''An Elementary Latin Dictionary'', 1st edition. (Oxford University Press)
[[fr:fortuitus]]                                                                                             [[es:fortuitus]]
[[mg:fortuitus]]                                                                                             [[fr:fortuitus]]
[[pl:fortuitus]]                                                                                             [[mg:fortuitus]]
[[chr:fortuitus]]                                                                                            [[pl:fortuitus]]

beneficio: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|beneficiō}}                     {{la-noun-form|beneficiō}}
# {{inflection of|beneficium||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|beneficium||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|beneficium||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|beneficium||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                           ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

ultimatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|ultimāt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|ultimāt}}
[[fr:ultimatus]]         ===References===
                         * {{R:NLW}}

commanes: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|commanēs}}                                 {{la-verb-form|commanēs}}
# {{inflection of|commaneō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|commaneō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
[[mg:commanes]]                                           ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

alcali: LATIN: References added.

====Related terms====  ====Related terms====
* {{l|la|alcalinus}}   * {{l|la|alcalinus}}
[[et:alcali]]          ===References===
[[fr:alcali]]          * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:alcali]]          [[et:alcali]]
[[it:alcali]]          [[fr:alcali]]
[[mg:alcali]]          [[ko:alcali]]
[[ja:alcali]]          [[io:alcali]]
[[pl:alcali]]          [[it:alcali]]
[[pt:alcali]]          [[mg:alcali]]
[[ru:alcali]]          [[ja:alcali]]
[[vi:alcali]]          [[pl:alcali]]
[[zh:alcali]]          [[pt:alcali]]

dehonesto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:dehonesto]]  [[fr:dehonesto]]
[[mg:dehonesto]]  [[ko:dehonesto]]
[[ru:dehonesto]]  [[mg:dehonesto]]

impervius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

scalptura: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

porto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:NLW}}                    * {{R:M&A}}
                               * {{R:NLW}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]  
                               [[Category:Latin root words]]

φοιτητής: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}

lacrimose: No change.


Ἀμύκλαι: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                 ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                      * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}               * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}                   * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:DGE}}                      * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1001}}           * {{R:Slater}}
                                 * {{R:Woodhouse|1001}}

firmum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|firmum}}                       {{la-adj-form|firmum}}
# {{inflection of|firmus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|firmus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
[[cs:firmum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:firmum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fi:firmum]]                                * {{R:Peck}}
                                             * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

benedictus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                   ====Descendants====
* Italian: [[benedetto]]              * Italian: [[benedetto]]
* Portuguese: [[bendito]], [[bento]]  * Portuguese: [[bendito]], [[bento]]
* Spanish: [[bendito]], [[benito]]    * Spanish: [[bendito]], [[benito]]
[[Category:Ecclesiastical Latin]]     ===References===
                                      * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ko:benedictus]]                     [[Category:Ecclesiastical Latin]]
[[pt:benedictus]]                     [[fr:benedictus]]
[[sh:benedictus]]                     [[ko:benedictus]]
[[sv:benedictus]]                     [[mg:benedictus]]

amburbium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ru:amburbium]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

cottidie: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:cottidie]]   [[cs:cottidie]]
[[ko:cottidie]]   [[fr:cottidie]]
[[nl:cottidie]]   [[ko:cottidie]]
[[pt:cottidie]]   [[nl:cottidie]]

caurio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

usurpatrix: No change.


capitaneum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|capitāneum}}                       {{la-adj-form|capitāneum}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|capitāneus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|capitāneus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:du Cange}}

invidentia: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

consecratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:consecratio]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ja:consecratio]]  [[fr:consecratio]]
[[ru:consecratio]]  [[mg:consecratio]]

ἁγίζω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}       * {{R:DGE}}
                  * {{R:Slater}}

κάτοικος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===            ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                 * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}              * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:LBG|36523|κάτοικος}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                            * {{R:LBG|36523|κάτοικος}}

dirutus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

bergrisi: OLD NORSE: References added.

====See also====    ====See also====
* {{l|non|gýgr}}    * {{l|non|gýgr}}
* {{l|non|íviðja}}  * {{l|non|íviðja}}
                    * {{R:Zoega}}

βουκόλος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}    * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:DGE}}         * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:DGE}}
                    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ko:βουκόλος]]     [[el:βουκόλος]]
[[ru:βουκόλος]]     [[ko:βουκόλος]]

ductor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:NLW}}

tulit: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|tulit}}                                 {{la-verb-form|tulit}}
# {{inflection of|ferō||3|s|perf|actv|indic|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ferō||3|s|perf|actv|indic|lang=la}}
[[fr:tulit]]                                           ===References===
[[mg:tulit]]                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

pilosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ca:pilosus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:pilosus]]    [[ca:pilosus]]
[[pl:pilosus]]    [[fr:pilosus]]
[[chr:pilosus]]   [[mg:pilosus]]

Περίανδρος: No change.


promulgo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                                        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:ine:IEW|vol=II|page=722}}                                    * {{R:M&A}}
* Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber  * {{R:ine:IEW|vol=II|page=722}}
                                                                   * Palmer, L.R. (1906) The Latin Language, London, Faber and Faber

peroptato: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

venustas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:venustas]]   [[fr:venustas]]

obsessio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:obsessio]]   [[da:obsessio]]
[[it:obsessio]]   [[fr:obsessio]]
[[ru:obsessio]]   [[it:obsessio]]

μόλυβδος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
<references/>      * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Athenae: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin proper noun forms]]  
[[Category:Latin proper nouns]]       [[Category:Latin proper noun forms]]
[[Category:la:Capital cities]]        [[Category:Latin proper nouns]]
[[Category:la:Cities]]                [[Category:la:Capital cities]]
[[Category:la:Greece]]                [[Category:la:Cities]]
[[cs:Athenae]]                        [[az:Athenae]]
[[el:Athenae]]                        [[cs:Athenae]]
[[fr:Athenae]]                        [[el:Athenae]]
[[hr:Athenae]]                        [[fr:Athenae]]
[[la:Athenae]]                        [[hr:Athenae]]
[[li:Athenae]]                        [[la:Athenae]]
[[hu:Athenae]]                        [[li:Athenae]]
[[pl:Athenae]]                        [[hu:Athenae]]
[[ro:Athenae]]                        [[pl:Athenae]]
[[ru:Athenae]]                        [[ro:Athenae]]
[[sk:Athenae]]                        [[ru:Athenae]]

pittacium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:pittacium]]   * {{R:Peck}}
[[chr:pittacium]]  [[fr:pittacium]]

defigo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

translatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:translatio]]   * {{R:NLW}}
[[ru:translatio]]   [[fr:translatio]]
[[chr:translatio]]  [[mg:translatio]]

jubatus: No change.


absconsio: No change.


instigator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:du Cange}}
[[et:instigator]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:instigator]]  [[et:instigator]]
[[ko:instigator]]  [[es:instigator]]
[[hy:instigator]]  [[fr:instigator]]
[[io:instigator]]  [[ko:instigator]]
[[kn:instigator]]  [[hy:instigator]]
[[ku:instigator]]  [[io:instigator]]
[[hu:instigator]]  [[kn:instigator]]
[[mg:instigator]]  [[ku:instigator]]
[[ml:instigator]]  [[hu:instigator]]
[[nl:instigator]]  [[mg:instigator]]
[[pl:instigator]]  [[ml:instigator]]
[[ro:instigator]]  [[nl:instigator]]
[[ru:instigator]]  [[pl:instigator]]
[[ta:instigator]]  [[ro:instigator]]
[[te:instigator]]  [[ru:instigator]]
[[vi:instigator]]  [[ta:instigator]]
[[zh:instigator]]  [[te:instigator]]

perula: LATIN: References added.

====References====                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ====References====
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * {{R:L&S}}
* Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 794/2], “perula”  * {{R:du Cange}}
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:perula]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          * Jan Frederik Niermeyer, ''Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus : Lexique Latin Médiéval–Français/Anglais : A Medieval Latin–French/English Dictionary'', fascicle I (1976), [ page 794/2], “perula”
[[mg:perula]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [[fr:perula]]
[[ru:perula]]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [[id:perula]]

recensus: No change.


acervus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[la:acervus]]    [[fr:acervus]]
[[mg:acervus]]    [[la:acervus]]
[[ru:acervus]]    [[mg:acervus]]

redditor: No change.


legionarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

ἄλφιτον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
                        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
{{C|grc|Foods|Grains}}  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
                        * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[el:ἄλφιτον]]          * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[ru:ἄλφιτον]]          {{C|grc|Foods|Grains}}

meretricia: No change.


beneplacitum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                   ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|benēplacitum}}                      {{la-part-form|benēplacitum}}
# {{inflection of|benēplacitus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|benēplacitus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|benēplacitus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|benēplacitus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|benēplacitus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|benēplacitus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|benēplacitus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|benēplacitus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[ru:beneplacitum]]                                ===References===
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

normalis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:normalis]]   [[fr:normalis]]
[[ru:normalis]]   [[mg:normalis]]
[[chr:normalis]]  [[ru:normalis]]

volute: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|volūte}}                       {{la-part-form|volūte}}
# {{inflection of|volūtus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|volūtus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[ca:volute]]                                 ===References===
[[et:volute]]                                 * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[io:volute]]                                 [[ca:volute]]
[[it:volute]]                                 [[et:volute]]
[[ku:volute]]                                 [[fr:volute]]
[[mg:volute]]                                 [[io:volute]]
[[pl:volute]]                                 [[it:volute]]
[[ru:volute]]                                 [[ku:volute]]
[[ta:volute]]                                 [[mg:volute]]
[[te:volute]]                                 [[pl:volute]]
[[vi:volute]]                                 [[ru:volute]]
[[zh:volute]]                                 [[ta:volute]]

Πειραεύς: No change.


clarificatio: No change.


Κλεῖτος: No change.


amnium: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|amnium}}                   {{la-noun-form|amnium}}
# {{inflection of|amnis||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|amnis||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:amnium]]                             ===References===
                                          * {{R:Peck}}

caso: No change.


perscisco: No change.


inficientia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|īnficiēntia}}                    {{la-part-form|īnficiēntia}}
# {{inflection of|īnficiēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnficiēns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnficiēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnficiēns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|īnficiēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|īnficiēns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

modius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:modius]]     * {{R:M&A}}
[[mg:modius]]     * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

potens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[cs:potens]]     * {{R:NLW}}
[[fr:potens]]     [[cs:potens]]
[[ko:potens]]     [[el:potens]]
[[hr:potens]]     [[fr:potens]]
[[ku:potens]]     [[ko:potens]]
[[la:potens]]     [[hr:potens]]
[[lt:potens]]     [[ku:potens]]
[[mg:potens]]     [[la:potens]]
[[fj:potens]]     [[lt:potens]]
[[pl:potens]]     [[mg:potens]]
[[ru:potens]]     [[fj:potens]]
[[sv:potens]]     [[pl:potens]]
[[chr:potens]]    [[ru:potens]]
[[vi:potens]]     [[sv:potens]]

arx: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[az:arx]]        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ca:arx]]        * {{R:Peck}}
[[cs:arx]]        * {{R:Platner}}
[[de:arx]]        * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:arx]]        [[az:arx]]
[[ku:arx]]        [[ca:arx]]
[[la:arx]]        [[cs:arx]]
[[lt:arx]]        [[de:arx]]
[[mg:arx]]        [[es:arx]]
[[uz:arx]]        [[fr:arx]]
[[pl:arx]]        [[ku:arx]]
[[ru:arx]]        [[la:arx]]
[[fi:arx]]        [[lt:arx]]
[[tr:arx]]        [[mg:arx]]

deprecativus: No change.


egressio: No change.


sensibilitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[id:sensibilitas]]  [[fr:sensibilitas]]
[[mg:sensibilitas]]  [[id:sensibilitas]]

nuto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin root words]]  
                               [[Category:Latin root words]]
[[ko:nuto]]                    [[fr:nuto]]
[[pt:nuto]]                    [[ko:nuto]]
[[ru:nuto]]                    [[pt:nuto]]

ingredi: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                            ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ingredī}}                              {{la-verb-form|ingredī}}
# {{inflection of|ingredior||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ingredior||pres|actv|inf|lang=la}}
[[fr:ingredi]]                                        ===References===
[[mg:ingredi]]                                        * {{R:du Cange}}

Ξενοφῶν: No change.


στρουθός: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
{{R:LSJ|strouqo/s}}  {{R:LSJ|strouqo/s}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[fr:στρουθός]]      [[fr:στρουθός]]
[[ko:στρουθός]]      [[ko:στρουθός]]
[[nl:στρουθός]]      [[nl:στρουθός]]
[[ru:στρουθός]]      [[ru:στρουθός]]

arcaria: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|arcāria}}                        {{la-adj-form|arcāria}}
# {{inflection of|arcārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arcārius||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arcārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arcārius||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arcārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arcārius||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arcārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arcārius||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|arcārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arcārius||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|arcāriā}}                        {{la-adj-form|arcāriā}}
# {{inflection of|arcārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|arcārius||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[fr:arcaria]]                                 ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

καθάπερ: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[el:καθάπερ]]     [[el:καθάπερ]]

perstillo: No change.


Σαμοθρᾴκη: ANCIENT GREEK: Normalised entry. References sorted.

===References===                    ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1024}}              * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:Strong's}}                    * {{R:Woodhouse|1024}}

viverra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:viverra]]           [[de:viverra]]
[[mg:viverra]]           [[fr:viverra]]
[[ro:viverra]]           [[mg:viverra]]
[[ru:viverra]]           [[ro:viverra]]

sursum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:sursum]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:sursum]]     [[fr:sursum]]
[[ru:sursum]]     [[mg:sursum]]
[[ta:sursum]]     [[pl:sursum]]

fervens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:fervens]]    [[fr:fervens]]
[[hr:fervens]]    [[ko:fervens]]
[[pt:fervens]]    [[hr:fervens]]
[[fi:fervens]]    [[pt:fervens]]
[[zh:fervens]]    [[fi:fervens]]

graveolentia: No change.


gelu: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                          ===References===
* {{R:L&S|gelu|gelum}}                                    * {{R:L&S|gelu|gelum}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                                           * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}                                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                                                          * {{R:M&A}}
[[Category:Latin neuter nouns in the fourth declension]]  
                                                          [[Category:Latin neuter nouns in the fourth declension]]

revello: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:revello]]    [[el:revello]]
[[ko:revello]]    [[fr:revello]]
[[mg:revello]]    [[ko:revello]]

poculentus: No change.


miserandus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Ὑμήν: No change.


innutrio: No change.


tritavia: No change.


capellus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
                         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ro:capellus]]          [[fr:capellus]]

geli: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|gelī}}                     {{la-noun-form|gelī}}
# {{inflection of|gelum||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|gelum||gen|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

astriger: No change.


ἔλαιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===          ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)/laion}}      * {{R:LSJ|e)/laion}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}          * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}            * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}            * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}               * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}         * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:Strong's}}          * {{R:Strong's}}
* {{R:LBG}}               * {{R:LBG}}
* {{R:Century 1911|oil}}  * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                          * {{R:Century 1911|oil}}
[[fr:ἔλαιον]]             [[el:ἔλαιον]]
[[ko:ἔλαιον]]             [[fr:ἔλαιον]]
[[mg:ἔλαιον]]             [[ko:ἔλαιον]]
[[pl:ἔλαιον]]             [[mg:ἔλαιον]]
[[ru:ἔλαιον]]             [[pl:ἔλαιον]]

unguis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:unguis]]     [[ca:unguis]]
[[es:unguis]]     [[el:unguis]]
[[eu:unguis]]     [[es:unguis]]
[[fr:unguis]]     [[eu:unguis]]
[[ko:unguis]]     [[fr:unguis]]
[[id:unguis]]     [[ko:unguis]]
[[it:unguis]]     [[id:unguis]]
[[ku:unguis]]     [[it:unguis]]
[[lt:unguis]]     [[ku:unguis]]
[[hu:unguis]]     [[lt:unguis]]
[[mg:unguis]]     [[hu:unguis]]
[[nl:unguis]]     [[mg:unguis]]
[[pl:unguis]]     [[nl:unguis]]
[[ru:unguis]]     [[pl:unguis]]
[[fi:unguis]]     [[ru:unguis]]
[[chr:unguis]]    [[fi:unguis]]
[[tr:unguis]]     [[chr:unguis]]
[[vi:unguis]]     [[tr:unguis]]
[[zh:unguis]]     [[vi:unguis]]

vaecordia: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vaecordia}}                     {{la-adj-form|vaecordia}}
# {{inflection of|vaecors||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vaecors||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vaecors||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vaecors||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vaecors||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vaecors||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

damia: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|dāmia}}                     {{la-noun-form|dāmia}}
# {{inflection of|dāmium||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dāmium||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dāmium||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dāmium||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dāmium||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dāmium||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:PersEnc}}
                                           * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

Ἀμφιλοχία: No change.


decresco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:decresco]]   [[el:decresco]]
[[ko:decresco]]   [[fr:decresco]]
[[fi:decresco]]   [[ko:decresco]]

Αἰήτης: No change.


praeteritus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}         * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                    * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:praeteritus]]  [[es:praeteritus]]
[[ko:praeteritus]]  [[fr:praeteritus]]
[[mg:praeteritus]]  [[ko:praeteritus]]

accubito: LATIN: References sorted.

====References====                 ====References====
* {{R:L&S|accŭbĭto}}               * {{R:L&S|accŭbĭto}}
* {{R:Gaffiot|accŭbĭto|p=19/2}}    * {{R:du Cange|ACCUBITARE}}
* {{R:du Cange|ACCUBITARE}}        * {{R:Gaffiot|accŭbĭto|p=19/2}}
* {{R:Niermeyer|accubitare|12/1}}  * {{R:Niermeyer|accubitare|12/1}}
===Etymology 2===                  ===Etymology 2===

commissatio: No change.


collare: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:collare]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[fr:collare]]    [[ca:collare]]
[[io:collare]]    [[de:collare]]
[[hu:collare]]    [[fr:collare]]
[[mg:collare]]    [[io:collare]]
[[pl:collare]]    [[hu:collare]]
[[ru:collare]]    [[mg:collare]]
[[fi:collare]]    [[pl:collare]]
[[ta:collare]]    [[ru:collare]]
[[chr:collare]]   [[fi:collare]]
[[zh:collare]]    [[ta:collare]]

stria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

homoeoteleuton: No change.


ποῦ: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                                ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|pou%3D1}}<!--do not remove manual transliteration-->  * {{R:LSJ|pou%3D1}}<!--do not remove manual transliteration-->
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                                                * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                  * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}                                               * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|4226}}                                         * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}                                                    * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}                                                * {{R:Strong's|G|4226}}
                                                                * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ποῦ]]                                                      * {{grc-Beekes}}

amolitus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|āmōlīt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|āmōlīt}}
[[fr:amolitus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:L&S}}

catinum: No change.



κλεινός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
                  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
[[el:κλεινός]]    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:κλεινός]]    [[el:κλεινός]]
[[mg:κλεινός]]    [[fr:κλεινός]]
[[ru:κλεινός]]    [[lt:κλεινός]]

permensus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

====Inflection====       ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|permēns}}  {{la-decl-1&2|permēns}}
                         * {{R:L&S}}
                         * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

bucardia: No change.


quirinus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====         ====Descendants====
*Italian: {{l|it|quirino}}  *Italian: {{l|it|quirino}}
[[la:quirinus]]             ===References===
                            * {{R:Peck}}
                            * {{R:Smith's Persons}}

salvos: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|salvōs}}                       {{la-adj-form|salvōs}}
# {{inflection of|salvus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|salvus||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                             * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

suburens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====             ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|subūrēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|subūrēns}}
                               * {{R:NLW}}

infirmitates: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                     ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|infirmitātēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|infirmitātēs}}
# {{inflection of|infirmitas||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|infirmitas||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|infirmitas||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|infirmitas||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|infirmitas||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|infirmitas||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:infirmitates]]                            ===References===
                                               * {{R:du Cange}}

adversio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:adversio]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:adversio]]   [[fr:adversio]]

globosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:globosus]]   [[ko:globosus]]
[[chr:globosus]]  [[mg:globosus]]

ὑπόθεσις: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[fr:ὑπόθεσις]]    [[el:ὑπόθεσις]]
[[ko:ὑπόθεσις]]    [[fr:ὑπόθεσις]]

carptim: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

amatorie: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

labefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

praemonstrator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}            * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}            * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                       * {{R:NLW}}

lauros: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|laurōs}}                    {{la-noun-form|laurōs}}
# {{inflection of|laurus||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|laurus||acc|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

rase: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                            ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|rāse}}                       {{la-part-form|rāse}}
# {{inflection of|rāsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rāsus||voc|m|s|lang=la}}
[[az:rase]]                                 ===References===
[[de:rase]]                                 * {{R:du Cange}}
[[el:rase]]                                 [[az:rase]]
[[es:rase]]                                 [[de:rase]]
[[fa:rase]]                                 [[et:rase]]
[[fr:rase]]                                 [[el:rase]]
[[ko:rase]]                                 [[es:rase]]
[[io:rase]]                                 [[fa:rase]]
[[id:rase]]                                 [[fr:rase]]
[[it:rase]]                                 [[ko:rase]]
[[jv:rase]]                                 [[io:rase]]
[[ku:rase]]                                 [[id:rase]]
[[mg:rase]]                                 [[it:rase]]
[[ml:rase]]                                 [[jv:rase]]
[[my:rase]]                                 [[ku:rase]]
[[nl:rase]]                                 [[mg:rase]]
[[no:rase]]                                 [[ml:rase]]
[[pl:rase]]                                 [[my:rase]]
[[sh:rase]]                                 [[nl:rase]]
[[fi:rase]]                                 [[no:rase]]
[[te:rase]]                                 [[pl:rase]]
[[chr:rase]]                                [[sh:rase]]
[[vi:rase]]                                 [[fi:rase]]
[[zh:rase]]                                 [[te:rase]]

tussio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:tussio]]     [[az:tussio]]
[[ko:tussio]]     [[fr:tussio]]
[[mg:tussio]]     [[ko:tussio]]
[[ru:tussio]]     [[mg:tussio]]
[[chr:tussio]]    [[ru:tussio]]

egressus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:egressus]]   * {{R:M&A}}

insitum: No change.


duplum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                              ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|dūplum}}                       {{la-adj-form|dūplum}}
# {{inflection of|dūplus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dūplus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dūplus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dūplus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dūplus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dūplus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dūplus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dūplus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[de:duplum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:duplum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ru:duplum]]                                [[de:duplum]]
[[sh:duplum]]                                [[fr:duplum]]
[[fi:duplum]]                                [[mg:duplum]]

beata: No change.


factor: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

labium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}              * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}          * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                         * {{R:du Cange}}
[[Category:la:Anatomy]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ast:labium]]           [[Category:la:Anatomy]]
[[de:labium]]            [[ast:labium]]
[[et:labium]]            [[cs:labium]]
[[el:labium]]            [[de:labium]]
[[es:labium]]            [[et:labium]]
[[fr:labium]]            [[el:labium]]
[[hr:labium]]            [[es:labium]]
[[id:labium]]            [[fr:labium]]
[[ku:labium]]            [[hr:labium]]
[[ky:labium]]            [[id:labium]]
[[la:labium]]            [[ku:labium]]
[[lt:labium]]            [[ky:labium]]
[[hu:labium]]            [[la:labium]]
[[mg:labium]]            [[lt:labium]]
[[my:labium]]            [[hu:labium]]
[[nl:labium]]            [[mg:labium]]
[[ja:labium]]            [[my:labium]]
[[pl:labium]]            [[nl:labium]]
[[ro:labium]]            [[ja:labium]]
[[ru:labium]]            [[pl:labium]]
[[sm:labium]]            [[ro:labium]]
[[simple:labium]]        [[ru:labium]]
[[fi:labium]]            [[sm:labium]]
[[ta:labium]]            [[simple:labium]]
[[tr:labium]]            [[fi:labium]]
[[vi:labium]]            [[ta:labium]]
[[zh:labium]]            [[tr:labium]]

ecclesiales: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                   ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|ecclēsialēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|ecclēsialēs}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ecclēsialis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                  * {{R:du Cange}}

virago: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:virago]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[es:virago]]     [[de:virago]]
[[fr:virago]]     [[et:virago]]
[[ko:virago]]     [[es:virago]]
[[hy:virago]]     [[fr:virago]]
[[io:virago]]     [[ko:virago]]
[[it:virago]]     [[hy:virago]]
[[kn:virago]]     [[io:virago]]
[[ku:virago]]     [[it:virago]]
[[ml:virago]]     [[kn:virago]]
[[my:virago]]     [[ku:virago]]
[[pl:virago]]     [[ml:virago]]
[[pt:virago]]     [[my:virago]]
[[ru:virago]]     [[pl:virago]]
[[ta:virago]]     [[pt:virago]]
[[te:virago]]     [[ru:virago]]
[[chr:virago]]    [[ta:virago]]
[[vi:virago]]     [[te:virago]]
[[zh:virago]]     [[chr:virago]]

vargi: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|vargī}}                     {{la-noun-form|vargī}}
# {{inflection of|vargus||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vargus||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vargus||gen|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vargus||gen|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vargus||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vargus||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

Σπόριος: No change.


cataracta: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:cataracta]]  * {{R:Peck}}
[[fr:cataracta]]  * {{R:NLW}}
[[io:cataracta]]  * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}
[[ja:cataracta]]  [[el:cataracta]]
[[pl:cataracta]]  [[fr:cataracta]]
[[ru:cataracta]]  [[io:cataracta]]
[[zh:cataracta]]  [[mg:cataracta]]

perspicue: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:perspicue]]  [[fr:perspicue]]
[[ru:perspicue]]  [[pl:perspicue]]

fluctiger: No change.


restauratio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:du Cange}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:restauratio]]  [[fr:restauratio]]

respirandus: No change.


miro: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

τώ: No change.


mullis: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|mullīs}}                    {{la-noun-form|mullīs}}
# {{inflection of|mullus||dat|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mullus||dat|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|mullus||abl|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|mullus||abl|p|lang=la}}
[[ru:mullis]]                              ===References===
[[sq:mullis]]                              * {{R:du Cange}}

bovarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:bovarius]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

adiutus: LATIN: References added.

====Descendants====                           ====Descendants====
* Friulian: {{l|fur|aiût}}                    * Friulian: {{l|fur|aiût}}
* Italian: {{l|it|aiuto}}                     * Italian: {{l|it|aiuto}}
* Sicilian: {{l|scn|aiutu}}, {{l|scn|ajutu}}  * Sicilian: {{l|scn|aiutu}}, {{l|scn|ajutu}}
[[fr:adiutus]]                                ===References===
                                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

rivum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|rīvum}}                    {{la-noun-form|rīvum}}
# {{inflection of|rīvus||acc|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|rīvus||acc|s|lang=la}}
[[ja:rivum]]                              ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

specialis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:specialis]]  [[cs:specialis]]
[[es:specialis]]  [[de:specialis]]
[[fr:specialis]]  [[es:specialis]]

erunco: No change.


denuntiatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:denuntiatio]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:denuntiatio]]  [[fr:denuntiatio]]

μηχανή: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====  ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}         * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}      * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}   * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{grc-Beekes}}    * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                    * {{grc-Beekes}}

fossores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|fossōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|fossōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|fossor||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fossor||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fossor||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fossor||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|fossor||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|fossor||voc|p|lang=la}}
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

nihili: No change.


virtutes: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|virtūtēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|virtūtēs}}
# {{inflection of|virtūs||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virtūs||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virtūs||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virtūs||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|virtūs||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|virtūs||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[cs:virtutes]]                            ===References===
[[fr:virtutes]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}

palmifer: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

effictus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

Δασκύλιον: No change.


pedisequi: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|pedisequī}}                        {{la-adj-form|pedisequī}}
# {{inflection of|pedisequus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedisequus||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedisequus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedisequus||gen|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedisequus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedisequus||gen|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|pedisequus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|pedisequus||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
                                                 * {{R:Peck}}
                                                 * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

δεικνύναι: No change.


arrepto: No change.


applausus: No change.


norunt: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                         ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|nōrunt}}                            {{la-verb-form|nōrunt}}
# {{inflection of|noscō||3|p|perf|actv||lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|noscō||3|p|perf|actv||lang=la}}
                                                   * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἑρμοκράτης: No change.


refluxus: No change.


deterreo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[ko:deterreo]]   [[el:deterreo]]
[[zh:deterreo]]   [[ko:deterreo]]

lecythus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
[[ca:lecythus]]   * {{R:Smith's Geography}}
[[fr:lecythus]]   * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

ossarium: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:ossarium]]   * {{R:Peck}}

complures: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:complures]]  [[es:complures]]

atterminatus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====          ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|attermināt}}  {{la-decl-1&2|attermināt}}
                            * {{R:NLW}}

rudor: No change.


ἐξάγω: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|e)ca/gw}}  * {{R:LSJ|e)ca/gw}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}   * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}     * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Slater}}       * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}       * {{R:Cunliffe}}
* {{R:DGE}}          * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's}}     * {{R:Slater}}
                     * {{R:Strong's}}
[[lt:ἐξάγω]]         [[el:ἐξάγω]]

moneto: No change.


verisimilis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[hr:verisimilis]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:verisimilis]]  [[hr:verisimilis]]

fimm: OLD NORSE: References added.

====Descendants====                      ====Descendants====
{{top2}}                                 {{top2}}
* Danish: [[fem#Danish|fem]]             * Danish: [[fem#Danish|fem]]
* Faroese: [[#Faroese|fimm]]             * Faroese: [[#Faroese|fimm]]
* Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|fimm]]         * Icelandic: [[#Icelandic|fimm]]
{{mid2}}                                 {{mid2}}
* Norwegian: {{l-nb|fem}}, {{l-nn|fem}}  * Norwegian: {{l-nb|fem}}, {{l-nn|fem}}
* Swedish: [[fem#Swedish|fem]]           * Swedish: [[fem#Swedish|fem]]
{{bottom}}                               {{bottom}}
[[Category:Old Norse cardinal numbers]]  ===References===
                                         * {{R:Zoega}}
[[da:fimm]]                              [[Category:Old Norse cardinal numbers]]
[[et:fimm]]                              [[az:fimm]]
[[el:fimm]]                              [[da:fimm]]
[[es:fimm]]                              [[de:fimm]]
[[fo:fimm]]                              [[et:fimm]]
[[fr:fimm]]                              [[el:fimm]]
[[ga:fimm]]                              [[es:fimm]]
[[gl:fimm]]                              [[fo:fimm]]
[[ko:fimm]]                              [[fr:fimm]]
[[io:fimm]]                              [[ga:fimm]]
[[is:fimm]]                              [[gl:fimm]]
[[it:fimm]]                              [[ko:fimm]]
[[kl:fimm]]                              [[io:fimm]]
[[lt:fimm]]                              [[is:fimm]]
[[li:fimm]]                              [[it:fimm]]
[[hu:fimm]]                              [[kl:fimm]]
[[mg:fimm]]                              [[lt:fimm]]
[[nl:fimm]]                              [[li:fimm]]
[[ja:fimm]]                              [[hu:fimm]]
[[no:fimm]]                              [[mg:fimm]]
[[pl:fimm]]                              [[nl:fimm]]
[[pt:fimm]]                              [[ja:fimm]]
[[ru:fimm]]                              [[no:fimm]]
[[fi:fimm]]                              [[pl:fimm]]
[[sv:fimm]]                              [[pt:fimm]]
[[chr:fimm]]                             [[ru:fimm]]
[[tr:fimm]]                              [[fi:fimm]]

allino: No change.


virens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:virens]]     [[fr:virens]]

venosa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                               ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|vēnōsa}}                        {{la-adj-form|vēnōsa}}
# {{inflection of|vēnōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnōsus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnōsus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnōsus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnōsus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|vēnōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnōsus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|vēnōsā}}                        {{la-adj-form|vēnōsā}}
# {{inflection of|vēnōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|vēnōsus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
[[ast:venosa]]                                ===References===
[[es:venosa]]                                 * {{R:Stillwell}}
[[nl:venosa]]                                 [[ast:venosa]]

ferocitas: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:ferocitas]]  [[es:ferocitas]]
[[mg:ferocitas]]  [[fr:ferocitas]]

opitulatio: No change.


inveho: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:inveho]]     [[fr:inveho]]
[[mg:inveho]]     [[ko:inveho]]

productilis: No change.


ἔμφυτος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}              * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|1721}}  * {{R:Strong's|G|1721}}
                         * {{R:Woodhouse}}

Agrippina: No change.


antedico: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====           ====Inflection====
{{la-conj-irreg|dico|ante}}  {{la-conj-irreg|dico|ante}}
                             * {{R:L&S}}

deambulacrum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:deambulacrum]]  [[fr:deambulacrum]]

compono: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:compono]]    [[el:compono]]
[[ko:compono]]    [[fr:compono]]
[[pl:compono]]    [[ko:compono]]
[[pt:compono]]    [[pl:compono]]
[[ru:compono]]    [[pt:compono]]

scurra: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[da:scurra]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:scurra]]     * {{R:Peck}}

amotus: No change.


traducta: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|trāducta}}                       {{la-part-form|trāducta}}
# {{inflection of|trāductus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trāductus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trāductus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trāductus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trāductus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trāductus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trāductus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trāductus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|trāductus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trāductus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|trāductā}}                       {{la-part-form|trāductā}}
# {{inflection of|trāductus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|trāductus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

largus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[co:largus]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[el:largus]]     * {{R:Peck}}
[[ko:largus]]     [[co:largus]]
[[hr:largus]]     [[el:largus]]
[[ky:largus]]     [[fr:largus]]
[[mg:largus]]     [[ko:largus]]
[[ru:largus]]     [[hr:largus]]

σύστημα: No change.


datores: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|datōrēs}}                  {{la-noun-form|datōrēs}}
# {{inflection of|dator||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dator||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dator||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dator||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|dator||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|dator||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:datores]]                            ===References===
[[mg:datores]]                            * {{R:du Cange}}

credibiles: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                  ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|crēdibilēs}}                       {{la-adj-form|crēdibilēs}}
# {{inflection of|crēdibilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdibilis||nom|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crēdibilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdibilis||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crēdibilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdibilis||acc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crēdibilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdibilis||acc|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crēdibilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdibilis||voc|m|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|crēdibilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|crēdibilis||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:credibiles]]                                ===References===
[[ja:credibiles]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

patres: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:M&A}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}
----              * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

superstitiose: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===      ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}           * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}       * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:superstitiose]]  [[pl:superstitiose]]


clusus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

indignantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|indignantia}}                    {{la-part-form|indignantia}}
# {{inflection of|indignāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|indignāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|indignāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|indignāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|indignāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|indignāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

exercitas: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                                ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|exercitās}}                                {{la-verb-form|exercitās}}
# {{inflection of|exercitō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|exercitō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                      ===References===
                                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

ὄγκινος: No change.


plexus: No change.


palpebralis: No change.


caeliger: No change.


piaculo: No change.


ructa: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|ructā}}                                 {{la-verb-form|ructā}}
# {{inflection of|ructō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|ructō||2|s|pres|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[fr:ructa]]                                           ===References===
                                                       * {{R:du Cange}}

adopto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

expiatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:expiatio]]   [[fr:expiatio]]
[[ja:expiatio]]   [[mg:expiatio]]
[[ru:expiatio]]   [[ja:expiatio]]

μεῖζον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added.

===Adjective===                                                   ===Adjective===
{{head|grc|adjective comparative form}}                           {{head|grc|adjective comparative form}}
# {{inflection of|μείζων||n|nom|s|;|n|acc|s|;|n|voc|s|lang=grc}}  # {{inflection of|μείζων||n|nom|s|;|n|acc|s|;|n|voc|s|lang=grc}}
                                                                  * {{R:Strong's}}

structilis: No change.


putrefacio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}

reddo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:reddo]]      [[el:reddo]]
[[ko:reddo]]      [[fr:reddo]]
[[la:reddo]]      [[ko:reddo]]
[[mg:reddo]]      [[la:reddo]]
[[fj:reddo]]      [[mg:reddo]]
[[pl:reddo]]      [[fj:reddo]]
[[chr:reddo]]     [[pl:reddo]]

ἀννίς: No change.


talea: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:talea]]      * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[hu:talea]]      [[fr:talea]]
[[mg:talea]]      [[io:talea]]
[[pl:talea]]      [[hu:talea]]
[[ru:talea]]      [[mg:talea]]
[[chr:talea]]     [[pl:talea]]

contrarie: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

semiustulo: No change.


imperfecte: No change.


undulo: No change.


relativum: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|relātīvum}}                       {{la-adj-form|relātīvum}}
# {{inflection of|relātīvus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|relātīvus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

loramentum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:du Cange}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ru:loramentum]]  [[mg:loramentum]]

ingeniosus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}        * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                   * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:ingeniosus]]  [[el:ingeniosus]]

adlevamentum: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====            ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-2nd-N|adlevāment}}  {{la-decl-2nd-N|adlevāment}}
                              * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

antistita: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:antistita]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

σωληνάριον: No change.


τρόπαιον: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===       ===References===
* {{R:LSJ|tro/paion}}  * {{R:LSJ|tro/paion}}
* {{R:Bailly}}         * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                       * {{R:Bailly}}
[[lt:τρόπαιον]]        [[el:τρόπαιον]]
[[pl:τρόπαιον]]        [[lt:τρόπαιον]]

aratro: No change.


duodennium: No change.


portata: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                        ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|portata est}}                      {{la-verb-form|portata est}}
# {{inflection of|portō||perf|pasv|inf|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|portō||perf|pasv|inf|lang=la}}
[[de:portata]]                                    ===References===
[[el:portata]]                                    * {{R:du Cange}}
[[io:portata]]                                    [[de:portata]]
[[it:portata]]                                    [[el:portata]]
[[li:portata]]                                    [[fr:portata]]
[[mg:portata]]                                    [[io:portata]]
[[pl:portata]]                                    [[it:portata]]
[[ru:portata]]                                    [[li:portata]]
[[fi:portata]]                                    [[mg:portata]]
[[sv:portata]]                                    [[pl:portata]]
[[chr:portata]]                                   [[ru:portata]]

obaudio: No change.


colonus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[de:colonus]]    * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:colonus]]    * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[ko:colonus]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[pt:colonus]]    [[de:colonus]]
[[ru:colonus]]    [[fr:colonus]]
[[vi:colonus]]    [[ko:colonus]]

concertator: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}         * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}     * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                    * {{R:Gaffiot}}

subterreus: No change.


cacator: No change.


timendus: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====      ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-1&2|timend}}  {{la-decl-1&2|timend}}
[[li:timendus]]         ===References===
                        * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

invidens: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

rete: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
----              * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:Peck}}

victoria: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
----              * {{R:Peck}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Persons}}
                  * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

cursa: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                             ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|cursa}}                       {{la-part-form|cursa}}
# {{inflection of|cursus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cursus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cursus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cursus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cursus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cursus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cursus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cursus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|cursus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cursus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|cursā}}                       {{la-part-form|cursā}}
# {{inflection of|cursus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cursus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                         ===References===
                                             * {{R:du Cange}}

negativa: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|negātīva}}                        {{la-adj-form|negātīva}}
# {{inflection of|negātīvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|negātīvus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|negātīvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|negātīvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|negātīvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|negātīvus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|negātīvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|negātīvus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|negātīvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|negātīvus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-adj-form|negātīvā}}                        {{la-adj-form|negātīvā}}
# {{inflection of|negātīvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|negātīvus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
----                                            ===References===
                                                * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

iners: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:iners]]      [[fr:iners]]

consuadeo: No change.


voltur: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====             ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd|voltur|voltur}}  {{la-decl-3rd|voltur|voltur}}
                               * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

aucupator: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                               ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|aucupātor}}                               {{la-verb-form|aucupātor}}
# {{inflection of|aucupor||2|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aucupor||2|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|aucupor||3|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|aucupor||3|s|futr|actv|impr|lang=la}}
[[mg:aucupator]]                                         ===References===
                                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

efflo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

ὄνυμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}       * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Slater}}    * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}    * {{R:Slater}}
[[da:ὄνυμα]]      [[da:ὄνυμα]]
[[el:ὄνυμα]]      [[el:ὄνυμα]]
[[fr:ὄνυμα]]      [[fr:ὄνυμα]]
[[ko:ὄνυμα]]      [[ko:ὄνυμα]]
[[it:ὄνυμα]]      [[it:ὄνυμα]]
[[ru:ὄνυμα]]      [[ru:ὄνυμα]]

addubito: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}
[[ko:addubito]]   [[es:addubito]]
[[ru:addubito]]   [[ko:addubito]]

ὀλεθροφόρος: No change.


Λυσίστρατος: No change.


alienus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}          * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[roa-rup:alienus]]  * {{R:M&A}}
[[es:alienus]]       [[roa-rup:alienus]]
[[fr:alienus]]       [[az:alienus]]
[[ko:alienus]]       [[es:alienus]]
[[hr:alienus]]       [[fr:alienus]]
[[it:alienus]]       [[ko:alienus]]
[[la:alienus]]       [[hr:alienus]]
[[hu:alienus]]       [[it:alienus]]
[[mg:alienus]]       [[la:alienus]]
[[pl:alienus]]       [[hu:alienus]]
[[fi:alienus]]       [[mg:alienus]]

ἕξω: ANCIENT GREEK: References sorted.

===References===                           ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}                         * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Cunliffe}}                           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                             * {{R:Cunliffe}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek verb forms|εξω]]  [[Category:Ancient Greek verb forms|εξω]]
[[el:ἕξω]]                                 [[el:ἕξω]]

superfluens: LATIN: References added.

====Inflection====                ====Inflection====
{{la-decl-3rd-part|superfluēns}}  {{la-decl-3rd-part|superfluēns}}
                                  * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}

bees: LATIN: References added.

===Verb===                                           ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|beēs}}                                {{la-verb-form|beēs}}
# {{inflection of|beō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|beō||2|s|pres|actv|subj|lang=la}}
[[ar:bees]]                                          ===References===
[[ca:bees]]                                          * {{R:PersEnc}}
[[de:bees]]                                          [[ar:bees]]
[[et:bees]]                                          [[ca:bees]]
[[eo:bees]]                                          [[cy:bees]]
[[fr:bees]]                                          [[de:bees]]
[[io:bees]]                                          [[et:bees]]
[[ku:bees]]                                          [[eo:bees]]
[[li:bees]]                                          [[fr:bees]]
[[hu:bees]]                                          [[io:bees]]
[[mg:bees]]                                          [[ku:bees]]
[[ml:bees]]                                          [[li:bees]]
[[my:bees]]                                          [[hu:bees]]
[[nah:bees]]                                         [[mg:bees]]
[[nl:bees]]                                          [[ml:bees]]
[[no:bees]]                                          [[my:bees]]
[[sm:bees]]                                          [[nah:bees]]
[[simple:bees]]                                      [[nl:bees]]
[[fi:bees]]                                          [[no:bees]]
[[sv:bees]]                                          [[sm:bees]]
[[ta:bees]]                                          [[simple:bees]]
[[th:bees]]                                          [[fi:bees]]
[[tr:bees]]                                          [[sv:bees]]

Ἀηνόβαρβος: No change.


decrepitus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:Century 1911|decrepit}}  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                               * {{R:Century 1911|decrepit}}

granum: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[co:granum]]     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:granum]]     [[co:granum]]
[[id:granum]]     [[el:granum]]
[[mg:granum]]     [[fr:granum]]
[[pl:granum]]     [[id:granum]]
[[ru:granum]]     [[mg:granum]]
[[ta:granum]]     [[pl:granum]]
[[chr:granum]]    [[ru:granum]]
[[zh:granum]]     [[ta:granum]]

Ἀκεσίνης: No change.


ἑσπέρα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===         ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]        * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|2073}}  * {{R:Slater}}
                         * {{R:Strong's|G|2073}}
{{C|grc|Times of day}}   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * [[w:BDAG|BDAG]]
[[de:ἑσπέρα]]            {{C|grc|Times of day}}
[[fr:ἑσπέρα]]            [[af:ἑσπέρα]]
[[ko:ἑσπέρα]]            [[de:ἑσπέρα]]
[[lt:ἑσπέρα]]            [[el:ἑσπέρα]]
[[mg:ἑσπέρα]]            [[fr:ἑσπέρα]]
[[pl:ἑσπέρα]]            [[ko:ἑσπέρα]]
[[ru:ἑσπέρα]]            [[lt:ἑσπέρα]]
[[tr:ἑσπέρα]]            [[mg:ἑσπέρα]]

infecunde: No change.


γραφικός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===                                               ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}                                                    * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}                                                 * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}                                                    * {{R:Bailly}}
                                                               * {{R:DGE}}
[[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -ικός|γραφικος]]  
                                                               [[Category:Ancient Greek words suffixed with -ικός|γραφικος]]

manifesto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}

biremis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[fr:biremis]]    * {{R:Peck}}
[[fi:biremis]]    * {{R:Smith's Antiquities}}

circulus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[ar:circulus]]   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[de:circulus]]   [[ar:circulus]]
[[el:circulus]]   [[az:circulus]]
[[fr:circulus]]   [[de:circulus]]
[[lo:circulus]]   [[el:circulus]]
[[hu:circulus]]   [[fr:circulus]]
[[mg:circulus]]   [[lo:circulus]]
[[ru:circulus]]   [[hu:circulus]]
[[chr:circulus]]  [[mg:circulus]]

operariae: LATIN: References added.

===Adjective===                                 ===Adjective===
{{la-adj-form|operāriae}}                       {{la-adj-form|operāriae}}
# {{inflection of|operārius||nom|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|operārius||nom|f|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|operārius||gen|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|operārius||gen|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|operārius||dat|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|operārius||dat|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|operārius||voc|f|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|operārius||voc|f|p|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

potrix: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:NLW}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:NLW}}

extero: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[pl:extero]]     [[fr:extero]]
[[ru:extero]]     [[pl:extero]]

membranarius: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:du Cange}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

dulce: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

tingis: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===Verb===                                             ===Verb===
{{la-verb-form|tingis}}                                {{la-verb-form|tingis}}
# {{inflection of|tingō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tingō||2|s|pres|actv|indc|lang=la}}
----                                                   ===References===
                                                       * {{R:Peck}}
                                                       * {{R:Smith's Geography}}

telo: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|tēlō}}                     {{la-noun-form|tēlō}}
# {{inflection of|tēlum||dat|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tēlum||dat|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|tēlum||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|tēlum||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

appeto: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:appeto]]     [[el:appeto]]
[[ko:appeto]]     [[fr:appeto]]
[[la:appeto]]     [[ko:appeto]]
[[mg:appeto]]     [[la:appeto]]

sinu: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|sinū}}                     {{la-noun-form|sinū}}
# {{inflection of|sinus||abl|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|sinus||abl|s|lang=la}}
----                                      ===References===
                                          * {{R:du Cange}}

Ἰαπυγία: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}  * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
                        * {{R:Woodhouse|1013}}

μεστός: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}        * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}     * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}  * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's}}   * {{R:Strong's}}
                   * {{R:Woodhouse}}
[[lt:μεστός]]      [[el:μεστός]]

abominatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===               ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}                    * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}                * {{R:du Cange}}
                               * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[Category:Latin noun forms]]  
                               [[Category:Latin noun forms]]
[[de:abominatio]]              [[cs:abominatio]]
[[fr:abominatio]]              [[de:abominatio]]
[[it:abominatio]]              [[fr:abominatio]]
[[mg:abominatio]]              [[it:abominatio]]
[[pl:abominatio]]              [[mg:abominatio]]
[[ru:abominatio]]              [[pl:abominatio]]
[[ta:abominatio]]              [[ru:abominatio]]

opertura: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                                ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|opertūra}}                       {{la-part-form|opertūra}}
# {{inflection of|opertūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opertūrus||nom|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|opertūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opertūrus||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|opertūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opertūrus||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|opertūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opertūrus||voc|f|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|opertūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opertūrus||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
{{la-part-form|opertūrā}}                       {{la-part-form|opertūrā}}
# {{inflection of|opertūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|opertūrus||abl|f|s|lang=la}}
                                                * {{R:du Cange}}

lectiones: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                                 ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|lēctiōnēs}}                 {{la-noun-form|lēctiōnēs}}
# {{inflection of|lēctiō||nom|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lēctiō||nom|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lēctiō||acc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lēctiō||acc|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|lēctiō||voc|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|lēctiō||voc|p|lang=la}}
[[fr:lectiones]]                           ===References===
                                           * {{R:du Cange}}

effectum: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                               ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|effectum}}                      {{la-part-form|effectum}}
# {{inflection of|effectus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|effectus||nom|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|effectus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|effectus||acc|m|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|effectus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|effectus||acc|n|s|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|effectus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|effectus||voc|n|s|lang=la}}
[[es:effectum]]                                ===References===
[[fr:effectum]]                                * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
[[mg:effectum]]                                * {{R:du Cange}}

palpantia: LATIN: References added.

===Participle===                              ===Participle===
{{la-part-form|palpāntia}}                    {{la-part-form|palpāntia}}
# {{inflection of|palpāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palpāns||nom|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palpāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palpāns||acc|n|p|lang=la}}
# {{inflection of|palpāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|palpāns||voc|n|p|lang=la}}
                                              * {{R:du Cange}}

laedo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:laedo]]      [[cs:laedo]]
[[ko:laedo]]      [[fr:laedo]]
[[hu:laedo]]      [[ko:laedo]]
[[pl:laedo]]      [[hu:laedo]]

fortificatio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===     ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}          * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}      * {{R:du Cange}}
                     * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[mg:fortificatio]]  [[fr:fortificatio]]
[[ja:fortificatio]]  [[mg:fortificatio]]
[[ru:fortificatio]]  [[ja:fortificatio]]
[[zh:fortificatio]]  [[ru:fortificatio]]

obstupesco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===   ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}        * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}    * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                   * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:obstupesco]]  [[de:obstupesco]]

iussio: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===    ===References===
* {{R:L&S|jussĭo}}  * {{R:L&S|jussĭo}}
                    * {{R:du Cange}}

jugalitas: No change.


silurus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

βάπτισμα: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

===References===        ===References===
* {{R:LSJ}}             * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Bailly}}          * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:DGE}}             * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|908}}  * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:BDAG}}            * {{R:DGE}}
* {{R:LBG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|908}}
                        * {{R:LBG}}

perseco: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}
[[ko:perseco]]    [[fr:perseco]]
[[ru:perseco]]    [[ko:perseco]]

depositus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:du Cange}}
[[fr:depositus]]  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

similaris: No change.


obdo: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
                  * {{R:Gaffiot}}

cortum: LATIN: References added.

===Noun===                               ===Noun===
{{la-noun-form|cortum}}                  {{la-noun-form|cortum}}
# {{inflection of|cors||gen|p|lang=la}}  # {{inflection of|cors||gen|p|lang=la}}
[[mg:cortum]]                            ===References===
                                         * {{R:du Cange}}

perceptus: LATIN: References added. References sorted.

===References===  ===References===
* {{R:L&S}}       * {{R:L&S}}
* {{R:Gaffiot}}   * {{R:Elementary Lewis}}
* {{R:M&A}}       * {{R:Gaffiot}}
                  * {{R:M&A}}
[[fr:perceptus]]  [[el:perceptus]]
[[mg:perceptus]]  [[fr:perceptus]]

νόσος: ANCIENT GREEK: References added. References sorted.

====References====       ====References====
* {{R:LSJ}}              * {{R:LSJ}}
* {{R:Autenrieth}}       * {{R:Middle Liddell}}
* {{R:Slater}}           * {{R:Autenrieth}}
* {{R:Bailly}}           * {{R:Bailly}}
* {{R:Woodhouse}}        * {{R:BDAG}}
* {{R:Strong's|G|3554}}  * {{R:Slater}}
* {{R:BDAG}}             * {{R:Strong's|G|3554}}
* {{R:LBG}}              * {{R:LBG}}
* {{LSJ}}                * {{R:Woodhouse}}
                         * {{LSJ}}