User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-p
pa {interj} [familiar] | :: bye |
pa pa {interj} | :: bye-bye |
pac {m anim} [dialectal] | :: A large rat (rodent) |
pac {interj} [Cieszyn Silesia] | :: plunk, thud, flump (sound) |
pacan {m pers} [derogatory] | :: fool |
pacanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pacać |
pacha {f} [anatomy] | :: armpit |
pachnący {adj} | :: scented, fragrant, redolent |
pachnidło {n} [dated] | :: perfume |
pachnieć {vi impf} | :: to smell |
pachnienie {n} | :: verbal noun of pachnieć |
pachnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pachnąć |
pacholę {n} [obsolete] | :: boy |
pacholę {n} | :: squire, page (young male attendant to a high-ranking person) |
pachołek {m inan} | :: bollard |
pachołek {m pers} | :: henchman, minion, stooge, flunkey, lackey |
pachwina {f} [anatomy] | :: groin |
pachwina {f} [botany] | :: axil |
pachwinowy {adj} | :: inguinal (of or pertaining to the groin) |
pacierz {m inan} [Christianity] | :: Lord's Prayer, Our Father, paternoster |
pacierz {m inan} [Christianity, colloquial] | :: prayer |
pacierz {m inan} [dated] | :: spine |
pacierz {m inan} [colloquial] | :: approximately 25 seconds |
paciorek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pacierz (prayer) |
paciorek {m inan} | :: bead (small round object, usually with a hole) |
paciorkowiec {m anim} | :: streptococcus |
paciorkowiec {m inan} | :: brown alga of the genus Cystoseira |
pacjent {m pers} | :: patient |
pacjentka {f} | :: feminine noun of pacjent |
packa {f} | :: flyswatter (device for swatting flies) |
pacnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pacnąć |
Pacyfik {prop} {m inan} | :: Pacific Ocean |
pacyfista {m pers} | :: pacifist |
pacyfistka {f} | :: female pacifist |
pacyfistycznie {adv} | :: pacifistically; in a pacifistic manner |
pacyfistyczny {adj} | :: pacifist, pacifistic |
pacyfizm {m inan} | :: pacifism |
pacynka {f} | :: hand puppet, glove puppet |
pacynkowy {adj} [relational] | :: hand puppet, glove puppet |
paczka {f} | :: package, parcel |
paczka {f} | :: bunch (an informal body of friends) |
paczka {f} [computing, colloquial] | :: package (specially prepared software) |
paczuszka {f} | :: diminutive of paczka |
paczyć {vt impf} | :: to warp, buckle, distort |
paczyć {vr impf} | :: to warp |
Pad {prop} {m} | :: Pad (river) |
padaczka {f} | :: epilepsy |
padaczkowy {adj} | :: epileptic |
padać {v impf} | :: to fall (move downwards under the effect of gravity) |
padać {v impf} | :: to fall, to be defeated |
padać {v impf} | :: to rain |
padać {v impf} | :: to be mentioned, to be brought up, to be asked |
padać {v impf} [chiefly of animals] | :: to die |
padać {v impf} [hyperbole, colloquial] | :: to be very tired |
padać {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to break (stop fuctionning) |
padalec {m anim} | :: slowworm (lizard of the genus Anguis) |
padalec {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: A despicable person |
padanie {n} | :: verbal noun of padać |
padlina {f} | :: carrion |
padlinożerca {m anim} | :: scavenger (carrion-eating animal) |
padlinożerny {adj} | :: carrion-eating, necrophagous |
padnięty {adj} [proscribed, colloquial] | :: worn out, very tired (of a person) |
padnięty {adj} [proscribed, colloquial] | :: out of battery, discharged (of a device) |
padnięty {adj} [proscribed, colloquial] | :: broken, not working (of a device) |
padół {m inan} [dated, literary] | :: valley, vale |
padół {m inan} [figuratively] | :: Earth |
Padwa {prop} {f} | :: Padwa (city) |
paella {f} | :: paella |
pagoda {f} | :: pagoda |
pagór {m inan} | :: augmentative of pagórek |
pagórek {m inan} | :: hillock, hummock, knoll |
pajac {m anim} [dated] | :: puppet; doll |
pajac {m anim} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: clown; person that can't be taken seriously |
pajacyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of pajac |
pajączek {m anim} | :: diminutive of pająk |
pająk {m anim} | :: spider |
pajda {f} [colloquial] | :: doorstep (big slice of bread) |
pajdka {f} | :: diminutive of pajda |
pajęczak {m anim} | :: arachnid |
pajęczy {adj} [relational] | :: spider (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of spiders) |
pajęczyca {f} | :: A female spider |
pajęczyna {f} | :: spiderweb |
pajęczynka {f} | :: diminutive of pajęczyna |
pajunk {m anim} [regional] | :: alternative form of pająk |
paka {f} | :: augmentative of paczka |
paka {f} [colloquial] | :: slammer (prison) |
paka {f} [colloquial] | :: semi-trailer (trailer without a front axle) |
paka {f} [colloquial] | :: hundred (banknote) |
paka {f} | :: paca (any rodent of the genus Cuniculus) |
paka {f} | :: Paka (Sepik language) |
pakiet {m inan} | :: pack (bundle to be carried) |
pakiet {m inan} | :: A number of things |
pakiet {m inan} | :: package (something consisting of components) |
Pakistan {prop} {m} | :: Pakistan |
Pakistanka {f} | :: a female Pakistani |
Pakistańczyk {m pers} | :: a male Pakistani |
pakistański {adj} | :: Pakistani |
pakować {v impf} | :: to package |
pakować {v impf} [slang] | :: to work out (exercise) |
pakt {m inan} [politics] | :: pact |
pakuła {f} [usually plural] | :: tow; short fibers of wool, hemp, etc |
pakuneczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pakunek |
pakunek {m inan} | :: package |
pal {m inan} | :: stake (piece of wood) |
pal {m inan} | :: pile (for the support of a building) |
pal go sześć {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: never mind |
pal sześć {phrase} | :: alternative form of pal go sześć |
palacz {m pers} | :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually) |
palacz {m pers} | :: stoker (person who stokes, especially one on a steamship who stokes coal in the boilers) |
palaczka {f} | :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually) |
palajski {adj} | :: Palaic |
palant {m anim} | :: a game similar to baseball, played with a wooden bat and a rubber ball |
palant {m anim} | :: bat used to play the game |
palant {m pers} [derogatory] | :: dummy; idiot |
palarnia {f} | :: smoking room |
palatalizacja {f} | :: palatalization |
Palau {prop} {n} | :: Palau |
Palau {prop} {n} | :: City in Italy |
palcat {m inan} | :: backsword, crop |
palcat {m inan} [archaic] | :: cudgel, club |
palcówka {f} | :: fingering (sexual act) |
palcówka {f} | :: kind of Polish sausage |
palcówka {f} | :: error made while writing on a keyboard |
palcówka {f} | :: medieval brick type |
palcówka {f} | :: a way of playing string instruments |
palec {m inan} | :: finger |
palec {m inan} | :: toe |
palemka {f} | :: diminutive of palma |
palenie {n} | :: verbal noun of palić |
palenie {n} | :: burning (the state of something being burnt) |
palenie {n} | :: smoking (e.g., of cigarettes, of tobacco) |
palenisko {n} | :: hearth, fireplace |
paleolit {m inan} | :: Paleolithic (a period that lasted from two and a half million years ago to 10,000 BC; the Old Stone Age) |
paleontolog {m pers} | :: paleontologist |
paleontolog {f} | :: paleontologist |
paleontologia {f} | :: paleontology |
Palestyna {prop} {f} | :: Palestine |
Palestynka {f} | :: Palestinian (woman) |
Palestyńczyk {m pers} | :: Palestinian (man) |
palestyński {noun} | :: Palestinian |
pali {n} | :: Pali (language) |
palić {v impf} | :: to heat a dwelling by burning fuel |
palić {v impf} | :: to smoke (e.g. a cigarette) |
palić {v impf} | :: to sear, to burn, to cause a burning sensation |
palić {v impf} [by extension] | :: to have a hot, spicy taste |
palić {v impf} [colloquial] | :: of a motor vehicle: to burn, to consume fuel |
palić {vr impf} | :: to burn; to be consumed by fire |
palić {vr impf} | :: of light: to be on |
palić {vr impf} | :: to be eager [+ do (object) = gen = for something] |
palimpsest {m inan} | :: palimpsest |
palindrom {m inan} | :: palindrome |
palisada {f} | :: palisade |
paliwo {n} | :: fuel |
paliwoda {m pers} [obsolete] | :: A thoughtless, irresponsible person |
paliwoda {m pers} [obsolete] | :: A liar |
paliwooszczędny {adj} | :: fuel-efficient |
paliwożerny {adj} | :: gas-guzzling |
pallad {m inan} | :: palladium (chemical element) |
palma {f} | :: palm tree |
palmiarnia {f} [horticulture] | :: palmhouse |
palmojad {m anim} | :: palm-nut vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) |
palmowy {adj} [relational] | :: palm tree |
Palmyra {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Palmyra |
Palmyrena {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Palmyrena |
palmyreński {adj} | :: Palmyrene (of, from or relating to ancient Palmyra or the country of which it was the capital) |
palnik {m inan} | :: blowtorch, burner |
palny {adj} | :: combustible |
palto {n} | :: greatcoat, topcoat |
paluch {m inan} | :: augmentative of palec |
paluch {m inan} | :: big toe, hallux |
pał {m inan} [dialectal] | :: extreme heat |
pała {f} | :: augmentative of pałka |
pała {f} | :: club, staff (weapon) |
pała {f} [colloquial] | :: F or E (a failing grade in a class or course) |
pała {f} [colloquial] | :: head |
pała {f} [slang] | :: cock; penis |
pała {f} [slang] | :: cop |
pałac {m inan} | :: palace |
pałasz {m inan} | :: broadsword, backsword |
pałasz {m anim} | :: scabbardfish, hairtail |
pałaszować {v impf} | :: to fill one's face; to eat something quickly and with pleasure |
pałączek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pałąk |
pałąk {m inan} | :: arch |
pałąk {m inan} [bladed weapons] | :: handguard |
pałeczka {f} | :: diminutive of pałka |
pałeczka {f} | :: bacillus |
pałeczka {f} | :: chopstick |
pałętać {vr impf} [colloquial] | :: to wander aimlessly; to drift |
pałętać {vr impf} [colloquial] | :: to get in the way; to be in the way |
pałętanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pałętać |
pałężyna {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Corynocarpus |
pałka {f} | :: cudgel, club |
pałka {f} | :: truncheon, baton |
pałka {f} | :: cattail (any plant of the genus Typha) |
pałować {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to club someone |
pałuba {f} [obsolete] | :: A primitive doll, puppet, or figurine |
pałuba {f} [obsolete] | :: Someone resembling such a doll; a gawky-looking person |
pałuba {f} [obsolete] | :: A cart/wagon cover |
pałuba {f} [obsolete] | :: A covered cart or wagon |
pamiątka {f} | :: souvenir |
pamięć {f} | :: memory |
pamięć podręczna {f} [computing] | :: cache |
pamiętać {v impf} | :: to remember; to recall |
pamiętliwy {adj} | :: likely to hold a grudge, vindictive |
pamiętniczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pamiętnik |
pamiętnik {m inan} | :: diary, memoir |
pamiętny {adj} | :: memorable |
Pamir {prop} {m} | :: Pamir (mountain range) |
pan {m pers} | :: gentleman, man |
pan {m pers} | :: master, teacher |
pan {m pers} | :: lord |
pan {m pers} | :: Mr, mister |
pan {pron} | :: you (polite second person {m}-personal nominative, it takes verbs as third-person {s} form) |
Pan {prop} {m} | :: Pan |
Pan {m pers} | :: Lord |
pan młody {m pers} | :: bridegroom |
pan na zagrodzie równy wojewodzie {proverb} [historical] | :: every member of the szlachta (Polish nobility) has equal rights, regardless of his wealth |
pan na zagrodzie równy wojewodzie {proverb} [pejorative] | :: the owner can do whatever he wants with his property, disregarding the opinion of others |
pan władza {m pers} [chiefly in vocative case] | :: A term of address used for policemen; officer, sir |
pana {pron} | :: your (formal, to male) |
pana {f} [Upper Silesia and Poznań] | :: flat tire |
panaceum {n} [medicine] | :: panacea (remedy believed to cure all disease) |
panaceum {n} | :: panacea (something that will solve all problems) |
Panama {prop} {f} | :: Panama (country) |
Panama {prop} {f} | :: Panama (caplc) |
Panamczyk {m pers} | :: A male Panamanian (person from Panama or of Panamanian descent) |
Panamka {f} | :: A female Panamanian (person from Panama or of Panamanian descent) |
panamski {adj} | :: Panamanian |
pancernik {m anim} | :: armadillo (mammal) |
pancernik {m inan} | :: battleship |
pancerz {m inan} | :: armour (protective gear worn by a human) |
pancerz {m inan} | :: armour (natural protection possessed by an animal) |
panda {f} | :: panda |
pandeiro {n} | :: pandeiro |
pandeista {m pers} | :: pandeist |
pandeizm {m inan} | :: Pandeism |
pandemia {f} | :: pandemic |
pandemiczny {adj} [relational] | :: pandemic |
Pandora {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora |
panenteizm {m inan} | :: Panenthiesm |
panewka {f} [skeleton] | :: socket (of a joint) |
panewka {f} [firearms] | :: flash pan |
Pangea {prop} {f} | :: Pangaea (supercontinent prior to Triassic) |
pani {f} | :: woman |
pani {f} | :: Mrs or Lady |
pani {pron} | :: you (polite second person {f} nominative, it takes verbs as third-person {s} form) |
pani {pron} | :: your (formal, to female) |
panieński {adj} [relational] | :: maiden, maid |
panieństwo {n} | :: maidhood, maidenhood (condition of being a maid or maiden) |
panieństwo {n} [dated] | :: virginity |
panierka {f} [cooking] | :: coating, batter (beaten mixture of flour and liquid) |
panika {f} | :: panic |
panikować {v impf} | :: to panic |
panna {f} | :: unmarried woman |
panna {f} | :: Miss |
panna {f} [archaic] | :: female virgin |
Panna {prop} {f} | :: the Virgin, in particular Virgin Mary |
Panna {prop} {f} [zodiac constellations] | :: Virgo, a constellation |
Panna {prop} {f} [astrology] | :: Virgo, an astrological sign |
Panna {f} | :: Someone with a Virgo star sign |
panna młoda {f} | :: bride |
Panonia {prop} {f} | :: Pannonia |
panorama {f} | :: panorama |
panorama {f} | :: skyline |
panować {v impf} | :: to be widespread; to prevail (of a condition, idea, etc.) |
panować {v impf} | :: to be in control [+ nad (object) = ins = of something] |
panować {v impf} | :: to rule; to reign [+ nad (object) = ins = over something] |
panpsychizm {m inan} [philosophy] | :: panpsychism |
panseksualista {m pers} | :: pansexual man |
panseksualistka {f} | :: pansexual woman |
panseksualizm {m inan} | :: pansexuality |
panseksualnie {adv} | :: pansexually; in a pansexual manner |
panseksualność {f} | :: pansexuality |
panseksualny {adj} | :: pansexual |
panslawizm {m inan} | :: Pan-Slavism |
panteista {m pers} | :: pantheist |
panteizm {m inan} | :: Pantheism |
panteon {m inan} [mythology] | :: pantheon (all the gods of a particular religion) |
panteon {m inan} | :: pantheon (temple dedicated to all the gods) |
panteon {m inan} | :: pantheon (category or classification denoting the most honored persons of a group) |
pantera mglista {f} | :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) |
pantera szara {f} | :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) |
pantofel {m inan} | :: slipper (low shoe slipped on and off easily) |
pantofel {m inan} | :: henpecked man, pussywhipped man |
pantoflarz {m pers} [colloquial] | :: henpecked man, pussywhipped man |
pantograf {m inan} | :: pantograph (device that collects electric current from overhead lines) |
pantograf {m inan} | :: pantograph (mechanical drawing aid) |
pantomima {f} | :: pantomime, mime (form of acting without words) |
pańskie oko konia tuczy {proverb} | :: a business is more successful when supervised by its owner |
państwo {n} | :: state, country (sovereign polity) |
państwo {p} | :: ladies and gentlemen |
państwo {p} | :: Mr. and Mrs. |
państwo {p} | :: heads of household |
państwo {pron} | :: you to mixed gender group (polite second person nominative {m} {p}, used with verbs in third-person {p}) |
państwowy {adj} [relational] | :: state, national |
papa {f} | :: tar paper |
papaja {f} | :: papaya (fruit) |
papamobile {n} | :: Popemobile |
papeć {m inan} [colloquial] | :: house slipper |
papeć {m inan} [Poznań] | :: old shoe |
papeć {m inan} [Poznań] | :: shoe |
papier {m inan} | :: paper (material) |
papier {m inan} [colloquial] | :: document, especially diploma, certification, or proof |
papierek {m inan} | :: piece of paper |
papierek {m inan} | :: wrapping (especially of a small object) |
papiernia {f} | :: paper mill |
papieros {m anim} | :: cigarette |
papierosek {m anim} | :: diminutive of papieros |
papierośnica {f} | :: cigarette case |
papierowy {adj} | :: paper |
papiery {mp} [colloquial] | :: papers; official documents |
papieski {adj} [relational] | :: papal (pertaining to the pope or the papacy) |
papież {m pers} [Roman Catholicism] | :: pope (head of Roman Catholic Church) |
papieżyca {f} | :: popess (hypothetical female pope) |
papirus {m inan} | :: papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) |
papirus {m inan} | :: papyrus (material similar to paper) |
papirus {m inan} | :: papyrus (scroll or document written on papyrus) |
papla {m pers} {f} | :: chatterbox (someone who chats or talks to excess) |
papla {m pers} {f} | :: blabbermouth (someone who is unable to keep a secret) |
paplać {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to chatter; to blab; to babble; to natter; to jabber |
paplanina {f} [colloquial] | :: prattle, jabber, twitter, babble, tattle |
papranie {n} | :: verbal noun of paprać |
paproch {m inan} | :: speck, particle |
paproch {m inan} [fishing] | :: soft plastic bait |
paproć {f} | :: fern |
paproszek {m inan} | :: diminutive of paproch |
paprotka {f} | :: polypody (any fern of the genus Polypodium) |
paprotka {f} | :: diminutive of paproć |
paprotnica {f} | :: Any fern of the genus Cystopteris |
paprotnik {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Polystichum |
paprotnik {m inan} [usually plural] | :: pteridophyte |
papryka {f} | :: pepper (as in red, green, yellow pepper) |
papryka {f} | :: paprika (spice) |
paprykarz {m inan} [cooking] | :: paprikash (paprika-based meat stew) |
paprykowy {adj} | :: paprika |
Papua-Nowa Gwinea {prop} {f} | :: Papua New Guinea |
papuga {f} | :: parrot (bird) |
papuzi {adj} [relational] | :: parrot |
papużka {f} | :: diminutive of papuga |
papużka falista {f} | :: budgerigar |
par excellence {adv} | :: par excellence (most excellently) |
para- {prefix} | :: para- (resembling) |
para {f} [uncountable] | :: steam, water in gaseous phase |
para {f} [uncountable] | :: breath |
para {f} | :: couple (two partners in a romantic relationship) |
para {f} | :: pair (two objects) |
para uporządkowana {f} [mathematics] | :: ordered pair |
parabola {f} [geometry] | :: parabola |
parabola {f} | :: parable |
parada {f} | :: parade (organized procession) |
parada {f} [military] | :: parade (assembling of troops for inspection or to receive orders) |
paradoks {m inan} | :: paradox |
paradoksalny {adj} | :: paradoxical |
paradokument {m inan} [television] | :: pseudodocumentary |
paradygmat {m inan} | :: paradigm (model or example) |
paradygmat {m inan} [linguistics] | :: paradigm |
parafia {f} [Christianity] | :: parish (part of a diocese) |
parafianin {m pers} | :: parishioner |
paragon {m inan} | :: receipt (written acknowledgement that a specified article or sum of money has been received) |
paragraf {m inan} | :: article (a section of a legal document) |
Paragwaj {prop} {m inan} | :: Paragwaj (country) |
Paragwajczyk {m pers} | :: Paraguayan (person) |
Paragwajka {f} | :: Paraguayan (female person) |
paragwajski {adj} | :: Paraguayan |
paralaksa {f} | :: parallax (apparent shift in the position of two stationary objects relative to each other as viewed by an observer, due to a change in observer position) |
paralaktyczny {adj} [relational] | :: parallactic |
paraliż {m inan} [pathology] | :: paralysis, palsy (loss of muscle control) |
paraliż {m inan} | :: paralysis (state of being inable to act) |
parametr {m inan} [sciences] | :: parameter |
parametr {m inan} [computing] | :: parameter |
paranoik {m pers} | :: paranoiac |
paranoja {f} | :: paranoia |
parapet {m inan} | :: sill, windowsill |
parapetówa {f} | :: augmentative of parapetówka |
parapetówka {f} | :: house warming (party) |
parapsychologia {f} | :: parapsychology |
parapsychologiczny {adj} | :: parapsychological |
parasol {m inan} | :: umbrella (used to protect against the sun or rain) |
parasolka {f} | :: lady's umbrella (used to protect against the sun or rain) |
parawan {m inan} | :: folding screen, windbreak |
parawan {m inan} [nautical] | :: paravane (device for cutting the moorings of mines) |
parcela {f} | :: parcel (division of land) |
parch {m inan} | :: scab; a fungal disease of plants and the lesions it causes |
parch {m anim} [ethnic slur, dated] | :: kike |
parcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeć |
parcie na szkło {n} [colloquial, somewhat, pejorative] | :: craving for media attention; media whoring |
parecznik {m anim} | :: centipede, chilopod |
pareidolia {f} | :: pareidolia (tendency to interpret vague stimuli as something familiar) |
pareo {n} | :: pareo |
parestezja {f} [symptom] | :: paresthesia |
parę {num} | :: a couple of |
parias {m pers} | :: pariah |
park {m inan} | :: park (e.g., a ground for recreation in a city or town) |
park {m inan} [obsolete] | :: A scent released by goats, deer, or hares during breeding periods |
park {m inan} [obsolete] | :: Breeding period of goats, deer, or hares |
parka {f} | :: diminutive of para |
parka {f} [rare] | :: diminutive of para |
parka {f} | :: parka (heavy weatherproof jacket) |
parka {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Parca (one of the Fates) |
parking {m inan} | :: car park |
parkot {m inan} | :: A scent released by certain animals during breeding periods |
parkoty {p} | :: breeding season of hares |
parkować {vt impf} | :: to park (e.g. a car) |
parkowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of parkować |
parlament {m inan} | :: parliament |
parlamentarzysta {m pers} | :: Member of Parliament |
parlamentarzystka {f} | :: female Member of Parliament |
parmezan {m inan} | :: parmesan cheese (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma) |
Parnawa {prop} {f} | :: Parnawa (city) |
parnik {m inan} | :: fairy bell (any plant of the genus Disporum) |
parno {adv} | :: sultrily |
parny {adj} | :: muggy, sultry (hot and humid) |
parobas {m pers} | :: augmentative of parobek |
parobas {m pers} [derogatory] | :: uncultured person |
parobek {m pers} [historical] | :: farmworker, farmhand |
parobek {m pers} [derogatory] | :: lackey |
parociąg {m inan} | :: steampipe |
parodia {f} | :: parody |
paronim {m inan} | :: paronym |
parostatek {m inan} | :: steamboat, steamship |
parować {vi impf} | :: to steam (to produce or vent steam) |
parowiec {m inan} | :: steamboat |
parowozownia {f} | :: engine shed, place where steam locomotives are housed and undergo maintenance |
parowóz {m inan} | :: steam locomotive |
paroząb {m inan} | :: Any moss of the genus Didymodon |
parów {m inan} | :: gorge, arroyo, gully; a small canyon |
parówka {f} | :: Vienna sausage (as in hot dogs) |
parskać {vi impf} | :: to sputter, to splutter |
parskać {vi impf} | :: to snort |
parskać {vi impf} | :: to snicker |
parst {m inan} [obsolete] | :: finger |
parszywy {adj} | :: lousy; sleazy |
parszywy {adj} [rare] | :: scabby; mangy |
partacz {m pers} [pejorative] | :: botcher, bungler |
partacz {m pers} [archaic] | :: In the Middle Ages, an artisan who was not a member of any guild |
partacz {m pers} [archaic] | :: repairer |
parter {m inan} | :: ground floor |
partia {f} | :: party (political group) |
partia {f} | :: batch [e.g., of merchandise] |
partia {f} | :: match (one round of a game, e.g. chess, tennis) |
partner {m pers} | :: partner (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) |
partner {m pers} | :: partner (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner) |
partner {m pers} | :: equal (someone of equal status to others) |
partnerka {f} | :: female partner (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) |
partnerka {f} | :: female partner (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner) |
partnerka {f} | :: female equal (someone of equal status to others) |
partnerować {vi impf} | :: to partner |
partnerować {vi impf} | :: to co-star |
partnerski {adj} [relational] | :: partnership |
partnersko {adv} | :: In a manner akin to that of a partnership |
partnerstwo {n} | :: partnership (state of being associated with a partner) |
partykuła {f} | :: particle (part of speech) |
partyzant {m pers} | :: partisan, guerrilla |
partyzantka {f} | :: female guerrilla, partisan |
partyzantka {f} [colloquial] | :: guerrilla warfare |
parweniusz {m pers} [pejorative, dated] | :: parvenu, nouveau riche |
pary {fp} | :: vapor |
paryski {adj} | :: Parisian (of, from or pertaining to Paris in France) |
parytet {m inan} | :: parity, equality of value |
parytet {m inan} | :: gender quota |
parytet {m inan} | :: peg, fixed exchange rate of a currency |
Paryż {prop} {m inan} | :: Paryż (caplc) |
parzoch {m inan} | :: A liverwort of the genus Porella |
parzydełko {n} | :: cnidocyte |
parzydełkowiec {m anim} | :: cnidarian, animal belonging to the phylum Cnidaria |
parzydło {n} | :: goatsbeard, goat's-beard (any plant of the genus Aruncus) |
parzystokopytne {p} | :: Artiodactyla |
parzystokopytny {adj} | :: even-toed ungulate |
parzystokopytny {m anim} | :: An animal belonging to the order Artiodactyla; an even-toed ungulate |
parzysty {adj} [mathematics] | :: even (of a number, of a function, of a permutation) |
parzysty {adj} | :: occurring in pairs |
pas {m inan} | :: belt |
pas {m inan} [heraldry] | :: fess |
pas {m inan} [in card games] | :: pass |
pas {m inan} | :: pas, step |
Pas Kuipera {m inan} [astronomy] | :: Kuiper belt |
pas startowy {f} | :: airstrip |
pasat {m inan} | :: trade wind |
pasażer {m pers} | :: passenger |
pasażerka {f} | :: female passenger |
pasażerski {adj} [relational] | :: passenger |
pasek {m inan} | :: belt (band worn around the waist), strap |
pasek {m inan} | :: stripe |
pasek rozrządu {m inan} | :: timing belt |
pasemko {n} | :: diminutive of pasmo |
pasemko {n} | :: strand, ribbon |
paser {m pers} | :: fence; receiver (one who buys and trades stolen goods) |
paserstwo {n} | :: handling (trade of stolen goods) |
pasibrzuch {m pers} [derogatory] | :: A voracious and lazy person; a glutton |
pasiecznik {m pers} | :: beekeeper, apiarist |
pasiecznik {m inan} [obsolete] | :: apiary |
pasieczny {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to an apiary |
pasieczny {m pers} [archaic] | :: beekeeper, apiarist |
pasieka {f} | :: apiary |
pasieka {f} [dialectal] | :: An enclosure or pen for horses |
pasienie {n} | :: verbal noun of paść |
pasierb {m pers} | :: stepson |
pasierbica {f} | :: stepdaughter |
pasikonik {m anim} | :: Any katydid of the genus Tettigonia |
pasja {f} | :: passion (intense emotion) |
pasjans {m anim} [card games] | :: solitaire, patience |
paskal {m inan} | :: pascal (unit of pressure and stress) |
paskosuseł {m anim} | :: Any ground squirrel of the genus Ictidomys |
paskowiec {m anim} | :: barred hawk (Morphnarchus princeps) |
paskuda {f} [dialectal] | :: harm |
paskuda {f} [colloquial] | :: A scoundrel; a repulsive person |
paskuda {f} [colloquial] | :: Someone who is very unattractive |
paskuda {m pers} [colloquial] | :: A scoundrel; a repulsive person |
paskuda {m pers} [colloquial] | :: Someone who is very unattractive |
paskudnie {adv} | :: repulsively, terribly, hideously |
paskudniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of paskudny |
paskudny {adj} | :: ugly, repulsive |
paskudny {adj} | :: unbearable, terrible, annoying |
pasmanteria {f} | :: haberdashery (ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods sold in a haberdasher's shop) |
pasmanteria {f} | :: haberdashery (shop selling such goods) |
pasmanteryjny {adj} | :: of or pertaining to a haberdashery |
pasmo {n} | :: band, strand, strip, streak, skein, thread |
pasmo górskie {n} | :: mountain range |
pasobrzuch {m pers} [derogatory, obsolete] | :: alternative form of pasibrzuch |
pasożyt {m anim} [biology] | :: parasite (organism) |
pasożyt {m pers} [pejorative] | :: parasite (person); someone who uses others for his own benefit |
pasożytniczy {adj} | :: parasitic |
passa {f} | :: streak (continuous series of events) |
passat {m anim} | :: a Volkswagen Passat car |
passé {adj} | :: passé (dated, out of style, old-fashioned) |
pasta {f} | :: A soft mixture, paste |
pasta do zębów {f} | :: toothpaste |
pasterka {f} | :: A midnight mass celebrated between 24 and 25 December in Poland |
pasterka {f} | :: shepherdess |
pasternaczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pasternak |
pasternak {m inan} | :: parsnip |
pasteryzacja {f} | :: pasteurization |
pasteryzować {vt impf} | :: to pasteurize |
pasterz {m pers} | :: shepherd |
pastisz {m inan} | :: pastiche (work of art that imitates work of a previous artist) |
pastor {m pers} | :: pastor (in Protestant churches) |
pastorał {m inan} [Christianity] | :: crosier |
pastuch {m pers} | :: herdsman, cattleman, cowherd, goatherd |
pastuch {m pers} [derogatory] | :: An uneducated, backward person, especially one of rural origin |
pastuch {m inan} [colloquial, farming] | :: electric fence |
pastuch {m inan} [medicine] | :: defibrillator |
pastwa {f} [obsolete] | :: prey, food of a predator |
pastwa {f} [obsolete] | :: booty, loot, spoils |
pastwa {f} [Masuria] | :: fodder (food for livestock) |
pastwisko {n} | :: pasture |
pasywnie {adv} | :: passively (without conscious or self-directed action) |
pasywność {f} | :: passivity, passiveness |
pasywny {adj} | :: passive (taking no action) |
pasywny {adj} [chemistry, materials science] | :: of metals: passive (non-reactive) |
pasza {f} | :: fodder |
pasza {m pers} | :: pasha (title) |
paszcza {f} | :: maw; mouth of an animal, especially a predator |
paszcza {f} [humorous] | :: A person's face or mouth |
paszczak {m anim} | :: Any frogmouth belonging to Podargus or Rigidipenna |
paszczak {m anim} [more generally] | :: podargid, frogmouth (bird of the family Podargidae) |
paszczak {m anim} | :: John Dory, St. Peter's fish (Zeus faber) |
paszczak {m anim} [obsolete, more generally] | :: zeid (fish of the family Zeidae) |
paszczęka {f} | :: The maw or jaws of an animal, especially a predator |
paszczęka {f} [humorous] | :: A person's face or mouth |
paszczur {m anim} [slang, humorous] | :: A very ugly person; horseface |
paszka {f} | :: diminutive of pacha |
paszkot {m anim} | :: mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) |
paszoł won {interj} [humorous, derogatory] | :: begone! |
paszport {m inan} | :: passport |
pasztet {m inan} | :: pâté |
pasztet {m inan} [colloquial] | :: snag; bad situation |
pasztet {m anim} [slang, pejorative] | :: ugly or obese person |
paszto {n} | :: Pashto |
paść {v pf} | :: to fall; to drop |
paść {v pf} | :: to strike; to overwhelm (of a negative emotion) |
paść {v pf} | :: to be brought up; to be mentioned, said or asked |
paść {v pf} | :: to occur (used in reference to records and lottery wins) |
paść {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to lose it; to be very surprised or amused |
paść {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to die; to stop working |
paść {v impf} | :: to feed an animal |
paść {vr impf} | :: to graze, to feed oneself |
paśnik {m inan} | :: hay feeder |
pat {m anim} [chess] | :: stalemate |
patafian {m pers} [colloquial] | :: wimp, fool, gowk |
Patagonia {f} | :: Patagonia (region) |
patałach {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: A clumsy or inept person; a blunderer |
patałach {m pers} [Białystok] | :: An unkempt person |
patelnia {f} | :: frying pan |
patelnia {f} [Warsaw, slang] | :: the patio at the south entrance to the Centrum station of the Warsaw Metro |
patent {m inan} | :: patent (official declaration that someone is the inventor of something) |
patetycznie {adv} | :: pompously, grandiloquently, bombastically, turgidly, turgently |
patetycznie {adv} | :: exaggeratedly, unnaturally |
patetyczność {f} | :: pompousness, grandiloquence, turgidity |
patetyczność {f} | :: exaggeratedness, unnaturalness |
patetyczny {adj} | :: pompous, grandiloquent, bombastic, turgid, turgent |
patetyczny {adj} | :: exaggerated, unnatural |
patio {n} [architecture] | :: patio (inner courtyard typical of traditional Spanish houses) |
patogen {m inan} [pathology, immunology] | :: pathogen |
patologia {f} | :: pathology |
patologia {f} [colloquial] | :: used to comment on usually lower-class individuals, families or relationships displaying antisocial or abusive traits |
patriarcha {m pers} | :: patriarch |
patriarchalny {adj} | :: patriarchal |
patriarchat {m inan} | :: patriarchy |
patriarchat {m inan} | :: patriarchate |
patriota {m pers} | :: patriot |
patriota {m inan} [colloquial] | :: bollard used to restrict vehicle access, painted red and white |
patriotka {f} | :: female patriot |
patriotka {f} [colloquial] | :: bollard used to restrict vehicle access, painted red and white |
patriotyczny {adj} | :: patriotic |
patriotyzm {m inan} | :: patriotism |
Patrycja {prop} {f} | :: given name |
patrycjusz {m pers} | :: patrician, citizen of ancient Rome |
patrzeć {v impf} | :: to look at [+ acc = something/someone] |
patrzeć {vi impf} | :: to view, to regard, to look upon |
patyczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of patyk |
patyk {m inan} | :: stick (branch, long piece of wood) |
patyk {m inan} [slang] | :: thousand zloty |
patyna {f} | :: patina (rust) |
Paulina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Paulinka {prop} {f} | :: A diminutive of the female given name Paulina |
pauza {f} | :: pause, break |
pauza {f} [music] | :: rest |
pauza {f} [typography] | :: em dash |
pauza {f} [dated] | :: school break, recess |
paw {m anim} [male] | :: peacock |
paw {m anim} [colloquial] | :: puke; vomit |
Paweł {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
Pawełek {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: given name |
pawi {adj} [relational] | :: peacock; pavonine |
pawi {adj} [color, Łowicz] | :: blue-green |
pawian {m anim} | :: baboon |
pawlacz {m inan} [architecture] | :: cubbyhole |
pazdur {m inan} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of pazur |
pazerny {adj} | :: rapacious, grasping |
pazik {m pers} | :: diminutive of paź |
paznokieć {m inan} | :: fingernail |
paznokieć {m inan} | :: toenail |
pazur {m inan} | :: claw (curved horny nail) |
pazura {f} [Poznań] | :: hand |
paź {m pers} [historical] | :: page, pageboy |
paź {m anim} | :: swallowtail butterfly; papilionid |
październik {m inan} | :: October (month) |
październikowy {adj} [relational] | :: October (month) |
paździerz {m inan} | :: hurds |
paździerz {m inan} [colloquial] | :: particle board |
paździerz {m inan} [slang] | :: crud, something that looks cheap or is of low quality |
pączek {m inan} | :: doughnut |
pączek {m inan} [botany] | :: bud (diminutive of pąk) |
pączuszek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pączek |
pączuś {m inan} | :: diminutive of pączek |
pąć {f} [obsolete] | :: travel, pilgrimage |
pąk {m inan} | :: bud |
pąkla {f} | :: Any barnacle of the genus Balanus |
pąs {m inan} [literary] | :: poppy colour |
pąs {m inan} [literary] | :: flush, blush (suffusion of the face with blood) |
pąsowy {adj} | :: light red |
pątniczka {f} | :: feminine noun of pątnik |
pątnik {m pers} | :: palmer, pilgrim |
pchacz {m inan} | :: pusher (boat), towboat |
pchać {vt impf} | :: to push |
pchanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pchać |
pchełka {f} | :: diminutive of pchła |
pchełka {f} | :: flea beetle, especially any member of the genus Phyllotreta |
pchełki {fp} [games] | :: tiddlywinks |
pchli {adj} [rare] | :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fleas |
pchli targ {m inan} | :: flea market |
pchła {f} | :: flea |
pchor. {m pers} | :: abbreviation of podchorąży Used in titles |
Pearl Harbor {prop} {m inan} | :: Pearl Harbor (harbour/and/naval base) |
Pearl Harbor {prop} {m inan} [rare] | :: The attack on Pearl Harbor |
pecet {m anim} [colloquial] | :: PC, personal computer |
pech {m anim} | :: misfortune |
pechowiec {m pers} | :: unlucky person |
pecik {m inan} | :: diminutive of pet |
pedagog {m pers} | :: pedagogue |
pedagog {f} | :: pedagogue |
pedagogika {f} | :: pedagogy |
pedagogika specjalna {f} | :: special education (literally "special pedagogy") |
pedalarz {m pers} [slang, offensive] | :: cyclist |
pedał {m inan} | :: pedal |
pedał {m pers} [colloquial, offensive] | :: faggot (homosexual) |
pedantyczny {adj} | :: pedantic, anal (of a person, obsessed with neatness, accuracy, compulsiveness and stubbornness) |
pederasta {m pers} | :: gay man |
pederasta {m pers} [historical] | :: pederast |
-pedia {suffix} | :: -pedia |
pediatra {m pers} | :: pediatrician, paediatrician |
pedofil {m pers} | :: pedophile |
pedryl {m pers} [slang, offensive] | :: queer, poof, fag, gay |
pedzieć {v pf} [Cieszyn Silesia] | :: to tell |
pedzieć {v pf} [Cieszyn Silesia] | :: to say |
pedzio {m pers} [derogatory, colloquial] | :: pansy, swish, fruit, poof, queer (male homosexual) |
Pegaz {prop} {m} | :: Pegasus |
pejcz {m inan} | :: horsewhip, quirt |
pejoratywny {adj} | :: pejorative |
pejotl {m inan} | :: peyote (cactus) |
pejs {m inan} [Judaism] | :: payot, payess, sidelock |
pejzaż {m inan} [painting] | :: landscape |
pejzaż {m inan} | :: scenario |
pejzażowy {adj} [relational] | :: landscape |
pejzażyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of pejzaż |
pejzażysta {m pers} [painting] | :: landscaper |
pejzażysta {m pers} [literary] | :: writer who describes nature |
pejzażystka {f} [painting] | :: female landscaper |
pejzażystka {f} [literary] | :: female writer who describes nature |
Pekin {prop} {m inan} | :: Pekin (direct-administered municipality/capital city) |
pekiński {adj} | :: Beijing (of, from or pertaining to Beijing in the People's Republic of China) |
peleryna {f} | :: cape, cloak |
peleton {m inan} [cycling] | :: peloton |
pelikan {m anim} | :: pelican, seabird of the family Pelecanidae |
peluszka {f} | :: field pea (Pisum sativum subsp. arvense syn. Pisum sativum convar. speciosum) |
pełen {adj} | :: alternative form of pełny |
pełnia {f} | :: fullness |
pełnia {f} | :: apex, apogee |
pełnić {vt impf} [formal] | :: to carry out, to fulfil, to perform |
pełniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of pełny |
pełnoletni {adj} | :: having legal age |
pełnoletniość {f} | :: majority, age of majority (the state of having exceeded the age at which one attains full personal rights) |
pełnomocnik {m pers} | :: agent, attorney-in-fact |
pełny {adj} | :: full (containing the maximum possible amount) |
pełzacz {m anim} | :: treecreeper (any bird belonging to the family Certhiidae) |
pełzacz {m inan} [sailing] | :: metal fittings for attaching a sail to a mast |
pełzać {vi impf} | :: to crawl |
pełzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pełzać |
pełziec {m anim} | :: spotted creeper (bird of the genus Salpornis) |
pendrive {m inan} [computer hardware] | :: pen drive, flash drive |
Pendżab {prop} {m} | :: Punjab |
pendżabski {adj} [relational] | :: Punjabi (of, from, or pertaining to Punjab or written in the Punjab language) |
pendżabski {m inan} | :: Punjabi (language spoken in the Punjab region) |
penis {m inan} | :: penis |
peniuar {m inan} | :: peignoir |
peniuarek {m inan} | :: diminutive of peniuar |
pensja {f} | :: salary, wage, pay |
Pensylwania {prop} {f} | :: Pensylwania (state) |
pentan {m inan} | :: pentane |
pentekostalizm {m inan} | :: Pentecostalism |
peonia {f} | :: peony (flower) |
Pepik {m pers} [colloquial, often, derogatory or dialectal] | :: A Czech person |
pepsi {f} | :: a Pepsi drink |
peptyd {m inan} | :: peptide |
pera {f} [Poznań] | :: alternative form of pyra |
perfekcja {f} | :: perfection |
perfum {m inan} [nonstandard, proscribed] | :: perfume |
perfuma {f} [nonstandard, proscribed] | :: perfume |
perfumeria {f} | :: perfumery (shop selling perfumes) |
perfumy {p} | :: perfume (a substance) |
pergamin {m inan} | :: parchment |
periodyk {m inan} | :: periodical (publication that appears at fixed intervals) |
perkoz {m anim} | :: grebe, any bird of the family Podicipedidae |
perkusja {f} | :: drum kit, drum set, trap set, drums, percussion (collection of drums and other percussion instruments played together) |
perkusja {f} | :: the music made with the drum kit |
perliczka {f} | :: guinea fowl |
perła {f} | :: pearl (round shelly concretion from oysters) |
perm {m inan} [geology] | :: Permian |
Perm {prop} {m} | :: Perm (historical region) |
Perm {prop} {m} | :: Perm (krai) |
Perm {prop} {m} | :: Perm (city/administrative center) |
permanencja {f} [dated] | :: permanence |
permanentnie {adv} | :: permanently; in a permanent manner |
permanentny {adj} | :: permanent |
peron {m inan} | :: platform (raised structure from which passengers can enter or leave a train, metro etc.) |
perora {f} | :: rant, screed, tirade |
perora {f} [archaic, literary] | :: peroration |
pers. {noun} | :: abbreviation of perski |
Pers {m pers} | :: Persian (person from Persia) |
Persefona {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Persephone |
Persja {prop} {f} | :: Persia |
perski {adj} | :: Persian (from or pertaining to Persia) |
perski {m inan} | :: Persian (language) |
persona {f} [obsolete] | :: person |
persona {f} [ironically] | :: personage (famous or important person) |
personalia {f} | :: personal data |
personel {m inan} | :: personnel |
personifikacja {f} | :: personification |
perspektywa {f} | :: perspective |
perspektywa {f} | :: prospect |
perspektywa {f} | :: vista |
persyflaż {m inan} [literary] | :: Ridicule or malicious mockery made under the guise of good-natured raillery |
persyflaż {m inan} [literature] | :: A literary work in which the author ironically imitates the stylistic manner of another author |
persymona {f} | :: persimmon |
Peru {prop} {n} | :: Peru (country) |
peruczka {f} | :: diminutive of peruka; small wig |
peruka {f} | :: wig, peruke |
Peruwianka {f} | :: Peruvian (female person) |
Peruwiańczyk {m pers} | :: Peruvian (person) |
peruwiański {adj} | :: Peruvian |
peryhelium {n} [astronomy] | :: perihelion |
perystom {m inan} [botany] | :: peristome |
perz {m inan} | :: couch grass, any grass of the genus Elymus |
perz {m inan} [obsolete] | :: smoke |
perzyna {f} | :: embers |
pestka {f} | :: stone (fruit) |
pestka {f} | :: pip |
pestka {f} | :: trifle |
pestkojad {m anim} | :: hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) |
pestkowiec {m inan} | :: drupe, stone fruit |
pesto {n} | :: pesto |
pestycyd {m inan} | :: pesticide (substance used to kill or contain the activities of pests) |
pesymista {m pers} | :: pessimist |
pesymistka {f} | :: pessimist |
pesymistyczny {adj} | :: pessimistic |
pesymizm {m inan} | :: pessimism |
pet {m anim} [colloquial] | :: cigarette butt |
pet {m anim} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: cigarette |
petarda {f} | :: petard |
petent {m pers} | :: petitioner, supplicant, claimant; person who comes to a government office to deal with some matter, the equivalent of a customer |
Petersburg {prop} {m} | :: Petersburg (federal city) |
Petronela {prop} {pl} {f} | :: given name |
petycja {f} | :: petition (formal, written request made to an official person) |
pewien {adj} | :: sure (physically secure and certain, reliable) |
pewien {adj} [not comparable] | :: particular, certain |
pewnie {adv} | :: surely, certainly |
pewnie {adv} | :: confidently |
pewnie {adv} | :: firmly |
pewnie {adv} | :: reliably |
pewniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of pewny |
pewnik {m inan} [mathematics] | :: axiom (fundamental assumption) |
pewnikiem {adv} | :: surely, obviously |
pewno {adv} | :: absolutely, for certain, certainly, definitely, for sure |
pewność {f} | :: certainty |
pewny {adj} | :: sure, certain |
pewny {adj} | :: reliable, trustworthy |
pewny {adj} | :: assured, confident |
pewny siebie {adj} | :: confident, self-confident |
pęcherz {m inan} | :: blister |
pęcherz {m inan} [anatomy] | :: bladder |
pęcherzyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of pęcherz |
pęcherzyk {m inan} | :: A bubble |
pęcherzyk {m inan} [cytology] | :: A vesicle (membrane-bound compartment) |
pęcherzyk {m inan} [dermatology] | :: A vesicle (small blister) |
pęcina {f} | :: pastern (part of a horse's leg between the fetlock and the top of the hoof) |
pęczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pęk |
pęczek {m inan} [botany] | :: fascicle |
pęcznieć {vi impf} | :: to swell, to bloat |
pęcznieć {vi impf} | :: to bulge |
pęd {m inan} [physics] | :: momentum |
pęd {m inan} [botany] | :: shoot |
pędrak {m anim} | :: larva, grub |
pędrak {m anim} [humorous] | :: child |
pędruś {m anim} | :: Any of several beetles belonging to the genera Protapion, Oxystoma, or Holotrichapion |
pędzel {m inan} | :: paintbrush, brush |
pędzić {vi impf} | :: to rush, to dash, to scamper, to scurry |
pędzić {vt impf} | :: to drive |
pędzić {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to produce a moonshine (illegal distilled liquor) |
pędziwiatr {m pers} [colloquial] | :: One who is constantly in motion and who tends to act without reflection |
pędzlogon {m anim} | :: Any dormouse of the genus Graphiurus |
pęk {m inan} | :: bunch, bundle, sheaf |
pękać {v impf} | :: to burst (of e.g. tires, glass, balloons); to break; to fracture |
pękać {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be scared; to be afraid |
pękanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pękać |
pęknąć {vt pf} | :: to burst (e.g., a tire, a window) |
pęknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pęknąć |
pępawa {f} | :: hawksbeard, any plant of the genus Crepis |
pępawa {f} [colloquial] | :: dandelion |
pępek {m inan} [anatomy] | :: navel |
pępek {m inan} [obsolete] | :: slippery jack (Suillus luteus) |
pępkowy {adj} [relational] | :: navel |
pępowina {f} | :: umbilical cord |
pępuszek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pępek |
pęseta {f} | :: tweezers |
pęsetka {f} | :: diminutive of pęseta |
pętać {vt impf} | :: to tether, to fetter |
pętelka {f} | :: diminutive of pętla: little loop |
pętla {f} | :: noose |
pętla {f} | :: loop |
pętla {f} | :: terminus (of a tram or bus) |
pęto {n} | :: jess, tether, fetter |
pęz {m anim} | :: yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus) |
Phenian {prop} {m inan} | :: Phenian (capital city) |
pheniański {adj} | :: Of, from or relating to Pyongyang |
piach {m inan} | :: augmentative of piasek |
piać {v impf} | :: to crow, to make the sound of a rooster |
piać {v impf} [archaic, now, jocular] | :: to sing |
piana {f} | :: foam, froth |
piana {f} [Kraków] | :: beer |
piana mydlana {f} | :: lather |
pianie {n} | :: verbal noun of piać |
pianie {n} | :: crow (cry of the rooster) |
pianino {n} | :: upright piano |
pianista {m pers} | :: pianist |
pianistka {f} | :: female pianist |
pianka {f} | :: diminutive of piana |
pianka {f} | :: wetsuit (garment) |
pianka {f} | :: marshmallow (confectionery) |
piarg {m inan} [geology] | :: scree |
piasek {m inan} | :: sand |
piaskowiec {m inan} | :: sandstone |
piaskowiec {m inan} | :: Any plant belonging to the genus Arenaria |
piaskowiec {m inan} | :: Any fungus belonging to the family Gyroporaceae |
piaskowiec {m anim} | :: sanderling (Calidris alba) |
piaskownica {f} | :: sandbox, sandpit (box with sand for children) |
piaskownica {f} [computing] | :: sandbox |
piaskownica {f} | :: beachgrass (any member of the genus Ammophila) |
piaskowy {adj} [relational] | :: sand |
piaskowy {adj} [color] | :: sandy |
piasta {f} | :: hub, nave (the central part of a wheel) |
piastun {m pers} [literary] | :: A man who looks after children |
piastun {m pers} [historical] | :: In early medieval Poland, a high-ranking official responsible for the upbringing of royal children |
piastun {m pers} [rare, obsolete] | :: A young boy whom one is caring for or raising |
piastun {m anim} [hunting] | :: A male bear cub under the care of his mother |
piastun {m anim} [hunting] | :: A male wolf who watches over his pack's cubs while their parents are hunting |
piaszczyk {m anim} | :: Any ground squirrel of the genus Ammospermophilus |
piącha {f} | :: augmentative of pięść |
piąchopiryna {f} [colloquial, humorous, figurative] | :: violence used to discipline someone obnoxious; knuckle sandwich |
piąć {vr impf} | :: to climb, to ascend |
piąć {vr impf} | :: (of plants) to trail |
piąstka {f} | :: diminutive of pięść |
piąstkarz {m pers} [rare, slang] | :: fistfighter |
piąteczek {m inan} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of piątek |
piąteczka {f} | :: diminutive of piątka |
piątek {m inan} | :: Friday |
piątka {f} | :: the figure/digit five |
piątka {f} | :: five; high five |
piątoklasista {m pers} | :: fifth-grader |
piąty {num} | :: fifth |
pic {m inan} [colloquial] | :: fib, hoax, lie |
piccolo {n} [musical instruments] | :: piccolo |
pichcenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pichcić |
picie {n} | :: verbal noun of pić |
picie {n} [colloquial] | :: a drink |
pick-up {m inan} | :: alternative spelling of pikap |
picza {f} [vulgar] | :: augmentative of piczka |
piczka {f} [vulgar] | :: cunt (female genitalia) |
pić {vti impf} | :: to drink |
pić {vi impf} | :: to hint, to insinuate, to allude maliciously |
pić {vt impf} | :: to pinch (of clothes or shoes) |
pidżama {f} | :: pyjamas |
pie. {noun} | :: abbreviation of praindoeuropejski |
piec {m inan} | :: fire (heater or stove) |
piec {vt impf} | :: to bake (to cook in an oven), to roast |
piec {vi impf} | :: to burn, to sting, to smart |
piechota {f} | :: infantry |
piechotą {adv} | :: on foot |
piechur {m pers} | :: A person going somewhere on foot; a pedestrian; a walker; a footgoer |
piechur {m pers} [military] | :: An infantryman |
piecuch {m pers} [colloquial] | :: A cold-sensitive, warmth-seeking person |
piecuch {m pers} [colloquial] | :: A lazy, comfort-seeking homebody |
piecuch {m inan} [dialectal] | :: oven |
piecuch {m anim} [dialectal] | :: A species of pigeon |
piecuszek {m pers} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of piecuch |
piecuszek {m anim} | :: willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) |
piecyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of piec |
piecyk {m inan} | :: oven |
piecyk {m inan} | :: heater |
pieczara {f} | :: grotto; small cave |
pieczarka {f} | :: Agaricus (commonly known in English as the "meadow mushroom" genus) |
pieczarkowy {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the "meadow mushroom" genus (in other terms, Agaricus) |
pieczątka {f} | :: diminutive of pieczęć |
pieczątka {f} | :: stamp (imprint or device) |
pieczeniarz {m pers} [archaic, derogatory] | :: A person who lives on other people's efforts or expense; a parasite |
pieczeń {f} | :: roasted meat |
pieczęć {f} | :: seal (pattern, design) |
pieczęć {f} | :: stamp (an indentation or imprint made by stamping) |
pieczyste {n} | :: roasted meat |
pieczywo {n} | :: bread, bread products |
pieczywo {n} | :: baked goods |
pieczywo {n} [dated] | :: baking (action in which something is baked) |
pieg {m inan} | :: freckle |
piegowaty {adj} | :: freckled (having freckles) |
piegża {f} | :: lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) |
piekarczyk {m pers} [archaic] | :: apprentice baker; journeyman baker |
piekarczyk {m pers} [archaic] | :: baker's son |
piekarka {f} | :: baker |
piekarnia {f} | :: bakery |
piekarnik {m inan} | :: oven |
Piekary {prop} {p} [colloquial] | :: Piekary (city/and/county) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (district) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (district) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (district) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} | :: Piekary (village) |
Piekary {prop} {p} [historical] | :: Piekary (A <<former town>> now within <<city/Piekary Śląskie>>, a city and county of the <<voi/Silesian Voivodeship>>, <<c/Poland>>.) |
piekarz {m pers} | :: baker |
piekielnie {adv} | :: hellishly, infernally |
piekielnik {m pers} | :: Someone who is short-tempered and quarrelsome; a spitfire |
piekielny {adj} | :: hellish, infernal |
piekło {n} | :: hell |
pielenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pielić |
pielęgniarka {f} | :: nurse |
pielęgniarz {m} | :: nurse (person medically trained to provide care for children, sick, disabled or otherwise needy) |
pielęgnica {f} | :: Any of various species of cichlid fish |
pielęgnować {v impf} | :: to nurse (to care for the sick) |
pielęgnować {v impf} | :: to care for (to attend to the needs of) |
pielęgnować {v impf} | :: to nurture, to cultivate |
pielgrzym {m pers} | :: pilgrim (person on a journey for religious reasons) |
pielgrzymka {f} | :: pilgrimage |
pielić {vt impf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of pleć |
pielucha {f} | :: nappy / diaper |
pieluszka {f} | :: nappy, diaper |
Piemont {prop} {m} | :: Piemont (region) |
pieniądz {m inan} [dated in singular] | :: money |
pieniądz {m inan} | :: currency |
pieniążek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pieniądz |
pienie {n} [usually plural] | :: song |
pienie {n} [by extension, archaic, usually plural] | :: poetry, verse |
pienie {n} [obsolete] | :: singing |
pienie {n} [obsolete] | :: crowing (of a rooster) |
pieniek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pień |
pieniek {m inan} [forestry] | :: tree stump |
pieniek {m inan} [dialectal] | :: beehive |
pieniężny {adj} | :: related to money |
pieniężny {adj} [internet slang] | :: amusing, entertaining |
Pieniny {prop} {p} | :: Pieniny |
pieniński {adj} [relational] | :: Pieniny |
pienisty {adj} | :: foamy, frothy |
pień {m inan} | :: trunk (part of a tree) |
pień {m inan} [beekeeping] | :: bee colony |
pień mózgu {m inan} | :: brain stem |
pieprz {m inan} | :: pepper (plant or shrub) |
pieprz {m inan} | :: pepper (spice made from said plant) |
pieprzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pieprzyć |
pieprzniczka {f} | :: pepper shaker, pepperbox, pepper pot |
pieprzniczka {f} [firearms] | :: pepperbox revolver |
pieprzniczka {f} | :: Any fungus of the genus Cantharellula |
pieprznik {m inan} | :: chanterelle (any fungus of the genus Cantharellus) |
pieprznik {m inan} [obsolete] | :: A fungus of the genus Cantharellula |
pieprznik {m inan} [obsolete] | :: A fungus of the genus Rimbachia |
pieprznik {m inan} | :: A fungus of the genus Craterellus [some species] |
pieprznik {m inan} [obsolete] | :: A fungus of the genus Hygrophoropsis |
pieprznik {m inan} [colloquial] | :: mess, disorder |
pieprznik {m inan} [regional] | :: gingerbread with pepper |
pieprznik jadalny {m inan} | :: chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) |
pieprzowiec {m inan} | :: pepper, any member of the genus Capsicum |
pieprzyca {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Lepidium; peppercress; peppergrass; pepperwort |
pieprzyca siewna {f} | :: garden cress (Lepidium sativum) |
pieprzyć {vt impf} | :: to pepper (to add pepper to something) |
pieprzyć {vt impf} [colloquial] | :: to talk bullshit |
pieprzyć {vt impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
pieprzyć {vt impf} [vulgar] | :: to ruin, to spoil |
pieprzyć {vt impf} [vulgar] | :: to mistake |
pierdel {m inan} [vulgar] | :: prison |
pierdnąć {vi pf} [mildly, vulgar] | :: to fart |
pierdolec {m anim} [vulgar, slang] | :: rage, irritation, ire, anger |
pierdolec {m anim} [vulgar, slang] | :: frenzy |
pierdolenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pierdolić |
pierdolenie {n} | :: fucking (an act of sexual intercourse) |
pierdolenie {n} | :: telling bullshit |
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck (have sex) |
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck; to disregard, to ignore; not to give a shit |
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to fib, to talk nonsense |
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to mix up |
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to break, to spoil |
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] | :: (as an exclamation of surprise, disbelief, embarrasment etc.) |
pierdolić {vr impf} [vulgar] | :: to go wrong, to spoil |
pierdolisz {interj} [vulgar] | :: no shit!; no kidding! fuck (expression of amazement or disbelief) |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to hit |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to place |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to say something stupid |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to arrange something |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to stop to do something, to leave something |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to explode |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to appear in a sudden, sharp manner |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to deteriorate |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to die |
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to create |
pierdolnięty {adj} [vulgar] | :: frenzy, mad, crazy |
pierdololo {n} [vulgar, derogatory] | :: bullshit; meaningless talk |
pierdoła {f} [mildly, vulgar, usually plural] | :: triviality |
pierdoła {f} [mildly, vulgar] | :: lazy and/or incompetent person; loser; fuckup |
pierdoła {f} [mildly, vulgar] | :: boring chatterbox |
pierdołka {f} [dated, in plural] | :: poppycock; bunkum; bullshit |
pierdołka {f} [Kujawy] | :: wild pear |
pierdoły {fp} [mildly, vulgar] | :: bullshit; nonsense |
pierdółka {f} | :: diminutive of pierdoła |
pierdu pierdu {n} [vulgar] | :: bullshit, rubbish |
pierdu pierdu {n} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: chit-chat, idle talk |
pierdut {interj} [colloquial] | :: bang! |
pierdyliard {m inan} [vulgar, humorous] | :: bazillion |
pierdylion {m inan} [vulgar, humorous] | :: gazillion, bazillion |
pierdzieć {vi impf} [mildly, vulgar] | :: to fart |
pierdziel {m pers} [vulgar, derogatory] | :: old man, dodderer |
pierdziel {m pers} [vulgar] | :: Someone who farts often; farter |
pierestrojka {f} | :: alternative spelling of pieriestrojka |
pierestrojkowy {adj} [relational] | :: alternative spelling of pieriestrojkowy |
pieriestrojka {f} | :: perestroika (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) |
pieriestrojkowy {adj} [relational] | :: perestroika |
piernacz {m inan} | :: pernach (type of mace) |
piernik {m inan} | :: gingerbread |
piernik {m inan} | :: pepper, any member of the genus Capsicum |
piernik {m inan} [archaic, theatre] | :: A role of little value |
piernik {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: fossil; fogey; old fart; derogatory term for an old man, especially one that has suffered mental deterioration |
pierog {m inan} | :: alternative form of pieróg |
pierożek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pieróg |
pierożek {m inan} | :: side cap (military cap) |
pieróg {m inan} | :: a dumpling (composed of a dough wrapper around a filling), pierogi |
piersiasty {adj} | :: busty, big-breasted |
piersiowy {adj} [relational] | :: breast, chest, pectoral, thoracic |
piersiówka {f} | :: hip flask |
pierś {f} | :: breast, chest |
pierś {f} | :: (woman's) breast |
pierścienica {f} | :: annelid |
pierścień {m inan} | :: ring (a round piece of metal worn around the finger) |
pierścień {m inan} [algebra] | :: ring |
pierścień {m inan} [geometry] | :: ring, annulus (a planar geometrical figure included between two concentric circles) |
pierścień {m inan} [astronomy] | :: planetary ring |
pierścień {m inan} | :: annual ring |
pierścień tłokowy {m inan} | :: piston ring |
pierścionek {m inan} | :: ring (a round piece of metal worn around the finger) |
pierw {adv} [archaic] | :: first |
pierwiastek {m inan} [chemistry] | :: element |
pierwiastek {m inan} [arithmetic] | :: root (expression raised to a power) |
pierwiastek {m inan} [mathematics] | :: root (zero of a function) |
pierwiastek {m inan} | :: element (part of an abstract whole) |
pierwiastek {m inan} [linguistics] | :: radical (element of a logogram) |
pierwiosnek {m inan} | :: primrose (any plant of the genus Primula) |
pierwiosnek {m anim} | :: chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) |
pierwo- {prefix} | :: first |
pierworodny {adj} | :: firstborn |
pierwotniak {m anim} | :: protozoan |
pierwotny {adj} | :: primeval, primordial |
pierwotny {adj} | :: primary |
pierwowzór {m inan} | :: prototype, archetype |
pierwsza dama {f} | :: First Lady (wife of a male chief executive of a nation) |
pierwszak {m pers} [colloquial] | :: first grader |
pierwszeństwo {n} | :: priority (quality of being earlier or coming first compared to another thing) |
pierwszoklasista {m pers} | :: first-grader |
pierwszoosobowy {adj} [narratology] | :: first-person |
pierwszoosobowy {adj} [video games] | :: first-person |
pierwszy {num} | :: first |
pierwszy {adj} [mathematics] | :: prime |
pierwszyzna {f} | :: Something done for a first time |
pierz {m inan} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of pierze |
pierzaczki {p} | :: vechornytsi |
pierzchać {vi impf} | :: to scurry away, scamper |
pierze {n} [ornithology] | :: feathers, plumage |
pierze {n} [jocular] | :: thin hair |
pierze {n} [obsolete, prison slang] | :: hair |
pierzga {f} | :: beebread, bee pollen |
pies {m anim} | :: A dog (Canis lupus familiaris) |
pies {m anim} | :: A male dog |
pies {m anim} [hunting] | :: A male fox or badger |
pies {m anim} {m pers} [slang, derogatory] | :: cop, policeman |
pies dowodny {m anim} | :: water dog |
pies na baby {m anim} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: womanizer |
pies ogrodnika {m anim} [idiom] | :: dog in the manger |
pies wodny {m anim} | :: water dog |
pieseczek {m anim} | :: diminutive of piesek |
piesek {m anim} | :: diminutive of pies; young or small dog |
piesio {m anim} [affectionate] | :: dog |
piestrzenica {f} | :: false morel |
pieszczoch {m pers} [affectionate] | :: cuddly pet, boy, or man |
pieszczoch {m pers} | :: cosset, a pampered or indulged individual |
pieszczocha {f} | :: studded leather wristband, typically worn in the punk and metal subcultures |
pieszczocha {f} [affectionate] | :: cuddly pet, girl, or woman |
pieszczocha {f} | :: cosset, a pampered or indulged individual |
pieszczoszek {m pers} | :: diminutive of pieszczoch |
pieszczoszka {f} | :: diminutive of pieszczocha |
pieszczota {f} | :: caress |
pieszo {adv} | :: on foot |
pieszy {m pers} | :: pedestrian |
pieszy {adj} | :: pedestrian |
pieścić {vt impf} | :: to caress, to fondle |
pieścić {vt impf} [archaic] | :: to pamper, to cosset, to coddle |
pieśń {f} [literary] | :: song; chant; ballad |
Pietropawłowsk Kamczacki {prop} {m inan} | :: Pietropawłowsk Kamczacki (administrative centre/and/largest city) |
pietrucha {f} | :: augmentative of pietruszka |
pietruszka {f} | :: parsley (herb) |
pietruszka {f} | :: parsnip (vegetable) |
Pietruszka {prop} {m pers} {f} | :: A diminutive of Piotr |
piewca {m pers} | :: eulogizer, glorifier |
piewca {m pers} | :: songster |
piewik {m anim} | :: cicada |
pięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of piąć |
pięciobój {m inan} [athletics] | :: pentathlon |
pięciogwiazdkowy {adj} | :: five-star; awarded five stars out of five, therefore – of best quality (e.g. of hotels) |
pięciokąt {m inan} | :: pentagon |
pięciokrotny {adj} | :: five-time |
pięciokrotny {adj} | :: fivefold |
pięcioletni {adj} | :: five-year-old |
pięcioletni {adj} | :: five-year-long; five-year (lasting five years) |
pięciolinia {f} [music] | :: staff |
pięciornik {m inan} | :: cinquefoil, potentilla (plant of the genus Potentilla) |
pięcioro {num} [collective] | :: five |
pięć {num} | :: five |
pięćdziesiąt {num} | :: fifty |
pięćdziesiąty {num} | :: fiftieth |
pięćset {num} | :: five hundred |
pięćsetny {num} | :: five-hundredth |
piędź {f} | :: span (unit of length) |
pięknie {adv} | :: beautifully |
pięknieć {vi impf} | :: to become prettier, grow in beauty |
piękniej {adv} | :: comparative of pięknie |
piękniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of piękny |
piękniś {m pers} | :: dandy, fop, pretty boy (a man who is overly concerned about his clothes and appearance) |
piękno {n} | :: beauty (quality of pleasing appearance) |
pięknosuseł {m anim} | :: Any ground squirrel of the genus Callospermophilus |
piękność {f} [countable] | :: beauty (beautiful woman) |
piękność {f} [uncountable] | :: beauty (quality of pleasing appearance) |
piękny {adj} | :: beautiful |
pięściak {m inan} | :: hand axe, biface (prehistoric stone tool) |
pięściarz {m pers} | :: boxer, pugilist |
pięść {f} | :: fist (clenched hand) |
pięta {f} | :: heel (part of the foot) |
pięterko {n} | :: diminutive of piętro |
piętka {f} | :: heel (end-piece of bread) |
piętka {f} | :: diminutive of pięta |
piętnasty {num} | :: fifteenth |
piętnaście {num} | :: fifteen |
piętnaścioro {num} | :: (collective) fifteen |
piętno {n} | :: stigma, birthmark, mark |
piętno {n} | :: imprint |
piętro {n} | :: floor, storey, story |
piętrowiec {m inan} [colloquial] | :: multi-storey building |
piętrowy {adj} [of a building] | :: two-storey, two-story |
piętrowy {adj} | :: double-decker |
piętrowy {adj} | :: multi-storey, multi-tier, tiered |
piętrowy {adj} [mathematics] | :: complex (of a fraction) |
piętrus {m inan} [colloquial] | :: double-decker (bus or train) |
piguła {f} [colloquial] | :: augmentative of pigułka |
piguła {f} [colloquial, jocular] | :: nurse |
pigułka {f} | :: pill (a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally) |
pigwa {f} | :: quince (tree and fruit) |
pigwowy {adj} [relational] | :: quince |
pijaczka {f} [colloquial] | :: female drunkard, drunk |
pijać {v impf} | :: to drink habitually |
pijak {m pers} [colloquial] | :: drunkard, drunk |
pijanica {m pers} {f} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: drunkard |
pijanica {f} | :: Vaccinium uliginosum |
pijany {adj} | :: drunk (intoxicated after drinking alcohol) |
pijawa {f} [archaic or dialectal] | :: rainbow |
pijawa {f} [archaic] | :: drinking party |
pijawa {f} | :: augmentative of pijawka |
pijawka {f} | :: leech (blood-sucking annelid) |
pijawka {f} [pejorative] | :: A person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion |
pijmy, bo wódka stygnie {phrase} | :: a common Polish toast phrase, literally "Let's drink, because the vodka is cooling down" |
pijus {m pers} [pejorative] | :: drunkard |
pik {m inan} [card games] | :: A spade |
pik {m inan} | :: peak (the upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail) |
pik {m inan} | :: peak (a single "mountain" in a spectrum or similar scientific signal) |
pika {f} | :: pike (a very long thrusting spear formerly used extensively by infantry) |
pikantny {adj} | :: spicy (tangy or pungent) |
pikantny {adj} | :: spicy (racy) |
pikap {m inan} | :: pickup truck |
Pikardia {prop} {f} | :: Pikardia (region) |
pikawa {f} [slang] | :: heart |
pikawka {f} [slang] | :: heart |
piki {p} | :: spades (card game) |
piknik {m inan} | :: picnic (social gathering) |
pikolo {n} [musical instruments] | :: piccolo |
pikseloza {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: pixelation or mosaic effect on digital images caused by insufficient resolution |
piktogram {m inan} [linguistics] | :: pictogram |
pilaw {m inan} | :: dish made of rice, meat and vegetables |
pilch {m anim} | :: edible dormouse (Glis glis) |
Pilica {prop} {f} | :: Pilica (river) |
pilnie {adv} | :: urgently |
pilnie {adv} | :: diligently |
pilniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of pilny |
pilnik {m inan} | :: file (abrasive tool) |
pilność {f} | :: urgency |
pilność {f} | :: diligence, studiousness, sedulity |
pilnować {vt impf} | :: to guard, watch, supervise |
pilnować {vt impf} | :: to obey, tend |
pilny {adj} | :: urgent |
pilny {adj} | :: diligent, assiduous |
pilot {m pers} | :: pilot (controller of aircraft) |
pilot {m inan} | :: remote control |
pilski {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to Piła |
pilść {f} | :: obsolete form of pilśń |
pilśniarz {m pers} | :: fuller (person who fulls cloth) |
pilśń {f} | :: felt (textile material) |
pilśń {f} | :: fiberboard, fibreboard (engineered wood product made out of wood fibers) |
piła {f} | :: saw |
piła {f} | :: sawfish |
piłeczka {f} | :: diminutive of piłka |
piłka {f} | :: ball (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) |
piłka {f} | :: diminutive of piła |
piłka nożna {f} | :: association football, soccer |
piłka nożna {f} | :: The ball used to play association football or soccer |
piłka ręczna {f} | :: handball (sport) |
piłka wodna {f} | :: water polo |
piłkarka {f} | :: A female footballer |
piłkarka {f} | :: A female handballer |
piłkarka {f} | :: A female volleyballer |
piłkarka nożna {f} | :: A female footballer; a female soccer player |
piłkarka ręczna {f} | :: A female handballer |
piłkarka wodna {f} | :: (female) water polo player |
piłkarski {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to football (soccer) |
piłkarski {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to football (soccer) players |
piłkarz {m pers} | :: A male footballer |
piłkarz {m pers} | :: A male handballer |
piłkarz {m pers} | :: A male volleyballer |
piłkarz nożny {m pers} | :: A male footballer; a male soccer player |
piłkarz ręczny {m pers} | :: A male handballer |
piłkarz wodny {m pers} | :: (male) water polo player |
piłodziób {m anim} | :: motmot (any bird in the taxonomic family Momotidae) |
pinda {f} [offensive] | :: skank; general term of abuse for women |
pinezka {f} | :: thumbtack (UK: drawing pin) |
ping-pong {m inan} | :: table tennis, ping pong |
pingwin {m anim} | :: penguin (flightless sea bird) |
pingwin {m anim} [humorous, derogatory] | :: nun, penguin |
pingwin białobrewy {m anim} | :: gentoo penguin |
pingwin cesarski {m anim} | :: emperor penguin |
pingwin królewski {m anim} | :: king penguin |
pingwinek {m anim} | :: diminutive of pingwin |
pingwini {adj} [relational] | :: penguin (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of penguins) |
Pinokio {prop} {m pers} | :: Pinocchio (protagonist) |
Pinokio {prop} {m pers} | :: Pinocchio (fairy tale) |
pinta {f} | :: pint (unit of measurement) |
pinta {f} | :: pinta (disease endemic to Central America) |
Pińsk {prop} {m inan} | :: Pińsk (city) |
piołun {m inan} | :: absinthe; grande wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) |
piołunówka {f} | :: piołunówka, absinthe (liquor) |
pion {m inan} | :: the vertical |
pion {m inan} | :: plumb line |
pion {m inan} | :: section; department |
pion {m inan} | :: duct; riser; any installations or spaces running vertically in a building |
pion {m inan} [by extension] | :: flats in an apartment block sharing those installations |
pion {m inan} [chess] | :: pawn |
pion {m inan} [physics] | :: pion |
piona {f} [slang] | :: high five (gesture) |
piona {f} [school slang] | :: A (academic grade) |
piona {interj} [slang] | :: give me five; high five |
piona {interj} [slang] | :: see ya; bye |
piona {f} | :: Any parrot of the genus Pionus |
pionek {m inan} | :: man, pawn, piece (piece in board games) |
pionek {m inan} [chess] | :: pawn |
pionek {m inan} [figurative] | :: pawn, unimportant person |
pionowo {adv} | :: vertically |
pionowy {adj} | :: vertical |
piorun {m inan} | :: lightning |
piorunochron {m inan} | :: lightning rod (metallic conductor protecting buildings from damage caused by lightnings) |
piosenka {f} | :: song (a musical piece with lyrics) |
piosenkarka {f} | :: female singer |
piosenkarz {m pers} | :: singer |
Piotr {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Piotrek {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
Piotrków Trybunalski {prop} | :: Piotrków Trybunalski (city) |
piotrosz {m anim} | :: John Dory, St. Peter's fish (Zeus faber) |
Piotruś {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
piórko {n} | :: diminutive of pióro |
piórko {n} [colloquial, music] | :: pick, plectrum |
piórkowiec {m inan} | :: Any liverwort belonging to the genus Trichocolea |
piórniczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of piórnik |
piórnik {m inan} | :: pencil case |
pióro {n} | :: feather, plume |
pióro {n} | :: quill |
pióro {n} | :: fountain pen |
piórolotek {m anim} | :: plume moth, pterophorid |
piórosz {m inan} | :: Any moss of the genus Ptilium (Hypnaceae) |
piramida {f} | :: pyramid (ancient monument) |
piramidalnie {adv} | :: pyramidally; in a pyramidal manner |
piramidalny {adj} | :: pyramidal |
piramidka {f} | :: diminutive of piramida; small pyramid |
pirania {f} | :: piranha |
pirat {m pers} | :: pirate (one who plunders at sea) |
Pireneje {prop} {p} | :: Pyrenees |
pirolizyna {f} | :: pyrrolysine |
piromania {f} | :: pyromania |
pirs {m inan} | :: pier |
piryt {m inan} [mineral] | :: pyrite |
PiS {prop} {n} | :: initialism of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość; Polish right-wing political party, Law and Justice |
pisać {vit impf} | :: to write (to form letters, words or symbols on a surface in order to communicate) |
pisać {vt impf} | :: to write (to compose a text for written or printed reproduction or publication) |
pisać {vi impf} | :: to write (to engage in written conversation) |
pisać {vi impf} | :: to write (to be an author) |
pisać {vit impf} | :: to write, to take (to fill in a written exam) |
pisać {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to say (to indicate in a written form) |
pisać {v impf} [colloquial, proscribed, impersonal] | :: to say, to state, to read (to indicate in a written form) |
pisadło {n} | :: writing instrument, pen |
pisak {m inan} | :: felt-tip pen |
pisak {m inan} | :: marker pen |
pisanka {f} | :: pisanka; a dyed Easter egg with intricate designs |
pisankarka {f} | :: woman who makes pisanki (a type of Easter eggs) |
pisankarstwo {n} | :: the art of making pisanki (a type of Easter eggs) |
pisarka {f} | :: writer (female) |
pisarz {m pers} | :: writer (author, person who writes) |
pisarzyna {m pers} | :: scribbler, hack (untalented writer) |
pisemko {n} | :: diminutive of pismo |
pisemny {adj} | :: written |
pisk {m inan} | :: squeal, screech |
pisklaczek {m anim} | :: diminutive of pisklak |
pisklak {m anim} | :: hatchling (newly hatched bird), chick |
pisklątko {n} | :: diminutive of pisklę |
pisklę {n} | :: hatchling (newly hatched bird), nestling, chick |
pisklę {n} [affectionate] | :: child |
piskorz {m anim} | :: weather loach, weatherfish (Misgurnus), especially the European weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis) |
pismak {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: journalist, scribbler |
pismo {n} | :: script, handwriting (characteristic style of writing) |
pismo {n} | :: script, writing system |
pismo {n} | :: script, scripture (written document) |
Pismo {prop} {n} [chiefly colloquial] | :: the Scripture (Bible) |
pismo klinowe {n} | :: cuneiform, cuneiform script |
Pismo Święte {prop} {n} | :: Bible (Christian holy book) |
pistacja {f} | :: pistachio (fruit) |
pistolet {m inan} | :: gun, pistol |
pistolet {m inan} | :: spray gun |
pistolet maszynowy {m inan} | :: submachine gun |
pisuar {m inan} | :: urinal (fixture for standing urination) |
pisuar {m pers} [politics, slang, offensive] | :: Law and Justice supporter |
pisywać {vt impf} | :: to write occasionally |
piszczałka {f} [musical instrument] | :: A type of pipe (wind instrument), typically made of willow bark |
piszczałka {f} [music] | :: pipe (sound-producing element of an organ) |
piszczałka {f} [colloquial] | :: cornetfish (fish of the genus Fistularia) |
piszczeć {vi impf} | :: to squeak |
piszczel {f} {m inan} | :: tibia, shinbone (leg bone) |
piszczel {f} {m inan} [glassblowing] | :: blowpipe |
piśmiennictwo {n} | :: letters, literature |
piśmienniczy {adj} | :: literary |
piśmiennik {m pers} [archaic] | :: man of letters, writer |
piśmienność {f} | :: literacy (ability to read and write) |
piśmienny {adj} | :: literate (able to read and write) |
pita {f} | :: pita |
Pitagoras {prop} {m} | :: Pythagoras |
pitaja {f} | :: dragon fruit, pitaya |
piter {m inan} [archaic, criminal slang] | :: A small bag or pouch for carrying money |
pitny {adj} | :: potable, drinkable |
pitolenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pitolić |
pitraszenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pitrasić |
pitu pitu {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: whining |
pitu pitu {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: hot air, nonsense, empty talk |
piwiarnia {f} | :: alehouse, beer parlour, pub, bar |
piwko {n} | :: diminutive of piwo |
piwnica {f} | :: cellar |
piwnica {f} | :: basement |
piwny {adj} [relational] | :: beer |
piwny {adj} | :: hazel (colour, especially of eyes) |
piwo {n} | :: beer |
piwo imbirowe {n} | :: ginger beer; ginger ale |
piwonia {f} | :: peony |
piwosz {m pers} | :: beer lover; beer enthusiast; beer connoisseur |
piwowar {m pers} | :: beer brewer |
piwsko {n} | :: augmentative of piwo |
Piza {prop} {f} | :: Piza (city) |
pizda {f} [vulgar] | :: pussy, cunt (female genitalia, especially the external genitalia) |
pizda {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: term of abuse for women |
pizda {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: mangina; effeminate man |
pizda {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: fuckup; loser; someone who fails at life |
pizza {f} | :: pizza |
pizzeria {f} | :: pizzeria |
piździć {v impf} [vulgar] | :: of weather: to be windy and/or very cold |
piżama {f} | :: pyjamas |
piżmaczek {m inan} | :: moschatel, plant of the genus Adoxa |
piżmak {m anim} | :: muskrat (rodent) |
piżmo {n} | :: musk |
Pjongjang {prop} {m inan} | :: Pjongjang (capital city) |
pl. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of plac |
pl. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of pluralis |
plac {m inan} | :: square (open space in a town) |
plac {m inan} | :: yard (enclosed area for a specific purpose) |
plac {m inan} [regional, singular only] | :: outside |
placebo {n} [medicine] | :: placebo |
placek {m inan} | :: a round, flat cake, pancake, or pie |
placowy {adj} [relational] | :: square, yard |
placówka {f} [military] | :: outpost |
placówka {f} | :: establishment, institution, agency |
placuszek {m inan} | :: diminutive of placek |
placyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of plac |
plaga {f} | :: plague |
plaga {f} | :: nuisance |
plagiat {m inan} | :: plagiarism (copying of someone's ideas) |
plagiat {m inan} | :: plagiarism (text or other work resulting from this act) |
plagiator {m pers} | :: plagiarist |
plakacik {m inan} | :: diminutive of plakat |
plakat {m inan} | :: poster, placard (picture intended to be attached to a wall) |
plama {f} | :: stain |
plan {m inan} | :: plan |
plan {m inan} | :: set (scenery for a film or play) |
plandeka {f} | :: canvas cover, tilt (canvas covering for carts, boats, etc.) |
planeta {f} | :: planet |
planetarium {n} | :: planetarium |
planetka {f} [astronomy] | :: planetoid, asteroid |
planetoida {f} [astronomy] | :: planetoid |
planimetr {m inan} | :: planimeter (measuring device) |
planimetria {f} | :: planimetry |
planista {m pers} | :: planner (person) |
planista {m pers} [computing] | :: scheduler |
planistka {f} | :: planner (female person) |
planistka {f} [computing] | :: female scheduler |
planktonowy {adj} | :: planktonic |
planować {v impf} | :: to plan (to create a plan for) |
planowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of planować |
plansza {f} | :: gameboard |
plansza {f} | :: chart (systematic non-narrative presentation of data) |
planszówka {f} [colloquial] | :: board game |
plantacja {f} | :: plantation |
plask {m inan} | :: slap, smack, clap |
plaskoć {noun} [dialectal] | :: sweet flag |
plastelina {f} | :: plasticine |
plaster {m inan} | :: plaster, sticking plaster, band-aid |
plastyczność {f} | :: plasticity |
plastyczny {adj} | :: plastic, malleable |
plastyczny {adj} [art] | :: plastic, relating to plastic art |
plaśnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of plasnąć |
plaśnięcie {n} | :: slap, clap (blow) |
plaśnięcie {n} | :: splat (sound) |
platan {m inan} | :: plane tree, any tree of genus Platanus |
platana {f} | :: clawed frog, platanna (Xenopus) |
platanowy {adj} | :: pertaining to planetrees |
platyna {f} | :: platinum (chemical element, Pt, atomic number 78) |
platynowy {adj} | :: made of platinum |
plazma {f} [physics] | :: plasma (a state of matter consisting of fully ionized gas) |
plazma {f} [hematology] | :: plasma |
plaża {f} | :: beach (sandy shore) |
plażowicz {m pers} | :: A male person who sunbathes on a beach |
plażowiczka {f} | :: A female person who sunbathes on a beach |
plądrować {v impf} | :: to plunder, to sack |
pląs {m inan} | :: dance (sequence of rhythmic steps or movements), especially with jumping |
pląsać {v impf} [dated] | :: to dance |
pląsać {v impf} | :: to walk in a jumpy, dance-like fashion |
pląsać {v impf} | :: to walk without a purpose or final destinaton |
pląsak {m anim} [regional] | :: young carp (fish) |
pląsawica {f} [disease] | :: chorea |
plątać {vt impf} | :: to tangle |
plątać {vt impf} | :: to ravel |
plątać {vr impf} | :: to tergiversate |
plątanie {n} | :: verbal noun of plątać |
plątanina {f} | :: tangle (tangled twisted mass) |
plebania {f} | :: rectory; parsonage (the residence of Roman Catholic priest(s) associated with a parish church) |
plebiscyt {m inan} | :: voting |
plebiscyt {m inan} [politics] | :: plebiscite (referendum that concerns changes in sovereignty) |
plebiscyt {m inan} [historical] | :: plebiscitum |
plebiscytowy {adj} [relational] | :: plebiscite |
plecak {m inan} | :: backpack, rucksack |
plecenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pleść |
plecha {f} [botany] | :: thallus |
plecha {f} [obsolete] | :: tonsure (bald patch) |
pleciuch {m pers} [colloquial] | :: blabbermouth |
pleciuga {f} [colloquial] | :: blabbermouth |
pleciuga {m pers} [colloquial] | :: blabbermouth |
plecki {p} | :: diminutive of plecy |
plecy {p} | :: back (the rear of body) |
pleć {vt impf} | :: to weed |
pled {m inan} | :: plaid (piece of clothing) |
pledowy {adj} [relational] | :: plaid |
pledzik {m inan} | :: diminutive of pled |
Plejady {prop} {p} [astronomy] | :: Pleiades |
plektron {m inan} [music] | :: pick, plectrum |
plemienny {adj} | :: tribal |
plemię {n} | :: tribe (group of people) |
plemię {n} [taxonomy] | :: tribe |
plemnia {f} [botany, mycology] | :: antheridium |
plemnik {m inan} [cytology] | :: sperm cell, spermatozoon |
plenipotent {m pers} | :: agent, attorney-in-fact |
plenipotentka {f} | :: female agent, attorney-in-fact |
plenum {n} | :: plenum (legislative meeting) |
pleonazm {m inan} [linguistics] | :: pleonasm |
ple-ple {interj} | :: blah blah blah |
pleszczotka {f} | :: buckler mustard, any plant of the genus Biscutella |
Pleszew {prop} {m} | :: Pleszew (town on the Ner in west-central Poland) |
pleszewski {adj} | :: Pleszew (of, from or pertaining to Pleszew in Poland) |
pleszka {f} | :: common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) |
pleszka {f} | :: Any redstart belonging to genera Phoenicurus, Rhyacornis, or Chaimarrornis |
pleść {vt impf} | :: to plait |
pleść {vt impf} | :: to weave |
pleść {vt impf} | :: to blather, to talk drivel or nonsense |
pleśniak {m inan} | :: Any fungus of the genus Mucor |
pleśniak {m inan} | :: A type of cake |
pleśń {f} | :: mould (natural substance on organic material in the form of a furry growth of tiny fungi) |
plewa {f} [usually plural] | :: chaff, husk; the outer inedible shell of cereal grain |
plewka {f} [botany] | :: glume |
plewowce {p} | :: Poales |
plewowce {p} [obsolete] | :: Glumiflorae |
plik {m inan} | :: file (collection of papers) |
plik {m inan} [computing] | :: file |
pliszka {f} | :: wagtail (any bird of the genus Motacilla) |
plociuch {m pers} [colloquial] | :: blabbermouth |
plomba {f} | :: filling (substance such as amalgam used to fill a cavity in a tooth) |
plomba {f} | :: seal |
plon {m inan} | :: harvest, crop, yield |
plota {f} | :: augmentative of plotka |
ploteczka {f} | :: diminutive of plotka |
plotka {f} | :: gossip; rumour |
plotkarz {m pers} | :: gossip, rumourmonger, gossiper |
plotkować {v impf} | :: to gossip |
plucha {f} | :: bad, rainy weather |
plucie {n} | :: verbal noun of pluć |
pluć {v impf} | :: to spit |
pludry {p} | :: hose, pluderhose |
plugastwo {n} | :: filth, squalor |
plugawy {adj} | :: sleazy |
plugawy {adj} | :: squalid |
plugawy {adj} | :: mangy |
plugawy {adj} | :: sordid |
plugawy {adj} | :: vile |
plujka {f} | :: Any blowfly of the genus Calliphora |
pluralizm {m inan} | :: pluralism |
plus {m inan} | :: plus, plus sign |
plusk {m inan} | :: splash, plop (sound) |
plusk {m inan} [hunting] | :: a beaver's tail |
plusk {m inan} [rare] | :: caudal fin, tailfin (of a fish) |
plusk {m inan} [plural only, obsolete] | :: rain; bad weather |
plusk {interj} | :: splash, plop |
pluskwa {f} | :: bedbug (Cimex lectularius) |
pluskwa {f} [colloquial] | :: bug (an electronic listening device) |
pluskwiak {m anim} | :: true bug, hemipteran |
plusz {m inan} | :: plush |
pluszcz {m anim} | :: dipper (any bird of the genus Cinclus), especially the white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus) |
pluszcz {m inan} [dialectal] | :: sweet flag (Acorus calamus) |
pluszczaj {m inan} [dialectal] | :: sweet flag |
pluszowy {adj} [relational] | :: plush, fluffy |
pluszowy miś {m anim} | :: teddy bear |
plutokracja {f} | :: plutocracy (government by the wealthy) |
plutokracja {f} | :: plutocracy (controlling class of the wealthy) |
pluton {m inan} | :: plutonium |
pluton {m inan} | :: platoon |
Pluton {prop} {m} | :: Pluto (god) |
Pluton {prop} {m} | :: Pluto (dwarf planet) |
plutonowy {adj} | :: of or pertaining to plutonium |
plutonowy {adj} | :: of or pertaining to a platoon |
plutonowy {m pers} | :: master corporal |
plwocina {f} [physiology] | :: sputum |
płaca {f} | :: wage, salary, pay |
płacenie {n} | :: verbal noun of płacić |
płachetka {f} | :: diminutive of płachta |
płachta {f} | :: sheet, cloth, canvas |
płacić {v impf} | :: pay (to give money in exchange for goods or services) |
płacik {m inan} [anatomy] | :: lobule |
płacz {m inan} | :: cry (shedding of tears) |
płacz i zgrzytanie zębów {m inan} [idiom] | :: weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth |
płakać {v impf} | :: to cry (shed tears) |
płakanie {n} | :: verbal noun of płakać |
płaski {adj} | :: flat (having no variations in altitude) |
płasko {adv} | :: flat (so as to be flat) |
płaskodenny {adj} | :: flat-bottomed |
płaskostopie {n} | :: flatfoot (condition) |
płaskowiec {m anim} | :: placozoan |
płaskowiec {m anim} | :: flat lizard (Platysaurus) |
płaskowyż {m inan} | :: plateau (a largely level expanse of land at a high elevation) |
płaskowzgórze {n} | :: plateau (a largely level expanse of land at a high elevation) |
płastuga {f} | :: flatfish (fish of the order Pleuronectiformes) |
płaszcz {m inan} | :: overcoat, raincoat, coat, mackintosh |
płaszcz {m inan} [malacology] | :: mantle, pallium |
płaszczka {f} | :: ray, batoid (fish of the superorder Batoidea) |
płaszczyzna {f} | :: plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) |
płaszczyzna {f} [geometry] | :: plane |
płat {m inan} | :: A piece or scrap of paper, cloth, etc |
płat {m inan} | :: flake (thin, flat piece of something, usually detached from a larger piece) |
płat {m inan} [anatomy] | :: lobe |
płata {f} [obsolete] | :: payment (sum of money paid in exchange for goods or services) |
płatek {m inan} | :: diminutive of płat |
płatek {m inan} [botany] | :: petal |
płatek {m inan} | :: flake |
płatek {m inan} | :: snowflake |
płatek {m inan} [anatomy] | :: ear lobe |
płatność {f} | :: payment (transfer of money from one entity to another) |
płatny {adj} | :: paid (not free of charge) |
płatny {adj} | :: payable (that which is to be paid in a certain manner) |
płatowiec {m inan} [aviation] | :: airframe |
pława {f} | :: buoy (navigational aid) |
pława {f} | :: fishing net float |
pławić {vt impf} | :: to submerge, to hold underwater |
pławić {vr impf} | :: to submerge oneself |
pławić {vr impf} [figuratively] | :: to bathe, to bask (in luxury, glory, etc.) |
płaz {m anim} | :: amphibian |
płazi {adj} | :: amphibian (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of animals belonging to the taxonomic class Amphibia) |
płaziniec {m anim} | :: flatworm |
płciowy {adj} | :: sexual |
płciowy {adj} | :: sex |
płd. {adj} | :: abbreviation of południowy s. |
płd. {n} | :: abbreviation of południe s. |
płeć {f} | :: sex, gender (kind of an organism as determined by its reproductive organs) |
płetwa {f} | :: fin, flipper (limb evolved for movement through water) |
płetwa {f} | :: swim fin (footwear) |
płetwal {m anim} | :: Any rorqual of the genus Balaenoptera |
płetwonurek {m pers} | :: scuba diver, frogman |
płn. {adj} | :: abbreviation of północny n. |
płn. {f} | :: abbreviation of północ n, n. |
płochacz {m anim} | :: accentor (any bird of the genus Prunella) |
płochacz {m anim} | :: spaniel, flushing dog |
płochy {adj} [archaic] | :: fickle |
płochy {adj} [archaic] | :: thoughtless |
płochy {adj} [archaic] | :: skittish |
płochy {adj} [archaic] | :: insignificant, trivial |
Płock {prop} {m} | :: Płock (city) |
płocki {adj} | :: Płock (of, from or pertaining to Płock in Poland) |
płoć {f} | :: roach (Rutilus rutilus) |
płodność {f} | :: fertility |
płodny {adj} | :: fertile (capable of reproducing) |
płodzić {vt impf} | :: to breed, father, sire, beget |
płomień {m inan} | :: flame |
płomyczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of płomyk |
płomyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of płomień; small flame |
płomyk {m inan} | :: glimmer, flicker (e.g. of hope) |
płomyk {m inan} | :: phlox (any plant of the genus Phlox) |
płomykówka {f} | :: barn owl |
płonąć {v impf} | :: to burn; to be aflame; to be on fire |
płonąć {v impf} [literary] | :: to burn [+ ins = with some feeling] [+ do (object) = gen = toward someone / something]; to feel an intense emotion |
płonąć {v impf} | :: to burn with desire / passion; to have intense sexual feelings |
płonąć {v impf} [dated] | :: to burn; to have a high body temperature |
płonica {f} [disease] | :: scarlet fever |
płonka {f} [colloquial] | :: European crab apple (Malus sylvestris) |
płonka {f} [colloquial] | :: European pear (Pyrus communis) |
płonnik {m inan} | :: Any moss of the genus Polytrichum |
płonny {adj} | :: fruitless, vain, to no avail, superfluous, otiose |
płoszczyca {f} | :: water scorpion of the genus Nepa) |
płoszczyca {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] | :: bedbug (Cimex lectularius) |
płoszyć {vt impf} | :: to startle |
płoszyć {vt impf} | :: to flush (game) |
płot {m inan} | :: fence (thin, human-constructed barrier which separates two pieces of land or a house perimeter) |
płotek {m inan} | :: diminutive of płot |
płotek {m inan} [sports] | :: hurdle |
płotka {f} | :: roach (Rutilus rutilus) |
płotka {f} | :: minnow (small fish) |
płotka {f} [figurative] | :: small fry; an unimportant member of an organization, especially a criminal one |
płotkarz {m pers} [sports] | :: hurdler |
płowy {adj} [color] | :: stramineous, fawn |
płoz {m inan} | :: alternative form of płóz |
płoza {f} | :: skid, runner |
płozik {m inan} | :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Lophocolea |
płożyk {m inan} | :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Geocalyx |
płóciennik {m pers} [archaic] | :: linen weaver or merchant |
płócienny {adj} [relational] | :: linen |
płód {m inan} | :: foetus (US: fetus) |
płótno {n} | :: linen (a type of cloth made from flax fiber) |
płótno {n} | :: canvas (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint) |
płótno {n} | :: painting (an illustration or artwork using paint) |
płóz {m inan} [agriculture] | :: part of a plough/plow |
płucny {adj} [relational] | :: lung, pulmonary |
płuco {n} | :: lung |
pług {m inan} | :: plough (US plow) |
płyciuteńki {adj} | :: diminutive of płyciutki |
płyciutki {adj} | :: diminutive of płytki |
płyciutko {adv} | :: diminutive of płytko |
płycizna {f} | :: shallow (shallow portion of a body of water) |
płycizna {f} | :: shallowness |
płyn {m inan} | :: fluid (any state of matter which can flow) |
płynąć {vi det} | :: to swim |
płynąć {vi det} | :: to sail (to ride in a boat) |
płynąć {vi det} | :: to flow (to move as a fluid) |
płynąć {vi det} | :: to float (to move in a fluid manner) |
płynięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of płynąć |
płynniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of płynny |
płynny {adj} | :: liquid |
płynotok {m inan} | :: liquorrhea, liquorrhoea |
płyta {f} | :: plate, tile |
płyta {f} | :: disk, CD, CD-ROM, DVD, etc |
płyta główna {f} | :: motherboard |
płyta kompaktowa {f} | :: compact disc |
płytka {f} | :: diminutive of płyta |
płytki {adj} | :: shallow |
płytszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of płytki |
pływacz {m inan} | :: A plant of the genus Utricularia |
pływacz {m anim} | :: A gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) |
pływacz {m pers} [obsolete] | :: A swimmer |
pływać {vi indet} | :: to swim (move through water) |
pływać {vi indet} | :: to sail (to ride in a boat) |
pływać {vi indet} | :: to float (to drift on the surface of a liquid) |
pływak {m pers} | :: swimmer |
pływanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pływać |
pływka {f} [botany] | :: zoospore |
p.n. {adv} | :: abbreviation of prawie na pewno almost surely, a.s. |
pnącze {n} | :: vine, climbing or trailing plant |
p.n.e. {adv} | :: abbreviation of przed naszą erą; BCE, before the Common Era |
pneumo- {prefix} | :: pneumo- |
pneumograf {m inan} [medicine] | :: pneumatograph |
pneumonologia {f} | :: pneumology |
pniaczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pniak |
pniak {m inan} | :: tree stump; tree stub |
pniok {m inan} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of pniak |
pniok {m inan} [dialectal, beekeeping] | :: A beehive, especially one made from a tree trunk |
pniok {m inan} [dialectal] | :: A rotten tooth |
pniok {m inan} [dialectal] | :: honey fungus (Armillaria mellea) |
pniok {m pers} [Upper Silesia] | :: indigenous Silesian |
p.o. {noun} | :: acting person (someone temporarily assuming the duties) |
po- {prefix} | :: Prepended to imperfective verbs to form iterative perfectives |
po- {prefix} | :: Prepended to imperfective verbs to create semelfactive perfectives |
po {prep} [+ locative] | :: after |
po {prep} [+ locative] | :: along |
po {prep} [+ locative] | :: on, over |
po {prep} [+ locative] | :: at, by, next to |
po {prep} [+ locative] | :: around |
po {prep} [+ accusative] | :: for, after, to take care of |
po {prep} [+ accusative] | :: up to |
po {prep} [+ dative, only with adjectives] | :: according to, in the way of |
po {prep} [+ dative, only with adjectives] | :: in the language of |
po {conj} | :: like |
po {conj} | :: when |
PO {prop} {n} {f} | :: Platforma Obywatelska [Citizens' Platform], a Polish conservative-liberal political party |
po angielsku {adv} | :: See: pl po angielski in English, the English way |
po angielsku {adv} | :: quietly, suddenly, without permission (compare: French leave) |
po cichu {adv} | :: quietly, silently |
po grób {adv} [idiom, poetic] | :: until death |
po moim trupie {phrase} [hyperbole] | :: over my dead body |
po polskiemu {adv} [humorous, pejorative] | :: In a very ungrammatical Polish language |
po polsku {adv} | :: In Polish |
po prostu {adv} | :: simply |
po wsze czasy {adv} | :: forever, for ever |
pobicie {n} | :: verbal noun of pobić |
pobicie {n} [law] | :: battery (the infliction of unlawful physical violence on a person) |
pobić {vt pf} | :: to beat up |
pobić {vt pf} | :: to defeat |
pobić {vt pf} [colloquial] | :: to recess (to make a recess in) |
pobieranie {n} | :: verbal noun of pobierać |
pobieżny {adj} | :: cursory, superficial |
pobijanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pobijać |
pobliże {n} | :: vicinity, nearby space |
pobocze {n} | :: wayside, roadside |
poborca {m pers} | :: tax collector, taxman |
poborowy {m pers} | :: conscript |
poborowy {adj} [relational] | :: conscription |
pobożne życzenia {np} [idiom] | :: wishful thinking |
pobożność {f} | :: devotion, piety |
pobożny {adj} | :: devout, pious, religious |
pobór {m inan} | :: conscription |
pobór {m inan} | :: levy (an act of levying a tax) |
pobór {m inan} | :: collection (the action or process of collecting someone or something) |
pobór {m inan} | :: offtake |
pobór {m inan} | :: uptake |
pobrać {v pf} | :: to take, to grab, to receive |
pobrać {v pf} | :: to download |
pobrać {vr pf} [chiefly in the plural] | :: to marry (each other) |
pobrojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pobroić |
pobrzeże {n} | :: strip of land alongside some body of water; riverside, lakeside, seaside |
pobyt {m inan} | :: stay |
pocałować {v pf} | :: to kiss |
pocałunek {m inan} | :: kiss |
pocenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pocić |
pochlapanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pochlapać |
pochlebca {m pers} | :: flatterer, sycophant |
pochlebczyni {f} | :: female flatterer, sycophant |
pochmurniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of pochmurny |
pochmurny {adj} | :: cloudy, overcast |
pochmurny {adj} [literary] | :: gloomy |
pochodna {f} | :: derivative (something derived) |
pochodna {f} [mathematics] | :: derivative |
pochodnia {f} | :: torch (stick with flame at one end) |
pochodnik {m inan} [grammar] | :: ablative |
pochodzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pochodzić |
pochodzenie {n} | :: origin |
pochodzić {vi impf} | :: to be derived, to come |
pochopnie {adv} | :: hastily, rashly |
pochopny {adj} | :: hasty, rash |
pochowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pochować |
pochód {m inan} | :: procession, parade, march |
pochód {m inan} | :: march (formal, rhythmic way of walking) |
pochód {m inan} [military] | :: campaign |
pochówek {m inan} [formal] | :: inhumation, burial, interment |
pochrzyn {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Dioscorea |
pochwa {f} [anatomy] | :: vagina |
pochwa {f} | :: sheath, holster, scabbard |
pochwała {f} | :: praise |
pochwowy {adj} | :: vaginal |
pochwytanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pochwytać |
pochylać {vt impf} | :: to lower, to bow |
pochylać {vr impf} | :: to bend down, to stoop |
pochylenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pochylić |
pochylić {vt pf} | :: to lower, to bow |
pochylić {vr pf} | :: to bend down |
pochylnia {f} | :: slide, chute, planum inclinatum |
pochylnia {f} [nautical] | :: slipway |
pochyłość {f} | :: inclination, slant, slope |
pocian {m anim} [dialectal] | :: stork (wading bird) |
pociąg {m inan} | :: train (vehicle) |
pociąg {m inan} | :: inclination, predilection, penchant |
pociągnąć {v pf} | :: to pull |
pociągnąć {v pf} | :: to attract |
pociągnąć {v pf} | :: to guzzle alcohol |
pocić {vr impf} | :: to sweat |
pociecha {f} | :: comfort, consolation |
pociecha {f} | :: joy (source of happiness or cheerfulness) |
pociecha {f} [affectionate] | :: child |
pocierniec {m anim} | :: sea stickleback (Spinachia spinachia) |
pocieszać {vt impf} | :: to console |
pocieszyć {vt pf} | :: to console |
pociot {m pers} [archaic] | :: husband of an aunt |
pociot {m pers} [archaic] | :: sorcerer |
pociot {m pers} [colloquial] | :: distant relative |
pociotek {m pers} [colloquial] | :: distant relative |
pociotek {m pers} [archaic] | :: aunt's son |
pociotek {m pers} [archaic] | :: spouse's nephew |
pocisk {m inan} | :: bullet (projectile) |
pocisk {m inan} | :: missile |
pociskanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pociskać |
począć {vt pf} [dated] | :: to start, to begin |
począć {vti pf} | :: to conceive (become pregnant with) |
początek {m inan} | :: beginning (act of doing that which begins anything) |
początkowo {adv} | :: originally, initially |
początkowy {adj} | :: initial, starting |
początkowy {adj} | :: essential, elementary |
początkujący {m pers} | :: beginner, novice |
początkujący {adj} | :: fledgling, novice, beginning, budding |
Poczdam {prop} {m} | :: Poczdam (city) |
poczekać {v pf} | :: to wait |
poczekalnia {f} | :: waiting room |
poczet {m inan} | :: fellowship, retinue |
poczet {m inan} | :: A gallery (collection) of portraits |
poczet {m inan} [obsolete] | :: A unit of soldiers |
poczet {m inan} [obsolete] | :: count, enumeration |
poczęcie {n} | :: verbal noun of począć |
poczęcie {n} | :: conception (start of pregnancy) |
poczęstunek {m inan} | :: snack; informal meal served to a group of people, typically eaten standing |
poczmistrz {m pers} [obsolete] | :: postmaster (head of a post office) |
poczochranie {n} | :: verbal noun of poczochrać |
poczta {f} | :: mail (material conveyed by postal services) |
poczta {f} | :: post (organization that delivers mail) |
poczta {f} | :: post office |
poczta elektroniczna {f} [formal] | :: e-mail system |
pocztowy {adj} | :: postal (relating to mail) |
pocztowy {adj} [historical] | :: pertaining to a unit of soldiers |
pocztówka {f} | :: postcard |
poczucie {n} | :: sense, feeling |
poczuć {vt pf} | :: to feel (experience an emotion or feeling) |
poczuć {vr pf} | :: to feel |
poczwara {f} | :: monster |
poczwarka {f} | :: pupa |
poczwarka {f} | :: chrysalis |
poczwarka {f} | :: diminutive of poczwara |
poczwórnie {adv} | :: quadruply |
poczwórny {adj} | :: quadruple |
poczynać {vt impf} [dated] | :: to start, to begin |
poczynać {vti impf} | :: to conceive (become pregnant with) |
poczytalny {adj} [law] | :: compos mentis |
poćwiczyć {vt pf} | :: to practise, to improve |
poćwiczyć {vt pf} | :: to exercise |
pod- {prefix} | :: under-, sub- |
pod {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: below, beneath, under, underneath (denotes location) |
pod {prep} [+ accusative] | :: below, beneath, under, underneath (denotes movement) |
pod {prep} [+ accusative] | :: against |
pod rząd {adv} [idiom, proscribed] | :: in a row, in succession |
podać {vt pf} | :: to pass, to hand |
podać {vt pf} [soccer, basketball] | :: to pass |
podać {vt pf} | :: to serve (bring food to be eaten) |
podać {vt pf} [tennis, volleyball] | :: to serve |
podać {vt pf} | :: to give, to tell (address, conditions, example etc.) |
podanie {n} | :: petition, application, a written request |
podanie {n} [ball games] | :: pass, transfer of the ball to another player |
podanie {n} | :: legend, tale |
podanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podać |
podarcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podrzeć |
podarek {m inan} | :: gift, present |
podarować {vt pf} | :: to give as a gift; to gift, to present |
podarunek {m inan} | :: gift |
podatek {m inan} | :: tax |
podatek dochodowy {m inan} | :: income tax |
podatkowy {adj} [relational] | :: tax, of or pertaining to taxation |
podatniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of podatny |
podatny {adj} | :: malleable, flexible |
podatny {adj} | :: susceptible, liable |
podawać {vt impf} | :: to hand, to pass |
podawać {vt impf} | :: to serve (e.g. a meal) |
podawać {vt impf} [sports] | :: to pass |
podaż {f} | :: supply (economy) |
podążać {vi impf} | :: to follow, to go in the same direction |
podążyć {vi pf} | :: to follow, to go in the same direction |
podbiał {m inan} | :: coltsfoot, plant of genus Tussilago |
podbiałostocki {adj} | :: located near Białystok, Poland |
podbicie {n} | :: verbal noun of podbić |
podbicie {n} | :: padding, soffit |
podbicie {n} [anatomy] | :: instep |
podbić {vt pf} | :: to conquer, to subdue, to subjugate (to acquire by force of arms, win in war) |
podbić {vt pf} | :: to bump up, to drive up (to increase something suddenly) |
podbić {vt pf} | :: to conquer someone (with love, sympathy etc.) |
podbić {vt pf} | :: to fasten something from the bottom |
podbić {vt pf} | :: to lift up |
podbiec {vi pf} | :: to run up to, to run towards |
podbiec {vi pf} | :: to fill up (with some liquid) from below |
podbiegać {vi impf} | :: to run up to, to run towards |
podbiegać {vi impf} | :: to fill up (with some liquid) from below |
podbijać {vt impf} | :: to conquer, to subdue, to subjugate (to acquire by force of arms, win in war) |
podbijać {vt impf} | :: to bump up, to drive up (to increase something suddenly) |
podbijać {vt impf} | :: to conquer someone (with love, sympathy etc.) |
podbijać {vt impf} | :: to fasten something from the bottom |
podbijać {vt impf} | :: to lift up |
podbijanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podbijać |
podbój {m inan} | :: conquest, subjugation |
podbródek {m inan} | :: chin (bottom of a face) |
podbrzusze {n} [anatomy] | :: hypogastrium |
podbrzusze {n} | :: underbelly (of an animal) |
podcast {m inan} | :: podcast |
podcasting {m inan} | :: podcasting |
podchodzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podchodzić |
podchodzić {vi impf} | :: to approach (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer) |
podchodzić {vi impf} | :: to stalk (animals, criminals, etc.) |
podchodzić {vi impf} | :: to climb |
podchorąży {m pers} | :: ensign, officer cadet (trainee for a commissioned officer position) |
podchowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podchować |
podchylenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podchylić |
podciśnienie {n} [medicine] | :: hypotension |
podczas {prep} | :: during |
podczepiać {vt impf} | :: to attach from underneath |
podczepić {vt pf} | :: to attach from underneath |
podczerwień {f} | :: infrared |
podczerwony {adj} | :: infrared |
poddarcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podedrzeć |
poddasze {n} | :: garret, attic |
podejmować {vt impf} [archaic] | :: to lift up, to raise |
podejmować {vt impf} | :: to collect, to withdraw (e.g. money from a bank) |
podejmować {vt impf} | :: to take up, to engage in |
podejmować {vt impf} | :: to undertake, to initiate, to instigate |
podejmować {vt impf} | :: to host, to entertain, to receive |
podejmować {vr impf} | :: to commit to, to decide upon |
podejrzany {adj} | :: suspect |
podejrzany {adj} | :: fishy, suspicious, inspiring doubt |
podejrzeć {vt pf} | :: to peep at (look at furtively) |
podejrzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podejrzeć |
podejrzenie {n} | :: suspicion |
podejrzewać {v impf} | :: to suspect |
podejrzewanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podejrzewać |
podejrzliwy {adj} | :: suspicious, mistrustful, distrustful, leery |
podejść {vi pf} | :: to come, to approach |
podejść {vi pf} | :: to stalk (animals, criminals, etc.) |
podejść {vi pf} | :: to climb |
podejść {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take (an exam) |
podekscytowany {adj} | :: excited |
podekscytowany {adj} | :: thrilled |
podeń {contraction} | :: contraction of pod niego |
podeprzeć {vt pf} | :: to support, to prop up |
podeprzeć {vr pf} | :: to support oneself |
poderwać {vt pf} | :: to pick up, to pull, to court |
podeschnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podeschnąć |
podesłać {vt pf} | :: to send (especially stealthily or furtively) |
podesłać {vt pf} | :: to lay bedding, to litter |
podest {m inan} | :: dais |
podeszwa {f} | :: sole (bottom of a shoe or boot) |
podetknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podetknąć |
podetrzeć {vt pf} | :: to wipe (someone's) bottom after defecation (usually in collocation with a word for bottom) |
podetrzeć {vr pf} [with się] | :: to wipe one's own bottom after defecation |
podfrunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podfrunąć |
podfruwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podfruwać |
podgardle {n} | :: dewlap |
podgatunek {m inan} [taxonomy] | :: subspecies |
podgiąć {vt pf} | :: to bend slightly, to fold slightly, to tuck |
podgięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podgiąć |
podginać {vt impf} | :: to bend slightly, to fold slightly, to tuck |
podgląd {m inan} | :: preview, sneak peek |
podglądacz {m pers} | :: voyeur, peeping tom |
podglądacz {m pers} | :: Someone who views, looks or peeks at something |
podglądać {vt impf} | :: to peep at (look at furtively) |
podglądanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podglądać |
podglebie {n} | :: subsoil (layer of soil below topsoil) |
podglebie {n} [mycology] | :: subgleba |
podgłaśniać {v impf} | :: to turn up the volume (of) |
podgłośnić {v pf} | :: to turn up the volume (of) |
podgorzowski {adj} [relational] | :: near Gorzów Wielkopolski |
podgorzowski {adj} [relational] | :: near Gorzów Śląski |
podgorzowski {adj} [relational] | :: near Gorzów [Lesser Poland Voivodeship] |
podgromada {f} [zoology, taxonomy] | :: subclass |
podgrupa {f} | :: subgroup (group within a larger group) |
podgrupa {f} [group theory] | :: subgroup |
podgryzienie {n} | :: verbal noun of podgryźć |
podgrzać {vt pf} | :: to heat, to warm up, to reheat |
podgrzać {vt pf} [figuratively] | :: to fire up, to stir, to excite |
podgrzewać {vt impf} | :: to heat, to warm up, to reheat |
podgrzewać {vt impf} [figuratively] | :: to fire up, to stir, to excite |
podgrzybek {m anim} | :: Xerocomus |
podhal. {adj} | :: abbreviation of podhalański |
podhalański {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Podhale, its people, culture or language |
podium {n} | :: podium |
podjazd {m inan} | :: driveway; a road, avenue or approach leading directly to a house or buildings |
podjazd {m inan} | :: uphill or ascending part of a road |
podjazd {m inan} | :: ramp (inclined surface that connects two levels) |
podjąć {vt pf} [archaic] | :: to lift up, to raise |
podjąć {vt pf} | :: to collect, to withdraw (e.g. money from a bank) |
podjąć {vt pf} | :: to take up, to engage in |
podjąć {vt pf} | :: to undertake, to initiate, to instigate |
podjąć {vt pf} | :: to host, to entertain, to receive |
podjąć {vr pf} | :: to commit to, to decide upon |
podjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to finger, to peach |
podjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to steal |
podjęcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podjąć |
podjęzykowy {adj} [pharmacology] | :: sublingual |
podjęzykowy {adj} [anatomy] | :: sublingual (situated beneath the tongue) |
Podkarpacie {prop} {m} | :: Subcarpathian |
podkasaniec {m anim} | :: bent-winged bat (any bat of the genus Miniopterus) |
podkast {m inan} | :: alternative spelling of podcast |
podkład {m inan} [cosmetics] | :: foundation |
podkład {m inan} [horticulture] | :: rootstock |
podkład {m inan} [music] | :: soundtrack, score |
podkład {m inan} [music] | :: instrumental version |
podkład {m inan} [rail transport] | :: railroad tie, railway sleeper |
podkład {m inan} [painting] | :: primer, undercoat |
podkładać {vt impf} | :: to underlay, to put under |
podkładać {vt impf} | :: to plant, to place (e.g. a bomb) |
podkładać {vt impf} | :: to set, to light (a fire) |
podkładka {f} | :: mat, pad |
podkładka {f} | :: beer mat, coaster |
podkładka {f} [horticulture] | :: rootstock |
podkładka {f} [mycology] | :: stroma |
podkładka {f} | :: washer (flat disk) |
podkolan {m inan} | :: Any orchid of the genus Platanthera (butterfly orchid, fringed orchid) |
podkoszulek {m inan} | :: undershirt |
podkościelny {adj} | :: Located beneath a church; located in a crypt beneath a church |
podkościelny {adj} | :: Located near a church |
podkowa {f} | :: horseshoe |
podkowiec {m anim} | :: horseshoe bat (any bat of the genus Rhinolophus) |
podkówka {f} | :: horseshoe-shaped coin purse |
podkówka {f} | :: diminutive of podkowa |
podkradać {v impf} | :: to pilfer; to steal surreptitiously in small quantities, without the owner later noticing that something has been taken |
podkraść {v pf} | :: to pilfer; to steal surreptitiously in small quantities, without the owner later noticing that something has been taken |
podkreślać {vt impf} | :: to underline (to draw an underline) |
podkreślać {vt impf} [figuratively] | :: to underline (to emphasise or stress something) |
podkreślanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podkreślać |
podkreślenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podkreślić |
podkreślenie {n} | :: underline |
podkreślić {vt pf} | :: to underline (to draw an underline) |
podkreślić {vt pf} [figuratively] | :: to underline (to emphasise or stress something) |
podkrojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podkroić |
podkrzew {m inan} | :: subshrub, suffrutex |
podlać {v pf} | :: to water (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) |
podlanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podlać |
Podlasie {prop} {n} | :: Podlachia, Podlasie (region of Poland) |
podlaski {adj} | :: Podlachian; pertaining to Podlachia (Podlasie), a region of Poland |
podle {adv} | :: despicably |
podlec {vi pf} | :: to be subordinate [+ (dative) = to someone/something] |
podlec {vi pf} | :: to be subject [+ (dative) = to someone/something] |
podlec {m pers} | :: lowlife, wretch |
podlegać {vi impf} | :: to be subordinate [+ (dative) = to someone/something] |
podlegać {vi impf} | :: to be subject [+ (dative) = to someone/something] |
podległość {f} | :: dependency, subordinacy, subservience |
podległy {adj} | :: dependent, subordinate, subservient |
podlej {adv} | :: comparative of podle |
podlejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of podły |
podleśniczy {m pers} | :: deputy forestkeeper |
podleśny {adj} | :: Located near a forest |
podleśny {m pers} [archaic] | :: alternative form of podleśniczy |
podlewać {v impf} | :: to water (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) |
podlewanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podlewać |
podlizuch {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: sycophant, bootlicker, brown noser, kiss-ass, suckup, toady |
podlizywacz {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: sycophant, bootlicker, brown noser, kiss-ass, suckup, toady |
podludzie {m pers} [derogatory, Nazism] | :: Untermenschen |
podłoga {f} | :: floor (supporting surface of a room) |
podłoga {f} [mathematics] | :: floor |
podłoże {n} | :: substratum, underlayer |
podłoże {n} | :: bedrock, bed, base |
podłoże {n} [biology] | :: medium, substrate |
podłożyć {vt pf} | :: to underlay, to put under |
podłożyć {vt pf} | :: to plant, to place (e.g. a bomb) |
podłożyć {vt pf} | :: to set, to light (a fire) |
podłużny {adj} | :: oblong |
podłużny {adj} | :: elongated |
podłużny {adj} | :: longitudinal |
podłużny {adj} | :: lengthwise |
podły {adj} | :: despicable, foul, wicked, vile |
podły {adj} | :: disgraceful, dishonorable |
podły {adj} | :: awful, of very bad quality |
podmarznięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podmarznąć |
podmiot {m inan} [grammar] | :: subject |
podmiot {m inan} | :: entity |
podmorski {adj} | :: undersea |
podmuch {m inan} | :: blast, whiff, gust |
podnawka {f} | :: live sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) |
podniebienie {n} [anatomy] | :: palate (roof of the mouth) |
podniebienie {n} [architecture] | :: intrados |
podniecać {vt impf} | :: to excite, to titillate, to turn on, to foment |
podnieść {vt pf} | :: to pick up, to lift |
podnieść {vt pf} | :: to put up (to place in a high location) |
podnieść {vt pf} | :: to mark up |
podnieść {vt pf} | :: to hoist |
podnieść {vr pf} | :: to get up |
podnieta {f} | :: stimulus, stimulant, stimulation |
podnieta {f} | :: excitement |
podnieta {f} | :: incentive, spur |
podniosły {adj} | :: elevated, solemn |
podniośle {adv} | :: elevatedly, loftily |
podnioślejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of podniosły |
podnosić {vt impf} | :: to pick up, to raise, to lift, to uplift, to elevate (physically or metaphorically) |
podnosić {vt impf} | :: to put up (to place in a high location) |
podnosić {vt impf} | :: to mark up |
podnosić {vt impf} | :: to hoist |
podnośnik {m inan} | :: lift, jack |
podnóże {n} | :: foot (base or bottom of something tall) |
podobieństwo {n} | :: similarity |
podobieństwo {n} | :: likelihood |
podobniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of podobny |
podobno {particle} | :: supposedly, perhaps |
-podobny {suffix} [often, pejorative] | :: forms adjectives meaning: -like, quasi-, pseudo- |
podobny {adj} | :: similar, alike |
podoficer {m pers} | :: non-commissioned officer |
podogonie {n} | :: crupper (tack used to prevent saddle from slipping) |
podołek {m inan} [dated] | :: lap (part that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down) |
podomka {m inan} | :: bathrobe, housecoat |
podopieczna {f} | :: charge (someone entrusted to one's care) |
podopieczny {m pers} | :: charge (someone entrusted to one's care) |
podpadanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podpadać |
podpalacz {m pers} | :: arsonist |
podpalać {v impf} | :: to set fire; to ignite |
podpalany {adj} | :: black and tan (animal coat coloration) |
podpalenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podpalić |
podpalenie {n} | :: arson (crime of setting a fire) |
podpalić {v pf} | :: to set on fire, to ignite |
podpałka {f} | :: kindling, tinder, firelighter |
podpaska {f} | :: sanitary towel |
podpierać {vt impf} | :: to support, to prop up, to steady |
podpierać {vr impf} | :: to support oneself |
podpierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to rat out; to tell on someone |
podpierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to steal |
podpiersie {n} | :: breastplate (horse tack) |
podpiersień {m inan} | :: breastplate (horse tack) |
podpierśnik {m inan} | :: breastplate (horse tack) |
podpis {m inan} | :: signature |
podpis {m inan} | :: caption (text under illustrations) |
podpisać {v pf} | :: to sign (give a signature) |
podplemię {n} [taxonomy] | :: subtribe |
podporucznik {m pers} | :: second lieutenant |
podpowiadać {vt impf} | :: to prompt |
podpowiedzieć {vt pf} | :: to prompt |
podpowiedź {f} | :: clue |
podpowiedź {f} | :: prompt |
podpowiedź {f} | :: tip |
podpowiedź {f} | :: tip |
podpułkownik {m pers} | :: lieutenant colonel |
podpuszczka {f} [enzyme] | :: rennet |
podrabiać {vt impf} | :: to counterfeit, to forge |
podrabianie {n} | :: verbal noun of podrabiać |
podrabianie {n} | :: forgery (the act of forging, fabricating, or producing falsely) |
podrapać {vt pf} | :: to scratch |
podrąbanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podrąbać |
podręcznik {m inan} | :: textbook, manual |
podrobić {vt pf} | :: to counterfeit, forge |
podrobić {vt pf} | :: to crumble, comminute, morsel |
podrobienie {n} | :: verbal noun of podrobić |
podrobowy {adj} [relational] | :: offal, giblets |
podroby {p} | :: offal, giblets (internal organs of an animal, used as food) |
podrodzaj {m inan} [taxonomy] | :: subgenus |
podrodzina {f} [taxonomy] | :: subfamily |
podrodzina {f} [linguistics] | :: subfamily |
podrodzina {f} [molecular biology] | :: subfamily |
podróba {f} | :: augmentative of podróbka |
podróbka {f} [colloquial] | :: knockoff, counterfeit, low quality goods passed off as well known brands |
podróż {f} | :: journey, travel, trip |
podróżniczek {m anim} | :: bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) |
podróżniczek {m anim} | :: Scotch bonnet (Marasmius oreades) |
podróżniczek {m pers} | :: diminutive of podróżnik |
podróżniczka {f} | :: traveller |
podróżnik {m pers} | :: traveller |
podróżny {adj} [relational] | :: travel, journey |
podróżny {m pers} | :: traveller |
podróżować {v impf} | :: to travel |
podróżowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podróżować |
podrywacz {m pers} | :: flirt, womanizer, seducer, pickup artist |
podrywać {v impf} | :: to pick up, to court, to meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes; To flirt |
podrywanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podrywać |
podrząd {m inan} [taxonomy] | :: suborder |
podrzeń {m inan} | :: Any fern of the genus Blechnum |
podrzędny {adj} | :: inferior, subordinate (of lower rank) |
podrzędny {adj} | :: inferior (of lower quality) |
podrzucać {vt impf} | :: to toss, to flip |
podrzucać {vt impf} | :: to plant (place an object as false evidence) |
podrzucać {vt impf} | :: to drop off, to set down |
podrzucić {vt pf} | :: to toss, to flip |
podrzucić {vt pf} | :: to plant (place an object as false evidence) |
podrzucić {vt pf} | :: to drop off, to set down |
podsadka {f} [botany] | :: bract |
podsekretarz {m pers} | :: undersecretary |
podskakiwać {vi impf} | :: to bob, to bounce, to skip, to gambol (move along in small jumps) |
podskakiwać {vi impf} | :: to start, to jump (jerk suddenly in surprise) |
podskakiwać {vi impf} | :: to nip (make a quick journey) |
podskakiwać {vi impf} | :: to jump, to shoot up, to increase quickly |
podskakiwać {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to fuck with, to mess with |
podskoczek {m anim} | :: Any jerboa belonging to the genus Jaculus |
podskoczyć {vi pf} | :: to bob, to bounce, to skip, to gambol (move along in small jumps) |
podskoczyć {vi pf} | :: to start, to jump (jerk suddenly in surprise) |
podskoczyć {vi pf} | :: to nip (make a quick journey) |
podskoczyć {vi pf} | :: to jump, to shoot up, to increase quickly |
podskoczyć {vi pf} [colloquial] | :: to fuck with, to mess with |
podskok {m inan} | :: leap, hop, jump |
podskórny {adj} | :: subcutaneous |
podskrobanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podskrobać |
podskroniowy {adj} [anatomy] | :: infratemporal |
podsłońce {n} | :: subsun |
podsłuchiwacz {m pers} | :: eavesdropper (male) |
podsłuchiwać {vt impf} | :: to eavesdrop |
podsmażać {vt impf} | :: to fry up |
podsmażyć {vt pf} | :: to fry up |
podstawa {f} | :: base, foundation |
podstawa {f} [arithmetic] | :: base (number raised to the power of an exponent) |
podstawa {f} | :: bed, the largest side of a brick |
podstawczak {m inan} | :: basidiomycotan |
podstawka {f} | :: beer mat, coaster |
podstawka {f} | :: saucer (small dish) |
podstawka {f} [mycology] | :: basidium |
podstawka {f} [electronics] | :: socket |
podstawowy {adj} | :: basic, elementary, primary, principal |
podstawówka {f} [colloquial] | :: primary school |
podstęp {m inan} | :: deception, subterfuge |
podstępny {adj} | :: sly, artful, wily |
podstrunnica {f} [lutherie] | :: fingerboard |
podstrunnik {m inan} [lutherie] | :: fingerboard |
podsumować {vit pf} | :: to sum up, summarize |
podsunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podsunąć |
podsuwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podsuwać |
podsyłać {vt impf} | :: to send (especially stealthily or furtively) |
podścielać {vt impf} | :: to lay bedding on, to litter |
podściółka {f} | :: bedding, litter |
podświadomy {adj} | :: subconscious |
podświetlony {adj} | :: beshone, covered by light |
podświetlony {adj} | :: highlighted |
podtekst {m inan} | :: subtext |
podtlenek {m inan} | :: suboxide |
podtytuł {m inan} | :: subtitle (heading below or after a title) |
poducha {f} | :: augmentative of poduszka |
podudzie {n} | :: crus, shank |
poduszeczka {f} | :: diminutive of poduszka |
poduszka {f} | :: pillow, cushion |
poduszkowiec {m inan} | :: hovercraft (vehicle supported on a cushion of air) |
podwalina {f} [construction, architectural elements] | :: sill, sill plate, sole plate |
podwalina {f} | :: rudiment, foundation |
podwiązka {f} | :: garter |
podwieczorek {m inan} | :: afternoon snack, usually sweet |
podwieźć {vt pf} | :: to give a lift, to give a ride (take somebody somewhere in one's vehicle) |
podwinięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of podwinąć |
podwładny {adj} | :: subordinate |
podwładny {m pers} | :: subordinate, underling |
podwodny {adj} | :: underwater |
podwoik {m anim} | :: Any idoteid crustacean of the genus Idotea |
podwoj {m inan} [plural only, literary] | :: double doors |
podwoj {m inan} [obsolete] | :: doorjamb |
podwozić {vt impf} | :: to give a lift, to give a ride (take somebody somewhere in one's vehicle) |
podwozie {n} | :: chassis (of a vehicle) |
podwozie {n} [aviation] | :: landing gear, undercarriage |
podwój {m anim} | :: A species of isopod crustacean, Saduria entomon |
podwój {m inan} | :: alternative form of podwoj |
podwójnie {adv} | :: doubly |
podwójny {adj} | :: double (made up of two matching or complementary elements) |
podwórko {n} | :: courtyard, court, yard |
podwórze {n} | :: courtyard, court, yard |
podwracanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podwracać |
podwrócenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podwrócić |
podwykonawca {m pers} | :: subcontractor |
podwyżka {f} | :: raise, rise (increase in wages or salary) |
podwyższać {vt impf} | :: to increase, to raise, to put up, to turn up, to elevate |
podwyższać {vr impf} | :: to increase, to rise, to be elevated |
podwyższenie {n} | :: platform, podium |
podwyższenie {n} | :: verbal noun of podwyższyć |
podwyższyć {vt pf} | :: to increase, to raise, to put up, to turn up, to elevate |
podwyższyć {vr pf} | :: to increase, to rise, to be elevated |
podwzgórze {n} | :: hypothalamus (a region of the brain) |
podzbiór {m inan} | :: subset |
podział {m inan} | :: division (act or process of dividing anything) |
podzielnica {f} | :: indexing head |
podzielność {f} | :: divisibility |
podzielny {adj} | :: divisible |
podziemie {n} | :: underground part of a building |
podziemie {n} [art, politics] | :: underground (anarchic or clandestine group) |
podziemny {adj} | :: subterranean, underground, belowground |
podziękować {vt pf} | :: to thank |
podziękowanie {n} | :: thanks |
podziękowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of podziękować |
podziw {m inan} | :: admiration (adoration; appreciation) |
podziwiać {v impf} | :: to admire |
podziwianie {n} | :: verbal noun of podziwiać |
podzwrotnikowy {adj} | :: subtropical |
podżegać {v impf} [legal] | :: to incite |
podżeganie {n} | :: verbal noun of podżegać |
podżeganie {n} | :: incitement |
podżuchwowy {adj} [anatomy] | :: submandibular |
poeta {m pers} | :: poet |
poetka {f} | :: female poet; poetess |
poetycki {adj} | :: poetic |
poetycko {adv} | :: poetically; in a poetic manner |
poezja {f} | :: poetry (class of literature) |
pofałdować {vt pf} | :: to crease, to fold, to wrinkle |
pofałdować {vr pf} | :: to become creased, to become wrinkled |
pofatygować {vt pf} | :: to trouble, to bother |
pofatygować {vr pf} | :: to take the trouble, to bother |
pofrunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pofrunąć |
pofruwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pofruwać |
pogadać {vi pf} [colloquial] | :: to talk, to chat |
poganiacz {m pers} | :: drover |
poganin {m pers} | :: pagan, heathen |
poganka {f} | :: pagan, heathen (female person not adhering to an Abrahamic religion) |
poganka {f} [colloquial] | :: buckwheat (Fagopyrum) |
pogański {adj} | :: pagan (relating to, characteristic of pagans) |
pogaństwo {n} | :: paganism, heathenism |
pogaństwo {n} | :: paganry |
pogarda {f} | :: scorn, disdain, contempt |
pogardliwie {adv} | :: scornfully, disdainfully |
pogardliwość {f} | :: scornfulness, disdainfulness |
pogardliwy {adj} | :: scornful, disdainful, contemptful |
pogardzać {v impf} | :: to disdain, to despise |
pogardzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pogardzać |
pogardziciel {m pers} | :: scorner, disdainer |
pogardzić {v pf} | :: to disdain, to despise |
pogawędka {f} [colloquial] | :: chat, chit-chat |
pogawędzić {vi pf} | :: to chit-chat, to chat, to natter |
pogięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pogiąć |
poginięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of poginąć |
pogląd {m inan} | :: view (opinion, judgement) |
pogłębianie {n} | :: verbal noun of pogłębiać |
pogłębiarka {f} | :: dredger (watercraft) |
pogłębienie {n} | :: verbal noun of pogłębić |
pogłos {m inan} [acoustics] | :: reverberation |
pogłoska {f} | :: hearsay; rumour, rumor |
pogoda {f} | :: weather |
pogojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pogoić |
pogoniec {m pers} [dated] | :: runner (military courier) |
pogoniec {m pers} [dated] | :: cattle drover |
pogoniec {m anim} | :: wolf spider |
pogoń {f} | :: pursuit, chase |
pogorzel {f} [archaic] | :: A place where a fire has occurred |
pogorzel {f} [archaic] | :: Burnt remnants or ruins after a fire |
pogorzel {f} [archaic] | :: A fire; a conflagration |
pogorzelec {m pers} | :: A man who has lost his home and property in a fire |
pogorzelisko {n} | :: A place where a fire has occurred |
pogorzelisko {n} | :: Burnt remnants or ruins after a fire |
pogorzelisko {n} [obsolete] | :: A fire |
pogorzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pogorzeć |
pogotowie {n} | :: emergency service |
pogotowie {n} | :: alertness |
pogotowie {n} | :: A state of preparedness |
pogranicze {n} | :: borderland, frontier |
pogrom {m inan} | :: resounding defeat |
pogrom {m inan} | :: massacre |
pogrom {m inan} | :: pogrom (ethnic riot) |
pogrom {m inan} [slang, humorous] | :: an exam that turns out to be very hard and which most students fail |
pogromca {m pers} | :: vanquisher, suppressor |
pogromca {m pers} | :: tamer |
pogryzienie {n} | :: verbal noun of pogryźć |
pogryźć {vt pf} | :: to break by biting, to destroy by biting |
pogryźć {vt pf} | :: to bite (attack or injure using the teeth) |
pogrzeb {m inan} | :: funeral |
pogrzebać {v pf} | :: to bury |
pogrzebać {v pf} | :: to fiddle, to tinker [+ w (object) = ins = with something] |
pogwarzyć {vi pf} | :: to chat, to converse |
poić {v impf} | :: water (to provide (animals) with water) |
poidełko {n} | :: diminutive of poidło |
poidło {n} | :: watering trough |
poidło {n} | :: waterer, fount (device from which animals drink) |
poimek {m inan} [grammar] | :: postposition |
poimek {m inan} [grammar, obsolete] | :: suffix |
poinformować {vt pf} | :: to inform, to brief |
pointa {f} | :: punch line |
pojawiać {vr impf} | :: to appear, to emerge |
pojawić {vr pf} | :: to appear, to emerge |
pojazd {m inan} | :: vehicle |
pojazd {m inan} [slang] | :: diss; burn (insult or criticism) |
pojeb {m pers} [vulgar, offensive] | :: fucker, fuckwad, dickwad (contemptible person) |
pojeb {m pers} [vulgar, offensive] | :: crazy person, madman |
pojedynczo {adv} | :: singly |
pojedynczy {adj} | :: single |
pojedynek {m inan} | :: duel |
pojemnik {m inan} | :: garbage can |
pojemnik {m inan} | :: container |
pojemnikowiec {m inan} [dated] | :: container ship |
pojemność {f} | :: capacity, volume, capacitance |
pojemność skokowa {f} | :: engine displacement |
pojemny {adj} | :: spacious, voluminous |
pojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of poić |
pojezierze {n} | :: lakeland, lake district; a geographical area with a large number of lakes |
pojęcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pojąć |
pojęcie {n} | :: concept |
pojęcie {n} | :: idea |
pojęcie {n} | :: notion |
pojmować {v impf} | :: to grasp, to comprehend, to understand |
pojmowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pojmować |
pojutrze {adv} | :: day after tomorrow, overmorrow |
pojutrzejszy {adj} | :: day after tomorrow's |
pokalać {vt pf} | :: to dishonour, to disgrace |
pokarać {vt pf} | :: to punish in turn |
pokarać {vt pf} [archaic] | :: to punish |
pokarm {m inan} | :: food |
pokarm {m inan} | :: fodder, animal feed |
pokarm {m inan} | :: milk produced by mammary glands |
pokarm {m inan} | :: That which powers something |
pokaz {m inan} | :: show, exhibition |
pokazać {v pf} | :: to show |
pokazać, gdzie pieprz rośnie {v pf} [idiom, humorous] | :: to punish [+ dat = someone] |
pokazać, gdzie raki zimują {v pf} [idiom, humorous] | :: to punish [+ dat = someone] |
pokazić {v pf} [obsolete] | :: to ruin, to disgrace |
pokazywać {vt impf} | :: to show |
pokaźnie {adv} | :: substantially, healthily, amply, sizeably, copiously, appreciably, considerably |
pokaźność {f} | :: substantiality, ampleness, sizeableness, copiousness, considerableness |
pokaźny {adj} | :: substantial, healthy, ample, sizeable, copious, appreciable, considerable |
poker {m inan} | :: poker |
poker {m inan} | :: straight flush |
poklask {m inan} | :: applause |
pokląskwa {f} | :: whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) |
pokład {m inan} | :: deck (on a ship) |
pokład {m inan} [geology] | :: layer of a mineral |
pokładełko {n} [entomology, ichthyology] | :: ovipositor |
pokłon {m inan} | :: obeisance |
pokłosie {n} | :: gleanings |
pokłosie {n} | :: aftermath (aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event) |
pokoik {m inan} | :: diminutive of pokój |
pokojowiec {m pers} [historical] | :: A servant at a royal court or wealthy noble's mansion |
pokojówka {f} | :: chambermaid |
pokolenie {n} | :: generation (a period of around thirty years, the average amount of time before a child takes the place of its parents) |
pokonać {vt pf} | :: to defeat |
pokonanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pokonać |
pokopanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pokopać |
pokora {f} | :: humility |
pokorny {adj} | :: humble, modest (not proud) |
pokos {m inan} | :: swath |
pokos {m inan} | :: windrow (row of cut grain or hay) |
pokos {m inan} | :: aftermath |
pokos {m anim} | :: Any aulacid of the genus Pristaulacus |
pokost {m inan} | :: varnish (anything resembling such a paint) |
pokój {m inan} | :: peace (absence of conflict, violence, or war) |
pokój {m inan} | :: room (part of a building) |
pokraka {f} [derogatory] | :: An ugly, clumsy, or awkward person |
pokręt {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: oddball, weirdo |
pokręt {m inan} [archaic, sewing] | :: swivel |
pokrojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pokroić |
pokrój {m inan} | :: type, kind |
pokrój {m inan} [biology] | :: The morphological characteristics of a living organism |
pokrój {m inan} [mineralogy] | :: The structure of a mineral or crystal |
pokrótce {adv} | :: briefly, in brief |
pokruszyć {vt pf} | :: to crush, to crumble, to break up |
pokrycie {n} | :: verbal noun of pokryć |
pokryć {vt pf} | :: to cover, to overlay |
pokryć {vt pf} | :: to coat, to mist |
pokryć {vt pf} | :: to defray, to cover (a cost) |
pokryć {vr pf} | :: to become covered, to become coated [+ instrumental = in/with something] |
pokryć {vr pf} | :: to coincide, to correspond |
pokrywać {v impf} | :: to coat |
pokrywać {v impf} | :: to cover (provide enough money for) |
pokrywanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pokrywać |
pokrzyk {m inan} | :: cry, shout |
pokrzyk {m inan} | :: deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) |
pokrzyk {m inan} | :: Any nightshade belonging to the genus Atropa |
pokrzywa {f} | :: nettle (any plant of the genus Urtica) |
pokrzywa {f} [slang] | :: teacher |
pokrzywiec {m inan} | :: acalypha (any plant of the genus Acalypha) |
pokusa {f} | :: temptation |
pokusa {f} | :: enticement |
pokuta {f} | :: penance |
pol. {noun} | :: abbreviation of polski |
polactwo {n} [derogatory] | :: Polish rabble |
polaczek {m pers} [derogatory] | :: Polack, Pole, Polish person |
Polak {m pers} | :: Pole |
Polak nie wielbłąd, pić musi {phrase} | :: a common Polish toast phrase, literally "A Pole isn't a camel and he needs to drink". |
polan {m inan} [obsolete] | :: polycaprolactam, nylon 6 |
polana {f} | :: glade, clearing |
polandball {noun} | :: Polandball |
polanie {n} | :: verbal noun of polać |
polanka {f} | :: diminutive of polana |
polanko {n} | :: diminutive of polano |
polano {n} | :: log, large piece of firewood |
polano {n} [hunting] | :: A wolf's tail |
Polański {prop} {m pers} | :: Roman Polanski. A Polish-French film-maker |
polarny {adj} [relational, geography] | :: polar (relating to a geographic pole) |
polarny {adj} [relational, chemistry] | :: polar (having a dipole) |
polatucha {f} | :: flying squirrel, especially an Old World flying squirrel (Pteromys) |
polder {m inan} [geography] | :: polder |
polderowy {adj} [relational] | :: polder |
pole {n} | :: field (land area; wide open space) |
pole {n} [regional, singular only] | :: outside |
pole {n} [geometry] | :: area |
pole {n} [physics] | :: field |
polec {vi pf} | :: to fall (die in battle) |
polecać {v impf} | :: to order, to instruct, to prescribe |
polecać {vt impf} | :: to recommend |
polecać {vt impf} | :: to commend, to entrust |
polecanie {n} | :: verbal noun of polecać |
polecenie {n} | :: verbal noun of polecić |
polecenie {n} | :: prescription, order, instruction, bidding, mandate |
polecenie {n} | :: commendation, recommendation |
polecić {v pf} | :: to order, to instruct, to prescribe |
polecić {vt pf} | :: to recommend |
polecić {vt pf} | :: to commend, to entrust |
polegać {vi impf} | :: to rely, to depend, to trust [+ na (object) = locative = on/in something] |
poległy {adj} | :: fallen (killed in battle) |
poległy {m pers} | :: fallen (casualty of battle) |
polegnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of polec |
polegnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of polegnąć |
Polesie {prop} {n} | :: Polesie (region) |
poleski {adj} | :: Polesian (of or relating to Polesia) |
poletko {n} | :: diminutive of pole |
polewa {f} | :: glaze (coating applied to food) |
polewa {f} [ceramics] | :: glaze |
polewa {f} | :: enamel (coating applied to metal objects) |
polewa {f} [geology] | :: desert varnish |
polewaczka {f} [colloquial] | :: street sprinkler (vehicle) |
polewaczka {f} [colloquial] | :: watering can |
polewanie {n} | :: verbal noun of polewać |
polewka {f} | :: thin soup, made without adhering to a particular recipe |
polewka {f} [slang] | :: giggle; amusement |
polędwica {f} | :: loin (cut of meat) |
polędwicowy {adj} [relational] | :: loin |
polędwiczka {f} | :: diminutive of polędwica |
poli- {prefix} | :: poly- |
poliamoria {f} | :: polyamory |
poliandria {f} | :: polyandry |
poliandryczny {adj} | :: polyandrous |
Police {prop} {p} | :: Police (town) |
policja {f} | :: police (organisation that enforces the law) |
policjant {m pers} | :: policeman, police officer (male or of unspecified sex) |
policjantka {f} | :: policewoman |
policyjny {adj} [relational] | :: police |
policzalny {adj} [grammar] | :: countable |
policzek {m inan} | :: cheek (part of face) |
policzek {m inan} | :: slap in the face |
policzkować {v impf} | :: to slap in the face |
policzyć {vi pf} | :: to count (recite numbers in sequence) |
policzyć {vt pf} | :: to count, to enumerate (determine the amount of something) |
policzyć {vr pf} | :: to get even, to even the score |
poliester {m inan} | :: polyester |
polietylen {m inan} | :: polyethylene |
poligamia {f} | :: polygamy |
poligamiczny {adj} | :: polygamous |
poligamista {m pers} | :: polygamist |
poligamistka {f} | :: female polygamist |
poliglota {m pers} | :: polyglot (person) |
poligon {m inan} | :: proving ground, firing range; an area where military trials with live ammunition are performed |
poligon {m inan} | :: military training ground |
poligynia {f} | :: polygyny |
polimer {m inan} | :: polymer |
polimerowy {adj} | :: polymeric; pertaining to polymers |
Polinezja {prop} {f} | :: Polynesia |
Polinezja Francuska {prop} {f} | :: Polinezja Francuska (overseas collectivity) |
polinezyjski {adj} | :: Polynesian |
polipropylen {m inan} | :: polypropylene |
polisa {f} | :: insurance policy |
polisacharyd {m inan} [biochemistry] | :: polysaccharide |
polisomia {f} | :: polysomy |
politbiuro {n} [colloquial] | :: politburo (the governing Communist council) |
politechnika {f} | :: polytechnic (institution of higher education (typically accepting students from the age of about 19, depending on country, but in some cases able to take younger students in exceptional cases) where technical subjects are studied and researched in depth and degrees are offered) |
politeista {m pers} | :: polytheist |
politeistyczny {adj} | :: polytheistic |
politeizm {m inan} | :: polytheism |
politolog {m pers} | :: political scientist |
politolog {f} | :: political scientist |
politowanie {n} | :: pity; condescending sympathy |
politowanie {n} | :: compassion |
polityczka {f} | :: female politician |
politycznie {adv} | :: politically |
polityczny {adj} | :: political |
polityk {m pers} | :: politician |
polityk {f} | :: female politician |
polityka {f} | :: politics |
polityka {f} | :: policy (plan or course of action) |
poliwoda {f} | :: polywater |
polka {f} | :: polka |
Polka {f} | :: Polish woman |
polny {adj} [relational] | :: field |
Polok {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia, Upper Silesia] | :: Pole (Polish person) |
polon {m inan} | :: polonium (chemical element, Po, atomic number 84) |
polonez {m inan} | :: polonaise (dance) |
polonez {m inan} | :: music for this dance |
polonez {m inan} | :: a Polonez car |
Polonia {prop} {f} | :: Polish diaspora; a name for Polish people (or of Polish descent) living outside the borders of Poland |
polonijny {adj} | :: related to the Polish diaspora |
polonistyka {f} [humanities] | :: Polish studies, Polonistics |
polonizacja {f} | :: Polonization |
polonizm {m inan} [linguistics] | :: Polonism |
polonizować {vt impf} | :: to Polonize |
polonofil {m pers} | :: Polonophile; someone who admires Poland or its culture, cuisine, history or people |
polot {m inan} | :: panache (flamboyant style or action) |
polot {m inan} | :: imaginativeness |
polować {vt impf} | :: to hunt, to chase |
polować {vi impf} | :: to hunt, to go hunting |
polowanie {n} | :: hunt, act of hunting |
polowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of polować |
polowanie na czarownice {n} | :: See: pl polowanie na czarownica |
polowanie na czarownice {n} [idiomatic] | :: witch-hunt; highly publicized persecution of a group of people perceived as a threat, used for propaganda purposes |
polowiec {m pers} [archaic] | :: hunter, huntsman |
polowiec {m pers} [archaic] | :: poacher |
polowiec {m anim} | :: hunting dog |
polowiec {m inan} [obsolete] | :: feldspar |
polowy {adj} | :: Relating to farming |
polowy {adj} | :: Relating to a battlefield |
Polska {prop} {f} | :: Poland |
polski {adj} | :: Polish (of, or from Poland) |
polski {m inan} | :: Polish (language) |
polski {m inan} [colloquial] | :: Polish language lesson |
polski znak {m inan} | :: letter with Polish diacritical marks: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ś, ó, ł, ż, ź |
polsko {adv} | :: in a Polish manner |
polsko-angielski {adj} | :: Polish-English |
polskojęzyczny {adj} | :: Polish-speaking |
polskojęzyczny {adj} | :: written, spoken or created in the Polish language |
polskość {f} | :: Polishness; the quality or state of being Polish |
polszczyć {vt impf} | :: to Polonize |
polszczyzna {f} | :: Polish (language) |
polubienie {n} | :: verbal noun of polubić |
połab. {adj} | :: abbreviation of połabski |
połabski {adj} | :: Polabian |
połać {f} [literary] | :: expanse, stretch, swath, sweep, field |
połajanka {f} | :: reprimand |
połamania długopisu {interj} [idiom] | :: good luck on the exam! |
połączenie {n} | :: verbal noun of połączyć |
połączenie {n} | :: conjunction, confluence, connection |
połączyć {vt pf} | :: to join, to merge, to link (something) |
połeć {m inan} | :: A large chunk of salo or meat |
połknąć {v pf} | :: to swallow |
połowa {f} | :: half (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) |
położenie {n} | :: position, location |
położna {f} | :: midwife |
położnica {f} | :: A woman in childbed, during lying-in |
położyć {vt pf} | :: to lay (to place something down in a position of rest) |
położyć {vr pf} [with się] | :: to lie down (to go to rest) |
połóg {m inan} | :: childbed, parturiency, lying-in |
Połtawa {prop} {f} | :: Połtawa (city) |
południe {n} | :: noon, midday (time of day when the sun is in its zenith) |
południe {n} | :: south |
południe {n} [singular only] | :: the South |
południk {m inan} | :: meridian (great circle on the Earth's surface, passing through the geographic poles) |
Południowoafrykanka {f} | :: a female South African |
Południowoafrykańczyk {m pers} | :: a male South African |
południowoafrykański {adj} | :: South African |
południowoamerykański {adj} | :: South American |
południowoazjatycki {adj} | :: South Asian |
południowoeuropejski {adj} | :: Southern European |
południowokoreański {adj} | :: South Korean |
południowosłowiański {adj} [relational] | :: South Slavic (of or relating to South Slavic or the South Slavs) |
południowy {adj} [relational] | :: noon, midday |
południowy {adj} | :: southern (of or relating to the south) |
połykać {v impf} | :: to swallow |
połykanie {n} | :: verbal noun of połykać |
połysk {m inan} | :: luster, polish, gloss, sheen (quality of material) |
pomada {f} | :: pomade (greasy or waxy substance that is used to style hair, making it look slick and shiny) |
pomadka {f} | :: lip balm, lip salve, chapstick |
pomadka {f} [dated] | :: fondant (flavored sugar preparation) |
pomagać {v impf} | :: to help (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)) |
pomaganie {n} | :: verbal noun of pomagać |
pomagier {m pers} [derogatory] | :: minion, henchman |
pomarańcz {m inan} | :: orange (colour) |
pomarańcza {f} | :: orange (fruit) |
pomarańczarnia {f} [horticulture] | :: orangery |
pomarańczowawy {adj} | :: orangish |
pomarańczowy {adj} | :: orange (color) |
pomarańczowy {adj} | :: made of or relating to oranges |
pomarznięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pomarznąć |
pomiar {m inan} | :: measurement (act of measuring) |
pomiąć {vt pf} | :: to rumple, to wrinkle, to crumple |
pomidor {m inan} | :: tomato |
pomidorowa {f} [colloquial] | :: tomato soup |
pomidorówka {f} [colloquial] | :: tomato soup |
pomierny {adj} [obsolete or dialectal] | :: moderate, modest, slight |
pomieszczać {vt impf} | :: to accommodate, to hold, to seat, to house |
pomieszczać {vr impf} | :: to fit |
pomieszczenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pomieścić |
pomieszczenie {n} | :: room (part of a building) |
pomieścić {vt pf} | :: to accommodate, to hold, to seat, to house |
pomieścić {vr pf} | :: to fit |
pomiędzy {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: between, among (denotes location) |
pomiędzy {prep} [+ accusative] | :: between, among (denotes movement) |
pomimo {prep} | :: despite, in spite of |
pominięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pominąć |
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] | :: litter (a group of animals born together) |
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] | :: birth of a litter |
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] | :: dung (animal excrement) |
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] | :: throw (act of throwing something) |
pomiot {m inan} [derogatory] | :: brood (children) |
pomknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pomknąć |
pomnik {m inan} | :: monument (a structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) |
pomnożyć {vt pf} [mathematics] | :: to multiply, to times |
pomnożyć {vt pf} | :: to augment, to increase |
pomoc {f} | :: help, aid, assistance |
pomoc {f} [soccer] | :: midfield |
pomocniczy {adj} | :: auxiliary, ancillary, supplementary |
pomocnik {m pers} | :: helper, aid, assistant, facilitator |
pomocnik {m pers} [soccer] | :: midfielder |
pomocy {interj} | :: help!, help me! |
pomornik {m inan} [colloquial] | :: mountain tobacco (Arnica montana) |
pomorski {adj} | :: Pomeranian |
Pomorze {prop} {n} | :: Pomerania |
pomost {m inan} | :: wooden pier or jetty (raised platform built from the shore out over water) |
pomostek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pomost |
pomościk {m inan} | :: diminutive of pomost |
pomóc {v pf} | :: to help |
pomór {m inan} [dated] | :: murrain |
pompa {f} | :: pump (device for moving liquid or gas) |
pompa {f} | :: glitz, pomp |
pompować {v impf} | :: to pump (move liquid or gas) |
pomrowiec {m anim} | :: A slug of the genus Anredera (syn. Tandonia) |
pomrowik {m anim} | :: A slug of the genus Deroceras |
pomrów {m anim} | :: keelback slug (family Limacidae) |
pomruk {m inan} | :: rumble, grumble, growl (sound) |
pomruk {m inan} | :: murmur (sound) |
pomurnik {m anim} | :: wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria) |
pomurnik {m inan} | :: Any flowering plant of the genus Parietaria |
pomyje {n} | :: slops; swill (food waste fed to pigs) |
pomyje {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: soup which is too watery or bland |
pomyje {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: beverage of bad quality, especially beer |
pomyłka {f} | :: mistake, error |
pomyłka {f} | :: wrong number (when dialing on the phone) |
pomysł {m inan} | :: idea |
pomysłowość {f} | :: ingenuity, inventiveness |
pomysłowy {adj} | :: ingenious, clever |
pomyśleć {v pf} | :: think |
pomyślność {f} | :: prosperity |
pomyślność {f} | :: success |
pomyślny {adj} | :: successful |
pomyślny {adj} | :: auspicious |
ponad- {prefix} | :: super-, supra-, ultra- |
ponad {prep} | :: over, above |
ponaddźwiękowy {adj} | :: supersonic (of speed greater than the speed of sound) |
ponadpaństwowy {adj} | :: supranational |
ponadprzeciętny {adj} | :: above average, extraordinary |
ponadto {adv} | :: furthermore, moreover |
ponaglać {vt impf} | :: to urge, press, rush into |
ponawiać {v impf} | :: to repeat |
poncho {n} | :: alternative spelling of ponczo |
poncz {m inan} | :: punch (beverage) |
ponczo {n} | :: poncho (simple garment of cloth) |
Poniat {prop} {m pers} {f} [archaic] | :: given name |
poniedziałek {m inan} | :: Monday |
poniemiecki {adj} | :: belonging to or built by the Germans before World War II |
ponieważ {conj} | :: because, for |
ponikło {n} | :: Eleocharis (spike rush) |
poniżać {vt impf} | :: to humiliate, put down, debase, degrade, cheapen |
poniżej {prep} | :: below (lower in spatial position than) |
poniżej {prep} | :: below (less than) |
ponoć {particle} | :: supposedly |
ponor {m anim} [obsolete] | :: worm |
ponor {m inan} [geology] | :: ponor |
ponowa {f} [hunting] | :: fresh snow cover (covering of snow) |
ponowa {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] | :: new moon |
ponowić {vt pf} | :: to redo, to repeat, to retry |
ponownie {adv} | :: again, anew |
ponowny {adj} | :: repeated, renewed |
ponowoczesność {f} | :: postmodernity (state of being postmodern) |
ponton {m inan} [nautical] | :: raft, dinghy (small inflatable boat) |
ponton {m inan} | :: pontoon (floating structure) |
pontonowy {adj} [relational] | :: raft, dinghy |
pontonowy {adj} [relational] | :: pontoon (floating structure) |
pontyfikat {m inan} | :: pontificate |
ponuro {adv} | :: grimly, gloomily |
ponury {adj} | :: grim, gloomy |
poń {contraction} | :: contraction of po niego |
poń {contraction} | :: contraction of po nim |
pończocha {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: stocking |
pop {m inan} | :: pop music |
pop {m pers} | :: Eastern Orthodox priest |
poparcie {n} | :: support |
popcorn {m inan} | :: popcorn |
popełniać {vt impf} | :: to commit, to perpetrate |
popełnić {v pf} | :: to commit (perpetrate a fault) |
popełnić {v pf} [humorous, of an artistic work] | :: to make, to create |
popędliwy {adj} | :: hotheaded and impulsive |
popędliwy {adj} | :: quick, sudden |
popić {vt pf} | :: to sip (drink a small amount of something) |
popić {vt pf} | :: to chase, to wash down |
popielarz {m pers} | :: A worker responsible for removing ash and slag |
popielarz {m pers} | :: An ash burner |
popielaty {adj} [color] | :: ash-colored, ashen, light-grey |
Popielec {m inan} | :: Ash Wednesday |
popielica {f} | :: edible dormouse (Glis glis) |
popielica {f} | :: cineraria |
popielica {f} | :: European dewberry (Rubus caesius) |
popielniczka {f} | :: ashtray |
popielnik {m inan} | :: ashpan, ashpit |
popielnik {m inan} | :: cineraria |
popielnik {m pers} [literary] | :: A person born from ashes |
popierać {v impf} | :: to support, to back |
popieranie {n} | :: verbal noun of popierać |
popierdolony {adj} [vulgar] | :: fucked up, wild, mad, crazy |
popiersie {n} | :: bust (sculpture) |
popijać {vt impf} | :: to sip (drink a small amount of something) |
popijać {vt impf} | :: to chase, to wash down |
popijała {m pers} [rare, jocular] | :: drunkard, drunk |
popijawa {f} [colloquial] | :: drinking party |
popiół {m inan} | :: ash (solid remains of a fire) |
popisać {vr pf} | :: to show off, to showboat, to parade (oneself) |
popisywać {vr impf} | :: to show off, to showboat, to parade (oneself) |
popitka {f} | :: chaser (mild drink consumed immediately after another drink of hard liquor) |
poplątanie {n} | :: verbal noun of poplątać |
poplon {m inan} [agriculture, archaic] | :: catch crop |
popłakiwać {vi impf} | :: to sob, to whimper |
popłoch {m inan} | :: panic; scare |
popłoch {m inan} | :: stampede |
popłoch {m inan} | :: cotton thistle; any plant of the genus Onopordum |
popłynąć {vi pf} | :: to swim |
popłynąć {vi pf} | :: to sail |
popłynąć {vi pf} | :: to float |
popojutrze {adv} | :: two days after tomorrow |
popojutrze {n} | :: two days after tomorrow |
popołudnie {n} | :: afternoon |
popołudniowy {adj} [relational] | :: afternoon |
popowy {adj} [music] | :: pop; related to, playing, or having the characteristics of pop music |
popranie {n} | :: verbal noun of poprać |
poprawczak {m inan} [colloquial] | :: reform school; juvenile correctional facility |
poprawiać {vt impf} | :: to improve, to better |
poprawiać {vt impf} | :: to rectify |
poprawiać {vt impf} | :: to correct |
poprawiać {vt impf} | :: to primp, to adjust |
poprawiać {vt impf} | :: to upgrade |
poprawianie {n} | :: verbal noun of poprawiać |
poprawić {vt pf} | :: to improve, to better |
poprawić {vt pf} | :: to rectify |
poprawić {vt pf} | :: to correct |
poprawić {vt pf} | :: to primp, to adjust |
poprawić {vt pf} | :: to upgrade |
poprawnie {adv} | :: correctly |
poprawniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of poprawny |
poprawny {adj} | :: right, correct |
popręg {m inan} | :: girth (a band passed under the belly of an animal to hold various types of saddles in place) |
poproch {m inan} [regional] | :: first snow |
poproch {m anim} | :: Any of several species of moth |
poprosić {vt pf} | :: to ask somebody |
poprowadzić {v pf} | :: to go along, to guide |
poprowadzić {v pf} | :: to lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection) |
poprucie {n} | :: verbal noun of popruć |
popryskanie {n} | :: verbal noun of popryskać |
poprzeczka {f} | :: crossbar |
poprzeczka {f} | :: crossbeam, crosspiece |
poprzecznica {f} | :: transverse colon |
poprzeczny {adj} | :: transverse |
poprzeć {vt pf} | :: to support, to back, to favour, to advocate |
poprzedni {adj} | :: previous, prior |
poprzednik {m pers} | :: predecessor (one who precedes) |
poprzednik {m inan} | :: precursor, something which precedes something else |
poprzednik {m inan} [grammar] | :: protasis |
poprzednik {m inan} [logic] | :: antecedent |
poprzednio {adv} | :: previously |
poprzedzać {v impf} | :: to precede, to prelude |
popsucie {n} | :: verbal noun of popsuć |
popularnie {adv} | :: popularly; in a popular manner (commonly) |
popularnie {adv} | :: lucidly; in a lucid manner |
popularniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of popularny |
popularność {f} | :: popularity |
popularny {adj} | :: popular (liked by many people, widely admired) |
popularny {adj} | :: popular (aimed at ordinary people, intended for general consumption) |
popularyzator {m pers} | :: popularizer |
popularyzatorka {f} | :: popularizer (female) |
populista {m pers} | :: populist |
populistyczny {adj} | :: populist |
popychacz {m inan} | :: tappet |
popychać {vt impf} | :: to push, barge, pole, wheel |
popychać {vt impf} | :: to hustle |
popychadło {n} | :: doormat, pushover, drudge |
popyt {m inan} | :: demand (economy) |
por. {m pers} | :: abbreviation of porucznik Lt. (followed by a name) |
por {m inan} | :: leek |
por {m inan} | :: pore |
pora {f} | :: time |
pora {f} | :: interval |
pora roku {f} | :: season (quarter of a year) |
porabianie {n} | :: verbal noun of porabiać |
porada {f} | :: advice, guidance |
porada {f} | :: consultation (a meeting with a specialist or professional) |
poradnia {f} | :: An institute, clinic, or service that advises |
poradnik {m inan} | :: guide book, handbook, guide, how-to, hints |
poranek {m inan} | :: early morning |
poranny {adj} | :: matinal, in the morning, relating to the morning |
porastać {vt impf} | :: to overgrow, cover |
porastać {vi impf} | :: to get overgrown, become grown over |
porażenie {n} [pathology] | :: paralysis, palsy (loss of muscle control) |
porażenie {n} | :: verbal noun of porazić |
porażka {f} | :: failure |
porażka {f} [sports] | :: defeat, beating |
porażka {f} [colloquial] | :: serious mistake; disaster; fuckup |
porąb {m inan} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of poręba |
porąbanie {n} | :: verbal noun of porąbać |
porcelana {f} | :: porcelain |
porcelanowy {adj} | :: made of porcelain |
porcja {f} | :: portion, helping, serving |
poręba {f} | :: man-made clearing (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees) |
poręba {f} [obsolete] | :: beaver dam; beaver lodge |
poręcz {f} | :: handrail |
pornograf {m} | :: pornographer |
pornografia {f} | :: pornography (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent) |
pornograficzny {adj} | :: pornographic |
pornol {m anim} [colloquial] | :: pornographic movie |
pornos {m anim} [colloquial] | :: pornographic movie |
porobienie {n} | :: verbal noun of porobić |
porodówka {f} [colloquial] | :: maternity ward |
poronić {v pf} | :: to miscarry |
poroniec {m anim} | :: poroniec (demon from Slavic mythology) |
poronienie {n} | :: miscarriage |
poroniony {adj} [colloquial] | :: of an idea or enterprise: poorly thought out, pointless, doomed |
porost {m inan} | :: lichen |
porostnica {f} | :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Marchantia |
porozmawiać {vi pf} | :: to talk, to speak, to converse, to chat |
porozmawianie {n} | :: verbal noun of porozmawiać |
porozumieć {vr pf} | :: to communicate |
porozumieć {vr pf} | :: to agree, to come to an agreement |
porozumienie {n} | :: agreement, deal |
porozumiewać {vr impf} | :: to communicate |
porozumiewać {vr impf} | :: to agree, to come to an agreement |
poroże {n} | :: antlers |
poród {m inan} | :: birth, delivery (process of childbearing) |
porównać {vt pf} | :: to compare |
porównanie {n} | :: verbal noun of porównać |
porównanie {n} | :: comparison |
porównywać {v impf} | :: to compare (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another) |
porównywalny {adj} | :: comparable |
porównywarka {f} | :: comparison website |
poróżnić {v pf} [literary] | :: to create discord, to cause disagreement |
port. {noun} | :: abbreviation of portugalski |
port {m inan} | :: port, harbour (area for ships) |
port {m inan} | :: port, a town or city containing such a place |
portal {m inan} [architecture] | :: portal |
portfel {m inan} | :: wallet (case for keeping money) |
portfelik {m inan} | :: diminutive of portfel |
portfolio {n} | :: portfolio (case for carrying papers, drawings, photographs, maps and other flat documents) |
portier {m pers} | :: doorman, gatekeeper, porter, doorkeeper |
portierka {f} | :: female gatekeeper, porter, doorkeeper, doorwoman |
portiernia {f} | :: gatehouse |
portmonetka {f} | :: coin purse |
porto {n} | :: postage (charge) |
porto {n} | :: port wine |
Porto {prop} {n} | :: Porto (district) |
Porto {prop} {n} | :: Porto (city/and/municipality/district capital) |
Portoryko {prop} {n} | :: Portoryko (territory) |
portowiec {m pers} | :: dockworker, docker, roustabout |
portrecik {m inan} | :: diminutive of portret |
portrecista {m pers} | :: portraitist, portrait painter |
portrecista {m pers} | :: portrait photographer |
portret {m inan} [painting] | :: portrait (painting of a person) |
portret {m inan} [figuratively] | :: portrait (accurate depiction of a person, a mood, etc.) |
portret {m inan} | :: face photograph |
portretować {vt impf} | :: to portray |
Portugalczyk {m pers} | :: Portuguese (a native of Portugal) |
Portugalia {prop} {f} | :: Portugalia (country) |
Portugalka {f} | :: Portuguese (female person) |
portugalski {adj} | :: Portuguese |
portugalski {m inan} | :: Portuguese (language) |
portwajn {m inan} | :: port wine |
portyk {m inan} | :: portico |
poruchać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck some, to get some, to satisfy one's sexual urges |
porucznik {m pers} | :: lieutenant |
poruszać {vt impf} | :: to move (cause to change place or posture), to stir |
poruszać {vt impf} | :: to bring up, to mention, to touch on, to broach |
poruszać {vt impf} | :: to move emotionally, to touch, to affect |
poruszać {vr impf} | :: to move (change place or posture), to stir |
poruszyć {vt pf} | :: to move (cause to change place or position), to stir |
poruszyć {vt pf} | :: to move emotionally, to touch |
poruszyć {vt pf} | :: to bring up, to mention, to touch on |
poruszyć {vr pf} | :: to move (change place or position), to stir |
poruta {f} [colloquial] | :: embarassment, disgrace |
porwać {vt pf} | :: to snag, to catch, to tear |
porwać {vt pf} | :: to kidnap, to abduct, to seize |
porwać {vt pf} | :: to hijack |
porwać {vt pf} | :: to sweep away, to whisk off |
porwać {vt pf} [figuratively] | :: to grip, to enthrall |
porwać się z motyką na słońce {v pf} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to bite off more than one can chew, to overestimate one's capabilities |
porwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of porwać |
porwanie {n} | :: kidnapping, abduction |
poryw {m inan} | :: gust |
poryw {m inan} | :: outburst, flush |
porywacz {m pers} | :: kidnapper, abductor, highjacker |
porywać {vt impf} | :: to abduct, kidnap, highjack |
porywać się z motyką na słońce {v impf} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to bite off more than one can chew, to overestimate one's capabilities |
porywczy {adj} | :: impulsive, impetuous, hotheaded |
porządek {m inan} | :: order |
porządkować {vt impf} | :: to sort, to arrange, to order, to organise |
porządny {noun} | :: proper |
porządny {noun} | :: reliable |
porządny {noun} | :: sturdy, well-made |
porządny {noun} | :: proper, honest, good, noble |
porządny {noun} | :: strong, intense |
porzeczka {f} | :: currant, any bush of genus Ribes (such as blackcurrant or redcurrant) |
porzeczka {f} | :: the fruit of such bushes |
porzeczkowy {adj} [relational] | :: currant |
porzekadło {n} | :: adage, saying, proverb |
porzucać {v impf} | :: to abandon, to give up, to leave |
porzucać {v impf} | :: to quit [a job] |
porzucić {v pf} | :: to abandon, to give up, to leave |
porzucić {v pf} | :: to quit [a job] |
posada {f} | :: situation, job, position, post |
posada {f} | :: employment |
posadka {f} | :: diminutive of posada |
posag {m inan} | :: dowry |
posąg {m inan} | :: statue |
posążek {m inan} | :: diminutive of posąg |
posążek {m inan} | :: statuette |
poschnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of poschnąć |
Posejdon {prop} {m pers} | :: Poseidon (Greek god of the sea) |
poseł {m pers} | :: a member of the Sejm; Member of Parliament |
poseł {m pers} [obsolete] | :: envoy, messenger |
posępniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of posępny |
posępny {adj} | :: glum, in low spirits, somber, gloomy (cheerless) |
posiać {vt pf} | :: to sow (disperse seeds) |
posiać {vt pf} [colloquial] | :: to misplace |
posiadacz {m pers} | :: holder, bearer |
posiadacz {m pers} | :: owner, possessor |
posiadacz {m pers} | :: proprietor |
posiadać {v impf} | :: (of a person) to own, to possess (an object or an ability) |
posiadanie {n} | :: verbal noun of posiadać |
posiadłość {f} | :: estate |
posiadłość {f} | :: property, possesion |
posiedzenie {n} | :: meeting, session |
posiłek {m inan} | :: meal (food that is prepared and eaten) |
posiłki {m inanp} [military] | :: reinforcements |
posiniaczony {adj} | :: bruised; black and blue |
posiniaczyć {v pf} | :: to bruise |
poskramiacz {m pers} | :: tamer |
poskramiać {vt impf} | :: to tame |
poskramiać {vt impf} | :: to curb, restrain |
poskrobanie {n} | :: verbal noun of poskrobać |
posłanie {n} | :: verbal noun of posłać |
posłanie {n} | :: a sleeping spot, a bed |
posłaniec {m pers} | :: messenger, envoy |
posłanka {f} | :: female member of the Sejm |
posłanka {f} | :: female Member of Parliament |
posłanko {n} | :: diminutive of posłanie |
posłuchać {vt pf} | :: to listen to (+ genitive), to listen up |
posłuchać {vi pf} | :: to obey |
posłuchanie {n} | :: verbal noun of posłuchać |
posłuszny {adj} | :: obedient |
posmak {m inan} | :: aftertaste, savour |
posmak {m inan} | :: vibe (atmosphere or aura felt to belong to something) |
posoch {m inan} [obsolete] | :: A staff, especially a crosier |
posocznica {f} [pathology] | :: sepsis |
posoka {f} | :: blood |
posoka {f} [pathology] | :: ichor |
pospiech {m inan} | :: alternative form of pośpiech |
pospieszać {vt impf} | :: to hurry, to hasten, to impel |
pospiesznie {adv} | :: hurriedly, hastily |
pospieszniej {adv} | :: comparative of pospiesznie |
pospieszny {adj} | :: hurried |
pospieszny {adj} | :: hasty |
pospieszny {adj} | :: express |
pospieszny {m inan} | :: An express bus |
pospieszny {m inan} | :: An express train |
pospieszyć {vt pf} | :: to hurry, to hasten, to impel |
pospolity {adj} | :: common (found in large numbers or in a large quantity) |
pospołu {adv} | :: commonly, jointly |
post- {prefix} | :: post- |
post {m inan} | :: fast |
post {m anim} | :: post (message) |
postać {f} | :: form |
postać {f} | :: figure, being |
postać {f} | :: character |
postać {vi pf} | :: to stand |
postanawiać {vt impf} | :: to decide, to resolve |
postanowić {vt pf} | :: to decide, to resolve, to choose |
postanowienie {n} | :: verbal noun of postanowić |
postanowienie {n} | :: decision, resolution |
postanowienie {n} [law] | :: provision, stipulation |
postarzać {vt impf} | :: to age (cause to grow old) |
postarzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of postarzać |
postaw {m inan} | :: warp (threads stretched lengthwise in a loom) |
postawa {f} | :: posture, stance, pose |
postawa {f} | :: attitude, disposition |
postawić {v pf} | :: to put, place, set |
postawić {v pf} | :: to erect, raise |
postawić {v pf} | :: to stake, bet |
postawić na nogi {v pf} [idiom] | :: to mobilize, to alert, to cause alarm |
postawić na nogi {v pf} [idiom] | :: to patch up, to fix up; to improve someone's condition, to rehabilitate |
postawić wszystko na jedną kartę {v pf} [idiom] | :: to put all one's eggs in one basket |
posterunek {m inan} | :: post, outpost, sentry |
posterunek {m inan} | :: police station |
postęp {m inan} [singular only] | :: progress (development, growth) |
postęp {m inan} [singular only] | :: progress (of some process, as in progress bar) |
postęp {m inan} [medicine] | :: progression |
postęp {m inan} [mathematics] | :: progression |
postęp {m inan} [plural only] | :: progress in learning |
postępować {v impf} | :: to act, behave |
postępować {v impf} | :: to advance |
postępować {v impf} | :: to proceed with a course of action |
postfiks {m inan} [linguistic morphology] | :: postfix |
postimpresjonizm {m inan} [art] | :: postimpressionism |
postmodernista {m pers} | :: postmodernist |
postmodernistka {f} | :: female postmodernist |
postmodernistycznie {adv} | :: in a postmodernist manner |
postmodernistyczny {adj} | :: postmodernist |
postmodernizm {m inan} | :: postmodernism |
postój {m inan} | :: stop, halt (interruption of travel, work, etc.) |
postój {m inan} | :: stop (place) |
postradać {v pf} [archaic] | :: to lose (to no longer possess something) |
postradać rozum {v pf} [idiom] | :: to lose one's mind |
postradać zmysły {v pf} [idiom] | :: to lose one's mind; to be out of one's mind |
postrojenie {n} | :: verbal noun of postroić |
postronek {m inan} | :: tether, halter |
postrzał {m inan} | :: gunshot wound or arrow wound |
postrzał {m inan} | :: low back pain, lumbago |
postrzygacz {m pers} | :: shearer (person employed to shear sheep) |
postulant {m pers} [religion] | :: postulant |
postulantka {f} [religion] | :: female postulant |
postura {f} | :: posture |
posunąć {vt pf} | :: to move forward, to shove |
posunąć {vt pf} | :: to further, to advance |
posunąć {vt pf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
posunąć {vr pf} | :: to move slightly, to inch, to edge |
posunąć {vr pf} | :: to move over, to budge up, to scoot over |
posunąć {vr pf} | :: to progress, to advance |
posunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of posunąć |
posuwać {vt impf} | :: to move forward, to shove |
posuwać {vt impf} | :: to further, to advance |
posuwać {vt impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
posuwać {vr impf} | :: to move slightly, to inch, to edge |
posuwać {vr impf} | :: to move over, to budge up, to scoot over |
posuwać {vr impf} | :: to progress, to advance |
posuwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of posuwać |
posyłanie {n} | :: verbal noun of posyłać |
posypać {vt pf} | :: to sprinkle [+ (instrumental) = with something] |
posypanie {n} | :: verbal noun of posypać |
posypywać {vt impf} | :: to sprinkle [+ (instrumental) = with something] |
poszczególny {adj} | :: individual, particular |
poszczególny {adj} | :: respective |
poszkodowany {m pers} | :: victim (anyone who is physically harmed by another) |
poszkodowany {adj} | :: harmed |
poszukiwanie {n} | :: search |
poszum {f} [literary] | :: rustle, sough |
pościel {f} | :: bedding, bedclothes |
pościelenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pościelić |
pościelić {vt pf} | :: to make (a bed) |
pościg {m inan} | :: pursuit, chase |
pościk {m inan} | :: diminutive of post (all meanings) |
pośladek {m inan} | :: buttock |
pośledni {adj} | :: second-rate, inferior |
pośledni {adj} [Upper Silesia] | :: last, final |
pośledniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of pośledni |
poślizg {m inan} | :: skid (out-of-control sliding motion) |
poślizg {m inan} | :: slide (act of sliding) |
poślizg {m inan} | :: slipperiness (property of being slippery) |
poślizg {m inan} [colloquial] | :: delay |
poślizgiwać {vr impf} | :: to slip (lose one's traction on a slippery surface) |
poślizgnąć {vr pf} | :: to slip (lose one's traction on a slippery surface) |
pośliznąć {vr pf} | :: alternative form of poślizgnąć |
pośmiertnie {adv} | :: posthumously |
pośmiertny {adj} | :: posthumous |
pośpiech {m inan} | :: haste |
pośpieszny {adj} | :: alternative form of pospieszny |
pośredni {adj} | :: indirect |
pośredni {adj} | :: interim, transitional |
pośrednictwo {n} | :: intermediation |
pośrednictwo {n} | :: mediation |
pośrednictwo {n} | :: broking, brokerage |
pośrednik {m pers} | :: middleman, go-between, intermediary |
pośrodku {prep} | :: in the middle (of) |
pośród {prep} | :: among, amid, midst |
poświadczać {vt impf} | :: to testify, to bear witness to, to notarise |
poświadczyć {vt pf} | :: to testify, to bear witness to, to notarise |
poświata {f} | :: glow |
poświata {f} | :: afterglow |
poświerka {f} | :: longspur (Calcarius), especially the Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) |
poświęcać {vt impf} | :: to sacrifice, to forfeit |
poświęcać {vt impf} | :: to devote, to commit, to give |
poświęcać {vt impf} [religion] | :: to bless, to consecrate |
poświęcenie {n} | :: devotion, commitment |
poświęcenie {n} | :: consecration |
poświęcenie {n} | :: sacrifice |
poświęcić {vt pf} | :: to sacrifice, to forfeit |
poświęcić {vt pf} | :: to devote, to commit, to give |
poświęcić {vt pf} [religion] | :: to bless, to consecrate |
pot. {adj} | :: abbreviation of potoczny |
pot. {adv} | :: abbreviation of potocznie |
pot. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of potok |
pot {m inan} | :: sweat |
potajemnie {adv} | :: covertly, clandestinely, furtively |
potajemność {f} | :: clandestinity, furtiveness, covertness |
potajemny {adj} | :: secret, covert, clandestine |
potakiwacz {m pers} | :: yes man |
potakiwać {v impf} | :: to continually nod, express agreement; to yes |
potańcówka {f} [colloquial] | :: dance party |
potarcie {n} | :: verbal noun of potrzeć |
potarganie {n} | :: verbal noun of potargać |
potas {m inan} | :: potassium |
potem {adv} | :: then, afterwards |
potencja {f} | :: potency |
potencjalny {adj} | :: potential |
potencjał {m inan} | :: potential |
potęga {f} | :: power, might |
potęga {f} [mathematics] | :: power |
potępienie {n} | :: verbal noun of potępić |
potężniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of potężny |
potężny {adj} | :: powerful |
potężny {adj} | :: huge, massive |
potknąć {vr pf} | :: to trip, to stumble, to fall |
potknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of potknąć |
potocyzm {m inan} | :: colloquialism |
potoczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of potok |
potocznie {adv} | :: colloquially |
potoczny {adj} | :: common, ordinary, quotidian |
potoczny {adj} [linguistics] | :: colloquial (informal but within standard language norms) |
potoczny {adj} [linguistics] | :: vernacular, non-standard (belonging to non-standard usage) |
potok {m inan} | :: torrent |
potok {m inan} | :: stream, creek |
potok {m inan} [computing] | :: pipe |
potok {m inan} [computing] | :: pipeline |
potomek {m pers} | :: descendant (one who is the progeny of someone) |
potomkini {f} | :: descendant (one who is the progeny of someone) |
potomstwo {n} | :: offspring, progeny, posterity, descendants |
potop {m inan} | :: deluge, flood |
potopienie {n} | :: verbal noun of potopić |
potówka {f} [dermatology] | :: miliaria, sweat rash |
potrafić {v pf} [auxiliary] | :: can (to be able) |
potraw {m inan} | :: aftergrass, aftermath |
potrawa {f} | :: dish, plate, meal |
potrójnie {adv} | :: triply |
potrójny {adj} | :: triple |
potrwać {vi pf} [iterative] | :: to last for some time |
potrzask {m inan} | :: foothold trap |
potrzask {m inan} [military] | :: encirclement |
potrzask {m inan} [by extension] | :: A situation or predicament with no way out |
potrzask {m inan} [obsolete, slang] | :: prison |
potrzask {m inan} [obsolete] | :: slam, bang, crack (noise) |
potrząsnąć {v pf} | :: to rattle, to shake |
potrząsnąć {v pf} | :: to throw back |
potrzeba {f} | :: need (something needed) |
potrzebny {adj} | :: necessary |
potrzebować {vt impf} | :: to need |
potrzebowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of potrzebować |
potrzeszcz {m anim} | :: corn bunting (Emberiza calandra) |
potrzos {m anim} | :: reed bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus |
potucha {f} [obsolete] | :: encouragement |
potulny {adj} | :: meek, docile |
potwarz {f} [archaic] | :: defamation, slander |
potwierdzać {vt impf} | :: to confirm |
potwierdzić {v pf} | :: to confirm |
potwór {m anim} | :: monster, fiend |
potykać {vr impf} | :: to trip, to stumble, to falter |
potykanie {n} | :: verbal noun of potykać |
potylica {f} [anatomy] | :: occiput (back of the head) |
potyliczny {adj} | :: occipital |
poufnie {adv} | :: confidentially |
poufnie {adv} | :: off the record, unofficially |
poufność {f} | :: confidentiality |
poufny {adj} | :: confidential |
pourazowy {adj} | :: posttraumatic |
pow. {f} | :: abbreviation of powierzchnia |
pow. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of powiat |
powab {m inan} | :: allure, charm, sex appeal |
powabnica {f} | :: cuckoo wasp of the genus Hedychrum |
powabnie {adv} | :: alluringly, sexily |
powabny {noun} | :: alluring, attractive, sexy |
powalenie {n} | :: verbal noun of powalić |
poważać {vt impf} | :: to esteem, to respect |
poważnie {adv} | :: seriously |
poważniej {adv} | :: comparative of poważnie |
poważniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of poważny |
poważny {adj} | :: serious, grave |
powąchanie {n} | :: verbal noun of powąchać |
powiadamiać {vt impf} | :: to notify, to inform |
powiadomić {vt pf} | :: to notify, to inform |
powiadomienie {n} | :: notification |
powiadomienie {n} | :: announcement |
powiat {m inan} | :: county; the second-level unit of local government and administration in Poland, between gmina and województwo |
powicher {m inan} [Góral] | :: whirlwind, violent windstorm |
powidło {n} | :: Powidl, a type of fruit spread |
powiedzenie {n} | :: saying, idiom |
powiedzieć {v pf} | :: to tell |
powiedzieć {v pf} | :: to say |
powieka {f} | :: eyelid |
powielacz {m inan} | :: mimeograph, duplicating machine |
powielacz {m inan} | :: multiplier |
powielać {vt impf} | :: to manifold, to duplicate, to copy, to replicate, to mimeograph |
powielać {vt impf} | :: to rehash |
powiercanie {n} | :: verbal noun of powiercać |
powiercenie {n} | :: verbal noun of powiercić |
powiernictwo {n} | :: trust, a body of trustees |
powiernictwo {n} | :: trusteeship |
powiernik {m pers} | :: trustee, fiduciary |
powiernik {m pers} | :: confidant |
powierzać {vt impf} | :: to entrust |
powierzchnia {f} | :: surface (up-side of a flat object) |
powierzchnia {f} | :: area |
powierzyć {vt pf} | :: to entrust |
powiesić {vt pf} | :: to hang (up), to suspend |
powiesić {vt pf} | :: to hang (execute by suspension from the neck) |
powiesić {vr pf} | :: to hang oneself (commit suicide by hanging) |
powieszenie {n} | :: verbal noun of powiesić |
powieszenie {n} | :: hanging |
powieść {f} | :: novel (work of prose fiction) |
powietrze {n} | :: air (gases making up the atmosphere of a planet) |
powietrzny {adj} | :: aerial, air |
powietrzny {adj} | :: airborne |
powiew {m inan} | :: very light wind, number 1 on the Beaufort scale |
powiększać {vti impf} | :: to enlarge, to augment, to expand |
powiększać {vt impf} | :: to magnify (make something appear larger through use of a lens) |
powiększać {vr impf} | :: to grow larger |
powiększalnik {m inan} [photography] | :: enlarger |
powiększanie {n} | :: verbal noun of powiększać |
powiększenie {n} | :: verbal noun of powiększyć; augmentation, expansion, enlargement |
powiększenie {n} | :: enlargement, blow-up (magnified photograph) |
powiększyć {vti pf} | :: to enlarge, to augment, to expand |
powiększyć {vt pf} | :: to magnify (make something appear larger through use of a lens) |
powiększyć {vr pf} | :: to grow larger |
powięź {f} [anatomy] | :: fascia |
powinien {v m} | :: ought |
powinięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of powinąć |
powinowactwo {n} | :: affinity (family relationship through marriage of a relative) |
powinowactwo {n} [chemistry] | :: affinity (attraction between atoms) |
powinowactwo {n} | :: similarity |
powłoka {f} | :: covering (that which covers something), coat, crust |
powłoka {f} [anatomy] | :: A layer of tissue between the surface of the body and internal organs |
powodować {vt impf} | :: to cause, to bring on, to occasion |
powodować {vt impf} [dated] | :: to drive, to compel (someone to do something) |
powodować {vr impf} [literary] | :: to live by, to abide by |
powodzenia {interj} | :: good luck |
powodzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of powodzić |
powodzenie {n} | :: good fortune, good luck |
powodzenie {n} | :: success |
powodzianin {m pers} | :: flood survivor |
powojenny {adj} | :: post-war |
powojnik {m inan} | :: clematis, any plant of the genus Clematis |
powoli {adv} | :: slowly |
powolniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of powolny |
powolny {adj} | :: slow (not quick in motion) |
powolutku {adv} | :: diminutive of powoli |
powołanie {n} | :: verbal noun of powołać |
powód {m pers} | :: plaintiff |
powód {m inan} | :: cause, reason |
powódź {f} | :: flood (overflow of water) |
powój {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Convolvulus – true bindweed, convolvulus |
powójka {f} [colloquial] | :: field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) |
powóz {m inan} | :: carriage (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power) |
powracanie {n} | :: verbal noun of powracać |
powroźniczy {adj} | :: concerning ropes |
powroźnik {m pers} | :: a roper, someone who makes ropes |
powrócenie {n} | :: verbal noun of powrócić |
powrósło {n} | :: binder |
powrósło {n} | :: wisp |
powrót {m inan} | :: return (act of returning) |
powróz {m inan} | :: rope, cord |
powsinoga {m pers} | :: gadabout (male person) |
powsinoga {f} | :: gadabout (female person) |
powstać {vi pf} | :: to arise, to develop |
powstać {vi pf} | :: to rise, to stand |
powstać {vi pf} | :: to rise up, to rebel |
powstać {vi pf} [of a river] | :: to rise |
powstanie {n} | :: uprising, rising, insurrection |
powstanie {n} | :: rise, origin, birth |
powstanie {n} [uncountable] | :: verbal noun of powstać |
powstawać {vi impf} | :: to arise, to develop |
powstawać {vi impf} | :: to rise, to stand |
powstawać {vi impf} | :: to rise up, to rebel |
powstawać {vi impf} [of a river] | :: to rise |
powszechniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of powszechny |
powszechny {adj} | :: common (found in large numbers or in a large quantity) |
powszechny {adj} | :: frequent |
powszedni {adj} | :: common, mundane, quotidian |
powtarzać {v impf} | :: to repeat |
powtarzalny {adj} | :: repetitive, repeatable |
powtarzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of powtarzać |
powtórny {adj} | :: repeated |
powtórzyć {v pf} | :: to repeat |
powyborczy {adj} | :: postelection |
powyłamywany {adj} | :: broken out |
poza {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: beyond, out of (denotes location) |
poza {prep} [+ accusative] | :: beyond, out of (denotes movement) |
poza {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: except |
poza {f} | :: pose, posture |
poza tym {particle} | :: besides; used to add an aside or warning to a text |
pozagrobowy {adj} [relational] | :: afterlife |
pozamieniać się z chujem na łby {v pf} [vulgar, idiom, humorous] | :: to think with one's penis; to act unwisely due to sexual motivations |
pozamieniać się z chujem na łby {v pf} [vulgar, idiom, humorous] | :: to have one's head up one's ass; to act extremely stupid or oblivious |
pozarządowy {adj} | :: non-governmental |
pozaskończony {adj} [mathematics] | :: transfinite |
pozbawiać {v impf} | :: to deprive, to bereave |
pozbawić {v pf} | :: to deprive, to bereave |
pozbawienie wolności {n} [law, formal] | :: imprisonment |
pozbyć {vr pf} | :: to get rid of |
pozdrowienie {n} | :: greeting |
pozer {m pers} | :: poseur, poser |
pozew {m inan} [law] | :: suit |
poziewnik {m inan} | :: hemp-nettle, any plant of the genus Galeopsis |
poziom {m inan} | :: level (degree or amount) |
poziom {m inan} | :: level (gaming) |
poziomica {f} | :: level (tool for finding whether a surface is level) |
poziomica {f} [cartography] | :: contour line, isohypse |
poziomica {f} [mathematics] | :: preimage of a single point |
poziomka {f} | :: wild strawberry |
poziomo {adv} | :: horizontally |
poziomy {adj} | :: horizontal |
pozjadać wszystkie rozumy {v pf} [idiom, pejorative] | :: to act like a know-it-all |
pozłacanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pozłacać |
pozłota {f} | :: gilt, gilding (a layer or coating of gold) |
pozłota {f} [obsolete] | :: gilding (act of applying a gold coating) |
poznać {vt pf} | :: to meet, to get to know |
poznać {vt pf} | :: to recognize, to know |
poznaj samego siebie {proverb} | :: know thyself |
poznaniak {m pers} [colloquial] | :: A male resident or native of Poznań |
poznanianin {m pers} | :: A male resident or native of Poznań |
poznanianka {f} | :: A female resident or native of Poznań |
poznanie {n} | :: verbal noun of poznać |
Poznań {prop} {m inan} | :: Poznań (city) |
poznańczyk {m pers} [rare] | :: A male resident or native of Poznań |
poznański {adj} | :: Poznań (of, from or pertaining to Poznań in Poland) |
poznawać {v impf} | :: to meet, to get to know |
poznawać {v impf} | :: to recognize |
pozorny {adj} | :: illusory, superficial |
pozostać {vi pf} | :: remain, stay |
pozostanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pozostać |
pozostawać {vi impf} | :: remain, stay |
pozór {m inan} | :: a misleading or superficial appearance; illusion |
pozwać {vt pf} | :: to sue |
pozwalać {v impf} | :: to allow, to permit, to consent to |
pozwalanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pozwalać |
pozwolenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pozwolić |
pozwolenie {n} | :: permission |
pozwolenie {n} | :: permit |
pozwolić {vi pf} | :: to allow, to permit, to consent to |
pozycja {f} | :: position |
pozyton {m inan} | :: positron |
pozytywka {f} | :: music box |
pożar {m inan} | :: fire (occurrence of fire in a certain place) |
pożar {m inan} | :: conflagration |
pożądać {v impf} | :: to desire |
pożądanie {n} | :: lust, desire |
pożądliwie {adv} | :: lustfully, desirously, covetously |
pożądliwość {f} | :: lust, desire |
pożądliwy {adj} | :: lustful, desirous, covetous |
pożegnać {vt pf} | :: to bid farewell, to bid goodbye |
pożegnać {vr pf} | :: to take one's leave |
pożerać {v impf} | :: to devour |
pożerca {m anim} [obsolete] | :: devourer, eater |
pożoga {f} | :: conflagration |
pożreć {v pf} | :: to devour |
pożyczać {vt impf} | :: to borrow [+ od (object) = genitive = from somebody] |
pożyczać {vt impf} | :: to lend, to loan |
pożyczanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pożyczać |
pożyczka {f} | :: loan |
pożyczka {f} [linguistics] | :: loanword |
pożyczyć {v pf} | :: to borrow (receive temporarily) [+ acc = something] [+ od (object) = gen = from someone] |
pożyczyć {v pf} | :: to lend, to loan [+ acc = something] [+ dat = to someone] |
pożyteczny {adj} | :: useful |
pożytek {m inan} | :: utility, usefulness |
pożywienie {n} | :: verbal noun of pożywić |
pożywienie {n} | :: food, fodder |
pożywny {adj} | :: nourishing, nutritive, nutritious, nutrient |
pójść {v pf} | :: to go, to walk |
póki {conj} | :: as long as, while |
póki {conj} | :: until, till, before |
pół- {prefix} | :: half-, semi-, hemi- |
pół {num} | :: half |
półbogini {f} [mythology] | :: demigoddess |
półbóg {m pers} [mythology] | :: demigod |
półbrat {m pers} [obsolete] | :: half brother |
półbrat {m pers} [historical] | :: friar, monk |
półcień {m inan} | :: penumbra (partially shaded area) |
półcień {m inan} [astronomy] | :: penumbra |
półeczka {f} | :: diminutive of półka |
półfinalista {m pers} | :: semifinalist |
półfinalistka {f} | :: semifinalist |
półfinał {m inan} [sports] | :: semifinal |
półfinałowy {adj} | :: semifinal |
półka {f} | :: shelf |
półkole {n} | :: semicircle |
półkolisty {adj} | :: semicircular |
półkrzew {m inan} | :: subshrub, suffrutex |
półksiężyc {m inan} | :: half-moon |
półksiężyc {m inan} | :: crescent (shape) |
półkula {f} | :: hemisphere |
półmetal {m inan} [chemistry] | :: metalloid |
półmisek {m inan} | :: platter, dish, charger |
północ {f} | :: midnight |
północ {f} | :: north |
północ {f} | :: the North (US civil war) |
północnoafrykański {adj} | :: North African |
północnoamerykański {adj} | :: North American |
północnobrabancki {adj} | :: of, from, or related to, Brabancja Północna |
północnoeuropejski {adj} | :: Northern European |
północnokoreański {adj} | :: North Korean |
północnomacedoński {adj} | :: North Macedonian |
północnosłowiański {adj} [relational] | :: North Slavic (West Slavic + East Slavic) |
północny {adj} | :: northern (of or relating to the north) |
północny {adj} [relational] | :: midnight |
półnuta {f} [music] | :: minim, half note |
półobrót {m inan} | :: half-turn, half-revolution, half-rotation |
półotwarty {adj} | :: half-open |
półotwarty {adj} | :: ajar |
półpasiec {m inan} | :: shingles, herpes zoster |
półpauza {f} [typography] | :: en dash |
półpiętro {n} | :: mezzanine; secondary floor between main floors in a building |
półpłaszczyzna {f} [mathematics] | :: half-plane |
półpłynny {adj} | :: semiliquid, semifluid |
półprosta {f} [geometry] | :: ray, half-line |
półprzewodnik {m inan} | :: semiconductor |
półrocze {n} | :: half-year |
półsen {adj} | :: drowse, somnolence, half sleep |
półśrodek {m inan} | :: half-measure |
półtora {num} | :: one and a half |
półtorak {m inan} [colloquial] | :: hand-and-a-half sword, bastard sword |
półtorak {m inan} | :: mead with a 1:0.5 honey-to-water ratio |
półtorak {m inan} [dialectal] | :: 1.5 story house |
półtorej {num} | :: one and a half |
półwysep {m inan} | :: peninsula |
Półwysep Kamczacki {prop} {m inan} | :: Półwysep Kamczacki (long peninsula) |
półżywy {adj} | :: halfdead |
później {adv} | :: comparative of późno |
później {adv} | :: later, next, afterwards, after |
późniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of późny |
późno {adv} | :: late |
późny {adj} | :: late (near the end of a period of time) |
ppłk. {noun} | :: abbreviation of podpułkownik Used in titles |
PPO {m inan} | :: initialism of punkt poboru opłat; toll booth |
ppor. {noun} | :: abbreviation of podporucznik Used in titles |
pra- {prefix} | :: proto-, pre-, ur- |
pra- {prefix} | :: prepended to ancestors before grandparents; great- |
pra- {prefix} | :: prepended to descendants after grandchildren |
prababcia {f} | :: great-grandmother |
prababka {f} | :: great-grandmother |
praca {f} | :: work (labour, employment, occupation, job) |
praca domowa {f} | :: homework |
praca domowa {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: housework |
pracochłonny {adj} | :: labor-intensive, laborious |
pracodawca {m pers} | :: employer |
pracoholik {m pers} | :: workaholic (person) |
pracoholizm {m inan} | :: workaholism (urge of a person to work excessively) |
pracować {vi impf} | :: to work (to do a specific task) |
pracować na czarno {v impf} [idiom] | :: to moonlight; to work for cash; to be employed informally, without reporting this fact to the government |
pracowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pracować |
pracowitość {f} | :: diligence, industry, application |
pracowity {adj} | :: hard-working |
pracownia {f} | :: workshop (manufacturing room) |
pracownica {f} | :: female employee, worker |
pracowniczka {f} | :: female employee, worker |
pracownik {m pers} | :: employee, worker |
pracuś {m pers} [colloquial, jocular] | :: A hardworking person |
pracz {m pers} | :: washer, washerman |
praczka {f} | :: washer, washerwoman |
prać {v impf} | :: to wash (to clean clothes with water) |
prać {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to beat; to beat up (to use violence) |
pradawny {adj} | :: ancient |
pradolina {f} | :: urstromtal |
pradziad {m pers} | :: great-grandfather |
pradziadek {m pers} | :: great-grandfather |
praelement {m inan} [set theory] | :: urelement |
Praga {prop} {f} | :: Praga (capital city) |
Praga {prop} {f} | :: Praga (<<area>> of <<city/Warsaw>> that lies on the right bank of the <<riv/Vistula>>) |
Praga {prop} {f} [historic] | :: Praga (<<former city>> in <<c/Poland>>, until 1791, on the right bank of the <<riv/Vistula>>, opposite <<city/Warsaw>>) |
pragermański {adj} | :: Proto-Germanic |
pragermański {m inan} | :: Proto-Germanic (reconstructed language) |
pragęba {f} [embryology] | :: blastopore |
pragębowiec {m anim} [usually plural] | :: protostome (member of Protostomia) |
pragmatyka {f} [linguistics] | :: pragmatics |
pragmatyka {f} | :: The state of being pragmatic |
pragnąć {vi impf} | :: to desire, to long for |
pragnąć {v impf} [archaic] | :: to thirst |
pragnienie {n} | :: thirst |
pragnienie {n} | :: longing |
praindoeuropejski {adj} | :: Proto-Indo-European |
praindoeuropejski {m inan} | :: Proto-Indo-European (reconstructed language) |
prajelito {n} [anatomy] | :: archenteron |
prajęzyk {m inan} | :: proto-language |
prajęzykowy {adj} | :: of or pertaining to a proto-language |
praktycznie {adv} | :: in practice |
praktycznie {adv} | :: pragmatically |
praktycznie {adv} | :: practically |
praktyczny {adj} | :: practical |
praktyka {f} | :: practice |
pralina {f} | :: praline |
pralinka {f} | :: diminutive of pralina |
pralka {f} | :: washing machine |
pralnia {f} | :: laundry (place or room where laundering is done) |
prałat {m pers} | :: prelate |
pramatka {f} | :: foremother |
prana {f} [Hinduism] | :: prana |
pranie {n} | :: laundry |
pranie {n} | :: verbal noun of prać; washing |
praojciec {m pers} | :: forefather |
prapłaziec {m anim} | :: South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) |
prapłetwiec {m anim} | :: West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) |
prapłetwiec {m anim} [more generally] | :: Any lungfish of the genus Protopterus |
praporządek {m inan} [mathematics] | :: preorder |
prapradziad {m pers} | :: great-great-grandfather |
praprawnuk {m pers} | :: great-great-grandson |
prapremiera {f} [film, theater] | :: private view |
prapremierowy {adj} [relational] | :: private view |
prasa {f} | :: press (device used to apply pressure) |
prasa {f} | :: press (printed media) |
praski {adj} | :: Prague (of, from or pertaining to Prague in the Czech Republic) |
praski {adj} | :: Praga (of, from or pertaining to the Praga district in Warsaw, Poland) |
prasłowiański {adj} [relational] | :: Proto-Slavic (of or pertaining to Proto-Slavic language or people who spoke it) |
prasłowiański {m inan} | :: Proto-Slavic (reconstructed language) |
prasować {vt impf} | :: to iron |
prasowy {adj} [relational] | :: press |
prastary {adj} | :: primaeval |
praszczur {m pers} | :: great-great-great-grandfather |
praszczur {m pers} | :: distant ancestor |
praszczur {m pers} | :: great-great-grandson |
praszczur {m anim} | :: distant ancestor (of an animal) |
prawa człowieka {np} | :: human rights |
prawa zwierząt {n} | :: animal rights |
prawda {f} | :: truth |
prawda {interj} | :: right |
prawdopodobieństwo {n} | :: probability, likelihood, chance |
prawdopodobieństwo {n} [mathematics] | :: probability |
prawdopodobnie {adv} | :: probably |
prawdopodobniej {adv} | :: comparative of prawdopodobnie |
prawdopodobny {adj} | :: probable |
prawdziwy {adj} | :: true, authentic, real |
prawdziwych przyjaciół poznaje się w biedzie {proverb} | :: a friend in need is a friend indeed |
prawica {f} [politics] | :: right wing |
prawica {f} [rare, archaic, literary] | :: right side |
prawiczek {m pers} | :: male virgin |
prawić {vit impf} | :: to discourse, declaim, preach |
prawidło {n} [dated] | :: rule, principle |
prawidło {n} | :: shoe tree |
prawidłowy {adj} | :: correct (well-formed) |
prawidłowy {adj} | :: correct (conforming to an established set of rules) |
prawidłowy {adj} [geometry] | :: regular |
prawidłowy {adj} [sometimes proscribed] | :: correct (in accordance with fact or truth) |
prawidłowy {adj} [sometimes proscribed] | :: proper (following the established standards of behavior or manners) |
prawie {adv} | :: almost (nearly, not quite) |
prawie na pewno {adv} [mathematics] | :: almost surely |
prawilny {adj} [slang] | :: worthy of respect; having good reputation |
prawilny {adj} [slang] | :: proper; sweet |
prawniczka {f} | :: feminine noun of prawnik |
prawniczy {adj} | :: legal, related to law or lawyers |
prawnie {adv} | :: legally (from a legal perspective) |
prawnik {m pers} | :: lawyer |
prawnoautorski {adj} | :: pertaining to copyright |
prawność {f} | :: lawfulness, legality |
prawnuczek {m pers} | :: diminutive of prawnuk |
prawnuczka {f} | :: great-granddaughter |
prawnuk {m pers} | :: great-grandson |
prawny {adj} | :: legal, having its basis in law |
prawo {n} | :: law |
prawo autorskie {n} | :: copyright |
prawo jazdy {n} | :: driver's license |
praworęczny {adj} | :: right-handed (preferring the right hand over the left) |
prawosławny {adj} | :: Orthodox |
prawoślaz {m inan} | :: althaea (any plant of the genus Althaea) |
prawoznawstwo {n} [law] | :: jurisprudence |
prawy {adj} [incomparable] | :: right (of direction) |
prawy {adj} [dated or literary, comparable] | :: virtuous, righteous |
prazeodym {m inan} | :: praseodymium (chemical element, Pr, atomic number 59) |
prażucha {f} [archaic or regional] | :: A type of kluski |
prażyć {vt impf} | :: to roast, to calcine, to parch, to scorch |
prażyć {vit impf} | :: to swelter |
prażynka {f} | :: potato crisp, potato chip |
prącie {n} [anatomy] | :: penis |
prąciowy {adj} | :: penile |
prąd {m inan} | :: current, electricity |
prąd {m inan} | :: current (part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction) |
prąd {m inan} | :: trend, movement |
prąd stały {m inan} | :: direct current |
prąd zmienny {m inan} | :: alternating current |
prądnica {f} | :: electrical generator |
prądotwórczy {adj} | :: generator |
prądożerca {m inan} [colloquial] | :: Something that uses a lot of electricity |
prątek {m inan} | :: mycobacterium (any bacterium of the genus Mycobacterium) |
prątek {m inan} [botany] | :: A type of short shoot |
prątniczek {m inan} [botany] | :: staminode |
prątniczek {m inan} | :: Any moss of the genus Microbryum |
prątnik {m inan} | :: Any moss of the genus Bryum |
prątnik {m inan} [usually plural] | :: bryopsid |
pre- {prefix} | :: pre- |
preambuła {f} | :: preamble (an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute) |
precedens {m inan} | :: precedent (past act used as example) |
precedens {m inan} [law] | :: precedent (prior judgment in law) |
precel {m inan} | :: pretzel |
precelek {m inan} | :: diminutive of precel |
precyzja {f} | :: precision |
precyzyjnie {adv} | :: precisely |
precyzyjniej {adv} | :: comparative of precyzyjnie |
precyzyjny {adj} | :: precise |
precz {adv} | :: (always with a verb) an adverb used to tell someone to go away or to describe something being thrown away; away |
precz {interj} [colloquial, dismissal] | :: get out!, out!, beat it!, begone! |
predyspozycja {f} | :: predisposition |
predyspozycyjny {adj} | :: predispositional |
prefektura {f} | :: prefecture |
prefiks {m inan} [linguistics] | :: prefix |
prehistoria {f} [historiography] | :: prehistory (history of human culture prior to written records) |
prehistoria {f} | :: time long past; yore |
prekm. {adj} | :: abbreviation of prekmurski |
prekmurski {adj} | :: Prekmurian |
prekognicja {f} | :: precognition (knowledge of something that is to occur in the future) |
prelekcja {f} | :: lecture |
preludium {n} [music] | :: prelude (short, free-form piece of music, serving as an introduction to a longer and more complex piece) |
preludium {n} [music] | :: prelude (short, stand-alone piece of music) |
preludium {n} | :: prelude (introductory or preliminary performance or event) |
premier {m pers} | :: prime minister |
premiera {f} | :: premiere |
prenumerata {f} | :: subscription (money that one pays for receiving a newspaper or magazine regularly) |
prepaid {m inan} | :: a pay-as-you-go mobile phone |
prequel {m inan} [narratology] | :: prequel |
preria {f} [geography] | :: prairie |
preriowy {adj} [relational] | :: prairie |
preryjny {adj} [relational] | :: prairie |
preskryptywizm {m inan} [linguistics, metaethics] | :: prescriptivism |
prestiż {m inan} | :: prestige |
prestiżowo {adv} | :: prestigiously; in a prestigious manner |
prestiżowy {adj} | :: prestigious |
Preszów {prop} {m inan} | :: Preszów (city) |
pretekst {m inan} | :: excuse, pretext |
pretensjonalny {adj} | :: pretentious |
pretensjonalny {adj} | :: overblown, grandiose |
pretor {m pers} | :: praetor |
prewencja {f} [formal] | :: prevention (of criminal behavior) |
prewencja {f} [colloquial] | :: riot police |
prezbiter {m pers} [Christianity] | :: presbyter, priest |
prezbiterianin {m pers} | :: Presbyterian |
prezbiterianizm {m inan} | :: Presbyterianism |
prezbiterianka {f} | :: female Presbyterian |
prezbiteriański {adj} | :: Presbyterian |
prezbiterium {n} [architecture] | :: presbytery, chancel |
prezencik {m inan} | :: diminutive of prezent |
prezent {m inan} | :: gift (something given to another voluntarily, without charge) |
prezentacja {f} | :: presentation (presenting to an audience) |
prezerwatywa {f} | :: condom |
prezes {m pers} | :: chairman, president (the primary leader of a corporation) |
prezes {f} | :: chairwoman, president (the primary leader of a corporation) |
prezydencki {adj} | :: presidential (related to a president or presidency) |
prezydent {m pers} | :: president (leader of the country) |
prezydent {m pers} | :: In Poland, mayor of a city (typically one with over 100,000 inhabitants) |
prezydentura {f} | :: presidency |
pręcik {m inan} | :: diminutive of pręt |
pręcik {m inan} [botany] | :: stamen (a flower part that produces pollen) |
pręcik {m inan} [anatomy] | :: rod (part of the retina of the eye) |
prędki {adj} | :: quick, rapid |
prędki {adj} | :: immediate (happening right away, instantly, with no delay) |
prędki {adj} | :: Inclined to make rapid decisions without due consideration; impulsive; hasty; rash |
prędko {adv} | :: rapidly, quickly |
prędkościomierz {m inan} [formal] | :: speedometer |
prędkość {f} | :: speed |
prędkość {f} [physics] | :: velocity |
prędzej {adv} | :: comparative of prędko |
prędzej czy później {adv} | :: sooner or later |
pręga {f} | :: stripe, streak |
pręga {f} | :: ridge |
pręga {f} | :: stria |
pręgierz {m inan} [historic] | :: pillory |
pręgoczub {m anim} | :: Madagascan serpent eagle (Eutriorchis astur) |
pręgowiec {m anim} | :: chipmunk (rodent) |
pręt {m inan} | :: rod, bar; long, cylindrical piece of metal |
prętnik {m anim} | :: Any gourami of the genus Trichogaster |
prętosłup {m inan} [botany] | :: gynostemium |
prima aprilis {noun} | :: April Fools' Day |
primaaprilisowy {adj} | :: related to or happening on April Fools' Day |
primadonna {f} [opera] | :: prima donna |
priv {m inan} [internet slang] | :: PM, private message on an Internet forum or other social site |
pro- {prefix} | :: pro- |
problem {m inan} | :: problem |
problematyczny {adj} | :: problematic |
problematyka {f} | :: matters, subject area |
proboszcz {m pers} | :: parish priest / (US) pastor (the chief priest in a parish, Catholic counterpart of Anglican vicar or rector) |
proc. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of procent |
proc. {adj} | :: abbreviation of procentowy |
proca {f} | :: sling (projectile weapon) |
proca {f} | :: sling (bandage) |
procarz {m pers} | :: slinger |
procedura {f} | :: procedure (particular method for performing a task) |
procedura {f} [computing] | :: procedure (subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task) |
procent {m inan} | :: percent |
proces {m inan} | :: process |
proces {m inan} [law] | :: trial |
proces {m inan} [computing] | :: process |
procesor {m inan} [computing] | :: processor |
proch {m inan} | :: powder, gunpowder |
proch {m inan} | :: augmentative of proszek |
prochy {m inanp} | :: ashes |
prochy {m inanp} | :: drugs |
produkować {v impf} | :: to produce (to make or manufacture) |
produkowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of produkować |
produkt {m inan} | :: product (commodity for sale) |
produkt {m inan} | :: product (outcome of an activity) |
produkt {m inan} [chemistry] | :: product |
produkt {m inan} [mathematics] | :: product (usually not arithmetical) |
proepidemik {m pers} [neologism, derogatory] | :: anti-vaccinationist, anti-vaxxer |
proeuropejski {adj} | :: pro-European (supporting the idea of European integration) |
profes {m pers} | :: monk who has taken religious vows of chastity, poverty and obedience |
profesja {f} | :: profession (job) |
profesja {f} | :: profession (declaration of belief) |
profesja {f} | :: profession (religious vows) |
profesjonalizm {m inan} | :: professionalism |
profesor {m pers} | :: professor |
profesorka {f} [colloquial] | :: female professor |
profil {m inan} | :: profile |
prognoza {f} | :: prediction, forecast |
program {m inan} | :: program (structured set of activities) |
program {m inan} | :: program (broadcasted show) |
program {m inan} | :: program (software) |
programista {m pers} [computing] | :: programmer (one who writes software) |
programistka {f} [computing] | :: female programmer (one who writes software) |
programować {v impf} | :: to program (enter a program or other instructions into a computer) |
programowalny {adj} | :: programmable |
programowanie {n} [computing] | :: programming |
projekcja {f} | :: projection (display of an image by a projector) |
projekcja {f} [psychology] | :: projection |
projekt {m inan} | :: project |
projekt {m inan} | :: design |
projektancki {adj} [relational] | :: designer |
projektant {m pers} | :: designer |
projektantka {f} | :: feminine noun of projektant |
projektować {vt impf} | :: to design |
prokariont {m anim} [biology] | :: prokaryote |
proklamacja {f} | :: message, proclamation (formal public announcement) |
prokreacja {f} | :: procreation |
prokurator {m pers} [law] | :: prosecutor |
prokurator {f} [legal] | :: prosecutor |
proletariat {m inan} | :: proletariat (working class or lower class) |
proletariat {m inan} [historical] | :: proletariat (lowest class of citizens in Rome) |
proletariusz {m pers} | :: proletarian (member of the proletariat) |
proletariuszka {f} | :: proletarian (female member of the proletariat) |
proliferacja {f} | :: proliferation |
prolina {f} | :: proline |
prolog {m inan} | :: prologue |
prom {m inan} | :: ferry |
prom {m inan} [astronautics] | :: shuttle |
promenada {f} | :: promenade (place to walk) |
promet {m inan} | :: promethium (chemical element, Pm, atomic number 61) |
promieniotwórczość {f} | :: radioactivity (emission of ionizing radiation) |
promieniotwórczy {adj} | :: radioactive |
promieniować {v impf} | :: to radiate, to emit |
promieniować {v impf} | :: to affect, to have an impact on surroundings |
promieniować {v impf} | :: to beam, to be visibly happy |
promieniowanie {n} | :: radiation |
promień {m inan} | :: ray |
promień {m inan} | :: shaft, beam |
promień {m inan} | :: radius (a line segment between any point on the circumference of a circle and its centre) |
promil {m inan} [mathematics] | :: permille (per thousand) |
promil {m inan} | :: permille (blood alcohol content) |
prominent {m pers} | :: eminent person; distinguished above others; VIP |
promocja {f} | :: promotion, the act of disseminating information about something |
promocja {f} | :: sale, promotional event where certain products are sold at reduced prices |
prompter {m inan} | :: teleprompter |
propaganda {f} | :: propaganda |
propagandysta {m pers} | :: A male propagandist |
propagandystka {f} | :: A female propagandist |
propagandzista {m pers} | :: A male propagandist |
propagandzistka {f} | :: A female propagandist |
propan {m inan} | :: propane |
proponować {v impf} | :: to propose |
proponowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of proponować |
proporzec {m inan} | :: pennant |
proporzec {m inan} | :: pennon |
proporzec {m inan} | :: streamer |
propozycja {f} | :: proposition, offer |
proroctwo {n} | :: prophecy |
proroczy {adj} | :: prophetic |
prorok {m pers} | :: prophet |
prorokini {f} | :: prophetess |
prorosyjski {adj} | :: pro-Russian, supportive of Russia |
prosektorium {n} [medicine] | :: dissecting room |
prosiaczek {m anim} | :: diminutive of prosiak |
prosiak {m anim} | :: piglet |
prosiątko {n} | :: diminutive of prosię |
prosić {vt impf} | :: to ask somebody |
prosię {n} | :: piglet |
prosionek {m anim} | :: woodlouse belonging to the genus Porcelli |
Prosna {prop} {f} | :: Prosna (river in central Poland, the tributary of Warta) |
Prosna {prop} {f} | :: Prosna (village) |
proso {n} | :: panicgrass, panicum, millet (any grass of the genus Panicum or its grains), especially: |
proso {n} | :: proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) |
prosta {f} [geometry] | :: line |
prostacki {adj} | :: boorish, plebeian, common, vulgar |
prostacko {adv} | :: boorishly, plebeianly, commonly, vulgarly |
prostactwo {n} | :: boorishness, rudeness, vulgarity, rusticity |
prostactwo {n} | :: all the boorish people |
prostaczek {m pers} | :: diminutive of prostak |
prostaczek {m pers} | :: juggins |
prostaczka {f} [derogatory] | :: One who is uncultured and uneducated |
prostak {m pers} [derogatory] | :: One who is uncultured and uneducated |
prostata {f} [anatomy] | :: prostate |
prostnica {f} | :: rectum (terminal part of the large intestine) |
prostnica {f} [botany] | :: orthostichy |
prosto {adv} | :: straight |
prosto {adv} | :: direct, directly |
prosto {adv} | :: simply |
prosto z mostu {adv} [colloquial, idiom] | :: explicitly, directly, without obfuscation |
prostoduszny {adj} | :: ingenuous, innocent |
prostokąt {m inan} | :: rectangle |
prostokątny {adj} | :: rectangular |
prostokątny {adj} | :: right-angled |
prostopadle {adv} | :: perpendicularly |
prostopadłościan {m inan} [geometry] | :: cuboid |
prostopadły {adj} [geometry] | :: perpendicular |
prostopływiec {m anim} | :: orthonectid |
prostota {f} | :: simplicity |
prostować {vt impf} | :: to straighten, to straighten out |
prostować {vr impf} | :: to straighten (oneself) |
prostować {vt impf} | :: to rectify, to correct, to straighten out |
prostownica {f} | :: straightener |
prostownik {m inan} | :: extensor (muscle) |
prostownik {m inan} | :: rectifier (device that converts alternating current into direct current) |
prostszy {adj} | :: comparative of prosty |
prosty {adj} | :: straight |
prosty {adj} | :: simple, easy |
prosty {adj} | :: unsophisticated, uneducated, common |
prostytucja {f} | :: prostitution |
prostytutka {f} | :: prostitute |
prostytutka {f} [colloquial, derogatory, figuratively] | :: venal person |
proszczok {m anim} [Kujawy] | :: piglet (young pig) |
proszek {m inan} | :: powder (dust) |
proszę {interj} | :: please |
proszę {interj} | :: you're welcome |
proszę {interj} | :: here you are |
prośba {f} | :: request (a message requesting something) |
prościej {adv} | :: comparative of prosto |
proteina {f} | :: protein (a large, complex molecule composed of long chains of amino acids) |
protekcja {f} | :: protection |
protekcjonalnie {adv} | :: condescendingly; in a condescending manner |
protekcjonalność {f} | :: condescension |
protekcjonalny {adj} | :: condescending |
protektorat {m inan} | :: protectorate |
protest {m inan} | :: protest (formal objection) |
protest {m inan} | :: protest (demonstration) |
protestancki {adj} | :: Protestant |
protestant {m pers} | :: Protestant |
protestant {m pers} | :: protest participant |
protestantka {f} | :: female Protestant |
protestantyzm {m inan} | :: Protestantism |
protestować {v impf} | :: to protest (make a strong objection) |
protokół {m inan} | :: minutes, transcript (record of meeting) |
protokół {m inan} | :: protocol (diplomatic document) |
protokół {m inan} | :: protocol (accepted code of conduct) |
protokół {m inan} [computing] | :: protocol (set of formal rules describing how to transmit or exchange data, especially across a network) |
protokół {m inan} [historical] | :: protocol (official formulas which appeared at the beginning of certain official documents in the Middle Ages) |
proton {m inan} | :: proton |
prowadzenie {n} | :: lead, conduct |
prowadzenie {n} | :: running (The action of the verb to run) |
prowadzenie {n} | :: gerund of prowadzić |
prowadzić {v impf} | :: to lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection) |
prowadzić {v impf} | :: to drive (e.g. a car) |
prowadzić {vr impf} | :: to lead (to guide or conduct oneself) |
prowansalski {adj} | :: Occitan |
Prowansja {prop} {f} | :: Prowansja (region) |
proweniencja {f} | :: provenance |
prowiant {m inan} | :: supplies, provisions |
prowincja {f} | :: province |
prowincja {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: province |
prowitamina {f} | :: vitamer |
prowizja {f} | :: commission (fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction) |
prowizorka {f} | :: one-off, makeshift |
prowizoryczny {adj} | :: makeshift, temporary, impermanent |
prowodyr {m pers} | :: ringleader |
prowokacja {f} | :: provocation |
prowokować {v impf} | :: to provoke |
proza {f} | :: prose |
prozaiczka {f} | :: female prosaist |
prozaicznie {adv} | :: prosaically; in a prosaic manner |
prozaiczność {f} | :: prosaicness |
prozaiczny {adj} | :: humdrum, unexciting, dull |
prozaiczny {adj} | :: prosaic (pertaining to prose) |
prozaik {m pers} | :: prosaist |
prozelityzm {m inan} | :: proselytism |
prozodia {f} [linguistics, prosody] | :: prosody (study of rhythm and other attributes in speech) |
prozodia {f} [poetry] | :: prosody (study of poetic meter etc.) |
prozopagnozja {f} | :: prosopagnosia |
prozopopeja {f} [rhetoric] | :: prosopopoeia (personifying a person or object) |
prożek {m inan} | :: diminutive of próg |
próba {f} | :: rehearsal |
próba {f} | :: attempt, effort, test, trial, try |
próba {f} [statistics] | :: sample |
próbka {f} | :: sample, specimen |
próbować {v impf} | :: to try (attempt) |
próbować {v impf} | :: to rehearse (practice by repetition or recitation) |
próbować {v impf} | :: to taste (sample the flavor of something) |
próbowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of próbować |
próbówka {f} | :: test tube |
próchnica {f} | :: dental caries, tooth decay |
próchnica {f} | :: humus |
próchnieć {v impf} | :: of wood: to rot |
próchnieć {v impf} | :: of teeth: to develop caries |
próchnienie {n} | :: verbal noun of próchnieć |
próchnilec {m inan} | :: Any fungus of the genus Xylaria |
próchno {n} [singular only] | :: rotten wood |
próchno {n} [derogatory] | :: fogey, prune, old person |
próchno {n} [colloquial] | :: crud, something of low quality |
prócz {prep} [literary] | :: except, besides |
próć {vt impf} [obsolete] | :: to unstitch |
próg {m inan} | :: doorstep |
próg {m inan} | :: threshold |
próg {m inan} [music] | :: fret |
prószyć {vt impf} | :: to sprinkle, spray, powder |
prószyć {vi impf} | :: to snow lightly |
próżnia {f} | :: vacuum (region of space that contains no matter) |
próżniactwo {n} | :: idleness |
próżniak {m pers} [pejorative] | :: idler, loafer, layabout, slacker |
próżniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of próżny |
próżniowy {adj} [relational] | :: vacuum |
próżność {f} | :: vanity (excessive preoccupation with oneself) |
próżnować {v impf} | :: to idle, to loaf, to lounge, to shirk |
próżny {adj} | :: vain, vainglorious |
próżny {adj} | :: empty, void |
próżny {adj} | :: fruitless, futile, unavailing |
prr {interj} [to a horse] | :: whoa! |
prucie {n} | :: verbal noun of pruć |
pruć {vt impf} | :: to unstitch, to rip |
pruderia {f} | :: prudishness, prudery |
pruderyjnie {adv} | :: prudishly |
pruderyjność {f} | :: prudishness, prudery |
pruderyjny {adj} | :: prudish, prude |
Prudnik {prop} {m inan} | :: Prudnik (city) |
prukwa {f} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: crone, old hag (ugly, evil-looking or frightening old woman) |
Prus {m pers} | :: An Old Prussian; a member of a Baltic ethnic group native to Prussia |
prusak {m anim} [colloquial] | :: cockroach |
Prusak {m pers} | :: An inhabitant or denizen of Prussia (the multi-ethnic German province) |
pruski {adj} | :: Prussian |
pryk {m pers} [derogatory or humorous] | :: old geezer; dotard |
prymarny {adj} | :: primary, principal, paramount, primal |
prymat {m inan} | :: dominance, primacy, pre-eminence |
prymicja {f} | :: the first mass of a newly ordained priest |
prymitywizm {m inan} | :: primitivism |
pryskać {vt impf} | :: to spray, sprinkle, splash, splatter, spatter, sputter |
pryskać {vi impf} | :: to burst (of soap bubble) |
pryskać {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to hightail |
pryskanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pryskać |
pryszcz {m inan} [dermatology] | :: pimple |
pryszcz {m inan} [colloquial] | :: piece of cake, cinch (something that is very easy to do) |
pryszczyca {f} | :: foot-and-mouth disease, hoof-and-mouth disease |
pryszczyk {m inan} | :: diminutive of pryszcz |
prysznic {m inan} | :: shower (device for bathing) |
prysznic {m inan} | :: shower (instance of using this device in order to bathe oneself) |
prysznicowy {adj} [relational] | :: shower (either the device or process) |
prywaciarz {m pers} [historic, colloquial] | :: private entrepreneur during the communist era, operating outside of the official system of planned economy |
prywaciarz {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: small business owner |
prywatka {f} [colloquial, dated] | :: house party |
prywatny {adj} | :: private |
pryzma {f} [geometry] | :: rectangular frustum |
pryzma {f} | :: heap, pile (especially one in the shape of a rectangular frustum) |
pryzmat {m inan} | :: prism (transparent block in the shape of a prism used to split or reflect light) |
pryzmatyczny {adj} | :: prismatic (of or pertaining to an optical prism) |
przaśny {adj} | :: rough |
przaśny {adj} | :: coarse |
przaśny {adj} | :: unleavened |
przaśny {adj} | :: homespun |
przaśny {adj} | :: folksy |
prządka {f} | :: A female spinner who makes yarn |
prządka {f} | :: golden silk orb-weaver (spider of the genus Nephila) |
prządka {f} [usually plural] | :: bombycid (moth of the family Bombycidae) |
prządki {p} | :: Bombycidae |
prządki {p} | :: vechornytsi |
prząść {vt impf} | :: to spin (to make yarn) |
prząść {vt impf} | :: to weave (of a spider, silkworm etc.) |
prze- {prefix} | :: Intensifier prefix; over- |
prze- {prefix} | :: re- (again) |
przeanalizować {v pf} | :: perfective form of analizować |
przeanalizowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeanalizować |
przebaczać {vt impf} | :: to forgive, to pardon |
przebaczalny {adj} [uncommon] | :: forgivable, venial |
przebaczanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przebaczać; forgiving, pardoning |
przebaczenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przebaczyć |
przebaczenie {n} | :: forgiveness, pardon |
przebaczyć {vt pf} | :: to forgive, to pardon |
przebiec {vi pf} | :: to run, to proceed, to flow |
przebiec {vi pf} | :: to flit, to dash |
przebieg {m inan} | :: course, proceeding (sequence of events) |
przebieg {m inan} | :: tack, direction |
przebieg {m inan} | :: mileage |
przebiegać {vi impf} | :: to run, to proceed, to flow |
przebiegać {vi impf} | :: to flit, to dash |
przebiegłość {f} | :: craftiness, artfulness, slyness |
przebiegły {adj} | :: crafty, artful, cunning, wily |
przebieralnia {f} | :: changing room (a room designed for people to change their clothes) |
przebijać {v impf} | :: to pierce |
przebijanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przebijać |
przebiśnieg {m inan} [colloquial] | :: snowdrop (Galanthus), especially the common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) |
przebój {m inan} [music] | :: hit |
przebrzydły {adj} [dated or humorous] | :: horrible, detestable |
przecena {f} | :: discount, markdown, price reduction |
przechadzka {f} | :: stroll, saunter |
przechodni {adj} [grammar] | :: transitive |
przechodni {adj} [mathematics] | :: transitive |
przechodzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przechodzić |
przechodzić {vi impf} | :: to go through, to pass through |
przechodzić {vi impf} | :: to cross |
przechodzić {vi impf} | :: to pass, to pass by, to go past |
przechodzić {vi impf} | :: to pass (from one person to another), to be transferred |
przechodzić {vi impf} | :: to pass, to wear off |
przechodzić {vi impf} | :: to undergo, to experience |
przechodzić {vi impf} | :: to switch, to convert |
przechodzień {m pers} | :: passer-by |
przechować {vt pf} | :: to store, to keep, to hold |
przechowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przechować |
przechowywać {vt impf} | :: to store, to keep, to hold |
przechylać {vt impf} | :: to tip, to tilt |
przechylać {vr impf} | :: to lean, to slant |
przechylać {vr impf} [of boats] | :: to list, to heel |
przechylenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przechylić |
przechylić {vt pf} | :: to tip, to tilt |
przechylić {vr pf} | :: to lean, to slant |
przechylić {vr pf} [of boats] | :: to list, to heel |
przechył {m inan} | :: list, slant, tilt, lean |
przeciąg {m inan} | :: draught (a current of air) |
przecie {particle} [dated] | :: but; used to introduce a new, conflicting fact |
przeciek {m inan} | :: leak |
przeciekać {v impf} | :: to leak |
przecież {particle} | :: but; used to introduce a new, conflicting fact |
przeciętny {adj} | :: average, mediocre |
przecinek {m inan} | :: comma (punctuation) |
przeciw- {prefix} | :: counter- |
przeciw {prep} | :: against (in competition with something, as a protection from something) |
przeciwbakteryjny {adj} | :: antibacterial, antimicrobial |
przeciwbólowy {adj} | :: analgesic (acting to relieve pain) |
przeciwciało {n} [immunology] | :: antibody (protein that binds to a specific antigen) |
przeciwdziedzina {f} [mathematics] | :: codomain |
przeciwko {prep} | :: against |
przeciwłupieżowy {adj} | :: antidandruff |
przeciwnik {m pers} | :: opponent, adversary |
przeciwny {adj} | :: opposite, reverse, contrary |
przeciwny {adj} | :: opposed, against |
przeciwobraz {m inan} | :: preimage |
przeciwpowodziowy {adj} | :: antiflood |
przeciwprostokątna {f} [geometry] | :: hypotenuse |
przeciwskuteczny {adj} | :: counterproductive |
przeciwsłonecznie {adv} | :: in a sunscreening manner |
przeciwsłoneczny {adj} | :: sunscreening |
przeciwśrodek {m inan} | :: countermeasure |
przeciwutleniacz {m inan} | :: antioxidant |
przeciwwaga {f} | :: counterbalance |
przeciwwskazanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeciwwskazać |
przeciwwskazanie {n} | :: contraindication, counterindication |
przecznica {f} | :: turn-off, cut-through, block, turning, intersection, junction (street perpendicular to the main thoroughfare or other street) |
przeczucie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeczuć |
przeczucie {n} | :: intuition, hunch, presentiment, premonition |
przeczuć {vt pf} | :: to forefeel, to presage, to sense |
przeczuwać {vt impf} | :: to forefeel, to presage, to sense |
przeczyć {v impf} | :: to contradict, defy, belie |
przeczyć {v impf} | :: to deny, negate |
przeczytać {v pf} | :: to read; to read up |
przeczytanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeczytać |
przeć {vi impf} | :: to push (during labour) |
przeć {vi impf} | :: to press ahead, press on, push forward, strive |
przed- {prefix} | :: fore-, pro-; in front of, preceding |
przed {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: before (earlier than in time) |
przed {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: in front of (denotes location) |
przed {prep} [+ accusative] | :: in front of (denotes movement) |
przed laty {adv} | :: (many) years ago |
przed naszą erą {adv} | :: before the Common Era |
przedać {vt pf} [obsolete, dialectal] | :: to sell |
przedarcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przedrzeć |
przeddzień {m inan} | :: eve (the day before) |
przeddzień {m inan} | :: eve (the time preceding some event) |
przede {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: before (earlier than in time) |
przede {prep} [+ instrumental] | :: in front of (denotes location) |
przede {prep} [+ accusative] | :: in front of (denotes movement) |
przede wszystkim {adv} | :: first of all |
przedeń {contraction} | :: contraction of przed niego |
przedimek {m inan} [grammar] | :: article |
przedmałżeński {adj} | :: premarital |
przedmiejski {adj} [relational] | :: suburb (area on the periphery of a city or large town) |
przedmiesiączkowy {adj} | :: premenstrual |
przedmieście {n} | :: suburb (area on the periphery of a city or large town) |
przedmiot {m inan} | :: subject (particular area of study) |
przedmiot {m inan} | :: thing, object |
przedmowa {f} | :: foreword, preface |
przedmówca {m pers} | :: previous speaker (especially one's own) |
przedmówczyni {f} | :: previous speaker (female) |
przedni {adj} | :: front, fore (situated towards the front) |
przedni {adj} [anatomy] | :: anterior |
przedni {adj} [archaic] | :: premier, leading, first-rate |
przedni {adj} [obsolete] | :: previous, former |
przedobrzyć {v pf} | :: to overdo it, to overshoot the mark |
przedostatni {adj} | :: penultimate (the next-to-last in a sequence) |
przedplecze {n} [entomology] | :: pronotum |
przedpokój {m inan} | :: antechamber |
przedpotopowy {adj} [dated or humorous] | :: antediluvian |
przedramię {n} | :: forearm |
przedrostek {m inan} [linguistic morphology] | :: prefix |
przedrośle {n} | :: prothallium (gametophyte stage in the life of a pteridophyte) |
przedrzeźniać {vt impf} | :: to mock, mimic |
przedsiębiorca {m pers} | :: entrepreneur |
przedsiębiorczo {adv} | :: entrepreneurially, enterprisingly, resourcefully |
przedsiębiorczość {f} | :: entrepreneurship, enterprise, resourcefulness |
przedsiębiorczy {adj} | :: entrepreneurial, enterprising, resourceful |
przedsiębiorczyni {f} | :: female entrepreneur |
przedsiębiorstwo {n} | :: company, enterprise (in legal context, corporation) corporation |
przedsiębrać {vt impf} | :: to undertake, to embark upon |
przedsięwziąć {vt pf} | :: to undertake, to embark upon |
przedsięwzięcie {n} | :: undertaking, enterprise, venture |
przedsionek {m inan} | :: foyer, atrium, vestibule |
przedsionek {m inan} [anatomy] | :: atrium |
przedsmak {m inan} | :: preview (foretaste of something) |
przedstawiać {vt impf} | :: to introduce |
przedstawiać {vt impf} | :: to present, to put forward, to set out |
przedstawiać {vt impf} | :: to feature, to show |
przedstawiciel {m pers} | :: representative (one who speaks for another) |
przedstawicielka {f} | :: female representative |
przedstawić {vt pf} | :: to introduce |
przedstawić {vt pf} | :: to present, to put forward, to set out |
przedstawić {vt pf} | :: to feature, to show, to picture |
przedstawienie {n} | :: exposition |
przedstawienie {n} | :: performance |
przedstawienie {n} | :: representation |
przedszkolak {m pers} | :: kindergartner (child) |
przedszkolanka {f} | :: kindergartner (teacher) |
przedszkole {n} | :: preschool; kindergarten |
przedtem {adv} | :: formerly, before |
przedtułowie {n} [entomology] | :: alternative form of przedtułów |
przedtułów {m inan} [entomology] | :: prothorax |
przedwczesny {adj} | :: premature |
przedwcześnie {adv} | :: prematurely |
przedwczoraj {adv} | :: day before yesterday |
przedwczorajszy {adj} | :: day before yesterday's |
przedwieć {m pers} [archaic] | :: grandmother's brother |
przedwieć {m pers} [archaic] | :: great-grandmother's brother |
przedwiośnie {n} | :: early spring, a supplementary season between winter and spring, exclusive to temperate climate |
przedwojenny {adj} | :: pre-war |
przedwyborczy {adj} | :: preelection |
przedział {m inan} | :: compartment (on a train) |
przedział {m inan} | :: range, interval |
przedziałek {m inan} | :: diminutive of przedział |
przedziałek {m inan} | :: parting [UK], part [US] (dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions) |
przedzimie {n} | :: early winter, a supplementary season between autumn and winter, exclusive to temperate climate |
przefiltrować {vt pf} | :: to filter thoroughly |
przefiltrować {vt pf} [figuratively] | :: to filter, to narrow down |
przefiltrowywać {vt impf} | :: to filter thoroughly |
przefiltrowywać {vt impf} [figuratively] | :: to filter, to narrow down |
przefrunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przefrunąć |
przefruwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przefruwać |
przegapić {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to miss, to fail to notice |
przegięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przegiąć |
przegląd {m inan} | :: overview |
przegląd {m inan} | :: review |
przegląd {m inan} | :: inspection |
przegląd {m inan} | :: survey |
przeglądać {vt impf} | :: to look through, to browse, to peruse |
przeglądanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeglądać |
przeglądarka {f} [computing] | :: browser, viewer; software for access and presentation of data |
przegłos {m inan} [linguistics] | :: apophony |
przegrać {vt pf} | :: To lose; to fail |
przegrać {vt pf} | :: To copy data from one physical medium to another |
przegradzać {vt impf} | :: to partition, to separate, to divide |
przegroda {f} | :: partition, separator, divider |
przegroda {f} | :: compartment, stall |
przegroda {f} [anatomy] | :: septum |
przegrodzić {vt pf} | :: to partition, to separate, to divide |
przegródka {f} | :: diminutive of przegroda |
przegrywać {vit impf} | :: to lose (fail to win) |
przegrywać {vt impf} | :: to copy (e.g. tape) |
przegrzewacz {m inan} | :: superheater |
przegub {m inan} | :: joint, articulation, swivel |
przegub {m inan} [anatomy, colloquial] | :: wrist |
przegubowiec {m inan} [colloquial] | :: articulated bus |
przeinaczać {v impf} | :: to distort, to twist, to misrepresent |
przeinaczyć {v pf} | :: to distort, to twist, to misrepresent |
przejaw {m inan} | :: manifestation |
przejaw {m inan} | :: expression |
przejaw {m inan} | :: indication |
przejazd {m inan} | :: ride (instance of riding); drive (in a car), passage (on a boat) |
przejąć {vt pf} | :: to assume, to take on |
przejąć {vt pf} | :: to seize, to intercept, to take over |
przejąć {vr pf} | :: to care, to bother, to mind [+ (instrumental) = about something] |
przejebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to squander, to dissipate, to misspend |
przejebane {interj} [vulgar] | :: to be fucked (to be in a bad situation) |
przejechać {vt pf} | :: to cover some distance by driving |
przejechać {vt pf} | :: to run over (drive over, causing injury or death) |
przejechać {vt pf} | :: to overshoot, drive too far (e.g. miss a bus or train stop) |
przejezdny {adj} [of roads] | :: driveable, passable by wheeled vehicles |
przejezdny {adj} | :: transient, available for a short time before (what/who the noun stands for) drives elsewhere |
przejezdny {m pers} [deadjectival] | :: transient, traveller |
przejęcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przejąć |
przejęzyczać {vr impf} | :: to misspeak, to make a slip of the tongue |
przejęzyczenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przejęzyczyć |
przejęzyczenie {n} | :: slip of the tongue |
przejęzyczyć {vr pf} | :: to misspeak, to make a slip of the tongue |
przejmować {vt impf} | :: to assume, to take on |
przejmować {vt impf} | :: to seize, to intercept, to take over |
przejmować {vr impf} | :: to care, to bother, to mind [+ (instrumental) = about something] |
przejrzeć {vt pf} | :: to look through, to browse, to peruse |
przejrzeć {vt pf} | :: to see through, to suss out |
przejrzystość {f} [literal] | :: transparency (the quality of being see-through, of letting light pass through) |
przejrzystość {f} [figurative] | :: clarity, lucidity, perspicuity (ease of being understood) |
przejrzystość {f} [figurative] | :: transparency (openness to scrutiny) |
przejrzystszy {adj} | :: comparative of przejrzysty |
przejrzysty {adj} | :: lucid, clear, easily understood |
przejrzysty {adj} | :: lucid, clear, transparent |
przejrzyście {adv} | :: clearly, lucidly, transparently |
przejrzyściej {adv} | :: comparative of przejrzyście |
przejście {n} | :: verbal noun of przejść |
przejście {n} | :: crossing |
przejście {n} | :: passage, alley |
przejście {n} | :: aisle |
przejście {n} | :: interlude |
przejście {n} | :: ordeal |
przejściowy {adj} | :: interim, transitional |
przejściowy {adj} | :: interim, temporary |
przejść {vi pf} | :: to go through, to pass through |
przejść {vi pf} | :: to cross |
przejść {vi pf} | :: to pass, to pass by, to go past |
przejść {vi pf} | :: to pass (from one person to another), to be transferred |
przejść {vi pf} | :: to pass, to wear off |
przejść {vi pf} | :: to undergo, to experience |
przejść {vi pf} | :: to switch, to convert |
przekaz {m inan} | :: remittance, transfer |
przekaz {m inan} [finance] | :: order, remittance |
przekaz {m inan} | :: message (underlying theme) |
przekazać {vt pf} | :: to convey, to pass on, to communicate |
przekazać {vt pf} | :: to hand over, to surrender, to give |
przekazać {vt pf} | :: to hand down, to bequeath |
przekazywać {vt impf} | :: to convey, to pass on, to communicate |
przekazywać {vt impf} | :: to hand over, to surrender, to give |
przekazywać {vt impf} | :: to hand down, to bequeath |
przekaźnik {m inan} | :: transmitter (device that transmits a signal) |
przekaźnik {m inan} [electronics] | :: relay |
przekąska {f} | :: snack |
przekąska {f} | :: appetizer |
przekątna {f} [geometry] | :: diagonal |
przekleństwo {n} | :: swear word |
przekleństwo {n} | :: curse |
przekład {m inan} | :: translation (act of translating between languages) |
przekład {m inan} | :: translation (result of translating between languages) |
przekładać {vt impf} | :: to move around; to put elsewhere (applies to things that lie flat on a surface) |
przekładać {vt impf} | :: to translate (into another language) |
przekładać {vt impf} | :: to interlay; to insert as an intervening layer |
przekładać {vt impf} | :: to reschedule; to put off; to postpone |
przekładać {vr impf} | :: to translate (change into another form or medium), to transfer |
przekładnia {f} [rhetoric] | :: anastrophe |
przekładnia {f} [mechanics] | :: transmission |
przekłamanie {n} | :: distortion, corruption, bias |
przekomarzać {vr impf} | :: banter (to engage in banter) |
przekonać {v pf} | :: to convince |
przekonanie {n} | :: belief (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) |
przekonujący {adj} | :: convincing (effective as proof or evidence) |
przekonywać {vt impf} | :: to convince |
przekonywający {adj} | :: convincing (effective as proof or evidence) |
przekonywujący {adj} [proscribed] | :: convincing (effective as proof or evidence) |
przekopać {vt pf} | :: to burrow, dig up |
przekopanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przekopać |
przekraczać {vt impf} | :: to cross, to overstep |
przekraczać {vt impf} | :: to exceed, to surpass |
przekręt {m inan} [colloquial] | :: scam, fraud |
przekroczyć {vt pf} | :: to cross, to overstep |
przekroczyć {vt pf} | :: to exceed, to surpass, to transcend |
przekrój {m inan} | :: cross-section |
przekupny {adj} | :: venal, corruptible |
przekwitać {v impf} | :: to wither, to lose blossom |
przekwitanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przekwitać |
przelać {vt pf} | :: to decant (pour from one container into another) |
przelać {vt pf} | :: to overfill |
przelać {vt pf} [banking] | :: to transfer, to wire |
przelanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przelać |
przelecieć {v pf} | :: to fly from one place to another [+ ins = on some machine] |
przelecieć {v pf} [slang] | :: to do; to have sex [+ acc = with someone] |
przelew {m inan} | :: bank transfer; wire transfer |
przelew {m inan} | :: overflow |
przelew {m inan} | :: spillway |
przelew {m inan} [law] | :: assignment; conveyance; cession |
przelewać {vt impf} | :: to decant (pour from one container into another) |
przelewać {vt impf} | :: to overfill |
przelewać {vt impf} [banking] | :: to transfer, to wire |
przelewanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przelewać |
przeliczalny {adj} [mathematics, set theory] | :: countable |
przelot {m inan} | :: Any plant of the genus Anthyllis of vetches |
przełamać {vt pf} | :: to break |
przełamać {vt pf} | :: to break down, to overcome |
przełamać {vr pf} | :: to break, to become broken |
przełamać {vr pf} | :: to find it in one's heart, to come to terms, to get to grips |
przełamywać {vt impf} | :: to break |
przełamywać {vt impf} | :: to break down, to overcome |
przełamywać {vr impf} | :: to break, to become broken |
przełamywać {vr impf} | :: to find it in one's heart, to come to terms, to get to grips |
przełączać {vt impf} | :: to switch (turn to a different channel, station, etc.) |
przełączać {vt impf} [telecommunications] | :: to transfer, to put through |
przełącznik {m inan} | :: toggle switch |
przełącznik {m inan} [computing, networking] | :: switch |
przełączyć {vt pf} | :: to switch (turn to a different channel, station, etc.) |
przełączyć {vt pf} [telecommunications] | :: to transfer, to put through |
przełęcz {f} | :: mountain pass, saddle |
przełom {m inan} [geography] | :: canyon, gorge |
przełom {m inan} | :: turning point, breakthrough, watershed |
przełom {m inan} | :: turn (e.g. of the century, year, month, etc.) |
przełom {m inan} [medicine] | :: crisis |
przełożony {m pers} | :: superior, higher-up |
przełożyć {vt pf} | :: to move around, to put elsewhere |
przełożyć {vt pf} | :: to reschedule, to rearrange, to postpone |
przełożyć {vt pf} | :: to interleave, to interlay |
przełożyć {vt pf} | :: to translate |
przełożyć {vr pf} | :: to translate (change into another form or medium), to transfer |
przełyk {m inan} | :: oesophagus |
przemarznięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przemarznąć |
przemądrzały {adj} | :: self-righteous, snooty, bumptious, clever-clever |
Przemek {prop} {m} | :: A diminutive of the male given name Przemysław |
przemiana {f} | :: metamorphosis |
przemiana {f} | :: transformation, transmutation |
przemieniać {vt impf} | :: to transmute, transform |
przemieniać {vr impf} | :: to metamorphose, transform, transmogrify |
przemienny {adj} [electricity] | :: alternating |
przemienny {adj} [mathematics] | :: commutative |
przemieszczać {vt impf} | :: to relocate, to reposition |
przemieszczać {vt impf} | :: to dislodge, to dislocate |
przemieszczać {vr impf} | :: to move about, to relocate |
przemieszczenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przemieścić; relocation, dislocation |
przemieszczenie {n} [physics] | :: displacement |
przemieścić {vt pf} | :: to relocate, to reposition |
przemieścić {vt pf} | :: to dislodge, to dislocate |
przemieścić {vr pf} | :: to move about, to relocate |
przemiło {adv} | :: delectably, delightfully |
przemiły {adj} | :: delectable, delightful |
przeminięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeminąć |
przemknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przemknąć |
przemoc {f} | :: violence |
przemocą {adv} | :: forcibly |
przemówienie {n} | :: speech (form of public address) |
przemycać {vt impf} | :: to smuggle |
przemyski {adj} | :: Przemyśl (of, from or pertaining to Przemyśl in Poland) |
przemysł {m inan} | :: industry |
Przemysław {prop} {m pers} | :: given name |
przemysłowiec {m pers} | :: industrialist |
przemysłowy {adj} [relational] | :: industrial (of or relating to industry) |
Przemyśl {prop} {m inan} | :: City in south-eastern Poland |
przemyślanin {m pers} | :: A male resident or native of Przemyśl |
przemyślanka {f} | :: A female resident or native of Przemyśl |
przemyślany {adj} | :: considered, thoughtful, deliberate |
przemyśleć {v pf} | :: to think over (thoroughly) |
przemyśleć {v pf} | :: to rethink |
przemyt {m inan} | :: smuggling |
przemytnik {m pers} | :: smuggler |
przeniela {f} | :: baskettail (dragonfly of the genus Epitheca) |
przenieść {vt pf} | :: to move, to carry, to transport |
przenieść {vt pf} | :: to transfer |
przenieść {vt pf} | :: to postpone, to rearrange |
przenieść {vt pf} | :: to transmit, to pass on |
przenieść {vt pf} [computing] | :: to transfer, to copy |
przenieść {vt pf} [law] | :: to convey |
przenieść {vt pf} [arithmetic] | :: to carry |
przenieść {vr pf} | :: to move (go to a new location), to remove |
przenieść {vr pf} | :: to transfer (be or become transferred) |
przenikać {vit impf} | :: to penetrate, to percolate, to permeate, to pervade |
przenikać {vi impf} | :: to infiltrate |
przenikliwy {adj} | :: very intense, striking, piercing |
przenikliwy {adj} [of people] | :: sharp, keen |
przeniknąć {vt pf} | :: to penetrate, to permeate, to percolate |
przeniknąć {vt pf} | :: to infiltrate |
przenosić {vt impf} | :: to move, to carry, to transport |
przenosić {vt impf} | :: to transfer |
przenosić {vt impf} | :: to postpone, to rearrange |
przenosić {vt impf} | :: to transmit, to pass on |
przenosić {vt impf} [computing] | :: to transfer, to copy |
przenosić {vt impf} [law] | :: to convey |
przenosić {vt impf} [arithmetic] | :: to carry |
przenosić {vr impf} | :: to move (go to a new location), to remove |
przenosić {vr impf} | :: to transfer (be or become transferred) |
przenośnia {f} | :: metaphor |
przenośnik {m inan} | :: conveyor system, conveyor (mechanical handling equipment) |
przenośnik taśmowy {m inan} | :: belt conveyor |
przenośny {adj} | :: portable |
przenośny {adj} | :: figurative, metaphorical |
przeobrażenie {n} | :: metamorphosis, transfiguration |
przeobrażenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeobrazić |
przeogromny {adj} | :: very large, immense |
przeor {m pers} [Christianity] | :: prior (high-ranking member of a monastery) |
przeorysza {f} [Christianity] | :: abbess |
przepadać {vi impf} | :: to disappear, to be lost |
przepadać {vi impf} | :: to fail |
przepadać {vi impf} | :: to be fond, to like [+ za (object) = instrumental = of something] |
przepadanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przepadać |
przepajać {vt impf} | :: to saturate, to imbue |
przepasać {vt impf} | :: to overfeed |
przepasać {vt impf} | :: to use (e.g. a meadow) for pasture |
przepasać {vt pf} | :: to gird, to girdle |
przepaska {f} | :: loincloth, breechcloth, waistcloth |
przepasywać {vt impf} | :: to gird, to girdle |
przepaść {f} | :: abyss (a bottomless or unfathomed depth) |
przepaść {f} | :: chasm |
przepaść {f} | :: precipice |
przepaść {vi pf} | :: to disappear, to be lost |
przepaść {vi pf} | :: to fail |
przepaść {vt pf} | :: to overfeed |
przepaść {vt pf} | :: to use (e.g. a meadow) as pasture |
przepić {v pf} | :: to outdrink |
przepić {v pf} | :: to drink away, to spend money on alcohol |
przepić {v pf} | :: to sell or pawn something and spend the money on alcohol |
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to squander, to blow away |
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to perforate |
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to throw above something |
przepierdolić {vr pf} [vulgar] | :: to get through |
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to cut something off |
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to lose |
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar, rare] | :: to fuck somebody |
przepierka {f} | :: Small and fast laundry wash, usually handmade |
przepierzenie {n} | :: partition (vertical structure that divides a room) |
przepierzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przepierzyć |
przepięknie {adv} | :: gorgeously, beautifully |
przepięknie {interj} [often, sarcastic] | :: great! (expression of gladness and content) |
przepiękny {adj} | :: very beautiful, gorgeous |
przepiórka {f} | :: quail |
przepis {m inan} | :: recipe (any set of instructions for preparing a mixture of ingredients) |
przepis {m inan} | :: prescription, regulation, rule (a law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization) |
przepis {m inan} | :: prescription, recipe (a plan or procedure to obtain a given end result) |
przepisać {vt pf} | :: to rewrite |
przepisać {vt pf} | :: to prescribe (medicine) |
przepisać {vt pf} | :: to sign over |
przepisać {vt pf} | :: to copy (homework) |
przeplatać {vt impf} | :: to intertwine, to entwine |
przeplatać {vr impf} | :: to become intertwined |
przepleść {vt pf} | :: to intertwine, to entwine |
przepleść {vr pf} | :: to become intertwined |
przepłacać {vti impf} | :: to overpay (pay too much) |
przepłacać {vt impf} [archaic] | :: to bribe (someone) |
przepłacić {vti pf} | :: to overpay (pay too much) |
przepłacić {vt pf} [archaic] | :: to bribe (someone) |
przepływ {m inan} | :: flow (movement of a fluid) |
przepływ {m inan} | :: flow (rate of fluid movement) |
przepływ {m inan} [psychology] | :: flow |
przepoić {vt pf} | :: to saturate, to imbue |
przepona {f} [anatomy] | :: diaphragm |
przepowiednia {f} | :: prophecy |
przepowiednia {f} | :: prediction |
przepranie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeprać |
przepraszać {vt impf} | :: to apologise to |
przepraszać {v impf} | :: be sorry |
przepraszam {interj} | :: sorry; I'm sorry, excuse me |
przepraszanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przepraszać |
przeprosić {vt pf} | :: to apologise to |
przeprosić {v pf} | :: to be sorry |
przeprosiny {p} | :: apologies |
przeprowadzać {v impf} | :: to lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection) |
przeprowadzać {v impf} | :: to implement (carry out, proceed with) |
przeprowadzać {v impf} | :: to build (construct, put together) |
przeprowadzać {vri impf} | :: to move (change residence) |
przeprowadzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeprowadzać |
przeprowadzka {f} | :: move, relocation |
przepuklina {f} [pathology] | :: hernia |
przepust {m inan} | :: culvert |
przepust {m inan} | :: grommet |
przepustka {f} | :: pass, permit |
przepustnica {f} | :: throttle (valve) |
przepych {m inan} | :: luxury, richness, splendour, lustre, sumptuousness |
przepych {m inan} | :: bigness, grandeur |
przerabiać {vt impf} | :: to remake, to redo |
przerabiać {vt impf} | :: to edit, to alter, to rewrite |
przerabiać {vt impf} | :: to convert, to process |
przerabianie {n} | :: verbal noun of przerabiać |
przerastać {vt impf} | :: to surpass, grow taller than somebody |
przerastać {vt impf} | :: to be beyond someone's capabilities |
przerazić {vt pf} | :: to frighten, to horrify, to appall |
przerażać {vt impf} | :: to frighten, to horrify, to appall |
przerażenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przerazić |
przerażenie {n} | :: terror, horror, dread |
przerąbanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przerąbać |
przereklamowany {adj} | :: overrated |
przerobić {vt pf} | :: to remake, to redo |
przerobić {vt pf} | :: to alter, to edit, to rewrite |
przerobić {vt pf} | :: to convert, to process |
przerobienie {n} | :: verbal noun of przerobić |
przerost {m inan} | :: hypertrophy |
przeróbka {f} | :: alteration, adaptation, processing |
przerwa {f} | :: break, interruption, gap, pause |
przerwa {f} | :: recess, playtime |
przerwa {f} | :: interval |
przerwa {f} | :: intermission |
przerwać {vt pf} | :: to break, to discontinue, to curtail |
przerwać {vt pf} | :: to disturb, to interrupt |
przerwać {vt pf} | :: to halt, to suspend, to pause, to stop |
przerywać {vt impf} | :: to disturb, to interrupt |
przerywać {vt impf} | :: to halt, to suspend, to pause, to stop |
przerzucać {vt impf} | :: to flip |
przerzucać {vt impf} | :: to flick through (to browse rapidly) |
przerzucać {vr impf} | :: to convert, to switch |
przerzucić {vt pf} | :: to flip |
przerzucić {vt pf} | :: to flick through (to browse rapidly) |
przerzucić {vr pf} | :: to convert, to switch |
przerzutka {f} | :: derailleur (mechanism on a bicycle used to move the chain from one sprocket (gear) to another) |
przerzutnia {f} | :: enjambment |
przesada {f} | :: exaggeration |
przesadzać {vt impf} | :: to transplant, uproot vegetation and plant it elsewhere |
przesadzać {vi impf} | :: to exaggerate |
przesadzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przesadzać |
przesąd {m inan} | :: superstition |
przesądnie {adv} | :: superstitiously |
przesądność {f} | :: superstitiousness |
przesądny {adj} | :: superstitious |
przeschnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeschnąć |
przesiedlać {vt impf} | :: to resettle, to displace |
przesiedlić {vt pf} | :: to resettle, to displace |
przesieka {f} | :: clearing; open space in a forest created by cutting down trees |
przesięk {m inan} | :: transudate |
przesilenie {n} | :: solstice |
przesilenie {n} [medicine] | :: crisis, time during the progress of a disease when the symptoms are the most severe |
przesilenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przesilić |
przeskakiwać {vt impf} | :: to jump (over), to vault, to clear, to leap (over) |
przeskoczyć {vt pf} | :: to jump (over), to vault, to leap (over), to clear |
przeskrobanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeskrobać |
przesłać {vt pf} | :: to send, to ship, to post |
przesłać {vt pf} | :: to forward, to send on |
przesłać {vt pf} | :: to flash (e.g. a smile) |
przesłuchanie {n} | :: audition, casting |
przesłuchanie {n} | :: interrogation, the collection of testimony |
przesłuchanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przesłuchać |
przesmyk {m inan} | :: isthmus |
przespać {vt pf} | :: to sleep for some time |
przespać {vt pf} | :: to sleep off |
przespać {vt pf} | :: to oversleep something (sleep beyond) |
przespać {vt pf} [colloquial] | :: to miss, fail to notice |
przespać {vr pf} | :: to take a nap |
przespać {vr pf} [euphemism] | :: to sleep with (have a sexual intercourse) |
przestać {vi pf} [auxiliary] | :: to stop doing sth, to desist, to leave off |
przestarzały {adj} | :: obsolete (no longer in use) |
przestawka {f} [linguistics] | :: metathesis |
przestawnia {f} [rhetoric] | :: anastrophe |
przestępca {m pers} | :: criminal, lawbreaker |
przestępczość {f} | :: criminality |
przestępstwo {n} | :: crime, felony |
przestrach {f} | :: fear, terror |
przestraszać {vt impf} | :: to scare, to startle, to frighten |
przestraszać {vr impf} | :: to get scared, to get spooked |
przestraszyć {vt pf} | :: to scare, to startle, to frighten |
przestraszyć {vr pf} | :: to be scared, to be spooked |
przestroga {f} | :: admonition, admonishment |
przestroga {f} | :: caution, warning |
przestronny {adj} | :: spacious |
przestrzec {vt pf} | :: to warn, to caution |
przestrzegać {v impf} | :: to caution; to warn |
przestrzegać {v impf} | :: to observe; to adhere; to comply |
przestrzeganie {n} | :: verbal noun of przestrzegać |
przestrzenny {adj} | :: spatial |
przestrzenny {adj} | :: three-dimensional |
przestrzeń {f} | :: space (area occupied by or intended for a person or thing) |
przestrzeń {f} | :: space (area beyond atmosphere of planets) |
przestrzeń {f} [mathematics] | :: space |
przesunąć {vt pf} | :: to move (change the position of something) |
przesunąć {vt pf} | :: to reschedule, to postpone, to move the date of |
przesunąć {vt pf} | :: to swipe (e.g. a credit card) |
przesunąć {vr pf} | :: to move up, to scoot over, to budge up |
przesunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przesunąć |
przesuwać {vt impf} | :: to move (change the position of something) |
przesuwać {vt impf} | :: to reschedule, to postpone, to move the date of |
przesuwać {vt impf} | :: to swipe (e.g. a credit card) |
przesuwać {vr impf} | :: to move up, to scoot over, to budge up |
przesuwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przesuwać |
przesuwka {f} [phonology] | :: shift |
przesychanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przesychać |
przesyłać {vt impf} | :: to send, to ship, to post |
przesyłać {vt impf} | :: to forward, to send on |
przesyłać {vt impf} | :: to flash (e.g. a smile) |
przesyłka {f} | :: shipment, consignment, delivery, parcel |
przesypać {vt pf} [of loose bodies] | :: to pour from one container to another |
przesypać {vr pf} [of loose bodies] | :: to overflow, to spill over |
przesypywać {vt impf} [of loose bodies] | :: to pour from one container to another |
przesypywać {vr impf} [of loose bodies] | :: to overflow, to spill over |
przeszczep {m inan} [medicine] | :: transplant (operation) |
przeszczep {m inan} [medicine] | :: transplant (transplanted organ or tissue) |
przeszczęśliwy {adj} | :: overjoyed |
przeszkadzać {v impf} | :: to hinder (to make a task difficult), to bother |
przeszkadzać {v impf} | :: to obstruct, to block |
przeszkadzanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przeszkadzać |
przeszkoda {f} | :: obstacle, hindrance |
przeszkoda {f} [sport] | :: hurdle |
przeszłość {f} | :: past (period of time that has already happened, in contrast to the present and the future) |
przeszły {adj} | :: past (having already happened; in the past) |
przeszły {adj} [archaic] | :: last (most recent) |
przeszukiwanie wszerz {n} | :: breadth-first search |
prześcieradło {n} | :: sheet (a thin bed cloth used as a covering for a mattress) |
prześlizgiwać {vr impf} | :: to slip past |
prześlizgiwać {vr impf} [figuratively] | :: to gloss over [+ po (object) = locative = something] |
prześlizgnąć {vr pf} | :: to slip past |
prześlizgnąć {vr pf} [figuratively] | :: to gloss over [+ po (object) = locative = something] |
prześmiewca {m pers} | :: mocker, taunter |
prześmiewczo {adv} | :: sardonically, sarcastically, irreverently |
prześmiewczość {f} | :: irreverence, sarcasm, derisiveness |
prześmiewczy {adj} | :: sardonic, sarcastic, mocking, irreverent |
przetacznik {m inan} | :: veronica, speedwell, gypsyweed (any plant of the genus Veronica) |
przetarcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przetrzeć |
przetarg {m inan} | :: public auction, auction sale, vendue |
przetarg {m inan} | :: bid, tender |
przetchlinka {f} [arthropod anatomy] | :: spiracle, stigma |
przetchlinka {f} [botany] | :: lenticel (porous tissue permitting gas exchange) |
przetknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przetknąć |
przetłumaczalność {f} | :: translatability (into another language) |
przetłumaczalny {adj} | :: translatable (into another language) |
przetłumaczyć {vt pf} | :: to translate, interpret (writing or speech) |
przeto {conj} | :: therefore |
przetoka {f} | :: fistula |
przetopienie {n} | :: verbal noun of przetopić |
przetrwać {vt pf} | :: to survive, endure, outlast, prevail |
przetrwać {vt pf} | :: to live on, outlive, stand |
przetrwalnik {m inan} | :: endospore |
przetrwalnikowy {adj} | :: of or pertaining to an endospore |
przetrwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przetrwać |
przetrwanie {n} | :: survival |
przetrzymać {vt pf} | :: to hog, to hold for a long time |
przetrzymać {vt pf} | :: to detain, to hold (e.g. in custody) |
przetrzymać {vt pf} | :: to survive, to see out, to overcome |
przetrzymywać {vt impf} | :: to hog, to hold for a long time |
przetrzymywać {vt impf} | :: to detain, to hold (e.g. in custody) |
przetrzymywać {vt impf} | :: to survive, to see out, to overcome |
przetwornik {m inan} | :: transducer (device that converts energy from one form to another) |
przetwór {m inan} [usually plural] | :: preserve (a sweet spread) |
przetykanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przetykać |
przewaga {f} | :: advantage, ascendance, predominance, supremacy |
przewalenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przewalić |
przeważnie {adv} | :: mostly, usually |
przewąchanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przewąchać |
przewidywalność {f} | :: predictability |
przewidywalny {adj} | :: predictable |
przewiercień {m inan} | :: bupleurum (any plant of the genus Bupleurum) |
przewieszenie {n} | :: verbal noun of przewiesić |
przewieszenie {n} [geomorphology] | :: overhang (rock formation) |
przewieszka {f} [geomorphology] | :: overhang (rock formation) |
przewieźć {vt pf} | :: to transport, to convey, to carry, to freight |
przewinięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przewinąć |
przewlekły {adj} | :: protracted, lengthy, drawn-out, long-drawn-out |
przewlekły {adj} [medicine] | :: chronic |
przewodniczący {m pers} | :: chairman (a person who presides over a meeting, a board) |
przewodnik {m inan} | :: conductor (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound) |
przewodnik {m inan} | :: guide; guidebook |
przewodnik {m inan} [botany] | :: leader |
przewodnik {m pers} | :: guide (someone who guides) |
przewodzić {v impf} | :: lead (direct with authority, e.g., a team) |
przewodzić {v impf} | :: conduct (act as a conductor of electricity) |
przewozić {vt impf} | :: to transport, to convey, to carry, to freight |
przewoźnik {m pers} | :: ferryman, boatman |
przewoźnik {m pers} | :: carrier (person or company in the business of transporting people or freight); operator, haulier |
przewód {m inan} | :: cable, wire, rope |
przewód {m inan} [anatomy] | :: tract |
przewód {m inan} | :: track; the formal process of earning a doctorate or habilitation |
przewóz {m inan} | :: transportation, shipping, carriage, portage, conveyance, freight |
przewracać {vt impf} | :: to overturn, overthrow, knock over |
przewracać {vt impf} | :: to turn over, flip over |
przewrotka {f} [soccer] | :: bicycle kick |
przewrót {m inan} | :: revolution |
przewrót {m inan} | :: coup d'état, putsch, overthrow |
przewrót {m inan} [gymnastics] | :: roll |
przewyższać {vt impf} | :: to exceed, to surpass, to outdo |
przewyższać {vt impf} | :: to be taller than |
przez {prep} | :: across |
przez {prep} | :: through |
przez {prep} | :: by |
przez {prep} | :: via |
przez {prep} | :: for |
przez grzeczność nie zaprzeczę {phrase} [humorous] | :: Said in acknowledgement of a self-deprecatory statement |
przez grzeczność nie zaprzeczę {phrase} | :: Said in acknowledgement of a compliment |
przeze {prep} | :: a form of przez used only with pronoun mnie |
przezeń {contraction} | :: contraction of przez niego |
przeziębienie {n} | :: cold (illness) |
przezimować {v pf} | :: to overwinter |
przezmian {m inan} | :: alternative form of bezmian |
przeznaczać {vt impf} | :: to allocate, to earmark, to dedicate (specify or set aside for a particular purpose) |
przeznaczenie {n} | :: destiny, fate |
przeznaczyć {vt pf} | :: to allocate, to earmark, to dedicate (specify or set aside for a particular purpose) |
przezorność {f} | :: forethought, foresight |
przezorny {adj} | :: prudent, provident |
przezorny {adj} | :: wary |
przezroczystość {f} [literal] | :: transparency (the quality of being see-through) |
przezroczysty {adj} | :: see-through, transparent |
przezwisko {n} | :: nickname |
przeźroczysty {adj} | :: alternative form of przezroczysty |
przeżuć {v pf} | :: to chew (to crush with teeth before swallowing); to masticate |
przeżuwacz {m anim} | :: ruminant (mammal of the taxonomic suborder Ruminantia) |
przeżuwać {v impf} | :: to masticate; to chew |
przeżyć {vt pf} | :: to experience |
przeżyć {vt pf} | :: to outlive, to survive (live longer than) |
przeżyć {vi pf} | :: to survive |
przeżytek {m inan} | :: something considered obsolete |
przeżywać {vt impf} | :: to outlive, to survive |
przeżywać {vt impf} | :: to experience |
przędny {adj} | :: spinnable |
przędza {f} | :: yarn (fiber) |
przędzenie {n} | :: verbal noun of prząść |
przędziwo {n} | :: yarn |
przęsło {n} | :: span (engineering) |
przęstka {f} | :: mare's tail (any plant of the genus Hippuris) |
przęśl {f} | :: ephedra, jointfir (any plant of the genus Ephedra) |
przęślica {f} | :: distaff (device to which a bundle of fibres are attached for temporary storage) |
przęślik {m inan} | :: spindle whorl |
przęślik {m inan} | :: Any fungus of the genus Colus |
przodek {m pers} | :: ancestor, forebear |
przodek {m inan} [mining] | :: face, area where mining work is advancing |
przodkini {f} | :: ancestress |
przodomózgowie {n} | :: forebrain |
przodować {v impf} | :: to lead (to be more advanced) |
przód {m inan} | :: front, fore |
przy- {prefix} | :: indicates movement towards |
przy- {prefix} | :: towards, approaching, arriving |
przy {prep} | :: by, at, next to |
przy {prep} | :: in front of |
przybierać {vt impf} | :: to take on, to put on, to assume, to adopt |
przybierać {vt impf} | :: to garnish, to adorn |
przybliżać {vt impf} | :: to move nearer, to bring closer (reduce the distance between two objects) |
przybliżać {vt impf} | :: to bring forward |
przybliżać {vt impf} [figuratively] | :: to bring together |
przybliżać {vt impf} | :: to magnify, to zoom in on |
przybliżać {vt impf} | :: to approximate, to reckon |
przybliżać {vr impf} | :: to approach, to near |
przybliżać {vr impf} [figuratively] | :: to bond, to get closer |
przybliżyć {vt pf} | :: to move nearer, to bring closer (reduce the distance between two objects) |
przybliżyć {vt pf} | :: to bring forward |
przybliżyć {vt pf} [figuratively] | :: to bring together |
przybliżyć {vt pf} | :: to magnify, to zoom in on |
przybliżyć {vt pf} | :: to approximate, to reckon |
przybliżyć {vr pf} | :: to approach, to near |
przybliżyć {vr pf} [figuratively] | :: to bond, to get closer |
przybłęda {f} | :: stray animal |
przybłęda {m pers} | :: vagabond |
przybór {m inan} [usually plural] | :: utensil, tool, accessory |
przybór {m inan} | :: spate, flood |
przybrać {vt pf} | :: to take on, to put on, to assume, to adopt |
przybrać {vt pf} | :: to garnish, to adorn |
przybrzeże {n} | :: foreshore (part of a body of water near the shore of a lake, river, sea, etc.) |
przybrzeżny {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the area along the edge of a body of water (ocean, lake, river); coastal; littoral; riparian |
przybycie {n} | :: verbal noun of przybyć |
przybycie {n} | :: arrival |
przybyć {vi pf} | :: to arrive, to get in |
przybyły {m pers} | :: arrival, newcomer |
przybysz {m pers} | :: newcomer |
przybywać {vi impf} | :: to arrive, to get in |
przychodnia {f} | :: clinic (medical facility) |
przychodzić {v impf} | :: to arrive, to come |
przychodzień {m pers} [literary] | :: newcomer, new arrival (person who has recently arrived) |
przychodzień {m pers} [obsolete] | :: foreign settler, immigrant |
przychód {m inan} | :: gross income |
przychylać {vr impf} | :: to favour, to tend towards, to incline towards |
przychylić {vr pf} | :: to favour, to tend towards, to incline towards |
przychylnie {adv} | :: favourably |
przychylniej {adv} | :: comparative of przychylnie |
przychylniejszy {adj} | :: comparative of przychylny |
przychylność {f} | :: favour, favourability, goodwill |
przychylny {adj} | :: favourable |
przyciągać {v impf} | :: pull closer |
przyciągać {v impf} | :: attract, allure (tourists, clients) |
przyciągać {v impf} | :: drag |
przyciągnąć {v pf} | :: to pull closer |
przyciągnąć {v pf} | :: to attract, allure (tourists, clients) |
przyciągnąć {v pf} | :: to draw |
przycinek {m inan} | :: jibe, taunt, barb |
przycisk {m inan} | :: button (mechanical device meant to be pressed) |
przycisk {m inan} [computing] | :: button |
przyciskać {vt impf} | :: to press, to push (e.g. a button) |
przyciskać {vt impf} [figuratively] | :: to press, to put the screws on, to pressure |
przycisnąć {vt pf} | :: to press, to push (e.g. a button) |
przycisnąć {vt pf} [figuratively] | :: to press, to put the screws on, to pressure |
przyciszać {vt impf} | :: to turn down the volume (of) |
przyciszyć {vt pf} | :: to turn down the volume (of) |
przyczep {m inan} [anatomy] | :: insertion |
przyczepa {f} | :: trailer (a vehicle towed by another) |
przyczepiać {vt impf} | :: to attach, to tack |
przyczepiać {vr impf} | :: to cling, to hang on, to stick |
przyczepiać {vr impf} | :: to tag along |
przyczepić {vt pf} | :: to attach, to tack |
przyczepić {vr pf} | :: to cling, to hang on, to stick |
przyczepić {vr pf} | :: to tag along |
przyczyna {f} | :: cause, reason |
przydatek {m inan} | :: appendage |
przydatek {m inan} | :: addition, supplement |
przydatność {f} | :: usefulness, helpfulness |
przydatność {f} | :: suitability, fitness |
przydatny {adj} | :: useful |
przydawka {f} [linguistics] | :: modifier |
przydech {m inan} [phonetics] | :: aspiration |
przydech {m inan} [archaic] | :: a heavy breath; a heavy sigh |
przydługi {adj} | :: A little too long (physically; of time) |
przydomek {m inan} | :: nickname |
przydrożny {adj} | :: roadside |
przydupas {m pers} [vulgar, derogatory] | :: lackey; lickspittle |
przydupas {m pers} [vulgar, derogatory] | :: lover |
przydział {m inan} | :: allocation, ration, quota |
przydzielać {vt impf} | :: to apportion, to allocate (e.g. funds) |
przydzielać {vt impf} | :: to assign, to allot (a task) |
przydzielić {vt pf} | :: to apportion, to allocate (e.g. funds) |
przydzielić {vt pf} | :: to assign, to allot (a task) |
przyfrunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przyfrunąć |
przyfruwanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przyfruwać |
przygana {f} | :: rebuke, reprimand |
przyganiał kocioł garnkowi {proverb} | :: the pot is calling the kettle black |
przygięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przygiąć |
przyglądać {vr impf} | :: to watch intently, to examine thoroughly [+dative = somebody/something] |
przygnębiać {vt impf} | :: to distress, dispirit |
przygnębić {vt pf} | :: to distress, dispirit |
przygnębienie {n} | :: verbal noun of przygnębić |
przygnębienie {n} | :: dejection, depression, despondency |
przygoda {f} | :: adventure (the encountering of risks) |
przygodówka {f} [video games, colloquial] | :: adventure game |
przygotować {v pf} | :: to prepare |
przygotowany {adj} | :: prepared, ready |
przygotowywać {v impf} | :: to prepare |
przygrywka {f} [music] | :: prelude |
przygrywka {f} | :: prelude (something leading to principal event or action) |
przyimek {m inan} [grammar] | :: adposition, preposition |
przyimkowy {adj} | :: prepositional |
przyjaciel {m pers} | :: close friend |
przyjaciółka {f} | :: (female) friend |
przyjazd {m inan} | :: arrival (of a bus or train) |
przyjazny {adj} | :: friendly |
przyjaźnie {adv} | :: amicably, friendlily |
przyjaźniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of przyjazny |
przyjaźń {f} | :: friendship (condition of being friends) |
przyjaźń {f} | :: amity |
przyjąć {v pf} | :: to receive, to accept |
przyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to hit, to thud |
przyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to beat |
przyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to nail, to dock |
przyjechać pf | :: to arrive (by driving or riding) |
przyjemnie {adv} | :: pleasantly |
przyjemniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of przyjemny |
przyjemność {f} | :: pleasure |
przyjemny {adj} | :: pleasant |
przyjeżdżać {vi impf} | :: to arrive, to pull in (in a vehicle) |
przyjęcie {n} | :: party (social gathering) |
przyjęcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przyjąć |
przyjmować {v impf} | :: to take (to ingest medicine) |
przyjmować {v impf} | :: to receive |
przyjrzeć {vtr perf} | :: to examine thoroughly [+dative = somebody / something] |
przyjść {vi pf} | :: to arrive, to come |
przykład {m inan} | :: example |
przykładnie {adv} | :: exemplarily, blamelessly |
przykładny {adj} | :: exemplary, blameless |
przykładowo {adv} | :: for example |
przykładowy {adj} | :: exemplary |
przykładowy {adj} | :: exemplificatory |
przykro {adv} | :: sorry |
przykro mi {phrase} | :: I'm sorry |
przykrość {f} | :: unpleasantness, distastefulness |
przykrość {f} | :: annoyance, nuisance |
przykry {adj} | :: unpleasant, distasteful, disagreeable |
przykryć {vt pf} | :: to cover |
przykrywać {vt impf} | :: to cover (with e.g. a cloth or blanket) |
przykrzejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of przykry |
przykuć {vt pf} | :: to enchain, to chain |
przykuć {vt pf} [figuratively] | :: to enthrall, to rivet, to fascinate |
przykuwać {vt impf} | :: to enchain, to chain |
przykuwać {vt impf} [figuratively] | :: to enthrall, to rivet, to fascinate |
przylaszczka {f} | :: A plant of the genus Hepatica |
przylądek {m inan} [geography] | :: cape |
przylep {m inan} | :: adhesiveness |
przylepa {f} | :: augmentative of przylepka |
przylepiec {m inan} | :: adhesive bandage, plaster |
przylepny {adj} | :: adhesive |
przylepny {adj} | :: clingy |
przylepny {adj} | :: endearing |
przylewanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przylewać |
przylga {f} [entomology] | :: pulvillus |
przylistek {m inan} [botany] | :: stipule |
przylot {m inan} | :: arrival (of an aeroplane) |
przylżeniec {m anim} [usually plural] | :: thrips, thysanopteran |
przyłbica {f} [historical] | :: bascinet, bevor, visor |
przyłbica {f} | :: face shield |
przymarznięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przymarznąć |
przymierzalnia {f} | :: fitting room (a room in a store for trying on clothes) |
przymierze {n} | :: covenant |
przymierze {n} | :: alliance |
przymiot {m inan} [poetic] | :: virtue, quality |
przymiotnik {m inan} [grammar] | :: adjective |
przymiotnikowy {adj} | :: adjectival |
przymknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przymknąć |
przymocować {vt pf} | :: to fix, to affix [+ do (object) = genitive = to something] |
przymocowywać {vt impf} | :: to fix, to affix [+ do (object) = genitive = to something] |
przymota {f} [Łowicz] | :: mistake, error |
przymówka {f} | :: jibe, taunt, barb |
przymówka {f} | :: allusion |
przymroczek {m anim} | :: Any bat of the genus Hypsugo |
przymrozek {m inan} | :: ground frost |
przymrozek {m inan} [dated] | :: hoarfrost |
przynajmniej {particle} | :: at least, anyhow |
przynależeć {vi impf} | :: to belong, to be part |
przynależność {f} | :: affiliation, membership |
przynależny {adj} | :: affiliated, belonging |
przynęta {f} [fishing] | :: bait |
przynęta {f} | :: bait (anything which allures) |
przynieść {v pf} | :: to bring |
przynosić {vt impf} | :: to bring (on foot), fetch |
przynosić {vt impf} | :: to fetch |
przynosić mamuta do domu {v impf} [colloquial, humorous] | :: to bring home the bacon |
przyoczko {n} | :: ocellus, simple eye in invertebrates |
przyodzienie {n} [dated] | :: clothes |
przyodziewek {m inan} [dated] | :: clothes |
przyozdabiać {vt impf} | :: to embellish, to adorn, to beautify |
przyozdabianie {n} | :: verbal noun of przyozdabiać |
przyozdobić {vt pf} | :: to embellish, to adorn, to beautify |
przyozdobienie {n} | :: verbal noun of przyozdobić |
przypadek {m inan} | :: instance, case |
przypadek {m inan} | :: chance, accident, coincidence |
przypadek {m inan} [grammar] | :: case |
przypadkiem {adv} | :: accidentally |
przypadkowy {adj} | :: random, accidental |
przypadłość {f} [euphemism] | :: affliction, disease |
przypał {m inan} [slang, pejorative] | :: gaffe, embarrassment, awkward situation |
przypiąć {vt pf} | :: to pin, to clip |
przypinać {vt impf} | :: to pin, to clip |
przypis {m inan} | :: footnote, note |
przypływ {m inan} | :: high tide |
przypływ {m inan} | :: inflow |
przypominać {vt impf} | :: to remind |
przypominanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przypominać |
przypomnieć {vt pf} | :: to remind |
przypowieść {f} | :: parable |
przyprawa {f} | :: spice, condiment |
przyprawiać {v impf} | :: to season (to flavour food) |
przyprawianie {n} | :: verbal noun of przyprawiać |
przyprawić {v pf} | :: to season (to flavour food) |
przyprawić komuś rogi {v pf} [idiom] | :: to cuckold |
przyprostokątna {f} [geometry] | :: cathetus |
przypuszczać {v impf} | :: to suppose |
przypuścić {v pf} | :: to suppose |
przyrastać {vi impf} | :: to increase, accrete |
przyrastać {vi impf} | :: to adhere, cling, attach itself |
przyroda {f} | :: nature, the entirety of the natural world |
przyroda {f} | :: biosphere, flora and fauna |
przyrodniczy {adj} | :: pertaining to nature (biological and geographical states) |
przyrodzony {adj} | :: inherent |
przyrost {m inan} | :: increase |
przyrostek {m inan} [linguistic morphology] | :: suffix |
przyrównać {vt pf} | :: to equate, to liken, to compare |
przyrównywać {vt impf} | :: to equate, to liken, to compare |
przyrząd {m inan} | :: device, appliance, tool |
przyrzekać {vt impf} | :: to pledge, to vow, to promise |
przysadzisty {adj} | :: stocky, thickset |
przysadzisty {adj} | :: pudgy |
przysiąc {vit pf} | :: to swear (to take an oath) |
przysiąść {vi pf} | :: to perch (sit on the edge of something) |
przysiąść {vi pf} | :: to crouch, to squat |
przysiąść {vr pf} | :: to sit by, to sit near [+ do (object) = genitive = to something/someone] |
przysięga {f} | :: oath (solemn pledge) |
przysięgać {v impf} | :: swear (to take an oath) |
przysięganie {n} | :: verbal noun of przysięgać |
przysiółek {m inan} | :: hamlet |
przyskakiwać {vi impf} | :: to jump towards, to approach quickly |
przyskoczyć {vi pf} | :: to jump towards, to approach quickly |
przysłać {vt pf} | :: to send in, to deliver |
przysłać {vt pf} | :: to send (direct somebody somewhere for some specific purpose) |
przysłop {m inan} [Góral] | :: mountain pass |
przysłowie {n} | :: proverb |
przysłówek {m inan} [grammar] | :: adverb |
przysłówkowy {adj} | :: adverbial |
przysługa {f} | :: [UK] favour, [US] favor (deed in which help is voluntarily provided) |
przysługiwać {vi impf} | :: to be due, to be owed [+ dative = to someone] |
przysłużyć {vr pf} | :: to do a favour |
przyspieszać {vt impf} | :: to accelerate, to speed up (cause something to go faster) |
przyspieszać {vt impf} | :: to bring forward, to advance |
przyspieszenie {n} | :: acceleration |
przyspieszenie {n} [physics] | :: acceleration |
przyspieszyć {vt pf} | :: to accelerate, to speed up (cause to go faster) |
przyspieszyć {vt pf} | :: to bring forward, to advance |
przyssawka {f} | :: sucker (organ or body part of some animals) |
przyssawka {f} | :: suction cup |
przystający {adj} [mathematics] | :: congruent |
przystający {adj} [geometry] | :: identical, isometric |
przystanek {m inan} | :: stop (a place where line buses or trams halt) |
przystanek {m inan} | :: stop (a designated stop for passenger trains that comprises of a platform for boarding and alighting passengers. Specifically, a train stop that lacks a station building with passenger facilities (see dworzec) |
przystań {f} | :: harbor |
przystań {f} [by extension] | :: haven (a place of safety) |
przystawka {f} | :: starter, appetizer |
przystawka {f} [colloquial] | :: pickup, device that converts the vibration of strings to electric signals |
przystępny {adj} [of a place] | :: accessible |
przystępny {adj} [of a person] | :: approachable, accessible |
przystępny {adj} [of a price] | :: affordable |
przystępny {adj} [of a book, style] | :: accessible (easily understood) |
przystosować {vt pf} | :: to adapt, to adjust |
przystosować {vr pf} | :: to adapt, to get used, to acclimatise [+ do (object) = genitive = to something] |
przystosowywać {vt impf} | :: to adapt, to adjust |
przystosowywać {vr impf} | :: to adapt, to get used, to acclimatise [+ do (object) = genitive = to something] |
przystrajać {vt impf} | :: to decorate, to adorn, to spruce up |
przystrajać {vr impf} | :: to adorn oneself, to get dressed up |
przystroić {vt pf} | :: to decorate, to adorn, to spruce up |
przystroić {vr pf} | :: to adorn oneself, to get dressed up |
przysunięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przysunąć |
przysychanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przysychać |
przysyłać {vt impf} | :: to send in, to deliver |
przysyłać {vt impf} | :: to send (direct somebody somewhere for some specific purpose) |
przyszłość {f} | :: future (the time ahead) |
przyszły {adj} | :: future (having to do with or occurring in the future) |
przyśpieszać {v impf} | :: alternative form of przyspieszać |
przyśpieszyć {v pf} | :: alternative form of przyspieszyć |
przytarczyca {f} | :: parathyroid gland |
przytkać {vt pf} | :: to plug lightly, to bung lightly |
przytkać {vr pf} | :: to become slightly clogged |
przytknąć {vt pf} | :: to touch (to cause to briefly be in contact) |
przytknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of przytknąć |
przytomność {f} | :: consciousness (state of wakefulness and awareness) |
przytomny {adj} | :: conscious |
przytrzymać {vt pf} | :: to hold, to keep in place |
przytrzymać {vt pf} | :: to hold, to keep back, to reserve |
przytrzymać {vr pf} | :: to hold on |
przytrzymywać {vt impf} | :: to hold, to keep in place |
przytrzymywać {vt impf} | :: to hold, to reserve, to keep back |
przytrzymywać {vr impf} | :: to hold on |
przytulać {vt impf} | :: to hug, to cuddle, to snuggle |
przytulać {vr impf} | :: to huddle together, to snuggle up, to nestle up |
przytulanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przytulać |
przytulia {f} | :: galium (any plant of the genus Galium) |
przytulić {vt pf} | :: to hug, to cuddle, to snuggle |
przytulić {vr pf} | :: to huddle together, to snuggle up, to nestle up |
przytulniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of przytulny |
przytulny {adj} | :: cosy, cozy |
przytułek {m inan} | :: poorhouse, almshouse |
przytułek {m inan} | :: shelter, asylum, refuge |
przytyk {m inan} | :: dig, jibe, taunt |
przytykać {vt impf} | :: to touch (cause to be briefly in contact with something) |
przytykać {vt impf} | :: to be in contact with, to touch |
przytykać {vt impf} | :: to plug lightly, to bung lightly |
przytykać {vr impf} | :: to become slightly clogged |
przywara {f} | :: flaw, vice, fault, shortcoming |
przywilej {m inan} | :: privilege |
przywitać {vt pf} | :: to welcome, to greet |
przywitać {vr pf} | :: to say hello, to greet [+ z (object) = instrumental = to someone] |
przywłaszczać {vt impf} | :: to appropriate, to convert |
przywłaszczyć {vt pf} | :: to appropriate, to convert |
przywołanie {n} | :: verbal noun of przywołać |
przywódca {m pers} | :: leader (one having authority) |
przywódczyni {f} | :: female leader (one having authority) |
przywództwo {n} | :: leadership |
przywra {f} | :: trematode, fluke |
przywracać {vt impf} | :: to restore, reintroduce, re-establish |
przywrotnik {m inan} | :: lady's mantle (any member of the genus Alchemilla) |
przywróciciel {m pers} [archaic] | :: One who restores or reestablishes something |
przywspółczulny {adj} | :: parasympathetic |
przywyknąć {vi pf} | :: to get used |
przyzębie {n} | :: periodontium |
przyznać {v pf} | :: to admit, confess |
przyzwoitka {f} | :: chaperon (an adult who accompanies unmarried men or women) |
przyzwoitość {f} | :: decency (honorable behavior) |
przyzwoitość {f} | :: propriety (abstaining from inappropriate sexual advances) |
przyzwoity {adj} | :: decent (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness) |
przyzwolenie {n} | :: acquiescence (silent or passive assent) |
przyzwyczaić {vt pf} | :: to accustom, to inure |
przyzwyczaić {vr pf} | :: to become accustomed, to get used [+ do (object) = genitive = to something] |
przyzwyczajać {vt impf} | :: to accustom, to inure |
przyzwyczajać {vr impf} | :: to become accustomed, to get used [+ do (object) = genitive = to something] |
ps. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of pseudonim |
psalm {m inan} [music] | :: psalm |
psałterz {m inan} | :: psalter |
pseud. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of pseudonim |
pseudo- {prefix} | :: pseudo- |
pseudoargument {m inan} | :: fallacious argument, incorrect argument |
pseudohodowla {f} | :: puppy mill, puppy farm |
pseudonauka {f} | :: pseudoscience |
pseudonim {m inan} | :: pseudonym |
psi {adj} | :: canine, dog- |
psi {n} | :: psi; the Greek letter Ψ, ψ |
psiaczek {m anim} | :: diminutive of psiak |
psiak {m anim} | :: A puppy (young dog) |
psiak {m inan} {m anim} [colloquial] | :: An inedible mushroom |
psianka {f} | :: nightshade (any plant of the genus Solanum) |
psiarnia {f} [dated] | :: kennel, a room or building where dogs are kept |
psiarnia {f} [slang, offensive, collective, singular only] | :: police |
psiarnia {f} [dated] | :: a pack of hunting dogs belonging to one owner |
psiątko {n} | :: diminutive of psię |
psica {f} [rare] | :: bitch (female dog) |
psica {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: bitch (woman) |
psię {n} [obsolete in singular] | :: puppy (young dog) |
psik {m inan} | :: sneeze |
psik {interj} | :: shoo! (used to induce a cat to leave) |
psik {interj} | :: achoo! (sound of a sneeze) |
psikus {m inan} [colloquial] | :: trick, prank, joke |
psina {f} [affectionate] | :: dog |
psina {f} [uncountable] | :: dog meat |
psinka {f} {m anim} [affectionate] | :: diminutive of psina; pup (dog) |
psisko {n} | :: augmentative of pies |
pskow. {adj} | :: abbreviation of pskowski |
pskowski {adj} | :: Pskovian |
Psków {prop} {m} | :: Psków (city) |
psł. {noun} | :: abbreviation of prasłowiański |
psocenie {n} | :: verbal noun of psocić |
psota {f} | :: prank, trick |
psota {f} [regional] | :: bad weather |
psotnik {m pers} | :: prankster, mischief-maker |
psotnik {m pers} [obsolete] | :: Someone who spoils or wrecks everything |
psotniki {m animp} | :: Psocoptera |
pstrąg {m anim} | :: trout (fish) |
pstry {adj} | :: spotted |
pstry {adj} | :: motley |
pstry {adj} | :: variegated |
pstryknięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of pstryknąć |
psubrat {m pers} [dated] | :: scoundrel |
psucie {n} | :: verbal noun of psuć |
psuć {v impf} | :: to damage, to spoil |
psuj {m pers} | :: spoiler; spoilsport; ruiner; troublemaker |
psy {m animp} [slang, offensive] | :: police |
psy szczekają, karawana idzie dalej {proverb} | :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on |
psy szczekają, karawana jedzie dalej {proverb} | :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on |
psychiatra {m pers} | :: psychiatrist |
psychiatria {f} | :: psychiatry |
psychiatryk {m inan} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: psychiatric hospital, mental hospital |
psychicznie {adv} | :: mentally, psychologically |
psychiczny {adj} | :: mental, psychical |
psycho- {prefix} | :: psycho- |
psychoanalityczka {f} | :: female psychoanalyst |
psychoanalityczny {adj} | :: psychoanalytic |
psychoanalityk {m pers} | :: psychoanalyst |
psychoanaliza {f} | :: psychoanalysis |
psychoanalizować {vt impf} | :: to psychoanalyze |
psychofizycznie {adv} | :: psychophysically; in a psychophysical manner |
psychofizyczny {adj} | :: psychophysical |
psychofizyka {f} [psychology] | :: psychophysics |
psychol {m anim} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: crazy; loon; fruitcake |
psycholog {m pers} | :: psychologist |
psycholog {f} | :: female psychologist |
psychologia {f} [psychology] | :: psychology |
psychologicznie {adv} | :: psychologically; in a psychological manner |
psychologiczny {adj} | :: psychological |
psycholożka {f} [neologism] | :: female psychologist |
psychopata {m pers} | :: psychopath |
psychopatia {f} | :: psychopathy |
psychopatka {f} | :: female psychopath |
psychopatycznie {adv} | :: psychopathically; in a psychopathic manner |
psychopatyczny {adj} | :: psychopathic |
psychosomatycznie {adv} | :: psychosomatically; in a psychosomatic manner |
psychosomatyczny {adj} | :: psychosomatic |
psychosomatyka {f} [medicine] | :: psychosomatics |
psychoterapeuta {m pers} | :: psychotherapist |
psychoterapeutka {f} | :: female psychotherapist |
psychoterapeutycznie {adv} | :: psychotherapeutically; in a psychotherapeutic manner |
psychoterapeutyczny {adj} | :: psychotherapeutic |
psychoterapia {f} [psychology] | :: psychotherapy |
psychoza {f} | :: psychosis |
psychuszka {f} [historic, colloquial] | :: a mental hospital used for abusive psychiatric treatment of political dissidents in the communist countries, especially the Soviet Union |
psychuszka {f} [by extension, colloquial, pejorative] | :: any form of psychiatric treatment used for political repression |
pszczelarski {adj} | :: of or pertaining to apiculture |
pszczelarstwo {n} | :: apiculture |
pszczelarz {m pers} | :: beekeeper, apiarist |
pszczeli {adj} [relational] | :: bee, apian, beely |
pszczolinka {f} | :: mining bee (any bee of the genus Andrena) |
pszczoła {f} | :: honey bee |
pszczołojad {m anim} | :: Any honey buzzard of the genus Henicopernis |
pszczołojad {m anim} | :: European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus) |
pszczółeczka {f} | :: diminutive of pszczółka |
pszczółka {f} | :: diminutive of pszczoła |
pszenica {f} | :: wheat |
pszenicznik {m anim} | :: tench (Tinca tinca) |
pszeniczny {adj} [relational] | :: wheat, wheaten |
pszeniec {m inan} | :: cow-wheat, any plant of the genus Melampyrum |
pszenny {adj} [relational] | :: wheat, wheaten |
pszenżyto {n} | :: triticale |
pszono {n} [obsolete] | :: threshed millet |
ptactwo {n} [collective, literary] | :: birds |
ptak {m anim} | :: bird (animal) |
ptak {m anim} [colloquial] | :: cock, penis |
ptasi {adj} [relational] | :: bird, avian; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of birds |
ptasiarz {m pers} | :: birdwatcher, birder |
ptasie mleczko {n} | :: A type of confectionery, consisting of soft meringue covered with chocolate |
ptasie mleko {n} | :: A luxurious rarity |
ptasinóg {m inan} [archaic] | :: bird's-foot (Ornithopus) |
ptaszarnia {f} | :: aviary |
ptaszek {m anim} | :: diminutive of ptak; young or small bird |
ptaszek {m anim} [colloquial] | :: checkmark, tick |
ptaszek {m anim} [colloquial] | :: cock (male genitalia) |
ptaszę {n} [poetic] | :: bird, especially a chick (young bird) |
ptaszy {adj} [archaic, relational] | :: bird, avian; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of birds |
ptaszydło {n} | :: augmentative of ptak |
ptaszyniec {m inan} [archaic] | :: bird's-foot (Ornithopus) |
ptaszyniec {m inan} [obsolete] | :: aviary |
ptaszyniec {m anim} | :: red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) |
ptaszysko {n} | :: augmentative of ptak |
ptok {m anim} [Upper Silesia] | :: bird (member of Aves) |
ptok {m anim} [Upper Silesia, by extension] | :: A newcomer to Silesia |
publicystyka {f} [literature] | :: opinion journalism |
publiczność {f} | :: audience |
publiczny {adj} | :: public |
publikować {v impf} | :: to publish |
publikowanie {n} | :: verbal noun of publikować |
puch {m inan} | :: down, fluff (soft, immature feathers) |
puch {m inan} | :: snow |
pucha {f} | :: augmentative of pustka |
pucha {f} | :: augmentative of puszka |
puchacz {m anim} | :: eagle owl (bird of genus Bubo) |
puchar {m inan} | :: goblet (a drinking vessel with a foot and stem) |
puchar {m inan} [sport] | :: cup (a trophy in the shape of an oversized cup) |
puchar {m inan} [sport] | :: cup (a contest for which a cup is awarded) |
puchaty {adj} | :: fluffy (covered with fluff) |
puchaty {adj} | :: fluffy (light; soft; airy) |
puchnąć {vi impf} | :: to swell |
puchnięcie {n} | :: verbal noun of puchnąć |
puchowiec {m inan} | :: ceiba (any tree belonging to the genus Ceiba) |
puchówka {f} [archaic] | :: down pillow |
puchówka {f} | :: bay owl (Phodilus) |
pucybut {m pers} | :: shoeshiner, bootblack, shoeblack |
pucz {m inan} | :: coup, putsch |
pudding {m inan} | :: pudding (boiled or steamed cake or dessert) |
pudel {m anim} | :: poodle |
pudełeczko {n} | :: diminutive of pudełko; small box |
pudełko {n} | :: box (rectangular container) |
puder {m inan} [cosmetics] | :: powder |
pudło {n} | :: augmentative of pudełko box (rectangular container) |
pudło {n} | :: a miss in guessing (often an exclamation) |
pudło {n} [colloquial] | :: a miss in shooting |
pudło {n} [colloquial] | :: unsuccessful undertaking |
pudło {n} [colloquial] | :: nick, prison |
pudło {n} [colloquial] | :: the box (television set) |
pudłować {vi impf} | :: to miss a shot |
puenta {f} | :: punch line |
pugilares {m inan} [obsolete] | :: wallet |
pukać {v impf} | :: to knock (e.g. on the door) |
pukanie {n} | :: verbal noun of pukać |
pukiel {m inan} | :: curl, lock |
pukielek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pukiel |
pulares {m inan} [dated] | :: wallet |
pulchny {adj} | :: chubby, plump |
pulchny {adj} | :: spongy (squishy) |
pulmonolog {m pers} | :: pulmonologist |
pulmonolog {f} | :: female pulmonologist |
pulower {m inan} | :: sweater, pullover, jersey, jumper |
pulowerek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pulower |
pulpet {m inan} | :: a meatball |
pulpit {m inan} | :: desktop (the main graphical user interface of an operating system) |
pulsar {m inan} [astronomy] | :: pulsar |
pułapka {f} | :: trap |
pułk {m inan} [military] | :: regiment |
pułkownik {m pers} | :: colonel |
puma {f} | :: puma, cougar |
pumeks {m inan} | :: pumice |
pumpernikiel {m inan} [baking] | :: pumpernickel (type of sourdough rye bread, strongly flavored, dense, and dark in color) |
punkt {m inan} | :: dot |
punkt {m inan} | :: point |
punkt {m inan} | :: spot |
punkt {m inan} | :: item (on a list) |
punkt {m inan} [geometry] | :: point |
punkt widzenia {m inan} | :: point of view (position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint) |
punktualnie {adv} | :: punctually |
punktualniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of punktualny |
punktualność {f} | :: punctuality |
punktualny {adj} | :: punctual (on time) |
pupa {f} [anatomy, somewhat, childish] | :: bum, rear, buttocks |
pupil {m pers} | :: favorite son, favored student, protégé |
pupil {m pers} [archaic] | :: pupil (learner) |
pupilek {m pers} | :: diminutive of pupil |
pupilka {f} | :: favored student, protégée |
pupilka {f} [archaic] | :: pupil (female learner) |
purchatnica {f} | :: Any fungus of the genus Pisolithus |
purchawka {f} | :: Any puffball mushroom of the genus Lycoperdon |
purée {n} | :: puree |
purpurowy {adj} | :: purple |
puryfikaterz {m inan} [religion] | :: purificator (the napkin used to wipe the lip of the chalice during Holy Communion) |
purysta {m pers} | :: purist |
purytanizm {m inan} | :: Puritanism |
Pusan {prop} {m inan} | :: Pusan (city) |
pustać {f} [regional and literary] | :: wasteland (barren, uncultivated land) |
pustać {f} | :: heath, heathland |
pustak {m inan} | :: hollow brick; concrete masonry unit |
pustak {m pers} [archaic, slang] | :: a vain, unsophisticated, or vapid person with few interests |
pustelnia {f} | :: hermitage |
pustelnik {m pers} | :: hermit (a religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons; an eremite) |
pustka {f} | :: void |
pustka {f} | :: emptiness |
pustkowie {n} [literary] | :: wasteland, desolation |
pusto {adv} | :: emptily |
pustostan {m inan} | :: vacant house or flat, unoccupied by anyone |
pustostan {m inan} [in housing] | :: state of being unoccupied |
pustułka {f} | :: kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) |
pusty {adj} | :: empty |
pusty {adj} | :: uninhabited |
pusty {adj} [incomparable] | :: blank (free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in) |
pusty {adj} | :: hollow |
pustynia {f} | :: desert (barren area) |
pustynny {adj} [relational] | :: desert |
puszcza {f} | :: primeval forest |
puszcza {f} [archaic] | :: wilderness, wasteland |
puszczać {v impf} | :: to let go, to release |
puszczać {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to put on, to play, to select a recording for playing |
puszczalski {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: slutty, promiscuous |
puszczyk {m anim} | :: tawny owl |
puszeczka {f} | :: Diminutive of puszka |
puszek {m inan} | :: diminutive of puch |
puszka {f} | :: can, tin |
puszka {f} [bryology] | :: sporangium |
puszysty {adj} | :: fluffy (soft and pleasant to the touch) |
puszysty {adj} [euphemism] | :: obese; plump; chubby |
puścić {v pf} | :: to let go, to release |
puścić {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to put on, to play, to select a recording for playing |
puścić z torbami {v pf} [colloquial, idiom] | :: to ruin, to make insolvent, to put someone in bankruptcy |
Putin {prop} {m pers} | :: Vladimir Putin |
puzon {m inan} | :: trombone (musical instrument) |
puzzle {m inan} | :: jigsaw puzzle |
pycha {f} | :: excessive pride |
pycha {interj} | :: yum! (an expression used to indicate delight in regard to a certain food's flavor) |
pychota {f} [colloquial] | :: Something delicious (tasty) |
pychota {interj} | :: yum! |
pylenie {n} | :: verbal noun of pylić |
pyleniec {m inan} | :: berteroa |
pylica {f} [diseases] | :: pneumoconiosis |
pylica krzemowa {f} [diseases] | :: silicosis (silica dust pneumoconiosis) |
pylnik {m inan} [botany] | :: anther (pollen-bearing part of the stamen) |
pylon {m inan} | :: gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple |
pylon {m inan} | :: pillar of a suspension or cable-stayed bridge |
pylon {m inan} | :: high, narrow, vertical sign, usually displaying advertisements, found e.g. near gas stations |
pył {m inan} | :: dust |
pyłek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pył |
pyłek {m inan} | :: mote (small particle) |
pyłek {m inan} [botany] | :: pollen |
pyłek {m inan} [computing] | :: flyweight pattern |
pyłoszczelny {adj} | :: dustproof, dust-tight |
pyra {f} [Poznań, Łódź] | :: potato |
pyra {f} [derogatory] | :: A resident of Poznań |
pyra {f} [Łódź] | :: A potato enthusiast |
pyrlik {m inan} [Upper Silesia, mining] | :: A type of hammer |
pyrnica {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] | :: couch grass (grass of the genus Elymus) |
pyrrusowe zwycięstwo {n} | :: Pyrrhic victory |
Pyrzyce {prop} {p} | :: Pyrzyce (town) |
pysio {n} [colloquial, often affectionate] | :: diminutive of pysk |
pysk {m inan} | :: muzzle, gob (mouth of an animal) |
pyskacz {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: Someone who is verbally impudent; a backtalker |
pyskaty {adj} [colloquial] | :: lippy, mouthy, talking back or responding verbally in an impudent or arrogant manner |
pyskaty {adj} [colloquial] | :: prone to loud quarrels |
pyskować {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to mouth off, to shoot one's mouth off |
pyszczak {m anim} [zoology] | :: mouthbrooder |
pyszczek {m inan} | :: diminutive of pysk |
pyszczydło {n} [jocular] | :: augmentative of pysk |
pyszniejszy {adj} | :: comparative degree form of pyszny |
pyszny {adj} | :: delicious |
pyszny {adj} [literary] | :: prideful |
pyszota {f} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of pychota |
pyszota {interj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of pychota |
pyta {f} [dated] | :: lash; thick leather rope used for corporal punishment |
pyta {f} [vulgar, dated] | :: penis |
pyta gówna {f} [Internet slang, vulgar] | :: motherboard |
pytać {v impf} | :: to ask (look for an answer to a question by speaking) |
pytać {v impf} | :: to question |
pytajnik {m inan} | :: question mark |
pytanie {n} | :: question (a sentence which asks for information) |
pytanko {n} | :: diminutive of pytanie |
pytańko {n} | :: alternative form of pytanko |
pyton {m anim} | :: python (snake) |