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User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-p

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pa {interj} [familiar] :: bye
pa pa {interj} :: bye-bye
pac {m anim} [dialectal] :: A large rat (rodent)
pac {interj} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: plunk, thud, flump (sound)
pacan {m pers} [derogatory] :: fool
pacanie {n} :: verbal noun of pacać
pacha {f} [anatomy] :: armpit
pachnący {adj} :: scented, fragrant, redolent
pachnidło {n} [dated] :: perfume
pachnieć {vi impf} :: to smell
pachnienie {n} :: verbal noun of pachnieć
pachnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pachnąć
pacholę {n} [obsolete] :: boy
pacholę {n} :: squire, page (young male attendant to a high-ranking person)
pachołek {m inan} :: bollard
pachołek {m pers} :: henchman, minion, stooge, flunkey, lackey
pachwina {f} [anatomy] :: groin
pachwina {f} [botany] :: axil
pachwinowy {adj} :: inguinal (of or pertaining to the groin)
pacierz {m inan} [Christianity] :: Lord's Prayer, Our Father, paternoster
pacierz {m inan} [Christianity, colloquial] :: prayer
pacierz {m inan} [dated] :: spine
pacierz {m inan} [colloquial] :: approximately 25 seconds
paciorek {m inan} :: diminutive of pacierz (prayer)
paciorek {m inan} :: bead (small round object, usually with a hole)
paciorkowiec {m anim} :: streptococcus
paciorkowiec {m inan} :: brown alga of the genus Cystoseira
pacjent {m pers} :: patient
pacjentka {f} :: feminine noun of pacjent
packa {f} :: flyswatter (device for swatting flies)
pacnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pacnąć
Pacyfik {prop} {m inan} :: Pacific Ocean
pacyfista {m pers} :: pacifist
pacyfistka {f} :: female pacifist
pacyfistycznie {adv} :: pacifistically; in a pacifistic manner
pacyfistyczny {adj} :: pacifist, pacifistic
pacyfizm {m inan} :: pacifism
pacynka {f} :: hand puppet, glove puppet
pacynkowy {adj} [relational] :: hand puppet, glove puppet
paczka {f} :: package, parcel
paczka {f} :: bunch (an informal body of friends)
paczka {f} [computing, colloquial] :: package (specially prepared software)
paczuszka {f} :: diminutive of paczka
paczyć {vt impf} :: to warp, buckle, distort
paczyć {vr impf} :: to warp
Pad {prop} {m} :: Pad (river)
padaczka {f} :: epilepsy
padaczkowy {adj} :: epileptic
padać {v impf} :: to fall (move downwards under the effect of gravity)
padać {v impf} :: to fall, to be defeated
padać {v impf} :: to rain
padać {v impf} :: to be mentioned, to be brought up, to be asked
padać {v impf} [chiefly of animals] :: to die
padać {v impf} [hyperbole, colloquial] :: to be very tired
padać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to break (stop fuctionning)
padalec {m anim} :: slowworm (lizard of the genus Anguis)
padalec {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: A despicable person
padanie {n} :: verbal noun of padać
padlina {f} :: carrion
padlinożerca {m anim} :: scavenger (carrion-eating animal)
padlinożerny {adj} :: carrion-eating, necrophagous
padnięty {adj} [proscribed, colloquial] :: worn out, very tired (of a person)
padnięty {adj} [proscribed, colloquial] :: out of battery, discharged (of a device)
padnięty {adj} [proscribed, colloquial] :: broken, not working (of a device)
padół {m inan} [dated, literary] :: valley, vale
padół {m inan} [figuratively] :: Earth
Padwa {prop} {f} :: Padwa (city)
paella {f} :: paella
pagoda {f} :: pagoda
pagór {m inan} :: augmentative of pagórek
pagórek {m inan} :: hillock, hummock, knoll
pajac {m anim} [dated] :: puppet; doll
pajac {m anim} [colloquial, derogatory] :: clown; person that can't be taken seriously
pajacyk {m inan} :: diminutive of pajac
pajączek {m anim} :: diminutive of pająk
pająk {m anim} :: spider
pajda {f} [colloquial] :: doorstep (big slice of bread)
pajdka {f} :: diminutive of pajda
pajęczak {m anim} :: arachnid
pajęczy {adj} [relational] :: spider (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of spiders)
pajęczyca {f} :: A female spider
pajęczyna {f} :: spiderweb
pajęczynka {f} :: diminutive of pajęczyna
pajunk {m anim} [regional] :: alternative form of pająk
paka {f} :: augmentative of paczka
paka {f} [colloquial] :: slammer (prison)
paka {f} [colloquial] :: semi-trailer (trailer without a front axle)
paka {f} [colloquial] :: hundred (banknote)
paka {f} :: paca (any rodent of the genus Cuniculus)
paka {f} :: Paka (Sepik language)
pakiet {m inan} :: pack (bundle to be carried)
pakiet {m inan} :: A number of things
pakiet {m inan} :: package (something consisting of components)
Pakistan {prop} {m} :: Pakistan
Pakistanka {f} :: a female Pakistani
Pakistańczyk {m pers} :: a male Pakistani
pakistański {adj} :: Pakistani
pakować {v impf} :: to package
pakować {v impf} [slang] :: to work out (exercise)
pakt {m inan} [politics] :: pact
pakuła {f} [usually plural] :: tow; short fibers of wool, hemp, etc
pakuneczek {m inan} :: diminutive of pakunek
pakunek {m inan} :: package
pal {m inan} :: stake (piece of wood)
pal {m inan} :: pile (for the support of a building)
pal go sześć {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: never mind
pal sześć {phrase} :: alternative form of pal go sześć
palacz {m pers} :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
palacz {m pers} :: stoker (person who stokes, especially one on a steamship who stokes coal in the boilers)
palaczka {f} :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually)
palajski {adj} :: Palaic
palant {m anim} :: a game similar to baseball, played with a wooden bat and a rubber ball
palant {m anim} :: bat used to play the game
palant {m pers} [derogatory] :: dummy; idiot
palarnia {f} :: smoking room
palatalizacja {f} :: palatalization
Palau {prop} {n} :: Palau
Palau {prop} {n} :: City in Italy
palcat {m inan} :: backsword, crop
palcat {m inan} [archaic] :: cudgel, club
palcówka {f} :: fingering (sexual act)
palcówka {f} :: kind of Polish sausage
palcówka {f} :: error made while writing on a keyboard
palcówka {f} :: medieval brick type
palcówka {f} :: a way of playing string instruments
palec {m inan} :: finger
palec {m inan} :: toe
palemka {f} :: diminutive of palma
palenie {n} :: verbal noun of palić
palenie {n} :: burning (the state of something being burnt)
palenie {n} :: smoking (e.g., of cigarettes, of tobacco)
palenisko {n} :: hearth, fireplace
paleolit {m inan} :: Paleolithic (a period that lasted from two and a half million years ago to 10,000 BC; the Old Stone Age)
paleontolog {m pers} :: paleontologist
paleontolog {f} :: paleontologist
paleontologia {f} :: paleontology
Palestyna {prop} {f} :: Palestine
Palestynka {f} :: Palestinian (woman)
Palestyńczyk {m pers} :: Palestinian (man)
palestyński {noun} :: Palestinian
pali {n} :: Pali (language)
palić {v impf} :: to heat a dwelling by burning fuel
palić {v impf} :: to smoke (e.g. a cigarette)
palić {v impf} :: to sear, to burn, to cause a burning sensation
palić {v impf} [by extension] :: to have a hot, spicy taste
palić {v impf} [colloquial] :: of a motor vehicle: to burn, to consume fuel
palić {vr impf} :: to burn; to be consumed by fire
palić {vr impf} :: of light: to be on
palić {vr impf} :: to be eager [+ do (object) = gen = for something]
palimpsest {m inan} :: palimpsest
palindrom {m inan} :: palindrome
palisada {f} :: palisade
paliwo {n} :: fuel
paliwoda {m pers} [obsolete] :: A thoughtless, irresponsible person
paliwoda {m pers} [obsolete] :: A liar
paliwooszczędny {adj} :: fuel-efficient
paliwożerny {adj} :: gas-guzzling
pallad {m inan} :: palladium (chemical element)
palma {f} :: palm tree
palmiarnia {f} [horticulture] :: palmhouse
palmojad {m anim} :: palm-nut vulture (Gypohierax angolensis)
palmowy {adj} [relational] :: palm tree
Palmyra {prop} {f} [historical] :: Palmyra
Palmyrena {prop} {f} [historical] :: Palmyrena
palmyreński {adj} :: Palmyrene (of, from or relating to ancient Palmyra or the country of which it was the capital)
palnik {m inan} :: blowtorch, burner
palny {adj} :: combustible
palto {n} :: greatcoat, topcoat
paluch {m inan} :: augmentative of palec
paluch {m inan} :: big toe, hallux
pał {m inan} [dialectal] :: extreme heat
pała {f} :: augmentative of pałka
pała {f} :: club, staff (weapon)
pała {f} [colloquial] :: F or E (a failing grade in a class or course)
pała {f} [colloquial] :: head
pała {f} [slang] :: cock; penis
pała {f} [slang] :: cop
pałac {m inan} :: palace
pałasz {m inan} :: broadsword, backsword
pałasz {m anim} :: scabbardfish, hairtail
pałaszować {v impf} :: to fill one's face; to eat something quickly and with pleasure
pałączek {m inan} :: diminutive of pałąk
pałąk {m inan} :: arch
pałąk {m inan} [bladed weapons] :: handguard
pałeczka {f} :: diminutive of pałka
pałeczka {f} :: bacillus
pałeczka {f} :: chopstick
pałętać {vr impf} [colloquial] :: to wander aimlessly; to drift
pałętać {vr impf} [colloquial] :: to get in the way; to be in the way
pałętanie {n} :: verbal noun of pałętać
pałężyna {f} :: Any plant of the genus Corynocarpus
pałka {f} :: cudgel, club
pałka {f} :: truncheon, baton
pałka {f} :: cattail (any plant of the genus Typha)
pałować {v impf} [colloquial] :: to club someone
pałuba {f} [obsolete] :: A primitive doll, puppet, or figurine
pałuba {f} [obsolete] :: Someone resembling such a doll; a gawky-looking person
pałuba {f} [obsolete] :: A cart/wagon cover
pałuba {f} [obsolete] :: A covered cart or wagon
pamiątka {f} :: souvenir
pamięć {f} :: memory
pamięć podręczna {f} [computing] :: cache
pamiętać {v impf} :: to remember; to recall
pamiętliwy {adj} :: likely to hold a grudge, vindictive
pamiętniczek {m inan} :: diminutive of pamiętnik
pamiętnik {m inan} :: diary, memoir
pamiętny {adj} :: memorable
Pamir {prop} {m} :: Pamir (mountain range)
pan {m pers} :: gentleman, man
pan {m pers} :: master, teacher
pan {m pers} :: lord
pan {m pers} :: Mr, mister
pan {pron} :: you (polite second person {m}-personal nominative, it takes verbs as third-person {s} form)
Pan {prop} {m} :: Pan
Pan {m pers} :: Lord
pan młody {m pers} :: bridegroom
pan na zagrodzie równy wojewodzie {proverb} [historical] :: every member of the szlachta (Polish nobility) has equal rights, regardless of his wealth
pan na zagrodzie równy wojewodzie {proverb} [pejorative] :: the owner can do whatever he wants with his property, disregarding the opinion of others
pan władza {m pers} [chiefly in vocative case] :: A term of address used for policemen; officer, sir
pana {pron} :: your (formal, to male)
pana {f} [Upper Silesia and Poznań] :: flat tire
panaceum {n} [medicine] :: panacea (remedy believed to cure all disease)
panaceum {n} :: panacea (something that will solve all problems)
Panama {prop} {f} :: Panama (country)
Panama {prop} {f} :: Panama (caplc)
Panamczyk {m pers} :: A male Panamanian (person from Panama or of Panamanian descent)
Panamka {f} :: A female Panamanian (person from Panama or of Panamanian descent)
panamski {adj} :: Panamanian
pancernik {m anim} :: armadillo (mammal)
pancernik {m inan} :: battleship
pancerz {m inan} :: armour (protective gear worn by a human)
pancerz {m inan} :: armour (natural protection possessed by an animal)
panda {f} :: panda
pandeiro {n} :: pandeiro
pandeista {m pers} :: pandeist
pandeizm {m inan} :: Pandeism
pandemia {f} :: pandemic
pandemiczny {adj} [relational] :: pandemic
Pandora {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Pandora
panenteizm {m inan} :: Panenthiesm
panewka {f} [skeleton] :: socket (of a joint)
panewka {f} [firearms] :: flash pan
Pangea {prop} {f} :: Pangaea (supercontinent prior to Triassic)
pani {f} :: woman
pani {f} :: Mrs or Lady
pani {pron} :: you (polite second person {f} nominative, it takes verbs as third-person {s} form)
pani {pron} :: your (formal, to female)
panieński {adj} [relational] :: maiden, maid
panieństwo {n} :: maidhood, maidenhood (condition of being a maid or maiden)
panieństwo {n} [dated] :: virginity
panierka {f} [cooking] :: coating, batter (beaten mixture of flour and liquid)
panika {f} :: panic
panikować {v impf} :: to panic
panna {f} :: unmarried woman
panna {f} :: Miss
panna {f} [archaic] :: female virgin
Panna {prop} {f} :: the Virgin, in particular Virgin Mary
Panna {prop} {f} [zodiac constellations] :: Virgo, a constellation
Panna {prop} {f} [astrology] :: Virgo, an astrological sign
Panna {f} :: Someone with a Virgo star sign
panna młoda {f} :: bride
Panonia {prop} {f} :: Pannonia
panorama {f} :: panorama
panorama {f} :: skyline
panować {v impf} :: to be widespread; to prevail (of a condition, idea, etc.)
panować {v impf} :: to be in control [+ nad (object) = ins = of something]
panować {v impf} :: to rule; to reign [+ nad (object) = ins = over something]
panpsychizm {m inan} [philosophy] :: panpsychism
panseksualista {m pers} :: pansexual man
panseksualistka {f} :: pansexual woman
panseksualizm {m inan} :: pansexuality
panseksualnie {adv} :: pansexually; in a pansexual manner
panseksualność {f} :: pansexuality
panseksualny {adj} :: pansexual
panslawizm {m inan} :: Pan-Slavism
panteista {m pers} :: pantheist
panteizm {m inan} :: Pantheism
panteon {m inan} [mythology] :: pantheon (all the gods of a particular religion)
panteon {m inan} :: pantheon (temple dedicated to all the gods)
panteon {m inan} :: pantheon (category or classification denoting the most honored persons of a group)
pantera mglista {f} :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
pantera szara {f} :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
pantofel {m inan} :: slipper (low shoe slipped on and off easily)
pantofel {m inan} :: henpecked man, pussywhipped man
pantoflarz {m pers} [colloquial] :: henpecked man, pussywhipped man
pantograf {m inan} :: pantograph (device that collects electric current from overhead lines)
pantograf {m inan} :: pantograph (mechanical drawing aid)
pantomima {f} :: pantomime, mime (form of acting without words)
pańskie oko konia tuczy {proverb} :: a business is more successful when supervised by its owner
państwo {n} :: state, country (sovereign polity)
państwo {p} :: ladies and gentlemen
państwo {p} :: Mr. and Mrs.
państwo {p} :: heads of household
państwo {pron} :: you to mixed gender group (polite second person nominative {m} {p}, used with verbs in third-person {p})
państwowy {adj} [relational] :: state, national
papa {f} :: tar paper
papaja {f} :: papaya (fruit)
papamobile {n} :: Popemobile
papeć {m inan} [colloquial] :: house slipper
papeć {m inan} [Poznań] :: old shoe
papeć {m inan} [Poznań] :: shoe
papier {m inan} :: paper (material)
papier {m inan} [colloquial] :: document, especially diploma, certification, or proof
papierek {m inan} :: piece of paper
papierek {m inan} :: wrapping (especially of a small object)
papiernia {f} :: paper mill
papieros {m anim} :: cigarette
papierosek {m anim} :: diminutive of papieros
papierośnica {f} :: cigarette case
papierowy {adj} :: paper
papiery {mp} [colloquial] :: papers; official documents
papieski {adj} [relational] :: papal (pertaining to the pope or the papacy)
papież {m pers} [Roman Catholicism] :: pope (head of Roman Catholic Church)
papieżyca {f} :: popess (hypothetical female pope)
papirus {m inan} :: papyrus (Cyperus papyrus)
papirus {m inan} :: papyrus (material similar to paper)
papirus {m inan} :: papyrus (scroll or document written on papyrus)
papla {m pers} {f} :: chatterbox (someone who chats or talks to excess)
papla {m pers} {f} :: blabbermouth (someone who is unable to keep a secret)
paplać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to chatter; to blab; to babble; to natter; to jabber
paplanina {f} [colloquial] :: prattle, jabber, twitter, babble, tattle
papranie {n} :: verbal noun of paprać
paproch {m inan} :: speck, particle
paproch {m inan} [fishing] :: soft plastic bait
paproć {f} :: fern
paproszek {m inan} :: diminutive of paproch
paprotka {f} :: polypody (any fern of the genus Polypodium)
paprotka {f} :: diminutive of paproć
paprotnica {f} :: Any fern of the genus Cystopteris
paprotnik {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Polystichum
paprotnik {m inan} [usually plural] :: pteridophyte
papryka {f} :: pepper (as in red, green, yellow pepper)
papryka {f} :: paprika (spice)
paprykarz {m inan} [cooking] :: paprikash (paprika-based meat stew)
paprykowy {adj} :: paprika
Papua-Nowa Gwinea {prop} {f} :: Papua New Guinea
papuga {f} :: parrot (bird)
papuzi {adj} [relational] :: parrot
papużka {f} :: diminutive of papuga
papużka falista {f} :: budgerigar
par excellence {adv} :: par excellence (most excellently)
para- {prefix} :: para- (resembling)
para {f} [uncountable] :: steam, water in gaseous phase
para {f} [uncountable] :: breath
para {f} :: couple (two partners in a romantic relationship)
para {f} :: pair (two objects)
para uporządkowana {f} [mathematics] :: ordered pair
parabola {f} [geometry] :: parabola
parabola {f} :: parable
parada {f} :: parade (organized procession)
parada {f} [military] :: parade (assembling of troops for inspection or to receive orders)
paradoks {m inan} :: paradox
paradoksalny {adj} :: paradoxical
paradokument {m inan} [television] :: pseudodocumentary
paradygmat {m inan} :: paradigm (model or example)
paradygmat {m inan} [linguistics] :: paradigm
parafia {f} [Christianity] :: parish (part of a diocese)
parafianin {m pers} :: parishioner
paragon {m inan} :: receipt (written acknowledgement that a specified article or sum of money has been received)
paragraf {m inan} :: article (a section of a legal document)
Paragwaj {prop} {m inan} :: Paragwaj (country)
Paragwajczyk {m pers} :: Paraguayan (person)
Paragwajka {f} :: Paraguayan (female person)
paragwajski {adj} :: Paraguayan
paralaksa {f} :: parallax (apparent shift in the position of two stationary objects relative to each other as viewed by an observer, due to a change in observer position)
paralaktyczny {adj} [relational] :: parallactic
paraliż {m inan} [pathology] :: paralysis, palsy (loss of muscle control)
paraliż {m inan} :: paralysis (state of being inable to act)
parametr {m inan} [sciences] :: parameter
parametr {m inan} [computing] :: parameter
paranoik {m pers} :: paranoiac
paranoja {f} :: paranoia
parapet {m inan} :: sill, windowsill
parapetówa {f} :: augmentative of parapetówka
parapetówka {f} :: house warming (party)
parapsychologia {f} :: parapsychology
parapsychologiczny {adj} :: parapsychological
parasol {m inan} :: umbrella (used to protect against the sun or rain)
parasolka {f} :: lady's umbrella (used to protect against the sun or rain)
parawan {m inan} :: folding screen, windbreak
parawan {m inan} [nautical] :: paravane (device for cutting the moorings of mines)
parcela {f} :: parcel (division of land)
parch {m inan} :: scab; a fungal disease of plants and the lesions it causes
parch {m anim} [ethnic slur, dated] :: kike
parcie {n} :: verbal noun of przeć
parcie na szkło {n} [colloquial, somewhat, pejorative] :: craving for media attention; media whoring
parecznik {m anim} :: centipede, chilopod
pareidolia {f} :: pareidolia (tendency to interpret vague stimuli as something familiar)
pareo {n} :: pareo
parestezja {f} [symptom] :: paresthesia
parę {num} :: a couple of
parias {m pers} :: pariah
park {m inan} :: park (e.g., a ground for recreation in a city or town)
park {m inan} [obsolete] :: A scent released by goats, deer, or hares during breeding periods
park {m inan} [obsolete] :: Breeding period of goats, deer, or hares
parka {f} :: diminutive of para
parka {f} [rare] :: diminutive of para
parka {f} :: parka (heavy weatherproof jacket)
parka {f} [Greek mythology] :: Parca (one of the Fates)
parking {m inan} :: car park
parkot {m inan} :: A scent released by certain animals during breeding periods
parkoty {p} :: breeding season of hares
parkować {vt impf} :: to park (e.g. a car)
parkowanie {n} :: verbal noun of parkować
parlament {m inan} :: parliament
parlamentarzysta {m pers} :: Member of Parliament
parlamentarzystka {f} :: female Member of Parliament
parmezan {m inan} :: parmesan cheese (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma)
Parnawa {prop} {f} :: Parnawa (city)
parnik {m inan} :: fairy bell (any plant of the genus Disporum)
parno {adv} :: sultrily
parny {adj} :: muggy, sultry (hot and humid)
parobas {m pers} :: augmentative of parobek
parobas {m pers} [derogatory] :: uncultured person
parobek {m pers} [historical] :: farmworker, farmhand
parobek {m pers} [derogatory] :: lackey
parociąg {m inan} :: steampipe
parodia {f} :: parody
paronim {m inan} :: paronym
parostatek {m inan} :: steamboat, steamship
parować {vi impf} :: to steam (to produce or vent steam)
parowiec {m inan} :: steamboat
parowozownia {f} :: engine shed, place where steam locomotives are housed and undergo maintenance
parowóz {m inan} :: steam locomotive
paroząb {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Didymodon
parów {m inan} :: gorge, arroyo, gully; a small canyon
parówka {f} :: Vienna sausage (as in hot dogs)
parskać {vi impf} :: to sputter, to splutter
parskać {vi impf} :: to snort
parskać {vi impf} :: to snicker
parst {m inan} [obsolete] :: finger
parszywy {adj} :: lousy; sleazy
parszywy {adj} [rare] :: scabby; mangy
partacz {m pers} [pejorative] :: botcher, bungler
partacz {m pers} [archaic] :: In the Middle Ages, an artisan who was not a member of any guild
partacz {m pers} [archaic] :: repairer
parter {m inan} :: ground floor
partia {f} :: party (political group)
partia {f} :: batch [e.g., of merchandise]
partia {f} :: match (one round of a game, e.g. chess, tennis)
partner {m pers} :: partner (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest)
partner {m pers} :: partner (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner)
partner {m pers} :: equal (someone of equal status to others)
partnerka {f} :: female partner (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest)
partnerka {f} :: female partner (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner)
partnerka {f} :: female equal (someone of equal status to others)
partnerować {vi impf} :: to partner
partnerować {vi impf} :: to co-star
partnerski {adj} [relational] :: partnership
partnersko {adv} :: In a manner akin to that of a partnership
partnerstwo {n} :: partnership (state of being associated with a partner)
partykuła {f} :: particle (part of speech)
partyzant {m pers} :: partisan, guerrilla
partyzantka {f} :: female guerrilla, partisan
partyzantka {f} [colloquial] :: guerrilla warfare
parweniusz {m pers} [pejorative, dated] :: parvenu, nouveau riche
pary {fp} :: vapor
paryski {adj} :: Parisian (of, from or pertaining to Paris in France)
parytet {m inan} :: parity, equality of value
parytet {m inan} :: gender quota
parytet {m inan} :: peg, fixed exchange rate of a currency
Paryż {prop} {m inan} :: Paryż (caplc)
parzoch {m inan} :: A liverwort of the genus Porella
parzydełko {n} :: cnidocyte
parzydełkowiec {m anim} :: cnidarian, animal belonging to the phylum Cnidaria
parzydło {n} :: goatsbeard, goat's-beard (any plant of the genus Aruncus)
parzystokopytne {p} :: Artiodactyla
parzystokopytny {adj} :: even-toed ungulate
parzystokopytny {m anim} :: An animal belonging to the order Artiodactyla; an even-toed ungulate
parzysty {adj} [mathematics] :: even (of a number, of a function, of a permutation)
parzysty {adj} :: occurring in pairs
pas {m inan} :: belt
pas {m inan} [heraldry] :: fess
pas {m inan} [in card games] :: pass
pas {m inan} :: pas, step
Pas Kuipera {m inan} [astronomy] :: Kuiper belt
pas startowy {f} :: airstrip
pasat {m inan} :: trade wind
pasażer {m pers} :: passenger
pasażerka {f} :: female passenger
pasażerski {adj} [relational] :: passenger
pasek {m inan} :: belt (band worn around the waist), strap
pasek {m inan} :: stripe
pasek rozrządu {m inan} :: timing belt
pasemko {n} :: diminutive of pasmo
pasemko {n} :: strand, ribbon
paser {m pers} :: fence; receiver (one who buys and trades stolen goods)
paserstwo {n} :: handling (trade of stolen goods)
pasibrzuch {m pers} [derogatory] :: A voracious and lazy person; a glutton
pasiecznik {m pers} :: beekeeper, apiarist
pasiecznik {m inan} [obsolete] :: apiary
pasieczny {adj} :: Of or pertaining to an apiary
pasieczny {m pers} [archaic] :: beekeeper, apiarist
pasieka {f} :: apiary
pasieka {f} [dialectal] :: An enclosure or pen for horses
pasienie {n} :: verbal noun of paść
pasierb {m pers} :: stepson
pasierbica {f} :: stepdaughter
pasikonik {m anim} :: Any katydid of the genus Tettigonia
pasja {f} :: passion (intense emotion)
pasjans {m anim} [card games] :: solitaire, patience
paskal {m inan} :: pascal (unit of pressure and stress)
paskosuseł {m anim} :: Any ground squirrel of the genus Ictidomys
paskowiec {m anim} :: barred hawk (Morphnarchus princeps)
paskuda {f} [dialectal] :: harm
paskuda {f} [colloquial] :: A scoundrel; a repulsive person
paskuda {f} [colloquial] :: Someone who is very unattractive
paskuda {m pers} [colloquial] :: A scoundrel; a repulsive person
paskuda {m pers} [colloquial] :: Someone who is very unattractive
paskudnie {adv} :: repulsively, terribly, hideously
paskudniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of paskudny
paskudny {adj} :: ugly, repulsive
paskudny {adj} :: unbearable, terrible, annoying
pasmanteria {f} :: haberdashery (ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods sold in a haberdasher's shop)
pasmanteria {f} :: haberdashery (shop selling such goods)
pasmanteryjny {adj} :: of or pertaining to a haberdashery
pasmo {n} :: band, strand, strip, streak, skein, thread
pasmo górskie {n} :: mountain range
pasobrzuch {m pers} [derogatory, obsolete] :: alternative form of pasibrzuch
pasożyt {m anim} [biology] :: parasite (organism)
pasożyt {m pers} [pejorative] :: parasite (person); someone who uses others for his own benefit
pasożytniczy {adj} :: parasitic
passa {f} :: streak (continuous series of events)
passat {m anim} :: a Volkswagen Passat car
passé {adj} :: passé (dated, out of style, old-fashioned)
pasta {f} :: A soft mixture, paste
pasta do zębów {f} :: toothpaste
pasterka {f} :: A midnight mass celebrated between 24 and 25 December in Poland
pasterka {f} :: shepherdess
pasternaczek {m inan} :: diminutive of pasternak
pasternak {m inan} :: parsnip
pasteryzacja {f} :: pasteurization
pasteryzować {vt impf} :: to pasteurize
pasterz {m pers} :: shepherd
pastisz {m inan} :: pastiche (work of art that imitates work of a previous artist)
pastor {m pers} :: pastor (in Protestant churches)
pastorał {m inan} [Christianity] :: crosier
pastuch {m pers} :: herdsman, cattleman, cowherd, goatherd
pastuch {m pers} [derogatory] :: An uneducated, backward person, especially one of rural origin
pastuch {m inan} [colloquial, farming] :: electric fence
pastuch {m inan} [medicine] :: defibrillator
pastwa {f} [obsolete] :: prey, food of a predator
pastwa {f} [obsolete] :: booty, loot, spoils
pastwa {f} [Masuria] :: fodder (food for livestock)
pastwisko {n} :: pasture
pasywnie {adv} :: passively (without conscious or self-directed action)
pasywność {f} :: passivity, passiveness
pasywny {adj} :: passive (taking no action)
pasywny {adj} [chemistry, materials science] :: of metals: passive (non-reactive)
pasza {f} :: fodder
pasza {m pers} :: pasha (title)
paszcza {f} :: maw; mouth of an animal, especially a predator
paszcza {f} [humorous] :: A person's face or mouth
paszczak {m anim} :: Any frogmouth belonging to Podargus or Rigidipenna
paszczak {m anim} [more generally] :: podargid, frogmouth (bird of the family Podargidae)
paszczak {m anim} :: John Dory, St. Peter's fish (Zeus faber)
paszczak {m anim} [obsolete, more generally] :: zeid (fish of the family Zeidae)
paszczęka {f} :: The maw or jaws of an animal, especially a predator
paszczęka {f} [humorous] :: A person's face or mouth
paszczur {m anim} [slang, humorous] :: A very ugly person; horseface
paszka {f} :: diminutive of pacha
paszkot {m anim} :: mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus)
paszoł won {interj} [humorous, derogatory] :: begone!
paszport {m inan} :: passport
pasztet {m inan} :: pâté
pasztet {m inan} [colloquial] :: snag; bad situation
pasztet {m anim} [slang, pejorative] :: ugly or obese person
paszto {n} :: Pashto
paść {v pf} :: to fall; to drop
paść {v pf} :: to strike; to overwhelm (of a negative emotion)
paść {v pf} :: to be brought up; to be mentioned, said or asked
paść {v pf} :: to occur (used in reference to records and lottery wins)
paść {v pf} [colloquial] :: to lose it; to be very surprised or amused
paść {v pf} [colloquial] :: to die; to stop working
paść {v impf} :: to feed an animal
paść {vr impf} :: to graze, to feed oneself
paśnik {m inan} :: hay feeder
pat {m anim} [chess] :: stalemate
patafian {m pers} [colloquial] :: wimp, fool, gowk
Patagonia {f} :: Patagonia (region)
patałach {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] :: A clumsy or inept person; a blunderer
patałach {m pers} [Białystok] :: An unkempt person
patelnia {f} :: frying pan
patelnia {f} [Warsaw, slang] :: the patio at the south entrance to the Centrum station of the Warsaw Metro
patent {m inan} :: patent (official declaration that someone is the inventor of something)
patetycznie {adv} :: pompously, grandiloquently, bombastically, turgidly, turgently
patetycznie {adv} :: exaggeratedly, unnaturally
patetyczność {f} :: pompousness, grandiloquence, turgidity
patetyczność {f} :: exaggeratedness, unnaturalness
patetyczny {adj} :: pompous, grandiloquent, bombastic, turgid, turgent
patetyczny {adj} :: exaggerated, unnatural
patio {n} [architecture] :: patio (inner courtyard typical of traditional Spanish houses)
patogen {m inan} [pathology, immunology] :: pathogen
patologia {f} :: pathology
patologia {f} [colloquial] :: used to comment on usually lower-class individuals, families or relationships displaying antisocial or abusive traits
patriarcha {m pers} :: patriarch
patriarchalny {adj} :: patriarchal
patriarchat {m inan} :: patriarchy
patriarchat {m inan} :: patriarchate
patriota {m pers} :: patriot
patriota {m inan} [colloquial] :: bollard used to restrict vehicle access, painted red and white
patriotka {f} :: female patriot
patriotka {f} [colloquial] :: bollard used to restrict vehicle access, painted red and white
patriotyczny {adj} :: patriotic
patriotyzm {m inan} :: patriotism
Patrycja {prop} {f} :: given name
patrycjusz {m pers} :: patrician, citizen of ancient Rome
patrzeć {v impf} :: to look at [+ acc = something/someone]
patrzeć {vi impf} :: to view, to regard, to look upon
patyczek {m inan} :: diminutive of patyk
patyk {m inan} :: stick (branch, long piece of wood)
patyk {m inan} [slang] :: thousand zloty
patyna {f} :: patina (rust)
Paulina {prop} {f} :: given name
Paulinka {prop} {f} :: A diminutive of the female given name Paulina
pauza {f} :: pause, break
pauza {f} [music] :: rest
pauza {f} [typography] :: em dash
pauza {f} [dated] :: school break, recess
paw {m anim} [male] :: peacock
paw {m anim} [colloquial] :: puke; vomit
Paweł {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Pawełek {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
pawi {adj} [relational] :: peacock; pavonine
pawi {adj} [color, Łowicz] :: blue-green
pawian {m anim} :: baboon
pawlacz {m inan} [architecture] :: cubbyhole
pazdur {m inan} [dialectal] :: alternative form of pazur
pazerny {adj} :: rapacious, grasping
pazik {m pers} :: diminutive of paź
paznokieć {m inan} :: fingernail
paznokieć {m inan} :: toenail
pazur {m inan} :: claw (curved horny nail)
pazura {f} [Poznań] :: hand
paź {m pers} [historical] :: page, pageboy
paź {m anim} :: swallowtail butterfly; papilionid
październik {m inan} :: October (month)
październikowy {adj} [relational] :: October (month)
paździerz {m inan} :: hurds
paździerz {m inan} [colloquial] :: particle board
paździerz {m inan} [slang] :: crud, something that looks cheap or is of low quality
pączek {m inan} :: doughnut
pączek {m inan} [botany] :: bud (diminutive of pąk)
pączuszek {m inan} :: diminutive of pączek
pączuś {m inan} :: diminutive of pączek
pąć {f} [obsolete] :: travel, pilgrimage
pąk {m inan} :: bud
pąkla {f} :: Any barnacle of the genus Balanus
pąs {m inan} [literary] :: poppy colour
pąs {m inan} [literary] :: flush, blush (suffusion of the face with blood)
pąsowy {adj} :: light red
pątniczka {f} :: feminine noun of pątnik
pątnik {m pers} :: palmer, pilgrim
pchacz {m inan} :: pusher (boat), towboat
pchać {vt impf} :: to push
pchanie {n} :: verbal noun of pchać
pchełka {f} :: diminutive of pchła
pchełka {f} :: flea beetle, especially any member of the genus Phyllotreta
pchełki {fp} [games] :: tiddlywinks
pchli {adj} [rare] :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fleas
pchli targ {m inan} :: flea market
pchła {f} :: flea
pchor. {m pers} :: abbreviation of podchorąży Used in titles
Pearl Harbor {prop} {m inan} :: Pearl Harbor (harbour/and/naval base)
Pearl Harbor {prop} {m inan} [rare] :: The attack on Pearl Harbor
pecet {m anim} [colloquial] :: PC, personal computer
pech {m anim} :: misfortune
pechowiec {m pers} :: unlucky person
pecik {m inan} :: diminutive of pet
pedagog {m pers} :: pedagogue
pedagog {f} :: pedagogue
pedagogika {f} :: pedagogy
pedagogika specjalna {f} :: special education (literally "special pedagogy")
pedalarz {m pers} [slang, offensive] :: cyclist
pedał {m inan} :: pedal
pedał {m pers} [colloquial, offensive] :: faggot (homosexual)
pedantyczny {adj} :: pedantic, anal (of a person, obsessed with neatness, accuracy, compulsiveness and stubbornness)
pederasta {m pers} :: gay man
pederasta {m pers} [historical] :: pederast
-pedia {suffix} :: -pedia
pediatra {m pers} :: pediatrician, paediatrician
pedofil {m pers} :: pedophile
pedryl {m pers} [slang, offensive] :: queer, poof, fag, gay
pedzieć {v pf} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: to tell
pedzieć {v pf} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: to say
pedzio {m pers} [derogatory, colloquial] :: pansy, swish, fruit, poof, queer (male homosexual)
Pegaz {prop} {m} :: Pegasus
pejcz {m inan} :: horsewhip, quirt
pejoratywny {adj} :: pejorative
pejotl {m inan} :: peyote (cactus)
pejs {m inan} [Judaism] :: payot, payess, sidelock
pejzaż {m inan} [painting] :: landscape
pejzaż {m inan} :: scenario
pejzażowy {adj} [relational] :: landscape
pejzażyk {m inan} :: diminutive of pejzaż
pejzażysta {m pers} [painting] :: landscaper
pejzażysta {m pers} [literary] :: writer who describes nature
pejzażystka {f} [painting] :: female landscaper
pejzażystka {f} [literary] :: female writer who describes nature
Pekin {prop} {m inan} :: Pekin (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pekiński {adj} :: Beijing (of, from or pertaining to Beijing in the People's Republic of China)
peleryna {f} :: cape, cloak
peleton {m inan} [cycling] :: peloton
pelikan {m anim} :: pelican, seabird of the family Pelecanidae
peluszka {f} :: field pea (Pisum sativum subsp. arvense syn. Pisum sativum convar. speciosum)
pełen {adj} :: alternative form of pełny
pełnia {f} :: fullness
pełnia {f} :: apex, apogee
pełnić {vt impf} [formal] :: to carry out, to fulfil, to perform
pełniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of pełny
pełnoletni {adj} :: having legal age
pełnoletniość {f} :: majority, age of majority (the state of having exceeded the age at which one attains full personal rights)
pełnomocnik {m pers} :: agent, attorney-in-fact
pełny {adj} :: full (containing the maximum possible amount)
pełzacz {m anim} :: treecreeper (any bird belonging to the family Certhiidae)
pełzacz {m inan} [sailing] :: metal fittings for attaching a sail to a mast
pełzać {vi impf} :: to crawl
pełzanie {n} :: verbal noun of pełzać
pełziec {m anim} :: spotted creeper (bird of the genus Salpornis)
pendrive {m inan} [computer hardware] :: pen drive, flash drive
Pendżab {prop} {m} :: Punjab
pendżabski {adj} [relational] :: Punjabi (of, from, or pertaining to Punjab or written in the Punjab language)
pendżabski {m inan} :: Punjabi (language spoken in the Punjab region)
penis {m inan} :: penis
peniuar {m inan} :: peignoir
peniuarek {m inan} :: diminutive of peniuar
pensja {f} :: salary, wage, pay
Pensylwania {prop} {f} :: Pensylwania (state)
pentan {m inan} :: pentane
pentekostalizm {m inan} :: Pentecostalism
peonia {f} :: peony (flower)
Pepik {m pers} [colloquial, often, derogatory or dialectal] :: A Czech person
pepsi {f} :: a Pepsi drink
peptyd {m inan} :: peptide
pera {f} [Poznań] :: alternative form of pyra
perfekcja {f} :: perfection
perfum {m inan} [nonstandard, proscribed] :: perfume
perfuma {f} [nonstandard, proscribed] :: perfume
perfumeria {f} :: perfumery (shop selling perfumes)
perfumy {p} :: perfume (a substance)
pergamin {m inan} :: parchment
periodyk {m inan} :: periodical (publication that appears at fixed intervals)
perkoz {m anim} :: grebe, any bird of the family Podicipedidae
perkusja {f} :: drum kit, drum set, trap set, drums, percussion (collection of drums and other percussion instruments played together)
perkusja {f} :: the music made with the drum kit
perliczka {f} :: guinea fowl
perła {f} :: pearl (round shelly concretion from oysters)
perm {m inan} [geology] :: Permian
Perm {prop} {m} :: Perm (historical region)
Perm {prop} {m} :: Perm (krai)
Perm {prop} {m} :: Perm (city/administrative center)
permanencja {f} [dated] :: permanence
permanentnie {adv} :: permanently; in a permanent manner
permanentny {adj} :: permanent
peron {m inan} :: platform (raised structure from which passengers can enter or leave a train, metro etc.)
perora {f} :: rant, screed, tirade
perora {f} [archaic, literary] :: peroration
pers. {noun} :: abbreviation of perski
Pers {m pers} :: Persian (person from Persia)
Persefona {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Persephone
Persja {prop} {f} :: Persia
perski {adj} :: Persian (from or pertaining to Persia)
perski {m inan} :: Persian (language)
persona {f} [obsolete] :: person
persona {f} [ironically] :: personage (famous or important person)
personalia {f} :: personal data
personel {m inan} :: personnel
personifikacja {f} :: personification
perspektywa {f} :: perspective
perspektywa {f} :: prospect
perspektywa {f} :: vista
persyflaż {m inan} [literary] :: Ridicule or malicious mockery made under the guise of good-natured raillery
persyflaż {m inan} [literature] :: A literary work in which the author ironically imitates the stylistic manner of another author
persymona {f} :: persimmon
Peru {prop} {n} :: Peru (country)
peruczka {f} :: diminutive of peruka; small wig
peruka {f} :: wig, peruke
Peruwianka {f} :: Peruvian (female person)
Peruwiańczyk {m pers} :: Peruvian (person)
peruwiański {adj} :: Peruvian
peryhelium {n} [astronomy] :: perihelion
perystom {m inan} [botany] :: peristome
perz {m inan} :: couch grass, any grass of the genus Elymus
perz {m inan} [obsolete] :: smoke
perzyna {f} :: embers
pestka {f} :: stone (fruit)
pestka {f} :: pip
pestka {f} :: trifle
pestkojad {m anim} :: hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
pestkowiec {m inan} :: drupe, stone fruit
pesto {n} :: pesto
pestycyd {m inan} :: pesticide (substance used to kill or contain the activities of pests)
pesymista {m pers} :: pessimist
pesymistka {f} :: pessimist
pesymistyczny {adj} :: pessimistic
pesymizm {m inan} :: pessimism
pet {m anim} [colloquial] :: cigarette butt
pet {m anim} [colloquial, pejorative] :: cigarette
petarda {f} :: petard
petent {m pers} :: petitioner, supplicant, claimant; person who comes to a government office to deal with some matter, the equivalent of a customer
Petersburg {prop} {m} :: Petersburg (federal city)
Petronela {prop} {pl} {f} :: given name
petycja {f} :: petition (formal, written request made to an official person)
pewien {adj} :: sure (physically secure and certain, reliable)
pewien {adj} [not comparable] :: particular, certain
pewnie {adv} :: surely, certainly
pewnie {adv} :: confidently
pewnie {adv} :: firmly
pewnie {adv} :: reliably
pewniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of pewny
pewnik {m inan} [mathematics] :: axiom (fundamental assumption)
pewnikiem {adv} :: surely, obviously
pewno {adv} :: absolutely, for certain, certainly, definitely, for sure
pewność {f} :: certainty
pewny {adj} :: sure, certain
pewny {adj} :: reliable, trustworthy
pewny {adj} :: assured, confident
pewny siebie {adj} :: confident, self-confident
pęcherz {m inan} :: blister
pęcherz {m inan} [anatomy] :: bladder
pęcherzyk {m inan} :: diminutive of pęcherz
pęcherzyk {m inan} :: A bubble
pęcherzyk {m inan} [cytology] :: A vesicle (membrane-bound compartment)
pęcherzyk {m inan} [dermatology] :: A vesicle (small blister)
pęcina {f} :: pastern (part of a horse's leg between the fetlock and the top of the hoof)
pęczek {m inan} :: diminutive of pęk
pęczek {m inan} [botany] :: fascicle
pęcznieć {vi impf} :: to swell, to bloat
pęcznieć {vi impf} :: to bulge
pęd {m inan} [physics] :: momentum
pęd {m inan} [botany] :: shoot
pędrak {m anim} :: larva, grub
pędrak {m anim} [humorous] :: child
pędruś {m anim} :: Any of several beetles belonging to the genera Protapion, Oxystoma, or Holotrichapion
pędzel {m inan} :: paintbrush, brush
pędzić {vi impf} :: to rush, to dash, to scamper, to scurry
pędzić {vt impf} :: to drive
pędzić {v impf} [colloquial] :: to produce a moonshine (illegal distilled liquor)
pędziwiatr {m pers} [colloquial] :: One who is constantly in motion and who tends to act without reflection
pędzlogon {m anim} :: Any dormouse of the genus Graphiurus
pęk {m inan} :: bunch, bundle, sheaf
pękać {v impf} :: to burst (of e.g. tires, glass, balloons); to break; to fracture
pękać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be scared; to be afraid
pękanie {n} :: verbal noun of pękać
pęknąć {vt pf} :: to burst (e.g., a tire, a window)
pęknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pęknąć
pępawa {f} :: hawksbeard, any plant of the genus Crepis
pępawa {f} [colloquial] :: dandelion
pępek {m inan} [anatomy] :: navel
pępek {m inan} [obsolete] :: slippery jack (Suillus luteus)
pępkowy {adj} [relational] :: navel
pępowina {f} :: umbilical cord
pępuszek {m inan} :: diminutive of pępek
pęseta {f} :: tweezers
pęsetka {f} :: diminutive of pęseta
pętać {vt impf} :: to tether, to fetter
pętelka {f} :: diminutive of pętla: little loop
pętla {f} :: noose
pętla {f} :: loop
pętla {f} :: terminus (of a tram or bus)
pęto {n} :: jess, tether, fetter
pęz {m anim} :: yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus)
Phenian {prop} {m inan} :: Phenian (capital city)
pheniański {adj} :: Of, from or relating to Pyongyang
piach {m inan} :: augmentative of piasek
piać {v impf} :: to crow, to make the sound of a rooster
piać {v impf} [archaic, now, jocular] :: to sing
piana {f} :: foam, froth
piana {f} [Kraków] :: beer
piana mydlana {f} :: lather
pianie {n} :: verbal noun of piać
pianie {n} :: crow (cry of the rooster)
pianino {n} :: upright piano
pianista {m pers} :: pianist
pianistka {f} :: female pianist
pianka {f} :: diminutive of piana
pianka {f} :: wetsuit (garment)
pianka {f} :: marshmallow (confectionery)
piarg {m inan} [geology] :: scree
piasek {m inan} :: sand
piaskowiec {m inan} :: sandstone
piaskowiec {m inan} :: Any plant belonging to the genus Arenaria
piaskowiec {m inan} :: Any fungus belonging to the family Gyroporaceae
piaskowiec {m anim} :: sanderling (Calidris alba)
piaskownica {f} :: sandbox, sandpit (box with sand for children)
piaskownica {f} [computing] :: sandbox
piaskownica {f} :: beachgrass (any member of the genus Ammophila)
piaskowy {adj} [relational] :: sand
piaskowy {adj} [color] :: sandy
piasta {f} :: hub, nave (the central part of a wheel)
piastun {m pers} [literary] :: A man who looks after children
piastun {m pers} [historical] :: In early medieval Poland, a high-ranking official responsible for the upbringing of royal children
piastun {m pers} [rare, obsolete] :: A young boy whom one is caring for or raising
piastun {m anim} [hunting] :: A male bear cub under the care of his mother
piastun {m anim} [hunting] :: A male wolf who watches over his pack's cubs while their parents are hunting
piaszczyk {m anim} :: Any ground squirrel of the genus Ammospermophilus
piącha {f} :: augmentative of pięść
piąchopiryna {f} [colloquial, humorous, figurative] :: violence used to discipline someone obnoxious; knuckle sandwich
piąć {vr impf} :: to climb, to ascend
piąć {vr impf} :: (of plants) to trail
piąstka {f} :: diminutive of pięść
piąstkarz {m pers} [rare, slang] :: fistfighter
piąteczek {m inan} [colloquial] :: diminutive of piątek
piąteczka {f} :: diminutive of piątka
piątek {m inan} :: Friday
piątka {f} :: the figure/digit five
piątka {f} :: five; high five
piątoklasista {m pers} :: fifth-grader
piąty {num} :: fifth
pic {m inan} [colloquial] :: fib, hoax, lie
piccolo {n} [musical instruments] :: piccolo
pichcenie {n} :: verbal noun of pichcić
picie {n} :: verbal noun of pić
picie {n} [colloquial] :: a drink
pick-up {m inan} :: alternative spelling of pikap
picza {f} [vulgar] :: augmentative of piczka
piczka {f} [vulgar] :: cunt (female genitalia)
pić {vti impf} :: to drink
pić {vi impf} :: to hint, to insinuate, to allude maliciously
pić {vt impf} :: to pinch (of clothes or shoes)
pidżama {f} :: pyjamas
pie. {noun} :: abbreviation of praindoeuropejski
piec {m inan} :: fire (heater or stove)
piec {vt impf} :: to bake (to cook in an oven), to roast
piec {vi impf} :: to burn, to sting, to smart
piechota {f} :: infantry
piechotą {adv} :: on foot
piechur {m pers} :: A person going somewhere on foot; a pedestrian; a walker; a footgoer
piechur {m pers} [military] :: An infantryman
piecuch {m pers} [colloquial] :: A cold-sensitive, warmth-seeking person
piecuch {m pers} [colloquial] :: A lazy, comfort-seeking homebody
piecuch {m inan} [dialectal] :: oven
piecuch {m anim} [dialectal] :: A species of pigeon
piecuszek {m pers} [colloquial] :: diminutive of piecuch
piecuszek {m anim} :: willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
piecyk {m inan} :: diminutive of piec
piecyk {m inan} :: oven
piecyk {m inan} :: heater
pieczara {f} :: grotto; small cave
pieczarka {f} :: Agaricus (commonly known in English as the "meadow mushroom" genus)
pieczarkowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the "meadow mushroom" genus (in other terms, Agaricus)
pieczątka {f} :: diminutive of pieczęć
pieczątka {f} :: stamp (imprint or device)
pieczeniarz {m pers} [archaic, derogatory] :: A person who lives on other people's efforts or expense; a parasite
pieczeń {f} :: roasted meat
pieczęć {f} :: seal (pattern, design)
pieczęć {f} :: stamp (an indentation or imprint made by stamping)
pieczyste {n} :: roasted meat
pieczywo {n} :: bread, bread products
pieczywo {n} :: baked goods
pieczywo {n} [dated] :: baking (action in which something is baked)
pieg {m inan} :: freckle
piegowaty {adj} :: freckled (having freckles)
piegża {f} :: lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)
piekarczyk {m pers} [archaic] :: apprentice baker; journeyman baker
piekarczyk {m pers} [archaic] :: baker's son
piekarka {f} :: baker
piekarnia {f} :: bakery
piekarnik {m inan} :: oven
Piekary {prop} {p} [colloquial] :: Piekary (city/and/county)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (district)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (district)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (district)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} :: Piekary (village)
Piekary {prop} {p} [historical] :: Piekary (A <<former town>> now within <<city/Piekary Śląskie>>, a city and county of the <<voi/Silesian Voivodeship>>, <<c/Poland>>.)
piekarz {m pers} :: baker
piekielnie {adv} :: hellishly, infernally
piekielnik {m pers} :: Someone who is short-tempered and quarrelsome; a spitfire
piekielny {adj} :: hellish, infernal
piekło {n} :: hell
pielenie {n} :: verbal noun of pielić
pielęgniarka {f} :: nurse
pielęgniarz {m} :: nurse (person medically trained to provide care for children, sick, disabled or otherwise needy)
pielęgnica {f} :: Any of various species of cichlid fish
pielęgnować {v impf} :: to nurse (to care for the sick)
pielęgnować {v impf} :: to care for (to attend to the needs of)
pielęgnować {v impf} :: to nurture, to cultivate
pielgrzym {m pers} :: pilgrim (person on a journey for religious reasons)
pielgrzymka {f} :: pilgrimage
pielić {vt impf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of pleć
pielucha {f} :: nappy / diaper
pieluszka {f} :: nappy, diaper
Piemont {prop} {m} :: Piemont (region)
pieniądz {m inan} [dated in singular] :: money
pieniądz {m inan} :: currency
pieniążek {m inan} :: diminutive of pieniądz
pienie {n} [usually plural] :: song
pienie {n} [by extension, archaic, usually plural] :: poetry, verse
pienie {n} [obsolete] :: singing
pienie {n} [obsolete] :: crowing (of a rooster)
pieniek {m inan} :: diminutive of pień
pieniek {m inan} [forestry] :: tree stump
pieniek {m inan} [dialectal] :: beehive
pieniężny {adj} :: related to money
pieniężny {adj} [internet slang] :: amusing, entertaining
Pieniny {prop} {p} :: Pieniny
pieniński {adj} [relational] :: Pieniny
pienisty {adj} :: foamy, frothy
pień {m inan} :: trunk (part of a tree)
pień {m inan} [beekeeping] :: bee colony
pień mózgu {m inan} :: brain stem
pieprz {m inan} :: pepper (plant or shrub)
pieprz {m inan} :: pepper (spice made from said plant)
pieprzenie {n} :: verbal noun of pieprzyć
pieprzniczka {f} :: pepper shaker, pepperbox, pepper pot
pieprzniczka {f} [firearms] :: pepperbox revolver
pieprzniczka {f} :: Any fungus of the genus Cantharellula
pieprznik {m inan} :: chanterelle (any fungus of the genus Cantharellus)
pieprznik {m inan} [obsolete] :: A fungus of the genus Cantharellula
pieprznik {m inan} [obsolete] :: A fungus of the genus Rimbachia
pieprznik {m inan} :: A fungus of the genus Craterellus [some species]
pieprznik {m inan} [obsolete] :: A fungus of the genus Hygrophoropsis
pieprznik {m inan} [colloquial] :: mess, disorder
pieprznik {m inan} [regional] :: gingerbread with pepper
pieprznik jadalny {m inan} :: chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)
pieprzowiec {m inan} :: pepper, any member of the genus Capsicum
pieprzyca {f} :: Any plant of the genus Lepidium; peppercress; peppergrass; pepperwort
pieprzyca siewna {f} :: garden cress (Lepidium sativum)
pieprzyć {vt impf} :: to pepper (to add pepper to something)
pieprzyć {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to talk bullshit
pieprzyć {vt impf} [vulgar] :: to fuck
pieprzyć {vt impf} [vulgar] :: to ruin, to spoil
pieprzyć {vt impf} [vulgar] :: to mistake
pierdel {m inan} [vulgar] :: prison
pierdnąć {vi pf} [mildly, vulgar] :: to fart
pierdolec {m anim} [vulgar, slang] :: rage, irritation, ire, anger
pierdolec {m anim} [vulgar, slang] :: frenzy
pierdolenie {n} :: verbal noun of pierdolić
pierdolenie {n} :: fucking (an act of sexual intercourse)
pierdolenie {n} :: telling bullshit
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] :: to fuck (have sex)
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] :: to fuck; to disregard, to ignore; not to give a shit
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] :: to fib, to talk nonsense
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] :: to mix up
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] :: to break, to spoil
pierdolić {v impf} [vulgar] :: (as an exclamation of surprise, disbelief, embarrasment etc.)
pierdolić {vr impf} [vulgar] :: to go wrong, to spoil
pierdolisz {interj} [vulgar] :: no shit!; no kidding! fuck (expression of amazement or disbelief)
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to hit
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to place
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to say something stupid
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to arrange something
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to stop to do something, to leave something
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to explode
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to appear in a sudden, sharp manner
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to deteriorate
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to die
pierdolnąć {v pf} [vulgar] :: to create
pierdolnięty {adj} [vulgar] :: frenzy, mad, crazy
pierdololo {n} [vulgar, derogatory] :: bullshit; meaningless talk
pierdoła {f} [mildly, vulgar, usually plural] :: triviality
pierdoła {f} [mildly, vulgar] :: lazy and/or incompetent person; loser; fuckup
pierdoła {f} [mildly, vulgar] :: boring chatterbox
pierdołka {f} [dated, in plural] :: poppycock; bunkum; bullshit
pierdołka {f} [Kujawy] :: wild pear
pierdoły {fp} [mildly, vulgar] :: bullshit; nonsense
pierdółka {f} :: diminutive of pierdoła
pierdu pierdu {n} [vulgar] :: bullshit, rubbish
pierdu pierdu {n} [pejorative, vulgar] :: chit-chat, idle talk
pierdut {interj} [colloquial] :: bang!
pierdyliard {m inan} [vulgar, humorous] :: bazillion
pierdylion {m inan} [vulgar, humorous] :: gazillion, bazillion
pierdzieć {vi impf} [mildly, vulgar] :: to fart
pierdziel {m pers} [vulgar, derogatory] :: old man, dodderer
pierdziel {m pers} [vulgar] :: Someone who farts often; farter
pierestrojka {f} :: alternative spelling of pieriestrojka
pierestrojkowy {adj} [relational] :: alternative spelling of pieriestrojkowy
pieriestrojka {f} :: perestroika (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s)
pieriestrojkowy {adj} [relational] :: perestroika
piernacz {m inan} :: pernach (type of mace)
piernik {m inan} :: gingerbread
piernik {m inan} :: pepper, any member of the genus Capsicum
piernik {m inan} [archaic, theatre] :: A role of little value
piernik {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: fossil; fogey; old fart; derogatory term for an old man, especially one that has suffered mental deterioration
pierog {m inan} :: alternative form of pieróg
pierożek {m inan} :: diminutive of pieróg
pierożek {m inan} :: side cap (military cap)
pieróg {m inan} :: a dumpling (composed of a dough wrapper around a filling), pierogi
piersiasty {adj} :: busty, big-breasted
piersiowy {adj} [relational] :: breast, chest, pectoral, thoracic
piersiówka {f} :: hip flask
pierś {f} :: breast, chest
pierś {f} :: (woman's) breast
pierścienica {f} :: annelid
pierścień {m inan} :: ring (a round piece of metal worn around the finger)
pierścień {m inan} [algebra] :: ring
pierścień {m inan} [geometry] :: ring, annulus (a planar geometrical figure included between two concentric circles)
pierścień {m inan} [astronomy] :: planetary ring
pierścień {m inan} :: annual ring
pierścień tłokowy {m inan} :: piston ring
pierścionek {m inan} :: ring (a round piece of metal worn around the finger)
pierw {adv} [archaic] :: first
pierwiastek {m inan} [chemistry] :: element
pierwiastek {m inan} [arithmetic] :: root (expression raised to a power)
pierwiastek {m inan} [mathematics] :: root (zero of a function)
pierwiastek {m inan} :: element (part of an abstract whole)
pierwiastek {m inan} [linguistics] :: radical (element of a logogram)
pierwiosnek {m inan} :: primrose (any plant of the genus Primula)
pierwiosnek {m anim} :: chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
pierwo- {prefix} :: first
pierworodny {adj} :: firstborn
pierwotniak {m anim} :: protozoan
pierwotny {adj} :: primeval, primordial
pierwotny {adj} :: primary
pierwowzór {m inan} :: prototype, archetype
pierwsza dama {f} :: First Lady (wife of a male chief executive of a nation)
pierwszak {m pers} [colloquial] :: first grader
pierwszeństwo {n} :: priority (quality of being earlier or coming first compared to another thing)
pierwszoklasista {m pers} :: first-grader
pierwszoosobowy {adj} [narratology] :: first-person
pierwszoosobowy {adj} [video games] :: first-person
pierwszy {num} :: first
pierwszy {adj} [mathematics] :: prime
pierwszyzna {f} :: Something done for a first time
pierz {m inan} [obsolete] :: alternative form of pierze
pierzaczki {p} :: vechornytsi
pierzchać {vi impf} :: to scurry away, scamper
pierze {n} [ornithology] :: feathers, plumage
pierze {n} [jocular] :: thin hair
pierze {n} [obsolete, prison slang] :: hair
pierzga {f} :: beebread, bee pollen
pies {m anim} :: A dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
pies {m anim} :: A male dog
pies {m anim} [hunting] :: A male fox or badger
pies {m anim} {m pers} [slang, derogatory] :: cop, policeman
pies dowodny {m anim} :: water dog
pies na baby {m anim} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: womanizer
pies ogrodnika {m anim} [idiom] :: dog in the manger
pies wodny {m anim} :: water dog
pieseczek {m anim} :: diminutive of piesek
piesek {m anim} :: diminutive of pies; young or small dog
piesio {m anim} [affectionate] :: dog
piestrzenica {f} :: false morel
pieszczoch {m pers} [affectionate] :: cuddly pet, boy, or man
pieszczoch {m pers} :: cosset, a pampered or indulged individual
pieszczocha {f} :: studded leather wristband, typically worn in the punk and metal subcultures
pieszczocha {f} [affectionate] :: cuddly pet, girl, or woman
pieszczocha {f} :: cosset, a pampered or indulged individual
pieszczoszek {m pers} :: diminutive of pieszczoch
pieszczoszka {f} :: diminutive of pieszczocha
pieszczota {f} :: caress
pieszo {adv} :: on foot
pieszy {m pers} :: pedestrian
pieszy {adj} :: pedestrian
pieścić {vt impf} :: to caress, to fondle
pieścić {vt impf} [archaic] :: to pamper, to cosset, to coddle
pieśń {f} [literary] :: song; chant; ballad
Pietropawłowsk Kamczacki {prop} {m inan} :: Pietropawłowsk Kamczacki (administrative centre/and/largest city)
pietrucha {f} :: augmentative of pietruszka
pietruszka {f} :: parsley (herb)
pietruszka {f} :: parsnip (vegetable)
Pietruszka {prop} {m pers} {f} :: A diminutive of Piotr
piewca {m pers} :: eulogizer, glorifier
piewca {m pers} :: songster
piewik {m anim} :: cicada
pięcie {n} :: verbal noun of piąć
pięciobój {m inan} [athletics] :: pentathlon
pięciogwiazdkowy {adj} :: five-star; awarded five stars out of five, therefore – of best quality (e.g. of hotels)
pięciokąt {m inan} :: pentagon
pięciokrotny {adj} :: five-time
pięciokrotny {adj} :: fivefold
pięcioletni {adj} :: five-year-old
pięcioletni {adj} :: five-year-long; five-year (lasting five years)
pięciolinia {f} [music] :: staff
pięciornik {m inan} :: cinquefoil, potentilla (plant of the genus Potentilla)
pięcioro {num} [collective] :: five
pięć {num} :: five
pięćdziesiąt {num} :: fifty
pięćdziesiąty {num} :: fiftieth
pięćset {num} :: five hundred
pięćsetny {num} :: five-hundredth
piędź {f} :: span (unit of length)
pięknie {adv} :: beautifully
pięknieć {vi impf} :: to become prettier, grow in beauty
piękniej {adv} :: comparative of pięknie
piękniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of piękny
piękniś {m pers} :: dandy, fop, pretty boy (a man who is overly concerned about his clothes and appearance)
piękno {n} :: beauty (quality of pleasing appearance)
pięknosuseł {m anim} :: Any ground squirrel of the genus Callospermophilus
piękność {f} [countable] :: beauty (beautiful woman)
piękność {f} [uncountable] :: beauty (quality of pleasing appearance)
piękny {adj} :: beautiful
pięściak {m inan} :: hand axe, biface (prehistoric stone tool)
pięściarz {m pers} :: boxer, pugilist
pięść {f} :: fist (clenched hand)
pięta {f} :: heel (part of the foot)
pięterko {n} :: diminutive of piętro
piętka {f} :: heel (end-piece of bread)
piętka {f} :: diminutive of pięta
piętnasty {num} :: fifteenth
piętnaście {num} :: fifteen
piętnaścioro {num} :: (collective) fifteen
piętno {n} :: stigma, birthmark, mark
piętno {n} :: imprint
piętro {n} :: floor, storey, story
piętrowiec {m inan} [colloquial] :: multi-storey building
piętrowy {adj} [of a building] :: two-storey, two-story
piętrowy {adj} :: double-decker
piętrowy {adj} :: multi-storey, multi-tier, tiered
piętrowy {adj} [mathematics] :: complex (of a fraction)
piętrus {m inan} [colloquial] :: double-decker (bus or train)
piguła {f} [colloquial] :: augmentative of pigułka
piguła {f} [colloquial, jocular] :: nurse
pigułka {f} :: pill (a small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally)
pigwa {f} :: quince (tree and fruit)
pigwowy {adj} [relational] :: quince
pijaczka {f} [colloquial] :: female drunkard, drunk
pijać {v impf} :: to drink habitually
pijak {m pers} [colloquial] :: drunkard, drunk
pijanica {m pers} {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: drunkard
pijanica {f} :: Vaccinium uliginosum
pijany {adj} :: drunk (intoxicated after drinking alcohol)
pijawa {f} [archaic or dialectal] :: rainbow
pijawa {f} [archaic] :: drinking party
pijawa {f} :: augmentative of pijawka
pijawka {f} :: leech (blood-sucking annelid)
pijawka {f} [pejorative] :: A person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion
pijmy, bo wódka stygnie {phrase} :: a common Polish toast phrase, literally "Let's drink, because the vodka is cooling down"
pijus {m pers} [pejorative] :: drunkard
pik {m inan} [card games] :: A spade
pik {m inan} :: peak (the upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail)
pik {m inan} :: peak (a single "mountain" in a spectrum or similar scientific signal)
pika {f} :: pike (a very long thrusting spear formerly used extensively by infantry)
pikantny {adj} :: spicy (tangy or pungent)
pikantny {adj} :: spicy (racy)
pikap {m inan} :: pickup truck
Pikardia {prop} {f} :: Pikardia (region)
pikawa {f} [slang] :: heart
pikawka {f} [slang] :: heart
piki {p} :: spades (card game)
piknik {m inan} :: picnic (social gathering)
pikolo {n} [musical instruments] :: piccolo
pikseloza {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: pixelation or mosaic effect on digital images caused by insufficient resolution
piktogram {m inan} [linguistics] :: pictogram
pilaw {m inan} :: dish made of rice, meat and vegetables
pilch {m anim} :: edible dormouse (Glis glis)
Pilica {prop} {f} :: Pilica (river)
pilnie {adv} :: urgently
pilnie {adv} :: diligently
pilniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of pilny
pilnik {m inan} :: file (abrasive tool)
pilność {f} :: urgency
pilność {f} :: diligence, studiousness, sedulity
pilnować {vt impf} :: to guard, watch, supervise
pilnować {vt impf} :: to obey, tend
pilny {adj} :: urgent
pilny {adj} :: diligent, assiduous
pilot {m pers} :: pilot (controller of aircraft)
pilot {m inan} :: remote control
pilski {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to Piła
pilść {f} :: obsolete form of pilśń
pilśniarz {m pers} :: fuller (person who fulls cloth)
pilśń {f} :: felt (textile material)
pilśń {f} :: fiberboard, fibreboard (engineered wood product made out of wood fibers)
piła {f} :: saw
piła {f} :: sawfish
piłeczka {f} :: diminutive of piłka
piłka {f} :: ball (object, generally spherical, used for playing games)
piłka {f} :: diminutive of piła
piłka nożna {f} :: association football, soccer
piłka nożna {f} :: The ball used to play association football or soccer
piłka ręczna {f} :: handball (sport)
piłka wodna {f} :: water polo
piłkarka {f} :: A female footballer
piłkarka {f} :: A female handballer
piłkarka {f} :: A female volleyballer
piłkarka nożna {f} :: A female footballer; a female soccer player
piłkarka ręczna {f} :: A female handballer
piłkarka wodna {f} :: (female) water polo player
piłkarski {adj} :: Of or pertaining to football (soccer)
piłkarski {adj} :: Of or pertaining to football (soccer) players
piłkarz {m pers} :: A male footballer
piłkarz {m pers} :: A male handballer
piłkarz {m pers} :: A male volleyballer
piłkarz nożny {m pers} :: A male footballer; a male soccer player
piłkarz ręczny {m pers} :: A male handballer
piłkarz wodny {m pers} :: (male) water polo player
piłodziób {m anim} :: motmot (any bird in the taxonomic family Momotidae)
pinda {f} [offensive] :: skank; general term of abuse for women
pinezka {f} :: thumbtack (UK: drawing pin)
ping-pong {m inan} :: table tennis, ping pong
pingwin {m anim} :: penguin (flightless sea bird)
pingwin {m anim} [humorous, derogatory] :: nun, penguin
pingwin białobrewy {m anim} :: gentoo penguin
pingwin cesarski {m anim} :: emperor penguin
pingwin królewski {m anim} :: king penguin
pingwinek {m anim} :: diminutive of pingwin
pingwini {adj} [relational] :: penguin (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of penguins)
Pinokio {prop} {m pers} :: Pinocchio (protagonist)
Pinokio {prop} {m pers} :: Pinocchio (fairy tale)
pinta {f} :: pint (unit of measurement)
pinta {f} :: pinta (disease endemic to Central America)
Pińsk {prop} {m inan} :: Pińsk (city)
piołun {m inan} :: absinthe; grande wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
piołunówka {f} :: piołunówka, absinthe (liquor)
pion {m inan} :: the vertical
pion {m inan} :: plumb line
pion {m inan} :: section; department
pion {m inan} :: duct; riser; any installations or spaces running vertically in a building
pion {m inan} [by extension] :: flats in an apartment block sharing those installations
pion {m inan} [chess] :: pawn
pion {m inan} [physics] :: pion
piona {f} [slang] :: high five (gesture)
piona {f} [school slang] :: A (academic grade)
piona {interj} [slang] :: give me five; high five
piona {interj} [slang] :: see ya; bye
piona {f} :: Any parrot of the genus Pionus
pionek {m inan} :: man, pawn, piece (piece in board games)
pionek {m inan} [chess] :: pawn
pionek {m inan} [figurative] :: pawn, unimportant person
pionowo {adv} :: vertically
pionowy {adj} :: vertical
piorun {m inan} :: lightning
piorunochron {m inan} :: lightning rod (metallic conductor protecting buildings from damage caused by lightnings)
piosenka {f} :: song (a musical piece with lyrics)
piosenkarka {f} :: female singer
piosenkarz {m pers} :: singer
Piotr {prop} {m} :: given name
Piotrek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Piotrków Trybunalski {prop} :: Piotrków Trybunalski (city)
piotrosz {m anim} :: John Dory, St. Peter's fish (Zeus faber)
Piotruś {prop} {m pers} :: given name
piórko {n} :: diminutive of pióro
piórko {n} [colloquial, music] :: pick, plectrum
piórkowiec {m inan} :: Any liverwort belonging to the genus Trichocolea
piórniczek {m inan} :: diminutive of piórnik
piórnik {m inan} :: pencil case
pióro {n} :: feather, plume
pióro {n} :: quill
pióro {n} :: fountain pen
piórolotek {m anim} :: plume moth, pterophorid
piórosz {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Ptilium (Hypnaceae)
piramida {f} :: pyramid (ancient monument)
piramidalnie {adv} :: pyramidally; in a pyramidal manner
piramidalny {adj} :: pyramidal
piramidka {f} :: diminutive of piramida; small pyramid
pirania {f} :: piranha
pirat {m pers} :: pirate (one who plunders at sea)
Pireneje {prop} {p} :: Pyrenees
pirolizyna {f} :: pyrrolysine
piromania {f} :: pyromania
pirs {m inan} :: pier
piryt {m inan} [mineral] :: pyrite
PiS {prop} {n} :: initialism of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość; Polish right-wing political party, Law and Justice
pisać {vit impf} :: to write (to form letters, words or symbols on a surface in order to communicate)
pisać {vt impf} :: to write (to compose a text for written or printed reproduction or publication)
pisać {vi impf} :: to write (to engage in written conversation)
pisać {vi impf} :: to write (to be an author)
pisać {vit impf} :: to write, to take (to fill in a written exam)
pisać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to say (to indicate in a written form)
pisać {v impf} [colloquial, proscribed, impersonal] :: to say, to state, to read (to indicate in a written form)
pisadło {n} :: writing instrument, pen
pisak {m inan} :: felt-tip pen
pisak {m inan} :: marker pen
pisanka {f} :: pisanka; a dyed Easter egg with intricate designs
pisankarka {f} :: woman who makes pisanki (a type of Easter eggs)
pisankarstwo {n} :: the art of making pisanki (a type of Easter eggs)
pisarka {f} :: writer (female)
pisarz {m pers} :: writer (author, person who writes)
pisarzyna {m pers} :: scribbler, hack (untalented writer)
pisemko {n} :: diminutive of pismo
pisemny {adj} :: written
pisk {m inan} :: squeal, screech
pisklaczek {m anim} :: diminutive of pisklak
pisklak {m anim} :: hatchling (newly hatched bird), chick
pisklątko {n} :: diminutive of pisklę
pisklę {n} :: hatchling (newly hatched bird), nestling, chick
pisklę {n} [affectionate] :: child
piskorz {m anim} :: weather loach, weatherfish (Misgurnus), especially the European weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis)
pismak {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: journalist, scribbler
pismo {n} :: script, handwriting (characteristic style of writing)
pismo {n} :: script, writing system
pismo {n} :: script, scripture (written document)
Pismo {prop} {n} [chiefly colloquial] :: the Scripture (Bible)
pismo klinowe {n} :: cuneiform, cuneiform script
Pismo Święte {prop} {n} :: Bible (Christian holy book)
pistacja {f} :: pistachio (fruit)
pistolet {m inan} :: gun, pistol
pistolet {m inan} :: spray gun
pistolet maszynowy {m inan} :: submachine gun
pisuar {m inan} :: urinal (fixture for standing urination)
pisuar {m pers} [politics, slang, offensive] :: Law and Justice supporter
pisywać {vt impf} :: to write occasionally
piszczałka {f} [musical instrument] :: A type of pipe (wind instrument), typically made of willow bark
piszczałka {f} [music] :: pipe (sound-producing element of an organ)
piszczałka {f} [colloquial] :: cornetfish (fish of the genus Fistularia)
piszczeć {vi impf} :: to squeak
piszczel {f} {m inan} :: tibia, shinbone (leg bone)
piszczel {f} {m inan} [glassblowing] :: blowpipe
piśmiennictwo {n} :: letters, literature
piśmienniczy {adj} :: literary
piśmiennik {m pers} [archaic] :: man of letters, writer
piśmienność {f} :: literacy (ability to read and write)
piśmienny {adj} :: literate (able to read and write)
pita {f} :: pita
Pitagoras {prop} {m} :: Pythagoras
pitaja {f} :: dragon fruit, pitaya
piter {m inan} [archaic, criminal slang] :: A small bag or pouch for carrying money
pitny {adj} :: potable, drinkable
pitolenie {n} :: verbal noun of pitolić
pitraszenie {n} :: verbal noun of pitrasić
pitu pitu {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: whining
pitu pitu {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: hot air, nonsense, empty talk
piwiarnia {f} :: alehouse, beer parlour, pub, bar
piwko {n} :: diminutive of piwo
piwnica {f} :: cellar
piwnica {f} :: basement
piwny {adj} [relational] :: beer
piwny {adj} :: hazel (colour, especially of eyes)
piwo {n} :: beer
piwo imbirowe {n} :: ginger beer; ginger ale
piwonia {f} :: peony
piwosz {m pers} :: beer lover; beer enthusiast; beer connoisseur
piwowar {m pers} :: beer brewer
piwsko {n} :: augmentative of piwo
Piza {prop} {f} :: Piza (city)
pizda {f} [vulgar] :: pussy, cunt (female genitalia, especially the external genitalia)
pizda {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: term of abuse for women
pizda {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: mangina; effeminate man
pizda {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: fuckup; loser; someone who fails at life
pizza {f} :: pizza
pizzeria {f} :: pizzeria
piździć {v impf} [vulgar] :: of weather: to be windy and/or very cold
piżama {f} :: pyjamas
piżmaczek {m inan} :: moschatel, plant of the genus Adoxa
piżmak {m anim} :: muskrat (rodent)
piżmo {n} :: musk
Pjongjang {prop} {m inan} :: Pjongjang (capital city)
pl. {m inan} :: abbreviation of plac
pl. {m inan} :: abbreviation of pluralis
plac {m inan} :: square (open space in a town)
plac {m inan} :: yard (enclosed area for a specific purpose)
plac {m inan} [regional, singular only] :: outside
placebo {n} [medicine] :: placebo
placek {m inan} :: a round, flat cake, pancake, or pie
placowy {adj} [relational] :: square, yard
placówka {f} [military] :: outpost
placówka {f} :: establishment, institution, agency
placuszek {m inan} :: diminutive of placek
placyk {m inan} :: diminutive of plac
plaga {f} :: plague
plaga {f} :: nuisance
plagiat {m inan} :: plagiarism (copying of someone's ideas)
plagiat {m inan} :: plagiarism (text or other work resulting from this act)
plagiator {m pers} :: plagiarist
plakacik {m inan} :: diminutive of plakat
plakat {m inan} :: poster, placard (picture intended to be attached to a wall)
plama {f} :: stain
plan {m inan} :: plan
plan {m inan} :: set (scenery for a film or play)
plandeka {f} :: canvas cover, tilt (canvas covering for carts, boats, etc.)
planeta {f} :: planet
planetarium {n} :: planetarium
planetka {f} [astronomy] :: planetoid, asteroid
planetoida {f} [astronomy] :: planetoid
planimetr {m inan} :: planimeter (measuring device)
planimetria {f} :: planimetry
planista {m pers} :: planner (person)
planista {m pers} [computing] :: scheduler
planistka {f} :: planner (female person)
planistka {f} [computing] :: female scheduler
planktonowy {adj} :: planktonic
planować {v impf} :: to plan (to create a plan for)
planowanie {n} :: verbal noun of planować
plansza {f} :: gameboard
plansza {f} :: chart (systematic non-narrative presentation of data)
planszówka {f} [colloquial] :: board game
plantacja {f} :: plantation
plask {m inan} :: slap, smack, clap
plaskoć {noun} [dialectal] :: sweet flag
plastelina {f} :: plasticine
plaster {m inan} :: plaster, sticking plaster, band-aid
plastyczność {f} :: plasticity
plastyczny {adj} :: plastic, malleable
plastyczny {adj} [art] :: plastic, relating to plastic art
plaśnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of plasnąć
plaśnięcie {n} :: slap, clap (blow)
plaśnięcie {n} :: splat (sound)
platan {m inan} :: plane tree, any tree of genus Platanus
platana {f} :: clawed frog, platanna (Xenopus)
platanowy {adj} :: pertaining to planetrees
platyna {f} :: platinum (chemical element, Pt, atomic number 78)
platynowy {adj} :: made of platinum
plazma {f} [physics] :: plasma (a state of matter consisting of fully ionized gas)
plazma {f} [hematology] :: plasma
plaża {f} :: beach (sandy shore)
plażowicz {m pers} :: A male person who sunbathes on a beach
plażowiczka {f} :: A female person who sunbathes on a beach
plądrować {v impf} :: to plunder, to sack
pląs {m inan} :: dance (sequence of rhythmic steps or movements), especially with jumping
pląsać {v impf} [dated] :: to dance
pląsać {v impf} :: to walk in a jumpy, dance-like fashion
pląsać {v impf} :: to walk without a purpose or final destinaton
pląsak {m anim} [regional] :: young carp (fish)
pląsawica {f} [disease] :: chorea
plątać {vt impf} :: to tangle
plątać {vt impf} :: to ravel
plątać {vr impf} :: to tergiversate
plątanie {n} :: verbal noun of plątać
plątanina {f} :: tangle (tangled twisted mass)
plebania {f} :: rectory; parsonage (the residence of Roman Catholic priest(s) associated with a parish church)
plebiscyt {m inan} :: voting
plebiscyt {m inan} [politics] :: plebiscite (referendum that concerns changes in sovereignty)
plebiscyt {m inan} [historical] :: plebiscitum
plebiscytowy {adj} [relational] :: plebiscite
plecak {m inan} :: backpack, rucksack
plecenie {n} :: verbal noun of pleść
plecha {f} [botany] :: thallus
plecha {f} [obsolete] :: tonsure (bald patch)
pleciuch {m pers} [colloquial] :: blabbermouth
pleciuga {f} [colloquial] :: blabbermouth
pleciuga {m pers} [colloquial] :: blabbermouth
plecki {p} :: diminutive of plecy
plecy {p} :: back (the rear of body)
pleć {vt impf} :: to weed
pled {m inan} :: plaid (piece of clothing)
pledowy {adj} [relational] :: plaid
pledzik {m inan} :: diminutive of pled
Plejady {prop} {p} [astronomy] :: Pleiades
plektron {m inan} [music] :: pick, plectrum
plemienny {adj} :: tribal
plemię {n} :: tribe (group of people)
plemię {n} [taxonomy] :: tribe
plemnia {f} [botany, mycology] :: antheridium
plemnik {m inan} [cytology] :: sperm cell, spermatozoon
plenipotent {m pers} :: agent, attorney-in-fact
plenipotentka {f} :: female agent, attorney-in-fact
plenum {n} :: plenum (legislative meeting)
pleonazm {m inan} [linguistics] :: pleonasm
ple-ple {interj} :: blah blah blah
pleszczotka {f} :: buckler mustard, any plant of the genus Biscutella
Pleszew {prop} {m} :: Pleszew (town on the Ner in west-central Poland)
pleszewski {adj} :: Pleszew (of, from or pertaining to Pleszew in Poland)
pleszka {f} :: common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
pleszka {f} :: Any redstart belonging to genera Phoenicurus, Rhyacornis, or Chaimarrornis
pleść {vt impf} :: to plait
pleść {vt impf} :: to weave
pleść {vt impf} :: to blather, to talk drivel or nonsense
pleśniak {m inan} :: Any fungus of the genus Mucor
pleśniak {m inan} :: A type of cake
pleśń {f} :: mould (natural substance on organic material in the form of a furry growth of tiny fungi)
plewa {f} [usually plural] :: chaff, husk; the outer inedible shell of cereal grain
plewka {f} [botany] :: glume
plewowce {p} :: Poales
plewowce {p} [obsolete] :: Glumiflorae
plik {m inan} :: file (collection of papers)
plik {m inan} [computing] :: file
pliszka {f} :: wagtail (any bird of the genus Motacilla)
plociuch {m pers} [colloquial] :: blabbermouth
plomba {f} :: filling (substance such as amalgam used to fill a cavity in a tooth)
plomba {f} :: seal
plon {m inan} :: harvest, crop, yield
plota {f} :: augmentative of plotka
ploteczka {f} :: diminutive of plotka
plotka {f} :: gossip; rumour
plotkarz {m pers} :: gossip, rumourmonger, gossiper
plotkować {v impf} :: to gossip
plucha {f} :: bad, rainy weather
plucie {n} :: verbal noun of pluć
pluć {v impf} :: to spit
pludry {p} :: hose, pluderhose
plugastwo {n} :: filth, squalor
plugawy {adj} :: sleazy
plugawy {adj} :: squalid
plugawy {adj} :: mangy
plugawy {adj} :: sordid
plugawy {adj} :: vile
plujka {f} :: Any blowfly of the genus Calliphora
pluralizm {m inan} :: pluralism
plus {m inan} :: plus, plus sign
plusk {m inan} :: splash, plop (sound)
plusk {m inan} [hunting] :: a beaver's tail
plusk {m inan} [rare] :: caudal fin, tailfin (of a fish)
plusk {m inan} [plural only, obsolete] :: rain; bad weather
plusk {interj} :: splash, plop
pluskwa {f} :: bedbug (Cimex lectularius)
pluskwa {f} [colloquial] :: bug (an electronic listening device)
pluskwiak {m anim} :: true bug, hemipteran
plusz {m inan} :: plush
pluszcz {m anim} :: dipper (any bird of the genus Cinclus), especially the white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus)
pluszcz {m inan} [dialectal] :: sweet flag (Acorus calamus)
pluszczaj {m inan} [dialectal] :: sweet flag
pluszowy {adj} [relational] :: plush, fluffy
pluszowy miś {m anim} :: teddy bear
plutokracja {f} :: plutocracy (government by the wealthy)
plutokracja {f} :: plutocracy (controlling class of the wealthy)
pluton {m inan} :: plutonium
pluton {m inan} :: platoon
Pluton {prop} {m} :: Pluto (god)
Pluton {prop} {m} :: Pluto (dwarf planet)
plutonowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to plutonium
plutonowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to a platoon
plutonowy {m pers} :: master corporal
plwocina {f} [physiology] :: sputum
płaca {f} :: wage, salary, pay
płacenie {n} :: verbal noun of płacić
płachetka {f} :: diminutive of płachta
płachta {f} :: sheet, cloth, canvas
płacić {v impf} :: pay (to give money in exchange for goods or services)
płacik {m inan} [anatomy] :: lobule
płacz {m inan} :: cry (shedding of tears)
płacz i zgrzytanie zębów {m inan} [idiom] :: weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth
płakać {v impf} :: to cry (shed tears)
płakanie {n} :: verbal noun of płakać
płaski {adj} :: flat (having no variations in altitude)
płasko {adv} :: flat (so as to be flat)
płaskodenny {adj} :: flat-bottomed
płaskostopie {n} :: flatfoot (condition)
płaskowiec {m anim} :: placozoan
płaskowiec {m anim} :: flat lizard (Platysaurus)
płaskowyż {m inan} :: plateau (a largely level expanse of land at a high elevation)
płaskowzgórze {n} :: plateau (a largely level expanse of land at a high elevation)
płastuga {f} :: flatfish (fish of the order Pleuronectiformes)
płaszcz {m inan} :: overcoat, raincoat, coat, mackintosh
płaszcz {m inan} [malacology] :: mantle, pallium
płaszczka {f} :: ray, batoid (fish of the superorder Batoidea)
płaszczyzna {f} :: plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
płaszczyzna {f} [geometry] :: plane
płat {m inan} :: A piece or scrap of paper, cloth, etc
płat {m inan} :: flake (thin, flat piece of something, usually detached from a larger piece)
płat {m inan} [anatomy] :: lobe
płata {f} [obsolete] :: payment (sum of money paid in exchange for goods or services)
płatek {m inan} :: diminutive of płat
płatek {m inan} [botany] :: petal
płatek {m inan} :: flake
płatek {m inan} :: snowflake
płatek {m inan} [anatomy] :: ear lobe
płatność {f} :: payment (transfer of money from one entity to another)
płatny {adj} :: paid (not free of charge)
płatny {adj} :: payable (that which is to be paid in a certain manner)
płatowiec {m inan} [aviation] :: airframe
pława {f} :: buoy (navigational aid)
pława {f} :: fishing net float
pławić {vt impf} :: to submerge, to hold underwater
pławić {vr impf} :: to submerge oneself
pławić {vr impf} [figuratively] :: to bathe, to bask (in luxury, glory, etc.)
płaz {m anim} :: amphibian
płazi {adj} :: amphibian (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of animals belonging to the taxonomic class Amphibia)
płaziniec {m anim} :: flatworm
płciowy {adj} :: sexual
płciowy {adj} :: sex
płd. {adj} :: abbreviation of południowy s.
płd. {n} :: abbreviation of południe s.
płeć {f} :: sex, gender (kind of an organism as determined by its reproductive organs)
płetwa {f} :: fin, flipper (limb evolved for movement through water)
płetwa {f} :: swim fin (footwear)
płetwal {m anim} :: Any rorqual of the genus Balaenoptera
płetwonurek {m pers} :: scuba diver, frogman
płn. {adj} :: abbreviation of północny n.
płn. {f} :: abbreviation of północ n, n.
płochacz {m anim} :: accentor (any bird of the genus Prunella)
płochacz {m anim} :: spaniel, flushing dog
płochy {adj} [archaic] :: fickle
płochy {adj} [archaic] :: thoughtless
płochy {adj} [archaic] :: skittish
płochy {adj} [archaic] :: insignificant, trivial
Płock {prop} {m} :: Płock (city)
płocki {adj} :: Płock (of, from or pertaining to Płock in Poland)
płoć {f} :: roach (Rutilus rutilus)
płodność {f} :: fertility
płodny {adj} :: fertile (capable of reproducing)
płodzić {vt impf} :: to breed, father, sire, beget
płomień {m inan} :: flame
płomyczek {m inan} :: diminutive of płomyk
płomyk {m inan} :: diminutive of płomień; small flame
płomyk {m inan} :: glimmer, flicker (e.g. of hope)
płomyk {m inan} :: phlox (any plant of the genus Phlox)
płomykówka {f} :: barn owl
płonąć {v impf} :: to burn; to be aflame; to be on fire
płonąć {v impf} [literary] :: to burn [+ ins = with some feeling] [+ do (object) = gen = toward someone / something]; to feel an intense emotion
płonąć {v impf} :: to burn with desire / passion; to have intense sexual feelings
płonąć {v impf} [dated] :: to burn; to have a high body temperature
płonica {f} [disease] :: scarlet fever
płonka {f} [colloquial] :: European crab apple (Malus sylvestris)
płonka {f} [colloquial] :: European pear (Pyrus communis)
płonnik {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Polytrichum
płonny {adj} :: fruitless, vain, to no avail, superfluous, otiose
płoszczyca {f} :: water scorpion of the genus Nepa)
płoszczyca {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: bedbug (Cimex lectularius)
płoszyć {vt impf} :: to startle
płoszyć {vt impf} :: to flush (game)
płot {m inan} :: fence (thin, human-constructed barrier which separates two pieces of land or a house perimeter)
płotek {m inan} :: diminutive of płot
płotek {m inan} [sports] :: hurdle
płotka {f} :: roach (Rutilus rutilus)
płotka {f} :: minnow (small fish)
płotka {f} [figurative] :: small fry; an unimportant member of an organization, especially a criminal one
płotkarz {m pers} [sports] :: hurdler
płowy {adj} [color] :: stramineous, fawn
płoz {m inan} :: alternative form of płóz
płoza {f} :: skid, runner
płozik {m inan} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Lophocolea
płożyk {m inan} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Geocalyx
płóciennik {m pers} [archaic] :: linen weaver or merchant
płócienny {adj} [relational] :: linen
płód {m inan} :: foetus (US: fetus)
płótno {n} :: linen (a type of cloth made from flax fiber)
płótno {n} :: canvas (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint)
płótno {n} :: painting (an illustration or artwork using paint)
płóz {m inan} [agriculture] :: part of a plough/plow
płucny {adj} [relational] :: lung, pulmonary
płuco {n} :: lung
pług {m inan} :: plough (US plow)
płyciuteńki {adj} :: diminutive of płyciutki
płyciutki {adj} :: diminutive of płytki
płyciutko {adv} :: diminutive of płytko
płycizna {f} :: shallow (shallow portion of a body of water)
płycizna {f} :: shallowness
płyn {m inan} :: fluid (any state of matter which can flow)
płynąć {vi det} :: to swim
płynąć {vi det} :: to sail (to ride in a boat)
płynąć {vi det} :: to flow (to move as a fluid)
płynąć {vi det} :: to float (to move in a fluid manner)
płynięcie {n} :: verbal noun of płynąć
płynniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of płynny
płynny {adj} :: liquid
płynotok {m inan} :: liquorrhea, liquorrhoea
płyta {f} :: plate, tile
płyta {f} :: disk, CD, CD-ROM, DVD, etc
płyta główna {f} :: motherboard
płyta kompaktowa {f} :: compact disc
płytka {f} :: diminutive of płyta
płytki {adj} :: shallow
płytszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of płytki
pływacz {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Utricularia
pływacz {m anim} :: A gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
pływacz {m pers} [obsolete] :: A swimmer
pływać {vi indet} :: to swim (move through water)
pływać {vi indet} :: to sail (to ride in a boat)
pływać {vi indet} :: to float (to drift on the surface of a liquid)
pływak {m pers} :: swimmer
pływanie {n} :: verbal noun of pływać
pływka {f} [botany] :: zoospore
p.n. {adv} :: abbreviation of prawie na pewno almost surely, a.s.
pnącze {n} :: vine, climbing or trailing plant
p.n.e. {adv} :: abbreviation of przed naszą erą; BCE, before the Common Era
pneumo- {prefix} :: pneumo-
pneumograf {m inan} [medicine] :: pneumatograph
pneumonologia {f} :: pneumology
pniaczek {m inan} :: diminutive of pniak
pniak {m inan} :: tree stump; tree stub
pniok {m inan} [dialectal] :: alternative form of pniak
pniok {m inan} [dialectal, beekeeping] :: A beehive, especially one made from a tree trunk
pniok {m inan} [dialectal] :: A rotten tooth
pniok {m inan} [dialectal] :: honey fungus (Armillaria mellea)
pniok {m pers} [Upper Silesia] :: indigenous Silesian
p.o. {noun} :: acting person (someone temporarily assuming the duties)
po- {prefix} :: Prepended to imperfective verbs to form iterative perfectives
po- {prefix} :: Prepended to imperfective verbs to create semelfactive perfectives
po {prep} [+ locative] :: after
po {prep} [+ locative] :: along
po {prep} [+ locative] :: on, over
po {prep} [+ locative] :: at, by, next to
po {prep} [+ locative] :: around
po {prep} [+ accusative] :: for, after, to take care of
po {prep} [+ accusative] :: up to
po {prep} [+ dative, only with adjectives] :: according to, in the way of
po {prep} [+ dative, only with adjectives] :: in the language of
po {conj} :: like
po {conj} :: when
PO {prop} {n} {f} :: Platforma Obywatelska [Citizens' Platform], a Polish conservative-liberal political party
po angielsku {adv} :: See: pl po angielski in English, the English way
po angielsku {adv} :: quietly, suddenly, without permission (compare: French leave)
po cichu {adv} :: quietly, silently
po grób {adv} [idiom, poetic] :: until death
po moim trupie {phrase} [hyperbole] :: over my dead body
po polskiemu {adv} [humorous, pejorative] :: In a very ungrammatical Polish language
po polsku {adv} :: In Polish
po prostu {adv} :: simply
po wsze czasy {adv} :: forever, for ever
pobicie {n} :: verbal noun of pobić
pobicie {n} [law] :: battery (the infliction of unlawful physical violence on a person)
pobić {vt pf} :: to beat up
pobić {vt pf} :: to defeat
pobić {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to recess (to make a recess in)
pobieranie {n} :: verbal noun of pobierać
pobieżny {adj} :: cursory, superficial
pobijanie {n} :: verbal noun of pobijać
pobliże {n} :: vicinity, nearby space
pobocze {n} :: wayside, roadside
poborca {m pers} :: tax collector, taxman
poborowy {m pers} :: conscript
poborowy {adj} [relational] :: conscription
pobożne życzenia {np} [idiom] :: wishful thinking
pobożność {f} :: devotion, piety
pobożny {adj} :: devout, pious, religious
pobór {m inan} :: conscription
pobór {m inan} :: levy (an act of levying a tax)
pobór {m inan} :: collection (the action or process of collecting someone or something)
pobór {m inan} :: offtake
pobór {m inan} :: uptake
pobrać {v pf} :: to take, to grab, to receive
pobrać {v pf} :: to download
pobrać {vr pf} [chiefly in the plural] :: to marry (each other)
pobrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of pobroić
pobrzeże {n} :: strip of land alongside some body of water; riverside, lakeside, seaside
pobyt {m inan} :: stay
pocałować {v pf} :: to kiss
pocałunek {m inan} :: kiss
pocenie {n} :: verbal noun of pocić
pochlapanie {n} :: verbal noun of pochlapać
pochlebca {m pers} :: flatterer, sycophant
pochlebczyni {f} :: female flatterer, sycophant
pochmurniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of pochmurny
pochmurny {adj} :: cloudy, overcast
pochmurny {adj} [literary] :: gloomy
pochodna {f} :: derivative (something derived)
pochodna {f} [mathematics] :: derivative
pochodnia {f} :: torch (stick with flame at one end)
pochodnik {m inan} [grammar] :: ablative
pochodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of pochodzić
pochodzenie {n} :: origin
pochodzić {vi impf} :: to be derived, to come
pochopnie {adv} :: hastily, rashly
pochopny {adj} :: hasty, rash
pochowanie {n} :: verbal noun of pochować
pochód {m inan} :: procession, parade, march
pochód {m inan} :: march (formal, rhythmic way of walking)
pochód {m inan} [military] :: campaign
pochówek {m inan} [formal] :: inhumation, burial, interment
pochrzyn {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Dioscorea
pochwa {f} [anatomy] :: vagina
pochwa {f} :: sheath, holster, scabbard
pochwała {f} :: praise
pochwowy {adj} :: vaginal
pochwytanie {n} :: verbal noun of pochwytać
pochylać {vt impf} :: to lower, to bow
pochylać {vr impf} :: to bend down, to stoop
pochylenie {n} :: verbal noun of pochylić
pochylić {vt pf} :: to lower, to bow
pochylić {vr pf} :: to bend down
pochylnia {f} :: slide, chute, planum inclinatum
pochylnia {f} [nautical] ::  slipway
pochyłość {f} :: inclination, slant, slope
pocian {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
pociąg {m inan} :: train (vehicle)
pociąg {m inan} :: inclination, predilection, penchant
pociągnąć {v pf} :: to pull
pociągnąć {v pf} :: to attract
pociągnąć {v pf} :: to guzzle alcohol
pocić {vr impf} :: to sweat
pociecha {f} :: comfort, consolation
pociecha {f} :: joy (source of happiness or cheerfulness)
pociecha {f} [affectionate] :: child
pocierniec {m anim} :: sea stickleback (Spinachia spinachia)
pocieszać {vt impf} :: to console
pocieszyć {vt pf} :: to console
pociot {m pers} [archaic] :: husband of an aunt
pociot {m pers} [archaic] :: sorcerer
pociot {m pers} [colloquial] :: distant relative
pociotek {m pers} [colloquial] :: distant relative
pociotek {m pers} [archaic] :: aunt's son
pociotek {m pers} [archaic] :: spouse's nephew
pocisk {m inan} :: bullet (projectile)
pocisk {m inan} :: missile
pociskanie {n} :: verbal noun of pociskać
począć {vt pf} [dated] :: to start, to begin
począć {vti pf} :: to conceive (become pregnant with)
początek {m inan} :: beginning (act of doing that which begins anything)
początkowo {adv} :: originally, initially
początkowy {adj} :: initial, starting
początkowy {adj} :: essential, elementary
początkujący {m pers} :: beginner, novice
początkujący {adj} :: fledgling, novice, beginning, budding
Poczdam {prop} {m} :: Poczdam (city)
poczekać {v pf} :: to wait
poczekalnia {f} :: waiting room
poczet {m inan} :: fellowship, retinue
poczet {m inan} :: A gallery (collection) of portraits
poczet {m inan} [obsolete] :: A unit of soldiers
poczet {m inan} [obsolete] :: count, enumeration
poczęcie {n} :: verbal noun of począć
poczęcie {n} :: conception (start of pregnancy)
poczęstunek {m inan} :: snack; informal meal served to a group of people, typically eaten standing
poczmistrz {m pers} [obsolete] :: postmaster (head of a post office)
poczochranie {n} :: verbal noun of poczochrać
poczta {f} :: mail (material conveyed by postal services)
poczta {f} :: post (organization that delivers mail)
poczta {f} :: post office
poczta elektroniczna {f} [formal] :: e-mail system
pocztowy {adj} :: postal (relating to mail)
pocztowy {adj} [historical] :: pertaining to a unit of soldiers
pocztówka {f} :: postcard
poczucie {n} :: sense, feeling
poczuć {vt pf} :: to feel (experience an emotion or feeling)
poczuć {vr pf} :: to feel
poczwara {f} :: monster
poczwarka {f} :: pupa
poczwarka {f} :: chrysalis
poczwarka {f} :: diminutive of poczwara
poczwórnie {adv} :: quadruply
poczwórny {adj} :: quadruple
poczynać {vt impf} [dated] :: to start, to begin
poczynać {vti impf} :: to conceive (become pregnant with)
poczytalny {adj} [law] :: compos mentis
poćwiczyć {vt pf} :: to practise, to improve
poćwiczyć {vt pf} :: to exercise
pod- {prefix} :: under-, sub-
pod {prep} [+ instrumental] :: below, beneath, under, underneath (denotes location)
pod {prep} [+ accusative] :: below, beneath, under, underneath (denotes movement)
pod {prep} [+ accusative] :: against
pod rząd {adv} [idiom, proscribed] :: in a row, in succession
podać {vt pf} :: to pass, to hand
podać {vt pf} [soccer, basketball] :: to pass
podać {vt pf} :: to serve (bring food to be eaten)
podać {vt pf} [tennis, volleyball] :: to serve
podać {vt pf} :: to give, to tell (address, conditions, example etc.)
podanie {n} :: petition, application, a written request
podanie {n} [ball games] :: pass, transfer of the ball to another player
podanie {n} :: legend, tale
podanie {n} :: verbal noun of podać
podarcie {n} :: verbal noun of podrzeć
podarek {m inan} :: gift, present
podarować {vt pf} :: to give as a gift; to gift, to present
podarunek {m inan} :: gift
podatek {m inan} :: tax
podatek dochodowy {m inan} :: income tax
podatkowy {adj} [relational] :: tax, of or pertaining to taxation
podatniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of podatny
podatny {adj} :: malleable, flexible
podatny {adj} :: susceptible, liable
podawać {vt impf} :: to hand, to pass
podawać {vt impf} :: to serve (e.g. a meal)
podawać {vt impf} [sports] :: to pass
podaż {f} :: supply (economy)
podążać {vi impf} :: to follow, to go in the same direction
podążyć {vi pf} :: to follow, to go in the same direction
podbiał {m inan} :: coltsfoot, plant of genus Tussilago
podbiałostocki {adj} :: located near Białystok, Poland
podbicie {n} :: verbal noun of podbić
podbicie {n} :: padding, soffit
podbicie {n} [anatomy] :: instep
podbić {vt pf} :: to conquer, to subdue, to subjugate (to acquire by force of arms, win in war)
podbić {vt pf} :: to bump up, to drive up (to increase something suddenly)
podbić {vt pf} :: to conquer someone (with love, sympathy etc.)
podbić {vt pf} :: to fasten something from the bottom
podbić {vt pf} :: to lift up
podbiec {vi pf} :: to run up to, to run towards
podbiec {vi pf} :: to fill up (with some liquid) from below
podbiegać {vi impf} :: to run up to, to run towards
podbiegać {vi impf} :: to fill up (with some liquid) from below
podbijać {vt impf} :: to conquer, to subdue, to subjugate (to acquire by force of arms, win in war)
podbijać {vt impf} :: to bump up, to drive up (to increase something suddenly)
podbijać {vt impf} :: to conquer someone (with love, sympathy etc.)
podbijać {vt impf} :: to fasten something from the bottom
podbijać {vt impf} :: to lift up
podbijanie {n} :: verbal noun of podbijać
podbój {m inan} :: conquest, subjugation
podbródek {m inan} :: chin (bottom of a face)
podbrzusze {n} [anatomy] :: hypogastrium
podbrzusze {n} :: underbelly (of an animal)
podcast {m inan} :: podcast
podcasting {m inan} :: podcasting
podchodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of podchodzić
podchodzić {vi impf} :: to approach (to come or go near, in place or time; to draw nigh; to advance nearer)
podchodzić {vi impf} :: to stalk (animals, criminals, etc.)
podchodzić {vi impf} :: to climb
podchorąży {m pers} :: ensign, officer cadet (trainee for a commissioned officer position)
podchowanie {n} :: verbal noun of podchować
podchylenie {n} :: verbal noun of podchylić
podciśnienie {n} [medicine] :: hypotension
podczas {prep} :: during
podczepiać {vt impf} :: to attach from underneath
podczepić {vt pf} :: to attach from underneath
podczerwień {f} :: infrared
podczerwony {adj} :: infrared
poddarcie {n} :: verbal noun of podedrzeć
poddasze {n} :: garret, attic
podejmować {vt impf} [archaic] :: to lift up, to raise
podejmować {vt impf} :: to collect, to withdraw (e.g. money from a bank)
podejmować {vt impf} :: to take up, to engage in
podejmować {vt impf} :: to undertake, to initiate, to instigate
podejmować {vt impf} :: to host, to entertain, to receive
podejmować {vr impf} :: to commit to, to decide upon
podejrzany {adj} :: suspect
podejrzany {adj} :: fishy, suspicious, inspiring doubt
podejrzeć {vt pf} :: to peep at (look at furtively)
podejrzenie {n} :: verbal noun of podejrzeć
podejrzenie {n} :: suspicion
podejrzewać {v impf} :: to suspect
podejrzewanie {n} :: verbal noun of podejrzewać
podejrzliwy {adj} :: suspicious, mistrustful, distrustful, leery
podejść {vi pf} :: to come, to approach
podejść {vi pf} :: to stalk (animals, criminals, etc.)
podejść {vi pf} :: to climb
podejść {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take (an exam)
podekscytowany {adj} :: excited
podekscytowany {adj} :: thrilled
podeń {contraction} :: contraction of pod niego
podeprzeć {vt pf} :: to support, to prop up
podeprzeć {vr pf} :: to support oneself
poderwać {vt pf} :: to pick up, to pull, to court
podeschnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of podeschnąć
podesłać {vt pf} :: to send (especially stealthily or furtively)
podesłać {vt pf} :: to lay bedding, to litter
podest {m inan} :: dais
podeszwa {f} :: sole (bottom of a shoe or boot)
podetknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of podetknąć
podetrzeć {vt pf} :: to wipe (someone's) bottom after defecation (usually in collocation with a word for bottom)
podetrzeć {vr pf} [with się] :: to wipe one's own bottom after defecation
podfrunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of podfrunąć
podfruwanie {n} :: verbal noun of podfruwać
podgardle {n} :: dewlap
podgatunek {m inan} [taxonomy] :: subspecies
podgiąć {vt pf} :: to bend slightly, to fold slightly, to tuck
podgięcie {n} :: verbal noun of podgiąć
podginać {vt impf} :: to bend slightly, to fold slightly, to tuck
podgląd {m inan} :: preview, sneak peek
podglądacz {m pers} :: voyeur, peeping tom
podglądacz {m pers} :: Someone who views, looks or peeks at something
podglądać {vt impf} :: to peep at (look at furtively)
podglądanie {n} :: verbal noun of podglądać
podglebie {n} :: subsoil (layer of soil below topsoil)
podglebie {n} [mycology] :: subgleba
podgłaśniać {v impf} :: to turn up the volume (of)
podgłośnić {v pf} :: to turn up the volume (of)
podgorzowski {adj} [relational] :: near Gorzów Wielkopolski
podgorzowski {adj} [relational] :: near Gorzów Śląski
podgorzowski {adj} [relational] :: near Gorzów [Lesser Poland Voivodeship]
podgromada {f} [zoology, taxonomy] :: subclass
podgrupa {f} :: subgroup (group within a larger group)
podgrupa {f} [group theory] :: subgroup
podgryzienie {n} :: verbal noun of podgryźć
podgrzać {vt pf} :: to heat, to warm up, to reheat
podgrzać {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to fire up, to stir, to excite
podgrzewać {vt impf} :: to heat, to warm up, to reheat
podgrzewać {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to fire up, to stir, to excite
podgrzybek {m anim} :: Xerocomus
podhal. {adj} :: abbreviation of podhalański
podhalański {adj} :: of or pertaining to Podhale, its people, culture or language
podium {n} :: podium
podjazd {m inan} :: driveway; a road, avenue or approach leading directly to a house or buildings
podjazd {m inan} :: uphill or ascending part of a road
podjazd {m inan} :: ramp (inclined surface that connects two levels)
podjąć {vt pf} [archaic] :: to lift up, to raise
podjąć {vt pf} :: to collect, to withdraw (e.g. money from a bank)
podjąć {vt pf} :: to take up, to engage in
podjąć {vt pf} :: to undertake, to initiate, to instigate
podjąć {vt pf} :: to host, to entertain, to receive
podjąć {vr pf} :: to commit to, to decide upon
podjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to finger, to peach
podjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to steal
podjęcie {n} :: verbal noun of podjąć
podjęzykowy {adj} [pharmacology] :: sublingual
podjęzykowy {adj} [anatomy] :: sublingual (situated beneath the tongue)
Podkarpacie {prop} {m} :: Subcarpathian
podkasaniec {m anim} :: bent-winged bat (any bat of the genus Miniopterus)
podkast {m inan} :: alternative spelling of podcast
podkład {m inan} [cosmetics] :: foundation
podkład {m inan} [horticulture] :: rootstock
podkład {m inan} [music] :: soundtrack, score
podkład {m inan} [music] :: instrumental version
podkład {m inan} [rail transport] :: railroad tie, railway sleeper
podkład {m inan} [painting] :: primer, undercoat
podkładać {vt impf} :: to underlay, to put under
podkładać {vt impf} :: to plant, to place (e.g. a bomb)
podkładać {vt impf} :: to set, to light (a fire)
podkładka {f} :: mat, pad
podkładka {f} :: beer mat, coaster
podkładka {f} [horticulture] :: rootstock
podkładka {f} [mycology] :: stroma
podkładka {f} :: washer (flat disk)
podkolan {m inan} :: Any orchid of the genus Platanthera (butterfly orchid, fringed orchid)
podkoszulek {m inan} :: undershirt
podkościelny {adj} :: Located beneath a church; located in a crypt beneath a church
podkościelny {adj} :: Located near a church
podkowa {f} :: horseshoe
podkowiec {m anim} :: horseshoe bat (any bat of the genus Rhinolophus)
podkówka {f} :: horseshoe-shaped coin purse
podkówka {f} :: diminutive of podkowa
podkradać {v impf} :: to pilfer; to steal surreptitiously in small quantities, without the owner later noticing that something has been taken
podkraść {v pf} :: to pilfer; to steal surreptitiously in small quantities, without the owner later noticing that something has been taken
podkreślać {vt impf} :: to underline (to draw an underline)
podkreślać {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to underline (to emphasise or stress something)
podkreślanie {n} :: verbal noun of podkreślać
podkreślenie {n} :: verbal noun of podkreślić
podkreślenie {n} :: underline
podkreślić {vt pf} :: to underline (to draw an underline)
podkreślić {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to underline (to emphasise or stress something)
podkrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of podkroić
podkrzew {m inan} :: subshrub, suffrutex
podlać {v pf} :: to water (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants))
podlanie {n} :: verbal noun of podlać
Podlasie {prop} {n} :: Podlachia, Podlasie (region of Poland)
podlaski {adj} :: Podlachian; pertaining to Podlachia (Podlasie), a region of Poland
podle {adv} :: despicably
podlec {vi pf} :: to be subordinate [+ (dative) = to someone/something]
podlec {vi pf} :: to be subject [+ (dative) = to someone/something]
podlec {m pers} :: lowlife, wretch
podlegać {vi impf} :: to be subordinate [+ (dative) = to someone/something]
podlegać {vi impf} :: to be subject [+ (dative) = to someone/something]
podległość {f} :: dependency, subordinacy, subservience
podległy {adj} :: dependent, subordinate, subservient
podlej {adv} :: comparative of podle
podlejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of podły
podleśniczy {m pers} :: deputy forestkeeper
podleśny {adj} :: Located near a forest
podleśny {m pers} [archaic] :: alternative form of podleśniczy
podlewać {v impf} :: to water (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants))
podlewanie {n} :: verbal noun of podlewać
podlizuch {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: sycophant, bootlicker, brown noser, kiss-ass, suckup, toady
podlizywacz {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: sycophant, bootlicker, brown noser, kiss-ass, suckup, toady
podludzie {m pers} [derogatory, Nazism] :: Untermenschen
podłoga {f} :: floor (supporting surface of a room)
podłoga {f} [mathematics] :: floor
podłoże {n} :: substratum, underlayer
podłoże {n} :: bedrock, bed, base
podłoże {n} [biology] :: medium, substrate
podłożyć {vt pf} :: to underlay, to put under
podłożyć {vt pf} :: to plant, to place (e.g. a bomb)
podłożyć {vt pf} :: to set, to light (a fire)
podłużny {adj} :: oblong
podłużny {adj} :: elongated
podłużny {adj} :: longitudinal
podłużny {adj} :: lengthwise
podły {adj} :: despicable, foul, wicked, vile
podły {adj} :: disgraceful, dishonorable
podły {adj} :: awful, of very bad quality
podmarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of podmarznąć
podmiot {m inan} [grammar] :: subject
podmiot {m inan} :: entity
podmorski {adj} :: undersea
podmuch {m inan} :: blast, whiff, gust
podnawka {f} :: live sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates)
podniebienie {n} [anatomy] :: palate (roof of the mouth)
podniebienie {n} [architecture] :: intrados
podniecać {vt impf} :: to excite, to titillate, to turn on, to foment
podnieść {vt pf} :: to pick up, to lift
podnieść {vt pf} :: to put up (to place in a high location)
podnieść {vt pf} :: to mark up
podnieść {vt pf} :: to hoist
podnieść {vr pf} :: to get up
podnieta {f} :: stimulus, stimulant, stimulation
podnieta {f} :: excitement
podnieta {f} :: incentive, spur
podniosły {adj} :: elevated, solemn
podniośle {adv} :: elevatedly, loftily
podnioślejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of podniosły
podnosić {vt impf} :: to pick up, to raise, to lift, to uplift, to elevate (physically or metaphorically)
podnosić {vt impf} :: to put up (to place in a high location)
podnosić {vt impf} :: to mark up
podnosić {vt impf} :: to hoist
podnośnik {m inan} :: lift, jack
podnóże {n} :: foot (base or bottom of something tall)
podobieństwo {n} :: similarity
podobieństwo {n} :: likelihood
podobniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of podobny
podobno {particle} :: supposedly, perhaps
-podobny {suffix} [often, pejorative] :: forms adjectives meaning: -like, quasi-, pseudo-
podobny {adj} :: similar, alike
podoficer {m pers} :: non-commissioned officer
podogonie {n} :: crupper (tack used to prevent saddle from slipping)
podołek {m inan} [dated] :: lap (part that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down)
podomka {m inan} :: bathrobe, housecoat
podopieczna {f} :: charge (someone entrusted to one's care)
podopieczny {m pers} :: charge (someone entrusted to one's care)
podpadanie {n} :: verbal noun of podpadać
podpalacz {m pers} :: arsonist
podpalać {v impf} :: to set fire; to ignite
podpalany {adj} :: black and tan (animal coat coloration)
podpalenie {n} :: verbal noun of podpalić
podpalenie {n} :: arson (crime of setting a fire)
podpalić {v pf} :: to set on fire, to ignite
podpałka {f} :: kindling, tinder, firelighter
podpaska {f} :: sanitary towel
podpierać {vt impf} :: to support, to prop up, to steady
podpierać {vr impf} :: to support oneself
podpierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to rat out; to tell on someone
podpierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to steal
podpiersie {n} :: breastplate (horse tack)
podpiersień {m inan} :: breastplate (horse tack)
podpierśnik {m inan} :: breastplate (horse tack)
podpis {m inan} :: signature
podpis {m inan} :: caption (text under illustrations)
podpisać {v pf} :: to sign (give a signature)
podplemię {n} [taxonomy] :: subtribe
podporucznik {m pers} :: second lieutenant
podpowiadać {vt impf} :: to prompt
podpowiedzieć {vt pf} :: to prompt
podpowiedź {f} :: clue
podpowiedź {f} :: prompt
podpowiedź {f} :: tip
podpowiedź {f} :: tip
podpułkownik {m pers} :: lieutenant colonel
podpuszczka {f} [enzyme] :: rennet
podrabiać {vt impf} :: to counterfeit, to forge
podrabianie {n} :: verbal noun of podrabiać
podrabianie {n} :: forgery (the act of forging, fabricating, or producing falsely)
podrapać {vt pf} :: to scratch
podrąbanie {n} :: verbal noun of podrąbać
podręcznik {m inan} :: textbook, manual
podrobić {vt pf} :: to counterfeit, forge
podrobić {vt pf} :: to crumble, comminute, morsel
podrobienie {n} :: verbal noun of podrobić
podrobowy {adj} [relational] :: offal, giblets
podroby {p} :: offal, giblets (internal organs of an animal, used as food)
podrodzaj {m inan} [taxonomy] :: subgenus
podrodzina {f} [taxonomy] :: subfamily
podrodzina {f} [linguistics] :: subfamily
podrodzina {f} [molecular biology] :: subfamily
podróba {f} :: augmentative of podróbka
podróbka {f} [colloquial] :: knockoff, counterfeit, low quality goods passed off as well known brands
podróż {f} :: journey, travel, trip
podróżniczek {m anim} :: bluethroat (Luscinia svecica)
podróżniczek {m anim} :: Scotch bonnet (Marasmius oreades)
podróżniczek {m pers} :: diminutive of podróżnik
podróżniczka {f} :: traveller
podróżnik {m pers} :: traveller
podróżny {adj} [relational] :: travel, journey
podróżny {m pers} :: traveller
podróżować {v impf} :: to travel
podróżowanie {n} :: verbal noun of podróżować
podrywacz {m pers} :: flirt, womanizer, seducer, pickup artist
podrywać {v impf} :: to pick up, to court, to meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes; To flirt
podrywanie {n} :: verbal noun of podrywać
podrząd {m inan} [taxonomy] :: suborder
podrzeń {m inan} :: Any fern of the genus Blechnum
podrzędny {adj} :: inferior, subordinate (of lower rank)
podrzędny {adj} :: inferior (of lower quality)
podrzucać {vt impf} :: to toss, to flip
podrzucać {vt impf} :: to plant (place an object as false evidence)
podrzucać {vt impf} :: to drop off, to set down
podrzucić {vt pf} :: to toss, to flip
podrzucić {vt pf} :: to plant (place an object as false evidence)
podrzucić {vt pf} :: to drop off, to set down
podsadka {f} [botany] :: bract
podsekretarz {m pers} :: undersecretary
podskakiwać {vi impf} :: to bob, to bounce, to skip, to gambol (move along in small jumps)
podskakiwać {vi impf} :: to start, to jump (jerk suddenly in surprise)
podskakiwać {vi impf} :: to nip (make a quick journey)
podskakiwać {vi impf} :: to jump, to shoot up, to increase quickly
podskakiwać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to fuck with, to mess with
podskoczek {m anim} :: Any jerboa belonging to the genus Jaculus
podskoczyć {vi pf} :: to bob, to bounce, to skip, to gambol (move along in small jumps)
podskoczyć {vi pf} :: to start, to jump (jerk suddenly in surprise)
podskoczyć {vi pf} :: to nip (make a quick journey)
podskoczyć {vi pf} :: to jump, to shoot up, to increase quickly
podskoczyć {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to fuck with, to mess with
podskok {m inan} :: leap, hop, jump
podskórny {adj} :: subcutaneous
podskrobanie {n} :: verbal noun of podskrobać
podskroniowy {adj} [anatomy] :: infratemporal
podsłońce {n} :: subsun
podsłuchiwacz {m pers} :: eavesdropper (male)
podsłuchiwać {vt impf} :: to eavesdrop
podsmażać {vt impf} :: to fry up
podsmażyć {vt pf} :: to fry up
podstawa {f} :: base, foundation
podstawa {f} [arithmetic] :: base (number raised to the power of an exponent)
podstawa {f} :: bed, the largest side of a brick
podstawczak {m inan} :: basidiomycotan
podstawka {f} :: beer mat, coaster
podstawka {f} :: saucer (small dish)
podstawka {f} [mycology] :: basidium
podstawka {f} [electronics] :: socket
podstawowy {adj} :: basic, elementary, primary, principal
podstawówka {f} [colloquial] :: primary school
podstęp {m inan} :: deception, subterfuge
podstępny {adj} :: sly, artful, wily
podstrunnica {f} [lutherie] :: fingerboard
podstrunnik {m inan} [lutherie] :: fingerboard
podsumować {vit pf} :: to sum up, summarize
podsunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of podsunąć
podsuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of podsuwać
podsyłać {vt impf} :: to send (especially stealthily or furtively)
podścielać {vt impf} :: to lay bedding on, to litter
podściółka {f} :: bedding, litter
podświadomy {adj} :: subconscious
podświetlony {adj} :: beshone, covered by light
podświetlony {adj} :: highlighted
podtekst {m inan} :: subtext
podtlenek {m inan} :: suboxide
podtytuł {m inan} :: subtitle (heading below or after a title)
poducha {f} :: augmentative of poduszka
podudzie {n} :: crus, shank
poduszeczka {f} :: diminutive of poduszka
poduszka {f} :: pillow, cushion
poduszkowiec {m inan} :: hovercraft (vehicle supported on a cushion of air)
podwalina {f} [construction, architectural elements] :: sill, sill plate, sole plate
podwalina {f} :: rudiment, foundation
podwiązka {f} :: garter
podwieczorek {m inan} :: afternoon snack, usually sweet
podwieźć {vt pf} :: to give a lift, to give a ride (take somebody somewhere in one's vehicle)
podwinięcie {n} :: verbal noun of podwinąć
podwładny {adj} :: subordinate
podwładny {m pers} :: subordinate, underling
podwodny {adj} :: underwater
podwoik {m anim} :: Any idoteid crustacean of the genus Idotea
podwoj {m inan} [plural only, literary] :: double doors
podwoj {m inan} [obsolete] :: doorjamb
podwozić {vt impf} :: to give a lift, to give a ride (take somebody somewhere in one's vehicle)
podwozie {n} :: chassis (of a vehicle)
podwozie {n} [aviation] :: landing gear, undercarriage
podwój {m anim} :: A species of isopod crustacean, Saduria entomon
podwój {m inan} :: alternative form of podwoj
podwójnie {adv} :: doubly
podwójny {adj} :: double (made up of two matching or complementary elements)
podwórko {n} :: courtyard, court, yard
podwórze {n} :: courtyard, court, yard
podwracanie {n} :: verbal noun of podwracać
podwrócenie {n} :: verbal noun of podwrócić
podwykonawca {m pers} :: subcontractor
podwyżka {f} :: raise, rise (increase in wages or salary)
podwyższać {vt impf} :: to increase, to raise, to put up, to turn up, to elevate
podwyższać {vr impf} :: to increase, to rise, to be elevated
podwyższenie {n} :: platform, podium
podwyższenie {n} :: verbal noun of podwyższyć
podwyższyć {vt pf} :: to increase, to raise, to put up, to turn up, to elevate
podwyższyć {vr pf} :: to increase, to rise, to be elevated
podwzgórze {n} :: hypothalamus (a region of the brain)
podzbiór {m inan} :: subset
podział {m inan} :: division (act or process of dividing anything)
podzielnica {f} :: indexing head
podzielność {f} :: divisibility
podzielny {adj} :: divisible
podziemie {n} :: underground part of a building
podziemie {n} [art, politics] :: underground (anarchic or clandestine group)
podziemny {adj} :: subterranean, underground, belowground
podziękować {vt pf} :: to thank
podziękowanie {n} :: thanks
podziękowanie {n} :: verbal noun of podziękować
podziw {m inan} :: admiration (adoration; appreciation)
podziwiać {v impf} :: to admire
podziwianie {n} :: verbal noun of podziwiać
podzwrotnikowy {adj} :: subtropical
podżegać {v impf} [legal] :: to incite
podżeganie {n} :: verbal noun of podżegać
podżeganie {n} :: incitement
podżuchwowy {adj} [anatomy] :: submandibular
poeta {m pers} :: poet
poetka {f} :: female poet; poetess
poetycki {adj} :: poetic
poetycko {adv} :: poetically; in a poetic manner
poezja {f} :: poetry (class of literature)
pofałdować {vt pf} :: to crease, to fold, to wrinkle
pofałdować {vr pf} :: to become creased, to become wrinkled
pofatygować {vt pf} :: to trouble, to bother
pofatygować {vr pf} :: to take the trouble, to bother
pofrunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pofrunąć
pofruwanie {n} :: verbal noun of pofruwać
pogadać {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to talk, to chat
poganiacz {m pers} :: drover
poganin {m pers} :: pagan, heathen
poganka {f} :: pagan, heathen (female person not adhering to an Abrahamic religion)
poganka {f} [colloquial] :: buckwheat (Fagopyrum)
pogański {adj} :: pagan (relating to, characteristic of pagans)
pogaństwo {n} :: paganism, heathenism
pogaństwo {n} :: paganry
pogarda {f} :: scorn, disdain, contempt
pogardliwie {adv} :: scornfully, disdainfully
pogardliwość {f} :: scornfulness, disdainfulness
pogardliwy {adj} :: scornful, disdainful, contemptful
pogardzać {v impf} :: to disdain, to despise
pogardzanie {n} :: verbal noun of pogardzać
pogardziciel {m pers} :: scorner, disdainer
pogardzić {v pf} :: to disdain, to despise
pogawędka {f} [colloquial] :: chat, chit-chat
pogawędzić {vi pf} :: to chit-chat, to chat, to natter
pogięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pogiąć
poginięcie {n} :: verbal noun of poginąć
pogląd {m inan} :: view (opinion, judgement)
pogłębianie {n} :: verbal noun of pogłębiać
pogłębiarka {f} :: dredger (watercraft)
pogłębienie {n} :: verbal noun of pogłębić
pogłos {m inan} [acoustics] :: reverberation
pogłoska {f} :: hearsay; rumour, rumor
pogoda {f} :: weather
pogojenie {n} :: verbal noun of pogoić
pogoniec {m pers} [dated] :: runner (military courier)
pogoniec {m pers} [dated] :: cattle drover
pogoniec {m anim} :: wolf spider
pogoń {f} :: pursuit, chase
pogorzel {f} [archaic] :: A place where a fire has occurred
pogorzel {f} [archaic] :: Burnt remnants or ruins after a fire
pogorzel {f} [archaic] :: A fire; a conflagration
pogorzelec {m pers} :: A man who has lost his home and property in a fire
pogorzelisko {n} :: A place where a fire has occurred
pogorzelisko {n} :: Burnt remnants or ruins after a fire
pogorzelisko {n} [obsolete] :: A fire
pogorzenie {n} :: verbal noun of pogorzeć
pogotowie {n} :: emergency service
pogotowie {n} :: alertness
pogotowie {n} :: A state of preparedness
pogranicze {n} :: borderland, frontier
pogrom {m inan} :: resounding defeat
pogrom {m inan} :: massacre
pogrom {m inan} :: pogrom (ethnic riot)
pogrom {m inan} [slang, humorous] :: an exam that turns out to be very hard and which most students fail
pogromca {m pers} :: vanquisher, suppressor
pogromca {m pers} :: tamer
pogryzienie {n} :: verbal noun of pogryźć
pogryźć {vt pf} :: to break by biting, to destroy by biting
pogryźć {vt pf} :: to bite (attack or injure using the teeth)
pogrzeb {m inan} :: funeral
pogrzebać {v pf} :: to bury
pogrzebać {v pf} :: to fiddle, to tinker [+ w (object) = ins = with something]
pogwarzyć {vi pf} :: to chat, to converse
poić {v impf} :: water (to provide (animals) with water)
poidełko {n} :: diminutive of poidło
poidło {n} :: watering trough
poidło {n} :: waterer, fount (device from which animals drink)
poimek {m inan} [grammar] :: postposition
poimek {m inan} [grammar, obsolete] :: suffix
poinformować {vt pf} :: to inform, to brief
pointa {f} :: punch line
pojawiać {vr impf} :: to appear, to emerge
pojawić {vr pf} :: to appear, to emerge
pojazd {m inan} :: vehicle
pojazd {m inan} [slang] :: diss; burn (insult or criticism)
pojeb {m pers} [vulgar, offensive] :: fucker, fuckwad, dickwad (contemptible person)
pojeb {m pers} [vulgar, offensive] :: crazy person, madman
pojedynczo {adv} :: singly
pojedynczy {adj} :: single
pojedynek {m inan} :: duel
pojemnik {m inan} :: garbage can
pojemnik {m inan} :: container
pojemnikowiec {m inan} [dated] :: container ship
pojemność {f} :: capacity, volume, capacitance
pojemność skokowa {f} :: engine displacement
pojemny {adj} :: spacious, voluminous
pojenie {n} :: verbal noun of poić
pojezierze {n} :: lakeland, lake district; a geographical area with a large number of lakes
pojęcie {n} :: verbal noun of pojąć
pojęcie {n} :: concept
pojęcie {n} :: idea
pojęcie {n} :: notion
pojmować {v impf} :: to grasp, to comprehend, to understand
pojmowanie {n} :: verbal noun of pojmować
pojutrze {adv} :: day after tomorrow, overmorrow
pojutrzejszy {adj} :: day after tomorrow's
pokalać {vt pf} :: to dishonour, to disgrace
pokarać {vt pf} :: to punish in turn
pokarać {vt pf} [archaic] :: to punish
pokarm {m inan} :: food
pokarm {m inan} :: fodder, animal feed
pokarm {m inan} :: milk produced by mammary glands
pokarm {m inan} :: That which powers something
pokaz {m inan} :: show, exhibition
pokazać {v pf} :: to show
pokazać, gdzie pieprz rośnie {v pf} [idiom, humorous] :: to punish [+ dat = someone]
pokazać, gdzie raki zimują {v pf} [idiom, humorous] :: to punish [+ dat = someone]
pokazić {v pf} [obsolete] :: to ruin, to disgrace
pokazywać {vt impf} :: to show
pokaźnie {adv} :: substantially, healthily, amply, sizeably, copiously, appreciably, considerably
pokaźność {f} :: substantiality, ampleness, sizeableness, copiousness, considerableness
pokaźny {adj} :: substantial, healthy, ample, sizeable, copious, appreciable, considerable
poker {m inan} :: poker
poker {m inan} :: straight flush
poklask {m inan} :: applause
pokląskwa {f} :: whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)
pokład {m inan} :: deck (on a ship)
pokład {m inan} [geology] :: layer of a mineral
pokładełko {n} [entomology, ichthyology] :: ovipositor
pokłon {m inan} :: obeisance
pokłosie {n} :: gleanings
pokłosie {n} :: aftermath (aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event)
pokoik {m inan} :: diminutive of pokój
pokojowiec {m pers} [historical] :: A servant at a royal court or wealthy noble's mansion
pokojówka {f} :: chambermaid
pokolenie {n} :: generation (a period of around thirty years, the average amount of time before a child takes the place of its parents)
pokonać {vt pf} :: to defeat
pokonanie {n} :: verbal noun of pokonać
pokopanie {n} :: verbal noun of pokopać
pokora {f} :: humility
pokorny {adj} :: humble, modest (not proud)
pokos {m inan} :: swath
pokos {m inan} :: windrow (row of cut grain or hay)
pokos {m inan} :: aftermath
pokos {m anim} :: Any aulacid of the genus Pristaulacus
pokost {m inan} :: varnish (anything resembling such a paint)
pokój {m inan} :: peace (absence of conflict, violence, or war)
pokój {m inan} :: room (part of a building)
pokraka {f} [derogatory] :: An ugly, clumsy, or awkward person
pokręt {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: oddball, weirdo
pokręt {m inan} [archaic, sewing] :: swivel
pokrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of pokroić
pokrój {m inan} :: type, kind
pokrój {m inan} [biology] :: The morphological characteristics of a living organism
pokrój {m inan} [mineralogy] :: The structure of a mineral or crystal
pokrótce {adv} :: briefly, in brief
pokruszyć {vt pf} :: to crush, to crumble, to break up
pokrycie {n} :: verbal noun of pokryć
pokryć {vt pf} :: to cover, to overlay
pokryć {vt pf} :: to coat, to mist
pokryć {vt pf} :: to defray, to cover (a cost)
pokryć {vr pf} :: to become covered, to become coated [+ instrumental = in/with something]
pokryć {vr pf} :: to coincide, to correspond
pokrywać {v impf} :: to coat
pokrywać {v impf} :: to cover (provide enough money for)
pokrywanie {n} :: verbal noun of pokrywać
pokrzyk {m inan} :: cry, shout
pokrzyk {m inan} :: deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
pokrzyk {m inan} :: Any nightshade belonging to the genus Atropa
pokrzywa {f} :: nettle (any plant of the genus Urtica)
pokrzywa {f} [slang] :: teacher
pokrzywiec {m inan} :: acalypha (any plant of the genus Acalypha)
pokusa {f} :: temptation
pokusa {f} :: enticement
pokuta {f} :: penance
pol. {noun} :: abbreviation of polski
polactwo {n} [derogatory] :: Polish rabble
polaczek {m pers} [derogatory] :: Polack, Pole, Polish person
Polak {m pers} :: Pole
Polak nie wielbłąd, pić musi {phrase} :: a common Polish toast phrase, literally "A Pole isn't a camel and he needs to drink".
polan {m inan} [obsolete] :: polycaprolactam, nylon 6
polana {f} :: glade, clearing
polandball {noun} :: Polandball
polanie {n} :: verbal noun of polać
polanka {f} :: diminutive of polana
polanko {n} :: diminutive of polano
polano {n} :: log, large piece of firewood
polano {n} [hunting] :: A wolf's tail
Polański {prop} {m pers} :: Roman Polanski. A Polish-French film-maker
polarny {adj} [relational, geography] :: polar (relating to a geographic pole)
polarny {adj} [relational, chemistry] :: polar (having a dipole)
polatucha {f} :: flying squirrel, especially an Old World flying squirrel (Pteromys)
polder {m inan} [geography] :: polder
polderowy {adj} [relational] :: polder
pole {n} :: field (land area; wide open space)
pole {n} [regional, singular only] :: outside
pole {n} [geometry] :: area
pole {n} [physics] :: field
polec {vi pf} :: to fall (die in battle)
polecać {v impf} :: to order, to instruct, to prescribe
polecać {vt impf} :: to recommend
polecać {vt impf} :: to commend, to entrust
polecanie {n} :: verbal noun of polecać
polecenie {n} :: verbal noun of polecić
polecenie {n} :: prescription, order, instruction, bidding, mandate
polecenie {n} :: commendation, recommendation
polecić {v pf} :: to order, to instruct, to prescribe
polecić {vt pf} :: to recommend
polecić {vt pf} :: to commend, to entrust
polegać {vi impf} :: to rely, to depend, to trust [+ na (object) = locative = on/in something]
poległy {adj} :: fallen (killed in battle)
poległy {m pers} :: fallen (casualty of battle)
polegnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of polec
polegnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of polegnąć
Polesie {prop} {n} :: Polesie (region)
poleski {adj} :: Polesian (of or relating to Polesia)
poletko {n} :: diminutive of pole
polewa {f} :: glaze (coating applied to food)
polewa {f} [ceramics] :: glaze
polewa {f} :: enamel (coating applied to metal objects)
polewa {f} [geology] :: desert varnish
polewaczka {f} [colloquial] :: street sprinkler (vehicle)
polewaczka {f} [colloquial] :: watering can
polewanie {n} :: verbal noun of polewać
polewka {f} :: thin soup, made without adhering to a particular recipe
polewka {f} [slang] :: giggle; amusement
polędwica {f} :: loin (cut of meat)
polędwicowy {adj} [relational] :: loin
polędwiczka {f} :: diminutive of polędwica
poli- {prefix} :: poly-
poliamoria {f} :: polyamory
poliandria {f} :: polyandry
poliandryczny {adj} :: polyandrous
Police {prop} {p} :: Police (town)
policja {f} :: police (organisation that enforces the law)
policjant {m pers} :: policeman, police officer (male or of unspecified sex)
policjantka {f} :: policewoman
policyjny {adj} [relational] :: police
policzalny {adj} [grammar] :: countable
policzek {m inan} :: cheek (part of face)
policzek {m inan} :: slap in the face
policzkować {v impf} :: to slap in the face
policzyć {vi pf} :: to count (recite numbers in sequence)
policzyć {vt pf} :: to count, to enumerate (determine the amount of something)
policzyć {vr pf} :: to get even, to even the score
poliester {m inan} :: polyester
polietylen {m inan} :: polyethylene
poligamia {f} :: polygamy
poligamiczny {adj} :: polygamous
poligamista {m pers} :: polygamist
poligamistka {f} :: female polygamist
poliglota {m pers} :: polyglot (person)
poligon {m inan} :: proving ground, firing range; an area where military trials with live ammunition are performed
poligon {m inan} :: military training ground
poligynia {f} :: polygyny
polimer {m inan} :: polymer
polimerowy {adj} :: polymeric; pertaining to polymers
Polinezja {prop} {f} :: Polynesia
Polinezja Francuska {prop} {f} :: Polinezja Francuska (overseas collectivity)
polinezyjski {adj} :: Polynesian
polipropylen {m inan} :: polypropylene
polisa {f} :: insurance policy
polisacharyd {m inan} [biochemistry] :: polysaccharide
polisomia {f} :: polysomy
politbiuro {n} [colloquial] :: politburo (the governing Communist council)
politechnika {f} :: polytechnic (institution of higher education (typically accepting students from the age of about 19, depending on country, but in some cases able to take younger students in exceptional cases) where technical subjects are studied and researched in depth and degrees are offered)
politeista {m pers} :: polytheist
politeistyczny {adj} :: polytheistic
politeizm {m inan} :: polytheism
politolog {m pers} :: political scientist
politolog {f} :: political scientist
politowanie {n} :: pity; condescending sympathy
politowanie {n} :: compassion
polityczka {f} :: female politician
politycznie {adv} :: politically
polityczny {adj} :: political
polityk {m pers} :: politician
polityk {f} :: female politician
polityka {f} :: politics
polityka {f} :: policy (plan or course of action)
poliwoda {f} :: polywater
polka {f} :: polka
Polka {f} :: Polish woman
polny {adj} [relational] :: field
Polok {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia, Upper Silesia] :: Pole (Polish person)
polon {m inan} :: polonium (chemical element, Po, atomic number 84)
polonez {m inan} :: polonaise (dance)
polonez {m inan} :: music for this dance
polonez {m inan} :: a Polonez car
Polonia {prop} {f} :: Polish diaspora; a name for Polish people (or of Polish descent) living outside the borders of Poland
polonijny {adj} :: related to the Polish diaspora
polonistyka {f} [humanities] :: Polish studies, Polonistics
polonizacja {f} :: Polonization
polonizm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Polonism
polonizować {vt impf} :: to Polonize
polonofil {m pers} :: Polonophile; someone who admires Poland or its culture, cuisine, history or people
polot {m inan} :: panache (flamboyant style or action)
polot {m inan} :: imaginativeness
polować {vt impf} :: to hunt, to chase
polować {vi impf} :: to hunt, to go hunting
polowanie {n} :: hunt, act of hunting
polowanie {n} :: verbal noun of polować
polowanie na czarownice {n} :: See: pl polowanie na czarownica
polowanie na czarownice {n} [idiomatic] :: witch-hunt; highly publicized persecution of a group of people perceived as a threat, used for propaganda purposes
polowiec {m pers} [archaic] :: hunter, huntsman
polowiec {m pers} [archaic] :: poacher
polowiec {m anim} :: hunting dog
polowiec {m inan} [obsolete] :: feldspar
polowy {adj} :: Relating to farming
polowy {adj} :: Relating to a battlefield
Polska {prop} {f} :: Poland
polski {adj} :: Polish (of, or from Poland)
polski {m inan} :: Polish (language)
polski {m inan} [colloquial] :: Polish language lesson
polski znak {m inan} :: letter with Polish diacritical marks: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ś, ó, ł, ż, ź
polsko {adv} :: in a Polish manner
polsko-angielski {adj} :: Polish-English
polskojęzyczny {adj} :: Polish-speaking
polskojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the Polish language
polskość {f} :: Polishness; the quality or state of being Polish
polszczyć {vt impf} :: to Polonize
polszczyzna {f} :: Polish (language)
polubienie {n} :: verbal noun of polubić
połab. {adj} :: abbreviation of połabski
połabski {adj} :: Polabian
połać {f} [literary] :: expanse, stretch, swath, sweep, field
połajanka {f} :: reprimand
połamania długopisu {interj} [idiom] :: good luck on the exam!
połączenie {n} :: verbal noun of połączyć
połączenie {n} :: conjunction, confluence, connection
połączyć {vt pf} :: to join, to merge, to link (something)
połeć {m inan} :: A large chunk of salo or meat
połknąć {v pf} :: to swallow
połowa {f} :: half (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided)
położenie {n} :: position, location
położna {f} :: midwife
położnica {f} :: A woman in childbed, during lying-in
położyć {vt pf} :: to lay (to place something down in a position of rest)
położyć {vr pf} [with się] :: to lie down (to go to rest)
połóg {m inan} :: childbed, parturiency, lying-in
Połtawa {prop} {f} :: Połtawa (city)
południe {n} :: noon, midday (time of day when the sun is in its zenith)
południe {n} :: south
południe {n} [singular only] :: the South
południk {m inan} :: meridian (great circle on the Earth's surface, passing through the geographic poles)
Południowoafrykanka {f} :: a female South African
Południowoafrykańczyk {m pers} :: a male South African
południowoafrykański {adj} :: South African
południowoamerykański {adj} :: South American
południowoazjatycki {adj} :: South Asian
południowoeuropejski {adj} :: Southern European
południowokoreański {adj} :: South Korean
południowosłowiański {adj} [relational] :: South Slavic (of or relating to South Slavic or the South Slavs)
południowy {adj} [relational] :: noon, midday
południowy {adj} :: southern (of or relating to the south)
połykać {v impf} :: to swallow
połykanie {n} :: verbal noun of połykać
połysk {m inan} :: luster, polish, gloss, sheen (quality of material)
pomada {f} :: pomade (greasy or waxy substance that is used to style hair, making it look slick and shiny)
pomadka {f} :: lip balm, lip salve, chapstick
pomadka {f} [dated] :: fondant (flavored sugar preparation)
pomagać {v impf} :: to help (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something))
pomaganie {n} :: verbal noun of pomagać
pomagier {m pers} [derogatory] :: minion, henchman
pomarańcz {m inan} :: orange (colour)
pomarańcza {f} :: orange (fruit)
pomarańczarnia {f} [horticulture] :: orangery
pomarańczowawy {adj} :: orangish
pomarańczowy {adj} :: orange (color)
pomarańczowy {adj} :: made of or relating to oranges
pomarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pomarznąć
pomiar {m inan} :: measurement (act of measuring)
pomiąć {vt pf} :: to rumple, to wrinkle, to crumple
pomidor {m inan} :: tomato
pomidorowa {f} [colloquial] :: tomato soup
pomidorówka {f} [colloquial] :: tomato soup
pomierny {adj} [obsolete or dialectal] :: moderate, modest, slight
pomieszczać {vt impf} :: to accommodate, to hold, to seat, to house
pomieszczać {vr impf} :: to fit
pomieszczenie {n} :: verbal noun of pomieścić
pomieszczenie {n} :: room (part of a building)
pomieścić {vt pf} :: to accommodate, to hold, to seat, to house
pomieścić {vr pf} :: to fit
pomiędzy {prep} [+ instrumental] :: between, among (denotes location)
pomiędzy {prep} [+ accusative] :: between, among (denotes movement)
pomimo {prep} :: despite, in spite of
pominięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pominąć
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] :: litter (a group of animals born together)
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] :: birth of a litter
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] :: dung (animal excrement)
pomiot {m inan} [archaic] :: throw (act of throwing something)
pomiot {m inan} [derogatory] :: brood (children)
pomknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pomknąć
pomnik {m inan} :: monument (a structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons)
pomnożyć {vt pf} [mathematics] :: to multiply, to times
pomnożyć {vt pf} :: to augment, to increase
pomoc {f} :: help, aid, assistance
pomoc {f} [soccer] :: midfield
pomocniczy {adj} :: auxiliary, ancillary, supplementary
pomocnik {m pers} :: helper, aid, assistant, facilitator
pomocnik {m pers} [soccer] :: midfielder
pomocy {interj} :: help!, help me!
pomornik {m inan} [colloquial] :: mountain tobacco (Arnica montana)
pomorski {adj} :: Pomeranian
Pomorze {prop} {n} :: Pomerania
pomost {m inan} :: wooden pier or jetty (raised platform built from the shore out over water)
pomostek {m inan} :: diminutive of pomost
pomościk {m inan} :: diminutive of pomost
pomóc {v pf} :: to help
pomór {m inan} [dated] :: murrain
pompa {f} :: pump (device for moving liquid or gas)
pompa {f} :: glitz, pomp
pompować {v impf} :: to pump (move liquid or gas)
pomrowiec {m anim} :: A slug of the genus Anredera (syn. Tandonia)
pomrowik {m anim} :: A slug of the genus Deroceras
pomrów {m anim} :: keelback slug (family Limacidae)
pomruk {m inan} :: rumble, grumble, growl (sound)
pomruk {m inan} :: murmur (sound)
pomurnik {m anim} :: wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria)
pomurnik {m inan} :: Any flowering plant of the genus Parietaria
pomyje {n} :: slops; swill (food waste fed to pigs)
pomyje {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: soup which is too watery or bland
pomyje {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: beverage of bad quality, especially beer
pomyłka {f} :: mistake, error
pomyłka {f} :: wrong number (when dialing on the phone)
pomysł {m inan} :: idea
pomysłowość {f} :: ingenuity, inventiveness
pomysłowy {adj} :: ingenious, clever
pomyśleć {v pf} :: think
pomyślność {f} :: prosperity
pomyślność {f} :: success
pomyślny {adj} :: successful
pomyślny {adj} :: auspicious
ponad- {prefix} :: super-, supra-, ultra-
ponad {prep} :: over, above
ponaddźwiękowy {adj} :: supersonic (of speed greater than the speed of sound)
ponadpaństwowy {adj} :: supranational
ponadprzeciętny {adj} :: above average, extraordinary
ponadto {adv} :: furthermore, moreover
ponaglać {vt impf} :: to urge, press, rush into
ponawiać {v impf} :: to repeat
poncho {n} :: alternative spelling of ponczo
poncz {m inan} :: punch (beverage)
ponczo {n} :: poncho (simple garment of cloth)
Poniat {prop} {m pers} {f} [archaic] :: given name
poniedziałek {m inan} :: Monday
poniemiecki {adj} :: belonging to or built by the Germans before World War II
ponieważ {conj} :: because, for
ponikło {n} :: Eleocharis (spike rush)
poniżać {vt impf} :: to humiliate, put down, debase, degrade, cheapen
poniżej {prep} :: below (lower in spatial position than)
poniżej {prep} :: below (less than)
ponoć {particle} :: supposedly
ponor {m anim} [obsolete] :: worm
ponor {m inan} [geology] :: ponor
ponowa {f} [hunting] :: fresh snow cover (covering of snow)
ponowa {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: new moon
ponowić {vt pf} :: to redo, to repeat, to retry
ponownie {adv} :: again, anew
ponowny {adj} :: repeated, renewed
ponowoczesność {f} :: postmodernity (state of being postmodern)
ponton {m inan} [nautical] :: raft, dinghy (small inflatable boat)
ponton {m inan} :: pontoon (floating structure)
pontonowy {adj} [relational] :: raft, dinghy
pontonowy {adj} [relational] :: pontoon (floating structure)
pontyfikat {m inan} :: pontificate
ponuro {adv} :: grimly, gloomily
ponury {adj} :: grim, gloomy
poń {contraction} :: contraction of po niego
poń {contraction} :: contraction of po nim
pończocha {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: stocking
pop {m inan} :: pop music
pop {m pers} :: Eastern Orthodox priest
poparcie {n} :: support
popcorn {m inan} :: popcorn
popełniać {vt impf} :: to commit, to perpetrate
popełnić {v pf} :: to commit (perpetrate a fault)
popełnić {v pf} [humorous, of an artistic work] :: to make, to create
popędliwy {adj} :: hotheaded and impulsive
popędliwy {adj} :: quick, sudden
popić {vt pf} :: to sip (drink a small amount of something)
popić {vt pf} :: to chase, to wash down
popielarz {m pers} :: A worker responsible for removing ash and slag
popielarz {m pers} :: An ash burner
popielaty {adj} [color] :: ash-colored, ashen, light-grey
Popielec {m inan} :: Ash Wednesday
popielica {f} :: edible dormouse (Glis glis)
popielica {f} :: cineraria
popielica {f} :: European dewberry (Rubus caesius)
popielniczka {f} :: ashtray
popielnik {m inan} :: ashpan, ashpit
popielnik {m inan} :: cineraria
popielnik {m pers} [literary] :: A person born from ashes
popierać {v impf} :: to support, to back
popieranie {n} :: verbal noun of popierać
popierdolony {adj} [vulgar] :: fucked up, wild, mad, crazy
popiersie {n} :: bust (sculpture)
popijać {vt impf} :: to sip (drink a small amount of something)
popijać {vt impf} :: to chase, to wash down
popijała {m pers} [rare, jocular] :: drunkard, drunk
popijawa {f} [colloquial] :: drinking party
popiół {m inan} :: ash (solid remains of a fire)
popisać {vr pf} :: to show off, to showboat, to parade (oneself)
popisywać {vr impf} :: to show off, to showboat, to parade (oneself)
popitka {f} :: chaser (mild drink consumed immediately after another drink of hard liquor)
poplątanie {n} :: verbal noun of poplątać
poplon {m inan} [agriculture, archaic] :: catch crop
popłakiwać {vi impf} :: to sob, to whimper
popłoch {m inan} :: panic; scare
popłoch {m inan} :: stampede
popłoch {m inan} :: cotton thistle; any plant of the genus Onopordum
popłynąć {vi pf} :: to swim
popłynąć {vi pf} :: to sail
popłynąć {vi pf} :: to float
popojutrze {adv} :: two days after tomorrow
popojutrze {n} :: two days after tomorrow
popołudnie {n} :: afternoon
popołudniowy {adj} [relational] :: afternoon
popowy {adj} [music] :: pop; related to, playing, or having the characteristics of pop music
popranie {n} :: verbal noun of poprać
poprawczak {m inan} [colloquial] :: reform school; juvenile correctional facility
poprawiać {vt impf} :: to improve, to better
poprawiać {vt impf} :: to rectify
poprawiać {vt impf} :: to correct
poprawiać {vt impf} :: to primp, to adjust
poprawiać {vt impf} :: to upgrade
poprawianie {n} :: verbal noun of poprawiać
poprawić {vt pf} :: to improve, to better
poprawić {vt pf} :: to rectify
poprawić {vt pf} :: to correct
poprawić {vt pf} :: to primp, to adjust
poprawić {vt pf} :: to upgrade
poprawnie {adv} :: correctly
poprawniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of poprawny
poprawny {adj} :: right, correct
popręg {m inan} :: girth (a band passed under the belly of an animal to hold various types of saddles in place)
poproch {m inan} [regional] :: first snow
poproch {m anim} :: Any of several species of moth
poprosić {vt pf} :: to ask somebody
poprowadzić {v pf} :: to go along, to guide
poprowadzić {v pf} :: to lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection)
poprucie {n} :: verbal noun of popruć
popryskanie {n} :: verbal noun of popryskać
poprzeczka {f} :: crossbar
poprzeczka {f} :: crossbeam, crosspiece
poprzecznica {f} :: transverse colon
poprzeczny {adj} :: transverse
poprzeć {vt pf} :: to support, to back, to favour, to advocate
poprzedni {adj} :: previous, prior
poprzednik {m pers} :: predecessor (one who precedes)
poprzednik {m inan} :: precursor, something which precedes something else
poprzednik {m inan} [grammar] :: protasis
poprzednik {m inan} [logic] :: antecedent
poprzednio {adv} :: previously
poprzedzać {v impf} :: to precede, to prelude
popsucie {n} :: verbal noun of popsuć
popularnie {adv} :: popularly; in a popular manner (commonly)
popularnie {adv} :: lucidly; in a lucid manner
popularniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of popularny
popularność {f} :: popularity
popularny {adj} :: popular (liked by many people, widely admired)
popularny {adj} :: popular (aimed at ordinary people, intended for general consumption)
popularyzator {m pers} :: popularizer
popularyzatorka {f} :: popularizer (female)
populista {m pers} :: populist
populistyczny {adj} :: populist
popychacz {m inan} :: tappet
popychać {vt impf} :: to push, barge, pole, wheel
popychać {vt impf} :: to hustle
popychadło {n} :: doormat, pushover, drudge
popyt {m inan} :: demand (economy)
por. {m pers} :: abbreviation of porucznik Lt. (followed by a name)
por {m inan} :: leek
por {m inan} :: pore
pora {f} :: time
pora {f} :: interval
pora roku {f} :: season (quarter of a year)
porabianie {n} :: verbal noun of porabiać
porada {f} :: advice, guidance
porada {f} :: consultation (a meeting with a specialist or professional)
poradnia {f} :: An institute, clinic, or service that advises
poradnik {m inan} :: guide book, handbook, guide, how-to, hints
poranek {m inan} :: early morning
poranny {adj} :: matinal, in the morning, relating to the morning
porastać {vt impf} :: to overgrow, cover
porastać {vi impf} :: to get overgrown, become grown over
porażenie {n} [pathology] :: paralysis, palsy (loss of muscle control)
porażenie {n} :: verbal noun of porazić
porażka {f} :: failure
porażka {f} [sports] :: defeat, beating
porażka {f} [colloquial] :: serious mistake; disaster; fuckup
porąb {m inan} [obsolete] :: alternative form of poręba
porąbanie {n} :: verbal noun of porąbać
porcelana {f} :: porcelain
porcelanowy {adj} :: made of porcelain
porcja {f} :: portion, helping, serving
poręba {f} :: man-made clearing (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees)
poręba {f} [obsolete] :: beaver dam; beaver lodge
poręcz {f} :: handrail
pornograf {m} :: pornographer
pornografia {f} :: pornography (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent)
pornograficzny {adj} :: pornographic
pornol {m anim} [colloquial] :: pornographic movie
pornos {m anim} [colloquial] :: pornographic movie
porobienie {n} :: verbal noun of porobić
porodówka {f} [colloquial] :: maternity ward
poronić {v pf} :: to miscarry
poroniec {m anim} :: poroniec (demon from Slavic mythology)
poronienie {n} :: miscarriage
poroniony {adj} [colloquial] :: of an idea or enterprise: poorly thought out, pointless, doomed
porost {m inan} :: lichen
porostnica {f} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Marchantia
porozmawiać {vi pf} :: to talk, to speak, to converse, to chat
porozmawianie {n} :: verbal noun of porozmawiać
porozumieć {vr pf} :: to communicate
porozumieć {vr pf} :: to agree, to come to an agreement
porozumienie {n} :: agreement, deal
porozumiewać {vr impf} :: to communicate
porozumiewać {vr impf} :: to agree, to come to an agreement
poroże {n} :: antlers
poród {m inan} :: birth, delivery (process of childbearing)
porównać {vt pf} :: to compare
porównanie {n} :: verbal noun of porównać
porównanie {n} :: comparison
porównywać {v impf} :: to compare (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another)
porównywalny {adj} :: comparable
porównywarka {f} :: comparison website
poróżnić {v pf} [literary] :: to create discord, to cause disagreement
port. {noun} :: abbreviation of portugalski
port {m inan} :: port, harbour (area for ships)
port {m inan} :: port, a town or city containing such a place
portal {m inan} [architecture] :: portal
portfel {m inan} :: wallet (case for keeping money)
portfelik {m inan} :: diminutive of portfel
portfolio {n} :: portfolio (case for carrying papers, drawings, photographs, maps and other flat documents)
portier {m pers} :: doorman, gatekeeper, porter, doorkeeper
portierka {f} :: female gatekeeper, porter, doorkeeper, doorwoman
portiernia {f} :: gatehouse
portmonetka {f} :: coin purse
porto {n} :: postage (charge)
porto {n} :: port wine
Porto {prop} {n} :: Porto (district)
Porto {prop} {n} :: Porto (city/and/municipality/district capital)
Portoryko {prop} {n} :: Portoryko (territory)
portowiec {m pers} :: dockworker, docker, roustabout
portrecik {m inan} :: diminutive of portret
portrecista {m pers} :: portraitist, portrait painter
portrecista {m pers} :: portrait photographer
portret {m inan} [painting] :: portrait (painting of a person)
portret {m inan} [figuratively] :: portrait (accurate depiction of a person, a mood, etc.)
portret {m inan} :: face photograph
portretować {vt impf} :: to portray
Portugalczyk {m pers} :: Portuguese (a native of Portugal)
Portugalia {prop} {f} :: Portugalia (country)
Portugalka {f} :: Portuguese (female person)
portugalski {adj} :: Portuguese
portugalski {m inan} :: Portuguese (language)
portwajn {m inan} :: port wine
portyk {m inan} :: portico
poruchać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck some, to get some, to satisfy one's sexual urges
porucznik {m pers} :: lieutenant
poruszać {vt impf} :: to move (cause to change place or posture), to stir
poruszać {vt impf} :: to bring up, to mention, to touch on, to broach
poruszać {vt impf} :: to move emotionally, to touch, to affect
poruszać {vr impf} :: to move (change place or posture), to stir
poruszyć {vt pf} :: to move (cause to change place or position), to stir
poruszyć {vt pf} :: to move emotionally, to touch
poruszyć {vt pf} :: to bring up, to mention, to touch on
poruszyć {vr pf} :: to move (change place or position), to stir
poruta {f} [colloquial] :: embarassment, disgrace
porwać {vt pf} :: to snag, to catch, to tear
porwać {vt pf} :: to kidnap, to abduct, to seize
porwać {vt pf} :: to hijack
porwać {vt pf} :: to sweep away, to whisk off
porwać {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to grip, to enthrall
porwać się z motyką na słońce {v pf} [idiom, colloquial] :: to bite off more than one can chew, to overestimate one's capabilities
porwanie {n} :: verbal noun of porwać
porwanie {n} :: kidnapping, abduction
poryw {m inan} :: gust
poryw {m inan} :: outburst, flush
porywacz {m pers} :: kidnapper, abductor, highjacker
porywać {vt impf} :: to abduct, kidnap, highjack
porywać się z motyką na słońce {v impf} [idiom, colloquial] :: to bite off more than one can chew, to overestimate one's capabilities
porywczy {adj} :: impulsive, impetuous, hotheaded
porządek {m inan} :: order
porządkować {vt impf} :: to sort, to arrange, to order, to organise
porządny {noun} :: proper
porządny {noun} :: reliable
porządny {noun} :: sturdy, well-made
porządny {noun} :: proper, honest, good, noble
porządny {noun} :: strong, intense
porzeczka {f} :: currant, any bush of genus Ribes (such as blackcurrant or redcurrant)
porzeczka {f} :: the fruit of such bushes
porzeczkowy {adj} [relational] :: currant
porzekadło {n} :: adage, saying, proverb
porzucać {v impf} :: to abandon, to give up, to leave
porzucać {v impf} :: to quit [a job]
porzucić {v pf} :: to abandon, to give up, to leave
porzucić {v pf} :: to quit [a job]
posada {f} :: situation, job, position, post
posada {f} :: employment
posadka {f} :: diminutive of posada
posag {m inan} :: dowry
posąg {m inan} :: statue
posążek {m inan} :: diminutive of posąg
posążek {m inan} :: statuette
poschnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of poschnąć
Posejdon {prop} {m pers} :: Poseidon (Greek god of the sea)
poseł {m pers} :: a member of the Sejm; Member of Parliament
poseł {m pers} [obsolete] :: envoy, messenger
posępniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of posępny
posępny {adj} :: glum, in low spirits, somber, gloomy (cheerless)
posiać {vt pf} :: to sow (disperse seeds)
posiać {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to misplace
posiadacz {m pers} :: holder, bearer
posiadacz {m pers} :: owner, possessor
posiadacz {m pers} :: proprietor
posiadać {v impf} :: (of a person) to own, to possess (an object or an ability)
posiadanie {n} :: verbal noun of posiadać
posiadłość {f} :: estate
posiadłość {f} :: property, possesion
posiedzenie {n} :: meeting, session
posiłek {m inan} :: meal (food that is prepared and eaten)
posiłki {m inanp} [military] :: reinforcements
posiniaczony {adj} :: bruised; black and blue
posiniaczyć {v pf} :: to bruise
poskramiacz {m pers} :: tamer
poskramiać {vt impf} :: to tame
poskramiać {vt impf} :: to curb, restrain
poskrobanie {n} :: verbal noun of poskrobać
posłanie {n} :: verbal noun of posłać
posłanie {n} :: a sleeping spot, a bed
posłaniec {m pers} :: messenger, envoy
posłanka {f} :: female member of the Sejm
posłanka {f} :: female Member of Parliament
posłanko {n} :: diminutive of posłanie
posłuchać {vt pf} :: to listen to (+ genitive), to listen up
posłuchać {vi pf} :: to obey
posłuchanie {n} :: verbal noun of posłuchać
posłuszny {adj} :: obedient
posmak {m inan} :: aftertaste, savour
posmak {m inan} :: vibe (atmosphere or aura felt to belong to something)
posoch {m inan} [obsolete] :: A staff, especially a crosier
posocznica {f} [pathology] :: sepsis
posoka {f} :: blood
posoka {f} [pathology] :: ichor
pospiech {m inan} :: alternative form of pośpiech
pospieszać {vt impf} :: to hurry, to hasten, to impel
pospiesznie {adv} :: hurriedly, hastily
pospieszniej {adv} :: comparative of pospiesznie
pospieszny {adj} :: hurried
pospieszny {adj} :: hasty
pospieszny {adj} :: express
pospieszny {m inan} :: An express bus
pospieszny {m inan} :: An express train
pospieszyć {vt pf} :: to hurry, to hasten, to impel
pospolity {adj} :: common (found in large numbers or in a large quantity)
pospołu {adv} :: commonly, jointly
post- {prefix} :: post-
post {m inan} :: fast
post {m anim} :: post (message)
postać {f} :: form
postać {f} :: figure, being
postać {f} :: character
postać {vi pf} :: to stand
postanawiać {vt impf} :: to decide, to resolve
postanowić {vt pf} :: to decide, to resolve, to choose
postanowienie {n} :: verbal noun of postanowić
postanowienie {n} :: decision, resolution
postanowienie {n} [law] :: provision, stipulation
postarzać {vt impf} :: to age (cause to grow old)
postarzanie {n} :: verbal noun of postarzać
postaw {m inan} :: warp (threads stretched lengthwise in a loom)
postawa {f} :: posture, stance, pose
postawa {f} :: attitude, disposition
postawić {v pf} :: to put, place, set
postawić {v pf} :: to erect, raise
postawić {v pf} :: to stake, bet
postawić na nogi {v pf} [idiom] :: to mobilize, to alert, to cause alarm
postawić na nogi {v pf} [idiom] :: to patch up, to fix up; to improve someone's condition, to rehabilitate
postawić wszystko na jedną kartę {v pf} [idiom] :: to put all one's eggs in one basket
posterunek {m inan} :: post, outpost, sentry
posterunek {m inan} :: police station
postęp {m inan} [singular only] :: progress (development, growth)
postęp {m inan} [singular only] :: progress (of some process, as in progress bar)
postęp {m inan} [medicine] :: progression
postęp {m inan} [mathematics] :: progression
postęp {m inan} [plural only] :: progress in learning
postępować {v impf} :: to act, behave
postępować {v impf} :: to advance
postępować {v impf} :: to proceed with a course of action
postfiks {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: postfix
postimpresjonizm {m inan} [art] :: postimpressionism
postmodernista {m pers} :: postmodernist
postmodernistka {f} :: female postmodernist
postmodernistycznie {adv} :: in a postmodernist manner
postmodernistyczny {adj} :: postmodernist
postmodernizm {m inan} :: postmodernism
postój {m inan} :: stop, halt (interruption of travel, work, etc.)
postój {m inan} :: stop (place)
postradać {v pf} [archaic] :: to lose (to no longer possess something)
postradać rozum {v pf} [idiom] :: to lose one's mind
postradać zmysły {v pf} [idiom] :: to lose one's mind; to be out of one's mind
postrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of postroić
postronek {m inan} :: tether, halter
postrzał {m inan} :: gunshot wound or arrow wound
postrzał {m inan} :: low back pain, lumbago
postrzygacz {m pers} :: shearer (person employed to shear sheep)
postulant {m pers} [religion] :: postulant
postulantka {f} [religion] :: female postulant
postura {f} :: posture
posunąć {vt pf} :: to move forward, to shove
posunąć {vt pf} :: to further, to advance
posunąć {vt pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck
posunąć {vr pf} :: to move slightly, to inch, to edge
posunąć {vr pf} :: to move over, to budge up, to scoot over
posunąć {vr pf} :: to progress, to advance
posunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of posunąć
posuwać {vt impf} :: to move forward, to shove
posuwać {vt impf} :: to further, to advance
posuwać {vt impf} [vulgar] :: to fuck
posuwać {vr impf} :: to move slightly, to inch, to edge
posuwać {vr impf} :: to move over, to budge up, to scoot over
posuwać {vr impf} :: to progress, to advance
posuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of posuwać
posyłanie {n} :: verbal noun of posyłać
posypać {vt pf} :: to sprinkle [+ (instrumental) = with something]
posypanie {n} :: verbal noun of posypać
posypywać {vt impf} :: to sprinkle [+ (instrumental) = with something]
poszczególny {adj} :: individual, particular
poszczególny {adj} :: respective
poszkodowany {m pers} :: victim (anyone who is physically harmed by another)
poszkodowany {adj} :: harmed
poszukiwanie {n} :: search
poszum {f} [literary] :: rustle, sough
pościel {f} :: bedding, bedclothes
pościelenie {n} :: verbal noun of pościelić
pościelić {vt pf} :: to make (a bed)
pościg {m inan} :: pursuit, chase
pościk {m inan} :: diminutive of post (all meanings)
pośladek {m inan} :: buttock
pośledni {adj} :: second-rate, inferior
pośledni {adj} [Upper Silesia] :: last, final
pośledniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of pośledni
poślizg {m inan} :: skid (out-of-control sliding motion)
poślizg {m inan} :: slide (act of sliding)
poślizg {m inan} :: slipperiness (property of being slippery)
poślizg {m inan} [colloquial] :: delay
poślizgiwać {vr impf} :: to slip (lose one's traction on a slippery surface)
poślizgnąć {vr pf} :: to slip (lose one's traction on a slippery surface)
pośliznąć {vr pf} :: alternative form of poślizgnąć
pośmiertnie {adv} :: posthumously
pośmiertny {adj} :: posthumous
pośpiech {m inan} :: haste
pośpieszny {adj} :: alternative form of pospieszny
pośredni {adj} :: indirect
pośredni {adj} :: interim, transitional
pośrednictwo {n} :: intermediation
pośrednictwo {n} :: mediation
pośrednictwo {n} :: broking, brokerage
pośrednik {m pers} :: middleman, go-between, intermediary
pośrodku {prep} :: in the middle (of)
pośród {prep} :: among, amid, midst
poświadczać {vt impf} :: to testify, to bear witness to, to notarise
poświadczyć {vt pf} :: to testify, to bear witness to, to notarise
poświata {f} :: glow
poświata {f} :: afterglow
poświerka {f} :: longspur (Calcarius), especially the Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
poświęcać {vt impf} :: to sacrifice, to forfeit
poświęcać {vt impf} :: to devote, to commit, to give
poświęcać {vt impf} [religion] :: to bless, to consecrate
poświęcenie {n} :: devotion, commitment
poświęcenie {n} :: consecration
poświęcenie {n} :: sacrifice
poświęcić {vt pf} :: to sacrifice, to forfeit
poświęcić {vt pf} :: to devote, to commit, to give
poświęcić {vt pf} [religion] :: to bless, to consecrate
pot. {adj} :: abbreviation of potoczny
pot. {adv} :: abbreviation of potocznie
pot. {m inan} :: abbreviation of potok
pot {m inan} :: sweat
potajemnie {adv} :: covertly, clandestinely, furtively
potajemność {f} :: clandestinity, furtiveness, covertness
potajemny {adj} :: secret, covert, clandestine
potakiwacz {m pers} :: yes man
potakiwać {v impf} :: to continually nod, express agreement; to yes
potańcówka {f} [colloquial] :: dance party
potarcie {n} :: verbal noun of potrzeć
potarganie {n} :: verbal noun of potargać
potas {m inan} :: potassium
potem {adv} :: then, afterwards
potencja {f} :: potency
potencjalny {adj} :: potential
potencjał {m inan} :: potential
potęga {f} :: power, might
potęga {f} [mathematics] :: power
potępienie {n} :: verbal noun of potępić
potężniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of potężny
potężny {adj} :: powerful
potężny {adj} :: huge, massive
potknąć {vr pf} :: to trip, to stumble, to fall
potknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of potknąć
potocyzm {m inan} :: colloquialism
potoczek {m inan} :: diminutive of potok
potocznie {adv} :: colloquially
potoczny {adj} :: common, ordinary, quotidian
potoczny {adj} [linguistics] :: colloquial (informal but within standard language norms)
potoczny {adj} [linguistics] :: vernacular, non-standard (belonging to non-standard usage)
potok {m inan} :: torrent
potok {m inan} :: stream, creek
potok {m inan} [computing] :: pipe
potok {m inan} [computing] :: pipeline
potomek {m pers} :: descendant (one who is the progeny of someone)
potomkini {f} :: descendant (one who is the progeny of someone)
potomstwo {n} :: offspring, progeny, posterity, descendants
potop {m inan} :: deluge, flood
potopienie {n} :: verbal noun of potopić
potówka {f} [dermatology] :: miliaria, sweat rash
potrafić {v pf} [auxiliary] :: can (to be able)
potraw {m inan} :: aftergrass, aftermath
potrawa {f} :: dish, plate, meal
potrójnie {adv} :: triply
potrójny {adj} :: triple
potrwać {vi pf} [iterative] :: to last for some time
potrzask {m inan} :: foothold trap
potrzask {m inan} [military] :: encirclement
potrzask {m inan} [by extension] :: A situation or predicament with no way out
potrzask {m inan} [obsolete, slang] :: prison
potrzask {m inan} [obsolete] :: slam, bang, crack (noise)
potrząsnąć {v pf} :: to rattle, to shake
potrząsnąć {v pf} :: to throw back
potrzeba {f} :: need (something needed)
potrzebny {adj} :: necessary
potrzebować {vt impf} :: to need
potrzebowanie {n} :: verbal noun of potrzebować
potrzeszcz {m anim} :: corn bunting (Emberiza calandra)
potrzos {m anim} :: reed bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus
potucha {f} [obsolete] :: encouragement
potulny {adj} :: meek, docile
potwarz {f} [archaic] :: defamation, slander
potwierdzać {vt impf} :: to confirm
potwierdzić {v pf} :: to confirm
potwór {m anim} :: monster, fiend
potykać {vr impf} :: to trip, to stumble, to falter
potykanie {n} :: verbal noun of potykać
potylica {f} [anatomy] :: occiput (back of the head)
potyliczny {adj} :: occipital
poufnie {adv} :: confidentially
poufnie {adv} :: off the record, unofficially
poufność {f} :: confidentiality
poufny {adj} :: confidential
pourazowy {adj} :: posttraumatic
pow. {f} :: abbreviation of powierzchnia
pow. {m inan} :: abbreviation of powiat
powab {m inan} :: allure, charm, sex appeal
powabnica {f} :: cuckoo wasp of the genus Hedychrum
powabnie {adv} :: alluringly, sexily
powabny {noun} :: alluring, attractive, sexy
powalenie {n} :: verbal noun of powalić
poważać {vt impf} :: to esteem, to respect
poważnie {adv} :: seriously
poważniej {adv} :: comparative of poważnie
poważniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of poważny
poważny {adj} :: serious, grave
powąchanie {n} :: verbal noun of powąchać
powiadamiać {vt impf} :: to notify, to inform
powiadomić {vt pf} :: to notify, to inform
powiadomienie {n} :: notification
powiadomienie {n} :: announcement
powiat {m inan} :: county; the second-level unit of local government and administration in Poland, between gmina and województwo
powicher {m inan} [Góral] :: whirlwind, violent windstorm
powidło {n} :: Powidl, a type of fruit spread
powiedzenie {n} :: saying, idiom
powiedzieć {v pf} :: to tell
powiedzieć {v pf} :: to say
powieka {f} :: eyelid
powielacz {m inan} :: mimeograph, duplicating machine
powielacz {m inan} :: multiplier
powielać {vt impf} :: to manifold, to duplicate, to copy, to replicate, to mimeograph
powielać {vt impf} :: to rehash
powiercanie {n} :: verbal noun of powiercać
powiercenie {n} :: verbal noun of powiercić
powiernictwo {n} :: trust, a body of trustees
powiernictwo {n} :: trusteeship
powiernik {m pers} :: trustee, fiduciary
powiernik {m pers} :: confidant
powierzać {vt impf} :: to entrust
powierzchnia {f} :: surface (up-side of a flat object)
powierzchnia {f} :: area
powierzyć {vt pf} :: to entrust
powiesić {vt pf} :: to hang (up), to suspend
powiesić {vt pf} :: to hang (execute by suspension from the neck)
powiesić {vr pf} :: to hang oneself (commit suicide by hanging)
powieszenie {n} :: verbal noun of powiesić
powieszenie {n} :: hanging
powieść {f} :: novel (work of prose fiction)
powietrze {n} :: air (gases making up the atmosphere of a planet)
powietrzny {adj} :: aerial, air
powietrzny {adj} :: airborne
powiew {m inan} :: very light wind, number 1 on the Beaufort scale
powiększać {vti impf} :: to enlarge, to augment, to expand
powiększać {vt impf} :: to magnify (make something appear larger through use of a lens)
powiększać {vr impf} :: to grow larger
powiększalnik {m inan} [photography] :: enlarger
powiększanie {n} :: verbal noun of powiększać
powiększenie {n} :: verbal noun of powiększyć; augmentation, expansion, enlargement
powiększenie {n} :: enlargement, blow-up (magnified photograph)
powiększyć {vti pf} :: to enlarge, to augment, to expand
powiększyć {vt pf} :: to magnify (make something appear larger through use of a lens)
powiększyć {vr pf} :: to grow larger
powięź {f} [anatomy] :: fascia
powinien {v m} :: ought
powinięcie {n} :: verbal noun of powinąć
powinowactwo {n} :: affinity (family relationship through marriage of a relative)
powinowactwo {n} [chemistry] :: affinity (attraction between atoms)
powinowactwo {n} :: similarity
powłoka {f} :: covering (that which covers something), coat, crust
powłoka {f} [anatomy] :: A layer of tissue between the surface of the body and internal organs
powodować {vt impf} :: to cause, to bring on, to occasion
powodować {vt impf} [dated] :: to drive, to compel (someone to do something)
powodować {vr impf} [literary] :: to live by, to abide by
powodzenia {interj} :: good luck
powodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of powodzić
powodzenie {n} :: good fortune, good luck
powodzenie {n} :: success
powodzianin {m pers} :: flood survivor
powojenny {adj} :: post-war
powojnik {m inan} :: clematis, any plant of the genus Clematis
powoli {adv} :: slowly
powolniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of powolny
powolny {adj} :: slow (not quick in motion)
powolutku {adv} :: diminutive of powoli
powołanie {n} :: verbal noun of powołać
powód {m pers} :: plaintiff
powód {m inan} :: cause, reason
powódź {f} :: flood (overflow of water)
powój {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Convolvulus – true bindweed, convolvulus
powójka {f} [colloquial] :: field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
powóz {m inan} :: carriage (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power)
powracanie {n} :: verbal noun of powracać
powroźniczy {adj} :: concerning ropes
powroźnik {m pers} :: a roper, someone who makes ropes
powrócenie {n} :: verbal noun of powrócić
powrósło {n} :: binder
powrósło {n} :: wisp
powrót {m inan} :: return (act of returning)
powróz {m inan} :: rope, cord
powsinoga {m pers} :: gadabout (male person)
powsinoga {f} :: gadabout (female person)
powstać {vi pf} :: to arise, to develop
powstać {vi pf} :: to rise, to stand
powstać {vi pf} :: to rise up, to rebel
powstać {vi pf} [of a river] :: to rise
powstanie {n} :: uprising, rising, insurrection
powstanie {n} :: rise, origin, birth
powstanie {n} [uncountable] :: verbal noun of powstać
powstawać {vi impf} :: to arise, to develop
powstawać {vi impf} :: to rise, to stand
powstawać {vi impf} :: to rise up, to rebel
powstawać {vi impf} [of a river] :: to rise
powszechniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of powszechny
powszechny {adj} :: common (found in large numbers or in a large quantity)
powszechny {adj} :: frequent
powszedni {adj} :: common, mundane, quotidian
powtarzać {v impf} :: to repeat
powtarzalny {adj} :: repetitive, repeatable
powtarzanie {n} :: verbal noun of powtarzać
powtórny {adj} :: repeated
powtórzyć {v pf} :: to repeat
powyborczy {adj} :: postelection
powyłamywany {adj} :: broken out
poza {prep} [+ instrumental] :: beyond, out of (denotes location)
poza {prep} [+ accusative] :: beyond, out of (denotes movement)
poza {prep} [+ instrumental] :: except
poza {f} :: pose, posture
poza tym {particle} :: besides; used to add an aside or warning to a text
pozagrobowy {adj} [relational] :: afterlife
pozamieniać się z chujem na łby {v pf} [vulgar, idiom, humorous] :: to think with one's penis; to act unwisely due to sexual motivations
pozamieniać się z chujem na łby {v pf} [vulgar, idiom, humorous] :: to have one's head up one's ass; to act extremely stupid or oblivious
pozarządowy {adj} :: non-governmental
pozaskończony {adj} [mathematics] :: transfinite
pozbawiać {v impf} :: to deprive, to bereave
pozbawić {v pf} :: to deprive, to bereave
pozbawienie wolności {n} [law, formal] :: imprisonment
pozbyć {vr pf} :: to get rid of
pozdrowienie {n} :: greeting
pozer {m pers} :: poseur, poser
pozew {m inan} [law] :: suit
poziewnik {m inan} :: hemp-nettle, any plant of the genus Galeopsis
poziom {m inan} :: level (degree or amount)
poziom {m inan} :: level (gaming)
poziomica {f} :: level (tool for finding whether a surface is level)
poziomica {f} [cartography] :: contour line, isohypse
poziomica {f} [mathematics] :: preimage of a single point
poziomka {f} :: wild strawberry
poziomo {adv} :: horizontally
poziomy {adj} :: horizontal
pozjadać wszystkie rozumy {v pf} [idiom, pejorative] :: to act like a know-it-all
pozłacanie {n} :: verbal noun of pozłacać
pozłota {f} :: gilt, gilding (a layer or coating of gold)
pozłota {f} [obsolete] :: gilding (act of applying a gold coating)
poznać {vt pf} :: to meet, to get to know
poznać {vt pf} :: to recognize, to know
poznaj samego siebie {proverb} :: know thyself
poznaniak {m pers} [colloquial] :: A male resident or native of Poznań
poznanianin {m pers} :: A male resident or native of Poznań
poznanianka {f} :: A female resident or native of Poznań
poznanie {n} :: verbal noun of poznać
Poznań {prop} {m inan} :: Poznań (city)
poznańczyk {m pers} [rare] :: A male resident or native of Poznań
poznański {adj} :: Poznań (of, from or pertaining to Poznań in Poland)
poznawać {v impf} :: to meet, to get to know
poznawać {v impf} :: to recognize
pozorny {adj} :: illusory, superficial
pozostać {vi pf} :: remain, stay
pozostanie {n} :: verbal noun of pozostać
pozostawać {vi impf} :: remain, stay
pozór {m inan} :: a misleading or superficial appearance; illusion
pozwać {vt pf} :: to sue
pozwalać {v impf} :: to allow, to permit, to consent to
pozwalanie {n} :: verbal noun of pozwalać
pozwolenie {n} :: verbal noun of pozwolić
pozwolenie {n} :: permission
pozwolenie {n} :: permit
pozwolić {vi pf} :: to allow, to permit, to consent to
pozycja {f} :: position
pozyton {m inan} :: positron
pozytywka {f} :: music box
pożar {m inan} :: fire (occurrence of fire in a certain place)
pożar {m inan} :: conflagration
pożądać {v impf} :: to desire
pożądanie {n} :: lust, desire
pożądliwie {adv} :: lustfully, desirously, covetously
pożądliwość {f} :: lust, desire
pożądliwy {adj} :: lustful, desirous, covetous
pożegnać {vt pf} :: to bid farewell, to bid goodbye
pożegnać {vr pf} :: to take one's leave
pożerać {v impf} :: to devour
pożerca {m anim} [obsolete] :: devourer, eater
pożoga {f} :: conflagration
pożreć {v pf} :: to devour
pożyczać {vt impf} :: to borrow [+ od (object) = genitive = from somebody]
pożyczać {vt impf} :: to lend, to loan
pożyczanie {n} :: verbal noun of pożyczać
pożyczka {f} :: loan
pożyczka {f} [linguistics] :: loanword
pożyczyć {v pf} :: to borrow (receive temporarily) [+ acc = something] [+ od (object) = gen = from someone]
pożyczyć {v pf} :: to lend, to loan [+ acc = something] [+ dat = to someone]
pożyteczny {adj} :: useful
pożytek {m inan} :: utility, usefulness
pożywienie {n} :: verbal noun of pożywić
pożywienie {n} :: food, fodder
pożywny {adj} :: nourishing, nutritive, nutritious, nutrient
pójść {v pf} :: to go, to walk
póki {conj} :: as long as, while
póki {conj} :: until, till, before
pół- {prefix} :: half-, semi-, hemi-
pół {num} :: half
półbogini {f} [mythology] :: demigoddess
półbóg {m pers} [mythology] :: demigod
półbrat {m pers} [obsolete] :: half brother
półbrat {m pers} [historical] :: friar, monk
półcień {m inan} :: penumbra (partially shaded area)
półcień {m inan} [astronomy] :: penumbra
półeczka {f} :: diminutive of półka
półfinalista {m pers} :: semifinalist
półfinalistka {f} :: semifinalist
półfinał {m inan} [sports] :: semifinal
półfinałowy {adj} :: semifinal
półka {f} :: shelf
półkole {n} :: semicircle
półkolisty {adj} :: semicircular
półkrzew {m inan} :: subshrub, suffrutex
półksiężyc {m inan} :: half-moon
półksiężyc {m inan} :: crescent (shape)
półkula {f} :: hemisphere
półmetal {m inan} [chemistry] :: metalloid
półmisek {m inan} :: platter, dish, charger
północ {f} :: midnight
północ {f} :: north
północ {f} :: the North (US civil war)
północnoafrykański {adj} :: North African
północnoamerykański {adj} :: North American
północnobrabancki {adj} :: of, from, or related to, Brabancja Północna
północnoeuropejski {adj} :: Northern European
północnokoreański {adj} :: North Korean
północnomacedoński {adj} :: North Macedonian
północnosłowiański {adj} [relational] :: North Slavic (West Slavic + East Slavic)
północny {adj} :: northern (of or relating to the north)
północny {adj} [relational] :: midnight
półnuta {f} [music] :: minim, half note
półobrót {m inan} :: half-turn, half-revolution, half-rotation
półotwarty {adj} :: half-open
półotwarty {adj} :: ajar
półpasiec {m inan} :: shingles, herpes zoster
półpauza {f} [typography] :: en dash
półpiętro {n} :: mezzanine; secondary floor between main floors in a building
półpłaszczyzna {f} [mathematics] :: half-plane
półpłynny {adj} :: semiliquid, semifluid
półprosta {f} [geometry] :: ray, half-line
półprzewodnik {m inan} :: semiconductor
półrocze {n} :: half-year
półsen {adj} :: drowse, somnolence, half sleep
półśrodek {m inan} :: half-measure
półtora {num} :: one and a half
półtorak {m inan} [colloquial] :: hand-and-a-half sword, bastard sword
półtorak {m inan} :: mead with a 1:0.5 honey-to-water ratio
półtorak {m inan} [dialectal] :: 1.5 story house
półtorej {num} :: one and a half
półwysep {m inan} :: peninsula
Półwysep Kamczacki {prop} {m inan} :: Półwysep Kamczacki (long peninsula)
półżywy {adj} :: halfdead
później {adv} :: comparative of późno
później {adv} :: later, next, afterwards, after
późniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of późny
późno {adv} :: late
późny {adj} :: late (near the end of a period of time)
ppłk. {noun} :: abbreviation of podpułkownik Used in titles
PPO {m inan} :: initialism of punkt poboru opłat; toll booth
ppor. {noun} :: abbreviation of podporucznik Used in titles
pra- {prefix} :: proto-, pre-, ur-
pra- {prefix} :: prepended to ancestors before grandparents; great-
pra- {prefix} :: prepended to descendants after grandchildren
prababcia {f} :: great-grandmother
prababka {f} :: great-grandmother
praca {f} :: work (labour, employment, occupation, job)
praca domowa {f} :: homework
praca domowa {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: housework
pracochłonny {adj} :: labor-intensive, laborious
pracodawca {m pers} :: employer
pracoholik {m pers} :: workaholic (person)
pracoholizm {m inan} :: workaholism (urge of a person to work excessively)
pracować {vi impf} :: to work (to do a specific task)
pracować na czarno {v impf} [idiom] :: to moonlight; to work for cash; to be employed informally, without reporting this fact to the government
pracowanie {n} :: verbal noun of pracować
pracowitość {f} :: diligence, industry, application
pracowity {adj} :: hard-working
pracownia {f} :: workshop (manufacturing room)
pracownica {f} :: female employee, worker
pracowniczka {f} :: female employee, worker
pracownik {m pers} :: employee, worker
pracuś {m pers} [colloquial, jocular] :: A hardworking person
pracz {m pers} :: washer, washerman
praczka {f} :: washer, washerwoman
prać {v impf} :: to wash (to clean clothes with water)
prać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to beat; to beat up (to use violence)
pradawny {adj} :: ancient
pradolina {f} :: urstromtal
pradziad {m pers} :: great-grandfather
pradziadek {m pers} :: great-grandfather
praelement {m inan} [set theory] :: urelement
Praga {prop} {f} :: Praga (capital city)
Praga {prop} {f} :: Praga (<<area>> of <<city/Warsaw>> that lies on the right bank of the <<riv/Vistula>>)
Praga {prop} {f} [historic] :: Praga (<<former city>> in <<c/Poland>>, until 1791, on the right bank of the <<riv/Vistula>>, opposite <<city/Warsaw>>)
pragermański {adj} :: Proto-Germanic
pragermański {m inan} :: Proto-Germanic (reconstructed language)
pragęba {f} [embryology] :: blastopore
pragębowiec {m anim} [usually plural] :: protostome (member of Protostomia)
pragmatyka {f} [linguistics] :: pragmatics
pragmatyka {f} :: The state of being pragmatic
pragnąć {vi impf} :: to desire, to long for
pragnąć {v impf} [archaic] :: to thirst
pragnienie {n} :: thirst
pragnienie {n} :: longing
praindoeuropejski {adj} :: Proto-Indo-European
praindoeuropejski {m inan} :: Proto-Indo-European (reconstructed language)
prajelito {n} [anatomy] :: archenteron
prajęzyk {m inan} :: proto-language
prajęzykowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to a proto-language
praktycznie {adv} :: in practice
praktycznie {adv} :: pragmatically
praktycznie {adv} :: practically
praktyczny {adj} :: practical
praktyka {f} :: practice
pralina {f} :: praline
pralinka {f} :: diminutive of pralina
pralka {f} :: washing machine
pralnia {f} :: laundry (place or room where laundering is done)
prałat {m pers} :: prelate
pramatka {f} :: foremother
prana {f} [Hinduism] :: prana
pranie {n} :: laundry
pranie {n} :: verbal noun of prać; washing
praojciec {m pers} :: forefather
prapłaziec {m anim} :: South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa)
prapłetwiec {m anim} :: West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens)
prapłetwiec {m anim} [more generally] :: Any lungfish of the genus Protopterus
praporządek {m inan} [mathematics] :: preorder
prapradziad {m pers} :: great-great-grandfather
praprawnuk {m pers} :: great-great-grandson
prapremiera {f} [film, theater] :: private view
prapremierowy {adj} [relational] :: private view
prasa {f} :: press (device used to apply pressure)
prasa {f} :: press (printed media)
praski {adj} :: Prague (of, from or pertaining to Prague in the Czech Republic)
praski {adj} :: Praga (of, from or pertaining to the Praga district in Warsaw, Poland)
prasłowiański {adj} [relational] :: Proto-Slavic (of or pertaining to Proto-Slavic language or people who spoke it)
prasłowiański {m inan} :: Proto-Slavic (reconstructed language)
prasować {vt impf} :: to iron
prasowy {adj} [relational] :: press
prastary {adj} :: primaeval
praszczur {m pers} :: great-great-great-grandfather
praszczur {m pers} :: distant ancestor
praszczur {m pers} :: great-great-grandson
praszczur {m anim} :: distant ancestor (of an animal)
prawa człowieka {np} :: human rights
prawa zwierząt {n} :: animal rights
prawda {f} :: truth
prawda {interj} :: right
prawdopodobieństwo {n} :: probability, likelihood, chance
prawdopodobieństwo {n} [mathematics] :: probability
prawdopodobnie {adv} :: probably
prawdopodobniej {adv} :: comparative of prawdopodobnie
prawdopodobny {adj} :: probable
prawdziwy {adj} :: true, authentic, real
prawdziwych przyjaciół poznaje się w biedzie {proverb} :: a friend in need is a friend indeed
prawica {f} [politics] :: right wing
prawica {f} [rare, archaic, literary] :: right side
prawiczek {m pers} :: male virgin
prawić {vit impf} :: to discourse, declaim, preach
prawidło {n} [dated] :: rule, principle
prawidło {n} :: shoe tree
prawidłowy {adj} :: correct (well-formed)
prawidłowy {adj} :: correct (conforming to an established set of rules)
prawidłowy {adj} [geometry] :: regular
prawidłowy {adj} [sometimes proscribed] :: correct (in accordance with fact or truth)
prawidłowy {adj} [sometimes proscribed] :: proper (following the established standards of behavior or manners)
prawie {adv} :: almost (nearly, not quite)
prawie na pewno {adv} [mathematics] :: almost surely
prawilny {adj} [slang] :: worthy of respect; having good reputation
prawilny {adj} [slang] :: proper; sweet
prawniczka {f} :: feminine noun of prawnik
prawniczy {adj} :: legal, related to law or lawyers
prawnie {adv} :: legally (from a legal perspective)
prawnik {m pers} :: lawyer
prawnoautorski {adj} :: pertaining to copyright
prawność {f} :: lawfulness, legality
prawnuczek {m pers} :: diminutive of prawnuk
prawnuczka {f} :: great-granddaughter
prawnuk {m pers} :: great-grandson
prawny {adj} :: legal, having its basis in law
prawo {n} :: law
prawo autorskie {n} :: copyright
prawo jazdy {n} :: driver's license
praworęczny {adj} :: right-handed (preferring the right hand over the left)
prawosławny {adj} :: Orthodox
prawoślaz {m inan} :: althaea (any plant of the genus Althaea)
prawoznawstwo {n} [law] :: jurisprudence
prawy {adj} [incomparable] :: right (of direction)
prawy {adj} [dated or literary, comparable] :: virtuous, righteous
prazeodym {m inan} :: praseodymium (chemical element, Pr, atomic number 59)
prażucha {f} [archaic or regional] :: A type of kluski
prażyć {vt impf} :: to roast, to calcine, to parch, to scorch
prażyć {vit impf} :: to swelter
prażynka {f} :: potato crisp, potato chip
prącie {n} [anatomy] :: penis
prąciowy {adj} :: penile
prąd {m inan} :: current, electricity
prąd {m inan} :: current (part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction)
prąd {m inan} :: trend, movement
prąd stały {m inan} :: direct current
prąd zmienny {m inan} :: alternating current
prądnica {f} :: electrical generator
prądotwórczy {adj} :: generator
prądożerca {m inan} [colloquial] :: Something that uses a lot of electricity
prątek {m inan} :: mycobacterium (any bacterium of the genus Mycobacterium)
prątek {m inan} [botany] :: A type of short shoot
prątniczek {m inan} [botany] :: staminode
prątniczek {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Microbryum
prątnik {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Bryum
prątnik {m inan} [usually plural] :: bryopsid
pre- {prefix} :: pre-
preambuła {f} :: preamble (an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute)
precedens {m inan} :: precedent (past act used as example)
precedens {m inan} [law] :: precedent (prior judgment in law)
precel {m inan} :: pretzel
precelek {m inan} :: diminutive of precel
precyzja {f} :: precision
precyzyjnie {adv} :: precisely
precyzyjniej {adv} :: comparative of precyzyjnie
precyzyjny {adj} :: precise
precz {adv} :: (always with a verb) an adverb used to tell someone to go away or to describe something being thrown away; away
precz {interj} [colloquial, dismissal] :: get out!, out!, beat it!, begone!
predyspozycja {f} :: predisposition
predyspozycyjny {adj} :: predispositional
prefektura {f} :: prefecture
prefiks {m inan} [linguistics] :: prefix
prehistoria {f} [historiography] :: prehistory (history of human culture prior to written records)
prehistoria {f} :: time long past; yore
prekm. {adj} :: abbreviation of prekmurski
prekmurski {adj} :: Prekmurian
prekognicja {f} :: precognition (knowledge of something that is to occur in the future)
prelekcja {f} :: lecture
preludium {n} [music] :: prelude (short, free-form piece of music, serving as an introduction to a longer and more complex piece)
preludium {n} [music] :: prelude (short, stand-alone piece of music)
preludium {n} :: prelude (introductory or preliminary performance or event)
premier {m pers} :: prime minister
premiera {f} :: premiere
prenumerata {f} :: subscription (money that one pays for receiving a newspaper or magazine regularly)
prepaid {m inan} :: a pay-as-you-go mobile phone
prequel {m inan} [narratology] :: prequel
preria {f} [geography] :: prairie
preriowy {adj} [relational] :: prairie
preryjny {adj} [relational] :: prairie
preskryptywizm {m inan} [linguistics, metaethics] :: prescriptivism
prestiż {m inan} :: prestige
prestiżowo {adv} :: prestigiously; in a prestigious manner
prestiżowy {adj} :: prestigious
Preszów {prop} {m inan} :: Preszów (city)
pretekst {m inan} :: excuse, pretext
pretensjonalny {adj} :: pretentious
pretensjonalny {adj} :: overblown, grandiose
pretor {m pers} :: praetor
prewencja {f} [formal] :: prevention (of criminal behavior)
prewencja {f} [colloquial] :: riot police
prezbiter {m pers} [Christianity] :: presbyter, priest
prezbiterianin {m pers} :: Presbyterian
prezbiterianizm {m inan} :: Presbyterianism
prezbiterianka {f} :: female Presbyterian
prezbiteriański {adj} :: Presbyterian
prezbiterium {n} [architecture] :: presbytery, chancel
prezencik {m inan} :: diminutive of prezent
prezent {m inan} :: gift (something given to another voluntarily, without charge)
prezentacja {f} :: presentation (presenting to an audience)
prezerwatywa {f} :: condom
prezes {m pers} :: chairman, president (the primary leader of a corporation)
prezes {f} :: chairwoman, president (the primary leader of a corporation)
prezydencki {adj} :: presidential (related to a president or presidency)
prezydent {m pers} :: president (leader of the country)
prezydent {m pers} :: In Poland, mayor of a city (typically one with over 100,000 inhabitants)
prezydentura {f} :: presidency
pręcik {m inan} :: diminutive of pręt
pręcik {m inan} [botany] :: stamen (a flower part that produces pollen)
pręcik {m inan} [anatomy] :: rod (part of the retina of the eye)
prędki {adj} :: quick, rapid
prędki {adj} :: immediate (happening right away, instantly, with no delay)
prędki {adj} :: Inclined to make rapid decisions without due consideration; impulsive; hasty; rash
prędko {adv} :: rapidly, quickly
prędkościomierz {m inan} [formal] :: speedometer
prędkość {f} :: speed
prędkość {f} [physics] :: velocity
prędzej {adv} :: comparative of prędko
prędzej czy później {adv} :: sooner or later
pręga {f} :: stripe, streak
pręga {f} :: ridge
pręga {f} :: stria
pręgierz {m inan} [historic] :: pillory
pręgoczub {m anim} :: Madagascan serpent eagle (Eutriorchis astur)
pręgowiec {m anim} :: chipmunk (rodent)
pręt {m inan} :: rod, bar; long, cylindrical piece of metal
prętnik {m anim} :: Any gourami of the genus Trichogaster
prętosłup {m inan} [botany] :: gynostemium
prima aprilis {noun} :: April Fools' Day
primaaprilisowy {adj} :: related to or happening on April Fools' Day
primadonna {f} [opera] :: prima donna
priv {m inan} [internet slang] :: PM, private message on an Internet forum or other social site
pro- {prefix} :: pro-
problem {m inan} :: problem
problematyczny {adj} :: problematic
problematyka {f} :: matters, subject area
proboszcz {m pers} :: parish priest / (US) pastor (the chief priest in a parish, Catholic counterpart of Anglican vicar or rector)
proc. {m inan} :: abbreviation of procent
proc. {adj} :: abbreviation of procentowy
proca {f} :: sling (projectile weapon)
proca {f} :: sling (bandage)
procarz {m pers} :: slinger
procedura {f} :: procedure (particular method for performing a task)
procedura {f} [computing] :: procedure (subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task)
procent {m inan} :: percent
proces {m inan} :: process
proces {m inan} [law] :: trial
proces {m inan} [computing] :: process
procesor {m inan} [computing] :: processor
proch {m inan} :: powder, gunpowder
proch {m inan} :: augmentative of proszek
prochy {m inanp} :: ashes
prochy {m inanp} :: drugs
produkować {v impf} :: to produce (to make or manufacture)
produkowanie {n} :: verbal noun of produkować
produkt {m inan} :: product (commodity for sale)
produkt {m inan} :: product (outcome of an activity)
produkt {m inan} [chemistry] :: product
produkt {m inan} [mathematics] :: product (usually not arithmetical)
proepidemik {m pers} [neologism, derogatory] :: anti-vaccinationist, anti-vaxxer
proeuropejski {adj} :: pro-European (supporting the idea of European integration)
profes {m pers} :: monk who has taken religious vows of chastity, poverty and obedience
profesja {f} :: profession (job)
profesja {f} :: profession (declaration of belief)
profesja {f} :: profession (religious vows)
profesjonalizm {m inan} :: professionalism
profesor {m pers} :: professor
profesorka {f} [colloquial] :: female professor
profil {m inan} :: profile
prognoza {f} :: prediction, forecast
program {m inan} :: program (structured set of activities)
program {m inan} :: program (broadcasted show)
program {m inan} :: program (software)
programista {m pers} [computing] :: programmer (one who writes software)
programistka {f} [computing] :: female programmer (one who writes software)
programować {v impf} :: to program (enter a program or other instructions into a computer)
programowalny {adj} :: programmable
programowanie {n} [computing] :: programming
projekcja {f} :: projection (display of an image by a projector)
projekcja {f} [psychology] :: projection
projekt {m inan} :: project
projekt {m inan} :: design
projektancki {adj} [relational] :: designer
projektant {m pers} :: designer
projektantka {f} :: feminine noun of projektant
projektować {vt impf} :: to design
prokariont {m anim} [biology] :: prokaryote
proklamacja {f} :: message, proclamation (formal public announcement)
prokreacja {f} :: procreation
prokurator {m pers} [law] :: prosecutor
prokurator {f} [legal] :: prosecutor
proletariat {m inan} :: proletariat (working class or lower class)
proletariat {m inan} [historical] :: proletariat (lowest class of citizens in Rome)
proletariusz {m pers} :: proletarian (member of the proletariat)
proletariuszka {f} :: proletarian (female member of the proletariat)
proliferacja {f} :: proliferation
prolina {f} :: proline
prolog {m inan} :: prologue
prom {m inan} :: ferry
prom {m inan} [astronautics] :: shuttle
promenada {f} :: promenade (place to walk)
promet {m inan} :: promethium (chemical element, Pm, atomic number 61)
promieniotwórczość {f} :: radioactivity (emission of ionizing radiation)
promieniotwórczy {adj} :: radioactive
promieniować {v impf} :: to radiate, to emit
promieniować {v impf} :: to affect, to have an impact on surroundings
promieniować {v impf} :: to beam, to be visibly happy
promieniowanie {n} :: radiation
promień {m inan} :: ray
promień {m inan} :: shaft, beam
promień {m inan} :: radius (a line segment between any point on the circumference of a circle and its centre)
promil {m inan} [mathematics] :: permille (per thousand)
promil {m inan} :: permille (blood alcohol content)
prominent {m pers} :: eminent person; distinguished above others; VIP
promocja {f} :: promotion, the act of disseminating information about something
promocja {f} :: sale, promotional event where certain products are sold at reduced prices
prompter {m inan} :: teleprompter
propaganda {f} :: propaganda
propagandysta {m pers} :: A male propagandist
propagandystka {f} :: A female propagandist
propagandzista {m pers} :: A male propagandist
propagandzistka {f} :: A female propagandist
propan {m inan} :: propane
proponować {v impf} :: to propose
proponowanie {n} :: verbal noun of proponować
proporzec {m inan} :: pennant
proporzec {m inan} :: pennon
proporzec {m inan} :: streamer
propozycja {f} :: proposition, offer
proroctwo {n} :: prophecy
proroczy {adj} :: prophetic
prorok {m pers} :: prophet
prorokini {f} :: prophetess
prorosyjski {adj} :: pro-Russian, supportive of Russia
prosektorium {n} [medicine] :: dissecting room
prosiaczek {m anim} :: diminutive of prosiak
prosiak {m anim} :: piglet
prosiątko {n} :: diminutive of prosię
prosić {vt impf} :: to ask somebody
prosię {n} :: piglet
prosionek {m anim} :: woodlouse belonging to the genus Porcelli
Prosna {prop} {f} :: Prosna (river in central Poland, the tributary of Warta)
Prosna {prop} {f} :: Prosna (village)
proso {n} :: panicgrass, panicum, millet (any grass of the genus Panicum or its grains), especially:
proso {n} :: proso millet (Panicum miliaceum)
prosta {f} [geometry] :: line
prostacki {adj} :: boorish, plebeian, common, vulgar
prostacko {adv} :: boorishly, plebeianly, commonly, vulgarly
prostactwo {n} :: boorishness, rudeness, vulgarity, rusticity
prostactwo {n} :: all the boorish people
prostaczek {m pers} :: diminutive of prostak
prostaczek {m pers} :: juggins
prostaczka {f} [derogatory] :: One who is uncultured and uneducated
prostak {m pers} [derogatory] :: One who is uncultured and uneducated
prostata {f} [anatomy] :: prostate
prostnica {f} :: rectum (terminal part of the large intestine)
prostnica {f} [botany] :: orthostichy
prosto {adv} :: straight
prosto {adv} :: direct, directly
prosto {adv} :: simply
prosto z mostu {adv} [colloquial, idiom] :: explicitly, directly, without obfuscation
prostoduszny {adj} :: ingenuous, innocent
prostokąt {m inan} :: rectangle
prostokątny {adj} :: rectangular
prostokątny {adj} :: right-angled
prostopadle {adv} :: perpendicularly
prostopadłościan {m inan} [geometry] :: cuboid
prostopadły {adj} [geometry] :: perpendicular
prostopływiec {m anim} :: orthonectid
prostota {f} :: simplicity
prostować {vt impf} :: to straighten, to straighten out
prostować {vr impf} :: to straighten (oneself)
prostować {vt impf} :: to rectify, to correct, to straighten out
prostownica {f} :: straightener
prostownik {m inan} :: extensor (muscle)
prostownik {m inan} :: rectifier (device that converts alternating current into direct current)
prostszy {adj} :: comparative of prosty
prosty {adj} :: straight
prosty {adj} :: simple, easy
prosty {adj} :: unsophisticated, uneducated, common
prostytucja {f} :: prostitution
prostytutka {f} :: prostitute
prostytutka {f} [colloquial, derogatory, figuratively] :: venal person
proszczok {m anim} [Kujawy] :: piglet (young pig)
proszek {m inan} :: powder (dust)
proszę {interj} :: please
proszę {interj} :: you're welcome
proszę {interj} :: here you are
prośba {f} :: request (a message requesting something)
prościej {adv} :: comparative of prosto
proteina {f} :: protein (a large, complex molecule composed of long chains of amino acids)
protekcja {f} :: protection
protekcjonalnie {adv} :: condescendingly; in a condescending manner
protekcjonalność {f} :: condescension
protekcjonalny {adj} :: condescending
protektorat {m inan} :: protectorate
protest {m inan} :: protest (formal objection)
protest {m inan} :: protest (demonstration)
protestancki {adj} :: Protestant
protestant {m pers} :: Protestant
protestant {m pers} :: protest participant
protestantka {f} :: female Protestant
protestantyzm {m inan} :: Protestantism
protestować {v impf} :: to protest (make a strong objection)
protokół {m inan} :: minutes, transcript (record of meeting)
protokół {m inan} :: protocol (diplomatic document)
protokół {m inan} :: protocol (accepted code of conduct)
protokół {m inan} [computing] :: protocol (set of formal rules describing how to transmit or exchange data, especially across a network)
protokół {m inan} [historical] :: protocol (official formulas which appeared at the beginning of certain official documents in the Middle Ages)
proton {m inan} :: proton
prowadzenie {n} :: lead, conduct
prowadzenie {n} :: running (The action of the verb to run)
prowadzenie {n} :: gerund of prowadzić
prowadzić {v impf} :: to lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection)
prowadzić {v impf} :: to drive (e.g. a car)
prowadzić {vr impf} :: to lead (to guide or conduct oneself)
prowansalski {adj} :: Occitan
Prowansja {prop} {f} :: Prowansja (region)
proweniencja {f} :: provenance
prowiant {m inan} :: supplies, provisions
prowincja {f} :: province
prowincja {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: province
prowitamina {f} :: vitamer
prowizja {f} :: commission (fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction)
prowizorka {f} :: one-off, makeshift
prowizoryczny {adj} :: makeshift, temporary, impermanent
prowodyr {m pers} :: ringleader
prowokacja {f} :: provocation
prowokować {v impf} :: to provoke
proza {f} :: prose
prozaiczka {f} :: female prosaist
prozaicznie {adv} :: prosaically; in a prosaic manner
prozaiczność {f} :: prosaicness
prozaiczny {adj} :: humdrum, unexciting, dull
prozaiczny {adj} :: prosaic (pertaining to prose)
prozaik {m pers} :: prosaist
prozelityzm {m inan} :: proselytism
prozodia {f} [linguistics, prosody] :: prosody (study of rhythm and other attributes in speech)
prozodia {f} [poetry] :: prosody (study of poetic meter etc.)
prozopagnozja {f} :: prosopagnosia
prozopopeja {f} [rhetoric] :: prosopopoeia (personifying a person or object)
prożek {m inan} :: diminutive of próg
próba {f} :: rehearsal
próba {f} :: attempt, effort, test, trial, try
próba {f} [statistics] :: sample
próbka {f} :: sample, specimen
próbować {v impf} :: to try (attempt)
próbować {v impf} :: to rehearse (practice by repetition or recitation)
próbować {v impf} :: to taste (sample the flavor of something)
próbowanie {n} :: verbal noun of próbować
próbówka {f} :: test tube
próchnica {f} :: dental caries, tooth decay
próchnica {f} :: humus
próchnieć {v impf} :: of wood: to rot
próchnieć {v impf} :: of teeth: to develop caries
próchnienie {n} :: verbal noun of próchnieć
próchnilec {m inan} :: Any fungus of the genus Xylaria
próchno {n} [singular only] :: rotten wood
próchno {n} [derogatory] :: fogey, prune, old person
próchno {n} [colloquial] :: crud, something of low quality
prócz {prep} [literary] :: except, besides
próć {vt impf} [obsolete] :: to unstitch
próg {m inan} :: doorstep
próg {m inan} :: threshold
próg {m inan} [music] :: fret
prószyć {vt impf} :: to sprinkle, spray, powder
prószyć {vi impf} :: to snow lightly
próżnia {f} :: vacuum (region of space that contains no matter)
próżniactwo {n} :: idleness
próżniak {m pers} [pejorative] :: idler, loafer, layabout, slacker
próżniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of próżny
próżniowy {adj} [relational] :: vacuum
próżność {f} :: vanity (excessive preoccupation with oneself)
próżnować {v impf} :: to idle, to loaf, to lounge, to shirk
próżny {adj} :: vain, vainglorious
próżny {adj} :: empty, void
próżny {adj} :: fruitless, futile, unavailing
prr {interj} [to a horse] :: whoa!
prucie {n} :: verbal noun of pruć
pruć {vt impf} :: to unstitch, to rip
pruderia {f} :: prudishness, prudery
pruderyjnie {adv} :: prudishly
pruderyjność {f} :: prudishness, prudery
pruderyjny {adj} :: prudish, prude
Prudnik {prop} {m inan} :: Prudnik (city)
prukwa {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: crone, old hag (ugly, evil-looking or frightening old woman)
Prus {m pers} :: An Old Prussian; a member of a Baltic ethnic group native to Prussia
prusak {m anim} [colloquial] :: cockroach
Prusak {m pers} :: An inhabitant or denizen of Prussia (the multi-ethnic German province)
pruski {adj} :: Prussian
pryk {m pers} [derogatory or humorous] :: old geezer; dotard
prymarny {adj} :: primary, principal, paramount, primal
prymat {m inan} :: dominance, primacy, pre-eminence
prymicja {f} :: the first mass of a newly ordained priest
prymitywizm {m inan} :: primitivism
pryskać {vt impf} :: to spray, sprinkle, splash, splatter, spatter, sputter
pryskać {vi impf} :: to burst (of soap bubble)
pryskać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to hightail
pryskanie {n} :: verbal noun of pryskać
pryszcz {m inan} [dermatology] :: pimple
pryszcz {m inan} [colloquial] :: piece of cake, cinch (something that is very easy to do)
pryszczyca {f} :: foot-and-mouth disease, hoof-and-mouth disease
pryszczyk {m inan} :: diminutive of pryszcz
prysznic {m inan} :: shower (device for bathing)
prysznic {m inan} :: shower (instance of using this device in order to bathe oneself)
prysznicowy {adj} [relational] :: shower (either the device or process)
prywaciarz {m pers} [historic, colloquial] :: private entrepreneur during the communist era, operating outside of the official system of planned economy
prywaciarz {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] :: small business owner
prywatka {f} [colloquial, dated] :: house party
prywatny {adj} :: private
pryzma {f} [geometry] :: rectangular frustum
pryzma {f} :: heap, pile (especially one in the shape of a rectangular frustum)
pryzmat {m inan} :: prism (transparent block in the shape of a prism used to split or reflect light)
pryzmatyczny {adj} :: prismatic (of or pertaining to an optical prism)
przaśny {adj} :: rough
przaśny {adj} :: coarse
przaśny {adj} :: unleavened
przaśny {adj} :: homespun
przaśny {adj} :: folksy
prządka {f} :: A female spinner who makes yarn
prządka {f} :: golden silk orb-weaver (spider of the genus Nephila)
prządka {f} [usually plural] :: bombycid (moth of the family Bombycidae)
prządki {p} :: Bombycidae
prządki {p} :: vechornytsi
prząść {vt impf} :: to spin (to make yarn)
prząść {vt impf} :: to weave (of a spider, silkworm etc.)
prze- {prefix} :: Intensifier prefix; over-
prze- {prefix} :: re- (again)
przeanalizować {v pf} :: perfective form of analizować
przeanalizowanie {n} :: verbal noun of przeanalizować
przebaczać {vt impf} :: to forgive, to pardon
przebaczalny {adj} [uncommon] :: forgivable, venial
przebaczanie {n} :: verbal noun of przebaczać; forgiving, pardoning
przebaczenie {n} :: verbal noun of przebaczyć
przebaczenie {n} :: forgiveness, pardon
przebaczyć {vt pf} :: to forgive, to pardon
przebiec {vi pf} :: to run, to proceed, to flow
przebiec {vi pf} :: to flit, to dash
przebieg {m inan} :: course, proceeding (sequence of events)
przebieg {m inan} :: tack, direction
przebieg {m inan} :: mileage
przebiegać {vi impf} :: to run, to proceed, to flow
przebiegać {vi impf} :: to flit, to dash
przebiegłość {f} :: craftiness, artfulness, slyness
przebiegły {adj} :: crafty, artful, cunning, wily
przebieralnia {f} :: changing room (a room designed for people to change their clothes)
przebijać {v impf} :: to pierce
przebijanie {n} :: verbal noun of przebijać
przebiśnieg {m inan} [colloquial] :: snowdrop (Galanthus), especially the common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
przebój {m inan} [music] :: hit
przebrzydły {adj} [dated or humorous] :: horrible, detestable
przecena {f} :: discount, markdown, price reduction
przechadzka {f} :: stroll, saunter
przechodni {adj} [grammar] :: transitive
przechodni {adj} [mathematics] :: transitive
przechodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of przechodzić
przechodzić {vi impf} :: to go through, to pass through
przechodzić {vi impf} :: to cross
przechodzić {vi impf} :: to pass, to pass by, to go past
przechodzić {vi impf} :: to pass (from one person to another), to be transferred
przechodzić {vi impf} :: to pass, to wear off
przechodzić {vi impf} :: to undergo, to experience
przechodzić {vi impf} :: to switch, to convert
przechodzień {m pers} :: passer-by
przechować {vt pf} :: to store, to keep, to hold
przechowanie {n} :: verbal noun of przechować
przechowywać {vt impf} :: to store, to keep, to hold
przechylać {vt impf} :: to tip, to tilt
przechylać {vr impf} :: to lean, to slant
przechylać {vr impf} [of boats] :: to list, to heel
przechylenie {n} :: verbal noun of przechylić
przechylić {vt pf} :: to tip, to tilt
przechylić {vr pf} :: to lean, to slant
przechylić {vr pf} [of boats] :: to list, to heel
przechył {m inan} :: list, slant, tilt, lean
przeciąg {m inan} :: draught (a current of air)
przecie {particle} [dated] :: but; used to introduce a new, conflicting fact
przeciek {m inan} :: leak
przeciekać {v impf} :: to leak
przecież {particle} :: but; used to introduce a new, conflicting fact
przeciętny {adj} :: average, mediocre
przecinek {m inan} :: comma (punctuation)
przeciw- {prefix} :: counter-
przeciw {prep} :: against (in competition with something, as a protection from something)
przeciwbakteryjny {adj} :: antibacterial, antimicrobial
przeciwbólowy {adj} :: analgesic (acting to relieve pain)
przeciwciało {n} [immunology] :: antibody (protein that binds to a specific antigen)
przeciwdziedzina {f} [mathematics] :: codomain
przeciwko {prep} :: against
przeciwłupieżowy {adj} :: antidandruff
przeciwnik {m pers} :: opponent, adversary
przeciwny {adj} :: opposite, reverse, contrary
przeciwny {adj} :: opposed, against
przeciwobraz {m inan} :: preimage
przeciwpowodziowy {adj} :: antiflood
przeciwprostokątna {f} [geometry] :: hypotenuse
przeciwskuteczny {adj} :: counterproductive
przeciwsłonecznie {adv} :: in a sunscreening manner
przeciwsłoneczny {adj} :: sunscreening
przeciwśrodek {m inan} :: countermeasure
przeciwutleniacz {m inan} :: antioxidant
przeciwwaga {f} :: counterbalance
przeciwwskazanie {n} :: verbal noun of przeciwwskazać
przeciwwskazanie {n} :: contraindication, counterindication
przecznica {f} :: turn-off, cut-through, block, turning, intersection, junction (street perpendicular to the main thoroughfare or other street)
przeczucie {n} :: verbal noun of przeczuć
przeczucie {n} :: intuition, hunch, presentiment, premonition
przeczuć {vt pf} :: to forefeel, to presage, to sense
przeczuwać {vt impf} :: to forefeel, to presage, to sense
przeczyć {v impf} :: to contradict, defy, belie
przeczyć {v impf} :: to deny, negate
przeczytać {v pf} :: to read; to read up
przeczytanie {n} :: verbal noun of przeczytać
przeć {vi impf} :: to push (during labour)
przeć {vi impf} :: to press ahead, press on, push forward, strive
przed- {prefix} :: fore-, pro-; in front of, preceding
przed {prep} [+ instrumental] :: before (earlier than in time)
przed {prep} [+ instrumental] :: in front of (denotes location)
przed {prep} [+ accusative] :: in front of (denotes movement)
przed laty {adv} :: (many) years ago
przed naszą erą {adv} :: before the Common Era
przedać {vt pf} [obsolete, dialectal] :: to sell
przedarcie {n} :: verbal noun of przedrzeć
przeddzień {m inan} :: eve (the day before)
przeddzień {m inan} :: eve (the time preceding some event)
przede {prep} [+ instrumental] :: before (earlier than in time)
przede {prep} [+ instrumental] :: in front of (denotes location)
przede {prep} [+ accusative] :: in front of (denotes movement)
przede wszystkim {adv} :: first of all
przedeń {contraction} :: contraction of przed niego
przedimek {m inan} [grammar] :: article
przedmałżeński {adj} :: premarital
przedmiejski {adj} [relational] :: suburb (area on the periphery of a city or large town)
przedmiesiączkowy {adj} :: premenstrual
przedmieście {n} :: suburb (area on the periphery of a city or large town)
przedmiot {m inan} :: subject (particular area of study)
przedmiot {m inan} :: thing, object
przedmowa {f} :: foreword, preface
przedmówca {m pers} :: previous speaker (especially one's own)
przedmówczyni {f} :: previous speaker (female)
przedni {adj} :: front, fore (situated towards the front)
przedni {adj} [anatomy] :: anterior
przedni {adj} [archaic] :: premier, leading, first-rate
przedni {adj} [obsolete] :: previous, former
przedobrzyć {v pf} :: to overdo it, to overshoot the mark
przedostatni {adj} :: penultimate (the next-to-last in a sequence)
przedplecze {n} [entomology] :: pronotum
przedpokój {m inan} :: antechamber
przedpotopowy {adj} [dated or humorous] :: antediluvian
przedramię {n} :: forearm
przedrostek {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: prefix
przedrośle {n} :: prothallium (gametophyte stage in the life of a pteridophyte)
przedrzeźniać {vt impf} :: to mock, mimic
przedsiębiorca {m pers} :: entrepreneur
przedsiębiorczo {adv} :: entrepreneurially, enterprisingly, resourcefully
przedsiębiorczość {f} :: entrepreneurship, enterprise, resourcefulness
przedsiębiorczy {adj} :: entrepreneurial, enterprising, resourceful
przedsiębiorczyni {f} :: female entrepreneur
przedsiębiorstwo {n} :: company, enterprise (in legal context, corporation) corporation
przedsiębrać {vt impf} :: to undertake, to embark upon
przedsięwziąć {vt pf} :: to undertake, to embark upon
przedsięwzięcie {n} :: undertaking, enterprise, venture
przedsionek {m inan} :: foyer, atrium, vestibule
przedsionek {m inan} [anatomy] :: atrium
przedsmak {m inan} :: preview (foretaste of something)
przedstawiać {vt impf} :: to introduce
przedstawiać {vt impf} :: to present, to put forward, to set out
przedstawiać {vt impf} :: to feature, to show
przedstawiciel {m pers} :: representative (one who speaks for another)
przedstawicielka {f} :: female representative
przedstawić {vt pf} :: to introduce
przedstawić {vt pf} :: to present, to put forward, to set out
przedstawić {vt pf} :: to feature, to show, to picture
przedstawienie {n} :: exposition
przedstawienie {n} :: performance
przedstawienie {n} :: representation
przedszkolak {m pers} :: kindergartner (child)
przedszkolanka {f} :: kindergartner (teacher)
przedszkole {n} :: preschool; kindergarten
przedtem {adv} :: formerly, before
przedtułowie {n} [entomology] :: alternative form of przedtułów
przedtułów {m inan} [entomology] :: prothorax
przedwczesny {adj} :: premature
przedwcześnie {adv} :: prematurely
przedwczoraj {adv} :: day before yesterday
przedwczorajszy {adj} :: day before yesterday's
przedwieć {m pers} [archaic] :: grandmother's brother
przedwieć {m pers} [archaic] :: great-grandmother's brother
przedwiośnie {n} :: early spring, a supplementary season between winter and spring, exclusive to temperate climate
przedwojenny {adj} :: pre-war
przedwyborczy {adj} :: preelection
przedział {m inan} :: compartment (on a train)
przedział {m inan} :: range, interval
przedziałek {m inan} :: diminutive of przedział
przedziałek {m inan} :: parting [UK], part [US] (dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions)
przedzimie {n} :: early winter, a supplementary season between autumn and winter, exclusive to temperate climate
przefiltrować {vt pf} :: to filter thoroughly
przefiltrować {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to filter, to narrow down
przefiltrowywać {vt impf} :: to filter thoroughly
przefiltrowywać {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to filter, to narrow down
przefrunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przefrunąć
przefruwanie {n} :: verbal noun of przefruwać
przegapić {v pf} [colloquial] :: to miss, to fail to notice
przegięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przegiąć
przegląd {m inan} :: overview
przegląd {m inan} :: review
przegląd {m inan} :: inspection
przegląd {m inan} :: survey
przeglądać {vt impf} :: to look through, to browse, to peruse
przeglądanie {n} :: verbal noun of przeglądać
przeglądarka {f} [computing] :: browser, viewer; software for access and presentation of data
przegłos {m inan} [linguistics] :: apophony
przegrać {vt pf} :: To lose; to fail
przegrać {vt pf} :: To copy data from one physical medium to another
przegradzać {vt impf} :: to partition, to separate, to divide
przegroda {f} :: partition, separator, divider
przegroda {f} :: compartment, stall
przegroda {f} [anatomy] :: septum
przegrodzić {vt pf} :: to partition, to separate, to divide
przegródka {f} :: diminutive of przegroda
przegrywać {vit impf} :: to lose (fail to win)
przegrywać {vt impf} :: to copy (e.g. tape)
przegrzewacz {m inan} :: superheater
przegub {m inan} :: joint, articulation, swivel
przegub {m inan} [anatomy, colloquial] :: wrist
przegubowiec {m inan} [colloquial] :: articulated bus
przeinaczać {v impf} :: to distort, to twist, to misrepresent
przeinaczyć {v pf} :: to distort, to twist, to misrepresent
przejaw {m inan} :: manifestation
przejaw {m inan} :: expression
przejaw {m inan} :: indication
przejazd {m inan} :: ride (instance of riding); drive (in a car), passage (on a boat)
przejąć {vt pf} :: to assume, to take on
przejąć {vt pf} :: to seize, to intercept, to take over
przejąć {vr pf} :: to care, to bother, to mind [+ (instrumental) = about something]
przejebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to squander, to dissipate, to misspend
przejebane {interj} [vulgar] :: to be fucked (to be in a bad situation)
przejechać {vt pf} :: to cover some distance by driving
przejechać {vt pf} :: to run over (drive over, causing injury or death)
przejechać {vt pf} :: to overshoot, drive too far (e.g. miss a bus or train stop)
przejezdny {adj} [of roads] :: driveable, passable by wheeled vehicles
przejezdny {adj} :: transient, available for a short time before (what/who the noun stands for) drives elsewhere
przejezdny {m pers} [deadjectival] :: transient, traveller
przejęcie {n} :: verbal noun of przejąć
przejęzyczać {vr impf} :: to misspeak, to make a slip of the tongue
przejęzyczenie {n} :: verbal noun of przejęzyczyć
przejęzyczenie {n} :: slip of the tongue
przejęzyczyć {vr pf} :: to misspeak, to make a slip of the tongue
przejmować {vt impf} :: to assume, to take on
przejmować {vt impf} :: to seize, to intercept, to take over
przejmować {vr impf} :: to care, to bother, to mind [+ (instrumental) = about something]
przejrzeć {vt pf} :: to look through, to browse, to peruse
przejrzeć {vt pf} :: to see through, to suss out
przejrzystość {f} [literal] :: transparency (the quality of being see-through, of letting light pass through)
przejrzystość {f} [figurative] :: clarity, lucidity, perspicuity (ease of being understood)
przejrzystość {f} [figurative] :: transparency (openness to scrutiny)
przejrzystszy {adj} :: comparative of przejrzysty
przejrzysty {adj} :: lucid, clear, easily understood
przejrzysty {adj} :: lucid, clear, transparent
przejrzyście {adv} :: clearly, lucidly, transparently
przejrzyściej {adv} :: comparative of przejrzyście
przejście {n} :: verbal noun of przejść
przejście {n} :: crossing
przejście {n} :: passage, alley
przejście {n} :: aisle
przejście {n} :: interlude
przejście {n} :: ordeal
przejściowy {adj} :: interim, transitional
przejściowy {adj} :: interim, temporary
przejść {vi pf} :: to go through, to pass through
przejść {vi pf} :: to cross
przejść {vi pf} :: to pass, to pass by, to go past
przejść {vi pf} :: to pass (from one person to another), to be transferred
przejść {vi pf} :: to pass, to wear off
przejść {vi pf} :: to undergo, to experience
przejść {vi pf} :: to switch, to convert
przekaz {m inan} :: remittance, transfer
przekaz {m inan} [finance] :: order, remittance
przekaz {m inan} :: message (underlying theme)
przekazać {vt pf} :: to convey, to pass on, to communicate
przekazać {vt pf} :: to hand over, to surrender, to give
przekazać {vt pf} :: to hand down, to bequeath
przekazywać {vt impf} :: to convey, to pass on, to communicate
przekazywać {vt impf} :: to hand over, to surrender, to give
przekazywać {vt impf} :: to hand down, to bequeath
przekaźnik {m inan} :: transmitter (device that transmits a signal)
przekaźnik {m inan} [electronics] :: relay
przekąska {f} :: snack
przekąska {f} :: appetizer
przekątna {f} [geometry] :: diagonal
przekleństwo {n} :: swear word
przekleństwo {n} :: curse
przekład {m inan} :: translation (act of translating between languages)
przekład {m inan} :: translation (result of translating between languages)
przekładać {vt impf} :: to move around; to put elsewhere (applies to things that lie flat on a surface)
przekładać {vt impf} :: to translate (into another language)
przekładać {vt impf} :: to interlay; to insert as an intervening layer
przekładać {vt impf} :: to reschedule; to put off; to postpone
przekładać {vr impf} :: to translate (change into another form or medium), to transfer
przekładnia {f} [rhetoric] :: anastrophe
przekładnia {f} [mechanics] :: transmission
przekłamanie {n} :: distortion, corruption, bias
przekomarzać {vr impf} :: banter (to engage in banter)
przekonać {v pf} :: to convince
przekonanie {n} :: belief (mental acceptance of a claim as truth)
przekonujący {adj} :: convincing (effective as proof or evidence)
przekonywać {vt impf} :: to convince
przekonywający {adj} :: convincing (effective as proof or evidence)
przekonywujący {adj} [proscribed] :: convincing (effective as proof or evidence)
przekopać {vt pf} :: to burrow, dig up
przekopanie {n} :: verbal noun of przekopać
przekraczać {vt impf} :: to cross, to overstep
przekraczać {vt impf} :: to exceed, to surpass
przekręt {m inan} [colloquial] :: scam, fraud
przekroczyć {vt pf} :: to cross, to overstep
przekroczyć {vt pf} :: to exceed, to surpass, to transcend
przekrój {m inan} :: cross-section
przekupny {adj} :: venal, corruptible
przekwitać {v impf} :: to wither, to lose blossom
przekwitanie {n} :: verbal noun of przekwitać
przelać {vt pf} :: to decant (pour from one container into another)
przelać {vt pf} :: to overfill
przelać {vt pf} [banking] :: to transfer, to wire
przelanie {n} :: verbal noun of przelać
przelecieć {v pf} :: to fly from one place to another [+ ins = on some machine]
przelecieć {v pf} [slang] :: to do; to have sex [+ acc = with someone]
przelew {m inan} :: bank transfer; wire transfer
przelew {m inan} :: overflow
przelew {m inan} :: spillway
przelew {m inan} [law] :: assignment; conveyance; cession
przelewać {vt impf} :: to decant (pour from one container into another)
przelewać {vt impf} :: to overfill
przelewać {vt impf} [banking] :: to transfer, to wire
przelewanie {n} :: verbal noun of przelewać
przeliczalny {adj} [mathematics, set theory] :: countable
przelot {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Anthyllis of vetches
przełamać {vt pf} :: to break
przełamać {vt pf} :: to break down, to overcome
przełamać {vr pf} :: to break, to become broken
przełamać {vr pf} :: to find it in one's heart, to come to terms, to get to grips
przełamywać {vt impf} :: to break
przełamywać {vt impf} :: to break down, to overcome
przełamywać {vr impf} :: to break, to become broken
przełamywać {vr impf} :: to find it in one's heart, to come to terms, to get to grips
przełączać {vt impf} :: to switch (turn to a different channel, station, etc.)
przełączać {vt impf} [telecommunications] :: to transfer, to put through
przełącznik {m inan} :: toggle switch
przełącznik {m inan} [computing, networking] :: switch
przełączyć {vt pf} :: to switch (turn to a different channel, station, etc.)
przełączyć {vt pf} [telecommunications] :: to transfer, to put through
przełęcz {f} :: mountain pass, saddle
przełom {m inan} [geography] :: canyon, gorge
przełom {m inan} :: turning point, breakthrough, watershed
przełom {m inan} :: turn (e.g. of the century, year, month, etc.)
przełom {m inan} [medicine] :: crisis
przełożony {m pers} :: superior, higher-up
przełożyć {vt pf} :: to move around, to put elsewhere
przełożyć {vt pf} :: to reschedule, to rearrange, to postpone
przełożyć {vt pf} :: to interleave, to interlay
przełożyć {vt pf} :: to translate
przełożyć {vr pf} :: to translate (change into another form or medium), to transfer
przełyk {m inan} :: oesophagus
przemarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przemarznąć
przemądrzały {adj} :: self-righteous, snooty, bumptious, clever-clever
Przemek {prop} {m} :: A diminutive of the male given name Przemysław
przemiana {f} :: metamorphosis
przemiana {f} :: transformation, transmutation
przemieniać {vt impf} :: to transmute, transform
przemieniać {vr impf} :: to metamorphose, transform, transmogrify
przemienny {adj} [electricity] :: alternating
przemienny {adj} [mathematics] :: commutative
przemieszczać {vt impf} :: to relocate, to reposition
przemieszczać {vt impf} :: to dislodge, to dislocate
przemieszczać {vr impf} :: to move about, to relocate
przemieszczenie {n} :: verbal noun of przemieścić; relocation, dislocation
przemieszczenie {n} [physics] :: displacement
przemieścić {vt pf} :: to relocate, to reposition
przemieścić {vt pf} :: to dislodge, to dislocate
przemieścić {vr pf} :: to move about, to relocate
przemiło {adv} :: delectably, delightfully
przemiły {adj} :: delectable, delightful
przeminięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przeminąć
przemknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przemknąć
przemoc {f} :: violence
przemocą {adv} :: forcibly
przemówienie {n} :: speech (form of public address)
przemycać {vt impf} :: to smuggle
przemyski {adj} :: Przemyśl (of, from or pertaining to Przemyśl in Poland)
przemysł {m inan} :: industry
Przemysław {prop} {m pers} :: given name
przemysłowiec {m pers} :: industrialist
przemysłowy {adj} [relational] :: industrial (of or relating to industry)
Przemyśl {prop} {m inan} :: City in south-eastern Poland
przemyślanin {m pers} :: A male resident or native of Przemyśl
przemyślanka {f} :: A female resident or native of Przemyśl
przemyślany {adj} :: considered, thoughtful, deliberate
przemyśleć {v pf} :: to think over (thoroughly)
przemyśleć {v pf} :: to rethink
przemyt {m inan} :: smuggling
przemytnik {m pers} :: smuggler
przeniela {f} :: baskettail (dragonfly of the genus Epitheca)
przenieść {vt pf} :: to move, to carry, to transport
przenieść {vt pf} :: to transfer
przenieść {vt pf} :: to postpone, to rearrange
przenieść {vt pf} :: to transmit, to pass on
przenieść {vt pf} [computing] :: to transfer, to copy
przenieść {vt pf} [law] :: to convey
przenieść {vt pf} [arithmetic] :: to carry
przenieść {vr pf} :: to move (go to a new location), to remove
przenieść {vr pf} :: to transfer (be or become transferred)
przenikać {vit impf} :: to penetrate, to percolate, to permeate, to pervade
przenikać {vi impf} :: to infiltrate
przenikliwy {adj} :: very intense, striking, piercing
przenikliwy {adj} [of people] :: sharp, keen
przeniknąć {vt pf} :: to penetrate, to permeate, to percolate
przeniknąć {vt pf} :: to infiltrate
przenosić {vt impf} :: to move, to carry, to transport
przenosić {vt impf} :: to transfer
przenosić {vt impf} :: to postpone, to rearrange
przenosić {vt impf} :: to transmit, to pass on
przenosić {vt impf} [computing] :: to transfer, to copy
przenosić {vt impf} [law] :: to convey
przenosić {vt impf} [arithmetic] :: to carry
przenosić {vr impf} :: to move (go to a new location), to remove
przenosić {vr impf} :: to transfer (be or become transferred)
przenośnia {f} :: metaphor
przenośnik {m inan} :: conveyor system, conveyor (mechanical handling equipment)
przenośnik taśmowy {m inan} :: belt conveyor
przenośny {adj} :: portable
przenośny {adj} :: figurative, metaphorical
przeobrażenie {n} :: metamorphosis, transfiguration
przeobrażenie {n} :: verbal noun of przeobrazić
przeogromny {adj} :: very large, immense
przeor {m pers} [Christianity] :: prior (high-ranking member of a monastery)
przeorysza {f} [Christianity] :: abbess
przepadać {vi impf} :: to disappear, to be lost
przepadać {vi impf} :: to fail
przepadać {vi impf} :: to be fond, to like [+ za (object) = instrumental = of something]
przepadanie {n} :: verbal noun of przepadać
przepajać {vt impf} :: to saturate, to imbue
przepasać {vt impf} :: to overfeed
przepasać {vt impf} :: to use (e.g. a meadow) for pasture
przepasać {vt pf} :: to gird, to girdle
przepaska {f} :: loincloth, breechcloth, waistcloth
przepasywać {vt impf} :: to gird, to girdle
przepaść {f} :: abyss (a bottomless or unfathomed depth)
przepaść {f} :: chasm
przepaść {f} :: precipice
przepaść {vi pf} :: to disappear, to be lost
przepaść {vi pf} :: to fail
przepaść {vt pf} :: to overfeed
przepaść {vt pf} :: to use (e.g. a meadow) as pasture
przepić {v pf} :: to outdrink
przepić {v pf} :: to drink away, to spend money on alcohol
przepić {v pf} :: to sell or pawn something and spend the money on alcohol
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to squander, to blow away
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to perforate
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to throw above something
przepierdolić {vr pf} [vulgar] :: to get through
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to cut something off
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to lose
przepierdolić {v pf} [vulgar, rare] :: to fuck somebody
przepierka {f} :: Small and fast laundry wash, usually handmade
przepierzenie {n} :: partition (vertical structure that divides a room)
przepierzenie {n} :: verbal noun of przepierzyć
przepięknie {adv} :: gorgeously, beautifully
przepięknie {interj} [often, sarcastic] :: great! (expression of gladness and content)
przepiękny {adj} :: very beautiful, gorgeous
przepiórka {f} :: quail
przepis {m inan} :: recipe (any set of instructions for preparing a mixture of ingredients)
przepis {m inan} :: prescription, regulation, rule (a law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization)
przepis {m inan} :: prescription, recipe (a plan or procedure to obtain a given end result)
przepisać {vt pf} :: to rewrite
przepisać {vt pf} :: to prescribe (medicine)
przepisać {vt pf} :: to sign over
przepisać {vt pf} :: to copy (homework)
przeplatać {vt impf} :: to intertwine, to entwine
przeplatać {vr impf} :: to become intertwined
przepleść {vt pf} :: to intertwine, to entwine
przepleść {vr pf} :: to become intertwined
przepłacać {vti impf} :: to overpay (pay too much)
przepłacać {vt impf} [archaic] :: to bribe (someone)
przepłacić {vti pf} :: to overpay (pay too much)
przepłacić {vt pf} [archaic] :: to bribe (someone)
przepływ {m inan} :: flow (movement of a fluid)
przepływ {m inan} :: flow (rate of fluid movement)
przepływ {m inan} [psychology] :: flow
przepoić {vt pf} :: to saturate, to imbue
przepona {f} [anatomy] :: diaphragm
przepowiednia {f} :: prophecy
przepowiednia {f} :: prediction
przepranie {n} :: verbal noun of przeprać
przepraszać {vt impf} :: to apologise to
przepraszać {v impf} :: be sorry
przepraszam {interj} :: sorry; I'm sorry, excuse me
przepraszanie {n} :: verbal noun of przepraszać
przeprosić {vt pf} :: to apologise to
przeprosić {v pf} :: to be sorry
przeprosiny {p} :: apologies
przeprowadzać {v impf} :: to lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection)
przeprowadzać {v impf} :: to implement (carry out, proceed with)
przeprowadzać {v impf} :: to build (construct, put together)
przeprowadzać {vri impf} :: to move (change residence)
przeprowadzanie {n} :: verbal noun of przeprowadzać
przeprowadzka {f} :: move, relocation
przepuklina {f} [pathology] :: hernia
przepust {m inan} :: culvert
przepust {m inan} :: grommet
przepustka {f} :: pass, permit
przepustnica {f} :: throttle (valve)
przepych {m inan} :: luxury, richness, splendour, lustre, sumptuousness
przepych {m inan} :: bigness, grandeur
przerabiać {vt impf} :: to remake, to redo
przerabiać {vt impf} :: to edit, to alter, to rewrite
przerabiać {vt impf} :: to convert, to process
przerabianie {n} :: verbal noun of przerabiać
przerastać {vt impf} :: to surpass, grow taller than somebody
przerastać {vt impf} :: to be beyond someone's capabilities
przerazić {vt pf} :: to frighten, to horrify, to appall
przerażać {vt impf} :: to frighten, to horrify, to appall
przerażenie {n} :: verbal noun of przerazić
przerażenie {n} :: terror, horror, dread
przerąbanie {n} :: verbal noun of przerąbać
przereklamowany {adj} :: overrated
przerobić {vt pf} :: to remake, to redo
przerobić {vt pf} :: to alter, to edit, to rewrite
przerobić {vt pf} :: to convert, to process
przerobienie {n} :: verbal noun of przerobić
przerost {m inan} :: hypertrophy
przeróbka {f} :: alteration, adaptation, processing
przerwa {f} :: break, interruption, gap, pause
przerwa {f} :: recess, playtime
przerwa {f} :: interval
przerwa {f} :: intermission
przerwać {vt pf} :: to break, to discontinue, to curtail
przerwać {vt pf} :: to disturb, to interrupt
przerwać {vt pf} :: to halt, to suspend, to pause, to stop
przerywać {vt impf} :: to disturb, to interrupt
przerywać {vt impf} :: to halt, to suspend, to pause, to stop
przerzucać {vt impf} :: to flip
przerzucać {vt impf} :: to flick through (to browse rapidly)
przerzucać {vr impf} :: to convert, to switch
przerzucić {vt pf} :: to flip
przerzucić {vt pf} :: to flick through (to browse rapidly)
przerzucić {vr pf} :: to convert, to switch
przerzutka {f} :: derailleur (mechanism on a bicycle used to move the chain from one sprocket (gear) to another)
przerzutnia {f} :: enjambment
przesada {f} :: exaggeration
przesadzać {vt impf} :: to transplant, uproot vegetation and plant it elsewhere
przesadzać {vi impf} :: to exaggerate
przesadzanie {n} :: verbal noun of przesadzać
przesąd {m inan} :: superstition
przesądnie {adv} :: superstitiously
przesądność {f} :: superstitiousness
przesądny {adj} :: superstitious
przeschnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przeschnąć
przesiedlać {vt impf} :: to resettle, to displace
przesiedlić {vt pf} :: to resettle, to displace
przesieka {f} :: clearing; open space in a forest created by cutting down trees
przesięk {m inan} :: transudate
przesilenie {n} :: solstice
przesilenie {n} [medicine] :: crisis, time during the progress of a disease when the symptoms are the most severe
przesilenie {n} :: verbal noun of przesilić
przeskakiwać {vt impf} :: to jump (over), to vault, to clear, to leap (over)
przeskoczyć {vt pf} :: to jump (over), to vault, to leap (over), to clear
przeskrobanie {n} :: verbal noun of przeskrobać
przesłać {vt pf} :: to send, to ship, to post
przesłać {vt pf} :: to forward, to send on
przesłać {vt pf} :: to flash (e.g. a smile)
przesłuchanie {n} :: audition, casting
przesłuchanie {n} :: interrogation, the collection of testimony
przesłuchanie {n} :: verbal noun of przesłuchać
przesmyk {m inan} :: isthmus
przespać {vt pf} :: to sleep for some time
przespać {vt pf} :: to sleep off
przespać {vt pf} :: to oversleep something (sleep beyond)
przespać {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to miss, fail to notice
przespać {vr pf} :: to take a nap
przespać {vr pf} [euphemism] :: to sleep with (have a sexual intercourse)
przestać {vi pf} [auxiliary] :: to stop doing sth, to desist, to leave off
przestarzały {adj} :: obsolete (no longer in use)
przestawka {f} [linguistics] :: metathesis
przestawnia {f} [rhetoric] :: anastrophe
przestępca {m pers} :: criminal, lawbreaker
przestępczość {f} :: criminality
przestępstwo {n} :: crime, felony
przestrach {f} :: fear, terror
przestraszać {vt impf} :: to scare, to startle, to frighten
przestraszać {vr impf} :: to get scared, to get spooked
przestraszyć {vt pf} :: to scare, to startle, to frighten
przestraszyć {vr pf} :: to be scared, to be spooked
przestroga {f} :: admonition, admonishment
przestroga {f} :: caution, warning
przestronny {adj} :: spacious
przestrzec {vt pf} :: to warn, to caution
przestrzegać {v impf} :: to caution; to warn
przestrzegać {v impf} :: to observe; to adhere; to comply
przestrzeganie {n} :: verbal noun of przestrzegać
przestrzenny {adj} :: spatial
przestrzenny {adj} :: three-dimensional
przestrzeń {f} :: space (area occupied by or intended for a person or thing)
przestrzeń {f} :: space (area beyond atmosphere of planets)
przestrzeń {f} [mathematics] :: space
przesunąć {vt pf} :: to move (change the position of something)
przesunąć {vt pf} :: to reschedule, to postpone, to move the date of
przesunąć {vt pf} :: to swipe (e.g. a credit card)
przesunąć {vr pf} :: to move up, to scoot over, to budge up
przesunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przesunąć
przesuwać {vt impf} :: to move (change the position of something)
przesuwać {vt impf} :: to reschedule, to postpone, to move the date of
przesuwać {vt impf} :: to swipe (e.g. a credit card)
przesuwać {vr impf} :: to move up, to scoot over, to budge up
przesuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of przesuwać
przesuwka {f} [phonology] :: shift
przesychanie {n} :: verbal noun of przesychać
przesyłać {vt impf} :: to send, to ship, to post
przesyłać {vt impf} :: to forward, to send on
przesyłać {vt impf} :: to flash (e.g. a smile)
przesyłka {f} :: shipment, consignment, delivery, parcel
przesypać {vt pf} [of loose bodies] :: to pour from one container to another
przesypać {vr pf} [of loose bodies] :: to overflow, to spill over
przesypywać {vt impf} [of loose bodies] :: to pour from one container to another
przesypywać {vr impf} [of loose bodies] :: to overflow, to spill over
przeszczep {m inan} [medicine] :: transplant (operation)
przeszczep {m inan} [medicine] :: transplant (transplanted organ or tissue)
przeszczęśliwy {adj} :: overjoyed
przeszkadzać {v impf} :: to hinder (to make a task difficult), to bother
przeszkadzać {v impf} :: to obstruct, to block
przeszkadzanie {n} :: verbal noun of przeszkadzać
przeszkoda {f} :: obstacle, hindrance
przeszkoda {f} [sport] :: hurdle
przeszłość {f} :: past (period of time that has already happened, in contrast to the present and the future)
przeszły {adj} :: past (having already happened; in the past)
przeszły {adj} [archaic] :: last (most recent)
przeszukiwanie wszerz {n} :: breadth-first search
prześcieradło {n} :: sheet (a thin bed cloth used as a covering for a mattress)
prześlizgiwać {vr impf} :: to slip past
prześlizgiwać {vr impf} [figuratively] :: to gloss over [+ po (object) = locative = something]
prześlizgnąć {vr pf} :: to slip past
prześlizgnąć {vr pf} [figuratively] :: to gloss over [+ po (object) = locative = something]
prześmiewca {m pers} :: mocker, taunter
prześmiewczo {adv} :: sardonically, sarcastically, irreverently
prześmiewczość {f} :: irreverence, sarcasm, derisiveness
prześmiewczy {adj} :: sardonic, sarcastic, mocking, irreverent
przetacznik {m inan} :: veronica, speedwell, gypsyweed (any plant of the genus Veronica)
przetarcie {n} :: verbal noun of przetrzeć
przetarg {m inan} :: public auction, auction sale, vendue
przetarg {m inan} :: bid, tender
przetchlinka {f} [arthropod anatomy] :: spiracle, stigma
przetchlinka {f} [botany] :: lenticel (porous tissue permitting gas exchange)
przetknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przetknąć
przetłumaczalność {f} :: translatability (into another language)
przetłumaczalny {adj} :: translatable (into another language)
przetłumaczyć {vt pf} :: to translate, interpret (writing or speech)
przeto {conj} :: therefore
przetoka {f} :: fistula
przetopienie {n} :: verbal noun of przetopić
przetrwać {vt pf} :: to survive, endure, outlast, prevail
przetrwać {vt pf} :: to live on, outlive, stand
przetrwalnik {m inan} :: endospore
przetrwalnikowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to an endospore
przetrwanie {n} :: verbal noun of przetrwać
przetrwanie {n} :: survival
przetrzymać {vt pf} :: to hog, to hold for a long time
przetrzymać {vt pf} :: to detain, to hold (e.g. in custody)
przetrzymać {vt pf} :: to survive, to see out, to overcome
przetrzymywać {vt impf} :: to hog, to hold for a long time
przetrzymywać {vt impf} :: to detain, to hold (e.g. in custody)
przetrzymywać {vt impf} :: to survive, to see out, to overcome
przetwornik {m inan} :: transducer (device that converts energy from one form to another)
przetwór {m inan} [usually plural] :: preserve (a sweet spread)
przetykanie {n} :: verbal noun of przetykać
przewaga {f} :: advantage, ascendance, predominance, supremacy
przewalenie {n} :: verbal noun of przewalić
przeważnie {adv} :: mostly, usually
przewąchanie {n} :: verbal noun of przewąchać
przewidywalność {f} :: predictability
przewidywalny {adj} :: predictable
przewiercień {m inan} :: bupleurum (any plant of the genus Bupleurum)
przewieszenie {n} :: verbal noun of przewiesić
przewieszenie {n} [geomorphology] :: overhang (rock formation)
przewieszka {f} [geomorphology] :: overhang (rock formation)
przewieźć {vt pf} :: to transport, to convey, to carry, to freight
przewinięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przewinąć
przewlekły {adj} :: protracted, lengthy, drawn-out, long-drawn-out
przewlekły {adj} [medicine] :: chronic
przewodniczący {m pers} :: chairman (a person who presides over a meeting, a board)
przewodnik {m inan} :: conductor (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound)
przewodnik {m inan} :: guide; guidebook
przewodnik {m inan} [botany] :: leader
przewodnik {m pers} :: guide (someone who guides)
przewodzić {v impf} :: lead (direct with authority, e.g., a team)
przewodzić {v impf} :: conduct (act as a conductor of electricity)
przewozić {vt impf} :: to transport, to convey, to carry, to freight
przewoźnik {m pers} :: ferryman, boatman
przewoźnik {m pers} :: carrier (person or company in the business of transporting people or freight); operator, haulier
przewód {m inan} :: cable, wire, rope
przewód {m inan} [anatomy] :: tract
przewód {m inan} :: track; the formal process of earning a doctorate or habilitation
przewóz {m inan} :: transportation, shipping, carriage, portage, conveyance, freight
przewracać {vt impf} :: to overturn, overthrow, knock over
przewracać {vt impf} :: to turn over, flip over
przewrotka {f} [soccer] :: bicycle kick
przewrót {m inan} :: revolution
przewrót {m inan} :: coup d'état, putsch, overthrow
przewrót {m inan} [gymnastics] :: roll
przewyższać {vt impf} :: to exceed, to surpass, to outdo
przewyższać {vt impf} :: to be taller than
przez {prep} :: across
przez {prep} :: through
przez {prep} :: by
przez {prep} :: via
przez {prep} :: for
przez grzeczność nie zaprzeczę {phrase} [humorous] :: Said in acknowledgement of a self-deprecatory statement
przez grzeczność nie zaprzeczę {phrase} :: Said in acknowledgement of a compliment
przeze {prep} :: a form of przez used only with pronoun mnie
przezeń {contraction} :: contraction of przez niego
przeziębienie {n} :: cold (illness)
przezimować {v pf} :: to overwinter
przezmian {m inan} :: alternative form of bezmian
przeznaczać {vt impf} :: to allocate, to earmark, to dedicate (specify or set aside for a particular purpose)
przeznaczenie {n} :: destiny, fate
przeznaczyć {vt pf} :: to allocate, to earmark, to dedicate (specify or set aside for a particular purpose)
przezorność {f} :: forethought, foresight
przezorny {adj} :: prudent, provident
przezorny {adj} :: wary
przezroczystość {f} [literal] :: transparency (the quality of being see-through)
przezroczysty {adj} :: see-through, transparent
przezwisko {n} :: nickname
przeźroczysty {adj} :: alternative form of przezroczysty
przeżuć {v pf} :: to chew (to crush with teeth before swallowing); to masticate
przeżuwacz {m anim} :: ruminant (mammal of the taxonomic suborder Ruminantia)
przeżuwać {v impf} :: to masticate; to chew
przeżyć {vt pf} :: to experience
przeżyć {vt pf} :: to outlive, to survive (live longer than)
przeżyć {vi pf} :: to survive
przeżytek {m inan} :: something considered obsolete
przeżywać {vt impf} :: to outlive, to survive
przeżywać {vt impf} :: to experience
przędny {adj} :: spinnable
przędza {f} :: yarn (fiber)
przędzenie {n} :: verbal noun of prząść
przędziwo {n} :: yarn
przęsło {n} :: span (engineering)
przęstka {f} :: mare's tail (any plant of the genus Hippuris)
przęśl {f} :: ephedra, jointfir (any plant of the genus Ephedra)
przęślica {f} :: distaff (device to which a bundle of fibres are attached for temporary storage)
przęślik {m inan} :: spindle whorl
przęślik {m inan} :: Any fungus of the genus Colus
przodek {m pers} :: ancestor, forebear
przodek {m inan} [mining] :: face, area where mining work is advancing
przodkini {f} :: ancestress
przodomózgowie {n} :: forebrain
przodować {v impf} :: to lead (to be more advanced)
przód {m inan} :: front, fore
przy- {prefix} :: indicates movement towards
przy- {prefix} :: towards, approaching, arriving
przy {prep} :: by, at, next to
przy {prep} :: in front of
przybierać {vt impf} :: to take on, to put on, to assume, to adopt
przybierać {vt impf} :: to garnish, to adorn
przybliżać {vt impf} :: to move nearer, to bring closer (reduce the distance between two objects)
przybliżać {vt impf} :: to bring forward
przybliżać {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to bring together
przybliżać {vt impf} :: to magnify, to zoom in on
przybliżać {vt impf} :: to approximate, to reckon
przybliżać {vr impf} :: to approach, to near
przybliżać {vr impf} [figuratively] :: to bond, to get closer
przybliżyć {vt pf} :: to move nearer, to bring closer (reduce the distance between two objects)
przybliżyć {vt pf} :: to bring forward
przybliżyć {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to bring together
przybliżyć {vt pf} :: to magnify, to zoom in on
przybliżyć {vt pf} :: to approximate, to reckon
przybliżyć {vr pf} :: to approach, to near
przybliżyć {vr pf} [figuratively] :: to bond, to get closer
przybłęda {f} :: stray animal
przybłęda {m pers} :: vagabond
przybór {m inan} [usually plural] :: utensil, tool, accessory
przybór {m inan} :: spate, flood
przybrać {vt pf} :: to take on, to put on, to assume, to adopt
przybrać {vt pf} :: to garnish, to adorn
przybrzeże {n} :: foreshore (part of a body of water near the shore of a lake, river, sea, etc.)
przybrzeżny {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the area along the edge of a body of water (ocean, lake, river); coastal; littoral; riparian
przybycie {n} :: verbal noun of przybyć
przybycie {n} :: arrival
przybyć {vi pf} :: to arrive, to get in
przybyły {m pers} :: arrival, newcomer
przybysz {m pers} :: newcomer
przybywać {vi impf} :: to arrive, to get in
przychodnia {f} :: clinic (medical facility)
przychodzić {v impf} :: to arrive, to come
przychodzień {m pers} [literary] :: newcomer, new arrival (person who has recently arrived)
przychodzień {m pers} [obsolete] :: foreign settler, immigrant
przychód {m inan} :: gross income
przychylać {vr impf} :: to favour, to tend towards, to incline towards
przychylić {vr pf} :: to favour, to tend towards, to incline towards
przychylnie {adv} :: favourably
przychylniej {adv} :: comparative of przychylnie
przychylniejszy {adj} :: comparative of przychylny
przychylność {f} :: favour, favourability, goodwill
przychylny {adj} :: favourable
przyciągać {v impf} :: pull closer
przyciągać {v impf} :: attract, allure (tourists, clients)
przyciągać {v impf} :: drag
przyciągnąć {v pf} :: to pull closer
przyciągnąć {v pf} :: to attract, allure (tourists, clients)
przyciągnąć {v pf} :: to draw
przycinek {m inan} :: jibe, taunt, barb
przycisk {m inan} :: button (mechanical device meant to be pressed)
przycisk {m inan} [computing] :: button
przyciskać {vt impf} :: to press, to push (e.g. a button)
przyciskać {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to press, to put the screws on, to pressure
przycisnąć {vt pf} :: to press, to push (e.g. a button)
przycisnąć {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to press, to put the screws on, to pressure
przyciszać {vt impf} :: to turn down the volume (of)
przyciszyć {vt pf} :: to turn down the volume (of)
przyczep {m inan} [anatomy] :: insertion
przyczepa {f} :: trailer (a vehicle towed by another)
przyczepiać {vt impf} :: to attach, to tack
przyczepiać {vr impf} :: to cling, to hang on, to stick
przyczepiać {vr impf} :: to tag along
przyczepić {vt pf} :: to attach, to tack
przyczepić {vr pf} :: to cling, to hang on, to stick
przyczepić {vr pf} :: to tag along
przyczyna {f} :: cause, reason
przydatek {m inan} :: appendage
przydatek {m inan} :: addition, supplement
przydatność {f} :: usefulness, helpfulness
przydatność {f} :: suitability, fitness
przydatny {adj} :: useful
przydawka {f} [linguistics] :: modifier
przydech {m inan} [phonetics] :: aspiration
przydech {m inan} [archaic] :: a heavy breath; a heavy sigh
przydługi {adj} :: A little too long (physically; of time)
przydomek {m inan} :: nickname
przydrożny {adj} :: roadside
przydupas {m pers} [vulgar, derogatory] :: lackey; lickspittle
przydupas {m pers} [vulgar, derogatory] :: lover
przydział {m inan} :: allocation, ration, quota
przydzielać {vt impf} :: to apportion, to allocate (e.g. funds)
przydzielać {vt impf} :: to assign, to allot (a task)
przydzielić {vt pf} :: to apportion, to allocate (e.g. funds)
przydzielić {vt pf} :: to assign, to allot (a task)
przyfrunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przyfrunąć
przyfruwanie {n} :: verbal noun of przyfruwać
przygana {f} :: rebuke, reprimand
przyganiał kocioł garnkowi {proverb} :: the pot is calling the kettle black
przygięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przygiąć
przyglądać {vr impf} :: to watch intently, to examine thoroughly [+dative = somebody/something]
przygnębiać {vt impf} :: to distress, dispirit
przygnębić {vt pf} :: to distress, dispirit
przygnębienie {n} :: verbal noun of przygnębić
przygnębienie {n} :: dejection, depression, despondency
przygoda {f} :: adventure (the encountering of risks)
przygodówka {f} [video games, colloquial] :: adventure game
przygotować {v pf} :: to prepare
przygotowany {adj} :: prepared, ready
przygotowywać {v impf} :: to prepare
przygrywka {f} [music] :: prelude
przygrywka {f} :: prelude (something leading to principal event or action)
przyimek {m inan} [grammar] :: adposition, preposition
przyimkowy {adj} :: prepositional
przyjaciel {m pers} :: close friend
przyjaciółka {f} :: (female) friend
przyjazd {m inan} :: arrival (of a bus or train)
przyjazny {adj} :: friendly
przyjaźnie {adv} :: amicably, friendlily
przyjaźniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of przyjazny
przyjaźń {f} :: friendship (condition of being friends)
przyjaźń {f} :: amity
przyjąć {v pf} :: to receive, to accept
przyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to hit, to thud
przyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to beat
przyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to nail, to dock
przyjechać pf :: to arrive (by driving or riding)
przyjemnie {adv} :: pleasantly
przyjemniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of przyjemny
przyjemność {f} :: pleasure
przyjemny {adj} :: pleasant
przyjeżdżać {vi impf} :: to arrive, to pull in (in a vehicle)
przyjęcie {n} :: party (social gathering)
przyjęcie {n} :: verbal noun of przyjąć
przyjmować {v impf} :: to take (to ingest medicine)
przyjmować {v impf} :: to receive
przyjrzeć {vtr perf} :: to examine thoroughly [+dative = somebody / something]
przyjść {vi pf} :: to arrive, to come
przykład {m inan} :: example
przykładnie {adv} :: exemplarily, blamelessly
przykładny {adj} :: exemplary, blameless
przykładowo {adv} :: for example
przykładowy {adj} :: exemplary
przykładowy {adj} :: exemplificatory
przykro {adv} :: sorry
przykro mi {phrase} :: I'm sorry
przykrość {f} :: unpleasantness, distastefulness
przykrość {f} :: annoyance, nuisance
przykry {adj} :: unpleasant, distasteful, disagreeable
przykryć {vt pf} :: to cover
przykrywać {vt impf} :: to cover (with e.g. a cloth or blanket)
przykrzejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of przykry
przykuć {vt pf} :: to enchain, to chain
przykuć {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to enthrall, to rivet, to fascinate
przykuwać {vt impf} :: to enchain, to chain
przykuwać {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to enthrall, to rivet, to fascinate
przylaszczka {f} :: A plant of the genus Hepatica
przylądek {m inan} [geography] :: cape
przylep {m inan} :: adhesiveness
przylepa {f} :: augmentative of przylepka
przylepiec {m inan} :: adhesive bandage, plaster
przylepny {adj} :: adhesive
przylepny {adj} :: clingy
przylepny {adj} :: endearing
przylewanie {n} :: verbal noun of przylewać
przylga {f} [entomology] :: pulvillus
przylistek {m inan} [botany] :: stipule
przylot {m inan} :: arrival (of an aeroplane)
przylżeniec {m anim} [usually plural] :: thrips, thysanopteran
przyłbica {f} [historical] :: bascinet, bevor, visor
przyłbica {f} :: face shield
przymarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przymarznąć
przymierzalnia {f} :: fitting room (a room in a store for trying on clothes)
przymierze {n} :: covenant
przymierze {n} :: alliance
przymiot {m inan} [poetic] :: virtue, quality
przymiotnik {m inan} [grammar] :: adjective
przymiotnikowy {adj} :: adjectival
przymknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przymknąć
przymocować {vt pf} :: to fix, to affix [+ do (object) = genitive = to something]
przymocowywać {vt impf} :: to fix, to affix [+ do (object) = genitive = to something]
przymota {f} [Łowicz] :: mistake, error
przymówka {f} :: jibe, taunt, barb
przymówka {f} :: allusion
przymroczek {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Hypsugo
przymrozek {m inan} :: ground frost
przymrozek {m inan} [dated] :: hoarfrost
przynajmniej {particle} :: at least, anyhow
przynależeć {vi impf} :: to belong, to be part
przynależność {f} :: affiliation, membership
przynależny {adj} :: affiliated, belonging
przynęta {f} [fishing] :: bait
przynęta {f} :: bait (anything which allures)
przynieść {v pf} :: to bring
przynosić {vt impf} :: to bring (on foot), fetch
przynosić {vt impf} :: to fetch
przynosić mamuta do domu {v impf} [colloquial, humorous] :: to bring home the bacon
przyoczko {n} :: ocellus, simple eye in invertebrates
przyodzienie {n} [dated] :: clothes
przyodziewek {m inan} [dated] :: clothes
przyozdabiać {vt impf} :: to embellish, to adorn, to beautify
przyozdabianie {n} :: verbal noun of przyozdabiać
przyozdobić {vt pf} :: to embellish, to adorn, to beautify
przyozdobienie {n} :: verbal noun of przyozdobić
przypadek {m inan} :: instance, case
przypadek {m inan} :: chance, accident, coincidence
przypadek {m inan} [grammar] :: case
przypadkiem {adv} :: accidentally
przypadkowy {adj} :: random, accidental
przypadłość {f} [euphemism] :: affliction, disease
przypał {m inan} [slang, pejorative] :: gaffe, embarrassment, awkward situation
przypiąć {vt pf} :: to pin, to clip
przypinać {vt impf} :: to pin, to clip
przypis {m inan} :: footnote, note
przypływ {m inan} :: high tide
przypływ {m inan} :: inflow
przypominać {vt impf} :: to remind
przypominanie {n} :: verbal noun of przypominać
przypomnieć {vt pf} :: to remind
przypowieść {f} :: parable
przyprawa {f} :: spice, condiment
przyprawiać {v impf} :: to season (to flavour food)
przyprawianie {n} :: verbal noun of przyprawiać
przyprawić {v pf} :: to season (to flavour food)
przyprawić komuś rogi {v pf} [idiom] :: to cuckold
przyprostokątna {f} [geometry] :: cathetus
przypuszczać {v impf} :: to suppose
przypuścić {v pf} :: to suppose
przyrastać {vi impf} :: to increase, accrete
przyrastać {vi impf} :: to adhere, cling, attach itself
przyroda {f} :: nature, the entirety of the natural world
przyroda {f} :: biosphere, flora and fauna
przyrodniczy {adj} :: pertaining to nature (biological and geographical states)
przyrodzony {adj} :: inherent
przyrost {m inan} :: increase
przyrostek {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: suffix
przyrównać {vt pf} :: to equate, to liken, to compare
przyrównywać {vt impf} :: to equate, to liken, to compare
przyrząd {m inan} :: device, appliance, tool
przyrzekać {vt impf} :: to pledge, to vow, to promise
przysadzisty {adj} :: stocky, thickset
przysadzisty {adj} :: pudgy
przysiąc {vit pf} :: to swear (to take an oath)
przysiąść {vi pf} :: to perch (sit on the edge of something)
przysiąść {vi pf} :: to crouch, to squat
przysiąść {vr pf} :: to sit by, to sit near [+ do (object) = genitive = to something/someone]
przysięga {f} :: oath (solemn pledge)
przysięgać {v impf} :: swear (to take an oath)
przysięganie {n} :: verbal noun of przysięgać
przysiółek {m inan} :: hamlet
przyskakiwać {vi impf} :: to jump towards, to approach quickly
przyskoczyć {vi pf} :: to jump towards, to approach quickly
przysłać {vt pf} :: to send in, to deliver
przysłać {vt pf} :: to send (direct somebody somewhere for some specific purpose)
przysłop {m inan} [Góral] :: mountain pass
przysłowie {n} :: proverb
przysłówek {m inan} [grammar] :: adverb
przysłówkowy {adj} :: adverbial
przysługa {f} :: [UK] favour, [US] favor (deed in which help is voluntarily provided)
przysługiwać {vi impf} :: to be due, to be owed [+ dative = to someone]
przysłużyć {vr pf} :: to do a favour
przyspieszać {vt impf} :: to accelerate, to speed up (cause something to go faster)
przyspieszać {vt impf} :: to bring forward, to advance
przyspieszenie {n} :: acceleration
przyspieszenie {n} [physics] :: acceleration
przyspieszyć {vt pf} :: to accelerate, to speed up (cause to go faster)
przyspieszyć {vt pf} :: to bring forward, to advance
przyssawka {f} :: sucker (organ or body part of some animals)
przyssawka {f} :: suction cup
przystający {adj} [mathematics] :: congruent
przystający {adj} [geometry] :: identical, isometric
przystanek {m inan} :: stop (a place where line buses or trams halt)
przystanek {m inan} :: stop (a designated stop for passenger trains that comprises of a platform for boarding and alighting passengers. Specifically, a train stop that lacks a station building with passenger facilities (see dworzec)
przystań {f} :: harbor
przystań {f} [by extension] :: haven (a place of safety)
przystawka {f} :: starter, appetizer
przystawka {f} [colloquial] :: pickup, device that converts the vibration of strings to electric signals
przystępny {adj} [of a place] :: accessible
przystępny {adj} [of a person] :: approachable, accessible
przystępny {adj} [of a price] :: affordable
przystępny {adj} [of a book, style] :: accessible (easily understood)
przystosować {vt pf} :: to adapt, to adjust
przystosować {vr pf} :: to adapt, to get used, to acclimatise [+ do (object) = genitive = to something]
przystosowywać {vt impf} :: to adapt, to adjust
przystosowywać {vr impf} :: to adapt, to get used, to acclimatise [+ do (object) = genitive = to something]
przystrajać {vt impf} :: to decorate, to adorn, to spruce up
przystrajać {vr impf} :: to adorn oneself, to get dressed up
przystroić {vt pf} :: to decorate, to adorn, to spruce up
przystroić {vr pf} :: to adorn oneself, to get dressed up
przysunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przysunąć
przysychanie {n} :: verbal noun of przysychać
przysyłać {vt impf} :: to send in, to deliver
przysyłać {vt impf} :: to send (direct somebody somewhere for some specific purpose)
przyszłość {f} :: future (the time ahead)
przyszły {adj} :: future (having to do with or occurring in the future)
przyśpieszać {v impf} :: alternative form of przyspieszać
przyśpieszyć {v pf} :: alternative form of przyspieszyć
przytarczyca {f} :: parathyroid gland
przytkać {vt pf} :: to plug lightly, to bung lightly
przytkać {vr pf} :: to become slightly clogged
przytknąć {vt pf} :: to touch (to cause to briefly be in contact)
przytknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of przytknąć
przytomność {f} :: consciousness (state of wakefulness and awareness)
przytomny {adj} :: conscious
przytrzymać {vt pf} :: to hold, to keep in place
przytrzymać {vt pf} :: to hold, to keep back, to reserve
przytrzymać {vr pf} :: to hold on
przytrzymywać {vt impf} :: to hold, to keep in place
przytrzymywać {vt impf} :: to hold, to reserve, to keep back
przytrzymywać {vr impf} :: to hold on
przytulać {vt impf} :: to hug, to cuddle, to snuggle
przytulać {vr impf} :: to huddle together, to snuggle up, to nestle up
przytulanie {n} :: verbal noun of przytulać
przytulia {f} :: galium (any plant of the genus Galium)
przytulić {vt pf} :: to hug, to cuddle, to snuggle
przytulić {vr pf} :: to huddle together, to snuggle up, to nestle up
przytulniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of przytulny
przytulny {adj} :: cosy, cozy
przytułek {m inan} :: poorhouse, almshouse
przytułek {m inan} :: shelter, asylum, refuge
przytyk {m inan} :: dig, jibe, taunt
przytykać {vt impf} :: to touch (cause to be briefly in contact with something)
przytykać {vt impf} :: to be in contact with, to touch
przytykać {vt impf} :: to plug lightly, to bung lightly
przytykać {vr impf} :: to become slightly clogged
przywara {f} :: flaw, vice, fault, shortcoming
przywilej {m inan} :: privilege
przywitać {vt pf} :: to welcome, to greet
przywitać {vr pf} :: to say hello, to greet [+ z (object) = instrumental = to someone]
przywłaszczać {vt impf} :: to appropriate, to convert
przywłaszczyć {vt pf} :: to appropriate, to convert
przywołanie {n} :: verbal noun of przywołać
przywódca {m pers} :: leader (one having authority)
przywódczyni {f} :: female leader (one having authority)
przywództwo {n} :: leadership
przywra {f} :: trematode, fluke
przywracać {vt impf} :: to restore, reintroduce, re-establish
przywrotnik {m inan} :: lady's mantle (any member of the genus Alchemilla)
przywróciciel {m pers} [archaic] :: One who restores or reestablishes something
przywspółczulny {adj} :: parasympathetic
przywyknąć {vi pf} :: to get used
przyzębie {n} :: periodontium
przyznać {v pf} :: to admit, confess
przyzwoitka {f} :: chaperon (an adult who accompanies unmarried men or women)
przyzwoitość {f} :: decency (honorable behavior)
przyzwoitość {f} :: propriety (abstaining from inappropriate sexual advances)
przyzwoity {adj} :: decent (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness)
przyzwolenie {n} :: acquiescence (silent or passive assent)
przyzwyczaić {vt pf} :: to accustom, to inure
przyzwyczaić {vr pf} :: to become accustomed, to get used [+ do (object) = genitive = to something]
przyzwyczajać {vt impf} :: to accustom, to inure
przyzwyczajać {vr impf} :: to become accustomed, to get used [+ do (object) = genitive = to something]
ps. {m inan} :: abbreviation of pseudonim
psalm {m inan} [music] :: psalm
psałterz {m inan} :: psalter
pseud. {m inan} :: abbreviation of pseudonim
pseudo- {prefix} :: pseudo-
pseudoargument {m inan} :: fallacious argument, incorrect argument
pseudohodowla {f} :: puppy mill, puppy farm
pseudonauka {f} :: pseudoscience
pseudonim {m inan} :: pseudonym
psi {adj} :: canine, dog-
psi {n} :: psi; the Greek letter Ψ, ψ
psiaczek {m anim} :: diminutive of psiak
psiak {m anim} :: A puppy (young dog)
psiak {m inan} {m anim} [colloquial] :: An inedible mushroom
psianka {f} :: nightshade (any plant of the genus Solanum)
psiarnia {f} [dated] :: kennel, a room or building where dogs are kept
psiarnia {f} [slang, offensive, collective, singular only] :: police
psiarnia {f} [dated] :: a pack of hunting dogs belonging to one owner
psiątko {n} :: diminutive of psię
psica {f} [rare] :: bitch (female dog)
psica {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: bitch (woman)
psię {n} [obsolete in singular] :: puppy (young dog)
psik {m inan} :: sneeze
psik {interj} :: shoo! (used to induce a cat to leave)
psik {interj} :: achoo! (sound of a sneeze)
psikus {m inan} [colloquial] :: trick, prank, joke
psina {f} [affectionate] :: dog
psina {f} [uncountable] :: dog meat
psinka {f} {m anim} [affectionate] :: diminutive of psina; pup (dog)
psisko {n} :: augmentative of pies
pskow. {adj} :: abbreviation of pskowski
pskowski {adj} :: Pskovian
Psków {prop} {m} :: Psków (city)
psł. {noun} :: abbreviation of prasłowiański
psocenie {n} :: verbal noun of psocić
psota {f} :: prank, trick
psota {f} [regional] :: bad weather
psotnik {m pers} :: prankster, mischief-maker
psotnik {m pers} [obsolete] :: Someone who spoils or wrecks everything
psotniki {m animp} :: Psocoptera
pstrąg {m anim} :: trout (fish)
pstry {adj} :: spotted
pstry {adj} :: motley
pstry {adj} :: variegated
pstryknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of pstryknąć
psubrat {m pers} [dated] :: scoundrel
psucie {n} :: verbal noun of psuć
psuć {v impf} :: to damage, to spoil
psuj {m pers} :: spoiler; spoilsport; ruiner; troublemaker
psy {m animp} [slang, offensive] :: police
psy szczekają, karawana idzie dalej {proverb} :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on
psy szczekają, karawana jedzie dalej {proverb} :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on
psychiatra {m pers} :: psychiatrist
psychiatria {f} :: psychiatry
psychiatryk {m inan} [colloquial, derogatory] :: psychiatric hospital, mental hospital
psychicznie {adv} :: mentally, psychologically
psychiczny {adj} :: mental, psychical
psycho- {prefix} :: psycho-
psychoanalityczka {f} :: female psychoanalyst
psychoanalityczny {adj} :: psychoanalytic
psychoanalityk {m pers} :: psychoanalyst
psychoanaliza {f} :: psychoanalysis
psychoanalizować {vt impf} :: to psychoanalyze
psychofizycznie {adv} :: psychophysically; in a psychophysical manner
psychofizyczny {adj} :: psychophysical
psychofizyka {f} [psychology] :: psychophysics
psychol {m anim} [colloquial, derogatory] :: crazy; loon; fruitcake
psycholog {m pers} :: psychologist
psycholog {f} :: female psychologist
psychologia {f} [psychology] :: psychology
psychologicznie {adv} :: psychologically; in a psychological manner
psychologiczny {adj} :: psychological
psycholożka {f} [neologism] :: female psychologist
psychopata {m pers} :: psychopath
psychopatia {f} :: psychopathy
psychopatka {f} :: female psychopath
psychopatycznie {adv} :: psychopathically; in a psychopathic manner
psychopatyczny {adj} :: psychopathic
psychosomatycznie {adv} :: psychosomatically; in a psychosomatic manner
psychosomatyczny {adj} :: psychosomatic
psychosomatyka {f} [medicine] :: psychosomatics
psychoterapeuta {m pers} :: psychotherapist
psychoterapeutka {f} :: female psychotherapist
psychoterapeutycznie {adv} :: psychotherapeutically; in a psychotherapeutic manner
psychoterapeutyczny {adj} :: psychotherapeutic
psychoterapia {f} [psychology] :: psychotherapy
psychoza {f} :: psychosis
psychuszka {f} [historic, colloquial] :: a mental hospital used for abusive psychiatric treatment of political dissidents in the communist countries, especially the Soviet Union
psychuszka {f} [by extension, colloquial, pejorative] :: any form of psychiatric treatment used for political repression
pszczelarski {adj} :: of or pertaining to apiculture
pszczelarstwo {n} :: apiculture
pszczelarz {m pers} :: beekeeper, apiarist
pszczeli {adj} [relational] :: bee, apian, beely
pszczolinka {f} :: mining bee (any bee of the genus Andrena)
pszczoła {f} :: honey bee
pszczołojad {m anim} :: Any honey buzzard of the genus Henicopernis
pszczołojad {m anim} :: European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
pszczółeczka {f} :: diminutive of pszczółka
pszczółka {f} :: diminutive of pszczoła
pszenica {f} :: wheat
pszenicznik {m anim} :: tench (Tinca tinca)
pszeniczny {adj} [relational] :: wheat, wheaten
pszeniec {m inan} :: cow-wheat, any plant of the genus Melampyrum
pszenny {adj} [relational] :: wheat, wheaten
pszenżyto {n} :: triticale
pszono {n} [obsolete] :: threshed millet
ptactwo {n} [collective, literary] :: birds
ptak {m anim} :: bird (animal)
ptak {m anim} [colloquial] :: cock, penis
ptasi {adj} [relational] :: bird, avian; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of birds
ptasiarz {m pers} :: birdwatcher, birder
ptasie mleczko {n} :: A type of confectionery, consisting of soft meringue covered with chocolate
ptasie mleko {n} :: A luxurious rarity
ptasinóg {m inan} [archaic] :: bird's-foot (Ornithopus)
ptaszarnia {f} :: aviary
ptaszek {m anim} :: diminutive of ptak; young or small bird
ptaszek {m anim} [colloquial] :: checkmark, tick
ptaszek {m anim} [colloquial] :: cock (male genitalia)
ptaszę {n} [poetic] :: bird, especially a chick (young bird)
ptaszy {adj} [archaic, relational] :: bird, avian; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of birds
ptaszydło {n} :: augmentative of ptak
ptaszyniec {m inan} [archaic] :: bird's-foot (Ornithopus)
ptaszyniec {m inan} [obsolete] :: aviary
ptaszyniec {m anim} :: red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae)
ptaszysko {n} :: augmentative of ptak
ptok {m anim} [Upper Silesia] :: bird (member of Aves)
ptok {m anim} [Upper Silesia, by extension] :: A newcomer to Silesia
publicystyka {f} [literature] :: opinion journalism
publiczność {f} :: audience
publiczny {adj} :: public
publikować {v impf} :: to publish
publikowanie {n} :: verbal noun of publikować
puch {m inan} :: down, fluff (soft, immature feathers)
puch {m inan} :: snow
pucha {f} :: augmentative of pustka
pucha {f} :: augmentative of puszka
puchacz {m anim} :: eagle owl (bird of genus Bubo)
puchar {m inan} :: goblet (a drinking vessel with a foot and stem)
puchar {m inan} [sport] :: cup (a trophy in the shape of an oversized cup)
puchar {m inan} [sport] :: cup (a contest for which a cup is awarded)
puchaty {adj} :: fluffy (covered with fluff)
puchaty {adj} :: fluffy (light; soft; airy)
puchnąć {vi impf} :: to swell
puchnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of puchnąć
puchowiec {m inan} :: ceiba (any tree belonging to the genus Ceiba)
puchówka {f} [archaic] :: down pillow
puchówka {f} :: bay owl (Phodilus)
pucybut {m pers} :: shoeshiner, bootblack, shoeblack
pucz {m inan} :: coup, putsch
pudding {m inan} :: pudding (boiled or steamed cake or dessert)
pudel {m anim} :: poodle
pudełeczko {n} :: diminutive of pudełko; small box
pudełko {n} :: box (rectangular container)
puder {m inan} [cosmetics] :: powder
pudło {n} :: augmentative of pudełko box (rectangular container)
pudło {n} :: a miss in guessing (often an exclamation)
pudło {n} [colloquial] :: a miss in shooting
pudło {n} [colloquial] :: unsuccessful undertaking
pudło {n} [colloquial] :: nick, prison
pudło {n} [colloquial] :: the box (television set)
pudłować {vi impf} :: to miss a shot
puenta {f} :: punch line
pugilares {m inan} [obsolete] :: wallet
pukać {v impf} :: to knock (e.g. on the door)
pukanie {n} :: verbal noun of pukać
pukiel {m inan} :: curl, lock
pukielek {m inan} :: diminutive of pukiel
pulares {m inan} [dated] :: wallet
pulchny {adj} :: chubby, plump
pulchny {adj} :: spongy (squishy)
pulmonolog {m pers} :: pulmonologist
pulmonolog {f} :: female pulmonologist
pulower {m inan} :: sweater, pullover, jersey, jumper
pulowerek {m inan} :: diminutive of pulower
pulpet {m inan} :: a meatball
pulpit {m inan} :: desktop (the main graphical user interface of an operating system)
pulsar {m inan} [astronomy] :: pulsar
pułapka {f} :: trap
pułk {m inan} [military] :: regiment
pułkownik {m pers} :: colonel
puma {f} :: puma, cougar
pumeks {m inan} :: pumice
pumpernikiel {m inan} [baking] :: pumpernickel (type of sourdough rye bread, strongly flavored, dense, and dark in color)
punkt {m inan} :: dot
punkt {m inan} :: point
punkt {m inan} :: spot
punkt {m inan} :: item (on a list)
punkt {m inan} [geometry] :: point
punkt widzenia {m inan} :: point of view (position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint)
punktualnie {adv} :: punctually
punktualniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of punktualny
punktualność {f} :: punctuality
punktualny {adj} :: punctual (on time)
pupa {f} [anatomy, somewhat, childish] :: bum, rear, buttocks
pupil {m pers} :: favorite son, favored student, protégé
pupil {m pers} [archaic] :: pupil (learner)
pupilek {m pers} :: diminutive of pupil
pupilka {f} :: favored student, protégée
pupilka {f} [archaic] :: pupil (female learner)
purchatnica {f} :: Any fungus of the genus Pisolithus
purchawka {f} :: Any puffball mushroom of the genus Lycoperdon
purée {n} :: puree
purpurowy {adj} :: purple
puryfikaterz {m inan} [religion] :: purificator (the napkin used to wipe the lip of the chalice during Holy Communion)
purysta {m pers} :: purist
purytanizm {m inan} :: Puritanism
Pusan {prop} {m inan} :: Pusan (city)
pustać {f} [regional and literary] :: wasteland (barren, uncultivated land)
pustać {f} :: heath, heathland
pustak {m inan} :: hollow brick; concrete masonry unit
pustak {m pers} [archaic, slang] :: a vain, unsophisticated, or vapid person with few interests
pustelnia {f} :: hermitage
pustelnik {m pers} :: hermit (a religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons; an eremite)
pustka {f} :: void
pustka {f} :: emptiness
pustkowie {n} [literary] :: wasteland, desolation
pusto {adv} :: emptily
pustostan {m inan} :: vacant house or flat, unoccupied by anyone
pustostan {m inan} [in housing] :: state of being unoccupied
pustułka {f} :: kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
pusty {adj} :: empty
pusty {adj} :: uninhabited
pusty {adj} [incomparable] :: blank (free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in)
pusty {adj} :: hollow
pustynia {f} :: desert (barren area)
pustynny {adj} [relational] :: desert
puszcza {f} :: primeval forest
puszcza {f} [archaic] :: wilderness, wasteland
puszczać {v impf} :: to let go, to release
puszczać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to put on, to play, to select a recording for playing
puszczalski {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: slutty, promiscuous
puszczyk {m anim} :: tawny owl
puszeczka {f} :: Diminutive of puszka
puszek {m inan} :: diminutive of puch
puszka {f} :: can, tin
puszka {f} [bryology] :: sporangium
puszysty {adj} :: fluffy (soft and pleasant to the touch)
puszysty {adj} [euphemism] :: obese; plump; chubby
puścić {v pf} :: to let go, to release
puścić {v pf} [colloquial] :: to put on, to play, to select a recording for playing
puścić z torbami {v pf} [colloquial, idiom] :: to ruin, to make insolvent, to put someone in bankruptcy
Putin {prop} {m pers} :: Vladimir Putin
puzon {m inan} :: trombone (musical instrument)
puzzle {m inan} :: jigsaw puzzle
pycha {f} :: excessive pride
pycha {interj} :: yum! (an expression used to indicate delight in regard to a certain food's flavor)
pychota {f} [colloquial] :: Something delicious (tasty)
pychota {interj} :: yum!
pylenie {n} :: verbal noun of pylić
pyleniec {m inan} :: berteroa
pylica {f} [diseases] :: pneumoconiosis
pylica krzemowa {f} [diseases] :: silicosis (silica dust pneumoconiosis)
pylnik {m inan} [botany] :: anther (pollen-bearing part of the stamen)
pylon {m inan} :: gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple
pylon {m inan} :: pillar of a suspension or cable-stayed bridge
pylon {m inan} :: high, narrow, vertical sign, usually displaying advertisements, found e.g. near gas stations
pył {m inan} :: dust
pyłek {m inan} :: diminutive of pył
pyłek {m inan} :: mote (small particle)
pyłek {m inan} [botany] :: pollen
pyłek {m inan} [computing] :: flyweight pattern
pyłoszczelny {adj} :: dustproof, dust-tight
pyra {f} [Poznań, Łódź] :: potato
pyra {f} [derogatory] :: A resident of Poznań
pyra {f} [Łódź] :: A potato enthusiast
pyrlik {m inan} [Upper Silesia, mining] :: A type of hammer
pyrnica {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: couch grass (grass of the genus Elymus)
pyrrusowe zwycięstwo {n} :: Pyrrhic victory
Pyrzyce {prop} {p} :: Pyrzyce (town)
pysio {n} [colloquial, often affectionate] :: diminutive of pysk
pysk {m inan} :: muzzle, gob (mouth of an animal)
pyskacz {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: Someone who is verbally impudent; a backtalker
pyskaty {adj} [colloquial] :: lippy, mouthy, talking back or responding verbally in an impudent or arrogant manner
pyskaty {adj} [colloquial] :: prone to loud quarrels
pyskować {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to mouth off, to shoot one's mouth off
pyszczak {m anim} [zoology] :: mouthbrooder
pyszczek {m inan} :: diminutive of pysk
pyszczydło {n} [jocular] :: augmentative of pysk
pyszniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of pyszny
pyszny {adj} :: delicious
pyszny {adj} [literary] :: prideful
pyszota {f} [colloquial] :: alternative form of pychota
pyszota {interj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of pychota
pyta {f} [dated] :: lash; thick leather rope used for corporal punishment
pyta {f} [vulgar, dated] :: penis
pyta gówna {f} [Internet slang, vulgar] :: motherboard
pytać {v impf} :: to ask (look for an answer to a question by speaking)
pytać {v impf} :: to question
pytajnik {m inan} :: question mark
pytanie {n} :: question (a sentence which asks for information)
pytanko {n} :: diminutive of pytanie
pytańko {n} :: alternative form of pytanko
pyton {m anim} :: python (snake)