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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-o

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œcumenic {adj} (ecumenical) SEE: ecumenical ::
oaf {n} (imbecile) :: pummel
oak {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) :: eik {m}, eikenboom {m}
oak {n} (wood) :: eik {m}, eikenhout {n}
oak {adj} (made of oak wood) :: eiken
oaken {adj} (made from the wood of an oak) :: eiken, eikenhouten
oak tree {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) SEE: oak ::
oakwood {n} (wood populated with oaks) :: eikenbos {n}, eikenbosje {n}
oar {n} (implement used to row a boat) :: riem, roeiriem
oar {v} (row) SEE: row ::
OAS {prop} (Organization of American States) :: OAS (Organisatie van Amerikaanse Staten)
oasis {n} (well surrounded by fertile region) :: oase {f}
oat {n} (a widely cultivated cereal grass) :: haver {m}
oat {n} (seeds of the oat) SEE: oats ::
oath {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
oath {n} (solemn pledge) :: eed {m}
oath {n} (affirmed statement) :: eed {m}
Oath of Abjuration {prop} :: Akte van Verlating {m}
oatmeal {n} (meal) :: havervlokken {m-p}, havermout {m}
oatmeal {n} (breakfast cereal, see also: porridge) :: havervlokkenpap {m}, havermoutpap {m}
oats {n} (seeds of an oat plant) :: haver {m}
Obadiah {prop} (book of the Old Testament) :: Obadja {m}
Obama {prop} (surname) :: Obama
obdurate {adj} (Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent) :: koppig, weerbarstig, hardleers, onverzettelijk
obdurate {adj} (Physically hardened, toughened) :: keihard
obedience {n} (quality of being obedient) :: gehoorzaamheid {f}
obedient {adj} (willing to comply with commands) :: gehoorzaam
obediently {adv} (in an obedient manner) :: gehoorzaam
obelisk {n} (A tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point) :: obelisk {m}
obese {adj} (extremely overweight) :: obees, vetzuchtig, diklijvig
obesity {n} (act or state of being obese) :: obesitas {f}
obey {v} (to do as ordered by) :: gehoorzamen
obfuscate {v} (make dark) :: verduisteren
obituary {n} (brief notice of a person's death, as published in a newspaper) :: doodsbrief
obituary {n} (biography of a recently deceased person) :: necrologie {f}
object {n} (thing) :: object {n}, voorwerp {n}
object {n} (in grammar) :: lijdend voorwerp {n}, meewerkend voorwerp {n}
object {n} (in object-oriented programming) :: object {n}
object {v} (disagree with something or someone) :: protesteren, ertegen zijn, bezwaar maken, tegenwerpen
objection {n} (act of objecting) :: tegenspraak {f}
objection {n} (statement expressing opposition) :: tegenwerping {f}, bezwaar {n}
objection {n} (official protest raised in a court of law) :: bezwaar {n}
objectionable {adj} (offensive) :: bezwaarlijk, aanstotelijk, afkeurenswaardig, laakbaar, onaangenaam
objective {adj} (relating to a material object) :: objectief, objectieve, zakelijk
objective {adj} (not influenced by emotions) :: objectief, objectieve, nuchter, nuchtere
objective {adj} (based on observed fact) :: objectief, objectieve
objective {n} (material object) :: object {n}
objective {n} (goal) :: doel {n}, streefdoel {n}, doelstelling {f}
objective {n} (lens) :: objectief {n}
objectively {adv} (in an impartial, objective manner) :: objectief
objectivity {n} (The state of being objective) :: objectiviteit {f}, zakelijkheid {f}
object-oriented programming {n} (programming paradigm that uses objects to design application and computer programs) :: objectgeoriënteerd programmeren {n}
objurgation {n} (strong rebuke, scolding) :: berisping {f}, uitbrander {m}, verwijt {n}
oblast {n} (region or province) :: oblast
oblation {n} (deed or gift offered) :: oblaat
obligation {n} :: verplichting {f}
obligatory {adj} (binding) :: verplicht
oblige {v} (to constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means) :: verplichten
oblige {v} (to do someone a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation)) :: een plezier doen
obliged {adj} (Under an obligation to do something for someone) :: verschuldigd, verplicht
obligee {n} (beneficiary of an obligation) :: schuldeiser {m}, crediteur {m}
obligor {n} (party bearing obligation) :: schuldenaar {m}, debiteur {m}
oblique {adj} (not erect or perpendicular) :: schuin
oblique {adj} (not straightforward; indirect; obscure; hence, disingenuous; underhand; perverse; sinister) :: indirect
obliterate {v} (to remove completely, leaving no trace; to wipe out; to destroy) :: uitwissen
oblivion {n} (state of forgetfulness or distraction) :: vergeetachtigheid
oblivion {n} (state of being completely forgotten) :: vergetelheid {f}
oblivious {adj} (unaware) :: onoplettend
oblivious {adj} (failing to remember) :: vergeetachtig
oblong {adj} (longer than wide) :: langwerpig
obloquy {n} (abusive language) :: laster {m}, smaad {m},
obnoxious {adj} (offensive, very annoying) :: vervelend, onuitstaanbaar, onaangenaam, weerzinwekkend
oboe {n} (wind instrument) :: hobo {m}
oboe d'amore {n} (instrument of the oboe family) :: oboe d'amore {m}, liefdeshobo {m}
obscure {adj} (dark, faint or indistinct) :: duister
obscure {adj} (hidden, out of sight or inconspicuous) :: verborgen
obsequious {adj} (obedient, compliant with someone else's orders) :: onderdanig
obsequious {adj} (fawning, subservient) :: kruiperig, slaafs, onderworpen
obsequiousness {n} (the quality of being obsequious) :: kruiperigheid, onderworpenheid
observance {n} (the custom of celebrating a holiday) :: feestdag {m}
observation {n} (act of observing or being observed) :: waarneming {f}
observation {n} (recording an event; the record of such noting) :: waarneming {f}, waarnemen {n}
observation {n} (remark or comment) :: opmerking {f}, waarneming {f}
observation {n} :: observatie {f}
observation wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel ::
observatory {n} (place where celestial bodies or natural phenomena are observed) :: sterrenwacht {f}, observatorium {n}
observe {v} (to notice, to watch, see also: notice) :: observeren, opmerken
observe {v} (to follow) :: respecteren, in acht nemen, volgen
observer {n} (one who makes observations, monitors or takes notice) :: observator {m}, waarnemer {m}
observer {n} (one who adheres or follows laws, guidelines, etc.) :: nalever {m}
observer {n} (person sent to monitor but not to participate) :: waarnemer {m}
observer {n} (aircraft crew member) :: observator {m}
observer {n} (one manning an observation post) :: observator {m}
obsession {n} (compulsive or irrational preoccupation) :: obsessie {f}, bezetenheid {f}
obsession {n} (unhealthy fixation) :: obsessie {f}, fixatie, dwangvoorstelling
obsessive {adj} (prone to cause obsession) :: obsederend
obsessive {adj} (having one thought or pursuing one activity to the absolute or nearly absolute exclusion of all others) :: obsessief, dwangmatig
obsessive {n} (person who is obsessed) :: geobsedeerde {m}
obsidian {n} (a type of black glass produced by volcanoes) :: lavaglas, obsidiaan
obsidian {adj} (poetic: black) :: obsidiaan
obsidional {adj} (pertaining to a siege) :: belegerkundig, obsidionaal; in compounds: beleger-, belegerings-
obsidional coin {n} (coin) :: belegeringsmunt {f}, noodmunt {f}
obsolete {adj} (no longer in use) :: verouderd, achterhaald, in onbruik
obsolete {adj} (in biology: imperfectly developed) :: rudimentair
obstacle {n} (something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress) :: obstakel {n}, belemmering {f}
obstetrician {n} (a physician who specializes in childbirth) :: gynaecoloog, verloskundige {m}
obstinate {adj} (adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually unreasonably) :: obstinaat, koppig, hardnekkig
obstreperous {adj} (attended by, or making a loud and tumultuous noise) :: luidruchtig
obstreperous {adj} (noisily and stubbornly defiant) :: weerbarstig
obstruct {v} (To get in the way of so as to hide from sight) :: zicht belemmeren
obtain {v} (to get hold of, acquire) :: verkrijgen
obtainable {adj} (capable of being obtained) :: beschikbaar, verkrijgbaar
obtrude {v} (transitive) :: opdringen
obtuse {adj} (intellectually dull) :: afgestompt
obtuse {adj} (deadened, muffled, muted) :: gesmoord
obtuse {adj} (botany, zoology: blunt) :: bot
obverse {adj} (turned or facing toward the observer) :: voorkant
obverse {n} (the heads side of a coin, or the side of a medal or badge that has the principal) :: voorzijde {f}
obviate {v} (to bypass a requirement) :: overbodig maken, omzeilen
obviation {n} (deterrence or prevention) :: omzeiling {f}
obvious {adj} (easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory) :: overduidelijk, voor de hand liggend, voordehandliggend
obviously {adv} (in an obvious manner; clearly apparent) :: overduidelijk, vanzelfsprekend
ocarina {n} (musical instrument) :: ocarina {m} {f}
Occam's razor {prop} (both principles) :: Ockhams scheermes {n}
occasion {n} (favorable opportunity) :: gelegenheid {f}
occasion {n} (occurrence which brings with it some unlooked-for event; motive, reason) :: aanleiding {f}
occasion {n} (particular happening) :: gebeurtenis {f}, voorval {n}
occasion {n} (need) :: noodzaak {f}, behoefte {f}
occasion {n} (special event or function) :: gebeurtenis {f}
occasion {v} (give occasion to) :: veroorzaken
occasion {n} (occurrence or incident) SEE: occurrence ::
occasional {adj} (limited to certain occasions; not very often) :: toevallig, nu en dan, af en toe, indicenteel, occasioneel
occasionally {adv} (from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervals) :: af en toe, wel eens, nu en dan, soms
occasional table {n} (small table having no particular function) :: bijzettafel {f}
Occident {prop} (the West) :: Occident, Avondland
occipital {adj} (of or pertaining to the occiput (back of the head) or the occipital bone) :: occipitaal
occiput {n} (back of the head or skull) :: achterhoofd {n}
Occitan {prop} (the Romance language) :: Occitaans {n}, Provençaals {n}
Occitania {prop} (Occitania) :: Occitanië {n}
occluded front {n} (cold front that overtakes a warm front) :: occlusiefront
occlusive {n} (plosive) SEE: plosive ::
occult {v} (to cover) :: verduisteren, bedekken
occult {adj} (secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected) :: verborgen, latent
occult {adj} (related to the occult) :: occult
occult {n} (supernatural affairs) :: occulte {n}, occultisme {n}
occultation {n} (astronomical event) :: bedekking, occultatie
occupant {n} (person sitting in a vehicle) :: inzittende {m}
occupant {n} (owner or tenant) :: bewoner {m}
occupation {n} (activity or task with which one occupies oneself) :: bezigheid {f}
occupation {n} (control of a country or region by a hostile army) :: bezetting {f}
occupied {adj} (reserved) :: bezet
occupied {adj} (busy) :: bezig, bezet
occupied {adj} (militarily subjugated) :: bezet
occupier {n} (one who occupies) :: bezetter {m}
occupy {v} (to occupy) SEE: consume ::
occupy {v} (have (taken) control of) :: bezetten
occur {v} (take place) :: plaatsvinden
occur {v} (present itself) :: zich aanbieden, zich voordoen, plaatsvinden, voorkomen, gebeuren
occur {v} (meet or come to the mind) :: invallen, opkomen, verschijnen
occur {v} (be present or found) :: voorkomen
occurrence {n} (actual instance where a situation arises) :: voorval {m}
ocean {n} (one of the large bodies of water) :: oceaan {m}, wereldzee {f}
Oceania {prop} (geographical region) :: Oceanië {n}
oceanic {adj} (of or relating to the ocean) :: oceanisch
oceanography {n} (oceanic exploration and study) :: zeekunde {f}
oceanology {n} (oceanography) SEE: oceanography ::
oceanwater {n} (the water of the ocean) :: oceaanwater {n}
ocelot {n} (feline carnivore) :: ocelot {m}, pardelkat {f}
ochlocracy {n} (government by the masses) :: ochlocratie {f}
ochre {n} (earth pigment) :: oker {n}
ochre {n} (yellowish-orange colour) :: oker {n}, okerkleur
ochre {adj} (having yellow-orange colour) :: oker, okerkleurig
o'clock {adv} (indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock")) :: één uur
o'clock {adv} (the translations below are of "at one o’clock") :: om één uur
octagenarian {n} (octogenarian) SEE: octogenarian ::
octagon {n} (polygon with eight sides and eight angles) :: achthoek {m}
octagonal {adj} (shaped like an octagon) :: achthoekig
octahedron {n} (a polyhedron with eight faces) :: regelmatig achtvlak {n}
octane {n} (isomeric aliphatic hydrocarbons) :: octaan
octangular {adj} (octagonal) SEE: octagonal ::
octave {n} (interval) :: octaaf
octave {n} (eight-day period beginning on a feast day) :: octaaf
October {prop} (tenth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: oktober {m}
octogenarian {n} (One who is between the age of 80 and 89, inclusive) :: tachtiger {m}
octopus {n} (mollusc) :: octopus {m}, inktvis {m}, kraak {m}
octosyllabic {adj} (containing 8 syllables) :: achtlettergrepig
octothorpe {n} (octothorpe) SEE: hash ::
octovigintillion {num} (1087) :: quattuordeciljard
ocular {adj} (seen by the eye) SEE: visual ::
oculist {n} (optometrist) SEE: optometrist ::
odalisque {n} (a female harem slave) :: odalisk
odd {adj} (strange) :: vreemd, merkwaardig, raar
odd {adj} (indivisible by two) :: oneven, onpaar
odd {adj} (occasional; infrequent) :: uitzonderlijk, zeldzaam
odd {adj} (left over after others have been grouped) :: overblijvend, resterend
odd {adj} (casual, irregular) :: onregelmatig
odd {adj} (about) :: bij benadering, ongeveer
odd {n} (odd number) SEE: odd number ::
oddball {n} (eccentric person) :: kwast
oddity {n} (strangeness) :: rariteit
odd number {n} (whole number that is not divisible by two) :: oneven getal
odd-pinnate {adj} (pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex) :: oneven geveerd
odds {n} (the ratio of the probabilities of an event happening to that of it not happening) :: de kansen
odds and ends {n} (miscellaneous things) :: brokstukken {n-p}, van alles en nog wat
ode {n} (a short poetical composition) :: ode {f}, lofdicht {n}
Odesa {prop} (Odessa) SEE: Odessa ::
Odessa {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: Odessa
Odia {prop} (Oriya) SEE: Oriya ::
Odin {prop} (god in Norse mythology) :: Wodan, Odin
odious {adj} (arousing strong dislike) :: hatelijk, hatelijke
Odisha {prop} (state in India) :: Orissa
Odoacer {prop} (Flavius Odoacer, the first king of Italy) :: Odoaker
odontocete {n} (toothed whale) SEE: toothed whale ::
odontophobia {n} (fear of dentistry) :: tandartsangst {m}, tandartsvrees {f}, tandartsfobie {f}, dentofobie {f}, odontofobie {f}
odor {n} (any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume) :: reuk {f}
Odyssey {prop} (epic poem describing the journey of Odysseus) :: Odyssee {f}
oedema {n} (edema) SEE: edema ::
oenology {n} (scientific study of wines) :: oenologie {f}
oesophagus {n} (the tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach) :: slokdarm {m}
oeuvre {n} (complete body of works) :: oeuvre {n}
of {prep} ((time) before, to) :: voor
of {prep} (introducing an epithet) :: van
of {prep} (containing, comprising or made from) :: met (a glass of water = een glas (met) water); van, uit (made of stone = gemaakt van steen / gemaakt uit steen)
of {prep} (linking class with example of class) :: Noun compound through infixes: -s--e--en-
of {prep} (introducing subject matter) :: over
of {prep} (possessive genitive: belonging to) :: van (the car of Peter = de auto van Peter)
of {prep} (objective genitive: connecting noun with object) :: van
of {prep} (indicative of age) :: van
of age {prep} (old enough to be considered an adult) :: meerderjarig, volwassen
of course {adv} (naturally) :: natuurlijk, tuurlijk [informal], uiteraard
off {adv} (in a direction away from the speaker or object) :: weg
off {adv} (into a state of non-operation or non-existence) :: uit
off {adv} :: af, uit
off {adj} :: uit, bedorven
off {prep} :: van
offal {n} (refuse) SEE: refuse ::
offal {n} (rejected parts of an animal) :: slachtafval
offal {n} (animal's organs as food) :: orgaanvlees
offal {n} (carrion) SEE: carrion ::
offend {v} (to hurt the feelings) :: kwetsen, beledigen
offend {v} (to physically harm, pain) :: pijnigen, kwetsen, kwellen
offend {v} (to transgress or violate a law or moral requirement) :: misdoen, kwetsen
offend {v} (to annoy, cause discomfort or resent) :: ergeren, kwellen, irriteren
offend {v} (to feel or become offended) :: zich ergeren (reflexive), aanstoot nemen
offend {v} (sin) SEE: sin ::
offender {n} (a person who commits an offense against the law) :: schuldige {m} {f}
offensive {adj} (causing offense) :: weerzinwekkend, walgelijk, beledigend
offensive {adj} (team sports: having to do with play directed at scoring) :: aanvallend, offensief
offensive {n} (an attack) :: offensief {n}, aanval {m}, inval {m}
offensive {n} (posture of attack) :: klaar om aan te vallen
offensive foul {n} (offensive foul) :: aanvallende fout
offer {n} (proposal) :: voorstel {n}, aanbod {n}, bod {n}, aanzoek, aanbieding
offer {n} (something put forth) :: voorstel {n}, bod {n}
offer {n} (law: invitation to enter binding contract) :: bod {n}
offer {v} (propose) :: voorstellen, indienen, presenteren
offer {v} (to present something as a gesture of worship) :: offeren
offer {v} (place at disposal) :: aanbieden, presenteren, vertonen, voorstellen
offer one's condolences {v} (offer sympathy to someone who has recently experienced the loss of a loved one) :: condoleren
offertory {n} (the offering of sacremental bread and wine to God during a church service) :: offertorium {n}
offertory {n} (money offered or donated during a church service) :: collecte
offertory {n} (the part of a church service when offerings are collected) :: collecte
office {n} (ceremonial religious duty or rite) :: dienst {m}
office {n} (room(s) or building used for non-manual work) :: bureau {n}, kantoor {n}
office {n} (major governmental division) :: bureau {n}, dienst {m}, overheidsdienst {m}
office {n} (kindness) SEE: good offices ::
office boy {n} (boy or junior clerk employed in a professional office) :: kantoorknecht(je)
office chair {n} (desk chair used in an office) :: bureaustoel {m}
office hours {n} (times when office workers are at their desks) :: kantooruren {n}
office hours {n} (prearranged time when a person is available) :: spreekuur {n}
officer {n} (contraction of the term "commissioned officer") :: officier {m}
officer {n} :: officier {m}
official {adj} (relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant) :: officieel, ambtelijk
official {n} (office holder invested with powers and authorities) :: beambte {m} {f}, functionaris {m} {f}, ambtenaar {m} {f}
officially {adv} (in an official manner) :: officieel
off-licence {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store ::
offline {adj} (of a system, not connected to a larger network) :: ontkoppeld, offline
offset {n} (compensating equivalent) :: compensatie
offset {n} (countertrade arrangement) :: tegenpartij
offset {n} (time at which something begins) :: begin
offset {n} (difference in memory addresses) :: offset
offset {n} (distance by which one thing is out of alignment with another) :: sprong, verspringing
offset {n} (offset printing) SEE: offset printing ::
offset printing {n} (offset printing) :: offsetdruk
offshoot {n} :: uitloper {m}
offshore {adj} (located in the sea away from the coast) :: buiten de kust
offside {n} (offside play) :: buitenspel
offside trap {n} (defensive play) :: buitenspelval {f}
offsplit {n} (secession) :: afsplitsing {f}, afscheiding {f}
offspring {n} :: afstammeling {m}, nageslacht {n}, nakomeling {m}, nazaat {m}, kind {n}
offspring {n} (plural or collective offspring (only males, only females, both sexes or sex unspecified)) :: afstammelingen {p}, kinderen {p}, kinders {p}, nageslachten {p}, nakomelingschap {n}, nakomelingen {p} [collective]
offspring {n} (something produced) :: voortbrengst, productie
offspring {n} :: oir {n}
off-the-wall {adj} (wildly unconventional; bizarre; absurd) :: buitenissig
off-white {n} (very pale colour that is almost white) :: gebroken wit {n}, vuilwit {n}
off-white {adj} (of a very pale colour that is almost white) :: vuilwit
of late {prep} (recently) :: de laatste tijd {f}
often {adv} (frequently, many times) :: vaak, dikwijls, menigmaal
oftenly {adv} (often) SEE: often ::
Oghuz {prop} (Oghuz people) :: Oguzen
ogle {v} (to stare flirtatiously) :: lonken, gluren
ogonek {n} (diacritical mark) :: ogonek {m} {f}
ogre {n} (brutish giant) :: oger
ogre {n} (brutish man) :: boeman
ogre {n} (large beast) :: ondier {n}
oh {interj} (expression of surprise) :: o
ohm {n} (the derived unit of electrical resistance) :: ohm {m} {n}
Ohm's law {prop} (Ohm's observation) :: wet van Ohm
oh my God {interj} (excitement or shock) :: oh, mijn God, lieve hemel, goeie genade
oh no {interj} (exclamation of alarm or concern) :: o nee
oi {interj} (exclamation to get attention) SEE: hey ::
-oid {suffix} (suffix meaning similar but not the same) :: -oïde
oil {n} (liquid fat) :: olie {f}
oil {n} (petroleum-based liquid) :: olie {f}, aardolie {f}, petroleum {m}
oil {v} (lubricate with oil) :: oliën, smeren
oil {v} (to grease with oil for cooking) :: invetten, oliën
oiler {n} (oil well) SEE: oil well ::
oiler {n} (ship) SEE: oil tanker ::
oil field {n} (area under which are reserves of petroleum) :: olieveld {n}
oil paint {n} (paint) :: olieverf
oil painting {n} (a painting done with oil paints) :: olieverfschilderij {f}
oil palm {n} (tree that produces palm oil) :: oliepalm {m}
oil pipeline {n} (oil pipeline) :: oliepijpleiding {f}
oil rig {n} (oil-drilling platform) :: boortoren
oil shale {n} (shale from which hydrocarbons can be produced) :: olieschalie
oil tanker {n} (Ship) :: olietanker {m}
oil well {n} (hole drilled into the earth from which petroleum is pumped) :: oliebron {f}
oink {v} (to oink) :: knorren
ointment {n} (viscous preparation, usually containing medication) :: zalf {m} {f}, smeersel {n}
Ojibwe {prop} (Ojibwe (language)) :: Ojibwe {n}, Ojibwa {n}
Ojibwe {n} (member of Ojibwe people) :: Ojibwa {p}, Ojibway {p}
OK {n} (endorsement; approval) :: oké, groen licht, goedkeuring
OK {adj} (all right, permitted) :: oké
OK {adv} (OK) :: oké/oke, goed
okapi {n} (Large ruminant mammal) :: okapi {m}
okara {n} (food made from soybean pulp) :: sojapulp {f}
Okazaki fragment {n} (one of many newly synthesized DNA fragments formed on the lagging template strand during replication) :: Okazaki-fragment {n}
Okinawan {prop} (Okinawan language) :: Okinawaans
Okinawa rail {n} (Gallirallus okinawae) :: okinawaral {f}
Olaf {prop} (male given name) :: Olaf
old {adj} (of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time) :: oud
old {adj} (of a living being: having lived for relatively many years) :: oud
old {adj} (former) :: vorig, voormalig
old {adj} ((of an item) used, not new) :: oud
Old Catholic {adj} (pertaining to a group of churches that split from the Roman Catholic Church) :: oudkatholiek
Old Church Slavonic {prop} (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language) :: Oudkerkslavisch {n}
Old Dutch {prop} (language) :: Oudnederlands
Old East Slavic {prop} (language) :: Oudrussisch {n}
Old English {prop} (ancestor language of modern English) :: Angelsaksisch {n}; Oudengels {n}
older sister {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) :: oudere zus
oldest {adj} (greatest in age or seniority) :: oudst
old-fashioned {adj} (outdated or no longer in vogue) :: ouderwets
old-fashioned {adj} (preferring the customs of earlier times) :: ouderwets
old fogey {n} (old and over-conservative person) SEE: fogey ::
Old Frankish {prop} (Frankish) SEE: Frankish ::
Old French {prop} (French language from 9th to the early 14th century) :: Oudfrans {n}
Old Frisian {prop} (the Old Frisian language) :: Oudfries {n}
old-growth forest {n} (forest that has attained great age without significant disturbance) :: oerbos {n}, primair bos {n}
old guard {n} (old guard) :: oude garde
Old High German {prop} (Old High German) :: Oudhoogduits {n}
Old High German {adj} (Old High German) :: Oudhoogduits
Old Irish {prop} (language) :: Oudiers {n}
Old Latin {prop} (Translations) :: Oudlatijn {n}, Vroeglatijn {n}
Old Low Franconian {prop} (language) :: Oudnederfrankisch {n}
Old Low German {prop} (Old Saxon) SEE: Old Saxon ::
old maid {n} (periwinkle) SEE: periwinkle ::
old maid {n} (elderly unmarried woman) SEE: spinster ::
Old Norse {prop} (language of Scandinavia before 1400 CE) :: Oudnoords {n}, [somewhat proscribed] Oudnoors {n}
Old Norwegian {prop} (the Old Norse language of Norway) :: Oudnoors {n}
Old Persian {prop} (Translations) :: Oudperzisch {n}
Old Saxon {n} (the Old Saxon language) :: Oudsaksisch {n}
Old Slavonic {prop} (Old Church Slavonic) :: Oudkerkslavisch {n}
Old Slavonic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) :: Oerslavisch {n}
Old Spanish {n} (the Old Spanish language) :: Oudspaans {n}
Old Swedish {prop} (language) :: Oudzweeds {n}
Old Testament {prop} (first half of the Christian Bible) :: Oude Testament {n}
Old Turkic {prop} (language) :: Oudturks {n}, Oerturks {n}, Gökturks {n}
Old West {prop} (western part of the United States) :: Oude Westen {n}, Wilde Westen {n}
old wine in a new bottle {n} (existing concept or institution presented as if new) :: oude wijn in nieuwe flessen
old wives' tale {n} (rumour, myth or superstition) :: bakerpraatje {n}
old woman {n} (elderly woman) :: oude vrouw {f}, ouwe vrouw {f}
old woman {n} (person who is always complaining) :: oud wijf {n}
Old World vulture {n} (large scavenging bird) :: gier van de Oude Wereld
oleaginous {adj} (falsely or affectedly earnest; persuasively suave) :: zalvend, gladjakkerig
Olenekian {prop} (subdivision of the Triassic period) :: Olenekien
olfaction {n} (the sense of smell) :: reukzin {m}
olfactory {adj} (concerning the sense of smell) :: olfactorisch
oligarch {n} (a member of an oligarchy) :: oligarch {m}
oligarch {n} (very rich person) :: plutocraat {m}, oligarch {m}
oligarchy {n} (Government by only a few) :: oligarchie {f}
oligarchy {n} (Those who make up an oligarchic government) :: oligarchie {f}
oligarchy {n} (State ruled by such a government) :: oligarchie {f}
olio {n} (medley) :: diversen {p}
olive {n} (fruit) :: olijf {m}
olive {n} (wood) :: olijfhout {n}, olijvenhout {n}
olive {n} (colour) :: olijfgroen {n}
olive {adj} (colour) :: olijfgroen, olijfgroene
olive {n} (olive tree) SEE: olive tree ::
olive-backed sunbird {n} (Cinnyris jugularis) :: staalborsthoningzuiger
olive oil {n} (oil pressed from olives) :: olijfolie {f}
Oliver {prop} (male given name) :: Oliver {m}
olive tree {n} (tree that produces olives) :: olijfboom {m}
Olivier salad {n} (traditional Russian salad of boiled vegetables with mayonnaise) :: huzarensalade {m} {f}
olla podrida {n} (miscellaneous assortment) SEE: hodgepodge ::
-ologist {suffix} (alternative spelling of -logist) :: -oloog {m}, -ologe {f}
Oltenia {prop} (Oltenia) :: Oltenië
Olympic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Olympic Games) :: olympisch, olympische
Olympic {adj} (of or pertaining to mountain Olympus) :: Olympisch
Olympic Games {prop} (international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival, see also: Olympics) :: Olympische Spelen {p}
Olympics {prop} (sport event, see also: Olympic Games) :: olympiade {f}
Olympic Winter Games {prop} (Olympic Winter Games) :: Olympische Winterspelen {p}
-oma {suffix} (suffix forming nouns indicating disease or morbidity) :: -oom
-oma {suffix} (suffix forming nouns indicating tumors or masses) :: -oom
Oman {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Oman
omasum {n} (the third part of the stomach of a ruminant) :: boekmaag {m}
ombudsman {n} (official who investigates complaints) :: ombudsman
omega {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) :: omega {f}
omega {n} (angular velocity) SEE: angular velocity ::
omelette {n} (dish made with beaten eggs) :: omelet {f}
omen {n} (something which portends or is perceived to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; an augury or foreboding) :: voorteken {n}
omertà {n} (code of silence amongst members of the Mafia or other criminal organization) :: omerta {f}
omicron {n} (Greek letter) :: omikron {m}
ominous {adj} (of or pertaining to an omen or to omens; being or exhibiting an omen) :: onheilspellend
ominous {adj} (giving indication of a coming ill) :: onheilspellend
omission {n} :: weglating {f}
omit {v} (to leave out or exclude) :: weglaten
omit {v} (to neglect or take no notice of) :: verwaarlozen
omnibus {n} (vehicle) :: bus
omnipotence {n} (unlimited power) :: almacht {c}
omnipotent {adj} (having unlimited power, force or authority) :: almachtig
omnipresence {n} (the ability to be at all places at the same time) :: alomtegenwoordigheid {f}
omnipresent {adj} (being everywhere) :: alomtegenwoordig, omnipresent
omniscience {n} (capacity to know everything) :: alwetendheid {f}
omniscient {adj} (having total knowledge) :: alwetend
omnium-gatherum {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge ::
omnivore {n} (animal eating both plants and meat) :: omnivoor {m}, alleseter {m}
omphaloskepsis {n} (contemplation of or meditation upon one's navel) :: navelstaren
-on {suffix} ((physics) subatomic particles) :: -on
on {adj} (in the state of being active, functioning or operating) :: aan, op, actief
on {adv} (to an operating state) :: aan
on {prep} (positioned at the upper surface of) :: op
on {prep} (covering) :: over
on {prep} (at the date of) :: op
on {prep} (dealing with the subject of) :: over
on {prep} (touching; hanging from) :: bij (on me), aan (on a tree)
on {prep} (because of, or due to something) :: wegens
on {prep} :: van
onager {n} (Asiatic wild ass or hemione) :: onager {m}
onager {n} (military engine) :: onager {m}
on air {prep} (transmitting live) :: rechtstreeks
onanism {n} (masturbation) :: onanisme
on a par {prep} (On a level) :: gelijkwaardig
on average {prep} (as a measure of central tendency) :: gemiddeld
on behalf of {prep} (speaking or acting for) :: namens
on board {adv} (aboard) SEE: aboard ::
on board {adj} (on or in a means of transportation) :: aan boord
onboard {adv} (on a vehicle) SEE: on board ::
once {adv} (one and only one time) :: eens, een keer, eenmaal
once {adv} (formerly) :: eens, ooit
once {conj} (as soon as) :: zodra
once {adv} (as soon as) SEE: as soon as ::
once again {adv} (one more time) :: wederom
once bitten, twice shy {proverb} (one is cautious in the future if hurt in the past) :: door schade en schande wordt men wijs, een ezel stoot zich geen tweemaal aan dezelfde steen
once in a while {adv} (occasionally) :: nu en dan
once more {adv} (one more time) SEE: once again ::
once upon a time {adv} (traditional beginning of children’s stories, especially fairy tales) :: er was eens
oncologist {n} (one who specialises in oncology) :: oncoloog {m}
oncology {n} (branch of medicine) :: oncologie {f}
one {pron} (impersonal pronoun) :: expressed by nominalization when following an adjective
one {pron} (indefinite personal pronoun) :: [archaic] men, je, ze [the people]
one {n} (neutral element in multiplication) :: één {f}, eenheid {f}
one {n} (digit or figure) :: één {f}
one {n} (dollar bill) :: eendollarbiljet, eendollarsbiljet {n}
one {adj} (of a period of time) :: op een, eens, ooit
one {adj} (a single, unspecified thing) :: de, het ene, één
one {adj} (sole, only) :: enige, ene
one {adj} (whole, entire) :: één
one {adj} (the same) :: één, dezelfde
one {adj} (being a preeminent example) :: een
one {adj} (being an unknown person with the specified name) :: een zekere, ene
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: first ::
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: number one ::
one {num} (cardinal number 1) :: één, een [non-emphasized]
one after another {adv} (in single file) :: de een na de ander
one and a half {num} (one and a half) :: anderhalf
one-armed {adj} (having only one arm) :: eenarmig, eenarmige
one-armed bandit {n} (gaming machine) :: eenarmige bandiet {m}
on earth {prep} (expletive giving emphasis after interrogative word) :: in vredesnaam, in hemelsnaam, in godsnaam
one at a time {adv} (individually) :: een voor een, een tegelijk
one brick short of a full load {adj} (not mentally sound; insane) :: er zit een schroefje los [have a screw loose], ze niet alle vijf op een rijtje hebben [to not have all five in a row]
one-eyed {adj} (having only a single eye) :: eenogig
one for all, all for one {phrase} (motto: working for each other) :: één voor allen, allen voor één
one-hit wonder {n} (musical performer) :: eendagsvlieg {m}
one hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) SEE: hundred ::
one hundred and one {num} (one hundred plus one, see also: one hundred one) :: honderdeen, honderdeneen
one hundred and one {n} (figure 101) :: honderdeen, honderdeneen
one hundred one {num} (101, see also: one hundred and one) :: honderdeneen {f}
oneiric {adj} (resembling a dream; dreamlike) SEE: dreamlike ::
oneirologist {n} (interpreter of dreams) :: oneiroloog {m}, oneirologe {f}
oneirology {n} (the study of dreams) :: oneirologie {f}
oneiromancy {n} (divination by the interpretation of dreams) :: droomuitlegging
one-legged {adj} (having only one leg) :: eenbenig
one man and his dog {n} (almost nobody; very few people) :: anderhalve man en een paardenkop
one million {num} (cardinal number 1000000) SEE: million ::
one moment, please {phrase} (one moment please) :: een moment, alstublieft
oneness {n} (state of being undivided) :: eenheid {n}
one-night stand {n} (sexual encounter) :: avontuurtje {n}, one-night stand {n}
one of a kind {n} (unique specimen) :: uniek in zijn soort
one-of-a-kind {n} (one of a kind) SEE: one of a kind ::
one-off {adj} (occurring once; one-time) :: eenmalig
onerous {adj} (burdensome) :: veeleisend, moeilijk, lastig
one's {pron} (belonging to one) :: zijn
one's bark is worse than one's bite {phrase} (one acts in a threatening way but is relatively harmless) :: Blaffende honden bijten niet
oneself {pron} :: zichzelf
onesidedness {n} (being onesided) :: eenzijdigheid {f}
onesie {n} (baby garment) :: romper {m}, rompertje {n}, kruippak {n}, kruippakje {n}
onesie {n} (adult jumpsuit) :: romper {m}
one swallow does not a summer make {proverb} (one instance of an event does not necessarily indicate a trend) :: een zwaluw maakt nog geen lente/zomer, één zwaluw maakt de lente niet [Belgium]
one thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) SEE: thousand ::
one-way ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back) :: enkeltje {c}, enkele reis [vervoersbewijs]
on foot {prep} (walking, jogging, running) :: te voet
ongoing {adj} (presently or currently happening; being in progress) :: lopend
on heat {prep} (in estrus) :: tochtig, rits, ritsig, bronstig, hitsig
onion {n} (Allium cepa) :: ui {m}, ajuin {m}
onion dome {n} (onion-shaped dome) :: uikoepel {m}
online {adj} :: online, aangesloten, verbonden
onlooker {n} (spectator, bystander) SEE: spectator ::
only {adj} (alone in a category) :: enig
only {adv} (without others or anything further; exclusively) :: alleen
only {adv} (no more than) :: maar, slechts
only {adv} (as recently as) :: pas, net
only {conj} :: maar
only {n} (only child) SEE: only child ::
only child {n} (person who has no siblings) :: enig kind {n}
onomasiology {n} (branch of lexicology) :: onomasiologie {f}
onomastics {n} (branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names) :: naamkunde {f}, onomastiek {f}
onomatopoeia {n} (property of a word of sounding like what it represents) :: onomatopee {f}
onomatopoeia {n} (word that sounds like what it represents) :: onomatopee {f}, klanknabootsing {f}
onomatopoeic {adj} (of or relating to onomatopoeia) :: onomatopoëtisch
onomatopoeic {adj} (having the property of onomatopoeia) :: onomatopoëtisch
onomatopoetic {adj} (concerning onomatopoeia) SEE: onomatopoeic ::
on one's way {prep} (in the direct route) :: op zijn weg
on one's way {prep} (leaving) :: weg zijn
on purpose {prep} (purposely, with intention) :: expres, opzettelijk, met voorbedachten rade [formal], met opzet
onry {adj} (ornery) SEE: ornery ::
on sale {prep} (available for purchase) :: te koop
on sale {prep} (available for purchase at reduced prices) :: koopje {n}, in solden
onset {n} (rushing or setting upon) :: aanval
onset {n} (medicine: initial phase of a disease or condition) :: aanvang
Ontario {prop} (Lake between Ontario province and New York State, see also: Lake Ontario) :: Ontariomeer
Ontario {prop} (Province in eastern Canada) :: Ontario
on the air {prep} (in the process of recording or broadcasting) SEE: on air ::
on the contrary {prep} (opposite) :: integendeel
on the edge of one's seat {prep} (in suspense) :: op het puntje van zijn stoel
on the hook {prep} (liable) SEE: liable ::
on the one hand {prep} (from one point of view) :: enerzijds
on the other hand {prep} (from another point of view) :: daarentegen, anderzijds
on the safe side {prep} (on the safe side) :: veiligheidshalve
on the sly {adv} (slyly, in an inconspicuous manner, so as not to be seen; secretly; stealthily) :: in het geheim
on the street {prep} (without a home) :: op straat
on the tip of one's tongue {prep} (known but not quite remembered) :: op het puntje van zijn tong
on the way {prep} (coming) :: onderweg
on the way {adv} (whilst travelling) :: onderweg
on the whole {prep} (for the most part) :: in het algemeen, grotendeels
on time {adv} (punctually) :: op tijd, stipt
onto {adj} (surjective) SEE: surjective ::
ontogeny {n} (development of an individual organism) :: ontogenie {f}
ontological {adj} (of, or relating to, ontology) :: ontologisch, met betrekking tot het zijnde
ontology {n} (study of being) :: ontologie {f}
on top of {prep} (atop) SEE: atop ::
onus {n} (legal obligation) :: last {m}, plicht {f}
onus {n} (burden of proof) :: last {m}, bewijslast {m}
onus probandi {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) SEE: burden of proof ::
onward {adv} (In a forward direction) :: vooruit
onychomycosis {n} (fungal infection of nail) :: kalknagel {m}, onychomycose {f}
on your mark, get set, go {phrase} (three-command start of racing) :: op uw plaatsen, klaar, af!
on your marks {interj} (Interjection used to start a race, followed by "Get set, go!" or "Set, go!".) :: op uw plaatsen
onyx {n} (a banded variety of chalcedony) :: onyx {m}
oocyte {n} (cell that develops into egg or ovum) :: oöcyt {m}
oofless {adj} (poor) SEE: poor ::
oomph {n} (strength, power, passion or effectiveness; clout) :: animo,geestdrift,vitaliteit,
oomph {n} (sex appeal) :: aaantrekkingskracht,sex-appeal,
oophorectomy {n} (surgical removal of ovaries) :: oöforectomie {f}, ovariëctomie {f}
oops {interj} (acknowledging a minor mistake) :: oeps, oei, ai, amaai [Belgian Dutch expression]
oops {interj} (used sarcastically to acknowledge a major mistake) :: oeps, oei
oops {v} (to blunder) SEE: blunder ::
Oort Cloud {prop} (cloud of comets in the Solar System) :: Oortwolk {f}
ooze {n} (tanning liquor, tanning ooze) :: looivloeistof {f}
ooze {v} (to secrete or slowly leak) :: afscheiden, druppelsgewijze lekken, zweten, sijpelen
opal {n} (a mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity) :: opaal
op-amp {n} (active circuit element) :: operationele versterker
opaque {adj} (hindering light to pass through) :: opaak, ondoorschijnend, ondoorzichtig
op-ed {n} (newspaper page containing signed articles) :: opiniepagina {f}
op-ed {adj} (containing signed articles) :: opinie-
open {adj} (not closed) :: open
open {adj} (prepared to conduct business) :: open
open {adj} (receptive) :: open
open {adj} (public) :: open
open {v} (to make something accessible) :: openen, opendoen, openmaken
open {v} (to bring up (a topic)) :: aansnijden
open {v} (to make accessible to customers) :: openen, openmaken
open {v} (to become open) :: opengaan
open {v} (to begin conducting business) :: opengaan
open-air museum {n} (outdoor museum) :: openluchtmuseum {n}
opener {n} (bottle opener) SEE: bottle opener ::
opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
open-handed {v} (generous) :: genereus
opening {n} (first performance of a show or play by a particular troupe) :: première {m} {f}
opening {n} (first few moves in a game of chess) :: opening {f}
opening {n} (unoccupied employment position) :: vacature {f}
opening ceremony {n} (ceremony to mark the official opening of a building or event) :: openingsceremonie
open relationship {n} (the relationship with possible additional relationships) :: open relatie, vrije relatie
open sandwich {n} (slice of bread with toppings) :: boterham {m} {f}
open sea {n} (part of the sea) :: open zee {f}, volle zee {f}
open secret {n} (widely known fact not mentioned) :: publiek geheim {n}
open set {n} (the set of all interior points) :: open verzameling {f}
opera {n} (theatrical work) :: opera {m}
opera house {n} (theatre for opera) :: operahuis {n}, operagebouw {n}
operant conditioning {n} (a technique of behavior modification) :: operante conditionering {f}
opera singer {n} (someone who sings opera professionally) :: operazanger {m}, operazangeres {f}
operate {v} :: aandrijven, opereren
operating room {n} (room in a hospital used for performing surgical operations) :: operatiekamer {c}
operating system {n} (software which controls computer) :: besturingssysteem {n}
operation {n} (method by which a device performs its function) :: operatie {f}
operation {n} (military campaign) :: operatie {f}
operative {adj} (effectual) :: werkzaam
operative {adj} (functional) :: werkzaam
operator {n} (one who operates) :: bediener {m}
operator {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers ::
ophidiophobia {n} (ophiophobia) SEE: ophiophobia ::
ophiophobia {n} (fear of snakes) :: ofidiofobie
Ophiuchus {prop} (zodiacal constellation of the northern summer) :: Slangendrager {m}
ophthalmological {adj} (pertaining to ophthalmology) :: oogheelkundig
ophthalmology {n} (eye medicine) :: oogheelkunde {f}
opiate {n} (drug, hormone or other substance derived from or related to opium) :: opiaat {n}
opine {v} (to have or express an opinion) :: van mening zijn dat, opiniëren
opine {v} (to state as an opinion) :: van mening zijn, opiniëren, menen
opinion {n} (thought a person has formed about a topic) :: mening {f}, opinie {f}, visie {f}, zienswijze {f}, gedachte {f}
opinion {n} (EU: A judicial opinion by an Advocate General delivered to the European Court of Justice) :: conclusie {f}
opinion {v} (opine) SEE: opine ::
opinion poll {n} (poll) :: opiniepeiling
opium {n} (drug from opium poppy) :: opium {m} {n}
opium {n} (anything that numbs or stupefies) :: opium {m} {n}
opopanax {n} (gum from the root of Opopanax chironium or what is equal) :: opopanax {m}, opoponax {m}
opossum {n} (marsupial of the Didelphidae) :: opossum {m}, Amerikaanse buidelrat {f}
opponent {n} :: opponent, tegenstander
opportune {adj} (suitable) :: passend, geschikt
opportune {adj} (at a convenient time) :: gelegen, gunstig
opportunist {n} (someone who takes advantage of any opportunity) :: opportunist {m}, opportuniste {f}
opportunistic {adj} (said of people who will take advantage of situations) :: opportunistisch
opportunity {n} (chance for advancement, progress or profit) :: kans {f}
opportunity {n} (favorable circumstance or occasion) :: gelegenheid {f}
opportunity {n} :: kans {f}, mogelijkheid {f}
oppose {v} (to attempt to stop the progression of; to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc.) :: tegenhouden
oppose {v} :: weerstaan
opposite {adj} (located directly across from) :: tegenoverliggend, tegenovergesteld
opposite {adj} (of complementary or mutually exclusive things) :: tegenovergestelde
opposite {adj} :: tegengesteld
opposite {n} (contrary thing) :: tegenovergestelde {n}
opposite {n} (opponent) :: tegenstander {m}
opposite {n} (antonym) :: tegenovergestelde {n}
opposite {adv} (in an opposite position) :: tegenover
opposite {prep} (across from) :: tegenover
opposite number {n} :: ambtgenoot {m}
opposite sex {n} (the other gender to which one is referring) :: andere geslacht {n}
opposite side {n} (side seen as an adversary) :: tegenpartij
opposition {n} (opposite or contrasting position) :: oppositie {f}
opposition {n} (politics: party or movement opposed to government) :: oppositie {f}
oppress {v} (keep down by unjust force) :: onderdrukken
oppression {n} (act of oppressing, or the state of being oppressed) :: onderdrukking {f}
oppression {n} (feeling of being oppressed) :: bedruktheid {f}
oppression {n} (exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner) :: onderdrukking {f}
oppressive {adj} :: drukkend
opprobrium {n} (ignominy) :: misprijzen
op shop {n} (thrift shop) SEE: thrift shop ::
optical {adj} (incorporating light-sensitive devices) :: optisch
optical fibre {n} (fibre used for transmitting light) :: glasvezel {m}
optically {adv} (regarding or using optics) :: optisch
optimate {n} (member of the patrician ruling class in republican Ancient Rome) :: optimaat {m}
optimist {n} (a person who expects a favourable outcome) :: optimist {m}
optimist {n} (a believer in optimism) :: optimist {m}
optimist {n} (a small centre-board sailing dinghy) :: optimist {m}
optimistic {adj} (expecting a good outcome) :: optimistisch
optimistically {adv} (in an optimistic manner) :: optimistisch
optimize {v} (to act optimistically) :: optimistisch zijn/handelen
optimize {v} (to make (something) optimal) :: optimaliseren, perfectioneren
optimize {v} (to make (something) more efficient) :: optimaliseren, verbeteren
optimize {v} (to become optimal) :: optimaliseren, verbeteren
option {n} (one of the choices that can be made) :: optie {f}
optional {adj} (not compulsory) :: optioneel
option button {n} (radio button) SEE: radio button ::
optography {n} (the production of an optogram on the retina by the photochemical action of light on the visual purple; the fixation of an image in the eye) :: optografie {f}
optometrist {n} (person trained in examining and testing the eyes for defects) :: oogarts, optometrist {m}
opulence {n} (wealth) :: rijkdom {m}, weelde
opulence {n} (abundance) :: overvloed {m}
opulent {adj} (luxuriant) :: weelderig
or {conj} (conjunction) :: of
or {n} (gold or yellow tincture) :: goud, or
or {adj} (of yellow or gold tincture on a coat of arms) :: goud
orach {n} (saltbush) SEE: saltbush ::
oral {adj} (relating to the mouth) :: mondelijk, oraal
oral {adj} (spoken) :: oraal
oral history {n} (collection and study of orally transferred historical information) :: mondelinge geschiedenis {f}
oral history {n} (oral tradition) SEE: oral tradition ::
oral lore {n} (oral tradition) SEE: oral tradition ::
oral sex {n} (stimulation of the genitals using the mouth) :: orale seks {m}
oral test {n} (oral test at a regular class in primary or secondary school) :: overhoring {f}, mondelinge overhoring {f}, mondeling {n}
oral tradition {n} (cultural material transmitted orally from one generation to another) :: orale traditie {f}, mondelinge traditie {f}, mondelinge overlevering {f}
orange {n} (tree) :: sinaasappelboom {m}, appelsienenboom {m}
orange {n} (fruit) :: sinaasappel {m}, appelsien {f} [Belgium, Limburg]
orange {n} (colour) :: oranje {n}
orange {adj} (having the colour of the fruit of an orange tree) :: oranje, brandgeel, geelrood
orangeade {n} (orange-flavored soft drink) :: sinaasappellimonade, appelsienlimonade
orangeade {n} (soda water and orange juice) :: appelsiensap met spa bruis {n}
orange blossom {n} (white flower of the orange tree) :: oranjebloesem {m}
Orange Free State {prop} (former province of South Africa) :: Oranje Vrijstaat {f}
orange juice {n} (juice of squeezed oranges) :: sinaasappelsap {n}; jus d'orange
Orange-Nassau {prop} (royal house or family of the Netherlands) :: Oranje-Nassau
orangutan {n} (arboreal anthropoid ape) :: orang-oetan {?}
oration {n} (formal speech) :: redevoering {f}
oratory {n} (eloquence) SEE: eloquence ::
oratory {n} (art of public speaking) :: redekunst
orature {n} (small room or chapel used for prayer and worship, or for private study) SEE: oratory ::
orb {n} (period of time marked off by the revolution of a heavenly body) SEE: year ::
orb {n} (circle) SEE: circle ::
orb {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit ::
orb {n} (spherical body) :: bol {m}
orb {n} (poetic: the eye, as luminous and spherical) :: oogappel
orb {n} (monarch's ceremonial sphere) SEE: globus cruciger ::
orbit {n} (path of one object around another) :: baan {f}
orbit {v} (circle another object) :: omcirkelen, omlopen
orbit {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket ::
orbital {adj} (Of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole)) :: orbitaal
orbital {n} (energy and probability density) :: orbitaal {c}
orbital cavity {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket ::
orbitational {adj} (orbital) SEE: orbital ::
orc {n} (evil monstrous humanoid creature) :: ork {m}
orc {n} (Orcinus orca) SEE: orca ::
orca {n} (Orcinus orca) :: orka {m}, zwaardwalvis {m}
orchard {n} (land for cultivation of fruit or nut trees) :: boomgaard {m}, bongerd {m}
orchestra {n} (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments) :: orkest {n}
orchestra {n} (semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in Ancient theatres) :: orkestra
orchestra {n} (the area in a theatre or concert hall where the musicians sit) :: orkestbak
orchid {n} (plant) :: orchidee {f}
orchid {adj} (colour) :: lichtpaars
orchiectomy {n} (removal of testicles) :: orchidectomie
ordain {v} (to prearrange unalterably) :: vaststellen
ordeal {n} (a painful or trying experience) :: kwelling {f}, ontbering {f}
ordeal {n} (trial in which the accused was subjected to a dangerous test) :: beproeving
order {n} (arrangement, disposition) :: volgorde {f}, orde {f}
order {n} (good arrangement) :: orde {f}
order {n} (command) :: order {m}, bevel {n}
order {n} (request for some product or service) :: bestelling {f}, order {m}
order {n} (religious group) :: orde {f}
order {n} (society of knights) :: orde {f}
order {n} (biology: taxonomical classification) :: orde {f}
order {n} (highest exponent in a polynomial) :: orde
order {v} (to set in (any) order) :: ordenen
order {v} (to set in (a good) order) :: ordenen {m}
order {v} (to issue a command) :: bevelen, verordonneren
order {v} (to request some product or service) :: bestellen
orderliness {n} (regularity; proper arrangement) :: orde
orderly {adj} (neat; tidy; possessing order) :: ordelijk
order of knighthood {n} (order) :: ridderorde {m}
ordinal number {n} (grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence) :: ranggetal {n}, rangtelwoord {n}
ordinal number {n} (arithmetic: number used to denote position in a sequence) :: ranggetal {n}
ordinal number {n} (generalized kind of number to denote the length of a well-order on a set) :: ranggetal {n}
ordinarily {adv} (usually or as a general rule) :: gewoon
ordinary {adj} (normal, routine) :: gewoon
ordnance {n} (arms and ammunition) :: geschut {n}
ordure {n} (dung, excrement, see also: dung; excrement) :: afval {n}, uitwerpselen {n-p}
ore {n} (rock that contains materials that can be economically extracted and processed) :: erts {n}
oregano {n} (plant) :: oregano
or else {phrase} (no matter what) :: of anders
orfe {n} (Leuciscus idus) SEE: ide ::
organ {n} (part of an organism) :: orgaan {n}
organ {n} (body of an organization) :: orgaan {n}
organ {n} (musical instrument) :: orgel {n}
organ {n} (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication) :: orgaan {n}
organelle {n} (a membrane bound compartment found within cells) :: organel
organic {adj} (pertaining to an organ) :: orgaan-
organic {adj} (chemistry: relating to the compounds of carbon) :: organisch, organische
organic {adj} (of food and food products: grown without agrichemicals) :: organisch, organische, biologisch
organic {n} (organic compound) SEE: organic compound ::
organic chemistry {n} (chemistry of carbon containing compounds) :: organische chemie
organic compound {n} (carbon containing covalent compound) :: organische verbinding {f}
organise {v} (organize) SEE: organize ::
organism {n} (living thing) :: organisme {n}
organist {n} (musician who plays the organ) :: organist {m}
organization {n} (quality of being organized) :: ordening
organization {n} (group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules) :: organisatie {f}
organization {n} (group of people consciously cooperating) :: organisatie {f}
organize {v} (to arrange in working order) :: organiseren
organize {v} (to constitute in parts, each having a special function; to systematize) :: organiseren
organized crime {n} (criminal organizations seen as a whole) :: georganiseerde misdaad {f}
organizer {n} (person arranging public events) :: organisator {m}
organoleptic {adj} (of or pertaining to sensory properties of a particular substance) :: organoleptisch
orgasm {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) :: orgasme {m}, klaarkomen {n} [vulgar]
orgasm {n} (orgasm) SEE: climax ::
orgasmic {adj} (of or relating to orgasms) :: orgastisch
orgulous {adj} (proud, haughty) :: hoogmoedig, hooghartig
orgulous {adj} (swollen, augmented, excessive) :: vergroot, overmatige
orgulous {adj} (threatening, dangerous) :: bedreigend, gevaarlijk
orgy {n} (sexual group activity) :: orgie
orient {v} (to familiarize (oneself or someone) with a situation or circumstance) :: zich oriënteren
Orient {prop} (countries of Asia) :: het Oosten {n}, Oriënt, Morgenland
Oriental {adj} (of or relating to the Orient or Asia, especially the Far East) :: oriëntaal, oosters
Oriental {n} (person) :: Oosterling {m}
oriental pratincole {n} (Glareola maldivarum) :: oosterse vorkstaartplevier
orientation {n} (the act of orienting) :: oriëntatie {f}, oriëntering
orientation {n} (position relative to compass bearings) :: oriëntatie {f}, plaatsbepaling, richting
orientation {n} (the oriented construction of a Christian church) :: kerkbouwrichting
orientation {n} (an inclination, tendency or direction) :: oriëntatie {f}, gerichtheid
orientation {n} (ability to orient) :: oriënteringsvermogen
orientation {n} (introduction to a new environment) :: oriëntatie, voorlichting
orientation {n} (adjustment to a new environment) :: oriëntering
orientation {n} (the direction of print across the page) :: oriëntatie
orientation {n} ((analysis, differential geometry)) :: oriëntatie
orientation {n} ((analytic geometry, topology)) :: oriëntatie
orifice {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) SEE: hole ::
origami {n} (the Japanese art of paper folding) :: origami
origin {n} (beginning of something) :: oorsprong {m}, herkomst {f}
origin {n} (source of a river, information, goods, etc.) :: oorsprong {m}
origin {n} (point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect) :: oorsprong {m}
origin {n} (ancestry) :: oorsprong {m}, afkomst {f}, herkomst {f}
origin {n} :: oorsprong {m}
original {adj} (relating to the origin or beginning) :: oorspronkelijk
original {adj} (first in a series) :: origineel, oorspronkelijk
original {adj} (newly created) :: origineel, oorspronkelijk
original {adj} (fresh, different) :: origineel, oorspronkelijk
original {adj} (pioneering) :: origineel, vernieuwend
original {adj} (having as its origin) :: afkomstig
original {n} (object from which all later copies and variations are derived) :: origineel {n}
original {n} (person with a unique and interesting personality and/or creative talent) :: unicum {n}
original {n} (archaism for an eccentric) SEE: eccentric ::
originally {adv} (as it was in the beginning) :: indertijd, in het begin, origineel
originally {adv} (creatively) :: origineel, op een nieuwe manier
original sin {n} (state of sinfulness in each human) :: erfzonde
originate {v} (to take first existence, have origin) :: voortkomen
Orinoco {prop} (river) :: Orinoco {m}
oriole {n} (any of the various colourful passerine birds) :: wielewaal
orison {n} (A prayer) :: gebed {n}
Oriya {prop} (language) :: Oriya
Orleans {prop} (capital of Centre-Val de Loire, France) :: Orléans
ornamental {n} (plant serving to ornament) :: sier-
ornate {adj} (elaborately ornamented, often to excess) :: [formally] sierlijk, barok
ornate {adj} (flashy, flowery or showy) :: [informally] bloemrijk, overladen
ornery {adj} (cantankerous, stubborn) :: nors, mopperig, zeurderig
ornithologist {n} (expert in ornithology) :: ornitoloog {m}, vogelkenner {m}
ornithology {n} (scientific study of birds) :: vogelkunde {f}, ornithologie {f}
ornithophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of birds) :: ornithofobie {f}
ornithosis {n} (infection) :: ornithose {f}, vogelchlamydiose {f}
orogenesis {n} (orogenesis) :: orogenese {f}
orogeny {n} (the process of mountain building by the upward folding of the Earth's crust) :: orogenese {f}
orphan {n} (person whose (parent or) parents have died) :: wees {m} {f}, weeskind {n}, weesjongen {m}, weesmeisje {n}
orphanage {n} (a residential institution for the care and protection of orphans) :: weeshuis
orphanarium {n} (orphanage) SEE: orphanage ::
orphan drug {n} :: weesgeneesmiddel {n}
orphrey {n} (embroidered ornamental band or border on an ecclesiastical vestment, etc.) :: aurifries {n}
orthoclase {n} (potassium aluminum silicate) :: orthoklaas
orthodontics {n} (correcting misalignment of teeth) :: orthodontie {f}
orthodontist {n} (orthodontic dentist) :: orthodontist
orthodox {adj} (conforming to accepted, established, or traditional doctrines of a given faith, religion, or ideology) :: orthodox
orthodox {adj} (adhering to whatever is customary, traditional, or generally accepted) :: orthodox, traditioneel
Orthodox {adj} (of the Orthodox Churches) :: orthodox, [Eastern Orthodox] Oosters-orthodox
Orthodox Church {n} (the Eastern body of Christendom) :: Orthodoxe Kerk {f}
orthodoxy {n} (correctness in doctrine and belief) :: orthodoxie
orthodoxy {n} (the beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church) SEE: Orthodoxy ::
Orthodoxy {prop} (the Eastern Orthodox Church and its foundations) :: orthodoxie {f}
orthogonal {adj} (of right angles) :: orthogonaal, loodrecht
orthogonal {adj} (mathematical term) :: orthogonaal
orthography {n} (study of correct spelling) :: spelling {f}
orthography {n} (aspect of language study) :: spelling {f}
orthography {n} (method of representing a language by written symbols) :: spelling {f}
orthonormal {adj} :: orthonormaal
Orwell {prop} (surname) :: Orwell
Orwellian {adj} (of or relating to Orwell, especially his dystopian novels) :: Orwelliaans, orwelliaans
or words to that effect {phrase} (used to indicate a paraphrase) :: of woorden van die strekking
oryx {n} (antelope) :: oryx {m}
Oscan {prop} (Language) :: Oskisch {n}
oscillation {n} (the act of oscillating) :: trilling
-ose {suffix} (suffix used to form the names of sugars) :: -ose
osier {n} (plant) :: katwilg {m}
-osis {suffix} (suffix for functional disorders) :: -ose
Oslo {prop} (Oslo (a county and municipality, the capital city of Norway)) :: Oslo {n}
Osloite {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Oslo) :: Osloos
Osloite {n} (someone from Oslo) :: Osloër {m}, Oslose {f}
osmium {n} (chemical element) :: osmium {n}
osmosis {n} (movement of molecules) :: osmose {f}
Osmussaar {prop} (Island in northwest Estonia) :: Osmussaar
Osnabrück {prop} (city in Lower Saxony) :: Osnabrück, Osnabrugge, Osenbrugge
osprey {n} (bird of prey) :: visarend {m}
Osroene {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Osroene
Ossetia {prop} (region in the Caucasus) :: Ossetië
Ossetian {prop} (language) :: Ossetisch {n}
ossicle {n} (small bone in the ear; auditory ossicle) :: botje {n}, boontje {n}
ossification {n} (process by which bone is formed) :: ossificatie {f}, beenvorming {f}
osso buco {n} (Italian meat dish) :: ossobuco {m}
ossuary {n} (a place where the dead are buried) :: ossuarium {n}, knekelhuis {n}
Ostend {prop} (largest coastal city of Belgium) :: Oostende {n}
ostensible {adj} (meant for open display; apparent) :: klaarblijkelijk, kennelijk
ostensible {adj} :: schijnbaar
ostensibly {adv} (ostensibly) :: ogenschijnlijk, op het eerste gezicht, schijnbaar
ostentation {n} (display of excessive show in an attempt to impress others) :: aanstellerij,uitsloverij
ostentation {n} (show or spectacle) :: show, spektakel
ostentatious {adj} (of ostentation) :: protserig
osteo- {prefix} (bone) :: osteo
osteoblast {n} (cell) :: osteoblast
osteocyte {n} (mature bone cell) :: osteocyt {f} {m}
osteogenesis {n} (the formation and development of bone) :: osteogenese {f}
osteogenesis imperfecta {n} (disease characterized by bones that easily fracture) :: brozebottenziekte {f}
osteopenia {n} (the medical condition of having low bone density, but not low enough to be considered osteoporosis) :: osteopenie
osteoporosis {n} (bone disease) :: botontkalking, osteoporose
ostracism {n} (in ancient Greece, the temporary banishment by popular vote) :: ostracisme {n}, schervengericht {n}
ostracism {n} (banishment, exclusion from community) :: verbanning, ostracisme, verwijdering, uitsluiting, banning
ostracize {v} (to ban a person from a city for five or ten years by the procedure of ostracism) :: verbannen
ostracize {v} (to exclude a person from a community or from society by not communicating with them or by refusing to acknowledge their presence) :: mijden, uitstoten, verbannen
ostrich {n} (large flightless bird) :: struisvogel {m}
ostrich politics {n} (evasive style of politics) :: struisvogelpolitiek {f}
other {adj} (not the one previously referred to) :: ander
other {adj} :: ander, andere
other {determiner} (not the one referred to) :: ander, andere, anderen
otherness {n} :: anderszijn {n}
other side {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
otherwise {adv} (differently, in another way) :: anders, anderszins
otherwise {adv} (under different circumstances) :: anders
otherwise {adv} (in all other respects) :: afgezien van, behalve
otherwise {adv} (or else) SEE: or else ::
otiose {adj} (resulting in no effect) :: zinloos
otiose {adj} (reluctant to work) :: lui
otiose {adj} (having no reason or purpose) :: zinloos, overbodig, doelloos
otitis {n} (inflammation of the ear) :: oorontsteking
otolaryngologist {n} (otorhinolaryngologist) SEE: otorhinolaryngologist ::
otolaryngology {n} (medical study of the ear, nose and throat) :: otorinolaryngologie {f}
otolith {n} (small particle in the inner ear) :: otoliet {m}
otorhinolaryngologist {n} (medical doctor of ear, nose and throat) :: keel-, neus- en oorarts {m} {f}, kno-arts {m} {f}
otorhinolaryngology {n} (otolaryngology) SEE: otolaryngology ::
Ottawa {prop} (capital of Canada) :: Ottawa
otter {n} (mammal) :: otter {m}
otter civet {n} (Cynogale bennettii) :: ottercivetkat
Ottoman {n} (Turk from the period of Ottoman Empire) :: Osmaan {m}
Ottoman {adj} (of the Islamic empire of Turkey) :: Osmaans
Ottoman Empire {prop} (Turkish empire) :: Ottomaanse Rijk, Osmaanse Rijk
Ouagadougou {prop} (capital of Burkina Faso) :: Ouagadougou
oubliette {n} (dungeon) :: vergetelput {m}, vergeetput {m}, oubliëtte {f}
ouch {interj} (expression of one's own physical pain) :: au
oud {n} (Arabic plucked string instrument) :: oed {m}
ought {v} (indicating duty or obligation) :: moeten, behoren
Ouija {n} (a board with letters of the alphabet and "yes" and "no") :: ouijabord
our {determiner} (belonging to us) :: ons, onze
Our Lady {prop} (Virgin Mary) :: Onze-Lieve-Vrouw {f}
Our Lady of Sorrows {prop} (the Virgin Mary in reference to her sorrows) :: Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Smarten {f}, Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Zeven Weeën {f}
ours {pron} (that which belongs to us) :: het onze, de onze, die van ons
ourselves {pron} :: onszelf
oust {v} (to expel; to remove) :: verwijderen, verdrijven, verbannen
ouster {n} (forceful removal from power) :: verdrijving
out {adv} (away from the inside or the centre) :: buiten
out {adv} (away from one's usual place or not indoors) :: uit, weg
out {adv} (away from, at a distance) :: uit: weg
out {prep} (away from the inside) :: uit
out {prep} :: uit; usually expressed by the prefix uit-
out {n} (means of exit) :: buiten
out {adj} (released, available for purchase) :: uit
out {adj} (openly acknowledging that one is queer or genderqueer) :: out
outbid {v} (To bid more than somebody else) :: overbieden
outbreak {n} (an eruption, sudden appearance) :: uitbarsting, uitbraak {n}
outbreak {n} (a sudden increase) :: uitbarsting, explosie
outbreak {n} (an outburst or sudden eruption, especially violent) :: uitbarsting, uitbreken {n}
outbreak {n} (geological layer) :: dagzoom {n}
outbuilding {n} (separate building associated with a main building) :: bijgebouw {n}
outcome {n} (result) :: resultaat {n}, uitkomst {f}
outcrop {n} (coming out of bedrock or of an unconsolidated deposit to the surface of the ground) :: ontsluiting {f}
outcrop {n} (part of a rock formation that appears at the surface) :: ontsluiting {f}
outdated {adj} (out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated) :: verouderd, achterhaald, gedateerd
outdo {v} (to go beyond) :: overtreffen
outdoor {adj} (situated in the open air) :: buiten-
Outer Mongolia {prop} (East Asian region) :: Buiten-Mongolië {n}
outermost {adj} (farthest outside) :: buitenst
outer space {n} (region) :: ruimte {f}
outfit {n} (set of clothing) :: outfit {m}
outfit {n} (gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose) :: set {m}
outfit {n} (cohesive group of people; a unit) :: eenheid {f}
outfit {n} (sports team) :: team {n}
outgrow {v} (to become too big or mature for some object, practice, condition, belief, etc) :: ontgroeien, (Archaic) ontwassen
outgrow {v} (to grow faster or taller than someone or something else) :: ontgroeien
outgrowth {n} :: uitgroeisel {n}
outhouse {n} (outbuilding) SEE: outbuilding ::
outlandish {adj} (strange or bizarre) :: buitenissig, vreemd, raar
outlandish {adj} (foreign) :: buitenlands, vreemd, uitheems
outlaw {n} (a fugitive from the law) :: vogelvrije
outlaw {n} (person without legal rights) :: vogelvrije
outlawed {adj} :: [1] verboden, [2] vogelvrij
outlet {n} (vent) :: uitlaat {m}
outlet {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket ::
outlier {n} (a person or thing situated away from the main body or outside its proper place) :: buitenbeentje, alleenstaande
outlier {n} (part of formation separate from the rest) :: uitloper
outlier {n} (value outside pattern in a statistical sample) :: uitbijter
outline {n} (outer shape of an object or figure) :: omtrek
outlive {v} (to live longer than) :: overleven
out loud {adv} (aloud) :: voorlezen (verb)
outmoded {adj} (obsolete) :: achterhaald
outnumber {v} (be more in number) :: in de meerderheid zijn
out of {prep} (from the inside to the outside of) :: uit
out of {prep} (not having anymore) :: door ... heen
out of {prep} (with the motivation of) :: uit
out of {prep} :: buiten
out of business {adj} (no longer in business) :: buiten bedrijf
out of hand {adj} (not under control, out of control) :: ongecontroleerd, in het wilde weg,
out of it {prep} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
out of line {prep} (inappropriate) :: ongepast, buitensporig
out of order {prep} (not functioning properly) :: buiten bedrijf, buiten werking
out of order {prep} (inappropriate or unsuitable) :: ongepast
out of order {prep} (out of normal sequence) :: niet op volgorde
out of sight, out of mind {proverb} (something not nearby is forgotten) :: uit het oog, uit het hart
out of sorts {adj} (irritable or somewhat unwell) :: uit zijn element
out of the blue {prep} (unexpectedly) :: uit het niets, zomaar
out of the frying pan, into the fire {prep} (get from an already bad situation to a worse one) :: van de regen in de drup, van kwaad tot erger
out of the question {adj} (not remotely possible) :: nicht im Frage
out of touch {adj} (out of touch with reality) :: wereldvreemd
out of work {prep} (unemployed) SEE: unemployed ::
outpatient {n} (patient) :: poliklinische patiënt
outpost {n} (A military post) :: voorpost {m}, buitenpost {m}
outpost {n} (An outlying settlement) :: buitenpost {m}
output {n} (production; quantity produced, created, or completed) :: productie {f}
output {n} (data sent out of the computer) :: uitvoer {m}, output {m}
output {v} (produce or create) :: produceren, opleveren
output {v} (send data to out of a computer) :: als uitvoer geven, uitvoeren
outré {adj} (very unconventional) :: extravagant, excentriek
outrage {n} (atrocity) :: wandaad {f}
outrage {n} (offensive, immoral or indecent act) :: belediging {f}
outrage {n} (anger) :: woede, razernij
outrageous {adj} (shocking) :: ongehoord, schandelijk, schokkend
outran {v} (Past tense of outrun) :: de, den
outreach {v} (to reach further than) :: overtreffen
outright {adj} (unqualified and unreserved) :: eenduidig
outrun {v} (run faster) :: ontlopen
outside {n} (outer surface) :: buitenkant {m}
outside {n} (the space beyond some limit or boundary) :: buitenaf
outside {adj} :: buitenste
outside {adv} (in or to the outside) :: buiten
outside {adv} (outdoors) :: buiten
outside {prep} (on the outside of) :: buiten
outsource {v} (transfer of business to a third party) :: uitbesteden
outsourcing {n} (transfer business) :: uitbesteding
outstanding {adj} (standing out from others) :: bijzonder, prominent
outstanding {adj} (distinguished from others by its superiority) :: bijzonder, vooraanstaand
outstanding {adj} (projecting outwards) :: overhellend
outstanding {adj} (not settled or finished) :: onopgelost
outstanding {adj} (owed as a debt) :: uitstaand
outstrip {v} (to outrun or leave behind) :: overtreffen, overvleugelen
outstrip {v} (to exceed, excel or surpass) :: overtreffen, overvleugelen
out there {adj} (extreme, crazy, nutty, loony) :: buitenissig
out the wazoo {prep} (excessive or excessively; too much) :: a volonte
outweigh {v} :: zwaarder wegen
outwith {prep} (outside; beyond; outside of) :: buiten
ouzo {n} (drink) :: ouzo {m}
oval {n} (shape like an egg or ellipse) :: ovaal
oval {adj} (oval-shaped) :: ovaal, eivormig
ovary {n} (female organ) :: eierstok {m}, ovarium {n}, vruchtbeginsel
ovate {adj} (shaped like an egg) SEE: egg-shaped ::
ovation {n} (prolonged enthusiastic applause) :: ovatie {f}
oven {n} (chamber used for baking or heating) :: oven {m}
ovenbird {n} (Seiurus auricapilla) :: ovenvogel
oven glove {n} (glove designed to carry hot oven trays) :: ovenwant {f}, ovenhandschoen {m}
oven mitt {n} (oven glove) SEE: oven glove ::
over {adj} (ended) :: voorbij
over {adv} (from upright to horizontal position) :: om, omver
over {adv} (again) :: opnieuw, over
over {prep} (physical positioning: on top of; above) :: over, op, boven
over {prep} :: over
over a barrel {prep} (in a helpless situation) :: hopeloos, in de knel
overact {v} (act in an exaggerated manner) :: overacteren
overall {adj} (all-encompassing) :: globaal
overall {adv} (generally) :: globaal
overalls {n} (loose fitting pair of pants with a bib) :: tuinpak {n}
over and above {adv} (supplementary) :: bovenop
over and above {prep} (in addition to) :: bovenop
overbite {n} (malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones) :: overbeet {c}
overboard {adv} (over the edge, off a boat) :: overboord
overcapacity {n} (a capacity that is in excess of what is needed) :: overcapaciteit
overcast {adj} (covered with clouds; overshadowed; darkened) :: betrokken, bewolkt
overcast {adj} (meteorological term) :: bewolkt
overcast {adj} (in a state of depression; gloomy; melancholy) :: neerslachtig
overcast {v} (to cover with cloud; to overshadow; to darken) :: bewolken, verduisteren
overcast {v} (to be or become cloudy) :: bewolkt zijn
overcoat {n} (garment) :: overjas {f} {m}
overcome {v} (to surmount, get the better of) :: overwinnen
overconfident {adj} (presumptuous, cocksure, rude, disrespectful) :: overmoedig
overdo {v} (to do too much of something) :: overdrijven
overdose {n} (excessive and dangerous dose of a drug) :: overdosis {f}
overdraw {v} (withdraw more money from an account than there is credit) :: in het rood gaan
overdue {adj} (Late; especially, past a deadline or too late to fulfill a need) :: achterstallig, over tijd
overeat {v} (eat too much) :: overeten
overestimate {v} (to judge too highly) :: overschatten
overestimated {v} (overrated) SEE: overrated ::
overexposure {n} (exposure of film to light for a longer time than is required) :: overbelichting
overfishing {n} (excessive fishing) :: overbevissing
overflow {v} :: overlopen, overstromen
overhang {v} (hang over, as an ornament) :: overhangen
overhang seat {n} (Legislative seat distribution principle in certain countries) :: overhangmandaat {n}
overhaul {n} (a major repair, remake, renovation, or revision) :: opknapbeurt {f}, onderhoud {n}, herziening {f}
overhaul {v} (to modernize, repair, renovate, or revise completely) :: opknappen, herstellen, renoveren, moderniseren
overhaul {v} (to pass, overtake, or travel past) :: inhalen
overhead fan {n} (ceiling fan) SEE: ceiling fan ::
overhead projector {n} (projector that projects an image over the heads of the viewers onto a screen) :: overheadprojector
overhear {v} (To hear something that wasn't meant for one's ears) :: luistervinken
overheat {v} (overheat) SEE: burn ::
overheated {adj} (excessively heated) :: oververhit
Overijssel {prop} (province of the Netherlands) :: Overijssel
overlap {v} (to extend over and partly cover something) :: bedekken
overlap {v} (to have an area, range, character or function in common) :: overlappen
overlap {v} ((used of sets) to have some elements in common) :: overlappen
overlap {n} (something that overlaps) :: overlap {m}
overlay {v} (overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm ::
overload {v} (to load excessively) :: overladen
overlook {n} (vista or point) :: uitkijkpunt {n}
overlook {v} (to fail to notice; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it) :: over het hoofd zien
overlook {v} (to pretend not to have noticed; to pass over without censure or punishment) :: door de vingers zien
overlord {n} (a ruler of other rulers) :: opperheer {m}
overmorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow ::
overmorrow {n} (day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow ::
over my dead body {prep} (absolutely not) :: over mijn lijk
overnight {adv} (throughout the night) :: 's nachts
overnight {adv} (in a very short amount of time) :: van de ene dag op de andere; van vandaag op morgen
overnight {v} (stay overnight) :: overnachten
overnourished {adj} (overweight) SEE: overweight ::
overpay {v} (to pay too much) :: teveel betalen
overplay {v} (To overdo or overact one's effect or role) :: overdrijven, overacteren
overplay {v} (To present something more dramatically than necessary) :: overdrijven, dramatiseren
overplay {v} (To overestimate one's strength in a game or event) :: zich overschatten
overplay {v} (To accidentally hit (one's golf ball) beyond the green) :: uitslaan
overpower {v} (overpower) SEE: compel ::
overpower {v} (subdue someone by superior force) :: overweldigen, overmannen
overrate {v} (to esteem too highly) :: overschatten
overrated {adj} (rated too highly) :: overschat
override {v} (to ride a horse too hard) :: afjakkeren
overripe {adj} (excessively ripe; spoiled; gone bad) :: overrijp
overrun {v} (to defeat an enemy and invade in great numbers) :: onder de voet lopen, overstromen
overrun {v} (to infest, swarm over) :: onder de voet lopen, overrompelen, zwermen over, overstromen
overrun {v} (to run past, exceed) :: overschijden, voorbijlopen, inhalen
overrun {v} (to continue for too long) :: te lang doorbijlopen
overrun {n} (instance of overrunning) :: overrompeling, overschrijding, overstroming
overrun {n} (amount by which something overruns) :: overschrijding
overseas {adj} (across a sea) :: overzees
overseas {adv} (abroad) :: in het buitenland
overseas territory {n} (country or smaller territory) :: overzees gebiedsdeel {n}, overzees territorium {n}
oversee {v} (to survey, look at something in a wide angle) :: overzien, overschouwen
oversee {v} (to supervise, guide, review or direct the actions of a person or group) :: toezien op, toezicht houden op, een oog(je) houden op
oversee {v} (to inspect, examine) :: bekijken, toezien op
overseen {v} (past participle of oversee) :: overzien
overseer {n} (one who oversees) :: opzichter {m}
overshadow {v} (to dominate something and make it seem insignificant) :: overschaduwen
oversight {n} (supervision) :: toezicht {n}
oversight {n} (overview) SEE: overview ::
oversleep {v} (to sleep for longer than planned) :: zich verslapen
overslept {v} (past tense of oversleep) :: versliep
overslept {v} (past participle of oversleep) :: verslapen
overspend {n} (amount overspent) :: overuitgave {f}
overstay {v} (remain present after the agreed or appropriate time) :: langer blijven dan
overstrain {v} (subject to an excessive demand) :: overbelasten
overt {adj} (open and not concealed or secret) :: openlijk, onverholen
overtake {v} (to pass a more slowly moving object) :: inhalen
over there {adv} (in that place) :: daar
over the top {adj} (beyond normal, expected, or reasonable limits; excessive; exaggerated) :: overdreven, te veel van het goede
overthrow {v} (to bring about the downfall of) :: omverwerpen
overthrow {n} (removal by force or threat of force) :: ondergang {m}
overtly {adv} (openly) :: openlijk, onverholen
overtness {n} (state of being overt) :: openheid
overture {n} (approach) :: voorstel {n}
overturn {v} (to turn over, capsize) :: kapseizen, omslaan
overturn {v} (to overthrow) :: omverwerpen
overturn {v} (legal: to reverse, overrule) :: intrekken
overview {n} (brief summary, as of a book or a presentation) :: overzicht
overweening {adj} (over-confident) :: zelfverzekerd, arrogant
overweight {adj} (of a person, heavier than is healthy) :: te zwaar
overweight {adj} (of a vehicle, weighing more than is allowed) :: te zwaar
overweight {n} (excess of weight) :: overgewicht {n}
overwhelm {v} (to overpower, crush) :: overweldigen, overmannen
overwhelm {v} :: overweldigen
overwhelming {adj} (overpowering) :: overweldigend
overwinter {v} (to keep or preserve for the winter) :: laten overwinteren
overwinter {v} (to spend the winter (in a particular place)) :: overwinteren
overwrite {v} (destroy old data) :: overschrijven
oviduct {n} (duct through which an ovum passes) :: eileider {m}
oviform {adj} (egg-shaped) SEE: egg-shaped ::
oviparous {adj} (egg laying) :: eierleggend
ovipositor {n} (tubular organ for laying eggs) :: legboor {f}
ovoid {adj} (shaped like an oval) :: eivormig, ovaal
ovoid {n} (something oval in shape) :: eivorm {m}, ovaal {n}
ovoid {adj} (egg-shaped) SEE: egg-shaped ::
ovule {n} (botany: structure that develops into a seed) :: zaadknop {m}
ovum {n} (gamete) :: eicel {m} {f}
owe {v} (to be under an obligation) :: schuldig zijn
owe {v} (to be in debt) :: schuldig zijn
owl {n} (bird) :: uil {m}
owlet {n} (a young owl) :: uilskuiken {n}
own {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
own {adj} (belonging to (determiner)) :: eigen
own {v} (have rightful possession of) :: bezitten, hebben
owner {n} (one who owns) :: eigenaar {m}, eigenares {n}, bezitter {m}, bezitster {f}
ox {n} (an adult castrated male of cattle) :: os {m}
ox {n} (any bovine animal used as a beast of burden) :: os {m}
oxbow lake {n} (crescent-shaped lake) :: hoefijzermeer {n}
oxcart {n} (cart drawn by ox) :: ossenkar {c}
oxeye {n} (titmouse) SEE: titmouse ::
oxeye daisy {n} (flower) :: gewone margriet {m} {f}
Oxford {prop} (city) :: Oxford, Ossenvoord {m}
oxhide {n} (hide) :: ossenhuid {c}
oxidation {n} (chemical reaction) :: oxidatie
oxide {n} (binary compound of oxygen) :: oxide {n}
oxidization {n} (oxidation) SEE: oxidation ::
oximeter {n} (device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood) :: oxymeter {m}
oxtail {n} (meat from the tail of a cow) :: ossenstaart {m}
oxygen {n} (chemical element) :: zuurstof {f}
oxygen {n} (molecular oxygen) :: zuurstof {f}
oxygenation {n} (process of treating something with oxygen) :: zuurstofvoorziening
oxymoron {n} (contradiction in terms) SEE: contradiction in terms ::
oxytocic {adj} (serving to promote uterine contractions) :: oxytocisch
oxytocin {n} (hormone) :: oxytocine {f}
oyster {n} (mollusk, see also: clam; mollusc; mussel) :: oester {m} {n}
oystercatcher {n} (bird) :: scholekster {m} {f}
oyster plant {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) SEE: black salsify ::
oyster plant {n} (Mertensia maritima) SEE: sea bluebell ::
ozone {n} (O3) :: ozon
ozone hole {n} (region of the stratosphere over Antarctica that is depleted of ozone in the local spring) :: gat in de ozonlaag {n}, ozongat {n}
ozone layer {n} (a region of the stratosphere) :: ozonlaag {f} {m}