User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-w
w. {adj} | :: abbreviation of weiblich |
W {letter} | :: The twenty-third letter of the German alphabet |
W {noun} | :: abbreviation of West; west |
wa {adv} [colloquial, regional, parts of northern and central Germany] | :: right?; is it?; is it not? |
wa {particle} [colloquial, potentially rude] | :: what, huh (expresses that something was extremely hard to understand acoustically or outlandish in content) |
Waadt {prop} {f} | :: Vaud (Canton of Switzerland) |
Waadtländer {m} | :: Vaudois, someone from the canton of Vaud |
Waage {f} | :: scales (weighing machine) |
Waage {f} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Libra |
Waage {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
waagerecht {adj} | :: horizontal (parallel to the plane of the horizon) |
waagrecht {adj} | :: alternative form of waagerecht |
Waagschale {f} | :: scale (dish of a balance) |
Waalkes {prop} | :: surname from East Frisia |
Wabe {f} | :: honeycomb |
wabenförmig {adj} | :: honeycombed |
Wabenmuster {n} | :: honeycomb (pattern) |
wach {adj} | :: awake |
Wache {f} | :: wake, watch (act), vigil |
Wache {f} | :: watch (person or persons) |
Wache {f} | :: short for Polizeiwache police station |
wachen {v} | :: to be awake |
wachen {v} | :: to watch, to guard |
wachhabend {adj} | :: being on watch |
Wachhabende {f} | :: watchwoman |
Wachhabender {m} | :: watchman |
Wachhund {m} | :: guard dog |
wachküssen {vt} | :: to kiss awake |
wach liegen {v} | :: to lie awake (to try but fail to fall asleep) |
wachliegen {v} | :: alternative spelling of wach liegen |
Wachmann {m} | :: watchman, security guard |
Wachmann {m} [Austria] | :: policeman |
Wacholder {m} | :: juniper |
Wacholderbeere {f} | :: juniper berry (the female seed cone of a juniper) |
Wacholderdrossel {f} | :: fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) |
wachrütteln {v} | :: to awake, to jolt awake, to stir up, to arouse, to galvanize |
Wachs {n} | :: wax |
Wachs {n} [ornithology] | :: cere |
wachsam {adj} | :: vigilant |
wachsamer {adj} | :: comparative of wachsam |
Wachsamkeit {f} | :: vigilance |
wachsamsten {adj} | :: superlative of wachsam |
wachsartig {adj} | :: waxy |
wachsbleich {adj} | :: waxen, waxy (in texture & colour) |
wachsen {vi} | :: to grow |
wachsen {vi} [figuratively] | :: to grow, to increase |
wachsen {v} | :: to wax |
wachsend {adj} | :: growing, increasing, expanding, mounting, burgeoning |
wachsend {adj} [heraldry, of an animal] | :: issuant |
wächsern {adj} | :: waxy, waxen |
Wachsfigur {f} | :: wax figure |
Wachsfigürchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wachsfigur |
Wachsfigürlein {n} | :: diminutive of Wachsfigur |
Wachskerzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wachskerze |
Wachskerze {f} | :: wax candle |
Wachskerzlein {n} | :: diminutive of Wachskerze |
Wachsmalstift {m} | :: crayon (of wax) |
Wachstropfen {m} | :: drop of wax |
Wachstube {f} | :: guardhouse, guardpost |
Wachstube {f} | :: tube of wax |
Wachstum {n} | :: growth |
wachstumsfördernd {adj} | :: growth-enhancing |
Wachstumsrate {f} | :: growth rate or rate of growth |
Wachstumsstörung {f} [pathology] | :: delayed growth |
wächswachs {v} | :: past participle of wachsen |
wachsweich {adj} | :: waxy (in texture) |
wachsweich {adj} | :: compliant, docile, submissive |
wachsweich {adj} | :: vague, indistinct, imprecise |
Wacht {f} | :: guard (vigilant state) |
Wachtel {f} | :: quail |
Wachtel {f} [slang, pejorative] | :: screw (i.e., prison guard) |
Wachtelkönig {m} | :: corncrake |
Wächter {m} | :: guard (person who guards) |
Wächterlein {n} | :: diminutive of Wächter |
Wächterrat {prop} {m} | :: (Iran) the Guardian Council, the Council of Guardians |
Wachtmeister {m} [historical] | :: master sentinel (a rank of NCO in the cavalry, equivalent to a feldwebel) |
Wachtmeister {m} [Austria, Switzerland] | :: a sergeant; a Wachtmeister |
Wachturm {m} | :: watchtower |
Wachzimmer {n} [Austria] | :: office of a police department |
Wachzimmer {n} | :: recovery room (in a hospital, clinic, etc) |
Wachzustand {m} | :: waking state |
Wackeldackel {m} | :: dachshund-shaped bobblehead |
Wackeldackel {m} [figuratively] | :: yes-man |
wackelig {adj} | :: shaky |
wackelig {adj} | :: unsteady |
wackeliger {adj} | :: comparative of wackelig |
wackeligsten {adj} | :: superlative of wackelig |
Wackelkontakt {m} | :: loose connection (in an electric circuit) |
wackeln {v} | :: to waggle, to wobble |
Wackelpeter {m} | :: jelly pudding |
Wackelpudding {m} | :: jelly |
Wackelzahn {m} [colloquial] | :: loose tooth, wobbly tooth |
Wacken {prop} {n} | :: Wacken (municipality) |
wacker {adj} [dated] | :: brave |
wacker {adj} [dated] | :: efficient |
wacker {adj} [dated] | :: alert, vigilant, waker |
wacklig {adj} | :: alternative form of wackelig |
Wade {f} | :: calf (of the leg) |
Wadenbein {n} | :: fibula |
Wadenkrampf {m} | :: calf-muscle cramp; charley horse |
Wafer {m} [electronics] | :: wafer |
Waffe {f} | :: weapon, arm |
Waffel {f} | :: waffle, wafer |
Waffeleisen {n} | :: waffle iron |
Waffenarsenal {n} | :: armory / armoury (store or arsenal of weapons) |
Waffenerwerbsschein {m} [law] | :: certificate of gun acquisition, gun ownership license |
waffenfähig {adj} [military, dated] | :: fit for military service |
waffenfähig {adj} [military, radioactivity] | :: weapon grade |
Waffenfliege {f} | :: soldier fly |
Waffengattung {f} [military] | :: service branch |
Waffenhaus {n} | :: church porch |
Waffenhaus {n} | :: arsenal, armoury |
Waffenkunde {f} | :: knowledge about weapons |
Waffenrecht {n} | :: weapon (i.e. knife, gun, etc.) laws |
Waffenrock {m} [dated] | :: tunic of a knight |
Waffenrock {m} [dated] | :: military uniform |
Waffenruhe {f} | :: ceasefire |
Waffenschmied {m} | :: weaponsmith, armourer (male or of unspecified sex) |
Waffenstillstand {m} | :: armistice |
Waffenstillstand {m} | :: ceasefire |
Waffenstillstand {m} | :: truce |
Waffenstillstandsabkommen {n} | :: armistice agreement |
Waffenstillstandsabkommen {n} | :: ceasefire agreement |
Waffenstillstandslinie {f} | :: ceasefire line |
waffentechnisch {adj} | :: weapons technology (attributive) |
waffnen {vt} [dated] | :: to arm |
Wage {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Waage |
Wägeform {f} [chemistry] | :: A form of a substance that is suitable for weighing (does not change weight on exposure to the air) |
Wägelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wagen |
Wagemut {m} | :: boldness, daring, audacity, bravery |
wagemutig {adj} | :: daring, bold |
wagen {v} | :: to venture, dare |
wagen {v} | :: to risk, jeopardize |
Wagen {m} | :: a wheeled vehicle for transporting anything |
Wagen {m} | :: a car, an automobile, a vehicle |
Wagen {m} | :: a railroad car |
Wagen {m} | :: a wagon, a cart (drawn by a person, by horses, by oxen, etc) |
wägen {v} | :: to weigh something |
Wagenburg {f} | :: corral (circle of wagons) |
Wagenknecht {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Wagenrücklauf {m} [computing, typwriter] | :: carriage return |
Waggon {m} | :: railway wagon, railroad car |
waghalsig {adj} | :: reckless, foolhardy |
waghalsiger {adj} | :: comparative of waghalsig |
waghalsigsten {adj} | :: superlative of waghalsig |
Wagna {prop} {n} | :: Wagna (municipality) |
Wagner {m} [archaic] | :: wainwright |
Wagner {m} [archaic] | :: wheelwright |
Wagner {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
wagnerianisch {adj} | :: Wagnerian |
Wagnis {n} | :: adventure |
Wagon {m} | :: alternative spelling of Waggon |
Wägung {f} | :: weighing |
Wahhabismus {m} | :: wahhabism |
wahhabitisch {adj} | :: Wahhabi, Wahhabite (attributive) |
Wahl {f} | :: choice, selection |
Wahl {f} | :: election |
Wahl {f} | :: quality level |
Wahl {prop} | :: surname |
Wahlausgang {m} | :: election result |
wählbar {adj} | :: electable |
wahlberechtigt {adj} | :: eligible or entitled to vote; enfranchised |
Wahlberechtigte {f} | :: a female who is eligible/entitled to vote, a female eligible voter |
Wahlberechtigter {m} | :: a person (especially a male) who is eligible/entitled to vote, an eligible voter |
Wahlbeteiligung {f} [politics] | :: voter turnout |
Wahlen {prop} {n} | :: Wahlen (municipality) |
Wahlen {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
wählen {v} | :: to choose |
wählen {v} | :: to dial (a telephone number, etc.) |
wählen {v} | :: to vote |
Wähler {m} [politics] | :: voter |
Wahlergebnis {n} | :: election result |
Wählerin {f} [politics] | :: female voter |
wählerisch {adj} | :: choosy, picky, selective |
wählerischer {adj} | :: comparative of wählerisch |
wählerischsten {adj} | :: superlative of wählerisch |
Wahlfälschung {f} | :: electoral fraud |
Wahlgang {m} | :: ballot (round of voting) |
Wahlheimat {f} | :: one's adopted home or country |
Wahlkampf {m} | :: electoral campaign, run for office |
Wahlkämpfer {m} [politics] | :: election campaigner |
Wahlkämpferin {f} | :: feminine noun of Wahlkämpfer |
Wahlkandidatin {f} | :: electoral candidate, election candidate (female) |
Wahlkreis {m} | :: electoral district, constituency |
Wahlkreisbewohner {m} | :: constituent |
Wahlkreisbewohnerin {f} | :: feminine noun of Wahlkreisbewohner |
Wahllokal {n} | :: voting station [US], polling station [UK] |
wahllos {adj} | :: random, indiscriminate |
Wahlmann {m} [politics] | :: elector, member of an electoral college; person elected by eligible voters to a body which, in turn, votes for candidates for particular political offices (male or of unspecified sex) |
Wahlmänner-Gremium {n} [politics] | :: electoral college |
Wahlprogramm {n} [politics] | :: election platform [US], election manifesto [UK] |
Wahlrecht {n} | :: right to vote, suffrage |
Wahlrecht {n} | :: electoral law |
Wählscheibe {f} [telephone] | :: dial |
Wahlsieg {m} | :: election victory, election win |
Wahlurne {f} | :: ballot box |
Wahn {m} | :: illusion, delusion, (vain) hope (leerer/eitler Wahn), false idea, false perception, incorrect image |
Wahn {m} [psychiatry] | :: mania, craze, false interpretation of reality |
wähnen {vt} | :: to suppose, expect, believe, imagine, ween |
wahnhaft {adj} | :: delusional |
Wahnsinn {m} | :: insanity, madness |
Wahnsinn {m} [colloquially] | :: awesome!, man!, wicked! |
wahnsinnig {adj} | :: mad, insane |
wahnsinnig {adv} | :: incredibly, awfully |
Wahnsinnsding {n} | :: big deal |
Wahnvorstellung {f} | :: delusion |
wahnwitzig {adj} | :: absurd |
wahnwitzig {adj} | :: insane |
wahr {adj} | :: true |
wahren {v} | :: to protect, to safeguard |
wahren {v} | :: to maintain, to preserve |
währen {v} | :: To last, persist |
während {conj} | :: while |
während {prep} | :: [+ genitive or dative] during, at the time of |
währenddessen {adv} | :: meanwhile, in the meantime |
wahrhaben {v} [only in wahrhaben wollen] | :: to accept |
wahrhaft {adj} | :: real, true, veracious |
wahrhaftig {adj} | :: true, real, veracious |
wahrhaftig {adv} | :: really, actually |
Wahrhaftigkeit {f} | :: truthfulness, veracity |
Wahrheit {f} | :: truth |
Wahrheitsfindung {f} | :: establishment of the truth |
Wahrheitsgehalt {m} | :: veracity, truth content |
wahrheitsgemäß {adj} | :: truthful, true |
Wahrheitswert {m} [logic] | :: truth value |
wahrlich {adv} | :: truly, really, verily |
wahrnehmbar {adj} [capable of being seen or noticed] | :: noticeable |
wahrnehmen {v} | :: to sense, to perceive, to apprehend, to notice |
wahrnehmen {v} [an opportunity, chance, etc.] | :: to use |
wahrnehmen {v} [a right] | :: to assume |
Wahrnehmung {f} | :: perception |
wahrsagen {v} | :: to divine, tell fortunes |
Wahrsager {m} | :: fortuneteller, soothsayer, augur |
Wahrsagerin {f} | :: feminine noun of Wahrsager |
Wahrschau {f} | :: warning, caution, attention |
Wahrschau {interj} [military] | :: Attention! Look out! Watch out! |
wahrscheinlich {adj} | :: likely, probable, plausible |
wahrscheinlich {adv} | :: probably, likely |
Wahrscheinlichkeit {f} | :: probability |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie {f} | :: probability theory |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie {f} | :: probabilistic theory |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie {f} | :: probability calculus |
Wahrung {f} | :: maintenance |
Währung {f} | :: currency, bank notes and cents, die Münzen und Banknoten |
Währungskürzel {n} | :: currency code (ISO 4217) |
Währungsmetall {n} | :: currency metal |
Währungsunion {f} | :: monetary union, currency union |
Wahrzeichen {n} | :: emblem, symbol |
Waidbruck {prop} {n} | :: Waidbruck (municipality) |
Waidler {m} [Bavaria] | :: resident of the Bavarian Forest |
Waidmann {noun} | :: southern german spelling variant of Weidmann |
waidmännisch {adj} | :: hunter (attributive) |
Waidmannsfeld {prop} {n} | :: Waidmannsfeld (municipality) |
Waidring {prop} {n} | :: Waidring (municipality) |
Waigel {prop} | :: surname |
Waise {f} | :: orphan |
Waisenhaus {n} | :: orphanage |
Waisenkind {n} | :: orphan |
Waizenkirchen {prop} {n} | :: Waizenkirchen (municipality) |
Wal {m} | :: whale |
Walachei {prop} {f} | :: Wallachia |
Walachei {prop} {f} [colloquial, often, derogatory] | :: remote area |
Walburg {prop} | :: given name |
Walburga {prop} | :: given name |
Walchsee {prop} {m} | :: Walchsee (lake) |
Walchsee {prop} {n} | :: Walchsee (municipality) |
Wald {m} | :: forest; woods; woodland |
waldaus {adv} | :: out of the woods, out of the or a forest |
Waldbrand {m} | :: forest fire |
Waldbröl {prop} | :: Waldbröl (town) |
Waldburg {prop} {n} | :: Waldburg (municipality) |
Waldburg {prop} {n} | :: Waldburg (municipality) |
Wäldchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wald |
Waldeck {prop} | :: A former principality of the German Empire |
Waldeck {prop} | :: surname |
Waldeck-Frankenberg {prop} | :: A region of Hessen |
Waldegg {prop} {n} | :: Waldegg (municipality) |
waldein {adv} | :: into the woods, into the or a forest |
Waldeinsamkeit {f} | :: woodland solitude (the feeling of solitude in the woods) |
Waldemar {prop} | :: given name |
Waldenburg {prop} | :: Wałbrzych, a city in Silesia |
waldensisch {adj} | :: Waldensian |
Waldenstein {prop} {n} | :: Waldenstein (municipality) |
Waldesrand {m} | :: edge of the forest |
Waldhausen {prop} {n} | :: Waldhausen (municipality) |
Waldhausen {prop} {n} | :: Waldhouse, Lothringia |
Waldhausen {prop} {n} [historical] | :: Boże Małe, Poland |
Waldheim {prop} {n} | :: Waldheim (town) |
Waldhorn {n} | :: French horn |
Waldhorn {n} | :: hunting horn |
Walding {prop} {n} | :: Walding (municipality) |
Waldkatze {f} | :: European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) |
Waldkauz {m} | :: tawny owl |
Waldland {n} | :: wood (woodland) |
Waldmeister {m} | :: woodruff |
Waldmeistersaft {m} | :: woodruff syrup |
Waldneukirchen {prop} {n} | :: Waldneukirchen (municipality) |
Waldrand {m} | :: woodland edge, forest edge |
Waldrapp {m} | :: northern bald ibis (bird of the species Geronticus eremita) |
waldreich {adj} | :: forested (rich in woodland) |
Waldschnepfe {f} | :: woodcock |
Waldsterben {n} | :: "dying of the forest" - the destruction of the forest caused by environmental pollution |
Waldstück {n} | :: forested area |
Waldtraud {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Waltraud |
Waldtraut {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Waltraud |
Waldung {f} | :: wood (woodland) |
Waldwasserläufer {m} | :: green sandpiper (bird of the species Tringa ochropus) |
Waldweg {m} | :: forest path, forest road |
Waldzell {prop} {n} | :: Waldzell (municipality) |
Wales {prop} {n} | :: Wales |
Walfang {m} [hunting] | :: whaling |
Walfisch {m} | :: whale |
walgern {v} | :: to roll |
Walhai {m} | :: whale shark (Rhincodon typus) |
Waliser {m} | :: Welshman |
Waliserin {f} | :: Welshwoman |
walisisch {adj} | :: Welsh (of or pertaining to Wales) |
walisisch {adj} | :: Welsh (of or pertaining to the Welsh language) |
Walisisch {prop} {n} | :: Welsh (language) |
walken {v} | :: to tan (in leather-making), to full, to walk (in felt-making) |
walken {v} | :: to knead |
walken {v} [slang] | :: to beat |
Walker {noun} | :: fuller, felt-maker |
Walkererde {f} | :: fuller's earth |
Walküre {f} | :: Valkyrie |
Wall {m} [military] | :: rampart, parapet, earthwork |
Wall {m} [engineering] | :: levee, embankment |
Wall {m} [geography] | :: ridge |
Wallach {m} | :: gelding (castrated male horse) |
Wallbrecht {prop} | :: surname |
wallen {v} [of liquids] | :: to move violently |
wallen {v} | :: to flutter, palpitate |
wallen {v} [archaic] | :: to go on a pilgrimage |
wällen {vt} | :: to boil |
Wallenstein {prop} | :: surname |
wallfahren {v} | :: to go on a pilgrimage |
Wallfahrer {m} | :: pilgrim |
Wallfahrt {f} | :: pilgrimage |
wallfahrten {v} | :: to go on a pilgrimage |
Wallis {prop} {n} | :: Wales |
Wallis {prop} {n} | :: Valais, canton of Switzerland |
wallonisch {adj} | :: Walloon |
Wallonisch {prop} {n} | :: Walloon (the language) |
Wallriffschildkröte {f} | :: flatback turtle, Natator depressus |
Walm {m} | :: a bevelled roof, particularly if triangular and in a gable |
Walmdach {n} | :: hip roof (roof formed from inclined, planar ends and sides, joined at their edges to form hips) |
Walnuss {f} | :: walnut |
Walpersbach {prop} {n} | :: Walpersbach (municipality) |
Walpurga {prop} | :: An eighth century saint whose feast day on May 1st coincided with a pagan feast associated in folklore with witchcraft |
Walpurga {prop} | :: given name |
Walpurgis {prop} | :: given name |
Walpurgisnacht {f} | :: Walpurgis night |
Walross {n} | :: walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) |
Walstatt {f} | :: battlefield |
walten {vt} | :: to rule over, to exercise |
walten {vi} | :: to prevail |
Walter {prop} | :: given name |
Walter {prop} | :: surname |
Walther {prop} | :: given name, a more common spelling and origin of the name Walter |
Waltraud {prop} | :: given name |
Waltraut {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Waltraud |
Walz {f} | :: journeyman years |
Walze {f} | :: roll, cylinder |
walzen {v} | :: to roll |
walzen {vt} | :: to mill |
walzen {v} [dated, dance] | :: to waltz (dance the waltz) |
walzen {v} [dated] | :: to wander |
wälzen {v} | :: to roll |
wälzen {vr} | :: to wriggle, writhe, toss and turn |
Walzenspinne {f} | :: camel spider, solifugid |
Walzer {m} | :: waltz |
Walzertänzer {m} | :: waltz dancer |
Walzertänzerin {f} | :: female waltz dancer |
Wamme {f} | :: dewlap (hanging skin on certain animals, such as cattle) |
Wamme {f} [less common] | :: alternative form of Wampe |
Wampe {f} [less common] | :: alternative form of Wamme |
Wampe {f} [colloquial] | :: potbelly, paunch |
Wams {n} [historical] | :: jerkin, doublet |
Wand {f} | :: wall, partition |
Wand {f} | :: precipice |
Wandel {m} | :: transformation, change |
Wandel {m} | :: conduct, behaviour |
wandelbar {adj} | :: changeable, varying, inconsistent |
wandeln {v} | :: to wander, to stroll |
wandeln {v} | :: to walk |
wandeln {vt} | :: to transform, change |
wandeln {vr} | :: to change, transform |
Wandelstern {m} [astronomy, archaic] | :: A planet (a major body which moves relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) |
Wanderer {m} | :: hiker |
Wanderer {m} | :: wanderer |
Wanderfalke {m} | :: peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus |
Wandergeselle {m} | :: journeyman |
Wandergewerbe {n} | :: itinerant / travelling trade |
Wanderin {f} | :: female hiker |
Wanderin {f} | :: female wanderer |
Wanderlust {f} | :: wanderlust; the urge to travel, the love of the "great outdoors" |
Wandermenagerie {f} [historical] | :: travelling menagerie |
wandern {v} | :: to hike |
wandern {v} | :: to wander |
Wanderschaft {f} | :: wandering |
Wanderschuh {m} | :: hiking shoe, backpacking boot, hiking boot |
Wandersmann {m} | :: wayfarer |
Wanderspinne {f} | :: wandering spider |
Wanderstab {m} | :: trekking pole |
Wandertaube {f} | :: passenger pigeon |
Wanderung {f} [archaic] | :: journey |
Wanderung {f} | :: walk, hike |
Wanderung {f} | :: migration |
Wanderungsbewegung {f} | :: migration |
Wanderwort {n} | :: Wanderwort |
Wandfarbe {f} | :: wall color |
Wandfarbe {f} | :: wall paint |
Wandgemälde {n} | :: mural |
Wandlung {f} | :: change, alteration, transformation |
Wandlung {f} [electrical engineering] | :: transformer |
wandlungsfähig {adj} | :: adaptable, versatile |
Wandschrank {m} | :: cabinet (storage closet built into a wall) |
Wandteppich {m} | :: tapestry [cloth hung on a wall], wall hanging |
Wanduhr {f} | :: wall clock |
Wang {prop} {n} | :: Wang (municipality) |
Wang {prop} {n} | :: Wang (municipality) |
Wängchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wange |
Wange {f} [chiefly formal or literary] | :: cheek (on the face) |
Wangenknochen {m} | :: cheekbone |
Wangerberg {prop} {n} | :: A village in Triesenberg, Liechtenstein |
Wängle {prop} {n} | :: Wängle (municipality) |
Wanja {prop} | :: given name |
Wanja {prop} | :: given name |
Wankelmut {m} | :: fickleness |
wankelmütig {adj} | :: fickle |
wankelnd {adj} | :: wavering |
wanken {v} | :: to falter, stagger |
wankend {adj} | :: wavering, staggering |
wann {adv} [interrogative, standard] | :: when |
wann {adv} [indefinite, colloquial] | :: sometime |
wann {conj} [archaic or dialectal] | :: when; if |
wann anders {adv} [chiefly colloquial] | :: some other time; at another time; at a different point in time |
Wanne {f} | :: tub; flat-bottomed vessel |
Wanne {f} | :: for bathing or washing |
Wanne {f} | :: for technical uses, especially to collect or hold liquids |
Wanne {f} [regional, southern] | :: for kitchen use |
Wanne {f} [historical] | :: winnowing basket |
Wanne {f} [slang] | :: police van |
wannen {adv} | :: whence |
Wannenkonformation {f} [chemistry] | :: boat conformation |
Wanst {m} [colloquial] | :: belly, paunch |
Wanst {m} | :: rumen, the first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant |
Wanst {n} [regional, colloquial] | :: brat, annoying child |
Want {f} {n} [nautical] | :: shroud |
Wanze {f} | :: bedbug |
Wanze {f} | :: specifically, any insect of the suborder Heteroptera |
Wanze {f} [espionage] | :: bug, wire, wiretap |
Wapiti {m} | :: wapiti (elk, species of deer) |
Wappen {n} [heraldry] | :: coat of arms |
Wappenbeschreibung {f} [heraldry] | :: blazon (A verbal or written description of a coat of arms) |
Wappenschild {m} {n} [heraldry] | :: heraldic shield, escutcheon |
Wappentier {n} [heraldry] | :: heraldic animal (colloquially used) |
wappnen {vr} | :: To prepare oneself, to arm oneself (for something) |
wappnen {v} [dated] | :: to arm |
Waqf {f} | :: a waqf |
Waran {m} | :: monitor lizard |
Ware {f} | :: goods, merchandise, ware |
Warenangebot {n} | :: range of products, range of goods |
Warenhaus {n} | :: department store |
Warenkorb {m} | :: shopping basket |
Warenkorb {m} [economics] | :: commodity bundle; market basket |
Warenmuster {n} | :: (product) sample, commercial sample |
Warenregal {n} | :: goods shelf |
warens {contraction} | :: contraction of waren es |
Warensendung {f} | :: consignment, shipment (of goods) |
Warenterminbörse {f} | :: futures market (for commodity futures) |
Warenverkehr {m} [economics] | :: movement of goods, merchandise traffic |
Warenwirtschaft {f} | :: enterprise resource planning (ERP), merchandise management |
Warenzeichen {n} | :: trademark |
Warft {f} [North Germany] | :: synonym of Wurt |
warm {adj} | :: warm; mildly hot |
warm {adj} [of clothes] | :: warm; keeping the wearer warm |
warm {adj} [dated, except in warmer Bruder] | :: homosexual, gay |
warmblütig {adj} [zoology] | :: warm-blooded |
Warmduscher {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: wimp, weakling |
Wärme {f} | :: warmth |
Wärme {f} [physics] | :: heat |
Wärmeabgabe {f} | :: heat dissipation |
wärmeableitend {adj} | :: heat-dissipating |
Wärmeabstrahlung {f} | :: heat emission or dissipation |
Wärmeausdehnung {f} [physics] | :: thermal expansion |
Wärmeausdehnungskoeffizient {m} [physics] | :: coefficient of thermal expansion |
Wärmeaustausch {m} [physics] | :: heat exchange |
Wärmeaustauscher {m} | :: alternative form of Wärmetauscher |
Wärmebewegung {f} [physics] | :: thermal motion |
Wärmebild {n} | :: thermogram |
Wärmebildkamera {f} | :: thermal imaging camera |
wärmeisolierend {adj} | :: heat-insulating |
Wärmekapazität {f} [physics] | :: heat capacity |
Wärmelehre {f} | :: thermodynamics |
wärmeleitend {adj} | :: thermally conductive |
Wärmeleiter {m} | :: heat conductor |
Wärmeleitfähigkeit {f} [physics] | :: thermal conductivity |
Wärmeleitfähigkeit {f} [physics] | :: thermal conductance |
Wärmeleitpaste {f} | :: thermal grease, thermal paste |
wärmeliebend {adj} | :: thermophilic |
wärmen {vt} | :: To warm |
Wärmepumpe {f} [thermodynamics] | :: heat pump |
wärmer {adj} | :: comparative of warm |
Wärmer {m} | :: warmer [something that either warms or prevents heat loss] |
warmer Bruder {m} [dated slang, derogatory] | :: gay man |
warm essen {v} [idiomatic, colloqial] | :: to eat a warm meal |
Wärmestrahlung {f} [physics] | :: thermal radiation |
Wärmetauscher {m} | :: heat exchanger |
Wärmetod {m} [thermodynamics] | :: heat death |
Wärmeübertrager {m} | :: heat exchanger |
Wärmeübertragung {f} | :: heat transfer / conduction |
Wärmeverlust {m} | :: heat loss |
warmfest {adj} | :: heat-resistant |
Warmfront {f} | :: warm front |
warmgemäßigt {adj} | :: warmish; moderately warm |
warmhalten {v} | :: to keep warm |
warmhalten {v} [colloquial] | :: to stay on someone's good side |
warmherzig {adj} | :: warm-hearted |
Warmmiete {f} [rent for dwelling including heating costs] | :: total rent; base rent and utilities |
wärmsten {adj} | :: superlative of warm |
Warnblinklicht {n} [automotive, usually, uncountable] | :: hazard lights |
warnen {v} | :: to warn (vor of/against) |
Warnschuss {m} | :: warning shot |
Warnschuß {noun} | :: alternative spelling of Warnschuss |
Warnsignal {n} | :: warning signal |
Warnsignal {n} [figurative] | :: red flag |
Warnung {f} | :: warning |
Warren {prop} {n} | :: Varena, Trentino, Italy |
war's {contraction} | :: alternative spelling of wars |
wars {contraction} | :: contraction of war es |
wär's {contraction} | :: wäre es |
Warschau {prop} {n} | :: Warschau (capital city) |
Wart {m} | :: guard, ward |
wartbar {adj} | :: maintainable |
Wartbarkeit {f} | :: maintainability |
Warte {f} | :: lookout |
Warte {f} | :: guarding post |
Warteliste {f} | :: waiting list |
warten {v} | :: to wait |
warten {v} | :: to maintain (e.g. a car) |
Warten {n} | :: waiting |
Warten {n} [technology] | :: maintaining |
Wärter {m} | :: attendant |
Wärter {m} [obsolete] | :: maintainer |
Warterei {f} | :: waiting |
Wartesaal {m} | :: waiting room |
Warteschlange {f} | :: Queue (of people, or items) |
Warteschleife {f} | :: hold [telephone queue] |
Wartestellung {f} | :: waiting position, standby position |
Wartezeit {f} | :: waiting time |
Warth {prop} {n} | :: surname |
Warth {prop} {n} | :: Warth (municipality) |
Warth {prop} {n} | :: Warth (municipality) |
-wärtig {suffix} | :: Forming adjectives denoting the position of someone or something |
Wartmannstetten {prop} {n} | :: Wartmannstetten (municipality) |
-wärts {suffix} | :: -wards. Forms adverbs denoting course or direction to, or motion or tendency toward. The adverbs are formed either from a noun or from a preposition |
Wartung {f} | :: maintenance |
warum {adv} | :: why; for what reason |
Warze {f} | :: wart |
Warzenkopf {m} | :: Bornean bristlehead (Pityriasis gymnocephala) |
Warzenschwein {n} | :: warthog |
warzig {adj} | :: warty |
was {pron} [interrogative] | :: what |
was {pron} [relative] | :: which (referring to the entire preceding clause) |
was {pron} [relative] | :: that, which (referring to das, alles, etwas, nichts, and neuter substantival adjectives) |
was {pron} [relative, colloquial] | :: that, which (referring to neuter singular nouns, instead of standard das) |
was {pron} [indefinite, colloquial] | :: something, anything (instead of standard etwas) |
was {determiner} [archaic] | :: what; what kind of |
was {adv} [colloquial] | :: a little, somewhat |
was {adv} [interrogative, colloquial] | :: why, what for |
Wasabi {m} | :: wasabi (green Japanese condiment) |
was auch immer {pron} | :: whatever |
was auch passiert {adv} | :: come what may |
Waschanlage {f} | :: wash system |
Waschanlage {f} | :: car wash |
waschbar {adj} | :: washable |
Waschbär {m} | :: raccoon |
Waschbecken {n} [especially bathroom, also general] | :: sink; basin |
Waschbrett {n} [laundry or musical instruments] | :: washboard |
Waschbrettbauch {m} [bodybuilding] | :: washboard stomach, six-pack |
Wäsche {f} | :: clothes, especially underwear |
Wäsche {f} | :: laundry |
Wäsche {f} | :: washing |
waschecht {adj} | :: washable, fast |
waschecht {adj} [figuratively] | :: genuine, dyed-in-the-wool, pure |
Wäscheklammer {f} | :: peg |
Wäschekorb {m} | :: laundry basket, clothes hamper, laundry bin (container for holding and transporting clothing before and after being laundered) |
Wäscheleine {f} | :: clothesline |
waschen {v} | :: to wash |
Waschen {n} | :: washing |
Waschen {n} [chemistry] | :: scrubbing |
Wäscher {m} | :: fuller |
Wäscherei {f} | :: laundry (a shop or staffed facility where clothes are laundered) |
Wäscheständer {m} | :: clotheshorse |
Wäschetrockner {m} | :: dryer (appliance that removes the water from clothing) |
Wäschetrocknung {f} | :: laundry drying |
Waschküche {f} | :: laundry (private or semi-public room where people launder their clothes, e.g. in a private house or a block of flats); scullery |
Waschlappen {m} | :: flannel, washcloth |
Waschlappen {m} [derogative] | :: pansy, sissy |
Waschmaschine {f} | :: washing machine |
wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht nass {proverb} | :: Used of someone who wants some good or advantage, but does not want the contemporary inconvenience that it requires; somewhat like have one's cake and eat it |
Waschmittel {n} | :: laundry detergent |
Waschmittelindustrie {f} | :: detergent industry |
Waschnuss {f} | :: soapnut |
Waschnuß {f} | :: alternative spelling of Waschnuss |
Waschraum {m} | :: a washroom or bathroom that is not in a private dwelling, e.g. in a barracks or low-cost hostel |
Waschraum {m} | :: a secondary bathroom within a private dwelling, especially where one washes oneself before entering the house, as on a farm |
Waschraum {m} | :: a laundry or utility room |
Waschschüssel {f} | :: washbasin, washbowl |
Waschstrasse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Waschstraße |
Waschstraße {f} | :: car wash |
Waschung {f} | :: a washing of the body, chiefly for ritual or medical reasons |
Waschung {f} [religion] | :: ablution |
Waschung {f} [rare, with von or genitive] | :: the act of washing some object |
was der Bauer nicht kennt, das frisst er nicht {proverb} [more negative] | :: some people are afraid of trying something new |
was der Bauer nicht kennt, das frisst er nicht {proverb} [more positive] | :: some people are content with the simple, traditional ways and do not crave for the latest fashions |
was du nicht sagst {interj} [colloquial] | :: you don't say |
Wasen {m} [archaic] | :: lawn, turf, sod |
Wasenmeister {m} | :: someone who professionally strips dead animals for reuse, knacker |
waser {pron} [obsolete] | :: Inflected form of was |
was für {determiner} | :: what; what kind of |
was für {determiner} [in exclamation, with 'ein'] | :: (oh) what; (oh) such |
was für {adv} [youth slang] | :: Used to express strong rejection of a particular word in a statement by someone else; much like English “are you kidding?!” |
was geht {phrase} [colloquial, casually] | :: what's up (literally, "what is going (on)") |
was geht {phrase} | :: what's happening? |
was gibt's Neues {phrase} | :: what's new (informal greeting) |
was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr {proverb} | :: you can't teach an old dog new tricks |
was ihr nicht sagt {interj} [colloquial] | :: you don't say |
was kostet es {phrase} | :: how much does it cost |
was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen {proverb} | :: those who can't use their head must use their back (Literally, "What one doesn't have in their head, one has in their legs".) |
Wasser {n} | :: water (H₂O) |
Wasser {n} | :: alcoholic beverage, similar to brandy, made from fermented fruit |
wasserabweisend {adj} | :: water repellent |
Wasseramsel {f} | :: the water ouzel, the white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus) |
Wasseramsel {f} | :: any bird in the genus Cinclus, a dipper |
wasseranziehend {adj} | :: hydrophilic |
wasseranziehend {adj} | :: hygroscopic |
wasserarm {adj} | :: arid |
Wasseraufbereitung {f} | :: water treatment |
Wasser auf jemandes Mühle leiten {v} [idiom] | :: to be grist for someone's mill |
Wasseraufnahme {f} | :: water absorption |
Wasserbad {n} | :: water bath |
Wasserbad {n} | :: bain-marie |
Wasserball {m} [uncountable] | :: water polo |
Wasserball {m} [countable] | :: water polo ball |
Wasserball {m} [countable] | :: beach ball (light inflatable ball) |
Wasserballspieler {m} | :: water polo player (male or of unspecified sex) |
Wasserbär {m} [zoology] | :: A tardigrade, water bear (a water-dwelling, eight-legged, segmented micro-animal, a member of the phylum Tardigrada) |
Wasserbär {m} | :: A batardeau (dam structure) |
Wasserbecken {n} | :: tank, water basin |
Wasserbehälter {m} | :: water container, water tank, water reservoir |
Wasserbett {n} | :: water bed |
Wasserbleierde {f} [mineralogy] | :: synonym of Molybdit |
Wasserbombe {f} [weapon] | :: depth charge |
Wasserbombe {f} [toy] | :: water bomb, water balloon |
Wasserbüffel {m} | :: water buffalo (large ungulate) |
Wasserbüffel {m} [colloquial] | :: a motorcycle Suzuki GT 750 |
Wasserchemie {f} [chemistry] | :: water chemistry |
Wässerchen {n} | :: little stream |
Wasserdampf {m} | :: steam |
Wasserdampf {m} | :: water vapour / water vapor |
wasserdicht {adj} | :: watertight |
Wasserdruck {m} | :: water pressure |
wasserdurchlässig {adj} | :: water-permeable |
Wassereis {n} | :: ice pop, popsicle, ice lolly |
Wassereis {n} | :: frozen water |
Wasserenthärtung {f} | :: water softening |
wasserentziehend {adj} | :: dehydrating, desiccating |
Wasserfahrzeug {n} | :: watercraft |
Wasserfall {m} | :: waterfall |
Wasserfarbe {f} | :: watercolour, watercolor |
Wasserfaß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Wasserfass |
wasserfest {adj} | :: waterproof, water-resistant |
Wasserfilterkartusche {f} | :: water filtration cartridge |
Wasserflasche {f} | :: water bottle |
Wasserflugzeug {n} | :: seaplane |
wasserfrei {adj} | :: anhydrous |
wasserfrei {adj} | :: water-free |
Wassergas {n} | :: water gas |
Wassergehalt {m} | :: water content |
wassergekühlt {adj} | :: water-cooled |
Wasserglas {n} | :: tumbler (drinking glass) |
Wasserglas {n} | :: water glass |
Wassergraben {m} | :: moat |
Wassergüte {f} | :: water quality |
Wasserhahn {m} | :: tap, faucet (plumbing fitting), water tap |
Wasserhärte {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: water hardness |
Wasserhund {m} | :: water dog |
Wasserhündchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wasserhund |
Wasserhyazinthe {f} | :: water hyacinth |
wässerig {adj} | :: watery |
wässeriger {adj} | :: comparative of wässerig |
wässerigsten {adj} | :: superlative of wässerig |
Wasser ins Meer tragen {v} | :: to carry coals to Newcastle; to bring owls to Athens (do some redundant and pointless) |
Wasserkanister {m} | :: water jerrycan |
Wasserkanister {m} | :: water can |
Wasserkessel {m} | :: kettle, teakettle |
Wasserklosett {n} | :: water closet |
Wasserkocher {m} [cooking] | :: electric kettle |
Wasserkocher {m} [cooking] | :: electric water boiler |
Wasserkopf {m} | :: hydrocephalus |
Wasserkraft {f} | :: hydropower, waterpower |
Wasserkraftwerk {n} | :: hydroelectric power station |
Wasserkreislauf {m} | :: water cycle |
Wasserkühlung {f} | :: water cooling |
Wasserkunst {f} | :: a hydraulic system to supply fountains, cascades etc. with water |
Wasserkunst {f} | :: waterworks |
Wasserlauf {m} | :: watercourse |
Wasserläufer {m} [ornithology] | :: sandpiper (any of various wading birds, especially in the genus Tringa) |
Wasserläufer {m} [entomology] | :: water strider (any of various pleustonic predatory insects of the family Gerridae) |
Wasserleitung {f} | :: water conduit |
Wasserleitung {f} [plumbing] | :: water pipe |
Wasserlinie {f} | :: water line |
Wasserloch {n} | :: waterhole |
wasserlöslich {adj} | :: water-soluble |
Wasserlöslichkeit {f} | :: solubility in water |
Wassermangel {m} | :: water shortage |
Wassermann {m} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Aquarius, Aquarian |
Wassermelone {f} | :: watermelon |
Wassermolekül {n} | :: water molecule |
Wassermühle {f} | :: water mill |
wassern {vi} [auxiliary verb: sein, aviation] | :: To land on water |
wässern {v} | :: [add water or fill with water] to water |
Wasserorganismus {m} [biology] | :: aquatic organism |
Wasserpfeife {f} | :: water pipe |
Wasserpfeife {f} | :: bong |
Wasserpfeife {f} | :: hookah |
Wasserpflanze {f} [botany] | :: aquatic plant, hydrophyte, macrophyte (plant that lives in or requires an abundance of water) |
Wasserpolacke {m} [derogatory] | :: A (male) Pole from Silesia, particularly Upper Silesia |
Wasser predigen und Wein trinken {v} [idiomatic] | :: to not practice what one preaches |
Wasserquelle {f} | :: A source of water, a spring of water |
Wasserrad {n} | :: waterwheel |
Wasserrahmenrichtlinie {f} | :: Water framework directive |
Wasserralle {f} | :: water rail |
wasserreich {adj} | :: watery (water-rich) |
Wasserreinigung {f} | :: water purification |
Wasserrohr {n} | :: water pipe |
Wassersäule {f} [hydrology, physics] | :: water column |
Wasserscheide {f} [geography] | :: watershed |
wasserscheu {adj} | :: afraid of water, water-shy, aquaphobic |
Wasserscheu {f} | :: hydrophobia |
Wasserschlange {f} | :: water snake |
Wasserschlange {prop} {f} | :: Hydra (constellation) |
Wasserski {m} [uncountable] | :: water skiing (the sport of skiing on water) |
Wasserski {m} | :: water ski (type of ski used for skiing on water) |
Wasserskorpion {m} | :: water scorpion, (Nepa cinerea, Syn. Nepa rubra) |
Wasserspeier {m} | :: gargoyle, waterspout |
Wasserspiegel {m} | :: water level |
Wasserspiel {n} | :: water feature |
Wasserspinne {f} | :: water spider, diving bell spider |
Wasserstand {m} | :: waterline |
Wasserstoff {m} | :: hydrogen; the lightest and most common element in the universe with the atomic number 1 |
wasserstoffähnlich {adj} [physics] | :: hydrogen-like |
Wasserstoffantrieb {m} | :: hydrogen propulsion (especially of cars) |
Wasserstoffatmosphäre {f} | :: hydrogen atmosphere |
Wasserstoffatom {n} | :: hydrogen atom |
Wasserstoffaufnahme {f} | :: hydrogen absorption |
Wasserstoffbildung {f} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen formation |
Wasserstoffbombe {f} | :: hydrogen bomb |
Wasserstoffbrennen {n} | :: hydrogen burning |
Wasserstoffbrücke {f} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen bond |
Wasserstoffbrückenbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen bonding |
Wasserstofffahrzeug {n} | :: hydrogen-powered vehicle |
Wasserstofffusion {f} [physics] | :: hydrogen fusion |
Wasserstoffgas {n} | :: hydrogen gas |
wasserstoffhaltig {adj} | :: hydrogenous |
Wasserstoffion {n} | :: hydrogen ion |
Wasserstoffisotop {n} | :: hydrogen isotope |
Wasserstoffkern {m} | :: hydrogen nucleus, proton |
Wasserstofflinie {f} | :: hydrogen line |
Wasserstoffmolekül {n} | :: hydrogen molecule |
Wasserstoffoxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hydrogen oxide |
Wasserstoffperoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrogen peroxide |
Wasserstoffsäure {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hydracid |
Wasserstoffspender {m} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen (or proton) donor |
Wasserstoffsuperoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrogen peroxide |
Wasserstoffverbindung {f} | :: hydrogen compound |
Wasserstoffversprödung {f} | :: hydrogen embrittlement |
Wasserstoffwirtschaft {f} | :: hydrogen economy |
Wasserströmung {f} | :: current / stream of water |
Wassersucht {f} | :: dropsy |
Wassertemperatur {f} | :: water temperature |
Wassertiefe {f} | :: water depth |
Wassertreter {m} [ornithology] | :: phalarope (bird in the genus Phalaropus) |
Wassertropfen {m} | :: waterdrop |
Wasserturm {m} | :: water tower |
Wasseruhr {f} | :: water meter (device used to measure the volume of water usage) |
Wasseruhr {f} | :: water clock, clepsydra (device for measuring time by letting water flow out of a container) |
wasserundurchlässig {adj} | :: waterproof |
Wasserung {f} [aviation] | :: landing on water |
wasserunlöslich {adj} | :: insoluble in water |
Wasserunlöslichkeit {f} | :: insolubility in water |
Wasserverschmutzung {f} | :: water pollution |
Wasservogel {m} | :: waterfowl |
Wasservorkommen {n} | :: water resource(s) |
Wasserwaage {f} | :: spirit level |
Wasserwanze {f} | :: water bug (insect infraorder Nepomorpha) |
Wasserweg {m} | :: waterway |
Wasserwerfer {m} [chiefly law enforcement] | :: water cannon |
Wasserwerk {n} | :: waterworks |
Wasserzähler {m} | :: water meter (device used to measure the volume of water usage) |
Wasserzeichen {n} | :: watermark |
was Sie nicht sagen {interj} [idiomatic] | :: you don't say |
wässrig {adj} | :: aqueous |
wässrig {adj} | :: watery |
wässrig {adj} | :: rheumy (eyes) |
wässriger {adj} | :: comparative of wässrig |
wässrigsten {adj} | :: superlative of wässrig |
was zum Geier {phrase} | :: what the hell |
was zum Kuckuck {noun} [idiomatic] | :: what the heck |
was zum Teufel {phrase} | :: what the Devil, what the fuck |
wat {pron} [colloquial, regional] | :: alternative form of was |
waten {v} | :: to wade |
Waterloo {prop} {n} | :: Waterloo (village in Belgium) |
Waterloo {n} | :: a decisive defeat; a Waterloo |
Watremez {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
watscheln {v} | :: to waddle |
Watt {n} | :: foreshore |
Watt {n} | :: watt (unit of power named after James Watt) |
Watte {f} | :: cotton wool |
Wattebällchen {n} [cosmetics, medicine] | :: cotton ball |
Watten {n} [card games] | :: A card game for four people, played in Bavaria, Austria, South Tyrol and Switzerland |
Wattenberg {prop} {n} | :: Wattenberg (municipality) |
Wattenmeer {n} | :: mudflat, tidal flat |
Wattenmeer {n} | :: Wadden Sea [along the North Sea coast] |
Wattens {prop} {n} | :: Wattens (municipality) |
Wattestäbchen {n} | :: cotton swab |
wattig {adj} | :: cotton wool |
Watvogel {m} | :: a wading bird |
wau {interj} | :: woof (sound of a dog) |
Wavellit {m} [mineral] | :: wavellite |
wayne {interj} [youth slang] | :: who cares |
WBF {f} [financing] | :: initialism of Wohnbauförderung (financing of the state for building a house) |
WC {n} | :: WC (water closet) |
Wdh. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Wiederholung |
WDR {prop} | :: initialism of Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Köln) |
WE {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Wohneinheit |
WE {noun} | :: abbreviation of Wochenende |
Web {prop} {n} [Internet] | :: the Web; the World Wide Web |
weben {v} | :: to weave |
weben {v} | :: to intertwine (to twine together) |
Weber {m} | :: agent noun of weben |
Weber {m} | :: weaver (male or of unspecified sex) (someone who weaves); webster |
Weber {m} | :: weaver (as a component part of multiple compound names, mainly various bird (or other animal) species) |
Weber {prop} | :: surname |
Weber {n} | :: weber |
Weberin {f} | :: A female weaver, someone who weaves |
Weberknecht {m} [arachnid] | :: harvestman |
WebHook {m} [Web development] | :: webhook |
Webinar {n} [education] | :: webinar |
Webkonferenz {f} | :: web conference |
Weblink {m} | :: A hyperlink |
Webseite {f} | :: web page |
Website {f} | :: web site |
Webstuhl {m} | :: loom (for weaving) |
webweit {adj} | :: web-wide, Internet-wide |
Wechsel {m} | :: change |
Wechsel {m} [finance] | :: bill of exchange |
Wechselbalg {m} [mythology] | :: changeling (an infant that was secretly exchanged for a mother's own baby by an evil creature) |
Wechselbalg {m} | :: [dated] child born out of wedlock |
Wechselgeld {n} | :: change (small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination) |
wechselgewirkt {v} | :: past participle of wechselwirken |
wechselhaft {adj} | :: changeable, variable |
wechselhaft {adj} | :: fickle |
wechselhaft {adj} | :: unstable, unsteady (of weather) |
Wechseljahre {np} | :: menopause, change of life |
Wechselkurs {m} | :: exchange rate |
wechseln {v} | :: change, exchange |
wechselnd {adj} | :: alternating |
wechselnd {adj} | :: shifting, changing |
Wechselpräposition {f} [grammar] | :: A preposition that can be construed with more than one grammatical case, with the sense depending on this choice of case |
Wechselrichter {m} [electronics] | :: inverter |
Wechselschlag {m} [music] | :: alternate picking |
wechselseitig {adj} | :: mutual |
Wechselseitiger Ausschluss {m} [programming] | :: synonym of Mutex |
Wechselspiel {n} | :: interplay |
wechselständig {adj} [botany] | :: alternate |
Wechselstrom {m} | :: alternating current |
Wechselstube {f} | :: bureau de change |
wechseltönig {adj} [music, of aerophones] | :: bisonoric, producing different tones depending on whether the instrument is being expanded or compressed |
wechselvoll {adj} | :: changeable, varied, checkered |
Wechselvordruck {m} | :: billing form, bill form |
wechselwirken {v} | :: To interact |
Wechselwirkung {f} | :: interaction |
Wechselwirkungsenergie {f} [chemistry] | :: interaction energy |
Weck {m} [Southern Germany] | :: bread roll |
wecken {vt} | :: to wake, to wake up |
Wecken {m} [Southern Germany, Austria] | :: an oblong wheat roll |
Wecken {m} [Austria] | :: oblong wheat bread |
Wecker {m} | :: alarm clock |
Wecker {m} | :: person with the duty of waking one up at a certain time |
Wecker {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Weckruf {m} | :: wake-up call |
Wedel {m} | :: whisk |
Wedel {m} | :: duster |
Wedel {m} [botany] | :: frond |
Wedel {prop} {n} | :: Wedel (municipality) |
wedeln {v} | :: to waggle, to wag |
Wedepohl {prop} | :: surname |
weder {conj} | :: neither (only with noch) |
weder Fisch noch Fleisch {idiom} [idiomatic] | :: neither fish nor fowl (literally: neither fish nor meat) |
weder Hand noch Fuß haben {v} [idiom] | :: negative of Hand und Fuß haben; to make no sense |
wedisch {adj} | :: alternative form of vedisch |
Weed {n} [slang] | :: weed, marijuana |
Weer {prop} {n} | :: Weer (municipality) |
Weerberg {prop} {n} | :: Weerberg (municipality) |
weg- {prefix} | :: away |
weg {adj} | :: away |
weg {adj} | :: gone, not there |
weg {adj} [now, rare] | :: minus |
weg {adj} [regional, Westphalia] | :: from |
weg {adj} [colloquial] | :: unconscious; passed out |
weg {adj} [colloquial] | :: hammered; so drunk as being close to unconsciousness |
weg {adv} | :: away |
Weg {m} | :: way |
Weg {m} | :: path |
Wega {prop} {f} [star] | :: Vega |
wegbefördern {vt} | :: to move something away or out of the way |
wegbefördern {vt} [colloquial pun] | :: to promote someone in order to remove them from a particular position |
wegbegeben {vr} | :: to leave |
Wegbereiter {m} | :: pioneer |
Wegbereiterin {f} | :: feminine noun of Wegbereiter |
Wegbeschreibung {f} | :: directions |
wegbleiben {v} | :: stay away |
wegblicken {v} | :: to look away |
wegbrechen {v} | :: to break off |
wegbringen {vt} | :: to move away, to take away |
wegbringen {vt} | :: to get rid of |
wegbringen {vt} | :: to see off |
wegdämmern {v} | :: to doze off |
wegdenken {vt} | :: to imagine a situation without |
wegdrängen {vt} | :: To edge away, to edge off |
Wegelagerer {m} | :: highwayman |
wegen {prep} | :: for, because of |
Wegerich {m} | :: plantain (plant of the genus Plantago) |
wegfahren {v} | :: to drive away, to drive off |
Wegfall {m} | :: omission |
Wegfall {m} | :: discontinuation, lapse |
wegfallen {v} | :: to fall away, disappear |
wegfegen {vt} | :: to sweep away |
wegfliegen {vi} | :: To fly away |
wegfliegen {vt} | :: To drive something away through the air |
wegführen {vt} | :: to carry away |
Weggabelung {f} | :: fork [i.e. in a road/path] |
Weggang {m} | :: departure |
Wegge {m} [Swiss] | :: loaf, roll |
weggeben {v} | :: to give away |
weggeben {v} [Austria, rare] | :: to take away |
weggefahren {v} | :: past participle of wegfahren |
Weggefährte {m} | :: travel companion |
weggeflogen {v} | :: past participle of wegfliegen |
weggegangen {v} | :: past participle of weggehen |
weggehen {v} | :: to go away, leave, scram |
weggejagt {v} | :: past participle of wegjagen |
weggelassen {v} | :: past participle of weglassen |
weggelassen {adj} | :: omitted |
weggelaufen {v} | :: past participle of weglaufen |
weggelaufen {adj} | :: runaway, escaped |
weggelegt {v} | :: past participle of weglegen |
weggelegt {adj} | :: laid aside |
weggerannt {adj} | :: runaway, escaped |
weggesetzt {v} | :: past participle of wegsetzen |
weggeworfen {v} | :: past participle of wegwerfen |
weghauen {v} | :: to hew, cut off |
weghauen {v} | :: to separate [by hitting with an axe, etc.] |
weghören {v} | :: to deliberately not listen |
wegjagen {v} | :: to chase away, to chase off, to drive away |
wegkommen {v} | :: to get away, to come out/off (eg well/poorly) |
Weglänge {f} | :: pathlength |
weglassen {v} | :: to omit |
weglaufen {v} | :: to run away |
weglegen {v} | :: to put away, to lay aside |
wegmachen {v} [slightly, colloquial] | :: to remove (e.g. a stain) |
wegmachen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to go away; to bugger off |
Wegnahme {f} | :: removal |
wegnehmen {v} | :: to take away |
wegpusten {v} | :: to blow away |
wegräumen {v} | :: to put away |
wegreißen {v} | :: to tear away |
wegrennen {v} | :: to bolt, to run, to run away |
wegsam {adj} | :: passable, accessible |
wegschaffen {v} | :: to take away |
wegschauen {v} | :: to look away |
wegschauen {v} | :: to look the other way, to turn a blind eye |
wegschicken {v} | :: to send away |
wegschieben {v} | :: to push away |
wegschießen {v} | :: to shoot off |
wegschmeißen {v} | :: to ditch, to junk |
wegschütten {v} | :: to pour away |
wegschwimmen {v} | :: to swim away |
wegsetzen {v} | :: To move away |
wegsperren {v} | :: to lock away |
wegspülen {v} | :: to wash away |
wegstehlen {vr} | :: to slip away |
wegsterben {v} | :: to die |
wegtolerieren {v} [colloquial] | :: to disregard, overlook (in a manner of tolerance as far as ignorance) |
wegtragen {v} | :: to carry away |
wegtreiben {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to drive away |
wegtreiben {vt} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to drift away |
wegtreten {vi} [military, auxiliary: "sein"] | :: to dismiss |
wegtreten {vi} [auxiliary: "sein"] | :: to step aside |
wegtreten {vt} [auxiliary: "haben"] | :: to kick |
wegwaschen {v} | :: to wash away |
wegweisen {v} | :: to send away, show out |
wegweisend {adj} | :: pointing the way (ahead), pioneering, pathbreaking |
Wegweiser {m} | :: signpost |
Wegweisung {f} [Swiss] | :: deportation, expulsion |
wegwenden {vr} [possibly] | :: to turn away [e.g. one's head] |
wegwerf- {prefix} | :: disposable |
Wegwerfbehälter {m} | :: disposable container |
Wegwerfbesteck {n} | :: disposable (plastic) cutlery |
wegwerfen {v} | :: to throw away |
Wegwerffeuerzeug {n} | :: disposable lighter |
Wegwerfflasche {f} | :: disposable bottle |
Wegwerfgeschirr {n} | :: disposable tableware |
Wegwerfgesellschaft {f} | :: throw-away society |
Wegwerfglas {n} | :: disposable glass |
Wegwerfpackung {f} | :: disposable (food) container |
Wegwerfrasierer {m} | :: disposable razor |
Wegwerfspritze {f} | :: disposable syringe |
Wegwerfverpackung {f} | :: disposable (food) container |
wegwischen {v} | :: to wipe away |
wegwollen {v} | :: to want to leave |
Wegzehrung {f} | :: provisions for the road |
wegziehen {vt} | :: to pull away (jedem from someone) |
wegziehen {vi} | :: to move, move away (von from) |
wegziehen {vi} | :: to migrate (of birds) |
Wegzoll {m} | :: road toll |
weh {adj} | :: sore, painful |
weh {interj} | :: alas! woe! |
Weh {n} | :: psychological suffering; misery, woe |
Weh {n} [less commonly] | :: physical suffering, pain |
wehe {interj} | :: woe to; don't you dare |
Wehe {f} [medicine] | :: labour pain, contraction |
wehen {v} | :: to blow (wind) |
wehklagen {v} | :: to wail |
wehleidig {adj} | :: over-sensitive [to pain]; sorry for oneself, whining |
weh mir {interj} | :: woe is me |
Wehmut {f} | :: melancholia, nostalgia, wistfulness (yearning for the past, homesickness) |
wehmütig {adj} | :: wistful, nostalgic (experiencing a sad or bitter-sweet feeling at the memory of something from the past, or at the thought about the nature of life, often momentarily) |
Wehmutter {f} [dated] | :: midwife |
Wehr {f} [archaic, except in compounds and idioms] | :: resistance; defence; also in the sense of defenders; guard |
Wehr {f} [colloquial, regional] | :: short for Feuerwehr |
Wehr {n} | :: weir |
Wehr {n} | :: barrage |
Wehrdienst {m} | :: (mandatory) military service, national service |
wehrdiensttauglich {adj} | :: fit for military service |
wehrdienstuntauglich {adj} | :: unfit for military service |
Wehrdienstverweigerer {m} | :: conscientious objector, conshie |
wehren {v} | :: to fight |
wehren {vr} | :: to defend |
wehrfähig {adj} | :: fit for military service |
wehrfähig {adj} | :: weapons-grade |
wehrhaft {adj} | :: well defended |
Wehrhaftigkeit {f} | :: defensive ability |
wehrig {adj} | :: busy, bustling; restless |
wehrlos {adj} | :: defenseless |
Wehrlosigkeit {f} | :: defenselessness |
Wehrmacht {f} | :: armed forces |
Wehrmacht {f} [historical] | :: Wehrmacht |
Wehrmann {m} [plural "Wehrmänner" or "Wehrleute"] | :: firefighter |
Wehrmann {m} [plural "Wehrmänner", Austria, Swiss] | :: soldier |
Wehrpflicht {f} [military] | :: conscription |
wehrpflichtig {adj} | :: liable to military service |
weh tun {v} | :: alternative form of wehtun |
wehtun {v} [with dative] | :: to hurt |
wehtun {v} | :: to hurt (to be painful) |
Weib {n} [nowadays often pejorative] | :: woman, broad |
Weib {n} [archaic] | :: woman, wife |
Weibchen {n} | :: diminutive of Weib |
Weibchen {n} | :: female [of an animal] |
Weibel {m} [archaic, outside, Switzerland] | :: usher |
weibeln {v} [archaic] | :: to alternate; to move to and fro |
weibeln {v} [Switzerland] | :: to campaign |
Weiberfastnacht {f} | :: A holiday celebrated mostly in the Rhineland on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday. Originally a special day for women’s carnival, but now celebrated by both sexes as the beginning of the six-day peak of the carnival season. Remnants of the original purpose are that women are allowed to cut off men's ties and to kiss (on the cheek) whomever they want |
Weibern {prop} {n} | :: Weibern (municipality) |
Weibern {prop} {n} | :: Weibern (municipality) |
weibisch {adj} | :: effeminate |
weibischer {adj} | :: comparative of weibisch |
weibischsten {adj} | :: superlative of weibisch |
weibl. {adj} | :: abbreviation of weiblich |
Weiblein {n} | :: diminutive of Weib |
weiblich {adj} | :: female |
weiblich {adj} [grammar] | :: feminine |
weiblich {adj} | :: feminine, womanly |
weiblicher {adj} | :: comparative of weiblich |
Weiblichkeit {f} | :: femininity, womanliness |
weiblichsten {adj} | :: superlative of weiblich |
Weibsbild {n} [derogatory] | :: woman, female |
Weibsperson {f} | :: woman |
weich {adj} | :: soft |
Weichbild {n} | :: city area |
Weiche {f} | :: railway switch |
Weiche {f} | :: softness |
Weichei {n} [pejorative, slang] | :: softy, wimp |
weichen {vi} | :: to wane |
weichen {vit} [with dative or vor] | :: to yield |
weichen {v} | :: to soak |
Weichenstörung {f} [railroads] | :: points failure |
weicher {adj} | :: comparative of weich |
weicher Gaumen {m} | :: soft palate |
weicher Trennstrich {m} | :: soft hyphen, optional hyphen, discretionary hyphen |
weiches Trennzeichen {n} | :: soft hyphen, optional hyphen, discretionary hyphen |
Weichheit {f} | :: silkiness, softness, gentleness |
Weichheitszeichen {n} | :: soft sign, the Russian sign ь |
weichherzig {adj} | :: tenderhearted |
Weichholz {n} | :: softwood |
Weichkäse {m} | :: soft cheese |
Weichlot {n} | :: soft solder |
Weichmacher {m} | :: plasticizer |
Weichmacher {m} | :: softener |
weichmagnetisch {adj} | :: soft magnetic |
Weichsel {prop} {f} | :: Vistula (a river, now entirely in Poland, formerly partly in German Prussia) |
Weichsel {f} [as a simplex archaic or dialectal, Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland] | :: sour cherry (fruit of the sour cherry tree) |
Weichselbaum {prop} {n} | :: surname |
Weichselbaum {prop} {n} | :: Weichselbaum (municipality) |
Weichselmetropole {f} | :: metropolis on the Vistula [a reference to Warsaw or Cracow] |
Weichselstadt {prop} [uncommon, possibly nonstandard] | :: alternative form of Weichselstädt |
Weichselstadt {f} | :: city on the Vistula [e.g. Cracow, Thorn/Torun or any of numerous others] |
weichspülen {v} | :: to use fabric softener |
weichspülen {v} [figurative] | :: to gloss over |
Weichspüler {m} | :: fabric softener |
weichsten {adj} | :: superlative of weich |
Weichteile {p} [anatomy] | :: soft tissue |
Weichteile {p} [colloquial] | :: private parts |
Weichtier {n} | :: mollusc |
Weide {f} | :: pasture |
Weide {f} | :: willow |
weiden {v} | :: to browse, to graze |
Weiden {prop} {n} | :: Weiden (city) |
Weidenbaum {m} | :: literal translation: willow tree |
Weiden in der Oberpfalz {prop} | :: Weiden in der Oberpfalz (independent city) |
Weidevieh {n} | :: grazing cattle |
weidlich {adj} | :: hearty |
Weidmann {m} | :: hunter |
weidwund {adj} | :: smitten |
Weigand {m} [dated] | :: heroic fighter |
weigern {vr} | :: to refuse |
Weihe {f} | :: consecration, any act or procession of making a thing or situation holy |
Weihe {f} [Christianity, in particular] | :: ordination (Catholic and Orthodox sacrament) |
Weihe {f} | :: harrier (bird of prey) |
weihen {v} | :: to dedicate to a cause or purpose |
weihen {v} | :: to consecrate |
weihen {v} | :: to ordain, to invest someone into a religious office |
Weiher {m} | :: pond |
Weihnacht {f} [literary, poetic] | :: alternative form of Weihnachten |
weihnachten {v} [impersonal] | :: To be nearly Christmas; to have a Christmassy atmosphere |
Weihnachten {p} | :: Christmas |
weihnachtlich {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Christmas |
Weihnachtsabend {m} | :: Christmas Eve |
Weihnachtsbäckerei {f} [uncountable] | :: Christmastime baking (time of year in which one bakes Christmas baked goods) |
Weihnachtsbäckerei {f} [Austria, regionally outside Austria] | :: Christmas baked good |
Weihnachtsbaum {m} | :: Christmas tree |
Weihnachtsbaumkerze {f} | :: Christmas tree candles |
Weihnachtsbaumkugel {f} | :: A bauble, shiny spherical decoration, commonly used for Christmas decorations, especially Christmas trees |
Weihnachtsengel {m} | :: figurine of an angel, used as decoration at Christmastime |
Weihnachtsgans {f} | :: Christmas goose [roasted goose traditionally eaten at Christmas] |
Weihnachtsgebäck {m} | :: Christmas cookies, Christmas biscuits |
Weihnachtsgedicht {n} | :: Christmas poem |
Weihnachtsgeschenk {n} | :: Christmas present |
Weihnachtsinsel {prop} {f} | :: Christmas Island |
Weihnachtskerzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Weihnachtskerze |
Weihnachtskerze {f} [Christianity] | :: Christmas candle |
Weihnachtskerzlein {n} | :: diminutive of Weihnachtskerze |
Weihnachtskranz {m} | :: Christmas wreath |
Weihnachtskugel {f} | :: A bauble, shiny spherical decoration, commonly used for Christmas decorations, especially Christmas trees |
Weihnachtslied {n} | :: Christmas carol |
Weihnachtsmann {m} | :: Santa Claus, Father Christmas |
Weihnachtsmarkt {m} | :: Christmas market |
Weihnachtsstern {m} [religion] | :: Christmas star, Star of Bethlehem |
Weihnachtsstern {m} [decoration] | :: Advent star, Christmas star, Froebel star |
Weihnachtsstern {m} [botany] | :: poinsettia, Christmas flower |
Weihnachtstag {m} | :: one of the Twelve Days of Christmas |
Weihnachtstag {m} [Austria] | :: Christmas Day |
Weihnachtszeit {f} | :: Christmas season, Christmastime, Yuletide (The period from Advent Sunday through the end of the year; specifically the days before and after Christmas. In some regions, this period is extended through Epiphany.) |
Weihrauch {m} | :: frankincense |
Weihwasser {n} [Christianity] | :: holy water |
Weikendorf {prop} {n} | :: Weikendorf (municipality) |
weil {conj} | :: because, given that |
weiland {adv} [archaic or humorous] | :: once, in old times |
Weilbach {prop} {n} | :: Weilbach (municipality) |
Weilbach {prop} {n} | :: Weilbach (municipality) |
Weilchen {n} | :: diminutive of Weile |
Weile {f} | :: while |
weilen {vi} | :: To be, be present somewhere |
weilen {vi} | :: (= verweilen) To linger, spend time (in some temporary manner) at some place, with someone, or in some state |
Weiler {m} | :: hamlet |
Weiler {prop} {n} | :: Weiler (municipality) |
Weimar {prop} {n} | :: Weimar (city) |
Weimarer Republik {prop} {f} | :: the Weimar Republic |
weimern {v} | :: alternative form of wimmern |
Wein {m} | :: wine |
Weinbau {m} | :: winemaking, viniculture, viticulture |
Weinbeere {f} [archaic or regional] | :: grape (fruit) |
Weinberg {m} | :: vineyard |
Weinbergschnecke {f} | :: apple snail, escargot (edible snail from the genus Helix) |
Weinbrand {m} | :: brandy (drink made from distilled wine) |
Weinburg {prop} {n} | :: Weinburg (municipality) |
Weinburg {prop} {n} | :: A municipality in Lower Alsace |
weinen {v} | :: to weep, cry |
weinerlich {adj} | :: tearful, weepy, about to - or with a tendency to shed tears |
weinfarben {adj} | :: wine-coloured |
weinfarbig {adj} | :: wine-coloured |
Weinfass {n} | :: wine barrel / cask |
Weinfaß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Weinfass |
Weinflasche {f} | :: wine bottle |
weinfroh {adj} | :: tipsy (happy as a result of drinking wine) |
weinfröhlich {adj} | :: tipsy (happy as a result of drinking wine) |
Weingarten {m} | :: vineyard |
Weingeist {m} | :: ethanol, alcohol |
weingelb {adj} | :: Having a pale yellowish colour (as of some German wine) |
Weinglas {n} | :: wine glass |
Weingraben {prop} {n} | :: Weingraben (municipality) |
Weingummi {n} {m} | :: wine gum |
Weinhähnchen {n} | :: Italian tree cricket |
weinhaltig {adj} | :: winey (made from wine) |
Weinhaus {n} | :: wine house, a place where wine is served |
Weinheim {prop} {n} | :: Weinheim (town) |
Weinherstellung {f} | :: winemaking |
Weinitzen {prop} {n} | :: Weinitzen (municipality) |
Weinjahr {n} | :: vintage |
Weinkarte {f} | :: wine list |
Weinkeller {m} | :: wine cellar |
Weinkrampf {m} | :: crying fit |
Weinkunde {f} | :: oenology |
Weinkunde {f} [broad sense] | :: the study of wine in general (including cultivation, production, marketing, gastronomy, history, etc.) |
Weinkunde {f} [narrower sense] | :: the knowledge of wine that is relevant to cooks, waiters, and consumers (e.g. brands, tasting, gastronomic rules) |
Weinlese {f} | :: vintage, the harvesting of wine / grapes |
Weinrebe {f} | :: grapevine |
weinrot {adj} | :: burgundy, claret, reddish maroon (having the colour of red wine) |
weinsauer {adj} | :: tartaric (containing tartaric acid or tartrates) |
Weinsäure {f} [organic compound] | :: tartaric acid |
weinselig {adj} | :: tipsy (happy as a result of drinking wine) |
Weinstein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Weinstock {m} | :: grapevine |
Weinstube {f} | :: wine bar |
Weintraub {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Weintraube {f} | :: grape |
Weintraube {f} | :: bunch of grapes |
Weinwissenschaft {f} | :: oenology; the study of wine in general (including cultivation, production, marketing, gastronomy, history, etc.) |
weis {adv} | :: alternative form of weise |
-weise {suffix} | :: Used to form an adverb from a noun |
-weise {suffix} | :: Used to form an adverb from an adjective or participle together with the interfix -er- |
weise {adj} | :: wise |
Weise {f} | :: way, manner |
Weise {f} [music] | :: tune |
Weise {f} [grammar] | :: mode/mood (of verbs) |
Weise {f} [archaic, poetic] | :: a song that tells a story |
Weise {f} | :: feminine noun of Weiser |
Weisel {mf} | :: queen bee |
Weisel {mf} | :: queen ant |
weisen {vi} [rare] | :: to point |
weisen {vt} | :: to indicate; to show |
Weiser {m} | :: sage |
weisgemacht {v} | :: past participle of weismachen |
weisgesagt {v} [obsolete] | :: past participle of weissagen |
Weishaupt {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Weisheit {f} [uncountable] | :: wisdom |
Weisheit {f} | :: insight |
Weisheit {f} | :: wise saying, wise words |
Weisheitszahn {m} | :: wisdom tooth (rearmost molar in humans) |
weismachen {v} [with dative] | :: make believe |
weiss {adj} | :: alternative spelling of weiß |
Weiss {n} | :: alternative spelling of Weiß |
weiß {adj} | :: white |
Weiß {n} | :: white, whiteness |
Weiß {n} | :: powder, face powder |
Weiß {prop} | :: surname |
weissagen {v} | :: to predict, prophesy |
Weissager {m} | :: soothsayer, seer (male or of unspecified sex) |
Weissagung {f} | :: prophecy |
Weißarsenik {n} | :: white arsenic (arsenic trioxide) |
Weißbart-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: white-bearded antshrike |
Weißbier {n} | :: weissbier (Bavarian beer made from wheat) |
Weißbier {n} [dated or specialist] | :: one of a variety of other beers, such as Berliner Weiße |
Weißbinder {m} [Austria] | :: cooper |
Weißbinder {m} [regional] | :: painter (of houses, etc.) |
Weißbinderin {f} [Austria] | :: (female) cooper |
Weißbinderin {f} [regional] | :: (female) painter (of houses, etc.) |
Weißblech {n} | :: tinplate |
weißblütig {adj} | :: white-flowered |
Weißblütiges {n} | :: nominalization of weißblütiges: Something with white flowers (usually a plant) |
Weissbrot {n} | :: alternative spelling of Weißbrot |
Weißbrot {n} | :: white bread |
Weißbrust-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: great antshrike |
Weißbuch {n} | :: white paper |
Weißbüschelaffe {m} | :: common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus, a New World monkey |
weiß der Geier {phrase} | :: God knows, no one knows |
Weißdorn {m} | :: hawthorn (type of shrub) |
Weiße {f} | :: white (female) (woman/girl, female Caucasian person) |
Weiße {f} | :: one of a variety of beers, including the Bavarian weissbier, but especially the one called Berliner Weiße |
Weiße {f} | :: whiteness |
Weiße {m} [obsolete or dialectal] | :: alternative form of Weizen |
weißen {v} | :: to whiten |
Weißer {m} | :: white person (Caucasian person) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Weißer {m} [regional] | :: painter |
Weißer Zwerg {m} [astronomy] | :: white dwarf |
Weißes Haus {prop} {n} | :: White House (especially the official residence of the US President; presidency, administration and executive) |
weißfeldrig {adj} [chess] | :: light-square, pertaining to or situated on a light square |
Weißflügelpinguin {m} | :: white-flippered penguin |
Weißgerbung {f} | :: tanning (with alum) |
weißgesagt {v} | :: past participle of weißsagen |
weißglänzend {adj} | :: glossy-white |
weissglühend {adj} | :: alternative spelling of weißglühend |
weißglühend {adj} | :: white-hot |
weißglühend {adj} | :: glowing white |
weißglühend {adj} | :: incandescent |
weißglühender {adj} | :: comparative of weißglühend |
weißglühendsten {adj} | :: superlative of weißglühend |
Weißglut {f} | :: incandescence (white heat) |
Weißglut {f} [colloquial] | :: fury; violent anger |
Weißgold {n} | :: white gold |
weißgolden {adj} | :: whitish and golden |
Weißgoldring {m} | :: white gold ring |
weißgrau {adj} | :: whitish gray (a very bright shade of gray) |
Weißgrau {n} | :: whitish gray (a very bright shade of gray) |
weißhaarig {adj} | :: white-haired |
Weißkohl {m} | :: cabbage, white cabbage |
Weißkopfseeadler {m} | :: American eagle, bald eagle |
weißlich {adj} | :: whitish |
Weißmetall {n} | :: white metal |
Weißmündige Bänderschnecke {f} | :: white lipped snail |
Weißmuskelkrankheit {f} [pathology] | :: white muscle disease |
Weißnäherin {f} | :: seamstress |
Weißpigment {n} | :: white pigment |
Weißpriach {prop} {n} | :: Weißpriach (municipality) |
Weißpunktbuntbarsch {m} | :: alternative form of Weißpunkt-Buntbarsch |
Weißpunkt-Buntbarsch {m} | :: white spotted cichlid, Tropheus duboisi |
Weißrost {m} | :: white rust |
Weißrusse {m} | :: Belarusian (person) |
Weißrussin {f} | :: a female Belarusian |
weißrussisch {adj} | :: Belarusian |
Weißrussisch {prop} {n} | :: Belarusian language |
Weissrussland {prop} {n} | :: alternative spelling of Weiß |
Weißrussland {prop} {n} | :: Weißrussland (country) |
Weißrußland {prop} {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Weißrussland |
weißsagen {v} | :: obsolete spelling of weissagen |
Weissstorch {m} | :: alternative spelling of Weißstorch |
Weißstorch {m} | :: white stork [Ciconia ciconia] |
Weißtanne {f} | :: silver fir, European silver fir, Abies alba (large evergreen coniferous tree) |
weißte {contraction} | :: y'know; contraction of weißt du |
Weißwein {m} [beverage] | :: white wine (light-coloured wine (usually yellow with a hint of green)) |
Weisswurst {f} [Swiss] | :: weisswurst ("white sausage"); synonym of Weißwurst |
Weißwurst {f} | :: weisswurst ("white sausage"); a traditional Bavarian sausage made from veal and pork bacon |
Weißwurstäquator {m} [humorous] | :: The perceived cultural border between Bavaria and the rest of Germany |
Weisthum {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Weistum |
Weistrach {prop} {n} | :: Weistrach (municipality) |
Weistum {n} [medieval law] | :: legal sentence, award (chiefly regarding communities in rural areas with partially oral legal traditions) |
Weistum {n} [historical legal text] | :: written records on legal issues, legal customs and legal instructions (chiefly used in plural) |
weisungsbefugt {adj} | :: authorised to instruct |
weisungsberechtigt {adj} | :: authorised to instruct or to act |
weit {adj} | :: wide |
weit {adj} | :: large |
weit {adv} | :: far |
weitab {adv} | :: far away |
weitab {prep} | :: far away from |
weitaus {adv} | :: by far |
Weitblick {m} | :: farsightedness |
Weitblick {m} | :: foresight |
Weite {f} | :: width |
Weite {f} | :: distance |
weiten {vr} [to become wider] | :: to widen |
Weiten {prop} {n} | :: Weiten (municipality) |
weitentlegen {adj} | :: faraway |
weiter- {prefix} | :: A verb prefix indicating the continuation of an action; equivalent to (?) on |
weiter {adj} | :: comparative of weit |
weiter {adv} | :: comparative of weit |
weiter {adv} | :: further, farther, more |
weiter {adv} | :: on; expresses the continuation of an action |
weiter {interj} | :: go on |
weiter {interj} | :: next |
weiterbestehen {v} | :: to persist, linger, survive |
Weiterbildung {f} | :: further education |
Weiterentwicklung {f} | :: development |
Weiterentwicklung {f} | :: progression, advance |
weiteressen {vi} | :: to continue eating |
weiterexistieren {v} | :: to continue existing |
weiterfahren {v} | :: to continue driving |
weiterführen {v} | :: to continue |
weitergeben {v} | :: to impart (to communicate the knowledge of) |
weitergeben {v} | :: to pass on |
weitergegangen {v} | :: past participle of weitergehen |
weitergegeben {v} | :: past participle of weitergeben |
weitergegeben {adj} | :: forwarded |
weitergegeben {adj} | :: imparted |
weitergehen {v} | :: to proceed, progress, continue |
weitergehen {v} | :: to keep moving |
weitergeholfen {v} | :: past participle of weiterhelfen |
weiterhelfen {v} | :: to help along |
weiterhin {adv} [with a verb] | :: still |
weiterleben {v} | :: to live on, to continue to live, to survive |
weiterleiten {v} | :: to forward |
weiterleiten {v} | :: to redirect |
Weiterleitung {f} | :: forwarding |
Weiterleitung {f} | :: redirection |
weitermachen {v} | :: go on, keep going, continue to do something |
weiterreden {vi} | :: to continue speaking |
weiterreisen {v} | :: to continue travelling |
weitersagen {v} | :: to share [information by saying it], to pass on [a story, a piece of gossip, etc.] |
Weitersfeld {prop} {n} | :: Weitersfeld (municipality) |
Weitersfelden {prop} {n} | :: Weitersfelden (municipality) |
weiter so {phrase} | :: Keep it up |
weiterstudieren {v} | :: to continue one's studies |
weiterverarbeitet {v} | :: past participle of weiterverarbeiten |
weiterverarbeitet {adj} | :: processed |
Weiterverarbeitung {f} | :: processing |
weiterverbreiten {vt} | :: to spread (news, rumours etc.) |
weiterverkaufen {v} | :: to resell |
weiterverkauft {v} | :: past participle of weiterverkaufen |
weitesten {adj} | :: superlative of weit |
weitgehend {adj} | :: extensive |
weitgehend {adv} | :: to a large extent, largely, mostly, predominantly |
weither {adv} | :: afar |
weit hergeholt {adj} | :: far-fetched (rather unlikely; resting the truth of several unknowns) |
weithergeholt {adj} | :: alternative spelling of weit hergeholt |
weithin {adv} | :: widely |
weithin {adv} | :: largely |
Weitkamp {prop} | :: surname |
weitläufig {adj} | :: spacious, ample, expansive |
weitläufig {adj} | :: rambling, sprawling (larger than needed) |
Weitläufigkeit {f} | :: spaciousness |
Weitra {prop} {n} | :: Weitra (municipality) |
weiträumig {adj} | :: [large in expanse] spacious, roomy, ample |
weitreichend {adj} | :: far-reaching |
weitreichender {adj} | :: comparative of weitreichend |
weitreichendsten {adj} | :: superlative of weitreichend |
weitschweifig {adj} | :: verbose, wordy, prolix |
Weitschweifigkeit {f} | :: prolixity, verboseness, verbosity |
Weitsicht {f} | :: foresight |
weitsichtig {adj} [anatomy or figuratively] | :: farsighted |
Weitspringer {m} | :: long jumper |
Weitspringerin {f} | :: female long jumper |
Weitsprung {m} | :: long jump |
weit und breit {adv} | :: far and wide |
weitverbreitet {adj} | :: widespread |
Weitwinkel {n} | :: wide angle |
Weitwinkelobjektiv {n} | :: wide-angle lens |
Weiz {prop} {n} | :: Weiz (municipality) |
Weizen {m} | :: wheat |
Weizen {n} [colloquial] | :: clipping of Weizenbier |
Weizenbier {n} | :: wheat beer |
Weizenbrot {n} | :: wheat bread |
Weizenfeld {n} | :: wheatfield |
Weizenkeim {m} | :: wheat germ |
Weizenkeimöl {n} | :: wheat germ oil |
Weizenkorn {n} | :: wheat grain |
Weizenmehl {n} | :: wheat flour |
Weizenmischbrot {n} | :: mixed wheat / rye bread |
Weizenstärke {f} | :: starch made of wheat; wheat starch |
welche {pron} | :: some |
welcher {determiner} [interrogative] | :: which; what |
welcher {determiner} [relative, literary] | :: which |
welcher {pron} [interrogative] | :: which (one) |
welcher {pron} [relative, literary] | :: that; which; who; whom |
welk {adj} | :: wilted, faded |
welken {v} | :: to wither |
Wellblech {n} | :: corrugated iron |
Wellchen {n} | :: diminutive of Welle |
Welle {f} | :: wave |
Welle {f} | :: shaft (mechanical component) |
wellen {vtr} | :: to wave |
wellenförmig {adj} | :: wavy, undulating |
Wellenfunktion {f} | :: wavefunction |
Wellengleichung {f} [maths, physics] | :: wave equation |
Wellenlänge {f} | :: wavelength |
Wellenlängenbereich {m} | :: wavelength range |
Wellenleiter {m} | :: waveguide |
Wellenreiher {m} | :: Malayan night heron |
wellenreiten {v} [sports] | :: to surf |
Wellenreiten {n} | :: surfing, literally, "wave riding" |
Wellensittich {m} | :: budgerigar [Melopsittacus undulatus] |
Wellentheorie {f} [linguistics] | :: wave model; wave theory |
Welpchen {n} | :: diminutive of Welpe |
Welpe {m} | :: puppy (male or of unspecified sex) (young dog) |
Welpe {m} | :: cub (male or of unspecified sex) (young of several wild animals) |
Welplein {n} | :: diminutive of Welpe |
Wels {m} | :: wels catfish, Silurus glanis |
Wels {m} | :: catfish, any fish of the order Siluriformes |
welsch {adj} [Switzerland] | :: pertaining to the Romance-speaking areas and population of Switzerland |
welsch {adj} [dated, also pejorative] | :: pertaining to the Romance languages and their speakers in general, particularly French and Italians |
welsch {adj} [archaic] | :: foreign, not native |
welsch {adj} [archaic, also pejorative] | :: of non-Germanic words in German; so used, for example, by purists of the 19th and early 20th century |
welsch {adj} [archaic] | :: pertaining to Wales or the language Welsh |
Welscher {m} | :: Romance language speaker |
Welscher {m} [Swiss] | :: French native speaker |
Welschland {prop} {n} [Switzerland] | :: French-speaking Switzerland; Romandy |
Welschnofen {prop} {n} | :: Welschnofen (municipality) |
Welschschweiz {f} | :: Romandy, French-speaking Switzerland |
Welt {f} | :: world |
Weltall {n} | :: cosmos |
Weltall {n} | :: outer space; region beyond Earth’s atmosphere |
weltanschaulich {adj} | :: ideological |
Weltanschauung {f} | :: worldview, weltanschauung, philosophy of life, ideology |
Weltansicht {f} | :: way of viewing the things |
Weltausstellung {f} | :: World Exposition, World's fair, World Fair, Universal Exposition, Expo |
Weltbank {prop} {f} | :: World Bank |
weltbekannt {adj} | :: world-famous |
weltberühmt {adj} | :: world-famous |
Weltberühmtheit {f} [uncountable] | :: worldwide fame |
Weltberühmtheit {f} [countable] | :: world-famous person |
Weltbevölkerung {f} | :: global population |
Weltbild {n} | :: worldview |
weltbürgerlich {adj} | :: cosmopolitan (all senses) |
Welteninsel {f} [astronomy, rare] | :: galaxy |
Weltfrauentag {prop} {m} | :: International Women's Day |
weltfremd {adj} | :: unworldly |
weltfremd {adj} | :: cloistered |
Weltfrieden {m} | :: world peace, universal peace |
Weltgeist {m} | :: world spirit |
Weltgeschichte {f} | :: world history |
weltgeschichtlich {adj} | :: world-historical |
Weltgesundheitsorganisation {prop} {f} | :: World Health Organization |
weltgrößte {adj} | :: largest / greatest in the world |
Weltjahresförderung {f} | :: world annual production |
Weltjudentum {prop} {n} [pejorative, proscribed] | :: a global network of influential Jews that supposedly rules the world or aims at that |
Weltklima {n} | :: world climate |
weltklug {adj} | :: sophisticated |
Weltkreis {m} [formal] | :: world |
Weltkrieg {m} | :: world war |
Weltläufigkeit {f} | :: urbanity, refinement |
weltlich {adj} | :: earthly, mundane, worldly (concerned with the human, earthly, or physical) |
weltlich {adj} | :: profane (not sacred or holy), secular (not specifically religious), worldly (concerned with the secular rather than the sacred) |
Weltlichkeit {f} | :: worldliness |
Weltlichkeit {f} | :: secularism |
Weltmacht {f} | :: world power |
Weltmarkt {m} | :: global market |
Weltmarktpreis {m} | :: world market price |
Weltmeer {n} | :: ocean |
Weltmeister {m} | :: world champion |
weltmeisterlich {adj} | :: world-champion |
Weltmeisterschaft {f} | :: World Cup |
Weltmeisterschaft {f} | :: World Championship |
Weltmusik {f} | :: world music |
Weltnetz {n} | :: global network, world network |
Weltnetz {n} | :: the Net, the Internet or World Wide Web |
weltoffen {adj} | :: liberal-minded |
weltoffen {adj} | :: cosmopolitan |
Weltöffentlichkeit {f} | :: world / global public |
Weltordnung {f} [politics, philiosophy] | :: world order |
Weltpriester {m} | :: a secular priest |
Weltproduktion {f} | :: world production (of a commodity) |
Weltrangliste {f} [sports] | :: world rankings |
Weltraum {m} | :: space (area beyond the atmosphere of planets) |
Weltraumbahnhof {m} | :: spaceport |
Weltraumfähre {f} [space, NASA] | :: space shuttle |
Weltraummission {f} | :: space mission |
Weltraummüll {m} | :: space debris, space junk |
Weltraumschiff {n} | :: spaceship, spacecraft |
Weltraumschrott {m} | :: space debris, space junk |
Weltraumspaziergang {m} | :: space walk |
Weltraumstation {f} | :: space station |
Weltraumtechnik {m} | :: space technology |
Weltraumteleskop {n} [astronomy] | :: space telescope |
Weltreich {n} | :: world-empire; an empire comprising a great portion of the known world |
Weltreise {f} | :: round-the-world trip |
Weltrekord {m} [sports] | :: World record |
Weltreligion {f} | :: world religion |
Weltruhm {m} | :: worldwide fame |
Weltschmerz {m} | :: world-weariness; weltschmerz (profound depression regarding the human condition or the state of the world) |
Weltschmerz {m} [colloquial, often jocular] | :: causeless sadness; undue self-pity |
Weltsprache {f} | :: global language |
Weltsprache {f} | :: universal language |
Weltstadt {f} | :: metropolis, large city of international importance |
weltstädtisch {adj} | :: cosmopolitan |
Weltuntergang {m} | :: end of the world |
Weltverbesserer {m} | :: do-gooder |
weltverloren {adj} | :: lost to the world, oblivious |
weltweit {adj} | :: worldwide |
Weltwirtschaft {f} | :: world economy |
Weltwirtschaftskrise {f} | :: world-wide economic crisis |
Weltwunder {n} | :: world wonder [i.e. Wonders of the World] |
Weltzeituhr {f} | :: world clock |
Wembley-Tor {n} [soccer] | :: A ghost goal; an apparent goal in which it is not clear whether or not the ball crossed the line |
Wemfall {m} [grammar] | :: dative case |
Wende {f} | :: turn (change in temperament or circumstance) |
Wende {f} | :: turnaround (reversal of policy) |
Wende {f} [nautical] | :: tacking |
Wende {f} [with definite article, historical] | :: the process that opened the way to unification between the FRG and GDR to today's FRG |
Wende {m} | :: a member of a Slavic people from the borders of Germany and Poland; a Sorb; a Kashub |
Wendehals {m} | :: The Eurasian wryneck (Jynx torquilla) |
Wendehals {m} | :: An opportunist, a person with no principles |
Wendehals {m} [political] | :: A political opportunist after a regime change, particularly a communist in East Germany who switched to supporting capitalism after German reunification |
Wendel {f} | :: coil, spiral, helix |
Wendel {f} | :: bookmark |
Wendelin {prop} | :: given name |
Wendeltreppe {f} | :: spiral stairs, spiral staircase, circular stairs, helical stairs |
wenden {vt} | :: to turn something so as to cook or roast it from both sides |
wenden {vt} [chiefly literary] | :: to turn something (in general) |
wenden {vt} [literary, dated] | :: to avert; to curb |
wenden {vi} | :: to make a u-turn; to turn around one’s car or vehicle |
wenden {vr} [chiefly literary] | :: to turn around |
wenden {vr} [with an + accusative] | :: to turn to; to consult |
Wenden {prop} {n} | :: Wenden (town) in the Sauerland |
Wendepunkt {m} | :: turning point |
Wendepunkt {m} [mathematics] | :: inflection point |
wendig {adj} | :: agile |
wendig {adj} | :: flexible |
wendisch {adj} [dated or regional] | :: Sorbian; Wendish (referring to the native West Slavic-speaking population in parts of Saxony and Brandenburg) |
wendisch {adj} [historical] | :: referring to the Slavic tribes that settled west of the Oder (along the Elbe) or to their later linguistic remnants (outside of Sorbian areas until ca. 1700) |
wendisch {adj} [archaic] | :: Slavic in general |
Wendling {prop} {n} | :: surname |
Wendling {prop} {n} | :: Wendling (municipality) |
Wendorf {prop} {n} | :: Wendorf (municipality) |
Wendung {f} [change of direction, orientation or circumstances] | :: turn |
Wendung {f} [grammar] | :: expression, phrase |
Wenfall {m} [grammar] | :: accusative case |
Wengen {prop} {n} | :: Wengen (municipality) |
wenig {adj} | :: little, few (a small amount, a small number) |
weniger {adj} | :: less, fewer |
weniger {adv} | :: less |
weniger {adv} [mathematics] | :: minus |
weniger ist mehr {proverb} | :: less is more |
Wenigkeit {f} | :: paucity |
wenigstens {adv} | :: at least |
Wenigzell {prop} {n} | :: Wenigzell (municipality) |
wenn {conj} | :: when |
wenn {conj} | :: if (on the condition that) |
Wenn {n} [colloquial] | :: if |
wenn das Arbeiten nur leicht wäre, tät's der Bürgermeister selber {proverb} | :: "If working were easy, even the Mayor himself would engage on it" |
wenn das Aug nicht sehen will, helfen weder Brillen noch Licht {proverb} | :: "When the eye doesn’t want to see, neither glasses nor light will help" |
wenn der Berg nicht zum Propheten kommt, muss der Prophet wohl zum Berge kommen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain |
wenngleich {conj} | :: albeit (despite its being; although) |
wenn man vom Teufel spricht {phrase} | :: speak of the devil |
wenn man vom Teufel spricht, kommt er {phrase} [idiom] | :: speak of the devil and he shall appear |
wenn nicht {conj} | :: unless |
wenn Ostern und Pfingsten auf einen Tag fallen {adv} | :: when pigs fly (never, expressed idiomatically) |
wenn Ostern und Weihnachten auf einen Tag fallen {adv} | :: a cold day in July, when pigs fly (never, expressed idiomatically) |
wenns {contraction} | :: contraction of wenn es |
Wenns {prop} {n} | :: Wenns (municipality) |
wenn schon, denn schon {phrase} | :: if we do it, then let’s do it right; in for a penny, in for a pound |
wenns hoch kommt {adv} [chiefly colloquial] | :: at best; at most; maximally; typically expressing that something is insufficient or inadequate |
wenn überhaupt {adv} | :: if at all, if ever |
wenn überhaupt {adv} | :: if any |
Wenzel {prop} | :: given name |
Wenzel {prop} | :: surname |
Weppersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Weppersdorf (municipality) |
Wepse {m} | :: Veps (man of Veps origin) |
Wepsin {f} | :: Veps (woman of Veps origin) |
wepsisch {adj} | :: Veps (related to the Vepses or their language) |
Wepsisch {n} | :: Veps (the Veps language) |
wer {pron} [interrogative] | :: who (what person or people) |
wer {pron} [interrogative, colloquial] | :: what, which (one) (see usage notes) |
wer {pron} [relative] | :: whoever, he who, someone who, the person who, anyone who (whatever person or persons) |
wer {pron} [indefinite, colloquial] | :: somebody, someone; anybody, anyone (an unspecified person) |
wer alles haben will, bekommt am Ende nichts {proverb} | :: "He who wants to have everything, gets nothing in the end"; One cannot like everything and give equally to everyone, therefore must take sides and choose |
wer andern eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein {proverb} | :: he who digs a pit for others falls in himself |
wer A sagt, muss auch B sagen {proverb} | :: in for a penny, in for a pound |
Werbeartikel {m} | :: promotional item, promotional article, promotional product |
Werbebanner {m} | :: banner ad, ad banner |
werbefrei {adj} | :: advertisement-free |
werben {vt} | :: to recruit; to enlist |
werben {vi} [with für] | :: to promote, advertise |
werben {v} | :: to attract, to woo |
Werber {m} [colloquial] | :: advertising specialist |
Werber {m} [dated] | :: military recruiter |
Werber {m} [Austria, officialese] | :: applicant |
Werbespot {m} [advertisement] | :: spot, ad, commercial |
werbeträchtig {adj} | :: Having a great advertising effect |
Werbung {f} | :: promotion, solicitation, recruitment |
Werbung {f} | :: commercial advertisement |
Werck {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Werk |
Werdandi {prop} {f} [Norse mythology] | :: Verdandi |
Werdegang {m} | :: career |
Werdegang {m} | :: development |
werden {v} [auxiliary, with an infinitive, past participle geworden] | :: will; to be going (to do something); forms the future tense |
werden {v} [auxiliary, with a past participle, past participle worden] | :: to be done; forms the passive voice |
werden {vi} [past participle geworden] | :: to become; to get; to grow; to turn |
Werden {n} | :: becoming (coming into being) |
werdend {adj} | :: growing, developing, nascent |
werdende Mutter {f} | :: mother-to-be |
wer den Schaden hat, braucht für den Spott nicht zu sorgen {proverb} | :: when something bad happens to you, expect people to mock you on top of that |
Werder {m} | :: eyot |
Werder {m} | :: holm |
Werder {prop} | :: any of several places in Germany and elsewhere |
wer dreimal durch die Prüfung fällt, bekommt ein gelbes Nummernschild {phrase} [humorous, somewhat, derogatory] | :: Used to poke fun at Dutch car drivers; literally: If you fail your driving test three times, you get a yellow number plate |
Werfall {m} [grammar] | :: nominative case |
werfen {vti} | :: to throw |
werfen {vt} [computing, exception handling] | :: to throw |
werfen {vt} | :: To cast; to project |
werfen {vti} | :: to give birth [of some animals] |
werfen {vr} | :: to throw oneself (on a bed etc.) |
Werfen {prop} {n} | :: Werfen (municipality) |
Werfenweng {prop} {n} | :: Werfenweng (municipality) |
Werfer {m} | :: thrower |
Werft {f} | :: shipyard (place where ships are built and repaired) |
Werg {n} | :: tow |
Wergeld {n} | :: wergeld |
wergen {adj} | :: hempen |
wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll nicht mit Steinen werfen {proverb} | :: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones |
Werk {n} | :: work, achievement (the result of working) |
Werk {n} | :: work, piece (of art, literature, or the like) |
Werk {n} | :: factory, plant, works |
Werk {n} [religion] | :: work (morally relevant deed) |
Werk {n} [archaic, except in compounds] | :: labour, work (the occupation or process of working) |
werkeln {v} | :: to potter around, to potter about |
werkeln {v} | :: [Southern Germany, Austria] to be busy (particularly when doing something by hand), to work |
werken {v} [colloquial or obsolete] | :: to work, to work hard |
Werken {n} | :: handicraft(s) |
Werker {m} | :: Worker |
Werkküche {f} [DDR] | :: canteen (place to eat) |
Werkstatt {f} | :: workshop (room where things are manufactured) |
Werkstoff {m} | :: material (raw) |
Werkstoffkunde {f} | :: materials science |
Werkstofftechnik {f} | :: materials technology |
Werkstube {f} | :: workroom |
Werkstück {n} | :: workpiece |
Werktag {m} | :: working day (day of a week in which work is done; usually Monday to Saturday) |
werktags {adv} | :: on weekdays |
Werkzeug {n} [countable] | :: tool |
Werkzeug {n} [uncountable] | :: tools |
Werkzeuggebrauch {m} | :: tool use |
Werkzeugstahl {m} | :: tool steel |
Wermelskirchen {prop} {n} | :: Wermelskirchen (city) |
wer mit dem Teufel frühstücken will, muss einen großen Löffel haben {proverb} | :: "he who wants to breakfast with the devil should have a big spoon" |
Wermut {m} | :: vermouth |
Wermut {m} | :: wormwood |
Werndorf {prop} {n} | :: Werndorf (municipality) |
Werner {prop} | :: given name popular in Germany since the Middle Ages |
Werner {prop} | :: surname |
wer nichts Gutes tut, tut schon Böses genug {proverb} | :: "He who does nothing good has already done enough evil" |
wer nicht wagt, der nicht gewinnt {proverb} | :: nothing ventured, nothing gained |
Wernicke {prop} | :: surname |
wer nie sein Brot im Bette aß, weiß nicht, wie Krümel piken {phrase} [idiom] | :: one must experience something to understand its meaning |
wer rastet, der rostet {proverb} | :: you snooze, you lose: if one becomes inactive, lazy or left behind once, then one will find it all the more difficult to become active, productive or progressive again |
wers {contraction} | :: contraction of wer es |
wer's glaubt, wird selig {phrase} | :: likely story [response of disbelief] |
wer sich zum Schaf macht, wird von den Wölfen gefressen {proverb} | :: "He who wants to be a sheep, will be eaten by wolves" |
Werst {f} [historical, often in translated Russian literature] | :: verst (old Russian unit of length, roughly equivalent to a kilometre) |
-wert {suffix} | :: -worthy |
wert {adj} [with accusative] | :: worth something, worthy of something |
wert {adj} [formal, with genitive] | :: worthy of someone |
wert {adj} [formal] | :: dear |
Wert {m} | :: worth |
Wert {m} | :: value |
Wertbegriff {m} | :: concept of value |
wertbeständig {adj} | :: stable (in value) |
Wertbeständigkeit {f} | :: stability of value |
werten {vt} | :: to rate |
werten {vt} [sport] | :: to rate |
werten {vt} [schools] | :: to grade |
wertfrei {adj} | :: value-free |
wertfrei {adj} | :: nonjudgmental |
Werthurtheil {?} | :: obsolete spelling of Werturteil |
werthvoll {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of wertvoll |
-wertig {suffix} [chemistry] | :: valent |
wertig {adj} | :: high-quality |
wertig {adj} | :: valent |
Wertigkeit {f} [chemistry] | :: valence |
Wertigkeit {f} [linguistics] | :: valency |
Wertigkeit {f} | :: quality, value |
Wertkonflikt {m} | :: conflict of values |
wertkonservativ {adj} | :: Having conservative values |
wertlos {adj} | :: worthless |
Wertpapier {n} [finance] | :: security (e.g. negotiable instruments, stocks, bonds, or other financial assets.) |
Wertpapierkennnummer {f} [finance] | :: securities identification number |
Wertrationalität {f} | :: wertrationalität (rationality in accordance with moral demands instead of organizational and technical demands) |
Wertschätzung {f} | :: appreciation, esteem, high regard |
Wertschätzung {f} | :: appraisal, estimation, valuation |
Wertstoff {m} | :: recyclable material |
Wertung {f} [sports] | :: rating, score |
Wertung {f} | :: assessment, evaluation, grading |
Werturteil {n} | :: judgement of value |
wertvoll {adj} | :: valuable |
werweissen {v} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] | :: to speculate, to guess, to take a shot in the dark; to be (still) undecided, hesitating, unsure; to ask oneself (what to do) |
wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten {proverb} | :: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind |
Werwolf {m} | :: werewolf |
wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst {proverb} | :: first come, first served |
wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing {proverb} | :: who pays the piper calls the tune |
-wesen {suffix} | :: area of human activity |
Wesen {n} | :: being |
Wesen {n} | :: creature |
Wesen {n} | :: essence, substance |
Wesen {n} | :: character |
wesensgleich {adj} | :: identical in nature |
wesensgleich {adj} [theology] | :: consubstantial |
Wesensmerkmal {n} | :: (essential) characteristic |
Wesenszug {m} | :: trait, characteristic |
wesentlich {adj} | :: significant |
wesentlich {adj} | :: essential |
wesentlich {adj} | :: principal |
wesentlich {adj} | :: crucial |
Wesentliche {n} | :: gist |
Weser {prop} {f} | :: Weser (river) |
weserisch {adj} | :: of, located by or pertaining to the river Weser |
Wesfall {m} [grammar] | :: genitive case |
weshalb {adv} [interrogative] | :: why |
weshalb {adv} [relative] | :: which is why |
Wespe {f} | :: wasp (insect) |
Wespennest {n} | :: wasp's nest |
Wespenstachel {m} [zoology] | :: a wasp's stinger |
Wespentaille {f} | :: a wasp waist |
Wessenfall {m} [grammar] | :: genitive case |
wessentwegen {adv} [formal, dated] | :: because of whom |
Wessi {m} | :: a person from West Germany, used to distinguish them from a person from East Germany |
West {m} | :: the west (used without article; a short form of Westen) |
West {m} | :: a wind coming from the west (used with article) |
Westafrika {prop} {n} | :: West Africa |
westafrikanisch {adj} | :: West African |
westarmenisch {adj} | :: Western Armenian (related to the Western Armenian language or to the Western part of Armenia) |
Westarmenisch {n} | :: Western Armenian (the Western Armenian language) |
Westasien {prop} {n} | :: Western Asia |
westdeutsch {adj} | :: western German; from or pertaining to western Germany or the people, the culture or the dialects of this region |
westdeutsch {adj} | :: West German; from or pertaining to West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany, during the period from 1949 to 1990) |
Westdeutschland {prop} {n} | :: Western Germany |
Westdeutschland {prop} {n} | :: The states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland |
Westdeutschland {prop} {n} | :: The above plus Bremen and western parts of Lower Saxony, Hesse, and Baden-Württemberg (perhaps roughly on a line from the mouth of the Elbe to Lake Constance) |
Westdeutschland {prop} {n} [historical] | :: West Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany in its territories between 1949 and 1990, often including West Berlin (which was not officially part of it) |
Westdwina {prop} {f} [chiefly in translations of Slavic-language works or works written with an emphasis on Slavic perspectives] | :: the Duna, the Daugava (river in eastern Europe) |
Weste {f} | :: waistcoat, vest (usually sleeveless garment worn over a shirt) |
westelbisch {adj} | :: on the west side of the Elbe; West Elbian |
Westen {m} | :: west |
Westen {m} [only with definite article] | :: The area of Western Germany, i.e. those territories which were never part of the GDR |
Westerland {prop} | :: Westerland (city) |
Western {m} | :: western (film genre) |
Westerwald {prop} {m} | :: Westerwald, a low mountain range in western Germany |
Westeuropa {prop} {n} | :: Western Europe |
westeuropäisch {adj} | :: Western European |
Westfalen {prop} {n} | :: Westfalen (region) |
westfälisch {adj} | :: Westphalian |
westfriesisch {adj} | :: West Frisian |
Westfriesisch {prop} {n} | :: West Frisian (language) |
westgermanisch {adj} | :: West Germanic |
westindische Elefantenlaus {f} | :: Anacardium occidentale, cashew-nut |
westindische Elephantenlaus {f} | :: archaic spelling of westindische Elefantenlaus |
westjiddisch {adj} | :: West Yiddish |
Westjordanland {prop} {n} | :: West Bank (territory) |
westl. {adj} | :: abbreviation of westlich |
Westler {m} [sporadic] | :: Westerner, a person from the western world |
Westler {m} [rare] | :: a person from former West Germany |
westlich {adj} | :: west, western |
Westlicher Fettschwanzmaki {m} | :: fat-tailed dwarf lemur, Cheirogaleus medius |
Westmark {f} [historical] | :: Deutschmark [currency of West Germany] |
westmitteldeutsch {adj} | :: West Central German (of or pertaining to the Central High German dialects of western central Germany) |
westoberdeutsch {adj} | :: West Upper German |
westösterreichisch {adj} | :: West Austrian |
westrheinisch {adj} | :: on the west (thus: left) side of the Rhine |
Westsahara {prop} {f} | :: Western Sahara |
westslawisch {adj} | :: West Slavic |
Westware {f} [historical, East Germany] | :: western product |
westwärts {adv} | :: westward, westwards (towards the west) |
Westwerk {n} [architecture] | :: westwork (structure at the west end of some churches) |
westweserisch {adj} [very rare] | :: on the west side of the river Weser |
Westwind {m} | :: west wind |
weswegen {adv} | :: why, for what reason |
wett {adj} [archaic] | :: even, quits |
Wettbewerb {m} | :: competition (contest for a prize or award) |
Wettbewerber {m} | :: competitor |
wettbewerbsfähig {adj} | :: competitive |
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit {f} | :: competitiveness |
wettbewerbsverzerrend {adj} | :: distorting the conditions of (economic) competition |
Wettbewerbsverzerrung {f} | :: unfair competition, distortion of competition, distortion of normal trade conditions |
wettbewerbswidrig {adj} | :: anticompetitive |
Wette {f} | :: bet |
wetteifern {v} | :: to vie |
wetten {v} | :: to bet |
Wetter {n} | :: weather |
Wetter {n} | :: storm |
Wetter {prop} | :: a town in Hessen in Germany |
Wetter {prop} | :: Wetter (town) |
Wetteraukreis {prop} | :: Wetteraukreis (district) |
wetterbedingt {adj} | :: caused ny the weather |
Wetterbericht {m} | :: weather report |
Wetterfahne {f} | :: weather vane, weathervane |
wetterfühlig {adj} | :: weather-sensitive |
Wetterglas {n} | :: The Goethe barometer |
Wetterhahn {m} | :: weathercock |
Wetterlage {f} | :: atmospheric conditions, weather conditions |
Wetterleuchten {n} | :: sheet lightning |
Wetterregel {f} | :: a weatherlore saying |
Wettervorhersage {f} | :: weather forecast |
wettgemacht {v} | :: past participle of wettmachen |
Wettkampf {m} | :: contest (competition) |
Wettkämpfer {m} | :: competitor |
Wettkämpferin {f} | :: a female competitor |
Wettlauf {m} | :: a race - a contest between running people |
Wettliste {f} | :: record of betting |
Wettliste {f} | :: booking |
wettmachen {v} | :: to make up for, to make good |
Wettmannstätten {prop} {n} | :: Wettmannstätten (municipality) |
Wettrüsten {n} | :: arms race |
Wettstreit {m} | :: competition (the act of competing or a situation characterised by it) |
Wettstreit {m} [rare] | :: contest; match; an organised competition |
wetzen {v} | :: to whet, to sharpen |
Wetzstein {m} | :: sharpening stone, whetstone |
wg. {prep} | :: abbreviation of wegen |
Wg. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Wagen |
Wg. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Waggon |
WG {f} | :: flatshare [UK]; living community, group of people sharing an apartment |
wgm. {adj} | :: abbreviation of westgermanisch |
Whatsapp {prop} {f} [internet] | |
Whg. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Wohnung |
Whgn. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Wohnungen |
Whirlpool {m} | :: jacuzzi, hot tub |
Whisky {m} | :: whisky (alcoholic drink) |
Whiteboard {n} | :: whiteboard (white large vertical writing area) |
Whitneyit {m} [mineral] | :: whitneyite |
Wholecar {n} [slang] | :: A piece of graffiti that covers an entire train carriage |
wibbeln {v} [of people or animals] | :: to move in a swift or uncontrolled (but not aggressive) way: to whirl, to twirl, to thrash, to scramble, to jumble, to swarm, etc |
Wiberg {prop} | :: surname |
Wibke {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Wiebke |
Wichse {f} [dated] | :: polish, especially shoe polish |
Wichse {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: cum (semen) |
wichsen {vt} [dated] | :: to wax [an object in order to polish it] |
wichsen {vt} [dated] | :: to beat; to hit; to pound |
wichsen {vi} [vulgar] | :: to masturbate; to wank; to toss off; to manually stimulate the sexual organs |
Wichser {m} [vulgar] | :: wanker, jerk, tosser (i.e., a habitual masturbator) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Wichser {m} | :: An annoying, irritating or despised person; asshole, bastard, tosspot, motherfucker, fuck. (male or of unspecified sex) |
Wichser {m} [regional, obsolete] | :: shoeshiner (a person who cleans, buffs and then applies a waxy paste (polish) to shoes) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Wichsvorlage {f} | :: Masturbation material, for stimulation |
Wicht {m} {n} | :: a small creature, particularly a goblin, sprite, leprechaun, kobold |
Wicht {m} {n} [of a child, mildly, pejorative] | :: a cheeky one; a rascal |
Wicht {m} {n} [of an adult, more pejorative] | :: one who is mean but unimportant |
Wicht {n} [archaic, dialectal, northern and western Germany, not pejorative] | :: a child or young person, chiefly and in some regions exclusively: a girl |
Wicht {f} [rare, dated] | :: specific weight |
Wichte {f} | :: specific weight |
Wichtel {m} [folklore, fantasy] | :: A gnome, dwarf (small industrious creature, often looking like an old man) |
Wichtel {m} | :: A secret Santa (person who gives one an anonymous gift) |
wichteln {v} | :: to exchange secret Santa gifts |
Wichteln {n} | :: secret Santa |
wichtig {adj} | :: important, relevant, significant, weighty |
wichtiger {adj} | :: comparative of wichtig |
Wichtigkeit {f} | :: importance, significance, momentousness |
wichtigmachen {vr} | :: to put on airs |
Wichtigmacher {m} | :: synonym of Wichtigtuer |
wichtigsten {adj} | :: superlative of wichtig |
Wichtigtuer {m} | :: stuffed shirt, pompous ass [US] / pompous git [UK] (male or of unspecified sex) |
wichtigtun {v} [colloquial] | :: to act self-important |
Wicke {f} | :: vetch (Vicia gen. et spp.) |
Wicke {f} [obsolete] | :: something worthless, a bugger |
Wicke {f} [regional, colloquial] | :: state of failure, wreckedness, only in the following constructions: |
Wicke {f} | :: alternative form of Wieche |
Wickelbär {m} | :: kinkajou |
Wickelkind {n} | :: baby in diapers/nappies, swaddling child |
Wickelkind {n} | :: sissy |
wickeln {v} | :: to wrap |
Wickelraum {m} | :: babies’ changing room, baby change (a room in public buildings and in some means of public transport such as passenger trains in which parents can change their infant’s diaper/nappy) |
Wickeltisch {m} | :: changing table |
Wickleder {prop} | :: surname |
Wicklung {f} | :: coil, winding |
Widder {m} | :: ram (male sheep) |
Widder {m} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Aries (constellation and astrological sign) |
wider- {prefix} | :: against, contrary to, contra- |
wider {prep} | :: against |
widerborstig {adj} | :: rebellious, unruly, recalcitrant, obstinate, unmanageable |
widerfahren {v} [formal, with dative] | :: to befall, to happen to |
widergesetzlich {adj} | :: unlawful, illegal |
Widerhaken {m} [of a fishhook, etc.] | :: barb |
Widerhall {m} | :: echo, repercussion |
Widerhall {m} | :: response |
widerhallen {v} | :: to echo |
widerlegbar {adj} | :: refutable |
Widerlegbarkeit {f} | :: refutability, falsifiability, disprovability |
widerlegen {v} | :: to disprove, to refute |
Widerlegung {f} | :: refutation |
widerlich {adj} | :: disgusting |
widerlich {adv} | :: disgustingly, distastefully, abhorrently, detestably |
Widerlichkeit {f} | :: repulsiveness |
Widerling {m} | :: sleazebag |
widernatürlich {adj} | :: contrary to nature, especially (though not exclusively) of sexual behaviour; perverse; degenerate; abnormal; unnatural |
widernatürliche Unzucht {f} [also, law, now abolished] | :: sodomy; a form of sexual intercourse considered perverse and unnatural, especially zoophilia and anal sex |
Widerpart {m} | :: opponent |
Widerpart {m} | :: adversary |
widerrechtlich {adj} | :: unlawful, illegal |
Widerrede {f} | :: backtalk |
widerreden {v} | :: to talk back |
Widerruf {m} | :: revocation, cancellation |
widerrufen {vt} | :: To revoke, rescind, cancel |
widerruflich {adj} | :: revocable |
Widerrufsrecht {n} [legal] | :: revocation |
Widersacher {m} | :: adversary |
Widerschein {m} | :: reflection |
Widersinn {m} | :: misinterpretation, countersense |
Widersinn {m} | :: inconsistency, contradiction |
Widersinn {m} | :: nonsense, absurdity |
widersinnig {adj} | :: nonsensical, absurd |
widerspenstig {adj} | :: recalcitrant, renitent, rebellious, unruly, wayward, obstinate, unmanageable |
Widerspenstigkeit {f} | :: recalcitrance |
widerspiegeln {v} | :: To reflect |
widerspiegeln {v} | :: To mirror |
Widerspiel {n} | :: interplay |
Widerspiel {n} | :: opposite |
widersprechen {v} | :: to object |
widersprechen {v} | :: to contradict |
widersprechen {vr} | :: to be contradictory |
Widerspruch {m} | :: objection, protest |
Widerspruch {m} | :: contradiction |
widersprüchlich {adj} | :: contradictory |
widersprüchlich {adj} | :: conflicting |
widersprüchlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of widersprüchlich |
widerspruchsfrei {adj} | :: consistent |
Widerspruchsfreiheit {f} | :: consistency |
widerspruchslos {adj} | :: unopposed |
Widerstand {m} | :: resistance (act of resisting, or the capacity to resist) |
Widerstand {m} | :: resistance (physics: force that tends to oppose motion) |
Widerstand {m} | :: resistance (physics: opposition of a body to the flow of current) |
Widerstand {m} | :: resistance (sociology/history: An underground organization engaged in a struggle for liberation from forceful occupation) |
Widerstand {m} | :: resistor (electronic component) |
widerstandsfähig {adj} | :: resistant, resilient, tough |
widerstandsfähiger {adj} | :: comparative of widerstandsfähig |
Widerstandsfähigkeit {f} | :: resilience, robustness |
Widerstandsfähigkeit {f} | :: resistance |
widerstandsfähigsten {adj} | :: superlative of widerstandsfähig |
Widerstandskämpfer {m} | :: resistor, (person who fights to resist against something) |
widerstandslos {adj} | :: unresisting, passive |
widerstehen {v} | :: to withstand, to resist |
widerstrebt {v} | :: past participle of widerstreben |
widerwärtig {adj} | :: distasteful |
Widerwärtigkeit {f} | :: distastefulness |
Widerwille {m} | :: reluctance |
Widerwillen {m} | :: alternative form of Widerwille |
widerwillig {adj} | :: reluctant, unwilling, loth |
widerwillig {adv} | :: unwillingly |
Widerwort {n} [mostly used in the plural] | :: rebuttal |
Widerwort {n} [mostly used in the plural] | :: backtalk |
Widmannstädter {prop} | :: surname |
widmen {vt} | :: to dedicate |
widmen {vr} [+dative] | :: to attend to |
Widmung {f} | :: dedication |
widrig {adj} | :: adverse |
Widrigkeit {f} | :: adversity (adverse event) |
Widrigkeit {f} [chiefly in compounds] | :: the state of being contrary to |
wie {adv} | :: how |
wie {conj} | :: like |
wie {conj} | :: as |
wie {conj} [colloquial, nonstandard] | :: than |
wie {conj} [chiefly colloquial] | :: when [referring to the past] |
wie alt bist du {phrase} | :: how old are you |
wie am Schnürchen {prep} [idiom] | :: just as planned; without a problem; like clockwork |
wie aus Eimern schütten {v} [idiom] | :: to rain cats and dogs |
wie bitte {phrase} | :: sorry?, pardon?, come again?, excuse me?, I beg your pardon? (used to ask someone to repeat something one hasn’t understood) |
Wiebke {prop} | :: given name |
Wieche {f} [obsolete] | :: wisp, strand of fibres |
Wieche {f} [obsolete] | :: wick, fuse, cord |
Wieche {f} [obsolete, medicine] | :: specifically, a twist of lint for holding a wound open |
Wiedehopf {m} | :: hoopoe (bird Upupa epops) |
wie dem auch sei {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: be that as it may, however, howbeit, however that may be |
wie dem auch sei {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: anyway (Often used to mark the end of the current topic before starting a new topic.) |
wieder- {prefix} | :: A prefix similar to re-, indicating repetition |
wieder {adv} | :: again |
Wiederannäherung {f} | :: rapprochement |
Wiederaufarbeitung {f} | :: nuclear reprocessing |
Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage {f} | :: nuclear reprocessing plant |
Wiederaufbau {m} | :: reconstruction, rebuilding |
Wiederaufbau {m} | :: redevelopment |
wiederauferstehen {v} | :: to be resurrected; to rise from the dead |
Wiederauferstehung {f} [religion] | :: resurrection |
wiederaufgefüllt {v} | :: past participle of wiederaufgefüllen - replenished, restocked |
wiederaufladbar {adj} | :: rechargeable |
Wiederaufnahme {f} | :: resumption, revival |
Wiederaufnahme {f} | :: renewal |
Wiederaufnahme {f} | :: readmission |
wiederbeleben {v} | :: to revive, to resuscitate |
wiederbelebt {v} | :: past participle of wiederbeleben |
Wiederbelebung {f} [medicine] | :: reanimation |
Wiederbelebung {f} | :: revival |
Wiedereinführung {f} | :: reintroduction (of something, eg a product or tax) |
Wiedereingliederung {f} | :: reintegration |
wiedereintrittsfähig {adj} [computing] | :: reentrant |
wiederentdecken {v} | :: to rediscover |
wiederentdeckt {v} | :: past participle of wiederentdecken |
wiederentdeckt {adj} | :: rediscovered |
Wiederentdeckung {f} | :: rediscovery |
wiedererkennen {vt} | :: to recognize |
wiederfinden {v} | :: to find again |
Wiedergabe {f} | :: rendition |
Wiedergabe {f} | :: render |
Wiedergabe {f} | :: playback |
wiedergeben {v} | :: To echo |
wiedergeben {v} | :: To render, portray, reproduce |
wiedergeboren {adj} | :: reincarnated |
wiedergeboren {adj} | :: born-again |
Wiedergeburt {f} | :: rebirth, reincarnation |
wiedergegeben {v} | :: past participle of wiedergeben |
wiedergegeben {adj} | :: reproduced, rendered, portrayed |
wiedergekäut {v} | :: past participle of wiederkäuen |
wiedergekommen {v} | :: past participle of wiederkommen |
wiedergewählt {v} | :: past participle of wiederwählen |
wiedergewinnen {v} | :: to regain, salvage |
wiedergewinnen {v} | :: to retrieve, reclaim, recover |
Wiedergewinnung {f} | :: recovery, retrieval |
Wiedergewinnung {f} | :: recycling |
wiedergewonnen {v} | :: past participle of wiedergewinnen |
wiedergewonnen {adj} | :: reclaimed, recovered, salvaged |
wiedergewonnen {adj} | :: regained |
wiedergutgemacht {v} | :: past participle of wiedergutmachen |
wiedergutmachen {v} | :: to repair, to recompense, to make up for |
Wiedergutmachung {f} | :: amends, compensation, remediation, reparation |
Wiedergutmachung {f} | :: After World War II, the term often refers to the reparations that the German government agreed to pay in 1953 to the direct survivors of the Holocaust, and to those who were made to work as forced labour or who otherwise became victims of the Nazis. See the citation page for examples |
wiederhergestellt {v} | :: past participle of wiederherstellen |
wiederherstellen {v} | :: to restore |
wiederherstellen {v} | :: to recreate |
wiederherstellend {adj} | :: restoring, restorative, reconstructive |
Wiederherstellung {f} | :: recovery |
Wiederherstellung {f} | :: restoration, renewal |
wiederholen {vti} | :: to repeat (to do or say again) |
wiederholen {vti} | :: to recapitulate (to summarize or repeat in concise form) |
wiederholen {vti} | :: to revise, review, study (look over again (something previously written or learned)) |
wiederholen {vti} | :: to play again, replay (to perform in (a sport) or participate in (a game) again) |
wiederholen {vt} | :: to retake (to take or do (an exam, penalty shot, etc.) again; to photograph or film again) |
wiederholen {vr} | :: to repeat oneself (to say again what one has said) |
wiederholen {vr} | :: to recur, repeat itself (to happen again) |
wiederholt {adv} | :: repeatedly |
Wiederholung {f} | :: repetition |
Wiederholungstäter {m} | :: repeat offender |
Wiederhören {n} | :: hearing again; an instance of hearing someone’s or each other’s voice again |
Wiederhören {interj} | :: alternative form of auf Wiederhören |
wiederkäuen {v} | :: to ruminate; to chew the cud |
Wiederkäuer {m} | :: ruminant (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud) |
Wiederkehr {f} | :: return |
wiederkehren {v} | :: to go back, return |
wiederkommen {v} | :: to return, to come back, to come again |
Wiederkunft {f} [religion] | :: second coming |
wiedersehen {vtr} | :: to see again, to meet again |
Wiedersehen {n} | :: reunion; seeing again; instance of seeing someone or each other again |
Wiedersehen {interj} | :: alternative form of auf Wiedersehen |
Wiedertaufe {f} | :: rebaptism |
wiedertaufen {v} | :: to rebaptize |
wie der Teufel das Weihwasser {adv} [simile] | :: solicitously; with horror; like the plague |
wiederum {adv} | :: again, in turn |
wiederumb {adv} | :: obsolete form of wiederum |
wie der Vater, so der Sohn {proverb} | :: like father, like son |
Wiedervereinigung {f} | :: reunification |
wiederverkäuflich {adj} | :: resaleable |
wiederverwendbar {adj} | :: reusable |
Wiederverwendbarkeit {f} | :: reusability |
Wiederverwendung {f} | :: reuse, recycling, reutilization |
wiederverwerten {vt} | :: to recycle |
wiederverwertet {v} | :: past participle of wiederverwerten |
Wiederverwertung {f} | :: reuse, recycling |
Wiedervorlage {f} | :: resubmission; the act of handing in a document again |
Wiedervorlage {f} [loosely] | :: a file in an office where documents are kept on hold for resubmission, especially by a secretary |
Wiedervorlage {f} [figurative, chiefly working environment] | :: used to imply that something is not currently dealt with but will be, or might be, in the future; backburner |
Wiederwahl {f} | :: re-election, reelection |
wiederwählen {v} | :: to reelect |
wie die Faust aufs Auge passen {v} [simile] | :: to not fit together at all |
wie die Faust aufs Auge passen {v} [simile] | :: to not fit together well |
wie die Ölsardinen {idiom} [simile] | :: packed like sardines [literally: like the sardines in oil] |
wie du mir, so ich dir {proverb} [literally] | :: tit for tat, two can play that game ( As you to me, so I to you.) |
wie ein Blitz aus heiterem Himmel {prep} [idiom] | :: like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue |
wie ein Fisch im Wasser {adv} | :: in one's element; at home |
wie ein Fisch im Wasser {adv} [of health, contentment, etc.] | :: as it should be; perfectly |
wie ein Grab schweigen {v} [simile] | :: to be as silent as the grave, to say absolutely nothing (about a particular subject) |
wie ein Ja und ein Amen {adv} | :: obediently; submissively; uncritically; concordantly; unanimously; eagerly |
wie Espenlaub zittern {v} [idiomatic] | :: to shake like a leaf |
Wiege {f} | :: cradle |
Wiege {f} [figuratively] | :: infancy, origin |
Wiege {f} | :: rocking blotter, blotting-paper rocker |
wie geht es {phrase} [colloquial] | :: literally "how goes it?", how are you, often abbreviated to wie geht's? |
wie geht es dir {phrase} | :: (informal singular) how are you, often abbreviated to wie geht's? |
wie geht es euch {phrase} | :: (informal plural) how are you |
wie geht es Ihnen {phrase} | :: (formal singular) how are you |
wie geht's {phrase} [colloquial] | :: how are you? |
wie gehts {phrase} [colloquial] | :: how are you, what's up |
wiegeln {v} [regional] | :: to rock, sway in a crib |
wiegeln {v} [archaic] | :: to agitate, incite |
wiegen {vt} | :: to weigh; to measure the weight of; to balance |
wiegen {vir} | :: to weigh; to be of a certain weight |
wiegen {vtr} | :: to move (something) from side to side; to sway; to shake; to rock |
wiegen {vt} | :: to chop (e.g. herbs); to mince |
wiegend {adj} | :: swaying |
wiegend {adj} | :: weighing, cradling |
Wiegendruck {m} | :: incunabulum, incunable |
Wiegenlied {n} | :: lullaby (soothing song to lull children to sleep) |
wie gewonnen, so zerronnen {idiom} | :: easy come, easy go |
wie Gott ihn schuf {adv} | :: For non-idiomatic uses, see the individual lemmas |
wie Gott ihn schuf {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in his birthday suit (naked) |
wie heißen Sie {phrase} | :: what is your name (formal) |
wie heißt du {phrase} | :: what is your name (casual) |
wiehern {v} | :: to neigh, to whinny, to nicker (sound of a horse) |
wiehern {v} [colloquial] | :: to laugh audibly |
wie isses {phrase} | :: pronunciation spelling of wie ist es |
wie ist das Wetter {phrase} | :: how's the weather |
wie ist es {phrase} [colloquial, somewhat, regional, especially, western Germany] | :: how are you?; how are things going? |
wie Kastor und Pollux sein {v} [idiom] | :: to be very close friends |
wie komme ich {phrase} | :: how do I get to |
wie komme ich zum Bahnhof {phrase} | :: how do I get to the train station |
wie komme ich zum Busbahnhof {phrase} | :: how do I get to the bus station |
wie komme ich zum Flughafen {phrase} | :: how do I get to the airport |
Wiel {f} | :: bundle of rope |
Wieland {prop} | :: given name |
Wiele {f} | :: alternative form of Wiel |
Wielesche {f} | :: rowan |
wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus {proverb} | :: One is treated the same way as one treats other people; what goes around comes around (literally: as you shout into the woods, so it echoes back out) |
wie man sich bettet, so liegt man {proverb} | :: as you make your bed, so you must lie in it |
wie man sich bettet, so schläft man {proverb} | :: as you make your bed, so you must lie in it |
Wien {prop} {n} | :: Wien (capital city) |
Wien {prop} {n} | :: Wien (state) |
Wien {prop} {f} [geography] | :: Wien (river) |
wienach {adv} | :: how |
wienach {adv} | :: how, howsoever |
Wiener {m} | :: An inhabitant of Vienna |
Wiener {m} | :: wiener, short for Wiener Würstchen |
Wienerin {f} | :: Viennese (noun: female inhabitant) |
wienerisch {adj} | :: Viennese (of or relating to Vienna) |
Wienerlied {n} [music] | :: A song genre which has its roots in Vienna, Austria |
wienern {v} | :: to shine, polish |
wienern {v} | :: to speak with a Viennese accent |
Wiener Schnitzel {n} | :: Wiener schnitzel, veal schnitzel |
Wienerwald {prop} {n} | :: Wienerwald (municipality) |
Wienerwurst {f} | :: alternative form of Wiener Wurst; Viennese sausage |
Wiener Würstchen {n} | :: wiener (sausage) |
wie Pilatus ins Credo {phrase} [now, rare] | :: undeservingly; in an unearned way; by chance |
Wies {prop} {n} | :: Wies (municipality) |
wie Sand am Meer {prep} [idiomatic] | :: (in) an innumerable amount; extremely common |
Wiesbaden {prop} {n} | :: Wiesbaden |
Wiesbadener {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Wiesbaden |
Wiese {f} | :: a meadow |
Wiese {f} | :: a lawn, especially a large one, loosely also a smaller one |
Wiesel {n} | :: weasel (Mustela nivalis) |
Wieselburg {prop} {n} | :: Wieselburg (municipality) |
wieselflink {adj} | :: nimble (as a weasel) |
wieselig {adj} | :: very fast, quick as a flash |
Wiesemann {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Wiesen {prop} {n} | :: surname |
Wiesen {prop} {n} | :: Wiesen (community) |
Wiesen {prop} {n} | :: Wiesen (town) |
Wiesenblümchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wiesenblume |
Wiesenblume {f} | :: meadow flower |
Wiesenwucherblume {f} [botany] | :: oxeye daisy, dog daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) |
Wiesen-Wucherblume {f} | :: alternative spelling of Wiesenwucherblume |
Wiesfleck {prop} {n} | :: Wiesfleck (municipality) |
Wiesing {prop} {n} | :: Wiesing (municipality) |
Wiesmath {prop} {n} | :: Wiesmath (municipality) |
wieso {adv} | :: why |
wieso {adv} | :: how so |
wie spät ist es {phrase} | :: what time is it? |
wie viel {determiner} | :: how much; how many |
wie viel {adv} [fairly rare] | :: how much; how often |
wieviel {determiner} | :: alternative form of wie viel |
wievielter {adj} | :: what number, which [in a numbered series], whatth, how manyth |
wie vom Donner gerührt {adj} [idiomatic] | :: thunderstruck |
wie von der Tarantel gestochen {adv} [simile] | :: suddenly running or moving very fast; like a madman; like a berserk |
wiewohl {conj} | :: although, even though |
Wiewort {n} [grammar] | :: adjective |
wie Zahnschmerzen {adv} [colloquial, with a verb of loving, liking] | :: not at all |
wie Zahnschmerzen {adv} [colloquial, with a verb of hating, disliking] | :: very much |
WiGa {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Wintergarten |
Wiki {n} | :: wiki |
Wiki-Markup {noun} | :: wiki markup |
Wikinger {m} | :: Viking (male or of unspecified sex) |
wikingisch {adj} | :: Viking |
Wikipedia {prop} {f} | :: Wikipedia |
Wikipedianer {m} | :: Wikipedian |
Wikipedianerin {f} | :: Wikipedian woman |
Wikiwörterbuch {n} | :: wiktionary (dictionary produced by cooperative online project) |
Wiktionary {prop} {n} | :: Wiktionary |
Wilajet {n} | :: vilayet |
wild {adj} | :: wild |
Wild {n} [animals, hunting] | :: game |
Wildalpen {prop} {n} | :: Wildalpen (municipality) |
Wildbret {n} | :: meat from game; venison |
Wilde Jagd {prop} {f} | :: Wild Hunt |
wildeln {v} [regional] | :: to have haut gout (a slight taint of decay) |
wildeln {v} [Austria, colloquial] | :: to behave wildly, playfully |
Wildendürnbach {prop} {n} | :: Wildendürnbach (municipality) |
Wildente {f} | :: mallard, wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos) |
Wildermieming {prop} {n} | :: Wildermieming (municipality) |
wildern {v} [to take game or fish illegally] | :: to poach |
wildesten {adj} | :: superlative of wild |
Wildfang {m} | :: a rambunctious child (of any gender, but since the 20th century especially a girl) |
Wildfang {m} [specifically] | :: a tomboy |
wildfremd {adj} | :: foreign, completely unknown |
Wildgans {f} | :: wild goose |
Wildkaninchen {n} | :: wild rabbit |
Wildkatze {f} | :: wildcat [Felis silvestris] |
Wildkraut {n} | :: wild herb |
Wildlachs {m} | :: wild salmon |
Wildnis {f} | :: wilderness |
Wildon {prop} {n} | :: Wildon (municipality) |
Wildpflanze {f} | :: wild plant |
wildreich {adj} | :: game-rich |
wildromantisch {adj} | :: Very romantic |
Wildschönau {prop} {n} | :: Wildschönau (municipality) |
Wildschwein {n} | :: a wild boar, a razorback, a wild hog |
Wildtier {n} | :: wild animal; any animal that is not domisticated, living under natural conditions |
Wildwasser {n} | :: white water |
Wilfersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Wilfersdorf (municipality) |
Wilfried {prop} | :: given name |
Wilhelm {prop} | :: given name |
Wilhelm {prop} | :: surname |
Wilhelmina {prop} | :: given name formed in the seventeenth century as a feminine form of Wilhelm |
Wilhelmine {prop} | :: given name derived from Wilhelm, a popular variant of Wilhelmina |
Wilhelmsburg {prop} {n} | :: Wilhelmsburg (municipality) |
Wilhelmsburg {prop} {n} | :: Wilhelmsburg (municipality) |
Wilhelmshaven {prop} | :: Wilhelmshaven (independent city) |
Wilhering {prop} {n} | :: Wilhering (municipality) |
Wille {m} | :: will |
Willen {m} | :: alternative form of Wille |
Willendorf {prop} {n} | :: Willendorf (municipality) |
willenlos {adj} | :: lacking will, lacking willpower, will-less |
Willenlosigkeit {f} | :: lack of will, lack of willpower, willlessness |
willens {adj} | :: willing, ready, prepared |
Willenserklärung {f} [law] | :: declaration of will |
Willenskraft {f} | :: willpower |
willensstark {adj} | :: strong-willed, strong-minded, determined |
Willensstärke {f} | :: willpower |
willentlich {adj} | :: deliberate |
willentlich {adv} | :: deliberately |
willfahren {v} [dated, elevated register] | :: to obey |
willfährig {adj} | :: submissive, compliant, willing |
Willi {prop} | :: given name, alternative spelling of Willy |
willig {adj} | :: willing |
willig {adj} | :: amorous, randy, horny (willing to have sex) |
Willigkeit {f} | :: willingness |
willkommen {adj} | :: welcome (received with gladness) |
willkommen {interj} | :: welcome |
willkommen {vt} | :: to welcome |
willkommen heißen {v} | :: to (bid) welcome |
Willkommenskultur {f} [politics] | :: welcoming culture |
Willkommer {prop} | :: surname |
Willkür {f} | :: arbitrariness |
Willkürgerichtsbarkeit {f} | :: arbitrary justice |
Willkürherrschaft {f} | :: arbitrary rule, despotic rule, despotism |
willkürlich {adj} | :: arbitrary, random, haphazard |
Willkürlichkeit {f} | :: arbitrariness |
wills {contraction} | :: contraction of will es |
Willy {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Wilhelm or of any name beginning with the Germanic element will- such as Wilfried |
Wilma {prop} | :: given name derived from Wilhelmina |
Wilna {prop} {n} | :: Wilna (capital) |
Wimmelbild {n} | :: A picture for children richly detailed with numerous people, animals, and objects |
Wimmelbilderbuch {n} | :: A picture book containing pictures richly detailed with numerous humans, animals, and things |
Wimmelbuch {n} | :: A picture book containing pictures richly detailed with numerous humans, animals, and things |
wimmeln {v} | :: to teem |
wimmen {v} [Swiss, viticulture] | :: to hold/keep a vintage (grape harvest) |
Wimmer {m} [Swiss, viticulture] | :: wine-maker; person who gathers grapes and processes them into wine |
Wimmer {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Wimmer {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
wimmern {v} | :: to whimper |
Wimpel {m} {n} {f} | :: a small, generally triangular flag; a pennant or pennon |
Wimper {f} | :: eyelash |
Wimper {f} | :: lash |
Wimper {f} | :: cilium |
Wimpernschlag {m} [figuratively] | :: blink of an eye |
Wimperntusche {f} | :: mascara |
Wimpertierchen {n} | :: ciliate |
Wimpertierchen {n} | :: paramecium |
Winckel {prop} | :: surname |
Wind {m} | :: wind; the movement of air usually caused by convection or differences of air pressure |
Windbeutel {m} | :: cream puff |
Windchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wind; breeze |
Winde {f} | :: winch, windlass |
Winde {f} [botany] | :: bindweed |
Windel {f} | :: diaper |
windelweich {adj} | :: weak, submissive |
winden {vt} | :: to wind |
winden {vt} | :: to twist; to twirl |
winden {vr} | :: to squirm; to writhe |
Windenergie {f} | :: wind power (power harnessed from the wind) |
Windfahne {f} | :: weather vane, weathervane |
Windgeschwindigkeit {f} | :: wind speed |
Windhauch {m} | :: slight breeze |
Windhauch {m} [chiefly biblical] | :: vanity; vanity of vanities (the futility of all earthly efforts, as in the philosophy of Ecclesiastes) |
Windhose {f} [meteorology] | :: tornado |
Windhund {m} [mammal] | :: sighthound, gazehound |
Windhund {m} | :: (US) greyhound |
Windhund {m} [derogatory] | :: rake |
windig {adj} | :: windy |
windig {adj} [of a person or undertaking] | :: dodgy; dubious |
Windigsteig {prop} {n} | :: Windigsteig (municipality) |
windisch {adj} | :: warped, cast |
windisch {adj} | :: Slovene |
Windisch {n} [obsolete] | :: Slovene language |
Windischer {m} | :: Slovene |
Windischgarsten {prop} {n} | :: Windischgarsten (municipality) |
Windkraft {f} | :: wind power (power harnessed from the wind) |
Windkraftanlage {f} | :: wind turbine |
Windkraftwerk {n} | :: wind power station |
Windmühle {f} | :: windmill |
Windows {prop} {n} [operating systems, trademark] | :: Microsoft Windows, an operating system with a graphical user interface that dominates the personal computer market |
Windpark {m} | :: wind farm |
Windpferd {n} | :: wind horse |
Windpocke {f} [usually plural] | :: chicken pox |
Windpocken {fp} | :: chickenpox |
Windrad {n} | :: windmill |
Windröschen {n} | :: anemone |
Windrose {f} [meteorology] | :: wind rose, compass rose |
Windsack {m} | :: windsock |
Windsbraut {f} | :: whirlwind |
Windschatten {m} | :: slipstream |
Windschatten {m} [nautical, aviation] | :: lee |
Windscherung {f} | :: wind shear |
windschief {adj} [geometry] | :: skew (neither perpendicular nor parallel) |
Windschutzscheibe {f} | :: windshield [US]; windscreen [UK] (front window of a car) |
windstill {adj} | :: windless, calm |
Windströmung {f} | :: windstream, wind current |
windtreibend {adj} | :: capable of inducing the release of gas; carminative |
Windung {f} | :: torsion |
Windung {f} | :: turn |
Windung {f} | :: coil |
windwärts {adv} | :: windward (against the wind) |
Winfried {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Wingert {m} [regional, western Germany, Switzerland] | :: alternative form of Weingarten |
Wink {m} | :: sign |
Wink {m} | :: hint, cue, suggestion |
Winkel {m} [geometry] | :: angle (measure, figure) |
Winkel {m} | :: corner, nook |
Winkel {m} | :: chevron |
Winkeladvokat {m} [pejorative] | :: [lawyer] pettifogger |
winkelförmig {adj} | :: angular |
winkelgleich {adj} [geometry] | :: isogonal |
Winkelmesser {m} | :: protractor |
Winkelspinne {f} | :: house spider (genus Tegenaria) |
Winkelzug {m} | :: shady move |
winken {v} | :: to wave |
winken {v} | :: to beckon |
Winker {m} | :: trafficator, indicator |
Winkerkrabbe {f} | :: fiddler crab |
Winklarn {prop} {n} | :: Winklarn (municipality) |
Winklarn {prop} {n} | :: Winklarn (municipality) |
Winkler {prop} | :: surname, from the Low German for 'shopkeeper' |
Winklern {prop} {n} | :: Winklern (municipality) |
winseln {v} | :: to whine, to whimper |
Winter {m} | :: winter |
Winteranfang {m} | :: beginning of winter |
Winterende {n} | :: late winter, end of winter |
Wintergarten {m} | :: conservatory, sun lounge (kind of room or balcony with glass walls, used to sit in or display plants) |
winterhart {adj} | :: hardy, winterhardy |
Winterkleid {n} | :: winterdress |
Winterkleid {n} | :: winter plumage |
Winterkleidchen {n} | :: diminutive of Winterkleid |
winterlich {adj} | :: winterly, wintry |
Wintermantel {m} | :: winter coat |
Wintermonat {m} [uncountable, dated] | :: December |
Wintermonat {m} | :: winter month (especially December, January, February) |
Wintermücke {f} | :: A fly belonging to family Trichoceridae, the winter crane flies |
Winterreifen {m} | :: winter tire, winter tyre |
winters {adv} | :: winters |
Winterschlaf {m} [biology] | :: hibernation |
Wintersonne {f} | :: winter sun, winter sunshine |
Wintersonnenwende {f} | :: winter solstice |
Wintersturm {m} | :: winter storm |
Wintervogel {m} | :: winter bird |
Winterweizen {m} | :: winter wheat |
Winterwetter {n} | :: winter weather |
Winterzauber {m} | :: winter magic |
Winterzeit {f} | :: wintertime (the season of winter) |
Winterzeit {f} | :: winter time (time of year when summer time, i.e. daylight saving time, is not in effect) |
Win-win-Situation {f} | :: win-win situation |
Winzer {m} | :: vintner, winemaker, person making wine as an occupation |
Winzerin {f} | :: female vintner, winemaker, person making wine as an occupation |
winzig {adj} | :: minute, tiny (very small) |
Wipfel {m} | :: treetop |
wipfelschäftig {adj} [botany, of a tree] | :: Having a trunk that extends almost to the top |
Wippe {f} | :: seesaw |
wippen {v} | :: to seesaw |
Wippenham {prop} {n} | :: Wippenham (municipality) |
wir {pron} | :: we |
Wirbel {m} | :: whirl |
Wirbel {m} | :: whorl |
Wirbel {m} | :: vortex |
Wirbel {m} | :: vertebra |
Wirbel {m} | :: eddy |
wirbellos {adj} | :: invertebrate |
wirbeln {v} | :: to swirl, whirl |
Wirbelsäule {f} | :: vertebral column, backbone, spine |
Wirbelschicht {f} | :: fluidized bed |
Wirbelschichtreaktor {m} | :: fluidized bed reactor |
Wirbelsturm {m} | :: (major) whirlwind |
Wirbeltier {n} | :: vertebrate |
Wirbelwind {m} [wind or figuratively] | :: whirlwind |
Wirckung {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Wirkung |
wird es regnen {phrase} | :: is it going to rain |
wirds {contraction} | :: contraction of wird es |
wirken {v} | :: to work (to function correctly) |
wirken {v} | :: to be effective |
wirken {v} | :: to take effect |
wirken {v} | :: to act, behave as |
wirken {v} [manufacturing] | :: to knit |
wirken {v} [baking] | :: to knead |
wirkend {adj} | :: acting |
wirkend {adj} | :: effective |
wirkend {adj} | :: working |
wirklich {adj} | :: real |
wirklich {adv} | :: really, actually |
Wirklichkeit {f} | :: reality |
Wirklichkeitsform {f} [linguistics] | :: indicative |
Wirklichkeitsform {f} | :: form in reality |
wirklichkeitsgetreu {adj} | :: realistic |
wirkmächtig {adj} | :: effective, powerful |
Wirkmechanismus {m} | :: mode of action |
wirksam {adj} | :: effective |
wirksamer {adj} | :: comparative of wirksam |
Wirksamkeit {f} | :: effectiveness |
wirksamsten {adj} | :: superlative of wirksam |
Wirkstoff {m} | :: active agent / substance (in a pharmaceutical material) |
Wirkung {f} | :: effect |
Wirkung {f} [physics] | :: action |
Wirkungsgrad {m} | :: effectiveness, efficiency |
Wirkungsgrad {m} | :: coefficient |
wirkungslos {adj} | :: ineffective |
wirkungsloser {adj} | :: comparative of wirkungslos |
wirkungslosesten {adj} | :: superlative of wirkungslos |
Wirkungslosigkeit {f} | :: ineffectiveness |
Wirkungsquerschnitt {m} | :: cross section |
Wirkungsweise {f} | :: mode of operation / action |
Wirkungsweise {f} | :: effect |
Wirnsberger {prop} | :: surname |
wirr {adj} | :: confused |
wirren {v} | :: to whirl around (move chaotically) |
Wirren {n} | :: the act of moving or acting aimlessly, erroneously or while being lost |
Wirren {n} | :: the act of moving or acting in a manner which is difficult to understand or random |
Wirrsal {f} {n} | :: chaos, confusion |
Wirrwarr {m} {n} {f} | :: chaos |
wirs {contraction} | :: contraction of wir es |
wirsch {adj} | :: angry, excited |
Wirsing {m} | :: Savoy cabbage |
Wirt {m} | :: pubkeeper; innkeeper |
Wirt {m} [dated] | :: host (someone who receives a guest) |
Wirt {m} [biology] | :: host (animal infested with a pest) |
Wirt {m} [only in compounds] | :: agent; caretaker; someone responsible or knowledgeable |
Wirt {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
wirtelig {adj} [chiefly botany] | :: whorled |
wirtelig {adj} [chiefly botany] | :: verticillate |
Wirth {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Wirt |
Wirthschaft {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Wirtschaft |
Wirtin {f} | :: female host |
Wirtin {f} | :: landlady |
Wirtin {f} | :: female innkeeper |
Wirtschaft {f} | :: economy |
Wirtschaft {f} | :: [southern] inn, pub |
Wirtschaft {f} | :: economics (clipping of Wirtschaftswissenschaft) |
wirtschaftlich {adj} | :: economical |
wirtschaftlich {adj} | :: efficient |
Wirtschaftlichkeit {f} | :: efficiency, economic efficiency, profitability, cost-effectiveness, economic viability |
Wirtschaftlichkeit {f} | :: economy, thrift |
Wirtschaftsflüchtling {m} | :: economic refugee |
Wirtschaftsforschung {f} | :: economic research |
Wirtschaftskrise {f} [economics] | :: slump, depression (economic crisis) |
wirtschaftsliberal {adj} [politics] | :: free market (favoring economic freedom) |
Wirtschaftsminister {m} | :: minister of the economy (and/or of trade and commerce) |
Wirtschaftsministerium {n} | :: ministry of the economy |
Wirtschaftspolitik {f} | :: commercial / economic policy |
wirtschaftspolitisch {adj} | :: economic policy (attributive) |
Wirtschaftsunternehmen {n} | :: enterprise |
Wirtschaftswachstum {n} | :: economic growth |
Wirtschaftswissenschaft {f} | :: economics (study) |
Wirtschaftswissenschaftler {m} | :: economist |
Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin {f} | :: female economist |
wirtschaftswissenschaftlich {adj} | :: economic (relating to the science of economics) |
Wirtschaftswunder {m} | :: economic miracle |
Wirtschaftszweig {m} | :: branch of industry, economic sector, |
Wirtshaus {n} | :: inn, tavern |
Wirtspflanze {f} [biology] | :: host plant |
Wisch {m} [dated or regional] | :: wisp (bundle of straw) |
Wisch {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: sheet of paper, usually an official document or form |
Wisch {prop} {n} | :: One of two municipalities in Germany |
wischen {v} | :: to wipe |
wischen {v} [Switzerland] | :: to sweep |
Wischiwaschi {n} | :: wishy-washy (adjective) |
Wisconsin {prop} {n} | :: Wisconsin (state) |
Wisent {m} {n} | :: wisent, European bison [Bison bonasus] |
Wismar {prop} | :: Wismar (independent city) |
Wismut {n} | :: bismuth |
wispeln {v} | :: to whisper |
wispern {v} | :: to whisper; to make a whispering sound (most often in a mysterious or eerie way) |
wissbegierig {adj} | :: inquisitive |
wissen {vti} | :: to know; to be aware of (a fact) |
wissen {v} | :: to remember [with noch] |
Wissen {n} | :: knowledge |
Wissensbereich {m} | :: sphere of knowledge |
Wissensbereich {m} | :: knowledge domain |
Wissenschaft {f} | :: science (a branch of knowledge or academic discipline dealing with a systematic body of facts or truths) |
Wissenschaft {f} | :: academia, scholarship (collective discipline of learning acquired through a scientific or scholarly method; totality of knowledge derived from scientific inquiry) |
Wissenschaft {f} | :: academia, academic community |
Wissenschaft {f} | :: the state of being acquainted with a circumstance, cognizance |
Wissenschaft {f} | :: science, the sciences (in general), humanities taken as a whole |
Wissenschafter {m} [jobs, science] | :: scientist [Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland] |
Wissenschafterin {f} [jobs, science] | :: alternative form of Wissenschaftlerin [Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland] |
Wissenschaftler {m} | :: scientist |
Wissenschaftler {m} | :: scholar, researcher, academic (male or of unspecified sex) |
Wissenschaftlerin {f} | :: scientist, scholar, researcher, academic (female) |
wissenschaftlich {adj} | :: scientific |
wissenschaftlich {adj} | :: scholarly, academic |
wissenschaftlicher {adj} | :: comparative of wissenschaftlich |
wissenschaftliches Rechnen {n} | :: scientific computing |
Wissenschaftlichkeit {f} | :: scientificity |
wissenschaftlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of wissenschaftlich |
wissenschaftsgeschichtlich {adj} | :: relating to the history of science |
Wissenschaftstheorie {f} [philosophy] | :: philosophy of science |
Wissensstand {m} | :: standard of knowledge |
wissenswert {adj} | :: important (worth knowing) |
Witherit {m} [mineral] | :: witherite |
Witold {prop} | :: a male given name |
wittern {vt} | :: to scent (to detect the scent of) |
wittern {vt} [hunting] | :: to smell something far with a good olfaction |
Witterung {f} | :: weather |
Witterung {f} | :: scent (animal's sense of smell) |
witterungsbedingt {adj} | :: Due to weather conditions |
witterungsbeständig {adj} | :: weatherproof |
witterungsfest {adj} | :: weatherproof |
Witwe {f} | :: widow |
Witwenschaft {f} | :: widowhood |
Witwer {m} | :: widower |
-witz {suffix} | :: A surname suffix |
Witz {m} | :: wit |
Witz {m} | :: joke |
Witz {m} | :: humour |
Witzbold {m} [colloquial, often, derogatory] | :: joker (A person who makes jokes), wit |
Witzboldin {f} [rare] | :: feminine noun of Witzbold |
witzeln {v} | :: to make jokes, to make silly jokes, to joke |
witzig {adj} | :: funny, humorous |
witzig {adj} [archaic] | :: resourceful |
witziger {adj} | :: comparative of witzig |
witzigerweise {adv} | :: funnily enough |
witzigsten {adj} | :: superlative of witzig |
WKN {noun} | :: initialism of Wertpapierkennnummer |
Wladiwostok {prop} | :: Wladiwostok (city) |
WLAN {n} | :: WLAN |
WM {f} | :: abbreviation of Weltmeisterschaft |
WM {f} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Warmmiete |
wmd. {adj} | :: abbreviation of westmitteldeutsch |
wo {adv} [interrogative] | :: where (at what place) |
wo {adv} [relative] | :: where (at or in which place or situation) |
wo {adv} [relative, somewhat, colloquial] | :: when, that (on which; at which time) |
wo {adv} [indefinite, colloquial] | :: somewhere (in or to an uncertain or unspecified location) |
wo {conj} [colloquial] | :: when |
wo {pron} [relative, dialectal, nonstandard] | :: who, whom, which, that |
woanders {adv} | :: elsewhere, somewhere else |
woandershin {adv} | :: elsewhere, somewhere else |
wobei {adv} | :: during what |
wobei {adv} | :: whereby, whereat, in the course of which |
Wobla {f} | :: vobla (fish) (Rutilus caspicus) |
Woche {f} | :: week (period of seven days counting from Monday to Sunday, or from Sunday to Saturday) |
Woche {f} | :: week (any period of seven consecutive days) |
Woche {f} | :: week; weekdays (those days of a given week on which most people work) |
Wochenbett {n} [medicine] | :: puerperium |
Wochenblatt {n} | :: weekly (a newspaper or journal that is published once a week.) |
Wochenende {n} | :: weekend (break in the working week, usually Saturday and Sunday) |
Wochenendhaus {n} | :: weekend house |
wochenlang {adj} | :: lasting for weeks |
wochenlang {adv} | :: for weeks |
Wochenschau {f} | :: newsreel |
Wochentag {m} | :: weekday (any day of the week) |
Wochentag {m} | :: weekday (any day of the week except Sunday) |
wochentags {adv} | :: on weekdays (including Saturdays) |
wöchentlich {adj} | :: weekly |
wöchentlich {adv} | :: weekly, every week |
wöchentlich {adv} | :: weekly, once every week |
Wochenzeitschrift {f} | :: a weekly |
Wochenzeitung {f} | :: weekly newspaper (a newspaper that is published once a week.) |
-wöchig {suffix} | :: Builds an adjective that specifies the number of weeks in a duration or (less frequently) in an age |
Wocken {m} [regional] | :: distaff |
Wodenstag {m} [archaic, outside, dialects] | :: Wednesday |
Wodka {m} | :: vodka |
Wodkachen {n} | :: diminutive of Wodka |
wodurch {adv} | :: whereby |
wodurch {adv} | :: through what |
wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg {proverb} | :: where there is a will there is a way |
wofür {adv} | :: for what, wherefore |
Woge {f} [chiefly literary] | :: wave |
wogegen {adv} | :: against what, against which |
wogegen {conj} | :: whereas |
wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Späne {proverb} | :: you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette; a revolution is not a dinner party (some endeavours inevitably involve meanwhile hardships or collateral damage) |
wo gehobelt wird, fallen Späne {proverb} | :: alternative form of wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Späne |
wogen {v} | :: undulate, move in a wavelike manner |
wogend {adj} | :: surging, billowing, rolling |
woher {adv} | :: where from, whence |
woher {adv} | :: how (not the general meaning of "in which way", but meaning "from which source" or "from where" exactly) |
wohin {adv} | :: Where to, whither |
wohin fährt dieser Bus {phrase} | :: where does this bus go |
wohin fährt dieser Zug {phrase} | :: where does this train go |
wohingegen {conj} | :: whereas |
wohinter {adv} | :: behind what |
wohl {adv} | :: possibly, probably; as I was told (modal particle expressing an assumption, often like English must + infinitive, or [US] guess + clause) |
wohl {adv} | :: of course, indeed (modal particle adding stress to the statement to contradict a preceding one, often like English do + infinitive) |
wohl {adv} [regional, north-western Germany] | :: actually, somehow, quite (modal particle making the statement weaker or expressing a concession) |
wohl {adv} [mostly elevated] | :: well, very well |
Wohl {n} | :: good |
Wohl {n} | :: weal |
Wohl {n} | :: wealthy |
Wohl {n} | :: welfare |
Wohl {n} | :: well-being |
wohlabgewogen {adj} | :: considered, well-thought-out |
wohlanständig {adj} | :: respectable |
wohlauf {adv} [formal] | :: well, healthy |
Wohlbefinden {n} | :: well-being |
Wohlbehagen {n} | :: comfortable feeling, pleasure, complacency |
wohlbehalten {adj} | :: safe and sound |
wohlbehütet {adj} | :: well-cared for |
wohlbekannt {adj} | :: well-known |
wohlbeleibt {adj} | :: stout, corpulent |
wohlbestallt {adj} | :: in a secure professional position |
wohl eher {adv} | :: non-idiomatic combination of wohl and eher |
wohl eher {phrase} | :: more like; used to change or correct someone’s choice of words |
Wöhler {prop} | :: surname |
Wohlergehen {n} | :: well-being |
wohlerzogen {adj} | :: well-behaved |
Wohlfahrt {f} | :: welfare, weal |
Wohlfahrtsstaat {m} | :: welfare state |
wohlfeil {adj} | :: cheap |
wohlfeil {adj} | :: trite |
wohlfühlen {vr} | :: to feel comfortable |
wohlfundiert {adj} | :: well-founded |
wohlgeboren {adj} | :: well-born |
wohlgeborn {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of wohlgeboren |
Wohlgefallen {n} | :: pleasure; satisfaction; well-being |
wohlgeformt {adj} | :: well-formed, well-proportioned |
wohlgeformt {adj} | :: shapely |
wohlgemerkt {adv} | :: mind you, take note |
wohlgenährt {adj} | :: well-fed |
wohlgenährt {adj} | :: chubby |
Wohlgeruch {m} | :: fragrance |
wohlgesinnt {adj} | :: well-disposed, well-meaning, well-intentioned |
wohlgesonnen {adj} | :: well-meaning, well-disposed |
Wohlgestalt {f} | :: comeliness, shapeliness |
wohlhabend {adj} | :: wealthy, rich |
wohlhabender {adj} | :: comparative of wohlhabend |
wohlhabendsten {adj} | :: superlative of wohlhabend |
wohlig {adj} | :: pleasant, pleasurable |
wohlklingend {adj} | :: euphonious, melodious, dulcet |
wohlklingend {adj} | :: well-meaning |
Wohllaut {m} | :: euphony |
Wohlleben {n} | :: life of luxury; "the good life" |
wohlmeinend {adj} | :: well-meaning |
wohl oder übel {adv} [idiomatic] | :: willy-nilly |
wohlriechend {adj} | :: sweet (having a pleasant smell) |
wohlschmeckend {adj} | :: tasty, palatable, delicious |
Wohlstand {m} | :: wealth, prosperity |
Wohltat {f} | :: good deed |
Wohltäter {m} | :: benefactor |
Wohltäterin {f} | :: benefactor (feminine form) |
wohltätig {adj} | :: beneficent, charitable |
wohltätig {adj} | :: pleasant, agreeable, soothing |
Wohltätigkeit {f} | :: charity |
wohltuend {adj} | :: soothing |
wohltuend {adj} | :: refreshing |
wohltuend {adj} | :: beneficial |
wohltuend {adj} | :: pleasant |
wohltuend {adj} | :: genial |
wohltun {v} | :: to do well |
wohlwollen {v} | :: to have goodwill towards |
Wohlwollen {n} | :: goodwill; favour; sympathy |
Wohlwollen {n} | :: benevolence; benignity |
wohlwollend {adj} | :: benevolent, complaisant |
wohlwollender {adj} | :: comparative of wohlwollend |
wohlwollendsten {adj} | :: superlative of wohlwollend |
Wohneinheit {f} | :: accommodation unit |
wohnen {vi} | :: to live, reside, dwell (to remain or be settled permanently, or for a considerable time) |
wohnen {vi} | :: to stay (to remain in a place for a definite or short period of time) |
Wohnfläche {f} | :: living space |
Wohngebiet {n} | :: residential area |
Wohngemeinschaft {f} | :: apartment-sharing community |
wohnhaft {adj} | :: resident (in the place mentioned) |
Wohnhaus {n} | :: residential building |
Wohnhaus {n} | :: dwellinghouse, residence |
Wohnhäuschen {n} | :: diminutive of Wohnhaus |
Wohnhäuslein {n} [uncommon] | :: diminutive of Wohnhaus |
Wohnheim {n} [building] | :: hostel, boarding house, dormitory |
Wohnküche {f} | :: eat-in kitchen |
Wohnlage {f} | :: residential area |
wohnlich {adj} | :: comfortable, cosy |
wohnlich {adj} | :: homely |
Wohnmobil {n} | :: a camper (camper van), motor home, motor caravan, recreational vehicle |
Wohnort {m} | :: residence |
Wohnraum {m} | :: housing |
Wohnsitz {m} | :: residence (place where one lives) |
Wohnstallhaus {n} | :: byre-dwelling |
Wohnung {f} | :: domicile; dwelling; lodging; abode; accommodation (any place someone lives in for a span of time longer than a holiday) |
Wohnung {f} [especially] | :: flat; apartment (such a place when it occupies only part of a building) |
Wohnungsbau {m} | :: housing |
Wohnungsbau {m} | :: house building |
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft {f} [finance] | :: housing cooperative |
Wohnungslosigkeit {f} | :: homelessness |
Wohnviertel {n} [of a city] | :: residential area, residential district, residential neighborhood |
Wohnwagen {m} | :: caravan [UK], trailer [US] |
Wohnzimmer {n} | :: living room |
Wohnzimmereinrichtung {f} | :: living room design, living room furniture |
wo ist die Toilette {phrase} | :: where is the toilet |
wo ist hier ein Hotel {phrase} | :: where can I find a hotel |
Woitzdorf {prop} | :: German name of two small places in the Czech Republic: |
Woitzdorf {prop} | :: Vojtovice, municipality of Vlčice u Javorníka, Okres Jeseník |
Woitzdorf {prop} | :: Vojtíškov, municipality of Malá Morava, Okres Šumperk |
wo kein Kläger, da kein Richter {proverb} | :: For there to be justice, a legal complaint must be filed |
WoKü {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Wohnküche |
wol {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of wohl |
wölben {vt} | :: to curve, bend |
wölben {vr} | :: to curve; to bulge out, to arch |
Wölbling {prop} {n} | :: Wölbling (municipality) |
Wölbung {f} | :: bulge |
Wölbung {f} | :: arch, vault |
Woldemar {prop} | :: given name |
Wolf {m} | :: wolf |
Wolf {m} [constellation] | :: the constellation Lupus |
Wolf {m} | :: shredder, mincer |
Wolf {m} | :: skin abrasion (acquired on long hikes or marches, through the friction of one's clothes) |
Wolf {prop} | :: given name, short form of Germanic compound names beginning with the element Wolf-, particularly Wolfgang |
Wolf {prop} | :: surname derived from the given name, or as a nickname from the animal. Variant: Wolff |
Wolfau {prop} {n} | :: Wolfau (municipality) |
Wolfenstein {prop} | :: surname |
Wolfern {prop} {n} | :: Wolfern (municipality) |
Wolfesgrube {f} | :: alternative form of Wolfsgrube |
Wolff {prop} | :: surname A spelling variant of Wolf |
Wolfgang {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Wolfhard {prop} | :: given name |
Wölfin {f} | :: she-wolf, a female wolf |
Wolfpassing {prop} {n} | :: Wolfpassing (municipality) |
Wolfram {n} | :: tungsten |
Wolfram {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Wolfram {prop} {m} | :: surname derived from the given name |
Wolframcarbid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: tungsten carbide |
Wolframdraht {m} | :: tungsten wire |
Wolframglühwendel {f} | :: tungsten filament (in an incandescent light bulb) |
Wolframit {m} [mineral] | :: wolframite |
Wolfsangel {f} | :: wolf hook |
Wolfsbach {prop} {n} | :: Wolfsbach (municipality) |
Wolfsburg {prop} {n} | :: Wolfsburg (city) |
Wolfsfell {n} | :: wolf's fur |
Wolfsgraben {prop} {n} | :: Wolfsgraben (municipality) |
Wolfsgrube {f} | :: wolf pit, a deep, covered pit for trapping wolves |
Wolfsmaul {n} | :: a wolf's mouth |
Wolfsmilch {f} | :: spurge (any plant of the genus Euphorbia) |
Wolfspinne {f} | :: wolf spider |
Wolfsschwanz {m} | :: wolf's tail |
Wolfsthal {prop} {n} | :: Wolfsthal (municipality) |
Wolfurt {prop} {n} | :: Wolfurt (municipality) |
Wolga {prop} {f} | :: Wolga (river) |
wolgadeutsch {adj} | :: Volga German (of or pertaining to the Volga Germans or their language) |
Wolgametropole {f} [in particular] | :: metropolis on the Volga; Kazan or Stalingrad/Volgograd |
Wolgastadt {f} | :: city on the Volga [e.g. Astrakhan, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Stalingrad/Volgograd] |
wolgeboren {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of wohlgeboren |
wolgeborn {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of wohlgeboren |
wolhyniendeutsch {adj} | :: Volhynia German; belonging or pertaining to the Volhynia Germans |
Wolhyniendeutsch {n} | :: the Volhynia German lect |
Wolhyniendeutscher {m} | :: Volhynia German, Volhynian German (male or of unspecified sex) (a German native or inhabitant of Volhynia, or a descendant of one) |
Wolke {f} | :: cloud, a visible mass of condensed water droplets in the air |
Wolke {f} | :: cloud, made of steam, ash, smoke or anything that resembles such a mass (may also be Schwaden or Schwade in this sense) |
Wolke {f} | :: nebula, enormous masses of interstellar dust and hydrogen in outerspace (may also be Nebel in this sense) |
wölken {v} | :: to cloud up |
Wolkenbildung {f} | :: cloud formation |
Wolkenbruch {m} | :: cloudburst (sudden heavy rainstorm) |
Wolkendecke {f} [meteorology] | :: cloud cover |
wolkenfrei {adj} | :: cloudless |
wolkenhoch {adj} | :: high as the clouds |
Wolkenkratzer {m} | :: skyscraper |
Wolkenkuckucksheim {n} | :: cloud-cuckoo-land |
wolkenlos {adj} | :: cloudless |
wolkenverhangen {adj} | :: overcast, cloudy |
Wolke sieben {f} | :: cloud nine |
wolkig {adj} | :: cloudy |
wolkiger {adj} | :: comparative of wolkig |
wolkigsten {adj} | :: superlative of wolkig |
woll {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of wohl |
Wolldecke {f} | :: woollen blanket |
Wolle {f} | :: wool |
wollen {adj} | :: woolen, woollen |
wollen {vti} [past participle: “gewollt”] | :: To want; to wish; to desire; to demand |
wollen {v} [auxiliary, past participle: “wollen”] | :: To want (to do something) |
wollen {v} [auxiliary, past participle: “wollen”] | :: To intend, to mean |
Wollfaden {m} | :: wool thread, strand of wool |
wollgeboren {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of wohlgeboren |
wollgeborn {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of wohlgeboren |
Wollhandschuh {m} | :: woolen glove (US), woollen glove (UK) |
Wollknäuel {n} {m} | :: ball of wool |
Wollmantel {m} | :: woolen coat, wool coat |
Wollpullover {m} | :: woolen pullover, woolen sweater, woolen jumper |
Wollschal {m} | :: wool scarf |
Wollsocke {f} | :: woolen sock, wool sock |
Wollust {f} | :: lust |
Wollust {f} [Swiss, archaic] | :: lustful person |
wollüstig {adj} | :: voluptuous, lustful, concupiscent |
Wolperdinger {m} | :: alternative form of Wolpertinger |
Wolpertinger {m} [mythology] | :: wolpertinger (a beast of folklore with incongruous features) |
Woltz {prop} | :: surname |
Woltzen {prop} [very, rare] | :: surname borne by a few people in Frisia |
womit {adv} [interrogative] | :: with what, what…with |
womit {adv} [relative] | :: with which; by which |
womöglich {adv} | :: possibly |
Womrath {prop} | :: A municipality in Rheinland-Pfalz |
wonach {adv} [interrogative] | :: after what |
wonach {adv} [relative] | :: after what |
wonach {adv} | :: whereupon |
woneben {adv} | :: next to what |
wo nichts ist, hat der Kaiser, das Recht verloren {proverb} | :: "where nothing is left, even the ruler has lost his powers"; only talent and beauty have real value |
Wonne {f} | :: bliss, joy; delight |
Wonne {f} | :: lust |
Wonnemond {prop} {m} [archaic, poetic] | :: May (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) |
Wonneproppen {m} [colloquial, positive] | :: cute, usually chubby, baby or small child |
Wonneproppen {m} [colloquial, disrespectful] | :: chubby person, often female |
wonnetrunken {adj} | :: blissful |
wonnetrunken {adj} | :: merry, tipsy (happily drunk) |
woran {adv} | :: on what, at what |
worauf {adv} | :: whereupon; upon which; on which; to which; at which; above which; upon |
woraufhin {adv} | :: whereupon |
woraus {adv} | :: out of what, from which |
Word {prop} {n} | :: Word (Microsoft program) |
worfeln {v} | :: to winnow (to separate the heavier and lighter with a current of air) |
worin {adv} | :: in what, wherein |
Work-Life-Balance {f} | :: work-life balance |
Workshop {m} | :: workshop (course of education) |
Workshop {m} | :: workshop (academic conference) |
Worms {prop} {n} | :: Worms (city) |
Worones {prop} {n} [rare] | :: obsolete form of Woronesch |
Woronesch {prop} {n} | :: Woronesch (city/administrative center) |
Woronesch'sch {adj} [rare] | :: Voronezhian; of or pertaining to Voronezh |
woronesisch {adj} [very rare, obsolete] | :: Voronezhian; of or pertaining to Voronezh |
Wörschach {prop} {n} | :: Wörschach (municipality) |
Wort {n} | :: [plural Wörter] word as an isolated unit |
Wort {n} | :: [plural Worte] utterance, word with context |
Wort {n} [uncountable] | :: speech, speaking, (figuratively) floor |
Wort {n} [uncountable] | :: promise, (figuratively) word |
Wortanfang {m} [linguistics] | :: the first linguistic element in a word |
Wortart {f} | :: part of speech (the function a word or phrase performs) |
Wortbildung {f} [linguistics, uncountable] | :: The study of the construction or creation of words from lexical or derivational morphemes, derivation, word formation, wordbuilding |
Wortbildung {f} [linguistics, countable] | :: The creation of new words from lexical or derivational morphemes, derivation, word formation, wordbuilding |
Wortbildung {f} [linguistics, countable] | :: The morphological structure of words constructed from lexical or derivational morphemes |
Wortbildung {f} [linguistics, countable] | :: A new word constructed from lexical or derivational morphemes, derived term, derivation |
Wörtchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wort |
Wörterberg {prop} {n} | :: Wörterberg (municipality) |
Wörterbuch {n} | :: dictionary (reference work with a list of words from one or more languages, and their definitions or translations) |
Wörterbüchlein {n} | :: diminutive of Wörterbuch: dictionary |
Worterklärung {f} | :: the definition of a word |
Wortfolge {f} | :: word order |
Wortform {f} [linguistics] | :: wordform; [especially] inflected form of a word |
Wortgefecht {n} | :: war of words |
wortgeschichtlich {adj} | :: etymological |
wortgetreu {adj} | :: verbatim |
wortgetreu {adj} | :: literal |
wortgewaltig {adj} | :: magniloquent |
wortgewandt {adj} | :: eloquent, talkative |
Wortgruppe {f} [linguistics] | :: group of words [i.e. a constituent phrase] |
Wortherkunft {f} | :: etymology (word origin) |
Wörthersee {prop} {m} | :: Wörthersee, Lake Wörth, an alpine lake in the southern Austrian province of Carinthia |
wortkarg {adj} | :: taciturn, laconic |
Wortkargheit {f} | :: untalkativeness |
Wortklauber {m} | :: quibbler [esp. of definitions] |
Wortkreuzung {f} [linguistics] | :: blend |
Wortlaut {m} | :: wording |
Wörtlein {n} | :: diminutive of Wort |
wörtlich {adj} | :: literal, verbatim |
wörtlich {adv} | :: literally, verbatim |
Wortliste {f} | :: word list |
wortlos {adj} | :: silent |
wortlos {adj} | :: taciturn |
wortmächtig {adj} | :: eloquent |
wortreich {adj} | :: wordy, verbose |
wortreicher {adj} | :: comparative of wortreich |
wortreichsten {adj} | :: superlative of wortreich |
Wortsalat {m} | :: word salad |
Wortschatz {m} | :: vocabulary |
Wortschatz {m} [linguistics] | :: lexicon (vocabulary of a language; vocabulary used by an individual) |
Wortschöpfer {m} | :: inventor of words |
Wortschöpferin {f} | :: female inventor of words |
Wortschrift {f} | :: logography |
Wortsippe {f} [lexicography] | :: a group of words which share a single etymological element |
Wortspiel {n} | :: pun |
Wortstamm {m} [linguistics] | :: stem (main part of a word) |
Wortstellung {f} | :: word order |
Worttrennung {f} | :: word break |
Worttrennung {f} | :: syllabification |
Wortverbindung {f} [linguistics] | :: collocation |
Wortwahl {f} | :: choice of words |
wortwörtlich {adj} | :: word-for-word |
Wortwurzel {f} [linguistics] | :: root |
Wortzwischenraum {m} | :: space between words |
worüber {adv} | :: over what |
worum {adv} | :: around what |
worunter {adv} | :: under what |
Wörz {prop} | :: surname |
wo Saufen eine Ehre ist, ist Kotzen keine Schande {proverb} | :: Where there are false ideals, the vices will be even worse; but chiefly used in the context of hard drinking, as a condemnation thereof |
wo Saufen eine Ehre ist, ist Kotzen keine Schande {proverb} | :: Used by drinkers, in a positive and literal sense, to excuse their own or other people’s vomiting |
Wotan {prop} {m} | :: Woden/Odin, a deity of the old Germanic religion, and of modern German reconstructions of this religion |
Wotan {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Wotanstag {m} [dated or regional] | :: Wednesday |
Wote {m} | :: Vote (male or of unspecified sex) (a man, boy or person belonging to the Votic people) |
Wotin {f} | :: Vote (female) (a woman or girl belonging to the Votic people) |
wotisch {adj} | :: Votic (related to the Votes or their language) |
Wotisch {prop} {n} | :: Votic (language) |
wovon {adv} [pronominal] | :: about what, what ... about: |
wovon {pron} [relative] | :: of which (referring to the whole clause) |
wovon das Herz voll ist, davon geht der Mund über {proverb} | :: Words, even when said lightly or in passing, reveal something about someone’s mind |
wovor {adv} | :: in front of what |
Wow-Effekt {m} | :: (emotion) wow effect |
wo wohnen Sie {phrase} | :: where do you live (formal) |
wo wohnst du {phrase} | :: where do you live (casual) |
wozu {adv} [interrogative] | :: for what reason, to what purpose, what for, why? |
wozu {adv} [interrogative] | :: to what, for what, etc |
wozu {adv} [relative] | :: for which reason, to which purpose |
wozu {adv} [relative] | :: to which, for which, etc |
wozwischen {adv} | :: between what |
Wrack {n} | :: wreck (damaged remains of a ship, airplane, etc.) |
Wrack {n} | :: wreck (physically and/or mentally unstable person) |
Wrap {m} | :: wrap (food) |
Wrestling {n} | :: pro wrestling |
wringen {v} | :: to wring (clothes) |
Wruke {f} [regional, north-eastern Germany] | :: swede, neep, rutabaga (Brassica napus subsp. rapifera) |
Wucher {m} | :: usury |
Wucherblume {f} [botany, colloquial] | :: some species of the genus Glebionis, especially Glebionis segetum; corn marigold, chrysanthemum |
Wucherblume {f} [botany, colloquial] | :: some species of the genus Leucanthemum, especially Leucanthemum vulgare; oxeye daisy |
Wucherblume {f} [botany] | :: several species of the genus Tanacetum |
Wucherblume {f} [plural] | :: collective noun for any species of the genus Tanacetum; tansies |
Wucherer {m} | :: usurer (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates) |
wuchern {vi} | :: to practise usury; to usure |
wuchern {vi} [+ mit] | :: to make profitable use of; usually in a non-financial sense |
wuchern {vi} [of plants] | :: to overgrow |
wuchern {vi} [of cancer] | :: to develop metastases |
Wucherpreis {m} | :: exorbitant price, extortionate price |
Wucherung {f} | :: overgrowth (excessive growth) |
Wucherung {f} [medicine] | :: metastasis |
Wucherung {f} [now rare] | :: practice of usury |
Wuchs {m} | :: growth; growing |
Wuchs {m} | :: form; shape; build (the way something has grown) |
Wucht {f} [obsolete] | :: weight |
Wucht {f} | :: momentum, impetus, the accumulation of power or force into a motion by transferral (e.g. as in the wrong way to do a muscular exercise) |
Wucht {f} [figurative] | :: impressive influence or effect, the power of a notion to permeate the intellects |
Wucht {f} [regional, colloquial, usually definite and with sein] | :: something lit, rad |
Wucht {f} [obsolete] | :: lifting-jack, lever |
wuchten {v} | :: to heave |
wuchtig {adj} | :: bulky, massive |
Wudu {n} [Islam] | :: wudu, abdest (washing required after minor ritual impurity) |
Wudu {n} [Islam] | :: wudu (state of purity achieved by this) |
Wudy {prop} | :: surname |
wuff {interj} | :: woof |
wühlen {v} | :: to rummage, to grub |
wühlen {v} | :: to dig, to burrow, to tunnel |
wühlen {v} [figuratively, politics] | :: to agitate |
Wühler {m} | :: cricetid (rodent of the family Cricetidae) |
Wühler {m} [figuratively, politics, pejorative] | :: agitator, activist |
Wühlmaus {f} | :: vole |
Wühltisch {m} [somewhat, colloquial] | :: bargain bin |
Wulf {prop} | :: given name |
Wulf {prop} | :: surname derived from the given name |
Wulfenit {n} [mineral] | :: wulfenite |
Wulkaprodersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Wulkaprodersdorf (municipality) |
Wullersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Wullersdorf (municipality) |
Wulst {mf} | :: An oblong bulge |
Wulst {mf} | :: A wreath, garland |
Wulst {mf} [architecture] | :: A torus |
Wumme {f} [colloquial] | :: handgun |
wummern {v} | :: an onomatopoeia, to give off a sudden dull sound |
wumpe {adj} [regional, colloquial, usually predicative only] | :: all the same, unimportant |
wund {adj} | :: wounded, injured, sore |
Wundauflage {f} [medicine] | :: wound dressing |
Wundbrand {m} [dated] | :: gangrene |
Wunde {f} | :: sore, wound |
Wunder {n} | :: miracle |
Wunder {n} | :: wonder |
wunderbar {adj} | :: wonderful |
wunderbarer {adj} | :: comparative of wunderbar |
wunderbarsten {adj} | :: superlative of wunderbar |
Wunderbeere {f} | :: miracle berry |
wunderfitzig {adj} [Baden] | :: curious |
Wunderkerze {f} | :: A hand-held firework emitting sparks, a sparkler |
Wunderkind {n} | :: child prodigy |
wunderlich {adj} | :: quaint, bizarre, strange |
wunderlicher {adj} | :: comparative of wunderlich |
wunderlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of wunderlich |
Wundermittel {n} | :: panacea |
Wundermittel {n} | :: miracle cure |
Wundermittel {n} | :: magic pill |
wundern {vt} | :: to surprise |
wundern {vr} | :: to be surprised |
wundern {vr} | :: to wonder |
wundernehmen {v} | :: to suprise |
wundersam {adj} | :: wondrous |
wundersamer {adj} | :: comparative of wundersam |
wundersamsten {adj} | :: superlative of wundersam |
wunderschön {adj} | :: gorgeous, very beautiful |
wundertoll {adj} | :: Very unusual or unbelievable |
wundervoll {adj} | :: wonderful |
wundervoller {adj} | :: comparative of wundervoll |
wundervollsten {adj} | :: superlative of wundervoll |
Wunderwaffe {f} | :: (historical) A Second World War-era Nazi propaganda term for several weapon designs intended to be revolutionary, most of which were ineffective or not finalized |
Wunderwaffe {f} | :: (figuratively, usually sarcastically) a universal solution which solves all problems related to a particular issue; magic bullet, panacea |
Wunderwerk {n} | :: marvel |
Wundheilung {f} | :: wound healing |
Wundrand {m} | :: wound edge |
wundreiben {v} | :: to chafe, to gall |
Wundschuh {prop} {n} | :: Wundschuh (municipality) |
Wundstarrkrampf {m} | :: tetanus |
Wunsch {m} | :: wish |
Wünsch {m} | :: [obsolete] alternative form of Wunsch; wish |
Wunschbild {n} | :: ideal |
Wunschdenken {n} | :: wishful thinking |
Wünschelrute {f} | :: divining rod (a staff used to find subterranean resources, such as water or metals, by divination) |
wünschen {vt} [with reflexive dative] | :: to wish for; to make a wish for; to want; to desire |
wünschen {vt} [with non-reflexive dative] | :: to wish someone something |
wünschen {vt} [without dative, formal] | :: to demand; to order; in negation: not to tolerate |
wünschenswert {adj} | :: desirable |
wünschenswert {adj} | :: preferable |
Wunschform {f} [linguistics] | :: optative |
Wunschform {f} | :: desired form |
Wunschliste {f} | :: wish list, wishlist |
wunschlos {adj} | :: desireless (having nothing more to be wished for) |
Wunschtraum {m} | :: dream, pipe dream |
Wunschvorstellung {f} | :: wishful thinking |
Wunschzettel {m} | :: List of presents, wish list of presents, Christmas list |
Wunschzettel {m} | :: Wishlist, wish list |
Wuppertal {prop} {n} | :: Wuppertal (city) |
Würde {f} | :: dignity |
würdelos {adj} | :: undignified |
Würdemann {prop} | :: surname of German origin |
würdevoll {adj} | :: dignified |
würdevoller {adj} | :: comparative of würdevoll |
würdevollsten {adj} | :: superlative of würdevoll |
-würdig {suffix} | :: -worthy |
würdig {adj} [+ genitive or dative] | :: worthy of |
würdig {adj} | :: honourable, dignified |
würdigen {v} | :: to appreciate |
Würdigung {f} | :: appreciation, evaluation |
Würdtwein {prop} {mf} [very, rare] | :: surname borne by Stephan Alexander Würdtwein |
Wurf {m} | :: throw |
Wurf {m} | :: litter (of cubs) |
Wurfarm {m} | :: throwing arm |
Würfel {m} | :: die (game piece) |
Würfel {m} | :: cube |
würfelförmig {adj} | :: cubiform |
würfelig {adj} | :: diced |
würfeln {v} | :: to dice |
würfeln {v} | :: to play dice |
Würfelnatter {f} | :: dice snake |
Würfelspiel {n} | :: (game of) dice |
Würfelzucker {m} | :: lump sugar; sugarlumps |
Würflach {prop} {n} | :: Würflach (municipality) |
würflig {adj} | :: alternative form of würfelig |
Wurfmesser {n} | :: throwing knife |
Wurfschaufel {f} | :: winnowing fan |
Wurfspiel {n} | :: throwing game |
Wurfstern {m} | :: throwing star |
Würgaround {m} [colloquial] | :: a workaround, specifically a complicated or undesirable one |
Würgegriff {m} | :: stranglehold, chokehold |
würgen {v} | :: to strangle |
würgen {v} | :: to gag |
würgen {v} | :: to retch |
Würger {m} | :: agent noun of würgen |
Würger {m} | :: strangler (killer) |
Würger {m} [ornithology] | :: shrike |
Würgeschlange {f} | :: constrictor, constrictor snake |
Wurm {m} {n} [biology] | :: worm |
Wurm {m} {n} [colloquial] | :: maggot, grub |
Wurm {m} {n} [archaic] | :: any crawling animal, e.g. a reptile |
Wurm {m} {n} [poetic, heraldry] | :: dragon, lindworm, wyrm |
Wurm {m} {n} [computing] | :: worm |
Wurm {m} {n} [colloquial, affectionate] | :: a baby or small child; a mite; any helpless creature |
Würmchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wurm |
wurmen {vt} [of a situation or past event] | :: to cause a not necessarily strong but continuous feeling of anger, worry, or regret in someone; to rankle |
Wurmfarn {m} | :: wood fern, male fern (any fern of the genus Dryopteris) |
Würmla {prop} {n} | :: Würmla (municipality) |
Würmlein {n} | :: diminutive of Wurm |
Wurmloch {n} [physics] | :: wormhole |
Wurmschraube {f} [Austria] | :: set screw (A screw with threads the entire length and no head.) |
wurmstichig {adj} | :: wormy, worm-eaten, maggoty |
Wurmzüngler {m} [dated] | :: chameleon |
wurscht {adj} [colloquial] | :: irrelevant, meaningless |
wurschteln {v} [regional, central Germany] | :: alternative form of wursteln |
wurst {adv} [colloquial] | :: anyway, anyhow |
Wurst {f} | :: sausage |
Würstchen {n} | :: diminutive of Wurst, a small sausage, a bratwurst |
Würstchen {n} | :: a wimp |
Wurstebrei {m} | :: a regional specialty from Lippe and eastern Westphalia, consisting of ground and boiled meat cuts, as used for sausage making |
wursteln {v} | :: to meddle; to tamper |
wursteln {v} | :: to potter; to be busy with minor works and tasks (e.g. about the house) |
wursteln {v} | :: to struggle with everyday problems; to eke out a living |
Wurstgabel {f} | :: meat fork |
Würstlein {n} | :: diminutive of Wurst |
Wurstmesser {n} | :: knife especially for cutting sausages |
Wurstwasser {n} [rare] | :: water in which sausages have been cooked and/or packaged |
Wurt {f} | :: man-made hill or elevation (as used in low areas to protect farmhouses against flooding) |
Württemberg {prop} {n} | :: Württemberg (area) |
württembergisch {adj} | :: Of or from Württemberg |
Wurtzit {m} [mineral] | :: wurtzite |
Wurz {f} [archaic or regional] | :: root |
Würzburg {prop} | :: Würzburg (city) |
Würze {f} | :: spice, aroma |
Würze {f} [brewing] | :: wort |
Wurzel {f} | :: root |
Wurzel {f} [biology] | :: root |
Wurzel {f} [metaphorical] | :: root, the primary source, origin |
Wurzel {f} [mathematics] | :: root, especially square root |
Wurzel {f} [linguistic morphology] | :: root, the irreducable skeleton of a word |
Wurzel {f} [historical linguistics] | :: root, internal etymon |
Wurzeldruck {m} | :: root pressure |
Wurzelgewebe {n} | :: root tissue |
Wurzelkanal {m} [of a tooth] | :: root canal |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung {f} [dentistry, surgical operation] | :: root canal |
wurzellos {adj} | :: rootless |
Wurzellosigkeit {f} | :: rootlessness |
wurzeln {v} | :: to be rooted |
Wurzeln schlagen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put down roots |
wurzelverwandt {adj} | :: cognate (having the same root) |
Wurzelwachstum {n} | :: root growth |
Wurzelwerk {n} | :: root system of a plant |
Wurzelwerk {n} [Austria] | :: root vegetable |
würzen {v} | :: to season |
würzig {adj} | :: spicy |
würziger {adj} | :: comparative of würzig |
würzigsten {adj} | :: superlative of würzig |
Würzsauce {f} [cooking] | :: condiment, relish |
wuscheln {v} | :: to tousle (e.g. hair) |
wuschig {adj} | :: sexually aroused |
wuselig {adj} | :: fidgety |
wuselig {adj} | :: wary |
wuseln {v} | :: to move hastily |
Wust {m} [pejorative] | :: caos, clutter, mess (big amount of disordered things) |
wüst {adj} | :: desert |
wüst {adj} | :: wild |
wüst {adj} | :: ugly |
wüst {adj} | :: messed up, chaotic, desolated |
wüst {adj} | :: vulgar, obscene |
Wüste {f} | :: desert |
Wüste {f} | :: wilderness, waste, wasteland |
Wüstenei {f} | :: wasteland |
Wüstenfuchs {m} | :: fennec |
Wüstenrennmaus {f} | :: gerbil |
Wüstenspringmaus {f} | :: jerboa, lesser Egyptian jerboa, Jaculus jaculus |
wüster {adj} | :: comparative of wüst |
wüstesten {adj} | :: superlative of wüst |
Wüstit {m} [mineral] | :: wüstite |
Wüstling {m} | :: libertine, lecher |
Wüstung {f} | :: an abandoned village, of which there are only traces left |
Wut {f} | :: rage; fury; outrage |
Wut {f} | :: anger; usually “strong, hateful anger” in literary German, but not necessarily in the vernacular |
Wut {f} [in compounds, otherwise dated] | :: ecstasy; frenzy |
Wutanfall {m} | :: tantrum, fit |
Wutbürger {m} [journalese] | :: An angry or enraged citizen, especially one who feels politically marginalized |
Wutbürgerin {f} [journalese] | :: female form of Wutbürger |
wüten {v} | :: to rage |
wütend {adj} | :: furious |
wütend {adj} | :: angry |
wütend {adv} | :: angrily, furiously |
wutentbrannt {adj} | :: furious, enraged |
Wüterei {f} | :: raging |
Wüterich {m} [derogatory] | :: furious person |
Wüterich {m} | :: cowbane [plant] |
wutschen {v} | :: to whiz away |
Wutz {f} [regional] | :: swine, pig |
Wyoming {prop} {n} | :: Wyoming (state) |
w. z. b. w. {noun} | :: [abbreviation of was zu beweisen war] Q.E.D. |
w. z. b. w. {noun} [literal] | :: What was to be proven |