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Wiktionary:Todo/North American

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The following entries are labelled as Canadian but not as American. Further down on the page are entries which are labelled as American but not as Canadian. In many cases entries should in fact have both labels. See Wiktionary:Beer_parlour/2015/March#North_American_English_vs_Canadian_and_American_English for a bit of background.

labelled as Canadian only

  1. 2-IC
  2. 24 Sussex Drive
  3. Abitibi
  4. aboideau
  5. aboiteau
  6. Acadian
  7. acclaim
  8. acclamation
  9. Action démocratique
  10. Action démocratique du Québec
  11. action stations
  12. ADQ
  13. advanced green
  14. aerodrome
  15. AGCO
  16. alcool
  17. allophone
  18. allosexual
  19. American Indian
  20. analogue
  21. angryphone
  22. aphaeresis
  23. ardour
  24. armour
  25. arrondissement
  26. ASC
  27. bachelor
  28. bachelor apartment
  29. bachelorette
  30. baffed out
  31. balaclava
  32. barn
  33. Battle of Alberta
  34. Battle of Ontario
  35. Battle of Quebec
  36. Bay Street
  37. beauty
  38. beer parlour
  39. bencher
  40. Big Smoke
  41. bird course
  42. bismarck
  43. Bloc
  44. Bloc Quebecois
  45. Bloc Québécois
  46. Bloody Caesar
  47. Bloquiste
  48. blue box
  49. Bob's your uncle
  50. bogan
  51. bogie
  52. bombardier
  53. Bombardier
  54. booze can
  55. bozo eruption
  56. BQ
  57. brickle
  58. Broadway
  59. buckle
  60. buggy
  61. bums in seats
  62. bungaloft
  63. bunny hug
  64. Burlington bun
  65. bush
  66. busker
  67. butter tart
  68. Caesar
  69. CAF
  70. calibre
  71. Canadiana
  72. Canadien
  73. Canadienne
  74. Canadiens
  75. canaille
  76. CanCon
  77. candour
  78. canoeman
  79. cape ann
  80. cariole
  81. carolling
  82. carry the can
  83. cash
  84. CATO
  85. CB
  86. CC
  87. CCF
  88. CEF
  89. centimetre
  90. centre
  91. centre of gravity
  92. Centre of the Universe
  93. centre stage
  94. centred
  95. centrefield
  96. CESG
  97. CESGs
  98. CF
  99. Chavril
  100. cheap like borscht
  101. cheezie
  102. cheque
  103. chequing
  104. chequing account
  105. chesterfield
  106. chesterfield rugby
  107. chief petty officer first class
  108. chief petty officer second class
  109. child labour
  110. chimo
  111. chinook
  112. chirper
  113. chocolate bar
  114. Christmas cracker
  115. Chuck
  116. CIAU
  117. CIS
  118. clamour
  119. clangour
  120. CMA
  121. CN
  122. coeliac sprue
  123. collector lane
  124. colour
  125. colouring
  126. common room
  127. Commons
  128. Communications Security Establishment
  129. Communications Security Establishment Canada
  130. concession road
  131. conditional sentence
  132. confederationist
  133. Conservative
  134. Conservative Party
  135. core lane
  136. corner store
  137. correction line
  138. counselled
  139. counsellor
  140. country wife
  141. Cowtown
  142. CQ
  143. CRAP
  144. crewman
  145. Crown
  146. Crown attorney
  147. Crown land
  148. Crown prosecutor
  149. crown ward
  150. crummy
  151. CSE
  152. CSEC
  153. CSIS
  154. CTV
  155. cube van
  156. cubic centimetre
  157. curry favour
  158. dainty
  159. deffo
  160. deke
  161. demeanour
  162. dep
  163. depanneur
  164. dépanneur
  165. DIAND
  166. diary
  167. Dipper
  168. discolour
  169. dishonour
  170. DND
  171. dogan
  172. dog's breakfast
  173. donair
  174. double-double
  175. doubloonie
  176. Down's syndrome
  177. drier
  178. driver's licence
  179. drop the writ
  180. dugout
  181. dutchie
  182. Eddie
  183. Edmonchuk
  184. eh
  185. EI
  186. emerg
  187. enamour
  188. enamoured
  189. endorsation
  190. factum
  191. farmer's sausage
  192. favour
  193. favourably
  194. favourite
  195. federalist
  196. fibre
  197. fibre bundle
  198. fibreboard
  199. FIBUA
  200. fire hall
  201. first minister
  202. First Nation
  203. First Nations
  204. fishfly
  205. foetal
  206. Ford Nation
  207. Francophone
  208. Francophonie
  209. freeloader
  210. freezie
  211. friulano
  212. frog
  213. fruit machine
  214. fuck the dog
  215. fuddle-duddle
  216. garage
  217. garbage mitt
  218. garburator
  219. gas bar
  220. gaspereau
  221. ghost car
  222. gigametre
  223. ginch
  224. Girl Guide
  225. Girl Guides
  226. gitch
  227. give one's head a shake
  228. glucose/fructose
  229. God Save the Queen
  230. Golden Horseshoe
  231. gonch
  232. gotch
  233. government wharf
  234. governor general
  235. grade
  236. graduand
  237. gravy
  238. gray jay
  239. Great White North
  240. green labelling
  241. green paper
  242. greenshirt
  243. grid road
  244. Grit
  245. Grits
  246. gross indecency
  247. grotty
  248. grow op
  249. grow operation
  250. grow-op
  251. gynaecologist
  252. habitant
  253. Habs
  254. Haligonian
  255. handwell
  256. hangashore
  257. harbour
  258. harbourfront
  259. harbourmaster
  260. Harperite
  261. have the biscuit
  262. hockey bag
  263. holubtsi
  264. homo milk
  265. honour
  266. honour guard
  267. honour killing
  268. honour system
  269. hoser
  270. House of Commons
  271. humidex
  272. humourless
  273. hybrid vigour
  274. hydro
  275. hydrofield
  276. icing sugar
  277. Igopogo
  278. imperial gallon
  279. indictable offence
  280. instalment
  281. isolation pay
  282. jambuster
  283. Jiggs dinner
  284. job centre
  285. joual
  286. Juan de Fuca Strait
  287. judgement
  288. kangaroo
  289. keener
  290. kiack
  291. kilometre
  292. kubasa
  293. kudlik
  294. labelled
  295. labour
  296. labour law
  297. labour union
  298. labouring
  299. landed immigrant
  300. laneway
  301. last post
  302. LC
  303. LCBO
  304. leading seaman
  305. learnt
  306. leg.
  307. legislative building
  308. legislative buildings
  309. legislature
  310. lest we forget
  311. levelling
  312. Liberal
  313. licence
  314. lineup
  315. litre
  316. locatee
  317. long gun
  318. loonie
  319. LPC
  320. LPQ
  321. lush
  322. Manipogo
  323. Manitoba maple
  324. manoeuvre
  325. Mareva injunction
  326. master seaman
  327. meat draw
  328. meathead
  329. medicare
  330. Memphre
  331. Metis
  332. metre
  333. MHA
  334. mickey
  335. Mickey
  336. microneighbourhood
  337. Molson muscle
  338. monkey trail
  339. mouffle
  340. mould
  341. Mounties
  342. movie theatre
  343. MPP
  344. mudsled
  345. multicolour
  346. multicult
  347. mum
  348. muskeg
  349. Muskoka chair
  350. N/S
  351. Nanaimo bar
  352. National Assembly
  353. Natural Governing Party
  354. NDPer
  355. neighbouring
  356. neighbourly
  357. NES
  358. New Democrat
  359. New Democratic
  360. New Democratic Party
  361. Newfie
  362. Newfie joke
  363. Newfoundland speed bump
  364. nipper
  365. nitchie
  366. no duff
  367. no screaming hell
  368. non-commissioned member
  369. notwithstanding clause
  370. NSERC
  371. OAS
  372. Ogopogo
  373. OHIP
  374. Oka
  375. ookpik
  376. open water
  377. OSAP
  378. OTTW
  379. outharbour
  380. outport
  381. paedophile
  382. Paki
  383. pantiliner
  384. parkade
  385. parkette
  386. Parti Quebecois
  387. Parti Québécois
  388. partitionist
  389. paska
  390. passive armour
  391. passport baby
  392. patriate
  393. patriation
  394. PAYE
  395. pea-souper
  396. peacekeeper
  397. peameal
  398. peameal bacon
  399. pedway
  400. Peg
  401. pencil crayon
  402. Pequiste
  403. piss off
  404. pith and substance
  405. pizza parlour
  406. planchette
  407. pleasure centre
  408. plex
  409. plonk
  410. PMO
  411. pogey
  412. police village
  413. polling booth
  414. polling station
  415. poppy
  416. poutine
  417. poutinerie
  418. power wall
  419. PQ
  420. practise
  421. premier
  422. principal
  423. private member's bill
  424. Progressive Conservative
  425. Progressive Conservative Party
  426. province
  427. provincehood
  428. PST
  429. pt
  430. puck
  431. pur et dur
  432. pure laine
  433. purple gas
  434. PW
  435. pysanka
  436. QE
  437. QEW
  438. QPP
  439. Quebecker
  440. Quebecois
  441. Queen E
  442. quickhatch
  443. quinzhee
  444. racket
  445. rag the puck
  446. rancour
  447. Rand formula
  448. RC
  449. RCAF
  450. RCAP
  451. RCI
  452. RCMP
  453. RCN
  454. reactive armour
  455. reading week
  456. rebroadcaster
  457. recce
  458. red rocket
  459. redberry
  460. reeve
  461. Remembrance Day
  462. renoviction
  463. res
  464. reserve
  465. RESP
  466. RESPs
  467. rhyme off
  468. riding
  469. riding association
  470. rig pig
  471. Robert Borden
  472. Robertson screwdriver
  473. ROC
  474. Rock
  475. rouse
  476. RPP
  477. RRSP
  478. rugby boots
  479. rumour
  480. runners
  481. sabre
  482. Sally Ann
  483. saltchuck
  484. saltchucker
  485. Saskabush
  486. Saskabusher
  487. saskatoon
  488. saviour
  489. Saviour
  490. savoury
  491. Schadenford
  492. screech
  493. scribbler
  494. scrum
  495. scrunchion
  496. seat sale
  497. section
  498. seigneurie
  499. semi
  500. SERT
  501. serviette
  502. shag
  503. shinny
  504. shit disturber
  505. shoot the boots
  506. shoulder check
  507. shrivelling
  508. SHU
  509. SIN
  510. SIRC
  511. sizeable
  512. skookum
  513. slobby
  514. slog
  515. slough
  516. slushbreaker
  517. Smithereen
  518. smoked meat
  519. smokie
  520. social insurance number
  521. sophonsified
  522. sophonsify
  523. sourdough
  524. sovereigntist
  525. spring salmon
  526. sprog
  527. square centimetre
  528. square kilometre
  529. stagette
  530. status
  531. stickhandle
  532. storm-stayed
  533. street hockey
  534. sub-lieutenant
  535. succour
  536. suck
  537. suffonsified
  538. suffonsify
  539. summary offence
  540. Surrey girl
  541. survivance
  542. Sussex Drive
  543. swarming
  544. T.O.
  545. T3
  546. take the biscuit
  547. tarmac
  548. tear a strip off someone
  549. territory
  550. Texas mickey
  551. the Rock
  552. Timbit
  553. Timmy's
  554. to
  555. toboggan slide
  556. todger
  557. toonie
  558. toque
  559. Tories
  560. tourtiere
  561. tourtière
  562. transport
  563. traveller's cheque
  564. travelling salesman problem
  565. trough
  566. TRTO
  567. Trudeau salute
  568. Trudeaumania
  569. tumour
  570. tuque
  571. two solitudes
  572. two-four
  573. tyee
  574. tyke
  575. Tyndall stone
  576. UI
  577. up the stump
  578. Vancouverite
  579. vapourize
  580. Victoria Day
  581. visible minority
  582. Vismin
  583. vitreous humour
  584. VOC
  585. vote mob
  586. walk in the snow
  587. wartime house
  588. waterhorse
  589. whipper snipper
  590. whisky
  591. whisky jack
  592. whisky-jack
  593. whiskyjack
  594. whitener
  595. windrow
  596. winninish
  597. Winnipeg couch
  598. wobbly pop
  599. woonerf
  600. Worship
  601. write
  602. zombie

labelled as American only


The following entries are labelled as American but not as Canadian.

  1. 0-dark-hundred
  2. 0-dark-thirty
  3. 1-h TL FM
  4. 101
  5. 1040
  6. 1099
  7. 11 Bang-Bang
  8. 110 proof
  9. 120 reset
  10. 187
  11. 1PP
  12. 23 skidoo
  13. 23 Skidoo Street
  14. 32nd note
  15. 40 mike-mike
  16. 5-O
  17. 527
  18. @$$
  19. a day late and a dollar short
  20. a hundred and ten percent
  21. a la mode
  22. à la mode
  23. a man's home is his castle
  24. A No. 1
  25. A-1
  26. A-2
  27. A-list
  28. AAA
  29. AAC
  30. AAFES
  31. aardvark
  32. ab
  33. abalone
  34. ABC
  35. Abe
  36. abolition
  37. abolitionist
  38. above one's bend
  39. abridgment
  40. absentee ballot
  41. absentee vote
  42. absinthe
  43. abuilding
  44. AC
  45. academician
  46. acceptance
  47. acclimate
  48. accolade
  49. accountable mail
  50. ACCPDS
  51. ace boon coon
  52. ace in the hole
  53. Acela
  54. acetaminophen
  55. ACH
  56. Achilles' tendon
  57. ACMC
  58. ACMH
  59. acre foot
  60. ACS
  61. act of Congress
  62. activewear
  63. activist judge
  64. activist justice
  65. ACU
  66. AD
  67. addicting
  68. adhesive tape
  69. adjacent
  70. adjustable wrench
  71. adpaper
  72. advisement
  73. adz
  74. AFDB
  75. AFDC
  76. AFL
  77. AFL-CIO
  78. AfPak
  79. AFQT
  80. African-American
  81. AFRM
  82. AFSM
  83. AFSP
  84. after-discovered evidence
  85. after-school special
  86. afterward
  87. afterwhile
  88. AFUE
  89. agate
  90. aggie
  91. Aggie
  92. aggravated assault
  93. aggro
  94. agita
  95. agricultural lien
  96. agritainment
  97. AH
  98. airdock
  99. airpark
  100. airplane
  101. airstaff
  102. AK
  103. aks
  104. alarmer
  105. ALBM
  106. albo
  107. alfalfa weevil
  108. Alford plea
  109. Ali Baba
  110. ALICE
  111. all ages
  112. all hat and no cattle
  113. all that
  114. all y'all
  115. all-fired
  116. all-nighter
  117. allocute
  118. allocution
  119. already
  120. Alt-A
  121. alternate
  122. alternate energy
  123. altho
  124. alum
  125. aluminum hydride
  126. aluminum silicate
  127. aluminumize
  128. amateur hour
  129. Amcit
  130. Ameche
  131. amendation
  132. America Firster
  133. American as apple pie
  134. American wire gauge
  135. ammonium sulfate
  136. amphitheater
  137. amplifier
  138. amrinone
  139. Amtrak
  140. anaconda mortgage
  141. analog
  142. analogs
  143. analyzed
  144. analyzer
  145. anchor baby
  146. anchovy toast
  147. and
  148. andele
  149. ANG
  150. angledog
  151. ANGLICO
  152. Anglo-Saxon
  153. anise
  154. ankle
  155. Annie Oakley
  156. antelope
  157. anti-choice
  158. antibusing
  159. antifilibuster
  160. antigogglin
  161. antigoglin
  162. antilife
  163. antimiscegenation
  164. antirent
  165. antirentism
  166. antisaloon
  167. antistuffing
  168. antitruster
  169. antiwarehousing
  170. any more
  171. anyplace
  172. anyplace else
  173. anywheres
  174. AO
  175. AP
  176. apartment complex
  177. APCD
  178. aperitif wine
  179. apex
  180. appaloosa
  181. appeal
  182. appellate jurisdiction
  183. appellee
  184. applauseometer
  185. apple bee
  186. apple-box
  187. apple-polish
  188. applesauce
  189. applianced
  190. appointment
  191. apportionment
  192. APSS
  193. AQMD
  194. Arbor Day
  195. ARCA
  196. archaic
  197. archconservative
  198. archeologist
  199. archeology
  200. Archgrounds
  201. ARCIC
  202. Arctic
  203. area rug
  204. Arizona room
  205. Arkansas elevation
  206. Arkie
  207. Arlington
  208. armories
  209. armory
  210. army brat
  211. around the Horn
  212. ARPA
  213. ARPANET
  214. arrowwood
  215. artful pleading
  216. Aryan
  217. AS
  218. ashcake
  219. ashcan
  220. Asian Indian
  221. asimina
  222. aspenglow
  223. ASROC
  224. ass bandit
  225. ass over teakettle
  226. assault weapon
  227. assbreath
  228. Assembly
  229. asshead
  230. asslifter
  231. assload
  232. assrun
  233. assume the position
  234. assumedly
  235. asterisk
  236. ASTIA
  237. astorperious
  238. astroturfing
  239. ASVAB
  240. AT
  241. at large
  242. at-grade
  243. ATF
  244. Athletics
  245. Atlas
  246. atomic wedgie
  247. attending
  248. attoliter
  249. attometer
  250. attorney
  251. attorney-in-fact
  252. attorney's work product
  253. AUMF
  254. AUSA
  255. Australian crawl
  256. Australianize
  257. AUTEC
  258. author
  259. auto insurance
  260. auto mechanic
  261. autogas
  262. automania
  263. autorack
  264. autospeak
  265. auxiliary oiler
  266. AV
  267. avail
  268. avalone
  269. average Joe
  270. AVP
  271. aw shucks
  272. awaked
  273. AWB
  274. awk
  275. ax to grind
  276. Ayrab
  277. B-drinker
  278. Baby Bell
  279. baby bond
  280. baby daddy
  281. baby doll
  282. baby mama
  283. baccalaureate
  284. bach
  285. bachelor pad
  286. back at you
  287. back catalog
  288. back door
  289. back forty
  290. backfill
  291. backpedaled
  292. backpedaling
  293. backset
  294. backshooter
  295. backtalk
  296. backwoodsy
  297. bacteria
  298. bacterias
  299. bad humor
  300. badass
  301. badge bunny
  302. badman
  303. baggage claim
  304. baggageman
  305. baggagemaster
  306. baggie
  307. bagholder
  308. baglady
  309. BAH
  310. bail bond
  311. Bailey
  312. Baja Midnight
  313. Baldwin
  314. ballot
  315. ballpark
  316. ballpark figure
  317. balls to the wall
  318. balls-out
  319. baloney
  320. banc
  321. bang
  322. banger
  323. bangless
  324. bangs
  325. bangtail
  326. bank beaver
  327. banner carrier
  328. banter
  329. banty
  330. bar review
  331. barbecue slaw
  332. barber
  333. barbituate
  334. barf
  335. barge
  336. barney
  337. barnstorm
  338. barrack
  339. barrel
  340. Barrett's esophagus
  341. barrio
  342. BAS
  343. base
  344. base communications
  345. base off of
  346. baseboard
  347. basehead
  348. basic pay
  349. basswood
  350. BATF
  351. BATFE
  352. baton
  353. battalion
  354. battle buddy
  355. bay
  356. bayoneted
  357. bayoneting
  358. bazoo
  359. BB
  360. BBA
  361. BBQ
  362. BBQer
  363. BC
  364. BCG
  365. BDU
  366. be like
  367. be there or be square
  368. BEA
  369. bean-eater
  370. beanbreath
  371. beaner
  372. Beantown
  373. bear
  374. beat cop
  375. beat out
  376. beater
  377. beaucoup
  378. beauty parlor
  379. bed check
  380. Bed-Stuy
  381. bedeviled
  382. bedeviling
  383. beef trust
  384. beefaroni
  385. beefsteak tomato
  386. beer cheese
  387. beer nut
  388. beer pong
  389. beer-can chicken
  390. begaum
  391. behind the curve
  392. behoove
  393. beignet
  394. belabor
  395. belt loop
  396. Beltway
  397. beltway
  398. Ben
  399. bench jockey
  400. bender
  401. Benedict Arnold
  402. benevolent assimilation
  403. benjamin
  404. Benjamin
  405. Benny
  406. bent
  407. Bent Spear
  408. BESS
  409. betting parlor
  410. betty
  411. BeV
  412. beverage
  413. beway
  414. BFTT
  415. BIA
  416. Bible basher
  417. biddy
  418. biffy
  419. big government
  420. big old
  421. big one
  422. big ones
  423. Big Q
  424. big woop
  425. big-box
  426. big-league
  427. big-ticket item
  428. bill
  429. Bill
  430. Billary
  431. billbug
  432. billeted
  433. billiards
  434. billion
  435. Billy
  436. Billy Yank
  437. bindlestiff
  438. bingo
  439. binky
  440. binsite
  441. bioarchaeology
  442. bioheat
  443. biowaiver
  444. bird
  445. bird colonel
  446. birth control glasses
  447. birther
  448. birtherism
  449. biscuit shooter
  450. bishop
  451. bit
  452. bitch magnet
  453. bitch off
  454. blaccent
  455. black and tan
  456. black and white
  457. black bag
  458. black box warning
  459. black Irish
  460. Black Law
  461. blackgrass
  462. blacksnake
  463. blacktop
  464. blade
  465. blame America first
  466. blame Canada
  467. blank check
  468. blanket loan
  469. blazer
  470. bleacher
  471. bleachers
  472. bleah
  473. blickey
  474. blind man's bluff
  475. blind pig
  476. blivit
  477. blockade whiskey
  478. blockbuster drug
  479. blockbusting
  480. blocking and tackling
  481. blooperball
  482. bloviate
  483. blow
  484. blow away
  485. blow dryer
  486. blow this popsicle stand
  487. blow-dryer
  488. blowdryer
  489. BLS
  490. blue
  491. blue bonnet
  492. Blue Dog
  493. blue falcon
  494. blue John
  495. blue sky law
  496. blue state
  497. blue-light special
  498. blue-plate special
  499. bluecoat
  500. bluestone
  501. BLUF
  502. blutwurst
  503. BMP
  504. bo
  505. board of supervisors
  506. bobbasheely
  507. bobble
  508. bobby pin
  509. bobbysoxer
  510. bockey
  511. bodacious
  512. bodock
  513. bog
  514. boggle
  515. BOGO
  516. bogus
  517. boilermaker
  518. bolix
  519. bolt
  520. bolter
  521. bomb
  522. bomber
  523. bone
  524. boo
  525. boob tube
  526. booby hut
  527. booder
  528. boodle
  529. booger
  530. book of business
  531. boom
  532. boomer
  533. boondoggle
  534. booner
  535. booshway
  536. boosterism
  537. boot
  538. Boot Hill
  539. bootleg
  540. bootlegger reverse
  541. bootlick
  542. booze cruise
  543. boricua
  544. bork
  545. Bork
  546. born on the Fourth of July
  547. Bosox
  548. bosque
  549. boss
  550. bossism
  551. bossy
  552. Boston butt
  553. bottom
  554. bought the farm
  555. boughten
  556. bounce
  557. bounce house
  558. bounty jumper
  559. Bowery
  560. bowl game
  561. bowtie
  562. box social
  563. boxcar
  564. boy
  565. boy in blue
  566. BRAC
  567. BRACC
  568. bracing
  569. brad
  570. brag sheet
  571. brain trust
  572. brainstorm
  573. brakeman
  574. bramble
  575. brant goose
  576. brash
  577. brass ring
  578. break
  579. break it down
  580. break the buck
  581. breakdown
  582. breakthru
  583. breaktime
  584. Bremelo
  585. Brezhnev Republican
  586. brick in one's hat
  587. bridal shower
  588. Bridget
  589. brig
  590. brigadier general
  591. brights
  592. bring it
  593. bring on
  594. bring to a boil
  595. broad
  596. broilerhouse
  597. broken
  598. broken arrow
  599. Broken Arrow
  600. Broken Glass Republican
  601. broncobuster
  602. Bronx Bombers
  603. broomie
  604. bros before hoes
  605. brown-bag
  606. brownbagger
  607. bruit
  608. brusk
  609. BS&P
  610. BSM
  611. Bubba
  612. bubba vote
  613. bubble ass
  614. bubble butt
  615. bubbler
  616. Buccos
  617. buck
  618. buck for
  619. buck private
  620. buckeye
  621. buckshot
  622. buckwagon
  623. buckwheat cake
  624. buckwheat coal
  625. Bud
  626. Buddy
  627. buddy movie
  628. Buddyroll
  629. BUFF
  630. buffalo
  631. buffalo chips
  632. buffalo robe
  633. buffalo soldier
  634. buffer zone
  635. bug boy
  636. bug juice
  637. bugboy
  638. bugfish
  639. bugger
  640. bughouse
  641. bulkhead line
  642. bull-thrower
  643. bullcrap
  644. bulldog edition
  645. bulldoze
  646. bullwhacker
  647. bully
  648. bully pulpit
  649. BUMED
  650. Bumfuck
  651. Bumfuck, Egypt
  652. bummer
  653. bummy
  654. bump cap
  655. bump off
  656. bumpoff
  657. bunco
  658. bunco-steerer
  659. bunk
  660. bunny hop
  661. BuNo
  662. BUPERS
  663. buppie
  664. bureau
  665. burgeois
  666. burgess
  667. burglarizes
  668. burglarizing
  669. burglary
  670. burlap
  671. burn phone
  672. burnout
  673. buro
  674. burp gun
  675. bury the hatchet
  676. bury the lede
  677. bus
  678. buscon
  679. bush league
  680. bush-league
  681. Bushbama
  682. bushelman
  683. busher
  684. bushwhacker
  685. bust
  686. bust out
  687. bust up
  688. buster
  689. busy signal
  690. busy work
  691. busyness
  692. butt pirate
  693. buttcrack
  694. butte
  695. butted
  696. butter-and-egg man
  697. Butternut
  698. buttload
  699. button
  700. buttonbush
  701. buy cotton
  702. buy the farm
  703. buzzcut
  704. buzzer
  705. BX
  706. by-bidder
  707. bysen
  708. c-note
  709. C-rat
  710. C-ration
  711. C3ISTAR
  712. C3PO
  713. c4
  714. C4ISR
  715. CAAA
  716. CAB
  717. cabin
  718. Cabo
  719. caboose
  720. CAC
  721. cack
  722. Caddy
  723. cadge
  724. Cadillac plan
  725. CADM
  726. cafone
  727. cah
  728. CAIR
  729. cake-eater
  730. calaboose
  731. calculate
  732. calico cat
  733. caliculus
  734. California king
  735. Californication
  736. call
  737. call on the carpet
  738. call out
  739. call the shots
  740. call time
  741. callithump
  742. callithumpian
  743. calm wind
  744. caloric
  745. Calvin
  746. calyculus
  747. camp robber
  748. Campbellite
  749. camporee
  750. can
  751. cañada
  752. Canada jay
  753. Canadian bacon
  754. cancelable
  755. canceled
  756. candidating
  757. candy
  758. candy apple
  759. candy man
  760. candy store
  761. candy striper
  762. cane
  763. canebrake
  764. CANEX
  765. canhouse
  766. canner
  767. cantaloupe
  768. canvases
  769. canyoneering
  770. CAPCOM
  771. Cape Capensis
  772. capiche
  773. capital equipment
  774. capitate
  775. capology
  776. caponomics
  777. capper
  778. car boot
  779. car clout
  780. car rental
  781. carburetor
  782. cardshark
  783. careerism
  784. carfare
  785. carhop
  786. carhouse
  787. carlot
  788. carmel
  789. carmelize
  790. Carolina style
  791. caroling
  792. carpetbagger
  793. carriage
  794. carry the mail
  795. carryall
  796. carryout
  797. cartesian coordinates
  798. cartesian distance
  799. cartwheel
  800. case
  801. cash bar
  802. cash out
  803. cassie
  804. catalogue
  805. catawampus
  806. catbird seat
  807. catch a buzz
  808. catcher
  809. category killer
  810. cater-cornered
  811. catering
  812. cathouse
  813. catty-cornered
  814. Caucasian
  815. caucus race
  816. cayuse
  817. cazh
  818. CBRN
  819. CCDev
  820. CCM
  821. CDC
  822. CDM
  823. CDP
  824. CDRE
  825. cecitis
  826. celiac
  827. celiac disease
  828. cell
  829. cellular
  830. center
  831. center of attention
  832. center of symmetry
  833. Center of the Universe
  834. centiliter
  835. centimeter
  836. century
  837. Certificate of Need
  838. certified check
  839. certified mail
  840. certiorari
  841. cesarean section
  842. Cesarian
  843. cesium
  844. CFC
  845. CFR
  846. chain gang
  847. chaise lounge
  848. chalk
  849. challenge
  850. chancre mechanic
  851. chank
  852. Chantilly/Tiffany
  853. chargemaster
  854. charity stripe
  855. chark
  856. charret
  857. charrette
  858. charter school
  859. check
  860. checkbook journalism
  861. checkless
  862. checkoff
  863. checkroom
  864. Cheddarhead
  865. chee chee
  866. chee-chee
  867. cheerleader
  868. cheerleading
  869. cheese dog
  870. cheesery
  871. chemiloon
  872. cherry-bomb
  873. cherry-pick
  874. chess
  875. chew out
  876. chew up
  877. chewing tobacco
  878. Chicago overcoat
  879. Chicana
  880. Chicanismo
  881. Chicano
  882. chicken colonel
  883. chicken hawk
  884. chickenhawk
  885. chickenyard
  886. chigger
  887. child labor
  888. chile
  889. chimichanga
  890. chin
  891. chin-up
  892. Chinese overtime
  893. chingadera
  894. chip
  895. chiplike
  896. chipper
  897. chipyard
  898. chirk
  899. chiseled
  900. chiseling
  901. Chisox
  902. chit
  903. Chloraseptic
  904. chop shop
  905. chore
  906. chouse
  907. chowderhead
  908. Christ almighty
  909. Christmas
  910. Christmas graduate
  911. Christmas season
  912. Christmas tree bill
  913. chrome dome
  914. chuck wagon
  915. chuckhole
  916. chughole
  917. chump change
  918. chump-change
  919. churchwarden
  920. chutes and ladders
  921. cider
  922. cigar store Indian
  923. cilantro
  924. CINC
  925. cinder dick
  926. cineplex
  927. CIO
  928. circuit rider
  929. civic center
  930. civil rights
  931. CL
  932. clam
  933. clambake
  934. class action
  935. class secretary
  936. clawback
  937. clever
  938. cleverly
  939. clobbered
  940. clodhopper
  941. closet
  942. clough
  943. clout list
  944. cloverleaf
  945. clutch
  946. Clyde
  947. Clydesdale
  948. CM
  949. CMC
  950. CMO
  951. CMS
  952. CNATT
  953. CNIC
  954. CNO
  955. CNR
  956. CO
  957. co-ed
  958. coalpit
  959. coast
  960. coat rack
  961. coat stand
  962. coat tree
  963. coatrack
  964. coatroom
  965. cobb
  966. Cobb salad
  967. cobblestone ice
  968. COBRA
  969. cockamamie
  970. cockeyed
  971. coffeed out
  972. COIN
  973. coinsurance
  974. coke
  975. Coke
  976. coldwave
  977. cole slaw
  978. colliery
  979. colonial
  980. color television
  981. colored
  982. colorize
  983. combination car
  984. combination product
  985. combined statistical area
  986. come to hand
  987. come to Jesus
  988. come-to-Jesus
  989. comeouter
  990. comfort station
  991. comfortable
  992. comics
  993. commandery
  994. committeeman
  995. committeewoman
  996. commodity meat
  997. commodore
  998. commodore admiral
  999. commorant
  1000. Communism
  1001. community college
  1002. commuter
  1003. COMO
  1004. comp
  1005. comparable worth
  1006. compassionate use
  1007. complected
  1008. concertize
  1009. concertmaster
  1010. concho
  1011. concrete
  1012. concurral
  1013. condensery
  1014. condition
  1015. Coney Island hot dog
  1016. confectioners sugar
  1017. confectioners' sugar
  1018. confusticate
  1019. Congress
  1020. congresscritter
  1021. congressman
  1022. congresswoman
  1023. CONOPS
  1024. conservancy
  1025. conservatard
  1026. conservative
  1027. consignment shop
  1028. consociate
  1029. constable
  1030. consult
  1031. consume mass quantities
  1032. contempt of cop
  1033. contiguous 48
  1034. contiguous United States
  1035. continental
  1036. continental United States
  1037. continental US
  1038. contraband
  1039. contractor combatant
  1040. convention center
  1041. cook off
  1042. cook-off
  1043. cookie cutter
  1044. cookout
  1045. cooler
  1046. coon cat
  1047. coon's age
  1048. coonskin
  1049. coonskin cap
  1050. Cooter Brown
  1051. cop-killer
  1052. copacetic
  1053. copayment
  1054. copper sulfate
  1055. Copperhead
  1056. Copperheadism
  1057. cordon bleu
  1058. cork off
  1059. corn liquor
  1060. corn oyster
  1061. corn roast
  1062. corn salad
  1063. cornball
  1064. cornbread
  1065. corncake
  1066. corner boy
  1067. cornfield meet
  1068. cornhole
  1069. cornpone
  1070. cornshuck
  1071. corporosity
  1072. correctional
  1073. correctional facility
  1074. correctional institution
  1075. cosmopolite
  1076. cot
  1077. cotton candy
  1078. cotton wool
  1079. cotton-picking
  1080. cottonocracy
  1081. couch doctor
  1082. could care less
  1083. could not get elected dogcatcher
  1084. coulee
  1085. councilor
  1086. counter-clockwise
  1087. counterattack
  1088. counterman
  1089. counteroffensive
  1090. country house
  1091. country store
  1092. coup
  1093. coupe
  1094. coupelike
  1095. court
  1096. Court
  1097. courthouse
  1098. Cousin Jack
  1099. cove
  1100. coverall
  1101. coveralls
  1102. cow tipping
  1103. cowboy beans
  1104. cowboy caviar
  1105. cowcatcher
  1106. cowpoke
  1107. coyote ugly
  1108. CPB
  1109. Cpl
  1110. CQB
  1111. CQC
  1112. crab
  1113. crack train
  1114. cracka
  1115. cracker
  1116. cracker bonbon
  1117. crackerjack
  1118. crackleberry
  1119. cracklings
  1120. cracky
  1121. cracky wagon
  1122. crank
  1123. crap artist
  1124. craptacular
  1125. crawdad
  1126. crazy as a pet coon
  1127. crazy bread
  1128. cream
  1129. credit
  1130. creekfish
  1131. creep joint
  1132. crescent fresh
  1133. crew chief
  1134. crib death
  1135. crib deaths
  1136. crib mattress
  1137. cribhouse
  1138. crimebuster
  1139. crimebusting
  1140. crimenetly
  1141. criminalist
  1142. criminently
  1143. criminetly
  1144. crisis center
  1145. criss-cross applesauce
  1146. criticizer
  1147. critique
  1148. crosseyed
  1149. crosslots
  1150. crossover vote
  1151. crosspatch
  1152. crosstown
  1153. crosswalk
  1154. crowbait
  1155. Crown Vic
  1156. CROWS
  1157. CRS
  1158. crud
  1159. cruiser
  1160. cruising for a bruising
  1161. cruller
  1162. crunk
  1163. cry uncle
  1164. CSA
  1165. CSI
  1166. CSIB
  1167. CSRS
  1168. CTC
  1169. cubic centimeter
  1170. cubic meter
  1171. cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
  1172. cuddler
  1173. 'cue
  1174. cuffee
  1175. culch
  1176. cunning
  1177. cup
  1178. cup of joe
  1179. curb service
  1180. curb strip
  1181. curbstone
  1182. curriculum
  1183. curriculum vitae
  1184. curses
  1185. cushy
  1186. cuspidor
  1187. cuss
  1188. cuss out
  1189. cussed
  1190. cussing
  1191. customary unit
  1192. cut a swath
  1193. cut a wide swath
  1194. cut red tape
  1195. cut the cheese
  1196. cut the umbilical cord
  1197. cut up shines
  1198. cut-out
  1199. cutterman
  1200. 'cuz
  1201. CV
  1202. CVN
  1203. CWA
  1204. Cyber Monday
  1205. cybergenic
  1206. cyclone cellar
  1207. czips
  1208. D.O.
  1209. d/b/a
  1210. dab
  1211. dace
  1212. dad burn
  1213. dad-blamed
  1214. dadgum
  1215. dadgummit
  1216. DADT
  1217. DAG
  1218. dag
  1219. dagnabbit
  1220. dagnammit
  1221. dago
  1222. dairyland
  1223. dame
  1224. damn it
  1225. Dana
  1226. dang it
  1227. daniel
  1228. dark money
  1229. darkhorse candidate
  1230. darn tootin'
  1231. darnedest
  1232. DARPA
  1233. dash cherry
  1234. dasher
  1235. dassn't
  1236. dast
  1237. daurade
  1238. Davy Crockett hat
  1239. day-to-day
  1240. daycoach
  1241. daytimer
  1242. DCU
  1243. DD
  1244. DD214
  1245. DE
  1246. de Havilland Law
  1247. de nada
  1248. DEA
  1249. deacon
  1250. dead president
  1251. dead presidents
  1252. dead to rights
  1253. dead-end
  1254. deadfall
  1255. dealy
  1256. death panel
  1257. deather
  1258. debar
  1259. debarment
  1260. debtor in possession
  1261. debug
  1262. debut
  1263. decal
  1264. decaliter
  1265. decameter
  1266. decedent
  1267. deceptively misdescriptive
  1268. deciliter
  1269. decimeter
  1270. decolor
  1271. decolorize
  1272. Decoration Day
  1273. dedal
  1274. deductible
  1275. deep
  1276. deep-six
  1277. Deer gun
  1278. DEERS
  1279. def
  1280. DefCon
  1281. defeasance
  1282. defeatican
  1283. defeatocrat
  1284. defense
  1285. defenseman
  1286. definitize
  1287. defund
  1288. delegate
  1289. delegee
  1290. Delores
  1291. democrat wagon
  1292. democratic
  1293. Democratic
  1294. Democrats
  1295. demolition derby
  1296. Demoncrat
  1297. DEP
  1298. dependant
  1299. dependent
  1300. depot
  1301. depression
  1302. depublish
  1303. derby
  1304. derecho
  1305. DEROS
  1306. desalinization
  1307. descope
  1308. designated survivor
  1309. desk pilot
  1310. deskman
  1311. desrick
  1312. dessert bar
  1313. dessert wine
  1314. destinating
  1315. destroyed jeans
  1316. destroyer escort
  1317. destroyer escorts
  1318. detailer
  1319. detassel
  1320. detention home
  1321. detur
  1322. developmentation
  1323. DEVGRU
  1324. devil strip
  1325. DFAS
  1326. DFC
  1327. DFMR
  1328. DHS
  1329. DIA
  1330. diablo
  1331. diagonalization
  1332. dialog
  1333. dialysable
  1334. diaper rash
  1335. dicker
  1336. dickish
  1337. diddly-squat
  1338. dido
  1339. dieselize
  1340. dietary fiber
  1341. dig
  1342. digital brownshirt
  1344. dillio
  1345. dime a dozen
  1346. dime novel
  1347. dime store
  1348. dimeless
  1349. dimensional lumber
  1350. DIMHRS
  1351. dimpled chad
  1352. ding-a-ling
  1353. dinge
  1354. dinky
  1355. dinner jacket
  1356. DINO
  1357. dinq
  1358. diplomatic pouch
  1359. dipperful
  1360. dipping
  1361. direct primary
  1362. dirk
  1363. DIS
  1364. disclimax
  1365. disco fries
  1366. Discover
  1367. discretionary spending
  1368. disfavor
  1369. dishonor
  1370. disincorporate
  1371. disme
  1372. diss
  1373. dissental
  1374. district attorney
  1375. disulfide
  1376. disunionism
  1377. dittohead
  1378. divided
  1379. divided highway
  1380. divider
  1381. divoon
  1382. Dixie
  1383. Dixiecrat
  1384. Dixieland
  1385. DLA
  1386. DLAB
  1387. DLI
  1388. DLPT
  1389. DMCA
  1390. DMDC
  1391. DMR
  1392. DMV
  1393. DNC
  1394. DNS
  1395. DO
  1396. do do
  1397. do over
  1398. do the math
  1399. do-over
  1400. dobber
  1401. docent
  1402. Dock
  1403. doctrine of equivalents
  1404. DOD
  1405. DoDEA
  1406. does Macy's tell Gimbel's
  1407. dog bone wrench
  1408. dog pound
  1409. dog soldier
  1410. dogeared
  1411. dogface
  1412. dogfood
  1413. doggone
  1414. dogi
  1415. dogs
  1416. dog's age
  1417. DOI
  1418. DOJ
  1419. DOL
  1420. dollardee
  1421. dollarwise
  1422. dollhouse
  1423. domestic policy council
  1424. dominie
  1425. dommy
  1426. don't take any wooden nickels
  1427. donut hole
  1428. donut patrol
  1429. doober
  1430. doody
  1431. doof
  1432. dookie
  1433. dooky
  1434. doolie
  1435. doom
  1436. doomage
  1437. doozie
  1438. doozy
  1439. doplic
  1440. Dopp kit
  1441. Dorothy dollar
  1442. DOS
  1443. dot
  1444. doted
  1445. doty
  1446. double eagle
  1447. double jack
  1448. double play
  1449. double sawbuck
  1450. double-dip
  1451. double-nickel
  1452. double-ripper
  1453. double-wide
  1454. doublet
  1455. douche boat
  1456. douchebag
  1457. doughboy
  1458. down
  1459. Down syndrome
  1460. down-home
  1461. downgone
  1462. downstate
  1463. downtown
  1464. downzone
  1465. drafted
  1466. drafter
  1467. draftnik
  1468. draftsman
  1469. draftsmen
  1470. dragbar
  1471. dramshop
  1472. drape
  1473. drawing room
  1474. dream factory
  1475. dried plum
  1476. drift
  1477. drill instructor
  1478. drinking water
  1479. drive-by media
  1480. drive-in
  1481. driver's license
  1482. driveway
  1483. drop
  1484. drop a bomb
  1485. drop a brick
  1486. drop letter
  1487. drop top
  1488. drop trou
  1489. dropable
  1490. dropout factory
  1491. drumette
  1492. druther
  1493. druthers
  1494. dry goods
  1495. dryer
  1496. drygulch
  1497. DSC
  1498. DSM
  1499. DSS
  1500. DTIC
  1501. DTRA
  1502. dual primary
  1503. dub sack
  1504. duck
  1505. duck stamp
  1506. duck test
  1507. dude ranch
  1508. dude rancher
  1509. dude up
  1510. duff
  1511. dugway
  1512. dumbass
  1513. dumbassed
  1514. Dumbfuckistan
  1515. dump
  1516. dumpster
  1517. dumpster diving
  1518. dunkadoo
  1519. dunzo
  1520. duodecillion
  1521. durn
  1522. dust
  1523. Dutch cheese
  1524. Dutchman
  1525. duvet
  1526. dweeb
  1527. Dwight
  1528. dyspnea
  1529. e thumb
  1530. EAB
  1531. EADA
  1532. eagle
  1533. ear candy
  1534. Earl
  1535. Earle
  1536. Earlene
  1537. Earline
  1538. earmark
  1539. Earth Day
  1540. East Jesus
  1541. East Overshoe
  1542. Easter Egger
  1543. eastside
  1544. eat crow
  1545. eat my shorts
  1546. eaves trough
  1547. EBSA
  1548. ECO
  1549. ecoburb
  1550. ecodefence
  1551. edema
  1552. Edison
  1553. EDRO
  1554. EEOC
  1555. EFV
  1556. EGA
  1557. egg cream
  1558. egg in one's beer
  1559. eggplant
  1560. EIA
  1561. EIB
  1562. eighth grade
  1563. eightplex
  1564. EIN
  1565. EIR
  1566. EITC
  1567. eject
  1568. el
  1569. elasticize
  1570. elbow
  1571. elder
  1572. Electoral College
  1573. elephantitis
  1574. elevator
  1575. elevator music
  1576. elevator shaft
  1577. elevator talk
  1578. eleventh grade
  1579. Elite Eight
  1580. elkwood
  1581. elocute
  1582. emergency services
  1583. emergicenter
  1584. -emia
  1585. EMILY
  1586. empowered
  1587. Empty Quiver
  1588. empty the bench
  1589. EMS
  1590. enameled
  1591. endgate
  1592. endowed chair
  1593. enemy combatant
  1594. engineer
  1595. english
  1596. enhanced interrogation
  1597. enter
  1598. EOMB
  1599. eon
  1600. EPA
  1601. Eph
  1602. epicenter
  1603. equipmentman
  1604. ERA
  1605. eraser
  1606. erf
  1607. ERISA
  1608. escargots
  1609. esophageal cancer
  1610. esophagus
  1611. ESPN
  1612. ESTA
  1613. esthetics
  1614. ETAAC
  1615. ethnoburb
  1616. Euro-skeptic
  1617. Euro-skeptical
  1618. Euro-skepticism
  1619. Euroskeptic
  1620. Euroskeptical
  1621. Euroskepticism
  1622. everclear
  1623. everwhere
  1624. everwhich
  1625. everybody and his cousin
  1626. everyplace
  1627. evet
  1628. exameter
  1629. exclusionary rule
  1630. excuse me
  1631. execute order
  1632. executive order
  1633. executive producer
  1634. EXORD
  1635. expelee
  1636. exploratory committee
  1637. express lane
  1638. expungement
  1639. extemp
  1640. extemper
  1641. extenuation
  1642. extraordinary rendition
  1643. eye bank
  1644. eye black
  1645. eye candy
  1646. eye doctor
  1647. eye MD
  1648. Eye-talian
  1649. eyecup
  1650. eyeglasses
  1651. EZ
  1652. F/A
  1653. FAA
  1654. Faded Giant
  1655. FAETUPAC
  1656. FAFSA
  1657. fag
  1658. fail
  1659. fairy
  1660. faith-based
  1661. faithfully
  1662. faithless elector
  1663. fakeloo
  1664. FAL
  1665. fall off a truck
  1666. fall off the turnip truck
  1667. fallway
  1668. family friendly
  1669. fancy pants
  1670. fandub
  1671. fanny fart
  1672. farb
  1673. farby
  1674. fark
  1675. farmer cheese
  1676. farmette
  1677. fascinator
  1678. fast rope
  1679. fatback
  1680. fatigues
  1681. faunch
  1682. faux bois
  1683. favorite
  1684. favorite son
  1685. favoritism
  1686. fay
  1687. Fayette
  1688. FB
  1689. FBI
  1690. FBO
  1691. FCA
  1692. FCI
  1693. FCU
  1694. FDA
  1695. FDC
  1696. FDIC
  1697. FDICIA
  1698. featherbedding
  1699. feature back
  1700. FEC
  1701. FED
  1702. fed
  1703. Fed
  1704. federal
  1705. Federal Register
  1706. Federal Reserve System
  1707. Fedzilla
  1708. feeb
  1709. feedlot
  1710. feedstore
  1711. feel
  1712. feist
  1713. felony
  1714. femifascist
  1715. feminazi
  1716. feminine hygiene
  1717. femtometer
  1718. fender
  1719. fender skirt
  1720. fender-bender
  1721. feoffment
  1722. FERA
  1723. ferninst
  1724. ferric sulfate
  1725. FERS
  1726. fershur
  1727. fervor
  1728. fetish
  1729. fetticus
  1730. FFV
  1731. FHA
  1732. Fibber McGee's closet
  1733. fiber
  1734. fiber bundle
  1735. fiberboard
  1736. fiberfill
  1737. fice
  1738. fiddlefuck
  1739. field corn
  1740. field day
  1741. field hand
  1742. field sobriety test
  1743. fierce
  1744. Fifth
  1745. fifth grade
  1746. fifty six
  1747. file cabinet
  1748. filibuster
  1749. filibusterism
  1750. fill one's hand
  1751. filth
  1752. fin
  1753. final
  1754. find the latchstring out
  1755. finger-lickin' good
  1756. Finglish
  1757. finif
  1758. fink
  1759. Fink truss
  1760. fip
  1761. fippenny bit
  1762. FIPS
  1763. fir
  1764. fire brigade
  1765. fire company
  1766. fire department
  1767. fire house
  1768. fire marshal
  1769. fire-eater
  1770. firedog
  1771. firehouse
  1772. fireteam
  1773. firetruck
  1774. firewagon
  1775. firkin
  1776. First Amendment
  1777. first base
  1778. first grade
  1779. First Laddie
  1780. first sergeant
  1781. firstie
  1782. fish fry
  1783. fish pound
  1784. fish stick
  1785. fishing expedition
  1786. fitted cap
  1787. fitting
  1788. five
  1789. five-and-dime
  1790. five-and-ten
  1791. five-o
  1792. fix
  1793. fixer-upper
  1794. flag stop
  1795. flag, motherhood and apple pie
  1796. flanger
  1797. flap one's gums
  1798. flapjack
  1799. flash
  1800. flashboard
  1801. flat tire
  1802. flatbed truck
  1803. flattop
  1804. flatty
  1805. flatware
  1806. flax bow
  1807. flexdollar
  1808. flexitarianism
  1809. flicker
  1810. flied
  1811. flip a bitch
  1812. flip-flop
  1813. flipper
  1814. floom
  1815. floor-walker
  1816. flophouse
  1817. floterial
  1818. flour
  1819. flow control
  1820. FLPP
  1821. flunk
  1822. flunkee
  1823. flusher
  1824. flutterboard
  1825. flyby
  1826. flying purple people eater
  1827. flyover
  1828. flyover state
  1829. FMC
  1830. FMF
  1831. FMLA
  1832. FMTV
  1833. FOB
  1834. foggetaboutit
  1835. FOIA
  1836. foley
  1837. foley artist
  1838. folkstyle
  1839. followday
  1840. food pyramid
  1841. food waste disposer
  1842. for
  1843. for all intensive purposes
  1844. for all intents and purposes
  1845. for days
  1846. for the Gipper
  1847. for XYZ reasons
  1848. forehanded
  1849. foreign
  1850. foreman
  1851. forever stamp
  1852. forfeiture fund
  1853. formularize
  1854. forty-leven
  1855. Founding Father
  1856. fountain
  1857. FOUO
  1858. four oh four
  1859. four one one
  1860. four-peat
  1861. fourpeat
  1862. foursquare
  1863. fourteener
  1864. fourth grade
  1865. Fourth of July
  1866. fourth-class
  1867. Fox
  1868. FPC
  1869. FQPA
  1870. frag
  1871. fragger
  1872. fragging
  1873. fraidy
  1874. fraktur
  1875. framer
  1876. Framers
  1877. frankfurt
  1878. Franklin
  1879. frat boy
  1880. frat house
  1881. fraternity
  1882. fraternization
  1883. FRB
  1884. freaking
  1885. free state
  1886. free, white, and twenty-one
  1887. Free-Stater
  1888. freedom fries
  1889. freedom march
  1890. freedom of expression
  1891. freight car
  1892. French Canadian
  1893. French donut
  1894. French door
  1895. French dressing
  1896. French fits
  1897. French horn
  1898. French press
  1899. freshie
  1900. freshman
  1901. Fridays
  1902. fried bread
  1903. friedcake
  1904. friend of mine
  1905. friend of ours
  1906. fritz
  1907. from can see to can't see
  1908. from sea to shining sea
  1909. from soup to nuts
  1910. front yard
  1911. frostfish
  1912. Frozen Four
  1913. fruit cup
  1914. fruit of the poisonous tree
  1915. fry sauce
  1916. frybread
  1917. frypan
  1918. frytka
  1919. ft.
  1920. FTC
  1921. FUBAR
  1922. fuck-you money
  1923. fucken
  1924. fuckin' A
  1925. fucking A
  1926. fuddy-duddy
  1927. fueled
  1928. fuffy
  1929. fulfils
  1930. full bar
  1931. full of beans
  1932. functionality
  1933. funeral parlor
  1934. funeral potatoes
  1935. funfest
  1936. funky
  1937. funnel cake
  1938. funnelling
  1939. funny money
  1940. furlough
  1941. -furter
  1942. fusee
  1943. FWP
  1944. G
  1945. G-2
  1946. G-men
  1947. G-note
  1948. GA
  1949. gad
  1950. gage
  1951. gallinipper
  1952. gallows humor
  1953. galosh
  1954. gamboled
  1955. gamboling
  1956. gambrel
  1957. gandy dancer
  1958. gang
  1959. garage rock
  1960. garden house
  1961. garter belt
  1962. gas
  1963. gas generator
  1964. gas pedal
  1965. gas tank
  1966. gas up
  1967. gaum
  1968. gaumy
  1969. gawming
  1970. gay-ass
  1971. gazump
  1972. GED
  1973. gedunk
  1974. gee
  1975. gee and haw
  1976. gee whiz
  1977. gee willikers
  1978. geez Louise
  1979. geezer
  1980. geezerdom
  1981. geezery
  1982. generation
  1983. gentlelady
  1984. geography fair
  1985. George Foreman grill
  1986. get a rise out of
  1987. get off one's ass
  1988. get one's ass in gear
  1989. get one's freak on
  1990. get one's ya-yas out
  1991. get out of Dodge
  1992. get some
  1993. getup
  1994. ghetto
  1995. ghetto bird
  1996. ghetto lottery
  1997. GI
  1998. GI can
  1999. gibbeted
  2000. gibbeting
  2001. gift that keeps on giving
  2002. gig
  2003. gigameter
  2004. gin up
  2005. Ginnie Mae
  2006. girl
  2007. Girl Scout
  2008. Girl Scouts
  2009. git along
  2010. git-go
  2011. give someone Hail Columbia
  2012. give someone the chair
  2013. give two hoots
  2014. given name
  2015. glad wrap
  2016. gladiola
  2017. glare
  2018. glee club
  2019. glided
  2020. globaloney
  2021. gloss
  2022. Appendix:Glossary of Boston slang
  2023. Appendix:Glossary of surfing
  2024. Appendix:Glossary of two-letter English words
  2025. go blue
  2026. go down the tubes
  2027. go off the reservation
  2028. go postal
  2029. go red
  2030. go to the bathroom
  2031. go to the mat
  2032. go-devil
  2033. GOAT
  2034. gob
  2035. god-awful
  2036. goetta
  2037. goldarn
  2038. goldarnit
  2039. goldbricker
  2040. goldurn
  2041. goldurnit
  2042. Goldwater Republican
  2043. gon
  2044. goneness
  2045. gonk
  2046. goo-goo
  2047. goober bean
  2048. goober pea
  2049. good humor
  2050. goodfella
  2051. goof
  2052. goof off
  2053. goof-off
  2054. goofer dust
  2055. goombah
  2056. goon squad
  2057. goozle
  2058. GOP
  2059. GOPer
  2060. gorm
  2061. gorming
  2062. gormy
  2063. goshdarn
  2064. goshdarnit
  2065. goshdurn
  2066. gospel bird
  2067. got it going on
  2068. Gotcha Day
  2069. gotten on
  2070. gotten out
  2071. gotten over
  2072. gotten up
  2073. government cheese
  2074. governmentalize
  2075. grade crossing
  2076. grade school
  2077. graduate student
  2078. GRAE
  2079. graft
  2080. Graham biscuit
  2081. Graham bread
  2082. graham cracker
  2083. Grahamism
  2084. Grahamite
  2085. grammar school
  2086. grammy
  2087. grand
  2088. grand larceny
  2089. grand theft auto
  2090. grandaunt
  2091. grande
  2092. grandmaw
  2093. grandmom
  2094. grandmommy
  2095. grandpaw
  2096. grandpop
  2097. granduncle
  2098. Grange
  2099. granger
  2100. Grantism
  2101. grantmaker
  2102. grantmaking
  2103. grape wine
  2104. grassplot
  2105. GRAT
  2106. gray
  2107. gray wolf
  2108. graybar hotel
  2109. graymail
  2110. grayslick
  2111. grease payment
  2112. greaseball
  2113. greaser
  2114. Great Pyrenees
  2115. Greco-Roman
  2116. Greek
  2117. Greek fries
  2118. Greek house
  2119. green
  2120. green card
  2121. Green Monday
  2122. green onion
  2123. green state
  2124. green thumb
  2125. greenback
  2126. Greenbacker
  2127. greenhorn
  2128. greenie
  2129. greyback
  2130. griffe
  2131. grill
  2132. grillade
  2133. grindhouse
  2134. grip car
  2135. gris-gris
  2136. grist for the mill
  2137. grizzly
  2138. gro
  2139. grody
  2140. ground beef
  2141. ground floor
  2142. ground game
  2143. ground mobile force
  2144. grouty
  2145. groveled
  2146. groveling
  2147. growed
  2148. grubby
  2149. grundle
  2150. GS
  2151. GSA
  2152. GSE
  2153. GSU
  2154. guana
  2155. guardsman
  2156. guess
  2157. guidette
  2158. Guidette
  2159. Guido
  2160. guido
  2161. Guinea
  2162. guinea
  2163. guinea keet
  2164. gull
  2165. gullywasher
  2166. gum
  2167. gumba
  2168. gun control
  2169. gun lobby
  2170. gun rights
  2171. gunloon
  2172. gunnery sergeant
  2173. gunship
  2174. gurney
  2175. Guy Fawkes Night
  2176. GWOT
  2177. gypsy cab
  2178. haberdasher
  2179. HAC
  2180. hackee
  2181. hacker
  2182. hackie
  2183. haint
  2184. hair space
  2185. hajji
  2186. half and half
  2187. half note
  2188. half step
  2189. halfway decent
  2190. hall pass
  2191. ham sandwich
  2192. hambone
  2193. hamfat
  2194. Hamiltonian
  2195. hammock
  2196. hammy
  2197. hand pie
  2198. handball
  2199. handle
  2200. handlebar mustache
  2201. hang a Louie
  2202. hang a Ralph
  2203. hang a right
  2204. hang the moon
  2205. ha'nt
  2206. happy camper
  2207. harbor gasket
  2208. harborage
  2209. harbormaster
  2210. hard candy
  2211. hard cider
  2212. hard lemonade
  2213. hark back
  2214. harken
  2215. Harlem sunset
  2216. harnt
  2217. Harvard comma
  2218. hash house
  2219. hash slinger
  2220. hashhouse
  2221. hat hair
  2222. hat rack
  2223. hat tree
  2224. hat-rack
  2225. hatcheck
  2226. hatrack
  2227. haul ass
  2228. haunted house
  2229. have a brick in one's hat
  2230. have a hard-on for
  2231. have a nice day
  2232. have a pair
  2233. hawk-eye
  2234. hayride
  2235. haze
  2236. hazing
  2237. head cheese
  2238. headquarter
  2239. headright
  2240. heads-up
  2241. hearty as a buck
  2242. heat index
  2243. heat wave
  2244. heavy
  2245. heavy cream
  2246. heckuva job
  2247. hectometer
  2248. heeb
  2249. heebie-jeebies
  2250. heel
  2251. heeler
  2252. heft
  2253. heighth
  2254. Heinie
  2255. hell and half of Georgia
  2256. hell night
  2257. hell week
  2258. hell west and crooked
  2259. Hellenizer
  2260. helmer
  2261. hematomas
  2262. hemolysis
  2263. hemorrhage
  2264. hens' night
  2265. Hephestos
  2266. Hephestus
  2267. hepped up
  2268. here’s mud in your eye
  2269. hern
  2270. hero sandwich
  2271. Hershey squirts
  2272. hew
  2273. HHS
  2274. HI-MEMS
  2275. hickey
  2276. hickoryite
  2277. hickry
  2278. Hicksite
  2279. hide
  2280. hide-and-go-seek
  2281. high and dry
  2282. high cotton
  2283. high fructose corn syrup
  2284. high on the hog
  2285. high pillow
  2286. high scaler
  2287. high tea
  2288. high yaller
  2289. high-holder
  2290. highbinder
  2291. highbrow
  2292. highfalooting
  2293. highfalutin
  2294. highschooler
  2295. hill
  2296. HillaryCare
  2297. hip pack
  2298. hip-huggers
  2299. HIPAA
  2300. hipshot
  2301. hisn
  2302. hissy
  2303. hissy-fit
  2304. hist
  2305. hit
  2306. hit the head
  2307. hiya doin'
  2308. Hizzoner
  2309. HMMWV
  2310. HMO
  2311. HMX
  2312. HO scale
  2313. hobo jungle
  2314. hock
  2315. hockshop
  2316. hockshops
  2317. hoe
  2318. hoecake
  2319. hog island
  2320. hog town
  2321. hog waller
  2322. hog wallow
  2323. hog-baying
  2324. hog-wallowing
  2325. hogleg
  2326. hognut
  2327. hokey
  2328. hokeypokey
  2329. HOLC
  2330. hold hard
  2331. Holy Trinity
  2332. home
  2333. home school
  2334. homecoming
  2335. Homecoming King
  2336. Homecoming Queen
  2337. homemaker
  2338. homeplace
  2339. homeroom
  2340. hometowned
  2341. homicide
  2342. homolog
  2343. honest injun
  2344. honey dipper
  2345. honey do list
  2346. honeyfuggle
  2347. honeypot
  2348. honkin'
  2349. honky
  2350. honor
  2351. honor roll
  2352. honorable
  2353. honorary
  2354. honourary
  2355. honyock
  2356. hooah
  2357. hoochie-coochie
  2358. hood
  2359. hoofer
  2360. hook
  2361. hoops
  2362. hoosegow
  2363. hoot
  2364. hootchy-kootchy
  2365. hooyah
  2366. hop
  2367. hophead
  2368. Hoppin' John
  2369. horizon
  2370. horned lark
  2371. horse
  2372. horse trailer
  2373. horsemint
  2374. hospitalist
  2375. hot brown
  2376. hot check
  2377. hot shift
  2378. hot squat
  2379. hot tub
  2380. hotcha
  2381. hotdish
  2382. hotfoot
  2383. hound dog
  2384. house
  2385. House
  2386. house finch
  2387. housecar
  2388. houseman
  2389. houseraising
  2390. how do you like them apples
  2391. how'll
  2392. HSCT
  2393. HSM
  2394. HTF
  2395. HU
  2396. HUAC
  2397. hub
  2398. hubby
  2399. HUD
  2400. humor
  2401. hump day
  2402. hunk
  2403. hunk of junk
  2404. hunkerism
  2405. hunkey
  2406. hurdy-gurdy
  2407. hurrah's nest
  2408. hurry-up wagon
  2409. hurt locker
  2410. husker
  2411. hybrid car
  2412. hypocenter
  2413. hypothesize
  2414. hyssop
  2415. I
  2416. I approve this message
  2417. I lost my keys
  2418. ICE
  2419. ice cream truck
  2420. ice-cream suit
  2421. iceberg
  2422. icebox
  2423. icebox cake
  2424. icehouse
  2425. ICEM
  2426. ICWUC
  2427. idealized
  2428. IIFS
  2429. IJDB
  2430. IJN
  2431. ill
  2432. illegal
  2433. immie
  2434. immunization
  2435. impeachment nostalgia
  2436. imperil
  2437. in a hot minute
  2438. in for an inch, in for a mile
  2439. in hospital
  2440. in order
  2441. in someone's wheelhouse
  2442. in the clear
  2443. in thunderation
  2444. inarticulation
  2445. incent
  2446. incentivization
  2447. incentivize
  2448. incorporate
  2449. incorporated company
  2450. infare
  2451. ingress
  2452. initial public offering
  2453. injun
  2454. innit
  2455. inquire
  2456. inquire after
  2457. inquire of
  2458. INS
  2459. inside baseball
  2460. inside information
  2461. inside-the-Beltway
  2462. insurance goal
  2463. insure
  2464. insurrecto
  2465. integrated
  2466. intellectualize
  2467. interdict
  2468. interference
  2469. intermissionless
  2470. internal affairs
  2471. Internal Revenue Code
  2472. international acre
  2473. interservice
  2474. intersession
  2475. interstate
  2476. interstate compact
  2477. intervention
  2478. intrastate
  2479. iodin
  2480. IOM
  2481. IRA
  2482. Iraqibacter
  2483. IRC
  2484. Irish
  2485. Irish pennant
  2486. Irish potato
  2487. iron eagle
  2488. iron(II) sulfate
  2489. iron(III) sulfate
  2490. iron triangle
  2491. IRR
  2492. irregardful
  2493. IRS
  2494. Islamofascism
  2495. Islamofascist
  2496. ISNA
  2497. ISTAR
  2498. ISTEA
  2499. Italian beef
  2500. Italian sandwich
  2501. -ite
  2502. itemizer
  2503. itinerant worker
  2504. IWW
  2505. jab
  2506. jack o'lantern
  2507. jack rafter
  2508. jackleg
  2509. jackpot
  2510. jackrabbit
  2511. Jackson
  2512. jackwagon
  2513. jadrool
  2514. jailtime
  2515. jake
  2516. janitor
  2517. janitory
  2518. Japanazi
  2519. jasm
  2520. jasper
  2521. java
  2522. javelina
  2523. jawblock
  2524. jawsmith
  2525. jaybird
  2526. jazz
  2527. jects
  2528. jefe
  2529. Jefferson
  2530. jello shooter
  2531. jelly
  2532. jellyroll
  2533. jeopardize
  2534. jerk
  2535. jerk off
  2536. jerk water
  2537. jerk-water
  2538. jerkwater
  2539. Jerry
  2540. Jersey
  2541. Jersey lightning
  2542. Jesum Crow
  2543. Jew down
  2544. jewelweed
  2545. JFTR
  2546. jigger
  2547. Jim Crow law
  2548. jim-dandy
  2549. jimmy
  2550. jimsonweed
  2551. Jints
  2552. jit
  2553. jitney
  2554. jive
  2555. jive turkey
  2556. job center
  2557. jobber
  2558. jobholder
  2559. jock
  2560. jockette
  2561. jocklike
  2562. jockocracy
  2563. jodies
  2564. Jody call
  2565. joe
  2566. Joe Frogger
  2567. joe job
  2568. Joe Schmo
  2569. Joe Schmoe
  2570. Joe Shmoe
  2571. john
  2572. john school
  2573. johnnycake
  2574. joint-stock company
  2575. joking
  2576. jones
  2577. joss house
  2578. joy house
  2579. JPAS
  2580. JPBM
  2581. JPL
  2582. JSF
  2583. JTRS
  2584. Juan Doe
  2585. Juanita Doe
  2586. judge advocate
  2587. judgmatically
  2588. jughandle
  2589. juice loan
  2590. jump one's bail
  2591. jump the line
  2592. jumper
  2593. jumping Jehoshaphat
  2594. jumpout
  2595. June gloom
  2596. Juneteenth
  2597. junk drawer
  2598. jury panel
  2599. Juvember
  2600. JWST
  2601. K
  2602. K Street
  2603. K-9 unit
  2604. K-hed
  2605. kabob
  2606. Kameron
  2607. karat
  2608. ke-mo sah-bee
  2609. kebab
  2610. keen
  2611. keeping room
  2612. kegler
  2613. kemo sabe
  2614. kemosabe
  2615. Kentucky rifle
  2616. Kentucky windage
  2617. kerflooey
  2618. kernel
  2619. kernel corn
  2620. ketchup
  2621. ki-yi
  2622. kibei
  2623. kick off
  2624. kick the tires and light the fires
  2625. kick up
  2626. kidnaped
  2627. kidnaping
  2628. kike
  2629. kiki
  2630. killing floor
  2631. kilopound
  2632. kindergarten
  2633. kindly
  2634. kinfolk
  2635. kirmess
  2636. kite
  2637. kitty-cornered
  2638. klutz
  2639. knapsack
  2640. knee-deep in the Big Muddy
  2641. knee-high
  2642. knicker
  2643. knickers
  2644. knit cap
  2645. knock a buzzard off a shit wagon
  2646. knock on wood
  2647. knothole
  2648. know beans about
  2649. know shit from Shinola
  2650. know-all
  2651. know-it-all
  2652. kook
  2653. kookery
  2654. kookish
  2655. kookishness
  2656. Kool-Aid
  2657. kooyah
  2658. Kossack
  2659. kps
  2660. krumping
  2661. kvell
  2662. La Vergne
  2663. La Verne
  2664. labeled
  2665. labor camp
  2666. Labor Day
  2667. labor force
  2668. laboring
  2669. Lafayette
  2670. Lafe
  2671. lah-de-dah
  2672. lah-di-dah
  2673. lallapalootza
  2674. lallygag
  2675. lamb fries
  2676. lame duck
  2677. lance corporal
  2678. land grant
  2679. land poor
  2680. land-beaver
  2681. landmark
  2682. LandWarNet
  2683. Lani
  2684. LAT
  2685. laundromat
  2686. Lavern
  2687. Laverna
  2688. Laverne
  2689. lawman
  2690. lawn chair
  2691. lawyer up
  2692. lay out
  2693. LCE
  2694. LCpl
  2695. LCS
  2696. lead-pipe cinch
  2697. leaderette
  2698. leaf lard
  2699. leaf peeper
  2700. leaf-raking
  2701. learned
  2702. learnfare
  2703. leatherneck
  2704. lector
  2705. left and right
  2706. leftosphere
  2707. lefty
  2708. leg-breaker
  2709. legal pad
  2710. legal-size
  2711. lege
  2712. leggy
  2713. LEM
  2714. lemon cheese
  2715. lemongrass
  2716. leppy
  2717. LES
  2718. let freedom ring
  2719. let one rip
  2720. let's
  2721. letterbox
  2722. letterman
  2723. letting
  2724. lettuce
  2725. lettuce-bird
  2726. leukemia
  2727. levee
  2728. leveling
  2729. leverage
  2730. levy
  2731. LGM
  2732. LH
  2733. LHX
  2734. libeled
  2735. libelous
  2736. liberal
  2737. liberalish
  2738. liberalization
  2739. libertard
  2740. libertarian
  2741. liberty cabbage
  2742. libtard
  2743. licence to print money
  2744. license
  2745. license to print money
  2746. licorice root
  2747. Liebercrat
  2748. lifecare
  2749. lifeguard
  2750. lifetime job
  2751. liftback
  2752. light cream
  2753. light rail
  2754. like a cat in a strange garret
  2755. like a cat on a hot tin roof
  2756. like fun
  2757. lilyturf
  2758. limey
  2759. limousine liberal
  2760. limpsy
  2761. Lincoln
  2762. Lincoln Logs
  2763. Lincolns
  2764. linehaul
  2765. lines
  2766. linnet
  2767. liplock
  2768. liquor
  2769. liquor store
  2770. lit
  2771. liter
  2772. litogen
  2773. little brown fucking machine
  2774. Little League
  2775. little of the creature
  2776. little old
  2777. live pair
  2778. live paycheck to paycheck
  2779. liveaboard
  2780. livery
  2781. LL
  2782. LM
  2783. LMTV
  2784. LOA
  2785. loan
  2786. loblolly
  2787. local
  2788. local lane
  2789. locator
  2790. lock and load
  2791. lockdown
  2792. loco
  2793. LODD
  2794. lodge
  2795. lodge pole
  2796. lodgment
  2797. log drive
  2798. logan
  2799. logbook
  2800. LOI
  2801. LOL
  2802. lollygag
  2803. lollygagger
  2804. lollypaloozer
  2805. London broil
  2806. long arm statute
  2807. long gray line
  2808. long johns
  2809. long sweetening
  2810. longe
  2811. loogan
  2812. loogie
  2813. loose-meat sandwich
  2814. loosey
  2815. loosey goosey
  2816. loosey-goosey
  2817. loot
  2818. lop
  2819. Lord willing and the creek don't rise
  2820. lot
  2821. Lou Gehrig's Disease
  2822. LOVEINT
  2823. 'low
  2824. low-doc loan
  2825. low-down
  2826. low-slope roof
  2827. lower 48
  2828. lower ivy
  2829. LP
  2830. LPI
  2831. LPSS
  2832. LtCol
  2833. lube job
  2834. lubritorium
  2835. luck out
  2836. lumbering
  2837. lunch
  2838. lunch kettle
  2839. lunch lady
  2840. lunch pail
  2841. lunge
  2842. lunge line
  2843. lungeing rein
  2844. lunker
  2845. lupine
  2846. Luther
  2847. LWS
  2848. lyceum
  2849. lymphoblast
  2850. lymphoblastic
  2851. lymphoblastic leukemia
  2852. M
  2853. M-16
  2854. M0
  2855. M1
  2856. M2
  2857. M3
  2858. Ma Bell
  2859. MAC
  2860. macadam
  2861. macaroni and cheese
  2862. machine politician
  2863. mack daddy
  2864. MACOS
  2865. mad
  2866. madrone
  2867. magrums
  2868. MAGTF
  2869. mail
  2870. mail fraud
  2871. mailman
  2872. mails
  2873. main
  2874. maître d'
  2875. maize mushroom
  2876. majordomo
  2877. make
  2878. make a spectacle of oneself
  2879. make like
  2880. make meat
  2881. make out
  2882. make-work
  2883. mall
  2884. mall rat
  2885. mall walking
  2886. mallomar
  2887. mallspeak
  2888. malt
  2889. malt liquor
  2890. malt shop
  2891. malt whiskey
  2892. malted milk
  2893. mamaw
  2894. mammy
  2895. mancation
  2896. maneuvering
  2897. mango
  2898. Manhattanhenge
  2899. manifest destiny
  2900. manifold
  2901. maninose
  2902. mansionette
  2903. MANTA
  2904. mantelboard
  2905. marabou
  2906. March Madness
  2907. Marion
  2908. maritime archeology
  2909. marooning party
  2910. MARPAT
  2911. marquee
  2912. marriage lite
  2913. marse
  2914. marshal
  2915. marshaled
  2916. marshaling
  2917. marshall
  2918. MARSOC
  2919. marveler
  2920. marvelous
  2921. mary
  2922. masa
  2923. massa
  2924. Massa
  2925. massage parlor
  2926. massage parlorist
  2927. massagist
  2928. master chief petty officer
  2929. master gunnery sergeant
  2930. master sergeant
  2931. master-at-arms
  2932. masthead
  2933. masturbatorium
  2934. matanza
  2935. material support
  2936. mathlete
  2937. maven
  2938. Maxwell Street Polish
  2939. mayonnaise
  2940. mazoola
  2941. mazuma
  2942. MCC
  2943. McCainiac
  2944. MCCS
  2945. MCLU
  2946. MCPON
  2947. MCTFS
  2948. MD
  2949. MDA
  2950. MDC
  2951. me
  2952. mead
  2953. meadow muffin
  2954. meadowhawk
  2955. meagerness
  2956. meat and potatoes
  2957. meat puppet
  2958. meatpacking
  2959. mecate
  2960. mechanical pencil
  2961. mechanicals
  2962. meddle
  2963. media bias
  2964. median
  2965. Medicaid mill
  2966. Appendix:Medical prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms
  2967. Medigap
  2968. Mediterraneanise
  2969. meech
  2970. meeching
  2971. meek
  2972. meet with
  2973. meetin' seed
  2974. meeting
  2975. megajerk
  2976. megameter
  2977. megaprimary
  2978. meld
  2979. melodeon
  2980. melonhead
  2981. memaw
  2982. memorandum opinion
  2983. Memorial Day
  2984. memorial park
  2985. memorialize
  2986. memorialized
  2987. memorializes
  2988. mendicancy squad
  2989. MEP
  2990. MER
  2991. merchandize
  2992. mercury
  2993. mercury-vapor lamp
  2994. mess
  2995. mess hall
  2996. Messier catalog
  2997. Met
  2998. metacenter
  2999. metamorphosize
  3000. meter
  3001. metering
  3002. metric mile
  3003. metroplex
  3004. METT-TC
  3005. MEU
  3006. Mexican
  3007. Mexican breakfast
  3008. Mexican overdrive
  3009. Mexifornia
  3010. MGIB
  3011. MGS
  3012. MGySgt
  3013. MIB
  3014. MICH
  3015. Michigan basement
  3016. miching
  3017. microcap
  3018. microneighborhood
  3019. micronization
  3020. micronize
  3021. micropolitan
  3022. mid-fall
  3023. Middle America
  3024. middling plantation
  3025. middlings
  3026. midmajor
  3027. midnight chow
  3028. midterm election
  3029. midtown
  3030. midway
  3031. Midwestern
  3032. Midwesterner
  3033. migradollar
  3034. MIHA
  3035. military
  3036. military school
  3037. milk
  3038. milkweed bug
  3039. milliliter
  3040. millimeter
  3041. millwork
  3042. milo
  3043. minge
  3044. minicamp
  3045. minitruck
  3046. Minnesota nice
  3047. minor-league
  3048. minority
  3049. minority leader
  3050. Miranda right
  3051. Miranda warning
  3052. Mirandize
  3053. misbranded
  3054. miscegenate
  3055. miscegenation
  3056. misdemeanor
  3057. mishcup
  3058. mittimus
  3059. mixed nuts
  3060. mixer
  3061. mixtry
  3062. Miz
  3063. MLS
  3064. MOAB
  3065. moaning dove
  3066. mobilette
  3067. mochaccino
  3068. mochila
  3069. mocuck
  3070. moderate
  3071. MOH
  3072. moider
  3073. mojado
  3074. moke
  3075. molasses cane
  3076. MOLLE
  3077. mollusk
  3078. mom
  3079. mom and apple pie
  3080. momentarily
  3081. momma
  3082. mommyism
  3083. Monday-morning quarterback
  3084. mondo
  3085. money bomb
  3086. money tree
  3087. monkey business
  3088. monkey meat
  3089. Monkey Ward's
  3090. monolog
  3091. Monopoly money
  3092. moon bounce
  3093. moon god
  3094. moonack
  3095. moonshine
  3096. moonshiner's turn
  3097. moonshining
  3098. moonwort
  3099. moose
  3100. moosebird
  3101. moot
  3102. mootah
  3103. MOOTW
  3104. mop head
  3105. mopery
  3106. moral fiber
  3107. Moral Majority
  3108. Mormon potatoes
  3109. Mormonization
  3110. Mormonize
  3111. morning zoo
  3112. mortician
  3113. mosey
  3114. mosquito hawk
  3115. most Rikki-Tik
  3116. motard
  3117. motherferyer
  3118. motherfreaking
  3119. motocycle
  3120. Motor City
  3121. motor pool
  3122. motorhead
  3123. motorplex
  3124. mott
  3125. motte
  3126. mought
  3127. mound
  3128. Mountie
  3129. mourning cloak
  3130. mouse pad
  3131. mouser
  3132. MOUT
  3133. movie theater
  3134. moviehouse
  3135. moving walkway
  3136. mozzarella stick
  3137. MPPG
  3138. MPRC
  3139. MRO
  3140. MSA
  3141. MSC
  3142. MSIC
  3143. MSL
  3144. MSM
  3145. MSR
  3146. MSTAR
  3147. MUC
  3148. muchos gracias
  3149. muckamuck
  3150. muckawis
  3151. muckle
  3152. muckraker
  3153. mudbug
  3154. muffin
  3155. mufflehead
  3156. muffler
  3157. mugwump
  3158. mugwumpery
  3159. mugwumpish
  3160. mugwumpism
  3161. mulada
  3162. mulley
  3163. mulligan car
  3164. multialarm
  3165. multilicense
  3166. multiplug
  3167. multispecialty
  3168. mumblety peg
  3169. mumbo sauce
  3170. murder one
  3171. Murder, Inc.
  3172. musclebrain
  3173. musette
  3174. mushrat
  3175. music center
  3176. Muslimville
  3177. muslin
  3178. mustanging
  3179. muster
  3180. mutt
  3181. Mutt and Jeff
  3182. my fellow Americans
  3183. my gosh
  3184. my stories
  3185. my way or the highway
  3186. N.A.
  3187. NACA
  3188. Naderite
  3189. NADF
  3190. NAF
  3191. NAFDAC
  3192. nail Jell-O to a tree
  3193. nancy
  3194. nannan
  3195. nanometer
  3196. nappy
  3197. NARA
  3198. nard
  3199. NASBA
  3200. nastiness
  3201. nasty
  3202. NASW
  3203. natatorium
  3204. national convention
  3205. nativism
  3206. navigable waters
  3207. NAVMC
  3208. naysay
  3209. NBC
  3210. NBER
  3211. NC
  3212. NCA
  3213. NCAUR
  3214. NCIS
  3215. NCSA
  3216. NCSA HTTPd
  3217. NDA
  3218. NDAA
  3219. near
  3220. nearshore
  3221. neat-freak
  3222. NECC
  3223. neck
  3224. necktie party
  3225. negatum
  3226. neighboring
  3227. neocon
  3228. neoconservatism
  3229. neoconservative
  3230. nervy
  3231. Neshannock
  3232. netop
  3233. Nevada gas
  3234. nevermind
  3235. New England
  3236. New Politics
  3237. newbuild
  3238. newsman
  3239. newsstore
  3240. newton meter
  3241. nex
  3242. next to last
  3243. NFG
  3244. NGA
  3245. NGIA
  3246. NGST
  3247. NH
  3248. NHC
  3249. NHHC
  3250. NHS
  3251. NIA
  3252. NIAID
  3253. nickel and dime
  3254. NIE
  3255. NIEHS
  3256. nigga please
  3257. niggerhead
  3258. Niggertown
  3259. Niggerville
  3260. night stick
  3261. nightcap
  3262. nighthawk
  3263. nightstand
  3264. niglet
  3265. NIGMS
  3266. Nigritian
  3267. NIH
  3268. NIMBY
  3269. nimby
  3270. NIMH
  3271. nimrod
  3272. NIMS
  3273. NINDS
  3274. ninth grade
  3275. NIOSH
  3276. NIP
  3277. NIRA
  3278. NIST
  3279. niter
  3280. nizzle
  3281. NLEC
  3282. NLETS
  3283. NMCC
  3284. no duh
  3285. no go
  3286. no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney
  3287. no siree Bob
  3288. no-account
  3289. no-count
  3290. no-load
  3291. no-trade clause
  3292. nobby
  3293. noble experiment
  3294. NOMAS
  3295. nome
  3296. noncredentialed
  3297. noncredentialled
  3298. nondemocrat
  3299. nonillion
  3300. nonitemizer
  3301. nonmajor
  3302. nonplussed
  3303. nonspacing
  3304. nonsports
  3305. nonstore
  3306. nookie
  3307. nooner
  3308. noplace
  3309. normalcy
  3310. North
  3311. north of the border
  3312. not in Kansas anymore
  3313. not win for losing
  3314. not worth a Continental
  3315. not worth a dime
  3316. not worth a plug nickel
  3317. note shaver
  3318. nother
  3319. now hear this
  3320. NPR
  3321. NPS
  3322. NRA
  3323. NRO
  3324. NROTC
  3325. NSA
  3326. NSF
  3327. NTIS
  3328. NTS
  3329. 'nuff
  3330. nuke
  3331. number
  3332. number 2 pencil
  3333. numbnuts
  3334. nut
  3335. nut out
  3336. nutmeat
  3337. nutpick
  3338. nutsedge
  3339. nutting truck
  3340. NVD
  3341. NVG
  3342. NVOCC
  3343. NWR
  3344. NYA
  3345. O.D.
  3346. OB-GYN
  3347. ObamaCare
  3348. Obamageddon
  3349. Obamamania
  3350. Obamanation
  3351. Obamania
  3352. Obamanomics
  3353. Obamatard
  3354. obsolete
  3355. OBUA
  3356. OCAW
  3357. ocherous
  3358. OCHR
  3359. OCR
  3360. octavofinal
  3361. octillion
  3362. October surprise
  3363. octothorpe
  3364. odd and curious
  3365. OEF
  3366. of color
  3367. of counsel
  3368. ofay
  3369. off base
  3370. off label
  3371. off one's nut
  3372. off-campus
  3373. off-hour
  3374. off-the-rack
  3375. offense
  3376. offside
  3377. OH
  3378. oh my gosh
  3379. oh my heck
  3380. OHA
  3381. Ohiah
  3382. OIF
  3383. oilionaire
  3384. Okie
  3385. old lady
  3386. old man
  3387. Old Right
  3388. old sod
  3389. old soldier
  3390. old-timey
  3391. oldermost
  3392. oleo
  3393. olykoek
  3394. OMS
  3395. on a dime
  3396. on account of
  3397. on line
  3398. on one's own hook
  3399. on one's watch
  3400. on point
  3401. on sale
  3402. on second thought
  3403. on the cuff
  3404. on the down-low
  3405. on the floor
  3406. on the outs
  3407. on-campus
  3408. ondatra
  3409. one
  3410. one-horse town
  3411. one-percent milk
  3412. onery
  3413. one's ass is grass
  3414. onesie
  3415. ONI
  3416. onomatopeia
  3417. oofta
  3418. oorah
  3419. oose
  3420. Oozlefinch
  3421. OPCON
  3422. open a can of whoop ass
  3423. open house
  3424. OPM
  3425. oppo
  3426. oppo research
  3427. opry
  3428. optionally piloted vehicle
  3429. OPV
  3430. OQR
  3431. Oreo
  3432. organ donor
  3433. organising
  3434. originalist
  3435. orphan drug
  3436. orthœpy
  3437. ortolan
  3438. OSD
  3439. Otis
  3440. OTM
  3441. ourn
  3442. ouster
  3443. out back
  3444. out-of-state
  3445. outhustle
  3446. outlying field
  3447. outmaneuver
  3448. outshoot
  3449. Outside
  3450. outsource
  3451. outta
  3452. oven mitt
  3453. ovenbird
  3454. over
  3455. over easy
  3456. over medium
  3457. overall
  3458. overbreadth
  3459. overhauls
  3460. overnight
  3461. overparked
  3462. overpass
  3463. overslaugh
  3464. overvote
  3465. OVP
  3466. ox is in the ditch
  3467. oyster mushroom
  3468. Ozarkite
  3469. P
  3470. P3
  3471. PACE
  3472. pack
  3473. package store
  3474. packie
  3475. packsack
  3476. pad
  3477. page
  3478. paideia
  3479. painted lady
  3480. painter
  3481. pair of eyeglasses
  3482. paleoconservative
  3483. paleography
  3484. paleomagnetic
  3485. pally
  3486. palo verde
  3487. palooka
  3488. Palookaville
  3489. PALS
  3490. pan-broil
  3491. pandowdy
  3492. panelboard
  3493. paneled
  3494. panhandle
  3495. pannhas
  3496. Panther
  3497. panties
  3498. pantless
  3499. pantmaker
  3500. pantsuit
  3501. papabote
  3502. papaw
  3503. paper airplane
  3504. parachute panties
  3505. paradigm shift
  3506. paramedic
  3507. parametrize
  3508. paraoptometric
  3509. pardon me
  3510. Parent-Teacher Association
  3511. parfleche
  3512. parish
  3513. parish house
  3514. park
  3515. parking lot
  3516. parkway
  3517. parlormaid
  3518. parole
  3519. part
  3520. partecipare ad una bravata
  3521. parterre
  3522. partial-birth abortion
  3523. partially defatted pork fatty tissue
  3524. particolored
  3525. party favor
  3526. PASGT
  3527. pass through
  3528. passel
  3529. passivisation
  3530. passivization
  3531. passivize
  3532. passthru
  3533. pasting
  3534. pat down
  3535. patent medicine
  3536. patootie
  3537. patroon
  3538. pattern
  3539. pattypan
  3540. pauhagen
  3541. Paultard
  3542. pavement
  3543. pay raise
  3544. PAYGO
  3545. payola
  3546. payraise
  3547. PBS
  3548. pea-time
  3549. Peabody bird
  3550. Peach
  3551. peart
  3552. pecker
  3553. pecker checker
  3554. pecker mill
  3555. peckerhead
  3556. peckerwood
  3557. pedal pushers
  3558. pedaled
  3559. pedaler
  3560. pedomorphy
  3561. pedregal
  3562. peel
  3563. peel out
  3564. Peep
  3565. peewee
  3566. pencil-neck
  3567. pencil-necked
  3568. pencilneck
  3569. pendant
  3570. pendent jurisdiction
  3571. penitentiary
  3572. penny stock
  3573. pentasulfide
  3574. penultimate
  3575. pep talk
  3576. per orem
  3577. per orum
  3578. perfecta
  3579. perm
  3580. perp walk
  3581. persnickety
  3582. person of color
  3583. person of ordinary skill in the art
  3584. PERSTAT
  3585. petaliter
  3586. petameter
  3587. petty officer third class
  3588. pewee
  3589. PFT
  3590. PG
  3591. PGS
  3592. phagocytize
  3593. Philadelphia lawyer
  3594. Philly fade
  3595. phonemark
  3596. phonorecord
  3597. phony-baloney
  3598. phosphate
  3599. piazza
  3600. picayune
  3601. piccalilli
  3602. pick up the tab
  3603. pickerelweed
  3604. picket line
  3605. pickin' and grinnin'
  3606. picoliter
  3607. picometer
  3608. piece of ass
  3609. piece of tail
  3610. pier
  3611. pierhead line
  3612. pig
  3613. pignoli
  3614. pignut
  3615. pigs in a blanket
  3616. pigskin
  3617. piker
  3618. pimp
  3619. pimping
  3620. pin
  3621. pinch cake
  3622. pink dollar
  3623. pink slip
  3624. pinto bean
  3625. Pioneer Day
  3626. pip
  3627. pipelayer
  3628. pisscutter
  3629. pisser
  3630. pistolette
  3631. pitcher
  3632. pizza bone
  3633. pizza parlor
  3634. pizza pie
  3635. PL
  3636. placative
  3637. plack
  3638. plain flour
  3639. Plains
  3640. PLAN
  3641. planning permission
  3642. plant
  3643. planting strip
  3644. play hob with
  3645. play hooky
  3646. play-by-play
  3647. playa
  3648. playbook
  3649. playlot
  3650. playmaker
  3651. playoff
  3652. plea bargain
  3653. plea-bargain
  3654. plead the fifth
  3655. plead the Fifth
  3656. pleasure center
  3657. plebe
  3658. plow
  3659. plowed
  3660. plowwoman
  3661. plug
  3662. plug nickel
  3663. plugola
  3664. plumb
  3665. pluperfect tense
  3666. plute
  3667. PMEE
  3668. po-po
  3669. poacher
  3670. pocket veto
  3671. pocketbook
  3672. pocosin
  3673. podiatry
  3674. poghaden
  3675. pogue
  3676. pogy
  3677. point
  3678. poke
  3679. pokelogan
  3680. poker
  3681. poker machine
  3682. pokerish
  3683. polarize
  3684. polarized
  3685. pole building
  3686. polecat
  3687. police
  3688. police blotter
  3689. political conservative
  3690. political machine
  3691. politiquera
  3692. poll tax
  3693. polliwog
  3694. Pollyanna
  3695. pomelo
  3696. pone
  3697. pony
  3698. pony car
  3699. pony keg
  3700. pool hall
  3701. pool spray
  3702. poolroom
  3703. poon
  3704. poontang
  3705. poop
  3706. pooquaw
  3707. poor boy
  3708. poor white trash
  3709. poorboy
  3710. pooseback
  3711. pop a cap in someone's ass
  3712. pop quiz
  3713. pope
  3714. Pope Day
  3715. Pope Night
  3716. popo
  3717. popover
  3718. poppa
  3719. pork
  3720. pork barrel
  3721. pork rind
  3722. Porkopolis
  3723. posse
  3724. possum
  3725. post-captain
  3726. postemancipation
  3727. postgraduate
  3728. postpartisan
  3729. postseason
  3730. pot-walloper
  3731. potato chip
  3732. potato crisp
  3733. potpie
  3734. pound
  3735. pound cake
  3736. pound sign
  3737. powder room
  3738. powder-posted
  3739. pozole
  3740. practice
  3741. practicum
  3742. pram
  3743. prang
  3744. pre-approval letter
  3745. pre-packaged bankruptcy
  3746. prealgebra
  3747. prebusiness
  3748. precinct
  3749. precinct committeeman
  3750. preclearance
  3751. preference
  3752. preferred provider
  3753. pregnant chad
  3754. prehealth
  3755. prekindergarten
  3756. prelaw
  3757. premature antifascist
  3758. premmie
  3759. prenuptial agreement
  3760. prenursing
  3761. prep school
  3762. prepster
  3763. press avail
  3764. press availability
  3765. press gaggle
  3766. pressroom
  3767. pretense
  3768. preterit
  3769. primary
  3770. primary offense
  3771. primarying
  3772. prime mover
  3773. Primus stove
  3774. Prince Valiant
  3775. princess
  3776. prior
  3777. private
  3778. private first class
  3779. PRNDL
  3780. pro-abort
  3781. pro-aborts
  3782. pro-control
  3783. pro-gun
  3784. pro-life
  3785. proabort
  3786. probable cause
  3787. procession
  3788. processioner
  3789. processioning
  3790. proctor
  3791. prodeath
  3792. product
  3793. professor
  3794. programer
  3795. progue
  3796. project
  3797. projects
  3798. prolog
  3799. prom
  3800. prom king
  3801. prom queen
  3802. proof
  3803. prophylactic
  3804. proponency
  3805. proposition
  3806. prosecution history
  3807. prosty
  3808. prowl car
  3809. prox
  3810. PRRA
  3811. pruno
  3812. PSB
  3813. psychomological
  3814. PTWC
  3815. publands
  3816. public service
  3817. public transit
  3818. public transport
  3819. public transportation
  3820. publishment
  3821. PUC
  3822. puchito
  3823. pucky
  3824. puffing
  3825. puggle
  3826. pulse dialing
  3827. pump
  3828. pumpjack
  3829. pumpkin
  3830. pumpkin head
  3831. puncher
  3832. pungle
  3833. punies
  3834. punk-ass
  3835. punkie
  3836. pupelo
  3837. purdy
  3838. purely
  3839. purp
  3840. purple
  3841. Purple Heart
  3842. purple state
  3843. purpose statement
  3844. purposeful availment
  3845. purse
  3846. pus-gutted
  3847. pusherman
  3848. pusley
  3849. pussy power
  3850. put the bee on
  3851. putter around
  3852. PVS
  3853. PVT
  3854. PX
  3855. pyore
  3856. pyrolyze
  3857. QDR
  3858. QDRO
  3859. quacky
  3860. quadplex
  3861. quadriad
  3862. quadrillion
  3863. quadrominium
  3864. quahogger
  3865. Quaker gun
  3866. quarrelous
  3867. quarter bathroom
  3868. quarter of
  3869. quarterbacking
  3870. quarterless
  3871. quarterly court
  3872. quattuordecillion
  3873. 'que
  3874. que
  3875. queep
  3876. quick bread
  3877. quick-and-dirty
  3878. quid
  3879. quiet down
  3880. quilt show
  3881. quilter
  3882. quindecillion
  3883. quint
  3884. quintillion
  3885. Quiz bowl
  3886. quoddy
  3887. Quonset
  3888. R.Ph.
  3889. rabbit
  3890. rabbit's foot
  3891. racino
  3892. racinos
  3893. radiclib
  3894. radionics
  3895. RADM
  3896. raft
  3897. rag
  3898. rag out
  3899. ragazine
  3900. raghorn
  3901. railbird
  3902. railroad crossing
  3903. railroad spike
  3904. railroad station
  3905. railroad switch
  3906. railroad tie
  3907. railroad tramp
  3908. railroadiana
  3909. railroading
  3910. rain day
  3911. rainbow
  3912. rainmaking
  3913. raise
  3914. raise unshirted hell
  3915. raising
  3916. rake someone over the coals
  3917. rally cap
  3918. ramada
  3919. rammy
  3920. ramsted
  3921. ranch
  3922. ranchburger
  3923. ranchero
  3924. rancho
  3925. Randall grass
  3926. range
  3927. rangeland
  3928. rank
  3929. rantankerous
  3930. rape
  3931. RAPIDS
  3932. rare
  3933. rat-trap cheese
  3934. ratchet
  3935. rattler
  3936. raveled
  3937. rawhider
  3938. razorback
  3939. razzberry
  3940. RBSP
  3941. RCCPDS
  3942. RCS
  3943. RDML
  3944. re-examination
  3945. re-up
  3946. REA
  3947. reactive armor
  3948. read out
  3949. readjuster
  3950. real
  3951. real gone
  3952. really
  3953. reapportionment
  3954. rear
  3955. rear admiral (lower half)
  3956. rear admiral (upper half)
  3957. receptacle
  3958. recess
  3959. recess appointment
  3960. reclama
  3961. recluse
  3962. recognized component
  3963. recognizing
  3964. recon
  3965. rectal varicosity
  3966. red
  3967. red brass
  3968. red cent
  3969. red diaper baby
  3970. red dog
  3971. red hot
  3972. red pepper
  3973. Red Sox
  3974. Red Sox Nation
  3975. red squad
  3976. red state
  3977. red, white and blue
  3978. red-baiter
  3979. red-baiting
  3980. red-eye
  3981. red-hot
  3982. redback
  3983. redbait
  3984. redbone
  3985. redcap
  3986. redcedar
  3987. redd up
  3988. redheaded Eskimo
  3989. redistrict
  3990. redneckish
  3991. rednecky
  3992. redshirt
  3993. reduced-fat milk
  3994. reduction in force
  3995. reedgrass
  3996. reefer
  3997. refarming
  3998. reflectorize
  3999. refocused
  4000. refocuses
  4001. refocusing
  4002. refueling
  4003. refugee
  4004. refujew
  4005. regrade
  4006. reich-wing
  4007. reindeer games
  4008. REMF
  4009. REMIC
  4010. removalist
  4011. Ren fair
  4012. Renaissance fair
  4013. Renascence
  4014. rendition
  4015. rendrock
  4016. renewedly
  4017. reparate
  4018. repeater
  4019. repo man
  4020. repopularize
  4021. representative
  4022. Republicans
  4023. Republicrat
  4024. Republicunt
  4025. rerun
  4026. reservation
  4027. reserve bank
  4028. reserved powers
  4029. residency
  4030. resident alien
  4031. reso
  4032. RESPA
  4033. rest
  4034. restauranteur
  4035. restroom
  4036. resume
  4037. Rethuglican
  4038. retiracy
  4039. reveler
  4040. revenue bill
  4041. revenue sharing grant
  4042. revenuer
  4043. revisor
  4044. revivalist
  4045. Rewson
  4046. rex-pat
  4047. RF
  4048. RFJ
  4049. RH
  4050. riblet
  4051. ricer
  4052. rick
  4053. Rico Suave
  4054. ride
  4055. ride herd on
  4056. ride the short bus
  4057. ridge-runner
  4058. rig
  4059. rigamarole
  4060. right
  4061. right of counsel
  4062. right on
  4063. right to keep and bear arms
  4064. right to life
  4065. right to work
  4066. righteous
  4067. rigor
  4068. rigors
  4069. rigour
  4070. rily
  4071. ringolevio
  4072. RINO
  4073. RIO
  4074. rip
  4075. ripper
  4076. rising
  4077. risque
  4078. ritualize
  4079. rivaled
  4080. rivaling
  4081. rivel
  4082. river runner
  4083. riverboat queen
  4084. riz
  4085. RMB
  4086. roach
  4087. road agent
  4088. roadhouse
  4089. roadkill
  4090. roanoke
  4091. roastnear
  4092. robber baron
  4093. robe
  4094. rock and rye
  4095. rock candy
  4096. Rockefeller Republican
  4097. rocking chair money
  4098. Rockwellesque
  4099. Rockwellian
  4100. rod
  4101. roller docker
  4102. rolling paper
  4103. rolling papers
  4104. romanette
  4105. romanticizes
  4106. romanticizing
  4107. Romex
  4108. Romnesia
  4109. RomneyCare
  4110. romp
  4111. roomette
  4112. roorbach
  4113. Roosevelt
  4114. root
  4115. root around
  4116. rootwork
  4117. roque
  4118. rose-colored
  4119. rosebud
  4120. Rosie
  4121. rosinweed
  4122. ross
  4123. roto
  4124. rototill
  4125. rototiller
  4126. roughscuff
  4127. round in
  4128. roundball
  4129. roundballer
  4130. roustabout
  4131. routing number
  4132. rowboat
  4133. rowhouse
  4134. rrp
  4135. RS
  4136. RTECS
  4137. rubberneck
  4138. Rube Goldberg machine
  4139. RUC
  4140. rug rat
  4141. rugger
  4142. rullichies
  4143. rumint
  4144. rumor
  4145. rumor campaign
  4146. rumor has it
  4147. rumspringa
  4148. run
  4149. run interference
  4150. runround
  4151. RUS
  4152. rush
  4153. rustler
  4154. Ruthlyn
  4155. S-2
  4156. sabermetrician
  4157. sabermetrics
  4158. SAC
  4159. Sacagawea
  4160. sack
  4161. SAD
  4162. Sadie Hawkins dance
  4163. saditty
  4164. safekeeping
  4165. safety school
  4166. salescritter
  4167. salesmarketer
  4168. Sallie Mae
  4169. saloon
  4170. saloonkeeper
  4171. saloonkeeping
  4172. salt bottom
  4173. salt horse
  4174. salt rheum
  4175. Salt River
  4176. saltbox
  4177. saltine
  4178. saltpeter
  4179. salty
  4180. salty dog
  4181. salutatorian
  4182. samp
  4183. sand fleas
  4184. sandbox
  4185. sandfly
  4186. sandhiller
  4187. sandlotter
  4188. sandwich
  4189. sandworm
  4190. sanitarian
  4191. sanitarium
  4192. SAP
  4193. sap
  4194. sappy
  4195. Saran Wrap
  4196. Saratoga chip
  4197. sass
  4198. SAT
  4199. satemization
  4200. Saturdays
  4201. sauce
  4202. sausage gravy
  4203. sauterne
  4204. savanilla
  4205. savior
  4206. SAW
  4207. sawbelly
  4208. sawbuck
  4209. sawmill gravy
  4210. sawn-off shotgun
  4211. sawyer
  4212. say uncle
  4213. Sazerac
  4214. SBA
  4215. scabland
  4216. scalawag
  4217. scalie
  4218. scallion
  4219. scalper
  4220. scarf
  4221. scarf down
  4222. scary
  4223. scepter
  4224. schedule
  4225. schlockbuster
  4226. schlub
  4227. schlubby
  4228. schmuck
  4229. Schmucksville
  4230. schnozzle
  4231. scholarly
  4232. school class
  4233. school counselor
  4234. school of hard knocks
  4235. schoolie
  4236. schoolmarm
  4237. schooner
  4238. schwing
  4239. scissorbill
  4240. scolder
  4241. scooch
  4242. scope dope
  4243. score
  4244. Scotch pine
  4245. Scotch tape
  4246. Scout Sunday
  4247. scrapple
  4248. scratch
  4249. screamer
  4250. screen door
  4251. screw
  4252. screw anchor
  4253. screwball
  4254. scrimmage
  4255. scringe
  4256. scrouge
  4257. scrub
  4258. scrub oak
  4259. scrubeenie
  4260. scrubwoman
  4261. scrumtrulescent
  4262. scungilli
  4263. scungy
  4264. scup
  4265. SCWS
  4266. SDO
  4267. sea legs
  4268. seaman
  4269. seaman apprentice
  4270. seaman recruit
  4271. SEAT
  4272. seat-of-the-pants
  4273. seatwork
  4274. seatworm
  4275. SecDef
  4276. second grade
  4277. second-guess
  4278. second-storey man
  4279. secondary color
  4280. secondary school
  4281. secretary
  4282. secreted
  4283. secreting
  4284. section 8
  4285. security mom
  4286. seddity
  4287. sedentarisation
  4288. sedentarization
  4289. sedentarize
  4290. see the elephant
  4291. seed wool
  4292. seeing-eye dog
  4293. seg
  4294. Seifert fiber space
  4295. Seifert fibered space
  4296. select agent
  4297. Selection Sunday
  4298. selective
  4299. selectman
  4300. self-rising flour
  4301. semester
  4302. semigeneric
  4303. semisteel
  4304. senatorial
  4305. send up
  4306. senior
  4307. senior chief petty officer
  4308. senior status
  4309. senioritis
  4310. sepawn
  4311. septendecillion
  4312. sequester
  4313. sergeant first class
  4314. service station
  4315. SES
  4316. set a spell
  4317. setback
  4318. settle
  4319. seven-level
  4320. seventh grade
  4321. severance tax
  4322. sewing lounge
  4323. sex-plus
  4324. sexdecillion
  4325. Sexgate
  4326. sexual favor
  4327. SFC
  4328. SGM
  4329. Sgt
  4330. SgtMaj
  4331. SgtMajMarCor
  4332. shack
  4333. shackly
  4334. shad-waiter
  4335. shanks' mare
  4336. Shannon
  4337. shanty
  4338. share-in-savings
  4339. shareholders' derivative action
  4340. sharpie
  4341. shatting on one's uppers
  4342. shave
  4343. shavetail
  4344. Shaysite
  4345. shearling
  4346. shebop
  4347. sheepskin
  4348. sheet cake
  4349. shellac
  4350. shellack
  4351. shellacking
  4352. shelter dog
  4353. sheriff
  4354. shield law
  4355. shift
  4356. shift lever
  4357. shilling
  4358. shin
  4359. shindy
  4360. shine
  4361. shingler
  4362. shipping and handling
  4363. shirr
  4364. shirtwaist
  4365. shirtwaist blouse
  4366. shit fit
  4367. shit on a shingle
  4368. shit the bed
  4369. shit-brindle
  4370. Shitcago
  4371. shitkicker
  4372. shitty
  4373. shitty-ass
  4374. shneid
  4375. shoestring
  4376. shoobie
  4377. shoot first and ask questions later
  4378. shoot the breeze
  4379. shooting iron
  4380. shootist
  4381. shop
  4382. shop right
  4383. shopping cart
  4384. shopping center
  4385. shopping mall
  4386. shopping precinct
  4387. short bus
  4388. short sweetening
  4389. short-tailed weasel
  4390. shortening
  4391. shotgun
  4392. shovel
  4393. shovelbum
  4394. showboat
  4395. shpadoinkle
  4396. SHRA
  4397. shrank
  4398. shunter
  4399. shviger
  4400. shylock
  4401. sick call
  4402. sick to one's stomach
  4403. side
  4404. sidebang
  4405. sidebar
  4406. sideboy
  4407. sidehill
  4408. sideliner
  4409. sidelot
  4410. sideshow
  4411. sidewalk
  4412. sideways
  4413. siege
  4414. sight draft
  4415. sign into law
  4416. signboard
  4417. sigogglin
  4418. silent majority
  4419. sillcock
  4420. silver dollar
  4421. silverware
  4422. simoleon
  4423. sin bin
  4424. sincerely
  4425. SINCGARS
  4426. sinch
  4427. singing
  4428. single jack
  4429. single-wide
  4430. SIOP
  4431. sip
  4432. sipage
  4433. sipe
  4434. SIRTF
  4435. siss
  4436. Sister Souljah moment
  4437. sit
  4438. sitrep
  4439. six pack
  4440. sixth grade
  4441. size zero
  4442. skedaddle
  4443. skeesicks
  4444. skeeter
  4445. skeezicks
  4446. skeleton in the closet
  4447. skell
  4448. skepticism
  4449. skid road
  4450. skillet
  4451. skilts
  4452. skimback
  4453. skimp
  4454. skin
  4455. skin flick
  4456. skintern
  4457. skokeberry
  4458. Skookum
  4459. skronky
  4460. Skunk ape
  4461. sky marshal
  4462. slab-sided
  4463. Slabber
  4464. slam
  4465. slap bet
  4466. slapjack
  4467. slash
  4468. slate
  4469. slated
  4470. slave code
  4471. Slavic studies
  4472. slavocracy
  4473. slayed
  4474. sled
  4475. sleeper berth
  4476. slew
  4477. slick
  4478. slickens
  4479. slicking
  4480. slider
  4481. slimsy
  4482. slingshot
  4483. slip
  4484. slipper
  4485. slipper chair
  4486. sliver
  4487. slop shoot
  4488. slop-jar
  4489. sloppy joe
  4490. SLUF
  4491. SLUFF
  4492. slugging
  4493. slumpy
  4494. SM
  4495. SMA
  4496. Small Business Saturday
  4497. small-townish
  4498. smallholder
  4499. smallholding
  4500. smart
  4501. smarts
  4502. SmartStamp
  4503. smash
  4504. SMCR
  4505. smear case
  4506. smell the barn
  4507. SMMC
  4508. smog check
  4509. smoke
  4510. smoke wagon
  4511. smolder
  4512. s'more
  4513. smouch
  4514. smudge
  4515. Smurf turf
  4516. smush
  4517. snake
  4518. snakebitten
  4519. snap
  4520. snap in
  4521. snap it up
  4522. snapper
  4523. snazz up
  4524. sneakers
  4525. sneezer
  4526. sneezeweed
  4527. snipebill
  4528. snirt
  4529. snit
  4530. snitz
  4531. snow cone
  4532. snow day
  4533. snowball
  4534. snowfighter
  4535. snowl
  4536. snowmageddon
  4537. snuggie
  4538. snuggle bunny
  4539. so
  4540. sobersides
  4541. soccer mom
  4542. soccerplex
  4543. social security
  4544. social security number
  4545. socialized
  4546. socialized medicine
  4547. sockdolager
  4548. socket pole
  4549. socko
  4550. soda
  4551. soda counter
  4552. soda cracker
  4553. soda fountain
  4554. soda glass
  4555. soda jerk
  4556. soda jerker
  4557. sofkee
  4558. solemnize
  4559. solid
  4560. Solid South
  4561. solitaire
  4562. some more
  4563. some old
  4564. someplace
  4565. sometime
  4566. songster
  4567. sook
  4568. SOPA
  4569. sophomore
  4570. sorority
  4571. sorostitute
  4572. sorry
  4573. SOTU
  4574. soul food
  4575. soup
  4576. soup sandwich
  4577. soup-to-nuts
  4578. sourball
  4579. source
  4580. sourced
  4581. sourcing
  4582. souse
  4583. South
  4584. South Park Republican
  4585. Southern
  4586. Southern belle
  4587. southern yellow pine
  4588. Southern-fried
  4589. Southerner
  4590. sowbelly
  4591. Sox
  4592. soyfood
  4593. sozzle
  4594. SP
  4595. space alien
  4596. spalt
  4597. span
  4598. spange
  4599. spanger
  4600. Spanish
  4601. spare tire well
  4602. spare tyre well
  4603. sparkling cider
  4604. sparky
  4605. spat
  4606. SPC
  4607. speaker
  4608. spearchucker
  4609. special education advocate
  4610. special master
  4611. specialist
  4612. speckled-belly
  4613. speedway
  4614. spell
  4615. speller
  4616. spelling
  4617. spendy
  4618. sperling
  4619. sperm donor
  4620. spic
  4621. Spicanese
  4622. spicebush
  4623. spick
  4624. spider
  4625. spiedie
  4626. spike team
  4627. spiketail
  4628. spile
  4629. spilled
  4630. spinach dip
  4631. spindletail
  4632. spinetail
  4633. spinmeister
  4634. spit and baling wire
  4635. splanch
  4636. split
  4637. split the sheets
  4638. split ticket
  4639. split-squad
  4640. spoiler
  4641. spoilsman
  4642. spooky PAC
  4643. spoon
  4644. spoonbill
  4645. spoonbread
  4646. Sportianity
  4647. sportsbook
  4648. sportsplex
  4649. spot
  4650. spot on
  4651. sprew
  4652. sprigtail
  4653. spring for
  4654. spring roll
  4655. spront
  4656. sprunt up
  4657. SPS
  4658. spud
  4659. spumoni
  4660. squad car
  4661. squantum
  4662. square centimeter
  4663. square meter
  4664. squeak out
  4665. squeaker
  4666. squelch
  4667. squib
  4668. squirt
  4669. sqush
  4670. SS
  4671. SSA
  4672. SSB
  4673. SSBN
  4674. SSG
  4675. SSGN
  4676. SSI
  4677. SSK
  4678. SSN
  4679. SSR
  4680. SSRN
  4681. SSS
  4682. SST
  4683. stack
  4684. stadium mustard
  4685. staff sergeant
  4686. stage mother
  4687. stand
  4688. stand off
  4689. stand up
  4690. standardizes
  4691. Appendix:Star Wars derivations
  4692. starting five
  4693. State of the Union
  4694. stateprison
  4695. stateroom
  4696. states' rights
  4697. station
  4698. station sedan
  4699. station wagon
  4700. stationhouse
  4701. steak bomb
  4702. stealth camping
  4703. steamer
  4704. steelie
  4705. steely-eyed missile man
  4706. steep-slope roof
  4707. stem-winder
  4708. stemmery
  4709. step foot
  4710. step up to the plate
  4711. steroid
  4712. stew
  4713. STFU
  4714. sticker
  4715. sticker shock
  4716. stickpin
  4717. stickshift
  4718. sticky note
  4719. stiff
  4720. still-hunt
  4721. stinkin'
  4722. STOBAR
  4723. stockgrower
  4724. stockyard
  4725. stonebird
  4726. stool
  4727. stop on a dime
  4728. stop-loss
  4729. stoplight
  4730. storied
  4731. storm drain
  4732. story
  4733. STOVL
  4734. straight
  4735. straight out of the chute
  4736. straight ticket
  4737. straight-joint
  4738. Strait of Juan de Fuca
  4739. straw bail
  4740. straw bid
  4741. straw boss
  4742. straw donor
  4743. streaked
  4744. street money
  4745. streetcar
  4746. strip mall
  4747. strong
  4748. struggle-buggy
  4749. stuck like Chuck
  4750. stuffing
  4751. stump
  4752. stump dump
  4753. stump it
  4754. sub
  4755. submariner
  4756. submersible
  4757. subprime
  4758. subtreasurer
  4759. subway
  4760. subway series
  4761. succotash
  4762. suck my balls
  4763. Sucker
  4764. suckhole
  4765. suffrage
  4766. sugar
  4767. sugar candy
  4768. sugar pea
  4769. sugarplum
  4770. suicide jockey
  4771. summer boarder
  4772. summer stock
  4773. summers
  4774. sump pit
  4775. sunchoke
  4776. Sundays
  4777. sundown
  4778. sunfast
  4779. sunnies
  4780. sunny
  4781. sunny side down
  4782. sunny side up
  4783. sunperch
  4784. sunshine
  4785. sunshine agenda
  4786. Sunshine State
  4787. sunup
  4788. super PAC
  4789. Super Saturday
  4790. Super Tuesday
  4791. superbug
  4792. superconservative
  4793. superdelegate
  4794. Superfund
  4795. superhighway
  4796. superintendent
  4797. supermom
  4798. superprimary
  4799. superstation
  4800. supertwister
  4801. supervisor
  4802. suppawn
  4803. supplemental jurisdiction
  4804. supposta
  4805. suppress
  4806. Supremes
  4807. sure thing
  4808. surprize
  4809. surrogate
  4810. sursie
  4811. surviving spouse
  4812. suspender
  4813. suspenders
  4814. suspensor
  4815. swagman
  4816. swamp pine
  4817. Swamp Yankee
  4818. swamper
  4819. swamplife
  4820. swan
  4821. SWAT
  4822. sweatbox
  4823. sweater vest
  4824. sweatpants
  4825. sweepstake
  4826. sweet potato
  4827. sweet seventeen
  4828. sweet sixteen
  4829. Sweet Sixteen
  4830. sweetheart
  4831. swift boat
  4832. swiftboat
  4833. swing for the fences
  4834. swing shift
  4835. swing state
  4836. Swinging Sixties
  4837. swisher
  4838. switch
  4839. switchel
  4840. switcher
  4841. swiveled
  4842. swiveling
  4843. sycamore
  4844. symphony
  4845. syndication agency
  4846. SYP
  4847. T-ball
  4848. T-bill
  4849. T-bone
  4850. T-Day
  4851. tabernacle
  4852. table board
  4853. table soccer
  4854. table wine
  4855. TAC
  4856. taco
  4857. taco salad
  4858. tacops
  4859. taffy
  4860. tag
  4861. tail
  4862. tailgate
  4863. tailpipe
  4864. take a powder
  4865. take the bait
  4866. take the Browns to the Super Bowl
  4867. take the cake
  4868. take the pledge
  4869. take the stump
  4870. takeaway
  4871. Talibaptist
  4872. talk to the hand
  4873. talk turkey
  4874. tall
  4875. tallboy
  4876. tallgrass
  4877. tank wagon
  4878. tanker
  4879. tap pants
  4880. tapeline
  4881. tapped out
  4882. tapper
  4883. taqueria
  4884. tar baby
  4885. Tar Heel State
  4886. tardy
  4887. tarnal
  4888. tart burner
  4889. tater
  4890. Tater Tots
  4891. tavern sandwich
  4892. tax bite
  4893. tax clinic
  4894. tax lot
  4895. taxbite
  4896. taxi dancer
  4897. TBS
  4898. TDDRA
  4899. TEA
  4900. tea clam
  4901. tea pad
  4902. Teabagistan
  4903. teacake
  4904. teakettle
  4905. teamster
  4906. teatard
  4907. tebowing
  4908. teener
  4909. teetotaler
  4910. teetotaller
  4911. telephone
  4912. teller
  4913. telltale
  4914. temblor
  4915. ten
  4916. ten-cent store
  4917. ten-strike
  4918. tennies
  4919. tenth grade
  4920. tentpole
  4921. tentpole movie
  4922. terabuck
  4923. terameter
  4924. terminate with extreme prejudice
  4925. test pattern
  4926. testilying
  4927. tetched
  4928. tetterwort
  4929. that dog won't hunt
  4930. that's all she wrote
  4931. that's what she said
  4932. the jig is up
  4933. theater
  4934. theatergoing
  4935. theirn
  4936. them thar
  4937. theocon
  4938. theoconservative
  4939. theolog
  4940. thermokinetic
  4941. thigh-high
  4942. thimerosal
  4943. third class
  4944. third finger
  4945. third grade
  4946. third island chain
  4947. thirteener
  4948. thizz
  4949. thizzing
  4950. tho
  4951. thong
  4952. thot
  4953. thousand one
  4955. three-on-the-tree
  4956. three-peat
  4957. threepeat
  4958. thrift
  4959. thrillcraft
  4960. throughway
  4961. thruput
  4962. thrush
  4963. thruway
  4964. thud
  4965. thumb a ride
  4966. thumbsucker
  4967. thunderation
  4968. Thursdays
  4969. tickler
  4970. ticky-tacky
  4971. tie
  4972. tiger
  4973. tight as a duck's ass
  4974. tightie-whities
  4975. tillerman
  4976. timber wolf
  4977. time-traveler
  4978. time-traveller
  4979. Timese
  4980. TIN
  4981. tinhorn
  4982. Tinker to Evers to Chance
  4983. tinmouth
  4984. tip
  4985. tip wage credit
  4986. tippee
  4987. tithingman
  4988. title policy
  4989. titlist
  4990. titman
  4991. tits
  4992. TLA
  4993. toad-strangler
  4994. toadsticker
  4995. toches
  4996. today we are all
  4997. tode
  4998. toilet paper
  4999. toke
  5000. toll
  5001. toll plaza
  5002. toll-free
  5003. tomato concentrate
  5004. tomato juice
  5005. ton of refrigeration
  5006. Toni
  5007. tonic
  5008. tonite
  5009. tonk
  5010. top dollar
  5011. top off
  5012. top oneself
  5013. top shelf
  5014. toppy
  5015. torch
  5016. tore up
  5017. torpedo
  5018. torque off
  5019. torqued off
  5020. torta
  5021. total
  5022. tottlish
  5023. touch labor
  5024. touch-tone dialing
  5025. tough call
  5026. toward
  5027. town center
  5028. townhome
  5029. townie
  5030. track and field
  5031. trackman
  5032. tracksuit
  5033. tract home
  5034. tract house
  5035. tractor
  5036. trade dollar
  5037. traffic circle
  5038. traffic signal box
  5039. trailer
  5040. trailer park
  5041. trailer park trash
  5042. trailer trash
  5043. trailer truck
  5044. trailhand
  5045. train station
  5046. trainman
  5047. trampoose
  5048. tranquillizer
  5049. transplant
  5050. transportation
  5051. trap
  5052. trapezium
  5053. trapezoid
  5054. trash
  5055. trash can
  5056. trash-talk
  5057. traveled
  5058. traveler
  5059. traveler's check
  5060. travelog
  5061. TRB
  5062. treadwear
  5063. tredecillion
  5064. tree house
  5065. Trenton
  5066. tricounty
  5067. triddler
  5068. trifecta
  5069. triggerman
  5070. triggerwoman
  5071. trillion
  5072. trip to the woodshed
  5073. triple
  5074. triple dog dare
  5075. triple O
  5076. TRIS
  5077. trolley
  5078. trolley park
  5079. tromp
  5080. trooper
  5081. trots
  5082. trou
  5083. troweled
  5084. troweling
  5085. truck
  5086. truck farming
  5087. trucking
  5088. trump
  5089. trunkline
  5090. trunkload
  5091. trustbuster
  5092. trustbusting
  5093. truthiness
  5094. truthy
  5095. TSA
  5096. tsar
  5097. TSP
  5098. TSRA
  5099. tsuris
  5100. tuckahoe
  5101. 'tude
  5102. Tuesdays
  5103. tummy
  5104. tump
  5105. tunk
  5106. tunneled
  5107. Turk
  5108. Turkey Day
  5109. turkey shoot
  5110. turkle
  5111. turn a trick
  5112. turn on a dime
  5113. turn over in one's grave
  5114. turn tricks
  5115. turnout
  5116. turnpike
  5117. turtle hull
  5118. turtleneck
  5119. tush
  5120. twat
  5121. tweak
  5122. tweep
  5123. tweezer
  5124. tweezers
  5125. twelfth grade
  5126. twerk
  5127. twerp
  5128. twin
  5129. Twinkie
  5130. Twinkie defence
  5131. two
  5132. two cents
  5133. two-bit
  5134. two-percent milk
  5135. twomp
  5136. TWU
  5137. Tyrone
  5138. U-Haul lesbian
  5139. UAW
  5140. UCCJEA
  5141. UCMJ
  5142. UCSD
  5143. UDP
  5144. uff da
  5145. uffdah
  5146. uh
  5147. uh-oh, Spaghetti-O
  5148. Uhuru
  5149. UIC
  5150. UL
  5151. um
  5152. UMOC
  5153. un-American
  5154. unavailable
  5155. unbanged
  5156. uncolored
  5157. uncredentialed
  5158. uncredentialled
  5159. under lock and key
  5160. under protest
  5161. underbutt
  5162. underclassman
  5163. underhood
  5164. underinsured
  5165. understored
  5166. undrafted
  5167. UNFICYP
  5168. unified
  5169. Uniform Code of Military Justice
  5170. UNIKOM
  5171. unincorporated
  5172. Union
  5173. union bug
  5174. union high school
  5175. Union Jack
  5176. unit
  5177. Unknown Soldier
  5178. Unknowns
  5179. unlawful detainer
  5180. unleaded
  5181. unorganized
  5182. unpissed
  5183. unraveled
  5184. Unsupported titles/Number sign
  5185. up
  5186. up hill and down dale
  5187. up the river
  5188. UPN
  5189. upperclassman
  5190. upperclasswoman
  5191. upscale
  5192. upsend
  5193. upshot
  5194. upstate
  5195. uptown
  5196. upzone
  5197. urgicenter
  5198. URL
  5199. USA
  5200. use tax
  5201. USGS
  5202. USHA
  5203. USNA
  5204. USO
  5205. USP
  5206. USPIS
  5207. USSS
  5208. USW
  5209. UTC
  5210. utility man
  5211. utilization review
  5212. UUV
  5213. VA
  5214. vacation
  5215. vacation day
  5216. vacation home
  5217. vacationer
  5218. vacationgoer
  5219. vacay
  5220. vacher
  5221. vadding
  5222. vag
  5223. valeyable
  5224. valley boy
  5225. valley girl
  5226. value voter
  5227. vaquero
  5228. variety meat
  5229. variety store
  5230. varsity letter
  5231. vast right-wing conspiracy
  5232. vaudevillian
  5233. vay-cay
  5234. VBIED
  5235. VC
  5236. Veepstakes
  5237. vegetized
  5238. Vehicle Identification Number
  5239. vehicular
  5240. velvetbreast
  5241. venti
  5242. verbal assault
  5243. verbal diarrhea
  5244. verbal diarrhoea
  5245. verlan
  5246. vermouth
  5247. very special episode
  5248. vest
  5249. vestee
  5250. vet
  5251. veteranize
  5252. vetoproof
  5253. VFD
  5254. VFL
  5255. VFW
  5256. vibist
  5257. Vice President
  5258. vicinage
  5259. Victor Charlie
  5260. vide
  5261. video arcade
  5262. Vietraq
  5263. vigilance committee
  5264. vigor
  5265. VIN
  5266. vinal
  5267. vine
  5268. violative
  5269. viremia
  5270. vise
  5271. vitreous humor
  5272. viviparous eelpout
  5273. vlei
  5274. VOA
  5275. vodka
  5276. voluntarism
  5277. volunteerism
  5278. vomitous
  5279. voorleser
  5280. voting booth
  5281. voting station
  5282. vum
  5283. VWP
  5284. výběžek
  5285. W-2
  5286. WA
  5287. WAE
  5288. WAG
  5289. wagon
  5290. wait
  5291. wait up
  5292. waitress mom
  5293. walk the line
  5294. walk the talk
  5295. walk-in
  5296. walk-up
  5297. walkthru
  5298. wall plug
  5299. wallered
  5300. wallering
  5301. Walmartian
  5302. wangan
  5303. wankapin
  5304. war daddy
  5305. War Democrat
  5306. War on Terrorism
  5307. War on Women
  5308. warfighter
  5309. WARNO
  5310. warrant canary
  5311. warrant of attorney
  5312. warrantless search
  5313. wash room
  5314. wash up
  5315. Washington
  5316. Washington's Birthday
  5317. washline
  5318. washy
  5319. watch one's mouth
  5320. watchstander
  5321. water buffalo
  5322. water rat
  5323. wave the bloody shirt
  5324. wax
  5325. way out
  5326. way to run a railroad
  5327. way-out
  5328. wayleave
  5329. we-uns
  5330. weak sister
  5331. weaponeer
  5332. wear the pants
  5333. weaseled
  5334. weaseling
  5335. weaser
  5336. weatherization
  5337. weatherize
  5338. weatherstrip
  5339. Webelo
  5340. wedding band
  5341. wedding soup
  5342. wedge
  5343. Wednesdays
  5344. wee wee
  5345. weedwhacker
  5346. Welcome Wagon
  5347. welfare
  5348. welfare Cadillac
  5349. welfare queen
  5350. welfare trap
  5351. welfare-to-work
  5352. well liquor
  5353. Welsher
  5354. wench
  5355. Wentworth scale
  5356. West
  5357. Westie
  5358. wet boy
  5359. wet feet, dry feet policy
  5360. wetu
  5361. whacked
  5362. whacked-out
  5363. whang
  5364. what are you like
  5365. what it takes
  5366. what me worry
  5367. what-not shop
  5368. what's the big idea
  5369. wheat flour
  5370. whenever
  5371. where the sun don't shine
  5372. where's the beef
  5373. whichaway
  5374. whiffler
  5375. whiffletree
  5376. Whig
  5377. whip the cat
  5378. whipped cream
  5379. whippletree
  5380. whips and jingles
  5381. whiskey
  5382. whiskey jack
  5383. whiskey-jack
  5384. whiskeyjack
  5385. whistle in the dark
  5386. whistle past the graveyard
  5387. whistle pig
  5388. whistle walk
  5389. whistlestop
  5390. white bread
  5391. white flight
  5392. white flour
  5393. white potato
  5394. White Sox
  5395. white trash
  5396. white zone
  5397. white-shoe
  5398. whiteboy
  5399. whitecedar
  5400. whitegirl
  5401. Whitman's sampler
  5402. whoop-ass
  5403. whoopee pie
  5404. whorehound
  5405. WHS
  5406. whuffo
  5407. whup
  5408. whyn't
  5409. wibble
  5410. wickedly
  5411. wicket
  5412. widdle
  5413. widow's walk
  5414. wiener
  5415. wiener roast
  5416. wienie
  5417. wiffleball
  5418. wifie
  5419. Wilbur
  5420. wild leek
  5421. wildcatter
  5422. windjammer
  5423. window treatment
  5424. window washer
  5425. wing
  5426. wingnutosphere
  5427. winninger
  5428. winningest
  5429. winter rat
  5430. winter-killed
  5431. Winterfest
  5432. winters
  5433. wipe up
  5434. wire fraud
  5435. WISE
  5436. wisenheimer
  5437. wishtonwish
  5438. witch hazel
  5439. wit's end
  5440. Wobblies
  5441. wobblies
  5442. wobbly
  5443. wokas
  5444. woobie
  5445. wood
  5446. wood lot
  5447. wooden kimono
  5448. wooden spoon
  5449. Woodrow
  5450. woods colt
  5451. woolen
  5452. woolens
  5453. woolhat
  5454. woolly back
  5455. wooly
  5456. wop
  5457. word of honor
  5458. word of honour
  5459. word up
  5460. worek
  5461. workfare
  5462. workhouse
  5463. workweek
  5464. World Series
  5465. worshiped
  5466. worshiping
  5467. worshipper
  5468. WPA
  5469. WPC
  5470. wrastle
  5471. wrathy
  5472. wrench
  5473. wrinkle
  5474. wrister
  5475. writ of assistance
  5476. wrong-way concurrency
  5477. WUBA
  5478. xenocide
  5479. xerox copy
  5480. xing
  5481. XP
  5482. yager
  5483. y'all
  5484. yaller
  5485. y'all's
  5486. yam
  5487. Yank
  5488. Yank tank
  5489. Yankee dime
  5490. yanno
  5491. yard
  5492. yardbird
  5493. yass
  5494. yay
  5495. yayo
  5496. yazoo
  5497. YC
  5498. yearbook
  5499. yech
  5500. yellow
  5501. yellow dog
  5502. Yellow Dog Democrat
  5503. yellow sheet
  5504. yellow state
  5505. Yellowhammer State
  5506. yellowjacket
  5507. yelper
  5508. yeoperson
  5509. yessum
  5510. YF
  5511. yinz
  5512. yoctometer
  5513. yokeag
  5514. yokelet
  5515. yola
  5516. yoncopin
  5517. yottaliter
  5518. yottameter
  5519. you
  5520. you can't fight city hall
  5521. you people
  5522. you-uns
  5523. you'ns
  5524. your mom
  5525. yourn
  5526. yuk it up
  5527. yutz
  5528. zaftig
  5529. zamzawed
  5530. zep
  5531. zeptometer
  5532. zero option
  5533. zettameter
  5534. zing
  5535. zip
  5536. ZIP code
  5537. zip code
  5538. Zipfel
  5539. zipper
  5540. Zippergate
  5541. zit
  5542. zooarchaeology
  5543. zoomies
  5544. zoot
  5545. zot
  5546. zowie
  5547. zuisin
  5548. zuke