User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-l
Lü {prop} (Lü language) | :: lü |
la {n} /lɑː/ (syllable used in solfège to represent the sixth note of a major scale) | :: la |
lab {n} /læb/ (Labrador retriever) | :: labbis, labukka, labradori |
lab {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory | :: |
lab coat {n} /ˈlæb ˌkoʊt/ (coat worn by laboratory workers) | :: laboratoriotakki, labratakki [colloquial] |
labefaction {n} /ˌlæb.əˈfæk.ʃən/ (act of shaking orweakening or the resulting state; overthrow, ruination) | :: horjuttaminen |
label {n} /ˈleɪbəl/ (small ticket or sign giving information) | :: etiketti |
label {n} (name categorising someone as part of a group) | :: leima [stamp] |
label {v} (put a ticket or sign on) | :: laputtaa |
label {v} (give a label to in order to categorise) | :: leimata |
label {n} (company selling records) SEE: record label | :: |
labeling {n} (set of labels) | :: merkintä |
labellum {n} /ləˈbɛl.əm/ | :: labellum, huuli |
labia {n} /leɪbi.ə/ (folds of tissue at opening of vulva) | :: häpyhuulet {p} |
labial {adj} /ˈleɪ.bi.əl/ (pertaining to the lips) | :: huuli-, labiaalinen |
labial {adj} (linguistics: articulated by the lips) | :: labiaalinen |
labial {adj} (dentistry: on the side facing the lips) | :: labiaalinen, labiaali- |
labial {adj} (music: furnished with lips) | :: huuli- |
labial {n} (consonant articulated by the lips) | :: labiaali |
labialization {n} (secondary articulatory feature) | :: labialisaatio |
labia majora {n} (outer folds of vulva) | :: isot häpyhuulet {p} |
labia minora {n} ((anatomy) the two inner folds of skin within the cleft of the labia majora) | :: pienet häpyhuulet {p} |
labiaplasty {n} (moulding of the labia) | :: labioplastia |
labiate {adj} (having lips) | :: huulellinen |
labiate {adj} (having corolla divided into two liplike parts) | :: huulimainen |
labiate {adj} (belonging to the mint family) | :: huulikukkainen |
labiate {n} (plant of mint family) | :: huulikukkaiskasvi |
labile {adj} /ˈleɪbaɪl/ (liable to slip, err, fall or apostatize) | :: labiili |
labile {adj} (kinetically unstable; rapidly cleaved) | :: labiili |
lability {n} (state of being labile) | :: labiilisuus, epävakaus |
lability {n} (susceptibility to change) | :: labiilisuus, epävakaus |
labiodental {adj} /ˌleɪbioʊˈdentəl/ (articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth) | :: labiodentaalinen |
labiodental {n} (a speech sound articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth) | :: labiodentaali |
labium {n} /ˈleɪbɪəm/ (liplike structure) | :: huuli; häpyhuuli [in vulva] |
labium {n} (lip of a labiate corolla) | :: huuli |
lab mouse {n} (laboratory mouse) SEE: laboratory mouse | :: |
labor {n} (labor) SEE: labour | :: |
labor {v} (labor) SEE: labour | :: |
laboratory {n} /ˈlæb(ə)ɹəˌtɔɹi/ (room, building or institution equipped for scientific research) | :: laboratorio, labra |
laboratory {n} (place where chemicals, drugs or microbes are prepared or manufactured) | :: laboratorio |
laboratory mouse {n} (small mammal of the order Rodentia which is bred and kept for scientific research) | :: laboratoriorotta, laboratoriohiiri |
Labor Day {n} (holiday on May 1st) SEE: May Day | :: |
Labor Day {n} (US holiday marking the end of summer) | :: Labor Day |
labored breathing {n} (poor or irregular breathing) | :: työläs hengitys |
laboredly {adv} (In a laboured manner) | :: työläästi, hankalasti |
laborer {n} /ˈleɪ.bɚ.ɚ/ (One who uses body strength instead of intellectual power to earn a wage, usually hourly) | :: työntekijä, työläinen |
labor-intensive {adj} (requiring a great deal of work) | :: työintensiivinen |
laborious {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious | :: |
laboriously {adv} /ləˈbɔɹ.i.ə (with great expenditure of effort) | :: hankalasti |
labor market {n} (market consisting of workers) | :: työmarkkinat {p} |
labor of love {n} (task performed without expectation of reimbursement) | :: hyväntekeväisyys |
Labor Party {prop} (similar party in another country) SEE: Labour Party | :: |
Labor Party {prop} (Australian party) | :: Australian työväenpuolue |
labor relations {n} (industrial relations) SEE: industrial relations | :: |
labor union {n} (labor union) SEE: trade union | :: |
labour {n} /ˈleɪ.bɚ/ (work) | :: aherrus |
labour {n} (workers) | :: työläiset, työvoima |
labour {n} (giving birth) | :: synnytys |
labour {v} (to work) | :: raataa, ahertaa |
labour camp {n} (type of prison) | :: työleiri, vankileiri |
labour force {n} (people available for employment) | :: työvoima |
labour law {n} | :: työoikeus |
Labour Party {prop} (British party) | :: työväenpuolue |
Labour Party {prop} (similar party in another country) | :: työväenpuolue |
labour relations {n} (industrial relations) SEE: industrial relations | :: |
Labradoodle {n} /ˈlæb.ɹəˌduː.dl̩/ (dog breed) | :: labraduudeli |
Labrador {prop} /ˈlæb.ɹə.dɔː(ɹ)/ (mainland portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador) | :: Labrador |
Labrador {prop} (mainly historical geographical region) | :: Labrador |
Labrador {prop} (Dog breed) | :: labradorinnoutaja |
Labrador retriever {n} (breed of dog) | :: labradorinnoutaja |
Labrador Sea {prop} (arm of the Atlantic) | :: Labradorinmeri |
laburnum {n} (tree) | :: kultasadepensas, kultasade |
labyrinth {n} /ˈlæb.ɚ.ɪnθ/ (maze) | :: labyrintti, sokkelo |
labyrinth {n} (part of inner ear) | :: labyrintti |
labyrinth {n} (anything complicated or confusing) | :: labyrintti |
labyrinthal {adj} (like a labyrinth) SEE: labyrinthine | :: |
labyrinthian {adj} (mazelike) SEE: labyrinthine | :: |
labyrinthiform {adj} (having the form of a labyrinth) SEE: labyrinthine | :: |
labyrinthine {adj} /læb.əˈɹɪn.θɪn/ (physically resembling a labyrinth) | :: sokkeloinen, labyrinttikuvioinen |
labyrinthine {adj} (twisting, convoluted, baffling) | :: monimutkainen, rönsyilevä, labyrinttimäinen, sekava |
labyrinthitis {n} (inflammation) | :: sisäkorvatulehdus, labyrintiitti |
lac {n} /læk/ (a resinous substance) | :: lakka |
lac {n} (lakh) SEE: lakh | :: |
Lacanian {adj} | :: lacanilainen |
Lacanianist {n} (supporter of Lacanianism) | :: lacanilainen |
lace {n} /leɪs/ (fabric) | :: pitsi |
lace {n} (cord for fastening a shoe) SEE: shoelace | :: |
laceration {n} /læsəˈɹeɪʃən/ (an irregular open wound caused by a blunt impact to soft tissue) | :: repeämä |
Lacerta {prop} (a constellation) | :: Sisilisko |
lachanophobia {n} /ˌlækənəˈfəʊbɪə/ (irrational fear of vegetables) | :: vihannesten pelko |
Lachesis {prop} /ˈlækɪsɪs/ (one of the Fates) | :: Lakhesis |
lachrymable {adj} (lamentable) SEE: lamentable | :: |
lachrymal {adj} (of or relating to tears) SEE: lacrimal | :: |
lachrymator {n} (substance) | :: lakrymaattori |
lachrymatory {adj} /ˈlækɹɪmətəɹi/ (causing tears) | :: kyynel- [pertaining to]‚ kyynelvuotoa aiheuttava [causing] |
lachrymatory {n} (vase intended to hold tears) | :: kyynelmalja |
lachrymose {adj} /ˈlæk.ɹɪ.moʊs/ (tearful; causing tears) | :: itkuinen, kyynelehtivä [tearful], itkettävä [causing tears] |
laciniate {adj} /ləˈsɪn.i.ət/ (botany, zoology) | :: kapealiuskainen [in botany] |
lack {n} /læk/ (deficiency, need) | :: puute, vajaus, vaje |
lack {v} (be without, need, require) | :: puuttua, tarvita |
lackadaisical {adj} /ˌlækəˈdeɪzɪkəl/ (showing no interest or enthusiasm) | :: välinpitämätön, raukea, tylsämielinen |
lackey {n} /ˈlæ.ki/ (liveried male servant) | :: lakeija |
lacking {n} (absence of something) SEE: lack | :: |
lacking {adj} /ˈlækɪŋ/ (missing or not having enough of something) | :: see puuttua |
lackluster {adj} (Having no shine or lustre; dull) | :: kiilloton, samea |
lackluster {adj} (Not exceptional; not worthy of special merit, attention, or interest) | :: lattea, mitäänsanomaton |
lackluster {adj} (Having no vitality) | :: lattea, mitäänsanomaton |
laconic {adj} /ləˈkɑnɪk/ (using as few words as possible) | :: lakoninen, lyhytsanainen, niukkasanainen |
laconically {adv} (in a terse manner) | :: lakonisesti |
laconism {n} (brevity in expression) | :: lakonisuus |
laconism {n} (brief expression) | :: toteamus |
La Coruña {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña | :: |
lacquer {n} /ˈlæk.ɚ/ (glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating) | :: lakka |
lacquer {n} (similar finish, baked onto the inside of cans) | :: lakkaus |
lacrimal {adj} (of or relating to tears) | :: kyynel- |
lacrimal apparatus {n} (ocular organ) | :: kyynelelimet {p} |
lacrimal bone {n} (fragile bone situated near the eye) | :: kyynelluu |
lacrimal caruncle {n} (nodule at the inner corner of the eye) | :: kyynellihake |
lacrimal duct {n} (channel in each eyelid) | :: kyyneltiehyt |
lacrimal fluid {n} (fluid secreted by lacrimal glands) | :: kyynelneste |
lacrimal gland {n} (gland which secretes tear fluid) | :: kyynelrauhanen |
lacrimal lake {n} (pool of tears) | :: kyynellampi |
lacrimal punctum {n} (orifice) | :: kyynelpiste |
lacrimal sac {n} (dilated upper end of the tear duct) | :: kyynelpussi |
lacrimation {n} (shedding tears) | :: kyynelehtiminen |
lacrosse {n} /ləˈkɹɔs/ (the sport) | :: haavipallo |
lactam {n} (cyclic amides, nitrogen analogs of lactones) | :: laktaami |
lactase {n} (A β-galactosidase enzyme) | :: laktaasi |
lactation {n} /lækˈteɪʃən/ (secretion of milk) | :: maidoneritys |
lactation {n} (process of providing milk to the young) | :: imetys, rintaruokinta |
lactation {n} (lactation period) | :: imetysaika |
lactic acid {n} (2-hydroxy-propanoic acid (CH3.CHOH.CO2H)) | :: maitohappo |
lactobacterium {n} (bacterium of the order Lactobacillales) | :: maitohappobakteeri |
lactone {n} (cyclic intramolecular ester) | :: laktooni |
lacto-ovo-vegetarian {n} (type of vegetarian) | :: lakto-ovovegetaristi |
lactose {n} /ˈlæk.toʊs/ (disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products) | :: laktoosi, maitosokeri |
lactose intolerance {n} (inability to metabolize lactose) | :: laktoosi-intoleranssi |
lactose intolerant {adj} (unable to metabolize lactose) | :: laktoosi-intolerantti |
lactovegetarian {adj} (variant of vegetarian) | :: laktovegetaristi |
lacuna {n} /ləˈkuː.nə/ (small opening) | :: aukko [same word for small and large openings] |
lacuna {n} (absent part) | :: aukko |
lacuna {n} (in microscopy) | :: lakuuni |
lacuna {n} (in linguistics) | :: leksikaalinen aukko |
lacustrine {adj} /ləˈkʌstɹɪn/ (of or relating to lakes) | :: lakustrinen |
lacy {adj} /ˈleɪ.si/ (made of lace or decorated with it) | :: pitsinen |
lacy {adj} (looking like lace) | :: pitsimäinen |
lad {n} /læd/ (a boy) | :: poika, [informal] poju |
lad {n} (familiar term of address for a man) | :: kaveri |
ladder {n} /ˈladə/ (climbing tool) | :: tikapuut {p}, tikkaat {p} |
ladder {n} (length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment) | :: silmäpako |
lade {v} /leɪd/ (To fill or load) | :: lastata |
lade {v} (To weigh down, oppress, or burden) | :: painaa |
ladies and gentlemen {n} (phrase used to address an audience of men and women) | :: hyvät naiset ja herrat |
ladies first {proverb} (phrase encouraging gentlemanliness) | :: naiset ensin |
ladies' room {n} (lavatory intended for women, see also: toilet) | :: naistenhuone |
Ladino {prop} /ləˈdinoʊ/ (Romance language) | :: ladino |
ladle {n} /ˈleɪ.dəl/ (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle) | :: kauha |
ladle {n} (container used in a foundry to transport and pour out molten metal) | :: senkka, valusanko |
ladle {v} (serve with a ladle) | :: kauhoa |
Ladoga {prop} (a lake in Russia) | :: Laatokka |
Ladoga ringed seal {n} (Pusa hispida ladogensis) | :: laatokannorppa |
lady {n} /ˈleɪdi/ (mistress of a household) | :: emäntä, rouva |
lady {n} (woman of breeding and authority) | :: rouva |
lady {n} (wife of a lord) | :: aatelisnainen |
lady {n} (polite term referring a woman) | :: rouva |
lady {n} (toilets intended for use by women) | :: naisten |
ladybird {n} /ˈleɪ.di.bɝd/ (member of Coccinellidae) | :: leppäkerttu, leppäpirkko |
ladyboy {n} /ˈleɪdiˌbɔɪ/ (effeminate homosexual man, especially an intergender person, see also: kathoey) | :: napsu, transu |
ladybug {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird | :: |
lady fern {n} (Athyrium filix-femina) | :: hiirenporras, soreahiirenporras |
ladyfinger {n} (small sponge cake) | :: kissankieli |
ladyfinger {n} (type of small firecracker) | :: papatti |
ladyfinger {n} (okra) SEE: okra | :: |
lady-in-waiting {n} /ˌleɪdɪ ɪn ˈweɪtɪŋ/ (lady in the household of a woman of higher rank who attends he as a personal assistant) | :: kamarineiti, kamarineito, hovinainen |
lady-in-waiting {n} (woman who is a maid or servant to a lady) | :: kamarineiti |
lady-killer {n} (man unusually attractive to women) | :: sydäntenmurskaaja |
lady-killer {n} (uncaring womanizer) | :: naistenkaataja |
ladylove {n} (a woman who is loved by someone) | :: rakastettu |
Lady Luck {prop} (female personification of luck) | :: onnetar |
ladyship {n} /ˈleɪ.di.ʃɪp/ (Term of respect) | :: korkeus, ylhäisyys |
lady's man {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer | :: |
lady's man {n} (man who attracts women and enjoys their company) | :: naistenmies |
lady's slipper {n} (orchid of the subfamily Cypripedioideae) | :: tikankonttikasvi |
lady's slipper {n} (Cypripedium calceolus) | :: tikankontti |
Laestadian {n} (follower of Laestadianism) | :: lestadiolainen |
lag {n} /læɡ/ ((Internet) bad connection, loss of connection) | :: viive, lagi [slang] |
lag {v} (To fall behind) | :: jäädä jälkeen |
lager {n} /ˈlɑːɡɚ/ (type of beer) | :: lager, pohjahiivaolut |
laggard {n} /ˈlæɡəd/ (one who lags behind) | :: kuhnuri, hituri, hidastelija, kuhnailija |
lagomorph {n} (member of the mammalian taxonomic order, Lagomorpha, which includes hares, rabbits, and pikas) | :: jäniseläin |
lagoon {n} /ləˈɡuːn/ (shallow body of water) | :: laguuni |
lagopode {n} (ptarmigan) SEE: ptarmigan | :: |
Lagos {prop} /ˈleɪɡɒs/ (former capital of Nigeria) | :: Lagos |
Lagrangian {n} (function) SEE: Lagrangian function | :: |
Lagrangian function {n} (ifunction) | :: Lagrangen funktio |
lahar {n} /ˈlɑhɑɹ/ (volcanic mudflow) | :: lahar, vulkaaninen mutavyöry |
lahmacun {n} (dish of Arab origin) | :: lahmacun, turkkilainen pizza |
Lahti {prop} (city of Finland) | :: Lahti |
Lahti {prop} (Finnish surname) | :: Lahti |
laid-back {adj} (relaxed and easy-going) | :: rento |
laika {n} (hunting dog from Russia) | :: laika |
lair {n} /lɛəɹ/ (of an animal) | :: pesä |
lair {n} (of a criminal) | :: piilo, piilopaikka |
laissez faire {n} /ˈlæs.eɪ ˌfeə(ɹ)/ (economics: a policy of governmental non-interference in economic affairs) | :: laissez-faire-politiikka |
laissez faire {adj} (economics, politics: practicing or representing governmental noninterference, or minimal interference) | :: laissez-faire |
laity {n} /ˈleɪ.ə.ti/ (people of a church who are not ordained) | :: maallikko |
Laius {prop} /ˈlaɪ.əs/ (father of Oedipus and husband of Jocasta) | :: Laios |
Lak {prop} (North Caucasian language) | :: lak |
lake {n} /leɪk/ (body of water) | :: järvi |
lake {n} (a kind of coloring agent) | :: lakka |
Lake Biwa {prop} (Japan's largest lake) | :: Biwa-järvi |
Lake Constance {prop} (Lake) | :: Bodenjärvi |
Lake District {prop} (Lake District) | :: Järviseutu |
lakefront {adj} (adjacent to a lake) | :: järvenranta- |
lakefront {n} (land or area adjacent to a lake) | :: järvenranta |
Lake Huron {prop} (the lake) | :: Huronjärvi |
Lake Ladoga {prop} (Ladoga) SEE: Ladoga | :: |
lake quillwort {n} (Isoetes lacustris) | :: tummalahnanruoho |
lakeside {n} (the shore of a lake) | :: järvenranta |
lakeside {adj} (by the side of a lake) | :: järvenranta- |
Lake Superior {prop} (the lake) | :: Yläjärvi |
lake trout {n} (Salvelinus namaycush) | :: harmaanieriä |
Lake Victoria {prop} (African lake) | :: Victorianjärvi |
lakh {num} /lɑk/ (one hundred thousand) | :: lakh |
Lakshmi {prop} (Hindu goddess of wealth) | :: Lakshmi |
Lalibela {prop} (town in Ethiopia) | :: Lalibela |
lallapalootza {n} (something very good of its kind) | :: huippujuttu; see also: mahtava, mieletön [adjectives] |
lamé {n} (fabric) | :: lamee |
lama {n} /ˈlɑː.mə/ (master of Tibetan Buddhism) | :: lama |
lamaism {n} (Tibetan Buddhism) | :: lamalaisuus |
lamaist {n} (believer in lamaism) | :: lamalainen |
lamaistic {adj} (of or pertaining to lamaism) | :: lamalainen |
Lamarckism {n} (theory) | :: lamarckismi |
lamasery {n} /ləˈmɑːsəɹi/ (monastery for lamas) | :: lamaluostari |
lamb {n} /læm/ (young sheep) | :: karitsa |
lamb {n} (flesh of lamb as food) | :: karitsa, karitsanliha |
lamb {n} (meek person) | :: lammas |
lamb {v} (of a sheep, to give birth) | :: karitsoida |
lamb {v} (to assist sheep to give birth) | :: karitsoittaa |
lambada {n} (Brazilian dance) | :: lambada |
lambaste {v} /læmˈbeɪst/ (to scold or verbally reprimand) | :: läksyttää, haukkua, ojentaa |
lambaste {v} (to give a thrashing to) | :: pieksää, kurittaa |
lambda {n} /ˈlæm.də/ (name of the Greek letter) | :: lambda |
lambda calculus {n} (algebraic system) | :: lambdakalkyyli |
lambda function {n} (anonymous function) | :: lambda, lambda-funktio, anonyymi funktio |
lambic {n} (traditional Belgian beer) | :: lambic, lambic-olut |
Lamb of God {prop} (Jesus, symbolized as a sacrifice) | :: Jumalan Karitsa |
lamb's lettuce {n} (corn salad) SEE: corn salad | :: |
lame {adj} /leɪm/ (unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs) | :: rampa |
lame {adj} (moving with difficulty) | :: heikko, rampa |
lame {adj} (by extension, hobbling) | :: ontuva, heikko |
lame {adj} (slang: unconvincing) | :: heikko, huono, tyhmä, ontuva |
lame {adj} (slang: failing to be cool, funny, interesting or relevant) | :: typerä, tyhmä, ontuva |
lame {v} (to cause a person or animal to become lame) | :: lamauttaa [temporarily]; rampauttaa [indefinitely] |
lamedh {n} /ˈlɑːmɛd/ (Semitic letter) | :: lamed |
lame duck {n} (a person or thing that is helpless, inefficient or disabled) | :: siipirikko |
lame duck {n} (an official who is marking time until leaving their office) | :: rampa ankka |
lamella {n} (gill of a mushroom) SEE: gill | :: |
lament {n} /ləˈmɛnt/ (expression of grief, suffering, or sadness) | :: valitus |
lament {n} (song expressing grief) | :: valitusvirsi |
lament {v} (express grief) | :: valittaa |
lament {v} (bewail) | :: surra, itkeä, valittaa |
lamentable {adj} /ləˈmɛn.tə.bəl/ (deplorable) | :: valitettava |
lamentably {adv} (regrettably) SEE: regrettably | :: |
lamentation {n} /ˌlæm.ənˈteɪ.ʃən/ (the act of lamenting) | :: valitus, sureminen |
lamentation {n} (mourning) | :: sureminen |
lamentation {n} (a sorrowful cry; a lament) | :: valitusvirsi |
Lamentations {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Valitusvirret {p} |
lamer {n} (a person lacking in maturity, social skills, technical competence or intelligence) | :: peelo [slang] |
lamia {n} /ˈleɪmɪə/ (monster in mythology) | :: lamia |
lamina {n} /ˈlæm.ɪ.nə/ ((botany) flat part of a leaf) | :: lehtilapa |
laminar {adj} /ˈlæmɪnə/ (of fluid motion, smooth and regular) | :: laminaarinen |
laminar flow {n} (flow) | :: laminaarinen virtaus |
laminate {v} /ˈlæmɪneɪt/ (To assemble from thin sheets) | :: laminoida |
laminate {n} (Material formed of thin sheets) | :: laminaatti |
laminated {adj} (made by lamination) | :: laminoitu, kerrostettu |
laminated {adj} (consisting of many thin layers) | :: kerroksittainen, kerrosrakenteinen |
lamination {n} /ˌlæm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (process) | :: laminointi |
lamination {n} (product of laminating) | :: laminaatti |
laminitis {n} (disease of hooves) | :: laminiitti; kaviokuume [in horses] |
lammergeier {n} (bird) | :: partakorppikotka |
lammergeyer {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier | :: |
lamp {n} /læmp/ (device producing light) | :: valaisin, lamppu |
lamp {n} (oil device producing light) | :: öljylamppu |
lamp {n} (piece of furniture) | :: valaisin, lamppu |
lampblack {n} (form of carbon) | :: noki |
lamplight {n} /ˈlæmplaɪt/ (the light emitted by a lamp) | :: lampunvalo |
lampoon {n} /læmˈpuːn/ (written satirical attack) | :: pilkkakirjoitus, satiiri |
lamprey {n} /ˈlæm.pɹi/ (a fish) | :: nahkiainen |
lamprophony {n} /læm.ˈpɹɑf.ə.ni/ (loudness and clarity of enunciation) | :: kuuluvuus |
lampshade {n} /ˈlæmp.ʃeɪd/ (cover over a lamp) | :: lampunvarjostin |
lance {n} /læns/ (weapon of war) | :: peitsi, keihäs |
lance {n} (wooden weapon used in jousting or tilting) | :: peitsi |
lance {n} (spear or harpoon used by whalers) | :: harppuuna |
lance {n} ((military) soldier armed with a lance) | :: peitsimies, keihäsmies |
lance corporal {n} (lance corporal) | :: korpraali |
lancelet {n} (animal of Cephalochordata) | :: suikulainen |
Lancelot {prop} /ˈlæn.sə.lɒt/ (the knight) | :: Lancelot |
lanceolate {adj} (botany, mycology: longer than wide, pointed apex) | :: suikea |
lanceolated warbler {n} (Locustella lanceolata) | :: viirusirkkalintu |
lancer {n} (cavalry soldier with a lance) | :: peitsimies |
lancet {n} /læn.sɪt/ (surgical instrument) | :: lansetti |
Lan-chou {prop} (Lanzhou) SEE: Lanzhou | :: |
land {n} /lænd/ (part of Earth that is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water) | :: maa |
land {n} (real estate or landed property) | :: maa |
land {n} (country or region) | :: maa |
land {n} (someone's homeplace) | :: kotimaa, kotiseutu |
land {n} (ground that is suitable for farming) | :: maa |
land {n} (electronics: conducting area on a board or chip) | :: johdinkuvio |
land {n} (in a compact disc, area which does not have pits) | :: tasanko |
land {n} (space between the rifling grooves in a gun) | :: harja |
land {v} (to descend to a surface, especially from the air) | :: laskeutua |
land {v} (to come into rest) | :: asettua |
land {v} (to arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water) | :: nousta maihin |
land {v} (to bring to land) | :: tuoda maihin; laskeutua [of aircraft] |
land {adj} (of or relating to land) | :: maa- |
land {adj} (residing or growing on land) | :: maa- |
land {v} (to deliver) SEE: deliver | :: |
land {n} (fright) SEE: fright | :: |
-land {suffix} /lənd/ (territory, country or region (suffix)) | :: -maa |
land ahoy {interj} (interjection shouted by the ship's watch) | :: maata näkyvissä |
landbound {adj} (restricted to the land) | :: maa- |
land bridge {n} (isthmus) | :: kannas, maakannas |
land bridge {n} (travel by ferry) | :: maasilta |
land degradation {n} (decline in the overall quality of soil, water or vegeatation) | :: maan heikkeneminen |
lander {n} /ˈlændə/ (space probe) | :: laskeutumisluotain, laskeutuja |
landfall {n} /ˈlænd.fɔl/ (arrival of a ship at the shore) | :: rantautuminen |
landfall {n} (place at which a storm reaches the land) | :: rantautumispaikka |
landfill {v} /ˈlænd.fɪl/ (to dispose of waste) | :: viedä kaatopaikalle, loppusijoittaa kaatopaikalle |
landfill {n} (site at which refuse is buried) | :: kaatopaikka |
landfill {n} (material so disposed of) | :: kaatopaikkajäte |
landfillable {adj} (capable of being disposed of in landfill) | :: kaatopaikkakelpoinen |
landflood {n} (inundation) | :: tulva |
landform {n} /ˈlænd.fɔɹm/ (geological feature) | :: pinnanmuoto |
landgrave {n} (renderings of Landgraf) | :: maakreivi |
land ho {interj} (land ahoy) SEE: land ahoy | :: |
landholder {n} (person who owns land) | :: maanomistaja |
landholding {n} (state of owning land) | :: maanomistus |
-landia {suffix} (territory, country or region (suffix)) SEE: -land | :: |
landing {n} /ˈlændɪŋ/ (coming to earth, as of an airplane) | :: laskeutuminen |
landing {n} (an in-between platform) | :: tasanne, porrastasanne |
landing craft {n} (a type of flat-bottomed boat) | :: maihinnousualus |
landing gear {n} (undercarriage) | :: laskuteline |
landing page {n} (arriving web page) | :: aloitussivu |
landing ship {n} (light military ferry) | :: maihinnousualus |
landing strip {n} (auxiliary or temporary runway for aircraft) | :: lentopaikka; korpikenttä [informal] |
landing strip {n} (pubic hair pattern) | :: kiitorata |
landlady {n} /ˈlændˌleɪ.di/ (female landlord) | :: vuokraemäntä, vuokranantaja |
landless {adj} (not owning land) | :: maaton |
landline {n} (fixed telephone communications cable) | :: kiinteä linja, lankalinja |
landline {n} (telephone connected by such a fixed wire) | :: lankapuhelin |
landlocked {adj} /ˈlændlɑkt/ (surrounded by land) | :: sisämaa- |
landlocked salmon {n} (Salmo salar populations) | :: järvilohi |
landlord {n} /ˈlænd.lɔɹd/ (person who owns and rents land such as a house, apartment, or condo) | :: vuokranantaja, vuokraisäntä |
landlord {n} (owner or manager of a public house) | :: omistaja |
landlouper {n} (vagabond) SEE: vagabond | :: |
landlubber {n} /ˈlænd.lʌb.ɚ/ (someone unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship) | :: maakrapu |
landmark {n} /ˈlændmɑɹk/ (recognizable feature) | :: maamerkki |
landmark {n} (notable location) | :: merkkipaikka |
landmark {n} (major event) | :: merkkipaalu |
landmass {n} /ˈlænd.mæs/ (large continuous area of land) | :: maamassa |
land mine {n} /ˈlænd.maɪn/ (mine that is placed on land) | :: maamiina |
Land of the Rising Sun {prop} (Japan) | :: Nousevan auringon maa |
landowner {n} /ˈlændˌoʊ.nɚ/ (a person who owns land) | :: maanomistaja |
landrace {n} /ˈlændˌɹeɪs/ (local variety of domesticated animal or plant adapted to its environment) | :: maatiaisrotu |
landrail {n} (Crex crex) SEE: corncrake | :: |
landrush {n} (scramble for limited resources) | :: ryntäys |
landscape {n} /ˈlandskeɪp/ (portion of land or territory) | :: maisema |
landscape {n} (picture representing a scene) | :: maisema, maisemakuva, maisemataulu, maisemamaalaus |
landscape {n} (pictorial aspect of a country) | :: maisema |
landscape {n} (mode of printing) | :: vaakakuva |
landscape {n} (space, indoor or outdoor, natural or man-made) | :: maisema |
landscape {n} (scenario) | :: näkymä |
landscape {v} (create or maintain a landscape) | :: maisemoida |
landscape gardener {n} (person) | :: maisema-arkkitehti |
landscape gardening {n} (development of gardens) | :: maisema-arkkitehtuuri |
landscaper {n} /ˈlænd.skeip.ɚ/ (one that does landscaping) | :: maisemoija |
landscaping {n} (the act of improving a landscape) | :: maisemointi |
landscapist {n} (artist) | :: maisemamaalari |
Landsknecht {n} (German mercenary of the 15th or 16th century) SEE: lansquenet | :: |
landslide {n} /ˈlænd.slaɪd/ (natural disaster) | :: maanvyöry, maanvyörymä |
landslide {n} (vote won by a wide or overwhelming majority) | :: äänivyöry |
landslide victory {n} (overwhelming victory in an election) | :: maanvyörymävoitto |
land snail {n} (species of snail that lives on land) | :: maaetana |
landward {adj} (in the direction of the land) | :: maanpuoleinen |
lane {n} /leɪn/ (passageway) | :: käytävä, kulkuväylä |
lane {n} (division of roadway) | :: kaista |
lane {n} (division of racetrack) | :: rata |
lane {n} (course for ships or aircraft) | :: väylä, reitti |
Langobard {n} (Lombard) SEE: Lombard | :: |
langoustine {n} (Nephrops norvegicus) SEE: Norway lobster | :: |
language {n} (body of words used as a form of communication) | :: kieli |
language {n} (the ability to communicate using words) | :: kieli, puhe |
language {n} (nonverbal communication) | :: kieli |
language {n} (vocabulary of a particular field) | :: kieli, sanasto |
language {n} (particular words used) | :: kieli, sanat, kielenkäyttö |
language {n} (computer language, see also: computer language) | :: kieli, ohjelmointikieli |
language arts {n} (study of language as a subject in primary and secondary school) | :: ainekirjoitus [essay writing] |
language barrier {n} (barrier to communication) | :: kielimuuri |
language code {n} (a standard identifier of a language) | :: kielikoodi |
language contact {n} (phenomenon) | :: kielikontakti |
language exchange {n} (language exchange) | :: kielen vaihto |
language family {n} (set of languages) | :: kielikunta |
language isolate {n} (natural language without relatives) | :: isolaattikieli |
language lab {n} (schoolroom equipped with audio) | :: kielilaboratorio |
language police {n} (language police) | :: kielipoliisi |
language swap {n} (language exchange) SEE: language exchange | :: |
language technology {n} (field dealing with computers analyzing and producing human language, etc.) | :: kieliteknologia |
languid {adj} /ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪd/ (lacking enthusiasm, energy or strength) | :: veltto |
languish {v} /ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ (to lose strength and become weak) | :: riutua, nääntyä |
languish {v} (to pine away with longing) | :: riutua, räytyä |
languish {v} (to live in miserable conditions) | :: kitua, riutua, virua |
languish {v} (to be neglected, to make little progress) | :: roikkua |
languor {v} (to languish) SEE: languish | :: |
langur {n} /lʌŋ.ˈɡʊəɹ/ (group in the subfamily Colobinae) | :: languri [Trachypithecus], sureli [Presbytis], hanumaani [Semnopithecus] |
langur {n} (gibbon of the genus Hoolock) | :: hulokki |
La Niña {n} /lɑːˈniːnjə/ (temperature anomaly) | :: La Niña |
lanichol {n} (lanolin) SEE: lanolin | :: |
laniol {n} (lanolin) SEE: lanolin | :: |
lank {adj} /læŋk/ (slender and thin) | :: laiha, hintelä |
lanky {adj} /ˈlæŋk.i/ (tall, slim) | :: hontelo |
lanolin {n} (greasy yellow substance) | :: lanoliini |
lansquenet {n} /ˌlænskəˈnɛt/ (German mercenary of the 15th or 16th century) | :: landsknecht |
lansquenet {n} (gambling card game) | :: lansquenet |
lantern {n} /ˈlæn.tɚn/ (case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light) | :: lyhty |
lantern {n} (Aristotle's lantern) SEE: Aristotle's lantern | :: |
lanthanide {n} /ˈlænθənaɪd/ (Any of the 14 rare earth elements) | :: lantanidi, lantanoidi |
lanthanum {n} /ˈlænθənəm/ (metallic element) | :: lantaani |
lanyard {n} /ˈlæn.jɚd/ (a short rope used for fastening rigging) | :: taljanuora |
lanyard {n} (a cord worn around the neck; used to hold a small object such as a whistle) | :: avainnauha |
Lanzhou {prop} (a city of China) | :: Lanzhou |
Lao {n} /laʊ/ (person) | :: laosilainen, lao |
Lao {n} (language) | :: lao |
Lao {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Laos, the people or their language) | :: laosilainen [people, culture, country]; laonkielinen [language] |
Laocoön {prop} /leɪˈɒkɵ.ɒn/ (Trojan or Argonaut) | :: Laokoon |
Laos {prop} /ˈlaʊ(s)/ (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Laos |
Laotian {n} (Laotian person) SEE: Lao | :: |
Laotian {prop} /ˈlaʊʃən/ (language) | :: lao, laon kieli |
Laotian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Laos) | :: laosilainen [country, people or culture]; laonkielinen [language] |
Lao-Tzu {prop} (Laozi) SEE: Laozi | :: |
Laozi {prop} (influential Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism) | :: Laotse |
lap {n} /læp/ (lower part of a garment that plays loosely) | :: helma |
lap {n} (edge; border; hem) | :: helma |
lap {n} (part that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down) | :: syli |
lap {n} (upper legs of a seated person) | :: syli |
lap {n} (archaic, euphemistic: female pudenda) | :: syli |
lap {v} (to overtake a straggler) | :: ohittaa kierroksella |
lap {n} (part which extends over another part) | :: ylite |
lap {n} (state of being in part extended over something else) | :: ylite |
lap {n} (sports: one circuit around a race track) | :: kierros |
lap {v} (to take liquid into the mouth with the tongue) | :: lipoa, latkia, lipittää |
lap {v} (to wash against a surface with a splashing sound) | :: liplattaa |
laparoscopy {n} /lapəˈɹɒskəpi/ (examination or surgery on the peritoneal cavity) | :: laparoskopia |
lap belt {n} (lap belt) | :: sylivyö |
lap dance {n} (erotic form of entertainment) | :: sylitanssi |
lap dog {n} /ˈlæpdɒɡ/ (small dog suited to resting in its master's lap) | :: sylikoira |
lapel {n} /ləˈpɛl/ (each of the two triangular pieces of cloth on a jacket or coat) | :: käänne, takinkäänne |
lapidate {v} /ˈlæpɪˌdeɪt/ (stone to death) | :: kivittää |
lapidate {v} (to hurl insults) | :: soimata |
lapidation {n} /ˌlæpɪˈdeɪʃən/ (act of stoning, sometimes to the point of death) | :: kivittäminen, kivitys |
lapis lazuli {n} /ˌlapɪs ˈlazjʊlaɪ/ (precious blue stone) | :: lapis lazuli, lapislatsuli |
Laplace distribution {n} (probability distribution) | :: Laplace-jakauma |
Laplace operator {n} (mathematics, physics: differential operator used in modeling of wave propagation, heat flow and many other applications) | :: Laplacen operaattori |
Laplace transform {n} (function on positive real numbers) | :: Laplace-muunnos |
Laplacian {n} (Laplace operator) SEE: Laplace operator | :: |
Lapland {prop} (region in Scandinavia) | :: Lappi |
lap of honour {n} (victory lap) SEE: victory lap | :: |
Lappajärvi {prop} (municipality) | :: Lappajärvi |
Lappeenranta {prop} (city of Finland) | :: Lappeenranta |
lappet moth {n} (eggar) SEE: eggar | :: |
Lappland {prop} (Lapland) SEE: Lapland | :: |
Lapponian Herder {n} (breed of dog) | :: lapinporokoira |
lap record {n} (the fastest time set for one lap) | :: kierrosennätys |
La Pérouse Strait {prop} (strait) | :: La Pérousen salmi |
lap sash seatbelt {n} (type of seatbelt) | :: kolmipisteturvavyö |
lapstrake {adj} (style) | :: limisauma |
lapstrake {adj} (boat) | :: limisaumavene |
lapsus linguae {n} /ˌlæpsəs ˈlɪŋɡwiː/ (An inadvertent remark) | :: lipsahdus, lapsus |
lapta {n} (a Russian bat and ball game) | :: lapta |
Laptev Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) | :: Laptevinmeri |
lapti {n} (bast shoes) | :: virsu, virsut {p} |
laptop {n} /ˈlæp.tɑp/ (computing: a laptop computer) | :: kannettava tietokone, kannettava, [colloquial] läppäri |
laptop computer {n} (laptop) SEE: laptop | :: |
Lapua {prop} (town) | :: Lapua |
lapwing {n} /ˈlæpwɪŋ/ (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae) | :: hyyppä |
larboard {n} (port) SEE: port | :: |
larceny {n} /ˈlɑɹ.sə.ni/ (law: unlawful taking of personal property) | :: varkaus |
larceny {n} (law: larcenous act) | :: varkaus |
larch {n} /ˈlɑɹtʃ/ (a coniferous tree) | :: lehtikuusi |
larch {n} (the wood of the larch) | :: lehtikuusi |
lard {n} (bacon) SEE: bacon | :: |
lard {n} /lɑːd/ (fat from the abdomen of a pig) | :: ihra, laardi, sianihra |
lard {v} (to stuff with bacon or pork) | :: täyttää pekonilla |
lard {v} (to smear with fat or lard) | :: silavoida |
lard {v} (to garnish or strew) | :: koristella |
lard {v} (to fatten; enrich) | :: lihottaa |
lard {v} (to grow fat) | :: lihoa |
larder {n} /ˈlɑɹ.dɚ/ (cool room used as food storage) | :: ruokakomero |
lardy cake {n} (richly spiced bread originating in southwest England) | :: laardikakku |
large {adj} /ˈlɑːd͡ʒ/ (of greater size, see also: big) | :: suuri, iso |
large bonito {n} (skipjack tuna) SEE: skipjack tuna | :: |
large breasts {n} | :: isot rinnat {p} |
large intestine {n} (bodily organ) | :: paksusuoli |
largely {adv} /ˈlɑɹdʒ.li/ (in a widespread or large manner) | :: laajalti |
largely {adv} (for the most part) | :: pitkälti, enimmäkseen, paljolti |
largely {adv} (on a large scale) | :: runsaasti |
largely {adv} (fully, at great length) | :: laajasti |
Large Magellanic Cloud {prop} (largest satellite of Milky Way) | :: Suuri Magellanin pilvi |
Large Münsterländer {n} (Large Münsterländer) | :: isomünsterinseisoja |
largen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge | :: |
large-scale {adj} (large in amount, scope or extent) | :: laaja, mittava |
large-scale {adj} (drawn large so as to show detail) | :: suurimittakaavainen |
largesse {n} /lɑɹˈdʒɛs/ (generosity in the giving of gifts or money) | :: runsaskätisyys |
large-tailed antshrike {n} (a passerine of the antbird family) | :: isopyrstömuura |
large white {n} (butterfly) | :: kaaliperhonen |
large white {n} (Yorkshire pig) SEE: Yorkshire pig | :: |
lar gibbon {n} (Hylobates lar) | :: lari |
largish {adj} (somewhat large) | :: suurehko, kookkaanpuoleinen |
lark {n} /lɑːk/ (bird) | :: kiuru, leivo, leivonen |
lark {n} (one who wakes early) | :: aamuvirkku |
lark {n} (romp, frolic, some fun) | :: hullutus |
lark {n} (prank) | :: pila, kuje |
lark {v} (sport, engage in harmless pranking) | :: pilailla, kujeilla |
lark {v} (frolic, engage in carefree adventure) | :: hullutella, toilailla |
larkspur {n} (Delphinium) | :: ritarinkannus |
Larmor precession {n} (precession of motion of charged particles) | :: Larmorin prekessio |
LARP {v} /ˈlɑːp/ (to engage in live-action role-play) | :: larpata |
LARPer {n} /ˈlɑɹ.pɚ/ (player of LARP) | :: larppaaja |
larva {n} /ˈlɑː.və/ (a stage of growth) | :: toukka, toukka-aste, toukkavaihe |
larva {n} (an animal in such stage of growth, see also: tadpole) | :: toukka |
laryngeal {adj} /ləˈɹɪn.dʒi.əl/ (of or pertaining to larynx) | :: kurkunpään [genitive of noun] |
laryngitis {n} /læɹɪnˈdʒajtɪs/ (inflammation of the larynx) | :: kurkunpään tulehdus, laryngiitti |
laryngology {n} (branch of physiology) | :: kurkkutautioppi |
laryngomalacia {n} (condition) | :: laryngomalasia |
laryngophone {n} (type of microphone) SEE: throat microphone | :: |
laryngoscope {n} (endoscope used for viewing the interior of the larynx) | :: laryngoskooppi |
laryngospasm {n} (spasmodic closure of the larynx) | :: laryngospasmi |
larynx {n} /ˈlæɹɪŋks/ (organ involved in breath control, protection of the trachea, and sound production) | :: kurkunpää |
lasagna {n} /ləˈzæn.jə/ (flat sheet of pasta) | :: lasagnelevy |
lasagna {n} (baked dish) | :: lasagne |
lasagne {n} (lasagna) SEE: lasagna | :: |
lascivious {adj} /ləˈsɪvɪəs/ (wanton) | :: epäsiveellinen, irstas, hekumallinen, rietas, himokas |
lasciviousness {n} (the state or characteristic of being lascivious) | :: irstaus |
laser {n} /ˈleɪzɚ/ (device producing beam of light) | :: laser |
laser {n} (laser beam) SEE: laser beam | :: |
laser {n} (laser printer) SEE: laser printer | :: |
laser beam {n} (light from a laser) | :: lasersäde |
laser disc {n} (laserdisc) SEE: laserdisc | :: |
laserdisc {n} (type of videodisc) | :: laserlevy |
Laserdisc {n} (disc in this format) SEE: laserdisc | :: |
laser pointer {n} (device that emits a highly concentrated beam of light) | :: laserosoitin |
laser printer {n} (computer printer) | :: lasertulostin |
laserwort {n} (plant of the genus Laserpitium) | :: karvasputki |
lash {n} (eyelash; hair growing from the eyelid) SEE: eyelash | :: |
lash {n} /læʃ/ (thong of a whip) | :: siima |
lash {n} (obsolete: a snare) | :: lieka |
lash {n} (stroke with a whip) | :: piiskanisku, ruoskanisku, sivallus |
lash {n} (stroke of satire or sarcasm) | :: sivallus |
lash {v} (to strike with a lash) | :: ruoskia, piiskata |
lash {v} (to strike forcibly, beat as if with a lash) | :: piiskata |
lash {v} (to throw out with a jerk) | :: nakata |
lash {v} (to scold) | :: suomia, haukkua pystyyn |
lash {v} (to utter censure) | :: ruoskia |
lash {v} (of rain, to fall heavily) | :: sataa kaatamalla, piiskata |
lash {v} (to bind with a rope) | :: sitoa, köyttää |
La Spezia {prop} /lɑ ˈspɛtsi.ə/ (city in Liguria, Italy) | :: La Spezia |
lass {n} /læs/ (a young woman or girl) | :: tyttö |
lass {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart | :: |
lassi {n} /ˈlæsi/ (beverage) | :: lassi |
lassie {n} /ˈlæsi/ (young girl) | :: pikkutyttö, tyttönen, typykkä |
lasso {n} /ˈlæs.oʊ/ (a long rope with a sliding loop) | :: lasso |
lasso {v} (to catch with a lasso) | :: lassota |
last {adj} /lɑːst/ (final) | :: viimeinen |
last {adj} (most recent) | :: viime; viimeisin |
last {adj} (least preferable) | :: viimeinen |
last {adj} (being the only one remaining of its class) | :: viimeinen |
last {adj} (supreme; highest in degree; utmost) | :: äärimmäinen, suurin, tärkein |
last {adj} (lowest in rank or degree) | :: viimeinen |
last {determiner} (the one immediately before the present) | :: viime |
last {determiner} (closest to seven days ago) | :: viime |
last {adv} (after everything else) | :: viimeksi |
last {adv} (finally) | :: viimeisenä |
last {v} (to perform, carry out) | :: suorittaa |
last {v} (to endure, continue over time) | :: kestää |
last {v} (to hold out) | :: kestää |
last {n} (tool) | :: lesti |
last {n} (burden, load, cargo, freight) | :: lasti |
last {n} (measure of weight) | :: lästi |
last {n} (measure of the carrying capacity of a ship) | :: lästi |
lastborn {n} (youngest child of a family) | :: kuopus, nuorimmainen, pahnanpohjimmainen |
lastborn {n} (youngest member) | :: kuopus, nuorin |
lastborn {adj} (born last in a family) | :: nuorin |
lastborn {adj} (being younger than anyone else) | :: nuorin |
last but not least {adv} /ˈlæst bʌt nɑt ˈlist/ (An expression to start the last item of a list) | :: viimeisimpänä muttei vähäisimpänä |
last but one {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate | :: |
last call {n} (announcement) | :: valomerkki |
last in first out {adj} (of a situation where the last to arrive is the first to go) | :: viimeksi sisään ensin ulos, pinotapa |
lasting {adj} /ˈlæstɪŋ/ (persisting for an extended period of time) | :: kestävä |
lastingly {adv} (in a lasting manner) | :: pysyvästi, kestävästi |
Last Judgment {prop} (judgment day) | :: viimeinen tuomio |
lastly {adv} /ˈlɑːstli/ (sequence) | :: viimeiseksi, lopuksi |
last mile {n} (portion of the infrastructure) | :: tilaajapää |
last minute {n} (non-specific point in time close to a deadline) | :: viime hetki, viime tinka |
last minute {adj} (very close to a deadline) | :: viime hetken |
last nail in the coffin {n} (final nail in the coffin) SEE: final nail in the coffin | :: |
last name {n} (surname) SEE: surname | :: |
last night {n} (previous evening or night) | :: eilisilta [evening], viime yö [night] |
last night {adv} (during the night before today) | :: eilisiltana, eilen illalla [evening], viime yönä [night] |
last quarter {n} (the waning lunar phase halfway between full moon and new moon) | :: viimeinen neljännes |
last resort {n} (only remaining option) | :: viimeinen vaihtoehto, viimeinen keino |
Last Sermon {prop} (Farewell Sermon) SEE: Farewell Sermon | :: |
last straw {n} (small additional burden) | :: viimeinen pisara (last drop), viimeinen niitti (last staple) |
Last Supper {prop} (last meal Jesus ate with disciples) | :: viimeinen ehtoollinen |
Last Thursdayism {prop} | :: viimetorstailaisuus |
last time {n} (the ultimate occurrence) | :: viimeinen kerta |
last time {n} (the previous occurrence) | :: edellinen kerta, viime kerta |
last word {n} (finest, highest or ultimate representation of some class of object) | :: viimeinen sana, viimeinen huuto |
last word {n} (concluding remarks) | :: viimeinen sana |
last word {n} ((often pluralized) final statement uttered before death) | :: viimeiset sanat {p} |
last word {n} (final decision or the right to make such a decision) | :: viimeinen sana |
last words {n} (final remarks uttered by a person before death) | :: viimeiset sanat {p} |
last year {adv} (year before this one, see also: yesteryear) | :: viime vuonna |
Las Vegan {n} (someone from Las Vegas) | :: lasvegasilainen |
Las Vegan {adj} (of or pertaining to Las Vegas) | :: lasvegasilainen |
lat {n} /lɑt/ (former currency of Latvia) | :: lati |
latch {v} /lætʃ/ (to close with a latch) | :: salvata, panna säppiin |
latch {n} (fastening for a door) | :: säppi, salpa |
latch {n} (flip-flop electronic circuit) | :: kiikku |
latch {n} (crossbow) | :: varsijousi |
latchkey kid {n} (schoolchild) | :: avainkaulalapsi, avainlapsi |
late {adj} /leɪt/ (near the end of a period of time) | :: myöhäinen |
late {adj} (near the end of the day) | :: myöhäinen |
late {adj} (associated with the end of a period) | :: myöhäinen, myöhäis- |
late {adj} (not arriving until after an expected time) | :: myöhässä [adverb] |
late {adj} (not having had an expected menstrual period) | :: myöhässä |
late {adj} (euphemism for dead) | :: edesmennyt; -vainaa, -vainaja |
late {adj} (existing or holding some position not long ago, but not now) | :: aiempi [former]; edellinen [previous] |
late {adj} (recent) | :: viime, viimeisimmät {p} |
late {adv} (proximate in time) | :: myöhään, myöhässä |
late capitalism {n} (form of capitalism) | :: myöhäiskapitalismi |
latecomer {n} /ˈleɪtˌkʌm.ɚ/ (one who arrived late) | :: tulokas |
lateen {n} /læˈtin/ (sail) | :: latinalaispurje |
Late Latin {prop} (form of the Latin language) | :: myöhäislatina |
lately {adv} (recently) SEE: recently | :: |
Late Middle Ages {prop} (Translations) | :: myöhäiskeskiaika |
late modern {adj} (late modern) | :: myöhäismoderni |
late modernity {n} (late modernity) | :: myöhäismodernius |
latency {n} /ˈleɪ.tə (delay) | :: latenssi, viive |
latent {adj} /ˈleɪ.tənt/ (existing or present but concealed or inactive) | :: latentti, piilevä |
later {adv} /ˈleɪtɚ/ (more late) | :: myöhemmin |
later {adv} (afterward in time) | :: myöhemmin |
later {adv} (at some unspecified time in the future) | :: myöhemmin |
later {adj} (more late) | :: myöhempi |
later {adj} (coming afterward in time) | :: myöhempi |
later {adj} (at some time in the future) | :: myöhempi |
later {interj} (see you later) | :: nähdään, katsellaan myöhemmin |
lateral {adj} /ˈlæt.ɚ.əl/ (of or pertaining to the side) | :: sivuttainen, sivu- |
lateral {adj} (pertaining to the left or right of the body) | :: kylki-, ulko-, lateraalinen |
lateral {adj} (linguistics: pertaining to certain sounds) | :: lateraalinen |
lateral cuneiform bone {n} (cuneiform bone of the foot) | :: ulompi vaajaluu |
lateral line {n} (organ) | :: kylkiviiva |
lateral mark {n} (type of sea mark) | :: lateraalimerkki |
lateral raise {n} (shoulder exercise) | :: vipunosto |
lateral thinking {n} (lateral thinking) | :: lateraalinen ajattelu |
late riser {n} (someone who gets up late) | :: aamutorkku, aamuntorkku |
laterite {n} /ˈlatəɹʌɪt/ (red hard or gravel-like soil or subsoil) | :: lateriitti |
latest {adj} /ˈleɪt.ɪst/ (most recent) | :: uusin, viimeisin |
latex {n} /ˈleɪˌtɛks/ (milky sap) | :: lateksi |
latex {n} (emulsion) | :: lateksi |
lath {n} /læθ/ (a thin, narrow strip, fastened to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a building, for the purpose of supporting a covering of tiles, plastering, etc.) | :: rima |
lathe {n} /leɪð/ (machine tool used to shape a piece of material) | :: sorvi |
lathe {v} (to shape with a lathe) | :: sorvata |
lather {n} /ˈlæðɚ/ (foam of soap and water) | :: saippuavaahto, vaahto |
lather {v} (to cover with lather) | :: vaahdottaa, saippuoida |
lather {v} (to beat or whip) | :: vaahdottaa, vatkata, vispata |
Latin {adj} (Roman Catholic) SEE: Roman Catholic | :: |
Latin {adj} /ˈlæt.n̩/ (of the language) | :: latinalainen |
Latin {adj} (of the script) | :: latinalainen |
Latin {adj} (of ancient Rome) | :: roomalainen |
Latin {adj} (of Latium) | :: latinalainen |
Latin {adj} (of descendants from ancient Romans) | :: roomalainen |
Latin {adj} (of/from Latin America) | :: latinalaisamerikkalainen |
Latin {prop} (language of the ancient Romans) | :: latina |
Latin {n} (person native to ancient Rome or its Empire) | :: roomalainen |
Latin {n} (person whose native tongue is one descended from Latin) | :: romaanisen kielen puhuja |
Latin {n} (person from Latin America, see also: Latin American) | :: latino |
Latin {n} (person adhering to Roman Catholic practice) | :: roomalaiskatolinen |
Latina {prop} (province) | :: Latium |
Latina {prop} (town) | :: Latina |
Latin alphabet {n} (the 26-letter alphabet) | :: latinalaiset aakkoset |
Latin America {prop} (parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese) | :: Latinalainen Amerikka |
Latin American {n} (A native or inhabitant of Latin America) | :: latinalaisamerikkalainen |
Latin American {adj} (Of or relating to Latin America) | :: latinalaisamerikkalainen |
Latin Church {prop} (one of the particular churches) | :: latinalainen kirkko |
Latinism {n} (Latinism) | :: latinismi |
Latinist {n} (scholar who studies Latin) | :: latinisti |
Latinization {n} /ˌlæt.ɪ.naɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (act or process of Latinizing) | :: latinalaistaminen |
Latinize {v} (to transliterate to Latin script) SEE: romanize | :: |
Latinize {v} /ˈlæt.ɪn.aɪz/ (to translate to Latin language) | :: latinantaa [to translate]; latinalaistaa [to make a word similar in appearance or form to a Latin word] |
Latino {n} /ləˈtinoʊ/ (person from Latin America) | :: latinalaisamerikkalainen, [colloquial] lattari |
latissimus dorsi {n} (muscle) | :: leveä selkälihas |
latitude {n} /ˈlæt.ɪ.tud/ (angular distance north or south from the equator) | :: leveysaste, leveys |
latitude {n} (imaginary line parallel to the equator) | :: leveyspiiri |
latitude {n} (freedom from restrictions) | :: vapaus, toimintavapaus |
latitude {n} (angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic) | :: deklinaatio |
latitude {n} (extent to which a light-sensitive material can be over- or underexposed) | :: valotusvara |
latitude {n} (extent or scope) | :: laajuus |
Latium {prop} /ˈleɪ.ʃi.əm/ (region of central Italy) | :: Latium, Lazio |
lative {n} (case) | :: latiivi |
lato sensu {phrase} (in the broad sense) | :: laajassa merkityksessä |
latrine {n} /ləˈtɹiːn/ (a very simple toilet facility, usually just a pit or trench, see also: toilet; outhouse) | :: riukula, latriini [trench or pit]; ulkokäymälä, ulkovessa, puucee, paskahuusi [outhouse] |
latrine {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
-latry {suffix} /-lətɹi/ (forms a noun meaning worship of stemmed noun) | :: -latria, -palvonta |
latte {n} /ˈlɑ.teɪ/ (caffè latte) | :: latte, maitokahvi |
latte art {n} (image) | :: lattetaide |
latte art {n} (art) | :: lattetaide |
latter {adj} /ˈlæt̬.əɹ/ (relating to or being the second of two items) | :: jälkimmäinen, jäljempi |
latter {adj} (near (or nearer) to the end) | :: jäljempi |
latter {adj} (close (or closer) to the present time) | :: myöhempi |
latter-day {adj} (modern, recent) SEE: modern | :: |
lattice {n} /ˈlæt.ɪs/ (flat panel constructed with strips of wood or other material) | :: säleikkö, ristikko |
lattice {n} (regular spacing or arrangement of geometric points) | :: hila |
lattice {n} (partially ordered set) | :: hila |
lattice constant {n} (constant distance between unit cells) | :: hilavakio |
lattice theory {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: hilateoria |
Latvia {prop} /ˈlæə/ (country) | :: Latvia |
Latvian {adj} /ˈlætvi.ən/ (pertaining to Latvia or the Latvian language) | :: latvialainen [of Latvia], latviankielinen [of Latvian language] |
Latvian {n} (Baltic language of Latvia) | :: latvia |
Latvian {n} (person pertaining to Latvia) | :: latvialainen |
Latvianize {v} | :: latvialaistaa |
Latvianness {n} (state of being Latvian) | :: latvialaisuus |
Latvian SSR {prop} (Soviet republic) | :: Latvian SNT |
laud {n} /lɔd/ (praise or glorification) | :: ylistys |
laud {n} (hymn of praise) | :: ylistyslaulu |
laud {v} (to praise, to glorify) | :: ylistää |
laudable {adj} /lɔːdəbl/ (worthy of being lauded) | :: kunnioitettava, ansiokas, kiitettävä |
laudably {adv} /ˈlɔː.dɪ (in a laudable manner) | :: kiitettävästi |
laudanum {n} (the tincture of opium once widely used) | :: laudanumi |
laugh {n} /laːf/ (expression of mirth peculiar to the human species) | :: nauru |
laugh {n} (something that provokes mirth or scorn) | :: naurunaihe, vitsi |
laugh {v} (show mirth by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face and emission of sounds) | :: nauraa |
laugh {v} (be or appear cheerful) | :: iloita, nauraa |
laugh {v} (make an object of laughter or ridicule) | :: pilkata, nauraa |
laugh {v} (affect or influence by means of laughter) | :: naurattaa, nauraa |
laugh {v} (express by, or utter with, laughter) | :: nauraa |
laughable {adj} /ˈlæfəbl̩/ (fitted to exite laughter) | :: huvittava, naurattava |
laugher {n} /ˈlæfɚ/ (one who laughs) | :: nauraja |
laughing dove {n} (Spilopelia senegalensis) | :: palmukyyhky |
laughing-eyed {adj} (Having eyes that reflect happiness) | :: nauravasilmäinen |
laughing gas {n} (common name for nitrous oxide) | :: ilokaasu |
laughing gull {n} (European gull) | :: naurulokki |
laughing gull {n} (American gull) | :: nokisiipilokki |
laughing hyena {n} (spotted hyena) SEE: spotted hyena | :: |
laughing kookaburra {n} (Dacelo novaeguineae) | :: isonauraja |
laughing owl {n} (Sceloglaux albifacies) | :: kirkupöllö |
laughing stock {n} (object of ridicule) | :: naurunaihe |
laughingthrush {n} (species) | :: pyrstötimali |
laugh in one's sleeve {v} (laugh secretly or to oneself) | :: nauraa itsekseen, nauraa salaa |
laugh like a drain {v} | :: hohottaa, nauraa käheästi |
laugh off {v} (respond to a negative situation lightheartedly) | :: nauraa + allative |
laugh one's head off {v} (laugh uproariously) | :: nauraa katketakseen |
laugh on the other side of one's face {v} | :: hymy hyytyy |
laugh out of court {v} | :: nauraa pihalle |
laughter {n} /ˈlæftɚ/ (sound (as) of laughing) | :: nauru |
laughter {n} (movement of the muscles of the laughing face) | :: nauru |
laughter is the best medicine {proverb} (Translations) | :: nauru pidentää ikää |
launce {n} (sand lance) SEE: sand lance | :: |
launch {v} /lɔnt͡ʃ/ (throw, hurl, let fly, propel with force) | :: laukaista, heittää |
launch {v} (cause to move or slide from the land into the water) | :: laskea vesille |
launch {v} (send out; start on a career; set going; give a start to; put in operation) | :: lanseerata, tuoda markkinoille |
launch {n} (act of launching) | :: laukaisu |
launch {n} (movement of a vessel from land into the water) | :: vesillelasku |
launch {n} (largest boat belonging to a ship of war) | :: kapteenin vene |
launch {n} (boat used to convey guests) | :: yhteysvene |
launch {n} (open boat) | :: avovene |
launcher {n} /ˈlɑntʃ.ɚ/ (a device that throws something) | :: laukaisin, heitin |
launching {n} (act by which something is launched) | :: vesillelasku, julkistaminen, lanseeraus, käynnistäminen |
launch pad {n} /ˈlɑntʃ.pæd/ (the surface from which a launch is made) | :: laukaisualusta |
launchpad {n} (launch pad) SEE: launch pad | :: |
launch window {n} | :: laukaisuikkuna |
launder {n} /ˈlɔndɚ/ (trough used by miners) | :: ränni |
launder {v} (to wash and iron) | :: pyykätä ja silittää |
launder {v} (to disguise the source of) | :: pestä |
launderer {n} (one who engages in the business of laundering) | :: pyykinpesijä |
launderette {n} /lɔndəˈɹɛt/ (place with facilities for washing that public may use) | :: itsepalvelupesula, pesula |
laundromat {n} (launderette) SEE: launderette | :: |
laundry {n} /ˈlɔːn.dɹi/ (laundering; washing) | :: pyykkäys, pyykkääminen |
laundry {n} (place or room where laundering is done) | :: pesutupa, pesula |
laundry {n} (that which needs to be laundered) | :: pyykki |
laundry basket {n} (container for holding and transporting clothing) | :: pyykkikori |
Laura {prop} /ˈlɔɹə/ (female given name) | :: Laura |
Laurasia {prop} (supercontinent) | :: Lauraasia |
laurel {n} /ˈlɔɹ.əl/ (Laurus nobilis) | :: laakeri |
laurel {n} (crown of laurel) | :: laakeriseppele |
laurel {n} (honor, distinction) | :: laakerit {p} |
Laurel and Hardy {prop} /ˈlɔɹ.əl ænd ˈhɑɹ.di/ (any humorous duo) | :: Majakka ja Perävaunu |
laurel wreath {n} (wreath worn as a symbol of victory) | :: laakeriseppele |
Laurence {prop} (male given name) | :: Lauri |
lauric acid {n} (saturated fatty acid) | :: lauriinihappo |
lav {n} (non-offensive slang for a lavatory) | :: vessa |
lava {n} /ˈlɑːvə/ (molten rock) | :: laava |
lava {n} (magma) SEE: magma | :: |
lava flow {n} (flow of lava) | :: laavavirta, laavavirtaus |
lava lake {n} (reservoir of molten lava) | :: laavajärvi |
lava lamp {n} (lamp used for decoration) | :: laavalamppu |
lavash {n} /ləˈvɑːʃ/ (a soft, thin flatbread) | :: lavash |
lavatory {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
lavatory {n} (sink) SEE: sink | :: |
lava tube {n} (natural conduit) | :: laavatunneli |
lavender {n} /ˈlæv.ən.də/ (plant) | :: laventeli |
lavender {n} (colour) | :: laventeli, laventelinsininen |
lavish {adj} /ˈlævɪʃ/ (profuse) | :: tuhlaavainen, avokätinen |
lavish {adj} (excessive) | :: ylenpalttinen |
lavish {v} (to expend or bestow with profusion; to squander) | :: tuhlata, [rahaa] syytää |
lavishly {adv} /ˈlævɪʃli/ (in a lavish manner) | :: avokätisesti |
lavishness {n} /ˈlæv.ɪʃ.nɪs/ (state or characteristic of being lavish) | :: avokätisyys |
law {n} /lɔ/ (body of rules established in a community by its authorities) | :: laki, lainsäädäntö |
law {n} (any rule that must or should be obeyed) | :: laki |
law {n} (statement of (observed, established) order, sequence or relationship of phenomena) | :: laki |
law {n} (mathematics: statement that is true under specified conditions) | :: laki, sääntö |
law {n} (informal: the police) | :: kytät {p} |
law-abiding {adj} (obeying the laws) | :: lainkuuliainen |
law and order {n} (enforcement of law, statutes and social conventions) | :: laki ja järjestys, laillinen järjestys |
lawbreaker {n} (person who breaks the law) | :: lainrikkoja |
law enforcement {n} (ensuring obedience to law) | :: lain toimeenpano, lainvalvonta |
law enforcement {n} (various government agencies involved in the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals) | :: toimeenpanoviranomainen |
law firm {n} (business formed by one or more lawyers to engage in the practice of law) | :: asianajotoimisto, lakitoimisto |
lawful {adj} /ˈlɔːfʊl/ (conforming to or recognised by law or rules) | :: lainmukainen, laillinen |
lawful {adj} (operating according to some law or fundamental principle) | :: oikeutettu |
lawless {adj} (not governed by the law) | :: laiton |
lawless {adj} (prohibited) | :: laiton, lainvastainen |
lawless {adj} (not restrained by the law) | :: laeista piittaamaton, laiton |
lawlessness {n} (lack of law and order) | :: laittomuus |
lawmaker {n} (legislator) SEE: legislator | :: |
lawman {n} (lawyer) SEE: lawyer | :: |
lawn {n} /lɔn/ (open space between woods) | :: ruohikko |
lawn {n} (ground covered with grass) | :: nurmikko, pihanurmikko |
lawn {n} (a type of linen or cotton fabric) | :: musliini |
lawn {n} (pieces of such fabric) | :: musliini |
lawn {n} (an item of clothing made from the fabric) | :: musliinivaate |
lawn bowling {n} (bowls) SEE: bowls | :: |
lawn mower {n} (machine for cutting grass) SEE: lawnmower | :: |
lawn-mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower | :: |
lawnmower {n} /ˈlɔːn.məʊ.ə/ (a device to cut grass) | :: ruohonleikkuri |
lawnmower {n} (a person who landscapes and in particular mows lawns) | :: ruohonleikkaaja, nurmikonleikkaaja |
law of conservation of energy {n} (total energy remains constant) | :: energian häviämättömyyden laki, energian säilymisen laki |
law of cosines {n} (statement) | :: kosinilause |
law of large numbers {prop} (statistical tendency) | :: suurten lukujen laki |
law of nature {n} (natural law) SEE: natural law | :: |
law of obligations {n} (The area of law pertaining to the rights and duties that arise from agreements) | :: velvoiteoikeus |
law of sines {n} (statement) | :: sinilause |
law of tangents {n} (statement) | :: tangenttilause |
law of the jungle {n} (The survival of the fittest) | :: viidakon laki |
law of the sea {n} (body of international law) | :: merioikeus |
Lawrence {prop} (male given name) SEE: Laurence | :: |
lawrencium {n} /ləˈɹɛnsiəm/ (chemical element) | :: lawrencium |
law school {n} (institution) | :: oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta [faculty], oikeustieteellinen yliopisto [university] |
lawsuit {n} /ˈlɔˌs(j)ut/ (case where a court is needed to resolve differences) | :: siviilikanne, kanne, oikeusjuttu |
lawyer {n} /ˈlɔɪ.ɚ/ (professional person authorized to practice law) | :: asianajaja, juristi, lakimies |
lawyer's wig {n} (Coprinus comatus) | :: suomumustesieni |
lax {adj} /læks/ (not strict; lenient; allowing for deviation) | :: löysä, höllä, väljä |
lax {adj} (loose; not tight or taut) | :: löysä |
lax {adj} (lacking care) | :: holtiton, huolimaton, piittaamaton, leväperäinen |
lax {adj} (diarrheal) SEE: diarrheal | :: |
laxative {adj} /ˈlæk.sə.tɪv/ (causing movement of the bowels) | :: laksatiivinen |
laxative {n} (substance with a laxative effect) | :: laksatiivi |
lay {v} /leɪ/ (to place something down in a position of rest) | :: laskea, asettaa, panna, laittaa |
lay {v} (archaic: to cause to subside or abate) | :: laannuttaa |
lay {v} (to leave something somewhere) | :: jättää |
lay {v} (to prepare groundwork, table etc.) | :: valmistaa [general], laskea [groundwork], kattaa [table] |
lay {v} (to install certain building materials) | :: tehdä [general], muurata [bricks], laatoittaa [tiles] |
lay {v} (to deposit an egg) | :: munia |
lay {v} (to have sex with) | :: maata, panna |
lay {n} (arrangement or relationship) | :: sijoittelu, asettelu |
lay {n} (direction a rope is twisted) | :: kierteen suunta, kierre |
lay {n} (casual sexual partner) | :: pano |
lay {adj} (non-clergy) | :: maallikko |
lay {adj} (non-professional) | :: maallikko |
lay {n} (sung poem) | :: laulu |
lay about {v} (to strike blows in all directions) | :: huitoa |
layabout {n} /ˈleɪəˌbaʊt/ (lazy person) | :: vetelys |
lay an egg {v} (to produce an egg) | :: munia |
lay an egg {v} (to produce a failure or flop) | :: munata |
lay-by {n} /ˈleɪ.baɪ/ (road-side rest area) | :: levähdysalue |
lay claim {v} (say that something belongs to oneself) | :: vaatia itselleen, vaatia |
lay down {v} (to surrender or yield (a weapon) by placing it on the ground) | :: luovuttaa, laskea |
lay down {v} (to specify or establish (rules)) | :: määrätä, säätää |
lay down {v} (to lie down for rest) | :: käydä makuulle, käydä pitkäkseen |
lay down one's arms {v} | :: luopua aseista |
layer {n} /ˈleɪ.ɚ/ (single thickness of some material covering a surface) | :: kerros |
layer {n} (item of clothing worn under or over another) | :: vaatekerros |
layer {n} (deposit) | :: kerros, kerrostuma |
layer {v} (to arrange in layers) | :: kerrostaa, pinota |
layer {n} (person who lays things, such as tiles) | :: laatoittaja [layer of tiles] |
layer {n} (hen kept to lay eggs) | :: munituskana |
layer cake {n} (type of cake) | :: täytekakku |
layered {adj} (formed of layers) | :: kerroksinen, kerrosrakenteinen |
lay figure {n} (jointed model) SEE: dummy | :: |
lay figure {n} (unimportant person) SEE: Joe Average | :: |
layman {n} /ˈleɪmən/ (someone who is not an ordained cleric) | :: maallikko |
layman {n} (someone who is not a professional in a given field) | :: maallikko |
lay off {v} (to dismiss workers from employment) | :: irtisanoa, lomauttaa |
layoff {n} (dismissal of employees) | :: irtisanominen [permanent], lomautus [temporal] |
lay of the land {n} (physical characteristics of the terrain or surrounding natural environment) | :: maasto |
lay of the land {n} (trends, feelings influencing a situation) | :: tunnelma |
layout {n} /ˈleɪ.aʊt/ (structured arrangement of items) | :: asetelma, sijoitus, sommittelu, pohja |
layout {n} (plan for such arrangement) | :: asettelu, sijoittelu, sommittelu, pohjapiirustus |
layout {n} (act of laying out) | :: asettelu, sijoittelu, sommittelu, suunnittelu |
layout {n} (process of arranging media content for publishing) | :: taitto |
layout {n} (map or a drawing of a construction site) | :: asemapiirustus |
layover {n} (break between stages of a journey) | :: välilasku |
layperson {n} (one who is not a cleric) | :: maallikko |
layperson {n} (one who is not intimately familiar with a given subject) | :: maallikko, amatööri |
lay something at the feet of {v} (to assign responsibility for (something) to (someone)) | :: kiittää |
lay waste {v} (to completely destroy) | :: hävittää |
Laz {prop} (language) | :: lazi |
Lazarus {prop} /ˈlæzəɹəs/ (New Testament characters) | :: Lasarus |
laze {v} /leɪz/ (be lazy, waste time) | :: laiskotella, möllötellä |
lazily {adv} (in a lazy manner) | :: laiskasti |
laziness {n} (quality of being lazy) | :: laiskuus |
Lazio {prop} (Italian region) | :: Lazio |
lazulite {n} (mineral) | :: latsuliitti |
lazurite {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli | :: |
lazy {adj} /ˈleɪzi/ (unwilling to work) | :: laiska |
lazy {adj} (causing idleness; relaxed or leisurely) | :: rauhallinen, unelias |
lazy {adj} (eye: squinting because of weak muscles) | :: karsastava |
lazy {adj} (cattle brand: horizontal) | :: makaava |
lazy ass {n} /ˈleɪ̯.zi.æs/ ((vulgar, slang) lazy person) | :: laiskajaakko, laiskuri |
lazybones {n} (person who is lazy) | :: laiskuri, laiskajaakko, laiskamato, tyhjäntoimittaja |
lazy eye {n} (amblyopia) SEE: amblyopia | :: |
lazy jacks {n} (type of rigging) | :: lazy-jack |
Lübeck {prop} (city) | :: Lyypekki |
LCD {n} (liquid crystal display) | :: LCD-näyttö, nestekidenäyttö |
lcm {n} (initialism for least common multiple) | :: pyj |
lea {n} /liː/ (open field, meadow) | :: niitty |
leach {v} /liːtʃ/ (to purge a soluble matter out of something) | :: huuhtoa |
lead {n} (chemical element) | :: lyijy |
lead {n} (plummet to measure depth of water) | :: luoti |
lead {n} (separator line in print) | :: riviväli |
lead {n} (typography: vertical space) | :: riviväli |
lead {n} (sheets or plates covering a roof) | :: lyijylevy |
lead {n} (roof covered with lead sheets or terne plates) | :: lyijykatto |
lead {n} (refill for writing tool) | :: lyijy |
lead {n} (bullets) | :: lyijy |
lead {v} (to cover, fill, or affect with lead) | :: täyttää lyijyllä, peittää lyijyllä, täyttyä lyijyyn, peittyä lyijyyn |
lead {v} (printing: place leads between the lines of) | :: välistää rivit, lisätä rivivälit |
lead {v} (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection) | :: johdattaa, opastaa, ohjata |
lead {v} (guide or conduct in a certain course) | :: johdattaa, opastaa, johtaa |
lead {v} (conduct or direct with authority) | :: johtaa, vetää |
lead {v} (go or be in advance of; precede) | :: johtaa |
lead {v} (draw or direct by influence) | :: johdattaa, ajaa |
lead {v} (guide or conduct oneself) | :: viedä, johtaa |
lead {v} (begin a game of cards or dominoes) | :: aloittaa |
lead {v} (intransitive: to guide or conduct) | :: johtaa |
lead {v} (intransitive: be ahead of others) | :: johtaa |
lead {v} (intransitive: have the highest interim score in a game) | :: johtaa |
lead {v} (intransitive: be more advanced) | :: johtaa, olla edellä |
lead {v} (intransitive: tend or reach in a certain direction) | :: johtaa, viedä |
lead {v} (intransitive: to go first) | :: mennä edeltä |
lead {v} (transitive: to step off base) | :: kärkkyä |
lead {n} (act of leading or conducting) | :: johto, johtaminen |
lead {n} (precedence; advance position) | :: johto, johtoasema, kärkipaikka, kärki |
lead {n} (insulated wire) | :: eristetty johto |
lead {n} (in cards and dominoes) | :: ajo, lähtö |
lead {n} (channel of open water in an ice field) | :: väylä |
lead {n} (mining: lode) | :: suoni |
lead {n} (nautical: course of a rope from end to end) | :: pituus |
lead {n} (leash) | :: talutushihna, hihna, lieka |
lead {n} (charging lead) | :: varausjohto, latausjohto |
lead {n} (information obtained by a detective or police officer) | :: johtolanka |
lead {n} (information obtained by a news reporter) | :: vihje |
lead {n} (potential customer) | :: mahdollinen asiakas, potentiaalinen asiakas, liidi |
lead astray {v} (to cause to believe untruth) | :: johtaa harhaan |
lead astray {v} (to misguide or misdirect) | :: johtaa harhaan |
lead crystal {n} (type of glass) | :: kristallilasi |
lead crystal {n} (type of glassware) | :: kristalli |
leaden {adj} /ˈlɛdən/ (made of lead) | :: lyijyinen |
leaden {adj} (pertaining to or resembling lead) | :: lyijyinen |
leaden {adj} (dull) | :: lyijynharmaa |
leader {n} /ˈlidɚ/ (one having authority) | :: johtaja, vetäjä |
leader {n} (pipe to conduct water from the roof) | :: syöksytorvi |
leader {n} (principal article in a newspaper) | :: pääkirjoitus |
leadership {n} /ˈlidɚʃɪp/ (capacity to lead) | :: johtajuus |
leadership {n} (office of leader) | :: johto |
lead-free {adj} (containing no lead) | :: lyijytön |
lead-free {adj} (petroleum: containing no tetraethyl lead; unleaded) | :: lyijytön |
lead guitar {n} (electric guitar that plays soloistically) | :: soolokitara |
lead-in {n} (introduction) | :: johdanto |
leading {adj} /ˈliːdɪŋ/ (providing guidance) | :: johdatteleva |
leading {adj} (ranking first) | :: johtava |
leading {adj} (preceding) | :: edeltävä |
leading {n} /ˈlɛdɪŋ/ (Vertical space added between lines) | :: rivivälistys |
leading diagonal {n} (main diagonal) SEE: main diagonal | :: |
leading edge {n} (aeronautics: frontmost edge of an airfoil) | :: etureuna |
leading edge {n} (foremost part of a trend) | :: kärki, kärkipää |
leading edge {n} (forefront of practice or technology) | :: kärki, kärkipää |
leading question {n} (suggestive interrogation) | :: johdatteleva kysymys |
leadman {n} (leader of group of workers) | :: ryhmänjohtaja, kymppi |
leadman {n} (one who leads a dance) | :: viejä |
lead on {v} (to encourage with the illusion of a romantic relationship) | :: houkutella |
lead oxide {n} (yellow oxide of lead) | :: lyijyoksidi |
lead pencil {n} (pencil with a core made of graphite) | :: lyijykynä |
lead poisoning {n} (chronic intoxiction caused by lead) SEE: plumbism | :: |
lead sheet {n} (form of written music) | :: lead sheet |
lead shot {n} (Small balls of lead used as projectiles) | :: lyijyhauli |
lead singer {n} (main vocalist) | :: päälaulaja |
lead someone up the garden path {v} (to deceive, hoodwink, mislead, or seduce someone) SEE: deceive | :: |
lead time {n} (the amount of time between the initiation of some process and its completion) | :: läpimenoaika |
leaf {n} /liːf/ (part of a plant) | :: lehti |
leaf {n} (anything resembling the leaf of a plant) | :: lehti |
leaf {n} (sheet of any substance beaten or rolled until very thin) | :: lehti |
leaf {n} (sheet of a book) | :: lehti, sivu |
leaf {n} (flat section used to extend a table) | :: jatkokappale, jatkolevy, jatko |
leaf {n} (moveable panel of a bridge or door) | :: läppä, levy, paneeli |
leaf {n} (computing, mathematics: tree node without descendants) | :: lehti |
leaf {v} (to produce leaves) | :: lehtiä |
leaf {n} (tea leaves) SEE: tea leaf | :: |
leaf beetle {n} (chrysomelid beetle) | :: lehtikuoriainen |
leaf blower {n} (motorised garden tool) | :: lehtipuhallin |
leaf bud {n} (bud which develops into a leaf) | :: lehtisilmu |
leaf-cutter ant {n} (type of ant) | :: lehdenleikkaaja |
leafed {adj} /liːft/ (having certain kind of leaves) | :: -lehtinen |
leafless {adj} (without leaves) | :: lehdetön |
leaflet {n} /ˈliːflɪt/ (component of a compound leaf) | :: lehdykkä |
leaflet {n} (small plant leaf) | :: esite, lentolehtinen |
leaf miner {n} (insect larva that lives within leaf tissue) | :: lehtimiinaaja |
leaf-miner fly {n} (fly of the family Agromyzidae) | :: miinaajakärpänen |
leaf-nosed bat {n} (animal) | :: leikko |
leaf roller {n} | :: kääriäisen toukka |
leaf spring {n} (leaf spring) | :: lehtijousi |
leafstalk {n} (stalk that supports a leaf) SEE: petiole | :: |
leaf-storm {n} (a wind-driven burst of dead leaves) | :: lehtipyörre |
leaf warbler {n} (bird of the genus Phylloscopus) | :: uunilintu |
leafy {adj} /ˈliːfi/ (covered with leaves) | :: lehtevä |
leafy {adj} (containing much foliage) | :: lehtevä |
leafy goosefoot {n} (Blitum virgatum) | :: marjasavikka, mansikkapinaatti |
leafy spurge {n} (Euphorbia esula) | :: kenttätyräkki |
league {n} /liːɡ/ (a group or association of cooperating members) | :: liitto |
league {n} (organization of sports teams) | :: liiga |
league {v} (to form an association) | :: muodostaa liitto |
League of Nations {prop} (international organization) | :: Kansainliitto |
league table {n} (tabular display of teams) | :: sarjataulukko |
Leah {prop} /ˈliːə/ (elder daughter of Laban) | :: Lea |
leak {n} /liːk/ (hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape) | :: vuoto |
leak {n} (entrance or escape of a fluid) | :: vuoto |
leak {n} (divulgation, or disclosure, of information) | :: vuoto |
leak {v} (to allow fluid to escape or enter) | :: vuotaa |
leak {v} (to reveal secret information) | :: vuotaa |
leakage {n} (act of leaking) | :: vuoto |
lean {v} /liːn/ (to hang outwards) | :: kallistaa, kallistua |
lean {v} (to press against) | :: nojata, nojautua |
lean {adj} (being slim, not fleshy) | :: laiha, hoikka |
Leaning Tower of Pisa {prop} (the leaning bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa) | :: Pisan kalteva torni, Pisan torni |
lean-to {n} /lin.tu/ (type of shelter) | :: katos, laavu |
leap {v} /liːp/ | :: loikata, hypätä, ponnahtaa |
leap {n} | :: hyppy, loikka |
leap {n} (significant move forward) | :: hyppy, hyppäys |
leap day {n} /liːp deɪ/ (extra day in a leap year) | :: karkauspäivä |
leapfrog {n} /ˈliːpfɹɒɡ/ (game) | :: pukkihyppely |
leapfrog {v} (to jump over some obstacle) | :: loikata |
leapfrog {v} (to overtake) | :: syrjäyttää, tehdä vanhanaikaiseksi |
leapfrog {v} (to progress) | :: loikata |
leapfrog {v} (military: to advance by engaging the enemy with one unit while another moves further forward) | :: koukata |
leapling {n} /ˈliplɪŋ/ (one born on a leap day) | :: karkauspäivänä syntynyt |
leap of faith {n} (act of believing in something despite proof) | :: uskon hyppy |
leaps and bounds {adv} (idiom: considerably) | :: suurin harppauksin |
leap second {n} (added second) | :: karkaussekunti |
leap to mind {v} (spring to mind) SEE: spring to mind | :: |
leap year {n} (366-day year in the Gregorian calendar) | :: karkausvuosi |
learn {v} /lɜːn/ (to acquire knowledge or ability) | :: oppia, opetella |
learn {v} (to attend educational activity) | :: oppia, opiskella |
learn {v} (to make use of a bad experience) | :: oppia |
learn {v} (to improve) | :: oppia |
learn {v} (to be studying) | :: opiskella, opetella |
learn {v} (to come to know; to become informed of; to find out) | :: saada tietää, saada selville |
learned {adj} /ˈlɝnɪd/ (having much learning) | :: oppinut |
learned {adj} /lɝnd/ (acquired by learning) | :: opittu |
learned borrowing {n} (word borrowed from a classical language into a modern language) | :: sivistyssana |
learnedly {adv} (in educated manner) | :: oppineesti |
learnedness {n} (quality) | :: oppineisuus |
learned society {n} (promoter of an academic discipline) | :: tiedeseura, tieteellinen seura |
learner {n} /ˈlɜɹnəɹ/ (one that is learning) | :: harjoittelija |
learning {n} /ˈlɝnɪŋ/ (action of the verb) | :: oppiminen |
learning {n} (accumulated knowledge) | :: oppineisuus, oppi |
learning content management system {n} (software system) | :: oppisisältöjen hallintajärjestelmä |
learning curve {n} (visualization of learning as a function of experience) | :: oppimiskäyrä |
learning curve {n} (measure of how much there is to learn in a restricted amount of time) | :: oppimistehtävä |
learning difference {n} (learning disability) SEE: learning disability | :: |
learning difficulty {n} (learning disability) SEE: learning disability | :: |
learning disability {n} (disability which prevents the sufferer from learning in a typical manner) | :: oppimisvaikeus |
learning-disabled {adj} (having a condition that impedes learning) | :: oppimisongelmainen |
learning objective {n} (that which a student is expected to learn) | :: oppimistavoite |
learn one's lesson {v} | :: oppia läksynsä |
learn the hard way {v} (learn by experiencing the consequences of making mistakes) | :: oppia kantapään kautta |
learn the ropes {v} /ˈlɜːn ðə ˈɹəʊps/ (to learn the basics) | :: oppia alkeet |
lease {v} /liːs/ (to operate or live in some property or land through purchasing a long-term contract) | :: vuokrata |
lease {n} (contract granting use or occupation of property) | :: vuokrasopimus |
lease {n} (period of such a contract) | :: vuokra-aika |
leasehold {n} (type of tenure) | :: vuokraoikeus |
leasehold {n} (property) | :: vuokratila, vuokratontti, vuokratalo |
leaseholder {n} (tenant holding a lease) | :: vuokraaja, vuokralainen |
leash {n} /liːʃ/ (long cord for dogs) | :: talutushihna, talutin |
least {determiner} /liːst/ (the smallest amount of) | :: vähin, pienin |
least {adv} (in the smallest degree) | :: vähiten |
least common multiple {n} ((number theory)) | :: pienin yhteinen jaettava |
least flycatcher {n} /liːst flaɪˈkætʃ.ə(ɹ)/ (Empidonax minimus) | :: pikkusieppari |
least weasel {n} /ˈliːst ˈwiːz(ə)l/ (Mustela nivalis) | :: lumikko |
leather {n} /ˈlɛðə/ (material produced by tanning animal skin) | :: nahka |
leather {n} (piece of leather used for polishing) | :: säämiskä |
leather {n} (colloquial: cricket ball or football) | :: nahkakuula [football] |
leather {n} (leather clothing) | :: nahkavaatteet |
leather {adj} (made of leather) | :: nahka-, nahkainen |
leatherback {n} /ˈlɛ.ðɚ.bæk/ (Dermochelys coriacea) | :: merinahkakilpikonna |
leatherette {n} /ˌlɛðəˈɹɛt/ (type of fabric made to imitate the appearance of leather) | :: keinonahka, tekonahka |
leatherjacket {n} (larva of some craneflies) | :: vaaksiaisen toukka |
leatherjacket {n} (fish of the family Balistidae) | :: säppikala |
leatherware {n} (items made from leather) | :: nahkatavarat {p} |
leathery {adj} (having properties of leather) | :: nahkamainen, nahkainen; nahistunut [primarily of vegetables] |
leave {v} /liːv/ (to cause to remain as available, not take away, refrain from depleting) | :: jättää |
leave {v} (to transfer possession after death) | :: jättää |
leave {v} (to give (something) to someone; to deliver (something) to a repository; to deposit) | :: jättää |
leave {v} (to transfer responsibility or attention) | :: jättää |
leave {v} (to depart from, end one's connection or affiliation with) | :: jättää |
leave {v} (to end one's membership in) | :: jättää, erota |
leave {v} (to depart (intransitive)) | :: lähteä |
leave {n} (permission to be absent) | :: vapaa |
leave {n} (absence from work) | :: vapaa |
leave {n} (departure) | :: lähtö |
leave alone {v} (to stop bothering) | :: jättää rauhaan |
leave a lot to be desired {v} | :: jättää toivomisen varaa |
leave behind {v} (abandon) | :: jättää |
leave behind {v} (forget about) | :: unohtaa |
leave behind {v} (not live longer than) | :: jättää jälkeensä |
leave behind {v} (leave a trace) | :: jättää, jättää jälki |
leave behind {v} (outdo) | :: jättää taakseen |
leave behind {v} (pass) | :: jättää taakseen |
leave it be {v} (allow something to follow its natural course) | :: anna olla |
leave me alone {phrase} (stop talking to me) | :: jätä minut rauhaan |
leaven {n} /ˈlɛv.ən/ (any agent used to make dough rise) | :: nostatusaine |
leaven {v} (to add leavening) | :: nostattaa |
leaven {v} (to cause to rise by fermentation) | :: nostattaa, kohottaa |
leavening agent {n} (organism or substance) | :: nostatusaine |
leave no stone unturned {v} (search thoroughly) | :: etsiä läpikotaisin, ei jättää yhtään kiveä kääntämättä |
leave no stone unturned {v} (perform a task thoroughly) | :: tehdä kaikkensa, tehdä läpikotaisin, ei jättää yhtään kiveä kääntämättä |
leave of absence {n} (absence from work) SEE: leave | :: |
leave out {v} (to leave out or to not include) SEE: omit | :: |
leave someone cold {v} | :: jättää kylmäksi |
leave someone holding the bag {v} (leave somebody holding the responsibility or blame) | :: jättää ottamaan syyt niskoilleen |
leave someone in the lurch {v} (to abandon somebody and leave him or her in a difficult situation) | :: jättää pulaan |
leave someone on read {v} /ɹɛd/ (read someone's message and not give any response) | :: jättää jonkun viestit luetuksi |
leave someone out in the cold {v} /ˈliːv ˌsʌmwʌn aʊt ɪn ðə ˈkɔʊld/ (to deliberately fail to provide someone with support, see also: ignore; neglect) | :: jättää heitteille |
leave to one's own devices {v} (to leave alone, unsupervised, without assistance) | :: jättää oman onnensa nojaan |
leave well enough alone {phrase} /liːv wɛl ɪˈnʌf əˈləʊn/ (to avoid trying to correct, fix, or improve what is already adequate) | :: jättää rauhaan |
leavings {n} (that which is left) | :: tähteet {p} |
Lebanese {n} /lɛ.bəˈniːz/ (A person from Lebanon) | :: libanonilainen |
Lebanese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Lebanon, its people or language) | :: libanonilainen |
Lebanese Republic {prop} (official name of Lebanon) | :: Libanonin tasavalta |
Lebanon {prop} /ˈlɛbənən/ (Lebanese Republic) | :: Libanon |
lebensraum {n} (living space) | :: elintila |
lecher {n} /lɛtʃə(ɹ)/ (a lecherous person) | :: irstailija, pukki, häntäheikki, hamesankari, naistenmies |
lecherous {adj} /ˈlɛtʃəɹəs/ (given to a lustful craving of sexual activities) | :: irstas, rietas |
lecithin {n} /ˈlɛs.ə.θɪn/ (lecithin) | :: lesitiini |
lect {n} /lɛkt/ (variety) | :: lekti |
lectern {n} (a stand with a slanted top used to support a bible from which passages are read during a church service) | :: lukuteline |
lectern {n} (a similar stand to support a lecturer's notes) | :: puhujapönttö, lehteri |
lectotype {n} (biological specimen or illustration) | :: lektotyyppi |
lecture {n} /ˈlɛk.t͡ʃɚ/ (a spoken lesson) | :: luento |
lecture {v} (to teach) | :: luennoida |
lecture {v} (to berate, to scold) | :: läksyttää |
lecture hall {n} (lecture theatre) SEE: lecture theatre | :: |
lecturer {n} /ˈlɛktʃəɹɚ/ (person who gives lectures) | :: luennoija, luennoitsija |
lecturer {n} (member of university or college) | :: lehtori |
lecturer {n} (dated: member of the Church of England clergy) | :: apupappi |
lecture theatre {n} (room in a university with many seats and a sloped floor) | :: auditorio, luentosali |
LED {n} /ɛl.iː.ˈdiː/ (light-emitting diode) | :: hohtodiodi, loistediodi, LED, ledi [colloquial] |
lederhosen {n} /ˈleɪdɚˌhoʊzən/ (Bavarian knee-breeches made of leather) | :: lederhosen |
ledge {n} /lɛdʒ/ (shelf) | :: hylly; [protruding part of a façade or structure] otsa, otsikko |
ledge {n} (of rocks) | :: kieleke, kallionkieleke, uloke; [reef] karikko, riutta |
ledge {n} (layer) | :: kerros, kerrostuma |
ledge {n} (lode) | :: mineraalisuoni, malmisuoni, suoni |
ledge {n} (lintel) | :: kamana |
ledge {n} (cornice) | :: reunalista, korniisi, kattolista |
ledger {n} /ˈlɛdʒə/ (book for keeping notes) | :: tilikirja |
ledger {n} (collection of accounting entries) | :: tilikirja |
ledger line {n} (notation to inscribe notes outside the musical staffs) | :: apuviiva |
lee {n} /liː/ (protected cove or harbor, out of the wind) | :: suojasatama, tuulensuoja |
lee {n} (side of the ship away from the wind) | :: lee, suojanpuoli |
lee {n} (sheltered place, especially a place protected from the wind by some object) | :: tuulensuoja, lee |
leech {n} /liːtʃ/ (annelid) | :: juotikas, iilimato |
leech {n} (person who derives profit from others) | :: verenimijä |
leech {v} (to apply a leech medicinally) | :: kupata |
leech {v} (to drain resources without giving back) | :: kupata |
leech {n} (paganism: a healer) | :: poppamies |
leech {n} (vertical edge of a square sail) | :: liikki |
leech {n} (aft edge of a triangular sail) | :: takaliikki |
leech {n} (physician) SEE: physician | :: |
leech line {n} (line for tightening the leech of a triangular mainsail) | :: snörppi |
leechline {n} (line to haul leeches of a sail) | :: nokkakoortinki, reunanuora |
Leeds {prop} /liːdz/ (city in England) | :: Leeds |
leek {n} /liːk/ (vegetable) | :: purjo, purjosipuli |
leek moth {n} (Acrolepia assectella) | :: sipulikoi |
leer {v} /lɪɹ/ (to look with sexual desire or malicious intent) | :: silmäillä [sexually], mulkoilla [maliciously], mulkaista [maliciously] |
lees {n} | :: sakka |
leeward {adj} /ˈliːwəd/ (on the side sheltered from the wind) | :: suojanpuoleinen; leenpuoleinen [nautical] |
leeward {adv} (away from the direction of the wind) | :: alatuuleen |
Leeward Islands {prop} (Island group) | :: Leewardsaaret {p} |
leeway {n} /ˈliːˌweɪ/ (drift of a ship or airplane in a leeward direction) | :: sorto |
leeway {n} (degree or amount of freedom or flexibility) | :: pelivara, liikkumavara |
left {adj} /lɛft/ (the west side of the body when one is facing north) | :: vasen |
left {adj} (pertaining to the political left) | :: vasemmistolainen |
left {adv} (on the left side) | :: vasemmalla |
left {adv} (towards the left side) | :: vasemmalle |
left {n} (the left side) | :: vasen, vasen puoli |
left {n} (the ensemble of left-wing political parties) | :: vasemmisto |
left {v} (remaining) | :: [with verbs signifying movement] jäljelle, [with stative verbs] jäljellä |
left-about {n} (180 degrees to the right) | :: täyskäännös vasempaan |
left and right {adv} (all over the place) | :: kaksin käsin |
leftard {n} (person of left-wing political views) | :: vasemmistolainen |
left back {n} (a defender who plays on the left) | :: vasen puolustaja |
left bank {n} (river bank to the left when facing downstream) | :: vasen ranta |
left bracket {n} (left square bracket) | :: vasen hakasulje |
left-click {v} (to press the left button on a mouse) | :: klikata vasemmalla |
left-click {v} (to activate an item on the screen by left-clicking) | :: klikata vasemmalla |
left coset {n} | :: vasen sivuluokka |
left fielder {n} (outfielder) | :: vasen koppari |
left-handed {n} (preferring the left hand over the right) | :: vasenkätinen |
left-handedly {adv} (in a left-handed manner) | :: vasemmalla kädellä |
left-handedness {n} (state of being left-handed) | :: vasenkätisyys |
left-hander {n} (a person who is left-handed) | :: vasenkätinen, vasuri |
leftish {adj} (left-wing) SEE: left-wing | :: |
leftism {n} (belief) | :: vasemmistolaisuus |
leftist {n} /ˈlɛftɪst/ (a person who holds views associated with the political left) | :: vasemmistolainen |
leftist {adj} (Pertaining to the political left) | :: vasemmistolainen |
left-luggage office {n} (place where luggage may be left) | :: matkatavarasäilytys |
leftover {adj} (remaining, left behind) | :: tähteeksi jäänyt |
leftover {adj} (remaining as meal is complete) | :: tähteeksi jäänyt |
leftover {n} (something left behind) | :: tähde |
leftovers {n} (food remaining after a meal) | :: tähteet {p} |
left-wing {adj} (favoring social equality) | :: vasemmisto-, vasemmistolainen |
left-winger {n} (person who belongs to the political left) | :: vasemmistolainen |
left-winger {n} (sports winger on the left) | :: vasemman laidan pelaaja |
lefty {n} (left-hander) SEE: left-hander | :: |
leg {n} (lower limb from groin to ankle) | :: jalka |
leg {n} (portion of the lower appendage from knee to ankle) | :: sääri |
leg {n} (part of garment covering the leg) | :: lahje, puntti [colloquial] |
leg {n} (stage of journey) | :: etappi, legi [in sailing], pätkä |
leg {n} ((nautical) distance done without changing the sails from one side to the other) | :: legi |
leg {n} ((nautical) side of a route in a sailing race) | :: legi |
leg {n} (game played in a tournament) | :: ottelu, kierros, [in a relay-race] osuus |
leg {n} (side in a triangle) | :: kateetti |
leg {n} (supporting protrusion of an inanimate object) | :: jalka, varsi |
legacy {n} /ˈlɛɡəsi/ (money or property bequeathed to someone in a will) | :: perintö, legaatti |
legacy {n} (something inherited from a predecessor; a heritage) | :: perintö |
legacy {adj} (left behind, old or no longer in active use) | :: vanha, vanhentunut |
legal {adj} /ˈliɡəl/ (relating to the law or to lawyers) | :: juridinen, oikeudellinen, laki-, lakimies-, lainopillinen |
legal {adj} (having its basis in the law) | :: lainmukainen, juridinen |
legal {adj} (allowed or prescribed by law) | :: laillinen, lakisääteinen |
legal advice {n} (formal opinion regarding law) | :: lainopillinen neuvo |
legal age {n} (age of majority) SEE: age of majority | :: |
legal aid {n} (free or low-cost service in the field of law) | :: oikeusapu |
legal entity {n} (organisation that the law treats as a legal person) SEE: legal person | :: |
legalese {n} (technical talk of the legal profession) | :: (lakimiesten) kapulakieli, lakikieli [also used non-pejoratively] |
legalese {n} (wording that resembles how lawyers write) | :: kapulakieli |
legal interest {n} (interest allowed by law) | :: laillinen korko |
legalism {n} (philosophy) | :: legalismi |
legalism {n} (doctrine) | :: legalismi |
legalism {n} (legal axiom, term or rule) | :: lakimääräys; lakitermi [term] |
Legalism {n} (school of thought originating in ancient China) | :: legalismi |
legality {n} (lawfulness) | :: laillisuus |
legalization {n} (process of making something legal) | :: laillistaminen |
legalize {v} /ˈliːɡəlaɪz/ (make legal) | :: laillistaa |
legally {adv} /ˈliːɡəli/ (as permitted by law) | :: laillisesti |
legally {adv} (from a legal perspective) | :: juridisesti |
legal person {n} (organization or group of people) | :: oikeushenkilö |
legal positivism {n} (legal school of thought in jurisprudence) | :: oikeudellinen positivismi |
legal remedy {n} | :: oikeussuojakeino |
legal representative {n} (lawyer who acts on behalf of a client) | :: asianajaja, asiamies, oikeudenkäyntiavustaja, oikeudenkäyntiasiamies |
legal representative {n} (one who represents another) | :: oikeudellinen edustaja, laillinen edustaja |
legal studies {n} (study of theories and philosophies related to law) SEE: jurisprudence | :: |
legal studies {n} (study of law) | :: lakitieto |
legal tender {n} (currency that cannot be refused as payment to extinguish a debt) | :: laillinen maksuväline |
legal vacuum {n} | :: oikeudellinen tyhjiö |
legatee {n} (one who receives a legacy) | :: erityistestamentinsaaja |
legato {adv} /ləˈɡɑ.toʊ/ (music: smoothly, in a connected manner) | :: legato, sitoen |
legato {n} (slur curve) | :: legato |
legend {n} /ˈlɛdʒ.ənd/ (story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events) | :: legenda |
legend {n} (any person of extraordinary accomplishment) | :: legenda |
legend {n} (key to the symbols and color codes on a map) | :: selitykset {p}, selite |
legendary {adj} (of or pertaining to a legend) | :: legendaarinen |
legerdemain {n} /ˈlɛdʒ.əɹ.dəˌmeɪn/ (sleight of hand) | :: silmänkääntötemppu |
leghorn {n} /ˈlɛɡhɔɹn/ (small white chicken breed) | :: leghorn |
legibility {n} (property that makes legible or easily readable) | :: luettavuus |
legible {adj} /ˈlɛd͡ʒəbl/ (clear enough to be read) | :: luettava, lukukelpoinen |
legion {n} /ˈliːdʒən/ (the major unit or division of the Roman army) | :: legioona |
legionary {n} (member of a legion) | :: legioonalainen |
legionnaire {n} (a member of a legion) SEE: legionary | :: |
leg irons {n} (fetter attached at the ankle) | :: jalkaraudat {p} |
legislate {v} /ˈlɛdʒɪsˌleɪt/ (pass laws) | :: säätää laki |
legislation {n} /ˌlɛd͡ʒɪsˈleɪʃən/ (the act of legislating) | :: lainsäädäntö |
legislation {n} (law already enacted by legislature) | :: lainsäädäntö |
legislative {adj} /ˈlɛ.dʒɪˌsleɪ.tɪv/ (having the power to make laws) | :: lakiasäätävä |
legislative {n} (branch of government) SEE: legislative branch | :: |
legislative branch {n} (branch of government) | :: lainsäädäntövalta |
legislator {n} (who creates or enacts laws) | :: lainsäätäjä |
legislature {n} /ˈlɛdʒɪsˌleɪtʃɚ/ (governmental body) | :: lainsäädäntöelin |
legist {n} (legislator) SEE: legislator | :: |
legist {n} /ˈliːdʒɪst/ (one skilled in the law) | :: lainoppinut |
leg it {v} (To run away, to flee) | :: lähteä karkuun, pötkiä pakoon |
legitimacy {n} /ləˈdʒɪtɪməsi/ (quality of being legitimate or valid; validity) | :: legitimiteetti |
legitimate {adj} /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ (lawful) | :: laillinen, legitiimi lainmukainen ; sääntöjen mukainen [conforming with rules] |
legitimate {adj} (valid) | :: validi |
legitimate {adj} (genuine) | :: aito, autenttinen |
legitimize {v} /ləˈdʒɪtɪmaɪz/ (to make legitimate) | :: legitimoida |
legless {adj} (without legs) | :: jalaton |
legless lizard {n} (Pygopodidae lizard) | :: eväjalkalisko |
legless lizard {n} (any lizard that does not have limbs) | :: jalaton lisko |
leglock {n} /ˈlɛɡˌlɒk/ (joint lock) | :: jalkalukko |
legman {n} /ˈlɛɡˌmæn/ (reporter who frequently travels) | :: kenttätoimittaja |
Lego {n} /ˈlɛɡoʊ/ (toy brick) | :: lego |
leguaan {n} (iguana) SEE: iguana | :: |
legume {n} /lɪˈɡjuːm/ (fruit or seed of leguminous plants) | :: herne, papu |
legume {n} (member of Leguminosae family) | :: hernekasvi |
leg up {n} (forming a step with one's hands) | :: punttaus |
legwork {n} /ˈlɛɡ.wɚk/ (Work, especially research, that involves significant walking) | :: jalkatyö |
legwork {n} (Skillful or vigorous use of the legs) | :: jalkatyö |
lei {n} /leɪ/ (garland of flowers in Hawaii) | :: lei |
Leiden {prop} /ˈleɪdən/ (city in South Holland) | :: Leiden |
Leipzig {prop} /ˈlaɪp.sɪɡ/ (city in Saxony, Germany) | :: Leipzig |
leister {n} /ˈliːstə/ (spear with barbed prongs for catching fish) | :: atrain |
leisure {n} /ˈlɛʒə(ɹ)/ (freedom provided) | :: vapaa-aika |
leisure {n} (time free) | :: vapaa-aika |
leisure centre {n} (building or site) | :: vapaa-aikakeskus, vapaa-ajankeskus |
leisurely {adj} /ˈliʒɚli/ (characterized by leisure) | :: leppoisa, rauhallinen, kiireetön |
leisurely {adv} (in a leisurely manner) | :: leppoisasti, rauhallisesti, kiireettömästi |
leisurewear {n} (casual wear) | :: oloasu |
leitmotif {n} /ˈleɪt.moʊˌtif/ (melodic theme in an opera) | :: johtoaihe |
lek {n} (an aggregation of male animals for the purposes of courtship and display) | :: soidin |
lek {v} (to take part in the courtship and display behaviour of a lek) | :: soidintaa, olla soitimella |
lek {n} (currency of Albania) | :: lek |
Lemi {prop} (municipality) | :: Lemi |
Lemierre's syndrome {prop} (condition) | :: angiinamyrkytys |
lemma {n} (linguistics: lexeme) SEE: lexeme | :: |
lemma {n} /ˈlɛmə/ (mathematics: proposition used mainly in the proof of some other proposition) | :: apulause, lemma |
lemma {n} (linguistics: canonical form of a term) | :: perusmuoto, lemma |
lemma {n} (botany: one of the specialized bracts around the floret in grasses) | :: ulkohelve |
lemming {n} /lɛm.ɪŋ/ (rodent) | :: sopuli |
lemming {n} (member of a group given to conformity or groupthink) | :: laumasielu, sopuli |
lemniscate {n} /lɛmˈnɪskət/ (symbol for infinity) | :: ääretön-merkki |
lemon {n} /ˈlɛmən/ (citrus fruit) | :: sitruuna |
lemon {n} (tree) | :: sitruunapuu |
lemon {n} (defective item) | :: susi, maanantaikappale |
lemon {n} (colour/color) | :: sitruunankeltainen |
lemon {n} (taste) | :: sitruuna, sitruunan maku |
lemon {adj} (having the flavour/flavor and/or scent of lemons) | :: sitruunan makuinen, [prefix in a compound] sitruuna- |
lemon {adj} (having the colour/color of lemons) | :: sitruunankeltainen, sitruunan värinen |
lemonade {n} /ˌlɛmənˈeɪd/ (still beverage) | :: sitruunamehu |
lemonade {n} (carbonated beverage) | :: sitruunasooda, limonadi |
lemon balm {n} (Melissa officinalis) | :: sitruunamelissa |
lemon curd {n} (preserve made from lemons) | :: lemon curd, sitruunatahna |
lemongrass {n} (species of grass of the genus Cymbopogon) | :: sitruunaruoho, sitrusheinä |
lemongrass {n} (Cymbopogon citratus) | :: intiansitrusheinä |
lemon juice {n} (the liquid extract of lemon fruit) | :: sitruunamehu |
lemon meringue pie {n} (classic type of pie) | :: sitruuna-marenkipiiras |
lemon pepper {n} (seasoning) | :: sitruunapippuri |
lemon squeezer {n} (device used to extract juice from lemons) | :: sitruspuristin |
lemon verbena {n} (shrub) | :: sitruunaverbena |
Lempäälä {prop} (municipality) | :: Lempäälä |
lemur {n} /ˈliːmə(ɹ)/ (strepsirrhine primate of the infraorder Lemuriformes, superfamily Lemuroidea) | :: maki, makimainen puoliapina |
lemuriform {adj} (of or relating to infraorder Lemuriformes) | :: makimainen |
lemuriform {n} (member of infraorder Lemuriformes) | :: makimainen puoliapina |
Lena {prop} (female given name) | :: Leena |
Lena {prop} (Lena River) | :: Lena |
lend {v} /lɛnd/ (to allow to be used temporarily) | :: lainata, antaa lainaksi |
lend {v} (to make a loan) | :: lainata |
lend {v} ((proscribed) to borrow) SEE: borrow | :: |
lend a hand {v} (to help or assist) | :: auttaa |
lender {n} /ˈlɛndɚ/ (one who lends, especially money) | :: lainaaja, lainanantaja |
length {n} /lɛŋ(k)θ/ (distance along the longest dimension) | :: pituus |
length {n} (duration, see also: duration) | :: pituus, kesto |
length {n} (length of a horse) | :: hevosenmitta |
length {n} (math: distance between the two ends of a line segment) | :: pituus |
length {n} (figuratively: total extent) | :: pituus |
length {n} (part of something that is long; a physical piece of something) | :: mitta; pätkä [especially a short one] |
lengthen {v} /ˈlɛŋ(k)θən/ (to make longer) | :: pidentää |
lengthen {v} (to become longer) | :: pidentyä, pidetä |
lengthening {n} (sound change) | :: pidentyminen |
lengthwise {adj} (adjective: in the long direction) | :: pitkittäinen |
lengthwise {adv} (adverb: in the long direction) | :: pitkittäin |
leniency {n} (quality of mercy or forgiveness, especially in the assignment of punishment as in a court case) | :: lievyys |
lenient {adj} /ˈliːni.ənt/ (tolerant; not strict) | :: lempeä |
Lenin {prop} (a Russian revolutionary and politician) | :: Lenin |
Leningrad {prop} /ˈlɛnɪnˌɡræd/ (name of Saint Petersburg, 1924-1991) | :: Leningrad |
Leningrad {prop} (Leningrad oblast) | :: Leningradin alue |
Leninian {adj} (of or pertaining to Lenin) SEE: Leninist | :: |
Leninism {n} (the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin) | :: leninismi |
Leninist {adj} /ˈlɛnɪnɪst/ (of or relating to Lenin) | :: leniniläinen |
Leninist {adj} (of or relating to Leninism) | :: leninisti, leniniläinen |
lenition {n} /lɪˈnɪʃən/ (weakening of consonant articulation) | :: liudentuminen |
lens {n} /lɛnz/ (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it) | :: linssi |
lens {n} (device which focuses or defocuses electron beams) | :: poikkeutuskela |
lens {n} (geometry: convex shape bounded by two circular arcs) | :: linssi |
lens {n} (biology: genus of the legume family; its bean) | :: linssi |
lens {n} (anatomy: transparent crystalline structure in the eye) | :: mykiö, linssi |
lens flare {n} (brightness in an image) | :: linssiheijastus |
Lent {n} /lɛnt/ (Christian period of penitence before Easter) | :: paasto, paastonaika, suuri paasto |
Lenten {adj} /ˈlɛntən/ (pertaining to Lent) | :: paastonajan (genitive of noun) |
lenticular {adj} /lɛnˈtɪk.jə.lɚ/ (of or pertaining to a lens) | :: linssi- |
lenticular {adj} (shaped like a biconvex lens) | :: linssimäinen |
lenticular {n} (lenticular galaxy) SEE: lenticular galaxy | :: |
lenticular cloud {n} (type of cloud) | :: mantelipilvi |
lenticular galaxy {n} (galaxy that has flat disk but has lost most of its interstellar matter) | :: linssimäinen galaksi |
lentigo {n} (pigmented spot on the skin) SEE: freckle | :: |
lentil {n} /ˈlɛntəl/ (plant Lens culinaris) | :: kylvövirvilä, linssi |
lentil {n} (seed used as food) | :: linssi |
Leo {prop} /ˈliːoʊ/ (male given name) | :: Leo |
Leo {prop} (constellation) | :: Leijona, Jalopeura |
Leo {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Leijona |
Leo {n} (Someone with a Leo star sign) | :: leijona |
Leo Minor {prop} (spring constellation of the northern sky) | :: Pieni leijona |
Leonard {prop} /ˈlɛnɚd/ (male given name) | :: Lenni |
Leonberger {n} (dog breed) | :: leonberginkoira |
leopard {n} /ˈlɛpɚd/ (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus) | :: leopardi |
leopard cat {n} (wild cat) | :: leopardikissa, bengalinkissa |
leopard gecko {n} (Eublepharis macularius) | :: leopardigekko |
leopard seal {n} /ˈlɛpɚd siːl/ (Hydrurga leptonyx) | :: merileopardi |
leopard shark {n} (Triakis semifasciata) | :: leopardihai |
leopard slug {n} (Limax maximus) | :: pantterietana |
leotard {n} /ˈliː.ə.tɑːd/ (skin-tight one piece suit of clothing) | :: trikoot {p}, voimistelupuku |
leper {n} (person who has leprosy) | :: spitaalinen |
leper {n} (person who is shunned; a pariah) | :: hyljeksitty henkilö |
lepidocrocite {n} (hydrated iron oxide related hematite) | :: lepidokrokiitti, lepidokrosiitti |
lepidolite {n} (a mica mineral) | :: lepidoliitti |
lepidopterology {n} (scientific study of butterflies and moths) | :: lepidopterologia |
leporine {adj} /ˈlɛpəɹaɪn/ (of a hare or rabbit) | :: jänis-, jänisten, kani-, kanien [of or relating to]; jänismäinen, kanimainen [resembling] |
leprechaun {n} /ˈlɛprəˌkɔn/ (one of a race of Irish elves) | :: leprekauni |
leprosy {n} /ˈlɛpɹəsi/ (infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae) | :: spitaali, lepra |
leprosy {n} (disease of the skin not conclusively identified, which can also affect clothes and houses) | :: spitaali |
leprotic {adj} (of, or pertaining to leprosy) | :: spitaalinen |
leprous {adj} (relating to leprosy) | :: spitaalinen |
leptocephalus {n} (larva of an eel) SEE: glass eel | :: |
leptokurtic {adj} (having positive excess kurtosis) | :: huipukas, terävähuippuinen, leptokurtinen |
lepton {n} /ˈlɛptɒn/ (Greek coin) | :: lepto |
lepton {n} (elementary particle) | :: leptoni |
leptosol {n} (soil type) | :: kalliomaannos |
leptospirosis {n} (disease) | :: leptospiroosi |
lesbian {adj} /ˈlɛzbi.ən/ (of a woman: preferring women partners) | :: lesbolainen |
lesbian {adj} (between two women; pertaining to women's homosexuality) | :: lesbo-, lesbolainen, lesbo |
lesbian {adj} (intended for lesbians) | :: lesbo- |
lesbian {n} (homosexual woman) | :: lesbo |
Lesbian {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian | :: |
Lesbian {adj} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian | :: |
lesbianism {n} (Female homosexuality) | :: lesbous, lesbolaisuus |
lesbo {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian | :: |
Lesbos {prop} /ˈlɛz.bɒs/ (island) | :: Lesbos |
lese majesty {n} /liz ˈmædʒəsti/ (crime of violating majesty) | :: majesteettirikos |
lesene {n} /ˈlɛ.zən/ (architectural element) | :: liseeni |
lesion {n} /ˈliːʒən/ (a wound or an injury) | :: vamma |
Lesothan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Lesotho) | :: lesotholainen |
Lesothan {n} (person) | :: lesotholainen |
Lesotho {prop} /ləˈsuːtuː/ (country in Southern Africa) | :: Lesotho |
less {adv} /lɛs/ (to a smaller extent or degree) | :: vähemmän |
less {determiner} (not as much) | :: vähemmän |
less {determiner} (smaller number of) | :: vähemmän |
less {determiner} | :: pienempi |
less {prep} (not including) | :: paitsi, pois lukien, lukuun ottamatta |
-less {suffix} /ləs/ (lacking) | :: -ton, -tön |
lessee {n} (one to whom a lease is given) | :: vuokralainen |
lesser {adj} /ˈlɛsɚ/ (the comparative of little) | :: pienempi, vähäisempi |
lesser {adj} (of two things, the smaller in size, value, importance etc) | :: pienempi, vähäisempi |
lesser {n} (thing that is of smaller size) | :: pienempi, vähäisempi |
lesser bilby {n} (Macrotis leucura) | :: pikkupussikaniini |
lesser black-backed gull {n} (Larus fuscus) | :: selkälokki |
lesser celandine {n} (a European perennial herb, Ranunculus ficaria) | :: mukulaleinikki |
lesser clubmoss {n} (Selaginella selaginoides) | :: mähkä |
lesser flamingo {n} (the smaller of the two old world species of flamingo) | :: pikkuflamingo |
lesser grey shrike {n} (Lanius minor) | :: mustaotsalepinkäinen |
lesser of two evils {n} | :: pienempi paha |
lesser panda {n} (Ailurus fulgens) SEE: red panda | :: |
lesser roadrunner {n} (bird of genus Geococcyx) SEE: roadrunner | :: |
lesser scaup {n} (Aythya affinis) | :: pikkulapasotka |
lesser spotted eagle {n} (Clanga pomarina) | :: pikkukiljukotka |
lesser spotted woodpecker {n} /ˈlɛsə(ɹ)ˈspɒtədˈwədpɛkə(ɹ)/ (Dendrocopoes minor) | :: pikkutikka |
lesser whitethroat {n} (Sylvia curruca) | :: hernekerttu |
lesser yellowlegs {n} (Tringa flavipes) | :: keltajalkaviklo |
lesson {n} /ˈlɛsn̩/ (section of learning or teaching) | :: oppitunti, luento |
lesson {n} (learning task assigned to a student) | :: läksy, kotitehtävä, tehtävä |
lesson {n} (something learned) | :: opetus |
lesson {n} (something that serves as a warning or encouragement) | :: läksy, opetus |
lesson {n} (section of the Bible or other religious text read as part of a divine service) | :: sana |
lesson {v} (to give a lesson; to teach) | :: opettaa |
lesson plan {n} (teacher's document used to plan a lesson) | :: tuntisuunnitelma |
lessor {n} (owner of property that is leased) | :: vuokranantaja |
less than {adj} (the character <) | :: pienempi kuin -merkki |
less-than-stellar {adj} (not very good) SEE: poor | :: |
less-than-stellar {adj} (mediocre) SEE: mediocre | :: |
less-than-stellar {adj} (not satisfactory) SEE: unsatisfactory | :: |
lest {conj} /lɛst/ (that [...] not) | :: ettei, jottei |
let {v} /lɛt/ (to allow) | :: antaa, sallia |
let {v} (to put up for rent) | :: antaa vuokralle |
let alone {conj} (to say nothing of) | :: puhumattakaan, saati |
let alone {conj} (as well as) | :: puhumattakaan, saati |
let alone {v} (leave alone) | :: jättää rauhaan |
let be {v} (not disturb) | :: antaa olla |
let be {v} (stop) | :: lakata |
let be {v} (used to assign a value) | :: olkoon |
let bygones be bygones {v} (to disregard a past offense) | :: antaa menneiden olla menneitä, sitä tikulla silmään joka vanhoja muistelee |
let down {v} (to allow to descend) | :: laskea |
let down {v} (to disappoint) | :: pettää, hylätä |
let down {v} (to lengthen by undoing and resewing) | :: pidentää |
let down {v} (to reduce one's level of effort) | :: antaa periksi |
let down {v} (to soften in tempering) | :: temperoida |
let-down {n} /ˈlɛtdaʊn/ (disappointment or anticlimax) | :: pettymys |
let-down {n} (release of milk) | :: maidontulo |
let go {v} (other than idiom) | :: antaa mennä, päästää |
let go {v} (to no longer hold on) | :: päästää, päästää irti, päästää käsistään, hellittää otteensa, antaa mennä |
let go {v} (to emotionally disengage or to distract oneself from a situation) | :: antaa olla, antaa mennä |
let go {v} (dismiss from employment) | :: irtisanoa |
let go {v} (euphemistic: to fail to maintain a standard of appearance, behavior, or performance) | :: antaa mennä |
lethal {adj} /ˈliː.θəl/ (deadly) | :: kuolettava, tappava, letaali |
lethargic {adj} /ləˈθɑɹdʒɪk/ (sluggish, indifferent) | :: unelias, veltto, vetelä |
lethargy {n} /ˈlɛθɚdʒi/ (pathological state of fatigue) | :: letargia |
lethargy {n} (state of extreme torpor or apathy) | :: letargia; uupumus, saamattomuus |
Lethe {prop} /ˈliː.θi/ (personification of oblivion) | :: Lethe |
let it be {v} (leave something to follow its natural course) | :: antaa olla |
let know {v} (inform) | :: ilmoittaa, kertoa |
let loose {v} (release from restraint) | :: päästää irti, irrottaa, vapauttaa |
let me see {phrase} | :: katsotaan, katsotaas [colloquial] |
let nature take its course {v} (permit events to proceed without intervention) | :: antaa asioiden mennä luonnollista latuaan |
Leto {prop} (mother of Apollo) | :: Leto |
let out {v} (to release) | :: päästää |
let out {v} (to allow to operate at higher speed by adjusting controls) | :: löysätä [of reins], lisätä vauhtia [general] |
let out {v} (of clothing: to enlarge by adjusting one or more seams) | :: väljentää |
let out {v} (of sound, to emit) | :: päästää |
let out {v} (to disclose) | :: paljastaa |
let's {v} /lɛts/ (let us; forming first-person plural imperative) | :: -kaamme |
let's go {phrase} (hortative of go) | :: mennään, lähdetään |
let's go {phrase} (hurry up) | :: vauhtia, hop hop |
let sleeping dogs lie {v} (leave things as they are) | :: älä herätä nukkuvaa karhua |
let slide {v} (to let pass) | :: mennä |
let someone down gently {v} (reject someone in a way that avoids causing hurt) | :: torjua ystävällisesti |
letter {n} /ˈlɛtə(ɹ)/ (a symbol in an alphabet) | :: kirjain, aakkonen |
letter {n} (written message) | :: kirje |
letter art {n} (use of letters to form a picture) | :: kirjaintaide |
letter bomb {n} (explosive device) | :: kirjepommi |
letterbox {n} (collection point for mail) | :: kirjelaatikko |
letterbox {n} (delivery point for mail) | :: kirjelaatikko |
letter carrier {n} (post office employee) | :: postinkantaja |
letterhead {n} | :: yläotsake |
letter of credit {n} (trade finance document) | :: remburssi |
letter of intent {n} (document) | :: aiesopimus |
letter of marque {n} (official commission) | :: kaapparikirja |
letter of marque {n} (ship that has been armed for such a task) | :: kaapparilaiva |
letter of recommendation {n} (evaluation letter) | :: suositus, suosituskirje |
letter of the law {n} (strict interpretation of the law) | :: lain kirjain |
letter opener {n} (knifelike device) | :: paperiveitsi |
letter patent {n} (type of legal document) SEE: letters patent | :: |
letters patent {n} (type of legal document granting a right, monopoly, title, or status to a person or organization) | :: valtakirja, lupakirja, patentti (depending on nature of doc.) |
letter to the editor {n} (letter to a periodical) | :: yleisönosastokirjoitus, mielipidekirjoitus, kirje toimitukselle |
let the cat out of the bag {v} (to disclose a secret, often inadvertently) | :: möläyttää julki |
let there be light {phrase} (let there be light) | :: tulkoon valkeus |
let the sleeping dogs lie {v} (to avoid igniting a conflict) SEE: let sleeping dogs lie | :: |
Lettic {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian | :: |
Lettish {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian | :: |
Lettish {n} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian | :: |
lettuce {n} /ˈlɛtɪs/ (an edible plant, Lactuca) | :: lehtisalaatti |
lettuce {n} (the leaves of the lettuce plant, eaten as a vegetable or dish) | :: salaatinlehti, salaatti |
lettuce leaf {n} (leaf of lettuce) | :: salaatinlehti |
Letzeburgesh {prop} (Germanic language) SEE: Luxembourgish | :: |
leu {n} /ˈleɪ.uː/ (unit of currency of Romania) | :: leu |
leu {n} (unit of currency of Moldova) | :: leu |
leucine {n} (essential amino acid; C6H13NO2) | :: leusiini |
leucism {n} (partial loss of pigmentation) | :: leukismi |
leucite {n} /ˈlusaɪt/ (mineral) | :: leusiitti |
leucoma {n} (opaque area or scar on the cornea of an eye) | :: leukooma |
leucyl {n} /ˈluː.sɪl/ (univalent radical) | :: leusyyli |
leukemia {n} /luːˈkiːmi.ə/ (cancer of blood forming tissue) | :: leukemia, verisyöpä |
leukoaraiosis {n} (rarefaction of the white matter in the brain) | :: leukoaraioosi |
leukocyte {n} /ˈluːkə(ʊ)sʌɪt/ (a white blood cell) | :: valkosolu, leukosyytti |
leukoplakia {n} (patches of keratosis on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity) | :: leukoplakia |
leukorrhea {n} (thick, whitish vaginal discharge) | :: valkovuoto |
leukotriene {n} /ˌlu.koʊˈtɹaɪ.in/ (any of several physiologically active lipids) | :: leukotrieeni |
lev {n} /lɛv/ (currency of Bulgaria) | :: leva |
levant {v} /lɪˈvænt/ (to abscond or run away) | :: livistää |
Levant {prop} /ləˈvɑnt/ (the countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea) | :: Levantti |
levator ani {n} (muscle) | :: peräaukon kohottajalihas |
levee {n} /ˈlɛvi/ (embankment to prevent inundation) | :: tulvapato |
level {adj} /ˈlɛv.əl/ (same height at all places) | :: vaakasuora |
level {adj} (at the same height as some reference) | :: samassa linjassa, samalla tasolla, linjassa |
level {adj} (being unvaried) | :: tasainen, vakaa |
level {adj} (being sensible) | :: kylmä |
level {n} (tool) | :: vesivaaka, vatupassi |
level {n} (distance relative to a given reference elevation) | :: tasa, taso |
level {n} (degree or amount) | :: taso |
level {n} (computer science: distance from the root node of a tree structure) | :: taso |
level {n} (gaming: discrete segment of a game) | :: taso |
level {n} (gaming: numeric value for a character's experience and power) | :: taso |
level {n} (floor of a building) | :: taso, kerros |
level {n} (area of almost perfectly flat land) | :: tasanko [large]; tasanne [small] |
level {v} (to adjust so as to make level) | :: tasapainottaa, tasata |
level {v} (to destroy by reducing to ground level; to raze) | :: hävittää maan tasalle |
level {v} (to progress to the next level) | :: edetä seuraavalle tasolle, päästä seuraavalle tasolle |
level {v} (to aim or direct) | :: tähdätä, kohdistaa |
level {v} (sports: to make the score of a game equal) | :: tasoittaa |
level {v} (figurative: to bring to a common level or plane) | :: tasoittaa |
level {v} (to adjust or adapt to a certain level) | :: sovittaa jonkun tason mukaiseksi, tasata |
level {v} (to levy) SEE: levy | :: |
level crossing {n} (at-grade crossing) | :: tasoristeys |
leveler {n} (person or thing) | :: tasoittaja [person], tasoitin [tool or thing] |
level-headed {adj} (possessing sound judgement) | :: järkevä, maltillinen |
level staff {n} (rod used by surveyors) | :: latta |
level-triggered {adj} (whose output is sensitive to changes when clock signal is high) | :: tasoherkkä |
lever {n} /ˈliː.vɚ/ (rigid piece) | :: vipu |
lever {n} (small such piece to trigger or control a mechanical device) | :: vipu |
lever {v} (to move with a lever) | :: vivuta |
lever {v} (to use like a lever) | :: vivuttaa |
lever {v} (finance: to increase the share of debt) | :: vivuttaa |
lever {adv} (rather) SEE: rather | :: |
leverage {n} /ˈlɛv(ə)ɹɪdʒ/ (force compounded by means of a lever rotating around a pivot) | :: vipuvoima |
leverage {n} (influence which is compounded or used to gain an advantage) | :: vaikutusvalta |
lever arm {n} (distance between the point of application and axis) | :: vipuvarsi, voiman varsi |
leveret {n} (a young hare) | :: jäniksenpoika |
Levi {prop} /ˈliːvaɪ/ (third son of Jacob) | :: Leevi |
Levi {prop} (male given name) | :: Leevi |
leviathan {adj} /lə.ˈvaɪ.ə.θən/ (very large; gargantuan) | :: valtava, jättiläismäinen, jättimäinen, suunnaton |
leviathan {n} (Biblical sea monster) | :: leviatan |
levigate {v} (to belittle) SEE: belittle | :: |
levigate {v} (to make smooth or polish) | :: tasoittaa, kiillottaa |
levigate {v} (to make into a smooth paste or fine powder) | :: hienontaa |
levigate {v} (to separate finer grains from coarser ones by suspension) | :: kelluttaa |
levigate {v} (to lighten) SEE: lighten | :: |
levin {n} /ˈlɛvɪn/ (lightning) | :: salama |
levirate {adj} (having to do with husband's brother) | :: lankous- |
levirate {n} (marriage) | :: leviraatti, lankousavioliitto |
levirate {n} (institution) | :: leviraatti |
levitate {v} /ˈlɛvɪteɪt/ (to cause to rise in the air and float) | :: leijuttaa, saada levitoimaan |
levitate {v} (to be suspended in the air) | :: leijua, levitoida |
levitation {n} (raising of something without apparent physical cause) | :: leijutus, levitaatio |
levitation {n} (technical suspension without mechanical support) | :: leijutus, levitaatio |
Leviticus {prop} /ləˈvɪtɪkəs/ (the book of the Bible and Torah) | :: 3. Mooseksen kirja |
levity {n} /ˈlɛ.vɪ.ti/ (lightness of manner or speech) | :: kepeys, kevytmielisyys |
levity {n} (state or quality of being light) | :: keveys |
levity {n} (lighthearted or frivolous act) | :: kevytmielisyys, päähänpisto |
levity {n} (lack of steadiness) SEE: instability | :: |
levy {v} /ˈlɛ.vi/ (to impose a tax) | :: verottaa, määrätä vero, kantaa |
levy {v} (to impose a fine) | :: sakottaa |
levy {v} (to confiscate property) | :: takavarikoida, ulosmitata, ulosottaa |
levy {v} (to draft into military service) | :: ottaa sotaväkeen, kutsua palvelukseen |
levy {v} (to wage war) | :: sotia, käydä sotaa |
levy {n} (act of levying) | :: veronkanto, verotus [of tax]; sakotus [of fine]; takavarikko, ulosotto [of confiscation]; sotaväenotto, kutsunnat {p} [of military service] |
lewd {adj} /lud/ (lascivious) | :: irstas, rietas |
Lewis {prop} (male given name) SEE: Louis | :: |
lexeme {n} /ˈlɛksiːm/ (unit of vocabulary, the different forms of the same lemma) | :: lekseemi |
lexeme {n} (computing: continuous character sequence without spaces) | :: lekseemi |
lexical {adj} /ˈlɛksɪkəl/ (of a language's vocabulary) | :: sanastollinen |
lexical {adj} (of a dictionary) | :: leksikaalinen |
lexical category {n} (linguistic category of words) | :: sanaluokka |
lexicographer {n} /ˌlɛksɪˈkɒɡɹəfə(ɹ)/ (one who writes or compiles a dictionary) | :: sanakirjantekijä, sanakirjantoimittaja |
lexicographic {adj} (like a dictionary, relating to lexicography) | :: leksikografinen |
lexicographical {adj} (lexicographic) SEE: lexicographic | :: |
lexicographically {adv} | :: leksikografisesti |
lexicography {n} /ˌlɛksɪˈkɒɡɹəfi/ (art or craft of compiling, writing, and editing dictionaries) | :: leksikografia |
lexicological {adj} (pertaining to lexicology) | :: leksikologinen |
lexicologically {adv} (In terms of lexicology) | :: leksikologisesti |
lexicology {n} (linguistic discipline) | :: sanasto-oppi, leksikologia |
lexicon {n} /ˈlɛk.sɪ.kɑn/ (vocabulary of a language) | :: sanasto, leksikko |
lexicon {n} (dictionary of lexemes) | :: sanakirja |
lexicon {n} (lexicology of a programming language) | :: sanasto |
lexicon {n} ((rare) any dictionary) | :: sanakirja |
lexicon {n} (vocabulary used by an individual) | :: sanavarasto |
lexicon {n} (subject-specific vocabulary) | :: sanasto |
Leyden jar {n} /ˈlaɪdən ˌdʒɑɹ/ (glass jar used to accumulate static electricity) | :: Leidenin pullo, Leydenin pullo |
Lezghian {prop} (Lezgi) SEE: Lezgi | :: |
Lezgi {prop} (language) | :: lezgi |
LGBT {n} (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual) | :: HLBT |
Lhasa {prop} /ˈlɑːsə/ (Capital of Xizang (Tibet)) | :: Lhasa |
Lhasa apso {n} (dog) | :: lhasa apso, apso |
liabilities {n} (The right side of a balance sheet) | :: vastattava |
liability {n} /laɪəˈbɪlɪti/ (debt) | :: vastuu, vastuunalaisuus, velka |
liability insurance {n} (insurance against liability) | :: vastuuvakuutus |
liaison {n} /li.ˈeɪ.zɑn/ (communication between two parties or groups) | :: yhteydenpito |
liaison {n} (co-operation, working together) | :: yhteistyö |
liaison {n} (a relayer of information between two forces in an army or during war) | :: yhteyshenkilö |
liaison {n} (an illicit sexual relationship or affair) | :: rakkaussuhde |
liana {n} (climbing woody vine) | :: liaani |
liar {n} /ˈlaɪ.ɚ/ (one who tells lies) | :: valehtelija |
libation {n} (act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice) | :: juomauhri |
libation {n} (liquid poured out) | :: juomauhri |
libel {n} /ˈlaɪbəl/ (defamatory false written statement) | :: kirjallinen kunnianloukkaus, kirjallinen herjaus, häväistyskirjoitus |
libel {n} (act or crime) | :: kirjallinen kunnianloukkaus |
libel {v} (to defame someone) | :: kirjallisesti loukata jonkun kunniaa |
libelous {adj} /ˈlaɪ.bəl.əs/ (defamatory, libeling) | :: loukkaava |
libelous {adj} (meeting the legal standards for libel) | :: herjaava, kunniaa loukkaava |
liberal {adj} /ˈlɪbəɹəl/ (pertaining to the arts the study of which is considered worthy of a free man) | :: vapaa |
liberal {adj} (generous, willing to give unsparingly) | :: avokätinen, antelias |
liberal {adj} (ample, abundant, generous in quantity) | :: runsas |
liberal {adj} (obsolete: unrestrained, licentious) | :: estoton |
liberal {adj} (widely open to new ideas, willing to depart from established opinions, conventions etc.) | :: liberaali, vapaamielinen |
liberal {adj} (open to political or social reforms) | :: liberaali |
liberal {n} (one with liberal views, supporting individual liberty) | :: liberaali |
liberal {n} (someone left-wing, see also: progressive; left-winger) | :: vasemmistolainen |
liberal {n} (supporter of a liberal party, see also: progressive) | :: liberaali |
liberal {n} (Britain: one who favors individual voting rights, human and civil rights and laissez-faire markets) | :: liberaali |
liberal arts {n} (academic course of instruction intended to provide general knowledge) | :: vapaat taiteet {p} |
liberal arts {n} (the trivium and the quadrivium) | :: vapaat taiteet {p}, vapaat taidot {p} |
liberal education {n} (general education) SEE: general education | :: |
liberal guilt {n} (empathy) | :: liberaali syyllisyys |
liberalism {n} (quality of being liberal) | :: vapaamielisyys |
liberalism {n} (political movement) | :: liberalismi |
liberalism {n} (economic theory) | :: liberalismi |
liberalize {v} /ˈlɪbəɹəlaɪz/ (to make liberal) | :: vapauttaa |
liberalize {v} (to become liberal) | :: vapautua |
liberate {v} /ˈlɪbəɹeɪt/ (to free) | :: vapauttaa |
liberation {n} (act of liberating or the state of being liberated) | :: vapautus |
liberator {n} /ˈlɪbəɹeɪtə(ɹ)/ (person who frees or liberates) | :: vapauttaja, liberaattori |
Liberia {prop} /laɪˈbɪɹi.ə/ (country in Western Africa) | :: Liberia |
Liberian {n} (A person from Liberia) | :: liberialainen |
Liberian {adj} (pertaining to Liberia) | :: liberialainen |
libero {n} /ˈlɪbɛɹəʊ/ (football player) | :: libero |
libertarian {n} /ˌlɪbəˈtɛəɹjən/ (A person in favor of freedom) | :: libertaristi |
libertarianism {n} /lɪbəˈtɛːɹɪənɪz(ə)m/ (political philosophy) | :: libertarismi |
libertinism {n} (behavior characterized by self-indulgence and lack of restraint) | :: libertinismi |
liberty {n} /ˈlɪbɚti/ (condition of being free) | :: vapaus |
libidinous {adj} /lɪˈbɪ.dɪ.nəs/ (having lustful desires) | :: himokas |
libido {n} /lɪˈbiː.dəʊ/ (sexual urges or drives) | :: halut {p}, libido, himot {p} |
libido {n} (drives or mental energies related or based on sexual instincts but not necessarily sexual in and of themselves.) | :: libido, elämänvoima |
Libra {prop} /ˈliːbɹə/ (constellation) | :: Vaaka |
Libra {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Vaaka |
Libra {n} (Someone with a Libra star sign) | :: vaaka |
librarian {n} /laɪˈbɹɛɹ.i.ən/ (the manager of a library) | :: kirjastonhoitaja, kirjastonjohtaja |
librarian {n} (one who cares for the publications etc. in a library) | :: kirjastonhoitaja |
librarian {n} (a person who processes and organizes information) | :: informaatikko |
library {n} /ˈlaɪbɹi/ (institution which holds books etc.) | :: kirjasto |
library {n} (collection of books) | :: kirjasto |
library {n} (collection of records) | :: äänilevystö, levystö |
library {n} (collection of subprograms) | :: ohjelmakirjasto |
library {n} (collection of DNA material) | :: kirjasto |
library {n} (deck or draw pile) | :: kirjasto |
library science {n} (interdisciplinary science) | :: kirjastotiede |
libration {n} /laɪˈbɹeɪ.ʃən/ (act of libration) | :: huojunta |
libration {n} (astronomy: apparent wobble of the moon) | :: huojunta, libraatio |
libration {n} (astronomy: similar characteristic of another celesial object) | :: huojunta, libraatio |
libre {adj} /ˈliːbɹə/ ((software): with very few limitations on distribution or improvement) | :: vapaa |
libretto {n} /lɪˈbɹɛt.oʊ/ (text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera) | :: libretto |
libretto {n} (book containing such a text) | :: libretto |
libtard {n} (liberal (derogatory)) | :: lipilaari |
Libya {prop} /ˈlɪbi.ə/ (country in Northern Africa) | :: Libya |
Libyan {adj} /ˈlɪbi.ən/ (Of, from, or pertaining to Libya, the Libyan people or the Libyan language) | :: libyalainen |
Libyan {n} (person) | :: libyalainen |
Libyan Arabic {prop} (Libyan dialect of Arabic) | :: Libyan arabia |
licence {n} (license) SEE: license | :: |
licence {v} (license) SEE: license | :: |
license {n} /ˈlaɪsəns/ (legal document giving official permission to do something) | :: lupakirja, -kortti, valtakirja [general]; ajokortti [driver's license] |
license {n} (legal terms of product usage) | :: lisenssi |
license {n} (freedom to deviate from rules) | :: vapaus |
license {n} (excessive freedom) | :: vastuuttomuus |
license {v} (act of giving a formal authorization) | :: lisensioida, valtuuttaa |
license {v} (authorize officially) | :: valtuuttaa |
license plate {n} (an identifying plate attached to a vehicle) | :: rekisterikilpi |
licentiate {n} (person who holds the academic degree of license) | :: lisensiaatti |
licentious {adj} /laɪ.ˈsɛn.ʃəs/ (lacking restraint, particularly in sexual conduct) | :: siveetön, rietas, estoton, epäsiveellinen, räävitön, hillitön |
licentious {adj} (disregard for accepted rules) | :: vallaton, pidäkkeetön, estoton, räävitön, hillitön |
lichen {n} (something which spreads across something else, causing damage) SEE: cancer | :: |
lichen {n} /ˈlaɪ.kn̩/ (symbiotic association of algae and fungi) | :: jäkälä |
lichenlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of lichen) | :: jäkälämäinen |
lichenology {n} (scientific study of lichens) | :: likenologia, jäkälätiede |
lichen planus {n} (skin disease) | :: punajäkälä |
licit {adj} /ˈlɪs.ɪt/ (not forbidden) | :: luvallinen, sallittu |
licit {adj} (legal term) | :: lainmukainen, laillinen |
lick {n} /lɪk/ (the act of licking) | :: nuolla |
lick {v} (to stroke with the tongue) | :: nuolla |
lick {v} (colloquial: to defeat decisively) | :: pieksää |
lick {v} (colloquial: to overcome) | :: klaarata |
lick {v} (vulgar slang: to perform cunnilingus) | :: nuolla |
lick and a promise {n} (hasty completion of a task) | :: hutaisu |
lick clean {v} (empty by eating contents) | :: syödä tyhjäksi |
licker {n} /ˈlɪkɚ/ (someone or something that licks) | :: nuolija |
licking {n} /ˈlɪkɪŋ/ (an act of licking) | :: nuoleminen |
licking {n} (a severe beating) | :: löylytys, selkäsauna |
licking {n} (a great loss or defeat) | :: murskatappio |
lick one's chops {v} (to look forward avidly to eating something) | :: nuolla huuliaan |
lick one's chops {v} (to anticipate something eagerly) | :: nuolla huuliaan |
lick one's wounds {v} (withdraw temporarily while recovering from a defeat) | :: nuolla haavansa |
lick someone's ass {v} (to flatter someone) SEE: brownnose | :: |
lickspittle {v} /ˈlɪkspɪtl/ (act as a fawning toady) | :: nuoleskelija |
lick up {v} (consume by licking) | :: nuolla |
licorice {n} /ˈlɪ.k(ə).ɹɪʃ/ (plant) | :: lakritsi, laku, lakritsikasvi |
licorice {n} (confection) | :: laku, lakritsi, lakritsa [dated] |
licorice extract {n} (sweet flavorful tisane) | :: lakritsiuute |
lid {n} /lɪd/ (top or cover) | :: kansi |
lid {v} (to put a lid on something) | :: kansittaa |
lidar {n} /ˈlaɪdɑɹ/ (optical analogue of radar) | :: valotutka, lasertutka, lidar |
lido {n} /ˈlaɪ.dəʊ/ (part of sea) | :: uimaranta |
lido {n} (outdoor swimming pool) | :: maauimala |
lidocaine {n} /ˈlɪd.əʊ.keɪn/ (local anesthetic) | :: lidokaiini |
lie {v} /laɪ̯/ (be in horizontal position) | :: maata |
lie {v} (be situated) | :: olla, sijaita |
lie {v} (tell an intentional untruth) | :: valehdella |
lie {n} (intentionally false statement) | :: vale, valhe |
Lie algebra {n} /liː.ældʒɨbɹə/ (vector space) | :: Lien algebra |
Liechtenstein {prop} /ˈlɪk.tən.staɪn/ (Principality of Liechtenstein) | :: Liechtenstein |
lie detector {n} (polygraph (informal)) | :: valheenpaljastin |
lie down {v} (assume a reclining position) | :: panna maata, panna makuulle, käydä pitkälleen, käydä pitkäkseen |
liege {n} /liːdʒ/ (A free and independent person; a lord paramount; a sovereign) | :: lääninherra |
liege {n} (The subject of a sovereign or lord; a liegeman) | :: vasalli |
Lie group {n} (analytic group that is also a smooth manifold) | :: Lien ryhmä |
Lieksa {prop} (municipality) | :: Lieksa |
lie low {v} | :: piileskellä |
lien {n} /ˈliːn/ (right to take and hold debtor’s property) | :: pidätysoikeus |
lie of the land {n} (lay of the land) SEE: lay of the land | :: |
lie through one's teeth {v} (To tell a gross or egregious untruth) | :: valehdella päin naamaa |
lieu {n} (in lieu, in lieu of) SEE: in lieu | :: |
lieutenant {n} /l(j)uˈtɛnənt/ (lowest commissioned officer rank) | :: luutnantti |
lieutenant {n} (person who executes the plans and directives of another) | :: luutnantti |
lieutenant {adj} (military grade) | :: -luutnantti |
lieutenant commander {n} (naval officer) | :: komentajakapteeni |
lieutenant general {n} (an officer above major general and below general) | :: kenraaliluutnantti |
lieutenant governor {n} (second-in-command of a governor) | :: varakuvernööri |
lieutenant junior grade {n} (rank corresponding to ltn. jr. grade) | :: luutnantti |
life {n} (the state of being alive) | :: elämä, henki [When its safety is questioned], nirri [colloquial], elo |
life {n} (the essence of the manifestation and the foundation of the being) | :: eläminen, elämä |
life {n} (the subjective and inner manifestation of the individual) | :: henki |
life {n} (the world in general, existence) | :: elämä, olemassaolo, oleminen |
life {n} (a worthwhile existence) | :: elämä, eläminen |
life {n} (life sentence) | :: elinkautinen |
life {n} (duration) | :: elinkaari, kesto |
life {n} (one of the player's chances to play) | :: elämä |
life-affirming {adj} (appearing to have an optimistic quality) SEE: optimistic | :: |
life-affirming {adj} (having a positive and uplifting effect) | :: kohottava, ylentävä |
life after death {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife | :: |
life and limb {n} (existence together with bodily faculties) | :: henki ja terveys |
life assurance {n} (insurance policy) SEE: life insurance | :: |
life belt {n} (buoyant ring) | :: pelastusrengas |
lifeblood {n} (figurative: that which is required for existence) | :: elinehto, elämänlähde |
lifeboat {n} /ˈlaɪfˌboʊt/ (a boat to save shipwrecked people) | :: pelastusvene |
life buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver | :: |
life coach {n} (professional who helps clients to achieve their personal goals) | :: elämäntaidon valmentaja |
life cycle {n} (course of stages through which an organism passes) | :: elinkaari |
life cycle {n} (useful life of a product or system; developmental history of an individual or group) | :: elinkaari |
life expectancy {n} (the amount of time one is expected to live) | :: elinajanodote, eliniänodote |
life expectancy {n} (the amount of time something is expected to last) | :: odotettu kesto |
lifeform {n} (living organism) | :: elämänmuoto |
lifeguard {n} (attendant) | :: uimavalvoja |
lifeguard {n} (lifesaver) | :: pelastusrengas |
lifeguard {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard | :: |
life insurance {n} (form of insurance) | :: henkivakuutus |
life interest {n} (lifetime right) | :: elinkorko |
life is not all beer and skittles {proverb} (proverb) | :: elämä ei ole pelkkää juhlaa |
life jacket {n} (An article of protective clothing) | :: pelastusliivi |
lifeless {adj} /ˈlaɪfləs/ (dead) | :: hengetön |
lifelessness {n} (the property of being lifeless, the lack of apparent animation) | :: elottomuus |
lifelike {adj} (Like a living being, resembling life) | :: elävä |
lifeline {n} /ˈlaɪfˌlaɪn/ (line to which a drowning or falling victim may cling) | :: pelastusköysi |
lifeline {n} (means of salvation in a crisis) | :: oljenkorsi |
lifeline {n} (means or route for transporting indispensable supplies) | :: elämänlanka |
lifeline {n} (system of vital importance) | :: elintärkeä järjestelmä |
lifeline {n} (safety line on the deck of a boat) | :: elämänlanka |
life of Riley {n} /ˈlaɪf əv ˈɹaɪ.li/ (ideal life of care-free prosperity) | :: kissanpäivät {p}, herran elämä |
life partner {n} (romantic partner for life) | :: elämänkumppani |
life preserver {n} (buoyant ring or vest) | :: pelastusrengas |
lifer {n} (prisoner sentenced to life in prison) | :: elinkautisvanki |
lifer {n} (person who makes a career in the military) | :: kantapeikko |
lifer {n} (bird species) | :: uusi bongaus, elämänpinna |
life raft {n} (inflatable raft) | :: pelastuslautta |
life ring {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver | :: |
life's a bitch and then you die {proverb} (expect the worst) | :: toivo parasta, odota pahinta |
lifesaver {n} (that saves lives) | :: hengenpelastaja |
lifesaver {n} (that is useful) | :: suuri apu, pelastaja, pelastus |
life savings {n} (large sum of money one has saved over a considerable number of years) | :: säästöt {p} |
life science {n} (science dealing with living organisms) | :: biotiede |
life sentence {n} (sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant's life) | :: elinkautinen |
lifeskill {n} (skill) | :: elämäntaito |
lifespan {n} (length of time for which an organism lives) | :: elinikä, elinaika |
life style {n} (lifestyle) SEE: lifestyle | :: |
life-style {n} (lifestyle) SEE: lifestyle | :: |
lifestyle {n} /ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl/ (style of living) | :: elämäntapa |
life support {n} (system for providing oxygen) | :: happilaitteisto |
life support {n} (maintenance of vital functions) | :: elintoimintojen ylläpitäminen |
life support {n} (equipment and procedures) | :: elintoimintojen ylläpitäminen [procedures] |
life support {n} (figurative: means of sustaining existence) | :: hengityskone |
life-threatening {adj} (used to describe something that endangers life) | :: hengenvaarallinen |
lifetime {n} /ˈlaɪftaɪm/ (duration of the life of someone or something) | :: elinaika, elämän aika |
lifetime {n} (informal, hyperbolic: a long period of time) | :: ikuisuus |
lifework {n} (main occupation of one's life) | :: elämäntyö |
lift {v} /lɪft/ (to raise or rise) | :: nostaa [to raise], nousta [to rise] |
lift {v} (to steal) | :: varastaa |
lift {v} (to remove a ban, restriction) | :: kumota |
lift {v} (to alleviate, lighten) | :: helpottaa, keventää |
lift {v} (to cause to move upwards) | :: nostaa |
lift {v} (to lift weights, see also: weight-lift) | :: nostaa |
lift {v} (to try to raise something) | :: nostaa |
lift {v} (to elevate or improve in rank) | :: yletä |
lift {v} (to collect, as moneys due) | :: periä [dues]; kerätä [donations etc.] |
lift {n} (act of lifting or raising) | :: nostaminen, nosto |
lift {n} (the act of transporting someone in a vehicle) | :: kyyti |
lift {n} (mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people) | :: hissi, nostin |
lift {n} (upward force) | :: noste, nostovoima |
lift {n} (difference in elevation between the upper pool and lower pool of a waterway) | :: nousu |
lift {n} (dance: lifting of a dance partner into the air) | :: nosto |
lift {n} (permanent construction with a built-in platform that is lifted vertically) | :: nostin |
lift {n} (improvement in mood) | :: mielialan parannus |
lift {n} (space or distance through which anything is lifted) | :: nostokorkeus |
lift {n} (rise; degree of elevation) | :: nousu |
lift {n} (nautical: rope leading from the masthead to the extremity of a yard below) | :: nostin |
lift {n} (shoemaking: layer of leather in the heel of a shoe) | :: korkolappu |
lift {n} (thief) SEE: thief | :: |
lift a finger {v} (to make minimal effort) | :: panna tikkua ristiin, laittaa tikkua ristiin |
lifter {n} (spatula) SEE: spatula | :: |
lifter {n} /ˈlɪftə/ (someone or something that lifts) | :: nostaja [someone], nostin [something] |
lifting {n} (weightlifting) SEE: weightlifting | :: |
lift music {n} (elevator music) SEE: elevator music | :: |
liftoff {n} (the point in the launch of a rocket or an aircraft where it leaves contact with the ground) | :: irtoaminen |
liftshaft {n} (shaft for a lift) | :: hissikuilu |
ligament {n} /ˈlɪɡəmənt/ (band of strong tissue that holds the bones of an animal in position) | :: nivelside |
ligand {n} /ˈlɪɡənd/ (something that binds to another chemical entity) | :: ligandi |
ligation {n} (something that ties) | :: sidos, sidonta |
ligation {n} (act of tying) | :: sitominen, sidonta |
ligation {n} (state of being tied) | :: sidonta, sidottuna oleminen [being]; sidotuksi tuleminen [becoming] |
ligation {n} (medicine: act of tying off or sealing a blood vessel or fallopian tube) | :: tukkiminen |
ligation {n} (chemistry: formation of a complex by reaction with a ligand) | :: liitäntä, sidoksen muodostuminen |
ligature {n} /ˈlɪɡətʃɚ/ (act of tying) | :: sitominen |
ligature {n} (cord etc.) | :: side, sidos |
ligature {n} (typography: character that combines multiple letters) | :: ligatuuri |
ligature {n} (music: group of notes played as a musical phrase) | :: ligatuuri |
ligature {n} (piece used to hold a reed to the mouthpiece) | :: ligatuuri, kiristin |
liger {n} /ˈlaɪɡɚ/ (animal born to a male lion and a tigress) | :: liikeri |
light {v} /laɪt/ (to start (a fire)) | :: sytyttää |
light {v} (to set fire to) | :: sytyttää |
light {v} (to illuminate) | :: valaista |
light {v} (to become ignited) | :: syttyä |
light {v} (to show the way by light) | :: valaista |
light {adj} (having light) | :: valoisa |
light {adj} (pale in colour) | :: vaalea |
light {adj} (coffee: served with extra milk or cream) | :: maidolla (with milk), maito- [compounded: maitokahvi] |
light {adj} (of low weight) | :: kevyt |
light {adj} (lightly-built) | :: kevyt, kevytrakenteinen |
light {adj} (having little force or momentum) | :: kevyt |
light {adj} (easy to endure or perform) | :: kevyt |
light {adj} (low in fat, calories, alcohol, salt, etc.) | :: [in compounds] kevyt- |
light {adj} (of little significance) | :: kevyt |
light {adj} (unchaste, wanton) | :: kevytmielinen |
light {adj} (not heavily armed) | :: kevyt |
light {adj} (not encumbered; unembarrassed) | :: huoleton, kevytmielinen |
light {adj} (easily influenced by trifling considerations) | :: pinnallinen |
light {adj} (lacking dignity or solemnity) | :: kevytmielinen |
light {adj} (not quite sound or normal) | :: sekaisin |
light {adj} (not of the legal weight) | :: kevyt |
light {adj} (easily interrupted) | :: kevyt |
light {adv} (carrying little) | :: kevyesti |
light {v} (to unload a ship) | :: purkaa, keventää |
light {v} (to ease of a burden) | :: keventää |
light {v} (to find by chance) | :: löytää sattumalta, törmätä |
light {v} (alight) | :: päätyä, laskeutua, pudota |
light {n} (electromagnetic waves) | :: valo |
light {n} (source of illumination) | :: valo |
light {n} (spiritual illumination) | :: valo, valaistus |
light {n} (facts; pieces of information) | :: valaistus, neuvo |
light {n} (notable person) | :: johtohahmo, merkkihenkilö |
light {n} (painting: manner in which the light strikes a picture) | :: valo |
light {n} (point of view) | :: valo, näkökulma |
light {n} (flame or something used to create fire) | :: tuli |
light {n} (type of firework) | :: tuli |
light {n} (window or space for one) | :: ikkuna [window], ikkuna-aukko [space for window] |
light {n} (squares reserved for the answer to a crossword) | :: sananpituus |
light {n} (open view; public observation; publicity) | :: päivänvalo |
light {n} (power of perception by vision) | :: valo |
light {n} (brightness of the eye or eyes) | :: valo |
light {n} (traffic light, or an intersection controlled by one) | :: valot {p} |
light air {n} (wind) | :: hiljainen tuuli |
light as a feather {adj} (extremely light, having minimal weight) | :: höyhenenkevyt, untuvankevyt |
light at the end of the tunnel {n} (a better situation after long hardship) | :: valopilkku |
lightboat {n} (lightship) SEE: lightship | :: |
light bulb {n} /ˈlaɪtˌbʌlb/ (evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light) | :: hehkulamppu, lamppu |
light bulb joke {n} (type of joke) | :: lampunvaihtovitsi |
light cavalry {n} (military unit) | :: kevyt ratsuväki |
light-emitting diode {n} (rectifying semiconductor device) | :: hohtodiodi, loistediodi, ledi [colloquial] |
lighten {v} /ˈlaɪ.tən/ (to make brighter or clearer) | :: valaista, kirkastaa |
lighten {v} (to become light in weight) | :: keventyä, kevetä |
lighten {v} (to become brighter or clearer) | :: valaistua, kirkastua |
lighten {v} (to alleviate) | :: keventää |
lighten {v} (to make light in weight) | :: keventää |
lighten {v} (to make less serious) | :: keventää |
lighten {v} (to become light in weight) | :: keventyä, kevetä |
lighten {v} (to become less serious) | :: keventyä |
lighten up {v} (to become less serious) | :: ottaa rennommin |
lighter {n} /ˈlaɪtɚ/ (fire making device) | :: sytytin, savukkeensytytin, tupakansytytin [informal], sytkäri [colloquial] |
lighter {n} (a barge) | :: lehteri |
lightfast {adj} /ˈlaɪtfæst/ (resistant to fading) | :: valonkestävä |
light-fingered {adj} (having quick, light and nimble fingers) | :: näppäräsorminen |
light-fingered {adj} (given to stealing, pickpocketing, thievery, shoplifting) | :: pitkäkyntinen |
light fixture {n} (complete lighting unit) | :: valaisin |
light globe {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb | :: |
lighthouse {n} /ˈlaɪthaʊs/ (building containing a light to warn or guide ships) | :: majakka |
lighthouse keeper {n} (person who lives in a lighthouse and tends the light) | :: majakanvartija |
light industry {n} (industry that does not require high capitalization or heavy machinery) | :: kevyt teollisuus |
lighting {n} /ˈlaɪtɪŋ/ (equipment, illumination) | :: valot [equipment], valaistus [illumination] |
lighting {n} (activating lights or igniting a flame) | :: sytyttäminen, valaistus |
lightly {adv} /ˈlaɪtli/ (in a light manner) | :: kevyesti |
lightness {n} (the condition of being illuminated) | :: valoisuus |
lightness {n} (the relative whiteness or transparency of a colour) | :: vaaleus |
lightness {n} (the state of having little weight) | :: keveys |
lightning {n} /ˈlaɪt.nɪŋ/ (flash of light) | :: salama |
lightning {n} (discharge) | :: salama, salamanisku |
lightning {adj} (extremely fast) | :: salamannopea |
lightning bug {n} (firefly) SEE: firefly | :: |
lightning conductor {n} (metallic conductor) SEE: lightning rod | :: |
lightning detector {n} (device) | :: ukkostutka |
lightning fast {adv} (extremely quickly) SEE: quick as a flash | :: |
lightning fast {adj} (fast as lightning) | :: salamannopea |
lightning never strikes twice in the same place {proverb} | :: salama ei iske kahta kertaa samaan paikkaan |
lightning-quick {adj} (incredibly fast) SEE: lightning fast | :: |
lightning rod {n} (metallic conductor that protects from lightning) | :: ukkosenjohdatin |
lightning rod {n} (metaphorically: person or thing that distracts criticism from another target) | :: ukkosenjohdatin |
light pen {n} (a computer input device) | :: valokynä |
light pollution {n} (excess artificial light) | :: valosaaste |
light rail {n} (type of passenger railway) | :: pikaraitiotie |
lightsaber {n} /laɪt.ˈseɪ.bə(ɹ)/ (a fictional type of sword) | :: valosapeli, valomiekka, lasermiekka, lasersapeli |
lightship {n} (lightship) | :: majakka-alus, majakkalaiva |
light source {n} /ˈlaɪt.sɔːs/ (source of illumination) | :: valonlähde |
light spectrum {n} (range of colors) SEE: spectrum | :: |
lightspeed {n} (the speed of light) | :: valonnopeus |
light up {v} (to bring light to something) | :: valaista |
light up {v} (to become light) | :: valjeta |
light up {v} (to light a cigarette, etc.) | :: panna tupakaksi |
lightvessel {n} (lightship) SEE: lightship | :: |
lightweight {n} /ˈlaɪt.weɪt/ (boxer) | :: kevytsarjalainen |
lightweight {n} (bodybuilding: competitive weight division between bantamweight and welterweight) | :: kevytsarja |
lightweight {n} (one of little consequence or ability) | :: kevytsarjalainen |
lightweight {n} (person who can't handle their drink) | :: juoppo |
lightweight {adj} (lacking in earnestness, ability, or profundity) | :: köykäinen, pinnallinen |
lightweight {adj} (having less than average weight) | :: kevyt, kevytrakenteinen, köykäinen |
light year {n} /ˈlaɪt.jɪɹ/ (astronomical distance) | :: valovuosi |
light year {n} (a very long way) | :: valovuosi |
lignin {n} (aromatic polymer) | :: ligniini |
lignite {n} /lɪɡnaɪ̯t/ (coal) | :: ruskohiili |
Liguria {prop} /lɪˈɡjʊɹiə/ (region) | :: Liguria |
Ligurian Sea {prop} (arm of the Mediterranean Sea) | :: Ligurianmeri |
likable {adj} /ˈlaɪkəbl̩/ (capable of being liked) | :: miellyttävä |
likable {adj} (having qualities tending to result in being liked; friendly, personable) | :: miellyttävä |
like {v} /laɪk/ (enjoy) | :: pitää, tykätä, nauttia |
like {v} (find attractive) | :: pitää, tykätä |
like {v} (to show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote) | :: tykätä |
like {v} (To want, desire) | :: tahtoa, haluta |
like {n} (something that a person likes) | :: mieltymys |
like {n} (Internet interaction) | :: tykkäys |
like {adj} (similar) | :: samanlainen |
like {n} (something similar to a given person or object) | :: lainen, kaltainen |
like {prep} (similar to) | :: kuten |
like {prep} (such as) | :: kuten |
like {particle} (colloquial: mild intensifier) | :: niinku |
like {particle} (colloquial: used to precede paraphrased quotations) | :: niinku |
-like {suffix} (having some of the characteristics of (used to form adjectives from nouns)) | :: -moinen, -llinen, -n kaltainen |
like a bull in a china shop {adj} (clumsy, aggressive) | :: kuin norsu posliinikaupassa |
like a bull in a china shop {adv} (clumsily, aggressively) | :: kuin norsu posliinikaupassa |
like a chicken with its head cut off {prep} (in a frantic, disorganized manner) | :: kuin päätön kana |
like a duck takes to water {prep} (Very naturally) | :: kuin kala vedessä |
like a man {prep} (bravely) | :: kuin mies |
like a moth to the flame {prep} (inescapably allured by something harmful) | :: kuin hunaja mehiläisiä |
like father, like son {proverb} (a son will have traits similar to his father) | :: isänsä poika |
like hell {prep} (using all strength, speed, effort that one can summon) | :: helvetisti |
like hot cakes {prep} (quickly) | :: kuin kuumille kiville |
like it or not {adv} | :: pidät sitä tai et, haluatpa sitä tai et [of a future or occurring event], pidit sitä tai et, halusitpa sitä tai et [of a past event] |
likelihood {n} /ˈlaɪklihʊd/ (probability) | :: todennäköisyys |
likelihood {n} (mathematical likelihood) | :: todennäköisyys |
likelihood {n} (resemblance) | :: samankaltaisuus, yhdennäköisyys |
likelihood {n} (appearance) | :: ulkonäkö |
likely {adv} (similarly) SEE: similarly | :: |
likely {adv} (probably) SEE: probably | :: |
likely {adj} /ˈlaɪkli/ (probable; having a greater-than-even chance of occurring) | :: todennäköinen |
likely {adj} (displaying the qualities or characteristics that make something probable) | :: luultava, todennäköinen |
likely {adj} (appropriate; believable; having a good potential) | :: mahdollinen, todennäköinen |
likely {adj} (plausible; within the realm of credibility) | :: uskottava, todennäköinen |
likely {adj} (suitable; apparently appropriate or suitable) | :: sopiva, todennäköinen |
likely {adj} (promising; apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome) | :: lupaava, todennäköinen |
likely {adj} (attractive; pleasant) | :: miellyttävä |
like-minded {adj} (of similar opinion) | :: samanmielinen |
like mother, like daughter {proverb} (a daughter will have traits similar to her mother) | :: äitinsä tytär, äitinsä tyttö |
liken {v} /ˈlaɪkən/ (compare) | :: verrata |
likeness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity | :: |
like nobody's business {adv} (in an extreme manner) | :: hullun lailla |
like one's life depended on it {prep} (desperately) | :: henkensä edestä |
like riding a bike {prep} (once learned, never forgotten) | :: kuin polkupyörällä ajaminen |
like that {prep} (in that particular manner) | :: noin, tuolla tavalla |
like that {prep} (quickly; unexpectedly) | :: yhtäkkiä |
like that {prep} (used to indicate agreement) | :: niin, juuri niin |
like two peas in a pod {prep} (very similar) | :: kuin kaksi marjaa |
likewise {adv} (also; moreover; too) SEE: too | :: |
likewise {adv} /ˈlaɪk.waɪz/ (in like manner) | :: samoin |
likewise {adv} (the same to you) | :: samoin |
liking {n} /ˈlaɪkɪŋ/ (like) | :: mieltymys |
lilac {n} /ˈlaɪlək/ (shrub) | :: syreeni |
lilac {n} (flower) | :: syreeninkukka |
lilac {n} (colour) | :: liila, violetti |
lilac {adj} (colour) | :: liila, violetti |
Lille {prop} /liːl/ (city in France) | :: Lille |
lilliputian {n} /ˌlɪlɪˈpjuʃən/ (small person or being) | :: lilliputti |
lilliputian {adj} (very small) | :: lilliputtimainen |
lilo {n} /laɪləʊ/ (inflatable air mattress) | :: ilmapatja |
lily {n} /ˈlɪli/ (flower in the genus Lilium) | :: lilja |
Lily {prop} /ˈlɪli/ (female given name meaning "lily") | :: Lilja |
lily of the Nile {n} (arum lily) SEE: arum lily | :: |
lily of the valley {n} (Convallaria majalis) | :: kielo |
lily pad {n} (round leaf of a water lily) | :: lumpeenlehti |
lily-white {adj} (a shade of the color white) | :: liljanvalkoinen |
Lima {prop} /ˈliːmə/ (the capital city of Peru) | :: Lima |
Lima {prop} (the letter "L") | :: Lauri |
lima bean {n} /ˈlaɪmə ˌbin/ (butter bean) | :: limanpapu |
limaçon {n} (plane curve) | :: Pascalin simpukka |
limb {n} /lɪm/ (major appendage of human or animal) | :: raaja, jäsen |
limb {n} (branch of a tree) | :: haara, puunhaara |
limb {v} (to remove limbs) | :: karsia [from a tree] |
limbate {adj} /ˈlɪm.beɪt/ (having a distinct edge) | :: reunustettu, reunustama |
limber {adj} (flexible) SEE: flexible | :: |
limber {v} /ˈlɪmbə(ɹ)/ (to cause to become limber) | :: joustavoittaa |
limbic {adj} (relating to the limbic system) | :: limbinen |
limbo {n} /ˈlɪmboʊ/ (place for innocent souls) | :: limbus, välitila |
limbo {n} (in-between state) | :: paitsio |
limbo {n} (dance with bar that is lowered) | :: limbo |
Limburg {prop} /lɪmbɝːɡ/ (province of the Netherlands or Belgium) | :: Limburg |
Limburgian {prop} (Limburgish) SEE: Limburgish | :: |
Limburgic {prop} (Limburgish) SEE: Limburgish | :: |
Limburgish {prop} (the Germanic language) | :: limburgi |
lime {n} (linden tree) SEE: linden | :: |
lime {n} /laɪm/ (inorganic material containing calcium) | :: kalkki |
lime {n} (gluey or adhesive substance) | :: liisteri, mönjä |
lime {v} (to treat with lime) | :: kalkita |
lime {v} (to smear with birdlime) | :: sivellä lintuliimalla |
lime {v} (to apply limewash) | :: kalkita |
lime {n} (green citrus fruit) | :: limetti, lime |
lime {n} (citrus tree) | :: limettipuu, limetti |
lime {n} (colour) | :: limenvihreä, limetinvihreä |
lime {adj} (containing lime or lime juice) | :: limetti- |
lime {adj} (having the aroma or taste of lime) | :: limetinmakuinen |
lime green {adj} (having a bright, light-green colour) | :: limetinvihreä |
limekiln {n} (a furnace used to produce lime from limestone) | :: kalkkiuuni |
limelight {n} /ˈlaɪm.laɪt/ (type of stage lighting) | :: kalkkivalo |
limelight {n} (attention or notice) | :: parrasvalot {p} |
limerick {n} /ˈlɪməɹɪk/ (rhyming verse of five lines) | :: limerikki |
limestone {n} /ˈlaɪmstoʊn/ (abundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments) | :: kalkkikivi |
limestone {adj} (made of or with limestone) | :: kalkkikivinen, kalkkikivi- |
limit {n} /ˈlɪmɪt/ (boundary) | :: rajoitus, raja |
limit {n} (mathematics: value to which a sequence converges) | :: raja-arvo |
limit {v} (restrict) | :: rajoittaa |
limitation {n} /lɪmɪˈteɪʃən/ (act of limiting) | :: rajoitus, rajoittaminen |
limitation {n} (restriction that limits) | :: rajoitus |
limitation {n} (imperfection which limits) | :: rajoitus |
limitation {n} (time period) | :: vanhentumisaika |
limited {adj} /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/ (with certain limits placed upon it) | :: rajoitettu |
limited atonement {n} (Calvinist doctrine) | :: rajoitettu sovitus |
limited company {n} (type of company) | :: osakeyhtiö |
limited liability company {n} (type of company) | :: [Oy] osakeyhtiö, rajavastuuyhtiö |
limitedly {adv} (with limits) | :: rajoitetusti |
limited partnership {n} (type of partnership) | :: kommandiittiyhtiö |
limitless {adj} (without limits; boundless) | :: rajaton |
limit ordinal {n} (ordinal number neither successor nor zero) | :: rajaordinaali |
limit point {n} (point whose every neighborhood contains a point in a given subset) | :: rajapiste |
limnodophyte {n} (helophyte) SEE: helophyte | :: |
limnologist {n} (specialist in limnology) | :: limnologi |
limnology {n} (science of lakes) | :: järvitiede |
limo {n} (limousine) SEE: limousine | :: |
limonene {n} (hydrocarbon) | :: limoneeni |
limonite {n} (mineral consisting of hydrous iron oxides) | :: limoniitti, järvimalmi |
limousine {n} /ˌlɪməˈziːn/ (luxury sedan/saloon car) | :: limusiini |
limp {v} /lɪmp/ (to walk lamely) | :: ontua, nilkuttaa |
limp {n} (gait) | :: ontuminen, nilkutus |
limp {adj} (flaccid; flabby) | :: veltto |
limp {adj} (lacking stiffness; flimsy) | :: veltto, ryhditön |
limp {adj} (of penis: not erect) | :: veltto |
limp {adj} (of man: not having erection) | :: veltto |
limp {adj} (physically weak) | :: heiveröinen |
limpet {n} /ˈlɪm.pɪt/ (a small mollusc) | :: maljakotilo |
limpet {n} (someone dependant) | :: iiliäinen |
limpid {adj} /ˈlɪmpɪd/ (clear) | :: kirkas |
limpidity {n} (property of being limpid.) | :: kirkkaus |
limping {n} (motion) | :: ontuminen |
limpkin {n} (large bird) | :: kotilokurki |
linchpin {n} /ˈlɪnt͡ʃˌpɪn/ (securing pin) | :: sokka |
linchpin {n} (central cohesive source of stability and security) | :: avainhenkilö [person]; kulmakivi [thing] |
Lincolnshire spinach {n} (perennial plant) SEE: Good King Henry | :: |
lindane {n} (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane) | :: lindaani |
linden {n} /ˈlɪn.dən/ (tree) | :: lehmus |
linden {n} (wood from such tree) | :: lehmus |
lindgrenite {n} (mineral containing copper, hydrogen, molybdenum and oxygen) | :: lindgreniitti |
line {n} /laɪn/ (rope, cord, or string) | :: naru, nuora, nyöri, liina |
line {n} (path through two or more points, threadlike mark) | :: viiva |
line {n} (geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure) | :: suora |
line {n} (geometry: continuous finite segment of such a figure) | :: jana |
line {n} (graph theory: edge of a graph) | :: viiva |
line {n} (geography: circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented on a map) | :: koordinaattiviiva |
line {n} (geography: equator) | :: päiväntasaaja |
line {n} (music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed) | :: viiva |
line {n} (long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring; a tapeline) | :: mittanauha |
line {n} (direction, path) | :: linja, suunta |
line {n} (telephone or network connection) | :: linja |
line {n} (letter, written form of communication) | :: rivit {p}, kirje |
line {n} (connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.) | :: linja |
line {n} (fortifications: trench or rampart) | :: linja |
line {n} (exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory; boundary; contour; outline) | :: raja |
line {n} (threadlike crease marking the face or the hand; hence, characteristic mark) | :: viiva [in hand], uurre [on face] |
line {n} (lineament; feature; figure) | :: piirre |
line {n} (straight sequence of people, queue) | :: jono |
line {n} (military: regular infantry of an army) | :: jalkaväki |
line {n} (series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person) | :: linja, sukulinja |
line {n} (single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc.) | :: rivi |
line {n} (poetic: verse) | :: rivi, säe |
line {n} (sentence of dialogue, especially in a script or screenplay) | :: vuorosana, rivi, repliikki |
line {n} (course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy) | :: linjaus |
line {n} (official, stated position of an individual or political faction) | :: linja, mielipide, näkökanta |
line {n} (products or services sold by a business, or the business itself) | :: linja |
line {n} (measure of length, one twelfth of an inch) | :: linja |
line {n} (engineering: proper relative position or adjustment of parts) | :: rihtaus |
line {n} (amount of powdery drug) | :: viiva |
line {n} (population of cells derived from a single cell and containing the same genetic makeup) | :: linja, solulinja |
line {v} (to place (objects) into a line) | :: asettaa jonoon |
line {v} (to place persons or things along the side of for security or defense) | :: asettaa varrelle |
line {v} (to mark with a line) | :: linjata |
line {v} (to read or repeat line by line) | :: lukea rivi riviltä |
line {n} (obsolete: flax, linen, see also: flax; linen) | :: liina, [obsolete] |
line {v} (cover the inside surface of (something)) | :: vuorata |
line {v} (to fill or supply, as a purse with money) | :: täyttää |
line {v} (of a dog: impregnate) | :: astua |
lineage {n} /ˈlɪn.i.ɪdʒ/ (descent) | :: sukujuuret {p}, esivanhemmat |
lineage {n} (number of lines) | :: rivimäärä |
lineage temple {n} (ancestral shrine) SEE: ancestral shrine | :: |
linear {adj} /ˈlɪn.i.ɚ/ (having the form of a line) | :: suoraviivainen |
linear {adj} (of or relating to lines) | :: suoraviivainen |
linear {adj} (made in a step-by-step manner) | :: suoraviivainen, johdonmukainen |
linear {adj} (botany, of leaves: long and narrow) | :: tasasoukka |
linear {adj} (in mathematics, of first-degree polynomial) | :: lineaarinen |
linear {adj} (physics: involving only one dimension) | :: lineaarinen |
Linear A {prop} (syllabary used to write the as-yet-undeciphered Minoan language) | :: lineaari-A-kirjoitus |
linear algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: lineaarialgebra |
Linear B {prop} (syllabary used to write Mycenaean Greek) | :: lineaari-B-kirjoitus |
linear combination {n} (sum) | :: lineaarikombinaatio |
linear equation {n} (A polynomial equation of the first degree) | :: lineaariyhtälö, ensimmäisen asteen yhtälö |
linearize {v} (to make linear) | :: linearisoida |
linearly dependent {adj} (algebra) | :: lineaarisesti riippuva, sidottu |
linearly independent {adj} (linear algebra) | :: lineaarisesti riippumaton, vapaa |
linear perspective {n} (perspective) | :: viivaperspektiivi, lineaariperspektiivi |
linear space {n} (vector space) SEE: vector space | :: |
line art {n} (image that consists of distinct straight and curved lines) | :: viivapiirros |
linear transformation {n} (a map between vector spaces which respects addition and multiplication) | :: lineaarikuvaus |
linebacker {n} (The defensive players who are in position behind the defensive linemen and in front of the safeties and cornerbacks) | :: tukimies |
line break {n} (a point in writing where text that would normally continue on the same line starts at the beginning of a new line or the character indicating that subsequent characters should appear on a separate line of text) | :: rivinvaihto |
lined {adj} /laɪnd/ (of paper) | :: viivoitettu |
lined antshrike {n} (A passerine bird of the antbird family) | :: pitsipuumuura |
line feed {n} (computing: the character which advances the paper by one line or moves cursor to the next line) | :: rivinsiirto |
line integral {n} (integral) | :: viivaintegraali |
line judge {n} (tennis official) | :: linjatuomari |
lineman {n} (installer) | :: linjamies, johtoasentaja |
lineman {n} (playing position in football) | :: linjamies |
line management {n} (method of management in which instructions are passed to and from one's superior) | :: linjajohtaminen, linjajohto |
line manager {n} (manager) | :: linjajohtaja, linjapäällikkö |
linen {n} /ˈlɪnɪn/ (thread or cloth made from flax fiber) | :: pellava, liina |
linen {n} (items) | :: liinavaate |
linendraper {n} (retailer of fabrics) | :: kangaskauppias |
line of credit {n} (financial agreement) | :: luottolimiittisopimus |
line of credit {n} (maximum borrowable amount specified in such an agreement) | :: luottolimiitti |
line of fire {n} (direction of fire) | :: ampumalinja, tulilinja |
line of force {n} | :: voimaviiva |
line of sight {n} (A straight line along which an observer has a clear view) | :: näkölinja |
line of succession {n} (ordered sequence of successors) | :: perimysjärjestys, kruununperimysjärjestys |
line of thought {n} (particular way of thinking about a subject) | :: ajattelutapa |
line of thought {n} (way of thinking) | :: ajattelutapa |
line printer {n} (high-speed impact printer) | :: rivikirjoitin |
liner {n} /ˈlaɪnə/ (large passenger carrying ship) | :: matkustajalaiva |
liner lock {n} | :: liner lock -veitsi |
line segment {n} (part of a line) | :: jana |
linesman {n} (soccer: assistant referee) | :: linjatuomari |
linesman {n} (male line judge) | :: linjatuomari |
linesman {n} (ice hockey: official whose primary task is to watch the blue line) | :: linjatuomari |
linesman {n} (American football: official who determines if there has been a line of scrimmage violation) | :: linjatuomari |
linesman {n} (lineman) | :: johtoasentaja |
line up {v} /laɪn.ˈʌp/ (put in alignment) | :: rihdata |
line up {v} (put things in a line) | :: asettaa jonoon |
line up {v} (get into a line) | :: asettua jonoon, mennä jonoon |
line up {v} (sports: to start a game in a certain position) | :: ryhmittyä |
-ling {suffix} (Diminutive) | :: -nen, -lainen |
ling {n} /lɪŋ/ (Any of various marine food fish, of the genus Molva) | :: molva |
ling {n} (Any of various varieties of heather or broom) | :: kanerva [heather] |
ling {n} (Molva molva) SEE: common ling | :: |
Lingala {prop} /lɪŋˈɡɑːlə/ (Bantu language) | :: lingala |
linger {v} /ˈlɪŋɡɚ/ (to stay or remain in a place or situation) | :: viipyä, viipyillä, viivytellä |
linger {v} (to remain alive or existent) | :: riutua |
linger {v} (to consider or contemplate) | :: tuumiskella |
lingerie {n} /ˌlɑn.(d)ʒəˈɹeɪ/ (women's underwear or nightclothes) | :: alusvaatteet {p} |
lingonberry {n} (shrub) | :: puolukka |
lingonberry {n} (berry) | :: puolukka |
lingua franca {n} /ˈlɪŋ.ɡwə ˈfɹæŋ.kə/ (common language) | :: lingua franca |
lingual {adj} (related to language) SEE: linguistic | :: |
lingual {adj} /ˈlɪŋɡwəl/ (related to the tongue) | :: kieli-, kielen- |
lingual {n} (sound articulated with the tongue) | :: kieliäänne |
lingual bone {n} (hyoid bone) SEE: hyoid bone | :: |
lingual tonsil {n} (anatomy: tissue at the posterior region of the tongue) | :: kielirisa |
linguist {n} /ˈliŋɡwɪst/ (one who studies linguistics) | :: kielitieteilijä, kielentutkija, lingvisti, rare: lingvistikko |
linguist {n} (a person skilled in languages) | :: kieliniekka, kielimies |
linguistic {adj} /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/ (of or relating to language) | :: kielellinen; kielinen |
linguistic {adj} (of or relating to linguistics) | :: kielitieteellinen |
linguistic {adj} (of or relating to computer languages) | :: kielellinen |
linguistics {n} /liŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ (scientific study of language) | :: kielitiede, lingvistiikka |
lingzhi {n} /ˈlɪŋd͡ʒi/ (mushroom) | :: lakkakääpä, reishi |
liniment {n} /ˈlɪnəmənt/ (topical medical preparation) | :: linimentti |
lining {n} /ˈlaɪnɪŋ/ (covering for the inside of something) | :: vuori [clothing]; vuoraus, sisäpinta, sisäpinnoitus [technical] |
lining {n} (material used for inside covering) | :: vuorikangas [clothing]; vuorausaine, vuorimateriaali [technical] |
lining {n} (act of attaching an inside covering) | :: vuoren ompelu [clothing]; vuoraaminen, pinnoittaminen [technical] |
link {n} /lɪŋk/ (connection) | :: yhteys, sidos, linkki |
link {n} (element of a chain) | :: lenkki |
link {n} (computing: short for hyperlink, see also: hyperlink) | :: linkki |
link {n} (individual person or element in a system) | :: lenkki |
link {n} (anything doubled and closed like a link of a chain) | :: lenkki |
link {n} (engineering: intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion) | :: linkku |
link {n} (surveying: length of one joint of Gunter's chain) | :: lenkki |
link {n} (chemistry: bond of affinity) | :: sidos |
link {n} (windings of a river; the land along a winding stream) | :: mutka |
link {v} (connect things) | :: yhdistää |
linkage {n} (connection or relation between things or ideas) SEE: link | :: |
linker {n} /ˈlɪŋkɚ/ (computer program that assembles objects) | :: linkkeri, linkkeriohjelma |
link farm {n} (website) | :: linkkifarmi |
linnet {n} /ˈlɪnɪt/ (Carduelis cannabina, a finch of Europe, western Asia and northern Africa) | :: hemppo |
linocut {n} /ˈlʌɪnəʊkʌt/ (woodcut in which a block of linoleum is used) | :: lino |
linoleic acid {n} (fatty acid) | :: linolihappo |
linoleum {n} /lɪˈnoʊli.əm/ (inexpensive waterproof covering) | :: linoleumi |
linseed {n} /ˈlɪnsiːd/ (seed of the flax plant) | :: pellavansiemen |
linseed oil {n} (oil extracted from flax seeds) | :: pellavaöljy |
lint {n} /lɪnt/ (a fine material made by scraping cotton or linen cloth) | :: pumpuli, vanu |
lint {n} (fuzzy fluff) | :: nukka, nöyhtä |
lint {n} (fibrous coat of thick hairs covering the seeds of the cotton plant) | :: hahtuva |
lintel {n} /ˈlɪn.təl/ (horizontal structural beam) | :: kamana |
lint roller {n} (adhesive paper roller for lint removal) | :: teippiharja |
Linus {prop} /ˈlaɪnəs/ (male given name) | :: Linus |
Linux {prop} /ˈlɪnəks/ (operating system) | :: Linux |
lion {n} /ˈlaɪən/ (big cat Panthera leo) | :: leijona |
lion cub {n} (young lion) | :: leijonanpentu |
lion dance {n} (Chinese dance) | :: leijonatanssi |
lioness {n} (female lion) | :: naarasleijona |
lionet {n} (lion cub) SEE: lion cub | :: |
Lionheart {prop} (nickname of Richard I of England) | :: Leijonamieli |
lion's leaf {n} (Leontice leontopetalum) | :: leijonanlyhty |
lion's share {n} /ˈlaɪəns ʃɛə/ (the majority; a large or generous portion) | :: leijonanosa |
lip {n} /lɪp/ (fleshy protrusion framing the mouth) | :: huuli |
lip {n} (part of body resembling a lip) | :: huuli |
lip {n} (rim of an open container) | :: reuna, reunus |
lip balm {n} (substance topically applied to the lips of the mouth) | :: huulivoide, huulirasva |
lip bear {n} (Melursus ursinus) SEE: sloth bear | :: |
Liperi {prop} (municipality) | :: Liperi |
Lipetsk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Lipetsk |
lip gloss {n} (a cosmetic product) | :: huulikiilto |
lipid {n} /ˈlɪpɪd/ (organic compound) | :: lipidi |
lipless {adj} (not having lips) | :: olakkeeton |
lipline {n} /ˈlɪplaɪn/ (outline of the lips) | :: huuliraja |
lipogram {n} (word or writing that does not use a particular symbol or symbols) | :: lipogrammi |
lipoid {n} /ˈlɪpɔɪd/ (A lipid) | :: lipoidi |
lipoma {n} (benign tumor) | :: rasvakudoskasvain, lipoma, lipooma |
lipophile {n} (lipophilic substance) | :: lipofiili |
lipophilic {adj} (having the quality of dissolving in lipids) | :: rasvahakuinen, lipofiilinen |
liposuction {n} /ˈlai.po.ˌsʌk.ʃn̩/ (cosmetic surgery procedure in which bodily fat is removed by suction) | :: rasvaimu |
lipread {v} /ˈlɪpɹiːd/ (determine what a person is saying by watching how their lips move) | :: lukea huulilta |
lipreader {n} (someone able to tell what a person is saying) | :: huuliltalukija |
lipreading {n} (the act of reading lips) | :: huuliltaluku, huuliltalukeminen |
lip service {n} (cunnilingus) SEE: cunnilingus | :: |
lip service {n} (Empty talk; words absent of action or intention) | :: tyhjä puhe, tyhjät sanat {p} |
lipstick {n} /ˈlɪpˌstɪk/ (make-up for the lips) | :: huulipuna |
lipstick {n} (stick of this make-up) | :: huulipuna, huulipunapuikko |
lipstick tree {n} (Bixa orellana) SEE: annatto | :: |
lip sync {n} (synchronization of music with lips) | :: huulisynkronointi |
lip-sync {v} (to move lips in synchronization with sounds) | :: liikutella huuliaan, huulisynkata, laulaa playbackina |
liquefaction {n} (Process of being made liquid) | :: nesteytys, nesteyttäminen, nesteytyminen |
liquefied natural gas {n} (natural gas converted to liquid) | :: nesteytetty maakaasu |
liquefied petroleum gas {n} (LPG) | :: nestekaasu |
liquefy {v} (make into a liquid) | :: nesteyttää |
liquescent {adj} (liquescent) SEE: melting | :: |
liqueur {n} /lɪˈkjʊə/ (a flavored alcoholic beverage) | :: likööri |
liquid {n} /ˈlɪkwɪd/ (substance that is liquid) | :: neste |
liquid {n} (sound) | :: likvida |
liquid {adj} (fluid; not solid and not gaseous) | :: nestemäinen, neste- [in compounds] |
liquid {adj} ((of an asset) easily sold or disposed of) | :: likvidi |
liquid {adj} ((of a market) having sufficient trading activity to make buying or selling easy) | :: likvidi |
liquid air {n} (air in liquid state) | :: nestemäinen ilma |
liquid asset {n} (asset in the form money, or that which can be quickly converted) | :: likvidi varallisuuserä, likvidit varat {p} |
liquidate {v} /ˈlɪkwədeɪt/ (to settle a debt) | :: maksaa pois |
liquidate {v} (to settle the affairs) | :: realisoida |
liquidate {v} (to convert assets into cash) | :: likvidoida, realisoida |
liquidate {v} (to kill someone) | :: likvidoida |
liquidation {n} /ˌlɪkwəˈdeɪʃən/ (process of converting into cash) | :: likvidointi |
liquidator {n} (one who liquidates) | :: pesänselvittäjä, selvitysmies |
liquid crystal {n} (phase of matter) | :: nestekide |
liquid crystal display {n} (display device using liquid crystal) | :: nestekidenäyttö |
liquid gas {n} (gas in liquid state) | :: nestemäinen kaasu |
liquidity {n} /lɪkˈwɪdəti/ (state of being liquid) | :: nestemäisyys, likvidiys |
liquidity {n} (property of being able to be easily converted into cash) | :: likvidiys |
liquidity {n} (finance: availability of cash over short term) | :: maksuvalmius, likviditeetti |
liquid nitrogen {n} (nitrogen in the liquid state) | :: nestemäinen typpi, nestetyppi |
liquor {n} /ˈlɪk.ɚ/ (liquid obtained by cooking meat and/or vegetables) | :: liemi |
liquor {n} (strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation) | :: viina [clear in color]; väkevä alkoholijuoma, väkevä [any strong alcohol] |
liquor {n} (liquid used in process industry to produce a desired reaction) | :: liemi |
liquorice {n} (plant) SEE: licorice | :: |
liquorice {n} (confection) SEE: licorice | :: |
liquorice allsorts {n} (confection) | :: englantilainen lakritsi |
liquor licence {n} (permit to sell alcoholic beverages) | :: anniskelulupa |
liquor store {n} (liquor store, bottle shop) | :: viinakauppa |
lira {n} /ˈlɪəɹə/ (basic unit of currency in Turkey) | :: liira |
lira {n} (currency of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, former currency of Italy, etc.) | :: liira |
Lisbon {prop} /ˈlɪzbən/ (capital of Portugal) | :: Lissabon |
lisp {n} /lɪsp/ (The habit or an act of lisping.) | :: ässävika, sammallus |
lisp {v} (to pronounce the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly) | :: sammaltaa, lespata, sössöttää |
lisp {v} (to speak with imperfect articulation) | :: sössöttää |
lisp {v} (to speak hesitatingly and with a low voice) | :: sössöttää, supista |
lisp {v} (to speak with reserve or concealment) | :: supattaa |
lis pendens {n} | :: vireilläolovaikutus |
lisper {n} (one who has a lisp) | :: sössöttäjä |
lisping {n} (that which is spoken with a lisp) | :: sössötys |
Lissajous figure {n} (plane curve) | :: Lissajous'n kuvio |
lissencephaly {n} (disorder characterized by the lack of folds and grooves of the brain) | :: lissenkefalia |
list {n} /lɪst/ (strip of fabric) | :: nauha |
list {n} (material used for cloth selvage) | :: räsy |
list {n} (enumeration or compilation of items) | :: luettelo, lista |
list {n} (barriers for tournaments) | :: aita |
list {n} (computing: codified representation of a list) | :: lista |
list {v} (to create or recite a list) | :: listata, luetella |
list {v} (to listen) | :: kuunnella |
list {v} (to be pleasing to) | :: miellyttää |
list {v} (to desire, like, wish) | :: haluta |
list {n} (nautical: tilting or careening to one side) | :: kallistuma, kallistus |
list {v} (to tilt to one side) | :: kallistua |
list box {n} (dropdown list) SEE: dropdown list | :: |
listed company {n} (company) | :: pörssiyhtiö |
listen {v} /ˈlɪs.ən/ (to pay attention to a sound) | :: kuunnella |
listen {v} (to expect or wait for a sound) | :: kuunnella |
listen {v} (to accept advice or obey instruction) | :: kuunnella, uskoa |
listen {v} (to hear (something)) | :: kuulla |
listener {n} /ˈlɪs(ə)nə/ (someone who listens) | :: kuuntelija |
listener {n} ((computing) a function that runs in response to an event) | :: kuuntelija |
listenership {n} (audience) | :: kuulijakunta |
listen in {v} (to listen without participating) | :: kuunnella |
listen in {v} (to listen secretly) | :: salakuunnella |
listening {adj} /ˈlɪs.nɪŋ/ (of something that listens) | :: kuunteleva |
listening {adj} (of something that is used in order to hear) | :: kuulo- |
listening {adj} (of an action that is performed with caution and attention to sounds) | :: varovainen |
listening {n} (act of listening) | :: kuuntelu |
listening {n} (ability of perceiving spoken language) | :: kuullun ymmärtäminen |
listening comprehension {n} (listening comprehension) | :: kuullun ymmärtäminen |
listening station {n} (facility established to monitor radio and microwave signals) | :: kuunteluasema |
listeria {n} | :: listeria |
listeriosis {n} (disease caused by Listeria monocytogenes) | :: listerioosi |
listless {adj} /ˈlɪstləs/ (Lacking enthusiasm) | :: välinpitämätön, innoton, voimaton |
list price {n} (retail selling price) | :: suositushinta, ohjevähittäishinta [recommended]; listahinta [listed] |
lit {adj} /ˈlɪt/ (Lighted) | :: valaistu |
lit {adj} (Intoxicated or under the influence of drugs; stoned) | :: päihtynyt |
litany {n} /ˈlɪtəni/ (ritual liturgical prayer) | :: litania |
litas {n} (currency of Lithuania) | :: liti |
litchi {n} (lychee) SEE: lychee | :: |
lite {adj} /laɪt/ (low in calories) | :: kevyt |
lite {adj} (lightweight) | :: kevyt |
-lite {suffix} /lʌɪt/ (forms names of rocks or minerals) | :: -liitti |
liter {n} (cubic decimeter) SEE: litre | :: |
literacy {n} /ˈlɪt.əɹ.ə.si/ (ability to read and write) | :: luku- ja kirjoitustaito, lukutaito |
literacy {n} (understanding of something) | :: lukutaito |
literal {adj} /ˈlɪt(ə)ɹəl/ (exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation) | :: kirjaimellinen, sananmukainen |
literal {adj} (following the letter or exact words, not taking liberties) | :: kirjaimellinen, sananmukainen, sanatarkka |
literally {adv} /ˈlɪtəɹəli/ (not metaphorically) | :: kirjaimellisesti, sananmukaisesti |
literary {adj} (bookish) SEE: bookish | :: |
literary {adj} /ˈlɪtəɹɛ(ə)ɹi/ (relating to literature) | :: kirjallinen, kaunokirjallinen |
literary {adj} (relating to writers, or the profession of literature) | :: kirjailija-, kirjallisuus-, kirjallinen |
literary {adj} (knowledgeable of literature or writing) | :: kirjallisuutta tunteva |
literary {adj} (appropriate to literature rather than everyday writing) | :: kirjakielinen, kirjallinen |
Literary Chinese {prop} (Classical Chinese) SEE: Classical Chinese | :: |
literary criticism {n} (study, discussion, evaluation, and interpretation) | :: kirjallisuuskritiikki |
literary device {n} (convention in literature) | :: kirjallinen tehokeino |
literary inquisition {n} (persecution of intellectuals on the basis of their writings) | :: kirjallinen inkvisitio |
literary language {n} (register of a language used in literary writing) | :: kirjakieli |
literary science {n} (all kinds of scientific study pertinent to literature) | :: kirjallisuustiede |
literary theory {n} | :: kirjallisuusteoria |
literati {n} /ˌlɪtəˈɹɑti/ (well-educated, literary people) | :: lukeneisto |
literature {n} /ˈlɪ.tɚ.ɪ.tʃɚ/ (body of all written works) | :: kirjallisuus |
literature {n} (the collected creative writing of a nation, people, group or culture) | :: kirjallisuus |
literature {n} (all the papers, treatises etc. published in academic journals on a particular subject) | :: kirjallisuus |
literature {n} (written fiction of high standard) | :: kaunokirjallisuus |
literature review {n} (scholarly paper) | :: kirjallisuuskatsaus |
literature search {n} (search through published literature) | :: kirjallisuushaku |
lithe {adj} /laɪð/ (slim) | :: solakka |
lithe {adj} (flexible) | :: notkea, taipuisa |
lithium {n} /ˈlɪθi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: litium |
lithium aluminium hydride {n} (chemical compound, LiH) | :: litiumalumiinihydridi |
lithium battery {n} (type of battery) | :: litiumparisto |
lithium carbonate {n} (Li2CO3) | :: litiumkarbonaatti |
lithium ion battery {n} (lithium-ion battery) SEE: lithium-ion battery | :: |
lithium-ion battery {n} (type of rechargeable battery) | :: litiumioniakku |
lithium nitride {n} (Li3N) | :: litiumnitridi |
lithograph {n} (image produced by lithography) | :: litografia, kivipiirros |
lithographer {n} (a person who makes lithographs) | :: litografi |
lithographic {adj} (related to lithography) | :: litografinen |
lithographical {adj} (lithographic) SEE: lithographic | :: |
lithography {n} (printing method) | :: litografia, kivipaino |
lithology {n} (the study of rocks) | :: litologia |
lithophone {n} (type of musical instrument) | :: litofoni |
lithosome {n} | :: litosomi |
lithosphere {n} (The outer layer of the Earth) | :: litosfääri, kivikehä |
lithostratigraphy {n} (the stratigraphy of rocks) | :: litostratigrafia |
Lithuania {prop} /ˌlɪθ.(j)uˈeɪ.ni.ə/ (country) | :: Liettua |
Lithuania Minor {prop} (Lithuania Minor) | :: Vähä-Liettua |
Lithuanian {adj} /ˌlɪθʊˈeɪni.ən/ (referring to Lithuania) | :: liettualainen |
Lithuanian {n} (language) | :: liettua |
Lithuanian {n} (person from Lithuania) | :: liettualainen |
Lithuanian Hound {n} (Lithuanian Hound) | :: liettuanajokoira |
Lithuanianness {n} (quality) | :: liettualaisuus |
Lithuanian SSR {prop} (Soviet republic) | :: Liettuan SNT |
litigate {v} /litiɡeɪt/ (to go to law) | :: käräjöidä [+ elative], käydä oikeutta [+ elative] |
litigation {n} /ˌlɪtəˈɡeɪʃən/ (conduct of a lawsuit) | :: käräjöinti, oikeudenkäynti |
litmus {n} /ˈlɪtməs/ (dyestuff from lichen) | :: lakmus |
litmus paper {n} | :: lakmuspaperi |
litotes {n} /laɪˈtəʊ.tiːz/ (rhetoric: stating a point by denying its opposite) | :: litoteesi |
litre {n} /ˈliː.tə/ (unit of fluid measure) | :: litra |
litter {n} /ˈlɪtɚ/ (platform designed to carry a person or a load) | :: kantotuoli |
litter {n} (animals born in one birth) | :: poikue, pesue, pentue |
litter {n} (bedding for animals) | :: kuivike |
litter {n} (discarded items) | :: roska, roina |
litter {n} (material for litter tray) | :: kuivike |
litter {n} (layer of dead leaves and other organic matter) | :: karike |
litter {v} (drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it) | :: roskata |
litter {v} (give birth) | :: poikia |
litterbug {n} /ˈlɪtɚˌbʌɡ/ (person who drops litter) | :: roskaaja |
litter lout {n} (litterbug) SEE: litterbug | :: |
little {adj} /ˈlɪtl̩/ (small in size) | :: pieni |
little {adj} (very young) | :: pieni |
little {adj} ((of a sibling) younger) | :: pikku- |
little {adv} (not much) | :: vähän |
little {determiner} (small amount) | :: hieman, vähän |
little bittern {n} (bittern of the genus Ixobrychus) | :: pikkuhaikara |
little bittern {n} (bittern of the species Ixobrychus minutus) | :: pikkuhaikara |
little black dress {n} (woman's short black dress) | :: pikkumusta |
little boy {n} (a diminutive male child) | :: pikkupoika |
little brother {n} (younger brother) SEE: younger brother | :: |
little bustard {n} (Tetrax tetrax) | :: pikkutrappi |
little by little {adv} (a small amount at a time) | :: hiljalleen, vähän kerrassaan, vähitellen, vähä vähältä, pikkuhiljaa |
Little Dipper {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism) | :: Pikku-Otava |
little egret {n} (bird) | :: silkkihaikara |
little emperor {n} (spoiled child) | :: pikkukeisari |
little finger {n} (outermost and smallest finger of the hand) | :: pikkusormi, pikkurilli, pikkurilli |
little girl {n} (a female child) | :: pikkutyttö |
little green man {n} /ˌlɪtəl ˈɡɹin ˌmæn/ (humorous: space alien, Martian, see also: alien) | :: pieni vihreä mies |
little gull {n} (gull) | :: pikkulokki |
little old {adj} (little - emphatically, affectionately, or humorously) | :: pikku |
little one {n} (young child) | :: pikkulapsi, pienokainen |
little one {n} (term of endearment) | :: pikkuinen |
little owl {n} /ˈlɪtəl ˌaʊl/ (species of owl) | :: minervanpöllö |
little pitchers have big ears {proverb} (proverb) | :: pienilläkin padoilla on korvat |
Little Red Book {prop} (Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung) | :: Pieni punainen kirja |
Little Red Riding Hood {prop} /ˈlɪtl̩ ɹɛd ɹaɪ.dɪŋ hʊd/ (a folktale) | :: Punahilkka |
Little Red Riding Hood {prop} (the main character in this story) | :: Punahilkka |
Little Russia {prop} (a historical area) | :: Vähä-Venäjä |
little sister {n} (younger sister) SEE: younger sister | :: |
little stint {n} (Calidris minuta) | :: pikkusirri |
little tern {n} (Sternula albifrons) | :: pikkutiira |
little toe {n} (smallest toe of the foot) | :: pikkuvarvas |
little wonder {n} (small wonder) SEE: small wonder | :: |
liturgic {adj} (liturgical) SEE: liturgical | :: |
liturgical {adj} /lɪˈtɝdʒɪkəl/ (Pertaining to liturgy) | :: liturginen |
liturgical language {n} (language) | :: kirkkokieli, liturginen kieli |
liturgics {n} (academic discipline dedicated to the study of liturgy) | :: liturgiikka |
liturgist {n} (person knowledgable about liturgy) | :: liturgi |
liturgy {n} /ˈlɪtɚd͡ʒi/ (a predetermined or prescribed set of rituals) | :: liturgia, alttaripalvelus |
Liturgy of the Hours {n} ( liturgy for daily use at each of the canonical hours) | :: hetkipalvelus |
livable {adj} (suitable for living in) | :: asuttava, asumiskelpoinen |
live {v} /lɪv/ (be alive) | :: elää, olla elossa |
live {v} (have permanent residence) | :: asua, elää |
live {v} (survive, persevere, continue) | :: elää, selvitä |
live {v} (cope) | :: pärjätä |
live {v} (spend (one's life), pass, maintain, continue in) | :: elää |
live {v} (outlast (danger), float (of a ship, boat)) | :: selvitä [+ elative], kestää |
live {adj} /laɪv/ (having life) | :: elävä |
live {adj} ((broadcasting) seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens) | :: suora |
live {adj} (capable of causing harm) | :: kova |
live {adj} (electrically charged) | :: jännitteinen |
live {adv} (as it happens) | :: suorana, livenä |
live action {n} (video that has been produced by filming) | :: näytelty |
live and learn {phrase} (exhortation to gain knowledge from lived experiences) | :: oppia ikä kaikki |
live and let live {v} (be tolerant) | :: elää ja antaa elää |
live beyond one's means {v} | :: elää yli varojensa |
live by the sword, die by the sword {proverb} (one who uses violence can expect a violent response) | :: joka miekkaan tarttuu, se miekkaan hukkuu |
live down {v} (live so as to subdue) | :: elää läpi |
live down {v} (get used to something shameful) | :: päästä yli |
live drop {n} (location used to exchange items or information) | :: postilaatikko |
liveforever {n} (houseleek) SEE: houseleek | :: |
live-in son-in-law {n} (live-in son-in-law, man who marries and lives with his wife's family) | :: kotivävy |
livelihood {n} /ˈlaɪvlihʊd/ (means of supporting oneself) | :: toimeentulo, elinkeino, elanto |
liveliness {n} /ˈlaɪvlinəs/ (the quality of being lively) | :: vilkkaus, vilkkaus |
lively {adj} /ˈlaɪvli/ (full of life) | :: eläväinen |
lively {adj} (fizzy; foamy) | :: vaahtoinen |
lively {adv} (vibrantly, vividly) | :: eloisasti |
live oak {n} /laɪv oʊk/ (evergreen species of oak) | :: ainavihanta tammi, tammi |
live paycheck to paycheck {v} /lɪv ˈpeɪtʃɛk tə ˈpeɪtʃɛk/ (to spend all that one earns without saving anything) | :: elää kädestä suuhun |
liver {n} /ˈlɪvə/ (organ of the body) | :: maksa |
liver {n} (organ as food) | :: maksa |
liver {n} /ˈlɪvə(ɹ)/ (one who lives) | :: eläjä |
liver cancer {n} (malignant neoplasm of the liver) | :: maksasyöpä |
liver fluke {n} (parasitic trematode worm) | :: maksamato |
liverish {adj} (not feeling well due to an upset digestive system) | :: pahoinvoiva |
livermorium {n} /ˌlɪvəɹˈmɔːɹiəm/ (chemical element with atomic number 116) | :: livermorium |
Liverpool {prop} (Liverpool, England) | :: Liverpool |
liver sausage {n} (spreadable sausage) | :: maksamakkara |
liver spot {n} (blemish) | :: maksaläiskä, chloasma, maksaläikkä |
liverwort {n} /ˈlɪv.ɚ.wɝːt/ (bryophyte with a leafy stem) | :: maksasammal |
liverwurst {n} (liver sausage) | :: maksamakkara |
livery {n} /ˈlɪv.ə.ɹi/ (distinctive uniform worn by a group) | :: virka-asu, livree |
livery {n} (paint scheme) | :: värit {p} |
livery {n} (legal: delivery of property) | :: omaisuuden luovutus |
livery {n} (legal: writ) | :: luovutuskirja |
livery {v} (to clothe in) | :: vaatettaa, pukea |
livestock {n} /ˈlaɪvˌstɑk/ (farm animals) | :: karja |
live stream {n} (Internet broadcast) | :: verkkolähetys, striimi, livestriimi, suoranauhoitus |
livestream {v} (broadcast as a live stream) | :: striimata, lähettää verkkoon, suoranauhoittaa |
live to regret {v} | :: joutua katumaan, tulla katumaan |
live up {v} (to fulfil the expectations placed upon) | :: täyttää odotukset |
live weight {n} (weight of a living animal) | :: elopaino |
live with oneself {v} | :: elää itsensä kanssa |
livid {adj} (pallid) SEE: pallid | :: |
livid {adj} /ˈlɪvɪd/ (having a dark, bluish appearance) | :: lautunut |
livid {adj} (very angry, furious) | :: raivostunut, [dated] raivoisa, [colloquial] raivo |
lividity {n} (state or quality of being livid) | :: mustelmaisuus, lautuneisuus |
lividity {n} (livid area of skin) | :: mustelma, lautuma |
lividity {n} (livor mortis, suggillation) SEE: livor mortis | :: |
living {adj} /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ (having life) | :: elävä, elollinen |
living {adj} (in use or existing) | :: elävä |
living {adj} (of everyday life) | :: [in compounds] elin- |
living {adj} (true to life) | :: elävä |
living {n} (state of being alive) | :: elo, eläminen, elämä |
living {n} (financial means; a means of maintaining life) | :: [in compounds] ansio-, työ, elinkeino, elanto |
living {n} (style of life) | :: elämä, elintapa, elo, elämäntapa |
living conditions {n} (living conditions) | :: elinolot {p}, elinolosuhteet {p} |
living fossil {n} /ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈfɒsəl/ (species believed extinct but later found living) | :: elävä fossiili |
living fossil {n} (living species which very closely resembles fossil relatives) | :: elävä fossiili |
living impaired {adj} (jocularly euphemistic term for 'dead') | :: elämärajoitteinen |
living language {n} (a language which is still spoken) | :: elävä kieli |
living proof {n} (real-life person or thing which demonstrates the validity of a hypothesis) | :: elävä todiste |
living room {n} (room in a private house) | :: olohuone, olkkari |
living standard {n} (standard of living) SEE: standard of living | :: |
living street {n} (type of street) | :: pihakatu |
living wage {n} (minimum income) | :: toimeentuloon riittävä palkka |
living will {n} (document giving durable power of attorney to a surrogate decision-maker for healthcare purposes) | :: hoitotahto |
Livonia {prop} (historical region) | :: Liivinmaa |
Livonian {prop} (language) | :: liivi |
Livonian {n} (person) | :: liiviläinen |
livor mortis {n} (settling of the blood in the lower portion of the body) | :: lautuma |
Livorno {prop} /ləˈvɔɹnoʊ/ (province of Italy) | :: Livorno |
Livorno {prop} (city in Italy) | :: Livorno |
lixisol {n} (soil type) | :: rapaumasavimaannos |
lizard {n} /ˈlɪz.ɚd/ (reptile) | :: lisko |
lizard {n} (coward) SEE: coward | :: |
Ljubljana {prop} /ˌl(j)ʊbliˈɑːnə/ (Capital city of Slovenia) | :: Ljubljana |
llama {n} /ˈjɑmə/ (South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama) | :: laama |
LLC {n} (Limited Liability Company) | :: Oy |
lo {interj} /loʊ/ (look, see, behold) | :: katso |
loach {n} /ˈləʊtʃ/ (fish of the family Cobitidae) | :: piikkinuoliainen, nuoliainen |
load {n} /loʊd/ (burden) | :: kuorma, taakka |
load {n} (number of articles that can be transported or processed at one time) | :: kuorma, lasti |
load {n} (the volume of work required to be performed) | :: [computing] kuorma |
load {v} (to put a load on or in) | :: lastata, kuormata, pakata |
load {v} (to place in or on a conveyance or a place of storage) | :: lastata, kuormata, pakata |
load {v} (intransitive: to put a load on something) | :: lastata, kuormata, pakata |
load {v} (to receive a load) | :: lastata, kuormata, pakata |
load {v} (to be placed into storage or conveyance) | :: lastata, kuormata, pakata |
load {v} (to fill with munition) | :: ladata, panostaa |
load {v} (to insert into an apparatus) | :: laittaa paikalleen, laittaa; lisätä [paper or other material into something] |
load {v} (to fill with raw material) | :: panostaa, ladata |
load {v} (to be put into use in an apparatus) | :: latautua |
load {v} (to read into memory) | :: ladata |
load {v} (intransitive: to transfer from a storage medium into memory) | :: latautua |
load {v} (baseball: to put runners on the bases) | :: täyttää |
load {v} (to tamper with to produce biased outcome) | :: parantaa mahdollisuuksiaan [to load the dice in one's favour]; painottaa [dice]; johdatella [paper, statement etc.] |
load {v} (to ask so that it will be more likely to be answered in a certain way) | :: johdatella |
load {v} (to encumber, place as an encumbrance) | :: kuormittaa |
load {v} (to provide in abundance) | :: tankata |
load {v} (to adulterate or drug) | :: törsätä |
load {v} (to magnetize) | :: magnetoida; sähköistää [figuratively] |
loaded {adj} /ˈloʊdɪd/ (burdened by load) | :: lastattu |
loaded {adj} ((of a projectile weapon) armed) | :: ladattu |
loaded {adj} ((slang) having wealth) | :: rikas |
loaded {adj} ((slang) drunk) | :: kännissä |
loaded {adj} ((of a question) designed to produce a predictable answer, or to lay a trap) | :: johdatteleva |
loader {n} /ˈloʊdɚ/ (person or device that loads) | :: lataaja |
loader {n} (program that prepares other programs for execution) | :: latausohjelma |
loader {n} (tractor with a scoop) | :: kuormaaja, kuormain |
loadstone {n} (lodestone) SEE: lodestone | :: |
loaf {n} /loʊf/ (block of bread) | :: leipä, limppu |
loaf {n} (block of food) | :: mureke [minced meat]; toppa [sugar], kimpale |
loaf {n} (head (slang)) | :: polla |
loaf {n} (large block of soap) | :: tanko |
loaf {v} (do nothing) | :: maleksia |
loafer {n} /ˈləʊfə/ (idle person) | :: tyhjäntoimittaja |
loafer {n} (footwear) | :: louferi |
loam {n} /loʊm/ (type of soil) | :: hiue |
loam {n} (mixture for making moulds) | :: muottihiekka |
loan {n} /loʊn/ (borrowed sum of money or other property) | :: laina |
loan {v} (to lend) | :: lainata |
loan shark {n} (money lender; usurer) | :: koronkiskuri, kiskuri |
loanshark {v} (to commit usury) | :: kiskoa |
loan translation {n} (calque) SEE: calque | :: |
loanword {n} /ˈloʊnwɝd/ (word taken from another language) | :: lainasana |
loath {adj} (angry, hostile) SEE: angry | :: |
loath {adj} /ləʊθ/ (averse, disinclined; reluctant, unwilling, see also: averse; reluctant) | :: haluton, vastahakoinen |
loath {adj} (loathsome, unpleasant) SEE: loathsome | :: |
loathe {v} /ˈloʊð/ (to detest, hate, revile) | :: inhota |
loathing {n} /ˈləʊðɪŋ/ (sense of revulsion, distaste, detestation, extreme hatred or dislike) | :: inho, vastenmielisyys, iljetys |
loathsome {adj} /ˈləʊθ.səm/ (highly offensive; abominable, sickening) | :: inhottava |
lob {v} /lɒb/ (to throw or hit a ball high into the air) | :: heittää kaaripallo, lyödä kaaripallo, iskeä kaaripallo, potkaista kaaripallo |
lob {n} (high-arching pass or stroke) | :: kaari, kaaripallo |
lob {n} (lump) SEE: lump | :: |
lobby {n} /lɑbi/ (entryway or waiting area; vestibule) | :: aula, halli, eteinen |
lobby {v} (To attempt to influence) | :: lobata |
lobby group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group | :: |
lobbyist {n} /ˈlɑ.bi.ɪst/ (A person paid to influence politicians) | :: lobbari |
lobe {n} /ləʊb/ (any projection or division, especially one of a somewhat rounded form) | :: kieleke |
lobe {n} (division of the brain) | :: aivolohko |
lobe {n} (division of the lung) | :: keuhkolohko |
lobe {n} (division of the liver) | :: maksalohko |
lobelia {n} (plant) | :: lobelia |
lobotomy {n} /ləˈbɑː.ɾə.mi/ (surgical operation) | :: lobotomia |
lobscouse {n} (meat dish stewed with vegetables and ship biscuit) | :: lapskoussi |
lobster {n} /ˈlɑb.stɚ/ (crustacean) | :: hummeri |
lobster pot {n} (a trap used to catch lobsters) | :: hummerimerta |
local {adj} /ˈloʊkl̩/ (of a nearby location) | :: paikallinen, lähi- |
local {adj} (computing: having limited scope) | :: paikallinen |
local {adj} (math: applying to a limited space) | :: likimääräinen |
local {adj} (medicine: of or pertaining to a restricted part of an organism) | :: paikallinen, paikallis- |
local {n} (a person who lives near a given place) | :: paikkakuntalainen |
local {n} (a branch of an organization) | :: paikallisyhdistys, paikallisosasto |
local {n} (a train that stops at all stations) | :: paikallisjuna, lähijuna |
local {n} ((UK) the nearest bar) | :: paikallinen, lähikuppila |
local anesthetic {n} (substance) | :: paikallispuudutusaine |
local area network {n} (network) | :: lähiverkko, paikallisverkko, LAN |
local class {n} (class declared in the body of a function) | :: paikallinen luokka |
local derby {n} (a sports match between local rival teams) | :: paikallisottelu |
locale {n} /loʊˈkæl/ (place where something happens) | :: tapahtumapaikka |
locale {n} (language-related settings) | :: maa-asetus, maa-asetusto |
local government {n} (government whose remit covers less than that of the nation) | :: paikallishallinto |
Local Group {prop} (cluster of galaxies that contains the Milky Way) | :: Paikallinen ryhmä |
locality {n} /loʊˈkælɪti/ (fact or quality of having a position in space) | :: sijainti |
locality {n} (surroundings of a particular place) | :: ympäristö, seutu |
locality {n} (situation or position of an object) | :: sijainti |
locality {n} (neighbourhood) | :: paikkakunta, paikka |
localization {n} (act of localizing) | :: lokalisoida, kotoistaa |
localize {v} (make local) | :: lokalisoida, paikallistaa, kotoistaa |
locally {adv} (with respect to place) | :: paikallisesti |
local maximum {n} (math: maximum within restricted domain) | :: paikallinen maksimi |
local minimum {n} (math: minimum within restricted domain) | :: paikallinen minimi |
Local Supercluster {prop} /ˌloʊkl̩ ˈsupɚˌklʌstɚ/ (Supercluster that includes the Milky Way) | :: Paikallinen superjoukko, Neitsyen superjoukko |
local time {n} (official time in a particular region or time zone) | :: paikallinen aika |
locate {v} /ləʊˈkeɪt/ (to place; to set in a particular spot or position) | :: sijoittaa |
locate {v} (designate the site or place of) | :: sijoittaa |
location {n} /loʊˈkeɪʃən/ (place) | :: paikka, sijainti |
location {n} (act of locating) | :: sijoittaminen |
location, location, location {proverb} (most important consideration in buying real estate is its location) | :: sijainti, sijainti, sijainti |
locative {n} (locative case) SEE: locative case | :: |
locative case {n} (case used to indicate place, or the place where) | :: lokatiivi |
loch {n} /lɒx/ (lake, bay or arm of the sea) | :: järvi |
Loch Ness monster {prop} (hypothetical creature) | :: Loch Nessin hirviö |
lock {n} /lɑk/ (something used for fastening) | :: lukko |
lock {n} (a mutex or other token) | :: lukko |
lock {n} (segment of a canal) | :: sulku |
lock {n} (firing mechanism of a gun) | :: lukko |
lock {v} (to become fastened in place) | :: lukittua, lukkiutua |
lock {v} (to fasten with a lock) | :: lukita |
lock {v} (to be capable of becoming fastened in place) | :: lukita [in passive]; lukittua, lukkiutua |
lock {v} (break dancing: to freeze one's body or a part thereof in place) | :: lukita |
lock {v} (to furnish with locks) | :: varustaa suluilla |
lock {v} (to raise or lower (a boat) in a lock) | :: kulkea sulussa |
lock {n} (length of hair) | :: kiehkura |
lockable {adj} (capable of being locked) | :: lukittava |
lockback {n} | :: lockback -veitsi |
lockbox {n} (box with built-in lock) | :: turvalokero, tallelokero |
lockdown {n} /ˈlɑkˌdaʊn/ (confinement of people as a security measure) | :: eristäminen, sulkeminen, aresti |
locked {adj} /lɑkt/ (that has been locked (with a key)) | :: lukittu |
locked rotor amp {n} (specification) | :: käynnistysvirta |
locker {n} (storage compartment) | :: lukkokaappi, kaappi, lukkolokero, lokero |
locker room {n} (locker room) SEE: changing room | :: |
locket {n} /ˈlɑkɪt/ (chained ornament) | :: medaljonki |
lock gate {n} (gate of a lock) | :: sulkuportti |
lock in {v} (to secure someone or something in) | :: lukita sisään, sulkea sisään |
lock in {v} (to fix the value) | :: kiinnittää, lukita |
locking {n} | :: lukitus |
lockjaw {n} (disease) | :: jäykkäkouristus, tetanus |
lock lips {v} (to kiss on the lips) | :: suudella suulle |
lock out {v} (inadvertently prevent from entering a place) | :: teljetä |
lockout {n} (opposite of a strike) | :: työsulku |
lock picking {n} (action of unlocking) | :: tiirikointi |
locksmith {n} /ˈlɑksmɪθ/ (one who practices locksmithing) | :: lukkoseppä |
locksmithing {n} /ˈlɒkˌsmɪθɪŋ/ (art of making and defeating locks) | :: lukkosepäntaito |
lock up {v} (to imprison or incarcerate someone) | :: vangita |
lock up {v} (to close the doors and windows securely) | :: lukita |
lock up {v} (of a computer: to cease responding) | :: hyytyä, jumittua |
lockup {n} (prison) SEE: prison | :: |
loco {adj} /ˈləʊ.kəʊ/ (crazy) | :: hullu |
locomotive {n} /ˌloʊkəˈmoʊtiv/ (self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails) | :: veturi |
locoweed {n} (plant of genus Astragalus) SEE: milk-vetch | :: |
locus {n} /ˈloʊkəs/ (place or locality) | :: tapahtumapaikka, paikka |
locus {n} (set of all points given by an equation or condition) | :: ura |
locus {n} (position on a chromosome) | :: lokus |
locust {n} /ˈloʊ.kəst/ (type of grasshopper) | :: kulkusirkka |
locution {n} /loʊ̯ˈkju.ʃn̩/ (phrase or expression connected to an individual or a group of individuals) | :: sanontatapa |
locution {n} (supernatural revelation) | :: ilmestys |
lode {n} /ləʊd/ (vein of metallic ore) | :: suoni, malmisuoni |
lode {n} (rich source of supply) | :: suoni |
lodestar {n} (star used as navigation reference) | :: johtotähti |
lodestar {n} (guiding tenet) | :: johtotähti |
Lode Star {prop} (Polaris) SEE: Polaris | :: |
lodestone {n} /ˈloʊdˌstoʊn/ (natural magnet) | :: luonnonmagneetti |
lodestone {n} (magnetite) | :: magnetiitti |
lodge {n} (inn) SEE: inn | :: |
lodge {n} /lɑdʒ/ (recreational building) | :: maja, mökki |
lodge {n} (porter's rooms) | :: portinvartijan tupa |
lodge {n} (local chapter of freemasons) | :: loosi |
lodge {n} (local chapter of trade union) | :: ammattiosasto |
lodge {n} (beaver's shelter) | :: keko |
lodge {v} (to be firmly fixed in a specified position) | :: juuttua |
lodge {v} (to stay in a boarding-house) | :: asua alivuokralaisena |
lodge {v} (to supply with a room or place to sleep in for a time) | :: majoittaa |
lodge {v} (to put money, jewellery, or other valuables for safety) | :: panna talteen |
lodge {v} (to place (a statement, etc.) with the proper authorities) | :: rekisteröidä |
lodge {v} (to flatten to the ground) | :: laota [intransitive], laottaa [transitive] |
lodger {n} /ˈlɑdʒɚ/ (person who lodges in another's house) | :: alivuokralainen |
lodging {n} /ˈlɑdʒɪŋ/ (place to live or lodge) | :: majapaikka, majoitus |
lodging {n} (sleeping accommodation) | :: yösija |
lodging {n} (furnished rooms in a house rented as accommodation) | :: kalustettu asunto |
lodging {n} (condition of a plant that has been flattened) | :: lako |
lodgings {n} /ˈlɑdʒɪŋz/ (A room or set of rooms in another person's house where a person lodges.) | :: luukku, boksi |
Lodz {prop} /lɒdz/ (city in Poland) | :: Łódź |
loess {n} /ˈloʊ.əs/ (sediment of eolian origin) | :: lössi |
Loess Plateau {prop} (plateau that covers an area in China's Yellow River) | :: Kiinan lössiylänkö |
loft {n} /lɔft/ (an attic or similar space) | :: ullakko |
loft {v} (to propel high into the air) | :: heittää ilmaan |
loftiness {n} (arrogance) SEE: arrogance | :: |
lofty {adj} /ˈlɔːfti/ (high, having great height or stature) | :: korkea |
lofty {adj} (idealistic) | :: ylevä |
lofty {adj} (extremely proud) | :: kopea |
log {n} /lɒɡ/ (trunk of dead tree, cleared of branches) | :: runko, puunrunko |
log {n} (bulky piece of timber) | :: tukki, hirsi |
log {n} (nautical: device for measuring the speed of a vessel) | :: loki |
log {v} (to cut down trees) | :: hakata [large quantity], kaataa puita [individual trees] |
log {n} (chronological record) | :: lokikirja |
log {v} (make an entry in a log) | :: kirjata |
log {n} (very dumb person) SEE: blockhead | :: |
log {n} (surfing: longboard) SEE: longboard | :: |
log {n} (logbook) SEE: logbook | :: |
log {n} (rolled cake) SEE: Swiss roll | :: |
loganberry {n} (raspberry-blackberry hybrid berry) | :: loganmarja |
logarithm {n} /ˈlɑ.ɡə.ɹɪ.ð(ə)m/ (The power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain a given number) | :: logaritmi |
logarithmic {adj} /ˌlɒɡəˈɹɪðmɪk/ (relating to logarithms) | :: logaritminen |
logarithmic function {n} ((mathematics)) | :: logaritmifunktio |
logarithmic spiral {n} (self-similar spiral) | :: logaritminen spiraali |
logboat {n} (dugout canoe) SEE: dugout | :: |
logbook {n} /ˈlɑɡ.bʊk/ (nautical: book in which details from journey are recorded) | :: lokikirja, loki, laivapäiväkirja |
logbook {n} (travel journal) | :: matkapäiväkirja |
logbook {n} (record of the ownership of a motor car) | :: rekisteriote |
log cabin {n} (small simple dwelling made from wood) | :: hirsimökki |
log drive {n} (transport) | :: tukinuitto |
loge {n} (stall) SEE: stall | :: |
loge {n} (booth) SEE: booth | :: |
logger {n} /ˈlɑːɡɚ/ (worker whose occupation is to harvest trees) | :: metsuri |
loggerhead {n} /ˈlɒɡəhɛd/ (a stupid person) | :: pölkkypää |
loggerhead {n} (loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)) SEE: loggerhead shrike | :: |
loggerhead {n} (loggerhead kingbird (Tyrannus caudifasciatus)) SEE: loggerhead kingbird | :: |
loggerhead {n} (loggerhead duck or Falkland steamer duck (Tachyeres brachypterus)) SEE: loggerhead duck | :: |
loggerhead duck {n} (Falkland steamer duck (Tachyeres brachypterus)) | :: tyrskyviuhtoja |
loggerhead kingbird {n} (Tyrannus caudifasciatus) | :: karibiantyranni |
loggerhead shrike {n} (Lanius ludovicianus) | :: amerikanisolepinkäinen |
loggia {n} /ˈlɒd͡ʒə/ (a roofed, open gallery) | :: loggia |
logging {n} (cutting trees) | :: hakkuu |
logging {n} (making entries in a log) | :: lokiin kirjaaminen |
logic {n} /ˈlɑdʒɪk/ (method of human thought) | :: logiikka |
logic {n} (mathematical study) | :: logiikka |
logic {n} (formal or informal language) | :: logiikka |
logic {n} (any system of thought, irrespective of its rigor or productiveness) | :: logiikka |
logic {n} (part of an electronic system that performs the boolean logic operations) | :: logiikka |
-logic {suffix} (-logical) SEE: -logical | :: |
logical {adj} /ˈlɑdʒɪkəɫ/ (in agreement with the principles of logic) | :: looginen |
logical {adj} (reasonable) | :: johdonmukainen, looginen |
logical {adj} (of or pertaining to logic) | :: looginen |
-logical {suffix} (used to form adjectival forms of nouns) | :: -loginen |
logically {adv} (in a logical manner) | :: loogisesti |
logic analyzer {n} (device) | :: logiikka-analysaattori |
logician {n} /ləˈd͡ʒɪʃən/ (person who studies or teaches logic) | :: loogikko |
logic programming {n} (programming paradigm) | :: logiikkapohjainen ohjelmointi |
log in {v} (gain access to a computer system) | :: kirjautua, kirjautua sisään |
login {n} /ˈlɒɡ.ɪn/ (user's identification) | :: käyttäjätunnus |
login {n} (logging in) | :: sisäänkirjautuminen |
-logist {suffix} (person who studies or is an expert in the related -logy) | :: -logi |
logistical {adj} (relating to logistics) | :: logistinen |
logistician {n} (person involved with logistics) | :: logistikko |
logistics {n} /ləˈdʒɪstɪks/ (planning and implementing the flow of goods and services) | :: logistiikka |
logistics {n} (military procurement, supply, maintenance, and transportation) | :: huolto |
logjam {n} (An excess of logs being conveyed on a river) | :: tukkisuma |
logjam {n} (A clog; any jam or mess that halts or greatly delays progress) | :: ruuhka |
logline {n} /ˈlɒɡ.laɪn/ (short summary) | :: juoniseloste |
logline {n} (line fastened to the log) | :: lokiliina |
log-log paper {n} (graph paper with logarithmic scale in two directions) | :: logaritmipaperi |
logo {n} /ˈloʊɡoʊ/ (visual symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an entity) | :: logo |
log off {v} (log out) SEE: log out | :: |
logogram {n} /ˈlɔːɡəɡɹæm/ (character or symbol that represents a word or phrase) | :: logogrammi |
logograph {n} (character or symbol that represents a word or phrase) | :: ideogrammi, logografi |
logography {n} (use of logographs in writing) | :: käsitekirjoitus, ideografia |
logography {n} (use of logotypes in design and printing) | :: logotypia |
logological {adj} /ˌlɑɡ.oʊˈlɑdʒ.ɨ.kəl/ (of or pertaining to logology) | :: sanaopillinen, sanaseppomainen |
logological {adj} (linguistics: of or pertaining to conceptual patterns or mental categories of words) | :: sanaopillinen |
logological {adj} (theology: of or pertaining to the doctrine of logos) | :: logologinen |
logology {n} (scientific study of words) | :: sanaoppi |
logology {n} (study of logos) | :: logotutkimus |
logology {n} (study of words for recreation) | :: sanaseppoilu |
logology {n} (religion: study of words in search for God) | :: logologia |
logomachy {n} /loʊˈɡɑ.mə.ki/ (conflict waged only as a battle of words) | :: sanaharkka, sanasota |
log on {v} (log in) SEE: log in | :: |
logopedics {n} (study and correction of speech defects) | :: logopedia |
logopedist {n} (logopedist) | :: logopedi |
logophoric {adj} (being a logophor) | :: logoforinen |
logorrhea {n} /ˌlɒ.ɡəˈɹɪ.ə/ (excessive talkativeness) | :: puheripuli |
logorrhea {n} (excessive and often uncontrollable speaking due to a mental disorder) | :: puhetulva |
logorrhea {n} (excessive use of words in writing) SEE: prolixity | :: |
logos {n} /ˈloʊɡoʊs/ (form of rhetoric in which the writer or speak uses logic) | :: järkeen vetoaminen, logos |
Logos {prop} (rational principle in Ancient Greek philosophy) | :: logos |
Logos {prop} ((Christianity) the Word of God) | :: Sana, Logos |
Logos {prop} ((Christianity) the word of God as incarnate) | :: Logos |
logotype {n} (symbol used by organization, logo) | :: logo |
logotype {n} (single type two letters, a ligature) | :: ligatuuri |
log out {v} (to exit an account in a computing system) | :: kirjautua ulos |
Logroño {prop} /ləˈɡɹoʊnjoʊ/ (capital city of La Rioja, Spain) | :: Logroño |
-logy {suffix} /ləd͡ʒi/ (branch of learning) | :: -logia, -oppi |
loin {n} /lɔɪn/ (part of the body) | :: lanteet {p}, kupeet {p} |
loin {n} (cut of meat) | :: kylki [beef], kyljysrivi, kyljysselkä [pork, mutton]; kuve, selkä; ranskanpaisti, kylkipaisti |
loincloth {n} (garment) | :: lannevaate |
loins {n} (plural form of loin) SEE: loin | :: |
Lois {prop} /ˈləʊ.ɪs/ (biblical character) | :: Loois |
loiter {v} /ˈlɔɪtɚ/ (to stand about without any aim or purpose) | :: maleksia, roikkua, seisoksia, munia |
loiterer {n} (a person who loiters) | :: norkoilija, vetelehtijä |
loitering {n} (The action of the verb loiter) | :: norkoilu, aikailu, oleilu |
Lojban {prop} /ˈlɒʒbæn/ (artificial logical language based on Loglan) | :: lojban |
Lojban {adj} (of or relating to Lojban) | :: lojbanin [genitive of noun], lojbaninkielinen |
lokun {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor | :: |
lol {interj} (Used to express laughter) SEE: LOL | :: |
LOL {interj} /ɛl.oʊˈɛl/ (expression of laughter) | :: lol, reps, naur, huutista |
LOL {interj} (denotes light-heartedness or unseriousness) | :: lol, naur, reps |
lolita {n} (sexually alluring girl) | :: lolita |
loll {v} /lɒl/ (to act lazily or indolently) | :: laiskotella, loikoilla, löhötä |
loll {v} (to hang extended from the mouth) | :: roikkua |
loll {v} (to let the tongue hang from the mouth in this way) | :: roikuttaa suustaan |
lollapalooza {n} /ˌlɑləpəˈluzə/ (outstanding; extreme; outrageous example of its kind) | :: omituisuus, kummallisuus |
lollipop {n} /lɑ.li.pɑp/ (confectionery on a stick) | :: tikkari, tikkukaramelli |
lolly {n} (money) SEE: money | :: |
lolly {n} (confection) SEE: confection | :: |
lolly {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop | :: |
lolly ice {n} (frozen juice) | :: mehujää |
Lombard {n} /ˈlɒmbɑː(ɹ)d/ (member of a Germanic people) | :: langobardi |
Lombard {n} (native of Lombardy) | :: lombardialainen |
Lombard {prop} (language of Lombardy) | :: lombardi |
Lombard {n} (banker or moneylender) SEE: banker | :: |
Lombard rate {n} (interest rate) | :: Lombard-korko |
Lombard Street {prop} (money and capital market of London) | :: Lombard Street |
Lombardy {prop} /ˈlɑmbəɹdi/ (region in northern Italy) | :: Lombardia |
London {prop} /ˈlʌn.dən/ (in the United Kingdom) | :: Lontoo |
London {prop} (in Canada) | :: London |
London {prop} (of, from or pertaining to London in the UK) | :: lontoolainen |
Londoner {n} /ˈlʌn.dən.ə(ɹ)/ (person from or inhabitant of London) | :: lontoolainen |
Londonian {n} (Londoner) SEE: Londoner | :: |
Londonian {adj} (of or relating to London) | :: lontoolainen |
Londonish {adj} (of or from London) | :: lontoolainen |
London Underground {prop} (the London underground) | :: Lontoon metro |
lone {adj} /loʊn/ (having no companion) | :: yksinäinen |
lone {adj} (isolated) | :: yksinäinen |
lone {adj} (sole) | :: yksi, ainoa |
lone {adj} (situated with no neighbours) | :: yksinäinen |
loneliness {n} /ˈloʊnlinəs/ (condition of being lonely) | :: yksinäisyys |
lonely {adj} /ˈloʊnli/ (of person: unhappy by feeling isolated) | :: yksinäinen |
lonely {adj} (solitary) SEE: solitary | :: |
loner {n} /ˈloʊnɚ/ (one who lacks or avoids company) | :: yksineläjä, erakko, yksinäinen susi |
lonesome {adj} /ˈloʊnsəm/ (unhappy due to being alone) | :: yksinäinen |
lone wolf {n} (wolf that is not part of a pack) | :: yksinäinen susi |
lone wolf {n} (person who avoids the company of others) | :: yksinäinen susi |
lone wolf {n} (criminal who acts alone) | :: yksinäinen susi |
long {adj} /ˈlɒŋ/ (having much distance from one point to another) | :: pitkä |
long {adj} (having great duration) | :: pitkä, pitkäaikainen |
long {adj} (finance: possessing or owning financial instruments) | :: pitkä |
long {adj} (tennis: bounces behind the baseline) | :: pitkä |
long {adv} (over a great distance) | :: kauas |
long {adv} (particular duration) | :: kauan |
long {adv} (long duration) | :: kauan |
long {v} (to wait, to aspire) | :: ikävöidä |
long {adj} (not short) SEE: tall | :: |
long absent, soon forgotten {proverb} (love fades away when people are distant) | :: poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä |
long ago {adv} (at a time in the distant past) | :: kauan sitten |
longan {n} /ˈlɒŋɡən/ (tree) | :: longaani |
longan {n} (fruit) | :: longaani |
long arm of the law {n} (influence or effectiveness of law enforcement) | :: lain pitkä koura, lain koura |
long-billed dowitcher {n} (Limnodromus scolopaceus) | :: tundrakurppelo |
longboard {v} (large skateboard) | :: lonkkari |
longboard {v} (spine board) SEE: spine board | :: |
long bone {n} (slender bone of extremity) | :: putkiluu |
longbow {n} /ˈlɒŋbəʊ/ (large bow) | :: pitkäjousi |
longbowman {n} (archer who uses a longbow) | :: pitkäjousimies |
longcase clock {n} (grandfather clock) SEE: grandfather clock | :: |
long corner {n} (field hockey: type of free hit) | :: pitkä kulma |
long corner {n} (soccer: type of corner kick) | :: pitkä kulmapotku |
long-distance {adj} (over a great length) | :: pitkän matkan |
long-distance {adj} (referring to non-local phone call) | :: kauko- [see: kaukopuhelu] |
long-distance {adj} (referring to a romantic relationship: between two people with a considerable distance between them) | :: etä- [see: etäsuhde] |
long drink {n} (large mixed drink) | :: pitkä juoma, lonkero |
longe {v} /lʌndʒ/ (work a horse in a circle) | :: juoksuttaa |
longe {n} (long rope used while longeing) | :: juoksutusliina |
long-eared owl {n} /ˌlɒŋɪədˈaʊl/ (Asio otus) | :: sarvipöllö |
longevity {n} /lɒŋˈdʒɛ.vɪ.ti/ (the quality of being long-lasting, especially of life) | :: pitkäikäisyys |
long face {n} (expression of sadness and disappointment or gloom) | :: synkkä ilme |
long-faced {adj} (displaying sadness) | :: synkkäilmeinen |
long for {v} (to have desire for; to yearn) | :: ikävöidä, kaivata |
long for {v} (to miss) | :: ikävöidä, kaivata |
longhorn beetle {n} (any Cerambycid) | :: sarvijäärä |
longhouse {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
longhouse {n} (communal dwelling) | :: pitkätalo |
longimanous {adj} (having long hands) | :: pitkäkätinen |
longing {n} /ˈlɔːŋɪŋ/ (melancholic desire) | :: kaipuu, kaipaus, ikävä |
long in the tooth {adj} (old, aged) | :: vanha |
Long Island {prop} /ˌlɔŋ ˈaɪlənd/ (island in New York) | :: Long Island |
Long Island {prop} (a district of the Bahamas) | :: Long Island |
Long Island iced tea {n} (cocktail made with iced tea) | :: Long Islandin jäätee |
longitude {n} /ˈlɑndʒəˌtud/ (angular distance) | :: pituusaste, pituus |
longitude {n} (imaginary line through North Pole and South Pole) | :: pituuspiiri, meridiaani, longitudi |
longitudinal {adj} /ˌlɑndʒəˈtuːdənəl/ (running in the direction of the long axis of a body) | :: pitkittäinen |
longitudinal {adj} (forward and/or backward, relative to some defined direction) | :: pitkittäis- |
longitudinal wave {n} (type of wave) | :: pitkittäisaalto |
long johns {n} (full-length undergarments) | :: pitkät alusvaatteet |
long johns {n} (garment for bottom half of the body) | :: pitkät alushousut |
long jump {n} (athletics field event) | :: pituushyppy |
long jump {v} (to perform long jump) | :: hypätä pituutta |
long jumper {n} (athlete) | :: pituushyppääjä |
long-lasting {adj} (persisting or enduring for a long time) | :: kestävä, pitkäikäinen, pitkäkestoinen |
long-legged {adj} (having long legs) | :: pitkäjalkainen |
longline {n} (very long fishing line with multiple hooks) | :: pitkäsiima |
long live {v} (prosper) | :: eläköön, kauan eläköön |
long-lived {adj} /ˈlɒŋˈlaɪvd/ (having a long lifespan; surviving for a long period of time) | :: pitkäikäinen |
long-lost {adj} (having been missing for a long period of time) | :: kauan kaivattu |
Long March {prop} (military retreat) | :: pitkä marssi |
longneck {n} (longneck eel) SEE: longneck eel | :: |
longneck eel {n} (type of pelagic fish) | :: serpentiiniankerias |
long pepper {n} (Piper longum, or its fruit) | :: pitkäpippuri |
long-playing {adj} (referring to certain type of records) | :: LP-, pitkäsoitto- |
long service leave {n} (additional employee vacation) | :: lisäloma pitkästä palvelusta |
longship {n} (type of Viking vessel) | :: pitkävene, viikinkilaiva |
longshoreman {n} (man employed to load and unload ships) | :: ahtaaja |
long since {adv} (long ago) SEE: long ago | :: |
long-span {adj} (spanning a long period of time) | :: pitkäjänteinen |
long-spined bullhead {n} (Taurulus bubalis) | :: piikkisimppu |
longspur {n} (a bird of the genus Calcarius) | :: preeriasirkku |
longstanding {adj} (longstanding) SEE: long-standing | :: |
long-standing {adj} (having existed for a long time) | :: pitkäaikainen |
long story short {adv} (Introducing a short version of, or simply the conclusion of, an involved story) | :: lyhyesti sanottuna |
long-suffering {adj} (having endured discomfort) | :: pitkämielinen |
longsword {n} /ˈlɑŋsɔɚd/ (a kind of sword) | :: pitkämiekka |
long-tailed duck {n} (Clangula hyemalis) | :: alli |
long-tailed jaeger {n} (Stercorarius longicaudus) | :: tunturikihu, tunturikihu |
long-tailed macaque {n} (Macaca fascicularis) SEE: crab-eating macaque | :: |
long-tailed pangolin {n} (Manis tetradactyla) | :: pitkähäntämuurahaiskäpy |
long-tailed shrike {n} (Lanius schach) | :: ruskoperälepinkäinen |
long-tailed tit {n} (bird) | :: pyrstötiainen |
long-term {adj} (becoming evident after a relatively long time period) | :: pitkän aikavälin |
long-term {adj} (extending over a relatively long time period) | :: pitkän aikavälin, pitkäaikainen, pitkäaikais-, pitkäjänteinen, pitkäkestoinen |
long-term memory {n} | :: säilömuisti, pitkäkestoinen muisti |
long time no see {interj} (idiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time) | :: pitkästä aikaa |
long-toed stint {n} (Calidris subminuta) | :: siperiansirri |
long ton {n} (avoirdupois ton) | :: pitkä tonni |
long underwear {n} (two-piece underwear) | :: pitkät alusvaatteet |
long ways, long lies {proverb} /ˈlɒŋ ˌweɪz ˈlɒŋ ˌlaɪz/ (Proverb) | :: syrjäisistä paikoista on helppo valehdella |
long weekend {n} (weekend extended by one or more days off) | :: pitkä viikonloppu |
lonsdaleite {n} (mineral) | :: lonsdaleiitti |
loo {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
loofah {n} (tropical vine) | :: pesusienikurkku |
loofah {n} (dried fibrous interior used as a sponge) | :: pesusieni |
loogie {n} /ˈluːɡi/ (sputum) | :: räkä |
look {v} /lʊk/ (to try to see) | :: katsoa |
look {v} (to appear, to seem) | :: näyttää, vaikuttaa |
look {v} (give an appearance of being) | :: näyttää; etsiä |
look {v} (to face) | :: [check usage!] sijaita |
look {v} (to expect) | :: odottaa |
look {v} (to make sure of) | :: huolehtia |
look {interj} (interjection to attract attention) | :: katsos, katsokaas [plural] |
look {n} (action of looking) | :: katsominen |
look {n} (physical appearance) | :: ulkonäkö |
look {n} (facial expression) | :: ilme, katse |
look after {v} (to watch, to protect) | :: huolehtia, vahtia |
lookalike {n} /ˈlʊkəlaɪk/ (person physically resembling another person) | :: kaksoisolento, [adjective] näköinen |
look and feel {n} (visual design and behaviour of a user interface) | :: käyttötuntuma |
look at {v} (to observe or watch) | :: katsoa, valvoa |
look at {v} (to study visually) | :: katsella, tutkailla |
look at {v} (to consider) | :: harkita |
look back {v} (look behind oneself) | :: katsoa taakseen |
look back {v} (reminisce about the past) | :: muistella |
look before you leap {proverb} (think before taking action) | :: parempi katsoa kuin katua |
look daggers {v} | :: mulkoilla, katsoa vihamielisesti |
look down on {v} (to regard or treat as inferior) | :: ylenkatsoa, halveksia |
looker {n} (one that looks actively) | :: katsoja |
looker {n} (one having a specific look) | :: näky, ilmestys |
looker {n} (slang: good-looking one) | :: hyvännäköinen, komistus, kaunotar |
look for {v} (search; seek) | :: etsiä, hakea |
look for trouble {v} (ask for it) SEE: ask for it | :: |
look forward to {v} (anticipate, expect, or wait for) | :: odottaa innolla [eagerly], odottaa jännityksellä [excitedly], odottaa mielenkiinnolla [with interest] |
looking-glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror | :: |
look like {v} (seem, appear) | :: näyttää siltä, että |
look like {v} (be similar in appearance, resemble) | :: muistuttaa (+partitive), näyttää (+ablative) |
look out {v} (to look from within to the outside) | :: katsoa ulos |
look out {v} (to be vigilant and aware) | :: varoa, olla varuillaan |
lookout {n} /ˈlʊkaʊt/ (vantage point with a view of the surrounding area) | :: näköalapaikka, tarkkailupiste |
lookout {n} (person on watch for approaching enemy, police, etc.) | :: vartiomies, tähystäjä |
lookout {n} (subject for observation) | :: näköala, näkymä |
lookout {n} (perspective, outlook, responsibility) | :: asia, ongelma, murhe |
look over {v} (to scan-read and check) | :: tarkistaa |
looks {n} /lʊks/ (appearance) | :: ulkonäkö |
look the part {v} (appear suitable for a particular kind of work) | :: vaikuttaa sopivalta |
look up {v} (used other than as an idiom) | :: katsoa (ylös), katsella (ylös) |
look up {v} (to have better prospects, to improve) | :: näyttää hyvältä, näyttää lupaavalta |
look up {v} (to obtain information about something from a text source) | :: katsoa |
lookup table {n} | :: hakutaulu, hakutaulukko |
look up to {v} (To show respect for) | :: ihailla, kunnioittaa |
look who's talking {phrase} | :: (siinä on) paraskin puhuja |
loom {n} /lum/ (utensil, tool, article) | :: kalu |
loom {n} (weaving frame) | :: kangaspuut |
loom {n} (part of an oar) | :: varsi |
loom {n} (impend, threaten, hang over) | :: häämöttää, siintää, kuvastua |
loom {n} (bird of order Gaviiformes) SEE: loon | :: |
loon {n} /ˈluːn/ (idler) | :: lusmu |
loon {n} (a crazy person) | :: sekopää, hullu, seko |
loon {n} (bird of order Gaviiformes) | :: kuikka |
loong {n} (Chinese dragon) SEE: Chinese dragon | :: |
loony {adj} (very silly) SEE: silly | :: |
loony {adj} /ˈluːni/ (insane) | :: hullu |
loony {n} (an insane or very foolish person) | :: hullu, kahjo, kaheli |
loop {n} /luːp/ (length of thread, line or rope) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (complete circuit for an electric current) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (programmed sequence of instructions) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (edge that begins and ends on the same vertex of a graph) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (topology: path that starts and ends at the same point) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (transportation route that starts and ends at the same point) | :: ympyräreitti |
loop {n} (quasigroup with an identity element) | :: luuppi |
loop {n} (loop-shaped intrauterine device) | :: kierukka |
loop {n} (aircraft maneuver) | :: silmukka |
loop {n} (flexible region in a protein's secondary structure) | :: silmukka |
loop {v} (transitive: to form into a loop) | :: muodostaa silmukka |
loop {v} (to fasten or encircle with a rope) | :: köyttää |
loop {v} (to create an endless loop in a computer program) | :: jumittaa |
loop {v} (to create an error in a computer program so that it runs in an endless loop) | :: jumittaa |
loop {v} (intransitive: to form a loop) | :: muodostua silmukaksi |
loop {n} (ring road) SEE: ring road | :: |
looper {n} (measuring worm) SEE: measuring worm | :: |
loophole {n} /ˈluːphəʊl/ (slit in a castle wall) | :: ampuma-aukko |
loophole {n} (method of escape) | :: porsaanreikä |
loo roll {n} (toilet roll) SEE: toilet roll | :: |
loose {v} /luːs/ (to let loose) | :: vapauttaa, irrottaa |
loose {v} (to unfasten) | :: irrottaa |
loose {v} (to make less tight) | :: löysätä |
loose {v} (to let go) | :: päästää irti |
loose {v} (archery: to shoot) | :: ampua |
loose {adj} (not fixed tightly) | :: löysä, irti |
loose {adj} (not packaged) | :: irtonainen, irto- |
loose {adj} (not fitting tightly) | :: väljä, avara |
loose {adj} (not compact) | :: irtonainen, irto- |
loose {adj} (relaxed) | :: rento, sulava, irtonainen |
loose {adj} (indiscreet) | :: löyhä, huolimaton |
loose {adj} (promiscuous) | :: löyhätapainen, epäsiveellinen |
loose {adj} (not leashed) SEE: unleashed | :: |
loose cannon {n} (unpredictable person) | :: kävelevä katastrofi |
loose change {n} (coins kept in one's pocket or bag) | :: pikkuraha |
loose change {n} (small sum of money) | :: pikkuraha |
loose connection {n} (imperfect connection in electric wiring) | :: kosketushäiriö |
loose ends {n} (leftover items) | :: rästit {p} |
loose-fitting {adj} (not tight) | :: väljä |
looseleaf {adj} (consisting of loose leaves) | :: irtolehti- |
loosely {adv} /ˈluːsli/ (not tightly) | :: löysästi, irtonaisesti |
loosen {v} /ˈluːsn̩/ (to make less tight) | :: löysätä, höllätä, löyhentää |
loosen {v} (to free from restraint; to set at liberty) | :: vapauttaa, irrottaa |
loosen {v} (to remove costiveness) | :: helpottaa |
looseness {n} /ˈluːsnəs/ (The property of being loose) | :: löysyys, löyhyys |
loosen the purse strings {v} (to increase or allow to increase spending) | :: hellittää kukkaron nyörejä |
loose-tongued {adj} (garrulous, gossipy) | :: löyhäsuinen |
loot {n} /luːt/ (the proceeds of theft, robbery etc., swag, contraband) | :: ryöstösaalis |
loot {n} (money) | :: raha, fyrkka [slang] |
loot {v} (to steal from) | :: ryöstää |
lope {v} /loʊp/ (to travel an easy pace with long strides) | :: harppoa |
Lopingian {adj} (of epoch from 260 to 251 million years ago) | :: myöhäispermikautinen |
Lopingian {prop} (Lopingian epoch) | :: myöhäispermikausi, Loping-epookki |
lopsided {adj} /ˈlɑp.saɪ.dɪd/ (not balanced) | :: toispuolinen, vino |
loquacious {adj} /loʊˈkweɪʃəs/ (talkative, chatty) | :: puhelias, suulas |
loquaciously {adv} (in a loquacious manner) | :: puheliaasti, suulaasti |
loquacity {n} (talkativeness) | :: puheliaisuus |
loquat {n} /ˈloʊkwɑt/ (fruit) | :: japaninmispeli |
loquat {n} (tree) | :: japaninmispeli |
lord {n} /lɔːd/ (master of a household) | :: isäntä, herra |
lord {n} (property owner) | :: omistaja, maanomistaja, kartanonherra, isäntä |
lord {n} (ruler, one having mastery over others) | :: johtaja, hallitsija, valtias |
lord {n} (aristocrat) | :: aristokraatti, ylhäisyys, lordi |
lord {n} (titled nobleman) | :: aatelinen, aatelismies |
lord {v} (to lord over) | :: ylvästellä, esiintyä herrana, herrastella |
Lord {prop} /lɔɹd/ (God) | :: Herra |
Lord {prop} (Jesus) | :: Herra |
Lord {n} (British aristocratic title) | :: lordi |
lords and ladies {n} (cuckoopint) SEE: cuckoopint | :: |
lordship {n} /ˈlɔɹd.ʃɪp/ (state or condition of being a lord) | :: lordius |
lordship {n} (title) | :: korkeus, ylhäisyys |
lordship {n} (seigniory, domain, territory ruled by a lord) | :: lordikunta |
lordship {n} (dominion, power, authority) | :: herruus |
Lord's Prayer {prop} (the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples) | :: Herran rukous, Isä meidän -rukous, Isä Meidän |
Lord's Supper {prop} (Eucharist) SEE: Eucharist | :: |
Lord's Supper {prop} (Last Supper) SEE: Last Supper | :: |
Lord willing and the creek don't rise {phrase} (phrase) | :: jos Luoja suo |
lore {n} /lɔɹ/ (all the facts and traditions about a particular subject) | :: perimätieto |
lore {n} (the backstory created around a fictional universe) | :: taustatarina |
Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction {n} (Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction) | :: pituuskontraktio |
Lorentz force {n} (force) | :: Lorentzin voima |
Lorentz transformation {n} (mathematics) | :: Lorentz-muunnos |
lorenzenite {n} (mineral) | :: ramsayiitti, lorenzeniitti |
lorgnette {n} /lɒɹnjɛt/ (an opera glass with a handle) | :: lornetti |
lorikeet {n} /lɒɹɪˈkiːt/ (any of various parrots) | :: sateenkaariluri, silmälasiluri, lurikki |
Lorraine {prop} /ləˈɹeɪn/ (region west of Alsace) | :: Lothringen |
lorry {n} (motor vehicle) SEE: truck | :: |
lorry driver {n} (person employed to drive a truck) SEE: truck driver | :: |
lory {n} /ˈlɒɹi/ (small parrot) | :: luri |
Los Angeles {prop} /lɔs ˈændʒələs/ (largest city in California) | :: Los Angeles |
lose {v} /luːz/ (cause (something) to cease to be in one's possession or capability) | :: menettää |
lose {v} ((transitive) fail to win) | :: hävitä |
lose {v} (shed (weight)) | :: pudottaa (painoa) |
lose {v} (have (somebody of one's kin) die) | :: menettää |
lose {v} (be unable to follow or trace (somebody or something) any longer) | :: kadottaa |
lose {v} (informal: shed, remove, discard, eliminate) | :: ottaa pois |
lose {v} (fail to be the winner) | :: hävitä |
lose count {v} (to forget the number of times that something has happened) | :: seota laskuissa |
lose face {v} (lose respect of others) | :: menettää kasvonsa |
lose ground {v} | :: menettää jalansijaa |
lose heart {v} (to despair) | :: tulla epätoivoiseksi, vaipua epätoivoon |
lose one's balance {v} (unsteady) SEE: unsteady | :: |
lose one's life {v} (to die) | :: menettää henkensä, heittää veivinsä |
lose one's lunch {v} (slang: to vomit) | :: yrjötä |
lose one's rag {v} (colloquial: to become angry) | :: repiä pelihousunsa |
lose one's shit {v} (vulgar: to lose one's temper) | :: alkaa vituttaa, saada paskahalvaus |
lose one's shit {v} (to have a sudden burst of emotion) | :: saada hepuli |
lose one's temper {v} /luːz wʌnz tɛmpə(ɹ)/ (to be explosively angry) | :: raivostua, polttaa päreensä, menettää malttinsa, hypätä kattoon |
lose one's virginity {v} (to stop being a virgin after the first sexual intercourse) | :: menettää neitsyytensä |
lose one's way {v} (get lost) SEE: get lost | :: |
lose patience {v} | :: menettää kärsivällisyytensä, menettää malttinsa |
loser {n} /luzɚ/ (person who fails to win) | :: häviäjä |
loser {n} (person who is frequently unsuccessful in life) | :: epäonnistuja, luuseri |
loser {n} (contemptible or unfashionable person) | :: luuseri |
loser {n} (one who loses something) | :: hukkaaja; laihduttaja [one who loses weight] |
lose sight of {v} (be no longer able to see) | :: kadottaa näkyvistään |
lose sight of {v} (fail to remember) | :: unohtaa, lyödä laimin, hylätä |
lose the plot {v} (to lose sight of the objective) | :: menettää otteensa |
lose time {v} (of a clock: to go slow and not keep accurate time) | :: jätättää |
lose time {v} (of a person etc.: to fall behind schedule) | :: jäädä jälkeen, myöhästyä |
lose touch {v} (lose contact with) | :: menettää yhteys, vieraantua |
lose weight {v} (to become less heavy or obese) | :: laihtua, laihduttaa |
losing streak {n} (sequence of losses) | :: tappioputki |
losing streak {n} (slang: menstruation) | :: menkat |
loss {n} /lɔs/ (the result of no longer possessing something) | :: menetys, väheneminen, tappio, hävikki, häviö |
loss {n} (destruction or ruin of an object) | :: tuho, tuhoutuminen |
loss {n} (something destroyed) | :: menetys |
loss {n} (defeat, see also: defeat) | :: tappio, häviö |
loss {n} (the death of a person or animal) | :: lähtö [of a single person, animal, etc.], poistuminen [of a single person, animal, etc.], kuolonuhrit {p} ["losses"] |
loss {n} (grief caused by losing someone or something) | :: menetys |
loss {n} (financial: the sum lost on balance) | :: tappio |
loss {n} (engineering: power expended without doing useful work) | :: häviö |
loss leader {n} /ˈlɒs ˈliːdə(ɹ)/ (item sold at or below cost to stimulate sales) | :: sisäänheittotuote, tarjoustuote |
lossless {adj} /ˈlɒs.ləs/ (not losing information) | :: häviötön |
loss of face {n} (loss of respect of others) | :: kasvojen menetys |
lossy {adj} /ˈlɔsi/ (subject to loss of signal strength) | :: häviöllinen |
lossy {adj} (subject to various forms of power loss) | :: häviöllinen |
lossy {adj} (reducing the amount of information in data) | :: häviöllinen |
lost {adj} /lɔst/ (unable to find one's way) | :: eksynyt, eksyksissä |
lost {adj} (in an unknown location) | :: kadonnut, kadoksissa, hukassa |
lost {adj} (not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible) | :: kadonnut |
lost {adj} (parted with; no longer held or possessed) | :: menetetty, hukattu |
lost {adj} (not employed or enjoyed; thrown away) | :: hukattu |
lost {adj} (ruined or destroyed) | :: kadonnut, kadotettu |
lost {adj} (hardened beyond sensibility or recovery) | :: paatunut |
lost {adj} (occupied with, or under the influence of, something) | :: uppoutunut |
lost and found {n} (department, service or location where items that are found can be claimed by their owners) | :: löytötavaratoimisto |
lost cause {n} (a cause, attempt, or effort that is hopeless or futile) | :: toivoton tapaus |
lost errand {n} (A mission likely to fail) | :: hukkareissu |
lost generation {prop} | :: kadotettu sukupolvi |
lost in translation {adj} (unable to be understood due to having been poorly translated) | :: kadota käännöksessä |
lost property {n} (lost and found) SEE: lost and found | :: |
Lost River Range {prop} (group of high mountains located in central Idaho) | :: Lost River Range |
lost sheep {n} (disadvantaged or marginalized person) | :: eksynyt lammas |
lost soul {n} (a soul or person destined to go to hell) | :: menetetty sielu |
lost soul {n} (a person lacking direction or motivation in life) | :: eksynyt sielu |
lost weekend {n} (period of several days in which one indulges in activities such as binge drinking, drug-taking and sex) | :: viikonloppuputki |
lost with all hands {adj} (destroyed or sunk, while all passengers and crew died) | :: menetetty matkustajineen ja miehistöineen |
lot {n} /lɒt/ (separate portion; number of things taken collectively) | :: erä |
lot {n} (one or more items auctioned or sold as a unit) | :: erä, huutokauppaerä |
lot {n} (informal: a number of people taken collectively) | :: joukko |
lot {n} (distinct portion or plot of land) | :: tontti |
lot {n} (that which happens without human design or forethought) | :: kohtalo, osa |
lot {n} (anything used in determining a question by chance) | :: arpa |
lot {n} (part or fate) | :: osa, kohtalo |
lot {n} (prize in a lottery) | :: voitto, arpajaisvoitto |
lot {n} (allotment, lottery) | :: arpa |
lot {n} (all members of a set) | :: kaikki |
lot {n} (old unit of weight) | :: luoti |
lot {n} (large quantity or number) SEE: a lot | :: |
Lot {prop} /lɑt/ (nephew of Abraham) | :: Loot |
Lothario {n} /loʊˈθɛəɹioʊ/ (seducer) | :: naistenmies |
lotion {n} /ˈloʊʃən/ (ointment that one rubs on the skin) | :: voide |
lot number {n} (identification number) | :: eränumero |
lots {n} (lots) SEE: a lot | :: |
lottery {n} /ˈlɑtɚi/ (scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance) | :: arpajaiset {p}, arvonta |
lottery {n} (affair of chance) | :: arpapeli, onnenpeli, onnenkauppa |
lottery ticket {n} (slip of paper drawn in a lottery) | :: arpalippu |
lotto {n} (game of chance similar to bingo) | :: lotto |
lotto {n} (lottery) | :: arpajaiset {p} |
lotus {n} (Nymphaea) SEE: water lily | :: |
lotus {n} /ˈloʊtəs/ (plant of the genus Nelumbo) | :: lootus |
lotus {n} (legendary plant) | :: lootus |
lotus {n} (plant of the genus Lotus) | :: maite |
lotus {n} (architectural motif) | :: lootus |
lotus {n} (Diospyros lotus) SEE: date plum | :: |
lotus eater {n} | :: lootofagit |
lotus foot {n} (foot whose shape has been altered by footbinding) | :: lootusjalka |
lotus nut {n} (lotus seed) SEE: lotus seed | :: |
lotus position {n} (cross-legged sitting position in which the feet are resting on the thigh of the opposite leg) | :: lootusasento |
lotus seed {n} (seed from the plants in the genus Nelumbo) | :: lootuksensiemen |
lotus shoe {n} (specially shaped shoe used for footbinding) | :: lootuskenkä |
loud {adj} /laʊd/ (of a sound) | :: äänekäs, kova, luja |
loud {adj} (noisy) | :: äänekäs, kovaääninen |
loud {adj} (of a colour, clothing, etc.) | :: räikeä |
loud and clear {adv} (in a clear and easily understandable manner) | :: selvästi |
loudly {adv} /ˈlaʊdli/ (in a loud manner) | :: kovaa |
loudmouth {n} (one who talks too much or too loudly) | :: suupaltti |
loudmouthed {adj} (loud, indiscreet) | :: kovaääninen |
loudness {n} (perceptual strength or amplitude of sound pressure) | :: äänekkyys |
loudness {n} (the physical strength of the sound pressure level) | :: äänenvoimakkuus |
loudness race {n} (public backlash) SEE: loudness war | :: |
loudness war {n} (practice of producing ever louder versions of music recordings) | :: äänekkyyssota |
loudspeaker {n} /ˈlaʊdspiːkɚ/ (transducer) | :: kaiutin, kajari, kovaääninen, ämyri |
loudspeaker {n} (encasing) | :: kaiutin, kajari, kovaääninen, ämyri |
Lou Gehrig's disease {n} (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) SEE: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | :: |
Louis {prop} /ˈlu.ɪs/ (male given name) | :: Ludvig [historical only] |
Louisa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Louise | :: |
louis d'or {n} /ˌluːɪ ˈdɔː/ (any gold coin introduced in France by Louis XIII) | :: louis d'or |
Louise {prop} /luːˈiːz/ (feminine form of Louis) | :: Loviisa |
Louisiana {prop} /luːˌiːziˈænə/ (US state) | :: Louisiana |
lounge {n} /laʊndʒ/ (waiting room) | :: odotushuone |
lounge {n} (living room) | :: olohuone |
lounge {n} (establishment) | :: baari |
lounge {v} (to relax) | :: oleilla, oleskella |
loupe {n} /luːp/ (magnifying glass often used by jewellers and watchmakers) | :: luuppi |
loupe {n} (type of binoculars used by surgeons and dentists) | :: luuppi |
lour {v} /laʊə/ (to frown; to look sullen) | :: murjottaa |
lour {v} (to be dark, gloomy, and threatening, as clouds) | :: uhata |
lourie {n} (bird of the family Musophagidae) | :: turako |
louse {n} /laʊs/ (insect) | :: täi |
louse {n} (worthless person) | :: luopio, hylkiö, epatto |
louse fly {n} (Hippoboscidae) SEE: ked | :: |
louse up {v} (to mess up) | :: sotkea |
lousewort {n} (plant of the genus Pedicularis) | :: kuusio |
lousy {adj} /laʊ.zi/ (remarkably bad; of poor quality, dirty, or underhanded) | :: surkea |
lout {n} /laʊt/ (troublemaker) | :: lurjus |
lout {n} (bumpkin) | :: lurjus |
Louvain {prop} (Belgian city) | :: Leuven |
Louvre {prop} /ˈluːv(ɹə)/ (an art museum in France) | :: Louvre |
lovable {adj} (inspiring love) | :: rakastettava, herttainen |
lovage {n} /ˈlʌvɪdʒ/ (a Mediterranean herb) | :: liperi |
love {n} /lʌv/ (zero) | :: nolla |
love {n} (strong affection) | :: rakkaus |
love {n} (object of one's romantic feelings; darling or sweetheart) | :: rakas, kulta, rakastettu, rakkaus |
love {n} (colloquial: term of friendly address) | :: kultaseni |
love {n} (euphemistic: sexual activity) | :: lempi |
love {n} (closing of a letter) | :: rakkaudella |
love {n} (thin silk material) | :: silkkiharso |
love {n} (Clematis vitalba) | :: saksankärhö |
love {v} (have a strong affection for) | :: rakastaa |
love {v} (to need, thrive on) | :: rakastaa, nauttia |
love {v} (be strongly inclined towards doing) | :: pitää paljon, pitää kovasti, rakastaa |
love {v} (care about; will good for) | :: rakastaa |
love {v} (to lust for) | :: himota |
love {v} ((euphemistic): to have sex with) | :: mennä sänkyyn jnk kanssa, rakastella jnk kanssa |
love affair {n} (adulterous relationship) | :: rakkausseikkailu, rakkausjuttu, rakkaussuhde |
love affair {n} (fondness) | :: rakkaussuhde |
love at first sight {n} (an instantaneous attraction) | :: rakkaus ensi silmäyksellä |
lovebird {n} (a parrot of the genus Agapornis) | :: kaijanen |
lovebird {n} (an affectionate couple (or a person thereof)) | :: kyyhkyläiset {p} |
love bite {n} (swelling on the skin) | :: fritsu, huunpurema |
love child {n} (child born as a result of a romantic liaison between unmarried parents) | :: avioton lapsi, lehtolapsi |
loved {adj} /lʌvd/ (Being the object of love) | :: rakastettu |
loved one {n} (very close friend or family member) | :: läheinen [family or friend]; omainen [family] |
loved one {n} (recently deceased friend or family member) | :: läheinen [family or friend]; omainen [family] |
love egg {n} (egg-shaped sex toy) | :: muna |
love grass {n} (grass of the genus Eragrostis) | :: röllinurmikka |
love handle {n} (protruding area of fat on the side of the body) | :: jenkkakahva |
love-hate {adj} (involving feelings of both love and hate, often simultaneously) | :: viha-rakkaus- [see viha-rakkaussuhde] |
love hotel {n} (short-stay hotel for sex) | :: tuntihotelli |
love-in-a-mist {n} (Nigella damascena) | :: tarhaneito |
love interest {n} (romantic relationship) SEE: romance | :: |
love is blind {proverb} (proverb) | :: rakkaus on sokea |
loveless {adj} (without love) | :: rakkaudeton |
love letter {n} (letter about the author's love) | :: rakkauskirje |
love life {n} (individual's amorous life) | :: rakkauselämä |
lovely {adj} /ˈlʌvli/ (Beautiful; charming; very pleasing in form, looks, tone, or manner.) | :: suloinen, viehättävä, miellyttävä |
lovely {adj} (very nice, wonderful) | :: ihana |
love match {n} (marriage based on mutual love) | :: rakkausavioliitto |
love potion {n} (philter) SEE: philter | :: |
lover {n} /ˈlʌvɚ/ (one who loves another person) | :: rakastaja, rakas |
lover {n} (sexual partner) | :: rakastaja |
lover {n} (person who loves something) | :: rakastaja |
love rat {n} (adulterer) SEE: adulterer | :: |
love scene {n} (segment in a film) | :: rakastelukohtaus |
love seat {n} (A sofa for two people) | :: kahdenistuttava sohva |
lovesick {adj} (behaving oddly due to love) | :: rakastunut [in love]; rakkaudesta sekaisin [adv.] |
lovesick {adj} (having an aching desire for one's beloved) | :: ikävöivä |
love song {n} (song about love) | :: rakkauslaulu |
lovestone {n} (ivy) | :: muratti |
love triangle {n} /ˈlʌv ˌtɹaɪ.æŋɡəl/ (situation in which two people vie for the love of a third) | :: kolmiodraama |
loving {adj} /ˈlʌvɪŋ/ (expressing a large amount of love) | :: rakastava |
lovingly {adv} (in a loving manner) | :: rakastavasti, rakastaen |
low {adj} /loʊ/ (in a position comparatively close to the ground) | :: matala, alhainen |
low {adj} (small in height) | :: matala |
low {adj} (situated below the normal level) | :: alhainen |
low {adj} (depressed, sad) | :: alakuloinen |
low {adj} (not high in amount or quantity) | :: alhainen, matala |
low {adj} (of pitch) | :: matala |
low {adj} (quiet; soft; not loud) | :: hiljainen, matala |
low {adj} (despicable) | :: alhainen, ala-arvoinen |
low {adj} (lacking health or vitality; feeble; weak) | :: alhainen [e.g. pulse]; heikko [weak, feeble] |
low {adj} (being near the equator) | :: matala |
low {adj} (humble in character or status) | :: vaatimaton [character]; vaatimaton, alhainen [status] |
low {adj} (simple in complexity or development) | :: yksinkertainen [complexity]; alhainen [development] |
low {adj} (designed for the slowest speed) | :: pieni [of gears] |
low {adj} (phonetics: articulated with a low position of part of the tongue in relation to the palate) | :: ala- |
low {adj} (not rich; plain; simple) | :: niukka |
low {n} (something that is low) | :: pohja |
low {n} (depressed mood or situation) | :: alakulo |
low {n} (area of low pressure) | :: matala, matalapaine |
low {n} (lowest-speed gearing of a power-transmission system) | :: ykkönen, ykkösvaihde |
low {adv} (with a low voice or sound) | :: hiljaa |
low {adv} (at a low price) | :: halvalla |
low {n} (flame) SEE: flame | :: |
low {v} (moo) SEE: moo | :: |
lowball {v} (to give an intentionally low estimate) | :: aliarvioida, arvioida alakanttiin |
lowball {v} (to give (a customer) a deceptively low price) | :: antaa huono tarjous |
lowball {v} (to make an offer well below an item's true value) | :: vedättää, antaa huono tarjous |
low blow {n} (an unfair or illegal blow in boxing) | :: isku vyön alle |
low blow {n} (an unfair attack) | :: isku vyön alle |
low-carb {adj} (low in carbohydrates) | :: matalahiilihydraattinen |
low-density lipoprotein {n} (type of lipoprotein) | :: LDL-kolesteroli |
low-enriched uranium {n} (low-enriched uranium) | :: matalarikasteinen uraani |
lower {v} /ˈloʊɚ/ (let (something) descend by its own weight, such as a bucket or sail) | :: laskea |
lower {v} (reduce the height of, as a fence or chimney) | :: madaltaa |
lower {v} (depress as to direction, as a gun) | :: laskea |
lower {v} (make less elevated as to object, as ambitions or hopes) | :: laskea |
lower {v} (reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of, as temperature) | :: laskea, alentaa |
lower {v} (transitive: to humble) | :: alentaa |
lower {v} (reflexive: to humble oneself) | :: alentua |
lower {v} (reduce (something) in value, amount, etc.) | :: alentaa |
lower {v} (to fall, to grow less) | :: laskea, alentua, vajeta |
lower {v} (intransitive: to decrease in value) | :: laskea, alentua |
lower arm {n} (section of an arm) SEE: forearm | :: |
lower back {n} (the lumbar region) | :: alaselkä |
lower case {n} /ˈləʊ.ə(ɹ)ˌkeɪs/ (lower case / lowercase (as a collective noun) or lower case letters (in the plural)) | :: gemena, pienaakkonen, pieni kirjain |
lowercase {adj} /ˈləʊ.ə(ɹ)ˌkeɪs/ (in lower case) | :: pienillä kirjaimilla kirjoitettu |
lower chamber {n} (lower house) SEE: lower house | :: |
lower class {n} (class of people) | :: alaluokka |
lower court {n} SEE: inferior court | :: |
Lower Egypt {prop} (Northern Egypt) | :: Ala-Egypti |
lower house {n} (part of a parliament) | :: alahuone |
lower limit {n} (the lower limit of a sequence of real numbers) | :: alaraja-arvo, alaraja |
lower lip {n} | :: alahuuli |
Lower Lusatian {prop} (Lower Sorbian) SEE: Lower Sorbian | :: |
lower one's guard {v} | :: herpaantua |
lower reaches {n} (the part of a river that is near where it ends) | :: alajuoksu |
lower respiratory tract {n} (part of respiratory tract) | :: alahengitystiet {p} |
Lower Saxony {prop} (state) | :: Ala-Saksi |
Lower Sorbian {prop} (a Slavic language spoken in part of Brandenburg) | :: alasorbi |
lower the bar {v} (to lower standards) | :: laskea rimaa |
lowest common denominator {n} (smallest multiple of several denominators) | :: pienin yhteinen nimittäjä |
lowest common denominator {n} (most simple shared interest) | :: pienin yhteinen nimittäjä |
low-fat {adj} (not having a high number of calories from fat) | :: vähärasvainen |
Low German {n} (West Germanic language) | :: alasaksa, alasaksi |
Low Germany {prop} (Northern Germany) | :: Alasaksa [archaic] |
lowland {n} (area which is lower than surroundings) | :: alanko |
low-level language {n} (computer language whose source code is a somewhat user-friendly version of a computer architecture's assembly language) | :: matalan tason kieli |
lowly {adj} /ˈləʊli/ (not lofty or sublime; humble) | :: vaatimaton |
low-lying {adj} (referring to places that are lower than nearby areas) | :: alava |
lowness {n} (property) | :: mataluus, alhaisuus |
lowness {n} (something vulgar) | :: rahvaanomaisuus, säädyttömyys |
low-pitched {adj} (having a low pitch) | :: möreä, matala |
low-resolution {adj} (having a low resolution) | :: matalaresoluutioinen |
Low Saxon {prop} (language or language group) | :: alasaksi |
Low Saxon {prop} (language) SEE: Low German | :: |
low season {n} (period of lowest demand) | :: matalasesonki |
low-speed {adj} (slower than normal speed) | :: hidas |
low tide {n} (the tide at its lowest level) | :: laskuvesi, luode |
low tide {n} (the time of day when the sea has recded to its lowest level) | :: laskuvesi, luode |
lox {n} /lɑks/ (type of smoked salmon) | :: kylmäsavulohi |
loxodrome {n} (A line which crosses successive meridians at a constant angle) SEE: rhumb line | :: |
loyal {adj} /ˈlɔɪəl/ (firm in allegiance to a person or institution) | :: lojaali, uskollinen |
loyally {adv} (in a loyal manner) | :: lojaalisti |
loyalness {n} (loyalty) SEE: loyalty | :: |
loyalty {n} /ˈlɔɪəlti/ (the state of being loyal; fidelity) | :: lojaalius, uskollisuus, luotettavuus |
loyalty {n} (faithfulness or devotion to some person, cause or nation) | :: lojaalius, uskollisuus |
lozenge {n} /ˈlɑzɪndʒ/ (rhombus) | :: neljäkäs, vinoneliö |
lozenge {n} (medicated sweet) | :: kurkkupastilli |
lubber {n} (inexperienced sailor) SEE: landlubber | :: |
lube {n} (lubricant) SEE: lubricant | :: |
lube {v} (lubricate) SEE: lubricate | :: |
lubricant {n} (substance used to reduce friction) | :: voiteluaine, liukastin, liukaste, liukastusaine, liukuvoide, liukkari |
lubricant {n} (personal lubricant) SEE: personal lubricant | :: |
lubricate {v} (to make slippery or smooth) | :: voidella |
lubrication {n} /lubɹɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the application of lubricants) | :: voitelu |
lubrication payment {n} (euphemism for a bribe) | :: voiteluraha |
Lucas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Luke | :: |
Lucasian {adj} /luːˈkeɪziən/ (pertaining to Henry Lucas) | :: Lucas- |
Lucerne {prop} (city) | :: Luzern |
Lucia {prop} (female given name) SEE: Lucy | :: |
Lucian {prop} /ˈluː.sɪən/ (sophist of Syrian origin) | :: Lukianos |
lucid {adj} /ˈl(j)uːsɪd/ (clear; easily understood) | :: selvä, selkeä |
lucid {adj} (mentally rational; sane) | :: selväpäinen, selkeä-älyinen |
lucid {adj} (bright, luminous, translucent or transparent) | :: selkeä, kirkas, läpikuultava, läpinäkyvä |
lucid dream {n} (lucid dream) | :: selkouni |
lucid dreaming {n} (Lucid dreaming) | :: selkouni |
Lucifer {prop} /ˈluːsɪfə/ (figure mentioned in Isaiah 14:12) | :: Kointähti |
Lucifer {prop} (Venus, the morning star) | :: kointähti, aamutähti |
luciferase {n} (biochemistry: any one of a group of enzymes that produce bioluminescence by oxidizing luciferin) | :: lusiferaasi |
Luciferianism {prop} (belief system that venerates the essential characteristics identified with Lucifer) | :: luciferilaisuus |
luciferin {n} (biochemistry: any of a class of polycyclic heterocycles) | :: lusiferiini |
Lucite {prop} (brand of tough transparent thermoplastic) | :: pleksilasi |
luck {n} /lʌk/ (something that happens to someone by chance) | :: onni, tuuri, [slang] munkki, säkä |
luckily {adv} /ˈlʌkɪli/ (in a lucky manner) | :: onneksi |
luck of the devil {n} (extraordinary or recurring luck) | :: moukan tuuri |
luck out {v} (to experience great luck) | :: onnistaa, käydä onni, käydä tuuri, olla onnea |
lucky {adj} /ˈlʌki/ (of people, having good fortune) | :: hyväonninen, onnekas |
lucky {adj} (being good by chance) | :: onnekas, onnellinen |
lucky bamboo {n} (bamboo-like plant) | :: ruokotraakkipuu, onnenbambu |
lucky charm {n} (object kept for good luck) | :: taikakalu, onnenkalu |
Lucky Charms {prop} (breakfast cereal) | :: Lucky Charms |
lucky dog {n} (one with good luck) | :: onnenmyyrä, onnenpekka, onnenpoika |
lucky star {n} (something that appears to give a person luck) | :: onnentähti |
lucky streak {n} (winning streak) SEE: winning streak | :: |
lucrative {adj} (producing a surplus; profitable) | :: tuottava, tuottoisa |
lucrativeness {n} (property of being lucrative) | :: tuottoisuus, kannattavuus |
lucre {n} /ˈluːkə/ (money, riches, or wealth) | :: pätäkkä [slang] |
Lucy {prop} /ˈluːsi/ (female given name) | :: Lucia |
Luddite {n} /ˈlʌ.daɪt/ (19th-century textile worker who destroyed machinery) | :: luddiitti |
Luddite {n} (one opposing technological change) | :: luddiitti |
ludicrous {adj} /ˈluː.dɪ.kɹəs/ (idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny) | :: älytön, absurdi, järjetön, idioottimainen, naurettava, huvittava |
Ludo {n} (board game) | :: Ludo |
ludology {n} (study of games) | :: ludologia, pelitutkimus |
Ludwig's angina {n} (infection of the floor of the mouth) | :: Ludwigin angiina |
lug {v} /lʌɡ/ (to haul something heavy) | :: kiskoa |
Luganda {prop} (language) | :: ganda |
Lugansk {prop} (Luhansk) SEE: Luhansk | :: |
luge {n} /luːʒ/ (A racing sled) | :: ohjaskelkka |
luge {n} (The sport of racing on luges) | :: ohjaskelkkailu |
luge {v} (to ride a luge) | :: kelkkailla |
luger {n} /ˈluːʒ.ə(ɹ)/ (competer in the luge) | :: ohjaskelkkailija |
luggage {n} /ˈlʌɡɪd͡ʒ/ (traveller's containers) | :: matkatavarat |
luggage cart {n} (vehicle pushed by travellers) | :: matkatavarakärry |
Luhansk {prop} (city) | :: Luhansk, Lugansk |
Luhansk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state in Luhanshchyna, the Ukraine) | :: Luhanskin kansantasavalta |
Lukas {prop} (given name) SEE: Luke | :: |
Lukashenko {prop} (surname) | :: Lukašenko |
Luke {prop} /luk/ (given name) | :: Luukas |
Luke {prop} (evangelist) | :: Luukas |
Luke {prop} (gospel of Luke) | :: Luukkaan evankeliumi |
lukewarm {adj} /ˌlukˈwɔɹm/ (temperature) | :: haalea |
lukewarm {adj} (not very enthusiastic) | :: vaimea, laimea |
Luleå {prop} (municipality) | :: Luulaja |
Lule Sami {prop} (language) | :: luulajansaame |
lull {v} /lʌl/ (to cause to rest) | :: tuudittaa |
lullaby {n} /ˈlʌləbaɪ/ (a soothing song to lull children to sleep) | :: tuutulaulu |
luma {n} /ˈluma/ (currency) | :: luma |
lumbago {n} /lʌmˈbeɪɡoʊ/ (lumbar-region backache, see also: backache) | :: noidannuoli |
lumbar {adj} /ˈlʌm.bɑɹ/ (related to the lower back or loin) | :: lanne- |
lumbar puncture {n} (procedure to collect cerebrospinal fluid) | :: lannepisto |
lumbar vertebra {n} (any of five lower vertebrae) | :: lannenikama |
lumber {n} /ˈlʌm.bɚ/ (wood as building material) | :: puutavara |
lumberjack {n} /ˈlʌm.bɚ.dʒæk/ (person who fells trees) | :: metsuri |
lumbermill {n} (mill for processing lumber) SEE: sawmill | :: |
lumberyard {n} (facility) | :: lautatarha, puutavaraliike |
lumen {n} /ˈluːmən/ (SI-unit for luminous flux) | :: luumen |
lumen {n} (anatomy: cavity within tubular organ) | :: lumen, ontelo |
lumen {n} (botany: cavity bounded by cell wall) | :: lumen, ontelo |
lumen {n} (medicine: bore of a tube) | :: lumen |
luminaire {n} (light fixture) SEE: light fixture | :: |
lumination {n} (illumination) SEE: illumination | :: |
luminescence {n} /luːmɪˈnɛs(ə)ns/ (emission) | :: luminesenssi |
luminol {n} (chemical that exhibits blue chemiluminescence) | :: luminoli |
luminosity {n} (rate at which a star radiates energy) | :: luminositeetti |
luminous {adj} /ˈluːmɪnəs/ (emitting light; glowing brightly) | :: valaiseva, kirkas, valovoimainen |
luminous {adj} (brightly illuminated) | :: kirkkaasti valaistu |
luminous energy {n} (SI-unit for luminous flux) | :: valoenergia |
luminous flux {n} | :: valovirta |
luminous intensity {n} (measure of light) | :: valovoima |
lummox {n} /ˈlʌməks/ (clumsy, stupid person) | :: tohelo, tomppeli, hömelö |
lump {n} /lʌmp/ (something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound, hill, or group) | :: paakku, möykky, kyhmy, kuhmu, patti, klimppi, klöntti |
lump {n} (group, set, or unit) | :: kertasuoritus (of money), kasa, pala |
lump {n} (small, shaped mass of sugar) | :: pala |
lump {v} (to treat as single unit) | :: niputtaa |
lumpenproletariat {n} /lʊm.pən.pɹəʊ.lə.ˈtɛː.ɹi.ət/ (in Marxism: the lowest stratum of the proletariat) | :: ryysyköyhälistö |
lumpenproletariat {n} (the social underclass, the riffraff) | :: roskaväki |
lumpfish {n} (lumpsucker) SEE: lumpsucker | :: |
lumpsucker {n} (scorpaeniform fish) | :: rasvakala |
lump sum {n} (large one-time payment) | :: kertamaksu, kertakorvaus, kertakaikkinen maksu, kertakaikkinen korvaus, könttäsumma |
lumpy {adj} (full of lumps) | :: nystyräinen |
Luna {prop} (Earth's moon) SEE: Moon | :: |
lunacy {n} /ˈluː.nə.si / (state of being mad) | :: hulluus |
lunacy {n} (something deeply misguided) | :: hulluus |
lunar {adj} /ˈl(j)uːnə/ (of, pertaining to, or resembling the Moon) | :: lunaarinen |
lunar calendar {n} (a calendar that measures the passage of the year according to the phases of the moon) | :: kuukalenteri |
lunar caustic {n} (silver nitrate fused into a stick) | :: laapispuikko |
lunar eclipse {n} (when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon) | :: kuunpimennys |
lunar module {n} (spacecraft) | :: kuumoduuli |
Lunar New Year {n} (Lunar new year) SEE: Chinese New Year | :: |
lunate bone {n} (os lunatum) | :: puolikuuluu |
lunatic {n} /ˈluːnətɪk/ (insane person) | :: hullu, kuuhullu, mielipuoli |
lunatic asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital | :: |
lunch {n} /lʌnt͡ʃ/ (meal around midday) | :: lounas |
lunch {v} (to eat lunch) | :: lounastaa |
lunchbox {n} (container for transporting meals) | :: lounasrasia, eväsrasia |
lunchbreak {n} (break for lunch) | :: lounastauko |
luncheon {n} (a formal term for lunch) SEE: lunch | :: |
luncheon {n} /ˈlʌntʃ.ən/ (formal meal served in the middle of the day) | :: lounastilaisuus |
lunch meat {n} (cold cuts) SEE: cold cuts | :: |
lunch pail {n} (lunchbox) SEE: lunchbox | :: |
lunchtime {n} /ˈlʌnt͡ʃtaɪm/ (time or hour for lunch) | :: lounasaika |
lundehund {n} (dog breed) | :: lunnikoira |
lunette {n} /luːˈnɛt/ (small opening in a vaulted roof of a circular or crescent shape) | :: lunetti |
lunette {n} (crescent-shaped recess or void in the space above a window or door) | :: lunetti |
lunette {n} (field work consisting of two projecting faces forming a wedge) | :: lunetti |
lung {n} /ˈlʌŋ/ (organ that extracts oxygen from the air) | :: keuhko |
lung cancer {n} (cancer of the lung(s)) | :: keuhkosyöpä |
lung capacity {n} (vital capacity) SEE: vital capacity | :: |
lung capacity {n} (lung volume) SEE: lung volume | :: |
lunge {n} /lʌndʒ/ (sudden movement) | :: syöksy |
lunge {v} (to make a sudden movement) | :: syöksyä |
lunge {v} (to work a horse in a circle around a handler) | :: juoksuttaa |
lunge {n} (long rope) SEE: lunge line | :: |
lungeing cavesson {n} (halter) | :: kapsoni, juoksutusriimu |
lunge line {n} (long to control a horse while lungeing) | :: juoksutusliina |
lungfish {n} (air-breathing fish of the class Dipnoi) | :: keuhkokala |
lung volume {n} (volume of air associated with different phases of the respiratory cycle) | :: keuhkojen tilavuus |
lungwort {n} (plant of the genus Pulmonaria) | :: imikkä |
lungwort {n} (Helleborus niger) | :: vaaleajouluruusu |
lungwort {n} (plant of the genus Mertensia) | :: halikka |
lungwort {n} (Mertensia virginica) | :: helmiäishalikka |
lungwort {n} (Mertensia maritima) | :: merihalikka |
lungwort {n} (Verbascum thapsus) | :: ukontulikukka |
lungwort {n} (Lobaria pulmonaria) | :: raidankeuhkojäkälä |
lunisolar calendar {n} | :: kuu-aurinkokalenteri |
lunokhod {n} (a Soviet lunar rover) | :: lunohod |
lunula {n} (pale area at the base of the fingernail) | :: lunula |
Luo {prop} /ˈlu.oʊ/ (language) | :: luo |
lupin {n} /ˈluːpɪn/ (any member of the genus Lupinus in the family Fabaceae) | :: lupiini |
lupin {n} (a lupine bean) | :: lupiininsiemen |
lupine {adj} /ˈluː.paɪn/ (wolf-like) | :: susimainen |
lupine {adj} (having the characteristics of a wolf) | :: susimainen |
lupine {adj} (ravenous) | :: ahnas |
lupine {n} (lupin) SEE: lupin | :: |
lupus {n} /ˈluːpəs/ (autoimmune disease) | :: lupus |
Lupus {prop} /ˈluːpəs/ (summer constellation of the northern sky) | :: Susi |
lurch {v} /lɝt͡ʃ/ (to make a sudden, unsteady movement) | :: horjua |
lure {n} /lʊəɹ/ (tempting or attractive object) | :: houkutin |
lure {n} (artificial fishing bait) | :: viehe, uistin |
lure {v} (to entice) | :: houkutella |
lurid {adj} (melodramatic) SEE: melodramatic | :: |
lurid {adj} /ˈlʊɹɪd/ (shocking, horrifying) | :: kauhea, kaamea, kammottava, kauhistuttava |
lurid {adj} (ghastly, pale or wan in appearance) | :: kelmeä |
lurid {adj} (being of a light yellow hue) | :: kelmeä |
lurk {v} /lɝk/ (to remain concealed in order to ambush) | :: väijyä, vaania |
lurk {v} (to remain unobserved) | :: piileksiä |
lurk {v} (to hang out or wait around a location) | :: piileksiä, piilotella, hiippailla |
lurk {v} (to view an internet forum without posting comments) | :: [colloquial] lurkata |
lurker {n} /ˈlɜː.kə/ (someone who lurks) | :: väijyjä |
Lusaka {prop} /luːˈsɑːkə/ (capital of Zambia) | :: Lusaka |
luscious {adj} /ˈlʌʃəs/ (sweet and pleasant) | :: nautinnollinen |
lush {adj} /lʌʃ/ (dense, teeming with life) | :: rehevä, kukoistava |
lush {adj} (luxuriant, delicious) | :: mehevä |
lush {adj} (beautiful, sexy) | :: seksikäs |
lush {n} (alcoholic) | :: juoppo |
lush {v} (to drink in excess) | :: kännätä |
Luso- {prefix} (relating to Portugal or Portuguese) | :: portugalilais- |
Lusophone {adj} /ˈlusəˌfoʊn/ (of a person, Portuguese-speaking) | :: portugalinkielinen |
Lusophone {adj} (of a place, Portuguese-speaking) | :: portugalinkielinen |
Lusophone {n} (Portuguese speaker) | :: portugalinkielinen |
lust {n} /lʌst/ (strong desire, especially of a sexual nature) | :: himo |
lust {n} (general want or longing) | :: ikävöinti, ikävä |
lust {n} (delightful cause of joy, pleasure) | :: ilo |
lust {v} (strongly desire) | :: himoita |
lust {v} (crave sexual contact) | :: himoita |
luster {n} /ˈlʌstɚ/ (a shine, polish or sparkle) | :: kiilto, loiste, hohde, hohto |
luster {n} (brilliance, attractiveness or splendor) | :: hohto |
luster {n} (refinement, polish or quality) | :: loisto {m}, loiste |
luster {v} (to have luster) | :: kiiltää |
luster {v} (to give luster) | :: kiillottaa |
lustful {adj} /ˈlʌst.fəl/ (full of lust) | :: himokas |
lustfully {adv} (in a lustful manner) | :: himokkaasti |
lustfulness {n} (the state of being lustful) | :: himokkuus |
lustration {n} (a rite of purification, especially washing) | :: puhdistautuminen, lustraatio |
lustration {n} (restoration of credibility to a government by the purging earlier perpetrators) | :: puhdistus, lustraatio |
lustre {n} (luster) SEE: luster | :: |
lustre {v} (luster) SEE: luster | :: |
lustrous {adj} (having a glow or lustre) | :: loistava, hohtava, kiiltävä |
lute {n} /l(j)uːt/ (stringed instrument) | :: luuttu |
lutefisk {n} /ˈluːtəfɪsk/ (Traditional Nordic dish) | :: lipeäkala, livekala |
lutein {n} (yellow carotenoid pigment) | :: luteiini |
lutetium {n} /ljuːˈtiːʃiəm/ (chemical element with atomic number of 71) | :: lutetium |
Lutheran {adj} /ˈluːθəɹ(ə)n/ (pertaining to the theology of Martin Luther or his followers, or the Lutheran church) | :: luterilainen, evankelis-luterilainen |
Lutheran {n} (member of any Christian church identifying with the theology of Martin Luther) | :: luterilainen |
Lutheranism {n} (branch of Christianity developed by Martin Luther) | :: luterilaisuus, evankelis-luterilaisuus |
lutherie {n} /ˈluːtəɹi/ (craft) | :: kielisoitinten rakennus, viulunrakennus [violin], kitaranrakennus [guitar] |
luthier {n} /ˈluː.ti.ɚ/ (a person who, or a business which, makes or repairs stringed wooden musical instrument) | :: kielisoitinten rakentaja, viulunrakentaja, kitaranrakentaja |
Luumäki {prop} (municipality) | :: Luumäki |
luvisol {n} (soil type) | :: luvisoli |
Luwian {n} /ˈluːi.ən/ (member of an ancient Anatolian people) | :: luuvi |
Luwian {prop} (language) | :: luuvi |
Luwian {adj} (of or pertaining to Luwian language or its speakers) | :: luuvinkielinen |
Luwian {adj} (of or pertaining to Luwia) | :: luuvilainen |
lux {n} /lʌks/ (the derived unit of illuminance) | :: luksi |
Luxembourg {prop} /ˈlʌk.səm.bɝɡ/ (country) | :: Luxemburg |
Luxembourg {prop} (province in Belgium) | :: Luxembourg |
Luxembourg {prop} (capital city) | :: Luxemburg |
Luxembourg {prop} (canton in Luxembourg) | :: Luxemburg |
Luxembourger {n} (person from Luxembourg) | :: luxemburgilainen |
Luxembourgian {n} (Luxembourger) SEE: Luxembourger | :: |
Luxembourgian {adj} (Luxembourgish) SEE: Luxembourgish | :: |
Luxembourgish {adj} /ˈlʌksəmˌbəːɡɪʃ/ (of, from, or pertaining to Luxembourg or its people) | :: luxemburgilainen |
Luxembourgish {adj} (of or in the Luxembourgish language) | :: luxemburginkielinen |
Luxembourgish {prop} (language of Luxembourg) | :: luxemburg |
Luxemburger {n} (Luxembourger) SEE: Luxembourger | :: |
luxuriant {adj} (abundant in growth or detail) | :: rehevä [in growth] |
luxury {n} /ˈlʌɡʒəɹi/ (very wealthy and comfortable surroundings) | :: ylellisyys, luksus, loisto |
luxury {n} (something desirable but expensive) | :: ylellisyys |
luxury {n} (something very pleasant but not really needed in life) | :: ylellisyys |
luxury {adj} (indulgent) | :: ylellinen |
luxury good {n} (product or service not considered essential to everyday life) | :: ylellisyystavara |
Luzon {prop} /ˈluˌzɔn/ (largest island of the Philippines) | :: Luzon |
Luzon Strait {prop} (strait between Taiwan and Luzon) | :: Luzoninsalmi |
Lviv {prop} (Lviv) | :: Lviv |
löwchen {n} (Löwchen) SEE: Löwchen | :: |
Löwchen {n} (Löwchen) | :: löwchen, pienileijonakoira |
-ly {suffix} /li/ (forming adjectives from nouns, in the sense "similar to, like, characteristic of") | :: -mainen |
-ly {suffix} (used to form adverbs from adjectives) | :: -sti |
lyase {n} (enzyme) | :: lyaasi |
lycanthrope {n} (werewolf) SEE: werewolf | :: |
lycanthropy {n} /laɪˈkanθɹəpi/ (act of shapeshifting) | :: lykantropia |
lyceum {n} /laɪˈsiːəm/ (a public hall designed for lectures or concerts) | :: sali, luentosali |
lychee {n} /ˈlitʃiː/ (tree) | :: litsi |
lychee {n} (fruit) | :: litsi |
Lydia {prop} /ˈlɪ.di.ə/ (historical region) | :: Lyydia |
Lydia {prop} (biblical woman) | :: Lyydia |
Lydia {prop} (female given name) | :: Lyyli, Lyydia |
Lydian {n} /ˈlɪdɪən/ (native or inhabitant of Lydia) | :: lyydialainen |
Lydian {prop} (language) | :: lyydia |
Lydian {adj} (pertaining to Lydia) | :: lyydialainen |
lye {n} /laɪ/ (caustic alkaline solution) | :: lipeä |
lying {n} /ˈlaɪ.ɪŋ/ (act of keeping low to the ground) | :: makuu, makaaminen |
lying {n} (act of telling a lie) | :: valehtelu, valehteleminen |
Lyme disease {n} (infection by bacteria of the genus Borrelia) | :: borrelioosi |
lyme grass {n} (Leymus arenarius) | :: rantavehnä |
lymph {n} /lɪmf/ (the fluid carried by the lymphatic system) | :: imuneste, lymfa |
lymphadenopathy {n} (abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes) | :: imusolmuketauti |
lymphangioma {n} (benign tumor) | :: imusuoniluomi |
lymphatic {adj} (pertaining to lymph or lymphatic system) | :: lymfaattinen |
lymphatic {n} (lymph vessel) SEE: lymph vessel | :: |
lymphatic system {n} (network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes) | :: imusuonisto |
lymphatic vessel {n} (lymph vessel) SEE: lymph vessel | :: |
lymph node {n} (filtrating oval bodies of the lymphatic system) | :: imusolmuke, lymphonodi |
lymphogranuloma venereum {n} /ˌlɪmfəˌɡɹænjʊˈləʊmə vəˈnɪəɹɪəm/ (sexually transmitted disease) | :: lokeronivusajos |
lymphoma {n} /lɪmˈfoʊ.mə/ (malignant tumor that arises in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue) | :: imusolmukesyöpä, lymfooma |
lymph vessel {n} (vessel that carries lymph) | :: imusuoni |
lynch {v} /lɪntʃ/ (execute without a proper legal trial) | :: lynkata |
lynching {n} /lɪntʃɪŋ/ (execution of a person without a proper legal trial) | :: lynkkaus |
lynx {n} /lɪŋks/ (wild cat) | :: ilves |
Lynx {prop} /lɪŋks/ (constellation) | :: Ilves |
lynx-eyed {adj} (eagle-eyed) SEE: eagle-eyed | :: |
Lyon {prop} (city in France) | :: Lyon |
lyonnaise {adj} /ˌliː.əˈneɪz/ (cooked with onions) | :: sipuli- |
lyonnaise {adj} (in a style typical to Lyons) | :: lyonilainen, lyonnaise |
Lyra {prop} /ˈlaɪ.ɹə/ (constellation) | :: Lyyra, Lyra |
lyre {n} /ˈlaɪ.ɚ/ (stringed musical instrument) | :: lyyra |
lyrebird {n} (Australian songbirds of the genus Menura) | :: lyyralintu |
lyric {n} (words of a song) SEE: lyrics | :: |
lyrical {adj} (appropriate for or suggestive of singing) | :: lyyrinen |
lyrical {adj} (expressive of emotion) | :: lyyrinen |
lyricist {n} (writer of lyrics) | :: sanoittaja |
lyric poetry {n} (lyric poetry) | :: lyriikka |
lyrics {n} /ˈlɪɹ.ɪks/ (the words to a song) | :: sanoitus |
lyric video {n} (music video) | :: lyriikkavideo |
lysergic {adj} (psychedelic) SEE: psychedelic | :: |
lysergic acid {n} (the organic compound, 6-methyl-9,10-didehydro-ergoline-8-carboxylic acid) | :: lysergihappo |
lysine {n} (essential amino acid, C6H14N2O2) | :: lysiini |
lysozyme {n} /ˈlaɪsəzaɪm/ (bacteriolytic enzyme) | :: lysotsyymi |