[edit]misproportioned (from misproportion)unwilled (from unwill)skilled (from skill)nighted (from night)tomatoed (from tomato)worsted (from worst)symboled (from symbol)(no adj in entry)yeasted (from yeast)winged (from wing)wooded (from wood)creamed (from cream)(not an adj)soaked (from soak)horned (from horn)unchecked (from uncheck)overcooked (from overcook)sugar-coated (from sugar-coat)guyed (from guy)conceited (from conceit)gnarled (from gnarl)kerned (from kern)
To be done
[edit]- mosquitoed (from mosquito)
- toothed (from tooth)
- bulled (from bull)
- venomed (from venom)
- windowed (from window)
- corded (from cord)
- handcrafted (from handcraft)
- wayed (from way)
- masted (from mast)
- gingered (from ginger)
- wonted (from wont)
- jawed (from jaw)
- manifolded (from manifold)
- honeycombed (from honeycomb)
- chested (from chest)
- frosted (from frost)
- imped (from imp)
- ambitioned (from ambition)
- souped (from soup)
- orbed (from orb)
- corned (from corn)
- barebacked (from bareback)
- girthed (from girth)
- specked (from speck)
- mascaraed (from mascara)
- barded (from bard)
[edit]- blissed (from bliss)
- ruffed (from ruff)
- dismayed (from dismay)
- flawed (from flaw)
- peaked (from peak)
- zonked (from zonk)
- normed (from norm)
- plastered (from plaster)
- inhabited (from inhabit)
- aliquoted (from aliquot)
- uniformed (from uniform)
- uncovered (from uncover)
- kilted (from kilt)
- flanneled (from flannel)
- tabued (from tabu)
- willowed (from willow)
- unshifted (from unshift)
- scripted (from script)
- psyched (from psych)
- upturned (from upturn)
- disjointed (from disjoint)
- stilted (from stilt)
- sugarcoated (from sugarcoat)
[edit]- blootered (from blooter)
- unencumbered (from unencumber)
- ramparted (from rampart)
- risped (from risp)
- woaded (from woad)
- astounded (from astound)
- disinterested (from disinterest)
- prilled (from prill)
- fusted (from fust)
- whorled (from whorl)
- kohled (from kohl)
- dog-eared (from dog-ear)
- hobnailed (from hobnail)
- unbraided (from unbraid)
- disproportioned (from disproportion)
- unprotected (from unprotect)
- henpecked (from henpeck)
- incrusted (from incrust)
- undersigned (from undersign)
- xenografted (from xenograft)
- unclasped (from unclasp)
- unreasoned (from unreason)
- demented (from dement)
- unsweetened (from unsweeten)
- untethered (from untether)
- unrecorded (from unrecord)
- undercooked (from undercook)
- unregistered (from unregister)
- seroconverted (from seroconvert)
- untrained (from untrain)
- shell-shocked (from shell-shock)
[edit]- understaffed (from understaff)
- unaltered (from unalter)
- unstacked (from unstack)
- misaffected (from misaffect)
- overwatered (from overwater)
- unmoored (from unmoor)
- mispaired (from mispair)
- winter-killed (from winter-kill)
- overrepresented (from overrepresent)
- precoated (from precoat)
- unquenched (from unquench)
- overdesigned (from overdesign)
chargrilled (from chargrill)- underpredicted (from underpredict)
- impassioned (from impassion)
- enwombed (from enwomb)
- unarmed (from unarm)
- unfucked (from unfuck)
- unfooled (from unfool)
- beminded (from bemind)
- unholstered (from unholster)
- jampacked (from jampack)
- chequered (from chequer)
- underworked (from underwork)
- oversweetened (from oversweeten)
[edit]- overdamped (from overdamp)
- uncrowned (from uncrown)
- rescattered (from rescatter)
- calligraphed (from calligraph)
- unjointed (from unjoint)
- unweighted (from unweight)
- reconvicted (from reconvict)
- prebooked (from prebook)
- unkilled (from unkill)
- shellacked (from shellack)
- unbelted (from unbelt)
befeathered (from befeather)- unrecommended (from unrecommend)
- microinjected (from microinject)
- unstuffed (from unstuff)
- unpainted (from unpaint)
- unelected (from unelect)
- unrighted (from unright)
- upheaped (from upheap)
- untrammeled (from untrammel)
- newfashioned (from newfashion)
- nymshifted (from nymshift)
- underpowered (from underpower)
- unfollowed (from unfollow)
- unfurrowed (from unfurrow)
- unconstrained (from unconstrain)
[edit]- uninvented (from uninvent)
- unshelled (from unshell)
- uncurtained (from uncurtain)
- unworked (from unwork)
- unwarmed (from unwarm)
interfolded (from interfold)- unbracketed (from unbracket)
- unstiffened (from unstiffen)
- unsuited (from unsuit)
- unbolded (from unbold)
- uncredited (from uncredit)
- unguarded (from unguard)
- uncongealed (from uncongeal)
- unhelmeted (from unhelmet)
- untenanted (from untenant)
- undecked (from undeck)
- undusted (from undust)
- unstocked (from unstock)
- unformed (from unform)
- unfeathered (from unfeather)
- unwatered (from unwater)
- uncharmed (from uncharm)
- unprayed (from unpray)
- inturned (from inturn)
- ungowned (from ungown)
- unwarped (from unwarp)
- unpoisoned (from unpoison)
- unstrained (from unstrain)
- unbanked (from unbank)
- unhallowed (from unhallow)
- unshuttered (from unshutter)
- affrightened (from affrighten)
- predesigned (from predesign)
- unknighted (from unknight)
- unoiled (from unoil)
- overfreighted (from overfreight)
[edit]- unshrouded (from unshroud)
- unclouded (from uncloud)
- undulled (from undull)
- engrailed (from engrail)
- unconfounded (from unconfound)
- miscoloured (from miscolour)
- unturned (from unturn)
- unnested (from unnest)
- indebted (from indebt)
- outbowed (from outbow)
- unordered (from unorder)
- inrolled (from inroll)
- unbowed (from unbow)
- unballasted (from unballast)
- untempered (from untemper)
- unencrypted (from unencrypt)
- retroverted (from retrovert)
- fracted (from fract)
[edit]unpredicted (from unpredict)unchilled (from unchill)unchristened (from unchristen)- unaborted (from unabort)
- undeafened (from undeafen)
- ungrouped (from ungroup)
- unseasoned (from unseason)
- unmarked (from unmark)
- unspirited (from unspirit)
- uncurbed (from uncurb)
- nithered (from nither)
- upconverted (from upconvert)
- unrounded (from unround)
- unsigned (from unsign)
- unaccented (from unaccent)
- unaccepted (from unaccept)
[edit]- toed (from toe)
- articled (from article)
- spitted (from spit)
- engined (from engine)
- webbed (from web)
- canopied (from canopy)
- mitred (from mitre)
- splined (from spline)
- togged (from tog)
- unfitted (from unfit)
- dulcified (from dulcify)
- tasselled (from tassel)
- atrophied (from atrophy)
- countrified (from countrify)
- fimbriated (from fimbriate)
- wimpled (from wimple)
- delaminated (from delaminate)
- counterchanged (from counterchange)
- vesiculated (from vesiculate)
- iodized (from iodize)
- stratified (from stratify)
- enisled (from enisle)
- digitated (from digitate)
- scragged (from scrag)
- jointured (from jointure)
- misadvised (from misadvise)
- photoisomerized (from photoisomerize)
- skeletonized (from skeletonize)
- ultrasimplified (from ultrasimplify)
- smallcapped (from smallcap)
- besprinkled (from besprinkle)
- unrigged (from unrig)
- unmarried (from unmarry)
- unloved (from unlove)
- equidistributed (from equidistribute)
- prehydrated (from prehydrate)
- behatted (from behat)
- piefaced (from pieface)
- ungarbled (from ungarble)
- unhugged (from unhug)
- unstapled (from unstaple)
- unpickled (from unpickle)
- uncased (from uncase)
- unvoted (from unvote)
- underexercised (from underexercise)
- unhatted (from unhat)
- untuned (from untune)
- unmuffled (from unmuffle)
- undeserved (from undeserve)
- unplumed (from unplume)
- unscaled (from unscale)
- ungloved (from unglove)
- undoubled (from undouble)
- unnaturalized (from unnaturalize)
- unmantled (from unmantle)
- undraped (from undrape)
- unlined (from unline)
- unframed (from unframe)
- unglazed (from unglaze)
- unbarricaded (from unbarricade)
- unspiked (from unspike)
- unmingled (from unmingle)
- unrumpled (from unrumple)
- undomesticated (from undomesticate)
- unrealized (from unrealize)
- unfenced (from unfence)
- uncombined (from uncombine)
- unfaced (from unface)
- unfiled (from unfile)
- unphilosophized (from unphilosophize)
- aphetized (from aphetize)
- unpromised (from unpromise)
- uncharged (from uncharge)
- unappropriated (from unappropriate)
- misrated (from misrate)
- precomposed (from precompose)
- unconsecrated (from unconsecrate)
- empeopled (from empeople)
- unsecularized (from unsecularize)
- unstated (from unstate)
- unauthorized (from unauthorize)
- undecided (from undecide)
- sleaved (from sleave)
- unclinched (from unclinch)
- unprovided (from unprovide)
- phlogisticated (from phlogisticate)
- undisclosed (from undisclose)
- distroubled (from distrouble)
- newfangled (from newfangle)
- untrapped (from untrap)
- tartarized (from tartarize)
- unspiritualized (from unspiritualize)
- unreaved (from unreave)
- uncollapsed (from uncollapse)
[edit]- fabled (from fable)
- azured (from azure)
- tided (from tide)
- valved (from valve)
- preposed (from prepose)
- jaundiced (from jaundice)
- prototyped (from prototype)
- sleeved (from sleeve)
- taled (from tale)
- cabbaged (from cabbage)
- psyched (from psyche)
- retted (from ret)
- deceased (from decease)
- ramed (from rame)
- outdated (from outdate)
- nitrated (from nitrate)
- carbonated (from carbonate)
- poised (from poise)
- cleaved (from cleave)
- baffled (from baffle)
- waterlogged (from waterlog)
- sculptured (from sculpture)
- fraised (from fraise)
- ulcerated (from ulcerate)
- uncoupled (from uncouple)
- underrated (from underrate)
- bromated (from bromate)
- textured (from texture)
- imbricated (from imbricate)
- topicalised (from topicalise)
- isomerized (from isomerize)
- decaffeinated (from decaffeinate)
- deranged (from derange)
- subtitled (from subtitle)
- reticulated (from reticulate)
- irradiated (from irradiate)
- shellacked (from shellac)
- periwigged (from periwig)
- myelinated (from myelinate)
- striated (from striate)
- thermalised (from thermalise)
- sulfurated (from sulfurate)
- foliated (from foliate)
- serrated (from serrate)
- furcated (from furcate)
- speckled (from speckle)
- overused (from overuse)
- deexcited (from deexcite)
- ultracentrifuged (from ultracentrifuge)
- shrink-wrapped (from shrink-wrap)
- subsampled (from subsample)
- marginated (from marginate)
- interrelated (from interrelate)
- histogrammed (from histogram)
- solvated (from solvate)
- alined (from aline)
- elasticated (from elasticate)
- hardwired (from hardwire)
- eternized (from eternize)
- phagocytosed (from phagocytose)
- underfinanced (from underfinance)
- overdetermined (from overdetermine)
- deglycosylated (from deglycosylate)
- monoubiquitylated (from monoubiquitylate)
- monoubiquitinated (from monoubiquitinate)
- polyubiquitylated (from polyubiquitylate)
- polyubiquitinated (from polyubiquitinate)
- unimagined (from unimagine)
- dearomatised (from dearomatise)
- remethylated (from remethylate)
- microencapsulated (from microencapsulate)
- illegalised (from illegalise)
- undeclared (from undeclare)
- unformatted (from unformat)
- unflagged (from unflag)
- unmerged (from unmerge)
- cosegregated (from cosegregate)
- nitrosated (from nitrosate)
- exocytosed (from exocytose)
- deuterated (from deuterate)
- palatalised (from palatalise)
- glycated (from glycate)
- unserialized (from unserialize)
- unshared (from unshare)
- discalceated (from discalceate)
- undersampled (from undersample)
- sclerosed (from sclerose)
- arylated (from arylate)
- carbonylated (from carbonylate)
- derivatized (from derivatize)
- underproduced (from underproduce)
- copolymerized (from copolymerize)
- unlived (from unlive)
- silylated (from silylate)
- epimerized (from epimerize)
- castellated (from castellate)
- cellulated (from cellulate)
- binarized (from binarize)
- fermionized (from fermionize)
- epoxidized (from epoxidize)
- pyramidalized (from pyramidalize)
- underinsured (from underinsure)
- photodisintegrated (from photodisintegrate)
- autocatalysed (from autocatalyse)
- anticorrelated (from anticorrelate)
- pustulated (from pustulate)
- undercapitalized (from undercapitalize)
- upstartled (from upstartle)
- unwrinkled (from unwrinkle)
- nanofabricated (from nanofabricate)
- rediagonalized (from rediagonalize)
- debruised (from debruise)
- undislocated (from undislocate)
- postposed (from postpose)
- serpentinized (from serpentinize)
- underpriced (from underprice)
- underemphasized (from underemphasize)
- unencoded (from unencode)
- reaccelerated (from reaccelerate)
- unassembled (from unassemble)
- photodissociated (from photodissociate)
- deoptimized (from deoptimize)
- forwasted (from forwaste)
- forwasted (from forewaste)
- forwaked (from forwake)
- behated (from behate)
- bewigged (from bewig)
- preapproved (from preapprove)
- formylated (from formylate)
- unarchived (from unarchive)
- unbored (from unbore)
- unrecognized (from unrecognize)
- unexecuted (from unexecute)
- unruffled (from unruffle)
- underregulated (from underregulate)
- unretired (from unretire)
- pixellated (from pixellate)
- skeeved (from skeeve)
- untagged (from untag)
- untiled (from untile)
- re-aggravated (from re-aggravate)
- rined (from rine)
- outmoded (from outmode)
- improvized (from improvize)
- uncapitalized (from uncapitalize)
- unsilenced (from unsilence)
- coregulated (from coregulate)
- hyperactivated (from hyperactivate)
- bemuffled (from bemuffle)
- pseudonymized (from pseudonymize)
- unabsolved (from unabsolve)
[edit]- dated (from date)
- diseased (from disease)
- natured (from nature)
- couraged (from courage)
- freckled (from freckle)
- famed (from fame)
- versed (from verse)
- confuzzled (from confuzzle)
- pooched (from pooch)
- caped (from cape)
- spired (from spire)
- tressed (from tress)
- tranched (from tranch)
- flummoxed (from flummox)
- bangled (from bangle)
- decorticated (from decorticate)
- orthonormalized (from orthonormalize)
- plumed (from plume)
- superannuated (from superannuate)
- fossilised (from fossilise)
- fossilized (from fossilize)
- raddled (from raddle)
- carbonised (from carbonise)
- disused (from disuse)
- convoluted (from convolute)
- aerobicized (from aerobicize)
- metaphrased (from metaphrase)
- entitized (from entitize)
- energised (from energise)
- overleveraged (from overleverage)
- demineralized (from demineralize)
- supercompressed (from supercompress)
- unstitched (from unstitch)
- unsolved (from unsolve)
- beloved (from belove)
- gruntled (from gruntle)
- opinionated (from opinionate)
- unblessed (from unbless)
- unmotivated (from unmotivate)
- unperplexed (from unperplex)
- unpolished (from unpolish)
- unabolished (from unabolish)
- unstressed (from unstress)
[edit]- lensed (from lens)
- languaged (from language)
- upbound (from upbind)
- fleshed (from flesh)
- hided (from hide)
- bulled (from bull)
- bodied (from body)
- oversold (from oversell)
- sotted (from sot)
- rimmed (from rim)
- bladed (from blade)
- civilized (from civilize)
- rotten (from rot)
- salaried (from salary)
- lipped (from lip)
- historied (from history)
- lidded (from lid)
- omened (from omen)
- ed (from gum)
- finned (from fin)
- parkoured (from parkour)
- housebroken (from housebreak)
- blitzed (from blitz)
- irised (from iris)
- frostbitten (from frostbite)
- reed (from ree)
- juried (from jury)
- mudded (from mud)
- sickles (from sickle)
- jerrybuilt (from jerrybuild)
- transistorized (from transistorize)
- hadda (from hafta)
- jessed (from jess)
- upswept (from upsweep)
- tapestried (from tapestry)
- ostracised (from ostracise)
- overdriven (from overdrive)
- ghostwritten (from ghostwrite)
- spellbound (from spellbind)
- blotched (from blotch)
- liveried (from livery)
- outtaken (from outtake)
- superceded (from supercede)
- timed out (from time out)
- siliconized (from siliconize)
- misthought (from misthink)
- radicalized (from radicalize)
- carried away (from carry away)
- scorified (from scorify)
- underpaid (from underpay)
- antiquated (from antiquate)
- overdressed (from overdress)
- ed (from foot-slog)
- patched-up (from patch-up)
- outdrawn (from outdraw)
- overbought (from overbuy)
- tape-recorded (from tape-record)
- underdone (from underdo)
- topspun (from topspin)
- incurved (from incurve)
- double spaced (from double space)
- worked up (from work up)
- interbedded (from interbed)
- preground (from pregrind)
- fatted (from fat)
- flocculated (from flocculate)
- misallied (from misally)
- ed (from fandub)
- ed (from co-occur)
- unknown (from unknow)
- prestressed (from prestress)
- bogged down (from bog down)
- apaid (from apay)
- torved (from torve)
- unmixed (from unmix)
- unsanctified (from unsanctify)
- winged (from winge)
- forechosen (from forechoose)
- ed (from texture map)
- preformatted (from preformat)
- underdetermined (from underdetermine)
- unheld (from unhold)
- bedded in (from bed in)
- unbroken (from unbreak)
- naked (from nake)
- fuzzified (from fuzzify)
- inbuilt (from inbuild)
- forworn (from forwear)
- unwoven (from unweave)
- crossmatched (from crossmatch)
- tapped out (from tap out)
- unhung (from unhang)
- sissified (from sissify)
- undefined (from undefine)
- unbewitched (from unbewitch)
- unsullied (from unsully)
- overworn (from overwear)
- immixed (from immix)
- unchurched (from unchurch)
- afterthought (from afterthink)
- pussy-whipped (from pussy-whip)
- pussy whipped (from pussy whip)
- forethought (from forethink)
- built in (from build in)
- prebuilt (from prebuild)
- ingrown (from ingrow)
- undrawn (from undraw)
- forwearied (from forweary)
- untaught (from unteach)
- psyched up (from psych up)
- forspent (from forspend)
- underhung (from underhang)
- unbuilt (from unbuild)
- beknown (from beknow)
- inblown (from inblow)
- betorn (from betear)
- hung over (from hang over)
- hand-held (from hand-hold)
- unsold (from unsell)
- subclassified (from subclassify)
- undernourished (from undernourish)
- underseen (from undersee)
- untrussed (from untruss)
- handmade (from handmake)
- unsewn (from unsew)
- barricadoed (from barricado)
- untold (from untell)
- intergrown (from intergrow)
- untrod (from untread)
- underfurnished (from underfurnish)
- upshot (from upshoot)
- unsworn (from unswear)
- unstarched (from unstarch)
- unestablished (from unestablish)
- unwreathed (from unwreathe)
- unspun (from unspin)
- unfleshed (from unflesh)
- unfurnished (from unfurnish)
- uncoached (from uncoach)
- outflung (from outfling)
- unglorified (from unglorify)
- ungiven (from ungive)
- unpreached (from unpreach)
- misgotten (from misget)
- unapparelled (from unapparel)
- serried (from serry)
- unpaid (from unpay)
- radiotagged (from radiotag)
- haberdashed (from haberdash)
- surbased (from surbase)
- underslung (from undersling)
- enarched (from enarch)
- unfretted (from unfret)
- downtrodden (from downtrod)
- done for (from do for)
- interstratified (from interstratify)
- unpossessed (from unpossess)
- unbreeched (from unbreech)
- unbitted (from unbit)
- unbodied (from unbody)
- finedrawn (from finedraw)
- inflexed (from inflex)
- unqualified (from unqualify)
- unswollen (from unswell)
- unalienated (from unalienate)
- unabated (from unabate)
- unabbreviated (from unabbreviate)