Appendix:Proto-Oceanic animal names
Below are reconstructions of animal names for Proto-Oceanic and Oceanic subgroups.
[edit]- Source: Ross, Pawley, & Osmond (2011)
- Ross, Malcolm; Pawley, Andrew; Osmond, Meredith (eds). The lexicon of Proto-Oceanic: The culture and environment of ancestral Oceanic society. Volume 4: Animals. 2011. Pacific Linguistics 621.
[edit]Proto-form | Proto-language | Gloss |
*joŋa | Proto-New Guinea Oceanic (PNGOc) | ‘(boar’s) tusk’ |
*kula | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘(bright) red’ |
*kuni | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘? frog, tadpole’ |
*kome-kome | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘? generic for cone shells’ |
*sisira | Proto-Malaita-Makira | ‘a barnacle or kind of small mollusc’ |
*likāpi | Proto-Chuukic | ‘a bird’ |
*ma(k,q)eto | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘a dark fish, possibly Ctenochaetus striatus’ |
*maqeto | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘a dark fish, possibly Ctenochaetus striatus’, see *ma(k,q)eto |
*masa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘a small dark Acanthuridae, possibly Zebrasoma scopas, blue-lined tang or A. pyroferus, mimic surgeonfish’ |
*saŋa-saŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘a starfish’ |
*sisi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘a univalve mollusc’ |
*paqala | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Acanthocybium solandri, wahoo’ |
*maqito | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Acanthuridae, possibly Ctenochaetus striatus, lined bristletooth’ |
*kir[i,au] | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthuridae’ |
*bala(ŋ,k)i | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus and Naso spp.’ |
*balaki | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus and Naso spp.’, see *bala(ŋ,k)i |
*(s,ð)abi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Acanthurus guttatus, spotted surgeonfish’ |
*ðabi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Acanthurus guttatus, spotted surgeonfish’, see *(s,ð)abi |
*hapi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Acanthurus guttatus’ |
*bi[r,R]apa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus lineatus, blue-lined surgeonfish’ |
*palaŋi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Acanthurus sp. of large size and elongate shape’ |
*pone | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Acanthurus sp. or Ctenochaetus striatus’ |
*maRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus sp., possibly A. xanthopterus, yellowfin surgeonfish’ |
*qaloŋo | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Acanthurus sp., probably A. lineatus, blue-lined surgeonfish’ |
*qavali | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Acanthurus sp.’ |
*tusi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Acanthurus sp.’ |
*[s,j]abiŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus spp., incl. A. guttatus, white-spotted surgeonfish’ |
*jabiŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus spp., incl. A. guttatus, white-spotted surgeonfish’, see *[s,j]abiŋ |
*balaŋi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Acanthurus spp.’ |
*manini | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Acanthurus triostegus, convict tang’ |
*katawan | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus, surgeonfish’ |
*[qa]paliR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus, surgeonfish’ |
*paliR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Acanthurus, surgeonfish’, see *[qa]paliR |
*malau-taqa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Adioryx sp.’ |
*taqa-malau | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Adioryx sp.’ |
*donu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘adult Plectropomus’ |
*vaRi manu | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Aetobatis narinari, eagle ray’ |
*fai-manu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Aetobatis narinari, eagle ray’ |
*paRi-manuk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Aetobatus narinari, spotted eagle ray’ |
*kiokio | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Albula vulpes, bonefish’ |
*laweŋa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Alectis indicus, plumed trevally or mirrorfish’ |
*bulewa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘an organism growing on rocks, possibly encrusting brown rock coral’ |
*sasā | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘anchovy’ |
*druman(e,i) | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘anemone’ |
*tuna | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Anguilla spp., freshwater eel’ |
*tuna | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Anguillidae, freshwater eel (generic)’ |
*tuna | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Anguillidae, freshwater eel’ |
*drui | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘ant’ |
*qutur | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Aprion virescens, green jobfish’ |
*qutu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Aprion virescens, grey jobfish’ |
*qutu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Aprion virescens, grey jobfish’ |
*banic | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘arm, hand, wing, fin (probably pectoral)’ |
*kome | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘armlets made from cone or trochus shell’, *ko-kome or |
*teqe-teqe | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Arothron and Canthigaster spp., pufferfish’ |
*jexejexe | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Arothron’ |
*tutu | Proto-North Vanuatu | ‘Baker’s Pigeon, Ducula bakeri’ |
*bubu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Balistes taxon, triggerfish’ |
*[bwaRu]bwaRu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Balistes taxon, triggerfish’ |
*jumu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Balistidae, triggerfish and possibly Monacanthidae, leatherjackets’ |
*sumu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Balistidae’ |
*cumu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Balistoidei, triggerfish’ |
*mwajar | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bandicoot’ |
*foto | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘barb of stingray’ |
*lulu | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Barn Owl, Tyto alba’ |
*sumʷit | Proto-South Vanuatu (PSV) | ‘Barn Owl, Tyto alba’ |
*mʷen | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘Barn Owl, Tyto alba’ |
*malisa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘barracuda’ |
*tarawa | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘barracuda’ |
*bunaR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘batfish, Platax sp. or spp., possibly Naso sp. or spp.’ |
*quloc-a(n) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘be maggoty’ |
*(b,v)ili[ki(k,t)i] | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘Beach Stone-Curlew, Burhinus neglectus’ |
*bili[kiti] | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘Beach Stone-Curlew, Burhinus neglectus’, see *(b,v)ili[ki(k,t)i] |
*vili[kiki] | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘Beach Stone-Curlew, Burhinus neglectus’, see *(b,v)ili[ki(k,t)i] |
*vili[kiti] | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘Beach Stone-Curlew, Burhinus neglectus’, see *(b,v)ili[ki(k,t)i] |
*kapa (ᴠ) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘beat, of wings, fins, flippers’ |
*(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)i | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bee, buzzing insect’ |
*ñiñi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bee, buzzing insect’, see *(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)i |
*kororo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bee’ |
*ko[l,R]o-kol,R]o | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘beetle that attacks plants’ |
*koRo-koRo | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘beetle that attacks plants’, see *ko[l,R]o-kol,R]o |
*kamak | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘beetle, possibly longicorn’ |
*manuɣ | Proto-South Vanuatu (PSV) | ‘bird’ |
*k(a)iau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bismarck Scrub Fowl, Megapodius eremita’ |
*kʷal(i)au | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bismarck Scrub Fowl, Megapodius eremita’ |
*mʷalau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bismarck Scrub Fowl, Megapodius eremita’ |
*kiau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bismarck Scrub Fowl, Megapodius eremita’, see *k(a)iau |
*kʷalau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bismarck Scrub Fowl, Megapodius eremita’, see *kʷal(i)au |
*toki | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘bite, peck’ |
*sapulu(q) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bivalve mollusc, possibly Pinna sp.’ |
*kaRi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bivalve sp. or spp, possibly cockle, used as a scraper’ |
*tu(qu)asi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bivalve taxon, probably ark or cockle shell; possibly also grater or spoon made from this’ |
*tu(qu)aði | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘bivalve taxon, probably ark or cockle shell; possibly also grater or spoon made from this’ |
*tuaði | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘bivalve taxon, probably ark or cockle shell; possibly also grater or spoon made from this’, see *tu(qu)aði |
*tuasi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bivalve taxon, probably ark or cockle shell; possibly also grater or spoon made from this’, see *tu(qu)asi |
*japi (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bivalve taxon, probably P. maxima, gold-lipped pearl shell’, (2) ‘ornament made from this’ |
*takuhali | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘black and white banded sea snake’ |
*(y)aro(q) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘black-lipped pearl, Pinctada maxima‘, possibly generic for Pinctada spp. |
*[ta]lapiti | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘Black-naped Tern, Sterna sumatrana’ |
*lapiti | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘Black-naped Tern, Sterna sumatrana’, see *[ta]lapiti |
*l(o,a)kuya | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘blenny’ |
*lakuya | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘blenny’, see *l(o,a)kuya |
*pulu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘body hair, fur, feathers’ |
*tuma | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘body louse’ |
*kam(a,i,u)tuq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bolbometopon, double-headed parrotfish’ |
*kamituq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bolbometopon, double-headed parrotfish’, see *kam(a,i,u)tuq |
*kamutuq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Bolbometopon, double-headed parrotfish’, see *kam(a,i,u)tuq |
*rowou | Proto-North Vanuatu | ‘bonito, Thunnus sp.’ |
*atu | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘bonito’ |
*pu-pulan | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bony fish, Megalops, Albula spp.’ |
*pulan | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bony fish, Megalops, Albula spp.’, see *pu-pulan |
*kuRo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘bony fish, probably Albula’ |
*pue | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Booby, Sula sp.’ |
*fua(kō) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Booby, Sula sp.’ |
*(maua)kena | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘booby, Sula sp.’ |
*kemoa | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘booby’ |
*katoko | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘booby’ |
*ali | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Bothus spp., flounder’ |
*moa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘boxfish’ |
*mwa(toqu) | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘boxfish’ |
*ovi(s), *ovis-i- (1) | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘brood, sit on eggs’; (2) ‘cover chicks with wings’ |
*kanapu | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster’ |
*b(a,e,i)risu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Buff-banded Rail, Rallus philippensis’ |
*b(w)ilake | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘Buff-banded Rail, Rallus philippensis’ |
*biŋ | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘Buff-banded Rail, Rallus philippensis’ |
*weka | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Buff-banded Rail, Rallus philippensis’ |
*berisu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Buff-banded Rail, Rallus philippensis’, see *b(a,e,i)risu |
*birisu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Buff-banded Rail, Rallus philippensis’, see *b(a,e,i)risu |
*rokrok | Proto-Meso-Melanesian ? | ‘bullfrog’ |
*tifi-tifi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘butterfly fish (generic)’ |
*[kau]bebek | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘butterfly, moth’ |
*bebek | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘butterfly, moth’, see *[kau]bebek |
*[kali]bobo(ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘butterfly’ |
*bebelo | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘butterfly’ |
*qara-bembem | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘butterfly’ |
*pepele | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘butterfly’ |
*bobo(ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘butterfly’, see *[kali]bobo(ŋ) |
*ŋiŋi(ŋ) (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘buzz as a mosquito’, (2) ‘mosquito’ (onomatopoeic) |
*suli(k) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Caesionidae, fusilier’ |
*aroŋo | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘Carangid fish, pompano, skipjack’ |
*mamula | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘carangid’ |
*qulua | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘carangid’ |
*taliku | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Carangid’ |
*jeu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘carangid’ |
*soke(lau) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Carangid’ |
*teu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Carangid’ |
*soke | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Carangid’, see *soke(lau) |
*filu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Carangidae’ |
*pakewa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Carangoides ferdau jordan’ |
*pilu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Caranx sp. or spp., trevally’ |
*qulua | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Caranx sp., possibly C. ignobilis, big-headed jack (Carangidae)’ |
*qulua | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Caranx sp., possibly C. ignobilis, big-headed jack’ |
*tafaquli | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Caranx sp., possibly C. lugubris’ |
*qulua | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Caranx sp., probably mature phase of C. ignobilis’ |
*aseu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Caranx sp.’ |
*lupo | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Caranx spp. |
*lubo | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Caranx spp.’ |
*dilit(i,u) | Proto-North Vanuatu | ‘Caranx spp.’ |
*bʷatu-(i)-manu | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘Cardinal Honeyeater, Myzomela cardinalis’ (lit. ‘head of bird’) |
*qalili | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘cat’s eye shell, Turbo sp.’ |
*qanupe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘caterpillar or k.o. sea cucumber (indeterminate)’ |
*muno[-muno] | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘caterpillar, grub’ |
*qanupe | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘caterpillar’ |
*kaboRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘catfish-eel, Plotosus sp.’ |
*qalipan | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘centipede’ |
*weli (1) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘centipede’, (2) ‘marine annelid like a centipede’ |
*loi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Cephalopholis argus, peacock rock cod’ |
*tivi-tivi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Chaetodon spp.’ |
*tipi-tipi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Chaetodontidae’ |
*qawa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Chanos chanos, milkfish or salmon herring’ |
*qawaq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Chanos chanos, milkfish’ |
*qawa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Chanos’ |
*papu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Cheilinus sp.’ |
*taŋafa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Cheilinus sp.’ |
*babu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Cheilinus spp., Maori wrasse’ |
*mamin | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Cheilinus undulatus, double-headed Maori wrasse and possibly other wrasse spp.’ |
*taŋava | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Cheilinus undulatus’ |
*mama | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘chiton’ |
*kālisi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘cicada, cricket’ |
*l(a,e)le | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘cicada’ |
*lele | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘cicada’, see *l(a,e)le |
*kepwa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Clupeidae, probably sardine sp.’ |
*s(a,i)waRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Clupeidae, sardine or herring’ |
*siwaRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Clupeidae, sardine or herring’, see *s(a,i)waRa |
*ka-lewe-lewe | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘cobweb, spider’ |
*ipos | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘cockroach’ |
*kwaru-kwaru | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘cockroach’ |
*musi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘cockroach’ |
*moŋa-moŋa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘cockroach’ |
*qayuyu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘coconut crab, Birgus latro’ |
*qūqū | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘coconut crab, Birgus latro’ |
*kula | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Collared Lory, Phigys solitarius’ |
*ŋoŋo | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Common Noddy, Anous stolidus’ |
*lako (1) | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘cone or trochus shell’, (2) ‘various ornaments made from this’ |
*baku | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘conger eel’ |
*bon(u,o) | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘conger eel’ |
*puŋa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘coral rock’ |
*palata | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Coryphaena hippurus, dolphinfish’ |
*masi-masi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Coryphaena hippurus, dolphinfish’ |
*pule | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘cowrie’ |
*kape | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘crab taxon, probably a rock crab (Grapsidae)’ |
*qura | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘crayfish’ |
*ki(t,s)o | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Crested Baza, Aviceda subcristata’ |
*kiso | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Crested Baza, Aviceda subcristata’, see *ki(t,s)o |
*puqaya | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘crocodile’ |
*(kao)kao | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘crow, Corvus sp.’ |
*ka(r,R)o(kV) | Proto-New Guinea Oceanic (PNGOc) | ‘crow’ |
*bʷayobʷayo | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘crow’ |
*Rami | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘crustacean roe’ |
*ami | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘crustacean roe’ |
*woku | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Cuckoo Dove, Macropygia sp.’ |
*seke | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘cuckoo, possibly Centropus sp.’ |
*lVvusi | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘cuckoo’ |
*(li)kapilei | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘cuckoo’ |
*kapilei | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘cuckoo’, see *(li)kapilei |
*pʷisu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Cuckoo-shrike, Coracina sp.’ |
*tautu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Diodon sp.’ |
*tautu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Diodon spp., porcupine fish’ |
*taRutu(m,ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Diodon spp., porcupinefish’ |
*kapuna | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘dog’ |
*ka(u,w)ak | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘dog’ |
*paia | Proto-Western Oceanic (?) | ‘dog’ |
*gavun | Proto-North New Guinea (PNNG) | ‘dog’ |
*kasi | Proto-North Bougainville | ‘dog’ |
*kikiroa~*kikiora | Proto-Oceanic (?) | ‘Dollar Bird, Eurystomus orientalis’ |
*ule(o) | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘Dollar Bird, Eurystomus orientalis’ |
*kikiora | Proto-Oceanic (?) | ‘Dollar Bird, Eurystomus orientalis’, see *kikiroa~*kikiora |
*guRio | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘dolphin (generic)’ |
*ku(r,R)iap | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘dolphin’ |
*giRio(p) | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘dolphin’ |
*kua | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘dolphin’ |
*iŋi | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘dorsal fin’ |
*((l,R)(a,u))muk(w)o | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘dove sp.’ |
*lumuk(w)o | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘dove sp.’, see *((l,R)(a,u))muk(w)o |
*muk(w)o | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘dove sp.’, see *((l,R)(a,u))muk(w)o |
*Ramuk(w)o | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘dove sp.’, see *((l,R)(a,u))muk(w)o |
*Rumuk(w)o | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘dove sp.’, see *((l,R)(a,u))muk(w)o |
*ŋaRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘duck’ |
*Raŋa | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘duck’ |
*l(i)aŋ | Proto-South Melanesian | ‘duck’ |
*toloa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘duck’ |
*mokolā | Proto-Tahitic | ‘duck’ |
*ruyuŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘dugong’ |
*kasuari | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Dwarf Cassowary, Casuarius bennetti’ |
*kamʷaga | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘eagle, hawk’ |
*roqa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘eagle’ |
*luar | Proto-Oceanic (?) | ‘eagle’ |
*taliŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘ear’ |
*kele-mutu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘earthworm, grub’ |
*tali-tali-quli | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Echeneis sp., remora, and Naucrates ductor, pilot fish’ |
*qatoluR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘egg’ |
*karau | Proto-Central Micronesian | ‘Egretta sacra’ |
*kamaRi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Elagatis bipinnulata, rainbow runner’ |
*mʷaRaki | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica’ |
*koraŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘emperor, Lethrinidae’ |
*ŋutuloa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Epibulis insidiator, slingjaw wrasse, or other long-nosed wrasse’ |
*kalika | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Epinephelidae, rock cod’ |
*fāpuku | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Epinephelus sp., possibly E. polyphekadion, marbled sea bass’ |
*kito | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Epinephelus spp. |
*ŋwajala | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Epinephelus spp.’ |
*udu | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘Eunice, palolo worm’ |
*tawa-tawa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Euthynnus yaito [E. affinis], black tuna, or Gymnosarda unicolor, juvenile, dogtooth tuna’ |
*taqe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘excrement’ |
*mwagaRut | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Exocoetidae, flying fish’ |
*marup | Proto-South Melanesian | ‘falcon’ |
*piRu(q) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fan palm’ |
*takere | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Fantail, Rhipidura sp.’ |
*laki | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fantail’ |
*pitikole | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘fantail’ |
*sora | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘fantail’ |
*vete-vete | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘fantail’ |
*k(w)ilo(ki) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘female Eclectus Parrot’ |
*bwarabwara | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘female pig’ |
*kām(o,u)tu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘female Scarus sordidus’ |
*kāmutu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘female Scarus sordidus’, see *kām(o,u)tu |
*tanifa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fierce shark’ |
*(k,q)ali-totop | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘firefly’ |
*qali-popot | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘firefly’ |
*qali-totop | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘firefly’, see *(k,q)ali-totop |
*weli (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fireworm, sea centipede’, (2) ‘? k.o. millipede or centipede’ |
*ikan | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fish (generic)’ |
*siRiko | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fish fin’ |
*sio(R,r)a | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘fish fin’ |
*kapa-kapa (ɴ) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fish fins’; (ᴠ) ‘flap wings’ |
*kōpū | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fish gullet’ |
*quna | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fish scale, turtle shell’ |
*kapoa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fish sp., probably Plotosus sp., catfish’ |
*kulapo | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fish sp.’ |
*taragau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fish-eating eagle or hawk’ |
*bʷamara | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘fishing bird of prey’ |
*qunap[i] | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fishscale’ |
*tao-tao | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Fistularia spp., probably including trumpetfish’ |
*bābā | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Fistularia, flutefish’ |
*tao-tao | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Fistularia, flutefish’ |
*[l]alali | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘flatfish incl. flounders, soles’ |
*alali | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘flatfish incl. flounders, soles’, see *[l]alali |
*lalali, *ali | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘flatfish’ |
*Ropok | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fly, jump’ |
*laŋo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fly’ |
*k(o,u)vi | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Flycatcher, Myiagra sp.’ |
*kuvi | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Flycatcher, Myiagra sp.’, see *k(o,u)vi |
*paRapaRa | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘flycatcher’ |
*manuk (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘flying creature’, (2) ‘animal’ |
*magaRut | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘flying fish’ |
*maŋar | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘flying fish’ |
*bweka | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘flying fox, large fruit bat’ |
*mali-bweka | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘flying fox, large fruit bat’ |
*mali-boŋi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘flying fox’ |
*mū | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘flying insect’ |
*kokorako | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fowl, Gallus gallus, esp. male’ |
*toqa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘fowl’ |
*moa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fowl’ |
*(dr,d)aula | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘frigate bird’ |
*katapa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘frigate bird’ |
*belama | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘frigate bird’ |
*kaidaa(n) | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘frigate bird’ |
*daula | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘frigate bird’, see *(dr,d)aula |
*kuRau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘frog taxon’ |
*pa(R,r)a(C) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘frog’ |
*karok | Proto-North New Guinea (PNNG) | ‘frog’ |
*g(a)umu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus sp.’ |
*va(o,u) | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus sp.’ |
*tobaka | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus sp.’ |
*vʷeru | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus sp.’ |
*gumu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus sp.’, see *g(a)umu |
*vau | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus sp.’, see *va(o,u) |
*qulo-quloc | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘full of maggots’ |
*huli | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘fusilier sp.’ |
*panapa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘garfish and needlefish taxon’ |
*haku | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘garfish and needlefish’ |
*paŋoda | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘gather seafood on the reef’ |
*pili | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘gecko; adhere to’ |
*tok, *totok | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘gecko’ |
*totok | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘gecko’, see *tok, *totok |
*malau | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘general term for a number of fishes of the genera Holocentrus, Adioryx, Myripristis and Flammeo, soldier fishes and squirrelfishes’ |
*manu-manuk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘general term for insects and other small land invertebrates’ |
*maŋō | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘general term for shark spp.’ |
*laje | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for branching corals’ |
*bebek | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for Chaetodontidae, coralfish and butterflyfish’ |
*tadruku | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘generic for chitons’ |
*tapuRiq (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for conch shells, esp. triton’s trumpet, Charonia tritonis and allied spp.; possibly extended to some Cassis (helmet) shells’, (2) ‘trumpet of Charonia shell’ |
*buli(q) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for cowries’ |
*ikan | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for fish (and certain other free-swimming aquatic creatures)’ |
*(m,p)anoko | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘generic for gobies, mudskippers, blennies’ |
*panoko | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘generic for gobies, mudskippers, blennies’, see *(m,p)anoko |
*quŋa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘generic for hermit crab’ |
*qumwaŋ (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for hermit crabs’, ? (2) ‘generic for hermit and coconut crabs’ |
*tāpea | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘generic for morays’ |
*kuRita | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for octopus’ |
*quraŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for prawns and shrimps, crayfish and lobsters’ |
*bon(e,a) | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘generic for various small Acanthuridae’ |
*bona | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘generic for various small Acanthuridae’, see *bon(e,a) |
*mwata-mwata | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘generic for worms and worm-like creatures’ |
*matu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Gerres spp., mojarras’ |
*matu | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Gerres spp., silver biddy’ |
*matu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Gerres’ |
*kaRuki, (dbl. *kaRuiki) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘ghost crab, Ocypoda sp., small white crab found on sandy beaches’ |
*kauki, *kawiki | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘ghost crab, Ocypoda sp.’ |
*kawiki | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘ghost crab, Ocypoda sp.’ |
*kima | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘giant clam, Tridacna spp., include. T. gigas’ |
*(b,v)āsua | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘giant clam, Tridacna spp.’ |
*gara | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘gills’ |
*koro | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘gills’ |
*qasaŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘gills’ |
*tap(w)a | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘glide, soar’ |
*vilu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Gnathanodon, Trachinotus’ |
*tiqo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘goatfish sp. or spp.’ |
*sapulu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘goatfish spp.’ |
*mwacasi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘goatfish’ |
*sua-sua | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘goatfish’ |
*taŋitaŋi | Proto-North Vanuatu | ‘goatfish’ |
*kakawa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘goby, blenny’ |
*sau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Golden Whistler, Pachycephala pectoralis’ |
*(s,j)eqe | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘grasshopper ?’ |
*jeqe | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘grasshopper ?’, see *(s,j)eqe |
*sakwa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘grasshopper or stick insect’ |
*siko | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘grasshopper’ |
*gala | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘green lizard, Emoia sp.’ |
*[m,k]arawa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘green parrotfish spp.’ |
*karawa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘green parrotfish spp.’, see *[m,k]arawa |
*manak(V) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘green turtle, Chelonia mydas’ |
*tū | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘ground dove’ |
*tū, *tū-kele | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘ground dove’ |
*tabwale | Proto-North Vanuatu | ‘grouper’ |
*kalo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘growth stage of goatfish’ |
*hafulu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘growth stage of goatfish’ |
*kaloama | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘growth stage of goatfish’ |
*roRo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘growth stage of Siganus spp.’ |
*tawa-tawa | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘growth stage of skipjack or dogtooth tuna’ |
*moto-moto | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘growth stage of Sphyraena sp.’ |
*i-kata | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘growth term for Caranx sp’ |
*kata | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘growth term for Caranx sp’ |
*dābea | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Gymnothorax, moray eel’ |
*ipu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘hair, feather’ |
*ise | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘halfbeak spp.’ |
*mata qi taliŋa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘hammerhead shark’ |
*kisakisa | Proto-New Guinea Oceanic (PNGOc) | ‘hawk or eagle’ |
*tava | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘hawk or eagle’ |
*bʷakole | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘hawk or kite’ |
*ta(ou)k | Proto-Oceanic (?) | ‘hawk, bird of prey’ |
*pʷa(r,R)a | Proto-Oceanic (?) | ‘hawk’ |
*kipa | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘hawk’ |
*kitave | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘hawk’ |
*mala | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘hawk’ |
*patuki | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘hawkfish’ |
*qulu-tuki | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘hawkfish’ |
*keRaŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata’ |
*kea | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘hawksbill turtle’ |
*sipa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Hemiramphus spp.’ |
*mwakoR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Hemiramphus, garfish’ |
*Rije | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Hemiramphus, halfbeak’ |
*ŋwa(k,x)a | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Hemiramphus’ |
*qupa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘hen’ |
*kato(q)u | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘hermit crab’ |
*koba | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘hermit crab’ |
*kato(q)u | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘hermit crab’ |
*kautuku~*kootuku | Proto-Central Eastern Polynesian | ‘heron sp.’ |
*boqe | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘heron, Egretta sp.’ |
*bʷaro | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘heron, probably Egretta sp.’ |
*kao(i) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘heron, probably Egretta sp.’ |
*kaopa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘heron, probably Egretta sp.’ |
*qova | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘heron, probably Egretta sp.’ |
*sou (?) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘heron’ |
*bʷan(ie) | Proto-South Vanuatu (PSV) | ‘heron’ |
*karaɨ | Proto-Chuukic | ‘heron’ |
*qulavi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Hipposcarus longiceps’ |
*ioli | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘honeyeater’ |
*midi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘honeyeater’ |
*(b,v)asilo | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘honeyeater’ |
*vasilo | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘honeyeater’, see *(b,v)asilo |
*binam | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘hornbill’ |
*koŋo(k) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘hornbill’ |
*komo | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘hornbill’ |
*seqe | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘insect spp. including mantis, stick insect, locust’ |
*was(i,e) | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘Island Thrush, Turdus poliocephalus’ |
*wase | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘Island Thrush, Turdus poliocephalus’, see *was(i,e) |
*piRu-piRu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Istiophoridae’ |
*lupo-lupo | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘juvenile Caranx spp.’ |
*kava-kava | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘juvenile Liza vaigiensis’ |
*jeqevo(o,u) | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘juvenile mullet’ |
*qaua | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘juvenile mullet’ |
*rō | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘juvenile Siganus’ |
*sao-sao | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘juvenile Sphyraena sp.’ |
*mama | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘k.o. anemone or jellyfish’ |
*kaRuve | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘k.o. beach crab, probably Ocypoda sp., ghost crab’ |
*tabuRuRu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. beetle’ |
*paRia | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘k.o. big lizard’ |
*tu(q)e, *tu(q)e-tu(q)e | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. bivalve, possibly Lucinidae and allied families’ |
*tue, *tue-tue | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. bivalve, possibly Lucinidae and allied families’, see *tu(q)e, *tu(q)e-tu(q)e |
*tape | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. bivalve’ |
*tofe | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘k.o. bivalve’ |
*pupuk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. borer wasp or bee that infests wood and bamboo’ |
*kaRaka | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. crab, possibly rock crab.’ |
*bwalup | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. eel, moray eel ?’ |
*bonu | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘k.o. eel, probably conger’ |
*(t,d)oloq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. eel’ |
*pulewa | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘k.o. eel’ |
*bulewa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. eel’ |
*doloq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. eel’, see *(t,d)oloq |
*bakewa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. fish that accompanies sharks’ |
*toqa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. fish with toxic flesh, probably Ostracion’ |
*uvi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. fish, poss. Eleotridae’ |
*buRi-buRi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. fish, possibly angelfish’ |
*bakopu | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘k.o. fish, possibly Eleotris sp.’ |
*[oka]oka | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. fish, possibly Lethrinus spp. |
*buma | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘k.o. fish, possibly sardine’ |
*kawaŋo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. fish, probably Lethrinus sp.’ |
*kaRapa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. fish’ |
*moto | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘k.o. fish’ |
*mala | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘k.o. fish’ |
*[kwe]kwekwe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. frog’ |
*wete | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘k.o. goatfish, including Mulloidichthys’ |
*pwi(r,R)itu(r,R,s) | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘k.o. goatfish’ |
*teu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. goatfish’ |
*bak(u)i | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. jellyfish or hydroid’ |
*baki | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. jellyfish or hydroid’, see *bak(u)i |
*kalukalu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘k.o. jellyfish’ |
*rakum(u) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. large crab, probably a land crab’ |
*nai-ufi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘k.o. large shark, probably tiger or grey reef shark’ |
*qaso | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. large shark’ |
*wak(i,e) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. lizard, possibly a monitor’ |
*wake | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. lizard, possibly a monitor’, see *wak(i,e) |
*bili | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. lizard’ |
*kapoRu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. lizard’ |
*kuk(o,u) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. lizard’ |
*vokai | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. lizard’ |
*kuku | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. lizard’, see *kuk(o,u) |
*sao | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. long tom’ |
*bio | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘k.o. mollusc or pearl shell’ |
*game | Proto-Meso-Melanesian | ‘k.o. mollusc’ |
*[pu]lele-fua | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘k.o. moth’ |
*lele-fua | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘k.o. moth’, see *[pu]lele-fua |
*kosa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. parrotfish’ |
*me[l,n]aŋa~*ma[l,n]eŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. parrotfish’ |
*maleŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. parrotfish’, see *me[l,n]aŋa~*ma[l,n]eŋa |
*maneŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. parrotfish’, see *me[l,n]aŋa~*ma[l,n]eŋa |
*menaŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. parrotfish’, see *me[l,n]aŋa~*ma[l,n]eŋa |
*walu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. pelagic fish’ |
*ibo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sandworm, probably Sipunculus sp.’ |
*ðuðu-walu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. sea cucumber, probably Holothuria sp.’ |
*(p,b)ula | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sea cucumber’ |
*bula | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sea cucumber’, see *(p,b)ula |
*dābea | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. sea eel or sea snake’ |
*(k,q)asuli | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sea eel’ |
*qasuli | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. sea eel’ |
*qasuli | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sea eel’, see *(k,q)asuli |
*sala(n,ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sea urchin with long black spines, probably Diadema sp. or spp.’ |
*salaŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sea urchin with long black spines, probably Diadema sp. or spp.’, see *sala(n,ŋ) |
*gina | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘k.o. sea urchin with long spines’ |
*saRawaki | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. sea urchin, probably Echinometra sp. or spp.’ |
*kwarawa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. shark’ |
*maŋewa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. shark’ |
*qalawa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘k.o. shark’ |
*jove | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. shellfish or barnacle’ |
*(g,k)alau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. shore crab, possibly a grapsid sp.’ |
*kalis(i,u) | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘k.o. skink’ |
*kalisu | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘k.o. skink’, see *kalis(i,u) |
*paya | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. small fish, sardine or anchovy’ |
*vo(q)o | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. small fish’ |
*vua-vua | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. small fish’ |
*vō | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. small fish’, see *vo(q)o |
*vaya | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. small school fish’ |
*sarā | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. small schooling fish’ |
*mo(g,k)o | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. snake’ |
*sibi | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘k.o. snake’ |
*moko | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. snake’, see *mo(g,k)o |
*tuku-tuku | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘k.o. spider which lowers itself on a single thread’ |
*gagao ~ *(g,k)a(g,k)a- | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. spider’ |
*ka(p,b)ilakwa | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘k.o. spider’ |
*[ko]ko-miji | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘k.o. spider’ |
*gaga | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. spider’, see *gagao ~ *(g,k)a(g,k)a- |
*kaka | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. spider’, see *gagao ~ *(g,k)a(g,k)a- |
*kabilakwa | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘k.o. spider’, see *ka(p,b)ilakwa |
*bubu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. wasp’ |
*mañipo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. wasp’ |
*(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)ipo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. wasp’ |
*gumu | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘k.o. wasp’ |
*ñiñipo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘k.o. wasp’, see *(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)ipo |
*dimwan | Proto-New Guinea Oceanic (PNGOc) | ‘k.o. worm’ |
*qatun | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Katsuwonus pelamis, skipjack tuna’ |
*qatu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Katsuwonus pelamis, skipjack tuna’ |
*kiki | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘kingfisher’ |
*ki(o)kio | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘kingfisher’ |
*(s,j)iko | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘kingfisher’ |
*jiko | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘kingfisher’, see *(s,j)iko |
*kikio | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘kingfisher’, see *ki(o)kio |
*ranue | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Kyohosidae’ |
*maka(o,u)r | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Kyphosidae, drummer’ |
*makaur | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Kyphosidae, drummer’, see *maka(o,u)r |
*r(a,e)nu(a,e) | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Kyphosus, rudderfish’ |
*renu(a,e) | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Kyphosus, rudderfish’, see *r(a,e)nu(a,e) |
*renu(a,e) | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Kyphosus, rudderfish’, see *r(a,e)nu(a,e) |
*r(a,e)nu(a,e) | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Kyphosus’ |
*tahiwa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘L. monostigma, one spot seaperch’ |
*tapu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Labridae sp.’ |
*tuvu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Labridae sp.’ |
*labe | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Labridae, wrasse’ |
*suŋale | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Labridae’ |
*Raŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lambis spp., esp. spider conch, Lambis lambis’ |
*tupa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘landcrab’ |
*lō-qata | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘large ant’ |
*bogi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large bird of prey sp., possibly sea eagle’ |
*kasika | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large emperor, Lethrinus sp.’ |
*munua | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘large Epinephelus sp.’ |
*bwari | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘large frog’ |
*qalimaŋo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large mangrove crab, Scylla serrata (Portunidae) and probably other portunids’ |
*ka(r,l)(i,u)pa(s) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large monitor lizard, Varanus indicus and possibly other species’ |
*kalipa(s) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large monitor lizard, Varanus indicus and possibly other species’, see *ka(r,l)(i,u)pa(s) |
*kalupa(s) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large monitor lizard, Varanus indicus and possibly other species’, see *ka(r,l)(i,u)pa(s) |
*karipa(s) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large monitor lizard, Varanus indicus and possibly other species’, see *ka(r,l)(i,u)pa(s) |
*karupa(s) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large monitor lizard, Varanus indicus and possibly other species’, see *ka(r,l)(i,u)pa(s) |
*koto(ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large rock cod or grouper, Epinephelus sp.’ |
*(b,v)asua | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘large shellfish, perhaps a bivalve’ |
*vāsua | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘large shellfish, perhaps a bivalve’, see *(b,v) āsua |
*vasua | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘large shellfish, perhaps a bivalve’, see *(b,v)asua |
*fāsua | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘large shellfish, perhaps a bivalve’, see *(p,f) āsua |
*loRo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large stinging red ant’ |
*taku(a,o) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘large tuna or skipjack’ |
*taŋapa(R,r) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘large wrasse, including Cheilinus sp.’ |
*mwanagi, *mwamwagi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘larger cuttlefish, Sepia sp. or spp.’ |
*kapa-kapa (1) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘lateral fins’, (2) ‘flap wings’ |
*tau(p) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘lay egg’ |
*droman | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘leech’ |
*(o,u)du | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Leodis viridis, palolo worm’ |
*odu | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘Leodis viridis, palolo worm’ |
*balolo (1) | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Leodis viridis, palolo worm’, (2) ‘name of the months when this worm rises’ |
*udu | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Leodis viridis, palolo worm’, see *(o,u)du |
*kulabo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lethrinidae’ |
*ŋujula | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lethrinus elongatus’ |
*kawaŋo | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lethrinus nebulosus’ |
*n(u,o)sa | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Lethrinus sp.’ |
*kabatiko | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lethrinus sp.’ |
*nosa | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Lethrinus sp.’, see *n(u,o)sa |
*surup | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lethrinus spp.’ |
*susul | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lethrinus spp.’ |
*manu | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘living creature of land or air’ |
*kanahe | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Liza cephalus, Crenimugil crenilabis and other mullet spp.’ |
*kanaðe | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Liza spp.’ |
*kaRapa | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Liza vaigiensis, diamond-scaled mullet’ |
*kava | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Liza vaigiensis’ |
*kafa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Liza vaigiensis’ |
*moko | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘lizard’ |
*kalewa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Long-tailed Koel, Urodynamis taitensis’ |
*kawekawesā | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Long-tailed Koel, Urodynamis taitensis’ |
*tiro(p), *tirop-i- | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘look intently, look for (lice etc.)’ |
*kutu (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘louse (generic)’, (2) ‘head louse’ |
*(ð,s)abutu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lutjanus and Lethrinus spp.’ |
*s(a,ā)putu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Lutjanus and Lethrinus spp.’ |
*sabutu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lutjanus and Lethrinus spp.’, see *(ð,s)abutu |
*sawane | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Lutjanus kasmira’ |
*batisai | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lutjanus monostigma’ |
*kwak(a,e) | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lutjanus monostigma’ |
*tāqea | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Lutjanus sp., probably L. gibbus’ |
*tasiwa | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Lutjanus sp.’ |
*taŋaqu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Lutjanus spp. including L. vaigiensis [L. fulvus] and probably other yellow or yellow-red species’ |
*k(i,e)pV | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lutjanus spp., sea perch’ |
*kepV | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lutjanus spp., sea perch’, see *k(i,e)pV |
*ta(Ra)qea | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lutjanus spp., snapper, sea perch’ |
*taqea | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lutjanus spp., snapper, sea perch’, see *ta(Ra)qea |
*bwa[p,w]a | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lutjanus spp., snapper’ |
*tasiwa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Lutjanus spp.’ |
*toava | Proto-North Vanuatu | ‘Mackinlay’s Cuckoo Dove, Macropygia mackinlayi’ |
*bʷaueve | Proto-Central Vanuatu | ‘Mackinlay’s Cuckoo Dove, Macropygia mackinlayi’ |
*quloc | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘maggot’ |
*kaRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘male Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus roratus’ |
*ka(l,R)aŋa(r,R) | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘male Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus roratus’ |
*kaRaŋa(r,R) | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘male Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus roratus’, see *ka(l,R)aŋa(r,R) |
*kuka | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘mangrove crab, Sesarma sp. or spp.’ |
*pulewa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘marine substance/creature with stone-like or rough exterior’ |
*qonos | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mature Sphyraena spp., possibly generic for all barracuda’ |
*vula | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Megalops’ |
*tiā(k,ŋ) | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘Melanesian Graybird, Coracina caledonica’ |
*tiāŋ | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘Melanesian Graybird, Coracina caledonica’, see *tiā(k,ŋ) |
*kobu(ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘middle, waist, belly’ |
*mwali-X | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘millipede’ |
*watiRi | Proto-Admiralty (PAdm) | ‘monitor lizard, Varanus spp.’ |
*(k,g)uma | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘monitor lizard’ |
*(k,g)uma-kara | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘monitor lizard’ |
*kalufa | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘monitor lizard’ |
*guma | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘monitor lizard’, see *(k,g)uma |
*guma-kara | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘monitor lizard’, see *(k,g)uma-kara |
*(m,b)ū | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Monotaxis grandoculis, large-eyed sea bream’ |
*bū | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Monotaxis grandoculis, large-eyed sea bream’, see *(m,b)ū |
*[la]bwa(s,j)i | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘moray eel’ |
*bwa(s,j)i | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘moray eel’, see *[la]bwa(s,j)i |
*tapatapa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Moreton Bay Bug’ |
*simuk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mosquito, small biting fly’ |
*ma-kini(t) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mosquito’ |
*ñamuk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mosquito’ |
*ŋati-ŋati | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘mosquito’ |
*ŋuju | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mouth, lips, snout, beak’ |
*kuka | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mudcrab, including Sesarma sp. or spp., living in mangrove forest and mudflats’ |
*talae | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘mudskipper’ |
*(k,q)aRua(s) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mullet (generic)’ |
*qaRua(s) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mullet (generic)’, see *(k,q)aRua(s) |
*qaua | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘mullet sp.’ |
*kanase | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mullet spp. including Valamugil cunnesius’ |
*kanase | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘mullet’ |
*oje | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Mullidae’ |
*memea | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Mulloides sp., goatfish’ |
*buRua | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Murex sp.’ |
*kuku | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘mussel sp. (Mytilidae)’ |
*kuku(r) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘mussel sp. or spp., used as food grater or scraper’ |
*kuru | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Myripristis sp.’ |
*kuru[ru] | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Myripristis spp., squirrelfish’ |
*kuru | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Myripristis’ |
*kuku | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘nail (of hand or foot), claw’ |
*m(a,o)nuRV | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Naso sp., unicornfish’ |
*qume | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Naso sp., unicornfish’ |
*monuRV | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Naso sp., unicornfish’, see *m(a,o)nuRV |
*ma(c,s)i-ma(c,s)i | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Naso sp.’ |
*tā | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Naso sp.’ |
*masi-masi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Naso sp.’, see *ma(c,s)i-ma(c,s)i |
*taRat | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Naso spp., incl. N. brevirostris, short snouted unicornfish’ |
*qume | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Naso unicornis, long-snouted unicornfish’ |
*saku | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘needlefish, garfish, long toms (Belonidae)’ |
*saku | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘needlefishes, garfishes, long toms (Belonidae)’ |
*marotV | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Nemipterus spp.’ |
*(n,ñ)iku~*nuki | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘nest’ |
*ova | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘nest’ |
*nuki | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘nest’, see *(n,ñ)iku~*nuki |
*ñiku | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘nest’, see *(n,ñ)iku~*nuki |
*hʷeek | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘New Caledonian Crow, Corvus moneduloides’ |
*kaka | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘New Caledonian Crow, Corvus moneduloides’ |
*ŋako | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Night Heron, Nycticorax sp.’ |
*tila | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘night heron, Nycticorax sp.’ |
*liŋo-liŋo | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘night insect, probably a cricket’ |
*lisaq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘nit’ |
*ka(R,r)oma | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘nit’ |
*lejaŋ | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘nit’ |
*m[e,a]rari | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Novaculichthys, wrasse’ |
*marari | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Novaculichthys, wrasse’, see *m[e,a]rari |
*buRu | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘octopus ink, sepia’ |
*palu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘oilfish; deep-sea snapper’ |
*riŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘orthopterous insect’ |
*sisi(rR) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘orthopterous insect’ |
*wāwā | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘orthopterous insect’ |
*maya | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Osprey, Pandion haliaetus’ |
*wakio | Proto-Malaita-Makira | ‘Osprey, Pandion haliaetus’ |
*moa-moa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Ostraciidae, boxfish’ |
*bwaReu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Ostracion, boxfish’ |
*bwar(o)-*bwar(o) | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Ostracion, boxfish’ |
*gwao-gwao | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Ostracion’ |
*moa(moa) | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Ostracion’ |
*toa | Proto-Fijian (PFij) | ‘Ostracion’ |
*drudru(r,R) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘owl’ |
*kuru(dr,d)u | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘owl’ |
*pora | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘owl’ |
*wisi | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘owl’ |
*kurudu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘owl’, see *kuru(dr,d)u |
*tiRom | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘oyster (Ostreidae, Isognomonidae)’ |
*tio | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘oyster sp.’ |
*tuli(i) | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Pacific Golden Plover, Pluvialis fulva’ |
*tōrea | Proto-Central Eastern Polynesian | ‘Pacific Golden Plover, Pluvialis fulva’ |
*bala | Proto-Central Vanuatu | ‘Pacific Marsh Harrier, Circus approximans’ |
*deŋ | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘Pacific Marsh Harrier, Circus approximans’ |
*ru(b,v)e | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Pacific Pigeon, Ducula pacifica’ |
*ruve | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Pacific Pigeon, Ducula pacifica’, see *ru(b,v)e |
*palolo (1) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘palolo worm’, (2) ‘name of the months when this rises’ |
*[pa]paba | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Parribacus sp. (Scyllaridae), slipper lobster’ |
*jabajaba | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Parribacus sp. (Scyllaridae), slipper lobster’ |
*paba | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Parribacus sp. (Scyllaridae), slipper lobster’, see *[pa]paba |
*kiRak | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrot sp.’ |
*pʷiri(p) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrot sp.’ |
*seŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrot sp.’ |
*kirori | Proto-Malaita-Makira | ‘parrot sp.’ |
*sipi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrot, perhaps Cardinal Lory, Chalcopsitta cardinalis’ |
*siri | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrot, perhaps Cardinal Lory, Chalcopsitta cardinalis’ |
*marewe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrot’ |
*(k,q)ulapi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrotfish spp., incl. Hipposcarus longiceps, longnosed parrotfish’ |
*(k,q)ulapi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrotfish spp., incl. Hipposcarus longiceps, long-nosed parrotfish’ |
*qulapi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘parrotfish spp., incl. Hipposcarus longiceps, long-nosed parrotfish’, see *(k,q)ulapi |
*matu-xurau | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Parupeneus sp.’ |
*ŋwaðaði | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Parupeneus sp.’ |
*moaŋa | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘Parupeneus spp.’ |
*jiva | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘pearl oyster, including Pinctada spp.’ |
*toki | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘peck’ (also perhaps of fish nibbling at bait) |
*kapi-kapi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pectoral fins’ |
*taliŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pectoral fins’ |
*manivi | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Pempheris sp.’ |
*si(r,R)(a,e)si(r,R)(a,e), *di(r,R)(a,e)di(r,R)(a,e) | Proto-New Guinea Oceanic (PNGOc) | ‘Petaurus breviceps, sugar glider’ |
*saba(l) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘petrel or albatross’ |
*lofa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘petrel or other large sea bird’ |
*koro + modifier | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘petrel’ |
*ta(i)ko(k) | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘petrel’ |
*tinebu | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘petrel’ |
*n-tako-tako(k) | Proto-South Vanuatu (PSV) | ‘petrel’ |
*taiko | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘petrel’ |
*tako(k) | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘petrel’, see *ta(i)ko(k) |
*k(w)adroRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘phalanger, cuscus’ |
*taqe-tuli | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘phosphorescent centipede/millipede’ |
*bukasi | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘pig (generic), and probably by default male pig, boar’ |
*boe | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘pig, male pig’ |
*bwasa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pig, possibly sow’ |
*boRok | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pig, Sus scrofa’ |
*b(o,u)kas(i) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pig’ |
*puaka | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘pig’ |
*bukas(i) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pig’, see *b(o,u)kas(i) |
*bʷaruruk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon or dove sp.’ |
*(k,g)upuR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon or dove’ |
*gupuR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon or dove’, see *(k,g)upuR |
*butir | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon sp.’ |
*kurau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon sp.’ |
*(ku(r,l)u)ku(r,l)u | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon sp.’ |
*belik(e,i)o | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘pigeon sp.’ |
*soge | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘pigeon sp.’ |
*(kulu)kulu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon sp.’, see *(ku(r,l)u)ku(r,l)u |
*belikio | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘pigeon sp.’, see *belik(e,i)o |
*bune | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon, dove’ |
*baluc | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon, Ducula sp.’ |
*bona | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon, Ducula sp.’ |
*ku(i)ba | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon, probably Ducula sp.’ |
*kuba | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pigeon, probably Ducula sp.’, see *ku(i)ba |
*fata | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘platform, nest’ |
*lau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Plectorhinchus spp., banded sweetlips’ |
*(k,q)umutuR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Plectorhinchus spp., sweetlips’ |
*qumutuR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Plectorhinchus spp., sweetlips’, see *(k,q)umutuR |
*kaboRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Plotosus spp., catfish’ |
*kaboRa | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Plotosus, catfish’ |
*kul(i,u)ŋa | Proto-Chuukic-Ponapeic | ‘plover’ |
*mutu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Pomacentridae, particularly Abudefduf ’ |
*dukuku | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Pomacentridae’ |
*mutu[mutu] | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Pomacentridae’ |
*tukuku | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Pomacentridae’ |
*bwakaRe | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘porcupine fish’ |
*tautu | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘porcupine fish’ |
*paki(paki) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Portuguese man o’ war (bluebottle), Physalia sp.’ |
*qatu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘possibly generic for Thunnus and Katsuwonus spp.’ |
*papa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘praying mantis’ |
*waro(q) | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘probably black-lipped pearl, Pinctada maxima, possibly generic for Pinctada spp.’ |
*pipi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘probably general name for small or medium-sized circular bivalves, including cockles, Asaphis spp.’ |
*tubaRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘probably generic for large land crabs, Cardisoma spp.’ |
*lio-lio | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Pseudobalistes fuscus, brown triggerfish’ |
*bue-bue | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘puffer fish’ |
*[poto]poto | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pufferfish, porcupinefish’ |
*buli | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pufferfish’ |
*bwoe-bwoe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘pufferfish’ |
*bʷalaRe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Purple Swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio’ |
*bʷiru | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Purple Swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio’ |
*puRu(q) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘quail’ |
*marawa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘rabbitfish, S. rostratus’ [S. argenteus] |
*palaja | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rabbitfish, Siganus spp.’ |
*pit(a,i)ri | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘rail’ |
*pitiri | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘rail’, see *pit(a,i)ri |
*sipi(r,R)i | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Rainbow Lory, Trichoglossus haematodus, or Cardinal Lory, Chalcopsitta cardinalis’ |
*jalala | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Rastrelliger, k.o. small mackerel’ |
*salala | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Rastrelliger’ |
*kasupe, *kusupe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rat taxon, probably Rattus exulans and possibly other small commensal sp. or spp.’ |
*kalapo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rat taxon’ |
*la(b,p)(o,u) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rat taxon’ |
*pwalapo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rat taxon’ |
*labu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rat taxon’, see *la(b,p)(o,u) |
*lapo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rat taxon’, see *la(b,p)(o,u) |
*lapu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rat taxon’, see *la(b,p)(o,u) |
*kimoa | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘rat, R. exulans’ |
*kotu | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘rat’ |
*kumā | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘rat’ |
*dralā | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘red Cephalopholis’ |
*manuk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Red Jungle-fowl, Gallus gallus’ |
*faŋa-mea | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘red Lutjanus spp., especially L. bohar, red bass or red snapper |
*p(a,e)ŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘red Lutjanus spp.’ |
*peŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘red Lutjanus spp.’, see *p(a,e)ŋa |
*lalī | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘red rock cod spp.’ |
*takupu | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘Red-footed Booby, Sula sula’ |
*matuku | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Reef Heron, Egretta sacra’ |
*mala | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘resembling’ |
*baba(ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rock cod or grouper’ |
*kawa-kawa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rock cod, grouper’ |
*tonu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘rock cod, when large’ |
*kuRapu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rock-cod, Epinephelus sp. or spp. including E. lanceolatus, Queensland grouper’ |
*kuRapu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘rock-cod, Epiphenelus sp. or spp. including E. lanceolatus, Queensland grouper’ |
*biRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘roe, fish eggs’ |
*qapator | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sago grub, edible’ |
*saku-layaR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sailfish’ |
*nonok | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sandfly, midge’ |
*ŋi(s,j)i | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sandfly’ |
*ki(r,R)i-ki(r,R)i | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘sandfly’ |
*ŋiji | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sandfly’, see *ŋi(s,j)i |
*kiwiwi | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘sandpiper sp.’ |
*sara(Ra) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sardine-like fish, possibly Atherinidae’ |
*nifa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Sardinella sp.’ |
*tanipa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Sardinella spp., sardine’ |
*niva | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Sardinella spp.’ |
*kwaru | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Sardinella, sardine’ |
*taniva | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Sardinella’ |
*taqa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Sargocentron spiniferum, armoured soldierfish’ |
*taRaqan | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Sargocentron spp., squirrelfish, including S. spiniferum’ |
*qulafi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Scaridae spp.’ |
*bwos | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scarus sp., k.o. parrotfish’ |
*saumwa | Proto-North Vanuatu | ‘Scarus sp., parrotfish’ |
*bobo | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Scarus sp.’ |
*bōsē | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Scarus sp.’ |
*kamutu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Scarus sp.’ |
*(ma)manu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scarus spp.’ |
*mamanu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Scarus spp.’ |
*manu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scarus spp.’, see *(ma)manu |
*kirau | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scarus spp.’, see *kir[i,au] |
*laði | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Scomberoides sp.’ |
*laci | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scomberoides spp., leatherskin, including S. lysan’ |
*lai | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Scomberoides’ |
*walu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scombridae sp. or spp.’ |
*taŋiRi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scombridae spp., prob. incl. Scomberomorus commerson, narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, and Acanthocybium solandri, wahoo’ |
*taŋiRi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Scombridae spp., prob. incl. Scomberomorus commerson, the narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, and Acanthocybium solandri, wahoo’ |
*walu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Scombridae’ |
*novu | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘scorpion, venomous fish’ |
*rumane | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘sea anenome’ |
*ŋāŋā | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘sea bird, duck’ |
*loli | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘sea cucumber taxon’ |
*tarasea | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘sea cucumber taxon’ |
*qanupe | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘sea cucumber, holothurian’ |
*katata~*kakata | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘sea eagle, Haliaeetus’ |
*fada | Proto-Malaita-Makira | ‘sea eagle, Haliaeetus’ |
*kakata | Proto-NW Solomonic | ‘sea eagle, Haliaeetus’, see *katata~*kakata |
*bʷaŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sea eagle’ |
*manuka | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sea eagle’ |
*manu(w)ai | Proto-Admiralty (PAdm) | ‘sea eagle’ |
*manuai | Proto-Admiralty (PAdm) | ‘sea eagle’, see *manu(w)ai |
*pusi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘sea eel generic, Gymnothorax spp.’ |
*malayo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sea eel, possibly generic’ |
*maraya | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘sea eel’ |
*takulasi or *takusali | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘sea snake’ |
*wana | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘sea urchin sp.’ |
*sāwaki | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘sea urchin with short spines’ |
*wana | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘sea urchin, probably Diadema sp. and/or Echinothrix spp.’ |
*kina | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘sea urchin’ |
*paŋoda | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘seafood gathered on the reef, edible sea invertebrates’ |
*paŋoda, *piŋoda | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘seafood gathered on the reef, edible sea invertebrates’ |
*puqaya + modifier | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘seahorse’ |
*pakit, *pakit-i- | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘search hair for lice’ |
*tapu(s), *tapus-i- | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘seek lice’ |
*qatule | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Selar crumenophthalmus’ |
*qatule | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Selar crumenopthalmus, silver scad’ |
*qatule | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Selar spp. including S. crumenophthalmus, big-eyed scad’ |
*mataele | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Serranidae’ |
*bakewa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘shark (generic)’ |
*qaso | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘shark sp.’ |
*kasi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘shellfish, Asaphis spp.’ |
*bʷisu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Shining Starling, Aplonis metallica’ |
*kiu~*kiwi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘shore bird taxon including Pluvialis and Numenius’ |
*kiwi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘shore bird taxon including Pluvialis and Numenius’, see *kiu~*kiwi |
*muroR | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Siganus argenteus, silver or rabbit-faced spinefoot’ |
*kitoŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Siganus sp., possibly ‘Siganus punctatus, gold-spotted spinefoot’ |
*rō | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Siganus sp.’ |
*palaja | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Siganus spp., rabbitfish’ |
*muqu(ŋ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Siganus taxon, poss. S. spinus’ |
*(k(w),g)i(l,n)e | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Singing Parrot, Geoffroyus heteroclitus’ |
*taup-i- | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘sit on eggs’ |
*kalisi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘skink, k.o. lizard’ |
*lavo | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘skipper, blenny’ |
*didi | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘small ant’ |
*peka-peka (1) | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘small bat’, (2) ‘white-rumped swiftlet’ |
*mako | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘small bird sp.’ |
*niku-niku | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small biting fly’ |
*taku-takuŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small coral fish, damselfish or similar’ |
*bolo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small dark surgeonfish, possibly Ctenochaetus’ |
*jaja | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small fish, herring or anchovy’ |
*beka-beka | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘small insectivorous, cave-dwelling bat’ |
*(ka)reŋas | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small parrot sp.’ |
*reŋas | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small parrot sp.’, see *(ka)reŋas |
*[driu]driu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small red or brown ants’ |
*nusa (doublet *nus) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small reef squid (Loligo spp.) and smaller cuttlefish (Sepia spp.)’ |
*sarā | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘small schooling fish’ |
*kakaka | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (?) | ‘small shore crab, possibly Ocypoda sp’ |
*luRa | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘small shrimp’ |
*pʷipipi | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘small wader taxon’ |
*buŋa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘smooth round coral’ |
*mwata | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘snake (generic)’ |
*mwata | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘snake, worm’ |
*nipe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘snake’ |
*sabutu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘snapper (Lutjanus) or emperor (Lethrinus) sp. or spp.’ |
*kulabo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘snapper sp. or spp.’ |
*bwa[p,w]a | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘snapper, Lutjanus spp.’ |
*bwawa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘snapper, Lutjanus spp.’, see *bwa[p,w]a |
*tala-kisi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘soldier or squirrelfish spp.’ |
*mo(s)o | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Sooty Crake, Porzana tabuensis’ |
*mō | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Sooty Crake, Porzana tabuensis’, see *mo(s)o |
*pu(dr,d,j)(o,u) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘species of possum or cuscus’ |
*pud(o,u) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘species of possum or cuscus’, see *pu(dr,d,j)(o,u) |
*puj(o,u) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘species of possum or cuscus’, see *pu(dr,d,j)(o,u) |
*qutur | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Sphyraena sp., barracuda’ |
*bwara-wa(r,d,dr,R)a(q) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Sphyraena sp., possibly S. jello, the slender or pickhandle sea pike’ |
*moto-moto | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Sphyraena sp.’ |
*qono | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Sphyraena spp., barracuda’ |
*qalu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Sphyraena taxon, incl. S. barracuda, great barracuda’ |
*lawaq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘spider, spider web’ |
*koko | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘spider’ |
*kuku | Proto-Western Oceanic (PWOc) | ‘spider’ |
*marawa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘spinefoot sp.’ |
*oma | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘sponge’ |
*paRi-manuk | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari’ |
*don(o,u) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘spotted rock cod, taxon including Cephalopholis and Plectropomus spp.’ |
*donu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘spotted rock cod, taxon including Cephalopholis and Plectropomus spp.’, see *don(o,u) |
*(jea)jea | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Spotted Triller, Lalage maculosa’ |
*ðaðā | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Spratelloides sp.’ |
*nus | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘squid’ |
*ŋū | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘squid’ |
*mwalau | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘squirrelfish, possibly generic for a number of spp.’ |
*jori | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘squirrelfish, possibly generic’ |
*tarā | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘squirrelfish’ |
*pusiRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Starling, Aplonis sp.’ |
*mimis-mata | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘stick insect’ |
*kadik | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘stinging black ant’ |
*fai | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘stingray, general term’ |
*paRi (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘stingray’, (2) ‘ray (generic)’ |
*miti | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Striped Starling, Aplonis tabuensis’ |
*wakeke~*kakawe | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita’ |
*kakawe | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita’, see *wakeke~*kakawe |
*qaroŋo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘surgeonfish, Acanthurus sp.’ |
*kabakabal | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘swiftlet, Aerodramus or Collocalia spp.’ |
*sisiri | Proto-Malaita-Makira | ‘swiftlet’ |
*ka(r,l)aka(r,l)a | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘swiftlet’ |
*bivilo(k) | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘swiftlet’ |
*bekabeka | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘swiftlet’ |
*kalakala | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘swiftlet’, see *ka(r,l)aka(r,l)a |
*saku-laya | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘swordfish, sailfish’ |
*sakulā | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘swordfish, sailfish’ |
*nofu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Synaceja verrucosa, Scorpaenidae spp.’ [now Synanceiidae] |
*(ñ,n)opuq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Synanceia spp., stonefish’ |
*(ñ,n)opuq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Synanceia spp., stonefishes’ |
*nopuq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Synanceia, stonefish’, see *(ñ,n)opuq |
*novu | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Synanceja verrucosa, stonefish’ |
*lawe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tail feather, plume’ |
*iku(R) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tail, of quadruped, some birds and possibly fish’ |
*kawe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tentacle of a cephalopod’ |
*kawe | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘tentacle of a cephalopod’ |
*kawa-kawa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Terapon jarbua, crescent perch’ |
*ane | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘termite’ |
*kanawe | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tern, Sterna spp.’ |
*bʷauro | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tern’ |
*golo | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tern’ |
*ker(a,e)(ker(a,e)) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tern’ |
*sele(kai) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tern’ |
*baraŋ~*rabaŋ | Proto-Admiralty (PAdm) | ‘tern’ |
*karakara | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘tern’ |
*tala | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘tern’ |
*rabaŋ | Proto-Admiralty (PAdm) | ‘tern’, see *baraŋ~*rabaŋ |
*kere(kere) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tern’, see *ker(a,e)(ker(a,e)) |
*tufu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Thalassoma sp.’ |
*mata | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘the operculum or trapdoor of certain gastropod spp.’ |
*voto | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘thorn, prickle; spike or spines of a fish’ |
*taku(a,o) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Thunnus albacares, yellowfin tuna’ |
*kakasi | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘Thunnus albacares, yellowfin tuna’ |
*tanifa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘tiger shark’ |
*makini | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘to be stung’ |
*kaba-kaba | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘to flap the wings’ |
*kini-t | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘to pinch’ |
*kasi (ᴠ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘to scrape; scraper or grater made from robust circular bivalve shell, such as Asaphis and cockles’, (ɴ) ‘shellfish taxon, esp. Asaphis spp.’ |
*[l,n]ipon | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tooth, tusk’ |
*nipon | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tooth, tusk’, see *[l,n]ipon |
*(p,f)āsua | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Tridacna clam sp.’ |
*pāsua | Proto-Eastern Polynesian–Northern Outlier | ‘Tridacna sp. or spp.’ |
*lala(k) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Trochus spp., including T. niloticus and possibly T. stellatus’; ‘rings or armlets made of this’ |
*tiku, tuki | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘tropic-bird’ |
*qaliliŋ | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Turbo petholatus, tapestry turban; possibly generic for several or all Turbo spp.’ |
*mata-buku | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘Turbo spp.’ |
*poñu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘turtle (generic)’ |
*qunap | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘turtle shell, fish scales’ |
*bo(dr,d)a | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘turtle shell’ |
*pwoca | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘turtle shell’ |
*bati | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘tusk, canine tooth’ |
*bati | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘tusk, upper canine tooth’ |
*lapaq | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘various flat fishes incl. sole and flounder’ |
*sisiq (1) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘various small, snail-like gastropods of nerite family’, (2) ‘probably generic for a wider class of edible gastropods’ |
*(lafu)lafulafu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘wader sp.’ |
*jipiu | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘wader’ |
*keke~*kaka | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘wader’ |
*kulu | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘wader’ |
*kaka | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘wader’, see *keke~*kaka |
*makan | Proto-New Guinea Oceanic (PNGOc) | ‘wallaby, Macropus agilis’ |
*wakin | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘wallaby’ |
*wagita | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘wallaby’ |
*kVlili | Proto-Remote Oceanic (PROc) | ‘Wandering Tattler, Heteroscelus incanus’ |
*k(i,u)lili | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘Wandering Tattler, Heteroscelus incanus’ |
*kolili | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘Wandering Tattler, Heteroscelus incanus’ |
*naniɣo | Proto-Central Papuan | ‘wasp’ |
*puRa-puRas | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘whale’ |
*rato | Proto-Oceanic (?) | ‘whale’ |
*taf(o,u)raqa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘whale’ |
*karai | Proto-Papuan Tip | ‘white cockatoo’ |
*kiRa | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘White Tern, Gygis alba’ |
*kiakia | Proto-Micronesian (PMic) | ‘White Tern, Gygis alba’ |
*aki-aki | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘White Tern, Gygis alba’ |
*jiŋana | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘whitebait’ |
*(h)inaŋa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘whitebait’ |
*inaŋa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘whitebait’, see *(h)inaŋa |
*manuk-lapuat [‘big bird’] | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘White-bellied Sea Eagle, Haliaeetus leucogaster’ |
*bai | Proto-Central Vanuatu | ‘White-breasted Wood Swallow, Artamus leucorhynchus’ |
*kʰiñ | Proto-New Caledonia (PNCal) | ‘White-breasted Wood Swallow, Artamus leucorhynchus’ |
*[ta]lakia | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘White-capped Noddy, Anous minutus’ |
*lakia | Proto-Nuclear Polynesian (PNPn) | ‘White-capped Noddy, Anous minutus’, see *[ta]lapiti |
*laka | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘White-eye, Zosterops sp.’ |
*tawake | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘White-tailed Tropic-bird, Phaethon lepturus’ |
*taroap(ᴠ) | Proto-Southern Oceanic (PSOc) | ‘White-throated Pigeon, Columba vitiensis’ |
*taroa | Proto-North–Central Vanuatu (PNCV) | ‘White-throated Pigeon, Columba vitiensis’ |
*riuriu[kabe] | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘Willie Wagtail, Rhipidura leucophrys’ |
*kapa-kau | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘wing, fin’ |
*kaba (ɴ) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘wing’, (ᴠ) ‘flap wings’ |
*sulati | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘worm’ |
*la-lafi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘wrasse or parrotfish spp.’ |
*lafi | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘wrasse or parrotfish spp.’, see *la-lafi |
*merari | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘wrasse or parrotfish’ |
*m[e,a]rari | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘wrasse or parrotfish’ |
*qufu | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘wrasse or parrotfish’ |
*marari | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘wrasse or parrotfish’, see *m[e,a]rari |
*lapi | Proto-Eastern Oceanic (PEOc) | ‘wrasse’ |
*ciŋi(l)o | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘Yellow-faced Mynah, Mino dumontii’ |
*ciŋio | Proto-SE Solomonic | ‘Yellow-faced Mynah, Mino dumontii’, see *ciŋi(l)o |
*sipa | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | ‘young flying fish’ |
*laulau-fau | Proto-Central Pacific | ‘Zanclus canescens, Moorish idol’ |
*piRa(q) | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | ‘Zebrasoma veliferum, sailfin tang’ |
*via | Proto-Fijian (PFij) | ‘Zebrasoma veliferum’ |
[edit]Gloss | Proto-Oceanic (POc) | Proto-Central Pacific | Proto-Polynesian (PPn) | Other forms | See |
‘(bright) red’ | *kula | ||||
‘a dark fish, possibly Ctenochaetus striatus’ | *ma(k,q)eto; *maqeto | *ma(k,q)eto | |||
‘a small dark Acanthuridae, possibly Zebrasoma scopas, blue-lined tang or Acanthurus pyroferus, mimic surgeonfish’ | *masa | ||||
‘a starfish’ | *saŋa-saŋa | ||||
‘a univalve mollusc’ | *sisi | ||||
‘Acanthocybium solandri, wahoo’ | *paqala | ||||
‘Acanthuridae, possibly Ctenochaetus striatus, lined bristletooth’ | *maqito | ||||
‘Acanthuridae’ | *kir[i,au] | ||||
‘Acanthurus and Naso spp.’ | *bala(ŋ,k)i; *balaki | *bala(ŋ,k)i | |||
‘Acanthurus guttatus, spotted surgeonfish’ | *(s,ð)abi; *ðabi | *hapi | *(s,ð)abi | ||
‘Acanthurus lineatus, blue-lined surgeonfish’ | *bi[r,R]apa | ||||
‘Acanthurus sp. of large size and elongate shape’ | *palaŋi | ||||
‘Acanthurus sp. or Ctenochaetus striatus’ | *pone | ||||
‘Acanthurus sp., possibly Acanthurus xanthopterus, yellowfin surgeonfish’ | *maRa | ||||
‘Acanthurus sp., probably Acanthurus lineatus, blue-lined surgeonfish’ | *qaloŋo | ||||
‘Acanthurus sp.’ | *qavali; *tusi | ||||
‘Acanthurus spp., incl. Acanthurus guttatus, white-spotted surgeonfish’ | *[s,j]abiŋ; *jabiŋ | *[s,j]abiŋ | |||
‘Acanthurus spp.’ | *balaŋi | ||||
‘Acanthurus triostegus, convict tang’ | |||||
‘Acanthurus, surgeonfish’ | *katawan; *[qa]paliR; *paliR | *[qa]paliR | |||
‘Adioryx sp.’ | *malau-taqa; *taqa-malau | ||||
‘adult Plectropomus’ | *donu | ||||
‘Aetobatis narinari, spotted eagle ray’ | *paRi-manuk | *fai-manu | |||
‘Albula vulpes, bonefish’ | *kiokio | ||||
‘Alectis indicus, plumed trevally or mirrorfish’ | *laweŋa | ||||
‘an organism growing on rocks, possibly encrusting brown rock coral’ | *bulewa | ||||
‘anchovy’ | *sasā | ||||
‘Anguilla spp., freshwater eel’ | *tuna | ||||
‘Anguillidae, freshwater eel (generic)’ | *tuna | *tuna | |||
‘ant’ | *drui | ||||
‘Aprion virescens, green jobfish’ | *qutur | *qutu | *qutu | ||
‘arm, hand, wing, fin (probably pectoral)’ | *banic | ||||
‘Arothron and Canthigaster spp., pufferfish’ | *teqe-teqe | ||||
‘Arothron’ | *jexejexe | ||||
‘Baker’s Pigeon, Ducula bakeri’ | |||||
‘Balistes taxon, triggerfish’ | *bubu; *[bwaRu]bwaRu | ||||
‘Balistidae, triggerfish and possibly Monacanthidae, leatherjackets’ | *jumu | *cumu | *sumu | ||
‘bandicoot’ | *mwajar | ||||
‘barb of stingray’ | *foto | ||||
‘Barn Owl, Tyto alba’ | |||||
‘barracuda’ | *malisa | ||||
‘batfish, Platax sp. or spp., possibly Naso sp. or spp.’ | *bunaR | ||||
‘be maggoty’ | *quloc-a(n) | ||||
‘Beach Stone-Curlew, Esacus magnirostris (Burhinus neglectus)’ | *(b,v)ili[ki(k,t)i] | ||||
‘beat, of wings, fins, flippers’ | *kapa (ᴠ) | ||||
‘bee, buzzing insect’ | *(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)i; *ñiñi | *(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)i | |||
‘bee’ | *kororo | ||||
‘beetle that attacks plants’ | *ko[l,R]o-kol,R]o | ||||
‘beetle, possibly longicorn’ | *kamak | ||||
‘Bismarck Scrub Fowl, Megapodius eremita’ | *k(a)iau; *kʷal(i)au; *mʷalau; *kiau; *kʷalau | *k(a)iau; *kʷal(i)au | |||
‘bite, peck’ | |||||
‘bivalve mollusc, possibly Pinna sp.’ | *sapulu(q) | ||||
‘bivalve sp. or spp, possibly cockle, used as a scraper’ | *kaRi | ||||
‘bivalve taxon, probably ark or cockle shell; possibly also grater or spoon made from this’ | *tu(qu)asi; *tuasi | *tu(qu)aði; *tuaði | *tu(qu)asi; *tu(qu)aði | ||
‘bivalve taxon, probably Pinctada maxima, gold-lipped pearl shell’; ‘ornament made from this’ | *japi | ||||
‘black and white banded sea snake’ | *takuhali | ||||
‘black-lipped pearl, Pinctada maxima’, possibly generic for Pinctada spp. | *(y)aro(q) | ||||
‘Black-naped Tern, Sterna sumatrana’ | *[ta]lapiti | ||||
‘blenny’ | *l(o,a)kuya; *lakuya | *l(o,a)kuya | |||
‘body hair, fur, feathers’ | *pulu | ||||
‘body louse’ | *tuma | ||||
‘Bolbometopon, double-headed parrotfish’ | *kam(a,i,u)tuq; *kamituq; *kamutuq | *kam(a,i,u)tuq | |||
‘bonito, Thunnus sp.’ | |||||
‘bony fish, Megalops, Albula spp.’ | *pu-pulan; *pulan | *pu-pulan | |||
‘bony fish, probably Albula’ | *kuRo | ||||
‘Booby, Sula sp.’ | *fua(kō) | ||||
‘booby’ | |||||
‘Bothus spp., flounder’ | *ali | ||||
‘boxfish’ | *moa | ||||
‘Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster’ | |||||
‘Buff-banded Rail, Rallus philippensis’ | *b(a,e,i)risu; *berisu; *birisu | *weka | *b(a,e,i)risu | ||
‘butterfly fish (generic)’ | *tifi-tifi | ||||
‘butterfly, moth’ | *[kau]bebek; *bebek | *[kau]bebek | |||
‘butterfly’ | *[kali]bobo(ŋ); *bobo(ŋ) | *[kali]bobo(ŋ) | |||
‘buzz as a mosquito’; ‘mosquito’ (onomatopoeic) | *ŋiŋi(ŋ) | ||||
‘Caesionidae, fusilier’ | *suli(k) | ||||
‘Carangid fish, pompano, skipjack’ | |||||
‘Carangidae’ | *mamula; *qulua | *jeu | *soke(lau); *teu; *soke; *filu | *soke(lau) | |
‘Carangoides ferdau jordan’ | *pakewa | ||||
‘Caranx sp. or spp., trevally’ | *pilu | ||||
‘Caranx sp., possibly Caranx ignobilis, big-headed jack (Carangidae)’ | *qulua | ||||
‘Caranx sp., possibly Caranx lugubris’ | *tafaquli | ||||
‘Caranx sp., probably mature phase of Caranx ignobilis’ | *qulua | ||||
‘Caranx sp.’ | *aseu | ||||
‘Caranx spp.’ | *lupo | ||||
‘Cardinal Honeyeater, Myzomela cardinalis’ (lit. ‘head of bird’) | |||||
‘cat’s eye shell, Turbo sp.’ | *qalili | ||||
‘caterpillar or k.o. sea cucumber (indeterminate)’ | *qanupe | ||||
‘caterpillar, grub’ | *muno[-muno] | ||||
‘catfish-eel, Plotosus sp.’ | *kaboRa | ||||
‘centipede’ | *qalipan | ||||
‘centipede’; ‘marine annelid like a centipede’ | *weli | ||||
‘Cephalopholis argus, peacock rock cod’ | *loi | ||||
‘Chaetodon spp.’ | *tivi-tivi | ||||
‘Chaetodontidae’ | *tipi-tipi | ||||
‘Chanos chanos, milkfish or salmon herring’ | *qawa | ||||
‘Chanos chanos, milkfish’ | *qawaq | ||||
‘Chanos’ | *qawa | ||||
‘Cheilinus spp., Maori wrasse’ | *babu | *papu; *taŋafa | |||
‘Cheilinus undulatus, double-headed Maori wrasse’ | *mamin | *taŋava | |||
‘chiton’ | *mama | ||||
‘cicada, cricket’ | *kālisi | ||||
‘cicada’ | *l(a,e)le; *lele | *l(a,e)le | |||
‘Clupeidae, probably sardine sp.’ | *kepwa | ||||
‘Clupeidae, sardine or herring’ | *s(a,i)waRa; *siwaRa | *s(a,i)waRa | |||
‘cobweb, spider’ | *ka-lewe-lewe | ||||
‘cockroach’ | *ipos; *kwaru-kwaru; *musi | *moŋa-moŋa | |||
‘coconut crab, Birgus latro’ | *qayuyu | *qūqū | |||
‘Collared Lory, Phigys solitarius’ | *kula | ||||
‘Common Noddy, Anous stolidus’ | *ŋoŋo | ||||
‘conger eel’ | *bon(u,o) | ||||
‘coral rock’ | *puŋa | ||||
‘Coryphaena hippurus, dolphinfish’ | *palata | *masi-masi | |||
‘cowrie’ | *pule | ||||
‘crab taxon, probably a rock crab (Grapsidae)’ | *kape | ||||
‘crayfish’ | *qura | ||||
‘Crested Baza, Aviceda subcristata’ | *ki(t,s)o; *kiso | *ki(t,s)o | |||
‘crocodile’ | *puqaya | ||||
‘crow, Corvus sp.’ | *(kao)kao | ||||
‘crustacean roe’ | *ami | ||||
‘Cuckoo Dove, Macropygia sp.’ | *woku | ||||
‘cuckoo, possibly Centropus sp.’ | *seke | ||||
‘cuckoo’ | *(li)kapilei | ||||
‘Cuckoo-shrike, Coracina sp.’ | *pʷisu | ||||
‘Diodon spp., porcupinefish’ | *taRutu(m,ŋ) | *tautu | *tautu | ||
‘Dollar Bird, Eurystomus orientalis’ | *kikiroa ~ *kikiora | ||||
‘dolphin’ | *ku(r,R)iap | ||||
‘dove sp.’ | *((l,R)(a,u))muk(w)o; *lumuk(w)o; *muk(w)o; *Ramuk(w)o; *Rumuk(w)o | *((l,R)(a,u))muk(w)o | |||
‘duck’ | *ŋaRa | *toloa | |||
‘dugong’ | *ruyuŋ | ||||
‘Dwarf Cassowary, Casuarius bennetti’ | *kasuari | ||||
‘eagle’ | *roqa | ||||
‘earthworm, grub’ | *kele-mutu | ||||
‘Echeneis sp., remora, and Naucrates ductor, pilot fish’ | *tali-tali-quli | ||||
‘egg’ | *qatoluR | ||||
‘Egretta sacra’ | |||||
‘Elagatis bipinnulata, rainbow runner’ | *kamaRi | ||||
‘Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica’ | |||||
‘emperor, Lethrinidae’ | *koraŋ | ||||
‘Epibulus insidiator, slingjaw wrasse, or other long-nosed wrasse’ | *ŋutuloa | ||||
‘Epinephelinae, rock cod’ | *kalika | ||||
‘Epinephelus sp., possibly Epinephelus polyphekadion, marbled sea bass’ | *fāpuku | ||||
‘Epinephelus spp.’ | *ŋwajala | *kito | |||
‘Eunice, palolo worm’ | |||||
‘Euthynnus yaito (Euthynnus affinis), black tuna, or Gymnosarda unicolor, juvenile, dogtooth tuna’ | *tawa-tawa | ||||
‘excrement’ | *taqe | ||||
‘Exocoetidae, flying fish’ | *mwagaRut | ||||
‘fan palm’ | *piRu(q) | ||||
‘Fantail, Rhipidura sp.’ | *takere; *laki | ||||
‘female Eclectus Parrot’ | *k(w)ilo(ki) | ||||
‘female Scarus sordidus’ | *kām(o,u)tu; *kāmutu | *kām(o,u)tu | |||
‘fierce shark’ | *tanifa | ||||
‘firefly’ | *(k,q)ali-totop; *qali-popot; *qali-totop | *(k,q)ali-totop | |||
‘fireworm, sea centipede’; ‘? k.o. millipede or centipede’ | *weli | ||||
‘fish (generic)’ | *ikan | ||||
‘fish fin’ | *siRiko | ||||
‘fish fins’; ‘flap wings’ | *kapa-kapa | ||||
‘fish gullet’ | *kōpū | ||||
‘fish scale, turtle shell’ | *quna | ||||
‘fish sp., probably Plotosus sp., catfish’ | *kapoa | ||||
‘fish sp.’ | *kulapo | ||||
‘fish-eating eagle or hawk’ | *taragau | ||||
‘fishscale’ | *qunap[i] | ||||
‘Fistularia spp., probably including trumpetfish’ | *tao-tao | ||||
‘Fistularia, flutefish’ | *bābā | *tao-tao | |||
‘flatfish incl. flounders, soles’ | *[l]alali; *alali | *[l]alali | |||
‘flatfish’ | *lalali, *ali | ||||
‘fly, jump’ | *Ropok | ||||
‘fly’ | *laŋo | ||||
‘Flycatcher, Myiagra sp.’ | *k(o,u)vi | ||||
‘flying creature’; ‘animal’ | *manuk | ||||
‘flying fish’ | *magaRut | ||||
‘flying fox, large fruit bat’ | *bweka; *mali-bweka; *mali-boŋi | ||||
‘flying insect’ | *mū | ||||
‘fowl, Gallus gallus, esp. male’ | *kokorako | ||||
‘fowl’ | *toqa | *moa | |||
‘frigate bird’ | *(dr,d)aula; *katapa; *daula | *(dr,d)aula | |||
‘frog taxon’ | *kuRau | ||||
‘frog’ | *pa(R,r)a(C) | ||||
‘Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus sp.’ | *g(a)umu; *gumu | *g(a)umu; *va(o,u) | |||
‘full of maggots’ | *qulo-quloc | ||||
‘fusilier sp.’ | *huli | ||||
‘garfish and needlefish taxon’ | *panapa | *haku | |||
‘gather seafood on the reef’ | *paŋoda | ||||
‘gecko; adhere to’ | *pili | ||||
‘gecko’ | *tok, *totok; *totok | *tok, *totok | |||
‘general term for a number of fishes of the genera Holocentrus, Adioryx, Myripristis and Flammeo, soldierfishes and squirrelfishes’ | *malau | ||||
‘general term for insects and other small land invertebrates’ | *manu-manuk | ||||
‘general term for shark spp.’ | *maŋō | ||||
‘generic for branching corals’ | *laje | ||||
‘generic for Chaetodontidae, coralfish and butterflyfish’ | *bebek | ||||
‘generic for chitons’ | |||||
‘generic for conch shells, esp. triton’s trumpet, Charonia tritonis and allied spp.; possibly extended to some Cassis (helmet) shells’; ‘trumpet of Charonia shell’ | *tapuRiq | ||||
‘generic for cowries’ | *buli(q) | ||||
‘generic for fish (and certain other free-swimming aquatic creatures)’ | *ikan | ||||
‘generic for gobies, mudskippers, blennies’ | *(m,p)anoko; *panoko | *(m,p)anoko | |||
‘generic for hermit crab’ | *quŋa | ||||
‘generic for hermit crabs’, ?; ‘generic for hermit and coconut crabs’ | *qumwaŋ | ||||
‘generic for morays’ | *tāpea | ||||
‘generic for octopus’ | *kuRita | ||||
‘generic for prawns and shrimps, crayfish and lobsters’ | *quraŋ | ||||
‘generic for various small Acanthuridae’ | *bon(e,a) | ||||
‘generic for worms and worm-like creatures’ | *mwata-mwata | ||||
‘Gerres spp., mojarras, silver biddy’ | *matu | *matu | |||
‘ghost crab, Ocypoda sp., small white crab found on sandy beaches’ | *kaRuki, (dbl. *kaRuiki) | *kauki, *kawiki | *kawiki | ||
‘giant clam, Tridacna spp., including Tridacna gigas’ | *kima | *(b,v)āsua | |||
‘gills’ | *gara; *koro; *qasaŋ | ||||
‘glide, soar’ | *tap(w)a | ||||
‘Gnathanodon, Trachinotus’ | *vilu | ||||
‘goatfish’ | *tiqo; *sapulu; *mwacasi; *sua-sua | ||||
‘goby, blenny’ | *kakawa | ||||
‘Golden Whistler, Pachycephala pectoralis’ | *sau | ||||
‘grasshopper ?’ | *(s,j)eqe | ||||
‘grasshopper or stick insect’ | *sakwa | ||||
‘grasshopper’ | *siko | ||||
‘green lizard, Emoia sp.’ | |||||
‘green parrotfish spp.’ | *[m,k]arawa; *karawa | *[m,k]arawa | |||
‘green turtle, Chelonia mydas’ | *manak(V) | ||||
‘ground dove’ | *tū | ||||
‘grouper’ | |||||
‘growth stage of goatfish’ | *kalo | *hafulu; *kaloama | |||
‘growth stage of Siganus spp.’ | *roRo | ||||
‘growth stage of skipjack tuna or dogtooth tuna’ | |||||
‘growth stage of Sphyraena sp.’ | *moto-moto | ||||
‘growth term for Caranx sp.’ | *i-kata | *kata | |||
‘Gymnothorax, moray eel’ | |||||
‘hair, feather’ | *ipu | ||||
‘halfbeak spp.’ | *ise | ||||
‘hammerhead shark’ | *mata qi taliŋa | ||||
‘hawkfish’ | *patuki; *qulu-tuki | ||||
‘hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata’ | *keRaŋ | *kea | |||
‘Hemiramphus spp., garfish, halfbeak’ | *sipa; *mwakoR; *Rije | *ŋwa(k,x)a | |||
‘hen’ | *qupa | ||||
‘hermit crab’ | *kato(q)u; *koba | ||||
‘heron, probably Egretta sp.’ | *bʷaro; *kao(i); *kaopa; *sou (?) | ||||
‘heron, Egretta sp.’ | |||||
‘Hipposcarus longiceps’ | *qulavi | ||||
‘honeyeater’ | *ioli; *midi | *(b,v)asilo | |||
‘hornbill’ | *binam; *koŋo(k) | ||||
‘insect spp. including mantis, stick insect, locust’ | *seqe | ||||
‘Island Thrush, Turdus poliocephalus’ | *was(i,e) | ||||
‘Istiophoridae’ | *piRu-piRu | ||||
‘juvenile Caranx spp.’ | *lupo-lupo | ||||
‘juvenile Liza vaigiensis’ | *kava-kava | ||||
‘juvenile mullet’ | *qaua | ||||
‘juvenile Siganus’ | *rō | ||||
‘juvenile Sphyraena sp.’ | *sao-sao | ||||
‘k.o. beach crab, probably Ocypoda sp., ghost crab’ | |||||
‘k.o. beetle’ | *tabuRuRu | ||||
‘k.o. bivalve, possibly Lucinidae and allied families’ | *tu(q)e, *tu(q)e-tu(q)e; *tue, *tue-tue | *tu(q)e, *tu(q)e-tu(q)e | |||
‘k.o. bivalve’ | *tape | *tofe | |||
‘k.o. borer wasp or bee that infests wood and bamboo’ | *pupuk | ||||
‘k.o. crab, possibly rock crab’ | *kaRaka | ||||
‘k.o. eel, moray eel ?’ | *bwalup | ||||
‘k.o. eel’ | *(t,d)oloq; *doloq | *bulewa | *(t,d)oloq | ||
‘k.o. fish that accompanies sharks’ | *bakewa | ||||
‘k.o. fish with toxic flesh, probably Ostracion’ | *toqa | ||||
‘k.o. fish, possibly Eleotridae’ | *uvi | ||||
‘k.o. fish, possibly angelfish’ | *buRi-buRi | ||||
‘k.o. fish, possibly Eleotris sp.’ | |||||
‘k.o. fish, possibly Lethrinus spp. | *[oka]oka; *kawaŋo | ||||
‘k.o. fish’ | *kaRapa | *mala | |||
‘k.o. frog’ | *[kwe]kwekwe | ||||
‘k.o. goatfish, including Mulloidichthys’ | *teu | *wete | |||
‘k.o. jellyfish or hydroid’ | *bak(u)i; *baki | *bak(u)i | |||
‘k.o. jellyfish’ | *kalukalu | ||||
‘k.o. large crab, probably a land crab’ | *rakum(u) | ||||
‘k.o. large shark, probably tiger shark or grey reef shark’ | *nai-ufi | ||||
‘k.o. large shark’ | *qaso | ||||
‘k.o. lizard, possibly a monitor’ | *wak(i,e); *wake | *wak(i,e) | |||
‘k.o. lizard’ | *bili; *kapoRu; *kuk(o,u); *kuku | *vokai | *kuk(o,u) | ||
‘k.o. long tom’ | *sao | ||||
‘k.o. moth’ | *[pu]lele-fua | ||||
‘k.o. parrotfish’ | *kosa; *me[l,n]aŋa ~ *ma[l,n]eŋa; *maleŋa; *maneŋa; *menaŋa | *me[l,n]aŋa ~ *ma[l,n]eŋa | |||
‘k.o. pelagic fish’ | *walu | ||||
‘k.o. sandworm, probably Sipunculus sp.’ | *ibo | ||||
‘k.o. sea cucumber, probably Holothuria sp.’ | *ðuðu-walu | ||||
‘k.o. sea cucumber’ | *(p,b)ula; *bula | *(p,b)ula | |||
‘k.o. sea eel or sea snake’ | *dābea | ||||
‘k.o. sea eel’ | *(k,q)asuli; *qasuli | *qasuli | *(k,q)asuli | ||
‘k.o. sea urchin with long black spines, probably Diadema sp. or spp.’ | *sala(n,ŋ); *salaŋ | *sala(n,ŋ) | |||
‘k.o. sea urchin with long spines’ | |||||
‘k.o. sea urchin, probably Echinometra sp. or spp.’ | *saRawaki | ||||
‘k.o. shark’ | *kwarawa; *maŋewa | *qalawa | |||
‘k.o. shellfish or barnacle’ | *jove | ||||
‘k.o. shore crab, possibly Grapsidae sp.’ | *(g,k)alau | ||||
‘k.o. skink’ | *kalis(i,u) | ||||
‘k.o. small fish, sardine or anchovy’ | *paya | ||||
‘k.o. small fish’ | *vo(q)o; *vua-vua; *vō | *vo(q)o | |||
‘k.o. small school fish’ | *vaya | ||||
‘k.o. small schooling fish’ | *sarā | ||||
‘k.o. snake’ | *mo(g,k)o; *moko | *mo(g,k)o | |||
‘k.o. spider which lowers itself on a single thread’ | *tuku-tuku | ||||
‘k.o. spider’ | *gagao ~ *(g,k)a(g,k)a-; *gaga; *kaka | *gagao ~ *(g,k)a(g,k)a-; *ka(p,b)ilakwa | |||
‘k.o. wasp’ | *bubu; *mañipo; *(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)ipo; *ñiñipo | *(n,ñ)i(n,ñ)ipo | |||
‘Katsuwonus pelamis, skipjack tuna’ | *qatun | *qatu | |||
‘kingfisher’ | *kiki; *ki(o)kio; *(s,j)iko; *jiko; *kikio | *(s,j)iko; *ki(o)kio | |||
‘Kyphosidae, drummer’ | *maka(o,u)r; *makaur | *ranue | *maka(o,u)r | ||
‘Kyphosus, rudderfish’ | *renu(a,e); *r(a,e)nu(a,e) | *r(a,e)nu(a,e) | |||
‘Lutjanus monostigma, one spot seaperch’ | *tahiwa | ||||
‘Labridae sp., wrasse’ | *tapu | *tuvu; *labe | *suŋale | ||
‘Lambis spp., esp. spider conch, Lambis lambis’ | *Raŋa | ||||
‘landcrab’ | *tupa | ||||
‘large ant’ | *lō-qata | ||||
‘large bird of prey sp., possibly sea eagle’ | *bogi | ||||
‘large emperor, Lethrinus sp.’ | *kasika | ||||
‘large Epinephelus sp.’ | *munua | ||||
‘large mangrove crab, Scylla serrata (Portunidae) and probably other portunids’ | *qalimaŋo | ||||
‘large monitor lizard, Varanus indicus and possibly other species’ | *ka(r,l)(i,u)pa(s); *kalipa(s); *kalupa(s); *karipa(s); *karupa(s) | *ka(r,l)(i,u)pa(s) | |||
‘large rock cod or grouper, Epinephelus sp.’ | *koto(ŋ) | ||||
‘large shellfish, perhaps a bivalve’ | *vāsua | *fāsua | *(b,v)asua; *(b,v) āsua; *(p,f) āsua | ||
‘large stinging red ant’ | *loRo | ||||
‘large tuna or skipjack’ | *taku(a,o) | ||||
‘large wrasse, including Cheilinus sp.’ | *taŋapa(R,r) | ||||
‘larger cuttlefish, Sepia sp. or spp.’ | *mwanagi, *mwamwagi | ||||
‘lateral fins’; ‘flap wings’ | *kapa-kapa | ||||
‘lay egg’ | *tau(p) | ||||
‘leech’ | *droman | ||||
‘Leodice viridis, palolo worm’ | *(o,u)du | ||||
‘Leodice viridis, palolo worm’; ‘name of the months when this worm rises’ | *balolo | ||||
‘Lethrinidae’ | *kulabo | ||||
‘Lethrinus elongatus’ | *ŋujula | ||||
‘Lethrinus nebulosus’ | *kawaŋo | ||||
‘Lethrinus sp.’ | *kabatiko | *n(u,o)sa | |||
‘Lethrinus spp.’ | *surup; *susul | ||||
‘Mugil cephalus, Crenimugil crenilabis and other mullet spp.’ | *kanahe | ||||
‘Liza spp.’ | *kanaðe | ||||
‘Liza vaigiensis, diamond-scaled mullet’ | *kava | *kafa | |||
‘lizard’ | *moko | ||||
‘Long-tailed Koel, Urodynamis taitensis’ | *kalewa; *kawekawesā | ||||
‘look intently, look for (lice etc.)’ | *tiro(p), *tirop-i- | ||||
‘louse (generic)’; ‘head louse’ | *kutu | ||||
‘Lutjanus and Lethrinus spp.’ | *(ð,s)abutu; *sabutu | *s(a,ā)putu | *(ð,s)abutu | ||
‘Lutjanus kasmira’ | *sawane | ||||
‘Lutjanus monostigma’ | *batisai; *kwak(a,e) | ||||
‘Lutjanus sp., probably Lutjanus gibbus’ | *tāqea | ||||
‘Lutjanus sp.’ | *tasiwa | ||||
‘Lutjanus spp. including Lutjanus vaigiensis (Lutjanus fulvus) and probably other yellow or yellow-red species’ | *taŋaqu | ||||
‘Lutjanus spp., snapper, sea perch’ | *k(i,e)pV; *kepV; *ta(Ra)qea; *taqea; *bwa[p,w]a; *tasiwa | *k(i,e)pV; *ta(Ra)qea | |||
‘Mackinlay’s Cuckoo Dove, Macropygia mackinlayi’ | |||||
‘maggot’ | *quloc | ||||
‘male Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus roratus’ | *kaRa | *ka(l,R)aŋa(r,R) | |||
‘mangrove crab, Sesarma sp. or spp.’ | *kuka | ||||
‘marine substance/creature with stone-like or rough exterior’ | *pulewa | ||||
‘mature Sphyraena spp., possibly generic for all barracuda’ | *qonos | ||||
‘Megalops’ | *vula | ||||
‘Melanesian Graybird, Coracina caledonica’ | *tiā(k,ŋ) | ||||
‘middle, waist, belly’ | *kobu(ŋ) | ||||
‘millipede’ | |||||
‘monitor lizard, Varanus spp.’ | *(k,g)uma; *guma | *(k,g)uma; *(k,g)uma-kara | |||
‘Monotaxis grandoculis, large-eyed sea bream’ | *(m,b)ū; *bū | *(m,b)ū | |||
‘moray eel’ | *[la]bwa(s,j)i; *bwa(s,j)i | *[la]bwa(s,j)i | |||
‘Moreton Bay Bug, Thenus orientalis’ | *tapatapa | ||||
‘mosquito, small biting fly’ | *simuk | ||||
‘mosquito’ | *ma-kini(t); *ñamuk | ||||
‘mouth, lips, snout, beak’ | *ŋuju | ||||
‘mudcrab, including Sesarma sp. or spp., living in mangrove forest and mudflats’ | *kuka | ||||
‘mudskipper’ | *talae | ||||
‘mullet (generic)’ | *(k,q)aRua(s); *qaRua(s) | *qaua | *(k,q)aRua(s) | ||
‘mullet spp. including Valamugil cunnesius’ | *kanase | ||||
‘Mullidae’ | *oje | ||||
‘Mullidae sp., goatfish’ | *memea | ||||
‘Murex sp.’ | *buRua | ||||
‘mussel sp. (Mytilidae)’ | *kuku | ||||
‘mussel sp. or spp., used as food grater or scraper’ | *kuku(r) | ||||
‘Myripristis spp., squirrelfish’ | *kuru[ru] | *kuru | *kuru | ||
‘nail (of hand or foot), claw’ | *kuku | ||||
‘Naso sp., unicornfish’ | *m(a,o)nuRV; *monuRV | *ma(c,s)i-ma(c,s)i; *tā; *masi-masi | *qume | *m(a,o)nuRV; *ma(c,s)i-ma(c,s)i | |
‘Naso spp., incl. Naso brevirostris, short snouted unicornfish’ | *taRat | ||||
‘Naso unicornis, long-snouted unicornfish’ | *qume | ||||
‘needlefish, garfish, long toms (Belonidae)’ | *saku | ||||
‘Nemipterus spp.’ | *marotV | ||||
‘nest’ | *(n,ñ)iku ~ *nuki; *nuki; *ñiku | *ova | *(n,ñ)iku ~ *nuki | ||
‘New Caledonian Crow, Corvus moneduloides’ | |||||
‘Night Heron, Nycticorax sp.’ | *ŋako | ||||
‘nit’ | *lisaq | ||||
‘Novaculichthys, wrasse’ | *m[e,a]rari; *marari | *m[e,a]rari | |||
‘oilfish; deep-sea snapper’ | *palu | ||||
‘orthopterous insect’ | *riŋa; *sisi(rR) | *wāwā | |||
‘Osprey, Pandion haliaetus’ | *maya | ||||
‘Ostraciidae, boxfish’ | *moa-moa | ||||
‘Ostracion, boxfish’ | *bwaReu | *gwao-gwao; *moa(moa) | |||
‘owl’ | *drudru(r,R); *kuru(dr,d)u; *pora; *kurudu | *kuru(dr,d)u | |||
‘oyster (Ostreidae, Isognomonidae)’ | *tiRom | ||||
‘oyster sp.’ | *tio | ||||
‘Pacific Golden Plover, Pluvialis fulva’ | *tuli(i) | ||||
‘Pacific Marsh Harrier, Circus approximans’ | |||||
‘Pacific Pigeon, Ducula pacifica’ | *ru(b,v)e; *ruve | *ru(b,v)e | |||
‘palolo worm’; ‘name of the months when this rises’ | *palolo | ||||
‘Parribacus sp. (Scyllaridae), slipper lobster’ | *[pa]paba; *paba | *jabajaba | *[pa]paba | ||
‘parrot sp.’ | *kiRak; *pʷiri(p); *seŋa | ||||
‘parrot, perhaps Cardinal Lory, Chalcopsitta cardinalis’ | *sipi; *siri | ||||
‘parrot’ | *marewe | ||||
‘parrotfish spp., incl. Hipposcarus longiceps, longnosed parrotfish’ | *(k,q)ulapi; *(k,q)ulapi; *qulapi | *(k,q)ulapi | |||
‘Parupeneus sp.’ | *matu-xurau; *ŋwaðaði | ||||
‘pearl oyster, including Pinctada spp.’ | *jiva | ||||
‘peck’ (also perhaps of fish nibbling at bait) | *toki | ||||
‘pectoral fins’ | *kapi-kapi; *taliŋa | ||||
‘Pempheris sp.’ | *manivi | ||||
‘Petaurus breviceps, sugar glider’ | |||||
‘petrel or albatross’ | *saba(l) | ||||
‘petrel or other large sea bird’ | *lofa | ||||
‘petrel’ | *taiko | *ta(i)ko(k) | |||
‘phalanger, cuscus’ | *k(w)adroRa | ||||
‘phosphorescent centipede/millipede’ | *taqe-tuli | ||||
‘pig, possibly sow’ | *bwasa | ||||
‘pig, Sus scrofa’ | *b(o,u)kas(i); *bukas(i); *boRok | *puaka | *b(o,u)kas(i) | ||
‘pigeon or dove sp.’ | *bʷaruruk | ||||
‘pigeon or dove’ | *(k,g)upuR; *gupuR | *(k,g)upuR | |||
‘pigeon sp.’ | *butir; *kurau; *(ku(r,l)u)ku(r,l)u; *(kulu)kulu | *(ku(r,l)u)ku(r,l)u; *belik(e,i)o | |||
‘pigeon, dove’ | *bune | ||||
‘pigeon, Ducula sp.’ | *baluc; *bona | ||||
‘pigeon, probably Ducula sp.’ | *ku(i)ba; *kuba | *ku(i)ba | |||
‘Plectorhinchus spp., banded sweetlips’ | *lau; *(k,q)umutuR; *qumutuR | *(k,q)umutuR | |||
‘Plotosus spp., catfish’ | *kaboRa | ||||
‘plover’ | |||||
‘Pomacentridae, particularly Abudefduf’ | *mutu | ||||
‘Pomacentridae’ | *dukuku | *mutu[mutu]; *tukuku | |||
‘porcupine fish’ | |||||
‘Portuguese man o’ war (bluebottle), Physalia sp.’ | *paki(paki) | ||||
‘possibly generic for Thunnus and Katsuwonus spp.’ | *qatu | ||||
‘praying mantis’ | *papa | ||||
‘probably black-lipped pearl, Pinctada maxima, possibly generic for Pinctada spp.’ | |||||
‘probably general name for small or medium-sized circular bivalves, including cockles, Asaphis spp.’ | *pipi | ||||
‘probably generic for large land crabs, Cardisoma spp.’ | *tubaRa | ||||
‘Pseudobalistes fuscus, brown triggerfish’ | *lio-lio | ||||
‘pufferfish’ | *buli; *bwoe-bwoe | ||||
‘pufferfish, porcupinefish’ | *[poto]poto | ||||
‘Purple Swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio’ | *bʷalaRe; *bʷiru | ||||
‘quail’ | *puRu(q) | ||||
‘rabbitfish, Siganus rostratus’ (Siganus argenteus) | *marawa | ||||
‘rabbitfish, Siganus spp.’ | *palaja | ||||
‘rail’ | *pit(a,i)ri | ||||
‘Rainbow Lory, Trichoglossus haematodus, or Cardinal Lory, Chalcopsitta cardinalis’ | *sipi(r,R)i | ||||
‘Rastrelliger, k.o. small mackerel’ | *jalala | *salala | |||
‘rat taxon, probably Rattus exulans and possibly other small commensal sp. or spp.’ | *kasupe, *kusupe | ||||
‘rat taxon’ | *kalapo; *la(b,p)(o,u); *pwalapo; *labu; *lapo; *lapu | *la(b,p)(o,u) | |||
‘rat’ | *kumā | ||||
‘red Cephalopholis’ | *dralā | ||||
‘Red Jungle-fowl, Gallus gallus’ | *manuk | ||||
‘red Lutjanus spp., especially Lutjanus bohar, red bass or red snapper | *p(a,e)ŋa; *peŋa | *faŋa-mea | *p(a,e)ŋa | ||
‘red rock cod spp.’ | *lalī | ||||
‘Red-footed Booby, Sula sula’ | |||||
‘Reef Heron, Egretta sacra’ | *matuku | ||||
‘resembling’ | *mala | ||||
‘rock cod, grouper’ | *baba(ŋ); *kawa-kawa | ||||
‘rock cod, when large’ | *tonu | ||||
‘rock-cod, Epinephelus sp. or spp. including Epinephelus lanceolatus, Queensland grouper’ | *kuRapu | ||||
‘roe, fish eggs’ | *biRa | ||||
‘sago grub, edible’ | *qapator | ||||
‘sailfish’ | *saku-layaR | ||||
‘sandfly, midge’ | *nonok | ||||
‘sandfly’ | *ŋi(s,j)i; *ŋiji | *ŋi(s,j)i | |||
‘sandpiper sp.’ | |||||
‘sardine-like fish, possibly Atherinidae’ | *sara(Ra) | ||||
‘Sardinella spp., sardine’ | *tanipa; *kwaru | *niva; *taniva | *nifa | ||
‘Sargocentron spiniferum, armoured soldierfish’ | *taqa | ||||
‘Sargocentron spp., squirrelfish, including Sargocentron spiniferum’ | *taRaqan | ||||
‘Scaridae spp.’ | *qulafi | ||||
‘Scarus sp., k.o. parrotfish’ | *bwos; *(ma)manu; *manu; *kirau | *bobo; *bōsē | *kamutu; *mamanu | *(ma)manu; *kir[i,au] | |
‘Scomberoides sp.’ | *laði | ||||
‘Scomberoides spp., leatherskin, including Scomberoides lysan’ | *laci | ||||
‘Scomberoides’ | *lai | ||||
‘Scombridae sp. or spp.’ | *walu | *walu | |||
‘Scombridae spp., prob. incl. Scomberomorus commerson, narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, and Acanthocybium solandri, wahoo’ | *taŋiRi | ||||
‘sea anenome’ | *rumane | ||||
‘sea cucumber taxon’ | *loli; *tarasea | ||||
‘sea eagle, Haliaeetus’ | *bʷaŋ; *manuka | *katata ~ *kakata; *manu(w)ai | |||
‘sea eel generic, Gymnothorax spp.’ | *malayo | *pusi | |||
‘sea snake’ | |||||
‘sea urchin sp.’ | *wana | ||||
‘sea urchin with short spines’ | *sāwaki | ||||
‘sea urchin, probably Diadema sp. and/or Echinothrix spp.’ | *wana | ||||
‘sea urchin’ | *kina | ||||
‘seafood gathered on the reef, edible sea invertebrates’ | *paŋoda; *paŋoda, *piŋoda | ||||
‘seahorse’ | *puqaya + modifier | ||||
‘seek lice’ | *tapu(s), *tapus-i- | ||||
‘Selar crumenophthalmus, silver scad’ | *qatule | *qatule | *qatule | ||
‘Serranidae’ | *mataele | ||||
‘shark (generic)’ | *bakewa | ||||
‘shark sp.’ | *qaso | ||||
‘shellfish, Asaphis spp.’ | *kasi | ||||
‘Shining Starling, Aplonis metallica’ | *bʷisu | ||||
‘shore bird taxon including Pluvialis and Numenius’ | *kiu ~ *kiwi; *kiwi | *kiu ~ *kiwi | |||
‘Siganus argenteus, silver or rabbit-faced spinefoot’ | *muroR | ||||
‘Siganus sp., possibly ‘Siganus punctatus, gold-spotted spinefoot’ | *kitoŋ | ||||
‘Siganus sp.’ | *rō | ||||
‘Siganus spp., rabbitfish’ | *palaja | ||||
‘Siganus taxon, possibly Siganus spinus’ | *muqu(ŋ) | ||||
‘Singing Parrot, Geoffroyus heteroclitus’ | *(k(w),g)i(l,n)e | ||||
‘sit on eggs’ | *taup-i- | ||||
‘skink, k.o. lizard’ | *kalisi | ||||
‘skipper, blenny’ | |||||
‘small bat’; ‘white-rumped swiftlet’ | *peka-peka | ||||
‘small biting fly’ | *niku-niku | ||||
‘small coral fish, damselfish or similar’ | *taku-takuŋ | ||||
‘small dark surgeonfish, possibly Ctenochaetus’ | *bolo | ||||
‘small fish, herring or anchovy’ | *jaja | ||||
‘small insectivorous, cave-dwelling bat’ | *beka-beka | ||||
‘small parrot sp.’ | *(ka)reŋas; *reŋas | *(ka)reŋas | |||
‘small red or brown ants’ | *[driu]driu | ||||
‘small reef squid (Loligo spp.) and smaller cuttlefish (Sepia spp.)’ | *nusa (doublet *nus) | ||||
‘small schooling fish’ | *sarā | ||||
‘small shore crab, possibly Ocypoda sp.’ | |||||
‘small wader taxon’ | *pʷipipi | ||||
‘smooth round coral’ | *buŋa | ||||
‘snake (generic)’ | *mwata | ||||
‘snake’ | *nipe | ||||
‘snapper (Lutjanus) or emperor (Lethrinus) sp. or spp.’ | *sabutu | ||||
‘snapper, Lutjanus spp.’ | *kulabo; *bwa[p,w]a; *bwawa | *bwa[p,w]a | |||
‘soldier or squirrelfish spp.’ | *tala-kisi | ||||
‘Sooty Crake, Porzana tabuensis’ | *mo(s)o; *mō | *mo(s)o | |||
‘species of possum or cuscus’ | *pu(dr,d,j)(o,u); *pud(o,u); *puj(o,u) | *pu(dr,d,j)(o,u) | |||
‘Sphyraena sp., barracuda’ | *qutur | ||||
‘Sphyraena sp., possibly Sphyraena jello, the slender or pickhandle sea pike’ | *bwara-wa(r,d,dr,R)a(q) | ||||
‘Sphyraena sp.’ | *moto-moto | ||||
‘Sphyraena spp., barracuda’ | *qono | ||||
‘Sphyraena taxon, incl. Sphyraena barracuda, great barracuda’ | *qalu | ||||
‘spider, spider web’ | *lawaq | ||||
‘spider’ | *koko | ||||
‘spinefoot sp.’ | *marawa | ||||
‘sponge’ | *oma | ||||
‘spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari’ | *paRi-manuk | ||||
‘spotted rock cod, taxon including Cephalopholis and Plectropomus spp.’ | *don(o,u); *donu | *don(o,u) | |||
‘Spotted Triller, Lalage maculosa’ | *(jea)jea | ||||
‘Spratelloides sp.’ | *ðaðā | ||||
‘squid’ | *nus | *ŋū | |||
‘squirrelfish, possibly generic’ | *jori | ||||
‘Starling, Aplonis sp.’ | *pusiRa | ||||
‘stick insect’ | *mimis-mata | ||||
‘stinging black ant’ | *kadik | ||||
‘stingray, general term’ | *paRi | *fai | |||
‘Striped Starling, Aplonis tabuensis’ | *miti | ||||
‘Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita’ | *wakeke ~ *kakawe | ||||
‘surgeonfish, Acanthurus sp.’ | *qaroŋo | ||||
‘swiftlet, Aerodramus or Collocalia spp.’ | *kabakabal | *bekabeka | *ka(r,l)aka(r,l)a | ||
‘swordfish, sailfish’ | *saku-laya | *sakulā | |||
‘Synanceia verrucosa, Scorpaenidae spp.’ (now Synanceiidae) | *nofu | ||||
‘Synanceia spp., stonefish’ | *(ñ,n)opuq; *nopuq | *(ñ,n)opuq | |||
‘Synanceia verrucosa, stonefish’ | *novu | ||||
‘tail feather, plume’ | *lawe | ||||
‘tail, of quadruped, some birds and possibly fish’ | *iku(R) | ||||
‘tentacle of a cephalopod’ | *kawe | *kawe | |||
‘Terapon jarbua, crescent perch’ | *kawa-kawa | ||||
‘termite’ | *ane | ||||
‘tern, Sterna spp.’ | *kanawe; *bʷauro; *golo; *ker(a,e)(ker(a,e)); *sele(kai); *kere(kere) | *tala | *ker(a,e)(ker(a,e)); *baraŋ ~ *rabaŋ | ||
‘Thalassoma sp.’ | *tufu | ||||
‘the operculum or trapdoor of certain gastropod spp.’ | *mata | ||||
‘thorn, prickle; spike or spines of a fish’ | *voto | ||||
‘Thunnus albacares, yellowfin tuna’ | *taku(a,o) | ||||
‘tiger shark’ | *tanifa | ||||
‘to pinch’ | *kini-t | ||||
‘to scrape; scraper or grater made from robust circular bivalve shell, such as Asaphis and cockles’; ‘shellfish taxon, esp. Asaphis spp.’ | *kasi (ᴠ) | ||||
‘tooth, tusk’ | *[l,n]ipon; *nipon | *[l,n]ipon | |||
‘Tridacna clam sp.’ | *(p,f)āsua | ||||
‘Trochus spp., including Trochus niloticus (Tectus niloticus) and possibly Trochus stellatus’; ‘rings or armlets made of this’ | *lala(k) | ||||
‘tropicbird’ | |||||
‘Turbo petholatus, tapestry turban; possibly generic for several or all Turbo spp.’ | *qaliliŋ | ||||
‘turtle (generic)’ | *poñu | ||||
‘turtle shell’ | *bo(dr,d)a | ||||
‘tusk, canine tooth’ | *bati | ||||
‘various flat fishes incl. sole and flounder’ | *lapaq | ||||
‘various small, snail-like gastropods of nerite family’; ‘probably generic for a wider class of edible gastropods’ | *sisiq | ||||
‘wader sp.’ | *jipiu | *(lafu)lafulafu | *keke ~ *kaka | ||
‘wallaby, Macropus agilis’ | *wakin | ||||
‘Wandering Tattler, Heteroscelus incanus’ | *kolili | ||||
‘whale’ | *puRa-puRas | *taf(o,u)raqa | |||
‘white cockatoo’ | |||||
‘White Tern, Gygis alba’ | *kiRa | *aki-aki | |||
‘whitebait’ | *jiŋana | *(h)inaŋa; *inaŋa | *(h)inaŋa | ||
‘White-bellied Sea Eagle, Haliaeetus leucogaster’ | *manuk-lapuat [‘big bird’] | ||||
‘White-breasted Wood Swallow, Artamus leucorynchus’ | |||||
‘White-capped Noddy, Anous minutus’ | *[ta]lapiti | ||||
‘White-eye, Zosterops sp.’ | |||||
‘White-tailed Tropic-bird, Phaethon lepturus’ | *tawake | ||||
‘White-throated Pigeon, Columba vitiensis’ | |||||
‘Willie Wagtail, Rhipidura leucophrys’ | |||||
‘wing, fin’ | *kapa-kau | ||||
‘wing’, ‘flap wings’ | *kaba | ||||
‘worm’ | *sulati | ||||
‘wrasse or parrotfish spp.’ | *merari | *la-lafi; *lafi; *m[e,a]rari; *qufu; *marari | *la-lafi; *m[e,a]rari | ||
‘Yellow-faced Mynah, Mino dumontii’ | *ciŋi(l)o | ||||
‘young flying fish’ | *sipa | ||||
‘Zanclus canescens, Moorish idol’ | *laulau-fau | ||||
‘Zebrasoma veliferum, sailfin tang’ | *piRa(q) |
[edit]- Ross, Malcolm; Pawley, Andrew; Osmond, Meredith (eds). The lexicon of Proto-Oceanic: The culture and environment of ancestral Oceanic society. 7 volumes.
- Volume 4: Animals. 2011. Pacific Linguistics 621.