User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-r
r- {prefix} | :: alternative form of re- |
rabâb {m} [musical instruments] | :: rabab |
rabâcher {v} | :: to harp on (about) |
rabâcher {v} | :: to go back on one's word; fail to keep a promise |
rabais {m} | :: discount; reduction in price |
rabaissant {adj} | :: humiliating, degrading |
rabaissement {m} | :: humiliating, belittling |
rabaissement {m} | :: lowering, reduction |
rabaisser {v} | :: to humiliate, belittle |
rabaisser {v} | :: to lower, reduce |
rabaisser le caquet {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to shut (someone) up; to pull (someone) down a peg, to put (someone) in their place |
rabane {f} | :: raffia |
rabat {m} | :: flap (of bag, pocket etc.) |
Rabat {prop} | :: Rabat (capital city) |
rabat-joie {m} | :: killjoy (a wet blanket) |
rabattable {adj} | :: folding (table etc) |
rabattement {m} | :: rabatment |
rabatteur {m} | :: beater (at a shoot) |
rabatteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of rabatteur |
rabattre {v} | :: to make something lower |
rabattre {v} | :: to close, shut (down) |
rabattre {v} | :: to fold over (covers, curtains etc.) |
rabattre {v} | :: to turn down (a collar) |
rabattre {v} | :: to pull down (a skirt) |
rabattre {v} | :: to reduce, deduct, diminish |
rabattre {v} | :: to cut back (a plant, tree) |
rabattre {vr} | :: to cut in |
rabattre {vr} [followed by sur] | :: to fall back on |
rabattre {vr} | :: to (swing) shut |
rabattre le caquet {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to shut (someone) up; to pull (someone) down a peg, to put (someone) in their place |
rabattre le clapet {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to shut (someone) up; to pull (someone) down a peg, to put (someone) in their place |
rabattu {adj} | :: folded |
rabbin {m} | :: rabbi |
rabbinat {m} | :: rabbinate |
rabbinique {adj} | :: rabbinic; rabbinical |
rabelaisien {adj} | :: Rabelaisian |
rabibocher {vt} | :: to reconcile |
rabicoin {m} [colloquial] | :: corner |
rabique {adj} | :: Pertaining to rabies (attributive) |
râble {m} [zoology] | :: back (of certain quadrupeds) |
râble {m} [cooking] | :: saddle |
râble {m} [jocular] | :: back (of person) |
râble {m} | :: stoker, poker (for hot coals); salt-worker's rake |
râblé {adj} | :: stocky, sturdy |
râbler {v} | :: to stoke (a fire) with a poker |
rabot {m} | :: plane (a tool) |
rabotage {m} | :: planing, shaving |
raboter {vt} | :: to plane (use a plane to flatten something) |
raboteuse {f} | :: planer |
raboteux {adj} | :: uneven, bumpy (surface) |
raboteux {adj} | :: rough (voice) |
rabougri {adj} | :: stunted |
rabrouer {v} | :: to snub |
racaille {f} [derogatory] | :: people, mainly young, who engage in antisocial behaviour; rabble, riffraff; rascals |
raccommodage {m} | :: mending, repairing |
raccommodage {m} | :: darning |
raccommodage {m} | :: reconciliation |
raccommodement {m} | :: reconciliation |
raccommoder {v} | :: to fix, fix up (small things) |
raccompagner {v} | :: to take back, take home, drive home, drive back, walk home, walk back etc. (escort someone back to where they had come) |
raccord {m} | :: join (in wallpaper, wood etc.) |
raccord {m} | :: touch-up (of paint) |
raccord {m} [film] | :: link shot |
raccord {m} [engineering] | :: joint |
raccordable {adj} | :: connectable |
raccordé {adj} | :: joined up |
raccordement {m} | :: act of linking, act of joining |
raccorder {v} | :: to join (up) |
raccourci {m} | :: shortcut (path) |
raccourci {m} [art] | :: foreshortening |
raccourci {m} [computers] | :: shortcut |
raccourci clavier {m} | :: keyboard shortcut |
raccourcir {v} | :: to shorten (to make shorter) |
raccourcir {v} | :: to shorten (to get shorter) |
raccourcissement {m} | :: shortening |
raccroc {m} [formal] | :: chance, fluke (random occurrence, luck) |
raccrocher {v} | :: to hang again; to hang back up |
raccrocher {v} | :: to hang up (end a phone call) |
raccrocher au nez {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hang up on someone |
raccrocheur {m} [sports] | :: A person who plays a fluke shot |
raccrocheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of raccrocheur |
raccrocheuse {f} | :: A prostitute (who solicits customers in the streets) |
race {f} | :: race (classification) |
race {f} | :: kind |
race {f} [zoology] | :: breed |
racé {adj} | :: distinguished; classy |
racé {adj} | :: pedigree, thoroughbred |
racécadotril {m} [medicine] | :: racecadotril |
racème {m} [botany] | :: raceme |
racémique {adj} [chemistry] | :: racemic |
racémisation {f} [chemistry] | :: racemization |
racémiser {vt} [chemistry] | :: to racemize |
racer {m} | :: racecar |
racer {m} | :: (any kind of) vehicle used for racing, racer |
rachat {m} | :: purchase, buyout, action of buying out |
rachat {m} | :: ransom, sum of money demanded for a hostage |
Rachel {prop} | :: Rachel (biblical figure) |
Rachel {prop} | :: given name |
Rachelle {prop} {f} [rare] | :: given name |
racheter {v} | :: to buy out, buy off |
racheter {vr} | :: to make amends |
racheteur {m} | :: purchaser, buyer (commercial) |
racheteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of racheteur |
rachidien {adj} | :: spinal |
rachitique {adj} | :: rickety |
rachitique {adj} | :: rachitic |
rachitisme {m} [pathology] | :: rickets |
rachmaninovien {adj} | :: Rachmaninovian |
racial {adj} | :: racial |
racialement {adv} | :: racially |
racialisme {m} | :: racialism |
racialiste {adj} | :: racialist |
racinaire {adj} [botany] | :: root (attributive) |
racine {f} [of a tree] | :: root |
racine {f} [figuratively] | :: root, origin |
racine {f} [grammar] | :: root |
racine {f} [mathematics] | :: root |
racine carrée {f} [mathematics] | :: square root |
racine cubique {f} [mathematics] | :: cube root |
raciner {vi} [of plants] | :: to take root |
racinette {f} | :: root beer |
racinien {adj} | :: Racinian |
racisé {adj} | :: of color; not white-skinned |
racisme {m} | :: racism |
raciste {adj} | :: racist |
raciste {mf} | :: racist |
racket {m} | :: racketeering |
racket {m} | :: racket, extortion |
racketter {v} | :: to racketeer |
racketteur {m} | :: racketeer |
raclage {m} | :: curettage, scraping |
raclée {f} [colloquial] | :: hiding, thrashing, beating |
raclée {f} [by extension] | :: drubbing, heavy defeat |
raclement {m} | :: scraping (action and sound), scratching |
racler {v} | :: to scrape (off), to scratch |
râcler {v} | :: alternative form of racler |
racler les fonds de tiroir {v} | :: alternative spelling of racler les fonds de tiroirs |
racler les fonds de tiroirs {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to scrape some money together, to raid the piggy bank, to scrape the bottom of the barrel |
raclette {f} | :: raclette (dish) |
raclette {f} | :: squeegee |
raclette {m} | :: raclette (cheese) |
racleur {m} | :: scraper (tool) |
racloir {m} | :: scraper |
raclure {f} [literally] | :: scraping |
raclure {f} [slang] | :: piece of shit, scum; filth, crud; louse |
racolage {m} | :: touting; soliciting |
racoler {vt} | :: to solicit, tout for (clients, business etc.), to hustle |
racoleur {m} | :: recruiting officer |
racoleur {m} | :: tout |
racoleur {adj} | :: sensationalist |
racoleuse {f} | :: streetwalker |
racontable {adj} | :: describable, repeatable |
racontage {m} [regional, dated] | :: gossip |
racontar {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: gossip |
raconter {v} | :: to recount; to tell; to narrate |
raconter des histoires {v} [colloquial] | :: to tell tales, to tell fibs, to spin a yarn, to talk nonsense |
raconter des salades {v} [colloquial] | :: to tell tales, to tell fibs, to spin a yarn, to talk nonsense |
raconteur {m} | :: storyteller, narrator |
raconteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of raconteur |
racornir {v} | :: to harden |
radar {m} | :: radar |
radarastronomie {f} [astronomy] | :: radar astronomy (astronomical technique) |
radargramme {m} | :: radar chart |
radar tourelle {m} | :: A pole-mounted speed camera |
radasse {f} [slang] | :: slut, prostitute |
rade {f} | :: harbour |
rade {m} [slang, archaic] | :: pavement [UK], sidewalk [US, Canada] |
rade {m} [slang] | :: bar, counter [of cafe, bar etc.] |
rade {m} | :: alternative spelling of rhade |
Rade {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Rhade |
radé {m} | :: alternative spelling of rhade |
Radé {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Rhade |
radeau {m} | :: raft |
Radegonde {prop} {f} | :: given name |
radhanite {adj} | :: Radhanite |
radiaire {adj} | :: radial |
radialement {adv} | :: radially |
radialène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: radialene |
radian {m} | :: radian |
radiateur {m} | :: radiator (heating appliance) |
radiatif {adj} | :: radiative (related to radiation) |
radiation {f} | :: radiation (all meaning) |
radical {adj} | :: radical |
radical {m} [linguistics, grammar] | :: radical, root |
radicalaire {adj} [chemistry] | :: radical (attributive) |
radicalement {adv} | :: radically, in a radical fashion |
radicalisation {f} | :: radicalisation |
radicalisé {adj} | :: radicalized |
radicaliser {vt} | :: to radicalize / radicalise |
radicalisme {m} | :: radicalism |
radicalité {f} | :: radicalism |
radiculaire {adj} [biology] | :: radicular |
radicule {f} [botany] | :: radicle |
radier {vt} | :: to take off; to rub off; to wipe off (erase by rubbing, wiping) |
radier {vt} | :: to wipe clean, to take off (remove from a list) |
radier {vi} | :: to radiate |
radier {m} | :: sill (protection for a building against water) |
radiescence {f} | :: radiance |
radiescent {adj} | :: radiant |
radiesthésie {f} | :: dowsing |
radiesthésiste {mf} | :: dowser |
radieusement {adv} | :: radiantly |
radieux {adj} | :: radiant |
radifère {adj} | :: radiferous |
radin {adj} [colloquial] | :: stingy |
radin {m} [colloquial] | :: cheapskate, miser |
radiner {v} [colloquial] | :: arrive, get here, get there |
radinerie {f} | :: stinginess |
radio- {prefix} | :: radio- |
radio {f} | :: radio, tuner |
radioactif {adj} | :: radioactive |
radioactivation {f} | :: radioactivation |
radioactivement {adv} | :: radioactively |
radioactiver {v} | :: To irradiate |
radioactiver {v} | :: To make radioactive |
radioactivité {f} | :: radioactivity |
radioaltimètre {m} | :: radio altimeter |
radioamateur {m} | :: An amateur radio enthusiast |
radioamateur {m} | :: ham radio, amateur radio (masculine only) |
radioamatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of radioamateur |
radioastronome {mf} | :: radio astronomer |
radioastronomie {f} | :: radioastronomy |
radioastronomique {adj} [attributive] | :: radio astronomy |
radiobalisage {m} | :: The act of equipping with radio beacons |
radiobalise {f} | :: radio beacon |
radiobaliser {v} | :: To equip with radio beacons |
radiobiologie {f} | :: radiobiology |
radioborne {f} [military] | :: radio beacon |
radiocarbone {m} | :: radiocarbon |
radiocarbone {adj} [attributive] | :: radiocarbon |
radiocarbure {m} | :: radiocarbide |
radiocassette {m} | :: radio cassette, boombox |
radiocésium {m} | :: radiocesium |
radiochimie {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: radiochemistry |
radiochimique {adj} [chemistry] | :: radiochemical |
radiochimiste {mf} [chemistry] | :: radiochemist |
radiochirurgie {f} [surgery] | :: radiosurgery |
radiochronologie {f} | :: radiochronology |
radiochronologique {adj} | :: radiochronological |
radiochronologiquement {adv} | :: radiochronologically |
radiocobalt {m} | :: radiocobalt |
radiocommande {f} | :: radio control |
radiocommander {v} | :: To operate a device using radio control |
radiocompas {m} | :: radio direction finder, radio compass |
radioconcentrique {adj} | :: radioconcentric |
radioconducteur {m} | :: radioconductor |
radioconservation {f} | :: food irradiation |
radiocristallographie {f} | :: radiocrystallography |
radiodiagnostic {f} | :: radiodiagnostics (diagnostics by means of X-rays or radiochemical tracers) |
radiodiffuser {vt} | :: to broadcast |
radiodiffuseur {m} | :: broadcaster |
radiodiffusion {f} | :: broadcasting |
radiodilettante {mf} | :: amateur radio enthusiast |
radioécologie {f} | :: radioecology |
radioécologique {adj} | :: radioecological |
radioélectricité {f} | :: radioelectricity |
radioélectrique {adj} | :: radioelectric |
radioélément {m} | :: radioelement |
radioexposer {v} | :: To irradiate; expose to radiation |
radioexposition {f} | :: irradiation; exposure to radiation |
radiofréquence {f} | :: radio frequency |
radiogalaxie {f} [astronomy] | :: radiogalaxy |
radiogène {adj} | :: radiogenic |
radiogénique {adj} [physics] | :: radiogenic |
radiogoniomètre {m} | :: radio direction finder (RDF) |
radiogoniométrie {f} | :: radiogoniometry, radio direction finding |
radiogoniométrique {adj} | :: radiogoniometric; radio direction finding (attributive) |
radiogramme {m} | :: radiogram (message transmitted by radio) |
radiographie {f} | :: radiography |
radiographie {f} | :: radiograph |
radiographier {v} | :: to X-ray; to radiograph |
radiographique {adj} | :: radiographic |
radiographiquement {adv} | :: radiographically |
radioguidage {m} | :: radio control |
radioguidage {m} | :: (traffic) information given over the radio |
radioguider {vt} | :: to control by radio |
radiolaire {m} | :: radiolarian |
radiolarite {f} | :: radiolarite |
radiolésion {m} | :: radiolesion, radiation damage |
radiolithe {f} [geology] | :: radiolite |
radiologie {f} [medicine] | :: radiology |
radiologique {adj} | :: radiological |
radiologiquement {adv} | :: radiologically |
radiologiste {mf} | :: radiologist (practitioner of radiology) |
radiologue {mf} | :: radiologist (practitioner of radiology) |
radiolyse {f} [chemistry] | :: radiolysis |
radiomessagerie {f} | :: paging (message system) |
radiométallographie {f} | :: radiometallography |
radiomètre {m} | :: radiometer (device that measures radiant energy) |
radiométrie {f} | :: radiometry |
radiométrique {adj} | :: radiometric |
radiomodélisme {m} | :: radio-modelling (making and using radio-controlled models) |
radionavigant {m} | :: radio officer, radio operator |
radionavigation {f} | :: radio navigation |
radionécrose {f} | :: radionecrosis (necrosis caused by ionizing radiation) |
radionucléide {m} [physics] | :: radionuclide |
radiopasteuriser {v} | :: To radiopasteurize |
radiophare {m} | :: radio beacon |
radiopharmaceutique {adj} | :: radiopharmaceutical |
radiopharmacie {f} | :: radiopharmacy |
radiophile {adj} | :: radiophilic |
radiophile {mf} | :: radiophile |
radiophonie {f} | :: radio (technique, organization), radiophony |
radiophonique {adj} | :: radio (attributive) |
radiophonique {adj} | :: radiophonic |
radiophoniquement {adv} | :: radiophonically |
radiophoniste {mf} | :: radio operator (especially military) |
radiophotographie {f} | :: radiophotography |
radiopilule {f} | :: radiopill |
radioplomb {m} | :: radiolead |
radioprotecteur {m} | :: radioprotector |
radioprotection {f} | :: radiation protection, radioprotection |
radioralliement {m} | :: homing (onto a radio signal) |
radioréalité {m} | :: reality radio (the equivalent of reality television) |
radiorécepteur {m} | :: radio receiver |
radiorepérer {v} | :: To radiolocate |
radioreportage {m} | :: radio reporting |
radioreporter {m} | :: radio reporter |
radiorésistant {adj} | :: radioresistant |
radioréveil {m} | :: clock radio |
radioroman {m} | :: radio drama |
radioscoper {v} | :: To practise radioscopy |
radioscopier {v} | :: alternative form of radioscoper |
radioscopique {adj} | :: radioscopic |
radiosensibilité {f} | :: radiosensitivity |
radiosensible {adj} | :: radiosensitive |
radiosité {f} [computing] | :: radiosity |
radiosondage {m} | :: radio sounding |
radiosonder {v} | :: To use a radiosonde to make radio soundings |
radiosource {f} [astronomy] | :: radio source |
radiostériliser {v} | :: To radiosterilize |
radiotechnicien {m} | :: radio technician |
radiotechnicienne {f} | :: radio technician (female) |
radiotechnique {f} | :: radio engineering / technology |
radiotélégramme {m} | :: radiotelegram |
radiotélégraphie {f} | :: radiotelegraphy (sending telegrams using radio waves) |
radiotélégraphier {v} | :: To radiotelegraph |
radiotélégraphique {adj} | :: radiotelegraphic |
radiotélégraphiste {mf} | :: radiotelegraphist |
radiotéléphone {m} | :: radiotelephone (device) |
radiotéléphonie {f} | :: radiotelephony |
radiotéléphonique {adj} | :: radiotelephonic |
radiotéléphoniste {mf} | :: radiotelephonist |
radio-télescope {m} | :: alternative form of radiotélescope |
radiotélescope {m} | :: radio telescope (astronomical device) |
radiotélétype {m} | :: radioteletype |
radiotélévisé {adj} | :: televised |
radiotéléviser {v} | :: To televise (broadcast television) |
radiotélévision {f} | :: television (broadcasting system) |
radiotélévision {f} | :: radio and television company |
radiothéâtre {m} | :: radio drama |
radiothérapeute {mf} | :: radiotherapist (specialist of radiotherapy) |
radiothérapeutique {adj} | :: radiotherapeutic |
radiothérapie {f} | :: radiotherapy |
radiothérapique {adj} | :: radiotherapy (attributive) |
radiotoxicité {f} | :: radiotoxicity |
radiotoxicologique {adj} | :: radiotoxicological |
radiotoxicologue {mf} | :: radiotoxicologist |
radiotoxique {adj} | :: radiotoxic |
radiotraceur {m} | :: radiotracer |
radis {m} | :: radish |
radium {m} | :: radium |
radius {m} [skeleton] | :: radius |
radja {m} | :: The Hindu princely title rajah, in various meanings, yet often rendered as king |
radjah {m} | :: rajah |
radon {m} | :: radon |
radotage {m} | :: drivel |
radoter {v} | :: drivel (to talk nonsense) |
radoub {m} [nautical] | :: repair, refitting |
radouber {vt} [nautical] | :: to refit |
radouber {vt} | :: to repair |
radoubeur {m} [nautical] | :: refitter |
radoucir {v} | :: to sweeten |
radoucir {v} [figuratively, by extension] | :: to appease |
radoucissement {m} | :: softening (decrease in harshness) |
radula {f} | :: radula |
Radulescu {prop} | :: surname |
raëlien {adj} | :: Raëlian |
raëlien {m} | :: Raëlian |
raëlisme {m} | :: Raëlism |
rafale {f} [meteorology] | :: gust (strong, abrupt rush of wind) |
rafale {f} [meteorology] | :: sudden shower, flurry |
rafale {f} [by extension, military] | :: burst (series of shots fired from an automatic firearm) |
rafaleux {n} | :: gusty |
raffermir {vt} | :: to strengthen |
raffermissement {m} | :: strengthening |
raffinage {m} | :: refining |
raffiné {adj} | :: refined, sophisticated |
raffinement {m} | :: refinement |
raffiner {v} | :: to refine |
raffiner {v} | :: to rarefy |
raffinerie {f} | :: refinery |
raffineur {m} | :: refiner (of sugar, petrol etc) |
raffoler {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be mad (about); to be crazy (for) (have a big passion for) |
raffut {m} [colloquial] | :: racket, row |
raffut {m} [rugby] | :: fend; hand off; stiff-arm fend |
rafiner {v} | :: alternative form of raffiner |
rafinerie {f} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of raffinerie |
rafiot {m} | :: tub |
rafistolage {m} | :: bodge, patching up (makeshift repair) |
rafistoler {vt} | :: to bodge, patch up |
rafler {v} [colloquial] | :: to swipe, nick, run off with (steal) |
rafler {v} [colloquial, of a prize] | :: to scoop |
rafraichir {v} | :: alternative form of rafraîchir |
rafraîchir {v} | :: to refresh |
rafraîchir {v} | :: to cool off |
rafraîchir {vr} | :: to freshen up |
rafraîchir la mémoire {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to jog someone's memory, to refresh someone's memory |
rafraîchissant {adj} | :: refreshing |
rafraîchissement {m} | :: refreshment (the action of refreshing; a means of restoring strength, energy or vigour) |
rafraîchissement {m} | :: refreshing, cooling |
rafraîchissement {m} [in plural] | :: refreshments |
rafting {m} | :: rafting |
ragaillardir {vt} | :: to cheer up |
rage {f} | :: rage (fury, anger) |
rage {f} | :: rabies (disease) |
rage de dent {f} [disease] | :: alternative form of rage de dents |
rage de dents {f} [disease] | :: pulpitis; toothache |
ragenouiller {v} | :: To kneel (down) again |
ragequitter {vi} | :: to ragequit |
rager {v} | :: to rage |
rageur {adj} | :: furious |
rageur {adj} | :: bad-tempered |
rageusement {adv} | :: furiously |
ragondin {m} | :: coypu |
ragot {adj} | :: small, stunted |
ragot {m} | :: A small and dumpy person |
ragot {m} | :: gossip (idle talk) |
ragougnasse {f} | :: pigswill (bad food) |
ragougnasse {f} | :: codswallop (incomprehensible speech) |
ragoût {m} | :: ragout |
ragoût {m} | :: stew |
ragoûtant {adj} | :: appetizing, tasty |
rahat-loukoum {m} | :: synonym of loukoum |
rai {m} | :: ray, beam (of light etc.) |
rai {m} | :: spoke (of wheel) |
raï {m} [music genre] | :: raï (form of music originating from Algeria) |
raid {m} [military] | :: raid |
raid aérien {m} | :: air raid |
raide {adj} | :: stiff, straight, rigid |
raide {adj} | :: stubborn |
raide {adj} [of alcohol] | :: rough |
raide {adj} [slang] | :: broke |
raide {adj} [slang] | :: pissed, hammered; high, stoned |
raide comme la justice {adj} [simile] | :: stiff as a poker, stiff as a board (stiff, both physically and metaphorically, rigid, unbending) |
raide dingue {adj} [de] | :: [colloquial] head over heels in love with someone, crazy about someone, completely besotted with someone |
raidement {adv} | :: stiffly, rigidly |
raidement {adv} | :: stubbornly |
raide mort {adj} | :: stone dead |
raideur {f} | :: stiffness, rigidity |
raideur {f} | :: steepness |
raidillon {m} | :: slope, steep path |
raidir {v} | :: stiffen (to make stiff) |
raidissement {m} | :: stiffening |
raidissement {m} | :: tightening |
raie {f} [agriculture] | :: ridge between furrows |
raie {f} | :: line |
raie {f} | :: scratch, mark |
raie {f} | :: cleft (between the buttocks) |
raie {f} | :: stripe |
raie {f} | :: parting (in hair) |
raie {f} | :: ray (fish) |
raifort {m} | :: horseradish (condiment, plant) |
rail {m} | :: rail |
raille {mf} | :: police informant, rat |
raille {mf} | :: police |
railler {vt} | :: to mock, taunt, jeer at |
railler {vi} | :: to jest |
raillerie {f} | :: mockery, ridicule |
railleur {adj} | :: mocking, scoffing |
railleur {m} | :: mocker, scoffer |
railleusement {adv} | :: mockingly |
railway {m} [Anglicism] | :: railway |
raine {f} [obsolete] | :: frog |
rainer {vt} | :: to groove (make a groove in) |
rainette {f} | :: tree frog |
rainurage {m} | :: grooving; process of making grooves |
rainure {f} | :: groove |
rainurer {v} | :: to groove (add grooves to) |
Rainville {prop} | :: surname |
raiponce {f} | :: rampion (Campanula rapunculus) |
raiponce {f} [botany] | :: rampion (Phyteuma) |
Raiponce {prop} | :: Rapunzel |
raïs {m} | :: rais |
raisin {m} | :: grape |
raisin {m} | :: a size of paper (having such a watermark) |
raisin {m} | :: a bright red lipstick |
raisin de Corinthe {m} | :: currant, Zante currant (small dried grape) |
raisiné {m} | :: A type of conserve made from grapes |
raisin sec {m} | :: raisin |
raison {f} | :: reason (cause) |
raison {f} | :: reason (mental faculties) |
raison {f} [mathematics] | :: common difference (of an arithmetic series) |
raison {f} [mathematics] | :: common ratio (of a geometric series) |
raison d'État {f} | :: a state interest, especially when invoked as politically superior to moral or even legal considerations |
raison d'être {f} | :: raison d'être |
raison garder {v} [literary] | :: to be reasonable |
raisonnable {adj} | :: reasonable, just, fair, consistent, sensible |
raisonnable {adj} | :: possessed of reason |
raisonnable {adj} | :: resigned |
raisonnablement {adv} | :: reasonably; logically; sensibly |
raisonnablement {adv} | :: without excesses |
raisonnement {m} | :: reasoning (act of reasoning) |
raisonner {vit} | :: to reason |
raisonneur {adj} | :: argumentative |
raïto {f} | :: A Provençal sauce made from tomatoes and red wine with olives and capers |
rajeunir {vt} | :: to rejuvenate |
rajeunir {vt} | :: to make young |
rajeunir {vt} [figuratively] | :: to take off (years from someone's age) (to make appear younger) |
rajeunir {vt} [figuratively] | :: to bring back; to send back (remind of a past time) |
rajeunir {vi} | :: to get younger |
rajeunissant {adj} | :: rejuvenating |
rajeunissement {m} | :: getting younger |
rajeunissement {m} | :: making younger |
rajeunissement {m} | :: rejuvenation |
rajout {m} | :: addition |
rajouter {v} | :: to re-add; to add again |
rajouter {v} | :: to put back in |
rajustement {m} | :: adjustment |
rajuster {vt} | :: to adjust, readjust, correct |
rajuster {vt} | :: to straighten, tidy [clothes] |
Raków {prop} | :: Raków (Polish town 1569–1869 and village 1869–present, important centre of Socinianism in the 16th–17th CC.) |
râle {m} | :: groan |
râle {m} [medicine] | :: rale |
râle {m} | :: rail (bird) |
râle des genêts {m} | :: corncrake |
râlement {m} | :: groan |
râlement {m} | :: grumble |
ralenti {m} | :: slow motion |
ralentir {vit} | :: to slow down |
ralentir {v} | :: to abate |
ralentissement {m} | :: deceleration, slowing down |
ralentissement {m} | :: traffic jam |
ralentisseur {m} | :: speed bump |
râler {v} | :: to groan, to moan |
râler {v} | :: to grumble, to complain |
râleur {adj} | :: moaning, groaning |
râleur {m} | :: moaner, whinger, whiner, kvetch |
ralliement {m} | :: rally |
rallier {v} | :: to rally (group or bring together) |
rallier {v} | :: to rally (motivate) |
rallier {v} | :: to bring round (convince, cause someone to have the same opinion) |
rallier {v} | :: to catch up with (reach) |
rallier {vr} | :: To come round (to) (join a group with a point of view) |
rallonge {f} | :: extension (something used to make another longer) |
rallonge {f} | :: extension (lenghtening, increase in time) |
rallonge {f} [finance] | :: green shoe option |
rallongement {m} | :: extension |
rallonger {v} | :: to lengthen (to make longer) |
rallumer {vt} | :: to relight |
rallumer {vt} [figuratively] | :: to rekindle, revive |
rallye {m} | :: rally (motor-racing) |
rallye {m} | :: social dance (or a group of young people who meet at such dances) |
rallystique {adj} [sports] | :: rallying (attributive) |
râlocher {vit} | :: to grunt, grumble |
ramadan {m} [Islam] | :: Ramadan (holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar) |
ramancheur {m} [Quebec] | :: bonesetter |
ramancheux {n} [Quebec] | :: alternative form of ramancheur |
ramassage {m} | :: collection, the act of picking up |
ramasser {vt} | :: to pick up; to collect, gather |
ramasser {vr} | :: to huddle up, to crouch |
ramasser à la petite cuillère {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to scrape up off the floor |
ramasser le gantelet {v} [idiomatic] | :: take up the gauntlet |
ramassette {f} [Belgium] | :: dustpan |
ramasseur {m} | :: gatherer, picker |
ramasseuse {f} | :: female equivalent of ramasseur |
ramassis {m} | :: bunch |
ramassis {m} | :: jumble |
rambarde {f} | :: handrail |
ramberge {f} [nautical] | :: ramberge |
ramberge {f} | :: annual mercury (Mercurialis annua) |
ramdam {m} | :: fuss |
rame {f} | :: oar, paddle |
rame {f} | :: ream (of paper) |
rame {f} | :: train; now especially refers to a subway train or an underground train |
rameau {m} | :: small branch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing) |
Rameau {prop} | :: surname |
ramée {f} | :: an aggregate of green twigs or branches |
ramener {vt} | :: to take back, bring back, restore |
ramener {vt} | :: to draw, pull (back) |
ramener {vr} | :: to come down, be reduced (à to) |
ramener {vr} [colloquial] | :: to roll up, to get one's butt somewhere |
ramener sa fraise {v} [colloquial] | :: to get one's butt somewhere |
ramener ses fesses {v} [colloquial] | :: to get one's butt somewhere |
ramener son grain de sel {v} [figuratively] | :: to put in one's two cents |
ramequin {m} | :: ramekin (dish for baking in oven) |
ramer {vi} | :: to row |
rameur {m} | :: rower (someone who does rowing, the sport) |
rameuter {v} | :: to round up |
rameux {adj} [botany] | :: ramose |
rami {m} | :: rummy (the card game) |
Rami {prop} | :: surname |
ramier {m} | :: wood pigeon |
ramification {f} | :: a (criminal) network, offshoots of an (often clandestine) organization |
ramification {f} | :: ramification, implication |
ramification {f} [botany, anatomy] | :: ramification |
ramifié {adj} | :: branched, ramified |
ramifier {v} | :: To ramify |
ramifier {v} | :: To divide |
ramollir {v} | :: to soften, to mollify |
ramollir {v} [figuratively] | :: to weaken (one's will), to soften up (someone) |
ramollir {vp} [se ramollir] | :: to become soft, to soften |
ramollir {vp} [figuratively, of one's will] | :: to weaken, to soften |
ramollissement {m} | :: softening |
ramon {m} [archaic] | :: broom |
ramonage {m} | :: chimney-sweeping |
ramoner {vt} | :: to sweep a chimney |
ramoner {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
ramoneur {m} | :: chimney sweep |
rampant {adj} [heraldry] | :: rampant |
rampant {adj} [architecture] | :: tilted |
rampant {adj} | :: humbly inclined |
rampant {adj} [botany] | :: extending over the ground rather then climbing upward |
rampant {adj} [literature] | :: base; common |
rampant {adj} [military] | :: stranded on the ground as opposed to flying staff |
rampe {f} | :: ramp |
rampe de lancement {f} | :: launch pad |
ramper {v} | :: to crawl, worm (along); to creep |
ramure {f} | :: treetop |
ramure {f} | :: antler |
rancard {m} | :: alternative form of rencard |
rancart {m} | :: scrap heap |
rance {adj} | :: rancid |
rancir {vi} | :: to go rancid |
rancissement {m} | :: rancidity |
rancoeur {f} | :: nonstandard spelling of rancœur |
rancœur {f} | :: resentment, rancor |
rançon {f} | :: ransom |
rançongiciel {m} [computing] | :: ransomware (malware that holds the data of a computer user for ransom) |
rançonnage {m} | :: ransoming |
rançonner {v} | :: to ransom |
rançonneur {adj} | :: ransoming |
rançonneur {m} | :: ransomer |
Rancourt {prop} | :: surname |
rancune {f} | :: resentment, grudge; rancour |
rancunier {adj} | :: resentful, bitter, spiteful |
rand {m} | :: rand (currency) |
rando {f} | :: walk, trek (for pleasure) |
randomiser {v} | :: to randomize |
randonnée {f} | :: walk, ramble, trek (for pleasure) |
randonner {v} | :: to hike, trek, walk around |
randonneur {m} | :: walker, hiker, backpacker |
randonneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of randonneur |
rang {m} | :: A row or line of things placed side-by-side |
rang {m} | :: A rank or position in a series or hierarchy |
rang {m} [knitting] | :: A knitting course |
rang {m} [Canada, geography] | :: A series of land plots narrower than deep, running perpendicular to a river or road |
rang {m} [Canada, geography] | :: The road serving such a series of plots |
rang {m} [military, uncountable] | :: The non-officers of an army, taken as a group |
rangé {adj} | :: tidy, neat |
rangé {adj} [figuratively] | :: orderly, quiet, uneventful |
rangé {adj} [of a battle] | :: pitched |
rangé des bécanes {adj} | :: synonym of rangé des voitures |
rangé des voitures {adj} [colloquial] | :: settled down, back on the straight and narrow, older and wiser |
rangée {f} | :: row (line of objects) |
rangée {f} [chess] | :: rank |
rangement {m} [uncountable] | :: place where things are tidied away, e.g. cupboards, shelves, etc |
rangement {m} | :: action of tidying things away |
ranger {m} | :: a ranger, one who looks after a region |
ranger {v} | :: to order, to arrange |
ranger {v} | :: to put away, to put aside, to stack away, to stow |
ranger {vr} [se ranger] | :: to go along |
Ranger {prop} | :: surname |
ranidé {m} [usually plural] | :: a true frog |
ranimer {v} | :: to revive |
ranimer {v} | :: to animate |
ranimer {v} [figuratively] | :: to motivate, to rally (troops) |
ranivore {adj} | :: Ranivore. Frog-eating. An example is that the bird-of-prey, the African Marsh Harrier is known as the busard ranivore in French |
ranson {f} | :: alternative form of rançon |
ranulaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: ranular |
ranule {f} | :: ranula |
ranz des vaches {m} [music] | :: ranz des vaches |
Raoul {prop} | :: given name |
raout {m} [archaic] | :: (social) gathering |
rap {m} | :: rap; rap music |
rapace {adj} | :: rapacious, predatory |
rapace {adj} [figuratively] | :: rapacious, greedy |
rapace {m} | :: bird of prey |
rapace {m} | :: raptor |
rapacité {f} | :: rapacity |
râpage {m} | :: grating (act of grating; result of this action) |
rapailler {v} [Canada] | :: To pick up, gather or collect things |
rapailler {v} [Canada] | :: To group or regroup |
rapatriement {m} | :: repatriation |
rapatrier {vt} | :: to repatriate; send home (send back to the country of origin) |
rapatrier {vt} | :: to reconcile |
râpe {f} | :: grater |
râpe {f} | :: rasp |
râpé {adj} | :: grated |
raper {v} | :: To rap (to sing rap songs) |
râper {v} | :: to grate (e.g. cheese) |
râper {v} | :: to shave (e.g. wood) |
rapetasser {vt} [colloquial] | :: to patch up |
rapetisser {v} | :: to shrink or shorten |
rapette {f} | :: bright eyes (Reichardia picroides) |
râpeux {adj} | :: grating (causing annoyance) |
Raphaël {prop} | :: Raphael [biblical character] |
Raphaël {prop} | :: given name |
Raphaëlle {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Raphaël |
raphanine {f} [organic compound] | :: raphanin |
raphé {f} [anatomy] | :: raphe |
raphia {m} | :: raffia |
rapide {adj} | :: fast, rapid |
rapide {adv} [colloquial] | :: fast; rapidly; quickly |
rapide {m} [especially in plural] | :: rapid (stretch of river) |
rapide {m} | :: express (fast train) |
rapide comme l'éclair {adj} [simile] | :: quick as a flash |
rapidement {adv} | :: speedily; quickly |
rapidité {f} | :: swiftness, fastness, quickness |
rapido {adv} [colloquial] | :: quick, fast |
rapiéçage {m} | :: patching |
rapiécé {adj} | :: patched-up |
rapiécer {vt} | :: to patch |
rapière {f} | :: rapier |
rapineur {m} | :: plunderer, thief |
rapineuse {f} | :: feminine singular of rapineur |
raplapla {adj} | :: fatigued |
raplapla {adj} | :: flat |
rappel {m} | :: reminder |
rappel {m} | :: encore (at the end of a performance); curtain call |
rappel {m} [on a speed limit sign] | :: continuance of an existing speed limit |
rappel {m} | :: abseil |
rappeler {v} | :: to call again; to call back |
rappeler {v} | :: to remind |
rappeler {vr} | :: to recall, remember (use without de is formal and rare; use with de much more common but still proscribed) |
rappeler {v} [climbing] | :: to pull through (a rope) |
rappeler à l'ordre {vt} | :: to bring to heel; to reprimand |
rapper {v} [music] | :: To speak (lyrics) in the style of rap music |
rapper {m} [music] | :: rapper |
rappeur {m} [music] | :: rapper |
rappeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of rappeur |
rappliquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to arrive, to turn up |
rappliquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to come back, to return |
rapport {m} | :: ratio |
rapport {m} | :: report |
rapport {m} | :: relationship |
rapport de force {m} | :: balance of power, power struggle, power relations |
rapporté {adj} | :: indirect |
rapporté {adj} | :: correlative |
rapporter {vt} | :: To bring back (physically bring something back from where it came from) |
rapporter {vt} | :: To retrieve |
rapporter {vt} | :: To fetch |
rapporter {vt} | :: To take back (physically take something back to where it was) |
rapporter {vt} | :: To take on (assume responsibility of) |
rapporter {vt} | :: To report, to tell about (give a report of something experienced) |
rapporter {vt} | :: To report (to tell an authority about a mishappening) |
rapporter {vt} [finance] | :: To bring in, to yield |
rapporter {vt} | :: To bring back (remind about the past) |
rapporteur {m} | :: reporter (someone who reports) |
rapporteur {m} | :: telltale |
rapporteur {m} | :: rapporteur (same sense as in English) |
rapporteur {m} | :: protractor (instrument) |
rapporteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of rapporteur |
rapport sexuel {m} | :: sex; sexual intercourse |
rapprochement {m} | :: act or process of getting closer, nearer together |
rapprochement {m} | :: link (between two things) |
rapprocher {vt} | :: To reapproach, to approach again |
rapprocher {vt} | :: To come closer to (physically, as in distance) |
rapprocher {vt} | :: To bring (something or someone) closer to (physically, as in distance) |
rapprocher {vt} | :: To bring closer (to unite) |
rapprocher {vr} [+ de] | :: To get closer (to) |
rapsodie {f} | :: alternative form of rhapsodie |
rapt {m} | :: kidnapping, abduction |
râpure {f} | :: grating (result of grating something) |
raquer {v} [slang] | :: to pay up |
raquette {f} | :: racket, racquet (for sports) |
raquette {f} | :: snowshoe |
rare {adj} | :: rare |
raréfaction {f} | :: act of becoming more rare |
raréfaction {f} [physics, dated] | :: rarefaction (reduction in the density of a material) |
raréfiable {adj} | :: rarefiable |
raréfié {adj} | :: rarefied |
raréfié {adj} | :: thin (of density, atmosphere) |
raréfier {vt} | :: to rarefy, make rarer |
raréfier {vr} | :: become thinner on the ground, become less and further between, become scarce |
rarement {adv} | :: rarely, seldom |
rarescence {f} | :: rarefaction |
rareté {f} | :: rarity |
rarissime {adj} | :: extremely rare |
rarissimement {adv} | :: Very rarely |
ras {m} | :: ras |
ras {adj} | :: short |
ras {adj} | :: close-cropped (of hair etc.) |
rasabilité {f} | :: shavability |
rasade {f} | :: A glass full to the brim |
rasage {m} | :: shave; shaving (act of shaving) |
rasant {adj} | :: shaving (lightly touching) |
rasant {adj} | :: boring (annoying) |
rascasse {f} | :: scorpionfish |
ras-de-cou {m} | :: choker (necklace) |
rasé {adj} | :: shaven; shaved |
rase campagne {f} | :: open countryside |
rase-mottes {m} | :: a low flying position, hedge-hopping |
raser {vt} | :: to shave |
raser {vt} | :: to brush, lightly touch |
raser {vt} | :: to raze (level to the ground) |
raser {vt} [familiar] | :: to bore someone |
raseur {adj} | :: boring, dull |
raseur {m} | :: a bore, someone dull |
rasibus {adv} | :: cleanly (cut) |
rasibus {adv} | :: to the brim |
rasibus {adv} | :: right now, straight away |
ras-le-bol {m} [colloquial] | :: discontent |
rasoir {m} | :: razor |
rasoir {adj} [colloquial] | :: boring, tiring |
rasoir national {m} [dated, jocular] | :: guillotine |
rassasié {adj} | :: full, satiated |
rassasiement {m} [rare] | :: glut |
rassasiement {m} [rare] | :: satiety |
rassasier {v} | :: to satiate |
rassasier {v} | :: to satisfy |
rassasier {vr} | :: to have enough of something, to get one's fill |
rassemblement {m} | :: gathering; assembly |
Rassemblement National {prop} {m} | :: National Rally (a far-right nationalist political party of France, formerly Front National) |
rassembler {vt} | :: to assemble |
rassembler {vt} | :: to gather, summon up (courage) |
rassembler {vt} | :: to collect |
rassembler {vr} [with "se"] | :: to gather together, congregate |
rassembler {vr} [with "se"] | :: to assemble |
rassembleur {adj} | :: unifying |
rassembleur {adj} | :: rallying |
rasseoir {v} | :: to re-sit, to sit back down (sit once again) |
rasséréné {adj} | :: serene |
rasséréner {v} [rare, literary] | :: to reassure |
rasséréner {v} [rare, literary] | :: to calm down |
rassir {vi} | :: to go stale |
rassis {adj} | :: stale (having lost its freshness) |
rassoir {v} | :: alternative spelling of rasseoir |
rassortir {vt} | :: to restock |
rassortir {vt} | :: to match |
rassurant {adj} | :: reassuring |
rassurer {v} | :: to reassure |
rassurer {v} | :: to calm down |
rastafarisme {m} | :: Rastafarianism |
rat {m} | :: rat |
rat {m} [colloquial] | :: sweetheart |
rat {m} | :: scrooch |
ratage {m} | :: failure |
ratahan {m} | :: Ratahan (Austronesian language) |
ratatiné {adj} | :: shrivelled, wizened |
ratatiner {vti} | :: to shrink |
ratatiner {vp} | :: to shrivel (up) |
ratatiner {v} [colloquial] | :: to damage, mess up; to destroy |
ratatiner {v} [slang] | :: to kill |
ratatiner {v} [slang] | :: to soundly defeat; to cream |
ratatouille {f} | :: A traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish consisting primarily of tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant, with other ingredients |
ratatouille {f} [Louisiana French] | :: beating, whipping |
rat de bibliothèque {m} [figuratively] | :: bookworm (avid reader, particular one who frequents libraries) |
rat de bois {m} [Louisiana French, ] | :: opossum |
rat d'égout {m} | :: sewer rat |
rat d'hôtel {m} | :: one who steals from hotels |
rate {f} | :: spleen |
rate {f} | :: feminine noun of rat; female rat |
raté {adj} [colloquial] | :: failed, screwed up |
raté {adj} [colloquial] | :: missed |
raté {m} [colloquial, of a person] | :: a failure, a washout |
râteau {m} | :: rake |
râteau {m} [figurative] | :: rebuke, rejection, blow off, knockback |
râtelier {m} | :: hayrack; rack (for tools etc.) |
râtelier {m} [colloquial] | :: false teeth, dentures |
rater {vt} | :: to miss (an event or a thing) |
rater {vi} | :: to fail |
rater {vt} [colloquial] | :: to screw up; to mess up |
rater le coche {v} [figuratively] | :: to miss the boat, to miss the bus |
raticide {m} | :: rat poison |
ratier {m} | :: mouser (cat) |
ratière {f} | :: mouser (cat, female) |
ratière {f} | :: rat-trap |
ratière {f} [slang] | :: the clink, slammer |
ratification {f} | :: ratification |
ratifier {v} | :: to ratify [give formal consent to] |
ratio {m} [mathematics] | :: ratio |
ratiocinatif {adj} | :: ratiocinative |
ration {f} | :: ration |
rationalisation {f} | :: rationalisation |
rationaliser {vt} | :: to rationalize |
rationaliser {vt} | :: to streamline (to make more efficient) |
rationalisme {m} | :: rationalism |
rationaliste {adj} | :: rationalist |
rationaliste {mf} | :: rationalist |
rationalité {f} | :: rationality |
rationné {adj} | :: rationed |
rationnel {adj} [geography, astronomy, physics, arithmetic] | :: rational |
rationnellement {adv} | :: rationally |
rationnellement {adv} | :: logically |
rationnement {m} | :: rationing |
rationner {v} | :: to ration; ration out |
Ratisbonne {prop} {f} | :: Ratisbonne (city) |
ratissage {m} | :: raking, combing, sweeping |
ratissage {m} [police slang] | :: search, search and sweep (operation), ratissage |
ratisser {v} | :: to rake (to use a rake to collect things together) |
râtisser {v} | :: to rake (to use a rake to collect things together) |
ratisser large {v} [figuratively] | :: to cast one's net wide |
ratite {m} | :: ratite |
rat musqué {m} | :: muskrat |
raton {m} | :: young rat |
raton {m} | :: raccoon |
raton {m} [pejorative, ethnic slur] | :: someone of Arab or Algerian descent |
raton laveur {m} | :: raccoon |
ratonnade {f} | :: racially-motivated violence |
ratonne {f} | :: feminine noun of raton |
ratonner {v} | :: to engage in racist attacks |
rattachement {m} | :: attachment |
rattacher {vt} | :: to attach, fix, fix on, put on, link |
rattacher {vt} | :: to post [an employee] |
rattacher {vt} | :: to reattach, put back on |
rattacher {vt} | :: to connect back (to) |
rattacher {vt} | :: to join together, put together |
rattacher {vt} | :: to have an attachment to |
rattachisme {m} | :: rattachism |
rattiédir {v} | :: to rewarm |
rattrapage {m} | :: act of catching |
rattrapage {m} | :: catching up |
rattrapage {m} | :: recovery |
rattrape {f} | :: instance of one trapeze artist catching another |
rattraper {vt} | :: to get back [something which is lost] |
rattraper {vt} | :: to catch up (with) (arrive at the same level as) |
rattraper {vt} | :: to catch [e.g. an elevator] |
rattraper le temps perdu {v} | :: to make up for lost time |
raturer {v} | :: to cross out |
raturer {v} | :: to correct |
raucité {f} | :: hoarseness, huskiness |
rauque {adj} | :: hoarse (afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice) |
ravage {m} [archaic] | :: The act of laying waste |
ravager {v} | :: to ravage, to ruin |
ravages {mp} | :: damages, destruction caused by man or nature |
ravages {mp} | :: deteriorations caused by natural processes such as time or disease |
ravages {mp} [archaic] | :: great damages caused by man through violence; pillage or sacking |
ravageur {adj} | :: devastating, destructive |
ravageur {adj} | :: scathing |
ravalement {m} | :: restoration |
ravaler {vt} | :: to restore |
ravaler {vt} | :: to swallow again |
ravaler {vt} | :: to debase |
ravanela {f} | :: A type of rocket (Diplotaxis erucoides) |
ravaudage {m} | :: mending |
ravauder {vt} | :: to mend |
rave {m} | :: beet, turnip |
rave {m} | :: rave party |
Ravel {prop} | :: surname |
ravélien {adj} | :: Ravelian |
ravenelle {f} | :: wallflower, wild radish (plant) |
Ravenne {prop} {f} | :: Ravenne (city/and/province) |
ravet {m} [Antilles, Louisiana French] | :: cockroach |
raveur {m} | :: raver |
raveuse {f} | :: feminine noun of raveur |
ravi {adj} | :: thrilled, overjoyed, delighted, ravished, chuffed |
ravigoter {v} | :: to reinvigorate |
ravin {m} | :: ravine |
ravine {f} | :: a small ravine or gully |
ravine {f} | :: beginning of a furrowing or formation of a ravine |
raviner {vt} | :: to furrow |
ravioli {m} | :: ravioli (Italian pasta and dish) |
ravioli {m} | :: ravioli (non-Italian stuffed pasta/noodle pocket) |
ravioli chinois {m} | :: Any small pasta-sheet wrapped Chinese food, Chinese dumplings such as potstickers, wontons, shumai, har gow, etc, frequently found in dim sum |
ravioli polonais {m} | :: pierogi; synonym of pérogy |
ravir {v} | :: to ravish (to seize by force) |
ravir {v} | :: to ravish, delight or thrill (transport with joy) |
ravir {v} | :: to charm, bewitch, dazzle or fascinate |
ravir {v} | :: to plunder, rob or loot |
ravir {v} | :: to kidnap or abduct |
raviser {vr} | :: to change one's mind, reconsider |
ravissamment {adv} | :: ravishingly, delightfully, entrancingly |
ravissant {adj} | :: ravishing, delightful, entrancing |
ravissement {m} | :: ravishment |
ravisseur {m} | :: robber |
ravisseur {m} | :: kidnapper, abductor |
ravitaillable {adj} | :: refuelable / refuellable (in flight) |
ravitaillement {m} | :: supplies |
ravitailler {v} | :: to resupply [army, etc.] |
ravitailler {v} | :: to refuel |
ravitailler {v} [archaic] | :: to revictual |
ravitailler {vr} | :: to stock up, take on fresh supplies |
ravitailleur {adj} | :: refueling |
ravitailleur {m} [nautical] | :: supply vessel |
raviver {v} | :: to revive |
raviver {v} | :: to rekindle (a fire) |
ravoir {v} [defective, chiefly Quebec, Louisiana French] | :: To have back, to get back |
raya {m} | :: rayah, member of the non-Muslim population of the Ottoman empire |
rayé {adj} | :: striped |
rayer {v} | :: to line, to make lines on, to mark with lines (e.g. a piece of paper) |
rayer {v} | :: to cross out, to cross off (remove something from a list) |
rayer {v} | :: to wipe off (remove) |
raygrass {m} | :: ray grass |
Raymond {prop} | :: given name |
Raymond {prop} | :: surname |
Raymonde {prop} | :: given name, a feminine form of Raymond |
Raynauld {prop} | :: surname |
rayon {m} [geometry] | :: radius |
rayon {m} | :: ray, beam (of light etc.) |
rayon {m} | :: spoke (of wheel) |
rayon {m} | :: comb (of honey) |
rayon {m} | :: shelf |
rayon {m} | :: department (of department store), section (of shop) |
rayon d'action {m} | :: range |
rayon d'action {m} [figuratively] | :: range, field of action |
rayonnage {m} | :: shelving (set of shelves) |
rayonnant {adj} | :: radiant, effulgent, gleaming |
rayonné {adj} | :: radiating, radiated |
rayonnement {m} | :: radiation, spread |
rayonnement {m} [figuratively] | :: indoctrination |
rayonner {v} | :: to radiate, to spread out |
rayon X {m} | :: X-ray |
rayure {f} | :: scratch (on the surface of something) |
rayure {f} | :: ray, strip, stripe, streak, stroke, dash |
raz {m} | :: current, race (used only in the expression raz-de-marée, meaning tsunami) |
raz-de-marée {m} | :: tsunami |
raz-de-marée {m} | :: storm surge |
razzia {f} [military] | :: raid |
razzier {v} | :: To raid |
rb {n} [basketball] | :: abbreviation of rebond |
RBBG {f} | :: RBBG (rubber ball blast grenade) |
RC {prop} [Canada] | :: abbreviation of Radio Canada |
RCI {prop} [Canada, radio] | :: abbreviation of Radio Canada International |
RDP {prop} [Quebec] | :: initialism of Rivière-des-Prairies (a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada) |
rdv {n} | :: abbreviation of rendezvous |
-re {suffix} | :: One of the three main verb endings, along with -er and -ir |
re- {prefix} | :: re- |
ré- {prefix} | :: re- |
ré {m} [music] | :: re, the note 'D' |
Ré {prop} {m} | :: Ré (also Île-de-Ré) |
réa {f} | :: clipping of réanimation |
réabonnement {m} | :: renewal of a subscription |
réabonner {v} | :: resubscribe (subscribe again or renewing a subscription) |
réabsorber {vt} | :: to reabsorb |
réac {mf} [colloquial] | :: reactionary (person) |
réaccélérer {v} | :: To reaccelerate |
réactant {m} [chemistry] | :: reactant |
réacteur {m} | :: reactor (a device which uses atomic energy to produce heat) |
réacteur {m} | :: reaction engine, jet engine |
réactif {m} [chemistry] | :: reagent |
réactif {adj} | :: reactive |
réaction {f} | :: reaction (action in response to an event) |
réaction {f} [sciences] | :: reaction |
réaction de Maréchal {f} [medicine] | :: Marechal's test |
réaction en chaîne {f} [chemistry] | :: chain reaction (nuclear reaction in which particles produced by the fission of one atom trigger fissions of other atoms) |
réactionnaire {adj} [often pejorative] | :: reactionary |
réactionnaire {mf} [often pejorative] | :: reactionary |
réactionnairement {adv} | :: reactionarily |
réactionnel {adj} [chemistry] | :: reaction (attributive) |
réactivation {f} | :: reactivation (the activation of something previously inactive or inactivated) |
réactivement {adv} | :: reactively |
réactiver {v} | :: to reactivate |
réactivité {f} | :: reactivity (all senses) |
réactualiser {vt} | :: to revive |
réactualiser {vt} | :: to update, bring up to date |
réadaptation {f} | :: rehabilitation |
réadaptation {f} | :: readjustment |
réadaptation {f} | :: readaptation |
réadapter {vt} | :: to readjust |
réadapter {vt} | :: to rehabilitate |
réadapter {vt} | :: to readapt |
réadmettre {v} | :: to readmit |
réadoubement {m} | :: reknighting |
réaffectation {f} | :: reallocation, reassignment |
réaffecter {v} | :: To reallocate, reassign |
réaffirmation {f} | :: reaffirmation |
réaffirmer {v} | :: to reaffirm |
réagir {v} | :: to react, respond |
réagir {v} [chemistry] | :: to react |
réagissable {adj} [chemistry, extremely, rare] | :: Reactable: capable of, or susceptible to, reacting |
réagissant {adj} [chemistry] | :: reacting |
réagrégation {f} | :: reaggregation |
réajouter {v} | :: alternative form of rajouter |
réajustement {m} | :: readjustment (a second, or subsequent adjustment) |
réajuster {vt} | :: to adjust, readjust |
réal {m} | :: real (former currency of Spain) |
réal {m} | :: real (currency of Brazil) |
réaléser {v} | :: To reream, rebore |
réalgar {m} [mineralogy] | :: realgar |
réaligner {v} | :: To realign |
réalimenter {vt} | :: to replenish |
réalisable {adj} | :: realisable; doable |
réalisateur {m} [film] | :: director (of movies) |
réalisation {f} | :: making; creation; realization |
réalisation {f} [film] | :: direction |
réalisatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of réalisateur; a female director |
réaliser {v} | :: to direct (a movie) |
réaliser {v} | :: to fulfill (a dream) |
réaliser {v} | :: to perform (activities, task) |
réaliser {v} | :: to finish making |
réaliser {v} | :: to carry out, make |
réaliser {v} | :: to realise/realize (to make real) |
réaliser {v} | :: to realise/realize (to become aware of) |
réalisme {m} [arts] | :: realism |
réaliste {mf} | :: realist (follower of realism) |
réaliste {adj} | :: realistic |
réalistement {adv} | :: realistically |
réalistiquement {adv} | :: realistically |
réalité {f} | :: reality |
réalité augmentée {f} | :: augmented reality |
réallocation {f} | :: reallocation |
réallouer {vt} | :: to reallocate |
réaménagement {m} | :: restructuration, redevelopment |
réaménager {v} | :: to change a layout |
réanimation {f} | :: revival, resuscitation |
réanimation {f} | :: intensive care |
réanimation cardio-pulmonaire {f} | :: cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
réanimer {v} | :: to reanimate, to revive (bring back to life) |
réannexer {v} | :: To reannex |
réapparaitre {v} | :: post-1990 spelling of réapparaître |
réapparaître {v} | :: to reappear |
réapparaître {v} [video games] | :: to respawn |
réapparition {f} | :: reappearance |
réapprendre {vt} | :: to relearn |
réappropriation {f} | :: reappropriation, reacquisition |
réapproprier {vr} | :: to reappropriate, to repossess, to reacquire |
réapprovisionnement {m} | :: restocking, replenishment |
réapprovisionner {vt} | :: to restock |
réarmement {m} | :: rearmament |
réarmer {v} | :: to rearm (with weaponry) |
réarrangement {m} | :: rearrangement |
réarranger {vt} | :: to rearrange |
réassignation {f} | :: reassignment |
réassortiment {m} | :: restocking |
réassortiment {m} | :: reassortment |
réassortir {vt} | :: to restock |
réassortir {vt} | :: to reassort |
réassurance {f} | :: reinsurance |
réassurer {v} | :: to reinsure; reassure |
réassureur {m} | :: reinsurer |
réattribution {f} | :: reattribution |
réautoriser {v} | :: to reauthorize |
rebadigeonner {v} | :: To smear or whitewash again |
rebaiser {v} | :: To fuck (originally to kiss) again |
rebaisser {v} | :: To lower again |
rebander {v} | :: to rebandage |
rebander {v} | :: to re-flex, to retighten |
rebander {v} [slang, vulgar] | :: to get one's erection back |
rebaptiser {v} | :: to rechristen |
rébarbatif {adj} | :: daunting, forbidding, off-putting |
rebâtir {v} | :: to rebuild |
rebâtisseur {m} | :: rebuilder |
rebâtisseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of rebâtisseur |
rebattre {v} | :: to beat again, defeat again |
rebattre {v} | :: to beat up again |
rebattre {v} | :: to fight again |
rebattre {v} [cooking] | :: to whisk or whip eggs |
rebattre {v} [card games] | :: to reshuffle |
rebattre les oreilles {v} [colloquial] | :: to harp on about something, to talk someone's ear off, to bend someone's ear |
rebattu {adj} | :: hackneyed |
rebec {m} | :: rebec |
Rebecca {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Rebekah (Biblical character) |
Rebecca {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Rébecca {prop} [biblical character] | :: Rebekah (biblical character) |
Rébecca {prop} | :: given name |
rebelle {adj} | :: rebellious |
rebelle {m} | :: rebel |
rebeller {vr} | :: to rebel |
rebellion {f} | :: alternative form of rébellion |
rébellion {f} | :: rebellion (armed resistance) |
rebeu {m} [re-verlan, verlan, backslang] | :: synonym of beur |
rebeue {f} | :: feminine singular of rebeu |
rebiffer {vp} [colloquial] | :: to rebel, revolt |
reblochon {m} | :: Reblochon (cheese) |
rebloguer {v} | :: reblog |
reboire {v} | :: to re-drink; to drink again |
reboisement {m} | :: reforestation |
reboiser {v} | :: to reforest |
rebond {m} | :: recovery from setback, rebound |
rebond {m} | :: bounce |
rebond {m} [basketball] | :: rebound |
rebondi {adj} | :: plump |
rebondi {adj} | :: puffy |
rebondir {v} | :: to bounce, rebound |
rebondissement {m} | :: rebound, bounce back |
rebondissement {m} | :: plot twist |
re-bonjour {interj} | :: alternative form of rebonjour |
rebonjour {interj} [familiar, colloquial] | :: hello again; hi again |
rebord {m} | :: ledge |
rebord {m} | :: rim, edge |
reboucher {vt} | :: to recork, recap, etc. (a bottle) |
reboucher {vt} | :: to fill back in, to fill up again (a hole) |
reboucher {vt} | :: to stop up |
rebouillir {v} | :: to reboil |
rebourrer {v} | :: To stuff etc again |
rebours {adj} [archaic] | :: churlish, disagreeable |
rebours {m} [archaic except in set phrases] | :: opposite, reverse |
rebouteur {m} | :: bonesetter |
rebouteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of rebouteur |
rebouteux {m} | :: alternative form of rebouteur |
reboutonner {vt} | :: to button up |
rebrousser {v} | :: to brush over |
rebrousser chemin {v} | :: to retrace one's steps, to turn back |
rebrûler {v} | :: To reburn |
rebuffade {f} | :: rebuff |
rébus {m} | :: rebus (puzzle) |
rebut {m} [archaic] | :: casting-off, throwing-away |
rebut {m} | :: cast-off; scrap, rubbish |
rebut {m} | :: scum, dreg |
rebut {m} | :: dead letter |
rebutant {adj} | :: repulsive, repellent |
rebuter {v} | :: to reject; turn down |
rebuter {v} | :: to send someone packing; to kick to the curb |
rebuter {v} | :: to disgust; to put off |
recadrage {m} | :: cropping (of an image) |
recadrage {m} | :: pan and scan (of a video) |
recadrer {vt} [photography] | :: to crop |
recadrer {vt} | :: to pan and scan |
recadrer {vt} [figuratively] | :: to put a new spin on, send in a new direction |
recalcifier {v} | :: to recalcify |
récalcitramment {adv} | :: recalcitrantly, rebelliously |
récalcitrant {adj} | :: recalcitrant, rebellious |
recaler {v} | :: to fail (a test) |
recalibrage {m} | :: recalibration |
récap {m} | :: clipping of récapitulatif |
récap {f} | :: clipping of récapitulation |
recapitalisation {f} | :: recapitalization |
recapitaliser {vt} | :: to recapitalize |
récapitulatif {m} | :: summary |
récapitulatif {adj} | :: serving to recapitulate |
récapitulation {f} | :: recapitulation |
récapituler {v} | :: to recapitulate, sum up |
recapture {f} | :: recapture |
recaser {v} | :: To refit |
recel {m} [legal] | :: receiving (stolen goods) |
receler {vt} | :: to conceal |
receler {vt} [legal] | :: to receive [stolen goods] |
receler {vt} | :: to harbour |
recéler {vt} | :: alternative form of receler |
receleur {m} | :: Someone who hides or buys and sells stolen goods, a fence, a receiver (of stolen goods) |
receleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of receleur |
récemment {adv} | :: recently |
recensement {m} | :: census (official count of members of a population) |
recenser {v} | :: to count |
recenser {v} | :: to census, to take a census |
recenser {v} | :: to identify |
recenseur {m} | :: census taker, enumerator |
recenseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of recenseur |
recension {f} | :: critique, review |
recension {f} | :: recension |
récent {adj} | :: recent |
recentrage {m} | :: refocusing |
recentrer {v} | :: to refocus |
récépissé {m} | :: receipt |
réceptacle {m} | :: receptacle |
réceptacle {m} | :: repository |
réceptacle {m} | :: recipient |
récepteur {m} | :: receiver |
réceptif {adj} | :: receptive |
réception {f} | :: reception (action of receiving) |
réception {f} | :: reception (welcoming) |
réception {f} | :: reception (place at the entrance of a business) |
réceptionnaire {mf} | :: receiving (goods in) clerk |
réceptionner {vt} | :: to take delivery of |
réceptionner {vt} | :: to receive |
réceptionniste {mf} | :: receptionist |
réceptivité {f} | :: receptivity, receptiveness |
réceptivité {f} | :: susceptibility |
recès {m} | :: recess |
récessif {adj} [genetics] | :: recessive |
récession {f} [economics] | :: recession |
recette {f} | :: recipe, receipt |
recette {f} | :: income |
recette {f} | :: acceptance testing |
recetter {v} [computer] | :: to do an acceptance test on |
recevabilité {f} | :: admissibility |
recevable {adj} | :: acceptable, admissible |
recevable {adj} | :: receivable |
receveur {m} | :: receiver, collector |
receveur {m} [baseball] | :: catcher |
receveuse {f} | :: feminine noun of receveur |
recevoir {v} | :: to receive |
rechange {f} | :: [de ~] replacement, spare, change (of clothes) |
rechanger {v} | :: To change again |
rechaper {vt} | :: to remould, retread [a tyre/tire] |
réchapper {vi} | :: to come through (survive something perilous) |
rechargeable {adj} | :: rechargeable |
rechargement {m} | :: recharge |
recharger {v} | :: to recharge (add more electricity to) |
recharger {v} | :: to reload (e.g. a gun) |
réchaud {m} | :: stove; burner |
réchauffe {f} | :: reheat, afterburning (in an aero engine) |
réchauffement {m} | :: reheating, heating, warming |
réchauffement climatique {m} | :: global warming |
réchauffer {v} | :: reheat |
réchauffer {v} | :: heat up |
réchauffiste {mf} | :: warmist |
rêche {adj} | :: rough, coarse |
recherche {f} | :: research |
recherché {adj} | :: sought-after |
rechercher {v} | :: to search for, to look for |
rechercher {v} | :: to search again, to look for again |
rechigné {adj} [literary] | :: objectionable |
rechigner {vi} [colloquial] | :: to display reluctance in doing something |
rechute {f} | :: relapse, recurrence |
rechuter {v} | :: to relapse, to recur |
récidive {f} [medicine] | :: relapse, reoccurrence |
récidive {f} [legal] | :: reoffending, recidivism |
récidiver {vi} | :: to reoffend, to recidivate |
récidiviste {adj} | :: reoffending |
récidiviste {mf} | :: repeat offender |
récif {m} | :: reef (rocks at or near surface of the water) |
récifal {adj} | :: reefal, reef |
récif corallien {m} | :: coral reef |
récipiendaire {mf} | :: recipient, receiver (someone who receives, e.g. an award) |
récipient {m} | :: container, vessel, recipient |
réciprocable {adj} | :: reciprocable |
réciprocation {f} | :: reciprocation |
réciprocité {f} | :: reciprocity |
réciproque {adj} | :: reciprocal |
réciproque {f} [mathematics] | :: converse |
réciproquement {adv} | :: reciprocally; one another; vice versa |
récit {m} | :: recital |
récit {m} | :: account, narrative (the telling of a story or event) |
récit {m} | :: swell division of a pipe organ |
récital {m} | :: recital |
récitant {m} | :: narrator, reciter |
récitante {f} | :: female equivalent of récitant |
récitatif {m} [music] | :: recitative |
récitation {f} | :: recitation (act of reciting, material recited) |
récit de voyage {m} | :: travel story; travel writing |
réciter {vt} | :: to recite, to declaim |
réclamant {m} | :: claimant |
réclamante {f} | :: feminine singular of réclamant |
réclamation {f} | :: claim; complaint |
réclame {f} | :: a small, commercial advertisement, originally in the printed press |
réclame {f} [by extension] | :: all similar advertising |
réclame {m} [falconry] | :: reclaim (a falconry call and sign for the bird of prey to return to the falconer) |
réclamer {vt} | :: to protest |
réclamer {vt} | :: to object |
réclamer {vt} | :: to claim, reclaim |
reclassement {m} | :: reclassification |
reclassement {m} | :: regrading |
reclassement {m} | :: redeployment |
reclasser {v} | :: to reclassify |
reclassification {f} | :: synonym of reclassement |
reclore {v} [rare] | :: to reclose (close again) |
reclus {adj} | :: reclusive |
reclus {m} | :: recluse |
réclusion {f} | :: reclusion |
recoiffer {v} | :: to fix one's hair (again, or after being disturbed) |
recoin {m} | :: hidden and out-of-way corner, recess, nook |
recoin {m} [figurative] | :: deepest corner, inner sanctum |
reçoir {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of recevoir, to receive |
récoler {v} | :: to collate, compare, review, verify |
recollement {m} | :: reattachment |
recoller {v} | :: to restick, to stick back, reattach |
récollet {m} | :: Recollect (member of the Frères mineurs récollets |
recoloniser {v} | :: To recolonize |
récolte {f} | :: harvest |
récolter {v} | :: to harvest (to reap) |
récolteur {mf} | :: reaper; harvester |
recombinaison {f} | :: recombination |
recombinant {adj} | :: recombinant |
recommandable {adj} [of a person] | :: commendable, respectable, worthy |
recommandablement {adv} | :: commendably, worthily |
recommandation {f} | :: recommendation |
recommandatoire {adj} | :: recommendatory |
recommandé {adj} | :: recommended |
recommandé {adj} [of mail, letters] | :: registered |
recommandé {m} | :: ellipsis of courrier recommandé: recorded delivery, registered mail |
recommander {v} | :: to command, to order |
recommander {v} | :: to recommend, to endorse |
recommençant {m} | :: returnee (person who left a religion, then returned) |
recommençante {f} | :: feminine singular of recommençant |
recommencer {v} | :: to restart, start again |
recomparaitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of recomparaître |
recomparaître {v} | :: to reappear before a judge or government official |
récompense {f} | :: reward, recompense |
récompense {f} | :: prize, award |
récompenser {v} | :: to award |
recomposer {v} | :: to reconstruct, reconstitute |
recomposition {f} | :: recomposition |
recomposition {f} [linguistics] | :: process by which a compound word which has undergone phonetic changes is reformed anew from its constituents; the result of that process |
recompter {v} | :: to recount (count again) |
reconcentré {adj} | :: reconcentrated |
reconcentrer {vt} | :: to reconcentrate |
reconceptualiser {v} | :: to reconceptualize |
réconciliable {adj} | :: reconcilable |
réconciliation {f} | :: reconciliation (process of matching and comparing figures from accounting records against those presented on a bank statement) |
réconcilier {vt} | :: to reconcile |
recondenser {v} | :: To recondense |
reconditionner {v} | :: to recondition |
reconductible {adj} | :: renewable |
reconduction {f} | :: renewal |
reconduire {vt} | :: to renew |
reconduire {vt} | :: to accompany (somebody back somewhere); to take (back) |
reconduite {f} | :: escorting |
reconfiguration {f} | :: reconfiguration, reorganization |
reconfigurer {vt} | :: to reconfigure |
réconfort {m} | :: comfort, solace |
réconfort {m} | :: reassurance |
réconforter {vt} | :: to comfort |
reconnaissable {adj} | :: recognizable (able to be recognized) |
reconnaissablement {adv} | :: recognizably |
reconnaissance {f} | :: reconnaissance |
reconnaissance {f} | :: thankfulness |
reconnaissance {f} | :: recognition |
reconnaissant {adj} | :: grateful, thankful |
reconnaitre {v} | :: to recognise |
reconnaître {v} | :: to recognise (something or someone that one has encountered before) |
reconnaître {v} | :: to admit |
reconnecter {vt} | :: to reconnect |
reconnecter {vr} [se reconnecter] | :: to reconnect |
reconnexion {f} | :: reconnection |
reconnoître {v} | :: obsolete spelling of reconnaître |
reconquérir {v} | :: to reconquer |
reconquérir {v} | :: to regain, to win back |
reconquête {f} | :: reconquest (act of reconquering) |
reconsacrer {v} | :: To reconsecrate |
reconsiderer {v} | :: obsolete spelling of reconsidérer |
reconsidérer {v} | :: to reconsider |
reconsolider {v} | :: To reconsolidate |
reconstituant {adj} | :: restorative |
reconstitué {adj} | :: recreated, reconstructed |
reconstituer {v} | :: to re-form (a group, association) |
reconstituer {v} | :: to recreate (a past time, decor etc.) |
reconstituer {v} | :: to reconstruct (a crime) |
reconstituer {v} | :: to piece together again (something broken) |
reconstituer {v} | :: to build up again (e.g. reserves of something) |
reconstitution {f} | :: reconstitution |
reconstitution {f} | :: reenactment (of a historical event, or of a crime) |
reconstitution {f} | :: replenishment |
reconstruction {f} | :: reconstruction |
reconstructionniste {adj} | :: reconstructionist |
reconstructionniste {mf} | :: reconstructionist |
reconstruire {v} | :: rebuild (to build again) |
recontacter {vt} | :: to recontact |
reconversion {f} | :: reconversion |
reconvertir {v} | :: to reconvert |
reconvoluer {v} | :: To reconvolve |
recopiage {m} | :: transcribing |
recopier {vt} | :: to copy (again) |
recopier {vt} | :: to transcribe |
recopieur {m} | :: recopier |
record {m} | :: record (most extreme known value of some achievement) |
recorder {v} | :: to say something repetitively in order to learn |
recorder {v} | :: to restring |
recordman {m} | :: record holder, usually a world record holder |
recordwoman {f} | :: a female record holder, usually a world record |
recors {m} | :: bailiff's assistant; (pejorative) bumbailiff, tipstaff, catchpoll |
recoucher {vr} [se recoucher] | :: to go back to bed |
recoudre {vt} | :: to resew, mend (a thing torn or unraveled) |
recoudre {vt} [surgery] | :: to stitch together, to close (an incision or wound) with surgical stitches |
recoudre {vt} [figuratively] | :: to stitch or piece together, as memories |
recoupement {m} | :: overlap |
recoupement {m} | :: crosschecking |
recouper {vt} | :: to recut |
recourbé {adj} | :: curved (back) |
recourbé {adj} | :: hooked |
recourber {vt} | :: to bend (back), curl |
recourir {v} | :: to run again, to race again |
recourir {v} [à] | :: to resort (to), to turn (to) |
recours {m} | :: recourse, resort, way out |
recours {m} [legal] | :: appeal |
recousu {adj} | :: sewn, stitched (up) |
recouvert {adj} | :: coated, covered |
recouverture {f} | :: re-covering |
recouverture {f} | :: complete or extensive coverage |
recouvrable {adj} | :: recoverable |
recouvrement {m} | :: recovery, retrieval |
recouvrement {m} | :: covering; overlap |
recouvrer {vt} [formal] | :: to recover (get back into one's possession) |
recouvreur {m} | :: recoverer (person who recovers debts etc) |
recouvreuse {f} | :: feminine singular of recouvreur |
recouvrir {v} | :: to cover again or completely |
recouvrir {v} | :: to cover up |
recracher {vt} | :: to spit out |
récré {f} [colloquial, school slang] | :: recess [US] |
recréateur {adj} | :: recreative |
recréateur {m} | :: recreator |
recréateur {m} [acting] | :: recreator |
récréatif {adj} | :: recreational |
recréation {f} | :: recreation (process of recreating or result of this process) |
récréation {f} | :: recreation, recess [USA] |
récréationnel {adj} | :: recreational (used for recreation, for fun or pleasure) |
récréativement {adv} | :: recreationally |
recréatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of recréateur |
recréditer {vt} | :: to refund, to credit back |
recréditer {vt} | :: to top up, to recharge |
recréer {v} | :: to recreate |
récréer {v} [literary] | :: To rejoice, celebrate, entertain |
recrépir {v} | :: to rerender |
récrier {vr} | :: to exclaim or cry out |
récrimination {f} | :: recrimination |
récrimination {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: bitter criticism |
récriminer {vi} | :: to recriminate |
récriminer {vi} | :: to remonstrate |
récrire {v} | :: to rewrite (to write anew) |
récrire {v} | :: to rewrite (to change the wording of something written) |
récrire {v} | :: to write back (to reply to a written message by writing) |
recristallisation {f} | :: recrystallization |
recristallisé {adj} | :: recrystallized |
recristalliser {v} | :: to recrystallize |
recroire {v} | :: to rebelieve |
recroiser {v} | :: To recross |
recroitre {v} | :: alternative form of recroître |
recroître {v} | :: to reincrease; to reaugment |
recroqueviller {vp} | :: to curl up, to shrivel (up) |
recru {adj} | :: tired, exhausted |
recrudescence {f} | :: recrudescence |
recrudescence {f} | :: an instance of recrudescence |
recrudescent {adj} | :: recrudescent, reemerging |
recrue {f} | :: recruit |
recrutement {m} | :: recruitment |
recruter {v} | :: to recruit |
recruteur {m} | :: recruiter |
rectal {adj} | :: rectal |
rectangle {m} | :: rectangle |
rectangle {adj} | :: right-angled (of a geometric figure such as a triangle) |
rectangloïde {m} [geometry] | :: rectangloid, rectanguloid |
rectangulaire {adj} | :: rectangular |
rectangulairement {adv} | :: rectangularly |
recteur {m} | :: rector; chancellor; president; education officer; superintendent (head of a university) |
rectif {f} | :: correction |
rectificatif {adj} | :: rectifying, corrective |
rectification {f} | :: rectification |
rectifier {v} | :: to rectify |
rectifier le tir {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to make adjustments, to adjust tactics, to change course; to set things back on track |
rectiligne {adj} [of a line] | :: straight |
rectiligne {adj} | :: rectilinear |
rectilignement {adv} | :: rectilinearly |
rectitude {f} | :: rectitude |
rectitude politique {f} [Quebec] | :: political correctness |
rectiuscule {adj} | :: nearly straight |
rectorat {m} | :: rectorship |
rectosigmoïde {adj} [anatomy] | :: rectosigmoid |
rectrice {f} | :: rectrix (feather) |
rectum {m} [anatomy] | :: rectum |
reçu {adj} | :: accomplished |
reçu {m} | :: receipt |
recueil {m} | :: compendium, anthology |
recueil {m} | :: collection |
recueillement {m} | :: contemplation, meditation |
recueilli {adj} | :: mentally drawn back, quiet and collected in oneself |
recueillir {v} | :: to collect, gather |
recueillir {v} | :: to obtain, to win |
recueillir {v} | :: to take in (a stray, etc.) |
recueillir {vr} [se recueillir] | :: to collect one's thoughts, to reflect |
recueillir {vr} [se recueillir] | :: to meditate |
recuire {v} | :: to recook |
recuirer {v} | :: to re-leather (re-cover with leather) |
recul {m} | :: retreat, climb-down |
recul {m} | :: drop; reduction, fall |
recul {m} | :: distance (in time or space) |
recul {m} | :: recoil, kick (of firearm) |
recul {m} | :: hindsight (understanding of events after they have occurred) |
reculade {f} | :: retreat, withdrawal, climbdown |
reculer {vt} | :: to move back, to put back |
reculer {vi} | :: to go backwards |
reculer {vi} | :: to back down, to concede |
reculer {vi} | :: to back off, to draw back, to retreat |
reculer {vi} | :: to recede, to gradualy disappear |
reculer {vi} | :: to drop, to fall, to decline |
reculer {vi} [nautical] | :: to go astern |
reculer pour mieux sauter {v} [figuratively, in good part] | :: to take a run-up so as to jump farther, to make a strategic retreat, to make a strategic withdrawal so as to come back stronger |
reculer pour mieux sauter {v} [figuratively, in bad part] | :: to delay off the inevitable, to put off the evil day |
récupérable {adj} | :: recoverable, salvageable |
récupérateur {adj} | :: recuperating |
récupérateur {m} | :: scrap merchant |
récupération {f} | :: recovery |
récupération {f} | :: retrieval |
récupérer {v} | :: to get back, to recover, to recuperate |
récupérer {v} | :: to reform, to rehabilitate |
récupérer {v} | :: to reclaim, to recover |
récupérer {v} | :: to make up (e.g. time) |
récurer {v} | :: to scrub; scour |
récurremment {adv} | :: recurrently |
récurrence {f} | :: recurrence (return or reversion to a certain state) |
récurrent {adj} | :: recurrent; recurring |
récursif {adj} | :: recursive |
récursion {f} | :: recursion |
récursion infinie {f} [programming] | :: infinite recursion |
récursivement {adv} | :: recursively |
récursivité {f} | :: recursivity (quality of being recursive) |
récusable {adj} | :: challengeable |
récusable {adj} | :: impugnable |
récusation {f} | :: challenging |
récusation {f} | :: challenge |
récuser {v} [colloquial] | :: to object, to make an objection |
récuser {v} | :: to impugn, challenge |
récuser {v} [legal] | :: to recuse |
recyclabilité {f} | :: recyclability |
recyclable {adj} | :: recyclable |
recyclage {m} | :: recycling |
recycler {vt} | :: to recycle |
rédacteur {m} | :: editor (main writer of e.g. a newspaper) |
rédacteur {m} | :: author, writer (of a book or publication) |
rédacteur en chef {m} | :: editor in chief, chief editor |
rédaction {f} | :: editing (act of editing e.g. a newspaper) |
rédaction {f} | :: editorial staff |
rédaction {f} | :: writing, piece of writing |
rédaction {f} | :: essay (written composition) |
rédactionnel {adj} | :: editorial |
rédactrice {f} | :: feminine noun of rédacteur |
rédactrice en chef {f} | :: female equivalent of rédacteur en chef |
redan {m} | :: alternative form of redent |
reddition {f} | :: reddition |
redéchirer {v} | :: To rip up (etc) again |
redécoller {v} | :: to reland; to land again |
redécoupage {m} | :: the act or the result of cutting out or cutting up again |
redécoupage {m} | :: rezoning |
redécouper {v} | :: to cut out again |
redécouper {v} | :: to cut up again |
redécouper {v} | :: to rezone |
redécouvert {adj} | :: rediscovered |
redécouvrir {v} | :: to rediscover |
redéfinir {v} | :: redefine (to give a new or different definition to a word) |
redéfinir {v} [programming] | :: override (to redefine an inherited method) |
redéfinition {f} | :: redefinition (act or instance of redefining) |
redéfinition {f} [object-oriented programming] | :: overriding |
redemander {v} | :: to ask again, or for more |
redémarrage {m} | :: restart, restarting |
redémarrage {m} | :: resurgence |
redémarrer {v} | :: to restart; to reboot |
rédempteur {m} | :: redeemer |
rédemption {f} [religion] | :: redemption; salvation |
rédemption {f} [finance] | :: buyout |
rédemptrice {f} | :: female equivalent of rédempteur |
redent {m} | :: recess, indentation, shelf, projection |
redent {m} [fortifications] | :: redan |
redépecer {v} | :: take apart again |
redéploiement {m} | :: redeployment |
redéployer {v} | :: to redeploy |
redéposer {v} | :: To redeposit |
redescendre {v} | :: to come back down, to go back down (to descend shortly after having gone up) |
redescendre {v} | :: to redescend (to descend a second time) |
redescendre sur terre {v} [figuratively] | :: to come down to earth |
redessiner {vt} | :: to redesign |
redevable {adj} | :: indebted, in someone's debt |
redevable {adj} | :: liable |
redevance {f} | :: royalty, rent (especially resource or economic rent) |
redevancer {v} | :: to surpass again, to overtake again |
redéveloppement {m} | :: redevelopment |
redévelopper {v} | :: To redevelop |
redevenir {v} | :: to become again |
redevoir {v} | :: to owe again |
redevoir {v} [rare or obsolete] | :: to have to again |
rédhibitoire {adj} | :: crippling, prohibitive |
rédhibitoire {adj} | :: sufficient (condition) for failing |
rédie {f} [biology] | :: redia |
rediff {f} | :: clipping of rediffusion |
rediffuser {v} | :: to rerun; reshow (show again on TV) |
rediffusion {f} [television] | :: redifussion, rebroadcasting, |
rediffusion {f} [television] | :: rerun, repeat (television program shown after its initial presentation) |
rédiger {v} | :: to review and correct for mistakes in content, layout and style |
rédiger {v} | :: to compose |
redimensionner {v} | :: to resize |
rédimer {v} [chiefly legal] | :: to pay, chiefly compensation, etc |
redingote {f} | :: frock coat |
redire {v} | :: resay, say again |
redire {v} | :: retell, tell again |
rediriger {v} | :: to redirect (direct somewhere else) |
rediriger {v} [Internet] | :: to redirect |
rediscuter {v} | :: to rediscuss, to talk about again; to enter back into discussion |
redissout {adj} | :: redissolved |
redistribuer {v} | :: to redistribute |
redistributif {adj} | :: redistributive |
redistribution {f} | :: redistribution |
redite {f} | :: (unnecessary) repetition |
rediviser {v} | :: To redivide |
red light {m} [Canada] | :: red-light district |
redondamment {adv} | :: redundantly |
redondance {f} | :: redundancy (the state of being redundant) |
redondant {adj} | :: redundant |
redonner {v} | :: to give again |
redonner {v} | :: to give back |
redorer {vt} | :: to regild |
redorer {vt} | :: to rehabilitate |
redorer son blason {v} [historical] | :: For an impoverished aristocrat to marry a farmer-general's daughter in order to regain wealth and status. (Literally, "to regild one's coat of arms".) |
redorer son blason {v} [figuratively] | :: to restore one's image, to restore one's reputation, to regain prestige |
redormir {v} | :: to sleep again |
redoublement {m} | :: doubling, redoubling; reduplication |
redoublement {m} [linguistic morphology] | :: reduplication |
redoublement {m} | :: repeating a year at school |
redoubler {vit} | :: to increase; to augment |
redoubler {vit} | :: to repeat a year |
redoubtable {adj} | :: archaic spelling of redoutable |
redoutable {adj} | :: frightening |
redoutable {adj} | :: formidable |
redoutable {adj} | :: redoubtable |
redoutablement {adv} | :: redoubtably |
redouter {v} | :: to dread, to fear |
redoux {m} | :: thaw (or milder spell after cold weather) |
redoux {m} [colloquialism, Canada] | :: January thaw or midwinter thaw |
rédox {m} [chemistry] | :: redox |
redrapage {m} [medicine] | :: reshaping |
redressement {m} | :: rectification, remedy |
redressement {m} | :: recovery |
redressement {m} | :: straightening up (of one's seat or posture) |
redresser {vt} | :: to straighten (up) |
redresser {vt} | :: to rectify, straighten out |
redresser {vt} [figuratively] | :: to restore, turn around |
redresser {vr} | :: to recover, regain composure |
redresser {vr} | :: to stand up, sit up straight |
redresser la barre {v} [figuratively] | :: to right the ship, to put things right, to get back on track |
redresse-seins {m} | :: peek-a-boo bra |
redresseur {m} | :: rectifier |
redû {m} | :: remaining amount owed |
réductase {f} [enzyme] | :: reductase |
réducteur {adj} [chemistry] | :: reducing |
réducteur {adj} [pejorative] | :: reductive, simplistic, reductionist |
réducteur {m} [chemistry] | :: reducing agent |
réductible {adj} | :: reducible |
réductif {adj} | :: reductive |
réduction {f} | :: reduction |
réduction {f} | :: discount |
réductionnisme {m} [philosophy, sciences] | :: reductionism |
réductionniste {adj} | :: reductionist |
réduire {v} | :: to reduce |
réduire {v} | :: to cut (prices); to shorten (text); to reduce, scale down (pictures etc.) |
réduire {v} [à] | :: to reduce (someone) to |
réduire {v} [en] | :: to reduce (something) to |
réduire {v} [medicine] | :: to reduce, set |
réduire {v} [chemistry, cooking] | :: to reduce |
réduire {v} [military] | :: to capture (place), quell (opposition etc.) |
réduire {v} [à, .pronominal] | :: to amount to, to come down to |
réduire à néant {v} | :: to wipe out, to annihilate; to dash, to shatter; to reverse, to nullify |
réduire au silence {vt} | :: to reduce to silence, to silence |
réduire en cendres {vt} | :: to burn to ashes, to reduce to ashes |
réduire en miettes {vt} | :: to shatter, to smash, to blow to smithereens, to tear to pieces |
réduire la voilure {v} [nautical] | :: to shorten sail |
réduire la voilure {v} [figuratively] | :: to trim one's sails, to make cutbacks, to reduce costs and manpower |
réduit {m} | :: a cubbyhole |
réduit {m} | :: a recess, a nook |
redynamiser {v} | :: to redynamize; reinvigorate |
rééchantillonnage {m} | :: resampling |
rééchelonnement {m} | :: rescheduling |
rééchelonner {vt} | :: to reschedule |
réécouter {v} | :: to listen again |
réécrire {v} | :: rewrite (to write again) |
réécriture {f} | :: rewrite, rewriting |
réécriture {f} [computing] | :: rewriting (computer science method) |
rééd {f} | :: abbreviation of réédition |
réédification {f} | :: rebuilding, reconstruction |
rééditer {vt} | :: to reedit, reissue, republish, rerelease, redo, rerun, repeat |
réédition {f} | :: reissue |
rééducation {f} | :: re-education |
rééduquer {v} | :: to reeducate (educate again) |
rééduquer {v} | :: to reeducate (rehabilitate) |
réel {adj} | :: real (true, fact, not fictional) |
réel {adj} [mathematics] | :: real [of a number] |
réel {m} [psychology] | :: real [reality] |
réélection {f} | :: reelection (the act of being elected after already being elected once) |
rééligibilité {f} | :: re-electability |
rééligible {adj} | :: reeligible (eligible to be re-elected) |
réélire {v} | :: to reelect |
réellement {adv} | :: really; genuinely; in fact |
réélu {adj} | :: reelected |
réem {m} | :: reem |
réembaucher {vt} | :: to rehire [workers] |
réémettre {vt} | :: to reemit |
réémission {f} | :: reemission |
réemploi {m} | :: reuse |
réemploi {m} | :: reemployment |
réemployer {vt} | :: to reuse |
réemployer {vt} | :: to reemploy |
réemployer {vt} | :: to reinvest [money] |
réenchérir {v} | :: alternative form of renchérir |
réenfourcher {v} | :: to get back on, to remount |
réengager {v} | :: to reengage |
réengager {v} | :: to take back up, take up again |
réengager {v} | :: to get back into |
réengager {v} | :: to put back in |
réengager {vr} | :: to reenlist (in the army) |
réengager {v} | :: to get back (with an ex-lover) |
réengazonner {vt} | :: to returf |
réenregistrer {v} | :: to rerecord |
réensauvagement {m} | :: rewilding |
réentendre {vt} | :: to rehear (hear again) |
réenterrer {v} | :: to rebury, bury again |
réentonner {v} | :: To strike up (etc) again |
réentrant {adj} | :: reentrant (all senses) |
réenvisager {v} | :: To re-envisage |
rééquilibrage {m} | :: the act of balancing, readjustment |
rééquilibrer {v} | :: to balance, to readjust |
rééquiper {v} | :: To reequip |
réescompte {m} | :: rediscount |
réessayer {v} | :: to retry, to try again |
réestimation {f} | :: reestimation |
réévaluation {f} | :: reevaluation |
réévaluer {v} | :: to reassess; to reevaluate |
réexamen {m} | :: reconsideration |
réexamen {m} | :: reappraisal |
réexaminer {v} | :: to reexamine |
réexciter {v} | :: To excite again |
réexpédier {vt} | :: to reship, forward |
réexporter {vt} | :: to reexport |
réexprimer {v} | :: to re-express (express in a different, new way) |
refaçonner {v} | :: To reshape |
refactoriser {v} [maths] | :: to refactorize |
refaire {v} | :: to redo |
refaire {v} | :: to remake, to make more of |
refaire {vr} [se refaire] | :: to get reaccustomed to |
refaire {vr} [se refaire] | :: to freshen up, to recuperate |
refaire le monde {v} | :: to set the world to rights, to put the world to rights |
refaire le portrait {v} [à] | :: [colloquial, figuratively] to rearrange someone's face |
refaire sa vie {v} | :: to start a new life |
refaire surface {v} | :: to resurface, to reemerge, to reappear |
réfection {f} | :: refection |
réfection {f} [linguistics] | :: refashioning, restoration, on the basis of its etymology, of a word which has undergone phonetic erosion through regular sound laws; the word resulting from that process |
réfectoire {m} | :: refectory |
référence {f} | :: reference |
référencement {m} | :: referencing |
référencer {v} | :: to list (a product in a catalogue), to put (a product on the shelves) |
référendaire {m} | :: referendary |
référendaire {adj} | :: referendum (attributive) |
referendum {m} | :: alternative spelling of référendum |
référendum {m} [politics] | :: referendum |
référent {m} | :: referrer |
référent {m} | :: referent |
référente {f} | :: feminine singular of référent |
référentiel {m} [computing] | :: repository |
référentiel {adj} | :: referential |
référer {v} | :: to refer |
refermer {v} | :: to reclose |
refiler {vt} [colloquial] | :: to give or pass something to someone |
refiler {vt} [colloquial] | :: to palm off |
refinancement {m} | :: refinancing |
refinancer {v} | :: To refinance, to recapitalize |
reflageller {v} | :: To scourge or whip again |
réfléchi {adj} [grammar] | :: reflexive |
réfléchir {v} | :: to ponder, to reflect |
réfléchir {vr} | :: to be reflected |
réfléchissant {adj} | :: reflective, reflecting |
réflecteur {adj} | :: reflective |
réflectif {adj} | :: reflective (all senses) |
réflectivité {f} | :: reflectivity |
reflet {m} | :: reflection |
refléter {v} | :: to reflect (to mirror, or show the image of something) |
refleurir {vt} | :: to rebloom, reflower, reflourish |
réflexe {m} | :: reflex |
réflexe {adj} | :: reflex |
réflexibilité {f} | :: reflexibility |
réflexible {adj} | :: reflexible |
réflexif {adj} | :: reflexive |
réflexion {f} | :: reflection (in mirror) |
réflexion {f} | :: thought, thinking |
réflexion {f} | :: discussion, remark |
réflexion faite {adv} | :: on second thought |
réflexivement {adv} | :: reflexively |
réflexivité {f} | :: reflexivity |
réflexologie {f} [medicine] | :: reflexology |
refluer {v} | :: to flow back, to ebb |
refluer {v} | :: to go back, rush back |
reflux {m} | :: ebb, ebb tide |
reflux {m} | :: vicissitude |
reflux {m} | :: reflux |
refonctionner {v} [of an object] | :: to function again, to start working again |
refondation {f} | :: reorganization, overhaul |
refondation {f} | :: reworking |
refonder {v} | :: to refound |
refondre {v} | :: to remelt |
refondre {v} [metallurgy] | :: to resmelt |
refondre {v} | :: to remake from scratch |
refonte {f} [metallurgy] | :: recasting |
refonte {f} [metallurgy] | :: remelting |
refonte {f} | :: remake |
refonte {f} | :: rewrite |
reforester {v} | :: reforest (replant) |
reformage {m} [organic chemistry] | :: reforming (process) |
reformater {vt} [computing] | :: to reformat |
réformateur {adj} | :: reformatory |
réformateur {m} | :: reformator |
reformation {f} | :: re-formation |
réformation {f} | :: reformation |
réformation {f} | :: Reformation |
réforme {f} | :: reform (change) |
reformer {v} | :: to reform, to get/put back together |
réformer {v} | :: to reform (put into a new form) |
réformer {v} | :: to reform (improve, make better) |
réformisme {m} | :: reformism |
réformiste {adj} | :: reformist |
réformiste {mf} | :: reformist |
reformulation {f} | :: reformulation |
reformuler {v} | :: to reword, to rephrase |
reformuler {v} | :: to reformulate |
refouetter {v} | :: To beat or whip again |
refoulement {m} [air transport] | :: push back (air pushing back on an airframe) |
refoulement {m} | :: psychological repression |
refoulement {m} [refugee law] | :: in refugee law, the term for a country returning a refugee or refugee claimant to the country of origin or to danger; refoulment |
refouler {v} | :: to trample etc. again |
refouler {v} | :: to repress or suppress; to repulse |
refouler du goulot {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to have bad breath |
refourguer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to palm off, to foist |
réfractaire {adj} | :: refractory (obstinate; strongly opposed) |
réfractaire {adj} [chemistry] | :: refractory (not affected by great heat) |
réfractaire {m} [military] | :: deserter |
réfracter {v} | :: to refract |
réfractif {adj} | :: refractive |
réfraction {f} | :: refraction (bending of any wave) |
réfractomètre {m} | :: refractometer |
réfragabilité {f} | :: The quality of being refragable |
réfragable {adj} | :: refragable |
refrain {m} | :: refrain, chorus |
réfranger {v} | :: To refract |
réfrangibilité {f} | :: refrangibility |
réfrangible {adj} | :: refrangible |
refréner {vt} | :: to curb, repress |
réfréner {vt} | :: alternative form of refréner |
réfrigérant {adj} | :: refrigerant |
réfrigérateur {m} | :: refrigerator |
réfrigération {f} | :: refrigeration |
réfrigérer {v} | :: to cool; cool down (artificially) |
réfringence {f} | :: refringence |
réfringent {adj} | :: refringent, refractive |
refroidir {v} | :: to lower the temperature of; to cool |
refroidir {vri} | :: to become cooler; to lose heat; to cool down |
refroidir {v} | :: to become less active; to cool down, cool off |
refroidir {vt} | :: to strongly reduce or diminish something such as interest, zeal, etc |
refroidir {v} [slang] | :: to ice, to murder |
refroidissement {m} | :: cooling, chilling (act of making something colder) |
refroidisseur {m} | :: cooler (device) |
refuge {m} | :: refuge |
réfugié {m} | :: Refugee |
réfugier {vr} | :: to take refuge |
réfugier {vt} [dated] | :: to give shelter to someone |
réfugier {vt} [dated] | :: to protect, to conceal something |
refuir {v} | :: To run away |
refuir {v} | :: To shelter or hide |
refus {m} | :: refusal, act of refusing |
refuser {v} | :: to refuse |
refusionner {v} | :: To re-fuse |
réfutabilité {f} | :: refutability |
réfutable {adj} | :: refutable |
réfutation {f} | :: refutation, rebuttal |
réfuter {v} | :: to refute, to disprove |
regagner {v} | :: to regain, to recover (something lost) |
regagner {v} | :: to get back, to win back |
regagner {v} | :: to go back to |
regagner ses pénates {v} | :: to go home (to return to one's house) |
regain {m} | :: second crop (typically of grass) |
regain {m} | :: renewal |
regain {m} | :: upsurge |
régal {m} | :: treat, culinary delight |
régalade {f} | :: drinking from a bottle without it touching the lips |
régaler {vt} | :: To cook (someone) a really good meal |
régaler {vr} | :: To have a great meal |
régaler {vt} | :: to treat, to serve a treat, to cook up something special [for] |
regalia {f} | :: regalia |
régalia {f} | :: alternative spelling of regalia |
régalien {adj} | :: regal, royal |
régalin {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: regaline |
regard {m} | :: look, glance |
regard {m} [uncountable] | :: sight, gaze, eyes |
regard {m} | :: manhole |
regardant {adj} | :: miserly, stingy |
regarder {v} | :: to look at |
regarder {v} | :: to watch |
regarder de travers {vt} [colloquial] | :: to give somebody a funny look, to give somebody a dirty look, to look askance at somebody |
regarder par le petit bout de la lorgnette {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to look at (something) short-sightedly, from too narrow a perspective, to take a very narrow view of (something), to take a limited view of (something) |
regardeur {m} | :: beholder, watcher, viewer |
regardeur {m} [dated] | :: voyeur |
regardeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of regardeur |
regarnir {v} | :: to refurnish (a building, a room) |
regarnir {v} | :: to redecorate |
regarnir {v} | :: to rearm |
régate {f} | :: regatta |
regazéification {f} | :: regassification |
regeler {v} | :: to refreeze; to freeze again |
régence {f} | :: regency |
régénérateur {adj} | :: regenerative |
régénération {f} | :: regeneration |
régénérer {v} | :: to regenerate |
régénérescence {f} | :: regeneration (especially the first signs of) |
régent {m} | :: regent |
régenter {vt} | :: to dictate, (seek to) dominate |
reggae {m} [music] | :: reggae |
régicide {m} | :: regicide (the killing of a king) |
régicide {mf} | :: regicide (someone who kills a king) |
régie {f} | :: administration, commission |
régie {f} | :: state management |
régie {f} | :: excise tax |
regimber {v} | :: to jib (of a horse) |
regimber {v} | :: (by extension) to jib (to be reluctant to do something) |
régime {m} | :: regime |
régime {m} [politics] | :: kind of political system; regimen |
régime {m} [grammar] | :: regimen |
régime {m} [technical] | :: operating mode |
régime {m} [dietetics, nutrition] | :: diet |
régime {m} [botany] | :: clump of fruits on the end of a branch [in palms, bananas, etc] |
régime moteur {m} | :: rotational speed of an engine |
régiment {m} | :: regiment (army unit) |
régimentaire {adj} | :: regimental |
régimer {v} | :: to diet, go on a diet |
Régine {prop} | :: given name |
région {f} | :: region; area |
région {f} | :: a political subdivision of France and some other Francophone countries, bigger than a département |
régional {adj} | :: regional |
régionalement {adv} | :: regionally |
régionalisation {f} | :: regionalization |
régionaliser {v} | :: To regionalize |
régionalisme {m} | :: regionalism |
régionaliste {adj} | :: regionalist |
régionaliste {mf} | :: regionalist |
régiosélectif {adj} [chemistry] | :: regioselective |
régiosélectivité {f} [chemistry] | :: regioselectivity |
régir {vt} | :: to govern |
Régis {prop} | :: surname |
Régis {prop} | :: given name originally in honour of Saint Jean-François Régis, canonized in 1737 |
régisseur {m} | :: manager, administrator |
régisseur {m} | :: stage manager |
régisseuse {f} | :: female equivalent of régisseur |
registre {m} | :: register (official book) |
registre {m} | :: level, category |
registre {m} | :: record, log |
registre {m} [music] | :: range, register |
registre {m} [computing] | :: registry |
regîtrer {v} | :: alternative form of registrer |
réglable {adj} | :: adjustable |
réglage {m} | :: adjustment, tuning |
réglage {m} | :: ruling |
réglage {m} | :: setting |
réglé {adj} | :: settled |
réglé {adj} [of a woman] | :: flowered, menstruating |
règle {f} | :: rule, regulation |
règle {f} | :: rule, period of ruling |
règle {f} | :: ruler (for measuring length) |
Règle {f} | :: Norma |
règle de trois {f} [mathematics education] | :: rule of three |
réglement {m} | :: obsolete spelling of règlement |
règlement {m} | :: rules, regulations |
règlement {m} | :: payment |
réglementaire {adj} | :: regulatory; related to regulations |
règlementaire {adj} | :: alternative spelling of réglementaire |
réglementairement {adv} | :: statutorily, in accordance with regulations |
réglementation {f} | :: regulation, bylaw, law |
règlementation {f} | :: alternative form of réglementation |
règlement de comptes {m} [figuratively] | :: score settling; reprisal, retaliation |
règlementé {adj} | :: alternative form of réglementé |
réglementer {v} | :: to regulate |
règlementer {v} | :: alternative form of réglementer |
régler {v} | :: to sort out, to settle (a problem, a bill) |
régler {v} | :: to set, to adjust |
régler {v} | :: to regulate |
régler {v} | :: to rule; to put lines on |
régler son compte {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to give someone what is coming to them, to fix someone's wagon; to liquidate someone |
régler sur {v} | :: to adjust to |
régler sur {v} | :: to model oneself on |
règles {fp} | :: period, menstruation |
règles de l'art {fp} | :: rule book, best practices, standard practices, professional standards |
réglet {m} | :: A kind of ruler (first meaning), usually in metal, where the physical extremity is the first graduation |
réglet {m} | :: reglet |
réglisse {f} | :: licorice (the plant) |
réglisse {f} | :: licorice (the confection) |
réglo {adj} [colloquial] | :: correct, on the level, stand-up |
régnant {adj} | :: ruling (that rules) |
règne {m} | :: reign, ruling, rule (period of reigning or ruling) |
règne {m} | :: kingship, royalty |
règne {m} | :: realm, state, kingdom |
règne {m} | :: control, governance, regulation |
règne {m} | :: ascendancy, ascendance |
règne animal {m} | :: animal kingdom |
régner {v} | :: to reign |
Régnier {prop} | :: surname |
régolithe {m} [geology] | :: regolith |
regonfler {vt} | :: to reinflate |
regonfler {vi} | :: to swell up |
regorger {vi} | :: to abound |
regouter {v} | :: To taste again |
régresser {vi} | :: to regress |
régressif {adj} | :: anticipatory |
régressif {adj} | :: regressive |
régression {f} | :: regression |
régressivement {adv} | :: regressively |
regret {m} | :: regret |
regret {m} | :: nostalgia |
regrettable {adj} | :: unfortunate, regrettable |
regrettablement {adv} | :: regrettably |
regretter {v} | :: to regret |
regrimper {vt} | :: to reclimb (climb back up) |
regroupement {m} | :: regrouping, action of regrouping |
regrouper {v} | :: to regroup |
regrouper {v} | :: to group together |
régularisation {f} | :: regularization |
régulariser {vt} | :: to regulate (make regular), straighten out (a situation, an irregularity) |
régularité {f} | :: regularity |
régulateur {adj} | :: regulatory (of or pertaining to regulation) |
régulateur {m} | :: regulator, controller |
régulateur de vitesse {m} [automotive] | :: cruise control |
régulation {f} | :: regulation |
régulatoire {adj} | :: regulatory |
régulé {adj} | :: regulated |
réguler {v} | :: to regulate |
régulier {adj} | :: regular (conforming to rules) |
régulier {adj} [geometry] | :: (of a polygon) regular |
régulier {adj} | :: dependable |
régulier {adj} | :: legitimate |
régulier {adj} [grammar] | :: (of a verb etc.) regular |
régulier {adj} | :: regular, steady (continual) |
régulier {m} [dated, slang] | :: One's regular sexual or romantic partner (as opposed to a partner with which one is having an affair) |
régulière {f} [dated, slang] | :: One's regular sexual or romantic partner (as opposed to a partner with which one is having an affair) |
régulièrement {adv} | :: regularly (frequently) |
régurgitation {f} | :: regurgitation |
régurgiter {v} | :: to regurgitate |
réhabilitation {f} | :: rehabilitation |
réhabiliter {v} | :: to rehabilitate |
réhabituer {vt} | :: to reaccustom |
rehaussement {m} | :: reraising |
rehaussement {m} | :: emphasizing |
rehausser {vt} | :: to reraise, to raise up, raise higher, lift higher |
rehausser {vt} | :: to emphasise |
réhausser {v} | :: alternative form of rehausser |
réhydratation {f} | :: rehydration |
réhydrater {vt} | :: to rehydrate |
reichardie {f} | :: brighteyes (plant of the genus Reichardia) |
réification {f} | :: reification |
réifier {v} | :: to reify |
Reiko {prop} | :: given name |
reille {f} | :: An old type of simple triangular or diamond-shaped ploughshare |
réimaginer {v} | :: to reimagine |
réimmerger {v} | :: to reimmerse |
réimplantation {f} | :: reimplantation |
réimplanté {adj} | :: reimplanted |
réimplanter {v} | :: To reimplant |
réimporter {vt} | :: to reimport |
réimposer {vt} | :: to reimpose |
réimpression {f} | :: reprinting |
réimpression {f} | :: reprint |
réimprimer {vt} | :: to reprint |
Reims {prop} {m} | :: Reims |
rein {m} [anatomy] | :: kidney |
rein {m} [in the plural] | :: small of the back, waist |
réincarcérer {vt} | :: to reincarcerate |
réincarnation {f} | :: reincarnation |
réincarner {vr} | :: to reincarnate (be reincarnated) |
réindexer {vt} | :: to reindex |
réindustrialisation {f} | :: reindustrialization |
réindustrialiser {v} | :: To reindustrialize |
reine {f} | :: queen (a female monarch) |
reine {f} | :: queen (a reproductive female animal in a hive) |
Reine {prop} | :: given name |
reine-claude {f} | :: greengage (plum with greenish-yellow flesh and skin) |
reine des abeilles {f} | :: queen bee |
reine des animaux {f} | :: queen of beasts (the lioness) |
reine-des-prés {f} | :: meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) |
reine mère {f} | :: queen mother |
reinette {f} | :: reinette (group of apple cultivars) |
réinitialisation {f} [computing] | :: reset |
réinitialisation {f} | :: reinitialization |
réinitialiser {v} | :: to restart |
réinitialiser {v} | :: to reset |
réinjecter {v} | :: to reinject |
réinjection {f} | :: reinjection |
reins {mp} | :: small of the back; waist |
réinscriptible {adj} | :: rewritable (CD etc) |
réinscription {f} | :: reinscription |
réinsérer {v} | :: to reinsert |
réinsertion {f} | :: reinsertion |
réinstallation {f} | :: reinstallation |
réinstaller {v} | :: to reinstall |
réinstauration {f} | :: reestablishment |
réinstaurer {v} | :: To reestablish |
réintégration {f} | :: reintegration |
réintégrer {v} | :: to return to (somewhere one's been before) |
réintégrer {v} | :: to reinstate (someone), to restore (someone to their previous job post) |
réintégrer {v} | :: to reinstate (someone of their assets) |
réinterprétation {f} | :: reinterpretation (all senses) |
réinterpréter {v} | :: To reinterpret |
réinterroger {vt} | :: to requestion, reinterrogate |
réintroduction {f} | :: reintroduction |
réintroduire {v} | :: to reintroduce |
réinventer {v} | :: to reinvent |
réinventer la roue {v} [figuratively] | :: to reinvent the wheel |
réinvestir {v} | :: to reinvest |
réinviter {v} | :: to reinvite |
réionisation {f} | :: reionization |
réioniser {v} | :: to reionize |
réislamiser {v} | :: to make Islamic again |
réitérat {m} [botany, trees] | :: A portion of a tree reproducing partially or entirely the architecture of the whole tree |
réitératif {adj} | :: reiterative |
réitération {f} | :: reiteration |
réitérativement {adv} | :: reiteratively |
réitéré {adj} | :: reiterated |
réitérément {adv} | :: reiteratedly |
réitérer {v} | :: to reiterate |
reître {m} [historical] | :: reiter |
reître {m} [now rare] | :: old soldier, leatherneck, roughneck soldier |
rejaillir {v} | :: to splash back, splash up |
rejaillir {v} | :: (of infamy, scandal etc.) to rebound sur on (someone); (of glory) to be reflected sur on (someone) |
rejet {m} | :: reject, thing (especially a graft) that is rejected or thrown away |
rejeter {v} | :: to throw back (a fish, etc.) |
rejeter {v} | :: to discharge, spew out |
rejeter {v} | :: to reject (an appeal, a lover etc.); to refute (an accusation) |
rejeter {v} | :: to position, place |
rejeter {vr} | :: to jump back, throw oneself back |
rejeton {m} [botany] | :: shoot |
rejeton {m} [figuratively] | :: offshoot |
rejeton {m} [literary] | :: scion |
rejeton {m} [colloquial] | :: kid |
rejoindre {v} | :: to join, to join up |
rejoindre {v} | :: to rejoin |
rejoneador {m} [bullfighting] | :: rejoneador |
rejouable {adj} | :: replayable (capable of being played again) |
rejouer {v} [sports, games] | :: to replay |
réjouir {v} | :: to please; to delight |
réjouir {vp} | :: To rejoice, celebrate |
réjouissabilité {f} | :: ability to be pleased, delighted |
réjouissance {f} | :: rejoicing |
réjouissance {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: festivities |
réjouissant {adj} | :: cheerful |
réjouissant {adj} | :: uplifting |
rejuger {v} [legal] | :: To rejudge, retry |
relâche {m} | :: interruption |
relâche {m} | :: time off, time out (a break) |
relâche {m} [Canada, colloquialism] | :: spring break, March break (a break in the school term, for the winter-spring semester) |
relâché {adj} | :: loose |
relâchement {m} | :: laxity |
relâcher {vt} | :: to release |
relai {m} | :: alternative spelling of relais |
relais {m} | :: A horse (or team of horses) that transported a rider or coach etc from one staging post to another |
relais {m} | :: A hotel that is used as a stop on long journeys |
relais {m} [electronics] | :: relay (electromechanical device) |
relais {m} [sports] | :: relay race |
relancement {m} | :: relaunch |
relancer {v} | :: to throw back |
relancer {v} | :: to boost, to revive (economically) |
relancer {v} | :: to reboot (a computer) |
relancer {v} | :: to restart (an initiative, project, or engine) |
relancer {v} | :: to follow up, to recontact a customer about a quote sent in the past |
relanceur {m} [sports] | :: One who returns the ball, especially from a serve, e.g. in tennis or volleyball |
relargage {m} [chemistry] | :: salting out |
relater {v} | :: to relate, to account |
relater {v} | :: to recount |
relatif {adj} | :: relative; not absolute; connected to or depending on something else |
relation {f} | :: relation |
relation {f} | :: relationship |
relationnel {adj} | :: relational |
relativement {adv} | :: relatively |
relativiser {v} | :: to relativize |
relativiser {v} [colloquial] | :: to put things into perspective |
relativisme {m} [philosophy] | :: relativism (theory that truth and moral values are relative) |
relativiste {adj} [physics] | :: relativistic (all senses) |
relativité {f} | :: relativity |
relativité générale {f} [physics] | :: general relativity |
relativité restreinte {f} [physics] | :: special relativity |
relaver {v} | :: To rewash |
relaxe {f} [colloquial] | :: relaxation |
relaxe {f} [legal] | :: acquittal |
relaxer {v} [legal] | :: to discharge |
relaxer {vr} | :: to relax |
relayer {vi} [historical] | :: to relay, change horses |
relayer {vt} | :: to relieve, take over from |
relayer {vt} | :: to replace |
relayer {vt} | :: to transmit, relay (information) |
relayer {vr} | :: to take turns, to alternate |
relayeur {m} | :: relayer, relay racer |
relayeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of relayeur |
relecteur {m} | :: proofreader |
relecture {f} | :: rereading (act of rereading) |
relecture {f} | :: proofreading |
relégable {adj} [sports] | :: In danger of being relegated |
relégation {f} | :: relegation |
reléguer {v} | :: to relegate |
relent {m} | :: lingering smell (usually bad); stench |
relent {m} [figuratively] | :: overtone |
relevage {m} | :: standing up, lifting up |
relevage {m} | :: restoration |
relevé {adj} | :: turned up (of collar); rolled up (of sleeves) |
relevé {adj} | :: held up, high; elevated |
relevé {adj} | :: (of style, conversation) elevated, lofty, sophisticated |
relevé {adj} [cooking] | :: strongly seasoned, spicy |
relevé {m} | :: statement, summary |
relevé {m} | :: bill |
relevé {m} | :: list (of addresses etc.) |
relevé {m} [construction etc] | :: layout |
relevé {m} [exercise] | :: crunch, raise |
relevé {m} [dance] | :: relevé |
relevé de compte {m} | :: bank statement, account statement |
relevé d'informations {m} [of vehicles] | :: insurance record |
relèvement {m} | :: recovery |
relèvement {m} | :: raising |
relèvement {m} | :: restoring |
relèvement {m} [nautical] | :: bearing |
relever {vt} | :: to stand up (again); to stand, to right (a vehicle etc.) |
relever {vt} | :: to help (someone) to their feet; to help up |
relever {vt} | :: to pull up (socks etc.); to lift, raise (skirt etc.) |
relever {vt} | :: to put up (hair) |
relever {vt} | :: to heighten, raise, lift (up); to increase |
relever {vt} | :: to restore, rebuild |
relever {vt} | :: to season (food) |
relever {vt} | :: to take down, note, copy out |
relever {vt} | :: to react to, answer, respond to |
relever {vi} | :: to ride up (of clothes) |
relever {vr} | :: to get up again, get to one's feet |
relever {vt} | :: to take up (a challenge) |
relever de {v} | :: to be a matter for, be the concern of |
relever de {v} | :: to come under (of a department etc.); to be part of; to belong to; to fall under the category of; to be dependent on |
relever de {v} | :: to recover from |
relever le gant {v} [idiomatic] | :: take up the gauntlet |
releveur {m} [anatomy] | :: elevator (muscle) |
relictuel {adj} [biology] | :: relictual |
relief {m} | :: projection, relief |
relief {m} [geography, mineralogy] | :: relief, surface elevation |
relief {m} [figuratively] | :: contrast, definition, offset (against something else) |
relief {m} [sculpture] | :: relief |
relier {v} | :: to connect, link, join, relate to |
relier {v} | :: to bind (as a book) |
relier {v} | :: to hoop together (as a barrel) |
relieur {m} | :: bookbinder |
relieuse {f} | :: feminine noun of relieur |
religieuse {f} | :: nun |
religieuse {f} | :: religieuse (pastry) |
religieusement {adv} | :: religiously |
religieux {adj} | :: religious |
religieux {m} | :: a religious person |
religion {f} | :: religion |
religiosité {f} | :: religiosity, a disposition for the religious, the sacred aspects of life |
reliquaire {m} | :: reliquary (container) |
reliquat {m} | :: relic |
relique {f} | :: relic (religious) |
relique {f} | :: remnant |
relire {vt} | :: to reread, to read again |
relire {v} | :: to proofread, to read through (look for mistakes) |
relish {f} | :: relish (pickled sauce) |
reliure {f} | :: binding, book-binding |
relocalisation {f} | :: relocalization |
relocaliser {v} | :: To relocate |
relocation {f} | :: relocation (all senses) |
relogement {m} | :: relocation, rehousing |
reloger {v} | :: to rehouse |
relooker {v} | :: to make over |
relooking {m} | :: makeover |
relou {adj} [verlan] | :: irritating, frustrating, especially to describe a person |
relouer {v} | :: To rerent, relet |
relouer {v} | :: To sublet |
reluire {v} | :: to shine; especially by reflecting light |
reluisant {adj} | :: shining |
reluquer {v} | :: to ogle, leer |
remâcher {vt} | :: to rehash |
remailler {vt} [sewing] | :: to mend, darn |
remake {m} [film] | :: remake |
rémanence {f} | :: remanence |
rémanent {adj} | :: residual |
rémanent de supernova {m} [astronomy] | :: supernova remnant |
remanger {v} | :: to eat again; to resume eating |
remaniement {m} | :: reworking; reorganization |
remaniement {m} | :: revision, amendment |
remaniement {m} [politics] | :: reshuffle |
remanier {v} | :: to reknead |
remanier {v} | :: to reuse |
remanier {v} | :: to reorganize |
remanier {v} | :: to revise |
remanufacturer {v} | :: to remanufacture |
remarcher {vi} | :: to work, to function again |
remarcher {vit} | :: to rewalk, walk again |
remariage {m} | :: remarriage |
remarier {v} | :: to remarry |
remarquable {adj} | :: remarkable, noteworthy |
remarquablement {adv} | :: remarkably, outstandingly |
remarque {f} | :: remark (comment, something said) |
remarquer {v} | :: to observe |
remarquer {v} | :: to point out, remark upon |
remarquer {v} | :: to notice |
remarquer {vp} | :: to attract attention |
remarquer {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to announce |
remastériser {vt} | :: to remaster |
remâter {vt} [nautical] | :: to remast |
remballe {f} | :: A fraudulent action in which a supermarket puts flesh that has reached its conservation date in a new covering which has a new conservation date |
remballer {v} | :: to rewrap; to wrap up again |
rembarquement {m} | :: reembarkation |
rembarquer {vt} | :: to reembark |
rembarrer {vt} | :: to rebuff |
remblai {m} | :: embankment |
remblai {m} | :: landfill |
remblaiement {m} | :: backfilling |
remblaiement {m} | :: embankment |
remblayage {m} | :: backfilling |
remblayer {v} | :: to fill in or backfill |
rembobiner {vt} | :: To recoil onto a bobbin |
rembobiner {vt} [electronics] | :: To rewind a cassette |
rembourrage {m} | :: stuffing, padding, wadding |
rembourré {adj} | :: stuffed, padded |
rembourrer {vt} | :: to pad, stuff |
rembourrer {vt} | :: to upholster |
remboursable {adj} | :: reimbursable |
remboursement {m} | :: reimbursement, refund |
rembourser {v} | :: to pay back, refund, reimburse |
rembrunir {vt} | :: to darken |
rembrunir {vr} | :: to darken, cloud over |
reméchage {m} [musical instruments, lutherie] | :: rehair |
remécher {v} | :: to rehair |
remède {m} | :: remedy |
remède de bonne femme {m} | :: home remedy, folk remedy |
remède de cheval {m} [colloquial] | :: strong medicine, drastic remedy, sledgehammer approach |
remède de grand-mère {m} | :: home remedy, folk remedy |
remédiation {f} | :: remediation |
remédier {v} [à] | :: to remedy, to cure; to fix |
remembrement {m} | :: consolidation (of land) |
remémorer {v} | :: to memorize |
remémorer {vr} [se remémorer] | :: to remember |
remerciement {m} | :: thanks (grateful feelings) |
remerciement {m} | :: acknowledgement |
remercier {v} | :: to thank (someone) |
remercier {v} [euphemistic] | :: to fire (an employee) |
remercîment {m} | :: obsolete form of remerciement |
reméthyler {v} [organic chemistry, biochemistry] | :: To remethylate |
remettre {v} | :: to put back, replace |
remettre {v} | :: to put (clothing etc.) back on |
remettre {v} | :: to restart (machine etc.) |
remettre {v} [followed by the preposition à] | :: to hand over, tender, hand in, deliver (to someone) |
remettre {v} [followed by the preposition à] | :: to put off, postpone (until) |
remettre {v} | :: to remember |
remettre {v} | :: to add (more) |
remettre {v} | :: to forgive, remit |
remettre {v} [euphemistic] | :: to throw up |
remettre {vp} [followed by the preposition de] | :: to get over, to recover (from something) |
remettre {v} [in the passive voice, followed by the preposition de] | :: to be out of the woods |
remettre {vp} [followed by the preposition à] | :: to take up again, start (to do something) again |
remettre {vp} | :: To get back |
remettre à sa place {vt} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to pull someone down a peg, to put someone in their place |
remettre en cause {vt} | :: to challenge, to call into question, to question |
remettre en question {vt} | :: to question, to call into question, to cast doubt upon, to doubt, to challenge |
remettre en question {vr} | :: to question oneself, re-evaluate oneself, to take a good look at oneself, to do some soul-searching |
remettre le couvert {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to do it again |
remettre les pendules à l'heure {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to put the record straight |
remettre sur le tapis {vt} [figuratively] | :: to put on the table again, to bring up again, to broach a second time |
Remi {prop} | :: given name |
Rémi {prop} | :: given name, alternative spelling of Remi |
rémige {f} | :: remex (feather) |
remilitarisation {f} | :: remilitarization |
remilitariser {v} | :: To remilitarize |
réminiscence {m} | :: reminiscence (act of remembering long-past experiences) |
remisage {m} | :: stowage, storage |
remise {f} | :: delivery, handing over; handover |
remise {f} | :: remission; reduction |
remise {f} | :: discount, reduction |
remise {f} | :: shed |
remise {f} | :: deferment, postponement |
remiser {v} | :: to put away, put back (a vehicle, bag etc.) |
remiser {v} | :: to gamble again; to bet on again |
remisier {m} | :: A sort of jobber in a stock market |
rémission {f} | :: remission |
remix {m} [music] | :: remix |
remixer {v} [music] | :: to remix |
remixeur {m} [music] | :: remixer (person that produces remixes) |
remixeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of remixeur |
rémiz penduline {f} | :: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus) |
remmener {v} | :: To remove or take away |
remobilisation {f} | :: remobilization |
remobiliser {vt} | :: to remobilize |
remodelage {m} | :: remodeling, restyling |
remodeler {vt} | :: to remodel |
rémois {adj} | :: From Reims |
Rémois {m} | :: An inhabitant of Reims |
Rémoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Rémois |
remontant {adj} | :: remontant |
remontant {adj} | :: bracing |
remontant {m} | :: tonic |
remonté {adj} [followed by the preposition contre] | :: angry, annoyed at someone/something, up in arms |
remonte-pente {m} [colloquial] | :: ski lift, surface lift, platter lift, button lift, platter pull |
remonter {v} | :: to go back up, to come back up, to climb again, to reclimb |
remonter {v} [of temperature, water level etc] | :: to rise again, to go up again |
remonter {v} [of clothing] | :: to go up, to ride up |
remonter {v} | :: to go back, to return |
remonter {v} | :: to go back, to date back, to hearken back (à to) |
remonter {v} | :: to take back up, to bring back up, to put back up |
remonter {v} | :: to get back in, to get back on, to get back onboard |
remonter {v} | :: to turn back up |
remonter la pente {v} [figuratively] | :: to get back on one's feet |
remonter le moral {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to cheer someone up, to make someone feel better, to lift someone's spirits |
remonter les bretelles {v} [colloquial] | :: [à] to tell off, to lecture, to give an earbashing, to straighten out |
remonter le temps {v} | :: to turn back the clock |
remontrance {f} | :: reproof, reprimand, remonstrance |
remontrer {v} | :: to show again |
remordre {v} | :: to rebite, bite again, bite back |
remords {m} | :: remorse |
remorquage {m} | :: towing |
remorque {f} | :: trailer (unpowered vehicle towed behind another vehicle) |
remorquer {v} | :: to tow (e.g. a trailer, vessel) |
remorqueur {m} | :: tugboat |
remorqueuse {f} | :: tow truck |
remotiver {v} | :: To remotivate |
remou {m} [nautical] | :: eddy |
remoudre {v} | :: to regrind |
remouiller {v} | :: to rewet (wet again) |
remouiller {v} [nautical] | :: to recast (an anchor) |
rémoulade {f} | :: remoulade |
rémouleur {m} | :: knife grinder |
remous {m} | :: eddy, backwash |
remous {m} | :: swirl, wash; turmoil |
remouture {f} | :: regrinding |
remouvoir {vt} [rare, dated] | :: to move |
rempailler {vt} | :: to mend [the seat of a chair, with straw] |
rempart {m} | :: rampart |
rempiler {vt} | :: to reenlist |
remplaçable {adj} | :: replaceable (capable of being replaced) |
remplaçant {m} | :: substitute, replacement |
remplaçante {f} | :: feminine noun of remplaçant |
remplacé {adj} | :: replaced |
remplacé {adj} | :: exchanged |
remplacement {m} | :: replacement (the act of replacing) |
remplacer {vt} | :: to replace |
remplir {v} | :: to fill, to fill up (make full) |
remplir {v} | :: to fill in |
remplir {v} | :: to fulfil |
remplissage {m} | :: filling, padding |
remplissage {m} | :: fulfilment |
remploi {m} | :: reuse |
remplumer {vr} [idiomatic] | :: To put flesh on the bones (begin to recover weight loss) |
rempocher {vt} | :: to put back in one's pocket |
remporter {v} | :: to take back, take away (again) |
remporter {vt} | :: to win (election, championship etc.), to secure (a position) |
rempoter {vt} [gardening] | :: to repot |
remuant {adj} | :: boisterous, exuberant, energetic |
remue-ménage {m} [archaic] | :: move, house move |
remue-ménage {m} | :: bustle, commotion |
remue-méninge {m} | :: brainstorming (method of problem solving) |
remuer {v} | :: to move (lips, head, arms, etc.) |
remuer {v} | :: to twitch, flick |
remuer {v} | :: to swing (one's arms) |
remuer {v} | :: to move, shift (an object) |
remuer {v} | :: to stir (a drink), stir up (sand etc.); to toss (salad), turn over (earth) |
remuer {v} | :: to move (emotionally) |
remuer {vr} | :: to move (about) |
remuer ciel et terre {v} [figuratively] | :: to move heaven and earth, to leave no stone unturned |
remuer le couteau dans la plaie {v} [figuratively] | :: to twist the knife, to rub salt in the wound |
remugle {m} | :: mustiness; state of being musty |
rémunérateur {adj} | :: profitable, lucrative |
rémunération {f} | :: pay; remuneration |
rémunérer {v} | :: to remunerate; pay back |
remuscler {vr} [se remuscler] | :: to become muscular again |
Remy {prop} | :: given name |
Remy {prop} | :: surname |
Rémy {prop} | :: given name, alternative spelling of Remi |
renâclement {m} | :: snort (of an animal) |
renâcler {vi} | :: to display fear, anger or reluctance by snorting (of animals, especially horses) |
renâcler {vi} [figuratively] | :: to display reluctance |
renaissance {f} | :: rebirth, renaissance |
renaissant {adj} | :: renascent |
renaissant {adj} | :: Renaissance (attributive) |
renaitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of renaître |
renaître {vi} | :: to be reborn, to be born again |
renaître {vi} | :: to reappear, to resurface |
renaître {v} [figurative] | :: to rekindle |
rénal {adj} | :: renal |
renard {m} | :: fox (small carnivore) |
renard {m} [figurative] | :: crafty, purposeful and cunning character |
renard {m} [slang] | :: flatulence |
renard {m} [nautical] | :: ancient navigation tool: circular, wooden or copper plate, which enables the helmsman to keep a record of wind conditions by inserting pegs at specific positions |
renard {m} | :: hardly detectable cracks or holes causing a water tank or pond to empty itself |
renarde {f} | :: feminine noun of renard; vixen |
renardeau {m} | :: fox cub |
renardière {f} | :: foxhole (den of a fox) |
renard polaire {m} | :: arctic fox |
renard volant {m} | :: flying fox (mammal) |
renationalisation {f} | :: renationalization |
renationaliser {v} | :: To renationalize |
Renaud {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Renaud {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Renault {prop} | :: surname |
Renault {prop} | :: A French motorcar manufacturer |
rencard {m} [colloquial] | :: appointment |
rencard {m} [colloquial] | :: date (amorous) |
rencard {m} [slang] | :: tip-off |
rencarder {v} [colloquial] | :: to inform |
rencarder {vr} [colloquial] | :: to inquire |
rencart {m} | :: alternative form of rancart |
renchérir {vi} | :: to go further (in speech, actions etc.) |
renchérir {vi} | :: to go one better |
renchérir {vt} | :: to increase; to put up the price of |
renchérissement {m} | :: inflation (increase in a cost/price) |
rencogner {vt} | :: to corner |
rencontre {f} | :: encounter |
rencontre {f} | :: meeting |
rencontre {f} | :: fixture |
rencontrer {v} | :: to meet |
rencontrer {v} | :: to come across |
rendement {m} | :: production, output, yield |
rendement {m} | :: efficiency, productivity |
rendez-vous {m} | :: date |
rendez-vous {m} | :: rendezvous |
rendez-vous {m} | :: appointment |
rendez-vous galant {m} [dated] | :: a date, a tryst |
rendormir {vp} | :: to fall asleep again, to fall back to sleep, to go back to sleep |
rendre {v} | :: to render |
rendre {v} | :: to make |
rendre {v} | :: to give back; to return |
rendre {v} | :: to pay (a visit) |
rendre {vr} | :: to make one's way (to a place), to get oneself (into a place) [with dans] |
rendre {vr} | :: to call on (someone) [with chez] |
rendre {vr} | :: to surrender |
rendre à César ce qui est à César {v} | :: to give credit where credit's due |
rendre chèvre {vt} [colloquial] | :: to drive nuts, to drive crazy, to drive up the wall |
rendre compte {v} [de] | :: to account for, to explain |
rendre gorge {v} [of a bird] | :: to regurgitate |
rendre gorge {v} [figuratively] | :: to vomit |
rendre gorge {v} [figuratively] | :: to return something, to give back something illicitly taken (compare "cough up") |
rendre hommage {v} [à] | :: to pay tribute to |
rendre l'âme {v} [idiomatic, euphemistic] | :: to pass away; to give up the ghost (die) |
rendre la monnaie de sa pièce {v} [à] | :: to give someone a taste of their own medicine, to retaliate, to pay back in someone's own coin, to pay back in kind |
rendre la pareille {v} [colloquial, in good part] | :: [à] to return the favour |
rendre la pareille {v} [colloquial, in bad part] | :: [à] to pay back in kind, to pay back in someone's own coin, to get one's own back on |
rendre le dernier soupir {v} [euphemistic] | :: draw one's last breath |
rendre service {v} [à] | :: to help out someone, to do a favour to someone, to oblige someone |
rendre son tablier {v} [figuratively] | :: to hang up one's hat, to quit |
rendre visite {v} [à] | :: To visit; pay a visit to |
rendu {m} | :: an instance of rendering |
rendu {m} | :: change (money given back) |
rendu {m} | :: (available) stock |
rené {adj} | :: reborn |
René {prop} | :: given name |
rêne {f} | :: rein (strap or rope used to control an animal) |
rêne {f} [figuratively] | :: power over something |
Renée {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of René |
renégat {m} | :: renegade |
renégate {f} | :: feminine noun of renégat |
renégociation {f} | :: renegotiation |
renégocier {v} | :: to renegotiate |
renettoyer {v} | :: to reclean |
renfermer {vt} [dated] | :: to lock again, to re-lock |
renfermer {vt} | :: to contain, encompass |
renfermer {vr} | :: to withdraw into oneself |
renfiler {vt} | :: to rethread |
renflammer {v} | :: to reignite |
renflement {m} | :: bulge |
renfler {vt} | :: to make (something) bulge |
renfler {vr} | :: to bulge (out) |
renflouement {m} [nautical] | :: bailing out |
renflouer {vt} [nautical] | :: to refloat; raise |
renflouer {vt} [business] | :: to put back on track; to bail out |
renfoncement {m} | :: recess |
renfoncement {m} | :: indentation |
renfoncer {v} | :: To push in etc again |
renforçant {adj} | :: reinforcing, strengthening |
renforcement {m} | :: reinforcement; bolstering |
renforcer {v} | :: to reinforce, strengthen |
renforcir {vt} [Quebec] | :: to reinforce, strengthen |
renfort {m} | :: reinforcement |
renfort {m} | :: backup (help) |
renfrogné {adj} | :: sullen |
renfrogner {v} | :: scowl, frown |
rengager {vt} | :: to reengage |
rengaine {f} | :: (old) tune, refrain |
rengainer {vt} | :: to sheathe (a sword), to holster (a gun), etc |
rengainer {vt} [figuratively] | :: to swallow, hold back (force oneself to not utter) |
rengorger {vr} [~ de] | :: to be filled with vanity and conceit |
reniement {m} | :: disavowal, denial |
renier {v} [religion] | :: to renounce |
renier {v} | :: to disown |
renier {vr} | :: to take back (what has been said), to renege |
reniflard {m} | :: breather (in an automobile) |
reniflement {m} | :: sniff, sniffing; sniffle, snivel |
renifler {v} | :: to sniff |
renifler {v} | :: to turn up one's nose (at) |
renifler {v} | :: to smell (sense with the nose) |
renifleur {m} | :: sniffer |
renifleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of renifleur |
réniforme {adj} | :: reniform |
rénine {f} [enzyme] | :: renin |
renipper {v} [Québec] | :: to repair, fix up |
renminbi {m} | :: renminbi |
rennais {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to, Rennes |
Rennais {m} | :: an inhabitant of Rennes |
Rennaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Rennais |
renne {m} | :: reindeer |
Rennes {prop} | :: Rennes (capital city) |
renoi {m} [verlan, backslang] | :: a black person |
renoirien {adj} | :: Renoirian |
renom {m} | :: renown, fame, reputation |
renommé {adj} | :: renowned |
renommée {f} | :: reputation, legend, renown |
renommer {v} | :: to rename |
renommer {v} | :: to reelect |
renommer {v} | :: to glorify; to laud |
renoncement {m} | :: renouncement |
renoncement {m} | :: resignation |
renoncer {v} | :: to resign, to quit |
renoncer {v} | :: to renounce, to waive (legal; right) |
renonciation {f} | :: renunciation |
renonciation {f} | :: waiver |
Renoncourt {prop} | :: surname |
renonculacée {f} | :: flowering plant of the family Ranunculaceae |
renoncule {f} | :: buttercup (buttercup herb) |
renoter {v} | :: to note again; to make a note of again |
renouer {vt} | :: to tie in a knot again |
renouer {vt} | :: to pick up on (a conversation) |
renouer {vr} [~ avec] | :: to rekindle a friendship (with), to get back in touch (with) |
renouveau {m} | :: renewal |
renouvelable {adj} | :: renewable (able to be renewed) |
renouveler {v} | :: to renew |
renouvellement {m} | :: renewal (act of renewing something) |
renouvellement urbain {m} | :: urban renewal |
rénovateur {m} | :: renovator |
rénovateur {adj} | :: renovating |
rénovation {f} | :: renovation |
rénovation {f} | :: renewal, act of renewing |
rénovation urbaine {f} | :: synonym of renouvellement urbain |
rénover {v} | :: to renew, to renovate, to revitalize |
renseignement {m} | :: a piece of information |
renseigner {v} | :: to advise; to inform |
renseigner {vr} | :: to inquire; to find out |
rentabilisation {f} | :: The action or result, of making something profitable |
rentabiliser {v} | :: to make profitable |
rentabilité {f} | :: profitability |
rentable {adj} | :: profitable |
rentablement {adv} | :: profitably |
rentamer {v} | :: to restart, to begin again |
rente {f} | :: annuity; benefit |
rente {f} | :: pension |
rente {f} [in the plural] | :: private income |
renter {v} | :: to endow |
rente viagère {f} | :: life annuity, lifetime annuity |
rentier {m} | :: rentier |
rentière {f} | :: feminine noun of rentier |
rentraîner {v} | :: To retrain |
rentrant {adj} [mathematics] | :: reflex (angle) |
rentrée {f} | :: return (the act of returning) |
rentrée {f} [education, administration] | :: the return to school or work after a vacation (usually the summer break); start of the school year |
rentrée des classes {f} [education] | :: synonym of rentrée scolaire |
rentrée littéraire {f} | :: The time of the year when many books are published |
rentrée scolaire {f} [education] | :: The return to school; the beginning of the new school year |
rentrer {vi} [followed by dans] | :: to go back, to re-enter |
rentrer {vi} | :: to go (back) home, to come (back) home |
rentrer {vi} | :: to get in, to go in, to fit in |
rentrer {vt} | :: to bring in, to get in, to put in |
rentrer {vt} | :: to score (a goal) |
rentrer dans le rang {v} | :: to get back into line, to fall in line, to toe the line; to go straight |
rentrer dans l'ordre {v} [figuratively] | :: to get back to normal, to return to normal, to get sorted out |
rentrer dans ses frais {v} | :: to break even (to cover one's costs, to get back one's expenses) |
rentrer en ligne de compte {v} [sometimes, proscribed] | :: alternative form of entrer en ligne de compte |
rentrer par une oreille et ressortir par l'autre {v} [idiomatic] | :: go in one ear and out the other |
renuméroter {v} | :: renumber |
renversant {adj} | :: astounding |
renversement {m} | :: act of knocking over |
renversement {m} | :: reversal |
renverser {vt} | :: to turn over, turn upside down |
renverser {vt} | :: to knock over, knock to the ground |
renverser {vt} | :: to run over |
renverser {vt} | :: to spill (e.g. a liquid) |
renverser {vt} [grammar] | :: to invert (change the positions of words in a sentence) |
renverser {vt} | :: to switch over, switch |
renverser {vt} | :: to reverse, turn around (a situation) |
renverser {vt} | :: to overthrow, bring down |
renverser {vt} | :: to knock back, agitate |
renverser {vr} | :: to lean back |
renverser {vr} | :: to lay back, lie down |
renverser {vi} [of a tide] | :: to reverse (flow in the opposite direction) |
renvoi {m} | :: act of returning, of sending back |
renvoi {m} | :: firing (dismissal) |
renvoi {m} [sports] | :: clearance |
renvoi {m} | :: belch, burp |
renvoyer {v} | :: to resend; to send again |
renvoyer {v} | :: to send back (to give back to the original sender) |
renvoyer {v} | :: to give back, throw back, post back, bounce back, swing back etc |
renvoyer {v} | :: to put off, postpone (an appointment, a duty) |
renvoyer {v} | :: to reflect (i.e. of a reflective surface) |
renvoyer {v} | :: to echo (of sound, to come back) |
renvoyer {vt} | :: to fire, dismiss, expel a student |
renvoyer {v} [followed by the preposition à] | :: to refer (somebody to something) |
renvoyer {v} | :: to remind (somebody of something) |
renvoyer aux calendes grecques {vt} | :: to postpone indefinitely |
renvoyer l'ascenseur {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: [à] to return the favour |
réoccuper {v} | :: To reoccupy |
réorchestrer {v} | :: to reorchestrate |
réorganisation {f} | :: reorganisation |
réorganiser {v} | :: to reorganise |
réorientation {f} | :: reorientation, redirection |
réorienter {v} | :: to reorientate, redirect |
réorienter {v} [education] | :: to transfer |
réorthogonaliser {v} [maths] | :: To reorthogonalize |
réoublier {v} [very, rare] | :: to reforget; to forget again |
réouverture {f} | :: reopening |
réouvrir {vt} | :: to reopen |
réoxyder {vt} | :: to reoxidize |
REP {phrase} | :: initialism of repose en paix |
repaginer {v} | :: to repaginate |
repaire {m} | :: den, lair |
repairer {v} [obsolete, chiefly of an animal] | :: to go home |
repaitre {v} | :: to feed |
repaitre {v} | :: to eat |
repaître {vt} [obsolete] | :: to feed |
repaître {vi} [obsolete] | :: to eat |
répandre {v} | :: to spill, scatter |
répandre {v} | :: to spread |
répandre {v} | :: to shed (tears) |
répandre {v} | :: to give off, give out (a smell etc.) |
répandre {vr} [se répandre] | :: to spread, to propagate |
répandu {adj} | :: widespread |
répandu {adj} | :: spread-out, scattered |
réparable {adj} | :: repairable |
reparaitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of reparaître |
reparaître {v} | :: to reappear |
réparateur {m} | :: agent noun of réparer; repairer |
réparation {f} | :: fix, repair |
réparatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of réparateur |
réparer {v} | :: to repair, fix, mend |
reparler {v} | :: to retalk, to talk again |
reparler {v} | :: to speak again |
repartager {vt} | :: to share, divide up again |
repartie {f} | :: swift retort, repartee, quick rejoinder |
répartie {f} | :: alternative form of repartie |
repartir {vi} | :: To leave again, to go back |
repartir {vi} | :: To restart, to set off again |
repartir {vt} [archaic or literary] | :: To retort |
répartir {v} | :: distribute (to apportion) |
répartir {v} | :: forward (as an e-mail) |
répartiteur {m} | :: distributor |
répartiteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of répartiteur |
répartition {f} | :: delivery, dispatching |
répartition {f} | :: allocation, division, allotment (of tasks, etc.) |
répartition {f} | :: distribution |
reparution {f} | :: republication |
repas {m} | :: meal, repast |
repassable {adj} | :: ironable |
repassage {m} | :: ironing (act of ironing clothing) |
repasser {v} | :: to iron (to pass an iron over clothing) |
repasser {v} | :: to pass by again |
repasser {v} | :: to redo (an exam, a test) |
repasseuse {f} | :: ironer (machine or female person) |
repatrier {v} | :: obsolete form of rapatrier |
repayer {v} | :: to pay again |
repêchage {m} | :: recovery (of an object from water) |
repêchage {m} | :: resit (of an exam) |
repêchage {m} [Quebec, sports] | :: draft (of new players) |
repêcher {v} | :: to fish out, rescue (from water) |
repeindre {vt} | :: to repaint |
repeinture {f} [rare] | :: repainting (instance of reapplying paint) |
rependre {vit} | :: to rehang; to hang again |
repenser {v} | :: to rethink, to reconsider |
repentance {f} | :: repentance |
repentant {adj} | :: repentant |
repentir {m} | :: repentance |
repentir {vp} | :: to repent |
repérable {adj} | :: identifiable |
repérable {adj} | :: noticeable (easy to spot) |
repérage {m} | :: tracking, spotting |
repérage {m} | :: searching |
repérage {m} | :: orientation |
repercevoir {v} | :: to reperceive |
répercussion {f} | :: repercussion |
répercuter {v} | :: to echo (sound) |
répercuter {v} | :: to reflect (light) |
repéré {adj} | :: marked |
repéré {adj} | :: spotted |
repéré {adj} | :: detected |
repère {m} | :: marker, (reference) mark |
repère {m} | :: landmark |
repère {m} | :: reference point |
repérer {v} | :: to map out, to mark, to reference |
repérer {v} | :: to spot, to detect, to pick out |
reperpétuer {v} | :: To perpetuate again |
répertoire {m} | :: repertoire |
répertoire {m} | :: inventory, stock |
répertoire {m} | :: directory |
répertorié {adj} | :: indexed |
répertorier {vt} | :: to index, keep a repertoire of |
répétabilité {f} | :: repeatability |
répétable {adj} | :: repeatable |
repéter {v} | :: To fart again |
répéter {v} | :: to repeat |
répéter {vp} | :: to repeat oneself |
répéteur {m} | :: repeater (device) |
répétiteur {m} | :: tutor, someone who helps pupils with their lessons |
répétiteur {m} | :: a repetiteur |
répétitif {adj} | :: repetitive |
répétition {f} | :: repetition |
répétition {f} | :: rehearsal |
répétition générale {f} | :: dress rehearsal (final rehearsal before a performance) |
répétitivement {adv} | :: repetitively |
répétitivité {f} | :: repetitiveness |
répétitrice {f} | :: feminine noun of répétiteur |
repétrir {vt} | :: to remould |
repétrir {vt} | :: to knead again |
repeuplement {m} | :: repopulation |
repeuplement {m} | :: replanting (of trees); restocking (of merchandise) |
repeupler {v} | :: to repopulate |
repeupler {v} | :: to replant (trees); to restock (merchandise) |
repiauler {vt} | :: To up sticks, move house |
Repié {prop} [verlan, backslang] | :: Pierre |
repincer {vt} | :: to pinch again |
repiquage {m} | :: transplanting, planting out |
repiquer {v} | :: to pinch; to steal again |
repiquer {v} | :: to puncture again |
repiquer {v} [horticulture] | :: to replant |
répit {m} | :: respite, relief (brief interval of rest or relief) |
replacer {v} | :: to put back, replace |
replantation {f} | :: replanting |
replanter {vt} | :: to replant |
replat {m} | :: a small plateau in the mountains |
replâtrage {m} | :: patching |
replâtrage {m} | :: tinkering |
replâtrer {vt} | :: to replaster |
replâtrer {vt} | :: to patch up |
replet {adj} | :: plump, chubby |
réplétion {f} | :: repletion |
repleurer {v} | :: to cry, to weep again (after having previously cried) |
repleuvoir {v} | :: to rain again, to rain for a second time |
repli {m} | :: crease, fold |
repli {m} [figuratively] | :: secret |
réplicabilité {f} | :: replicability |
réplicable {adj} | :: replicable |
réplicatif {adj} | :: replicative |
réplicatif {adj} | :: replicating |
réplication {f} | :: replication, duplication |
réplication {f} [computing, genetics] | :: replication |
repliement {m} | :: folding (up), curling (up) |
repliement {m} | :: withdrawal |
replier {vt} | :: to fold; fold up |
replier {vt} | :: to refold; to fold again |
replier {vr} | :: to curl up, roll up |
replier {vr} [military] | :: to withdraw, retreat, fall back |
réplique {f} | :: response, reply |
réplique {f} | :: rebuttal |
réplique {f} | :: replica |
réplique {f} [theatre] | :: line |
réplique {f} | :: aftershock |
répliquer {v} | :: to reply |
répliquer {v} | :: to replicate (copy) |
réplisome {m} [biology] | :: replisome |
replonger {vt} | :: to plunge again or back |
replonger {vt} | :: to relapse |
repolitiser {v} | :: To repoliticize |
repomper {vt} | :: to pump again or back |
repomper {vt} | :: to rip off |
répondant {m} | :: respondent |
répondant {m} [uncountable] | :: repartee, skill in replying swiftly |
répondeur {adj} | :: lippy, mouthy |
répondeur {m} | :: answering machine (device that automatically records voice mail) |
répondeur {m} | :: transponder |
répondez s'il vous plaît {phrase} [at the end of a letter] | :: please reply, rsvp |
repondre {v} | :: obsolete spelling of répondre |
répondre {v} [à] | :: To reply, to answer |
répondre {v} [law] | :: [de] To answer for |
répondre au nom de {v} [literary] | :: to be called (something) |
réponse {f} | :: answer |
réponse {f} | :: response |
réponse {f} | :: retort, comeback |
repopulariser {vt} | :: to repopularize |
report {m} | :: postponement |
report {m} | :: deferment |
reportage {m} | :: reportage |
reporter {v} [literally] | :: to carry something back to where it was |
reporter {v} [literally] | :: to wear again |
reporter {v} | :: to transfer (an emotion) |
reporter {v} | :: to put back; to put off; to postpone |
reporter {v} [usually, impersonal] | :: to carry or take back in time |
reporter {vp} | :: to refer; to check |
reporter {v} [mathematics and finance] | :: to carry over or forward |
reporter {mf} | :: A news reporter; a journalist |
reporting {m} | :: rapportage, exposé |
repos {m} | :: rest, ease, repose |
reposant {adj} | :: relaxing |
repose en paix {phrase} | :: may he/she rest in peace |
repose-pied {m} | :: footstool (a low stool) |
repose-pied {m} | :: footrest for motorcycle |
repose-pieds {m} | :: alternative form of repose-pied |
reposer {vt} | :: to put down, to place |
reposer {vt} | :: to rest |
reposer {vr} [se reposer] | :: to rest, to repose |
reposer {v} [with sur] | :: to be based on |
repose-tête {m} | :: headrest |
reposez en paix {phrase} | :: rest in peace (said about someone deceased) |
repositionnement {m} | :: repositioning |
repositionner {v} | :: To reposition |
repositoire {m} | :: repository, storage |
repositoire {m} | :: ciborium |
reposoir {m} | :: altar of repose |
reposteur {m} | :: remailer |
reposteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of reposteur |
repoussant {adj} | :: repulsive; repugnant |
repousse {f} | :: regrowth |
repoussé {adj} | :: repelled, repulsed |
repousser {v} | :: to push back, push out of the way |
repousser {v} | :: to repel, drive back, repulse |
repousser {v} | :: to ward off, turn away |
repousser {v} | :: to turn down, dismiss, reject, rule out |
repousser {v} | :: to push back (into place) |
repousser {v} | :: to put off, defer, put back, postpone |
repousser {v} | :: to repulse, repel (of something disgusting) |
repousser {v} | :: to (hand-)emboss |
repoussoir {m} [art] | :: repoussoir |
repouvoir {v} [very, rare] | :: to be able to again |
repræsenter {v} | :: obsolete form of représenter |
reprécipiter {vt} | :: to reprecipitate |
repréhensible {adj} | :: alternative form of répréhensible |
répréhensible {adj} | :: reprehensible |
répréhensiblement {adv} | :: reprehensibly |
répréhension {f} | :: reprehension |
reprendre {vt} | :: to take back, recover, regain |
reprendre {vt} | :: to take again, take more of, have another helping |
reprendre {vt} | :: to resume (work), get back to, carry on with |
reprendre {vt} | :: to retake, recapture |
reprendre {vi} | :: to start again |
reprendre {vi} [of business] | :: to pick up, to show new sign of life |
reprendre {vt} | :: to criticize, correct, rebuke, reprimand |
reprendre {vr} | :: to correct oneself |
reprendre {vr} | :: to pull oneself together |
reprendre {vt} | :: to cover, to perform or record a cover version (of a song by another musical artist) |
reprendre à son compte {vt} | :: to appropriate, to take on board, to preempt, to pick up, to seize upon |
reprendre à zéro {v} | :: to start from scratch, to start afresh |
reprendre connaissance {v} | :: to come round, to come to, to regain consciousness |
reprendre du poil de la bête {v} [colloquial] | :: to get a second wind, to get better, to regain one's strength, to get back on one's feet, to bounce back |
reprendre du service {v} [colloquial] | :: to go back to work, to get back into action |
reprendre en main {vr} [figuratively] | :: to pick oneself up off the floor, to pull oneself together |
reprendre le flambeau {v} [figuratively] | :: to take over (from someone), to pick up the slack, to take up the slack |
reprendre ses esprits {v} | :: to come round, to come to, to regain consciousness |
reprendre son souffle {v} | :: to catch one's breath, to get one's breath back |
repreneur {m} | :: receiver (of a bankrupt company) |
représaille {f} [rare] | :: reprisal, retaliation |
représentable {adj} | :: representable |
représentant {m} | :: representative |
représentante {f} | :: female equivalent of représentant |
représentant légal {m} [law] | :: legal representative |
représentatif {adj} | :: representative |
représentation {f} | :: representation |
représentation {f} | :: the act or an instance of showing or presenting |
représentativement {adv} | :: representatively |
représentativité {f} | :: representativeness |
représenter {v} | :: to represent (to be the representative of) |
représenter {v} | :: to represent (to show, as a replacement) |
représenter {v} | :: to represent; to re-present; to present again |
répressif {adj} | :: repressive |
répression {f} | :: repression |
réprimande {f} | :: reprimand (a severe, formal or official reproof; reprehension, private or public) |
réprimander {v} | :: to reprimand |
réprimer {vt} | :: to suppress, quell (stop the spread of something considered bad or wrong) |
réprimer {vt} | :: to repress, stifle (prevent the growth of) |
réprimer {vt} | :: to repress, muffle (prevent someone speaking out) |
réprimer {vt} | :: to hold back, to stunt (make someone refrain from doing something) |
réprimer {vt} | :: to cut down, subdue (reduce the level of, e.g. crime) |
repris de justice {m} | :: convict, offender (person with a criminal record, person who has been convicted of a crime by a judicial body in the past) |
reprise {f} | :: time, instance |
reprise {f} [sports] | :: second-half kick-off |
reprise {f} [music] | :: reprise |
reprise {f} [music] | :: cover, cover version |
reprise {f} [television] | :: repeat, rerun |
reprise de volée {f} [sports] | :: volley |
reprise de volée {f} [figuratively] | :: rebuttal |
repriser {v} | :: to mend |
réprobateur {adj} | :: reproving, reproachful |
réprobation {f} | :: reprobation, disapproval |
reproche {m} | :: blame, the act of blaming |
reprocher {v} | :: to blame somebody for something (place blame upon) |
reproducteur {adj} | :: reproducing, reproductive |
reproducteur {m} | :: breeder (an animal designed for breeding) |
reproductible {adj} | :: reproducible (capable of being reproduced at a different time or place and by different people) |
reproductif {adj} | :: reproductive |
reproduction {f} | :: reproduction |
reproductivement {adv} | :: reproductively |
reproduire {v} | :: to reproduce |
reprogrammation {f} [genetics, computing] | :: reprogramming |
reprogrammer {v} | :: to reprogram |
reprogrammer {v} | :: to reschedule |
reprographie {f} | :: reprography |
reproposer {v} | :: to repropose |
reprotoxique {adj} | :: reprotoxic |
réprouvé {adj} | :: reprobate |
réprouvé {m} | :: reprobate |
réprouver {vt} | :: to reprove, condemn |
reps {m} [textiles] | :: rep |
reptile {m} | :: reptile |
reptuile {m} [geometry] | :: rep-tile |
repu {adj} | :: full, sated |
républicain {adj} | :: Republican |
républicain {m} | :: Republican |
républicaniser {v} | :: republicanize |
républicanisme {m} | :: republicanism |
républicaniste {mf} | :: republicanist |
republier {v} | :: To republish |
république {f} | :: republic |
République arabe syrienne {prop} {f} | :: Syrian Arab Republic |
république bananière {f} | :: banana republic (small country dependent on a single export commodity with a corrupt dictatorial government) |
République centrafricaine {prop} {f} | :: Central African Republic |
République d'Afrique du Sud {prop} {f} | :: Republic of South Africa |
République de Chine {prop} {f} | :: Republic of China |
République Démocratique du Congo {prop} {f} | :: Democratic Republic of the Congo |
République d'Irlande {prop} {f} | :: Republic of Ireland |
République dominicaine {prop} {f} | :: République dominicaine (country) |
République d'Orange {prop} | :: An imaginary micro-nation in South Africa |
République du Congo {prop} {f} | :: Republic of the Congo (country; all senses) |
République fédérale d'Allemagne {prop} {f} | :: Federal Republic of Germany |
République française {prop} {f} | :: the French Republic (the official name of France) |
République Française {prop} {f} | :: official name of France |
République islamique d'Iran {prop} {f} | :: Islamic Republic of Iran |
République populaire de Chine {prop} {f} | :: People's Republic of China |
République populaire de Donetsk {prop} {f} | :: Donetsk People's Republic |
République populaire de Lougansk {prop} {f} | :: Luhansk People's Republic |
République populaire démocratique de Corée {prop} {f} | :: Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
République tchèque {prop} {f} | :: Czech Republic |
répudiation {f} | :: repudiation, refusal, refusing |
répudier {v} | :: to repudiate |
répugnance {f} | :: repugnance |
répugnant {adj} | :: disgusting, repugnant |
répugner {v} | :: to repel, disgust |
répugner {v} | :: to be loath or reluctant (to do something) |
répulsif {adj} | :: repulsive |
répulsion {f} | :: repulsion (all senses) |
repunir {v} | :: to repunish (punish again) |
répunit {m} [maths] | :: repunit |
réputation {f} | :: reputation |
réputer {v} | :: to repute |
requalification {f} | :: requalification |
requalifier {v} | :: to requalify |
requérant {m} | :: petitioner |
requérant {m} | :: applicant |
requérant {adj} | :: petitioning |
requérir {v} | :: to call for, to require |
requérir {v} | :: to request, to summon |
requérir {v} | :: to demand |
requérir {v} | :: to need |
requête {f} | :: formal request |
requête {f} [legal] | :: petition |
requête {f} [databases] | :: query |
requiem {m} | :: requiem |
requin {m} | :: shark |
requin à pointes noires {m} | :: blacktip reef shark |
requin baleine {m} | :: whale shark |
requin-baleine {m} | :: whale shark |
requin bleu {m} | :: blue shark |
requin bouledogue {m} | :: bull shark |
requin-crocodile {m} | :: crocodile shark |
requin cuivre {m} | :: copper shark |
requin du Groenland {m} | :: Greenland shark |
requin grande gueule {m} | :: megamouth; megamouth shark |
requin gris {m} | :: sandbar shark |
requin griset {m} | :: cow shark; bluntnose sixgill shark |
requin longimane {m} | :: oceanic whitetip shark |
requin mako {m} | :: shortfin mako shark |
requin marteau {m} | :: alternative form of requin-marteau |
requin-marteau {m} | :: hammerhead shark |
requin pèlerin {m} | :: basking shark |
requinquer {v} | :: to cheer up, to perk up, to give a pick-up |
requin renard {m} | :: thresher shark |
requin saumon {m} | :: salmon shark |
requin tigre {m} | :: tiger shark |
requis {adj} | :: required (needed) |
réquisition {f} [law] | :: requisition |
réquisitionnaire {m} | :: conscript |
réquisitionner {v} | :: to requisition |
réquisitoire {m} [legal] | :: information, i.e. a formal accusation of a crime made by a public prosecutor |
RER {prop} | :: initialism of Réseau Express Régional, a Parisian tram, train and bus system |
reregarder {v} [dated] | :: to look at again, relook |
résa {f} [colloquial] | :: booking, especially to watch a show |
resaccader {v} | :: to shake again; to reshake |
resaisonnaliser {v} | :: To reseasonalize |
rescapé {adj} | :: surviving |
rescapé {m} | :: survivor (one who survives) |
rescinder {v} | :: "(jur.) to annul, to rescind" |
rescision {f} | :: "(jur.) annulment, rescission" |
rescousse {f} | :: rescue |
rescrit {m} | :: rescript, mandate |
réseau {m} | :: network |
réseau {m} [Internet] | :: network |
réseau neuronal {m} | :: neural network |
réseau sans fil {m} | :: wireless network |
réseau social {m} | :: social network |
réseautage {m} [neologism] | :: networking (act of meeting new people in a business or social context) |
réseau trophique {m} [ecology] | :: food web |
réséda {m} | :: reseda, mignonette (plant) |
réserpine {m} | :: reserpine (alkaloid) |
réservation {f} | :: reservation |
réservation {f} | :: booking |
réserve {f} | :: reservation |
réserve {f} | :: reserve, stock |
réserve {f} | :: stockroom |
réservé {adj} | :: reserved, booked |
réservé {adj} [of a person] | :: discreet, reserved |
réservé {adj} [of a statement] | :: guarded, cautious |
réservément {adv} | :: reservedly |
réserve naturelle {f} | :: nature reserve, natural reserve |
réserver {v} | :: to reserve, to make a reservation (for), to book |
réserver {v} | :: to reserve, to put aside |
réserviste {m} | :: reservist |
réservoir {m} | :: reservoir |
résidant {adj} | :: residing |
résidence {f} | :: residence (place where one resides) |
résidence surveillée {f} | :: house arrest |
résident {m} | :: resident |
résident {adj} | :: resident |
résidentiel {adj} | :: residential (pertaining to an area that is primarily for family residences) |
résider {v} | :: to reside, live |
résider {v} | :: to lie |
résidu {m} | :: residue, remainder |
résiduaire {adj} | :: residual |
résiduel {adj} | :: residual |
résignation {f} | :: resignation (state of uncomplaining frustration) |
résignation {f} | :: resignation (act of resigning from a post) |
résigné {adj} | :: resigned (to a fate, a situation, etc.) |
resigner {v} [legal] | :: to resign, re-sign (sign again) |
résigner {vt} | :: to relinquish, renounce |
résigner {vr} | :: to resign oneself (to) |
résiliable {adj} | :: cancellable (which can be cancelled) |
résiliation {f} | :: termination, cancellation |
résilience {f} | :: resilience (the mental ability to recover quickly from depression, illness or misfortune) |
résilier {v} [legal] | :: to cancel, annul, invalidate |
résille {f} | :: net, netting |
résille {f} | :: hairnet |
résille {f} | :: cames, lead, leading (for windows) |
résinate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: resinate |
résine {f} | :: resin, pitch, tar |
résiner {v} | :: to resinate |
résineusement {adv} | :: resinously |
résineux {adj} | :: resinous |
résinification {f} | :: resinification |
résinifier {v} | :: to resinify |
resiphonner {v} | :: to resiphon |
résipiscence {f} | :: repentance, resipiscence |
résistance {f} | :: resistance (all meanings) |
résistance de l'air {f} | :: air resistance |
résistant {m} | :: resistant |
résistant {adj} | :: resistant |
résister {v} | :: to resist |
résisteur {m} | :: resistor (electrical component) |
résistible {adj} | :: resistible (able to be resisted) |
résistif {adj} | :: resistive |
résistine {f} | :: resistin |
résistivité {f} | :: resistivity (capacity of resistance to electricity) |
résistor {m} | :: resistor (electrical component) |
resituer {v} | :: to resituate |
resocialiser {vt} | :: to resocialize |
résolu {adj} | :: resolute |
résolubilité {f} | :: resolubility, resolvability |
résoluble {adj} | :: resoluble, resolvable |
résolument {adv} | :: resolutely, determinedly |
résolûment {adv} | :: resolutely |
résolutif {adj} | :: resolutive |
résolution {f} | :: resolution |
résolutivement {adv} | :: resolutively |
résolvante {f} [maths] | :: resolvent (a resolvent equation, function, or expression) |
resolvatation {f} [chemistry] | :: resolvation |
résolver {v} [nonstandard] | :: to resolve; to fix |
résolveur {m} | :: solver (one who solves) |
résonance {f} | :: resonance |
résonateur {m} | :: resonator |
résonner {v} | :: to resonate (to vibrate or sound, especially in response to another vibration) |
résonner {v} | :: to ring out |
résorbable {adj} | :: resorbable |
résorber {v} | :: to resorb |
résorcine {f} [organic compound] | :: resorcinol |
résorcinol {m} [organic compound] | :: resorcinol |
résorption {f} | :: resorption |
résoudre {vt} | :: To resolve (to find a solution to) |
résoudre {vr} [followed by à] | :: To resolve, to make up one's mind |
resp. {adv} | :: abbreviation of respectivement |
respect {m} | :: respect |
respectabilité {f} | :: respectability |
respectable {adj} | :: respectable |
respectablement {adv} | :: respectably |
respecter {v} | :: to respect |
respecter {v} | :: to meet (deadline) |
respecter {v} | :: to comply with (rules, laws) |
respectif {adj} | :: respective (referencing two or more things as individuals) |
respectivement {adv} | :: respectively |
respectueusement {adv} | :: respectfully |
respectueux {adj} | :: respectful |
respirateur {m} [medicine] | :: ventilator, respirator |
respiration {f} | :: respiration |
respiration artificielle {f} [medicine] | :: artificial respiration |
respiratoire {adj} | :: respiratory |
respirer {v} | :: to breathe |
resplendir {v} | :: to glimmer, gleam, beam, sparkle |
resplendissamment {adv} | :: sparklingly |
resplendissant {adj} | :: glimmering, gleaming, beaming, sparkling |
resplendissement {m} | :: resplendence |
responsabilisation {f} | :: responsibilization |
responsabilisation {f} | :: accountability |
responsabiliser {vt} | :: to responsibilize, to make responsible, to give responsibilities to |
responsabilité {f} | :: responsibility |
responsable {adj} | :: responsible |
responsable {mf} | :: person in charge |
responsablement {adv} | :: responsibly |
responsif {adj} | :: responsive |
responsivité {f} | :: responsivity |
resquiller {v} | :: to queue-jump |
resquiller {v} | :: to ride (public transport) without a ticket |
resquiller {v} | :: to gatecrash |
resquilleur {m} | :: queue-jumper |
resquilleur {m} | :: gatecrasher |
resquilleur {m} | :: freeloader |
resquilleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of resquilleur |
ressac {m} | :: swash, backwash |
ressaisir {vt} | :: To regain or recover (that which was lost) |
ressaisir {vpr} | :: To pull oneself together, to get back on one's feet, to pick oneself up off the floor, to get a grip on oneself |
ressasser {v} [dated] | :: to sieve again |
ressasser {v} [figuratively] | :: to think constantly about the same things |
ressasser {v} [figuratively] | :: to repeat oneself |
ressaut {f} [architecture] | :: projection |
ressayer {v} | :: to retry, to try again |
resseller {vt} | :: to resaddle |
ressemblance {f} | :: resemblance (state of resembling) |
ressemblant {adj} | :: true to life (of a painting etc) |
ressembler {vt} | :: To resemble, to be similar to |
ressembler {vi} | :: To look like, to have physical similarities to (followed by à) |
ressemelage {m} | :: resoling |
ressemeler {vt} | :: to resole |
ressenti {m} [neologism] | :: impression, feel, opinion |
ressentiment {m} | :: ressentiment, resentment |
ressentir {vt} | :: to feel |
ressentir {vr} [~ de] | :: to suffer from the effects of |
resserrement {m} | :: tightening |
resserrer {vt} | :: to retighten (knot, belt, screw, etc.) |
resserrer {vr} | :: to tighten (link, knot) |
resserrer {vr} | :: to become stricter (discipline) |
resserrer {vr} | :: to narrow (road, gap) |
resservir {v} | :: to serve again |
ressort {m} [dated] | :: resilience, elasticity |
ressort {m} | :: spring (coiled device) |
ressort {m} | :: spirit, energy |
ressort {m} [literary] | :: motive, motivation |
ressort {m} [legal] | :: jurisdiction, responsibility, remit |
ressortir {vi} [taking auxiliary être] | :: to go or come back out; to go/come out again |
ressortir {vt} [taking the auxiliary avoir] | :: to take back out; to take out [again] |
ressortir {v} [usually, impersonal, taking the auxiliary avoir, followed by de] | :: to emerge from, according to evidence |
ressortir {v} | :: to stand out |
ressortir {vi} [followed by à] | :: to come under the jurispendence [of] |
ressortissant {m} | :: national |
ressortissante {f} | :: feminine noun of ressortissant |
ressouder {v} | :: to resolder, solder back together |
ressource {f} | :: resource |
ressouvenir {vr} | :: to remember, recall |
ressurgir {vi} | :: to reemerge, resurface, reappear, come flooding back (memories) |
ressusciter {v} | :: to resurrect |
ressusciter {v} | :: to bring back to life, to resuscitate |
ressuyage {m} | :: drying (out) |
ressuyer {v} | :: to dry; to dry out |
restable {m} | :: obsolete spelling of retable |
restanque {f} | :: A type of dry stone wall supporting a terrace in Provence, or the terrace itself |
restant {adj} | :: remaining, left over |
restant {m} | :: remainder |
restau {m} | :: alternative spelling of resto |
restaurant {m} | :: restaurant |
restaurateur {m} | :: restorer (of a work of art) |
restaurateur {m} | :: restaurateur, restaurant owner |
restaurateuse {f} | :: feminine noun of restaurateur; restaurateuse |
restauratif {adj} | :: restorative |
restauration {f} | :: restoration |
restauration {f} | :: the restaurant industry |
restauration {f} [computing] | :: restore |
Restauration {prop} {f} [historical] | :: the (Bourbon) Restoration |
restaurer {v} | :: to restore |
restaurer {v} [computing] | :: to restore |
restaurer {vr} | :: to dine, to eat |
restauroute {m} | :: transport cafe |
reste {m} | :: rest, remainder |
reste-avec {mf} | :: restavec |
rester {vi} | :: to stay |
rester {v} | :: to remain, be left over |
rester {v} | :: to stay, to remain (to continue to have a particular quality) |
rester {v} [rare] | :: to rest |
rester {v} [Louisiana French, Canada] | :: to live |
rester en travers de la gorge {vi} [figuratively] | :: to stick in someone's craw |
rester les bras croisés {v} [figuratively] | :: to sit back and do nothing, to cross one's arms and wait, to stand by idly |
rester lettre morte {v} | :: to be ignored, not to be taken into account, to go unheeded, to have no effect |
rester sur sa faim {v} | :: to not have had enough to eat, to be unsatiated |
rester sur sa faim {v} [figuratively] | :: to be left hungry for more, to be left wanting more, to be left unsatisfied; to be somewhat underwhelmed, to be a bit disappointed |
restituer {vt} | :: to restitute, to restore (return to something's former condition) |
restituer {vt} | :: to bring back, bring back to life |
restituer {vt} | :: to recreate, to reproduce (create/produce again) |
restituer {vt} | :: to return, to give back (something to its original owner) |
restituer {vt} | :: to restitute, to refund |
restituer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to throw up (vomit) |
resto {m} [colloquial] | :: resto, restaurant |
resto bar {m} | :: alternative form of restobar |
resto-bar {m} | :: alternative form of restobar |
restobar {m} | :: a bar-style restaurant or restaurant-like bar |
resto-basket {m} [slang] | :: the act of doing a runner without paying after dining at a restaurant |
resto pub {m} | :: alternative form of restopub |
resto-pub {m} | :: alternative form of restopub |
restopub {m} | :: a pub-style restaurant or restaurant-like pub |
restoroute {m} | :: alternative form of restauroute |
restreindre {v} | :: to restrict, to limit |
restreindre {v} | :: to restrain |
restreint {adj} | :: restricted |
restreint {adj} | :: narrow |
restrictif {adj} | :: restrictive |
restrictif {adj} | :: restricted |
restriction {f} | :: restriction (limitation; constraint) |
restructuration {f} | :: restructuring, downsizing, rightsizing |
restructurer {v} | :: to restructure |
restylage {m} | :: restyling |
résultant {adj} | :: resulting |
résultant {adj} | :: resultant |
résultante {f} | :: result, consequence |
résultat {m} | :: outcome; result |
résultat {m} | :: (résultat financier) bottom line |
résultat des courses {adv} [colloquial] | :: because of that, as a result, consequently |
résultatif {adj} [grammar] | :: resultative |
résulter {v} | :: to result, to happen |
résumé {m} | :: summary, résumé |
résumé {m} | :: abstract (of an academic paper) |
résumer {v} | :: to summarize, to sum up |
résurgence {f} | :: resurgence, revival |
resurgir {vi} | :: alternative form of ressurgir |
résurrection {f} | :: resurrection |
resve {m} | :: archaic spelling of rêve |
resver {v} | :: archaic spelling of rêver |
resvératrol {m} [organic compound] | :: resveratrol |
retable {m} | :: retable, reredos |
rétablir {v} | :: to restore |
rétablir {v} | :: to reestablish |
rétablissement {m} | :: reestablishment, reinstating |
rétablissement {m} | :: recovery |
retailler {v} | :: to recut (to cut again) |
rétamer {vt} | :: to tin-plate again |
rétamer {vt} | :: to wear out |
rétameur {m} | :: tinker |
rétameuse {f} | :: feminine singular of rétameur |
retaper {vt} | :: to revamp, refurbish |
retaper {vt} | :: to retype |
retard {m} | :: delay |
retardataire {adj} | :: late [arriving late] |
retardataire {adj} | :: outdated |
retardataire {m} | :: latecomer |
retardateur {m} [photography] | :: self-timer (on a camera) |
retardement {m} [archaic] | :: delay |
retarder {v} | :: to retard, slow down |
retarder {v} | :: to postpone, put back |
retâter {vt} | :: to grope again |
retâter {v} | :: (transitive-indirect; built with de) to try again (something) |
reteindre {vt} | :: to redye |
reteindre {v} | :: to recolor |
retendre {vt} | :: to re-tighten |
retenir {vt} | :: to retain, hold |
retenir {vt} | :: to hold back, rein in |
retenir {vt} | :: to keep, detain, hold up |
retenir {vt} | :: to remember |
retenir {vti} | :: to accept (que that) |
retenir {vt} [legal] | :: to uphold |
retenir {vr} | :: to restrain oneself, hold back |
retenir la leçon {v} [figuratively] | :: to learn one's lesson |
retenir ses coups {v} | :: to pull one's punches, to pull punches |
retenir son souffle {v} | :: to hold one's breath |
retenter {v} | :: to retry, to try again |
rétention {f} [medical] | :: retention |
rétention {f} | :: withholding |
retentir {vi} | :: to ring, to ring out |
retentir {vi} [figurative] | :: to have a strong effect |
retentissant {adj} | :: ringing (out) |
retentissant {adj} [figurative] | :: resounding, celebrated |
retentissement {m} | :: repercussion(s), impact |
retenu {adj} | :: cautious, moderate, reserved |
retenue {f} | :: restraint |
retenue {f} | :: deduction |
retenue {f} | :: reservoir |
retenue {f} [school] | :: detention |
retenuement {adv} | :: cautiously, moderately, reservedly |
retester {v} | :: To retest |
rétiaire {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] | :: retiarius, gladiator with a net |
réticence {f} | :: tight-lippedness, reticence |
réticence {f} [by extension] | :: reluctance, misgivings |
réticent {adj} | :: reluctant; reticent |
réticulaire {adj} | :: reticular |
réticulation {f} | :: reticulation |
réticulation {f} [chemistry] | :: crosslinking (of polymer chains) |
réticule {m} | :: reticle |
réticulé {adj} | :: reticulated |
réticulum {m} [anatomy] | :: reticulum |
rétif {adj} | :: restive; rebellious |
rétine {f} | :: retina (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) |
rétinien {adj} | :: retinal |
rétinite {f} [pathology] | :: retinitis |
rétinofuge {adj} | :: retinofugal |
rétinoïde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: retinoid |
rétinol {m} | :: retinol |
rétinoscope {m} | :: retinoscope |
retirage {m} | :: removal |
retirer {v} | :: to take off; to remove (e.g. clothes) |
retirer {v} | :: to withdraw; to get out; to take out [money] |
retirer {vr} [se retirer] | :: to retire |
retirer une épine du pied {v} [à] | :: [colloquial, figuratively] to get out of a tight spot, to help out of a jam; to take a weight off someone's shoulders; to be a relief |
retisser {v} | :: To reweave, replait |
retombée {f} | :: fallout |
retombée {f} | :: spillover, fallout, side effects |
retomber {v} | :: to refall, to fall again, to fall back down |
retomber sur ses pattes {v} [figuratively] | :: to land on one's feet, to fall on one's feet |
retomber sur ses pieds {v} [figuratively] | :: to land on one's feet, to fall on one's feet |
retoquer {v} | :: to reject, to turn down (especially a proposal) |
retoquer {v} [dated] | :: to refuse candidacy to, especially, an exam |
retordre {vit} | :: retwist; to twist again |
rétorquer {v} | :: to retort |
retors {adj} | :: warped, twisted (multiple times) |
retors {adj} | :: crafty, wily, tricky |
retors {m} | :: twisted yarn |
retors {m} | :: fox (cunning person) |
rétorsion {f} [legal] | :: retorsion |
retorte {f} [archaic, chemistry] | :: retort |
retouchage {m} | :: retouching |
retouche {f} | :: modification, correction, amendment |
retoucher {v} [photography] | :: to retouch |
retoucher {v} | :: to touch up, to put the finishing touches on |
retoucheur {m} [photography] | :: retoucher |
retoucheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of retoucheur |
retour {m} | :: return |
retour {m} | :: second coming |
retour à la ligne {m} [typography] | :: line break |
retour de flamme {m} | :: backfire, flashback |
retour de flamme {m} [figuratively] | :: backfiring |
retour de flammes {m} | :: alternative spelling of retour de flamme |
retour de manivelle {m} [figuratively] | :: backfiring, backlash |
retour en grâce {m} | :: comeback, return to popularity |
retournable {adj} | :: returnable |
retournement {m} | :: return (action of returning) |
retourner {vt} | :: to turn over, turn upside-down; (in cooking) to turn |
retourner {vt} | :: to toss (salad), turn over (earth, soil) |
retourner {vt} | :: to return, send back (an object) |
retourner {vi} | :: to return, go back (to/from a place) |
retourner {vi} | :: to return, revert (à to) (a state etc) |
retourner {vp} | :: to turn over; to overturn, capsize |
retourner {vp} | :: to turn round (turn one's head) |
retourner {vp} | :: to be reversed, be turned round (of a situation etc.) |
retourner {vp} | :: to get organised |
retourner sa chemise {v} [figuratively] | :: synonym of retourner sa veste |
retourner sa veste {v} [figuratively] | :: to turn one's coat; to change sides; to change one's mind |
retour sur investissement {m} | :: return on investment, ROI |
retracer {v} | :: to recount, to tell |
retracer {v} | :: to redraw, to draw again |
rétractable {adj} | :: retractable (capable of being retracted) |
rétractation {f} | :: retraction |
rétracter {vt} | :: to retract, contract |
rétractile {adj} | :: retractile, retractable |
rétraction {f} | :: retraction, withdrawal |
retraduire {vt} | :: to retranslate |
retraindre {v} | :: archaic spelling of restreindre |
rétraindre {v} | :: to hammer (a metal object): to shape by hammering, especially to make thinner |
rétraindre {v} | :: archaic spelling of restreindre |
retraire {v} [dated] | :: to withdraw; to take out |
retrait {m} | :: retreat |
retrait {m} | :: withdrawal |
retrait {m} [baseball] | :: out |
retrait {m} [cricket] | :: dismissal |
retrait {m} | :: [sex] coitus interruptus |
retraite {f} | :: retirement |
retraite {f} | :: pension (money) |
retraite {f} [military] | :: retreat |
retraité {m} | :: pensioner, retired person |
retraite anticipée {f} | :: early retirement |
retraitement {m} | :: reprocessing (of nuclear fuel) |
retraiter {vt} | :: to reprocess |
retraiter {vt} | :: to recycle |
retrait sur des prises {m} [baseball] | :: strike out |
retranchement {m} | :: entrenchment |
retranchement {m} | :: subtraction, deduction |
retrancher {vt} | :: to deduct, take away, cut out (delete) |
retrancher {vi} | :: to cut down |
retrancher {vt} | :: to cut off (exclude, from e.g. society) |
retrancher {vt} [archaic] | :: to kill, to snuff out, to bump off |
retrancher {vr} | :: to take shelter |
retrancher {vr} [military] | :: to entrench oneself |
retranscription {f} | :: retranscription |
retranscription {f} | :: transcript |
retranscrire {vt} | :: to retranscribe |
retransférer {v} | :: To retransfer (transfer again) |
retransmettre {v} | :: to retransmit (to transmit again) |
retransmission {f} | :: retransmission |
retravailler {vt} | :: To rework |
retravailler {vi} | :: To start working (at a task) again |
retraverser {vt} | :: to cross again or back |
rétrécir {v} | :: to shrink |
rétrécir {v} | :: to narrow |
rétrécissant {adj} | :: narrowing, shrinking |
rétrécissement {m} | :: shrinking |
retremper {v} | :: To soak, dip etc., again |
retremper {v} | :: To brace up |
retremper {v} | :: To reenergize |
rétribuer {vt} | :: to pay (for) |
rétribuer {vt} | :: to reward |
rétributif {adj} | :: retributive |
rétribution {f} | :: remuneration, reward |
rétributivement {adv} | :: retributively |
rétro- {prefix} | :: retro-, back, behind |
rétro {m} | :: shortening of rétroviseur, mirror (in the car) |
rétro {adj} | :: retro |
rétroactif {adj} | :: retroactive |
rétroaction {f} | :: feedback (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself) |
rétroaction {f} | :: retroaction |
rétroactivement {adv} | :: retroactively |
rétroactivement {adv} | :: retrospectively |
rétroactivité {f} | :: retroactivity |
rétroagir {vi} | :: to retroact |
rétrocaveuse {f} | :: backhoe |
rétrocéder {v} | :: to retrocede |
rétrocéder {v} | :: to surrender (property, land etc) |
rétrocession {f} | :: retrocession |
rétrocommission {f} | :: kickback |
rétrodiffusé {adj} [physics] | :: backscattered |
rétrodiffuser {v} | :: To backscatter |
rétrodismutation {f} [biochemistry] | :: retrodismutation |
rétroflexe {adj} | :: retroflex |
rétroformation {f} [linguistics] | :: back-formation |
rétrofusée {f} | :: retrorocket |
retrogaming {m} | :: alternative form of rétrogaming |
rétrogaming {m} | :: retrogaming |
rétrogradation {f} | :: retrogradation (retrograde motion) |
rétrogradation {f} | :: demotion, downgrading (in rank) |
rétrograde {adj} [pejorative] | :: retrograde |
rétrograder {v} | :: to turn back, go back |
rétrograder {v} | :: to retrogress |
rétrograder {v} [motoring] | :: to downshift |
rétrograder {v} [military] | :: to demote |
rétrogression {f} | :: retrogression (decline) |
rétrolien {m} | :: trackback |
rétronasal {adj} | :: retronasal |
rétronasalement {adv} | :: retronasally |
rétronyme {m} | :: retronym |
rétronymie {f} | :: retronymy |
rétronymique {adj} | :: retronymic |
rétropédalage {m} | :: the action or the result of backpedalling |
rétropédaler {v} | :: to backpedal |
rétroprojecteur {m} | :: overhead projector |
rétroprojection {f} [cinematography] | :: back projection |
rétrospectif {adj} | :: retrospective (of, relating to, or contemplating the past) |
rétrospective {f} | :: retrospective, montage |
rétrospectivement {adv} | :: retrospectively |
retrousser {v} | :: to hitch up, hike up, roll up, pull up (a garment) |
retrousser ses manches {v} [figuratively] | :: to roll up one's sleeves, to pull one's socks up |
retrouvaille {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: reunion |
retrouver {vt} | :: to find (again); to rediscover |
retrouver {vt} | :: to remember; to recall |
retrouver {vt} | :: to meet; to meet up; to bump into |
retrouver {vt} | :: to go back to, to return to |
retrouver {vp} | :: to find oneself; to end up |
rétroviral {adj} | :: retroviral |
rétrovirus {m} | :: retrovirus (virus with a genome consisting of RNA) |
rétroviseur {m} [automotive] | :: rear-view mirror |
rets {mp} [hunting, figurative] | :: snare |
rets {mp} [fishing] | :: net |
retsina {m} | :: retsina |
retweeter {v} | :: to retweet |
reum {f} [verlan] | :: mother |
réunification {f} | :: reunification (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country) |
réunifier {v} | :: to reunite, reunify |
réunion {f} | :: meeting |
réunion {f} [mathematics] | :: set union |
Réunion {prop} {f} | :: Réunion |
réunionite {f} [colloquial] | :: meetingitis |
réunionnais {m} | :: of or relating to la Réunion |
Réunionnais {m} | :: person from la Réunion |
réunionnaise {f} | :: feminine noun of réunionnais |
Réunionnaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Réunionnais |
réunion Tupperware {f} | :: Tupperware party |
réunir {vt} | :: to gather, collect |
réunir {vt} | :: to bring together |
réunir {vr} [se réunir] | :: to meet |
réunir {vr} [se réunir] | :: to come together |
réünir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of réunir |
reup {m} [slang, backslang, verlan] | :: father |
réussir {vi} [followed by à and infinitive] | :: to manage to do something |
réussir {vt} | :: to pass (a test); to succeed at something |
réussissabilité {f} [rare] | :: achievability, attainability, doability, feasibility |
réussissable {adj} [rare] | :: achievable, attainable, doable, feasible |
réussite {f} | :: success |
Reutemann {prop} | :: surname |
réutilisable {adj} | :: reusable |
réutilisation {f} | :: reuse, reutilisation |
réutiliser {vt} | :: to reuse, to reutilize |
revaloir {vt} | :: to get even (with) |
revalorisation {f} | :: revaluation |
revaloriser {v} | :: to revalue |
revamper {v} | :: revamp; redesign |
revanchard {adj} | :: revengeful |
revanchard {adj} | :: revanchist |
revanche {f} | :: revenge; vengeance |
revanche {f} [sports, games etc.] | :: rematch |
revancher {v} [dated, literary] | :: to take revenge |
revanchisme {m} | :: revanchism |
revanchisme {m} [chiefly politics] | :: vindictiveness (a policy or tendency of seeking revenge) |
revanchiste {adj} | :: revanchist, vengeful |
rêvasser {vi} | :: to daydream |
rêve {m} | :: dream |
rêvé {adj} | :: perfect, ideal |
rêve américain {m} | :: American Dream |
revêche {adj} [mood] | :: sour, unpleasant |
réveil {m} | :: waking, awakening, waking up |
réveil {m} | :: alarm clock |
réveillé {adj} | :: awake (not asleep, by extension, alert) |
réveille-matin {m} | :: alternative spelling of réveil-matin |
réveiller {vt} | :: To awaken |
réveiller {vr} | :: To wake up |
réveilleur {m} | :: currawong |
réveillon {m} | :: eve (of Christmas or New Year's) |
réveillon {m} | :: a dinner eaten on such an evening |
réveillonner {v} | :: to celebrate Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, especially by having dinner with friends and/or family |
révélateur {m} | :: revealer, one who reveals or uncovers something |
révélateur {m} | :: developer (liquid used in the chemical processing of traditional photos.) |
révélateur {adj} | :: revelatory, that which reveals something; revealing, telling |
révélation {f} | :: revelation |
révélation {f} [theology] | :: revelation |
révélatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of révélateur |
révéler {v} | :: to reveal, to give away |
révéler {v} | :: to develop (a photo) |
révéler {vr} | :: to emerge |
rêve lucide {m} | :: lucid dream |
revenant {m} | :: A supernatural being that returns from the dead; a zombie or ghost |
revenant {m} | :: A person who returns after a long absence |
revenante {f} | :: feminine singular of revenant |
revendeur {m} | :: reseller |
revendeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of revendeur |
revendicateur {m} | :: claimant |
revendicatif {adj} | :: protest (attributive) |
revendication {f} | :: airing of one's demand; claiming of one's identity |
revendication {f} | :: an instance of such a demand or claim |
revendicatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of revendicateur |
revendiquer {v} [legal] | :: to demand |
revendiquer {v} | :: to claim, to lay claim to (ownership), to stake a claim to |
revendiquer {v} | :: to take on, assume (responsibility) |
revendre {v} | :: resell, sell again |
revenir {v} | :: to come back, to return |
revenir {v} [cooking, preceded by faire] | :: to brown |
revenir {v} | :: to change an opinion |
revenir à ses moutons {v} [colloquial] | :: to return to one's muttons, to get back to the topic at hand, to get back to the point |
revenir à soi {v} | :: to come round, to come to, to regain consciousness |
revenir au même {v} [colloquial] | :: to boil down to the same thing, to amount to the same thing |
revenir de loin {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a close shave |
revenir sur ses pas {v} | :: to double back, to backtrack, to retrace one's steps, to turn back |
revente {f} | :: resale, act of reselling |
revenu {m} | :: revenue |
revenu {m} | :: income |
revenu {m} | :: (steel) drawing, tempering |
revenue {f} | :: a (physical) return; arrival |
revenue {f} [hunting] | :: the action of game leaving the forest to graze |
rêver {v} | :: to dream |
réverbération {f} | :: reverberation |
réverbère {m} | :: streetlight, streetlamp |
réverbérer {vt} | :: to reverberate |
réverbérer {vt} | :: to reflect [light or sound] |
reverdir {v} | :: to turn green again (of trees, plants, etc.) |
révéremment {adv} | :: reverently |
révérence {f} | :: reverence (deep respect) |
révérence {f} | :: bow (gesture made by bending forward at the waist) |
révérencieusement {adv} | :: reverently |
révérencieux {adj} | :: reverent |
révérend {adj} | :: reverend |
révérend {m} | :: reverend |
révérendissime {adj} | :: very reverend |
révérer {vt} | :: to revere |
rêverie {f} | :: daydream, reverie |
revérifier {vt} | :: to reverify, double-check |
revernir {v} | :: to revarnish (varnish again) |
revers {m} | :: reverse side |
revers {m} | :: backhand |
revers {m} [tennis] | :: backhand |
revers de la médaille {m} [figuratively] | :: the flipside (a necessary consequence), the downside |
reversement {m} | :: reversal, reversing |
reverser {v} | :: to repour (pour again) |
reverser {v} | :: to pour back |
reverser {v} [finance] | :: to pay back, put back |
réversibilité {f} | :: reversibility |
réversible {adj} | :: reversible (capable of being reversed or inverted) |
réversiblement {adv} | :: reversibly |
réversion {f} [biology, legal] | :: reversion |
reverter {v} | :: To revert (especially on a wiki) |
réverter {v} [biology] | :: To revert to a previous healthy state |
revêtement {m} | :: any sort of protective surface such as overlay, coating or plating |
revêtir {vt} | :: to clothe, dress (those in need or for ceremonial purposes) |
revêtir {vt} | :: to invest (formally give authority, titles, responsibilities; install in office) |
revêtir {vt} | :: to disguise, hide |
revêtir {vtr} [with de] | :: to put on, dress oneself in |
revêtir {vt} [figuratively] | :: to take on, to assume (aspect, form or appearance) |
revêtir {vt} | :: to coat, treat, cover, overlay, plaster (put a protective cover on (such as wooden support for a trench)) |
revêtir {vt} [by extension] | :: to cover, blanket |
revêtissement {m} | :: alternative form of revêtement |
revêtu {adj} | :: clothed, coated, donning |
revêtu {adj} | :: adorned, decorated |
rêveur {m} | :: A dreamer or idealist |
rêveur {adj} | :: Dreamy |
rêveusement {adv} | :: dreamily |
revigorant {adj} | :: invigorating, roborative |
revigorant {m} | :: tonic |
revigorer {v} | :: to reinvigorate |
revirement {m} | :: change of mind |
revirement {m} | :: reversal (total change) |
révisable {adj} | :: revisable, variable (subject to change) |
réviser {v} | :: to revise, review |
réviseur {m} | :: reviser, checker |
réviseur {m} [legal] | :: review judge |
réviseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of réviseur |
révision {f} | :: revision |
révisionnisme {m} | :: revisionism |
révisionniste {adj} | :: revisionist (of or pertaining to revisionism) |
révisionniste {mf} | :: revisionist |
revisitant {adj} | :: revisiting |
revisiter {vt} | :: to revisit |
revisser {vt} | :: to screw back or again |
revitalisant {adj} | :: revitalizing |
revitalisation {f} | :: revitalization |
revitaliser {vt} | :: to revitalize |
revivifier {vt} | :: to revivify, bring back to life |
revivifier {vt} | :: to revitalize, reinvigorate |
revivifier {vr} | :: to come back to life |
revivre {vi} | :: to live again; to relive |
revivre {vt} | :: to relive (experience again) |
révocable {adj} | :: revocable (capable of being revoked) |
révocablement {adv} | :: revocably |
révocation {f} | :: revocation; act of revoking |
révocatoire {adj} | :: revocatory |
revoici {v} | :: here (something is) again |
revoilà {v} | :: here (something is) again |
revoir {v} | :: to see again |
revoir {v} | :: to re-examine |
revoler {v} | :: To fly again or back |
revoler {v} | :: To squirt |
révoltant {adj} | :: revolting, appalling |
révolte {f} | :: Rebellion, mutiny |
révolter {vt} | :: to revolt, appal, disgust |
révolter {vr} | :: to revolt, rebel (against e.g. government) |
révolu {adj} | :: bygone, past, gone by |
révolution {f} | :: revolution (turn; rotation) |
révolution {f} | :: revolution (political event) |
révolution de palais {f} | :: palace revolution |
Révolution française {prop} {f} | :: the French Revolution |
révolutionnaire {adj} | :: revolutionary (of or pertaining to a revolution in government) |
révolutionnaire {adj} | :: groundbreaking |
révolutionnaire {mf} | :: revolutionary |
révolutionnairement {adv} | :: revolutionarily |
révolutionner {v} | :: to revolutionise |
revolver {m} | :: revolver (gun) |
révoquer {v} | :: to revoke; to remove; to take away |
revouloir {v} | :: to want again |
revouloir {v} | :: to want back |
revue {f} | :: magazine, journal |
revue {f} | :: troop inspection (military) |
revue {f} | :: revue |
revue {f} | :: revision |
revue de presse {f} | :: news digest, media digest; press review (on website etc.) |
révulsé {adj} | :: contorted (face) |
révulsé {adj} | :: shocked |
révulsion {f} | :: revulsion (all senses) |
rexisme {m} [politics] | :: Rexism |
rexiste {adj} [politics] | :: Rexist |
rexiste {m} [politics] | :: Rexist |
Reykjavík {prop} | :: Reykjavík (capital city) |
Reyx {prop} | :: surname |
rez {m} | :: ground floor [only in rez-de-chaussée and rez-de-jardin] |
rez-de-chaussée {m} | :: ground floor |
rez-de-cour {m} | :: courtyard level (storey of a building that opens onto a courtyard) |
rez-de-jardin {m} | :: garden level (storey of a building that opens onto a garden) |
RF {n} | :: RF (radiofrequency) initialism of radiofréquence |
RFI {prop} {f} [communication] | :: initialism of w:Radio France Internationale |
RG {m} | :: short for Direction Centrale des Renseignements Généraux (DCRG), a former French intelligence service |
RG {m} | :: a member of the DCRG, usually working as plain-clothes police or incognito |
rhabdomyolyse {m} | :: rhabdomyolysis |
rhabdomyome {m} [pathology] | :: rhabdomyoma |
rhabiller {v} | :: to get dressed again; to redress |
rhade {m} | :: the Rade language, an Austronesian language spoken by the Rade people |
Rhade {prop} [plural only] | :: The Rade people, a minor ethnic group in the Central Highlands of Vietnam |
rhadé {m} | :: alternative spelling of rhade |
Rhadé {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Rhade |
Rhætie {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Rhétie |
rhapsode {m} | :: rhapsodist |
rhapsode {m} | :: rhapsode |
rhapsodie {f} | :: rhapsody (all senses) |
Rhéa {prop} {f} | :: Rhea (goddess) |
rhénan {adj} | :: Rhenish |
Rhénanie {prop} | :: Rhineland |
Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie {prop} | :: North Rhine-Westphalia (state) |
Rhénanie-Palatinat {prop} | :: Rhineland-Palatinate (state) |
rhénate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: rhenate |
rhénique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: rhenic |
rhénium {m} | :: rhenium |
rhéofluidification {f} [physics] | :: rheofluidification |
rhéologie {f} | :: rheology |
rhéologique {adj} | :: rheological |
rhéomètre {m} | :: rheometer (device) |
rhéométrie {f} | :: rheometry |
rhéométrique {adj} | :: rheometric |
rhéophile {adj} | :: rheophilic |
rhéophile {mf} | :: rheophile |
rhéophore {m} [obsolete, physics] | :: rheophore |
rhéostat {m} | :: rheostat |
rhéotropique {adj} | :: rheotropic |
rhésus {m} | :: rhesus (monkey, factor) |
rhéteur {m} | :: rhetorician |
rhétoricien {adj} | :: rhetorician |
rhétorique {adj} | :: rhetorical (part of or similar to rhetoric) |
rhétorique {f} | :: rhetoric |
rhétoriquement {adv} | :: rhetorically (in a rhetorical manner) |
rhétrice {f} | :: feminine singular of rhéteur |
rhexistasie {f} [geology] | :: rhexistasy |
Rhin {prop} {m} | :: the Rhine |
rhinite {f} | :: rhinitis, coryza |
rhino- {prefix} | :: rhino- |
rhino {m} | :: rhino |
rhinocéros {m} | :: rhinoceros |
rhinopharyngite {f} [pathology] | :: rhinopharyngitis, nasopharyngitis |
rhinopharynx {m} [anatomy] | :: rhinopharynx |
rhinopithèque {m} | :: snub-nosed monkey (of genus Rhinopithecus) |
rhinorrhée {f} | :: rhinorrhea (medical symptom) |
rhizocarpique {adj} [botany, organic chemistry] | :: rhizocarpic |
rhizome {m} [botany] | :: rhizome |
rhizomélique {adj} [anatomy] | :: rhizomelic |
rhizopode {m} [zoology] | :: rhizopod |
rhizosphère {f} | :: rhizosphere (soil region influenced by plant roots) |
rhizosphérique {adj} [biology, geology] | :: rhizospheric |
rhô {m} | :: rho (Greek letter) |
rhodanien {adj} | :: of or from the Rhône department |
rhodanien {m} [linguistics] | :: The Provençal dialect spoken on the banks of the Rhône |
Rhodanien {m} | :: someone of or from the Rhône department |
rhodanienne {f} | :: feminine noun of rhodanien |
Rhodanienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Rhodanien |
rhodéorétine {f} [organic compound] | :: rhodeoretin |
Rhodes {prop} | :: Rhodes (island) |
Rhodes {prop} | :: Rhodes (town) |
Rhodésie {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Rhodesia |
rhodésien {adj} | :: Rhodesian |
rhodié {adj} | :: rhodium-plated |
rhodique {adj} | :: rhodic |
rhodium {m} | :: rhodium |
rhodochrosite {f} [mineral] | :: rhodochrosite |
rhododendron {m} | :: rhododendron |
rhodoïd {m} | :: rhodoid |
rhodonite {f} [mineral] | :: rhodonite |
rhombe {m} | :: rhombus |
rhombencéphale {m} [anatomy] | :: rhombencephalon |
rhombicosidodécaèdre {m} | :: rhombicosidodecahedron |
rhombidodécadodécaèdre {m} | :: rhombidodecadodecahedron |
rhombidodécaèdre {m} | :: rhombidodecahedron |
rhombique {adj} | :: rhombic |
rhombododécaèdre {m} [geometry] | :: alternative form of rhombidodécaèdre |
rhomboèdre {m} | :: rhombohedron |
rhomboédrique {adj} | :: rhombohedral |
rhomboïde {adj} | :: rhomboid |
rhomboïde {m} | :: rhomboid |
rhônalpin {adj} | :: Of or from the Rhône-Alpes region |
Rhône {prop} {m} | :: Rhône (river) |
Rhône {prop} {m} | :: Rhône (department) |
Rhône-Alpes {prop} | :: Rhône-Alpes, region of France |
rhotacisme {m} [phonetics, phonology] | :: rhotacism |
rhubarbe {f} | :: rhubarb (any plant of the genus Rheum) |
rhum {m} | :: rum |
rhumatisant {adj} | :: rheumatic |
rhumatismal {adj} | :: rheumatic |
rhumatismalement {adv} | :: rheumatically |
rhumatisme {m} [pathology] | :: rheumatism |
rhumatoïde {adj} | :: rheumatoid |
rhumatologie {f} | :: rheumatology |
rhumatologique {adj} | :: rheumatological |
rhumatologue {mf} | :: rheumatologist |
rhume {m} | :: cold (illness) |
rhume des foins {m} | :: hay fever |
rhumerie {f} | :: rum distillery |
rhumerie {f} | :: rummery (bar that primarily sells rum) |
ria {f} | :: ria |
riabilité {f} [humor] | :: laughability |
Riansais {m} | :: Someone from the town of Rians, France |
Riansaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Riansais |
riant {adj} | :: laughing (in the process of laughing) |
RIB {m} | :: bank account details |
ribambelle {f} [familiar] | :: herd; swarm |
ribaude {f} [archaic] | :: wench, trollop |
ribaudequin {f} | :: ribauldequin |
ribonucléique {adj} | :: ribonucleic |
ribonucléoprotéine {f} [protein] | :: ribonucleoprotein |
ribonucléotide {m} [biochemistry] | :: ribonucleotide |
ribosome {m} | :: ribosome |
ribosomique {adj} | :: ribosomic |
ribote {f} | :: debauchery |
riboter {v} | :: To drink or eat to excess |
riboter {v} | :: To churn (cream into butter) |
riboteur {m} | :: boozer (person), glutton |
riboteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of riboteur |
ribouis {m} [archaic, colloquial] | :: shoe |
ribouis {m} [slang] | :: foot |
ribouler {v} [slang] | :: to roll one's eyes |
ricain {adj} [slang, pejorative] | :: Yank (an American) |
ricanement {m} | :: snigger (mocking laugh) |
ricaner {v} | :: to giggle |
ricaner {v} | :: to sneer, smile grimly |
ricaneur {m} | :: sniggerer; sneerer |
ricaneur {adj} | :: sniggering; sneering |
Ricard {m} | :: A serving of pastis, especially Pernod Ricard |
-rice {suffix} | :: female equivalent of -eur |
richard {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: rich person, moneybags, capitalist, bourgeois |
Richard {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Richard {prop} {m} | :: surname |
richarde {f} | :: rich woman |
riche {adj} | :: rich (possessing wealth) |
riche comme Crésus {adj} [simile] | :: rich as Croesus (extremely rich) |
richelieu {m} | :: Oxford shoe |
Richelieu {prop} | :: A French commune, in the Indre-et-Loire departement |
Richelieu {prop} | :: surname |
richement {adv} | :: richly; wealthily; expensively |
richesse {f} | :: wealth |
richesse {f} [literally and figuratively] | :: richness |
richissime {adj} | :: very rich |
ricil {m} | :: mascara |
ricin {m} | :: castor |
ricin {m} | :: A tick of the species Ixodes ricinus |
ricinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ricinic |
ricinoléique {adj} | :: ricinoleic |
ricinostéarique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ricinostearic |
rickettsie {f} | :: rickettsia |
ricocher {v} | :: to ricochet (to rebound) |
ricochet {m} | :: rebound; ricochet |
Ricœur {prop} | :: surname famously held by: |
Ricœur {prop} | :: Paul Ricœur (1913–2005), French philosopher who combined phenomenological description with hermeneutics |
ricotta {f} | :: ricotta (Italian whey cheese) |
ric-rac {adv} | :: spot on; exactly |
ric-rac {adv} | :: just about |
rictus {m} | :: rictus; grimace |
ride {f} | :: wrinkle, line (on face etc.) |
ride {f} | :: ripple |
ride {f} | :: ridge |
ridé {adj} | :: wrinkled |
rideau {m} | :: curtain (woven fabric to cover e.g. windows) |
rideau {m} | :: blind (cover for windows) |
rideau {m} [figuratively] | :: curtain, veil (something keeping another in secret) |
rideau de fer {m} | :: Iron Curtain |
ridelle {f} | :: The slatted side of a truck, carriage etc |
rider {vit} | :: to wrinkle |
rider {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: to ride |
ridicule {adj} | :: ridiculous (all meanings) |
ridiculement {adv} | :: ridiculously |
ridiculiser {vt} | :: to ridicule |
ridiculissime {adj} | :: very ridiculous |
ridule {f} | :: little wrinkle |
riemannien {adj} | :: Riemannian |
rien {pron} | :: nothing |
rien {pron} [archaic] | :: anything |
rien à voir {interj} [colloquial, by ellipsis] | :: that has nothing to do with it! not at all! |
rien de nouveau sous le soleil {phrase} | :: there is nothing new under the sun |
rien de rien {pron} | :: nothing at all |
rien du tout {pron} | :: nothing at all |
rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point {proverb} | :: slow and steady wins the race; more haste, less speed |
rien ne va plus {phrase} [gambling] | :: rien ne va plus [announcement of the croupier] |
rien que {adv} | :: only; just |
rien que ça {interj} [colloquial] | :: no less! if you please! |
riépa {v} [slang, backslang, verlan] | :: to bet |
riesling {m} | :: Riesling, riesling |
Rieti {prop} | :: Rieti (province) |
Rieti {prop} | :: Rieti (capital city) |
rieur {m} | :: laugher (one that laughs) |
rieuse {f} | :: feminine noun of rieur |
rieusement {adv} | :: laughingly |
RIF {n} | :: initialism of rock identitaire français a patriotic stream in French rock |
rifain {adj} | :: Of or from Rif |
riff {m} [music] | :: riff |
riflard {m} | :: a carpenter's plane, a scrub plane |
riflard {m} | :: a mason's chisel |
riflard {m} [colloquial] | :: an umbrella |
rifle {m} | :: rifle (carabine) |
rifle à air {m} | :: air rifle |
rifler {v} [archaic] | :: to flay |
rifler {v} [archaic] | :: to rub |
rifler la mort {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to be in danger of death |
Riga {prop} | :: Riga (capital city) |
rigide {adj} | :: rigid |
rigidement {adv} | :: rigidly, stiffly |
rigidifier {vt} | :: to rigidify, make rigid |
rigidité {f} | :: rigidity, stiffness |
rigidité cadavérique {f} [medicine] | :: rigor mortis |
rigodon {m} | :: rigadoon |
rigolade {f} | :: a laugh; a fit of laughter |
rigolade {f} | :: a joke; a farce |
rigolade {f} | :: a doddle (something simple or easy to do) |
rigolard {adj} | :: grinning, laughing |
rigolard {adj} | :: fun-loving |
rigole {f} [agriculture] | :: furrow, channel (small trench cut in the soil or rock for irrigation or for planting seeds) |
rigole {f} [geography] | :: groove, fissure, hollow (naturally occurring depression or furrow, often due to a meteorological event) |
rigole {f} [figurative] | :: furrow (deep wrinkle, usually in the face) |
rigole {f} | :: rivulet, streamlet |
rigoler {vi} [colloquial] | :: To laugh, especially laugh out loud |
rigoler {vi} [colloquial] | :: To joke, to kid |
rigolo {adj} [colloquial] | :: funny (amusing; comical) |
rigolo {m} | :: joker, funny person |
rigolo {m} [slang] | :: revolver, handgun |
rigorisme {m} | :: rigorism |
rigoriste {adj} | :: rigoristic |
rigoriste {adj} | :: rigid |
rigoriste {mf} | :: rigorist |
rigoriste {mf} | :: stickler |
rigor mortis {f} | :: rigor mortis |
rigotte {f} | :: A goats cheese from Lyon |
rigoureusement {adv} | :: rigorously, strictly, thoroughly |
rigoureusement {adv} | :: absolutely, entirely |
rigoureux {adj} | :: rigorous |
rigueur {f} | :: rigour |
rikiki {adj} | :: alternative spelling of riquiqui |
rimaille {f} | :: doggerel (bad verse) |
rimailler {v} | :: To rhyme badly (create doggerel) |
rimailleur {m} | :: rhymester |
rimailleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of rimailleur |
rimaye {m} [geology] | :: a crevasse at the upper end of a mountain glacier |
rimbaldien {adj} | :: Rimbaldian |
Rimbaud {prop} | :: surname |
rime {f} | :: rhyme |
rimer {vi} | :: to rhyme (of two words, whose final syllables are the same) |
rimer {vi} | :: to rhyme (to make rhymes) |
rimer comme hallebarde et miséricorde {v} [simile] | :: to make no sense, to have no rhyme or reason |
rime riche {f} | :: rime riche |
rimeur {m} | :: rhymester |
rimeux {adj} [botany] | :: rimose |
Rimini {prop} | :: Rimini (province) |
Rimini {prop} | :: Rimini (resort city/capital) |
rimmel {m} | :: mascara (eyelash cosmetic) |
rinçage {m} | :: rinsing |
rincer {v} | :: to rinse |
rincer {v} [slang] | :: to drink a lot of alcohol |
rinçure {f} | :: dishwater |
Rindt {prop} | :: surname |
ring {m} [sports, chiefly combat sports] | :: ring |
ring {m} [Belgium] | :: ring road, beltway |
ringard {adj} | :: outdated, old-fashioned, passé, behind the times |
ringard {adj} [colloquial] | :: cheesy, square |
ringard {adj} [colloquial] | :: crummy (low quality) |
ringardise {f} | :: shabbiness, seediness |
ringardise {f} | :: mediocrity |
ringardiser {v} | :: To outdate (make something outdated or old-fashioned) |
ring de boxe {m} | :: boxing ring |
ringgit {m} | :: ringgit (the currency of Malaysia) |
riocher {vi} | :: to laugh softly |
riotte {f} [dated] | :: Squabble; a minor dispute; a petty quarrel |
Rioux {prop} | :: surname |
Ripa {prop} [backslang, verlan] | :: Paris |
ripaille {f} | :: feast |
ripailler {v} | :: to feast |
riper {vi} | :: to slip |
riper {vi} | :: to go away, to take off |
riper {vt} | :: to scrape |
ripoliner {vt} | :: to paint [poorly] |
ripoliner {vt} | :: to revamp (give a facelift to) |
riposte {f} | :: riposte (fencing; witty response; quick reply) |
riposter {v} | :: to retort |
riposter {v} [fencing] | :: to ripost |
ripou {adj} [slang] | :: bent (corrupt) |
ripou {adj} [colloquial] | :: poor, shit, crap |
ripou {mf} [slang] | :: corrupt police officer |
riquiqui {m} | :: Cheap, inferior brandy |
riquiqui {adj} | :: Ridiculously small and cramped |
rira bien qui rira le dernier {proverb} | :: he who laughs last laughs best |
rire {v} | :: to laugh (de at, about) |
rire {m} | :: laugh |
rire à gorge déployée {v} [figuratively] | :: to laugh out loud, to laugh one's head off, to laugh fit to burst |
rire aux éclats {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to laugh out loud |
rire aux larmes {v} [figuratively] | :: to laugh out loud, to laugh until one cries, to be in stitches |
rire comme un bossu {v} [simile] | :: to laugh out loud; to laugh one's head off; to laugh like a drain (literally, "laugh like a hunchback") |
rire comme une baleine {v} [simile] | :: laugh out loud; laugh one's head off; laugh like a drain (literally, "laugh like a whale") |
rire dans sa barbe {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to laugh in one's sleeve, to chuckle to oneself |
rire jaune {v} | :: to laugh in a forced way, to give a hollow laugh, to laugh grudgingly |
rire jaune {m} | :: a hollow laugh, a sour laughter |
rire sous cape {v} [figuratively] | :: to laugh in one's sleeve, to chuckle to oneself |
ris {m} | :: reef |
ris {m} [archaic] | :: laughing, laugh |
ris {m} [literary] | :: pleasures |
ris {m} | :: sweetbread [of a lamb or calf] |
Risa {prop} | :: given name |
risée {f} | :: outburst of laughter |
risée {f} | :: mockery, mocking |
risée {f} | :: laughingstock, mockery |
risée {f} | :: small, sudden gust of wind |
risée {f} | :: ripple caused by such |
risette {f} [colloquial] | :: smile (especially of a child) |
risible {adj} | :: risible, laughable |
risiblement {adv} | :: risibly |
risotto {m} | :: risotto |
rispéridone {f} | :: risperidone |
risquable {adj} | :: synonym of risqué; risky |
risque {m} | :: risk |
risqué {adj} | :: risky |
risqué {adj} | :: risque, risqué |
risquer {vt} | :: to risk, to put at risk |
risquer {vt} | :: to face, to incur |
risquer {v} [followed by the preposition de] | :: to run the risk of; to be likely to |
risquer sa peau {v} [figuratively] | :: to risk one's neck, to risk life and limb |
risqueur {adj} | :: risktaking |
risqueur {m} | :: risktaker |
rissoler {vt} | :: to brown [meat, etc.] |
ristourne {f} [finance, business] | :: discount; rebate |
ristourner {v} | :: to rebate, discount |
rit {m} | :: rite |
rital {m} [ethnic slur] | :: wop, dago (person of Italian descent) |
ritale {f} | :: feminine noun of rital |
ritaline {f} | :: Ritalin |
rite {m} | :: rite |
rite de passage {m} | :: rite of passage |
ritournelle {f} | :: refrain (music) |
rituel {adj} | :: ritual |
rituel {m} | :: ritual |
rituellement {adv} | :: ritually |
rivage {m} | :: bank; shore; coast |
rival {adj} | :: rival (attributively) |
rival {m} | :: rival |
rivale {f} | :: feminine noun of rival |
rivaliser {vi} | :: to compete |
rivalité {f} | :: rivalry |
rive {f} | :: bank (of a river) |
river {v} | :: to drive/set a rivet |
riverain {adj} | :: riverside (along a river) |
riverain {m} | :: amnicolist |
riverain {m} | :: resident (of a specific neighbourhood, square, etc.) |
rivet {m} | :: rivet (mechanical fastener) |
riveter {vt} | :: to rivet |
rivière {f} | :: a river (a river that flows into another river; a river that flows into an ocean or sea is called a fleuve) |
rixdale {f} | :: rixdollar |
rixe {f} | :: brawl, struggle |
Riyad {prop} {m} | :: Riyad (capital city) |
riz {m} | :: rice |
riz au lait {m} | :: rice pudding |
riz complet {m} | :: brown rice, whole-grain rice |
riz gluant {m} | :: sticky rice |
rizicole {adj} [attributive] | :: rice-growing |
riziculteur {m} | :: rice grower, rice farmer |
rizicultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of riziculteur |
riziculture {f} | :: rice growing |
rizière {f} | :: rice paddy |
Rizzuto {prop} | :: surname |
roadmap {f} | :: action plan |
robe {f} | :: dress, frock |
robe {f} | :: fur, coat (of an animal) |
robe {f} | :: wine's colour |
robe à tournure {f} | :: A dress meant to be worn with a bustle. It was popular from the 1860s to the early 1900s |
robe de chambre {f} | :: dressing gown |
robe de mariée {f} | :: wedding dress (the clothing worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony) |
robe de nuit {f} | :: nightgown, nightdress |
robe de soirée {f} | :: evening dress, party dress |
rober {v} | :: to wrap a cigar in a sheet of tobacco |
Roberge {prop} | :: surname |
robert {m} [usually, in the plural, slang, vulgar] | :: tit (human breast) |
Robert {prop} | :: given name |
Robert {prop} | :: surname |
Roberte {prop} | :: given name |
Roberval {prop} | :: A town in the Oise department of Hauts-de-France |
robervalien {adj} [maths] | :: Roberval (attributive) |
Robespierre {prop} | :: surname |
robespierrisme {m} | :: Robespierrism |
robespierriste {adj} | :: Robespierrist |
Robichaud {prop} | :: surname |
Robichaux {prop} | :: surname |
Robicheau {prop} | :: surname |
Robicheaux {prop} | :: surname |
robin {m} [obsolete] | :: sheep, calf |
robin {m} [archaic, pejorative] | :: lawyer |
Robin {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Robin {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Robin des Bois {prop} {m} | :: Robin Hood (legendary English outlaw) |
robinet {m} | :: tap [UK], faucet [US] |
robinet d'arrêt {m} | :: stopcock |
Robinette {prop} | :: surname |
robinetterie {f} | :: taps; plumbing |
robinetterie {f} | :: tap factory |
robinier {m} | :: locust (tree of genus Robinia) |
Robitaille {prop} | :: surname |
Roboam {prop} | :: Rehoboam |
roboratif {adj} | :: roborative, bracing, invigorating |
roborativement {adv} | :: invigoratingly |
robot {m} | :: robot |
robot boulangeur {m} | :: breadmaker |
robotique {adj} | :: robotic |
robotiquement {adv} | :: robotically |
robotisation {f} | :: robotization/robotisation, roboticization/roboticisation |
robotiser {vt} | :: to robotize |
robotiser {vt} | :: to automate |
robuste {adj} | :: robust, hardy |
robustement {adv} | :: robustly (in a robust manner) |
robustesse {f} | :: robustness (quality of being robust) |
roc {m} | :: rock |
roc {m} [dated, chess] | :: rook |
rocade {f} [military] | :: a communication channel behind the front line, allowing soldiers and materiel to move about |
rocade {f} | :: bypass, ring road |
rocade {f} [technology] | :: a kind of twisted-pair cable |
rocaille {f} | :: rocks; rockery |
rocaille {adj} [art] | :: rococo |
rocailleur {m} | :: A person who builds a rockery |
rocailleusement {adv} | :: rockily |
rocailleux {adj} | :: rocky (containing lots of rocks) |
rocambolesque {adj} | :: fantastic, unusual, incredible, wacky |
Rocancourt {prop} | :: surname |
Roch {prop} | :: given name |
roche {f} | :: rock (large mass of stone) |
rochelais {adj} | :: of or from La Rochelle |
Rochelais {m} | :: someone of or from La Rochelle |
Rochelaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Rochelais |
Rocheleau {prop} | :: surname |
roche moutonnée {f} | :: roche moutonnée, sheepback |
rocher {m} | :: rock (mass of projecting rock) |
rocher de Sisyphe {m} | :: Sisyphean task |
rochet {m} | :: rochet |
rochet {m} | :: ratchet |
rocheux {adj} | :: rocky |
rock {m} | :: rock (style of music) |
rocker {v} | :: to rock (play or enjoy rock music) |
rockeur {m} | :: rocker (rock-musician) |
rockeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of rockeur |
rocking-chair {m} | :: rocking chair |
rock'n'roll {m} [music] | :: rock and roll |
rococo {adj} | :: rococo (architectural style, all senses) |
rococo {adj} [abstract, pejorative] | :: Relating to old traditions, which may be seen as foolishly outdated; archaic, old-fashioned, obsolete, backwards |
rocou {f} | :: annatto, the dye and seed of the achiote, Bixa orellana |
rodage {m} | :: running in, breaking in (getting a new product adjusted) |
rodéo {m} | :: rodeo |
roder {vt} | :: to polish, polish up |
roder {vt} | :: to wear in (a motor), to run in |
roder {vt} | :: to polish up, hone (skills) |
rôder {v} | :: to loiter, prowl, move about suspiciously or hostilely |
rôder {v} | :: to wander |
rôdeur {m} | :: prowler, stalker |
rôdeur {adj} | :: prowling, stalking |
Rodin {prop} | :: surname |
rodinien {adj} | :: Rodinian |
Rodolphe {prop} | :: given name |
roentgenium {m} | :: roentgenium |
Rœulx {prop} | :: Rœulx |
rogatoire {adj} | :: rogatory |
rogatoirement {adv} | :: rogatorily |
rogaton {m} | :: junk, piece of junk (something worthless) |
rogaton {m} [in the plural] | :: leftovers (of food) |
Roger {prop} {m} | :: given name, from Old French Rogier (itself from Old Frankish), which was borrowed into English as Roger |
Roger {prop} {m} | :: surname |
rogne {f} [dated, pathology] | :: ringworm (skin condition) |
rogne {f} [colloquial] | :: anger |
rogner {v} | :: to trim, to snip, to cut |
rognon {m} [cooking] | :: kidney |
rognon blanc {m} | :: ram's testicles, lamb fries |
rognonner {v} | :: To grumble |
rognure {f} | :: paring, shaving |
rogomme {m} | :: brandy, liquor |
rogue {f} | :: roe [fish eggs] |
rogue {adj} | :: haughty |
rogue {adj} | :: contemptuous |
rogue {adj} | :: roguish |
roguement {adv} | :: haughtily, contemptuously |
roguement {adv} | :: roguishly |
rohmérien {adj} | :: Rohmerian |
roi {m} | :: king |
roi {m} [chess] | :: king |
roi {m} [card games] | :: king |
roide {adj} [archaic] | :: alternative form of raide |
roidement {adv} | :: alternative form of raidement |
roi des animaux {m} | :: king of beasts (the lion) |
roi des cailles {m} | :: corncrake |
roideur {f} | :: (archaic) Alternative form of raideur |
roidir {v} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of raidir |
roi fainéant {m} [historical] | :: roi fainéant |
roi mage {m} | :: wise man; mage |
roitelet {m} | :: kinglet (bird) |
roitelet {m} | :: A petty king |
rôlage {m} | :: The making of rolls of chewing tobacco |
Roland {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Rolande {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Roland |
rôle {m} | :: role |
rôle {m} | :: character |
Rolim {prop} | :: surname |
roller {m} [countable] | :: in-line skate, rollerblade |
roller {m} [uncountable] | :: skating (with inline skates) |
rollier {m} | :: roller (aggressive bird) |
rollier d'Europe {m} | :: European roller (Coracias garrulus) |
rom {adj} | :: Roma |
Rom {m} | :: a Roma |
romagnol {m} | :: Romagnol (language) |
romain {adj} | :: Roman (pertaining to the city of Rome) |
romain {adj} | :: Roman (related to Ancient Rome or its people or culture) |
Romain {m} | :: Roman (someone from Rome) |
Romain {prop} | :: given name |
romaine {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: a dress |
Romaine {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Romain |
Romaine {prop} | :: A woman from Rome |
romainement {adv} | :: In a Roman manner |
Romains {prop} {m} [Bible] | :: Romans |
romaïque {adj} | :: Romaic |
roman {adj} [linguistics] | :: Romance |
roman {adj} [art] | :: romanesque |
roman {m} | :: novel (work of fiction) |
roman {m} [colloquial] | :: a very long text |
roman à thèse {m} | :: A “thesis novel”: a novel that is didactic rather than entertaining, often taking the form of social commentary |
romance {f} | :: a ballad; a love song |
romancé {adj} | :: romanticized, fictionalized |
romancer {vt} | :: to romanticize, fictionalize |
romanche {m} | :: the Romansch language |
romancier {m} | :: novelist (author of novels) |
romancière {f} | :: novelist |
romand {adj} | :: Swiss French |
Romandie {prop} {f} | :: Romandy |
Romane {prop} | :: given name, a modern feminine form of Romain |
romanesque {adj} | :: romantic (fiction etc) |
romanesquement {adv} | :: romantically |
romanesquement {adv} | :: fancifully |
roman-fleuve {m} | :: novel sequence; family saga |
Romania {prop} [academic, historical, linguistics] | :: the Romance speaking areas of Europe |
romanichel {m} [now pejorative] | :: Gypsy |
romanichel {adj} [now pejorative] | :: Gypsy; Bohemian |
romanisation {f} | :: romanization (Putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet) |
romaniser {v} | :: to Romanize |
romaniste {mf} | :: Romanist |
romantique {adj} | :: romantic |
romantique {mf} | :: romantic |
romantiquement {adv} | :: romantically |
romantisme {m} | :: Romanticism |
romantisme {m} | :: romanticism |
romarin {m} | :: rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) |
romariné {adj} | :: Flavoured with rosemary |
rombière {f} [colloquial] | :: biddy (old woman) |
Rome {prop} {f} | :: Rome (capital city) |
Rome {prop} {f} | :: Rome (metropolitan city) |
Rome antique {prop} {f} | :: Ancient Rome |
Rome ne s'est pas faite en un jour {proverb} | :: Rome wasn’t built in a day |
Roméo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
rompable {adj} | :: breakable (capable of being broken) |
rompre {vt} | :: to break (something) |
rompre {vt} | :: to snap (something) |
rompre {vr} | :: to break |
rompre {v} | :: break up (with someone) |
rompre les chiens {v} | :: to end a conversation that got off to a bad start |
rompre les rangs {v} | :: to break ranks |
rompu {adj} | :: broken, exhausted, worn-out |
rompu {adj} [with the preposition à] | :: practiced, skilled, experienced |
romsteck {m} | :: alternative form of rumsteck |
Romuald {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Ronan {prop} | :: given name, derived from Gaelic Rónán |
ronce {f} [plant] | :: bramble (Rubus fruticosus) |
ronce {f} [figurative] | :: trouble, difficulty, problem |
ronchon {adj} | :: grumpy, grouchy |
ronchonner {vi} | :: to grumble, grouse |
roncier {m} | :: bramble, blackberry-bush |
roncin {m} | :: workhorse (horse) |
rond {adj} | :: round (shape) |
rond {adj} [France, colloquial] | :: drunk |
rond {m} | :: circle |
rond {m} [colloquial] | :: coin; (piece of) change, money |
rond central {m} [sports] | :: centre circle |
rond comme une queue de pelle {adj} [France, Belgium, simile, colloquial] | :: very drunk |
rond-de-cuir {m} | :: doughnut-shaped leather cushion to relieve haemorrhoids |
rond-de-cuir {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: pen-pusher |
rond-de-cuir {m} | :: leather patch (for elbows of clothing) |
rond de serviette {m} | :: napkin ring |
rond de sorcière {m} [mycology] | :: fairy ring |
ronde {f} | :: a watch (a period of time when guards are posted) |
ronde {f} [dance] | :: a traditional dance where the dancers form a ring and move laterally with the music |
ronde {f} [music] | :: a whole note, a semibreve |
rondeau {m} [poetry] | :: rondeau |
rondeau {m} [music] | :: rondo |
Rondeau {prop} | :: surname |
Rondeaux {prop} | :: surname |
rondelet {adj} | :: quite round; roundish |
rondelet {adj} [by extension] | :: large, hefty, significant |
rondelle {f} [ice hockey] | :: hockey puck |
rondelle {f} | :: ring or annulus |
rondelle {f} | :: disk; washer |
rondelle {f} | :: onion ring |
rondelle {f} | :: slice |
rondelle {f} [vulgar] | :: asshole (anus) |
rondement {adv} | :: promptly, briskly |
rondement {adv} | :: frankly, sincerely |
rondeur {f} | :: roundness |
rondeur {f} | :: plumpness |
rondeur {f} | :: straightforwardness |
rondeur {f} | :: (in plural) curves (of a woman) |
rondin {m} | :: log |
rondocubisme {m} | :: rondocubism |
rondouillard {adj} | :: chubby |
rond-point {m} | :: roundabout, traffic circle |
ronéo {f} | :: Roneo, duplicator |
ronéoter {vt} | :: to duplicate [using a Roneo] |
ronflant {adj} | :: snoring |
ronflant {adj} | :: snorting |
ronflant {adj} | :: roaring |
ronflement {m} | :: snoring |
ronflement {m} | :: snore |
ronfler {v} | :: to snore |
ronfler {v} | :: to snort (of a horse etc) |
ronfler {v} | :: to roar |
ronfler comme un sonneur {v} [simile] | :: to snore like a chainsaw, to snore like a buzzsaw, to snore like a freight train |
ronfler par saccades {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to go to sleep, to hit the hay |
ronfleur {m} | :: snorer (someone who snores) |
ronfleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of ronfleur |
rongeant {adj} | :: gnawing |
ronger {v} | :: to gnaw |
ronger {v} | :: to erode, to eat at |
ronger son frein {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to champ at the bit, to smolder |
rongeur {m} | :: rodent |
rongeur {m} [surgery] | :: rongeur |
rônier {m} | :: Palmyra palm (of the genus Borassus) |
ronner {v} [Swiss] | :: To murmur, grumble, mumble |
ronron {m} | :: a purr (purring noise) |
ronronnant {adj} [literally and figuratively] | :: purring |
ronronnement {m} | :: purr (purring noise) |
ronronner {v} | :: to purr |
ronsardien {adj} | :: Ronsardian |
roque {m} [chess] | :: an instance of castling |
roquefort {m} | :: Roquefort (cheese) |
roquer {v} [chess] | :: to castle |
roquette {f} | :: rocket (weapon) |
roquette {f} | :: rocket [UK, Australia, NZ]; arugula [US] (plant) |
ROR {n} | :: MMR |
rorifère {adj} | :: roriferous (producing or generating dew) |
rorqual {m} | :: rorqual |
rorqual bleu {m} | :: blue whale |
rosace {f} | :: rosette |
rosace {f} [architecture] | :: rose |
rosace {f} | :: rose window |
rosacée {f} | :: rosacea (chronic condition) |
rosaire {m} | :: rosary (Catholic prayer beads) |
rosalie {f} | :: quadricycle |
Rosalie {prop} | :: given name |
rosâtre {adj} | :: pinkish |
Rosberg {prop} | :: Rosberg; surname |
rosbif {m} | :: roast beef |
rosbif {m} [pejorative, ethnic slur] | :: an English person |
rose {f} | :: rose (flower) |
rose {f} | :: rose window |
rose {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: rose |
rose {m} | :: pink |
rose {adj} | :: pink |
rose {adj} [humorous] | :: pink, left-wing |
rose {adj} [colloquial] | :: erotic, blue |
rose {adj} [in phrases] | :: rosy, rose-tinted |
Rose {prop} | :: given name |
rosé {adj} | :: pinkish |
rosé {m} | :: rosé [a pale pink wine] |
roseau {m} | :: common reed (Phragmites australis) |
roseau {m} [by extension] | :: any reed |
roseau {m} | :: quill, feather pen |
rose bonbon {adj} | :: candy pink |
rose des vents {f} | :: compass rose |
rose d'Inde {f} | :: Mexican marigold |
rosée {f} | :: dew (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc) |
roselière {f} | :: a reed bed |
roselin {m} | :: any of a large number of finches |
Roseline {prop} | :: given name |
Roselyne {prop} | :: given name |
Rose-Marie {prop} | :: given name, combination of Rose and Marie |
Rosemont {prop} | :: Rosemount |
Rosemont {prop} | :: Rosemont (district) |
Rosen {prop} | :: surname |
Rosenberg {prop} | :: surname |
Rosenblum {prop} | :: surname |
Rosenfeld {prop} | :: surname |
Rosenthal {prop} | :: surname |
roseraie {f} | :: rose garden |
rose trémière {f} [flowers] | :: hollyhock (Alcea rosea, an ornamental plant in the Malvaceae family) |
rosette {f} | :: rosette |
rosicrucianisme {m} | :: Rosicrucianism |
rosicrucien {adj} | :: Rosicrucian |
rosier {m} | :: rosebush |
rosière {f} | :: A young, virtuous girl |
rosir {v} | :: to blush |
rosir {v} | :: to become or make pink |
rosissement {m} | :: pinking (becoming pink) |
rosolique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: rosolic |
rosse {f} [pejorative, of a woman] | :: A bitch, a harpy or cow |
rosse {f} [pejorative, of a man] | :: A bastard or asshole |
rosser {v} | :: to beat |
rosser {v} [slang] | :: to hammer, to thrash, to defeat |
rossignol {m} | :: nightingale |
rossignol {m} | :: picklock |
rossignol {m} [colloquial] | :: piece of junk |
Rossignol {prop} | :: surname |
rossignolade {f} | :: birdsong of the nightingale |
rossignole {f} | :: female nightingale |
rossignoler {vti} | :: to sing like a nightingale |
rossignoler {vt} | :: to pick (a lock) |
rossignolet {m} | :: young nightingale |
Rostand {prop} | :: surname |
rostral {adj} | :: rostral |
rostralement {adv} | :: rostrally |
rot {m} [colloquial] | :: belch, burp |
rôt {m} | :: meat roasted on a spit |
rotarienne {n} | :: Female Rotarian (member of the Rotary club) |
rotateur {adj} | :: rotatory |
rotateur {m} [anatomy] | :: rotator (muscle) |
rotatif {adj} | :: rotary |
rotatif {adj} | :: rotating, revolving, rotative |
rotation {f} | :: rotation |
rotationnel {adj} [physics] | :: rotational |
rotationnel {m} [mathematics] | :: curl |
rotative {f} | :: rotary press |
rotativiste {mf} | :: rotary press operator |
rotatoire {adj} | :: rotary |
rote {f} | :: rote (musical instrument) |
rotengle {m} | :: rudd |
roter {v} | :: to belch; to burp |
roteux {m} [Quebec, very familiar] | :: hot dog |
Roth {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Rothkopf {prop} | :: surname |
Rothschild {prop} | :: surname |
Rothstein {prop} | :: surname |
rôti {adj} | :: roast |
rôti {m} | :: roast (roast meat) |
rôtie {f} [Quebec] | :: toast (bread) |
rotin {m} | :: rattan |
rôtir {v} | :: to roast |
rôtisserie {f} | :: rotisserie |
rôtisserie {f} | :: cooked meat shop or counter |
rôtisseur {m} | :: roaster (person who roasts meat) |
rôtisseur {m} | :: shop that sells roast meat |
rôtisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of rôtisseur |
rôtissoire {f} | :: rotisserie, broiler (device) |
rotoïde {adj} | :: rotational |
rotond {adj} [archaic, literary, rare] | :: rotund, round (shape) |
rotonde {f} [architecture] | :: rotunda |
rotondité {f} | :: roundness |
rotondité {f} | :: rotundity |
rottweiler {m} | :: Rottweiler (dog) |
rotule {f} | :: kneecap |
rotule {f} | :: ball-and-socket joint |
rotulien {adj} | :: patellar |
roture {f} [historical] | :: A landholding in New France, immediately below the level of seigneurie, and typically between 40 and 200 square arpents in size |
roturier {adj} | :: common; not noble |
roturier {m} | :: commoner |
roturièrement {adv} | :: commonly (not nobly) |
ROU {prop} [sports] | :: abbreviation of Rouyn-Noranda (Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada) |
rouage {m} | :: wheel (in a machine), cog |
rouage {m} | :: machinery (of an administration etc.) |
rouage {m} [in the plural] | :: the parts, works; the workings |
rouan {adj} | :: roan |
roubaisien {adj} | :: Of or from Roubaix |
Roubaisien {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Roubaix |
Roubaisien {m} | :: (Zootechnics) Pigeon breed from France (Roubaix), for fancy purposes |
Roubaisienne {f} | :: Female native or inhabitant of Roubaix; feminine noun of Roubaisien |
Roubaix {prop} | :: Roubaix (city) |
Roubaix {prop} | :: Patronymic name affixed with “de”, given after the city's name: Roubaix |
roublard {adj} [colloquial] | :: wily, artful, cunning |
roublard {m} | :: wily person |
roublardise {f} | :: craftiness |
rouble {m} | :: ruble |
roubler {v} [dialectal] | :: to trick; to con; to dupe |
roucou {f} | :: achiote, the shrub Bixa orellana |
roucoulement {m} | :: coo (of dove, pigeon etc.) |
roucouler {v} | :: to coo (make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon) |
roudoudou {m} | :: candy consisting of hard caramel cast in a shell |
roue {f} | :: A wheel |
roue {f} | :: The breaking wheel |
roué {m} | :: roué (debauched or lecherous person) |
roue de secours {f} | :: spare tyre, spare wheel |
roue en acier {f} [automotive] | :: steel rim |
roue en alliage {f} [automotive] | :: alloy wheel, mag wheel |
rouelle {f} | :: steak (especially of veal, cut across the leg) |
Rouen {prop} {m} | :: Rouen (capital city) |
rouennais {adj} | :: of or from Rouen |
Rouennais {m} | :: A native or inhabitant or Rouen |
Rouennaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Rouennais |
rouer {vt} | :: to curl up, roll up |
rouer {vi} | :: to roll (of e.g. birds, to spin in the air) |
rouer {vt} | :: to beat upon the breaking wheel |
rouer {vt} | :: to run over (squash by driving over) |
rouer {vt} | :: to abuse, beat (subject to a beating) |
rouer de coups {vt} | :: to pummel, to lambaste, to shower with blows, to rain blows upon |
Rouergue {prop} | :: Former province of southern France, corresponding approximately to the current department of Aveyron |
rouerie {f} | :: trickery, guile, cunning |
rouet {m} | :: spinning wheel |
rouette {f} [archaic] | :: synonym of roulette |
rouf {m} [nautical] | :: deckhouse, coachroof, cuddy |
rouflaquette {f} | :: (especially in plural) sideburn |
rougail {m} [Réunion] | :: A kind of condiment served with curry |
rougarou {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative spelling of loup-garou; werewolf |
rouge {adj} | :: red (of a red color) |
rouge {adj} | :: red (left-wing, socialist) |
rouge {m} | :: red |
rouge à lèvres {m} | :: lipstick (make-up for the lips) |
rougeâtre {adj} | :: reddish |
Rougeau {prop} | :: surname |
rougeaud {adj} | :: red-faced |
rouge comme une pivoine {adj} [simile] | :: red as a beetroot |
rouge comme une tomate {adj} [simile, colloquial] | :: red as a beetroot |
rouge-gorge {m} | :: (European) robin, robin redbreast |
rouge-gorge européen {m} | :: European robin |
rouge-gorge familier {m} | :: European robin |
rougement {adv} | :: redly |
rougeoiement {m} | :: reddish glow |
rougeoiement {m} | :: flush |
rougeole {f} | :: measles, rubeola (acute highly contagious viral disease) |
rougeoleux {adj} | :: measles (attributive) |
rougeoyant {adj} | :: glowing (red) |
rougeoyer {vi} | :: to glow (red) |
rouge-queue {m} | :: alternative form of rougequeue |
rougequeue {m} | :: redstart (Phoenicurus) |
rouge sang {adj} | :: blood red (of a deep vivid red colour) |
rouget {m} | :: red mullet (UK), goatfish (US) |
rouget {m} | :: A porcine infectuous disease |
rougeur {f} [literary] | :: redness |
rougeur {f} | :: flush, flushing |
rougir {vi} | :: to redden, blush |
rougissant {adj} | :: reddening |
rougissant {adj} | :: blushing |
rougissement {m} | :: reddening, blushing |
Rouillard {prop} | :: surname |
rouille {adj} [color] | :: rust |
rouille {f} | :: rust (oxidation of iron) |
rouille {f} | :: rust (fungus disease of plants) |
rouille {f} [cooking] | :: rouille (provençal sauce) |
rouillé {adj} [literally and figuratively] | :: rusty |
rouiller {v} | :: to rust |
rouiller {v} [figuratively] | :: to get rusty by lack of practise |
rouilleux {adj} | :: rusty |
rouilleux {adj} | :: rust-coloured |
rouir {vt} | :: to ret |
rouissage {m} | :: retting |
rouissoir {m} | :: rettery |
roulade {f} | :: roll, roly-poly (act of rolling forward or sidewards) |
roulade {f} | :: roulade (dish) |
roulade {f} [music] | :: roulade |
roulage {m} | :: haulage |
roulage {m} | :: rolling (of hot metal) |
roulage de pelle {v} [colloquial] | :: French kiss |
roulant {adj} | :: Equipped with wheels |
roulant {adj} | :: Equipped with rolling cylinders or similar mechanisms for transportation of things |
roulant {adj} [colloquial, dated] | :: Very funny |
rouleau {m} | :: roll, roller |
Rouleau {prop} | :: surname |
rouleau à pâtisserie {m} | :: rolling pin |
rouleau compresseur {m} | :: road roller |
rouleau de printemps {m} | :: summer roll, Vietnamese spring roll |
rouleau de printemps {m} | :: Chinese spring roll |
roulé-boulé {m} | :: roll, roly-poly |
roulement {m} | :: roll; rolling (action of rolling) |
roulement {m} [mechanics] | :: bearing |
roulement {m} | :: roll (beating of a drum) |
roulement {m} | :: roll (of thunder) |
roulement à billes {m} | :: ball bearing |
rouler {v} | :: to roll |
rouler {v} | :: to revolve |
rouler {v} [colloquial] | :: to go (of events, to proceed) |
rouler {v} [of a vehicle] | :: to work, to function |
rouler {vi} | :: to drive (a vehicle) |
rouler {v} [colloquial] | :: to dupe, to trick |
rouler carrosse {v} [figuratively] | :: to be wealthy and live high on the hog, to live in high style |
rouler dans la farine {vt} [figuratively] | :: to fool, to deceive; to scam, to con, to swindle, to take to the cleaners |
rouler des mécaniques {v} [colloquial, somewhat dated] | :: to swagger, to strut about, to flex one's muscles |
rouler les mécaniques {v} | :: alternative form of rouler des mécaniques |
rouler sa bosse {v} | :: to travel around, to rove about, to travel the world |
rouler sur l'or {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be rolling in money, to be rolling in it, to be minting it (to be extremely well-off financially) |
rouler une galoche {v} [colloquial] | :: to French kiss (kiss someone while inserting one’s tongue into their mouth) |
rouler une pelle {v} [colloquial] | :: to French kiss (kiss someone while inserting one’s tongue into their mouth) |
rouler un palot {v} [colloquial] | :: to French kiss (kiss someone while inserting one’s tongue into their mouth) |
rouler un patin {v} [colloquial] | :: to French kiss (kiss someone while inserting one’s tongue into their mouth) |
roulette {f} | :: small wheel |
roulette {f} | :: caster, castor |
roulette {f} [geometry, archaic] | :: cycloid |
roulette {f} | :: roulette (game) |
roulette {f} | :: roulette wheel |
roulette {f} [engraving] | :: roulette |
roulette {f} | :: roller |
roulette {f} [dentistry] | :: dentist drill |
roulette {f} | :: pastry roller |
roulette de défilement {f} [computing] | :: mouse wheel |
roulette russe {f} | :: Russian roulette |
roulez jeunesse {interj} [colloquial] | :: let's go! here we go! |
roulier {m} | :: cart driver |
roulier {m} [nautical] | :: roll-on roll-off (vessel) |
roulière {f} | :: feminine singular of roulier |
roulis {m} | :: rolling, swaying, sway, rocking |
roulotte {f} | :: wagon, caravan, mobile home |
roulotte à patate {f} | :: chip wagon |
roulotte à patates {f} | :: alternative form of roulotte à patate |
roumain {adj} | :: Romanian |
roumain {m} | :: The Romanian language |
Roumain {m} | :: male Romanian person |
Roumaine {f} | :: female equivalent of Roumain |
Roumanie {prop} {f} | :: Romania |
roupie {f} | :: rupee (monetary currency) |
roupie {f} [slang] | :: snot |
roupiller {v} [archaic] | :: to drowse, to doze |
roupiller {v} [colloquial] | :: to (get some) sleep, to kip |
roupillon {m} [colloquial] | :: sleep |
rouquin {adj} | :: ginger; red-headed |
rouquin {m} [colloquial] | :: redhead, ginger |
rouquin {m} [colloquial, masculine only] | :: red wine |
rouscailler {vi} [colloquial] | :: to grumble |
rouscailler {vi} [slang] | :: to chat, rap |
rouspétance {f} | :: grumbling |
rouspéter {v} | :: to grumble |
roussanne {f} | :: A variety of white grape, from the valley of the Rhône, used to make white wine |
roussâtre {adj} | :: gingerish, reddish, ruddy |
rousse {f} | :: redhead (woman) |
Rousseau {prop} | :: surname |
Rousseau {prop} | :: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Swiss philosopher) |
rousseauiste {adj} | :: Rousseauean |
Rousselle {prop} | :: surname |
roussette {f} | :: flying fox (mammal) |
rousseur {f} | :: redness, russet colour |
roussi {adj} | :: scorched |
roussi {m} | :: smell of burning |
Roussillon {prop} {m} | :: Roussillon (French region) |
roussillonnais {adj} | :: Of or from Roussillon |
roussir {v} | :: to scorch |
routage {m} | :: routing |
routard {m} [tourism] | :: backpacker |
route {f} | :: road (sometimes route like "Route 66") |
route {f} | :: route, way, path |
route de la soie {f} | :: Silk Road |
router {v} | :: to route |
route royale {f} [historical] | :: main road (major road linking two cities under the Ancien Régime) |
routeur {m} [Internet] | :: router |
routier {adj} [attributive] | :: road |
routier {m} [nautical] | :: rutter |
routier {m} | :: trucker, truck driver |
routier {m} [France] | :: restaurant for truckers and other road travellers; truck stop; diner |
routine {f} | :: routine (all senses) |
routine {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: road |
routinier {adj} | :: routine, humdrum |
routinièrement {adv} | :: routinely |
rouvert {adj} | :: reopened |
rouvre {m} | :: sessile oak |
rouvrir {v} | :: to reopen, to open again |
roux {adj} | :: russet |
roux {adj} | :: ginger (of hair) |
roux {m} | :: redhead (man) |
roux {m} [cooking] | :: roux (a mixture of fat and flour) |
Roux {prop} | :: surname |
Rouynorandien {m} [demonym] | :: A male denizen of Rouyn-Noranda |
Rouynorandienne {f} [demonym] | :: feminine noun of Rouynorandien (A female denizen of Rouyn-Noranda) |
rovibronique {adj} | :: rovibronic |
Roxane {prop} | :: Roxana (the wife of Alexander the Great) |
Roxane {prop} | :: given name |
roy {m} [pre-1800] | :: obsolete spelling of roi |
Roy {prop} | :: surname |
Roy {prop} [Canada] | :: given name |
Roy {prop} [Canada] | :: surname |
Roy {prop} | :: [Canada] given name and surname French families arrived in Canada during the 1700's and founded what would be known as Acadia. These included such places in the northeastern region of North America comprising what is now the Canadian Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. |
royal {adj} | :: royal (of or relating to a monarch or their family) |
Royal {prop} | :: surname |
royalement {adv} | :: royally; regally; majestically |
royalement {adv} [colloquial] | :: terribly; seriously (extremely) |
royalisme {m} | :: royalism |
royaliste {mf} | :: royalist |
royaliste {adj} | :: royalist |
royalty {f} | :: royalty (all senses) |
royaume {m} | :: kingdom |
Royaume de Belgique {prop} {m} | :: the Kingdom of Belgium (official name of Belgium) |
Royaume-Uni {prop} {m} | :: Royaume-Uni (country) |
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord {prop} {m} | :: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
royauté {f} | :: monarchy |
royauté {f} | :: kingship |
royauté {f} [rare] | :: royalty (in the sense of the status or power of a monarchy) |
royer {v} [Switzerland, impersonal] | :: to rain |
Royer {prop} | :: surname |
Roze {prop} | :: surname |
Roze {prop} | :: given name [especially in compound names like Marie-Roze or Roze-Catherine] |
RPC {prop} {f} | :: initialism of République populaire de Chine |
RRO {n} | :: MMR |
r. s. v. p. {phrase} | :: synonym of RSVP |
r.s.v.p. {phrase} | :: synonym of RSVP |
rsvp {v} [at the end of a letter] | :: Please reply |
R. S. V. P. {phrase} | :: synonym of RSVP |
R.S.V.P. {phrase} | :: alternative form of RSVP |
RSVP {phrase} | :: initialism of répondez s'il vous plaît (RSVP) |
RSVP {phrase} | :: initialism of réservez s'il vous plaît (RSVP) |
rte. {f} | :: abbreviation of route |
rte {f} | :: abbreviation of route |
RTFM {phrase} | :: initialism of regarde ton foutu manuel (look at your fucking manual) |
RTG {f} | :: Gas Turbine Trainset (a gas turbine-powered train from France) |
ru {m} [archaic] | :: small stream |
R.-U. {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of RU: UK |
RU {prop} {m} [abbreviation] | :: initialism of Royaume-Uni |
ruade {f} | :: kick (from the rear legs of a horse or similar animal) |
rubalise {f} | :: A plastic band, usually striped, used to delimit a restricted-accessed zone |
ruban {m} | :: band, stripe |
ruban {m} | :: ribbon |
ruban adhésif {m} | :: sticky tape, adhesive tape, sellotape, Scotch tape |
rubanier {m} | :: ribbonmaker |
rubanier {m} | :: bur-reed (plant of the genus Sparganium) |
rubanière {f} | :: female equivalent of rubanier |
Ruben {prop} | :: Reuben [biblical character] |
Ruben {prop} | :: given name |
rubéole {f} | :: rubella |
rubéoleux {adj} | :: rubella (attributive) |
rubicond {adj} | :: rubicund, ruddy |
rubidium {m} | :: rubidium |
rubis {m} | :: ruby |
rubis sur l'ongle {adv} [of drinking, archaic] | :: in one go, completely |
rubis sur l'ongle {adv} [of paying] | :: on the nail, on the barrelhead, in time and in full, completely |
rubrédoxine {f} [protein] | :: rubredoxin |
rubrène {m} [organic compound] | :: rubrene |
rubriciste {mf} | :: rubricist, rubrician (one skilled in, tenaciously holding to rubrics) |
rubrique {f} | :: category, heading |
rubrique {f} | :: rubric |
ruche {f} | :: hive, beehive |
ruche {f} [textiles, fashion] | :: ruffle; flounce; ruche |
ruchée {f} | :: Production of beehive |
ruchée {f} | :: Population of beehive |
rucher {m} | :: apiary (a place where bees and hives are kept) |
rucher {v} [agriculture] | :: to pile up hay stacks in the form of a beehive |
rucher {v} [sewing] | :: to shirr or to pleat an item of clothing patterned after a beehive |
ruck {m} [rugby] | :: ruck |
rude {adj} | :: rough, harsh |
rude {adj} | :: tough, hard; severe |
rude {adj} | :: crude, unpolished |
rude {adj} | :: hardy, tough, rugged |
rude {adj} [colloquial] | :: formidable, fearsome |
rudement {adv} | :: hard, violently |
rudement {adv} | :: harshly, roughly |
rudement {adv} | :: severely |
rudement {adv} | :: insanely, terribly [expressing great intensity] |
rudesse {f} | :: roughness, harshness; ruggedness |
rudiment {m} | :: rudiment (fundamental principle) |
rudimentaire {adj} | :: rudimentary |
rudimentairement {adv} | :: rudimentarily |
rudoyer {vt} | :: to treat harshly, mistreat |
rudoyer {vt} | :: to humble (violently) |
rue {f} | :: street, road |
rue {f} | :: rue (the plant) |
ruée {f} | :: rush, dash |
ruée {f} | :: mob, huge crowd |
ruée vers l'or {f} | :: gold rush |
ruelle {f} | :: lane, alley, laneway, alleyway |
ruelle {f} [archaic] | :: ruelle (space between bed and wall) |
ruelle {f} [historical] | :: ruelle (room used to hold literary gatherings) |
ruer {vt} [of a horse] | :: to kick with its hind legs |
ruer {vt} [dated] | :: to hurl |
ruer {vi} [dated] | :: to struggle, fight |
ruer {vr} [by extension] | :: to mob, jump on |
ruer dans les brancards {v} | :: to kick over the traces, to jib (to become rebellious) |
ruffian {m} | :: alternative spelling of rufian |
rufian {m} | :: ruffian (scoundrel, rascal) |
Rufisque {prop} | :: Rufisque (city) |
rugby {m} | :: rugby (sport) |
rugby à quinze {m} | :: rugby union |
rugby à sept {m} [sports] | :: rugby sevens |
rugby à treize {m} | :: rugby league |
rugby à XIII {m} | :: rugby league |
rugby à XV {m} | :: rugby union |
rugbyman {m} | :: rugby player |
rugbywoman {f} [sports] | :: rugby player |
rugir {v} | :: to roar |
rugissement {m} | :: roar |
rugosité {f} | :: roughness |
rugueusement {adv} | :: roughly |
rugueux {adj} | :: rough |
ruine {f} | :: ruin, wreck |
ruine {f} [finance] | :: ruin |
ruiner {v} | :: to ruin |
ruiner {v} | :: to raze to the ground, to destroy, to wreck |
ruiner {v} [figuratively] | :: to shatter (hope), to ruin (reputation) |
ruineusement {adv} | :: ruinously |
ruineux {adj} | :: ruinous |
ruineux {adj} | :: ruinously expensive; extravagant |
ruisseau {m} | :: stream, brook, creek |
ruisselant {adj} | :: streaming |
ruisseler {v} | :: to stream, drip, pour |
ruisselet {m} | :: rivulet, brook |
ruissellement {m} | :: streaming |
ruisseller {v} | :: archaic spelling of ruisseler |
rumba {f} | :: rumba (dance) |
rumen {m} | :: rumen (stomach) |
ruménique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: rumenic |
rumeur {f} | :: rumour / rumor |
rumex {m} | :: sorrel (plant of the genus Rumex) |
rumicine {f} | :: rumicin |
ruminant {adj} | :: ruminant |
ruminant {m} | :: ruminant |
rumination {f} | :: rumination (act of ruminating) |
ruminer {v} | :: to ruminate (to chew cud) |
ruminer {v} | :: to ponder, turn over, chew over (in one's mind) |
rumsteck {m} | :: rump steak |
rune {f} | :: rune |
runiforme {adj} | :: runiform |
runique {adj} | :: runic |
runologie {f} | :: runology |
Rupélien {prop} {m} | :: Rupelian period |
ruper {v} [Switzerland] | :: to eat |
rupestre {adj} | :: rocky |
rupin {adj} | :: filthy rich |
rupture {f} | :: breakup, rupture |
rural {adj} | :: rural |
ruralisation {f} | :: ruralization |
ruralité {f} | :: rurality |
rurbanisation {f} | :: urbanization relating to the countryside (not to be confused with peri-urbanization) |
ruse {f} [uncountable] | :: cunning, guile |
ruse {f} | :: ruse, trick |
rusé {adj} | :: cunning, wily, crafty |
rusé comme un renard {adj} [simile] | :: sly as a fox |
ruser {v} | :: to use one's cunning, to be crafty, to beguile |
russe {adj} | :: Russian |
russe {m} | :: Russian language |
Russe {mf} | :: Russian (person) |
russelia {m} | :: synonym of russélie |
russélie {f} | :: firecracker flower (of the genus Russelia) |
Russie {prop} {f} | :: Russia |
russien {adj} [dated] | :: Russian |
russifier {v} | :: to Russify |
russiste {mf} | :: Russicist, linguist specialized in the Russian language studies |
russo- {prefix} | :: Russo- (relating to Russia or the Russians) |
russophone {mf} | :: Russophone |
russophone {adj} | :: Russophone |
rustaud {adj} | :: crass; vulgar |
rustaud {m} | :: a crass or vulgar person |
rustaude {f} | :: feminine noun of rustaud |
rustaudement {adv} | :: crassly |
rustaudement {adv} | :: vulgarly |
rusticité {f} [of a person] | :: crudeness, roughness, uncouthness |
rusticité {f} [husbandry, agriculture] | :: the ability to weather the elements |
rustine {f} | :: patch (rubber, to repair a bicycle tyre) |
rustine {f} [figurative] | :: stop-gap, workaround |
rustique {adj} | :: rustic |
rustiquement {adv} | :: rustically |
rustre {adj} | :: uncouth |
rustre {mf} | :: a bumpkin, a yokel (person from the countryside) |
rustre {mf} | :: a lout |
rustre {mf} | :: a hulk |
rustre {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: rustre |
rut {m} | :: rut (sexual excitement) |
rutabaga {m} | :: swede, rutabaga (yellow root of Brassica napus) |
Ruth {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Ruth {prop} {f} [bible] | :: Ruth |
ruthénate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ruthenate |
ruthène {m} | :: Ruthenian (slavonic language) |
Ruthène {mf} | :: Ruthenian |
ruthénium {m} | :: ruthenium |
rutherfordium {m} | :: rutherfordium |
rutile {m} [mineral] | :: rutile |
rutilement {m} | :: luminosity, glow |
rutiler {v} | :: to glow, to shine (like gold or copper) |
RVB {n} [computing] | :: initialism of rouge, vert, bleu (RGB) |
Rwanda {prop} {m} | :: Rwanda (country) |
rwandais {adj} | :: Rwandan |
Rwandais {m} | :: Rwandan |
Rwandaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Rwandais |
rythme {m} | :: rhythm |
rythmer {v} [music] | :: to mark or give a rhythm or beat |
rythmicien {m} | :: rhythmist |
rythmicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of rythmicien |
rythmique {adj} | :: rhythmic |
rythmiquement {adv} | :: rhythmically |