User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-l
lab {noun} | :: paw |
laber {adj} | :: nice |
laber {adj} | :: pretty |
laber {adj} | :: alluring |
laber {adj} [maritime] | :: not very strong wind |
labil {adj} | :: labile (apt or likely to change) |
laborant {noun} | :: someone who works in a lab, especially a chemical or biological one |
laboratorievægt {noun} | :: a weight used in a laboratory |
lacrosse {noun} [sports] | :: lacrosse |
lad {adj} | :: languid, lazy, indolent |
lad {noun} | :: bed (platform of a truck, trailer, railcar, or other vehicle that supports the load to be hauled), eg. truckbed |
lade {noun} [agriculture] | :: barn (building) |
lade {v} | :: let [to allow] |
lade {v} | :: leave [to transfer responsibility or attention] |
lade {v} | :: have [cause to, by command or request] |
lade {v} | :: have [cause to be] |
lade {v} | :: make [force to do] |
lade {v} | :: pretend, seem, appear |
lade {v} | :: load |
lade {v} | :: charge |
lade {v} | :: let go |
ladet {v} | :: past participle of lade |
lade være {v} | :: to refrain, not do |
lad mig være i fred {phrase} | :: leave me alone |
ladning {noun} [physics] | :: charge |
ladning {noun} | :: load |
Ladon {prop} | :: Ladon (the river) |
Ladon {prop} [mythology] | :: Ladon (the dragon) |
læ {noun} | :: shelter from the wind, lee |
læ {adj} | :: being on the lee side |
læ {v} | :: to shelter |
læbe {noun} | :: lip |
læddike {noun} | :: a small box |
læddike {noun} | :: a compartment in a chest |
læder {noun} | :: leather |
læderbøsse {noun} | :: leather gay |
lædike {noun} | :: alternative spelling of læddike |
læg {noun} [anatomy] | :: calf [of the leg] |
læg {noun} | :: pleat |
læg {noun} | :: tuck |
læg {adj} | :: lay [non-professional, non-clergy] |
læge {noun} | :: doctor |
læge {noun} | :: physician |
læge {noun} | :: surgeon |
læge {v} | :: to cure, to heal |
lægge {v} | :: to lay |
lægge {v} | :: to put, place |
lægge {v} | :: to lay (an egg) |
lægge an på {v} | :: hit on, flirt with |
lægge arm {vi} | :: arm-wrestle |
lægge øde {v} | :: to lay waste |
lægge sammen {v} | :: See: da lægge sammen |
lægge sammen {v} [arithmetics] | :: add |
lægge sammen {v} | :: to fold clean, dry laundry |
lægge sig på maven for {v} | :: acquiesce to, submit to |
lægge til {v} [arithmetic] | :: add |
lækker {adj} | :: delicious (pleasing to the taste) |
lækker {adj} | :: super, smashing, yummy, dishy |
lækker {adj} | :: sexually attractive; hot, sexy |
lækkersulten {adj} | :: having the urge for a snack; having the munchies |
lændeklæde {noun} | :: loincloth |
læne {v} | :: to lean |
lænestol {noun} | :: armchair (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) |
længde {noun} | :: length (measurement of distance) |
længdebølge {noun} [physics] | :: longitudinal wave |
længdeforkortelse {noun} [physics] | :: length contraction |
længdespring {noun} | :: long jump |
længdespringer {noun} | :: long jumper |
længe {adv} | :: long [of duration] |
længe {noun} | :: longish building of a larger building complex, typically a farmhouse |
længere {adv} | :: anymore |
længes {v} [deponent] | :: long |
længsel {c} | :: yearning |
lærd {adj} | :: learned, scholarly |
lærdom {noun} | :: learnedness, academic knowledge |
lære {v} | :: to teach |
lære {v} | :: to learn |
lære {noun} | :: teachings, doctrine, theory [a coherent system of thoughts or ideas in science or religion] |
lære {noun} | :: lesson [a knowledge drawn from experience] |
lære {noun} | :: apprenticeship [a practical education in craft, industry or trade] |
lærer {noun} | :: teacher |
lærerig {adj} | :: educational, informative, instructive |
lærerinde {noun} [dated] | :: mistress [female teacher] |
læresætning {noun} | :: a sentence expressing knowledge in compact form, taught as-is |
lærke {noun} | :: lark (Alaudidae) |
Lærke {prop} | :: given name |
lærling {noun} | :: an apprentice |
lærling {noun} | :: an disciple [person influence by another person's ideas] |
lærred {noun} | :: linen |
lærred {noun} | :: canvas |
lærred {noun} | :: screen |
læs {noun} | :: load, lot |
læsbar {adj} | :: legible, able to be read |
læse {v} | :: to read |
læse {v} | :: to study formally |
læsebriller {noun} | :: reading glasses |
læseevne {noun} | :: the ability to read well |
læsefelt {noun} | :: a region of a pair of glasses meant to be read through |
læseferie {noun} | :: a period before an exam in which classes are canceled to allow students to prepare for the exam |
læseforståelse {noun} | :: reading comprehension |
læseglæde {noun} | :: joy of reading |
læsehæmmet {adj} | :: reading impaired |
læsehest {noun} | :: bookworm (avid reader) |
læsehest {noun} | :: swot (one who studies hard) |
læsehjørne {noun} | :: reading corner |
læsehungrende {adj} | :: who starves for reading; who has a great urge to read |
læselampe {noun} | :: a lamp for reading by |
læselig {adj} | :: legible, able to be read |
læselighed {noun} | :: readability |
læselyst {noun} | :: desire to read |
læsemængde {noun} | :: amount of text to be read |
læser {noun} | :: reader |
læserbrev {noun} | :: a letter from a reader published in a newspaper, especially one espousing some opinion |
læsesal {noun} | :: reading room (a room set aside for reading) |
læsestof {noun} | :: reading material |
læsesvag {adj} | :: who has difficulty reading; not good at reading |
læsevant {adj} | :: used to reading |
læside {noun} | :: leeside |
Læsø {prop} | :: an island and Danish municipality in the Kattegat |
læsse {v} | :: to load |
læst {noun} | :: last [piece of wood used for shaping shoes] |
lag {noun} | :: layer, coat [a coherent mass spread on the top or on the outside of something else] |
lag {noun} [sociology] | :: class, stratum [class of society with similar status] |
lag {noun} [geology] | :: stratum [layer of sedimentary rock] |
låg {noun} | :: lid, cover |
låg {noun} | :: top |
Lage {prop} | :: given name |
låge {noun} | :: gate |
låge {noun} | :: wicket |
låge {noun} | :: door |
lagen {noun} | :: sheet (bedsheet) |
lagengymnastik {noun} | :: sex |
lager {noun} | :: store, warehouse |
lager {noun} | :: [rare] lager (type of beer) |
lagereddike {noun} | :: vinegar meant to be used as a preservative |
lagkage {noun} | :: layer cake |
lagkage {noun} | :: pie chart |
lagt {v} | :: past participle of lægge |
lagune {noun} | :: lagoon |
Laila {prop} | :: given name |
lak {c} {n} | :: lacquer |
lakaj {noun} | :: lackey, footman, flunkey, henchman |
lakket til {adj} | :: drunk |
lakonisk {adj} | :: laconic [brief, concise] |
lakonisk {adj} | :: Laconian [relating to the Greek landscape of Laconia or its capital Sparta] |
lakonisk {adv} | :: laconically |
lakonsk {adj} | :: Laconian [relating to the Greek landscape of Laconia or its capital Sparta] |
lakrids {n} {c} | :: liquorice, licorice |
laks {noun} | :: salmon |
laktose {noun} [biochemistry] | :: lactose |
laktosefri {adj} | :: lactose-free |
laktoseintolerance {noun} | :: alternative form of laktoseintolerans |
laktoseintolerans {noun} | :: lactose intolerance |
lål {interj} [rare] | :: alternative form of LOL |
lam {adj} | :: lame |
lam {noun} | :: lamb |
lammet {v} | :: past participle of lamme |
lampe {noun} | :: lamp [electric or oil] |
lampeskærm {noun} | :: lampshade (cover over a lamp) |
lån {noun} | :: loan |
land {noun} | :: country [a geographical area that is politically independent] |
land {noun} [uncountable, chiefly definite singular] | :: country, countryside [rural areas outside the cities with agricultural production] |
land {noun} | :: land [part of Earth that is not covered in water] |
land {noun} [as the last part of compounds] | :: a large area or facility dedicated to a certain type of activity or merchandise |
landbrug {noun} | :: agriculture |
landdag {noun} | :: Landtag |
lande {vi} | :: to land [get down to the ground or into the water after a flight or a jump] |
lande {vi} | :: to land [come to land with a ship] |
lande {vi} [figuratively] | :: to land, end up [in a new state or at a new place, often unwillingly] |
lande {vt} | :: to land, bring down [an aircraft or a spaceship] |
lande {vt} | :: to land [bring to land, e.g. fish] |
lande {vt} [figuratively] | :: to land [bring home, e.g. an agreement] |
landeplage {noun} [dated] | :: something that negatively affects everyone living in some area |
landeplage {noun} | :: a hit song (song that is played frequently for a time) |
landingsbane {c} | :: runway (strip for aircraft landing and takeoff) |
landkrabbe {noun} [nautical] | :: landlubber |
landmand {noun} | :: farmer |
landmine {c} [military] | :: land mine, landmine (a mine that is placed on land) |
landsby {noun} | :: village |
landsby {noun} | :: hamlet |
landsbytosse {noun} | :: village idiot |
landsforræder {noun} | :: a traitor to one's country |
landsforræderi {noun} | :: high treason, treason against one's country |
landskab {noun} | :: landscape |
landsknægt {noun} [historical] | :: Landsknecht/lansquenet |
landsmand {noun} | :: compatriot |
landsskadelig {adj} | :: harmful to a country |
landvinding {noun} | :: progress |
landvinding {noun} | :: the act of expanding land available; reclamation (but not necessarily having been land previously) |
låne {v} | :: borrow |
låne {v} | :: lend |
låneord {noun} | :: loanword |
lang {adj} | :: long (having great distance) |
Lang {prop} | :: surname |
lange ud {v} | :: strike (often with arms) |
lange ud {v} [idiomatic] | :: criticize |
langfinger {noun} | :: middle finger |
langfredag {noun} | :: Good Friday |
langhåret {adj} | :: long-haired, having long hair |
langhåret {adj} | :: technical and complicated |
langmodig {adj} [archaic] | :: patient |
langmodig {adj} [archaic] | :: long-suffering |
lángos {noun} | :: langos |
langs {adv} | :: along (by the length of) |
langsom {adj} | :: slow |
Langtbortistan {prop} | :: a fictitious country located far away |
langtidshæve {vi} [of dough] | :: to rise slowly in cold conditions |
lang tillægsform {noun} [grammar] | :: present participle |
langt ude {adv} | :: far out |
langt ude {adv} | :: crazy |
langvarig {adj} | :: long-lasting |
langvejs {adv} [usually followed by fra] | :: afar |
langvejs {adj} [of e.g. journeying or transportation] | :: long-distance |
lånt {v} | :: past participle of låne |
lanthan {noun} | :: lanthanum |
laps {noun} | :: fop, dandy (a man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance) |
laps {noun} | :: a shabby man |
lår {noun} | :: thigh |
lårben {noun} | :: thighbone |
largeness {noun} | :: magnanimity |
larm {noun} | :: noise |
larme {v} | :: noise (make noise) |
larmet {v} | :: past participle of larme |
Lars {prop} | :: given name |
Larsen {prop} | :: surname |
Larsine {prop} | :: given name, a feminine form of Lars |
Lars Tyndskids marker {prop} [idiomatic] | :: a remote, uninteresting place; the middle of nowhere |
lårt {noun} | :: pronunciation spelling of lort |
las {noun} | :: rag |
las {noun} | :: shred |
lås {noun} | :: lock |
lasagne {noun} | :: lasagna, lasagne (an Italian baked dish) |
låse {v} | :: to lock |
låse {v} | :: låse op - to unlock |
låse {v} | :: låse sig ind - to lock oneself in |
laser {noun} | :: laser |
Lasse {prop} | :: given name |
Lassen {prop} | :: surname |
last {noun} | :: cargo |
last {noun} | :: cargo hold, hold (cargo area) |
last {noun} | :: weight, burden |
last {noun} | :: vice |
lastbil {noun} | :: truck (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) |
lastbil {noun} | :: lorry (motor vehicle) |
laste {v} | :: to load |
lastemærke {noun} | :: International Load Line |
latent {adj} | :: latent (existing or present but concealed or inactive) |
latin {n} {c} | :: the Latin language |
latin {n} {c} | :: Latin language [as a school subject] |
latin {n} {c} | :: Latin American dance |
latin {n} {c} | :: Latin American music |
latinsk {adj} | :: Latin [of or relating to the Latin language] |
latinsk {adj} | :: Latin [of or relating to the Roman alphabet] |
latter {noun} | :: laughter |
latterlig {adj} | :: ridiculous, ludicrous, laughable |
latterliggøre {v} | :: ridicule |
latterliggørelse {noun} | :: ridicule, derision |
Lau {prop} | :: given name |
Lauge {prop} | :: given name |
Laura {prop} | :: given name |
laurbær {noun} | :: laurel [the leaves of the plant] |
laurbær {noun} [figuratively, in the plural] | :: laurels [as a sign of honour] |
laurbær {noun} | :: laurel [the plant] |
laurbærkrans {noun} | :: laurel wreath |
Laurids {prop} | :: given name |
Lauridsen {prop} | :: surname |
Laurine {prop} | :: given name borrowed from French |
Laurits {prop} | :: given name, an old form of Lars ( =Laurence) |
Lauritsen {prop} | :: surname |
Lauritz {prop} | :: given name |
Laurs {prop} | :: given name |
Laursen {prop} | :: surname |
Laust {prop} | :: given name |
lav {adj} | :: low |
lav {noun} | :: guild |
lav {b} | :: lichen |
lave {v} | :: to make, create, construct, produce |
lave {v} | :: to cook, prepare |
lave {v} | :: to do |
lave {v} | :: to repair, mend, fix |
Lave {prop} | :: given name |
lavendel {c} [botany] | :: lavender (a bush of the Lavendula species) |
lavendel {c} | :: lavender (dried flowers etc. from the lavender bush used in scent bags, for example) |
lavendel {c} | :: lavender (a light violet colour) (uncountable, indefinite singular only) |
lavendel {adj} | :: lavender (of a light violet colour) |
lave om på {vt} | :: change (something else) |
lave stort {v} [euphemistic] | :: To defecate |
lavine {noun} | :: earthslide, a lot of material (usually snow) rolling down a slope |
lavvande {noun} | :: low tide |
lawrencium {noun} | :: lawrencium |
Lazarus {prop} | :: Lazarus |
le {noun} | :: scythe (farm tool) |
le {v} | :: to laugh (show mirth by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face and emission of sounds) |
Lea {prop} | :: Leah [biblical character] |
Lea {prop} | :: given name |
lebbe {noun} [colloquial, sometimes, derogatory] | :: lesbian |
lebbepar {noun} [rare, highly colloquial, potentially offensive] | :: lesbian couple |
lebber {noun} | :: alternative form of lebbe |
led {noun} [anatomy] | :: joint [movable connection between the bones in a body or a minor exterior part of the body; also of joints in a plant] |
led {noun} | :: link [movable part of a thing or a plant] |
led {noun} | :: link, part [element in a line of thought or a course of events] |
led {noun} | :: generation [in a family tree] |
led {noun} [grammar] | :: phrase [a word or group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence] |
led {noun} [mathematics] | :: term [one of the addends in a sum or in another mathematical operation] |
led {noun} | :: side, direction [of an object] |
led {noun} | :: way [of doing something] |
led {noun} | :: gate [in a fence or at a level crossing] |
led {adj} | :: disgusting, odious, loathsome |
led {adj} | :: nasty, beastly |
ledbus {noun} | :: articulated bus |
lede {v} | :: to manage, run |
lede {v} | :: to head, direct |
lede {v} | :: to lead, guide |
lede {v} | :: to conduct |
lede {v} | :: to look, search for |
lede {noun} | :: disgust, distaste, loathing |
ledelsesmæssig {adj} | :: relating to management, managerial |
leden {adj} [archaic] | :: Passed, over, finished |
leder {noun} | :: leader, manager, head |
leder {noun} | :: editorial (opinion article in newspaper, made by editors) |
leder {noun} | :: conductor (esp. of electrical charge) |
lederskab {noun} | :: leadership |
ledestjerne {noun} | :: lodestar, star (or different thing) used for navigation |
ledig {adj} | :: unoccupied |
ledig {adj} [mildly, euphemistic] | :: unemployed |
ledig {adj} | :: single, not in a committed relationship (especially marriage) |
ledning {noun} | :: a cord, cable, wire [for transporting electricity or information] |
ledning {noun} | :: a pipe, pipeline [for transporting substances like water, gas or oil] |
ledsætning {noun} [grammar] | :: subordinate clause |
ledsager {noun} | :: companion |
ledsagerske {noun} | :: female companion |
leg {noun} | :: play, game |
leg {noun} [zoology] | :: spawning (fish) |
legal {adj} | :: legal (something that conforms to or is according to law) |
legal {adj} | :: legitimate (conforming to accepted rules) |
lege {v} | :: play |
lege {v} | :: spawn |
legeaftale {noun} | :: play date |
legeme {noun} | :: body (of animals, including humans) |
legeme {noun} [algebra] | :: field |
legeme {noun} [physics] | :: body |
legende {c} | :: a legend |
legeplads {noun} [recreation] | :: playground (large open space where children play) |
legeplads {noun} [zoology] | :: spawning ground |
legetøi {noun} [chiefly uncountable] | :: toy |
legetøj {noun} [chiefly uncountable] | :: toy |
legion {noun} | :: legion |
Leif {prop} | :: given name |
leje {noun} | :: bed, bedding [anything that someone lies on] |
leje {noun} | :: lair, den, form, seat |
leje {noun} | :: bearing |
leje {noun} | :: berth [space for a ship to moor] |
leje {noun} | :: fishing hamlet |
leje {noun} | :: pitch, range |
leje {noun} | :: presentation [position of the foetus in the uterus at birth] |
leje {noun} | :: rent, rental |
leje {noun} | :: renting, hire, leasing, chartering |
leje {v} | :: rent, hire, lease, charter |
lejlighed {noun} | :: apartment, flat |
lejlighed {noun} | :: opportunity |
lejlighed {noun} | :: occasion |
lejlighedsvis {adj} | :: occasional |
lejlighedsvis {adv} | :: occasionally |
lejr {noun} | :: camp |
lejre {v} | :: to settle [transitive] |
lejre {vr} [passive] | :: to settle [intransitive] |
lejrskole {noun} | :: camp school |
lejrtur {noun} | :: camping |
leksem {noun} | :: lexeme |
leksikalisere {v} | :: lexicalize |
leksikon {noun} | :: encyclopedia [a comprehensive reference work with articles on a range of subjects] |
leksikon {noun} | :: lexicon [the entire vocabulary in a given language] |
lektie {noun} | :: homework |
lektie {noun} [Christianity] | :: lection, lesson [text from the Scripture read in liturgy] |
lektor {noun} | :: an associate professor at the university, ranking below professor, but above adjunkt |
lektor {noun} | :: a secondary school teacher |
lekture {c} | :: reading material |
lem {noun} | :: limb [arm or leg in a human or an animal] |
lem {noun} [formal] | :: penis |
lem {noun} [dated] | :: inmate [in an institution] |
lem {noun} | :: hatch |
lem {noun} | :: trapdoor |
lemfældig {adj} | :: careless, perfunctory |
lemfældig {adj} | :: superficial |
lemfældig {adj} | :: slack |
lemfældig {adj} | :: lenient |
len {noun} [historical] | :: fief [a land given by a sovereign to a vassal in exchange for military services, especially in the Middle Ages] |
len {noun} [historical] | :: entailed estate [a property given by the king to a person with specific rules of inheritance, in Denmark 1691-1919] |
len {noun} [historical] | :: county [a regional and administrative unit, in Denmark until 1662; also used with reference to the län of modern Sweden and Finland] |
Lena {prop} | :: given name derived from Helena and Magdalena |
Lene {prop} | :: given name |
Leningrad {prop} [historical] | :: Leningrad (major city), now Saint Petersburg |
Lennart {prop} | :: given name |
Leo {prop} | :: given name |
Leon {prop} | :: given name |
ler {noun} | :: clay |
lesbisk {adj} | :: lesbian [pertaining to female homosexuality] |
lesbisk {adj} | :: Lesbian [concerning the Greek island of Lesbos and the Ancient Greek dialect of this island] |
let {adj} | :: light [not heavy] |
let {adj} | :: easy |
let {adj} | :: slight |
let {adj} | :: mild |
let {adv} | :: lightly |
let {adv} | :: easily |
let {adv} | :: slightly |
let {adv} | :: mildly |
let {noun} | :: low-fat milk |
lethed {noun} | :: lightness |
lethed {noun} | :: easiness |
letlæst {adj} | :: easily read |
Letland {prop} | :: Latvia |
letmælk {noun} | :: semi-skimmed milk [a milk with ca. 1.5% fat in it] |
let og elefant {adv} | :: Such that something is avoided |
letopløselig {adj} | :: rather soluble |
letsindig {adj} | :: careless, not paying appropriate attention |
lette {noun} | :: Lett, Latvian (a person from Latvia or of Latvian descent) |
lette {v} | :: lighten |
lette {v} | :: relieve |
lette {v} | :: facilitate |
lette {v} | :: ease |
lette {v} | :: lift |
lette {v} | :: take off |
lettere sagt end gjort {phrase} | :: easier said than done (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish) |
lettet {adj} | :: relieved (freed from stress, worry or discomfort) |
lettisk {adj} | :: Latvian (pertaining to Latvia or the Latvian language) |
leukocyt {noun} [hematology] | :: white blood cell |
lev {noun} [archaic] | :: bread |
lev {noun} | :: lef [currency in Bulgaria] |
leve {v} | :: to live, be alive |
leve {n} | :: cheers |
levedygtig {adj} | :: viable, able to live |
leveomkostninger {noun} [plural only] | :: costs of living |
lever {noun} | :: liver |
levere {v} | :: supply, furnish |
levere {v} | :: provide |
levere {v} | :: contribute |
levere {v} | :: produce |
levere {v} | :: deliver |
leveringsdygtig {adj} | :: able to deliver |
leverpostej {noun} | :: leverpostej |
leverståhej {noun} [humourous, colloquial] | :: synonym of leverpostej |
levestandard {noun} | :: standard of living |
levne {v} | :: to leave [not eat or drink all of something] |
levnedsmiddel {noun} | :: foodstuff |
LGBT {noun} | :: LGBT |
Liam {prop} | :: given name of modern usage |
lian {noun} | :: liana |
lian {noun} | :: any vine |
libaneser {noun} | :: Lebanese (a person from Lebanon or of Lebanese descent) |
Libanon {prop} | :: Lebanon |
liberalisme {c} | :: liberalism |
libertarianisme {c} | :: libertarianism |
Libyen {prop} | :: Libyen (country) |
lid {noun} | :: trust |
lide {v} | :: suffer |
lide {v} | :: To have some disease or similar condition |
lide {v n c p} | :: approach (to draw near, in a figurative sense; to come near to in time) |
lide {v n c p} | :: proceed |
lide af {v} | :: suffer from |
liden {adj} [archaic, poetic] | :: little, small |
lide på {v} [archaic] | :: To trust |
liderlig {adj} | :: lustful, horny |
liderlig {adj} [obsolete, of person, behaviour] | :: immoral, sometimes with connotations of sexuality |
liderlig {adj} [obsolete] | :: of low quality |
liderlig {adj} [obsolete] | :: disgusting, repulsive |
lidet {adv} | :: not at all |
lidt {adv} | :: a little, slightly |
lidt {pron} | :: a bit, a little |
lidt {adj} [rare] | :: liked |
lidt efter lidt {phrase} | :: gradually, bit by bit, little by little |
lidt til en side {adj} | :: deviating somewhat from social norms |
li'e {adv} | :: eye dialect of lige |
liechtensteiner {noun} | :: Liechtensteiner (A person from Liechtenstein or of Liechtenstein descent) |
lift {noun} | :: The non-commercial act of transporting someone in a vehicle: ride |
lift {noun} | :: boost |
lift {noun} | :: carrycot |
lift {noun} | :: elevator |
lift {noun} | :: lift |
-lig {suffix} | :: Forms adjectives from verbs, having the sense of "may be the object of"; -able |
-lig {suffix} | :: Forms adjectives from nouns, having the sense of "possessing characteristics of"; -ous, -ly |
-lig {suffix} | :: Forms adjectives from nouns, having the sense of "occurring at such intervals"; -ly |
lig {adj} | :: equal to |
lig {adj} | :: like, similar to |
lig {noun} | :: body, corpse |
lig {noun} | :: crock (an old or broken-down vehicle) |
lig {noun} [nautical] | :: leech |
ligbrænding {noun} | :: cremation |
lige {noun} | :: like, match |
lige {adj} | :: straight, not bent |
lige {adj} | :: equal |
lige {adj} [math, of an integer] | :: even [being of the form , where is an integer] |
lige {adj} [math, of a function] | :: even |
lige {adv} | :: just, recently |
lige {adv} | :: just, merely, simply |
lige {adv} | :: just, exactly |
lige funktion {noun} [math] | :: even function |
ligeglad {adj} | :: indifferent |
ligegyldig {adj} | :: making no difference |
ligeledes {adv} | :: likewise |
ligemand {noun} | :: equal |
lige nu {adv} | :: right now |
lige så godt {adv} | :: as well |
ligesom {adv} | :: sort of, kind of, as it were |
ligesom {conj} | :: as, like [used for making comparisons] |
ligestilling {noun} | :: equality, chiefly between the sexes |
ligetil {adj} | :: simple |
ligetil {adj} | :: straightforward |
ligetil {adj} | :: forthright |
ligevægt {noun} | :: equilibrium |
ligevægt {noun} [chemistry] | :: equilibrium |
ligevægtskonstant {noun} [chemistry] | :: equilibrium constant |
lige ved og næsten slår ingen mand af hesten {proverb} | :: almost doesn't count |
ligge {v} | :: to lie [be in horizontal position; be placed or situated] |
ligge {v} | :: to be [occupy a place] |
ligge {v} | :: to stand [e.g. a house] |
ligge {v} | :: to sit [a hen brooding] |
liggendefæ {noun} | :: propoerty, treasures |
ligge på sinde {v} | :: be important for someting |
ligget {v} | :: past participle of ligge |
lighed {noun} | :: likeness, similarity, resemblance |
lighed {noun} | :: equality |
lighed {noun} | :: conformity |
lig i lasten {n} [idiomatic] | :: some shameful and/or criminal act done in the past that one wants to hide |
ligne {v} | :: resemble, look like |
ligne {v} | :: take after |
ligne {v} | :: be like |
ligne {v} [taxation] | :: assess |
lignelse {noun} [theology] | :: a parable [of Jesus] |
lignelse {noun} [literature] | :: a simile [an elaborate metaphor] |
lignet {v} | :: past participle of ligne |
ligning {noun} [math] | :: equation |
like {noun} [Internet] | :: like |
like {v} [Internet] | :: like |
likviditet {noun} | :: liquidity |
Lilian {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English |
lilje {noun} | :: lily |
lilla {adj} | :: purple (colour) |
lilla {adj} | :: mauve |
lilla {adj} | :: lilac |
lille {adj} | :: small, little, slight |
lille {adj} | :: lower case |
lille {adj} [with precise units of measurement] | :: Denoting a slightly smaller quantity |
Lilleasien {prop} [geography] | :: Asia Minor |
lillebroder {noun} | :: alternative form of lillebror |
lillebror {noun} | :: little brother (a sibling's younger brother) |
lillefinger {noun} | :: little finger |
lillehjerne {noun} | :: cerebellum |
lille panda {c} | :: red panda (Ailurus fulgens) |
lillesøster {noun} | :: little sister (a sister younger than the person talking or being discussed) |
Lilli {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Elisabeth |
Lillian {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English |
Lilly {prop} | :: given name from a pet form of Elisabeth or Lillian |
lim {noun} | :: glue |
lime {noun} | :: lime (fruit) |
lime {v} | :: to glue |
Lina {prop} | :: given name |
lind {adj} | :: soft |
lind {adj} | :: thin |
lind {noun} | :: linden, lime, basswood (Tilia) |
Lind {prop} | :: surname |
Linda {prop} | :: given name of Germanic origin |
Lindegaard {prop} | :: surname |
Line {prop} | :: given name |
lineær {adj} [of a function] | :: being on the form , where a, b are constants |
lineær {adj} [of a recurrence relation] | :: linear |
lineær {adj} [of a differential equation] | :: linear |
lineær afhængighed {noun} [linear algebra] | :: linear dependence |
lineært afhængig {adj} [linear algebra] | :: linearly dependent |
lineært uafhængig {adj} [linear algebra] | :: linearly independent |
lineær uafhængighed {noun} [linear algebra] | :: linear independence |
Linette {prop} | :: given name |
lingvist {noun} | :: linguist |
lingvistik {noun} | :: linguistics |
linje {noun} | :: line |
linje {noun} [chess] | :: file |
linjestykke {noun} [geometry] | :: line segment |
link {noun} | :: link (hyperlink) |
linned {noun} | :: linen |
linned {adj} [rare] | :: made of linen (flax fiber) |
lipid {noun} [organic compound] | :: lipid |
lir {c} | :: sexually arousing act |
lir {c} | :: impressive showoff of an instrument or the like |
lirekasse {noun} | :: barrel organ |
Lis {prop} | :: given name, short form of Lisa and Lise ( =Elizabeth) |
Lisa {prop} | :: given name derived from Elisabeth |
Lisbet {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Lisbeth |
Lisbeth {prop} | :: given name derived from Elisabeth |
Lise {prop} | :: given name derived from Elisabeth |
Liselotte {prop} | :: given name |
Lise-Lotte {prop} | :: given name |
li'som {adv} | :: eye dialect of ligesom |
Lissabon {prop} | :: Lissabon (capital city) |
Lissi {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Elisabeth |
Lissie {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Elisabeth |
lissom {adv} | :: eye dialect of ligesom |
Lissy {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Elisabeth |
list {noun} | :: cunning, trick |
liste {c} | :: a list |
liste {v} | :: To sneak, creep |
liste {v} | :: To tiptoe, walk softly |
liste {v} | :: To list; make a list |
lister {v} | :: present tense of liste |
Litauen {prop} | :: Lithuania (country) |
litauisk {adj} | :: Lithuanian (referring to Lithuania) |
liter {c} | :: a litre, or liter (US) (SI unit for measurement of volume) |
lithium {noun} | :: alternative spelling of litium |
litium {n} | :: lithium |
litografi {n} | :: lithography |
litografi {n} | :: lithograph |
litterær {adj} | :: literary |
litteratur {noun} | :: literature (all written works) |
liturgisk {adj} | :: liturgical |
liv {noun} | :: life |
liv {noun} | :: waist, middle |
liv {noun} | :: bodice |
Liv {prop} | :: given name |
Liva {prop} | :: given name |
live {v} | :: enliven |
live {adv} | :: live [as it happens] |
livegen {adj} | :: adscript [bound to a tract of land] |
livegen {noun} [historical] | :: serf [a partially free peasant performin labour for a lord] |
livisk {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Livonia or the Livonian people |
livisk {n} | :: The Livonian language |
livlig {adj} | :: lively, energetic |
livligt {adv} | :: in a lively manner |
livmoder {c} | :: uterus |
livsforsikring {noun} | :: life insurance |
livskraft {noun} | :: life force |
livskvalitet {noun} | :: quality of life |
livslede {noun} | :: profound and lasting discomfort with existence |
livsstil {noun} | :: lifestyle |
livstruende {adj} | :: life-threatening |
livsværk {noun} | :: a spectacular production (e.g. artistic, scientific) that a person has spent a lot of time and work on |
Lizzi {prop} | :: given name, an English style diminutive of Elisabeth |
Lizzie {prop} | :: given name |
løb {noun} | :: running |
løb {noun} | :: run |
løb {noun} | :: race |
løb {noun} | :: barrel, bore |
løb {noun} | :: leg |
løb {noun} | :: shank |
løb {noun} | :: course, channel |
lobbye {v} | :: lobby (to attempt to influence) |
løbe {v} | :: to run |
løbe {vt} | :: to curdle [to make the milk run together] |
løbe {vi} | :: to curdle |
løbe {noun} | :: rennet [enzym for making cheese] |
løber {noun} | :: runner [somebody who runs] |
løber {noun} | :: runner [a strip of fabric used to decorate a table, a long, narrow carpet cover for a high traffic area] |
løber {noun} [chess] | :: bishop [The chess piece denoted ♗ or ♝] |
løber {noun} [architecture] | :: stretcher [brick laid with the longest side exposed] |
løbe sur {v} | :: To lose track |
lod {noun} | :: plumb bob |
lod {noun} | :: lead (plummet to measure depth of water) |
lod {noun} | :: sinker (weight used in fishing) |
lod {noun} | :: lot (weight unit). A Danish lod was 15.6 grams. In this sense the plural is lod |
lod {n} {c} | :: ticket {n} |
lod {n} {c} | :: lot, prize {n} |
lod {n} {c} | :: fate, lot {c} |
lod {n} {c} | :: portion, share {c} |
lod {n} {c} | :: lot, plot {c} |
lodde {noun} | :: capelin, Mallotus villosus |
lodde {v} | :: sound (to probe) |
lodde {v} | :: plumb |
lodde {v} | :: gauge, test |
lodde {v} | :: fathom |
lodde {v} | :: solder (to join with solder) |
loddekolbe {noun} | :: soldering iron |
lodden {adj} | :: hairy |
lodden {adj} | :: furry |
lodden {adj} | :: shaggy |
lodden {adj} | :: fleecy |
loddet {v} | :: past participle of lodde |
loddetin {noun} | :: tin solder |
loft {noun} | :: attic, room immediately below the roof of a building |
loft {noun} | :: ceiling, structure separating stories in a building |
loft {noun} [by extension] | :: an upper limit to something |
løfte {noun} | :: promise, pledge, vow |
løfte {v} | :: raise |
løfte {v} | :: lift |
løfte {v} | :: elevate |
løftet {v} | :: past participle of løfte |
løg {noun} | :: onion |
løg {noun} [slang, chiefly plural] | :: testicle |
-logi {suffix} | :: -logy |
logik {noun} | :: logic |
logiker {noun} | :: logician |
logisk fejl {noun} [programming] | :: logic error |
logistiker {noun} | :: logistician |
løgn {noun} | :: lie [untruth] |
løgner {noun} | :: a liar |
løgn og latin {noun} [idiomatic] | :: bullshit; lie |
løj {adj} [rare] | :: with a weak wind, not windy |
løjer {noun} | :: antics, hijinks |
løjerlig {adj} | :: odd, funny |
løjet {v} | :: past participle of lyve |
løjpe {noun} | :: road or path with clear ski tracks |
løjtnant {noun} | :: lieutenant |
lokal {adj} | :: local |
lokal {adj} | :: [as a noun] extension (telecommunication: phone extension number), abbreviated lok. |
lokale {noun} | :: room |
lokale {noun} | :: hall |
lokale {noun} | :: office |
lokalhistoriker {noun} | :: historian occupying themself with local history |
lokalisere {v} | :: localize |
Loke {prop} [Norse mythology] | :: Loki |
Loke {prop} [rare] | :: given name of modern usage |
lokke {v} | :: to tempt, entice, lure, seduce |
lokke {v} | :: to persuade, coax, cajole, wheedle, inveigle |
løkke {noun} | :: loop |
løkke {noun} | :: noose |
lokket {v} | :: past participle of lokke |
lokomotiv {noun} [rail] | :: locomotive (self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails) |
lokum {noun} | :: bog (coarse slang: a toilet) |
lokum {noun} | :: privy (an outdoor toilet; latrine) |
lokummet brænder {phrase} [usually in a hypothetical, preceded by når or hvis] | :: shit hits the fan |
lol {interj} | :: alternative case form of LOL |
LOL {interj} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: LOL (expression of laughter) |
lolita {noun} | :: lolita |
Lolland {prop} | :: Lolland |
lomme {noun} | |
lommeregner {noun} | :: pocket calculator |
lommetørklæde {noun} | :: handkerchief |
lommetørklæde {noun} | :: kleenex |
lommetyv {noun} | :: pickpocket |
lomvi {noun} | :: a bird of the genus Uria, the murres or guillemots, particularly the common murre (Uria aalge) |
lomvie {noun} | :: a bird of the genus Uria, the murres or guillemots, particularly the common murre, Uria aalge |
løn {noun} | :: salary, wage |
løn {noun} | :: a maple (tree) |
løn {noun} | :: (only in i løn) secret |
London {prop} | :: London (capital city) |
Lone {prop} | :: given name |
lønforhøjelse {noun} | :: raise (increase in wages) |
lønmodtager {noun} | :: wage earner; someone who receives pay in exchange for work |
lønne {v} | :: to pay, reward |
lønne {vr} | :: pay off, be worthwhile |
loppe {c} [insects] | :: A flea |
loppe {v} | :: To remove fleas from the body |
loppebid {n} | :: A fleabite |
loppemarked {noun} | :: a flea market |
loppetjans {noun} | :: A sinecure; a job requiring no work |
lørdag {noun} | :: Saturday |
Lorentzen {prop} | :: surname |
lort {interj} | :: crap, shit (See Thesaurus:dammit) |
lort {noun} | :: turd (a piece of excrement) |
lort {noun} [vulgar, pejorative] | :: jerk, bastard |
lort {noun} | :: crap, shit (See Thesaurus:feces) |
lort {noun} | :: [informal] muck, rubbish (See Thesaurus:trash and Thesaurus:junk) |
lort {noun} | :: [informal] rubbish, drivel (See Thesaurus:nonsense) |
lorte- {prefix} [vulgar] | :: shitty, crappy |
los {adj} | :: loose |
los {noun} | :: lynx |
los {noun} | :: kick |
-løs {suffix} | :: -less |
løs {adj} | :: loose, not tight |
løse {v} | :: to solve [some problem] |
løse {v} | :: to solve [an equation or a set of equations] |
løse {v} | :: to untie [e.g. a knot] |
løse {v} | :: to loose, release [set loose] |
løse {vr} | :: solve itself, sort itself out |
løsen {noun} | :: password (secret word used to gain admittance) |
løsen {noun} | :: watchword (word used as a motto, as expressive of a principle or rule of action) |
-løsere {suffix} | :: comparative of -løs |
løsesum {noun} | :: ransom |
løsne {v} | :: to loosen |
løsrive {vr} [passive] | :: To secede |
løsrive {vr} | :: To detach one's attention from |
løsrivelse {noun} | :: secession |
løsrivelse {noun} [figuratively] | :: detachment |
løss {noun} [geology] | :: loess (sediment of eolian origin) |
losseplads {noun} | :: a dumpsite |
-løst {suffix} | :: neuter singular of -løs |
løst {adv} | :: loosely |
Lotte {prop} | :: given name |
Louise {prop} | :: given name |
Louisiana {prop} | :: Louisiana (state) |
Louisianas {prop} | :: genitive of Louisiana |
lov {noun} | :: law |
lov {c} | :: permission |
lov {b} [dated] | :: praise |
love {c} [obsolete] | :: trust, faith |
love {v} | :: to promise |
love {v} [solemn] | :: to praise |
løve {noun} | :: lion [Panthera leo] |
løve {noun} | :: Leo [someone with a Leo star sign] |
løvebestand {noun} | :: lion population |
løveklo {noun} | :: lion claw |
Løven {prop} | :: Leo (an astrological sign) |
løverdag {noun} [archaic] | :: alternative form of lørdag |
lovgivende magt {c} [government, usually, uncountable and usually therefore used with den] | :: legislative branch |
lovhjemmel {noun} [law] | :: warrant |
løvinde {noun} | :: lioness |
løvinde {noun} [figuratively] | :: alpha female [self-assured and strong woman] |
lovkyndig {adj} [archaic] | :: learned in law |
lovlig {adj} | :: lawful |
lovlig {adj} | :: legal |
lovmæssig {adj} | :: legal [concerning human law] |
lovmæssig {adj} | :: regular [concerning laws of science or logic] |
loyal {adj} | :: loyal |
løyer {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of løjer |
Lucas {prop} | :: given name |
ludder {noun} | :: whore, prostitute, hooker |
ludder {noun} [derogatory] | :: slut, promiscuous person |
lude {v} | :: lout, stoop |
luder {noun} | :: alternative form of ludder |
ludet {v} | :: past participle of lude |
Ludv. {prop} [abbreviation] | :: A shortening of the name Ludvig |
Ludvig {prop} | :: given name |
lue {noun} | :: flame |
lue {noun} | :: tuque, (a knit cap) |
lue {v} | :: flame |
luet {v} | :: past participle of lue |
luft {c} | :: air |
lufthavn {noun} | :: An airport |
luftkastel {noun} | :: castle in the air, pipe dream |
luftmodstand {c} | :: air resistance |
luftmodstand {c} | :: (aerodynamic) drag |
luftskib {n} | :: an airship (powered and steerable cigar-shaped balloon) |
lugger {noun} | :: lugger |
lugt {noun} | :: smell, odor, odour |
lugte {v} | :: smell |
lugtet {v} | :: past participle of lugte |
lukaf {noun} | :: A cabin (on a ship) |
Lukas {prop} | :: Luke [biblical character] |
Lukas {prop} | :: given name, also spelled Lucas |
lukke {noun} | :: [rare] fastening, lock |
lukke {noun} | :: [rare] cover |
lukke {noun} [linguistics] | :: closure, flap, tap, a momentary closure of the oral cavity |
lukke {v} | :: to close |
lukke {v} | :: to shut |
lukke {v} | :: to shut down |
lukke {v} | :: to turn off [to stop a flow of liquid or gas by rotating a valve or tap, typically used with preposition for] |
lukke {vr} | :: to shut oneself |
lukkelyd {noun} [phonetics] | :: plosive, stop, occlusive |
lukke op {v} | :: to open |
lukke op {v} | :: to answer the door |
lukke op {v} | :: to turn on [e.g. water or TV, typically used with preposition for] |
lukke op {vr} | :: to open, open up |
lukke røven {v} [vulgar] | :: shut up |
lukket Eulertur {noun} [graph theory] | :: Eulerian circuit |
lukkethed {noun} | :: closeness |
lukrativ {adj} | :: lucrative |
luksuriøs {adj} | :: luxurious |
luksus {noun} | :: luxury |
lummer {adj} | :: close, heavy, sultry, muggy |
lummer {adj} | :: suggestive, steamy (erotic) |
lun {adj} | :: warm, mild |
lun {adj} | :: cosy, snug |
Luna {prop} [Roman mythology] | :: Luna |
Luna {prop} | :: given name of modern usage |
lund {noun} | :: grove |
lunde {noun} | :: puffin (Fratercula arctica) |
lune {noun} | :: mood |
lune {noun} | :: whim, caprice |
lune {noun} | :: humor, humour |
lune {v} | :: warm |
lunefuld {adj} | :: wayward |
lunefuld {adj} | :: moody |
lunet {v} | :: past participle of lune |
lunge {noun} [anatomy] | :: lung |
lungebetændelse {noun} [medical] | :: pneumonia |
lungepulsåre {c} | :: pulmonary artery |
lunken {adj} | :: lukewarm, tepid |
lunken {adj} | :: half-hearted |
lunte {noun} | :: a fuse, as on a bomb |
lunte {v} | :: to run slowly |
lus {noun} | :: louse |
lusk {noun} | :: sneaky acts; covert operations |
lussing {noun} | :: a slap (a strike with the palm of the hand on the side of the face) |
lut {noun} | :: lute |
lutetium {noun} | :: lutetium |
lutter {adj} | :: sheer, all, nothing but |
lybsk {adj} | :: Lübeckian, from Lübeck in Germany |
lyd {noun} | :: sound |
lyd {noun} | :: noise |
lyddæmper {c} | :: a silencer (used to reduce the sound of a gun when it is fired) |
lyde {noun} | :: flaw, blemish |
lyde {v} | :: to sound, to be realized |
lyde {v} | :: to sound (some way) |
lyde {v} [dated] | :: obey |
lydefterlignende {adj} | :: onomatopoeic |
Lydia {prop} | :: Lydia [biblical character] |
Lydia {prop} | :: given name |
lydig {adj} | :: obedient |
lydighed {noun} [uncountable] | :: obedience |
lydkort {noun} | :: sound card |
lydløs {adj} | :: soundless, making no sound |
lydord {noun} | :: onomatopoeia (word with this property) |
lydpotte {noun} | :: silencer (UK), muffler (US) (part of an exhaust system) |
lydskrift {noun} | :: a system of symbols used to encode the pronunciation of natural language (either phonetically or phonemically) |
lydsystem {noun} | :: sound system (electronic system used to reproduce sound) |
lydsystem {noun} [linguistics, phonology] | :: phonology (phonological system) |
lygte {noun} | :: torch, flashlight |
lygte {noun} | :: headlight, rear light [of a car] |
lygte {noun} | :: street lamp |
lykke {noun} | :: happiness |
lykke {noun} | :: [good] luck, fortune |
lykke {noun} | :: blessing |
Lykke {prop} | :: given name |
Lykke {prop} [dated] | :: given name, today mostly appearing as a second given name |
Lykke {prop} | :: surname |
lykkelig {adj} | :: happy, delighted |
lykkelig {adj} | :: fortunate |
lykkes {vi} [deponent] | :: to be a success, be successful, succeed in [with a noun phrase or a noun clause as its subject and the person succeeding as an indirect object] |
lykkes {v} [deponent, proscribed, with the preposition med] | :: to succeed in [governing a noun phrase or a noun clause, with the person succeeding as the subject] |
lykønske {v} | :: to congratulate |
lykønskning {noun} | :: congratulation |
lyksalig {adj} | :: joyous, full of happiness |
lymfe {noun} | :: lymph |
lyn {noun} | :: lightning |
lyne {v} | :: zip (to close with a zip fastener) |
lyne {v} | :: lighten, lightning (to produce lightning) |
lynet {v} | :: past participle of lyne |
lynhurtig {adj} | :: prompt, quick as lightning, quick as a flash |
lyrisk jeg {noun} [literature] | :: a first-person narrator in a poem |
lys {adj} | :: light |
lys {adj} | :: bright |
lys {adj} | :: fair, blond |
lys {adj} | :: cheerful, sunny |
lys {noun} | :: light |
lys {noun} | :: candle |
lysår {noun} | :: light year |
-lyse {suffix} | :: -lysis |
lyse {v} | :: to shine |
lyse {v} | :: to give out light |
lyse {v} | :: to register |
lyse {v} [religion] | :: to declare [a wedding or a ban] |
lyseblå {adj} | :: light blue |
lyseblå {adj} | :: [as a noun] light blue (colour) |
lysegrøn {adj} | :: light green (of a light green colour) |
lyserød {adj} | :: pink (colored/coloured between red and white) |
lyseslukker {noun} | :: spoilsport, cold fish, killjoy, party pooper, stick in the mud, wet blanket (someone who puts an end to others' fun) |
lysets hastighed {c} | :: speed of light (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum) |
lyshåret {adj} | :: fair-haired, blond |
lyske {noun} [anatomy] | :: groin |
lyske {v} [rare] | :: to louse (to remove lice from the body of a person or animal) |
lysket {v} | :: past participle of lyske |
lysne {v} [impersonal] | :: for light to emerge or increase in intensity (either from dawn or from removal of clouds) |
lysne {v} [impersonal, by extension] | :: for the situation to become more fortuitous |
lysning {noun} | :: glade [open spot in a forest] |
lysning {noun} [architecture] | :: opening [in a building] |
lysning {noun} | :: light, dawn |
lysning {noun} | :: improvement |
lysning {noun} | :: public declaration |
lyssky {adj} | :: shady (not trustworthy; unfit to be seen or known) |
lyssky {adj} | :: hole-and-corner |
lyssky {adj} [biology, medicine] | :: photophobic |
lyst {noun} | :: inclination, desire, wish |
lyst {noun} | :: lust, passion (especially of a sexual nature) |
lyst {noun} [now, uncommon] | :: delight, pleasure, revelry |
lyst {v} | :: past participle of lyse |
lyste {v} | :: to desire, to want, to feel like |
lysten {adj} | :: lascivious, lustful |
lysten {adj} | :: voluptuous (suggestive of or characterized by full, generous, pleasurable sensation) |
lystende {v} | :: present participle of lyste |
lyster {noun} | :: gig, leister; eel spear |
lystet {v} | :: past participle of lyste |
lystig {adj} | :: merry, gay |
lystre {v} | :: to obey |
lytte {v} | :: to listen |
lytteforståelse {noun} | :: listening comprehension |
lyttet {v} | :: past participle of lytte |
lyve {v} | :: to lie [tell an untruth] |
lyve {v} | :: to fib |