User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-j
J {n} (playing card) | :: B [Bauer] |
jabberer {n} (someone who jabbers) | :: [pejorative] Schwatzmaul {n} |
Jabberwock {prop} (fantastical monster) | :: Zipferlak, Jammerwoch, Plapperloch, Schepperwock, Schebberroch, Schlabberwork, Brabbelback |
Jabberwocky {prop} (poem) | :: Jammerwoch {m} |
jabiru {n} (Jabiru mycteria) | :: Jabiru {m} |
Jablunkov {prop} (city in Czech Republic) | :: Jablunkov , Jablunkau |
jabot {n} (a cascading or ornamental frill down the front of a blouse) | :: Jabot {n} |
jack {n} (device for raising and supporting a heavy object) | :: Wagenheber {m} |
jack {n} (playing card) | :: Bube {m} |
jack {n} (surface mounted connector) | :: Buchse {f} |
jack {n} (target ball in bowls) | :: Zielkugel {f} |
jack {n} (female ended electrical connector) | :: Steckdose {f}, Buchse {f} |
jack {n} (knave) SEE: knave | :: |
jack {n} (freshwater pike) SEE: pike | :: |
jack {n} (large California rockfish) SEE: rockfish | :: |
Jack {prop} (pet name of John) | :: Hans {m}, Hanns {m}, Hannes {m}, Hänsel {m}, Hansel {m}, Hansl {m} |
jackal {n} (wild canine) | :: Schakal {m}, Schakalin {f} |
jackalope {n} (cross between a jackrabbit and antelope) | :: Jackalope, Hasenbock {m} |
jackass {n} (male donkey) | :: Esel {m} |
jackass {n} (foolish or stupid person) | :: Esel {m} |
jackbooted {adj} (authoritarian or oppressive) SEE: authoritarian | :: |
jackdaw {n} (Coloeus monedula) | :: Dohle {f} |
jackdaw {n} (Coloeus dauuricus) SEE: Daurian jackdaw | :: |
jacket {n} (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse) | :: Jacke {f} |
jacket {n} (piece of a person's suit) | :: Jackett {n}, Sakko {n} |
jacket potato {n} (a baked potato) SEE: baked potato | :: |
jackfruit {n} (jackfruit tree) | :: Jackfruchtbaum {m} |
jackfruit {n} (the fruit) | :: Jackfrucht {f} |
jackhammer {n} (portable percussive drill device) | :: Presslufthammer {m}, Pressluftbohrer {m} |
jack-in-the-box {n} (child’s toy) | :: Schachtelteufel {m} |
Jack-in-the-pulpit {n} (Arum maculatum) | :: gefleckter Aronstab {m} |
jack-knife {n} (a compact folding knife) | :: Taschenmesser {n} |
jack mackerel {n} (fish) | :: Stöcker {m}, Bastardmakrele {f} |
jack of all trades {n} (one competent in many endeavors) | :: Hans Dampf in allen Gassen {m}, Alleskönner {m}, Tausendsassa {m} |
jack of all trades, master of none {n} (person who has a competent grasp of many skills) | :: Hansdampf in allen Gassen |
jack of clubs {n} (playing card) | :: Kreuzbube {m} |
jack of diamonds {n} (playing card) | :: Karobube {m}, Karo-Bauer {m} |
jack off {v} (jerk off) SEE: jerk off | :: |
jack of hearts {n} (playing card) | :: Herzbube {m} |
jack of spades {n} (playing card) | :: Pikbube {m}, Schippenbube {m} |
jack-o'-lantern {n} (carved pumpkin) | :: Halloween-Kürbis {m}, Jack mit der Laterne |
jackpot {n} (accumulating money prize pool) | :: Jackpot {m} |
jackpot {n} (large cash prize) | :: Hauptgewinn {n} |
Jack Russell terrier {n} (dog breed) | :: Jack Russell Terrier |
jack shit {pron} ((vulgar) nothing, anything) | :: einen Scheiß, einen Scheißdreck |
jacksnipe {n} (Lymnocryptes minimus) | :: Zwergschnepfe {f} |
Jackson {n} (cognates of the surname) SEE: Johnson | :: |
Jack the Ripper {prop} (19th century murderer) | :: Jack der Aufschlitzer {m} |
Jacob {prop} (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca) | :: Jakob {m} |
Jacob {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) | :: Jakob {m} |
Jacobian {adj} (in honor of Jacobi) | :: Jacobi- |
Jacobian {n} (Jacobian matrix) | :: Jacobi-Matrix {f}, Funktionalmatrix {f}, Ableitungsmatrix {f} |
Jacobian {n} (the determinant of the Jacobian matrix) | :: Jacobi-Determinante {f}, Funktionaldeterminante {f} |
Jacobin {n} (breed of domestic pigeon) | :: Perückentaube {f}, Perückentauber {m}, Perückentäuber {m}, Perückentauberich {m}, Perückentäuberich {m}, Perückentäubin {f} |
Jacobite {n} (supporter of the restoration of the Stuart kings) | :: Jakobite {m}, Jakobitin {f} |
Jacqueline {prop} (female given name) | :: Jacqueline {f} |
jade {n} (gem) | :: Jade |
jade {n} (old horse) | :: Klepper, alter Gaul {m}, Gaul {m}, Mähre {f} |
jade {n} (succulent plant) SEE: money plant | :: |
jaded {adj} (Worn out, wearied, or lacking enthusiasm; exhausted) | :: ausgelutscht, erschöpft, abgestumpft, verbraucht, ermattet |
jadeite {n} (mineral) | :: Jadeit {m} |
jaeger {n} (rifle) SEE: rifle | :: |
Jaffa {prop} (a port in western Israel) | :: Jaffa {f} |
Jaffa orange {n} (variety of orange) | :: Jaffa-Orange {f} |
jag {n} | :: Zahn {m}, Zacke {f}, Kerbe {f}, Auszackung {f}, Riss {m} |
jagged {adj} (unevenly cut; having the texture of something so cut) | :: zackig, schartig, kantig, grob, rissig, ausgefranst, gezackt, gezahnt, schartig, zerklüftet |
jagged {adj} (having a rough quality) | :: grob, kantig, rau, schroff |
jaggery {n} (traditional unrefined sugar) | :: Vollrohrzucker {m} |
jaguar {n} (Panthera onca) | :: Jaguar {m} |
jaguarundi {n} (wild cat) | :: Jaguarundi {m}, Wieselkatze {f} |
Jah {prop} (God) SEE: God | :: |
Jahannam {prop} (Islamic concept of hell) | :: Dschahannam |
jail {n} (place for short-term confinement) | :: Gefängnis {n} |
jail {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison | :: |
jailbait {n} (person below the age of consent for sexual activity) | :: Lolita {f}; [uncommon also] Knastköder {m} |
jailbird {n} (prisoner or ex-prisoner) | :: Knacki {m}, Ex Knacki {m}, Knastbruder {m}, Knastschwester {f}, Knastologe {m} [humorous], Knastologin {f} [humorous], Häftling {m}, Ex-Häftling {m} |
jailbreak {n} (escape from prison) | :: Gefängnisausbruch {m} |
jail cell {n} (jail cell) SEE: prison cell | :: |
jailer {n} (one who guards inmates) | :: Gefängniswärter {m}, Gefängniswärterin {f}, Gefängnisaufseher {m}, Gefängnisaufseherin {f}, Schließer {m}, Schließerin {f} [colloquial], Justizvollzugsbeamter {m}, Justizvollzugsbeamte {f}, Justizvollzugsbeamtin {f} [bureaucratese], Gefangenenwärter {m}, Gefangenenwärterin {f}, Wachtel {f} [slang], Kerkermeister {m}, Kerkermeisterin {f} |
jailkeeper {n} (jailer) SEE: jailer | :: |
Jainism {prop} (religion and philosophy) | :: Jainismus {m} |
Jakarta {prop} (capital of Indonesia) | :: Jakarta {n} |
Jake {prop} (diminutive of Jacob or James) | :: Jockel {m} |
Jalalabad {prop} (a city in eastern Afghanistan) | :: Dschalalabad {n} |
jalapeño {n} (variety of hot chili pepper) | :: Jalapeño {m}, Jalapeno {m} |
jalopy {n} (old, dilapidated car) | :: alte Kiste {f}; Klapperkiste {f}; Schrottkiste {f} |
jalousie {n} (window slats which form a blind or shutter) | :: Jalousie {f} |
jam {n} (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar) | :: Marmelade {f}, Konfitüre {f} |
jam {n} (blockage, congestion) | :: Stau {m} |
jam {n} (difficult situation) | :: Patsche {f}, Klemme {f} |
jam {v} (to get something stuck in a confined space) | :: einklemmen |
jam {v} (to cause congestion or blockage) | :: blockieren |
jam {v} (music: to improvise as a group) | :: spontan musizieren, jammen, gemeinsam improvisieren |
Jamahiriya {n} (state of the masses (Libya)) | :: Dschamahirija {f} |
Jamaica {prop} (country in the Caribbean) | :: Jamaika {n} |
Jamaican {n} (person of Jamaican descent) | :: Jamaikaner {m}, Jamaikanerin {f} |
Jamaican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jamaica, the Jamaican people or the Jamaican language) | :: jamaikanisch |
Jamaican Creole {prop} (English-based creole language) | :: Jamaika-Kreolisch {n} |
jamb {n} (vertical component that form the side of an opening in a wall) | :: Türpfosten {m} |
jambalaya {n} (rice-based dish from Louisiana) | :: Jambalaya {f} |
James {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Jakobus {m} |
James {prop} (one of two Apostles) | :: Jakobus |
James {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) | :: Jakob |
James Bond {prop} (fictional British spy) | :: James Bond {m} |
jam jar {n} (car) SEE: car | :: |
jammed {adj} (pertaining to something which is stuck) | :: eingeklemmt, festgeklemmt, eingequetscht |
jammed {adj} (overcrowded; congested) | :: überfüllt, verstopft, proppenvoll |
Jammu {prop} (the region of Jammu) | :: Jammu |
Jammu {prop} (the city of Jammu) | :: Jammu |
Jammu and Kashmir {prop} (former princely state) | :: Jammu und Kashmir |
Jammu and Kashmir {prop} (portion of the territory which is governed by India) | :: Jammu und Kashmir |
jam session {n} (impromptu informal performance) | :: Jamsession {f}, Jam Session {f} |
Jane {prop} (feminine form of John) | :: Johanna {f} |
janggi {n} (Korean chess) | :: Janggi {n}, Changgi {n} |
janissary {n} (former Turkish soldier) | :: Janitschar {m} |
janissaryship {n} | :: Janitschariat |
janitor {n} (caretaker) | :: Hausmeister {m}, Hausmeisterin {f}, Hauswartin {f}, Hauswart {m} |
janitor {n} (doorman) | :: Pförtner {m}, Pförtnerin {f} |
Jan Mayen {prop} (Norwegian territory) | :: Jan Mayen |
January {prop} (first month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: Januar {m}, Jänner {m} [southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland], Hartung {m} [poetic] |
Janus {prop} (Roman god of doorways, gates and transitions) | :: Janus |
Janus {prop} (moon of Saturn) | :: Janus |
Jap {n} (offensive term for a Japanese person) | :: Japse {m} |
Japan {prop} (a country in East Asia) | :: Japan {n} |
Japanese {adj} (of or relating to Japan) | :: japanisch |
Japanese {n} (person of Japan) | :: Japaner {m} (Japanerin {f}; Japanese {m}) |
Japanese {n} (Japanese language) | :: Japanisch {n} |
Japanese aralia {n} (Fatsia japonica) | :: Zimmeraralie {f} |
Japanese beetle {n} (species of beetle) | :: Japankäfer {m} |
Japanese bush warbler {n} (Horornis diphone) | :: Japanbuschsänger {m} |
Japanese encephalitis {n} (viral disease) | :: Japanische Enzephalitis |
Japanese knotweed {n} (Fallopia japonica) | :: japanischer Staudenknöterich |
Japanese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
Japanese macaque {n} (Macaca fuscata) | :: Japanmakak {m} |
Japaneseness {n} (quality of being Japanese) | :: Japanischkeit {f} |
Japanese night heron {n} (Gorsachius goisagi) | :: Rotscheitelreiher {m} |
Japanese Sign Language {prop} (Sign language used in Japan) | :: japanische Gebärdensprache {f} |
Japanese spitz {n} (dog breed) | :: Japan-Spitz |
Japanese tit {n} (Parus minor) | :: Japanmeise {f} |
Japanese yew {n} (Taxus cuspidata) | :: japanische Eibe {f} |
Japanification {n} (Japanification) | :: Japanisierung {f}, Japanifizierung {f} |
Japanize {v} (to Nipponize) | :: japanisieren |
Japano- {prefix} (Nippo-) SEE: Nippo- | :: |
Japanologist {n} (one who studies Japanology) | :: Japanologe {m}, Japanologin {f} |
Japanology {n} (the study of Japan) | :: Japanologie {f} |
Japanophile {n} (A person who loves Japan) | :: Japanophil {m} |
Japanophilia {n} (strong interest in Japan) | :: Japanophilie {f} |
Japanophobia {n} (the fear of Japan or Japanese) | :: Japanophobie {f} |
Japanophone {adj} (Japanese-speaking) | :: japanischsprachig |
jape {n} (joke or quip) SEE: joke | :: |
Japheth {prop} (third son of Noah) | :: Japhet {m}, Japheth |
jar {n} (small, approximately cylindrical container) | :: Glas {n} (glass jar only), Gefäß {n} |
jar {v} (to knock, shake, or strike sharply, especially causing a quivering or vibrating movement) | :: erschüttern, rütteln |
jar {v} (to sound harshly or discordantly) | :: scheppern |
jargon {n} (technical terminology unique to a particular subject) | :: Fachjargon {m}, Fachsprache {f} |
jargon {n} (language characteristic of a particular group) | :: Jargon {m}, Fachsprache {f} |
jargon {n} (incomprehensible speech) | :: Jargon {m}, Fachchinesisch {n} |
jargoon {n} (variety of zircon) | :: Jargon {m} |
jarl {n} (medieval Scandinavian nobleman, especially in Norway and Denmark) | :: Jarl {m} |
jarovization {n} (certain treatment of seeds or bulbs, see also: vernalization) | :: Jarowisation {f}, Jarowisierung {f} |
jarring {adj} (That jars (clashes or disagrees)) | :: misstönend, schräg, schief |
jasmine {n} (plant of genus Jasminum) | :: Jasmin {m}, Jasminum {n} |
jasmine {n} | :: Jasmin {m} |
Jasmine {prop} (female given name) | :: Jasmin {f} |
jasmine rice {n} (fragrant rice) | :: Jasmin-Reis {m} |
Jason {prop} (given name) | :: Jason |
jasper {n} (precious stone) | :: Jaspis {m} |
Jasper {prop} (male given name; one of the Magi) SEE: Caspar | :: |
jaundice {n} (morbid condition) | :: Gelbsucht {f}, Ikterus {f} |
jaundice {v} (affect with jaundice; prejudice) | :: sich verfärben, rot anlaufen |
jaunt {n} (A short excursion for pleasure or refreshment) | :: Ausflug, Vergnügungsfahrt {f}, Spritztour {f} |
jaunt {v} (to ramble here and there; to stroll; to make an excursion) | :: herumstreunen, einen Ausflug machen |
jauntily {adv} (in an airy, showy, or affected manner) | :: unbeschwert, munter, fröhlich |
jaunty {adj} (airy, showy, or affected) | :: affektiert, prätentiös, übermütig, fröhlich, keck, munter |
jaunty {adj} (dapper or stylish) | :: schick, kess, fesch, flott |
jaunty {adj} (ostentatiously self-confident) | :: selbstzufrieden, selbstgerecht, übermütig, schwungvoll |
Java {prop} (island of Indonesia) | :: Java |
Java {prop} (programming language) | :: Java {n} |
Javan {adj} (pertaining to the island of Java) | :: Javanisch |
Javan {n} (inhabitant of the island Java) | :: Javanisch {n} |
Javanese {n} (person) | :: Javaner {m}, Javanerin {f} |
Javanese {prop} (language) | :: Javanisch {n} |
Javan rhinoceros {n} (Rhinoceros sondaicus) | :: Java-Nashorn {n} |
Javan tiger {n} (Panthera sondaica) | :: Java-Tiger {m} |
JavaScript {prop} (scripting programming language) | :: JavaScript {n} |
Java sparrow {n} (Java sparrow) | :: Reisfink {m}, Reisamadine, Reisnonne |
javelin {n} (spear used as a weapon) | :: Speer {m} |
javelin {n} (spear used in athletic competition) | :: Speer {m} |
javelin throw {n} (athletic event where a javelin is thrown) | :: Speerwurf {m} |
javelin thrower {n} (athlete who competes in the javelin throw) | :: Speerwerfer {m} |
jaw {n} (bone of the jaw) | :: Kiefer {m}, Unterkiefer {m}, Oberkiefer {m}, Kinnbacke {f} |
jaw {n} | :: Kinnbacke {f} (1,2, lower), Rachen , Schlund , Backe |
jawan {n} (infantryman, soldier) | :: Infanterist {m}, Soldat {m} |
jawbone {n} (any of the bones in the jaw) | :: Kiefer {m}, Kieferknochen {m} |
jaw-dropping {adj} (causing great awe or surprise) | :: atemberaubend, umwerfend, unglaublich |
jawless {adj} (lacking a jaw) | :: kieferlos |
jay {n} (bird) | :: Häher {m}, Hähermännchen {n} [male], Häherweibchen {n} [female] |
jay {n} (name of the letter J, j) | :: Jot {m} |
jaywalk {v} (violate pedestrian traffic regulations) | :: eine Straße an verbotener Stelle überqueren |
jaywalker {n} (one who jaywalks) | :: unachtsamer Fußgänger {m}, unachtsame Fußgängerin {f}, die Verkehrsregeln missachtender Fußgänger {m}, die Verkehrsregeln missachtende Fußgängerin {f} |
jazz {n} (musical art form) | :: Jazz {m} |
jazz band {n} (group of musicians who play jazz music) | :: Jazz-Band {f} |
jazzy {adj} (flashy or showy) | :: grell, protzig, auffällig |
jealous {adj} (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection) | :: eifersüchtig |
jealous {adj} (protective, guarding; careful in the protection of something one has or appreciates) | :: eifrig, eifernd |
jealous {adj} (envious; feeling resentful of someone for a perceived advantage, material or otherwise) | :: neidisch |
jealousy {n} (jealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity)) | :: Eifersucht {f}, Missgunst {f} |
jealousy {n} (a resentment towards someone for a perceived advantage or superiority they hold) | :: Mißgunst {f} |
jealousy {n} (close, zealous vigilance, envy) | :: Neid {m}, Missgunst {f} |
jeans {n} (denim trousers) | :: Niethose {f}, Jeans {f}, Jeanshose {f} |
jebel {n} (hill) | :: Dschebel {m}, Hügel {m}, Berg {m} |
Jeddah {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) | :: Dschidda {n} |
Jedi {n} (one of a fictional order of beings) | :: Jedi {m} |
Jedi Knight {n} (powerful rank of Jedi) | :: Jedi-Ritter {m} |
jeep {n} (vehicle) | :: Jeep {m} |
Jeep {n} (Jeep) SEE: jeep | :: |
jeer {n} (mocking remark) | :: Spott {m} |
jeer {v} (to scoff or mock) | :: spotten |
jeer {n} (gear; tackle) | :: Fall {n} |
Jeffrey {prop} (male given name) SEE: Geoffrey | :: |
Jehovah {prop} (Yahweh) SEE: Yahweh | :: |
Jehovah {prop} (transliteration of the Masoretic vocalization of the Tetragrammaton) | :: Jehova |
Jehovah {n} (Jehovah's Witness) SEE: Jehovah's Witness | :: |
Jehovah's Witness {n} (member of the Jehovah's Witnesses) | :: Zeuge Jehovas {m} |
Jehovah's Witnesses {prop} (denomination) | :: Zeugen Jehovas {m-p} |
jejunum {n} (central of the three divisions of the small intestine) | :: Jejunum {n}, Leerdarm {m} |
Jelgava {prop} (city in Latvia) | :: Mitau {n}, Jelgava {n} |
jelly {n} (dessert) | :: Gelee {n}, Sulz, Wackelpudding {m}, Wackelpeter {m} |
jelly {n} (sweet gelatinous substance derived from fruit juices and pectin) | :: Gelee {n} |
jelly {n} (jam) | :: Marmelade {f}, Gelee {n} |
jelly {n} (sieved jam) | :: Gelee {n} |
jelly bean {n} (small bean-shaped chewy candy) | :: Geleebonbon {n} |
jellyfish {n} (aquatic animal) | :: Qualle {f} |
jellylike {adj} (resembling a jelly) | :: geleeartig |
jellyroll {n} (cylindrical cake) SEE: Swiss roll | :: |
jemmy {v} (cram) SEE: cram | :: |
je ne sais quoi {n} (indefinable quality that makes something distinctive) | :: gewisse Etwas {n} |
jenny {n} (female of donkey) SEE: she-ass | :: |
jenny {n} (device for spinning) SEE: spinning jenny | :: |
jenny-ass {n} (female donkey) SEE: she-ass | :: |
jeopardise {v} (jeopardize) SEE: jeopardize | :: |
jeopardize {v} (put in jeopardy) | :: gefährden, in Gefahr bringen |
jeopardy {n} (danger of loss, harm, or failure) | :: Gefahr {f}, Risiko {n} |
jerboa {n} (small rodent) | :: Wüstenspringmaus {f} |
jeremiad {n} (long speech or prose work) | :: Jeremiade |
Jeremiah {prop} (biblical prophet) | :: Jeremia {m} |
Jeremiah {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Jeremia {m} |
Jeremiah {prop} (male given name) | :: Jeremias {m} |
Jeremy {prop} (Jeremiah) SEE: Jeremiah | :: |
Jericho {prop} (city) | :: Jericho |
jerk {n} (sudden, uncontrolled movement) | :: Zuckung {f} |
jerk {n} (quick, often unpleasant tug or shake) | :: Ruck {m} |
jerk {n} (dull or stupid person) | :: Trottel {m}, Dummkopf {m}, Blödmann {m} |
jerk {n} (unlikable person) | :: Arsch {m}, Arschloch {n}, Schwein {m}, Trottel {m}, Hanswurst {m}, Flasche {f}, Wichser {m}, Saftsack {m}, Sackarsch {m} |
jerk {n} (physics: rate of change in acceleration) | :: Ruck {m} |
jerk {v} (intransitive: to make a sudden uncontrolled movement) | :: zucken |
jerk {v} (transitive: to give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake) | :: rucken |
jerk {v} (to cure by cutting into strips and drying) | :: dörren |
jerkin {n} (close-fitting collarless jacket, with or without sleeves) | :: Jacke {f}, Wams {n} |
jerkin {n} (a sleeveless jacket, usually leather) | :: Lederwams {n}, Lederweste {f} |
jerk off {v} (to masturbate) | :: wichsen, sich einen runterholen |
jerkoff {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker | :: |
jerky {adj} (characterized by physical jerking) | :: zuckend |
jerky {n} (Lean meat cured and preserved by cutting into thin strips and air-drying in the sun) | :: Trockenfleisch {n} |
Jerome {prop} (male given name) | :: Hieronymus {m}; [dated] Jeronimus {m} |
Jerry {n} (German) SEE: German | :: |
Jerry {n} (slang: German) SEE: Fritz | :: |
jerrycan {n} (pressed-steel fuel container) | :: Benzinkanister {m}, Kanister {m} |
jersey {n} (garment knitted from wool, worn over the upper body) | :: Pullover {m}, Jersey {n} |
jersey {n} (shirt worn by a member of an athletic team) | :: Trikot {n} |
Jerusalem {prop} (city) | :: Jerusalem |
Jerusalem artichoke {n} (plant and tuber) | :: Topinambur {m} |
Jerusalemite {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jerusalem) | :: jerusalemisch, Jerusalemer, Jerusalem- |
Jerusalemite {n} (native or resident of Jerusalem) | :: Jerusalemer {m}, Jerusalemerin {f} |
Jesse {prop} (biblical father of David) | :: Isai |
Jessica {prop} (a female given name) | :: Jessica |
jest {v} | :: Spaß machen |
jester {n} (one who jests) | :: Spaßmacher {m}, Spaßmacherin {f}, Clown {m}, Clownin {f}, Hampelmann {m}, Hampelfrau {f} |
jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) SEE: court jester | :: |
Jesuit {n} (member of the Society of Jesus) | :: Jesuit {m} |
Jesus {prop} (the Christian Messiah) | :: Jesus |
Jesus Christ {prop} (Jesus of Nazareth) | :: Jesus Christus {m} |
jet {n} (stream of fluid) | :: Strahl {m} |
jet {v} (to spray with liquid, to gush, to spurt) | :: spritzen |
jet {v} (to travel on a jet aircraft or otherwise by jet propulsion) | :: jetten |
jet {n} (coal) | :: Gagat {m}, Jett {m} {n} |
jet {n} (jet plane) SEE: jet plane | :: |
jet-black {adj} (of the blackest black) SEE: pitch-black | :: |
jet-black {n} (the blackest black) | :: pechschwarz, Rabenschwarz, Tiefschwarz |
jet engine {n} (an engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products) | :: Strahltriebwerk {n}, Düsentriebwerk {n} |
jet fighter {n} (fighter aircraft with one or more jet engines) | :: Düsenjäger {m}, Jagdflugzeug {n} |
jet fuel {n} (type of fuel) | :: Flugpetrol |
Jethro {prop} (the father-in-law of Moses) | :: Jitro {m} |
jet lag {n} (physical condition) | :: Jetlag {m} |
jet pack {n} (Equipment worn on the back for vertical thrust) | :: Raketenrucksack {m}, Jetpack {m} |
jet plane {n} (an airplane that is powered by a jet engine) | :: Strahlflugzeug [technical, formal]; Düsenflugzeug [common]; Jet {m}, Düsenjet {m} [informal] |
jetsam {n} (jetsam) | :: Strandgut {n} |
jet set {n} (wealthy people who travel for pleasure) | :: Jetset {m} |
jet ski {n} (small motorized water craft) | :: Wassermotorrad {n} |
jet stream {n} (air current) | :: Jetstream {m} |
jettison {n} (collectively, items that have been or are about to be ejected from a boat or balloon) | :: Ballast {m} |
jettison {n} (the action of jettisoning items) | :: Abwerfen {n} |
jettison {v} (to eject from a boat) | :: über Bord werfen, Ballast abwerfen |
jettison {v} (to let go or get rid of) | :: loswerden |
jetty {n} (wharf) SEE: wharf | :: |
jetty {n} (pier) SEE: pier | :: |
jetty {n} (structure to influence currents or protect a harbor or beach) | :: Damm {m}, Mole {f}, Wellenbrecher {m} |
Jew {n} (person of the Jewish faith) | :: Jude {m}, Jüdin {f} |
Jew {n} (member or descendent of the Jewish people) | :: Jude {m}, Jüdin {f} |
jewel {n} (gemstone) | :: Edelstein {m}, Juwel {n} {m} |
jewel {n} (valuable object for ornamentation) | :: Schmuckstück {n} |
jewel {n} (anything precious or valuable) | :: Juwel {n} {m}, Kleinod {n} |
jewel {n} (bearing for a pivot in watch) | :: Stein {m} |
jewel {v} (decorate or bedeck with jewels or gems) SEE: bejewel | :: |
jewel box {n} (plastic container for optical disc) | :: CD-Hülle {f} |
jeweler {n} (a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry) | :: Juwelier {m}, Juwelierin {f} |
jeweler's {n} (jeweler's) SEE: jeweller's | :: |
jeweller {n} (jeweller) SEE: jeweler | :: |
jeweller's {n} (a shop that sells jewellery) | :: Juweliergeschäft {n} |
jewellery {n} (personal ornamentation) | :: Schmuck {m} |
Jewess {n} (female Jew) | :: Jüdin {f} |
Jew-free {adj} (free of Jews) | :: judenfrei |
Jewish {adj} (Yiddish) SEE: Yiddish | :: |
Jewish {adj} (of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture) | :: jüdisch |
Jewish {prop} (informal term for Yiddish, see also: Yiddish) | :: Jüdisch {n} [obsolete], Idisch {n} [obsolete] |
Jewish Autonomous Oblast {prop} (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia) | :: Jüdisches Autonomes Gebiet {n} |
Jewishness {n} | :: Judesein {n}, Jüdischkeit {f} |
jewlover {n} | :: Judenfreund |
Jewry {n} (Jews in general, the Jewish population of a locale) | :: Judentum {n}; Judenheit {f} |
Jewry {n} (the land of Jews (obsolete)) SEE: Judea | :: |
Jew's-ear {n} (fungus Auricularia auricula-judae) | :: Judasohr {n} |
Jew's harp {n} (musical instrument) | :: Maultrommel {f}, Mundtrommel {f}, Maulgeige {f}, Brummeisen {n}, Judenharfe {f} |
Jew's harpist {n} (Jew's harpist) | :: Maultrommler {m}, Maultrommlerin {f}, Mundtrommler {m}, Mundtrommlerin {f}, Brummeisenspieler {m}, Brummeisenspielerin {f}, Maultrommelspieler {m}, Maultrommelspielerin {f}, Mundtrommelspieler {m}, Mundtrommelspielerin {f} |
Jezebel {prop} (Biblical character Jezebel) | :: Isebel {f} |
Jharkhand {prop} (state in eastern India) | :: Jharkhand {n} |
Jiangshanian {n} | :: Jiangshanium |
Jiantizi {prop} (Simplified Chinese) SEE: Simplified Chinese | :: |
jiaozi {n} (Chinese dumplings) | :: Jiaozi |
jib {n} (triangular staysail) | :: Fock {f} |
jibe {n} (facetious or insulting remark) | :: Spöttelei {f}, spöttische Bemerkung {f}, Stichelei {f} |
jibe {v} (to accord or agree) | :: übereinstimmen, zusammenpassen |
jicama {n} (the edible root of the yam bean) | :: Yambohne {f} |
Jicarilla {prop} (Jicarilla language) | :: Jicarilla |
jiffy {n} (very short, unspecified length of time) | :: Moment {m}, Augenblick {m} |
jig {n} (mechanical device) | :: Schablone {f}, Lehre {f}, Vorrichtung {f} |
Jigglypuff {n} (Pokémon) | :: Pummeluff {n} |
jigsaw {n} (A saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade) | :: Stichsäge {f} |
jigsaw {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle | :: |
jigsaw puzzle {n} (type of puzzle) | :: Puzzle {n}, Puzzlespiel {n} |
jihad {n} (holy war undertaken by Muslims) | :: Dschihad {m}, Djihad {m}, [rare] Jihad {m} |
jihadism {n} (ideological movement within modern Islamic fundamentalism) | :: Dschihadismus {m}, Jihadismus {m}, Gotteskriegertum {n} |
jihadist {n} (one who participates in a jihad) | :: Dschihadist {m}, Dschihadistin {f}), Mudschahed {m}, Gotteskrieger {m}, Gotteskriegerin {f} |
jihadist {adj} (pertaining to the doctrine of jihadism) | :: dschihadistisch, jihadistisch |
jilt {v} (to jilt) | :: den Laufpass geben (lover), verlassen, fallen lassen, sitzen lassen, einen Korb geben, verladen |
Jim {prop} (diminutive of James) | :: Jockel {m} |
jimsonweed {n} (Datura stramonium) | :: Stechapfel {m} |
jingle bell {n} (bell) | :: Schelle {f} |
jingoism {n} (chauvinism) SEE: chauvinism | :: |
jingoism {n} (extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy) | :: Hurrapatriotismus {m}, Jingoismus {m} |
jingoist {n} (chauvinist) SEE: chauvinist | :: |
jingoist {n} (one who advocates an aggressive nationalism, one who vociferously supports a nation's military aims) | :: Hurrapatriot {m}, Chauvinist {m}, Ultranationalist {m} |
jingoistic {adj} (overly patriotic or nationalistic) | :: hurrapatriotisch, chauvinistisch, ultranationalistisch |
jinn {n} (spirit) | :: Dschinn {m} |
jinx {n} (A hex; an evil spell) | :: Fluch {m}, Verwünschung {f} |
jinx {v} (To cast a spell on) | :: verzaubern, mit einem Zauber belegen |
jinx {v} (To bring bad luck to) | :: verhexen |
jitter {n} | :: [2] Zittern |
jive {v} (be deceptive) | :: bequatschen, vormachen [with etwas], Quatsch erzählen |
jive {v} (dance) | :: swingen |
jive {n} (deceptive talk) | :: Quatsch {m}, Gequatsche {n}, durchsichtiges Geschwätz {n} |
jizya {n} (per capita tax) | :: Dschisja {f}, Dschizya {f} |
jizz {n} (slang: sperm) | :: Wichse {f} |
jizz {v} (slang: sperm) | :: abspritzen, kommen |
JLPT {prop} (Japanese language proficiency test) | :: Test zur Überprüfung der Kenntnisse der japanischen Sprache {m}, JLPT {m} |
Joachim {prop} (male given name) | :: Joachim |
Joan {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jane | :: |
Joanna {prop} (cognates of the given name) SEE: Jane | :: |
Joanna {prop} (biblical follower of Jesus) | :: Johanna |
job {n} (task) | :: Aufgabe {f}, Auftrag {m} |
job {n} (economic role for which a person is paid) | :: Arbeit {f}, Job {m}, Beruf {m}, Stelle {f}, Anstellung {f} |
job {n} (computing: task(s) carried out in batch mode) | :: Job {m} |
job {v} (to do odd jobs) | :: jobben |
job {v} (to work as a jobber) | :: jobben |
job {v} | :: arbeiten, jobben |
Job {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Hiob |
Job {prop} (biblical and qur'anic character) | :: Hiob {m} |
job action {n} (workplace protest) SEE: industrial action | :: |
job center {n} (agency) | :: Arbeitsamt {n}, Jobcenter {n}, [Austria] Arbeitsmarktservice {m} |
Jobcentre {n} (agency) | :: Jobcenter {n} |
job description {n} | :: Stellenbeschreibung {f} |
job interview {n} (interview attended by a job applicant) | :: Bewerbungsgespräch {n}, Vorstellungsgespräch {n} |
jobless {adj} (lacking employment) SEE: unemployed | :: |
jobseeker {n} (person seeking employment) | :: Arbeitsuchender {m}, Arbeitsuchende {f} |
Job's news {n} (bad news (biblical, Job)) | :: Hiobsbotschaft {f} |
job title {n} (designation of a post) | :: Berufsbezeichnung {f} |
jock {n} (athlete) | :: Sportskanone {f} |
jock {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap | :: |
jockey {n} (one who rides racehorses competitively) | :: Jockey {m} |
jock strap {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap | :: |
jockstrap {n} (an athletic supporter) | :: Sportsuspensorium, Suspensorium, Tiefschützer {n}, Tiefschutz {m}, Jockstrap, [slightly vulgar] Eierbecher {m} |
jocose {adj} (given to jest) | :: drollig, launig |
jocose {adj} (characterised by joking) | :: drollig, scherzend |
jocular {adj} (humorous, amusing, joking) | :: scherzhaft, spaßig, witzig |
jocund {adj} (jovial, exuberant, lighthearted; merry and in high spirits) | :: heiter |
Joe Average {n} (hypothetical average or generic individual) | :: Ottonormalverbraucher {m} |
Joe Bloggs {prop} (A personification of the general public) | :: Otto Normal, Max Mustermann |
Joel {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Joel |
Joel {prop} (male given name) | :: Joel |
Joensuu {prop} (city) | :: Joensuu |
jog {n} (energetic trot) | :: Joggen |
jog {v} (to move in an energetic trot) | :: joggen |
jogging {n} (form of exercise) | :: Jogging {n} |
Johannesburg {prop} (a city in South Africa) | :: Johannesburg {n} |
john {n} (prostitute client) | :: Freier {m} |
John {prop} (male given name) | :: Johann {m}, Johannes {m}, Jan {m}, Hans {m} |
John {prop} (biblical persons) | :: Johannes {m} |
John {prop} (fourth gospel) | :: (das Evangelium nach) Johannes, Joh |
John {prop} (one of the epistles of John) | :: Johannes, 1, 2, 3 Joh |
John {prop} (name used to address a man whose name is not known) | :: Otto {m} |
John Bull {prop} (personification of the UK government) | :: John Bull {m} |
John Doe {prop} (male name used in legal documents) | :: N. N., NN |
John Doe {n} (any unknown or anonymous male person) | :: Max Mustermann, Otto Normalverbraucher |
John Dory {n} (edible marine fish) | :: Petersfisch {m} |
Johnny {prop} (diminutive of John) | :: Hans {m}, Hänsel {m} |
John Q. Public {n} (1. A generic individual; some hypothetical average or ordinary citizen) | :: Otto Normalverbraucher {m} |
Johnson {prop} (surname meaning "son of John") | :: Johansen |
John the Baptist {prop} (biblical prophet) | :: Johannes der Täufer |
joie de vivre {n} (enjoyment of living, zest for life) | :: Lebensfreude {f}, Lebenslust {f} |
join {n} (an intersection of piping or wiring; an interconnect) | :: Verbindung {f} |
join {v} (to combine more than one item into one; to put together) | :: verknüpfen, vereinigen, anschließen, verbinden |
join {v} (to come together; to meet) | :: zusammenkommen, sich treffen |
join {v} (to come into the company of) | :: sich anschließen |
join {v} (to become a member of) | :: beitreten |
joiner {n} (maker of wooden furniture) | :: Tischler {m}, Schreiner {m} |
joiner {n} (thing that joins) | :: Bindeglied {n} |
joinery {n} (factory producing wooden products) | :: Tischlerei {f}, Schreinerei {f} |
joint {adj} (done by two or more people or organisations working together) | :: gemeinsamer, gemeinschaftlich |
joint {n} (joint with freedom to rotate) | :: Gelenk {n} |
joint {n} (part of the body where bones join) | :: Gelenk {n} |
joint {n} (point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry) | :: Verbindung {f} |
joint {n} (business) | :: Schuppen {m}, Laden {m} |
joint {n} (prison) | :: Knast {m} |
joint {n} (marijuana cigarette) | :: Joint {m}, Tüte {f} |
joint {v} (to separate the joints) SEE: disjoint | :: |
joint account {n} (a bank account owned jointly by two or more persons) | :: gemeinsame Rechnung {f} |
jointer {n} (pointing-trowel) SEE: pointing-trowel | :: |
join the club {phrase} (expression of sympathy) | :: Willkommen im Club |
joint-stock company {n} (company with transferable ownership and limited shareholder liability) | :: Aktiengesellschaft {f}, AG {f} |
joint tenancy {n} | :: Gesamthandseigentum {n}, [Switzerland] Gesamteigentum {n} |
joint venture {n} (a cooperative business partnership) | :: Joint Venture {n}, Gemeinschaftsunternehmen {n} |
joist {n} (piece of timber) | :: Balken {m}, Querbalken {m}, Holzbalken {m}, Deckenbalken {m}, Unterzug {m}, Schwelle {f}, Träger {m}, Tragbalken {m} |
jojoba {n} (Simmondsia chinensis) | :: Jojoba {f} |
joke {n} (amusing story) | :: Witz {m} |
joke {n} (something said or done for amusement) | :: Scherz {m}, Streich {m}, Witz {m}, Spaß {m} |
joke {n} (worthless thing or person) | :: Witz {m} |
joke {v} (do for amusement) | :: scherzen, Witze machen, Spaß machen, witzeln |
joker {n} (jester) SEE: fool | :: |
joker {n} (person who makes jokes) | :: Spaßvogel {m} |
joker {n} (playing card) | :: Joker {m}, Jolly |
jolly {adj} (jovial) SEE: jovial | :: |
Jolly Roger {n} (traditional flag used on pirate ships) | :: Totenkopfflagge {f}, Totenkopffahne {f}, Piratenflagge {f} |
jolt {v} (to push or shake) | :: schütteln, durchrütteln |
jolt {v} (to deal a blow to) | :: einen Schlag versetzen |
jolt {v} (to shock into taking action) | :: aufrütteln, wachrütteln |
jolt {v} (to shock emotionally) | :: schwer treffen, erschüttern |
jolt {v} (to shake, move with a series of jerks) | :: holpern, rütteln, ruckeln |
jolt {n} (an act of jolting) | :: Stoßen {n}, Rucken {n}, Stoß {m}, Ruck {m} |
jolt {n} (a surprise or shock) | :: Schock {m}, Aufrüttler {m}, Waxhrüttler {m} |
jolt {n} (a long prison sentence) | :: Denkzettel {m} |
jolt {n} (a narcotic injection) | :: Schuss {m} |
Jonah {prop} (given name) | :: Jonas {m} |
Jonah {prop} (prophet) | :: Jona |
Jonah {prop} (Biblical: a book of the Old Testament) | :: Buch Jona {n} [Protestant], Buch Jonas {n} [Catholic] |
Jonah {prop} (tenth sūra of the Qurʾān) | :: Jonas |
Jonah {n} (a jinx) | :: Unglücksbringer {m}, Unglücksbringerin {f}, Unglücksrabe {m}, Unglücksräbin {f}, Pechvogel {m}, Pechvögelin {f} |
Jonathan {prop} (biblical character) | :: Jonathan |
Jonathan {prop} (male given name) | :: Jonathan |
jonquil {n} (Narcissus jonquilla) | :: Jonquille {f} |
Jordan {prop} (country) | :: Jordanien {n} |
Jordan {prop} (river) | :: Jordan {m} |
Jordanian {n} (person) | :: Jordanier {m}, Jordanierin {f} |
Jordanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jordan or the Jordanian people) | :: jordanisch |
Joseph {prop} (favorite son of Jacob) | :: Josef {m}, Joseph {m} |
Joseph {prop} (husband of Virgin Mary) | :: Josef, Joseph |
Joseph {prop} (Joseph of Arimathea) | :: Josef von Arimathäa {m}, Joseph von Arimathia {m} |
Joseph {prop} (male given name) | :: Josef, Joseph {m} |
Josephine {prop} (feminine form of Joseph) | :: Josefine, Josephine |
Josephinism {n} (policies of Joseph II) | :: Josephinismus {m} |
Joshua {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Josua |
Joshua {prop} (male given name) | :: Josua {m} |
Joshua tree {n} (Yucca brevifolia) | :: Joshua Tree {m}, Josuabaum {m} |
joskin {n} (yokel) SEE: country bumpkin | :: |
joss stick {n} (incense stick) | :: Räucherstäbchen {n} |
jostaberry {n} (fruit) | :: Jostabeere |
jostle {v} (bump into or brush against while in motion) | :: drängeln |
jostle {v} (move through by pushing and shoving) | :: drängeln |
jostle {n} (act of jostling) | :: Drängelei {f}, Gedrängel {n} |
jostle {n} (action of a jostling crowd) | :: Gedränge {n}, Rempelei {f} |
jot {v} (to write quickly) | :: schnell hinschreiben |
jotun {n} (member of a race of giants) | :: Jötunn {m} |
jougs {n} (chained iron collar) | :: Halseisen {n} |
joule {n} (derived unit of energy, work and heat) | :: Joule {n} |
jour fixe {n} (series of events that happen on a fixed day every month) | :: regelmäßiges monatliches Treffen {n}, Jour fixe {m} |
journal {n} (diary or daily record) | :: Tagebuch {n}, Logbuch {n} [ship], Protokoll {n}, Memorial {n} |
journal {n} (newspaper or magazine) | :: Zeitschrift {f}, Journal {n}, Anzeiger {m}, Fachzeitschrift {f}, Revue {f}, Magazin {n}, Zeitung {f}, Tageszeitung {f}, -blatt {n}, Tageblatt {n} |
journal {n} (accounting: record of payments) | :: Hauptbuch {n}, Geschäftsbuch {n}, Kassenbuch {n}, Bücher {n-p} |
journal {n} (engineering: part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings) | :: Zapfen {m}, Lagerzapfen {m}, Achsstummel {m}, Achszapfen {m}, Wellenstummel {m}, Achsschenkel {m}, Drehzapfen {m}, Kurbelzapfen {m} |
journalese {n} (a style of writing used in some newspapers and magazines, characterized by cliché, hyperbolic language and clipped syntax) | :: Zeitungsstil {m}, Jargon der Journalisten {m} |
journalism {n} (activity or profession of being a journalist) | :: Journalismus {m}, Journalistik {f} |
journalist {n} (one whose occupation or profession is journalism) | :: Journalist {m}, Journalistin {f} |
journalist {n} (reporter) | :: Journalist {m}, Journalistin {f}, Reporter {m}, Reporterin {f} |
journalistic {adj} (related to journalism or journalists) | :: journalistisch |
journey {n} (trip, a voyage) | :: Reise {f}, Tour {f}, Fahrt {f} |
journey {v} (to travel, to make a trip or voyage) | :: reisen, verreisen |
journeyman {n} (tradesman who has served an apprenticeship) | :: Geselle {m}, Wandergeselle {m} |
joust {n} (a mock combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms) | :: Tjost {m} {f}, Lanzenstechen {n}, Lanzenzweikampf {m} |
jousting {n} (medieval European sport) | :: Tjost {m}, Tjostieren {n}, Lanzenstechen {n} |
jousting {n} (two people sparing with each other verbally) | :: verbale Rangelei {f}, Wortgefecht {f} |
jovial {adj} (cheerful and good-humoured, see also: jolly; merry) | :: jovial, fröhlich, heiter |
jowl {n} (jaw) | :: Wange {f}, Backe {f} |
joy {n} (feeling of happiness) | :: Freude {f} |
Joycean {adj} (pertaining to James Joyce or his writings) | :: joyceanisch |
joy division {n} | :: Freudenabteilung |
joyful {adj} (feeling or causing joy) | :: freudig, erfreulich, erfreut |
joyfully {adv} (in a joyful manner) | :: freudig |
joyless {adj} (without joy) | :: freudlos |
joyous {adj} (full of joy; happy) | :: freudig |
joyride {n} (dated: ride taken for enjoyment) | :: Spritztour |
joystick {n} (mechanical control device) | :: Steuerknüppel {m}, Joystick {m} |
J-pop {n} (Japanese pop music) | :: J-Pop {m} |
Jūrmala {prop} (city in Latvia) | :: Rigastrand {n}, Jūrmala {n} |
JSC {n} (joint-stock company) | :: AG |
JSDF {prop} (Japan Self-Defense Forces) | :: Selbstverteidigungsstreitkräfte {f-p} |
Juba {prop} (capital of South Sudan) | :: Juba {n} |
jubilarian {n} (person celebrating a jubilee) | :: Jubilar {m}, Jubilarin {f} |
jubilate {v} (To show elation or triumph) | :: jubeln |
jubilation {n} | :: Jubel |
jubilee {n} (special anniversary) | :: Jubiläum {n} |
Jubilee {n} (a year of rest, observed by the Israelites every 50 years) | :: Jobeljahr {n}, Jubeljahr {n}, Erlassjahr {n}, Erlaßjahr {n} [old spelling], Halljahr {n} |
Jubilee {n} (a holy year when people are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Rome) | :: Jubeljahr {n} |
Juche {n} (North Korean self-reliance state ideology) | :: Chuch’e {f} |
Judah {prop} (fourth son of Jacob) | :: Juda {m} |
Judah {prop} (one of the Israelite tribes) | :: Stamm Juda {m} |
Judah {prop} (southern Israelite kingdom) | :: Juda |
Judahite {n} (a descendant of Judah (the patriarch or tribe), an inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Judah) | :: Judäer {m} |
Judahite {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient kingdom of Judah, or its inhabitants) | :: judäisch |
Judaism {prop} (world religion) | :: Judentum {n}, Judaismus {m} |
Judaization {n} (Judaization) | :: Judaisierung {f}, Judaisieren {n} |
Judaize {v} (to impose Jewish observances or rites upon; to convert to Judaism) | :: judaisieren |
Judaizer {n} (Judaizer (in its multiple senses)) | :: Judaisierer {m}, Judaisiererin {f} |
Judas {prop} (one of the Apostles) | :: Judas {m} |
Judas {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Judas {m} |
Judas Iscariot {prop} (disciple of Jesus) | :: Judas Ischariot |
Judas tree {n} (Cercis siliquastrum) | :: Judasbaum {m} |
Jude {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: (Der Brief des) Judas |
Judea {prop} (Judea) | :: Judäa {n} |
Judeo-Christian {adj} (relating to Judaism and Christianity) | :: judenchristlich |
judge {n} (public judicial official) | :: Richter {m}, Richterin {f} [female] |
judge {n} (someone deciding another's fate) | :: Richter {m}, Richterin {f} [female] |
judge {n} (sports official) | :: Schiedsrichter {m}, Schiedsrichterin {f} [female] |
judge {v} (to sit in judgment on, pass sentence on) | :: richten, ein Urteil fällen über |
judge {v} (to sit in judgment on, act as judge) | :: urteilen, eine Verhandlung führen |
judge {v} (to form an opinion on) | :: beurteilen, einschätzen |
judge {v} (to arbitrate, to pass opinion on something) | :: Schiedsrichter sein |
judge {v} (to have as an opinion, consider, suppose) | :: einschätzen als |
judge {v} (to form an opinion, infer) | :: schätzen |
judge {v} (to criticize or label another person or thing) | :: verurteilen |
judgement day {n} (Last Judgement) | :: Tag des jüngsten Gerichts {m} |
judge not, that ye be not judged {proverb} (people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones) SEE: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones | :: |
Judges {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Richter, Buch der Richter {n} |
judgment {n} (act of judging) | :: Urteil {n} |
judgment {n} (power or faculty of making a judgment) | :: Urteilsvermögen {n} |
judgment {n} (conclusion or result of judging) | :: Beurteilung {f} |
judgment {n} ((law) act of determining what is conformable to law) | :: [obsolete] Richtspruch {m}, Richterspruch {m}, richterliche Entscheidung {f} |
judgment {n} ((theology) final award; the last sentence) | :: Urteil {n} |
judicial {adj} (of or relating to a court of law) | :: gerichtlich, Justiz- |
judicial relief {n} | :: Rechtsmittel |
judicial remedy {n} | :: Rechtsmittel |
judiciary {n} (the collective body of judges, justices, etc.) | :: Richterschaft {f} |
judiciary {n} (the court system, inclusive of clerical staff, etc.) | :: Gerichtswesen {n}, Rechtswesen {n}, Justizwesen {n}, Justizsystem {n}, Justiz {f} |
judiciary {n} (the judicial branch of government) | :: Judikative {f}, richterliche Gewalt im Staat {f}, Justiz {f} |
judiciously {adv} (in a judicious manner) | :: umsichtig, vernünftig, verständig |
Judith {prop} (female given name) | :: Judith |
Judith {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Judit |
Judith {prop} (wife of Esau) | :: Jehudit |
judo {n} (Japanese martial art) | :: Judo |
judoka {n} (practitioner of judo) | :: Judoka {m} |
jug {n} (serving vessel) | :: Kanne {f}, Krug {m} |
jug {n} (slang: jail) | :: Knast {m} |
juggernaut {n} (A large, cumbersome truck or lorry) | :: Lastkraftwagen {m} |
juggle {v} (manipulate objects artistically) | :: jonglieren; [a soccer ball] hochhalten |
juggle {v} (to handle or manage many tasks at once) | :: jonglieren |
juggler {n} (person who practices juggling) | :: Jongleur {m} |
juggling {n} (moving of objects in an artful manner) | :: Jonglieren {n}, Jonglage {f} |
Jughashvili {prop} (surname) | :: Dschugaschwili |
jugular {n} (jugular vein) SEE: jugular vein | :: |
jugular vein {n} (vein leading blood down from the head) | :: Halsader {m} |
juice {n} (liquid from a plant) | :: Saft {m} |
juice {n} (beverage made of juice) | :: Saft {m} |
juice {n} (liquid resembling juice) | :: Saft {m} |
juice {n} (slang: electricity) | :: Saft {m} |
juice {v} (to remove the juice from something) | :: entsaften |
juice {v} (to energize) | :: saften |
juice joint {n} (nightclub) SEE: nightclub | :: |
juicer {n} (device) | :: Saftpresse {f} |
juiciness {n} | :: Saftigkeit |
juicy {adj} (containing juice) | :: saftig |
jujube {n} (Ziziphus jujuba fruit) | :: Jujube {f} |
jujube {n} | :: Chinesische Jujube {f}, Chinesische Dattel {f} [Chinese date] |
jukebox {n} (a coin-operated machine that plays recorded music) | :: Musikautomat {m}, Musikbox {f}, Jukebox {f} |
Julia {prop} (female given name) | :: Julia |
Julian {prop} (male given name) | :: Julian |
Julian {adj} (of, or relating to Julius Caesar) | :: julianisch |
Juliana {prop} (female given name) | :: Juliane |
Julian calendar {n} (calendar) | :: Julianischer Kalender {m} |
Julie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Julia | :: |
julienne {n} (garnish of vegetables) | :: Julienne {f} |
Juliet {prop} (character in Romeo and Juliet) | :: Julia {f} |
Julius {prop} (male given name) | :: Julius |
July {prop} (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: Juli {m}, Heuert {m} [archaic] |
July Monarchy {prop} (period of liberal constitutional monarchy in France) | :: Julimonarchie {f} |
jumble {v} (to mix or confuse) | :: durcheinanderbringen, durcheinanderwerfen |
jumble {n} (mixture of unrelated things) | :: Durcheinander {n}, Mischmasch {m}, Wirrwarr {n} |
jumble {n} (Items for a rummage sale) | :: Trödel {m} |
jumbo {n} (platform-mounted machine for drilling rock) | :: Bohrwagen {m}, Bohrgerätewagen {m} |
jump {v} | :: springen, hüpfen |
jump {v} (cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward) | :: springen |
jump {v} (employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) | :: springen |
jump {n} | :: Sprung {m} |
jump {n} (instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location) | :: Sprung {m} |
jump {n} (instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) | :: Sprung {m} |
jump down someone's throat {v} (criticise with excessive and unexpected harshness) | :: anschnauzen |
jumper {n} (someone or something that jumps) | :: Springer {m}, Springerin {f} |
jumper {n} (removable connecting pin (electronics)) | :: Jumper {m} |
jumper {n} (woolen sweater or pullover) | :: Pullover {m}, Jumper {m} |
jumper cable {n} (cable) | :: Starthilfekabel {n} |
jump for joy {v} (exult, rejoice) | :: vor Freude an die Decke springen |
jumping jack {n} (exercise) | :: Hampelmann {m} |
jumping jack {n} (toy) | :: Hampelmann {m} |
jumping plant louse {n} (psyllid) SEE: psyllid | :: |
jumping spider {n} (spiders of the family Salticidae) | :: Springspinne {f} |
jump lead {n} (jumper cable) SEE: jumper cable | :: |
jump on the bandwagon {v} (to profit from a craze) | :: auf den Zug aufspringen |
jump rope {n} (length of rope) SEE: skipping rope | :: |
jump rope {n} (game or activity) | :: Springseil {n}, Sprungseil {n} |
jump rope {v} (to jump over a rope repeatedly as a game or exercise) | :: seilspringen, seilhüpfen |
jump seat {n} | :: Notsitz |
jumpsuit {n} (one-pice clothing for parachutists) | :: Jumpsuit {m}, Springeranzug {m}, Springerkombi {f} |
jumpsuit {n} (similar garment) | :: Overall, Anzug {m} [prefixed with the respective type of sport] |
jump the gun {v} (to begin a race too soon) | :: einen Frühstart hinlegen |
jump the gun {v} (to act without due caution) | :: überstürzen |
jump the queue {v} (to move into a queue ahead of others) | :: drängeln, sich vordrängeln |
jump the shark {v} (To experience a decline in quality, appeal, popularity, etc.) | :: auf dem absteigenden Ast sein |
jumpy {adj} (nervous and excited) | :: nervös |
Jun. {prop} (abbreviation of June) | :: Jun. |
junction {n} (the act of joining) | :: Kreuzung {f} |
junction {n} (a place where two things meet) | :: Kreuzung {f}, Knotenpunkt {m} |
junction {n} (the boundary between two materials) | :: Grenzzone {f} |
juncture {n} (junction) | :: Verbindungspunkt {m}, Verbindungsstelle {f} |
juncture {n} (manner of transition between two consecutive sounds) | :: Junktur |
June {prop} (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: Juni {m}, Brachet {m} |
Juneau {prop} (capital of Alaska) | :: Juneau |
Juneberry {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry | :: |
Jungian {adj} (of or pertaining to Jung) | :: Jungianer {m} |
jungle {adj} (large, undeveloped, humid forest) | :: Urwald {m}, Dschungel {m} {f} {n} |
jungle cat {n} (Felis chaus) | :: Rohrkatze {f} |
jungle gym {n} (play structure) | :: Klettergerüst {n} |
junior {adj} (younger) | :: jünger |
juniper {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus) | :: Wacholder {m} |
juniper berry {n} (female seed cone of a juniper) | :: Wacholderbeere {f} |
junk {n} (rubbish, waste) | :: Schrott {m}, Müll {m}, Abfall {m} |
junk {n} (miscellaneous items of little value) | :: Kram {m}, Kleinkruscht {m}, Ramsch {m}, Krempel {m} |
junk {n} (narcotic drug) | :: Stoff {m} |
junk {n} (slang: genitalia) | :: Eier {n}, Krempel {m}, Nüsse {f}, Klöten {f} |
junk {n} (Chinese sailing vessel) | :: Dschunke {f} |
junk bond {n} (a bond which is considered below investment grade) | :: hochverzinsliche Anleihe {f}, risikoreiche Anleihe {f}, Schrottanleihe {f}, Ramschanleihe {f} |
junk DNA {n} (portion of DNA that has no identified function) | :: nichtkodierende Desoxyribonukleinsäure {f}, nichtkodierende DNS {f} |
junk food {n} (food with little or no nutritional value) | :: ungesundes Essen {n}, [slang] Fraß {m}, Schundessen {n}, Junkfood {m} |
junkie {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict | :: |
junk mail {n} (mail or letters that are not welcome or solicited) | :: Junk-Mail {f}, unerwünschte Post {f}, Junkmail {f}, Spammail {f} |
junkman {n} (seller of junk) | :: Schrotthändler {m} |
junkyard {n} (a business that sells used metal or items) | :: Schrottplatz {m} |
junta {n} (ruling council of a military dictatorship) | :: Junta {f} |
Jupiter {prop} (planet) | :: Jupiter {m} |
Jupiter {prop} (god) | :: Jupiter {m} |
Jura {prop} (region in France) | :: Jura, Département Jura |
Jura {prop} (canton of Switzerland) | :: Jura |
Jura {prop} (island in the inner Hebrides of Scotland) | :: Jura |
Jurassic {prop} (Jurassic period) | :: Jura {m} |
juridical {adj} (Pertaining to the law) | :: juristisch, juridisch |
juridical act {n} (volitional act intended to bring about legal effects) | :: Rechtshandlung {f} |
jurisdiction {n} (the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law) | :: Jurisdiktion {f} |
Juris Doctor {n} (professional doctorate in law) | :: [USA] Juris Doctor {m}, Doktor der Rechte {m} |
jurisprudence {n} (the theoretical study of law) | :: Rechtswissenschaft {f} |
jurist {n} (expert of law) | :: Jurist {m}, Juristin {f} |
juristic act {n} (volitional act intended to bring about legal effects) | :: Rechtshandlung {f} |
juror {n} (jury member) | :: Juror {m}, Jurorin {f}, Geschworener {m} (law), Geschworene {f} (law) |
jury {n} (group in a court of law) | :: Geschworene {p} |
jury {n} (group of judges in a competition) | :: Jury {f} |
jury-rigged {adj} (improvised) | :: notdürftig, improvisiert |
jussive {n} (jussive mood) | :: Jussiv {m}; [in Arabic grammar usually:] Apokopat {m} |
just {adj} (factually fair, correct) | :: angemessen |
just {adj} (morally fair, righteous) | :: gerecht, berechtigt |
just {adv} (only, simply, merely) | :: einfach, nur |
just {adv} (recently) | :: vorhin, soeben |
just {v} (to fight a tournament) SEE: joust | :: |
justice {n} (state of being just or fair) | :: Gerechtigkeit {f} |
justice {n} (fairness, especially with regard to punishment) | :: Gerechtigkeit {f} |
justice {n} (judgment and punishment of who wronged another) | :: Gerechtigkeit {f}, Genugtuung {f} |
justice {n} (the civil power dealing with law) | :: Justiz {f}, Gerechtigkeit {f} |
Justice of the Peace {n} (judicial officer) | :: Friedensrichter {m}, Friedensrichterin {f} |
justifiably {adv} (in a justifiable manner) | :: gerecht |
justification {n} (reason, explanation, or excuse) | :: Rechtfertigung {f}, Begründung {f} |
justification {n} (text alignment) | :: Ausrichtung {f}, Blocksatz {m} [print], Zeilenfall {m} |
justified {adj} (having a justification) | :: gerechtfertigt |
justify {v} (provide an acceptable explanation) | :: rechtfertigen |
justify {v} (give a good, acceptable reason for something) | :: rechtfertigen |
justify {v} (arrange lines on a page or computer screen) | :: ausrichten, justieren |
Justin {prop} (male given name) | :: Justin {m}, Justinus {m} |
just in case {conj} (in the event) | :: für alle Fälle, sicherheitshalber, vorsichtshalber |
just like that {adv} (without warning) | :: einfach so, plötzlich und ohne Vorwarnung |
justly {adv} (In a just or fair manner) | :: gerecht |
justness {n} (fairness) SEE: fairness | :: |
just now {adv} (very close to the present moment) | :: gerade eben, soeben, gerade |
just now {adv} (in a little while) | :: sofort |
Justus {prop} (male given name) | :: Justus {m}, Just {m} |
just-world hypothesis {n} | :: Gerechte-Welt-Glaube {m} |
jute {n} (fiber of Corchorus olitorius) | :: Jute {f} |
jute {n} (The plants from which this fibre is obtained) | :: Jute {f} |
Jute {n} (member of the Germanic tribe that existed in modern-day Denmark) | :: Jüte {m}, Jütin {f} |
Jutish {adj} (of or pertaining to the ancient Jutes) | :: jütisch |
Jutland {prop} (peninsula) | :: Jütland {n} |
Jutlander {n} (native or inhabitant of Jutland) | :: Jütländer {m}, Jütländerin {f}, Jüte {m}, Jütin {f} |
Jutlandic {adj} (of or pertaining to Jutland) | :: jütisch, jütländisch |
Jutlandic {prop} (any of the dialects of Danish spoken in Jutland) | :: Jütisch {n}, Jütländisch {n} |
juvenile {adj} (young; not fully developed) | :: jugendlich |
juvenile {adj} (characteristic of youth or immaturity) | :: jung, unreif, kindisch |
juvenile delinquency {n} (participation in illegal behaviour by minors) | :: Jugendkriminalität {f} |
juvenile delinquent {n} (persistent young offender) | :: Jugendstraftäter |
juvenile offending {n} (juvenile delinquency) SEE: juvenile delinquency | :: |
juvie {n} (youth detention centre) | :: Jugendknast {m} |
juxtapose {v} (to place side by side) | :: nebeneinander stellen |
juxtaposition {n} (mathematics: absence of operators) | :: Juxtaposition {f} |
juxtaposition {n} (extra emphasis given to a comparison) | :: Gegenüberstellung {f} |
jynx {n} (a charm or spell) SEE: spell | :: |
jynx {n} (Jynx torquilla) SEE: wryneck | :: |
Jyväskylä {prop} (city) | :: Jyväskylä |