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User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-m

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富士见 {def} SEE: 富士見 ::
富士见野 {def} SEE: 富士見野 ::
富士山 {prop} /Fùshìshān/ :: Mount Fuji (the highest mountain in Japan)
富壽 {prop} /Fùshòu/ :: (~ 省) 富壽 (province)
富寿 {def} SEE: 富壽 ::
富庶 {adj} /fùshù/ :: rich and populous
富态 {def} SEE: 富態 ::
富態 {adj} [colloquial, euphemistic, sometimes, honorific] /fùtai,fùtài,1nb/ :: plump; portly
富泰 {adj} /fùtài,tl/ :: synonym of 富態
富泰 {adj} /fùtài,tl/ :: affluent and comfortable
富泰 {prop} /fùtài,tl/ :: (~ 里) 富泰 (urban village)
富田林 {prop} /Fùtiánlín/ :: (~ 市) 富田林 (city)
富文字 {n} /fùwénzì/ :: rich text
富翁 {n} /fùwēng/ :: man of wealth; rich person; affluent person; moneybags
富阳 {def} SEE: 富陽 ::
富陽 {prop} /Fùyáng/ :: (~ 區) 富陽 (district)
富營養化 {n} /fùyíngyǎnghuà/ :: eutrophication
富营养化 {def} SEE: 富營養化 ::
富有 {adj} /fùyǒu/ :: wealthy; rich
富有 {v} /fùyǒu/ :: to be full of (experience, determination, etc)
富於 {v} /fùyú/ :: to abound; to be rich in
富于 {def} SEE: 富於 ::
富余 {def} SEE: 富餘 ::
富餘 {v} /fùyu,fùyú,2nb/ :: to have more than needed; to have an abundance of; to be in surplus
富馀 {def} SEE: 富余 ::
富裕 {adj} /fùyù/ :: prosperous; wealthy; well-to-do; well-off
富裕 {prop} /fùyù/ :: (~ 街道) 富裕 (subdistrict)
富裕 {prop} /fùyù/ :: (~ 縣) 富裕 (county)
富裕 {prop} /fùyù/ :: (~ 鎮) 富裕 (town)
富裕中农 {def} SEE: 富裕中農 ::
富裕中農 {n} /fùyù zhōngnóng/ :: relatively rich land owners who practiced minor exploitation
富源 {n} /fùyuán/ :: natural resource
富源 {prop} /fùyuán/ :: (~ 縣) 富源 (county)
富足 {adj} /fùzú/ :: abundant; plentiful
富足 {adj} /fùzú/ :: rich; affluent
{def} /fù/ :: to return
{def} /fù/ :: to repeat
{def} /fù/ :: repeatedly
{def} /fù/ :: 24th hexagram of the I Ching
復辟 {v} /fùbì/ :: to restore someone to power; to reclaim the throne
復查 {v} /fùchá/ :: to reexamine; to recheck; to review
復產 {v} /fùchǎn/ :: to resume production
復轍 {def} SEE: 覆轍 ::
復盛 {prop} /Fùshèng/ :: (~ 里) 復盛 (urban village)
復仇 {v} /fùchóu/ :: to revenge; to avenge
復仇主義 {n} /fùchóuzhǔyì/ :: revanchism
復讎 {v} [orthographically archaic] /fùchóu/ :: to revenge; to avenge
復讐 {def} SEE: 復仇 ::
復出 {v} /fùchū/ :: to stage a comeback (after a period of inactivity)
復旦 {v} /fùdàn,fúdàn,2nb/ :: to break (of dawn)
復旦 {prop} /fùdàn,fúdàn,2nb/ :: abbreviation of 復旦大學
復讀 {v} [Mainland] /fùdú/ :: to return to the same school and repeat a course from which one has already graduated, as a result of failing to get good enough results to progress to one's desired higher-level school
復發 {v} [medicine, of diseases] /fùfā/ :: to relapse; to recur
復返 {v} [often used in the negative] /fùfǎn/ :: to return; to come back
復工 {v} /fùgōng/ :: to resume work
復古 {v} /fùgǔ/ :: to go back to the old ways
復古 {adj} /fùgǔ/ :: retro
復歸 {v} [archaic] /fùguī/ :: to restore someone to the throne
復歸 {v} [archaic] /fùguī/ :: to return something
復國 {v} /fùguó/ :: to recover a lost country
復國主義 {n} /fùguózhǔyì/ :: irredentism
復還 {v} [literary] /fùhuán/ :: to return; to resume, to restore
復函 {v} /fùhán/ :: to reply to a letter
復函 {n} /fùhán/ :: letter of reply
復航 {v} /fùháng/ :: to resume flight; to resume voyage
復合 {v} [of people who were estranged] /fùhé/ :: to be reconciled; [of a couple] to get back together
復回 {v} [archaic] /fùhuí/ :: to return to the original location
復會 {v} [of a meeting or association] /fùhuì/ :: to resume or be restored
復婚 {v} /fùhūn/ :: to remarry (the same person)
復活 {vit} /fùhuó/ :: to come back to life; to bring back to life; to revive; to resurrect
復活蛋 {n} /fùhuódàn/ :: Easter egg (dyed or decorated egg; chocolate egg)
復活節 {prop} /Fùhuójié/ :: Easter
復活節彩蛋 {n} /fùhuójié cǎidàn/ :: Easter egg (dyed or decorated egg)
復活節彩蛋 {n} /fùhuójié cǎidàn/ :: Easter egg (undocumented function)
復活節島 {prop} /Fùhuójié Dǎo/ :: Easter Island
復極化 {v} [physiology] /fùjíhuà/ :: to repolarise
復健 {v} [medicine] /fùjiàn/ :: to rehabilitate; to rehab; to undergo rehabilitation
復健師 {n} /fùjiànshī/ :: rehabilitation therapist
復建 {prop} /Fùjiàn/ :: (~ 里) 復建 (urban village)
復刊 {v} /fùkān/ :: to resume publication (of magazines or newspaper)
復刻 {v} /fùkè/ :: to reprint a work that has been out-of-print
復來 {v} [literary] /fùlái/ :: come again
復律 {v} [cardiology] /fùlǜ/ :: to revert to normal rhythm
復命 {v} [archaic] /fùmìng/ :: to provide an after action report upon completion of a task
復審 {v} /fùshěn/ :: to reexamine; to crosscheck; to review
復審 {v} [legal] /fùshěn/ :: to review a legal case; to retry a case
復生 {vi} /fùshēng/ :: to come back to life
復勢 {prop} /Fùshì/ :: (~ 里) 復勢 (urban village)
復述 {def} SEE: 複述 ::
復甦 {n} /fùsū/ :: recovery; revival
復甦 {v} /fùsū/ :: to come to
復甦 {v} /fùsū/ :: to recover
復蘇 {def} SEE: 復甦 ::
復位 {v} [medicine, of fracture, etc.] /fùwèi/ :: to be reduced
復位 {v} /fùwèi/ :: to reset or be reset
復位 {v} /fùwèi/ :: to return to the throne
復文 {n} /fùwén/ :: retranslation of kanbun kundokutai (a form of Literary Japanese influenced by literal translation of Chinese into Japanese) back to Chinese
復習 {def} SEE: 複習 ::
復信 {v} /fùxìn/ :: to reply to a letter
復信 {n} /fùxìn/ :: reply letter
復興 {vti} /fùxīng/ :: to revive; to rejuvenate; to regenerate; to resurge
復興 {n} /fùxīng/ :: revival; rejuvenation; regeneration; resurgence
復興 {prop} /fùxīng/ :: (~ 區) 復興 (mountain indigenous district)
復興 {prop} /fùxīng/ :: (~ 街道) 復興 (subdistrict)
復興 {prop} /fùxīng/ :: (~ 嶼) 復興 (islet)
復興黨 {n} [politics] /fùxīngdǎng/ :: renaissance party
復興黨 {n} [politics] /fùxīngdǎng/ :: the Arab Socialist Renaissance Party; the Ba'th Party; Ba'athism
復姓 {v} [of someone who has changed their surname] /fùxìng/ :: to restore one's surname
復陽 {v} [neologism, medicine] /fùyáng/ :: to test positive again
復議 {v} /fùyì/ :: to reconsider a decision; to review a judgement
復育 {n} /fùyù/ :: pupa of cicada; larva of cicada
復元 {def} SEE: 復原 ::
復原 {v} /fùyuán/ :: to return to a former state; to restore
復原 {v} /fùyuán/ :: to recover (from an illness); to rehabilitate
復原臥式 {n} /fùyuánwòshì/ :: recovery position
復員 {v} /fùyuán/ :: to demobilize
復員 {n} /fùyuán/ :: demobilization; return to peacetime conditions
復圓 {n} [astronomy] /fùyuán/ :: last contact of a total eclipse
復源 {prop} /Fùyuán/ :: (~ 里) 復源 (urban village)
復職 {v} /fùzhí/ :: to resume a post
復州 {prop} [historical] /Fùzhōu/ :: Fuzhou, a historical prefecture located in modern-day Liaoning Province
復州 {prop} [historical] /Fùzhōu/ :: Fuzhou, a historical prefecture located in modern-day Hubei Province
{def} /fú,fù/ :: large mulberry tree in myth, said to exist in Japan
{def} /fù/ :: father
{def} /fù/ :: Used to address a male elder member of a family
{def} [literary, respectful] /fǔ/ :: old man; elderly man
{def} [literary] /fǔ/ :: alternative form of
{def} /fǔ/ :: surname
父愛 {n} /fù'ài/ :: paternal love; father's love for the child
父爱 {def} SEE: 父愛 ::
父輩 {n} /fùbèi/ :: one's father's generation
父辈 {def} SEE: 父輩 ::
父本 {n} [biology] /fùběn/ :: male parent (in hybridisation)
父集 {n} [set theory] /fùjí/ :: superset
父老 {n} [honorific] /fùlǎo/ :: elder (of a country or district)
父母 {n} /fùmǔ/ :: parents; mother and father; mum and dad
父母 {def} SEE: 爸母 ::
父母 {n} /fùmǔ/ :: abbreviation of 父母官
父母官 {n} [archaic] /fùmǔguān/ :: local official
父母亲 {def} SEE: 父母親 ::
父母親 {n} /fùmǔqīn/ :: parents
父亲 {def} SEE: 父親 ::
父亲节 {def} SEE: 父親節 ::
父親 {n} [formal] /fùqīn,tl/ :: father (Classifier: 個位)
父親節 {n} /fùqīnjié/ :: Father's Day
父权 {def} SEE: 父權 ::
父权制 {def} SEE: 父權制 ::
父權 {n} /fùquán/ :: patriarchy
父權制 {n} /fùquánzhì/ :: patriarchy
父死子繼 {idiom} /fùsǐzǐjì/ :: a system of succession where the son succeeds his father when his father dies
父死子继 {def} SEE: 父死子繼 ::
父王 {n} [historical] /fùwáng/ :: Term of address for the emperor or king used by his children: father
父系 {adj} [attributive] /fùxì/ :: paternal
父系 {adj} [attributive] /fùxì/ :: patriarchal; patrilineal
父性 {n} /fùxìng/ :: paternal instinct
父兄 {n} /fùxiōng/ :: father and elder brother(s)
父兄 {n} /fùxiōng/ :: head of the family; elder; patriarch; guardian
父业 {def} SEE: 父業 ::
父業 {n} /fùyè/ :: father's business
父仔囝 {def} SEE: 爸仔囝 ::
父執 {n} [literary] /fùzhí/ :: friends of one's father
父执 {def} SEE: 父執 ::
父子 {n} /fùzǐ/ :: father and son
父子 {n} [literary] /fùzǐ/ :: uncle (father's younger brother) and nephew
父祖 {n} [literary] /fùzǔ/ :: ancestors; forebears; forefathers; progenitor
{def} SEE: ::
缚跤 {def} SEE: 縛跤 ::
缚跤布 {def} SEE: 縛跤布 ::
缚跤鞋 {def} SEE: 縛跤鞋 ::
缚头鬃尾 {def} SEE: 縛頭鬃尾 ::
缚头鬃尾仔 {def} SEE: 縛頭鬃尾仔 ::
缚住 {def} SEE: 縛住 ::
缚粽 {def} SEE: 縛粽 ::
{def} [anatomy] /fù,fǔ,1nb/ :: belly; abdomen
{def} [figurative] /fù,fǔ,1nb/ :: belly-shaped object; belly (of a bottle, jar, etc.)
{def} [figurative] /fù,fǔ,1nb/ :: heart; mind
{def} [figurative] /fù,fǔ,1nb/ :: inside; interior
腹背受敌 {def} SEE: 腹背受敵 ::
腹背受敵 {idiom} /fùbèishòudí/ :: to be attacked from the front and rear
腹壁 {n} [anatomy] /fùbì/ :: abdominal wall
腹部 {n} [anatomy] /fùbù/ :: abdomen
腹带 {def} SEE: 腹帶 ::
腹帶 {n} /fùdài/ :: cummerbund
腹地 {n} /fùdì/ :: hinterland; interior; outback
腹肚 {n} [chiefly Min Dong, Min Nan, Puxian] /fùdù/ :: abdomen; belly; stomach
腹誹 {v} [literary] /fùfěi/ :: to curse silently; to disagree in silence; to criticize in one's mind
腹诽 {def} SEE: 腹誹 ::
腹股沟 {def} SEE: 腹股溝 ::
腹股沟疝 {def} SEE: 腹股溝疝 ::
腹股沟斜疝 {def} SEE: 腹股溝斜疝 ::
腹股沟直疝 {def} SEE: 腹股溝直疝 ::
腹股溝 {n} [anatomy] /fùgǔgōu/ :: groin
腹股溝疝 {n} [diseases] /fùgǔgōushàn/ :: inguinal hernia
腹股溝斜疝 {n} [disease] /fùgǔgōu xiéshàn/ :: indirect inguinal hernia
腹股溝直疝 {n} [disease] /fùgǔgōu zhíshàn/ :: direct inguinal hernia
腹黑 {adj} [ACG] /fùhēi/ :: being outwardly kind but inwardly cruel
腹横肌 {def} SEE: 腹橫肌 ::
腹橫肌 {n} [anatomy] /fùhéngjī/ :: transverse abdominal muscle
腹积水 {def} SEE: 腹積水 ::
腹積水 {n} [medical sign] /fùjīshuǐ/ :: ascites
腹肌 {n} [anatomy] /fùjī/ :: abdominal muscle
腹佬 {def} SEE: 腹肚 ::
腹裏 {prop} [historic] /Fùlǐ/ :: the lands of the Yuan Empire directly administered by the central government
腹裡 {def} SEE: 腹裏 ::
腹里 {def} SEE: 腹裏 ::
腹膜 {n} [anatomy] /fù膜/ :: peritoneum
腹膜透析 {n} [medicine] /fù膜 tòuxī/ :: peritoneal dialysis
腹膜炎 {n} [diseases] /fù膜yán/ :: peritonitis
腹內斜肌 {n} [anatomy] /fùnèixiéjī/ :: abdominal internal oblique muscle
腹内斜肌 {def} SEE: 腹內斜肌 ::
腹脐 {def} SEE: 腹臍 ::
腹鰭 {n} [ichthyology] /fùqí/ :: pelvic fin
腹鳍 {def} SEE: 腹鰭 ::
腹腔 {n} [anatomy] /fùqiāng/ :: abdominal cavity
腹腔动脉 {def} SEE: 腹腔動脈 ::
腹腔動脈 {n} [anatomy] /fùqiāng dòngmài/ :: celiac artery; celiac trunk
腹腔鏡 {n} [medicine] /fùqiāngjìng/ :: laparoscope
腹腔鏡 {n} /fùqiāngjìng/ :: (~ 手術) [medicine] laparoscopy
腹腔镜 {def} SEE: 腹腔鏡 ::
腹水 {v} [medical sign] /fùshuǐ/ :: to have ascites; to have peritoneal oedema
腹笥 {n} /fùsì/ :: (already) read books
腹痛 {n} /fùtòng/ :: abdominal pain
腹外斜肌 {n} [anatomy] /fùwàixiéjī/ :: abdominal external oblique muscle
腹泻 {def} SEE: 腹瀉 ::
腹瀉 {n} /fùxiè/ :: diarrhea
腹瀉 {v} /fùxiè/ :: to have diarrhea
腹心 {n} [literally] /fùxīn/ :: abdomen and chest
腹心 {n} [figurative] /fùxīn/ :: vital organs; central part
腹心 {n} [figurative] /fùxīn/ :: loyal subordinate; trusted aide; confidant
腹心 {n} [figurative] /fùxīn/ :: one's true thoughts and feelings
腹語 {n} /fùyǔ/ :: ventriloquism
腹語術 {n} /fùyǔshù/ :: ventriloquism
腹语 {def} SEE: 腹語 ::
腹语术 {def} SEE: 腹語術 ::
腹胀 {def} SEE: 腹脹 ::
腹脹 {v} [symptom, of the abdomen] /fùzhàng/ :: to feel bloated
腹診 {n} [chiefly TCM] /fùzhěn/ :: abdominal examination
腹诊 {def} SEE: 腹診 ::
腹直肌 {n} [anatomy] /fùzhíjī/ :: rectus abdominis
{def} /fù/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 旋覆花
{def} /fù/ :: only used in 蝜蝂
蝜蝂 {n} [literary] /fùbǎn/ :: a kind of small insect that can carry heavy objects
蝮蛇 {n} /fùshé/ :: pit viper
{def} /fù/ :: to repeat; to double; to overlap
{def} [Min Dong] /fù/ :: again
複本 {n} /fùběn/ :: duplicate; copy (of a book)
複查 {v} /fùchá/ :: to reexamine; to recheck; to review
複道 {n} /fùdào/ :: corridor between buildings (usually overlapping and above the ground)
複讀 {v} /fùdú/ :: to reread something
複讀 {v} /fùdú/ :: to replay a recording
複讀機 {n} /fùdújī/ :: media study player (physical device or computer program allowing one to listen to recordings and repeat over parts easily; usually for language learning purposes)
複方 {n} [TCM] /fùfāng/ :: prescription made up of two or more herbal medicine recipes
複方 {n} [medicine] /fùfāng/ :: medicine made up of two or more ingredients; compound
複分解 {n} [chemistry] /fùfēnjiě/ :: abbreviation of 複分解反應
複分解反應 {n} [chemistry] /fùfēnjiě fǎnyìng,tl/ :: double replacement reaction
複輔音 {n} /fùfǔyīn/ :: consonant cluster
複購 {v} /fùgòu/ :: to buy again; to repurchase
複合 {v} /fùhé/ :: to combine multiple components together; to mix several ingredients
複合 {v} /fùhé/ :: to make up, to reconciliate
複合 {adj} [attributive] /fùhé/ :: compound; complex; composite; combined
複合詞 {n} [linguistics] /fùhécí/ :: compound word (word composed of others)
複合維生素B {n} /fùhé wéishēngsù-bì,py/ :: vitamin B complex
複合物 {n} [chemistry] /fùhéwù/ :: complex (structure consisting of a central atom or molecule weakly connected to surrounding atoms or molecules)
複核 {v} /fùhé/ :: to check and verify again
複檢 {v} [medicine] /fùjiǎn/ :: to recheck; to reexamine; to reinspect; to follow up (with the doctor); to review
複句 {n} /fùjù/ :: complex sentence, compound phrase (sentence containing one independent clause and no dependent clause)
複利 {n} [banking, finance] /fùlì/ :: compound interest
複賽 {n} [sports] /fùsài/ :: intermediary heat; semifinals
複賽 {v} /fùsài/ :: to compete in a semifinal
複葉 {n} [botany] /fùyè/ :: compound leaf
複審 {v} /fùshěn/ :: to reexamine; to crosscheck; to review
複審 {v} [chiefly Mainland, legal] /fùshěn/ :: to review a legal case; to retry a case
複式 {adj} [attributive] /fùshì/ :: double; multiple; compound; combined; [accounting] double-entry
複式橋牌 {n} [card games] /fùshì qiáopái/ :: duplicate bridge
複視 {n} [symptom] /fùshì/ :: diplopia
複試 {v} /fùshì/ :: to sit for the second round of an examination
複試 {v} /fùshì/ :: to go for a second round of interview
複數 {n} /fùshù/ :: [mathematics] complex number
複數 {n} /fùshù/ :: [grammar] plural
複述 {v} /fùshù/ :: to retell; to repeat (one's own words or somebody else's)
複述 {v} /fùshù/ :: to paraphrase (what one has learned in the classroom)
複文 {n} [obsolete, rare] /fùwén/ :: variant Chinese character
複習 {v} /fùxí/ :: to review; to revise (information acquired, class notes, etc.)
複寫 {v} /fùxiě/ :: to carbon copy
複寫機 {n} [rare] /fùxiějī/ :: synonym of 複印機
複寫紙 {n} /fùxiězhǐ/ :: carbon paper
複姓 {n} /fùxìng/ :: two-character Chinese surname; Chinese compound surname
複選 {adj} /fùxuǎn/ :: multiple-choice
複選框 {n} /fùxuǎn框/ :: checkbox
複鹽 {n} [chemistry] /fùyán/ :: double salt
複眼 {n} [zoology] /fùyǎn/ :: compound eye
複印 {v} [Mainland China] /fùyìn/ :: to photocopy; to duplicate; to xerox
複印機 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /fùyìnjī/ :: photocopier
複印件 {n} /fùyìnjiàn/ :: photocopy; copy; duplicate (Classifier: m:本m:張)
複用 {v} [computing] /fùyòng/ :: to multiplex
複元音 {n} [phonetics] /fùyuányīn/ :: compound vowel
複雜 {adj} /fùzá,fǔzá,2nb/ :: complex; complicated
複雜化 {v} /fùzáhuà/ :: to complicate
複雜性 {n} /fùzáxìng/ :: complexity
複診 {v} /fùzhěn/ :: to seek medical advice again (after the first visit)
複製 {v} /fùzhì/ :: to duplicate; to reproduce; to copy; to make a copy of; to clone
複製品 {n} /fùzhìpǐn/ :: replica; reproduction
{def} /fù/ :: [obsolete] to be filled with; to brim with; to have in abundance
{def} /fù/ :: [obsolete] Classifier for sets of clothing
{def} /fù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /fù/ :: to cover
{def} /fù/ :: to tip over
{def} /fù/ :: to return
{def} /fù/ :: to reply
{def} /fù/ :: to overflow
{def} /fù/ :: capsize
覆巢之下,安有完卵 {proverb} /fùcháozhīxià, 'ānyǒuwánluǎn/ :: synonym of 覆巢之下無完卵
覆巢之下,豈有完卵 {proverb} /fùcháozhīxià, qǐyǒuwánluǎn/ :: synonym of 覆巢之下無完卵
覆巢之下無完卵 {proverb} /fùcháozhīxiàwúwánluǎn/ :: No individual can escape from the calamity its group is suffering
覆巢之下,岂有完卵 {def} SEE: 覆巢之下,豈有完卵 ::
覆巢之下无完卵 {def} SEE: 覆巢之下無完卵 ::
覆巢之下,焉有完卵 {proverb} /fùcháozhīxià, yānyǒuwánluǎn/ :: synonym of 覆巢之下無完卵
覆轍 {n} [literally] /fù辙/ :: track of an overturned cart
覆轍 {n} [figurative] /fù辙/ :: disastrous policy; previous failure
覆盖 {def} SEE: 覆蓋 ::
覆盖率 {def} SEE: 覆蓋率 ::
覆蓋 {v} /fùgài/ :: to cover
覆蓋 {v} /fùgài/ :: to extend to; to involve; to affect
覆蓋 {n} /fùgài/ :: cover
覆蓋 {n} /fùgài/ :: plant cover; vegetation
覆蓋率 {n} /fùgàilǜ/ :: coverage; cover; spread
覆函 {v} /fùhán/ :: to reply to a letter
覆函 {n} /fùhán/ :: letter of reply
覆核 {v} /fùhé/ :: to review; to check; to examine and verify
覆沒 {v} [formal] /fùmò/ :: to capsize and sink (of a ship)
覆沒 {v} /fùmò/ :: to be annihilated; to be overwhelmed (of an army)
覆沒 {v} [formal] /fùmò/ :: to be occupied by the enemy
覆没 {def} SEE: 覆沒 ::
覆滅 {v} /fùmiè/ :: to be destroyed; to collapse
覆灭 {def} SEE: 覆滅 ::
覆命 {v} [literary] /fùmìng/ :: to report back after executing an order
覆盆子 {n} /fùpénzǐ/ :: raspberry
覆审 {def} SEE: 覆審 ::
覆審 {v} /fùshěn/ :: to reexamine; to crosscheck; to review
覆審 {v} [legal] /fùshěn/ :: to review a legal case; to retry a case
覆手 {v} /fùshǒu/ :: to turn the hand palm down
覆手 {n} [music] /fùshǒu/ :: a part of some lute-type string instruments from China and elsewhere in East and Southeast Asia, which is glued to the soundboard near the tail of the instrument, and to which the strings are tied through holes
覆水难收 {def} SEE: 覆水難收 ::
覆水難收 {idiom} /fùshuǐnánshōu/ :: there's no point crying over spilt milk
覆亡 {v} [literary] /fùwáng/ :: to save from destruction
覆亡 {v} [literary] /fùwáng/ :: to be destroyed; to become extinct; to die out
覆信 {def} SEE: 復信 ::
覆姓 {n} [literary] /fùxìng/ :: alternative form of 複姓
覆辙 {def} SEE: 覆轍 ::
訃告 {n} /fùgào/ :: obituary
訃告 {v} /fùgào/ :: to announce somebody's death
訃聞 {n} /fùwén/ :: obituary
訃音 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /fùyīn/ :: obituary
{def} SEE: ::
讣告 {def} SEE: 訃告 ::
讣闻 {def} SEE: 訃聞 ::
讣音 {def} SEE: 訃音 ::
{def} /fù/ :: load, burden, to rely on
{def} /fù/ :: carry, bear
{def} /fù/ :: negative (mathematics, situation, and so on)
{def} /fù/ :: to betray
{def} /fù/ :: to repudiate
負擔 {v} /fùdān/ :: to bear a burden; to bear a load; to bear a responsibility
負擔 {n} /fùdān/ :: burden; load
負擔 {n} /fùdān/ :: duty; responsibility
負擔者 {n} /fùdānzhě/ :: bearer
負電 {n} /fùdiàn/ :: negative electric charge
負負得正 {idiom} [mathematics, mnemonic] /fùfùdézhèng/ :: two negatives make a positive; the product of two negative numbers is a positive number
負固 {v} [archaic] /fùgù/ :: to rely on geographical features for protection
負號 {n} /fùhào,er/ :: minus sign (), especially when used to indicate a negative number
負荷 {n} /fùhè/ :: load; workload
負荷 {v} /fùhè/ :: to bear; to shoulder
負荷 {v} /fùhè/ :: to carry on one's father's business
負極 {n} /fùjí/ :: negative pole
負極 {n} /fùjí/ :: cathode
負笈 {v} /fùjí/ :: to go out and study
負荊 {v} /fùjīng/ :: to proffer a birch and ask for a whipping -- to offer a modest apology
負荊請罪 {idiom} /fùjīngqǐngzuì/ :: to offer someone a humble apology, requesting punishment and forgiveness
負疚 {v} [formal] /fùjiù/ :: to feel apologetic; to have a guilty conscience
負扣稅 {n} /fùkòushuì/ :: negative gearing
負累 {v} [literary] /fù累/ :: to implicate; to involve
負累 {n} [literary] /fù累/ :: burden
負離子 {n} [chemistry, physics] /fùlízǐ/ :: anion; negative ion
負面 {n} /fùmiàn/ :: negative; the negative side
負能量 {n} [physics] /fùnéngliàng/ :: negative energy
負能量 {n} [figurative] /fùnéngliàng/ :: negativity; pessimism
負氣 {v} /fùqì/ :: to act rashly out of spite
負日 {v} [obsolete] /fùrì/ :: to bask in the sun
負傷 {v} /fùshāng/ :: to sustain an injury; to be wounded
負數 {n} /fùshù/ :: negative number
負鼠 {n} /fùshǔ/ :: possum
負鼠 {n} /fùshǔ/ :: opossum
負心 {v} [literary] /fùxīn/ :: to betray someone's friendship or trust
負心漢 {n} /fùxīnhàn/ :: heartbreaker [referring to a man]; cheater
負心人 {n} [literary] /fùxīnrén/ :: a person who betrays someone's friendship or trust
負壓 {n} /fùyā/ :: negative pressure
負約 {v} /fùyuē/ :: to break a promise; to go back on one's word
負約 {v} /fùyuē/ :: to fail to keep an appointment
負有 {v} /fùyǒu/ :: to be responsible for; to bear responsibility for
負嵎頑抗 {def} SEE: 負隅頑抗 ::
負隅頑抗 {idiom} [figurative] /fùyúwánkàng/ :: to make a last-ditch fight (relying on a strategically inaccessible place or other conditions)
負載 {v} /fùzài/ :: to carry; to shoulder (responsibilities, hope, etc.)
負載 {n} [physics] /fùzài/ :: electrical load
負載 {n} [, figurative] /fùzài/ :: load; workload; burden
負載詞 {n} [linguistics] /fùzàicí/ :: loaded term
負責 {v} /fùzé/ :: to be responsible for; to be in charge of
負責 {adj} /fùzé/ :: responsible; accountable; amenable
負責人 {n} /fùzérén/ :: person in charge
負責任 {v} /fùzérèn/ :: to be responsible for; to be in charge of
負責任 {adj} /fùzérèn/ :: responsible; accountable; amenable
負增長 {n} /fùzēngzhǎng/ :: negative growth
負債 {v} /fùzhài/ :: to owe a debt
負債 {n} /fùzhài/ :: debts
負值 {n} /fùzhí/ :: negative value
負罪 {v} /fùzuì/ :: to bear the blame; to be guilty
負罪感 {n} /fùzuìgǎn/ :: sense of guilt; guilty feeling
{def} /fù/ :: to bestow upon; to give
{def} /fù/ :: to compose or sing
{def} /fù/ :: to spread; to disseminate
{def} /fù/ :: to collect; to impose; to levy
{def} /fù/ :: taxation; revenue
{def} /fù/ :: natural endowment
{def} /fù/ :: fu, a literature form developed during Han dynasty that combines prose and poetry, sometimes translated as rhapsody
賦比興 {n} [poetry] /fùbǐxìng/ :: fu bi xing, a Chinese structural concept comprising three literary techniques used to create poetry, first described in Rites of Zhou (周禮)
賦格 {n} [music] /fùgé/ :: fugue
賦閒 {v} /fùxián/ :: to stay idle at home; to have resigned from office; to be unemployed; to have been fired; to be on a sabbatical
賦斂 {n} [historical, archaic] /fùliǎn/ :: taxation
賦斂 {v} [historical, archaic] /fùliǎn/ :: to collect taxes
賦能 {v} /fùnéng/ :: to empower; to energize; to enable
賦稅 {n} /fùshuì/ :: taxation
賦形劑 {n} [pharmacology] /fùxíngjì/ :: excipient
賦性 {n} /fùxìng/ :: inborn nature
賦有 {v} /fùyǒu/ :: to possess
賦予 {v} /fùyǔ/ :: to endow; to endue
賦與 {def} SEE: 賦予 ::
{def} /fù/ :: to contribute to funeral expenses
{def} /fù/ :: gift of money for covering funeral costs
賻儀 {n} /fùyí/ :: gift to a bereaved family
賻贈 {v} [literary] /fùzèng/ :: to present a gift to a bereaved family
{def} SEE: ::
负担 {def} SEE: 負擔 ::
负担者 {def} SEE: 負擔者 ::
负电 {def} SEE: 負電 ::
负负得正 {def} SEE: 負負得正 ::
负固 {def} SEE: 負固 ::
负号 {def} SEE: 負號 ::
负荷 {def} SEE: 負荷 ::
负极 {def} SEE: 負極 ::
负笈 {def} SEE: 負笈 ::
负荆 {def} SEE: 負荊 ::
负荆请罪 {def} SEE: 負荊請罪 ::
负疚 {def} SEE: 負疚 ::
负扣税 {def} SEE: 負扣稅 ::
负累 {def} SEE: 負累 ::
负离子 {def} SEE: 負離子 ::
负面 {def} SEE: 負面 ::
负能量 {def} SEE: 負能量 ::
负气 {def} SEE: 負氣 ::
负日 {def} SEE: 負日 ::
负伤 {def} SEE: 負傷 ::
负鼠 {def} SEE: 負鼠 ::
负数 {def} SEE: 負數 ::
负心 {def} SEE: 負心 ::
负心汉 {def} SEE: 負心漢 ::
负心人 {def} SEE: 負心人 ::
负有 {def} SEE: 負有 ::
负嵎顽抗 {def} SEE: 負嵎頑抗 ::
负隅顽抗 {def} SEE: 負隅頑抗 ::
负约 {def} SEE: 負約 ::
负载 {def} SEE: 負載 ::
负载词 {def} SEE: 負載詞 ::
负责 {def} SEE: 負責 ::
负责人 {def} SEE: 負責人 ::
负责任 {def} SEE: 負責任 ::
负增长 {def} SEE: 負增長 ::
负债 {def} SEE: 負債 ::
负值 {def} SEE: 負值 ::
负罪 {def} SEE: 負罪 ::
负罪感 {def} SEE: 負罪感 ::
{def} SEE: ::
赋比兴 {def} SEE: 賦比興 ::
赋格 {def} SEE: 賦格 ::
赋敛 {def} SEE: 賦斂 ::
赋能 {def} SEE: 賦能 ::
赋税 {def} SEE: 賦稅 ::
赋闲 {def} SEE: 賦閒 ::
赋形剂 {def} SEE: 賦形劑 ::
赋性 {def} SEE: 賦性 ::
赋有 {def} SEE: 賦有 ::
赋与 {def} SEE: 賦予 ::
赋予 {def} SEE: 賦予 ::
{def} SEE: ::
赙仪 {def} SEE: 賻儀 ::
赙赠 {def} SEE: 賻贈 ::
𫧃赴 {def} SEE: 𣍐赴 ::
{def} /fù/ :: to go to
{def} /fù/ :: to get to; to attend; to visit
{def} /fù/ :: to jump into
{def} /fù/ :: to join
{def} /fù/ :: to accord with
{def} /fù/ :: to swim
{def} /fù/ :: alternative form of
{def} /fù/ :: alternative form of
{def} /fù/ :: surname
赴会 {def} SEE: 赴會 ::
赴會 {v} /fùhuì/ :: to go to a meeting
赴急 {v} [literary] /fùjí/ :: to assist during a crisis
赴难 {def} SEE: 赴難 ::
赴難 {v} /fùnàn/ :: to go to the aid of one's country; to save one's country from danger
赴任 {v} [literary] /fùrèn/ :: to take up one's new post; to depart for one's new post
赴湯蹈火 {idiom} [figurative] /fùtāng蹈huǒ/ :: to be not afraid of any difficulty
赴时 {def} SEE: 赴時 ::
𫧃赴市 {def} SEE: 𣍐赴市 ::
赴死 {v} /fùsǐ/ :: to give one's life for a certain cause; to sacrifice oneself
赴汤蹈火 {def} SEE: 赴湯蹈火 ::
赴席 {v} [literary] /fùxí/ :: to attend; to make an appearance
赴宴 {v} [literary] /fùyàn/ :: to attend a banquet
赴約 {v} /fùyuē/ :: to keep an appointment
赴约 {def} SEE: 赴約 ::
{def} /fù/ :: [obsolete] mound
{def} /fù/ :: [obsolete] abundant
{def} /fù/ :: surname
阜康 {prop} /Fùkāng/ :: (~ 市) 阜康 (city)
阜新 {prop} /Fùxīn/ :: (~ 市) 阜新 (prefecture-level city)
阜阳 {def} SEE: 阜陽 ::
阜陽 {prop} /Fùyáng/ :: (~ 市) 阜陽 (prefecture-level city)
{def} /fù/ :: 阜 as left radical
{def} /yì/ :: 邑 as right radical
{def} /fù/ :: to adhere; to stick
{def} /fù/ :: to rely on; to depend on
{def} /fù/ :: to add; to augment; to increase; to raise; to boost
{def} /fù/ :: to attach; to enclose
{def} /fù/ :: to come near to; to be close to
附笔 {def} SEE: 附筆 ::
附筆 {n} /fùbǐ/ :: additional remarks; postscript
附带 {def} SEE: 附帶 ::
附帶 {v} /fùdài/ :: to add; to attach
附帶 {adv} /fùdài/ :: incidentally; conveniently; in passing
附点音符 {def} SEE: 附點音符 ::
附點音符 {n} [music] /fùdiǎnyīnfú/ :: dotted note
附耳 {v} [literary] /fù'ěr/ :: to move close to somebody's ear (to whisper)
附睪 {n} [anatomy] /fùgāo/ :: epididymis
附睪炎 {n} [disease] /fùgāoyán/ :: epididymitis
附睾 {def} SEE: 附睪 ::
附睾炎 {def} SEE: 附睪炎 ::
附函 {n} /fùhán/ :: cover letter
附合 {v} [literary] /fùhé/ :: to second; to echo; to go along with; to parrot; to crib
附合 {v} [literary] /fùhé/ :: to make a far-fetched analogy; to add parallels and interpretations (to a story); to interpret in a strained manner
附和 {v} /fùhè/ :: to second; to echo; to go along with; to parrot; to crib
附会 {def} SEE: 附會 ::
附會 {v} /fùhuì/ :: to make a far-fetched analogy; to add parallels and interpretations (to a story); to interpret in a strained manner
附寄 {v} /fùjì/ :: to enclose
附記 {v} /fùjì/ :: to record in addition; to write additional notes
附記 {n} /fùjì/ :: excursus; additional notes
附记 {def} SEE: 附記 ::
附加 {v} /fùjiā/ :: to add; to attach
附加 {adj} [attributive] /fùjiā/ :: added; extra; additional; supplementary; attached; appended; affixed
附加費 {n} /fùjiāfèi/ :: surcharge; extra charge
附加费 {def} SEE: 附加費 ::
附加符號 {n} /fùjiā fúhào/ :: diacritical mark
附加符号 {def} SEE: 附加符號 ::
附加刑 {n} [law] /fùjiāxíng/ :: accessory punishment
附加值 {n} [economics] /fùjiāzhí/ :: added value
附件 {n} /fùjiàn/ :: enclosure
附件 {n} [computing, in an email] /fùjiàn/ :: attachment
附件 {n} [legal, in a contract] /fùjiàn/ :: addendum
附件 {n} [medicine] /fùjiàn/ :: adnexa (e.g. adnexa of the uterus, consisting of fallopian tube and ovaries)
附近 {n} /fùjìn,tl/ :: nearby; vicinity; proximity
附麗 {v} [literary] /fùlì/ :: to adhere to; to stick to
附丽 {def} SEE: 附麗 ::
附例 {n} /fùlì/ :: bylaw
附录 {def} SEE: 附錄 ::
附錄 {n} /fùlù/ :: appendix (of a book)
附設 {v} /fùshè/ :: to be attached to (of an institution, department, etc.)
附设 {def} SEE: 附設 ::
附身 {v} [of ghost, spirit, etc.] /fùshēn/ :: to possess; to enter a body
附生 {n} [historical] /fùshēng/ :: in the imperial examination system, the third class of shengyuan and considered substitute recruits outside the official quota of enrollment
附属 {def} SEE: 附屬 ::
附属国 {def} SEE: 附屬國 ::
附属品 {def} SEE: 附屬品 ::
附属物 {def} SEE: 附屬物 ::
附屬 {v} /fùshǔ/ :: to be a subsidiary or auxiliary; to be attached or affiliated
附屬 {v} /fùshǔ/ :: to be subordinate
附屬 {adj} [attributive] /fùshǔ/ :: subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated
附屬 {adj} [attributive] /fùshǔ/ :: subordinate; subordinating
附屬國 {n} /fùshǔguó/ :: dependent state; dependency
附屬品 {n} /fùshǔpǐn/ :: accessory; appendage
附屬物 {n} /fùshǔwù/ :: attachment; appendage; adjunct
附送 {v} /fùsòng/ :: to include as a gift; to come with; to give as a bonus
附随 {def} SEE: 附隨 ::
附隨 {adj} /fùsuí/ :: subsidiary; attached; accompanying
附体 {def} SEE: 附體 ::
附體 {v} /fùtǐ/ :: to possess (of a demon, spirit, or animal)
附信 {n} /fùxìn/ :: cover letter
附言 {n} /fùyán/ :: postscript (PS)
附益 {v} [literary] /fùyì/ :: to add; to increase
附益 {v} [literary] /fùyì/ :: to strain one's interpretation; to exaggerate
附議 {v} /fùyì/ :: to second a motion; to support a proposal
附议 {def} SEE: 附議 ::
附庸 {n} [politics] /fùyōng/ :: vassal state; tributary
附庸 {n} /fùyōng/ :: appendage; subordinate; dependent
附庸 {v} /fùyōng/ :: to be subservient to; to be dependent on; to seek the patronage of
附庸国 {def} SEE: 附庸國 ::
附庸國 {n} /fùyōngguó/ :: vassal state; tributary
附有 {v} /fùyǒu/ :: to attach (a document)
附则 {def} SEE: 附則 ::
附則 {n} [law] /fùzé/ :: supplementary articles
附着 {def} SEE: 附著 ::
附着詞素 {def} SEE: 附著詞素 ::
附着词素 {def} SEE: 附著詞素 ::
附注 {v} /fùzhù/ :: to annotate; to add notes (to a book, etc.)
附注 {n} /fùzhù/ :: annotations; notes appended (to a book, etc.)
附著 {v} [of a small object] /fùzhuó/ :: to attach (to a large object); to adhere
附著詞素 {n} [linguistics] /fùzhuó císù/ :: bound morpheme
附註 {def} SEE: 附注 ::
附子 {n} /fùzǐ/ :: root of the aconite, wolfsbane or monkshood (as used in traditional Chinese medicine as a heart stimulant)
附子理中丸 {n} /fùzǐ lǐzhōng wán/ :: A brownish-black pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to warm and reinforce the spleen and the stomach, to treat deficiency-cold syndrome of the spleen and stomach marked by a cold sensation and pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, diarrhea and cold extremities"
{def} [literary] /fù/ :: fragrance; scent; aroma
馥𩡏 {def} SEE: 馥郁 ::
馥𨟝 {def} SEE: 馥郁 ::
馥芮白 {n} /fùruìbái/ :: flat white (coffee)
馥郁 {adj} [literary] /fùyù/ :: strongly fragrant
馥鬱 {def} SEE: 馥郁 ::
駙馬 {n} /fùmǎ/ :: husband of an emperor's daughter or sister; emperor's son-in-law or brother-in-law
{def} SEE: ::
驸马 {def} SEE: 駙馬 ::
{def} /fù/ :: carp, Carassius auratus
鮒愚 {prop} /Fùyú/ :: synonym of 嶓冢, Mount Bozhong, a mountain in Shaanxi province
{def} /fù/ :: abalone
{def} /fù/ :: shark
鰒魚 {n} [literary or archaic] /fùyú/ :: abalone
{def} SEE: ::
鲋愚 {def} SEE: 鮒愚 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鳆鱼 {def} SEE: 鰒魚 ::
{def} /qié/ :: original form of
{def} /qié/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
{def} /gā/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
{def} /jiā/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
{def} /jiā/ :: abbreviation of 伽利略
伽蓝 {def} SEE: 伽藍 ::
伽蓝鸟 {def} SEE: 伽藍鳥 ::
伽藍 {n} /qiélán/ :: Buddhist temple
伽藍鳥 {n} /qiélánniǎo/ :: alternative name for 鵜鶘
伽利略 {prop} /jiālìlüè/ :: Galileo
伽利略 {classifier} [physics] /jiālìlüè/ :: galileo
伽馬 {n} /伽mǎ/ :: gamma
伽馬刀 {n} [medicine] /伽mǎdāo/ :: gamma knife
伽馬粒子 {n} [physics] /伽mǎ lìzǐ/ :: gamma particle
伽馬射線 {n} [physics] /伽mǎ shèxiàn/ :: gamma ray
伽马 {def} SEE: 伽馬 ::
伽马刀 {def} SEE: 伽馬刀 ::
伽马粒子 {def} SEE: 伽馬粒子 ::
伽马射线 {def} SEE: 伽馬射線 ::
伽师 {def} SEE: 伽師 ::
伽師 {prop} /Jiāshī/ :: (~ 縣) 伽師 (county)
伽倻 {prop} [historical] /Jiāyē/ :: Gaya (ancient confederacy in Korea)
伽倻琴 {n} /jiāyēqín,qiéyēqín,1nb/ :: gayageum (a long zither with bridges and between 12 and 25 strings, used primarily in Korean traditional and classical music)
伽耶 {n} /qiéyé/ :: elephant
伽耶 {def} SEE: 伽倻 ::
伽耶 {prop} /Jiāyé/ :: (~ 城) Gaya (historical and modern city in India)
{def} /呷/ :: to sip; to suck; to drink
{def} /gā,xiá,yā,1nb/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gā,xiá,yā,1nb/ :: alternative form of
呷呷 {def} SEE: 尜尜 ::
{def} [onomatopoeic] /gā/ :: A short but loud sound: crack; creak; screech
{def} /gá/ :: only used in 嘎調
{def} /gá/ :: alternative form of
{def} [Beijing Mandarin, Northeastern Mandarin, Jilu Mandarin, Jiaoliao Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin, dialectal Jin] /gǎ/ :: ill-tempered
{def} [Beijing Mandarin, Northeastern Mandarin, Jilu Mandarin] /gǎ/ :: naughty
嘎叭 {v} /gába/ :: to form a crust
嘎叭 {n} /gába/ :: crust
嘎巴 {v} /gāba/ :: to form a crust
嘎巴 {n} /gāba/ :: crust
嘎巴 {v} /gābā/ :: to stick to
嘎巴 {n} /gābā/ :: crack; snap (onomatopoeia)
嘎嘎 {n} [onomatopoeic] /gāgā/ :: The sound of certain birds, e.g. ducks and geese: quack; honk
嘎嘎 {def} SEE: 尜尜 ::
嘎拉哈 {n} /gǎlahà/ :: Shagai; knucklebones
嘎啦 {n} [onomatopoeia] /gālā,tl/ :: rumbling; rattling
嘎啦 {n} [Northeastern Mandarin] /gǎla/ :: alternative form of 蛤蝲
嘎啦 {prop} :: (~ 果) Gala (a type of apple)
嘎裂声 {def} SEE: 嘎裂聲 ::
嘎斯 {n} [Jiaoliao Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin, Northeastern Mandarin] /gási,gāsi/ :: fuel gas
嘎斯 {prop} /gásī,tl/ :: GAZ (Russian automotive manufacturer)
嘎斯罐 {n} [Northeastern Mandarin] /gásīguàn,er/ :: gas cylinder; gas bottle (containing fuel gas)
嘎子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /gǎzi/ :: naughty person; brat
嘎子 {n} [Beijing] /gázi,1n/ :: finger ring
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gā/ :: only used in 旮旯
旮旯 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /gālá,er/ :: corner
旮旯 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /gālá,er/ :: remote or narrow place
旮旯 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /gālá,er/ :: place
{def} /gá,gé/ :: used in transcriptions
噶当派 {def} SEE: 噶當派 ::
噶當派 {prop} /Gádāngpài/ :: Bkar-dgam-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism
噶举派 {def} SEE: 噶舉派 ::
噶舉派 {prop} [Tibetan Buddhism] /Gájǔpài/ :: Kagyu
噶伦 {def} SEE: 噶倫 ::
噶倫 {n} /噶lún/ :: senior official of Kashag
噶玛兰 {def} SEE: 噶瑪蘭 ::
噶玛兰人 {def} SEE: 噶瑪蘭人 ::
噶玛兰语 {def} SEE: 噶瑪蘭語 ::
噶玛兰族 {def} SEE: 噶瑪蘭族 ::
噶瑪蘭 {prop} /噶mǎlán,cap/ :: (~ 族) Kavalan (a Taiwanese aborigine ethnic group)
噶瑪蘭 {prop} [dated] /噶mǎlán,cap/ :: 噶瑪蘭 (county)
噶瑪蘭人 {n} /噶mǎlánrén/ :: Kavalan people
噶瑪蘭語 {prop} /噶mǎlányǔ,cap/ :: Kavalan language
噶瑪蘭族 {n} /噶mǎlánzú,cap/ :: Kavalan people (ethnic group in Taiwan)
噶厦 {def} SEE: 噶廈 ::
噶廈 {prop} [historical] /Gáxià,Gáshà/ :: Kashag (governing council of Tibet until the 1950s)
{def} /gá,er/ :: a kind of spinning top that is wide in the middle, tapered at the ends and spun with a string
尜尜 {n} [colloquial] /gága,er/ :: toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends
尜尜 {n} [colloquial] /gága,er/ :: object shaped like the toy above; brochette
{def} /yà,gá,zhá/ :: to crush by weight
{def} /yà,gá,zhá/ :: to grind
{def} /yà,gá,zhá/ :: to squeeze in
{def} /yà,gá,zhá/ :: [obsolete] Used in onomatopoeia
{def} /yà,gá,zhá/ :: surname
軋花 {v} /yàhuā/ :: to gin cotton
軋花機 {n} /yàhuājī/ :: cotton gin
軋轢 {v} /yàlì/ :: to crush
軋轢 {v} /yàlì/ :: to bully
軋馬路 {v} [figuratively, humorous] /yà mǎlù/ :: to saunter down the street
軋棉 {v} /yàmián/ :: to gin cotton
軋棉機 {n} /yàmiánjī/ :: cotton gin
軋朋友 {v} [chiefly, Shanghainese, dialectal Mandarin] /gá péngyou,gá péngyǒu,1nb/ :: to make friends
軋朋友 {v} [chiefly, Shanghainese, dialectal Mandarin] /gá péngyou,gá péngyǒu,1nb/ :: to go steady
軋鑠 {v} /yàshuò/ :: synonym of 軋轢
軋箏 {n} [musical instruments] /yàzhēng/ :: yazheng (a bowed long zither used in the traditional and classical music of China)
{def} SEE: ::
轧花 {def} SEE: 軋花 ::
轧花机 {def} SEE: 軋花機 ::
轧轹 {def} SEE: 軋轢 ::
轧马路 {def} SEE: 軋馬路 ::
轧棉 {def} SEE: 軋棉 ::
轧棉机 {def} SEE: 軋棉機 ::
轧朋友 {def} SEE: 軋朋友 ::
轧铄 {def} SEE: 軋鑠 ::
轧筝 {def} SEE: 軋箏 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gá/ :: gadolinium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Zhongyuan Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin] /gǎ/ :: small
{def} [Zhongyuan Mandarin] /gǎ/ :: Prefix used before a name to indicate affection, similar to *小
尕拇指头 {def} SEE: 尕拇指頭 ::
{def} /gǎ/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: 𡳞 ::
{def} [Northeastern Mandarin] /gǎ/ :: stingy
玍古 {adj} [dialectal] /gǎgu/ :: eccentric; bizarre; naughty; bad-tempered
玍古 {adj} [dialectal] /gǎgu/ :: substandard
{def} /gà,jiè/ :: used in 尷尬
{def} [neologism, Mainland, slang] /gà,jiè/ :: abbreviation of 尷尬
{def} [neologism] /gà/ :: to compete
尬唱 {v} [neologism, slang] /gàchàng/ :: to sing awkwardly
尬車 {v} [chiefly Taiwan] /gàchē/ :: to race motorcycles or cars
尬车 {def} SEE: 尬車 ::
尬歌 {v} [chiefly Taiwan] /gàgē/ :: to have a singing battle
尬聊 {v} [slang, neologism] /gàliáo/ :: to chat awkwardly
尬舞 {v} [neologism, slang] /gàwǔ/ :: to battle each other in street dance
尬舞 {v} [neologism, slang] /gàwǔ/ :: to dance awkwardly
尬笑 {v} [neologism, slang] /gàxiào/ :: to laugh awkwardly; to force a smile
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] unusual; exceptional
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] to choke
{def} /hài/ :: only used in 無侅
{def} /gāi/ :: border; boundary
{def} [mathematics] /gāi/ :: 1020
垓心 {n} [literary] /gāixīn/ :: the center (of an encirclement)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [organic chemistry] /hǎi/ :: hydroxylamine (derivative)
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] the flesh where hair grows on the big toe
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] to prepare
{def} /gǎi/ :: [obsolete] cheek
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] to contain; to include
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] extensive; comprehensive; wide
{def} /gāi/ :: will be; going to be
{def} /gāi/ :: should; ought to; need to; have to
{def} /gāi/ :: to deserve; to serve someone right
{def} /gāi/ :: to be one's turn (to do something)
{def} [colloquial] /gāi/ :: to owe
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] all; everywhere
{def} /gāi/ :: particle used for emphasis
{def} [formal] /gāi/ :: the aforementioned; such; that
{def} [, literary or dialectal] /gāi/ :: that; this
該當 {v} /gāidāng/ :: to deserve
該當 {v} /gāidāng/ :: should; ought to
該你了 {phrase} /gāi nǐ le/ :: It's your turn
該人 {n} /gāirén/ :: the person
該撒利亞腓立比 {prop} [historical] /Gāisǎlì亚 Féilìbǐ/ :: 該撒利亞腓立比 (city)
該死 {adj} /gāisǐ/ :: damn; wretched; stupid
該死 {interj} /gāisǐ/ :: damn (it)!
該死的 {interj} /gāisǐ de/ :: Damn! Damn it!
該亞法 {prop} [Protestantism] /Gāi亞fǎ/ :: Caiaphas
該隱 {prop} [Abrahamic religions] /Gāiyǐn/ :: Cain (the first son of Adam)
{def} SEE: ::
该搭 {def} SEE: 該搭 ::
该当 {def} SEE: 該當 ::
该兜 {def} SEE: 該兜 ::
该个 {def} SEE: 該個 ::
该你了 {def} SEE: 該你了 ::
该片 {def} SEE: 該片 ::
该人 {def} SEE: 該人 ::
该撒利亚腓立比 {def} SEE: 該撒利亞腓立比 ::
该时 {def} SEE: 該時 ::
该死 {def} SEE: 該死 ::
该死的 {def} SEE: 該死的 ::
该位 {def} SEE: 該位 ::
该下 {def} SEE: 該下 ::
该亚法 {def} SEE: 該亞法 ::
该隐 {def} SEE: 該隱 ::
该载 {def} SEE: 該載 ::
该账 {def} SEE: 該賬 ::
{def} /gāi/ :: [obsolete] pig with white feet
{def} /gāi/ :: complete; comprehensive
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gāi/ :: to include
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gāi/ :: Step, terrace
{def} /gǎi/ :: to correct; to improve
{def} /gǎi/ :: to change; to transform; to alter; to modify
{def} /gǎi/ :: to mark; to correct; to grade (homework, an assignment, a test, etc.)
{def} [Hokkien] /gǎi/ :: to give up; to quit; to abstain from (a bad habit)
{def} /gǎi/ :: surname
改版 {v} /gǎibǎn/ :: to revise an existing edition
改版 {v} /gǎibǎn/ :: to correct typesetting
改扮 {v} /gǎibàn/ :: to disguise oneself
改編 {v} /gǎibiān/ :: to adapt
改編 {v} /gǎibiān/ :: to reorganise; to revise
改編 {n} /gǎibiān/ :: adaptation
改編 {n} /gǎibiān/ :: reorganisation
改编 {def} SEE: 改編 ::
改变 {def} SEE: 改變 ::
改變 {vi} /gǎibiàn/ :: to change (by itself)
改變 {vt} /gǎibiàn/ :: to change (something in some way)
改称 {def} SEE: 改稱 ::
改稱 {v} /gǎichēng/ :: to rename, to change a name
改成 {v} /gǎichéng/ :: to change into; to convert
改窜 {def} SEE: 改竄 ::
改竄 {v} [obsolete] /gǎicuàn/ :: to alter; to tamper with; to falsify
改錯 {v} /gǎicuò/ :: to correct an error or mistake
改錯 {v} /gǎicuò/ :: to incorrectly amend
改錯 {v} [literary] /gǎicuò/ :: alternative form of
改錯帶 {n} [Hong Kong] /gǎicuòdài/ :: correction tape
改錯液 {n} /gǎicuò液/ :: correction fluid; whiteout
改错 {def} SEE: 改錯 ::
改错带 {def} SEE: 改錯帶 ::
改错液 {def} SEE: 改錯液 ::
改道 {v} /gǎidào,er/ :: to change course or route (of people, vehicles, rivers, etc.)
改掉 {v} /gǎidiào/ :: to give up; to drop
改定 {v} /gǎidìng/ :: to revise and set as the new version
改定 {v} /gǎidìng/ :: to determine separately
改訂 {v} /gǎidìng/ :: to revise (rules, plan, etc.); to reformulate
改订 {def} SEE: 改訂 ::
改动 {def} SEE: 改動 ::
改動 {v} /gǎidòng/ :: to change; to alter; to modify
改废 {def} SEE: 改廢 ::
改廢 {v} [literary] /gǎifèi/ :: to change or abolish
改革 {v} /gǎigé/ :: to reform
改革 {n} /gǎigé/ :: reform
改革家 {n} /gǎigéjiā/ :: reformer; innovator
改革开放 {def} SEE: 改革開放 ::
改革開放 {prop} /Gǎigé Kāifàng/ :: China's Economic Reform; China's Reform and Opening Up
改革宗 {n} [Protestantism] /gǎigézōng/ :: Reformed church
改觀 {v} /gǎiguān/ :: to change the appearance or face of
改觀 {v} /gǎiguān/ :: to change one's view; to change one's attitude
改观 {def} SEE: 改觀 ::
改過 {v} /gǎiguò/ :: to correct; to fix (one's mistakes)
改過自新 {idiom} /gǎiguòzìxīn/ :: to turn over a new leaf
改过 {def} SEE: 改過 ::
改过自新 {def} SEE: 改過自新 ::
改行 {v} /gǎiháng,er/ :: to change profession
改行 {v} [literary] /gǎixíng,gǎixìng,2nb/ :: to change (oneself)
改行自新 {idiom} /gǎixíngzìxīn,gǎixìngzìxīn,2nb/ :: to turn over a new leaf
改换 {def} SEE: 改換 ::
改換 {vt} /gǎihuàn/ :: to change over to; to change
改悔 {v} /gǎihuǐ/ :: to mend one's ways
改嫁 {v} [of a woman] /gǎijià/ :: to remarry; to marry another man
改建 {v} /gǎijiàn/ :: to refurbish; to rebuild; to convert (a building)
改进 {def} SEE: 改進 ::
改進 {v} /gǎijìn/ :: to improve
改开 {def} SEE: 改開 ::
改開 {n} /gǎikāi/ :: abbreviation of 改革開放
改口 {v} /gǎikǒu/ :: to change one's story; to correct oneself
改口 {v} /gǎikǒu/ :: to address someone by a different name
改口 {v} /gǎikǒu/ :: to change accent
改良 {v} /gǎiliáng/ :: to improve; to refine; to upgrade; to reform
改良主义 {def} SEE: 改良主義 ::
改良主義 {n} /gǎiliáng zhǔyì/ :: reformism
改名 {v} /gǎimíng,er/ :: to change names; to be renamed
改名换姓 {def} SEE: 改名換姓 ::
改名換姓 {idiom} /gǎimínghuànxìng/ :: to change one's name
改判 {v} [legal] /gǎipàn/ :: to change the original sentence; to commute; to amend a judgement
改期 {v} /gǎi期/ :: to change a scheduled date
改签 {def} SEE: 改簽 ::
改簽 {v} /gǎiqiān/ :: to modify a ticket; to endorse
改任 {v} /gǎirèn/ :: to change a post/position
改日 {adv} /gǎirì/ :: some other day; on another day
改善 {v} /gǎishàn/ :: to improve; to better
改水 {v} /gǎishuǐ/ :: to improve the water quality
改天 {adv} /gǎitiān,er/ :: on another day; some other time
改天 {v} /gǎitiān,er/ :: to change dates
改土归流 {def} SEE: 改土歸流 ::
改土歸流 {n} [archaic] /gǎitǔguīliú/ :: turning native rule into regular administration
改为 {def} SEE: 改為 ::
改為 {v} /gǎiwéi/ :: to change to
改弦更张 {def} SEE: 改弦更張 ::
改弦更張 {idiom} /gǎixiángēngzhāng/ :: to reform or revamp (a system or policy)
改弦易轍 {idiom} /gǎixiányì辙/ :: to reform or revamp (a system or policy)
改弦易辙 {def} SEE: 改弦易轍 ::
改邪归正 {def} SEE: 改邪歸正 ::
改邪歸正 {idiom} /gǎixiéguīzhèng/ :: to reform; to rehabilitate; to turn over a new leaf
改写 {def} SEE: 改寫 ::
改寫 {v} /gǎixiě/ :: to revise; to edit
改寫 {v} /gǎixiě/ :: to adapt (a book)
改信 {v} /gǎixìn/ :: to convert (to another religion)
改型 {v} /gǎixíng/ :: to modify [a car, a computer, etc.], to ressemble [a car, a computer, etc.]
改姓 {v} /gǎixìng,er/ :: to change one's surname
改选 {def} SEE: 改選 ::
改選 {v} /gǎixuǎn/ :: to re-elect
改用 {v} /gǎiyòng/ :: to change to, to switch
改元 {v} [historical] /gǎiyuán/ :: to start over with the first year of a new Chinese era name; to change the title of an imperial reign
改运 {def} SEE: 改運 ::
改運 {v} /gǎiyùn/ :: to alter one's fate; to improve one's luck
改運 {v} [Hokkien] /gǎiyùn/ :: to change one's luck by seeking a fortuneteller or a Taoist priest
改葬 {v} [archaic] /gǎizàng/ :: to change the location of a funeral; to reschedule a funeral
改造 {vt} /gǎizào/ :: to transform; to remodel
改造 {vt} /gǎizào/ :: to reform (a person's thinking); to rehabilitate; to remould
改则 {def} SEE: 改則 ::
改則 {prop} /Gǎizé/ :: (~ 縣) 改則 (county)
改朝 {v} /gǎicháo/ :: to change dynasties
改朝换代 {def} SEE: 改朝換代 ::
改朝換代 {idiom} /gǎicháohuàndài/ :: to have a change of dynasty or regime
改正 {v} /gǎizhèng/ :: to correct; to amend; to rectify
改正液 {n} /gǎizhèng液/ :: correction fluid; whiteout
改證 {n} /gǎizhèng/ :: to modify a 證 - 信用證, etc
改证 {def} SEE: 改證 ::
改制 {v} /gǎizhì/ :: to make changes to a political or economic system; to reform
改制 {v} /gǎizhì/ :: to refit; to remodel; to reequip
改装 {def} SEE: 改裝 ::
改裝 {v} /gǎizhuāng/ :: to change costume/dress
改裝 {v} /gǎizhuāng/ :: to repackage; to repack
改裝 {v} /gǎizhuāng/ :: to reequip; to refit
改錐 {n} [Northern China] /gǎizhuī/ :: screwdriver
改锥 {def} SEE: 改錐 ::
改組 {v} /gǎizǔ/ :: to reorganize
改組 {n} /gǎizǔ/ :: reorganization
改组 {def} SEE: 改組 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gài/ :: [obsolete] to beg for alms
{def} /gài/ :: [obsolete] to give
{def} /gài/ :: beggar
{def} /gài/ :: surname
丐𦨭 {prop} /Gàipí/ :: (~ 縣) 丐𦨭 (district)
丐帮 {def} SEE: 丐幫 ::
丐幫 {n} /gàibāng/ :: group of beggars; beggars' union
丐乞 {v} /gàiqǐ/ :: to beg; to implore; to supplicate
丐头 {def} SEE: 丐頭 ::
丐頭 {n} /gàitóu/ :: leader of a group of beggars
丐养 {def} SEE: 丐養 ::
丐養 {v} /gàiyǎng/ :: to adopt a child or children
丐助 {v} /gàizhù/ :: to ask for help
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gài/ :: manner; mettle
{def} /gài/ :: general idea
{def} /gài/ :: scenery; scene
{def} /gài/ :: without any exception
概况 {def} SEE: 概況 ::
概況 {n} /gàikuàng/ :: overview; general situation; brief summary; survey
概括 {v} /gài括/ :: to summarize; to sum up; to generalize; to epitomize; to compress
概括 {n} /gài括/ :: summary; overview
概括 {adj} /gài括/ :: brief and to the point; succinct; concise
概略 {n} /gàilüè/ :: outline; summary
概論 {n} /gàilùn/ :: introduction; outline; general discussion
概论 {def} SEE: 概論 ::
概率 {n} /gàilǜ/ :: probability; odds
概率論 {n} [mathematics] /gàilǜlùn/ :: probability theory
概率论 {def} SEE: 概率論 ::
概貌 {n} /gàimào/ :: general picture; overall outline
概莫能外 {idiom} /gàimònéngwài/ :: to be no exception; to admit of no exception whatsoever
概念 {n} /gàiniàn/ :: concept; notion; idea
概念化 {v} /gàiniànhuà/ :: to conceptualize
概念化 {v} /gàiniànhuà/ :: to generalize; to make abstract
概念化 {n} /gàiniànhuà/ :: conceptualization
概念化 {n} /gàiniànhuà/ :: generalization; abstraction
概數 {n} /gàishù,er/ :: approximate number; ballpark figure
概数 {def} SEE: 概數 ::
概述 {v} /gàishù/ :: to summarize; to sum up
概述 {n} /gàishù/ :: summary; overview
概說 {n} /gàishuō/ :: summary; survey; outline (often used in book and chapter titles)
概说 {def} SEE: 概說 ::
概似 {n} [statistics] /gàisì/ :: likelihood
概算 {v} /gàisuàn/ :: to make a rough estimate
概算 {n} /gàisuàn/ :: rough estimate
概形 {n} [mathematics] /gàixíng/ :: scheme (mathematical structure)
概要 {n} /gàiyào/ :: outline; summary
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
槪要 {def} SEE: 概要 ::
{def} /gài/ :: to water, irrigate, flood
{def} /gài/ :: to wash
{def} [Sichuanese] /gài/ :: river-front road/path
{def} /xiè/ :: only used in 沆溉
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
盖杯 {def} SEE: 蓋杯 ::
盖茨 {def} SEE: 蓋茨 ::
盖儿 {def} SEE: 蓋兒 ::
盖尔语 {def} SEE: 蓋爾語 ::
盖法 {def} SEE: 蓋法 ::
盖饭 {def} SEE: 蓋飯 ::
盖房 {def} SEE: 蓋房 ::
盖盖 {def} SEE: 蓋蓋 ::
盖棺定论 {def} SEE: 蓋棺定論 ::
盖浇饭 {def} SEE: 蓋澆飯 ::
盖楼 {def} SEE: 蓋樓 ::
盖帽 {def} SEE: 蓋帽 ::
盖牌 {def} SEE: 蓋牌 ::
盖然性 {def} SEE: 蓋然性 ::
盖世 {def} SEE: 蓋世 ::
盖世太保 {def} SEE: 蓋世太保 ::
盖头 {def} SEE: 蓋頭 ::
盖碗 {def} SEE: 蓋碗 ::
盖亚那 {def} SEE: 蓋亞那 ::
盖印 {def} SEE: 蓋印 ::
盖仔 {def} SEE: 蓋仔 ::
盖章 {def} SEE: 蓋章 ::
盖州 {def} SEE: 蓋州 ::
盖孜库木 {def} SEE: 蓋孜庫木 ::
盖孜力克 {def} SEE: 蓋孜力克 ::
盖子 {def} SEE: 蓋子 ::
{def} /jiè/ :: Brassica juncea
{def} /jiè/ :: small grass
{def} [figurative] /jiè/ :: tiny thing
芥菜 {n} /jiècài,gàicài/ :: Chinese mustard
芥蒂 {n} /jièdì/ :: obstruction; barrier
芥蒂 {n} /jièdì/ :: animosity; hostility; ill will; grudge
芥花 {n} /jièhuā/ :: canola
芥花油 {n} /jièhuāyóu/ :: canola oil
芥花籽油 {n} /jièhuāzǐyóu/ :: canola oil
芥兰 {def} SEE: 芥蘭 ::
芥蓝 {def} SEE: 芥藍 ::
芥蓝菜 {def} SEE: 芥藍菜 ::
芥蓝花 {def} SEE: 芥藍花 ::
芥蓝头 {def} SEE: 芥藍頭 ::
芥藍 {n} /jièlán,gàilán,1nb/ :: kailan; Chinese kale
芥藍菜 {n} /gàiláncài,jièláncài,1nb/ :: kailan; Chinese kale
芥蘭 {n} /jièlán,gàilán/ :: kailan; Chinese broccoli; Chinese kale
芥末 {n} /jièmo,jièmò,1nb/ :: mustard (condiment)
芥末 {n} /jièmo,jièmò,1nb/ :: wasabi
芥子 {n} /jièzǐ/ :: mustard seeds
芥子 {n} [Buddhism] /jièzǐ/ :: tiny thing
芥子毒气 {def} SEE: 芥子毒氣 ::
芥子毒氣 {n} /jièzǐ dúqì/ :: sulfur mustard; mustard gas
芥子气 {def} SEE: 芥子氣 ::
芥子氣 {n} /jièziqì/ :: mustard gas
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gài,er/ :: to cover; to conceal
{def} [figurative] /gài,er/ :: to cover up; to conceal
{def} [Min Nan] /gài,er/ :: to put on; to apply
{def} /gài,er/ :: to stamp; to affix (a seal)
{def} /gài,er/ :: to overwhelm; to surpass
{def} /gài,er/ :: to build; to construct
{def} /gài,er/ :: to talk nonsense; to chatter; to brag; to boast; to bluff
{def} /gài,er/ :: cover; cap; lid
{def} /gài,er/ :: shell (of a turtle, crab, etc.)
{def} /gài,er/ :: [obsolete] thatch; straw mat
{def} /gài,er/ :: [obsolete] canopy
{def} [dialectal] /gài,er/ :: excellent; fantastic
{def} [Zhangzhou, &, Taiwan Min Nan, Southern Sixian Hakka] /gài,er/ :: very
{def} /gài,er/ :: [obsolete] probably; roughly
{def} /gài,er/ :: [obsolete] for; because
{def} /gài,er/ :: surname
{def} /gài,hé,2nb/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gài,hé,2nb/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /Gě/ :: (~ 邑) [historical] Ge (a city in the ancient state of Qi in modern-day Yishui County, Shandong)
{def} /Gě/ :: surname
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
蓋茨 {prop} /Gàicí/ :: Gates (a surname)
蓋兒 {n} /gàir/ :: erhua form of lid (Classifier: m:個)
蓋兒 {n} /gàir/ :: erhua form of shell; carapace; crust (Classifier: m:個)
蓋爾語 {n} /gài'ěryǔ/ :: the Gaelic language
蓋法 {prop} [Catholicism] /Gàifǎ/ :: Caiaphas
蓋飯 {n} /gàifàn/ :: rice served with meat and vegetables on top; donburi
蓋房 {v} /gàifáng/ :: to build a house
蓋棺定論 {idiom} /gàiguāndìnglùn/ :: to reach a final decision
蓋澆飯 {n} /gàijiāofàn/ :: rice served with meat and vegetables on top; donburi
蓋樓 {v} /gàilóu/ :: to construct a building
蓋樓 {v} [internet slang] /gàilóu/ :: to reply to a thread
蓋帽 {n} [mainland] /gàimào/ :: Block (basketball)
蓋牌 {v} [poker] /gàipái/ :: to fold
蓋然性 {n} /gàiránxìng/ :: probability
蓋世 {v} [literary] /gàishì/ :: to be unparalleled; to be matchless
蓋世太保 {prop} /Gàishìtàibǎo/ :: Gestapo (Nazi secret police)
蓋頭 {n} /gàitou/ :: kerchief (used to cover the head of a bride)
蓋頭 {n} /gàitou/ :: head scarf or veil (as used by Muslims)
蓋碗 {n} /gàiwǎn,er/ :: gaiwan; teacup with lid and saucer
蓋亞那 {prop} [Taiwan] /Gài亞nà/ :: Guyana
蓋印 {v} /gàiyìn/ :: to affix or stamp a seal; to stamp (a document)
蓋章 {v} /gàizhāng/ :: to affix a seal; to stamp
蓋州 {prop} /Gàizhōu/ :: (~ 市) 蓋州 (city)
蓋孜庫木 {prop} /Gàizīkùmù/ :: (~ 鄉) 蓋孜庫木 (township)
蓋孜力克 {prop} /Gàizīlìkè/ :: (~ 鎮) 蓋孜力克 (town)
蓋子 {n} /gàizi/ :: lid (Classifier: m:個)
蓋子 {n} /gàizi/ :: shell; carapace; crust (hard protective covering) (Classifier: m:個)
{def} /gài/ :: calcium (Ca)
鈣化 {v} [medicine] /gàihuà/ :: to calcify
鈣片 {n} /gàipiàn/ :: calcium tablet (supplement)
鈣片 {n} [slang] /gàipiàn/ :: gay porn video
鈣鈦礦 {n} [mineral] /gàitàikuàng/ :: perovskite
鈣鈦礦 {n} [inorganic compound] /gàitàikuàng/ :: perovskite
鈣質 {n} /gài质/ :: calcium [as a nutrient]
{def} SEE: ::
钙化 {def} SEE: 鈣化 ::
钙片 {def} SEE: 鈣片 ::
钙钛矿 {def} SEE: 鈣鈦礦 ::
钙质 {def} SEE: 鈣質 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hán/ :: milk
咁大只蛤乸随街跳 {def} SEE: 咁大隻蛤乸隨街跳 ::
咁样 {def} SEE: 咁樣 ::
咁樣 {def} SEE: 噉樣 ::
咁滞 {def} SEE: 咁滯 ::
{def} /gān/ :: earthenware
{def} /gān/ :: only used in 坩堝
坩埚 {def} SEE: 坩堝 ::
坩堝 {n} /gānguō/ :: crucible (heat-resistant container in which metals are melted)
尲尬 {adj} [literary, archaic] /jiānjiè,gāngà/ :: walking limp; walking lamely
尲尬 {adj} [literary] /jiānjiè,gāngà/ :: sneaky; strange; abnormal
尲尬 {adj} [literary, of a situation] /jiānjiè,gāngà/ :: difficult; embarrassing; awkward
{def} SEE: ::
尴尬 {def} SEE: 尷尬 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gān/ :: only used in 尷尬
尷尬 {adj} [of a situation or person] /gāngà,jiānjiè,2nb/ :: awkward; embarrassing; uncomfortable
尷尬 {adj} [of a person] /gāngà,jiānjiè,2nb/ :: embarrassed; uneasy; sheepish; flustered
尷尬 {adj} [dated, of a person] /gāngà,jiānjiè,2nb/ :: unusual; sneaky; strange
尷尬 {adj} [Min Dong] /gāngà,jiānjiè,2nb/ :: impoverished; poor
尷尬 {adj} [Hakka] /gāngà,jiānjiè,2nb/ :: irresolute; unreasonable
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gān/ :: to concern; to be implicated in; implication
{def} /gān/ :: [obsolete] a shield
{def} /gān/ :: [obsolete] to request; to ask
{def} /gān/ :: [obsolete] to offend; to encroach on
{def} /gān/ :: [obsolete] to interfere; to intervene
{def} /gān/ :: [obsolete] bank; edge of water bodies
{def} /gān/ :: 8th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "opposition" (𝌍)
{def} /gān/ :: abbreviation of 天干
{def} /gān/ :: group (of people)
{def} /gān/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gān/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gān/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gān/ :: surname
{def} /gàn/ :: to defend
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gàn/ :: to establish
干案 {def} SEE: 幹案 ::
干巴巴 {def} SEE: 乾巴巴 ::
干爸 {def} SEE: 乾爸 ::
干杯 {def} SEE: 乾杯 ::
干貝 {def} SEE: 乾貝 ::
干贝 {def} SEE: 乾貝 ::
干瘪 {def} SEE: 乾癟 ::
干冰 {def} SEE: 乾冰 ::
干部 {def} SEE: 幹部 ::
干菜 {def} SEE: 乾菜 ::
干菜子 {def} SEE: 乾菜子 ::
干草 {def} SEE: 乾草 ::
干草热 {def} SEE: 乾草熱 ::
干草原 {def} SEE: 乾草原 ::
干單 {def} SEE: 干焦 ::
干炒 {def} SEE: 乾炒 ::
干炒牛河 {def} SEE: 乾炒牛河 ::
干脆 {def} SEE: 乾脆 ::
干脆面 {def} SEE: 乾脆麵 ::
干丹 {prop} /Gāndān/ :: (~ 省) 干丹 (province)
干单 {def} SEE: 干單 ::
干道 {def} SEE: 幹道 ::
干电池 {def} SEE: 乾電池 ::
干掉 {def} SEE: 幹掉 ::
干爹 {def} SEE: 乾爹 ::
干儿子 {def} SEE: 乾兒子 ::
干法 {def} SEE: 乾法 ::
干法 {def} SEE: 幹法 ::
干犯 {v} [literary] /gānfàn/ :: to offend; to encroach upon
干饭 {def} SEE: 乾飯 ::
干俸 {def} SEE: 乾俸 ::
干干净净 {def} SEE: 乾乾淨淨 ::
干戈 {n} /gāngē/ :: the weapons of war; arms
干戈 {n} [figurative] /gāngē/ :: the chaos of war; battle
干股 {def} SEE: 乾股 ::
干锅 {def} SEE: 乾鍋 ::
干果 {def} SEE: 乾果 ::
干过 {def} SEE: 干過 ::
干咳 {def} SEE: 乾咳 ::
干旱 {def} SEE: 乾旱 ::
干涸 {def} SEE: 乾涸 ::
干红 {def} SEE: 乾紅 ::
干簧管 {n} /gānhuángguǎn/ :: reed switch
干哕 {def} SEE: 乾噦 ::
干活 {def} SEE: 幹活 ::
干活儿 {def} SEE: 幹活兒 ::
干货 {def} SEE: 乾貨 ::
干霍乱 {def} SEE: 乾霍亂 ::
干季 {def} SEE: 乾季 ::
干架 {def} SEE: 幹架 ::
干姜 {def} SEE: 乾薑 ::
干姜水 {def} SEE: 乾薑水 ::
干将 {def} SEE: 幹將 ::
干将 {def} SEE: 干將 ::
干将莫邪 {def} SEE: 干將莫邪 ::
干將 {prop} /Gānjiāng/ :: Gan Jiang, a swordsmith who lived during the Spring and Autumn period in Chinese history
干將 {prop} [historical] /Gānjiāng/ :: name of a legendary sword
干將 {n} [literary, figurative] /Gānjiāng/ :: any sharp sword
干將莫邪 {idiom} /gānjiāng-mòyé/ :: sharp sword
干结 {def} SEE: 乾結 ::
干经 {def} SEE: 干經 ::
干井 {def} SEE: 乾井 ::
干净 {def} SEE: 乾淨 ::
干劲 {def} SEE: 幹勁 ::
干劲儿 {def} SEE: 幹勁兒 ::
干倔 {def} SEE: 乾倔 ::
干尻川 {def} SEE: 幹尻川 ::
干枯 {def} SEE: 乾枯 ::
干拉 {prop} /Gānlā/ :: (~ 省) 干拉 (province)
干栏 {def} SEE: 干欄 ::
干欄 {n} /gānlán/ :: stilt house
干酪 {def} SEE: 乾酪 ::
干酪根 {def} SEE: 乾酪根 ::
干酪素 {def} SEE: 乾酪素 ::
干乐 {def} SEE: 干樂 ::
干冷 {def} SEE: 乾冷 ::
干练 {def} SEE: 幹練 ::
干粮 {def} SEE: 乾糧 ::
干流 {def} SEE: 幹流 ::
干馏 {def} SEE: 乾餾 ::
干妈 {def} SEE: 乾媽 ::
干吗 {def} SEE: 幹嗎 ::
干嘛 {def} SEE: 幹嘛 ::
干么 {def} SEE: 幹嘛 ::
干你娘 {def} SEE: 幹你娘 ::
干娘 {def} SEE: 乾娘 ::
干呕 {def} SEE: 乾嘔 ::
干期 {def} SEE: 乾期 ::
干亲 {def} SEE: 乾親 ::
干亲戚 {def} SEE: 乾親戚 ::
干群 {def} SEE: 幹群 ::
干扰 {def} SEE: 干擾 ::
干扰素 {def} SEE: 干擾素 ::
干擾 {v} /gānrǎo/ :: to disturb; to distract
干擾 {v} /gānrǎo/ :: to interfere
干擾 {v} [physics] /gānrǎo/ :: to interfere
干擾 {v} [biology] /gānrǎo/ :: to interfere (as in RNA interference)
干擾素 {n} [biochemistry] /gānrǎosù/ :: interferon
干涩 {def} SEE: 乾澀 ::
干涉 {vti} /gānshè/ :: to interfere (with); to intervene (in)
干涉 {n} [literary] /gānshè/ :: relation
干涉 {n} [physics] /gānshè/ :: interference (coherent superposition of waves)
干涉主义 {def} SEE: 干涉主義 ::
干涉主義 {n} /gānshèzhǔyì/ :: interventionism
干尸 {def} SEE: 乾屍 ::
干湿计 {def} SEE: 乾濕計 ::
干湿褛 {def} SEE: 乾濕褸 ::
干什么 {def} SEE: 幹什麼 ::
干屎橛 {def} SEE: 乾屎橛 ::
干事 {def} SEE: 幹事 ::
干手机 {def} SEE: 乾手機 ::
干爽 {def} SEE: 乾爽 ::
干嗽 {def} SEE: 乾嗽 ::
干塘 {def} SEE: 乾塘 ::
干田 {def} SEE: 乾田 ::
干物女 {def} SEE: 乾物女 ::
干洗 {def} SEE: 乾洗 ::
干洗店 {def} SEE: 乾洗店 ::
干係 {n} /gānxì/ :: responsibility; implication
干系 {def} SEE: 干係 ::
干细胞 {def} SEE: 幹細胞 ::
干癣 {def} SEE: 乾癬 ::
干线 {def} SEE: 幹線 ::
干线 {def} SEE: 乾線 ::
干薪 {def} SEE: 乾薪 ::
干休 {v} [archaic] /gānxiū/ :: to let something go; to forget about something; to give up
干盐湖 {def} SEE: 乾鹽湖 ::
干眼症 {def} SEE: 乾眼症 ::
干衣机 {def} SEE: 乾衣機 ::
干邑 {prop} /gānyì/ :: 干邑 (commune)
干邑 {n} /gānyì/ :: cognac (variety of brandy)
干与 {def} SEE: 干預 ::
干與 {def} SEE: 干預 ::
干豫 {def} SEE: 干預 ::
干預 {v} /gānyù/ :: to interfere; to intervene; to meddle
干预 {def} SEE: 干預 ::
干员 {def} SEE: 幹員 ::
干仔孙 {def} SEE: 乾仔孫 ::
干燥 {def} SEE: 乾燥 ::
干燥机 {def} SEE: 乾燥機 ::
干政 {v} [literary] /gānzhèng/ :: to interfere with political or governmental affairs
干证 {def} SEE: 干證 ::
干支 {n} /gānzhī/ :: The Chinese sexagenary cycle expressed as combinations of the ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthly branches
干子 {def} SEE: 乾子 ::
{def} /gàn/ :: main part of something; body; trunk
{def} [colloquial] /gàn/ :: to do
{def} /gàn/ :: to work
{def} [vulgar] /gàn/ :: to fuck, to engage in sexual intercourse
{def} [vulgar] /gàn/ :: to kill
{def} [vulgar, chiefly Taiwan] /gàn/ :: to steal
{def} [vulgar, chiefly Taiwan] /gàn/ :: to blame, to condemn
{def} /gān/ :: just
{def} /gān/ :: calm
{def} /gān/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gān/ :: dead
{def} /hán/ :: alternative form of
幹案 {v} [chiefly Malaysia, Singapore] /gàn'àn/ :: to commit an offence
幹部 {n} /gànbù,tl/ :: cadre
幹部 {n} /gànbù,tl/ :: officer; ranking member; team leader (of a club, society or similar organization); more specifically, a member of such an organization who holds a leadership position over a team, section or department
幹道 {n} /gàndào/ :: main road; high street; artery
幹掉 {v} [colloquial] /gàndiào/ :: to finish something off; to finish doing something
幹掉 {v} [vulgar] /gàndiào/ :: to finish someone off; to completely destroy, defeat or to kill someone
幹法 {v} /gànfǎ/ :: to violate the law
幹法 {n} /gànfǎ/ :: way of doing something
幹活 {v} /gànhuó,er/ :: to work; to be employed
幹活 {v} /gànhuó,er/ :: to do physical work; to do manual labour; to toil
幹活兒 {v} /gànhuór/ :: erhua form of []
幹架 {v} [dialectal] /gànjià/ :: to fight; to come to blows; to quarrel
幹將 {n} /gànjiàng/ :: capable person; go-getter
幹勁 {n} /gàn勁,er/ :: vigor; enthusiasm; drive; zeal
幹勁兒 {n} /gànjìnr/ :: erhua form of []
幹練 {adj} /gànliàn/ :: capable and experienced
幹流 {n} /gànliú/ :: trunk stream; main stream (of a river)
幹嗎 {v} [colloquial] /gànmá,gàmá,gàimá,2n/ :: what is (someone) doing; what is going on
幹嗎 {v} [colloquial] /gànmá,gàmá,gàimá,2n/ :: what is wrong; what is up
幹嗎 {adv} [colloquial] /gànmá,gàmá,gàimá,2n/ :: why; why on earth; whatever for
幹嗎 {v} /gàn ma/ :: *幹 + *嗎
幹嗎 {v} [vulgar] /gàn ma/ :: *幹 + *嗎
幹嗎 {v} /gàn ma/ :: alternative form of *幹嘛
幹麼 {def} SEE: 幹嘛 ::
幹嘛 {v} /gànmá,gàmá,gàimá,2n/ :: alternative form of 幹嗎
幹嘛 {adv} /gànmá,gàmá,gàimá,2n/ :: alternative form of 幹嗎
幹嘛 {v} /gàn ma/ :: alternative form of 幹嗎
幹嘛 {v} [vulgar] /gàn ma/ :: alternative form of 幹嗎
幹嘛 {v} /gàn ma/ :: 幹 + 嘛
幹你娘 {interj} [chiefly Taiwan, vulgar] /gànnǐniáng/ :: fuck you
幹群 {n} /gànqún/ :: cadres and the masses; party officials and ordinary people
幹什麼 {v} /gànshénme/ :: what to do
幹什麼 {pron} /gànshénme/ :: why; what for
幹事 {n} /gànshi,gànshì,1nb/ :: clerk; administrator (person in charge of a certain task)
幹事 {n} /gànshi,gànshì,1nb/ :: executive secretary (of a society)
幹事 {v} /gànshì/ :: to do things; to work; to handle affairs
幹細胞 {n} [cytology] /gànxìbāo,er/ :: stem cell
幹線 {n} /gànxiàn/ :: main line; trunk line
幹員 {n} /gànyuán/ :: capable official
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 竿 ::
{def} /gān/ :: pole; staff; rod (Classifier: m:根)
杆秤 {def} SEE: 桿秤 ::
杆菌 {def} SEE: 桿菌 ::
杆子 {n} /gānzi/ :: pole
{def} /gān/ :: mandarin orange
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gān/ :: tangerine
柑果 {n} /gānguǒ/ :: hesperidium
柑桔 {def} SEE: 柑橘 ::
柑橘 {n} /gānjú/ :: oranges and tangerines
柑橘 {n} [Cantonese, dialectal Mandarin] /gānjú/ :: kumquat
柑橘 {n} /gānjú/ :: citrus
柑橘 {n} /gānjú/ :: citrus fruit
柑橘类 {def} SEE: 柑橘類 ::
柑橘類 {n} /gānjúlèi/ :: citrus
柑橘類 {n} /gānjúlèi/ :: citrus fruit
柑橘属 {def} SEE: 柑橘屬 ::
柑橘屬 {n} /gānjúshǔ/ :: citrus
柑橘屬 {n} /gānjúshǔ/ :: citrus fruit
柑子 {n} /gānzi/ :: mandarin orange
柑子 {n} /gānzi/ :: tangerine
{def} /gān/ :: water from washing rice; kitchen slops
{def} /hàn,gān,1nb/ :: only used in 泔淡
泔浆 {def} SEE: 泔漿 ::
泔漿 {def} SEE: 飲漿 ::
泔脚 {def} SEE: 泔腳 ::
泔腳 {n} [dialect] /gānjiǎo/ :: kitchen waste; hogwash
泔篱仔 {def} SEE: 泔籬仔 ::
泔籬仔 {def} SEE: 飲籬仔 ::
泔糜 {def} SEE: 飲糜 ::
泔糜仔 {def} SEE: 飲糜仔 ::
泔湯 {def} SEE: 飲湯 ::
泔湯屎 {def} SEE: 飲湯屎 ::
泔屎 {def} SEE: 飲屎 ::
泔水 {n} /gānshuǐ,tl/ :: slops; swill; hogwash
泔汤 {def} SEE: 泔湯 ::
泔汤屎 {def} SEE: 泔湯屎 ::
泔滞 {def} SEE: 泔滯 ::
泔滯 {def} SEE: 飲滯 ::
泔肿 {def} SEE: 泔腫 ::
泔腫 {def} SEE: 飲腫 ::
{def} /hàn/ :: to mix water and mud; to mix water and other thing
{def} /hán/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hán/ :: to immerse; to sink
{def} /hán/ :: culvert
{def} /gān/ :: only used in 琅玕
{def} /gān/ :: sweet
{def} /gān/ :: willingly
{def} /gān/ :: surname
{def} /gān/ :: abbreviation of 甘肅
甘氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid, neurotransmitter] /gān'ānsuān/ :: glycine
甘胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid, neurotransmitter] /gān胺suān/ :: glycine
甘拜下風 {idiom} [humble] /gānbàixiàfēng/ :: to step down gracefully; to concede defeat; to play second fiddle
甘拜下风 {def} SEE: 甘拜下風 ::
甘榜 {n} [chiefly Singapore, Malaysia] /gānbǎng,gānbōng,2nb/ :: kampong; kampung
甘比亞 {prop} [Taiwan] /Gānbǐ亞/ :: Gambia
甘比亚 {def} SEE: 甘比亞 ::
甘草 {n} /gāncǎo/ :: licorice root (Glycyrrhiza uralensis, often used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve qi)
甘醇 {n} [organic compound] /gānchún/ :: ethylene glycol
甘醇 {adj} [of alcoholic drink] /gānchún/ :: sweet and rich
甘脆 {n} [literary] /gāncuì/ :: delicious food; fine cuisine; scrumptious dishes
甘道夫 {prop} /Gāndàofū/ :: Gandalf
甘地 {prop} /Gāndì/ :: Gandhi
甘冈 {def} SEE: 甘岡 ::
甘岡 {prop} /Gāngāng/ :: Guingamp
甘汞 {n} /gāngǒng/ :: mercury(I) chloride
甘贵 {def} SEE: 甘貴 ::
甘加 {prop} /Gānjiā/ :: (~ 鎮) 甘加 (town)
甘家厂 {def} SEE: 甘家廠 ::
甘家廠 {prop} /Gānjiāchǎng/ :: (~ 鄉) 甘家廠 (township)
甘蕉 {n} /gānjiāo/ :: a type of banana (Musa × paradisiaca)
甘結 {n} [historical] /gānjié/ :: written pledge given to government authorities
甘结 {def} SEE: 甘結 ::
甘井先竭 {idiom} /gānjǐngxiānjié/ :: highly-skilled men are the first to be exhausted
甘橘 {def} SEE: 柑橘 ::
甘菊 {n} /gānjú/ :: camomile
甘苦 {n} /gānkǔ/ :: sweetness and bitterness
甘苦 {n} [figurative] /gānkǔ/ :: bittersweetness; ups and downs
甘苦 {n} [figurative] /gānkǔ/ :: hardship; difficulty
甘苦与共 {def} SEE: 甘苦與共 ::
甘苦與共 {idiom} /gānkǔyǔgòng/ :: to share the joys and sorrows (usually emphasising the “sorrow” part)
甘蓝 {def} SEE: 甘藍 ::
甘藍 {n} /gānlán/ :: cabbage (Brassica oleracea), especially the wild cabbage
甘霖 {n} [literary] /gānlín/ :: timely rainfall; good rain after a long drought
甘露 {n} [Buddhism] /gānlù/ :: amrita
甘露 {n} [mythology] /gānlù/ :: immortality potion
甘露 {n} /gānlù/ :: sweet dew
甘露 {n} /gānlù/ :: honeydew (sweet, sticky secretion by aphids); nectar
甘露醇 {n} [carbohydrate] /gānlùchún/ :: mannitol
甘露儿 {def} SEE: 甘露兒 ::
甘露兒 {n} /gānlù'ér/ :: Stachys affinis, Chinese artichoke
甘露糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /gānlùtáng/ :: mannose
甘露醣 {def} SEE: 甘露糖 ::
甘美 {adj} [of taste] /gānměi/ :: sweet and delicious
甘美 {adj} [figurative, of life] /gānměi/ :: happy; sweet
甘美 {n} [literary] /gānměi/ :: delicious food
甘美兰 {def} SEE: 甘美蘭 ::
甘美蘭 {n} [music] /gānměilán/ :: gamelan
甘蜜 {n} [chiefly Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia] /gānmì/ :: gambier (Uncaria gambir)
甘木 {prop} /Gānmù/ :: (~ 市) 甘木 (city)
甘納許 {n} /gānnàxǔ/ :: ganache
甘纳许 {def} SEE: 甘納許 ::
甘迺迪 {prop} [Taiwan, Hong Kong] /Gānnǎidí/ :: Kennedy
甘南 {prop} /Gānnán/ :: (~ 藏族自治州) Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
甘南 {prop} /Gānnán/ :: (~ 縣) 甘南 (county)
甘南藏族自治州 {prop} /Gānnán Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu/ :: Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
甘泉 {n} /gānquán/ :: sweet spring (water)
甘受 {v} /gānshòu/ :: to willingly suffer from; to submit to
甘薯 {n} /gānshǔ/ :: sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
甘薯 {n} /gānshǔ/ :: lesser yam (Dioscorea esculenta)
甘藷 {def} SEE: 甘薯 ::
甘肃 {def} SEE: 甘肅 ::
甘肃鸟 {def} SEE: 甘肅鳥 ::
甘肅 {prop} /Gānsù/ :: (~ 省) 甘肅 (province)
甘肅鳥 {n} /gānsùniǎo/ :: (~ 屬) [paleontology] Gansus
甘遂 {n} /gānsuì/ :: root of the kansui (Euphorbia kansui) (An herb used externally/topically in traditional Chinese medicine to treat boils and sores.)
甘笋 {def} SEE: 甘筍 ::
甘筍 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Longdu Min] /gānsǔn/ :: carrot, especially one that is slim and smooth
甘塘坳 {prop} /Gāntáng'ào/ :: (~ 村) 甘塘坳 (village)
甘棠 {n} /gāntáng/ :: birch-leaved pear (Pyrus betulifolia)
甘甜 {adj} /gāntián/ :: sweet
甘托克 {prop} /Gāntuōkè/ :: 甘托克 (capital city)
甘味 {n} /gānwèi/ :: sweetness; sweet taste
甘味 {n} /gānwèi/ :: sweet flavouring
甘味 {n} [literary] /gānwèi/ :: delicious food
甘味剂 {def} SEE: 甘味劑 ::
甘味劑 {n} /gānwèijì/ :: sweetener (food additive)
甘味料 {n} /gānwèiliào/ :: sweetener (food additive)
甘心 {v} /gānxīn/ :: to be willing; to be glad (to do something)
甘心 {v} [usually in the negative] /gānxīn/ :: to be contented
甘心 {v} /gānxīn/ :: to be resigned to
甘休 {v} /gānxiū/ :: to be willing to give up
甘油 {n} [chemistry] /gānyóu/ :: glycerine
甘油磷脂 {n} [biochemistry] /gānyóulínzhī/ :: glycerophospholipid
甘油醛 {n} [carbohydrate] /gānyóuquán/ :: glyceraldehyde
甘油三酸酯 {n} /gānyóu sānsuānzhǐ/ :: triglyceride
甘油酸 {n} [sugar acid] /gānyóusuān/ :: glyceric acid
甘雨 {n} [literary] /gānyǔ/ :: timely rainfall; good rain after a long drought
甘愿 {def} SEE: 甘願 ::
甘願 {v} /gānyuàn/ :: to be willing
甘願 {adv} /gānyuàn/ :: willingly
甘蔗 {n} /gānzhe,gānzhè,1nb/ :: sugar cane (Classifier: m:節c:轆)
甘蔗蟾蜍 {n} /gānzhè chánchú/ :: cane toad
甘蔗水 {n} /gānzhèshuǐ/ :: sugarcane juice
甘蔗渣 {n} /gānzhezhā/ :: bagasse
甘蔗汁 {n} /gānzhèzhī,tl2/ :: sugarcane juice
甘州 {prop} /Gānzhōu/ :: (~ 區) 甘州 (district)
甘孜 {prop} /Gānzī/ :: (~ 藏族自治州) 甘孜 (autonomous prefecture)
甘孜 {prop} /Gānzī/ :: (~ 縣) 甘孜 (county)
甘孜藏族自治州 {prop} /Gānzī Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu/ :: 甘孜藏族自治州 (autonomous prefecture)
{def} [TCM] /gān/ :: infantile malnutrition due to digestive disturbances or intestinal parasites
疳积 {def} SEE: 疳積 ::
疳積 {n} [TCM] /gānjī/ :: infantile malnutrition due to digestive disturbances or intestinal parasites
{def} [Min Nan] /gān/ :: bottle
{def} [Min Nan] /gān/ :: Classifier for bottles
矸辘 {def} SEE: 矸轆 ::
矸石 {n} [mining] /gānshí/ :: gangue; waste rock
矸子 {n} [mining] /gānzi/ :: gangue; waste rock
竿 {def} /gān,er/ :: bamboo pole
竿 {def} /gān,er/ :: surname
竿头 {def} SEE: 竿頭 ::
竿頭 {n} /gāntóu/ :: bamboo pole's uppermost tip
竿頭 {n} [figuratively] /gāntóu/ :: acme
竿蔗 {n} [literary] /gānzhè/ :: sugar cane
竿蓁 {prop} /Gānzhēn/ :: (~ 里) 竿蓁 (urban village)
竿子 {n} /gānzi/ :: bamboo pole
{def} /gān/ :: liver (Classifier: 葉個)
{def} [figurative] /gān/ :: mind; thoughts
{def} [video games, neologism] /gān/ :: to grind; to repeat a task day and night, which may exhaust the liver, in order to achieve a specific goal; grindy
肝癌 {n} [diseases] /gān癌/ :: liver cancer; hepatoma
肝病 {n} [diseases] /gānbìng/ :: liver disease; hepatopathy
肝肠 {def} SEE: 肝腸 ::
肝腸 {n} [literally] /gāncháng/ :: liver and intestines
肝腸 {n} [figuratively] /gāncháng/ :: feeling; emotion
肝胆 {def} SEE: 肝膽 ::
肝胆外科 {def} SEE: 肝膽外科 ::
肝胆相照 {def} SEE: 肝膽相照 ::
肝膽 {n} [literally] /gāndǎn/ :: liver and gallbladder
肝膽 {n} [figurative] /gāndǎn/ :: openheartedness; sincerity
肝膽 {n} [figurative] /gāndǎn/ :: heroic spirit; courage
肝膽 {n} [figurative] /gāndǎn/ :: intimacy
肝膽外科 {n} /gāndǎn wàikē/ :: hepatobiliary surgery (specialty)
肝膽相照 {idiom} /gāndǎnxiāngzhào/ :: to treat one another with absolute sincerity; to show total devotion
肝功 {n} [medicine] /gāngōng/ :: short fo 肝功能 (liver function)
肝静脉 {def} SEE: 肝靜脈 ::
肝靜脈 {n} [anatomy] /gānjìngmài/ :: hepatic vein
肝門 {n} [anatomy] /gānmén/ :: porta hepatis
肝門靜脈 {n} [anatomy] /gānménjìngmài/ :: hepatic portal vein
肝门 {def} SEE: 肝門 ::
肝门静脉 {def} SEE: 肝門靜脈 ::
肝纤维化 {def} SEE: 肝纖維化 ::
肝衰 {v} [disease] /gānshuāi/ :: abbreviation of 肝衰竭
肝衰竭 {v} [diseases] /gānshuāijié/ :: to have liver failure; to have hepatic failure
肝素 {n} [medicine, carbohydrate] /gānsù/ :: heparin
肝糖 {n} [biochemistry] /gāntáng/ :: glycogen
肝醣 {def} SEE: 肝糖 ::
肝纖維化 {n} [disease] /gānxiānwéihuà/ :: liver fibrosis
肝小葉 {n} [anatomy] /gānxiǎoyè/ :: liver lobule; hepatic lobule
肝小叶 {def} SEE: 肝小葉 ::
肝性脑病 {def} SEE: 肝性腦病 ::
肝性腦病 {n} [disease] /gānxìng nǎobìng/ :: hepatic encephalopathy
肝炎 {n} [diseases] /gānyán/ :: hepatitis
肝移植 {n} [medicine] /gānyízhí/ :: liver transplantation
肝胰壶腹 {def} SEE: 肝胰壺腹 ::
肝胰壺腹 {n} [anatomy] /gānyíhúfù/ :: hepatopancreatic ampulla; ampulla of Vater
肝硬化 {n} [diseases] /gānyìnghuà/ :: cirrhosis (of the liver)
肝油 {n} /gānyóu/ :: cod liver oil
肝脏 {def} SEE: 肝臟 ::
肝臟 {n} /gānzàng/ :: liver
肝掌 {n} [medical sign] /gānzhǎng/ :: palmar erythema (secondary to liver disease); liver palm
肝蛭 {n} /gānzhì/ :: liver fluke
肝总管 {def} SEE: 肝總管 ::
肝總管 {n} [anatomy] /gānzǒngguǎn/ :: common hepatic duct
{def} /gān/ :: [obsolete] licorice
{def} [organic chemistry] /gān/ :: glycoside
苷元 {n} [chemistry] /gānyuán/ :: aglycone
{def} /gān/ :: [obsolete] small aquatic snail
{def} [chemistry] /gān/ :: anhydride
{def} /hǎng/ :: [obsolete] bitter alcohol
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gān/ :: only used in 鳱鵲
{def} /hàn/ :: only used in 鳱鴠
{def} /yàn/ :: alternative form of
鳱鵲 {n} [obsolete] /gānquè/ :: alternative name for 喜鵲
{def} /gǎn/ :: (same as ) black
{def} /gǎn/ :: black moles or black birthmarks on the face
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǎn/ :: long
{def} /gǎn/ :: to move (someone); to affect; to touch; to arouse
{def} /gǎn/ :: response; influence
{def} /gǎn/ :: to feel; to perceive
{def} /gǎn/ :: feeling; thought; sensation; emotion
{def} /gǎn/ :: to thank; to feel grateful
{def} /gǎn/ :: to sigh with emotion; to be sentimental
{def} /gǎn/ :: to miss; to long for
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [TCM] /gǎn/ :: to be affected by wind-cold
感触 {def} SEE: 感觸 ::
感觸 {n} /gǎnchù/ :: thoughts and feelings; emotions; emotional stirring; touching feelings; feeling of being moved
感到 {v} /gǎndào/ :: to feel; to sense; to have a feeling that
感德 {v} [archaic] /gǎndé/ :: to have a strong moral code; to feel a sense of obligation; to be bound by honor
感动 {def} SEE: 感動 ::
感動 {v} /gǎndòng/ :: to move; to touch (emotionally)
感動 {def} SEE: 撼動 ::
感動 {v} /gǎndòng/ :: to be moved; to be touched (emotionally)
感恩 {v} /gǎn'ēn/ :: to have gratitude for; to feel grateful
感恩 {n} /gǎn'ēn/ :: thanksgiving; glory; gratitude
感恩節 {prop} /Gǎn'ēnjié/ :: Thanksgiving Day
感恩节 {def} SEE: 感恩節 ::
感恩經 {n} [Christianity] /gǎn'ēnjīng/ :: anaphora; eucharistic prayer
感恩经 {def} SEE: 感恩經 ::
感奋 {def} SEE: 感奮 ::
感奮 {v} /gǎnfèn/ :: to be moved and inspired; to be fired with enthusiasm
感风 {def} SEE: 感風 ::
感嘅 {def} SEE: 感慨 ::
感官 {n} /gǎnguān/ :: sense organ
感光 {adj} /gǎnguāng/ :: light-sensitive (attributive)
感光紙 {n} /gǎnguāngzhǐ/ :: photographic/sensitive paper, photopaper
感光纸 {def} SEE: 感光紙 ::
感荷 {v} [literary, formal, honorific] /gǎnhè/ :: to be grateful for
感化 {v} /gǎnhuà/ :: to use words or deeds to cause someone to reform their errant ways
感化院 {n} [dated] /gǎnhuàyuàn/ :: reform school
感怀 {def} SEE: 感懷 ::
感懷 {n} /gǎnhuái/ :: reflections; thoughts; recollections
感懷 {v} /gǎnhuái/ :: to recall with emotion
感激 {v} /gǎnjī/ :: to appreciate; be grateful; be indebted; be thankful
感激不盡 {idiom} /gǎnjī不jìn/ :: can't thank (somebody) enough; to highly appreciate help provided by someone or something
感激不尽 {def} SEE: 感激不盡 ::
感激涕零 {idiom} /gǎnjītìlíng/ :: to shed tears of gratitude; to be overwhelmingly moved by another person's kindness
感覺 {v} /gǎnjué/ :: to feel; to sense; to have a feeling that
感覺 {v} /gǎnjué/ :: to think (that); to believe (that); to be of the opinion that
感覺 {n} /gǎnjué/ :: feeling (sensation; emotion; intuition) (Classifier: m:個m:種)
感覺 {n} /gǎnjué/ :: sense (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world) (Classifier: m:個m:種)
感覺神經元 {n} [neuroanatomy] /gǎnjuéshénjīngyuán/ :: sensory neuron
感覺異常 {v} /gǎnjué yìcháng/ :: to experience paresthesia
感觉 {def} SEE: 感覺 ::
感觉神经元 {def} SEE: 感覺神經元 ::
感觉异常 {def} SEE: 感覺異常 ::
感慨 {v} /gǎnkǎi/ :: to have a stirring of emotion and sigh with regret
感慨 {v} /gǎnkǎi/ :: to lament
感冒 {n} [disease] /gǎnmào/ :: cold (common viral illness); common cold
感冒 {n} [colloquial] /gǎnmào/ :: influenza
感冒 {n} [literary, historical] /gǎnmào/ :: pretext for requesting leave of absence used by officials in the Qing dynasty
感冒 {v} /gǎnmào/ :: to catch a cold
感冒 {v} [literary] /gǎnmào/ :: to sense; to feel
感冒 {v} [Mainland China, figurative, colloquial, often in the negative or Xiang] /gǎnmào/ :: to fancy; to be interested in
感冒 {v} [Taiwan, figurative, colloquial] /gǎnmào/ :: to loathe; to hate
感念 {v} /gǎnniàn/ :: to recall fondly
感念 {v} [literary] /gǎnniàn/ :: to recall sadly
感情 {n} [uncountable] /gǎnqíng/ :: feeling; emotion
感情 {n} [uncountable] /gǎnqíng/ :: affection
感情 {n} [countable, uncountable] /gǎnqíng/ :: relationship (often a romantic one) (Classifier: m:段)
感染 {v} [medicine] /gǎnrǎn/ :: to infect or be infected by; to have an infection; to contract (a contagion)
感染 {v} [computing, of a virus] /gǎnrǎn/ :: to infect (computers)
感染 {v} [figurative] /gǎnrǎn/ :: to influence; to affect; to imbue (with)
感染力 {n} [medicine] /gǎnrǎnlì/ :: infectious capacity; contagiousness
感染力 {n} /gǎnrǎnlì/ :: the quality to influence people or make people feel touched; appeal; punch
感染者 {n} /gǎnrǎnzhě/ :: infected person; sufferer of an infection
感人 {adj} /gǎnrén/ :: heart-warming; touching; moving
感紉 {v} [mainly in letters] /gǎnrèn/ :: to feel grateful; to be indebted
感纫 {def} SEE: 感紉 ::
感伤 {def} SEE: 感傷 ::
感傷 {adj} /gǎnshāng/ :: sad (because of being moved); sentimental; melancholic
感受 {v} /gǎnshòu/ :: to experience; to feel; to be affected by;
感受 {n} /gǎnshòu/ :: experience; feeling; impression
感叹 {def} SEE: 感嘆 ::
感叹词 {def} SEE: 感嘆詞 ::
感叹号 {def} SEE: 感嘆號 ::
感嘆 {v} /gǎntàn/ :: to sigh (with regret); to lament; to exclaim
感嘆詞 {n} [part of speech] /gǎntàncí/ :: interjection
感嘆號 {n} /gǎntànhào,er/ :: exclamation mark ()
感歎 {def} SEE: 感嘆 ::
感歎詞 {def} SEE: 感嘆詞 ::
感歎號 {def} SEE: 感嘆號 ::
感同身受 {idiom} /gǎntóngshēnshòu/ :: to feel as if it has happened to oneself
感悟 {v} /gǎnwù/ :: to come to realise; to appreciate
感悟 {n} /gǎnwù/ :: realisation; appreciation
感想 {n} /gǎnxiǎng/ :: thoughts; impressions; reflections
感想 {v} [literary] /gǎnxiǎng/ :: to miss; to think of; to yearn for; to reminisce
感謝 {v} /gǎnxiè/ :: to thank; to be grateful; to be appreciative; to appreciate; thank you to; thank you for
感謝 {interj} [literary or dialectal] /gǎnxiè/ :: thank you
感謝信 {n} /gǎnxièxìn/ :: letter of thanks; thank you letter
感谢 {def} SEE: 感謝 ::
感谢信 {def} SEE: 感謝信 ::
感心 {adj} [literary or Taiwan Min Nan, Hakka] /gǎnxīn/ :: touching; moving
感兴 {def} SEE: 感興 ::
感兴趣 {def} SEE: 感興趣 ::
感興 {n} [literary] /gǎnxìng/ :: feeling inspired by something; flash of inspiration
感興趣 {v} /gǎn xìngqù/ :: to be interested in
感性 {adj} /gǎnxìng/ :: sensible; perceptual; perceptive
感性 {n} /gǎnxìng/ :: sensibility; perception
感性認識 {n} /gǎnxìng rènshi,gǎnxìng rènshì,1nb/ :: perceptual knowledge
感性认识 {def} SEE: 感性認識 ::
感言 {n} /gǎnyán/ :: words about one's thoughts and feelings, one's thoughts about victory
感应 {def} SEE: 感應 ::
感应器 {def} SEE: 感應器 ::
感應 {n} /gǎnyìng/ :: response (to an external stimulant); reaction
感應 {n} [physics] /gǎnyìng/ :: induction (generation of an electric current by a varying magnetic field)
感應器 {n} /gǎnyìngqì,tl2/ :: inductor
感應器 {n} /gǎnyìngqì,tl2/ :: sensor
感讚 {v} [chiefly religion] /gǎnzàn/ :: to praise (God)
感贊 {def} SEE: 感讚 ::
感赞 {def} SEE: 感讚 ::
感召 {v} /gǎnzhào/ :: to move and inspire
感知 {v} /gǎnzhī/ :: to perceive; to be aware
感知 {n} /gǎnzhī/ :: perception; awareness
{def} /gǎn/ :: to roll flat
擀面 {def} SEE: 擀麵 ::
擀面棍 {def} SEE: 擀麵棍 ::
擀面杖 {def} SEE: 擀麵杖 ::
擀麪 {def} SEE: 擀麵 ::
擀麪棍 {def} SEE: 擀麵棍 ::
擀麪杖 {def} SEE: 擀麵杖 ::
擀麵 {v} /gǎnmiàn/ :: to use a rolling pin to flatten and shape dough
擀麵棍 {n} [cooking] /gǎnmiàngùn,er/ :: rolling pin (usually a rod-type one, without a roller)
擀麵杖 {n} [cooking] /gǎnmiànzhàng,er/ :: rolling pin (usually a rod-type one, without a roller)
{def} /gǎn/ :: bold; brave; daring
{def} /gǎn/ :: to dare (to); to venture (to)
{def} /gǎn/ :: to be sure; to be certain; to bet; to presume
{def} [polite] /gǎn/ :: may I venture
{def} [literary or Hokkien, Teochew, Taiwanese Hakka, rhetorical question] /gǎn/ :: can it be possible that; how
{def} [archaic or Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /gǎn/ :: perhaps
{def} [Taiwanese Hokkien & Hakka] /gǎn/ :: Interrogative adverb, placed before the verb to create a yes-no question
敢当 {def} SEE: 敢當 ::
敢當 {v} /gǎndāng/ :: to dare to be (worthy of something etc.); to audaciously presume oneself to be (worthy of something etc.)
敢情 {adv} [colloquial Mandarin] /gǎnqing,gǎnqíng,1na/ :: it turns out that..
敢情 {adv} [colloquial Mandarin] /gǎnqing,gǎnqíng,1na/ :: of course
敢死 {adj} [Min Nan, pejorative] /gǎnsǐ/ :: bold and reckless; daredevil
敢死 {v} [literary, Min Nan] /gǎnsǐ/ :: to not fear death
敢死军 {def} SEE: 敢死軍 ::
敢死軍 {n} [literary] /gǎnsǐjūn/ :: an army whose soldiers do not fear death
敢於 {v} /gǎnyú/ :: to dare to; to be bold in; to have the courage to
敢于 {def} SEE: 敢於 ::
敢自 {adv} /gǎnzì/ :: naturally; of course
敢做敢当 {def} SEE: 敢做敢當 ::
敢做敢當 {idiom} /gǎnzuògǎndāng/ :: willing to take action, then live with the consequences
{def} /gǎn,er/ :: pole; stick; club; rod
{def} /gǎn,er/ :: lever; handle
{def} /gǎn,er/ :: shaft; barrel
{def} /gǎn,er/ :: classifier for long, cylindrical objects, such as guns
桿秤 {n} /gǎnchèng/ :: steelyard
桿菌 {n} /gǎn菌/ :: bacillus (any rod-shaped bacterium)
{def} /gǎn/ :: only used in 橄欖
橄榄 {def} SEE: 橄欖 ::
橄榄球 {def} SEE: 橄欖球 ::
橄榄色 {def} SEE: 橄欖色 ::
橄榄山 {def} SEE: 橄欖山 ::
橄榄石 {def} SEE: 橄欖石 ::
橄榄孙 {def} SEE: 橄欖孫 ::
橄榄孙孙 {def} SEE: 橄欖孫孫 ::
橄榄盐 {def} SEE: 橄欖鹽 ::
橄榄油 {def} SEE: 橄欖油 ::
橄榄枝 {def} SEE: 橄欖枝 ::
橄欖 {n} /gǎnlǎn/ :: Chinese olive (Canarium album)
橄欖 {n} /gǎnlǎn/ :: European olive (Olea europaea)
橄欖球 {n} /gǎnlǎnqiú,er/ :: rugby or any similar game
橄欖球 {n} /gǎnlǎnqiú,er/ :: the ball used in such games
橄欖色 {n} /gǎnlǎnsè/ :: olive (colour)
橄欖山 {prop} /Gǎnlǎn Shān/ :: Mount of Olives
橄欖石 {n} /gǎnlǎnshí/ :: olivine
橄欖石 {n} /gǎnlǎnshí/ :: peridot
橄欖油 {n} /gǎnlǎnyóu/ :: olive oil
橄欖枝 {n} /gǎnlǎnzhī/ :: branch of an olive tree
橄欖枝 {n} [figurative] /gǎnlǎnzhī/ :: olive branch; gesture of peace
{def} /gǎn/ :: dark and withered skin
{def} SEE: ::
秆子 {def} SEE: 稈子 ::
{def} /gǎn/ :: stalk (of grain); straw
稈子 {n} /gǎnzi/ :: stalk (of a cereal plant); straw
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
赶不上 {def} SEE: 趕不上 ::
赶场 {def} SEE: 趕場 ::
赶超 {def} SEE: 趕超 ::
赶程 {def} SEE: 趕程 ::
赶到 {def} SEE: 趕到 ::
赶赴 {def} SEE: 趕赴 ::
赶集 {def} SEE: 趕集 ::
赶脚 {def} SEE: 趕腳 ::
赶紧 {def} SEE: 趕緊 ::
赶尽杀绝 {def} SEE: 趕盡殺絕 ::
赶考 {def} SEE: 趕考 ::
赶客 {def} SEE: 趕客 ::
赶快 {def} SEE: 趕快 ::
赶来 {def} SEE: 趕來 ::
赶路 {def} SEE: 趕路 ::
赶忙 {def} SEE: 趕忙 ::
赶跑 {def} SEE: 趕跑 ::
赶巧 {def} SEE: 趕巧 ::
赶热闹 {def} SEE: 趕熱鬧 ::
赶山 {def} SEE: 趕山 ::
赶山狗 {def} SEE: 趕山狗 ::
赶上 {def} SEE: 趕上 ::
赶时间 {def} SEE: 趕時間 ::
赶墟 {def} SEE: 趕墟 ::
赶鸭子上架 {def} SEE: 趕鴨子上架 ::
赶早 {def} SEE: 趕早 ::
赶走 {def} SEE: 趕走 ::
{def} /gǎn/ :: to overtake; to catch up with
{def} /gǎn/ :: to hurry; to rush
{def} /gǎn/ :: to try to catch [a bus, train, etc]
{def} /gǎn/ :: to drive [animal, vehicle]
{def} /gǎn/ :: to drive someone away; to chase away
{def} /gǎn/ :: to avail oneself of [an opportunity]; happen to
{def} [colloquial] /gǎn/ :: until; till
{def} [colloquial] /gǎn/ :: rushed; hurried
趕不上 {v} /gǎn 不shàng/ :: unable to overtake; unable to catch up with
趕場 {v} [of a performer] /gǎn场/ :: to rush from one theatre, filming location, etc. to another
趕場 {v} [dialectal] /gǎn场/ :: to go to a village fair
趕超 {v} [literally, figuratively, Mainland China] /gǎnchāo/ :: to catch up with and surpass; to overtake
趕程 {v} [archaic] /gǎnchéng/ :: to hurry on one's way
趕到 {v} /gǎndào/ :: to catch up to; to hurriedly arrive
趕赴 {v} /gǎnfù/ :: to be in a hurry; to rush
趕集 {v} /gǎnjí/ :: to go to a market; to go to a fair
趕腳 {v} /gǎnjiǎo/ :: to hire oneself out to transport goods with donkeys or mules
趕腳 {n} [neologism, slang] /gǎnjiǎo/ :: alternative form of 感覺
趕腳 {v} [neologism, slang] /gǎnjiǎo/ :: alternative form of 感覺
趕盡殺絕 {idiom} /gǎnjìnshājué/ :: to drive away and kill all; to kill to the last one; to exterminate
趕緊 {adv} /gǎnjǐn/ :: quickly; hurriedly; without delay
趕考 {v} /gǎnkǎo/ :: to go (to a place) to take an examination (especially the imperial examination)
趕快 {adv} /gǎnkuài/ :: quickly; hastily
趕快 {adv} /gǎnkuài/ :: right away; at once
趕來 {v} /gǎnlái/ :: to hurry toward
趕路 {v} /gǎnlù/ :: to hasten one one's journey
趕忙 {adv} /gǎnmáng/ :: hastily; hurriedly
趕跑 {v} /gǎnpǎo/ :: to kick out; to make leave; to chase away; to drive away
趕巧 {adv} /gǎnqiǎo/ :: as luck would have it; as it turns out, by lucky coincidence
趕上 {v} /gǎnshàng/ :: to catch up; to reach in time
趕時間 {v} /gǎn shíjiān/ :: to be in a hurry
趕鴨子上架 {v} [figurative, colloquial] /gǎn yāzi shàngjià/ :: to make someone do something entirely beyond them
趕早 {adv} /gǎnzǎo,er/ :: as soon as possible; before it is too late
趕走 {v} /gǎnzǒu/ :: to kick out; to make leave; to chase away; to drive away
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gàn/ :: birds singing, chirps
{def} /gàn/ :: of the rising sun, bright
{def} [literary] /gàn/ :: sunset; dusk; evening
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] only used in 旰旰
旰旰 {adj} [literary] /hànhàn/ :: grand; splendid
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gàn/ :: Maclura tricuspidata (Chinese mulberry tree)
{def} /gàn/ :: sandalwood tree
{def} /shè/ :: name of a river
{def} /gàn/ :: [obsolete] [of water] to leak into a boat
{def} /gàn/ :: (~ 水) (river)
{def} /gàn/ :: surname
淦水 {prop} /Gànshuǐ/ :: 淦水 (river)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gàn/ :: purple; violet; blackish red
{def} SEE: ::
绀色 {def} SEE: 紺色 ::
{def} /gàn/ :: (~ 江) (river)
{def} /gàn/ :: alternative name for 江西
{def} /gàn/ :: Gan; Gan Chinese
{def} /gòng/ :: [obsolete] to grant; to bestow
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gòng/ :: surname
贛江 {prop} /Gàn Jiāng/ :: Gan River
贛南 {prop} /Gànnán/ :: Gannan; southern Jiangxi
贛縣 {prop} /Gànxiàn/ :: (~ 區) 贛縣 (district)
贛縣 {prop} [historical] /Gànxiàn/ :: 贛縣 (county)
贛語 {n} /gànyǔ/ :: the Gan language/dialect, a group of Chinese varieties spoken as the native language by many people in the Jiangxi province of China
贛州 {prop} /Gànzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 贛州 (prefecture-level city)
{def} SEE: ::
赣江 {def} SEE: 贛江 ::
赣南 {def} SEE: 贛南 ::
赣县 {def} SEE: 贛縣 ::
赣语 {def} SEE: 贛語 ::
赣州 {def} SEE: 贛州 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
冈本 {def} SEE: 岡本 ::
冈比亚 {def} SEE: 岡比亞 ::
冈谷 {def} SEE: 岡谷 ::
冈陵 {def} SEE: 岡陵 ::
冈崎 {def} SEE: 岡崎 ::
冈山 {def} SEE: 岡山 ::
冈上肌 {def} SEE: 岡上肌 ::
冈田 {def} SEE: 岡田 ::
{def} /gāng/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
刚愎 {def} SEE: 剛愎 ::
刚愎自用 {def} SEE: 剛愎自用 ::
刚才 {def} SEE: 剛才 ::
刚刚 {def} SEE: 剛剛 ::
刚果 {def} SEE: 剛果 ::
刚果(布) {def} SEE: 剛果(布) ::
刚果共和国 {def} SEE: 剛果共和國 ::
刚果河 {def} SEE: 剛果河 ::
刚果红 {def} SEE: 剛果紅 ::
刚果(金) {def} SEE: 剛果(金) ::
刚果民主共和国 {def} SEE: 剛果民主共和國 ::
刚果人民共和国 {def} SEE: 剛果人民共和國 ::
刚好 {def} SEE: 剛好 ::
刚合 {def} SEE: 剛合 ::
刚健 {def} SEE: 剛健 ::
刚劲 {def} SEE: 剛勁 ::
刚烈 {def} SEE: 剛烈 ::
刚毛 {def} SEE: 剛毛 ::
刚强 {def} SEE: 剛強 ::
刚巧 {def} SEE: 剛巧 ::
刚柔 {def} SEE: 剛柔 ::
刚柔相济 {def} SEE: 剛柔相濟 ::
刚体 {def} SEE: 剛體 ::
刚性 {def} SEE: 剛性 ::
刚需 {def} SEE: 剛需 ::
刚要 {def} SEE: 剛要 ::
刚毅 {def} SEE: 剛毅 ::
刚玉 {def} SEE: 剛玉 ::
刚正 {def} SEE: 剛正 ::
刚正不阿 {def} SEE: 剛正不阿 ::
刚直 {def} SEE: 剛直 ::
{def} /gāng/ :: firm; hard; stiff
{def} /gāng/ :: strong
{def} /gāng/ :: surname
{def} /gāng,jiāng,1nb/ :: just; exactly
{def} /gāng,jiāng,1nb/ :: only a short while ago; just
{def} /gāng,jiāng,1nb/ :: barely; just
{def} /gāng,jiāng,1nb/ :: as soon as; only at this moment
剛愎 {adj} [literary] /gāngbì/ :: headstrong; opinionated
剛愎自用 {idiom} /gāngbìzìyòng/ :: obstinate and self-opinionated
剛才 {adv} /gāngcái/ :: just; just now; a moment ago
剛纔 {def} SEE: 剛才 ::
剛剛 {adv} /gānggāng/ :: just; just now; a moment ago
剛剛 {adv} /gānggāng/ :: barely
剛果 {prop} /Gāngguǒ/ :: Congo
剛果(布) {prop} /Gāngguǒ bù/ :: Republic of the Congo; Congo-Brazzaville
剛果共和國 {prop} /Gāngguǒ Gònghéguó/ :: Republic of the Congo (country)
剛果河 {prop} /Gāngguǒ Hé/ :: Congo River
剛果紅 {n} [organic compound] /gāngguǒhóng/ :: Congo red
剛果(金) {prop} /Gāngguǒ jīn/ :: Democratic Republic of the Congo; Congo-Kinshasa
剛果民主共和國 {prop} /Gāngguǒ Mínzhǔ Gònghéguó/ :: Democratic Republic of the Congo (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire)
剛果人民共和國 {prop} [historical] /Gāngguǒ Rénmíngònghéguó/ :: People's Republic of the Congo
剛好 {adj} /gānghǎo/ :: just right
剛好 {adv} /gānghǎo/ :: just; exactly
剛好 {adv} /gānghǎo/ :: it so happened that
剛好 {interj} /gānghǎo/ :: used by itself to indicate that the correct amount of change has been given
剛健 {adj} /gāngjiàn/ :: vigorous; energetic; robust
剛強 {adj} /gāngqiáng/ :: firm; staunch; unyielding
剛勁 {adj} /gāngjìng/ :: bold; vigorous; sturdy
剛烈 {adj} /gāngliè/ :: resolute and upright in character; unyielding; staunch
剛毛 {n} /gāngmáo/ :: bristle (hair)
剛巧 {adv} /gāngqiǎo/ :: coincidentally; by coincidence; by chance
剛柔 {n} [literary] /gāngróu/ :: strength and suppleness
剛柔 {n} [literary] /gāngróu/ :: yin and yang
剛柔 {n} [literary] /gāngróu/ :: day and night
剛柔相濟 {idiom} /gāngróuxiāngjì/ :: combining vigor and suppleness
剛體 {n} [physics] /gāngtǐ/ :: rigid body
剛性 {n} /gāngxìng/ :: rigidity
剛需 {n} [literary] /gāngxū/ :: inflexible demand
剛要 {adv} /gāngyào/ :: just about to; just going to
剛毅 {adj} /gāngyì/ :: resolute; steadfast
剛玉 {n} /gāngyù/ :: corundum
剛正 {adj} /gāngzhèng/ :: honest; upright
剛正不阿 {idiom} /gāngzhèng不'ē/ :: to be upright and not flatter; to be righteous and not curry favor with others
剛直 {adj} /gāngzhí/ :: upright and outspoken
{def} /gāng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gāng/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
岗顶 {def} SEE: 崗頂 ::
岗楼 {def} SEE: 崗樓 ::
岗哨 {def} SEE: 崗哨 ::
岗亭 {def} SEE: 崗亭 ::
岗位 {def} SEE: 崗位 ::
岗子 {def} SEE: 崗子 ::
{def} /gāng,gǎng/ :: ridge or crest of a mountain
{def} /gāng,gǎng/ :: mountain; hill
岡本 {prop} /Gāngběn/ :: A Japanese surname: Okamoto
岡比亞 {prop} /Gāngbǐ亞/ :: [Mainland China] 岡比亞 (country)
岡谷 {prop} /Gānggǔ/ :: (~ 市) 岡谷 (city)
岡陵 {n} /gānglíng/ :: low hills; hillock
岡崎 {prop} /Gāngqí/ :: (~ 市) 岡崎 (city)
岡山 {prop} /Gāngshān/ :: (~ 縣) 岡山 (prefecture)
岡山 {prop} /Gāngshān/ :: (~ 市) 岡山 (capital city)
岡山 {prop} /Gāngshān/ :: 岡山 (suburban district)
岡上肌 {n} [anatomy] /gāngshàngjī/ :: supraspinatus
岡田 {prop} /Gāngtián/ :: A Japanese surname: Okada
{def} /gǎng/ :: hillock; mound
{def} /gǎng/ :: lookout post
{def} /gǎng/ :: sentry
{def} /gāng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [dialectal] /gàng/ :: only used in 崗尖
崗頂 {prop} /Gǎngdǐng/ :: 崗頂 (region)
崗樓 {n} /gǎnglóu/ :: watchtower
崗哨 {n} /gǎngshào/ :: lookout post
崗哨 {n} /gǎngshào/ :: sentry; sentinel
崗亭 {n} /gǎngtíng/ :: sentry box; police box
崗位 {n} /gǎngwèi/ :: post; job; position
崗位 {n} [military] /gǎngwèi/ :: sentry post; station
崗子 {n} /gǎngzi/ :: hillock; mound
崗子 {n} /gǎngzi/ :: ridge; wale; welt
{def} /gāng/ :: to lift using both hand
{def} /gāng/ :: to lift by at least two people
{def} /káng/ :: to shoulder; to carry on shoulders
{def} /káng/ :: to contradict
扛槌仔 {def} SEE: 摃槌仔 ::
扛鼎 {v} /gāngdǐng/ :: to raise a 鼎
扛鼎 {v} /gāngdǐng/ :: to seize power
扛鼎 {adj} /gāngdǐng/ :: strong
扛鼎 {adj} /gāngdǐng/ :: able to undertake heavy responsibility
扛鼎 {prop} /gāngdǐng/ :: Xiang Yu
扛抬 {v} /kángtái/ :: to carry on one's shoulders or with one's hand's raised
扛洋枪 {def} SEE: 扛洋槍 ::
扛洋槍 {v} [figurative, pejorative, especially of a Chinese woman] /káng yángqiāng/ :: to date or sleep with a foreigner
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gāng/ :: flagpole
{def} /gāng/ :: bridge
{def} /gōng/ :: only used in 杠里
杠夫 {def} SEE: 槓夫 ::
杠杆 {def} SEE: 槓桿 ::
杠桿 {def} SEE: 槓桿 ::
杠杠 {def} SEE: 槓槓 ::
杠杠的 {def} SEE: 槓槓的 ::
杠龟 {def} SEE: 槓龜 ::
杠精 {def} SEE: 槓精 ::
杠鈴 {def} SEE: 槓鈴 ::
杠铃 {def} SEE: 槓鈴 ::
杠铃般的笑声 {def} SEE: 槓鈴般的笑聲 ::
杠上了 {def} SEE: 槓上了 ::
杠头 {def} SEE: 槓頭 ::
杠子 {def} SEE: 槓子 ::
{def} /gāng/ :: tall tree
{def} /gāng/ :: large tree
{def} /gāng/ :: oak
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gāng/ :: used in place names
{def} /gāng/ :: [obsolete] water buffalo
{def} /gāng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gāng/ :: bull
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [rare] /gāng/ :: hill; mound
{def} /gāng/ :: guiding principle
{def} /gāng/ :: essential part, key part
{def} /gāng/ :: program, outline
{def} [taxonomy] /gāng/ :: class
{def} [archaic] /gāng/ :: headrope, main rope of a fishing net
綱常 {n} [Confucianism] /gāngcháng/ :: short fo 三綱五常  
綱紀 {n} [literary] /gāngjì/ :: legal system of a country; law and order
綱紀 {v} [literary] /gāngjì/ :: to rule a country; to govern
綱領 {n} /gānglǐng/ :: guiding principle; creed; doctrine; program
綱目 {n} /gāngmù/ :: detailed outline; compendium
綱維 {n} [archaic] /gāngwéi/ :: general principles and the four social bonds (propriety, righteousness, honesty, and a sense of shame)
綱維 {n} [archaic] /gāngwéi/ :: law; moral standard
綱要 {n} /gāngyào/ :: outline; sketch; essentials; compendium
{def} SEE: ::
纲常 {def} SEE: 綱常 ::
纲纪 {def} SEE: 綱紀 ::
纲领 {def} SEE: 綱領 ::
纲目 {def} SEE: 綱目 ::
纲维 {def} SEE: 綱維 ::
纲要 {def} SEE: 綱要 ::
{def} /gāng/ :: earthen jug, crock, cistern (Classifier: m:口)
缸儿 {def} SEE: 缸兒 ::
缸兒 {n} /gāngr/ :: erhua form of []
缸管 {n} /gāngguǎn/ :: earthen pipe
缸子 {n} /gāngzi/ :: (earthen) jug; crock
{def} SEE: ::
罡風 {n} [Taoism] /gāngfēng/ :: winds in the empyrean; winds in the top of the sky
罡風 {n} [by extension] /gāngfēng/ :: strong winds; gale
罡風 {n} [literary, figurative] /gāngfēng/ :: evil forces
罡风 {def} SEE: 罡風 ::
{def} /gāng/ :: anus
{def} [neologism, slang] /gāng/ :: to have anal sex
{def} /gāng/ :: [historical dictionaries] to be swollen
肛肠 {def} SEE: 肛腸 ::
肛腸 {n} [usually, attributive] /gāngcháng/ :: anus and rectum; [alternatively] anus and large intestine
肛道 {n} [anatomy] /gāngdào/ :: proctodeum
肛交 {v} /gāngjiāo/ :: to have anal sex
肛裂 {n} [disease] /gāngliè/ :: anal fissure
肛毛 {n} /gāngmáo/ :: hair around the anus; anal hair
肛門 {n} [anatomy] /gāngmén/ :: anus
肛門鏡 {n} [medicine] /gāngménjìng/ :: anoscope
肛門鏡 {n} /gāngménjìng/ :: (~ 檢查) [medicine] anoscopy
肛门 {def} SEE: 肛門 ::
肛门镜 {def} SEE: 肛門鏡 ::
肛周 {n} [medicine] /gāngzhōu/ :: perianal area
{def} /gāng/ :: steel
{def} /gàng/ :: [obsolete] hard; strong; tough
{def} /gàng/ :: to sharpen; to whet; to strop
鋼板 {n} /gāngbǎn/ :: steel plate
鋼板 {n} [mechanics] /gāngbǎn/ :: spring (of a motorcar, etc.)
鋼板 {n} /gāngbǎn/ :: stencil steel board
鋼蹦 {def} SEE: 鋼鏰 ::
鋼蹦兒 {def} SEE: 鋼鏰兒 ::
鋼蹦子 {def} SEE: 鋼鏰子 ::
鋼鏰 {n} /gāngbèng,er/ :: small coin
鋼鏰兒 {n} /gāngbèngr/ :: erhua form of small coin
鋼鏰子 {n} [colloquial] /gāngbèngzi/ :: small coin
鋼筆 {n} /gāngbǐ/ :: ink pen; fountain pen
鋼材 {n} /gāngcái/ :: steel
鋼材 {n} /gāngcái/ :: steel products
鋼廠 {n} /gāngchǎng/ :: steelworks
鋼刀 {n} /gāngdāo/ :: steel knife
鋼管 {n} /gāngguǎn,er/ :: steel pipe; steel tube; steel pole
鋼管樂隊 {n} /gāngguǎn yuèduì/ :: synonym of 銅管樂隊
鋼管舞 {n} /gāngguǎnwǔ,er/ :: pole dancing
鋼軌 {n} /gāngguǐ/ :: rail (metal bar that makes the track of a railroad); track
鋼化玻璃 {n} /gānghuà bōli/ :: toughened glass; tempered glass
鋼架 {n} /gāngjià/ :: steel frame
鋼筋 {n} /gāngjīn/ :: rebar (steel reinforcement bar)
鋼精 {n} /gāngjīng/ :: aluminium or aluminium alloy used to make utensils
鋼鋸 {n} /gāngjù/ :: hacksaw (Classifier: m:個m:把)
鋼盔 {n} /gāngkuī/ :: helm; military helmet
鋼片琴 {n} [musical instruments] /gāngpiànqín/ :: celesta
鋼琴 {n} /gāngqín/ :: piano (Classifier: 架臺部)
鋼琴家 {n} /gāngqínjiā/ :: pianist
鋼琴熱 {n} /gāngqínrè/ :: piano craze; intense enthusiasm for learning the piano
鋼山 {prop} /Gāngshān/ :: (~ 街道) 鋼山 (subdistrict)
鋼絲 {n} /gāngsī/ :: steel wire
鋼絲 {n} /gāngsī/ :: tightrope
鋼絲球 {n} /gāngsīqiú/ :: steel wool (shaped as a ball)
鋼絲絨 {n} /gāngsīróng/ :: steel wool
鋼絲繩 {n} /gāngsīshéng/ :: steel cable (Classifier: m:條m:根)
鋼索 {n} /gāngsuǒ/ :: cable wire
鋼鐵 {n} /gāngtiě/ :: iron and steel
鋼鐵 {n} [specifically] /gāngtiě/ :: steel
鋼鐵 {adj} [literary, figuratively] /gāngtiě/ :: staunch; strong
鋼鐵直男 {phrase} [Mainland, neologism, slang] /gāngtiě zhínán/ :: man who is very straight (heterosexual)
鋼線 {n} /gāngxiàn/ :: steel wire or cable
鋼協 {n} [music] /gāngxié/ :: piano concerto
鋼牙 {n} [archaic] /gāngyá/ :: clenched teeth
鋼印 {n} /gāngyìn/ :: steel seal; embossing seal
鋼印 {n} /gāngyìn/ :: embossed stamp
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
钢板 {def} SEE: 鋼板 ::
钢蹦 {def} SEE: 鋼蹦 ::
钢蹦儿 {def} SEE: 鋼蹦兒 ::
钢蹦子 {def} SEE: 鋼蹦子 ::
钢镚 {def} SEE: 鋼鏰 ::
钢镚儿 {def} SEE: 鋼鏰兒 ::
钢镚子 {def} SEE: 鋼鏰子 ::
钢笔 {def} SEE: 鋼筆 ::
钢笔水儿 {def} SEE: 鋼筆水兒 ::
钢材 {def} SEE: 鋼材 ::
钢厂 {def} SEE: 鋼廠 ::
钢刀 {def} SEE: 鋼刀 ::
钢管 {def} SEE: 鋼管 ::
钢管乐队 {def} SEE: 鋼管樂隊 ::
钢管舞 {def} SEE: 鋼管舞 ::
钢轨 {def} SEE: 鋼軌 ::
钢化玻璃 {def} SEE: 鋼化玻璃 ::
钢架 {def} SEE: 鋼架 ::
钢筋 {def} SEE: 鋼筋 ::
钢精 {def} SEE: 鋼精 ::
钢锯 {def} SEE: 鋼鋸 ::
钢盔 {def} SEE: 鋼盔 ::
钢片琴 {def} SEE: 鋼片琴 ::
钢琴 {def} SEE: 鋼琴 ::
钢琴家 {def} SEE: 鋼琴家 ::
钢琴热 {def} SEE: 鋼琴熱 ::
钢山 {def} SEE: 鋼山 ::
钢丝 {def} SEE: 鋼絲 ::
钢丝球 {def} SEE: 鋼絲球 ::
钢丝绒 {def} SEE: 鋼絲絨 ::
钢丝绳 {def} SEE: 鋼絲繩 ::
钢索 {def} SEE: 鋼索 ::
钢铁 {def} SEE: 鋼鐵 ::
钢铁直男 {def} SEE: 鋼鐵直男 ::
钢线 {def} SEE: 鋼線 ::
钢协 {def} SEE: 鋼協 ::
钢牙 {def} SEE: 鋼牙 ::
钢印 {def} SEE: 鋼印 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǎng/ :: saltpond, salt marshes
{def} /gǎng/ :: tributary of a larger river or lake
{def} /gǎng/ :: port; harbour
{def} /gǎng/ :: large airport
{def} /gǎng/ :: abbreviation of 香港
{def} [colloquial] /gǎng/ :: Hong Kong-styled
{def} [Hokkien] /gǎng/ :: classifier for fluids
{def} /gǎng/ :: surname
{def} /hòng/ :: only used in 港洞
港澳 {prop} /Gǎng-Ào/ :: Hong Kong and Macau
港澳办 {def} SEE: 港澳辦 ::
港澳辦 {prop} /Gǎng'àobàn/ :: short fo 國務院港澳事務辦公室 (Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office)
港澳臺 {prop} /Gǎng-Ào-Tái/ :: Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
港澳台 {def} SEE: 港澳臺 ::
港北 {prop} /Gǎngběi/ :: (~ 社區) 港北 (residential community)
港币 {def} SEE: 港幣 ::
港幣 {n} /gǎngbì/ :: Hong Kong dollar (currency of Hong Kong)
港边 {def} SEE: 港邊 ::
港邊 {n} /gǎngbiān/ :: harbourside
港埠 {n} /gǎngbù/ :: port; wharf; sea terminal
港大 {prop} /Gǎngdà/ :: short fo 香港^大學 (Hong Kong University); HKU
港岛 {def} SEE: 港島 ::
港島 {prop} /Gǎngdǎo/ :: abbreviation of 香港島
港督 {n} /gǎngdū/ :: abbreviation of 香港總督
港毒 {n} [neologism, derogatory, slang] /gǎngdú/ :: alternative form of 港獨
港独 {def} SEE: 港獨 ::
港獨 {prop} /Gǎngdú/ :: Hong Kong Independence Movement
港共 {prop} [derogatory] /Gǎnggòng/ :: the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government
港股 {n} [finance] /gǎnggǔ/ :: Hong Kong shares
港交所 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Gǎngjiāosuǒ/ :: short fo 香港^交易所 (Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing)
港脚 {def} SEE: 港腳 ::
港腳 {n} :: Businessmen from India
港腳 {n} :: General name for ports in India
港腳 {n} :: A footballer from Hong Kong
港姐 {n} /gǎngjiě/ :: Miss Hong Kong
港剧 {def} SEE: 港劇 ::
港劇 {n} /gǎngjù/ :: Hong Kong TV drama (Classifier: m:部)
港口 {n} /gǎngkǒu/ :: port, harbour
港乐 {def} SEE: 港樂 ::
港樂 {prop} /Gǎngyuè/ :: abbreviation of 香港管弦樂團 HKPhil
港媒 {n} /gǎngméi/ :: Hong Kong news media
港南 {prop} /Gǎngnán/ :: (~ 鄉) [historical] 港南 (township)
港南 {prop} /Gǎngnán/ :: (~ 社區) 港南 (residential community)
港南 {prop} /Gǎngnán/ :: (~ 村) 港南 (village)
港女 {n} [internet slang, pejorative] /gǎngnǚ/ :: "[Hong] Kong girl" (a stereotypical type of girl from Hong Kong who is excessively vain, self-centered, and materialistic)
港人 {n} /gǎngrén/ :: Hong Konger
港市 {n} /gǎngshì/ :: port; port city (town or city with a dock or harbour)
港式 {adj} [attributive] /gǎngshì/ :: Hong Kong-style
港臺 {prop} /Gǎng-Tái/ :: Hong Kong and Taiwan
港臺腔 {n} /gǎngtáiqiāng/ :: the Mandarin accent of the Hong Kongers and the Taiwanese
港台 {def} SEE: 港臺 ::
港台腔 {def} SEE: 港臺腔 ::
港鐵 {prop} /Gǎngtiě/ :: MTR: short fo 香港^鐵路 (Mass Transit Railway, rapid transit railway system of Hong Kong)
港铁 {def} SEE: 港鐵 ::
港湾 {def} SEE: 港灣 ::
港湾英语 {def} SEE: 港灣英語 ::
港灣 {n} /gǎngwān/ :: natural harbor; bay serving as a harbor
港灣英語 {prop} /Gǎngwān Yīngyǔ/ :: Estuary English
港尾 {prop} /Gǎngwěi/ :: (~ 鎮) 港尾 (town)
港务 {def} SEE: 港務 ::
港务局 {def} SEE: 港務局 ::
港務 {n} /gǎngwù/ :: port affairs
港務局 {n} /gǎngwùjú/ :: port authority
港星 {n} [entertainment] /gǎngxīng/ :: star from Hong Kong
港英 {prop} [historical] /Gǎngyīng/ :: British Hong Kong
港語 {n} /gǎngyǔ/ :: the lingo of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Cantonese
港语 {def} SEE: 港語 ::
港元 {n} /gǎngyuán/ :: Hong Kong dollar (currency of Hong Kong)
港真 {adv} [Mainland Mandarin, neologism, slang] /gǎngzhēn/ :: to tell the truth
港紙 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Pinghua, Hakka, Min Nan, Liuzhou Mandarin] /gǎngzhǐ/ :: Hong Kong dollar
港纸 {def} SEE: 港紙 ::
港猪 {def} SEE: 港豬 ::
港豬 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong, derogatory] /gǎngzhū/ :: a Hong Kong person who is indifferent to politics
港子 {prop} /Gǎngzǐ/ :: (~ 村) 港子 (rural village)
𫖖戆 {def} SEE: 𩏠戇 ::
{def} SEE: ::
戆𨳊 {def} SEE: 戇𨳊 ::
戆Q {def} SEE: 戇Q ::
戆大 {def} SEE: 戇大 ::
戆大呆 {def} SEE: 戇大呆 ::
戆呆 {def} SEE: 戇呆 ::
戆愕 {def} SEE: 戇愕 ::
戆戆 {def} SEE: 戇戇 ::
戆戆想 {def} SEE: 戇戇想 ::
戆工 {def} SEE: 戇工 ::
戆狗 {def} SEE: 戇狗 ::
戆过只鸭 {def} SEE: 戇過隻鴨 ::
戆猴 {def} SEE: 戇猴 ::
戆虎 {def} SEE: 戇虎 ::
戆话 {def} SEE: 戇話 ::
戆囝 {def} SEE: 戇囝 ::
戆鸠 {def} SEE: 戇鳩 ::
戆居 {def} SEE: 戇居 ::
戆居居 {def} SEE: 戇居居 ::
戆力 {def} SEE: 戇力 ::
戆卵 {def} SEE: 戇卵 ::
戆囡仔 {def} SEE: 戇囡仔 ::
戆钱 {def} SEE: 戇錢 ::
戆去 {def} SEE: 戇去 ::
戆人 {def} SEE: 戇人 ::
戆丧 {def} SEE: 戇喪 ::
戆鲨 {def} SEE: 戇鯊 ::
戆神 {def} SEE: 戇神 ::
戆手 {def} SEE: 戇手 ::
戆宋 {def} SEE: 戇宋 ::
戆体体 {def} SEE: 戇體體 ::
戆想 {def} SEE: 戇想 ::
戆直 {def} SEE: 戇直 ::
{def} /zhuàng/ :: [obsolete] stupid
{def} /zhuàng/ :: [obsolete] blunt and tactless
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka, Min, Wu] /gàng/ :: stupid; foolish; simple; simple-minded
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /gàng/ :: stubborn; bull-headed
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /gàng/ :: frank; honest; straight
戇𨳊 {def} SEE: 戇鳩 ::
戇喪 {adj} /zhuàngsāng/ :: crazy
戇手 {n} [Hainanese] :: left hand
戇手 {n} [Hainanese] :: left side; left-hand side
戇直 {adj} [literary or dialectal] /zhuàngzhí/ :: simple and honest; good-natured and upright
戇直 {adj} [literary] /zhuàngzhí/ :: blunt and tactless
{def} /gàng/ :: lever, pole, crowbar
{def} /gàng/ :: sharpen
{def} [Cantonese] /gàng/ :: wardrobe, trunk
{def} [mahjong] /gàng/ :: kong
{def} [neologism] /gàng/ :: abbreviation of 抬槓
槓夫 {n} /gàngfū/ :: pole carrier; coffin-bearer
槓桿 {n} /gànggǎn/ :: lever
槓桿 {n} [physics] /gànggǎn/ :: leverage
槓桿 {n} [business, legal] /gànggǎn/ :: leverage (gearing)
槓槓 {n} [colloquial] /gànggang/ :: thick lines drawn when reading or annotating a paragraph
槓槓 {n} [colloquial] /gànggang/ :: criterion; rules; limit; restriction
槓槓的 {adj} [northeastern Mandarin, colloquial, now popular slang] /gánggángde,gànggàngde/ :: powerful; valiant; full of dash; very good; great
槓龜 {v} [Taiwan] /gàngguī/ :: to loss
槓精 {n} [neologism, slang] /gàngjīng/ :: person who argues for the sake of arguing; contrarian; opinionated or self-righteous person
槓鈴 {n} /gànglíng/ :: barbell
槓鈴般的笑聲 {phrase} [slang, humorous, neologism] /gànglíng bān de xiàoshēng/ :: “barbell-like laughter”; Used to refer big laughter
槓上了 {v} /gàngshàngle/ :: to be in conflict
槓頭 {n} [dated] /gàngtóu/ :: head pallbearer
槓頭 {n} [figurative, colloquial] /gàngtóu/ :: someone who loves to argue for the sake of arguing; argumentative person
槓子 {n} /gàngzi/ :: thick bar
槓子 {n} /gàngzi/ :: thick line
槓子 {n} [mahjong] /gàngzi/ :: kong; four-of-a-kind
{def} /gàng/ :: to temper steel
{def} /gāo/ :: only used in 桔槔
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /gāo/ :: container for storing armor, bows; arrows, etc
{def} [literary] /gāo/ :: to store; to keep
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hào/ :: roar, call out, wail
{def} /hào/ :: bark, yelp
{def} [literary] /gāo/ :: shore; land by a body of water
{def} [literary] /gāo/ :: highland
{def} /gāo/ :: [obsolete] marsh; pool
{def} /gāo/ :: [obsolete] rice paddy
{def} /gāo/ :: [obsolete] tall; high
{def} /gāo/ :: surname
皋門 {n} /gāomén/ :: an ancient Chinese palace gate
皋門 {n} [by metonymy] /gāomén/ :: country, realm
皋门 {def} SEE: 皋門 ::
皋陶 {prop} /Gāoyáo/ :: Gao Yao (minister)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yì/ :: to spy on
{def} /yì/ :: surname
{def} /gāo/ :: testicle
{def} /gāo/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gāo,hào/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /zé/ :: alternative form of
睪固酮 {n} /gāogùtóng/ :: synonym of 睪酮
睪酮 {n} [hormone] /gāotóng/ :: testosterone
睪丸 {n} /gāowán/ :: testicle
睪丸網 {n} [anatomy] /gāowánwǎng/ :: rete testis
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gāo/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gāo/ :: [historical dictionaries] a type of tree
{def} /hào/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
睾固酮 {def} SEE: 睪固酮 ::
睾酮 {def} SEE: 睪酮 ::
睾丸 {def} SEE: 睪丸 ::
睾丸網 {def} SEE: 睪丸網 ::
睾丸网 {def} SEE: 睪丸網 ::
{def} /gāo/ :: pole used for punting boats
{def} /gāo/ :: surname
{def} /gāo/ :: cake
{def} /gāo/ :: pudding; paste
糕餅 {n} /gāobǐng/ :: cakes and biscuits; pastry
糕饼 {def} SEE: 糕餅 ::
糕点 {def} SEE: 糕點 ::
糕點 {n} /gāodiǎn/ :: pastry (food group)
糕仔饼 {def} SEE: 糕仔餅 ::
{def} /gāo/ :: lamb
{def} /gāo/ :: young animal
{def} /gāo/ :: young
羔皮 {n} /gāopí/ :: lambskin; kidskin; kid
羔羊 {n} /gāoyáng/ :: lamb; sheep
羔羊 {n} [figurative] /gāoyáng/ :: innocent or helpless person; scapegoat
羔子 {n} /gāozi/ :: newborn lamb; baby sheep
羔子 {n} [by extension] /gāozi/ :: the young of certain animals
羔子 {n} [offensive, term of abuse] /gāozi/ :: whelp
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
𫊻膏 {def} SEE: 蟳膏 ::
{def} /gāo/ :: fat; grease; oil
{def} /gāo/ :: paste; cream; ointment; poultice
{def} /gāo/ :: sleek; glossy
{def} /gāo/ :: oily; rich
{def} /gào/ :: to moisten; to grease; to lubricate
{def} /gào/ :: to apply (cream, ointment)
{def} /gào/ :: to dip a brush in ink
膏笔 {def} SEE: 膏筆 ::
膏肓 {n} [TCM] /gāohuāng/ :: fat region between the heart and the diaphragm (near the apex of the heart, a region which is regarded in traditional Chinese medicine as being unreachable by medicament); vital organs
膏肓 {n} [figurative] /gāohuāng/ :: incurable disease; terminal illness
膏肓 {n} [literary, figurative] /gāohuāng/ :: suffering of the masses; hardships of the populace
膏粱 {n} [literary] /gāoliáng/ :: fatty meat and refined grain; rich food
膏粱 {n} [literary, figurative] /gāoliáng/ :: rich family; extravagant person
膏药 {def} SEE: 膏藥 ::
膏藥 {n} [TCM] /gāoyào,tl/ :: herbal plaster; medicated patch; poultice
膏油 {n} [literary] /gāoyóu/ :: fat; grease; lard
膏油 {v} /gàoyóu/ :: to add lubricating oil
膏腴 {adj} [literary] /gāoyú/ :: fertile; rich
膏腴 {adj} [literary] /gāoyú/ :: abundant
膏腴 {adj} [literary] /gāoyú/ :: gorgeous; magnificent
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gāo/ :: tall; high
{def} /gāo/ :: of high level; above average
{def} /gāo/ :: loud
{def} [honorific] /gāo/ :: your
{def} /gāo/ :: surname Gao (surname)
高𬃀 {def} SEE: 高槻 ::
高矮 {n} /gāo'ǎi/ :: height; whether tall or short
高矮胖瘦 {idiom} /gāo'ǎipàngshòu/ :: one's physique; stature
高安 {prop} /Gāo'ān/ :: (~ 市) 高安 (city)
高昂 {adj} /gāo'áng/ :: expensive; exorbitant; costly
高昂 {adj} /gāo'áng/ :: high-pitched
高昂 {adj} /gāo'áng/ :: in high spirits; high-spirited; elated
高昂 {v} /gāo'áng/ :: to hold one's head high
高傲 {adj} /gāo'ào/ :: arrogant; supercilious; haughty
高傲 {adj} /gāo'ào/ :: proud
高白岩 {prop} /Gāobáiyán/ :: (~ 村) 高白岩 (village)
高保真 {n} /gāobǎozhēn/ :: high fidelity; hi-fi
高碑店 {prop} /Gāobēidiàn/ :: (~ 市) 高碑店 (city)
高陂 {prop} /Gāobēi/ :: (~ 鎮) 高陂 (town)
高陂 {prop} /Gāobēi/ :: (~ 鎮) 高陂 (town)
高陂 {prop} /Gāobēi/ :: (~ 鎮) 高陂 (town)
高鼻子 {n} [slang, pejorative] /gāobízi/ :: a person with a big nose
高滨 {def} SEE: 高濱 ::
高濱 {prop} /Gāobīn/ :: (~ 市) 高濱 (city)
高不成,低不就 {idiom} /gāo 不 chéng, dī 不 jiù/ :: unable to aim high but unwilling to aim lower; too choosy to succeed (in choosing a job or one's spouse)
高不凑,低不就 {def} SEE: 高不湊,低不就 ::
高不湊,低不就 {idiom} /gāo 不 còu, dī 不 jiù/ :: synonym of 高不成,低不就
高不輳,低不就 {idiom} /gāo 不 còu, dī 不 jiù/ :: synonym of 高不成,低不就
高不辏,低不就 {def} SEE: 高不輳,低不就 ::
高材 {adj} [of a person] /gāocái/ :: outstanding; excellent; talented and intelligent
高材 {n} /gāocái/ :: talented and intelligent person; talent
高材生 {n} /gāocáishēng/ :: outstanding student; talented student
高参 {def} SEE: 高參 ::
高參 {n} [mainland] /gāocān/ :: abbreviation of 高級參謀
高层 {def} SEE: 高層 ::
高層 {n} /gāocéng/ :: tall building; high-rise
高層 {n} /gāocéng/ :: abbreviation of 高層管理
高層 {adj} [attributive, of a building] /gāocéng/ :: having multiple floors
高層 {adj} [attributive] /gāocéng/ :: high-grade; high-class; high-level
高产 {def} SEE: 高產 ::
高產 {adj} /gāochǎn/ :: high-yielding; highly productive
高產 {n} /gāochǎn/ :: high yield; high (production) output
高长 {def} SEE: 高長 ::
高唱 {v} /gāochàng/ :: to sing loudly
高唱 {v} [metaphor] /gāochàng/ :: to glibly talk about; to call loudly for
高超 {adj} /gāochāo/ :: excellent; superb; superlative; exceptional
高超 {adj} [literary] /gāochāo/ :: having integrity; noble; morally upright; lofty
高潮 {n} [oceanography] /gāocháo/ :: high tide; high water (Classifier: 個次)
高潮 {n} /gāocháo/ :: major development; climax (Classifier: 個次)
高潮 {n} [narratology] /gāocháo/ :: climax; turning point (Classifier: 個次)
高潮 {n} /gāocháo/ :: orgasm (Classifier: 個次)
高潮 {n} /gāocháo/ :: upsurge (Classifier: 個次)
高潮 {prop} /gāocháo/ :: (~ 村) 高潮 (village)
高車 {n} /gāochē,gāojū/ :: a type of chariot, used in ancient China, with a tall canopy and a standing driver
高車 {n} /gāochē,gāojū/ :: tall chariot ridden by respectable people
高車 {prop} /gāochē,gāojū/ :: Gaoche, an ancient ethnic group in China
高車 {prop} /gāochē,gāojū/ :: surname
高車 {prop} /gāochē,gāojū/ :: (~ 鄉) Gaoche Township, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China
高車 {prop} /gāochē,gāojū/ :: (~ 村) Gaoche Village, Gaoche Township
高车 {def} SEE: 高車 ::
高乘載 {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin] /gāochéngzài/ :: HOV; high occupancy vehicle
高乘载 {def} SEE: 高乘載 ::
高城 {prop} /Gāochéng/ :: (~ 鎮) 高城 (town)
高出 {v} /gāochū/ :: to be higher than; to be taller than
高出 {v} /gāochū/ :: to protrude; to stick out
高處 {n} /gāochù/ :: high place; place that is high in elevation
高處不勝寒 {proverb} /gāochù 不勝 hán/ :: it's lonely at the top
高处 {def} SEE: 高處 ::
高处不胜寒 {def} SEE: 高處不勝寒 ::
高村 {prop} /Gāocūn/ :: (~ 鎮) 高村 (town)
高村 {prop} /Gāocūn/ :: (~ 鄉) [historical] 高村 (township)
高村 {prop} /Gāocūn/ :: (~ 村) 高村 (village)
高达 {def} SEE: 高達 ::
高達 {v} /gāodá/ :: to reach up to (in height or level); to attain; to soar to
高達 {prop} [Mainland, Hong Kong] /gāodá/ :: Gundam (Japanese animation franchise)
高大 {adj} /gāodà/ :: tall; tall and big
高大 {adj} /gāodà/ :: lofty; imposing; noble
高大全 {adj} [officialese, of a model character] /gāodàquán/ :: lofty, great and perfect
高大上 {adj} [neologism, slang] /gāodàshàng/ :: high-end, elegant and classy
高檔 {adj} /gāo檔/ :: top grade; superior quality
高档 {def} SEE: 高檔 ::
高岛 {def} SEE: 高島 ::
高島 {prop} /Gāodǎo/ :: (~ 市) 高島 (city)
高登 {prop} /Gāodēng/ :: (~ 島) 高登 (island)
高等 {adj} [attributive] /gāoděng/ :: higher
高等 {adj} [attributive] /gāoděng/ :: advanced
高等法院 {n} /gāoděng fǎyuàn/ :: high court
高等教育 {n} /gāoděng jiàoyù/ :: higher education
高等數學 {n} /gāoděng shùxué/ :: higher mathematics; further mathematics; advanced-level mathematics
高等数学 {def} SEE: 高等數學 ::
高等学校 {def} SEE: 高等學校 ::
高等學校 {n} [education] /gāoděng xuéxiào/ :: institution of higher learning; colleges and universities
高等院校 {n} /gāoděng yuànxiào/ :: institutions of higher learning; colleges and universities
高低 {n} /gāodī/ :: high and low
高低 {n} /gāodī/ :: height
高低 {n} [music] /gāodī/ :: pitch
高低 {n} /gāodī/ :: superiority or inferiority
高低 {n} /gāodī/ :: appropriateness; severity; weight
高低 {adv} /gāodī/ :: anyhow; no matter what; in any case
高低 {adv} /gāodī/ :: in the end; finally; eventually
高低杠 {def} SEE: 高低槓 ::
高低槓 {n} [gymnastics] /gāodīgàng,er/ :: uneven bars
高地 {n} /gāodì/ :: upland; highland
高地 {n} [military] /gāodì/ :: height; strategic height
高地德語 {prop} /Gāodì Déyǔ/ :: High German
高地德语 {def} SEE: 高地德語 ::
高碘酸 {n} [mainland China, inorganic compound] /gāodiǎnsuān/ :: periodic acid
高碉 {n} /gāodiāo/ :: Tibetan stone tower
高調 {n} /gāodiào,er/ :: high-sounding voice
高調 {def} SEE: 懸調 ::
高調 {n} [figurative] /gāodiào,er/ :: lofty tone; bombast
高调 {def} SEE: 高調 ::
高頂 {adj} [attributive, of a hat] /gāodǐng/ :: high-crowned
高顶 {def} SEE: 高頂 ::
高定 {n} /gāodìng/ :: haute couture
高度 {n} /gāodù/ :: height; altitude
高度 {adj} [attributive] /gāodù/ :: high
高度 {adj} [attributive] /gāodù/ :: high-proof
高度 {adj} [attributive] /gāodù/ :: high-octane
高度 {adv} /gāodù/ :: highly; to a great extent
高端 {n} /gāoduān/ :: the high end
高端 {adj} /gāoduān/ :: high-end
高端大气上档次 {def} SEE: 高端大氣上檔次 ::
高端大氣上檔次 {adj} [neologism, slang] /gāoduān dàqì shàng档cì/ :: high-end, elegant and classy
高額 {n} /gāo'é/ :: high quota; large amount (of money)
高额 {def} SEE: 高額 ::
高尔夫 {def} SEE: 高爾夫 ::
高尔夫球 {def} SEE: 高爾夫球 ::
高尔基 {def} SEE: 高爾基 ::
高尔基器 {def} SEE: 高爾基器 ::
高尔基体 {def} SEE: 高爾基體 ::
高爾夫 {n} /gāo'ěrfū/ :: golf
高爾夫球 {n} /gāo'ěrfūqiú/ :: golf
高爾夫球 {n} /gāo'ěrfūqiú/ :: golf ball
高爾基 {prop} /Gāo'ěrjī/ :: Gorky (surname), especially the Russian and Soviet writer Maxim Gorky
高爾基 {prop} [historical] /Gāo'ěrjī/ :: (~ 市) Gorky (previous name for the Russian city Nizhny Novgorod)
高爾基 {prop} /Gāo'ěrjī/ :: Golgi (surname), especially the Italian physician Camillo Golgi, after whom several biological structures were named
高爾基器 {n} [cytology] /Gāo'ěrjī qì/ :: Golgi apparatus
高爾基體 {n} [cytology] /Gāo'ěrjī tǐ/ :: Golgi body; Golgi apparatus
高二 {n} /gāo'èr/ :: second year in senior high school; eleventh grade
高发 {def} SEE: 高發 ::
高發 {v} [of diseases, accidents, etc., often, attributive] /gāofā/ :: to occur frequently
高翻 {n} /gāofān/ :: short fo 高翻院 (graduate institute of interpretation and translation)
高翻院 {n} /gāofānyuàn/ :: short fo 高級翻譯學院 (graduate institute of interpretation and translation)
高飛 {v} /gāofēi/ :: to soar; to fly high
高飛 {v} [by extension] /gāofēi/ :: to escape to somewhere far away
高飞 {def} SEE: 高飛 ::
高分子 {n} [chemistry] /gāofēnzǐ/ :: macromolecule
高粉 {n} /gāofěn/ :: abbreviation of 高筋麵粉
高峯 {def} SEE: 高峰 ::
高峯車 {def} SEE: 高峰車 ::
高峯會議 {def} SEE: 高峰會議 ::
高峯期 {def} SEE: 高峰期 ::
高峰 {n} /gāofēng/ :: peak; summit; height
高峰 {prop} /gāofēng/ :: (~ 村) 高峰 (village)
高峰車 {n} /gāofēngchē/ :: relief bus
高峰车 {def} SEE: 高峰車 ::
高峰会议 {def} SEE: 高峰會議 ::
高峰會議 {n} /gāofēng huìyì/ :: summit; summit conference (gathering of leaders)
高峰期 {n} /gāofēng期/ :: peak period; peak hour; rush hour
高風 {n} [literary] /gāofēng/ :: high wind
高風 {n} [literary] /gāofēng/ :: noble character
高风 {def} SEE: 高風 ::
高富帅 {def} SEE: 高富帥 ::
高富帥 {n} [neologism, slang] /gāofùshuài/ :: tall-rich-and-handsome guy; ideal guy; all-perfect man
高干 {def} SEE: 高幹 ::
高幹 {n} /gāogàn/ :: short fo 高級幹部
高冈 {def} SEE: 高岡 ::
高岡 {n} [literary] /gāogāng/ :: tall mound; tall hill
高岡 {prop} /gāogāng/ :: (~ 市) 高岡 (city)
高高兴兴 {def} SEE: 高高興興 ::
高高興興 {adj} /gāogāoxìngxìng/ :: very happy; delighted; joyous
高高在上 {idiom} [originally] /gāogāozàishàng/ :: high aloft; [now commonly] setting oneself high above the masses; not in touch with the common people or reality; aloof and remote
高歌 {v} /gāogē/ :: to sing loudly
高歌 {n} /gāogē/ :: song sung loudly
高歌猛进 {def} SEE: 高歌猛進 ::
高歌猛進 {idiom} /gāogēměngjìn/ :: to advance triumphantly
高根 {n} /gāogēn/ :: alternative name for 古柯
高跟 {adj} [attributive] /gāogēn,er/ :: high-heeled
高跟 {n} [colloquial] /gāogēn,er/ :: abbreviation of 高跟鞋
高跟儿鞋 {def} SEE: 高跟兒鞋 ::
高跟兒鞋 {n} /gāogēnrxié/ :: erhua form of high heels
高跟鞋 {n} /gāogēnxié,er/ :: high heels; high-heeled shoes (Classifier: m:雙)
高頸瓶 {n} /gāojǐngpíng/ :: high-neck bottle
高颈瓶 {def} SEE: 高頸瓶 ::
高工 {n} [Taiwan] /gāogōng/ :: vocational school
高工 {n} [mainland China] /gāogōng/ :: abbreviation of 高級工程師
高估 {v} /gāogū/ :: to overestimate
高官 {n} /gāoguān/ :: high official; dignitary
高官厚祿 {idiom} /gāoguānhòulù/ :: high position and handsome salary; high posts with salaries to match
高官厚禄 {def} SEE: 高官厚祿 ::
高管 {n} /gāoguǎn/ :: executive; senior management
高光 {n} [literary] /gāoguāng/ :: bright light
高光 {n} [computer graphics] /gāoguāng/ :: bloom; glow
高光 {n} [cosmetics] /gāoguāng/ :: brightened and highlighted appearance as produced by highlighters
高光 {n} [cosmetics] /gāoguāng/ :: highlighter
高光 {prop} [historical] /gāoguāng/ :: Gaoguang (a palace of the Han dynasty)
高光 {prop} [historical] /gāoguāng/ :: Emperors Emperor Gaozu of Han and Emperor Guangwu of Han of Han
高槻 {prop} /Gāoguī/ :: (~ 市) 高槻 (city)
高貴 {adj} /gāoguì/ :: privileged; elitist
高貴 {adj} /gāoguì/ :: precious; rare; valuable
高貴 {adj} /gāoguì/ :: noble; lofty
高貴林 {prop} /Gāoguìlín/ :: 高貴林 (city)
高贵 {def} SEE: 高貴 ::
高贵林 {def} SEE: 高貴林 ::
高河 {n} [literary] /gāohé/ :: Milky Way
高湖 {prop} /Gāohú/ :: (~ 村) 高湖 (village)
高湖街 {prop} /Gāohújiē/ :: (~ 村) 高湖街 (village)
高糊 {adj} [jocular, slang] /gāohú/ :: highly blur
高胡 {n} /gāohú/ :: gaohu (two-stringed vertical fiddle in the huqin family, used primarily in traditional Cantonese music as well as in the modern Chinese orchestra) (Classifier: 把)
高化 {n} [phonetics, of vowels] /gāohuà/ :: raising
高化 {v} [phonetics, of vowels] /gāohuà/ :: to be raised; to become higher
高画质电视 {def} SEE: 高畫質電視 ::
高畫質電視 {n} /gāohuà質 diànshì/ :: high definition television; HDTV
高皇 {prop} /Gāo Huáng/ :: Emperor Gao [of Han] (256/247 BC–June 1, 195 BC)
高黃 {prop} /Gāohuáng/ :: (~ 村) 高黃 (village)
高黄 {def} SEE: 高黃 ::
高基庙 {def} SEE: 高基廟 ::
高基廟 {prop} /Gāojīmiào/ :: (~ 鎮) 高基廟 (town)
高积云 {def} SEE: 高積雲 ::
高積雲 {n} [meteorology] /gāojīyún/ :: altocumulus
高級 {adj} [attributive] /gāojí/ :: high-grade; high-class; advanced; senior
高級 {n} [education] /gāojí/ :: high grade (grade 5 and grade 6 of primary school or secondary school)
高級參謀 {n} [mainland] /gāojí cānmóu/ :: senior staff officer; counselor; mentor
高級公寓 {n} /gāojí gōngyù/ :: apartment building
高級管理 {n} /gāojí guǎnlǐ/ :: executive; senior management
高級黑 {n} [slang] /gāojíhēi/ :: hidden criticism; creative language used to criticize
高級小學 {n} /gāojí xiǎoxué/ :: higher primary school
高級脂肪酸 {n} [biochemistry] /gāojí zhīfángsuān/ :: higher fatty acid
高級中學 {n} /gāojí zhōngxué/ :: senior high school
高级 {def} SEE: 高級 ::
高级参谋 {def} SEE: 高級參謀 ::
高级公寓 {def} SEE: 高級公寓 ::
高级管理 {def} SEE: 高級管理 ::
高级黑 {def} SEE: 高級黑 ::
高级小学 {def} SEE: 高級小學 ::
高级脂肪酸 {def} SEE: 高級脂肪酸 ::
高级中学 {def} SEE: 高級中學 ::
高技术 {def} SEE: 高技術 ::
高技術 {adj} /gāojìshù/ :: hi-tech
高技術 {n} /gāojìshù/ :: advanced technology
高加索 {prop} /Gāojiāsuǒ/ :: Caucasus
高家冲 {def} SEE: 高家沖 ::
高家沖 {prop} /Gāojiāchōng/ :: (~ 村) 高家沖 (village)
高家沖 {prop} /Gāojiāchōng/ :: (~ 村) 高家沖 (village)
高家堰 {prop} /Gāojiāyàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 高家堰 (town)
高甲戲 {n} /gāojiǎxì/ :: Gaojia opera
高甲戏 {def} SEE: 高甲戲 ::
高价 {def} SEE: 高價 ::
高價 {n} /gāojià/ :: high price
高架 {adj} [attributive] /gāojià/ :: elevated; overhead (of lines, bridges, etc.)
高架 {n} /gāojià/ :: abbreviation of 高架橋
高架桥 {def} SEE: 高架橋 ::
高架橋 {n} [transport] /gāojiàqiáo/ :: viaduct; flyover
高見 {n} [literary] /gāojiàn/ :: esteemed opinion
高见 {def} SEE: 高見 ::
高強 {adj} [of martial arts, skills, etc.] /gāoqiáng/ :: outstanding; exceptional
高強度 {n} /gāoqiángdù/ :: high intensity; high strength
高強度間歇訓練 {n} /gāoqiángdù jiànxiē xùnliàn/ :: High Intensity Interval Training; HIIT
高脚蟹 {def} SEE: 高腳蟹 ::
高腳蟹 {n} /gāojiǎoxiè/ :: Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi)
高角羚 {n} /gāojiǎolíng/ :: impala (Aepyceros melampus)
高阶 {def} SEE: 高階 ::
高階 {n} [attributive] /gāojiē/ :: high level; high class; high rank
高階 {n} [attributive, mathematics] /gāojiē/ :: higher order
高洁 {def} SEE: 高潔 ::
高潔 {adj} /gāojié/ :: noble and honest; unsullied; possessing integrity
高解像电视 {def} SEE: 高解像電視 ::
高解像電視 {n} /gāojiěxiàng diànshì/ :: high definition television; HDTV
高筋面粉 {def} SEE: 高筋麵粉 ::
高筋麪粉 {def} SEE: 高筋麵粉 ::
高筋麵粉 {n} /gāojīn miànfěn/ :: high-gluten flour; strong flour
高精尖 {adj} /gāojīngjiān/ :: high-grade, high-precision and sophisticated
高就 {v} [honorific] /gāojiù/ :: to be elevated to a higher post; to have landed a better job; [in general] to work
高举 {def} SEE: 高舉 ::
高舉 {v} [literally and figuratively] /gāojǔ/ :: to hold high; to uphold; to hold aloft; to lift up
高句麗 {prop} /Gāogōulí/ :: Goguryeo (one of the ancient Three Kingdoms of Korea)
高句丽 {def} SEE: 高句麗 ::
高踞 {v} /gāojù/ :: to stand above; to set oneself above; to lord it over
高峻 {adj} /gāojùn/ :: high and steep
高卡車 {n} /gāokǎchē/ :: go-cart (a racing vehicle)
高卡车 {def} SEE: 高卡車 ::
高亢 {adj} [of voice] /gāokàng/ :: loud and sonorous
高亢 {adj} [of position] /gāokàng/ :: high
高亢 {adj} [literary, of appearance] /gāokàng/ :: haughty
高考 {n} /gāokǎo/ :: higher education entrance examination, especially the National College Entrance Examination in China
高考 {n} /gāokǎo/ :: Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
高科技 {adj} /gāokējì/ :: hi-tech
高科技 {n} /gāokējì/ :: advanced technology
高空 {n} /gāokōng/ :: high altitude
高空彈跳 {n} /gāokōng tántiào/ :: bungee jumping
高空弹跳 {def} SEE: 高空彈跳 ::
高空跳伞 {def} SEE: 高空跳傘 ::
高空跳傘 {v} /gāokōng tiàosǎn/ :: to skydive
高空跳傘 {n} /gāokōng tiàosǎn/ :: skydiving; skydive
高莨姜 {def} SEE: 高莨薑 ::
高莨薑 {n} /gāolàngjiāng/ :: rhizome of the galangal. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine as an antibiotic; to warm the stomach, and to improve digestion.)
高莨薑 {n} /gāolàngjiāng/ :: Alpinia galanga
高莨薑 {n} /gāolàngjiāng/ :: Zingiberaceae
高垒深壁 {def} SEE: 高壘深壁 ::
高垒深沟 {def} SEE: 高壘深溝 ::
高垒深堑 {def} SEE: 高壘深塹 ::
高壘深壁 {idiom} /gāolěishēnbì/ :: synonym of 深溝高壘
高壘深溝 {idiom} /gāolěishēngōu/ :: synonym of 深溝高壘
高壘深塹 {idiom} /gāolěishēnqiàn/ :: synonym of 深溝高壘
高冷 {adj} [slang, neologism] /gāolěng/ :: elegantly indifferent
高梨 {prop} /Gāolí/ :: A Japanese surname: Takanashi
高麗 {prop} [historical] /Gāolí/ :: Goryeo
高麗 {n} [Hokkien] /Gāolí/ :: Korean ginseng
高麗 {n} [Teochew] /Gāolí/ :: cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
高麗棒子 {n} [slang, derogatory, ethnic slur, offensive] /Gāolí bàngzi/ :: Korean; kimchi (person)
高麗菜 {n} [regional] /gāolícài/ :: cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) (Classifier: m:顆m:個)
高麗參 {n} /gāolíshēn/ :: Korean ginseng
高麗參 {n} [TCM] /gāolíshēn/ :: prepared steamed root of the white ginseng
高麗蓡 {def} SEE: 高麗參 ::
高麗蔘 {def} SEE: 高麗參 ::
高麗葠 {def} SEE: 高麗參 ::
高麗薓 {def} SEE: 高麗參 ::
高黎貢山 {prop} /Gāolígòng Shān/ :: Gaoligong Mountains
高黎贡山 {def} SEE: 高黎貢山 ::
高丽 {def} SEE: 高麗 ::
高丽棒子 {def} SEE: 高麗棒子 ::
高丽菜 {def} SEE: 高麗菜 ::
高丽参 {def} SEE: 高麗參 ::
高利 {n} [finance] /gāolì/ :: high interest; high interest rate
高利貸 {n} /gāolìdài/ :: usury; high-interest loan
高利贷 {def} SEE: 高利貸 ::
高梁 {n} /gāoliáng/ :: alternative form of 高樑
高梁 {n} /gāoliáng/ :: alternative form of 膏粱
高梁 {n} /gāoliáng/ :: misspelling of 高粱
高梁 {prop} /gāoliáng/ :: (~ 市) 高梁 (city)
高梁酒 {def} SEE: 高粱酒 ::
高樑 {n} /gāoliáng/ :: tall bridge
高樑 {n} /gāoliáng/ :: beam (of a house)
高粱 {n} /gāoliáng,tl/ :: sorghum
高粱 {n} /gāoliáng,tl/ :: abbreviation of 高粱酒
高粱酒 {n} /gāoliángjiǔ,tl2/ :: kaoliang (distilled alcoholic drink made from sorghum)
高良姜 {def} SEE: 高良薑 ::
高良薑 {n} [TCM] /gāoliángjiāng/ :: rhizome of the galangal. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine as an antibiotic; to warm the stomach, and to improve digestion.)
高亮 {v} [usually, computing] /gāoliàng/ :: to highlight
高岭 {def} SEE: 高嶺 ::
高岭石 {def} SEE: 高嶺石 ::
高岭土 {def} SEE: 高嶺土 ::
高陵 {prop} /Gāolíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 高陵 (town)
高齡 {n} /gāolíng/ :: advanced age; venerable age
高龄 {def} SEE: 高齡 ::
高嶺 {prop} /Gāolǐng/ :: (~ 山) Gaoling (mountain and village near Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, China)
高嶺 {prop} /Gāolǐng/ :: (~ 市) 高嶺 (city)
高嶺 {prop} /Gāolǐng/ :: (~ 村) 高嶺 (village)
高嶺石 {n} [mineral] /gāolǐngshí/ :: kaolinite; kaolin
高嶺土 {n} /gāolǐngtǔ/ :: potter's clay; kaolin; china clay
高楼 {def} SEE: 高樓 ::
高楼大厦 {def} SEE: 高樓大廈 ::
高樓 {n} /gāolóu/ :: tall building
高樓 {n} [Internet slang] /gāolóu/ :: post that attracts numerous replies
高樓大廈 {idiom} /gāolóudà廈/ :: high-rise buildings
高卢 {def} SEE: 高盧 ::
高炉 {def} SEE: 高爐 ::
高爐 {n} /gāolú/ :: blast furnace
高盧 {prop} /Gāolú/ :: Gaul
高盧 {prop} /Gāolú/ :: (~ 村) 高盧 (village)
高論 {n} [respectful, polite] /gāolùn/ :: enlightening remarks; brilliant views
高论 {def} SEE: 高論 ::
高羅 {prop} /Gāoluó/ :: (~ 鎮) 高羅 (town)
高罗 {def} SEE: 高羅 ::
高氯酸 {n} [mainland China, inorganic compound] /gāolǜsuān/ :: perchloric acid
高买 {def} SEE: 高買 ::
高買 {n} [dialectal, obsolete] /gāomǎi/ :: thief
高買 {n} [dialectal, Hong Kong] /gāomǎi/ :: thief
高慢 {adj} /gāomàn/ :: haughty; arrogant; proud
高帽子 {n} [literally] /gāomàozi/ :: tall hat (Classifier: 頂)
高帽子 {n} /gāomàozi/ :: tall paper hat worn as a public humiliation
高帽子 {n} [figuratively] /gāomàozi/ :: flattery
高帽子 {n} [figuratively] /gāomàozi/ :: empty title or honor
高門 {n} /gāomén/ :: rich family
高门 {def} SEE: 高門 ::
高錳酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /gāoměngsuān/ :: permanganic acid
高錳酸鉀 {n} [chiefly Mainland, Hong Kong, inorganic compound] /gāoměngsuānjiǎ/ :: potassium permanganate
高锰酸 {def} SEE: 高錳酸 ::
高锰酸钾 {def} SEE: 高錳酸鉀 ::
高密 {adj} /gāomì/ :: top-secret
高密 {n} /gāomì/ :: high density
高密 {prop} /Gāomì/ :: Gaomi (county-level city) in Weifang, Shandong
高棉 {prop} /Gāomián/ :: Cambodia; Kampuchea; Khmer
高棉人 {n} /gāomiánrén/ :: Khmer people; ethnic Khmer
高棉語 {n} /gāomiányǔ/ :: Khmer language
高棉语 {def} SEE: 高棉語 ::
高棉族 {n} /gāomiánzú/ :: Khmer people; ethnic Khmer
高庙 {def} SEE: 高廟 ::
高廟 {prop} /Gāomiào/ :: (~ 村) 高廟 (village)
高廟 {prop} /Gāomiào/ :: (~ 村) 高廟 (village)
高名 {n} [literary] /gāomíng/ :: great reputation; fame; renown
高明 {adj} /gāomíng/ :: brilliant; wise; ingenious
高明 {n} [literary] /gāomíng/ :: someone better qualified; expert; brilliant person
高明 {prop} /gāomíng/ :: (~ 區) 高明 (district)
高明 {prop} /gāomíng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Gaoming County, a former county of Guangdong administered as part of Zhaoqing Commandery (肇慶)
高明沙 {prop} [historical] /Gāomíngshā/ :: Gaomingsha, a former island in the Yangtze estuary now part of Chongming Island
高楠 {prop} /Gāonán/ :: (~ 鎮) 高楠 (town)
高能 {adj} [physics, attributive] /gāonéng/ :: high-energy
高能 {adj} [slang, neologism] /gāonéng/ :: highly exciting, informative or revealing
高能 {n} [literary] /gāonéng/ :: outstanding talent
高能 {n} [literary] /gāonéng/ :: person with outstanding talent
高女 {n} /gāonǚ/ :: girls' senior high school
高攀 {v} /gāopān/ :: to associate oneself with those of higher social status (through friendship, marriage, etc.)
高配 {n} [often, attributive] /gāopèi/ :: advanced configuration; high-end configuration or settings
高配 {v} [medicine] /gāopèi/ :: to match at a high resolution (e.g. at an HLA level prior to stem cell transplant)
高朋 {n} [literary] /gāopéng/ :: good friend
高朋满座 {def} SEE: 高朋滿座 ::
高朋滿座 {idiom} /gāopéngmǎnzuò/ :: to have a large number of friends and guests
高票 {n} /gāopiào/ :: a large number of votes
高坪 {prop} /Gāopíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 高坪 (town)
高平 {adj} [of land] /gāopíng/ :: high and flat
高平 {prop} /gāopíng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Gaoping County (of Shanyang Commandery) (ancient county in present-day Shandong province, China)
高平 {prop} /gāopíng/ :: (~ 市) 高平 (county-level city)
高平 {prop} /gāopíng/ :: (~ 省) 高平 (province)
高平 {prop} /gāopíng/ :: (~ 市) 高平 (city)
高崎 {prop} /Gāoqí/ :: (~ 村) 高崎 (village)
高崎 {prop} /Gāoqí/ :: (~ 市) 高崎 (city)
高企 {v} [of price or value] /gāo企/ :: to stay high
高气压 {def} SEE: 高氣壓 ::
高氣壓 {n} [meteorology] /gāoqìyā/ :: high-pressure area; anticyclone
高强 {def} SEE: 高強 ::
高强度 {def} SEE: 高強度 ::
高强度间歇训练 {def} SEE: 高強度間歇訓練 ::
高跷 {def} SEE: 高蹺 ::
高蹺 {n} /gāoqiāo/ :: stilts
高桥 {def} SEE: 高橋 ::
高橋 {prop} /Gāoqiáo/ :: (~ 鎮) 高橋 (town)
高橋 {prop} /Gāoqiáo/ :: (~ 鄉) 高橋 (township)
高橋 {prop} /Gāoqiáo/ :: (~ 村) 高橋 (village)
高橋 {prop} /Gāoqiáo/ :: (~ 村) 高橋 (village)
高橋 {prop} /Gāoqiáo/ :: Takahashi (a Japanese surname)
高清 {n} [often, attributive] /gāoqīng/ :: high definition (HD); high-resolution
高清电视 {def} SEE: 高清電視 ::
高清電視 {n} /gāoqīng diànshì/ :: high definition television; HDTV
高清宽 {def} SEE: 高清寬 ::
高清寬 {n} /gāoqīngkuān/ :: high-definition television; wide screen television
高清晰度 {adj} /gāo qīngxīdù/ :: high-definition
高清晰度电视 {def} SEE: 高清晰度電視 ::
高清晰度電視 {n} /gāo qīngxīdù diànshì/ :: high definition television; HDTV
高萩 {prop} /Gāoqiū/ :: (~ 市) 高萩 (city)
高球 {n} /gāoqiú/ :: abbreviation of 高爾夫球
高热 {def} SEE: 高熱 ::
高熱 {n} /gāorè/ :: high temperature
高熱 {n} /gāorè/ :: high fever
高人 {n} /gāorén/ :: very able person; highly skilled or knowledgeable person
高人 {n} [literary] /gāorén/ :: someone of noble character (often referring to hermits)
高人一等 {idiom} /gāorén一děng/ :: to be superior to others; to be a head taller than others
高三 {n} /gāosān/ :: third year in senior high school; twelfth grade
高三党 {def} SEE: 高三黨 ::
高三黨 {n} [neologism, collective] /gāosāndǎng/ :: students in the third and final year of senior high school, who are facing the National College Entrance Examination
高僧 {n} [Buddhism] /gāosēng/ :: eminent monk
高砂 {prop} /Gāoshā/ :: An obsolete Japanese name for Taiwan
高砂 {prop} /Gāoshā/ :: (~ 市) 高砂 (city)
高山 {n} /gāoshān/ :: high mountain
高山 {prop} /gāoshān/ :: (~ 市) 高山 (city)
高山景行 {idiom} [of people] /gāoshānjǐngxíng,gāoshānjǐngxìng,1nb/ :: morally upright; noble
高山流水 {idiom} [figurative] /gāoshānliúshuǐ/ :: sublime musical composition
高山流水 {idiom} [figurative] /gāoshānliúshuǐ/ :: intimate and understanding friend
高山蓍 {n} /gāoshānshī/ :: Achillea alpina
高山症 {n} /gāoshānzhèng/ :: altitude sickness; apoxia; mountain sickness
高山族 {n} /gāoshānzú/ :: mountain tribes of Taiwanese aborigines
高山族 {n} /gāoshānzú/ :: all Taiwanese aborigines, as officially recognized by the People's Republic of China
高湯 {n} /gāotāng/ :: bouillon; stock
高尚 {adj} /gāoshàng/ :: having integrity; noble; morally upright; lofty
高尚 {adj} /gāoshàng/ :: tasteful; refined
高烧 {def} SEE: 高燒 ::
高燒 {n} [medicine] /gāoshāo/ :: high fever; high-grade fever
高射机枪 {def} SEE: 高射機槍 ::
高射機槍 {n} /gāoshè jīqiāng/ :: anti-aircraft machine gun (Classifier: m:架)
高射炮 {n} [military] /gāoshèpào/ :: anti-aircraft gun
高射炮打蚊子 {idiom} /gāoshèpào dǎ wénzi/ :: to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
高射砲 {def} SEE: 高射炮 ::
高深 {adj} /gāoshēn/ :: advanced; profound; recondite
高深莫测 {def} SEE: 高深莫測 ::
高深莫測 {idiom} /gāoshēnmòcè/ :: too profound to be understood; enigmatic; unfathomable
高升 {v} /gāoshēng/ :: to get a promotion
高声 {def} SEE: 高聲 ::
高昇 {def} SEE: 高升 ::
高聲 {adv} [literary] /gāoshēng/ :: loudly
高聲 {v} [literary] /gāoshēng/ :: to make loud noises
高陞 {def} SEE: 高升 ::
高石 {prop} /Gāoshí/ :: (~ 市) 高石 (city)
高士 {n} /gāoshì/ :: learned man of ambition and integrity
高視闊步 {idiom} /gāoshìkuòbù/ :: to carry oneself proudly; to strut; to prance
高视阔步 {def} SEE: 高視闊步 ::
高手 {n} /gāoshǒu,er/ :: expert; ace; master
高壽 {adj} /gāoshòu/ :: long-lived (usually in blessings)
高壽 {n} [honorific] /gāoshòu/ :: your venerable age; the age of an elderly person
高寿 {def} SEE: 高壽 ::
高數 {n} /gāoshù/ :: abbreviation of 高等數學
高数 {def} SEE: 高數 ::
高树 {def} SEE: 高樹 ::
高樹 {prop} /Gāoshù/ :: (~ 鄉) 高樹 (rural township)
高帅富 {def} SEE: 高帥富 ::
高帥富 {n} [neologism, slang] /gāoshuàifù/ :: alternative form of 高富帥
高斯 {prop} /Gāosī/ :: Gauss
高斯 {classifier} [physics] /Gāosī/ :: gauss
高斯整數 {n} [math] /Gāosī zhěngshù/ :: Gaussian integer
高斯整数 {def} SEE: 高斯整數 ::
高松 {prop} /Gāosōng/ :: Takamatsu
高耸 {def} SEE: 高聳 ::
高耸入云 {def} SEE: 高聳入雲 ::
高聳 {v} /gāosǒng/ :: to stand tall and erect; to tower
高聳入雲 {idiom} /gāosǒngrùyún/ :: to reach to the sky; to tower into the clouds
高速 {adj} /gāosù/ :: high-speed
高速 {n} /gāosù/ :: high speed
高速 {n} /gāosù/ :: abbreviation of 高速公路
高速公路 {n} /gāosù gōnglù/ :: highway; expressway; motorway; freeway
高速鐵路 {n} /gāosù tiělù/ :: high-speed rail
高速铁路 {def} SEE: 高速鐵路 ::
高塔 {n} /gāotǎ/ :: (tall) tower
高臺 {n} /gāotái/ :: tall platform; high building; towering building
高臺 {n} [literary, figurative] /gāotái/ :: parents (of a person)
高臺 {n} [literary, figurative] /gāotái/ :: capital of a country
高臺 {prop} /gāotái/ :: (~ 神) Cao Đài, the supreme deity believed by Caodaists to have created the universe
高臺 {prop} /gāotái/ :: (~ 縣) 高臺 (county)
高臺教 {prop} /Gāotáijiào/ :: Cao Dai
高台 {def} SEE: 高臺 ::
高台教 {def} SEE: 高臺教 ::
高抬 {v} [literally] /gāotái/ :: to raise up; to lift up
高抬 {v} /gāotái/ :: to praise; to speak highly of
高抬 {v} /gāotái/ :: to force up (prices, etc.)
高抬貴手 {idiom} /gāotáiguìshǒu/ :: An expression for requesting forgiveness or accommodation: to be generous​; to be magnanimous; [ironic] give me a break
高抬贵手 {def} SEE: 高抬貴手 ::
高談闊論 {idiom} /gāotánkuòlùn/ :: to indulge in loud and empty talk; to talk volubly or bombastically
高谈阔论 {def} SEE: 高談闊論 ::
高汤 {def} SEE: 高湯 ::
高唐 {prop} /gāotáng/ :: Gaotang County
高唐 {prop} /gāotáng/ :: (~ 街道) 高唐 (subdistrict)
高唐 {prop} /gāotáng/ :: surname Gaotang
高唐 {n} [literary] /gāotáng/ :: place for lovers to meet; lovers' meeting place
高堂 {n} /gāotáng/ :: hall with high ceiling
高堂 {n} [literary, honorific] /gāotáng/ :: parents
高堂 {prop} /gāotáng/ :: surname
高田 {prop} /Gāotián/ :: A Japanese surname: Takada; Takata
高挑 {v} /gāotiǎo/ :: to hold high
高挑 {adj} [of a person's figure] /gāotiāo,er/ :: tall and thin
高鐵 {n} /gāotiě/ :: high-speed rail
高鐵 {n} [specifically] /gāotiě/ :: G-series trains
高鐵網 {n} /gāotiěwǎng/ :: high-speed rail network
高铁 {def} SEE: 高鐵 ::
高铁网 {def} SEE: 高鐵網 ::
高头 {def} SEE: 高頭 ::
高头廊 {def} SEE: 高頭廊 ::
高头沙 {def} SEE: 高頭沙 ::
高頭廊 {prop} /Gāotóuláng/ :: (~ 府) 高頭廊 (province)
高頭廊 {prop} /Gāotóuláng/ :: (~ 市) 高頭廊 (city)
高頭沙 {prop} [historic] /Gāotoushā/ :: Gaotousha, a former island in the Yangtze estuary now forming part of Chongming Island
高危 {adj} [attributive] /gāo危/ :: high-risk
高危 {n} [literary, of a ruler] /gāo危/ :: high position (especially a dangerous one on account of the ruler's arrogance and wilfulness)
高危 {n} [literary] /gāo危/ :: high and dangerous place; elevated and treacherous terrain
高威 {prop} /Gāowēi/ :: Galway
高位 {n} /gāowèi/ :: high position; high status
高位 {n} /gāowèi/ :: upper part; high level
高位 {n} [stock market] /gāowèi/ :: high level
高位截瘫 {def} SEE: 高位截癱 ::
高位截癱 {n} [diseases] /gāowèi jiétān/ :: high paraplegia (usually referring to spinal cord injuries above the level of T2); cervical spinal cord injury
高温 {def} SEE: 高溫 ::
高温瑜伽 {def} SEE: 高溫瑜伽 ::
高溫 {n} /gāowēn/ :: high temperature; high heat
高溫瑜伽 {n} /gāowēn yújiā/ :: hot yoga
高屋建瓴 {idiom} /gāowūjiànlíng/ :: to sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height; to operate from a strategically advantageous position
高下 {n} [literary] /gāoxià/ :: above and below; high and low
高下 {n} [literary] /gāoxià/ :: more or less
高下 {n} [literary] /gāoxià/ :: superiority and inferiority
高下在心 {idiom} /gāoxià zài xīn/ :: to wield a great amount of power, and to reward or punish subordinates at one's whim
高翔 {v} [obsolete] /gāoxiáng/ :: to fly high
高小 {n} /gāoxiǎo/ :: higher primary school
高效 {adj} /gāoxiào/ :: highly efficient; highly effective
高校 {n} /gāoxiào/ :: abbreviation of 高等學校
高校 {n} [Taiwan] /gāoxiào/ :: Japanese high schools
高新技术 {def} SEE: 高新技術 ::
高新技術 {adj} /gāoxīn jìshù/ :: hi-tech
高新技術 {n} /gāoxīn jìshù/ :: advanced technology
高薪 {n} /gāoxīn/ :: high salary
高兴 {def} SEE: 高興 ::
高興 {adj} /gāoxìng/ :: glad; happy; pleased
高興 {v} /gāoxìng/ :: to be willing (to do something)
高雄 {prop} /Gāoxióng/ :: (~ 市) Kaohsiung (special municipality located in southwestern Taiwan)
高雄 {prop} /Gāoxióng/ :: (~ 市) [historical] Kaohsiung City (former provincial city, now part of the special municipality)
高雄 {prop} /Gāoxióng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Kaohsiung County (former county, now part of the special municipality)
高徐 {prop} /Gāoxú/ :: (~ 村) 高徐 (village)
高悬 {def} SEE: 高懸 ::
高懸 {v} [literally, figuratively] /gāoxuán/ :: to hang high (in the air)
高懸 {v} [literary, figuratively] /gāoxuán/ :: to be out of the ordinary; to be outstanding
高血糖 {n} [pathology] /gāo血táng/ :: hyperglycaemia; high blood glucose level
高血醣 {def} SEE: 高血糖 ::
高血压 {def} SEE: 高血壓 ::
高血壓 {n} /gāo血yā/ :: hypertension; high blood pressure
高血脂 {n} [medicine] /gāo血zhī/ :: hyperlipidaemia
高压 {def} SEE: 高壓 ::
高压电 {def} SEE: 高壓電 ::
高压电线 {def} SEE: 高壓電線 ::
高压锅 {def} SEE: 高壓鍋 ::
高压脊 {def} SEE: 高壓脊 ::
高压线 {def} SEE: 高壓線 ::
高壓 {n} /gāoyā/ :: high pressure
高壓 {n} [meteorology] /gāoyā/ :: high pressure
高壓 {n} [electricity] /gāoyā/ :: high voltage; high tension
高壓 {n} [medicine] /gāoyā/ :: systolic blood pressure
高壓 {adj} [attributive] /gāoyā/ :: high-handed
高壓電 {n} /gāoyādiàn/ :: high-voltage current
高壓電線 {n} /gāoyādiànxiàn/ :: high voltage power line
高壓鍋 {n} [Mainland China] /gāoyāguō/ :: pressure cooker
高壓脊 {n} [meteorology] /gāoyājǐ/ :: high-pressure ridge
高壓線 {n} /gāoyāxiàn/ :: synonym of 高壓電線
高雅 {adj} /gāoyǎ/ :: elegant; refined; tasteful
高雅 {n} /gāoyǎ/ :: elegance
高扬 {def} SEE: 高揚 ::
高揚 {v} /gāoyáng/ :: to hold (something) high; to raise high; to raise or rise
高揚 {v} [figurative] /gāoyáng/ :: to uphold; to hold in high esteem; to keep up (a good practice)
高阳 {def} SEE: 高陽 ::
高陽 {prop} /Gāoyáng/ :: (~ 市) 高陽 (city)
高陽 {prop} /Gāoyáng/ :: (~ 縣) 高陽 (county)
高陽 {prop} /Gāoyáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 高陽 (town)
高陽 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Gāoyáng/ :: alternative name for 顓頊
高要 {prop} /Gāoyāo/ :: (~ 峽) [historical] Gaoyao Gorge (a strategic gorge on the Xi River, now named Lingyang Gorge)
高要 {prop} /Gāoyāo/ :: (~ 區) 高要 (district)
高要 {prop} /Gāoyāo/ :: (~ 專區) [historical] 高要 (prefecture)
高一 {n} /gāo一/ :: first year in senior high school; tenth grade
高椅 {n} /gāoyǐ/ :: (兒童~, 嬰兒~) highchair (elevated chair used for feeding babies)
高椅 {n} [Teochew] /gāoyǐ/ :: armchair; chair
高音 {n} [music] /gāoyīn/ :: high pitch; high-pitched voice; treble
高音喇叭 {n} /gāoyīn lǎba/ :: high-frequency speaker; tweeter
高音譜號 {n} [music] /gāoyīnpǔhào/ :: treble clef
高音谱号 {def} SEE: 高音譜號 ::
高邮 {def} SEE: 高郵 ::
高郵 {prop} /Gāoyóu/ :: (~ 市) 高郵 (county-level city)
高於 {v} /gāoyú/ :: to be taller than; to be higher than; to be greater than; to exceed; to top
高于 {def} SEE: 高於 ::
高原 {n} /gāoyuán/ :: plateau; tableland (Classifier: 片)
高原反应 {def} SEE: 高原反應 ::
高原反應 {n} /gāoyuán fǎnyìng/ :: altitude sickness
高圆 {def} SEE: 高圓 ::
高圓 {n} [literary] /gāoyuán/ :: sky
高圓 {n} [literary] /gāoyuán/ :: sun
高远 {def} SEE: 高遠 ::
高遠 {adj} [of aspiration, etc.] /gāoyuǎn/ :: high and far away; lofty
高院 {n} /gāoyuàn/ :: abbreviation of 高等法院
高瞻远瞩 {def} SEE: 高瞻遠矚 ::
高瞻遠矚 {idiom} /gāozhānyuǎnzhǔ/ :: to stand high and see far; to take a broad and long-term view; to show great foresight
高涨 {def} SEE: 高漲 ::
高漲 {v} /gāozhǎng/ :: to rise; to surge; to run high
高招 {n} /gāozhāo,er/ :: clever move; brilliant idea
高招儿 {def} SEE: 高招兒 ::
高招兒 {n} /gāozhāor/ :: erhua form of clever move; brilliant idea
高着 {def} SEE: 高著 ::
高着儿 {def} SEE: 高著兒 ::
高枕 {v} [literary] /gāozhěn/ :: to sleep on a high pile of pillows
高枕無憂 {idiom} /gāozhěnwúyōu/ :: to rest easy; to relax and not worry
高枕无忧 {def} SEE: 高枕無憂 ::
高知 {prop} /Gāozhī/ :: (~ 縣) 高知 (prefecture)
高知 {prop} /Gāozhī/ :: (~ 市) 高知 (city)
高脂血 {n} /gāozhī血/ :: hyperlipidemia
高职 {def} SEE: 高職 ::
高職 {n} /gāozhí/ :: short fo 高級職稱 or short fo 高級職位 (prominent position; high position)
高職 {n} /gāozhí/ :: short fo 高級職員 (senior staff; executive staff; professional)
高職 {n} /gāozhí/ :: short fo 高級職業學校 (vocational school)
高中 {n} /gāozhōng/ :: high school; senior high school
高中 {v} [often, congratulatory] /gāozhòng/ :: to pass with high marks
高中生 {n} /gāozhōngshēng/ :: high school student; senior high school student
高州 {prop} /Gāozhōu/ :: (~ 市) 高州 (county-level city)
高州 {prop} /Gāozhōu/ :: (~ 府) [historical] 高州 (commandery)
高著 {def} SEE: 高招 ::
高著兒 {def} SEE: 高招兒 ::
高桌 {n} /gāozhuō/ :: high table
高姿态 {def} SEE: 高姿態 ::
高姿態 {n} /gāozītài/ :: lofty stance; magnanimous attitude
高宗 {prop} /Gāozōng/ :: A temple name used for Chinese emperors, Vietnamese emperors, or Korean monarchs
高足 {n} [honorific] /gāozú/ :: your brilliant disciple; your pupil
高祖 {n} /gāozǔ/ :: great-great-grandfather (paternal grandfather's paternal grandfather)
高祖 {n} /gāozǔ/ :: primogenitor
高祖 {n} /gāozǔ/ :: remote ancestor
高祖 {prop} /gāozǔ/ :: A temple name given to the first emperor of some of the Chinese dynasties, or to ancestor of the first emperor
高祖 {prop} /gāozǔ/ :: Emperor Gaozu of Han (256 BC or 247 BC – June 1, 195 BC)
高祖 {prop} /gāozǔ/ :: Emperor Gaozu of Tang (566 – June 25, 635)
高祖父 {n} /gāozǔfù/ :: great-great-grandfather (the father of someone's great-grandparent)
高祖母 {n} /gāozǔmǔ/ :: great-great-grandmother (grandparent's grandmother)
高坐 {n} [literary] /gāozuò/ :: to sit on a raised platform
{def} SEE: ::
髙雄 {def} SEE: 高雄 ::
{def} /gāo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} [historical] /gāo/ :: large drum used to summon or dismiss people before or after labor in ancient China
鼛鼓 {n} /gāogǔ/ :: a large drum, used in Shang-era China for battle commands and large-scale construction
{def} /gǎo/ :: to do (usually bad things)
{def} /gǎo/ :: to work in; to be engaged in
{def} /gǎo/ :: to make; to produce
{def} /gǎo/ :: to manage; to take care of
{def} /gǎo/ :: to get; to get hold of
{def} /gǎo/ :: to set up; to organize
{def} [slang] /gǎo/ :: to have sex; to fuck
搞錯 {v} /gǎocuò/ :: to mistake something for something else
搞錯 {v} /gǎocuò/ :: to make a mistake; to err
搞错 {def} SEE: 搞錯 ::
搞定 {v} /gǎodìng/ :: to settle a matter; to solve a problem
搞鬼 {v} /gǎoguǐ/ :: to play tricks; to be up to some mischief
搞混 {v} /gǎohùn,gǎohǔn,2nb/ :: to confuse (two things); to mix up
搞活 {v} /gǎohuó/ :: to stimulate; to invigorate; to enliven; to revitalise
搞基 {v} [neologism, slang] /gǎojī/ :: to engage in homosexual activities
搞姬 {v} [neologism, slang] /gǎojī/ :: to engage in lesbian activities
搞垮 {v} /gǎokuǎ/ :: to wreck; to ruin; to bring about the downfall of
搞乱 {def} SEE: 搞亂 ::
搞亂 {v} /gǎoluàn/ :: to mess up; to confuse; to muddle
搞清 {v} /gǎoqīng/ :: to make clear; to figure out; to clarify
搞清楚 {v} /gǎo qīngchu,gǎo qīngchǔ,1nb/ :: to make clear; to figure out; to clarify
搞三搞四 {idiom} /gǎosāngǎosì/ :: to do something shady; to have illicit relationships
搞屎棍 {def} SEE: 攪屎棍 ::
搞事 {v} /gǎoshì,er/ :: to cause trouble; to create a disturbance
搞头王 {def} SEE: 搞頭王 ::
搞笑 {adj} /gǎoxiào/ :: hilarious; amusing
搞笑 {v} /gǎoxiào/ :: to joke; to kid; to make a joke; to joke around
搞砸 {n} [colloquial] /gǎozá/ :: to mess up; to screw up; to blow it
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to disturb; to annoy
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to mix; to stir
攪拌 {v} /jiǎobàn/ :: to stir; to churn; to whip; to mix
攪拌機 {n} /jiǎobànjī/ :: mixer (machine for mixing things)
攪拌器 {n} /jiǎobànqì/ :: mixer; blender
攪掂 {def} SEE: 搞掂 ::
攪動 {v} /jiǎodòng/ :: to mix; to stir
攪動 {v} /jiǎodòng/ :: to disturb; to annoy; to bother
攪和 {v} /jiǎohuo/ :: to stir; to mix; to blend; to mingle
攪和 {v} /jiǎohuo/ :: to mess up; to spoil
攪渾 {v} /jiǎohún/ :: to mix up (in a negative sense); to muddy
攪亂 {v} /jiǎoluàn/ :: to throw into disorder; to disrupt; to create confusion
攪擾 {v} /jiǎorǎo/ :: to disturb; to annoy; to bother
攪屎棍 {n} [pejorative] /jiǎoshǐgùn/ :: troublemaker
攪屎棍 {n} [historical] /jiǎoshǐgùn/ :: shit stick (small piece of wood or bamboo used to clean the anus after defecation)
攪事 {def} SEE: 搞事 ::
攪勻 {v} /jiǎoyún/ :: to mix evenly
{def} /gǎo/ :: daybreak
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǎo/ :: bright and brilliant
{def} [literary] /gǎo/ :: bright [of sun]
{def} [literary] /gǎo/ :: white
{def} /gǎo/ :: surname
杲杲 {adj} [literary, ideophonic, of the sun] /gǎogǎo/ :: bright
杲昃 {n} [Tong-Tai Mandarin] /gǎozè/ :: thing
{def} /gǎo/ :: wither
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǎo/ :: withered; rotten; dead
{def} SEE: 稿 ::
稿 {def} [literary] /gǎo,er/ :: stalk of grain; straw
稿 {def} /gǎo,er/ :: draft; sketch
稿 {def} /gǎo,er/ :: manuscript
稿 {def} /gǎo,er/ :: looks; appearance (of a person)
稿酬 {n} /gǎochóu/ :: fee or royalty paid to an author for a piece of writing
稿費 {n} /gǎofèi/ :: payment for an article or book published; contribution fee; author's remuneration (Classifier: m:筆)
稿费 {def} SEE: 稿費 ::
稿件 {n} /gǎojiàn/ :: manuscript; contribution to a final document (Classifier: m:份m:篇)
稿荐 {def} SEE: 稿薦 ::
稿薦 {n} /gǎojiàn/ :: straw mattress; pallet
稿紙 {n} /gǎozhǐ/ :: standardized writing paper with squares or lines
稿纸 {def} SEE: 稿紙 ::
稿子 {n} /gǎozi/ :: manuscript (of an unpublished work) (Classifier: 篇)
稿子 {n} /gǎozi/ :: draft; sketch (Classifier: 篇)
稿子 {n} [figurative] /gǎozi/ :: idea; concept; plan (Classifier: 個)
{def} /筶/ :: ancient divination instrument
{def} /筶/ :: Used in place names
{n} /gǎo/ :: white raw silk
{adj} /gǎo/ :: white
{v} /gǎo/ :: shine
縞瑪瑙 {n} /gǎo#mǎnǎo/ :: onyx
縞瑪瑙 {n} /gǎo#mǎnǎo/ :: white agate
縞素 {n} /gǎosù/ :: white mourning dress
{def} SEE: ::
缟玛瑙 {def} SEE: 縞瑪瑙 ::
缟素 {def} SEE: 縞素 ::
藁城 {prop} /Gǎochéng/ :: (~ 區) 藁城 (district)
{def} /hào/ :: Haojing (one of the two settlements comprising the capital of the Western Zhou dynasty)
{def} /hào/ :: an ancient place name
{def} /gǎo/ :: pickaxe; pick
鎬京 {prop} [historical] /hàojīng/ :: Haojing (one of the two settlements comprising the capital of the Western Zhou dynasty)
鎬京 {n} [literary] /hàojīng/ :: capital city (of a country)
{def} SEE: ::
镐京 {def} SEE: 鎬京 ::
{def} SEE: ::
吿知 {def} SEE: 告知 ::
{def} /gào/ :: to report to
{def} /gào/ :: to tell; to inform
{def} /gào/ :: to request
{def} /gào/ :: to announce; to declare
{def} /gào/ :: to expose; to denounce
{def} /gào/ :: to accuse; to sue; to file a lawsuit; to press charges
{def} [Min Dong] /gào/ :: to call
{def} /gào,gù,1nb/ :: only used in 忠告
{def} /gào,gù,1nb/ :: only used in 告朔
{def} [literary] /jū/ :: to interrogate and convict
告白 {v} /gàobái/ :: to confess
告白 {v} /gàobái/ :: to declare one's love
告白 {n} /gàobái/ :: confession
告白 {n} /gàobái/ :: declaration of love
告白 {n} /gàobái/ :: statement; declaration
告白 {n} /gàobái/ :: notice; bulletin
告別 {v} /gàobié/ :: to bid farewell; to take one's leave from
告別式 {n} /gàobiéshì/ :: parting ceremony (in a funeral)
告别 {def} SEE: 告別 ::
告别式 {def} SEE: 告別式 ::
告吹 {v} [colloquial, of a plan] /gàochuī/ :: to fall through; [of relationship] to break down
告辞 {def} SEE: 告辭 ::
告辭 {v} /gàocí/ :: to take leave; to make one's farewells; to say goodbye
告儿 {def} SEE: 告兒 ::
告兒 {v} /gàor/ :: Lenition of 告訴
告发 {def} SEE: 告發 ::
告發 {v} /gàofā/ :: to inform against; to inform on; to lodge an accusation against
告乏 {v} [literary] /gàofá/ :: to declare a lack of something; to announce a shortage
告归 {def} SEE: 告歸 ::
告歸 {v} [archaic] /gàoguī/ :: to take leave; to make one's farewells; to say goodbye
告急 {n} [literary] /gàojí/ :: to report an emergency and ask for assistance
告急文书 {def} SEE: 告急文書 ::
告急文書 {n} [archaic] /gàojí wénshū/ :: a document or letter which requests emergency assistance
告假 {v} /gàojià/ :: to request time off; to ask for leave
告捷 {v} /gàojié/ :: to announce the victory; to report victory
告捷 {v} /gàojié/ :: to win; to be the victor
告解 {n} [Christianity] /gàojiě/ :: confession; penance
告解 {v} [Christianity] /gàojiě/ :: to confess
告戒 {def} SEE: 告誡 ::
告誡 {v} /gàojiè/ :: to warn; to admonish; to exhort
告诫 {def} SEE: 告誡 ::
告老 {v} /gàolǎo/ :: to retire on account of age
告老还乡 {def} SEE: 告老還鄉 ::
告老還鄉 {idiom} [of an official] /gàolǎohuánxiāng/ :: to retire and return to one's native place
告密 {v} /gàomì/ :: to inform against; to inform on; to lodge an accusation against
告罄 {v} [formal] /gàoqìng/ :: to be all used up; to run out; [of tickets] to be all sold out
告饒 {v} /gàoráo/ :: to beg for mercy; to ask pardon
告饶 {def} SEE: 告饒 ::
告丧 {def} SEE: 告喪 ::
告喪 {v} [literary] /gàosāng/ :: to announce someone's death
告示 {n} /gàoshì,tl/ :: notice; official notice
告示 {n} [old] /gàoshì,tl/ :: slogan; poster
告示 {v} [literary] /gàoshì,tl/ :: to notify; to announce
告誦 {def} SEE: 告送 ::
告诵 {def} SEE: 告誦 ::
告送 {v} [dialectal] /gàosong/ :: to tell; to inform
告愬 {def} SEE: 告訴 ::
告訴 {v} [chiefly Mandarin] /gàosu,gàosù,1nb/ :: to tell; to inform
告訴 {v} [formal, legal] /gàosù/ :: to file a lawsuit against someone
告诉 {def} SEE: 告訴 ::
告退 {v} [literary] /gàotuì/ :: to resign one's post
告退 {v} [literary] /gàotuì/ :: to request that one be allowed to depart
告退 {v} [literary] /gàotuì/ :: to announce one's departure
告慰 {v} /gàowèi/ :: to console; to comfort
告一段落 {v} /gào 一 duànluò/ :: to end; to finish
告御状 {def} SEE: 告御狀 ::
告御狀 {v} [dated] /gào yùzhuàng/ :: to bring an accusation against somebody before the emperor
告知 {v} /gàozhī/ :: to inform; to notify
告終 {v} /gàozhōng/ :: to come to an end; to end up
告终 {def} SEE: 告終 ::
告状 {def} SEE: 告狀 ::
告狀 {v} /gàozhuàng/ :: to complain to one's parents or superiors
告狀 {v} /gàozhuàng/ :: to file a lawsuit; to sue
告子 {prop} /Gàozǐ/ :: Gaozi (420-350 BC)
告罪 {v} [literary, polite] /gàozuì/ :: to apologise
告罪 {v} [archaic] /gàozuì/ :: to state the charges in an indictment
{def} /gào/ :: to inform; to notify; to admonish; to order
誥誡 {def} SEE: 告誡 ::
{def} SEE: ::
诰诫 {def} SEE: 告誡 ::
{def} /gào/ :: zirconium
鋯石 {n} /gàoshí/ :: zircon
{def} SEE: ::
锆石 {def} SEE: 鋯石 ::
{def} /yì/ :: brave; strong
{def} /yì/ :: to raise one's head
{def} SEE: 𦨉 ::
{def} /yì/ :: tall; towering
{def} /gē/ :: only used in 仡佬
仡佬語 {n} /仡lǎoyǔ/ :: Gelao language
仡佬语 {def} SEE: 仡佬語 ::
仡佬族 {n} /仡lǎozú/ :: Gelao people
{def} /gē/ :: to cut; to cut apart
{def} /gē/ :: 70th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "severance" (𝍋)
{def} /gē/ :: to cut in self-harm; abbreviation of 割腕
割愛 {v} /gē'ài/ :: to reluctantly give up what one treasures; to unwillingly relinquish one's favourite; to forsake
割爱 {def} SEE: 割愛 ::
割包 {n} /gēbāo,guàbāo,2n/ :: gua bao (a Taiwanese snack food consisting of a slice of stewed meat and other condiments sandwiched between flat steamed bread)
割包皮 {v} [medicine] /gē bāopí/ :: to circumcise (a male)
割包皮 {n} [medicine] /gē bāopí/ :: circumcision (of a male)
割草 {v} /gēcǎo/ :: to cut or mow grass; to mow the lawn
割草机 {def} SEE: 割草機 ::
割草機 {n} /gēcǎojī/ :: lawnmower
割車 {v} [Malaysia, Singapore] /gēchē/ :: to overtake another vehicle
割车 {def} SEE: 割車 ::
割除 {v} /gēchú/ :: to cut off; to excise
割地 {v} /gēdì/ :: to cede territory
割地賠款 {idiom} /gēdì péikuǎn/ :: to cede territory and pay indemnities
割地赔款 {def} SEE: 割地賠款 ::
割断 {def} SEE: 割斷 ::
割斷 {v} /gēduàn/ :: to cut off; to sever
割股 {v} /gēgǔ/ :: to cut off a portion of one's own leg to feed another (a sign of loyalty or filial piety)
割颔 {def} SEE: 割頷 ::
割喉 {v} /gēhóu/ :: to cut a person's throat; to slit a person's throat
割雞 {v} /gējī/ :: to kill a chicken
割雞 {v} [figurative] /gējī/ :: to deal with a minor issue
割雞焉用牛刀 {proverb} /gējī yān yòng niúdāo/ :: why use an ox cleaver to kill a chicken?
割雞焉用牛刀 {proverb} /gējī yān yòng niúdāo/ :: something big is not necessary to handle small problems
割鸡 {def} SEE: 割雞 ::
割鸡焉用牛刀 {def} SEE: 割雞焉用牛刀 ::
割據 {v} /gējù/ :: to set up a separatist regime by force of arms; to carve out a tract of land and establish an independent regime; to establish separatist rule
割据 {def} SEE: 割據 ::
割礼 {def} SEE: 割禮 ::
割禮 {n} /gēlǐ/ :: circumcision (of a male)
割裂 {v} /gēliè/ :: to cut apart; to separate; to isolate
割讓 {n} /gēràng/ :: cession
割讓 {v} /gēràng/ :: to cede (a territory)
割让 {def} SEE: 割讓 ::
割肉 {v} /gēròu/ :: to cut meat
割肉 {v} /gēròu/ :: to cut flesh from one's own body
割肉 {v} [figuratively] /gēròu/ :: to make a sacrifice very reluctantly
割肉 {v} [figuratively] /gēròu/ :: to sell (products, stocks, etc.) at a much lower price
割伤 {def} SEE: 割傷 ::
割傷 {v} /gēshāng/ :: to slash; to cut; to gash
割傷 {n} /gēshāng/ :: incised wound; cut; gash
割捨 {v} [literary] /gēshě/ :: to give up; to part with
割舍 {def} SEE: 割捨 ::
割损 {def} SEE: 割損 ::
割損 {n} [Catholicism] /gēsǔn/ :: circumcision
割腕 {v} /gēwàn/ :: to cut one's wrist, as self-harm or suicide
割下 {v} /gēxià/ :: to cut off (to cause to come off, from cutting)
割線 {n} [mathematics] /gēxiàn/ :: secant (line)
割线 {def} SEE: 割線 ::
{def} /luò,kǎ/ :: to expel from the throat
{def} /luò,kǎ/ :: an interjection, the sound of coughing
{def} [Cantonese] /lo/ :: Sentence-final particle indicating that something is obvious
{def} [Hokkien] /lo/ :: Particle expressing completion, similar to 了 in Standard Mandarin
{def} /gē,gé/ :: used in 咯噠
{def} /gē,gé/ :: an interjection, the sound of coughing, chicken's clucking, etc
{def} /luò/ :: only used in 吡咯
咯咯 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /gēgē/ :: chuckle
咯咯 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /gēgē/ :: cluck; creak; groan; rat-a-tat
咯咯笑 {v} /gēgēxiào/ :: to chuckle, to giggle
咯个 {def} SEE: 咯個 ::
咯红 {def} SEE: 咯紅 ::
咯块子 {def} SEE: 咯塊子 ::
咯裏 {def} SEE: 咯裡 ::
咯里 {def} SEE: 咯裡 ::
咯血 {n} [medical sign] /kǎ血/ :: to spit blood; to cough up blood; to have haemoptysis
咯吱 {adv} /gēzhī/ :: onomatopoeia for a creaking sound
{def} /gē,er/ :: older brother; elder brother
{def} /gē,er/ :: older male relative of the same generation
{def} [polite] /gē,er/ :: term of address for a male person of the same age
{def} /gē,er/ :: [obsolete] original form of
哥白尼 {prop} /Gēbáiní/ :: Copernicus
哥白尼 {prop} /Gēbáiní/ :: (尼古拉·~) Nicolaus Copernicus (Polish astronomer, mathematician and polymath)
哥本哈根 {prop} /Gēběnhāgēn/ :: 哥本哈根 (capital city)
哥布林 {n} [mythology] /gēbùlín/ :: goblin
哥打丁宜 {prop} /Gēdǎdīngyí/ :: 哥打丁宜 (town)
哥打丁宜 {prop} /Gēdǎdīngyí/ :: (~ 縣) 哥打丁宜 (district)
哥德 {prop} [Taiwan] /Gēdé/ :: Goth
哥德巴赫猜想 {n} [number theory] /Gēdébāhè cāixiǎng/ :: Goldbach's conjecture
哥德堡 {prop} /Gēdébǎo/ :: Gothenburg
哥德人 {n} [Taiwan] /gēdérén/ :: Goth (a member of a Germanic people that invaded the western Roman Empire)
哥德式 {adj} [Taiwan, Hong Kong] /gēdéshì/ :: Gothic
哥儿 {def} SEE: 哥兒 ::
哥儿俩 {def} SEE: 哥兒倆 ::
哥儿们 {def} SEE: 哥兒們 ::
哥儿们儿 {def} SEE: 哥兒們兒 ::
哥兒 {n} /gēr/ :: erhua form of []
哥兒 {n} [colloquial] /gēr/ :: brothers
哥兒 {n} [colloquial] /gēr/ :: boy; young man
哥兒倆 {n} /gēr liǎ/ :: two brothers; older brother and younger brother
哥兒倆 {n} /gēr liǎ/ :: two good mates (male)
哥兒們 {n} /gērmen,er/ :: erhua form of []
哥兒們兒 {n} /gērmenr/ :: erhua form of []
哥尔夫 {def} SEE: 哥爾夫 ::
哥尔夫球 {def} SEE: 哥爾夫球 ::
哥爾夫 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gē'ěrfū/ :: alternative name for 高爾夫
哥爾夫球 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gē'ěrfūqiú/ :: alternative name for 高爾夫球
哥哥 {n} [literally or figuratively] /gēge,gěgé,1nb/ :: elder brother; big brother (Classifier: 個位)
哥哥 {prop} [colloquial] /gēge,gěgé,1nb/ :: Leslie Cheung (Cantopop singer)
哥国 {def} SEE: 哥國 ::
哥國 {prop} /Gēguó/ :: synonym of 哥倫比亞
哥林多 {prop} [Protestantism] /Gēlínduō/ :: Corinth
哥林多后书 {def} SEE: 哥林多後書 ::
哥林多後書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Gēlínduō Hòushū/ :: 2 Corinthians
哥林多前书 {def} SEE: 哥林多前書 ::
哥林多前書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Gēlínduō Qiánshū/ :: 1 Corinthians
哥伦比亚 {def} SEE: 哥倫比亞 ::
哥伦布 {def} SEE: 哥倫布 ::
哥伦布大交换 {def} SEE: 哥倫布大交換 ::
哥倫比亞 {prop} /Gēlúnbǐ亞/ :: 哥倫比亞 (capital city)
哥倫比亞 {prop} /Gēlúnbǐ亞/ :: 哥倫比亞 (country)
哥倫布 {prop} /Gēlúnbù/ :: Columbus (surname, given name, city name, etc.)
哥倫布大交換 {prop} /Gēlúnbù Dà Jiāohuàn/ :: the Columbian Exchange; the Grand Exchange
哥羅芳 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, organic compound] /gēluófāng/ :: chloroform
哥羅森 {prop} [Catholicism] /Gēluósēn/ :: Colossae
哥羅森書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Gēluósēnshū/ :: Book of Colossians
哥罗芳 {def} SEE: 哥羅芳 ::
哥罗森 {def} SEE: 哥羅森 ::
哥罗森书 {def} SEE: 哥羅森書 ::
哥们 {def} SEE: 哥們 ::
哥们儿 {def} SEE: 哥們兒 ::
哥們 {n} [colloquial, chiefly Northern China] /gēmen,er/ :: dude; mate; buddy; bro; pal
哥們兒 {n} /gēmenr/ :: erhua form of []
哥萨克 {def} SEE: 哥薩克 ::
哥萨克人 {def} SEE: 哥薩克人 ::
哥薩克 {adj} /gēsàkè/ :: of the Cossacks
哥薩克人 {n} /gēsàkè rén/ :: Cossack
哥士的 {n} [Hong Kong] /gēshìdí/ :: caustic soda; sodium hydroxide
哥斯达黎加 {def} SEE: 哥斯達黎加 ::
哥斯達黎加 {prop} [Mainland China] /Gēsīdálíjiā/ :: 哥斯達黎加 (country)
哥斯大黎加 {prop} [Taiwan] /Gēsīdàlíjiā/ :: Costa Rica
哥斯拉 {n} /gēsīlā/ :: Godzilla
哥特 {prop} [Mainland China] /Gētè/ :: Goth
哥特萝莉 {def} SEE: 哥特蘿莉 ::
哥特蘿莉 {n} [fashion] /Gētè Luólì/ :: Gothic Lolita
哥特人 {n} [mainland China] /gētèrén/ :: Goth (a member of a Germanic people that invaded the western Roman Empire)
哥特式 {adj} [Mainland China] /gētèshì/ :: Gothic
哥特語 {n} /gētèyǔ/ :: Gothic (an extinct Germanic language)
哥特语 {def} SEE: 哥特語 ::
圪哒 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
圪噠 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
圪墶 {n} /gēda/ :: alternative form of 疙瘩
圪墶 {n} [usually in placenames] /gēda/ :: hillock; knoll
圪瘩 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
圪垯 {def} SEE: 圪墶 ::
圪垱店 {def} SEE: 圪壋店 ::
圪壋店 {prop} /Gēdàngdiàn/ :: (~ 鄉) 圪壋店 (township)
圪钉子 {def} SEE: 圪釘子 ::
圪捞捞 {def} SEE: 圪撈撈 ::
圪沁头 {def} SEE: 圪沁頭 ::
圪缩鬼 {def} SEE: 圪縮鬼 ::
圪塔 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
圪台台 {def} SEE: 圪臺臺 ::
圪膝盖 {def} SEE: 圪膝蓋 ::
圪针刺 {def} SEE: 圪針刺 ::
圪针针 {def} SEE: 圪針針 ::
圪皱眉头 {def} SEE: 圪皺眉頭 ::
圪皱皱 {def} SEE: 圪皺皺 ::
{def} [historical] /gē/ :: dagger-axe (an ancient Chinese weapon similar to a halberd)
{def} /gē/ :: surname
戈比 {n} /gēbǐ/ :: kopek (Russian currency)
戈壁 {prop} /Gēbì/ :: 戈壁 (large desert)
戈壁 {prop} [by extension] /Gēbì/ :: any desert sharing similar geological features to the Gobi desert; deserts in general
戈尔巴乔夫 {def} SEE: 戈爾巴喬夫 ::
戈尔韦 {def} SEE: 戈爾韋 ::
戈爾巴喬夫 {prop} /Gē'ěrbāqiáofū/ :: Gorbachov
戈爾韋 {prop} /Gē'ěrwéi/ :: Galway
戈公 {prop} /Gēgōng/ :: (~ 省) 戈公 (province)
戈兰高地 {def} SEE: 戈蘭高地 ::
戈蘭高地 {prop} /Gēlán Gāodì/ :: Golan Heights
戈雷 {classifier} [Taiwan, physics] /gēléi/ :: gray (unit)
戈瑞 {classifier} [physics] /gēruì/ :: gray (unit of the absorbed dose of ionising radiation)
{def} SEE: ::
搁笔 {def} SEE: 擱筆 ::
搁不住 {def} SEE: 擱不住 ::
搁放 {def} SEE: 擱放 ::
搁浅 {def} SEE: 擱淺 ::
搁置 {def} SEE: 擱置 ::
{def} /gē,gé/ :: to place; to put; to lay down
{def} /gē,gé/ :: to add
{def} /gē,gé/ :: to hold; to contain
{def} /gē,gé/ :: to delay
{def} /gē,gé/ :: to bear; to stand; to endure
擱筆 {v} /gēbǐ/ :: to lay down the pen or brush; to stop writing or painting  
擱不住 {v} /gé不zhù,gē不zhù,1nb/ :: to be unable to stand
擱不住 {v} /gé不zhù,gē不zhù,1nb/ :: to be unable to endure
擱放 {v} /gēfàng/ :: to place; to put
擱放 {v} /gēfàng/ :: to shelve; to lay aside
擱淺 {v} /gēqiǎn/ :: to run aground; to be stranded
擱淺 {v} /gēqiǎn/ :: to reach a deadlock; to run into difficulties and stop
擱置 {v} /gēzhì/ :: to put (in a certain place); to lay; to place; to set aside; to shelve
{def} /gē,er/ :: to sing; to chant
{def} /gē,er/ :: song; tune (Classifier: 首支c:隻h,mn:條mn:塊闋)
{def} /gē,er/ :: to praise
歌本 {n} /gēběn,er/ :: songbook
歌唱 {v} /gēchàng/ :: to sing
歌唱 {v} [chiefly Mainland] /gēchàng/ :: to praise through song, poetry, etc
歌谶 {def} SEE: 歌讖 ::
歌詞 {n} [music] /gēcí,er/ :: lyrics
歌詞MV {n} /gēcí áimu-wēi,py/ :: lyric video
歌词 {def} SEE: 歌詞 ::
歌词MV {def} SEE: 歌詞MV ::
歌德 {prop} /Gēdé/ :: Goethe
歌儿 {def} SEE: 歌兒 ::
歌兒 {n} /gēr,gē'ér/ :: erhua form of song
歌功頌德 {idiom} [now, derogatory] /gēgōngsòngdé/ :: to sing somebody's praises; to heap praises and eulogies
歌功颂德 {def} SEE: 歌功頌德 ::
歌喉 {n} /gēhóu/ :: singing voice
歌后 {n} /gēhòu/ :: diva singer
歌伎 {n} [historical] /gējì/ :: sing-song girl; woman whose profession involves singing and dancing
歌妓 {def} SEE: 歌伎 ::
歌剧 {def} SEE: 歌劇 ::
歌剧院 {def} SEE: 歌劇院 ::
歌劇 {n} [Western style] /gējù/ :: opera
歌劇院 {n} /gējùyuàn/ :: opera house
歌库 {def} SEE: 歌庫 ::
歌庫 {n} /gēkù/ :: collection of songs for a KTV (karaoke) machine
歌乐 {def} SEE: 歌樂 ::
歌樂 {n} [literary] /gēyuè/ :: songs and music
歌樂 {v} [literary] /gēyuè/ :: to sing somebody's praises
歌羅西 {prop} [Protestantism or secular] /Gēluóxī/ :: Colossae
歌羅西書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Gēluóxīshū/ :: Book of Colossians
歌罗西 {def} SEE: 歌羅西 ::
歌罗西书 {def} SEE: 歌羅西書 ::
歌迷 {n} /gēmí/ :: lover of song
歌迷 {n} /gēmí/ :: fan of a singer
歌名 {n} /gēmíng/ :: song title; name of a song
歌女 {n} /gēnǚ/ :: professional female singer
歌曲 {n} /gēqǔ/ :: song (Classifier: m:首)
歌声 {def} SEE: 歌聲 ::
歌聲 {n} /gēshēng/ :: sound of singing; singing voice
歌聲 {n} /gēshēng/ :: voice of a poet
歌詩 {n} [literary or Hokkien, literature] /gēshī/ :: poem; poetry
歌诗 {def} SEE: 歌詩 ::
歌手 {n} /gēshǒu/ :: singer; vocalist; artist (recording artist)
歌頌 {v} /gēsòng/ :: to extol; to praise (often in the form of singing or chanting)
歌颂 {def} SEE: 歌頌 ::
歌臺舞榭 {idiom} /gētáiwǔxiè/ :: a place where singing and dancing performances take place
歌臺舞榭 {idiom} /gētáiwǔxiè/ :: brothels
歌台舞榭 {def} SEE: 歌臺舞榭 ::
歌坛 {def} SEE: 歌壇 ::
歌壇 {n} /gētán/ :: singing circles; the singing world
歌厅 {def} SEE: 歌廳 ::
歌廳 {n} /gētīng/ :: karaoke hall, karaoke box, KTV
歌王 {n} /gēwáng/ :: champion singer
歌舞 {v} /gēwǔ/ :: to sing and dance
歌舞 {n} /gēwǔ/ :: singing and dancing
歌舞伎 {n} /gēwǔjì/ :: kabuki (a form of Japanese theatre)
歌舞剧 {def} SEE: 歌舞劇 ::
歌舞劇 {n} /gēwǔjù/ :: song and dance drama
歌舞片 {n} /gēwǔpiàn,gēwǔpiān,er/ :: musical; musical film
歌舞升平 {def} SEE: 歌舞昇平 ::
歌舞昇平 {idiom} /gēwǔshēngpíng/ :: prosperous and peaceful
歌星 {n} /gēxīng/ :: famous singer
歌謠 {n} /gēyáo/ :: ballad, folk song
歌谣 {def} SEE: 歌謠 ::
歌咏 {def} SEE: 歌詠 ::
歌咏队 {def} SEE: 歌詠隊 ::
歌詠 {v} /gēyǒng/ :: to sing
歌詠 {n} /gēyǒng/ :: singing
歌詠隊 {n} /gēyǒngduì/ :: singing group
歌仔 {n} [Cantonese, Hakka, Min Nan] /gēzǎi/ :: song (Classifier: 首c:支h,mn:條)
歌仔 {n} [Min Nan] /gēzǎi/ :: folk song, especially a Hokkien ballad
歌仔册 {def} SEE: 歌仔冊 ::
歌仔戲 {n} /gē仔xì/ :: Taiwanese opera
歌仔戏 {def} SEE: 歌仔戲 ::
歌者 {n} [formal or exalted] /gēzhě/ :: singer; vocalist
歌志內 {prop} /Gēzhìnèi/ :: (~ 市) 歌志內 (city)
歌志内 {def} SEE: 歌志內 ::
歌子 {n} [colloquial] /gēzi/ :: song (Classifier: m:首)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gē/ :: juicy
{def} /gē/ :: thick, viscous
{def} [Min Nan] /gē/ :: to dip; to submerge (in sauce, ink, etc.)
{def} /gē,qiāng/ :: [obsolete] pair of horns
{def} /gē,qiāng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /yì/ :: [historical dictionaries] dull-minded
{def} /gē/ :: used in compounds
疙哒 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
疙噠 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
疙墶 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
疙瘩 {n} /gēda,gāda,2na/ :: bump, lump or swelling on the skin
疙瘩 {n} [in general] /gēda,gāda,2na/ :: small block or ball; lump; clump; knot
疙瘩 {n} /gēda,gāda,2na/ :: knot (unpleasant tension in the body)
疙瘩 {n} [figurative] /gēda,gāda,2na/ :: knot (in one's heart); hangup; problem; preoccupation
疙瘩 {n} [regional, colloquial, card games] /gēda,gāda,2na/ :: queen (Q)
疙垯 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
疙疸 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
疙塔 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
紇噠 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
紇瘩 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
紇塔 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
{def} SEE: ::
纥哒 {def} SEE: 紇噠 ::
纥瘩 {def} SEE: 紇瘩 ::
纥塔 {def} SEE: 疙瘩 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [anatomy] /gē/ :: arm
{def} /gé,gē,1nb/ :: only used in 胳肢
{def} /胳/ :: only used in 胳肢窩
胳臂 {n} /gēbei,gēbì,1nb/ :: arm (Classifier: m:對m:隻)
胳臂肘儿 {def} SEE: 胳臂肘兒 ::
胳臂肘兒 {n} [colloquial] /gēbeizhǒur/ :: elbow
胳膊 {n} /gēbo/ :: arm (Classifier: m:隻m:對)
胳膊肘 {n} [anatomy] /gēbozhǒu,er/ :: elbow
胳膊肘儿 {def} SEE: 胳膊肘兒 ::
胳膊肘兒 {n} /gēbozhǒur/ :: erhua form of []
胳膊肘子 {n} [colloquial] /gēbozhǒuzi/ :: elbow
胳献 {def} SEE: 胳獻 ::
胳肢 {v} [colloquial] /gézhi,gēzhī,1nb/ :: to tickle
胳肢窝 {def} SEE: 胳肢窩 ::
胳肢窩 {n} [chiefly Mandarin, Wu, Xiang, colloquial] /胳zhiwō/ :: armpit
{def} /hé,gē,2nb/ :: name of a river in Shandong province
菏泽 {def} SEE: 菏澤 ::
菏澤 {prop} /Hézé/ :: (~ 市) 菏澤 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [chemical element] /gē/ :: copernicium
{def} [chemical element, obsolete] /gē/ :: columbium; niobium
{def} /gē/ :: [obsolete] swan goose
鴿 {def} /gē/ :: pigeon; dove
鴿 {def} [neologism, internet slang, humorous] /gē/ :: abbreviation of 放鴿子
鴿派 {n} [politics] /gēpài/ :: dove
鴿子 {n} /gēzi/ :: pigeon; dove
鴿子樹 {n} /gēzishù/ :: alternative name for 珙桐
{def} SEE: 鴿 ::
鸽牢 {def} SEE: 鴿牢 ::
鸽派 {def} SEE: 鴿派 ::
鸽仔 {def} SEE: 鴿仔 ::
鸽仔空 {def} SEE: 鴿仔空 ::
鸽仔牢 {def} SEE: 鴿仔牢 ::
鸽子 {def} SEE: 鴿子 ::
鸽子树 {def} SEE: 鴿子樹 ::
{def} /kè/ :: corresponding, equivalent
{def} /kè/ :: considerable, to a great extent
{def} /kè/ :: appropriate
{def} /kè/ :: a hollow
{def} /kè/ :: concave
{def} /gǔn/ :: [historical dictionaries] to turn
{def} /gé/ :: [historical dictionaries] [anatomy] maxilla
{def} /gé,kài/ :: lower jawbone
{def} /gé,kài/ :: cranium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gé/ :: [obsolete] to gather; to come together
{def} [Min Nan] /gé/ :: and
{def} [Min Nan] /gé/ :: with; accompanying
{def} /è/ :: surname
{def} /gé,er/ :: [obsolete] call of an animal (especially a bird)
{def} /gé,er/ :: hiccup
{def} /gé,er/ :: burp; belch
嗝儿屁 {def} SEE: 嗝兒屁 ::
嗝兒屁 {v} /gěrpì/ :: erhua form of []
嗝屁 {v} [Mandarin, vulgar, derogatory] /gěpì,er/ :: to die
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [dialectal] /gé/ :: hug tightly, clutch
{def} [Wu] /gé/ :: this
搿𡍲 {def} SEE: 搿搭 ::
搿个 {def} SEE: 搿個 ::
搿抢 {def} SEE: 搿搶 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
敆万 {def} SEE: 敆萬 ::
敆万柜 {def} SEE: 敆萬櫃 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gé/ :: pattern; standard; form; style
{def} /gé/ :: square; frame
{def} /gé/ :: personality; character;
{def} [grammar] /gé/ :: case
{def} [mathematics] /gé/ :: lattice
{def} /gé/ :: [obsolete] to come; to arrive; to go to
{def} /gé/ :: [obsolete] to obstruct; to hinder
{def} /gé/ :: [obsolete] to investigate
{def} /gé/ :: 22nd tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "resistance" (𝌛)
{def} /gé/ :: surname
{def} /gē/ :: An onomatopoeia
{def} /gè/ :: [obsolete] tree branch
格查尔 {def} SEE: 格查爾 ::
格查爾 {n} /géchá'ěr/ :: quetzal (currency of Guatemala)
格但斯克 {prop} /Gédànsīkè/ :: 格但斯克 (city)
格調 {n} /gédiào/ :: style (of art or literature)
格調 {n} /gédiào/ :: taste (of a person); moral character
格调 {def} SEE: 格調 ::
格斗 {def} SEE: 格鬥 ::
格鬥 {v} [literally, figuratively] /gédòu/ :: to battle; to wrestle; to fight; to struggle
格鬥 {n} /gédòu/ :: grappling; hand-to-hand combat
格尔木 {def} SEE: 格爾木 ::
格尔木河 {def} SEE: 格爾木河 ::
格爾木 {prop} /Gé'ěrmù/ :: (~ 市) 格爾木 (sub-prefectural city/county-level city)
格爾木河 {prop} /Gé'ěrmù Hé/ :: Golmud River
格格 {n} [historical] /gége/ :: princess (of the Qing dynasty)
格格 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /gēgē/ :: ha-ha; sound of laughter
格格 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /gēgē/ :: sound of cracking or rubbing
格格 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /gēgē/ :: chirpingly
格格 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /gēgē/ :: knockingly
格格 {adj} /gégé/ :: conflicting
格格 {adj} /gégé/ :: troubled
格格 {pron} /gégé/ :: this
格格不入 {idiom} /gégé不rù/ :: inharmonious; incompatible
格局 {n} /géjú/ :: set-up; pattern; layout; structure; landscape
格拉茨 {prop} /Gélācí/ :: Graz
格拉摩根 {prop} /Gélāmógēn/ :: Glamorgan, a traditional county of Wales
格拉納達 {prop} /Gélānàdá/ :: Granada
格拉纳达 {def} SEE: 格拉納達 ::
格拉斯哥 {prop} /Gélāsīgē/ :: 格拉斯哥 (major city/and/council area)
格兰披治 {def} SEE: 格蘭披治 ::
格蘭披治 {n} /gélánpīzhì/ :: Grand Prix
格勒諾布爾 {prop} /Gélènuòbù'ěr/ :: Grenoble
格勒诺布尔 {def} SEE: 格勒諾布爾 ::
格裏曆 {def} SEE: 格里曆 ::
格裡曆 {def} SEE: 格里曆 ::
格里历 {def} SEE: 格里曆 ::
格里曆 {prop} /Gélǐlì/ :: Gregorian calendar
格林 {prop} /Gélín/ :: (~ 村) 格林 (village)
格林多 {prop} [Catholicism] /Gélínduō/ :: Corinth
格林多后书 {def} SEE: 格林多後書 ::
格林多後書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Gélínduō Hòushū/ :: 2 Corinthians
格林多前书 {def} SEE: 格林多前書 ::
格林多前書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Gélínduō Qiánshū/ :: 1 Corinthians
格林納達 {prop} [Mainland China] /Gélínnàdá/ :: 格林納達 (island/and/country)
格林纳达 {def} SEE: 格林納達 ::
格林威治 {prop} /Gélínwēizhì/ :: Greenwich
格陵兰 {def} SEE: 格陵蘭 ::
格陵兰海 {def} SEE: 格陵蘭海 ::
格陵蘭 {prop} /Gélínglán/ :: Greenland
格陵蘭海 {prop} /Gélínglánhǎi/ :: Greenland Sea
格令 {classifier} /gélìng/ :: grain (mass unit)
格魯吉亞 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau] /Gélǔjíyà/ :: Georgia (country)
格魯吉亞人 {n} /gélǔjí亞rén/ :: Georgian (person, people from the country of Georgia)
格魯吉亞語 {prop} [Mainland China] /Gélǔjíyàyǔ/ :: the Georgian language
格魯派 {prop} [Tibetan Buddhism] /Gélǔpài/ :: Gelug
格鲁吉亚 {def} SEE: 格魯吉亞 ::
格鲁吉亚人 {def} SEE: 格魯吉亞人 ::
格鲁吉亚语 {def} SEE: 格魯吉亞語 ::
格鲁派 {def} SEE: 格魯派 ::
格律 {n} /gélǜ/ :: rules and forms for various types of classical Chinese poetic competition (which respect to tonal pattern, rhyme scheme, etc.)
格納庫 {n} [obsolete] /génàkù/ :: garage
格纳库 {def} SEE: 格納庫 ::
格瑞那达 {def} SEE: 格瑞那達 ::
格瑞那達 {prop} [Taiwan] /Géruìnàdá/ :: Grenada
格杀勿论 {def} SEE: 格殺勿論 ::
格殺勿論 {idiom} /géshāwùlùn/ :: to execute (those putting up resistance or violating rules) summarily irrespective of crime
格式 {n} /géshì/ :: format; style (e.g. of a letter, text, document, etc.); formatting
格式 {n} /géshì/ :: standard; norm; specification (explicit set of requirements)
格式化 {v} [computing] /géshìhuà/ :: to format (a disc, etc.)
格式塔 {n} [psychology] /géshìtǎ/ :: gestalt
格氏反应 {def} SEE: 格氏反應 ::
格氏反應 {n} [organic chemistry] /Géshìfǎnyìng/ :: Grignard reaction
格氏試劑 {n} [organic chemistry] /Géshìshìjì/ :: Grignard reagent
格氏试剂 {def} SEE: 格氏試劑 ::
格瓦斯 {n} /géwǎsī/ :: kvass
格外 {adv} /géwài/ :: especially; particularly; specially
格外 {adv} /géwài/ :: additionally; another; otherwise; different
格物 {v} [literary] /géwù/ :: to investigate the nature of things; to study the underlying principles
格物 {n} [obsolete] /géwù/ :: alternative name for 格致
格言 {n} /géyán/ :: proverb; saying; maxim
格仔饼 {def} SEE: 格仔餅 ::
格致 {n} [literary] /gézhì/ :: style; elegance
格致 {n} [dated] /gézhì/ :: natural science subjects, such as physics and chemistry
格致 {v} [literary] /gézhì/ :: abbreviation of 格物致知
格子 {n} /gézi/ :: checkers; grid; cross-hatch
格子 {n} /gézi/ :: lattice
格子 {n} /gézi/ :: plaid
格子棉布 {n} /gézi miánbù/ :: gingham
{def} [anatomy] /gé/ :: diaphragm
{def} /gé/ :: a kind of bell
{def} /gè/ :: only used in 膈應
膈夹窝 {def} SEE: 膈夾窩 ::
膈离间 {def} SEE: 膈離間 ::
膈膜 {n} [anatomy] /gé膜,er/ :: diaphragm
膈神經 {n} [neuroanatomy] /géshénjīng/ :: phrenic nerve
膈神经 {def} SEE: 膈神經 ::
膈应 {def} SEE: 膈應 ::
膈應 {v} [dialectal, Northern China] /gèying/ :: to annoy; to be annoying; to feel nauseous
{def} /gé/ :: only used in 茖葱 (Allium victorialis)
{def} /gé,gě/ :: kudzu (Pueraria lobata)
{def} /gé,gě/ :: poplin; hemp cloth
{def} /gé,gě/ :: (~ 國) zh:葛國 (a small state in modern Henan province during the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties)
{def} /gé,gě/ :: surname
葛陂 {prop} [archaic] /Gébēi/ :: Gebei (the name of an ancient lake located to the northwest of present day Xincai County, Henan)
葛城 {prop} /Gěchéng/ :: (~ 市) 葛城 (city)
葛城 {prop} /Gěchéng/ :: (~ 街道) 葛城 (subdistrict)
葛打李架 {prop} [dated] /Gědǎlǐjià/ :: 葛打李架 (country)
葛底斯堡 {prop} /Gědǐsībǎo/ :: 葛底斯堡 (borough/county seat)
葛底斯堡演說 {prop} /Gědǐsībǎo Yǎnshuō/ :: Gettysburg Address
葛底斯堡演说 {def} SEE: 葛底斯堡演說 ::
葛粉 {n} /géfěn/ :: kudzu powder
葛根 {n} [TCM] /gégēn/ :: root of the kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) (an herb used to treat symptoms of hypertension)
葛根素 {n} [organic compound] /gégēnsù/ :: puerarin
葛光 {prop} /Gěguāng/ :: (~ 社區) 葛光 (residential community)
葛花 {n} /gěhuā/ :: flower of the kudzu (Pueraria lobata) (used in traditional Chinese medicine to dispel wind and heat)
葛縷子 {n} /gělǚzi/ :: caraway (biennial plant, Carum carvi)
葛缕子 {def} SEE: 葛縷子 ::
葛摩 {prop} [Taiwan] /Gěmó/ :: Comoros
葛牌 {prop} /Gěpái/ :: (~ 鎮) 葛牌 (town)
葛藤 {n} /géténg,gěténg,1nb/ :: kudzu plant
葛藤 {n} [figurative, literary] /géténg,gěténg,1nb/ :: complicated relationships; complications
{def} /gé/ :: clam
{def} /há/ :: only used in 蛤蟆
{def} [Mainland, Internet slang] /há/ :: Nickname of Jiang Zemin in Moha culture
{def} [Mainland, Internet slang] /há/ :: alternative form of (especially used in Moha culture.)
{def} /há/ :: Used to indicate doubt or questioning. what?, huh?, eh
蛤蚧 {n} /géjiè/ :: Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko)
蛤蚧定喘丸 {n} /géjiè dìngchuǎn wán/ :: Brown to brownish-black pills used in traditional Chinese medicine "to nourish yin and cool the lungs, to relieve cough and asthma in the treatment of chronic cough, asthma in the aged, shortness of breath, fever, fullness of the chest, perspiration, night sweat, and anorexia". Honey is the binding agent for the pill
蛤蜊 {n} /gélí,tl/ :: clam
蛤蟆 {n} /háma/ :: frogs and toads (order Anura) (Classifier: 隻)
蛤蟆 {prop} [Mainland, Internet slang] /háma/ :: Nickname of Jiang Zemin
蛤蟆骨朵 {n} [Beijing, Northeastern Mandarin] /hámagūduo,er/ :: tadpole
蛤蟆骨朵 {n} /hámagūduo,er/ :: A kind of snack food
蛤蟆骨朵儿 {def} SEE: 蛤蟆骨朵兒 ::
蛤蟆骨朵兒 {n} /hámagūduor/ :: erhua form of []
蛤丝 {def} SEE: 蛤絲 ::
蛤絲 {n} [internet slang] /hásī/ :: fans of Jiang Zemin
蛤蛙 {def} SEE: 蛤胿 ::
蛤仔鲨 {def} SEE: 蛤仔鯊 ::
{def} /gé/ :: antler
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gé/ :: cadmium
鎘中毒 {n} /gé zhòngdú/ :: cadmium poisoning
{def} SEE: ::
铬黄 {def} SEE: 鉻黃 ::
铬酸 {def} SEE: 鉻酸 ::
铬酸钾 {def} SEE: 鉻酸鉀 ::
铬酸铅 {def} SEE: 鉻酸鉛 ::
{def} SEE: ::
镉中毒 {def} SEE: 鎘中毒 ::
{def} /gé/ :: chamber; pavilion
{def} /gé/ :: cabinet
閣揆 {n} [Taiwan] /gékuí/ :: premier; prime minister
閣僚 {n} /géliáo/ :: cabinet minister
閣僚 {n} /géliáo/ :: cabinet
閣樓 {n} /gélóu,er/ :: garret; loft; attic
閣下 {n} [literary] /géxià/ :: Your Excellency; His or Her Excellency; Your Honour
閣下 {n} [archaic] /géxià/ :: at the foot of a tower or pavilion
閣員 {n} /géyuán/ :: cabinet minister
閣子 {n} [archaic] /gézi/ :: shack; small building
{def} [literary] /gé/ :: side door
{def} /gé/ :: throne room
{def} /gé/ :: [alternative form 閣*] chamber; pavilion
{def} /gé/ :: [alternative form 閣*] female quarters
{def} /gé/ :: surname
{def} /hé/ :: [alternative form 合] to close; to shut
{def} /hé/ :: [alternative form 闔*] all of; whole of; entire
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
阁斗的 {def} SEE: 閣鬥的 ::
阁活 {def} SEE: 閣活 ::
阁活节 {def} SEE: 閣活節 ::
阁嫁 {def} SEE: 閣嫁 ::
阁讲 {def} SEE: 閣講 ::
阁较 {def} SEE: 閣較 ::
阁揆 {def} SEE: 閣揆 ::
阁僚 {def} SEE: 閣僚 ::
阁楼 {def} SEE: 閣樓 ::
阁娶 {def} SEE: 閣娶 ::
阁说 {def} SEE: 閣說 ::
阁下 {def} SEE: 閣下 ::
阁员 {def} SEE: 閣員 ::
阁仔 {def} SEE: 閣仔 ::
阁再 {def} SEE: 閣再 ::
阁子 {def} SEE: 閣子 ::
{def} /gé/ :: to separate; to partition
{def} /gé/ :: to block; to obstruct
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Hakka] /gé/ :: to pull something apart (with hand)
隔岸觀火 {idiom} [figurative] /gé'ànguānhuǒ/ :: to delay entering the fray until all others have been exhausted by fighting amongst themselves
隔岸观火 {def} SEE: 隔岸觀火 ::
隔壁 {adj} /gébì/ :: next door
隔壁 {n} /gébì/ :: neighbour
隔壁 {n} /gébì/ :: dividing wall
隔壁 {n} /gébì/ :: bulkhead (of a ship or aircraft)
隔壁儿 {def} SEE: 隔壁兒 ::
隔壁兒 {n} /jièbǐr,1n/ :: erhua form of []
隔壁邻舍 {def} SEE: 隔壁鄰舍 ::
隔代 {n} /gédài/ :: throwback
隔代遺傳 {n} /gédài yíchuán/ :: throwback; atavism
隔代遗传 {def} SEE: 隔代遺傳 ::
隔都 {n} /gédōu/ :: ghetto (area of a city in which Jews were concentrated)
隔断 {def} SEE: 隔斷 ::
隔斷 {v} /géduàn/ :: to block off; to cut off; to separate; to obstruct
隔斷 {n} /géduan,géduàn,1nb/ :: partition
隔行如隔山 {proverb} /gé háng rú gé shān/ :: different trades are worlds apart; to someone outside the profession, it is a closed book
隔閡 {n} /géhé/ :: estrangement; misunderstanding
隔阂 {def} SEE: 隔閡 ::
隔間 {n} /géjiān/ :: separating gap; partition
隔间 {def} SEE: 隔間 ::
隔絕 {v} /géjué/ :: to completely cutoff; to isolate
隔絕 {v} /géjué/ :: to be cutoff; to be isolated
隔绝 {def} SEE: 隔絕 ::
隔开 {def} SEE: 隔開 ::
隔開 {v} /gékāi/ :: to separate; to set apart
隔离 {def} SEE: 隔離 ::
隔篱 {def} SEE: 隔籬 ::
隔篱饭香 {def} SEE: 隔籬飯香 ::
隔篱邻舍 {def} SEE: 隔籬鄰舍 ::
隔離 {v} /gélí/ :: to isolate; to quarantine; to segregate
隔膜 {adj} /gé膜,er/ :: divided by lack of mutual understanding; distant
隔膜 {adj} /gé膜,er/ :: unfamiliar with; not understanding; non-expert
隔膜 {n} /gé膜,er/ :: estrangement; alienation; division due to lack of mutual understanding
隔膜 {n} [biology] /gé膜,er/ :: septum; dissepiment
隔膜 {n} [anatomy] /gé膜,er/ :: alternative form of 膈膜
隔蒲潭 {prop} /Gépútán/ :: (~ 鎮) 隔蒲潭 (town)
隔墙 {def} SEE: 隔牆 ::
隔墙有耳 {def} SEE: 隔牆有耳 ::
隔牆 {n} /géqiáng/ :: wall; partition
隔牆有耳 {idiom} /géqiángyǒu'ěr/ :: walls have ears
隔热 {def} SEE: 隔熱 ::
隔熱 {v} /gérè/ :: to insulate against heat
隔日 {n} /gérì/ :: every other day; alternating days
隔日 {n} /gérì/ :: the next day; the following day
隔日 {n} /gérì/ :: the day after next
隔三差五 {idiom} /gésānchàwǔ/ :: every now and then; every so often; every once in a while
隔世 {v} /géshì/ :: to be separated by a generation
隔世 {v} /géshì/ :: to be a long time apart
隔天 {n} /gétiān/ :: every other day; alternating days
隔天 {n} /gétiān/ :: the next day; the following day
隔天 {n} /gétiān/ :: the day after next
隔心 {v} [literary] /géxīn/ :: to become estranged
隔靴搔痒 {def} SEE: 隔靴搔癢 ::
隔靴搔癢 {idiom} /géxuēsāoyǎng/ :: to attempt an ineffective solution
隔夜 {adj} [attributive] /géyè/ :: of the previous night (esp. of foodstuff)
隔夜𩠌 {def} SEE: 隔夜餸 ::
隔夜茶 {n} /géyèchá/ :: tea left out overnight
隔音 {v} [often, attributive] /géyīn/ :: to be soundproof
隔音符號 {n} /géyīn fúhào/ :: apostrophe used to divide syllables within a word to avoid ambiguity in various alphabetic systems used in China; in pinyin, intended to be used between two syllables only if the second syllable begins with an a, o or e
隔音符号 {def} SEE: 隔音符號 ::
{def} /gé/ :: leather; animal hide
{def} [historical] /gé/ :: leather armour and weaponry
{def} [historical] /gé/ :: ornament on the front of the cart
{def} /gé/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gé/ :: to change; to alter; to reform
{def} /gé/ :: to remove; to expel
{def} /gé/ :: 49th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /gé/ :: surname
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
革除 {v} /géchú/ :: to get rid of; to abolish; to eliminate
革除 {v} /géchú/ :: to discharge; to dismiss
革胡 {n} /géhú/ :: a four-stringed modernized bass bowed stringed instrument in the huqin family, developed in China in the 20th century; tuned and played like a cello
革家 {adj} /géjiā/ :: alternative form of ⿰亻革家
革家話 {n} /géjiāhuà/ :: alternative form of ⿰亻革家話
革家话 {def} SEE: 革家話 ::
革家人 {prop} /Géjiārén/ :: alternative form of ⿰亻革家人
革家語 {n} /géjiāyǔ/ :: alternative form of ⿰亻革家語
革家语 {def} SEE: 革家語 ::
革勒車 {prop} /Gélèchē/ :: (~ 鎮) 革勒車 (town)
革勒车 {def} SEE: 革勒車 ::
革履 {n} /gélǚ/ :: leather shoes
革面洗心 {idiom} /gémiànxǐxīn/ :: to reform oneself; to turn over a new leaf
革命 {v} /gémìng/ :: to revolt; to start a revolution
革命 {v} [figurative] /gémìng/ :: to revolutionize; to transform completely
革命 {v} [literary] /gémìng/ :: to change in accordance with the Mandate of Heaven (i.e. to have a dynastic change)
革命 {n} /gémìng/ :: revolution (political upheaval or sudden change in a situation or discipline)
革命 {adj} [attributive] /gémìng/ :: revolutionary
革命党 {def} SEE: 革命黨 ::
革命黨 {n} /gémìngdǎng/ :: revolutionary party
革命根據地 {n} [Maoism] /gémìng gēnjùdì/ :: revolutionary base area
革命根据地 {def} SEE: 革命根據地 ::
革命家 {n} /gémìngjiā/ :: revolutionary
革命军 {def} SEE: 革命軍 ::
革命軍 {n} /gémìngjūn/ :: revolutionary army
革命委员会 {def} SEE: 革命委員會 ::
革命委員會 {n} [historical] /gémìng wěiyuánhuì/ :: revolutionary committee (China) (committees that took over the functions of government during the Cultural Revolution)
革命性 {n} /gémìngxìng/ :: revolutionary character
革命者 {n} /gémìngzhě/ :: revolutionary (person who revolts)
革委会 {def} SEE: 革委會 ::
革委會 {n} [historical] /géwěihuì/ :: abbreviation of 革命委員會
革新 {v} /géxīn/ :: to innovate; to improve; to reform
革职 {def} SEE: 革職 ::
革職 {v} /gézhí/ :: to dismiss; to discharge
{def} SEE: ::
颌骨 {def} SEE: 頜骨 ::
颌下腺 {def} SEE: 頜下腺 ::
{def} /gé/ :: bones
{def} /gé/ :: used in 骨骼
{def} [skeleton] /qià,gé/ :: ilium
髂骨 {n} [skeleton] /qiàgǔ,gégǔ/ :: ilium
髂总动脉 {def} SEE: 髂總動脈 ::
髂總動脈 {n} [anatomy] /qiàzǒngdòngmài/ :: common iliac artery
{def} /lì/ :: li; a type of cauldron with three hollow legs
{def} /gé/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gé/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gé/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gé/ :: (~ 縣) (county)
{def} /gé/ :: surname
{def} /è/ :: alternative form of
{def} /è/ :: alternative form of
{def} /è/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gé/ :: [obsolete] a creature like a carp with a bird's tail and six legs
{def} /笴/ :: [obsolete] arrow shaft
{def} /笴/ :: [obsolete] arrow
{def} [literary] /gě/ :: large boat
{def} [literary] /gě/ :: small boat; [in general] boat
{def} /gé/ :: [obsolete] horse running quickly
{def} /hé,gě/ :: [obsolete] river dolphin
{def} SEE: ::
𠮶个 {def} SEE: 嗰個 ::
{def} SEE: ::
个閪 {def} SEE: 個閪 ::
个案 {def} SEE: 個案 ::
个案调查 {def} SEE: 個案調查 ::
个案研究 {def} SEE: 個案研究 ::
个别 {def} SEE: 個別 ::
个唱 {def} SEE: 個唱 ::
个儿 {def} SEE: 個兒 ::
个个 {def} SEE: 個個 ::
个旧 {def} SEE: 個舊 ::
个毛 {def} SEE: 個毛 ::
个人 {def} SEE: 個人 ::
个人崇拜 {def} SEE: 個人崇拜 ::
个人电脑 {def} SEE: 個人電腦 ::
个人化 {def} SEE: 個人化 ::
个人数码助理 {def} SEE: 個人數碼助理 ::
个人数字助理 {def} SEE: 個人數字助理 ::
个人所得税 {def} SEE: 個人所得稅 ::
个人卫生 {def} SEE: 個人衛生 ::
个人英雄主义 {def} SEE: 個人英雄主義 ::
个人主义 {def} SEE: 個人主義 ::
个数 {def} SEE: 個數 ::
个税 {def} SEE: 個稅 ::
个体 {def} SEE: 個體 ::
个体户 {def} SEE: 個體戶 ::
个体经济学 {def} SEE: 個體經濟學 ::
个头 {def} SEE: 個頭 ::
个头儿 {def} SEE: 個頭兒 ::
个性 {def} SEE: 個性 ::
个性化 {def} SEE: 個性化 ::
个展 {def} SEE: 個展 ::
个中 {def} SEE: 個中 ::
个子 {def} SEE: 個子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gè,ge,gě/ :: piece; item; individual
{def} /gè,ge,gě/ :: size; height
{def} /gè,ge,gě/ :: separate; respective; separately; individually
{def} /gè,ge,gě/ :: single; alone
{def} [dialectal Hakka, dialectal Min, dialectal Wu] /gè,ge,gě/ :: one
{def} /gè,ge,gě/ :: The generic classifier for people or for things lacking specific classifiers
{def} /gè,ge,gě/ :: classifier for hours and months
{def} /gè,ge,gě/ :: Alternative classifier, for nouns having specific classifiers. Often colloquial and regional. Usage varies greatly between different topolects
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew, Puxian Min, Wenzhou Wu] /gè,ge,gě/ :: classifier for money
{def} [Cantonese, slang] /gè,ge,gě/ :: classifier for money
{def} [Mandarin, colloquial] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Particle, placed between a verb and numbers, showing that the following numbers are approximate, not accurate
{def} [Mandarin, Cantonese, colloquial] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Particle, placed between a verb and its object or complement, adding a sense of ease, swiftness and one-offness to the action
{def} [Mandarin, colloquial] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Particle used after 些
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Particle used in some time-related words
{def} [literary or Wu, Xiang, Gan, dialectal Cantonese, dialectal Min] /gè,ge,gě/ :: (= *搿) this; that
{def} [Cantonese, Wu] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Word-initial particle, serving as the definite article
{def} [dialectal Cantonese, Hakka, Wu, Teochew, Hainanese] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Possessive particle. Equivalent to Mandarin 的 /de/
{def} [dialectal] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Sentence-final declarative, affirmative, or prohibitive particle. Equivalent to Mandarin 的 /de/, 了
{def} [often, dialectal] /gè,ge,gě/ :: Emphatic particle between a pronoun and a noun, usually to highlight some negative quality of the person
個案 {n} /gè'àn/ :: individual case (in law, research, etc.) (Classifier: m:宗)
個案 {adv} /gè'àn/ :: case-by-case
個案調查 {n} /gè'àn diàochá/ :: case study (research, case used in such research)
個案研究 {n} /gè'àn yán究/ :: case study (research, case used in such research)
個別 {adj} /gèbié/ :: individual; single; respective; independent
個別 {adj} /gèbié/ :: very few
個別 {adj} /gèbié/ :: exceptional
個別 {adv} /gèbié/ :: respectively
個唱 {n} /gèchàng/ :: abbreviation of 個人演唱會
個兒 {n} /gèr/ :: erhua form of size; individual
個個 {determiner} /gègè/ :: each; every
個個 {pron} /gègè/ :: each one; everyone; every one
個舊 {prop} /Gèjiù/ :: (~ 市) 個舊 (county-level city)
個毛 {phrase} [low colloquial] /ge máo,er/ :: Used after verbs, adjectives and occasionally even nouns to express one's disagreement
個人 {adj} [attributive] /gèrén/ :: personal
個人 {n} /gèrén/ :: individual (person)
個人 {pron} /gèrén/ :: I; me; my; oneself; myself
個人崇拜 {n} /gèrén chóngbài/ :: cult of personality; personality cult
個人電腦 {n} [computing] /gèrén diànnǎo/ :: personal computer, PC
個人化 {v} /gèrénhuà/ :: to personalise; to individualise
個人化 {n} /gèrénhuà/ :: personalisation; individualisation
個人數碼助理 {n} /gèrén shùmǎ zhùlǐ/ :: personal digital assistant
個人數字助理 {n} [Mainland China] /gèrén shùzì zhùlǐ/ :: personal digital assistant
個人所得稅 {n} [taxation] /gèrén suǒdéshuì/ :: personal income tax; individual income tax
個人衛生 {n} /gèrén wèishēng/ :: personal hygiene
個人衞生 {def} SEE: 個人衛生 ::
個人英雄主義 {n} /gèrényīngxióngzhǔyì/ :: personal heroism; individualistic heroism
個人主義 {n} /gèrénzhǔyì/ :: individualism
個數 {n} /gèshù/ :: the number of
個稅 {n} [taxation] /gèshuì/ :: abbreviation of 個人所得稅
個體 {n} /gètǐ/ :: individual; individuality
個體戶 {n} [Mainland, legal, business] /gètǐhù/ :: sole proprietorship
個體戶 {n} [Mainland] /gètǐhù/ :: sole proprietor; self-employed worker
個體經濟學 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /gètǐ jīngjìxué/ :: microeconomics
個頭 {n} /gètóu,tl/ :: size, height
個頭 {phrase} [slang, mildly, rude] /gè tóu/ :: my ass, my arse
個頭兒 {n} /gètóur/ :: erhua form of stature
個性 {n} /gèxìng/ :: individuality; disposition; character; personality
個性 {n} [philosophy] /gèxìng/ :: peculiarity
個性化 {adj} /gèxìnghuà/ :: personalized; customized; individualized
個性化 {n} /gèxìnghuà/ :: personalization; customization; individualization
個展 {n} /gèzhǎn/ :: one-person exhibition; personal exhibition
個中 {adv} /gèzhōng/ :: in; among (which, them, etc.); therein
個中 {n} [secret language, obsolete] /gèzhōng/ :: brothel
個子 {n} /gèzi/ :: height; build; stature
{def} /gè/ :: each; every (determiner)
{def} /gè/ :: each (adverb)
{def} [dialectal, pejorative] /gě/ :: sticking out; odd; unusual
{def} /gě/ :: used in 自各兒
各半 {v} /gèbàn/ :: to be fifty-fifty; to be half and half; to be in equal measure
各半 {v} /gèbàn/ :: to divide evenly; to go halves
各奔前程 {idiom} /gèbènqiánchéng,gèbēnqiánchéng,1nb/ :: each pursues his own course; each goes his own way
各別 {adj} /gèbié/ :: out of the ordinary; peculiar
各別 {adj} /gèbié/ :: eccentric
各別 {adj} /gèbié/ :: distinct; different
各別 {adv} /gèbié/ :: separately; individually
各别 {def} SEE: 各別 ::
各持己見 {idiom} /gèchíjǐjiàn/ :: each sticking to their own views
各持己见 {def} SEE: 各持己見 ::
各處 {n} /gèchù/ :: each area; each region
各處 {n} [business] /gèchù/ :: each department
各處 {adv} [literary] /gèchù/ :: everywhere
各处 {def} SEE: 各處 ::
各打五十大板 {proverb} /gèdǎwǔshídàbǎn/ :: to blame, criticize or punish both sides indiscriminately without determining who is right and who is wrong
各道 {n} [archaic] /gèdào/ :: everywhere
各地 {n} /gèdì/ :: many places; everywhere; all over
各方 {n} /gèfāng/ :: each side; both sides
各方 {n} /gèfāng/ :: both parties; all parties
各方 {n} /gèfāng/ :: various sources
各方面 {n} /gèfāngmiàn/ :: each side; in all directions; various aspects
各个 {def} SEE: 各個 ::
各个击破 {def} SEE: 各個擊破 ::
各個 {adj} /gègè,tl/ :: each; every; various
各個 {adv} /gègè,tl/ :: one by one
各個擊破 {idiom} /gègè击pò/ :: to destroy one by one
各各 {n} [literary] /gègè/ :: each and every one
各各他 {prop} /Gègètā/ :: (~ 山) [biblical] Golgotha
各国 {def} SEE: 各國 ::
各國 {n} /gèguó/ :: each country; each nation
各國 {n} /gèguó/ :: various countries
各行各业 {def} SEE: 各行各業 ::
各行各業 {idiom} /gèhánggèyè/ :: all walks of life, with special reference to occupation; every trade; all professions; all classes of society
各行其是 {idiom} /gèxíngqíshì/ :: each acting what they think is right; each going their own way
各行其是 {idiom} [of opinions, etc.] /gèxíngqíshì/ :: to vary; to differ
各怀鬼胎 {def} SEE: 各懷鬼胎 ::
各怀一心 {def} SEE: 各懷一心 ::
各懷鬼胎 {idiom} /gèhuáiguǐtāi/ :: each person has his or her own (hidden) thoughts or intentions
各懷一心 {idiom} /gè huái 一xīn/ :: everyone is of their own mind; nobody can agree on how to proceed
各級 {n} /gèjí/ :: all levels
各级 {def} SEE: 各級 ::
各界 {n} /gèjiè/ :: all walks of life; all circles
各界人士 {n} /gèjiè rénshì/ :: people from all walks of life
各就各位 {idiom} /gèjiùgèwèi/ :: on your marks!; take your position!
各適其適 {idiom} [chiefly Cantonese] /gèshìqíshì/ :: each person does something he or she desires or enjoys
各侬 {def} SEE: 各儂 ::
各人 {n} /gèrén/ :: each person; everyone
各人 {pron} [dialectal] /gèrén/ :: oneself
各色 {adj} /gèsè/ :: of all kinds; of every description; assorted
各色名目 {n} /gèsè míngmù/ :: Full name of the Semu caste during the Yuan Dynasty
各式各样 {def} SEE: 各式各樣 ::
各式各樣 {adj} /gèshìgèyàng/ :: (of) all kinds and sorts, various
各适其适 {def} SEE: 各適其適 ::
各抒己見 {idiom} /gèshūjǐjiàn/ :: each expresses their own views
各抒己见 {def} SEE: 各抒己見 ::
各司其职 {def} SEE: 各司其職 ::
各司其職 {idiom} /gèsīqízhí/ :: each person is performing their own duty
各位 {pron} [polite] /gèwèi/ :: you all; ladies and gentlemen; everybody
各务原 {def} SEE: 各務原 ::
各務原 {prop} /Gèwùyuán/ :: (~ 市) 各務原 (city)
各显神通 {def} SEE: 各顯神通 ::
各顯神通 {idiom} /gèxiǎnshéntōng/ :: everybody using their talents to achieve a common goal
各向同性 {n} /gèxiàngtóngxìng/ :: isotropy
各向异性 {def} SEE: 各向異性 ::
各向異性 {n} /gèxiàngyìxìng/ :: anisotropy
各項 {n} /gèxiàng/ :: all items
各项 {def} SEE: 各項 ::
各样 {def} SEE: 各樣 ::
各樣 {pron} /gèyàng/ :: a variety of; all sorts of; all kinds of; a number of; every
各异 {def} SEE: 各異 ::
各異 {adj} /gèyì/ :: individually differing; all different
各有千秋 {idiom} /gèyǒuqiānqiū/ :: each has its advantages
各有所好 {idiom} /gèyǒusuǒhào/ :: there's no accounting for taste; to each his own; different strokes for different folks; chacun à son goût
各執己見 {idiom} /gèzhíjǐjiàn/ :: each sticking to their own views
各執一詞 {idiom} /gèzhí一cí/ :: each sticking to their own argument
各執一端 {idiom} /gèzhí一duān/ :: each sticking to their own argument
各执己见 {def} SEE: 各執己見 ::
各执一词 {def} SEE: 各執一詞 ::
各执一端 {def} SEE: 各執一端 ::
各种 {def} SEE: 各種 ::
各种各样 {def} SEE: 各種各樣 ::
各種 {pron} /gèzhǒng/ :: a variety of; all sorts of; all kinds of; a number of; every
各種各樣 {adj} /gèzhǒnggèyàng/ :: various; all sorts/kinds
各自 {pron} /gèzì/ :: each respectively; each one of them; each one of you
各自为战 {def} SEE: 各自為戰 ::
各自為戰 {idiom} /gèzìwéizhàn/ :: each person fights his or her own battle
{def} [Cantonese] /gě,gè/ :: that
{def} SEE: ::
箇舊 {def} SEE: 個舊 ::
箇里 {def} SEE: 箇𥚃 ::
箇中 {def} SEE: 個中 ::
{def} /gè/ :: only used in 虼螂
虼螂 {n} /gèláng/ :: dung beetle
虼蚤 {n} /gèzao/ :: flea
{def} [chemical element] /gè,luò,2nb/ :: chromium
{def} /gé,gè,1nb/ :: [obsolete] hook (weapon)
{def} /luò/ :: [obsolete] to have one's head shaved
鉻黃 {n} /gèhuáng/ :: chrome yellow
鉻酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /gèsuān/ :: chromic acid
鉻酸鉀 {n} [inorganic compound] /gèsuānjiǎ/ :: potassium chromate
鉻酸鉛 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /gèsuānqiān/ :: lead(II) chromate; chrome yellow
{def} /gěi,1nb/ :: to give
{def} /gěi,1nb/ :: for; for the benefit of
{def} /gěi,1nb/ :: to; with (following verbs to indicate the handing over or passing of something)
{def} /gěi,1nb/ :: to (introduce recipient of an action)
{def} /gěi,1nb/ :: by (marker of passive voice)
{def} /gěi,1nb/ :: Used in the form of 給 in imperative sentences for emphasis
{def} /jǐ,1nb/ :: to supply; to provide
{def} /jǐ,1nb/ :: to grant; to bestow
{def} /jǐ,1nb/ :: salary; pay
{def} /jǐ,1nb/ :: abundant; plenty
{def} /jǐ,1nb/ :: nimble; quick
{def} /jǐ,1nb/ :: surname
給……點兒顏色看 {v} [colloquial] /gěi...diǎnr yánsè kàn/ :: to display one's power in order to intimidate someone; to teach someone a lesson; to fix someone's wagon
給……點顏色看看 {phrase} /gěi ... diǎn yánsè kànkan/ :: to teach someone a lesson
給付 {v} /jǐfù,gěifù,1nb/ :: to give; to deliver; to remit
給付 {n} /jǐfù,gěifù,1nb/ :: payment
給跪了 {phrase} [slang, neologism] /gěi guì le/ :: used to express admiration for someone
給力 {adj} [neologism] /gěilì/ :: awesome; cool; fantastic; powerful; exciting; fashionable; desirable
給面子 {v} /gěi miànzi/ :: to give someone face; to be sensitive to someone else's feelings
給水 {v} /jǐshuǐ/ :: to supply water (for everyday use, manufacturing, etc.)
給水 {n} /jǐshuǐ/ :: water supply
給我 {particle} [colloquial, colloquial] /gěi wǒ/ :: Used in imperative sentences for emphasis
給養 {n} /jǐyǎng/ :: provisions; victuals; rations
給藥 {v} /gěiyào/ :: to administer medicine; to deliver drugs
給以 {v} /gěiyǐ/ :: to give; to grant; to apply; to deliver
給予 {v} /jǐyǔ,gěiyǔ,2nb/ :: to give; to render
給與 {v} /jǐyǔ/ :: to give; to grant; to apply; to deliver
{def} SEE: ::
给……点儿颜色看 {def} SEE: 給……點兒顏色看 ::
给……点颜色看看 {def} SEE: 給……點顏色看看 ::
给付 {def} SEE: 給付 ::
给跪了 {def} SEE: 給跪了 ::
给力 {def} SEE: 給力 ::
给面子 {def} SEE: 給面子 ::
给水 {def} SEE: 給水 ::
给我 {def} SEE: 給我 ::
给养 {def} SEE: 給養 ::
给药 {def} SEE: 給藥 ::
给以 {def} SEE: 給以 ::
给与 {def} SEE: 給與 ::
给予 {def} SEE: 給予 ::
{def} [botany] /gēn,er/ :: root (Classifier: m:條)
{def} /gēn,er/ :: base; basis; foundation
{def} /gēn,er/ :: family root; ancestors
{def} /gēn,er/ :: descendant; offspring
{def} /gēn,er/ :: source; origin
{def} [figurative] /gēn,er/ :: penis (Classifier: m:條)
{def} [Buddhism] /gēn,er/ :: indriya; faculty; spiritual faculty
{def} [arithmetic] /gēn,er/ :: root
{def} [mathematics] /gēn,er/ :: solution to an algebraic equation (Classifier: 個)
{def} [chemistry] /gēn,er/ :: radical
{def} [computing] /gēn,er/ :: root
{def} /gēn,er/ :: completely; from the source
{def} /gēn,er/ :: classifier for long, slender objects, such as cigarettes, fingers, candles, ropes, and guitar strings
根癌 {n} [plant disease] /gēn癌/ :: crown gall
根癌农杆菌 {def} SEE: 根癌農桿菌 ::
根癌農桿菌 {n} /gēn癌 nónggān菌/ :: Agrobacterium tumefaciens
根本 {adj} /gēnběn/ :: fundamental; basic; essential
根本 {adv} [usually negative] /gēnběn/ :: at all; simply; absolutely
根本 {n} /gēnběn/ :: root; foundation; base; basis
根本性 {n} /gēnběnxìng/ :: fundamentality; essentiality; ultimacy
根菜类 {def} SEE: 根菜類 ::
根菜類 {n} /gēncàilèi/ :: root crops (carrots, daikon, etc.)
根除 {v} /gēnchú/ :: to eradicate; to root out
根除 {v} /gēnchú/ :: to be eradicated
根底 {n} /gēndǐ/ :: the facts; the exact details
根底 {n} /gēndǐ/ :: foundation; base
根底 {n} [colloquial] /gēndǐ/ :: property; assets
根底 {n} /gēndǐ/ :: front or side of an object
根底 {n} [Min Nan] /gēndǐ/ :: inherent quality
根柢 {def} SEE: 根底 ::
根儿 {def} SEE: 根兒 ::
根兒 {n} /gēnr/ :: erhua form of
根號 {n} [mathematics] /gēnhào,er/ :: radical symbol ()
根号 {def} SEE: 根號 ::
根河 {prop} /Gēnhé/ :: (~ 市) 根河 (city)
根基 {n} /gēnjī/ :: foundations (of a building)
根基 {n} [figurative] /gēnjī/ :: foundation; basis; base; root; background
根脚 {def} SEE: 根腳 ::
根腳 {n} [colloquial] /gēnjiǎo,tl/ :: foundation; footing
根腳 {n} [dated] /gēnjiǎo,tl/ :: family background; class origin
根茎 {def} SEE: 根莖 ::
根莖 {n} [botany] /gēnjīng/ :: rhizome; rootstock
根據 {prep} /gēnjù/ :: according to; based on
根據 {n} /gēnjù/ :: basis; grounds
根據地 {n} /gēnjùdì/ :: station; base; camp
根据 {def} SEE: 根據 ::
根据地 {def} SEE: 根據地 ::
根絕 {v} /gēnjué/ :: to eradicate; to exterminate; to annihilate
根绝 {def} SEE: 根絕 ::
根卡 {n} [musical instrument] /gēnkǎ/ :: A Tibetan bowed string instrument
根瘤 {n} [botany] /gēnliú/ :: root nodule
根瘤菌 {n} /gēnliú菌/ :: Rhizobium
根苗 {n} /gēnmiáo/ :: root and shoot (of plants)
根苗 {n} [figuratively] /gēnmiáo/ :: root; cause
根苗 {n} [figuratively] /gēnmiáo/ :: descendant; offspring
根啤 {n} /gēnpí/ :: root beer
根深蒂固 {idiom} /gēnshēndìgù/ :: deep-rooted; ineradicable; ingrained; inveterate; radicated
根室 {prop} /Gēn室/ :: (~ 市) 根室 (city)
根式 {n} [mathematics] /gēnshì,tl/ :: radical (expression)
根數 {n} [math] /gēnshù/ :: root; radical
根数 {def} SEE: 根數 ::
根头 {def} SEE: 根頭 ::
根西 {prop} /Gēnxī/ :: Guernsey
根性 {n} /gēnxìng/ :: one's nature; one's disposition
根由 {n} /gēnyóu/ :: cause; origin
根源 {n} /gēnyuán/ :: root; cause; source; origin
根植 {v} /gēnzhí/ :: to take root; to establish a base
根治 {v} /gēnzhì/ :: to bring under permanent control; to effect a radical cure; to cure once and for all; to eradicate
根子 {n} /gēnzi/ :: root (of a plant)
根子 {n} /gēnzi/ :: source; origin
{def} /gēn/ :: heel (of a foot, a shoe or a sock)
{def} /gēn/ :: to follow
{def} [of a woman] /gēn/ :: to marry
{def} /gēn/ :: with [together]
{def} /gēn/ :: as [in comparisons]
{def} /gēn/ :: to; with
{def} /gēn/ :: and [joining nouns]
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /gēn/ :: at
跟班 {v} /gēnbān/ :: to join a regular shift or class
跟班 {n} /gēnbān/ :: attendant; entourage
跟本 {adv} /gēnběn/ :: misspelling of 根本
跟不上 {v} /gēn不shàng,tl2/ :: to be unable to keep up with
跟不上 {v} /gēn不shàng,tl2/ :: to be not be as good as
跟從 {v} /gēncóng/ :: to follow (a person's lead)
跟從 {n} [historical] /gēncóng/ :: attendant
跟从 {def} SEE: 跟從 ::
跟得上 {v} /gēndéshàng/ :: to keep up with; to catch up with
跟得上 {v} /gēndéshàng/ :: to be as good as
跟定 {v} [archaic] /gēndìng/ :: to pursue without being sidetracked; to follow with dogged determination
跟斗 {n} [regional] /gēndou,gēndǒu,1nb/ :: fall (Classifier: 個)
跟斗 {n} [regional] /gēndou,gēndǒu,1nb/ :: somersault (Classifier: 個)
跟斗儿虫 {def} SEE: 跟斗兒蟲 ::
跟風 {v} /gēnfēng/ :: to go with the tide; to follow the trend; to act as a copycat
跟风 {def} SEE: 跟風 ::
跟骨 {n} [anatomy] /gēngǔ/ :: calcaneus; heel bone
跟腱 {n} /gēnjiàn/ :: Achilles tendon (strong tendon in the calf of the leg)
跟进 {def} SEE: 跟進 ::
跟進 {v} /gēnjìn/ :: to follow
跟進 {v} /gēnjìn/ :: to follow up; to chase up
跟進 {v} /gēnjìn/ :: to follow suit
跟進 {v} /gēnjìn/ :: to go forward one by one
跟牌 {v} [card games] /gēnpái/ :: to follow suit
跟屁虫 {def} SEE: 跟屁蟲 ::
跟屁虫儿 {def} SEE: 跟屁蟲兒 ::
跟屁蟲 {n} [colloquial] /gēnpìchóng,er/ :: someone that follows another one all the time
跟屁蟲 {n} [colloquial, derogatory] /gēnpìchóng,er/ :: yes man; flatterer; sycophant
跟屁蟲兒 {n} /gēnpìchóngr/ :: erhua form of []
跟前 {n} /gēnqián,er/ :: in front; nearby; close to
跟前 {adv} /gēnqián,er/ :: the time just before
跟前 {n} /gēnqian/ :: living with one (of one's children)
跟随 {def} SEE: 跟隨 ::
跟隨 {v} /gēnsuí/ :: to follow
跟隨 {n} /gēnsuí/ :: escort; attendant; retinue; entourage
跟帖 {v} [Internet] /gēntiě/ :: to reply after others in an Internet post
跟帖 {n} [Internet] /gēntiě/ :: follow-up post
跟头 {def} SEE: 跟頭 ::
跟头虫 {def} SEE: 跟頭蟲 ::
跟頭 {n} /gēntou/ :: fall (Classifier: 個)
跟頭 {n} /gēntou/ :: somersault (Classifier: 個)
跟頭蟲 {n} [colloquial] /gēntouchóng,er/ :: wiggler; wriggler; mosquito larva
跟团 {def} SEE: 跟團 ::
跟团儿 {def} SEE: 跟團兒 ::
跟團 {v} [especially] /gēntuán,er/ :: to follow a group; to join a group tour
跟團兒 {v} [especially] /gēntuánr/ :: erhua form of to follow a group; to join a group tour
跟役 {n} /gēnyì/ :: entourage; attendant
跟着 {def} SEE: 跟著 ::
跟注 {v} [poker] /gēnzhù/ :: to call (to match a bet or match a raise)
跟著 {v} /gēnzhe/ :: to follow; to go with
跟著 {conj} /gēnzhe/ :: right after; immediately after
跟缀 {def} SEE: 跟綴 ::
跟踪 {def} SEE: 跟蹤 ::
跟踪狂 {def} SEE: 跟蹤狂 ::
跟蹤 {v} /gēnzōng/ :: to follow; to track; to shadow; to stalk; to trail
跟蹤狂 {n} /gēnzōngkuáng/ :: stalker
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gén,er/ :: funny; funny speech or action
哏儿 {def} SEE: 哏兒 ::
哏兒 {adj} /génr/ :: erhua form of funny; hilarious
{def} /gěn/ :: [obsolete] end of the lower jaw behind the cheeks
{def} /gěn/ :: [obsolete] having high cheekbones
{def} /gěn/ :: [obsolete] to bend one's head; to lower one's head
{def} [Hokkien] /gěn/ :: alternative form of used in 頷䫀
{def} /gèn/ :: one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦, symbolizing mountains. ()
{def} /gèn/ :: surname
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /gěn/ :: blunt; straightforward
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /gěn/ :: tough, chewy
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xuān/ :: to revolve around
亘地 {def} SEE: 亙地 ::
亘古 {def} SEE: 亙古 ::
亘日 {def} SEE: 亙日 ::
{def} [of space or time] /gèn,gèng,2nb/ :: to extend all the way; to stretch
{def} /gèn,gèng,2nb/ :: surname
亙地 {v} [literary] /gèndì/ :: to be all over the ground; to be everywhere
亙古 {adv} /gèngǔ/ :: since time immemorial
{def} /gēng/ :: age
{def} /gēng/ :: the seventh of the ten heavenly stems
{def} /gēng/ :: surname
庚辰 {n} /gēngchén/ :: The seventeenth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Metal Dragon" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
庚醇 {n} [organic compound] /gēngchún/ :: heptanol
庚炔 {n} [organic compound] /gēngquē/ :: heptyne
庚基 {n} [organic chemistry] /gēngjī/ :: heptyl
庚戌 {n} /gēngxū/ :: The forty-seventh term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Metal Dog" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
庚醛 {n} [organic compound] /gēngquán/ :: heptanal; heptanaldehyde
庚申 {n} /gēngshēn/ :: The fifty-seventh term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Metal Monkey" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
庚酸 {n} [fatty acid] /gēngsuān/ :: heptanoic acid; enanthic acid
庚帖 {n} [dated] /gēngtiě/ :: card with the horoscope of a boy or girl sent as a proposal for betrothal
庚酮 {n} [organic compound] /gēngtóng/ :: heptanone
庚烷 {n} [organic compound] /gēngwán/ :: heptane
庚午 {n} /gēngwǔ/ :: The seventh term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Metal Horse" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
庚烯 {n} [organic compound] /gēngxī/ :: heptene
庚寅 {n} /gēngyín/ :: The twenty-seventh term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Metal Tiger" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
庚子 {n} /gēngzǐ/ :: The thirty-seventh term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Metal Rat" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
{def} /gēng/ :: river in Hebei province
{def} [Cantonese] /gēng/ :: a ford
{def} [Cantonese] /gēng/ :: to wade
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gēng/ :: thick soup; broth
{def} /gēng/ :: vegetable soup
{def} /gēng/ :: soups in general
{def} [Cantonese] /gēng/ :: spoon (Classifier: 隻)
{def} [Cantonese] /gēng/ :: spoonful
{def} /láng/ :: only used in 不羹
羹匙 {n} /gēngchí/ :: soupspoon
羹匙 {n} /gēngchí/ :: tablespoon
{def} /gēng/ :: to plow; to till
{def} /gēng/ :: cultivate
耕畜 {n} /gēngchù/ :: farm animal
耕地 {n} /gēngdì/ :: arable land; cultivated land
耕地 {v} /gēngdì/ :: to plow; to till; to cultivate land
耕具 {n} [agriculture] /gēngjù/ :: tillage implement
耕牛 {n} /gēngniú/ :: farm cattle
耕田 {n} /gēngtián/ :: farmland
耕田 {v} /gēngtián/ :: to till a field; to farm
耕耘 {v} [literally] /gēngyún/ :: to plow and weed; to do farm work; to cultivate
耕耘 {v} [figuratively] /gēngyún/ :: to work or study diligently
耕耘机 {def} SEE: 耕耘機 ::
耕耘機 {n} /gēngyúnjī/ :: cultivating machine; cultivator
耕者有其田 {idiom} /gēngzhěyǒuqítián/ :: land to the tiller (policy of distributing land to peasants who have little or no land)
耕种 {def} SEE: 耕種 ::
耕种人 {def} SEE: 耕種人 ::
耕種 {v} /gēngzhòng/ :: to plough and sow; to work on a farm; to till; to cultivate
耕作 {v} /gēngzuò/ :: to farm; to cultivate; to plow
{def} /gēng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of grass
{def} [literary] /gēng/ :: to continue; to go on doing
{def} [literary] /gēng/ :: to compensate; to make up for
{def} /gēng/ :: surname
賡即 {adv} /gēngjí/ :: synonym of 隨即
{def} SEE: ::
赓即 {def} SEE: 賡即 ::
{def} /gēng/ :: only used in 鶬鶊
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gěng/ :: to choke (on food or fluid)
{def} /gěng/ :: to block; to obstruct
{def} /gěng/ :: to choke with sobs
哽哽咽咽 {idiom} /gěnggěngyèyè/ :: to choke with sobs
哽咽 {v} /gěngyè/ :: to choke with sobs; to choke with tears
{def} /gěng/ :: low bank of earth between fields; earth dyke
{def} [Lichuan Gan] :: to argue; to quarrel
{def} /gěng,er/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 刺榆
{def} /gěng,er/ :: [obsolete] [of plants] to prick
{def} /gěng,er/ :: [obsolete] spiny plant
{def} /gěng,er/ :: stem; stalk
{def} /gěng,er/ :: broad outline; general idea; gist
{def} /gěng,er/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gěng,er/ :: to block; to obstruct; to hinder
{def} /gěng,er/ :: [obsolete] to resist; to defy
{def} /gěng,er/ :: to straighten up; to stiffen
{def} /gěng,er/ :: upright; straightforward; upstanding
{def} [Cantonese] /gěng,er/ :: stiff; tight
{def} [Cantonese] /gěng,er/ :: fixed; immovable
{def} [Cantonese] /gěng,er/ :: certainly; definitely; of course
{def} /gěng,er/ :: [obsolete] strong; violent
{def} /gěng,er/ :: [obsolete] illness; disaster
{def} [Internet slang] /gěng,er/ :: meme
{def} /gěng,er/ :: surname
梗概 {n} /gěnggài/ :: gist; outline; summary
梗犬 {n} /gēngquǎn,gěngquǎn/ :: terrier
梗塞 {v} /gěngsè,gěngsāi,1nb/ :: to block; to obstruct; to clog
梗塞 {v} [medicine] /gěngsè,gěngsāi,1nb/ :: to undergo infarction; to infarct
梗死 {n} /gěngsǐ/ :: blockage, obstruction, infarction, infarct
梗系 {def} SEE: 梗係 ::
梗直 {def} SEE: 耿直 ::
梗阻 {v} /gěngzǔ/ :: to hamper; to block
梗阻 {v} /gěngzǔ/ :: to obstruct
梗阻 {n} [medicine] /gěngzǔ/ :: obstruction
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /gěng/ :: bright; shining
{def} [literary] /gěng/ :: honest and just; upright
{def} /gěng/ :: [obsolete] uneasy; disturbed
{def} /gěng/ :: [obsolete] sad; sorrowful
{def} /gěng/ :: surname
耿耿 {adj} [ideophonic] /gěnggěng/ :: bright; shining
耿耿 {adj} [ideophonic] /gěnggěng/ :: loyal; faithful; dedicated
耿耿 {adj} [ideophonic] /gěnggěng/ :: having things on one's mind; troubled; disquieted; vexed
耿耿於懷 {idiom} /gěnggěngyúhuái/ :: to brood on; to not forget about a matter and always be troubled or vexed by it
耿耿于怀 {def} SEE: 耿耿於懷 ::
耿介 {adj} [literary] /gěngjiè/ :: upright and outstanding; plainspoken and upstanding
耿直 {adj} /gěngzhí/ :: upright and outspoken; honest and frank
{def} /jǐng/ :: neck (Classifier: c:條)
{def} /gěng/ :: Used in colloquial words for the nape
頸背 {n} /jǐngbèi/ :: nape
頸部 {n} /jǐngbù/ :: neck
頸椎 {n} /jǐngzhuī/ :: cervical vertebra
頸椎病 {n} /jǐngzhuībìng/ :: cervical spondylosis
頸動脈 {n} [anatomy] /jǐngdòngmài/ :: carotid artery
頸動脈竇 {n} [anatomy] /jǐngdòngmàidòu/ :: carotid sinus
頸動脈體 {n} [physiology] /jǐngdòngmàitǐ/ :: carotid body
頸喉鈕 {n} [Hong Kong] /jǐnghóuniǔ/ :: the top button on a shirt
頸後透明帶掃描 {n} /jǐnghòu tòumíngdài sǎomiáo/ :: nuchal scan
頸靜脈 {n} [anatomy] /jǐngjìngmài/ :: jugular vein
頸內動脈 {n} [anatomy] /jǐngnèidòngmài/ :: internal carotid artery
頸外動脈 {n} [anatomy] /jǐngwàidòngmài/ :: external carotid artery
頸項 {n} [anatomy] /jǐngxiàng/ :: neck
頸血 {n} [archaic] /jǐng血/ :: the blood of one's severed neck (after one's head has been chopped off for showing defiance); to be ready and willing to die (for what one believes in)
頸總動脈 {n} [anatomy] /jǐngzǒngdòngmài/ :: common carotid artery
𦈖颈 {def} SEE: 䌈頸 ::
{def} SEE: ::
颈背 {def} SEE: 頸背 ::
颈部 {def} SEE: 頸部 ::
颈椎 {def} SEE: 頸椎 ::
颈椎病 {def} SEE: 頸椎病 ::
颈动脉 {def} SEE: 頸動脈 ::
颈动脉窦 {def} SEE: 頸動脈竇 ::
颈动脉体 {def} SEE: 頸動脈體 ::
颈根 {def} SEE: 頸根 ::
颈喉 {def} SEE: 頸喉 ::
颈喉钮 {def} SEE: 頸喉鈕 ::
颈后透明带扫描 {def} SEE: 頸後透明帶掃描 ::
颈巾 {def} SEE: 頸巾 ::
颈静脉 {def} SEE: 頸靜脈 ::
颈渴 {def} SEE: 頸渴 ::
颈内动脉 {def} SEE: 頸內動脈 ::
颈圈 {def} SEE: 頸圈 ::
颈外动脉 {def} SEE: 頸外動脈 ::
颈围仔 {def} SEE: 頸圍仔 ::
颈项 {def} SEE: 頸項 ::
颈血 {def} SEE: 頸血 ::
颈子 {def} SEE: 頸子 ::
颈总动脉 {def} SEE: 頸總動脈 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鯁直 {def} SEE: 耿直 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鲠直 {def} SEE: 鯁直 ::
{def} /gèng/ :: tuna
{def} /gèng/ :: a fish resembling a sturgeon
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gèng/ :: tuna
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /héng/ :: constant; regular; persistent
{def} /héng/ :: 32nd hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /gèng/ :: [obsolete] [of moon] to be in the first quarter
{def} /gèng/ :: [obsolete] to extend everywhere
恆產 {n} [literary] /héngchǎn/ :: real estate; immovable property
恆常 {adj} /héngcháng/ :: constant
恆常 {adj} /héngcháng/ :: usual; common
恆常 {adv} /héngcháng/ :: constantly
恆春 {prop} /Héngchūn/ :: (~ 鎮) 恆春 (urban township)
恆春半島 {prop} /Héngchūn Bàndǎo/ :: Hengchun Peninsula (southern tip of Taiwan)
恆等 {v} [mathematics] /héngděng/ :: to be identically equal; to be identical
恆等式 {n} [mathematics] /héngděngshì/ :: identity equation
恆娥 {def} SEE: 姮娥 ::
恆伽 {prop} /Hénggā/ :: Ganges
恆河 {prop} /Héng Hé/ :: Ganges River
恆河鱷 {n} /hénghé'è/ :: gavial
恆河猴 {n} /hénghéhóu/ :: rhesus macaque; rhesus monkey
恆河沙 {n} [etymology, Buddhism] /hénghéshā/ :: countless number like the total of the grains of sand on the Ganges
恆河沙 {n} /hénghéshā/ :: the number 1052
恆河沙數 {idiom} /hénghéshāshù/ :: an extremely large number of; as numerous as there are grains of sand in the Ganges
恆久 {adj} /héngjiǔ/ :: constant; persistent; long-lasting
恆例 {n} /hénglì/ :: established practice; established rule
恆山 {prop} /Héng Shān/ :: Mount Heng (Shanxi) (in Shanxi province)
恆山 {prop} /Héng Shān/ :: Mount Heng (Hebei) (in Hebei province)
恆温 {def} SEE: 恆溫 ::
恆温器 {def} SEE: 恆溫器 ::
恆溫 {n} /héngwēn/ :: constant temperature
恆溫器 {n} /héngwēnqì/ :: thermostat
恆心 {n} /héngxīn/ :: perseverance; constancy
恆星 {n} [astronomy] /héngxīng/ :: fixed star (Classifier: m:顆粒)
恆星年 {n} [astronomy] /héngxīngnián/ :: sidereal year
恆星系 {n} [astronomy] /héngxīngxì/ :: galaxy; stellar system
恆毅 {v} [literary] /héngyì/ :: to be persevering
{def} :: [obsolete] halo of the Sun
{def} :: [obsolete] to dry in the sun
{def} :: [obsolete] dry
{def} [Min Dong] :: a while
{def} [Min Dong] :: measure word for spells of precipitation and wind; also for a burst of smell
{def} /gēng,jīng,1nb/ :: to change; to replace
{def} /gēng,jīng,1nb/ :: to take turns; to rotate
{def} /gēng,jīng,1nb/ :: to experience
{def} /gēng,jīng,1nb/ :: 28th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "change" (𝌡)
{def} [historical] /gēng,jīng,2na/ :: watch (of a sentry)
{def} [historical] /gēng,jīng,2na/ :: one of the five two-hour periods into which the night was formerly divided
{def} [by extension, Hong Kong Cantonese] /gēng,jīng,2na/ :: shift; work period
{def} /gèng/ :: more; further; even more
更不用說 {conj} /gèng 不yòng shuō/ :: let alone; not to mention; much less
更不用说 {def} SEE: 更不用說 ::
更代 {v} /gēngdài/ :: to replace; to alternate; to interchange
更待何时 {def} SEE: 更待何時 ::
更待何時 {idiom} /gèng dài héshí/ :: there's no time like the present; if not now then when
更迭 {v} /gēngdié/ :: to change
更迭 {v} /gēngdié/ :: to alternate
更定 {v} /gēngdìng/ :: to revise and set as the new version  
更动 {def} SEE: 更動 ::
更動 {vt} /gēngdòng/ :: to change; to alter; to modify
更番 {adv} /gēngfān/ :: alternately; by turns
更夫 {n} /gēngfū/ :: night watchman
更改 {vt} /gēnggǎi/ :: to alter; to change
更好 {v} /gènghǎo/ :: to be better (as in, more desirable or satisfactory)
更何况 {def} SEE: 更何況 ::
更何況 {conj} /gènghékuàng/ :: let alone; not to mention; much less
更何況 {conj} /gènghékuàng/ :: what's more; in addition
更换 {def} SEE: 更換 ::
更換 {v} /gēnghuàn/ :: to replace; to change; to update
更加 {adv} /gèngjiā/ :: more; even more
更兼 {adv} [archaic] /gèngjiān/ :: moreover; furthermore
更见 {def} SEE: 更見 ::
更年安片 {n} /gēngniánān piàn/ :: Sugar-coated tablets with a blackish-grey core that is used in traditional Chinese medicine "to nourish yin and remove heat, to ease the mind and induce tranquilization in the treatment of menopausal syndrome marked by afternoon fever, excessive sweating, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and unsteady blood pressure"
更年期 {n} /gēngnián期/ :: menopause (the ending of menstruation)
更上一层楼 {def} SEE: 更上一層樓 ::
更上一層樓 {idiom} [metaphor] /gèngshàng一cénglóu/ :: strive for a greater achievement (similar to 'take it to the next level')
更深 {n} [formal] /gēngshēn/ :: middle of the night
更生 {v} /gēngshēng,gèngshēng,1nb/ :: to be reborn
更生 {v} /gēngshēng,gèngshēng,1nb/ :: to become rejuvenated; to be reinvigorated; to be revived
更生 {v} /gēngshēng,gèngshēng,1nb/ :: to renew; to reuse; to restore
更始 {prop} /Gēngshǐ/ :: Emperor Gengshi of Han
更始 {v} [archaic] /Gēngshǐ/ :: to start over; to begin again
更替 {v} /gēngtì/ :: to replace; to alternate; to interchange
更为 {def} SEE: 更為 ::
更為 {adv} /gèngwéi/ :: (even) more
更新 {v} /gēngxīn/ :: to update; to replace; to renew; to refresh
更新 {v} /gēngxīn/ :: to grow again; to rejuvenate
更衣 {v} [literary] /gēngyī/ :: to change one's clothes
更衣 {v} [euphemistic] /gēngyī/ :: to go to the toilet
更衣 {n} /gēngyī/ :: place to change one's clothes
更衣室 {n} /gēngyī室/ :: changing room, dressing room
更易 {v} [literary] /gēngyì/ :: to change; to alter
更易 {v} [literary] /gēngyì/ :: to be easier to
更正 {v} /gēngzhèng/ :: to correct; to rectify; to make corrections (of errors in published statements or articles)
{def} /gōng,gòng,2nb/ :: to supply; to provide for
{def} /gōng,gòng,2nb/ :: to provide certain convenience or support
{def} /gōng,gòng,2nb/ :: surname
{def} /gòng,gōng/ :: to present incense or offerings before the image of a god or the deceased; to enshrine and worship
{def} /gòng,gōng/ :: offering; tribute; sacrifice
{def} /gòng,gōng/ :: to assume office
{def} /gòng,gōng/ :: to confess; to own up; to make a confession of
{def} /gòng,gōng/ :: confession; admission; owning up
{def} /gòng,gōng/ :: to look after (one's parents or children etc.); to support
供案 {n} /gòng'àn/ :: altar table
供不应求 {def} SEE: 供不應求 ::
供不應求 {idiom} /gōng不yìngqiú/ :: be in short supply
供称 {def} SEE: 供稱 ::
供稱 {v} [law] /gòngchēng/ :: to make a confession
供詞 {n} /供cí/ :: confession (formal document of admission)
供词 {def} SEE: 供詞 ::
供电 {def} SEE: 供電 ::
供電 {v} /gōngdiàn/ :: to supply electricity
供方 {n} /gōngfāng/ :: supplier
供奉 {v} /gòngfèng/ :: to enshrine and worship; to consecrate
供佛 {v} /gòngfó/ :: to offer to Buddha
供給 {v} /gōngjǐ/ :: to supply; to provide; to furnish
供給側 {n} [economics] /gōngjǐcè/ :: supply side
供给 {def} SEE: 供給 ::
供给侧 {def} SEE: 供給側 ::
供過於求 {idiom} /gōngguòyúqiú/ :: to have an oversupply; the supply exceeds the demand
供果 {n} /gòngguǒ/ :: fruit used as offerings
供过于求 {def} SEE: 供過於求 ::
供貨 {v} /gōnghuò/ :: to supply goods
供货 {def} SEE: 供貨 ::
供暖 {v} /gōngnuǎn/ :: to supply heating
供品 {n} /gòngpǐn/ :: offering (thing offered as a religious sacrifice)
供求 {n} /gōngqiú/ :: supply and demand
供热 {def} SEE: 供熱 ::
供熱 {n} /gōngrè/ :: heating; heat supply
供認 {v} /供rèn/ :: to make a confession of one's crime; to confess
供認不諱 {idiom} /gòngrèn不huì/ :: to confess everything; to make a full confession; to plead guilty
供认 {def} SEE: 供認 ::
供认不讳 {def} SEE: 供認不諱 ::
供食 {v} [literary] /gōngshí/ :: to provide food
供事 {v} [literary] /gòngshì/ :: to hold office; to hold a post
供述 {v} /供shù/ :: to make a statement; to make a testimony
供述 {n} /供shù/ :: statement; testimony
供水 {v} /gōngshuǐ/ :: to provide water
供体 {def} SEE: 供體 ::
供體 {n} [medicine] /gōngtǐ,gòngtǐ,2nb/ :: donor
供物 {n} /gòngwù/ :: offering
供銷 {v} /gōngxiāo/ :: to supply to and sell for
供銷 {n} /gōngxiāo/ :: supply and marketing
供銷社 {n} [historical] /gōngxiāoshè/ :: "supply stations", which distributed food and other necessities mostly in rural areas
供销 {def} SEE: 供銷 ::
供销社 {def} SEE: 供銷社 ::
供需 {n} /gōngxū/ :: supply and demand
供血 {v} /gōng血/ :: to donate blood
供养 {def} SEE: 供養 ::
供養 {v} /gōngyǎng,gòngyàng,gòngyǎng,1nb/ :: to provide and care for one's parents or elders
供養 {v} /gòngyǎng,gòngyàng,1nb/ :: to give offerings to gods
供应 {def} SEE: 供應 ::
供应点 {def} SEE: 供應點 ::
供应链 {def} SEE: 供應鏈 ::
供应商 {def} SEE: 供應商 ::
供應 {v} /gōngyìng/ :: to supply; to provide
供應點 {n} /gōngyìngdiǎn/ :: supply point
供應鏈 {n} /gōngyìngliàn/ :: supply chain
供應商 {n} /gōngyìngshāng/ :: supplier
供用 {v} /gōngyòng/ :: to provide for the use of others
供职 {def} SEE: 供職 ::
供職 {v} [literary] /gòngzhí/ :: to hold office; to hold a post
供状 {def} SEE: 供狀 ::
供狀 {n} /供zhuàng/ :: confession (formal document of admission)
供桌 {n} /gòngzhuō/ :: altar table
{def} /gōng/ :: public; communal
{def} /gōng/ :: fair; equitable
{def} /gōng/ :: to make public; to announce
{def} /gōng/ :: international; universal
{def} /gōng/ :: duke
{def} [of animals] /gōng/ :: male
{def} [honorific] /gōng/ :: old man or a man of high status
{def} /gōng/ :: grandfather
{def} /gōng/ :: father-in-law (husband's father)
{def} [Hakka] /gōng/ :: A noun suffix
{def} /gōng/ :: surname
公安 {n} /gōng'ān/ :: public security; police (in mainland China)
公安 {prop} /gōng'ān/ :: (~ 縣) 公安 (county)
公安局 {n} [Mainland] /gōng'ānjú/ :: public security bureau; PSB
公案 {n} /gōng'àn/ :: koan
公案 {n} [literary] /gōng'àn/ :: court table (used by a judge)
公案 {n} [figuratively] /gōng'àn/ :: complicated legal case
公案 {n} [figuratively] /gōng'àn/ :: much discussed issue; sensational affair
公办 {def} SEE: 公辦 ::
公辦 {adj} [attributive] /gōngbàn/ :: state-owned; state-run
公報 {n} /gōngbào/ :: communique; bulletin; public announcement
公报 {def} SEE: 公報 ::
公倍數 {n} [mathematics] /gōngbèishù/ :: common multiple
公倍数 {def} SEE: 公倍數 ::
公比 {n} [mathematics] /gōngbǐ/ :: common ratio
公佈 {def} SEE: 公布 ::
公布 {v} /gōngbù/ :: to make a public announcement; to publish; to announce
公厕 {def} SEE: 公廁 ::
公廁 {n} /gōngcè/ :: public toilet
公测 {def} SEE: 公測 ::
公測 {v} [neologism] /gōngcè/ :: to subject (a product) to beta testing
公差 {n} [arithmetic] /gōngchā/ :: common difference (of an arithmetic series)
公差 {n} [mechanics] /gōngchā/ :: tolerance; allowed error
公差 {n} /gōngchāi/ :: official errand; business trip
公差 {n} /gōngchāi/ :: person on an official errand or business trip
公差 {n} [dated] /gōngchāi/ :: bailiff in a yamen
公差 {v} [Taiwan] /gōngchāi/ :: to go on an official errand or business trip
公产 {def} SEE: 公產 ::
公產 {n} /gōngchǎn/ :: public property
公車 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /gōngchē/ :: public bus
公車 {n} /gōngchē/ :: public vehicle; vehicle which is not privately possessed
公車站 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /gōngchēzhàn/ :: bus stop
公车 {def} SEE: 公車 ::
公车站 {def} SEE: 公車站 ::
公尺 {n} /gōngchǐ/ :: metre/meter (SI unit)
公寸 {n} /gōngcùn/ :: decimetre (SI unit)
公撮 {n} [Taiwan] /gōng撮/ :: milliliter
公达 {def} SEE: 公達 ::
公達 {prop} /Gōngdá/ :: The Chinese style name of Xun You (157 - 214)
公道 {n} /gōngdào/ :: justice; fairness
公道 {n} [archaic] /gōngdào/ :: major road; highway
公道 {adj} /gōngdao/ :: fair; just; equitable
公道話 {n} /gōngdaohuà/ :: fair words
公道话 {def} SEE: 公道話 ::
公德 {n} /gōngdé/ :: social morality; public morals
公德心 {n} /gōngdéxīn/ :: sense of public spirit
公敌 {def} SEE: 公敵 ::
公敵 {n} /gōngdí/ :: public enemy; threat
公定 {adj} [attributive] /gōngdìng/ :: conventional; official (of a price, weight, etc.)
公吨 {def} SEE: 公噸 ::
公噸 {n} /gōng噸/ :: metric ton
公鵝 {n} /gōng'é/ :: gander
公鹅 {def} SEE: 公鵝 ::
公法 {n} [law] /gōngfǎ/ :: public law
公法 {n} [law] /gōngfǎ/ :: international law
公方 {adj} [literary] /gōngfāng/ :: fair and upright
公方 {n} [literary] /gōngfāng/ :: fair and upright person
公方 {n} [historical] /gōngfāng/ :: state's side (of joint state-private enterprise)
公方 {n} /gōngfāng/ :: cubic metre
公房 {n} /gōngfáng/ :: public housing; state-owned housing
公房 {def} SEE: 恭房 ::
公房 {n} /gōngfáng/ :: dormitory (especially for unmarried people)
公放 {v} [neologism] /gōngfàng/ :: to play sound (on a phone, pad or other mobile device) through speakers (rather than the telephone receiver or earphones)
公費 {n} /gōngfèi/ :: state expense; public funding (Classifier: m:份)
公費 {adj} [attributive] /gōngfèi/ :: at state expense; publicly-funded
公费 {def} SEE: 公費 ::
公分 {n} /gōngfēn/ :: centimeter; centimetre (SI unit)
公分 {n} [dated] /gōngfēn/ :: gram
公愤 {def} SEE: 公憤 ::
公憤 {n} /gōngfèn/ :: public indignation; public outrage
公服 {n} [historical] /gōngfú/ :: court robes; imperial uniform
公覆 {prop} /Gōngfù/ :: The Chinese style name of Huang Gai (born 145)
公告 {n} /gōnggào/ :: announcement; proclamation
公告 {v} /gōnggào/ :: to inform the public; to declare; to proclaim; to announce
公告牌 {n} /gōnggàopái,er/ :: billboard; signage; bulletin
公公 {n} [Mandarin, Gan, Jin, Wu] /gōnggong/ :: father-in-law (husband's father)
公公 {n} [archaic] /gōnggong/ :: eunuch
公公 {n} [archaic] /gōnggong/ :: Grand Preceptor
公公 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese, dialectal Gan, dialectal Wu] /gōnggong/ :: maternal grandfather
公公 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Gan, dialectal Hakka, Huizhou, Handan Jin, Min Bei, Xiang, dialectal Wu] /gōnggong/ :: paternal grandfather
公公 {n} /gōnggong/ :: old man; elderly man
公共 {adj} [attributive] /gōnggòng/ :: public; communal
公共部門 {n} /gōnggòng bùmén/ :: public sector
公共部门 {def} SEE: 公共部門 ::
公共厕所 {def} SEE: 公共廁所 ::
公共厠所 {def} SEE: 公共廁所 ::
公共廁所 {n} /gōnggòng cèsuǒ/ :: public toilet
公共場所 {n} /gōnggòng 場suǒ/ :: public place
公共场所 {def} SEE: 公共場所 ::
公共車 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Wenzhou Wu] /gōnggòngchē/ :: public bus
公共车 {def} SEE: 公共車 ::
公共房屋 {n} /gōnggòng fángwū/ :: public housing
公共关系 {def} SEE: 公共關係 ::
公共關係 {n} /gōnggòng guānxì,gōnggòng guānxi,1nb/ :: public relations
公共行政 {n} /gōnggòng xíngzhèng/ :: public administration
公共积累 {def} SEE: 公共積累 ::
公共積累 {n} [finance] /gōnggòng jīlěi/ :: public accumulation (of funds)
公共交通 {n} /gōnggòng jiāotōng/ :: public transport; public transit; public transportation
公共历史学 {def} SEE: 公共歷史學 ::
公共历史学家 {def} SEE: 公共歷史學家 ::
公共歷史學 {n} /gōnggòng lìshǐxué/ :: public history
公共歷史學家 {n} /gōnggòng lìshǐxuéjiā/ :: public historian
公共牌 {n} [poker] /gōnggòngpái/ :: community card
公共汽車 {n} /gōnggòng qìchē,er/ :: public bus (Classifier: m:輛c:架)
公共汽車 {n} [slang, derogatory] /gōnggòng qìchē,er/ :: town bicycle
公共汽車站 {n} /gōnggòngqìchē zhàn/ :: bus stop
公共汽车 {def} SEE: 公共汽車 ::
公共汽车站 {def} SEE: 公共汽車站 ::
公共事业 {def} SEE: 公共事業 ::
公共事業 {n} /gōnggòng shìyè/ :: public work
公共受托机构 {def} SEE: 公共受託機構 ::
公共受託機構 {n} /gōnggòng shòutuō jīgòu/ :: public trustee
公共图书馆 {def} SEE: 公共圖書館 ::
公共圖書館 {n} /gōnggòng túshūguǎn/ :: public library
公共卫生 {def} SEE: 公共衛生 ::
公共衛生 {n} [medicine] /gōnggòng wèishēng/ :: public health
公共衞生 {def} SEE: 公共衛生 ::
公共物品 {n} [economics] /gōnggòng wùpǐn/ :: public good
公共政策 {n} [legal] /gōnggòng zhèngcè/ :: public policy
公共知識分子 {n} [neologism, sometimes, disapprovingly] /gōnggòng zhīshifènzǐ,gōnggòng zhīshìfènzǐ,1nb/ :: intellectual who discusses publicly
公共知识分子 {def} SEE: 公共知識分子 ::
公狗 {n} /gōnggǒu/ :: male dog
公关 {def} SEE: 公關 ::
公关小姐 {def} SEE: 公關小姐 ::
公關 {n} /gōngguān/ :: public relations; PR
公關小姐 {n} /gōngguān xiǎojiě/ :: female public relations officer
公館 {n} /gōngguǎn/ :: imperial guesthouse
公館 {n} /gōngguǎn/ :: grand residence of a rich or important person (such as a government official)
公館 {n} /gōngguǎn/ :: mansion; luxury house
公館 {n} [honorific] /gōngguǎn/ :: your residence; their residence
公館 {n} /gōngguǎn/ :: hotel
公館 {prop} /gōngguǎn/ :: (~ 鎮) 公館 (town)
公館 {prop} /gōngguǎn/ :: (~ 鎮) 公館 (town)
公館 {prop} /gōngguǎn/ :: (~ 鄉) 公館 (rural township)
公館 {prop} /gōngguǎn/ :: (~ 鄉) 公館 (township)
公館 {prop} /gōngguǎn/ :: Gongguan area in Taipei, Taiwan
公馆 {def} SEE: 公館 ::
公国 {def} SEE: 公國 ::
公國 {n} /gōngguó/ :: duchy; dukedom; principality
公海 {n} /gōnghǎi/ :: high seas
公海 {n} /gōnghǎi/ :: international waters
公害 {n} /gōnghài/ :: social effects of pollution; environmental pollution
公害 {n} /gōnghài/ :: public nuisance or hazard
公函 {n} /gōnghán/ :: official correspondence
公行 {prop} /Gōngháng/ :: a civil organisation in Qing Dynasty Guangzhou, which monopolised trade with western countries
公河 {prop} /Gōnghé/ :: 公河 (river)
公河 {prop} /Gōnghé/ :: (~ 市) 公河 (city)
公河 {prop} /Gōnghé/ :: (~ 省) 公河 (province)
公会 {def} SEE: 公會 ::
公會 {n} /gōnghuì/ :: abbreviation of 同業公會
公會 {n} /gōnghuì/ :: team (on a live broadcasting platform)
公积 {def} SEE: 公積 ::
公积金 {def} SEE: 公積金 ::
公積 {n} /gōngjī/ :: reserve funds
公積金 {n} /gōngjījīn/ :: official reserves
公積金 {n} /gōngjījīn/ :: accumulated fund
公積金 {n} /gōngjījīn/ :: superannuation
公積金 {n} [Singapore] /gōngjījīn/ :: Central Provident Fund
公雞 {n} /gōngjī/ :: cock; rooster
公鸡 {def} SEE: 公雞 ::
公祭 {n} /gōngjì/ :: public memorial
公家 {adj} /gōngjiā,tl/ :: public
公家 {n} /gōngjiā,tl/ :: the state
公家 {n} /gōngjiā,tl/ :: the public
公家 {n} /gōngjiā,tl/ :: imperial family
公家 {n} /gōngjiā,tl/ :: royal court; imperial court; imperial household; imperial government
公假日 {n} [Australia, Malaysia, Singapore] /gōngjiàrì/ :: public holiday
公价 {def} SEE: 公價 ::
公價 {n} /gōngjià/ :: official price; price set by the public or the state
公交 {n} /gōngjiāo/ :: abbreviation of 公共交通
公交 {n} /gōngjiāo/ :: abbreviation of 公交車
公交車 {n} /gōngjiāochē/ :: bus (Classifier: m:輛c:架)
公交車 {n} [slang, derogatory] /gōngjiāochē/ :: town bicycle
公交车 {def} SEE: 公交車 ::
公交站 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /gōngjiāozhàn/ :: bus stop; bus station
公教 {n} /gōngjiào/ :: public education; government-established education
公教 {n} /gōngjiào/ :: Catholicism
公斤 {n} /gōngjīn/ :: kilogram
公瑾 {prop} /Gōngjǐn/ :: The Chinese style name of Zhou Yu (175 - 210)
公举 {def} SEE: 公舉 ::
公舉 {v} /gōngjǔ/ :: to elect publicly
公舉 {n} [neologism, slang, cute-sounding] /gōngjǔ/ :: princess (young girl or woman considered vain, spoiled or selfish)
公决 {def} SEE: 公決 ::
公決 {v} /gōngjué/ :: to make a collective decision
公爵 {n} /gōngjué/ :: duke
公开 {def} SEE: 公開 ::
公开处刑 {def} SEE: 公開處刑 ::
公开课 {def} SEE: 公開課 ::
公开赛 {def} SEE: 公開賽 ::
公开信 {def} SEE: 公開信 ::
公開 {adj} /gōngkāi/ :: open; public; publicly available
公開 {v} /gōngkāi/ :: to make public
公開處刑 {n} [ACG, slang] /gōngkāi chǔxíng/ :: the act of embarrassing someone in public by exposing their secret (such as a collection of erotic manga)
公開課 {n} /gōngkāikè/ :: public online class; public course
公開賽 {n} /gōngkāisài/ :: championship; open competition
公開信 {n} /gōngkāixìn/ :: open letter
公克 {n} /gōngkè/ :: gram (unit of mass)
公筷 {n} /gōngkuài/ :: serving chopsticks
公筷母匙 {idiom} /gōngkuàimǔchí/ :: serving chopsticks and spoons
公款 {n} /gōngkuǎn/ :: public money; public funding; public purse
公了 {v} /gōngliǎo/ :: to settle (a matter) with the assistance of authorities; to settle in court
公厘 {def} SEE: 公釐 ::
公釐 {n} /gōnglí/ :: centimetre/centimeter (SI unit)
公理 {n} /gōnglǐ/ :: commonly acknowledged principle
公理 {n} [logic, mathematics] /gōnglǐ/ :: axiom
公礼 {def} SEE: 公禮 ::
公禮 {prop} /Gōnglǐ/ :: The Chinese style name of Yu Shao
公里 {n} /gōnglǐ/ :: kilometre
公里 {n} /gōnglǐ/ :: short fo 公里每小時 (kilometres per hour)
公例 {n} /gōnglì/ :: general rule; convention
公历 {def} SEE: 公曆 ::
公曆 {n} /gōnglì/ :: Gregorian calendar
公立 {adj} [attributive] /gōnglì/ :: public (established and maintained by the government)
公立学校 {def} SEE: 公立學校 ::
公立學校 {n} /gōnglì xuéxiào/ :: public school; state school
公良 {prop} /Gōngliáng/ :: surname
公路 {n} /gōnglù/ :: highway; road
公論 {n} [literary] /gōnglùn/ :: public opinion
公论 {def} SEE: 公論 ::
公驢 {n} /gōnglǘ/ :: male donkey; male ass
公驴 {def} SEE: 公驢 ::
公驴子 {def} SEE: 公驢子 ::
公妈 {def} SEE: 公媽 ::
公馬 {n} /gōngmǎ/ :: male horse; stallion
公马 {def} SEE: 公馬 ::
公猫 {def} SEE: 公貓 ::
公猫儿 {def} SEE: 公貓兒 ::
公貓 {n} /gōngmāo/ :: male cat; tomcat
公茅厕 {def} SEE: 公茅廁 ::
公民 {n} /gōngmín/ :: citizen
公民 {n} /gōngmín/ :: civics
公民教育 {n} [education] /gōngmín jiàoyù/ :: civics
公民結合 {n} /gōngmín jiéhé/ :: civil union
公民结合 {def} SEE: 公民結合 ::
公民权 {def} SEE: 公民權 ::
公民權 {n} /gōngmínquán/ :: civil rights
公民權 {n} /gōngmínquán/ :: citizenship
公民社会 {def} SEE: 公民社會 ::
公民社會 {n} /gōngmín shèhuì/ :: civil society
公民投票 {n} /gōngmín tóupiào/ :: public voting; referendum; plebiscite
公民学 {def} SEE: 公民學 ::
公民學 {n} [education] /gōngmínxué/ :: civics
公明 {adj} /gōngmíng/ :: just and open
公明 {prop} /gōngmíng/ :: surname
公明正大 {idiom} /gōngmíngzhèngdà/ :: alternative form of 光明正大
公亩 {def} SEE: 公畝 ::
公母 {n} /gōngmǔ,er/ :: male and female
公畝 {classifier} /gōngmǔ/ :: are (unit of area equal to 100 square metres)
公墓 {n} /gōngmù/ :: public cemetery; graveyard
公牛 {n} /gōngniú/ :: bull; ox
公牛鯊 {n} /gōngniúshā/ :: bull shark
公牛鲨 {def} SEE: 公牛鯊 ::
公判 {n} /gōngpàn/ :: public opinion, public announcement of verdict at a trial
公平 {adj} /gōngpíng/ :: just; impartial; fair
公平 {prop} /gōngpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 公平 (town)
公平 {prop} /gōngpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 公平 (town)
公評 {n} /gōngpíng/ :: fair comment; public comment
公评 {def} SEE: 公評 ::
公婆 {n} /gōngpó/ :: parents-in-law (of a married woman); husband's parents
公婆 {n} [Cantonese, Hakka, Wu] /gōngpó/ :: husband and wife; married couple
公婆 {n} [Mainland China Hokkien] /gōngpó/ :: ancestor; predecessor
公婆 {n} [Mainland China Hokkien] /gōngpó/ :: spirit tablet; ancestral tablet (tablet with the name of an ancestor inscribed on it)
公仆 {def} SEE: 公僕 ::
公僕 {n} /gōngpú/ :: public servant
公卿 {n} [literary] /gōngqīng/ :: the Three Excellencies and Nine Ministers
公卿 {n} [literary] /gōngqīng/ :: generic term for all of the high-level ministers and officials within the government
公頃 {n} /gōngqǐng/ :: hectare
公顷 {def} SEE: 公頃 ::
公犬 {n} /gōngquǎn/ :: male dog
公然 {adv} /gōngrán/ :: openly; overtly; out in public; publicly; undisguised
公人 {n} [legal] /gōngrén/ :: public person
公人 {n} [archaic] /gōngrén/ :: government corvée
公仁 {prop} /Gōngrén/ :: The Chinese style name of Dong Zhao (156-236)
公認 {v} /gōngrèn/ :: to be generally acknowledged
公認發音 {prop} /gōngrèn fāyīn/ :: Received Pronunciation
公认 {def} SEE: 公認 ::
公认发音 {def} SEE: 公認發音 ::
公善 {n} /gōngshàn/ :: public good
公社 {n} /gōngshè/ :: primitive commune
公社 {n} /gōngshè/ :: commune
公設 {n} [logic, mathematics] /gōngshè/ :: postulate
公设 {def} SEE: 公設 ::
公审 {def} SEE: 公審 ::
公審 {n} [legal] /gōngshěn/ :: public or open trial
公升 {classifier} /gōngshēng/ :: litre
公使 {n} /gōngshǐ/ :: (diplomatic) minister
公使館 {n} /gōngshǐguǎn/ :: legation
公使馆 {def} SEE: 公使館 ::
公事 {n} /gōngshì/ :: official business
公事包 {n} /gōngshìbāo/ :: briefcase
公式 {n} [mathematics, chemistry] /gōngshì/ :: formula
公式 {n} /gōngshì/ :: formula as a method of achieving something
公示 {v} /gōngshì/ :: to make known to the public and seek opinions; to make a public announcement of
公署 {n} /gōng署/ :: government office, department or commission
公司 {n} [finance, business] /gōngsī/ :: company; firm; corporation (Classifier: 個家間)
公司 {n} [dated] /gōngsī/ :: Kongsi; clan hall (benevolent organisation of overseas Chinese of the same origin) (Classifier: 個家間)
公司三明治 {n} /gōngsī sānmíngzhì/ :: club sandwich
公私 {n} /gōngsī/ :: public and private; official and private
公私 {v} [Malaysia] /gōngsī/ :: to share; to use or enjoy together
公私合營 {n} [historical] /gōngsī héyíng/ :: joint state-private ownership
公私合营 {def} SEE: 公私合營 ::
公私兼顧 {idiom} /gōngsījiāngù/ :: to take into consideration both the public and the private interest
公私兼顾 {def} SEE: 公私兼顧 ::
公訴 {n} /gōngsù/ :: (public) prosecution; indictment
公诉 {def} SEE: 公訴 ::
公孙 {def} SEE: 公孫 ::
公孙树 {def} SEE: 公孫樹 ::
公孫 {n} [literary] /gōngsūn/ :: grandson of a feudal lord
公孫 {n} [literary] /gōngsūn/ :: a respectful form of address for the grandson of an aristocratic bureaucrat
公孫 {prop} /gōngsūn/ :: surname
公孫樹 {n} /gōngsūnshù/ :: ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba, tree)
公所 {n} [dated in Mainland] /gōngsuǒ/ :: government office
公所 {n} [historical] /gōngsuǒ/ :: a kind of trade association
公臺 {prop} /Gōngtái/ :: The Chinese style name of Chen Gong (died 198)
公台 {def} SEE: 公臺 ::
公摊 {def} SEE: 公攤 ::
公攤 {v} /gōngtān/ :: to share funds or expenses
公攤 {adj} /gōngtān/ :: shared [of expenses]
公堂 {n} /gōngtáng/ :: court; court of law; tribunal
公堂 {n} /gōngtáng/ :: hall (for holding meetings, concerts, receiving guests, etc.)
公帑 {n} /gōngtǎng/ :: public money; public funds
公厅 {def} SEE: 公廳 ::
公听会 {def} SEE: 公聽會 ::
公廳 {n} [historical, archaic] /gōngtīng/ :: yamen
公廳 {n} [chiefly Hakka] /gōngtīng/ :: hall where spirit tablets of a clan are placed
公聽會 {n} /gōngtīnghuì/ :: public hearing
公庭 {n} /gōngtíng/ :: ruler's court; imperial court
公庭 {n} [archaic] /gōngtíng/ :: court; court of law; tribunal
公投 {n} /gōngtóu/ :: public voting; referendum; plebiscite
公網 {n} [Internet] /gōngwǎng/ :: wide area network
公网 {def} SEE: 公網 ::
公卫 {def} SEE: 公衛 ::
公衛 {n} /gōngwèi/ :: abbreviation of 公共衛生
公衛 {n} /gōngwèi/ :: abbreviation of 公共衛生間
公衞 {def} SEE: 公衛 ::
公文 {n} /gōngwén/ :: official document (Classifier: m:份)
公文包 {n} /gōngwénbāo/ :: briefcase; attaché case
公我赢,字你输 {def} SEE: 公我贏,字你輸 ::
公屋 {n} [Hong Kong] /gōngwū/ :: public rental housing
公务 {def} SEE: 公務 ::
公务舱 {def} SEE: 公務艙 ::
公务人员 {def} SEE: 公務人員 ::
公务员 {def} SEE: 公務員 ::
公務 {n} /gōngwù/ :: official business; public duty
公務艙 {n} /gōngwùcāng/ :: business class (of an airplane)
公務人員 {n} /gōngwù rényuán/ :: government employee
公務員 {n} /gōngwùyuán/ :: functionary; civil servant; government official
公物 {n} /gōngwù/ :: public property
公西 {prop} /Gōngxī/ :: surname
公孝 {prop} /Gōngxiào/ :: The Chinese style name of Cen Zhi
公校 {n} /gōngxiào/ :: abbreviation of 公立學校
公心 {n} /gōngxīn/ :: a heart of justice; the idea of giving priority to public interests
公信 {n} /gōngxìn/ :: public confidence; public credibility
公信力 {n} /gōngxìnlì/ :: credibility in the eyes of the public
公鴨 {n} /gōngyā/ :: drake
公鴨嗓子 {n} /gōngyāsǎngzi/ :: gruff voice
公鸭 {def} SEE: 公鴨 ::
公鸭嗓子 {def} SEE: 公鴨嗓子 ::
公鸭子 {def} SEE: 公鴨子 ::
公烟 {def} SEE: 公煙 ::
公煙 {n} [historical] /gōngyān/ :: foreign opium
公煙 {n} [historical] /gōngyān/ :: opium whose sale was sanctioned by the government
公演 {v} /gōngyǎn/ :: to put on a public performance (of a play, concert, etc.); to perform in public
公羊 {n} /gōngyáng/ :: ram (male sheep)
公羊 {prop} /Gōngyáng/ :: surname
公羊 {prop} /Gōngyáng/ :: abbreviation of 公羊傳
公羊传 {def} SEE: 公羊傳 ::
公羊傳 {prop} /Gōngyángzhuàn/ :: Gongyang Zhuan; Commentary of Gongyang
公約 {n} /gōngyuē/ :: convention (formal agreement or treaty)
公約 {n} /gōngyuē/ :: pact; pledge
公鑰 {n} [cryptography] /gōngyào/ :: public key
公钥 {def} SEE: 公鑰 ::
公冶 {prop} /Gōngyě/ :: surname
公义 {def} SEE: 公義 ::
公奕 {prop} /Gōngyì/ :: The Chinese style name of Jiang Qin (died 219)
公意 {n} /gōngyì/ :: will of the public
公益 {n} /gōngyì/ :: the public good; the common good; the public interest
公益 {n} /gōngyì/ :: welfare work
公益 {prop} /gōngyì/ :: (~ 村) 公益 (village)
公益广告 {def} SEE: 公益廣告 ::
公益廣告 {n} /gōngyì guǎnggào/ :: public service advertising; public service announcement
公益金 {n} /gōngyìjīn/ :: public welfare fund; community fund
公益事业 {def} SEE: 公益事業 ::
公益事業 {n} /gōngyì shìyè/ :: service to the public; charity
公益团体 {def} SEE: 公益團體 ::
公益團體 {n} /gōngyì tuántǐ/ :: charitable organization
公義 {n} /gōngyì/ :: righteousness; uprightness; virtuousness
公議 {v} /gōngyì/ :: to have a public or mass discussion
公议 {def} SEE: 公議 ::
公因式 {n} [mathematics] /gōngyīnshì/ :: common factor
公因數 {n} [mathematics] /gōngyīnshù/ :: common factor
公因数 {def} SEE: 公因數 ::
公因子 {n} [mathematics] /gōngyīnzǐ/ :: common factor
公營 {adj} /gōngyíng/ :: public, publicly owned
公营 {def} SEE: 公營 ::
公映 {v} /gōngyìng/ :: to hold a public screening (of a film)
公用 {v} /gōngyòng/ :: to be for public use; to be communal
公用 {adj} [attributive] /gōngyòng/ :: public; communal
公用电话 {def} SEE: 公用電話 ::
公用電話 {n} /gōngyòng diànhuà/ :: public telephone (Classifier: m:個m:臺)
公用牌 {n} [poker] /gōngyòngpái/ :: community card
公有 {v} /gōngyǒu/ :: to be publicly owned; to be public
公有 {adj} [attributive] /gōngyǒu/ :: publicly owned; public
公有財產 {n} /gōngyǒu cáichǎn/ :: public property
公有财产 {def} SEE: 公有財產 ::
公有領域 {n} [copyright] /gōngyǒu lǐngyù/ :: public domain
公有领域 {def} SEE: 公有領域 ::
公有物 {n} /gōngyǒuwù/ :: public property
公有制 {n} /gōngyǒuzhì/ :: public ownership
公余 {def} SEE: 公餘 ::
公餘 {n} /gōngyú/ :: spare time; free time
公寓 {n} /gōngyù/ :: apartment; flat (Classifier: 座間所套)
公寓大楼 {def} SEE: 公寓大樓 ::
公寓大樓 {n} /gōngyù dàlóu/ :: apartment building
公寓楼 {def} SEE: 公寓樓 ::
公寓樓 {n} /gōngyùlóu/ :: apartment building
公元 {n} /gōngyuán/ :: anno Domini (AD); Common Era (CE)
公元前 {n} /gōngyuánqián/ :: Before the Common Era (BCE); Before Christ (BC)
公园 {def} SEE: 公園 ::
公園 {n} /gōngyuán,er/ :: park (Classifier: m:座m:家)
公约 {def} SEE: 公約 ::
公允 {adj} /gōngyǔn/ :: fair; equitable; even-handed; just
公仔 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gōngzǎi/ :: doll; cuddly toy
公仔 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gōngzǎi/ :: cartoon figure
公仔面 {def} SEE: 公仔麵 ::
公仔麪 {def} SEE: 公仔麵 ::
公仔麵 {n} /gōngzǎimiàn/ :: Doll Instant Noodles (a brand of instant noodles produced in Hong Kong)
公仔麵 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gōngzǎimiàn/ :: by genericization, any instant noodles
公仔书 {def} SEE: 公仔書 ::
公仔書 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gōngzǐshū/ :: comic book; picture story-book
公债 {def} SEE: 公債 ::
公债券 {def} SEE: 公債券 ::
公債 {n} [finance, government] /gōngzhài/ :: government bond (Classifier: m:項)
公債券 {n} /gōngzhài券,er/ :: government bond
公章 {n} /gōngzhāng/ :: official stamp; official seal
公正 {adj} /gōngzhèng/ :: just; fair; equitable; even-handed; impartial
公正廉明 {idiom} /gōngzhèngliánmíng/ :: honest and incorruptible
公證 {v} /gōngzhèng/ :: to notarize; to certify (a document)
公證處 {n} /gōngzhèngchù/ :: notary office
公證人 {n} /gōngzhèngrén/ :: notary public
公證書 {n} /gōngzhèngshū/ :: notarized document; notarization; notarial certificate
公證員 {n} /gōngzhèngyuán/ :: notary public
公证 {def} SEE: 公證 ::
公证处 {def} SEE: 公證處 ::
公证人 {def} SEE: 公證人 ::
公证书 {def} SEE: 公證書 ::
公证员 {def} SEE: 公證員 ::
公之於眾 {v} /gōngzhīyúzhòng/ :: to reveal to the public
公之于众 {def} SEE: 公之於眾 ::
公知 {n} /gōngzhī/ :: abbreviation of 公共知識分子
公直 {adj} [literary] /gōngzhí/ :: just; fair; equitable; even-handed; impartial
公职 {def} SEE: 公職 ::
公職 {n} /gōngzhí/ :: public office
公众 {def} SEE: 公眾 ::
公众号 {def} SEE: 公眾號 ::
公众假期 {def} SEE: 公眾假期 ::
公众人物 {def} SEE: 公眾人物 ::
公众意见 {def} SEE: 公眾意見 ::
公眾 {n} /gōngzhòng/ :: general public; public
公眾 {adj} [attributive] /gōngzhòng/ :: public; communal
公眾號 {n} /gōngzhònghào/ :: official account (on a social networking platform)
公眾假期 {n} /gōngzhòng jiǎ期/ :: public holiday
公眾人物 {n} /gōngzhòng rénwù/ :: public figure
公眾意見 {n} /gōngzhòng yìjiàn/ :: public opinion
公州 {prop} /Gōngzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 公州 (city)
公猪 {def} SEE: 公豬 ::
公諸於世 {idiom} /gōngzhūyúshì/ :: to make something known to the world; to make something public
公诸于世 {def} SEE: 公諸於世 ::
公豬 {n} /gōngzhū/ :: boar
公主 {n} /gōngzhǔ/ :: daughter of a monarch; princess
公主 {n} /gōngzhǔ/ :: princess (young girl or woman considered vain, spoiled or selfish)
公主抱 {n} /gōngzhǔbào/ :: bridal carry; princess carry
公主病 {n} [slang, neologism] /gōngzhǔbìng/ :: princess sickness (tendency of a young woman to act like a spoilt, narcissistic princess)
公主岭 {def} SEE: 公主嶺 ::
公主嶺 {prop} /Gōngzhǔlǐng/ :: (~ 市) 公主嶺 (county-level city)
公轉 {v} [astronomy] /gōngzhuàn/ :: to revolve (around another planet)
公转 {def} SEE: 公轉 ::
公子 {n} [historical] /gōngzǐ/ :: scion; son or daughter of a feudal prince, vassal king or duke (especially of the kings of Zhou dynasty)
公子 {n} [honorific] /gōngzǐ/ :: your son
公子 {n} [figurative] /gōngzǐ/ :: son of privilege; son of an official; son of nobility
公子 {prop} /gōngzǐ/ :: surname
公子哥 {n} /gōngzǐgē,er/ :: pampered son of a wealthy family; dandy; fop
公子哥儿 {def} SEE: 公子哥兒 ::
公子哥兒 {n} /gōngzǐgēr/ :: dandy; playboy; pampered son of a wealthy or influential family
公子爷舍 {def} SEE: 公子爺舍 ::
{def} /gōng/ :: achievement; merit; good result
{def} [physics] /gōng/ :: work
功敗垂成 {idiom} /gōngbàichuíchéng/ :: to fail when victory is imminent
功败垂成 {def} SEE: 功敗垂成 ::
功不可沒 {idiom} /gōngbùkěmò/ :: one's contributions cannot go unnoticed
功不可没 {def} SEE: 功不可沒 ::
功曹 {n} [archaic] /gōngcáo/ :: an assistant to the governor of a commandery or county
功臣 {n} /gōngchén/ :: person who has made an exceptional contribution
功臣 {n} [historical] /gōngchén/ :: subject, minister or official who has rendered outstanding service
功成 {n} [literary] /gōngchéng/ :: merits and achievements; outstanding work and contribution
功成名就 {idiom} /gōngchéngmíngjiù/ :: synonym of 功成名遂
功成名遂 {idiom} /gōngchéngmíngsuì/ :: merits accomplished and fame obtained
功德 {n} /gōngdé/ :: merits and virtues
功德 {n} [Buddhism] /gōngdé/ :: charitable and pious deeds; benefaction; beneficence; works
功德無量 {idiom} [of deeds] /gōngdéwúliàng/ :: great; of boundless beneficence; to do immeasurable good
功德无量 {def} SEE: 功德無量 ::
功底 {n} /gōngdǐ/ :: solid foundation in a particular skill or training
功夫 {n} /gōngfu/ :: time (to do something)
功夫 {n} /gōngfu/ :: efforts (devoted to a task)
功夫 {n} /gōngfu/ :: accomplishments, achievement
功夫 {n} /gōngfu/ :: skill; art; workmanship (especially in martial arts)
功夫 {n} /gōngfu/ :: kung fu (Chinese Martial art)
功夫茶 {def} SEE: 工夫茶 ::
功夫片 {n} /gōngfupiàn,gōngfupiān,er/ :: kungfu film
功夫網 {prop} [colloquial, slang] /Gōngfuwǎng/ :: Great Firewall of China (GFW)
功夫网 {def} SEE: 功夫網 ::
功過 {n} /gōngguò/ :: merits and demerits; contributions and mistakes
功过 {def} SEE: 功過 ::
功函數 {n} [physics] /gōnghánshù/ :: work function
功函数 {def} SEE: 功函數 ::
功耗 {n} /gōnghào/ :: power dissipation; power consumption
功績 {n} /gōng績/ :: deed; achievement; feat; contribution
功绩 {def} SEE: 功績 ::
功課 {n} /gōngkè/ :: homework (assignments done for a grade); schoolwork
功課 {n} /gōngkè/ :: lessons; curriculum; school subjects
功課 {n} [Buddhism] /gōngkè/ :: scripture-chanting
功課 {n} [figurative] /gōngkè/ :: homework (preliminary or preparatory work, such as research)
功课 {def} SEE: 功課 ::
功亏一篑 {def} SEE: 功虧一簣 ::
功虧一簣 {idiom} /gōngkuī一kuì/ :: to fall short of success due to the lack of a final effort
功劳 {def} SEE: 功勞 ::
功勞 {n} /gōngláo/ :: contribution; credit; merit; meritorious service
功利 {n} /gōnglì/ :: efficacy and interest
功利 {n} /gōnglì/ :: utility; material gain
功利 {n} /gōnglì/ :: money and fame
功利化 {v} /gōnglìhuà/ :: to utilitarianise
功利主义 {def} SEE: 功利主義 ::
功利主義 {n} /gōnglìzhǔyì/ :: utilitarianism
功力 {n} /gōnglì/ :: effectiveness; efficacy
功力 {n} /gōnglì/ :: skill
功烈 {n} [literary] /gōngliè/ :: contribution; credit; merit; meritorious service; achievement
功率 {n} /gōnglǜ/ :: efficiency (of a piece of machinery)
功率 {n} [physics] /gōnglǜ/ :: power (rate of energy transfer)
功率譜 {n} /gōnglǜpǔ/ :: power spectrum
功率谱 {def} SEE: 功率譜 ::
功名 {n} /gōngmíng/ :: accomplishment and fame; achievements and reputation
功名 {n} [archaic] /gōngmíng/ :: social status of a scholar or official
功名富貴 {n} /gōngmíng fùguì/ :: fame, wealth and prestige
功名富贵 {def} SEE: 功名富貴 ::
功能 {n} /gōngnéng/ :: function; feature; capability; competence
功能翻譯理論 {n} [translation studies] /gōngnéng fānyì lǐlùn/ :: Skopos theory; Skopostheorie
功能翻译理论 {def} SEE: 功能翻譯理論 ::
功能机 {def} SEE: 功能機 ::
功能機 {n} /gōngnéngjī/ :: featurephone
功能界別 {n} [Hong Kong, Macau, politics] /gōngnéng jièbié/ :: functional constituency
功能界别 {def} SEE: 功能界別 ::
功能手机 {def} SEE: 功能手機 ::
功能手機 {n} /gōngnéng shǒujī/ :: featurephone
功能性 {n} /gōngnéngxìng/ :: functionality
功能障碍 {def} SEE: 功能障礙 ::
功能障礙 {n} [medicine] /gōngnéng zhàng'ài/ :: dysfunction
功微德薄 {idiom} [of a person] /gōng微débó/ :: having few accomplishments or virtues
功效 {n} /gōngxiào/ :: efficiency; efficacy
功效 {n} [literary] /gōngxiào/ :: deed; achievement; feat; contribution
功勋 {def} SEE: 功勛 ::
功勛 {n} /gōngxūn/ :: exploit; meritorious service
功业 {def} SEE: 功業 ::
功業 {n} /gōngyè/ :: merits and achievements; outstanding work and contribution
功用 {n} /gōngyòng/ :: function; use
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
宫保 {def} SEE: 宮保 ::
宫保鸡丁 {def} SEE: 宮保雞丁 ::
宫爆鸡丁 {def} SEE: 宮爆雞丁 ::
宫城 {def} SEE: 宮城 ::
宫殿 {def} SEE: 宮殿 ::
宫东 {def} SEE: 宮東 ::
宫斗 {def} SEE: 宮鬥 ::
宫斗剧 {def} SEE: 宮鬥劇 ::
宫妃 {def} SEE: 宮妃 ::
宫府 {def} SEE: 宮府 ::
宫颈 {def} SEE: 宮頸 ::
宫颈癌 {def} SEE: 宮頸癌 ::
宫颈刮片 {def} SEE: 宮頸刮片 ::
宫颈糜烂 {def} SEE: 宮頸糜爛 ::
宫颈涂片 {def} SEE: 宮頸塗片 ::
宫公 {def} SEE: 宮公 ::
宫古 {def} SEE: 宮古 ::
宫古岛 {def} SEE: 宮古島 ::
宫津 {def} SEE: 宮津 ::
宫禁 {def} SEE: 宮禁 ::
宫庙 {def} SEE: 宮廟 ::
宫女 {def} SEE: 宮女 ::
宫嫔 {def} SEE: 宮嬪 ::
宫崎 {def} SEE: 宮崎 ::
宫腔 {def} SEE: 宮腔 ::
宫腔镜 {def} SEE: 宮腔鏡 ::
宫阙 {def} SEE: 宮闕 ::
宫人 {def} SEE: 宮人 ::
宫若 {def} SEE: 宮若 ::
宫室 {def} SEE: 宮室 ::
宫庭 {def} SEE: 宮庭 ::
宫廷 {def} SEE: 宮廷 ::
冧宫头 {def} SEE: 冧宮頭 ::
宫外孕 {def} SEE: 宮外孕 ::
宫闱 {def} SEE: 宮闈 ::
宫西 {def} SEE: 宮西 ::
宫刑 {def} SEE: 宮刑 ::
宫样 {def} SEE: 宮樣 ::
宫掖 {def} SEE: 宮掖 ::
宫院 {def} SEE: 宮院 ::
宫中 {def} SEE: 宮中 ::
{def} [archaic] /gōng/ :: house; mansion; dwelling
{def} [architecture] /gōng/ :: palace
{def} [architecture, religion] /gōng/ :: temple; shrine
{def} [anatomy, in compounds] /gōng/ :: abbreviation of 子宮
{def} [music] /gōng/ :: the first note of the Chinese pentatonic scale
{def} [historical law] /gōng/ :: castration as a punishment
{def} /gōng/ :: surname
宮保 {n} /gōngbǎo/ :: kung pao style of cooking (e.g. Kung Pao chicken)
宮保 {n} [archaic] /gōngbǎo/ :: senior tutor of the crown prince (during the Ming Dynasty, shorthand for 太子太保)
宮保 {n} [archaic] /gōngbǎo/ :: assistant to the senior tutor of the crown prince (during the Qing Dynasty, short for 太子少保)
宮保雞丁 {n} /Gōngbǎo jīdīng,er/ :: Kung Pao chicken
宮爆雞丁 {n} /Gōngbào jīdīng,er/ :: alternative form of 宮保雞丁
宮城 {prop} /Gōngchéng/ :: Miyagi
宮殿 {n} /gōngdiàn,er/ :: palace (Classifier: m:座)
宮東 {prop} /Gōngdōng/ :: (~ 村) 宮東 (village)
宮鬥 {n} [historical] /gōngdòu/ :: (power, love) struggles in the palace
宮鬥劇 {n} /gōngdòujù/ :: drama series featuring power and love struggles in the imperial palace
宮妃 {n} [historical] /gōngfēi/ :: palace concubine
宮府 {n} [archaic] /gōngfǔ/ :: the residences of the imperial family as well as the residences of all the government ministers
宮頸 {n} [anatomy] /gōngjǐng/ :: cervix
宮頸癌 {n} [oncology] /gōngjǐng癌/ :: cervical cancer
宮頸刮片 {n} [medicine] /gōngjǐng guāpiàn/ :: Pap smear
宮頸糜爛 {n} [diseases] /gōngjǐng mílàn/ :: cervical erosion; cervical ectropion
宮頸塗片 {n} [medicine] /gōngjǐng túpiàn/ :: Pap smear
宮古 {prop} /Gōnggǔ/ :: (~ 市) 宮古 (city)
宮古島 {prop} /Gōnggǔdǎo/ :: 宮古島 (island)
宮古島 {prop} /Gōnggǔdǎo/ :: (~ 市) 宮古島 (city)
宮津 {prop} /Gōngjīn/ :: (~ 市) 宮津 (city)
宮禁 {n} [archaic] /gōngjìn/ :: palace taboo; forbidden activity within the palace
宮禁 {n} [archaic] /gōngjìn/ :: palace
宮女 {n} [historical] /gōngnǚ,er/ :: lady-in-waiting within the palace; palace maid
宮嬪 {n} [literary] /gōngpín/ :: palace maid
宮崎 {prop} /Gōngqí/ :: (~ 縣) 宮崎 (prefecture)
宮崎 {prop} /Gōngqí/ :: (~ 市) 宮崎 (city)
宮腔 {n} [anatomy] /gōngqiāng/ :: endometrial cavity
宮腔鏡 {n} [medicine] /gōngqiāngjìng/ :: hysteroscope
宮腔鏡 {n} /gōngqiāngjìng/ :: (~ 手術) [medicine] hysteroscopy
宮闕 {n} [literary] /gōngquè/ :: imperial palace
宮人 {n} [historical] /gōngrén/ :: imperial concubine; palace maid
宮人 {n} [historical] /gōngrén/ :: imperial secretary
宮若 {prop} /Gōngruò/ :: (~ 市) 宮若 (city)
宮室 {n} /gōng室/ :: imperial palace; residence of the emperor
宮室 {n} [archaic] /gōng室/ :: house; building
宮庭 {def} SEE: 宮廷 ::
宮廷 {n} /gōngtíng/ :: palace; royal court (residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or other dignitary)
宮外孕 {n} [gynaecology] /gōngwàiyùn/ :: ectopic pregnancy
宮闈 {n} /gōngwéi/ :: living quarters for imperial wives and concubines
宮闈 {n} /gōngwéi/ :: imperial wives and concubines
宮西 {prop} /Gōngxī/ :: (~ 村) 宮西 (village)
宮刑 {n} [historical] /gōngxíng/ :: castration (as a form of punishment)
宮樣 {adj} [archaic] /gōngyàng/ :: in the style of clothing etc. which is worn in the imperial court
宮掖 {n} /gōngyè/ :: palace apartments
宮院 {n} /gōngyuàn/ :: palace courtyard
宮中 {n} [literary] /gōngzhōng/ :: inside the palace
{def} /gōng/ :: labour; work (Classifier: c:份)
{def} [Min Bei, Min Dong, Min Nan] /gōng/ :: working day; daytime; a day (24 hours)
{def} /gōng/ :: worker; laborer
{def} /gōng/ :: industry; profession; trade
{def} /gōng/ :: to be good at; to be skilled in
{def} /gōng/ :: delicate; exquisite
{def} /gōng/ :: one of the symbols in Gongchepu (工尺譜)
工本 {n} /gōngběn/ :: cost of production
工兵 {n} /gōngbīng/ :: combat engineer
工兵 {n} [chiefly communism] /gōngbīng/ :: short fo 工人士兵 (worker and soldier)
工部 {prop} [historical politics] /Gōngbù/ :: The imperial Chinese Ministry of Works from the Tang to Qing dynasties
工場 {n} /gōng場/ :: workshop; atelier (place where goods are made or repaired)
工厂 {def} SEE: 工廠 ::
工场 {def} SEE: 工場 ::
工廠 {n} /gōngchǎng/ :: factory; plant
工潮 {n} /gōngcháo/ :: workers' demonstration or protest movement; strike movement; labor strike
工程 {n} [uncountable] /gōngchéng/ :: engineering
工程 {n} [countable] /gōngchéng/ :: project (Classifier: 個項)
工程兵 {n} /gōngchéngbīng/ :: engineer corps
工程大 {prop} /Gōngchéngdà/ :: (~ 社區) 工程大 (residential community)
工程师 {def} SEE: 工程師 ::
工程師 {n} [engineering] /gōngchéngshī/ :: engineer
工程師 {n} [computing] /gōngchéngshī/ :: developer (of software, etc.)
工程学 {def} SEE: 工程學 ::
工程學 {n} /gōngchéngxué/ :: engineering (discipline)
工尺譜 {n} [music] /gōngchěpǔ/ :: Gongche notation (a system of musical notation using Chinese characters, used in traditional Chinese music)
工尺谱 {def} SEE: 工尺譜 ::
工党 {def} SEE: 工黨 ::
工黨 {prop} /Gōngdǎng/ :: Labour Party (in various countries)
工地 {n} /gōngdì/ :: construction site; building site
工讀 {v} /gōngdú/ :: to work part-time while studying
工讀 {v} /gōngdú/ :: to reform (of youth offenders)
工讀生 {n} /gōngdúshēng/ :: student who also works part-time
工读 {def} SEE: 工讀 ::
工读生 {def} SEE: 工讀生 ::
工段 {n} /gōngduàn/ :: section of a construction project
工段 {n} /gōngduàn/ :: workshop section
工房 {n} /gōngfáng/ :: work shed; workshop
工費 {n} /gōngfèi/ :: labour cost
工费 {def} SEE: 工費 ::
工分 {n} /gōngfēn/ :: work point (a unit indicating the quantity and quality of labor performed, and the amount of payment earned, in rural communes in the planned economy era of China)
工蜂 {n} /gōngfēng/ :: worker bee
工夫 {n} /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: time and effort taken to perform a task; work
工夫 {n} /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: skills attained after taking the time and effort; skilfulness; expertise; workmanship
工夫 {n} /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: work; labour; job; task
工夫 {n} /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: time (for doing something); free time
工夫 {n} [colloquial] /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: time (when something happened); moment; period
工夫 {n} /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: alternative form of 功夫
工夫 {adj} [Min Nan] /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: skilful; delicate; refined
工夫 {adj} [Taiwan Min Nan & Hakka] /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: thoughtful; thorough
工夫 {adj} [Taiwan Min Nan] /gōngfu,gōngfū,1nb/ :: too polite; too courteous
工夫 {n} [literary] /gōngfū/ :: temporary worker; casual labour
工夫茶 {n} /gōngfuchá/ :: congou (a kind of black tea common in Chaoshan, Fujian and Taiwan)
工行 {prop} /Gōngháng/ :: short fo 中國^工商^銀行 (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)
工合 {n} [historical] /gōnghé/ :: abbreviation of 工業合作社
工会 {def} SEE: 工會 ::
工會 {n} /gōnghuì/ :: trade union; labor union
工价 {def} SEE: 工價 ::
工價 {n} /gōngjià/ :: wage; money paid to employees
工件 {n} /gōngjiàn/ :: workpiece; work
工匠 {n} /gōngjiàng/ :: artisan; craftsman
工交 {n} /gōngjiāo/ :: industry and communications
工具 {n} [literally] /gōngjù/ :: tool; instrument; implement (Classifier: m:件)
工具 {n} [figuratively] /gōngjù/ :: means; way; tool (Classifier: m:個)
工具鋼 {n} /gōngjùgāng/ :: tool steel
工具钢 {def} SEE: 工具鋼 ::
工具格 {n} [grammar] /gōngjùgé/ :: instrumental case
工具栏 {def} SEE: 工具欄 ::
工具欄 {n} [computing] /gōngjùlán,er/ :: toolbar
工具书 {def} SEE: 工具書 ::
工具書 {n} /gōngjùshū/ :: reference book
工具箱 {n} /gōngjùxiāng/ :: toolbox
工科 {n} /gōngkē/ :: engineering (as an academic subject)
工课 {def} SEE: 工課 ::
工口 {adj} [ACG] /gōngkǒu/ :: less impolite than Japanese word エロ. erotic; lewd
工力 {n} /gōnglì/ :: skill; craftsmanship; workmanship
工力 {n} /gōnglì/ :: manpower (needed for a project); human power
工寮 {n} [Taiwan] /gōngliáo/ :: worker's dormitory hut; workers' shed
工料 {n} /gōngliào/ :: labor and materials (for a building project)
工齡 {n} [of an employee] /gōnglíng/ :: length of service; duration of employment
工龄 {def} SEE: 工齡 ::
工农 {def} SEE: 工農 ::
工农兵 {def} SEE: 工農兵 ::
工农联盟 {def} SEE: 工農聯盟 ::
工农路 {def} SEE: 工農路 ::
工農 {n} /gōngnóng/ :: workers and peasants
工農 {n} /gōngnóng/ :: working class and peasant class
工農 {n} /gōngnóng/ :: industry and agriculture
工農 {prop} /gōngnóng/ :: (~ 社區) 工農 (community)
工農兵 {n} /gōngnóngbīng/ :: short fo 工人農民士兵 (workers, peasants and soldiers)
工農聯盟 {n} /gōng-nóng liánméng/ :: worker-peasant alliance
工農路 {prop} /Gōngnónglù/ :: (~ 社區) 工農路 (community)
工棚 {n} /gōngpéng/ :: work shed; workshop
工棚 {n} /gōngpéng/ :: builder's temporary shed
工期 {n} /gōng期/ :: time limit for a project
工签 {def} SEE: 工簽 ::
工簽 {n} /gōngqiān/ :: short fo 工作簽證 (work visa; work permit)
工錢 {n} /gōngqián,tl/ :: wages; money charged for a service (especially labour work)
工钱 {def} SEE: 工錢 ::
工巧 {n} [literary] /gōngqiǎo/ :: skilful craftsman
工巧 {n} [literary] /gōngqiǎo/ :: craftsman; artisan
工巧 {adj} /gōngqiǎo/ :: delicate; exquisite; fine
工人 {n} /gōngrén/ :: worker; laborer
工人阶级 {def} SEE: 工人階級 ::
工人階級 {n} /gōngrén jiējí/ :: working class
工日 {n} /gōngrì/ :: man-day
工厦 {def} SEE: 工廈 ::
工伤 {def} SEE: 工傷 ::
工伤保险 {def} SEE: 工傷保險 ::
工傷 {n} /gōngshāng/ :: workplace injury; industrial injury; injury suffered on the job
工傷保險 {n} /gōngshāng bǎoxiǎn/ :: industrial injury insurance
工商 {n} /gōngshāng/ :: industry and commerce; business
工商管理碩士 {n} /gōngshāngguǎnlǐ shuòshì/ :: Master of Business Administration, MBA
工商管理硕士 {def} SEE: 工商管理碩士 ::
工商管理学士 {def} SEE: 工商管理學士 ::
工商管理學士 {n} /gōngshāng guǎnlǐ xuéshì/ :: Bachelor of Business Administration; B.B.A.
工商界 {n} /gōngshāngjiè/ :: the world of business; industry circles
工商业 {def} SEE: 工商業 ::
工商业者 {def} SEE: 工商業者 ::
工商業 {n} /gōngshāngyè/ :: industry and commerce
工商業者 {n} /gōngshāngyèzhě/ :: industrialists and businesspeople
工时 {def} SEE: 工時 ::
工時 {n} /gōngshí/ :: man-hour (Classifier: m,c:個)
工事 {n} /gōngshì/ :: fortifications; defense works
工藤 {prop} /Gōngténg/ :: Kudō (a Japanese surname)
工头 {def} SEE: 工頭 ::
工頭 {n} /gōngtóu/ :: foreman; overseer
工团主义 {def} SEE: 工團主義 ::
工團主義 {n} /gōngtuán zhǔyì/ :: syndicalism
工委 {n} /gōngwěi/ :: working committee
工吳 {prop} [historical] /Gōngwú/ :: the State of Wu (one of the states during the Western Zhou dynasty and the Spring and Autumn period)
工吴 {def} SEE: 工吳 ::
工細 {adj} /gōngxì/ :: exquisitely crafted
工细 {def} SEE: 工細 ::
工效 {n} /gōngxiào/ :: work efficiency
工效学 {def} SEE: 工效學 ::
工效學 {n} /gōngxiàoxué/ :: ergonomics
工薪 {n} /gōngxīn/ :: wage; salary; pay; remuneration (Classifier: m,c:筆)
工薪阶层 {def} SEE: 工薪階層 ::
工薪階層 {n} /gōngxīn jiēcéng/ :: working class
工序 {n} /gōngxù/ :: step in a work process
工序 {n} /gōngxù/ :: sequence of steps in a work process; work procedure
工学 {def} SEE: 工學 ::
工学士 {def} SEE: 工學士 ::
工学院 {def} SEE: 工學院 ::
工學 {n} /gōngxué/ :: engineering; industrial science
工學士 {n} /gōngxuéshì/ :: Bachelor of Engineering; B.Eng.; B.E
工學院 {n} /gōngxuéyuàn/ :: school of engineering; college of engineering
工业 {def} SEE: 工業 ::
工业村 {def} SEE: 工業村 ::
工业党 {def} SEE: 工業黨 ::
工业革命 {def} SEE: 工業革命 ::
工业国 {def} SEE: 工業國 ::
工业合作社 {def} SEE: 工業合作社 ::
工业化 {def} SEE: 工業化 ::
工业家 {def} SEE: 工業家 ::
工业界 {def} SEE: 工業界 ::
工业品 {def} SEE: 工業品 ::
工业区 {def} SEE: 工業區 ::
工业设计 {def} SEE: 工業設計 ::
工业学校 {def} SEE: 工業學校 ::
工业园区 {def} SEE: 工業園區 ::
工業 {n} /gōngyè/ :: industry (businesses of the same type considered as a whole, or businesses that produce goods as opposed to services)
工業村 {n} /gōngyècūn/ :: industrial village
工業黨 {n} [politics, Internet] /gōngyèdǎng/ :: advocates of industrial development and technological progress over other social concerns
工業革命 {prop} [historical] /Gōngyè Gémìng/ :: the Industrial Revolution
工業國 {n} /gōngyèguó/ :: industrialised country
工業合作社 {n} [historical] /gōngyè hézuòshè/ :: Chinese Industrial Cooperatives
工業化 {v} /gōngyèhuà/ :: to industrialize
工業化 {n} /gōngyèhuà/ :: industrialization
工業家 {n} /gōngyèjiā/ :: industrialist
工業界 {n} /gōngyèjiè/ :: industrial circles; industry
工業區 {n} /gōngyèqū/ :: industrial zone; industrial estate; industrial park
工業品 {n} /gōngyèpǐn/ :: industrial products; manufactured goods
工業設計 {n} /gōngyè shèjì/ :: industrial design
工業學校 {n} /gōngyè xuéxiào/ :: technical school
工業園區 {n} /gōngyè yuánqū/ :: industrial park
工役 {n} [dated] /gōngyì/ :: worker; workmate
工役 {n} [archaic] /gōngyì/ :: building; construction
工艺 {def} SEE: 工藝 ::
工艺美术 {def} SEE: 工藝美術 ::
工艺品 {def} SEE: 工藝品 ::
工艺伞 {def} SEE: 工藝傘 ::
工藝 {n} /gōngyì,tl/ :: technology and process of turning raw materials into products (Classifier: m:種)
工藝 {n} /gōngyì,tl/ :: craft (as in arts and crafts) (Classifier: m:種)
工藝美術 {n} /gōngyì měishù/ :: arts and crafts
工藝品 {n} /gōngyìpǐn/ :: handiwork; handicraft (Classifier: m:件)
工藝傘 {n} /gōngyìsǎn/ :: handmade parasol
工友 {n} /gōngyǒu/ :: workmate; worker
工於 {n} [literary] /gōngyú/ :: to be good at something; to be expert in; to be skilled in
工于 {def} SEE: 工於 ::
工余 {def} SEE: 工餘 ::
工餘 {n} /gōngyú/ :: spare time; free time
工欲善其事,必先利其器 {proverb} /gōng yù shàn qí shì, bì xiān lì qí qì/ :: One must have good tools in order to do a good job
工賊 {n} /gōngzéi/ :: blackleg; scab
工贼 {def} SEE: 工賊 ::
工整 {adj} [of handwriting] /gōngzhěng/ :: neat; legible
工整 {adj} [of couplets in Chinese poetry] /gōngzhěng/ :: neatly corresponding
工职 {def} SEE: 工職 ::
工職 {n} /gōngzhí/ :: job title; occupation; position
工种 {def} SEE: 工種 ::
工種 {n} /gōngzhǒng/ :: type of work in production
工专 {def} SEE: 工專 ::
工專 {n} /gōngzhuān/ :: junior college; technical college
工資 {n} /gōngzī/ :: wage; salary; pay; remuneration (Classifier: m,c:筆)
工资 {def} SEE: 工資 ::
工字鋼 {n} [architecture] /gōngzìgāng/ :: I-beam; H-beam
工字钢 {def} SEE: 工字鋼 ::
工字梁 {def} SEE: 工字樑 ::
工字樑 {n} [architecture] /gōngzìliáng/ :: I-beam; H-beam
工字鐵 {n} [architecture] /gōngzìtiě/ :: I-beam
工字铁 {def} SEE: 工字鐵 ::
工作 {v} /gōngzuò/ :: to work (to be engaged in a mental or physical activity)
工作 {v} /gōngzuò/ :: to work (to be employed)
工作 {v} /gōngzuò/ :: to work (to function properly)
工作 {n} [uncountable] /gōngzuò/ :: work (employment)
工作 {n} [countable] /gōngzuò/ :: job (position) (Classifier: 份個)
工作 {n} [countable, uncountable] /gōngzuò/ :: task; job; work (something to do) (Classifier: m:份m:項個)
工作 {n} [archaic, countable] /gōngzuò/ :: ingenious accomplishment (Classifier: 個)
工作产品 {def} SEE: 工作產品 ::
工作產品 {n} [legal, employment] /gōngzuò chǎnpǐn/ :: work product
工作場所 {n} /gōngzuò 場suǒ/ :: workplace
工作场所 {def} SEE: 工作場所 ::
工作成果 {n} [legal, employment] /gōngzuò chéngguǒ/ :: work product
工作枱 {def} SEE: 工作檯 ::
工作队 {def} SEE: 工作隊 ::
工作隊 {n} /gōngzuòduì/ :: working crew; working party; work team
工作坊 {n} /gōngzuòfāng/ :: workshop; atelier (place where goods are made or repaired)
工作坊 {n} /gōngzuòfāng/ :: workshop (meeting at which a group of people work on a project)
工作服 {n} /gōngzuòfú/ :: work clothes
工作許可 {n} /gōngzuò xǔkě/ :: work permit
工作环境 {def} SEE: 工作環境 ::
工作環境 {n} /gōngzuò huánjìng/ :: working environment; working conditions
工作狂 {n} /gōngzuòkuáng/ :: workaholic
工作量 {n} /gōngzuòliàng/ :: amount or volume of work; workload
工作犬 {n} /gōngzuòquǎn/ :: working dog
工作人员 {def} SEE: 工作人員 ::
工作人員 {n} /gōngzuò rényuán/ :: staff; employee; personnel
工作日 {n} /gōngzuòrì/ :: working day
工作室 {n} /gōngzuò室/ :: studio; workshop; atelier
工作臺 {def} SEE: 工作檯 ::
工作台 {def} SEE: 工作檯 ::
工作檯 {n} /gōngzuòtái,er/ :: workbench
工作条件 {def} SEE: 工作條件 ::
工作條件 {n} /gōngzuò tiáojiàn/ :: working conditions
工作许可 {def} SEE: 工作許可 ::
工作站 {n} /gōngzuòzhàn/ :: workstation
工作者 {n} /gōngzuòzhě/ :: worker
工作證 {n} /gōngzuòzhèng/ :: employee identification card
工作證 {n} /gōngzuòzhèng/ :: work permit
工作证 {def} SEE: 工作證 ::
工作組 {n} /gōngzuòzǔ/ :: workgroup (a group of workers)
工作組 {n} [computing] /gōngzuòzǔ/ :: workgroup (a computer network)
工作组 {def} SEE: 工作組 ::
{def} /gōng/ :: bow (weapon)
{def} /gōng/ :: curved; arched
{def} /gōng/ :: to arch; to bend
{def} [Jiexi Hakka] /gōng/ :: rainbow
{def} [obsolete] /gōng/ :: synonym of , a traditional Chinese unit of length and area
弓虫症 {def} SEE: 弓蟲症 ::
弓蟲症 {n} /gōngchóngzhèng/ :: toxoplasmosis
弓道 {n} /gōngdào/ :: kyudo
弓根 {n} /gōnggēn/ :: frog (of a string instrument's bow)
弓繳 {n} [literary] /gōngzhuó/ :: bow and arrow
弓箭 {n} /gōngjiàn/ :: bow and arrow (Classifier: m:幅)
弓箭手 {n} /gōngjiànshǒu/ :: an archer
弓缴 {def} SEE: 弓繳 ::
弓馬 {n} [literary] /gōngmǎ/ :: archery and horsemanship
弓马 {def} SEE: 弓馬 ::
弓毛 {n} /gōngmáo/ :: hair of a bow (of a string instrument)
弓弩 {n} [archaic] /gōngnǔ/ :: bows and crossbows
弓弩 {n} [archaic] /gōngnǔ/ :: archery
弓人 {n} [archaic] /gōngrén/ :: official bow-maker
弓矢 {n} [literary] /gōngshǐ/ :: bow and arrow
弓手 {n} /gōngshǒu/ :: archer; bowman
冧弓头 {def} SEE: 冧弓頭 ::
冧弓頭 {def} SEE: 冧宮頭 ::
弓弦 {n} /gōngxián/ :: bowstring
弓鞋 {n} /gōngxié/ :: shoes for women with bound feet (Classifier: m:雙c:對)
弓形 {n} /gōngxíng/ :: circular segment
弓形 {adj} /gōngxíng/ :: bow-shaped; arched; curved
弓形束 {n} [neuroanatomy] /gōngxíngshù/ :: arcuate fasciculus
弓形腿 {n} /gōngxíngtuǐ/ :: bowleg
弓子 {n} /gōngzi/ :: bow (of a stringed instrument)
弓子 {n} /gōngzi/ :: anything bow-shaped
{def} /gōng/ :: respectful; polite; reverent
恭城 {prop} /Gōngchéng/ :: (~ 瑤族自治縣) 恭城 (autonomous county)
恭讀 {v} /gōngdú/ :: to read aloud (a religious text)
恭读 {def} SEE: 恭讀 ::
恭恭敬敬 {idiom} /gōnggōngjìngjìng/ :: most respectfully; in an attitude of respect;
恭賀 {v} /gōnghè/ :: to congratulate respectfully
恭賀新禧 {phrase} [referring to the Chinese New Year] /gōnghèxīnxǐ/ :: Happy New Year
恭贺 {def} SEE: 恭賀 ::
恭贺新禧 {def} SEE: 恭賀新禧 ::
恭候 {v} /gōnghòu/ :: to wait respectfully
恭敬 {adj} /gōngjìng/ :: respectful; deferential
恭恪 {adj} [literary] /gōngkè/ :: respectful and cautious; deferential and circumspect
恭請 {v} /gōngqǐng/ :: to respectfully invite; to respectfully welcome
恭请 {def} SEE: 恭請 ::
恭人 {n} [archaic] /gōngrén/ :: a respectful man
恭人 {n} [archaic] /gōngrén/ :: the wife of a fourth-grade mandarin
恭順 {adj} /gōngshùn/ :: respectful and deferential
恭顺 {def} SEE: 恭順 ::
恭惟 {def} SEE: 恭維 ::
恭維 {v} /gōngwéi,tl/ :: to flatter; to compliment
恭维 {def} SEE: 恭維 ::
恭喜 {v} /gōngxǐ/ :: to congratulate
恭喜 {interj} /gōngxǐ/ :: congratulations!
恭喜发财 {def} SEE: 恭喜發財 ::
恭喜發財 {phrase} /gōngxǐ fācái/ :: Happy New Year (congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year)
恭謁 {v} /gōngyè/ :: to pay a call with respect
恭谒 {def} SEE: 恭謁 ::
恭祖 {prop} /Gōngzǔ/ :: The Chinese style name of Tao Qian (132 - 194)
{def} /gōng/ :: [historical dictionaries] distraught; upset
{def} /gōng/ :: [historical dictionaries] scared
{def} SEE: 𢦅 ::
{def} /gōng/ :: to attack; to assault
{def} /gōng/ :: attack; assault
{def} /gōng/ :: to criticize
{def} [slang] /gōng/ :: top (gay slang)
{def} /gōng/ :: to handle; to delve into
{def} /gōng/ :: surname
攻城 {v} /gōngchéng/ :: to attack a city; to besiege
攻打 {v} /gōngdǎ/ :: to attack (an enemy); to mount an offensive
攻讀 {v} /gōngdú/ :: to diligently study
攻讀 {v} /gōngdú/ :: to specialize in; to major in
攻读 {def} SEE: 攻讀 ::
攻夺 {def} SEE: 攻奪 ::
攻奪 {v} /gōngduó/ :: to storm and capture; to attack and seize
攻发 {def} SEE: 攻發 ::
攻發 {v} [archaic] /gōngfā/ :: to expose (to infection etc.)
攻伐 {v} /gōng伐/ :: to attack; to raid; to invade
攻防 {v} /gōngfáng/ :: to attack and defend
攻防战 {def} SEE: 攻防戰 ::
攻防戰 {n} /gōngfángzhàn/ :: warfare; battle
攻关 {def} SEE: 攻關 ::
攻關 {v} /gōngguān/ :: to tackle key problems
攻關 {v} /gōngguān/ :: to storm a strategic pass
攻击 {def} SEE: 攻擊 ::
攻击性 {def} SEE: 攻擊性 ::
攻擊 {v} /gōng擊/ :: to attack; to assault
攻擊 {v} /gōng擊/ :: to accuse; to charge; to vilify
攻擊性 {n} /gōng击xìng/ :: aggressiveness; aggressivity; offensiveness
攻坚 {def} SEE: 攻堅 ::
攻堅 {v} /gōngjiān/ :: to assault strong defensive installation; to storm fortifications
攻堅 {v} [figurative] /gōngjiān/ :: to surmount technical difficulty
攻訐 {v} [formal] /gōngjié/ :: to rake up somebody's past and attack him; to expose somebody's past misdeeds
攻讦 {def} SEE: 攻訐 ::
攻克 {v} /gōngkè/ :: to capture; to seize
攻克 {v} [figuratively] /gōngkè/ :: to overcome
攻剋 {def} SEE: 攻克 ::
攻略 {v} [literary] /gōnglüè/ :: to attack and seize; to capture
攻略 {n} /gōnglüè/ :: tactics; guide; walkthrough
攻破 {v} [chiefly military] /gōngpò/ :: to breach; to break through; to make a breakthrough
攻其不備 {idiom} /gōngqí不bèi/ :: to attack when the enemy is unprepared
攻其不备 {def} SEE: 攻其不備 ::
攻其無備 {idiom} /gōngqíwúbèi/ :: to attack when the enemy is unprepared
攻其無備,出其不意 {idiom} /gōng qí wú bèi, chū qí 不 yì/ :: to catch somebody unprepared; to take somebody by surprise
攻其无备 {def} SEE: 攻其無備 ::
攻其无备,出其不意 {def} SEE: 攻其無備,出其不意 ::
攻取 {v} /gōngqǔ/ :: to storm and capture; to attack and seize
攻势 {def} SEE: 攻勢 ::
攻勢 {n} [military, sports] /gōngshì/ :: offensive
攻守 {v} /gōngshǒu/ :: to attack and defend
攻守 {n} /gōngshǒu/ :: offense and defense
攻守同盟 {n} /gōngshǒu tóngméng/ :: offensive and defensive alliance; military alliance
攻守同盟 {n} [Mainland, figurative] /gōngshǒu tóngméng/ :: collusion among accomplices (especially to conspire to give false statements during investigation or trial)
攻围 {def} SEE: 攻圍 ::
攻圍 {v} [literary] /gōngwéi/ :: to besiege; to attack from all sides; to surround and attack
攻下 {v} /gōngxià/ :: to capture; to overcome (an enemy); to take; to breach
攻陷 {v} /gōngxiàn/ :: to capture (a city); to take (a fortress)
攻心 {v} /gōngxīn/ :: to attack the mind; to make a psychological attack
攻心 {v} /gōngxīn/ :: to be in a coma or to remain in a stupor (e.g. because of a sorrow or hatred)
攻心 {v} [Chinese medicine] /gōngxīn/ :: to be in danger of dying (e.g. from severe burns or gangrene)
攻佔 {v} /gōngzhàn/ :: to attack and occupy (an enemy position); to seize control of
攻占 {def} SEE: 攻佔 ::
攻战 {def} SEE: 攻戰 ::
攻戰 {v} [literary] /gōngzhàn/ :: to mount an offensive; to attack
{def} /gōng/ :: a kind of tree
{def} /lǒng/ :: used in place names
{def} [anatomy] /gōng/ :: upper arm
{def} /gōng/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] assistant, especially one who serves the authority
肱动脉 {def} SEE: 肱動脈 ::
肱動脈 {n} [anatomy] /gōngdòngmài/ :: brachial artery
肱二头肌 {def} SEE: 肱二頭肌 ::
肱二頭肌 {n} /gōng'èrtóujī/ :: biceps brachii; biceps
肱骨 {n} [skeleton] /gōnggǔ/ :: humerus
肱桡肌 {def} SEE: 肱橈肌 ::
肱橈肌 {n} [anatomy] /gōngráojī,gōngnáojī,1nb/ :: brachioradialis
肱三头肌 {def} SEE: 肱三頭肌 ::
肱三頭肌 {n} [anatomy] /gōngsāntóujī/ :: triceps brachii
{def} /gōng/ :: only used in 蜈蚣 and its regional synonyms
{def} /zhōng,shōng,sōng/ :: only used in 蚣蝑
蚣蝑 {n} /zhōngxū,shōngxū/ :: synonym of 螽斯
{def} /gōng/ :: drinking vessel made from animal horn
{def} /gōng/ :: large; sumptuous
觥筹交错 {def} SEE: 觥籌交錯 ::
觥筹交举 {def} SEE: 觥籌交舉 ::
觥籌交錯 {idiom} /gōngchóujiāocuò/ :: to have many people drinking alcohol together
觥籌交舉 {idiom} /gōngchóujiāojǔ/ :: synonym of 觥籌交錯
{def} /gōng/ :: body
{def} /gōng/ :: oneself
{def} /gōng/ :: in person; personally
{def} /gōng/ :: to stoop
躬耕 {v} [literary] /gōnggēng/ :: to cultivate land oneself
躬自 {adv} [literary] /gōngzì/ :: personally; in person; oneself
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gōng/ :: to supply
{def} /gōng/ :: to respect
{def} /gōng/ :: to follow
{def} /gōng/ :: surname
龔場 {prop} /Gōng场/ :: (~ 鎮) 龔場 (town)
龔工 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Gōnggōng/ :: synonym of 共工, a monster
龔河 {prop} /Gōnghé/ :: (~ 村) 龔河 (village)
{def} SEE: ::
龚场 {def} SEE: 龔場 ::
龚工 {def} SEE: 龔工 ::
龚河 {def} SEE: 龔河 ::
{def} /gǒng/ :: to raise
{def} /gǒng/ :: to fold the hands on the breast
{def} /gǒng/ :: to bow, to salute
{def} /gǒng/ :: a method (to pile or to raise up) of painting
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 𢀜 ::
巩固 {def} SEE: 鞏固 ::
巩家湾 {def} SEE: 鞏家灣 ::
巩膜 {def} SEE: 鞏膜 ::
巩义 {def} SEE: 鞏義 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 廿 ::
{def} /gǒng/ :: fold hands on breast
{def} /gǒng/ :: bow, salute
{def} /gǒng/ :: to surround
拱頂 {n} [architecture] /gǒngdǐng/ :: vault
拱顶 {def} SEE: 拱頂 ::
拱廊 {n} /gǒngláng/ :: arcade (row of arches)
拱門 {n} /gǒngmén/ :: arch (architectural element)
拱门 {def} SEE: 拱門 ::
拱桥 {def} SEE: 拱橋 ::
拱橋 {n} /gǒngqiáo/ :: arch bridge
拱橋 {prop} /gǒngqiáo/ :: (~ 村) 拱橋 (village)
拱券 {n} /gǒngxuàn,gǒngquàn,1nb/ :: arch (architectural element)
拱手 {v} [literary, literally] /gǒngshǒu/ :: to clasp one's hands in front of one's chest as a gesture of courtesy; to perform a cupped-hand salute
拱手 {adv} [literary, figuratively] /gǒngshǒu/ :: easily; without difficulty; without resistance
拱手讓人 {idiom} /gǒngshǒu ràng rén/ :: hand over on a silver platter
拱手让人 {def} SEE: 拱手讓人 ::
拱卫 {def} SEE: 拱衛 ::
拱衛 {v} /gǒngwèi/ :: to surround something in a protective position; to surround and protect
拱形 {n} /gǒngxíng/ :: arch
拱猪 {def} SEE: 拱豬 ::
拱豬 {n} [card games] /gǒngzhū/ :: Gong Zhu (a Chinese four-player trick-taking card game)
𬅫栱 {def} SEE: 歕栱 ::
{def} /gǒng/ :: large peg; stake
{def} /gǒng/ :: post; pillar
{def} /gǒng/ :: arch
{def} /gǒng/ :: a square wood used for supporting in traditional Chinese buildings
𧌄栱蝉 {def} SEE: 𧌄栱蟬 ::
{def} [chemistry] /gǒng/ :: mercury (Hg)
汞溴紅 {n} [pharmacy] /gǒngxiùhóng/ :: mercurochrome
汞溴红 {def} SEE: 汞溴紅 ::
汞齊 {n} [chemistry] /gǒngjì/ :: amalgam
汞齐 {def} SEE: 汞齊 ::
汞中毒 {n} /gǒngzhòngdú/ :: mercury poisoning
汞柱 {n} /gǒngzhù,er/ :: mercury column (in a thermometer)
珙桐 {n} /gǒngtóng/ :: dove tree (Davidia involucrata)
{def} /kuàng/ :: mineral; ore
礦藏 {n} /kuàngcáng/ :: mineral resources
礦產 {n} /kuàngchǎn/ :: mineral products; minerals
礦車 {n} /kuàngchē/ :: mine car; miner's truck; minecart
礦床 {n} /kuàngchuáng/ :: mineral deposit
礦大 {prop} /Kuàngdà/ :: abbreviation of
礦夫 {n} /kuàngfū/ :: miner (person who works in a mine)
礦工 {n} /kuànggōng/ :: miner (person who works in a mine)
礦井 {n} /kuàngjǐng/ :: mine; shaft; pit
礦坑 {n} /kuàngkēng/ :: mining pit; mine shaft; mine
礦泥 {n} /kuàngní/ :: sludge, slime, slurry
礦區 {n} /kuàngqū/ :: mining area
礦泉 {n} /kuàngquán/ :: mineral spring
礦泉水 {n} /kuàngquánshuǐ/ :: mineral water
礦山 {n} /kuàngshān/ :: mine (place from which ore is extracted)
礦石 {n} /kuàngshí/ :: ore
礦石量 {n} /kuàngshíliàng/ :: ore reserves
礦物 {n} /kuàngwù,tl/ :: mineral
礦物學 {n} /kuàngwùxué/ :: mineralogy
礦物學家 {n} /kuàngwùxuéjiā/ :: mineralogist
礦物質 {n} /kuàngwù质,tl/ :: mineral substance, especially dietary mineral element
礦業 {n} /kuàngyè/ :: mining (activity of removing solid valuables from the earth)
礦脂 {n} /kuàng脂/ :: vaseline; petroleum jelly
{def} /gǒng,kuàng/ :: [obsolete] sharp leaf of a grain plant
{def} /gǒng,kuàng/ :: [obsolete] rice bran
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǒng/ :: to fasten using a leather band
{def} /gǒng/ :: firm; secure
{def} /gǒng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gǒng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gǒng/ :: (~ 國) [historical] zh:巩国 (a small state during the Spring and Autumn period in modern-day Henan)
{def} /gǒng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] zh:鞏縣 (in modern-day Gongyi, Henan)
{def} /gǒng/ :: (~ 州) [historical] zh:鞏州 (唐朝) (in modern-day Gong County, Sichuan, Sichuan)
{def} /gǒng/ :: (~ 州) [historical] zh:鞏州 (北宋) (in modern-day Longxi County, Gansu)
{def} /gǒng/ :: surname Gong
鞏固 {adj} [usually of abstract concepts] /gǒnggù/ :: solid; stable; consolidated; strong
鞏固 {v} /gǒnggù/ :: to consolidate; to strengthen; to solidify
鞏家灣 {prop} /Gǒngjiāwān/ :: (~ 村) 鞏家灣 (village)
鞏膜 {n} [anatomy] /gǒng膜,er/ :: sclera (of the eye)
鞏義 {prop} /Gǒngyì/ :: (~ 市) 鞏義 (city)
{def} /gòng/ :: to freeze
{def} /gòng/ :: to congeal
{def} /gòng/ :: to curdle
𫧃共 {def} SEE: 𣍐共 ::
{def} /gòng/ :: common
{def} /gòng/ :: together
{def} /gòng/ :: to share
{def} /gòng/ :: abbreviation of 共產黨
{def} [specifically] /gòng/ :: the Communist Party of China
{def} [literary or dialectal] /gòng/ :: and
{def} [Hokkien] /gòng/ :: Used in imperative sentences for emphasis
{def} [Hokkien] /gòng/ :: with; to
{def} [Hokkien] /gòng/ :: for
{def} [Hokkien] /gòng/ :: Particle introducing the object of the verb
{def} [Zhangzhou, &, Taiwan Min Nan] /gòng/ :: same
{def} /Gòng,Gōng,1nb/ :: surname
{def} /gōng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gōng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gōng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
共变异数 {def} SEE: 共變異數 ::
共變異數 {n} [Taiwan, statistics] /gòngbiànyìshù/ :: covariance
共惨党 {def} SEE: 共慘黨 ::
共慘黨 {n} [derogatory] /gòngcǎndǎng/ :: communist party, especially the Communist Party of China
共产 {def} SEE: 共產 ::
共产党 {def} SEE: 共產黨 ::
共产党人 {def} SEE: 共產黨人 ::
共产党员 {def} SEE: 共產黨員 ::
共产国际 {def} SEE: 共產國際 ::
共产主义 {def} SEE: 共產主義 ::
共产主义青年团 {def} SEE: 共產主義青年團 ::
共产主义者 {def} SEE: 共產主義者 ::
共產 {adj} [attributive] /gòngchǎn/ :: Communist
共產黨 {n} /gòngchǎndǎng/ :: communist party
共產黨 {prop} [specifically] /gòngchǎndǎng/ :: Communist Party of China
共產黨人 {n} /gòngchǎndǎngrén/ :: Communist (member of a Communist party)
共產黨員 {n} /gòngchǎndǎngyuán/ :: member of a communist party (especially the Communist Party of China); communist; apparatchik
共產國際 {prop} [historical] /Gòngchǎn Guójì/ :: Communist International; Comintern
共產主義 {n} /gòngchǎnzhǔyì/ :: communism
共產主義青年團 {prop} /Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán/ :: Communist Youth League of China
共產主義青年團 {prop} /Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán/ :: Komsomol (Soviet Union)
共產主義者 {n} /gòngchǎnzhǔyìzhě/ :: communist (supporter of communism)
共乘 {v} [literary] /gòngchéng/ :: to ride together (on the same horse or in the same chariot)
共處 {v} /gòngchǔ/ :: to coexist; to get along with others
共处 {def} SEE: 共處 ::
共存 {v} /gòngcún/ :: to coexist; to get along with others
共党 {def} SEE: 共黨 ::
共黨 {n} /gòngdǎng/ :: abbreviation of 共產黨
共点 {def} SEE: 共點 ::
共點 {v} [geometry, of multiple lines] /gòngdiǎn/ :: to be concurrent
共度 {v} /gòngdù/ :: to spend together; to experience together; to get through together
共軛 {v} [science] /gòng'è/ :: to be conjugate
共軛 {n} [algebra, of a complex number] /gòng'è/ :: complex conjugate
共軛複數 {n} [math] /gòng'è fùshù/ :: complex conjugate
共軛鹼 {n} [chemistry] /gòng'èjiǎn/ :: conjugate base
共軛酸 {n} [chemistry] /gòng'èsuān/ :: conjugate acid
共轭 {def} SEE: 共軛 ::
共轭复数 {def} SEE: 共軛複數 ::
共轭碱 {def} SEE: 共軛鹼 ::
共轭酸 {def} SEE: 共軛酸 ::
共犯 {v} [legal] /gòngfàn/ :: to help someone commit a crime
共犯 {n} [legal] /gòngfàn/ :: accomplice; accessory
共匪 {n} [derogatory] /gòngfěi/ :: communist bandit
共沸物 {n} [physics] /gòngfèiwù/ :: azeotrope
共工 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Gònggōng/ :: Gonggong, a water god or monster who terrorized prehistoric China
共觀福音 {prop} [Christianity] /Gòngguān Fúyīn/ :: Synoptic Gospels
共观福音 {def} SEE: 共觀福音 ::
共管 {v} /gòngguǎn/ :: to manage jointly
共和 {n} /gònghé/ :: republicanism; republic
共和 {prop} [historical] /gònghé/ :: Gonghe Regency (interregnum period in Chinese history from 841 to 828 BCE)
共和 {prop} /gònghé/ :: (~ 縣) 共和 (county)
共和党 {def} SEE: 共和黨 ::
共和党人 {def} SEE: 共和黨人 ::
共和黨 {prop} /Gònghédǎng/ :: Republican Party (of any country)
共和黨人 {n} [US politics] /gònghédǎngrén/ :: Republican (member or supporter of the Republican Party of the United States)
共和国 {def} SEE: 共和國 ::
共和國 {n} /gònghéguó/ :: republic (country)
共和联邦 {def} SEE: 共和聯邦 ::
共和聯邦 {prop} [Singapore, Malaysia] /Gònghé Liánbāng/ :: Commonwealth of Nations, British Commonwealth
共和制 {n} /gònghézhì/ :: republic
共患难 {def} SEE: 共患難 ::
共患難 {v} /gònghuànnàn/ :: to go through thick and thin together; to share weal and woe
共濟 {v} [literary] /gòngjì/ :: to collectively aid or achieve
共濟 {v} [literary] /gòngjì/ :: to help each other
共濟 {n} [neurology] /gòngjì/ :: coordination
共濟會 {prop} /Gòngjìhuì/ :: Freemasonry
共濟失調 {n} [neurology] /gòngjì shītiáo/ :: ataxia; impaired coordination
共济会 {def} SEE: 共濟會 ::
共計 {v} /gòngjì/ :: to sum up; to total
共计 {def} SEE: 共計 ::
共价 {def} SEE: 共價 ::
共价化合物 {def} SEE: 共價化合物 ::
共价键 {def} SEE: 共價鍵 ::
共价晶体 {def} SEE: 共價晶體 ::
共價 {n} [chemistry] /gòngjià/ :: covalence
共價 {adj} [chemistry] /gòngjià/ :: covalent
共價化合物 {n} [chemistry] /gòngjià huàhéwù/ :: covalent compound
共價鍵 {n} [physical chemistry] /gòngjiàjiàn/ :: covalent bond
共價晶體 {n} [crystallography] /gòngjià jīngtǐ/ :: covalent crystal
共建 {v} /gòngjiàn/ :: to build together; to jointly establish
共……讲 {def} SEE: 共……講 ::
共聚 {v} [literary] /gòngjù/ :: to gather together
共聚一堂 {idiom} /gòngjù一táng/ :: gather together
共克时艰 {def} SEE: 共克時艱 ::
共克時艱 {idiom} [neologism, officialese] /gòngkèshíjiān/ :: to overcome the present difficulties in a spirit of unity
共款 {def} SEE: 仝款 ::
共鳴 {v} [physics] /gòngmíng/ :: to resonate
共鳴 {v} [figurative] /gòngmíng/ :: to respond sympathetically; to form emotional resonance
共鳴弦 {n} [music] /gòngmíngxián/ :: sympathetic string
共鳴絃 {def} SEE: 共鳴弦 ::
共鳴箱 {n} /gòngmíngxiāng/ :: soundbox
共鳴音 {n} /gòngmíngyīn/ :: resonant sound; sympathetic tone
共鸣 {def} SEE: 共鳴 ::
共鸣弦 {def} SEE: 共鳴絃 ::
共鸣箱 {def} SEE: 共鳴箱 ::
共鸣音 {def} SEE: 共鳴音 ::
共謀 {v} /gòngmóu/ :: to scheme together; to conspire
共謀 {v} /gòngmóu/ :: to make plans together; to work together
共謀 {n} /gòngmóu/ :: conspirator; accomplice
共谋 {def} SEE: 共謀 ::
共娘隔爷 {def} SEE: 共娘隔爺 ::
共妻 {n} /gòngqī/ :: communal wife-sharing; hetaerism
共妻 {n} /gòngqī/ :: communization of wives
共寝 {def} SEE: 共寢 ::
共寢 {v} [literary] /gòngqǐn/ :: to sleep together in the same bed
共青 {prop} /Gòngqīng/ :: abbreviation of 共青城
共青城 {prop} /Gòngqīngchéng/ :: 共青城 (city)
共青城 {prop} /Gòngqīngchéng/ :: 共青城 (city)
共青城 {prop} /Gòngqīngchéng/ :: (~ 市) 共青城 (sub-prefecture-level city)
共青团 {def} SEE: 共青團 ::
共青團 {n} /gòngqīngtuán/ :: Communist Youth League of China
共青團 {n} /gòngqīngtuán/ :: Komsomol (Soviet Union)
共热 {def} SEE: 共熱 ::
共熱 {v} [chemistry] /gòngrè/ :: to mix together and heat
共榮 {v} /gòngróng/ :: to thrive together; to co-prosper
共荣 {def} SEE: 共榮 ::
共商 {v} /gòngshāng/ :: to discuss together
共商大計 {idiom} /gòngshāngdàjì/ :: to discuss matters of vital importance
共商大计 {def} SEE: 共商大計 ::
共生 {v} [biology] /gòngshēng/ :: to live together; to maintain symbiosis
共生 {v} [geology] /gòngshēng/ :: to have intergrowth
共生 {n} [biology] /gòngshēng/ :: symbiosis
共时 {def} SEE: 共時 ::
共时言语学 {def} SEE: 共時言語學 ::
共时语言学 {def} SEE: 共時語言學 ::
共時 {adj} [attributive] /gòngshí/ :: synchronic
共時言語學 {n} /gòngshí yányǔxué/ :: synchronic linguistics
共時語言學 {n} /gòngshí yǔyánxué/ :: synchronic linguistics
共識 {n} /gòng識/ :: common understanding; consensus
共识 {def} SEE: 共識 ::
共事 {v} /gòngshì/ :: to work together
共速 {vi} [physics, of two or more objects] /gòngsù/ :: to have the same velocity
共談 {v} [archaic] /gòngtán/ :: to speak with one another
共谈 {def} SEE: 共談 ::
共通 {adj} /gòngtōng/ :: common; shared; universal
共通語 {n} [linguistics] /gòngtōngyǔ/ :: common language; lingua franca
共通语 {def} SEE: 共通語 ::
共同 {adj} /gòngtóng/ :: mutual; common; joint; collaborative
共同 {adv} /gòngtóng/ :: together; jointly; in collaboration; with joint efforts
共同点 {def} SEE: 共同點 ::
共同點 {n} /gòngtóngdiǎn/ :: common ground; common feature or interest; commonality
共同綱領 {n} [politics] /gòngtóng gānglǐng/ :: common program
共同綱領 {prop} [historical] /gòngtóng gānglǐng/ :: the The Common Program (1949)
共同纲领 {def} SEE: 共同綱領 ::
共同基金 {n} [finance] /gòngtóng jījīn/ :: mutual fund
共同交通 {n} /gòngtóng jiāotōng/ :: public transport; public transit; public transportation
共同体 {def} SEE: 共同體 ::
共同體 {n} /gòngtóngtǐ/ :: community; collective
共同通訊社 {prop} /Gòngtóng tōngxùnshè/ :: Kyodo News Agency
共同通讯社 {def} SEE: 共同通訊社 ::
共同語 {n} [linguistics] /gòngtóngyǔ/ :: common language; lingua franca
共同語言 {n} [linguistics] /gòngtóng yǔyán/ :: common language; lingua franca
共同語言 {n} /gòngtóng yǔyán/ :: common interests and topics of conversation (between two people); something in common
共同语 {def} SEE: 共同語 ::
共同语言 {def} SEE: 共同語言 ::
共舞 {v} /gòngwǔ/ :: to dance together
共線 {v} [geometry] /gòngxiàn/ :: to be collinear
共线 {def} SEE: 共線 ::
共襄盛举 {def} SEE: 共襄盛舉 ::
共襄盛舉 {idiom} /gòngxiāngshèngjǔ/ :: to assist one another in preparation for a grand occasion; to work together to complete a project
共享 {v} /gòngxiǎng/ :: to enjoy together; to share
共享經濟 {n} [economics, public policy] /gòngxiǎng jīngjì/ :: sharing economy
共享经济 {def} SEE: 共享經濟 ::
共享軟件 {n} [Mainland, Hong Kong, computing] /gòngxiǎng ruǎnjiàn/ :: shareware
共享軟體 {n} [Taiwan, computing] /gòngxiǎng #ruǎntǐ/ :: shareware
共享软件 {def} SEE: 共享軟件 ::
共享软体 {def} SEE: 共享軟體 ::
共泄 {def} SEE: 共洩 ::
共洩 {v} [archaic] /gòngxiè/ :: to vent in unison (an anger or frustration etc.)
共性 {n} /gòngxìng/ :: shared trait; common characteristic
共性 {n} [philosophy] /gòngxìng/ :: generality
𫧃共样 {def} SEE: 𣍐共樣 ::
共爷隔娘 {def} SEE: 共爺隔娘 ::
共贏 {v} /gòngyíng/ :: to share a common victory; to reach a win-win outcome
共赢 {def} SEE: 共贏 ::
共用 {v} /gòngyòng/ :: to share something used by all parties
共有 {v} /gòngyǒu/ :: to share; to have in common
共有 {v} /gòngyǒu/ :: to have altogether
共語 {v} [archaic] /gòngyǔ/ :: to talk with one another
共语 {def} SEE: 共語 ::
共圆 {def} SEE: 共圓 ::
共圓 {v} [geometry] /gòngyuán/ :: to be concyclic
共运 {def} SEE: 共運 ::
共運 {n} /gòngyùn/ :: short fo 共產主義運動 (communist movement)
共振 {v} [physics] /gòngzhèn/ :: to be resonant
共振峯 {def} SEE: 共振峰 ::
共振峰 {n} [phonetics] /gòngzhènfēng/ :: formant
共总 {def} SEE: 共總 ::
{def} SEE: ::
唝吥 {def} SEE: 嗊吥 ::
{def} SEE: ::
摃槌仔 {def} SEE: 摃錘仔 ::
摃丸 {def} SEE: 貢丸 ::
{def} /gòng/ :: to pay tribute
{def} /gòng/ :: tribute; gift
{def} [historical] /gòng/ :: to select or recommend talents for the imperial court
{def} /gòng/ :: surname
貢巴 {n} /gòngbā/ :: (~ 寺) [Buddhism] gompa
貢布 {prop} /Gòngbù/ :: (~ 省) 貢布 (province)
貢布 {prop} /Gòngbù/ :: (~ 市) 貢布 (city/capital city)
貢道 {n} [historical] /gòngdào/ :: tribute road
貢多拉 {n} /gòngduōlā/ :: gondola (boat)
貢賦 {n} /gòngfù/ :: tribute
貢嘎山 {prop} /Gònggá Shān/ :: Mount Gongga
貢寮 {prop} /Gòngliáo/ :: (~ 區) 貢寮 (district)
貢品 {n} /gòngpǐn/ :: tribute (gift made by one state to another)
貢品 {n} /gòngpǐn/ :: first-grade goods
貢生 {n} [historical] /gòngshēng/ :: tribute student; one of the top performers within the shengyuan (生員 /-/) class who is sent to be a student at the Guozijian
貢士 {n} [historical] /gòngshì/ :: in the imperial examination system, a recognized scholarly achiever who passed the triennial national exam
貢稅 {n} /gòngshuì/ :: tribute and taxes
貢糖 {n} /gòngtáng/ :: a type of peanut candy originating in southern Fujian
貢丸 {n} /gòngwán/ :: pork meatball; meatball
貢獻 {v} /gòngxiàn/ :: to contribute
貢獻 {n} /gòngxiàn/ :: contribution
貢院 {n} [historical] /gòngyuàn/ :: examination hall used in the civil service examination system of Imperial China
{def} SEE: ::
贡巴 {def} SEE: 貢巴 ::
贡布 {def} SEE: 貢布 ::
贡道 {def} SEE: 貢道 ::
贡多拉 {def} SEE: 貢多拉 ::
贡赋 {def} SEE: 貢賦 ::
贡嘎山 {def} SEE: 貢嘎山 ::
贡寮 {def} SEE: 貢寮 ::
贡品 {def} SEE: 貢品 ::
贡生 {def} SEE: 貢生 ::
贡士 {def} SEE: 貢士 ::
贡税 {def} SEE: 貢稅 ::
贡糖 {def} SEE: 貢糖 ::
贡丸 {def} SEE: 貢丸 ::
贡献 {def} SEE: 貢獻 ::
贡院 {def} SEE: 貢院 ::
{def} /kòu/ :: only used in 佝瞀
{def} /jū/ :: alternative form of
佝偻 {def} SEE: 佝僂 ::
佝偻病 {def} SEE: 佝僂病 ::
佝僂 {adj} /gōulóu,kòulóu/ :: stooped; rickety
佝僂病 {n} /gōulóubìng/ :: rickets
佝瞀 {def} SEE: 溝瞀 ::
佝愗 {def} SEE: 溝瞀 ::
{def} /gōu/ :: to bend; to curve; to crook; to hook
{def} /gōu/ :: to draw; to delineate
{def} /gōu/ :: to tick; to mark; to tick off
{def} /gōu/ :: to cut off or cut out; to strike out; to cross out
{def} /gōu/ :: to collude; to conspire
{def} /gōu/ :: to entice; to induce; to attract
{def} /gōu/ :: to catch; to arrest
{def} [cooking] /gōu/ :: to mix thoroughly to make something thicken
{def} /gōu/ :: to get; to call; to summon
{def} [historical geometry] /gōu/ :: The shorter leg of a right triangle
{def} /gòu/ :: trap; trick
{def} /gòu/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gòu/ :: surname
勾陈 {def} SEE: 勾陳 ::
勾陈一 {def} SEE: 勾陳一 ::
勾陳 {prop} [asterism] /Gōuchén/ :: Gou Chen or “Curved Array”, an asterism in the Purple Forbidden enclosure consisting of six stars, corresponding to the Western constellations of Ursa Minor and Cepheus
勾陳一 {prop} [star] /Gōuchén一/ :: Polaris; the North Star
勾搭 {v} /gōuda/ :: to gang up; to collude with
勾搭 {v} /gōuda/ :: to commit adultery
勾当 {def} SEE: 勾當 ::
勾当儿 {def} SEE: 勾當兒 ::
勾當 {n} [derogatory] /gòudàng,tl/ :: dirty deal; shady business
勾當 {n} [obsolete] /gòudàng,tl/ :: matter
勾當 {v} [obsolete] /gòudāng/ :: to handle matters
勾當兒 {n} /gòudàngr/ :: erhua form of []
勾兌 {v} /gōuduì/ :: to blend various types of wine (or spirits, fruit juices, etc.)
勾兌 {v} /gōuduì/ :: to mix various ingredients to manufacture a (liquid) counterfeit food product, such as vinegar, soy sauce, liquor, etc
勾兑 {def} SEE: 勾兌 ::
勾股 {n} [geometry] /gōugǔ/ :: the longer and shorter legs of a right triangle
勾股 {n} [geometry] /gōugǔ/ :: right triangle
勾股 {n} [geometry] /gōugǔ/ :: mathematics involving right triangles: trigonometry, especially [historical] traditional Chinese methods of trigonometry
勾股 {n} [geometry] /gōugǔ/ :: related to right triangles: trigonometrical
勾股定理 {n} [geometry] /gōugǔ dìnglǐ/ :: Pythagorean theorem
勾股數 {n} [mathematics] /gōugǔshù/ :: Pythagorean triple
勾股数 {def} SEE: 勾股數 ::
勾股弦定理 {n} [geometry] /gōugǔxián dìnglǐ/ :: alternative name for 勾股定理
勾號 {n} /gōuhào/ :: tick; checkmark
勾号 {def} SEE: 勾號 ::
勾劃 {def} SEE: 勾畫 ::
勾划 {def} SEE: 勾劃 ::
勾画 {def} SEE: 勾畫 ::
勾畫 {v} /gōuhuà/ :: to sketch out; to draw an outline of; to delineate
勾畫 {v} /gōuhuà/ :: to describe (with succinct language)
勾結 {v} /gōujié/ :: to collude with; to conspire; to gang up with
勾结 {def} SEE: 勾結 ::
勾栏 {def} SEE: 勾欄 ::
勾欄 {n} [archaic] /gōulán/ :: theater (in the Song and Yuan dynasties)
勾欄 {n} [archaic] /gōulán/ :: brothel
勾欄 {n} [archaic] /gōulán/ :: railing; carved balustrade
勾勒 {v} /gōulè/ :: to outline; to sketch; to give a brief overview; to broadly describe
勾联 {def} SEE: 勾聯 ::
勾聯 {v} /gōulián/ :: synonym of 勾連
勾连 {def} SEE: 勾連 ::
勾連 {v} /gōulián/ :: to collude with
勾連 {v} /gōulián/ :: to have something to do with; to be involved with
勾起 {v} /gōuqǐ/ :: to evoke; to induce; to call to mind; to pick up with a hook
勾芡 {v} /gōuqiàn/ :: to thicken a soup by means of starch
勾通 {v} /gōutōng/ :: to conspire with; to collude with
勾吳 {prop} [historical] /Gōuwú/ :: the State of Wu (one of the states during the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn period)
勾吳國 {prop} [historical] /Gōuwúguó/ :: the State of Wu (one of the states during the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn period)
勾吴 {def} SEE: 勾吳 ::
勾吴国 {def} SEE: 勾吳國 ::
勾銷 {v} /gōuxiāo/ :: to cross out; to write off; to cancel
勾销 {def} SEE: 勾銷 ::
勾心斗角 {def} SEE: 勾心鬥角 ::
勾心鬥角 {idiom} /gōuxīndòujiǎo/ :: (in palace construction)​ elaborate and refined
勾心鬥角 {idiom} /gōuxīndòujiǎo/ :: to fight and scheme against each other
勾选 {def} SEE: 勾選 ::
勾選 {n} [GUI] /gōuxuǎn/ :: checkbox
勾引 {v} /gōuyǐn/ :: to entice (someone) to do something improper or illegal
勾引 {v} /gōuyǐn/ :: to seduce
勾引 {v} /gōuyǐn/ :: to arouse a memory
{def} /gǒu/ :: only used in 枸杞
{def} /jǔ/ :: [obsolete] Hovenia (probably Hovenia acerba)
{def} /jǔ/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] crooked; bent
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] intertwined roots
枸姜 {def} SEE: 枸薑 ::
枸酱 {def} SEE: 枸醬 ::
枸醬 {def} SEE: 蒟醬 ::
枸杞 {n} /gǒuqǐ/ :: Chinese wolfberry (Lycium barbarum)
枸杞子 {n} /gǒuqǐzǐ/ :: wolfberry [the fruit, the berry]; goji berry
枸橼 {def} SEE: 枸櫞 ::
枸橼酸 {def} SEE: 枸櫞酸 ::
枸櫞 {n} /jǔyuán/ :: citron
枸櫞酸 {n} [carboxylic acid] /jǔyuánsuān/ :: citric acid
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gōu/ :: [historical dictionaries] sound of water
沟涵 {def} SEE: 溝涵 ::
沟壑 {def} SEE: 溝壑 ::
沟瞀 {def} SEE: 溝瞀 ::
沟女 {def} SEE: 溝女 ::
沟渠 {def} SEE: 溝渠 ::
沟通 {def} SEE: 溝通 ::
沟仔 {def} SEE: 溝仔 ::
{def} /Jū/ :: (~ 河) Ju river, river that flows from Hebei province to Tianjin
{def} /gōu/ :: alternative form of
泃阳 {def} SEE: 泃陽 ::
泃陽 {prop} /Jūyáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 泃陽 (town)
{def} /gōu/ :: ditch; drain; narrow waterway
{def} [Cantonese] /gōu/ :: to mix
{def} [chiefly Cantonese] /gōu/ :: to pick up (girls)
{def} /gōu/ :: a numeral that refers to 1032 or others
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kòu/ :: only used in 溝瞀
溝壑 {n} /gōu壑/ :: ravine; gully
溝瞀 {adj} [literary] /kòumào/ :: ignorant; benighted
溝渠 {n} /gōuqú/ :: ditch; trench
溝通 {v} /gōutōng/ :: to communicate (to better understand through communication)
溝通 {v} [literary] /gōutōng/ :: to connect irrigation channels
{def} /gōu/ :: bamboo basket; bamboo frame; bamboo cage
篝火 {n} /gōuhuǒ/ :: bonfire; campfire (Classifier: 把)
篝火 {n} [literary] /gōuhuǒ/ :: fire covered with a bamboo cage
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǒu/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gǒu/ :: surname
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] a type of vegetable
{def} SEE: ::
鈎耳爿 {def} SEE: 鉤耳爿 ::
鈎耳仔 {def} SEE: 鉤耳仔 ::
鈎耳仔爿 {def} SEE: 鉤耳仔爿 ::
鈎乃耳 {def} SEE: 鉤乃耳 ::
鈎盌 {def} SEE: 鉤盌 ::
鈎掌頭仔 {def} SEE: 鉤掌頭仔 ::
鈎子 {def} SEE: 鉤子 ::
{def} /gōu/ :: hook; barb
{def} /gōu/ :: sickle
{def} /gōu/ :: stroke with
{def} /gōu/ :: checkmark
{def} [Chinese calligraphy] /gōu/ :: a hook (such as in , , or )
{def} [regional, card games] /gōu/ :: jack (J)
鉤黨 {n} [literary] /gōudǎng/ :: to form [sew] a clique, a conspiracy, see Disasters of the Partisan Prohibitions
鉤兒 {n} /gōur/ :: erhua form of hook
鉤兒 {n} [card games] /gōur/ :: jack (J)
鉤勒 {def} SEE: 勾勒 ::
鉤手 {n} [archaic] /gōushǒu/ :: a soldier armed with one or more hook swords
鉤藤 {n} /gōuténg/ :: cat's claw (Uncaria)
鉤子 {n} /gōuzi/ :: hook
鉤子 {n} /gōuzi/ :: hook-like object
鉤子 {n} [regional, card games] /gōuzi/ :: jack (J)
{def} SEE: ::
钩党 {def} SEE: 鉤黨 ::
钩儿 {def} SEE: 鉤兒 ::
钩耳爿 {def} SEE: 鉤耳爿 ::
钩耳仔 {def} SEE: 鉤耳仔 ::
钩耳仔爿 {def} SEE: 鉤耳仔爿 ::
钩镰 {def} SEE: 鉤鐮 ::
钩乃耳 {def} SEE: 鉤乃耳 ::
钩破 {def} SEE: 鉤破 ::
钩手 {def} SEE: 鉤手 ::
钩藤 {def} SEE: 鉤藤 ::
钩盌 {def} SEE: 鉤盌 ::
钩掌头仔 {def} SEE: 鉤掌頭仔 ::
钩指 {def} SEE: 鉤指 ::
钩子 {def} SEE: 鉤子 ::
鞲鞴 {n} [dated] /gōubèi/ :: piston (in a steam locomotive)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǒu/ :: only used in 岣嶁
{def} /gǒu/ :: dog (Classifier: m,c,mn:隻m:條)
{def} [derogatory] /gǒu/ :: something or someone unpleasant
{def} /gǒu/ :: Used as an attributive
{def} [chiefly Beijing] /gǒu/ :: to flatter
{def} [Hong Kong, slang, derogatory] /gǒu/ :: police; pig
{def} /gǒu/ :: [obsolete] cub; young bear or tiger
{def} /gǒu/ :: surname
狗刨 {n} /gǒupáo,er/ :: (~ 式) [swimming, colloquial, often, humorous] dog paddle
狗带 {def} SEE: 狗帶 ::
狗帶 {v} [Mainland, slang, neologism] /gǒudài/ :: to go to death; to die; go to hell
狗窦 {def} SEE: 狗竇 ::
狗竇 {n} /gǒudòu/ :: hole that permits the passage of dogs; doggie door
狗儿 {def} SEE: 狗兒 ::
狗兒 {n} /gǒur/ :: erhua form of dog
狗吠 {v} /gǒufèi/ :: to bark (of a dog)
狗吠 {n} /gǒufèi/ :: bark (of a dog)
狗粉 {n} [neologism, slang] /gǒufěn/ :: dog rights supporter
狗粉丝 {def} SEE: 狗粉絲 ::
狗粉絲 {n} [Mainland, neologism, Internet slang] /gǒufěnsī/ :: (~ 文化) an Internet subculture originated from live streamer Sun Xiaochuan (孫笑川), characterized by its slang based on Sichuanese vulgarism and emoji homophones
狗粉絲 {n} [Mainland, neologism, Internet slang] /gǒufěnsī/ :: a member of the subculture
狗改不了吃屎 {proverb} [figurative, pejorative, low colloquial, idiom] /gǒu gǎi 不liǎo chī shǐ/ :: a leopard cannot change its spots [said of bad habits or traits]
狗狗 {n} [childish or endearing] /gǒugou,gǒugōu/ :: puppy; doggy
狗官 {n} [derogatory] /gǒuguān/ :: government official
狗獾 {n} /gǒuhuān/ :: European badger, Meles meles
狗𫜪癀 {def} SEE: 狗齩癀 ::
狗脊 {n} /gǒujǐ/ :: rhizome of the tree fern Cibotium (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
狗鷲 {n} /gǒujiù/ :: royal eagle (Classifier: m:隻)
狗鹫 {def} SEE: 狗鷲 ::
狗粮 {def} SEE: 狗糧 ::
狗糧 {n} /gǒuliáng/ :: dog food
狗糧 {n} [slang, neologism] /gǒuliáng/ :: display of affection seen from the perspective of a third, lonely person
狗母虫 {def} SEE: 狗母蟲 ::
狗母锅 {def} SEE: 狗母鍋 ::
狗母魚 {n} /gǒumǔyú/ :: lizardfish
狗母鱼 {def} SEE: 狗母魚 ::
狗娘养的 {def} SEE: 狗孃養的 ::
狗娘養的 {n} [offensive] /gǒuniáng yǎng de/ :: son of a bitch
狗孃養的 {def} SEE: 狗娘養的 ::
狗爬 {n} [literally] /gǒupá/ :: a dog crawls
狗爬 {n} /gǒupá/ :: (~ 式) alternative name for 狗刨
狗爬 {n} /gǒupá/ :: (~ 式) doggy style
狗牌 {n} /gǒupái/ :: dog tag
狗皮膏 {n} /gǒu pí gāo/ :: A black plaster used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dispel wind-cold, soothe the tendons, promote blood circulation and relieve pain in the treatment of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis with pain in the shoulders, arms, back and legs and numbness of the limbs and traumatic injuries"
狗屁 {n} /gǒupì/ :: bullshit, nonsense
狗屁不通 {idiom} [figurative, vulgar] /gǒupì不tōng/ :: incoherent; nonsensical; bullshit
狗日 {adj} [offensive] /gǒurì/ :: fucking
狗肉 {n} /gǒuròu/ :: dog meat (Classifier: m:塊)
狗肉 {n} /gǒuròu/ :: used as an insult or obscenity
狗肉数 {def} SEE: 狗肉數 ::
狗虱 {def} SEE: 狗蝨 ::
狗蝨 {n} /gǒushī/ :: dog louse
狗蝨 {n} [Cantonese, Hakka] /gǒushī/ :: flea
狗屎 {n} /gǒushǐ/ :: dog shit
狗屎 {n} /gǒushǐ/ :: bullshit
狗屎堆 {n} [slang] /gǒushǐduī/ :: despicable person
狗屎运 {def} SEE: 狗屎運 ::
狗屎運 {n} [colloquial, disapproving, ironic] /gǒushǐyùn/ :: good luck; other people's good fortune
狗贴耳 {def} SEE: 狗貼耳 ::
狗头 {def} SEE: 狗頭 ::
狗頭 {n} /gǒutóu/ :: See: zh
狗頭 {n} [Internet slang] /gǒutóu/ :: Denotes that the preceding statement is sarcastic; /s
狗腿 {n} [figurative, politics, pejorative] /gǒutuǐ/ :: running dog; lackey; cat's paw; person subservient to counterrevolutionary or evil interests
狗腿子 {n} [colloquial, figurative, politics, derogatory] /gǒutuǐzi/ :: running dog; lackey; cat's paw; person subservient to counterrevolutionary or evil interests
狗尾巴草 {n} /gǒuwěibacǎo,gǒuyǐbacǎo/ :: synonym of 狗尾草
狗尾草 {n} /gǒuwěicǎo/ :: Setaria viridis (green foxtail, green bristlegrass, wild foxtail millet)
狗窝 {def} SEE: 狗窩 ::
狗窩 {n} /gǒuwō/ :: kennel; doghouse
狗屋 {n} /gǒuwū/ :: kennel; doghouse
狗熊 {n} /gǒuxióng/ :: Asian black bear
狗熊 {n} [Jin] /gǒuxióng/ :: bear
狗血 {n} /gǒu血/ :: dog's blood
狗血 {adj} [neologism, figurative, usually of a story] /gǒu血/ :: nonsensical, exaggerated, inconceivable, clumsy or clichéd (to the point it has become farcical and somewhat amusing)
狗血淋头 {def} SEE: 狗血淋頭 ::
狗血淋頭 {idiom} [figurative] /gǒu血líntóu/ :: to bite someone's head off; to scold fiercely; to curse; to berate
狗眼 {n} /gǒuyǎn/ :: dog's eyes
狗眼 {n} [slang] /gǒuyǎn/ :: (my) fragile eyes
狗眼看人低 {idiom} [figurative] /gǒuyǎn kàn rén dī/ :: to act like a snob; to look down on someone even when one is no better
狗咬 {n} /gǒuyǎo/ :: dog bite
狗咬狗 {idiom} [figurative] /gǒuyǎogǒu/ :: dog eat dog; ruthlessly acquisitive or competitive
狗咬狗 {idiom} [figurative] /gǒuyǎogǒu/ :: a bad person fights with another bad person
狗咬吕洞宾 {def} SEE: 狗咬呂洞賓 ::
狗咬吕洞宾——不识好人心 {def} SEE: 狗咬呂洞賓——不識好人心 ::
狗咬呂洞賓 {idiom} /gǒu yǎo #Lǚ Dòngbīn/ :: abbreviation of 狗咬呂洞賓——不識好人心
狗咬呂洞賓——不識好人心 {idiom} /gǒu yǎo Lǚ Dòngbīn, 不識 hǎorén xīn/ :: to bite the hand that feeds you
狗齩癀 {def} SEE: 狗咬癀 ::
狗蚁 {def} SEE: 狗蟻 ::
狗仔 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Min Nan] /gǒuzǎi/ :: puppy (Classifier: c,mn:隻)
狗仔 {n} [Min Bei, Taiwan Min Nan, Taiwan Hakka] /gǒuzǎi/ :: dog (Classifier: h,mn:隻h:條)
狗仔 {n} /gǒuzǎi/ :: stalker; paparazzi
狗仔虫 {def} SEE: 狗仔蟲 ::
狗仔队 {def} SEE: 狗仔隊 ::
狗仔隊 {n} /gǒuzǎiduì/ :: paparazzi; paparazzo
狗仔子 {def} SEE: 狗崽子 ::
狗崽子 {n} [colloquial] /gǒuzǎizi/ :: puppy
狗崽子 {n} [derogatory] /gǒuzǎizi/ :: son of a bitch
狗爪边 {def} SEE: 狗爪邊 ::
狗针 {def} SEE: 狗針 ::
狗彘不若 {idiom} [derogatory] /gǒuzhì不ruò/ :: base; contemptible; vile
狗嘴裏吐不出象牙 {def} SEE: 狗嘴裡吐不出象牙 ::
狗嘴裡吐不出象牙 {idiom} [figurative] /gǒu zuǐ lǐ #tǔ 不 chū xiàngyá/ :: no fine or truthful speech is to be expected from the mouth of a bad person
狗嘴里吐不出象牙 {def} SEE: 狗嘴裡吐不出象牙 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǒu/ :: careless, frivolous
{def} /gǒu/ :: illicit
{def} /gǒu/ :: temporizing; unprincipled
{def} /gǒu/ :: if, but, if only
{def} /gǒu/ :: a type of grass
{def} /gǒu/ :: any; at all
{def} /gǒu/ :: at least
{def} /gǒu/ :: tentatively; for the time being
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǒu/ :: surname
苟安 {v} /gǒu'ān/ :: to seek momentary ease; to live for the moment
苟合 {v} [literary] /gǒuhé/ :: to echo or cater to others without principles
苟合 {v} /gǒuhé/ :: to have illicit (sexual) relations
苟免 {v} [literary] /gǒumiǎn/ :: to do anything necessary in order to stay alive; to be willing to humiliate oneself in order to survive
苟且 {adj} /gǒuqiě/ :: negligent; careless
苟且 {adj} /gǒuqiě/ :: temporizing; unprincipled; disregarding principles
苟且 {adj} /gǒuqiě/ :: lax in morals
苟且偷生 {idiom} /gǒuqiětōushēng/ :: to drag out an ignoble existence
苟全 {v} /gǒuquán/ :: to preserve (one's own life) at all costs
苟同 {v} /gǒutóng/ :: to agree without careful consideration
苟延残喘 {def} SEE: 苟延殘喘 ::
苟延殘喘 {idiom} /gǒuyáncánchuǎn/ :: to linger; to drag on one's feeble existence
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: to be circumspect or cautious in one's behaviour
{def} /hòu/ :: only used in 薢茩
{def} /gǒu,qú/ :: only used in 蚼犬
豿 {def} /gǒu/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /nǒu/ :: [historical dictionaries] breasts
{def} /nǒu/ :: [historical dictionaries] to feed a baby with milk
{def} /gòu/ :: [historical dictionaries] to milk
{def} /kòu/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gòu/ :: suckle
{def} /gòu/ :: infant
{def} /gòu/ :: baby
{def} /gòu/ :: ignorant
{def} /gòu/ :: stupid
{def} /gòu/ :: prudent
{def} /gòu/ :: cautious
{def} /gòu/ :: [historical dictionaries] night
{def} /gòu/ :: [historical dictionaries] hidden part of a room
{def} /jiǎng/ :: only used in 𠈵傋
{def} /gòu/ :: only used in 傋霿
{def} /gòu/ :: crossly accumulated woods
{def} /gōu/ :: alternative form of
{def} /shā/ :: Sentence-final particle, similar to *啊
{def} [onomatopoeia] /shā/ :: the sound of rustling
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gòu/ :: filth; dirt
{def} /gòu/ :: dust
{def} /gòu/ :: shame
{def} SEE: ::
够班 {def} SEE: 夠班 ::
够本 {def} SEE: 夠本 ::
够不着 {def} SEE: 夠不著 ::
够胆 {def} SEE: 夠膽 ::
够得上 {def} SEE: 夠得上 ::
够得着 {def} SEE: 夠得著 ::
够额 {def} SEE: 夠額 ::
够格 {def} SEE: 夠格 ::
够喝一壶的 {def} SEE: 夠喝一壺的 ::
够姜 {def} SEE: 夠薑 ::
够力 {def} SEE: 夠力 ::
够朋友 {def} SEE: 夠朋友 ::
够皮 {def} SEE: 夠皮 ::
够呛 {def} SEE: 夠嗆 ::
够戗 {def} SEE: 夠戧 ::
够意思 {def} SEE: 夠意思 ::
够钟 {def} SEE: 夠鐘 ::
{def} /gòu/ :: to be enough; to be sufficient; to reach or achieve a desired level
{def} /gòu/ :: to reach
{def} /gòu/ :: to have enough of something; to have a sufficient amount of something
{def} [Hakka] /gòu/ :: serious; hardworking
{def} [Hakka] /gòu/ :: arrogant
夠本 {n} /gòuběn,er/ :: the gains balancing the losses
夠本 {v} /gòuběn,er/ :: to make enough money to cover the cost; to break even
夠不著 {v} /gòubuzháo/ :: to be unable to reach
夠戧 {def} SEE: 夠嗆 ::
夠得上 {v} /gòudéshàng/ :: to regard as; to be regarded as; to count as; to qualify as
夠得著 {v} /gòudezháo/ :: to be able to reach; to be up to
夠格 {v} /gòugé,er/ :: to be qualified; to be up to standard
夠喝一壺的 {idiom} /gòu hē 一 hú de/ :: to make big difficulty to someone
夠力 {adj} [Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Malaysian Mandarin] /gòulì/ :: powerful; strong
夠力 {adj} [Malaysian Mandarin] /gòulì/ :: great; very good
夠朋友 {v} [colloquial] /gòu péngyou,gòu péngyǒu,1nb/ :: to deserve to be called a true friend
夠嗆 {adj} [colloquial] /gòuqiàng/ :: terrible; unbearable
夠嗆 {adj} [colloquial] /gòuqiàng/ :: unlikely; hard to say
夠嗆 {adj} [colloquial] /gòuqiàng/ :: enough
夠意思 {adj} /gòuyìsi/ :: wonderful; great; fantastic; delightful
夠意思 {adj} /gòuyìsi/ :: kind; generous
夠意思 {adj} /gòuyìsi/ :: deserving to be called a true friend
{def} /gòu/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gòu/ :: 44th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gòu/ :: good
{def} [originally] /gòu/ :: to marry in a cousin marriage (to cement the relationship between families); [in general] to marry
{def} /gòu/ :: to dote on
{def} /gòu/ :: to make peace; to reach agreement; to negotiate peace
{def} /gòu/ :: to copulate; to have sexual intercourse
媾合 {v} [literary] /gòuhé/ :: to copulate
媾和 {v} /gòuhé/ :: to make peace; to reach agreement
{def} [literary] /gòu/ :: to draw a bow to the full
{def} /gòu/ :: [obsolete] target
{def} /gòu/ :: [obsolete] shooting range
{def} /gòu/ :: [obsolete] good shooter
{def} /gòu/ :: [historical dictionaries] good
{def} [dated] /gòu/ :: alternative form of
彀率 {n} /gòulǜ/ :: the degree to which a bow is drawn
{def} SEE: ::
搆得著 {v} /gòudezháo/ :: alternative form of 夠得著/够得着
搆思 {def} SEE: 構思 ::
搆陷 {def} SEE: 構陷 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gòu,gōu,2nb/ :: alternative form of
构兵 {def} SEE: 構兵 ::
构不着 {def} SEE: 構不著 ::
构成 {def} SEE: 構成 ::
构成要件 {def} SEE: 構成要件 ::
构成主义 {def} SEE: 構成主義 ::
构词 {def} SEE: 構詞 ::
构词学 {def} SEE: 構詞學 ::
构得着 {def} SEE: 搆得著 ::
构架 {def} SEE: 構架 ::
构件 {def} SEE: 構件 ::
构建 {def} SEE: 構建 ::
构凌 {def} SEE: 構凌 ::
构拟 {def} SEE: 構擬 ::
构思 {def} SEE: 構思 ::
构图 {def} SEE: 構圖 ::
构陷 {def} SEE: 構陷 ::
构想 {def} SEE: 構想 ::
构造 {def} SEE: 構造 ::
构筑 {def} SEE: 構築 ::
构筑物 {def} SEE: 構築物 ::
{def} /gòu/ :: to form; to build
{def} /gòu/ :: to fabricate; to make up
{def} /gòu/ :: frame; structure; building
構兵 {v} [literary] /gòubīng/ :: to engage in combat; to fight; to wage war
構不著 {v} /gòubuzháo/ :: alternative form of 夠不著
構成 {v} /gòuchéng/ :: to constitute; to form; to make up; to pose (e.g. a threat)
構成 {n} /gòuchéng/ :: constitution; formation; make up
構成要件 {n} [legal] /gòuchéng yàojiàn/ :: actus reus
構成主義 {n} /gòuchéng zhǔyì/ :: constructivism
構詞 {n} [linguistics] /gòucí/ :: wordbuilding; word formation
構詞學 {n} [linguistics] /gòucíxué/ :: morphology
構架 {n} [architecture] /gòujià/ :: framework
構架 {n} [figurative] /gòujià/ :: framework; structure; frame
構架 {v} /gòujià/ :: to construct; to establish; to conceive
構件 {n} /gòujiàn/ :: component; part
構建 {v} /gòujiàn/ :: to build (something abstract); to construct
構擬 {v} [linguistics] /gòunǐ/ :: to reconstruct
構思 {v} /gòusī/ :: to conceive (an artistic work); to design
構思 {n} /gòusī/ :: conception (of an artistic work); design
構圖 {v} [painting, photography] /gòutú/ :: to compose (of a picture)
構圖 {n} [painting, photography] /gòutú/ :: composition (of a picture)
構陷 {v} /gòuxiàn/ :: to frame; to falsely incriminate; to make a false charge against
構想 {v} /gòuxiǎng/ :: to imagine; to conceive
構想 {n} /gòuxiǎng/ :: idea; concept; conception
構造 {n} /gòuzào/ :: structure; construction (Classifier: m:個)
構造 {v} /gòuzào/ :: to build; to construct
構造 {v} [archaic] /gòuzào/ :: to fabricate; to concoct; to make up a false set of facts
構築 {v} /gòu筑/ :: to construct; to build
構築物 {n} /gòu築wù/ :: structure (constructed building or other object)
{def} [literary] /gòu/ :: to see; to meet; to encounter
{def} /gòu/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
詬病 {v} [literary] /gòubìng/ :: to denounce; to castigate; to criticise
詬罵 {v} /gòumà/ :: to revile; to abuse verbally
{def} SEE: ::
诟病 {def} SEE: 詬病 ::
诟骂 {def} SEE: 詬罵 ::
{def} /gòu/ :: to buy, to purchase
{def} /gòu/ :: to hire
購併 {v} [finance] /gòubìng/ :: to acquire and merge; to amalgamate; to take over (a company); to carry out mergers and acquisitions
購得 {v} /gòudé/ :: to purchase; to acquire
購房 {n} /gòufáng/ :: home buying; house purchasing
購糧 {v} /gòuliáng/ :: to purchase grain
購買 {v} /gòumǎi/ :: to purchase; to buy
購買力 {n} [economics] /gòumǎilì/ :: purchasing power; buying power (amount that can be bought with a unit of currency or by consumers)
購買力 {n} [business] /gòumǎilì/ :: purchasing power; buying power (ability of a collective to negotiate favourable prices)
購買力平價 {n} /gòumǎilì píngjià/ :: purchasing power parity
購買癖 {n} [psychology] /gòumǎi癖/ :: oniomania
購買人 {n} /gòumǎirén/ :: buyer; purchaser
購買慾 {n} /gòumǎiyù/ :: desire to make a purchase
購買者 {n} /gòumǎizhě/ :: purchaser; buyer
購票 {v} /gòupiào/ :: to purchase a ticket
購入 {v} /gòurù/ :: to purchase
購物 {v} /gòuwù/ :: to go shopping
購物單 {n} /gòuwùdān/ :: shopping list
購物車 {n} /gòuwùchē/ :: shopping cart; shopping trolley
購物城 {n} /gòuwùchéng/ :: shopping centre; shopping mall
購物袋 {n} /gòuwùdài,er/ :: shopping bag
購物狂 {n} /gòuwùkuáng/ :: shopaholic; oniomaniac
購物狂 {n} [psychology] /gòuwùkuáng/ :: oniomania
購物籃 {n} /gòuwùlán/ :: shopping basket
購物中心 {n} /gòuwù zhōngxīn/ :: shopping centre; shopping mall
購銷 {v} /gòuxiāo/ :: to buy and sell
購銷 {n} /gòuxiāo/ :: buying and selling
購置 {v} /gòuzhì/ :: to purchase; to buy
{def} SEE: ::
购并 {def} SEE: 購併 ::
购得 {def} SEE: 購得 ::
购房 {def} SEE: 購房 ::
购粮 {def} SEE: 購糧 ::
购买 {def} SEE: 購買 ::
购买力 {def} SEE: 購買力 ::
购买力平价 {def} SEE: 購買力平價 ::
购买癖 {def} SEE: 購買癖 ::
购买人 {def} SEE: 購買人 ::
购买欲 {def} SEE: 購買慾 ::
购买者 {def} SEE: 購買者 ::
购票 {def} SEE: 購票 ::
购入 {def} SEE: 購入 ::
购物 {def} SEE: 購物 ::
购物车 {def} SEE: 購物車 ::
购物城 {def} SEE: 購物城 ::
购物袋 {def} SEE: 購物袋 ::
购物单 {def} SEE: 購物單 ::
购物狂 {def} SEE: 購物狂 ::
购物篮 {def} SEE: 購物籃 ::
购物中心 {def} SEE: 購物中心 ::
购销 {def} SEE: 購銷 ::
购置 {def} SEE: 購置 ::
{def} /gòu/ :: to meet; to encounter
{def} [Min] /gòu/ :: orthographic variant of
{def} /gòu/ :: crowing of a pheasant
{def} /gū,gǔ,2nb/ :: to estimate (an amount)
{def} [Cantonese] /gū,gǔ,2nb/ :: to guess
{def} /gù/ :: only used in 估衣
估定 {v} [formal] /gūdìng/ :: to appraise; to assess; to estimate; to evaluate
估对仔 {def} SEE: 估對仔 ::
估計 {v} /gūjì,tl/ :: to guess; to reckon; to suppose; to estimate; to assess; to figure
估计 {def} SEE: 估計 ::
估价 {def} SEE: 估價 ::
估價 {v} /gūjià/ :: to value; to appraise; to estimate the price
估價 {v} /gūjià/ :: to assess; to evaluate
估量 {v} /gūliáng,gūliang,gūliàng,1nb/ :: to evaluate; to estimate
估摸 {v} [colloquial] /gūmo/ :: to estimate; to reckon
估算 {v} /gūsuàn/ :: to assess by estimation; to evaluate
估衣 {n} /gùyi,gùyī,1nb/ :: secondhand clothes
估值 {n} /gūzhí/ :: estimated value
估中 {v} /gūzhòng/ :: to guess correctly; to figure out
呱嗒板儿 {def} SEE: 呱嗒板兒 ::
呱嗒板兒 {n} /guādabǎnr/ :: bamboo clappers
呱嗒板兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /guādabǎnr/ :: clogs; wooden slippers
呱呱 {adv} [onomatopoeia, literary] /呱呱/ :: for the cry of a baby
呱呱 {n} [literary] /呱呱/ :: infant; baby
呱呱 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /guāguā/ :: for sound of frogs, ducks, etc.: quack; croak; caw
呱呱 {adv} [onomatopoeia, literary] /guāguā/ :: for crying, wailing or shouting
呱呱 {adv} [onomatopoeia, literary] /guāguā/ :: for gulping water
呱呱 {adv} [onomatopoeia, literary] /guāguā/ :: for talking fluently
呱呱堕地 {def} SEE: 呱呱墮地 ::
呱呱墮地 {idiom} [of a baby] /呱呱duòdì/ :: synonym of 呱呱墜地
呱呱叫 {adj} [chiefly Mandarin, colloquial] /guāguājiào/ :: excellent; tip-top
呱呱叫 {v} [Cantonese] /guāguājiào/ :: to complain; to grumble; to gripe
呱呱坠地 {def} SEE: 呱呱墜地 ::
呱呱墜地 {idiom} [of a baby] /呱呱zhuìdì/ :: to be born
{def} /gū/ :: An onomatopoeia
{def} [colloquial] /gū/ :: to stand up someone; to fail to show up (derived from 放鴿子)
咕嘟 {n} [onomatopoeia] /gūdū/ :: Sound of liquid boiling, bubbling or gushing out, or of a person drinking in gulps
咕嘟 {v} /gūdu/ :: to boil
咕咕 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /gūgū/ :: Imitating call of a bird, such as a dove or a partridge
咕咕 {n} [Cantonese, Malaysia Hokkien, childish] /gūgū/ :: penis (especially of a boy)
咕咕鸟 {def} SEE: 咕咕鳥 ::
咕叽 {def} SEE: 咕嘰 ::
咕唧 {def} SEE: 咕嘰 ::
咕嘰 {v} /gūji,gūjī,1nb/ :: to talk in a low voice; to whisper
咕嘰 {v} /gūji,gūjī,1nb/ :: to mutter; to mumble
咕嘰 {v} /gūji,gūjī,1nb/ :: to grumble; to mumble complaints
咕嘰 {v} [of liquid] /gūji,gūjī,1nb/ :: to drip; to squelch
咕哩 {def} SEE: 咕喱 ::
咕啉 {n} [organic compound] /gūlín/ :: corrin
咕噜 {def} SEE: 咕嚕 ::
咕噜肉 {def} SEE: 咕嚕肉 ::
咕嚕 {adv} /gūlū,tl/ :: in a rolling or rumbling manner
咕嚕 {adv} /gūlū,tl/ :: in a gurgling, bubbling or swishing manner
咕嚕 {adv} /gūlū,tl/ :: in a grunting manner
咕嚕 {n} /gūlū,tl/ :: rumbling sound such as the sound of a rolling object
咕嚕 {n} /gūlū,tl/ :: gurgling, bubbling or swishing sound such as the sound of flowing water
咕嚕 {n} /gūlū,tl/ :: grumbling, murmuring or grunting sound such as the sound of a person complaining
咕嚕 {v} /gūlū,tl/ :: to rumble
咕嚕 {v} /gūlū,tl/ :: to gurgle, bubble or swish
咕嚕 {v} /gūlū,tl/ :: to grumble, complain or grunt
咕嚕肉 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gūlūròu/ :: sweet-and-sour pork (Classifier: c:碟c:嚿)
咕哝 {def} SEE: 咕噥 ::
咕噥 {v} /gūnong,gūnóng/ :: to mumble; to murmur; to mutter
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /pài/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
哌啶 {n} [organic compound] /pàidìng/ :: piperidine
哌嗪 {n} [organic compound] /pàiqín/ :: piperazine
哌替啶 {n} /pàitìdìng/ :: pethidine
{def} [onomatopoeia] /wā,gū/ :: gulp
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /夃/ :: [obsolete] to have great profit in sales
{def} /gū/ :: father's sister
{def} /gū/ :: husband's sister
{def} /gū/ :: husband's mother
{def} /gū/ :: woman
{def} /gū/ :: nun
{def} /gū/ :: mole cricket
{def} /gū/ :: tentatively
{def} /gū/ :: surname
姑表 {n} /gūbiǎo/ :: paternal cousin (father's sister's child)
姑不二将 {def} SEE: 姑不二將 ::
姑不将 {def} SEE: 姑不將 ::
姑爹 {n} [regional] /gūdiē/ :: paternal uncle (husband of one's father's sister)
姑夫 {n} /gūfu,gūfū,1nb/ :: paternal uncle (husband of father's sister)
姑父 {n} /gūfu,gūfù,1nb/ :: paternal uncle (husband of father's sister)
姑姑 {n} /gūgu,gūgū,gǔgú,1nb/ :: father's sister; paternal aunt
姑姥姥 {n} /gūlǎolao/ :: maternal great aunt; maternal grandaunt (specifically, one's mother's father's sisters)
姑罗仔 {def} SEE: 姑羅仔 ::
姑妈 {def} SEE: 姑媽 ::
姑媽 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /gūmā/ :: father's sister; paternal aunt
姑媽 {n} [Cantonese] /gūmā/ :: father's elder sister
姑媽 {n} [Min Nan] /gūmā/ :: paternal grandaunt (paternal grandfather's sister)
姑母 {n} /gūmǔ/ :: father's sister; paternal aunt
姑奶 {n} [dialectal] /gūnǎi/ :: great-aunt (paternal grandfather's sister)
姑奶 {n} [Cantonese] /gūnǎi/ :: sister-in-law (husband's elder sister)
姑奶 {interj} [jocular] /gūnǎi/ :: goodnight
姑奶奶 {n} /gūnǎinai/ :: paternal grandaunt (paternal grandfather's sister)
姑奶奶 {n} [respectful] /gūnǎinai/ :: one's married daughter
姑奶奶 {n} [colloquial, pejorative or affectionate] /gūnǎinai/ :: Term of address for a girl or woman who is putting on airs or seems hard to please
姑奶奶 {n} [colloquial, women's speech] /gūnǎinai/ :: A conceited term of address for oneself when quarreling
姑娘 {n} /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: girl; maiden
姑娘 {n} [Mandarin, Gan, Jin, colloquial] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: daughter
姑娘 {n} [Jilu Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin, Jianghuai Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, Gan, Huizhou, Shaowu Min, Wu] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: paternal aunt (father's sister)
姑娘 {n} [Jianghuai Mandarin, Yangjiang Cantonese, Wu] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: sister-in-law (husband's sister)
姑娘 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: wife
姑娘 {n} [historical, obsolete] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: concubine
姑娘 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Min Nan, Christianity] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: nun or unmarried female preacher (often as a title)
姑娘 {n} [Cantonese] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: female nurse, healthcare professional, social worker, etc
姑娘 {n} [colloquial, dialectal] /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: female prostitute
姑娘 {n} /gūniang,gūniáng,er/ :: alternative name for 菇蔫
姑娘儿 {def} SEE: 姑娘兒 ::
姑娘兒 {n} [dialectal, dated] /gūniangr/ :: female prostitute
姑娘兒 {n} [Sichuanese, Dungan] /gūniangr/ :: daughter
姑娘兒 {n} [Sichuanese, Hangzhou Wu] /gūniangr/ :: girl; maiden
姑娘兒 {n} [Wenzhou Wu] /gūniangr/ :: underaged sister-in-law (husband's sister)
姑娘兒 {n} [Dungan] /gūniangr/ :: doll
姑婆 {n} /gūpó/ :: husband's paternal aunt (sister of a woman's father-in-law)
姑婆 {n} /gūpó/ :: paternal grandaunt (paternal grandfather's sister)
姑婆 {n} [chiefly Min Nan] /gūpó/ :: spinster
姑且 {adv} /gūqiě/ :: tentatively; for the time being
姑嫂 {n} /gūsǎo/ :: sisters-in-law (younger sister and wife of a man)
姑冼 {n} [music] /gūxiǎn/ :: ninth note of the shí-èr-lǜ
姑苏 {def} SEE: 姑蘇 ::
姑蘇 {prop} /Gūsū/ :: (~ 城) [historic] The capital of the state of Wu during the Zhou dynasty; a former city located at the site of present-day Suzhou
姑蘇 {prop} /Gūsū/ :: (~ 區) Gusu, a district of modern Suzhou, established in 2012 and comprising the Old City and downtown
姑蘇 {prop} /Gūsū/ :: (~ 山) Mount Gusu, a mountain near Suzhou
姑蘇 {prop} [by metonymy, literary] /Gūsū/ :: modern Suzhou itself
姑息 {v} /gū息/ :: to be excessively tolerant of; to be overly lenient toward; to indulge; to appease
姑息 {adj} [medicine] /gū息/ :: palliative
姑息治疗 {def} SEE: 姑息治療 ::
姑息治療 {n} /gū息 zhìliáo/ :: palliative treatment; palliative care
姑洗 {def} SEE: 姑冼 ::
姑爷 {def} SEE: 姑爺 ::
姑爷爷 {def} SEE: 姑爺爺 ::
姑爷仔 {def} SEE: 姑爺仔 ::
姑爷子 {def} SEE: 姑爺子 ::
姑爺 {n} /gūye/ :: son-in-law (used by wife's family)
姑爺 {n} [regional] /gūye/ :: paternal uncle (father's sister's husband)
姑爺 {n} /gūyé/ :: granduncle (husband of paternal grandfather's sister)
姑爺爺 {n} [colloquial] /gūyéye/ :: granduncle (husband of paternal grandfather's sister)
姑嫜 {n} /gūzhāng/ :: parent-in-law (of a woman)
姑丈 {n} /gūzhàng/ :: uncle (husband of one's father's sister)
姑子 {n} /gūzi/ :: husband's sister
姑子 {n} [Mainland China, colloquial] /gūzi/ :: Buddhist nun
姑子 {n} [Xiang] /gūzi/ :: father's sister; paternal aunt
{def} /gū/ :: orphaned; parentless
{def} /gū/ :: alone; solitary
{def} /gū/ :: orphan
{def} [usually by an emperor or a king] /gū/ :: I
孤傲 {adj} /gū'ào/ :: proud and aloof
孤本 {n} /gūběn/ :: only existing edition
孤單 {adj} /gūdān/ :: lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
孤單 {adj} /gūdān/ :: weak; powerless
孤單 {adv} [Min Nan] /gūdān/ :: only; just
孤城 {n} /gūchéng/ :: isolated city; solitary city
孤雌生殖 {n} /gū雌 shēngzhí/ :: parthenogenesis
孤单 {def} SEE: 孤單 ::
孤岛 {def} SEE: 孤島 ::
孤岛式 {def} SEE: 孤島式 ::
孤島 {n} /gūdǎo/ :: isolated island; solitary island (Classifier: m:座)
孤島式 {adj} [attributive, of keyboards] /gūdǎoshì/ :: island-style
孤独 {def} SEE: 孤獨 ::
孤独症 {def} SEE: 孤獨症 ::
孤獨 {adj} /gūdú/ :: lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
孤獨 {adj} /gūdú/ :: isolated and helpless
孤獨 {n} [literary, dated] /gūdú/ :: people living in isolation without support (literally, orphans and childless old people)
孤獨症 {n} /gūdúzhèng/ :: autism (neurological disorder)
孤对电子 {def} SEE: 孤對電子 ::
孤對電子 {n} [chemistry] /gūduì diànzǐ/ :: lone pair (of electrons)
孤儿 {def} SEE: 孤兒 ::
孤儿院 {def} SEE: 孤兒院 ::
孤儿仔 {def} SEE: 孤兒仔 ::
孤儿作品 {def} SEE: 孤兒作品 ::
孤兒 {n} /gū'ér/ :: orphan
孤兒院 {n} /gū'éryuàn/ :: orphanage (a residential institution for the care and protection of orphans)
孤兒作品 {n} [copyright] /gū'ér zuòpǐn/ :: orphan work
孤芳自賞 {idiom} /gūfāngzìshǎng/ :: to be conceited and indulge in self-admiration
孤芳自赏 {def} SEE: 孤芳自賞 ::
孤負 {def} SEE: 辜負 ::
孤负 {def} SEE: 孤負 ::
孤高 {adj} [literary] /gūgāo/ :: haughty and aloof; remote and arrogant
孤鴿 {n} /gūgē/ :: dodo (Raphus cucullatus)
孤鸽 {def} SEE: 孤鴿 ::
孤寡 {n} /gūguǎ/ :: orphans and widows
孤寡 {n} [literary] /gūguǎ/ :: modest term of address for a nobleperson
孤寡 {adj} /gūguǎ/ :: lonely
孤寒 {adj} [literary] /gūhán/ :: humble; poor and lowly-born
孤寒 {adj} [literary] /gūhán/ :: lonely; alone
孤寒 {adj} [Cantonese, Hakka] /gūhán/ :: stingy; miserly
孤寒 {adj} [Hakka] /gūhán/ :: lonely and discouraged
孤魂 {n} /gūhún/ :: lonely soul; forsaken spirit
孤魂 {n} [figurative] /gūhún/ :: one who has nobody to turn to; helpless person
孤寂 {adj} /gū寂/ :: lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
孤家寡人 {idiom} [humble, archaic] /gūjiāguǎrén/ :: I; we; "your unworthy king" (first-person pronoun used by monarchs, similar to the royal we)
孤家寡人 {idiom} /gūjiāguǎrén/ :: loner; one without followers
孤军 {def} SEE: 孤軍 ::
孤军奋斗 {def} SEE: 孤軍奮鬥 ::
孤军奋战 {def} SEE: 孤軍奮戰 ::
孤军作战 {def} SEE: 孤軍作戰 ::
孤軍 {n} /gūjūn/ :: lone army; isolated force
孤軍奮鬥 {idiom} /gūjūnfèndòu/ :: alternative form of 孤軍奮戰
孤軍奮戰 {idiom} /gūjūnfènzhàn/ :: lone army putting up a brave fight; fighting alone without help; struggling hard without support
孤軍作戰 {idiom} /gūjūnzuòzhàn/ :: to fight in isolation
孤客 {n} [literary] /gūkè/ :: a person who is all alone
孤苦 {adj} /gūkǔ/ :: orphaned and wretched
孤苦伶仃 {idiom} /gūkǔlíngdīng/ :: solitary and impoverished
孤苦零丁 {def} SEE: 孤苦伶仃 ::
孤狼 {n} /gūláng/ :: lone wolf
孤老头 {def} SEE: 孤老頭 ::
孤嫠 {n} [literary] /gūlí/ :: widow
孤力难为 {def} SEE: 孤力難為 ::
孤力難為 {idiom} /gū lì nán wéi/ :: too difficult to accomplish by oneself
孤立 {adj} /gūlì/ :: isolated
孤立 {adj} /gūlì/ :: unrelated; irrelevant
孤立 {v} /gūlì/ :: to isolate
孤立無援 {idiom} /gūlìwúyuán/ :: friendless isolation; struggling alone
孤立无援 {def} SEE: 孤立無援 ::
孤立系統 {n} [physics] /gūlì xìtǒng/ :: isolated system
孤立系统 {def} SEE: 孤立系統 ::
孤立語 {n} [linguistics] /gūlìyǔ/ :: isolating language
孤立語言 {n} [linguistics] /gūlì yǔyán/ :: language isolate
孤立语 {def} SEE: 孤立語 ::
孤立语言 {def} SEE: 孤立語言 ::
孤立主义 {def} SEE: 孤立主義 ::
孤立主義 {n} /gūlìzhǔyì/ :: isolationism
孤零零 {adj} [ideophonic, of a person, an object, etc.] /gūlínglíng,gūlīnglīng,2nb/ :: solitary; lonely; lone; by oneself
孤陋寡聞 {idiom} /gūlòuguǎwén/ :: ignorant and ill-informed
孤陋寡闻 {def} SEE: 孤陋寡聞 ::
孤輪 {n} [literary] /gūlún/ :: moon
孤轮 {def} SEE: 孤輪 ::
孤门独户 {def} SEE: 孤門獨戶 ::
孤僻 {adj} /gūpì/ :: peculiar; eccentric; withdrawn
孤穷 {def} SEE: 孤窮 ::
孤窮 {adj} [literary] /gūqióng/ :: alone and without means; alone and poor
孤山 {prop} /Gūshān/ :: Gushan, various towns in China
孤山 {prop} /Gūshān/ :: Lonely Hill, a prominent hill in Jiangsu's Yangtze plain
孤山 {prop} /Gūshān/ :: Gushan, an island group in Hangzhou's West Lake
孤山 {prop} /Gūshān/ :: Gushan, a dormant volcano in northeastern China's Keluo volcanic field
孤身 {n} /gūshēn/ :: people who are separated from their families
孤身 {n} /gūshēn/ :: single or unmarried people
孤身 {adv} /gūshēn/ :: by oneself, alone
孤身主义 {def} SEE: 孤身主義 ::
孤身主義 {n} /gūshēnzhǔyì/ :: celibacy
孤孀 {n} [literary or dialectal] /gūshuāng/ :: widow
孤孀 {n} [literary] /gūshuāng/ :: widow and orphan
孤挺花 {n} /gūtǐnghuā/ :: amaryllis
孤悬 {def} SEE: 孤懸 ::
孤懸 {adj} [literary] /gūxuán/ :: isolated
孤月 {n} [literary] /gūyuè/ :: moon
孤注一掷 {def} SEE: 孤注一擲 ::
孤注一擲 {idiom} /gūzhù一擲/ :: to go all out; to bet the farm on one thing in order to succeed; to put all one's eggs in one basket
{def} /gū/ :: to buy
{def} /gū/ :: to sell
{def} /gū/ :: abbreviation of 天津
沽空 {v} [finance] /gūkōng/ :: to short sell
沽名釣譽 {idiom} /gūmíngdiàoyù/ :: to angle for fame; to fish for compliments
沽名钓誉 {def} SEE: 沽名釣譽 ::
沽清 {v} [originally, Cantonese] /gūqīng/ :: to be sold out
沽取 {v} /gūqǔ/ :: to buy
痼疾 {n} /gùjí/ :: chronic disease; obstinate illness
{def} /gū/ :: hoop; ring
{def} /gū/ :: to bind; to encircle
{def} [Hakka, Hokkien, Teochew, Malaysia Cantonese] /gū/ :: classifier for money: yuan; dollar; buck
{def} [Hokkien, chiefly Tong'an, vulgar] /gū/ :: to fuck
{def} [Wuhan Mandarin, Gan, Xiang] /gū/ :: to hug; to embrace
𫧃箍躄 {def} SEE: 𣍐箍躄 ::
箍牙 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /gūyá/ :: to wear dental braces
箍子 {n} [dialectal] /gūzi/ :: finger ring; ring
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gū/ :: mushroom
菇蕈 {n} /gūxùn/ :: mushroom
菇凉 {def} SEE: 菇涼 ::
菇涼 {n} [neologism, slang] /gūliáng/ :: alternative form of 姑娘
菇蔫 {n} /gūniān/ :: bladder cherry, Physalis alkekengi
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gū/ :: Manchurian wild rice (Zizania latifolia)
{def} /gū/ :: only used in 蓇葖, etc
蓇葖 {n} [botany] /gūtū,er/ :: follicle
蓇葖 {n} /gūtū,er/ :: flower bud
蓇葖果 {n} [botany] /gūtūguǒ/ :: follicle
{def} /gū/ :: mole cricket
{def} /gū/ :: used in 蟪蛄
{def} /gū/ :: used in 蝦蛄
{def} /蛄/ :: only used in 蝲蛄
{def} /gū/ :: only used in 軲轆
軲轤 {def} SEE: 軲轆 ::
軲轆 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /gūlu,gúlu,2nb/ :: wheel
軲轆 {v} [Mandarin, colloquial] /gūlu,gúlu,2nb/ :: to roll
軲轆馬 {n} [dialectal, largely dated] /gūlumǎ/ :: The name for some kind of wheeled vehicle, the exact type of which is region-dependent
{def} /gǔ,gū/ :: hub of a wheel
{def} /gǔ,gū/ :: wheel
{def} /gǔ,gū/ :: chariot
轂轆 {def} SEE: 軲轆 ::
{def} SEE: ::
轱轳 {def} SEE: 軲轆 ::
轱辘 {def} SEE: 軲轆 ::
轱辘马 {def} SEE: 軲轆馬 ::
{def} /gū/ :: crime; wrong; sin
{def} /gū/ :: to let down
{def} /gū/ :: surname
辜負 {v} /gūfù,tl/ :: to disappoint; to fall short (of others' expectations); to fail to live up to
辜负 {def} SEE: 辜負 ::
{def} /gū/ :: alcoholic drink that is fermented for one night
{def} /gū/ :: to buy alcoholic drink
{def} /gū/ :: Variant pronunciation of sense “alcoholic drink fermented for one night” above
{def} /gū/ :: to sell alcoholic drink; to sell
{def} /gǔ/ :: cobalt
{def} /gǔ/ :: only used in 鈷鉧
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gù/ :: to break
鈷鏌 {def} SEE: 鈷鉧 ::
鈷䥈 {def} SEE: 鈷鉧 ::
鈷鉧 {n} [literary] /gǔmǔ/ :: clothes iron
{def} SEE: ::
钴𬭁 {def} SEE: 鈷鉧 ::
{def} /gū/ :: [obsolete] fish intestines
{def} /gū/ :: [obsolete] a kind of fish
{def} /gū/ :: Used in names of birds
{def} SEE: ::
鸪黄 {def} SEE: 鴣黃 ::
{def} /gú/ :: a kind of animal (from Beihai, Guangxi province)
{def} /gǔ/ :: to come
{def} /gǔ/ :: to go out
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: a pot
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huì,gǔ,hú/ :: a small tripod of bronze with two ears
{def} /huì,gǔ,hú/ :: (standard form of ) tripod of bronze with two ears
{def} /huì,gǔ,hú/ :: heavy three-legged caldron or sacrificial vessel
{def} /gǔ/ :: the past; ancient times
{def} /gǔ/ :: old; ancient
{def} /gǔ/ :: classic; old-styled
{def} /gǔ/ :: simple; unaffected; unsophisticated
{def} /gǔ/ :: things in the past; antiquities; history
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka, Min Nan] /gǔ/ :: story
{def} /gǔ/ :: abbreviation of 古體詩
{def} /gǔ/ :: surname
古埃及 {prop} /Gǔ Āijí/ :: Ancient Egypt
古愛爾蘭語 {n} /gǔ'ài'ěrlányǔ/ :: Old Irish
古爱尔兰语 {def} SEE: 古愛爾蘭語 ::
古巴 {prop} /Gǔbā/ :: 古巴 (island/and/country)
古板 {adj} /gǔbǎn/ :: old-fashioned; stuffy
古貝 {n} /gǔbèi/ :: silk-cotton tree (Bombax ceiba)
古貝 {n} /gǔbèi/ :: Levant cotton (Gossypium herbaceum)
古贝 {def} SEE: 古貝 ::
古本 {n} /gǔběn/ :: ancient book; ancient version or edition of a text
古柏带 {def} SEE: 古柏帶 ::
古柏帶 {prop} [Taiwan, astronomy] /Gǔbó dài/ :: Kuiper belt
古藏文 {prop} /Gǔ Zàngwén/ :: Classical Tibetan
古册 {def} SEE: 古冊 ::
古刹 {def} SEE: 古剎 ::
古剎 {n} /gǔchà/ :: old temple; ancient monastery
古城 {n} /gǔchéng/ :: ancient city; old town
古城 {prop} /gǔchéng/ :: (~ 街道) 古城 (subdistrict)
古城 {prop} /gǔchéng/ :: (~ 社區) 古城 (community)
古城 {prop} /gǔchéng/ :: (~ 村) 古城 (village)
古城口 {prop} /Gǔchéngkǒu/ :: (~ 村) 古城口 (village)
古城臺 {prop} /Gǔchéngtái/ :: (~ 社區) 古城臺 (residential community)
古城台 {def} SEE: 古城臺 ::
古川 {prop} /Gǔchuān/ :: (~ 市) 古川 (city)
古村坪 {prop} /Gǔcūnpíng/ :: (~ 村) 古村坪 (village)
古代 {n} /gǔdài/ :: antiquity; ancient times
古代 {adj} [attributive] /gǔdài/ :: ancient
古代汉语 {def} SEE: 古代漢語 ::
古代漢語 {n} /gǔdài hànyǔ/ :: Old Chinese (language)
古代人 {n} /gǔdàirén/ :: the ancients; ancient person
古代史 {n} /gǔdàishǐ/ :: ancient history
古代希腊语 {def} SEE: 古代希臘語 ::
古代希臘語 {prop} /Gǔdài Xīlàyǔ/ :: Ancient Greek (language)
古道 {n} /gǔdào/ :: old road; ancient road
古道 {n} [literary] /gǔdào/ :: ancient customs; precepts of the antiquity
古道热肠 {def} SEE: 古道熱腸 ::
古道熱腸 {idiom} /gǔdàorècháng/ :: warmhearted; sincere; charitable
古迪納夫 {prop} /Gǔdínàfū/ :: Goodenough (an English surname)
古迪纳夫 {def} SEE: 古迪納夫 ::
古典 {adj} [attributive] /gǔdiǎn/ :: classical (relating to ancient culture or society)
古典 {adj} [attributive] /gǔdiǎn/ :: classical (representing an exemplary standard)
古典 {n} /gǔdiǎn/ :: classical allusion
古典藏語 {n} /gǔdiǎn zàngyǔ/ :: Classical Tibetan
古典藏语 {def} SEE: 古典藏語 ::
古典吉他 {n} /gǔdiǎn jítā/ :: classical guitar
古典结他 {def} SEE: 古典結他 ::
古典拉丁語 {prop} /gǔdiǎn lādīngyǔ/ :: Classical Latin
古典拉丁语 {def} SEE: 古典拉丁語 ::
古典乐 {def} SEE: 古典樂 ::
古典樂 {n} /gǔdiǎnyuè/ :: classical music
古典力学 {def} SEE: 古典力學 ::
古典力學 {n} /gǔdiǎn lìxué/ :: alternative name for 經典力學
古典派 {n} /gǔdiǎnpài/ :: classicism; classicists
古典舞 {n} /gǔdiǎnwǔ/ :: classical dance
古典学 {def} SEE: 古典學 ::
古典學 {n} /gǔdiǎnxué/ :: classical studies; classics
古典音乐 {def} SEE: 古典音樂 ::
古典音樂 {n} /gǔdiǎn yīnyuè/ :: classical music
古典語言 {n} /gǔdiǎn #yǔyán/ :: classical language
古典语言 {def} SEE: 古典語言 ::
古典制約 {n} [psychology] /gǔdiǎn zhìyuē/ :: classical conditioning
古典制约 {def} SEE: 古典制約 ::
古典主义 {def} SEE: 古典主義 ::
古典主義 {n} /gǔdiǎn#zhǔyì/ :: classicism
古典自由主义 {def} SEE: 古典自由主義 ::
古典自由主義 {n} [politics] /gǔdiǎn zìyóuzhǔyì/ :: classical liberalism
古定 {prop} [archaic] /Gǔdìng/ :: alternative form of 古錠
古定刀 {n} [archaic] /gǔdìngdāo/ :: alternative form of 古錠刀
古錠 {prop} [archaic] /Gǔdìng/ :: Guding garrison (in present-day Hebei)
古錠刀 {n} [archaic] /gǔdìngdāo/ :: Guding broadsword
古锭 {def} SEE: 古錠 ::
古锭刀 {def} SEE: 古錠刀 ::
古董 {n} /gǔdǒng/ :: antique; curio
古董 {n} /gǔdǒng/ :: old fogy
古洞 {prop} /Gǔdòng/ :: 古洞 (area)
古都 {n} /gǔdū/ :: ancient capital; old capital
古渡 {n} /gǔdù/ :: ancient ferry crossing
古尔邦节 {def} SEE: 古爾邦節 ::
古爾邦節 {prop} /Gǔ'ěrbāngjié/ :: Eid al-Adha
古法語 {prop} /Gǔfǎyǔ/ :: Old French
古法语 {def} SEE: 古法語 ::
古方 {n} [TCM] /gǔfāng,er/ :: ancient prescription
古風 {n} /gǔfēng/ :: ancient customs; ancient practice
古風 {n} /gǔfēng/ :: a form of pre-Tang era poetry
古风 {def} SEE: 古風 ::
古夫 {prop} /Gǔfū/ :: (~ 鎮) 古夫 (town)
古高地德語 {n} /gǔgāodìdéyǔ/ :: Old High German
古高地德语 {def} SEE: 古高地德語 ::
古高尔 {def} SEE: 古高爾 ::
古高爾 {n} /gǔgāo'ěr/ :: googol
古戈尔普勒克斯 {def} SEE: 古戈爾普勒克斯 ::
古戈爾普勒克斯 {n} /gǔgē'ěr pǔlēikèsī/ :: googolplex
古怪 {adj} /gǔguài/ :: eccentric; odd; strange
古国 {def} SEE: 古國 ::
古國 {n} /gǔguó/ :: ancient country
古國 {n} /gǔguó/ :: country with a long history
古汉语 {def} SEE: 古漢語 ::
古漢語 {n} /gǔhànyǔ/ :: Archaic Chinese
古漢語 {n} /gǔhànyǔ/ :: written forms of archaic Chinese: Classical Chinese
古漢語 {n} /gǔhànyǔ/ :: spoken forms of archaic Chinese: Middle Chinese, Old Chinese, etc
古河 {prop} /Gǔhé/ :: (~ 市) 古河 (city)
古賀 {prop} /Gǔhè/ :: (~ 市) 古賀 (city)
古贺 {def} SEE: 古賀 ::
古画 {def} SEE: 古畫 ::
古畫 {n} /gǔhuà/ :: ancient painting
古話 {n} /gǔhuà/ :: old saying
古话 {def} SEE: 古話 ::
古惑 {def} SEE: 蠱惑 ::
古惑仔 {def} SEE: 蠱惑仔 ::
古跡 {n} /gǔ跡/ :: historical site; heritage site; ruin
古跡 {n} [literary] /gǔ跡/ :: writing and painting of the ancients
古蹟 {def} SEE: 古跡 ::
古迹 {def} SEE: 古跡 ::
古吉拉特 {prop} /Gǔjílātè/ :: (~ 邦) 古吉拉特 (state)
古籍 {n} /gǔjí/ :: antique book; ancient text; classic
古鍵琴 {n} /gǔjiànqín/ :: virginal
古键琴 {def} SEE: 古鍵琴 ::
古江巴格 {prop} /Gǔjiāngbāgé/ :: (~ 街道) 古江巴格 (subdistrict)
古江巴格 {prop} /Gǔjiāngbāgé/ :: (~ 鄉) 古江巴格 (township)
古交 {prop} /Gǔjiāo/ :: (~ 市) 古交 (city)
古教会斯拉夫语 {def} SEE: 古教會斯拉夫語 ::
古教會斯拉夫語 {n} /gǔ jiàohuì sīlāfūyǔ/ :: Old Church Slavonic (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language)
古今 {n} /gǔjīn/ :: ancient and modern; past and present; then and now
古今东西 {def} SEE: 古今東西 ::
古今東西 {idiom} /gǔjīndōngxī/ :: ancient and modern, Eastern and Western; all times and all places
古今多少事,都付笑談中 {proverb} /gǔjīn duōshǎo shì, dōu fù xiàotán zhōng/ :: It is better to keep an open mind with respect to right and wrong or success and failure when evaluating historical developments
古今多少事,都付笑谈中 {def} SEE: 古今多少事,都付笑談中 ::
古今中外 {idiom} /gǔjīnzhōngwài/ :: ancient and modern, Chinese and abroad; all times and all places
古晉 {prop} /Gǔjìn/ :: (~ 市) 古晉 (city/capital city)
古晋 {def} SEE: 古晉 ::
古近紀 {prop} /Gǔjìnjì/ :: the Paleogene period
古近纪 {def} SEE: 古近紀 ::
古井 {n} /gǔjǐng/ :: old well
古井 {n} [Min Nan] /gǔjǐng/ :: alternative form of 鼓井
古旧 {def} SEE: 古舊 ::
古舊 {adj} /gǔjiù/ :: antiquated; archaic; ancient
古菌 {n} /gǔ菌/ :: archaea
古柯 {n} /gǔkē/ :: coca
古柯碱 {def} SEE: 古柯鹼 ::
古柯鹼 {n} /gǔkējiǎn/ :: cocaine (drug)
古坑 {prop} /Gǔkēng/ :: (~ 鄉) 古坑 (rural township)
古拉格 {n} /gǔlāgé/ :: gulag
古來 {adv} [literary] /gǔlái/ :: from time immemorial; since ancient times
古來 {prop} /gǔlái/ :: (~ 縣) 古來 (district)
古來 {prop} /gǔlái/ :: Kulai (the capital of Kulai district)
古来 {def} SEE: 古來 ::
古兰 {def} SEE: 古蘭 ::
古兰经 {def} SEE: 古蘭經 ::
古蘭 {prop} /Gǔlán/ :: Qur'an
古蘭經 {prop} /Gǔlánjīng/ :: Qur'an (the Islamic holy book)
古老 {adj} /gǔlǎo/ :: ancient; old; hoary
古勒巴格 {prop} /Gǔlèbāgé/ :: (~ 鄉) 古勒巴格 (township)
古历 {def} SEE: 古曆 ::
古灵精怪 {def} SEE: 古靈精怪 ::
古靈精怪 {adj} /gǔlíngjīngguài/ :: weird; bizarre
古龍水 {n} /gǔlóngshuǐ,er/ :: eau de Cologne (perfume)
古龙水 {def} SEE: 古龍水 ::
古楼 {def} SEE: 古樓 ::
古樓 {prop} /Gǔlóu/ :: (~ 街道) 古樓 (subdistrict)
古路 {prop} /Gǔlù/ :: (~ 鎮) 古路 (town)
古羅馬 {prop} /Gǔ Luómǎ/ :: Ancient Rome
古罗马 {def} SEE: 古羅馬 ::
古洛糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /gǔluòtáng/ :: gulose
古洛醣 {def} SEE: 古洛糖 ::
古庙 {def} SEE: 古廟 ::
古廟 {n} /gǔmiào/ :: old temple
古姆 {prop} /Gǔmǔ/ :: (~ 鄉) 古姆 (township)
古墓 {n} [archaeology] /gǔmù/ :: ancient tomb (Classifier: m:座)
古諾爾斯語 {prop} /Gǔnuò'ěrsīyǔ/ :: Old Norse
古諾斯語 {prop} /Gǔnuòsīyǔ/ :: Old Norse
古诺尔斯语 {def} SEE: 古諾爾斯語 ::
古诺斯语 {def} SEE: 古諾斯語 ::
古朴 {def} SEE: 古樸 ::
古樸 {adj} /gǔ樸/ :: simple and unadorned (art, architecture, etc.); simple and unsophisticated; displaying primitive simplicity
古气候 {def} SEE: 古氣候 ::
古气候学 {def} SEE: 古氣候學 ::
古气候学家 {def} SEE: 古氣候學家 ::
古氣候 {n} /gǔqìhòu/ :: palaeoclimate
古氣候學 {n} /gǔqìhòuxué/ :: palaeoclimatology
古氣候學家 {n} /gǔqìhòuxuéjiā/ :: paleoclimatologist
古桥沟 {def} SEE: 古橋溝 ::
古橋溝 {prop} /Gǔqiáogōu/ :: (~ 村) 古橋溝 (village)
古琴 {n} [music] /gǔqín/ :: guqin; Chinese seven-stringed zither, qin
古琴 {prop} /gǔqín/ :: alternative name for 古琴臺
古琴臺 {prop} /Gǔqín Tái/ :: Guqin Tai (name of a place in Wuhan, China)
古琴台 {def} SEE: 古琴臺 ::
古曲 {n} /gǔqǔ/ :: ancient tune
古人 {n} /gǔrén/ :: the ancients; people from ancient times; forefathers
古人 {n} [anthropology] /gǔrén/ :: early man; Homo sapiens
古人 {n} /gǔrén/ :: someone who has passed away
古人类 {def} SEE: 古人類 ::
古人类学 {def} SEE: 古人類學 ::
古人类学家 {def} SEE: 古人類學家 ::
古人類 {n} /gǔrénlèi/ :: ancient humans; hominin
古人類學 {n} /gǔrénlèixué/ :: paleoanthropology
古人類學家 {n} /gǔrénlèixuéjiā/ :: paleoanthropologist
古撒克逊语 {def} SEE: 古撒克遜語 ::
古撒克遜語 {n} /gǔsǎkèxùnyǔ/ :: Old Saxon
古色古香 {idiom} /gǔsègǔxiāng/ :: having an ancient or antique elegance
古山 {prop} /Gǔshān/ :: (~ 村) 古山 (village)
古生代 {prop} /Gǔshēngdài/ :: the Paleozoic era
古生菌 {n} /gǔshēng菌/ :: alternative name for 古菌
古生物 {n} /gǔshēngwù/ :: paleo-organism
古生物学 {def} SEE: 古生物學 ::
古生物学家 {def} SEE: 古生物學家 ::
古生物學 {n} /gǔshēngwùxué/ :: paleontology; paleobiology
古生物學家 {n} /gǔshēngwùxuéjiā/ :: paleontologist; paleobiologist
古詩 {n} /gǔshī/ :: ancient Chinese poetry (such as that included in the Classic of Poetry)
古詩 {n} /gǔshī/ :: Chinese-language poetry composed in a similar style
古诗 {def} SEE: 古詩 ::
古时 {def} SEE: 古時 ::
古時 {n} /gǔshí/ :: antiquity; ancient times
古石 {prop} /Gǔshí/ :: (~ 村) 古石 (village)
古史 {n} /gǔshǐ/ :: ancient history
古事 {n} [literary] /gǔshì/ :: literature (of an academic or historical nature)
古事 {n} [literary] /gǔshì/ :: classical allusion
古事記 {prop} /Gǔshìjì/ :: Kojiki (earliest historical record of ancient Japan written in 711-712 CE)
古事记 {def} SEE: 古事記 ::
古式 {n} [obsolete] /gǔshì/ :: ancient rituals; ancient rites
古式 {adj} /gǔshì/ :: old-style; ancient-style
古书 {def} SEE: 古書 ::
古書 {n} /gǔshū/ :: antique book; ancient text
古斯米 {n} /gǔsīmǐ/ :: couscous
古太古代 {prop} /Gǔ Tàigǔ Dài/ :: the Paleoarchean eon
古田 {prop} /Gǔtián/ :: (~ 縣) 古田 (county)
古田 {prop} /Gǔtián/ :: (~ 鎮) 古田 (town)
古銅色 {n} [of skin, etc.] /gǔtóngsè/ :: bronze colour
古铜色 {def} SEE: 古銅色 ::
古玩 {n} /gǔ玩/ :: antique; curio
古玩城 {n} /gǔwánchéng/ :: antique superstore
古往今來 {idiom} /gǔwǎngjīnlái/ :: through the ages; from antiquity to modernity
古往今来 {def} SEE: 古往今來 ::
古文 {n} /gǔwén/ :: Classical Chinese
古文 {n} /gǔwén/ :: Literary Chinese
古文 {n} /gǔwén/ :: Classical Chinese texts
古文 {n} [writing, paleography] /gǔwén/ :: ancient script
古文觀止 {prop} /Gǔwén Guānzhǐ/ :: Guwen Guanzhi (anthology of essays written in literary Chinese)
古文观止 {def} SEE: 古文觀止 ::
古文物 {n} /gǔwénwù/ :: ancient relic; antique; antiquity
古文字 {n} [writing, paleography] /gǔwénzì/ :: ancient script
古文字 {n} [writing, paleography] /gǔwénzì/ :: pre-Qin script, such as jinwen or jiaguwen
古文字学 {def} SEE: 古文字學 ::
古文字學 {n} /gǔwénzìxué/ :: paleography
古屋 {n} /gǔwū/ :: old house
古物 {n} /gǔwù/ :: ancient relic; antique; antiquity
古希腊 {def} SEE: 古希臘 ::
古希腊式搏击 {def} SEE: 古希臘式搏擊 ::
古希腊语 {def} SEE: 古希臘語 ::
古希臘 {prop} /Gǔ Xīlà/ :: Ancient Greece
古希臘式搏擊 {n} [martial arts] /gǔ-Xīlà shì bó擊/ :: pankration
古希臘語 {prop} /Gǔ Xīlàyǔ/ :: Ancient Greek (language)
古昔 {adv} [literary] /gǔ昔/ :: in ancient times
古稀 {n} [literary] /gǔxī/ :: 70 years of age
古細菌 {n} /gǔxì菌/ :: alternative name for 古菌
古细菌 {def} SEE: 古細菌 ::
古訓 {n} /gǔxùn/ :: ancient maxims or precepts
古训 {def} SEE: 古訓 ::
古雅 {adj} /gǔyǎ/ :: classic and elegant; of classic beauty and in elegant taste; of classic elegance (of material things, literary works, etc.)
古諺 {n} /gǔyàn/ :: ancient saying
古谚 {def} SEE: 古諺 ::
古义 {def} SEE: 古義 ::
古意 {n} /gǔyì/ :: interest and charm of antique taste
古意 {n} /gǔyì/ :: nostalgia; wistfulness
古意 {adj} [chiefly Min Nan] /gǔyì/ :: honest and considerate
古意 {adj} [Min Nan] /gǔyì/ :: hospitable; friendly
古義 {n} /gǔyì/ :: ancient meaning
古驛 {prop} /Gǔyì/ :: (~ 鎮) 古驛 (town)
古驛 {prop} /Gǔyì/ :: (~ 社區) 古驛 (residential community)
古驿 {def} SEE: 古驛 ::
古音 {n} /gǔyīn/ :: ancient music
古音 {n} [phonology] /gǔyīn/ :: ancient pronunciation of Chinese characters
古英語 {prop} /Gǔyīngyǔ/ :: Old English
古英语 {def} SEE: 古英語 ::
古語 {n} /gǔyǔ/ :: old language; ancient language
古語 {n} /gǔyǔ/ :: old words; old expression
古语 {def} SEE: 古語 ::
古元古代 {prop} /Gǔyuángǔdài/ :: the Paleoproterozoic era
古月粉 {n} /gǔyuèfěn/ :: ground pepper
古早 {n} [chiefly Min] /gǔzǎo/ :: antiquity; ancient times
古宅 {n} /gǔzhái/ :: old house; old residence
古朝鮮 {prop} [historical] /Gǔcháoxiǎn,Gǔcháoxiān,Gǔzhāoxiān,1nb/ :: Gojoseon (ancient Korean kingdom)
古朝鲜 {def} SEE: 古朝鮮 ::
古者 {n} [literary] /gǔzhě/ :: the ancients; the people of old
古鎮 {n} /gǔzhèn/ :: old town
古鎮 {prop} /gǔzhèn/ :: (~ 鎮) Guzhen, Guangdong (town in Zhongshan, Guangdong province, China)
古镇 {def} SEE: 古鎮 ::
古筝 {def} SEE: 古箏 ::
古箏 {n} [musical instruments] /gǔzhēng/ :: guzheng (a long plucked zither used in Chinese traditional and classical music)
古植物学 {def} SEE: 古植物學 ::
古植物學 {n} /gǔzhíwùxué/ :: paleobotany
古制 {n} /gǔzhì/ :: old system; ancient system
古装 {def} SEE: 古裝 ::
古装剧 {def} SEE: 古裝劇 ::
古裝 {n} /gǔzhuāng/ :: ancient costume
古裝劇 {n} /gǔzhuāngjù/ :: costume drama; ancient Chinese drama
古壮字 {def} SEE: 古壯字 ::
古壯字 {n} /gǔ Zhuàngzì/ :: Sawndip (the traditional Chinese character-derived script used to write the Zhuang language)
古锥 {def} SEE: 古錐 ::
古拙 {adj} /gǔzhuó/ :: simple and unadorned (art, architecture, etc.); simple and unsophisticated; displaying primitive simplicity
古字 {n} /gǔzì/ :: archaic form of a Chinese character
{def} /gū/ :: [obsolete] [of birds] to cry
唂精上脑 {def} SEE: 唂精上腦 ::
{def} SEE: ::
扢响 {def} SEE: 扢響 ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)
{def} SEE: ::
毂辘 {def} SEE: 軲轆 ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to regulate rivers; to govern or manage
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to create disorder; to make chaos
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to submerge; to flood
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to indulge in; to wallow
{def} [literary] /gǔ/ :: appearance of water flowing rapidly
{def} [literary, onomatopoeia] /gǔ/ :: only used in 汩汩
{def} /gǔ/ :: surname
{def} /yù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of 𡿯
{def} /yù/ :: [obsolete] appearance of rapid movement
{def} /yù/ :: [obsolete] clean appearance
{def} /hú/ :: [obsolete] surge
{def} /gǔ/ :: name of a river in Hunan province
{def} /gǔ/ :: river name in Henan province
{def} /xiǒng/ :: light from fire; firelight; flame; blaze
{def} /gǔ/ :: bull; ox (especially castrated)
{def} /gǔ/ :: cow (female)
{def} [Hakka, Teochew] /gǔ/ :: male
牯岭 {def} SEE: 牯嶺 ::
牯嶺 {prop} /Gǔlǐng/ :: Guling (Kuling), a mountain in 牯嶺 (mountainous area)
牯嶺 {prop} /Gǔlǐng/ :: (~ 鎮) 牯嶺 (town)
牯牛 {n} /gǔniú/ :: bull; ox (especially castrated)
牯牛 {n} [literary] /gǔniú/ :: cow (female)
{def} /gǔ,kǔ/ :: only used in 狜猔
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: blind
{def} /gǔ/ :: undiscerning
瞽目 {adj} /gǔmù/ :: blind
瞽者 {n} /gǔzhě/ :: blind person
{def} /gǔ/ :: corn; grain; cereal
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] salary
{def} [regional] /gǔ/ :: paddy; unhulled rice
{def} [regional] /gǔ/ :: rice plant
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] good; fine
穀氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China] /gǔ'ānsuān/ :: glutamic acid
穀氨酸鈉 {n} [formal, mainland China] /gǔ'ānsuānnà/ :: monosodium glutamate; MSG
穀氨醯胺 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /gǔ'ānxī胺/ :: glutamine
穀氨酰胺 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, amino acid] /gǔ'ānxiān胺/ :: glutamine
穀胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /gǔ胺suān/ :: glutamic acid
穀倉 {n} /gǔcāng/ :: barn, granary
穀草 {n} /gǔcǎo/ :: millet straw
穀草 {n} /gǔcǎo/ :: rice straw
穀城 {prop} /Gǔchéng/ :: (~ 縣) 穀城 (county)
穀風 {n} [literary] /gǔfēng/ :: easterly wind
穀胱甘肽 {n} /gǔguānggāntài/ :: glutathione
穀糠 {n} /gǔkāng/ :: grain chaff
穀類 {n} /gǔlèi/ :: cereal; grain
穀粒 {n} /gǔlì/ :: grain (of cereal)
穀梁 {prop} /Gǔliáng/ :: surname
穀梁 {prop} /Gǔliáng/ :: abbreviation of 穀梁傳
穀梁傳 {prop} /Gǔliángzhuàn/ :: Guliang Zhuan; Commentary of Guliang
穀米 {n} /gǔmǐ/ :: grain; cereal
穀米 {n} [dialectal] /gǔmǐ/ :: paddy; rice
穀牛 {n} /gǔniú/ :: rice weevil
穀神星 {prop} [astronomy] /Gǔshénxīng/ :: 1 Ceres
穀食 {n} /gǔshí/ :: cereals; foodstuff
穀物 {n} /gǔwù/ :: cereal; grain
穀雨 {prop} /Gǔyǔ/ :: Guyu (one of the solar terms)
穀子 {n} [especially, northern China] /gǔzi/ :: millet, especially the foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
穀子 {n} [dialectal] /gǔzi/ :: paddy; unhulled rice
穀子 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin] /gǔzi/ :: rice (plant)
{def} /gǔ/ :: fishnet
{def} /gǔ/ :: black ram
{def} /gǔ/ :: thigh; haunches
{def} /gǔ/ :: strand; skein; thread
{def} /gǔ/ :: share; portion
{def} [historical geometry] /gǔ/ :: The longer leg of a right triangle
{def} /gǔ/ :: classifier for strength, forces
{def} /gǔ/ :: classifier for smells or scent
{def} /gǔ/ :: classifier for groups of people
{def} /gǔ/ :: classifier for shares in a company
{def} /gǔ/ :: classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers, etc
股本 {n} /gǔběn/ :: share capital
股东 {def} SEE: 股東 ::
股東 {n} /gǔdōng/ :: shareholder; stockholder
股动脉 {def} SEE: 股動脈 ::
股動脈 {n} [anatomy] /gǔdòngmài/ :: femoral artery
股分 {def} SEE: 股份 ::
股份 {n} /gǔfèn/ :: share; stock
股份 {adj} [attributive] /gǔfèn/ :: joint-stock (of a company)
股份公司 {n} [business, finance, legal] /gǔfèn gōngsī/ :: joint-stock company
股沟 {def} SEE: 股溝 ::
股溝 {n} /gǔgōu/ :: intergluteal cleft; butt crack
股骨 {n} [anatomy] /gǔgǔ/ :: femur; thighbone
股骨头 {def} SEE: 股骨頭 ::
股骨頭 {n} [anatomy] /gǔgǔtóu/ :: femoral head
股价 {def} SEE: 股價 ::
股价指数 {def} SEE: 股價指數 ::
股價 {n} /gǔjià/ :: share price; stock price
股價指數 {n} /gǔjià zhǐshù/ :: stock index
股利 {n} [finance] /gǔlì/ :: dividend
股票 {n} [finance] /gǔpiào/ :: share; stock (Classifier: m:份m:張)
股票交易所 {n} /gǔpiào jiāoyìsuǒ/ :: stock exchange
股票市場 {n} /gǔpiào shì場/ :: stock market; sharemarket
股票市场 {def} SEE: 股票市場 ::
股权 {def} SEE: 股權 ::
股權 {n} /gǔquán/ :: rights of shareholders
股權 {n} /gǔquán/ :: shareholding; equity; ownership (of a company)
股疝 {n} [disease] /gǔshàn/ :: femoral hernia
股神經 {n} [anatomy] /gǔshénjīng/ :: femoral nerve
股神经 {def} SEE: 股神經 ::
股市 {n} /gǔshì/ :: abbreviation of 股票市場
股四头肌 {def} SEE: 股四頭肌 ::
股四頭肌 {n} /gǔsìtóujī/ :: quadriceps
股息 {n} [finance] /gǔ息/ :: dividend
股癣 {def} SEE: 股癬 ::
股癬 {n} [pathology] /gǔ癬/ :: jock itch
股災 {n} /gǔzāi/ :: stock market crash
股灾 {def} SEE: 股災 ::
股掌 {n} [literary] /gǔzhǎng/ :: thigh and palm (of a hand)
股掌 {n} [archaic] /gǔzhǎng/ :: assistant to a government official
股掌之上 {idiom} /gǔ zhǎng zhī shàng/ :: under one's complete control
股指 {n} /gǔzhǐ/ :: abbreviation of 股價指數
股子 {n} [finance] /gǔzi/ :: share; stock
股子 {classifier} /gǔzi/ :: Used for strength, smell, etc
{def} SEE: ::
蛊惑 {def} SEE: 蠱惑 ::
蛊惑仔 {def} SEE: 蠱惑仔 ::
蛊媚 {def} SEE: 蠱媚 ::
蛊祝 {def} SEE: 蠱祝 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: only used in 喇喇蛌
{def} [historical] /gǔ/ :: a type of artificially cultivated poisonous insect, the one remaining in the vessel where toxic insects are allowed to eat each other
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] insect that grows on rotting grain; pest; vermin
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] hot, noxious air that harms people; miasma
{def} /gǔ/ :: to entice; to bewitch
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] malevolent sorcery, including charms, curses and prayers to evil spirits
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] affair; matter
{def} /gǔ/ :: 18th hexagram of the I Ching ()
{def} /yě,gǔ/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
蠱惑 {v} /gǔhuò/ :: to seduce into wrongdoing; to lure; to entice
蠱惑 {adj} [Cantonese] /gǔhuò/ :: cunning; sly; crafty
蠱惑 {n} [Cantonese] /gǔhuò/ :: tricks
蠱惑仔 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /gǔhuòzǎi/ :: hooligan; gangster; rascal; scoundrel (Classifier: 個)
蠱媚 {v} [literary] /yěmèi,gǔmèi/ :: to bewitch by sensual appeal; to seduce; to charm
蠱祝 {v} [literary] /gǔzhòu/ :: to curse somebody; to place a jinx
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: valley; gorge; ravine
{def} /gǔ/ :: mountain stream
{def} [figurative] /gǔ/ :: difficult position; predicament
{def} [Hong Kong Cantonese] /gǔ/ :: (Facebook, etc.) group
{def} /gǔ/ :: surname
{def} /yù/ :: only used in 吐谷渾
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /lù/ :: only used in 谷蠡
谷氨酸 {def} SEE: 穀氨酸 ::
谷氨酸钠 {def} SEE: 穀氨酸鈉 ::
谷氨醯胺 {def} SEE: 穀氨醯胺 ::
谷氨酰胺 {def} SEE: 穀氨酰胺 ::
谷胺酸 {def} SEE: 穀胺酸 ::
谷变 {def} SEE: 谷變 ::
谷變 {n} /gǔbiàn/ :: great change
谷仓 {def} SEE: 穀倉 ::
谷草 {def} SEE: 穀草 ::
谷城 {def} SEE: 穀城 ::
谷底 {n} /gǔdǐ/ :: rock bottom
谷地 {n} /gǔdì/ :: valley (Classifier: m:塊m:片)
谷風 {n} [literary] /gǔfēng/ :: easterly; wind blowing from the east
谷風 {n} [literary] /gǔfēng/ :: wind in the valley
谷风 {def} SEE: 谷風 ::
谷风 {def} SEE: 穀風 ::
谷歌 {prop} /Gǔgē/ :: Google
谷胱甘肽 {def} SEE: 穀胱甘肽 ::
谷精草 {n} /gǔjīngcǎo/ :: pipewort (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce "heat" & "fire".)
谷酒 {def} SEE: 穀酒 ::
谷糠 {def} SEE: 穀糠 ::
谷口 {n} [literary] /gǔkǒu/ :: the entrance to a valley
谷类 {def} SEE: 穀類 ::
谷粒 {def} SEE: 穀粒 ::
谷梁 {def} SEE: 穀梁 ::
谷梁传 {def} SEE: 穀梁傳 ::
谷米 {def} SEE: 穀米 ::
谷牛 {def} SEE: 穀牛 ::
谷饒 {prop} /Gǔráo/ :: (~ 鎮) 谷饒 (town)
谷饶 {def} SEE: 谷饒 ::
谷神 {n} [Taoism] /gǔshén/ :: spirit of the valley
谷神星 {def} SEE: 穀神星 ::
谷食 {def} SEE: 穀食 ::
谷物 {def} SEE: 穀物 ::
谷芽 {n} /gǔyá/ :: Malted rice (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
谷雨 {def} SEE: 穀雨 ::
谷子 {def} SEE: 穀子 ::
{def} /Jiǎ/ :: surname
{def} /gǔ/ :: merchant
{def} /gǔ/ :: to trade; to do business
{def} [literary] /gǔ/ :: to buy
{def} [literary] /gǔ/ :: to lead to; to incur; to bring about
{def} [literary] /gǔ/ :: to sell
{def} /jià/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
賈伯斯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jiǎbósī/ :: Jobs (surname)
賈湖 {prop} /Jiǎhú/ :: Jiahu (the site of a Neolithic Yellow River settlement based in the central plains of ancient China, in what is today Wuyang County, Luohe, central Henan province)
賈禍 {v} [literary] /gǔhuò/ :: to court disaster
賈家店 {prop} /Jiǎjiādiàn/ :: (~ 村) 賈家店 (village)
{def} /gǔ/ :: only used in 餶飿
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [anatomy] /gǔ,gū,gú,1nb/ :: bone
{def} /gǔ,gū,gú,1nb/ :: skeleton; frame; framework
{def} /gǔ,gū,gú,1nb/ :: moral character
{def} [Cantonese] /gǔ,gū,gú,1nb/ :: 15 minutes
{def} [Cantonese] /gǔ,gū,gú,1nb/ :: one fourth; a quarter
{def} /gǔ,gū,gú,1nb/ :: surname
骨癌 {n} /gǔ癌/ :: bone cancer
骨病 {n} /gǔbìng/ :: rheumatological disease
骨單位 {n} [anatomy] /gǔdānwèi/ :: osteon
骨刺 {n} [anatomy] /gǔcì/ :: bone spur; osteophyte
骨单位 {def} SEE: 骨單位 ::
骨笛 {n} [musical instruments] /gǔdí/ :: a bone flute
骨頂雞 {n} /gǔdǐngjī/ :: coot (bird)
骨頂鷄 {def} SEE: 骨頂雞 ::
骨顶鸡 {def} SEE: 骨頂雞 ::
骨董 {def} SEE: 古董 ::
骨朵 {n} [colloquial] /gūduo,er/ :: flower bud
骨朵 {n} [literary, historical] /gūduo,er/ :: a kind of round snack made of flour common in the Song and Yuan dynasties
骨朵 {n} [literary, historical] /gǔduǒ/ :: a kind of mace used in ancient China
骨朵 {n} [literary, historical] /gǔduǒ/ :: abbreviation of 骨朵子直
骨朵 {n} [literary] /gǔduǒ/ :: meat
骨朵 {adj} [literary] /gǔduǒ/ :: round and protruding
骨朵儿 {def} SEE: 骨朵兒 ::
骨朵兒 {n} /gūduor/ :: erhua form of []
骨干 {def} SEE: 骨幹 ::
骨干企业 {def} SEE: 骨幹企業 ::
骨幹 {n} [anatomy] /gǔgàn/ :: diaphysis
骨幹 {n} [figurative] /gǔgàn/ :: backbone; mainstay; core
骨幹企業 {n} /gǔgàn 企yè/ :: key enterprise
骨感 {n} /gǔgǎn/ :: the “boneyfeeling or impression that a skinny person gives other people
骨感 {adj} [neologism, slang, of reality etc.] /gǔgǎn/ :: harsh; brutal; disappointing
骨榦 {def} SEE: 骨幹 ::
骨榦企業 {def} SEE: 骨幹企業 ::
骨格 {n} [literary or Min Nan] /gǔgé/ :: (one's) figure; physical state; physique
骨格 {n} [literary] /gǔgé/ :: (one's) style; bearing; manner
骨格 {n} [literary] /gǔgé/ :: style; format; framework (of a poem)
骨骼 {n} /gǔgé/ :: skeleton (Classifier: 幅)
骨骼肌 {n} /gǔgéjī/ :: skeletal muscle
骨骼系統 {n} /gǔgé xìtǒng/ :: skeletal system
骨骼系统 {def} SEE: 骨骼系統 ::
骨鯁在喉 {idiom} /gǔgěng zài hóu/ :: to feel compelled to speak up about something
骨鲠在喉 {def} SEE: 骨鯁在喉 ::
骨关节炎 {def} SEE: 骨關節炎 ::
骨關節炎 {n} [diseases] /gǔguānjiéyán,er/ :: osteoarthritis
骨骺 {n} [anatomy] /gǔhóu/ :: epiphysis
骨化 {n} /gúhuà/ :: ossification
骨化 {v} /gúhuà/ :: to ossify
骨灰 {n} /gǔhuī/ :: ashes (human remains after cremation)
骨灰盒 {n} /gǔhuīhé,er/ :: cinerary casket; box for bone ashes
骨灰級 {adj} [attributive] /gǔhuījí/ :: supreme in some way, usually the most excellent or enthusiastic; top-grade
骨灰级 {def} SEE: 骨灰級 ::
骨架 {n} /gǔjià/ :: skeleton
骨架 {n} /gǔjià/ :: frame
骨架 {n} /gǔjià/ :: structure
骨架 {n} /gǔjià/ :: framework
骨間膜 {n} [anatomy] /gǔjiān膜/ :: interosseous membrane
骨间膜 {def} SEE: 骨間膜 ::
骨節 {n} [anatomy] /gǔjié/ :: joint
骨節 {n} [figurative, literary] /gǔjié/ :: moral character; integrity; qualities
骨节 {def} SEE: 骨節 ::
骨科 {n} [medicine] /gǔkē/ :: orthopaedics (especially as a hospital department)
骨雷 {n} [obsolete] /gǔléi/ :: alternative form of 忽雷
骨利干 {def} SEE: 骨利幹 ::
骨利幹 {prop} /Gǔlìgàn/ :: Kurykans (an ancient tribe that lived in the north of Lake Baikal)
骨力 {n} [calligraphy] /gǔlì/ :: vigour of strokes
骨力 {n} /gǔlì/ :: vigour of a piece of literary work
骨力 {n} /gǔlì/ :: unyielding character
骨力 {n} /gǔlì/ :: physical strength
骨力 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin] /gúli/ :: vigorous; sturdy
骨力 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin] /gúli/ :: hard and level
骨立 {adj} /gǔlì/ :: extremely thin
骨密度 {n} [medicine] /gǔmìdù/ :: bone density
骨膜 {n} [anatomy] /gǔ膜/ :: periosteum
骨鸟 {def} SEE: 骨鳥 ::
骨牌 {n} /gǔpái/ :: domino
骨牌效应 {def} SEE: 骨牌效應 ::
骨牌效應 {n} /gǔpái xiàoyìng/ :: domino effect
骨盘 {def} SEE: 骨盤 ::
骨盤 {n} [skeleton] /gǔpán/ :: pelvis
骨盆 {n} [anatomy] /gǔpén/ :: pelvis
骨气 {def} SEE: 骨氣 ::
骨氣 {n} [figurative] /gǔqì,gúqì,tl/ :: integrity; backbone; unyielding character
骨氣 {n} [figurative, calligraphy] /gǔqì,gúqì,tl/ :: vigour of strokes
骨肉 {n} [literally] /gǔròu,tl/ :: bones and flesh
骨肉 {n} [figurative] /gǔròu,tl/ :: flesh and blood; blood relative; kindred; kin
骨肉 {n} [figurative] /gǔròu,tl/ :: close relations; kinship
骨瘦如柴 {idiom} /gǔshòurúchái/ :: as thin as a stick; emaciated; unhealthily skinny
骨瘦如豺 {def} SEE: 骨瘦如柴 ::
骨髓 {n} [anatomy] /gǔsuǐ/ :: bone marrow
骨髓腔 {n} [anatomy] /gǔsuǐqiāng/ :: medullary cavity
骨髓炎 {n} [disease] /gǔsuǐyán/ :: osteomyelitis
骨髓移植 {n} [medicine] /gǔsuǐ yízhí/ :: bone marrow transplantation
骨碎补 {def} SEE: 骨碎補 ::
骨碎補 {n} /gǔsuìbǔ/ :: rhizome of the drynaria (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve blood circulation.)
骨坛 {def} SEE: 骨罈 ::
骨罈 {n} /gǔtán/ :: urn; funeral urn
骨炭 {n} /gǔtàn/ :: boneblack
骨痛 {n} /gǔtòng/ :: bone pain; ostealgia
骨痛热 {def} SEE: 骨痛熱 ::
骨痛热症 {def} SEE: 骨痛熱症 ::
骨痛熱 {n} /gǔtòngrè/ :: dengue fever
骨痛熱症 {n} /gǔtòngrèzhèng/ :: dengue fever
骨头 {def} SEE: 骨頭 ::
骨头打鼓 {def} SEE: 骨頭打鼓 ::
骨頭 {n} [anatomy, colloquial] /gǔtou,gútou,1nb/ :: bone
骨頭 {n} [figurative] /gǔtou,gútou,1nb/ :: character; personal quality
骨頭 {n} [figurative] /gǔtou,gútou,1nb/ :: moral character or backbone; courageous spirit
骨頭 {n} [figurative, pejorative, often as a suffix] /gǔtou,gútou,1nb/ :: contemptible or morally corrupt person
骨頭 {n} [figurative] /gǔtou,gútou,1nb/ :: hint of sarcasm or dissatisfaction (in one's words)
骨頭打鼓 {v} [figurative, regional] /gǔtou dǎgǔ,gútou dǎgǔ,1nb/ :: to have passed away (for a long time)
骨細胞 {n} [cytology] /gǔxìbāo/ :: osteocyte
骨细胞 {def} SEE: 骨細胞 ::
骨折 {n} /gǔzhé/ :: fracture (in bone)
骨折 {v} /gǔzhé/ :: to break a bone
骨質 {n} [anatomy] /gǔ質/ :: osseous tissue; bone tissue
骨質 {n} [protein] /gǔ質/ :: sclerotin
骨質密度 {n} [medicine] /gǔ质 mìdù/ :: bone density
骨質疏鬆 {n} /gǔ質shūsōng/ :: (~ 症) [disease] osteoporosis
骨質增生 {n} [rheumatology] /gǔ质 zēngshēng/ :: hyperostosis
骨质 {def} SEE: 骨質 ::
骨质密度 {def} SEE: 骨質密度 ::
骨质疏松 {def} SEE: 骨質疏鬆 ::
骨质增生 {def} SEE: 骨質增生 ::
骨子 {n} /gǔzi/ :: frame; ribs
骨子 {adj} /gǔzi/ :: (obsolete) elegant; beautiful, often applies to female
骨子裏 {def} SEE: 骨子裡 ::
骨子裡 {adv} /gǔzilǐ/ :: deep down; at heart
骨子里 {def} SEE: 骨子裡 ::
{def} [literary] /hú/ :: swan
{def} [literary] /hú/ :: white
{def} /hú/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: bullseye (centre of a target)
鵠坡 {prop} /Húpō/ :: (~ 縣) 鵠坡 (district)
{def} SEE: ::
鹄坡 {def} SEE: 鵠坡 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [musical instrument] /gǔ/ :: drum (Classifier: m:面)
{def} /gǔ/ :: to drum; to beat a drum
{def} [literary] /gǔ/ :: to play; to perform; to sound (a musical instrument)
{def} /gǔ/ :: to beat; to clap
{def} /gǔ/ :: [obsolete] to blast hot air for smelting
{def} /gǔ/ :: to incite; to encourage
{def} /gǔ/ :: to bulge
{def} /gǔ/ :: surname
鼓板 {n} [musical instrument] /gǔbǎn/ :: two instruments played together by a single player: a small drum played with a stick in one hand, and a hardwood or bamboo clapper played by the other hand, used to accompany traditional Chinese music
鼓棒 {n} /gǔbàng/ :: drumstick (stick used to play drums) (Classifier: 對)
鼓吹 {v} /gǔchuī/ :: to promote enthusiastically; to preach
鼓吹 {v} /gǔchuī/ :: to brag
鼓吹 {n} /gǔchuī,gǔchuì,2nb/ :: a loud wind and percussion ensemble in traditional Chinese music, usually featuring suona, drums, gongs and cymbals
鼓吹 {n} [Taiwan Min Nan] /gǔchuī,gǔchuì,2nb/ :: suona (a type of woodwind instrument)
鼓吹 {n} [Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou Min Nan] /gǔchuī,gǔchuì,2nb/ :: trumpet; horn (wind instrument)
鼓吹 {n} [literary] /gǔchuī,gǔchuì,2nb/ :: music
鼓吹乐 {def} SEE: 鼓吹樂 ::
鼓吹樂 {n} /gǔchuīyuè,gǔchuìyuè,2nb/ :: music played by a loud wind and percussion ensemble in traditional Chinese music, usually featuring suona, drums, gongs and cymbals
鼓槌 {n} /gǔchuí/ :: drumstick (stick used to play drums) (Classifier: 對把)
鼓打貝斯 {n} /gǔdǎ bèisī/ :: drum and bass
鼓打贝斯 {def} SEE: 鼓打貝斯 ::
鼓捣 {def} SEE: 鼓搗 ::
鼓搗 {v} [dialectal] /gǔdao/ :: to fiddle with; to tinker with
鼓搗 {v} [dialectal] /gǔdao/ :: to incite; to encourage
鼓点 {def} SEE: 鼓點 ::
鼓點 {n} /gǔdiǎn/ :: drumbeat
鼓动 {def} SEE: 鼓動 ::
鼓動 {v} /gǔdòng/ :: to inspire; to urge
鼓動 {v} /gǔdòng/ :: to instigate; to incite
鼓動 {n} [in Japanese contexts] /gǔdòng/ :: beating; pounding
鼓風機 {n} /gǔfēngjī/ :: air blower
鼓风机 {def} SEE: 鼓風機 ::
鼓鼓囊囊 {adj} /gǔgunāngnāng/ :: inflated; bloated; stuffed; bulging
鼓洪炉燎毛发 {def} SEE: 鼓洪爐燎毛髮 ::
鼓洪爐燎毛髮 {idiom} [archaic] /gǔ hónglú liáo máo髮/ :: overkill; to go way overboard; to use a sledge hammer to crack a nut
鼓惑 {v} /gǔhuò/ :: to instigate; to agitate
鼓浪屿 {def} SEE: 鼓浪嶼 ::
鼓浪嶼 {prop} /Gǔlàngyǔ/ :: 鼓浪嶼 (island)
鼓励 {def} SEE: 鼓勵 ::
鼓勵 {v} /gǔlì/ :: to encourage
鼓楼 {def} SEE: 鼓樓 ::
鼓樓 {n} /gǔlóu/ :: Drum tower (Asia)
鼓樓 {prop} /gǔlóu/ :: (~ 街道) 鼓樓 (subdistrict)
鼓樓 {prop} /gǔlóu/ :: (~ 街道) [historical] 鼓樓 (subdistrict)
鼓螺仔风 {def} SEE: 鼓螺仔風 ::
鼓膜 {n} [anatomy] /gǔ膜,er/ :: eardrum; tympanic membrane
鼓盆 {v} [literary, literally] /gǔpén/ :: to drum on a bowl
鼓盆 {v} [literary, figuratively] /gǔpén/ :: to grieve for one's deceased wife
鼓鼙 {n} /gǔpí/ :: a kind of military drum
鼓起 {v} /gǔqǐ/ :: to bulge; to swell
鼓起 {v} /gǔqǐ/ :: to pluck up; to muster 
鼓瑟 {v} [literary] /gǔsè/ :: to play a Se (instrument) (an ancient type of zither)
鼓煞 {n} [Taiwan] /gǔshà/ :: drum brake
鼓山 {prop} /Gǔshān/ :: (~ 區) 鼓山 (district)
鼓舌如簧 {idiom} /gǔshérúhuáng/ :: to wag one's tongue (for honeyed words, malicious gossip, etc.)
鼓声 {def} SEE: 鼓聲 ::
鼓聲 {n} /gǔshēng/ :: sound of a drum; drumbeat (Classifier: m:陣)
鼓室 {n} [anatomy] /gǔshì/ :: tympanum
鼓手 {n} /gǔshǒu/ :: drummer
鼓舞 {v} /gǔwǔ/ :: to inspire; to invigorate; to cheer; to stimulate
鼓舞 {adj} /gǔwǔ/ :: inspiring; invigorating; stimulating
鼓舞人心 {idiom} /gǔwǔrénxīn/ :: encouraging
鼓仔灯 {def} SEE: 鼓仔燈 ::
鼓噪 {def} SEE: 鼓譟 ::
鼓譟 {v} [archaic] /gǔzào/ :: to beat the drums of war while shouting loudly at the enemy
鼓掌 {v} /gǔzhǎng/ :: to applaud
鼓胀 {def} SEE: 鼓脹 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gǔ/ :: process of whitening ivory or elephant tusk
{def} /gǔ/ :: sound of gnawing
{def} /gù/ :: to employ; to hire
僱傭 {v} /gùyōng/ :: to employ; to hire (a worker, firm, etc.); to take on (a worker)
僱傭兵 {n} /gùyōngbīng,er/ :: mercenary; lansquenet
僱傭勞動 {n} /gùyōng láodòng/ :: wage labor; hired labor
僱工 {n} /gùgōng/ :: hire labor; hire hands
僱工 {n} /gùgōng/ :: hired laborer
僱農 {def} SEE: 雇農 ::
僱佣 {def} SEE: 僱傭 ::
僱用 {v} /gùyòng/ :: to employ; to hire (a worker, firm, etc.); to take on (a worker)
僱員 {n} /gùyuán/ :: employee
僱主 {n} /gùzhǔ/ :: employer
{def} /gù/ :: dried up
{def} /gù/ :: exhausted, tired
{def} /gù/ :: dry
{def} /gù/ :: firm
{def} /gù/ :: solid
{def} /gù/ :: to become solid; solidify
{def} /gù/ :: strength
{def} /gù/ :: firmly
{def} /gù/ :: in the first place
{def} /gù/ :: no doubt
固本 {v} [literary] /gùběn/ :: to consolidate the base
固本 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore] /gùběn/ :: coupon
固步自封 {idiom} /gùbùzìfēng/ :: to be complacent and conservative
固醇 {n} /gùchún/ :: sterol
固辞 {def} SEE: 固辭 ::
固辭 {v} [literary] /gùcí/ :: to resolutely decline; to repeatedly turn down
固打 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore] /gùdǎ/ :: quota
固氮 {v} [chemistry, biochemistry] /gùdàn/ :: to fix nitrogen
固氮菌 {n} /gùdàn菌/ :: nitrogen-fixing bacteria
固氮菌 {n} /gùdàn菌/ :: (~ 屬) Azotobacter
固氮作用 {n} [chemistry, biochemistry] /gùdàn zuòyòng/ :: nitrogen fixation
固定 {adj} /gùdìng/ :: fixed; regular
固定 {v} /gùdìng/ :: to fix; to regularize
固定电话 {def} SEE: 固定電話 ::
固定電話 {n} /gùdìng diànhuà/ :: fixed-line telephone; landline
固定旋律 {n} [music] /gùdìng xuánlǜ/ :: cantus firmus
固話 {n} /gùhuà/ :: abbreviation of 固定電話
固话 {def} SEE: 固話 ::
固疾 {n} /gùjí/ :: alternative form of 痼疾
固碱 {def} SEE: 固鹼 ::
固鹼 {n} [inorganic compound, colloquial] /gùjiǎn/ :: alternative name for 氫氧化鈉
固件 {n} [computing] /gùjiàn,er/ :: firmware
固經丸 {n} /gùjīngwán/ :: A cream-coloured pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to nourish yin, reduce heat, arrest excessive menstrual discharge and leukorrhea, in the treatment of excessive menstrual discharge of dark violet blood or morbid leukorrhea"
固经丸 {def} SEE: 固經丸 ::
固拉合玛 {def} SEE: 固拉合瑪 ::
固拉合瑪 {prop} /Gùlāhémǎ/ :: (~ 鎮) 固拉合瑪 (town)
固陋 {adj} [literary] /gùlòu/ :: ill-informed; ignorant
固玛 {def} SEE: 固瑪 ::
固瑪 {prop} /Gùmǎ/ :: Pishan
固瑪 {prop} /Gùmǎ/ :: (~ 鎮) 固瑪 (town)
固然 {adv} /gùrán/ :: admittedly; undoubtedly
固然 {conj} /gùrán/ :: it is true that; there is no doubt that
固若金湯 {idiom} /gùruòjīntāng/ :: strongly fortified; impregnable
固若金汤 {def} SEE: 固若金湯 ::
固涩药 {def} SEE: 固澀藥 ::
固澀藥 {n} /gùsèyào/ :: astringents (Materia medica in traditional Chinese medicine that have an astringent effect on the body)
固山 {prefix} [historical] /gùshān/ :: a prefix added to ranks of nobility in the Qing dynasty
固山貝子 {n} [historical] /gùshān bèizǐ/ :: Prince of the Fourth Rank; the fourth rank of male members of imperial clan in Qing dynasty below that of Duoluo beile (*多羅貝勒)
固山贝子 {def} SEE: 固山貝子 ::
固守 {v} /gùshǒu/ :: to defend tenaciously
固守 {v} /gùshǒu/ :: to stubbornly cling to
固态 {def} SEE: 固態 ::
固态硬盘 {def} SEE: 固態硬盤 ::
固態 {n} /gùtài/ :: solid (as a state)
固態硬盤 {n} [chiefly Mainland, computing] /gùtài yìngpán/ :: solid-state drive; SSD
固体 {def} SEE: 固體 ::
固體 {n} /gùtǐ/ :: solid
固酮 {n} [organic chemistry] /gùtóng/ :: sterone
固相 {n} [physics] /gùxiàng/ :: solid phase
固有 {adj} [attributive] /gùyǒu/ :: characteristic of; innate; intrinsic; inherent
固有层 {def} SEE: 固有層 ::
固有層 {n} [anatomy] /gùyǒucéng/ :: lamina propria
固有名詞 {n} /gùyǒu míngcí/ :: proper noun
固有名词 {def} SEE: 固有名詞 ::
固有时 {def} SEE: 固有時 ::
固有時 {n} [physics] /gùyǒushí/ :: proper time
固原 {prop} /Gùyuán/ :: (~ 市) 固原 (prefecture-level city)
固執 {adj} /gùzhi,gùzhí,1nb/ :: stubborn; obstinate
固執 {v} /gùzhi,gùzhí,1nb/ :: to stubbornly stick with; to persist in; to cling to
固執己見 {idiom} /gùzhíjǐjiàn/ :: to stick stubbornly to one's own views
固执 {def} SEE: 固執 ::
固执己见 {def} SEE: 固執己見 ::
固自 {adv} [archaic] /gùzì/ :: still; yet
{def} /gù/ :: dam; dike [often used in place names]
{def} /gù/ :: old; of the past
{def} /gù/ :: cause; reason
{def} /gù/ :: accident; misfortune; unexpected event
{def} /gù/ :: past things; antiquity
{def} /gù/ :: old friend; good friend; close friend
{def} /gù/ :: to die; to pass away
{def} /gù/ :: deceased; dead
{def} /gù/ :: formerly; originally
{def} /gù/ :: intentionally; deliberately
{def} /gù/ :: still; as before
{def} /gù/ :: therefore; so
故步自封 {idiom} /gùbùzìfēng/ :: to be stuck in the old ways, without the desire to improve oneself
故称 {def} SEE: 故稱 ::
故稱 {n} /gùchēng/ :: dated or obsolete name
故稱 {v} /gùchēng/ :: to be originally called; to be originally named
故城 {n} /gùchéng/ :: the old city
故此 {conj} [formal or Min Bei, Min Dong] /gùcǐ/ :: because of this; consequently; therefore; hence
故道 {n} /gùdào/ :: old road; beaten track; old way
故道 {n} /gùdào/ :: old course (of a river)
故道 {n} [figuratively] /gùdào/ :: archaic institutions and moral standards
故地 {n} /gùdì/ :: old haunt; once familiar place
故都 {n} /gùdū/ :: ancient capital; former capital
故而 {adv} [literary] /gù'ér/ :: therefore
故犯 {v} /gùfàn/ :: to intentionally violate (a rule, etc.)
故宫 {def} SEE: 故宮 ::
故宮 {n} /gùgōng/ :: former palace
故宮 {prop} /gùgōng/ :: Forbidden City
故宮 {prop} /gùgōng/ :: Mukden Palace
故宮 {prop} /gùgōng/ :: National Palace Museum (short for 國立故宮博物院 or 故宮博物院)
故宮 {prop} /gùgōng/ :: Ming Palace
故国 {def} SEE: 故國 ::
故國 {n} [literary] /gùguó/ :: ancient country; nonexistent country
故國 {n} [literary] /gùguó/ :: old country; country with a long history
故國 {n} [literary] /gùguó/ :: one's native country; native land; homeland
故國 {n} [literary] /gùguó/ :: one's hometown
故伎 {n} /gùjì/ :: old tricks
故技 {def} SEE: 故伎 ::
故剑 {def} SEE: 故劍 ::
故劍 {n} [literary, figurative] /gùjiàn/ :: the first wife of one's humble days; one's former wife
故交 {n} [literary] /gùjiāo/ :: old friend
故居 {n} /gùjū/ :: former residence
故里 {n} /gùlǐ/ :: native place; hometown
故吏 {n} [literary] /gùlì/ :: former subordinate or employee
故弄玄虚 {def} SEE: 故弄玄虛 ::
故弄玄虛 {idiom} /gùnòngxuánxū/ :: deliberately mystifying; to make something unnecessarily mysterious
故且 {adv} [archaic] /gùqiě/ :: temporarily
故去 {v} [euphemistic, chiefly of one's elders] /gùqù/ :: to die; to pass away; to go to one's death  
故人 {n} [literary] /gùrén/ :: old friend
故人 {n} [literary] /gùrén/ :: the dead; the deceased; the departed
故人 {n} /gùrén/ :: [literary] former wife
故杀 {def} SEE: 故殺 ::
故殺 {v} [archaic] /gùshā/ :: to commit premeditated murder
故世 {v} [euphemistic, chiefly of one's elders] /gùshì/ :: to die; to pass away; to go to one's death
故事 {n} /gùshi,gùshì/ :: story (sequence of real or fictional events, or an account of such a sequence); tale; narrative; plot
故事 {n} [archaic] /gùshì/ :: old practice or system; well-established convention or routine
故事 {n} [archaic] /gùshì/ :: accident
故事片 {n} /gùshipiàn,gùshipiān,er/ :: feature film; fictional film
故所 {n} /gùsuǒ/ :: original place (of residence)
故所 {conj} [Hakka] /gùsuǒ/ :: therefore; so; consequently
故态复萌 {def} SEE: 故態復萌 ::
故態復萌 {idiom} /gùtàifùméng/ :: to return to one's old bad habits; to relapse into a former undesirable state
故土 {n} /gùtǔ/ :: native land; native place; birthplace; hometown
故土 {n} /gùtǔ/ :: lost territory
故土 {n} [literary, figurative] /gùtǔ/ :: the world; everything under the sky; all under heaven
故土 {n} [literary] /gùtǔ/ :: homeland; home country; motherland; fatherland
故土难离 {def} SEE: 故土難離 ::
故土難離 {idiom} /gùtǔnánlí/ :: it is hard to leave one’s homeland
故县 {def} SEE: 故縣 ::
故縣 {prop} /Gùxiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 故縣 (town)
故乡 {def} SEE: 故鄉 ::
故鄉 {n} /gùxiāng/ :: native land; hometown; birthplace
故意 {adj} /gùyì/ :: intentional; deliberate; on purpose
故意 {adv} /gùyì/ :: intentionally; deliberately; purposely
故友 {n} /gùyǒu/ :: old friend
故友 {n} /gùyǒu/ :: deceased friend; late friend
故园 {def} SEE: 故園 ::
故園 {n} [literary] /gùyuán/ :: native land; hometown; birthplace
故仔 {def} SEE: 古仔 ::
故鄣 {prop} [archaic] /Gùzhāng/ :: Guzhang County, Danyang Commandery (northwest of Anji County, Zhejiang)
故障 {n} /gùzhàng,tl/ :: breakdown; malfunction; fault; failure (of a mechanical or electronic device)
故障 {n} [figurative] /gùzhàng,tl/ :: obstacle; hitch
故障 {n} [computing] /gùzhàng,tl/ :: bug
故知 {n} /gùzhī/ :: an old friend
故址 {n} /gùzhǐ/ :: old site; former address
故作 {v} /gùzuò/ :: to pretend to be (calm, knowledgeable, etc.); to deliberately be
{def} /gù/ :: handcuffs; manacles; fetters
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gǔ/ :: pieces of wood
榾柮 {n} [dialectal] /gǔduò/ :: wood chips
{def} /gù/ :: to run metal into cracks
{def} /gù/ :: to confine; to imprison
{def} /gù/ :: [obsolete] chronic (of illness)
錮疾 {def} SEE: 痼疾 ::
{def} SEE: ::
锢疾 {def} SEE: 錮疾 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hù/ :: migratory birds
雇傭 {def} SEE: 僱傭 ::
雇傭兵 {def} SEE: 僱傭兵 ::
雇工 {def} SEE: 僱工 ::
雇农 {def} SEE: 雇農 ::
雇農 {n} /gùnóng/ :: hired farmhand; peon; cotter
雇佣 {def} SEE: 僱傭 ::
雇佣兵 {def} SEE: 僱傭兵 ::
雇佣劳动 {def} SEE: 僱傭勞動 ::
雇用 {def} SEE: 僱用 ::
雇员 {def} SEE: 僱員 ::
雇員 {def} SEE: 僱員 ::
雇主 {def} SEE: 僱主 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /ě/ :: [historical dictionaries] quiet
{def} /gù/ :: to regard; to concern
{def} /gù/ :: to look back
{def} /gù/ :: to look at
{def} /gù/ :: to look after
{def} /gù/ :: [obsolete] but
{def} /gù/ :: surname
顧不得 {v} /gùbude,gùbùde,gùbùdé/ :: to be unable to take care of; to have to disregard (e.g. to have no time to do something)
顧不得許多 {idiom} /gù 不dé xǔduō/ :: incapable of focusing on too many things at once
顧此失彼 {idiom} /gùcǐshībǐ/ :: to attend to one thing and lose sight of another; to be unable to take care of everything at once
顧店 {v} /gùdiàn/ :: to watch the shop
顧崗 {prop} :: (~ 村) 顧崗 (village)
顧及 {v} /gùjí/ :: to take into consideration; to take into account
顧忌 {n} /gùjì/ :: scruple; misgiving; apprehension
顧家 {v} /gùjiā/ :: to miss one's family
顧家 {v} /gùjiā/ :: to look after one's family; to take care of domestic affairs
顧家 {v} [Mainland China Hokkien] /gùjiā/ :: to look after the house; to watch over a house
顧家店 {prop} /Gùjiādiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 顧家店 (town)
顧俊沙 {prop} [historical] /Gùjùnshā/ :: Gujunsha, synonym of 西沙, a former island in the Yangtze delta
顧客 {n} /gùkè/ :: customer; client
顧客服務 {n} /gùkè fúwù/ :: customer service
顧慮 {v} /gùlǜ/ :: to have worries, misgivings or apprehensions
顧慮 {n} /gùlǜ/ :: worries; misgivings; apprehensions
顧廟 {prop} /Gùmiào/ :: (~ 村) 顧廟 (village)
顧名思義 {idiom} /gùmíngsīyì/ :: as the name implies
顧念 {v} /gùniàn/ :: to worry about; to care for
顧盼 {v} [literary] /gùpàn/ :: to look around
顧全 {v} /gùquán/ :: to give careful consideration to
顧全大局 {idiom} /gùquándàjú/ :: to take the interests of the whole into account; to take the situation as a whole into consideration
顧問 {n} /gùwèn/ :: consultant; advisor
顧問班子 {n} /gùwèn bānzi/ :: think tank; brains trust; brain trust
顧左右而言他 {idiom} /gù zuǒyòu ér yán tā/ :: to try to change the subject of a conversation; to evade the subject under discussion and talk about other affairs; to steer clear of the crucial point
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
顾不得 {def} SEE: 顧不得 ::
顾不得许多 {def} SEE: 顧不得許多 ::
顾此失彼 {def} SEE: 顧此失彼 ::
顾厝 {def} SEE: 顧厝 ::
𫧃顾得 {def} SEE: 𣍐顧得 ::
顾店 {def} SEE: 顧店 ::
顾岗 {def} SEE: 顧崗 ::
顾及 {def} SEE: 顧及 ::
顾己 {def} SEE: 顧己 ::
顾忌 {def} SEE: 顧忌 ::
顾家 {def} SEE: 顧家 ::
顾家店 {def} SEE: 顧家店 ::
顾俊沙 {def} SEE: 顧俊沙 ::
顾客 {def} SEE: 顧客 ::
顾客服务 {def} SEE: 顧客服務 ::
顾虑 {def} SEE: 顧慮 ::
顾庙 {def} SEE: 顧廟 ::
顾庙的 {def} SEE: 顧廟的 ::
顾名思义 {def} SEE: 顧名思義 ::
顾念 {def} SEE: 顧念 ::
顾盼 {def} SEE: 顧盼 ::
顾谦 {def} SEE: 顧謙 ::
顾全 {def} SEE: 顧全 ::
顾全大局 {def} SEE: 顧全大局 ::
顾问 {def} SEE: 顧問 ::
顾问班子 {def} SEE: 顧問班子 ::
顾住 {def} SEE: 顧住 ::
顾左右而言他 {def} SEE: 顧左右而言他 ::
{def} /gù/ :: Onychostoma barbatulum
{def} [classical] /gù/ :: fish guts
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guā/ :: to shave; to pare off; to scrape
{def} /guā/ :: alternative form of
{def} /guā/ :: to wipe; to sweep
{def} /guā/ :: to plunder; to extort
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [colloquial] /guā/ :: to reprimand; to scold
刮蹭 {v} /guācèng/ :: to scrape (one's car against something)
刮刀 {n} /guādāo/ :: scraper
刮風 {def} SEE: 颳風 ::
刮风 {def} SEE: 颳風 ::
刮宫 {def} SEE: 刮宮 ::
刮宮 {v} [medicine] /guāgōng/ :: to do dilatation and curettage
刮胡刀 {def} SEE: 刮鬍刀 ::
刮胡子 {def} SEE: 刮鬍子 ::
刮鬍刀 {n} /guāhúdāo,er/ :: razor (shaving knife)
刮鬍子 {v} /guā húzi/ :: to shave the face
刮脸 {def} SEE: 刮臉 ::
刮脸皮 {def} SEE: 刮臉皮 ::
刮臉 {v} /guāliǎn/ :: to shave the face
刮臉皮 {v} [dialectal] /guā liǎnpí/ :: to rub the forefinger against one's own cheek (to humiliate someone)
刮目相看 {idiom} /guāmùxiāngkàn/ :: to be astonished by someone's progress
刮目相看 {idiom} /guāmùxiāngkàn/ :: to treat someone with renewed respect
刮痧 {v} [TCM] /guāshā/ :: to practise gua sha, a treatment involving repeated pressured strokes over lubricated skin with a smooth edge in order to release blood stasis
刮虱子 {def} SEE: 刮蝨子 ::
刮削 {v} /guā削,,guāxiāo,3nb/ :: to scrape (off)
刮削 {v} [figurative] /guā削,,guāxiāo,3nb/ :: to extort; to exploit; to embezzle
刮须 {def} SEE: 刮鬚 ::
刮奏 {n} [music] /guāzòu/ :: glissando
栝楼 {def} SEE: 栝樓 ::
栝樓 {n} [botany] /guālóu/ :: Chinese snake gourd (Trichosanthes kirilowii)
{def} /guā/ :: melon; gourd; squash
{def} [Cantonese, slang, humorous] /guā/ :: to die
{def} [Mainland, slang, neologism] /guā/ :: storyful news
{def} /guā/ :: surname
瓜氨酸 {n} [biochemistry] /guā'ānsuān/ :: citrulline
瓜达尔卡纳尔岛 {def} SEE: 瓜達爾卡納爾島 ::
瓜達爾卡納爾島 {prop} /Guādá'ěrkǎnà'ěr dǎo/ :: Guadalcanal Island
瓜代 {v} /guādài/ :: to replace
瓜德羅普 {prop} /Guādéluópǔ/ :: Guadeloupe
瓜德罗普 {def} SEE: 瓜德羅普 ::
瓜地馬拉 {prop} [chiefly Taiwan] /Guādìmǎlā/ :: Guatemala
瓜地马拉 {def} SEE: 瓜地馬拉 ::
瓜蒂 {n} [TCM] /guādì/ :: muskmelon pedicle
瓜分 {v} /guāfēn/ :: to divide up; to partition; to carve up
瓜葛 {n} [literally] /guāgé/ :: melons and vines
瓜葛 {n} [figuratively, dated] /guāgé/ :: husband and wife
瓜葛 {n} [figuratively] /guāgé/ :: connection; association; dealings; implication
瓜葛 {v} /guāgé/ :: to get mixed up; to get involved in; to be implicated in
瓜国 {def} SEE: 瓜國 ::
瓜國 {prop} /Guāguó/ :: synonym of 瓜地馬拉
瓜果 {n} /guāguǒ/ :: melon
瓜果 {n} /guāguǒ/ :: melons and fruits
瓜果 {n} [Min Nan, chiefly Taipei, &, Sanxia] /guāguǒ/ :: apple
瓜拉登嘉楼 {def} SEE: 瓜拉登嘉樓 ::
瓜拉登嘉樓 {prop} /Guālā Dēngjiālóu/ :: (~ 市) 瓜拉登嘉樓 (city)
瓜拉丁加奴 {prop} [obsolete] /Guālā Dīngjiānú/ :: alternative name for 瓜拉登嘉樓
瓜老衬 {def} SEE: 瓜老襯 ::
瓜蒌 {def} SEE: 瓜蔞 ::
瓜蔞 {n} /guālóu/ :: Fruit of the Trichosanthes (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce phlegm.)
瓜码子 {def} SEE: 瓜碼子 ::
瓜拿納 {n} /guānánà/ :: guarana
瓜拿纳 {def} SEE: 瓜拿納 ::
瓜皮 {n} /guāpí/ :: abbreviation of 瓜皮船
瓜皮 {n} /guāpí/ :: abbreviation of 瓜皮帽
瓜皮 {n} [Shaanxi] /guāpí/ :: a stupid person
瓜皮帽 {n} /guāpímào/ :: guapi mao (Qing-era skullcap worn by men)
瓜瓤 {n} /guāráng/ :: melon pulp
瓜田 {n} /guātián/ :: melon patch
瓜田 {prop} /guātián/ :: surname
瓜田不納履,李下不整冠 {proverb} /guātián 不 nà lǚ, lǐxià 不 zhěng guān/ :: to avoid suspicion, don't put yourself in suspicious situations
瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠 {def} SEE: 瓜田不納履,李下不整冠 ::
瓜田李下 {idiom} /guātiánlǐxià/ :: a position that invites suspicion; liable to lay oneself open to suspicion; be found in a suspicious position; in suspicious circumstances or surroundings
瓜田李下 {idiom} /guātiánlǐxià/ :: an idiom advising one to avoid suspicious situations, even under innocuous circumstances
瓜州 {prop} /Guāzhōu/ :: (~ 縣) 瓜州 (county)
瓜子 {n} /guāzǐ,er/ :: melon seed (Classifier: m:粒m:顆)
瓜子 {n} /guāzǐ,er/ :: any edible seed consumed as a snack
瓜子 {n} [obsolete, colloquial] /guāzi/ :: strike with two fingers on someone's arm as a punishment
瓜子 {n} [obsolete or Zhongyuan Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin] /guāzi/ :: stupid person; idiot
瓜子 {n} [in compounds] /guāzi/ :: A diminutive suffix for a round object, especially the head or the brain
瓜子脸 {def} SEE: 瓜子臉 ::
瓜子臉 {n} /guāzǐliǎn,er/ :: oval-shaped face with a pointy chin
瓜籽脸 {def} SEE: 瓜子臉 ::
瓜籽臉 {def} SEE: 瓜子臉 ::
{def} [literary] /kuò/ :: arrow end
{def} [organic compound] /guā/ :: guanidine
{def} /gū/ :: [obsolete] large abdomen
{def} /gū/ :: [obsolete] stoutness
{def} SEE: ::
脶鸟 {def} SEE: 腡鳥 ::
腡鳥 {def} SEE: 䐯鳥 ::
{def} /bèi,bei,zhuā/ :: leg
{def} /bèi,bei,zhuā/ :: swell
{def} [Sichuan] /bèi,bei,zhuā/ :: to kick
{def} /kuò/ :: only used in 菝葀
{def} /蜗/ :: terrestrial snail
蝸婚 {v} [neologism, slang] /蜗hūn/ :: to continue to live together despite being divorced, owing to the inability to afford separate housing
蝸居 {n} [figurative] /蜗jū/ :: house as small as a snail's shell
蝸居 {n} [humble] /蜗jū/ :: (my) humble abode
蝸居 {v} [figurative] /蜗jū/ :: to live in a small room
蝸牛 {n} /蝸niú,er/ :: land snail
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guā/ :: to blow
颳風 {v} /guāfēng/ :: to be windy; the wind blows
{def} /guā/ :: Used in 老鴰
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
剐刑 {def} SEE: 剮刑 ::
{def} /guǎ/ :: to cut flesh off from bone
{def} /guǎ/ :: lingchi
{def} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /guǎ/ :: to cut out; to gouge out; to scoop out
剮刑 {n} /guǎxíng/ :: execution by dismemberment
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǎ/ :: few; scant
{def} /guǎ/ :: widowed
{def} /guǎ/ :: widow
{def} /guǎ/ :: alone; friendless
{def} /guǎ/ :: tasteless
{def} [Hokkien] /guǎ/ :: some
{def} [Min Zhong] /guǎ/ :: one
寡不敌众 {def} SEE: 寡不敵眾 ::
寡不敵眾 {idiom} /guǎ不dízhòng/ :: to be hopelessly outnumbered; to fight against hopeless odds
寡淡 {adj} [of taste] /guǎdàn/ :: dull; tasteless
寡淡 {adj} [of attitude, etc.] /guǎdàn/ :: cold; cool
寡恩 {adj} [literary] /guǎ'ēn/ :: unkind; mean
寡夫 {n} /guǎfū/ :: widower
寡妇 {def} SEE: 寡婦 ::
寡婦 {n} /guǎfu,guǎfù,1nb/ :: widow
寡欢 {def} SEE: 寡歡 ::
寡歡 {adj} [literary] /guǎhuān/ :: joyless; unhappy
寡聚 {adj} [chemistry, attributive] /guǎjù/ :: oligomeric
寡聚物 {n} [chemistry] /guǎjùwù/ :: oligomer
寡君 {n} [classical, self-depreciatory, addressing foreign states] /guǎjūn/ :: our unworthy ruler
寡嫠 {n} [literary] /guǎlí/ :: widow
寡廉鮮恥 {idiom} /guǎliánxiǎnchǐ/ :: to have no sense of shame and integrity
寡廉鲜耻 {def} SEE: 寡廉鮮恥 ::
寡妻 {n} [literary] /guǎqī/ :: first wife
寡妻 {n} [literary] /guǎqī/ :: widow
寡人 {pron} [humble, archaic] /guǎrén/ :: I; we; "your unworthy king" (first-person pronoun used by monarchs, similar to the royal we)
寡人 {pron} [archaic] /guǎrén/ :: I (first-person pronoun used by the wife of a feudal prince)
寡人 {n} /guǎrén/ :: lonely person
寡水子气 {def} SEE: 寡水子氣 ::
寡肽 {n} [chemistry] /guǎtài/ :: oligopeptide
寡糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /guǎtáng/ :: oligosaccharide
寡醣 {def} SEE: 寡糖 ::
寡头 {def} SEE: 寡頭 ::
寡头政治 {def} SEE: 寡頭政治 ::
寡頭 {n} /guǎtóu/ :: oligarch
寡頭政治 {n} /guǎtóu zhèngzhì/ :: oligarchy
寡信 {adj} /guǎxìn/ :: untrustworthy
寡言 {adj} /guǎyán/ :: taciturn; reticent
寡慾 {def} SEE: 寡欲 ::
寡欲 {v} [literary] /guǎyù/ :: to have few desires
寡佔 {v} /guǎzhàn/ :: to oligopolize
寡占 {def} SEE: 寡佔 ::
寡助 {n} [literary] /guǎzhù/ :: finding little support; paucity of support
{def} /guà/ :: divinatory trigram or hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /guà/ :: [obsolete] to divine
{def} /guà/ :: [obsolete] to change
{def} /guà/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
卦辞 {def} SEE: 卦辭 ::
卦辭 {n} /guàcí/ :: hexagram statement in the I Ching
卦姑 {n} [literary] /guàgū/ :: female fortune teller
卦限 {n} [geometry] /guàxiàn/ :: octant (eight divisions of a Euclidean three-dimensional coordinate system)
{def} SEE: ::
挂碍 {def} SEE: 掛礙 ::
挂礙 {def} SEE: 掛礙 ::
挂表 {def} SEE: 掛錶 ::
挂彩 {def} SEE: 掛彩 ::
挂车 {def} SEE: 掛車 ::
挂齿 {def} SEE: 掛齒 ::
挂川 {def} SEE: 掛川 ::
挂挡 {def} SEE: 掛擋 ::
挂灯 {def} SEE: 掛燈 ::
挂斗 {def} SEE: 掛斗 ::
挂断 {def} SEE: 掛斷 ::
挂耳咖啡 {def} SEE: 掛耳咖啡 ::
挂耳式咖啡 {def} SEE: 掛耳式咖啡 ::
挂坟 {def} SEE: 掛墳 ::
挂钩 {def} SEE: 掛鉤 ::
挂果 {def} SEE: 掛果 ::
挂号 {def} SEE: 掛號 ::
挂号处 {def} SEE: 掛號處 ::
挂号信 {def} SEE: 掛號信 ::
挂号邮件 {def} SEE: 掛號郵件 ::
挂黑板 {def} SEE: 掛黑板 ::
挂花 {def} SEE: 掛花 ::
挂机 {def} SEE: 掛機 ::
挂靠 {def} SEE: 掛靠 ::
挂科 {def} SEE: 掛科 ::
挂历 {def} SEE: 掛曆 ::
挂虑 {def} SEE: 掛慮 ::
挂面 {def} SEE: 掛麵 ::
挂名 {def} SEE: 掛名 ::
挂念 {def} SEE: 掛念 ::
挂牌 {def} SEE: 掛牌 ::
挂炮 {def} SEE: 掛炮 ::
挂气 {def} SEE: 掛氣 ::
挂数 {def} SEE: 掛數 ::
挂帅 {def} SEE: 掛帥 ::
挂水 {def} SEE: 掛水 ::
挂锁 {def} SEE: 掛鎖 ::
挂线 {def} SEE: 掛線 ::
挂孝 {def} SEE: 掛孝 ::
挂心 {def} SEE: 掛心 ::
挂羊头卖狗肉 {def} SEE: 掛羊頭賣狗肉 ::
挂钥匙儿童 {def} SEE: 掛鑰匙兒童 ::
挂一漏萬 {def} SEE: 掛一漏萬 ::
挂一漏万 {def} SEE: 掛一漏萬 ::
挂载 {def} SEE: 掛載 ::
挂载点 {def} SEE: 掛載點 ::
挂账 {def} SEE: 掛賬 ::
挂钟 {def} SEE: 掛鐘 ::
挂住 {def} SEE: 掛住 ::
挂嘴边 {def} SEE: 掛嘴邊 ::
{def} /guà/ :: to hang; to suspend
{def} /guà/ :: suspense
{def} [colloquial] /guà/ :: to fail an exam; to have a non-passing grade in a course
{def} /guà/ :: to hang up; to terminate a phone call
{def} [humorous, colloquial] /guà/ :: to die
{def} [Teochew] /guà/ :: to wear
{def} /guà/ :: abbreviation of 掛念, 牽掛
掛礙 {v} [Buddhism, of the mind] /guà'ài,tl/ :: to be hindered, thus unawakened; to be obstructed
掛礙 {v} /guà'ài,tl/ :: to obstruct; to hinder
掛礙 {v} /guà'ài,tl/ :: to worry; to be concerned
掛錶 {n} [regional] /guàbiǎo/ :: pocket watch
掛彩 {v} /guàcǎi/ :: to decorate for festive occasions with coloured silk festoons
掛彩 {v} [euphemistic] /guàcǎi/ :: to be wounded (and suffering from bleeding) in action
掛車 {n} [Mainland China] /guàchē/ :: trailer (unpowered wheeled vehicle towed behind another)
掛齒 {v} [literary, usually in the negative in polite clichés] /guàchǐ/ :: to mention
掛川 {prop} /Guàchuān/ :: (~ 市) 掛川 (city)
掛擋 {v} [automotive] /guàdǎng/ :: to put into gear
掛燈 {n} /guàdēng/ :: hanging lantern (on a wall, post, etc.)
掛斗 {n} /guàdǒu/ :: trailer (unpowered wheeled vehicle towed behind another)
掛斷 {v} /guàduàn/ :: to hang up (the phone)
掛耳咖啡 {n} /guà'ěr kāfēi/ :: drip bag coffee
掛耳式咖啡 {n} /guà'ěrshì kāfēi/ :: drip bag coffee
掛鉤 {v} /guàgōu/ :: to link up (e.g. two railway cars); to couple
掛鉤 {v} /guàgōu/ :: to link up with (e.g. a friend); to establish contact with
掛鉤 {n} /guàgōu/ :: hook on which to hang something
掛鉤 {n} /guàgōu/ :: coupling links (between two railway cars)
掛果 {v} /guàguǒ/ :: to bear fruit
掛號 {v} /guàhào,er/ :: to register (at a hospital or clinic)
掛號 {v} /guàhào,er/ :: to send by registered post
掛號 {v} /guàhào,er/ :: to have a criminal record; to be known at a police station
掛號處 {n} /guàhàochù/ :: registration counter (in a hospital or clinic)
掛號信 {n} /guàhàoxìn,er/ :: registered mail
掛號郵件 {n} /guàhào yóujiàn/ :: registered mail
掛花 {v} [literary] /guàhuā/ :: to blossom; to bloom; to flower
掛花 {v} [literary, euphemistic] /guàhuā/ :: to be wounded (and suffering from bleeding) in action
掛機 {v} /guàjī/ :: to hang up (the phone, etc.)
掛機 {v} [computing] /guàjī/ :: to use a plug-in in games
掛機 {v} [computing] /guàjī/ :: to leave the computer on (to download something, when going outside, sleeping, etc.)
掛靠 {v} /guàkào/ :: to be attached to a major department; to be affiliated to (an institution, one's relative's family, etc.)
掛科 {v} [slang] /guàkē/ :: to fail an exam; to fail a test
掛曆 {n} /guàlì/ :: wall calendar
掛慮 {v} /guàlǜ/ :: to be anxious about; to worry about
掛麪 {def} SEE: 掛麵 ::
掛麵 {n} /guàmiàn/ :: hang-dried Chinese noodles, or dish made from such noodles
掛名 {v} /guàmíng,er/ :: to put one's name (on someone else's work); to be only nominal
掛念 {v} /guàniàn/ :: to worry; to be concerned; to miss somebody
掛牌 {v} [of a business] /guàpái,er/ :: to officially open an establishment; to be officially opened or set up; [especially of a doctor or lawyer] to start practising
掛牌 {v} /guàpái,er/ :: to wear a name tag or plate [as the employee of an organisation or a company]
掛牌 {v} [of a company] /guàpái,er/ :: to be listed on the stock exchange
掛牌 {v} [sports, of a player hoping to be transferred to another club] /guàpái,er/ :: to be listed (i.e. approved) by one's current club
掛炮 {n} /guàpào/ :: firecrackers braided into strings
掛氣 {v} [dialectal] /guàqì/ :: to get angry; to lose one's temper
掛帥 {v} /guàshuài/ :: to be in command; to assume command; to take command; to assume leadership; to take charge
掛水 {v} [regional, medicine] /guàshuǐ/ :: to have an intravenous infusion; to be put on an IV; to be put on a drip
掛鎖 {n} /guàsuǒ/ :: padlock
掛線 {v} /guàxiàn/ :: to hang up (the phone)
掛孝 {v} [archaic] /guàxiào/ :: to wear mourning clothes
掛心 {v} /guàxīn/ :: to worry; to be on one's mind
掛羊頭賣狗肉 {idiom} [figurative] /guà yángtóu mài gǒuròu/ :: to cry wine and sell vinegar; to do a bait and switch; to be two-faced; to be double-dealing
掛鑰匙兒童 {n} /guàyàoshi értóng/ :: latchkey kid
掛一漏萬 {idiom} [humble] /guà一lòuwàn/ :: to be inexhaustive; to leave many important items out
掛載 {v} [computing] /guàzài/ :: to mount
掛載點 {n} [computing] /guàzàidiǎn/ :: mount point
掛賬 {v} /guàzhàng/ :: to buy or sell on credit
掛鐘 {n} /guàzhōng/ :: wall clock
掛住 {v} [Cantonese] /guàzhù/ :: to think about, to miss
掛住 {v} [Cantonese] /guàzhù/ :: to be preoccupied with
掛住 {v} [Mandarin] /guàzhù/ :: to get caught (on a thorny object, such as a nail)
掛嘴邊 {v} /guà zuǐbiān,er/ :: to keep talking about something; to mention something over and over again
絓礙 {def} SEE: 掛礙 ::
{def} SEE: ::
罣碍 {def} SEE: 罣礙 ::
罣礙 {def} SEE: 掛礙 ::
褂子 {n} /guàzi/ :: Chinese-style unlined upper garment
{def} SEE: 詿 ::
{def} /kuò/ :: hair rolled up in a bun
{def} /kuò/ :: to bind, pull (hair)
{def} /yuè/ :: twisted figure, broken implement or object
{def} /guāi/ :: to violate; to rebel
{def} /guāi/ :: to separate; to split
{def} /guāi/ :: to break off; to cut off
{def} /guāi/ :: difference; mistake
{def} /guāi/ :: crafty; shrewd; wicked
{def} /guāi/ :: clever; alert
{def} [usually of a child] /guāi/ :: well-behaved; obedient; nice; untroublesome
{def} [dialectal] /guāi/ :: beautiful
{def} /guāi/ :: unnatural; strange
乖舛 {adj} [literary] /guāichuǎn/ :: inconsistent
乖舛 {adj} [literary] /guāichuǎn/ :: erroneous; problematic; false; wrong
乖舛 {adj} [literary, of life] /guāichuǎn/ :: hard; rough; ill-fated; unfortunate; unfavoured
乖乖 {n} /guāiguāi/ :: little dear; darling (said to a child)
乖乖 {adj} /guāiguāi/ :: well-behaved; obedient
乖乖 {interj} /guāiguai/ :: good gracious
乖剌 {v} [literary] /guāilà/ :: to defy; to violate
乖剌 {adj} [literary] /guāilà/ :: eccentric; unreasonable; ill-tempered
乖离 {def} SEE: 乖離 ::
乖離 {v} /guāilí/ :: to deviate
乖離 {v} /guāilí/ :: to separate
乖離 {v} /guāilí/ :: to contradict
乖離 {v} /guāilí/ :: to leave; to depart
乖戾 {adj} /guāilì/ :: perverse (of behaviour); disagreeable (of character)
乖僻 {adj} [of a person's nature] /guāipì/ :: eccentric; odd; peculiar
乖巧 {adj} /guāiqiǎo/ :: clever; smart (usually of a child)
乖巧 {adj} /guāiqiǎo/ :: cute; adorable; lovely
乖仔鱼 {def} SEE: 乖仔魚 ::
乖张 {def} SEE: 乖張 ::
乖張 {adj} /guāizhāng/ :: stubborn and unreasonable; obstinate
乖張 {adj} /guāizhāng/ :: unfavourable; adverse
{def} /guǎi/ :: to turn
{def} /guǎi/ :: to kidnap; to abduct
{def} /guǎi/ :: to misappropriate
{def} /guǎi/ :: crutches
拐点 {def} SEE: 拐點 ::
拐點 {n} [mathematics] /guǎidiǎn/ :: point of inflection
拐棍 {n} /guǎigùn,er/ :: walking stick; cane (Classifier: m:個m:把)
拐角 {n} [colloquial] /guǎijiǎo,er/ :: corner
拐卖 {def} SEE: 拐賣 ::
拐賣 {v} /guǎimài/ :: to abduct and sell; to traffic (people)
拐騙 {v} /guǎipiàn/ :: to abduct
拐騙 {v} /guǎipiàn/ :: to swindle; to deceive; to cheat
拐骗 {def} SEE: 拐騙 ::
拐弯 {def} SEE: 拐彎 ::
拐弯儿 {def} SEE: 拐彎兒 ::
拐弯抹角 {def} SEE: 拐彎抹角 ::
拐彎 {v} /guǎiwān,er/ :: to turn; to change direction
拐彎 {n} /guǎiwān,er/ :: turn (change of direction)
拐彎兒 {v} /guǎiwānr/ :: erhua form of to turn
拐彎兒 {n} /guǎiwānr/ :: erhua form of turn
拐彎抹角 {idiom} /guǎiwānmòjiǎo/ :: to twist and turn; to turn a corner here and there
拐彎抹角 {idiom} [figurative] /guǎiwānmòjiǎo/ :: to speak in a roundabout way; to beat around the bush; to equivocate
拐杖 {n} /guǎizhàng/ :: walking stick; cane (Classifier: m:個m:把)
拐肘 {n} [dialectal] /guǎizhǒu/ :: elbow
𫖔拐子 {def} SEE: 韛拐子 ::
拐子 {n} /guǎizi/ :: crutch
拐子 {n} [colloquial, derogatory] /guǎizi/ :: lame person; cripple
拐子 {n} /guǎizi/ :: kidnapper; abductor; swindler
{def} /guǎi/ :: cane, an old man's staff
枴棍 {def} SEE: 拐棍 ::
枴杖 {def} SEE: 拐杖 ::
{def} SEE: ::
柺棍 {def} SEE: 枴棍 ::
柺杖 {def} SEE: 枴杖 ::
{def} /guài/ :: resolute
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guài/ :: 43rd hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /guài/ :: strange, odd, unusual, peculiar, out-of-the-ordinary, weird, queer
{def} /guài/ :: to blame someone, to put the blame on
{def} /guài/ :: quite, rather
怪病 {n} /guàibìng/ :: strange illness; bizarre affliction
怪不得 {adv} /guàibude/ :: no wonder; small wonder
怪不得 {v} /guàibude/ :: Used other than a set phrase: + 不得; to be not able to blame
怪才 {n} /guàicái/ :: a talented person in some specific field
怪誕 {adj} /guàidàn/ :: weird; strange; freaky; grotesque
怪诞 {def} SEE: 怪誕 ::
怪怪 {adj} /guàiguài/ :: strange; odd; peculiar
怪咖 {n} [regional] /guàikā/ :: eccentric person; peculiar person
怪裡怪氣 {adj} /guàiliguàiqì,guàilǐguàiqì,1nb/ :: peculiar; weird; eccentric
怪里怪气 {def} SEE: 怪裡怪氣 ::
怪模怪样 {def} SEE: 怪模怪樣 ::
怪模怪樣 {idiom} /guài模guàiyàng/ :: grotesque; outlandish; strange-looking
怪癖 {n} /guài癖/ :: curious habit; peculiarity
怪僻 {adj} [literary] /guàipì/ :: strange and rare
怪僻 {adj} [of a person's nature] /guàipì/ :: eccentric; odd; peculiar; withdrawn
怪圈 {n} [figurative] /guàiquān,er/ :: vicious cycle which is difficult to break
怪人 {n} /guàirén/ :: eccentric or strange person
怪事 {n} /guàishì/ :: strange occurrence
怪手 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /guàishǒu/ :: excavator (vehicle, often on tracks, used to dig ditches, etc.); backhoe
怪兽 {def} SEE: 怪獸 ::
怪獸 {n} /guàishòu/ :: rare or legendary animal or monster
怪叔叔 {n} /guài叔shu/ :: strange-looking uncle; middle-aged paedophile
怪蜀黍 {n} [slang, humorous] /guàishǔshǔ,guàishǔshú/ :: alternative form of 怪叔叔
怪胎 {n} /guàitāi/ :: fetus with congenital malformation or abnormality
怪胎 {n} [figurative] /guàitāi/ :: one who is against the norm; crank
怪談 {n} /guàitán/ :: ghost story; legend
怪谈 {def} SEE: 怪談 ::
怪我 {phrase} [literal] /guài wǒ/ :: blame me
怪我 {phrase} [slang, neologism, sarcastic] /guài wǒ/ :: is that my fault?
怪物 {n} /guàiwu,guàiwù,1nb/ :: monster
怪物 {n} /guàiwu,guàiwù,1nb/ :: freak (eccentric person)
怪物 {n} [chiefly archaic] /guàiwu,guàiwù,1nb/ :: See: zh
怪物 {n} /guàiwu,guàiwù,1nb/ :: unusual or extraordinary things; rare creatures
怪相 {n} /guàixiàng/ :: funny or wry face; grimace
怪笑 {v} /guàixiào/ :: to laugh in a strange way
怪訝 {adj} /guàiyà/ :: astonished
怪讶 {def} SEE: 怪訝 ::
怪异 {def} SEE: 怪異 ::
怪異 {adj} /guàiyì/ :: strange
怪異 {n} /guàiyì/ :: strange thing
怪哉 {adj} /guàizāi/ :: very strange
怪哉 {n} /guàizāi/ :: a kind of mythological animal
怪罪 {v} /guàizuì/ :: to blame; to reproach
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [historical] /kuài/ :: a kind of flag used to signal commands in ancient China
{def} [historical] /kuài/ :: a kind of stone-shooting vehicle used in war in ancient China
{def} /guài,guì/ :: [obsolete] palpitation; illness
{def} /guài,guì/ :: [obsolete] severely ill
{def} [onomatopoeia] /wēi/ :: The sound of shouting
{def} /guān/ :: servant who drives a carriage
{def} /guān/ :: groom; keeper of domestic animals
{def} /guān/ :: worker in a teahouse or restaurant who provides service
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
关爱 {def} SEE: 關愛 ::
关爱座 {def} SEE: 關愛座 ::
关碍 {def} SEE: 關礙 ::
关隘 {def} SEE: 關隘 ::
关板子 {def} SEE: 關板子 ::
关报 {def} SEE: 關報 ::
关闭 {def} SEE: 關閉 ::
关……叉事 {def} SEE: 關……叉事 ::
关丹 {def} SEE: 關丹 ::
关刀 {def} SEE: 關刀 ::
关岛 {def} SEE: 關島 ::
关帝 {def} SEE: 關帝 ::
关帝庙 {def} SEE: 關帝廟 ::
关帝爷 {def} SEE: 關帝爺 ::
关……屌事 {def} SEE: 關……屌事 ::
关掉 {def} SEE: 關掉 ::
关东 {def} SEE: 關東 ::
关东煮 {def} SEE: 關東煮 ::
关二哥 {def} SEE: 關二哥 ::
关防 {def} SEE: 關防 ::
关夫子 {def} SEE: 關夫子 ::
关公 {def} SEE: 關公 ::
关公面前耍大刀 {def} SEE: 關公面前耍大刀 ::
关关 {def} SEE: 關關 ::
关……鬼事 {def} SEE: 關……鬼事 ::
关乎 {def} SEE: 關乎 ::
关怀 {def} SEE: 關懷 ::
关怀备至 {def} SEE: 關懷備至 ::
关火 {def} SEE: 關火 ::
关机 {def} SEE: 關機 ::
关监 {def} SEE: 關監 ::
关楗 {def} SEE: 關鍵 ::
关键 {def} SEE: 關鍵 ::
关键词 {def} SEE: 關鍵詞 ::
关键点 {def} SEE: 關鍵點 ::
关键绩效指标 {def} SEE: 關鍵績效指標 ::
关键字 {def} SEE: 關鍵字 ::
关节 {def} SEE: 關節 ::
关节镜 {def} SEE: 關節鏡 ::
关节囊 {def} SEE: 關節囊 ::
关节软骨 {def} SEE: 關節軟骨 ::
关节炎 {def} SEE: 關節炎 ::
关进 {def} SEE: 關進 ::
关……鸠事 {def} SEE: 關……鳩事 ::
关沮 {def} SEE: 關沮 ::
关卡 {def} SEE: 關卡 ::
关口 {def} SEE: 關口 ::
关老爷 {def} SEE: 關老爺 ::
关联 {def} SEE: 關聯 ::
关联性 {def} SEE: 關聯性 ::
关连 {def} SEE: 關連 ::
关亮 {def} SEE: 關亮 ::
关路圻 {def} SEE: 關路圻 ::
关门 {def} SEE: 關門 ::
关门大吉 {def} SEE: 關門大吉 ::
关门瞌睡 {def} SEE: 關門瞌睡 ::
关门主义 {def} SEE: 關門主義 ::
关门捉贼 {def} SEE: 關門捉賊 ::
关庙 {def} SEE: 關廟 ::
关木通 {def} SEE: 關木通 ::
关南 {def} SEE: 關南 ::
关内 {def} SEE: 關內 ::
关……撚事 {def} SEE: 關……撚事 ::
关……屁事 {def} SEE: 關……屁事 ::
关……柒事 {def} SEE: 關……柒事 ::
关切 {def} SEE: 關切 ::
关……㞗事 {def} SEE: 關……㞗事 ::
关山 {def} SEE: 關山 ::
关山口 {def} SEE: 關山口 ::
关涉 {def} SEE: 關涉 ::
关圣 {def} SEE: 關聖 ::
关圣帝君 {def} SEE: 關聖帝君 ::
关……什么事 {def} SEE: 關……什麼事 ::
关……閪事 {def} SEE: 關……閪事 ::
关税 {def} SEE: 關稅 ::
关天 {def} SEE: 關天 ::
关停 {def} SEE: 關停 ::
关头 {def} SEE: 關頭 ::
关外 {def} SEE: 關外 ::
关务 {def} SEE: 關務 ::
关务员 {def} SEE: 關務員 ::
关西 {def} SEE: 關西 ::
关系 {def} SEE: 關係 ::
关系户 {def} SEE: 關係戶 ::
关系链 {def} SEE: 關係鏈 ::
关系企业 {def} SEE: 關係企業 ::
关系式 {def} SEE: 關係式 ::
关衔 {def} SEE: 關銜 ::
关心 {def} SEE: 關心 ::
关押 {def} SEE: 關押 ::
关爷 {def} SEE: 關爺 ::
关于 {def} SEE: 關於 ::
关员 {def} SEE: 關員 ::
关闸 {def} SEE: 關閘 ::
关照 {def} SEE: 關照 ::
关中 {def} SEE: 關中 ::
关注 {def} SEE: 關注 ::
{def} /guān/ :: government official, public servant
{def} /guān/ :: governmental; official
{def} /guān/ :: public; communal
{def} /guān/ :: organ (part of a body)
{def} /guān/ :: surname
官拜 {v} [archaic] /guānbài/ :: to occupy the post of; to serve as (a given position within the government)
官办 {def} SEE: 官辦 ::
官辦 {adj} /guānbàn/ :: government-run; operated by official bodies
官報 {n} /guānbào/ :: official government gazette
官报 {def} SEE: 官報 ::
官陂 {prop} /Guānbēi,Guānbī/ :: (~ 鎮) 官陂 (town)
官逼民反 {idiom} /guānbīmínfǎn/ :: the oppression by the government forces the mass to revolt
官兵 {n} [military] /guānbīng/ :: officers and enlisted
官兵 {n} [archaic] /guānbīng/ :: government soldiers
官埠桥 {def} SEE: 官埠橋 ::
官埠橋 {prop} /Guānbùqiáo/ :: (~ 鎮) 官埠橋 (town)
官場 {n} [usually, pejorative] /guān场/ :: official circles; officialdom; bureaucracy
官長 {n} [archaic] /guānzhǎng/ :: government official
官長 {n} [archaic] /guānzhǎng/ :: army officer
官长 {def} SEE: 官長 ::
官场 {def} SEE: 官場 ::
官垱 {def} SEE: 官壋 ::
官壋 {prop} /Guāndàng/ :: (~ 鎮) 官壋 (town)
官壋 {prop} /Guāndàng/ :: (~ 鎮) 官壋 (town)
官壋 {prop} /Guāndàng/ :: (~ 村) 官壋 (village)
官倒 {v} /guāndǎo/ :: to engage in bureaucrat profiteering
官倒 {n} /guāndǎo/ :: bureaucrat profiteering
官邸 {n} /guāndǐ/ :: official residence (usually of a prime minister, president, etc.)
官地 {n} /guāndì/ :: land owned by the government
官店 {prop} /Guāndiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 官店 (town)
官东 {def} SEE: 官東 ::
官東 {prop} /Guāndōng/ :: (~ 村) 官東 (village)
官渡 {prop} /Guāndù/ :: (~ 鎮) 官渡 (town)
官渡 {prop} /Guāndù/ :: (~ 鎮) 官渡 (town)
官渡口 {prop} /Guāndùkǒu/ :: (~ 鎮) 官渡口 (town)
官二代 {n} [neologism] /guān'èrdài/ :: children of government officials; officialling
官方 {adj} [attributive] /guānfāng/ :: official; authoritative; approved
官方 {n} /guānfāng/ :: government
官方 {n} [literary] /guānfāng/ :: rites and rules applying to officials
官方卧底 {def} SEE: 官方臥底 ::
官方臥底 {n} /guānfāng wòdǐ/ :: official cover
官府 {n} [archaic] /guānfǔ/ :: offices of local government
官府 {n} [archaic] /guānfǔ/ :: local authorities
官府 {n} [archaic] /guānfǔ/ :: feudal official
官閣 {n} [literary] /guāngé/ :: building for leisure; building for amusement and rest
官閣 {n} [literary] /guāngé/ :: synonym of 官署
官阁 {def} SEE: 官閣 ::
官規 {n} [literary] /guānguī/ :: government regulations
官規 {n} [literary] /guānguī/ :: regulations imposed on officials
官规 {def} SEE: 官規 ::
官話 {n} /guānhuà/ :: Mandarin; Guanhua (group of Northern Chinese dialects including Putonghua (Standard Chinese))
官話 {n} /guānhuà/ :: bureaucratic gibberish; high-sounding but insincere words; officialese
官宦 {n} [chiefly historical] /guānhuàn/ :: official; functionary
官紀 {n} [literary] /guānjì/ :: discipline of government officials
官纪 {def} SEE: 官紀 ::
官騎 {n} [literary, archaic] /guānjì,guānqí,2nb/ :: royal cavalry
官騎 {n} [literary, archaic] /guānjì,guānqí,2nb/ :: local government cavalry
官家 {n} [archaic] /guānjiā/ :: emperor
官家 {n} [archaic] /guānjiā/ :: government
官家 {n} [archaic] /guānjiā/ :: official; functionary
官价 {def} SEE: 官價 ::
官價 {n} /guānjià/ :: official price; price set by the government
官阶 {def} SEE: 官階 ::
官階 {n} /guānjiē/ :: official rank
官界 {n} /guānjiè/ :: political field; political circles
官爵 {n} [literary] /guānjué/ :: official rank
官军 {def} SEE: 官軍 ::
官軍 {n} [literary] /guānjūn/ :: government troops
官吏 {n} [chiefly historical] /guānlì/ :: functionary; government official; office holder
官僚 {adj} /guānliáo/ :: bureaucratic
官僚 {n} /guānliáo/ :: bureaucrat; apparatchik
官僚 {n} /guānliáo/ :: bureaucracy; bureaucratism
官僚化 {v} /guānliáohuà/ :: to bureaucratize
官僚制 {n} /guānliáozhì/ :: bureaucracy
官僚主义 {def} SEE: 官僚主義 ::
官僚主義 {n} /guānliáozhǔyì/ :: bureaucracy; bureaucratism
官僚資本主義 {n} /guānliáo zīběnzhǔyì/ :: bureaucratic capitalism
官僚资本主义 {def} SEE: 官僚資本主義 ::
官帽 {n} [historical] /guānmào/ :: hat of an offical in Imperial China
官帽 {n} [chiefly derogatory] /guānmào/ :: office; official position
官媒 {n} /guānméi/ :: official media; state media
官民 {n} /guānmín/ :: government officials as well as common citizens
官名 {n} [archaic] /guānmíng/ :: formal name (for an individual, as opposed to one's pet name)
官名 {n} [archaic] /guānmíng/ :: title of a government position
官南 {prop} /Guānnán/ :: (~ 村) 官南 (village)
官能 {n} [biology] /guānnéng/ :: organic functions; faculty; sense
官能团 {def} SEE: 官能團 ::
官能團 {n} [chemistry] /guānnéngtuán/ :: functional group
官品 {n} [archaic] /guānpǐn/ :: one's civil servant rank
官坪 {prop} /Guānpíng/ :: (~ 村) 官坪 (village)
官骑 {def} SEE: 官騎 ::
官气 {def} SEE: 官氣 ::
官氣 {n} /guānqì/ :: bureaucratic airs; bureaucratism
官腔 {n} /guānqiāng,er/ :: bureaucratic tone; official jargon; high-sounding but insincere speech; bureaucratese
官腔 {n} /guānqiāng,er/ :: official language (i.e. Standard Mandarin)
官人 {v} [archaic] /guānrén/ :: to confer the title and position of an official
官人 {n} [archaic] /guānrén/ :: official
官人 {n} [archaic] /guānrén/ :: runner in a government office
官人 {n} [archaic] /guānrén/ :: [form of address used between men]
官人 {n} [archaic] /guānrén/ :: [term used by servants to address their masters]
官人 {n} /guānrén/ :: [term used by wives to address their husbands]
官山 {prop} /Guānshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 官山 (town)
官商 {n} /guānshāng/ :: government-owned business
官商 {n} /guānshāng/ :: bureaucratic personnel in a government-owned business
官商 {n} /guānshāng/ :: officials and merchants
官商勾結 {idiom} /guānshānggōujié/ :: collusion between the government and businesses
官商勾结 {def} SEE: 官商勾結 ::
官紳 {n} /guānshēn/ :: government officials and the gentry
官绅 {def} SEE: 官紳 ::
官署 {n} [archaic] /guān署/ :: government office
官司 {n} [legal, colloquial] /guānsi,guānsī,1nb/ :: lawsuit (Classifier: m,c:場c:單)
官司 {n} [figuratively] /guānsi,guānsī,1nb/ :: battle; conflict; dispute (Classifier: m,c:場)
官司 {n} [archaic] /guānsī/ :: official duties and responsibilities
官司 {n} [archaic] /guānsī/ :: officials of all levels and positions
官塘 {prop} /Guāntáng/ :: alternative form of 觀塘
官塘驛 {prop} /Guāntángyì/ :: (~ 鎮) 官塘驛 (town)
官塘驿 {def} SEE: 官塘驛 ::
官田 {prop} /Guāntián/ :: (~ 區) 官田 (district)
官網 {n} [Internet] /guānwǎng/ :: official website
官网 {def} SEE: 官網 ::
官位 {n} /guānwèi/ :: official position
官西 {prop} /Guānxī/ :: (~ 村) 官西 (village)
官衔 {def} SEE: 官銜 ::
官銜 {n} /guānxián/ :: title; rank (of an official)
官宣 {v} [Internet slang, neologism] /guānxuān/ :: to officially announce
官学 {def} SEE: 官學 ::
官學 {n} [historical] /guānxué/ :: central government schools (in feudal China, Korea, Vietnam, etc.)
官衙 {n} [archaic] /guānyá/ :: government office
官衙 {n} [historical] /guānyá/ :: yamen
官阳 {def} SEE: 官陽 ::
官陽 {prop} /Guānyáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 官陽 (town)
官样文章 {def} SEE: 官樣文章 ::
官樣文章 {idiom} /guānyàng-wénzhāng/ :: red tape; excessive formality and routine required before official action can be taken
官樣文章 {idiom} /guānyàng-wénzhāng/ :: officialese; language used in some official statements, characterised by jargon and obscure, wordy phrasing
官樣文章 {idiom} /guānyàng-wénzhāng/ :: any language characterised by circumlocution and jargon, usually hard to understand
官謠 {n} [neologism] /guānyáo,er/ :: false rumour concocted and spread by the government, e.g. in face of an allegation of corruption
官谣 {def} SEE: 官謠 ::
官员 {def} SEE: 官員 ::
官員 {n} /guānyuán/ :: official
官員 {n} /guānyuán/ :: administrator
官运 {def} SEE: 官運 ::
官运亨通 {def} SEE: 官運亨通 ::
官運 {n} /guānyùn/ :: luck in becoming or being promoted as an official
官運亨通 {idiom} [of a political career] /guānyùn-hēngtōng/ :: everything is going smoothly
官职 {def} SEE: 官職 ::
官職 {n} /guānzhí/ :: official position
官制 {n} /guānzhì/ :: bureaucratic establishment; system of officials
官秩 {n} [archaic] /guānzhì/ :: official position
官子 {n} [Go] /guānzǐ/ :: endgame
{def} /guān,guàn/ :: coffin
棺材 {n} /guāncai,guāncái,1nb/ :: coffin (Classifier: 具口)
棺盖 {def} SEE: 棺蓋 ::
棺蓋 {n} /guāngài,er/ :: coffin lid
棺椁 {def} SEE: 棺槨 ::
棺槨 {n} [archaeology] /guānguǒ/ :: inner and outer coffins
棺木 {n} /guānmù/ :: coffin
{def} /jīn/ :: to pity; to feel sorry for; to show sympathy for
{def} /qín/ :: [obsolete] handle of a spear
{def} /guān/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /guān/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
矜持 {adj} /jīnchí/ :: solemn; grave
矜持 {adj} [usually of young girls] /jīnchí/ :: reserved; restrained; modest; undemonstrative; shy; diffident
矜持不苟 {idiom} /jīnchí不gǒu/ :: dignified and rigorous
矜寡 {def} SEE: 鰥寡 ::
矜貴 {adj} /jīnguì/ :: conceited
矜貴 {adj} /jīnguì/ :: noble; aristocratic
矜貴 {adj} /jīnguì/ :: precious; valued; valuable
矜贵 {def} SEE: 矜貴 ::
矜人 {n} [literary] /jīnrén/ :: the pitiable; the poor and weak
矜人 {v} [literary] /jīnrén/ :: to flaunt; to brag
矜育 {n} [literary] /jīnyù/ :: to take pity on and bring up oneself
{def} /lún/ :: green ribbon
{def} /lún/ :: fishing line
{def} /lún/ :: thick rope
{def} /lún/ :: emperor's order
{def} /lún/ :: silk thread
{def} /lún/ :: to govern
{def} /lún/ :: wide
{def} /lún/ :: a place in Henan
{def} /lún/ :: alternative form of
{def} /lún/ :: surname
{def} /guān/ :: a kind of marine plant
{def} /guān/ :: see 綸巾
綸布 {n} [literary] /guānbù/ :: alternative name for 昆布
綸巾 {n} /guānjīn/ :: black silk ribbon scarf
{def} SEE: ::
纶布 {def} SEE: 昆布 ::
纶巾 {def} SEE: 綸巾 ::
{def} /guān/ :: [obsolete] a type of long-stem watergrass, possibly the softstem rush (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani) or Shichito matgrass (Cyperus malaccensis)
{def} /guān/ :: [obsolete] mat woven using this kind of grass
{def} /guān/ :: surname
{def} /guǎn/ :: abbreviation of 東莞
{def} /wǎn/ :: [obsolete] smiling
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /wǎn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
莞尔 {def} SEE: 莞爾 ::
莞爾 {adj} [literary] /wǎn'ěr/ :: smiling
{def} [chemistry] /guān/ :: coronene
{def} /guān/ :: [historical dictionaries] A kind of grass mentioned in the Yupian
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guān/ :: to observe; to watch; to view; to see
{def} /guān/ :: to observe closely; to scrutinise; to investigate
{def} /guān/ :: to read; to peruse
{def} /guān/ :: to display; to show
{def} /guān/ :: to visit; to go sightseeing
{def} /guān/ :: to play; to enjoy
{def} /guān/ :: appearance; looks
{def} /guān/ :: sight; view; perspective
{def} /guān/ :: concept; outlook
{def} /guān/ :: surname
{def} [historical] /guàn/ :: watchtower on either side of a palace gate
{def} [historical] /guàn/ :: platform; stage; dais; rostrum
{def} [Taoism] /guàn/ :: Taoist temple
{def} /guàn/ :: 20th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /guàn/ :: surname
觀測 {n} /guāncè/ :: observation; monitoring; surveying
觀測 {v} /guāncè/ :: to observe; to monitor; to survey
觀察 {v} /guānchá/ :: to observe; to watch; to inspect; to examine
觀察力 {n} /guānchálì/ :: discernment; power of observation
觀點 {n} /guāndiǎn/ :: standpoint; point of view; perspective (Classifier: 種)
觀點 {n} /guāndiǎn/ :: opinion
觀感 {n} /guāngǎn/ :: impressions after seeing something; reactions
觀光 {v} /guānguāng/ :: to sightsee; to tour
觀光 {n} /guānguāng/ :: sightseeing; touring
觀光客 {n} /guānguāngkè/ :: tourist; sightseer
觀光旅行 {n} /guānguāng lǚxíng/ :: sightseeing tour
觀光學 {n} /guānguāngxué/ :: tourism studies
觀光業 {n} /guānguāngyè/ :: tourism (industry)
觀後感 {n} /guānhòugǎn/ :: impression or feeling after visiting or watching something [often in the form of an essay]
觀鯨 {v} /guānjīng/ :: to go whale watching
觀鯨 {n} /guānjīng/ :: whale watching
觀景臺 {n} /guānjǐngtái/ :: lookout; viewing platform; observation deck
觀景台 {def} SEE: 觀景臺 ::
觀劇鏡 {n} /guānjùjìng/ :: opera glasses
觀看 {v} /guānkàn/ :: to view; to watch
觀瀾 {prop} /Guānlán/ :: 觀瀾 (subdistrict)
觀覽 {v} /guānlǎn/ :: to view; to look at [especially as a visitor, spectator, etc.]
觀禮 {v} /guānlǐ/ :: to attend a celebration or ceremony; to attend a ritual
觀摩 {v} /guānmó/ :: to inspect and learn from each other's work; to view and emulate
觀念 {n} /guānniàn/ :: notion; thought; concept; sense
觀念 {n} /guānniàn/ :: ideology; views; general impressions
觀念形態 {n} [sociology, politics] /guānniàn xíngtài/ :: synonym of 意識形態
觀鳥 {v} /guānniǎo/ :: to go birdwatching
觀鳥 {n} /guānniǎo/ :: birdwatching
觀球 {v} [formal or humorous] /guānqiú,er/ :: to watch a football game (or any other ball game)
觀覷 {v} [archaic] /guānqù/ :: to observe; to watch
觀賞 {v} /guānshǎng/ :: to see and enjoy; to admire the view; to enjoy the sight of; to appreciate the visuals
觀世音 {prop} /Guānshìyīn/ :: (~ 菩薩) [Buddhism] Guanyin
觀世音菩薩 {prop} [Buddhism] /Guānshìyīn Púsà/ :: Guanyin
觀書 {v} [archaic] /guānshū/ :: to read a book
觀塘 {prop} /Guāntáng/ :: 觀塘 (place)
觀望 {v} /guānwàng/ :: to wait and see; to look on from the sidelines
觀望 {v} [literary] /guānwàng/ :: to look and watch
觀望 {v} [literary] /guānwàng/ :: to look into the distance
觀星 {v} /guānxīng/ :: to stargaze; to observe the stars
觀音 {prop} [Buddhism] /Guānyīn/ :: Guanyin [often with the clarifying title ~菩薩]
觀音 {prop} /Guānyīn/ :: (~ 區) 觀音 (district)
觀音 {prop} /Guānyīn/ :: (~ 鎮) 觀音 (town)
觀音兵 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, slang] /guānyīnbīng/ :: pathetic guy who would do everything for a girl (in a hardly reciprocated relationship); friendzoned suitor; doormat
觀音大士 {prop} [Buddhism] /Guānyīn Dàshì/ :: synonym of 觀音
觀音壋 {prop} /Guānyīndàng/ :: (~ 鎮) 觀音壋 (town)
觀音壋 {prop} /Guānyīndàng/ :: (~ 社區) 觀音壋 (community)
觀音壋 {prop} /Guānyīndàng/ :: (~ 村) 觀音壋 (village)
觀音菩薩 {prop} [Buddhism] /Guānyīnpúsà/ :: Guanyin
觀音寺 {prop} /Guānyīnsì/ :: (~ 市) 觀音寺 (city)
觀影 {v} /guānyǐng/ :: to watch a movie
觀瞻 {v} [literary] /guānzhān/ :: to enjoy a sight; to watch; to view
觀瞻 {n} /guānzhān/ :: appearance; view; sight; abiding impression
觀戰 {v} /guānzhàn/ :: to watch a battle; to watch a game
觀照 {v} /guānzhào/ :: to scrutinise; to carefully observe
觀止 {v} /guānzhǐ/ :: to be good beyond comparison; to be the cream of the crop
觀眾 {n} /guānzhòng/ :: audience; spectators
觀眾緣 {n} [neologism, slang] /guānzhòngyuán/ :: the attraction that the audience of a celebrity feels to that celebrity
觀自在菩薩 {prop} [Buddhism] /Guānzìzài Púsà/ :: Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva
{def} SEE: ::
观测 {def} SEE: 觀測 ::
观察 {def} SEE: 觀察 ::
观察力 {def} SEE: 觀察力 ::
观点 {def} SEE: 觀點 ::
观感 {def} SEE: 觀感 ::
观顾 {def} SEE: 觀顧 ::
观光 {def} SEE: 觀光 ::
观光客 {def} SEE: 觀光客 ::
观光旅行 {def} SEE: 觀光旅行 ::
观光学 {def} SEE: 觀光學 ::
观光业 {def} SEE: 觀光業 ::
观后感 {def} SEE: 觀後感 ::
观鲸 {def} SEE: 觀鯨 ::
观景台 {def} SEE: 觀景臺 ::
观剧镜 {def} SEE: 觀劇鏡 ::
观看 {def} SEE: 觀看 ::
观澜 {def} SEE: 觀瀾 ::
观览 {def} SEE: 觀覽 ::
观礼 {def} SEE: 觀禮 ::
观摩 {def} SEE: 觀摩 ::
观念 {def} SEE: 觀念 ::
观念形态 {def} SEE: 觀念形態 ::
观鸟 {def} SEE: 觀鳥 ::
观球 {def} SEE: 觀球 ::
观觑 {def} SEE: 觀覷 ::
观赏 {def} SEE: 觀賞 ::
观世音 {def} SEE: 觀世音 ::
观世音菩萨 {def} SEE: 觀世音菩薩 ::
观书 {def} SEE: 觀書 ::
观塘 {def} SEE: 觀塘 ::
观望 {def} SEE: 觀望 ::
观仙婆儿 {def} SEE: 觀仙婆兒 ::
观星 {def} SEE: 觀星 ::
观音 {def} SEE: 觀音 ::
观音兵 {def} SEE: 觀音兵 ::
观音大士 {def} SEE: 觀音大士 ::
观音垱 {def} SEE: 觀音壋 ::
观音妈 {def} SEE: 觀音媽 ::
观音娘 {def} SEE: 觀音娘 ::
观音菩萨 {def} SEE: 觀音菩薩 ::
观音寺 {def} SEE: 觀音寺 ::
观音竹 {def} SEE: 觀音竹 ::
观影 {def} SEE: 觀影 ::
观瞻 {def} SEE: 觀瞻 ::
观战 {def} SEE: 觀戰 ::
观照 {def} SEE: 觀照 ::
观止 {def} SEE: 觀止 ::
观众 {def} SEE: 觀眾 ::
观众缘 {def} SEE: 觀眾緣 ::
观自在菩萨 {def} SEE: 觀自在菩薩 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guān/ :: to close; to shut
{def} /guān/ :: to lock up; to detain
{def} /guān/ :: to turn off; to switch off
{def} [literary] /guān/ :: to go through; to pass
{def} /guān/ :: to concern; to implicate; to relate to
{def} /guān/ :: frontier pass; border control; checkpoint (controlled passage)
{def} [video games] /guān/ :: abbreviation of 關卡
{def} /guān/ :: relation (family/contacts)
{def} /guān/ :: surname
關愛 {v} /guān'ài/ :: to show love and care (for a friend)
關愛 {n} /guān'ài/ :: love and care (for a friend)
關愛座 {n} /guān'àizuò/ :: priority seat
關礙 {v} /guān'ài/ :: to interfere; to hinder
關隘 {n} [miliary] /guān'ài/ :: strategic passage
關隘 {n} /guān'ài/ :: mountain pass
關報 {v} [literary] /guānbào/ :: to report or notify (in the form of documents)
關閉 {v} /guānbì/ :: to close; to shut
關閉 {v} /guānbì/ :: to close down; to shut down (a factory, business, etc.)
關丹 {prop} /Guāndān/ :: (~ 縣) 關丹 (city)
關島 {prop} /Guāndǎo/ :: Guam
關帝 {prop} [honorific] /Guāndì/ :: Guan Yu (160–219)
關帝廟 {n} /Guāndìmiào/ :: shrine dedicated to Lord Guan
關帝爺 {prop} [honorific] /Guāndìyé/ :: Guan Yu (160–219)
關……屌事 {v} [colloquial, vulgar] /guān...diǎoshì/ :: to be none of someone's business; to have fuck all to do with someone
關掉 {v} /guāndiào/ :: to turn off; to unplug
關掉 {v} /guāndiào/ :: to be off (of switches)
關東 {prop} /Guāndōng/ :: the area to the east of Shanhaiguan
關東 {prop} [archaic] /Guāndōng/ :: the area to the east of Hangu Pass
關東 {prop} [archaic] /Guāndōng/ :: a nickname for Luoyang (during the Tang Dynasty)
關東 {prop} /Guāndōng/ :: (~ 地方) 關東 (region)
關東 {prop} /Guāndōng/ :: (~ 州) Kwantung Leased Territory
關東煮 {n} /guāndōngzhǔ/ :: oden (Japanese dish)
關防 {n} [literary] /guānfáng/ :: a military position at a strategic point on the border
關防 {n} [literary] /guānfáng/ :: an official seal
關防 {prop} /guānfáng/ :: (~ 鄉) 關防 (township)
關夫子 {prop} [honorific] /Guānfūzǐ/ :: Lord Guan; Guan Yu
關公 {prop} [honorific] /Guān Gōng/ :: Lord Guan; Guan Yu (160–219)
關公面前耍大刀 {idiom} /Guāngōng miànqián shuǎ dàdāo/ :: to show off in front of an expert
關關 {adv} [archaic] /guānguān/ :: the sound of birds chirping
關乎 {v} /guānhū/ :: to relate to; to involve; to be concerning; to be about
關懷 {v} /guānhuái/ :: to show care for; to show concern for
關懷 {n} /guānhuái/ :: care; concern
關懷備至 {idiom} /guānhuáibèizhì/ :: to show the utmost solicitude; to show somebody every consideration
關火 {v} [cooking] /guānhuǒ/ :: to take off the heat; to turn down the heat
關機 {v} /guānjī/ :: to shut down or turn off a machine or device
關機 {v} /guānjī/ :: to wrap up filming
關楗 {def} SEE: 關鍵 ::
關鍵 {n} [literal, Classical] /guānjiàn/ :: latch (fastening for a door); door bolt
關鍵 {n} [figurative] /guānjiàn/ :: crux; key element; crucial point
關鍵 {adj} [figurative] /guānjiàn/ :: crux; key; crucial; pivotal
關鍵詞 {n} [programming, linguistics] /guānjiàncí/ :: keyword
關鍵點 {n} /guānjiàndiǎn/ :: key point
關鍵績效指標 {n} /guānjiàn 绩xiào zhǐbiāo/ :: key performance indicator
關鍵字 {n} /guānjiànzì/ :: synonym of 關鍵詞
關節 {n} [anatomy] /guānjié,er/ :: joint (where bones connect)
關節 {n} [figurative] /guānjié,er/ :: critical point; crucial phase; crux
關節 {n} [figurative, dated] /guānjié,er/ :: secret deals involving bribery or connections
關節鏡 {n} [medicine] /guānjiéjìng/ :: arthroscope
關節鏡 {n} /guānjiéjìng/ :: (~ 檢查) [medicine] arthroscopy
關節囊 {n} [anatomy] /guānjiénáng/ :: joint capsule; articular capsule
關節軟骨 {n} [anatomy] /guānjiéruǎngǔ/ :: articular cartilage
關節炎 {n} [diseases] /guānjiéyán,er/ :: arthritis
關進 {v} /guānjìn/ :: to be shut in
關進 {v} /guānjìn/ :: to be impounded; to be incarcerated
關沮 {prop} /Guānjǔ/ :: (~ 鎮) 關沮 (town)
關卡 {n} /guān卡/ :: checkpoint (for taxation, security, etc.)
關卡 {n} [figurative] /guān卡/ :: obstacle; barrier; hurdle
關卡 {n} [video games] /guān卡/ :: level
關口 {n} /guānkǒu/ :: strategic pass; gateway
關口 {n} /guānkǒu/ :: key point; critical juncture
關老爺 {prop} [honorific] /Guānlǎoye,Guānlǎoyé,1nb/ :: Lord Guan; Guan Yu
關聯 {v} /guānlián/ :: to be related; to be connected; to be linked
關聯性 {n} /guānliánxìng/ :: link; correlation; relatedness; connection
關連 {v} /guānlián/ :: alternative form of 關聯
關路圻 {prop} /Guānlùqí/ :: (~ 村) 關路圻 (village)
關門 {v} /guānmén,er/ :: to close the door
關門 {v} [figurative] /guānmén,er/ :: to close for business (for the day or permanently); to close down
關門 {v} [figurative] /guānmén,er/ :: to close the door on; to leave no room for negotiation
關門 {adj} [figurative, attributive] /guānmén,er/ :: final; last (disciple, piece of work, etc.)
關門 {n} /guānmén,er/ :: gateway
關門 {n} /guānmén,er/ :: kidney
關門大吉 {idiom} [ironic or humorous] /guānméndàjí/ :: to close down a business; to stop operations; to close for good
關門主義 {n} /guānmén zhǔyì/ :: closed-doorism; exclusivism
關門捉賊 {idiom} [figurative] /guānménzhuōzéi/ :: to capture the enemy by cutting off their escape route
關廟 {n} /guānmiào/ :: shrine/temple for Guan Yu
關廟 {prop} /guānmiào/ :: (~ 區) 關廟 (district)
關廟 {prop} /guānmiào/ :: (~ 鎮) 關廟 (town)
關木通 {n} [TCM] /guānmùtōng/ :: stem of the Manchurian aristolochia, Aristolochia manshuriensis
關南 {prop} /Guānnán/ :: (~ 社區) 關南 (community)
關內 {n} /guānnèi/ :: area to the west of the Shanhaiguan Pass and east to the Jiayuguan pass
關……屁事 {v} [colloquial, vulgar] /guān...pìshì/ :: to be none of someone's business; to have damn all to do with someone
關切 {v} /guānqiè/ :: to be deeply concerned about
關山 {prop} /Guānshān/ :: (~ 街道) 關山 (subdistrict)
關山 {prop} /Guānshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 關山 (urban township)
關山口 {prop} /Guānshānkǒu/ :: (~ 社區) 關山口 (residential community)
關涉 {v} [literary] /guānshè/ :: to relate to; to concern; to involve
關聖 {prop} [honorific] /Guānshèng/ :: Lord Guan; Guan Yu (160–219)
關聖帝君 {prop} [honorific] /Guānshèng Dìjūn/ :: Lord Guan; Guan Yu (160–219)
關……什麼事 {v} [colloquial] /guān...shénme shì/ :: to be none of someone's business
關稅 {n} /guānshuì/ :: customs duty; tariff
關天 {v} /guāntiān/ :: to concern the fate or destiny (*天命)
關天 {v} /guāntiān/ :: to be of utmost importance
關停 {v} /guāntíng/ :: to close down; to shut down
關頭 {n} /guāntóu/ :: juncture; moment
關外 {n} [literary] /guānwài/ :: the region outside or beyond a strategic pass
關外 {n} /guānwài/ :: region east of the Shanhai Pass
關外 {n} /guānwài/ :: region west of the Jiayu Pass
關務 {n} /guānwù/ :: customs affairs
關務員 {n} /guānwùyuán/ :: customs clerk
關西 {n} [archaic] /guānxī/ :: the area to the west of Hangu Pass
關西 {prop} /guānxī/ :: the Kansai region, a center-west area of Japan, between the areas of 中国 /Chūgoku/ and 中部 /Chūbu/
關西 {prop} /guānxī/ :: (~ 地方) the Kwansŏ region of North Korea
關西 {prop} /guānxī/ :: (~ 鎮) 關西 (urban township)
關西 {prop} /guānxī/ :: (~ 社區) 關西 (residential community)
關係 {n} [countable, uncountable] /guānxì,guānxi,tl/ :: relation; relationship; connection; tie (Classifier: 個)
關係 {n} [uncountable] /guānxì,guānxi,tl/ :: connections (people with whom one is acquainted who can offer help and influence); guanxi (specifically in Chinese culture, a combination of business and personal relationships whereby parties enhance their ability to do business by building a bond with personal favors)
關係 {n} [countable, uncountable] /guānxì,guānxi,tl/ :: cause; reason (for something happening) (Classifier: m:個)
關係 {n} [countable, uncountable] /guānxì,guānxi,tl/ :: influence; effect; impact (Classifier: m:個)
關係 {n} [uncountable, euphemism] /guānxì,guānxi,tl/ :: sexual relations
關係 {v} /guānxì,guānxi,tl/ :: to involve; to relate (to); to concern
關係戶 {n} [Mainland] /guānxihù,guānxìhù,1nb/ :: one's connection (from whom one can gain special advantage or benefit)
關係鏈 {n} /guānxìliàn/ :: relation chain
關係企業 {n} /guānxì 企yè/ :: affiliated company
關係式 {n} [mathematics] /guānxìshì/ :: equation expressing a relation
關系 {def} SEE: 關係 ::
關銜 {n} /guānxián/ :: customs rank
關心 {vt} /guānxīn/ :: to be concerned about; to care for; to put first
關心 {v} /guānxīn/ :: See: zh : to close one's heart; [figurative] to distance oneself from others
關押 {v} /guānyā/ :: to imprison
關於 {prep} /guānyú/ :: concerning; regarding; as for; about
關員 {n} /guānyuán/ :: customs officer
關閘 {prop} /Guānzhá/ :: Portas do Cerco (an area in Macau)
關照 {v} /guānzhào/ :: to look after
關照 {v} /guānzhào/ :: to verbally notify; to remind; to tell; to let someone know something
關中 {prop} /Guānzhōng/ :: (~ 平原) Guanzhong Plain (a region in Shaanxi, China)
關注 {v} /guānzhù/ :: to pay close attention to; to keep tabs on
關注 {v} [Internet] /guānzhù/ :: to follow (online activity of an individual, organization, etc.)
關注 {n} /guānzhù/ :: attention; focus; care; interest
{def} /guān/ :: widower
鰥夫 {n} /guānfū/ :: widower
鰥寡 {n} /guānguǎ/ :: widow and widower
鰥寡孤獨 {idiom} /guānguǎgūdú/ :: people who have no one to rely on
{def} SEE: ::
鳏夫 {def} SEE: 鰥夫 ::
鳏寡 {def} SEE: 鰥寡 ::
鳏寡孤独 {def} SEE: 鰥寡孤獨 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /ruǎn/ :: vulva
{def} /guǎn/ :: [obsolete] a kind of fish with a long, cylindrical body
琯头 {def} SEE: 琯頭 ::
琯頭 {prop} /Guǎntóu/ :: (~ 鎮) 琯頭 (town)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǎn/ :: surname
𬅫管 {def} SEE: 歕管 ::
{def} [musical instrument] /guǎn,er/ :: a cylindrical double-reed woodwind instrument made of bamboo or wood
{def} [musical instrument, by extension] /guǎn,er/ :: any wind instrument
{def} [by extension] /guǎn,er/ :: slender tubular hollow object; pipe; tube; duct; canal; valve; fistula
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: [obsolete] writing brush
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: classifier for tube-shaped objects
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: to administer; to manage; to control; to be in charge
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: to subject someone to discipline; to discipline
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: to concern oneself with; to interfere with
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: to be responsible for the provision of; to provide; to supply; to guarantee
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: despite; regardless of; irrespective of
{def} [colloquial] /guǎn,er/ :: used in the pattern 管…………, where 管 is followed by the object of the verb
{def} [dialectal, colloquial] /guǎn,er/ :: indicates the object of an action: to
{def} [Sichuan] /guǎn,er/ :: to be worth
{def} /guǎn,er/ :: surname
管保 {v} [colloquial] /guǎnbǎo/ :: to guarantee; to ensure
管床 {v} [often, attributive, of a doctor, nurse, etc.] /guǎnchuáng/ :: to be in charge of (a particular inpatient)
管待 {v} /guǎndài/ :: to wait on; to serve
管待 {v} [Min Nan] /guǎndài/ :: to heed
管道 {n} /guǎndào/ :: pipeline
管道 {n} /guǎndào/ :: channel of communication
管風琴 {n} [musical instruments] /guǎnfēngqín/ :: pipe organ
管风琴 {def} SEE: 管風琴 ::
管工 {n} /guǎngōng/ :: foreman
管家 {n} /guǎnjiā,tl/ :: housekeeper; butler; manager
管家 {v} /guǎnjiā,tl/ :: to manage one's household
管閒事 {v} /guǎnxiánshì/ :: to poke one's nose into other people's business; to meddle
管教 {v} /guǎnjiào/ :: to discipline; to teach; to guide; to correct
管教 {v} /guǎnjiào/ :: to reform through labour
管教 {v} /guǎnjiào/ :: to guarantee
管教 {n} [mainland] /guǎnjiào/ :: supervisor; teacher
管教所 {n} /guǎnjiàosuǒ/ :: correctional institution
管控 {v} /guǎnkòng/ :: to manage and control
管乐 {def} SEE: 管樂 ::
管樂 {n} /guǎnyuè/ :: wind instrumental music
管理 {v} /guǎnlǐ/ :: to manage; to administer; to supervise; to regulate; to oversee
管理 {v} /guǎnlǐ/ :: to look after (people or animals); to tend; to keep good control of
管理 {n} /guǎnlǐ/ :: management; administration; supervision; regulation; oversight
管理层 {def} SEE: 管理層 ::
管理層 {n} /guǎnlǐcéng/ :: management level
管理費 {n} /guǎnlǐfèi/ :: management fee
管理费 {def} SEE: 管理費 ::
管理框架 {n} /guǎnlǐ 框jià/ :: regulatory framework
管理器 {n} [software] /guǎnlǐqì/ :: manager
管理权 {def} SEE: 管理權 ::
管理權 {n} /guǎnlǐquán/ :: right of management; administrative power
管理人 {n} /guǎnlǐrén/ :: manager; administrator; keeper
管理人员 {def} SEE: 管理人員 ::
管理人員 {n} /guǎnlǐ rényuán/ :: manager; administrator
管理学 {def} SEE: 管理學 ::
管理學 {n} /guǎnlǐxué/ :: management studies; management
管理员 {def} SEE: 管理員 ::
管理員 {n} /guǎnlǐyuán,er/ :: manager; administrator; attendant
管理者 {n} /guǎnlǐzhě/ :: administrator; manager
管領 {v} [literary] /guǎnlǐng/ :: to lead; to head
管领 {def} SEE: 管領 ::
管輪 {n} /guǎnlún/ :: engineman
管轮 {def} SEE: 管輪 ::
管區 {n} /guǎnqū/ :: district under jurisdiction
管錢 {v} /guǎnqián/ :: to hold the purse strings
管錢 {adj} [Sichuan] /guǎnqián/ :: expensive
管钱 {def} SEE: 管錢 ::
管腔 {n} [anatomy] /guǎnqiāng/ :: lumen
管区 {def} SEE: 管區 ::
管区的 {def} SEE: 管區的 ::
管束 {v} /guǎnshù/ :: to control
管他三七二十一 {idiom} /guǎn tā sān qī èrshí一/ :: don't care how; who cares how
管委 {n} /guǎnwěi/ :: management committee
管轄 {v} /guǎnxiá/ :: to have jurisdiction over; to administer; to exercise control over
管辖 {def} SEE: 管轄 ::
管弦 {n} /guǎnxián/ :: orchestral music
管弦乐 {def} SEE: 管弦樂 ::
管弦乐队 {def} SEE: 管弦樂隊 ::
管弦乐团 {def} SEE: 管弦樂團 ::
管弦樂 {n} /guǎnxiányuè/ :: orchestral music
管弦樂隊 {n} /guǎnxián yuèduì/ :: orchestra (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments)
管弦樂團 {n} /guǎnxián yuètuán/ :: orchestra (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments)
管絃 {def} SEE: 管弦 ::
管絃樂 {def} SEE: 管弦樂 ::
管絃樂隊 {def} SEE: 管弦樂隊 ::
管絃樂團 {def} SEE: 管弦樂團 ::
管閑事 {def} SEE: 管閒事 ::
管闲事 {def} SEE: 管閒事 ::
管線 {n} /guǎnxiàn/ :: pipe; cable; line; circuit; wire
管线 {def} SEE: 管線 ::
管用 {adj} /guǎnyòng/ :: effective; useful; efficacious
管用 {v} /guǎnyòng/ :: to be useful; to be of use; to serve a purpose
管制 {v} /guǎnzhì/ :: to control
管制 {v} /guǎnzhì/ :: to supervise; to put under surveillance
管治 {v} /guǎnzhì/ :: to govern; to administer; to manage
管中窥豹 {def} SEE: 管中窺豹 ::
管中窺豹 {idiom} /guǎnzhōngkuībào/ :: to see only part of the big picture; to have only a limited view of something
管鐘 {n} [musical instruments] /guǎnzhōng/ :: tubular bells; chimes
管钟 {def} SEE: 管鐘 ::
管状 {def} SEE: 管狀 ::
管狀 {adj} /guǎnzhuàng/ :: tubular
管子 {n} /guǎnzi/ :: tube; pipe
管子 {n} [musical instruments] /guǎnzi/ :: guan
管子 {prop} /Guǎnzǐ/ :: Guanzi (ancient Chinese text)
管子 {prop} /Guǎnzǐ/ :: Guan Zhong (ancient Chinese politician)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǎn/ :: hubcap
{def} /guǎn/ :: accommodation
{def} /guǎn/ :: shop
{def} /guǎn/ :: building or place for cultural activities
{def} /guǎn/ :: private school
{def} [historical] /guǎn/ :: factory, as a foreign trade emporium
館藏 {v} [of library, museum, etc.] /guǎncáng/ :: to have a collection of
館藏 {n} [of library, museum, etc.] /guǎncáng/ :: collection
館長 {n} /guǎnzhǎng/ :: director; curator; head librarian
館林 {prop} /Guǎnlín/ :: (~ 市) 館林 (city)
館山 {prop} /Guǎnshān/ :: (~ 市) 館山 (city)
館舍 {n} [dated] /guǎnshè/ :: inn; guesthouse
館驛 {n} [archaic] /guǎnyì/ :: a roadside inn
館員 {n} /guǎnyuán/ :: staff of a public building, such as a library, museum, archive
館員 {n} [specifically] /guǎnyuán/ :: librarian; museologist; archivist [as a medium-level job title]
館子 {n} [colloquial] /guǎnzi/ :: restaurant; eatery
館子 {n} [dated and/or Beijing] /guǎnzi/ :: theatre
{def} SEE: ::
馆藏 {def} SEE: 館藏 ::
馆长 {def} SEE: 館長 ::
馆林 {def} SEE: 館林 ::
馆山 {def} SEE: 館山 ::
馆舍 {def} SEE: 館舍 ::
馆驿 {def} SEE: 館驛 ::
馆员 {def} SEE: 館員 ::
馆仔 {def} SEE: 館仔 ::
馆子 {def} SEE: 館子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guàn/ :: child's hairstyle bound in two tufts
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guàn/ :: young child, childhood
{def} /guān/ :: hat; cap
{def} /guān/ :: top part; cap; top
{def} /guān/ :: hat-shaped thing
{def} /guān/ :: cock's crest; comb
{def} /guàn/ :: [obsolete] to put on a hat; to wear a hat
{def} [historical] /guàn/ :: ceremony marking a male's coming of age at 20
{def} /guàn/ :: [obsolete] [of a male] to reach adulthood
{def} /guàn/ :: [obsolete] to rank first; to excel; to surpass
{def} /guàn/ :: [obsolete] to cover; to put on top of
{def} /guàn/ :: to precede (e.g. with a title); to attach; to put on
{def} /guàn/ :: [obsolete] superior; excellent; outstanding
{def} /guàn/ :: [obsolete] first place
{def} /guàn/ :: champion; winner; victor
{def} [linguistics] /guàn/ :: abbreviation of 冠詞
{def} /guàn/ :: surname
冠病 {n} [neologism, disease, colloquial] /guānbìng,guànbìng,2nb/ :: coronavirus disease, especially COVID-19
冠詞 {n} [part of speech] /guàncí/ :: article (such as the words “the” and “a/an”)
冠词 {def} SEE: 冠詞 ::
冠服 {n} [archaic] /guānfú/ :: headgear and clothing (in feudal China)
冠军 {def} SEE: 冠軍 ::
冠军赛 {def} SEE: 冠軍賽 ::
冠軍 {n} /guànjūn/ :: champion (Classifier: m,c:位m,c:個)
冠軍賽 {n} [sports] /guànjūnsài/ :: championship (contest for the champion position)
冠礼 {def} SEE: 冠禮 ::
冠禮 {n} [archaic] /guànlǐ/ :: capping ceremony (coming-of-age ceremony for a young man at 20 years of age)
冠龍 {prop} /Guānlóng/ :: Corythosaurus
冠龍 {prop} /Guānlóng/ :: Guanlong
冠龙 {def} SEE: 冠龍 ::
冠毛犬 {n} /guānmáoquǎn/ :: Chinese Crested Dog
冠醚 {n} [organic chemistry] /guānmí/ :: crown ether
冠冕 {n} /guānmiǎn/ :: royal crown
冠冕 {n} /guānmiǎn/ :: official's hat
冠冕 {n} /guānmiǎn/ :: mandarin; official
冠冕 {n} /guānmiǎn/ :: leader; chief
冠冕 {adj} [often pejoratively] /guānmiǎn/ :: elegant and stately; ceremonious
冠冕堂皇 {idiom} /guānmiǎntánghuáng/ :: dignified; upright; solemn
冠冕堂皇 {idiom} /guānmiǎntánghuáng/ :: to seem honorable and just on the surface, but is not the case in reality
冠名 {v} [often of a company, organisation, etc.] /guànmíng/ :: to give a name to (an event, competition)
冠心病 {n} [disease] /guānxīnbìng,guànxīnbìng,2nb/ :: coronary heart disease
冠玉 {n} [literary] /guānyù/ :: an ornamental piece of jade which adorns a hat
冠状 {def} SEE: 冠狀 ::
冠状病毒 {def} SEE: 冠狀病毒 ::
冠状动脉 {def} SEE: 冠狀動脈 ::
冠状窦 {def} SEE: 冠狀竇 ::
冠狀 {adj} [attributive] /guānzhuàng,guànzhuàng,2nb/ :: crown-like
冠狀 {adj} [cardiology] /guānzhuàng,guànzhuàng,2nb/ :: coronary
冠狀 {adj} [anatomy] /guānzhuàng,guànzhuàng,2nb/ :: coronal
冠狀病毒 {n} [virology] /guānzhuàng bìngdú,guànzhuàng bìngdú,2nb/ :: coronavirus
冠狀動脈 {n} [anatomy, cardiology] /guānzhuàng dòngmài,guànzhuàng dòngmài,2nb/ :: coronary artery
冠狀竇 {n} [anatomy] /guānzhuàngdòu/ :: coronary sinus
冠狀肺炎 {n} [disease] /guānzhuàng fèiyán,guànzhuàng fèiyán,2nb/ :: disease (especially pulmonary disease) caused by coronavirus
{def} SEE: ::
惯常 {def} SEE: 慣常 ::
惯犯 {def} SEE: 慣犯 ::
惯坏 {def} SEE: 慣壞 ::
惯例 {def} SEE: 慣例 ::
惯窃 {def} SEE: 慣竊 ::
惯势 {def} SEE: 慣勢 ::
惯习 {def} SEE: 慣習 ::
惯性 {def} SEE: 慣性 ::
惯性力 {def} SEE: 慣性力 ::
惯性系 {def} SEE: 慣性系 ::
惯用 {def} SEE: 慣用 ::
惯用语 {def} SEE: 慣用語 ::
惯于 {def} SEE: 慣於 ::
{def} /guàn/ :: to be accustomed to; to be used to
{def} /guàn/ :: habit; custom
{def} /guàn/ :: habitually; usually
{def} /guàn/ :: to spoil; to overindulge
慣常 {adj} /guàncháng/ :: usual; customary
慣常 {adv} /guàncháng/ :: usually; often; regularly
慣犯 {n} /guànfàn/ :: repeat offender; habitual offender
慣壞 {v} /guànhuài/ :: to spoil a child
慣例 {n} /guànlì/ :: convention (procedure); practice (customary behaviour)
慣竊 {n} /guànqiè/ :: habitual thief
慣習 {n} /guànxí/ :: custom; convention; habit
慣性 {n} [physics] /guànxìng/ :: inertia
慣性力 {n} [physics] /guànxìnglì/ :: fictitious force; pseudo force; inertial force
慣性系 {n} /guànxìngxì/ :: inertial system
慣用 {v} /guànyòng/ :: to use consistently; to practice habitually
慣用 {adj} [attributive] /guànyòng/ :: customary; habitual
慣用 {adj} [attributive] /guànyòng/ :: common (in common use)
慣用 {adj} [attributive] /guànyòng/ :: conventional; idiomatic; formulaic
慣用語 {n} /guànyòngyǔ/ :: fixed expression; idiom
慣於 {v} /guànyú/ :: to be used to; to be accustomed to
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guàn/ :: to throw to the ground
{def} /guàn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /guàn/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guàn/ :: to fill (with liquid), to pour, to water
{def} /guàn/ :: to irrigate, to flood
{def} [Taiwan] /guàn/ :: to install (software)​
{def} [chiefly Taiwan] /guàn/ :: to record (music)​
灌肠 {def} SEE: 灌腸 ::
灌肠剂 {def} SEE: 灌腸劑 ::
灌腸 {v} [medicine] /guàncháng/ :: to administer an enema
灌腸 {n} /guànchang/ :: sausage with starchy filling
灌腸 {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin, Min Nan] /guànchang/ :: sausage
灌腸劑 {n} /guànchángjì/ :: enema; clyster
灌頂 {v} /guàndǐng/ :: to anoint someone on the head
灌顶 {def} SEE: 灌頂 ::
灌溉 {v} /guàngài/ :: to irrigate
灌篮 {def} SEE: 灌籃 ::
灌籃 {v} [basketball] /guànlán/ :: to dunk
灌录 {def} SEE: 灌錄 ::
灌錄 {v} /guànlù/ :: to record (audio)
灌木 {n} /guànmù/ :: bush; shrub
灌木丛 {def} SEE: 灌木叢 ::
灌木叢 {n} /guànmùcóng/ :: bush; shrub
灌脓 {def} SEE: 灌膿 ::
灌渠 {n} /guànqú/ :: irrigation ditch; irrigation channel; irrigation canal
灌湯包 {n} /guàntāngbāo/ :: tangbao (soup-filled buns)
灌湯餃 {n} /guàntāngjiǎo,er/ :: soup dumplings
灌輸 {v} /guànshū/ :: to divert or redirect running water; to channel water to another place
灌輸 {v} /guànshū/ :: to impart knowledge or a way of thinking; to instill; to inculcate; to teach
灌輸 {v} /guànshū/ :: to imbue with
灌输 {def} SEE: 灌輸 ::
灌水 {v} /guànshuǐ/ :: to irrigate; to water
灌水 {v} [Internet, figurative] /guànshuǐ/ :: to (repeatedly) add meaningless words or phrases to message board posts; to shitpost
灌汤包 {def} SEE: 灌湯包 ::
灌汤饺 {def} SEE: 灌湯餃 ::
灌注 {v} /guànzhù/ :: to pour (a liquid) into
灌注 {v} [figurative] /guànzhù/ :: to concentration one's attention on; to instil; to inculcate
灌注 {v} [medicine] /guànzhù/ :: to perfuse
灌注器 {n} /guànzhùqì/ :: irrigator; perfusion apparatus; perfusor; infusion pump
灌醉 {v} /guànzuì/ :: to get someone drunk
{def} /guàn/ :: wash the hand(s)
{def} /guàn/ :: wash
盥漱 {v} /guànshù,guànsòu,1nb/ :: to wash one's face and rinse one's mouth
盥洗 {v} /guànxǐ/ :: to wash up; to freshen up
盥洗盆 {n} /guànxǐpén/ :: sink (basin)
盥洗室 {n} [formal, chiefly Taiwan] /guànxǐ室/ :: washroom; bathroom; lavatory; toilet
盥洗臺 {n} /guànxǐtái/ :: washstand
盥洗台 {def} SEE: 盥洗臺 ::
{def} [historical, religion] /guàn/ :: to pour libation; to libate
{def} /guàn/ :: can; jar; tin
{def} /guàn/ :: classifier for canned items
罐車 {n} /guànchē/ :: tank car; tank wagon
罐车 {def} SEE: 罐車 ::
罐儿 {def} SEE: 罐兒 ::
罐兒 {n} /guànr/ :: erhua form of []
罐头 {def} SEE: 罐頭 ::
罐头刀 {def} SEE: 罐頭刀 ::
罐头开仔 {def} SEE: 罐頭開仔 ::
罐头起子 {def} SEE: 罐頭起子 ::
罐頭 {n} /guàntóu,tl/ :: can; tin (Classifier: 個聽)
罐頭 {n} /guàntóu,tl/ :: jar (Classifier: 個)
罐頭起子 {n} /guàntouqǐzi/ :: can opener; tin opener (device used to open tin cans)
罐子 {n} /guànzi/ :: can
罐子 {n} /guànzi/ :: jar
罐子 {n} /guànzi/ :: pitcher
{def} /guàn/ :: a string of one thousand coins
{def} /guàn/ :: to go through
{def} /guàn/ :: one's native place
貫徹 {v} /guànchè/ :: to implement; to carry out; to put into practice
貫徹始終 {v} /guànchè shǐzhōng/ :: to follow through, to carry through to the end
貫穿 {v} /guànchuān/ :: to run through; to pierce
貫穿 {v} /guànchuān/ :: to link
貫串 {v} /guànchuàn/ :: to spread through; to run through; to permeate
貫叢 {n} /guàncóng/ :: rhizome of the filix. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to "clear heat and toxics")
貫斗牛 {idiom} [archaic] /guàndǒuniú/ :: (of heroism etc.) bright and strong; for all to see
貫通 {v} /guàntōng/ :: to link up; to thread together
貫通 {v} /guàntōng/ :: to know thoroughly about; to be well versed in
貫盈 {n} [literary] /guànyíng/ :: an abundance of (evil deeds etc.)
貫眾 {n} /guànzhòng/ :: Rhizome of a woodfern (Dryopteris). (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to kill intestinal parasites; to treat boils and hepatitis B.)
貫軸 {n} [geometry] /guànzhóu/ :: transverse axis (of a hyperbola)
貫注 {v} [of attention, energy, etc.] /guànzhù/ :: to be concentrated on; to be focused on
貫注 {v} /guànzhù/ :: to be connected; to be continuous
{def} SEE: ::
贯彻 {def} SEE: 貫徹 ::
贯彻始终 {def} SEE: 貫徹始終 ::
贯穿 {def} SEE: 貫穿 ::
贯串 {def} SEE: 貫串 ::
贯丛 {def} SEE: 貫叢 ::
贯斗牛 {def} SEE: 貫斗牛 ::
贯通 {def} SEE: 貫通 ::
贯盈 {def} SEE: 貫盈 ::
贯众 {def} SEE: 貫眾 ::
贯轴 {def} SEE: 貫軸 ::
贯注 {def} SEE: 貫注 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guàn/ :: Only used in names
{def} /guàn/ :: crane (Grus japonensis)
{def} /guàn/ :: stork
鸛狸猿 {n} [Internet slang, derogatory] /guànlíyuán/ :: alternative form of 管理員
鸛鳥 {n} /guànniǎo/ :: stork
鸛雀 {n} /guànquè/ :: stork
鸛鷒 {n} [Chinese mythology] /guàntuán/ :: a kind of bird that could launch arrows back at archers
{def} SEE: ::
鹳狸猿 {def} SEE: 鸛狸猿 ::
鹳鸟 {def} SEE: 鸛鳥 ::
鹳雀 {def} SEE: 鸛雀 ::
鹳鷒 {def} SEE: 鸛鷒 ::
{def} /guāng/ :: only used in 僙僙
{def} /guāng,guǎng,1n/ :: light; beam; ray (Classifier: m:束m:道)
{def} /guāng,guǎng,1n/ :: glory; pride
{def} /guāng,guǎng,1n/ :: bright
{def} /guāng,guǎng,1n/ :: shiny
{def} /guāng,guǎng,1n/ :: to make bare; to be naked
{def} /guāng,guǎng,1n/ :: only
{def} /guāng,guǎng,1n/ :: Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion. until none is left
{def} /guàng/ :: [historical dictionaries] to color
光膀子 {v} /guāngbǎngzi/ :: to strip to the waist; to be barechested; to be shirtless
光膀子 {n} /guāngbǎngzi/ :: bare upper body
光笔 {def} SEE: 光筆 ::
光筆 {n} /guāngbǐ/ :: electronic stylus, light pen
光标 {def} SEE: 光標 ::
光标键 {def} SEE: 光標鍵 ::
光標 {n} /guāngbiāo/ :: cursor (part of scientific instruments that indicates position)
光標 {n} [graphical user interface] /guāngbiāo/ :: cursor (moving icon representing the position of a pointing device)
光標 {n} [graphical user interface] /guāngbiāo/ :: cursor (indicator of where the next insertation or other edit will take place)
光標 {n} [databases] /guāngbiāo/ :: cursor (reference to a row)
光標鍵 {n} [computing] /guāngbiāojiàn/ :: cursor key; arrow key
光彩 {adj} /guāngcǎi/ :: honorable; glorious
光彩 {adj} /guāngcǎi/ :: lustrous
光彩 {n} /guāngcǎi/ :: luster; splendor
光彩 {n} /guāngcǎi/ :: glory; honour
光彩 {v} [Sichuan] /guāngcǎi/ :: to add splendor
光彩夺目 {def} SEE: 光彩奪目 ::
光彩奪目 {idiom} /guāngcǎi duómù/ :: dazzling the eyes; brilliant; dazzling
光采 {def} SEE: 光彩 ::
光大 {v} /guāngdà/ :: to glorify; to carry forward; to develop
光大 {adj} /guāngdà/ :: wide; extensive
光大 {adj} /guāngdà/ :: glorious and majestic
光蛋 {n} [dated or regional] /guāngdàn/ :: pauper
光蒂脑么旋 {def} SEE: 光蒂腦麼旋 ::
光电 {def} SEE: 光電 ::
光电效应 {def} SEE: 光電效應 ::
光電 {n} [physics] /guāngdiàn/ :: photoelectricity
光電效應 {n} [physics] /guāngdiàn xiàoyìng/ :: photoelectric effect
光碟 {n} [computing, chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong] /guāngdié/ :: optical disc
光碟机 {def} SEE: 光碟機 ::
光碟機 {n} /guāngdiéjī/ :: optical disc drive
光动力 {def} SEE: 光動力 ::
光动力疗法 {def} SEE: 光動力療法 ::
光動力 {adj} [attributive] /guāngdònglì/ :: photodynamic
光動力療法 {n} [medicine] /guāngdònglì liáofǎ/ :: photodynamic therapy
光毒性 {n} [medicine] /guāngdúxìng/ :: phototoxicity
光度 {n} /guāngdù/ :: brightness; light intensity
光度 {n} [astronomy, astrophysics] /guāngdù/ :: luminosity
光伏 {n} /guāngfú/ :: photovoltaic
光复 {def} SEE: 光復 ::
光复旧物 {def} SEE: 光復舊物 ::
光復 {v} /guāngfù/ :: to recover; to recapture; to restore
光復 {prop} /guāngfù/ :: (~ 鄉) 光復 (rural township)
光復舊物 {idiom} /guāngfùjiùwù/ :: to recover what has been lost (to an invader)
光顧 {v} /guānggù/ :: to visit; to come; to patronize
光顾 {def} SEE: 光顧 ::
光怪 {adj} [alliterative] /guāngguài/ :: grotesque; bizarre
光怪陸離 {adj} /guāngguàilùlí/ :: monstrous and multicolored; grotesque and variegated
光怪陆离 {def} SEE: 光怪陸離 ::
光光 {adj} /guāngguāng/ :: bright
光光 {adj} /guāngguāng/ :: bare; bald; naked
光光 {adj} /guāngguāng/ :: without anything, not a cent left
光棍 {n} /guānggùn,er/ :: gangster; hoodlum; thug; ruffian
光棍 {n} /guānggùn,er/ :: single man; bachelor
光棍 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /guānggùn,er/ :: hero; brave man; great man
光棍 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /guānggùn,er/ :: hardened gambler
光棍 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Min Nan] /guānggùn,er/ :: homeless man; person who has nothing
光棍 {n} [Mandarin, Wu] /guānggùn,er/ :: smart person; astute person; smart cookie
光棍 {n} [Min Dong] /guānggùn,er/ :: conman; swindler; human or goods trafficker
光棍 {n} [Sichuan] /guānggùn,er/ :: member of Gelaohui
光棍 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin] /guānggùn,er/ :: astute; quick; shrewd
光棍 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin] /guānggùn,er/ :: staunch; upright
光棍 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin] /guānggùn,er/ :: pretentious; ostentatious; flaunty
光棍 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin] /guānggùn,er/ :: narrow-minded; disagreeable; violent-tempered
光棍儿 {def} SEE: 光棍兒 ::
光棍兒 {n} /guānggùnr/ :: erhua form of unmarried man; bachelor
光棍節 {prop} /guānggùnjié,er/ :: Singles' Day, celebrated annually on the 11th of November
光棍节 {def} SEE: 光棍節 ::
光害 {n} /guānghài/ :: light pollution
光合 {n} /guānghé/ :: photosynthesis
光合成 {n} /guānghéchéng/ :: alternative name for 光合作用
光合作用 {n} [biology] /guānghé zuòyòng/ :: photosynthesis (biological process)
光和 {prop} /Guānghé/ :: the Guanghe era (178-184), a Chinese era name from reign of Emperor Ling of Han
光呼吸 {n} [biochemistry] /guānghūxī/ :: photorespiration
光华 {def} SEE: 光華 ::
光滑 {adj} /guānghuá,tl/ :: smooth
光華 {n} /guānghuá/ :: brilliance; splendor
光化 {prop} /Guānghuà/ :: (~ 街道) 光化 (subdistrict)
光化学 {def} SEE: 光化學 ::
光化学反应 {def} SEE: 光化學反應 ::
光化学烟雾 {def} SEE: 光化學煙霧 ::
光化學 {n} [chemistry] /guānghuàxué/ :: photochemistry
光化學反應 {n} [chemistry] /guānghuàxué fǎnyìng/ :: photochemical reaction
光化學煙霧 {n} [chemistry] /guānghuàxué yānwù/ :: photochemical smog
光环 {def} SEE: 光環 ::
光環 {n} /guānghuán/ :: ring of light; circle of light
光環 {n} [figurative] /guānghuán/ :: halo; glory
光環 {n} [astronomy] /guānghuán/ :: ring (around a planet)
光環 {n} [astronomy] /guānghuán/ :: halo
光環 {n} [religion] /guānghuán/ :: aureola; nimbus
光輝 {n} /guānghuī/ :: radiance; glory
光輝 {adj} /guānghuī/ :: brilliant; magnificent
光輝 {prop} /guānghuī/ :: (~ 村) 光輝 (village)
光輝燦爛 {idiom} /guānghuīcànlàn/ :: brilliant and splendid
光辉 {def} SEE: 光輝 ::
光辉灿烂 {def} SEE: 光輝燦爛 ::
光脚 {def} SEE: 光腳 ::
光腳 {v} /guāngjiǎo/ :: to be barefoot
光景 {adv} /guāngjǐng/ :: about; around; probably
光景 {n} /guāngjǐng/ :: scenery; landscape; view; scene (Classifier: m:個)
光景 {n} /guāngjǐng/ :: circumstances; conditions
光纜 {n} /guānglǎn/ :: fibre optic cable
光缆 {def} SEE: 光纜 ::
光亮 {adj} /guāngliàng/ :: bright; well-lit
光亮 {n} /guāngliàng/ :: light
光疗 {def} SEE: 光療 ::
光療 {n} /guāngliáo/ :: phototherapy
光临 {def} SEE: 光臨 ::
光臨 {v} [honorific, polite, of a guest] /guānglín/ :: to come to an event or a place; to patronise
光臨 {n} [polite] /guānglín/ :: presence (of a guest at an event, a place, etc.); patronage
光溜溜 {adj} /guāngliūliū/ :: smooth
光溜溜 {adj} /guāngliūliū/ :: naked
光芒 {n} [literally] /guāngmáng/ :: rays of light; radiance
光芒 {n} [figuratively] /guāngmáng/ :: honor; glory
光猛 {adj} [chiefly Cantonese, of a room] /guāngměng/ :: well-lit
光面內質網 {n} [cytology] /guāngmiàn nèi质wǎng/ :: smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER)
光面内质网 {def} SEE: 光面內質網 ::
光敏 {adj} /guāngmǐn/ :: photosensitive
光敏素 {n} [biochemistry] /guāngmǐnsù/ :: phytochrome
光明 {n} /guāngmíng/ :: light; illumination; brightness; brilliance
光明 {adj} /guāngmíng/ :: bright; shining
光明 {adj} [figurative, of future etc.] /guāngmíng/ :: promising; bright
光明 {adj} [figurative] /guāngmíng/ :: open-hearted; frank; straightforward
光明 {prop} /guāngmíng/ :: (~ 區) 光明 (district)
光明 {prop} /guāngmíng/ :: (~ 社區) 光明 (community)
光明灯 {def} SEE: 光明燈 ::
光明燈 {n} /guāngmíngdēng/ :: lamp of brilliance; auspicious lamp
光明磊落 {idiom} /guāngmínglěiluò/ :: righteous and upright
光明正大 {idiom} /guāngmíngzhèngdà/ :: high-principled; open and aboveboard; just and honorable; frank and righteous; without artifice
光脑壳 {def} SEE: 光腦殼 ::
光年 {n} [astronomy] /guāngnián/ :: light year
光盘 {def} SEE: 光盤 ::
光盘驱动器 {def} SEE: 光盤驅動器 ::
光盤 {n} [chiefly mainland China, computing] /guāngpán/ :: optical disc
光盤 {n} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /guāngpán/ :: price set in public in a transaction
光盤驅動器 {n} [computing] /guāngpán qūdòngqì/ :: optical disc drive
光譜 {n} /guāngpǔ/ :: light spectrum
光譜 {n} /guāngpǔ/ :: spectroscopy
光譜 {n} [figuratively] /guāngpǔ/ :: spectrum (often in reference to gender)
光譜學 {n} /guāngpǔxué/ :: spectroscopy
光譜儀 {n} [analytical chemistry] /guāngpǔyí/ :: spectrometer
光谱 {def} SEE: 光譜 ::
光谱学 {def} SEE: 光譜學 ::
光谱仪 {def} SEE: 光譜儀 ::
光气 {def} SEE: 光氣 ::
光氣 {n} /guāngqì/ :: phosgene
光纤 {def} SEE: 光纖 ::
光驅 {n} [computing] /guāngqū/ :: abbreviation of 光盤驅動器
光驱 {def} SEE: 光驅 ::
光圈 {n} [photography] /guāngquān,er/ :: aperture
光榮 {adj} /guāngróng/ :: honourable; glorious
光榮 {n} /guāngróng/ :: honour; glory
光榮榜 {n} /guāngróngbǎng/ :: roll of honour; hall of fame
光榮革命 {prop} [British history] /Guāngróng gémìng/ :: Glorious Revolution
光荣 {def} SEE: 光榮 ::
光荣榜 {def} SEE: 光榮榜 ::
光荣革命 {def} SEE: 光榮革命 ::
光润 {def} SEE: 光潤 ::
光潤 {adj} [of skin, etc.] /guāngrùn/ :: smooth and moist
光栅 {def} SEE: 光柵 ::
光束 {n} /guāngshù/ :: ray of light; light beam
光說不幹 {idiom} /guāngshuō不gān/ :: all talk and no action
光說不做 {idiom} /guāngshuō不zuò/ :: all talk and no action
光说不干 {def} SEE: 光說不幹 ::
光说不做 {def} SEE: 光說不做 ::
光速 {n} /guāngsù/ :: the speed of light
光天化日 {idiom} /guāngtiānhuàrì/ :: in broad daylight
光头 {def} SEE: 光頭 ::
光头党 {def} SEE: 光頭黨 ::
光頭 {n} /guāngtóu/ :: bald head; shaved head
光頭 {n} /guāngtóu/ :: person with a bald head; person with a shaved head
光頭 {v} /guāngtóu/ :: to not wear a hat; to go bareheaded
光頭黨 {n} /guāngtóudǎng/ :: skinheads (subculture)
光脱脱 {def} SEE: 光脫脫 ::
光汙染 {def} SEE: 光污染 ::
光污染 {n} /guāngwūrǎn/ :: light pollution
光武 {prop} /Guāngwǔ/ :: Emperor Guangwu of Han
光武 {prop} /Guāngwǔ/ :: (~ 村) 光武 (rural village)
光纖 {n} /guāngxiān/ :: optical fibre
光鮮 {adj} /guāngxiān/ :: bright, tidy and colorful
光鮮 {adj} [dialectal] /guāngxiān/ :: honorable; glorious
光鲜 {def} SEE: 光鮮 ::
光線 {n} [uncountable] /guāngxiàn/ :: light
光線 {n} [countable] /guāngxiàn/ :: ray of light (Classifier: 束)
光線 {n} [uncountable] /guāngxiàn/ :: lighting
光线 {def} SEE: 光線 ::
光緒 {prop} /Guāngxù/ :: (~ 帝) the Guangxu Emperor (eleventh emperor of the Qing dynasty)
光緒 {prop} /Guāngxù/ :: the Guangxu era of the Qing dynasty (the period of time during which the Guangxu Emperor reigned; 1875–1908)
光绪 {def} SEE: 光緒 ::
光学 {def} SEE: 光學 ::
光学防抖 {def} SEE: 光學防抖 ::
光学望远镜 {def} SEE: 光學望遠鏡 ::
光学显微镜 {def} SEE: 光學顯微鏡 ::
光学字符识别 {def} SEE: 光學字符識別 ::
光學 {adj} [physics] /guāngxué/ :: optic
光學 {n} [physics] /guāngxué/ :: optics
光學防抖 {n} /guāngxué fángdǒu/ :: optical image stabilization; OIS
光學望遠鏡 {n} /guāngxué wàngyuǎnjìng/ :: optical telescope
光學顯微鏡 {n} /guāngxué xiǎn微jìng/ :: light microscope
光學字符識別 {n} [computing] /guāngxué zìfú 识bié/ :: optical character recognition; OCR
光压 {def} SEE: 光壓 ::
光壓 {n} [physics] /guāngyā/ :: light pressure
光阳 {def} SEE: 光陽 ::
光陽 {prop} /Guāngyáng/ :: (~ 市) 光陽 (city)
光耀 {n} /guāngyào/ :: brilliance; brightness; luminosity
光耀 {adj} /guāngyào/ :: glorious; brilliant; dazzling
光耀 {v} /guāngyào/ :: to shine (brightly)
光耀 {v} /guāngyào/ :: to glorify; to bring honour to; to reflect glory on
光阴 {def} SEE: 光陰 ::
光阴荏苒 {def} SEE: 光陰荏苒 ::
光阴似箭 {def} SEE: 光陰似箭 ::
光陰 {n} [figurative] /guāngyīn/ :: time (the limited time available in a person's life)
光陰 {n} [dialectal] /guāngyīn/ :: one's life; days in one's life
光陰 {n} [Dungan] /guāngyīn/ :: time; age; era
光陰 {n} [Classical] /guāngyīn/ :: circumstances; conditions
光陰荏苒 {idiom} /guāngyīnrěnrǎn/ :: time flies; tempus fugit
光陰似箭 {proverb} /guāngyīn sì jiàn/ :: Time flies like an arrow
光源 {n} /guāngyuán/ :: light source (source of illumination)
光泽 {def} SEE: 光澤 ::
光澤 {n} /guāngzé/ :: lustre; gloss; sheen
光澤 {prop} /guāngzé/ :: (~ 縣) 光澤 (county)
光柵 {n} [optics] /guāngshān,guāngzhà,1nb/ :: grating
光照 {v} /guāngzhào/ :: to illuminate
光照 {n} /guāngzhào/ :: illumination
光州 {prop} /Guāngzhōu/ :: Gwangju, South Korea
光子 {n} [particle] /guāngzǐ/ :: photon (Classifier: m:粒)
光宗耀祖 {idiom} /guāngzōngyàozǔ/ :: to bring honour to one's ancestors
{def} /guāng,guàng/ :: coir-palm (Rhapis excelsa)
桄桹 {def} SEE: 桄榔 ::
桄榔 {n} /guāngláng/ :: sugar palm (Arenga pinnata)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guāng/ :: only used in 膀胱
胱氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /guāng'ānsuān/ :: cystine
胱胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /guāng胺suān/ :: cystine
{def} /guāng/ :: used in personal names
{def} [obsolete] /guāng/ :: alternative name for 鐳
广 {def} SEE: ::
广 {def} SEE: ::
广 {def} /yǎn/ :: [obsolete] house built to depend on a cliff
广安 {def} SEE: 廣安 ::
广板 {def} SEE: 廣板 ::
广播 {def} SEE: 廣播 ::
广播电台 {def} SEE: 廣播電臺 ::
广播员 {def} SEE: 廣播員 ::
广博 {def} SEE: 廣博 ::
广场 {def} SEE: 廣場 ::
广场恐惧症 {def} SEE: 廣場恐懼症 ::
广场舞 {def} SEE: 廣場舞 ::
广盛 {def} SEE: 廣盛 ::
广传 {def} SEE: 廣傳 ::
广疮 {def} SEE: 廣瘡 ::
广大 {def} SEE: 廣大 ::
广岛 {def} SEE: 廣島 ::
广电 {def} SEE: 廣電 ::
广东 {def} SEE: 廣東 ::
广东话 {def} SEE: 廣東話 ::
广东人 {def} SEE: 廣東人 ::
广东水师 {def} SEE: 廣東水師 ::
广东闲话 {def} SEE: 廣東閒話 ::
广东言话 {def} SEE: 廣東言話 ::
广东住血线虫 {def} SEE: 廣東住血線蟲 ::
广度 {def} SEE: 廣度 ::
广度优先搜索 {def} SEE: 廣度優先搜索 ::
广泛 {def} SEE: 廣泛 ::
广佛 {def} SEE: 廣佛 ::
广府 {def} SEE: 廣府 ::
广府话 {def} SEE: 廣府話 ::
广府人 {def} SEE: 廣府人 ::
广告 {def} SEE: 廣告 ::
广告牌 {def} SEE: 廣告牌 ::
广告业 {def} SEE: 廣告業 ::
广广 {def} SEE: 廣廣 ::
广寒 {def} SEE: 廣寒 ::
广寒宫 {def} SEE: 廣寒宮 ::
广汉 {def} SEE: 廣漢 ::
广开言路 {def} SEE: 廣開言路 ::
广阔 {def} SEE: 廣闊 ::
广陵 {def} SEE: 廣陵 ::
广袤 {def} SEE: 廣袤 ::
广漠 {def} SEE: 廣漠 ::
广南 {def} SEE: 廣南 ::
广南国 {def} SEE: 廣南國 ::
广宁 {def} SEE: 廣寧 ::
广平 {def} SEE: 廣平 ::
广谱 {def} SEE: 廣譜 ::
广深 {def} SEE: 廣深 ::
广式 {def} SEE: 廣式 ::
广水 {def} SEE: 廣水 ::
广土众民 {def} SEE: 廣土眾民 ::
广西 {def} SEE: 廣西 ::
广西僮族自治区 {def} SEE: 廣西僮族自治區 ::
广西壮族自治区 {def} SEE: 廣西壯族自治區 ::
广弦 {def} SEE: 廣弦 ::
广义 {def} SEE: 廣義 ::
广义相对论 {def} SEE: 廣義相對論 ::
广益 {def} SEE: 廣益 ::
广域 {def} SEE: 廣域 ::
广域市 {def} SEE: 廣域市 ::
广域网 {def} SEE: 廣域網 ::
广元 {def} SEE: 廣元 ::
广韵 {def} SEE: 廣韻 ::
广治 {def} SEE: 廣治 ::
广众 {def} SEE: 廣眾 ::
广州 {def} SEE: 廣州 ::
广州话 {def} SEE: 廣州話 ::
广州路 {def} SEE: 廣州路 ::
广州起义 {def} SEE: 廣州起義 ::
广州人 {def} SEE: 廣州人 ::
广州湾 {def} SEE: 廣州灣 ::
广字头 {def} SEE: 廣字頭 ::
广宗 {def} SEE: 廣宗 ::
广坐 {def} SEE: 廣坐 ::
{def} /guǎng/ :: broad; wide; extensive; vast
{def} /guǎng/ :: many; numerous; multitudinous
{def} /guǎng/ :: to expand; to enlarge
{def} /guǎng/ :: common; widespread; universal; pervasive; general; ubiquitous
{def} /guǎng/ :: abbreviation of 廣州
{def} /guǎng/ :: abbreviation of 廣東
{def} [Sichuan] /guǎng/ :: overseas; foreign; western; imported
{def} /guǎng/ :: [obsolete] width; breadth
{def} /guǎng/ :: surname Guang
{def} /guàng/ :: [obsolete] to measure width
{def} /guàng/ :: [obsolete] distance from east to west
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /guāng/ :: [obsolete] only used in 闋廣 alternative form of 騤𩧉
{def} /guāng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
廣安 {prop} /Guǎng'ān/ :: (~ 市) 廣安 (prefecture-level city)
廣板 {n} [music] /guǎngbǎn/ :: largo
廣播 {v} /guǎng播/ :: to broadcast; to air (to transmit via radio waves or electronic means)
廣播 {v} [literary] /guǎng播/ :: to bestow universally; to grant widely
廣播 {v} /guǎng播/ :: to spread widely; to distribute widely
廣播 {n} /guǎng播/ :: broadcast (transmission of radio or television program)
廣播 {n} /guǎng播/ :: broadcast; radio program (program so transmitted)
廣播電臺 {n} /guǎng播 diàntái/ :: radio station
廣播電台 {def} SEE: 廣播電臺 ::
廣播員 {n} /guǎng播yuán/ :: announcer, broadcaster
廣博 {adj} [of one's learning, mind, etc.] /guǎngbó/ :: extensive; broad; wide
廣場 {n} /guǎng場,audio/ :: square (public square of a city); plaza (Classifier: 個)
廣場 {n} [chiefly in compounds and building names] /guǎng場,audio/ :: large building; shopping mall
廣場恐懼症 {n} /guǎng場 kǒngjùzhèng/ :: agoraphobia
廣場舞 {n} /guǎng场wǔ/ :: square dancing; plaza dancing (an exercise routine performed to music in squares, plazas or parks of a city, popular with middle-aged and retired women)
廣盛 {adj} [literary] /guǎngshèng/ :: abundant and magnificent
廣傳 {v} /guǎngchuán/ :: to spread widely; to propagate
廣瘡 {n} /guǎngchuāng/ :: alternative name for 梅毒
廣大 {adj} [of an area] /guǎngdà/ :: large; vast; wide
廣大 {adj} [of a range] /guǎngdà/ :: wide; widespread; large-scale
廣大 {adj} [of people] /guǎngdà/ :: numerous; many; diverse
廣島 {prop} /Guǎngdǎo/ :: (~ 縣) 廣島 (prefecture)
廣島 {prop} /Guǎngdǎo/ :: (~ 市) 廣島 (capital city)
廣電 {n} /guǎngdiàn/ :: radio and television; radio, film and television
廣東 {prop} /Guǎngdōng/ :: (~ 省) 廣東 (province)
廣東話 {n} /guǎngdōnghuà/ :: Yue; Cantonese language
廣東人 {n} /guǎngdōngrén/ :: a Cantonese person; a person from Guangdong
廣東水師 {prop} [historical] /Guǎngdōng Shuǐshī/ :: Guangdong Fleet (one of China's four regional fleets during the closing decades of the nineteenth century)
廣東閑話 {def} SEE: 廣東閒話 ::
廣東言話 {def} SEE: 廣東閒話 ::
廣東住血線蟲 {n} /Guǎngdōng zhù血xiànchóng/ :: Angiostrongylus cantonensis
廣度 {n} /guǎngdù/ :: breadth; scope; range; extent
廣度 {n} /guǎngdù/ :: magnanimity
廣度 {v} [Buddhism] /guǎngdù/ :: to save (sentient beings) universally
廣度優先搜索 {n} [graph theory] /guǎngdù yōuxiān sōusuǒ/ :: breadth-first search
廣泛 {adj} /guǎngfàn/ :: widespread; extensive; wide-ranging
廣佛 {prop} /Guǎng-Fó/ :: Guangzhou and Foshan
廣府 {prop} /Guǎngfǔ/ :: Guangzhou and its surrounding areas; the Cantonese-speaking region
廣府話 {n} /guǎngfǔhuà/ :: Cantonese language (usually the variety from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau)
廣府人 {n} /guǎngfǔrén/ :: Cantonese person
廣告 {n} [countable] /guǎnggào/ :: advertisement (notice promoting a product, service, etc.) (Classifier: 個則項條)
廣告 {n} [uncountable] /guǎnggào/ :: advertising (activity of producing advertisements)
廣告牌 {n} /guǎnggàopái/ :: billboard; signboard
廣告業 {n} /guǎnggàoyè/ :: advertising (i.e. the advertising industry)
廣廣 {adj} [literary] /kuàngkuàng/ :: spacious
廣寒 {n} [obsolete, poetic] /guǎnghán/ :: moon
廣寒宮 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Guǎnghángōng/ :: "Guanghan Palace" (the moon palace)
廣漢 {prop} /Guǎnghàn/ :: (~ 市) 廣漢 (city)
廣開言路 {idiom} /guǎngkāiyánlù/ :: to encourage the free airing of views; to create conditions for the subordinates and the masses to fully express their opinions
廣闊 {adj} /guǎngkuò/ :: vast and wide; broad and expansive
廣陵 {prop} [archaic] /Guǎnglíng/ :: Guangling Commandery (in present day Yangzhou, Jiangsu)
廣袤 {n} /guǎngmào/ :: length and breadth of land
廣袤 {adj} [of land] /guǎngmào/ :: vast; broad; immense
廣漠 {adj} /guǎngmò/ :: vast and empty
廣南 {prop} /Guǎngnán/ :: (~ 縣) 廣南 (county)
廣南 {prop} /Guǎngnán/ :: (~ 省) 廣南 (province)
廣南 {prop} /Guǎngnán/ :: (~ 國) [historical] Đàng Trong (territory ruled by the Nguyễn lords)
廣南國 {prop} [historical] /Guǎngnánguó/ :: Đàng Trong (territory ruled by the Nguyễn lords)
廣寧 {prop} /Guǎngníng/ :: (~ 縣) 廣寧 (county)
廣寧 {prop} /Guǎngníng/ :: (~ 省) 廣寧 (province)
廣平 {prop} /Guǎngpíng/ :: (~ 省) 廣平 (province)
廣譜 {adj} [pharmacology, physics, attributive] /guǎngpǔ/ :: broad-spectrum
廣深 {prop} /Guǎng-Shēn/ :: Guangzhou and Shenzhen
廣式 {adj} /guǎngshì/ :: Cantonese-style
廣水 {prop} /Guǎngshuǐ/ :: (~ 市) 廣水 (county-level city)
廣水 {prop} /Guǎngshuǐ/ :: (~ 街道) 廣水 (subdistrict)
廣土眾民 {idiom} /guǎngtǔzhòngmín/ :: a vast territory with a large population
廣西 {prop} /Guǎngxī/ :: (~ 壯族自治區) 廣西 (autonomous region/and/former province)
廣西僮族自治區 {prop} [historical] /Guǎngxī Zhuàngzú Zìzhìqū/ :: old name for 廣西壯族自治區
廣西壯族自治區 {prop} /Guǎngxī Zhuàngzú Zìzhìqū/ :: 廣西壯族自治區 (autonomous region)
廣弦 {n} [musical instrument] /guǎngxián/ :: a two-stringed vertical fiddle used primarily in Min Nan regions and by the Hakka, in Taiwan and Fujian
廣益 {v} [literary] /guǎngyì/ :: to bring benefits; to be beneficial
廣益 {v} [literary] /guǎngyì/ :: to add; to augment; to increase; to raise; to boost
廣義 {n} /guǎngyì/ :: broad sense
廣義 {adj} [attributive] /guǎngyì/ :: generalised; general
廣義 {prop} /guǎngyì/ :: (~ 省) 廣義 (province)
廣義 {prop} /guǎngyì/ :: (~ 市) 廣義 (city)
廣義相對論 {n} [physics] /guǎngyì xiāngduìlùn/ :: general relativity
廣域 {n} [literary] /guǎngyù/ :: wide area
廣域市 {n} /guǎngyùshì/ :: metropolitan city (level of administrative division of South Korea and Italy)
廣域網 {n} [computing] /guǎngyùwǎng/ :: wide area network (WAN)
廣元 {prop} /Guǎngyuán/ :: (~ 市) 廣元 (prefecture-level city)
廣韻 {prop} /Guǎngyùn/ :: Guangyun (a Song rhyming dictionary, a revised and expanded edition of Qieyun)
廣治 {prop} /Guǎngzhì/ :: (~ 省) 廣治 (province)
廣眾 {adj} [of people] /guǎngzhòng/ :: numerous
廣眾 {n} /guǎngzhòng/ :: huge crowd; public place
廣州 {prop} /Guǎngzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 廣州 (major city/and/port/capital city)
廣州 {prop} [historical] /Guǎngzhōu/ :: 廣州 (various <<ancient prefectures>> of imperial <<country/China>> in present-day <<province/Guangdong>> and <<autonomous region/Guangxi>>)
廣州 {prop} /Guǎngzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 廣州 (city)
廣州話 {n} /guǎngzhōuhuà/ :: Guangzhou dialect of Cantonese
廣州路 {prop} /Guǎngzhōulù/ :: (~ 街道) 廣州路 (subdistrict)
廣州起義 {prop} [mainland] /Guǎngzhōu Qǐyì/ :: Guangzhou Uprising
廣州人 {n} /Guǎngzhōurén/ :: someone from Guangzhou; Cantonese person
廣州灣 {prop} /Guǎngzhōuwān/ :: Guangzhouwan (region in Guangdong which is now Zhanjiang)
廣字頭 {n} /guǎngzìtóu/ :: the Chinese character component 广
廣宗 {prop} /Guǎngzōng/ :: Guangzong County
廣坐 {n} [literary] /guǎngzuò/ :: a place where a large group of people gathers together; a public forum
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guàng/ :: [obsolete] to go against; to be contrary
{def} /jiǒng/ :: alternative form of only used in names
{def} /guàng/ :: to stroll; to roam; to wander
逛荡 {def} SEE: 逛蕩 ::
逛蕩 {v} [derogatory] /guàngdàng,tl/ :: to loiter; to loaf about
逛街 {v} /guàngjiē/ :: to stroll around the streets; to loiter on the street; to window-shop; to go shopping
逛一逛 {v} /guàng一guàng/ :: to take a stroll; to go for a walk
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuǐ/ :: only used in 傀儡
{def} /guī/ :: odd; peculiar; extraordinary
{def} /guī/ :: great
傀儡 {n} /kuǐlěi/ :: puppet; marionette
傀儡 {n} [figurative] /kuǐlěi/ :: puppet; someone who is manipulated by another; pawn; minion
傀儡 {n} [obsolete] /guīlěi/ :: sulks; pent-up sorrow
傀儡戲 {n} /kuǐlěixì/ :: puppet show
傀儡军 {def} SEE: 傀儡軍 ::
傀儡軍 {n} /kuǐlěijūn/ :: puppet army
傀儡戏 {def} SEE: 傀儡戲 ::
{def} /guī/ :: jade pointed at top
{def} [historical] /guī/ :: jade tablet used by officials when addressing the emperor in court
{def} /guī/ :: gui (type of ancient Chinese sundial)
{def} /guī/ :: surname
圭表 {n} /guībiǎo/ :: guibiao (type of ancient Chinese sundial consisting of an elongated dial and one or two gnomons)
圭角 {n} [literary] /guījiǎo/ :: point of a jade tablet
圭角 {n} [figurative] /guījiǎo/ :: talent displayed
圭臬 {n} [literary] /guīniè/ :: criterion; standard
圭臬 {n} /guīniè/ :: guinie (type of ancient Chinese sundial)
圭亞那 {prop} [Mainland China] /Guī亞nà/ :: 圭亞那 (country)
圭亚那 {def} SEE: 圭亞那 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guī/ :: surname
{def} /guī/ :: beautiful waist or lower back
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
归案 {def} SEE: 歸案 ::
归并 {def} SEE: 歸併 ::
归程 {def} SEE: 歸程 ::
归档 {def} SEE: 歸檔 ::
归道山 {def} SEE: 歸道山 ::
归队 {def} SEE: 歸隊 ::
归根 {def} SEE: 歸根 ::
归根到底 {def} SEE: 歸根到底 ::
归根结底 {def} SEE: 歸根結底 ::
归根结柢 {def} SEE: 歸根結柢 ::
归根结蒂 {def} SEE: 歸根結蒂 ::
归根究底 {def} SEE: 歸根究柢 ::
归根究柢 {def} SEE: 歸根究柢 ::
归公 {def} SEE: 歸公 ::
归国 {def} SEE: 歸國 ::
归还 {def} SEE: 歸還 ::
归化 {def} SEE: 歸化 ::
归家 {def} SEE: 歸家 ::
归降 {def} SEE: 歸降 ::
归结 {def} SEE: 歸結 ::
归咎 {def} SEE: 歸咎 ::
归来 {def} SEE: 歸來 ::
归类 {def} SEE: 歸類 ::
归路 {def} SEE: 歸路 ::
归妹 {def} SEE: 歸妹 ::
归纳 {def} SEE: 歸納 ::
归纳法 {def} SEE: 歸納法 ::
归宁 {def} SEE: 歸寧 ::
归农 {def} SEE: 歸農 ::
归侨 {def} SEE: 歸僑 ::
归去 {def} SEE: 歸去 ::
归仁 {def} SEE: 歸仁 ::
归日 {def} SEE: 歸日 ::
归入 {def} SEE: 歸入 ::
归属 {def} SEE: 歸屬 ::
归属感 {def} SEE: 歸屬感 ::
归顺 {def} SEE: 歸順 ::
归宿 {def} SEE: 歸宿 ::
归绥 {def} SEE: 歸綏 ::
归天 {def} SEE: 歸天 ::
归途 {def} SEE: 歸途 ::
归位 {def} SEE: 歸位 ::
归西 {def} SEE: 歸西 ::
归心 {def} SEE: 歸心 ::
归依 {def} SEE: 歸依 ::
归于 {def} SEE: 歸於 ::
归真 {def} SEE: 歸真 ::
归州 {def} SEE: 歸州 ::
归罪 {def} SEE: 歸罪 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guī/ :: to return (to a place); to come back to
{def} /guī/ :: to return to (a person, a status); to revert to
{def} /guī/ :: to submit to; to seek patronage
{def} /guī/ :: to tend towards; to converge
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guī/ :: to belong to
歸案 {v} /guī'àn/ :: to bring to justice
歸併 {v} /guībìng/ :: to incorporate into; to merge into
歸併 {v} /guībìng/ :: to lump together; to add up
歸程 {n} /guīchéng/ :: the way back; one's journey home
歸檔 {v} /guī档/ :: to keep on file; to archive
歸道山 {n} [literary, euphemistic] /guī dàoshān/ :: to pass away
歸隊 {v} [military] /guīduì/ :: to rejoin one's unit
歸隊 {v} [figurative] /guīduì/ :: to return to one's original profession or area of expertise
歸根 {v} [of leaf] /guīgēn/ :: to eventually return to its root as it falls from the tree
歸根 {v} [figurative] /guīgēn/ :: to finally return to one's hometown
歸根到底 {idiom} /guīgēndàodǐ/ :: in the final analysis; it all comes down to
歸根結底 {idiom} /guīgēnjiédǐ/ :: all in all; ultimately it comes down to
歸根結柢 {def} SEE: 歸根結底 ::
歸根結蒂 {idiom} /guīgēnjiédì/ :: synonym of 歸根結底
歸根究底 {def} SEE: 歸根究柢 ::
歸根究柢 {idiom} /guīgēn究dǐ/ :: ultimately it comes down to
歸公 {v} /guīgōng/ :: to commander; to take over the state
歸國 {v} [formal] /guīguó/ :: to return to one's home country
歸還 {v} /guīhuán/ :: to give back to someone; to return to owner
歸化 {v} /guīhuà/ :: to surrender and pay allegiance to
歸化 {v} /guīhuà/ :: to assimilate
歸化 {v} [obsolete] /guīhuà/ :: to naturalize
歸化 {v} [translation studies] /guīhuà/ :: to domesticate
歸化 {prop} /guīhuà/ :: old name for 呼和浩特
歸家 {v} [literary] /guījiā/ :: to return home
歸降 {v} /guīxiáng/ :: to surrender; to submit (to)
歸結 {v} /guījié/ :: to sum up; to put in a nutshell
歸咎 {v} /guījiù/ :: to blame; to put the blame upon
歸來 {v} /guīlái/ :: to return; to come back
歸類 {v} /guīlèi/ :: to classify; to categorise
歸路 {n} [literary] /guīlù/ :: return path; the path back
歸妹 {n} /guīmèi/ :: the fifty-fourth hexagram of the I Ching, known as converting the maiden
歸納 {v} /guīnà/ :: to deduce (from a set of facts); to conclude
歸納 {v} /guīnà/ :: to summarize; to sum up
歸納 {n} [logic] /guīnà/ :: induction
歸納法 {n} [logic, mathematics] /guīnàfǎ/ :: inductive reasoning
歸寧 {v} [literary, of a married woman] /guīníng/ :: to visit one's parents
歸農 {v} [archaic] /guīnóng/ :: to (resign from one's duties and) return home
歸僑 {n} /guīqiáo/ :: Chinese repatriate; returned overseas Chinese
歸去 {v} [archaic or Southern Sixian Hakka] /guīqù/ :: to return
歸仁 {prop} /Guīrén/ :: (~ 市) 歸仁 (city)
歸仁 {prop} /Guīrén/ :: (~ 區) 歸仁 (district)
歸入 {v} /guīrù/ :: to classify into; to categorise into; to group into
歸屬 {v} /guīshǔ/ :: to belong to; to be owned by
歸屬 {n} /guīshǔ/ :: belonging; ownership; affiliation; jurisdiction
歸屬感 {n} /guīshǔgǎn/ :: sense of belonging
歸順 {v} /guīshùn/ :: to surrender and pay allegiance to (the other side)
歸宿 {n} /guīsù/ :: home to return to
歸宿 {n} [figurative] /guīsù/ :: final destination; ending
歸宿 {n} [figurative] /guīsù/ :: the last thing to depend upon; homeland (of one's soul)
歸宿 {v} /guīsù/ :: to return home to sleep
歸綏 {prop} /Guī綏/ :: (~ 市) old name for 呼和浩特
歸天 {v} [euphemistic] /guītiān/ :: to return to Heaven; to pass away; to die
歸途 {n} /guītú/ :: the way back; one's journey home
歸位 {v} /guīwèi/ :: go back
歸西 {v} [euphemistic] /guīxī/ :: to die
歸心 {v} [literary] /guīxīn/ :: to submit wholeheartedly to the authority of another
歸心 {n} [literary] /guīxīn/ :: desire to return home
歸依 {def} SEE: 皈依 ::
歸於 {v} /guīyú/ :: to belong to; to be part of; to fall under; to be categorised as; to be classified as
歸於 {v} /guīyú/ :: to tend to; to incline towards
歸真 {v} [literary] /guīzhēn/ :: to return to the original state
歸真 {v} [Buddhism, Islam, of a person] /guīzhēn/ :: to die
歸州 {prop} /Guīzhōu/ :: (~ 鎮) 歸州 (town)
歸州 {prop} /Guīzhōu/ :: (~ 社區) 歸州 (residential community)
歸罪 {v} /guīzuì/ :: to blame; to put the blame upon
歸罪 {v} [literary] /guīzuì/ :: to admit guilt
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [historical] /guī/ :: jade tablet used by officials when addressing the emperor in court
{def} /guī/ :: surname
{def} /guī/ :: [obsolete] semi-precious stone that is less precious than jade
{def} /guī/ :: [obsolete] extraordinary, fabulous
瑰宝 {def} SEE: 瑰寶 ::
瑰寶 {n} /guībǎo/ :: treasure; rarity; gem (Classifier: 個)
瑰麗 {adj} /guīlì/ :: exceptionally beautiful; magnificent
瑰丽 {def} SEE: 瑰麗 ::
瑰意琦行 {idiom} /guīyìqíxíng/ :: extraordinary thoughts and actions
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
皈依 {v} /guīyī/ :: to be converted to (a religion)
皈依者 {n} /guīyīzhě/ :: convert; devotee
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guī/ :: [Mainland China, chemical element] silicon
硅肺 {n} [diseases] /guīfèi/ :: silicosis
硅鋼 {n} /guīgāng/ :: electrical steel; silicon steel
硅钢 {def} SEE: 硅鋼 ::
硅谷 {prop} [Mainland China] /Guīgǔ/ :: Silicon Valley
硅胶 {def} SEE: 硅膠 ::
硅膠 {n} [chiefly Mainland, chemistry] /guījiāo/ :: silica gel
硅石 {n} /guīshí/ :: siliceous rock; silica
硅酸 {n} /guīsuān/ :: [Mainland China, inorganic compound] silicic acid
硅酸盐 {def} SEE: 硅酸鹽 ::
硅酸盐水泥 {def} SEE: 硅酸鹽水泥 ::
硅酸鹽 {n} [Mainland China, inorganic compound] /guīsuānyán/ :: silicate
硅酸鹽水泥 {n} [Mainland China] /guīsuānyán shuǐní/ :: Portland cement
硅酮 {n} [Mainland] /guītóng/ :: silicone
硅烷 {n} [inorganic compound] /guīwán/ :: silanes
硅藻 {n} [botany] /guīzǎo/ :: diatom
硅藻土 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /guīzǎotǔ/ :: diatomaceous earth
硅砖 {def} SEE: 硅磚 ::
硅磚 {n} /guīzhuān/ :: silica brick
{def} /guī/ :: dividers; measuring compass
{def} /guī/ :: rule; regulation; customs; law
{def} /guī/ :: to plan; to arrange
{def} /guī/ :: to exhort; to admonish; to advise
{def} /guī/ :: surname Gui
{def} /guì/ :: only used in 規規
{def} /xù/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
規避 {v} /guībì/ :: to evade; to avoid; to dodge
規程 {n} /guīchéng/ :: process; regulation; rule; specification
規定 {v} /guīdìng/ :: to regulate; to stipulate
規定 {n} /guīdìng/ :: rule; regulation; stipulation
規範 {n} /guīfàn/ :: standard; norm; regulation
規範 {adj} /guīfàn/ :: standard; normal; regular
規範 {v} /guīfàn/ :: to standardise; to normalise; to regulate
規範玻色子 {n} [particle] /guīfàn bōsèzǐ/ :: gauge boson
規範化 {v} /guīfànhuà/ :: to standardize
規範化 {n} /guīfànhuà/ :: standardization
規範控制 {n} [library science, chiefly Mainland China] /guīfàn kòngzhì/ :: authority control
規費 {n} /guīfèi/ :: fees paid to government agencies or court
規復 {v} [literary] /guīfù/ :: to recover; to recapture; to regain (especially lost territory)
規格 {n} /guīgé/ :: standard; norm; specification (explicit set of requirements)
規格化 {v} /guīgéhuà/ :: to normalize; to standardize
規格化 {n} /guīgéhuà/ :: normalization; standardization
規規矩矩 {adj} /guīguījǔjǔ,guīguījūjū,2tl3/ :: Emphatic form of 規矩
規規矩矩 {adv} /guīguījǔjǔ,guīguījūjū,2tl3/ :: Emphatic form of 規矩
規劃 {v} /guīhuà/ :: to plan (how to do something); to program
規劃 {n} /guīhuà/ :: planning; plan; program
規劃區 {n} [Singapore] /guīhuàqū/ :: planning area
規劃師 {n} /guīhuàshī/ :: planner; planning officer
規化 {def} SEE: 規劃 ::
規畫 {def} SEE: 規劃 ::
規諫 {v} [literary] /guījiàn/ :: to remonstrate tactfully (with a monarch, superior, etc.); to exhort; to admonish; to plead for rectification
規戒 {def} SEE: 規誡 ::
規誡 {v} [literary] /guījiè/ :: to admonish and warn
規矩 {adj} /guījǔ,tl/ :: conforming to standards
規矩 {adj} /guījǔ,tl/ :: well-behaved
規矩 {n} [literal, classical] /guījǔ,tl/ :: compass and set square
規矩 {n} [figurative] /guījǔ,tl/ :: rule; custom; established practice
規矩 {n} [figurative] /guījǔ,tl/ :: social etiquette; manners; formality
規矩 {adv} /guījǔ,tl/ :: according to practice, precedent or convention
規矩 {v} [literary] /guījǔ,tl/ :: to imitate; to simulate; to mock
規矩 {v} /guījǔ,tl/ :: to discipline; to train; to cultivate
規例 {n} /guīlì/ :: regulations
規律 {n} /guīlǜ/ :: rule; law; regular pattern; regularity; rhythm; routine (Classifier: m:條m:個)
規律 {adj} /guīlǜ/ :: patterned; rhythmic; regular
規律性 {n} /guīlǜxìng/ :: regularity; law
規模 {n} /guīmó/ :: scale; size; scope
規模化 {v} /guīmóhuà/ :: to scale; to scale up
規模經濟 {n} [economics] /guīmó jīngjì/ :: economies of scale
規模效益 {n} [economics] /guīmó xiàoyì/ :: economies of scale
規那 {n} /guīnà/ :: quinine tree (Cinchona calisaya, syn. Cinchona ledgeriana)
規培 {v} [Mainland, of a medical graduate] /guīpéi/ :: to undertake standardised training (as resident doctor in a hospital)
規培生 {n} [Mainland China] /guīpéishēng/ :: new medical graduate receivingstandardised training” in a hospital before he/she becomes a resident doctor; intern doctor
規勸 {v} /guīquàn/ :: to exhort; to admonish; to advise
規條 {n} /guītiáo/ :: rules; regulations
規約 {n} /guīyuē/ :: stipulations of an agreement; terms of an agreement
規則 {n} /guīzé/ :: rule; regulation (Classifier: m:條)
規則 {adj} /guīzé/ :: regular; fixed
規則動詞 {n} [grammar] /guīzé dòngcí/ :: regular verb
規章 {n} /guīzhāng/ :: rules and regulations
規章 {n} /guīzhāng/ :: by-law
規章制度 {n} /guīzhāng zhìdù/ :: regulatory framework
規整 {adj} /guīzhěng/ :: regular
規整 {v} /guīzhěng/ :: to tidy and put in order
規制 {n} [of a building] /guīzhì/ :: size and shape; structure
規制 {n} /guīzhì/ :: rules and regulations
規制 {v} /guīzhì/ :: to standardise; to normalise; to regulate
規準 {n} [literary] /guīzhǔn/ :: standard; criterion; rule
{def} SEE: ::
规暗 {def} SEE: 規暗 ::
规避 {def} SEE: 規避 ::
规程 {def} SEE: 規程 ::
规定 {def} SEE: 規定 ::
规范 {def} SEE: 規範 ::
规范玻色子 {def} SEE: 規範玻色子 ::
规范化 {def} SEE: 規範化 ::
规范控制 {def} SEE: 規範控制 ::
规费 {def} SEE: 規費 ::
规复 {def} SEE: 規復 ::
规格 {def} SEE: 規格 ::
规格化 {def} SEE: 規格化 ::
规工 {def} SEE: 規工 ::
规规矩矩 {def} SEE: 規規矩矩 ::
规划 {def} SEE: 規劃 ::
规划区 {def} SEE: 規劃區 ::
规划师 {def} SEE: 規劃師 ::
规化 {def} SEE: 規劃 ::
规画 {def} SEE: 規劃 ::
规谏 {def} SEE: 規諫 ::
规戒 {def} SEE: 規戒 ::
规诫 {def} SEE: 規誡 ::
规矩 {def} SEE: 規矩 ::
规例 {def} SEE: 規例 ::
规囵暝 {def} SEE: 規圇暝 ::
规囵年 {def} SEE: 規圇年 ::
规囵日 {def} SEE: 規圇日 ::
规律 {def} SEE: 規律 ::
规律性 {def} SEE: 規律性 ::
规暝 {def} SEE: 規暝 ::
规模 {def} SEE: 規模 ::
规模化 {def} SEE: 規模化 ::
规模经济 {def} SEE: 規模經濟 ::
规模效益 {def} SEE: 規模效益 ::
规那 {def} SEE: 規那 ::
规那霜 {def} SEE: 規那霜 ::
规年 {def} SEE: 規年 ::
规年通天 {def} SEE: 規年通天 ::
规培 {def} SEE: 規培 ::
规培生 {def} SEE: 規培生 ::
规气 {def} SEE: 規氣 ::
规劝 {def} SEE: 規勸 ::
规日 {def} SEE: 規日 ::
规世人 {def} SEE: 規世人 ::
规条 {def} SEE: 規條 ::
规约 {def} SEE: 規約 ::
规则 {def} SEE: 規則 ::
规则动词 {def} SEE: 規則動詞 ::
规章 {def} SEE: 規章 ::
规章制度 {def} SEE: 規章制度 ::
规制 {def} SEE: 規制 ::
规准 {def} SEE: 規準 ::
{def} [literary] /guī/ :: small arched gate
{def} /guī/ :: boudoir; lady's chamber
閨範 {n} /guīfàn/ :: the paragon of feminine virtue; code of conduct for women; lady's demeanour
閨範 {n} /guīfàn/ :: lady whose behaviour conforms with these expectations
閨房 {n} /guīfáng/ :: boudoir, bower (a woman's own bedroom)
閨閣 {n} /guīgé/ :: boudoir, bower
閨蜜 {n} [neologism, slang] /guīmì/ :: close female friend (usually of a young female or gay man)
閨女 {n} /guīnü,guīnǚ,er/ :: girl; unmarried woman; maiden
閨女 {n} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin, colloquial] /guīnü,guīnǚ,er/ :: daughter
閨秀 {n} [literary] /guīxiù/ :: girl from a rich and distinguished family; young woman of a good family; scholarly or literary woman
閨中密友 {n} [dated] /guīzhōng mìyǒu/ :: friend with whom one tells one's secrets to, especially one with whom one shares a room with
{def} SEE: ::
闺范 {def} SEE: 閨範 ::
闺房 {def} SEE: 閨房 ::
闺阁 {def} SEE: 閨閣 ::
闺蜜 {def} SEE: 閨蜜 ::
闺女 {def} SEE: 閨女 ::
闺秀 {def} SEE: 閨秀 ::
闺中密友 {def} SEE: 閨中密友 ::
{def} /guī/ :: blowfish
{def} /guī/ :: salmon
{def} /xié/ :: general name for fish foods
{def} /kuí/ :: only used in 鮭陽
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /wā/ :: only used in 鮭蠪
鮭魚 {n} /guīyú/ :: salmon
鮭汁 {def} SEE: 膎汁 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鲑鱼 {def} SEE: 鮭魚 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guī/ :: turtle; tortoise
{def} [figurative] /guī/ :: cuckold
{def} /qiū/ :: only used in 龜茲
{def} [of skin] /jūn/ :: to crack; to become chapped
龜板 {n} [chiefly TCM] /guībǎn/ :: plastron of the fresh-water turtle
龜卜 {v} /guībǔ/ :: to divine by use of tortoise shells
龜城 {prop} [colloquial or literary] /Guīchéng/ :: alternative name for 成都
龜城 {prop} /Guīchéng/ :: (~ 市) 龜城 (city)
龜兒子 {n} [regional, colloquial, derogatory, offensive, term of abuse] /guī'érzi/ :: bastard; son of a bitch
龜趺 {n} /guīfū/ :: pedestal of a stone tablet in the form of a tortoise
龜岡 {prop} /Guīgāng/ :: (~ 市) 龜岡 (city)
龜公 {n} /guīgōng/ :: pimp
龜吼 {prop} /Guīhǒu/ :: (~ 里) 龜吼 (urban village)
龜甲 {n} /guījiǎ/ :: tortoise shell
龜鑑 {def} SEE: 龜鑒 ::
龜鑒 {n} [figurative] /guījiàn/ :: warning; self-criticism; object lesson
龜殼 {n} /guīké/ :: tortoise shell
龜殼花 {n} /guīkéhuā/ :: Protobothrops mucrosquamatus
龜裂 {v} /jūnliè/ :: to be cracked; to be creviced (of earth or objects)
龜裂 {v} /jūnliè/ :: alternative form of 皸裂
龜苓膏 {n} /guīlínggāo/ :: guilinggao; turtle jelly
龜齡集 {n} /guīlíngjí/ :: A capsule used in traditional Chinese medicine "to promote health, to tonify the brain, to consolidate the kidney, to replenish qi, and to promote appetite, in the treatment of the deficiency of kidney yang marked by impairment of memory, nocturnal emission and weakness of the loins and legs or diarrhea before dawn, cough due to deficiency of qi, or anorexia."
龜毛 {n} /guīmáo/ :: male pubic hair
龜毛 {adj} [Min Nan, Taiwanese Mandarin] /guīmáo/ :: (of someone's personality) picky; high-maintenance; describes somebody with unreasonable expectations
龜婆 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /guīpó/ :: procuress
龜山 {prop} /Guīshān/ :: (~ 市) 龜山 (city)
龜山 {prop} /Guīshān/ :: (~ 區) 龜山 (district)
龜山 {prop} /Guīshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 龜山 (town)
龜山 {prop} /Guīshān/ :: (~ 島) 龜山 (island)
龜縮 {v} /guīsuō/ :: to huddle up like a turtle drawing in its head and legs; to withdraw into passive defense; to hole up
龜速 {adj} /guīsù/ :: very slow
龜孫子 {n} [highly derogatory, offensive, term of abuse] /guīsūnzi/ :: bastard
龜頭 {n} /guītóu,er/ :: head of a tortoise or turtle
龜頭 {n} [anatomy] /guītóu,er/ :: glans penis
龜尾 {prop} /Guīwěi/ :: (~ 市) 龜尾 (city)
龜茲 {prop} /Qiūcí/ :: Kucha or Kuchar (modern: Aksu, Xinjiang, an ancient Central Asian city-state, which flourished in the first millennium AD)
龜茲文 {prop} /Qiūcíwén/ :: Kuchean; Tocharian B
龜茲語 {n} /qiūcíyǔ/ :: language of the Kucha; Tocharian B
𫼱龟 {def} SEE: 摃龜 ::
{def} SEE: ::
龟板 {def} SEE: 龜板 ::
龟卜 {def} SEE: 龜卜 ::
龟城 {def} SEE: 龜城 ::
龟兹 {def} SEE: 龜茲 ::
龟兹文 {def} SEE: 龜茲文 ::
龟兹语 {def} SEE: 龜茲語 ::
龟儿子 {def} SEE: 龜兒子 ::
龟趺 {def} SEE: 龜趺 ::
龟冈 {def} SEE: 龜岡 ::
龟公 {def} SEE: 龜公 ::
龟怪 {def} SEE: 龜怪 ::
龟吼 {def} SEE: 龜吼 ::
龟甲 {def} SEE: 龜甲 ::
龟鉴 {def} SEE: 龜鑒 ::
龟壳 {def} SEE: 龜殼 ::
龟壳花 {def} SEE: 龜殼花 ::
龟裂 {def} SEE: 龜裂 ::
龟苓膏 {def} SEE: 龜苓膏 ::
龟龄集 {def} SEE: 龜齡集 ::
龟毛 {def} SEE: 龜毛 ::
龟婆 {def} SEE: 龜婆 ::
龟山 {def} SEE: 龜山 ::
龟速 {def} SEE: 龜速 ::
龟孙子 {def} SEE: 龜孫子 ::
龟缩 {def} SEE: 龜縮 ::
龟头 {def} SEE: 龜頭 ::
龟尾 {def} SEE: 龜尾 ::
龟蝇 {def} SEE: 龜蠅 ::
龟仔 {def} SEE: 龜仔 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: [historical dictionaries] to wear on the head
{def} /qī/ :: [obsolete] rugged; slanted
{def} /guì/ :: [obsolete] thin and weak
{def} /guì/ :: [obsolete] fatigue; total exhaustion
{def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] to repeat; to accumulate
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] to lean on to; to rely upon
{def} SEE: 氿 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] the lowing of cattle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /guǐ/ :: to deviate
{def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] to be piled up
{def} [literary] /guǐ/ :: alternative form of
{def} /guǐ,guī/ :: [obsolete] almost; nearly
{def} [literary, in the 佹...佹... construction] /guǐ,guī/ :: now …, now
{def} SEE: ::
姽婳 {def} SEE: 姽嫿 ::
姽嫿 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /guǐhuà/ :: gentle and refined
庋藏 {v} [literary] /guǐcáng,jǐcáng/ :: to collect; to store up; to put away for safekeeping
氿 {def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] dry earth at the shore
氿 {def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] (springwater) spurted from the side of a mountain
氿 {def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] small fountain
氿 {def} /jiǔ/ :: Used in the names of lakes in Yixing, Jiangsu, China
氿 {def} SEE: ::
氿 {def} /qiú/ :: [obsolete] shore
{def} /guǐ/ :: the tenth of the ten heavenly stems
{def} /guǐ/ :: surname
癸丑 {n} /guǐchǒu/ :: The fiftieth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Ox" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
癸醇 {n} [organic compound] /guǐchún/ :: decanol
癸炔 {n} [organic compound] /guǐquē/ :: decyne
癸亥 {n} /guǐhài/ :: The sixtieth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Pig" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
癸基 {n} [organic chemistry] /guǐjī/ :: decyl
癸卯 {n} /guǐmǎo/ :: The fortieth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Rabbit" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
癸醛 {n} [organic compound] /guǐquán/ :: decanal
癸巳 {n} /guǐsì/ :: The thirtieth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Snake" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
癸酸 {n} [fatty acid] /guǐsuān/ :: decanoic acid; capric acid
癸酮 {n} [organic compound] /guǐtóng/ :: decanone
癸烷 {n} [organic compound] /guǐwán/ :: decane
癸未 {n} /guǐwèi/ :: The twentieth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Goat" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
癸烯 {n} [organic compound] /guǐxī/ :: decene
癸酉 {n} /guǐyǒu/ :: The tenth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Water Rooster" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
{def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] a kind of crab
{def} /guǐ/ :: [obsolete] a strange animal, similar to a tortoise, with a red head and white body
{def} /guǐ/ :: sly; cunning; tricky; deceitful
{def} [literary] /guǐ/ :: weird; bizarre
詭辯 {v} /guǐbiàn/ :: to engage in sophistry; to quibble
詭計 {n} /guǐjì/ :: crafty plot; cunning scheme
詭計多端 {idiom} /guǐjìduōduān/ :: to have many crafty plots
詭譎 {adj} [literary] /guǐjué/ :: unusual; strange
詭譎 {adj} [literary] /guǐjué/ :: weird; whimsical; chimerical
詭譎 {adj} [literary] /guǐjué/ :: bizarre and changeable
詭譎 {adj} [literary] /guǐjué/ :: sly; treacherous
詭譎 {n} [literary] /guǐjué/ :: crafty plot; machination
詭秘 {adj} /guǐmì/ :: furtive; surreptitious; secretive
詭異 {adj} /guǐyì/ :: unusual, strange, mysterious, weird
詭詐 {adj} /guǐzhà/ :: sly; treacherous; tricky; crafty
{def} SEE: ::
诡辩 {def} SEE: 詭辯 ::
诡计 {def} SEE: 詭計 ::
诡计多端 {def} SEE: 詭計多端 ::
诡谲 {def} SEE: 詭譎 ::
诡秘 {def} SEE: 詭秘 ::
诡异 {def} SEE: 詭異 ::
诡诈 {def} SEE: 詭詐 ::
{def} /guǐ/ :: rut; wheel track
{def} /guǐ/ :: track; path
{def} /guǐ/ :: rail
軌道 {n} /guǐdào/ :: railroad track; railway; tram line
軌道 {n} [astronomy] /guǐdào/ :: orbit
軌道 {n} /guǐdào/ :: trajectory
軌道 {v} [archaic and uncommon, figurative] /guǐdào/ :: to abide by the laws and regulations; to follow the ways of propriety (literally, "to ride on the [correct, proper] track")
軌道交通 {n} /guǐdào jiāotōng/ :: rail transit
軌範 {n} [literary] /guǐfàn/ :: paradigm; model
軌跡 {n} /guǐ迹/ :: locus; orbit; trajectory; track
軌跡球 {n} /guǐ迹qiú/ :: trackball (computing device)
軌蹟 {def} SEE: 軌跡 ::
{def} SEE: ::
轨道 {def} SEE: 軌道 ::
轨道交通 {def} SEE: 軌道交通 ::
轨范 {def} SEE: 軌範 ::
轨迹 {def} SEE: 軌跡 ::
轨迹球 {def} SEE: 軌跡球 ::
{def} /guǐ/ :: ghost, a deceased person who has returned to haunt the living; apparition; spirit (Classifier: 隻)
{def} /guǐ/ :: devil; demon
{def} /guǐ/ :: goblin
{def} /guǐ/ :: stealthy; tricky; furtive
{def} /guǐ/ :: sinister plot; dirty trick
{def} /guǐ/ :: devilish; damned; ghastly
{def} [colloquial] /guǐ/ :: clever; smart; quick
{def} [derogatory] /guǐ/ :: fool; blockhead; guy; moral imbecile
{def} /guǐ/ :: Derogatory name for people with a flaw or vice. -ard
{def} [intimate] /guǐ/ :: imp; urchin
{def} [regional, usually in compounds] /guǐ/ :: a Caucasian or Western person
{def} [Cantonese] /guǐ/ :: traitor; rat; mole
{def} [Cantonese, ball games] /guǐ/ :: opponent trying to steal the ball
{def} [Cantonese, inserted in certain adjectives] /guǐ/ :: so; very
{def} [mildly, vulgar] /guǐ/ :: the hell
{def} [mildly, vulgar] /guǐ/ :: who the hell, what the hell
鬼把戲 {n} /guǐbǎxì,tl/ :: wiles; tricks; shenanigans (malicious or playful)
鬼把戏 {def} SEE: 鬼把戲 ::
鬼笔 {def} SEE: 鬼筆 ::
鬼笔环肽 {def} SEE: 鬼筆環肽 ::
鬼筆 {n} /guǐbǐ/ :: (~ 屬) Phallus
鬼筆環肽 {n} [biochemistry] /guǐbǐ huántài/ :: phalloidin
鬼才 {n} /guǐcái/ :: brilliant genius; freak genius
鬼扯 {v} [colloquial] /guǐchě/ :: to bullshit; to speak nonsense
鬼城 {n} /guǐchéng/ :: ghost town; ghost city
鬼畜 {n} /guǐchù/ :: [Buddhism] preta and beast
鬼畜 {n} /guǐchù/ :: [internet slang, especially, ACG] a kind of MAD video primarily featuring excessive repetitions from one or multiple source materials to achieve parodic effect
鬼畜全明星 {n} [internet slang, especially, ACG] /guǐxù quánmíngxīng/ :: source materials frequently used in guichu videos
鬼道 {n} /guǐdào/ :: black magic
鬼点子 {def} SEE: 鬼點子 ::
鬼风 {def} SEE: 鬼風 ::
鬼蝠𫚉 {def} SEE: 鬼蝠魟 ::
鬼蝠魟 {n} /guǐfú魟/ :: manta ray
鬼怪 {n} [literally] /guǐguài/ :: ghosts and monsters
鬼怪 {n} [figuratively] /guǐguài/ :: evil forces
鬼鬼祟祟 {idiom} /guǐguǐsuìsuì/ :: furtive; sneaking; stealthy
鬼画符 {def} SEE: 鬼畫符 ::
鬼畫符 {n} [figurative] /guǐhuàfú/ :: scribbling; undecipherable handwriting; scrawl
鬼畫符 {n} [figurative] /guǐhuàfú/ :: hypocritical talk
鬼話 {n} /guǐhuà/ :: lie; baloney
鬼话 {def} SEE: 鬼話 ::
鬼混 {v} /guǐhùn/ :: to lead an aimless existence
鬼混 {v} /guǐhùn/ :: to fool around; to hang around
鬼魂 {n} /guǐhún,er/ :: ghost
鬼火 {n} /guǐhuǒ/ :: will o' the wisp; ignis fatuus (Classifier: m:團)
鬼計 {n} /guǐjì/ :: trick; ruse; plot; scheme
鬼计 {def} SEE: 鬼計 ::
鬼見愁 {n} /guǐjiànchóu/ :: ferocious people
鬼見愁 {n} /guǐjiànchóu/ :: alternative name for 無患子
鬼见愁 {def} SEE: 鬼見愁 ::
鬼脚图 {def} SEE: 鬼腳圖 ::
鬼腳圖 {n} /guǐjiǎotú/ :: ladder lottery
鬼節 {n} /guǐjié/ :: ghost festival, in particular:
鬼節 {n} /guǐjié/ :: The Chinese festival known as 中元節
鬼節 {n} /guǐjié/ :: Halloween
鬼節 {n} /guǐjié/ :: Day of the Dead
鬼节 {def} SEE: 鬼節 ::
鬼哭狼嗥 {def} SEE: 鬼哭狼嚎 ::
鬼哭狼嚎 {idiom} /guǐkūlángháo/ :: to wail like ghosts and howl like wolves
鬼佬 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Min Dong, colloquial, pejorative, usually offensive, ethnic slur] /guǐlǎo,er/ :: gweilo; "foreign devil" (particularly a European); Caucasian; whitey
鬼佬餐 {n} [colloquial] /guǐlǎocān/ :: western food; western cuisine
鬼佬凉茶 {def} SEE: 鬼佬涼茶 ::
鬼佬月饼——闷极 {def} SEE: 鬼佬月餅——悶極 ::
鬼脸 {def} SEE: 鬼臉 ::
鬼臉 {n} /guǐliǎn/ :: funny or wry face; grimace
鬼臉 {n} /guǐliǎn/ :: toy mask
鬼馬 {adj} [originally, Cantonese] /guǐmǎ/ :: witty; playful
鬼馬 {adj} [Cantonese] /guǐmǎ/ :: sly; deceitful
鬼马 {def} SEE: 鬼馬 ::
鬼妹 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, colloquial] /guǐmèi/ :: Caucasian girl or young female
鬼魅 {n} [literary] /guǐmèi/ :: ghosts and monsters
鬼門 {n} /guǐmén/ :: demon gate; gateway through which the ghost comes and goes
鬼門關 {n} /guǐménguān/ :: gate of hell
鬼門關 {n} [figurative] /guǐménguān/ :: danger spot
鬼门 {def} SEE: 鬼門 ::
鬼门关 {def} SEE: 鬼門關 ::
鬼迷心窍 {def} SEE: 鬼迷心竅 ::
鬼迷心竅 {idiom} /guǐmíxīnqiào,er/ :: to be possessed by a spirit and lose one's thinking ability; to be (unreasonably) obsessed with something
鬼牌 {n} [playing cards] /guǐpái/ :: joker
鬼片 {n} /guǐpiàn,guǐpiān,er/ :: ghost film; horror movie
鬼婆 {n} [Cantonese, slang, pejorative, ethnic slur] /guǐpó/ :: older Caucasian woman; gweipo
鬼神 {n} /guǐshén/ :: ghosts and spirits; supernatural beings
鬼市 {n} /guǐshì/ :: a type of unstaffed market in the Western Regions
鬼市 {n} /guǐshì/ :: market that opens at night
鬼市 {n} /guǐshì/ :: place where ghosts and monsters gather
鬼宿 {prop} [Chinese astronomy] /Guǐxiù/ :: Ghost Mansion (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
鬼祟 {adj} /guǐsuì/ :: stealthy; clandestine
鬼祟 {n} /guǐsuì/ :: misfortunes brought by evil spirits
鬼胎 {n} /guǐtāi/ :: sinister design; ulterior motive; dark scheme
鬼剃头 {def} SEE: 鬼剃頭 ::
鬼剃頭 {n} [medicine] /guǐtìtóu/ :: alopecia areata
鬼头刀 {def} SEE: 鬼頭刀 ::
鬼头仔 {def} SEE: 鬼頭仔 ::
鬼屋 {n} /guǐwū/ :: haunted house
鬼黠 {adj} [literary] /guǐxiá/ :: crafty and intelligent
鬼雄 {n} [poetic] /guǐxióng/ :: hero among the dead; martyr; one who dies in a heroic manner
鬼压床 {def} SEE: 鬼壓床 ::
鬼壓床 {n} [diseases, colloquial] /guǐyāchuáng/ :: sleep paralysis
鬼壓牀 {def} SEE: 鬼壓床 ::
鬼也不上門 {idiom} /guǐ yě 不 shàng mén/ :: not even a ghost came; nobody was there
鬼也不上门 {def} SEE: 鬼也不上門 ::
鬼影幢幢 {idiom} /guǐ yǐng chuángchuáng/ :: spooky
鬼影都冇只 {def} SEE: 鬼影都冇隻 ::
鬼月 {n} [Chinese folk religion] /guǐyuè/ :: Ghost Month (the seventh lunar month)
鬼仔风 {def} SEE: 鬼仔風 ::
鬼仔节 {def} SEE: 鬼仔節 ::
鬼鎮 {n} /guǐzhèn/ :: ghost town
鬼镇 {def} SEE: 鬼鎮 ::
鬼主意 {n} /guǐzhǔyì,guǐzhúyì,tl/ :: evil plot; cunning plan
鬼主意 {n} /guǐzhǔyì,guǐzhúyì,tl/ :: ingenious idea
鬼子 {n} [obsolete, derogatory] /guǐzi/ :: cad; villain; low-bred (a swear word)
鬼子 {n} [dated, colloquial, pejorative] /guǐzi/ :: “foreign devil”, often in reference to an intruder, especially the Japanese: Jap; Nip
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuì,guì/ :: kneecap, patella
{def} /kuì,guì/ :: cranium
{def} /kuì/ :: to twist the hair in a knot on the top of the head
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guì/ :: only used in 鷤䳏/𫛴𱉤
{def} SEE: ::
刽子手 {def} SEE: 劊子手 ::
{def} SEE: ::
刿痧 {def} SEE: 劌痧 ::
{def} [literary] /劊/ :: to sever; to cut off; to chop off
{def} /劊/ :: [obsolete] to cut open
劊子手 {n} [historical] /劊zishǒu,er/ :: executioner; headsman
劊子手 {n} [figurative] /劊zishǒu,er/ :: butcher; slaughterer; indiscriminate murderer
{def} SEE: ::
匮乏 {def} SEE: 匱乏 ::
{def} SEE: ::
攰癞癞 {def} SEE: 攰癩癩 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǔ/ :: Salix integra, a type of willow
柜台 {def} SEE: 櫃檯 ::
柜桶 {def} SEE: 櫃桶 ::
柜员 {def} SEE: 櫃員 ::
柜员机 {def} SEE: 櫃員機 ::
柜子 {def} SEE: 櫃子 ::
{def} /guì/ :: osmanthus; sweet osmanthus
{def} /guì/ :: cassia; Chinese cinnamon
{def} /guì/ :: true cinnamon; Saigon cinnamon; Indonesian cinnamon
{def} /guì/ :: laurel; bay laurel
{def} /guì/ :: of or relating to Guilin, Guangxi, or the region of the Gui River
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guì/ :: surname
桂附理中丸 {n} /guìfù lǐzhōng wán/ :: A brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to tonify the yang of the kidney, and to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach, in the treatment of consumption of the kidney yang and deficiency cold of the spleen and stomach marked by epigastric and abdominal pain with a cold sensation, vomiting, diarrhea and cold limbs". The binding agent is honey
桂冠 {n} /guìguān/ :: laurel (as an emblem of victory or distinction); garland
桂河 {prop} /Guì Hé/ :: 桂河 (river)
桂花 {n} /guìhuā/ :: sweet osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans)
桂花 {prop} /guìhuā/ :: (~ 村) 桂花 (village)
桂花茶 {n} /guìhuā chá/ :: tea steeped with osmanthus flower
桂花陈酒 {def} SEE: 桂花陳酒 ::
桂花陳酒 {n} /guìhuā chénjiǔ/ :: aged osmanthus wine, specially consumed during the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
桂花酒 {n} /guìhuājiǔ/ :: osmanthus wine, specially consumed during the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
桂花树 {def} SEE: 桂花樹 ::
桂花樹 {prop} /Guìhuāshù/ :: (~ 村) 桂花樹 (village)
桂林 {prop} /Guìlín/ :: (~ 市) 桂林 (city)
桂林 {prop} [historical] /Guìlín/ :: (~ 郡) 桂林 (ancient commandery)
桂林話 {n} /guìlínhuà/ :: Guilin dialect of Southwestern Mandarin
桂林话 {def} SEE: 桂林話 ::
桂林楼梯草 {def} SEE: 桂林樓梯草 ::
桂林樓梯草 {n} /Guìlín lóutīcǎo/ :: Elatostema gueilinense
桂林路 {prop} /Guìlínlù/ :: (~ 街道) 桂林路 (subdistrict)
桂林槭 {n} /guìlínqì/ :: Acer kweilinense
桂林西瓜霜 {n} /Guìlín xīguāshuāng/ :: A grey-green powder used orally or externally in traditional Chinese medicine "to remove toxic heat, to promote subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain when there is painful swelling of the throat, ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue, painful swelling or bleeding of the gingiva, tonsillitis, aphtha, children’s thrush, scald and light fire burns, bleeding due to injury, acute and chronic laryngopharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis and ulcer in the oral cavity"
桂皮 {n} /guìpí/ :: Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)
桂平 {prop} /Guìpíng/ :: (~ 市) 桂平 (city)
桂魄 {n} [literary] /guìpò/ :: moon
桂山 {prop} /Guìshān/ :: (~ 社區) 桂山 (residential community)
桂兔 {n} [literary] /guìtù/ :: moon
桂阳 {def} SEE: 桂陽 ::
桂陽 {prop} [historical] /Guìyáng/ :: (~ 君) 桂陽 (former commandery)
桂圆 {def} SEE: 桂圓 ::
桂圆儿 {def} SEE: 桂圓兒 ::
桂圆肉 {def} SEE: 桂圓肉 ::
桂圓 {n} /guìyuán/ :: longan
桂圓 {n} /guìyuán/ :: dried longan
桂圓 {n} [Mainland] /guìyuán/ :: Orthographical wordplay of 櫃員
桂圓肉 {n} /guìyuánròu/ :: Fruit of the longan Dimocarpus longan, Arillus longan (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
桂月 {prop} [archaic] /Guìyuè/ :: The eighth month of the Chinese lunar year
桂月 {n} [literary] /guìyuè/ :: moon
桂枝 {n} /guìzhī/ :: twig of the cinnamon tree (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine as a "stomach tonic".)
桂枝茯苓丸 {n} /guìzhī fúlíng wán/ :: A dark brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to activate blood circulation, to remove blood stasis and mass in the abdomen, in the treatment of masses in the abdomen, or amenorrhea due to blood stasis, menses with bellyache, and persistent lochia after delivery
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guì/ :: cabinet; cupboard
{def} /guì/ :: wardrobe
{def} /guì/ :: counter
櫃枱 {def} SEE: 櫃檯 ::
櫃臺 {def} SEE: 櫃檯 ::
櫃台 {def} SEE: 櫃檯 ::
櫃檯 {n} /guìtái/ :: counter (in a shop); front desk
櫃員 {n} [banking] /guìyuán/ :: teller
櫃員機 {n} [banking] /guìyuánjī/ :: automated teller machine
櫃子 {n} /guìzi/ :: cabinet; cupboard (furniture)
{def} /guì/ :: [historical dictionaries] name of river
{def} /yàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] appearance of flood
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: bright; shining; brilliant
{def} /jiǒng/ :: heat
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guì/ :: surname
炅炅 {adj} [literary] /jiǒngjiǒng/ :: bright; shining
{def} /炔/ :: (~ 烴) [organic compound] alkyne
{def} /guì/ :: [obsolete] smoky
{def} /guì/ :: surname
炔丙基 {n} [organic chemistry] /quēbǐngjī/ :: propargyl
炔基 {n} [organic compound] /炔jī/ :: alkynyl group
炔烃 {def} SEE: 炔烴 ::
炔烴 {n} [organic compound] /炔tīng/ :: alkyne
{def} /guì,jì/ :: [obsolete] only used in 獷猤
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guì/ :: A kind of bamboo
{def} /guì/ :: expensive; costly
{def} /guì/ :: precious; valuable
{def} /guì/ :: superior; noble; nobility
{def} [honorific, for deity, person or establishment] /guì/ :: your
貴安 {interj} /guì'ān/ :: how do you do
貴賓 {n} /guìbīn/ :: honoured guest; distinguished guest; guest of honour; VIP
貴賓室 {n} /guìbīn室/ :: VIP room
貴賓室 {n} /guìbīn室/ :: VIP lounge; airport lounge
貴不可言 {adj} [literary] /guì 不kě yán/ :: invaluable; priceless beyond words
貴刁 {n} /guìdiāo/ :: kway teow; kuy teav (a flat rice noodle similar to spaghetti noodles)
貴妃 {n} /guìfēi/ :: highest-ranking imperial concubine
貴婦 {n} /guìfù/ :: lady; woman of high society
貴幹 {n} [honorific] /guìgàn/ :: your business
貴港 {prop} /Guìgǎng/ :: Guigang, a riverport in China's southern Guangxi province
貴港 {prop} /Guìgǎng/ :: Its hinterland, administered by the city's government
貴庚 {n} [honorific] /guìgēng/ :: your age (usually asked of an elderly person)
貴公司 {n} /guìgōngsī/ :: [polite] your company
貴國 {n} /guìguó/ :: [polite] your country
貴賤 {n} [formal] /guìjiàn/ :: superiority and inferiority (i.e. aristocrat or plebeian, rich or poor, etc.); social status
貴賤 {n} [formal] /guìjiàn/ :: value of something (i.e. precious or cheap)
貴賤 {conj} [colloquial] /guìjiàn/ :: in any case; regardless; in any event; anyway; anyhow
貴金屬 {n} /guìjīnshǔ/ :: precious metal
貴客 {n} /guìkè/ :: guest of honour
貴客 {n} /guìkè/ :: dear customer
貴戚 {n} /guìqī/ :: nobility
貴戚 {n} /guìqī/ :: king's relatives
貴圈 {n} [neologism, slang, often, ironic, humorous] /guìquān,er/ :: yourdistinguishedsocial circle; high society; entertainment industry
貴圈真亂 {phrase} [neologism, slang, ironic, humorous] /guìquān zhēn luàn,er/ :: The lifestyle of people in your social circle is something I cannot easily comprehend
貴人 {n} [literary] /guìrén/ :: man of importance
貴人 {n} [archaic] /guìrén/ :: royal consort
貴人多忘事 {phrase} [originally, honorific, now, usually, sarcastic] /guìrén duō wàng shì,er/ :: important people tend to have short memories; someone having a forgetful mind
貴社 {n} [honorific] /guìshè/ :: your organisation; your company
貴霜 {prop} /Guìshuāng/ :: Kushan
貴體 {n} [literary, honorific] /guìtǐ/ :: (your) body; (your) esteemed health
貴溪 {prop} /Guìxī/ :: (~ 市) 貴溪 (city)
貴顯 {adj} /guìxiǎn/ :: illustrious and influential; eminent
貴顯 {n} /guìxiǎn/ :: eminent individual
貴縣 {prop} [historical] /Guìxiàn/ :: Guigang, a riverport in China's southern Guangxi province
貴縣 {prop} [historical] /Guìxiàn/ :: Its hinterland, administered by the city's government
貴校 {n} /guìxiào/ :: [polite] your reputable school
貴姓 {n} [honorific] /guìxìng/ :: surname of a person
貴陽 {prop} /Guìyáng/ :: (~ 市) 貴陽 (prefecture-level city/provincial capital)
貴陽 {prop} /Guìyáng/ :: (~ 府) [historical] 貴陽 (former commandery)
貴重 {adj} /guìzhòng/ :: valuable; precious
貴州 {prop} /Guìzhōu/ :: (~ 省) 貴州 (province)
貴子 {n} [honorific] /guìzǐ/ :: your son
貴族 {n} /guìzú/ :: lord; nobleman; noble; aristocrat
貴族 {n} /guìzú/ :: nobility; aristocracy
貴族院 {prop} /Guìzúyuàn/ :: House of Lords
貴族政治 {n} /guìzú zhèngzhì,tl/ :: aristocracy
{def} SEE: ::
贵安 {def} SEE: 貴安 ::
贵宾 {def} SEE: 貴賓 ::
贵宾室 {def} SEE: 貴賓室 ::
贵不可言 {def} SEE: 貴不可言 ::
贵刁 {def} SEE: 貴刁 ::
贵妃 {def} SEE: 貴妃 ::
贵妇 {def} SEE: 貴婦 ::
贵干 {def} SEE: 貴幹 ::
贵港 {def} SEE: 貴港 ::
贵庚 {def} SEE: 貴庚 ::
贵公司 {def} SEE: 貴公司 ::
贵国 {def} SEE: 貴國 ::
贵贱 {def} SEE: 貴賤 ::
贵金属 {def} SEE: 貴金屬 ::
贵客 {def} SEE: 貴客 ::
贵利 {def} SEE: 貴利 ::
贵戚 {def} SEE: 貴戚 ::
贵圈 {def} SEE: 貴圈 ::
贵圈真乱 {def} SEE: 貴圈真亂 ::
贵人 {def} SEE: 貴人 ::
贵人多忘事 {def} SEE: 貴人多忘事 ::
贵社 {def} SEE: 貴社 ::
贵霜 {def} SEE: 貴霜 ::
贵体 {def} SEE: 貴體 ::
贵溪 {def} SEE: 貴溪 ::
贵显 {def} SEE: 貴顯 ::
贵县 {def} SEE: 貴縣 ::
贵校 {def} SEE: 貴校 ::
贵姓 {def} SEE: 貴姓 ::
贵阳 {def} SEE: 貴陽 ::
贵重 {def} SEE: 貴重 ::
贵州 {def} SEE: 貴州 ::
贵子 {def} SEE: 貴子 ::
贵族 {def} SEE: 貴族 ::
贵族院 {def} SEE: 貴族院 ::
贵族政治 {def} SEE: 貴族政治 ::
{def} /guì/ :: to kneel
{def} /guì/ :: [obsolete] foot
跪拜 {v} /guìbài/ :: to kneel and worship; to kowtow
跪搓板 {v} [figurative] /guì cuōbǎn,er/ :: to kneel on a washboard; to receive punishment at home
跪倒 {v} /guìdǎo/ :: to throw oneself on one's knees
跪伏 {v} [literary] /guìfú/ :: to kneel down on both knees and bow; to prostrate oneself
跪求 {v} [neologism, slang] /guìqiú/ :: to sincerely ask for (something that one cannot find oneself)
跪舔 {v} [neologism, slang, figurative] /guìtiǎn/ :: to suck up; to be a bootlicker (of someone)
跪下 {v} /guìxià,tl/ :: to kneel down
跪謝 {v} [archaic] /guìxiè/ :: to kneel down and thank someone
跪谢 {def} SEE: 跪謝 ::
{def} /鱖/ :: mandarin fish
{def} /jué/ :: only used in 鱖鯞
鱖魚 {n} /鱖yú/ :: mandarin fish
鱖鯞 {n} /juézhǒu/ :: bitterling
{def} /guì/ :: [obsolete] minnow
{def} SEE: ::
鳜鱼 {def} SEE: 鱖魚 ::
鳜鯞 {def} SEE: 鱖鯞 ::
{def} /gǔn/ :: [historical dictionaries] be through up and down
𠢕滚 {def} SEE: 𠢕滾 ::
{def} SEE: ::
滚鞍 {def} SEE: 滾鞍 ::
滚齿机 {def} SEE: 滾齒機 ::
滚出去 {def} SEE: 滾出去 ::
滚床单 {def} SEE: 滾床單 ::
滚粗 {def} SEE: 滾粗 ::
滚存 {def} SEE: 滾存 ::
滚蛋 {def} SEE: 滾蛋 ::
滚刀肉 {def} SEE: 滾刀肉 ::
滚动 {def} SEE: 滾動 ::
滚动扶梯 {def} SEE: 滾動扶梯 ::
滚动更新 {def} SEE: 滾動更新 ::
滚犊子 {def} SEE: 滾犢子 ::
滚翻 {def} SEE: 滾翻 ::
滚瓜烂熟 {def} SEE: 滾瓜爛熟 ::
滚滚 {def} SEE: 滾滾 ::
滚河 {def} SEE: 滾河 ::
滚绞 {def} SEE: 滾絞 ::
滚绞疼 {def} SEE: 滾絞疼 ::
滚开 {def} SEE: 滾開 ::
滚链 {def} SEE: 滾鏈 ::
滚爬 {def} SEE: 滾爬 ::
滚盘 {def} SEE: 滾盤 ::
滚屎虫 {def} SEE: 滾屎蟲 ::
滚水 {def} SEE: 滾水 ::
滚水罐 {def} SEE: 滾水罐 ::
滚水瓶 {def} SEE: 滾水瓶 ::
滚水子 {def} SEE: 滾水子 ::
滚汤 {def} SEE: 滾湯 ::
滚烫 {def} SEE: 滾燙 ::
滚梯 {def} SEE: 滾梯 ::
滚泻 {def} SEE: 滾瀉 ::
滚子 {def} SEE: 滾子 ::
滚子链 {def} SEE: 滾子鏈 ::
{def} /gǔn/ :: to roll; to turn; to rotate
{def} [of a flood] /gǔn/ :: to flow at great speed
{def} /gǔn/ :: to boil (bubble and turn to vapour)
{def} [Cantonese, Gan, Hakka] /gǔn/ :: boiling hot; scalding hot
{def} [dialectal Hakka] /gǔn/ :: hot; high in temperature (in general)
{def} [chiefly as imperative, derogatory, colloquial, dismissal] /gǔn/ :: to go away; to scram; to beat it
{def} /gǔn/ :: to roll along or about (in snow or flour); to get bigger
{def} /gǔn/ :: extremely; very
{def} [sewing] /gǔn/ :: to use a narrow piece of cut fabric to create an edge
{def} /gǔn/ :: surname Gun
滾鞍 {v} [archaic] /gǔn'ān/ :: to quickly roll out of one's saddle (when dismounting from a horse)
滾齒機 {n} /gǔnchǐjī/ :: hobbing machine; hobber
滾出去 {v} [chiefly as imperative, derogatory, colloquial, dismissal] /gǔn chūqu/ :: to go away; to scram; to beat it
滾床單 {v} [colloquial] /gǔn chuángdān/ :: to have sex
滾牀單 {def} SEE: 滾床單 ::
滾粗 {v} [Internet slang, offensive] /gǔncū/ :: to get out; to go away
滾存 {n} [accounting] /gǔncún/ :: balance (list accounting for debits and credits)
滾蛋 {v} [chiefly as imperative, derogatory, colloquial, dismissal] /gǔndàn/ :: to go away; to scram; to beat it
滾刀肉 {n} [dialectal, colloquial, figurative] /gǔndāoròu,er/ :: unreasonable and difficult person; nuisance
滾動 {v} /gǔndòng/ :: to roll; to trundle
滾動扶梯 {n} /gǔndòng fútī/ :: escalator (mechanical device)
滾動更新 {n} [software engineering] /gǔndòng gēngxīn/ :: rolling update
滾犢子 {v} [dialectal, chiefly as imperative, derogatory, colloquial, dismissal] /gǔn dúzi/ :: to go away; to scram; to beat it
滾翻 {n} [sports] /gǔnfān/ :: roll
滾瓜爛熟 {idiom} /gǔnguālàn熟/ :: (to know something) by heart; (recite, etc.) fluently
滾滾 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /gǔngǔn/ :: rolling along; billowing; churning
滾滾 {adj} [literary, ideophonic, figurative] /gǔngǔn/ :: flowing continuously; rolling in
滾河 {prop} /Gǔnhé/ :: (~ 村) 滾河 (village)
滾開 {v} /gǔnkāi/ :: to boil (bubble and turn to vapour)
滾開 {v} [chiefly as imperative, derogatory, colloquial, dismissal] /gǔnkāi/ :: to go away; to scram; to beat it
滾鏈 {n} /gǔnliàn/ :: roller chain
滾爬 {v} /gǔnpá/ :: to roll and crawl; to struggle one's way through
滾湯 {n} /gǔntāng/ :: boiling soup
滾湯 {n} [Min] /gǔntāng/ :: boiling water; boiled water
滾水 {n} [dialectal] /gǔnshuǐ/ :: boiling water; boiled water
滾水 {interj} [Cantonese] /gǔnshuǐ/ :: Used to ask someone in the way to move aside
滾燙 {adj} /gǔntàng/ :: boiling; scalding
滾梯 {n} [Mainland] /gǔntī/ :: escalator
滾子 {n} /gǔnzi/ :: roller
滾子鏈 {n} /gǔnziliàn/ :: roller chain
{def} /gǔn/ :: roller (agriculture) tool, used in farming
磙子 {n} /gǔnzi/ :: stone roller (rotating rolling tool)
磙子 {n} /gǔnzi/ :: any cylindrical rolling implement
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
輥子 {n} /gǔnzi/ :: roller (rollable cylindrical part)
{def} SEE: ::
辊子 {def} SEE: 輥子 ::
{def} /gǔn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gǔn/ :: [historical dictionaries] giant fish
{def} /gǔn/ :: the father of Yu the Great
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gùn/ :: pure black
{def} /gùn/ :: to omit
{def} /gùn/ :: to forget
{def} /gùn/ :: to wonder about doing nothing
𡳞棍 {def} SEE: 膦棍 ::
{def} /gùn/ :: stick, cudgel (Classifier: c:轆)
{def} /gùn/ :: scoundrel
棍棒 {n} /gùnbàng/ :: club; bludgeon; cudgel
棍棒 {n} /gùnbàng/ :: stick; staff
棍棒底下出孝子 {proverb} /gùnbàng dǐxià chū xiàozǐ/ :: spare the rod and spoil the child
棍棒教育 {n} [education] /gùnbàng jiàoyù/ :: stick parenting
棍棒之下出孝子 {proverb} /gùnbàng zhī xià chū xiàozǐ/ :: spare the rod and spoil the child
棍儿 {def} SEE: 棍兒 ::
棍兒 {n} /gùnr/ :: erhua form of stick; rod
棍杖 {n} /gùnzhàng/ :: club; stick; cudgel
棍子 {n} /gùnzi/ :: stick; rod
棍子 {n} /gùnzi/ :: baton; club
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /wāi,kuāi/ :: slanting
{def} /guō/ :: surname
{def} /wō/ :: name of an ancient state
{def} /wǒ/ :: only used in 咼墮
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hé/ :: only used in 咼氏
{def} SEE: ::
啯仔 {def} SEE: 嘓仔 ::
嘓鱼 {def} SEE: 嘓魚 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guō/ :: crucible
{def} SEE: ::
涡电流 {def} SEE: 渦電流 ::
涡流 {def} SEE: 渦流 ::
涡轮 {def} SEE: 渦輪 ::
涡轮机 {def} SEE: 渦輪機 ::
涡旋 {def} SEE: 渦旋 ::
涡阳 {def} SEE: 渦陽 ::
{def} /wō/ :: whirlpool; eddy; vortex
{def} /wō/ :: something shaped like a whirlpool; indentation; concavity
{def} /guō/ :: (~ 河) (river)
{def} /guō/ :: surname
渦電流 {n} /wōdiànliú,er/ :: eddy current
渦流 {n} /wōliú/ :: eddy (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current)
渦輪 {n} /wōlún/ :: turbine (rotary machines)
渦輪機 {n} /wōlúnjī/ :: turbine (rotary machines)
渦旋 {n} [physics, meterology] /wōxuán/ :: vortex
渦陽 {prop} /Guōyáng/ :: (~ 縣) 渦陽 (county)
{def} /guō/ :: (~ 水) alternative form of
{def} /guō/ :: surname
{def} [of water] /wō/ :: to spin; to whirl
{def} /聒/ :: noisy; clamorous; uproarious
聒耳 {v} [dialectal] /聒'ěr/ :: to grate on one's ears
聒噪 {adj} [dialectal] /聒zào/ :: noisy; clamorous
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yù/ :: alternative form of
{def} /guō/ :: frog or toad
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: to cross; to pass; to go across; to pass through
{def} [of time] /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: to pass by; to pass
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: to spend time; to live
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: to go over; to look at carefully; to go through
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: to exceed; to surpass; to be over
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: to pass an exam
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: verbal complement
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: indicating passing by; over; by
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: indicating a change in direction; over; away
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: indicating an excess in degree or amount; past; through; by
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: indicating superiority; better than
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: indicating completion or that an action has occurred already; ever; already
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: adjectival complement
{def} [chiefly classical, Cantonese] /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: indicating an excess in degree or amount; more ... than
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: indicating that the state has existed in the past
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: too; excessively
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: fault; blemish; mistake
{def} /guò,guō,gè,2n/ :: to pay a visit; to visit; to call on
{def} /Guō/ :: name of a creek
{def} /Guō/ :: name of an ancient state in modern Shandong
{def} /Guō/ :: surname
{def} /huò/ :: alternative form of
{def} /huò/ :: alternative form of
過半 {v} /guòbàn/ :: to pass the halfway point
過飽和 {adj} [chemistry, attributive] /guòbǎohé/ :: supersaturated
過不去 {v} /guòbuqù,guòbùqù,1nb/ :: to be unable to go through
過不去 {v} /guòbuqù,guòbùqù,1nb/ :: to make things difficult or awkward for (someone)
過不去 {v} /guòbuqù,guòbùqù,1nb/ :: to not exceed
過不去 {v} /guòbuqù,guòbùqù,1nb/ :: to feel sorry
過場 {v} [theater] /guò場/ :: to cross the stage
過場 {v} [figurative] /guò場/ :: to do something as mere formality
過場 {n} [theater] /guò場/ :: interlude
過程 {n} /guòchéng/ :: process; course
過從 {v} [literary] /guòcóng/ :: to associate with; to have relations with
過錯 {n} /guòcuò/ :: mistake; wrongdoing
過道 {n} /guòdào,er/ :: corridor; aisle
過低 {adj} /guòdī/ :: too low
過碘酸 {n} [Taiwan, inorganic compound] /guòdiǎnsuān/ :: periodic acid
過電 {v} /guòdiàn/ :: to get an electric shock
過電位 {n} [physics] /guòdiànwèi/ :: overpotential
過冬 {v} /guòdōng/ :: to pass the winter; to winter
過度 {adj} /guòdù/ :: excessive; too much; undue; overboard
過度 {adv} /guòdù/ :: excessively
過度放牧 {v} /guòdù fàngmù/ :: to overgraze
過度放牧 {n} /guòdù fàngmù/ :: overgrazing
過渡 {v} /guòdù/ :: to cross over by ferry
過渡 {v} /guòdù/ :: to transition
過渡 {n} /guòdù/ :: transition; interim
過渡 {adj} [attributive] /guòdù/ :: transitional; interim
過渡金屬 {n} [chemistry] /guòdù jīnshǔ/ :: transition metal; transition element
過渡期 {n} /guòdù期/ :: intermediate stage; transition period
過渡灣 {prop} /Guòdùwān/ :: (~ 鎮) 過渡灣 (town)
過渡灣 {prop} /Guòdùwān/ :: (~ 村) 過渡灣 (village)
過多 {adj} /guòduō/ :: excessive; in excess
過番 {v} [Cantonese, Hakka, Min, dated] /guòfān/ :: to go abroad (to Southeast Asia)
過房 {v} [archaic or Min Nan] /guòfáng/ :: to adopt as one's own son
過訪 {v} /guòfǎng/ :: to visit someone's home
過分 {adj} /guòfèn/ :: excessive; undue; overboard; over-; too much
過份 {def} SEE: 過分 ::
過高 {adj} /guògāo/ :: too high; too much; too tall; too excessive
過關 {v} [literally] /guòguān/ :: to break through a pass
過關 {v} /guòguān/ :: to cross a barrier; to go through an ordeal
過關 {v} [figurative] /guòguān/ :: to be up to standard; to pass
過關斬將 {idiom} /guòguānzhǎnjiàng/ :: abbreviation of 過五關斬六將
過海 {v} /guòhǎi/ :: to cross the sea
過海 {v} [dialectal] /guòhǎi/ :: to go abroad; to go overseas
過河拆橋 {idiom} /guòhéchāiqiáo/ :: to burn one's bridges; to abandon one's benefactor upon achieving one's goal
過後 {adv} /guòhòu/ :: afterwards; later
過戶 {v} /guòhù,er/ :: to transfer ownership; to change the name of the owner in a register
過戶 {n} [legal] /guòhù,er/ :: conveyancing
過活 {v} /guòhuó,er/ :: to live one's life; to eke out an existence; to pass the day; to get along; to pass one's days
過活 {v} /guòhuó,er/ :: to make a living
過火 {adj} /guòhuǒ/ :: exaggerated; overdone; radical; extreme
過火 {v} /guòhuǒ/ :: to go too far
過火 {v} [Min Nan] /guòhuǒ/ :: to overcook due to higher heat than needed
過火 {n} [Taiwanese Hokkien] /guòhuǒ/ :: ritual where people walk over burning charcoal in temple festivals and ceremonies (said to have the effect of healing diseases and eliminating disasters)
過激 {adj} /guòjī/ :: drastic; extreme; aggressive; radical
過激主義 {n} /guòjīzhǔyì/ :: extremism (extreme ideas or actions)
過極化 {v} [physiology] /guòjíhuà/ :: to hyperpolarise
過季 {v} [often, attributive, of clothes etc.] /guòjì/ :: to go out of season; to be off-season
過繼 {v} /guòjì/ :: to adopt a young relative
過繼 {v} /guòjì/ :: to have one's child adopted by a relative
過家家 {n} [Mainland] /guòjiājiā,er/ :: house (children's game)
過家家 {v} [Mainland] /guòjiājiā,er/ :: to play house
過家家兒 {v} /guòjiājiār,tl/ :: erhua form of 過家家
過家家兒 {n} /guòjiājiār,tl/ :: erhua form of 過家家
過江 {v} /guòjiāng/ :: to cross a river
過獎 {v} /guòjiǎng/ :: to overpraise; to flatter
過節 {v} /guòjié,er/ :: to celebrate a festival
過節 {v} /guòjié,er/ :: to be after the festivities; to be after a festival
過節 {n} [colloquial] /guòjié,er/ :: grudge; conflict; animosity
過街 {v} /guòjiē/ :: to cross the street
過街老鼠 {idiom} /guòjiē lǎoshǔ/ :: anathema, target of all scorn
過境 {v} /guòjìng/ :: to pass through a country's territory; to cross the border; to transit
過客 {n} /guòkè/ :: passing visitor; passing traveller; one (simply) passing by; transient guest; sojourner
過來 {v} /guòlái,tl/ :: to come over; to get over
過來 {v} /guòlái,tl/ :: to pass through certain (tumultuous) periods or challenges
過來 {v} /guòlái,tl/ :: A verbal complement indicating movement towards the speaker, or a turn or change in the direction of the speaker
過來 {v} /guòlái,tl/ :: A verbal complement indicating a return to the original, normal and typically an improved state
過來 {v} /guòlái,tl/ :: A verbal complement indicating sufficiency of time, ability, etc
過來人 {n} /guòláirén/ :: someone who has had a particular experience
過勞 {n} /guòláo/ :: overwork; work-related stress
過勞死 {v} /guòláosǐ/ :: to die from overwork
過量 {adj} /guòliàng/ :: excessive
過量 {v} /guòliàng/ :: to go to excess
過量 {v} /guòliàng/ :: to overdose
過籠 {def} SEE: 過龍 ::
過路 {v} /guòlù/ :: to pass by; to pass through; to go by
過路費 {n} /guòlùfèi/ :: toll (for using roads)
過路人 {n} /guòlùrén/ :: passer-by
過路人 {n} [figurative] /guòlùrén/ :: stranger
過慮 {adj} /guòlǜ/ :: overanxious
過氯酸 {n} [Taiwan, inorganic compound] /guòlǜsuān/ :: perchloric acid
過濾 {v} /guòlǜ/ :: to filter
過濾器 {n} /guòlǜqì/ :: filter
過馬路 {v} /guò mǎlù/ :: to cross the road
過錳酸鉀 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, inorganic compound] /guòměngsuānjiǎ/ :: potassium permanganate
過敏 {v} [medicine] /guòmǐn/ :: to have an allergy; to be allergic
過敏 {adj} /guòmǐn/ :: oversensitive; thin-skinned; touchy
過敏性 {adj} [attributive, medicine] /guòmǐnxìng/ :: allergic; anaphylactic; atopic
過敏性鼻炎 {n} /guòmǐnxìng bíyán/ :: allergic rhinitis
過敏性反應 {n} [medicine] /guòmǐnxìng fǎnyìng/ :: allergic reaction; anaphylaxis
過敏症 {n} /guòmǐnzhèng/ :: hypersensitivity
過目 {v} [honorific] /guòmù/ :: to look over (a document); to run through
過目 {v} [Min Nan] /guòmù/ :: to look at with fancy or liking (expressing satisfaction or approval at something)
過目難忘 {idiom} /guòmùnánwàng/ :: to be hard to forget when one has run eyes over something; unforgettable
過年 {v} /guònián/ :: to spend (celebrate) the Chinese New Year
過年 {n} [colloquial] /guònian,er/ :: next year
過牌 {v} [poker] /guòpái/ :: to check
過期 {v} /guò期/ :: to exceed the time limit; to be overdue; to expire
過期 {v} /guò期/ :: to be out of date
過氣 {adj} /guòqì/ :: past one's prime
過氣 {v} [Min Nan] /guòqì/ :: to breathe one's last; to die
過謙 {v} /guòqiān/ :: to be overly modest
過橋 {v} /guòqiáo/ :: to cross a bridge
過橋貸款 {n} [business, finance] /guòqiáo dàikuǎn/ :: bridge loan
過橋費 {n} /guòqiáofèi/ :: toll (for using a bridge)
過橋米線 {n} /guòqiáomǐxiàn/ :: crossing-the-bridge noodles (a type of rice noodle soup from Yunnan, China)
過橋簽證 {n} /guòqiáo qiānzhèng/ :: bridging visa
過去 {n} /guòqù/ :: the past
過去 {v} /guòqù/ :: to go over; to pass by
過去 {v} /guòqù/ :: to have already happened; to be in the past
過去 {v} [euphemistic] /guòqù/ :: to die; to pass away
過去分詞 {n} [grammar] /guòqù fēncí/ :: past participle
過去時 {n} /guòqùshí/ :: past tense
過去時態 {n} /guòqù shítài/ :: past tense
過去式 {n} /guòqùshì/ :: past tense
過去式 {n} [figuratively] /guòqùshì/ :: past
過人 {v} [of skill, talent, physical beauty, etc.] /guòrén/ :: to surpass that of others
過日子 {v} /guò rìzi/ :: to live one's life; to eke out an existence; to pass the day; to get along; to pass one's days
過日子 {v} /guò rìzi/ :: to live economically
過三關 {n} [Hong Kong] /guòsānguān/ :: tic-tac-toe
過山車 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, Hong Kong] /guòshānchē/ :: rollercoaster
過身 {v} [literary or Cantonese, Teochew] /guòshēn/ :: to pass away; to die
過身 {v} [Mainland Hokkien] /guòshēn/ :: to pass; to move on (of an incident or matter)
過身 {v} [Zhongshan Shiqi Cantonese] /guòshēn/ :: to take a shower
過甚 {adj} [literary] /guòshèn/ :: excessive; undue; overboard; over-; too much
過剩 {v} /guòshèng/ :: to exceed what is needed; to go into surplus
過失 {n} /guòshī/ :: fault; slip; error; mistake
過失 {n} /guòshī/ :: negligence
過失殺人 {n} /guòshī shārén/ :: manslaughter
過時 {adj} /guòshí/ :: outmoded; old-fashioned; out-of-date
過時 {v} /guòshí/ :: to be past the appointed time; to be later than the stipulated or agreed time
過世 {v} /guòshì/ :: to die; to pass away
過熟 {adj} /guò熟/ :: overripe
過數 {v} /guòshù/ :: to count
過數 {v} [Cantonese] /guòshù/ :: to transfer money
過水 {v} /guòshuǐ/ :: to dunk hot noodles in cool water before serving them
過水 {v} /guòshuǐ/ :: to rinse (clothes); to wash out
過水 {v} [literary or Hakka, Min Nan] /guòshuǐ/ :: to cross a river or stream
過水 {v} [mahjong] /guòshuǐ/ :: to relinquish one's chance of completing a hand
過水 {v} [obsolete, vulgar] /guòshuǐ/ :: to have sexual intercourse
過水 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /guòshuǐ/ :: to let water flow past
過水 {v} [Cantonese] /guòshuǐ/ :: to pay; to hand over the money
過水 {v} [Hakka] /guòshuǐ/ :: to pass a test
過水 {v} [Xiamen, , Zhangzhou, &, Taiwanese Hokkien] /guòshuǐ/ :: to leak water; to seep
過水 {v} [Taiwanese Hokkien] /guòshuǐ/ :: to become overripe
過水 {v} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien, dated] /guòshuǐ/ :: to cross the ocean and go to Southeast Asia
過速 {v} /guòsù/ :: to exceed the normal speed
過頭 {v} /guòtóu/ :: to overdo; to go too far; to exceed limits
過頭 {adj} /guòtóu/ :: extreme; excessive
過頭 {adv} /guòtóu/ :: excessively; overdone
過往 {v} /guòwǎng/ :: to come and go; to pass
過往 {v} /guòwǎng/ :: to associate with; to have relations with
過往 {v} [Min Nan] /guòwǎng/ :: to pass away
過往 {n} /guòwǎng/ :: the past
過望 {v} /guòwàng/ :: to go beyond one's expectations
過望 {n} [literary] /guòwàng/ :: excessive expectations; extravagant hopes
過問 {v} /guòwèn/ :: to concern oneself with; to take an interest in
過問 {v} /guòwèn/ :: to interfere; to meddle; to intervene
過五關斬六將 {idiom} [figurative] /guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng/ :: to get past all manner of hardships
過細 {adj} /guòxì/ :: meticulous; careful
過細 {adj} /guòxì/ :: extremely meticulous; overattentive
過言 {n} [archaic] /guòyán/ :: over-the-top remarks; wrongful words
過氧化 {v} [chemistry] /guòyǎnghuà/ :: to peroxidise
過氧化鉀 {n} [organic compound] /guòyǎnghuàjiǎ/ :: potassium peroxide
過氧化鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /guòyǎnghuànà/ :: sodium peroxide
過氧化氫酶 {n} [biology] /guòyǎnghuà qīng méi/ :: catalase
過氧化物 {n} [chemistry] /guòyǎnghuàwù/ :: peroxide
過氧化物酶體 {n} [cytology] /guòyǎnghuàwù-méitǐ/ :: peroxisome
過氧乙酸 {n} [organic compound] /guòyǎngyǐsuān/ :: peracetic acid; peroxyacetic acid
過夜 {v} /guòyè/ :: to spend the night; to stay overnight
過夜 {n} /guòyè/ :: the previous night
過一會 {adv} /guò一huì,er/ :: in a while; later
過一會兒 {adv} /guò 一huìr/ :: erhua form of []
過意不去 {idiom} /guòyì不qù/ :: to feel apologetic; to feel sorry
過癮 {v} /guòyǐn/ :: to satisfy a craving; to enjoy oneself to the fullest; to get a kick out of something
過癮 {adj} /guòyǐn/ :: great; awesome; fun; amusing; entertaining
過硬 {v} /guòyìng/ :: to have a perfect mastery of something; to be really up to the mark; to be able to pass the stiffest test
過猶不及 {idiom} /guòyóu不jí/ :: doing too much is just as bad as not doing enough
過於 {adv} /guòyú/ :: too; excessively; overly
過譽 {v} /guòyù/ :: to overpraise
過雲雨 {n} /guòyúnyǔ/ :: rain shower
過載 {v} /guòzài/ :: to overload; to be overloaded
過載 {v} /guòzài/ :: to transfer (goods) from one conveyance to another; to transship
過早 {adj} /guòzǎo/ :: too early; overhasty; premature
過早 {v} [dialectal, including, Wuhan, Gan] /guòzǎo/ :: to have breakfast
過造 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /guòzào/ :: to be past the season (of)
過則勿憚改 {idiom} /guòzéwùdàngǎi/ :: do not fear correcting one's mistakes when they have been made
過重 {v} [of letters, luggage, etc.] /guòzhòng/ :: to be overweight
過重 {v} [Hokkien] /guòzhòng/ :: to subtract the weight of the container in which the weighed object is placed
{def} /guō/ :: outer city wall
{def} /guō/ :: (~ 村) (village)
{def} /guō/ :: surname
郭公 {n} [literary] /guōgōng/ :: puppet
郭公 {n} [literary] /guōgōng/ :: inadvertent omissions in text
郭公 {n} [literary, originally, onomatopoeia] /guōgōng/ :: cuckoo
郭河 {prop} /Guōhé/ :: (~ 鎮) 郭河 (town)
郭家 {prop} /Guōjiā/ :: (~ 鎮) 郭家 (town)
郭家堡 {prop} :: (~ 鎮) 郭家堡 (town)
郭勒木德 {prop} /Guōlèmùdé/ :: (~ 鎮) 郭勒木德 (town)
郭里 {prop} /Guōlǐ/ :: (~ 鎮) 郭里 (town)
郭亮 {prop} /Guōliàng/ :: (~ 村) 郭亮 (village)
郭前 {prop} /Guōqián/ :: (~ 村) 郭前 (village)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guō/ :: cooking pot; pan; wok
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Mainland, neologism] /guō/ :: blame; fault
鍋巴 {n} /guōbā/ :: rice crust; crust of cooked rice
鍋巴菜 {n} /guōbācài,gābacài,tl2/ :: Tianjin cuisine (a breakfast specialty in Tianjin)
鍋邊糊 {n} /guōbiānhú/ :: a kind of rice cake popular in Fuzhou and surrounding areas
鍋鏟 {n} /guōchǎn/ :: slice (kitchen utensil)
鍋底 {n} /guōdǐ,er/ :: base of a pan, wok or other cookware
鍋底 {n} /guōdǐ,er/ :: broth or seasoning used in hot pot
鍋蓋 {n} /guōgài/ :: lid of a cooking pot
鍋蓋頭 {n} /guōgàitóu,er/ :: bowl cut (hairstyle)
鍋盔 {n} /guōkuī/ :: guokui (a kind of pancake popular in Shaanxi and Gansu)
鍋爐 {n} /guōlú/ :: boiler
鍋氣 {n} /guōqì/ :: the flavour imparted by cooking food in a hot wok
鍋臺 {n} /guōtái/ :: top of a kitchen range
鍋台 {def} SEE: 鍋臺 ::
鍋貼 {n} [food] /guōtiē/ :: potsticker (a Chinese-style pan-fried dumpling)
鍋貼 {n} [colloquial, jokingly] /guōtiē/ :: slap on the face
鍋碗瓢盆 {idiom} /guōwǎnpiáopén,er/ :: woks, bowls, gourd ladles and basins; items of the kitchen; pots and pans
鍋嫌壺黑 {idiom} /guōxiánhúhēi/ :: literal translation of pot calling the kettle black
鍋煙子 {n} /guōyānzi/ :: soot on the bottom of a wok
鍋莊 {n} /guōzhuāng/ :: (~ 舞) a type of Tibetan dance
鍋子 {n} [regional] /guōzi/ :: pot; wok
鍋子 {n} /guōzi/ :: pot-shaped object; bowl (e.g. for smoking pipe)
鍋子 {n} [Mainland] /guōzi/ :: hotpot
{def} SEE: ::
锅巴 {def} SEE: 鍋巴 ::
锅巴菜 {def} SEE: 鍋巴菜 ::
锅边糊 {def} SEE: 鍋邊糊 ::
锅铲 {def} SEE: 鍋鏟 ::
锅底 {def} SEE: 鍋底 ::
锅盖 {def} SEE: 鍋蓋 ::
锅盖头 {def} SEE: 鍋蓋頭 ::
锅盔 {def} SEE: 鍋盔 ::
锅炉 {def} SEE: 鍋爐 ::
锅螺 {def} SEE: 鍋螺 ::
锅螺汁滴 {def} SEE: 鍋螺汁滴 ::
锅气 {def} SEE: 鍋氣 ::
锅台 {def} SEE: 鍋臺 ::
锅贴 {def} SEE: 鍋貼 ::
锅碗瓢盆 {def} SEE: 鍋碗瓢盆 ::
锅嫌壶黑 {def} SEE: 鍋嫌壺黑 ::
锅烟子 {def} SEE: 鍋煙子 ::
锅仔 {def} SEE: 鍋仔 ::
锅庄 {def} SEE: 鍋莊 ::
锅子 {def} SEE: 鍋子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuǐ/ :: [obsolete] much; many; numerous
{def} /kuì/ :: [obsolete] to get more profit
{def} /kuì/ :: [obsolete] to estimate more
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guó,xù/ :: hot air, hot vapor
{def} /guó,xù/ :: wind of the heat
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
囻民党 {def} SEE: 國民黨 ::
{def} SEE: ::
国安 {def} SEE: 國安 ::
国安部 {def} SEE: 國安部 ::
国安法 {def} SEE: 國安法 ::
国白 {def} SEE: 國白 ::
国办 {def} SEE: 國辦 ::
国宝 {def} SEE: 國寶 ::
国本 {def} SEE: 國本 ::
国标 {def} SEE: 國標 ::
国别 {def} SEE: 國別 ::
国宾 {def} SEE: 國賓 ::
国不堪贰 {def} SEE: 國不堪貳 ::
国策 {def} SEE: 國策 ::
国产 {def} SEE: 國產 ::
国潮 {def} SEE: 國潮 ::
国臣 {def} SEE: 國臣 ::
国耻 {def} SEE: 國恥 ::
国仇 {def} SEE: 國仇 ::
国粹 {def} SEE: 國粹 ::
国道 {def} SEE: 國道 ::
国都 {def} SEE: 國都 ::
国度 {def} SEE: 國度 ::
国恩 {def} SEE: 國恩 ::
国二 {def} SEE: 國二 ::
国法 {def} SEE: 國法 ::
国防 {def} SEE: 國防 ::
国防部 {def} SEE: 國防部 ::
国分寺 {def} SEE: 國分寺 ::
国富民强 {def} SEE: 國富民強 ::
国父 {def} SEE: 國父 ::
国歌 {def} SEE: 國歌 ::
国格 {def} SEE: 國格 ::
国公 {def} SEE: 國公 ::
国公酒 {def} SEE: 國公酒 ::
国共 {def} SEE: 國共 ::
国共内战 {def} SEE: 國共內戰 ::
国故 {def} SEE: 國故 ::
国光 {def} SEE: 國光 ::
国号 {def} SEE: 國號 ::
国后岛 {def} SEE: 國後島 ::
国花 {def} SEE: 國花 ::
国画 {def} SEE: 國畫 ::
国徽 {def} SEE: 國徽 ::
国会 {def} SEE: 國會 ::
国会山 {def} SEE: 國會山 ::
国会议员 {def} SEE: 國會議員 ::
国魂 {def} SEE: 國魂 ::
国货 {def} SEE: 國貨 ::
国籍 {def} SEE: 國籍 ::
国纪 {def} SEE: 國紀 ::
国计 {def} SEE: 國計 ::
国计民生 {def} SEE: 國計民生 ::
国际 {def} SEE: 國際 ::
国际标准书号 {def} SEE: 國際標準書號 ::
国际单位制 {def} SEE: 國際單位制 ::
国际法 {def} SEE: 國際法 ::
国际法院 {def} SEE: 國際法院 ::
国际辅助语 {def} SEE: 國際輔助語 ::
国际歌 {def} SEE: 國際歌 ::
国际关系 {def} SEE: 國際關係 ::
国际化 {def} SEE: 國際化 ::
国际货币基金组织 {def} SEE: 國際貨幣基金組織 ::
国际机场 {def} SEE: 國際機場 ::
国际联盟 {def} SEE: 國際聯盟 ::
国际贸易 {def} SEE: 國際貿易 ::
国际人权日 {def} SEE: 國際人權日 ::
国际日界线 {def} SEE: 國際日界線 ::
国际日期变更线 {def} SEE: 國際日期變更線 ::
国际生 {def} SEE: 國際生 ::
国际事务 {def} SEE: 國際事務 ::
国际私法 {def} SEE: 國際私法 ::
国际天文联会 {def} SEE: 國際天文聯會 ::
国际天文学联会 {def} SEE: 國際天文學聯會 ::
国际跳棋 {def} SEE: 國際跳棋 ::
国际玩笑 {def} SEE: 國際玩笑 ::
国际习惯法 {def} SEE: 國際習慣法 ::
国际象棋 {def} SEE: 國際象棋 ::
国际性 {def} SEE: 國際性 ::
国际学生 {def} SEE: 國際學生 ::
国际音标 {def} SEE: 國際音標 ::
国际英语测试系统 {def} SEE: 國際英語測試系統 ::
国际语 {def} SEE: 國際語 ::
国际主义 {def} SEE: 國際主義 ::
国家 {def} SEE: 國家 ::
国家安全 {def} SEE: 國家安全 ::
国家安全机构 {def} SEE: 國家安全機構 ::
国家标准 {def} SEE: 國家標準 ::
国家大事 {def} SEE: 國家大事 ::
国家队 {def} SEE: 國家隊 ::
国家法 {def} SEE: 國家法 ::
国家公园 {def} SEE: 國家公園 ::
国家机关 {def} SEE: 國家機關 ::
国家机密 {def} SEE: 國家機密 ::
国家机器 {def} SEE: 國家機器 ::
国家社会主义 {def} SEE: 國家社會主義 ::
国家宪兵 {def} SEE: 國家憲兵 ::
国家元首 {def} SEE: 國家元首 ::
国家主义 {def} SEE: 國家主義 ::
国家资本主义 {def} SEE: 國家資本主義 ::
国建 {def} SEE: 國建 ::
国交 {def} SEE: 國交 ::
国教 {def} SEE: 國教 ::
国脚 {def} SEE: 國腳 ::
国界 {def} SEE: 國界 ::
国境 {def} SEE: 國境 ::
国舅 {def} SEE: 國舅 ::
国剧 {def} SEE: 國劇 ::
国军 {def} SEE: 國軍 ::
国君 {def} SEE: 國君 ::
国科会 {def} SEE: 國科會 ::
国库 {def} SEE: 國庫 ::
国库券 {def} SEE: 國庫券 ::
国老 {def} SEE: 國老 ::
国乐 {def} SEE: 國樂 ::
国乐团 {def} SEE: 國樂團 ::
国利 {def} SEE: 國利 ::
国力 {def} SEE: 國力 ::
国历 {def} SEE: 國曆 ::
国立 {def} SEE: 國立 ::
国立公园 {def} SEE: 國立公園 ::
国联 {def} SEE: 國聯 ::
国罗 {def} SEE: 國羅 ::
国罗派 {def} SEE: 國羅派 ::
国骂 {def} SEE: 國罵 ::
国脉 {def} SEE: 國脈 ::
国漫 {def} SEE: 國漫 ::
国贸 {def} SEE: 國貿 ::
国门 {def} SEE: 國門 ::
国米 {def} SEE: 國米 ::
国民 {def} SEE: 國民 ::
国民待遇 {def} SEE: 國民待遇 ::
国民党 {def} SEE: 國民黨 ::
国民党反动派 {def} SEE: 國民黨反動派 ::
国民教育 {def} SEE: 國民教育 ::
国民经济 {def} SEE: 國民經濟 ::
国民生产毛额 {def} SEE: 國民生產毛額 ::
国民生产总值 {def} SEE: 國民生產總值 ::
国民收入 {def} SEE: 國民收入 ::
国名 {def} SEE: 國名 ::
国命 {def} SEE: 國命 ::
国母 {def} SEE: 國母 ::
国难 {def} SEE: 國難 ::
国内 {def} SEE: 國內 ::
国内流离失所者 {def} SEE: 國內流離失所者 ::
国内生产毛额 {def} SEE: 國內生產毛額 ::
国内生产总值 {def} SEE: 國內生產總值 ::
国内外 {def} SEE: 國內外 ::
国内战争 {def} SEE: 國內戰爭 ::
国配 {def} SEE: 國配 ::
国破家亡 {def} SEE: 國破家亡 ::
国戚 {def} SEE: 國戚 ::
国旗 {def} SEE: 國旗 ::
国企 {def} SEE: 國企 ::
国情 {def} SEE: 國情 ::
国情咨文 {def} SEE: 國情咨文 ::
国庆 {def} SEE: 國慶 ::
国庆节 {def} SEE: 國慶節 ::
国庆日 {def} SEE: 國慶日 ::
国权 {def} SEE: 國權 ::
国人 {def} SEE: 國人 ::
国三 {def} SEE: 國三 ::
国丧 {def} SEE: 國喪 ::
国色 {def} SEE: 國色 ::
国色天香 {def} SEE: 國色天香 ::
国殇 {def} SEE: 國殤 ::
国社 {def} SEE: 國社 ::
国社主义 {def} SEE: 國社主義 ::
国史 {def} SEE: 國史 ::
国事 {def} SEE: 國事 ::
国事访问 {def} SEE: 國事訪問 ::
国势 {def} SEE: 國勢 ::
国是 {def} SEE: 國是 ::
国手 {def} SEE: 國手 ::
国书 {def} SEE: 國書 ::
国术 {def} SEE: 國術 ::
国税 {def} SEE: 國稅 ::
国台办 {def} SEE: 國臺辦 ::
国泰民安 {def} SEE: 國泰民安 ::
国体 {def} SEE: 國體 ::
国统 {def} SEE: 國統 ::
国统区 {def} SEE: 國統區 ::
国图 {def} SEE: 國圖 ::
国土 {def} SEE: 國土 ::
国土安全 {def} SEE: 國土安全 ::
国外 {def} SEE: 國外 ::
国王 {def} SEE: 國王 ::
国威 {def} SEE: 國威 ::
国文 {def} SEE: 國文 ::
国务 {def} SEE: 國務 ::
国务卿 {def} SEE: 國務卿 ::
国务院 {def} SEE: 國務院 ::
国小 {def} SEE: 國小 ::
国姓 {def} SEE: 國姓 ::
国姓爷 {def} SEE: 國姓爺 ::
国学 {def} SEE: 國學 ::
国宴 {def} SEE: 國宴 ::
国药 {def} SEE: 國藥 ::
国一 {def} SEE: 國一 ::
国医 {def} SEE: 國醫 ::
国音 {def} SEE: 國音 ::
国营 {def} SEE: 國營 ::
国营经济 {def} SEE: 國營經濟 ::
国营企业 {def} SEE: 國營企業 ::
国优 {def} SEE: 國優 ::
国有 {def} SEE: 國有 ::
国有股 {def} SEE: 國有股 ::
国有化 {def} SEE: 國有化 ::
国语 {def} SEE: 國語 ::
国语罗马字 {def} SEE: 國語羅馬字 ::
国语注音符号第二式 {def} SEE: 國語注音符號第二式 ‎ ::
国语字 {def} SEE: 國語字 ::
国运 {def} SEE: 國運 ::
国葬 {def} SEE: 國葬 ::
国贼 {def} SEE: 國賊 ::
国债 {def} SEE: 國債 ::
国朝 {def} SEE: 國朝 ::
国阵 {def} SEE: 國陣 ::
国政 {def} SEE: 國政 ::
国中 {def} SEE: 國中 ::
国猪 {def} SEE: 國豬 ::
国子监 {def} SEE: 國子監 ::
国子学 {def} SEE: 國子學 ::
国字 {def} SEE: 國字 ::
国字框 {def} SEE: 國字框 ::
国字脸 {def} SEE: 國字臉 ::
国族 {def} SEE: 國族 ::
国足 {def} SEE: 國足 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guó/ :: country; nation; nation-state; kingdom (Classifier: 個)
{def} /guó/ :: [obsolete] capital
{def} /guó/ :: [obsolete] to make a place the capital city; to establish a capital
{def} /guó/ :: abbreviation of 國語
{def} /guó/ :: abbreviation of 國民黨
{def} /guó/ :: abbreviation of 國內
{def} /guó/ :: surname
國安 {n} /guó'ān/ :: abbreviation of 國家安全
國安部 {prop} /Guó'ānbù/ :: Ministry of State Security (China); Guoanbu
國安法 {n} /guó'ānfǎ/ :: national security law
國辦 {prop} /Guóbàn/ :: short fo 中華人民共和國國務院辦公廳 (General Office of the State Council)
國寶 {n} /guóbǎo/ :: national treasure
國本 {n} [literary] /guóběn/ :: fundamental principles for administering a country; foundation of a nation
國本 {n} [literary] /guóběn/ :: crown prince
國標 {n} /guóbiāo/ :: abbreviation of 國家標準
國標 {n} /guóbiāo/ :: (~ 舞) [dance] International Standard (dance) (a category of ballroom dance)
國別 {n} /guóbié/ :: difference between countries
國別 {n} /guóbié/ :: nationality
國賓 {n} /guóbīn/ :: state guest; state visitor (such as a head of state)
國不堪貳 {idiom} /guó不kān'èr/ :: a nation cannot have two leaders
國策 {n} /guócè/ :: national policy
國產 {adj} [attributive] /guóchǎn/ :: domestically made
國產 {adj} [attributive, mainland China] /guóchǎn/ :: made in China (both literal and idiomatic senses)
國潮 {n} [slang, neologism] /guócháo/ :: interest in domestic Chinese brands and products that incorporate traditional Chinese style and culture
國臣 {n} [literary] /guóchén/ :: a minister of a monarch; an official in the court of a monarch
國恥 {n} /guóchǐ/ :: national humiliation
國仇 {n} /guóchóu/ :: national enmity
國粹 {n} [specifically] /guócuì/ :: essence of a nation's culture; quintessence of Chinese culture
國道 {n} /guódào/ :: highway; route (when administered by the national government); national road; national highway
國都 {n} /guódū/ :: national capital
國度 {n} [formal] /guódù/ :: nation; country
國度 {n} [archaic] /guódù/ :: law of a country
國恩 {n} [literary] /guó'ēn/ :: a favor bestowed or received by a monarch or a kingdom
國二 {n} [Taiwan] /guó'èr/ :: second year in junior middle school; eighth grade
國法 {n} /guófǎ/ :: a nation's laws; national law; the law of the land
國防 {n} [government, military] /guófáng/ :: national defense
國防部 {n} /guófángbù/ :: ministry of national defense; department of national defense
國分寺 {prop} /Guófēnsì/ :: (~ 市) Kokubunji, Tōkyō Metropolis, Japan
國富民強 {idiom} /guófùmínqiáng/ :: the nation and its people are rich and strong
國父 {n} /guófù/ :: founding father of a nation or state
國父 {prop} /guófù/ :: epithet of Sun Yat-sen
國歌 {n} /guógē,er/ :: national anthem (Classifier: 首)
國格 {n} /guógé/ :: national prestige
國公 {n} [historical] /guógōng/ :: duke of a feudal state (*封國)
國公 {prop} /Guógōng/ :: (~ 省) 國公 (province)
國公酒 {n} /guógōngjiǔ/ :: A dark red, clear alcoholic liquid used in traditional Chinese medicine "to relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contractures in the treatment of numbness of the limbs, hemiplegia, facial paralysis, aching in the back and legs and weakness of the lower extremities, difficulty in walking caused by rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis"
國共 {n} /Guó-Gòng/ :: Kuomintang and the CPC
國共內戰 {prop} /Guó-Gòng Nèizhàn/ :: the Chinese Civil War
國故 {n} [literary] /guógù/ :: Chinese national cultural heritage (especially classics)
國故 {n} [dated] /guógù/ :: national calamity (such as famine, plague, war, etc.)
國光 {prop} /Guóguāng/ :: (~ 村) 國光 (village)
國光 {n} /Guóguāng/ :: "National Glory", as in Taiwan's plan to reconquer mainland China in the 1960's, codenamed 國光計劃, Project National Glory
國號 {n} /guóhào,er/ :: country name
國號 {n} /guóhào,er/ :: dynastic name
國號 {n} /guóhào,er/ :: era name (subdivision in the reign of an emperor); regnal period; regnal year
國後島 {prop} /Guóhòudǎo/ :: Kunashir Island (island)
國花 {n} /guóhuā,er/ :: state flower
國畫 {n} /guóhuà/ :: traditional Chinese painting (Classifier: m:幅m:張)
國徽 {n} /guóhuī/ :: national emblem (Classifier: m:枚)
國會 {n} /guóhuì/ :: Congress; National Assembly; Parliament; Diet
國會山 {prop} /Guóhuìshān/ :: 國會山 (neighborhood)
國會山 {prop} /Guóhuìshān/ :: 國會山 (neighborhood)
國會議員 {n} /guóhuì yìyuán/ :: member of congress, congressman
國魂 {n} /guóhún/ :: national spirit; soul of a nation
國貨 {n} /guóhuò/ :: products made in China; China-made goods
國貨 {n} /guóhuò/ :: national or domestic goods
國籍 {n} /guójí/ :: nationality
國籍 {n} /guójí/ :: citizenship
國籍 {n} /guójí/ :: nationality identity (of a plane, ship, etc.)
國紀 {n} [literary] /guójì/ :: code of etiquette, rites and laws of a state
國紀 {n} [literary] /guójì/ :: person who governs a state
國紀 {n} [literary, historiography] /guójì/ :: dynastic annals
國計 {n} /guójì/ :: national policies
國計 {n} /guójì/ :: national economy; national welfare
國計民生 {idiom} /guójìmínshēng/ :: national economy and the people's livelihood
國際 {adj} [attributive] /guójì/ :: international; global
國際標準書號 {n} /guójì biāozhǔn shūhào/ :: ISBN
國際單位制 {n} /guójì dānwèizhì/ :: International System of Units
國際法 {n} /guójìfǎ/ :: international law
國際法院 {prop} /Guójì Fǎyuàn/ :: International Court of Justice
國際輔助語 {n} /guójì fǔzhùyǔ/ :: international auxiliary language
國際歌 {prop} /Guójìgē/ :: Internationale
國際關係 {n} /guójì guānxì/ :: international relations
國際關系 {def} SEE: 國際關係 ::
國際化 {v} /guójìhuà/ :: to internationalize
國際化 {n} /guójìhuà/ :: internationalization
國際貨幣基金組織 {prop} /Guójì Huòbì Jījīn Zǔzhī/ :: International Monetary Fund
國際機場 {n} /guójì jī場/ :: international airport
國際聯盟 {prop} [historical] /Guójì Liánméng/ :: League of Nations
國際貿易 {n} /guójì màoyì/ :: international trade
國際人權日 {prop} /Guójì Rénquán Rì/ :: Human Rights Day
國際日界線 {prop} [Mainland] /Guójì Rì Jièxiàn/ :: International Date Line
國際日期變更線 {prop} [chiefly Mainland] /Guójì Rì期 Biàngēng Xiàn/ :: International Date Line
國際生 {n} /guójìshēng/ :: international student
國際事務 {n} /guójì shìwù/ :: foreign affairs
國際私法 {n} [international law] /guójì sīfǎ/ :: private international law
國際天文聯會 {prop} [astronomy] /Guójì Tiānwén Liánhuì/ :: International Astronomical Union
國際天文學聯會 {prop} [astronomy] /Guójì Tiānwénxué Liánhuì/ :: International Astronomical Union
國際跳棋 {n} /guójì tiàoqí/ :: draughts, checkers (game for two players)
國際玩笑 {n} /guójì wánxiào/ :: big joke; hilarity
國際習慣法 {n} /guójì xíguànfǎ/ :: customary international law
國際象棋 {n} /guójì xiàngqí/ :: chess
國際性 {adj} [attributive] /guójìxìng/ :: international
國際性 {n} /guójìxìng/ :: internationalism
國際學生 {n} /guójì xuéshēng/ :: international student
國際音標 {prop} /guójì yīnbiāo/ :: the International Phonetic Alphabet
國際英語測試系統 {prop} /Guójì Yīngyǔ Cèshì Xìtǒng/ :: IELTS
國際語 {prop} /guójìyǔ/ :: Interlingua
國際主義 {n} /guójìzhǔyì/ :: internationalism
國家 {n} /guójiā/ :: country; nation; (nation-)state
國家 {n} [classical] /guójiā/ :: royal court; imperial court; imperial household; imperial government
國家 {n} [classical] /guójiā/ :: emperor
國家 {n} [classical] /guójiā/ :: city or town enfeoffed to a vassal lord
國家 {n} [classical] /guójiā/ :: capital city (of a country)
國家 {adj} [attributive] /guójiā/ :: national; country; (nation-)state
國家安全 {n} /guójiā ānquán/ :: national security
國家安全機構 {n} /guójiā ānquán jīgòu/ :: security service
國家標準 {n} /guójiā biāozhǔn/ :: national standard, in mainland China especially the Guobiao standards
國家大事 {n} /guójiā dàshì/ :: national affairs
國家隊 {n} /guójiāduì/ :: national sports team
國家法 {n} /guójiāfǎ/ :: national laws; the law of the state
國家公園 {n} /guójiā gōngyuán/ :: national park
國家機關 {n} /guójiā jīguān/ :: organ of state
國家機密 {n} /guójiā jīmì/ :: state secret
國家機密 {n} [figurative, humorous] /guójiā jīmì/ :: a secret that cannot be divulged
國家機器 {n} [Marxism] /guójiā jīqì/ :: state machinery; state apparatus
國家社會主義 {n} /guójiā shèhuìzhǔyì/ :: National Socialism
國家憲兵 {n} /guójiā xiànbīng/ :: gendarmerie
國家元首 {n} /guójiā yuánshǒu/ :: head of state
國家主義 {n} /guójiāzhǔyì/ :: statism
國家主義 {n} [rare] /guójiāzhǔyì/ :: synonym of 民族主義
國家資本主義 {n} /guójiā zīběnzhǔyì/ :: state capitalism
國建 {n} [Taiwan] /guójiàn/ :: national construction
國交 {n} /guójiāo/ :: diplomatic relations
國教 {n} /guójiào/ :: state religion
國教 {n} [literary] /guójiào/ :: education provided by the state; national education
國腳 {n} /guójiǎo/ :: player on the national football team
國界 {n} /guójiè/ :: national boundary; borderline between countries
國境 {n} /guójìng/ :: border (of a country)
國舅 {n} [historical] /guójiù/ :: brother of the emperor's wife or consort
國舅 {n} [Kinmen Hokkien] /guójiù/ :: praying mantis
國劇 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /guójù/ :: Peking opera; Beijing opera
國君 {n} /guójūn/ :: monarch; sovereign; ruler
國軍 {n} /guójūn/ :: national army
國軍 {prop} /guójūn/ :: National Revolutionary Army (military arm of the Kuomintang)
國科會 {prop} /Guókēhuì/ :: National Science Council, later renamed Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
國庫 {n} /guókù/ :: national treasury; state treasury; exchequer; public purse; public coffers
國庫券 {n} /guókù券,er/ :: treasury bill; treasury security
國老 {n} [archaic] /guólǎo/ :: retired qīngdàfū or shì
國老 {n} [archaic] /guólǎo/ :: an official post in charge of enlightenment by education in ancient China
國老 {n} [archaic] /guólǎo/ :: veteran official of a state
國老 {n} /guólǎo/ :: alternative name for 甘草
國樂 {n} /guóyuè/ :: national music
國樂 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /guóyuè/ :: traditional Chinese orchestral music
國樂團 {idiom} [Taiwan] /guóyuètuán/ :: modern Chinese orchestra
國利 {v} [archaic] /guólì/ :: to be beneficial to the state
國利 {n} [archaic] /guólì/ :: state's financial resources
國利 {prop} /guólì/ :: (~ 村) 國利 (village)
國力 {n} /guólì/ :: national power; national strength
國曆 {n} [literary] /guólì/ :: fate of a nation
國曆 {n} [literary] /guólì/ :: calendar prescribed and adopted by the state
國立 {adj} [attributive] /guólì/ :: national; state-run; public
國立 {prop} /guólì/ :: (~ 市) Kunitachi, Tōkyō Metropolis, Japan
國立公園 {n} /guólìgōngyuán/ :: national park
國聯 {prop} [historical] /Guólián/ :: abbreviation of 國際聯盟
國羅 {n} /guóluó/ :: abbreviation of 國語羅馬字
國羅派 {n} [historical] /guóluópài/ :: proponent of Gwoyeu Romatzyh
國罵 {n} /guómà/ :: the "national swear": the interjection 他媽的
國脈 {n} [literary] /guómài/ :: foundation or cornerstone of a nation
國漫 {n} /guómàn/ :: short fo 國產漫畫 (domestically produced manhua)
國漫 {n} /guómàn/ :: abbreviation of 國際漫遊
國貿 {n} /guómào/ :: international trade
國門 {n} [archaic] /guómén/ :: the gates leading into the capital of the country
國米 {prop} [soccer] /Guómǐ/ :: Inter Milan
國民 {n} /guómín/ :: citizen; national; people
國民 {adj} [attributive] /guómín/ :: national
國民 {adj} [attributive] /guómín/ :: nationalist
國民待遇 {n} /guómín dàiyù/ :: national treatment
國民黨 {prop} /Guómíndǎng/ :: Kuomintang; Guomindang
國民黨 {n} /Guómíndǎng/ :: nationalist party
國民黨反動派 {n} [communism, derogatory] /Guómíndǎng fǎndòngpài/ :: Kuomintang reactionaries
國民教育 {n} /guómín jiàoyù/ :: national education
國民經濟 {n} /guómín jīngjì/ :: national economy
國民生產毛額 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /guómín shēngchǎn máo'é/ :: gross national product
國民生產總值 {n} /guómín shēngchǎn zǒngzhí/ :: gross national product
國民收入 {n} [economics] /guómín shōurù/ :: national income
國名 {n} /guómíng/ :: name of a country
國命 {n} [literary] /guómìng/ :: state power
國命 {n} [literary] /guómìng/ :: lifeline and destiny of a country
國命 {n} [literary] /guómìng/ :: national decree
國命 {n} [archaic] /guómìng/ :: official appointed by the imperial court
國母 {n} [archaic] /guómǔ/ :: empress dowager
國難 {n} /guónàn/ :: a national calamity; a national disaster (especially as brought on by foreign aggression)
國內 {n} /guónèi/ :: in the country; within one's country; back home
國內 {adj} /guónèi/ :: domestic; civil; internal (to a country)
國內流離失所者 {n} /guónèi liúlíshīsuǒzhě/ :: internally displaced person
國內生產毛額 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /guónèi shēngchǎn máo'é/ :: gross domestic product
國內生產總值 {n} /guónèi shēngchǎn zǒngzhí/ :: gross domestic product
國內外 {adj} /guónèiwài/ :: domestic and international
國內外 {adv} /guónèiwài/ :: inside and outside the country; at home and abroad
國內戰爭 {n} /guónèi zhànzhēng/ :: civil war
國配 {n} /guópèi/ :: short fo 國語配音
國破家亡 {idiom} /guópòjiāwáng/ :: the country perishes or is devastated and families are divided
國戚 {n} [literary, historical] /guóqī/ :: relatives of the emperor (especially those of the empress)
國旗 {n} /guóqí/ :: national flag
國企 {n} /guó企/ :: state-owned enterprise
國情 {n} /guóqíng/ :: state of a country; national conditions
國情咨文 {prop} [politics, US] /Guóqíng zīwén/ :: State of the Union Address
國慶 {n} /guóqìng/ :: (~ 日) national day
國慶節 {prop} /Guóqìngjié/ :: National Day of the People's Republic of China
國慶日 {n} /guóqìngrì/ :: national day, national holiday
國權 {n} /guóquán/ :: national sovereignty
國人 {n} /guórén/ :: compatriot
國人 {n} /guórén/ :: fellow countryman
國三 {n} [Taiwan] /guósān/ :: third year in junior middle school; ninth grade
國喪 {n} /guósāng/ :: state obsequies; national mourning
國色 {n} /guósè/ :: most beautiful woman of a country; national beauty
國色 {n} /guósè/ :: peony
國色天香 {idiom} /guósètiānxiāng/ :: beautiful (as refers to a woman or a peony flower)
國殤 {n} /guóshāng/ :: national martyr; veteran who has died in battle
國社 {n} /guóshè/ :: abbreviation of 國家社會主義
國社主義 {n} /guóshè zhǔyì/ :: abbreviation of 國家社會主義
國史 {n} /guóshǐ/ :: history of a nation; national history
國史 {n} [archaic, position title] /guóshǐ/ :: court historian
國事 {n} /guóshì/ :: national affairs; matters of national interest
國事訪問 {n} /guóshì fǎngwèn/ :: state visit
國勢 {n} /guóshì/ :: national strength
國勢 {n} /guóshì/ :: situation in a given country
國是 {n} [literary] /guóshì/ :: national affairs; matters of national interest
國手 {n} /guóshǒu/ :: national champion; grand master [of a doctor, chess player, etc.]
國手 {n} /guóshǒu/ :: player on a national team
國書 {n} /guóshū/ :: credentials
國書 {n} /guóshū/ :: documents exchanged between nations
國書 {n} /guóshū/ :: national script; national writing system
國術 {n} /guóshù/ :: Chinese martial arts
國稅 {n} /guóshuì/ :: national tax
國臺辦 {prop} /Guótáibàn/ :: short fo 國務院臺灣事務辦公室 (Taiwan Affairs Office)
國台辦 {def} SEE: 國臺辦 ::
國泰民安 {idiom} /guótàimín'ān/ :: the country flourishes and the people are living in peace
國體 {n} /guótǐ/ :: state system; national polity
國體 {n} /guótǐ/ :: national prestige
國統 {n} [literary] /guótǒng/ :: state system; state institution
國統 {n} [historical] /guótǒng/ :: standard line of succession
國統區 {prop} [historical] /Guótǒngqū/ :: short fo 中國國民黨統治區
國圖 {n} /guótú/ :: traditional Chinese painting (Classifier: m:幅m:張)
國圖 {n} /guótú/ :: short fo 國家圖書館 (national library)
國土 {n} /guótǔ/ :: a country's territory; national land
國土安全 {n} /guótǔ ānquán/ :: national security
國外 {n} /guówài/ :: outside the country; outside one's country; overseas; abroad
國外 {adj} /guówài/ :: overseas; abroad; external (to a country)
國王 {n} /guówáng/ :: king
國威 {n} /guówēi/ :: national prestige; national power and influence
國文 {n} /guówén/ :: language of one's own country
國文 {n} [Taiwan, obsolete in Mainland] /guówén/ :: Chinese language and literature (as a subject at school)
國文 {n} [archaic] /guówén/ :: the Chinese language, usually in reference to Literary or Classical Chinese
國務 {n} /guówù/ :: state affairs; national affairs
國務卿 {n} /guówùqīng/ :: Secretary of State
國務院 {prop} /guówùyuàn/ :: State Council of the People's Republic of China
國務院 {prop} /guówùyuàn/ :: United States Department of State
國小 {n} [Taiwan] /guóxiǎo/ :: short fo 國民小學 (primary school, elementary school)
國姓 {n} [historical] /guóxìng/ :: surname of the monarch
國姓 {prop} /guóxìng/ :: (~ 鄉) 國姓 (rural township)
國姓爺 {prop} /Guóxìngyé/ :: Koxinga
國學 {n} /guóxué/ :: study of Chinese history, language and culture; sinology
國學 {n} /guóxué/ :: Chinese national culture
國學 {n} [historical] /guóxué/ :: Imperial College
國宴 {n} /guóyàn/ :: state banquet
國藥 {n} [dated] /guóyào/ :: traditional Chinese medicine
國藥 {n} /guóyào/ :: Short for 國家食品藥品監督管理局 (“State Food and Drug Administration”)
國一 {n} [Taiwan] /guó一/ :: first year in junior middle school; seventh grade
國醫 {n} /guóyī/ :: traditional Chinese medical science
國醫 {n} /guóyī/ :: traditional Chinese physician
國音 {n} [historical] /guóyīn/ :: government-approved standard Chinese pronunciation; national pronunciation
國營 {adj} [attributive] /guóyíng/ :: state-owned; state-run
國營經濟 {n} /guóyíng jīngjì/ :: state sector of the economy; state-owned economy
國營企業 {n} /guóyíng 企yè/ :: state-owned enterprise
國優 {adj} [Mainland China] /guóyōu/ :: national best (of a product)
國有 {adj} [attributive] /guóyǒu/ :: state-owned
國有股 {n} [finance] /guóyǒugǔ/ :: state-owned share
國有化 {n} /guóyǒuhuà/ :: nationalization
國有化 {v} /guóyǒuhuà/ :: to nationalize
國語 {n} /guóyǔ/ :: national language
國語 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, colloquial in Hong Kong, dated in mainland China] /guóyǔ/ :: Mandarin Chinese; standard Chinese
國語 {n} /guóyǔ/ :: language specific to a nation (in the Qing dynasty, Manchu)
國語 {n} [usually in contrast with 普通話] /guóyǔ/ :: Taiwanese Mandarin; Guoyu
國語 {n} [Malaysia] /guóyǔ/ :: Malay, the national language of Malaysia
國語 {prop} /guóyǔ/ :: Guoyu (book) (a text from the Spring and Autumn period)
國語羅馬字 {n} /guóyǔ luómǎzì/ :: Gwoyeu Romatzyh
國語注音符號第二式 {prop} /Guóyǔ Zhùyīn Fúhào Dì'èr Shì/ :: Mandarin Phonetic Symbols II; Secondary Bopomofo
國語字 {n} /guóyǔzì/ :: Latin-script Vietnamese alphabet
國運 {n} [literary] /guóyùn/ :: fate of a nation
國葬 {n} /guózàng/ :: state funeral
國賊 {n} /guózéi/ :: traitor (one who violates his allegiance and betrays his/her country)
國債 {n} /guózhài/ :: national debt
國朝 {n} [literary, historical] /guócháo/ :: affairs of state
國朝 {n} [historical] /guócháo/ :: the present dynasty
國陣 {prop} /Guózhèn/ :: short fo 國民陣線 (Barisan Nasional (Malaysian party))
國政 {n} [literary] /guózhèng/ :: affairs of state
國中 {n} [archaic] /guózhōng/ :: central part of a country (historically, commonly known as the capital city or the main region, where an emperor or other ruler resides)
國中 {n} [archaic] /guózhōng/ :: in the country; within one's country; back home
國中 {n} [Taiwan] /guózhōng/ :: abbreviation of 國民中學
國中 {adj} [archaic] /guózhōng/ :: domestic; civil; internal (to a country)
國豬 {n} [neologism, slang, pejorative] /guózhū/ :: the useless China national football team
國子監 {prop} /Guózǐjiàn/ :: National Imperial Academy (national central institution of higher learning in Chinese dynasties after the Sui)
國子學 {prop} /Guózǐxué/ :: National Imperial Academy (national central institution of higher learning in Chinese dynasties after the Sui)  
國字 {n} /guózì/ :: Chinese character
國字 {n} [of Japan] /guózì/ :: Japanese characters (kanji); Japanese characters originally invented in Japan; kokuji
國字 {n} [of Korea] /guózì/ :: Hangeul (Korean national script)
國字 {n} /guózì/ :: national script; national writing system
國字框 {n} /guózìkuàng/ :: the Chinese character component
國字臉 {n} /guózìliǎn/ :: (large and) squarish face
國族 {n} /guózú/ :: nation, the ethnicity of a nation
國足 {n} /guózú/ :: national (國家) football (足球) team, especially the China national football team
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guó/ :: women's headgear
{def} /guó/ :: mourning cap
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guó/ :: used in place names
{def} /guó/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
膕窝 {def} SEE: 膕窩 ::
膕窩 {n} [anatomy] /guówō/ :: popliteal space
{def} [historical] /guó/ :: Name of several ancient feudal states that existed during the Western Zhou Dynasty period (1050 to 770 B.C.E.) situated in modern-day Shaanxi and Hunan provinces and founded by relatives of the royal Ji family of the Zhou dynasty
{def} /guó/ :: surname
{def} [historical] /guó/ :: severed ear of a slain enemy (as trophy and tally for military merit)
{def} [by extension] /guó/ :: killed enemy; dead enemy
{def} /xù/ :: {uncertain meaning}
{def} /xù/ :: cheek; face
{def} /xù/ :: alternative form of 𤷇
{def} /luò/ :: not straight, improper
{def} /guǒ,luǒ/ :: cake, biscuit, pastry
{def} /guǒ,luǒ/ :: distiller's grains or yeast
{def} /guǒ,luǒ/ :: (interchangeable with ) grains ready for grinding, healthy grains
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǒ,luǒ/ :: flour
{def} /guǒ/ :: fruit
{def} /guǒ/ :: result
{def} /guǒ/ :: sure enough
{def} /guǒ/ :: determined
{def} /guǒ/ :: to fill
{def} /guǒ/ :: to come true
{def} /guǒ/ :: [obsolete] finally; at last
{def} /guǒ/ :: [obsolete] actually
{def} /guǒ/ :: [obsolete] if
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǒ/ :: surname
果阿 {prop} /Guǒ'ā/ :: (~ 邦) 果阿 (state)
果不其然 {idiom} /guǒ不qírán/ :: as expected; within one's predictions
果菜 {n} [literary] /guǒcài/ :: fruits and vegetables
果冻 {def} SEE: 果凍 ::
果冻儿 {def} SEE: 果凍兒 ::
果凍 {n} /guǒdòng,er/ :: gelatin dessert; jelly; jello
果凍兒 {n} /guǒdòngr/ :: erhua form of jelly
果断 {def} SEE: 果斷 ::
果斷 {adj} /guǒduàn/ :: firm; resolute; decisive
果儿 {def} SEE: 果兒 ::
果兒 {n} /guǒr/ :: erhua form of fruit
果兒 {n} [Beijing] /guǒr/ :: chicken egg
果粉 {n} [neologism, colloquial] /guǒfěn/ :: Apple (company) fan; die-hard supporter of any device made by Apple
果粉 {n} [internet slang] /guǒfěn/ :: fans of Kuomintang
果脯 {n} /guǒfǔ/ :: candied fruit; preserved fruit
果腹 {v} /guǒfù/ :: to fill one's stomach; to satisfy one's hunger
果敢 {adj} /guǒgǎn/ :: courageous and resolute; resolute and daring
果敢 {prop} /guǒgǎn/ :: (~ 自治區) 果敢 (self-administered zone)
果敢 {prop} /guǒgǎn/ :: (~ 人) Kokang people
果果 {n} [Buddhism] /guǒguǒ/ :: nirvana; reaching the state of nirvana
果果 {n} [Sichuanese or childish Cantonese] /guǒguǒ/ :: fruit
果果 {particle} [neologism, jocular] /guǒguǒ/ :: See *紅果果, *赤果果
果核 {n} /guǒhé,guǒhú,er/ :: stone (of fruit); pit
果酱 {def} SEE: 果醬 ::
果醬 {n} /guǒjiàng/ :: fruit preserve; jam [UK]; jelly [US]
果胶 {def} SEE: 果膠 ::
果膠 {n} [carbohydrate] /guǒjiāo/ :: pectin
果酒 {n} /guǒjiǔ/ :: fruit wine
果决 {def} SEE: 果決 ::
果決 {adj} /guǒjué/ :: firm and resolute; unwavering
果壳 {def} SEE: 果殼 ::
果殼 {n} /guǒké,er/ :: nutshell
果粒 {n} /guǒlì/ :: fruit in the form of smaller pieces or particles (in certain types of fruit juice, yoghurt, etc.)
果料 {n} /guǒliào,er/ :: fruits, seeds, etc. used in cooking
果料儿 {def} SEE: 果料兒 ::
果料兒 {n} /guǒliàor/ :: erhua form of []
果岭 {def} SEE: 果嶺 ::
果嶺 {n} [golf] /guǒlǐng/ :: green; putting green
果洛 {prop} /Guǒluò/ :: (~ 藏族自治州) Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
果洛藏族自治州 {prop} /Guǒluò Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu/ :: Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
果木 {n} /guǒmù/ :: fruit tree
果皮 {n} /guǒpí/ :: fruit peel; rind
果皮 {n} /guǒpí/ :: pericarp
果品 {n} /guǒpǐn/ :: fruit
果然 {adv} /guǒrán/ :: as expected
果然 {conj} /guǒrán/ :: even; even if; if indeed
果然 {adj} /guǒrán/ :: full
果然 {n} [literary, historical] /guǒrán/ :: a kind of long-tailed ape
果仁 {n} /guǒrén,er/ :: nut; kernel
果仁巧克力 {n} /guǒrén qiǎokèlì/ :: moulded chocolate with nuts (a type of confection)
果肉 {n} /guǒròu/ :: flesh of fruit; pulp (Classifier: m:塊)
果实 {def} SEE: 果實 ::
果實 {n} /guǒshí/ :: fruit
果實 {n} [figurative] /guǒshí/ :: positive result; achievement
果树 {def} SEE: 果樹 ::
果樹 {n} /guǒshù/ :: fruit tree
果酸 {n} /guǒsuān/ :: alpha-hydroxy acids
果糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /guǒtáng/ :: fructose; fruit sugar
果醣 {def} SEE: 果糖 ::
果条 {def} SEE: 果條 ::
果條 {def} SEE: 粿條 ::
果昔 {n} /guǒ昔/ :: abbreviation of 水果奶昔
果餡餅 {n} /guǒxiànbǐng/ :: tart
果馅饼 {def} SEE: 果餡餅 ::
果蝇 {def} SEE: 果蠅 ::
果蠅 {n} /guǒyíng/ :: fruit fly
果园 {def} SEE: 果園 ::
果園 {n} /guǒyuán/ :: orchard
果真 {adv} /guǒzhēn/ :: really; sure enough; as expected
果真 {conj} /guǒzhēn/ :: if indeed; if really
果汁 {n} /guǒzhī,er/ :: fruit juice
果汁冰糕 {n} /guǒzhī bīnggāo/ :: sorbet
果汁机 {def} SEE: 果汁機 ::
果汁機 {n} /guǒzhījī/ :: blender (for fruits); juicer
果只 {def} SEE: 果隻 ::
果庄 {def} SEE: 果莊 ::
果莊 {prop} /Guǒzhuāng/ :: (~ 鎮) 果莊 (town)
果子 {n} /guǒzi/ :: fruit
果子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /guǒzi/ :: apple
果子 {def} SEE: 餜子 ::
果子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /guǒzi/ :: peanut
果子冻 {def} SEE: 果子凍 ::
果子凍 {n} /guǒzidòng/ :: jelly (dessert)
果子酱 {def} SEE: 果子醬 ::
果子醬 {n} /guǒzijiàng/ :: fruit preserve; jam [UK]; jelly [US]
果子酒 {n} /guǒzijiǔ/ :: fruit wine
果子狸 {n} /guǒzilí/ :: masked palm civet
果子貍 {def} SEE: 果子狸 ::
果子露 {n} /guǒzilù/ :: fruit syrup
果子猫 {def} SEE: 果子貓 ::
果子实 {def} SEE: 果子實 ::
果子园 {def} SEE: 果子園 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǒ/ :: name of a river
{def} /guǒ,luǒ,guō/ :: [obsolete] only used in 猓然
粿 {def} /guǒ/ :: rice cake, typically steamed and made from glutinous rice
粿 {def} /guǒ/ :: kuih
粿条 {def} SEE: 粿條 ::
粿條 {n} /guǒtiáo/ :: kway teow; kuy teav (a flat rice noodle similar to spaghetti noodles)
粿仔条 {def} SEE: 粿仔條 ::
粿粽 {n} /guǒzòng/ :: Hakka-style zongzi (made with ground glutinous rice)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guǒ/ :: only used in 蜾蠃
蜾蠃 {n} /guǒluǒ/ :: potter wasp (a member of the Eumeninae subfamily)
{def} /guǒ/ :: to wrap; to bind
{def} /guǒ/ :: to encircle; confine
裹挾 {v} [of circumstances, trends, etc.] /guǒxié/ :: to coerce; to sweep along
裹脚 {def} SEE: 裹腳 ::
裹脚布 {def} SEE: 裹腳布 ::
裹腳 {v} /guǒjiǎo/ :: to bind one's feet
裹腳 {n} /guǒjiao,guǒjiǎo/ :: cloth for footbinding
裹腳布 {n} [historical] /guǒjiǎobù/ :: cloth for footbinding
裹腳布 {n} [historical] /guǒjiǎobù/ :: cloth for wrapping one's foot before wearing socks, used by men
裹尸 {def} SEE: 裹屍 ::
裹屍 {v} /guǒshī/ :: to wrap up a corpse
裹屍 {n} /guǒshī/ :: shroud
裹头 {def} SEE: 裹頭 ::
裹頭 {v} /guǒtóu/ :: to wear a head covering
裹腿 {n} /guǒtuǐ,tl/ :: puttee; leg wrappings
裹挟 {def} SEE: 裹挾 ::
裹胁 {def} SEE: 裹脅 ::
裹脅 {v} /guǒxié/ :: to coerce; to force to take part
裹足 {v} /guǒzú/ :: to bind one's feet
{def} /guǒ/ :: grease pot hung under axle of cart
{def} /huì/ :: [obsolete] spinning; revolving [especially of wheels]
{def} /kè/ :: gold or silver ingot
{def} /guǒ/ :: alternative form of
{def} /guǒ/ :: [historical dictionaries] sickle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [dated, chemistry] /guǒ/ :: transcription of gallium
{def} /guò/ :: sickle
餜箅 {n} [originally, Tianjin] /guǒbì,er/ :: crispy fried cracker that is a common ingredient in jianbing#Tianjin-style jianbing
餜仔 {def} SEE: 粿仔 ::
餜子 {n} /guǒzi/ :: pastry; light refreshments
餜子 {n} [regional] /guǒzi/ :: youtiao
{def} SEE: ::
馃箅 {def} SEE: 餜箅 ::
馃仔 {def} SEE: 餜仔 ::
馃子 {def} SEE: 餜子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
过半 {def} SEE: 過半 ::
过磅 {def} SEE: 過磅 ::
过饱和 {def} SEE: 過飽和 ::
过不去 {def} SEE: 過不去 ::
过场 {def} SEE: 過場 ::
过程 {def} SEE: 過程 ::
过从 {def} SEE: 過從 ::
过错 {def} SEE: 過錯 ::
过道 {def} SEE: 過道 ::
过低 {def} SEE: 過低 ::
过点 {def} SEE: 過點 ::
过碘酸 {def} SEE: 過碘酸 ::
过电 {def} SEE: 過電 ::
过电位 {def} SEE: 過電位 ::
过冬 {def} SEE: 過冬 ::
过度 {def} SEE: 過度 ::
过度放牧 {def} SEE: 過度放牧 ::
过渡 {def} SEE: 過渡 ::
过渡金属 {def} SEE: 過渡金屬 ::
过渡期 {def} SEE: 過渡期 ::
过渡湾 {def} SEE: 過渡灣 ::
过煅 {def} SEE: 過煅 ::
过多 {def} SEE: 過多 ::
过厄 {def} SEE: 過厄 ::
过番 {def} SEE: 過番 ::
过番爿 {def} SEE: 過番爿 ::
过翻 {def} SEE: 過翻 ::
过房 {def} SEE: 過房 ::
过房囡儿 {def} SEE: 過房囡兒 ::
过访 {def} SEE: 過訪 ::
过分 {def} SEE: 過分 ::
过份 {def} SEE: 過份 ::
过复 {def} SEE: 過複 ::
过高 {def} SEE: 過高 ::
过割 {def} SEE: 過割 ::
过贡 {def} SEE: 過貢 ::
过沟头 {def} SEE: 過溝頭 ::
过骨 {def} SEE: 過骨 ::
过关 {def} SEE: 過關 ::
过关斩将 {def} SEE: 過關斬將 ::
过光 {def} SEE: 過光 ::
过海 {def} SEE: 過海 ::
过号 {def} SEE: 過號 ::
过河拆桥 {def} SEE: 過河拆橋 ::
过后 {def} SEE: 過後 ::
过户 {def} SEE: 過戶 ::
过活 {def} SEE: 過活 ::
过火 {def} SEE: 過火 ::
过激 {def} SEE: 過激 ::
过激主义 {def} SEE: 過激主義 ::
过极化 {def} SEE: 過極化 ::
过季 {def} SEE: 過季 ::
过继 {def} SEE: 過繼 ::
过家家 {def} SEE: 過家家 ::
过家家儿 {def} SEE: 過家家兒 ::
过江 {def} SEE: 過江 ::
过江龙 {def} SEE: 過江龍 ::
过奖 {def} SEE: 過獎 ::
过角 {def} SEE: 過角 ::
过街 {def} SEE: 過街 ::
过街老鼠 {def} SEE: 過街老鼠 ::
过节 {def} SEE: 過節 ::
过境 {def} SEE: 過境 ::
过客 {def} SEE: 過客 ::
过空 {def} SEE: 過空 ::
过来 {def} SEE: 過來 ::
过来人 {def} SEE: 過來人 ::
过劳 {def} SEE: 過勞 ::
过劳死 {def} SEE: 過勞死 ::
过冷河 {def} SEE: 過冷河 ::
过嚟 {def} SEE: 過嚟 ::
过量 {def} SEE: 過量 ::
过蹽 {def} SEE: 過蹽 ::
过嘹 {def} SEE: 過嘹 ::
过笼 {def} SEE: 過龍 ::
𰥛过龙 {def} SEE: 瞓過龍 ::
过龙 {def} SEE: 過龍 ::
过路 {def} SEE: 過路 ::
过路费 {def} SEE: 過路費 ::
过路人 {def} SEE: 過路人 ::
过氯酸 {def} SEE: 過氯酸 ::
过滤 {def} SEE: 過濾 ::
过滤器 {def} SEE: 過濾器 ::
过虑 {def} SEE: 過慮 ::
过马路 {def} SEE: 過馬路 ::
过芒过角 {def} SEE: 過芒過角 ::
过门 {def} SEE: 過門 ::
过锰酸钾 {def} SEE: 過錳酸鉀 ::
过面 {def} SEE: 過面 ::
过敏 {def} SEE: 過敏 ::
过敏性 {def} SEE: 過敏性 ::
过敏性鼻炎 {def} SEE: 過敏性鼻炎 ::
过敏性反应 {def} SEE: 過敏性反應 ::
过敏症 {def} SEE: 過敏症 ::
过名 {def} SEE: 過名 ::
过暝 {def} SEE: 過暝 ::
过目 {def} SEE: 過目 ::
过目难忘 {def} SEE: 過目難忘 ::
过年 {def} SEE: 過年 ::
过年暝 {def} SEE: 過年暝 ::
过牌 {def} SEE: 過牌 ::
过盘 {def} SEE: 過盤 ::
过皮 {def} SEE: 過皮 ::
过期 {def} SEE: 過期 ::
过气 {def} SEE: 過氣 ::
过谦 {def} SEE: 過謙 ::
过桥 {def} SEE: 過橋 ::
过桥贷款 {def} SEE: 過橋貸款 ::
过桥费 {def} SEE: 過橋費 ::
过桥米线 {def} SEE: 過橋米線 ::
过桥签证 {def} SEE: 過橋簽證 ::
过去 {def} SEE: 過去 ::
过去分词 {def} SEE: 過去分詞 ::
过去时 {def} SEE: 過去時 ::
过去时态 {def} SEE: 過去時態 ::
过去式 {def} SEE: 過去式 ::
过人 {def} SEE: 過人 ::
过日 {def} SEE: 過日 ::
过日辰 {def} SEE: 過日辰 ::
过日子 {def} SEE: 過日子 ::
过三关 {def} SEE: 過三關 ::
过山车 {def} SEE: 過山車 ::
过山乌 {def} SEE: 過山烏 ::
过身 {def} SEE: 過身 ::
过甚 {def} SEE: 過甚 ::
过剩 {def} SEE: 過剩 ::
过失 {def} SEE: 過失 ::
过失杀人 {def} SEE: 過失殺人 ::
过十五 {def} SEE: 過十五 ::
过时 {def} SEE: 過時 ::
过世 {def} SEE: 過世 ::
过手 {def} SEE: 過手 ::
过熟 {def} SEE: 過熟 ::
过数 {def} SEE: 過數 ::
过水 {def} SEE: 過水 ::
过速 {def} SEE: 過速 ::
过岁 {def} SEE: 過歲 ::
过忒年 {def} SEE: 過忒年 ::
过头 {def} SEE: 過頭 ::
过往 {def} SEE: 過往 ::
过望 {def} SEE: 過望 ::
过问 {def} SEE: 過問 ::
过五关斩六将 {def} SEE: 過五關斬六將 ::
过细 {def} SEE: 過細 ::
过写 {def} SEE: 過寫 ::
过泶泶 {def} SEE: 過澩澩 ::
过言 {def} SEE: 過言 ::
过烊 {def} SEE: 過烊 ::
过氧化 {def} SEE: 過氧化 ::
过氧化钾 {def} SEE: 過氧化鉀 ::
过氧化钠 {def} SEE: 過氧化鈉 ::
过氧化氢酶 {def} SEE: 過氧化氫酶 ::
过氧化物 {def} SEE: 過氧化物 ::
过氧化物酶体 {def} SEE: 過氧化物酶體 ::
过氧乙酸 {def} SEE: 過氧乙酸 ::
过吔年 {def} SEE: 過吔年 ::
过夜 {def} SEE: 過夜 ::
过一会 {def} SEE: 過一會 ::
过一会儿 {def} SEE: 過一會兒 ::
过意不去 {def} SEE: 過意不去 ::
过瘾 {def} SEE: 過癮 ::
过硬 {def} SEE: 過硬 ::
过犹不及 {def} SEE: 過猶不及 ::
过于 {def} SEE: 過於 ::
过誉 {def} SEE: 過譽 ::
过月 {def} SEE: 過月 ::
过云雨 {def} SEE: 過雲雨 ::
过载 {def} SEE: 過載 ::
过再 {def} SEE: 過再 ::
过早 {def} SEE: 過早 ::
过造 {def} SEE: 過造 ::
过则勿惮改 {def} SEE: 過則勿憚改 ::
过着 {def} SEE: 過著 ::
过症 {def} SEE: 過症 ::
过重 {def} SEE: 過重 ::
{def} /hā/ :: [historical dictionaries] [of fish] many; plenteous
{def} /hā/ :: [historical dictionaries] [of a fish's mouth] opening; moving
{def} /hā/ :: [obsolete] mouthful; sip
{def} [onomatopoeia] /hā/ :: sound of laughter: ha
{def} /hā/ :: exclamation of triumph, etc.: ha!
{def} /hā/ :: Sentence-final particle softening the request
{def} /hā/ :: to breathe out
{def} [Taiwan Min Nan] /hā/ :: to drink (hot tea)
{def} /hā/ :: abbreviation of 哈薩克斯坦
{def} /hā/ :: abbreviation of 哈爾濱
{def} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin, colloquial] /hā/ :: to bend; to stoop
{def} [Beijing] /hǎ/ :: to scold; to reprimand
{def} /hǎ/ :: only used in 哈巴
{def} /Hǎ,Hā,1nb/ :: surname
{def} /hǎ,hā/ :: used in compounds
{def} /hā,kā,1nb/ :: only used in 哈喇
{def} [Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang] /hǎ,hā/ :: silly; stupid
{def} /hà,hā,1nb/ :: only used in 哈士蟆
{def} /hà,hǎ,1nb/ :: only used in 哈巴
{def} /hē/ :: alternative form of
{def} /hē/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 𪘁 ::
{def} /tà/ :: Used in placenames
哈叭狗 {def} SEE: 哈巴狗 ::
哈巴 {v} [Beijing Mandarin, Northeastern Mandarin, Tianjin Mandarin] /hàba,hǎba,1nb/ :: to bend one's knees or feet outwards when walking; to walk with a limp with crooked legs
哈巴 {n} /hǎba,hàba,er/ :: abbreviation of 哈巴狗
哈巴 {prop} /Hābā/ :: (~ 雪山) Haba Snow Mountain, a mountain in Yunnan
哈巴 {prop} /Hābā/ :: Khaba (pharaoh of Ancient Egypt)
哈巴 {prop} /Hābā/ :: abbreviation of 哈巴羅夫斯克
哈巴狗 {n} /hǎbagǒu,hàbagǒu,er/ :: Pekingese (dog)
哈巴狗 {n} /hǎbagǒu,hàbagǒu,er/ :: pug (dog)
哈巴狗 {n} [figurative] /hǎbagǒu,hàbagǒu,er/ :: toady person; sycophant
哈巴谷 {prop} /Hābāgǔ/ :: Habakkuk (prophet)
哈巴谷 {prop} [Catholicism] /Hābāgǔ/ :: Habakkuk (book of the Bible)
哈巴谷书 {def} SEE: 哈巴谷書 ::
哈巴谷書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Hābāgǔshū/ :: Habakkuk (book of the Bible)
哈巴羅夫斯克 {prop} /Hābāluófūsīkè/ :: 哈巴羅夫斯克 (city/administrative center)
哈巴罗夫斯克 {def} SEE: 哈巴羅夫斯克 ::
哈宝 {def} SEE: 哈寶 ::
哈博羅內 {prop} /Hābóluónèi/ :: 哈博羅內 (capital)
哈博罗内 {def} SEE: 哈博羅內 ::
哈补 {def} SEE: 哈補 ::
哈达 {def} SEE: 哈達 ::
哈達 {n} /hǎdá,hādá,1nb/ :: khata (traditional Tibetan ceremonial scarf)
哈得孙 {def} SEE: 哈得孫 ::
哈得孙湾 {def} SEE: 哈得孫灣 ::
哈得孫 {prop} /Hādésūn/ :: Hudson
哈得孫灣 {prop} /Hādésūn Wān/ :: Hudson Bay
哈德森 {prop} /Hādésēn/ :: Hudson
哈德森湾 {def} SEE: 哈德森灣 ::
哈德森灣 {prop} /Hādésēn Wān/ :: Hudson Bay
哈德逊 {def} SEE: 哈德遜 ::
哈德逊河 {def} SEE: 哈德遜河 ::
哈德逊湾 {def} SEE: 哈德遜灣 ::