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Wiktionary:Abbreviated Authorities in Webster

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The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary is often used as a source for definitions, as its copyright has expired so it is in the public domain. Numerous abbreviations of literary works and authors appear in the source; this page catalogs them for reference. For grammatical abbreviations, see Wiktionary:Abbreviations in Webster.

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  • Note: The Books of the Bible, Periodicals, and some works of anonymous or doubtful authorship are cited by name only.


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Abp. Abbot Abbot, Abp. George (English divine) (1562-1633)
Abbott Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan (1830-1890) [Law Dict.]
E. A. Abbott Abbott, Edwin Abbott (Eng. author) (1838-1926)
L. Abbott Abbott, Lyman (Am. clergyman) (1835-1922)
Ld. Abinger Abinger, Sir James Scarlett, Ld. (English advocate) (1769-1844)
Abney Abney, Capt. Wm. de Wiveleslie (English writer on photog.) (1843-1920)
James Adair Adair, James (Indian trader) [Hist. of Am. Indians, 1775.]
J. Adams Adams, John (Pres. U. S.) (1735-1826)
J. Q. Adams Adams, John Quincy (Pres. U. S.) (1767-1848)
S. F. Adams Adams, Sarah Flower (Eng. hymn writer) (1805-1848)
T. Adams Adams, Thomas (Eng. divine) (1588?-1655?)
Adanson (Trans.) Adanson, Michel (Fr. naturalist) (1727-1806)
Addis & Arnold Addis, Wm. E., and Arnold, Thomas. [Cath. Dict., 1885.]
Addison Addison, Joseph (Eng. essayist) (1672-1719)
L. Addison Addison, Lancelot (Eng. author) (1632-1703)
Adventurer Adventurer (English journal, 1752-1754.)
Agassiz Agassiz, Louis John Rudolph (Swiss geol. and nat. in Am.) (1807-1873)
Ainsworth Ainsworth, Robert (Eng. lexicog.) (1660-1743)
W. H. Ainsworth Ainsworth, Wm. Harrison (Eng. novelist) (1805-1882)
Akenside Akenside, Mark (Eng. poet) (1721-1770)
Albany Evening Journal Albany Evening Journal (estab. 1830 by T. Weed.)
J. A. Alexander Alexander, Joseph Addison (Am. biblical commentator) (1809-1860)
J. W. Alexander Alexander, James Waddell (Am. preacher) (1804-1859)
Mrs. Alexander Alexander, Annie F. Hector (Brit. novelist) (1825-)
P. P. Alexander Alexander, Patrick Proctor (Scot. author) (1824-1886)
W. L. Alexander Alexander, Wm. Lindsay (Scot. theologian) (1808-1883)
Alford Alford, Henry, Dean of Canterbury (Eng. poet) (1810-1871)
Alison Alison, Sir Archibald (Brit. hist.) (1792-1867)
Allen's (Mass.) Rpts. Allen, Charles (Am. jurist) (1827-)
A. V. G. Allen Allen, Alex. Viets Griswold (Am. theologian) (1841-)
D. O. Allen Allen, David Oliver (Am. missionary) (1799-1863)
J. Allen (1761) Allen, John, of St. Mary Magdalen Hall, Oxford (Eng. divine).
Allibone Allibone, Samuel Austin (1816-1889) [Dict. of Authors only vol. 1 of 3, Phila., 1886]
The American The American (a weekly journal pub. in Phila.)
Am. Chem. Journal American Chemical Journal (bi-monthly, estab. 1879).
Amer. Cyc. American Cyclopædia, with supplement, 1883.
Ames Ames, Fisher (Am. statesman) (1758-1808)
Anacharsis Anacharsis (Scythian philos.) (fl. 6th c. B. C.)
Anderson (1573) Anderson, Anthony (Eng. divine) ( -1593)
Andrews Andrews, Ethan Allen (Am. scholar) (1787-1858)
L. Andrews Andrews, Lancelot (Eng. bishop) (1555-1626)
Angell Angell, Joseph K. (Am. law writer) (1794-1857)
A. S. Chron. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Angus Angus, Joseph (Eng. author) (1816-)
Annandale Annandale, Charles (Eng. lexicographer).
Anson Anson, Ld. Geo. (1697-1762) [Voyage round the World in 1740-44]
Ansted Ansted, David Thomas (Eng. geol.) (1814-1880)
F. Anstey pseud. of Thomas Anstey Guthrie (Eng. novelist) (1856-)
Anti-Jacobin Anti-Jacobin Review and Mag. (Eng. pub., 1798-1821).
Arbuthnot Arbuthnot, John (Brit. author) (1667-1735)
Arch. Pub. Soc. Dict. of Arch. Issued by Architectural Pub. Soc. of Lond.
Arden of Feversham Arden of Feversham (anon. historical tragedy, 1592.)
Duke of Argyll Argyll, Geo. J. Douglas Campbell, eighth duke of (Brit. author) (1823-1900)
Armstrong Armstrong, John (Scot. physician and poet) (1709-1779)
E. Arnold Arnold, Sir Edwin (Eng. poet) (1832-)
M. Arnold Arnold, Matthew (Eng. poet and essayist) (1822-1888)
T. Arnold Arnold, Thomas (Eng. historian) (1795-1842)
Arnould Arnould, Joseph. (1815-1886) [Insurance and Average, Lond., 1848]
Arnway Arnway, John (Eng. Royalist) (1601-1653)
Ascham Ascham, Roger (Eng. scholar) (1515-1568)
Ash Ash, John (Eng. lexicographer) (1724-1779)
Ashmole Ashmole, Elias (Eng. antiquary) (1617-1692)
J. Ashurst Ashurst, John (Am. surgeon) (1839-)
Astle Astle, Thomas (Eng. antiquary) (1735-1803)
Sir R. Atkyns (1712) Atkyns, Sir Robert (Eng. hist. writer) (1647-1711)
Atlantic Monthly Atlantic Monthly (estab. in Boston, 1857)
Atterbury Atterbury, Francis (Eng. bishop) (1662(3?)-1732)
L. H. Atwater Atwater, Lyman Hotchkiss (Am. mental philosopher) (1813-1883)
Aubrey Aubrey, John (Eng. antiquary) (1626-1697)
Audsley Audsley, George Aschdown (Eng. architect) (1838-)
Audubon Audubon, John James (Am. naturalist) (1780-1851)
Prof. August August, Ernest Ferdinand (Ger. mathematician) (1795-1870)
Jane Austen Austen, Jane (Eng. novelist) (1775-1817)
Ayliffe Ayliffe, John (Eng. jurist) (1676-1732)
Bp. Aylmer Aylmer, Bp. John (Eng. prelate) (1521-1594)
Aytoun Aytoun, Wm. Edmonstoune (Scot. poet and essayist) (1813-1865)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Bache Bache, Alex. Dallas (Am. hydrog.) (1806-1867)
Bacon Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam (Eng. philos. and essayist) (1561-1626)
N. Bacon Bacon, Nathaniel (Eng. author) (1593-1660)
Bagehot Bagehot, Walter (Eng. essayist and journalist) (1826-1877)
Bailey Bailey, Nathan (Eng. lexicog.) ( -1742)
J. Baillie Baillie, Miss Joanna (Scot. poet) (1762-1851)
R. Baillie Baillie, Robert (Scot. theologian) (1602?-1662)
Bain Bain, Alex. (Scot. metaphysician) (1818-1877)
H. C. Baird Baird, Henry Carey (Am. polit. economist) (1825-)
Baird Baird, Wm. (1803-1872) [Cyc. of Nat. History]
Baker Baker, Sir Richard (Eng. historian) (1568?-1645)
Sir S. Baker Baker, Sir Samuel White (Eng. explorer) (1821-1893)
T. Baker Baker, Thomas (Eng. antiquary) (1656-1740)
V. Baker Baker, Valentine, called Baker Pasha (Eng. quar. general) (1825-)
Bale Bale, John (Eng. bishop) (1495-1563)
Balfour Balfour, Francis Maitland (Eng. embryologist) (1851-1882)
Balfour (Cyc. of India) Balfour, Edward (Eng. Surg. Gen.) [Cyc. of India, 3d ed., Lond., 1885.] Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol 3.
A. J. Balfour Balfour, Arthur J. (Eng. writer) (1848-)
F. Balfour Balfour, Francis (Scot. physician) (fl. 18th c.)
J. H. Balfour Balfour, John Hutton (Scot. bot.) (1808-1884)
Bamfield Bamfield, or Bamford, Joseph (Royalist officer under Chas. I.)
Bancroft Bancroft, Geo. (Am. historian) (1800-1891)
Abp. Bancroft Bancroft, Abp. Richard (Eng.) (1544-1610)
Banister Banister, John (Brit. physician) (1540-1610)
Sir J. Banks Banks, Sir Joseph (Eng. naturalist) (1743-1820)
Mrs. Barbauld Barbauld, Anna L. (Eng. writer) (1743-1825)
Barbour Barbour, John (Scot. poet and historian) (1316?-1395)
Barclay Barclay, John (Scot. anatomist) (1760-1826)
Barclay (Digest) Barclay, John M. [Digest of Rules of House of Rep. U. S.]
Baret Baret, or Barret, John. [Alveary or Quadruple Dict., 1580.]
Barham Barham, Richard Harris (Eng. divine and humorist) (1778-1845)
S. Baring-Gould Baring-Gould, Sabine (Eng. author) (1834-)
Barlow Barlow, Peter (Eng. math.) (1776-1862)
Bp. Barlow Barlow, Bp. Thomas (Eng. divine) (1607-1691)
J. Barlow Barlow, Joel (Am. poet) (1754-1812)
Barnes Barnes, Robert (Eng. divine) (1495-1540)
D. H. Barnes Barnes, Daniel H. (Am. conchol.) (1785-1828)
W. Barnes Barnes, Wm. (Eng. philol. and poet) (1820(01?)-1886)
Barrough Barrough, Philip (Eng. physician) (fl. 1590)
Barrow Barrow, Isaac (Eng. theologian and mathematician) (1630-1677)
Sir J. Barrow Barrow, Sir John (Eng. traveler) (1764-1848)
Barry (1611) Barry, or Barrey, Lodowick (Brit. dramatist). [Ram Alley.]
Barth Barth, Heinrich (Ger. explorer) (1821-1865)
Bartlett Bartlett, John Russell. (1805-1886) [Dict. of Americanisms, N. Y., 1848]
Barton Barton, Benj. Smith (Am. botanist) (1766-1815)
J. Barton Barton, John. [Geog. of Plants, Lond., 1827.]
Bartram Bartram, John (Am. botanist) (1701-1777)
J. Bascom Bascom, John (Am. writer on philos. and social science) (1827-)
Bastian Bastian, Henry Charlton (Eng. physician) (1837-)
Bateman Bateman, Thomas (Eng. physician) (1778-1821)
Bates Bates, Wm. (Eng. divine) (1625-1699)
Edward Bates Bates, Edward (Am. statesman) (1793-1869)
Baxter Baxter, Richard (Eng. divine) (1615-1691)
A. Baxter Baxter, Andrew (Scot. antiquary) (1686?-1750)
W. Baxter Baxter, William (Brit. antiq. and philol.) (1650-1723)
Bayard Bayard, James A. (Am. statesman) (1767-1815)
Bayne Bayne, Peter (Scot. author) (1830-1896)
Beaconsfield Beaconsfield, Benj. Disraeli, Earl of (Eng. statesman and author) (1805-1881)
L. S. Beale Beale, Lionel Smith (Eng. physiol.) (1828-)
Beattie Beattie, James (Scot. poet) (1735-1803)
Beau. & Fl. Beaumont, Francis, & Fletcher, John.
Beaumont Beaumont, Joseph (Eng. poet) (1615-1699)
F. Beaumont Beaumont, Francis (Eng. dramatist) (1586-1615 )
Sir John Beaumont Beaumont, Sir John (Eng. poet) (1582-1628)
Beck Beck, Charles (Ger. philol. in Am.) (1798-1866)
Beck (Draper's Dict.) Beck, Samuel Wm. [Draper's Dict., Lond., 1882.]
Beckford Beckford, Wm. (Eng. author) (1759-1844)
Becon Becon, Thomas (Eng. reformer) (1512-1570)
Beddoes Beddoes, Thomas (Eng. physician) (1760-1808)
Cuthbert Bede pseud. of Edward Bradley (Eng. misc. writer) (1827-1889)
Bp. Bedell Bedell, Bp. Wm. (Eng. prelate) (1570-1641)
John Bee pseud. of John Badcock. [Dict. of the Turf, Ring, etc., Lond., 1823.]
H. W. Beecher Beecher, Henry Ward (Am. preacher and orator) (1813-1887)
L. Beecher Beecher, Lyman (Am. clergyman) (1775-1863)
W. G. Beers Beers, W. Geo. (Canadian writer on sports).
E. Behnke Behnke, Emil. [Mechanism of the Human Voice, Lond.]
Belknap Belknap, Jeremy (Am. historian) (1744-1798)
Bell Bell, George Joseph. (1770-1843) [Law of Scot.] Vol. 1 Vol. 2
A. G. Bell Bell, Alex. Graham (Scot. inventor in Am.) (1847-)
A. M. Bell Bell, Alex. Melville (Scot. deaf-mute instructor) (1819-)
H. G. Bell Bell, Henry Glassford (Scot. writer) (1803-1874)
T. Belsham Belsham, Thomas (Eng. divine) (1750-1829)
W. Belsham Belsham, Wm. (Eng. historian) (1753-1827)
E. van Beneden Beneden, Edouard van (Dutch embryologist) (1846-)
Benjamin Benjamin, Judah Peter (Am. polit.) (1811-1884)
Bp. Benson Benson, Bp. Martin (Eng. divine) (1689-1752)
Dr. G. Benson Benson, George (Eng. divine) (1699-1763)
Bentham Bentham, Jeremy (Eng. philos.) (1748-1832)
G. Bentham Bentham, George (Eng. botanist) (1800-1884)
Bentley Bentley, Richard (Eng. critic) (1662-1742)
W. Bentley Bentley, Wm. (Am. author) (1758-1819)
Berington Berington, Jos. (Eng. R. C. clerg.) (1744-1827)
Berkeley Berkeley, Geo. (Ir. bp. and philos.) (1684-1753)
M. J. Berkeley Berkeley, Miles Joseph (Eng. bot.) (1803-1889)
J. Berners Berners, Juliana. (1388-) [Hawking and Hunting, 1486]
Ld. Berners Berners, John Bourchier, Ld. (Eng. chan.). (1469?-1533) [Trans. of Froissart]
W. Berry Berry, William. (1774-1851) [Encyc. Heraldica, 1828-40] Vol.1 Vol.2a Vol.2b Vol.3 Vol.4
Berzelius Berzelius, Baron Jöns Jakob (Swed. chem.) (1779-1848)
W. Besant Besant, Walter (Eng. author) (1838-)
Bescherelle Bescherelle, Louis Nicolas (Fr. gram. and lexicog.) (1802-1883)
C. E. Bessey Bessey, Charles Edwin (Am. bot.) (1845-)
Best Best, Wm. Mawdesley (Eng. jurist). [Evidence and Practice, 1849.]
Betterton Betterton, Thomas (Eng. actor) (1635?-1710)
W. L. Bevan Bevan, Wm. Lotham (Eng. writer) (1821-)
Beveridge Beveridge, Wm. (Eng. linguist) (1637-1708)
Beverly Beverly, Robt. (Am. historian) (1675-1716)
Bible (1551) Bible (1551) (revised by Becke)
Bib. Sacra Bibliotheca Sacra (Am. theolog. quarterly, estab. 1843).
Bickerstaff Bickerstaff, Isaac (Brit. dramatist) (1735?-1788?)
Bickersteth Bickersteth, Edward (Eng. theol.) (1786-1850)
Biddle Biddle, Nicholas (Am. financier) (1786-1844)
Jacob Bigelow Bigelow, Jacob (Am. physician) (1787-1879)
Birch Birch, Thomas (Eng. historian) (1705-1766)
Bishop Bishop, Frederick (Eng. writer on cookery, pub. 1852)
Bispham Bispham, Geo. Tucker (Am. jurist).
Joseph Black Black, Joseph (Brit. chemist) (1728-1799)
W. Black Black, William (Scot. novelist) (1841-1898)
F. Blackburne Blackburne, Francis (Eng. clerg.) (1705-1787)
J. S. Blackie Blackie, John Stuart (Scot. class. scholar) (1809-1895)
Blackmore Blackmore, Sir Richard (Eng. theologian and poet) (1650?-1729)
R. D. Blackmore Blackmore, Richard Doddridge (Eng. novelist) (1825-1900)
Blackstone Blackstone, Sir William (Eng. jurist). (1723-1780) [Commentaries] Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4.
Blackwall Blackwall, Anthony (Eng. author) (1674-1730)
Blackwood's or Blackw. Mag. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (founded 1817).
Blair Blair, Hugh (Scot. divine and rhetorician) (1718-1800)
R. Blair Blair, Robert (Scot. clerg. and poet) (1699-1747)
Blakely Blakely, Edward T. [Dict. Of Com'c'l Information, Lond., 1878.]
R. Bloomfield Bloomfield, Robert (Eng. poet) (1766-1823)
Blount Blount, Thomas (Eng. legal writer) (1618-1679)
C. Blount Blount, Chas. (Eng. deistic writer) (1654-1693)
Sir H. Blount Blount, Sir Henry (Eng. traveler) (1602-1682)
J. Boaden Boaden, James (Eng. dramatist) (1762-1839)
W. E. Boardman Boardman, Wm. E. (Am. clerg.).
Bolingbroke Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount (Eng. statesman) (1678-1751)
Bolton Bolton, Robert (Eng. Puritan divine) (1572-1631)
Bk. Of Com. Prayer Book of Common Prayer.
Booth Booth, David (English lexicog.) (1766-1846)
Boswell Boswell, James (biog. Of Dr. Johnson) (1740-1795)
Bosworth Bosworth, Joseph (Eng. philol.) (1789-1876)
Boucher Boucher, Jonathan (Eng. author in Am.) (1738-1804)
Bourne Bourne, Henry. (1696-1733) [Antiquities, 1725]
J. Bourne Bourne, John (Eng. engineer).
Bouvier Bouvier, John (Am. jurist). (1787-1851) [Law Dict.]
H. I. Bowditch Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll (Am. surg. and physiol.) (1808-)
F. Bowen Bowen, Francis (Am. philos.) (1811-1890)
Bowring Bowring, Sir John (Eng. traveler and linguist) (1792-1872)
A. K. H. Boyd Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison (Scot. clergyman) (1825-)
Boyle Boyle, Robert (Irish chemist) (1626-1691)
Boyse Boyse, Samuel (Eng. poet) (1708-1749)
Braction Braction, Henry de (Eng. lawyer) (1227?-1267) [Laws, 1569]
Bradford Bradford, John (Eng. martyr) (1510?-1555)
R. Brady Brady, Robert (Eng. historian) (1643-1700)
Abp. Bramhall Bramhall, Abp. John (Eng. author) (1593-1663)
Bramston Bramston, James (Eng. vicar) ( -1744)
J. Brand Brand, John. (1668?-1738) [Description of Orkney, Edin., 1701]
Brande Brande, William Thomas (Eng. chemist) (1788-1866)
Brande & C. Brande, Wm. Thos., and Cox, Geo. Wm. [Dict. of Sci., Lit., and Art, Lond., 1875.]
Brathwait Brathwait, Richard (Eng. poet) (1588-1673)
T. Bray Bray, Thomas (Eng. clerg. and philan.) (1656-1730)
Brende Brende, John. [Quintus Curtius, Lond., 1553.]
Brerewood Brerewood, Edward (Eng. math. and antiq.) (1565-1615)
Breton Breton, Nicholas (Eng. poet) (1542?-1626?)
Brevint Brevint, Daniel (Eng. divine) (1616-1695)
Brewer Brewer, Edward Cobham (Eng. compiler) (1810-1897)
A. Brewer Brewer, Anthony (Eng. dram., time of Charles I.).
Sir D. Brewster Brewster, David, Sir (Brit. physicist) (1781-1868)
Brieger Brieger, Ludwig (Ger. physiol. chemist) (1849-)
J. Bright Bright, John (Eng. statesman) (1811-1889)
Brimley Brimley, George (Eng. critic) (1819-1857)
Brinton Brinton, Dan. Garrison (Am. ethnol.) (1837-1899)
C. A. Bristed Bristed, Charles Astor (Am. writer) (1820-1874)
Brit. Critic British Critic (Eng. review, organ of High Church party, 1793-1843).
British Pharm. British Parmacopœia.
Brit. Quart. Rev. British Quarterly Review (estab. London, 1845).
Britton Britton, John (Eng. antiquary) (1771-1857)
Brockett Brockett, John Trotter (Brit. antiquary) (1788-1842)
Brome (1659) Brome, Richard (Eng. dramatist) ( -1652)
C. Brontë Brontë, Charlotte (Eng. novelist) (1816-1855)
Brooke (Eastford) Brooke, Wesley. [Eastford, or Household Sketches, Boston, 1855.]
H. Brooke Brooke, Henry (Eng. poet) (1706-1783)
W. K. Brooke Brooke, Wm. Keith (Am. biologist) (1848-)
Broom Broom, Herbert (Eng. legal writer) (1815-1882)
Broome Broome, Wm. (Eng. translator) (1689-1745)
Brougham Brougham, Lord Henry (British statesman) (1778-1868)
Dr. J. Brown Brown, John (Scot. preacher) (1810-1882)
G. Brown Brown, Goold (Am. grammarian) (1791-1857)
R. Brown Brown, Robert (Scot. botanist) (1773-1858)
T. Brown Brown, Tom (Eng. author) (1663-1704)
E. Browne Browne, Edward (Eng. physician) (1644-1708)
P. Browne Browne, Peter (Eng. bishop) ( -1735)
Sir T. Browne Browne, Sir Thomas (Eng. physician) (1605-1682)
W. Browne Browne, William (Eng. poet) (1590-1645?)
Mrs. Browning Browning, Eliz. Barrett (Eng. poet) (1809-1861)
R. Browning Browning, Robert (Eng. poet) (1812-1889)
O. A. Brownson Brownson, Orestes Augustus (Am. journalist and theologian) (1803-1876)
James Bruce Bruce, James (Scot. traveler) (1730-1794)
Robert of Brunne Mannyng, Robert, called R. of B. (Eng. chron. and poet. trans.) (1260?-1340?)
Lauder Brunton Brunton, Thomas Lauder (Scot. physician) (1844-)
Bryant Bryant, William Cullen (Am. poet) (1794-1878)
J. Bryant Bryant, Jacob (Eng. theol. and mythol. writer) (1715-1804)
Brydges Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton (Eng. bibliographer) (1762-1837)
Bryskett Bryskett, Lodowick (Brit. poet and translator) (fl. 1571-1611)
Buchanan Buchanan, James. [Dict., 1757.]
C. Buchanan Buchanan, Claudius (Scot. divine) (1766-1815)
J. Buchanan Buchanan, James (Pres. U. S.) (1791-1868)
W. M. Buchanan Buchanan, W. M. [Technological Dict., Lond., 1846.]
Buck Buck, Gurdon (Am. surgeon) (1807-1877)
Sir G. Buck Buck, Sir George (Eng. historian) ( -1623)
Duke of Buckingham Buckingham, Geo. Villiers, second duke of (Eng. poet) (1627-1687)
Buckland Buckland, William, Dean of Westminster (geol. and paleon.) (1784-1856)
Buckle Buckle, Henry Thomas (Eng. historian) (1821-1862)
A. B. Buckley Buckley, Arabella Burton (Eng. scientific writer) (1840-)
Buckminster Buckminster, Joseph Stevens (Am. Unitarian divine) (1784-1812)
Budgell Budgell, Eustace (Eng. writer) (1685-1736)
Buffon Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc (Fr. naturalist) (1707-1788)
Bp. Bull Bull, Bp. George (Eng. theologian) (1634-1710)
Bullinger Bullinger, Heinrich (Swiss reformer) (1504-1575)
Bullokar Bullokar, William (Eng. gram.) (fl. 1580)
Bungay Bungay, George W. (Am. journalist and poet) (1825-)
Bunyan Bunyan, John (English preacher) (1628-1688) [Pilgrim's Progress]
J. Burdon-Sanderson Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott (Eng. physiologist) (1828-1882)
Burke Burke, Edmund (Eng. statesman) (1729?-1797)
Sir B. Burke Burke, Sir Bernard (Eng. antiq.) (1815-)
Ld. Burleigh Burleigh, or Burghley, Lord, Wm. Cecil (Eng. statesman) (1520-1598)
Burn Burn, Richard (Eng. law writer) (1720-1785)
Bp. Burnet Burnet, Bp. Gilbert (Scot. historian) (1643-1715)
T. Burnet Burnet, Thomas (Eng. writer). (1635-1715) [Theory of the Earth]
Burney Burney, Charles (Eng. author) (1726-1814)
G. P. Burnham Burnham, George Pickering (Am. journalist)
Burns Burns, Robert (Scot. poet) (1759-1796)
F. Burr Burr, Fearing, Jr. [Vegetables of America, Boston, 1865.]
Burrill Burrill, Alexander Mansfield. (1807-1869) [Law Dict., N. Y., 1859]
J. Burroughs Burroughs, John (Am. nat. and essayist) (1837-)
Burrow Burrow, Sir James. (1701-1782) [Reports in King's Bench, 1756-72]
Burt Burt, Captain Edward. ( -1755) [Letters, Lond., 1754]
Burton Burton, Robert (Eng. philos.). (1577-1640) [Anat. of Melancholy]
J. H. Burton Burton, John Hill (Scot. advocate) (1809-1882)
R. F. Burton Burton, Sir Richard Francis (Eng. traveler) (1821-1890)
Busby Busby, Thomas (Eng. mus. writer) (1755-1838)
H. Bushnell Bushnell, Horace (Am. clergyman) (1802-1876)
Bp. Butler Butler, Bp. Joseph (Eng. theol.) (1692-1752)
C. Butler Butler, Charles (Eng. clergyman) (1559-1647)
S. Butler Butler, Samuel (Eng. poet) (1612-1680)
Byles Byles, Sir John Barnard (Eng. writer on commercial law) (1801-1884)
Byrd Byrd, Wm. (Eng. musician) (1538?-1623)
James Byrne Byrne, James. [Eng. Language, Lond., 1885.]
Byrom Byrom, John (Eng. poet) (1691-1763)
Byron Byron, George Noel Gordon, Ld. (Eng. poet) (1788-1824)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
G. W. Cable Cable, Geo. W. (Am. writer) (1844-)
Caird Caird, John (Scot. clergyman) (1820-)
Cairnes Cairnes, John Elliot (Eng. polit. economist) (1823-1875)
Calamy Calamy, Edm. (Eng. divine) (1600-1666)
Calderwood Calderwood, David (Scot. author) (1575-1650)
Calderwood (Fleming's Vocabulary) Calderwood, Henry (Scot. philos.) (1830-)
Callander Callander, John (Scot. lawyer and editor) ( -1789)
Calthrop Calthrop, or Calthorp, Sir Harry (Eng. jurist). (1686-1637) [Customs of Lond., 1612]
F. C. Calvert Calvert, Fred. Crace (Eng. chem.) (1819-1873)
G. H. Calvert Calvert, Geo. H. (Am. misc. writer) (1803-)
Camden Camden, Wm. (Eng. antiquarian) (1551-1623)
Campbell Campbell, Thomas (Brit. poet) (1777-1844)
Campbell (Dict. Mil. Sci.) Campbell, E. S. N. [Dict. Mil. Science, Lond., 1830.]
Dr. J. Campbell Campbell, John (Scot. polit. hist.) (1708-1775)
G. Campbell Campbell, Geo. (Scot. divine) (1719-1796)
Lord Campbell Campbell, Lord, John. (1779-1861) [Lives of Ld. Chancellors]
J. V. Cane Cane, John Vincent (Eng. friar) ( -1672)
Canning Canning, Geo. (Eng. statesman) (1770-1827)
Capgrave Capgrave, John (Eng. historian) (1393-1464)
Carew Carew, Richard (Eng. antiq.). (1555-1620) [Survey of Cornwall, Lond., 1602]
T. Carew Carew, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1598?-1639?)
Carleton Carleton, Capt. Geo. [Memoirs of an Eng. Officer, Lond., 1728.]
Bp. of Carlisle Carlisle, Harvey Goodwin, Bp. of (1818-)
Carlton Carlton, Robert, pseud. of B. R. Hall (Am. writer) (1798-1863)
Carlyle Carlyle, Thomas (Brit. essayist and historian) (1795-1881)
Dr. A. Carlyle Carlyle, Alexander (Scot. divine) (1722-1805)
Carpenter Carperter, Wm. Benj. (Eng. physiol.) (1813-1885)
L. Carroll Carroll, Lewis, pseud. of C. L. Dodgson (Eng. writer) (1833?-1898)
Cartwright Cartwright, Thomas (Eng. Puritan divine) (1535-1603)
W. Cartwright Cartwright, Wm. (Eng. poet and dramatist) (1611-1643)
H. F. Cary Cary, Henry F. (English poet and translator) (1772-1844)
Sir L. Cary Cary, Sir Lucius (Brit. political writer) (1610?-1643)
Cassell (Dict. of Cookery) Cassell's Dictionary of Cookery, London.
Dr. Castell (1673) Castell, Edmund (Eng. orientalist) (1606-1685)
Caton Caton, John Dean (Am. author) (1812-)
Caulfeild & S. (Dict. of Needlework) Caulfeild, S. F. A., & Saward, Blanche C. [Dict. of Needlework, Lond., 1885.]
Cavendish Cavendish, Geo. (Eng. author) (1500-1561?)
Cawthorn Cawthorn, James (Eng. poet) (1719-1761)
Caxton Caxton, Wm. (first Eng. printer) (1422?-1492)
Cecil Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury (Eng. statesman) (1563?-1612)
Mrs. Centlivre Centlivre, Susanna (Eng. dramatist) (1667?-1723)
The Century The Century Illust. Monthly Mag. (establ. in N. Y., 1881).
J. W. Chadwick Chadwick, John White (Am. Unit. divine) (1840-)
Chalkhill Chalkhill, John, perhaps pseud. of Izaak Walton.
Chalmers Chalmers, Thomas (Scot. divine) (1780-1847)
A. Chalmers Chalmers, Alex. (Brit. editor) (1759-1834) [Todd's Johnson's Dict.]
Chambers Chambers, Ephraim (Eng. editor) (1680?-1740)
Chambers Chambers, William and Robert (Scot. compilers and publishers).
Chambers's Encyc. Chambers's Encyclopedia, 1860-1868.
Chambers's Journal Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, (estab. 1832).
Champness Champness, William Swain. [Insur. Dict., Lond.]
Channing Channing, Wm. Ellery (Am. Unit. divine) (1780-1842)
A. L. Chapin (Johnson's Cyc.) Chapin, Aaron Lucius (Am. divine, and writer on polit. econ.) (1817-)
Chapman Chapman, Geo. (Eng. dramatist and poet) (1557-1634)
Mrs. Chapone Chapone, Hester (Eng. author) (1727-1801)
Charles I. Chas. Stuart (k. of Eng., 1640-49) (1600-1649)
T. Chase Chase, Thomas (Am. educator) (1827-)
Ld. Chatham Chatham, Wm. Pitt, Lord (Eng. statesman) (1708-1778)
Chatterton Chatterton, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1752-1770)
Chaucer Chaucer, Geoffrey (Eng. poet) (1340?-1400)
Chaucer's Dream Chaucer's Dream (poem formerly attrib. to Chaucer)
Chauncy Chauncy, Chas. (Am. Unit. divine) (1705-1787)
Chauvenet Chauvenet, Wm. (Am. math.) (1820-1870)
Cheever Cheever, Geo. Barrell (Am. clerg.) (1807-1890)
Sir J. Cheke Cheke, Sir John (Eng. scholar) (1514-1557)
Chenevix Chenevix, Richard (Irish writer) (1774-1830)
Ld. Chesterfield Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Lord. (1694-1773) [Letters]
Chevy Chase Chevy Chase (Eng. ballad, in Percy's Reliques)
Cheyne Cheyne, Geo. (Scot. phys. and phil.) (1671-1743)
Sir J. Child Child, Sir Josiah (Eng. economist) (1630-1699)
Chillingworth Chillingworth, Wm. (Eng. divine and controversialist) (1602?-1644)
Chipman Chipman, Nathaniel (Am. jurist) (1752-1843)
Chitty Chitty, Joseph (Eng. jurist) (1776-1841)
R. Choate Choate, Rufus (Am. orat. and jur.) (1799-1859)
W. D. Christie Christie, Wm. Dougal (Eng. dip.) (1816-1874)
Churchill Churchill, Chas. (Eng. poet and sat.) (1731-1764)
Churton Churton, Ralph (Eng. divine) (1754-1831)
Cibber Cibber, Colley (Eng. dramatist and actor) (1671-1757)
Circular of Mass. Representatives (1768). Circular of Mass. Representatives (1768).
Clarendon Clarendon, Edward Hyde, first earl of (Eng. historian) (1608-1674)
D. A. Clark Clark, Daniel A. (Am. divine) (1779-1840)
W. S. Clark Clark, Wm. Smith (pres. Amherst Agricultural College) (1826-1886)
Clarke Clarke, Henry Hyde (Eng. philol.) (1815-1895)
A. Clarke Clarke, Adam (Brit. philol. and commentator) (1762?-1832)
Cowden Clarke Clarke, Charles C. (Eng. writer) (1787-1877)
John Clarke Clarke, John (Eng. phys. & writer) (1609-1676)
Mary Cowden Clarke Clarke, Mary Victoria Cowden (Eng. author) (1809-1898)
S. Clarke Clarke, Samuel (Eng. philosopher) (1675-1729)
Claus & Sedgwick Claus, Carl Friedr. (Ger. biologist) (1835-)
Sedgwick, Adam (Eng. geologist) (1785-1873)
Clausius Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel (Ger. physicist) (1822-)
Clayton Clayton, John. [Repts. and Pleas of Assizes at York, 1651.]
P. Cleaveland Cleaveland, Parker (Am. geologist) (1780-1858)
Cleland Cleland, John (Eng. writer) (1709-1789)
Dr. R. Clerke Clerke, Richard (Eng. divine) ( -1634)
Cleveland Cleveland, John (Eng. poet) (1613-1659)
W. K. Clifford Clifford, Wm. Kingdon (Eng. phil.) (1845-1879)
Clifton Clifton, William (Am. poet) (1772-1799)
De Witt Clinton Clinton, De Witt (Am. statesman) (1769-1828)
A. H. Clough Clough, Arthur Hugh (Eng. poet) (1819-1861)
F. P. Cobbe Cobbe, Frances Power (Brit. writer) (1822-)
Cobbett Cobbett, Wm. (Eng. polit. writer) (1762-1835)
R. Cobden Cobden, Richard (Eng. economist) (1804-1865)
Cobham Cobham, Sir John Oldcastle, Ld. (Eng. martyr) (1360?-1417)
Cocker Cocker, Edw. (Eng. mathematician) (1631-1675)
Cockeram Cockeram, Henry. [Eng. Dict., 1632.]
Codrington Codrington, Robt. (Eng. misc. writer) (1602-1665)
Cogan Cogan, Thomas (Eng. physician and divine). (1736-1818) [The Passions]
Cogan (1595) Cogan, Thomas (Eng. physician) (1545?-1607)
Coke Coke, Sir Edward. (1552-1634) [Laws of Eng., including Coke on Littleton]
Colebrooke Colebrooke, Hen. T. (Eng. orient.) (1765-1837)
Coleman Coleman, Lyman (Am. scholar) (1796-1882)
Coleridge Coleridge, Samuel T. (Eng. poet) (1772-1834)
H. Coleridge Coleridge, Hartley (Eng. poet) (1796-1849)
Coles Coles, Elisha (Eng. lexicographer) (1640?-1680)
Collection of Records (1642) Title to a Collection of Records (cited from Latham's Dict.).
Collier Collier, Jeremy (Eng. divine) (1650-1726)
J. P. Collier Collier, John Payne (Eng. lit. hist.) (1789-1883)
Collins Collins, Wm. (Eng. poet) (1721-1759)
M. Collins Collins, Mortimer (Eng. writer) (1827-1876)
T. W. Collins Collins, Thomas Wharton (Am. poet and economist) (1812-1879)
W. Collins Collins, Wm. Wilkie (Eng. novelist) (1824-1889)
J. Collyer Collyer, John. [Law of Partnership, Lond., 1840.]
Colman Colman, Geo., the Younger (Eng. dramatic poet) (1762-1836)
Colman & Garrick Colman, George, the Elder, and Garrick, David. [Clandestine Marriage.]
Colman, the Elder, or (1761) Colman, George, the Elder (Eng. essayist and dramatist) (1732-1794)
P. Colquhoun Colquhoun, Patrick (Scot. statis.) (1745-1820)
G. Combe Combe, Geo. (Scot. phrenol. writer) (1788-1858)
Comber Comber, Thos. (Dean of Durham) (1644-1699)
Compton Compton, Henry (Eng. bishop) (1632-1713)
Congreve Congreve, Wm. (Eng. dram. poet) (1670-1729)
Constitution of U. S. Constitution of the United States (framed in the Federal Convention, 1787).
Contemp. Rev. Contemporary Review (founded in London, 1866).
Conybeare Conybeare, Wm. J. (Eng. divine) (1815-1857)
J. Conybeare John Conybeare|Conybeare, John}} (Eng. bishop) (1692-1755)
Cook Cook, Capt. Jas. (Eng. navigator) (1728-1779)
Joseph Cook Cook, Joseph (Am. lecturer) (1838-)
Cooke (1615) [Description of the Body of Man] quoted rom Richardson's Dict.
J. P. Cooke Cooke, Josiah P. (Am. chemist) (1827-1894)
M. C. Cooke Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt (Eng. bot.) (1825-)
Cooley Cooley, Thos. M. (Am. lawyer, ed. Story's and Blackstone's Comm.) (1824-1898)
A. J. Cooley Cooley, Arnold James. [Prac. Receipts, 4th ed., Lond., 1864.]
Coombe Coombe, Wm. (Eng. humorous poet) (1741-1823)
Cooper Cooper, Jas. Fenimore (Am. nov.) (1789-1851)
J. G. Cooper Cooper, John Gilbert (Eng. writer on classics) (1723-1769)
Cope Cope, Edward Drinker (Am. nat.) (1840-1897)
Copland Copland, Jas. (Scot. physician) (1791-1870)
A. Copley Copley, Anthony. (1567-1607?) [Fits, Wits, and Fancies, 1595]
Bp. Corbet Corbet, Bp. Richard (Eng. poet) (1582-1635)
Cornhill Mag. Cornhill Magazine (London monthly journal, estab. 1859).
B. Cornwall Cornwall, Barry, pseud. of B. W. Procter (Eng. poet) (1787-1874)
Sir C. Cornwallis Cornwallis, Sir Charles (Eng. diplomat) (-1630?)
The Coronation The Coronation (a comedy of 17th cent., either by John Fletcher or by Shirley)
E. L. Corthell Corthell, Elmer L. (Am. engineer) (1840-)
Bp. Cosin Cosin, John (Eng. author) (1594-1672)
Cotgrave Cotgrave, Randle (Eng. lexicog.) (-1634) A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues (1611)
J. Cotgrave Cotgrave, John (fl. 1655) [Wit's Interpret., or Eng. Parnassus, Lond., 1665]
Cotton Cotton, Chas. (Eng. trans. and poet) (1630-1687)
N. Cotton Cotton, Nath. (Eng. phys. and poet) (1707-1788)
Coues Coues, Elliott (Am. naturalist) (1842-1899)
The Council Book (1651) The Council Book of the Eng. Commonwealth.
Court of Love Court of Love (a poem attributed to Chaucer)
Courthope Courthope, Wm. John (Eng. essayist) (1842-)
Coventry Coventry, Henry (Eng. writer) (1710?-1752)
Coverdale Coverdale, Miles (Eng. divine) (1488-1568)
Cowell Cowell, John (Eng. jurist) (1554-1611)
Cowley Cowley, Abraham (Eng. poet) (1618-1667)
Cowper Cowper, William (Eng. poet) (1731-1800)
Lady Cowper Cowper, Mary (Eng. writer). (1685-1724) [Diary, 1864]
G. W. Cox Cox, Geo. Wm. (Eng. historian) (1827-)
Coxe Coxe, John Redman (Am. phys.) (1773-1864)
Bp. Coxe Coxe, Arthur Cleveland (Am. poet) (1818-1896)
W. Coxe Coxe, Wm. (Eng. hist. writer) (1747-1828)
Cozzens Cozzens, Fred S. (Am. writer) (1818-1869)
Crabb Crabb, Geo. (Eng. lexicog.) (1778-1851) [Syn.]
Crabbe Crabbe, Geo. (Eng. poet) (1754-1832)
B. Cracroft Cracroft, Bernard (Eng. essayist) (1826?-1888)
Craft of Lovers (1448) Craft of Lovers (1448) (a poem formerly attributed to Chaucer)
Craig Craig, John. [Eng. Dict., Lond., 1852.]
Sir T. Craig Craig, Sir Thomas (Scot. lawyer and antiquary) (1538-1608)
W. P. Craighill Craighill, Wm. Price (Am. soldier) (1833-)
Craik Craik, Geo. Lillie (Scot. writer) (1799-1866)
Cranch Cranch, Wm. (Am. jurist) (1769-1855)
Cranmer Cranmer, Thomas (Eng. reformer) (1489-1556)
Crashaw Crashaw, Richard (Eng. poet) (1613?-1649)
J. Crawfurd Crawfurd, John (Scot. author) (1783-1868)
Creech Creech, Thomas (Eng. translator) (1659-1701)
Creed of Pope Pius IV. Creed of Pius IV. (Pope, 1559-65) (1499-1565)
Croft Croft, Herbert (Eng. bishop) (1603-1691)
Croker Croker, John W. (Brit. statesman) (1780-1857)
Croly Croly, Geo. (Brit. divine and poet) (1780-1860)
Crompton Crompton, Hugh (Eng. poet) (fl. 1657)
Oliver Cromwell Cromwell, Oliver (lord protector of the Eng. Commonwealth) (1599-1658)
W. Crookes Crookes, Wm. (Eng. physicist) (1832-)
Crosby Crosby, Alpheus (Am. educator) (1810-1874)
Cross (Life of G. Eliot) Cross, John Walter (husband of Geo. Eliot, and ed. of her Life).
Crowley Crowley, Robert (Eng. divine) (1518-1588)
Croxall Croxall, Samuel (Brit. divine) (-1752)
Cruise Cruise, William (Eng. legal writer) (-1824)
Cudworth Cudworth, Ralph (Eng. divine and philosopher) (1617-1688)
W. Cullen Cullen, Wm. (Scot. med. writer) (1712-1790)
R. Cumberland Cumberland, Richard (Eng. poet and dramatist) (1732-1811)
Cumming Cumming, Roualeyn Geo. Gordon (Scot. traveler) (1820-1866)
J. Cunningham Cunningham, John (Irish poet) (1729-1773)
P. Cunningham Cunningham, Peter (Eng. antiq.) (1816-1869)
Curran Curran, John Philpot (Irish orator) (1750-1817)
Cursor Mundi Cursor Mundi (a metrical version of the Old and New Testaments, interspersed with legends, about 1320)
B. R. Curtis Curtis, Benj. Robbins (Am. judge) (1809-1874)
G. T. Curtis Curtis, Geo. Ticknor (Am. lawyer and author) (1812-1894)
G. W. Curtis Curtis, Geo. W. (Am. author and ed.) (1824-1892)
Cushing Cushing, Luther S. (Am. lawyer) (1803-1856)
Cussans Cussans, John Edwin. [Handbook of Heraldry, Lond., 1869.]
Cuvier Cuvier, Georges Chrétien L. F. D., Baron (Fr. naturalist) (1769-1832)
Cyc. of Arts & Sciences Cyc. of Arts & Sciences (a division of the English Cyclopædia)
Cyc. Med. Cyclopædia of Practical Medicine, (1833-35, ed. by A. Tweedie, John Forbes, and John Conolly).


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Da Costa Da Costa, Emanuel Mendes (conchologist, For. Sec. to Royal Soc.) (-1788?)
D. Daggett Daggett, David (Am. jurist) (1764-1851)
Dalgarno Dalgarno, George (Scotch writer) (1626?-1687)
W. H. Dall Dall, Wm. Healey (Am. explorer in Alaska) (1845-)
Dalton Dalton, John Call (Am. physician) (1825-1889)
M. Dalton Dalton, Michael (Eng. lawyer) (1554-1620)
Dampier Dampier, Wm. (Eng. navigator) (1652-1715)
Dana Dana, James Dwight (Am. geol.) (1813-1895)
E. S. Dana Dana, Edward S. (Am. mineral.) (1849-)
R. H. Dana, Jr. Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. (1815-1882) [Two Years before the Mast. Practical Seamanship]
Daniel Daniel, Samuel (Eng. poet and hist.) (1562-1619)
Daniell Daniell, Edmund Robert (Eng. jurist) (-1854) [Prac. of High Court of Chanc., 1845]
D'Anville (Trans.) D'Anville, Jean B. B. (Fr. geog.) (1697-1782)
Mad. D'Arblay D'Arblay, Frances Burney, Madame (Eng. novelist) (1752-1840)
W. Darlington Darlington, Wm. (Am. botanist) (1782-1863)
J. Dart Dart, John (Eng. writer) (-1730)
Darwin Darwin, Chas. Robt. (Eng. nat.) (1809-1882)
E. Darwin Darwin, Erasmus (Eng. bot. and poet) (1731-1802)
Davenant Davenant, Sir Wm. (Eng. dram.) (1606-1668)
John Davidson Davidson, John. [Prac. Math., Edin., 1852.]
S. Davidson Davidson, Samuel (Brit. bib. critic)
Davies (with name of work) Davies, John, of Hereford (Eng. poet) (1565?-1618)
Davies & Peck (Math. Dict.) Davies, Chas. (1798-1876)
Peck, Wm. G. (1820-)
[Math. Dict., N. Y., 1856.]
Sir J. Davies Davies, Sir John (Eng. phil. poet) (1570-1626)
E. Davis Davis, Emerson (Am. clergyman) (1798-1866)
Mrs. R. H. Davis Davis, Rebecca Harding (Am. author) (1840-)
F. Davison Davison, Francis (Eng. statesman) (fl. 1600)
Davy Davy, Sir Humphry (Eng. nat. philosopher) (1778-1829)
T. Dawes Dawes, Thomas (Am. judge) (1757-1825)
Dawkins Dawkins, Wm. Boyd (Brit. geol.) (1838-)
B. Dawson Dawson, Benj. (Eng. Presb. divine) (1729-1814)
Day Day, Jeremiah (Am. math.) (1773-1867)
De Bary De Bary, Heinrich Anton (Ger. bot.) (1831-1888)
Decker Decker, or Dekker, Thomas (Eng. dramatist) (1570?-1640)
The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence (written by Thomas Jefferson, 1776)
De Colange De Colange, Auguste Leo (Fr. poet and journalist) (1819-)
J. Dee Dee, John (Eng. math. and astrol.) (1527-1608)
De Foe De Foe, Daniel (Eng. writer) (1661?-1731)
De Morgan De Morgan, Augustus (Eng. math.) (1806-1871)
Denham Denham, Sir John (Eng. poet) (1615-1669)
Dennis Dennis, John (Eng. dram. and polit. writer) (1657-1734)
De Quincey De Quincey, Thomas (Eng. author) (1785-1859)
Derham Derham, Wm. (Eng. philosopher) (1657-1735)
E. Dering (1576) Dering, Edwd. (Eng. Puritan divine) (-1576)
Sir E. Dering Dering, Sir Edward (Eng. polit.) (1598-1644)
Sir A. De Vere De Vere, Sir Aubrey (Irish poet) (1788-1846)
De Watteville De Watteville, Armand (med. elec. in Eng.) [Introd. to Med. Elec., Lond., 1878.]
Dewey Dewey, Orville (Am. clergyman) (1794-1882)
Dibdin Dibdin, Thos. F. (Eng. bibliog.) (1775-1848)
T. Dick Dick, Thomas (Scot. author) (1772-1857)
Dickens Dickens, Charles (Eng. novelist) (1812-1870)
Dict. of Education Dictionary of Education (ed. by Henry Kiddle, and Alex. J. Schem, N. Y., 1877).
Diet's Dry Dinner (1599) Diet's Dry Dinner (1599) (notes on foods, with stories for the table, by Henry Buttes, or Butts)
Ld. Digby Digby, Ld. Geo. (Eng. politician) (1612-1676)
R. Digby Digby, Robert (Eng. poet) (-1726) [Letter to Pope]
Sir K. Digby Digby, Sir Kenelm (Eng. philosopher) (1603-1665)
Digges (1579) Digges, Leonard (Eng. math.) (-1573?)
I. Disraeli Disraeli, Isaac (Eng. misc. writer) (1766-1848)
Ditton Ditton, Humphrey (Eng. math.) (1675-1715)
W. H. Dixon Dixon, Wm. Hepworth (Eng. writer) (1821-1879)
Doddridge Doddridge, Philip (Eng. divine) (1702-1751)
Dodsley Dodsley, Robert (Eng. author) (1703-1764)
A. E. Dolbear Dolbear, Amos E. (Am. physicist) (1837-)
Domat Domat, Jean (Fr. jurist) (1625-1696)
Domesday Book See in the Dictionary.
Donaldson Donaldson, John Wm. (Eng. classical scholar) (1811-1861)
Donne Donne, John (Eng. divine) (1573-1631)
Dorset Dorset, Chas. Sackville, 6th earl of (1637-1706)
Douay version Douay version of Bible. See in Dict.
Douce Douce, Francis (Eng. antiquarian) (1757-1834)
G. Douglas Douglas, Gawin (Eng. translator) (1474-1522)
E. Dowden Dowden, Edward (British literary critic) (1843-)
A. J. Downing Downing, Andrew Jackson (Am. agric. writer) (1815-1852)
Major Jack Downing Downing, Major Jack, pseud. of Seba Smith (Am. journalist) (1792-1868)
J. R. Drake Drake, Joseph Rodman (Am. poet) (1795-1820)
N. Drake Drake, Nathan (Eng. writer) (1766-1836)
Sir F. Drake Drake, Sir Francis (Eng. navigator) (1540?-1596)
Drant Drant, Thos. (Eng. divine made first met. transl. of Horace, 1567) (-1578?)
J. W. Draper Draper, John Wm. (Eng. philos. and scientist in America) (1811-1882)
Sir W. Draper Draper, Sir Wm. (Eng. controvers.) (1721-1787)
Drayton Drayton, Michael (Eng. poet) (1563-1631)
Drummond Drummond, Wm. of Hawthornden (Scot. poet) (1585-1649)
A. Drummond Drummond, Alex. (Eng. traveler) (-1769)
H. Drummond Drummond, Henry (Scot. writer) (1857?-1897)
Sir. W. Drummond Drummond, Sir Wm. (Scot. diplom. and writer) (1760?-1828)
Dryden Dryden, John (Eng. poet) (1631-1701)
C. Dryden Dryden, Chas. (son of J. Dryden, and translator of Juvenal) (1666-1704)
J. Dryden, Jr. Dryden, John, Jr. (Eng. translator) (1668-1701)
Dryden & Lee Dryden, John and Lee, Nathaniel. [Oedipus. Duke of Guise.]
Du Bartas (trans.) Du Bartas, Guillaume Salluste (Fr. poet). (1544-1590) [Works, trans. by Sylvester]
Dublin Univ. Mag. Dublin University Magazine (estab. 1832).
Dubois-Reymond Dubois-Reymond, Emil Henrich (Ger. writer on physical science) (1818-1896)
Du Chaillu Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Fr.-Am. trav.) (1835-)
Lord Dufferin Dufferin, Fred. Temple Blackwood, 1st earl of (Eng. statesman) (1826-)
Dugard Dugard, Wm. (Eng. teacher and poet) (1606-1662)
Dugdale Dugdale, Sir Wm. (Eng. antiq.) (1605-1686)
R. L. Dugdale Dugdale, Richard L. (Am. social scientist) (1841-1883)
L. A. Duhring Duhring, Louis A. (Am. physician) (1845-)
W. Dunbar Dunbar, Wm. (Scot. poet) (1465?-1530?)
Dunglison Dunglison, Robley (Am. physician). (1796-1869) [Med. Dict.]
Dunlop Dunlop, John Colin (Scot. lit. hist.) (-1842)
Duponceau Duponceau, Peter Stephen (Am. legal writer, born in France) (1760-1844)
Duppa Duppa, Brian (Bp. of Salisbury) (1588-1662)
D'Urfey D'Urfey, Thomas (Eng. dramatist) (1653-1723)
Dr. T. Dwight Dwight, Timothy (Am. educator) (1752-1817)
J. S. Dwight Dwight, John S. (Am. mus. critic) (1813-1893)
S. E. Dwight Dwight, Sereno E. (Am. author) (1786-1850)
Dyche Dyche, Thomas (Eng. schoolmaster) (fl. 1719)
Dyer Dyer, John (Brit. clerg. and poet) (1700-1758)
T. H. Dyer Dyer, Thomas Henry (Eng. hist.) (1804-1888)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Eadie Eadie, John (Eng. theologian) (1810-1876)
Earle Earle, John (Eng. scholar). (1824?-) [Philol. of Eng. Tongue, 1871]
Bp. Earle Earle, Bp. John (Eng. prelate) (1601-1665)
East East, Sir Edw. Hyde (chief justice of Calcutta) (1764-1847)
C. L. Eastlake, Eastlake, Sir Charles Locke (Eng. painter) (1793-1865)
Eaton Eaton, Amos (Am. physicist) (1776-1842)
D. C. Eaton Eaton, Daniel Cady (Am. botanist) (1834-1895)
Echard Echard, Laurence (Eng. divine) (1671-1730)
Eclec. Rev. Eclectic Review (estab., Eng. 1805).
Eden Eden, Richd. (Eng. trans. of travels) (1521?-1576)
Miss Edgeworth Edgeworth, Maria (Eng. novelist) (1767-1849)
R. Edgeworth Edgeworth, Roger (Roman Catholic divine) (-ab. 1560)
Ed. Encyc. Edinburgh Encyclopaedia (edited by Sir David Brewster, 1810-1839).
Ed. Rev. Edinburgh Review (estab. 1802).
T. A. Edison Edison, Thos. A. (Am. electrician) (1847-)
Edwards Edwards, Eliezer (Eng. compiler). [Words, Facts, and Phrases, 1881.]
A. B. Edwards Edwards, Amelia Blandford (Eng. novelist and Egyptologist) (1831-1892)
B. Edwards Edwards, Bryan (Eng. writer in the West Indies) (1743-1800)
J. Edwards Edwards, Jonathan (Am. clerg. and metaphys.) (1703-1758)
S. Edwards Edwards, Henry Sutherland (Eng. author) (1828-)
T. Edwards Edwards, Thomas (Eng. critic) (1699?-1757)
E. Eggleston Eggleston, Edward (Am. writer) (1837-)
Eikon Basilike Portraiture of Chas. I. (attributed to Bp. Gauden).
Lord Eldon Eldon, John Scott (Eng. lord chancellor) (1751-1838)
Eliot (1809) Eliot, John. (1754-1813) [New Eng. Biog. Dict.]
G. Eliot pseud. of Mary Ann (b. Evans) Lewes (later, Cross) (Eng. nov.) (1820-1880)
Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth, queen of England (1533-1603)
Ld. Ellenborough Ellenborough, Edward Law (lord chief justice of Eng.) (1750-1818)
C. J. Ellicott Ellicott, Charles John (Eng. com.) (1819-)
Ellis Ellis, George (Eng. misc. writer) (1753-1815)
A. J. Ellis Ellis, Alex. John (Eng. philol. and writer on phonetics) (1814-1890)
J. Ellis Ellis, John (vicar of St. Catherine's, Dublin) (fl. 1743)
O. Ellsworth Ellsworth, Oliver (chief justice of U. S.) (1745-1807)
T. Ellwood Ellwood, Thomas (Eng. Quaker) (1639-1713)
Elmes Elmes, James (Eng. writer on art) (1782-1862)
Elton Elton, Chas. Isaac (Eng. jurist) (1839-)
Sir T. Elyot Elyot, Sir Thomas (Eng. writer) (1490?-1546)
Emerson Emerson, Ralph Waldo (Amer. essayist and philosopher) (1803-1882)
Encyc. Brit. Encyclopædia Britannica (9th. edition, also 8th).
Encyc. Dict. Encyclopædic Dictionary (ed. by Robert Hunter, 1879-1888).
Encyc. Dom. Econ. Encyclopædia of Domestic Economy (ed. by Thos. Webster, 1845)
Encyc. of Rural Sports Encyc. of Rural Sports (ed. by J. H. Walsh, 1st Am. edition)
Eng. Cyc. English Cyclopædia, (1795-1801).
Eng. Statute Act of Henry VIII. (cited fr. Johnson's Dict.).
Enfield Enfield, Wm. (Eng. divine) (1741-1797)
Entick Entick, John (Eng. misc. writer) (1713-1773)
Erskine Erskine, John (Scot. prof. of law) (1695-1768)
Lord Erskine Erskine, Thomas (lord chancellor of Eng.) (1750-1823)
Eton Eton, Wm. (Eng. writer in Turkey) (fl. 1800)
Euclid Euclid of Alexandria (geom.) (fl. B. C. 300)
Eusden Eusden, Lawrence (Eng. poet and transl.) (-1730)
Eustace Eustace, John Chetwode (R. C. divine) (1765?-1815)
Evans Evans, John (Brit. antiquary) (1823-)
J. Evarts Evarts, Jeremiah (Am. writer) (1781-1831)
Evelyn Evelyn, John (Eng. diarist) (1620-1706)
Everest Everest, Chas. Wm. (Am. clerg. and poet) (1814-1877)
E. Everett Everett, Edward (Am. orator) (1794-1865)
J. D. Everett Everett, Joseph D. (Eng. physicist) (1831-)
Mrs. J. H. Ewing Ewing, Juliana Horatia Orr (Eng. nov.) (1842-1885)
Examiner Examiner, The (Lond. weekly journal, 1808-1881)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
G. S. Faber Faber, George Stanley (Eng. theol.) (1773-1854)
Fabyan Fabyan, Robert (Eng. chronicler) (1450?-1513)
Fairbairn Fairbairn, Patrick (Scot. clerg.) (1805-1874)
Fairfax Fairfax, Edward (Eng. poet. trans.) (1580?-1635)
Lord Fairfax Fairfax, Ld. Thos. (Eng. general) (1611-1671)
N. Fairfax Fairfax, Nathaniel (Eng. author) (1637-1690)
Fairholt Fairholt, Fred. Wm. (Eng. art writer) (1814-1866)
Falconer Falconer, William (Scot. poet) (1732-1769)
Fallows Fallows, Samuel (Am. lexicog.) (1835-)
Fanshawe Fanshawe, Sir Richard (Eng. statesman and poet) (1608-1666)
Faraday Faraday, Michael (Eng. chem. and nat.) (1791-1867)
Farindon Farindon, Anthony (Eng. divine) (1596-1658)
J. L. Farley Farley, Jas. Lewis (Ir. journalist) (1823-)
Farm. Dict. Farmer's Dictionary (ed. by D. P. Gardner, 1846).
Farm. Encyc. Farmer's Encyclopedia (ed. by D. P. Gardner, 1844).
Farm Journal (1886) Farm Journal (1886) (Philadelphia agric. monthly)
Farmer Farmer, Hugh (Eng. divine) (1714-1787)
Farming Encyc. (E. Edwards, Words) Farming Encyclopedia (cited from E. Edwards's Words, Facts, etc.).
Farquhar Farquhar, George (Irish dramatist) (1678-1707)
Farrar Farrar, Fredk. Wm. (Eng. divine) (1831-)
Farrier's Dict. Farrier's Dictionary (cited from Johnson's Dict.).
Farrow Farrow, Edward S. (Am. mil. officer). [Mil. Encyc., N. Y., 1885.]
Dr. Favour Favour, John (Eng. divine) (1560?-1623)
Fawcett Fawcett, Henry (Eng. pol. sci.) (1833-1884)
Fawkes Fawkes, Fr. (Eng. poet and trans.) (1721-1777)
Featley Featley, Daniel (Eng. divine) (1582-1644)
Bp. Fell Fell, Bp. John (of Oxford) (1625-1686)
Feltham Feltham, Owen (Eng. moralist) (1610?-1678?)
Felton Felton, Henry (Eng. divine) (1679-1740)
C. C. Felton Felton, Cornelius C. (Am. author) (1807-1862)
Female Quixote Female Quixote. 1752 (By Mrs. Charlotte Lennox, 1720-1804).
Fenton Fenton, Elijah (Eng. poet) (1683-1730)
G. Fenton Fenton, Geoffrey (Eng. writer) (-1608)
T. Fenton Fenton, Thomas. [Sermon before Univ. of Oxford, 1720.]
Ferguson Ferguson, James (Scot. astronomer) (1710-1776)
Sir Samuel Ferguson Ferguson, Sir Samuel (Irish poet and novelist) (1810-1886)
J. Fergusson Fergusson, James (Scot. architech) (1808-1886)
Bp. Ferne Ferne, Bp. Henry (Eng. divine) (1602-1661)
Ferrand Ferrand, Jas. (Fr. phys.). [Love of Melancholy, trans. by E. Chilmead, 1640.]
Miss Ferrier Ferrier, Susan E. (Scot. novelist) (1782-1854)
Fiddes Fiddes, Richard (Eng. divine) (1671-1725)
R. Field Field, Richard (Eng. divine) (1561-1616)
Fielding Fielding, Henry (Eng. novelist) (1707-1754)
J. B. Finch Finch, John B. (Am. prohibitionist) (1852-1887)
Bp. Fisher Fisher, Bp. John (Eng. divine) (1459-1535)
J. Fiske Fiske, John (Am. philos. and hist.) (1842-)
Fisheries of U. S. (1884) Fisheries of the United States (1884).
J. G. Fitch Fitch, J. G. (Eng. educ. writer) (1824-)
Fitz-Geffry Fitz-Geffry, Charles (Eng. poet) (1575-1636)
Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick, John Bernard (R. C. bp. of Boston) (1812-1866)
Flatman Flatman, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1633-1672)
Flavel Flavel, John (Eng. nonconf. divine) (1630?-1691)
Fleetwood Fleetwood, William (Eng. bishop) (1656-1723)
Fleming Fleming, William (Scot. divine and scholar). (1792?-1866) [Vocab. of Philosophy, 2d ed., 1860]
J. Fleming Fleming, John (Scot. nat. philos.) (1785-1857)
W. Flemming Flemming, Walther (Ger. biologist)
G. Fletcher Fletcher, Giles (Eng. poet) (1584?-1623)
J. Fletcher Fletcher, John (Eng. dramatist and poet) (1579-1625)
P. Fletcher Fletcher, Phineas (Eng. poet) (1584?-1665?)
Flint Flint, Austin (Am. med. writer) (1812-1886)
C. Flint Flint, Chas. Lewis (Am. agr. writer) (1824-)
Prof. R. Flint Flint, Robert (Scot. theol. and philosopher) (1838-)
T. Flint Flint, Timothy (Am. author) (1780-1840)
Florio Florio, John (Eng. lexicog. and translator) (1553?-1625)
Flower Flower, Wm. Henry (Eng. zoölogist) (1831-)
Floyer Floyer, John (Eng. phys. and trans.) (1649-1734)
Foote Foote, Samuel (Eng. comedian) (1720-1777)
Admiral Foote Foote, Andrew Hull (Am. admiral) (1806-1863)
D. Forbes Forbes, Duncan (Scot. judge) (1685-1747)
E. Forbes Forbes, Edward (Eng. naturalist) (1815-1854)
J. D. Forbes Forbes, James D. (Scot. physicist) (1809-1868)
Forby Forby, Robert (Eng. philologist) (1759-1825)
Ford Ford, John (Eng. dramatist) (1586-1639?)
Foreign Quart. Rev. Foreign Quarterly Review (Lond., 1827-1846).
Forney Forney, Matthias Nace (Am. mechan. eng.). (1835-) [Car-Builder's Dict., 1879.]
Forsyth Forsyth, J. S. [Med. Jurisprud., Lond. 1829.]
J. Forsyth Forsyth, Joseph (Scot. author) (1763-1815)
Fortescue Fortescue, Sir John (Eng. lawyer) (1395?-1485?)
Fortnightly Review Fortnightly Review (London monthly, estab. 1865).
Fosbroke Fosbroke, Thomas D. (Eng. antiq.) (1770-1842)
Foster Foster, Michael (Eng. physiol.).
J. Foster Foster, John (Eng. essayist) (1770-1843)
Fotherby Fotherby, Martin (Eng. bishop) (1559-1619)
Fourcroy (Trans.) Fourcroy, Antoine François (Fr. chemist) (1755-1809)
Fox Fox, Chas. James (Eng. statesman) (1749-1806)
Foxe Foxe, or Fox, John (Eng. martyrol.) (1516-1587)
Frampton Frampton, John (Eng. merchant). [Joyful News, 1577.]
Francis Francis, Philip (Eng. translator) (1708?-1773)
G. Francis Francis, George Wm. (Eng. bot. writer). (1800-1865) [Dict. of Arts, Sci., and Manuf., 1853]
Frankland Frankland, Edward (Eng. chemist) (1825-)
T. Frankland Frankland, Thomas (Eng. physician and historian) (1633-1690)
Franklin Franklin, Benj. (Am. philosopher and statesman) (1706-1790)
Sarah Franklin Bache, Sarah Franklin (daughter of Benj. Franklin) (1744-1808)
Fraser's Mag. Fraser's Magazine (London monthly, 1830-1882).
E. A. Freeman Freeman, Edward Aug. (Eng. hist.) (1823-1892)
Freewill Bapt. Quart. Freewill Baptist Quarterly (Dover, N. H., 1853-1869).
J. C. Fremont Fremont, John C. (Am. explorer) (1818-1890)
J. H. Frere Frere, John Hookham (Eng. diplomatist and poet) (1769-1846)
Froude Froude, James Anthony (Eng. hist.) (1818-1894)
Fry Fry, Edmund (Eng. type founder) (1754-1835)
Fryth Fryth, John (Eng. martyr) (-1533)
Fulke Fulke, Wm. (Eng. Puritan divine) (1538-1589)
Fuller Fuller, Thomas (Eng. preacher) (1608-1661)
A. Fuller Fuller, Andrew (Eng. Bapt. divine) (1754-1815)
Furnivall Furnivall, Fred. Jas. (Eng. philol.) (1825-)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Gage Gage, Thos. (Eng. divine and trav.) (fl. 17th c.)
Gale & Whatley Gale, Chas. Jas., and Whatley, T. D. [On Easements], Lond., 1839.]
T. Gale Gale, Theophilus (Eng. nonconf.) (1628-1678)
Galt Galt, John (Scot. novelist) (1779-1839)
F. Galton Galton, Francis (Eng. trav. and sci.) (1822-)
Gamgee Gamgee, Arthur (Eng. histologist).
Gammer Gurton's Needle Gammer Gurton's Needle (Eng. comedy attrib. to John Still)
Ganot Ganot, Adolphe (Fr. physicist) (1804-)
Bp. Gardiner Gardiner, Bp. Stephen (Eng. prel.) (1483-1555)
Gardner Gardner, Dan. Periera (Am. agr. chem.). [Farmer's Dict., 1846.]
Garrick Garrick, David (Eng. actor and dramatist) (1717-1779)
Garrison Garrison, Wm. L. (Am. abolitionist) (1805-1879)
Garth Garth, Sir Samuel (Eng. physician and poet) (1661-1719)
Gascoigne Gascoigne, Geo. (Eng. poet) (1525?-1577)
Mrs. Gaskell Gaskell, Eliz. Cleghorn (Eng. nov.) (1810-1865)
Gataker Gataker, Thos. (Eng. class. critic) (1574-1654)
Gauden Gauden, John (Eng. bishop, reputed author of Eikon Basilike) (1605-1662)
Gay Gay, John (Eng. poet and dram.) (1685-1732)
Gayton Gayton, Edm. (Eng. humorous writer). (1609-1666) [Notes on Don Quixote]
Geddes Geddes, Alex. (Scot. R. C. theol.) (1737-1802)
Gegenbaur Gegenbaur, Carl (Ger. anatomist) (1830?-)
Geikie Geikie, Archibald (Scot. geologist) (1835?-)
C. Geikie Geikie, Cunningham (Brit. divine) (1826-)
Geneva Bible Geneva Bible (trans. by Eng. exiles at Geneva, 1560)
Genevan Test. Genevan Testament, 1557.
Gent. Mag. Gentleman's Magazine (London monthly, estab. 1731).
J. F. Genung Genung, John F. (Am. author) (1850-)
Gerarde (1597) Gerarde, John (Eng. herbalist and surgeon) (1545-1608)
Gesta Romanorum Gesta Romanorum (collection of old chronicles , legends, etc., of unknown authorship)
Gibbon Gibbon, Edward (Eng. historian) (1737-1794)
Gibbs Gibbs, Josiah Willard (Am. philol.) (1790-1861)
Bp. Gibson Gibson, Bp. Edmund (Eng. antiq.) (1669-1748)
Gifford (1580) Gifford, Humfrey. [Poesie of Gilliflowers, Lond., 1580.]
G. Gifford Gifford, or Gyffard, George (Eng. divine). (1560?-1620) [Dialogue of Witches, 1603]
J. Gifford Gifford, John (Eng. hist.) (1758-1818)
W. Gifford Gifford, William (Eng. author) (1756-1826)
W. S. Gilbert Gilbert, Wm. S. (Eng. dramatist) (1836-)
H. Giles Giles, Henry (Am. lecturer and essayist) (1809-)
Gillespie Gillespie, Geo. (Scot. Presb. divine) (1613-1648)
Gilpin Gilpin, William (Eng. divine) (1724-1804)
Gladstone Gladstone, Wm. E. (Eng. statesman) (1809-1898)
Glanvill Glanvill, Joseph (Eng. philos.) (1636-1680)
Gliddon Gliddon, Geo. R. (Am. archæol.) (1809-1857)
Glover Glover, Richard (Eng. poet) (1712-1785)
Godfrey (1594) Godfrey of Bouillon (Fr. crusader) (1058?-1100)
Godman Godman, John D. (Am. physician) (1794-1830)
Godwin Godwin, Wm. (Eng. misc. writer) (1757-1836)
T. Godwin Godwin, Thomas (Eng. antiq.) (1587-1643)
Golden Boke Golden Boke (Life of Marcus Aurelius, tr. by Ld. Berners, 1534).
Golding Golding, Arthur (Eng. poet and translator) (1536-1590?)
Goldsmith Goldsmith, Oliver (Ir. poet, hist., and nov.) (1728-1774)
Good John Mason Good (Eng. physician) (1764-1827)
Goodale Goodale, Geo. Lincoln (Am. bot.) (1839-)
G. B. Goode Goode, Geo. Brown (Am. ichth.) (1851-1896)
J. Goodman Goodman, John (Eng. clerg.). (-1690?) [Winter Evening Conference, 1684.]
S. G. Goodrich Goodrich, Samuel G. (Am. misc. writer, pseud. Peter Parley) (1793-1860)
Goodwin Goodwin, Wm. W. (Am. scholar) (1831-)
J. Goodwin Goodwin, John (Eng. divine) (1593-1665)
T. Goodwin Goodwin, Thomas (Eng. divine) (1600-1697)
Googe Googe, Barnaby (Eng. poet) (1538?-)
T. Gordon Gordon, Thomas (Scot. relig. and polit. writer) (1684?-1750)
Mrs. Gore Gore, Catharine Grace (Eng. nov.) (1799-1861)
Gorges Gorges, Sir Arthur. (-1625) [Transcription of His Majesty's letters patent, Lond., 1611]
E. W. Gosse Gosse, Edmund Wm. (Eng. poet) (1849-)
P. H. Gosse Gosse, Philip Henry (Eng. nat.) (1810-1888)
Gosson Gosson, Stephen (Eng. divine and poet) (1554-1623)
Gostwick (Eng. Gram.) Gostwick, Joseph. (-1887) [Eng. Grammar, 1878]
Gould Gould, John (Eng. ornithologist) (1804-1881)
B. A. Gould Gould, Benj. A., Jr. (Am. astron.) (1824-1896)
N. D. Gould Gould, Nath. Duren (Am. musician) (1781-1864)
Gov. of Tongue Government of the Tongue (by John Ball, 1585-1640).
Gower Gower, John (Eng. poet) (1330-1408)
Grafton Grafton, Richd. (Eng. chronicler) (-ab. 1572)
Graham Grahamn, Thomas (Scot. chemist) (1805-1869)
Grainger Grainger, James (Scot. physician and poet) (1723?-1766)
T. Granger Granger, Thomas. [Exposition on Eccles., 1621.]
U. S. Grant Grant, Ulysses Simpson (Am. general and president) (1822-1885)
Granville Granville, George, Visc. Lansdowne (Eng. poet) (1667-1735)
Graunt Graunt, John (Eng. tradesman) (1620-1674)
Graves Graves, Richard (Eng. divine and satirist) (1715-1804)
Gray Gray, Asa (Am. botanist) (1810-1888)
T. Gray Gray, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1716-1771)
C. J. Grece (Trans. Maetzner's Gram.) Grece, Clair James (translator of Maetzner's Eng. Grammar).
J. R. Green Green, John Richard (Eng. hist.) (1837-1883)
M. Green Green, Matthew (Eng. poet) (1697-1737)
Robert Greene Greene, Robert (Eng. dramatist) (1560?-1592)
Greenhill Greenhill, Thos. [Necrokadeia, or Art of Embalming, Lond., 1705.]
Greenleaf Greenleaf, Simon (Am. jurist) (1783-1853)
B. Greenleaf Greenleaf, Benjamin (Am. math.) (1786-1864)
Gregory Gregory, Wm. (Scot. chemist) (1803-1858)
G. Gregory Gregory, George (Eng. physician) (1790-1853)
J. Gregory Gregory, John (Eng. divine) (1607-1646)
James Gregory Gregory, James (Scot. physician) (1753-1821)
John Gregory Gregory, John (Scot. physician) (1724-1773)
Gregory XVI. Gregory XVI. (Pope, 1831-1846) (1765-1846)
Greneway Greneway, Richard (class. trans.) (fl. 1598)
Grew Grew, Nehemiah (first veg. anat. and physiol. of Eng.) (1628-1711)
Z. Grey Grey, Zachary (Eng. divine, ed. Hudibras) (1687-1766)
Grier Grier, Wm. (Scot. civil engineer).
E. D. Griffin Griffin, Edward Dorr (Am. divine) (1770-1837)
S. B. Griffin Griffin, Solomon B. (Am. journalist) (1852-)
W. E. Griffis Griffis, Wm. Elliot (Am. writer) (1843-)
Griffith (Cuvier) Griffith, Edw. (trans. of Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, 1827-1835)
M. Griffith Griffith, Matthew (Eng. divine) (fl. 1632-1666)
Abp. Grindal Grindal, Abp. Edm. (Eng. divine) (1519-1583)
A. Grisebach Grisebach, August Heinrich Rudolph (prof. of bot. at Göttingen) (1814-1879)
Grose Grose, Francis (Eng. antiquary) (1731-1791)
Gross Gross, Samuel David (Am. surgeon) (1805-1884)
Grote Grote, Geo. (Eng. hist. and philos.) (1794-1871)
J. Grote Grote, John (Eng. philos.) (1813-1866)
Grove Grove, Sir Geo. (ed. of Mus. Dict.) (1820-)
W. R. Grove Grove, Wm. R. (Eng. physicist) (1811-1896)
Guardian Guardian, The (Eng. period., March to Oct., 1713).
Dr. Guest Guest, Edwin (Eng. philologist) (1800-1880)
Edmund Gurney Gurney, Edmund (Eng. writer) (1847?-1888)
F. Guthrie Guthrie, Frederick (Eng. physicist) (1833-1886)
T. Guthrie Guthrie, Thomas (Scot. divine and philanthropist) (1803-1873)
W. Guthrie Guthrie, Wm. (Scot. historian) (1708-1770)
Guy of Warwick Guy of Warwick (anc. Eng. poet. romance)
Guyot Guyot, Arnold Henry (Swiss-Am. geog.) (1807-1884)
Gwilt Gwilt, Joseph (Eng. architect) (1784-1863)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Habington Habington, Wm. (Eng. poet) (1605-1654)
Hackett Hackett, Horatio B. (Am. biblical commentator) (1808-1875)
Bp. Hackett Hackett, Bp. John (Eng. divine) (1592-1670)
Hadley Hadley, James (Am. philologist) (1821-1872)
A. T. Hadley Hadley, Arthur T. (Am. econ.) (1856-)
Haeckel Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich (Ger. nat.) (1834-)
H. R. Haggard Haggard, Henry Rider (Eng. nov.) (1856-)
Hakewill Hakewill, Geo. (Eng. abp.) (1579-1648)
Hakluyt Hakluyt, Richard (Eng. geog.) (1553-1616)
Haldeman Haldeman, S. S. (Am. misc. writer) (1812-1880)
E. E. Hale Hale, Edward Everett (Am. clerg. and author) (1822-)
Sir M. Hale Hale, Sir Matt. (Eng. ld. chief just., relig. and legal writer) (1609-1676)
Hales Hales, John (Eng. divine and critic) (1584-1656)
W. Hales Hales, Wm. (Brit. misc. author) (1747-1831)
Haliburton Haliburton, Thos. C. (Nova Scotia humorist, pseud. Sam Slick) (1796-1865)
Halifax Halifax, Chas. Montagu, Earl of (Eng. statesman) (1661-1715)
B. H. Hall Hall, Benj. Home (Am. writer) (1830-)
Bp. Hall Hall, Bp. Joseph (Eng. scholar) (1574-1656)
E. Hall Hall, Edw. (Eng. chronicler) (1499?-1547)
Fitzed. Hall Hall, Fitzedward (Am. philol. in Eng.) (1825-)
J. Hall (1565) Hall, John (Eng. poet). [Court of Virtue, 1565.]
John Hall (1646) Hall, John (Eng. poet) (1627-1656)
Marshall Hall Hall, Marshall (Eng. physician) (1790-1857)
R. Hall Hall, Robert (Eng. Bapt. divine) (1764-1831)
S. C. Hall Hall, Samuel Carter (Eng. author) (1801-1889)
Hallam Hallam, Henry (Eng. historian) (1777-1859)
Halleck Halleck, Fitz-Greene (Am. poet) (1790-1867)
H. W. Halleck Halleck, Henry Wager (Am. general, and mil. writer) (1815-1872)
Haller Haller, Albrecht von (Swiss, father of modern physiol.) (1708-1777)
Hallifax Hallifax, Samuel (Eng. divine) (1733-1790)
Halliwell Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard (Eng. antiquary) (1820-1889)
C. Hallock Hallock, Charles (Am. writer) (1834-)
Hallywell Hallywell, Henry (Eng. vicar) (17th c.)
C. G. Halpine Halpine, Charles G. (Ir.-Am. jour.) (1829-1868)
Hamerton Hamerton, Philip Gilbert (English writer on art) (1834-1894)
Ham. Nav. Encyc. Hamersly's Naval Encyclopaedia, Phila. 1881.
Hamilton Hamilton, Wm. (Scot. poet) (1704-1754)
A. Hamilton Hamilton, Alex. (Am. statesman) (1757-1804)
J. Hamilton Hamilton, Jas. (Scot. divine) (1814-1867)
R. W. Hamilton Hamilton, Richard Winter (Eng. divine) (1794-1848)
Sir W. Hamilton Hamilton, Sir Wm. (Scot. philos.) (1788-1856)
Sir W. R. Hamilton Hamilton, Sir Wm. Rowan (Irish astronomer) (1805-1865)
Thomas Hamilton Hamilton, Thomas (Eng. author). (1789-1842) [Men and Manners in Am., 1883]
W. Hamilton (Life of Wallace) Hamilton, Wm. (Scot. poet, abridged the Life of Sir Wm. Wallace, a metrical history, 1710) (1665?-1751)
Hammond Hammond, Henry (Eng. divine) (1605-1660)
S. H. Hammond Hammond, Sam. H. (Am. author) (1809-)
W. A. Hammond Hammond, Wm. Alex. (Am. phys.) (1828-1900)
W. Hamper Hamper, Wm. (Eng. antiquary) (1776-1831)
Hampole Hampole, Richard Rolle de (Eng. poet) (-1348)
Hanmer Hanmer, Sir Thos. (Eng. Shak. ed.) (1676?-1746)
Jonathan Hanmer Hanmer, Jonathan (Eng. nonconf. divine) (-1687)
J. Hannay Hannay, Jas. (Scot. crit. and nov.) (1827-1873)
Hansard Hansard, Luke (Eng. printer) (1752-1828)
F. Hardman Hardman, Fred. (Brit. journalist) (1813?-1874)
Hardy, Arthur S. (Am. novelist) (1847-)
Lady D. Hardy Hardy, Lady Duffus (Eng. writer).
T. Hardy Hardy, Thomas (Eng. novelist) (1840-)
Hare Hare, Augustus Wm., and Hare, Julius Charles (1795-1855) (Eng. clergymen, and joint authors of Guesses at Truth).
A. W. Hare Hare, Augustus Wm. (1792-1834) [Sermons to a Country Congregation, 1837]
J. S. Harford Harford, John Scandrett (English writer) (1785-1866)
Harkness Harkness, Albert (Am. educator) (1822-)
Harmar Harmar, John (Eng. translator) (-1613)
R. G. Harper Harper, Robt. G. (Am. statesman) (1765-1825)
Harpers' Latin Dict. Harpers' Latin Dictionary (revised edition, N. Y., 1886).
Harper's Mag. Harper's New Monthly Magazine (N. Y., estab. 1850).
Harrington Harrington, Jas. (Eng. polit. writer) (1611-1677)
Sir J. Harrington Harrington, Sir John (Eng. author) (1561-1612)
Harris Harris, Jas. (Eng. philol.) (1709-1780) [Hermes]
Harris (Voyages) Harris, John (Eng. misc. writer). (1667-1719) [Collection of Voyages, 1702]
J. C. Harris Harris, Joel Chandler (Am. writer) (1848-)
S. Harris Harris, Samuel (Eng. divine) (1683-1733)
Sir W. S. Harris Harris, Sir Wm. Snow (Eng. elec.) (1792-1867)
T. W. Harris Harris, Thaddeus Wm. (Am. nat.) (1795-1856)
F. Harrison Harrison, Frederick (Eng. author) (1831-)
J. A. Harrison (Beowulf) Harrison, James Albert (Am. philologist). (1848-) [Beowulf]
W. Harrison (1586) Harrison, William (Eng. divine). (-1593) [Description of England prefixed to Holinshed, 1586]
Harte Harte, Walter (Eng. poet and hist.) (1700-1774)
Bret Harte Harte, Francis Bret (Am. author) (1839-)
Hartlib Hartlib, Samuel (Polish refugee, friend of Milton) (1600?-1662)
H. Hartshorne Hartshorne, Henry (Am. physician) (1823-1897)
Harvey Harvey, Wm. (Eng. anatomist) (1578-1658)
G. Harvey Harvey, Gabriel (Eng. author) (1545?-1630?)
Haüy Haüy, René Just (Fr. mineralogist) (1743-1822)
Havelok the Dane Havelok the Dane (Eng. romance, about 1280).
H. R. Haweis Haweis, Hugh Reginald (Eng. clergyman and musical writer) (1838-)
Hawes Hawes, Stephen (Eng. poet) (16th c.)
J. Hawes Hawes, Joel (Am. clergyman) (1789-1867)
Hawkesworth Hawkesworth, John (Eng. compiler) (1715?-1773)
Sir J. Hawkins Hawkins, Sir John (Eng. rear adm.) (1532-1595)
Hawthorne Hawthorne, Nathaniel (Am. nov.) (1804-1864)
Julian Hawthorne Hawthorne, Julian (Am. novelist) (1846-)
Hay (1754) Hay, William (Eng. essayist) (1695-1755)
Haydn Haydn, Joseph. (-1856) [Dict. of Dates]
B. R. Haydon Haydon, Benj. Robt. (Eng. painter) (1786-1846)
Dr. Hayes Hayes, Isaac Israel (Am. explorer) (1832-1881)
Hayward Hayward, Sir John (Eng. historian) (1560?-1627)
J. Hayward Hayward, James (Eng. trans.). [The Banished Virgin, 1635.]
Hazlitt Hazlitt, Wm. (Eng. misc. writer) (1778-1830)
W. C. Hazlitt Hazlitt, Wm. Carew (Eng. hist.) (1834-1893)
Sir F. Head Head, Sir Fr. Bond (Eng. traveler) (1793-1875)
J. B. Heard Heard, John Bickford (Brit. clerg.).
Hearne Hearne, Thomas (Eng. antiquary) (1678-1735)
Heber Heber, Reginald (Eng. bishop and hymn writer) (1783-1826)
Hebert Hebert, Luke (Brit. ed.). [Engin. & Mech. Dict., Lond., 1842.]
Hedge Hedge, Fredk. Henry (Am. clerg.) (1805-1891)
Helmholtz Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferd. (Ger. physicist and physiol.) (1821-1894)
Helps Helps, Sir Arthur (Eng. essayist and hist.) (1813-1875)
Mrs. Hemans Hemans, Felicia D. (Eng. poetess) (1793-1835)
E. Henderson Henderson, Ebenezer (Scot. theol.) (1784-1858)
Mrs. Henderson Henderson, Mary Foote. (1835?-) [Prac. Cooking, N. Y., 1876]
P. Henderson Henderson, Peter (Am. hort. writer) (1823-1890)
Proverbs of Hending Hending, or Hendyng. (1272-1307) [Proverbs]
Henfrey Henfrey, Arthur (Eng. botanist) (1819-1859)
Henrici Henrici, Olaus (Ger. math. at Univ. of Lond.) (1840-)
Henry Henry, William (Eng. chemist) (1775-1836)
M. Henry Henry, Matthew (Eng. bib. com.) (1672-1714)
P. Henry Henry, Patrick (Am. orator) (1736-1799)
R. Henry Henry, Robt. (Eng. historian) (1718-1790)
Henryson Henryson, Robt. (Scot. poet) (1425?-1506?)
Henslow Henslow, John Stevens (Eng. bot.) (1796-1861)
Herbert Herbert, George (Eng. poet) (1593-1632)
Lord Herbert Herbert, Ld. Edwd. (Brit. author) (1581-1648)
Sir T. Herbert Herbert, Sir Thos. (Eng. traveler) (1606-1682)
Hermann Hermann, Hans Rudolph (German mineralogical chemist) (1805-)
Herrick Herrick, Robert (Eng. poet) (1591-1674)
Sir J. Herschel Herschel, Sir John Fredk. Wm. (Eng. astron., son of W. H.) (1792-1871)
W. Herschel Herschel, Sir Wm. (Eng. astron.) (1738-1822)
Heumann Heumann, Johann (Ger. jurist) (1711-1760)
Hewyt Hewyt, John (Eng. divine) (-1658)
Hexham Hexham, Henry. (17th c.) [Netherdutch and Eng. Dict., 1658]
Heylin Heylin, Peter (Eng. misc. writer) (1600-1662)
Heyse Heyse, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig (Ger. philol.) (1797-1855)
Heywood Heywood, Thos. (Eng. dramatist) (-1650?)
J. Heywood Heywood, John (Eng. dramatist) (1500-1565)
Heywood's Prov. Heywood's Prov. (coll. of proverbs by J. Heywood)
E. Hickeringill Hickeringill, Edm. (Eng. controv.) (1630-1708)
Hickes Hickes, Thomas (Eng. author) (-1634)
G. Hickes Hickes, George (Eng. divine and scholar) (1642-1715)
Hickok Hickok, Laurens Perseus (Am. philosopher) (1798-1888)
Highmore Highmore, Nathaniel (Eng. jurist) (fl. 1810)
R. Hildreth Hildreth, Richard (Am. journalist and historian) (1807-1865)
Hiles Hiles, Henry (Eng. mus. writer) (1826-)
Sir J. Hill Hill, Sir John (Eng. misc. writer) (1716-1775)
Hillhouse Hillhouse, Jus. Abraham (Am. poet) (1789-1841)
J. R. Hind Hind, John Russell (Eng. astron.) (1823-)
Hist. of Richard Hainam Witty Rogue Arraigned, or History of Richard Hainam, 1658.
Hitchcock Hitchcock, Edward (Am. geol.) (1793-1864)
R. D. Hitchcock Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight (Am. theologian) (1817-1887)
Bp. Hoadley Hoadley, Bp. Benj. (Eng. prelate) (1671-1761)
Hobart Hobart, Sir Henry (ld. chief just.). (-1625) [Law Repts.]
Bp. Hobart Hobart, Bp. John Henry (Am. Prot. Epis. divine) (1775-1830)
Hobbes Hobbes, Thos. (Eng. philosopher) (1588-1679)
Hoblyn Hoblyn, Richard Dennis. (1813?-1886) [Dict. of Scientific Terms, 1849.]
Sir E. Hoby Hoby, Sir Edward. (1560?-1616?) [Purgatory's Triumph over Hell, 1609]
R. Hodges Hodges, Richard. [Plainest Directions for True Writing, 1649.]
Hoffman Hoffman, Chas. Fenno (Am. author) (1806-1884)
Hoffmann Hoffmann, August Wilhelm (Ger. chem.) (1818-1892)
Hogg Hogg, James (Scot. poet, "The Ettrick Shepherd") (1772-1835)
H. Holbeach Holbreach, Henry, pseud. of Wm. Brightly Rande (Eng. essayist) (1827-1882)
Holder Holder, William (Eng. divine) (1614-1697)
Holdsworth Holdsworth, Richard (Eng. divine) (1590-1649)
Holinshed Holinshed, Raphael (Eng. chron.) (-1580?)
Holland Holland, Philemon (Eng. trans.) (1551-1636)
Holloway Holloway, Wm. (Eng. author). [Dict. of Provincialisms, 1839.]
Holmes Holmes, Oliver Wendell (Am. physician and author) (1809-1894)
A. Holmes Holmes, Abiel (Am. clergyman) (1763-1837)
Ld. Holt Holt, Ld. John (chief just. of Eng.) (1642-1709)
Holwell Holwell, Wm. (Eng. divine). (-1798) [Myth., Etym., and Hist. Dict., 1793.]
Holyday Holyday, Barten (Eng. author) (1593-1661)
Homans Homans, J. Smith (father and son of same name, Am. authors). [Cyc. of Commerce, N. Y., 1858.]
J. Home Home, John (Scot. dramatic poet) (1724?-1808)
Homilies Homilies of the Church of England, 2 vols., 1547 and 1563.
Hood Hood, Thomas (Eng. poet and wit) (1798-1845)
Hook Hook, Walter Farquhar (Eng. divine). (1798-1875) [Church Dict., 1854]
T. Hook Hood, Theo. Ed. (Eng. journalist) (1788-1841)
Hooke Hooke, Robert (Eng. math. and inventor) (1635-1703)
Hooker Hooker, Richard (Eng. divine) (1554-1600)
J. D. Hooker Hooker, Joseph Dalton (Brit. bot.) (1817-)
Hoole Hoole, John (Eng. translator and dramatist) (1727-1803)
Hooper Hooper, Robert (Brit. med. writer) (-1835)
J. Hooper Hooper, John (Eng. bp. and martyr) (1495-1555)
Hopkins Hopkins, Samuel (Am. theologian) (1721-1803)
Bp. Hopkins Hopkins, Bp. Ezekiel (Eng. divine) (1633-1690)
Hopkinson Hopkinson, Francis (Am. author) (1737-1791)
Bp. Horne Horne, Bp. George (Eng. divine) (1730-1792)
L. Horner Horner, Leonard (Scot. writer, tr. of Villari's Hist. of Savanarola) (1785?-1864)
Bp. Horsley Horsley, Bp. Samuel (Eng. prelate) (1733-1806)
D. Hosack Hosack, David (Am. botanist) (1769-1835)
Hosking Hosking, William (Eng. architect) (1800-1861)
Bp. Hough Hough, Bp. John (Eng. divine) (1651-1743)
J. Howe Howe, John (Eng. Puritan divine) (1630-1705)
Mrs. Howe Howe, Julia Ward (Am. poet) (1819-)
Howell Howell, James (Brit. author) (1595?-1666)
W. D. Howells Howells, Wm. Dean (Am. novelist) (1837-)
Howitt Howitt, Mrs. Mary (Eng. writer. Howitt also indicates the joint works of Wm. and Mary Howitt) (1798-1888)
W. Howitt Howitt, William (Eng. author) (1795-1879)
Hoyle Hoyle, Edm. (Eng. writer on games) (1672-1769)
Hudibras Hudibras (a burl. poem by Sam. Butler, 1663.)
T. Hudson Hudson, Thomas (British poet). [Trans. of Du Bartas's Hist. of Judith, 1584.]
Hughes Hughes, John (Eng. poet) (1677-1720)
T. Hughes Hughes, Thomas (Eng. author) (1823-1896)
Huloet Huloet, or Hulett, Richard. [Latin-Eng. Dict., Lond. 1522.]
Humble Humble, Wm. (Eng. geol.). [Dict. of Geol. and mining, 1840.]
Humboldt Humboldt, von, Friedrich Henrich Alexander, Baron (Ger. nat.) (1769-1859)
Hume Hume, David (Scot. hist. and phil.) (1711-1776)
The Humorist The Humorist (essays upon several subjects, Lond., 1720, by Thomas Gordon)
H. Humphrey Humphrey, Heman (Am. clerg.) (1779-1861)
Leigh Hunt Hunt, Jas. Henry Leigh (Eng. poet and essayist) (1784-1859)
R. Hunt Hunt, Robert (Eng. scient. writer) (1807-1887)
T. S. Hunt Hunt, Thomas Sterry (Am. chem.) (1826-1892)
Hunter Hunter, Robert. [Hunter's Encyc. Dict., 1879-1888.]
Bp. Hurd Hurd, Bp. Richard (Eng. author) (1720-1808)
Hutcheson Hutcheson, Francis (Irish metaph.) (1694-1746)
Lady Hutchinson Hutchinson, Lucy (Eng. writer) (1620-1659)
Hutton Hutton, Chas. (Eng. mathematician) (1737-1823)
R. H. Hutton Hutton, Richard Holt (Eng. writer) (1826-1897)
Huxley Huxley, Thos. Henry (Eng. nat.) (1825-1895)
A. Hyatt Hyatt, Alpheus (Am. naturalist) (1838-)
R. Hyrde Hyrde, Richard (Eng. trans. of Instruction of a Christian Woman, Lond., 1540, from the Lat. of L. Vives).


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Idler Idler, The (Eng. periodical, 1758-1760), conducted by Johnson, Sir J. Reynolds, and B. Langton).
Illust. London News Illustrated London News (weekly journal, estab. 1842).
Imp. Dict. Imperial Dictionary (new ed., 1882).
J. Ingelow Ingelow, Jean (Eng. poet and nov.) (1820-1897)
Internat. Cyc. International Cyclopedia (Am. ed., N. Y. 1887).
E. Irving Irving, Edward (Scot. preacher) (1792-1834)
W. Irving Irving, Washington (Am. author) (1783-1859)
Itard Itard, Jean E. M. Gaspard (Fr. surg.) (1772-1838)
C. A. Ives Ives, Chas. Acton (Am. writer) (1856-)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Mrs. H. H. Jackson Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt, known as "H. H." (Am. author) (1831-1885)
T. Jackson Jackson, Thomas (Dean of Peterborough) (1579-1640)
Jacob (Law Dict.) Jacob, Giles (Eng. legal writer) (1686-1744)
R. Jago Jago, Richd. (Eng. divine and poet) (1715-1781)
James I. (1618) James I. (king of Eng.) (1566-1625)
James II. James II. (king of Eng.) (1633-1701)
James I. (of Scotland) James I. of Scotland (1394?-1437)
James II. of Scotland James II. of Scotland (1430-1460)
G. P. R. James James, Geo. P. Rainsford (Eng. nov.) (1801-1860)
H. James James, Henry, Jr. (Am. author) (1843-)
Mrs. Jameson Jameson, Anna (Irish author) (1797-1860)
R. Jameson Jameson, Robert (Scot. naturalist) (1774-1854)
Jamieson Jamieson, John (Scot. lexicog.) (1759-1838)
Janet Janet, Paul (Fr. philosopher) (1823-)
Jardine Jardine, Sir William (Scot. nat.) (1800-1874)
Jarman Jarman, Thos. (Eng. legal writer) (1800?-1860)
Jay Jay, John (first chief just. of U. S.) (1745-1829)
W. Jay Jay, William (Am. author) (1789-1858)
R. Jefferies Jefferies, Richard (Eng. author) (1848-1887)
Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas (Pres. of U. S.) (1743-1826)
Jeffrey Jeffrey, Lord Francis (Scot. critic and essayist) (1773-1850)
W. E. Jelf Jelf, Wm. Edward (Eng. author) (1811-1875)
Fleeming Jenkin Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming (Brit. electrician) (1833-1885)
Jenkins Jenkins, Sir Leoline (Eng. statesm.) (1623-1685)
Jennings Jennings, James. (-1833) [Somerset Glossary, Lond., 1825]
Jenyns Jenyns, Soame (Eng. misc. author) (1705-1787)
D. Jerrold Jerrold, Douglas Wm. (Eng. author) (1803-1857)
Jervas Jervas, or Jarvis, Chas. (Brit. trans.) (ab. 1740)
Jevons Jevons, Wm. Stanley (Eng. econ.) (1835-1882)
Jewel Jewel, or Jewell, John (Eng. bp.) (1522-1571)
Jodrell Jodrell, Richard Paul (Eng. philol.) (1745-1831)
Johnson Johnson, Dr. Samuel (Eng. lexicog. and misc. writer) (1709-1784)
Johnson's Cyc. Johnson's Universal Cyclopædia (N. Y., 1886).
K. Johnston Johnston, Alex. Keith (Scot. geog.) (1804-1871)
W. P. Johnston Johnston, William Preston (Am. educator) (1831-1899)
W. R. Johnston Johnston, Walter Rogers (Am. writer) (1794-1852)
Johnstone Johnstone, John (Eng. physician) (1768-1836)
Joint Rules of Congress, U. S. Joint Rules of the Congress of the United States.
Sir W. Jones Jones, Sir Wm. (Eng. orientalist) (1746-1794)
B. Jonson Jonson, Ben (Eng. dramatist) (1574?-1637)
Jordan Jordan, Thos. (Eng. poet and actor) (-1685?)
Jortin Jortin, John (Eng. divine and essayist) (1698-1770)
Journal H. of R. U. S. Journal of the U. S. House of Representatives.
Journal of the Senate, U. S. Journal of the U. S. Senate.
Jowett Jowett, Benjamin (Eng. scholar) (1817-1893)
Joye Joye, or Gee, George (Eng. reformer and printer) (1492?-1553)
Judd Judd, Sylvester (Am. novelist) (1813-1853)
Jukes Jukes, Joseph Beete (Eng. geol.) (1811-1869)
F. Junius Junius, Franciscus (Eng. philol.) (1589-1677)
Junius Junius Letters (issued in Public Advertiser, 1769-1772, and attributed to Sir Philip Francis).


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Kames Kames, Hen. Home, Ld. (Scot. phil.) (1696-1782)
Kane Kane, Elisha Kent (Am. explorer) (1820-1857)
Karslake Karslake, William Henry (Eng. divine, and writer on logic) (1825?-)
Keary Keary, Charles Francis. [Dawn of History, 1878.]
Keats Keats, John (Eng. poet) (1795-1821)
Keble Keble, John (Eng. divine and poet) (1792-1866)
Keightley Keightley, Thomas (Brit. author) (1789-1872)
Keill Keill, John (Scot. math. and phil.) (1671-1721)
Keith Keith, Rev. Patrick. [Physiolog. Botany, Lond., 1816.]
J. P. Kemble Kemble, John P. (Eng. tragedian) (1757-1823)
D. Kemp Kemp, Dixon (Eng. naut. writer).
Bp. Ken Ken, Bp. Thomas (English hymn writer) (1637-1710)
T. Kendall Kendall, Timothy (English poet). [Flowers of Epigrams, 1577.]
G. Kennan Kennan, George (Am. traveler) (1845-)
Kennet Kennet, Basil (Eng. class. writer) (1674-1714?)
Bp. Kennet Kennet, Bp. White (Eng. historian) (1660-1728)
Kenney Kenney, James (Irish dramatist) (1770-1849?)
Kenrick Kenrick, William (Eng. critic) (1720-1779)
Kent Kent, James (Am. jurist) (1763-1847) w:Commentaries on American Law
Kepler Kepler, Johann (Germ. astronomer) (1571-1631)
Kerr Kerr, Robert (Scot. historian) (1755-1813)
Kersey Kersey, John (Eng. math. and philol.). (1616?-1690?) [Eng. Dict., 1708]
Kettlewell Kettlewell, John (Eng. divine) (1653-1695)
F. S. Key Key, Francis Scott (Am. poet) (1780-1843)
Killingbeck Killingbeck, John (Eng. prebendary) (fl. 1725)
R. B. Kimball Kimball, Richd. Burleigh (Am. nov.) (1816-1892)
King King, William (Eng. author) (1663-1712)
Bp. King King, Bp. Henry (Eng. divine) (1591-1669)
Bp. J. King (1608) King, Bp. John (Eng. divine) (1559-1621)
King Alisaunder King Alisaunder (a trans. from Latin of a part of the Romance of Alexander, ab. 1340.)
King Horn King Horn (prob. a trans. of Fr. romance of Horn & Rimenhild, before 1300.)
C. Kingsley Kingsley, Chas. (Eng. nov. and poet) (1819-1875)
H. Kingsley Kingsley, Henry (Eng. novelist) (1824?-1876)
Kirby Kirby, William (Eng. entomologist) (1759-1850)
Kirby & Spence Kirby, William, and Spence, W. [Int. to Entomol., 7th ed., 1856.]
Kirwan Kirwan, Richard (Irish physicist) (1750-1812)
Kitto Kitto, John (Eng. biblical writer) (1804-1854)
W. Kittredge Kittredge, Walter (Am. song writer) (1832-)
Knatchbull Knatchbull, Sir Norton (Eng. author) (1601-1684)
Knight Knight, Edward Henry (Am. engineer). (1820?-1883) Mechan. Dict.
C. Knight Knight, Chas. (Eng. ed. and author) (1791-1873)
Knolles Knolles, Richard (Eng. author) (1545?-1610)
Knowles Knowles, James (Brit. educator, revised Walker's Dict., 1845) (1779?-1840)
J. Knowles Knowles, John. [Elem. and Prac. of Marine Architecture, 1822.]
Sheridan Knowles Knowles, Jas. Sheridan (Ir. dram.) (1784-1862)
Bp. Knox Knox, Bp. William (Ir. divine) (1760?-1831)
John Knox Knox, John (Scot. reformer) (1505-1572)
V. Knox Knox, Vicesimus (Eng. divine and essayist) (1752-1821)
Kollock Kollock, Henry (Am. clergyman) (1778-1819)
J. Köstlin (Schaff-Herzog Encyc.) Köstlin, Julius (German theologian, writer in Schaff-Herzog Encyc.) (1826-)
Krauth Krauth, Charles Porterfield (Am. divine and philosophical writer) (1823-1883)
Krauth-Fleming Krauth, C. P., and Fleming, Wm. [Vocab. of Philos. Sci., 1885.]
W. Kühne Kühne, W. (Ger. physiologist).
Kyd Kyd, Thomas (Eng. dramatist) (fl. 1580)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Laing Laing, Samuel (Eng. traveler) (1780-1868)
Lamb Lamb, Charles (Eng. essayist) (1775-1834)
Lambarde Lambarde, William (Eng. author) (1536-1601)
Lambert Lambert, John (Eng. traveler) (1775?-)
Lament. of Mary Magdalene Lamentation of Mary Magdalene (poem occas. ascr. to Chaucer).
M. S. Lamson Lamson, Mary Swift. [Life of Laura Bridgman, 1879.]
Landois & Stirling Landois, Leon. (Ger. physiol.) (1837-)
Stirling, Wm. (Eng. physiol.) (?-)
Landor Landor, Walter S. (Eng. author) (1775-1864)
E. W. Lane Lane, Edw. Wm. (Eng. orientalist) (1801-1876)
Laneham Laneham, Robert. [Pageants before Queen Elizabeth, Lond., 1575.]
A. Lang Lang, Andrew (Eng. writer) (1844-)
Langham Langham, William (Eng. physician). [Garden of Health, 1579.]
Langhorne Langhorne, John (Eng. divine) (1735-1779)
J. Langley (1644) Langley, John. [Sermons, 1644.]
S. P. Langley Langley, Samuel P. (Am. astron.) (1834-)
Ray Lankester Lankester, Edwin Ray (Eng. geol.) (1847-)
Lansdowne Ms. Lansdowne Ms. (public records, state papers, correspondence, etc., in Brit. Museum, formerly belonging to the Marq. of Lansdowne, 1737-1805)
Lardner Lardner, Dionysius (Brit. sci. writer) (1793-1859)
La Rochefoucauld (Trans) La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de (French author) (1613-1680)
Latham Latham, Robert Gordon (Eng. philol. and lexicog.) (1812-1888) [Johnson's Dict.]
Latimer Latimer, Hugh (Eng. reformer) (1472?-1555)
Laud Laud, William (Eng. abp.) (1573-1645)
H. Laurens Laurens, Henry (Am. statesman) (1724-1792)
Lauson Lauson, William. [Comments on Secrets of Angling, 1653.]
Bp. Lavington Lavington, Bp. Geo. (Eng. divine) (1683-1762)
Lavoisier Lavoisier, Ant. Laurent (Fr. chem.) (1743-1794)
Law Law, Wm. (Eng. divine and author) (1686-1761)
Bp. Law Law, Bp. Edmund (Eng. divine) (1703-1787)
James Law Law, Jas. (Scot.-Am. veter. sci.). (1838-) [Farmer's Veter. Adviser, 7th ed.,]
G. A. Lawrence Lawrence, Geo. Alf. (Eng. nov.) (1827-1876)
Sir W. Lawrence Lawrence, Sir Wm. (Eng. surgeon) (1783-1867)
Laws of Massachusetts Laws of Massachusetts.
Layamon Layamon's Brut (a poetical chronicle of Britain, 1210?).
Layard Layard, Sir A. H. (Eng. archæol.) (1817-1894)
Laycock Laycock, Thomas (Eng. physician) (1812-1876)
S. M. Leake Leake, Stephen M. (Eng. writer) (1702-1773)
Lecky Lecky, Wm. Edw. Hartpole (Brit. hist.) (1838-)
J. LeConte LeConte, Joseph (Am. geologist) (1823-1891)
J. Ledyard Ledyard, John (Am. traveler) (1751-1789)
Lee Lee, Nathaniel (Eng. dramatist) (1655?-1692)
F. G. Lee Lee, Frederick Geo. (Eng. divine) (1832-)
J. Lee Lee, James (Eng. botanist) (-1795)
W. Lee Lee, William (Irish clergyman) (1815-1883)
Legend of Dido Legend of Dido (poem formerly attrib. to Chaucer)
Leibnitz Leibnitz, von, Gottfried Wilh., Baron (Ger. philos. and math.) (1646-1716)
Leidy Leidy, Joseph (Am. naturalist) (1823-1891)
Sir E. Leigh Leigh, Sir Edward (Eng. theologian and linguist) (1602-1671)
Abp. Leighton Leighton, Abp. Robt. (Scot. divine) (1611-1684)
Leland Leland, John (Eng. antiquary) (1506?-1552)
C. G. Leland Leland, Chas. Godfrey (Am. author) (1824-)
C. Leslie Leslie, Charles (Brit. author) (1650?-1722)
L'Estrange L'Estrange, Sir Roger (Eng. polit. writer) (1616-1704)
Letter dated Sept., 1543 Letter dated Sept., 1543 (cited from Nares).
C. Lever Lever, Charles James (Irish nov.) (1806-1872)
G. H. Lewes Lewes, George Henry (Eng. philos.) (1817-1878)
Lewin Lewin, Thomas (Eng. author) (1805-1877)
John Lewis Lewis, John (Eng. divine and antiq.) (1675-1746)
M. G. Lewis Lewis, Mat. Gregory (Eng. author) (1775-1818)
Sir G. C. Lewis Lewis, Sir George Cornewall (Eng. statesman and author) (1806-1863)
Liddell & Scott Liddell, Hen. Geo. (1811-1898)
Scott, Robt. (1811-1887)
(Eng. clergymen and editors) [Greek-English lexicon, 7th ed.)
F. Leiber Leiber, Francis (Am. publicist) (1800-1872)
Life of A. Wood Life of A. Wood (extracts from his diary and papers by T. Hearne and R. Rawlinson, 1663)
Lightfoot Lightfoot, John (Eng. theologian and rabbinical scholar) (1602-1675)
J. B. Lightfoot Lightfoot, Jos. Barber (Eng. comm.) (1828-1889)
Lincoln Lincoln, Abraham (Pres. of U. S.) (1809-1865)
Bp. Lincoln Williams, John (bp. of Lincoln and later abp. of York) (1582-1650)
Mrs. Lincoln (Cook Book) Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. [Boston Cook Book, Boston, 1888.]
Lindisfarne Ms. Lindisfarne Ms. (an Anglo-Saxon Ms.)
Lindley Lindley, John (Eng. botanist) (1799-1865)
Sir N. Lindley Lindley, Sir Nathaniel (Eng. jurist) (1828-)
Lingard Lingard, John (Eng. historian) (1771-1851)
Linnaeus Sw. Linné, Carl von (Swedish bot.) (1707-1778)
Mrs. E. Lynn Linton Linton, Eliza Lynn (Eng. novelist) (1822-)
W. J. Linton Linton, Wm. J. (English-American engraver) (1812-1897)
Lisle Lisle, William (Eng. antiquarian) (-1637)
J. Lister Lister, Joseph (Eng. author) (1627-1709)
Lithgow Lithgow, William (Scot. traveler) (1583-1640)
Littleton Littleton, Sir Thomas (Eng. jurist) (1420?-1487)
A. Littleton Littleton, Adam (Eng. theol. writer and philologist) (1627-1694)
Littré Littré, Maximillien P. É. (Fr. philol.) (1801-1881)
Livingstone Livingstone, David (Scot. explorer) (1817-1873)
Llewellyn Llewellyn, Martin (Brit. poet). [Verses to Chas. II., 1660.]
Lloyd Lloyd, Robert (Eng. poet) (1733-1764)
Bp. Lloyd Lloyd, Bp. William (Eng. divine) (1627-1717)
Humphrey Lloyd or Lloyd's MS., British Museum Lloyd, Humphrey (Brit. physicist) (1800-1881)
Locke Locke, John (Eng. philosopher) (1632-1704)
Lockhart Lockhart, John G. (Scot. author) (1794-1854)
Lockyer Lockyer, Jos. Norman (Eng. astron.) (1836-)
E. Lodge Lodge, Edmund (Eng. writer) (1756-1839)
T. Lodge Lodge, Thos. (Eng. poet and dram.) (1556-1625)
Logan Logan, John (Scot. poet) (1748-1788)
London Academy London Academy, The (weekly journal, estab. 1869).
London Athenæum London Athenæum, The (weekly journal, estab. 1828).
London Encyc. London Encyclopædia (ed. by Thomas Curtis, 1826-1834).
London Field London Field, The (weekly journal, estab. 1853).
London Graphic London Graphic, The (weekly journal, estab. 1869).
London Literary World London Literary World, The (weekly journal, estab. 1869).
London Punch London Punch, The (weekly journal, estab. 1841).
London Quart. Rev. London Quarterly Review} (quarterly journal, estab. 1809).
London Sat. Rev. London Saturday Review, The (weekly journal, estab. 1855).
London Spectator London Spectator (weekly journal, estab. 1828).
London Standard London Standard (daily journal, estab. 1827)
London Telegraph London Telegraph (daily journal, estab. 1855).
London Times London Times (daily journal, estab. 1788).
London Truth London Truth (daily journal, estab. 1877).
G. Long Long, George (Eng. scholar) (1800-1879)
Roger Long Long, Roger (Eng. astron.) (1680-1770)
Longfellow Longfellow, Henry W. (Am. poet) (1807-1882)
S. Longfellow Longfellow, Samuel (Am. poet and essayist) (1819-)
Lord (1630) Lord, Henry (Eng. traveler). [Sect of the Banians, Lond., 1630.]
Loudon Loudon, John Claudius (Scot. bot.) (1783-1843)
T. R. Lounsbury Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford (Am. scholar and author) (1838-)
Loveday Loveday, Robert. [Cleopatra, 1687.]
Lovelace Lovelace, Richard (Eng. poet) (1618-1658)
Lover Lover, Samuel (Irish nov. and song writer) (1797-1868)
Lowell Lowell, James Russell (Am. poet and essayist) (1819-)
M. A. Lower Lower, Mark Antony (Eng. antiq.) (1813-1876)
Lowndes Lowndes, Wm. Thos. (Eng. bibliog.) (1800-1843)
Lowth Lowth, Bp. Robert (Eng. writer) (1710-1787)
Lubbock Lubbock, Sir John (Eng. scientist) (1834-)
Lucar Lucar, Cyprian (Eng. trans.). [Art of Shooting, Lond., 1583.]
Luce Luce, Stephen Bleecker. (1827-) [Textbook of Seamanship, rev. ed., 1884.]
Ludden Ludden, Wm. (Am. mus. writer). (1823-) [Pron. Mus. Dict., N. Y., 1875]
Ludlow Ludlow, Edmund (Eng. republican leader) (1617?-1692)
Lupton Lupton, Thomas. [A Thousand Notable Things, Lond., 1586.]
Lydgate Lydgate, John (Eng. poet) (1370?-1451?)
Lyell Lyell, Sir Charles (Brit. geologist) (1797-1875)
Lyly Lyly, John (Eng. dramatist) (1553?-1606)
Lyman Lyman, Chester Smith (Am. physicist and astron.) (1814-1890)
Lyttelton Lyttelton, Ld. Geo. (Eng. writer) (1709-1773)
R. H. Lyttelton Lyttelton, Richard Hen. (1854-) [Cricket, Badmington Lib.]
Ld. Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George, Baron Lytton (Eng. novelist) (1803-1873)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Macaulay Macaulay, Thos. Babington (Eng. historian and essayist) (1800-1859)
J. McCarthy McCarthy, Justin (Brit. hist. and nov.) (1830-)
McCheyne McCheyne, Robert M. (Scot. divine) (1813-1848)
Gen. G. B. McClellan McClellan, George Brinton (Am. general) (1826-1885)
McClintock McClintock, Sir Francis Leopold (Irish arctic explorer) (1819-)
McCosh McCosh, Jas. (Scot. metaph. in Am.) (1811-1894)
M‘Culloch M‘Culloch, John Ramsay (Scot. polit. economist) (1789-1864)
J. M. M‘Culloch M‘Culloch, Jas. Melville (Scot. educational writer) (1801-1883)
G. MacDonald MacDonald, George (Scot. novelist) (1824-)
McElrath McElrath, Thomas (Am. lawyer). (1807-1888) [Commercial Dict., N. Y., 1871]
C. Mackay Mackay, Charles (Brit. poet and essayist) (1814-1889)
Mackeldey Mackeldey, Ferdinand (Fr. legal writer).
MacKellar MacKellar, Thomas (author of American Printer) (1812-)
McKendrick McKendrick, John G. (Scot. physiol.)
D. L. Mackenzie Mackenzie, D. L. [Eng. Syn., 1854.]
G. Mackenzie Mackenzie, George (Scot. phys.) (-1726)
Lord Mackenzie Mackenzie, Lord Geo. (Scot. laywer) (1636-1691)
Morell Mackenzie Mackenzie, Sir Morell (Eng. physician) (1837-1892)
T. Mackenzie Mackenzie, Thomas (Scot. judge) (1807-1869)
Sir J. Mackintosh Mackintosh, Sir James (Brit. hist. and statesman) (1765-1832)
MacKnight MacKnight, James (Scot. divine) (1721-1800)
Madison Madison, James (Pres. of U. S.) (1751-1836)
J. P. Mahaffy Mahaffy, John Pentland (prof. Anc. Hist., Trinity Coll., Dublin) (1839-)
Mahan Mahan, Dennis Hart (Am. civ. eng.) (1802-1871)
Ld. Mahon Mahon, Philip Henry, Earl of Stanhope (Eng. historian) (1805-1875)
Malcom Malcom, Howard (Am. traveler) (1799-1879)
Mallet Mallet, David (Scot. poet) (1700-1765)
Malone Malone, Edm. (Ir. Shak. scholar) (1741-1812)
Sir T. Malory Malory, Sir Thos. (Brit. translator) (1430?-1471)
Sir J. Mandeville Mandeville, Sir John (Eng. traveler) (1300?-1372)
Cardinal Manning Manning, Henry Edward (Eng. cardinal) (1808-1892)
Bp. Mannyngham Mannyngham, Bp. Thomas. (-1722) [Discourses, 1681.]
Mansel Mansel, Henry L. (Eng. philos.) (1820-1871)
Lord Mansfield Mansfield, William Murray, Lord (Eng. jurist) (1705-1793)
Mantell Mantell, Gideon A. (Eng. geol.) (1790-1852)
F. A. March March, Fr. Andrew (Am. philol.) (1825-)
Mar. Dict. Marine Dictionary (ed. by Wm. Falconer, 1769.).
Markham Markham, Gervase (Eng. poet) (1570?-1655?)
Marlowe Marlowe, Christopher (Eng. dram.) (1564-1593)
Sir J. Marriot Marriot, Sir James (Eng. judge) (fl. 1769)
Marryat Marryat, Frederick (Eng. naval officer and novelist) (1792-1848)
G. P. Marsh Marsh, Geo. Perkin (Am. philol. and diplomat) (1801-1882)
Marshall Marshall, John (Am. statesman) (1755-1835)
W. Marshall Marshall, William (Eng. bot. and agric. writer) (1745?-1819)
Marston Marston, John (Eng. poet) (1575-1634)
Dean Martin Martin, Edwd. (Dean of Ely) (-1662) [Letters, 1662]
H. N. Martin Martin, Henry Newell (Am. biol.) (1848-)
H. Martineau Martineau, Harriet (Eng. writer) (1802-1876)
J. Martineau Martineau, Jas. (Eng. Unit. divine) (1805-1900)
Martyn Martyn, John (Eng. botanist) (1699-1768)
Marvell Marvell, Andrew (Eng. misc. author) (1621-1678)
Mason Mason, William (Eng. poet) (1725-1797)
J. M. Mason Mason, John Mitchell (Am. divine and orator) (1770-1829)
J. Y. Mason Mason, John Young (U. S. minister to France) (1799-1859)
Mass. Records (1647) Massachusetts Records, 1647.
G. Massey Massey, Gerald (Eng. poet) (1828-)
W. Massey Massey, Wm. Nathaniel (Eng. hist.) (1809-1881)
Massinger Massinger, Philip (Eng. dramatist) (1583-1640)
Masson Masson, David (Brit. author) (1822-)
M. T. Masters Masters, Maxwell Tylden (Eng. bot.) (1833-) [Veg. Teratology, 1869]
R. Masters Masters, Robert (Eng. historian) (1713-1798)
Cotton Mather Mather, Cotton (Am. theologian) (1663-1728)
Mathias Mathias, Thomas James (Eng. poet) (1750?-1835)
Matthewes Matthewes, A. (translator of Tasso's Aminta, 1628).
Maunder Maunder, Samuel (Eng. compiler) (1785-1849)
Maundrell Maundrell, Henry (Eng. traveler) (1650?-1710)
Maury Maury, Matt. F. (Am. nav. officer) (1806-1873)
Clerk Maxwell Maxwell, James Clerk (Brit. physicist) (1831-1879)
May May, Thomas (Eng. poet and trans.) (1594?-1650)
Sir T. E. May May, Sir Thomas Erskine (Eng. legal and parliamentary writer) (1815-1886)
Maydman Maydman, Henry. [Naval Speculations, 1691.]
A. M. Mayer Mayer, Alfred Marshall (Am. sci.) (1836-1897)
Mayhew Mayhew, Henry (Eng. author) (1812-1887)
Mayne Mayne, Robert Gray (Eng. surg.) (1808-1868)
W. S. Mayo Mayo, William Starbuck (Am. nov.) (1812-1895)
Mease Mease, James (Am. physician) (1771-1846)
Medbery Medbery, James Knowles. [Men and Mysteries of Wall St., 1870.]
Mede Mede, Joseph (Eng. divine) (1586-1638)
Med. Repository Medical Repository (New York med. journal, 1797-1824).
Meissner Meissner, Georg (Ger. physicist) (1829-)
Melloni Melloni, Macedonio (Ital. physicist) (1801-1854)
Melmoth Melmoth, Wm. (Eng. class. trans.) (1710-1799)
Owen Meredith Meredith, Owen, pseud of Ed. Robt. Bulwer-Lytton (Eng. poet) (1831-1891)
H. A. Merewether Merewether, Henry Alworth (Eng. lawyer) [Hist. of Boroughs, 1822) (-1864)
C. Merivale Merivale, Charles (Brit. historian) (1808-1893)
C. H. Merriam Merriam, Clinton H. (Am. ornith.) (1856?-)
Meyrick (Ancient Armor) Meyrick, Sir Samuel Rush (Eng. antiquary) (1783-1848)
Mickle Mickle, William Julius (Eng. poet) (1735-1788)
Middleton Middleton, Thomas (Eng. dramatist) (1570?-1627)
C. Middleton Middleton, Conyers (Eng. controversialist) (1683-1750)
Miege Miege, Guy (Eng. lexicog.). [Great French-Eng. Dict., Lond. 1688].
J. Mill Mill, James (Eng. historian) (1773-1836)
J. S. Mill Mill, John Stuart (Eng. philosopher and polit. economist) (1806-1873)
Miller Miller, William Allen (Eng. chem.) (1817-1870)
H. Miller Miller, Hugh (Scot. geologist) (1802-1856)
P. Miller Miller, Philip (Eng. botanist) (1691-1771)
S. Miller Miller, Samuel (Am. divine) (1769-1850)
Milles (MS. Devon Gloss.) Milles, Jeremiah (Dean of Exeter) (1714-1784) [MS. Glossary of Devonshire Words]
S. J. Mills Mills, Samuel John (Am. clerg.) (1783-1818)
Milman Milman, Henry Hart (Eng. hist.) (1791-1868)
Milne Milne, Colin (Scot. botanist) (1744?-1815)
Milner Milner, Joseph (Eng. church hist.) (1744-1797)
Milnes Milnes, Richard Monckton, Lord Houghton (Eng. trav. and poet) (1809-1885)
Milton Milton, John (Eng. poet) (1608-1674)
Milward Milward, Richard (-1680) [Life of Selden]
Miner Miner, Thomas (Am. physician) (1777-1841)
C. S. Minot Minot, Chas. Sedgwick (Am. biol.) (1852-)
Minsheu Minsheu, John (Eng. linguist) (16th-17th c.) [Guide into the Tongues, 1617]
Mir. for Mag. Mirror for Magistrates (a collection of narratives by several poets).
D. G. Mitchell Mitchell, Donald G. (Am. author) (1822-)
Mitford Mitford, William (Eng. historian) (1744-1827)
J. Mitford Mitford, John (Eng. biographer and editor) (1781-1859)
Miss Mitford Mitford, Mary R. (Eng. writer) (1786-1855)
Mivart Mivart, St. George (Eng. biologist) (1827-1900)
Mohs Mohs, Friedr. (Ger. mineralogist) (1773-1839)
Moir Moir, David Macbeth (Scot. poet and novelist) (1798-1851)
Mollett Mollett, John W. [Dict. of Art and Archæology, Boston, 1883.]
R. Monro Monro, Robert. [Expedition, 1637.]
Bp. Montagu Montagu, Bp. Richd. (Eng. divine) (1578-1641)
Col. G. Montagu Montagu, Col. George (Eng. ornith.) (-1815)
Lady M. W. Montagu Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (Eng. writer) (1689-1762)
Mrs. E. Montagu Montagu, Eliz. R. (Eng. writer) (1720-1800)
W. Montagu Montagu, Walter. (1604-1677) [Devout Essays. Shepherd's Paradise]
J. Montgomery Montgomery, James (Scot. poet) (1771-1854)
Monthly Rev. Monthly Review (Eng. journal, 1749-1845).
Montrose Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of (Scot. royalist) (1612-1650)
Moore Moore, Thomas (Brit. poet) (1779-1852)
E. Moore Moore, Edward (Eng. dramatist) (1712-1757)
Moore (Encyc. of Music) Moore, John Weeks (Am. musical writer) (1807-)
Dr. H. More More, Dr. Henry (Eng. philosopher) (1614-1687)
Hannah More More, Hannah (Eng. writer) (1745-1833)
Sir T. More More, Sir Thomas (Eng. philos.) (1478-1535)
J. D. Morell Morell, John D. (Eng. philos.) (1815-)
L. H. Morgan Morgan, Lewis Henry (Am. sci.) (1818-1881)
Fynes Morison Morison, Fynes (Eng. traveler) (1566-1614?)
H. Morley Morley, Henry (Eng. author) (1822-1894)
J. Morley Morley, John (Eng. polit. author) (1838-)
C. Morris Morris, Charles (Am. scientist).
G. P. Morris Morris, Geo. Perkins (Am. journ.) (1802-1864)
R. Morris Morris, Richard (Eng. philol.) (1833-1894)
W. Morris Morris, William (Eng. poet) (1834-1896) [Jason]
J. Morse Morse, Jedidiah (Eng. poet) (1761-1826)
J. H. Morse Morse, James Herbert (Am. writer) (1841-)
Morte d'Arthure Morte d'Arthure (old alliterative poem, about 1360).
Mortimer Mortimer, John (Eng. writer on husbandry) (-1736)
Morton (1632) Morton, Thomas. (1590?-1646?) [New Eng. Canaan, 1632]
Bp. Morton Morton, Bp. Thomas (Eng. theol.) (1564-1659)
Moseley Moseley, Hen. (Eng. mech. writer) (1801-1872)
Mosheim Mosheim, von, Johann Lorenz (Ger. theologian) (1694?-1755)
Mother Goose Songs for the Nursery, 1719.
Motherwell Motherwell, Wm. (Scot. poet) (1797-1835)
Motley Motley, John Lothrop (Am. hist.) (1814-1877)
Motto of the Mackintoshes Motto of the Mackintoshes (a Scottish clan).
Mountfort Mountfort, Wm. (Eng. dramatist) (1659-1692)
Moxon Moxon, Joseph (Eng. math.) (1627-1700)
Mozley & Whiteley Mozley, Herbert Newman.
Whiteley, George Crispe.
[Law Dict., Lond., 1876.]
Muffett Muffett, or Moufet, Thomas (Eng. physician) (1550?-1600?)
Muirhead Muirhead, Jas. (Scot. law writer) (-1889)
Max Müller Müller, Friedrich Max (Ger.-Eng. philol.) (1823-)
Munday Munday, Anthony (Eng. dramatist) (1554-1633)
Murchison Murchison, Sir R. I. (Brit. geol.) (1792-1871)
Murdock Murdock, James (Am. divine and scholar) (1776-1856)
A. Murphy Murphy, Arthur (Brit. dram. and essayist) (1727-1805)
J. Murphy Murphy, James Gracey (Irish Heb. scholar) (1808-)
Dr. Murray Murray, James Augustus Henry (Eng. lexicog. and philol.). (1837-)
Lady Murray Murray, Lady Griseld (Eng. writer) (1698-1759)
Murray's Handbook of London Murray, John, Jr. (Eng. publisher) (1808-1892)
Mushet Mushet, Robert (Eng. lawyer) (-1828)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Nares Nares, Rob. (Eng. critic and theol.) (1753-1829)
Nash Nash, Thomas (Eng. dramatist) (1564-1600)
The Nation Nation, The (N. Y. weekly journal, estab. 1865).
National Rev. National Review (Lond. journal, 1855-1864).
Nature Nature (Eng. weekly jour. of sci., estab. 1869).
Naunton Naunton, Sir Robert (Eng. author) (1563-1635)
N. Brit. Review North British Review (Edin. quarterly, 1844-1871).
Neal Neal, John (Am. misc. writer) (1793-1876)
Neale Neale, John Mason (Eng. divine, author, and trans. of hymns) (1818-1866)
Nelson Nelson, Horatio, Lord (Brit. adm.) (1758-1805)
R. Nelson Nelson, Robert (Brit. writer) (1656-1715)
T. Nevile Nevile, Thomas (Eng. translator) (fl. 1758)
New American Cyc. New American Cyclopedia (edited by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana, 1857).
Newcomb Newcomb, Simon (Am. math.) (1835-)
Abp. Newcome Newcome, Abp. Wm. (Eng. divine) (1729-1800)
New England Tales New England Tales (quoted fr. Bartlett's Americanisms).
New English Dict. New English Dictionary (edited by Dr. J. A. H. Murray).
F. W. Newman Newman, Fr. Wm. (Eng. author) (1805-1897)
J. H. Newman Newman, Cardinal John Henry (Eng. theologian and author) (1801-1890)
Newton Newton, Thomas (Eng. physician) (-1607)
H. A. Newton Newton, Hubert Anson (Am. math.) (1830-1896)
J. Newton Newton, John (Eng. clergyman) (1725-1807)
Sir I. Newton Newton, Sir Isaac (Eng. philos. and math.) (1642-1727)
New York Times New York Times (daily journal, estab. 1850).
Nichol Nichol, John Pringle (Brit. sci.) (1804-1859)
Nichols Nichols, John (Eng. antiquary) (1745-1826)
J. R. Nichols Nichols, James Robinson (Am. inventor and scientific writer) (1819-1888)
W. Nichols Nichols, William (Eng. divine) (1664-1712)
Nicholson Nicholson, Peter (Brit. architect) (1765-1844)
Bp. Nicholson Nicholson, Bp. Wm. (Eng. divine) (-1671)
H. A. Nicholson Nicholson, Henry A. (Eng. geol.) (1844-)
W. Nicholson Nicholson, William (Eng. chemist) (1758-1815)
Nicolay & Hay (Life of Lincoln) Nicolay, John Geo. (Am. author) (1832-)
Hay, John (Am. author) (1839-)
Nicolls Nicolls, Thomas (Eng. translator). [Thucydides, 1550.]
Abp. Nicolson Nicolson, Abp. Wm. (Eng. divine) (1655-1727)
Nordheimer Nordheimer, Isaac (Ger. Hebrew scholar) (1809-1842)
Norris Norris, John (Eng. clergyman) (1658-1711)
W. E. Norris Norris, W. E. (Eng. novelist) (1847-)
G. North (1575) North, George (Eng. trans.). [Philosopher of the Court, 1575.]
Ld. North North, Frederick, second earl of Guilford (Eng. statesman) (1732-1792)
R. North North, Roger (Eng. writer) (1650-1733)
Sir T. North North, Sir Thomas (Eng. translator). [Plutarch's Lives, 1579.]
North Am. Rev. North American Review (Am. monthly, estab. 1815).
North Brit. Rev. North British Review (Edin. quarterly, 1844-1871).
Northbrooke Northbrooke, John (Eng. divine). [Treatise on Dicing, etc., 1576.]
A. Norton Norton, Andrews (Am. theologian) (1786-1852)
Nott Nott, Josiah clark (Am. ethnol.) (1804-1873)
Nugæ Antiq. Nugæ Antiquæ (prose and poetry fr. Sir J. Harrington and others).


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Oakeley Oakeley, Fred. (Eng. R. C. clerg.). (1802-1880) [Catholic Worship, 1867.]
O'Brien O'Brien, John (prof. at Mount St. Mary's college, Md.) (-1879)
Observer The Observer, The (Eng. serial, 1785-90).
Occleve Occleve, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1370?-1454?)
Odling Odling, William (Eng. chemist) (1829-)
J. O'Donovan O'Donovan, John (Irish archæol.) (1809-1861)
O. Eng. Oath of Allegiance Old English Oath of Allegiance (quoted by Blackstone).
Ogilvie Ogilvie, John (Scot. lexicog.). (1797-1867) [Imp. Dict., 1856]
O'Keefe O'Keefe, or O'Keeffe, John (Irish dramatist) (1747-1833)
Oldenburg Oldenburg, Hen. (Ger.-Eng. writer) (1615?-1678)
Oldham Oldham, John (Eng. poet) (1653-1683)
Oldys Oldys, William (Eng. bibliographer) (1696-1761)
Oley Oley, Barnabas (Eng. divine) (-1686)
L. Oliphant Oliphant, Lawrence (Eng. traveler) (1829-1888)
Mrs. Oliphant Oliphant, Margaret O. Wilson (Brit. writer) (1828-1897)
T. L. K. Oliphant Oliphant, Thomas Lawrence Kingston (Eng. writer) (1831-)
Orfila Orfila, Mateo José B. (Fr. chem.) (1787-1853)
Ormulum Ormulum, The (an imperfect series of homilies, about 1200).
Orrery Orrery, John Boyle, Earl of (Eng. writer) (1707-1762)
Osborne Osborne, Francis (Eng. writer) (1589?-1659)
Otway Otway, Thos. (Eng. dram. and poet) (1651-1685)
Overbury Overbury, Sir Thos. (Eng. author) (1581-1613)
Owen Owen, Richard (Eng. naturalist) (1804-1892)
Owen (Epigrams) Owen, John (Brit. writer) (1560-1622)
C. Owen pseud. of Mrs. Helen A. Nitsch (Am. writer on cookery) (-1889)
Oxf. Gloss. Oxford Glossary of Architecture, 1845 (later ed. cited as Parker).


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Packard Packard, Alpheus S., Jr. (Am. nat.) (1839-)
Page Page, David (Brit. geologist) (1814-1879)
T. N. Page Page, Thomas Nelson (Am. author) (1853-)
Paget Paget, Sir James (Eng. surgeon) (1814-1899)
Pagitt Pagitt, Ephraim (Eng. author) (1575-1647)
Painter (Palace of Pleasure) Painter, William (Eng. compiler) (-1594) [Palace of Pleasure, 1566]
Paley Paley, Wm. (Eng. theologian) (1743-1805)
Palfrey Palfrey, John Gorham (Am. hist.) (1796-1881)
F. T. Palgrave Palgrave, Fr. T. (Eng. art critic) (1824-1897)
Sir F. Palgrave Palgrave, Sir Francis (Eng. hist.) (1788-1861)
W. G. Palgrave Palgrave, W. Gifford (Eng. traveler) (1826-1888)
Pall Mall Gazette Pall Mall Gazette (Eng. daily journal, estab. 1865).
Ld. Palmerston Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3d viscount (Eng. statesman) (1784-1865)
Palsgrave Palsgrave, John (Eng. linguist) (1480?-1554)
Papin Papin, Denis (French physicist) (1647-1714)
Sir W. Parish Parish, Sir Woodbine (Eng. diplom.) (1796-1882)
Park Park, Sir James Allen (Brit. jurist) (1763-1838)
Prof. Park Park, Edwards Amasa (Am. theol.) (1808-)
R. Park Park, Roswell (Am. author) (1807-1869)
Parker Parker, John Henry (Eng. archæol.). (1806-1884) [Gloss. of Architecture, 1879]
Abp. Parker Parker, Abp. Matt. (Eng. divine) (1504-1575)
Bp. Parker Parker, Bp. Samuel (Eng. divine) (1640-1687)
Martin Parker Parker, Martin (Eng. poet). [The Nightingale, 1632.]
T. Parker Parker, Theodore (Am. theologian) (1810-1860)
Parkhurst Parkhurst, John Luke (Am. gram.) (1795?-1850)
Parkman Parkman, Francis, Jr. (Am. hist.) (1823-1893)
Parliamentary History (1648) Parliamentary History, 1648 (cited from Richardson's Dict.).
Parnell Parnell, Thomas (Brit. poet) (1679-1718)
Parr Parr, Bartholomew. (1750-) Med. Dict., Lond., 1809]
R. Parr Parr, Richard (Eng. divine) (1617-1691)
S. Parr Parr, Sam. (Eng. crit. and scholar) (1747-1825)
Parsons Parsons, Theophilus (Am. jurist). (1797-1882) [Contracts]
Parth. Sacra (1633) Parthenia Sacra; or, Myst. Garment of the Sacred Parthenes; by Hen. Hawkins.
Paston Letters of the Paston family of Norfolk (a record of social customs of 15th century, edited by Sir J. Fenn, 1787).
Pastor Fido (1602) Pastor Fido (written by G. B. Guarini, 1537-1612, tr. by Fanshawe).
W. Pater Pater, Walter Horatio (Eng. writer) (1839-1894)
Bp. Patrick Patrick, Bp. Symon (Eng. com.) (1626-1707)
W. Pattison Pattison, William (Eng. poet) (1706-1727)
Paulding Paulding, James K. (Am. author) (1779-1860)
J. Payn Payn, James (Brit. writer) (1830-1898)
Payne Payne, John Howard (Am. dram.) (1791-1852)
P. Cyc. Penny Cyclopædia (ed. by Chas. Knight, 1833-1858).
Peacham Peacham, Henry the elder (Eng. painter and author) (1546-1634) The Garden of Eloquence
Bp. Peacock Peacock, Bp. Reginald (Brit. prel.) (1390-1460?)
Bp. Pearce Pearce, Bp. Zachary (Eng. divine) (1690-1774)
Bp. Pearson Pearson, Bp. John (Eng. theol.) (1613-1686)
C. H. Pearson Pearson, Chas. Henry (Eng. hist.) (1830-)
Peele Peele, George (Eng. poet) (1558?-1597?)
Pegge Pegge, Samuel (Eng. antiquary) (1704-1796)
Pegge (1814) Pegge, Samuel (Eng. writer) (1731-1800)
J. Peile Peile, John [Gr. and Lat. Etymol., 2nd ed., Lond. 1872.]
Pennant Pennant, Thomas (Brit. zoölogist) (1726-1798)
Pepys Pepys, Samuel (Eng. diarist) (1632-1703)
Percival Percival, James Gates (Am. poet and geologist) (1795-1856)
Percy Percy, Thomas (Eng. bishop) (1729-1811)
Percy's Reliques Percy's Reliques (a collection of old lyrics, ed. by Bishop Percy, 1765)
Pereira Pereira, Jonathan (Eng. physician) (1804-1853)
Jacob Perkins Perkins, Jacob (Am. inventor) (1766-1849)
Perkins Perkins, William (Eng. divine) (1558-1602)
Perrier Perrier, Edmond (Fr. naturalist) (1844-)
Perry Perry, William (Eng. lexicographer). [Dict., 1795.]
Peters Peters, Richard, Jr. (Am. biog.) (1780-1848)
H. Peters Peters, Hugh (Eng. divine) (1599-1660)
J. P. Peters Peters, John Punnett (Am. trans.) (1852-)
Petherick Petherick, John (Brit. traveler) (1820?-)
Sir P. Pett Pett, Sir Peter (Eng. polit. writer) (1630-)
Pettie Pettie, George (1548?-1589) [Introd. to Guazzo's Civil Conversation, 1586]
Sir W. Petty Petty, Sir Wm. (Eng. polit. econ.) (1623-1687)
Phaer Phaer, Thos. (Brit. phys. and poet) (-1560)
Philips Philips, Ambrose (Eng. poet) (1671-1749)
J. Philips Philips, John (Eng. poet) (1676-1708)
Phillips Phillips, Willard (Am. jurist) (1784-1873)
E. Phillips Phillips, Edward (Eng. lexicog.) (1630-1698?)
W. Phillips Phillips, William (Brit. geologist) (1773-1828)
Wendell Phillips Phillips, Wendell (Am. orator) (1811-1884)
Pickering Pickering, Tim. (Am. statesman) (1745-1829)
J. Pickering Pickering, John (Am. philologist) (1777-1846)
Pierpont Pierpont, John (Am. poet) (1785-1866)
Piers Plowman Vision of Piers Plowman (Satirical poem of 14th cent., by Wm. Langland, or Langley).
Piffard Piffard, Henry Granger (Am. physician). [Ther. of Skin, 1881.]
C. C. Pinckney Pinckney, Chas. C. (Am. statesman) (1746-1825)
Pinel Pinel, Philippe (Fr. physician) (1745-1826)
Pinkerton Pinkerton, John (Scot. author) (1758-1826)
Pitkin Pitkin, Timothy (Am. historian) (1766-1847)
Pitman Pitman, Isaac (Eng. phonographer) (1813-1897)
Pitt Pitt, William (Eng. statesman) (1759-1806)
C. Pitt Pitt, Christopher (Eng. poet. trans.) (1699-1748)
Plaifere Plaifere, John (Eng. divine) (-1608)
Planché Planché, James R. (Eng. dramatist) (1796-1880)
Plautus (Trans. 1694) Plautus (Trans. 1694) (Eng. translation by Lawrence Echard, 1671-1730)
Playfair Playfair, John (Scot. math. and physicist) (1748-1819)
Lyon Playfair Playfair, Lyon (Eng. chemist) (1819-1898)
Plumptre Plumtre, Edward H. (Eng. clerg.) (1821-1891)
E. Pocock Pocock, Edward (Eng. orientalist) (1604-1691)
Pococke Pococke, Bp. Richard (Eng. trav.) (1704-1765)
Poe Poe, Edgar Allan (Am. poet) (1809-1849)
Poem in Essex Dialect John Noakes and Mary Styles (a poem exhibiting the localisms peculiar to Essex, Lond., 1839).
Pole Pole, Wm. (Eng. musician and sci.) (1814-)
Pollok Pollok, Robert (Scot. poet) (1798-1827)
J. N. Pomeroy Pomeroy, John Norton (Am. legal writer) (1828-1885)
Pomfret Pomfret, John (Eng. poet) (1667-1703)
Madame de Pompadour Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de (Fr. marchioness) (1721-1764)
H. W. Poole Poole, Hen. Ward (Am. mus. writer) (1825-)
R. S. Poole Poole, Reginald S. (Eng. archæol.) (1832-1895)
Poor Robin's Almanack Poor Robin's Almanack (Eng. almanac, 1663-1828)
Pope Pope, Alexander (Eng. poet) (1688-1744)
Pop. Sci. Monthly Popular Science Monthly (N. Y. magazine, estab. 1872).
Porson Porson, Richd. (Eng. Gr. scholar) (1759-1808)
Porter Porter, Noah (Am. metaphysician) (1811-1892)
E. Porter Porter, Ebenezer (Am. divine) (1772-1834)
Porteus Porteus, Beilby (Eng. bishop) (1731-1808)
Pothier Pothier, Robert Joseph (Fr. jurist) (1699-1772)
Abp. Potter Potter, Abp. John (Eng. prelate) (1674-1747)
F. Potter Potter, Francis (Eng. mechanician) (1594-1678)
B. Powell Powell, Baden (Eng. philosopher) (1796-1860)
Sir John Powell Powell, Sir John (Eng. judge) (1633?-1696)
Pownall Pownall, Thomas (Eng. antiquary) (1722-1805)
P. Plowman See Piers Plowman.
Praed Praed, Winthrop M. (Eng. poet) (1802-1839)
Pref. to Book of Com. Prayer Preface to Book of Common Prayer.
Prescott Prescott, Wm. Hickling (Am. hist.) (1796-1859)
Preston Preston, John (Eng. divine) (1587-1628)
T. Preston Preston, Thomas (Eng. dramatist) (-1598)
Price Price, Richard (Brit. finan. writer) (1723-1791)
Price (1610) Price, Daniel (Eng. divine) (1579?-1631)
Prichard Prichard, James C. (Eng. ethnol.) (1786-1848)
Prideaux Prideaux, John (Eng. divine) (1578-1650)
H. Prideaux Prideaux, Humphrey (Eng. hist.) (1648-1724)
Priestley Priestley, Joseph (Eng. chem. and physicist) (1733-1804)
Prior Prior, Matthew (Eng. poet) (1664-1721)
Dr. Prior Prior, Richard Chandler Alexander (1809-) [Pop. Names of Brit. Plants, 1879]
Pritchard Pritchard, Andrew (Eng. naturalist) (1804-1882)
R. A. Proctor Proctor, Richard A. (Eng. astron.) (1837-1888)
Prompt. Parv. Promptorium Parvulorum (Eng.-Lat. Dict., by Geoffrey the Grammarian, 1440).
Proudfit Proudfit, Alexander M. (Am. divine) (1770-1843)
Prout Prout, William (Eng. med. chemist) (1786-1850)
Pryce Pryce, Wm. (Eng. min. and archæol.) (fl. 1790)
Pugin Pugin, Augustus N. W. (Eng. arch.) (1812-1852)
Puller Puller, Timothy (Brit. divine) (-1693)
Punch See London Punch.
Purchas Purchas, Samuel (Eng. compiler of travels) (1578-1628?)
The Puritan (1607) The Puritan, or The Widow of Watling Street (an anon. play).
Puttenham Puttenham, George (Brit. writer) (1532?-1600?)
H. J. Pye Pye, Henry James (Eng. poet) (1745-1813)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Quain Quain, Richard (Brit. physician) (1816-1887)
Quain's Anat. Quain, Jones (Eng. anatomist) (1795-1851)
Quarles Quarles, Fr. (Eng. poet) (1592-1644) [Emblems]
Quart. Rev. Quarterly Review (Eng. periodical, founded 1809).
Queen of Corinth Queen of Corinth (a play by Massinger, Fletcher, etc.)
Quincy Quincy, John (Eng. medical writer) (-1723)
Josiah Quincy Quincy, Josiah (Am. statesman) (1772-1864)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Bp. Rainbow Rainbow, Bp. Edward (Eng. divine) (1608-1684)
Sir W. Raleigh Raleigh, Sir Walter (Eng. statesman and navigator) (1552-1618)
Rambler Rambler, The (Eng. periodical, 1750-1752).
Ramsay Ramsay, Allan (Scot. poet) (1685-1758)
D. Ramsay Ramsay, David (Am. historian) (1749-1815)
E. B. Ramsay Ramsay, Edward B. (Scot. clerg.) (1793-1872)
J. Randolph Randolph, John (Am. politician) (1773-1833)
T. Randolph Randolph, Thos. (Eng. dramatist) (1605-1634)
Rankine Rankine, W. J. Macquorn (Scot. mechanician) (1820-1872)
Rawle Rawle, Wm. (Am. lawyer and scholar) (1759-1836)
G. Rawlinson Rawlinson, George (Eng. historian) (1815-)
Sir H. Rawlinson Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke (Eng. orientalist) (1810-1895)
Ray Ray, John (Eng. nat. and compiler) (1628-1705)
Rayer Rayer, Pierre François Olive (Fr. medical writer) (1793-1867)
Raymond Raymond, Rossiter Worthington (Am. engineer). (1840-) [Mining Gloss.]
H. Read Read, Henry (Am. author) (1808-1854)
Charles Reade Reade, Charles (Eng. novelist) (1814-1884)
Compton Reade Reade, Compton (Eng. novelist) (1834?-)
J. Reading Reading, John (Eng. divine) (1588-1677)
Rees Rees, Abraham (Eng. cyclopedist) (1743-1825)
T. Reeve (1657) Reeve, Thomas (English divine). [God's Plea for Nineveh, 1657.]
Reid Reid, Thomas (Scot. metaphysician) (1710-1796)
Remedy of Love Remedy of Love (a poem attributed to Chaucer)
I. Remsen Remsen, Ira (Am. chemist) (1846-)
Rep. Sec. of War (1860) Report of the Secretary of War, U. S., for 1860.
Rev. Ver. Revised version of the Bible, 1884.
Bp. Reynolds Reynolds, Bp. Edw. (Eng. divine) (1599-1676)
Sir J. Reynolds Reynolds, Sir Joshua (Eng. portrait painter) (1723-1792)
Rhemish Trans. Rhemish translation of the New Testament, 1582.
Rich. the Redeless Richard the Redeless (a poem by Wm. Langland, or Langley, 1399).
Richardson Richardson, Samuel (Eng. nov.) (1689-1761)
Richardson (Dict.) Richardson, Charles (Eng. lexicographer) (1775-1865)
B. W. Richardson Richardson, Benjamin Ward (Eng. physician) (1828-)
Bp. Richardson Richardson, Bp. John (Eng. theol.) (1579?-1654)
J. Richardson Richardson, Jonathan (Eng. painter and author) (1665?-1745)
Rider's Dict. (1640) Rider, John (1562?-1632) [Lat.-Eng. Dict.]
Ridley Ridley, Nicholas (Eng. bishop) (1500?-1555)
Riemann Riemann, Hugo (Ger. mus. writer) (1849-)
Rivers Rivers, Antony Widvile, or Woodville, Earl of (Eng. class. transl.) (1442-1483)
Robert of Brunne See Brunne.
R. of Gloucester Robert of Gloucester (Eng. antiq. historian) (fl. 13th. c.)
Robertson Robertson, William (Scot. historian) (1721-1793)
F. W. Robertson Robertson, Fred Wm. (Eng. clerg.) (1816-1853)
G. C. Robertson Robertson, Geo. Croom (Scot. phil.) (1842-)
Robinson Robinson, John. [Eudoxa, 1658.]
Canon Robinson Robinson, Chas. K. (Eng. divine).
E. Robinson Robinson, Edward (Am. philol.) (1794-1863)
E. G. Robinson Robinson, Ezekiel G. (Am. divine) (1815-)
Robinson's Whitby Glossary (1875) Robinson, F. K. (Eng. scholar). [Whitby Glossary, 1875.]
Robynson (More's Utopia) Robynson, Raphe (Eng. translator) (fl. 1651)
Rochefoucauld See La Rochefoucauld.
Rochester Rochester, John Wilmot, second earl of (Eng. courtier) (1647?-1680)
Rockstro Rockstro, Wm. S. (Eng. mus. writer).
Rogers Rogers (quoted from Johnson's Dict.).
D. Rogers Rogers, Daniel (Eng. divine) (1573-1652)
J. Rogers (1839) Rogers, John (of St. John's Coll., Cambridge).
J. Rogers Rogers, J. (writer in Eng. Mechanic, London, 1869).
S. Rogers Rogers, Samuel (Eng. poet) (1763-1855)
Thorold Rogers Rogers, James Edwin Thorold (Eng. political economist) (1823?-)
Roget Roget, Peter Mark (Eng. physiologist) (1779-1869) [Thesaurus]
J. Rolland Rolland, John (Scot. poetical trans.)
G. Rolleston Rolleston, George (Eng. physiol.) (1829-1881)
Romilly Romilly, Sir Sam. (Eng. statesman) (1757-1818)
Rom. of R. Romaunt of Rose (Eng. trans. of French romance, formerly attrib. to Chaucer).
T. Roosevelt Roosevelt, Theodore (Am. author) (1858-)
H. Roscoe Roscoe, Henry (Eng. jurist) (1799-1836)
H. E. Roscoe Roscoe, Henry Enfield (Eng. chem.) (1833-)
Roscoe & Schorlemmer Roscoe, Henry E.
Schorlemmer, Carl.
[Treatise on Chem.]
Roscommon Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Lord (Eng. poet) (1633?-1684)
Ross Ross, Alexander (Brit. theologian) (1590-1654)
A. Ross (1778) Ross, Alexander (Scot. poet) (1699-1784)
J. Ross Ross, James. [Diseases of the Nervous System, 1883.]
Sir J. Ross Ross, Sir John (Brit. admiral and arctic navigator) (1777-1856)
J. J. Rousseau Rousseau, Jean Jacques (Fr. philos.) (1712-1778)
Rowe Rowe, Nicholas (Eng. dramatist) (1673-1718)
S. Rowlands Rowlands, Samuel (Brit. poet) (1573?-1634?)
Rowley Rowley, Wm. (Eng. actor and dram.) (fl. 17th c.)
Ruddiman Ruddiman, Thomas (Scot. scholar) (1674-1758)
Rush Rush, James (Am. physician and philanthropist) (1786-1869)
Ruskin Ruskin, John (Eng. writer on art) (1819-1900)
Sir W. O. Russell Russell, Sir William Oldnall (Eng. legal writer) (1785?-1833)
W. C. Russell Russell, William Clark (Eng. nov.) (1844-)
W. H. Russell Russell, Wm. Howard (Brit. journ.) (1821-)
Bp. Rust Rust, Bp. George (Eng. divine) (-1670)
Ruxton Ruxton, Geo. Fred. Aug. (Eng. trav.) (1821-1848)
Rycaut Rycaut, Sir Paul (Eng. traveler and diplomatist) (1630-1700)
Rymer Rymer, Thomas (Eng. antiquary) (1639?-1713)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Sachs Sachs, Julius (Ger. botanist) (1832-)
Sackville Sackville, Thomas, first earl of Dorset (Eng. poet) (1527-1608)
Sir E. Sackville Sackville, Sir Edw. (Eng. statesman) (1590-1652)
Saintsbury Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman (Eng. literary historian) (1845-)
G. A. Sala Sala, George Augustus Henry (Eng. journalist and author) (1828-1895)
J. Salkeld Salkeld, John (Brit. clergyman) (1575-1659)
Salmagundi Salmagundi (a series of papers, 1807, by Wm. Irving, Washington Irving, and J. K. Paulding)
Salmon Salmon, Nathaniel (Eng. antiquary) (1676-1742)
Abp. Sancroft Sancroft, Abp. William (Eng. divine) (1616-1693)
Bp. Sanderson Sanderson, Bp. Robt. (Eng. divine) (1587-1663)
Sandys Sandys, Geo. (Eng. trav. and poet) (1577-1643)
Abp. Sandys Sandys, Abp. Edwin (Eng. divine) (1519-1588)
Sir E. Sandys Sandys, Sir Edwin (Eng. writer) (1561-1629)
Sir M. Sandys Sandys, Sir Miles (Eng. writer) (1600-)
C. S. Sargent Sargent, Chas. Sprague (Am. bot.) (1841-)
Sat. Rev., or Saturday Review Saturday Review (a London weekly journal, estab. 1855).
Saunier Saunier, Claudius (Fr. mechanician).
Savage Savage, Richard (Eng. poet) (1698-1743)
M. W. Savage Savage, Marmion W. (Brit. novelist) (1815?-1872)
W. Savage Savage, William (Eng. printer) (1771-1843)
Savile Savile, Sir Henry (Eng. math. and classical scholar) (1549-1622)
J. G. Saxe Saxe, John Godfrey (Am. poet) (1816-1887)
A. B. Saxton Saxton, Andrew B. (Am. poet).
Say Say, Thomas (Am. naturalist) (1787-1834)
Sayce Sayce, Archibald Henry (Eng. orientalist) (1846-)
Schaeffer Schaeffer, Chas. Fred. (Am. theol.) (1807-1880)
Schaff Schaff, Philip (Am. theologian) (1819-1893)
Schaff-Herzog Encyc. Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)
Herzog, John Jacob (1805-1882)
[Encyc. of Relig. Knowl.]
Schmidt Schmidt, Alex. (German scholar) (1816-) [Shak. Lex.]
Schoolcraft Schoolcraft, Henry R. (Am. ethnol.) (1793-1864)
Scientific American Scientific American (N. Y. weekly, estab. 1846).
Sclater (1654) Sclater, William (Eng. clergyman). [Sermon at Funeral of A. Wheelock, 1654.]
P. L. Sclater Sclater, Philip Lutley (Eng. nat.) (1829-)
R. Scot Scot, Reginald (Eng. writer against superstition) (1545-1599)
Scott Scott, Joseph N. (Eng. lexicog.) (-1773)
Dr. J. Scott Scott, Dr. John (Eng. divine) (1638-1694)
H. L. Scott Scott, Henry L. (Am. mil. officer) (1814-1886)
J. Scott of Amwell Scott, John, of Amwell (Eng. poet) (1730-1783)
Sir W. Scott Scott, Sir Walter (Scot. novelist and poet) (1771-1832)
T. Scott Scott, Thomas (Eng. commentator) (1747-1821)
William Scott Scott, William (fl. 1750-1804) [Dict., 1797]
F. L. Scribner Scribner, F. Lamson. [Report of U. S. Dept. of Agric., 1887-88.]
Scudamore Scudamore, Edward. [Nomenclator, or Terminolog. Dict., Lond., 1841.]
Barnas Sears Sears, Barnas (Am. scholar) (1802-1880)
Secker Secker, Thomas (Eng. archbishop) (1693-1768)
J. Seed Seed, Jeremiah (Eng. divine) (-1747)
J. R. Seeley Seeley, John Robert (Eng. author) (1834-1895)
P. J. Selby Selby, Prideaux J. (Brit. ornith.) (1780?-1867)
Selden Selden, John (Eng. statesman) (1584-1654)
J. M. Sewall Sewall, Jona. Mitchell (Am. poet) (1748-1808)
A. Seward Seward, Anna (Eng. writer) (1747-1809)
W. H. Seward Seward, Wm. H. (Am. statesman) (1801-1872)
Shaftesbury Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, third earl of (Eng. writer) (1671-1713)
J. C. Shairp Shairp, John C. (Brit. scholar) (1819-1885)
Shakespeare Shakespeare, Wm. (Eng. dramatist) (1564-1616)
Sharp Sharp, John (Eng. prelate) (1644-1714)
G. Sharp Sharp, Granville (Eng. abolitionist) (1734-1813)
S. Sharp Sharp, Samuel (Eng. surgeon) (-1778)
S. Sharpe Sharpe, Samuel (Eng. bib. scholar) (1799-1881)
G. Shaw Shaw, George (Eng. naturalist) (1751-1813)
Shedd Shedd, Prof. Wm. Greenough Thayer (Am. theologian) (1820-1894)
Sheldon Sheldon, Richard (Eng. divine). [Miracles of Anti-Christ, 1616.]
Shelford Shelford, Robert. [Learned Discourse, 1635.]
M. W. Shelley Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (Eng. novelist) (1797-1851)
Shelly Shelly, Percy Bysshe (Eng. poet) (1792-1822)
Shelton Shelton, Thomas (Eng. translator of Don Quixote) (1580?-)
Shenstone Shenstone, William (Brit. poet) (1714-1763)
Sherburne Sherburne, Sir Edward (Eng. poet and translator) (1618-1702)
Sheridan Sheridan, Richard B. B. (Brit. dramatist) (1751-1816)
Dr. Sheridan Sheridan, Dr. Thomas (Brit. elocutionist and lexicographer) (1721-1788)
P. H. Sheridan Sheridan, Philip H. (Am. general) (1831-1888)
Sir A. Sherley Sherley, Sir Anthony (Eng. trav.) (1565-1630)
Bp. Sherlock Sherlock, Bp. Thomas (Eng. divine) (1678-1761)
Gen. W. T. Sherman Sherman, Wm. Tecumseh (Amer. general) (1820-1891)
Sherwood Sherwood, Robert. [Dict. of Eng. and Fr., 1632.]
Shipley Shipley, Orby (Eng. eccl. writer) (1832-)
T. Shipman Shipman, Thomas (Eng. dramatist) (fl. 17th c.)
Shirley Shirley, James (Eng. dramatist) (1594?-1666)
J. V. Shoemaker Shoemaker, John V. (Am. phys.)
Sir J. Shore Shore, Sir John (Eng. writer) (1751-1834)
Shuckford Shuckford, Sam. (Eng. historian) (-1754)
Algernon Sidney Sidney, Algernon (Eng. patriot) (1622?-1683)
Sir H. Sidney Sidney, Sir Henry (Eng. statesman) (-1586)
Sir P. Sidney Sidney, Sir Philip (Eng. statesman) (1554-1586)
Siemens Siemens, Karl Wilhelm (Ger. nat. philosopher in England) (1823-1883)
The Silkworms (1599) Silkworms and their Flies, The; described in verse by T. M. (said to be Thomas Muffett or Moufet)
Silliman Silliman, Benj., Sr. (Am. physicist) (1779-1864)
Simmonds Simmonds, Peter Lund. [Trade Products, Lond., 1858]
Sir J. Y. Simpson Simpson, Sir Jas. Young (Scot. phys.) (1811-1870)
Sinclair Sinclair, Sir J. (Scot. statistician) (1754-1835)
A. P. Sinnett Sinnett, A. P. (Eng. writer)
Skeat Skeat, Walter Wm. (Eng. philol.) (1835-)
Skelton Skelton, John (Eng. poet) (1460?-1529)
P. Skelton Skelton, Philip (Brit. divine) (1707-1787)
Skinner Skinner, Stephen (Eng. philologist) (1623-1667)
T. H. Skinner Skinner, Thomas H. (Am. divine) (1791-1871)
Smalridge Smalridge, George (Eng. bishop) (1663-1719)
Smart Smart, Benj. H. (Eng. lexicog.) (1787?-1872)
C. Smart Smart, Christopher (Eng. poet) (1722-1770)
Smee Smee, Alfred (Eng. electrician) (1818-1877)
Smiles Smiles, Samuel (Scotch biographer) (1816-)
A. Smith Smith, Adam (Brit. polit. economist) (1723-1790)
Alex. Smith Smith, Alexander (Scotch poet) (1831-1867)
Capt. John Smith Smith, John (Eng. adventurer) (1579-1632)
C. J. Smith Smith, Charles John (Eng. gram. and lexicog.) (1819?-1872)
Dr. John Smith Smith, John (Eng. physician) (1630-1679)
Dr. W. Smith Smith, Wm. (Eng. class. scholar) (1813-1893)
E. Smith Smith, Edmund (Eng. poet) (1688-1710)
G. B. Smith Smith, Geo. Burnett (Eng. essayist) (1841-)
Goldwin Smith Smith, Goldwin (Eng. historian) (1823-)
H. Smith Smith, Horace (Eng. author) (1779-1849)
J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants) Smith, John (curator of Kew Gardens) (1798?-1888)
J. & H. Smith Smith, James (1775-1839)
Smith, Horace
(joint authors of Rejected Addresses, 1812)
J. P. Smith Smith, John Pye (Eng. divine) (1774-1851)
J. W. Smith Smith, John Wm. (Eng. legal writer) (1809-1845)
M. R. Smith Smith, Mary L. Reilly (Am. poetess) (1842-)
Percy Smith Smith, Hen. Percy (Eng. compiler) (1826?-)
S. F. Smith Smith, Samuel Fr. (Am. divine) (1808-1895)
Sir T. Smith Smith, Sir Thomas (Eng. scholar) (1514-1577)
S. S. Smith Smith, Sam. Stanhope (Am. divine) (1750-1819)
Sydney Smith Smith, Sydney (Eng. essayist) (1771-1845)
Smollett Smollett, Tobias George (Brit. nov.) (1721-1771)
Smyth Smyth, William Henry (Eng. naval officer) (1788-1865)
Somerville Somerville, William (Eng. poet) (1677-1742)
South South, Robert (Eng. divine and author) (1631-1716)
Southern Southern, Thos. (Brit. dramatist) (1660?-1746)
Southey Southey, Robert (Eng. poet) (1774-1843)
Southwell Southwell, Robert (Eng. poet) (1560-1595)
Soyer Soyer, Alexis (French cook) (1800?-1858)
W. Spalding Spalding, William (Scotch logician) (1809-1859)
Sparks Sparks, Jared (Am. historian) (1789-1866)
Spectator Spectator, The (Eng. periodical edited by Addison, Steele and others, 1711-1714)
Speed Speed, John (Eng. historian) (1542?-1629)
Spelman Spelman, Sir Henry (Eng. antiq.) (1562-1641)
Spence Spence, Ferrand (English trans.) [Lucian, Lond., 1684.]
J. Spence Spence, Joseph (Eng. critic) (1698?-1768)
H. Spencer Spencer, Herbert (Eng. philos.) (1820-)
I. S. Spencer Spencer, Ichabod S. (Am. divine) (1798-1854)
J. Spencer Spencer, John (Eng. divine) (1630-1695)
Spenser Spenser, Edmund (Eng. poet) (1552?-1599)
Spotswood Spotswood, or Spotiswood, John (Scot. eccl. hist.) (1565-1639)
C. Sprague Sprague, Charles (Am. poet) (1791-1875)
W. B. Sprague Sprague, Wm. Buell (Am. divine) (1795-1876)
Sprat Sprat, Thomas (Eng. bp. and hist.) (1636-1713)
G. Spring Spring, Gardiner (Am. clergyman) (1785-1873)
E. G. Squier Squier, Ephraim George (Am. archæologist) (1821-1888)
Stackhouse Stackhouse, Thos. (Eng. clerg.) (1680-1752)
A. Stafford Stafford, Anthony Ambrose (Eng. writer) (-1641)
Stainer & Barrett Stainer, John (1840- )
Barrett, W. A. (1835-)
(joint editors of Mus. Dict.)
Stallo Stallo, John B.}} (Am. physicist) (1823-)
A. P. Stanley Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (Dean of Westminster) (1815-1881)
T. Stanley Stanley, Thomas (Eng. philos. and poet) (1625-1678)
H. Stansbury Stansbury, Howard (Am. civil engineer) (1806-1863)
Stanyhurst Stanyhurst, Richard (Brit. historian and poet) (1545?-1618)
Stapleton Stapleton, Thomas (Eng. divine) (1535-1598)
Starkie Starkie, Thos. (Eng. legal writer) (1782-1849)
State Papers State Papers (of Gr. Brit. and Ir.)
State Trials State Trials (of Gr. Brit. and Ir.)
Statutes of Mass. Statutes of Massachusetts
T. Staveley Staveley, Thos. (Eng. eccl. writer) (-1683)
Stedman Stedman, John Gabriel (Brit. military officer) (1745-1797)
E. C. Stedman Stedman, Edmund C. (Am. poet) (1833-)
Steele Steele, Sir Richard (Eng. essayist) (1676-1729)
Steevens Steevens, Geo. (Eng. commentator) (1736-1800)
Stephen Stephen, Henry John (Eng. legal writer) (1787-1864)
J. F. Stephen Stephen, James Fitzjames (Eng. legal writer) (1829-1894)
Leslie Stephen Stephen, Leslie (Eng. literary hist.) (1832-)
Sir J. Stephen Stephen, Sir James (Eng. historian) (1789-1859)
Stepney Stepney, George (Eng. poet and statesman) (1663-1707)
Sterling Sterling, John (Brit. essayist) (1806-1844)
Sternberg Sternberg, Geo. M. (Am. army surg.) (1838-)
Sterne Sterne, Lawrence (Eng. humorous writer) (1713-1768)
Sternhold Sternhold, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1500?-1549)
J. Stevens Stevens, John (Eng. translator) (1660?-1726)
R. L. Stevenson Stevenson, Robert L. (Scot. author) (1850-1894)
Stewart Stewart, Dugald (Scotch metaph.) (1753-1828)
B. Stewart Stewart, Balfour (Brit. physicist) (1828-)
E. Stiles Stiles, Ezra (Am. divine and hist.) (1727-1795)
J. Still Still, John (Eng. divine and author) (1543-1607)
Bp. Stillingfleet Stillingfleet, Bp. Edward (Eng. divine) (1635-1699)
Stillman (The Horse in Motion) Stillman, J. D. Babcock (Am. physician) (1819-)
Stirling Stirling, Wm. Alex. (Scot. poet) (1580-1640)
J. H. Stirling Stirling, James Hutchinson (Scot. critic and philosopher) (1820-)
W. Stith Stith, William (Am. historian) (1689-1755)
R. H. Stoddard Stoddard, Richd. Hen. (Am. poet) (1825-)
Stokes Stokes, Geo. Gabriel (Brit. physicist) (1819-)
D. Stokes (1659) Stokes, David (Eng. orientalist) (fl. 17th c.)
Stonehenge (pseud. of J. H. Walsh)
Stormonth Stormonth, James (Scotch philol. and lexicog.) (1825-1882)
Story Story, Joseph (Am. jurist) (1779-1845)
Bp. Story Story, Bp. Josiah (Irish divine) (1679?-1757)
Stow Stow, John (Eng. antiquary) (1525?-1605)
Stowe Stowe, Calvin Ellis (Am. clerg.) (1802-1886)
Mrs. Stowe Stowe, Harriet Beecher (Am. writer) (1811-1896)
Lord Stowell Stowell, William Scott, Lord (Eng. judge) (1745-1836)
Stower Stower, Charles (Eng. printer) (1779?-1816)
Earl of Strafford Strafford, Thos. Wentworth, Earl of (Eng. statesman) (1593-1641)
Strauss Strauss, David Friedr. (Ger. theol.) (1808-1874)
Strutt Strutt, Joseph (Eng. antiquary) (1749-1802)
Strype Strype, John (Eng. biographer) (1643-1737)
G. Stuart Stuart, Gilbert (Scot. historian) (1742-1786)
M. Stuart Stuart, Moses (Am. theologian) (1780-1852)
Stubbes Stubbes, Philip (British writer) [Anatomy of Abuses, 1583]
Stubbs Stubbs, William (Eng. historian) (1825-)
Stukeley Stukeley, Wm. (Eng. antiquary) (1687-1765)
Suckling Suckling, Sir John (Eng. poet) (1610-1641)
J. Sully Sully, James (Eng. metaphysician) (1842-)
Summary on Du Bartas (1621) Summary on Du Bartas (tr. fr. the French by Thomas Lodge, Lond., 1621)
Charles Sumner Sumner, Charles (Am. statesman) (1811-1874)
W. G. Sumner Sumner, Wm. Graham (Am. polit. economist) (1840-)
L. Sunderland Sunderland, LeRoy (Am. essayist) (1802-1885)
Surrey Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of (Eng. poet) (1516?-1547)
Swedenborg Swedenborg, Emanuel (Sw. philos.) (1688-1772)
H. Sweet Sweet, Henry (1845?-) [Phonetics, Oxford, 1877]
Swift Swift, Jonathan (Brit. author) (1667-1745)
Z. Swift Swift, Zephaniah (Am. jurist) (1759-1823)
Swinburne Swinburne, Algernon Chas. (Eng. poet) (1837-)
H. Swinburne Swinburne, Henry (Eng. traveler) (1752-1803)
John Swinton Swinton, John (Scot. journ. in Am.) (1830-)
Sydenham Sydenham, Floyer (Eng. essayist and translator) (1710-1787)
Syd. Soc. Lex. Sydenham Society Lexicon
Sylvester Sylvester, Joshua (Eng. poet, and translator of Du Bartas) (1563-1618)
J. J. Sylvester Sylvester, James Jos. (Eng. math.) (1814-)
E. Symmons Symmons, Edward (Eng. Royalist) (fl. 1648)
J. A. Symonds Symonds, John Addington (Eng. writer) (1840-1893)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Tait Tait, Peter Guthrie (Brit. physicist and mathematician) (1831-)
H. F. Talbot Talbot, Wm. Henry Fox (Eng. antiq. and philol.) (1800-1877)
Tale of a Usurer Tale of a Usurer (title of a tale in English Metrical Homilies, about 1330, edited by John Small, Edin., 1862)
Tale of Beryn Tale of Beryn (title of a spurious tale of 15th cent.)
Tale of Gamelyn Tale of Gamelyn (called also Coke's T. of G., and formerly attrib. to Chaucer)
Talfourd Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon (Eng. poet and essayist) (1795-1854)
Tate Tate, Nahum (Eng. poet) (1652-1715)
Tatham Tatham, Edward (Eng. divine) (1749-1834)
Tatler Tatler, The (Eng. periodical conducted by Steele, Addison and others) (1709-1711)
Taylor (1630) Taylor, John (Eng. "Water Poet") (1580-1654) [Works, 1611, 1630. Drink and Welcome]
A. S. Taylor Taylor, Alfred Swaine (Eng. legal writer) (1806-1880) [Med. Jurisprudence]
B. Taylor Taylor, Bayard (Am. traveler and author) (1825-1878)
H. Taylor Taylor, Sir Henry (Eng. dramatist and essayist) (1800-1886)
I. Taylor Taylor, Isaac (Eng. divine and philosopher) (1787-1865)
I. Taylor (with name of work) Taylor, Isaac (English clergyman) (1829-) [Words & Places. The Alphabet]
Jer. Taylor Taylor, Jeremy (Eng. bishop and author) (1613-1667)
John Taylor (1755) Taylor, John (Eng. clergyman and law writer) (1703-1766)
N. W. Taylor Taylor, Nathaniel Wm. (Am. theol.) (1786-1858)
W. Taylor Taylor, William (Eng. author) (1765-1836)
Sir W. Temple Temple, Sir Wm. (Eng. statesman) (1628-1699)
Tennent Tennent, Sir James Emerson (Brit. author) (1794-1869)
Tennyson Tennyson, Alfred (Eng. poet) (1809-1892)
Terence in English (1614) Terence in English (trans. by Richard Bernard, 1567?-1641)
Bp. Terrot Terrot, Bp. Chas. Hughes (English commentator) (1790-1872)
E. Terry Terry, Edward (Eng. traveler) (1590?-1660?)
Testament of Love Testament of Love (anon. prose treatise, about 1400)
Thackeray Thackeray, Wm. M. (Eng. nov.) (1811-1863)
Theobald Theobald, Lewis (Eng. scholar) (1688-1744)
Thirlwall Thirlwall, Connop (Eng. divine) (1797-1875)
Thodey Thodey, Samuel (Brit. divine). [Life in Death, 1853.]
Thomas (Med. Dict.) Thomas, Joseph (Am. physician and editor) (1811-1891)
T. G. Thomas Thomas, Theodore Gaillard (Am. physician) (1831-)
R. Thompson Thompson, Robert [Gardener's Assistant, 1859]
S. Thompson Thompson, Silvanus (Eng. physicist)
W. Thompson (1745) Thompson, William (Eng. poet) (1718?-1766)
Thomson Thomson, James (Scotch poet) (1700-1748)
Thomson & Tait Thomson, Sir Wm.
Tait, Peter G.
[Elements of Nat. philos.]
Abp. Thompson Thompson, William (Eng. divine) (1819-1890)
J. Thomson Thomson, James (Brit. math. and physicist) (1822-1892)
Sir W. Thomson Thomson, Sir William (Brit. physicist and mathematician) (1824-)
W. M. Thomson Thomson, Wm. McClure (Am. divine) (1806-)
Thoreau Thoreau, Henry David (Am. naturalist and writer) (1817-1862)
T. B. Thorpe Thorpe, Thomas Bangs (Am. artist and author) (1815-1878)
Thudichum Thudichum, John Louis Wm. (Eng. chemist and pathologist)
Thynne Thynne, Francis (Eng. herald and antiquary) (1545?-1608?)
Tickell Tickell, Thomas (Eng. poet and essayist) (1686-1740)
C. P. Tiele (Encyc. Brit.) Tiele, Cornelis Petrus (Dutch hist. writer) (1830-)
Tiffany Tiffany, Chas. Louis (Am. jeweler) (1812-)
Tillotson Tillotson, John (Eng. archbishop) (1630-1694)
Todd Todd, Henry John (Eng. biog. and editor) (1763-1845) [Johnson's Dict., 1818]
H. A. Todd Todd, Henry A. (Am. educator) (1854?-)
Todd & B. Todd, Robert Bently (1809-1860)
Bowman, Sir William (1816-1893??)
[Physiol. Anat.]
Todhunter Todhunter, Isaac (Eng. math.) (1820-1884)
Tomlins Tomlins, Thomas Edlyne (Eng. legal writer) (1762-1841) [Law Dict., 1810]
Tomlinson Tomlinson, Chas. (Eng. physicist) (1808-1897)
Tooke Tooke, John Horne (Eng. philol.) (1736-1812)
T. Tooke Tooke, Thos. (Eng. polit. economist) (1774-1858)
W. Tooke Tooke, Wm. (Eng. writer) (1774-1820) [Russia]
Tooker Tooker, William (Eng. divine) (-1620)
Toone Toone, Wm. (Eng. compiler) [Gloss. of Obs. and Uncom. Words, 1832]
Topsell Topsell, Edward (English writer) (fl. 1607) [Hist. of Four-footed Beasts, 1607]
Totten Totten, Benjamin J. (Am. naval officer) (1806-1877) [Naval Dict., 1841]
Tovey Tovey, Charles (Eng. wine merchant) [Wine and Wine Countries, 1862]
Towneley Myst. Towneley Mysteries (ab. 1450)
G. Townsend Townsend, George (Eng. divine and author) (1788-1857)
J. Trapp Trapp, Joseph (Eng. poet and essayist) (1679-1747)
Travis Travis, John (Eng. surgeon, cited from Penny Cyc.)
Trench Trench, Abp. Richard Chenevix (Brit. poet and scholar) (1807-1886)
W. S. Trench Trench, Wm. Steuart (Brit. author) (1808-1872)
Trendelenburg Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf (Ger. philosopher) (1802-1872)
Trevelyan Trevelyan, George Otto (Eng. politician and author) (1838-)
Trial of the Regicides Trial of the Regicides (cited in State Trials, 1660)
A. Trollope Trollope, Anthony (Eng. novelist) (1815-1882)
Mrs. Trollope Trollope, Frances Milton (Eng. author) (1780-1863)
Troubles of Queen Elizabeth (1639) If you know not me, you know nobody, or Troubles of Queen Elizabeth (an historical play written by Thomas Leywood, 1639)
J. T. Trowbridge Trowbridge, John T. (Am. author) (1827-)
Trumbull Trumbull, John (Amer. satirical poet) (1750-1831)
B. Trumbull Trumbull, Benjamin (Am. divine and author) (1735-1820)
A. Tucker Tucker, Abraham (Eng. megaphysician, pseud. E. Search) (1705-1774)
J. Tucker Tucker, Josiah (Brit. divine) (1711-1799)
Tully Tully, William (Am. physician) (1785-1859)
Turbervile Turbervile, George (Eng. poet) (1530-1600?)
R. Turnbull Turnbull, Robert (Scotch-Amer. clergyman) (1809-1877)
Turner Turner, Edward (Eng. chemist) (1797-1837)
Turner Turner, Wm. (Eng. phys. and nat.) (-1568)
S. Turner Turner, Sharon (Eng. historian and philologist) (1768-1847)
Tusser Tusser, Thos. (Eng. poet and agricultural writer) (1515?-1580?)
Prof. H. Tuttle Tuttle, Herbert (Am. hist. writer) (1846-)
Sir R. Twisden Twisden, Sir Roger (Eng. antiq.) (1597-1672)
Two N. Kins. Two Noble Kinsmen (a play ascr. to Shakespeare and Fletcher)
Tylor Tylor, Edward Burnett (Eng. archæologist and ethnologist) (1832-)
Tyndale Tyndale, William (Eng. reformer, and translator of the Bible) (1484-1536)
Tyndall Tyndall, John (Brit. physicist) (1820-1893)
D. A. Tyng Tyng, Dudley A. (Am. lawyer) (1760-1829)
Tyrwhitt Tyrwhitt, Thomas (Eng. critic) (1730-1786)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Udall Udall, Nicholas (Eng. teacher and dramatist) (1506-1564)
Upton (Tactics) Upton, Emory (Am. major general) (1839-1881)
Ure Ure, Andrew (Scotch chemist) (1778-1857)
Urquhart Urquhart, Sir Thomas (Scotch politician). (1605?-1660) [Trans. of Rabelais]
U. S. Census United States Census, 1880
U. S. Const. United States Constitution. See Constitution
U. S. Disp. United States Dispensory
U. S. Int. Rev. Statutes United States Internal Revenue Statutes
U. S. Pharm. United States Pharmacopœia
Usher Usher, James (Eng. archbishop) (1580-1656)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Vanbrugh Vanbrugh, Sir John (Eng. dram.) (1666-1726)
H. Van Laun Van Laun, Henri (Fr. tr. in Eng.)
Vattel (Trans.) Vattel, de, Emmeric (Swiss publicist) (1714-1767)
E. Vaughan Vaughan, Edmund (Eng. divine) (1611?-1669?)
H. Vaughan Vaughan, Henry (Brit. poet) (1621-1695)
R. Vaughan Vaughan, Rowland (Brit. trans.) (fl. 17th c.)
R. A. Vaughan Vaughan, Robert Alfred (Eng. poet and reviewer) (1823-1857)
Vegetius (Trans.) Vegetius, Flavius Renatus (Lat. military writer) (fl. 385)
Venner Venner, Tobias (Eng. physician) (1577-1660)
A. E. Verrill Verrill, Addison Emery (Am. zool.) (1839-)
Verstegan Verstegan, Richard (Eng. antiq.) (-1635?)
Vicars Vicars, John (Eng. divine and trans.) (1582-1652)
Virchow Virchow, Rudolf (Ger. physiol.) (1821-)
Vives Vives, Juan Luis (Sp. scholar) (1462-1540)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Waddell Waddell, John Alex. Low (civil engineer) (1854-)
B. F. Wade Wade, Benjamin Franklin (Am. statesman) (1800-1878)
Wagner Wagner, Rudolf Johannes (Ger. chemist) (1823-1880)
W. Wagstaffe Wagstaffe, William (Eng. phys.) (1685-1725)
Wake Wake, William (Eng. archbishop) (1672-1737)
Wakefield Wakefield, Gilbert (Eng. theol.) (1756-1801)
Walker Walker, John (Eng. lexicographer) (1732-1807)
Dr. Walker (1678) Walker, Anthony (Eng. divine) (1629?-1700?)
F. A. Walker Walker, Francis Amasa (Am. political economist) (1840-1897)
A. R. Wallace Wallace, Alfred Russell (Eng. traveler and ornitholigist) (1822-)
D. M. Wallace Wallace, Donald Mackenzie (Scotch author). (1841-) [Russia]
L. Wallace Wallace, Lewis (Am. author) (1827-) [Ben-Hur]
Waller Waller, Edmund (Eng. poet) (1605-1687)
Wallis Wallis, John (Eng. mathematician and grammarian) (1616-1703)
Walpole Walpole, Horace (Eng. author) (1717-1797)
Walsh Walsh, Robert (Am. author and journalist) (1784-1859)
J. H. Walsh Walsh, John Henry (Eng. writer on sports, pseud. Stonehenge) (1810-1888)
W. Walsh Walsh, William (Eng. poet) (1663-1707)
Walton Walton, Izaak (Eng. writer). (1593-1683) [Complete Angler]
Bp. Warburton Warburton, Bp. Wm. (Eng. author) (1698-1779)
Ward Ward, John (Eng. writer) (1679?-1758)
A. W. Ward Ward, Adolphus William (Eng. writer) (1837-)
Bp. Ward Ward, Bp. Seth (Eng. divine) (1617?-1689)
E. Ward Ward, Edward (Eng. poet) (1660?-1731)
L. F. Ward Ward, Lester Frank (Am. scientific writer). (1841-) [Dynamic Sociology]
Mrs. Humphry Ward Ward, Mrs. Humphry (Eng. author) (1851-)
R. P. Ward Ward, Robert Plumer (Eng. statesman and jurist) (1765-1846)
Samuel Ward Ward, Samuel (Eng. theologian) (-1643)
T. Ward Ward, Thomas (Eng. writer) (1652-1708)
W. H. Ward Ward, William Hayes (Am. Assyriologist) (1835-)
W. Warde Warde, William. [Secrets of Physics, trans. from Fr., Lond. 1558.]
Warner Warner, William (Eng. poet) (1558?-1608?)
C. D. Warner Warner, Charles Dudley (Am. author) (1829-1900)
Warren Warren, Samuel (Brit. author) (1807-1877)
J. Warton Warton, Joseph (Eng. poet) (1722-1800)
T. Warton Warton, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1728-1790)
Wase Wase, Christopher (Eng. classical scholar) (-1690)
E. Washburn Washburn, Emory (Am. lawyer) (1800-1877)
Washington Washington, George (Pres. U. S.) (1732-1799)
E. Waterhouse Waterhouse, Edward (Eng. author) (1619-1670)
Waterland Waterland, Daniel (Eng. author) (1688-1740)
Waterton Waterton, Charles (Eng. naturalist) (1782-1865)
Bp. Watson (1805) Watson, Bp. Richard (Eng. divine) (1737-1816)
Sir T. Watson Watson, Sir Thomas (Eng. phys.) (1792-1882)
W. Watson Watson, William (Eng. author) (-1603)
Watts Watts, Henry (Eng. chemist) (1825-1884)
I. Watts Watts, Isaac (Eng. divine and poet) (1674-1748)
R. Watts Watts, Robert (Am. anatomist) (1812-1867)
Wayland Wayland, Francis (Amer. moral philosopher) (1796-1865)
Weale Weale, John (Eng. editor and publisher) (1791-1862)
D. Webster Webster, Daniel (Am. statesman and orator) (1782-1852)
J. Webster Webster, John (Eng. dramatist) (16th-17th c.)
Wedgwood Wedgwood, Hensleigh (Eng. philol.) (1805-)
Weever Weever, John (Eng. antiquarian) (1576-1632)
Weisbach Weisbach, Julius (Ger. math.) (1806-1871)
Sir A. Weldon Weldon, Sir Anthony (Eng. author) (1590?-1656?)
J. S. Wells Wells, John Soelberg (Eng. opthalmologist)
Welsford Welsford, Henry (Eng. author) (1810-)
Welwood Welwood, James (Scotch physician) (1652-1716)
Wesley Wesley, John (Eng. founder of Methodism) (1703-1791)
West West, Richard (Eng. poet) (-1742)
G. West West, Gilbert (Eng. poet and translator) (1706?-1756)
B. F. Westcott Westcott, Brooke Foss (Eng. biblical scholar) (1825-)
Westminster Catechism Westminster Shorter Catechism
Westm. Rev. Westminster Review (a Lond. quarterly, founded 1824)
Wharton Wharton, Francis (Am. jurist) (1820-1889)
Wharton (Law Dict.) Wharton, John J. S. (Eng. barrister and legal writer) (1816?-1867)
H. Wharton Wharton, Henry (Eng. divine) (1664-1695)
Whately Whately, Richard (abp. of Dublin) (1787-1863)
W. Whately Whately, William (Eng. divine) (1583-1639)
Wheaton Wheaton, Henry (Am. publicist and diplomatist) (1785-1848)
Wheatstone Wheatstone, Sir Charles (Eng. physicist) (1802-1875)
Whewell Whewell, William (Eng. philos. and scholar) (1794-1866)
B. Whichcote Whichcote, Benj. (Eng. divine) (1610?-1683)
E. P. Whipple Whipple, Edwin Percy (Am. essayist and critic) (1819-1886)
Whishaw Whishaw, James (Eng. lawyer). [Law Dict., Lond., 1830]
Whiston Whiston, William (Eng. divine and mathematician) (1667-1752)
Whitaker Whitaker, Tobias (Eng. phys.). (fl. 1620-1671) [Blood of Grape, Lond., 1638]
J. Whitaker Whitaker, John (Eng. divine and antiq.) (1735-1808)
Whitby Whitby, Daniel (Eng. divine) (1638-1726)
Gilbert White White, Gilbert (Eng. divine and naturalist) (1720-1793)
James White White, Jas. (Brit. divine and hist.) (1806-1862)
James White White, James (Eng. veterinary surgeon). [Farriery, 1815]
R. G. White White, Richard Grant (Am. author) (1821-1885)
Whitefoot Whitefoot (in posth. works of Sir Thomas Browne)
Whitehead Whitehead, William (Eng. poet) (1715-1785)
P. Whitehead Whitehead, Paul (Eng. poet and satirist) (1709?-1774)
Whitelocke Whitelocke, Bulstrode (Eng. statesman) (1605-1676)
Whiter Whiter, Walter (Eng. lexicog.). [Univ. Etymol. Dict., 1800-1811.]
Whitgift Whitgift, John (Eng. archbishop) (1530-1604)
Whiting Whiting, Nicholas. [Albino and Bellama, 1637.]
Whitlock Whitlock, Richard (Eng. phys.) (1616?-1673?)
J. D. Whitney Whitney, Josiah Dwight (Am. geol.) (1819-1896)
Mrs. Whitney Whitney, Adeline D. Train (Am. author) (1824-)
W. D. Whitney Whitney, William Dwight (Am. philologist) (1827-1894)
Whittier Whittier, John Greenleaf (Am. poet) (1807-1892)
Whitworth Whitworth, George Clifford. [Anglo-Indian Dict., Lond., 1883]
J. Whitworth Whitworth, Joseph (Eng. mechanician) (1805?-1887)
Whole Duty of Man Whole Duty of Man (author unknown)
Wilberforce Wilberforce, Wm. (Eng. philanthropist and statesman) (1759-1833)
B. G. Wilder Wilder, Burt Green (Am. anatomist and physiologist) (1841-)
Wilhelm Wilhelm, Thomas [Mil. Dict., Phila., 1881]
W. Wilkie Wilkie, William (Scotch epic poet) (1721-1772)
Bp. Wilkins Wilkins, Bp. John (Eng. divine) (1614-1672)
D. Wilkins Wilkins, David (Eng. author) (1685-1745)
Wilkinson Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner (Eng. Egyptologist) (1797-1875)
William of Palerne William of Palerne (a poem in the Midland dialect, partly trans. from the French, about 1350)
G. H. Williams Williams, George Huntington (Am. mineralogist) (1856?-)
H. M. Williams Williams, Helen Maria (Eng. author). (1762-1827) [Letters from France]
M. Williams Williams, Monier (Eng. orientalist) (1819-)
Sir R. Williams Williams, Sir Roger (Eng. mil. hist.) (-1595)
S. W. Williams Williams, Samuel Wells (Am. Chinese scholar) (1812-1884)
Willis Willis, Nathaniel Parker (Am. poet and journalist) (1806-1867)
Willis & Clements (The Platinotype) Willis, W., Jr.
[The Platinotype, 1885.]
Wilson Wilson, Erasmus (English medical writer) (1809-1884)
Arthur Wilson Wilson, Arthur (Eng. historian) (1596-1652)
D. Wilson Wilson, Daniel (Brit. archæologist) (1816-1892)
G. Wilson Wilson, George (Scotch chemist and physician) (1818-1859)
H. B. Wilson Wilson, Henry Bristow (Eng. divine and author) (1803-1888)
J. L. Wilson Wilson, John Leighton (Am. missionary) (1809-1884)
John Wilson Wilson, John (Am. printer and author). (1802-1868) [Punctuation, 1850]
Prof. Wilson Wilson, John (Scotch author, pseud. Christopher North) (1785-1854)
Sir T. Wilson Wilson, Sir Thomas (English statesman) (1520?-1581)
Gov. Winthrop Winthrop, John (Governor of Mass. Colony) (1588-1649)
Sir R. Winwood Winwood, Ralph (Eng. statesman) (1564?-1617)
Wirt Wirt, William (Am. lawyer) (1772-1834)
Wiseman Wiseman, Richard (Eng. surgeon) (fl. 17th c.) [Treatment of Wounds, 1672]
Card. Wiseman Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen (Eng. cardinal) (1802-1865)
Withals (1608) Withals, John. [Dict., 1568, 1608]
Wither Wither, George (Eng. poet) (1588-1667)
Withering Withering, William (Eng. writer on natural science) (1749-1799)
W. Withington Withington, William (Am. clergyman and writer)
Wit's Recreations (1654) Wit's Recreations (1654) (a compilation of poems and epigrams, attrib. to George Herbert)
Wodhull Wodhull, Michael (Eng. poet) (1740-1816)
Wodroephe Wodroephe, John. [True Marrow of French, 1623]
Wolcott Wolcott, John (Eng. satirist) (1738-1819)
O. Wolcott Wolcott, Oliver (Am. statesman) (1760-1833)
C. Wolfe Wolfe, Charles (Irish poet) (1791-1823)
Wollaston Wollaston, William (Eng. divine and author) (1659-1724)
T. V. Wollaston Wollaston, Thomas Vernon [Variation of Species, 1856]
W. H. Wollaston Wollaston, William Hyde (Eng. naturalist and philosopher) (1766-1828)
Wolsey Wolsey, Thomas (Eng. cardinal and statesman) (1471-1530)
Wood Wood, Alphonso (Am. botanist) (1810-1881)
Wood Wood, Anthony. (1632-1695) [Hist. of Oxford Univ.]
H. C. Wood Wood, Horatio C. (Am. physician) (1841-)
J. G. Wood Wood, John George (English naturalist) (1827-1889)
Wood & Bache Wood, George B. (1797-1879)
Bache, Franklin (1792-1864)
[U. S. Dispensatory, 15th Ed.]
J. Woodbridge Woodbridge, John (Eng. clergyman in America) (1614-1691)
Woodward Woodward, John (Eng. geologist) (1665-1728)
S. Woodworth Woodworth, Samuel (Am. poet) (1785-1842)
Woolsey Woolsey, Theodore Dwight (Am. clergyman and author) (1801-1889)
Bp. Woolton Woolton, Bp. John (1535?-1593?) [Christian Manuel, 1576]
Wordsworth Wordsworth, William (Eng. poet) (1770-1850)
C. Wordsworth Wordsworth, Christopher (Eng. divine) (1807-1885)
John Worthington Worthington, John (Eng. writer) (1618-1671)
Sir H. Wotton Wotton, Sir Henry (Eng. diplomatist and author) (1568-1639)
W. Wotton Wotton, William (Eng. divine, critic and historian) (1666-1726)
Woty Woty, William (Eng. poet). (-1791) [Muses' Advice. Blossoms of Helicon.]
Wraxall Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel Wm. (Eng. author) (1751-1831)
Bp. Wren Wren, Bp. Matthew (Eng. divine) (1585-1667)
Wright Wright, Thomas (Eng. antiquary) (1810-1877)
Wyatt Wyatt, Thomas (Eng. poet) (1503-1542)
Wycherley Wycherley, William (Eng. dramatist) (1640?-1715)
Wyclif Wyclif, John (Eng. reformer, and translator of the Bible) (1324?-1384)
Sir J. Wynne Wynne, Sir John (Brit. writer) (1553-1626)


Abbreviation Full Name Work?
Yarrell Yarrell, William (Brit. naturalist) (1784-1856)
Yelverton Yelverton, Sir Henry (Eng. writer) (1566-1630)
Miss Yonge Yonge, Charlotte Mary (Eng. novelist) (1823-)
Youatt Youatt, Wm. (Eng. veterinary surgeon) (1777-1847)
Young Young, Edward (Eng. poet) (1684-1765)
C. A. Young Young, Charles Augustus (Am. astronomer) (1834-)
J. Young Young, John (Scotch divine) (1806-1880)
Yule Yule, Henry (Brit. geographer) (1820-1889)