User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-t
ť {letter} | :: The 32nd letter of the Czech alphabet, after t and before u |
Ť {letter} | :: letter |
tabák {m} | :: tobacco |
tabákový {adj} | :: tobacco |
tabelární {adj} | :: tabular |
tabelátor {m} | :: tabulator (the mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders) |
tableta {f} [pharmacy] | :: tablet |
tabletka {f} | :: diminutive of tableta |
tábor {m} | :: camp |
táborák {m} | :: campfire |
tábořit {v impf} | :: to camp, to go camping |
tabu {n} | :: taboo |
tabuizovat {v p-i} | :: to taboo |
tabulátor {m} | :: tabulator (the mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders) |
tabule {f} | :: blackboard, chalkboard |
tabule {f} | :: sheet (of glass or similar material) |
tabulka {f} | :: table (grid of data arranged in rows and columns) |
tabulka {f} | :: table (database) |
tabulkový {adj} | :: tabular (organized as a table) |
tabulkový kalkulátor {m} | :: spreadsheet (computer program) |
tabulkový procesor {m} | :: spreadsheet (computer program) |
taburet {noun} | :: taboret, pouf (low cushioned stool without a back) |
tác {m} | :: platter, tray |
tác {m} [colloquial] | :: a thousand crowns (thousand units of Czech currency) |
tácek {m} | :: tray (for carrying things) |
Tadeáš {prop} {m} | :: Thaddaeus [biblical character] |
Tadeáš {prop} {m} | :: given name |
tady {adv} | :: here |
tadyk {adv} [dialectal] | :: here |
tádžický {adj} | :: Tajik, of Tajikistan |
Tádžička {f} | :: female Tajik |
tádžičtina {f} | :: Tajik (language) |
Tádžik {m anim} | :: Tajik (person) |
Tádžikistán {prop} {m inan} | :: Tajikistan |
tagalog {m} | :: Tagalog (language) |
tagalština {f} | :: Tagalog (language) |
tágo {n} | :: cue (straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in various games) |
tah {m} | :: pull (act of pulling) |
tah {m} | :: move, step (in accomplishing a plan) |
tah {m} | :: stroke (a line made with a brush) |
tah {m} | :: move, turn (act of moving a token on a gameboard from one position to another according to the rules of the game) |
tahák {m} | :: cheat sheet |
tahat {v impf} | :: to draw |
tahat {v impf} | :: to jostle for |
tahle {pron} | :: this |
tah na branku {m} | :: drive (determination in effort) |
tah na bránu {m} | :: alternative form of tah na branku |
táhnout {v impf} | :: to pull |
tahoun {m anim} | :: draught animal, draft animal |
tacháč {m} [colloquial] | :: speedometer |
tachometr {m} | :: speedometer |
tachykardie {f} [cardiology] | :: tachycardia |
tai-či {n} | :: tai chi |
Taiwan {prop} {m} | :: Taiwan |
taj {m inan} | :: secret |
tajak {adv} [dialectal, Moravia] | :: as, just as, in the same way as |
tajemně {adv} | :: mysteriously |
tajemněji {adv} | :: comparative of tajemně |
tajemník {m} | :: secretary (leading or managerial position) |
tajemnost {f} | :: mysteriousness |
tajemný {adj} | :: mysterious |
tajemství {n} | :: secret |
tajfun {m} | :: typhoon |
tajga {f} | :: taiga (subarctic zone of evergreen coniferous forests situated south of the tundras and north of the steppes in the Northern Hemisphere) |
tajit {v impf} | :: to conceal, to keep secret |
Tajmyr {prop} {m} | :: Taimyr (large peninsula in the Russian North) |
tajně {adv} | :: secretly |
tajnější {adj} | :: comparative of tajný |
tajnost {f} | :: secret |
tajnůstka {f} | :: diminutive of tajnost |
tajnůstkář {m} | :: secretive person |
tajnůstkářský {adj} | :: secretive |
tajnůstkářství {n} | :: secrecy, secretiveness |
tajný {adj} | :: secret |
tajný ctitel {m} | :: secret admirer |
tajuplně {adv} | :: mysteriously |
tajuplněji {adv} | :: comparative of tajuplně |
tajuplnější {adj} | :: comparative of tajuplný |
tajuplnost {f} | :: mysteriousness |
tajuplný {adj} | :: mysterious (having unknown qualities) |
tak {adv} | :: so (very) |
tak {adv} | :: so (therefore) |
tak {adv} | :: so, in that way |
tak {interj} | :: so |
tak dlouho se chodí se džbánem pro vodu, až se ucho utrhne {proverb} | :: Tentative: When you use a thing too much, it ultimately breaks down at some point every day the bucket goes to the well but one day the bottom will drop out |
také {adv} | :: too, also |
takeláž {f} [nautical] | :: rigging |
takhle {adv} | :: so, in this manner |
tak jako tak {phrase} | :: anyway, in any case, in any event |
takjaktak {adv} | :: alternative form of tak jako tak |
takový {pron} | :: such |
takříkajíc {adv} | :: so to speak, as it were |
takřka {adv} | :: almost, nearly |
takt {m} [music] | :: measure, bar |
takt {m} | :: tact (careful consideration in dealing with others to avoid giving offense) |
takt {m} [computing] | :: chip frequency |
takt {m} [computing] | :: chip cycle |
taktický {adj} | :: tactical |
taktika {f} | :: tactics |
taktní {adj} | :: tactful |
takto {adv} | :: so, in this manner |
taktovka {f} | :: baton (stick used by conductors) |
taky {adv} | :: also, too |
takzvaný {adj} | :: so-called |
takže {conj} | :: therefore, so |
talamus {m} | :: thalamus |
talent {m} | :: talent (unit of weight) |
talent {m} | :: talent (actual or potential ability) |
talentovaný {adj} | :: talented (endowed with talents) |
Talián {m} [colloquial] | :: Italian (person) |
talíř {m inan} | :: plate (a serving dish) |
talíř {m inan} [colloquial] | :: a thousand crowns (thousand units of Czech currency) |
talířek {m} | :: diminutive of talíř |
Tallinn {prop} {m} | :: Tallinn (capital city) |
talmudický {adj} | :: Talmudic (related to the Talmud) |
talmudský {adj} | :: Talmudic (related to the Talmud) |
Taloš {m} [colloquial] | :: Italian |
tam {adv} | :: there (in or at that place or location) |
tam {adv} | :: there (to or into that place) |
Tamara {prop} {f} | :: given name |
tamaryšek {m inan} | :: tamarisk |
tamburína {f} | :: tambourine (percussion instrument) |
tamhle {pron} [colloquial] | :: over there |
támhle {pron} [colloquial] | :: over there |
tamilský {adj} | :: Tamil (of or pertaining to the Tamil people, culture, or language) |
tamilština {f} | :: Tamil (language) |
tamní {adj} | :: local |
tampón {m} | :: tampon (plug of cotton or other absorbent material) |
tamta {pron} [demonstrative] | :: that |
tamten {pron} [demonstrative] | :: that; that one |
tamtéž {pron} | :: at the same place |
tamto {pron} [demonstrative] | :: that |
Táňa {prop} {f} | :: A pet form of the female given name Taťána |
tancovat {v impf} | :: to dance |
tančit {v impf} | :: to dance |
tandem {m} | :: tandem |
tanec {m} | :: dance |
tanec svatého Víta {m} | :: St. Vitus' dance (Sydenham's chorea) |
taneček {m} | :: diminutive of tanec |
taneční {adj} [relational] | :: dance |
tanečnice {f} | :: female dancer |
tanečník {m} | :: male dancer |
tangens {m} [trigonometry] | :: tangent |
tangenta {f} | :: tangent (line touching a curve) |
Tanger {prop} {m} | :: Tanger (port city/capital) |
tango {n} | :: tango (Standard ballroom dance in 4/4 time; or a social dance, the Argentine tango) |
tání {n} | :: verbal noun of tát |
tání {n} | :: melting, thawing |
Tánička {prop} {f} | :: given name, a pet form of Taťána |
tanin {m} | :: tannin |
Tanja {prop} {f} | :: given name |
tank {m} | :: tank, armor |
tankini {fp} | :: tankini |
tankiny {fp} | :: tankini |
tankista {m} | :: tanker (member of a tank crew) |
Tan-šan {prop} {m} | :: Tan-šan (mountain range) |
Ťan-šan {prop} {m} | :: Ťan-šan (mountain range) |
tantal {m} | :: tantalum (metallic chemical element) |
Tanzanec {m anim} | :: Tanzanian (person) |
Tanzánec {m anim} | :: Tanzanian (person) |
Tanzanie {prop} {f} | :: Tanzania |
Tanzánie {prop} {f} | :: Tanzania |
tanzanský {adj} | :: Tanzanian, of Tanzania |
tanzánský {adj} | :: Tanzanian, of Tanzania |
taoismus {m} | :: Taoism |
taoista {m} | :: Taoist |
taoistický {adj} | :: Taoist |
tápat {v impf} | :: To grope |
tapeta {f} | :: wallpaper |
tapiserie {f} | :: tapestry |
tapisérie {f} | :: tapestry |
tardivní dyskineze {f} | :: tardive dyskinesia (neurological disorder) |
Tarent {prop} {m} | :: Tarent (city) |
tarhoňa {f} | :: egg barley |
tarlatán {m inan} | :: tarlatan |
tarok {m} | :: tarot (card) |
taroky {noun} | :: tarot (game) |
taroky {noun} | :: plural of tarok |
tasemnice {f} | :: tapeworm |
tasit {v impf} | :: to draw (of a sword) |
Tasmánec {m} | :: Tasmanian |
Tasmánie {prop} {f} | :: Tasmania |
Tasmánka {f} | :: female Tasmanian |
tasmánský {adj} | :: Tasmanian |
taška {f} | :: bag (flexible container) |
taška {f} | :: roof tile |
Taškent {prop} {m} | :: Taškent (capital city) |
taštička {f} | :: diminutive of taška |
tát {v impf} | :: to thaw, to melt |
táta {m anim} [familiar] | :: dad |
Taťána {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Tatar {m} | :: Tatar, Tartar (member of various Turkic peoples) |
tatarák {m} [colloquial] | :: steak tartare |
tatarka {f} | :: tartar sauce (US), tartare sauce (UK) |
Tatarka {f} | :: female Tatar, Tartar |
tatarská omáčka {f} | :: tartar sauce (US), tartare sauce (UK) |
tatarský {adj} | :: Tatar, Tartar |
tatarský biftek {m} | :: steak tartare |
Tatarstán {prop} {m} | :: Tatarstán (republic) |
tatér {m} | :: tattooist, tattooer, tattoo artist |
tatérka {f} | :: female tattooist, tattooer, tattoo artist |
tati {noun} | :: dad |
tatíček {m} | :: diminutive of táta: daddy |
tatík {m} [archaic] | :: diminutive of táta: daddy |
tatínek {m} | :: dad, daddy |
taťka {m} | :: dad (father) |
tato {pron} | :: this |
tatrovka {f} | :: a Tatra car or other product |
Tatrovka {f} [colloquial] | :: Tatra car factory |
Tatry {prop} {fp} | :: Tatras, Tatra Mountains |
taťulda {m} | :: dad (father) |
taťulínek {m} | :: daddy (father) |
tau {n} | :: tau (Greek letter) |
tautologický {adj} | :: tautological |
tautologie {f} | :: tautology |
tautomerie {f} | :: tautomerism |
taveňák {m} [colloquial] | :: any spreadable cream cheese |
tavený sýr {m} | :: any spreadable cream cheese |
tavit {vt impf} | :: to melt (by heating) |
taxi {n} | :: taxi |
taxík {m} | :: taxi, cab |
taxikář {m} | :: taxi driver |
taxonomie {f} | :: taxonomy |
tázací {adj} [grammar] | :: interrogative |
tázat {v impf} | :: to ask, to inquire, to enquire |
tazatel {m} | :: questioner |
tažení {n} | :: verbal noun of táhnout |
tažení {n} [military] | :: campaign |
tažnost {f} | :: ductility |
tažný {adj} | :: ductile |
-tba {suffix} | :: Suffix appended to verbs to create a feminine noun, usually denoting an action |
Tbilisi {prop} {n} | :: Tbilisi (capital city) |
t. č. {adv} | :: abbreviation of toho času: at the time |
té {n} | :: letter: t |
té {n} [archaic] | :: tea |
ťé {n} | :: letter: ť |
teanin {m} | :: theanine |
teatrolog {m} | :: theater studies specialist |
teatrologie {f} | :: theater studies |
téci {v impf} | :: alternative form of téct |
téct {v impf} | :: to flow (to move as a fluid) |
tečka {f} | :: dot, point, spot |
tečka {f} | :: period, full stop (at the end of a sentence) |
tečka {f} | :: tittle (such as over i and j) |
tečka {f} | :: dot (diacritic), tečka |
téčko {n} | :: letter t |
tečna {f} [geometry] | :: tangent (line touching a curve) |
teď {adv} | :: now |
teďka {adv} [colloquial] | :: now |
teďkon {adv} [colloquial] | :: now |
tedy {adv} | :: therefore, thus |
teflon {m} | :: Teflon (multiple film, resin, coatings, fabric and surface protectors made with PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) or fluoropolymer and surfactants not made with PTFE) |
tehdejší {adj} | :: then, of that time |
tehdy {adv} | :: then |
Teherán {prop} {m} | :: Teherán (capital city) |
Teheránec {m} | :: person from Tehran |
teheránský {adj} | :: Tehran |
těhotenský {adj} | :: pregnancy, gestational |
těhotenství {n} | :: pregnancy |
těhotný {adj} [of humans] | :: pregnant (carrying a baby) |
těhule {f} [colloquial] | :: pregnant woman |
technecium {n} | :: technetium |
technická analýza {f} | :: technical analysis |
technická univerzita {f} | :: technical university, university of technology |
technický {adj} | :: technological |
technický {adj} | :: technical |
technický průkaz {m} | :: MOT (certificate of roadworthiness) |
technik {m} | :: technologist |
technik {m} | :: technician |
technika {f} | :: technology (body of tools) |
technika {f} | :: technique (way of accomplishing a task) |
techno {n} | :: techno (music style) |
technolog {m} | :: technologist |
technologický {adj} | :: technological |
technologie {f} | :: technology |
teismus {m} | :: theism |
teista {noun} | :: theist |
těkat {v impf} | :: to volatilize |
těkat {v impf} | :: to roam (thoughts) |
těkat {v impf} | :: to rove (eyes) |
těkavý {adj} | :: (physics) volatile |
tektit {m} | :: tektite |
tektonická deska {f} | :: tectonic plate |
tektonický {adj} | :: tectonic |
tekutina {f} | :: fluid, liquid |
tekutost {f} | :: liquidity (property of being liquid) |
tekutý {adj} | :: liquid |
tekutý krystal {m} | :: liquid crystal |
tekutý písek {m} | :: quicksand |
tekutý písek {m} | :: abrasive cleaner |
-tel {suffix} | :: Suffix appended to words to create an agent noun, indicating a person who does something, much like the English -or |
tělák {m} [slang] | :: physical education |
telátko {n} | :: diminutive of tele |
tele- {prefix} | :: tele- |
tele {n} | :: calf (young cow or bull) |
telecí {adj} | :: veal |
telecí {n} | :: veal (flesh of lamb as food) |
telefon {m inan} | :: phone, telephone |
telefonát {m} | :: telephone call |
telefonický {adj} [relational] | :: phone |
telefonie {f} | :: telephony |
telefonista {m} | :: telephone operator |
telefonistka {f} | :: female telephone operator |
telefonní {adj} [relational] | :: telephone |
telefonní budka {f} | :: A telephone box |
telefonní seznam {m} | :: telephone directory, phone book |
telefonní záznamník {m} | :: answering machine |
telefonování {n} | :: phoning, telephoning |
telefonovat {v impf} | :: to telephone, to phone |
telegraf {m inan} [historical] | :: telegraph |
telegraf {m inan} [historical] | :: institution providing telegraphic services |
telegrafista {m} | :: telegrapher, telegraph operator, telegraphist |
telegrafistka {f} | :: female telegrapher, telegraph operator, telegraphist |
telekomunikace {f} | :: telecommunication |
telekomunikační {adj} | :: telecommunications, telecommunication |
teleologie {f} | :: teleology |
telepat {m} | :: telepath |
telepatický {adj} | :: telepathic |
telepatie {f} | :: telepathy |
tělesná přitažlivost {f} | :: physical attractiveness |
tělesná stráž {f} | :: bodyguard (person responsible for protecting an individual) |
tělesná výchova {m} | :: physical education |
tělesně {adv} | :: physically |
tělesný {adj} | :: bodily, physical |
těleso {n} | :: body (physical object) |
těleso {n} [algebra] | :: division ring |
televize {f} | :: television, TV |
televize {f} | :: television set, TV set |
televizní {adj} [relational] | :: television, TV |
televizní pořad {m} | :: television show, TV show |
televizor {m} | :: television (television set) |
tělíčko {n} | :: diminutive of tělo |
telka {f} [colloquial] | :: telly (television) |
telka {f} [colloquial] | :: telly (television set) |
tellan {m} | :: tellane, tellurane, hydrogen telluride (H2Te) |
tellur {m} | :: tellurium (chemical element) |
tělnatý {adj} | :: corpulent |
tělní {adj} | :: bodily |
-telný {suffix} | :: -able |
tělo {n} | :: body (physical structure of a living human or animal) |
tělo {n} | :: body (corpse) |
tělo {n} | :: body (torso) |
tělo {n} | :: body (largest or most important part of anything) |
tělo {n} [programming] | :: body |
tělocvična {f} | :: gym, gymnasium (not the one for weightlifting) |
tělocvik {m} | :: physical education |
tělocvikář {m} | :: physical education teacher |
tělový {adj} [relational] | :: body |
telugština {f} | :: Telugu (one of Dravidian languages of India) |
telur {m} | :: tellurium (chemical element) |
teluran {m} | :: tellurate |
telurovodík {m} | :: hydrogen telluride, tellane, tellurane (H2Te) |
téma {n} | :: topic, theme |
tematická mapa {f} [cartography] | :: thematic map |
tématická mapa {f} [cartography] | :: thematic map |
tematický {adj} | :: thematic (relating to, or having a theme or a topic) |
temenní {adj} | :: parietal |
temenní kost {f} | :: parietal bone |
temenní lalok {m} | :: parietal lobe |
temeno {n} | :: crown (of the head), vertex |
téměř {adv} | :: almost, nearly |
Temešvár {prop} {m} | :: Temešvár (city) |
temná komora {f} [photography] | :: darkroom |
temnější {adj} | :: comparative of temný |
temnota {f} | :: darkness |
temný {adj} | :: dark |
temperamentní {adj} | :: lively, vivacious |
templář {m} | :: Templar |
templářský {adj} [attributive] | :: Templar |
tempo {n} | :: speed, pace, rate |
tempo {n} [music] | :: tempo |
tempo {n} [swimming] | :: stroke |
temporální logika {f} | :: temporal logic |
temporomandibulární {adj} | :: temporomandibular (of or relating to both the temporal bone and mandible) |
Temže {prop} {f} | :: Thames |
ten {pron} | :: the; this; that |
tenata {f} | :: hunting nets, traps for bird or animal hunting |
tendence {f} | :: tendency |
tenhle {pron} | :: this |
tenis {m} | :: tennis |
teniska {noun} | :: tennis shoe, trainer, sneaker, plimsoll |
tenisky {fp} | :: sneakers (leisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers) |
tenisový {adj} | :: tennis (when used attributively) |
tenista {m} | :: tennis player |
tenistka {f} | :: female tennis player |
tenké střevo {n} | :: small intestine |
tenkozobec {m anim} | :: avocet |
tenkrát {adv} | :: then, at the time |
tenký {adj} | :: thin |
tenký jako vlas {adj} [simile] | :: very thin |
tenor {m} | :: tenor (musical range) |
tenorista {m} | :: tenor (tenor singer) |
tenosynovitida {f} | :: tenosynovitis |
tentativní {adj} | :: tentative |
tento {pron} | :: this |
tentokrát {adv} | :: this time |
tentýž {pron} | :: same (the identical thing) |
tenze {f} | :: tension |
tenzní {adj} | :: tension (when used attributively) |
tenzor {m} | :: tensor |
teo- {prefix} | :: theo- |
teobromin {m} | :: theobromine |
teodicea {f} | :: theodicy |
Teodor {prop} {m} | :: given name |
teofylin {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: theophylline |
teokracie {f} | :: theocracy |
teolog {m} [theology] | :: theologian |
teologický {adj} | :: theological |
teologie {f} | :: theology |
teoložka {f} | :: female theologian |
teoreticky {adj} | :: theoretically |
teoretický {adj} | :: theoretical |
teoretička {f} | :: female theorist |
teoretik {m} | :: theorist |
teorie {f} | :: theory |
teorie čísel {f} | :: number theory |
teorie front {f} | :: queuing theory |
teorie grafů {f} | :: graph theory |
teorie her {f} | :: game theory |
teorie informace {f} | :: information theory |
teorie kategorií {f} | :: category theory |
teorie míry {f} | :: measure theory |
teorie množin {f} [mathematics] | :: set theory |
teorie poznání {f} | :: theory of knowledge |
teorie relativity {f} | :: theory of relativity, relativity theory |
teorie řízení {f} | :: control theory |
teorie spiknutí {f} | :: conspiracy theory |
teorie typů {f} | :: type theory |
tep {m inan} [physiology] | :: pulse (beat of heart) |
tepati {v} | :: to beat, throb |
tepelná účinnost {f} | :: thermal efficiency |
tepelný {adj} | :: thermal, heat (when used attributively) |
tepénka {f} | :: diminutive of tepna: arteriole |
tepenný {adj} | :: arterial |
teple {adv} | :: warmly (maintaining warm temperature) |
teplejší {adj} | :: comparative of teplý |
Teplice {prop} {fp} | :: Teplice (spa town) located on the Bílina river in northwestern Bohemia near the border with the German state of Saxony |
teplíčko {n} | :: diminutive of teplo |
teplo {n} | :: warmth |
teplo {n} [physics] | :: heat |
teplo {adv} | :: warm (of weather) |
teploléčba {f} | :: thermotherapy |
teploměr {m} | :: thermometer |
teplota {f} | :: temperature (measure of cold or heat) |
teplota {f} | :: temperature (elevated body temperature) |
teplotní {adj} [relational] | :: temperature |
teploučko {n} | :: diminutive of teplo |
teplouš {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: fairy (homosexual man) |
teplý {adj} | :: warm |
teplý {adj} [colloquial] | :: homosexual |
tepna {f} | :: artery |
tepnový {adj} | :: arterial |
tepová frekvence {f} | :: heart rate |
tepový {adj} [relational] | :: pulse |
teprve {adv} | :: only, just (not yet more than) |
tera- {prefix} | :: tera- |
terabajt {m} | :: terabyte |
terabit {m} | :: terabit |
terabyte {m} | :: terabyte |
terajoule {m} | :: terajoule |
terapeut {m} | :: therapist |
terapeutický {adj} | :: therapeutic |
terapie {f} | :: therapy |
terarista {m} | :: one who keeps a terrarium |
terárium {n} | :: terrarium (enclosure for animals) |
terárko {n} [colloquial] | :: terrarium |
terasa {f} | :: terrace (extending outwards from a building) |
teratom {m} | :: teratoma (type of tumour) |
terawatt {m} | :: terawatt |
terciér {m} | :: Cenozoic |
terč {m} | :: target (a thing to shoot at) |
terčík {m} | :: diminutive of terč |
terej {m} | :: gannet |
terén {m} | :: ground |
Tereza {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Terezka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
teriér {m} | :: terrier |
teritoriální {adj} | :: territorial |
teritorium {n} | :: territory |
těrka {f} [printing] | :: squeegee |
termální {adj} | :: thermal |
termín {m} | :: date |
termín {m} | :: deadline |
termín {m} | :: term (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) |
terminál {m} | :: terminal (a building in an airport where passengers transfer from ground transportation to the facilities that allow them to board airplanes) |
terminál {m} | :: terminal (a device for entering data into a computer or a communications system and/or displaying data received, especially a device equipped with a keyboard and some sort of textual display) |
terminál {m} | :: terminal, terminal symbol (a terminal symbol in a formal grammar) |
terminální {adj} | :: terminal |
terminolog {m} | :: terminologist |
terminologický {adj} | :: terminological |
terminologie {f} | :: terminology |
termínovaný vklad {m} | :: time deposit |
termistor {m} | :: thermistor |
termit {m} | :: termite |
termití {adj} | :: termite, termite's |
termitiště {n} | :: termitary |
termo- {prefix} | :: thermo- |
termodynamický děj {m} | :: thermodynamic process |
termodynamika {f} | :: thermodynamics |
termofor {m} | :: hot water bottle |
termojaderný {adj} | :: thermonuclear |
termoláhev {f} | :: thermos |
termonukleární {adj} | :: thermonuclear |
termoplast {m} | :: thermoplastic |
termoreceptor {m} | :: thermoreceptor |
termoregulace {f} | :: thermoregulation |
termoset {m} | :: thermoset |
termosféra {f} | :: thermosphere |
termoska {f} | :: thermos |
termostat {m} | :: thermostat |
termoterapie {f} | :: thermotherapy |
ternární {adj} | :: ternary |
terorismus {m} | :: terrorism |
terorista {m anim} | :: terrorist (terrorist person) |
teroristický {adj} | :: terrorist |
terorizmus {m} | :: terrorism |
Terst {prop} {m} | :: Terst (capital city) |
teřich {m inan} [mycology] | :: gleba |
teřich {m inan} [archaic] | :: paunch, potbelly |
tesák {m} | :: hunter’s knife |
tesák {m} | :: fang (long, pointed tooth) |
tesař {m anim} | :: carpenter (buildings construction) |
teserakt {m} | :: tesseract |
tesla {f} [archaic] | :: adze (cutting tool) |
tesla {f} | :: tesla (SI unit) |
teslice {f} | :: adze (cutting tool) |
těsně {adv} | :: tightly |
těsnější {adj} | :: comparative of těsný |
těsně vázaný {adj} [cybernetics, systems] | :: tightly coupled |
těsnopis {m} | :: shorthand (rapid method or writing) |
těsný {adj} | :: tight |
test {m} | :: test |
těstíčko {n} | :: diminutive of těsto |
těsto {n} | :: dough (substance to be baked) |
testosteron {m} | :: testosterone |
testovací případ {m} | :: test case |
testovat {v impf} | :: to test |
těstoviny {fp} | :: pasta |
Těšín {prop} {m} | :: Těšín (city) |
těšit {vt impf} | :: to please, to make happy |
těšit {v impf} | :: to look forward to |
těšit {v impf} | :: to enjoy (the benefits of something) |
teta {f} | :: aunt |
tetanus {m} [pathology] | :: tetanus |
tětí {noun} | :: verbal noun of tít |
tetička {f} | :: diminutive of teta; auntie |
tětiva {f} | :: string (of a bow or crossbow) |
tětiva {f} [geometry] | :: chord |
tetování {n} | :: verbal noun of tetovat |
tetování {n} | :: tattoo (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle) |
tetovat {v impf} | :: to tattoo (to apply a tattoo) |
tetraedr {m} | :: tetrahedron |
tetrahydrocannabinol {m} | :: tetrahydrocannabinol |
tetrachlormetan {m} | :: carbon tetrachloride (solvent) |
tetraplegie {f} | :: tetraplegia (paralysis of all four limbs) |
tetřev {m} | :: grouse |
tetřev {m} | :: capercaillie |
tetřev hlušec {m} | :: western capercaillie |
tetřevice {f} | :: female capercaillie |
tetřívek {m anim} | :: black grouse |
teutonský {adj} | :: Teutonic |
Texas {prop} {m} | :: Texas (state) |
Texasan {m} | :: Texan |
texasky {fp} | :: jeans, denims |
texaský {adj} | :: Texan (of or pertaining to Texas) |
text {m} | :: text |
textovka {f} | :: text, SMS (a brief written message transmitted between mobile phones) |
textový {adj} | :: text (when used attributively) |
tezaurus {m} | :: thesaurus (book of synonyms) |
tezaurus {m} [information science] | :: thesaurus |
teze {f} | :: thesis |
též {adv} | :: too, also |
těžba {f} | :: mining |
těžce {adv} | :: heavily (in a manner designed for heavy duty) |
těžební {adj} | :: mining |
těžiště {n} | :: center of mass |
těžit {v impf} | :: to mine |
těžit {v impf} | :: to benefit |
těžítko {n} | :: paperweight |
těžknout {vi impf} | :: to become heavier |
těžko {adv} | :: with difficulty |
těžko na cvičišti, lehko na bojišti {proverb} | :: practice makes perfect |
těžký {adj} | :: heavy |
těžký {adj} | :: hard (difficult) |
těžký vodík {m} | :: deuterium (isotope of hydrogen) |
těžší {adj} | :: comparative of těžký |
tg {symbol} [mathematics] | :: A symbol of the trigonometric function tangent, equivalent to tan |
Thajec {m} | :: Thai (person) |
Thajka {f} | :: female Thai |
Thajsko {prop} {n} | :: Thailand |
thajský {adj} | :: Thai |
thajština {f} | :: Thai (language) |
thalamus {m} | :: thalamus |
Thalés {prop} {m} | :: Thales |
Théby {prop} {fp} | :: Théby (city) |
Théby {prop} {fp} | :: Thebes (city in Ancient Egypt) |
theodicea {f} | :: theodicy |
theofylin {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: theophylline |
Thesálie {prop} {f} | :: Thesálie (region) |
theta {n} | :: theta (Greek letter) |
théta {n} | :: alternative form of theta |
thorakální {adj} | :: thoracic |
Thovt {prop} {m} | :: Thoth |
thráčtina {f} | :: Thracian (language) |
Thrákie {prop} {f} | :: Thrace (historical and geographic area in southeast Europe, now divided between Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey) |
threonin {m} | :: threonine (an essential amino acid) |
thriller {m} | :: thriller (suspenseful, sensational genre of story, book, play or film.) |
Thúkydidés {prop} {m} | :: Thucydides (historian) |
thymin {m} | :: thymine |
Tchaj-čung {prop} {m} | :: Taichung |
Tchaj-nan {prop} {m} | :: Tainan |
Tchaj-pej {prop} {f} | :: Tchaj-pej (capital city) |
tchaj-ťi {n} | :: tai chi |
tchaj-ťi čchüan {m} | :: tai chi chuan |
Tchaj-wan {prop} {m} | :: Taiwan |
Tchajwanec {m} | :: Taiwanese (person) |
tchajwanský {adj} | :: Taiwanese, of Taiwan, Taiwan's |
tchán {noun} | :: father-in-law |
Tchien-šan {prop} {m} | :: Tchien-šan (mountain range) |
tchoř {m} | :: polecat |
tchoří {adj} | :: polecat |
tchořice {f} | :: female polecat |
tchyně {f} | :: mother-in-law |
tchýně {f} [often, proscribed] | :: alternative spelling of tchyně |
ti {pron} | :: they, those |
ti {pron} | :: to you |
Tibera {prop} {f} | :: Tiber |
Tibet {prop} {m} | :: Tibet |
Tibeťan {m} | :: Tibetan (someone from Tibet) |
Tibeťanka {f} | :: female Tibetan |
tibetský {adj} | :: Tibetan |
Tibor {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Tigris {prop} {m} | :: Tigris |
tíha {f} | :: weight |
tichá voda břehy mele {proverb} | :: still waters run deep |
ticho {n} | :: quiet, silence |
ticho jako v hrobě {n} [simile] | :: deep silence |
Tichomoří {prop} {n} | :: the Pacific |
tichomořský {adj} | :: Pacific |
tichý {adj} | :: still, quiet (low sound) |
tichý {adj} | :: silent (no sound) |
Tichý oceán {prop} {m} | :: Pacific Ocean |
tik {m} | :: A tick, a twitch |
tikat {v impf} | :: to tick (to make a noise of an analog clock) |
tikot {m} | :: tick (of a clock) |
tilda {f} | :: tilde (the grapheme of character ~, whether as a diacritical mark or a separate character) |
tílko {n} | :: diminutive of tělo |
tílko {n} | :: singlet, undershirt, A-shirt, wifebeater |
timálie {f} | :: barwing |
Timbuktu {prop} {n} | :: Timbuktu (city) |
timokracie {f} | :: timocracy |
tímto {adv} | :: hereby |
tinktura {f} | :: tincture (alcoholic extract of plant material) |
tinktura {f} [heraldry] | :: tincture |
tinnitus {m} | :: tinnitus |
tiráda {f} | :: tirade, diatribe |
Tirana {prop} {f} | :: Tirana (capital city) |
tirika {m anim} | :: a parrot from a genus Brotogeris |
tis {m inan} | :: yew (tree or wood) |
tisák {noun} | :: roan (horse) |
tisíc {m inan} | :: thousand |
tisíc {m inan} [colloquial] | :: a thousand crowns (Czech currency) |
tisící {adj} | :: thousandth |
tisíciletí {n} | :: millennium |
tisíciletý {adj} | :: thousand-year, millennial |
tisícina {f} | :: thousandth (one of a thousand equal parts of a whole) |
tisk {m} | :: printing (process) |
tisk {m} | :: press (printed media) |
tiskací písmo {n} | :: print (writing style) |
tiskárna {f} | :: printing press |
tiskárna {f} | :: printing shop or printing house |
tiskárna {f} [computing] | :: printer |
tiskárnička {f} | :: diminutive of tiskárna |
tiskař {m anim} | :: (person) A printer |
tiskařina {f} [colloquial] | :: printing (printing business) |
tiskařský {adj} | :: printing |
tiskařský {adj} | :: printer's |
tisknout {v impf} | :: to press |
tisknout {v impf} | :: to print |
tisková forma {f} | :: A printing form |
tisková kancelář {f} | :: press agency, news agency |
tisková konference {f} | :: press conference (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media) |
tiskovka {f} [slang] | :: press conference |
tiskový {adj} [relational] | :: printing |
tiskový stroj {m} [formal] | :: printing press |
tiskový válec {m} | :: printing roll |
tisk shora {phrase} | :: relief printing |
tisk zdola {phrase} | :: intaglio |
tiše {adv} | :: silently |
tišeji {adv} | :: comparative of tiše |
tišit {v impf} | :: to silence |
tišit {v impf} | :: to appease, to calm |
tišší {adj} | :: comparative of tichý |
tištěný {adj} | :: printed |
tít {v impf} | :: synonym of tnout |
titan {m} | :: titanium |
titěrný {adj} | :: tiny |
tito {pron} | :: these |
titr {m} | :: titer |
titul {m} | :: title (added to a person's name) |
titul {m} | :: publication, book, title |
titulek {m inan} | :: subtitle, caption (textual versions of the dialog in films) |
titulek {m inan} | :: caption (heading or title) |
titulky {m} | :: plural of titulek |
titulní {adj} | :: title (when used attributively) |
titulní strana {f} | :: title page |
tj. {adv} | :: initialism of to je: i.e. |
tkací stroj {m} | :: loom (machine) |
tkáč {m anim} [archaic or dialectal] | :: weaver |
tkadlec {m} | :: weaver |
tkalcovský stav {m} | :: loom (frame) |
tkáň {f} [biology] | :: tissue |
tkaní {n} | :: weaving |
tkanička {f} | :: shoelace |
tkát {v impf} | :: to weave |
-tko {suffix} | :: Forms diminutive forms of nouns from verbs; compare -dlo |
tlačit {v impf} | :: to push |
tlačit {v impf} | :: to jostle (in a crowd) |
tlačítko {n} | :: button (mechanical device) |
tlačítko {n} [graphical user interface] | :: button |
tlach {m inan} [pejorative] | :: chatter, natter |
tlachal {m} | :: chatterbox (one who chats or talks to excess) |
tlachat {v} | :: to prattle, blether, drivel |
tlak {m inan} | :: pressure |
tlakoměr {m} | :: barometer (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) |
tlakový {adj} [relational] | :: pressure |
tlakový hrnec {m} | :: pressure cooker |
tlama {f} | :: muzzle, jaws (of an animal) |
tlama {f} [offensive] | :: mouth (of a person) |
tlamička {f} | :: diminutive of tlama |
tlamolep {m} [colloquial] | :: sweet beverage |
tlapa {f} | :: paw (soft foot of an animal) |
tlapa {f} [colloquial] | :: hand |
tlapička {f} | :: diminutive of tlapa |
tlapka {f} | :: diminutive of tlapa |
tlení {n} | :: verbal noun of tlít |
tleskat {v impf} | :: to applaud |
tlít {v} | :: to molder, to moulder |
tlouct {v impf} | :: to hit, beat |
tloustnout {v impf} | :: to get fat, to become fat |
tlouštík {m} | :: fatso, butterball |
tloušťka {f} | :: thickness |
tlumač {m} [archaic] | :: interpreter (oral translator) |
tlumeně {adv} | :: softly |
tlumený {adj} | :: muffled (sound) |
tlumený {adj} | :: soft (light) |
tlumič {m} | :: silencer |
tlumič {m} | :: absorber (of impact or sound) |
tlumit {v impf} | :: to lower, soften, muffle (sound) |
tlumit {v impf} | :: to soften, cushion (impact) |
tlumit {v impf} | :: to dim (light) |
tlumit {v impf} | :: to soothe, assuage (feeling or pain) |
tlumočení {n} | :: verbal noun of tlumočit |
tlumočení {n} | :: interpreting, interpretation |
tlumočit {v impf} | :: to interpret |
tlumočnice {f} | :: female interpreter |
tlumočník {m anim} | :: interpreter (oral translator) |
tlupa {f} [anthropology] | :: band (small group of people living in a simple society) |
tlusté střevo {n} | :: large intestine |
tlusťoch {m} | :: fatso, butterball |
tlustoprd {m} | :: fatso, butterball |
tlustý {adj} | :: thick |
tlustý {adj} | :: fat |
tlustý jako bečka {adj} [simile] | :: fat as a pig, fat as a barrel |
tlustý jako prase {adj} [simile] | :: fat as a cow |
tma {f} | :: darkness |
tma jako v prdeli {f} [simile, vulgar] | :: deep darkness |
tma jako v pytli {f} [simile] | :: deep darkness |
tmavější {adj} | :: comparative of tmavý |
tmavý {adj} | :: dark |
tnout {v} | :: to cut |
to {pron} | :: it, this, that |
toaleta {f} | :: toilet, restroom, bathroom, lavatory |
toaleťák {m} [colloquial] | :: toilet paper |
toaletní papír {m} | :: toilet paper (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) |
Tobiáš {prop} {m} | :: Tobias |
tobogán {m} | :: water slide |
tobolka {f} [botany] | :: capsule |
tobolka {f} [pharmacy] | :: capsule |
Točigi {prop} {n} | :: Točigi (prefecture) |
točit {v impf} | :: to turn |
točivý moment {m} | :: torque |
todlencto {pron} [colloquial] | :: this |
tofu {n} | :: tofu (protein-rich food made from curdled soybean milk) |
tóga {f} | :: toga |
Togo {prop} {n} | :: Togo (country) |
tohle {pron} | :: this |
Tojama {prop} {f} | :: Toyama (prefecture) |
to je gól {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial, colloquial] | :: That is a turn up for the book (expressing a surprise from an unexpected result of a situation, which is usually but not necessarily pleasant or relieving) |
to je gól {phrase} | :: See: cs to být gól |
to je pravda {phrase} | :: That's true |
to je pro mě španělská vesnice {phrase} | :: it's all Greek to me (literally "it's a Spanish village to me") |
to je škoda {phrase} | :: That's a pity |
to je škoda {phrase} | :: That's a shame |
to je v pořádku {phrase} | :: That's OK, that's alright |
to je vtip {phrase} | :: That's a joke |
tok {m} | :: flow |
tokáta {f} | :: toccata (musical piece) |
Tokijan {m} | :: person from Tokio |
Tokijec {m} | :: person from Tokio |
tokijský {adj} | :: Tokio |
Tokio {prop} {n} | :: Tokio (prefecture/capital city) |
tokoferol {noun} | :: tocopherol |
tolerance {f} | :: tolerance (the ability or practice of tolerating) |
tolerance {f} | :: tolerance (permitted deviation from standard) |
tolerantní {adj} | :: tolerant |
tolerovat {v} | :: to tolerate |
tolik {adv} | :: so much |
tolik {adv} | :: so many |
toliko {adv} [literary] | :: only |
toltécký {adj} | :: Toltec |
Tolték {m} | :: Toltec (member of a Pre-Columbian Native American people) |
toluen {m} | :: toluene (liquid hydrocarbon) |
tomahavk {m} | :: tomahawk (axe) |
Tomáš {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Tomášek {prop} {m} | :: given name |
tombola {f} | :: raffle, lottery |
tomel {m} | :: persimmon (fruit) |
tomel {m} | :: persimmon (tree) |
Tomio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
tomismus {m} | :: Thomism |
tomista {m} | :: Thomist (follower or advocate of Thomism) |
tomografie {f} | :: tomography |
tón {m} | :: tone |
Tóna {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the male given name Antonín |
Tóna {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the female given name Antonie |
Tonda {prop} {m} | :: A pet form of the male given name Antonín |
toner {m} | :: toner (powder used in laser printers and photocopiers to form the text and images on the printed paper) |
Tonga {prop} | :: Tonga |
tongský {adj} | :: Tongan, of Tonga, Tonga's |
Toníček {prop} {m} | :: given name, a pet form of Antonín |
tonik {noun} | :: tonic (drink) |
Toník {prop} {m} | :: given name, a pet form of Antonín |
tónina {f} | :: key (hierarchical scale of musical notes on which a composition is based) |
tonoucí {m} | :: drowning (person who has not yet drowned) |
tonoucí se stébla chytá {proverb} | :: Tentative: A desperate person is willing to try measures that are unlikely to succeed to get out of trouble. Similar to desperate times call for desperate measures |
tonzilitida {f} | :: tonsillitis |
Tonžan {m} | :: Tongan (person) |
tonžský {adj} | :: Tongan, of Tonga, Tonga's |
topaz {m} | :: topaz (clear, yellowish-brown gemstone) |
topení {n} | :: heating |
topení {n} [colloquial] | :: radiator |
topič {m} | :: stoker |
topikum {n} [linguistics] | :: place name |
topinambur {m} | :: Jerusalem artichoke |
topinka {f} | :: fried bread |
topit {vi impf} | :: to stoke |
topit {vt impf} | :: to drown, to kill in liquid |
topit {v impf} | :: to be drowning |
topmodelka {f} | :: top model, supermodel |
topograf {m} | :: topographer |
topografie {f} | :: topography |
topol {m} | :: poplar |
topolanský {adj} | :: from, of, or pertaining to Topolany |
Topolanští {m anim} | :: people living in Topolany |
Topolany {prop} {m inan} | :: quarter of Olomouc, the Czech Republic; former village |
Topolany {prop} {m inan} | :: village near Vyškov, the Czech Republic |
Topolany {prop} {m inan} | :: vanished village near Vranovice, the Czech Republic |
topolog {m} | :: topologist |
topologický {adj} | :: topological |
topologický prostor {m} | :: topological space |
topologie {f} [mathematics] | :: topology |
topologie {f} [networking] | :: topology |
toponomastika {f} | :: toponymy, toponomastics (study of place names) |
toponymum {n} | :: toponym |
Tóra {prop} {f} | :: Torah |
torakální {adj} | :: thoracic |
torba {f} | :: haversack, pouch |
torba {f} [zoology] | :: cheek pouch (used by some animals to carry food) |
torický {adj} | :: toric (pertaining to or shaped like a torus) |
tornádo {n} | :: tornado (column of air) |
torpédo {n} | :: torpedo (underwater weapon) |
torpédoborec {m} | :: destroyer (warship) |
torr {m} | :: torr (unit of pressure) |
Toruň {prop} {f} | :: Toruň (city) |
torzo {n} [anatomy] | :: torso |
Toskánec {m} | :: Tuscan (person from or inhabitant of Tuscany) |
Toskánsko {prop} {n} | :: Toskánsko (region) |
toskánský {adj} | :: Tuscan (of or relating to Tuscany or its inhabitants) |
toť {contraction} | :: that's |
totalitarismus {m} | :: totalitarianism (system where state wields absolute control) |
totalitní {adj} | :: totalitarian |
totální {adj} | :: total |
totální válka {f} [military] | :: total war |
totiž {adv} | :: namely, specifically |
totiž {conj} | :: because |
toto {pron} | :: this |
totožnost {f} | :: identity |
totožný {adj} | :: same, selfsame, identical |
touha {f} | :: desire |
toulat {v impf} | :: to wander (to move without purpose) |
toulec {m} [archery] | :: quiver |
toulka {f} | :: wander |
Tourettův syndrom {m} | :: Tourette syndrome |
toust {m} | :: toast (toasted bread) |
toustovač {m} | :: toaster (device for toasting) |
touš {m inan} [ice hockey] | :: puck |
toužit {v} | :: to desire, to long (for) |
továrna {f} | :: factory |
tovární {adj} [relational] | :: factory |
továrnička {f} | :: diminutive of továrna |
továrník {m anim} | :: factory owner |
tovaryš {m anim} | :: journeyman |
toxicita {f} | :: toxicity |
toxický {adj} | :: toxic (having a harmful chemical nature) |
toxikologie {f} | :: toxicology (scientific study of poisons and poisoning) |
toxoplazmóza {f} | :: toxoplasmosis (parasitic disease) |
to znamená {phrase} | :: that is (in other words) |
tož {particle} [dialectal, Moravia] | :: so, well |
tož {conj} [dialectal, Moravia] | :: so, therefore |
Tožan {m anim} | :: Togolese (person) |
tožský {adj} | :: Togolese |
t. r. {phrase} | :: abbreviation of toho roku |
Trabzon {prop} {m} | :: Trabzon (city) |
tračník {m inan} | :: colon (part of large intestine) |
tradice {f} | :: tradition |
tradičně {adv} | :: traditionally |
tradiční {adj} | :: traditional |
trafika {f} | :: newsstand, newsagent |
trafika {f} | :: sinecure of a politician |
trága {f} [colloquial] | :: tragedy |
tragedie {f} | :: tragedy |
tragédie {f} [drama] | :: tragedy |
tragický {adj} | :: tragic |
tragikomedie {f} | :: tragicomedy |
tracheitida {f} | :: tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea) |
trajekt {f} | :: ferry |
trajektorie {f} | :: trajectory |
trakt {m} | :: tract (series of connected body organs) |
traktát {m} | :: treatise |
traktor {m} | :: tractor |
traktorista {m} | :: tractor driver |
traktoristka {f} | :: female tractor driver |
traktůrek {m} | :: diminutive of traktor |
trám {m} | :: beam (large piece of timber or iron) |
trámek {m} | :: diminutive of trám |
trampolína {f} | :: trampoline, tramp |
trampota {f} | :: trouble, difficulty, tribulation, hardship |
tramvaj {f} | :: tram, trolley, streetcar |
tramvaják {m} | :: (colloquial) tram driver |
tramvajenka {f} | :: pass (a document granting permission to use a form of public transportation, especially a prepaid longterm one) |
tranďák {m} [colloquial] | :: transformer (device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity) |
tranďák {m} [colloquial] | :: transistor, transistor radio |
transakce {f} | :: transaction |
transakční {adj} [relational] | :: transaction, transactional |
transakční analýza {f} | :: transactional analysis |
transakční náklady {noun} [economics] | :: transaction cost |
transatlantický {adj} | :: transatlantic |
transcendentní {adj} | :: transcendent, transcendental |
transformace {f} | :: transformation |
transformátor {m} | :: transformer (device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity) |
transformovat {v} | :: to transform |
transkraniální {adj} | :: transcranial |
transkripce {f} [linguistics] | :: transcription |
transkripce {f} [genetics] | :: transcription |
transkutánní {adj} | :: transcutaneous |
Translajtánie {prop} {f} | :: Transleithania |
transliterace {f} [linguistics] | :: transliteration |
transliterovat {v impf} | :: to transliterate |
transparent {m} | :: banner or placard |
transparentní {adj} | :: transparent |
transplantace {f} | :: transplantation, transplant (surgical operation) |
transplantát {m} [medicine] | :: transplant (a transplanted organ or tissue) |
transplantovat {v} [medicine] | :: to transplant (to transfer (a tissue or an organ)) |
transponovat {v p-i} [music] | :: to transpose (to rewrite or perform a piece in another key) |
transponovat {v p-i} [linear algebra] | :: to transpose (to change a matrix by interchanging its rows and columns) |
transpozice {f} [music] | :: transposition (shift of a piece of music to a different musical key) |
transsexuál {m} | :: transsexual |
transsexualita {f} | :: transsexuality |
transsexuální {adj} | :: transsexual |
transvestita {m} | :: transvestite |
Transylvánie {prop} {f} | :: Transylvania |
tranylcypromin {m} | :: tranylcypromine |
tranzistor {m} | :: transistor |
tranzistor {m} [colloquial] | :: transistor, transistor radio |
tranzitivní {adj} [set theory] | :: transitive |
tranzitivní {adj} [linguistics] | :: transitive |
tranzitivní uzávěr {m} | :: transitive closure |
tranzitivum {n} | :: transitive verb |
tranzitorní ischemická ataka {f} | :: transient ischemic attack |
trapas {m} | :: blunder |
Trapezunt {prop} {m} | :: Trapezunt (port city) |
trapič {m} | :: tormentor, torturer |
trapnější {adj} | :: comparative of trapný |
trapný {adj} | :: embarrassing, pathetic, cringeworthy |
trapný {adj} | :: painful |
trasa {f} | :: route |
trať {f} | :: track (path or course laid out for a race, for exercise, etc.) |
trať {f} | :: track (rails) |
trata {f} [finance] | :: bill of exchange |
tratit {v impf} | :: to lose |
trauma {n} | :: trauma |
traumatický {adj} | :: traumatic |
traumatizovat {v impf} | :: to traumatize |
traumatologie {f} | :: traumatology |
tráva {f} | :: grass (plant of the family Poaceae) |
tráva {f} [slang] | :: weed (marijuana) |
trávení {n} | :: verbal noun of trávit |
trávení {n} | :: digestion |
travestie {f} | :: travesty |
travesti show {f} | :: transvestite entertainment performance |
trávicí {adj} | :: digestive |
trávicí soustava {f} | :: digestive system |
travič {m} | :: poisoner |
travička {f} | :: diminutive of tráva |
travička {f} | :: a female who has poisoned somebody |
travina {f} | :: grass (plant of the family Poaceae) |
trávit {v impf} | :: to digest |
trávit {v impf} | :: of time, to spend |
trávit {v impf} | :: to poison |
travnatý {adj} | :: grassy |
travní {adj} [relational] | :: grass |
Trávníček {prop} {m} | :: A Czech surname |
trávník {m} | :: lawn |
trawler {m} | :: trawler (a fishing boat that uses a trawl net or dragnet to catch fish) |
trčet {v impf} | :: to stick out, to protrude |
trčet {v impf} | :: to be stuck, to be stranded |
trčet {v impf} | :: to sit around (at home) |
trdlo {n} [colloquial] | :: a clumsy person |
trdlo {n} [colloquial] | :: a simpleton |
trdlo {n} | :: a mallet/stick used to crush crop and similar things in a mortar or a stamp mill |
trdlo {n} | :: a wooden stake a trdelník is wrapped around for cooking |
trefit {v} | :: to hit (to manage to touch in the right place) |
trefit {v} | :: to find one's way |
trefný {adj} | :: to the point, succinct |
trejfe {adj} | :: treif, treyf |
tréma {f} | :: stage fright |
trenažér {m} | :: simulator |
trenér {m} | :: coach, trainer |
trenérka {noun} | :: coach, trainer (female) |
trénink {m} | :: training, coaching, practice |
trénovat {v impf} | :: to train, exercise |
trepka {f} | :: slipper |
trepka {f} | :: paramecium (an organism) |
tresčí {adj} | :: cod |
treska {f} | :: cod |
treska skvrnitá {f} | :: haddock |
trest {m} | :: punishment |
tresť {f} [archaic] | :: reed, cane |
trestanec {m} | :: convict, prisoner, inmate |
trestat {v impf} | :: to punish |
trestná lavice {f} [ice hockey] | :: penalty box |
trestná pětka {phrase} [rugby] | :: penalty try |
trestní {adj} | :: criminal, penal |
trestní právo {n} | :: criminal law |
trestní řízení {n} | :: criminal procedure |
trestní stíhání {n} | :: criminal prosecution |
trestní zákoník {m} | :: penal code |
trestný {adj} | :: punishable, criminal |
trestný {adj} | :: punitive, penalty |
trestný bod {m} | :: penalty point |
trestný čin {m} [legal] | :: criminal offence, crime |
trestný hod {m} [basketball] | :: free throw, foul shot |
trestný kop {m} | :: penalty kick |
trestuhodný {adj} | :: reprehensible |
Trevír {prop} {m} | :: Trevír (city) |
trezor {m} | :: safe |
trh {m} | :: market |
trhan {m} | :: tatterdemalion |
trhání {n} [dentistry] | :: extraction |
trhat {v impf} | :: to tear, rip |
trhat {v impf} | :: to pick (fruits, vegetables or flowers) |
trhat {v impf} | :: to jerk |
trhat {v impf} | :: to jerk, twitch |
trhavý {adj} | :: jerky |
trhlina {f} | :: crack (thin space opened in a previously solid material) |
trhlinka {f} | :: diminutive of trhlina |
trhnout {v pf} | :: to jerk |
trhnout {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make, to get, to earn |
trh práce {m} | :: labor market |
triangl {m} [literary] | :: triangle (geometric shape) |
triangl {m} | :: triangle (musical instrument) |
triangulace {f} | :: triangulation (surveying technique) |
trias {m} | :: Triassic (geological period) |
tribun {m} | :: tribune (elected official in Ancient Rome) |
tribunál {m} | :: tribunal |
tribut {m} | :: tribute (payment made by one nation to another in submission) |
tricyklický {adj} | :: tricyclic |
tričko {n} | :: T-shirt |
Trident {prop} {m} | :: Trento (city in today's Italy) |
trigonometrie {f} | :: trigonometry |
trigraf {m inan} [linguistics] | :: trigraph, a sequence of three letters representing a single phoneme |
tricha {m anim} | :: vulturine parrot |
trichomoniáza {f} | :: trichomoniasis |
triko {n} | :: T-shirt |
trilema {n} | :: trilemma, a circumstance in which a choice must be made between three options |
trilema {n} [logic] | :: trilemma, an argument containing three alternatives |
trilingvní {adj} | :: trilingual |
trilión {m} | :: quintillion, trillion, 1018 |
trilobit {m} | :: trilobite |
trilobití {adj} | :: trilobite, trilobite's |
trimestr {noun} | :: trimester |
trimethoprim {m} | :: trimethoprim (an antibiotic used against, among other infections, those of the urinary tract) |
trimetoprim {m} | :: trimethoprim (an antibiotic used against, among other infections, those of the urinary tract) |
tringelt {m} [colloquial] | :: tip (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) |
Trinidad a Tobago {prop} | :: Trinidad a Tobago (a <<country>> consisting of two main <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>) |
trinitrotoluen {m} | :: trinitrotoluene (a highly explosive yellow crystalline substance) |
triolet {noun} [poetry] | :: triolet |
Tripolis {prop} {m} | :: Tripolis (capital) |
tristní {adj} | :: lamentable, regrettable, sad |
tritón {m} | :: tritone |
triviální {adj} | :: trivial, trifling |
triviální {adj} | :: elementary, easy (question, problem etc) |
triviální název {m} | :: trivial name (commonly used, non-systematic name of a chemical compound) |
trkat {vt impf} | :: to butt |
trknout {vt pf} | :: to butt |
trn {m} | :: thorn (protective spine of a plant) |
trn {m} [engineering] | :: center, spike, pin (a pointy part used e.g. to hold another object in a machining tool) |
trnka {f} | :: sloe, blackthorn (Prunus spinosa fruit and plant) |
trockismus {m} | :: Trotskyism |
trockista {m} | :: A Trotskyite |
trockistický {adj} | :: Trotskyist, Trotskyite |
trocha {f} | :: a little, bit |
trochu {adv} | :: a bit; a little |
Troja {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Trója: Troja (ancient city) |
Troja {prop} {f} | :: Troja (area) |
Trója {prop} {f} | :: Trója (ancient city) |
Trójan {m} | :: Trojan (person from Troy) |
trojhlavý {adj} | :: three-headed |
trojice {f} | :: trinity |
trojice {f} | :: triple (three-tuple) |
trojice {f} [poker] | :: three of a kind |
trojitý {adj} | :: triple |
trojjazyčný {adj} | :: trilingual |
trojka {f} | :: three (digit or figure) |
trojklanný nerv {m} | :: alternative spelling of trojklaný nerv |
trojklaný nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] | :: trigeminal nerve |
trojlist {m} [architecture] | :: trefoil |
trojlístek {m} | :: trefoil, shamrock |
trojmocný {adj} [chemistry] | :: trivalent |
trojnásobný {adj} | :: three-time, threefold |
trojský {adj} | :: Trojan |
trojslabičný {adj} | :: trisyllabic |
trojtečka {f} | :: dots, ellipsis |
trojúhelníček {m} | :: diminutive of trojúhelník |
trojúhelník {m} [geometry] | :: triangle |
trojúhelníkovitý {adj} | :: triangular |
trojúhelníkový {adj} | :: triangular |
trojzubec {m} | :: trident (a three-pronged spear) |
trolej {f} | :: trolley (device for collecting electrical current from an overhead electrical line) |
trolejbus {m} | :: trolleybus |
trombocyt {m} | :: thrombocyte, platelet |
trombocytopenie {f} | :: thrombocytopenia |
trombón {m} | :: trombone |
trombóza {m} [pathology] | :: thrombosis |
trombus {m} | :: thrombus |
tropický {adj} | :: tropical (of or pertaining to the tropics, the equatorial region between 23 degrees north and 23 degrees south) |
troposféra {f} | :: troposphere |
tropus {m} | :: trope (figure of speech) |
tropy {noun} | :: tropics (region of the Earth) |
troska {f} | :: wreckage |
troskut {m inan} | :: dogtooth grass, any grass of the genus Cynodon |
trosky {f} | :: debris (rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed) |
trošička {f} | :: diminutive of trocha |
troška {f} | :: Diminutive form of trocha |
troška {f} | :: tittle, iota |
trotl {m} | :: fool |
trouba {f} | :: oven |
trouba {f} | :: pipe (hollow tube) (somewhat dated) |
trouba {m} | :: simpleton |
troubit {v impf} | :: to trumpet |
troud {m} | :: tinder |
troufalý {adj} | :: Bold, daring |
troufalý {adj} | :: Insolent, pert, presumptuous |
troufat {v impf} [, used with si] | :: to dare, have the courage (to do something) |
troufnout {v pf} [, used with si] | :: to dare, have the courage (to do something) |
trpasličí {adj} | :: dwarf, dwarf's |
trpasličí planeta {f} | :: dwarf planet |
trpaslík {m} | :: dwarf (a being from folklore) |
trpaslík {m} | :: dwarf (a person of short stature) |
trpaslík {m} [astronomy] | :: dwarf (a star of relatively small size) |
trpce {adv} | :: bitterly |
trpělivě {adv} | :: patiently |
trpělivost {f} | :: patience |
trpělivost růže přináší {proverb} | :: all things come to those who wait |
trpělivý {adj} | :: patient |
trpět {v impf} | :: to suffer |
trpět {v impf} | :: to tolerate |
trpící {adj} | :: suffering |
trpký {adj} | :: acerb (bitter) |
trpný {adj} [grammar] | :: passive |
trpný rod {m} | :: passive voice |
trs {m} | :: tuft, cluster, clump |
trs {m} | :: bunch, cluster |
trsátko {n} | :: plectrum, pick |
trubač {m anim} | :: bugler |
trubadúr {m} | :: troubadour |
trubec {m} | :: drone (male bee) |
trubec {m} [colloquial] | :: idler, loafer |
trubice {f} | :: tube |
trubička {f} | :: diminutive of trubice |
trubka {f} | :: bugle |
trubka {f} | :: trumpet (musical instrument) |
trubka {f} | :: pipe (hollow tube) |
trubka {m} [colloquial] | :: simpleton |
trucovat {v impf} | :: to sulk |
trudomyslný {adj} | :: gloomy |
truhla {f} | :: chest (strong box) |
truhlář {m anim} | :: carpenter (making furniture, window frames, and doors) |
truchlit {v impf} | :: to mourn |
truchlivý {adj} | :: mournful (in a sad state) |
truchlivý {adj} | :: mournful (causing sadness) |
trumf {m} | :: trump (card of the outranking suit) |
trumfy {noun} | :: trump [US], trumps [UK] (suit) |
trumpeta {f} | :: trumpet (musical instrument) |
trumpetista {m} | :: trumpeter (person who plays a trumpet) |
trumpetistka {f} | :: female trumpeter |
trůn {m} | :: throne |
trup {m} | :: torso, trunk, body |
trvale {adv} | :: permanently |
trvale udržitelný rozvoj {m} [agriculture, ecology] | :: sustainable development |
trvalka {f} [botany] | :: perennial, perennial plant |
trvalý {adj} | :: permanent |
trvání {n} | :: duration (amount of time) |
trvanlivost {f} | :: durability |
trvat {v impf} | :: to last (to endure, continue over time) |
trvat {v impf} | :: to insist |
trychtýř {m} | :: funnel (vessel) |
trypanozoma {f} | :: trypanosome |
tryptofan {m} | :: tryptophan |
tryska {f} | :: nozzle |
tržiště {n} | :: marketplace |
tržní {adj} [relational] | :: market |
tržní hospodářství {n} | :: market economy |
tržní kapitalizace {f} | :: market capitalization |
tržní riziko {n} | :: market risk |
tržní selhání {n} | :: market failure |
třáseň {f} | :: fringe (decorative border) |
třasořitka {m} [colloquial] | :: coward |
třást {v impf} | :: to shake |
třást {v impf} | :: to tremble |
třást se {v impf} | :: reflexive of třást |
třeba {adv} | :: necessary, needed |
třeba {adv} | :: maybe |
třeba {adv} [colloquial] | :: for instance, say |
třeba {conj} [archaic or literary] | :: although |
třebaže {conj} | :: albeit, although |
Třebová {prop} {f} | :: any of multiple municipalities in the Czech Republic |
třemen {m inan} | :: alternative form of třmen |
třenák {m} [colloquial] | :: premolar |
tření {n} | :: friction |
třenový zub {m} | :: premolar |
třepetat {vt impf} [with instrumental] | :: to flutter, to flap |
třepit {v impf} | :: to fray, to split |
třepit {v impf} | :: to cause to fray |
třes {m} | :: tremor, shake |
třesot {m} | :: tremble, tremor, shudder |
třešeň {f} | :: cherry (tree) |
třešně {f} | :: cherry (fruit) |
třešnička {f} | :: diminutive of třešně |
třešnička na dortu {f} | :: the icing on the cake |
třešňový {adj} [relational] | :: cherry |
třeťák {m} [colloquial] | :: a third grader |
třetí {adj} | :: third |
třetihorní {adj} | :: Cenozoic |
třetihory {fp} | :: Cenozoic |
třetí mocnina {f} | :: cube (arithmetic: number raised to the third power) |
třetina {f} | :: third (one of three equal parts of a whole) |
třetí odmocnina {f} [arithmetic] | :: cube root |
třetí osoba {f} | :: third person |
třetí pád {m} [grammar] | :: dative, dative case |
třetí strana {f} | :: third party |
třetit {v impf} | :: to third (divide into thirds) |
třezalka {f} | :: St John's wort, hypericum |
třezalka tečkovaná {f} | :: St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) |
tři {num} | :: three |
tří- {prefix} | :: three |
třiadvacet {num} | :: twenty-three (23) |
třiadvacetiletý {adj} | :: twenty-three-year-old |
třicátník {m} | :: tricenarian |
třicátý {adj} | :: thirtieth |
třicet {num} | :: thirty (30) |
třicet čtyři {num} | :: thirty-four (34) |
třicet devět {num} | :: thirty-nine (39) |
třicet dva {num} | :: thirty-two (32) |
třicetiletý {adj} | :: thirty-year |
třicetina {f} | :: thirtieth (one of thirty equal parts of a whole) |
třicetiprocentní {adj} | :: thirty-percent, 30% |
třicet jedna {num} | :: thirty-one (31) |
třicetkrát {adv} | :: thirty times |
třicet osm {num} | :: thirty-eight (38) |
třicet pět {num} | :: thirty-five (35) |
třicet sedm {num} | :: thirty-seven (37) |
třicet šest {num} | :: thirty-six (36) |
třicet tři {num} | :: thirty-three (33) |
třicítka {f} | :: thirty |
třičtvrtě {f} | :: three quarters |
tři čtvrtě na {phrase} | :: quarter to |
tříčtvrtka {f} [rugby] | :: center |
tříčtvrtka {f} [rugby] | :: position of center |
tříčtvrtka {f} | :: three-quarter brick |
třída {f} | :: class (group sharing attributes) |
třída {f} | :: class (group of students taught together) |
třída {f} | :: classroom |
třída {f} | :: avenue (broad street) |
třída {f} | :: class (category of seats in an airplane or train) |
třída {f} [taxonomy] | :: class |
třída {f} [programming] | :: class |
třída ekvivalence {f} | :: equivalence class |
třídění {n} | :: sorting |
třídění {n} | :: categorization, classification |
třídění odpadu {noun} | :: waste sorting |
třídit {v impf} | :: to sort (to separate according to certain criteria) |
třídní {adj} [relational] | :: class |
třídní boj {m} | :: class struggle |
tříhlavý {adj} | :: three-headed |
třikrát {adv} | :: three times |
tříletý {adj} | :: three-year |
tříletý {adj} | :: three-year-old |
třináct {num} | :: thirteen (13) |
třináctiletý {adj} | :: thirteen-year-old |
třináctiprocentní {adj} | :: thirteen-percent, 13% |
třináctkrát {adv} | :: thirteen times |
třináctý {adj} | :: thirteenth |
třípětinový {adj} [relational] | :: three-fifths |
tříprocentní {adj} | :: three-percent, 3% |
tříska {f} | :: splinter (piece of material) |
třískat {v impf} | :: to bang |
třískat {v impf} | :: to slam |
třísknout {v pf} | :: to bang |
třísknout {v pf} | :: to slam |
tříslo {n} | :: groin |
tříslo {n} | :: tanbark (for tanning hides) |
tři sta {num} | :: three hundred |
třístý {adj} | :: three-hundredth |
tříštit {v impf} | :: to smash |
tříštit {v impf} | :: to smash |
třít {v impf} | :: to rub |
třítýdenní {adj} | :: three-week |
třmen {m inan} | :: stirrup (footrest) |
třmínek {m inan} [anatomy] | :: stapes |
třpyt {m inan} | :: glitter, glisten, glister |
třpytit {v impf} | :: to glitter, to glisten, to sparkle |
třpytivý {adj} | :: sparkling, shimmering, glittering |
tsunami {f} | :: tsunami |
tu {adv} [colloquial or dialectal] | :: here |
tuba {f} | :: tube (a cylindrical container) |
tuba {f} | :: tuba (a large brass musical instrument) |
tuberkulóza {f} | :: tuberculosis |
tuberkulózní {adj} | :: tuberculous |
tubička {f} | :: diminutive of tuba |
tucet {m} | :: dozen |
tuctový {adj} | :: mediocre, ordinary, commonplace |
tučňák {m anim} | :: penguin |
tučňák císařský {m} | :: emperor penguin (largest penguin) |
tučný {adj} | :: fatty (containing fat) |
tučný {adj} | :: bold (of a typeface) |
tudíž {adv} | :: hence, as a result, therefore |
tudy {adv} | :: this way |
tudy {adv} | :: that way |
tuha {f} | :: graphite (mineral) |
tuhnout {vi impf} | :: to solidify (to become solid) |
tuhý {adj} | :: solid (in the state of being a solid) |
tuhý {adj} | :: rigid |
ťuhýk {m} | :: shrike |
tucha {f} | :: presentiment, intuition |
túje {f} | :: thuja |
tuk {m} | :: fat |
tukan {m} | :: toucan |
tuková buňka {f} | :: fat cell, adipocyte |
tuková tkáň {f} | :: adipose tissue, fatty tissue |
tukový {adj} | :: fat (of or pertaining to fat) |
tulák {m} | :: wanderer |
tuleň {m} | :: earless seal, true seal |
tulení {adj} [relational] | :: earless seal's |
tulipán {m} | :: tulip |
tulit {v impf} | :: to snuggle, cuddle, nestle |
ťululum {noun} | :: dunce |
Ťumeň {prop} {m} | :: Ťumeň (city) |
tumor {m} | :: tumor |
tumpachový {adj} [colloquial] | :: confused |
tůň {f} | :: pool (in a river) |
tuna {f} | :: ton (unit of weight) |
tuňák {m} | :: tuna |
tundra {f} | :: tundra (flat and treeless arctic biome) |
tunel {m} | :: tunnel |
tunika {f} | :: tunic (clothing) |
Tunis {prop} {m} | :: Tunis (capital city) |
Tunisan {m anim} | :: Tunisian (person) |
Tunisanka {f} | :: female Tunisian |
Tunisko {prop} {n} | :: Tunisia |
tuniský {adj} | :: Tunisian, of Tunisia |
tůňka {f} | :: diminutive of tůně |
tunýlek {m} | :: diminutive of tunel |
tupec {m} | :: bonehead, dimwit, dummy |
tupoň {m} | :: bonehead, dimwit, dummy |
tupoun {m} | :: bonehead, dimwit, dummy |
tupozrakost {f} | :: amblyopia |
tupozraký {adj} | :: amblyopic |
tupý {adj} | :: blunt, dull |
tupý {adj} [colloquial] | :: dumb (stupid) |
tupý jako poleno {adj} [simile] | :: thick as a brick, stupid |
tupý úhel {m} | :: obtuse angle |
tur {m} | :: bovine |
túra {f} [colloquial] | :: trip |
turbína {f} | :: turbine |
turbo {n} | :: turbo |
turbodmychadlo {n} | :: turbocharger |
turbulentní {adj} | :: turbulent |
turbulentní proudění {n} | :: turbulent flow |
tur domácí {m} | :: cattle |
turecká káva {f} | :: Coffee prepared by placing powdered roast coffee beans in a cup and pouring boiling water over them |
turecká šavle {f} | :: scimitar |
Turecko {prop} {n} | :: Turkey |
turecký {adj} | :: Turkish |
turecký med {m} | :: A sweet made from honey, sugar, egg white, and nuts |
turečtina {f} | :: Turkish (language) |
Turek {m anim} | :: Turk (person) |
Turín {prop} {m} | :: Turín (city) |
Turíňan {m} | :: person from Turin |
Turingův stroj {m} [computing theory] | :: Turing machine |
turismus {m} | :: tourism |
turista {m anim} | :: tourist |
turistický {adj} [relational] | :: tourist |
turistika {f} | :: tourism |
turistka {f} | :: female tourist |
Turkmen {m anim} | :: Turkmen, Turkoman, Turkman (person) |
Turkmenistán {prop} {m inan} | :: Turkmenistan |
Turkmenka {f} | :: female Turkmen |
turkmenský {adj} | :: Turkmen |
turkmenština {f} | :: Turkmen (Oghuz Turkic language of the Turkmen people spoken mostly in Turkmenistan) |
turkologie {f} | :: Turkish studies |
Turkyně {f} | :: female Turk (female person) |
turmalín {m} | :: tourmaline |
turnaj {m inan} | :: tournament |
turné {n} | :: tour (of performances, exhibition games etc) |
Turnerův syndrom {m} | :: Turner syndrome |
turpan {m anim} | :: scoter |
tuří {adj} | :: bovine |
tuřín {m} | :: swede |
tušení {n} | :: verbal noun of tušit |
tušení {n} | :: clue, idea, notion |
tušit {v impf} | :: to suspect |
tutti {n} [card games] | :: triple raise (multiplies the current stake by 8) |
Tuvalan {m} | :: Tuvaluan (person) |
tuvalský {adj} | :: Tuvaluan, of Tuvalu |
Tuvalu {prop} | :: Tuvalu |
tuze {adv} | :: very |
tuze {adv} | :: lot, a lot |
tuzemsko {n} | :: this country |
tuzemský {adj} | :: domestic (internal to a specific country) |
tužba {f} | :: desire |
tužka {f} | :: pencil |
tužtička {f} | :: diminutive of tužka |
-tva {suffix} | :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting an action |
tvar {m} | :: shape (appearance or outline) |
tvar {m} | :: shape (figure) |
tvargle {m inan} [usually, plurale tantum, colloquial, colloquial] | :: Olomouc cheese, a kind of ripened soft cheese, characteristic with its strong scent, distinctive pungent taste and yellowish colour, nowadays made in the town of Loštice, the Czech Republic |
tvárnost {f} | :: plasticity |
tvárný {adj} | :: shapeable |
tvaroh {m inan} | :: quark (a soft creamy cheese) |
tvarosloví {n} [linguistics] | :: morphology |
tvarůžek {m inan} | :: diminutive of tvaroh |
tvarůžek {m inan} | :: a single piece of Olomouc cheese |
tvarůžky {m inan} [usually, plurale tantum] | :: Olomouc cheese, a kind of ripened soft cheese with a strong scent, distinctive pungent taste and yellowish colour, nowadays made in the town of Loštice in the Czech Republic |
tvář {f} | :: face |
tvář {f} | :: cheek |
tvářet {vt impf} [manufacturing] | :: to form |
tvářička {f} | :: diminutive of tvář |
tvářit {v impf} | :: to grimace |
tvíd {m} | :: tweed |
tvoje {pron} | :: your |
tvor {m} | :: creature |
tvorba {f} | :: creation |
tvorba {f} | :: production |
tvoreček {m} | :: diminutive of tvor |
tvoření {n} | :: verbal noun of tvořit |
tvoření {n} | :: creation (act of creation) |
tvořit {v impf} | :: to create |
tvořit {v impf} | :: to make (to create) |
tvořit {v impf} | :: to make up, to form, to constitute |
tvořivost {f} | :: creativity |
tvořivý {adj} | :: creative |
tvrdé patro {n} | :: hard palate |
tvrdit {v impf} | :: to assert (to declare with assurance or plainly and strongly) |
tvrdit {v impf} | :: to harden (to make something hard(er)) |
tvrdnout {v impf} | :: to harden, to get hard, to become hard |
tvrdohlavě {adv} | :: stubbornly |
tvrdohlavost {f} | :: stubbornness |
tvrdohlavý {adj} | :: hardheaded, stubborn |
tvrdost {f} | :: hardness |
tvrdý {adj} | :: hard (resistant to pressure) |
tvrdý {adj} | :: difficult, hard (demanding a lot of effort to endure) |
tvrdý znak {m} | :: hard sign |
tvrz {f} [historic] | :: fort |
tvrzení {n} | :: verbal noun of tvrdit |
tvrzení {n} | :: assertion |
tvrzení {n} | :: allegation |
tvůj {pron} [possessive pronoun] | :: your, yours, thy, thine (2nd-person familiar, singular only) |
tvůrce {m} | :: creator |
tvůrčí {adj} | :: creative |
tvůrkyně {f} | :: female creator |
twist {m} | :: twist (dance) |
ty {pron} [personal] | :: you (second person singular) |
ty bláho {phrase} | :: holy smoke (an expression of surprise) |
ty brďo {phrase} | :: holy smoke (an expression of surprise) |
tyč {f} | :: rod (a straight, round stick, shaft, bar, cane, or staff) |
tyčinka {f} [anatomy] | :: rod |
tyčinka {f} | :: stick |
týden {m inan} | :: week |
týdeník {m} | :: weekly periodical |
týdenní {adj} | :: weekly |
týdně {adv} | :: a week, per week |
tyfus {m} [pathology] | :: typhus |
tygr {m} | :: tiger |
tygří {adj} | :: tiger |
tygřice {f} | :: tigress |
tygříček {m anim} | :: diminutive of tygr |
tygříček {m anim} | :: avadavat |
tygřík {m} | :: diminutive of tygr |
ty jo {phrase} | :: holy smoke (an expression of surprise) |
tykadlo {n} | :: feeler, antenna |
tykat {v} | :: to address with the informal T-form |
týkat {v impf} | :: to relate, to pertain (to have a connection) |
týkat {v impf} | :: to concern oneself with something (to be of importance to) |
tykev {f} | :: pumpkin |
ty kráso {phrase} | :: holy smoke (an expression of surprise) |
tyl {m inan} | :: tulle |
týl {m} | :: occiput |
týlní {adj} | :: occipital |
týlní kost {f} [skeleton] | :: occipital bone |
týlní lalok {m} | :: occipital lobe |
tým {m inan} | :: team |
tymián {m} | :: thyme (seasoning) |
tymin {m} | :: alternative spelling of thymin |
tympán {m} | :: kettledrum |
Týna {prop} {f} | :: A pet form of the female given names Justýna, Kristýna and Valentýna |
typ {m} [programming] | :: type |
týpek {m} [colloquial] | :: guy, dude (a man) |
typický {adj} | :: typical |
typografický {adj} | :: typographical |
typografie {f} | :: typography |
týrání {n} | :: Maltreatment |
tyranie {f} | :: tyranny (form of government) |
tyranosaurus {m} | :: tyrannosaurus |
tyranosauří {adj} | :: tyrannosaurus |
tyranovec {m anim} | :: alot of birds from genus Tyrannidae, for example from genuses Agriornis, Onychorhynchus, Sayornis and much more |
týrat {v impf} | :: To torment, brutalize |
týrat {v impf} | :: To harass, bully |
tyrkys {m} | :: turquoise (gem) |
tyrkysový {adj} | :: turquoise (color) |
tyroiditida {f} | :: thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) |
Tyrolák {m} [colloquial] | :: Tyrolean, Tyrolese |
Tyrolan {m} | :: Tyrolean, Tyrolese |
Tyrolsko {prop} {n} | :: Tyrolsko (state) |
Týros {prop} {m} | :: Tyre (ancient sea port and city state of Phoenecia, in the present day Lebanon) |
tyrosin {m} | :: tyrosine |
tyrozin {m} | :: tyrosine |
ty vado {phrase} | :: holy smoke (an expression of surprise) |
ty vogo {phrase} | :: holy smoke (an expression of surprise) |
ty vole {interj} | :: damn; shit (An expression of dismay) |
ty vole {interj} | :: the hell (used as an intensifier) |
týž {pron} | :: same (the same thing) |
tzatziki {n} | :: tzatziki (an appetizer made from yoghurt, cucumber, garlic, olive oil, dill or mint) |
tzn. {phrase} | :: abbreviation of to znamená: i.e. |
tzv. {adj} | :: abbreviation of takzvaný: so-called |