User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest//by level/4
[edit]Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title
Derived terms (2063)
[edit]A, A, April, December, February, Friday, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, adjectival, adjectival, adjective, alphabetical, antonym, aquila, aquila, august, august, barter, brown, cat, cat, cat, chien, craft, craft, day, day, deal, deal, deal, denotation, dialect, dialect, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopedia, etymology, free, free, free, frei, gratis, gratis, gratis, gratis, gratis, gratuit, hour, hyponym, livre, livre, march, may, may, may, minute, month, nonsense, noun, pie, pies, pies, pond, portmanteau, product, product, pumpkin, rain cats and dogs, raven, semantics, substantive, substantive, swap, synonym, synonym, synonym, thesaurus, thesaurus, trade, trade, trade, verb, verb, verb, woordenboek
Translations (1563)
[edit]Aaronic, April, December, Fabian, Fabian, February, Friday, Friday, GDP, January, July, June, Monday, Monday, November, November, October, Saturday, Saturday, September, Sunday, Sunday, Thursday, Thursday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, aam, aardvark, aardwolf, adjectival, adjective, adjective, adjective, alphabetical, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, barter, barter, brown, brown, brown, connotation, craft, craft, current events, day, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, eagle, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, fa, fabaceous, fable, fable, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, free, free, free, freedom of speech, gratis, gratis, hour, hyponym, lexicography, merchandise, merchandise, month, multiculturalism, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, noun, noun, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, polysemic, portmanteau word, product, pumpkin, quid pro quo, rain cats and dogs, semantics, substantive, substantive, synonym, thesaurus, trade, trade, trade wind, verb, wares
Related terms (1439)
[edit]A, A, April, December, Fabian, February, Friday, January, July, June, Saturday, September, September, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a-, a-, aardwolf, aardwolf, ab, abaction, abactor, abactor, abacus, abada, abandon, abandonment, abarticulation, abase, abate, abate, abater, abater, abba, abbess, abbey, abbot, abbot, abbreviated, abdest, abdicate, abdication, abdomen, abdomen, abdomen, abdominal, abdominal, abdominal, abdominal, abduce, abduct, abduction, abductor, abelian, aberrant, aberrant, adjectival, alphabetical, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, chien, connotation, day, deal, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, fa, fable, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, frei, gratis, gratis, lexicography, livre, multiculturalism, name, noun, noun, pie, polysemic, product, semantics, sesquipedalianism, synonym, synonym, synonym, synonym, trade, trade, verb, word
Declension (1049)
[edit]April, Fabian, Fabian, November, September, aam, ab, ab, abactor, abaculus, abacus, aband, abandon, abandon, abate, abator, abaxial, abaxial, abay, abba, abbot, abdal, abdal, abdest, abdest, abdomen, abdomen, abdomen, abdomen, abdominal, abdominal, abdominal, abductor, aberrant, abject, ablaut, ablaut, ablaut, able, abnegator, abnormal, abomasum, aboral, abort, abort, abort, abort, abrupt, abrupt, abrupt, abscess, abscissa, adjectival, antonym, antonym, antonym, aquila, august, barter, cat, cat, cat, day, denotation, dialect, encyclopaedia, f, f, fa, free, frei, gratis, gratis, gratuit, hyponym, hyponym, may, may, may, may, multiculturalism, nonsense, on, on, on, on, on, on, pies, pies, swap, synonym, synonym, synonym, synonym, thesaurus, verb, verb, word
A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, ab, ab, ab, ab, ab, aback, abandon, abate, abate, abate, abate, abate, abatement, abatement, abator, abator, abay, abba, abba, abbreviate, abdicative, abdomen, abductor, abductor, august, august, book, book, book, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, crow, day, deal, deal, deal, deal, f, fa, fa, fa, fabella, fabella, head, hour, livre, livre, livre, livre, livre, livre, march, march, march, may, may, minute, name, name, name, name, pie, pie, pie, pie, pie, pie, pie, pond, portmanteau, portmanteau, pound, pound, pound, raven, raven, raven, swap, swap, swop, swop, word, word, word
Abaddon, December, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a-, ab, ab, ab, ab-, abactor, abalone, abalone, abandoned, abandonment, abarticulation, abase, abasement, abash, abattoir, abaxial, abbess, abbreviation, abdal, abdal, abdicate, abdomen, abdominal, abdominal, abduct, abduction, abecedarian, abelmosk, aberrant, aberrant, abet, abhor, abhorrence, abidingly, ability, abiogenesis, abjudge, abjure, ablaut, ablaut, ablaze, abligate, ablude, abnormal, abnormality, abnormally, abnormity, abolish, abominable, abominate, adjective, august, august, barter, barter, cat, connotation, elephant, f, fa, fa, fable, fable, free, gratis, gratis, gratis, gratis, gratis, gratis, gratis, hour, hour, march, may, may, may, merchandise, nonsense, noun, pie, quid pro quo, swap, synonym, synonym, synonym, synonym, synonym, thesaurus, verb
A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, June, august, august, august, barter, cat, dialect, dialect, eagle, freedom of speech, may, may, may, may, may, noun, product, quid pro quo, semantics, thesaurus, word
Descendants (567)
[edit]A, Abaddon, April, April, December, February, Friday, Friday, January, July, June, Monday, Monday, November, November, October, Saturday, September, September, Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday, Wednesday, a-, ab, ab, ab, ab, abaca, abactor, abaculus, abacus, abada, aband, abandon, abandoner, abate, abattoir, abattoir, abay, abba, abbey, abbot, abdest, abdomen, abhorrer, abit, abject, able, able, abnegator, abnormal, abolitionism, abolitionist, abomasum, abominable, abord, abreggen, abreuvoir, aquila, brown, brown, cat, chien, chien, craft, day, day, dialect, elephant, elephant, fa, fa, fable, false friend, frei, gratis, gratis, gratuit, hour, livre, minute, minute, name, noun, on, on, on, pie, pie, pond, pound, product, raven, thesaurus, verb, woordenboek, word, 犬
Usage notes (464)
[edit]A, A, A, A, Abderite, Abrahamic, April, English, English, Fabian, a-, a-, a-, a-, ab, ab, ab, ab, ab-, abada, abay, abba, abdal, abdicant, abduction, abear, abelmosk, aberrate, abetter, abhorrent, abide, ability, abime, abit, abject, ablution, abolition, abominable, abord, aboriginal, abound, about, above, above, above, abracadabra, abraid, abreast, abridge, abridgment, abscision, abscissa, abscission, absolutely, absolutely, absolve, antidisestablishmentarianism, calendar, craft, dialect, encyclopedia, etymology, f, f, f, f, f, floccinaucinihilipilification, frei, kun, kun, merchandise, noun, nu, nu, on, on, pie, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, product, quiz, the, today, verb, winter, word, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, 大きい, 犬, 犭, 車, 酉, 馬
A, ab, ab, abandon, abate, abate, abate, abbreviate, abiding, abject, able, abode, abode, abord, abort, abrade, abrade, abraid, absciss, absent, abut, abut, accept, alien, august, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, book, book, cat, cat, crow, de, de, deal, die, die, die, en, fa, fa, fa, google, google, gratis, head, het, het, hoed, hoed, in, in, leap, libre, livre, march, march, may, may, may, minute, name, niet, on, on, pie, pie, pond, pond, portmanteau, pound, pound, raven, raven, season, season, seven, summer, swap, swop, te, te, te, te, the, van, van, van, week, week, word, word, zijn, zomer, 馬, 馬
Pronunciation (362)
[edit]A, A, A, A, A, A, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, ab, ab, ab, ab, abatement, abba, abbreviate, abbreviate, abbreviate, abdicative, abdicative, abide, abject, absciss, absciss, abscissa, absent, absent, alien, august, august, bone, bone, day, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, deal, deal, en, en, en, en, en, en, en, en, en, en, en, en, f, fa, fa, minute, minute, name, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, pie, raven, raven, raven, raven, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, 国, 国, 数, 数, 西, 車, 車, 車, 車, 酉, 馬, 馬, 馬, 馬
AD, BC, BCE, CE, PM, Simplified Chinese, Thanatos, Traditional Chinese, ab, ab-, abandonment, abase, abasement, abaxial, abbreviation, abdicate, abduct, abduction, aberrant, abet, ability, abiogenesis, abjugate, abnormality, abolish, abolition, abortionist, above-mentioned, abrogate, absoluteness, absonant, abstemious, abstinent, abstractness, academically, accept, acceptability, acceptable, acceptable, accessible, accessible, accidentally, acclivous, accrual, accurate, acid, acid, antonym, antonym, be, biblical, cataphora, color, connotation, count noun, crude, de, de, die, dies, domestic debt, everywhen, few, few, first name, free, growth, het, in, in, in, in, in, kun, man, man, man, man, may, meat, nu, nu, obfuscate, orange, oxymoron, proper noun, seven, star, subjectivism, uncountable, van, zero, 大きい, 明るい, 楽しい, 汚い, 重い, 長い, 高い
References (199)
[edit]Friday, Friday, Irish, Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, abacus, aband, abandon, abandon, abatement, abay, abbey, abide, abietin, able, abord, abort, abreggen, abut, acceptance, accidie, accolade, are, be, be, cat, dat, dat, day, de, de, de, deal, denotation, en, en, en, en, etymology, fa, few, five, five, four, i, i, i, in, in, in, is, jeudi, lente, march, name, noun, nu, nu, nu, o, o, o, o, on, on, one, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, pound, pseudo, pseudo, quarter, quarter, sesquipedalianism, seven, sky, sky, sky, sky, sky, swap, te, te, the, the, two, van, word, year, 国, 犬, 犭, 西, 西, 車, 车, 酉, 馬, 马
Alternative forms (193)
[edit]A, A, November, PM, a-, a-, ab-, abide, abominable, abraid, acceptance, alien, alien, be, be, bone, book, can, can, cat, clock, day, de, de, de, de, die, een, een, en, en, en, en, en, fa, frankenfood, google, het, i, i, i, i, i, i, ik, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, leap, letter, letter, man, man, man, mann, name, niet, nonsense, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, on, on, pound, pseudo, raptor, raven, raven, raven, second, second, seven, sky, sub rosa, substantive, summer, sun, tadago-pie, taghairm, te, te, te, y, y, y, y, year, 国, 明るい
Inflection (181)
[edit]a-, abb, abba, abject, abort, adverb, antonym, are, august, be, be, beer, beer, bone, cum, cunt, dat, dat, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, die, een, een, een, en, en, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fart, gratis, gratuit, het, hij, hund, hyponym, i, i, i, ik, ik, ik, in, is, koira, luu, luu, man, man, mann, millennium, most, o, on, one, onsdag, os, planet, planet, port, port, quiz, raven, raven, robot, sela, sela, seme, star, star, synonym, te, te, van, verb, war, winter, winter, wolf, σκύλος, 大きい, 明るい, 易しい, 楽しい, 汚い, 痛い, 重い, 長い, 高い
A, A, Irish, Pythonesque, Pythonesque, ab, abay, abbreviate, abdicative, abdicative, abeam, abeam, abiding, abject, able, absent, absenter, abstinent, accessive, accessive, alien, andante, andante, andante, andante, are, aria, august, august, be, big, birth, bit, bone, bot, bot, can, cat, cod, crap, crude, cum, de, deal, deal, fa, fa, feist, fere, fiscal, head, head, het, het, het, het, in, in, in, in, in, leap, lens, lente, lente, lente, libre, man, man, man, may, minute, now, nu, nu, number, o, on, one, open, open, peso, pie, port, portmanteau, quarter, raven, relegate, second, secret, seme, sky, sky, sky, stock, the, van, week, 馬
Abies, Aborigine, Abutilon, Acanthocephala, Acanthopterygii, Anguilla, Argentina, Carpobrotus, December, Dutch, English, FTP, Friday, GSM, Grenada, Guinea, HTML, Haus, Monday, Saturday, September, Somalia, Spain, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Uhr, Wednesday, abactor, abacus, abbreviation, absolutism, acid, acronym, adjective, adverb, biblical, blood, can, color, color, company, country, day, definition, derivative, elephant, etymology, false friend, free, global, government, growth, guerra, mammal, man, mann, map, metric, mobile phone, money, morpheme, musician, network, new, night, noun, noun, numeral, operating system, planet, product, pronunciation, pseudonym, quality, quotation, radar, raptor, religion, robot, sect, software, standard, star, stylized, time, trade, turkey, verb, verb, vorto, war, wares, weapon, winter, wolf, world, zero, собака
Further reading (117)
[edit]AIDS, Albanian, Albanian, BCE, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, GNU FDL, I love you, Indo-European, Jamaica, Jupiter, Jupiter, Malaysia, Mayotte, Pythonesque, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, a-, ability, accent, accommodation, achene, achievement, alphabet, also, also, baby, bone, ci, ci, consensus, craft, crear, crear, crow, cunt, dat, dat, dat, de, de, de, derecho, dies, doctrine, een, en, en, en, en, en, feature, forecast, gas, global, gnosis, guerra, i, ik, ik, in, industrial, kill, man, man, man, meticulous, mi, nu, nu, o, on, parole, presidente, rag week, rape, rape, reminiscent, sela, semantics, stock, sun, tesauro, thin, umbrella, viable, win, winter, winter, wolf, wolf, οστό, σκύλος, собака, कुत्ता
A, ci, ci, ci, ci, dat, day, de, de, de, de, de, die, die, en, en, en, en, en, en, eo, het, het, hij, hij, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, in, in, in, is, is, is, it, it, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, most, nu, nu, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, on, os, os, os, sun, te, te, te, te, the, the, thou, vi, vi, vi, vi, y, y, y
Conjugation (102)
[edit]abandoner, abater, abater, abhor, abhorrer, abhorrer, abjurer, abolish, abreggen, absconder, absconder, absconder, absenter, absolver, absolver, absorb, absorber, absorber, absorber, abstain, abstract, abuser, accept, accepter, accepter, accepter, accorder, accorder, ad, amar, amar, amar, amar, amar, amar, amar, ami, be, beer, can, choir, clapper, computer, crear, crear, crear, crear, crear, create, dar, dar, dar, dar, dar, dar, dare, deal, donner, donner, donner, en, estar, estar, estar, estar, estar, euro, fa, fa, fere, fero, generar, generar, give, google, green, henna, here, is, know, laugh, libero, livrer, livrer, may, mortar, protester, protester, radio, robot, stand, star, take, ten, van, verb, write, zipper, ŝati
Abies, Aborigine, Abutilon, Acanthocephala, Acanthopterygii, Angola, Anguilla, Argentina, Australia, Benin, Brunei, Burundi, Cape Verde, Carpobrotus, Central African Republic, Comoros, English, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, European, Friday, GSM, Gabon, Gambia, German, Ghana, Guadeloupe, Guinea-Bissau, Hawaiian, Kenya, Liberia, Monday, Niger, Nigeria, OMC, Rwanda, Saturday, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovene, Somalia, Sunday, Swedish, Swedish, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tanzania, Thursday, Tuesday, US Virgin Islands, Uganda, Wednesday, Zimbabwe, ablaut, aboma, abscissa, alphabet, angla, banana, biblical, can, cataphora, chairman, cherry, church, color, day, fruit tree, husband, lifetime, mobile phone, motherfucker, mouse, night, numeral, operating system, planet, plant, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, polygon, present participle, prime number, proper noun, sausage, sect, star, throne, tigre, uncountable, web browser, week, wolf, wolf, wolf, woman
Coordinate terms (85)
[edit]AD, AIDS, AM, April, April, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, EU, English, European, Micronesia, NAFTA, NATO, November, PM, SARS, September, Somalia, SpA, TLCAN, United States, abba, abscissa, affix, ami, ami, amigo, banana, be, biblical, bit, chairman, church, decade, dollar, eagle, eagle, edible, een, een, eighth, fa, fifteen, foreign debt, fourteen, freedom of speech, general, gratuitous, here, kindling, laugh, leap year, libre, man, million, minute, morning, motherfucker, mouse, nine, panista, pie, plankton, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, present participle, pseudonym, quality, quotation, sausage, te, ten, thirteen, um, webmaster, wolf, woman, y, yes, zero, zwei, ორშაბათი, 西, 酉, 馬
ab, aback, abandon, abdicative, abeam, abraid, andante, ao, big, bot, ci, ci, dar, early, een, en, en, en, eo, fa, fa, fere, first, gag, gold, gratis, hell, here, here, i, i, in, in, in, last, man, most, most, niet, now, nu, nu, nu, of, of, on, on, on, one, one, or, or, pie, point, rape, say, second, the, thou, van, van, vi, vi, y, yet
Quotations (65)
[edit]Catalan, Catalan, China, Esperanto, Germany, LOL, Monaco, México, Portugal, Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish, Trekkie, abet, abyss, acid, add, amigo, amigo, ao, biblical, computer, cum, cunt, dar, de, estar, here, i, king, know, lente, mauve, mauve, mouse, mundial, mundial, musical, musical, night, numeral, o, o, país, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, radar, secret, take, te, tempo, tempo, time, trade, tuba, um, um, um, um, verb, verb, war, word, worst, written, wrong
Preposition (63)
[edit]ab, ab, ab, abeam, absent, ad, ad, ad, be, cum, cum, cum, dar, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, de, en, en, en, en, en, fa, i, i, i, i, i, i, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, o, o, o, o, of, of, on, on, on, one, or, os, secondo, te, the, um, van, van, y
a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, a-, ab-, ab-, vi, 数
Proper noun (55)
[edit]A, Albania, Albania, Albanian, Andorra, Andorra, Angola, CE, Cameroon, Chad, Chad, Chad, Congo, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Edward, Edward, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Irish, Irish, Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, Jupiter, KGB, Laos, Mali, Mali, Mali, Monaco, Monaco, Romania, Romania, Togo, Togo, Tonga, Tonga, Tonga, Tonga, XXXX, XXXX, hell, it, latin, sun, 西, 酉, 酉
Conjunction (40)
[edit]and, be, cum, cum, dar, dat, en, en, en, en, fa, i, i, i, i, i, i, is, mi, now, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, of, of, of, or, or, pi, sun, te, thou, van, y, yet
Interjection (36)
[edit]ad, be, be, bollocks, crap, de, en, f, fa, fa, fy, hell, lol, lol, man, mars, mi, now, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, o, o, o, o, o, pi, pip, say, see, um, wall, word, yes
A, A, A, A, A, A, A, f, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, y, y, y
de, de, de, die, die, een, een, en, en, en, en, en, het, i, i, i, in, in, in, o, o, o, o, o, o, os, os, the, the, y
Determiner (25)
[edit]are, are, dat, die, here, here, here, hour, hour, is, it, it, last, mi, mi, most, nu, o, on, thin, thin, thin, thin, yes, zijn
Chile, bank, cat, euro, gas, koira, march, radio, 国, 数, 犬, 犬, 西, 西, 西, 車, 車, 車, 車, 酉, 馬, 馬
Botswana, Fiji, France, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Micronesia, Mozambique, Namibia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Swaziland, Vanuatu, Zambia, morpheme, ontology, vorto, wolf, zero
can, can, dick, een, een, een, eight, en, google, hund, i, man, nu, on, one, see, seven, seven, ten, trillion
ab, dar, i, i, i, i, in, in, is, lol, o, o, o, o, the, the, um, y
Belgium, India, Indonesia, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, United States, dialect, leap year, metaphysics, polygon, trumpet, vortaro, zipper
国, 数, 犬, 犬, 犭, 西, 西, 車, 車, 酉, 馬, 馬