User:User123o987name/5 letter words 1
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All of English Wiktionary was searched for "5 letter words". The search found nothing. A search for "five letter words" found a useful link which is archived at Todo: reconcile the updated version at
Some words, like "italy", have been have corrected to the uppercase form (Italy) by me.
Five letter words -
[edit]Extracted from, the following is words from corncob_lowercase.txt that were not listed at pentagram.html:
five letter words -
[edit]Extracted from (duplicates pointed out):
- aabec - an Australian medicinal bark that promotes sweating
- Aadel - a first name
- Aaden - a first name
- Aafia - a first name
- aalen - a town in Germany
- aalii - a tropical hardwood tree
- aalst - a town in Belgium
- aamer - a first name; an African cape
- Aamir - a first name
- Aaran - a first name
- aarau - a Swiss commune
- Aaren - a first name
- aargh - an interjection expressing disgust or distress
- Aaric - a first name
- Aarin - a first name
- Aarle - a first name
- Aaron - a first name
- Aarti - a first name
- Aaryn - a first name
- Aasia - a first name
- Aasif - a first name
- Aasim - a first name
- aaziz - the Queen of Sheba
- abaca - Manila hemp
- abaci - plural of "abacus", a calculating device; a crown of a column
- aback - aft; behind
- abaco - one of the islands of the Bahamas
- abacs - plural of "abac", a nomogram
- abada - an early name for the rhinoceros
- abade - an obsolete form of "abode"
- abaff - abaft
- abaft - aft; astern
- abaht - "about" as pronounced by a Cockney
- abail - to give bail for
- abait - variant of "abate"
- abaka - abaca, Manila hemp
- abama - a town in Equatorial Guinea
- Abame - a first name
- abamp - abampere, an electrical unit measurement
- abana - a river that flows through Damascus
- aband - to abandon
- Abani - a first name
- abase - to lower; to reduce
- abash - to awe; to confound
- Abasi - a first name
- abask - basking in the sun
- Abass - a first name
- abate - to wane or decrease
- abave - to astonish or confound
- abaya - a long black robe; a lake in Africa
- abaza - a Caucasian people and language
- abaze - a Caucasian people and language
- Abbah - a first name
- Abban - a first name
- abbas - a first name; a Persian unit of weight; plural of "abba", a Chaldean or Coptic divine
- abbed - having abdominal muscles of a certain quality
- abbes - plural of "abbe", a French abbot
- abbey - a first name; a monastery
- Abbia - a first name
- Abbie - a first name
- abbot - a first name; the head of an abbey
- Abbud - a first name
- Abbye - a first name
- abcee - an alphabet
- abdal - a first name; a Persian religious devotee
- abdar - a teetotaller
- abdat - an ancient Egyptian unit of length of about 4 or 5 inches
- Abdel - a first name
- abdon - a first name; a biblical place
- Abdou - a first name
- Abdul - a first name
- Abdur - a first name
- Abdus - a first name
- Abdyl - a first name
- abeam - abreast
- abear - to bear; to abide
- Abebe - a first name
- Abebi - a first name
- Abeer - a first name
- abele - a first name; a white poplar tree
- Abeli - a first name
- Abena - a first name
- abend - an abnormal or abortive end of the run of a computer program
- Abeni - a first name
- aberr - to wander; to stray
- abers - plural of "aber", a river mouth
- abert - a lake in North America
- abets - assists
- abfab - absolutely fabulous; wonderful; excellent
- abhal - the fruit of the cypress
- Abhay - a first name
- Abhin - a first name
- abhor - to hate; to loathe
- abiah - a first name; Samuel's son in the Bible
- Abias - a first name
- abibe - a mountain range in Colombia
- Abida - a first name
- abide - to tolerate; to sojourn
- Abiel - a first name
- abies - the fir genus
- abihu - a first name; a son of Aaron
- Abija - a first name
- abilo - the Philippine tree also known as the "bogo"
- abime - an abysm
- Abina - a first name
- Abira - a first name
- abkar - a wine seller
- Abkow - a first name
- abled - endowed with certain abilities; able-bodied
- ablen - a fresh water fish
- abler - more able
- ablet - a fresh water fish
- ablow - to blow or breathe upon
- abmho - a unit of electrical conductance
- Abnar - a first name
- Abner - a first name
- abnet - the girdle of a Jewish priest
- Abnor - a first name
- abnub - a town in Egypt
- abode - a dwelling
- abody - a person
- abohm - from "absolute ohm", a unit of measurement, an abvolt per abamp.
- aboil - on the boil
- aboke - a town in Uganda
- aboma - a South American boa constrictor
- aboon - above; to think oneself better than others
- Aboor - a first name
- abord - to approach; to accost
- abore - past tense of "abear"
- abort - to miscarry; to cancel
- Abott - a first name
- Aboul - a first name
- about - almost; around
- above - aloft; over
- aboye - a town in Niger
- abrac - learning
- abram - a first name; auburn
- Abran - a first name
- abras - plural of "abra", a narrow mountain pass
- abray - to rouse, to startle
- Abree - a first name
- abret - a town in Ethiopia
- Abril - a first name
- abrim - brimming
- abrin - a toxic protein obtained from jequirity
- abris - plural of "abri", a bomb shelter
- abrus - a genus of leguminous tropical vines
- absey - an "ABC", the alphabet or a primer
- absis - an apsis
- absit - a legal term, from the Latin for "he, she or it is absent"
- Abtin - a first name
- Abuid - a first name
- abuja - the capital city of Nigeria
- abuna - a first name; above; a river in Bolivia and Brazil; an Ethiopian Orthodox patriarch
- abune - above
- abura - a medium size tropical African tree
- abuse - to misuse
- abuta - a genus of tropical woody vines
- abuts - meets; adjoins
- abuzz - buzzing
- abwab - in India, any of various fines levied by a chief on a landowner
- abyei - a town in Sudan
- abyes - atones
- abyme - an abyss
- abysm - a chasm
- abyss - a chasm
- acale - cold, frozen
- acamp - to the camp
- acana - a West Indian timber tree
- acapu - a tropical Americal timber tree
- acara - a fish of Central or South America that builds nests and protects its young
- acari - a town in Peru; plural of "acarus", a mite or tick
- acate - a small town in Sicily
- accho - a biblical place, also known as Acre
- accoy - to tame; to daunt; to soothe
- accra - the capital city of Ghana
- acedy - laziness
- acene - a family of organic chemicals
- Aceng - a first name
- acera - the bubble-shell genus
- acerb - sour; acidic
- acers - plural of "acer", the maple tree
- aceta - plural of "acetum", a liquid preparation made by extracting a vegetable drug with dilute acetic acid
- Achal - a first name
- achao - a town in Chile
- achar - a hot and spicy mixed Indian condiment of pickled bamboo sprouts; a town in Uruquay
- Achay - a first name
- Achaz - a first name
- ached - pained
- achel - a town in Belgium
- Achen - a first name
- acher - something that aches; someone who complains, as in "belly acher"; the rump
- aches - plural of "ache", a pain
- achey - aching
- Achim - a first name
- achin - a first name; a town in southeast Asia
- achir - an ancient Arabic unit of measurement of area
- achoo - a sneezing sound; Autosomal dominant Compelling Helio-Opthalmic Outburst (sun sneeze)
- achor - dandruff; a biblical place
- acids - plural of "acid", a vitriolic substance
- acidy - acidic
- acier - Quaker gray
- acies - the keen attention of eye or ear toward some object
- Acima - a first name
- acing - the present participle of "to ace", to perform excellently
- acini - plural of "acinus", a small sac or cavity; a granulation; a berry
- acked - acknowledged
- ackee - a West African fruit tree common to the Caribbean
- acker - a ripple or patch of ruffled water; an Egyptian piastre; money; an academic
- ackey - an English silver coin used in African trade
- Ackim - a first name
- aclis - a spiked club
- aclys - a small javelin
- acmes - plural of "acme", a peak or highest point; a purveyor of excellent devices for capturing roadrunners
- acmic - of or pertaining to an acme
- acnae - plural of "acne", an inflammation of the skin
- acned - afflicted by acne
- acnes - plural of "acne", an inflammation of the skin
- acnua - a Roman unit of measurement of area, equal to a square actus
- acock - jaunty
- acold - chilly
- acoma - a pueblo people of New Mexico
- acome - to come
- acone - a kind of insect eye that lacks cones
- acora - a town in Peru
- acorn - the fruit of the oak tree
- acors - plural of "acor", acidity
- acove - cove
- acoys - soothes
- acrab - the star Beta Scorpii
- acral - of or belonging to the extremities of the body
- acred - lavishly landed
- Acree - a first name
- acres - plural of "acre", a unit of area, 4840 square yards.
- acrid - sour; biting
- acroa - an Indian tribe of Brazil
- acron - an obsolete form of "acorn"
- acrow - crowing
- acrux - a star
- acryl - a constituent of acrolein and acrylic acid
- acted - performed; simulated
- actin - a protein found in muscles, active in contraction, movement and shape retention
- actio - in Roman law, an action or right of action
- acton - a first name; a padded jerkin; a town in the southeast US
- actor - a player; a performer
- actus - an ancient Roman measure of length, 120 pedes, about 35.5 meters; an act or thing done
- acuna - a town in Mexico
- acute - keen; sharp
- acyls - plural of "acyl", a univalent radical
- adact - to compel; to drive
- adage - a proverb
- adagy - like an adage; likely to emit an adage at the slightest occasion
- adair - a first name; a North American cape
- Adala - a first name
- Adali - a first name
- Adaly - a first name
- Adama - a first name
- Adamo - a first name
- adams - a first name; a lake in North America; plural of "adam", a jailer
- Adamu - a first name
- adana - a first name; a town in Turkey
- adang - a bay in Borneo
- adano - a town in Italy
- adapa - a Babylonian hero
- adapt - to adjust; to accommodate
- Adara - a first name
- adare - a first name; a town in Eire
- adaro - a supernatural being
- adati - Bengali cotton cloth
- adawe - an Indian tribe of North America
- adawn - at dawn
- adaws - subdues
- adays - nowadays; by day
- adbot - a computer process that caches and displays advertisements
- Addal - a first name
- Addam - a first name
- Addar - a first name
- addas - plural of "adda", an Egyptian skink
- addax - an African antelope
- added - included; supplemented; joined
- adder - a snake; one who adds
- Addey - a first name
- Addia - a first name
- Addie - a first name
- addio - an Italian expression for "farewell"
- Addis - a first name
- addle - to confuse
- addra - a large African gazelle
- adead - dead
- adeal - a part
- Adeel - a first name
- adeem - to revoke a legacy
- Adeen - a first name
- adeep - deeply, deep
- Adela - a first name
- Adele - a first name
- Adell - a first name
- Adena - a first name
- Adene - a first name
- adeni - a first name; a native of Aden
- adeps - purified internal fatty tissue of the hog used in pharmaceutical preparations
- adept - capable; skillful
- adfix - to append; to adjoin; to fasten onto something
- adgal - a scrub plant found in Iraq
- Adger - a first name
- Adham - a first name
- Adhir - a first name
- Adiah - a first name
- Adiba - a first name
- Adiel - a first name
- adieu - goodbye
- adige - an Italian river
- Adika - a first name
- Adila - a first name
- Adima - a first name
- Adina - a first name
- Adine - a first name
- adion - an ion adsorbed on a surface
- adios - goodbye
- Adira - a first name
- Aditi - a first name
- adits - plural of "adit", a mine entrance
- Adiva - a first name
- adive - corsac
- adjag - a wild dog found in Java
- Adjoa - a first name
- adjud - a town in Romania
- Adlai - a first name
- Adlan - a first name
- Adlar - a first name
- adlay - any of several soft shelled Job's tears
- Adler - a first name
- Adley - a first name
- adlib - ad libitem; freely
- Adlin - a first name
- Adlyn - a first name
- Admad - a first name
- admah - a biblical place
- adman - an advertising agent
- admen - plural of "adman", an advertising agent
- admin - administration
- Admir - a first name
- admis - plural of "admi", a northeast African gazelle
- admit - to acknowledge; to concede
- admix - to infuse
- Admon - a first name
- Adnah - a first name
- Adnan - a first name
- Adner - a first name
- Adnet - a first name
- adnex - a more than usually obscure part of the female reproductive system
- Adney - a first name
- Adnot - a first name
- adobe - constructed of dried mud
- adobo - a Philippine dish of fish or meat, perhaps best eaten in the dark; a Latin American sauce
- Adola - a first name
- Adolf - a first name
- Adoni - a first name
- adoor - at the door; of the door
- adopt - to accept; to assume
- adora - a first name; an Israeli settlement in the West Bank
- adore - to worship
- adorf - a town in Germany
- adorn - to decorate
- Adoum - a first name
- adour - a river in southwest France
- adowa - a town in Ethiopia, site of a famous battle
- adown - downward
- adoxa - a genus of herbs with berrylike fruits
- adoxy - tolerant belief; nonbelief
- adoze - sleeping
- adpao - an Indian unit of weight
- adrad - dreaded; frightened
- adrar - a town in Algeria
- adraw - to draw out
- adray - withdrawal
- Adrea - a first name
- adred - frightened
- adree - to bear, suffer, or endure
- adria - a first name; a small European continental plate
- Adrie - a first name
- Adrik - a first name
- adrip - in a dripping state
- Adron - a first name
- adrop - philosopher's stone
- adrue - an African medicinal plant
- adsum - present at a roll call; a Latin word meaning "I am here"
- adult - mature
- adunc - bent inward; hooked
- adure - to burn up
- adush - to cause to fall heavily, to precipitate
- adusk - at dusk; dusky
- adust - incinerated; burnt up; tan
- aduwa - a town in Ethiopia
- advid - an advertising videocassette
- adyta - chancels
- adyte - to indict
- adzed - used an adze; cut by an adze
- adzer - one who uses an adze
- adzes - plural of "adze", a mattock
- aeaea - a Mediterranean island, the abode of Circe
- aecia - plural of "aecium"
- aedes - a large genus of mosquitoes
- Aedin - a first name
- aeger - sick; a sickness excuse note
- aegir - a Roman god of the sea
- aegis - Minerva's shield; protection
- aegle - a first name; a thorny tree of west Africa and tropical Asia
- aello - one of the Harpies
- Aemon - a first name
- aenos - a rhetorical device of using erudite words to appeal to the educated
- aenus - a town in western Turkey, now called Enez
- aeons - plural of "aeon", a variant of "eon", a long period of time
- aequi - a people of ancient Latium east of Rome
- Aeric - a first name
- aerie - an eagle's nest
- Aerin - a first name
- aeron - a first name; a British river
- aerst - a variant of "erst"
- aesar - an Etruscan god
- Aesha - a first name
- aesin - a Norse god
- aesir - the Norse gods who resided in Asgard
- aesop - a first name; a fabulist
- aetas - plural of "Aeta", a Filipino people
- aetat - aged, often used on old gravestones
- aetna - a first name; variant of "Etna"
- aevum - an eon
- aface - in the face, in front
- afald - one-fold, single
- afanc - a Welsh aquatic monster
- afand - to tempt
- afang - to seize
- afara - the limba, an African tree
- afare - to depart
- afars - plural of "afar", a great distance; member of an African people
- afear - to terrify
- Afemo - a first name
- Afeni - a first name
- afers - plural of "afer", the south west wind
- afeta - a town in Ethiopia
- Affan - a first name
- affix - to add; to attach
- Affra - a first name
- afgay - a homosexual
- Afida - a first name
- Afifa - a first name
- afire - on fire
- afive - in groups of five
- aflaj - an irrigation system that taps underground water supplies
- aflat - level with the ground
- aflou - a town in Algeria
- aflow - flowing
- afoam - foaming
- afong - to take by force or authority
- afoot - astir; walking; moving
- afore - in the front
- afoul - entangled
- afour - in groups of four
- afret - in a fretted state
- afric - Africa; African
- afrin - a town in Syria
- afrit - a first name; an evil demon
- afros - plural of "Afro", a hair style
- Afsar - a first name
- Aftab - a first name
- Aftan - a first name
- after - subsequent to; in pursuit of
- afton - a first name; a British river
- Aftyn - a first name
- afula - an Israeli town
- afyon - a town in the Phrygian highlands of Turkey
- Afzal - a first name
- Agace - a first name
- agade - an ancient city in Mesopotamia, thought to be Akkad
- Agafi - a first name
- again - once more
- agait - astir
- agals - plural of "agal", a Bedouin's cord of goat hair
- agama - a genus of lizards
- agami - a South American bird, the chestnut-bellied heron
- agamy - the absence or non-recognition of marriage
- agana - a capital city in the Pacific
- agape - a first name; staring; gaping; a love feast
- Agapi - a first name
- agard - a town in Hungary
- agars - plural of "agar", a viscous substance obtained from seaweed
- agasp - to gasp
- agast - aghast; to frighten
- Agata - a first name
- agate - a first name; on the way; a quartz; a type size of 5.5 points; 1/14 of an inch
- agati - the tree pea
- agats - a village in New Guinea, capital of the Asmat people
- agaty - like an agate
- agave - a first name: the American aloe; a daughter of Cadmus
- Agayn - a first name
- agaze - gazing
- Ageha - a first name
- agena - a star
- agend - an agendum; something to be done
- agene - a chemical compound used in bleaching flour
- agent - a doer; an actor
- agers - plural of "ager", one who ages
- agfay - a homosexual
- agger - a mound; a high tide in which the water rises, recedes and then rises again
- aggie - a first name; a type of playing marble
- aggri - a word of unknown origin and meaning (!) applied to ancient colored glass beads found in Africa
- aggro - a rivalry or grievance; aggravation
- aggry - a word of unknown origin and meaning (!) applied to ancient colored glass beads found in Africa
- aggur - agalloch
- Aggye - a first name
- aghan - a month of the Hindu year
- Aghar - a first name
- aghas - plural of "agha", a Turkish officer
- Aghna - a first name
- aghul - a language of the Caucausus
- Agias - a first name
- Agiel - a first name
- agila - eaglewood
- agile - nimble
- aging - growing older
- agios - plural of "agio", a premium; a discount; an allowance for currency differences
- agira - a town in Italy
- agism - ageism, discrimination based on age
- agist - a pasture rate; to assess private land
- agita - distress induced by unpleasant social circumstances
- Aglae - a first name
- aglar - a tributary river of the Jumna in India
- aglee - askew; gleeful
- aglet - a pendant; a covering on the end of a shoelace
- agley - askew; awry
- agloo - an igloo
- aglow - glowing
- agmas - plural of "agma", the Greek letter gamma used for the "ng" dipthong
- Agnar - a first name
- agnel - a French gold coin bearing a lamb
- agnes - a first name, from the Latin for "lamb"
- agnus - a pascal lamb
- agoge - a tempo; a musical rate of speed
- agogo - a town in Ghana
- agoho - horsetail tree
- agojo - horsetail tree
- agone - ago; a state of suffering
- agons - plural of "agon", a dramatic conflict; an ancient Greek athletic or artistic competition
- agony - great pain
- agood - in earnest
- agora - a Grecian market; 1/100 of an Israeli shekel
- Agota - a first name
- Agote - a first name
- Agoti - a first name
- agraf - a clasp involving a hook and loop
- agrah - a variant spelling of "Agra", a town in India
- agral - of or belonging to agriculture or cultivated fields
- agram - the former name of Zagreb, Croatia
- agras - plural of "Agra", a kind of Indian rug
- agree - to concur
- agria - a severe pustular eruption; a whitehead
- agrin - a first name; grinning
- agrom - an Indian tongue disease
- Agron - a first name
- agrum - a swelling of the cheeks or mouth
- agruw - to horrify
- agter - achter
- aguas - plural of "agua", a South American toad
- agudo - a town in New Mexico
- agued - fevered; aching
- agues - plural of "ague", a malarial fever
- aguey - of or like an ague
- aguja - a cape in Colombia
- aguly - a language of the Caucausus
- agung - a volcano in Java that erupted in 1963
- agush - gushing
- agust - a first name; a bast fiber
- aguti - the agouti
- ahang - to hang up
- Ahanu - a first name
- ahaus - a town in Germany
- Ahava - a first name
- Ahdaf - a first name
- ahead - leading
- aheap - trembling with fear; in a heap
- Aheda - a first name
- ahems - says "ahem"
- ahent - a variant of "ahint", behind.
- ahere - to hear
- Ahern - a first name
- ahhed - expressed amazement
- ahigh - on high
- ahind - behind
- ahing - making "ah" sounds
- ahint - behind
- Ahiva - a first name
- Ahlam - a first name
- Ahlan - a first name
- ahlen - a town in Germany
- Ahley - a first name
- Ahmad - a first name
- Ahman - a first name
- Ahmat - a first name
- Ahmed - a first name
- Ahmet - a first name
- ahold - close to the wind; grasp of, as in "got ahold of"
- ahole - often spelled "a-hole", a slightly less offensive version of "asshole"
- ahoys - greets nautically
- Ahran - a first name
- Ahren - a first name
- Ahrin - a first name
- Ahsan - a first name
- Ahsha - a first name
- ahtna - an American Indian language
- Ahuda - a first name
- ahull - hove to; with sails taken in, helm lashed down, to weather a storm
- ahunt - on the hunt
- ahura - a first name of Ahura Mazda, Zoroastrian god of all good
- ahush - hushed
- Ahuva - a first name
- ahvaz - a town in Iran
- Ahvie - a first name
- ahwaz - an ancient Mesopotamian town, now in Iran
- Aiber - a first name
- aibos - plural of "aibo", a Japanese robot pet
- Aicha - a first name
- aichi - a town in Japan
- Aicke - a first name
- Aidah - a first name
- Aidan - a first name
- aided - abetted
- Aiden - a first name
- aider - a helper
- aides - plural of "aide", a helper
- aidin - a city in western Turkey
- aidoi - plural of "aidos", shame
- aidos - shame; pudency
- Aidya - a first name
- aiery - an eagle's nest
- aigai - an ancient city that is now Edessa
- aigas - plural of "aiga", the Samoan family unit
- aight - a slang pronunciation of "all right"
- aigle - a European cape; a town in Switzerland
- aigre - eager
- aigua - a town in Uruquay
- aigun - a port in China, in northern Manchuria
- Aihua - a first name
- aijal - a town in India
- Aiken - a first name
- Aikin - a first name
- ailed - was sick
- Ailee - a first name
- Ailey - a first name
- Ailie - a first name
- Ailin - a first name
- Ailis - a first name
- Ailli - a first name
- aillt - a tenant farmer
- Ailsa - a first name
- Ailse - a first name
- aimak - a Persian-speaking nomadic Mongolian tribe
- Aimal - a first name
- aimaq - a Persian-speaking nomadic Mongolian tribe
- aimed - directed; targeted
- Aimee - a first name
- aimel - to enamel
- aimer - a purposeful person
- Aimey - a first name
- Aimia - a first name
- Aimie - a first name
- Aimil - a first name
- Aimir - a first name
- Aimon - a first name
- Ainah - a first name
- aince - once
- ainee - the elder or eldest born woman
- aines - plural of "aine", the eldest son; a cadet
- Ainka - a first name
- ainoi - part of the divine office in the Eastern Orthodox Church
- Ainur - a first name
- ainus - plural of "ainu", a Japanese aboriginal
- aioli - a garlic mayonnaise
- aioth - a biblical place
- airag - a kind of cheese
- airan - an Altaic and Turkish drink made of fermented milk
- airas - plural of "aira", hair grass
- Airat - a first name
- aired - ventilated
- Airel - a first name
- airer - a frame on which to dry clothes
- aires - plural of "aire", an altar, an Irish freeman
- Airic - a first name
- Airin - a first name
- Airle - a first name
- airns - plural of "airn", an iron
- airol - a grayish green antiseptic powder
- airth - to guide or direct
- airts - plural of "airt", a guide; a direction
- aisen - a province in Chile
- Aisha - a first name
- Aisia - a first name
- Aisla - a first name
- aisle - a passage between pews or chairs
- aisne - a river in northern France, site of a famous battle
- aissa - a first name; a mountain in Algeria
- aisur - obsolete form of "azure"
- Aitan - a first name
- aitch - the letter "H"
- aiten - oaten
- Aitor - a first name
- aitus - plural of "aitu", a Polynesian demigod
- aiver - a draft animal
- aiwan - a town in Iran
- Aizik - a first name
- DUPLICATE:a aizle - a variant of "easle", hot ashes
- DUPLICATE:a aizle - a glowing coal or hot ashes
- Ajack - a first name
- Ajaib - a first name
- ajaja - the roseate spoonbill
- Ajali - a first name
- Ajani - a first name
- ajari - timbo, an Amazonian woody vine
- ajava - ajouan, the fruit of a tree, used as a medicine and condiment
- Ajaya - a first name
- Ajeya - a first name
- Ajhon - a first name
- Ajith - a first name
- ajiva - a Jainist term for inanimate matter
- Ajlur - a first name
- Ajmal - a first name
- ajman - one of the United Arab Emirates
- ajmer - a city in northwest India
- ajora - a town in Georgia, also known as Azhora
- Ajsha - a first name
- ajuga - a genus of herbs
- ajvar - a Bulgarian pepper sauce
- ajwan - a plant of the caraway genus
- akaki - a town in Ethiopia
- Akako - a first name
- akala - a Hawaiian shrub or climber
- akale - cold or frozen
- akali - a Sikh militant
- Akara - a first name
- Akash - a first name
- Akati - a first name
- akbal - the third day of the Mayan religious month
- Akbar - a first name
- akcha - asper; a coin
- Akeam - a first name
- akebi - an eastern Asiatic vine
- Akeel - a first name
- Akeem - a first name
- akees - plural of "akee", a West Indian fruit, edible when cooked, but poisonous otherwise
- akeki - hiba arborvitae
- akela - a first name; Kipling's lone wolf; the leader of a cub scout pack
- Akemi - a first name
- akene - achene
- Akhil - a first name
- Akiba - a first name
- Akiel - a first name
- Akiem - a first name
- Akiko - a first name
- Akila - a first name
- Akili - a first name
- Akima - a first name
- aking - a variant of "aching"
- Akins - a first name
- Akira - a first name
- akita - a Japanese breed of spitz-like dogs; a seaport in northern Japan
- akito - the Assyrian festival of New Year
- Akiva - a first name
- Akiyo - a first name
- akkad - where the Akkadians lived; one of the four cities of Nimrod's kingdom
- akkas - plural of "akka", a pygmy people of the Congo; an Egyptian piastre
- akker - an Egyptian piastre; money
- akkra - Accra, the capital city of Ghana; fried bean cakes
- akkum - a Chaldean star worshipper
- aklan - a Christian people of the Philippines
- Akmal - a first name
- aknee - on the knee
- akoko - a Hawaiian plant
- akola - a town in India
- akoli - a language
- akond - a high official of Swat, satirized by Edward Lear
- Akono - a first name
- akori - a porous coral used for ornaments
- Akram - a first name
- akron - a city in Ohio
- Aksel - a first name
- aksum - the capital city of an ancient Ethiopian kingdom
- aktau - a Caspian seaport and oil terminus in Kazakhstan
- akule - a first name; the big-eyed scad
- akund - mudar, a medicinal herb
- akyab - a town in Burma
- Akyra - a first name
- alaap - a variant of "alap", the introductory section of a raga
- alaba - a language
- alack - alas, an expression of woe
- alada - an Ethiopian unit of weight
- Alade - a first name
- Alaen - a first name
- Alaia - a first name
- Alain - a first name
- Alair - a first name
- Alaka - a first name
- alake - a first name; alack, an expression of woe
- alaki - a town in Tonga
- alala - a first name; a Hawaiian raven; a war cry of the ancient Greeks; a Babylonian god
- alalu - a Babylonian god
- alamo - a softwood aspen
- Alana - a first name
- aland - a first name; landed; a Finnish archipelago
- alane - a first name; alone
- alang - along; an old World grass; a ship-wrecking town in the Arabian peninsula
- alani - a first name; a nomadic people of the steppes
- Alann - a first name
- Alano - a first name
- alans - plural of "alan", a large hunting dog; an ancient nomadic tribe that reached Spain
- alant - a heraldic mastiff
- alapa - a blow on the cheek; an improvisation on a raga
- alaps - plural of "alap", the introductory section of a raga
- Alard - a first name
- alare - the most lateral point on the ala of the nose
- alarm - fear; a warning device
- alary - having wings
- alate - winged; of late; a winged termite
- alaun - a short-eared dog
- alava - a town in Spain
- alawi - a poor rural Islamic sect
- Alayn - a first name
- alays - a variant of "allays"
- albam - a Hebrew cypher interchanging letters in the first and second halves of the alphabet
- alban - a first name; an ancient name for the isle of Great Britain
- albas - plural of "alba", a white brain substance; a French love poem
- albay - a province in the Philippines
- albee - a first name; albeit
- Alben - a first name
- Alber - a first name
- albia - a town in Iowa
- albid - of a whitish color
- Albie - a first name
- albin - a first name; an opaque white material
- Albis - a first name
- album - a scrapbook
- albus - a medieval coin of Germany and the Low Countries
- albyn - Scotland, especially the Highlands
- alcae - a biological suborder containing the auks, murres and puffins
- alcan - the Alaska-Canada highway
- Alcee - a first name
- alces - the genus to which the moose belongs
- Alceu - a first name
- alcho - an alcoholic
- alchy - an alcoholic
- alcid - a diving seabird
- alcor - a star
- alcos - plural of "alco", a small long-haired dog with hanging ears; an alcoholic
- Alcot - a first name
- Aldam - a first name
- aldan - a river of the USSR; a town in Pennsylvania
- Aldas - a first name
- alday - continually
- aldea - a first name; a small village in Spain or Portugal
- Alden - a first name
- alder - a first name; a tree
- Aldie - a first name
- Aldin - a first name
- Aldis - a first name
- aldol - a chemical compound
- Aldon - a first name
- Aldus - a first name
- Aldya - a first name
- Aleah - a first name
- aleak - leaking
- aleck - a first name; as in the phrase "smart aleck", a wise guy
- Aleco - a first name
- alecs - plural of "alec", a herring
- alecy - formed, in analogy with "lunacy", to mean deranged by ale
- Aleda - a first name
- Aleea - a first name
- Aleen - a first name
- alefs - plural of "alef", a variant of "aleph"
- aleft - to the left
- Aleia - a first name
- aleih - a town in Lebanon
- Aleix - a first name
- Alejo - a first name
- Aleka - a first name
- Aleki - a first name
- Aleks - a first name
- Alena - a first name
- Alene - a first name
- Aleni - a first name
- alenu - a Jewish prayer
- aleph - a Hebrew letter
- alera - a first name; Athena
- alert - wary; conscious; watchful
- Aleta - a first name
- aleus - in Greek mythology, the king of Tegea
- aleut - a native of the Aleutian Islands
- alews - plural of "alew", a halloo
- alevi - a division of Islam
- Alexa - a first name
- Alexi - a first name
- Alexx - a first name
- Alexy - a first name
- Aleya - a first name
- aleye - to allay
- aleze - a first name; a town in Iraq
- alfas - plural of "alfa", communication code word for the letter A; asparto grass
- Alfeo - a first name
- alfet - a vat of boiling water, into which an accused would plunge an arm, in lieu of trial
- Alfie - a first name
- alfin - the bishop in chess, originally an elephant; referring to certain catalysts
- Alfio - a first name
- Alfre - a first name
- Alfri - a first name
- alfur - an aboriginal race in the Celebes
- algae - the sea weeds
- algal - referring to alga
- Algar - a first name
- algas - plural of "alga", a seaweed
- alger - a first name; Algeria
- Algey - a first name
- algic - alginic; an American Indian language family including Algonquian
- algid - cold
- Algie - a first name
- algin - a first name; an acidic seaweed extract for iodine
- Algis - a first name
- algoa - a bay in South Africa
- algol - a star; a computer language
- Algon - a first name
- algor - coldness
- algum - sandalwood
- alham - a British river
- alhue - a river in Chile
- alias - an assumed name
- alibi - elsewhere; an exculpatory explanation of nonpresence at a crime
- Alica - a first name
- Alice - a first name
- Alick - a first name
- Alida - a first name
- alids - plural of "alid", one claiming descent from Ali and Fatima, son-in-law and daughter of Mohammed
- alien - strange; foreign
- Alies - a first name
- alife - dearly; the computer science discipline of artificial life
- alifs - plural of "alif", the Arabic letter "A"
- alift - to lift
- align - to adjust
- Alija - a first name
- Alika - a first name
- alike - a first name; similar
- aliki - a first name; a town in Greece
- alima - a first name; the newly hatched larva of certain crustaceans
- alims - plural of "alim", a Muslim learned in religious matters
- Alina - a first name
- aline - a first name; to adjust
- Alinn - a first name
- Alisa - a first name
- Alise - a first name
- alish - resembling beer
- aliso - a first name; shrubs or trees of the genus Alnus
- Aliss - a first name
- alist - leaning to one side
- Alisz - a first name
- Alita - a first name
- alite - a constituent of Portland cement clinker
- aliud - other things (comparable to the "cetera" in "et cetera")
- alive - vital; living
- Alixe - a first name
- aliya - a first name; immigration to Israel
- Aliye - a first name
- Aliza - a first name
- Alize - a first name
- alkes - the constellation Alpha Crateris
- alkie - an alcoholic
- Alkis - a first name
- Alkot - a first name
- alkyd - a synthetic resin, often used in latex paints
- alkyl - a univalent radical
- allah - a first name; the Moslem name of the deity
- Allam - a first name
- Allan - a first name
- allat - a first name; a pre-Islamic fertility goddess
- Allax - a first name
- allay - to calm
- Allda - a first name
- Allea - a first name
- allee - a first name; a tree-lined walkway
- allel - a Mendelian character; an allele
- allen - a first name; a town in Argentina
- aller - a river in Saxony, Germany
- Alles - a first name
- Allex - a first name
- alley - a first name; a large marble; a taw; a passage
- Allfy - a first name
- allia - a river, the site of a battle where the Gauls defeated the Romans
- Allie - a first name
- Allin - a first name
- allis - a first name; an anadromous European fish
- Allix - a first name
- Allma - a first name
- alloa - a town in Scotland
- allod - a freehold estate
- Allon - a first name
- alloo - to incite a dog to attack
- allot - to apportion
- allow - to permit
- alloy - a base admixture
- Allta - a first name
- allyl - an organic radical
- Allyn - a first name
- Allys - a first name
- almah - a first name; an Egyptian dancing girl
- alman - a German; a village in Lebanon
- almas - plural of "alma", a variant of "almah", an Egyptian dancing girl
- Almaz - a first name
- almeh - variant of "almah", an Egyptian dancing girl
- almes - plural of "alme", a variant of "almah", an Egyptian dancing girl
- Almil - a first name
- Almir - a first name
- almon - a first name; an almond
- almry - an almonry; a cupboard
- almud - a Spanish unit of capacity
- almug - a variant of "algum", a Biblical tree, possibly the red sandalwood
- Almut - a first name
- alnus - the genus of the alder tree; a birch tree
- alods - plural of "alod", a freehold
- aloed - tinctured with aloe
- aloes - plural of "aloe", a bitter purgative
- Alofa - a first name
- alofi - a town on the Polynesian island of Niue
- aloft - above; in the air
- alogi - the early opponents of the Logos doctrine expressed in the Gospel of John
- alogy - unreasonableness; absurdity
- aloha - a first name; hail and farewell in Hawaiian
- aloid - resembling aloes
- aloin - a first name; a bitter aloe extract
- Alois - a first name
- Alojz - a first name
- Aloke - a first name
- aloll - lolling; askew
- aloma - a first name; a light to yellowish brown color
- Alona - a first name
- alone - only; separate; by oneself; in the best of company
- along - beside; a town in India
- Aloni - a first name
- aloof - apart
- Alora - a first name
- alosa - a genus of fishes comprising the shads
- alose - shad fish
- alost - a town in Belgium
- aloud - audibly
- alout - to bow down
- alowe - a town in Gabon; afire
- Aloys - a first name
- alpen - of the Alps
- Alper - a first name
- alpha - a first name; a Greek letter; the brightest star in a constellation
- Alphy - a first name
- alpia - bird seed
- alpic - alpine
- alpid - a class of ancient mountain ranges, one of which became the Alps
- Alpin - a first name
- Alrae - a first name
- Alred - a first name
- Alric - a first name
- Alrik - a first name
- Alroy - a first name
- alsea - a river and town in Oregon
- alsek - a river in Canada
- alsen - a Baltic island
- Altaf - a first name
- altai - a province in eastern Russia, near Mongolia
- altar - a sacrificial table
- altay - a mountain chain in China
- Alten - a first name
- alter - to change
- altha - a first name; a town in Florida
- altho - a shortened variant of "although"
- altin - a coin
- alton - a first name; an English town
- altos - a town in Paraguay; plural of "alto", a singing voice
- altra - a musical notation meaning "other" or "another"
- altro - a musical notation meaning "other" or "another"
- altry - an alteration
- altun - a gold piece issued by Mohammed II in the 15th century
- altus - alto; a town in Arkansas and Oklahoma
- aluco - the tawny or white owl
- Aluin - a first name
- Aluki - a first name
- alula - a first name; the small stiff feathers on a bird's wing
- alumn - an alumnus
- alums - treats with alum; plural of "alum", an alumnus
- Aluna - a first name
- Alura - a first name
- alure - a cloister; a walking passage behind battlements
- Aluse - a first name
- aluta - soft leather tanned with alum
- Alvah - a first name
- Alvan - a first name
- alvar - a first name; a group of southern Indian Vaishnava saints
- alvei - plural of "alveus", a thin layer of medullar nerve fibers
- Alven - a first name
- Alves - a first name
- Alvie - a first name
- Alvin - a first name
- Alvis - a first name
- alvus - the abdomen
- Alvyn - a first name
- Alvys - a first name
- Alwan - a first name
- alwar - a town in India
- alway - always
- Alwin - a first name
- Alwyn - a first name
- Alyce - a first name
- Alyda - a first name
- Alyma - a first name
- Alyna - a first name
- Alyne - a first name
- Alynn - a first name
- Alysa - a first name
- Alyse - a first name
- Alyso - a first name
- Alyss - a first name
- Alysz - a first name
- alyth - a town in Scotland
- Amaad - a first name
- Amaar - a first name
- amaas - alastrim
- Amada - a first name
- amadi - a first name; a town in Sudan
- Amado - a first name
- Amadu - a first name
- amaga - a town in the Philippines
- amagi - a town in Japan
- Amaha - a first name
- Amahd - a first name
- Amahl - a first name
- amahs - plural of "amah", an Indian nurse
- amain - forcibly
- Amaka - a first name
- amala - a first name; a minor official of a law court
- Amaly - a first name
- Amama - a first name
- amana - a first name; a town in Iowa; a biblical place
- amand - a first name; to send away or dismiss
- amang - among
- amani - a first name; Indian government estates not leased or farmed out; an Afghan coin
- amant - a lover
- amapa - a Mexican timber tree; a town in Brazil
- amara - a first name; a beetle; a town in northwest India
- Amare - a first name
- amari - a first name; an intimate companion
- Amary - a first name
- Amasa - a first name
- amass - to heap
- Amata - a first name
- amate - to subdue; to terrify; a Central American timber tree
- amati - a violin
- Amato - a first name
- Amaui - a first name
- amaut - a fur-lined hood on the back of a parka for carrying a baby
- Amaya - a first name
- amaze - to astound
- amban - a Chinese resident official
- ambar - a first name; a barn
- ambas - plural of "amba", a Bantu speaking tribe of Uganda
- ambay - an Argentine timber tree
- amber - a first name; fossilized resin
- ambes - plural of "ambe", an ancient surgical instrument
- ambia - a first name; the juice spit out by a tobacco chewer
- Ambie - a first name
- ambis - plural of "Ambi", an inhabitant of Amb, a tiny once-independent region of Pakistan
- ambit - a precinct
- ambix - a crook-necked Greek vessel for liquids, whence the Arabic "alembic"
- amble - to dawdle; to walk in a relaxed way; an English town
- Ambly - a first name
- ambon - a lectern; a city in Indonesia; the fibrocartilaginous band around an articular cavity
- ambos - plural of "ambo", a high reading desk
- amboy - a town in California
- Ambra - a first name
- ambry - an alms box; a storeroom or closet
- Ambur - a first name
- Amchi - a first name
- ameba - an amoeba
- Ameed - a first name
- ameen - a minor official of the judicial department
- ameer - a first name; an Arab prince
- Amela - a first name
- ameli - plural of "amelus", a limbless fetus
- amelu - the highest caste in Sumerian society
- Amena - a first name
- amend - to correct or alter a document
- amene - agreeable, pleasing
- amens - plural of "amen", the end of a prayer, suggesting "so be it"
- ament - a catkin; an iulus; a julus; a mentally deficient person
- amera - a first name; a major division of invertebrate animals
- amere - an Arabian prince
- Amery - a first name
- amess - an amice, a hood or cape
- amets - a first name; plural of "amet", a variant of "emmet", an ant
- amgun - a river of the USSR
- Amhar - a first name
- Amiah - a first name
- amias - a first name; plural of "amia", a bowfin or mudfish
- Amica - a first name
- amice - a first name; a pilgrim's cloak
- amici - plural of "amicus", part of the phrase "amicus curiae", a "friend of the court"
- amict - a cape or hood
- amida - the centerpiece of synagogue worship; a town in east Anatolia
- amide - an ammonia compound
- amido - containing an amide united with an acid radical
- amids - plural of "amid", a variant of amide
- Amiee - a first name
- Amiel - a first name
- Amien - a first name
- amies - plural of "amie", a female friend; a tablet of Amytal
- Amiet - a first name
- amiga - a female friend
- amigo - a male friend
- Amijo - a first name
- Amiko - a first name
- Amina - a first name
- amine - an ammonia compound
- amini - an island that is part of India
- amino - containing an amine united with a nonacid radical
- amins - plural of "amin", a variant of "amine"
- Aminu - a first name
- Amira - a first name
- Amirh - a first name
- Amiri - a first name
- amirs - plural of "amir", an Arab prince
- Amisa - a first name
- amish - a Mennonite sect, named for Jacob Ammann
- amisk - a lake in North America
- amiss - faulty; wrong
- Amita - a first name
- amite - a town in Louisiana
- amity - a first name; friendship
- Amiya - a first name
- Amjad - a first name
- Amjed - a first name
- amlah - variant of "amala"
- Amlan - a first name
- amlas - plural of "amla", an Indian tree
- amlou - a Berber condiment
- ammah - a biblical place
- amman - the capital city of Jordan; a British river; an amtman, or district magistrate
- Ammar - a first name
- ammas - plural of "amma", a truss; a Syrian abbess
- Ammer - a first name
- Ammie - a first name
- ammon - a first name; a Tibetan sheep; a town in Palestine; the Egyptian ram-headed god
- ammos - plural of "ammo", ammunition
- ammut - an Egyptian god
- Amneh - a first name
- amnia - plural of "amnion", a thin fluid-filled sac surrounding the embryo
- amnic - of a river
- amnio - amniocentesis, a diagnosic test performed during pregnancy
- Amnon - a first name
- Amobi - a first name
- Amoke - a first name
- amoks - plural of "amok", a murderous frenzy
- amole - an agave root used as a substitute for soap
- Amona - a first name
- among - amidst
- amora - any of the Hebrew teachers who expounded the Mishnah
- amort - half dead; cast down
- Amory - a first name
- Amotz - a first name
- amour - a love affair; a North American cape
- amove - to stir up; to remove from office
- amped - provided with amplifiers; amplified
- amper - a swelling; pus; a nickname for the ampersand; a blemish in cloth
- ample - plenty; an ointment-box
- amply - plentifully
- ampul - an oil jar; a sealed glass tube; an ampule
- ampyx - a genus of trilobites; a band
- amram - a first name; the father of Aaron
- amrit - a first name; sweetened water used in Sikh baptisms
- amsel - a blackbird
- amter - a Danish territorial unit
- amuay - a town in Venezuela
- amuck - madly; amok
- amude - a town in Syria
- amuka - a town in Israel
- amula - a vessel for eucharistic wine
- amuse - to entertain
- amvet - an American veteran soldier
- amvis - an explosive of ammonium nitrate, a derivative of nitrobenzene, chlorated napthalene and wood meal.
- Amyas - a first name
- amyda - trionyx
- amyls - plural of "amyl", a univalent radical
- Amyot - a first name
- Amyra - a first name
- amyss - an amice, a hood or cape
- amzel - a blackbird
- Amzia - a first name
- Amzie - a first name
- anack - oatmeal bread
- anaco - a town in Venezuela
- Anadi - a first name
- anafi - a Greek island in the Aegean Sea
- anago - a kind of eel served in Japanese cuisine
- Anais - a first name
- Anaka - a first name
- anaks - plural of "anak", a race of giants living in Palestine
- Analy - a first name
- anama - a town in Brazil
- anamo - a town in Papua New Guinea
- anana - a pineapple
- Anand - a first name
- Anant - a first name
- anapa - a town in Ukraine
- anapu - a town in Brazil
- anarf - slang for "and a half", meaning "plus 50 pence"
- anasa - a genus of insects including the squash bug
- anata - a town in Palestine
- anaua - a river in Brazil
- anaxo - a first name; the daughter of Alcaeus
- anbar - a province in Iraq
- Ancel - a first name
- anche - a musical term meaning "also", or "even"; a reed or a reed organ stop
- ancho - a kind of chile
- ancle - a variant of "ankle"
- ancoa - a river in Chile
- ancon - the elbow; a bracket; a cornice; a town in New Mexico
- ancre - a tributary of the Somme river, and site of a World War I battle
- ancud - a town, and a gulf in Chile
- andau - a town in Austria with a bridge to Hungary, over which refugees fled in 1957
- anded - performed a logical "and" operation
- Andee - a first name
- Ander - a first name
- andes - a South American mountain chain
- andic - referring to males
- Andie - a first name
- Andis - a first name
- Andje - a first name
- Andon - a first name
- Andor - a first name
- Andra - a first name
- Andre - a first name
- Andri - a first name
- andro - a first name; androstenedione, a synthetic male hormone
- Andru - a first name
- Andry - a first name
- aneal - to anoint
- anear - nigh
- Aneel - a first name
- Anees - a first name
- aneho - a town in Togo
- Aneka - a first name
- Anela - a first name
- anele - extreme unction; to anoint
- anend - to the end
- anent - a first name; concerning
- Aneta - a first name
- Anete - a first name
- Anett - a first name
- Aneva - a first name
- anfos - plural of "anfo", a type of homemade explosive
- angas - a language; plural of "anga", a yoga practice
- Angee - a first name
- angel - a first name; a divine messenger; an old English gold coin
- Angen - a first name
- anger - ire
- Angey - a first name
- Angie - a first name
- Angil - a first name
- angka - a people of northern Assam
- angle - a corner; the difference in direction of two intersecting lines
- anglo - a first name; English; Anglo-Saxon; of European ancestry
- angol - a town in Chile
- angor - extreme pain or anxiety
- angry - irate
- angst - educated anxiety
- angul - a town in Turkey; a town in India
- angus - a first name; the Celtic god of love
- anhui - a language; a province of China
- Aniah - a first name
- aniba - a genus of tropical American trees
- Anica - a first name
- Anice - a first name
- Anida - a first name
- Aniel - a first name
- Anier - a first name
- anigh - near
- Anika - a first name
- Aniko - a first name
- Anila - a first name
- anile - old womanish (compare "senile")
- anils - plural of "anil", a West Indian shrub of the bean family that yields a dye
- anima - the soul; a musical term meaning "spirit" or "life"
- anime - resin; fiery; soft copal; Japanese animation
- animi - anime
- Anina - a first name
- anion - a negative ion
- Anisa - a first name
- anise - a plant furnishing aniseed
- Anish - a first name
- aniso - unequal
- Anita - a first name
- anito - in the Philippines, an ancestral spirit
- aniva - an Asian cape
- Aniya - a first name
- anjan - a first name; an Indian timber tree
- anjar - a town in India; a town in Lebanon
- Anjel - a first name
- Anjem - a first name
- anjer - an Indonesian village destroyed by Krakatoa
- Anjil - a first name
- anjou - a province and princely family of western France
- Anjum - a first name
- ankaa - a star
- ankaf - an Arabian desert
- ankee - barn grass
- anker - a first name; a unit of volume of about 7.5 gallons; a British river
- ankhs - plural of "ankh", an Egyptian symbol of life
- Ankie - a first name
- Ankit - a first name
- ankle - the joint connecting the foot and the leg; to walk away from a job
- ankou - Japanese sweet red bean paste; death personified in Breton mythology
- Ankur - a first name
- ankus - an elephant goad
- ankwe - a language
- anlas - anlace
- anlin - an Asian lake
- Anmar - a first name
- Annah - a first name
- annai - a town in Guyana
- annal - a record of a single year
- annam - the part of Vietnam where the Annamese people live
- annan - a first name; a British river; a town in Scotland
- annas - a first name; plural of "anna", an Indian coin
- annat - variant of "annate", the first year's revenue, payable to the pope
- Annee - a first name
- Anner - a first name
- Annes - a first name
- annet - a first name; the kittiwake; a British island
- annex - to append
- Anney - a first name
- Annia - a first name
- Annie - a first name
- Annik - a first name
- Annis - a first name
- Annot - a first name
- annoy - to badger; to irritate
- annul - to cancel
- annum - a year
- Annus - a first name
- Annys - a first name
- Annza - a first name
- anoas - plural of "anoa", a small wild ox of the Celebes
- anode - an electrically positive pole
- anoia - idiocy
- anoil - to anoint with oil
- anoka - a town in Minnesota
- Anoki - a first name
- anole - a tropical lizard
- anoli - a tropical lizard
- anomy - lawlessness; a miracle
- anona - a first name; the custard-apple genus
- Anook - a first name
- Anoop - a first name
- Anora - a first name
- anorn - to adorn
- Anote - a first name
- Anouk - a first name
- Anour - a first name
- anous - a genus of terns
- anova - an acronym: "ANalysis Of VAriance"
- ansae - plural of "ansa", the projecting part of Saturn's rings; a loop-shaped anatomical structure
- ansal - double-edged
- Ansam - a first name
- ansar - the citizens of Medina who supported Mohammed during the hegira
- ansas - plural of "ansa", a decorated vase handle
- Ansel - a first name
- anser - the genus to which the goose belongs
- Ansha - a first name
- Anshu - a first name
- Ansis - a first name
- Ansly - a first name
- Anson - a first name
- Ansor - a first name
- Anssi - a first name
- Ansum - a first name
- Ansun - a first name
- ansus - plural of "ansu", a fruit
- antae - plural of "anta", a pilaster
- antal - a first name; a Hungarian unit of measurement for wine volume
- antar - a first name; a cave
- antas - plural of "anta", a pilaster
- Antaw - a first name
- Antea - a first name
- anted - paid the ante to continue playing
- Anter - a first name
- antes - pays the ante to continue playing
- Antha - a first name
- Anthe - a first name
- Antia - a first name
- antic - fantastic; playful
- Antin - a first name
- antis - plural of "anti", one who is opposed
- Antje - a first name
- Anton - a first name
- Antos - a first name
- antra - plural of "antrum", a cavity in a bone
- antre - a cave
- antsy - eager; impatient; restless
- Antti - a first name
- antum - the Babylonian consort of Anu
- Antun - a first name
- Antzi - a first name
- anuak - a language and an ethnic group of Ethiopia
- Anuja - a first name
- anura - batrachians
- anury - the absence of a tail
- anuta - one of the Solomon Islands
- Anvar - a first name
- anvil - an ear bone; a smith's tool
- Anwar - a first name
- Anwel - a first name
- Anwei - a first name
- Anwen - a first name
- Anwil - a first name
- Anwyl - a first name
- Anwyn - a first name
- anxur - Terracina
- Anyes - a first name
- anyon - a first name; a hypothetical exotic particle obeying fractional statistics
- anzac - the Australian/New Zealand Army Corps
- anzam - a treaty involving Australia, New Zealand, and Malaysia
- anzio - a town in Italy, site of a WWII landing
- Anzor - a first name
- anzuk - a treaty involving Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom
- anzus - an alliance of Australia, New Zealand, and the United States
- Aoife - a first name
- aorta - the great artery
- aosta - a town in Italy
- aotes - a genus of nocturnal monkeys, literally "no ears"
- aotus - variant of "aotes", a genus of nocturnal monkeys
- apace - rapidly
- apage - "away", especially in the phrase "apage, Satanas!"
- apaid - satisfied; repaid
- apair - to impair; to injure
- Apapa - a first name
- apara - the 3-banded armadillo of South America
- apart - aloof; separate
- apayd - repaid
- apays - repays
- apeak - anchor aweigh; in a posture to pierce the ground
- apeek - anchor aweigh; in a posture to pierce the ground
- apere - a river in Bolivia
- apers - plural of "aper", an imitator
- apert - open; public
- apery - comical behavior; mischievous mimicking
- apess - a she-ape
- aphek - a biblical place
- aphid - an ant cow
- aphis - plural of "aphid", an ant cow
- Aphra - a first name
- apiai - a town in Brazil
- apian - relating to bees
- apiin - a crystalline glycoside
- apike - apeak
- aping - copying
- apiol - a colorless crystalline ether derived from parsley
- apion - a genus of small-beaked weevils
- apios - a genus of climbing herbs; glycine
- apish - apelike
- apism - the practice of aping, or imitating
- apium - a genus of Eurasian herbs of the carrot and celery family; umbel
- aplao - a town in Peru
- apnea - breathing cessation during sleep
- apoda - eels, etc ("no feet")
- apode - a limbless creature
- apods - plural of "apod", a footless creature
- apolo - a first name; a town in Bolivia
- Aponi - a first name
- apons - a fish without ventral fins
- Apoon - a first name
- apoop - astern; toward the back of the ship
- Apoor - a first name
- apore - a river in Brazil
- aport - towards the port side
- appal - to scare
- appat - an island of Greenland
- appay - to satisfy; to repay
- appel - a tap of the foot used as a warning during fencing
- apple - a fruit; the award of Paris
- apply - to use
- appro - approval
- appui - defensive support
- appuy - defensive support
- apres - a word borrowed from French, meaning "after", as in "apres ski"
- april - a first name; the fourth month
- apron - a short cassock
- Apryl - a first name
- apses - plural of "apse", an extreme point in an orbit; a part of a church
- apsis - an extreme point in an orbit; an apse
- apsos - plural of "apso", a Lhasa Apso, a kind of dog
- aptal - a Gypsy people of northern Syria
- apter - more fitting
- aptha - aphtha, a speck, flake or blister on the mucous membrane characteristic of some diseases
- aptic - of or referring to an aptitude
- aptly - fittingly
- aptos - a town in California
- apuan - of Apua
- apure - a town and river in Venezuela
- aqaba - a port city in Jordan and a gulf in the Red Sea
- Aqeel - a first name
- aquae - plural of "aqua", meaning water
- aquas - plural of "aqua", meaning water or a blue color
- aquia - a town in Peru
- Aquil - a first name
- araba - a Turkish oxcart; a howling monkey
- arabi - a town in Georgia, USA
- arabs - plural of "Arab"
- araby - Arabia
- araca - a Brazilian timber tree; a town in Bolivia
- arace - to tear up by the roots
- arack - fermented palm juice
- arada - plowed land
- arafs - plural of "araf", the Islamic purgatory
- arago - a town in southern France
- arain - a spider; a Muslim people of the Punjab
- araka - a carriage drawn by an ox or horse
- arake - raked
- araks - a river in Armenia; plural of "arak", an areca nut, a Middle Eastern distilled wine flavored with aniseed
- Aralt - a first name
- aralu - the Babylonian abode of the dead
- arame - an edible brown seaweed
- aramu - a first name; a town in Syria
- arani - a town in Bolivia
- arara - the Brazilian macaw; an Australian bird; a town in Papua New Guinea
- arars - plural of "arar", North African timber tree
- araru - arrowroot
- Arash - a first name
- Arata - a first name
- Arati - a first name
- araxa - a town in Brazil
- araua - a group of Indian people of western Brazil
- arawa - a Maori people of New Zealand; a canoe
- arawe - a town in Papua New Guinea
- araya - a South American cape
- Arazw - a first name
- arbas - plural of "arba", a Tartar covered wagon
- arbat - a Buddhist monk
- Arbaz - a first name
- Arbel - a first name
- Arben - a first name
- arber - the throat or gullet
- arbid - arbitrary
- arbil - the modern name for Arbela, in Iraq
- arbor - a tree genus; a bower
- arcae - plural of "arca", an ancient chest or coffer
- arcas - plural of "arca", an ancient chest or coffer
- arced - curved
- arcen - a town in the Netherlands
- arche - in Greek philosophy, a substance or primal element
- archi - a language of the Caucausus
- Archy - a first name
- arcot - a town in India
- arcus - any anatomical arch; an arch-shaped cloud
- ardab - a unit of volume in Egypt of about 5.5 bushels
- Ardah - a first name
- Ardal - a first name
- ardea - the heron genus; a town in northern Italy
- ardeb - a unit of volume in Egypt of about 5.5 bushels
- ardee - a town in Eire
- arden - a first name; a forest in Warwickshire
- arder - plowing tilth
- ardes - an Egyptian unit of volume of about 5.5 bushels
- Ardia - a first name
- Ardie - a first name
- ardil - a fiber from groundnuts
- Ardin - a first name
- Ardis - a first name
- ardja - a Balinese dance
- ardle - a British river
- Ardly - a first name
- Ardon - a first name
- ardor - a first name; passion
- Ardra - a first name
- ardri - the high king in ancient Ireland
- Ardys - a first name
- aread - to divine; to advise
- areae - plural of "area", referring to a section of the brain
- areal - superficial; related to area
- arean - of or related to the god Ares or the planet Mars
- arear - in the rear
- areas - plural of "area", a region; measurement of two dimensional space
- areca - a betel nut palm
- Areck - a first name
- aredd - declared; to counsel
- arede - to counsel; to declare
- areed - to interpret; to advise
- areek - reeking, stinking
- Areen - a first name
- arefy - to dry up
- areia - a first name; Athena
- areic - pertaining to a region contributing little surface drainage
- Arela - a first name
- Areli - a first name
- Aremu - a first name
- arena - a performance ring
- Arend - a first name
- arene - a first name; an aromatic hydrocarbon
- areng - the sago palm
- arepa - a kind of Colombian corn cake
- arere - arear
- Arese - a first name
- arest - a spear support; a variant of "arrest"
- Aresu - a first name
- Areta - a first name
- arete - a first name; a sharp mountain ridge; excellence or valor
- arets - entrusts; adjudges; imputes
- arett - to entrust
- argal - crude tartar; argol; mocking variation of "ergo"; a wild Asian sheep
- argan - a Moroccan spiny evergreen tree, used for timber and nuts
- argas - a genus of ticks
- argel - African plants whose leaves are used to adulterate senna; another name for Algiers
- Argeo - a first name
- arges - a river in Romania
- argia - a first name; the mother of Argus
- argid - silvery; a kind of sawfly
- argie - an Argentinian
- argil - potter's earth
- argle - to argue
- argob - a biblical place
- argol - crude tartar; dung used as fuel
- argon - a noble gas
- argos - a first name; a city in Greece; the shipwright who built Jason's ship Argo; Odysseus's dog, which recognized him in disguise
- argot - slang; idiom; jargon; cant; lingo
- argue - to dispute
- argun - a first name; a former town in former Chechnya; a river in China
- argus - a first name; watchful; a pheasant; a many-eyed monster, and founder of Argos
- arhar - the pigeon pea
- arhat - a Buddhist who has attained nirvana; a lohan
- arhus - a city in Denmark
- Arial - a first name
- arian - a first name; a sectarian; an Aryan; referring to the heresy of Arius
- arias - a first name; plural of "aria", a musical air; a tune
- arica - a first name; a seaport city in northern Chile; a consciousness-raising system from Chile
- Arich - a first name
- Arick - a first name
- Arics - a first name
- arida - a town in Lebanon
- Arieh - a first name
- ariel - a first name; a sprite; a gazelle; a bird
- Arien - a first name
- aries - a first name; a Zodiac sign; the constellation of the ram
- Ariez - a first name
- Arife - a first name
- ariha - another name for Jericho
- Arija - a first name
- Arika - a first name
- Arild - a first name
- arils - plural of "aril", an outer seed cover
- Arina - a first name
- Arinn - a first name
- arioi - a Tahitian cult
- arion - a first name; a genus of snail; a poet of Lesbos
- ariot - riotously
- Arisa - a first name
- arise - to ascend; to get up; to come up
- arish - an arrish, a stubble field
- arist - a variant of "ariseth"
- arity - the number of arguments a function or operator requires
- Aritz - a first name
- arius - the propounder of the heresy that Christ was not consubstantial with God the Father
- Ariya - a first name
- Ariza - a first name
- Arize - a first name
- arjan - a tropical Asian tree whose bark is used for tanning
- Arjen - a first name
- arjun - a first name; a tropical Asian tree whose bark is used for tanning
- arkab - a constellation
- Arkan - a first name
- arked - put into an ark
- arkie - the computer game maker's award, similar to the Oscar; a migrant worker from Arkansas
- Arkin - a first name
- Arkyn - a first name
- Arlan - a first name
- Arlea - a first name
- arled - gave a preliminary payment for something
- Arlee - a first name
- Arlen - a first name
- arles - a first name; earnest money on engagement; a city in France
- Arlet - a first name
- arley - a first name; a town in Alabama
- Arlie - a first name
- Arlin - a first name
- Arlis - a first name
- arlon - a first name; a town in Belgium
- Arlyn - a first name
- Armad - a first name
- Arman - a first name
- armed - equipped; having arms
- armen - a first name; a native of Armenia
- armer - one that arms
- armet - a medieval helmet with a visor
- armil - the insignia of royalty; a bracelet
- Armin - a first name
- Armon - a first name
- armor - body protection
- armoy - a town in Northern Ireland
- Arnab - a first name
- arnas - plural of "arna", a wild Indian water buffalo
- Arnat - a first name
- Arndt - a first name
- arneb - a star in the constellation of Lepus
- arnee - the Indian buffalo
- Arnel - a first name
- Arnet - a first name
- Arney - a first name
- Arnie - a first name
- Arnis - a first name
- Arnny - a first name
- Arnoe - a first name
- arnol - a town in the Outer Hebrides
- Arnon - a first name
- arnot - a first name; the pignut; a town in Pennsylvania
- Arnou - a first name
- arnut - the earthnut
- aroar - uproariously
- aroba - an old Spanish weight; variant of "araba", a Turkish oxcart
- arobe - a unit of weight in Paraguay of about 25.3 pounds
- arock - a town in Oregon
- aroer - a biblical place
- Aroha - a first name
- aroid - a plant allied to the arum
- aroma - a scent; a town in Bolivia
- aromo - the aroma plant
- arona - a first name; a town in Pennsylvania
- Aroni - a first name
- Arooj - a first name
- aroon - darling
- aroph - an old fashioned term for various medical remedies
- arosa - a resort town in Switzerland, visited by Conan Doyle
- arose - got up; came up; ascended
- arpad - a first name; a biblical place
- arpee - "RP" or "received pronunciation", a style of English; a future dialect imagined by Will Self in "The Book of Dave"
- arpen - arpent, a French unit of area
- arque - a town in Bolivia
- arrah - an Indian lentil; a town in India; an Irish interjection of excitement; but
- arran - a first name; an island in southwest Scotland
- arras - a tapestry; a town in France; in Spanish law, a husband's wedding gift to his wife
- arrau - a large Amazon turtle
- array - a range; a set of objects; in computing, a list or table of numbers
- Arren - a first name
- arret - a court order; an authoritative decision
- arrgh - an expression of disgust or annoyance
- arrha - earnest money
- Arria - a first name
- Arric - a first name
- arrie - a first name; a murre or auk
- Arrik - a first name
- Arrio - a first name
- arris - a sharp edge
- Arroj - a first name
- Arron - a first name
- arrow - a metal-tipped shaft shot from a bow
- arroz - a kind of rice
- Arryo - a first name
- arsed - having buttocks of the given number, size, shape, or odor
- Arsen - a first name
- arses - plural of "arsis"; plural of "arse"
- arset - backwards; reversed
- arsey - impudent
- arsis - vocal inflection; a weak beat; in music, the upbeat
- arsle - to move backward; the anus
- arson - malicious fire setting
- artal - plural of "rotl"
- Artan - a first name
- artar - ash
- artas - a village in Palestine
- Artek - a first name
- artel - a Russian guild; a unit of weight in Morocco, of about 1.1 pounds; plural of "rotl"
- artem - a first name; a town in far eastern Russia
- arter - a dialectical form of "after"
- artes - plural of "arte", an obsolete form of "art"
- Artha - a first name
- Arthi - a first name
- artic - an articulated truck or bus
- Artie - a first name
- Artin - a first name
- Artis - a first name
- artly - with skill or style
- Artor - a first name
- artow - a contracted form of "art thou"
- artro - a first name; a British river
- Artse - a first name
- artsy - pretentious; flowery
- Artur - a first name
- Artus - a first name
- aruac - arhuaco
- aruba - a resort island in the Caribbean
- aruke - the starchy rhizome of the brake
- arulo - an artificial language created for a specific purpose
- arums - plural of "arum", a lily
- Aruna - a first name
- Aruns - a first name
- Arupa - a first name
- arura - aroura
- arusa - a small Indian shrub whose leaves yield a yellow dye
- arvad - a first name; another name for Arwad
- Arvah - a first name
- arval - a first name; pertaining to plowed land; a cake; an "arval supper" celebrates an inheritance
- Arvel - a first name
- Arven - a first name
- Arvey - a first name
- Arvid - a first name
- Arvie - a first name
- arvin - a first name; the Army of the Republic of Vietnam
- Arvon - a first name
- arvos - plural of "arvo", an afternoon
- arwad - a town in Syria
- Arwel - a first name
- Arwen - a first name
- Arwin - a first name
- Arwyn - a first name
- aryan - Indo European
- Aryeh - a first name
- Aryel - a first name
- aryls - plural of "aryl", a univalent radical
- arzan - a first name; a town in Bulgaria
- arzew - a town in Algeria
- Arzoo - a first name
- arzun - a first name; a town in Lebanon; a cereal
- Asaad - a first name
- asado - barbecue
- Asafa - a first name
- asahi - a town in Japan
- Asaid - a first name
- asale - on sale
- asama - a volcano on the island of Honshu
- Asami - a first name
- asana - a posture in yoga
- Asano - a first name
- Asaph - a first name
- asarh - a month of the Hindu year
- asars - plural of "asar", an esker; a gravel ridge
- ascan - of an ascus
- ascii - dwellers on the Equator; a computer character code
- ascob - a cocker spaniel of Any Solid Color Other than Black
- ascon - a type of sponge with canals leading directly to the paragaster
- ascot - a first name; a tie; an English town and horse race site
- ascus - a spore case
- asdic - a submarine detection method
- asean - the Association of South East Asian Nations
- asebu - an African kingdom
- Aseel - a first name
- asene - a part participle of "asee"
- Ashah - a first name
- asham - a Jamaican powdered confection of ground brown sugar and crushed roasted corn
- Ashar - a first name
- Ashby - a first name
- ashed - converted into ash
- ashen - pale
- asher - a first name; a Biblical tribe
- ashes - plural of "ash", remnants after burning
- ashet - a large serving dish for meat
- Ashia - a first name
- Ashin - a first name
- ashir - a first name; variant of "Ashur", the god of the Assyrians
- Ashis - a first name
- Ashla - a first name
- Ashli - a first name
- Ashly - a first name
- Ashon - a first name
- Ashor - a first name
- ashot - a first name; a king of Armenia
- ashur - a first name; an Assyrian god; one of the leading cities of Assyria
- Asiah - a first name
- Asiak - a first name
- asian - a first name; asiatic
- aside - apart; to the side
- Asier - a first name
- Asifa - a first name
- Asiff - a first name
- asile - asylum
- Asima - a first name
- Asiri - a first name
- Asish - a first name
- Asius - a first name
- askam - a town in England
- askar - a first name; a native infantryman in the Moroccan army
- asked - inquired; invited
- asker - a water newt; an inviter; an inquirer; a town in Norway
- askew - awry
- Askia - a first name
- askip - skipping
- askja - a volcano
- askos - an oil jar in ancient Greece; a leather bag
- Aslak - a first name
- Aslan - a first name
- Aslin - a first name
- aslug - sluggishly
- Asmaa - a first name
- asmar - a town in Afghanistan
- asmat - an Indo-Pacific language; an Indonesian tribe
- asmot - a coastal area of New Guinea
- Asmus - a first name
- asnen - a European lake
- asoak - sodden
- asoka - a first name; a showy tree of tropical Asia; a Buddhist king of India
- Asoke - a first name
- asolo - a town in Italy
- Asoma - a first name
- Aspar - a first name
- aspen - the trembling poplar
- asper - a small silver Turkish coin; rough or rugged
- aspic - a savory meat jelly; a 12 pound cannon; lavender
- aspie - a sufferer of Asperger's syndrome
- aspis - a genus of vipers
- aspro - a prostitute; a European cape
- Asril - a first name
- Asror - a first name
- assab - a Red Sea port in Eritrea
- Assad - a first name
- Assaf - a first name
- assai - enough; a musical term meaning "very" or "extremely"; a South American palm tree
- assam - an Indian province; a kind of tea
- Assan - a first name
- assay - an analysis
- assed - acted like an ass; having buttocks of the specified shape, number, color or smell
- Assef - a first name
- Assem - a first name
- assen - a first name; a town in the Netherlands
- asser - a thin lath
- asses - acts like an ass; plural of "ass", a donkey
- asset - a possession; a positive quality
- assez - a musical notation meaning "enough"
- Assia - a first name
- Assie - a first name
- assis - refers to a sitting animal in heraldry; a town in Brazil
- assle - the anus
- asson - a calabash rattle
- assos - a town in Turkey
- assot - to infatuate; to make an ass of
- assur - a first name; the supreme national god of Assyria
- assus - a town in Anatolia
- astay - a cable direction
- astel - a dam; a splinter; a ceiling
- Asten - a first name
- aster - a first name; a flowering plant
- Astin - a first name
- astir - alert
- aston - a first name; astonished; an English town
- Astra - a first name
- astre - a hearth or home
- Astri - a first name
- Astro - a first name
- astun - to stun; astone; a town in Spain
- astur - the genus of goshawks
- asuck - sucking
- asura - in the Rig Veda, an enemy of the gods
- asuri - a dialect of the Munda languages of India
- aswad - a first name; an Asian cape
- aswan - a place in Egypt, site of a dam on the Nile
- asway - swinging
- aswim - afloat; swimming
- Aswin - a first name
- Aswyn - a first name
- asyla - plural of "asylum"
- asylo - a sort of currency based on the vouchers given by the UK to asylum seekers
- async - asynchronous
- asyut - a town in Egypt, the ancient city of Lycopolis
- atajo - a corral
- atake - to overtake
- atala - a first name; a village in India
- atami - a town in Japan
- ataps - plural of "atap", the Nipa palm tree
- Atara - a first name
- atari - the sorry state of a go stone which has only a single "liberty" or breathing spot left, vulnerable to capture in one move
- Atavi - a first name
- ataxy - disorder
- atchi - the Caucasian ibex
- atele - a variant of "atel", meaning "terrible"
- atelo - a town in Togo
- Atera - a first name
- aters - plural of "ater", a variant of "atter", meaning poison
- atfih - a town in Egypt
- Athan - a first name
- athar - a first name; attar
- athel - a first name; a nobleman; ancestry; a kind of tree
- Athie - a first name
- athol - a first name; a town in Pennsylvania
- athos - a first name; one of the Three Musketeers; a holy mountain in Greece where no women are allowed
- Athra - a first name
- atico - a town in Peru
- Atida - a first name
- Atifa - a first name
- Atiku - a first name
- Atila - a first name
- atilt - on edge; tilted
- Atima - a first name
- atimy - public disgrace
- Atina - a first name
- Atiya - a first name
- atjeh - Aceh
- atlas - a first name; a Titan; a moth; a map book
- Atlea - a first name
- atled - in mathematics, a name for the upside-down delta symbol
- atlee - a first name; the athel tree
- Atley - a first name
- atlin - a lake in North America
- atluk - a seal's breathing hole in the ice
- atman - a first name; the Buddhist ego
- atmas - plural of "atma", the individual soul in Hinduism
- atmos - theatrical atmosphere
- atnah - an Indian tribe; a character used in Hebrew to divide biblical verses
- Atner - a first name
- atocs - plural of "atoc", a species of skunk
- atoke - the anterior sexless part of certain worms
- atoks - plural of "atok", a species of skunk
- atole - a kind of gruel or corn porridge favored by the Aztecs
- atoll - a coral island
- atome - a variant of "atom"
- atoms - plural of "atom", the smallest unit of an element that retain its chemical properties
- atomy - an atom; a skeleton; a pygmy; a small, thin or deformed person
- atone - to expiate
- atony - debility; lethargy
- atopy - a type of allergy in which the reaction site is distant from the contact site
- atour - over
- atrak - an Asian river
- atras - behind
- atria - a star; plural of "atrium", a lobby, antechamber, or cavity
- Atrie - a first name
- atrip - anchor aweigh
- Atser - a first name
- attal - variant of "attle", mine refuse
- attap - atap, the nipa palm, often used for thatching
- attar - a fragrant rose oil
- attas - plural of "atta", a leaf-cutting ant
- atter - corrupt matter from a sore; a tongue coating
- attic - Athenian; a garret
- attid - salticid
- Attie - a first name
- attis - a first name; a Greek god of beauty, growth and fertility
- attle - mine refuse
- attry - venomous; malignant
- atuel - a river in Argentina
- atule - the akule, the big-eyed scad
- Atwar - a first name
- Atyaf - a first name
- atyra - a town in Paraguay
- auana - a Europeanized style of hula dancing
- Auban - a first name
- Auben - a first name
- Aubie - a first name
- aubin - a first name; a Canterbury gallop
- Aubra - a first name
- Aubre - a first name
- Aubri - a first name
- Aubry - a first name
- aucan - araucanian
- aucht - property; possession
- audad - aoudad
- Auden - a first name
- audie - a first name; the Audiobook Publisher's equivalent to the Oscar award
- audio - referring to sound
- audit - to examine accounts; to listen in
- Audon - a first name
- Audra - a first name
- Audre - a first name
- Audri - a first name
- Audry - a first name
- Audun - a first name
- aueto - a Tupian people of the Xingu river basin
- aufin - an old name for the bishop in chess
- augen - a first name; plural of "auge", an elliptical or lens-shaped aggregate
- auger - a drill
- auget - an explosive charge for mining
- Auggy - a first name
- aught - zero
- Augie - a first name
- augur - a seer
- Auina - a first name
- Aukai - a first name
- aulae - plural of "aula", a Roman hall; the anterior part of the third brain ventricle
- aulas - plural of "aula", a Roman hall; the anterior part of the third brain ventricle
- aulic - pertaining to a royal court
- Aulii - a first name
- aulis - a harbor in Boeotia, visited by Iphigenia
- auloi - plural of "aulos", a Greek woodwind musical instrument
- aulon - a town in Albania, now called Vlore
- aulos - a Greek double reed woodwind instrument
- aumil - an Indian tax collector
- aunes - plural of "aune", an ell, a French measurement of cloth
- aunts - plural of "aunt", a parental sister
- aunty - auntie
- aurae - plural of "aura", an emanation
- aural - a first name; exhalation
- aurar - plural of "eyrir", an aluminum bronze coin of Iceland
- auras - plural of "aura", an emanation
- Aurea - a first name
- aurei - Roman gold coins; plural of "aureus"
- Aurek - a first name
- Aurel - a first name
- aures - a mountain in Algeria; plural of "auris", the ear
- Aurey - a first name
- Auria - a first name
- auric - golden
- Aurie - a first name
- aurin - a first name; a golden red dye
- auris - the ear
- aurox - aurochs
- aurum - gold
- Ausaf - a first name
- aushi - a language
- Ausra - a first name
- aussi - an Australian
- autel - an "automobile hotel", more commonly called a motel
- autem - a church
- autos - plural of "auto", an automobile
- Autry - a first name
- Autum - a first name
- autun - a kind of cheese; a town in France
- Auvit - a first name
- auwai - an irrigation channel
- auxin - a substance used to regulate plant growth
- Avada - a first name
- avahi - the wooly lemur
- avail - benefit; result
- Avais - a first name
- avale - to let fall; to sink
- avals - plural of "aval", an endorsement on a bill
- avant - culturally or stylistically new
- avanu - a water serpent design common in Southwest Native American art
- avare - a town in Brazil
- Avari - a first name
- avars - plural of "avar", an ethnic group of Eastern people found in the Caucasus
- Avary - a first name
- avast - stop
- aveba - a town in Congo
- Aveen - a first name
- avels - plural of "avel", an awn of barley
- avena - a first name; a genus of grasses to which oats belong
- avens - the herb bennet
- Avent - a first name
- Avern - a first name
- avers - affirms
- avert - to avoid; to turn away
- Avery - a first name
- avgas - gasoline for airplanes
- avian - a first name; birdlike
- Avice - a first name
- Avick - a first name
- Aviel - a first name
- avila - a Spanish city famous only for St Theresa
- avile - to abase
- avine - avian
- avion - a first name; an airplane
- avior - a star
- avisa - news; advice
- avise - to advise
- aviso - a dispatch boat; advice
- Aviva - a first name
- Avivi - a first name
- Aviya - a first name
- avize - to advise
- Avner - a first name
- Avnit - a first name
- avoca - a town in Pennsylvania; a town in Ireland
- avoid - to shun
- avoke - to call from; to call back again
- avola - a town in Italy
- avoue - a French lawyer
- avows - affirms
- Avram - a first name
- Avrel - a first name
- Avril - a first name
- Avrim - a first name
- Avrin - a first name
- Avrit - a first name
- Avrom - a first name
- Avrum - a first name
- Avtar - a first name
- avyze - to advise
- awabi - an abalone
- awacs - an acronym: "Advanced Warning And Control System", a surveillance plane
- awaft - wafting; adrift
- await - to tarry; to expect
- awaji - a town in Japan
- awake - alert; conscious
- awane - waning
- Awani - a first name
- award - a prize
- aware - mindful; conscious
- awarn - to warn
- awarp - cast down
- awash - a first name; nearly submerged; a town in Ethiopia
- awave - waving
- aways - a considerable distance; plural of "away", a nonlocal person
- awbeg - a British river
- awdls - plural of "awdl", a Welsh ode
- aweek - per week
- aweel - well, then
- aweil - a town in Sudan
- awest - westward
- aweto - the mummified body of a caterpillar killed by a fungus, useful for black dye
- awfly - a variant of "awfully"
- awful - terrible; very
- awhir - whirring
- awing - on the wing
- awink - winking
- awiwi - a Hawaiian flowering plant
- awkly - awkwardly
- awmry - an ambry, a recess for church vessels
- awned - having awns; bearded
- awner - a machine for removing awns from grain
- awnie - bearded
- awoke - roused
- awork - in an active state
- Axell - a first name
- axels - plural of "axel", a jump in figure skating
- axers - plural of "axer", one who axes
- axial - along the axis
- axile - on the same axis
- Axill - a first name
- axils - plural of "axil", the angle between the upper part of a leaf and the supporting stem
- axine - relating to or resembling the axis deer
- axing - present participle of "ax"
- axins - plural of "axin", a cochineal ointment
- axiom - an assumed truth
- axion - a hypothetical subatomic neutral particle with no spin
- axite - a propellant; a branch
- axled - having a spindle
- axles - plural of "axle", an axis; spindle
- axman - a man wielding an axe
- axmen - plural of "axman", a man wielding an axe
- axoid - of or relating to the axis vertebra
- axone - an axon
- axons - plural of "axon", the central processe of a neuron
- Axton - a first name
- Ayaan - a first name
- Ayaaz - a first name
- ayabe - a town in Japan
- ayahs - plural of "ayah", an Indian nurse
- Ayako - a first name
- Ayala - a first name
- Ayame - a first name
- Ayana - a first name
- Ayash - a first name
- Aydan - a first name
- Ayden - a first name
- aydin - a first name; a city in western Turkey
- ayein - a variant of "ayeins", again or back against
- ayelp - howling
- Ayers - a first name
- aygre - eager
- Ayham - a first name
- Ayhan - a first name
- ayial - an Indian vegetable ragout
- Ayide - a first name
- Ayina - a first name
- ayins - plural of "ayin", a Hebrew letter
- Ayisa - a first name
- Ayken - a first name
- Aykin - a first name
- Aykut - a first name
- Aylee - a first name
- aylet - a crow
- Aylia - a first name
- Aylie - a first name
- Aylin - a first name
- ayllu - a sib or clan of Inca society
- Aymen - a first name
- Aymer - a first name
- Aymil - a first name
- Aymon - a first name
- Aynor - a first name
- Aynur - a first name
- Ayoka - a first name
- ayond - beyond
- ayont - beyond
- ayoub - a first name, the Arabic form of "Job"
- ayous - obeche
- ayrab - a derisive term for an Arab
- ayran - a dessert of diluted yogurt
- Ayrel - a first name
- ayres - a first name; plural of "ayr", an old spelling of "air"
- ayrie - an eyrie
- Aysel - a first name
- aysen - a province in Chile
- Aysha - a first name
- Ayshe - a first name
- Aysia - a first name
- Ayson - a first name
- Aytac - a first name
- aytch - variant of "aitch", the letter "H"
- Ayten - a first name
- ayton - a town in England
- aytos - a town in Bulgaria
- Aytul - a first name
- Aytza - a first name
- Ayubu - a first name
- Ayumi - a first name
- ayuru - a language of the Amazon
- ayuyu - a crab of Guam
- Ayyub - a first name
- Ayzan - a first name
- Azael - a first name
- Azami - a first name
- azans - plural of "azan", a Muslim call to prayer
- azapa - a river in Chile
- Azaya - a first name
- azeri - a native of Azerbaijan
- azers - plural of "Azer", an Azeri, a native of Azerbaijan
- Azhar - a first name
- Azher - a first name
- Aziah - a first name
- Azibo - a first name
- azide - a type of chemical compound
- azido - relating to the univalent chemical group N3
- azine - a type of chemical compound
- Azita - a first name
- Aziza - a first name
- Azize - a first name
- Azizi - a first name
- azlon - a textile fiber
- Azmat - a first name
- azoch - a variant of "azoth"; an alchemical panacea; mercury
- azofy - to nonsymbiotically fixate atmospheric nitrogen in soil
- azoic - devoid of life; the geologic period when there was no life
- azole - a type of chemical compound
- azols - plural of "azol", a photographic developer compound
- azons - plural of "azon", a radio-controlled aerial bomb
- Azora - a first name
- azote - nitrogen
- azoth - an alchemical panacea; mercury
- Azouz - a first name
- azoxy - related to or containing the chemical group -N(O)=N-.
- azrou - a town in Morocco
- Aztec - a group of Central American Indians
- Azuba - a first name
- Azura - a first name
- azure - a first name; a blue color
- azurn - blue
- azury - blue
- azusa - a town in California
- Azwar - a first name
- azygy - the state of being unpaired
- azyme - unleavened bread
- azyms - plural of "azym", a variant of "azyme", unleavened bread
- Azzam - a first name
- baaad - an exaggerated spelling of "bad", signifying "amazing" or "outstanding"
- baals - plural of "baal", a false god
- baana - the buttocks
- baath - a Syrian political party, currently THE Syrian political party
- Babah - a first name
- Babai - a first name
- Babak - a first name
- babal - a town in Yemen
- baban - a first name; a Kurdish principality
- babao - a town in China
- babar - a first name; the first emperor of the Indian Mogul dynasty; an Indonesian island
- babas - plural of "baba", a rum cake
- babau - in the Languedoc, the name of a monster that scares little children
- babbo - daddy; father
- babby - a first name; a baby
- babee - a member of a Persian sect
- Babek - a first name
- babel - a tower; din; confusion
- baber - the first emperor of the Indian Mogul dynasty
- babes - plural of "babe", a baby; an attractive young woman
- Babet - a first name
- babka - a coffee cake
- baboo - an Indian clerk; a Hindu gentleman
- Babsy - a first name
- babul - a North African acacia tree
- babur - first emperor of the Indian Mogul dynasty
- babus - plural of "babu", an Indian clerk or bureaucrat
- bacao - a town in Brazil
- bacau - a city in eastern Romania
- bacca - a berry; tobacco
- bacco - tobacco
- baccy - tobacco
- bache - a first name; the valley of a small stream
- bachs - plural of "bach", an affectionate term of address
- bachu - a town in western China
- bacis - a sacred bull
- backs - reverse sides; supports; moves backwards
- backy - tobacco; a privy
- bacne - the severe back acne caused by using steroids
- bacon - something to be saved; the first word in BLT's
- bacuf - an English town
- badak - a Javan rhinoceros
- Badal - a first name
- badan - a Siberian plant whose roots are used for tanning
- baddy - a bad person
- Badea - a first name
- baden - a first name; a division of Germany, and a spa resort town there
- bader - a town in Illinois
- badge - a sign or medallion
- badia - a first name; an Italian monastery or abbey
- Badih - a first name
- badis - a genus of small freshwater fishes
- Badja - a first name
- badju - a Malay short jacket
- badly - poorly; very much
- badme - a town in Eritrea
- badon - a mountain in southern England, and site of a battle between King Arthur and the Saxons
- badot - silly
- Badra - a first name
- Badri - a first name
- baels - plural of "bael", the fruit of a thorny Indian tree
- baeza - a town in Ecuador
- bafan - clumsy
- baffs - strikes under a golf ball
- baffy - an old golf club
- bafou - a language
- bafta - a coarse cotton material made in India
- bafts - plural of "baft", an oriental fabric
- bagac - apitong
- bagan - a town in Burma
- bagdi - a member of a caste of field laborers of Bangladesh
- bagel - a kind of hard roll in the shape of a doughnut
- baggy - loose fitting; a British style of dance music
- Bagha - a first name
- bagio - a baguio
- baglo - a baggala, a two-masted trading boat of the Indian Ocean
- Bagot - a first name
- bagre - a catfish of Spanish American waters
- bagsy - "dibs", claiming priority for some object; shapeless
- bagua - a town in Peru
- bague - the ring of an annulated column
- Bahaa - a first name
- bahai - a follower of Bahaism
- baham - the star Theta Pegasi
- bahan - a poplar or willow
- bahar - a first name; an Arabic unit of weight of about 350 pounds
- bahau - a Dayak people of northern Borneo; a river in Borneo
- bahay - a house
- Baher - a first name
- bahia - a first name; a seaport of Brazil; a town in Argentina
- Bahni - a first name
- Bahri - a first name
- bahts - plural of "baht", a monetary unit of Thailand
- bahun - a high caste in Nepal
- bahur - a young unmarried man
- bahut - a medieval French ornamented chest for household goods; a course of masonry
- baiae - an ancient city near Naples
- baiao - a town in Brazil
- baiga - an aboriginal people living in the hills of India
- baiji - a town in Iraq; the Yangtse river dolphin
- Baila - a first name
- baile - a social gathering for dancing; a cry to combatants
- bails - cricket props; empties water from a boat; pays a bond; jumps out
- Baily - a first name
- baing - making sounds like a sheep
- baioc - a minor copper coin of the Papal States, equal to 1/100 of a scudo
- baion - a slow sensual Brazilian dance
- baira - a beira, a small antelope of Somalia
- Baird - a first name
- bairn - a child
- bairo - a small antelope
- bairu - a member of the peasant segment of the population of Ankole in Uganda
- baisa - a monetary unit of Oman
- baist - baste
- baith - both
- baits - lures; annoys
- baiza - a monetary unit of Oman
- baize - a coarse cloth
- bajan - a freshman; a native of Barbados
- bajau - a Malay people of Borneo
- bajee - a native of Barbados
- bajie - a native of Barbados
- bajil - a town in Yemen
- bajra - pearl millet
- bajri - pearl millet
- Bajro - a first name
- bajus - a town in France; plural of "baju", a short Malayan jacket
- bakal - an Oriental tradesman
- baked - cooked
- baken - a first name; a past participle of "bake"; a buoy; a beacon
- baker - a first name; a bread maker
- bakes - cooks; hardens; parches
- bakey - a baked potato
- bakic - a town in Azerbaijan
- bakie - a square wooden vessel; a baked potato
- bakki - a town in Iceland
- bakky - slang for tobacco
- Bakli - a first name
- Bakri - a first name
- baksr - a town in India, the site of a famous battle
- bakue - a language
- balad - a town in Iraq
- Balak - a first name
- Balal - a first name
- balam - a supernatural being in Malayan religion
- Balan - a first name
- balao - the halfbeak, a marine fish of the tropical western Atlantic
- balas - a variety of spinel ruby; an orange ruby color
- balbi - a first name; a mountain peak on the Solomon Islands
- balbo - a first name; a massive flight formation of hundreds of aircraft
- baldr - Baldur, a Norse god
- balds - becomes bald; plural of "bald", a bald spot, a bald eagle
- baldy - a bald person
- baled - in bundles
- balei - a town in Belgium; a town in Burma
- baler - a farming machine that bales hay
- bales - plural of "bale", a bundle
- Balil - a first name
- Balin - a first name
- balkh - a town of Afghanistan
- balks - refuses; impedes
- balky - apt to stop suddenly; contrary
- balla - someone rich from crime; a town in Eire
- ballo - a first name; a musical term meaning a kind of dance
- balls - an exclamation; plural of "ball", a sphere; a testicle; a dance party
- Ballu - a first name
- bally - a noisy uproar; a town in India; an adjective of indeterminate meaning, suggesting "crazy", "odd", "damned"
- balms - plural of "balm", a salve; an ointment
- balmy - fragrant
- balon - a balloon
- baloo - the Bear; a lullaby
- balop - a balopticon, a device for projecting images into a TV camera; a card
- balor - the Celtic god of death
- balot - opium
- balow - a lullaby
- balsa - a first name; a light wood
- balta - a first name; a town in North Dakota
- balti - a town in Moldova; a Tibetan people of northern Kashmir; spicy northern Pakistani cuisine; Baltimore
- balts - plural of "Balt", a native of the Baltic republics
- balun - an electrical device to convert a balanced to unbalanced line, and vice versa
- balus - plural of "balu", a bear
- balut - a Philippine delicacy of duck eggs boiled just before they would hatch
- bamah - a high place that serves as a sanctuary
- bamba - a foot-tapping Mexican couple dance
- bambi - a first name; a film faun
- bambs - plural of "bamb", an amphetamine
- Bamby - a first name
- bamei - a town in China
- bamia - okra
- Bamir - a first name
- bamma - a rural person; someone who is not hip
- bammy - marijuana; a pancake made of cassava flour
- banak - a Central American timber tree; a town in Norway
- banal - trite; metaphorically tepid
- banat - a Hungarian province
- banba - a poetic name for Ireland
- banca - a small boat used in the Philippines
- banco - bank money; a bet in certain gambling games
- bancs - plural of "banc", the judge's bench
- banda - a thatched house of central Africa; a tribe of central Africa; a city in Indonesia; a poor ghetto child
- bandh - in India, a general protest suspension of work and business
- Bandi - a first name
- bando - a Burmese fighting system; a sport similar to hurling; a band geek
- bands - decorates with flexible strips of material; plural of "band", a ring; a tie; a musical group
- bandy - crooked; to throw to and fro
- banen - a language
- banes - plural of "bane", a poison; a nemesis
- banff - a town in Canada and in Scotland
- banga - a spherical baked-clay water jar of the Philippines
- bange - to lounge about or loaf
- bangi - a town in Afghanistan
- bango - an East African grass used for thatch
- bangs - explosions; hair over the forehead
- bangy - banghy, a porter's shoulder yoke in India
- banha - a town in Egypt
- bania - banyan
- banig - petate; a Philippine mat of dried palm leaves or grass
- banis - plural of "bani", a Romanian coin
- banji - a type of marijuana from the Middle East
- banjo - a musical instrument
- banka - a small boat used in the Philippines
- banks - plural of "bank", an embankment; a monetary depository
- Banky - a first name
- banna - a language; a young man or woman
- banns - the public announcement of an impending marriage
- bannu - a town in Pakistan
- banny - a first name; a minnow
- banon - a kind of cheese
- banos - a town in Ecuador
- Bansi - a first name
- banta - a town in Somalia
- bants - adopts a slimming diet
- bantu - an African ethnic group
- banty - a bantam; saucy or impudent
- Bantz - a first name
- banus - a province
- banwy - a British river
- banya - an Indian drum, bigger than a tabla
- Bapsy - a first name
- bapus - plural of "bapu", a father or spiritual father in India
- baqaa - a town in Jordan
- Baqer - a first name
- Baqir - a first name
- barad - a unit of measurement of pressure
- barak - a first name; a captain
- baram - a first name; a river in Borneo
- barat - berat; a violent squall in the Philippines
- Barba - a first name
- barbe - a first name; warhorse armor; a nun's kerchief
- Barbi - a first name
- Barbo - a first name
- barbs - plural of "barb", a hook; a sticker
- Barby - a first name
- barca - a district in Libya; a boat or barge
- barco - a town in North Carolina
- barde - a first name; horse armor
- bardo - a first name; the intermediate astral state of the soul after death and before rebirth
- bards - plural of "bard", a poet
- bardy - bold, audacious, defiant; an edible wood grub
- bared - unclothed
- baren - a pad of twisted cord covered with paper used to transmit pressure when making prints
- barer - more bare
- bares - unveils; reveals
- baret - a first name; a cardinal's cap
- bareu - a language
- barff - to apply an anti-corrosion coating to steel
- barfs - vomits
- barfy - disgusting
- barga - a town in Tibet
- barge - to push ahead or into; a scow; a unit of weight
- baria - baryta; princewood; a former Indian state, a river in Venezuela
- baric - pertaining to barium
- barid - an ancient Arabian unit of length
- Barie - a first name
- baril - a unit of volume of Argentina, of about 20.9 gallons
- bario - a town in Indonesia
- baris - a first name; a Balinese spear dance; plural of "Bari", a Hindu caste
- barit - a stoloniferous marsh grass
- barks - tough outer husks; yaps; ships
- barky - of bark; barking; a ship
- barle - a British river
- barms - plural of "barm", a yeast
- barmy - yeasty; crazy
- Barna - a first name
- barns - plural of "barn", a granary; a farm building; a tiny unit of measurement of area in atomic physics
- barny - a first name; resembling a barn
- baron - a first name; a title of nobility
- baros - an Asian cape
- barps - plural of "barp", a mound or cairn
- barra - a first name; an island in the Outer Hebrides; a town in Brazil
- barre - a first name; a wooden rail used in ballet training; to play a type of guitar chord; a town in Vermont
- Barri - a first name
- Barrt - a first name
- barry - a first name; in heraldry, divided by horizontal lines; a town in Wales
- barse - the flesh between the testicles and the anus
- barsy - mad, lunatic
- Barta - a first name
- barth - a first name; a cattle shelter; a town in Germany
- barto - a first name; a town in Pennsylvania
- barts - plural of "bart", a baronet
- Bartt - a first name
- Barty - a first name
- Bartz - a first name
- Barun - a first name
- barus - fluffy fibers
- barye - a unit of measurement of pressure
- Baryn - a first name
- barzy - mad, lunatic
- basad - toward the base
- Basak - a first name
- basal - basic
- Basam - a first name
- basan - a sheepskin that is roughly tanned and dressed
- based - founded on
- basel - a first name; a Swiss city; tanned skin; basil
- Basem - a first name
- baser - more base; one who bases
- bases - founds; plural of "base", an antacid, a foundation, a home
- basha - a first name; an Assamese hut made of bamboo and grass
- basho - a 15-round sumo tournament
- Basia - a first name
- basic - fundamental; a computer programming language that will not die
- basil - a first name; a chisel edge; leather; a herb
- Basim - a first name
- basin - a bowl; tanned sheepskin
- Basir - a first name
- basis - a foundation
- basks - sunbathes
- basle - a first name; a Swiss city
- Basma - a first name
- basna - a town in India
- basoa - a village in the Punjab area of India
- Basob - a first name
- basod - a scheduled caste of India
- basoe - a populated place in Liberia
- basol - a town in Baluchistan, Pakistan
- basom - a town in New York
- bason - a basin; a large shell on which hats are molded
- basop - an military acronym: "BASe OPerations"
- basra - an Iraqi city
- bassa - a seafaring people of Liberia; a musical term meaning low, or ottava bassa
- basse - a fish like a perch
- bassi - plural of "basso", a bass singer
- basso - a bass singer
- bassy - low in pitch
- basta - an exclamation meaning "stop!" or "enough!"; the third highest trump in omber; the ace of clubs
- baste - a first name; to cook; to stitch
- basti - a first name; a town in India
- basto - the ace of clubs in the game of quadrille
- basts - plural of "bast", a woody fiber
- Basty - a first name
- Basya - a first name
- basye - a town in Virginia
- batac - a town in the Philippines
- batad - a town in the Philippines
- batak - an Indonesian language and ethnic group; a kind of bamboo; a Philippine pygmy tribe; a town in Bulgaria
- batam - a town in Malaysia
- batan - ivatan; an island in the Philippines
- batas - plural of "bata", a Pakistani musical instrument something like an organ
- batch - a quantity; a non-interactive computer session
- batea - a large shallow wooden pan used to washing gravel to search for gold
- bated - restrained
- bater - a tannery worker who treats hides in bate
- bates - abates
- batey - gold and silver embroidery; bad-tempered; a mill village
- batha - a river in Chad
- bathe - to wash the body
- baths - plural of "bath", a cleaning by water submersion; a unit of volume of 6 gallons
- bathu - a leafy vegetable
- Batia - a first name
- batie - a town in Cameroon
- batik - a Javanese dyeing technique; straw work
- Batir - a first name
- batis - a genus of plants of the family Batidacea
- batly - like a bat
- batna - a town in Algeria
- baton - a staff
- batso - crazy
- batta - an allowance in addition to regular pay; a language
- batte - a coin
- batts - plural of "batt", a sheet of cotton
- battu - pertaining to a ballet movement
- batty - dotty; infested with bats
- batum - a seaport in the country of Georgia
- batwa - a pygmy ethnic group of Burundi and Rwanda
- Batya - a first name
- baubo - in Greek mythology, an old woman who jested with Demeter
- Bauby - a first name
- bauch - inferior
- baudo - a mountain range in Colombia; a river in Colombia
- bauds - plural of "baud", a unit of data transmission speed
- bauer - the jack in the game of euchre
- bauge - a kind of cloth
- bauks - balks; beams
- bauld - a North American cape
- baule - the amount of nitrogen needed to produce half the maximum crop; an African tribe
- baulk - a beam; to thwart
- baume - a specific gravity scale for use with a hydrometer
- bauno - a wild mango
- baure - an Arawakan people
- baurs - plural of "baur", a jest
- bauru - a town in Brazil
- bauta - a prehistoric upright gravestone
- bavin - a bundle of brushwood for burning; a piece of waste wood
- bawds - plural of "bawd", a lewd person
- bawdy - lewd
- bawit - a monastery in Egypt
- bawla - someone rich from crime
- bawls - cries
- bawns - plural of "bawn", a fort or cattle pen
- bawrs - plural of "bawr", variant of "baur", a jest
- bawty - a dog
- baxar - a town in India, the site of a famous battle
- Baxie - a first name
- Baxty - a first name
- bayad - a variant of "bayatte", a large fish that inhabits the Nile
- bayal - raw cotton
- bayan - a first name; a Russian accordion; an Indian drum, bigger than a tabla
- bayas - plural of "baya", the Indian weaver bird
- bayed - recessed; howled
- bayer - one who bays
- bayes - bathes
- bayji - a town in Iraq
- bayle - a bail, a pole in a stable used as a horse barrier
- Bayly - a first name
- Bayne - a first name
- bayog - a Philippine timber tree
- bayok - a Philippine timber tree
- bayoo - an unpopular or unappealing person
- bayos - plural of "bayo", a pinto or chili bean
- bayou - a slow-moving river channel
- Bayrd - a first name
- bayts - bates; baits
- bayze - baize
- bazar - a bazaar
- Bazek - a first name
- Bazel - a first name
- Bazil - a first name
- bazon - a town in Liberia
- bazoo - the mouth; the belly; the anus
- bazuo - a village in southern China
- bazza - a first name; a fellow gang member
- beach - a first name; a shore
- beads - a rosary; plural of "bead", a small rounded object strung together to make a necklace
- beady - small and bright
- beaks - plural of "beak", a bill
- beaky - resembling a beak
- beala - a first name; a town in Congo
- Beale - a first name
- Beall - a first name
- Beals - a first name
- beams - plural of "beam", a rafter; a ray
- beamy - shining; wide in the beam
- beane - a British river
- Beann - a first name
- beano - a jamboree; a party; the game of bingo
- beans - plural of "bean", a legume
- beant - be not
- beany - of or containing beans
- beard - defy; chin hair; a decoy escort
- beare - a burden
- bearm - excitement
- bearn - a region of southwestern France
- bears - carries; plural of "bear", a large forest animal
- beary - like a bear; of a bear
- beast - a brute
- beata - a first name; a woman or girl who has been beatified
- Beate - a first name
- beath - to bathe
- beati - plural of "beautus", a nominee for sainthood
- beats - beatniks; strokes; chastises; overpowers
- beaty - a first name; like a beat; full of beats
- beaus - plural of "beau", a suitor
- beaut - a beauty
- beaux - plural of "beau", a suitor
- Beavo - a first name
- beaze - to dry in the sun
- bebar - a town in Macedonia
- bebay - to hem in
- Bebba - a first name
- bebek - a town in Turkey
- Bebel - a first name
- bebog - to enmire in a bog
- bebop - (yet more) dissonant jazz, with solo improvisations and complex rhythms
- becan - a Mayan site in eastern Mexico
- becap - to put a cap on
- Becca - a first name
- beche - a drill extractor
- Becka - a first name
- becke - a beak
- Becki - a first name
- becks - plural of "beck", a small stream; a Jewish teenager
- Becky - a first name
- becry - to cry over or about
- bedad - an Irish interjection
- bedan - of Saint Bede
- beddo - a Japanese electronically controlled bed
- beddy - a parent-to-child version of "bed", as in "beddy bye time"; a promiscuous person
- bedel - a beadle; an administrator
- beden - the Abyssinian or Arabian ibex
- bedes - plural of "bede", a prayer
- bedew - to sprinkle or wet with dew
- bedim - to obscure
- bedot - to cover with dots
- bedou - Bedouin
- Bedri - a first name
- bedub - to adorn; to name
- bedur - a first name; a unit of weight in Singapore
- bedye - to dye
- beech - a first name; a white-barked forest tree
- beedi - a small hand-rolled Indian cigarette tied with thread
- beefo - a beefy, muscular person
- beefs - plural of "beef", a complaint
- beefy - stolid
- beeks - basks
- beela - a British river
- beeld - shelter
- beele - a miner's pick-axe; the crossbar of a yoke
- beena - a form of marriage in which the husband enters the wife's kinship group and has little authority
- beens - plural of "been", the vina; an Indian guitar
- beeps - honks a horn
- beers - plural of "beer", an ale; a lager
- beery - befuddled; tasting or smelling of beer
- beest - beastings
- beete - a variant of "bete"
- beets - plural of "beet", an allegedly edible vegetable
- beety - of, containing, or similar to beets
- beeve - beef
- beevo - beer
- beewy - money (from "BWI", meaning the British West Indies)
- befez - to adorn with a fez
- befit - to suit; to be appropriate
- befog - to confuse
- begad - an exclamation
- begam - a begum
- began - started
- begar - forced labor; a mild oath
- begat - sired
- begem - to adorn with gems
- beget - to sire
- begin - to start
- begob - a mild oath
- begod - to deify
- begot - sired
- begti - a large percoid fish
- begum - an Indian princess
- begun - started
- behar - the Indian province of Bihar; a unit of weight used in Burma
- behen - sea lavender
- Beidi - a first name
- beige - a fabric; a yellowish gray color
- beigy - of a beige color
- beiji - a town in Iraq
- beild - a shelter or hiding place
- being - existence; a creature
- beira - a small antelope; a seaport in Mozambique
- beisa - an oryx
- beita - a Palestinian town
- beith - a town in Scotland
- bejan - a freshman
- bejas - plural of "beja", member of an African ethnic group
- bejel - a form of syphilis transmitted by touch, endemic to children in northern Africa
- Bejun - a first name
- bekaa - a valley in Lebanon noted for its migratory terrorists
- bekah - a half shekel
- bekar - a coin
- beker - a South African cup
- Bekim - a first name
- Bekir - a first name
- Bekka - a first name
- Bekki - a first name
- bekko - Japanese articles make of tortoise shell
- bekra - a four-horned antelope
- belah - a first name; a beefwood of Australia
- Belal - a first name
- belam - to beat on; to bang on
- belau - the island of Palau
- belay - to fasten; to hold
- belch - to eructate
- Belda - a first name
- belee - on the lee side; to place on the lee side
- belef - a term from heraldry
- belem - a seaport in Brazil
- belen - a first name; a town in New Mexico; a town in Argentina
- belfa - a prostitute
- belga - a Belgian coin
- Belia - a first name
- belic - a term from heraldry
- belie - to contradict; to lie next to
- belis - a town in Romania
- belit - a Babylonian goddess, wife of Bel
- Bella - a first name
- belle - a first name; a beautiful woman
- belli - used in the phrase "casus belli", meaning "occasion for war"
- bello - a first name; a town in Colombia
- bells - plural of "bell", a ringing device
- belly - the stomach
- Belma - a first name
- below - under; beneath
- belsk - a town in Poland
- belts - plural of "belt", a girdle; a band
- belty - like a belt
- belus - a first name; king of Tyre, father of Dido, son of Libya
- Belva - a first name
- bemad - to madden
- Beman - a first name
- bemas - plural of "bema", a judge's seat; a pulpit
- bemat - a town in Afghanistan
- bemba - a tribe of Zimbabwe
- bembe - a bully
- bembo - a text font
- bemet - past participle of "bemeet"
- bemix - to mix thoroughly
- bemol - "B moll", that is, the musical sign "B flat"
- bemud - to spatter with mud
- benab - a native hut in Guiana
- benas - an African cape
- benat - a European cape
- Benay - a first name
- bench - a seat; a metaphor for judges
- Benci - a first name
- benda - a unit of weight in Guinea
- bends - flexes; dangerous affliction of scuba divers
- bendy - full of bends; a bendable doll; a heraldic term; okra
- Benek - a first name
- benes - plural of "bene", an oil-plant
- benet - a first name; to ensnare in a net; an exorcist
- Benga - a first name
- Bengi - a first name
- bengo - a province of Angola; a river in Angola
- Bengt - a first name
- Bengu - a first name
- benha - a town in Egypt
- benim - to take away
- benin - an African country; a town in Nigeria
- Benio - a first name
- benis - plural of "beni", benne, sesame
- Benja - a first name
- Benje - a first name
- Benji - a first name
- benjy - a first name; a straw hat
- Benke - a first name
- Benna - a first name
- benne - a first name; the sesame oil plant
- benni - a first name; the sesame oil plant
- Benno - a first name
- benns - plural of "benn", a colored silk sash
- Bennt - a first name
- bennu - a bird of Egyptian myth, similar to the phoenix
- benny - a first name; a tablet of benzedrine
- Benon - a first name
- bensh - to bless
- Bente - a first name
- bento - a Japanese boxed lunch
- bents - plural of "bent", an inclination; a wiry grass
- benty - covered with bent, a wiry grass
- Bentz - a first name
- benue - a town in Nigeria; a river in Nigeria
- benxi - a town in China
- benya - a style of African pop music from Kenya
- Benyu - a first name
- Benzi - a first name
- benzo - a first name; a Mercedes Benz; any benzodiazepine, such as Librium or Valium
- bepat - to pat repeatedly
- bepaw - a nickname for one's grandfather
- Beppa - a first name
- Beppe - a first name
- Beppi - a first name
- Beppo - a first name
- beppu - a town in Japan
- beqaa - variant of "Bekaa", a valley in Lebanon
- berar - an area of India now part of the Bombay state
- berat - a formal authorization for a privilege; a town in Albania
- berau - a river in Borneo
- beray - to defile with excrement
- berba - a language
- berbe - the African genet
- bercy - a veloute sauce with shallots, parsley, lemon juice, white wine and butter
- Berdj - a first name
- Berdy - a first name
- berea - a biblical place
- Beren - a first name
- beres - pierces; plural of "bere", a bear; a pillow case
- beret - a first name; a Basque cap
- berga - a town in Germany
- Bergh - a first name
- bergs - plural of "berg", a mountain; an ice berg
- bergy - full of ice bergs
- Berik - a first name
- Beril - a first name
- Berit - a first name
- Berje - a first name
- berjo - a town in Java
- Berke - a first name
- berko - crazy; berserk
- berks - plural of "berk", a fool or ass, rhyming slang from "Berkeley Hunt"
- Berky - a first name
- Berla - a first name
- Berly - a first name
- berme - variant of "berm", a ledge; an edge
- berms - plural of "berm", a ledge; an edge
- Berna - a first name
- Bernd - a first name
- berne - a first name; torsalo; an alternate spelling of Bern, the capital of Switzerland
- Berni - a first name
- Berno - a first name
- Bernt - a first name
- Berny - a first name
- berob - to rob
- beroe - the luminous medusa
- berok - a monkey of Borneo
- berps - liquor
- berri - a first name; a Turkish unit of length of about 1.67 kilometers
- berry - a first name; a small fruit occurring in clusters; a French province
- berta - a first name; a language
- Berte - a first name
- berth - a bed; a dock for a ship
- Berti - a first name
- Berto - a first name
- Berty - a first name
- berus - a town in Germany
- beryl - a first name; a gem
- beryx - a perch-like fish
- besan - a flour made from chickpeas and used in Indian cooking
- besar - an Asian cape
- besas - plural of "besa", a bronze coin of Italian Somaliland\
- besat - laid siege to
- besaw - treated well or badly; saw to
- besee - to treat well or badly; to see to; to apparel
- beset - to assail
- besin - a town in Indonesia
- besit - to besiege
- besom - a broom, particularly one made from twigs
- besot - to get fuddled
- bespy - to catch sight of
- besra - a bird of prey
- Bessa - a first name
- Besse - a first name
- Bessi - a first name
- Besso - a first name
- Bessy - a first name
- bests - does better than all others
- Betal - a first name
- betas - plural of "beta", a Greek letter; the second brightest star in a constellation
- beted - improved
- betel - the nut of the areca palm; an East Indian pepper plant
- betes - improves; plural of "bete", the failure of a bidder to fulfill his contract in a card game
- Betha - a first name
- Bethe - a first name
- beths - plural of "beth, a Hebrew letter
- Betia - a first name
- betid - betokened; indicated; befell
- betim - a town in Brazil
- betis - a Philippine tree
- Betka - a first name
- beton - a kind of concrete
- Betsi - a first name
- betso - a small brass Venetian coin
- Betsy - a first name
- betta - a first name; a freshwater fish
- Bette - a first name
- Betti - a first name
- Betto - a first name
- betty - a first name; a man who does woman's household work; a flask; a housebreaking bar; a pear-shaped bottle
- betul - a first name; a town in India
- betwa - an Asian river
- betyl - a standing stone that marks the presence of a god
- Beula - a first name
- beult - a British river
- Bevan - a first name
- bevel - a slanted edge
- Beven - a first name
- bever - a beaver; to shiver; a beverage
- bevie - a beverage
- Bevin - a first name
- Bevis - a first name
- Bevon - a first name
- bevor - a piece of armor for the lower face
- bevue - an error due to ignorance or inadvertance
- bevvy - a first name; a beverage
- Bevys - a first name
- bewdy - beauty
- bewer - an attractive woman
- bewet - to moisten; a leather falconry strap
- bewig - to don a wig
- bewit - a leather falconry strap
- bexar - a town in Texas
- Beyla - a first name
- Beyle - a first name
- Beyza - a first name
- bezan - a first name; a kind of cloth
- bezek - a biblical place
- bezel - basil; a setting; a sloping face of a chisel or gem
- bezes - plural of "bez", the second tine on a deer's antler; plural of "beze", a kind of jewelry setting
- bezil - basil; a setting
- Bezzi - a first name
- bezzo - a small brass Venetian coin
- bhaga - a Hindu god of wealth and marriage
- bhaji - an Indian food
- bhalu - an Indian bear species
- bhamo - a town in Burma
- bhang - hemp; hashish
- bhano - a town in Burma
- bhara - a unit of weight in the old Straits Settlements
- bhaya - an Indian drum, bigger than a tabla
- Bheki - a first name
- bhels - plural of "bhel", the Bengal quince
- bheri - a river in Nepal
- Bhero - a first name
- bhili - a language of India
- bhils - plural of "bhil", a Dravidian race
- bhind - a town in India
- bhima - a first name; an Asian river
- bhira - a town in India
- bhong - a bong, a marijuana pipe
- bhoot - a small whirlwind
- bhota - an ancient name for Tibet
- bhoys - plural of "bhoy", an Irish tough or rowdy
- bhuna - a kind of Bengali curry
- Bhura - a first name
- bhuts - plural of "bhut", a small whirlwind; an evil spirit
- bhyle - an Indian ox
- biabo - a town in Liberia; a town in Congo
- biafo - a glacier in Pakistan
- Biago - a first name
- biaka - a pygmy tribe of central Africa
- Biaki - a first name
- Biala - a first name
- biali - variant of "bialy", an onion roll
- bialy - an onion roll
- Biana - a first name
- biarc - a curve made by smoothly joining circular arcs
- bibai - a town in Japan
- bibbe - to drink
- bibbs - plural of "bibb", a wooden bracket supporting a mast
- bibby - the buttocks
- Bibha - a first name
- bible - the Hebrew or Christian holy scripture
- bicas - a town in Brazil
- biccy - a biscuit, or, in English English, a cookie
- bicep - an arm muscle
- bices - plural of "bice", a blue or green pigment
- bicho - the penis; jigger
- bicky - a biscuit
- bicol - variant of "Bikol", a Christianized Malaysian people
- bidai - an Atakapan peopel of the Trinity river valley in Texas
- bidar - a boat made of skins
- biddo - a Palestinian town
- biddu - a Palestinian town
- biddy - a first name; a chicken
- bided - waited; tolerated
- bider - one who waits
- bides - waits; tarries
- bidet - a sitz bath; a kind of horse saddle
- bidon - a measurement of volume of about five quarts
- bidri - Indian metalware; a kind of metallic alloy
- Bieke - a first name
- bield - to shelter; to guard
- biers - plural of "bier", a coffin stand
- bifer - a plant that bears fruit twice each year
- biffs - hits; moves or travels
- biffy - a toilet; drunk
- bifid - divided in two
- bifun - Japanese rice pasta
- bigae - plural of "biga", a two-horse Roman chariot
- bigam - a bigamist
- bigas - plural of "biga", a two-horse Roman chariot
- biggs - a town in Oregon; plural of "bigg", a bear; four-rowed barley
- biggy - a large one
- bigha - a land measure in India
- bight - a cove
- bigly - ostentatiously; in a big way
- bigos - a Polish stew
- bigot - a person with strong bias or prejudice
- biham - the star Theta Pegasi
- bihar - a province in Northeast India
- biisa - a language
- Bijal - a first name
- Bijan - a first name
- bijar - a town in Iran; a thick-piled Persian rug
- bijou - a first name; small; a gem
- Bikas - a first name
- biked - traveled by bicycle
- biker - one who rides a bicycle or motorcycle
- bikes - plural of "bike", a bicycle
- bikie - a biker; a motorcyclist
- bikky - a biscuit
- bikol - a Christianized Malaysian people
- Bilal - a first name
- bilan - a French account book
- bilat - a bilateral meeting
- bilbi - a species of marsupial; a kangaroo
- bilbo - a first name; a Spanish rapier; an iron foot shackle
- bilby - a species of marsupial; a kangaroo
- Bilee - a first name
- biles - plural of "bile", a fluid secreted by the liver
- biley - like bile; containing bile
- bilge - the bulging part of a cask
- bilgy - smelling like seepage
- bilic - relating to bile
- bilin - bile; a language; a town in the West Bank
- bilio - a town in Congo
- bilks - cheats
- Billa - a first name
- Bille - a first name
- Billi - a first name
- bills - plural of "bill", a beak; paper money; an invoice
- billy - a first name; Australian cooking can
- bilma - a first name; a town in Niger, famous for salt mines
- bilos - plural of "bilo"
- bilua - a Papuan people
- bimah - bema, the platform where the cantor stands while leading the service
- bimas - plural of "bima", a bema
- bimbo - a brainless physically attractive woman
- Bimia - a first name
- Bimla - a first name
- Binah - a first name
- binal - twofold
- bindi - a first name; a dot worn on the forehead of married women in India
- Bindo - a first name
- binds - ties; joins
- Bindu - a first name
- bines - plural of "bine", a twisting plant stem
- binga - a first name; a town in Zimbabwe
- binge - a carousal; a sustained giving in to temptation
- bingo - a first name; a game; brandy; a good name for a dog
- bings - plural of "bing", a heap of corn or alum; a kind of cherry
- Bingu - a first name
- bingy - the stomach
- Binia - a first name
- binis - plural of "bini", edo
- binit - a first name; a unit of computer information ("binary integer")
- binji - a language
- binjy - the stomach
- binks - plural of "bink", a bench, a bank, a shelf
- Binky - a first name
- binna - a dialect word meaning "unless"
- Binne - a first name
- Binni - a first name
- binny - a first name; a Nile fish; a big hidden pocket used by shoplifters
- Binod - a first name
- binos - plural of "bino", a binocular
- Binta - a first name
- bints - plural of "bint", an Arab girl
- biogs - plural of "biog", a biography
- bioko - the island formerly known as Fernando Po
- biome - an ecological community
- biont - a living organism
- Biorg - a first name
- biose - disaccharide
- biota - the flora and fauna of a region
- biots - plural of "biot", an abampere
- biped - a two-legged creature
- bipod - a two-legged object
- bippy - a first name; a sweet bettable object
- birak - a town in Chad
- birao - a town in the Central African Republic
- birch - a first name; a tree; to flog
- Birdi - a first name
- birds - plural of "bird", a winged warmblooded egg-laying creature
- birdy - a first name; a little bird
- Biren - a first name
- Birge - a first name
- birgi - an Indian meal, made with egg; a town in Turkey
- birgu - a town in Malta
- biris - plural of "biri", an Indian cigarette
- birks - plural of "birk", a birch tree
- Birky - a first name
- birle - to carouse
- birls - rotates a floating log; pours; supplies with drink
- Birly - a first name
- birma - the Santa Maria tree
- birne - a first name; a boule
- Birny - a first name
- Birol - a first name
- Biron - a first name
- biros - plural of "biro", a kind of disposable pen
- birra - beer
- birrs - plural of "birr", a monetary unit of Ethiopia; a violent thrust
- birse - a bristle
- birsy - bristly
- Birte - a first name
- birth - nativity; origin
- birts - plural of "birt", the turbot
- Birty - a first name
- bises - plural of "bise", a cold northerly wind
- bisex - not unisex; separated by sex
- bisie - to make busy; to hire
- bisks - plural of "bisk", a bisque or thick soup
- bison - an American buffalo
- bisti - a coin
- Biswa - a first name
- bitch - a female dog
- biter - a nibbler
- bites - seizes with the teeth
- bitey - biting; incisive; stinging
- bitie - a biting or stinging insect
- bitis - a genus of African vipers
- bitoi - a river in New Guinea
- bitos - plural of "bito", a tree of Africa and Asia, with oily fruit
- bitsy - a first name; wee
- Bitta - a first name
- bitts - plural of "bitt", a cable attachment
- bitty - a first name; incomplete; tiny; made of bits
- Bitya - a first name
- bitza - a mongrel dog
- biune - a unity formed from two original components
- biver - describing lips that are trembling
- bivia - plural of "bivium", the pair of rays enclosing the madreporite in echinoderms
- bivvy - a bivouac or temporary troop shelter
- biwas - plural of "biwa", a Japanese lute
- bixin - a red-brown carotenoid acid ester, which makes cheese the color it is
- biysk - a town in central Asia
- bizel - bezel
- bizen - byzen, a disgraceful spectacle; a kind of unglazed pottery
- bizes - plural of "bize", a cold northerly wind
- bizet - a bezel
- bizzo - nonsense; a thingmajig
- bizzy - a policeman
- Bjorn - a first name
- blabs - blurts out; talks incessantly
- blaby - an English town
- black - a first name; ebon
- blade - a first name; a knife edge
- blads - plural of "blad", a fragment
- blady - having or made up of blades
- Blaed - a first name
- blaer - more livid
- blaes - hardened shale
- blaff - a West Indian fish stew including vegetables and garlic
- blagh - a town in Northern Ireland
- blags - lies; fabricates; robs
- blahs - a jaded mood, ennui
- blain - a first name; a blister; a pustule
- blair - a first name; to criticize or belittle
- blake - a first name; a North American cape
- blame - to chide; to assign guilt
- blams - plural of "blam", the sound of a gunshot
- blanc - a unit of measurement of weight of 1/24 periot; heraldic white
- bland - a first name; mild; insipid
- blane - a first name; a British river
- blank - a gap; a lacuna; a moneyer's unit of weight
- blare - clangor
- blart - to cry, to bleat, to blare
- Blasa - a first name
- blase - a first name; cloyed, jaded, uninterested
- blash - watered down beer; a dash of liquid
- Blasi - a first name
- blast - a gust; an outburst; an explosion
- blate - shy; slow; to bleat
- blats - bleats
- blatt - a newspaper
- blaud - a fragment
- blaws - blows
- blaye - a town in western France
- Blayr - a first name
- blays - plural of "blay", the bleak, a river fish
- Blaza - a first name
- blaze - a first name; a flame; a white or gray streak in the hair
- blazy - something that blazes
- bleak - dreary; a river fish
- blear - watery
- bleas - plural of "blea", the inner bark of a tree
- bleat - the cry of a sheep
- blebs - plural of "bleb", a blister
- bleck - the coal fish; a cattail
- Bleda - a first name
- Bledi - a first name
- bleed - to lose blood through a wound; to secrete; to impoverish
- bleep - a radio signal; to censor or mask an objectionable spoken word
- blees - plural of "blee", complexion
- bleet - to roar or talk wildly
- blemm - to rush
- blend - to mix
- blenk - to blink; to look; to shine
- blent - poetic "blended"
- bless - to sanction; to make holy; to bestow favors or esteem
- blest - poetic "blessed"
- blets - plural of "blet", a decay spot on fruit
- bleys - plural of "bley", the bleak, a river fish
- blida - a town in Algeria; a town in Lebanon
- bliff - to masturbate
- bligh - a chance, an opportunity
- Blima - a first name
- Blime - a first name
- blimp - an airship; a very fat person
- blimy - a variant of "blimey", an exclamation
- blind - sightless; a hiding place for hunting; a window shade
- bling - gaudy jewel or gold plated caps for teeth, worn as adornment
- blini - plural of "blin", a Russian pancake, rolled around sour cream (yum!)
- blink - to briefly close the eyes; to flicker; "on the blink" means not to be working
- blins - plural of "blin", a blintz
- blips - removes sound from a recording
- blirt - a squall; to fire a gun aimlessly
- bliss - a first name; great happiness; ecstasy
- blist - blessed
- blite - the plant Good King Henry
- blits - plural of "blit", a small image designed to quickly move across a larger image
- blitz - lightning; a surprise attack
- blive - immediately; soon; belive
- Blixa - a first name
- blizz - a violent rainstorm
- bloak - a bloke
- bloat - to dilate; engorged, often with liquid; to dry by smoke
- blobs - plural of "blob", a splotch or glob
- block - to obstruct; a rectangular group of houses surrounded by roads; a rectangular mass
- blocs - plural of "bloc", an alliance
- blogs - plural of "blog", a "web log", or journal posted on the internet
- blois - a first name; a region of northwest France
- bloke - a fellow
- blond - flaxen
- blone - a woman
- blood - animal sap; cruor; heritage
- bloom - a blossom
- bloop - to hit a short flyball
- blore - a violent gust; to bleat or bray
- blort - heroin; cocaine
- bloss - a buxom young woman
- blote - to dry by smoke
- blots - plural of "blot", a spot or stain
- blown - winded; lost
- blows - drives by a current of air
- blowy - breezy; windy; a blowfly
- blubs - cries childishly
- blude - blood
- bludy - bloody
- blued - tempered
- bluer - more blue
- blues - the Royal Horse Guards; a popular musical genre; depression
- bluet - a meadow flower; a kind of cloth
- bluey - a blanket; a crab; an official government summons (often in a blue envelope)
- bluff - sheer; in card games, to play or bet as though one had a better hand than is the case
- bluid - blood
- Bluma - a first name
- blume - to blossom
- blunk - to spoil; to bungle; intoxicated
- blunt - abrupt; obtuse
- blurb - an enthusiastic endorsement; quoted praise
- blurs - makes unclear
- blurt - to utter hastily
- blush - to flush; to turn red with embarassment
- bluto - Popeye's antagonist
- blype - a shred; a piece of sunburned skin that peels off
- Blyss - a first name
- blyth - a first name; a British river
- boaks - bokes; belches
- boana - a town in Papua New Guinea
- boane - a town in Mozambique
- board - a plank; a committee; to embark
- boars - plural of "boar", a wild pig
- boart - a low quality diamond
- Boase - a first name
- boast - to brag
- boats - plural of "boat", a water vessel
- boaty - of a boat; like a boat
- bobac - a marmot of Eastern Europe
- bobak - a marmot of Eastern Europe
- bobas - the yaws
- Bobbe - a first name
- Bobbi - a first name
- bobby - a first name; a British policeman
- Bobek - a first name
- Bobie - a first name
- boboc - a town in Romania
- bocal - a glass beaker; the crook-shaped metal tube connecting a bassoon reed to the instrucment
- bocca - the mouth of a glass furnace; the human mouth; a mouthpiece
- bocce - an Italian lawn game played with wooden balls
- bocci - an Italian lawn game played with wooden balls
- boche - a German about whom one is not feeling affection
- bocks - plural of "bock", a dark beer
- bocoo - beaucoup; very much
- bocor - a Haitian witch doctor
- bocoy - a Cuban unit of volume of about 175 gallons
- Bodan - a first name
- boded - portended
- Bodee - a first name
- boden - a first name; equipped; provided; a town in Sweden
- boder - something that portends
- bodes - portends
- Bodey - a first name
- bodge - to botch; a slap-dash job; an English unit of measurement of 1/2 peck
- bodgy - a wild long-haired teenage boy; not functioning properly
- bodhi - a Buddhist sacred tree
- Bodie - a first name
- Bodil - a first name
- Bodin - a first name
- bodle - a 17th century Scots farthing
- boers - plural of "boer", a South African descended from early Dutch settlers
- boffo - a hearty laugh; very successful; an old coin
- boffs - plural of "boff", a hearty laugh
- bogan - a backwater or tributary; a dreary or uncouth person
- bogen - a musical term referring to the bow of an instrument
- bogey - a first name; a golf term meaning one shot over par; a goblin
- boggo - ordinary merchandise
- boggy - swampy
- Bogic - a first name
- bogie - a first name; a four wheeled truck; a British river
- bogle - a bugbear; a malicious spirit
- Bogna - a first name
- bogon - a person who is bogus, or who utters bogus things
- bogor - a town in Indonesia
- bogue - to move aimlessly or slowly; bogus; in need of narcotics; to smoke a cigarette; that which is bogus; a town in Oklahoma
- bogus - false
- bohai - an ancient people of northeast Asia; a bay in northern China
- bohak - a Slavic immigrant
- bohea - inferior tea
- bohol - an island in the Philippines
- bohor - a small African reedbuck
- bohos - plural of "boho", a bohemian
- boiar - variant of "boyar", a Russian nobleman
- Boice - a first name
- boids - plural of "boid", a snake of a family that includes boas; a New York bird; an artificial life model of a bird
- boiga - a genus
- boilo - hot illicit whiskey
- boils - vaporizes; plural of "boil", an inflamed cyst
- boily - covered in boils; like a boil
- boina - a woolen cap
- boing - a sound effect imitating damped vibration
- boink - to have sexual intercourse; the sound of bouncing impact
- boise - a first name; a city in Idaho
- boist - a rough shelter
- boita - a town in Romania
- boite - a nightclub or bistro
- Bojan - a first name
- boked - belched
- bokeh - the visual quality of unfocussed portions of a photograph
- bokes - belches; plural of "boke", the nose
- bokie - a bogey
- bokoo - beaucoups; many
- bokor - a bocor, a Haitian witch doctor
- bokos - plural of "boko", the nose
- bolan - a river in Baluchistan, Pakistan
- bolar - pertaining to bole, a fine clay
- bolas - a South American missile
- boldo - a Chilean evergreen shrub
- boldu - peumus
- boled - characterized by or having a bole
- Bolek - a first name
- boles - plural of "bole", a fine clay, a tree trunk, a recess; a unit of measurement of momentum
- boley - variant of "booly", a temporary cattle shelter; a town in Oklahoma
- bolin - bowline
- bolis - a meteor which makes a brilliant display
- bolix - bollocks; a confused jumble
- bolke - a kind of bread
- bolla - a bubble
- bollo - a fritter made of black-eyed pea flour and seasonings
- bolls - plural of "boll", a pod
- bolly - a cotton boll that has not opened properly because of frost; a Danish cheese
- bolos - plural of "bolo", a machete
- bolsa - the Argentinian bourse; a bag; a small packet of drugs
- bolti - a cichlid food fish
- bolts - runs away; plural of "bolt", a unit of cloth length measurement; a unit of lightning
- bolty - an edible fish of the Nile; full of bolts
- bolus - a large pill; a soft mass of chewed food that is ready to be swallowed
- bolye - a booly, a temporary cattle shelter
- boman - a first name; a bold fellow
- bomas - plural of "boma", a boa constrictor
- bomba - a city in North Africa
- bombe - a frozen dessert; the ad-hoc devices used to decode German messages in WWII
- bombo - bumbo; a cheap wine
- bombs - plural of "bomb", an explosive projectile
- bomoh - a Malaysian medicine man
- Bonar - a first name
- bonbo - a sweet boiled in sugar
- bonce - a marble game; a large glass marble; the head
- bondi - a town in Australia, near Sydney
- bonds - joins; plural of "bond", a security; a chain; a link
- bondu - the wilderness
- bondy - a first name; a suburb of Paris in France
- boned - seized; removed bones from; had sexual intercourse with
- boner - a mistake; an erection
- bones - plural of "bone", a skeletal structure
- boney - bony; a nickname for Napoleon Bonaparte
- bonga - the betel palm; a town in Ethiopia
- Bongi - a first name
- bongo - an African antelope; a drum
- bongs - plural of "bong", a waterpipe
- bonie - a first name; bonny
- bonin - an island in Japan
- Bonka - a first name
- bonks - hits on the head; fornicates with
- bonna - an ancient name for Bonn, Germany
- bonne - a first name; a French nurse; a housemaid
- Bonni - a first name
- bonny - a first name; an ore pocket; pretty
- bonte - civility
- bonus - an extra award
- bonza - excellent
- bonze - a Buddhist priest
- bonzo - a first name; crazy; excellent
- booai - the back country
- booay - the back country
- boobs - plural of "boob", a fool; a breast
- booby - a simpleton; a seabird
- booch - to slap
- booda - cookies impregnated with cannabis
- boodh - a variant of "Buddha"
- boody - to sulk or mope; the buttocks; a woman
- booed - hooted
- booer - one who boos
- booey - a first name; a kind of calzone
- boofa - a stupid person
- boogh - to slap
- boogy - to dance to rock music; a kind of small body-surfing board
- boohs - plural of "booh", a catcall or hoot
- booie - nasal mucus
- boojy - bourgeouis, middle class
- books - makes a reservation; runs quickly; printed volumes
- booky - a first name; bookish
- booly - a temporary cattle shelter; a company of wandering herdsmen
- booms - plural of "boom", a loud thundering; a long heavy beam
- boomy - prospering
- Boona - a first name
- boone - a first name; someone who will stab you in the back
- boong - an aboriginal
- boonk - a European bird
- boons - plural of "boon", a favor; a blessing
- Boony - a first name
- boopi - a river in Bolivia
- boops - a wealthy lover; plural of "boop", a humpbacked whale
- boord - board
- boori - an aborigine
- boors - plural of "boor", a rude or uncultured person
- boort - imperfect or coarse diamonds or diamond fragments
- boose - booze; a cow stall; the mouth
- boost - to push up; to cheer up; to praise
- boosy - boozy
- Boota - a first name
- Boote - a first name
- booth - a first name; a market stall
- boots - last joined; a shoe cleaner; plural of "boot", a high-legged shoe
- booty - loot; the buttocks
- booya - an exclamation supposed to suggest sudden surprise; a kind of stew prepared in a massive batch
- booza - an Egyptian and Arabic drink made from fermented millet
- booze - liquor
- boozy - drunk; smelling of booze
- boppo - a one-year jail term
- boppy - lively and full of swing
- borac - nonsense
- borak - a first name; to banter; nonsense
- boral - a mixture of boron carbide and aluminum
- boran - an east African breed of cattle
- boras - plural of "bora", a fierce northeasterly wind
- borax - borate of soda; nonsense
- borba - a town in Brazil, on the Amazon
- borda - a Pacific cape
- Borce - a first name
- borde - a shilling; a board
- bords - plural of "bord", a coal face; a board
- Bordy - a first name
- bored - drilled; wearied
- boree - a first name; a French peasant dance; a species of acacia
- borek - a meat turnover
- borel - borrel, rustic or boorish
- borer - an insect; a sea worm
- bores - drills; fails to interest; tidal waves
- borga - a town in Finland
- borgo - a borough
- boric - boracic
- Boris - a first name
- Borja - a first name
- Borka - a first name
- borna - a town in Germany
- borne - narrow minded; carried
- borno - a state of Nigeria
- bornu - a former sultanate, now a province of Nigeria
- borod - a town in Romania
- boron - a nonmetallic element
- borth - a town in Wales
- borts - plural of "bort", a low quality diamond
- borty - of or containing borts, poorly crystallized diamonds.
- bortz - a low quality diamond
- borun - botocudo
- Borut - a first name
- borwe - to pledge; to borrow
- Borya - a first name
- boryl - a chemical compound
- Borys - a first name
- bosal - a noseband
- bosas - plural of "bosa", a Persian liquor
- bosca - bosker; good
- bosch - an imitation butter; the bush or wilderness
- boses - tests ground by percussion with a heavy rammer
- bosey - a googly, a deceptive cricket pitch
- boshy - foolish
- bosie - a googly
- Boska - a first name
- Boski - a first name
- bosko - drunk
- bosks - plural of "bosk", a small wooded area
- bosky - shady
- bosom - the breast
- boson - a boatswain; a subatomic particle
- bosox - the Boston Red Sox
- bosso - a glance
- bossy - domineering
- bosta - a tough, chewy sweet
- bosun - a boatswain
- botai - a town in Kazakhstan
- Botan - a first name
- botas - plural of "bota", a leather bottle
- botch - to badly mishandle; an inflammatory sore
- botel - a boatel, a waterside inn
- botes - plural of "bote", compensation
- botev - a mountain in Bulgaria
- Botho - a first name
- bothy - a farmhand's cottage
- botle - a pass or thrust in fencing
- botok - an Asian cape
- botos - plural of "boto", an Amazon River dolphin
- botox - the botulinum toxin, a paralytic used to treat twitches on the sick and wrinkles on the vain
- botts - plural of "bott", an insect larva
- bottu - a Hindu forehead caste mark
- botty - a baby's buttocks
- bouai - a megalithic site in central Africa
- bouar - a town in the Central African Republic
- bouch - to debouch
- boucq - a river in Belgium
- bouds - plural of "boud", an insect in grain
- bouge - to bulge; to budge; the belly of a cask; a bag; a term from heraldry
- bough - a branch
- bouks - plural of "bouk", a body
- boule - inlay work; an assembly
- boult - bolt; to sift through a coarse material
- bound - a limit; to jump; tied; constrained; guaranteed
- boung - a purse
- bouns - makes ready
- bourd - jest, fun
- boure - an early state in western Africa
- bourg - a town
- bouri - a mullet of Southern Europe and Africa
- bourn - a first name; a stream; a boundary
- Bousa - a first name
- bouse - booze; to haul via tackle
- bousy - drunken
- bouto - an Amazon river dolphin
- bouts - plural of "bout", a round
- bouya - an exclamation made when you've proved someone wrong, or bested them
- bouza - bozah, an acidulated fermented drink made of millet seed and other astringents
- bouze - booze
- bovec - a town in Slovenia
- bovey - a kind of coal; nasal mucus; a British river
- bovid - a bovine
- bowat - a lantern
- bowed - bent; used a bow
- bowel - the intestine
- Bowen - a first name
- bower - an arbor; the jack in eucher
- bowes - a variant of "boughs"
- bowet - a young hawk
- bowge - bouge; to swell out; to cause to leak
- bowie - a first name; a large knife
- bowla - a tart of sugar, apples and bread
- bowls - skittles; deep dishes
- bowly - a large rectangular sunken pool used as a public water supply in India
- bowne - to boun, to prepare or get ready
- bowrs - plural of "bowr", a muscle
- bowse - to heave via tackle
- bowsy - a street urchin
- boxed - crated; fought with
- boxen - made of boxwood
- boxer - one who packs; a fighter; a Chinese revolutionary
- boxes - fights; crates
- Boxin - a first name
- boxty - a traditional Irish potato cake
- Boyan - a first name
- boyar - a Russian nobleman
- boyau - a ditch
- Boyce - a first name
- boyed - played as a boy
- boyer - a small Flemish sloop
- boygs - plural of "boyg", an ogre; an obstacle
- boyla - an Australian witch doctor
- boyle - a town in Eire
- boyne - a first name; a flat shallow tub; the site of a battle between the deposed King James II and the new King William
- boyos - plural of "boyo", a boy
- bozah - an acidulated fermented drink made of millet seed and other astringents
- bozal - bosal
- bozen - the former name of Bolzano, Italy
- bozoo - a town in West Virginia
- bozos - plural of "bozo", a fellow; a clown; an idiot
- Bozze - a first name
- brabs - plural of "brab", a palmyra
- braca - a first name; a unit of measure in Brazil
- brace - a pair; to stiffen
- brach - a bitch hound
- brack - a flaw in cloth
- bract - a specialized leaf
- Bracy - a first name
- Bradd - a first name
- Brade - a first name
- brads - plural of "brad", a small nail
- Brady - a first name
- braes - plural of "brae", a hillside or sloping bank
- braff - a Dominican stew
- braga - a town in Nepal; a town in Portugal
- bragi - the Norse god of poetry and eloquence
- brags - boasts
- Brahm - a first name
- braid - to weave
- brail - to furl; the rump feathers of a hawk; a rope used to secure scenery
- brain - the cerebellum
- brait - a rough diamond
- brake - a thicket; a kind of fern; to halt
- braky - ferny
- brale - a conical diamond indenter
- brama - an attractive woman
- brame - a fierce passion or longing
- Bramm - a first name
- Brana - a first name
- brand - a first name; a stigma; a torch; a trade name
- brane - a generalization of a membrane, with a "2-brane" a surface in 2D, and so on
- Brani - a first name
- brank - a first name; buckwheat; a device used to restrain the tongue; a bridle with wooden side pieces
- Brann - a first name
- brans - plural of "bran", the outer coat of a cereal grain
- brant - a first name; a wild goose; a British river
- brary - the library
- brash - hasty; impudent
- brass - a metal; money; impudence
- brast - to burst
- brata - a town in Norway
- brath - a broth
- brats - plural of "brat", bratwursts; unpleasant children
- braul - striped cloth
- Braun - a first name
- brava - a shout of approval; a town in Somalia
- brave - daring; an Indian warrior
- bravi - plural of "bravo"
- bravo - an exclamation meaning "well done!"; an assassin
- brawl - a disorganized fight; to wrangle
- brawn - strength
- braws - fine clothes
- braxy - a malignant edema of sheep
- brays - utters a harsh cry
- braza - a Spanish unit of length, about 5.5 feet
- braze - to solder together
- brcko - a bedeviled town in Bosnia-Herzogovina
- bread - a baked food, made of ground wheat
- Breah - a first name
- break - an interval; to shatter
- bream - a fish; to clean
- Brear - a first name
- Breay - a first name
- breba - a fig of the first crop ripening on the old wood
- breck - a first name; a breach; a gap
- breda - a first name; a fortress city in the Netherlands
- brede - a first name; a braid; a river in England; a town in England
- bredi - a meat stew containing a vegetable
- Bredo - a first name
- Breea - a first name
- breed - to beget
- breef - brief
- breem - stern; a sow in heat; apparent
- breer - a sprout; a brier
- brees - plural of "bree", a broth; an eyebrow
- breit - a musical term meaning "broad" or "wide"
- brejo - a town in Brazil
- breme - referring to raging or ferocious weather; cruel; apparent
- Brena - a first name
- Brenn - a first name
- Breno - a first name
- brens - plural of "bren", a submachine gun
- brent - a first name; lofty; a bird
- Breon - a first name
- brere - a sprout
- brers - plural of "brer", a brother
- brest - a breast; a port city in France; a town in western Russia
- brett - a first name; a britzska; a carriage; a British river
- breva - a kind of cigar
- breve - a long note (wouldn't you think it the other way around?); a U-shaped mark over a vowel
- brews - steeps in boiling water
- brewy - like a brew
- Breza - a first name
- Briah - a first name
- Brian - a first name
- briar - a pipe; a wild rose
- bribe - to suborn
- Brice - a first name
- brick - a first name; a building block
- Bridd - a first name
- bride - a first name; a woman being married; a British river
- Bridi - a first name
- Bridy - a first name
- brief - short; tight men's underwear; a commission
- brieg - a town in western Poland
- Brien - a first name
- brier - a first name; a wild rose
- bries - plural of "brie", a broth; a cream cheese
- Briet - a first name
- brigg - a first name; an English town
- brigh - a trouser pocket
- brigs - plural of "brig", a two-masted ship
- brike - a breach; peril
- brill - a type of turbot; brilliant; excellent
- brims - plural of "brim", a rim or edge
- Brina - a first name
- brine - salt water
- bring - to fetch
- brink - the edge
- Brinn - a first name
- brins - plural of "brin", a rib of a fan
- briny - a first name; salty
- Brion - a first name
- brios - plural of "brio", liveliness
- Brisa - a first name
- brise - a musical term meaning "broken"
- brisk - quick; lively
- briss - berith
- brist - a city in Croatia
- Brita - a first name
- brite - overripe
- brith - a circumcision
- brits - plural of "brit", a Britisher; a young herring
- britt - a first name; a young herring
- brive - a town in France
- briza - totter grass
- brize - the gadfly
- brizz - to crush; to bruise
- broad - wide; a woman
- brobs - plural of "brob", a wooden wedge
- broch - an ancient stone hut
- brock - a first name; a badger; a British river; a cow
- brocs - plural of "broc", a pewter wine measure
- brode - an inflected form of "to braid"
- Brodi - a first name
- brods - plural of "brod", a goad
- brody - a first name; a town in Ukraine
- broen - a town in Sweden
- brogh - a burgh
- brogs - plural of "brog", an awl
- broid - a braid
- broil - a brawl
- broke - collapsed; ruined; out of money
- broma - a kind of prepared chocolate; a food
- brome - a grass
- bromo - a medicinal compound
- Brona - a first name
- bronc - a bronco
- brond - a brand
- bronk - a bronco
- bronx - a New York borough; a cocktail
- brood - to incubate; to meditate obsessively
- brook - a first name; a stream; to tolerate
- brool - a deep murmur; a low rumble
- broom - a sweeping implement; a shrub
- broon - the color brown
- broos - plural of "broo", a broth
- Broox - a first name
- brora - a town in Scotland; a British river
- brose - a first name; Scotch porridge; a dish made by pouring boiling liquid on meal
- brosy - smeared with porridge
- broth - a soup
- brott - broken pieces
- brown - a first name; tan; dark red
- brows - plural of "brow", a forehead
- bruay - a town in France
- Bruce - a first name
- bruch - a production reject that must be scrapped
- bruck - destroyed
- Brucy - a first name
- bruff - a town in Eire
- brugh - a borough
- bruik - a brook
- bruin - a bear
- Bruis - a first name
- bruit - to noise about
- bruja - a witch; a sorceress
- brujo - a sorcerer; a witch
- brule - a kind of pastry
- brume - a fog (hence "Brumaire")
- brump - to gather fallen twigs and branches
- Bruna - a first name
- brune - a brunette
- brung - slang for "brought"
- Bruno - a first name
- Bruns - a first name
- brunt - a shock; the main force
- brusa - an Islamic metropolis; a former name for Bursa
- brush - low bushy vegetation; a bristly device used for combing or cleaning; a skirmish; a sweep
- brusk - terse; unfriendly
- bruss - an exaggerated position of attention used in the Army
- brust - burst
- bruta - edentata
- brute - a savage
- bruzz - a wheelwright's chisel
- Bryan - a first name
- Bryar - a first name
- Bryce - a first name
- Bryen - a first name
- Bryga - a first name
- Bryna - a first name
- Brynn - a first name
- Bryon - a first name
- bryum - a genus of mosses
- brzeg - a former name for the town of Brieg in western Poland
- buang - a Papuan people of New Guinea
- buats - plural of "buat", a bowat
- buaze - an African woody vine
- bubal - a large African antelope
- bubas - plural of "buba", another name for yaws
- bubba - a first name; a good ole boy
- bubbe - a Yiddish term for "grandmother"
- bubbi - a term of affection
- bubby - a first name; a term of affection; a little boy; a breast; allspice
- bubie - a term of affection
- bubos - plural of "bubo", a swollen lymph gland, a sign of the plague
- Bubsy - a first name
- bucca - a scarecrow; the cheek
- bucco - the puff bird genus
- Buchi - a first name
- bucho - an African medicinal plant
- buchu - the dried leaves of certain plants used as a diuretic and tea
- buchy - a town in France
- bucko - a first name; a bully; an affectionate nickname
- bucks - plural of "buck", a dollar; a male deer; a leap and twist
- bucku - buchu, a rutaceous genus with medicinal leaves
- Bucky - a first name
- budda - a hoary Australian forage shrub
- Budde - a first name
- buddy - a first name; a partner
- budes - plural of "bude", a gas burner
- budge - lambskin; to stir, to move
- budgy - consisting of fur
- budos - plural of "budo", the philosophy of the martial art
- budva - a town in Montenegro
- Buell - a first name
- buena - a first name; a town in New Jersey
- bueno - good, very well
- bufeo - an Amazon river dolphin
- buffa - a female singer of comic opera roles
- buffe - plural of "buffa", a female singer of comic opera roles
- buffi - plural of "buffo"
- buffo - a comic actor or operatic clown
- buffs - polishes; a famous regiment
- buffy - a first name; of a buff color
- bufos - plural of "bufo", a cane toad that secretes a frothy hallucinogen when disturbed
- bufty - a male homosexual
- bugan - a hobgoblin
- buggy - infested with insects or mistakes; a baby carriage; a horse-drawn vehicle
- bught - bought
- bugia - a candlestick
- bugis - plural of "bugi", an Indonesian people of Celebes
- bugle - a musical instrument; a jet bead; a genus of flowering plants
- bugre - a Brazilian Indian
- Bugsy - a first name
- buhid - variant of "bukid", a people of south Mindoro
- buhls - plural of "buhl", a brass and tortoise shell inlay
- buhrs - plural of "buhr", a heavy stone
- buick - to vomit
- buids - plural of "buid", variant of "bukid", a people of south Mindoro
- buiem - a river in New Guinea
- buiks - plural of "buik", a book
- build - to construct; to erect
- built - fabricated
- buist - to mark sheep; a chest
- bujak - a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire, in southwestern Russia
- bukat - a town in Iran; a people of Indonesia
- bukes - plural of "buke", a book
- bukid - a people of south Mindoro
- bukra - tomorrow; a white man
- bulaq - a town in Egypt
- bulau - an East Indian insect-eating mammal; an African cape
- bulbi - plural of "bulbus", a bulb-shaped anatomical part
- bulbs - plural of "bulb", a underground bud
- bulby - bulbous
- bulge - to swell
- bulgy - protuberant; full of bulges
- bulks - plural of "bulk", a mass
- bulky - massive
- bulla - a papal seal; a mollusk; a hollow thin-walled rounded bony prominence; a large blister
- bulle - a first name; a town in Switzerland
- bullo - nonsense
- bulls - plural of "bull", a male cow; a papal pronouncement
- bully - excellent; a hector
- bulse - a bag used to transport jewels
- bulti - a variant of "bolti"
- bulto - an image of a saint in wood
- bulty - a variant of "bolty"
- bulus - plural of "bulu", a people of Cameroon
- Bulut - a first name
- bumba - the buttocks
- bumbo - a punch made from rum, sugar, water and nutmeg; a feminist who denigrates beautiful women
- bumbu - a river in New Guinea
- bumfs - plural of "bumf", from "bum fodder", toilet paper, paperwork
- bumpa - the buttocks
- bumph - "bum fodder"; toilet paper; paperwork
- bumps - knocks against
- bumpy - uneven
- bunak - a language
- bunas - plural of "buna", an artificial rubber
- bunce - an unexpected gain; a windfall
- bunch - a batch; a group
- bunco - a swindle
- buncy - profitable; lucrative
- bunda - a town in Tanzania
- bundi - a town in Papua New Guinea; a town in India
- bunds - plural of "bund", a political association; an embankment
- bundt - a kind of cake pan
- bundu - the wilderness
- bundy - a small crooked Australian tree; a time clock; Bundaberg rum
- bunga - a native council in the Transkei
- bungi - a dropout
- bungo - a large canoe in the southwestern United States; a country bumpkin; a river in New Guinea
- bungs - plural of "bung", a stopper
- bungy - bhangi; a rubber eraser; a dropout
- bunia - an Indian trader; a town in the Congo
- bunje - a variant of 'bunjee', a long flexible cord
- bunji - a white man who pursues aboriginal women for sex
- bunjy - a variant of 'bunjee", a long flexible cord
- bunko - a swindle
- bunks - plural of "bunk", a sleeping berth
- Bunky - a first name
- Bunni - a first name
- bunns - plural of "bunn", a bun
- bunny - a first name; a rabbit
- bunse - an extra, a bonus
- bunts - butts; hits lightly with the bat
- bunty - a first name; a wheat disease
- bunun - a language
- bunya - an evergreen tree
- Bunzo - a first name
- buolt - a variant of "bolt"
- buoys - raises up; plural of "buoy", a marine floating marker device
- buoux - a town in France
- buppy - an acronym: "Black Urban Professional"
- Burak - a first name
- buram - a town in Sudan
- buran - a violent Central Asian blizzard
- burao - a town in Somalia
- buras - a town in Louisiana; plural of "bura", a violent windstorm
- burbs - the suburbs
- Burch - a first name
- burds - plural of "burd", a maiden
- burel - borrel
- bureo - a court
- burep - a river in New Guinea
- bures - plural of "bure", a large house or temple in Fiji
- buret - a measuring tube
- burga - in Alaska, a windy snowstorm
- burgh - a first name; a town
- burgo - a first name; burgao, a common top shell
- burgs - plural of "burg", a town
- burhs - plural of "burh", a town
- burin - a pointed steel engraving tool; a village on the West Bank
- buris - plural of "buri", the talipot palm
- burji - a language
- burka - a loose enveloping garment with eyeholes, worn by Muslim women
- burke - a first name; to murder; to suffocate by pressing the chest and holding the nostrils; a fool
- burks - murders; smothers
- burla - a musical composition of humorous nature
- burls - finishes cloth by removing lumps; wood knots
- burly - stout; used in the phrase "hurly burly" to mean confusion and disorder
- burma - an Asian country renamed to Myanmar
- Burne - a first name
- burns - ignites; plural of "burn", a stream
- burnt - burned
- burny - a first name; burning; full of burns
- buroo - the employment exchange office
- buros - plural of "buro", a bureau; a Philippine fish dish
- burps - belches
- burpy - like a burp; containing burps
- burqa - the traditional Islamic head-to-toe covering for women
- burra - "great", used in phrases as a title of respect in India; a language
- burro - a donkey
- burrs - plural of "burr", a rough edge; an accent with rolled "R" sounds
- Burrt - a first name
- burru - a shelter from the wind
- burry - prickly; full of burrs; an aborigine
- bursa - a sac; a town in western Anatolia
- burse - a purse
- burst - to split open
- burts - plural of "burt", a flatfish
- Burtt - a first name
- Burty - a first name
- burun - a language
- burut - kara khirghiz
- busan - a town in Korea, formerly known as Pusan
- busby - a bearskin headdress
- bused - transported by bus
- buses - plural of "bus", a mass transit vehicle
- bushi - samurai
- bushy - overgrown
- busia - a town in Kenya
- busks - bushes; acts in the streets
- busky - shady
- bussa - a town in western Africa
- Busse - a first name
- bussu - a low palm of the South American tidal swamps
- bussy - a sweetheart; a bus driver; like a bus
- busta - a punk; a jerk; a fake person; a tattletale; breaking
- busti - a small Indian village
- busto - a bust or head sculpture
- busts - arrests; head sculptures; bosoms; breaks
- busty - chesty
- butan - a town in Bulgaria
- butch - a first name; masculine; a masculine lesbian
- butea - a genus of East Indian trees
- buteo - a hawk
- butes - plural of "bute", variant of "butte", a hill
- buthe - an obsolete form of "booth"
- butic - a town in the Philippines
- butja - an island near New Guinea
- butle - to serve as a butler
- butoh - a modern Japanese dance form involving white body paint
- butsu - the Buddha
- butte - an isolated hill; a kind of cheese
- butts - plural of "butt", a rifle range; a haunch; a wine barrel
- butty - a mining partner; a deputy; a sandwich
- butuo - a town in China, along the opium route from Burma to Europe
- butut - a monetary unit of Gambia
- butyl - a butter extract
- butyn - a colorless crystalline substance used as an anesthetic
- buxar - a town in India, the site of a famous battle
- buxed - out of money
- buxie - bakshee, money
- buxom - comely
- buxus - a genus of evergreen shrubs
- buyer - a purchaser
- buyid - a Persian Shiite dynasty, overthrown by the Seljuks
- buyos - plural of "buyo", a Philippine masticatory of betel leaf, areca nut, lime and tobacco
- buzau - a town in Romania
- Buzby - a first name
- buzet - a town in Croatia
- Buzwe - a first name
- buzza - a greeting meaning "what's up?"
- buzzy - a first name; dazed; making a buzz; intoxicated
- bviri - a language
- bwaka - a language and tribe of central Africa
- bwana - boss
- bwazi - an African woody vine
- bwlch - a town in Wales
- byard - a miner's hauling strap
- byclu - a town in Bulgaria
- bying - getting a pass in a tournament
- byked - biked
- bykes - bikes
- bylaw - a lesser rule
- bylot - an island in Canada
- bylow - a single-bladed folding knife with a bone handle
- bynum - a town in Alabama
- Byoba - a first name
- byobu - a Japanese painted screen with six panels
- byons - plural of "byon", a gem-bearing clay earth of Burma
- byous - extraordinary
- Byram - a first name
- Byran - a first name
- Byrdy - a first name
- Byren - a first name
- byres - plural of "byre", a cow shed
- Byrie - a first name
- Byrle - a first name
- byrls - carouses
- Byrne - a first name
- Byrom - a first name
- Byron - a first name
- byrsa - a citadel; the area of Carthage laid out by Queen Dido, who was given as much land as could be surrounded by a bull's hide
- Bysen - a first name
- byssi - plural of "byssus", the silky filament used by bivalves to attach themselves to fixed surfaces
- bytes - plural of "byte", an 8 bit unit of computer memory
- bytom - a city in southwest Poland
- byway - a side path
- byzas - in Greek mythology, the son of Poseidon, founder of Byzantium
- byzen - a disgraceful spectacle
- byzus - a Byzantine city in Thrace
- caaba - the Kaaba
- caama - the hartebeest or asse; a South American fox
- caapi - a vine in northwest South America
- cabal - a clique; a conspiracy
- caban - cavan; an Arabian cloth; the seventeenth day of the Mayan religious month
- cabas - plural of "caba", a rush basket
- cabby - a cab driver
- cabda - a unit of measurement in Arabia
- caber - a tree trunk
- cabin - a log house; a room in a ship
- cabio - variant of "cobia"
- cabir - nature worship
- cable - a first name; a thick rope; a wire; a unit of length of 100 fathoms
- cabob - an oriental meat dish
- caboc - a kind of cheese
- cabon - a town in Haiti
- cabot - a unit of capacity equal to half a bushel; a strait in Canada
- cabra - a town in Ireland; a town in Kosovo
- cabre - an aeronautical stunt
- cabri - pronghorn
- cabul - a river in Afghanistan; a biblical place
- cacan - a town in Afghanistan
- cacao - the chocolate tree
- Cacey - a first name
- cacha - auburn
- cache - a secret store
- Cachi - a first name
- Cacia - a first name
- Cacie - a first name
- cacko - extremely drunk
- cacti - plural of "cactus", a fleshy desert plant
- cacus - a sheep-stealing monster beaten by Herakles
- Cadao - a first name
- Cadby - a first name
- caddo - a member of a confederacy of North American Indian tribes
- caddy - a golfing assistant
- cadee - a first name; a variant of "cadet"
- Cadel - a first name
- Caden - a first name
- cader - a variant of "cadre"
- cades - plural of "cade", a cask of herrings; a pet lamb; a European juniper
- cadet - a student soldier; a younger son
- cadew - a caddis fly
- cadey - a first name; a hat
- cadge - to sponge
- cadgy - wanton; sexually adventurous
- cadie - a first name; a caddie
- cadis - plural of "cadi", an Islamic judge
- cadiz - a port city in Spain; a lake in North America
- cados - a town in Spain
- cadre - a nucleus; a specially trained group
- Cadye - a first name
- caeca - variant plural of "cecum"
- Caeli - a first name
- Caely - a first name
- caere - an Etruscan settlement in Italy, now Cerveteri
- caers - plural of "caer", a camp
- caese - a Shakespearean interjection
- caete - a town in Brazil
- cafes - plural of "cafe", a coffee-house
- caffa - a city on the Black Sea; a cotton cloth
- caffs - plural of "caff", a cafeteria
- caffy - a cafeteria
- cafis - a Spanish unit of capacity, about 666 liters
- cafiz - a unit of measurement in Arabia
- caged - captive
- cager - a basketball player
- cages - plural of "cage", an enclosure
- cagey - cautious; unforthcoming; duplicitous; wiley
- cagit - a green parrot of the Philippines
- cagot - a Pyrennese pariah race
- cagua - a town in Venezuela
- Cahan - a first name
- caher - a town in Eire
- Cahil - a first name
- Cahit - a first name
- cahiz - a Spanish unit of capacity, about 666 liters
- cahot - "thank you, ma'am"; a bump; a ridge of snow across a road, left by sleighs
- cahow - a rare Bermuda petrel
- caico - a town in Brazil
- caics - plural of "caic", a Turkish skiff
- caids - plural of "caid", an alcayde; an Islamic judge
- Caily - a first name
- Caina - a first name
- caine - a first name; cocaine
- cains - plural of "cain", a kain; a rent in kind; a weasel
- Caira - a first name
- caird - a traveling tinker
- cairn - a first name; a heap of stones; a kind of terrier
- cairo - a first name; the capital city of Egypt
- Caisi - a first name
- Caite - a first name
- Caity - a first name
- Caius - a first name
- caiza - a town in Bolivia
- cajan - people, primarily in Alabama, of mixed white, black and Indian heritage
- cajon - a steep-sided canyon
- Cajsa - a first name
- cajun - corruption of "Acadian", a Louisiana group of French Canadian origin
- caked - thickly layered
- Caker - a first name
- cakes - plural of "cake", a large dessert pastry
- cakey - tending to form crusts; like a cake; simple-minded; a fool
- cakra - variant of "chakra", one of 6 points of spiritual power in the body
- Calab - a first name
- Calah - a first name
- Calan - a first name
- calas - plural of "cala", a Creole fried cake made mainly of rice, with dough and sugar
- calca - a town in Peru
- calcs - plural of "calc", a calculator
- caldy - a British island
- caleb - a first name; a Biblical spy
- Calee - a first name
- Calem - a first name
- cales - a Roman colony in Italy
- Caley - a first name
- calfs - plural of "calf", a young cow; part of the leg
- Calia - a first name
- calid - hot
- Calie - a first name
- calif - a caliph
- calin - a first name; an alloy of lead and tin used by the Chineses
- calix - a cup
- calks - caulks; plural of "calk", a horseshoe projection used to improve footing
- calla - a first name; the bog arum
- calle - caul; a street
- Calli - a first name
- calls - names; telephones
- Cally - a first name
- calma - a musical term meaning "quieting" or "tranquility"
- calmi - a town in Illinois
- calms - makes still or peaceful
- calmy - calm
- calne - a town in southwest England
- calno - a biblical place
- calor - body heat that is a sign of inflammation
- calos - plural of "calo", a language spoken by Spanish gypsies
- calot - a woman's hat
- calpa - a day of Brahma
- calpe - the ancient name of the Rock of Gibraltar; a town in ancient Asia Minor
- calps - plural of "calp", a shale bed
- Calum - a first name
- calva - the upper part of the human cranium
- calve - to give birth
- calvi - a port town in Corsica
- Calym - a first name
- Calyn - a first name
- calyx - a cup; the outer protective covering of a flower
- camac - something much too expensive or complex for its simple purpose
- caman - a shinty stick, used in the game of hurling; a town in Afghanistan; a town in Ireland
- Camar - a first name
- camas - a perennial herb; a town in Washington state; plural of "cama", a South African hartebeest
- camau - an Asian cape
- cambo - a Cambodian
- camel - a first name; a Bactrian
- cameo - a first name; the opposite of "intaglio"; a brief appearance
- cames - plural of "came", a leaden window rod
- Camey - a first name
- Camia - a first name
- camis - a chemise; plural of "cami", a camisole
- Cammi - a first name
- cammy - a first name; a camouflage outfit
- camon - a biblical place
- camou - camouflage
- campa - an Arawakan people of eastern Peru
- campe - a female monster in Greek mythology
- campi - plural of "campo", a level grassy plain; plural of "campus", the site of a college
- campo - a level grassy plain or clearing
- camps - lives in the open
- campy - a first name; overdone; ludicrous
- camus - a camis, a chemise; short, flat, concave
- canak - a town in Turkey, now Canakkale
- canal - channel
- canar - a town in Ecuador
- canas - a town in Costa Rica
- canat - kinat
- canby - a town in Oregon
- canch - a sloping slice removed from the roof or floor of a mine roadway
- Canda - a first name
- cande - first name
- Candi - a first name
- cando - a town in North Dakota
- candu - the Canadian Deuterium Uranium reactor
- candy - a first name; a sweet treat; a unit of weight in India of about 500 pounds
- canea - a seaport in northwest Crete, and the capital city
- caned - made of cane; beaten with a cane
- caneh - a unit of length of 6 cubits
- canel - cannel; cinammon
- caner - one who canes
- canes - beats; plural of "cane", a rattan, a long stick
- cange - a village in Haiti
- cangs - plural of "cang", a Chinese pillory
- canid - any member of the dog family
- canis - the genus to which the dog and wolf belong
- canna - the arrowroot; a unit of length of 2 yards; cannot; a British island
- canns - plural of "cann", directs the steering (of a ship)
- canny - shrewd
- canoa - a sloop-rigged fishing boat common in the Amazon delta
- canoe - a small boat
- canon - a first name; a precept; a type size of 48 points
- canso - a love song
- canst - Biblical "can"
- canta - a town in Peru
- canto - a division of a poem
- cants - plural of "cant", a tilt or slant; argot; hypocrisy
- cantu - an African cape; a town in Italy
- canty - talkative; cheerful; brisk; unpleasant; ill-tempered
- canun - a zither
- caoba - mahogany
- capas - a town in the Philippines; plural of "capa", a Spanish cloak
- capax - legally competent
- caped - wearing a cape
- capel - a horse
- caper - to dance; a shrub; the flower bud of the caper used as a seasoning; a bird
- capes - plural of "cape", a promontory; an open cloak
- capey - a Cape Coloured person
- caphs - plural of "caph", an alternative spelling of "kaph"
- capie - a Cape Coloured person
- capim - a river in Brazil
- capiz - a small marine bivalve; a province on Panay island
- caple - a horse
- capoc - kapok
- capon - a fish; a letter; a castrated rooster
- capos - plural of "capo", a pitch raising device for fretted instruments
- capot - to win all the tricks in a game of piquet
- cappa - an ecclesiastical or academic cape
- Cappi - a first name
- cappo - capote; a capitalist, in the sense of a money grubber
- cappy - a first name; like a cap; having a tallow taste because of butterfat oxidation
- capra - a she-goat
- capri - a first name; an Italian resort island in the bay of Naples; the genus of goats
- capsa - an ancient name of the town of Gafsa in Tunisia
- capua - an Italian city near Naples
- capul - a horse
- capun - a prisoner sentenced to capital punishment
- caput - the head; a knoblike protuberance; kaput
- Capys - a first name
- carac - carack, a kind of large ship, a galleon
- Carah - a first name
- caral - an ancient city of Peru
- carap - a tropical tree of the mahogany family
- carat - a unit of weight of 200 milligrams
- caraz - a town in Peru
- carbo - a carbohydrate; charcoal
- carbs - plural of "carb", a carburetor; a food rich in carbohydrates
- carby - a carburetor
- carda - a kind of cloth
- cardi - a sweater (shortened from "Cardigan")
- cardo - a basal maxillary joint of an insect
- cards - demands proper identification; plural of "card", a stiff piece of paper
- cardy - a sweater (shortened from "Cardigan")
- cared - minded
- Caree - a first name
- Carel - a first name
- Caren - a first name
- carer - one who cares or tends
- cares - is concerned or interested
- caret - an editing mark indicating an insertion; the hawksbill turtle
- Carew - a first name
- carex - a sedge (a primitive three-sided grass)
- carey - a first name; the hawksbill turtle; a British river
- carfs - carves
- carga - a unit of weight in El Salvador, Colombia and Mexico of about 300 pounds
- cargo - freight
- caria - an ancient territory of southwest Asia Minor, domain of King Mausolos
- carib - a native of the Caribbean
- carid - a crustacean of the tribe Carides
- Carie - a first name
- Caril - a first name
- Carin - a first name
- Caris - a first name
- carks - plural of "cark", care; trouble
- carky - troubled
- Carla - a first name
- carle - a first name; a rude strong man
- Carli - a first name
- Carlo - a first name
- carls - plural of "carl", a churl; a robust fellow; a farmer
- Carly - a first name
- Carma - a first name
- carme - a moon of Jupiter
- Carmi - a first name
- Carmy - a first name
- Carna - a first name
- carne - a first name; heroin; the Spanish for "meat", used, for example in "chile con carne"
- carno - a town in Wales
- carns - plural of "carn", a cairn, a carnation
- carny - a first name; blarney; a carnival worker
- caroa - a Brazilian plant related to the pinguin
- carob - the locust or algaroba tree, or its fruit
- carol - a first name; a song
- carom - a billiard shot in which one ball is made to hit two others in succession
- caron - a first name; an accent mark
- carot - variant of "carotte", a cylindrical roll of tobacco
- carpe - Latin for "seize" or "grasp", as in "carpe diem" which means "seize the day"
- carpi - a town in northern Italy; plural of "carpus", the area between the hand and forearm
- carps - complains; plural of "carp", a goldfish relative
- carpy - incarceration
- Carra - a first name
- Carri - a first name
- carrs - plural of "carr", a marsh
- carry - a first name; to transport
- carse - low-lying fertile land
- carsy - a lavatory; a house; a brothel; a thieve's den
- carta - a charter
- carte - a fencing term; a menu
- carts - plural of "cart", a wagon
- carty - of a horse that resembles a cart horse
- carua - a town in Brazil
- carum - a genus of biennial aromatic herbs
- carus - a heavy sleep; unconsciousness
- Carva - a first name
- carve - to cut
- carvy - the caraway plant
- carya - a genus of North American hardwood trees
- Caryl - a first name
- Caryn - a first name
- Carys - a first name
- casal - belonging to a grammatical case
- Casar - a first name
- casas - plural of "casa", a dwelling
- Casca - a first name
- casco - a Manila barge; a ship's hull
- Cascy - a first name
- cased - boxed; examined
- Casee - a first name
- caseo - a brothel
- caser - one who cases; a 5 shilling coin
- cases - precriminally inspects; plural of "case", a box, an incident
- casey - a first name; a house
- casha - a soft cloth made of wool and cashmere
- Cashe - a first name
- Cashi - a first name
- Casia - a first name
- Casie - a first name
- casks - plural of "cask", a barrel
- casky - resembling a cask
- casma - a town in Peru
- Cason - a first name
- cassa - a ladies's man; a musical term meaning "a drum"
- casse - a first name; broken paper
- Cassi - a first name
- cassy - a first name; a fibrous plant
- Casta - a first name
- caste - a hereditary social class
- casts - plural of "cast", a throw; the personnel of a play; a plaster mold; a disfigurement of the eye
- casus - a legal occurrence or event
- catan - a Japanese sword resembling a broad cutlass
- catch - a latch; to ensnare; a musical term
- catel - property
- cater - a first name; to provide food; diagonal
- cates - plural of "cate", a dainty food
- Catey - a first name
- catha - a first name; a genus of African evergreen shrubs
- Cathe - a first name
- Cathi - a first name
- Cathy - a first name
- Catia - a first name
- Catie - a first name
- catio - an Indian tribe in Colombia
- catly - like a cat
- caton - a first name; an English town
- catso - a blackguard; a rascal
- Catti - a first name
- catty - feline; spiteful; a Chinese unit of weight of about 4/3 pound, or 16 taels or 16 liangs
- cauac - the nineteenth day of the Mayan religious month
- cauca - a river in Colombia; a province in Colombia
- cauch - a mess
- cauda - a tail or tail-like appendage
- cauff - chaff
- caufs - plural of "cauf", a live fish box
- cauks - plural of "cauk", sulphate of baryta
- cauld - cold; a dam or weir
- cauli - cauliflower
- caulk - to make watertight
- caulp - a fee given to the head of a Scottish clan
- cauls - plural of "caul", a net; a membrane
- cauma - great heat, as in a fever
- caums - plural of "caum", soft slate
- caups - plural of "caup", a wooden drinking bowl
- caure - calves
- cauri - a monetary unit of Guinea; a fly whisk; chowrie
- causa - a Latin word for "cause", used in various phrases
- cause - an underlying reason
- causy - full of causes; like a cause
- cauto - a river in Cuba
- cavae - plural of "cava", for the vena cava
- cavan - a first name; a county in Ulster
- Cavas - a first name
- cavea - the tiered semi-circular seating of ancient amphitheaters
- caved - collapsed; surrendered
- Caveh - a first name
- cavel - an axe for trimming stone; a piece of wood used for casting lots
- Caven - a first name
- caver - a spelunker
- caves - plural of "cave", a cavern
- cavey - a hen coop; like a cave
- cavia - the genus to which the guinea pig belongs
- cavie - a hen coop
- cavil - to carp; to complain; to break stone
- cavin - a first name; a cowered approach
- cavum - the lower part of the concha of the ear; the nasal cavity
- cavus - a deformity of the foot involving a very high arch
- cavvy - the remuda
- cawed - crowed
- cawks - plural of "cawk", a heavy spear; a crow's sound
- cawky - containing baryta
- cawny - a unit of area of 1 acre
- caxon - a hairy wig; a chest of ores
- cayac - a country bumpkin
- cayak - a kayak
- Cayce - a first name
- Cayci - a first name
- cayey - a town in Puerto Rico
- Cayla - a first name
- Cayli - a first name
- Cayly - a first name
- Cayse - a first name
- Caysi - a first name
- Cayte - a first name
- cayua - a Guarani people of southwestern Brazil
- cayus - a town in the Philippines
- cazic - a chief of some American Indian tribes
- cazin - a town in Bosnia Herzegovina
- Cazzi - a first name
- ccoya - an Inca wife
- Ceadd - a first name
- ceara - a first name; a province in Brazil
- cease - to stop
- ceaze - an obsolete spelling of "seize"
- cebid - one of a family of monkeys
- cebil - the South American tree that yields angico gum for tanning
- cebus - a genus that comprises medium size monkeys, including Capuchin monkeys
- cecal - of or like a cecum
- Cecil - a first name
- cecum - a body cavity with one opening
- Cecyl - a first name
- cedar - an aromatic tree, or its wood
- ceded - granted; gave up
- ceder - one who cedes
- cedes - yields
- cedez - a musical term meaning "slow down!"
- cedis - plural of "cedi", a monetary unit of Ghana
- cedra - a citron
- cedre - cedar green
- cedro - any of several reddish cedarlike woods
- cedry - like cedar
- ceiba - the tropical silk-cotton tree; a town in Honduras; a town in Puerto Rico
- ceibo - a fiber from the kapok tree
- Ceila - a first name
- ceile - a client
- ceili - a kind of Irish dance
- ceils - plural of "ceil", a roof; a ceiling
- ceint - a girdle or cincture
- ceirw - a British river
- Cejay - a first name
- celeb - a celebrity
- celer - an attic
- Celes - a first name
- Celia - a first name
- Celie - a first name
- Celio - a first name
- celje - a town in Slovenia
- Celka - a first name
- cella - the hidden part of a Greek or Roman temple where a deity's image was housed
- celle - a town in Germany
- celli - plural of "cello", a musical instrument
- cello - a musical instrument
- cells - plural of "cell", a cavity; a nucleus
- celly - a first name; a cellular telephone; a cellmate
- celom - a body cavity in some animals
- celos - plural of "celo", a unit of acceleration
- Celso - a first name
- celts - plural of "celt", a primitive axe; a primitive people
- Cemal - a first name
- Cemil - a first name
- cenal - referring to the midday meal
- Cenex - a first name
- cenis - plural of "ceni", an Indian tribe
- cense - to burn incense
- cento - a medley; a poem made of fragments of other poems
- cents - plural of "cent", a hundredth of a dollar
- centu - a Lithuanian coin
- ceorl - a churl
- cepas - onions
- cepes - plural of "cepe", a large mushroom
- cepid - a Capuchin monkey
- cequi - a unit of weight in Turkey
- ceral - a bird's beak
- ceram - one of the Moluccan islands
- ceras - plural of "cera", a gill papilla on the backs of nudibranches and related mollusks
- cerci - plural of "cercus", a sensory appendage on an insect
- Cerea - a first name
- cereb - short for "cerebral", a brainy or studious person
- cered - covered with wax
- Cerek - a first name
- Cerel - a first name
- ceres - a first name; the Roman harvest goddess; waxes; an asteroid
- cerge - a large wax altar candle
- ceria - a first name; a chemical compound
- ceric - wax-like
- cerif - a serif
- Ceril - a first name
- cerin - an acidic constituent of wax
- cerne - a British river; a shortened form of "concern"
- ceros - plural of "cero", a large food fish
- certs - plural of "cert", a certainty; a certification
- certy - certainly
- ceryl - a white crystalline alcohol occurring as an ester in waxes
- Cerys - a first name
- cesar - a first name; a river in Colombia
- Cesha - a first name
- Cesia - a first name
- cesis - a name of the town that is now Wenden
- Cesle - a first name
- cesme - a town in Turkey
- cesse - to cease
- Cesso - a first name
- cessy - foul; disgusting; a town in France
- cesta - a basket used in jai alai
- cesti - plural of "cestus", a belt or girdle
- Cesur - a first name
- Cesya - a first name
- cetes - plural of "cete", a group of badgers
- cetic - of spermaceti
- cetid - a meteor shower that seems to come from the Cetus constellation
- cetin - a crystalline fat that is the chief component of spermaceti
- Cetta - a first name
- cetus - the constellation of the whale
- cetyl - a radical in spermaceti
- ceuta - a Spanish seaport in northern Morocco, across from Gilbraltar
- Cevan - a first name
- Cezar - a first name
- cezve - a pot for making Turkish coffee
- chaac - one of the Mayan gods of rain and fertility
- Chaad - a first name
- chaak - an Inca rain god
- chaar - an Indian
- chabs - plural of "chab", a breast
- chaby - a child
- chace - a chase; a medieval French part song
- chack - the toss of a horse's head; a snack
- chaco - an extinct Southwest Indian culture; a province in Argentina; a shako
- chacs - plural of "chac", one of the Mayan gods of rain and fertility
- Chadd - a first name
- Chade - a first name
- chads - plural of "chad", a shad; a sea fish; a punched out piece of a computer card
- Chady - a first name
- chafe - to rub; to irritate; to vex
- chaff - the inedible husks of grain
- chaft - chaps; the jaw
- chaga - a tall people of the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro
- Chago - a first name
- chahi - shahi, a Persian copper coin
- Chaim - a first name
- chain - a first name; a fetter; a connection; a unit of length of 22 yards
- chair - a seat
- chais - plural of "chai", a gypsy girl; a kind of tea
- chait - a month of the Hindu year
- chaja - the largest of the crested screamers
- Chaka - a first name
- chako - a shako
- chaks - of a horse, tosses the head frequently to avoid the restraint of a bridle
- chale - no
- Chali - a first name
- chalk - a flaky mineral
- Chalo - a first name
- chala - a town in Peru
- chals - plural of "chal", a gypsy man
- chama - a large oyster
- chami - an Indian tribe of Colombia
- champ - a champion; to chew
- chams - a first name; plural of "cham", a Mogul Khan
- Chamy - a first name
- Chana - a first name
- Chanc - a first name
- Chand - a first name
- Chane - a first name
- chang - a unit of weight of 3 pounds; a unit of length of 12 feet; a Tibetan beer
- Chani - a first name
- chank - a species of conch shell; to chew noisily; a chancre
- Chann - a first name
- chant - a first name; to intone
- Chanu - a first name
- chaos - anarchy; violent disorder
- chape - a buckle catch; a metal piece that is part of a scabbard
- chaps - plural of "chap", the jaw; a fellow; cowboy leg protector
- chapt - poetic "chapped"
- chara - a first name; a genus of the family Characeae; a charabanc; a star
- chard - the artichoke; a southwest English town
- chare - a chore; a narrow street
- chari - a first name; the French name for the Shari river
- chark - char; charcoal; a crack
- Charl - a first name
- charm - a first name; a spell; a trinket; an endearing quality
- Charo - a first name
- charr - char; a kind of trout
- chars - burns the edges of; plural of "char", a chore
- chart - a map; a diagram
- Charu - a first name
- chary - frugal; wary
- chase - a first name; to follow after
- chasm - an abyss
- Chass - a first name
- chast - to chasten
- chasy - a children's game of tag
- chati - a species of small South American tiger cats
- chato - a first name; a mountain in Argentina
- chats - talks
- chaui - a tribe of Indians in Nebraska
- chauk - a town in Burma
- chaun - a gap
- chaus - an Old World wild cat
- Chava - a first name
- chave - a first name; a colloquial form of "I have"
- Chavi - a first name
- Chavo - a first name
- chavs - plural of "chav", an uneducated uncultured antisocial person
- chawl - a large tenement house in India
- chawn - a gap; a cleft
- chaws - chews; masticates
- chaya - a first name; the root of an East Indian herb that yields a red dye
- Chayo - a first name
- chays - plural of "chay", a shay; an open carriage
- chazy - a town in New York
- Chazz - a first name
- cheam - an English town
- cheap - inexpensive; unwilling to spend money
- chear - a variant of "cheer"
- cheat - to dupe; to break the rules
- cheba - marijuana
- check - to stop; a form of payment; a cross-hatch pattern; to verify
- chedi - a kingdom of early northern India
- cheeb - marijuana
- cheek - insolence; a part of the face
- cheeo - marijuana seeds
- cheep - to chirp
- cheer - gaiety; a roar of support
- cheet - to cheep; to call a cat
- chefs - plural of "chef", a food preparer
- cheju - a resort island in Korea, now called Jeju
- cheka - a first name; the Soviet secret police, 1917-1921.
- cheke - a unit of weight in Turkey
- cheki - a unit of weight in Arabia of 509 pounds
- chela - a first name; a lobster claw; a Buddhist disciple
- Cheli - a first name
- chelm - another name for Kholm
- Chelo - a first name
- chelp - to talk pertly; the chirp of a young bird
- chely - a first name; a variant of "chela", a claw
- chemo - chemotherapy; a Tibetan bear
- chena - an area of virgin timberland in a tropical region, cleared and cultivated for a few years; a river in Alaska
- Chene - a first name
- cheng - a Chinese reed musical instrument
- chera - a region of southern India
- chere - a first name; a beloved (female) one
- cheri - a first name; a beloved
- chert - flint
- Chery - a first name
- Chesa - a first name
- chese - to choose
- chess - a board game; a British river
- chest - a coffer; the upper torso
- chete - a first name; a thing
- cheth - a first name; a Hebrew letter
- cheve - to turn out (well or badly)
- Chevi - a first name
- chevy - a first name; to chase
- chewa - an ethnic group of Malawi
- chewn - chewed
- chews - masticates
- chewy - rubbery; hard to chew
- Cheyn - a first name
- Chhom - a first name
- chiai - a town in China
- chiam - a first name; a people of an ancient kingdom in the central coastal part of Annam
- chian - a native of Chios
- chiao - a monetary unit of China equal to 1/10 of a yuan; a town in northern China
- chias - plural of "chia", a Mexican herb
- chiba - a town in central Japan; marijuana
- chibe - to stab
- Chibi - a first name
- chica - a first name; an orange-red dye; a liquor
- chice - nothing; nothing of significance
- chich - a dwarf pea; a chickpea
- chick - a first name; a chicken; a bamboo screen
- chico - a first name; a prickly shrub; a South American river
- chics - plural of "chic", elegance
- chide - to scold
- Chido - a first name
- chief - a boss; a principal
- chiel - a child
- chien - a unit of weight of about 1 pound
- chiff - a clicking sound that can be part of the attack of a flue pipe of an organ
- chigs - chews
- Chika - a first name
- Chike - a first name
- Chiko - a first name
- chiks - plural of "chik", variant of "chick"
- Chiku - a first name
- child - a young creature
- chile - a South American country
- chili - a cayenne pepper pod; a meal of beans, ground meat, and chili pepper
- chill - a first name; cold
- Chilo - a first name
- Chilt - a first name
- chimb - a cask edge; to ring chimes; a channel on a deck
- chime - to harmonize; a bell
- chimo - a first name; a word used as a greeting in Canada
- chimp - a chimpanzee
- chimu - an extinct Yuncan people
- china - a first name; an Asian country; pottery; a mate (from the rhyming slang "China plate")
- chine - a cleft; a ridge; the backbone of an animal; where a wing bends away from the fuselage; a mate (from the rhyming slang "China plate")
- ching - a Chinese authoritative or canonical book
- chink - a gap; a slur
- chino - a first name; a strong twilled cotton cloth
- chins - plural of "chin", the lower part of the face
- chinu - a town in Colombia
- chios - a Greek island off Asia Minor
- chiot - a variant of "sciot"
- chips - bits; fried thin-cut potatoes; a nickname for a carpenter
- chira - marijuana
- chire - a blade of grass
- chirk - to chirp; cheerful; a town in Wales
- chirl - to warble
- chirm - to sing like a bird
- chiro - a marine fish
- chirp - to trill
- chirr - to make a harsh vibrant sound
- chirs - makes a harsh vibrant sound
- chirt - to squeeze; to chirp
- chiru - a Tibetan antelope slaughtered for its very fine fur
- chise - a knife
- chism - jism; strength; semen
- chita - a first name; a cheetah; a town and region in Russia, near Mongolia
- chits - plural of "chit", a memo; a voucher
- chiva - heroin
- chive - a type of onion; a knife
- chivs - harries; badgers
- chivy - to pursue; the face
- Chiyo - a first name
- chizo - a subgroup of the Concho people
- chizz - to swindle; to cheat
- Chloe - a first name
- chlor - a color between yellow and green
- chlum - a town in the Czech Republic
- choad - slang for the penis
- choak - a variant of "choke"
- choan - sexual intercourse
- chobe - a river in Botswana
- choca - a chocolate and coffee beverage
- chock - a wedge
- choco - a militiaman or conscript in World War II; a South American Indian tribe
- chocs - plural of "choc", a chocolate treat
- chode - scolded; a fool; archaic past tense of "chide"; choad
- choes - a town in Portugal
- Chofa - a first name
- choff - food
- chofu - a town in Japan
- choga - a cloak with long sleeves and skirt, for men in India and Pakistan
- choil - the notch in a pocket knife blade, where it meets the haft
- choir - the chancel; a singing group
- choke - to strangle
- choko - a pear-shaped vegetable; a variant of "chocho"
- choky - a prison; tending to choke
- chola - a female Hispanic; an ancient country in the south of India
- choli - a short-sleeved Indian bodice with very low neckline
- cholo - an acculturated Wuechuan of Peru or Bolivia
- choma - a town in New Mexico; a town in Zambia
- chome - sexual intercourse
- chomo - prison slang for a child molester
- chomp - to chew loudly
- Chona - a first name
- chone - a town in Ecuador
- Choni - a first name
- chonk - to champ or chew loudly
- chono - an extinct American Indian tribe
- chons - plural of "chon", a Korean monetary unit
- choof - marijuana
- chook - a chicken
- choom - an English soldier; an Englishman
- choop - the wild rose hip
- chopa - any of several rudderfishes
- Chope - a first name
- chops - the jaws; plural of "chop", a cut of meat
- chora - a town on the Greek island of Mykonos
- chorb - acne
- chord - a harmonious sound; a line cutting across a circle
- chore - a task
- choro - a dance band
- chort - the star Theta Leonis
- chose - selected
- choss - loose rock treacherous for mountainclimbing
- chota - an Indian word for "little"; the police; a town in Peru
- chote - flattery
- chott - a saline lake or dried lake bed
- chouf - a mountain range in Lebanon
- choum - a town in Mauritania
- choup - variant of "choop", the wild rose hip
- chous - plural of "chou", an ornamental ribbon
- chout - blackmail; a show or entertainment
- choux - plural of "chou", a soft cabbage shaped ornament or rosette in women's wear
- chowk - a main street; a bazaar
- chows - plural of "chow", a Chinese dog; food
- choya - variant of "chay"
- choys - plural of "choy", Indian madder
- choza - a cabin
- chria - in rhetoric, the development of a short saying into an essay
- Chris - a first name
- chron - short for "chronological", and used in the phrase "chron file"
- Chrys - a first name
- Chuan - a first name
- chubb - a patent lock
- chubs - plural of "chub", a fresh water carp
- chuck - a first name; to discard; a cut of beef
- chuco - a first name; a Mexican-American
- chuds - champs; bites
- chuen - the eleventh day of the Mayan religious month
- chuet - a minced meat pie
- chufa - a European sedge
- chuff - a clown; a boor; what a loony is not on; pubic hair; to puff up with self-importance
- chufu - a town in China, birthplace of Confucius
- chugs - downs a drink without pausing; makes locomotive sounds
- chuha - a Pakistani "pinhead", regarded as having special religious healing abilities
- Chuki - a first name
- chule - a town in Chile
- chuma - a first name; a town in Bolivia
- Chumo - a first name
- chump - a blockhead; a patsy
- chums - plural of "chum", a pal
- Chung - a first name
- chunk - a thick slice
- chupa - a canopy
- chura - a little town in Cuba
- churl - a cad
- churm - chirm
- churn - to agitate; a British river
- churr - to chirp
- chuse - to choose
- chust - a town in Belarus
- chute - a sloping channel
- chuts - plural of "chut", a peevish cry
- chyak - to tease
- Chyla - a first name
- Chyld - a first name
- chyle - a milky fluid containing emulsified fat and other products of digestion
- chyme - the pulpy matter constituting partially digested food
- Chyna - a first name
- chynd - to cleft
- Ciana - a first name
- ciaos - plural of "ciao", an Italian farewell
- Ciara - a first name
- cibel - a chive; an onion
- cibol - a Welsh onion
- cicad - a cicada
- ciced - excited; enthusiastic
- Cicek - a first name
- cicer - the chick pea; a genus of Asiatic herbs
- cided - decided
- cider - fermented apple juice; a decider
- cides - decides
- Cidne - a first name
- ciego - a ruse or trick
- Cielo - a first name
- ciels - plural of "ciel", a ceiling; a wainscot
- Ciera - a first name
- cifox - a facsimile machine that scrambles and unscrambles transmissions
- cigar - a Havana
- ciggy - a cigarette
- cigua - a lancewood
- Cihan - a first name
- Cihat - a first name
- Cijay - a first name
- cilia - plural of "cilium", an eyelash, a filament
- Cilka - a first name
- Cilla - a first name
- Cille - a first name
- cills - plural of "cill", a variant of "sill"
- cilly - a first name; a Bletchley Park term for an easily guessed enciphering key
- cilop - the practice of updating old military aircraft instead of scrapping them
- cimar - a scarf
- cimas - plural of "cima", a cyma; an ogee molding
- cimex - the bed bug; the bed bug genus
- cimia - a cimbia, a strengthening band placed around a column
- cimon - an ancient Athenian statesman
- cinch - a strong girth for a saddle or pack; a certainty; a card game
- cinci - a nickname for Cincinnati, Ohio
- cinct - engirdled
- cincy - a nickname for Cincinnati, Ohio
- Cinda - a first name
- Cindi - a first name
- Cindy - a first name
- cines - plural of "cine", a motion picture
- ciney - a town in Belgium
- cinga - a language
- Cinny - a first name
- Cinta - a first name
- cinto - a mountain peak in Corsica
- Cioma - a first name
- Cione - a first name
- cions - plural of "cion", a cutting from a plant
- cippi - plural of "cippus", a massive pillar
- circa - about (said of a date)
- circe - a first name; a sorceress encountered by Odysseus
- circs - circumstances; plural of "circ", a prehistoric stone circle
- cires - plural of "cire", a polished silk fabric
- Cirie - a first name
- Ciril - a first name
- cirit - a extreme Turkish form of polo, with points for spearing or unhorsing your opponent
- cirls - plural of "cirl", a bunting
- cirri - plural of "cirrus", a tendril; a cloud
- Cirse - a first name
- cirta - a town in northern Algeria
- cisco - a first name; an American char or whitefish; the black-fin snapper
- Ciske - a first name
- Cisse - a first name
- Cissi - a first name
- cissy - a first name; effeminate
- cista - a wicker receptacle for carrying sacred items in ancient Roman parades
- cists - plural of "cist", a stone chest; a tomb
- cital - a summons; a citation
- cited - quoted
- citee - one who is quoted or referred to
- citer - one who quotes
- cites - quotes; refers to
- citra - a town in Florida
- citua - a town in India
- cives - chives
- civet - a catlike carnivorous mammal; a strong musky substance taken from the genital pouch of a civet
- civex - a shortening of "civilian extraction", a method of reprocessing nuclear fuel
- civic - of a city; of a citizen
- civie - a civilian
- civil - polite; nonmilitary
- civvy - a civilian
- cizar - to cut with scissors
- cizre - a town in south east Turkey
- clach - a hamlet
- clack - to clatter
- claco - tlaco
- clade - a group of biological taxa
- clads - coats one metal with another
- claes - a first name; clothes
- clags - clogs
- claik - the barnacle goose
- Clail - a first name
- claim - a right; an assertion
- Clair - a first name
- clake - variant of "claik", the barnacle goose
- clame - a clam; a variant of "cleam", to smear or daub
- clamp - to fasten; to squeeze
- clams - plural of "clam", a mollusk
- clang - to make a loud, resonant sound
- clank - to clatter
- clans - plural of "clan", a tribe, convocation, or family group
- claps - applauds
- clapt - poetic "clapped"
- clara - a first name; a town in Eire
- clare - a first name; a nun of Saint Clare; an English town
- Clari - a first name
- clark - a first name; a clerk
- claro - mild in taste; a river in Brazil
- clart - to smear with sticky dirt; trouble
- clary - a first name; a sweet herb of the sage family; a spiced wine drink
- clash - a quarrel; a dispute
- clasp - to catch; to hold tightly
- class - a category; a distinction; a period of instruction
- clast - a fragment of rock
- clats - slops
- Claud - a first name
- claum - to handle something with dirty fingers
- claus - a first name; Santa's last name
- claut - a rake
- clava - a clublike structure
- clave - a cleft; a Cuban dance beat; one of a pair of hardwood sticks; a past tense of "cleave"
- clavi - plural of "clavus", a vertical stripe on a tunic
- clavy - clavel
- clawk - to claw; to scratch; to snatch
- claws - plural of "claw", a talon
- clays - plural of "clay", a fine-grained earthy material
- clead - to clothe
- cleam - to smear; to daub
- clean - immaculate
- clear - pellucid
- cleat - a wedge
- cleck - to hatch
- cleek - a party pooper; a golf club having an iron head and a long, narrow face; to seize
- cleep - variant of "clepe", to name or to call
- clees - the two halves of a cloven foot
- clefs - plural of "clef", a musical sign
- cleft - divided
- clegs - plural of "cleg", a horse fly
- Clela - a first name
- Clell - a first name
- Cleme - a first name
- clemo - executive clemency; a penny
- clems - starves; suffers from cold or hunger
- cleon - a first name; an ancient Athenian general and opponent of Pericles
- clepe - to name or to call
- Clerc - a first name
- clerk - a first name; an attendant; originally a "cleric"
- Cleta - a first name
- Clete - a first name
- Cleva - a first name
- cleve - a first name; a cliff
- clevy - a U-shaped device on the end of a wagon tongue, for hitching; the draft iron of a plough
- clews - rolls into a ball
- clewy - like a rolled-up ball
- clica - a gang
- click - to tick; a metallic sound
- cliff - a first name; a crag
- clift - a first name; a cleft
- cligh - to steal
- clima - an ancient Roman unit of area, 3600 square pedes, about 3.15 ares
- climb - to ascend
- clime - climate
- climp - to touch a clean surface and leave dirty marks
- cline - a series of changes within a species
- cling - to hold onto
- clink - a prison; a metallic sound
- clint - a first name; a hard rock
- clipe - to tattle
- clips - cuts short; short pieces of film
- clipt - poetic "clipped"
- clits - plural of "clit", slang for "clitoris"
- clive - a first name; a clef
- cliza - a town in Bolivia
- cloak - a loose outer coat; a cover or pretext
- cloam - earthenware; to cover with clay
- clock - a chronologe; to hit or beat someone
- Cloda - a first name
- clods - plural of "clod", a clump, especially of dirt; a dolt
- Cloey - a first name
- cloff - a cleft; an allowance of two pounds in 3 hundredweight for small retail losses
- clogh - a town in Northern Ireland
- clogs - blocks or obstructs; heavy shoes
- cloit - to fall down heavily
- cloke - a cloak
- cloky - cloque
- clomb - a past tense of "climb"
- clomp - to walk heavily and clumsily
- clone - a genetic duplicate
- clong - the jarring impact of an inept line in a speech
- clonk - to make a dull thumping sound; to hit
- clons - plural of "clon", a group of asexually derived organisms
- cloof - a hoof
- clook - cluck
- cloom - clay
- cloop - the sound made when a cork is removed from a bottle
- cloot - a cloven hoof
- clops - plural of "clop", the sound of a hoof striking pavement
- close - to shut; nearby
- closh - skittles; a Dutch seaman
- clost - close
- clote - a plant related to the burdock
- cloth - a fabric
- clots - plural of "clot", a blood coagulation
- cloud - a first name; a visible mass of atmospheric vapor; to obscure
- clour - to knock
- clous - plural of "clou", an essential point
- clout - a dish cloth; political influence
- clove - a spice; a unit of weight of 7 pounds; divided into two
- clown - a jester
- clows - a rogue
- cloye - a thief
- cloys - gratifies beyond desire
- cloze - a test of reading comprehension or plagiarism in which missing words are filled in
- clubs - a suit in cards; shortens the life of a baby seal; associations
- cluck - the call of a hen
- clued - gave hints
- cluer - the devisor of clues in a crossword puzzle
- clues - plural of "clue", an indication
- cluey - smart; well-informed
- clufe - cloof
- cluif - cloof
- clump - a cluster
- clung - clasped
- clunk - a gurgle; a dull thumping sound
- cluny - a first name; handmade lace; a town in eastern France
- clute - a town in Texas
- clutz - a klutz, a clumsy person
- clwyd - a river in Wales
- clyde - a first name; a river in Scotland
- clyer - a tuberculous cattle lymph gland
- Clyff - a first name
- clyme - a beggar's artificial sore
- Clyne - a first name
- clype - to tattle
- Clyph - a first name
- clyst - a British river
- Clyve - a first name
- Clywd - a first name
- cnida - a jellyfish
- Cnute - a first name
- coach - to teach; an enclosed carriage
- coact - to cooperate
- Coady - a first name
- coags - plural of "coag", a variant of "coak"
- coaks - plural of "coak", a dowel pin
- coala - a koala
- coals - plural of "coal", an ember
- coaly - resembling coal
- coapt - to fit together and make fast
- coarb - a bishop or abbot
- coari - a town in Brazil
- coast - a shore; to ride upon; to travel on momentum alone
- coate - a Shakespearean form of "quote"
- coati - a tropical American relative of the raccoon
- coats - plural of "coat", a cover; a mantel; a cloak
- coaty - of a coat; like a coat
- coaxy - coaxing
- cobar - copper coins; a town in New South Wales, Australia
- cobbo - a close friend
- cobbs - plural of "cobb", a sea gull
- cobby - a first name; stout, hearty; compact, muscular, and thickset
- Cobey - a first name
- cobia - a large game fish
- Cobie - a first name
- coble - a fishing boat
- cobol - a hideous programming language used in business applications
- cobot - a robotic device designed to assist a disabled person
- cobra - a venomous snake
- cobus - a first name; a kobus
- cobza - a short-necked Romanian musical instrument with 10 strings
- cocas - plural of "coca", a South American shrub
- cocci - plural of "coccus", a spherical bacterial organism that is slightly flattened when grouped
- cocco - the taro and other edible tubers
- coche - a language family of Columbia and Ecuador
- cocko - a general term of address, in Australia anyway
- cocks - plural of "cock", a rooster; a tap on a barrel; a penis; a conical pile of hay
- cocky - conceited; overconfident
- cocle - referring to the prehistoric culture of Panama
- cocoa - a beverage
- cocos - a group of coral islands in the Indian Ocean; plural of "coco", a tall palm tree
- cocum - luck; an advantage; butter
- cocus - green ebony
- cocuy - a mountain range in Colombia
- codas - plural of "coda", a musical finale; an ending; a summing up
- Coday - a first name
- codec - an integrated circuit ("coder/decoder"); compression/decompression algorithms
- coded - in code
- Codee - a first name
- codel - a common abbreviation for "Congressional Delegation", aka "junket"
- coden - a coding classification
- coder - one who codes or writes computer programs
- codes - plural of "code", a cipher; a computer program
- codex - an ancient manuscript
- Codey - a first name
- Codie - a first name
- codle - to coddle
- codon - a bell; a triplet of nucleotides that specify a particular protein
- codpa - a town in Chile
- coeca - variant plural of "cecum"
- coeds - plural of "coed", a coeducational student; a female student
- Coedy - a first name
- coega - a town in South Africa
- coele - a Roman province of southeast Anatolia
- coeur - French for "heart", used in phrases like "cri de coeur"
- cofan - an Indian tribe in Colombia
- Cofer - a first name
- coffe - a cafe
- coffs - buys
- cogan - a town in Wales
- cogie - a small wooden bowl
- cogon - a tall tropical grass
- cogue - a wooden milk bowl
- cohab - a cohabitor or roommate
- cohen - a Hebrew priest (distinct from a rabbi)
- cohoe - a Pacific salmon
- cohog - a quahog
- cohol - kohl
- cohos - plural of "coho", a small salmon
- cohue - a crowd
- coifs - plural of "coif", a hair style
- coign - a projecting cornerstone
- coils - plural of "coil", a loop
- coily - coiling; like a coil; full of coils
- coins - plural of "coin", a metallic monetary token
- coiny - like a coin; full of coins
- coirs - plural of "coir", a fiber obtained from coconut husks
- coits - plural of "coit", a game piece; has sexual intercourse
- coked - converted into coke; affected by cocaine
- coker - coco; one who uses cocaine
- cokes - changes into a carbon fuel; varieties of cocaine
- cokey - a first name; a cocaine user
- cokie - a first name; a cocaine user
- colac - a town in Australia
- Colan - a first name
- colar - a first name; a variant of "collar"
- colas - a first name; plural of "cola", a carbonated beverage
- Colbi - a first name
- colby - a first name; a kind of cheese
- colds - plural of "cold", a respiratory infection
- colea - a first name; moss grass
- Colen - a first name
- coler - a cobbler
- coles - plural of "cole", a plant of the cabbage family
- colet - a first name; variant of "collet", a collar or neckband
- colex - co-lexicographic, that is, reverse alphabetical order
- coley - a first name; an edible fish of the cod family
- colic - flatulence; indigestion; generalized baby malaise
- Colie - a first name
- colin - a first name; an American partridge or bobwhite
- Colis - a first name
- colla - plural of "collum", an anatomical neck; a musical term meaning "with the"
- colls - fondles
- colly - a first name; soot or grime; to understand
- colma - a river in California; a town of 19 cemeteries south of San Francisco
- colmi - a town in California
- colne - a British river
- colog - a cologarithm
- colom - marijuana from Colombia
- colon - a punctuation mark; part of the intestines; a monetary unit of Costa Rica and El Salvador
- color - a hue
- colps - plural of "colp", variant of "collup", a small slice of meat
- colts - plural of "colt", a young horse
- colty - a first name; of or like a colt
- Colum - a first name
- Colyn - a first name
- colza - a kind of cabbage; rapeseed
- comae - a variant plural of "coma"
- comal - comose; tufty
- coman - a first name; cuman, a Turkic people
- comas - plural of "coma", a tuft of silky hair; a condition of prolonged unconsciousness
- combe - a wooded valley
- combi - a combination; a mini-truck
- combo - a combination meal; a musical group
- combs - plural of "comb", an instrument for hair grooming
- comby - resembling a comb
- comed - variant past tense of "come"
- comer - a first name; an arrival; one who is arriving; one who is realizing a great potential
- comes - arrives; climaxes
- comet - a card game; an astronomical body
- comfy - comfortable
- comic - humorous
- comix - underground comic books
- comly - comely
- comma - a punctuation mark; a butterfly
- commo - communication; goods such as candy or tobacco obtained from a prison commissary; a Communist
- comms - communications; lines of communication
- commy - a communist
- comox - a people of eastern Vancouver Island
- compa - a friend
- compo - plaster; workman's compensation; a composition material
- comps - plural of "comp", a comprehensive exam
- compt - to count; neat; a count
- compy - to comprehend or understand
- comte - a French nobleman; a kind of cheese
- comus - the Roman god of revelry; a masque
- conal - a first name; refering to the conus arteriosus
- Conan - a first name
- conch - a first name; a shell
- Condi - a first name
- condo - a condominium
- conds - navigates
- coned - tapering
- coner - a machine that mats fur fibers for hats
- cones - plural of "cone", a conical shape
- conex - a huge standardized shipping container for rapid transfer between ships and rail
- coney - a rabbit
- confo - a conference
- confs - plural of "conf", a conference
- conga - a Latin American dance of African origin in which people dance in a line
- conge - the act of taking leave
- congo - an African country; a black tea
- conia - a hemlock
- conic - conical
- conil - a Spanish fishing village near Trafalgar
- conin - conine; a hemlock
- conks - hits on the head
- conky - full of a tree fungus
- conne - a first name; study
- Conni - a first name
- conns - directs the steering of a ship
- Conny - a first name
- conob - kanhobol
- Conon - a first name
- Conor - a first name
- conoy - an American Indian people living near the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay
- Conry - a first name
- Conso - a first name
- conte - a short story; a hard graphite crayon
- Conti - a first name
- conto - money of account; a coin of Brazil
- conus - an anatomical part in mammals; a genus of tropical snails
- convo - a conversation
- conwy - a first name; a town in Wales
- cooba - an Australian wattle
- cooch - a sinuous erotic dance
- cooed - made love; made a bird call
- cooee - an Australian bush call
- cooer - one who coos
- cooey - an Australian bush call
- coofs - plural of "coof", a dolt
- cooja - an earthenware water vessel
- Cooke - a first name
- cooks - heats to prepare for eating
- cooky - a cook; a small cake
- cools - loses heat
- cooly - a coolie; coolly
- coomb - a unit of volume of 4 bushels; a wooded valley
- cooms - soots; plural of "coom", the cover of a coffin
- coomy - sooty
- coons - plural of "coon", a raccoon
- coony - cagey; canny
- coops - confines; plural of "coop", a chicken cage; plural of "coop", a cooperative
- coopt - to elect or appoint; to subvert
- coopy - a hen
- coorg - a state of southwest India; a language
- coosa - a river in Alabama; an extensive Native American nation
- coose - the vagina as sexual object
- coosh - comfortable
- coost - past tense of "to cast"; to cast
- coots - plural of "coot", an aquatic bird
- cooty - feather-legged; an imaginary bug infecting grade school children
- cooze - the vagina as sexual object
- coozy - the vagina as sexual object
- copal - a resin
- copan - an ancient Mayan city in eastern Mexico
- copay - to pay together with others
- copec - variant of "kopek", a Russian coin
- coped - contended; dealt with
- DUPLICATE:c copen - a town in West Virginia
- copei - the pitch apple
- DUPLICATE:c copen - a blue color
- coper - a dealer; one who copes
- copes - deals with
- cophs - plural of "coph", qoph, a Hebrew letter
- copje - a small hill in the African veld
- copos - lassitude
- coppa - a kind of Italian prepared ham
- copps - a variant of "copse", a thicket
- coppy - a low stool; a crested bird
- copra - dried coconut kernels
- copse - a thicket
- copsy - covered with undergrowth
- copts - plural of "Copt", an Egyptian Christian
- coque - a loop of ribbon used to decorate hats
- coqui - a small francolin of Africa; a tiny, loud frog common to Puerto Rico
- corah - plain, undyed; a kind of silk
- coral - a first name; a marine creature; a shade of pink
- coram - a town in New York; before, in the presence of
- Coran - a first name
- corbe - crooked
- Corbi - a first name
- corbs - plural of "corb", a basket
- corby - a first name; a raven or crow; an English town
- corde - a crocheting cord
- Cordi - a first name
- cords - corduroy pants; plural of "cord", a string
- cordy - a first name; thready or striated
- corea - Korea
- cored - removed the center
- coree - a first name; an extinct American Indian people of the North Carolina coast
- Coren - a first name
- corer - a device for removing the core of fruit
- cores - plural of "core", a center
- coret - a pond snail
- corey - a first name; the penis
- corfe - a town in England
- corfs - plural of "corf", a basket; a lobster cage; a small wagon
- corfu - one of the Ionian islands, west of Greece
- corge - twenty; a score
- corgi - a dog breed
- Corie - a first name
- Corin - a first name
- Corio - a first name
- corke - corcir
- corks - plural of "cork", a stopper
- corky - a first name; lively
- corlu - a town in Turkey
- Corly - a first name
- cormo - a sheep bred according to the Cormo system
- corms - plural of "corm", the stem or bulb of certain plants
- corni - plural of "corno", a French horn
- corno - a French horn; a mountain peak in Italy
- corns - preserves with salt
- cornu - a horn; a horn-shaped anatomical part
- corny - a first name; trite; having corns on the feet
- coroa - a coin
- corol - a corolla
- corps - a contingent
- Corra - a first name
- Corri - a first name
- Corry - a first name
- corse - a corpse; the Corsican dialect; a European cape
- corso - a strut
- corta - a unit of weight in the Balearic Islands
- corte - a dip or step in ballroom dancing; a town in Corsica
- Corty - a first name
- corua - a river in Brazil
- coruh - a river in northeastern Turkey
- corum - a town in Turkey
- corve - a variant of "corf", a basket; a British river
- Coryl - a first name
- Coryn - a first name
- cosec - cosecant, a mathematical term from trigonometry
- cosed - made oneself cozy
- cosen - cozen
- coses - chats; makes oneself cozy
- coset - an equivalence class
- cosey - a cozy; a teapot cover
- cosie - a first name; a cozy
- Cosma - a first name
- Cosme - a first name
- Cosmo - a first name
- cosse - cosse green, a strong yellow green color
- costa - a first name; a rib
- coste - to coast; a term from heraldry
- costs - plural of "cost", an expense
- cotan - cotangent, a mathematical term from trigonometry
- cotch - to catch; to shirk work; catechu
- cotes - passes by; a French wine
- Cotey - a first name
- cothi - a British river
- coths - plural of "coth", a hyperbolic cotangent
- cotso - an exclamation, derived from "God's oath"
- cotta - a surplice; a blanket
- cotte - a tight fitting garment resembling the cotehardie
- cotts - plural of "cott", a variant of "cot"
- cotty - a first name; matted, entangled
- cotys - a first name; a Thracian goddess
- couac - the strident tone produced by a reed instrument blown incorrectly
- couch - a sofa; to put into words
- couco - a town in Portugal
- coude - pertaining to a type of telescope
- cough - tussis
- cougs - plural of "Coug", a nickname for the Cougars football team.
- coula - a kind of African nut
- could - is able
- coule - a canyon
- couma - a tropical South American tree
- coumb - a comb
- count - to reckon; a member of the nobility
- coupe - a closed car
- coups - overturns; plural of "coup", a decisive stroke
- courb - to stoop
- courd - covered
- coure - to cover; to cower
- cours - cowers
- court - a first name; to woo; a tribunal
- couta - a barricuda
- couth - agreeable; civilized
- couzy - a girl
- coval - a town in Portugal
- coved - arched over
- covee - a landlord
- coven - a muster of witches
- cover - to wrap; to hide; a British river
- coves - curves over or inward; plural of "cove", a fellow; a bay
- covet - to desire
- covey - a bevy
- covid - a unit of measurement in Arabia
- covin - collusive fraud
- cowal - a depression or channel; a lake in Australia
- cowan - a first name; an uninitiated Freemason; someone who poses as a Freemason; a variety of turtle
- cowed - daunted
- cower - to cringe
- cowes - a resort town in England, on the Isle of Wight
- Cowey - a first name
- Cowie - a first name
- cowle - a grant or engagement in writing, especially of amnesty or safe passage
- cowls - plural of "cowl", a hood
- cowly - a town in England; like a cow; like a cowl
- cowps - a variant of "coups", overturns
- cowra - a town in Australia
- cowry - a small shell used as money
- cowsh - nonsense, from an abbreviation of "cow shit"
- coxae - plural of "coxa", a hip joint
- coxal - of the hip
- coxed - coxswained
- coxes - plural of "cox", a coxswain
- coxey - avian coccidiosis
- coxim - a town in Brazil
- coyan - a first name; a unit of weight of Thailand of about 2.7 pounds
- coyed - caressed
- coyer - more shy
- coyle - a first name; a river in Argentina
- coyly - bashfully; flirtatiously
- Coyne - a first name
- coyol - any of several tropical American palms
- coypu - the nutria
- cozed - chatted
- cozen - to cheat
- cozer - one who chats
- cozes - plural of "coz", a cousin; chats
- cozey - a cover for a teapot
- cozie - a cozey
- Cozmo - a first name
- cozza - pork
- craal - to kraal
- crabs - plural of "crab", a sea arachnid; a pubic louse
- crack - a gap; a form of cocaine; a snide remark
- craft - a skill; to fashion
- crago - a genus of large shrimps
- crags - plural of "crag", a large jagged rock
- craic - fun; the fun of it
- craie - a crare, a trading vessel
- craig - a first name; a crag; the neck
- craik - variant of "crake", the corncrake; to nag
- crail - a fishing basket; a town in Scotland
- crake - the corncrake; to nag; a British river
- craks - plural of "crak", a suit in mah-jongg
- crame - a booth
- cramp - a muscle spasm; to constrain
- crams - packs tightly; studies for a test at the last minute
- crane - to hoist; a wading bird
- crang - a whale carcass after the blubber and whalebone has been removed
- crank - eccentric; a bent rod; amphetamines
- crans - plural of "cran", about 750 herrings
- crape - a transparent gauze
- craps - defecates; a dice game
- crapy - resembling crape
- crare - a trading vessel
- crase - to break into pieces; to crack
- crash - a coarse cloth often used for drapes; to smash; to impose on a friend for housing
- crass - gross; unsubtle
- crate - a packing case
- crato - a town in Brazil
- crave - to yearn for; to desire
- cravo - the opah, the king fish
- crawk - to utter a harsh squawk; a radio performer who imitates animals
- crawl - to creep; to go slowly; to go on all fours
- craws - plural of "craw", stomach
- craze - a mania
- crazo - an insane person
- crazy - mad; insane
- Creag - a first name
- creak - to squeak
- cream - a derivative of milk; the best; a smooth, rich sauce
- creat - an East Indian herb
- creck - the corncrake
- crecy - a French city, site of a medieval British victory
- crede - a part of the Mass
- credo - a statement of faith
- creds - plural of "cred", credibility
- creed - a first name; a system of beliefs
- creek - a stream; an American Indian tribe
- creel - a fish basket
- creem - to crush; to mash
- creep - to crawl
- crees - softens grain; plural of "Cree", an American Indian tribe
- Cregg - a first name
- Creig - a first name
- creil - a town in France
- crema - a town in northern Italy; the foamy milk layer on the top of a cup of espresso
- creme - cream
- crems - krems
- crena - a furrow, notch, or cleft
- creon - in Greek mythology, king of Thebes, buried niece Antigone alive for breaking law
- crepe - a light crinkled fabric
- crept - poetic "creeped"
- crepy - like crepe; covered with crepe
- cress - watercress
- crest - a top; a heraldic device
- creta - chalk; fuller's earth
- crete - a Mediterranean island country
- creus - a European cape
- creux - the reverse of relief
- crewe - an earthenware pot; an English town
- crews - plural of "crew", a team
- crewy - like a crew
- Criag - a first name
- cribo - a large harmless snake
- cribs - copies; plural of "crib", a cradle
- crick - a cramp; a creek
- cried - wept; spoke suddenly and sharply
- crier - a proclaimer; a weeper
- cries - weeps; proclaims
- criey - crying; prone to cry
- crile - a short deformed person
- crime - a legal misdeed
- crimp - to corrugate
- crims - plural of "crim", a criminal
- Crina - a first name
- crine - to shrink or wizen; hair; a head of hair
- crink - to bend or twist; to make a metallic crackling sound; amphetamines
- crips - plural of "crip", a member of a particular gang
- crise - a crisis
- Crish - a first name
- crisp - sharp; a potato chip
- criss - a wooden stand with a curved top on which crest tiles are shaped
- crith - the mass of a liter of hydrogen at 0 degrees Celsius and 760 mm pressure, about 0.08987 gm
- Crito - a first name
- crits - plural of "crit", the minimum mass of fissile material required for a chain reaction
- croak - a frog sound; to die
- croat - a native of Croatia
- croci - plural of "crocus", a flower
- crock - a jar; an undesirable situation
- crocs - plural of "croc", a crocodile
- croft - a small farm
- croia - a town in Albania
- crois - a cross
- Croix - a first name
- croma - a quaver
- cromb - to draw with a crome
- crome - a crook
- crone - an old woman
- cronk - a hoarse croak; ill or ailing; unsound; dishonest; to sit or squat and idly gossip
- crons - plural of "cron", a million years
- crony - a familiar friend
- cronz - a gun
- crood - to coo
- crook - a bend; a shepherd's implement; a criminal; an English town
- crool - to mutter; to coo
- croom - a pitchfork; a town in Eire
- croon - to sing romantically
- croot - an Army recruit
- crope - a finial; a past participle of "creep"
- crops - cuts short; plural of "crop", an agricultural product
- crore - ten million
- crose - to whine in sympathy
- cross - a first name; sullen; a crucifix; to thwart
- crost - poetic "crossed"
- croud - a Welsh violin
- croup - a throat disease
- crout - variant of "kraut", pickled cabbage
- crowd - a mob; a Welsh violin
- crowl - a stunt; a dwarf
- crown - a tiara; the top of the head; a 5 shilling piece
- crows - makes a crowing sound; brags; plural of "crow", a kind of raven
- croys - plural of "croy", an embankment; a fish trap
- croze - a cooper's tool
- cruce - a crucible
- cruck - one of a pair of curved timbers supporting the roof in old English homes
- crude - rough; vulgar
- crudo - a variety of Italian dishes made with raw fish
- cruds - curds
- crudy - crude; awful; cruddy
- cruel - hard-hearted; merciless
- crues - a variant of "crews"
- cruet - a eucharistic flagon
- cruff - crude or ungracious manners
- cruft - a disagreeable substance
- cruit - an army recruit
- crull - curly
- crumb - a bit of bread; a cad
- crump - crooked; a bang; feeling very good; a lake in North America
- crums - plural of "crum", a variant of "crumb"
- cruni - a town in Bulgaria
- crunk - excellent; a style of music; a variant of "crunkle"
- crunt - a blow on the head; dirt
- cruor - coagulated blood
- crups - plural of "crup", the buttocks
- crura - plural of "crus", the portion of the leg between the ankle and knee
- cruse - a small bottle
- crush - to subdue; to crumple; a hidden romantic attraction
- crust - a coating; the outer layer of bread; impertinence
- crusy - an open iron lamp used with a rush reed
- cruth - a crwth
- cruts - plural of "crut", a dwarf
- cruve - cruive, a pen or sty; a wattle fish trap
- crwth - a Welsh violin, also called a "crowd"
- cryal - the heron
- crypp - a cryptographer
- crypt - a tomb
- Csaba - a first name
- Csoba - a first name
- Csuba - a first name
- ctene - a "comb" or stinging structure on a coelenterate's tentacle
- cuate - a buddy
- cuban - a native of Cuba; a Cuban cigar
- cubba - a promiscuous woman
- cubby - a small enclosed space
- cubeb - a dried pepper berry used for bronchitis and urinary infections; a kind of cigarette
- cubed - raised to the third power; diced
- cubeo - a people of eastern Colombia
- cuber - one who cubes
- cubes - plural of "cube", a rectangular solid with equal sides
- cubey - shaped like a cube
- cubic - volumetric; taken to the third power
- cubie - a single constituent cube of a Rubik's cube puzzle
- cubit - a unit of length of about 18 inches, the distance from elbow to finger tip
- cubyl - a term in chemistry
- cucao - a town in Chile
- cucas - plural of "cuca", a cocaine shrub
- cucks - excretes
- cudas - plural of "cuda", a colloquial form of "barracuda"
- cuddy - a cabin; rent; a donkey; a clown
- cueca - a Chilean courtship dance
- cuena - a quena, a primitive vertical reed flute
- cuero - a town in Texas
- cuers - plural of "cuer", one who provides cues
- cueta - a gun
- cuete - a gun
- cueva - a Cunan people of Panama
- cuevo - a town in Bolivia
- cuffa - a tale
- cuffo - free of charge; credit
- cuffs - strikes smartly; plural of "cuff", a handcuff; a shirtcuff
- cuffy - a black person
- cufic - an Arabic script
- cufre - a town in Uruquay
- cuifs - coofs
- cuing - present participle of "cue"
- cuirs - plural of "cuir", a leather
- cuish - thigh armor
- cuito - a river in Angola
- cuits - plural of "cuit", the ankle
- cujam - the star Omega Herculis
- cukes - plural of "cuke", a cucumber
- culch - rubbish; stones and old shells that form a spawning bed for oysters
- culet - a lower facet of a diamond
- culex - a genus of gnats and mosquitoes
- culls - selects
- cully - a first name; a silly dupe; a deceived man; to cheat
- culms - forms a hollow stem; plural of "culm", coal dust
- culmy - blackened with soot
- culot - a calyx
- culoz - a town in France
- culpa - negligence for which one is liable
- culpe - blameworthiness
- culta - a town in Bolivia
- culti - plural of "cultus", an established religious rite
- cults - plural of "cult", a sect
- culty - cult-like
- cumae - a city in southwest Italy near the bay of Naples, colonized by the Greeks
- cumai - a variant of "Cumae"
- Cumal - a first name
- cuman - a Turkic people, also known as the Ghuzz
- Cumar - a first name
- cumay - a small gum tree
- cumbu - pearl millet
- cumec - a unit of measurement of flow rate, a cubic meter per second
- cumic - cumic acid, a white crystalline acid
- cumie - a nickname for a cumulus cloud
- cumin - a bitter herb
- cumku - the 18th month of the Mayan civil calendar
- cumly - cumbly
- cummy - of semen; saturated with semen
- cumol - cumene
- cumyl - cumenyl
- cunan - a language family of the Chibchan group
- cunas - a people of the Cunan tribe
- cunco - a town in Chile
- cunds - conns a ship
- cundy - a conduit; a small ventilation passageway in a mine; miscellaneous sexual secretions left after intercourse
- cunei - plural of "cuneus", a convolution of the mesial surface of the occipital lobe of the brain
- cuneo - a town in Italy
- cunni - plural of "cunnus", the female external genitals
- cunny - a rabbit; slang for the female external genitals
- cunts - plural of "cunt", a vulgarism
- cuntu - a town in Romania
- cunty - a vulgarism
- cunye - a coin; money
- cunza - the Atacama language
- cupar - a town in Scotland
- cupay - a pitch apple
- cupel - a small, cuplike, porous vessel used for assaying
- cupid - the Roman god of love
- cuppa - slang for "cup of tea"
- cuppy - cuplike
- cupro - a kind of rayon
- Curan - a first name
- curat - a cuirass
- curbs - restrains; plural of "curb", a restraint; a low boundary along a street
- curby - affected by curb; a waitress who serves parked cars
- curch - a kerchief
- curds - lumps; curdled milk
- curdy - coagulated; full of curds
- curea - a town in Texas
- cured - healed; preserved (as in leather or meat)
- curer - a healer; a fish drier
- cures - heals
- curet - a surgical instrument
- curfs - plural of "curf", an incision made by a cutting tool
- curia - a Senate house; a court
- curie - a unit of measurement of radiation
- curin - a town in Ecuador
- curio - rare bric-a-brac
- curle - clippings from coins
- curls - bends; twirls; curly hair
- curly - a first name; wavy
- curns - plural of "curn", a grain
- curny - grainy
- curre - a golden-eye duck
- currs - purrs; makes a low murmuring sound
- curry - a first name; to comb; an Indian spice; an dish made with curry
- cursa - a star in the constellation Eridanus
- curse - to execrate
- curst - poetic "cursed"; peevish
- curua - a town in Brazil
- curve - a bend; a line that is not straight
- curvy - undulating
- cusae - a town in lower Egypt
- cusco - a city in south central Peru, capital of the Inca empire
- cusec - a unit of measurement of flow rate, cubic feet per second
- cushy - easy and well paid
- cusks - plural of "cusk", a marine food fish
- cusps - plural of "cusp", a sharp point
- cuspy - having many cusps; a commonly used system program
- cusso - an Ethiopian tree
- custy - a customer (drug dealer's slang)
- cusum - a cumulative sum
- cutch - couch grass; auburn; a resinous mixture for curing sails and nets; Kutch
- Cutee - a first name
- cuten - to make cute
- cuter - more cute
- cutes - plural of "cutis", true skin; cuteness
- cutey - variant of "cutie", an attractive person
- cutie - an attractive person
- cutin - a waxy substance found on plants
- cutis - true skin; the dermis
- cutor - a prosecutor
- cutto - a large knife
- cutts - plural of "cutt", a cutthroat trout
- cutty - a first name; short; a clay pipe; a thickset girl; a friend
- cutup - a class clown; a comic performer
- cuvee - a wine made by blending different vintages
- cuzco - a city in south central Peru, capital of the Inca empire
- cuzzy - the vagina
- Cyann - a first name
- cyano - pertaining to cyanogen
- cyans - plural of "cyan", a blue color
- cyars - plural of "cyar", an ear hole
- Cybel - a first name
- Cybil - a first name
- cybot - a cybernetic robot
- cycad - a palm
- cycas - a sago palm tree
- cycle - a period; a circle; a bicycle
- cyclo - a three-wheeled motor vehicle
- cyder - variant of "cider", fermented apple juice
- Cydne - a first name
- Cylin - a first name
- cylix - a kylix, a kind of Greek vase
- Cylla - a first name
- cymae - plural of "cyma", a curved molding
- cymar - variant of "simar", a scarf; a loose dress
- cymas - plural of "cyma", a curved molding
- cymba - the upper part of the concha of the ear; the cover around a flower
- cymes - plural of "cyme", a flower cluster
- cymol - cymene
- cymru - Wales
- cymry - the Welsh
- Cynan - a first name
- Cynda - a first name
- Cynde - a first name
- Cyndi - a first name
- Cyndy - a first name
- cynic - a realist
- Cynie - a first name
- cynin - a British river
- cynon - a British river
- Cynth - a first name
- cyons - plural of "cyon", variant of "scion"
- cypre - a large tree of the genus Cordia
- Cyrah - a first name
- Cyrel - a first name
- Cyril - a first name
- Cyris - a first name
- Cyros - a first name
- cyrus - a first name; a crane
- cysto - a cystoscopy
- cysts - plural of "cyst", a sac; a water bag
- cytes - plural of "cyte", a maturing germ cell
- cyton - the body of a nerve cell
- cytty - short
- cyvet - civet
- cywyn - a British river
- czars - plural of "czar", a Russian ruler
- czech - a native of the Czech Republic
- daban - a town in China
- Dabbs - a first name
- dabby - a first name; damp
- dabih - the star Beta Capricorni
- Dabir - a first name
- dacca - Dhaka, a city in Bangladesh
- Dacee - a first name
- daces - plural of "dace", a freshwater fish
- Dacey - a first name
- dacha - a Russian cottage; dagga
- Dache - a first name
- dachs - a dachshund
- dacia - a first name; an ancient Roman province, between the Danube and the Carpathians
- Dacie - a first name
- Dacio - a first name
- dacka - marijuana
- dacre - ten
- Dacso - a first name
- dacus - a genus of trypetid fruit flies
- dadap - an Indian tree whose roots are nitrogen fixers
- dadar - a town in India
- dadas - plural of "dada", an artistic movement
- dadda - father
- daddy - father
- dades - holds up by leading strings
- Dadie - a first name
- Dadjo - a first name
- dadle - to walk unsteadily
- dados - plural of "dado", the part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice.
- daena - the moral element in personality, according to Zoroastrianism
- daeva - a maleficent supernatural being
- Daffi - a first name
- daffs - thrusts aside; plays the fool; plural of "daff", a daffodil
- daffy - a first name; loony
- dafla - a primitive people of Assam
- Dafna - a first name
- Dafne - a first name
- Dafny - a first name
- dafty - a crazy person
- dagan - a first name; the Babylonian god of the earth
- dagda - a first name; a Celtic god; a town in Latvia
- Dagen - a first name
- dagga - marijuana; a South African plant similar to hemp
- daggy - referring to sheep having muddy wool; tiresome; stupid; gross
- dagna - a first n ame
- Dagne - a first name
- Dagny - a first name
- dagon - a first name; a Philistine fish god; a former name for Rangoon
- dagos - plural of "dago", an ethnic slur
- dagua - a town in Papua New Guinea; a town in Colombia
- dahab - a town in Egypt
- dahae - a tribe of central Asia
- Dahem - a first name
- Dahir - a first name
- dahla - a town in Afghanistan
- dahls - variant of "dals", dishes of lentils and spices
- dahra - a first name; a mountain in Algeria
- Dahud - a first name
- Dahut - a first name
- Daicy - a first name
- daien - a town in Sudan
- daigh - dough
- Daija - a first name
- daijo - a form of Buddhism
- Daile - a first name
- dails - plural of "dail", the Irish parliament
- daily - a first name; each day; a newspaper published each day
- daima - an ancient site in northwest Africa
- Daimi - a first name
- Daina - a first name
- daine - a first name; a variant of "deign"
- daint - dainty
- daira - an Arabic tambourine
- Daire - a first name
- dairi - the Mikado's palace
- dairt - a yearling calf
- dairy - a milk farm; containing milk
- daise - to daze
- Daisi - a first name
- daisy - a first name; a flower
- daith - an ear piercing
- daito - a town in Japan
- Daiva - a first name
- Dajan - a first name
- dakar - a seaport, and the capital of Senegal
- daker - the corncrake; to lounge; ten
- dakha - Dhaka, a city in Bangladesh
- Dakim - a first name
- Dakin - a first name
- dakir - a daker; to dicker; ten
- dakka - marijuana
- dakua - a kauri pine
- dalag - murral
- dalai - Tibetan for "ocean" and referring to the head Lama of Tibetan Buddhism
- Dalal - a first name
- dalan - a first name; a veranda for visitors, common in Persia and India
- dalby - a first name; a town in Denmark
- dalea - a genus of herbs
- daled - having many dales; the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- Dalen - a first name
- daler - a dalesman; a Danish or Swedish dollar
- dales - plural of "dale", a valley
- dalet - the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- Daley - a first name
- dalga - a town in Egypt
- Dalia - a first name
- Dalil - a first name
- Dalin - a first name
- dalis - a first name; plural of "dali", a Brazilian timber tree
- dalit - a Hindu caste, formerly untouchables; literally "ones ground down"
- dalle - a canyon; a paving slab
- dalli - a tropical tree
- dalls - plural of "dall", incised tile or cow dung fuel
- dally - to tarry
- Dalma - a first name
- dalny - the Russian name of Darien, a seaport in China
- daloa - a town in the Ivory Coast
- dalos - plural of "dalo", taro
- dalry - a town in Scotland
- dalts - plural of "dalt", a foster child
- Dalva - a first name
- Dalya - a first name
- Dalyn - a first name
- Dalys - a first name
- daman - a first name; a small rabbit-like mammal; a coney; the Syrian hyrax; a town in India
- damar - a first name; variant of "dammar", a resin from pine trees
- damas - the fallow deer; the French name for Damascus
- Damba - a first name
- dambo - a small grassy floodplain of central Africa
- Damee - a first name
- Damek - a first name
- Damen - a first name
- dames - plural of "dame", a woman; a titled woman
- Damia - a first name
- Damie - a first name
- damik - a small village in Pakistan
- damin - a first name; an extinct Australian click language
- Damir - a first name
- damme - an exclamation of suprise, meaning "damn me!"
- damna - plural of "damnum", a detriment to character or property
- damns - assigns to perdition
- damoh - a town in India
- damon - a first name; the friend of Pythias
- damps - exhalations
- dampy - moist
- Damya - a first name
- danae - a first name; mother of Perseus, visited by Zeus in the form of a golden shower
- Danah - a first name
- Danai - a first name
- Danal - a first name
- danan - a first name; one of the three peaks of Krakatoa
- Danay - a first name
- danba - a town in China
- danbo - a kind of cheese
- danby - a first name; a lake in North America
- dance - to caper
- dancy - like a dance; given to dance
- Danda - a first name
- dandi - a dandy; a boatman on the Ganges river
- dando - a drinker who leaves without paying for his drinks; a glutton
- dands - plural of "dand", a dandy
- dandy - a fop; a swell; very acceptable
- Danea - a first name
- Danee - a first name
- Danek - a first name
- Danel - a first name
- Danen - a first name
- danes - plural of "Dane", a native of Denmark
- Danet - a first name
- Daney - a first name
- Danfy - a first name
- dango - a Japanese style of rigging business bids
- dangs - plural of "dang", a pitifully mild expletive
- dania - a first name; a town in Florida
- danic - Danish
- Danie - a first name
- Danik - a first name
- danio - an aquarium fish
- Danis - a first name
- Danit - a first name
- Daniz - a first name
- Danja - a first name
- Danka - a first name
- Danko - a first name
- danks - plural of "dank", wetness, unpleasant moistness
- danli - danglin
- danna - a first name; a privy
- Danne - a first name
- Danni - a first name
- Danno - a first name
- Danny - a first name
- Danon - a first name
- danse - French for "dance", as in "danse macabre"
- danta - a tapir
- Dante - a first name
- dants - daunts
- Danya - a first name
- Danyl - a first name
- Danys - a first name
- danza - a musical term meaning "dance"
- Danzy - a first name
- Daoud - a first name
- daquf - a town in Egypt
- daquq - a town in Iraq
- Darab - a first name
- daraf - an inverse farad, a unit of measurement of elastance
- Darah - a first name
- darak - rice bran
- Daran - a first name
- darat - a Somalian unit of area, of about 8,000 square meters
- Daray - a first name
- Darbi - a first name
- darbs - plural of "darb", a thing considered extraordinary
- darby - a first name; a plasterer's float
- Darce - a first name
- Darci - a first name
- darcy - a first name; a unit of measurement of flow permeability
- Darda - a first name
- dards - plural of "dard", an Indo-Aryan people of the upper Indus valley
- dared - a first name; braved; challenged
- Dareh - a first name
- Darek - a first name
- darel - a first name; a tribal area in Pakistan
- Daren - a first name
- darer - one who dares
- dares - braves; challenges
- darga - a structure over the grave of a holy person
- dargi - a Caucasian language
- dargo - a river and a town in Australia
- dargs - plural of "darg", a day's work
- Daria - a first name
- daric - a first name; a gold coin of Darius
- darii - the name given by logicians to one of the fifteen valid syllogisms
- Darik - a first name
- Daril - a first name
- Darin - a first name
- Dario - a first name
- daris - plural of "dari", Indian millet
- Darja - a first name
- Darko - a first name
- darks - darkens
- darky - an ethnic slur
- Darla - a first name
- Darli - a first name
- Darly - a first name
- Darne - a first name
- darns - mends; plural of "darn", a mild curse
- Daron - a first name
- daroo - the sycamore
- darra - a first name; a town in Pakistan
- darrs - plural of "darr", the European black tern
- darry - a first name; a town in Germany
- Darse - a first name
- Darsi - a first name
- darso - a hybrid grain sorghum
- darst - dares
- Darsy - a first name
- darts - rushes; plural of "dart", a small arrow
- Darun - a first name
- Darva - a first name
- Darya - a first name
- Daryl - a first name
- Daryn - a first name
- darzi - a member of an urban caste of tailors in India
- Dasan - a first name
- Dasco - a first name
- dases - variant of "dazes"
- Dasey - a first name
- Dasha - a first name
- dashi - a first name; soup stock from fish and kelp
- dasht - an Asian river
- dashy - showy
- Dasie - a first name
- dasis - plural of "dasi", a female Hindu slave
- dasnt - a dialect form of "dares not" or "doesn't"
- dassy - a hyrax
- daswe - to dasewe, to become dimsighted
- dasya - a first name; a genus of marine red algae
- dasyu - one of the dark-skinned Dravidian aborigines of India
- datal - containing a date; daytale
- datch - thatch
- dated - obsolete; marked with a calendar date; wooed
- dater - one who dates
- dates - plural of "date", a romantic meeting; a calendar time; a fruit
- datey - like a date
- Datha - a first name
- datia - a town in India
- datil - a South American palm used for making baskets
- datin - a female member of a senior chivalric order of Malaysia
- Daton - a first name
- datos - plural of "dato", a Philippine tribal chief
- datto - a Philippine tribal chief
- datuk - a senior chivalric order of Malaysia
- datum - something given; the proper singular of "data"
- Datus - a first name
- daube - a braised meat stew
- daubs - smears
- dauby - sticky
- Daudi - a first name
- dauds - thumps
- Dauid - a first name
- dauks - plural of "dauk", a flaw in timber
- daule - a town in Ecuador
- dault - a dalt, a foster-child
- daunt - to cow; to intimidate; to overcome with fear
- daura - a town in Iraq
- dauri - plural of "daur", a Manchu-Tungus people
- daurs - dares
- Dause - a first name
- dauts - fondles
- dauws - plural of "dauw", a Burchell's zebra
- davao - a city of the Philippines
- Davar - a first name
- Daved - a first name
- Davee - a first name
- daven - a first name; to utter Jewish prayers
- daver - to move about in a stupor
- Davey - a first name
- Davia - a first name
- David - a first name
- Davie - a first name
- Davin - a first name
- Davis - a first name
- davit - a hoisting device on a ship for raising or lowering boats
- Davon - a first name
- Davor - a first name
- davos - a Swiss mountain resort
- Dawan - a first name
- dawds - dauds, thumps
- dawdy - dowdy
- dawed - dawned
- dawen - to dawn
- dawgs - plural of "dawg", a humorous spelling of a Southern pronunciation of "dog"
- Dawid - a first name
- Dawin - a first name
- Dawit - a first name
- dawks - plural of "dawk", mail carried by relays; a parcel or letter
- dawms - plural of "dawm", a fortieth of a rupee
- dawna - a first name; a mountain range in Burma
- Dawne - a first name
- Dawnn - a first name
- dawns - sunrises; becomes apparent
- dawny - in poor health
- Dawon - a first name
- dawts - fondles
- Dawud - a first name
- Dawut - a first name
- daxie - a dachshund
- dayak - a Malay race
- dayal - an East Indian songbird
- dayan - a judge in a rabbinical court
- Daycy - a first name
- Dayle - a first name
- Dayma - a first name
- Dayna - a first name
- Dayne - a first name
- daynt - dainty
- Dayse - a first name
- Daysi - a first name
- Daysy - a first name
- dazed - stunned
- dazer - a battery-operated sonic dog deterrent used by the Post Office
- dazes - stuns
- dazey - like a daze
- deads - plural of "dead", ore debris
- deady - gin
- deafy - a beggar who pretends to be deaf; a deaf person
- deage - to remove the effects of ageing
- deair - to remove air from, as when casting a mold
- deals - trades or does business; passes out playing cards
- dealt - handed out
- dealy - a thingamajig
- Deana - a first name
- Deane - a first name
- Deann - a first name
- deano - a first name; a month
- deans - plural of "dean", head of the faculty at a university
- deare - variant of "dere"
- dearn - a first name; mournful
- dears - plural of "dear", a beloved person
- deary - a dear
- dease - a strait in Canada
- deash - to remove ashes from
- death - the end of life
- deave - to deafen
- deaws - dews
- deawy - dewy
- debag - to forcibly remove the trousers of another, a British boarding school amusement
- deban - a town in India; to lift a ban
- debar - to prevent
- debat - a kind of literary composition; to remove bats
- debba - a first name; a town in Eritrea
- Debbi - a first name
- debby - a first name; a debutante; like a debutante
- debed - to remove from a bed; a river in Armenia
- debee - a first name; to remove bees
- debel - to conquer in war
- deben - an ancient Egyptian unit of weight, of about 1440 grains; a British river
- Debie - a first name
- debin - to remove the bins that organize data or objects
- debir - a biblical city; a first name
- debit - a financial loss; a negative profit; to remove bits from
- debka - a Palestinian dance of celebration
- debog - to remove bogs
- Debor - a first name
- debox - to remove boxes
- deboy - to remove boys
- debra - a first name (hi Deb!); to remove one's bra; to remove from a bra
- Debre - a first name
- debts - plural of "debt", a monetary obligation
- debud - to remove the buds from flowers
- debug - to correct a computer program, replacing blatant bugs with subtle ones
- debum - to remove bums
- debun - to uncoil from a bun-like shape
- debus - to exit a bus as though it were a significant accomplishment
- debut - a premiere
- debye - a unit of measurement for electrical dipole moments
- decab - to remove taxicabs
- decad - a decade; ten things
- decaf - decaffeinated coffee
- decal - a lettered or pictorial label
- decan - to remove from a can; in the Egyptian calendar, a star governing a 10 day period
- decap - to remove a priming cap from
- decar - to remove cars
- decat - to remove cats
- decay - to deteriorate; to rot
- Decca - a first name
- decel - deceleration
- decem - ten
- decet - a decimet, a family of 10 nuclear particles
- Decha - a first name
- Decia - a first name
- decil - a grass; an aspect
- Decka - a first name
- decke - nappe
- decko - a look or glance
- decks - knocks down; plural of "deck", a floor of a ship; a raised porch; a set of cards
- declo - a town in Idaho
- decob - to remove cobs
- decod - to remove cod
- decog - to remove cogs
- decon - decontamination
- decop - to remove cops
- decor - a decoration scheme with an unlimited budget
- decos - plural of "deco", a style of decoration
- decot - to remove cots
- decow - to remove cows
- decoy - to lure
- decry - to censure
- decub - to remove cubs
- decud - to remove cud
- decup - to remove from a cup; to remove cups from
- decus - a crown coin
- decyl - a hydrocarbon with ten carbons in a row
- dedal - daedal; skillful or ingenious, like Dedalus; formed with art
- dedan - an ancient town in Saudi Arabia on the trade routes
- Dedee - a first name
- Dedie - a first name
- dedos - an informer
- dedot - to remove dots
- Dedra - a first name
- Dedre - a first name
- deece - the lowest trump in some card games; a dime
- Deeda - a first name
- deeds - plural of "deed", an act; a legal title of ownership
- deedy - active; a chicken
- deefy - a deaf person
- deeks - plural of "deek", a deceptive maneuver in ice hockey
- deely - a thing
- deems - a first name; regards
- Deena - a first name
- deens - plural of "deen", a din, or loud noise
- Deepa - a first name
- deeps - plural of "deep", a depth
- Deept - a first name
- Deepu - a first name
- deere - dear
- deers - variant plural of "deer"
- deesa - a town in India
- deess - a goddess
- deets - plural of "deet", an insect repellent
- deeve - to deafen
- deevs - plural of "deev", an evil spirit in Persian tradition
- deevy - delightful, charming
- Deeya - a first name
- Deeyn - a first name
- defad - to remove fads
- defan - to remove fans
- defat - to remove fat from
- defax - to remove faxes
- defed - to remove Feds
- defem - to defeminize
- defen - to remove fens
- defer - to delay; to put off
- defez - to remove a fez from
- defib - a heart defibrillator
- defig - to remove figs from something
- defin - to remove fins from something
- defir - to remove firs from something
- defis - challenges
- defit - to make something not fit
- defix - to fix or fasten
- defly - deftly
- defob - to remove fobs
- defog - to remove fog from
- defop - to remove fops
- defox - to remove foxes; to repair foxing
- defug - to let in fresh air to drive out bad
- defun - in the LISP programming language, a keyword used to define a function
- defur - to remove fur
- degab - to remove gab
- degag - to remove gags; to lift a gag order
- degal - to remove gals
- degap - to correct gaps; to fill in gaps
- degas - to remove gas from; to treat someone who has been gassed
- degay - to remove gays
- degel - to remove gels; to unsolidify
- degem - to remove gems
- degen - a first name; a sword
- Degna - a first name
- degob - to remove gobs
- degod - to remove God or gods
- degoy = to remove goys
- degum - to remove gum from
- degun - to remove guns
- degus - plural of "degu", a small South American rodent
- degut - to gut; to remove the guts; to hollow out
- dehag - to remove hags
- deham - to remove ham
- dehat - to remove hats
- dehay - to remove hay
- dehem - to remove hems
- dehen - to remove hens
- dehep - to make something no longer "hep"
- dehip - to remove hips
- dehit - to remove hits
- dehna - an Arabian desert
- dehob - to remove hobs
- dehod - to remove hods
- dehog - to remove hogs
- dehop - to remove hops
- dehri - a town in India
- dehua - a town in Fujian province, China, famous for an unusual kind of pottery
- dehub - to remove hubs
- dehue - to remove the hue; a town in West Virginia
- dehug - to remove hugs
- dehum - to remove hums
- dehun - to remove Huns
- dehut - to remove huts
- deice - to remove ice
- deids - plural of "deid", a death
- deify - to make a god of
- deign - to condescend
- Deike - a first name
- deils - plural of "deil", a devil
- deink - to remove ink, especially from waste paper
- deino - one of the three Gray women in Greek mythology
- Deion - a first name
- deira - an ancient kingdom of northern England
- deism - belief in a bashful god
- deist - one who wants to believe in god but not any particular one
- deity - a god
- dejab - to remove jabs
- Dejah - a first name
- dejag - to remove jags
- dejam - to unjam
- Dejan - a first name
- dejar - to remove jars
- dejaw - to remove jaws
- dejet - to remove jets
- dejig - to remove jigs
- dejob - to remove jobs
- Dejon - a first name
- dejot - to remove jots
- dejoy - to remove joy
- dejug - to remove jugs
- dejut - to remove jutting things
- Dekah - a first name
- dekan - one of 36 equal subdivisions of the celestial equator, used by ancient Egyptians
- dekar - variant of "decare", 10 ares, a unit of measurement of area
- deked - taken in by a deceptive hockey move
- Dekel - a first name
- deker - ten
- dekes - plural of "deke", a deceptive move in hockey; a member of the Delta Kappa fraternity
- Dekka - a first name
- dekko - to look at
- dekle - ragged
- delab - to remove laboratories; to remove Labradors
- delad - to remove lads
- delag - to remove lags
- Delan - a first name
- delap - to remove laps
- delav - to remove lavoratories
- delaw - to remove laws
- delay - to dally; to put off
- Delea - a first name
- deled - deleted
- deleg - to remove legs
- deles - deletes
- delet - to cease letting; to cancel a lease
- delfs - plural of "delf", an item of glazed earthenware
- delft - a city in the Netherlands; an item of glazed earthenware
- delhi - a city in India
- Delia - a first name
- delid - to remove lids
- Delie - a first name
- delip - to remove lips
- delir - to be delirious
- delis - plural of "deli", a delicatessen
- delit - delight
- della - a first name; a prefix in Italian surnames
- Delle - a first name
- Delli - a first name
- dells - a first name; plural of "dell", a glen
- delly - a first name; a delicatessen
- Delma - a first name
- delog - to remove logs
- delol - a town in India
- Delon - a first name
- deloo - the duykerbok
- delos - a first name; a small Greek island, the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis
- delot - to remove lots
- delox - to remove lox
- Deloy - a first name
- delph - Delft pottery
- Delra - a first name
- Delsy - a first name
- delta - a first name; a Greek letter; a river mouth; the fourth brightest star in a constellation
- Delte - a first name
- delts - plural of "delt", a deltoid muscle
- delve - to dig; to explore; to investigate
- Delya - a first name
- Delys - a first name
- demal - having a concentration of one gram equivalent per cubic centimeter
- deman - a first name; to unman
- demap - to remove maps; to remove something from a map
- demar - a first name; to remove blemishes
- Demas - a first name
- demat - to remove mats
- Dembe - a first name
- demer - a river in Belgium
- demes - plural of "deme", a Greek district
- demic - of the people
- Demir - a first name
- demis - plural of "demi", a tablet of Demeral
- demit - to release; to send; to put away; to resign
- demix - the tendency of particles in a mixture to sort themselves by size upon being shaken
- demob - to demobilize
- demod - to demodernize
- demon - an evil spirit
- demop - to remove mops
- demos - a first name; the proletariat; plural of "demo", a demonstration
- Demps - a first name
- dempt - deemed
- demta - a town in Papua New Guinea
- demud - to remove mud
- demug - to remove mugs
- demur - to object
- denad - to remove nads; to castrate
- Denae - a first name
- denag - to remove nags
- Denah - a first name
- denar - a dinar
- denat - a unit of weight in Austria
- denau - a town in Uzbekistan
- denay - a first name; to deny
- Denby - a first name
- Denea - a first name
- deneb - a star
- Denee - a first name
- denes - a first name; plural of "dene", a valley; a sandy tract by the sea; a Canadian Indian tribe
- denet - to market a book without the constraint of the Net Book Agreement
- Deney - a first name
- dengu - an Indian fever
- denia - a town in Spain
- denib - to remove nibs
- Denie - a first name
- denim - a kind of firm, durable twilled cotton fabric
- Denis - a first name
- Deniz - a first name
- Denly - a first name
- Denna - a first name
- Denni - a first name
- denny - a first name; like a den
- dense - thick; stupid
- denso - a stupid person
- dents - plural of "dent", an indentation
- denty - containing many dents, such as an old person's car
- denub - to remove nubs
- denut - to castrate
- Denya - a first name
- Denys - a first name
- deoil - to remove oil
- deoli - a town in India
- Deona - a first name
- Deone - a first name
- Deora - a first name
- deoti - an early site in northern India
- deoxy - containing less oxygen per molecule than the compound from which it is derived
- depad - to remove pads
- depan - to remove pans
- depas - an ancient Greek drinking cup with two handles
- depeg - to remove pegs
- depen - to temporarily remove the pen from one's collar at the request of a gracious hostess
- depet - to remove pets
- depig - to remove the pigs
- depin - to unpin something; to remove pins
- depip - to remove the pips
- depit - to remove pits
- depod - to remove the pods
- depoo - to remove excrement
- depop - to remove pop; to remove popping sounds from an audio track; to remove pops
- depot - a train station; a storage place
- depox - to remove pox; to cure of the pox
- depth - profundity
- depub - to remove pubs
- depug - to remove pugs
- depun - to remove puns
- deqin - a town in China
- deque - a linear data structure for which insertions and deletions can be made at either end
- derag - to remove rags
- derah - an Eritrean measure of length, of about 18 inches
- Derak - a first name
- deram - to remove rams
- Deran - a first name
- Derar - a first name
- derat - to rid of rats
- deray - to disarrange
- derbe - an ancient town in Asia Minor
- derby - a first name; a race; a hat; a kind of cheese; an English town
- Derec - a first name
- dered - harmed; injured
- deref - to remove referees
- dereg - to remove regulations
- Derek - a first name
- Deren - a first name
- derep - to remove representatives
- deres - harms; injures
- derib - to remove ribs
- deric - a first name; pertaining to the skin
- Derie - a first name
- derig - to unrig; to dismantle
- Derik - a first name
- Deril - a first name
- derim - a town in Papua New Guinea; to remove the rim from a tire
- Derin - a first name
- derio - a town in Spain
- derip - to remove rips
- Derit - a first name
- Derke - a first name
- derma - the skin in general; the corium or true skin; lobster skin
- dermo - a parasite endemic to oysters
- derms - plural of "derm", a layer of the skin
- derna - a city in North Africa
- derne - to conceal; a city in North Africa
- derns - plural of "dern", a gatepost
- derod - to remove rods
- Deron - a first name
- derot - to remove rot; to remove rotten parts
- derow - to remove rows
- Deroy - a first name
- derre - dearer
- Derri - a first name
- derro - derelict
- derry - a first name; a prejudice; a derelict house; a ballad; a town in northern Ireland
- derth - a first name; a variant of "dearth"
- derub - to remove rubs
- derug - to remove rugs
- derum - to remove rum
- derun - to remove runs
- dervs - plural of "derv", diesel oil
- Derya - a first name
- Deryk - a first name
- Deryl - a first name
- Deryn - a first name
- derzs - a village in Hungary
- desac - to remove sacs
- desag - to remove sags
- desal - desalinization
- desap - to remove sap
- desat - to desaturate
- desaw - to remove saws
- desax - to remove saxophones
- desay - to cancel an utterance
- deseg - to desegregrate
- deset - to unset; to remove settings
- desex - to geld; to castrate
- Deshi - a first name
- desib - to cancel a sibling relationship
- Desie - a first name
- desin - to remove sin
- Desir - a first name
- desis - plural of "desi", an expatriate Indian
- desit - to cancel a seat assignment
- desks - plural of "desk", a writing table
- desma - a first name; an irregularly branched sponge spicule
- desob - to remove sobs
- desod - to remove sod from
- deson - to remove sons; to disown a son
- desow - to remove sows
- desoy - to remove soy sauce
- Despo - a first name
- dessa - a first name; desa; a Javanese village
- desse - a desk
- Dessi - a first name
- Desta - a first name
- Deste - a first name
- desto - a musical notation meaning "in a sprightly manner"
- Desty - a first name
- desub - to remove submarines; to remove substitutes
- desud - to remove suds
- desun - to remove the sun or sunshine
- desyl - a univalent radical
- detab - to remove TAB characters; to remove tabs
- detag - to remove tags
- detam - to remove tams
- detan - to counteract the effects of tanning
- detap - to remove a tap
- detar - to remove tar from
- detax - to remove a tax from
- detec - a detective
- deter - to fend off
- detin - to remove tin from articles plated with tin
- detip - to cancel a tip; to remove a tip
- detog - to remove togs; to unclothe
- detop - to remove tops
- detox - detoxification
- detoy - to remove toys
- Detta - a first name
- dette - debt
- detub - to remove tubs
- detug - to remove tugboats
- detur - an annual prize awarded at Harvard to those who have attained a certain grade
- deuce - the devil; the two in cards
- Deune - a first name
- deunx - an ancient Roman unit of weight, of 11 uncia
- deuse - deuced
- Deuyn - a first name
- Devah - a first name
- Deval - a first name
- devan - a first name; to remove vans
- devas - plural of "deva", a Hindu benign spirit
- devat - to remove vats
- devec - a mathematical operation that converts a vector into a matrix
- devel - to strike forcibly
- Deven - a first name
- devex - bending down; sloping
- devey - delightful, charming
- Devid - a first name
- devil - Satan
- Devin - a first name
- devis - plural of "devi", a Hindu goddess
- Devoe - a first name
- devon - a first name; one of a breed of small hardy cattle
- devot - a man who is a devotee
- devow - to release from a vow
- Devra - a first name
- Devri - a first name
- Devyn - a first name
- Dewal - a first name
- dewan - a first name; an Indian fiscal officer
- dewar - a thermos bottle
- dewax - to remove wax from
- deweb - to remove webs
- dewed - bedewed; to unmarry
- Dewei - a first name
- dewen - to remove wens
- dewer - an operator of a textile machine that sprays water on woolen cloth
- dewet - to dry; to remove water, especially in a chemical process
- dewey - a first name; two
- Dewie - a first name
- dewig - to remove a wig
- dewit - to remove wit
- Dewon - a first name
- dexed - intoxicated on dextroamphetamines
- dexes - plural of "dex", a sulfate used as a central nervous system suppressant
- dexie - a first name; dextroaphetamines
- Dexin - a first name
- Deyan - a first name
- Deyda - a first name
- deyed - died
- deyes - dies
- Dezia - a first name
- Dezra - a first name
- dezzy - a lower second university pass, or "2/2", named for Desmond Tutu
- dhaba - an Indian roadside cafe
- dhabb - the dried flesh of a skink, used as medicine
- Dhahi - a first name
- dhaka - a city in Bangladesh
- dhaks - plural of "dhak", an Asian tree
- dhali - another name for Idalium
- dhals - plural of "dhal", an Indian dish of lentils and spices
- Dhana - a first name
- Dhane - a first name
- Dhani - a first name
- dhanu - the Indian name for the sign of Sagittarius
- Dhari - a first name
- dhars - plural of "dhar", a Burmese curved knife
- Dhary - a first name
- dhava - an East Indian tree
- dhawa - an East Indian tree
- dheri - a town in Afghanistan
- Dheva - a first name
- dhikr - the ritual formula of a Sufi brotherhood
- dhobi - an Indian washerwoman
- dhoby - an Indian washerwoman
- dhole - an Indian wild dog
- dholl - an Indian dish of lentils and spices; the pigeon pea
- dhols - plural of "dhol", a variant of "dhal", an Indian dish
- dhoni - an Indian fishing boat
- dhony - an Indian fishing boat
- dhoon - a valley in the Siwalik hills
- dhoti - a loin cloth
- dhows - plural of "dhow", an Arabian sailing vessel
- Dhruv - a first name
- dhuti - variant of "dhoti", a loin cloth
- dhyal - a bird
- diact - two-rayed
- diads - plural of "diad", a variant of "dyad", a set of two
- diala - a river in Iraq
- dials - plural of "dial", a calibrated disk
- diamb - a metrical foot consisting of two iambs
- diana - a first name; the Roman moon and hunting goddess
- Diane - a first name
- diani - a first name; a town in Kenya
- Diann - a first name
- diary - a journal
- diath - in body-piercing lore, a "rook and diath" is a pair of rings in the inner ear
- diazo - a non-silver photographic coating for contact printing
- dibba - a town in the United Arab Emirates
- dibbs - a game in which jacks are thrown from the palm and caught on the back of the hand
- dibon - a biblical place
- dibse - another name for Thapsacus
- diced - cut into cubes; played dice
- dicer - a dice player; something that cuts into small cubes
- dices - cuts into small cubes
- dicey - chancy
- dicht - to wipe
- Dicko - a first name
- dicks - plural of "dick", a detective; a penis
- dicky - a first name; a seat; an apron; a shirt front; of uncertain health
- dicot - a plant with two seed leaves
- dicta - plural of "dictum", a judicial pronouncement
- dicts - dictates
- dictu - part of the phrase "mirabile dictu", or "amazing to tell"
- dicty - snobbish; very good or pleasing; dictatorial
- didal - a triangular spade
- Didar - a first name
- diddy - a teat
- didie - a diaper
- didja - slang for "did you"
- didlo - crazy
- didna - slang for "did not"
- didos - plural of "dido", a mischievous act
- didot - a European typographical point system
- Didra - a first name
- didst - Biblical "did"
- didus - the dodo genus; raphus
- didya - slang for "did you"
- didym - didymium
- diebs - plural of "dieb", a North African jackal
- Diego - a first name
- Dieka - a first name
- diems - part of the phrase "per diems", plural of "per diem", a daily payment
- diene - unsaturated hydrocarbons
- dieri - a primitive Australian people
- diers - plural of "dier", one who dies; a cow so sick it can't be guaranteed to walk to the slaughterhouse
- diest - Biblical "die"
- dieth - Biblical "die"
- diets - regulates one's daily sustenance; plural of "diet", a parliament
- diety - like a diet
- Dietz - a first name
- difda - the star Deneb Kaitos
- diffa - an Arabic banquet
- diffs - plural of "diff", a difficulty
- diffy - a sickbay attendant
- Digby - a first name
- digha - a town in India
- dight - adorned; to have sex with
- digit - a numeral; a finger; a unit of measurement of about 3/4 inch
- Digna - a first name
- digne - worthy; deserving
- digon - a degenerate polygon comprising two points and two lines.
- digor - a traditional sport in Bhutan
- digue - embankment; dike
- dihok - a variant of "Duhok", a city in Iraq
- dijon - a city in France; a kind of mustard
- dikas - plural of "dika", a West African mango
- diked - banked
- diker - one who builds dikes; ten
- dikes - plural of "dike", an embankment
- dikey - like a dyke
- Dikla - a first name
- dikte - a mountain in Crete
- Dilan - a first name
- dildo - a sex toy
- Dilek - a first name
- Diler - a first name
- dilga - a town in Romania
- Dilip - a first name
- Dilla - a first name
- dilli - a dilly bag
- dillo - an armadillo
- dills - plural of "dill", an annual herb
- dilly - a first name; a native bag; remarkable case; diligence; the daffodil; in the phrase "dilly dally", to dawdle
- Dilma - a first name
- Dilon - a first name
- Dilsa - a first name
- dilsy - a foolish person
- Dilyn - a first name
- Dilys - a first name
- Dimas - a first name
- dimba - marijuana from west Africa
- dimbo - a stupid person
- dimed - part of the phrase "nickel and dimed"; informed on someone
- dimer - a compound composed of two identical molecules; an informer
- dimes - informs on; plural of "dime", a ten cent coin
- dimey - a ten cent glass of beer
- dimit - to demit
- dimly - obscurely
- dimmo - a dime; an unintelligent person
- dimmy - a first name; somewhat dim; a stupid person; money
- dimna - a town in Jordan
- Dimon - a first name
- Dimos - a first name
- dimps - dusk; twilight; plural of "dimp", a "usable" cigarette butt
- dimya - dimyaria, an order of lamellibranchiate mollusks
- Dinah - a first name
- dinan - a city in northern France
- dinar - a common name for a worthless coin of many countries
- Dinaw - a first name
- Dinaz - a first name
- dinch - to extinguish a cigarette; a cigar or cigarette butt
- Dinco - a first name
- dinde - a town in Mali; the French name for turkey
- dined - supped
- dineh - Navajo
- diner - an informal restaurant; one who dines
- dines - eats
- dinge - to make a depression or hollow on a surface; an ethnic slur
- dingo - an Australian wild dog
- dings - rings
- dingy - dirty and dark; variant of "dinghy"
- dinic - pertaining to dizziness
- Dinis - a first name
- dinka - a first name; an African ethnic group
- Dinko - a first name
- dinks - adorns; plural of "dink", an acronym: "Double Income, No Kids"; a small boat
- dinky - tiny; a small locomotive
- dinle - variant of "dindle"
- dinna - slang for "do not"
- Dinny - a first name
- dinos - a first name; plural of "dino", a dinosaur
- Dinse - a first name
- dints - dents
- dinus - vertigo
- Dinya - a first name
- diode - a thermionic device
- Diogo - a first name
- diola - a language
- diols - plural of "diol", a chemical compound
- Diona - a first name
- dione - a first name; a moon of Saturn
- Dioni - a first name
- Dionn - a first name
- dioon - a genus of plants having a conical trunk crowned by a tuft of pinnate leaves
- Diora - a first name
- Diore - a first name
- Diosa - a first name
- diose - any of a class of monosaccharides
- diota - a two-handled jar
- Diouc - a first name
- dioxy - a chemical containing two oxy groups
- diple - the "greater than" sign, ">", used by the Greeks to indicate rejected passages of a text
- diplo - of the diplomatic corps
- dipod - a platform having two legs
- dippy - goofy; a little insane; inane
- dipso - a dipsomaniac
- dipsy - a nautical corruption of "deep sea"; tipsy
- Dipti - a first name
- Dipto - a first name
- dipus - the jerboa
- Diqui - a first name
- diram - a monetary unit of Tajikistan
- Diran - a first name
- dirca - a genus of shrubs having tough bark and yellow flowers
- Dirce - a first name
- Dirck - a first name
- direr - more dire
- dirge - an elegy
- dirgy - a funeral feast
- diris - plural of "Diri", an inhabitant of Dir
- dirke - a first name; dark
- dirks - plural of "dirk", a short knife
- dirls - trembles; vibrates
- Diron - a first name
- dirts - plural of "dirt", earth or soil
- dirty - soiled; improper
- dirum - a unit of money in Morocco
- disas - plural of "disa", a South African orchid
- disci - plural of "discus"
- disco - a music style; a dance hall
- discs - plural of "disc", a flat circular object
- dises - plural of "dix", the lowest trump in some card games
- dishy - attractive
- disko - an island in Greenland
- disks - plural of "disk", a flat circular object
- disme - an obsolete American coin
- disna - a first name; slang for "does not"
- dispo - disposition; disposal
- disuq - a town in Egypt
- dital - a guitar tuning key
- ditas - plural of "dita", a Philippine tree
- ditch - a trench; to get rid of or to run away from
- dited - composed; dictated
- diter - a first name; composer; dictator
- dites - composes; dictates; plural of "dite", a small amount
- ditso - useless; second-rate
- ditsy - thoughtless; scatterbrained
- Ditta - a first name
- Ditte - a first name
- ditto - the same; to copy
- ditts - plural of "ditt", a ditty
- ditty - a little song
- ditzy - thoughtless; scatterbrained
- Diuan - a first name
- Divam - a first name
- divan - a sofa; the ruler of a small domain
- divas - plural of "diva", a grand dame of opera
- dived - plunged
- divel - to tear apart
- diver - one who dives
- dives - a first name; a rich man in the Bible; plunges; plural of "dive", a seedy bar
- divet - variant of "divot"
- divey - seedy, disreputable
- divil - the devil
- divis - divides
- divot - a piece of turf, untimely ripped from the bosom of mother Earth
- divus - divine; godlike
- divvy - to divide up; odd, stupid or deviant
- Divya - a first name
- diwan - a dewan, an Indian fiscal officer
- Dixee - a first name
- dixes - plural of "dix", the lowest trump in some card games
- dixie - a first name; the southern United States; a food container
- dixit - an unconfirmed and dogmatic statement
- Dixon - a first name
- Diyah - a first name
- dizen - to dress gaudily
- dizin - a skiing resort in Iran
- dizli - a town in Iran
- dizzy - lightheaded
- Djari - a first name
- djati - teak
- djave - njave, a large African timber tree
- djawa - an Indonesian island
- Djimi - a first name
- djing - serving as a DJ, or "disk jockey"
- djinn - a genie
- djins - plural of "djin", a genie
- djoma - marijuana
- djugu - a town in the Congo
- Djuja - a first name
- djuka - a bush people of Dutch Guiana
- Djuna - a first name
- Djuro - a first name
- doabs - plural of "doab", an alluvial land; a tract between two rivers
- doand - doing
- Doane - a first name
- doats - dotes
- dobbs - a North American cape
- dobby - a first name; a dotard; part of a loom; a foot; a brownie; a nickname for a horse
- dobee - an Indian washerwoman
- dobie - a first name; adobe; a Dobermann Pinscher; an Indian washerwoman; a town in Wisconsin
- dobla - a gold coin of Spain
- doboj - a town in Bosnia
- dobra - a first name; a gold coin of Portugal
- dobro - an acoustic guitar with a twangy, tremulous tone
- Dobry - a first name
- doccy - a beggar's female companion
- docht - was good for a purpose
- Docie - a first name
- docks - charges; plural of "dock", a pier
- dodad - variant of "doodad", a thingamajig; a doohickey
- dodan - a town in Burma
- dodas - plural of "doda", a four-horned antelope
- dodds - cuts off
- doddy - a hornless cow
- Dodee - a first name
- Dodek - a first name
- dodes - plural of "dode", a fool
- Dodey - a first name
- dodge - to duck down or jump to the side to avoid being hit
- dodgy - legally or morally suspect
- Dodie - a first name
- Dodla - a first name
- dodos - plural of "dodo", an extinct flightless bird; a person who should be extinct and flightless
- Dodya - a first name
- Doeda - a first name
- doeks - plural of "doek", a square headcloth
- doers - plural of "doer", one who does things
- doest - Biblical "do"
- doeth - Biblical "do"
- doffs - casts off
- dogal - of a doge
- dogan - a first name; an Irish Roman Catholic
- doges - plural of "doge", a ruler of Venice
- dogey - a stray calf
- doggo - concealed; stoned
- doggy - fond of dogs; like a dog; a little dog
- dogie - a stray calf
- dogly - canine
- dogma - a doctrine
- dogne - one of the sources of the Dordogne river
- dogon - a people of the central bend of the Niger
- dogra - a Kashmiri
- dogun - an Irish Roman Catholic
- dohad - a town in India
- dohls - plural of "dohl", pulse, dried peas; an Afghan musical instrument
- dohor - a town in northern Iraq
- dohyo - the 15 foot ring of sandy clay in which a sumo wrestling match is held
- doigt - careful manipulation of the fencing foil
- doilt - crazy
- doily - an ornamental napkin
- doina - a first name; a Romanian folk song
- doing - performing
- doink - to hit; to have sex with; an idiot or jerk
- Doino - a first name
- doira - a Bukharan hand drum
- doits - plural of "doit", an old Dutch coin
- dojee - heroin
- dojie - heroin
- dojos - plural of "dojo", a school that teaches judo or karate
- dokan - a town in Iraq
- dokdo - the Korean name for the island the Japanese call Takashima
- doker - a shill
- dokes - plural of "doke", a dimple
- dokus - the buttocks
- Dolan - a first name
- Dolat - a first name
- dolce - softly; sweetly
- doled - bestowed sparingly
- Dolen - a first name
- doler - one who doles
- doles - bestows sparingly
- doley - one who is getting unemployment compensation
- Dolfe - a first name
- Dolfi - a first name
- dolia - plural of "dolium", an ancient Roman earthenware cask
- dolie - one who is getting unemployment compensation
- Dolin - a first name
- Dolli - a first name
- dolls - plural of "doll", a mannekin; an attractive woman
- dolly - a first name; a wheeled platform
- dolma - a first name; a vegetable shell stuffed with meat, rice and herbs
- dolor - grief
- dolos - the knucklebone of a sheep, used for divination
- Dolph - a first name
- dolpo - an ethnic Tibetan region of northwest Nepal
- dolts - plural of "dolt", an imbecile
- dolty - like a dolt; unlearned; unable to learn
- dolus - fraud; the doing of something that is contrary to good conscience
- Dolyn - a first name
- domal - relating to a house
- domba - a Roma tribe now living in western India
- domed - covered by a dome
- domei - a Japanese news agency
- Domek - a first name
- domer - a machine that shapes box tops; a just-submerged rock in a river
- domes - plural of "dome", a rounded roof or cupola
- domet - a cotton or cotton and wool flannel
- domex - the drug MDMA
- domey - domy, like a dome, having domes
- domic - shaped like a dome
- domie - one's home or domicile
- Domka - a first name
- dommy - one's home or domicile
- Domna - a first name
- domos - a village in Hungary; plural of "domo", an acronym: "DOwnwardly MObile professional"
- dompt - to hold at bay
- domra - a early Russian balalaika with a round body
- domus - an ancient Roman dwelling
- donah - a first name; a sweetheart
- Donal - a first name
- donar - the German name for the god of Thunder, also known as Thor; one's steady girlfriend
- donas - plural of "dona", a Spanish lady
- donat - a first name; a grammar or rhetoric book
- donau - the Danube river
- donax - a genus of small marine bivalve mollusks; a species of grasses
- doncy - donsie, unlucky
- Donda - a first name
- Dondi - a first name
- donee - the recipient of a donation
- Donek - a first name
- donet - variant of "donat", a grammar book
- doney - dornick; a sweetheart; an attractive woman
- donga - a South African ravine; poor living quarters
- donge - a mattress
- dongo - a first name; a town in northwest Congo
- dongs - plural of "dong", a Vietnamese coin; a penis
- Donia - a first name
- donks - plural of "donk", a donkey
- donna - a first name; a Spanish lady
- Donni - a first name
- Donny - a first name
- donor - one who gives
- donsy - unlucky; mildly sick
- Donta - a first name
- donte - a first name; a town in Lebanon
- donum - a land measure of about an acre, used in the Ottoman Empire
- donut - a doughnut
- Donya - a first name
- dooab - a piece of land between two rivers
- doobs - dubious; plural of "doob", an Indian grass
- dooda - thingamajig; thingy
- doods - plural of "dood", a camel
- doody - childish slang for excrement
- dooey - a dohickey; a thingamijig; a whatchamacallit
- doofa - a thingmajig
- doofy - foolish; of or pertaining to a doofus
- doogy - heroin
- dooji - heroin
- dooks - plural of "dook", a bung; a fist; a wooden brick
- doola - a son
- doole - dole; gloom
- dooli - a stretcher
- dools - doles
- dooly - a first name; an Indian litter
- dooms - plural of "doom", a bad fate
- doomy - redolent of doom
- doona - a quilted eiderdown
- doons - plural of "doon", a large Ceylonese tree
- doops - plural of "doop", a little copper cup in which a diamond is held while being cut
- doora - durra
- doorn - a South African briar
- doors - plural of "door", an entrance
- doosy - a doozy
- dooze - something easy to accomplish; a doozy
- doozy - a lulu; a remarkable occurrence
- dopas - plural of "dopa", a drug to treat Parkinson's disease
- doped - drugged
- doper - dauber; horse-coper; one who uses drugs
- dopes - plural of "dope", a stupid person; a drug
- dopey - slow-witted
- dorab - the wolf herring or barfish
- dorad - a catfish of the family Doradidae
- dorag - a handkerchief or flat cloth worn on the head
- Dorah - a first name
- doran - a first name; Doppler range navigation device
- doras - the type genus of the family Doradidae
- Dorca - a first name
- Dordi - a first name
- dorea - a first name; a striped Indian muslin
- doree - a first name; a golden yellow fish
- dores - plural of "dore", a Commodore, member of the Vanderbilt football team
- dorey - a first name; a dory
- dorgi - a cross between a dachshund and a corgi
- doria - a first name; a striped Indian muslin
- doric - a Greek architectural style
- Dorie - a first name
- Dorin - a first name
- doris - a first name; the sea slug genus
- Dorit - a first name
- dorje - in Tibetan symbolism, a small trident signifying power
- Dorka - a first name
- dorks - plural of "dork", a stupid or foolish person
- dorky - stupid or foolish
- Dorle - a first name
- dorms - plural of "dorm", a dormitory
- dormy - unbeatable at golf
- Dorna - a first name
- Dorne - a first name
- dorns - plural of "dorn", the thorn-back skate
- doron - a first name; a layered glass cloth impregnated with plastic and used for body armor
- dorps - plural of "dorp", a village
- dorre - variant of "dor"
- Dorri - a first name
- dorrs - plural of "dorr", a black European beetle; a glacial trough
- Dorry - a first name
- dorsa - plural of "dorsum", the back of an animal
- dorse - a Baltic cod; the back of a book; a bed
- dorso - an endorsement on the back of a manuscript cover
- Dorte - a first name
- dorts - takes offense
- dorty - sullen
- Doruk - a first name
- dorus - an ancestor
- Doryn - a first name
- Dorys - a first name
- dosed - physicked
- doseh - a religious ceremony, once held in Cairo, where the sheik of the Sa'di dervishes rode over the backs of his followers
- dosel - dossal; a tapestry
- doser - dossal; one who doses
- doses - plural of "dose", a measured quantity of medicine
- Dosha - a first name
- doshi - a town in Afghanistan
- Dosia - a first name
- dossy - pretentiously fashionable
- Dosta - a first name
- Dosya - a first name
- Dosym - a first name
- dotal - referring to a dowry
- Dotan - a first name
- doted - loved slavishly or excessively;
- doter - one who loves
- dotes - loves
- dotey - cute; adorable; dotable
- dotso - a village in Tibet
- Dotti - a first name
- dotty - a first name; batty
- douai - a city in France
- douar - a dowar; an Arab camp
- douay - a city in France, source of an English version of the Bible
- doubs - a river in France
- doubt - a misgiving; disbelief
- douce - a first name; dulce; sweet
- doucs - plural of "douc", a highly colored monkey
- dough - flour and water mixture; money
- Dougy - a first name
- doula - a servant, aide or comforter for a pregnant woman
- douma - variant of "duma", the Russian parliament
- doums - plural of "doum", an African palm tree
- doupe - the carrion crow
- doups - plural of "doup", the end or bottom of something
- doura - millet; a town in Iraq; a Palestinian town; a town in Nigeria
- douro - the Portuguese name for the Duero river
- douse - to dowse
- Douta - a first name
- douts - extinguishes
- dovap - a method of tracking missiles, "Doppler velocity and position"
- doved - was half asleep
- doven - to utter Jewish prayers
- dover - doze; a powder; a city in England
- doves - plural of "dove", a pigeon
- dovey - a river in Wales
- Dovid - a first name
- dovie - stupid
- dowar - an Arab camp
- dowds - a woman who wears dull frumpish clothing
- dowdy - frumpy
- dowed - prospered
- dowel - a wooden pin
- dower - dowry
- Dowid - a first name
- dowie - dreary; doleful; dull-witted
- dowle - fluff; fine down
- dowls - plural of "dowl", feather fluff
- dowly - dull, lowering
- downa - cannot
- downe - a town in England, home of Charles Darwin
- downs - shoots or knocks down; fine feathers
- downy - covered with fine hair
- dowps - plural of "dowp", a carrion crow
- dowry - a sort of reparations to the groom or his family by the bride's family
- dowse - lower; prospect for water
- dowst - dust
- dowts - extinguishes
- dowve - a dove
- doxic - of or relating to a doctrine
- doxie - a first name; a doctrine
- Doyal - a first name
- Doyel - a first name
- doyen - a senior member
- Doyin - a first name
- doyit - doiled
- Doyle - a first name
- doylt - a group of wild swine
- doyly - a doily
- Doyne - a first name
- dozed - slept
- dozen - a set of twelve
- dozer - a sleeper; a bulldozer
- dozes - sleeps
- draba - a genus of low tufted herbs
- drabi - an Indian driver
- drabs - consorts with prostitutes; army khakis; plural of "drab", a little bit
- drack - dismal; rubbish; unattractive
- draco - the Dragon constellation
- draff - dregs; the spent grains of malt left after making whisky
- draft - an outline; a breeze; to call upon
- Draga - a first name
- drago - a first name; a Mexican tree with yellow flowers
- drags - goes slowly; pulls
- drail - to trail; to drag; a long, trailing headdress; the bow of a plow
- drain - a gutter; an opening through which water can leave a basin
- drake - a first name; a male goose
- drama - a play
- drame - a tragicomedy
- dramm - a unit of weight in Yugoslavia
- drams - plural of "dram", a unit of volume
- drang - drong
- drank - quaffed
- drant - to drone
- drape - a thick curtain
- draps - drops
- drapy - like a drape
- drash - to thrash; an essay or short talk on a religious subject
- drats - plural of "drat", a mild expletive
- drava - a river running through Austria, Hungary, and Yugoslavia
- drave - past tense of "drive"; another name for the river Drava
- drawk - to saturate with moisture; wild oats; darnel
- drawl - to speak slowly
- drawn - hauled; sketched; stretched; weary
- draws - sketches; attracts; stretches
- Draxy - a first name
- drays - plural of "dray", a low strong cart
- dread - prolonged and deep fear
- dream - a reverie; a hope
- drean - drain
- drear - bleakness; a dreary person
- dreck - garbage; bad art
- Dreda - a first name
- dreds - plural of "dred", a dreadlock
- dreed - suffered; to dread
- dreel - to drill
- dreen - to drain
- dreep - to drip
- drees - suffers
- dregs - plural of "dreg", a sediment deposited from liquid
- dreid - dread
- drein - to drain
- dreks - plural of "drek", a worthless item
- dreng - a free tenant in Northumberland with partial military obligations
- Drenk - a first name
- drent - drenched; drowned
- drere - drear
- dress - garb
- drest - poetic "dressed"
- dreul - drool
- dreux - a town in France, site of a famous battle
- Drewe - a first name
- Dreya - a first name
- dreye - dry
- dreys - plural of "drey", a squirrel's nest
- drias - the deadly carrot (!)
- dribs - plural of "drib", a little bit
- drice - granulated frozen carbon dioxide
- dried - dessicated
- drier - more dry; a dessicator
- dries - a first name; dessicates; endures
- drift - to wander; a mound of snow
- driki - dry-ki
- drill - repetition; a tool for making holes; a durable twilled cotton fabric
- drily - sarcastically
- drina - a first name; a river in central Yugoslavia
- drink - a draught; the ocean
- drinn - a grassland
- drint - to fade
- drips - falls in droplets
- dript - poetic "dripped"
- drisk - a drizzling mist
- Driss - a first name
- drite - to defecate
- drith - a drought
- drive - to urge; to use a vehicle for transport; a campaign
- drobe - clothes; apparel
- drock - a water course
- drogh - a hooped canvas bagged towed behind a boat for stability
- droid - short for "android", a robot; a stupid person
- droil - drudgery; a drone; to plot
- droit - a right; a title; a unit of measurement of weight of 1/24 mite
- drole - bad; a bad character
- droll - amusing
- drome - a racecourse; the crab plover; a European river
- drona - a first name; in the Mahabharata, a royal gurur
- drone - a male bee; to talk incessantly
- drong - a narrow passageway between walls or hedges
- dronk - drunk
- drony - like a drone; humming
- droob - an oaf; a hopeless ineffectual person
- droog - a hooligan; a good friend
- drook - to drench
- drool - spittle; stringy saliva that hangs from the mouth
- droon - to drown
- droop - to wilt
- drops - falls; liquid medicine
- dropt - poetic "dropped"
- Drora - a first name
- drosh - a town in Pakistan
- dross - worthless matter
- droud - an oafish woman
- drouk - to duck
- drove - forced; directed
- drovy - muddy; turbid
- drown - to suffocate in water
- drows - plural of "drow", a cave elf
- droxy - of wood that looks sturdy but conceals rotten parts
- droze - to melt irregularly
- Druan - a first name
- drube - an oaf; a hopeless, ineffectual person
- drubs - beats severely
- Druce - a first name
- Druci - a first name
- Drucy - a first name
- Drude - a first name
- Drugi - a first name
- drugs - plural of "drug", a medicinal preparation; a narcotic
- druid - a Celtic priest; a bard
- Drumi - a first name
- drums - plural of "drum", a timpanum
- drung - a town in Ireland
- drunk - intoxicated
- drupa - a nomadic mountain people of Tibet
- drupe - a fruit with a stone or pit
- drury - a first name; an amour
- druse - a mining cavity; a geode; a Syrian
- Drusi - a first name
- drusy - a first name; of a rock cavity that is lined with crystals
- druxy - partly decayed timber; knotholed timber
- druze - a Syrian
- drvar - a town in Bosnia
- dryad - a wood nymph
- dryas - a small genus of alpine and arctic tufted plants
- dryer - desiccator; more dry
- dryff - a British river
- dryki - timber killed by weather
- dryly - sarcastically; without wetness
- dryth - dryness
- dsobo - a zhobo, a male yak-cow hybrid
- dsomo - a zhomo, a female yak-cow hybrid
- duads - plural of "duad", a pair
- Duain - a first name
- duala - a Bantu-speaking people of Cameroon
- duali - a town in Papua New Guinea
- duals - plural of "dual", a twin
- Duana - a first name
- Duane - a first name
- duans - plural of "duan", a division of a poem
- duant - dee
- duars - plural of "duar", a tract of land leading to a mountain pass
- dubai - an Arabian country
- dubay - a woman
- dubba - a leather bottle; a creature
- dubbo - a fool; a city in Australia
- dubbs - the exclamation necessary to claim a pair of marbles knocked out of the ring; plural of "dubb", a Syrian bear
- dubby - dull, blunt; muddy
- dubee - a doobie, a marijuana cigarette
- dubhe - a star in the Big Dipper
- dubia - works of doubtful authenticity
- dubna - a city in Russia, site of a nuclear research center
- dubok - a respectable person or business used as a front for criminal activity
- dubry - a dohickey
- dubya - humorous spelling of the name of the letter "W"
- ducal - of a duke; with strawberry leaves
- ducat - a coin
- duces - plural of "dux", a leader; a Roman provincial military chief; the top pupil
- ducey - the penis
- duchy - the realm of a duke
- ducie - an island near Pitcairn Island
- ducks - dodges; squats; waterfowl
- ducky - peachy; highly satisfactory
- ducle - a term of abuse
- ducts - plural of "duct", an internal channel
- dudde - a first name; an article of clothing
- duddy - a first name; ragged
- duded - well dressed, as in the phrase "all duded up"
- dudes - plural of "dude", a man; a pretend cowboy
- dudey - like a dude; like a pretend cowboy
- Dudly - a first name
- duduk - an Armenian wooden flute
- duelo - a duel; the rules of deuling
- duels - plural of "duel", a one-to-one fight to the death
- duena - a first name; a chaperone
- duero - a river in northern Spain and Portugal
- duets - plural of "duet", a song sung by two
- duett - a duet, a musical piece for two
- dufer - a cigarette saved for later use, because if will "do for" later
- duffs - plural of "duff", a thick pudding
- duffy - a first name; a blood group system; a ghost; a quarter pint of gin
- dufus - a doofus, a fool
- Dugal - a first name
- Dugan - a first name
- Dugey - a first name
- dugga - an Indian drum, bigger than a tabla
- dugie - a first name; heroin
- dugit - an Israeli settlement in the Gaza Strip
- duhat - the Java plum
- duino - a town in Italy, where Rilke wrote elegies
- duisi - a town in the country of Georgia
- duits - plural of "duit", a Dutch coin
- Dujan - a first name
- dujer - heroin
- dujie - heroin
- dukan - the platform on which a Hebrew priest pronounced the benediction; a town in Iraq
- dukat - a town in Albania
- duked - fought with fists
- duker - a massive bowel movement
- dukes - plural of "duke", a nobleman; a fist
- duket - a ticket of admission
- dukey - a first name; a cheap theater
- dukha - a Mongolian herding people
- dukhn - pearl millet
- dukie - a first name; a meal ticket; excrement; a student or alumnus of Duke University
- dukka - a Kenyan retail shop
- dukun - a Filipino medicine man or psychic surgeon
- Dulan - a first name
- dulas - a British bay
- dulat - one of the major divisions of the Great Horde
- dulce - a first name; to sweeten; a South American river
- Dulci - a first name
- Dulcy - a first name
- dules - woes
- dulia - angelic adoration
- Dulie - a first name
- dulls - makes less sharp
- dully - stupidly; without spirit
- dulse - an edible seaweed (if you say so)
- dumah - a first name; a son of Ishmael; a biblical city in Canaan
- dumai - a town in Sumatra
- dumal - full of brambles and briers
- dumas - plural of "Duma", a Russian parliament
- dumba - a Russian fat-tailed sheep
- dumbo - a stupid person
- dumbs - makes stupid or silent
- dumet - a wire of a nickel/iron alloy
- dumka - a melancholy Slavic folk ballad; a town in India
- dummo - a fool
- dummy - a fool; a mannequin; a declarer's mute partner
- dumpo - a town in Ghana
- dumps - low spirits; garbage heaps
- dumpu - a town in Papua New Guinea
- dumpy - short and thick; looking like a garbage dump
- dunal - relating to a dune
- dunce - a stupid person
- dunch - a jolt; a nudge with the elbow
- duned - containing dunes; surrounded by dunes
- dunes - plural of "dune", a sand mound
- duney - like a duny; containing dunes
- dungs - plural of "dung", manure
- dungy - containing dung
- dunic - of or pertaining to a dune
- dunim - a variant of "dunam"
- Dunja - a first name
- dunks - plunges into liquid
- dunlo - a town in Pennsylvania
- dunne - a first name; the knot-sandpiper
- dunno - slang for "don't know"
- dunny - deaf; Australian slang for a toilet or outhouse
- dunsh - a dunch
- dunst - the finest middlings, still containing some bran
- dunsy - foolish
- Dunta - a first name
- dunts - strikes with a heavy blow; cracks from rapid cooling while in the oven
- dunum - a resort town in Germany; a measure of land area in Palestine
- duomo - an Italian domed cathedral
- Duong - a first name
- duped - fooled; duplicated
- duper - a trickster; one that duplicates
- dupes - duplicates; plural of "dupe", a stooge or fool
- duple - double
- duply - in Scots law, a second reply
- duppy - a West Indian ghost
- dural - of the dura mater; a kind of metallic alloy
- Duran - a first name
- duras - plural of "dura", a cereal grain
- durdu - a village in Sudan
- dured - endured
- Durel - a first name
- dures - endures
- durga - a first name; the wife of Siva, the Hindu goddess of war, who rode a tiger
- durgy - undersized
- durif - a kind of wine grape
- durio - a Malay tree whose obnoxious fruit is the durian
- Durko - a first name
- durno - a town in England
- durns - plural of "durn", a mild expletive; a gatepost
- duroc - a breed of large red vigorous hogs
- durog - marijuana
- Duron - a first name
- duros - high quality marijuana; plural of "duro", a Spanish silver dollar
- duroy - a coarse woolen fabric
- durra - millet
- durrs - plural of "durr", a cereal grain
- durry - a cigarette butt
- durst - archaic past tense of "dare"
- durum - a kind of wheat
- duryl - a univalent radical
- Dusan - a first name
- Dusav - a first name
- duses - plural of "duse", a deuce; a demon
- Dusha - a first name
- dusie - a doozy; a remarkable object
- dusio - in demonology, a wanton mischievous spirit or fulletto, especially an incubus
- dusks - plural of "dusk", twilight
- dusky - dark
- Dusti - a first name
- dusts - covers with dust; removes dust
- dusty - a first name; covered with dust
- dusun - a Dayak people of British North Borneo
- dutch - a first name; of the Netherlands; a coster's wife
- dutse - a town in Nigeria
- Duval - a first name
- duvay - a duvet; an eiderdown blanket
- duvet - an eiderdown blanket
- Duwan - a first name
- duxes - plural of "dux", a leader; a Roman provincial military chief; a top pupil
- Duygu - a first name
- dvija - in Hinduism, the "twice born" who may study the Vedas
- dvina - a river in Russia and Latvia
- Dvora - a first name
- dwaal - a daze
- dwaas - a fool
- Dwain - a first name
- dwale - a heretic; the deadly nightshade; a sable color in heraldry; to wander deliriously
- dwalm - a swooning faint
- dwams - faints
- dwamy - faint
- Dwana - a first name
- Dwane - a first name
- dwang - a crowbar; a carpenter's strut; to oppress with too much labor
- dwarf - a very short person
- dwaul - a variant of "dwaule", to be delirious
- dwaum - to swoon
- Dwaun - a first name
- Dwawn - a first name
- dweeb - an unattractive or inept person, unlike us
- dwell - to reside
- dwelt - resided
- dwile - a floor cloth or mop
- dwine - to pine; to waste away
- Dwora - a first name
- dworp - a town in Belgium
- dwyka - a river in the Karoo
- dyads - plural of "dyad", a pair
- dyaks - plural of "dyak", a native of Borneo
- Dyami - a first name
- Dyana - a first name
- Dyane - a first name
- Dyani - a first name
- Dyann - a first name
- dyaus - the Vedic god of the sky
- dydoe - a piece of jewelry attached to the penis by piercing
- dyers - plural of "dyer", one who dyes
- Dyese - a first name
- dyfed - a Welsh county; an ancient Welsh kingdom
- dying - moribund
- dyker - ten; a candlestick
- dykes - plural of "dyke", a dike; a lesbian
- dykey - referring to a lesbian
- dykie - lesbian
- Dylan - a first name
- Dylis - a first name
- Dylon - a first name
- Dylys - a first name
- Dymas - a first name
- Dymek - a first name
- Dynah - a first name
- dynam - a unit of work, raising 1000 kilograms 1 meter
- dynel - a synthetic fabric
- dynes - plural of "dyne", a unit of force
- dyola - a trading people of west Africa
- Dyolf - a first name
- dyons - plural of "dyon", a hypothetical particle carrying both magnetic and electric charge
- dypso - a drunkard
- Dyron - a first name
- Dysen - a first name
- Dyske - a first name
- Dyson - a first name
- dyula - a West African ethnic group
- Dyvon - a first name
- dyvor - a disreputable or bankrupt person
- dzhos - plural of "dzho", a kind of yak
- Dzifa - a first name
- Dziga - a first name
- Eaden - a first name
- Eadie - a first name
- Eadin - a first name
- Eagan - a first name
- eager - keen
- eagle - a predatory bird; a 10 dollar gold coin of the USA
- eagly - like an eagle
- Eagon - a first name
- eagre - eager; a tidal wave; a flood
- Eahab - a first name
- eales - plural of "eale", variant of "ale"
- Eames - a first name
- Eamon - a first name
- eaned - gave birth
- Eanid - a first name
- earal - receiving by the ear
- eards - plural of "eard", earth
- eared - bearing ears
- Earla - a first name
- Earld - a first name
- Earle - a first name
- earls - plural of "earl", a nobleman
- early - a first name; near the beginning in time
- earns - merits; is paid
- earsh - arrish, the stubble of wheat
- earst - a variant of "erst"
- earth - dirt; the home planet
- eased - relaxed
- easel - a stand for holding art in progress
- easer - one who relaxes
- eases - relaxes
- Easha - a first name
- easky - a town in Eire
- easle - a glowing coal or hot ashes
- Eason - a first name
- easts - plural of "east", a compass direction
- eaten - consumed
- eater - one who eats
- eathe - easy
- Eaton - a first name
- Eavan - a first name
- eaved - having eaves
- eaves - plural of "eave", a lower projecting edge of a roof
- ebano - a Mexican or Central American timber tree
- Ebany - a first name
- ebarb - a town in Louisiana
- ebbed - flowed away
- ebbet - a green newt
- Ebbie - a first name
- ebble - an English river, a tributary of the Avon
- Ebert - a first name
- ebeye - one of the Marshall Islands
- ebisu - one of seven Japanese gods of happiness
- eblan - of the ancient civilization of Ebla
- eblis - the Islamic name for Satan
- Ebner - a first name
- eboes - plural of "eboe", a Central American tree
- ebola - a village in Zaire/Congo, discovery site of a gruesome virus
- eboli - a town in Italy
- Ebone - a first name
- Eboni - a first name
- ebons - plural of "ebony", a very dark wood
- ebony - a first name; black; a wood
- ebook - an electronic book
- ecads - plural of "ecad", a plant form adapted to its environment
- ecall - the European green woodpecker
- eccer - exercise (physical or otherwise) at a school
- ecchi - verbal shorthand for pornographic anime and manga
- eccle - the European green woodpecker
- echea - in the ancient theater, bronze or earthen vases placed under seats for acoustic aid
- eched - increased; eked
- eches - increases; ekes
- echis - a genus of vipers
- echon - each one
- echos - repeats
- ecize - to become established in and adjusted to a new habitat
- eckee - medical slang for "echymotic"
- ecker - exercise (physical or otherwise) at a school
- eckle - the crest of a bird
- eclat - brilliance
- ecoid - the colorless stroma of a red blood cell
- ecole - a French school
- econo - short for "economy", and indicating something cheap or inexpensive
- ecrus - plural of "ecru", a yellowish brown color
- ectad - toward the outside
- ectal - on the outside
- ector - a first name; a knight in Morte d'Arthur
- edams - plural of "Edam", a Dutch cheese
- Edana - a first name
- eddas - plural of "edda", a Norse saga
- Eddee - a first name
- edder - flexible wood, such as osiers, interwoven in the top of a hedge as binders
- eddic - like or of the eddas
- Eddie - a first name
- Eddna - a first name
- eddos - plural of "eddo", the edible root of the taro plant
- Eddra - a first name
- Eddye - a first name
- Edeet - a first name
- edema - excessive fluid accumulation
- Edena - a first name
- Edene - a first name
- edens - plural of "Eden", a paradise
- Edese - a first name
- Edgar - a first name
- edged - bordered; approached stealthily and indirectly
- edger - a device for neatly trimming edges
- edges - plural of "edge", a boundary
- edgey - edgy; like an edge
- edict - an ordinance
- edify - to ennoble; to better
- edile - a magistrate of ancient Rome
- Edina - a first name
- Edisa - a first name
- Edita - a first name
- Edite - a first name
- Edith - a first name
- edits - emends
- Ediva - a first name
- edleb - a town in Syria
- Edler - a first name
- Edlin - a first name
- Edlyn - a first name
- Edmar - a first name
- Edmee - a first name
- Edmon - a first name
- Ednah - a first name
- Edney - a first name
- ednos - "Eating Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified", which doesn't match standard categories
- Edolf - a first name
- edoni - the ancient Thracians
- Edray - a first name
- Edrea - a first name
- Edred - a first name
- edrei - a biblical place
- Edric - a first name
- Edris - a first name
- Edrys - a first name
- edsel - a first name; a car model
- Edson - a first name
- educe - to draw forth
- educt - something that is drawn forth
- Edvig - a first name
- Edwar - a first name
- Edwig - a first name
- Edwin - a first name
- Edwyn - a first name
- Edyna - a first name
- Edyta - a first name
- Edyth - a first name
- Edzio - a first name
- edzna - a town in the Yucatan
- Eefje - a first name
- Eefke - a first name
- eejit - a jocular spelling and pronunciation of "idiot"
- eeklo - a town in Belgium
- Eelco - a first name
- eelde - a town in the Netherlands
- eeled - searched for eels
- eeler - one who searches for eels
- eemis - changeable
- eerie - creepy
- eeven - even
- eevns - plural of "eevn", an evening
- efate - an island that is part of Vanuatu
- Effam - a first name
- Effat - a first name
- effed - had done to it that which ineffable things can't; used the "F" word
- effet - the common newt
- Effia - a first name
- effie - a first name; an advertising award
- efiks - plural of "efik", a people of southeast Nigeria
- eflak - another name for Wallachia
- Efram - a first name
- Efrat - a first name
- Efrem - a first name
- Efren - a first name
- Efrim - a first name
- Efrum - a first name
- efter - a dialectical variant of "after"; a person who robs people after a theater performance
- egadi - an island in Sicily
- egads - an exclamation of surprise
- egana - a town in Uruquay
- Egann - a first name
- egbas - plural of "egba", a Yoruba-speaking people of southwest Nigeria
- egean - Aegean
- egers - plural of "eger", a tidal flood
- egest - to discharge from the body
- Egeus - a first name
- eggar - a moth of the family Lasiocampidae
- egged - incited
- egger - an inciter; various moths whose larva feed on tree leaves; a lobster bearing an egg mass; one who collects eggs
- egham - a town in England
- eghen - eyes
- Egide - a first name
- eglon - a Canaanite kingdom
- egmas - plural of "egma", an enigma
- egres - plural of "egre", variant of "eager", a tidal wave
- egret - one of several kinds of heron
- egton - a town in England
- egypt - a first name; a north African country
- ehime - a prefecture in southern Japan
- ehing - saying "eh"
- Ehran - a first name
- Ehren - a first name
- Ehsan - a first name
- Ehsin - a first name
- eider - a duck, or its down; a quilt or comforter
- eidos - an essence
- eifel - a town in Germany
- eight - a number; ogdoad
- Eigil - a first name
- eigne - a first name; the eldest or first born child
- Eiiti - a first name
- eiked - eked
- Eikki - a first name
- eikon - an icon
- eilat - a first name; an Israeli port on the Red Sea
- eilds - doesn't bear young or milk
- Eilev - a first name
- Eiley - a first name
- Eilif - a first name
- Eilis - a first name
- Eille - a first name
- Eilsa - a first name
- Eilyn - a first name
- eimak - a Persian-speaking nomadic Mongolian tribe
- Eimer - a first name
- Einar - a first name
- Einat - a first name
- Einav - a first name
- Einer - a first name
- Eiren - a first name
- eirie - an eyrie or aerie
- Eirik - a first name
- Eirin - a first name
- Eiryn - a first name
- eisel - vinegar
- Eitan - a first name
- Eival - a first name
- eject - to force out
- ejido - a Mexican communal farm; a town in Venezuela
- Ejnar - a first name
- ejoos - plural of "ejoo", the sago palm or feather palm
- ekaha - a Hawaiian plant
- ekali - a suburb of Athens
- ekari - a Papuan people of New Guinea
- ekata - a village in Gabon
- ekati - a town in the North West Territories, Canada
- ekely - a town in Norway
- Ekene - a first name
- eking - augmenting
- ekiti - a state of Nigeria
- ekkas - plural of "ekka", an Indian two wheeled one horse one passenger carriage
- ekker - exercise (physical or otherwise) at a school
- ekkis - plural of "ekki", a tropical African timber tree
- ekois - plural of "Ekoi", a south eastern Nigerian people
- Ekraj - a first name
- Ekram - a first name
- ekron - a biblical place
- elain - a first name; olein
- Elama - a first name
- Elana - a first name
- eland - a large antelope
- Elane - a first name
- Elani - a first name
- Elann - a first name
- elans - plural of "elan", enthusiasm
- elaps - a genus of venomous snakes, including the coral snake
- elara - a first name; a moon of Jupiter
- Elasa - a first name
- Elata - a first name
- elate - to make joyful
- elath - a biblical place
- elayl - olefiant gas or ethylene
- Elayn - a first name
- elban - a native of the island of Elba
- Elbie - a first name
- Elbio - a first name
- elbon - a town in Pennsylvania
- elbow - the knee of the arm; to jostle
- elchi - an ambassador
- Eldad - a first name
- Eldar - a first name
- Elden - a first name
- elder - a first name; older; a tree
- eldin - a first name; a kind of fuel
- Eldon - a first name
- elean - from Elea, a town in ancient southern Italy
- elect - to choose; a person chosen or destined to go to Heaven
- Eleen - a first name
- elegy - memorial praise; a mournful poem
- eleme - a Smyrna fig
- elemi - a fragrant resin used in varnish
- elena - a first name; a town in Bulgaria; a cape in Costa Rica
- Elene - a first name
- Eleni - a first name
- Eleny - a first name
- eleot - a species of apple
- Eleph - a first name
- Eleri - a first name
- Elers - a first name
- Elery - a first name
- Elesa - a first name
- Elese - a first name
- Eleta - a first name
- eleut - a Kalmuck, a Buddhist Mongolian ethnic group
- eleve - a pupil
- Elexa - a first name
- elfed - bewitched
- elfic - elven; of the elves
- Elfie - a first name
- elfin - of or like an elf
- Elfre - a first name
- Elgan - a first name
- Elgar - a first name
- Elgen - a first name
- Elger - a first name
- elgin - a first name; a city in northeast Illinois and in Scotland
- elgon - a volcanic mountain between Kenya and Uganda
- Elham - a first name
- eliab - a first name; the father of Abihail
- eliad - oeillade, an ogle or glance
- Eliam - a first name
- elian - a first name; of or referring to the essayist Charles Lamb
- Elias - a first name
- Eliav - a first name
- Elice - a first name
- Elida - a first name
- elide - to omit
- Elidi - a first name
- Eliel - a first name
- Elier - a first name
- Eliga - a first name
- Elihu - a first name
- Elija - a first name
- Elika - a first name
- eliki - a Greek village
- Elimu - a first name
- Elina - a first name
- Eline - a first name
- eling - an Asian lake
- elint - electronic intelligence
- Eliot - a first name
- elisa - a first name; an acronym: "Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay"
- Elise - a first name
- Elish - a first name
- Elita - a first name
- elite - privileged; a typewriter font
- Eliud - a first name
- Eliut - a first name
- Eliza - a first name
- Elize - a first name
- Elkan - a first name
- Elkin - a first name
- Ellad - a first name
- Ellan - a first name
- Ellee - a first name
- Ellen - a first name
- elles - else
- Elley - a first name
- Ellia - a first name
- Ellie - a first name
- Ellin - a first name
- Ellis - a first name
- Ellma - a first name
- ellon - a first name; a town in Scotland
- Ellsa - a first name
- Ellse - a first name
- Ellsi - a first name
- Ellsy - a first name
- ellul - the sixth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical calendar
- Ellyn - a first name
- Elman - a first name
- Elmar - a first name
- Elmaz - a first name
- elmen - of or pertaining to the elm tree
- Elmer - a first name
- Elmir - a first name
- elmos - plural of "elmo", St Elmo's fire
- Elmyr - a first name
- elnia - a Russian town that Napoleon passed through
- eloah - the Hebrew name for God
- Eloda - a first name
- Elodi - a first name
- eloge - a eulogy or funeral oration
- elogy - an inscription on a tombstone
- eloin - a first name; to carry away property beyond a sheriff's jurisdiction
- Elois - a first name
- elong - to lengthen; to prolong
- elope - to run away together to get married
- elops - a sea fish which Milton thought was a snake
- Elora - a first name
- elpee - an "LP", or long playing record
- elqui - a river in Chile
- Elrad - a first name
- Elric - a first name
- Elroi - a first name
- Elroy - a first name
- Elsee - a first name
- Elsey - a first name
- Elsha - a first name
- Elshe - a first name
- Elsie - a first name
- elsin - a shoemaker's awl; a sharp person
- Elsje - a first name
- elson - a first name; a shoemaker's awl
- Eltan - a first name
- Eltha - a first name
- elton - a first name; a European lake
- elude - to avoid capture or detection
- eluru - a town in India
- elute - to extract; to wash out
- Elvah - a first name
- elvan - a granular crystalline dyke rock; elfen
- elvas - a city in Portugal
- elven - of or like an elf
- elver - a baby eel
- elves - plural of "elf", one of Santa's helpers
- Elvet - a first name
- Elvia - a first name
- Elvie - a first name
- Elvin - a first name
- Elvio - a first name
- Elvis - a first name
- Elvyn - a first name
- Elvys - a first name
- Elwin - a first name
- Elwyn - a first name
- Elxis - a first name
- Elyas - a first name
- Elyce - a first name
- Elyci - a first name
- elymi - an ancient people of Sicily
- Elyot - a first name
- Elysa - a first name
- Elyse - a first name
- Elyza - a first name
- Elyze - a first name
- Emaan - a first name
- email - an electronic message
- Emani - a first name
- emans - plural of "eman", a unit of measurement of radioactive concentration
- Emari - a first name
- embar - to imprison
- embay - to enclose in a bay; to force into a bay; to be stranded by high tide
- embed - to place into
- ember - a first name; a burning coal
- embla - in Norse mythology, the first woman
- embog - to cause to stick in a bog
- embow - to arch; to bend into a curve
- embox - to put into a box
- embus - to board a bus with high ceremony
- emcee - a master of ceremonies
- emden - a seaport in northwest Hannover, Germany, origin of the "Emden Telegram"
- emeer - an Arab prince
- Emeka - a first name
- Emeli - a first name
- Emely - a first name
- emend - to alter; to correct
- Emera - a first name
- Emeri - a first name
- emery - a first name; a granular corundum
- emesa - an ancient city of Syria, now called Homs; the genus of the spider bug
- emets - plural of "emet", a variant of "emmet", an ant
- emeus - plural of "emeu", a variant of "emu"
- emews - plural of "emew", a variant of "emu"
- Emiko - a first name
- Emila - a first name
- Emile - a first name
- Emili - a first name
- Emill - a first name
- Emilo - a first name
- Emils - a first name
- Emily - a first name
- Emina - a first name
- Emine - a first name
- Emira - a first name
- emirs - plural of "emir", an Arab prince
- emits - sends out
- Emitt - a first name
- Emlen - a first name
- Emlin - a first name
- Emlou - a first name
- Emlyn - a first name
- emmas - plural of "emma", a signaller's code for the letter "M"
- emmen - a town in the Netherlands
- emmer - a type of wheat
- emmet - a first name; an ant
- emmew - to encage
- Emmey - a first name
- Emmie - a first name
- Emmit - a first name
- Emmot - a first name
- Emmye - a first name
- emmys - plural of "emmy", a television show award
- emoji - a set of icons used in cell phone messaging
- emona - an old name for Ljubljana, in Yugoslavia
- emong - an obsolete form of "among"
- emony - an anemone
- Emory - a first name
- emote - to show emotion
- emove - to move; to affect with emotion
- empee - a sort of anti-acronym for "MP", or Member of Parliament
- empte - to empty
- empty - vacant
- Emrah - a first name
- Emran - a first name
- emrod - a hemorrhoid
- Emryk - a first name
- Emrys - a first name
- emsel - morphine
- emule - to emulate
- emure - to immure
- emyde - a freshwater tortoise
- emyds - plural of "emyd", a freshwater tortoise
- Emyle - a first name
- Emzar - a first name
- Enaam - a first name
- enact - to portray; to put into effect
- enage - to make old
- enard - a British bay
- enare - a Finnish lake
- enarm - to encircle in one's arms
- enate - a relative on the mother's side; growing outward
- Encke - a first name
- encup - to place in, or surround by, a cup
- ended - finished
- endek - a member of the fascist anti-Semitic National Democratic party of Poland
- ender - one that ends something; someone holding an end of a jump rope
- endew - to provide with some quality or gift
- endor - the biblical home of a witch visited by Saul
- endow - to provide with
- Endre - a first name
- endue - to provide with some quality or gift; to endow
- eneas - a first name; a Trojan warrior
- enede - a variant of "ende", a duck
- eneid - variant of "The Aeneid", an epic poem
- Eneko - a first name
- enele - anele
- enema - a liquid injected into the rectum
- enemy - a foe
- enery - a comical spelling of "Henry", reflecting a Cockney pronounciation
- enets - a Uralic language
- enews - pursues; plunges into water
- enfin - at last, finally
- enfix - infix
- engem - a town in Vanuatu
- Engie - a first name
- Engin - a first name
- engis - a town in Belgium
- engle - a favorite; a paramour
- engyn - a variant of "engine"
- eniac - a primitive computer model (Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator)
- Enidd - a first name
- Eniko - a first name
- eniwa - a town in Japan
- enjoy - to receive pleasure from
- enlay - to inlay
- enlil - a Babylonian god
- enlit - shed light upon
- enmew - to encage or enclose
- Ennea - a first name
- ennew - to make new
- Ennio - a first name
- ennis - a first name; a town in Eire; a town in Texas
- ennui - boredom that's been to college
- enoch - a first name; in the Bible, the first city, founded by Cain
- Enock - a first name
- enode - to clear of knots; to detangle
- Enoka - a first name
- enoki - a type of mushroom
- enola - a first name; a town in Arkansas
- enols - plural of "enol", a chemical compound
- Enora - a first name
- Enore - a first name
- enorm - enormous
- Enosh - a first name
- enows - plural of "enow", meaning "enough"
- Enria - a first name
- Enric - a first name
- enrol - to enroll
- ensay - a British island
- ensew - an obsolete form of "ensue"
- ensis - a genus of razor clams
- ensky - to raise to the sky
- ensof - in the Kabbalah, the absolute infinite God
- ensue - to follow
- entab - to replace multiple spaces by TAB characters
- entad - anatomically toward the inside
- ental - anatomically on the inside
- enter - to come in
- entes - plural of "ente", a heraldic engraftment
- entia - plural of "ens"
- entry - way of coming in
- enugu - a town and state in Nigeria
- enure - to inure; to harden
- Enver - a first name
- envie - to vie; to strive
- envoi - the closing of a poem
- envoy - an ambassador
- Enydd - a first name
- enyne - a functional group in organic chemistry
- enzed - "NZ", that is, the acronym: "New Zealand"
- enzym - an enzyme
- eoans - plural of "eoan", a dawning
- Eocha - a first name
- eolia - a town in Missouri
- eolic - aeolic; eolian
- eolis - a genus of nudibranch mollusks
- eorls - plural of "eorl", an obsolete form of "earl"
- eorsa - a British island
- eosin - a red fluorescent dye
- eozoa - plural of "eozoon", a structure found in ancient limestone and thought to be an early animal
- epact - the difference in days between the lengths of the solar and lunar years
- epees - plural of "epee", a fencing weapon
- epena - a town in the Congo
- epens - plural of "epen", a variant of "epencephalon", the segment of the brain behind the midbrain
- epera - a South American Indian language
- ephah - a ancient Hebrew measurement of volume, about a bushel
- Ephan - a first name
- ephas - plural of "epha", a Hebrew unit of dry measure
- Ephie - a first name
- ephod - an ancient Hebrew vestment
- ephor - a magistrate of ancient Greece
- ephus - the truth; a gimmick
- epics - plural of "epic", a saga or adventure tale
- epira - a town in Guyana
- epoch - an age; an era
- epode - a type of lyric poem in which a long verse is followed by a short one
- epols - in mathematics, the reciprocal of the slope
- epopt - a seer or beholder; one initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries
- epoxy - a glue
- eppes - something, a little
- Eppia - a first name
- Eppie - a first name
- eppis - something, a little
- eppus - something, a little
- epris - enamored, in love
- eprom - electronic programmable read-only memory
- Epsey - a first name
- epsom - an English town south of London, home to a famous racetrack
- epulo - a member of an ancient Roman college of priests in charge of sacrificial banquets
- epulu - a village in the Congo
- epure - a full-scale pattern of work to be done, traced on a wall or floor
- Eqbal - a first name
- equal - equivalent
- eques - the Jack in a card game
- equid - a member of the horse family (horses, zebras, donkeys, mules)
- equip - to outfit
- equus - a member of the horse family
- eqwal - the green woodpecker
- Eraca - a first name
- erade - to scrape off
- erare - a variant of "erer", meaning "sooner"
- erase - to expunge; to wipe away
- Erast - a first name
- erato - in Greek mythology, the muse of love poetry and lyric poetry
- erava - yerava
- Erben - a first name
- erbia - erbium oxide
- erbil - the modern name for Arbela, in Iraq
- Erdal - a first name
- erdie - an orthodox, tedious individual
- Erdin - a first name
- Erdne - a first name
- erdut - a town in Slavonia, Croatia
- erech - the biblical name of the ancient Mesopotamian city of Uruk, where writing may have been invented
- Ereck - a first name
- erect - to raise up; to build
- Erena - a first name
- Erene - a first name
- Ereni - a first name
- erept - to snatch away
- ergal - potential energy
- ergat - to deduce logically
- Ergin - a first name
- ergon - a measurement of work in terms of the equivalent amount of heat
- ergos - plural of "ergo", an inferred conclusion
- ergot - a fungus affecting wheat and hippies
- Erhan - a first name
- erian - a first name; a subdivision of the American Devonian age
- erica - a first name; a heather plant; a town in Australia
- erice - a town in Sicily
- Erich - a first name
- erick - a first name; a town in Oklahoma; a blood fine paid by a murderer to the victim's family
- Erico - a first name
- erics - plural of "eric", a blood fine imposed on a murderer and his family under old Irish law
- eridu - a town in Iraq; a town in Florida
- Eriel - a first name
- eries - plural of "erie", a tribe of American Indians
- eriff - a two year old canary; a young criminal
- Erika - a first name
- Eriko - a first name
- Eriks - a first name
- erimo - a port city in northern Japan
- Erina - a first name
- Erine - a first name
- ering - saying "er"
- Erinn - a first name
- Erino - a first name
- Eriqa - a first name
- erith - an English town
- erizo - a hedgehog
- Erjon - a first name
- Erkan - a first name
- Erkin - a first name
- Erkka - a first name
- Erkki - a first name
- Erlan - a first name
- Erlin - a first name
- Erlys - a first name
- ermes - grieves; feels sad
- ermin - a first name; a kind of material
- Ermis - a first name
- ermit - a hermit
- erned - earned
- ernen - a town in Switzerland
- ernes - plural of "erne", a sea eagle
- Erney - a first name
- Ernie - a first name
- Ernst - a first name
- erode - to wear away
- Erold - a first name
- erops - an acronym: "Extended Range Operations" for flights more than an hour from a landing site
- erose - notched or uneven, as if gnawed away (cognate with "erode")
- erred - made a mistake
- Erric - a first name
- Errin - a first name
- erris - a British cape
- Errol - a first name
- error - a mistake
- Erryl - a first name
- Ersan - a first name
- ersar - a Turkoman people of Bukhara
- Ersat - a first name
- erses - plural of "erse", a Scottish Gael
- Ersin - a first name
- ersta - a town in Sweden
- Ertha - a first name
- Ertsa - a first name
- eruca - the genus of plants to which arugula belongs; a caterpillar
- eruct - to belch, to burp
- erugo - a green film that forms on copper
- erupt - to burst out
- eruvs - plural of "eruv", any of 3 rabbinic enactments easing certain Sabbath restrictions
- erven - a first name; plural of "erf", a plot of land, of about an acre
- ervil - a European vetch
- Ervin - a first name
- Ervyn - a first name
- Erwan - a first name
- Erwin - a first name
- Erwyn - a first name
- Eryka - a first name
- Erynn - a first name
- eryon - a genus of fossil decapod crustaceans
- Erzhi - a first name
- erzya - a language once spoken in Russia
- esbat - a weekly meeting of witch covens
- Esben - a first name
- escar - a narrow ridge of gravel and sand
- escot - to provide support for
- Esera - a first name
- esere - a town in Chad
- esher - an English town
- eshin - a pail, tub or can
- esile - eisel, vinegar
- esill - a wine made from vinegar
- esino - a river in Italy
- eskar - a narrow ridge of gravel and sand
- esker - a narrow ridge of gravel and sand
- eskie - short for "Eskimo", and signifying a cooler
- Eskil - a first name
- Eslam - a first name
- Esmat - a first name
- Esmie - a first name
- esneh - a town in Egypt, site of a famous temple
- esnes - plural of "esne", in Anglo-Saxon England a worker of the lowest class
- Espen - a first name
- espoo - the second largest city in Finland, home to Nokia
- espot - a town in northern Spain
- esrar - marijuana
- Esrat - a first name
- Esref - a first name
- esrog - a citron used during Sukkoth
- esrom - a kind of cheese
- Essad - a first name
- Essae - a first name
- Essam - a first name
- Essan - a first name
- essay - a theme; an attempt
- essed - curved like the letter "S"; an ancient chariot
- essen - an industrial city in Germany
- esses - plural of "ess", the letter "S"
- essex - an English county; a breed of swine
- Essey - a first name
- Essie - a first name
- Essom - a first name
- Essop - a first name
- Estee - a first name
- Estel - a first name
- Esten - a first name
- ester - a first name; a type of chemical compound
- estes - a first name; dainty foods
- Estie - a first name
- estoc - a short thrusting sword of the Renaissance
- Eston - a first name
- estop - to impede by the legal means of estoppal
- Estra - a first name
- estre - the inner part of a building
- estro - enthusiasm; poetic inspiration
- estus - a first name; a glow of passion
- Eszti - a first name
- etaac - the South African blaubok
- etage - a floor or story of a building
- etail - slang for "electronic retail", commerce via the Internet
- Etain - a first name
- etana - a first name; a Babylonian god who rode an eagle
- etape - a warehouse; a place where troops halt for the night
- etats - plural of "etat", a state or polity
- etens - plural of "eten", a giant
- Eteri - a first name
- etern - eternal, everlasting
- etext - an electronic text
- Etgar - a first name
- ethal - cetyl alcohol
- etham - a biblical place
- Ethan - a first name
- Ethel - a first name
- Ethem - a first name
- ether - an anesthetic; the "upper" regions of space; a mythical medium with no properties
- ethic - a body of moral principles
- Ethna - a first name
- Ethne - a first name
- ethno - a recent immigrant
- ethos - the fundamental character of a culture
- ethyl - a first name; a univalent chemical radical
- Ethyn - a first name
- Etina - a first name
- etite - eaglestone
- etive - a British river
- etnas - plural of "etna", a volcano; a small spirit stove
- etons - returnable notes (!)
- Etore - a first name
- etrog - a citron used during Sukkoth; a Canadian film award
- etsra - a town in Saudi Arabia
- Ettey - a first name
- Ettie - a first name
- ettin - an eten, a giant
- ettle - to intend; to plan; to devise; a nettle; to guess
- etude - a piano piece
- etuis - plural of "etui", a case for holding small articles
- etwas - a musical term meaning "somewhat"
- etwee - an etui, a case for holding small articles
- Etyen - a first name
- etyma - plural of "etymon", an original form, primitive word, or root
- etyms - plural of "etym", a variant of "etymon"
- etzel - the king who married Kriemhilde after Siegfried's death
- Etzio - a first name
- Eubie - a first name
- eucre - a variant of "euchre"
- Eudel - a first name
- Eudes - a first name
- Euell - a first name
- Eugen - a first name
- eughs - plural of "eugh", the yew
- euked - yuked, itched
- Eulia - a first name
- Eunan - a first name
- eupad - an antiseptic powder
- eupen - a town in Belgium
- euroa - a town in Australia
- euros - the ancient Greek name for the east wind; plural of "euro", a monetary unit of Europe; a large kangaroo
- eurus - in Greek mythology, the god of the east wind
- eusol - an antiseptic solution, from "Edinburgh University SOLution"
- eutaw - site of a famous battle
- eutin - a town in Germany
- evade - to elude
- Evald - a first name
- Evana - a first name
- Evann - a first name
- evans - a first name; a Pacific cape; a lake in North America
- Evany - a first name
- Evard - a first name
- evase - widening gradually, like a chimney or funnel
- Evatt - a first name
- evene - to happen
- evenk - an ethnic group of Siberia
- evens - a first name; makes flat; ties the score; the even numbers
- event - an occurrence
- eveny - a first name; a people of Siberia
- evere - a town in Belgium
- evert - a first name; to turn inside out
- every - each; all
- evets - plural of "evet", a newt
- Evett - a first name
- evhoe - variant of "evoe", an interjection of Bacchic frenzy
- evian - a spa; source of mineral water for the naive
- evict - to cast out
- Evike - a first name
- evils - plural of "evil", a moral wrong
- Evita - a first name
- evite - to avoid
- Evlin - a first name
- Evlyn - a first name
- evohe - variant of "evoe", the cry of exhilaration of the bacchanals
- evoke - to draw out
- Evony - a first name
- evora - a town in Portugal
- Evrim - a first name
- evros - a river in Greece
- Evsey - a first name
- Evvie - a first name
- Evyan - a first name
- Evzen - a first name
- Ewald - a first name
- Eward - a first name
- Ewart - a first name
- ewell - a first name; a suburb of London
- ewers - plural of "ewer", a large pitcher
- Ewert - a first name
- ewery - a room for storing ewers
- ewest - nearest, closest
- ewfts - plural of "ewft", a newt
- ewhow - an interjection of regret
- Ewing - a first name
- ewked - yuked; itched
- Ewoud - a first name
- Ewynn - a first name
- exact - precise; to force out
- exalt - to praise; to raise higher
- exams - plural of "exam", a test
- excel - to outdo
- excon - an ex-convict
- excur - to run out; to extend
- exdis - a security classification, acronym: "EXclusive DIStribution"
- exeat - a bishop's permission for a priest to leave a diocese
- execs - plural of "exec", an executive
- exect - to cut off or to cut out
- exede - to corrode
- exeem - to exempt
- exeme - to exempt
- Exene - a first name
- exert - to put into action
- exfil - a shortened form of "exfiltration", the conveyance of an agent out of a site
- exgay - a homosexual who has been retrained to heterosexuality
- exies - a fit of hysterics
- exile - to force out of a country
- exine - the outer layer of certain spores
- exist - to be
- exite - a movable appendage on an arthropod's limb
- exits - plural of "exit", a means of egress
- exjew - a former Jew
- exlex - an outlaw
- exmet - a former player on the New York Mets team
- exode - a comic afterpiece in the ancient Greek theater
- exody - an exodus
- exons - plural of "exon", a sequence in the genetic code; a Yeoman of the Guard
- exorn - to furnish or adorn
- exors - applies the "exclusive or" operation to
- expat - an expatriate
- expel - to force out; to eject
- expos - plural of "expo", an exposition; a member of the Montreal baseball team
- exput - the extraction of information from a computer database
- exter - to dig up; to extract
- extol - to praise
- exton - a town in Pennsylvania
- extra - a supernumerary
- exude - to emit
- exuls - plural of "exul", a exile
- exult - to be joyful
- exuma - one of the Bahama Islands
- exurb - a residential area beyond the suburbs
- exute - to strip
- eyaks - plural of "eyak", an Indian people of the Copper river in Alaska
- eyasi - a lake in Africa
- Eydie - a first name
- eyers - plural of "eyer", an observer
- eyess - an eyas; an unfledged bird
- eyeti - an ethnic slur
- eyeto - an ethnic slur
- eyeup - examine; look over
- eyght - an island
- eying - observing
- eylau - a town in East Prussia, site of a famous Napoleonic battle
- eyles - ails
- eyots - plural of "eyot", a river or lake island
- eyoty - containing many eyots
- Eyran - a first name
- eyras - plural of "eyra", a wild cat of tropical America
- eyren - plural of "ey", an egg
- eyres - plural of "eyre", a circuit journey, as in a "justice in eyre"
- eyrie - an eagle's nest
- eyrir - an aluminum bronze coin of Iceland, worth 1/100 of a Krona
- Eytan - a first name
- eytie - an ethnic slur
- Eyton - a first name
- Ezana - a first name
- Ezeck - a first name
- Ezell - a first name
- Ezera - a first name
- ezere - a town in Latvia
- Ezhno - a first name
- eznab - the eighteenth day of the Mayan religious month
- Ezola - a first name
- Ezrah - a first name
- Ezvan - a first name
- Ezzat - a first name
- Ezzie - a first name
- faaan - a fanatic science fiction devotee
- Faada - a first name
- faags - variant of "fegs", an interjection of surprise
- faams - plural of "faam", an Indian orchid
- faans - plural of "faan", a person more interested in science fiction fans and their activities than in science fiction
- faaps - plural of "faap", a garfish
- fabas - plural of "faba", a broad bean
- fabbo - fabulous, wonderful
- fabby - fabulous, wonderful
- Fabek - a first name
- faber - a first name; a lake in North America
- fabes - plural of "fabe", a gooseberry
- Fabia - a first name
- Fabio - a first name
- fable - a myth
- Fabra - a first name
- Fabre - a first name
- faced - confronted; extremely drunk
- facer - a blow; an unexpected problem; a brimming glass
- faces - plural of "face", a visage
- facet - a small polished surface; a side or aspect
- facey - cheeky, insolent
- fachi - a town in Niger
- facia - fascia; a storefront nameplate
- facie - Latin for "face", used in the phrase "prima facie", first face; a facing board
- facks - plural of "fack", a fact
- facon - a heavy knife carried by gauchos
- facta - plural of "factum", a man's own act and deed
- facto - Latin for "fact", used in the phrase "de facto", in fact
- facts - plural of "fact", a thing known with certainty
- facty - filled with facts
- Fadal - a first name
- faddy - crotchety; faddish
- faded - became less bright
- Fadel - a first name
- fader - one that fades; an obsolete form of "father"
- fades - becomes less bright
- Fadey - a first name
- fadge - to suit; to prosper; a short, fat person; a bundle of leather; a potato cake; an oaf; vagina
- Fadia - a first name
- Fadil - a first name
- fadme - a fathom
- fados - plural of "fado", a Portuguese folk song
- Fadwa - a first name
- faena - a series of passes made by a matador in a bullfight
- faery - a fairy
- faffs - blows in puffs; bustles ineffectually; dabbles
- faffy - vacuous, pointless; blowing in puffs
- fagan - a first name; a penis
- fages - coaxes, flatters
- faggy - a disparaging adjective, used to describe exaggeratedly effeminate behavior
- fagin - a first name; the beech mast; an adult who instructs children in crime
- fagoo - a nomad settlement in Sudan
- fagot - a faggot; a bundle of sticks; 120 pounds of iron
- fagus - a genus that includes the beech trees
- Fahad - a first name
- faham - an Indian orchid whose leaves were used as a substitute for tea
- Fahed - a first name
- Fahim - a first name
- Fahri - a first name
- faial - one of the Azores Islands
- Faida - a first name
- Faiga - a first name
- faiks - abates; excuses
- fails - does not succeed; collapses
- Faina - a first name
- faine - a variant of "feign"
- fains - a child's call for a temporary truce; plural of "fain", a fen
- faint - to collapse; barely detectable
- faire - a festival of medieval mummery
- fairm - a farm
- fairs - makes smooth; plural of "fair", a thing that is justified
- fairy - a sprite
- Faisl - a first name
- faith - a first name; belief
- faits - plural of "fait", as in "fait accompli", a deed or feat
- Faiza - a first name
- faize - feaze
- faked - pretended
- fakem - fraudulent, fake or spurious merchandise offered for sale
- faker - one who fakes
- fakes - pretends
- fakey - inauthentic looking
- fakie - a skateboarding move, in which the board is ridden backwards
- Fakih - a first name
- fakir - a magician
- Fakri - a first name
- fakse - a coastal town in Denmark
- fakus - a doohickey
- Falah - a first name
- falaj - an underground irrigation system used in the Middle East
- falak - an omnipotent serpent that lives under the realm of fire in the legend of Bahamut
- falam - a town in Myanmar
- Falan - a first name
- falap - a basis dance step
- falas - plural of "fala", an old madrigal (from the refrain "fa la"!)
- Falau - a first name
- falco - a first name; the genus to which the falcon belongs
- falda - a white silk vestment worn by the pope on solemn occasions
- Faleh - a first name
- Falen - a first name
- Falin - a first name
- Falke - a first name
- falks - plural of "falk", an auk
- falla - a fanciful display created for a Spanish festival
- falls - descends; plural of "fall", a waterfall; autumn
- false - not true; deceitful
- falso - a Central American cape
- falun - a town in Switzerland
- falwe - fallow
- Falyn - a first name
- famed - renowned
- fames - hunger; plural of "fame", renown
- Famke - a first name
- fanac - fan activity (a term invented by Star Trek fans)
- fanad - nothing (short for "Fanny Adams", which is long for "FA", which is short for "Fuck All"); a British cape
- fanal - a lighthouse
- fanam - an old gold or silver coin of southern India
- fanas - plural of "fana", in Sufism, the annihilation of individual will before that of God
- Fanci - a first name
- fancy - a first name; elaborate; whimsy
- Fanda - a first name
- fands - tries
- fanes - a first name; plural of "fane", a temple; a flag; a fairy
- fanga - a Spanish unit of dry volume measure
- fango - radioactive mud; clay or hot mud from springs, used in mud baths
- fangs - plural of "fang", a long tooth
- fangy - resembling a fang; having fangs
- Fania - a first name
- fanin - the number of inputs to a logic gate
- Fanis - a first name
- fanks - plural of "fank", a sheepfold
- fanlo - a town in Spain
- Fanni - a first name
- fanny - a first name; the buttocks
- fanon - a napkin; a scarf; a coin
- fanos - plural of "fano", a cape worn by the pope
- Fanta - a first name
- fante - a Kwa language spoken in Ghana
- fanti - a Kwa language spoken in Ghana; wild and unrestrained
- fanum - a cape worn by that clothes horse, the pope
- Fanus - a first name
- Fanya - a first name
- faqih - an Islamic religious lawyer
- faqir - a fakir
- faqus - a town in Egypt
- farad - a unit of measurement for electrical capacitance
- farah - a first name; an Afghan province
- Farai - a first name
- Faran - a first name
- farbs - plural of "farb", a half-hearted Civil War reenactor, from "far-be-it-from-me"
- farce - a comical play
- farci - stuffed with finely chopped meat
- farcy - glanders
- farde - an Egyptian unit of capacity which is either about 58 liters (small farde), or twice that amount (the large farde)
- fardh - a commercial variety of date
- fardo - a unit of weight in the Philippines
- fards - applies cosmetics to; plural of "fard", a brown date
- fared - traveled; prospered
- Faren - a first name
- farer - a traveler
- fares - a first name; gets along; plural of "fare", a traveler's toll
- fargo - a city in North Dakota; a concealed recording device
- faria - a river in New Guinea
- Farid - a first name
- Farin - a first name
- Fario - a first name
- Fariq - a first name
- faris - a first name; a town in Iraq; a town in Greece
- farle - an oatcake
- farls - plural of "farl", a thin oatmeal cake
- farly - a first name; a gay guy
- farms - plural of "farm", a tract of land devoted to agriculture
- farmy - of or like a farm
- farne - a British island
- faroe - referring to the Faroe Islands
- Faroh - a first name
- Farok - a first name
- farol - a pase in bullfighting
- Faron - a first name
- faros - plural of "faro", a card game
- Farqy - a first name
- Farra - a first name
- farre - far
- farry - a farrow
- farse - a Biblical extract; a paraphrase
- farsi - a Persian language
- farts - breaks wind
- farty - redolent of noxious intestinal vapors
- Faruk - a first name
- Faruq - a first name
- Farye - a first name
- Faryn - a first name
- fasci - plural of "fascio", a local branch of the Fascisti
- fasel - a first name; a chick pea or kidney bean
- faser - one who faces; one who puts on a false show; a blow to the face
- fashy - angry
- Fasil - a first name
- fasti - a Roman calendar of festivals
- fasts - abstains from food
- Fatai - a first name
- fatal - deadly
- Fatan - a first name
- fatas - plural of "fata", short for "fata Morgana", a mirage
- fated - destined
- Faten - a first name
- fater - a fortune-teller; a cheater
- fates - in Greek mythology, weavers of destiny: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos
- fatha - a first name; an Arabic accent mark
- Fathi - a first name
- fatih - a first name; the old quarter of Istanbul
- Fatil - a first name
- Fatin - a first name
- Fatio - a first name
- fatly - obesely
- Fatma - a first name
- fator - a fortune-teller
- Fatos - a first name
- fatra - the name of two mountain ranges in Slovakia
- fatso - a fat person
- fatta - a breakfast dish of boiled lamb, bread, rice and soup
- fatty - adipose; a mean-spirited nickname
- Fatur - a first name
- fatwa - an Islamic decree
- faugh - an interjection expressing disgust, said by no one outside of old books
- fauld - a piece of armor below the breastplate
- faule - a fall, or falling band
- fault - a failing; a defect; an imperfection
- faulx - a town in France
- fauna - a first name; animal life
- Faune - a first name
- fauns - plural of "faun", a woodland deity
- faurd - favored
- Faure - a first name
- fause - false
- faust - a first name; in medieval legend, a philosopher who sold his soul for knowledge; ugly
- fauve - a fauvist
- favas - a hexagonal paving tile
- favel - yellow; a yellow horse; cajolery
- faver - more favorite
- faves - plural of "fave", a favorite
- favor - a first name; to regard with approval
- Favre - a first name
- favus - a contagious fungal scalp disease; a hexagonal paving tile
- Fawas - a first name
- Fawna - a first name
- Fawne - a first name
- fawns - dotes on; plural of "fawn", a young deer
- fawny - of a yellowish brown color; a ring
- Fawzi - a first name
- Fawzy - a first name
- faxed - sent a facsimile message
- faxer - one who faxes
- faxes - sends a facsimile message
- Faxon - a first name
- fayal - one of the Azore Islands
- Fayda - a first name
- fayed - joined closely
- Fayez - a first name
- Fayik - a first name
- Fayla - a first name
- Fayme - a first name
- fayne - a first name; a variant of "feign"
- fayre - a first name; a fair
- Fayth - a first name
- fayum - Faiyum, a division of northern Egypt
- fazed - dazzled; stunned; stupefied
- Fazel - a first name
- fazer - something which dazzles, stuns or stupefies
- fazes - dazzles; stuns; stupefies
- Fazil - a first name
- fazzo - fabulous
- feaks - plural of "feak", a lock of hair
- feale - a British river
- feals - conceals
- feare - a fere, a companion or mate
- fearn - a town in Scotland
- fears - is afraid of
- feart - afraid
- feary - like fear; full of fear
- fease - to faze
- feast - a grand meal; a celebration
- feats - plural of "feat", a deed; a dangling curl of hair
- featy - neat; handy
- feaze - to unravel; to twist; to worry; to harm
- fecal - of feces
- feces - turds; excrement
- fecht - to fight
- fecit - "(he) made it", often inscribed on works of art
- fecks - an exclamation meaning "Faith!"; plural of "feck", value; effect; strength (hence "feckless" = worthless)
- Fecri - a first name
- fedai - a member of an Ismaili order of assassins
- fedex - to send by Federal Express
- fedia - a genus of Mediterranean herbs
- Fedja - a first name
- fedje - a town in Norway
- Fedor - a first name
- fedup - disgusted
- Fedya - a first name
- feebs - plural of "feeb", a feeble-minded person; a feeble person; an FBI agent
- feeby - the FBI; an FBI agent
- feeds - nourishes
- feedy - overfull of food
- feele - a girl; a child
- feels - senses; touches
- Feena - a first name
- feeps - plural of "feep", the soft bell sound of a computer monitor
- feere - a consort, husband or wife
- feers - plural of "feer", a companion
- feese - a short run before a leap
- feesk - a tuft of unruly hair
- feeze - to twist; to worry; to harm; to pledge to a fraternity; to have sexual intercourse
- fehme - a medieval secret German tribunal, the Vehmgericht
- feigh - to clean
- feign - to pretend
- feine - to feign
- feint - a stratagem; a deceptive action
- feist - a small dog of mixed breed; to flirt
- Feiza - a first name
- feize - to twist
- fekes - plural of "feke", a magician's doctored prop
- Fekri - a first name
- felch - fecal matter
- Felcy - a first name
- Felda - a first name
- Felia - a first name
- Felic - a first name
- felid - a member of the cat family
- Felim - a first name
- felis - a first name; the cat family
- Felix - a first name
- Feliz - a first name
- Felka - a first name
- Felke - a first name
- felks - sings felk songs (a bizarre genre associated with science fiction fans)
- fella - slang for "fellow"
- fells - cuts down; plural of "fell", a small mountain typical of the Lake District
- felly - felloe; the rim of a wheel; harshly destructive
- felon - a criminal
- felos - plural of "felo", short for "felo de se", a suicide
- Felpo - a first name
- felth - the power of feeling in one's fingers
- felts - plural of "felt", a fabric; a gambling table
- felty - of, like, or containing felt
- felup - a people of the Atlantic coast of the western Sudan
- Felyx - a first name
- felze - an enclosed gondola
- femal - a variant of "female"
- fembo - a feminine-acting man
- femes - plural of "feme", a wife
- femic - belonging to a group of ferromagnesian minerals
- Femie - a first name
- femme - a woman; a feminine lesbian
- Femmi - a first name
- femmy - feminine; emasculated; campy
- femur - a thigh bone
- fence - a receiver of stolen goods; a railing; to sword fight as a sport
- fends - wards off
- fendy - shifty; thrifty; clever in finding a way to do things
- fenho - a river in China
- fenis - plural of "feni", a Goan alcoholic spirit produced from coconuts
- fenks - finks; parts of blubber even whalers don't want
- fenny - a first name; marshy; a spirit distilled in Goa from cashew nuts or coconuts
- fents - plural of "fent", a vent, or short slit in a garment
- fenus - faenus, interest in Roman law
- feods - plural of "feod", a fief
- feoff - a grant of land
- ferae - wild animals
- feral - wild
- Feran - a first name
- Feras - a first name
- Ferda - a first name
- Ferde - a first name
- Ferdo - a first name
- ferds - plural of "ferd", an army, a large number
- Ferdy - a first name
- Feren - a first name
- ferer - more able; more sound
- feres - plural of "fere", a companion
- feria - a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated
- ferie - a holiday
- Ferik - a first name
- Ferin - a first name
- Ferit - a first name
- ferks - moves quickly
- ferly - fearful; sudden; a sudden marvel
- ferme - a hole; a prison; a cave
- fermi - a unit of measurement of distance, a femtometer, 10^(-15) meter
- fermo - another name for Firmum; a town in Italy
- ferms - plural of "ferm", a farm; a pseudohermaphrodite with ovaries
- Ferne - a first name
- Ferni - a first name
- ferns - a town in Eire; plural of "fern", a flowerless vascular plant
- ferny - full of ferns
- Feron - a first name
- ferox - a brown trout of north west Europe
- Feroz - a first name
- Ferra - a first name
- ferre - a variant of "ferrer", meaning far
- ferro - one of the Canary Islands
- ferry - a river transport
- ferto - a European lake
- Feruz - a first name
- fesse - a heraldic band
- festa - a feast or holiday
- Feste - a first name
- fests - plural of "fest", a festival or celebration
- fetal - embryonic
- fetas - plural of "feta", a goat milk cheese
- fetch - to go for
- feted - honored, celebrated
- fetes - plural of "fete", a celebration
- Fethe - a first name
- fetid - noxious
- fetii - in French Oceania, a member of one's extended family
- fetis - neat; pretty; well-made
- fetor - an offensive odor
- fetta - variant of "feta", a cheese made of goat milk
- fette - to fetch
- fetti - money
- fetts - fetches
- fetus - an unborn child
- fetwa - an Islamic judgment
- feuar - a lease holder; a cottager
- feuda - plural of "feudum"
- feuds - plural of "feud", a vendetta
- feued - granted land under Scottish feudal law
- feugh - a British river
- fever - a ferment; a passion; high temperature as a symptom of illness
- Fevzi - a first name
- fewel - fuel
- fewer - not as many
- feyed - cleaned out
- feyer - more crazy
- Feyla - a first name
- feyly - in a fey manner
- feyne - to feign
- feyre - a fair or market
- fezes - plural of "fez", a Middle Eastern hat
- fezzi - a native of Fez, Morocco
- Ffion - a first name
- Fiach - a first name
- Fiala - a first name
- Fiana - a first name
- fiard - a fjord
- fiars - plural of "fiar", a grain price legally fixed by the Fiars court; a free-holder
- fiato - a musical term meaning "breath"
- fiats - plural of "fiat", an authoritative order
- fiber - a filament; a thread-like material
- fibre - a British spelling of "fiber"
- fibro - a building material of compressed asbestos and concrete
- fibry - fibrous; made of fibers
- fices - plural of "fice", a feist, a small dog
- fiche - a microfiche
- fichu - a small triangular lace or muslin shawl
- ficin - a protease obtained from the latex of the fig
- ficos - plural of "fico", a snap of the finger; a fig; a worthless trifle
- ficus - the fig
- fidai - a member of an Ismaili order of assassins
- fidar - a river in Lebanon
- Fidel - a first name
- fides - faith in religious dogma held without concern for logical proof or evidence
- fidge - to fidget; an uneasy or restless motion; a fidgety person
- fidia - a genus of small beetles
- fidos - plural of "fido", a defective coin
- fiefs - plural of "fief", a feudal grant of land
- field - a first name; a meadow; an area
- fiend - an evil person
- fient - a fiend; a devil
- fiere - a fere, a companion or mate
- fieri - facias; a writ
- fiero - a musical term meaning "bold"
- fiery - flaming; like fire
- fiest - most doomed
- fifed - played the fife
- fifer - someone who plays the fife
- fifes - plural of "fife", a musical instrument related to the flute
- fifey - like a fife
- fifie - a Scottish fishing lugger
- fifth - number 5 in order
- fifty - 50
- Figen - a first name
- figgy - of, like, or containing figs
- fight - to dispute; to oppose
- figmo - an acronym: "Forget It, Got My Orders", (roughly), the attitude of a short-timer
- figos - plural of "figo", variant of "fico", a snap of the fingers
- figue - a kind of cheese
- fijis - plural of "Fiji", a resident of the Fiji islands; the Fiji islands
- fiked - fidgeted; annoyed
- fikes - fidgets; annoys; plural of "fike", a bag-shaped fish trap
- fikie - fidgety, restless
- filao - a beefwood with pendulous branches
- filar - threadlike
- filch - to steal
- filed - smoothed; deposited a document; formed a line
- filer - one who files
- files - smooths; deposits a document; plural of "file", a rasp; a line; a collection of documents
- filet - to fillet
- filey - a coastal town in England; like a file
- Filia - a first name
- filip - a first name; a finger flip
- filix - cystoperis
- Filiz - a first name
- filks - plural of "filk", a 'filk' song, a humorous parody, popularized at science fiction conventions
- fille - a girl
- fillo - phyllo dough; an illustration used to fill up the rest of a page
- fills - dispels the vacuum
- filly - a girl; a foal
- Filma - a first name
- films - plural of "film", a movie; a thin membrane
- filmy - diaphanous
- filth - grime
- filum - a threadlike anatomical structure
- Filya - a first name
- final - last
- Finan - a first name
- finca - a rural property, ranch or estate in Spain or South America
- finch - a bird
- finds - discovers
- findy - plump
- fined - charged
- finer - a refiner; more fine; one who fines
- fines - charges
- finew - moldiness
- finey - like a fine
- fingo - a South African people
- finif - variant of "finnif", Yiddish for "five", a five dollar bill
- finis - a first name; the end
- finke - a river in Australia
- finks - informs the police
- Finly - a first name
- finno - of Finland or Finnish, as in "Finno-Ugric languages"
- finns - plural of "Finn", a native of Finland
- finny - a first name; having fins
- finos - merino wool
- finse - a town in Norway
- Finty - a first name
- finuf - variant of "finnif", Yiddish for "five", a five dollar bill
- Fiona - a first name
- Fionn - a first name
- Fiora - a first name
- fiord - a cliff-bound ocean inlet
- Fiore - a first name
- Fioza - a first name
- fique - Mauritius hemp
- Firaq - a first name
- Firas - a first name
- Firat - a first name
- firca - in India, a tribe, community or group
- fired - discharged; kindled
- firee - an employee who has been fired
- firer - an igniter; a shooter
- fires - blazes; disemploys
- firey - suggestive of a fire
- firgi - a village in Niger
- firks - whips; beats; copulates with; moves quickly; plural of "firk", a trick; a freak
- firma - Latin for "firm" or "solid", used in "terra firma", solid land
- firme - an expression of high approbation
- firms - becomes more firm; plural of "firm", a company or business
- firns - plural of "firn", a neve; a glacier snow
- firps - plural of "firp", a jerk
- firry - full of pines
- first - chief; before all others
- firth - a first name; a river mouth
- Firuz - a first name
- fiscs - plural of "fisc", a state or royal treasury
- Fishl - a first name
- fisho - a professional fisherman
- fishy - questionable; smelling of fish
- Fiske - a first name
- fisks - frisks
- fists - plural of "fist", a balled-up hand
- fisty - a left-handed person; related to boxing
- fitch - a first name; a pole cat; a vetch; a long-handled paint brush for remote surfaces
- Fitim - a first name
- fitly - aptly
- fitte - a ballad
- fitts - plural of "fitt", a fitte; a song
- fitty - suitable, appropriate
- fiume - a seaport in Yugoslavia
- fiver - a five dollar bill; one who gives five percent of his earnings instead of a tenth
- fives - a horse disease; a ball game
- fixed - repaired; stationary; secretly predetermined
- fixer - one who repairs
- fixes - repairs; prepares; makes fast
- fixit - involved with fixing things
- fixup - a correction; something that has been fixed
- fizzy - effervescent; the 60's version of Pop Rocks
- fjeld - a high barren plateau
- fjord - a long narrow ocean inlet
- flabs - plural of "flab", fatty body tissue
- flach - backwards slang for "half"
- flack - a press agent
- flaff - to flutter
- flage - an abbreviated form of "flagellation"
- flags - loses strength; plural of "flag", a banner; an iris
- flail - a threshing implement; to make wild, disjointed movements
- flain - flayed
- flair - a first name; a natural aptitude
- flake - a scale; an unreliable person
- flako - intoxicated
- flaks - gives some trashing; plural of "flak", a protector, an antiaircraft cannon
- flaky - scaling; unreliable
- Flama - a first name
- flamb - to baste; to singe
- flame - to spew invective; an amour; a tongue of fire
- flamm - a flawn, or custard
- flams - deceives; plural of "flam", a whim; a drum rudiment
- flamy - lambent; composed of flame
- Flana - a first name
- flane - an arrow
- flang - a miner's pick axe; past tense of "fling"
- flank - a side
- Flann - a first name
- flans - plural of "flan", a custard
- flaps - flutters; plural of "flap", an argument; a side panel
- flare - a first name; a signal light
- flary - flaming
- flash - a glint; an instant
- flask - a small bottle
- flats - plural of "flat", an apartment; a low heeled shoe; a punctured tire
- Flaux - a first name
- flava - style
- flawn - a custard
- flaws - plural of "flaw", a defect
- flawy - defective; characterized by gusts, as a wind
- flaxy - light in color; blonde
- flays - removes the skin; excoriates
- flead - unrendered pork fat
- fleak - a small lock; an insignificant person
- fleam - a sharp surgical lancet used for opening veins to cause bloodletting; a bevel angle
- flear - a word of mockery
- fleas - plural of "flea", an external blood-sucking parasite
- flech - a flea
- fleck - a dapple; a small spot
- flect - in heraldry, with a bent bow
- Fleda - a first name
- fleed - variant of "flead", unrendered pork fat
- fleem - variant of "fleam", a lancet; a bevel angle
- fleen - a variant plural of "flea"
- fleer - a word or look of derision; to mock; one who flees
- flees - runs away
- fleet - rapid; a group of ships; an arm of the sea; an English town
- flegm - phlegm
- flegs - frightens; kicks; flees
- fleid - fleyed
- fleme - to banish; to drive away
- flemo - Flemington, a suburb of Melbourne
- flems - plural of "Flem", a native of Flemland
- flerd - deceit; fraud
- flerk - to jerk or twitch
- flesh - meat
- Fleta - a first name
- flete - to float; to swim
- fleuk - a fluke
- fleur - a first name; a fleur-de-lis
- flews - plural of "flew", a bloodhound's chap; a fishing net
- flewy - like a bloodhound's chap
- flexy - tending to flex easily
- fleys - frightens; flays
- flick - to flip; rabbit fur; a movie
- flics - plural of "flic", a Parisian policeman
- flied - a past tense of "fly"; to hit a fly ball
- flier - an aeronaut
- flies - travels through air; plural of "fly", a back stage appliance; an insect
- flimp - to rob a person distracted by an accomplice
- flims - a resort town in Switzerland
- fling - to hurl; an escapade; a brief romantic adventure
- Flinn - a first name
- flint - a first name; a hard stone; an English town; a town in Michigan
- flipe - to flype; to fold back
- flipp - a liquor for sailors, made from beer, spirits, and sugar
- flips - turns over
- flird - to flirt; a flimsy, insubstantial object
- flirt - a coquet
- flisa - a town in Norway
- flisk - to comb; to whisk; a sudden action
- flite - to scold; to brawl
- flits - moves lightly and swiftly; plural of "flit", a subdivision of a data packet
- flitt - to flit
- float - to waft; to buoy; a soda with ice cream; a C data type
- flobs - moves clumsily
- flock - a herd
- flocs - plural of "floc", a flocculent mass
- floda - a town in Sweden
- Flody - a first name
- floes - plural of "floe", a mass of floating ice
- Floey - a first name
- flogs - whips; tries to sell
- Flois - a first name
- flong - stereotyping paper
- flood - a deluge
- flook - a fluke
- floor - to stump; a walking surface; the largest whole number no greater than a given number
- flops - collapses in a heap; plural of "flop", a failure
- flora - a first name; flowers
- flore - a first name; a town in Albania
- Flori - a first name
- floro - a town in Norway
- flors - plural of "flor", a coating of microorganisms on the surface of some sherry wines, (yummy!)
- flory - a first name; in heraldry, fleury
- flosh - a weedy swamp
- floss - a first name; a silky thread; a stream
- flota - the Spanish treasure fleet
- flote - a wave
- flots - plural of "flot", a stratified ore
- flour - ground wheat
- flous - to cheat or trick someone
- flout - to scoff; to mock
- flowk - a fluke
- flown - traveled through air
- flows - moves steadily and smoothly
- flowy - flowing, rippling
- Floyd - a first name
- flubs - bungles
- flued - built with flues
- fluer - one who installs flues
- flues - plural of "flue", an enclosed air passage or chimney
- fluey - fluffy; like a flue; like the flu
- fluff - nap; down; insubstantial matter
- fluid - liquid
- fluke - chance; a parasitic worm; a fish
- fluky - accidental; capricious
- flume - a water chute
- flump - to plop down heavily
- flung - thrown
- flunk - to fail
- fluor - a first name; calcium spar; a bodily discharge
- flure - floor
- flurn - to show contempt by looks
- flurr - a splashing or whirring sound
- flurt - a flirt
- flush - to blush; to drive from hiding; to wash away with water; five cards of the same suit in poker
- flute - a kind of boat; musical instrument; groove in a pillar
- fluty - flutelike
- fluyt - a type of ship used by the Dutch
- fluzy - a floozie
- flyby - an aerial approach
- flyer - a flier
- flymy - sly or cunning
- Flynn - a first name
- Flynt - a first name
- flype - a fold or flap
- flysh - a great Alpine mass of Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary sandstone and shale
- flyte - to scold
- fnast - to pant or snort
- fnese - to breathe heavily
- foafs - plural of "foaf", an "urban legend", acronym: "Friend Of A Friend"
- foals - plural of "foal", a young horse
- foaly - like a foal
- foams - plural of "foam", a froth
- foamy - frothy
- Foard - a first name
- fobus - a general term of dislike
- focal - converging; central
- focht - fought
- focus - a point of convergence
- fodda - a coin
- foehn - a dry hot wind of the Alps
- fogas - the eastern European pike perch
- foges - plural of "foge", the Cornish name for a forge used to smelt tin
- fogey - a crotchety old-fashioned person
- foggy - misty
- fogie - a fogey
- fogle - a silk handkerchief
- fogon - a corner fireplace found in Indian and Spanish architecture
- fogos - plural of "fogo", a stench
- fogou - a cave
- fogue - to stink
- fogus - tobacco
- fohns - plural of "fohn", a hot Alpine wind
- foids - plural of "foid", feldspathoid
- foils - fends off; plural of "foil", a fencing weapon; a thin sheet of metal
- foily - like a foil; like foil
- foins - thrusts with a pointed weapon; copulates with
- foism - Chinese Buddhism
- foist - to impose; a Chinese Buddhist
- Fokke - a first name
- Fokko - a first name
- Folco - a first name
- folds - lays one part over another
- foldy - foldable; folding
- foley - a term for artificially produced sound used in movies
- folia - plural of "folium", a leaf or sheet
- folic - referring to folic acid, a nitrogenous acid in green leaves
- folie - a madness or delusion, as in "folie a deux", a delusion shared by two people
- folio - a sheet of paper; an early kind of book; an album
- Folke - a first name
- folks - simple people; one's family
- folky - folkie; having a folkish flavor
- folly - a delusion
- folos - plural of "folo", a follow-up
- folwe - to follow
- fomes - an object handled by a person with a contagious disease; plural of "fome", an absorbent substance
- fomor - fomorian, a race of sea robbers in Celtic legend
- fonda - a first name; a hotel or inn
- fonde - to strive; to try
- fondi - a town in central Italy
- fondo - a municipality in Trento province, Italy
- fonds - caresses, fondles
- fondu - characterized by colors that blend into one another; melted; a sinking ballet movement
- foner - a news story assembled solely by telephone calls
- fonge - to take; to receive
- fonio - a northern African crabgrass
- fonky - a variant of "funky", used to intensify an adjective
- fonly - foolishly, fondly
- fonne - a fon
- fonni - a town in Italy
- Fonso - a first name
- Fonta - a first name
- fonts - plural of "font", a typeface; a fountain
- Fonya - a first name
- Fonzo - a first name
- foods - plural of "food", something to eat
- foody - eatable; another spelling for "foodie", a lover of good cooking
- fooey - an expression of disgust, spelled "pfui" by the French
- foofs - howls like a wounded dog
- foofy - effeminate
- fools - plural of "fool", a simpleton
- foots - pays for; a residue
- footy - paltry; poor; worthless; football (that is, soccer)
- foppy - like a fop, a foolish pretentious person
- foram - a marine rhizopod; a foraminifera
- foray - an invasion; an excursion
- Forbe - a first name
- forbs - plural of "forb", a herb other than grass
- forby - a first name; adjacent; over and above; besides
- force - strength; pressure; power
- fordo - to undo; to abolish; a kind of Brazilian popular music
- fords - plural of "ford", a river crossing
- fordy - containing many fords
- forel - a thin parchment; a parchment book cover
- fores - plural of "fore", the front part of a thing
- foret - a drill
- forex - foreign exchange
- Forey - a first name
- forez - a region, and mountain range in France
- forge - a smithy; to falsify
- forgo - to do without
- forks - plural of "fork", a branch; a table utensil
- forky - branching
- forli - a city in northeast Italy
- forma - Latin for "form", used in the phrase "pro forma", for formality
- forme - a bed of printing type; former, first; a half cone
- forms - plural of "form", a mode
- formy - formee
- forre - the embroidered border of a handkerchief
- forro - a Brazilian dance and music style
- Forry - a first name
- forst - a town in Switzerland
- forte - a strong point; denoting "loudly" in musical notation
- forth - forward; onward; a river in Scotland
- forts - plural of "fort", a fortress
- forty - a number
- forum - a place where arguments are made; a tribunal; a marketplace
- Fosca - a first name
- Fosco - a first name
- fosho - slang for "for sure"
- fossa - a Malagasy civet cat; a ditch; a pit or cavity in a bone
- fosse - a ditch
- fotch - to fetch
- Fotis - a first name
- fotog - a photographer
- fotui - a tropical South American timber tree
- Fouad - a first name
- fouat - an onion
- fouds - plural of "foud", a magistrate on the Orkney Islands
- fouer - more drunk
- fouet - an onion
- foula - a Scottish island
- foule - a light woolen fulled cloth
- fouls - tangles; dirties; plural of "foul", an athletic infraction
- found - discovered; to establish
- fount - a fountain; a source
- fourb - a fourbe, a trickster or cheater
- fours - plural of "four", groups of four
- fouta - a town in Senegal
- fouth - abundance
- fouty - despicable
- Fouzi - a first name
- fovea - a pit; the center of the retina, where the blind spot is
- fower - four
- fowey - a coastal town in southern England
- fowks - plural of "fowk", folk
- fowls - plural of "fowl", a bird
- fowth - a variant of "fouth", an abundance
- foxed - fooled; of a book marked with mold or water spots
- foxer - one who deceives; one who hunts foxes; a voyeur
- foxes - outwits; plural of "fox", a predatory mammal
- foxie - foxy, cunning
- foyer - a lobby
- foyle - a foil; a European lake; a British river
- foyne - to foin
- Fozia - a first name
- frabs - worries; scolds
- fraca - a fracas
- frack - eager
- fract - to break; to violate
- fraff - caterpillar droppings
- frage - the lowest bid in a card game of frog or skat
- frags - assaults with a fragmentation grenade
- fraho - a cigarette
- fraid - afraid
- fraik - to cajole
- frail - fragile; delicate; a unit of weight of Spain of about 25 pounds
- fraim - fremd
- frain - a first name; ash
- frajo - a cigarette
- frake - the limba, an African tree
- frame - to fashion; to form; to bound; a game at snooker
- frams - pounds; beats
- franc - a first name; a French coin
- Frang - a first name
- Franh - a first name
- Frani - a first name
- frank - a first name; open; a hot dog; an ancient Germanic people; to mark a letter for free transmission
- Frann - a first name
- Frano - a first name
- Frans - a first name
- Franz - a first name
- frape - a crowd; a mob
- frapp - a beating
- fraps - binds firmly; strikes
- frase - phrase; fraise
- frass - insect droppings
- frate - a friar
- frati - plural of "frater", a friar
- frats - plural of "frat", a fraternity
- fraud - imposture; deception
- fraus - plural of "frau", in German use, a woman
- frawn - the whortleberry
- Fraya - a first name
- frayn - a first name; to ask; to inquire
- frays - wears away by rubbing; plural of "fray", a skirmish
- fraze - a first name; a small milling cutter; the end of a cane
- freak - an oddity; a hippy; to become excited and disoriented
- fream - to make the rutting cry of a boar
- Frean - a first name
- freat - freit, a superstitious observance
- freck - eager
- Freda - a first name
- Fredd - a first name
- Fredi - a first name
- Fredo - a first name
- Fredy - a first name
- freed - emancipated
- Freek - a first name
- Freen - a first name
- freep - the LA Free Press
- freer - more free; a deliverer
- frees - liberates
- freet - superstitious
- freia - a first name; Freya, the goddess of love in Norse mythology
- freit - a superstitious observance
- Freja - a first name
- fremd - strange; a stranger
- frena - plural of "frenum", a connecting fold of membrane
- Freny - a first name
- freon - a refrigerant
- freqs - plural of "freq", a communication frequency
- frere - a brother
- fresh - novel; impudent; recent
- fress - to eat greedily; to perform oral sex
- freta - plural of "fretum", a strait, or an arm of the sea
- frets - worries; raised bars on a guitar neck
- frett - ore refuse; to prepare material for glass by heat
- freya - a first name; the goddess of love in Norse mythology, sister to Freyr
- freyr - the god of crops and fruit in Norse mythology, brother to Freya
- friar - a religious brother
- frias - a town in Argentina
- Friba - a first name
- Frici - a first name
- frick - a first name; a mild form of "fuck"
- Frida - a first name
- fried - cooked by frying
- frier - a fryer
- fries - cooks by frying
- frigg - a town in Norway; the wife of Odin in Norse mythology, goddess of marriage and the home
- frigs - fornicates with
- frija - a Norse goddess, also known as Frigg
- frill - a superfluous extra; a ruffled for the collar or sleeve
- frink - a town in Florida
- frise - frieze; endive
- frisk - to search the body; to romp
- Friso - a first name
- friss - the fast section of a czardas
- frist - a postponement, delay or respite
- frith - a first name; a clearing in a forest; peace; a firth or narrow arm of the sea
- frits - a first name; fuses into a vitreous substance; plural of "frit", a wheat fly
- fritt - to fuse into a vitreous substance; a calcined mixture of sand and fluxes
- fritz - a first name; a German
- frize - to frizz
- frizz - to curl
- frock - a smock
- Frode - a first name
- froes - plural of "froe", a cleaving tool
- frogs - plural of "frog", an amphibian; a Frenchman
- Froma - a first name
- frome - a river and a town in Wessex, England
- frond - a leaf of a fern
- frone - an unattractive woman
- frons - the forehead
- front - a forward part
- frore - frozen
- frorn - frozen
- frory - frozen
- frosh - a freshman
- frost - rime; to add icing
- frote - to chafe or rub
- froth - foam
- frots - rubs up against, committing frottage
- frown - a scowl
- frows - plural of "frow", a tool for cleaving cask staves; a Dutch woman
- frowy - rank, musty
- froyo - frozen yogurt
- froze - solidified; held still
- frugs - plural of "frug", a vigorous dance
- fruit - produce; crop; the seed-bearing mass of certain trees
- frump - a dowdy woman
- frush - brittle; to crush or break; the triangular elastic mass in the middle of the sole of a horse's foot
- frust - a fragment
- fruzz - to brush hair the wrong way
- Fryda - a first name
- fryer - a frying pan
- fryup - a town in England; a full English breakfast
- ftped - transferred a computer file using FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- Fuaad - a first name
- fuage - fumage, a tax payable to the king for every hearth
- fuang - a unit of weight in Thailand
- fuars - feuars; landholders
- fubar - an acronym: "Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition", so to speak
- fubby - fat and squat
- fubis - an acronym: "Forget You, Buddy, I'm Shipping Out" (roughly)
- fubsy - chubby
- fuchs - a student of the first year
- fuchu - a town in Japan
- fucic - a gelatinous acid found in fucoids
- fucks - fornicates
- fucky - lascivious; lewd
- fucus - a red dye made from seaweed; disguise; seaweed
- fuday - a British island
- fuddy - a first name; used in the phrase "fuddy duddy", an old codger
- fuder - a unit of volume of Luxembourg of about 264 gallons
- fudge - a sweet dessert; to mislead
- fudgy - containing fudge; bungling
- fuels - plural of "fuel", a material used to supply energy for a fire or an engine
- fuero - a statute or charter; a court
- fuffs - puffs
- fuffy - fluffy
- fugal - like a fugue
- fugas - plural of "fuga", a fugue
- fugee - a first name; a village in Taiwan; a refugee
- fuggy - stuffy and odorous
- fugie - a runaway; a fighting cock
- fugio - a former coin of the United States
- fugis - plural of "fugi", a silk fabric; a wisteria vine
- fugit - Latin for "flees" or "escapes", used in "tempis fugit", time flies
- fugle - to act as a leader or director; to cheat
- fugly - slang for (frightfully) ugly
- fugue - a polyphonic musical composition based on a theme
- fugus - plural of "fugu", a toxin-containing fish
- Fujio - a first name
- fujis - plural of "fuji", a silk fabric; a wisteria vine
- fukue - a town in Japan
- fukui - a town in Japan
- fulah - a Moslem people of the Egyptian Sudan
- fulbe - a Moslem people of the Egyptian Sudan
- fulda - a European river; a town in northern Germany
- fulks - moves the hand unfairly in a game of marbles
- Fulla - a first name
- fulls - shrinks and thickens cloth
- fully - completely
- fulth - fullness
- fulup - felup
- fulwa - the butter tree
- Fulya - a first name
- fumba - a sleeping bag
- fumed - emitted smoke or vapor
- fumer - one who fumes
- fumes - vapors; emits smoke; looks angry
- fumet - a concentrated essence of game or fish, used as a flavoring
- fumey - full of fumes
- fumid - smoky
- fumie - a first name; a brass tablet with a cross, which suspected Japanese Christians were required to trample
- Fumio - a first name
- fumtu - an acronym: "Fouled Up More Than Usual", so to speak
- funal - a metric ton meter per second squared
- funch - sex at lunchtime
- funda - a first name; a bandage for the jaw
- fundi - a West African grain; a skilled person; a fundamentalist; plural of "fundus"
- fundo - a large agricultural estate in Chile
- funds - money
- fundy - a bay between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; a fundamentalist member of the Green Party
- funen - an island in Denmark
- funge - a fool; to convert, particularly to move money from one budgetary purpose to another
- fungi - plural of "fungus", one of the family of mushrooms, toadstools and so on
- fungo - a practice fly ball hit to a fielder
- fungs - plural of "fung", a mythical Chinese pheasant
- fungy - a deepdish blueberry pie
- funic - of the umbilical cord
- funis - the umbilical cord or any anatomical cordlike structure
- funji - fung, a mythical Chinese pheasant
- funks - plural of "funk", a strong smell
- funky - smelly; strange; bizarre
- funny - comical; strange
- funts - plural of "funt", a one pound note
- fuoco - a musical term
- fuoro - referring to a group of very young, distant variable stars
- fural - furfurylidene
- furan - a flammable liquid
- furca - a forked process (anatomy, not computer operating systems!)
- furil - a yellow crystalline compound
- furin - an enzyme
- Furio - a first name
- furld - furled
- furls - rolls up
- furol - furfural
- furor - uproar
- furos - plural of "furo", a short deep Japanese bathtub
- furrs - plural of "furr", a furrow
- furry - covered with fur
- furth - forth, outside of
- furud - a constellation
- furyl - a univalent radical derived from furan
- furze - gorse
- furzy - covered in furze; whinny
- fusan - a seaport in southeast Korea, now called Pusan
- fusby - fat and squat; a woman
- fused - melted together; joined
- fusee - vesuvian; a firelock fuse; a wooden or paper match
- fusel - an oily liquid
- fuses - equips with a fuse; joins
- fusey - like a fuse; emitting sparks like a fuse does
- fusil - fusible; a musket; a heraldic bearing
- fusin - a town in China; a cell membrane protein that permits a cell to fuse with HIV's surface
- fussa - a town in Japan
- fussy - particular; complaining
- fusts - plural of "fust", a column shaft; a musty smell
- fusty - musty
- Fusun - a first name
- fusus - a genus of gastropods
- futon - a sleeping mat
- futwa - a fatwa
- fuxin - a town in China
- fuzed - provided with a fuze
- fuzee - a firelock fuse; a wooden or paper match
- fuzes - fuses
- fuzey - like a fuze
- fuzil - fusil
- fuzzy - woolly; shaggy
- fyces - plural of "fyce", a feist or small dog
- fyerk - to flick away with the fingers
- Fyffe - a first name
- fyked - fidgeted
- fykes - fidgets; plural of "fyke", a long bag-shaped fish trap held open with hoops
- fykey - fidgety
- fykie - fikie, fidgety or restless
- fyled - filed
- fylke - a county
- fynbo - a kind of cheese
- fynen - a Baltic island where the Brandenburgers defeated the Swedes
- Fyodr - a first name
- fyrds - plural of "fyrd", a Saxon militia
- fyrom - acronym: the "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", the temporary name of the country of Macedonia, used to assuage Greece
- fytte - a ballad
- gabae - a town in western Persia, through which Alexander marched
- gabar - a Zoroastrian of Iran
- gabay - a traditional alliterative Somali poetic form
- gabba - a harsh aggressive style of house music with a rapid beat; a friend
- Gabbe - a first name
- Gabbi - a first name
- gabbo - a first name; a compulsive talker
- gabby - a first name; talkative
- gabel - an excise tax
- gabes - a fool; plural of "gabe", Philippines taro; a town in Tunisia
- gabey - a first name; a fool
- Gabie - a first name
- Gabin - a first name
- gabis - a first name; plural of "gabi", Philippines taro
- Gabko - a first name
- gable - a first name; a triangular section of a wall
- gabon - an African country
- Gabor - a first name
- Gabri - a first name
- gabun - the African country of Gabon; a soft reddish-brown African wool
- Gabys - a first name
- gacho - stingy
- gacko - a town in Bosnia
- gadag - a town in India
- gadar - "gay radar"
- gadba - a language
- gaddi - a first name; a hassock; a cushion for a throne; a caste
- Gaddy - a first name
- gades - a town in southwest Spain; plural of "gade", a spike on a gauntlet; a gadoid fish
- gadge - a torture instrument; a gauge
- gadgy - an old senile person; any male person
- gadic - referring to codfish
- gadid - gadoid, a type of cod-like fish; an Israeli settlement in Gaza
- gadir - an ancient city on the site of Cadiz, Spain
- gadis - plural of "gadi", a gaddi, a hassock
- gadje - plural of "gadjo", a non-Gypsy
- gadjo - a non-Gypsy
- gadre - to gather
- gadso - an interjection expressing surprise
- gadun - a town in Pakistan
- gadus - the cod genus
- Gaela - a first name
- gaels - plural of "Gael", a Celt of Scotland or Ireland
- gaeta - a town in central Italy
- gafat - an Ethiopian language with less than 30 living speakers
- gaffa - a kind of sticking tape much used in theatrical productions
- gaffe - a social mistake in front of witnesses
- gaffs - plural of "gaff", a sharp fish hook; a cheap place of amusement
- gafsa - a town in Tunisia
- Gagan - a first name
- gagea - a genus of small plants of the lily family
- gaged - pledged
- gager - a first name; gauger; the action of giving a gage
- gages - plural of "gage", a pledges of security; a kind of plum; a measuring device
- gaggy - jokey; like a gag; liable to make one gag
- gagik - a first name; a king of Armenia
- gagny - a town in France
- gagor - a town in India
- gagra - a town in Abkhazia, Georgia
- Gahan - a first name
- gaiac - guaiac
- gaids - plural of "gaid", a spike on a gauntlet
- Gaiea - a first name
- Gaila - a first name
- Gaile - a first name
- Gaill - a first name
- gaily - happily
- gaine - the lower part of a sculptured figure, like a quadrangular sheath; an initiating charge in a bomb
- gains - plural of "gain", a profit or increase
- gaird - guard
- gairn - a British river
- gairs - plural of "gair", an unplowed corner of a field
- Gaisi - a first name
- gaist - a ghost
- gaita - a Galician bagpipe
- Gaith - a first name
- gaits - plural of "gait", a pace
- gaitt - to beget a child
- Gaius - a first name
- gaize - shale stone
- gajos - plural of "gajo", a non-gypsy
- gajre - a Macedonian village
- galah - an Australian cockatoo; a fool
- Galal - a first name
- galam - an early African state
- Galan - a first name
- galas - plural of "gala", a celebration
- galax - an evergreen shrub
- galay - to hesitate
- galba - a first name; the Roman Emperor who succeeded Nero; a genus of freshwater snails
- galbe - an aggressive and frightening profile (am I THAT ugly?)
- galea - a helmet-shaped botanical or anatomical part; a whole-head headache
- galed - sang; cried out
- galee - abuse; bad language; a miner who holds a gale in crown lands (more to THAT story!)
- galei - pleurotremata; a suborder of marine animals including the sharks
- galen - a first name; a physician (Galen was a famous ancient Greek doctor)
- gales - plural of "gale", a strong wind or storm
- galet - gallet; to fill a mortar joint; a cat-like carnivorous quadriped
- galga - a town in Australia
- Galia - a first name
- Galib - a first name
- galik - a town in Belarus
- Galin - a first name
- Galit - a first name
- Galka - a first name
- galla - a first name; a nut gall; to crave; a member of the Hamitic ethnic group of Somalia and southern Ethiopia
- galle - a seaport in Sri Lanka
- galli - suborder of Galliformes that includes all members except the hoatzin; plural of "gallus", a priest of Cybele
- gallo - a cock
- galls - vexes or irritates; biles; plural of "gall", a plant tumor
- gally - a first name; like gall; to scare
- galma - a town in Niger
- galop - a lively round dance in 2/4 time
- galpe - to gape or yawn
- galps - gapes
- galta - a town in India
- galts - plural of "galt", a clay; a marl; a gelded male swine
- galut - a forced exile of Jews from Palestine; an exiled Jew
- galva - a town in Illinois
- galvo - galvanized iron
- Galya - a first name
- Galyn - a first name
- Gamal - a first name
- gamay - a red grape; a town in France; a town in the Philippines
- gamba - a viol
- gambe - a leg symbolized on a coat of arms
- gambo - a Welsh farm cart
- gambs - plural of "gamb", a leg symbolized on a coat of arms
- gamed - gambled
- gamer - gambler; a game player; a player who stays in the game despite injuries; more game
- games - plural of "game", a recreation with rules
- gamey - plucky; pungent
- gamic - sexual; requiring fertilization
- Gamid - a first name
- gamie - a gamekeeper
- Gamil - a first name
- gamin - a first name; an urchin; a neglected child left to run the streets
- gamka - a river in the Karoo
- gamma - a Greek letter; a surgical instrument; a microgram; the third brightest star in a constellation
- gammo - to perform oral sex
- gammy - lame
- gamov - an Asian cape
- gamph - a fool
- gamps - plural of "gamp", a large umbrella (from Mrs Gamp, a Dickens character)
- gamut - range (from "gamma ut", where "gamma" was the lowest note, and "ut" was "do")
- Ganat - a first name
- ganch - a fool; an apparatus; a Turkish form of execution by impalement, unlikely to be pleasant
- ganda - a first name; a Bantu speaking people of Uganda
- gandy - used in the phrase "gandy dancer", a manually propelled railway cart
- ganef - a thief; ganev; ganof; ganov; gonaf; gonef; gonev; gonif; gonof
- ganev - a thief; ganef; ganof; ganov; gonaf; gonef; gonev; gonif; gonof
- ganga - alternative spelling of "ganja"; an Asian river
- gange - marijuana; to protect the line of a fish hook by winding wire about it
- gangs - plural of "gang", a group
- ganil - limestone
- ganim - an Israeli settlement in the West Bank
- Ganit - a first name
- ganja - marijuana; a town in the northern Caucasus
- ganks - kills and loots unwary novices in an online game
- Ganna - a first name
- ganns - the lips
- ganny - a first name; Afghani cannabis
- ganof - a thief; ganef; ganev; ganov; gonaf; gonef; gonev; gonif; gonof
- ganov - a thief; ganef, ganev; ganof; gonaf; gonef; gonev; gonif; gonof
- gansh - ganch
- gansu - a language; a province of western China
- gansy - a fisherman's jersey
- ganta - a town in Liberia
- gants - yawns; gapes
- Ganya - a first name
- ganza - a wild goose; a mythical bird
- ganze - a Tibetan prefecture in Sichuan province
- gaols - plural of "gaol", a jail
- gaons - plural of "gaon", a Jewish head of one of the ancient Babylonian academies
- gapac - a town in Florida
- gapan - a town in the Philippines
- gaped - hung open
- gaper - one who gapes
- gapes - hangs open; a disease of birds
- gapey - having gapes; hanging open
- gapos - plural of "gapo", a forest regularly flooded in the rainy season
- gappy - like a gap, full of gaps
- garad - a garad pod is the pod of babul
- garaf - a river in Iraq
- Garba - a first name
- garbe - a sheaf of wheat; a term in heraldry
- garbo - a first name; a dustman
- garbs - plural of "garb", clothing or style of dress
- garby - a sailor
- garca - a town in Brazil
- garce - in India and Sri Lanka, a unit of capacity of about 5,000 liters
- garda - a first name; a lake in Italy; the Irish police
- garde - beware
- gardi - a town in Georgia, USA
- gardo - a town in Somalia
- gards - plural of "gard", a garden
- gardu - a town in Afghanistan
- gardy - a first name; arm; part of the warning phrase "gardy loo!"
- Gareb - a first name
- Gared - a first name
- gareh - a unit of area of 100 square centimeters
- Garek - a first name
- Garen - a first name
- gares - looks out
- Garet - a first name
- Garey - a first name
- Gargi - a first name
- Garie - a first name
- Garik - a first name
- Garin - a first name
- garis - plural of "gari", an Indian carriage
- garle - a town in Cameroon
- garni - garnished
- garno - a British river
- garns - plural of "garn", yarn
- Garon - a first name
- garoo - agalloch, the soft resinous wood of an east Indian tree
- garos - plural of "garo", a member of a Mongoloid tribe of Assam
- garre - to cause; to force to happen
- Garri - a first name
- garry - a first name; an Indian carriage; a British river
- garse - grass
- garsh - a humorous spelling of "gosh"
- garth - a first name; a fish-weir; a garden
- garum - a fish sauce of ancient Greece, probably just now reaching the fullness of flavor
- garve - a town in Scotland
- Garvy - a first name
- Garyn - a first name
- garza - an American Indian language
- gasal - ghazel
- gasan - a town in the Philippines
- gases - plural of "gas", a vapor
- Gasha - a first name
- gashy - containing many gashes
- gaspe - a peninsula in Quebec, Canada
- gasps - plural of "gasp", a convulsive breath
- gaspy - characterized by many gasps
- gassy - vaporous
- gasts - scares
- gatas - plural of "gata", the nurse shark
- gatch - a plaster used in Persian architectural ornamentation
- gated - confined; fenced in
- gater - spruer
- gates - a first name; plural of "gate", a moveable barrier
- gatey - like a gate; having gates
- gatha - one of 17 psalms, attributed to Zoroaster, that are part of the Avesta
- gaths - plural of "gath", the second section of a raga
- gator - an alligator
- gatos - plural of "gato", an Argentine composition in 3/4 time
- gatow - a suburb of Berlin, Germany
- gatun - a town along the Panama Canal
- gaubs - plural of "gaub", an East Indian persimmon tree; a guy rope
- gauby - gaby
- gaucy - buxom; jolly
- gaude - to exult; in the phrase "gaude lake", the mimosa
- gauds - plural of "gaud", a showy ornament; a prank
- gaudy - garish
- gauer - a lake in North America
- gauge - a measuring device
- gauje - a non-gypsy
- gauls - plural of "Gaul", a member of an ancient people of France
- gault - a thick heavy clay
- gaums - smears
- gaumy - dauby; smeary; clumsy; stupid
- gaunt - lean; emaciated
- gaups - gapes
- gaura - a genus of American flowers
- gaure - to stare at in amazement
- Gauri - a first name
- gaurs - plural of "gaur", a wild Indian ox
- gauss - a unit of measurement of magnetic field intensity
- Gaute - a first name
- gauze - a filmy fabric
- gauzy - filmy
- Gavan - a first name
- gavar - the art of picking pockets
- gavel - a judicial hammer; a sheaf of corn
- Gaven - a first name
- gavia - a genus of aquatic birds
- Gavin - a first name
- gavle - a town in Sweden
- gavot - a dance of French peasant origin
- Gavra - a first name
- Gavri - a first name
- Gavyn - a first name
- gawby - a baby; a dunce
- gawcy - portly, jolly
- gawds - plural of "gawd", a showy ornament
- gawdy - gaudy
- Gawen - a first name
- gawie - a country bumpkin
- gawis - a town in Ethiopia
- gawks - stares stupidly
- gawky - awkward
- gawns - plural of "gawn", a small tub; a ladle
- gawps - gapes, gawks, yawns
- gawsy - buxom; jolly; well-dressed and cheerful
- gayal - a wild Indian ox
- gayed - turned homosexual
- Gayel - a first name
- gayer - more gay
- Gayil - a first name
- Gayla - a first name
- Gayle - a first name
- gayly - with gaiety; a town in Pennsylvania
- Gayna - a first name
- gayne - to avail
- gazal - ghazal
- gazan - a native of Gaza
- gazar - a silky sheer organza fabric
- gazed - stared at
- gazee - one who is stared at; an awkward, stupid person
- gazel - a gazelle; a ghazel
- gazer - one who stares
- gazes - stares at
- gazet - a small Venetian copper coin
- Gazia - a first name
- Gazit - a first name
- gazob - a fool
- gazon - cut turf used to line parapets in a fortification
- gazoo - a kazoo; the buttocks
- gazoz - a carbonated nonalcoholic drink
- gbari - a peasant people of Nigeria
- gbaya - a language
- Gbola - a first name
- geach - a thief
- geals - congeals
- Geane - a first name
- geans - plural of "gean", a wild cherry
- Geany - a first name
- geare - a variant of "gear"
- Gearr - a first name
- gears - plural of "gear", a toothed wheel
- geary - a first name; containing many gears; like a gear
- geats - plural of "geat", an inlet hole in a mold, for metal casting; an ancient Scandinavian like Beowulf
- Geber - a first name
- gebim - a biblical place
- Gebre - a first name
- gebur - a tenant farmer
- gebze - a town in Turkey
- gecco - variant of "gecko", a lizard
- gecko - a lizard
- gecks - dupes; mocks
- gedds - plural of "gedd", a pike
- geeba - marijuana
- geeks - plural of "geek", a carnival performer; an awkward, studious or ugly person (the "or" here is of course not exclusive!)
- geeky - like a geek; of little interest to us normal beautiful people
- Geela - a first name
- Geena - a first name
- geepo - a stool pigeon
- geeps - plural of "geep", a goat/sheep hybrid. See "shoat"!
- Geert - a first name
- geese - plural of "goose", a waterfowl
- geest - an alluvial deposit
- Geeta - a first name
- geets - plural of "geet", a dollar
- geeze - to inject drugs; to stare at; an old person
- geezo - a prisoner
- geggs - plural of "gegg", a hoax
- geige - a fiddle or violin
- geiko - a geisha
- geilo - a town in Norway
- Geina - a first name
- geira - a Portuguese unit of land area
- geist - a mental drive or spirit
- gejiu - a town in China
- gekko - variant of "gecko", a lizard
- gelao - a village in China
- Gelda - a first name
- gelds - emasculates; plural of "geld", a tax; money
- gelee - cosmetic gel
- gelid - cold
- Gelim - a first name
- gells - plural of "gell", a gale
- gelly - gelignite
- gelts - plural of "gelt", a piece of money or a coin
- Gelya - a first name
- gemel - a twin; a hinge; a ring of two separable hoops
- gemma - a first name; a leaf bud
- gemmy - a first name; glittering
- gemot - moot; an assembly
- gemse - a chamois; a mountain goat
- gemul - guemal, a small South American deer
- genae - plural of "gen", the cheek or lateral part of the head
- Genah - a first name
- genal - relating to the cheek; relating to a gene
- genas - plural of "gena", the cheek
- Genay - a first name
- genck - a town in Belgium
- genco - an electrical power generating company
- gendt - a town in the Netherlands
- Genea - a first name
- Genek - a first name
- gener - a son-in-law
- genes - plural of "gene", a hereditary unit
- genet - a civet cat, or its fur
- Genia - a first name
- genic - pertaining to genes
- genie - a first name; an Arabian magical spirit
- genii - plural of "genius", a brilliant person; a guiding spirit
- genil - a European river
- genin - a chemical, specifically, an aglycon
- genio - a first name; an ingenious person
- genip - a tropical tree
- Genna - a first name
- Genni - a first name
- genny - a first name; a generator
- genoa - a city in Italy; a cake; a triangular sail
- genom - genome, a haploid set of chromosomes
- genre - an artistic form
- Genri - a first name
- genro - a Japanese elder statesman
- gents - fellows; the men's bathroom
- genty - a first name; graceful
- genua - another name for Genoa; plural of "genu", the knee
- genus - a group of a species
- genys - gonys
- geode - a crystalline cavity
- Geoff - a first name
- geoid - the shape of the earth
- Geona - a first name
- geons - plural of "geon", in computer graphics, a geometric icon; in physics, a warp or kink in space-time
- Georg - a first name
- gepid - a Germanic tribe of south-eastern Europe
- Geppo - a first name
- Gerad - a first name
- gerah - a twentieth of a shekel
- geral - a mountain in Brazil
- Geran - a first name
- gerar - a first name; a biblical place
- geras - plural of "gera", a twentieth of a shekel
- gerbe - a sheaf; a firework; a unit of weight in Morocco
- gerbs - plural of "gerb", a firework throwing a trail of sparks; a sheaf
- Gerco - a first name
- Gerda - a first name
- Gerdi - a first name
- Gerdy - a first name
- Gerek - a first name
- geres - plural of "gere", gear
- Gergo - a first name
- Gerik - a first name
- gerim - plural of "ger", an alien resident in Hebrew territory
- Gerit - a first name
- gerle - a variant of "girl"
- Gerli - a first name
- germo - a village in Macedonia
- germs - plural of "germ", a seed; a microbe
- germy - contaminated with germs
- gerne - to grin or gape
- gerns - grins or yawns
- Gerre - a first name
- Gerri - a first name
- Gerry - a first name
- Gerta - a first name
- Gerte - a first name
- Gerth - a first name
- Gerti - a first name
- Gerty - a first name
- gerza - a town in Egypt
- gerze - a town in Tibet
- gesan - a South American language group
- Geshe - a first name
- gesse - jess; to guess
- gesso - stucco, plaster; plaster of Paris used in sculpting or painting
- geste - a feat
- gests - plural of "gest", a feat
- getae - a people of ancient times living in eastern Bulgaria
- getan - getic; a member of the Getae
- getas - plural of "geta", a Japanese wooden clog for outdoor use
- geten - gotten
- getes - plural of "gete", Getan
- getgo - the very beginning
- getic - of or relating to the Getae; the language of the Getae, which Ovid learned
- getup - a style of dress
- Geula - a first name
- geums - plural of "geum", a perennial herb
- Gevin - a first name
- geyan - tolerably; considerably
- geyer - more gay
- geyze - a village in France
- gezer - a Biblical city
- Gezim - a first name
- Ghada - a first name
- Ghaib - a first name
- ghain - the 19th letter of the Arabic alphabet
- ghana - an African country
- gharo - a town in Pakistan
- ghast - ghastly
- ghats - plural of "ghat", a Hindu ritual bathing platform
- Ghatu - a first name
- ghaut - an Indian mountain; a mountain pass
- ghazi - a first name; a Moslem fighter against infidels
- ghede - the god of the dead in Voodoo
- gheel - a town in France
- ghees - plural of "ghee", an Indian clarified butter
- ghegs - plural of "gheg", one of the northern Albanians
- gheid - a paregoric abuser
- gheld - a tax paid to the crown by landholders
- Ghena - a first name
- ghent - a Flemish city
- ghess - guess
- ghest - guessed
- Ghian - a first name
- Ghida - a first name
- ghila - a variant of "Gila", as in "Gila monster"
- Ghino - a first name
- Ghita - a first name
- Ghlam - a first name
- ghoef - to swim
- ghole - a ghoul
- ghoom - to hunt in the dark
- ghost - a spirit
- ghoti - an alternative spelling for "fish", ala George Bernard Shaw ("gh" as in "enough", "o" as in "women", "ti" as in "nation")
- ghoul - a demon who eats human flesh
- ghowr - a province of Afghanistan
- ghuzz - a tribe that lived near the Caspian Sea, also known as the Cumans
- ghyll - a ravine, a gully
- Giada - a first name
- gialo - an oasis in Libya
- Giamo - a first name
- Giana - a first name
- Giann - a first name
- Giano - a first name
- giant - huge
- gibbe - an old worn-out animal
- Gibbi - a first name
- Gibbs - a first name
- gibby - a first name; a walking stick with a crook; a reckless person
- gibed - taunted, jeered, scoffed
- gibel - a Prussian carp
- giber - a scoffer
- gibes - scoffs
- gibey - scoffing
- Gibor - a first name
- gibus - an opera hat; a tall black hat
- giddy - dizzy
- gides - plural of "gide", a variant of "guide"
- Gidey - a first name
- Gidon - a first name
- giena - a star in the constellation Corvus
- giens - a town in France
- Gieri - a first name
- Giesa - a first name
- Giffy - a first name
- gifts - plural of "gift", a present
- Gifty - a first name
- gigas - plural of "giga", a gigue
- giggy - the anus
- gigha - a Scottish isle
- gighe - a gigue
- Gigia - a first name
- gigot - a leg-of-mutton sleeve
- gigue - a lively tune, the French spelling of "jig"; a medieval fiddle
- Gihan - a first name
- gihon - a river mentioned in the Book of Genesis, and thought to be the Blue Nile
- gijon - a town in Spain
- Gilab - a first name
- Gilad - a first name
- Gilah - a first name
- gilas - plural of "gila", a Gila monster
- Gilby - a first name
- gilca - plants related to phlox
- Gilda - a first name
- Gilde - a first name
- gilds - applies gold leaf; guilds
- Gildy - a first name
- Gilen - a first name
- Giles - a first name
- gilet - a waistcoat or bodice
- gilia - a genus of North American herbs of the phlox family
- Gilie - a first name
- gilim - a pileless carpet woven with cotton or wool threads
- Gilli - a first name
- Gillo - a first name
- gills - fish breathing apparatus; plural of "gill", a unit of volume
- gilly - a first name; a keeper or male attendant
- Gilon - a first name
- gilpy - a tom boy; a wild youth
- gilse - grilse
- gilts - plural of "gilt", a quantity of gold for gilding; a female pig
- gilty - like gilt; covered with gilt
- gimbo - a disparaging term for a man
- gimel - the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- gimes - plural of "gime", a hole made by water pouring through an embankment
- gimix - a gadget
- gimli - a town in Manitoba, Canada
- gimme - slang for "give me"; a give-away hat; a very short golf shot
- gimps - limps
- gimpy - limping; lame
- ginal - a trickster
- ginch - a girl; the vagina
- ginep - a variant of "genip", a tropical tree
- gings - plural of "ging", a gang
- Ginia - a first name
- ginks - plural of "gink", a fellow; a stupid useless person
- ginky - unfashionable
- Ginna - a first name
- Ginni - a first name
- ginns - plural of "ginn", a demon
- ginny - a first name; affected with gin
- Gints - a first name
- Ginya - a first name
- ginza - a famous shopping street in Tokyo
- ginzo - a foreigner; an Italian
- ginzy - a shady trading practice in which commodities are traded at unfair prices
- gioia - a first name; a town in Italy
- Giona - a first name
- gipon - a jupon; a tunic
- gippo - a gypsy
- gippy - a gypsy; referring to an upset stomach
- gipsy - a first name; a gypsy
- Giray - a first name
- girba - a titular see in the province of African Tripoli, now Djerba
- girds - surrounds; bolsters
- gires - gyres
- Giric - a first name
- girls - plural of "girl", a young female
- girly - like a girl; of a show featuring scantily clad women
- girns - snarls
- girny - snarling
- Girod - a first name
- giron - a gyron, or heraldic device; a town in Ecuador
- giros - plural of "giro", an autogiro
- girrs - hoops
- girse - grass
- girsh - qursh
- girsu - an ancient Mesopotamian town in Iraq
- girth - the circumference
- girts - girds
- girty - a town in Pennsylvania
- gisel - a first name; a pledge
- gises - plural of "gise", a variant of "guise"
- gishe - a mountain in Ethiopia
- gisla - a unit of weight in Zanzibar
- gisle - a pledge
- gismo - a gizmo, a gadget
- gisms - plural of "gism", semen
- gists - plural of "gist", the main point
- Gitel - a first name
- gites - plural of "gite", a bed; an abode
- Githa - a first name
- giths - plural of "gith", the corn cockle
- Gitle - a first name
- gitmo - the nickname for the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
- Gitta - a first name
- Gitte - a first name
- Gitty - a first name
- giuba - Juba, a river in east Africa
- Giula - a first name
- Giuma - a first name
- Giusi - a first name
- giust - to joust
- Giusy - a first name
- gived - gyved
- givel - to heap up
- given - presented
- giver - one who gives
- gives - presents
- givet - a town in France
- givey - inclined to give
- givon - a despised person
- givor - affected speech
- Gizat - a first name
- gizel - a village in Northern Ossetia
- gizmo - a gadget
- gizza - a first name; slang for the slurred "give us a"
- gizzy - marijuana; a nickname for Gisbourne, New Zealand
- Gjorg - a first name
- glace - a first name; smooth
- glack - a narrow valley
- glade - a woodland
- gladi - a first name; a single gladiolus
- glads - gladdens; plural of "glad", a gladiolus
- glady - having glades
- glaga - kans
- glahm - a hand
- glaik - a trick; a deception
- glair - the white of an egg; varnish
- glaky - slow-witted
- glama - a gummy secretion of the humor of the eyelids; lippitude
- glams - plural of "glam", an acronym: "Gray Leisure Affluent Married"
- gland - a secretory organ
- glans - the tip of the penis or clitoris
- glare - to stare at angrily; a harsh light
- glary - dazzling
- glase - to furnish with glass
- glass - a mirror; a tumbler; a transparent material for windows
- glatz - a former duchy in Germany
- glaum - to grasp eagerly; to grope; a look; a kind of clam
- glaur - to glower
- glaux - the sea milkwort
- glave - a kind of halbert
- glaze - a luster; icing; to put glass in a window frame
- glazy - shiny
- glead - a buzzard; a kite
- gleam - to beam, to sparkle with light
- glean - to sort through discarded or rejected material looking for items of some value
- gleba - a spore-bearing mass of some fungi
- glebe - sod; church land
- gleby - turfy
- Gleda - a first name
- glede - a buzzard; a kite; a red hot coal used to light a fire
- gleds - plural of "gled", a bird of prey
- gledy - a town in Poland
- gleed - a glowing ember; a beam of light; squint-eyed; askew; one-eyed
- gleef - an idiot
- gleek - a 3-player card game; three aces; to ridicule or sneer; to trick; to eject saliva from one's glands
- gleen - to shine
- gleep - a fool; to insult
- glees - plural of "glee", an unaccompanied song
- gleet - a urethral discharge due to venereal disease; to flow slowly
- glegs - squints
- gleis - plural of "glei", variant of "gley", a soft bluish clay
- Glena - a first name
- glene - the eyeball
- Glenn - a first name
- glens - plural of "glen", a dell
- glent - glint
- Gleny - a first name
- gletz - a visible flaw in a diamond
- glews - glues
- gleys - clay soil layers; squints
- glial - pertaining to the supporting tissue of the central nervous system
- glibb - a ribbon
- glibs - plural of "glib", a mat of hair hanging over the eyebrows
- glide - to skim over
- gliff - an alarm; a fleeting glance
- glift - a fright or scare
- glike - a gleek, a jest or gibe
- glime - to glance slyly
- glims - plural of "glim", a light or lamp
- glink - to glance at sideways
- glint - a gleam
- glisk - a glimpse; a fleeting emotion
- glist - to glimmer; mica
- glits - plural of "glit", a sticky slimy material
- glitz - cheap glitter or sparkle
- gloam - to darken
- gloar - to squint
- gloat - to exult
- globe - a sphere; the world
- globs - plural of "glob", a rounded mass
- globy - spherical
- glock - a gun; to swallow in huge slurps
- glode - glided; a clearing in the woods; a bright patch of the sky
- gloea - an adhesive mucoid substance
- gloff - a shock or scare
- glogg - an alcoholic beverage
- gloik - a fool
- glomb - to steal or appropriate
- glome - a globular head of flowers; a ball of thread
- gloms - steals; lays hold of
- gloom - darkness; depression
- gloop - goop
- glops - messy masses; swallows greedily; stares at in wonder
- glore - to glare
- glorg - to do dirty work
- Glori - a first name
- glork - an exclamation of mild surprise
- glory - a first name; to exult; renown
- glose - to gloze; to explain; to flatter
- gloss - to shine; an annotation
- glost - pottery that has been coated with a glossy surface
- glout - to sulk or scowl
- glove - a manufactured covering for the hand
- glows - emits light
- glowy - glowing
- gloze - to explain; to wheedle
- gluck - to glug; a gulping sound
- gluco - a glucose tolerance test
- glued - joined; fastened with glue; adhered
- gluer - a user of mucilage; a glue sniffer
- glues - adheres
- gluey - sticky; a glue sniffer
- glugs - plural of "glug", a unit of measurement of gram force second^2 / centimeter
- glume - a husk; a bract
- glump - to be sullen
- glums - becomes gloomy; a brief depressed mood
- gluon - a subatomic particle
- glute - the gluteus maximus muscle; the buttocks
- gluts - plural of "glut", a surplus
- glutz - a slut
- glyde - a town in Pennsylvania
- glyme - a river in England, which passes by Blenheim Castle
- glynn - a first name; a town in Northern Ireland
- glyph - a pictorial symbol, icon, or doodad; vertical fluting
- gmund - a town in Austria
- Gnapa - a first name
- gnarl - to snarl; to twist
- gnarr - a wood knot; to snarl
- gnars - snarls
- gnash - to grind the teeth
- gnast - a spark
- gnats - plural of "gnat", a little fly
- gnawa - a sub-Saharan people of Morocco
- gnawi - a people of Morocco
- gnawn - past participle of "gnaw"
- gnaws - wears away by persistent biting
- gnide - to rub; to bruise; to break into pieces
- gnoff - a lout or boor
- gnofs - plural of "gnof", a lout or boor
- gnome - a dwarf; a maxim
- goads - spurs on; incites
- goafs - plural of "goaf", a worked out mine
- goala - a member of a Hindu caste devoted to dairy work
- goals - plural of "goal", a target or aim; a score;
- goans - plural of "Goan", a resident of Goa, India
- goars - variant of "gores"
- goary - gory
- goats - plural of "goat", a horned and hoofed mammal
- goaty - goatlike or goatish
- goave - to gove, to stare idly
- goban - a Japanese game
- gobar - the intermediate form of the Hindu numerals that later were used by the Arabs
- gobbe - a creeping leguminous plant
- gobbi - gobbo
- gobbo - okra; a hunchback
- gobby - a coastguard; rough or uneven
- gobet - gobbet
- gobia - a town in the Ivory Coast
- gobio - a genus of freshwater fish
- gobos - plural of "gobo", a microphone shield; a camera lens shield
- gocup - a cup given by a fast food restaurant to patrons to take away a drink
- godet - a cloth insert in a seam
- godly - pious
- godol - a great rabbinic sage
- godso - gadso
- goels - plural of "goel", a blood avenger
- goers - plural of "goer", one who goes; a sexually promiscuous person
- goest - Biblical form of "go"
- goeth - Biblical form of "go"
- goety - black magic
- gofer - a lowly assistant; a gaffer
- gofes - plural of "gofe", a pillory
- goffo - a free ride on the back bumper of an unsuspecting car
- goffs - plural of "goff", a fool or clown
- gofor - a young thief
- gogal - a river in New Guinea
- gogga - a beetle
- goggy - a misfit student rejected by classmates
- gogos - plural of "gogo", a discotheque
- goias - a town in Brazil
- goies - plural of "goie", an amphetamine
- goifa - marijuana
- going - running; moving
- gojam - a region of Ethiopia
- Gojko - a first name
- Gokay - a first name
- golah - diaspora
- golan - a strategic plateau between Syria and Israel
- golas - plural of "gola", a cyma; a molding
- Golda - a first name
- golde - a first name; a variant of "goolde"
- Goldi - a first name
- golds - plural of "gold"
- goldy - a first name; a goldfinch; like gold
- Golee - a first name
- golem - a legendary creature; an automaton
- goles - plural of "gole", an obsolete form of "goal"
- golet - the gullet; a California trout
- golfs - plays golf
- golfy - like golf; referring to golf
- golgi - referring to the Golgi apparatus
- golls - plural of "goll", a hand, paw or claw
- golly - a mild exclamation of surprise
- goloe - a galoche
- golos - galuth
- golpe - a sudden overthrow of the government; a heraldic purple roundel; heroin
- golps - plural of "golp", a purple roundel
- golus - galuth
- goman - a husband, or head of the family
- gomar - a first year Air Force cadet
- gombe - a town in Tanzania where Jane Goodall studies chimpanzees
- gombo - gumbo
- gomco - a medical tool for circumcision
- gomel - a city in Byelorussia
- gomer - a first name; a native of Armenia; "Get Out of My Emergency Room", a person who comes to the emergency room but does not belong there; a first year Air Force cadet; a chamber
- gomes - applies black cart-grease
- gomez - a town in Florida
- gomor - a Hebrew measurement of volume
- gompa - a Tibetan Buddhist monastery
- gomus - a fool
- gonad - a reproductive gland
- gonaf - a thief; ganef; ganev; ganof; ganov; gonef; gonev; gonif; gonof
- goncz - a town in Hungary
- gonda - a town in India
- gondi - a group of Dravidian dialects of central India
- gonef - a thief; ganef; ganev; ganof; ganov; gonaf; gonev; gonif; gonof
- goner - a doomed one
- gonev - a thief; ganef; ganev; ganof; ganov; gonaf; gonef; gonif; gonof
- goney - a boobie, dunce, or fool
- gongs - plural of "gong", a bell
- gonia - of gonion
- gonid - a kind of shrimp
- gonif - a thief; ganef; ganev; ganof; ganov; gonaf; gonef; gonev; gonof
- gonks - plural of "gonk", a soft cushiony toy
- gonna - slang for "going to"
- gonne - the first handheld primitive gun
- gonof - a thief; ganef; ganev; ganof; ganov; gonaf; gonef; gonev; gonif
- gonor - a town in Canada
- gonus - a stupid person
- gonys - the prominent ridge along the seam line of the lower mandible of certain birds
- Gonza - a first name
- gonzo - a first name; a style of journalism with bizarre subjective ideas and commentary
- goobs - plural of "goob", a fool
- gooby - a dullard; a hick
- goodo - an exclamation, a variation of "Good!"
- goods - plural of "good", a ware
- goody - a sweet; exclamation; a term applied to women in humble life
- gooed - covered in goo
- gooes - plural of "goo", a sticky substance
- gooey - sticky
- goofa - a round wicker ferry boat used in Mesopotamia
- goofs - plural of "goof", a mistake; an idiot
- goofy - comical; not serious
- googs - eyeglasses; eggs
- googy - a first name; an egg
- gooks - gooes
- gooky - of gook
- goola - the anus
- goold - gold; a flower
- goole - a northern English town
- gools - plural of "gool", a ditch or channel for water
- gooly - a small stone; to walk and dance at the same time
- gooma - an Australian shrub
- goomy - someone who drinks methylated spirits
- goonk - a greasy lubricant
- goons - plural of "goon", a hired thug
- goony - an albatross; silly
- goops - plural of "goop", a gunk
- goopy - sticky, gooey; a fool
- goori - a Maori
- goors - plural of "goor", a coarse sugar from the date palm
- goory - fish guts
- goose - a water fowl; a pinch to the rear; tailor's iron
- goost - a ghost or spirit
- goosy - resembling a goose; foolish; nervous
- goote - marcot
- goots - plural of "goot", a goat
- gooty - a town in India
- gooze - to stare aimlessly
- gopak - a lively Ukrainian dance
- Gopal - a first name
- gophs - the nickname of the University of Minnesota's Golden Gophers team
- gopik - a unit of Azerbaijan currency
- gopse - the backwoods
- gorah - a Hottentot musical bow
- goraj - a town in Poland
- gorak - a Himalayan bird, given to pecking out the eyes of dead explorers
- goral - an Indian antelope
- goran - a first name; an African language
- gorce - a pool of water in which fish are kept
- gorda - a Central American cape
- gords - plural of "gord", a gaming instrument, a kind of die
- Gordy - a first name
- gored - horned by a bull
- goree - money; a French settlement in western Africa
- gorer - one that pierces with a horn
- gores - pierces with a horn
- gorey - a town in Ireland
- gorge - a gulch; to eat great amounts of food; the throat
- goric - a malevolent spirit; opium
- Gorje - a first name
- gorki - a city in Russia
- gorks - plural of "gork", a brain-damaged patient
- gorky - a city in Russia
- gorma - the European cormorant; a town in Bangladesh
- gorms - daubs with something sticky or greasy; plural of "gorm", a sheen
- gormy - smeared; sticky
- gorps - plural of "gorp", a mixture of dried fruits, nuts and seeds
- gorry - a first name; an exclamation
- gorse - furze
- gorst - gorse
- gorsy - abounding in gorse
- Gorya - a first name
- gosht - red meat in Indian food
- Gosia - a first name
- gosse - a mild oath; a plant
- Gosta - a first name
- gotch - a potbellied jug
- goter - a gutter
- gotes - plural of "gote", a channel for water
- gotha - a town in Germany
- goths - a barbarian tribe; plural of "goth", a black-draped artsy listless high schooler
- gothy - like a black-draped artsy listless high schooler
- gotra - a Hindu clan
- Gotse - a first name
- gotta - slang for "got to"
- gotto - a rope-soled shoe
- gouda - a city in the Netherlands; a kind of cheese
- gouds - plural of "goud", woad
- gouge - to dig out roughly
- Gough - a first name
- gouks - plural of "gouk", a cuckoo
- gould - gold
- gouls - howls
- goult - a village in France
- goumi - a shrub of Japan and China
- goums - plural of "goum", a native Algerian soldier
- gound - a gown; the dried crust that forms in eyes while sleeping
- goura - a pigeon genus; a Hottentot musical bow
- gourd - a drinking cup; a vegetable
- gours - plural of "gour", a fire-worshipper
- gouts - plural of "gout", a disease; a drop
- goutu - a kind of cheese
- gouty - swollen with gout
- goves - stares idly
- govie - the government
- gowan - a first name; the English daisy
- goway - the goaway bird
- gowds - golds
- Gower - a first name
- gowfs - golfs
- gowks - plural of "gowk", a foot; a simpleton; the cuckoo
- gowls - howls
- gownd - a gown
- gowns - plural of "gown", a long loose outer garment
- Gowon - a first name
- goxes - plural of "gox", gaseous oxygen
- goyal - gilly; a deep dip in the landscape
- goyaz - a city in Brazil
- goyim - plural of "goy", a non-Jew
- goyle - a steep narrow valley
- goyno - money
- Gozal - a first name
- gozan - a biblical river
- Gozde - a first name
- graal - the Holy Grail; a growing boy
- grabo - a town in the Ivory Coast
- grabs - takes hurriedly
- Graca - a first name
- grace - a first name; to adorn; a favor; a prayer before meal; elegance
- Graci - a first name
- Gracy - a first name
- grade - an incline; to score
- grado - a town in Italy
- grads - plural of "grad", a graduated student; a graduate student
- Grady - a first name
- Graef - a first name
- Graem - a first name
- graff - graft; intrigue; to dig
- grafs - plural of "graf", in editing, a paragraph; a graffito
- graft - to unite with a growing plant by insertion; political bribes
- Grahm - a first name
- Graig - a first name
- grail - a sacred cup
- grain - seed; wheat, oats, etc; growth lines in wood; a unit of weight of 1/24 pennyweight
- graip - a dung fork or pitchfork
- grama - pasture land
- grame - gram; misery
- gramp - a grandfather
- grams - plural of "gram", a unit of weight; misery
- gramy - to make angry; to annoy
- grana - a kind of cheese; plural of "granum", part of a plant chloroblast
- grand - a first name; great; a thousand dollars
- grane - to groan
- grani - plural of "grano", a monetary unit of Naples and Malta
- grano - a unit of monetary value of Naples and Malta; a unit of weight in Spain and Argentina
- grans - plural of "gran", grandmother
- grant - a first name; to permit
- grape - a vine fruit used in making wine and raisins
- graph - a diagram
- grapy - like a grape
- grasp - to clutch; to understand
- grass - turf; marijuana
- grata - a first name; Latin for "grace", used in the phrase "persona non grata"; marijuana
- grate - a grille; a rasp
- gratz - a town in Pennsylvania
- graum - to worry; to fret
- grave - serious; a burial spot
- gravy - meat juice
- grawl - a growing boy
- grays - an English town; plural of "gray", a gray color
- graze - to munch on grass; to brush against
- Grear - a first name
- great - magnificent; very much
- grebe - a web-footed bird
- grebo - a people of the Liberian coast; a British urban youth cult of metal and punk music and long hair
- grece - steps; a staircase
- greco - Greek
- grede - to cry aloud
- greed - voracity; covetousness
- greek - a native of Greece; a fraternity member
- green - a first name; a color; inexperienced; money; a lawn
- Greer - a first name
- grees - agrees; a flight of steps
- greet - to salute
- grefa - marijuana
- grege - raw silk; beige; a nutria
- Gregg - a first name
- grego - a hooded coat
- Greig - a first name
- Greil - a first name
- grein - a unit of weight in the Netherlands; to long or yearn
- greit - to greet; to weep
- greiz - a town in Germany
- grene - green
- grens - grins
- greps - searches for with the Unix "grep" command
- Gresa - a first name
- grese - a flight of steps
- Greta - a first name
- grete - a first name; a variant of "great"
- Gretl - a first name
- greve - a kind of cheese; a town in Italy
- grews - grows
- Greye - a first name
- greys - a cavalry regiment
- grias - a species of pear
- grice - a young wild boar; one of the steps in a staircase
- grick - a farthing
- gride - to grate or scrape harshly
- grids - plural of "grid", a lattice
- grief - deep sorrow
- Grier - a first name
- Gries - a first name
- grifa - marijuana
- griff - a first name; the offspring of a black person and a mulatto; a deep narrow glen; a tip; scuttlebutt; an accurate account
- grift - to swindle
- grigs - plural of "grig", a lively person; a tiny person; a sand eel
- grike - an opening in rock made by natural forces; a narrow opening in a fence allowing people through
- grill - latticework; a cooking grid; to question closely
- grime - dirt
- grimp - to climb up the back of
- grimy - dirty
- grind - to pulverize
- grins - smiles broadly
- grint - a contraction of the Biblical form "grindeth"
- griot - an African story teller; a Haitian dish of spicy pork shoulder
- gripe - to complain
- griph - a puzzle or enigma
- grips - holds tightly; plural of "grip", a suitcase
- gript - poetic "gripped"
- gripy - causing sharp pains in the bowels
- grise - gray; a flight of steps
- grist - corn
- grisy - grise
- grith - sanctuary for a limited time
- grits - coarse oatmeal
- grize - a flight of steps; a staircase
- grizz - a grizzly bear
- groak - to stare at one eating, in the hopes of being fed
- groan - to moan
- groat - an obsolete English 4 penny coin; hulled grain
- grock - a kindly clown
- grody - disgusting
- groff - gruff
- grogs - plural of "grog", a mixture of liquor and water
- groid - a black person
- groin - a seawall; the lower abdomen; an architectural ceiling join
- groix - an island in Brittany
- groks - deeply understands in a superficial way
- groma - a Roman surveying instrument
- groms - plural of "grom", a child surfer
- grond - an obsolete past perfect of "grind"
- grone - groan
- gronk - toe jam
- groof - the front of the body
- grook - a four line aphoristic verse form of Piet Hein
- groom - an equerry; a bridegroom; to clean
- groop - a ditch; a drain
- grope - to search by feeling
- gross - one hundred and forty four; blatant; disgusting
- grosz - a Polish coin
- grote - a first name; a groat
- grots - plural of "grot", a grotto
- grouf - the stomach
- grouk - to gradually come to life after waking up
- group - to arrange
- grout - a coarse meal; mortar used between tiles
- grove - a first name; a thicket
- grovy - of, belonging to, or situated in a grove; not quite groovy
- growl - to snarl
- grown - raised; increased
- grows - increases; develops
- groze - to shape a piece of glass or a glass article by trimming small bits from it
- grrls - plural of "grrl", a moderately now with-it female person
- grrlz - a variant of "grrls", plural of "grrl"
- grrrl - an extremely now with-it female person
- grubs - digs; plural of "grub", a larva
- gruel - a thin porridge
- grued - shuddered
- grues - shudders; feels horror; plural of "grue", a wicked little poem
- gruey - gruesome
- grufe - groof
- gruff - surly; rasping
- gruie - gruesome
- grume - a blood clot
- grump - a complainer
- grunt - to snort
- gruss - a rock that has been granulated but not decomposed by weathering
- gryce - grice
- gryde - to grate
- gryke - a grike, a fissure in limestone rock formed by rain
- grype - to gripe
- grypt - poetic "gripped"
- Gryta - a first name
- guaba - a bizarre Latin American fruit, an elongated pod with black seeds in pulpy flesh
- guaca - any object inhabited by a god or spirit
- guaco - a plant; a snake bite antidote
- guafo - a gulf in Chile
- guale - an American Indian tribe of Georgia, and its language
- guama - a tropical Americal tree
- guamo - a people of southwestern Venezuela
- guana - an iguana; a Brazilian Indian tribe; a town in Venezuela
- guane - an Indian tribe in Colombia
- guang - a language
- guano - the manure of a sea-bird; a town in Ecuador
- guans - plural of "guan", a large Brazilian game bird
- guapi - a town in Colombia
- guapo - a bay in Trinidad and Tobago
- guara - a tropical American tree
- guard - to watch over
- guars - plural of "guar", a drought-tolerant legume
- guasa - a group of fish that includes the jewfish
- guaso - a Chilean agricultural worker
- guato - a people of southwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil
- guava - a pear-shaped fruit
- guaza - a town in Spain; a kind of grouper
- gubbo - a town in Sweden
- guben - a town in Germany
- guber - a facial pimple
- gucks - plural of "guck", a messy substance
- gucky - thick and sticky
- gudda - an ass
- Guddi - a first name
- gudes - goods
- gudja - a town in Malta
- gudok - a primitive Russian three-stringed musical instrument
- guelf - a member of a German royal family, supporters of the pope
- Guert - a first name
- guess - to surmise
- guest - a visitor
- gueux - the name assumed by Low Country nobles resisting the Inquisition
- gufas - plural of "gufa", a round wicker ferry boat used in Mesopotamia
- guffs - plural of "guff", foolish talk
- guffy - full of foolish talk
- gugal - an Ayurvedic herb
- gugas - plural of "guga", a young gannet
- guggy - an egg
- Guhan - a first name
- guhrs - plural of "guhr", a quantities of loose earth found in rocks
- guiac - guaiac, guaiacum, the heartwood or resin of the lignum vitae tree
- Guian - a first name
- guiba - a town in Chad
- guibs - plural of "guib", a harnessed antelope
- guida - a first name; a musical term meaning the subject of a fugue
- guide - a leader
- Guido - a first name
- guids - goods
- guige - a leather strap used to sling a knight's shield
- guijo - a Philippine timber tree
- Guila - a first name
- guild - a trade union
- guile - deceit
- guilt - moral responsibility; culpability; shame
- guily - deceitful
- guimp - gimp
- Guinn - a first name
- guird - a Cuban musical instrument
- guiro - a Latin American percussion instrument made of a notched gourd
- guise - appearance
- guist - joust
- guiyu - a town in China
- gujar - a nomadic Muslim herding people of Kashmir
- Gulab - a first name
- gulae - plural of "gula", the upper front of the neck next to the chin
- gulag - a Soviet prison camp
- Gulam - a first name
- gular - of the throat
- gulas - plural of "gula", a throat
- Gulay - a first name
- gulch - a gully
- gules - a heraldic red color
- gulfs - swallows up
- gulfy - full of whirlpools
- gulik - a river in Russia near the Chinese border
- gulix - a kind of fine linen
- gulja - a town in China
- gulls - deceives; plural of "gull", a sea bird
- gully - an erosive canyon
- gulph - a variant of "gulf"; to take an ordinary university degree, without examination
- gulps - plural of "gulp", a big hasty swallow
- gulpy - marked by gulping; gullible
- gults - plural of "gult", a variant of "guilt"
- gulty - a variant of "guilty"
- Gulya - a first name
- gumbe - a popular music style of Guinea-Bissau
- gumbo - hearty soup; the okra plant
- gumby - a rubbery cartoon character
- gumly - gloomy
- gumma - a soft tumor, produced by syphilis
- gummo - the felonious Marx brother
- gummy - sticky
- gumps - plural of "gump", a foolish person, a dolt
- gumuz - a language and people of Ethiopia
- Gunar - a first name
- gunas - plural of "guna", a lengthening of a vowel sound in Sanskrit
- Gunay - a first name
- gunch - an attempt to influence a pinball machine by jostling it; Modine's last name
- Gunda - a first name
- gundi - a north African short-tailed rodent
- gundy - treacle candy
- Gunel - a first name
- gunga - marijuana
- gunge - soil; grime; goo; a skin irritation in the groin
- gungy - messy, nasty
- gunja - ganja; marijuana
- gunji - opium
- gunks - a climbing area in upstate New York; plural of "gunk", a sticky matter
- gunky - covered in sticky material
- gunna - a slurred form of "going to"
- Gunne - a first name
- gunny - a first name; Bengal sacking
- guntz - the whole lot
- gunya - a crude hut
- gunzl - a gunsel
- guoyu - the Mandarin language
- gupis - a political district in Pakistan
- guppy - a little fish
- Guram - a first name
- guran - a first name; a town in Iraq
- gurdy - in the phrase "hurdy gurdy", a portable musical instrument played by a crank
- gurge - a whirlpool
- guric - a town in Serbia, also known as "Goric"
- Gurit - a first name
- gurks - belches; plural of "gurk", a fat person
- gurls - plural of "gurl", an obsolete word for a young person of either sex
- gurly - rough and boisterous
- gurma - a people of the White Volta river in West Africa
- gurmy - a level; a working
- gurna - a village in Egypt, near Luxor
- gurns - snarls
- gurry - fish offal; more precisely, the partially digested stomach contents of a whale
- gursh - qursh
- gurts - groats; plural of "gurt", a trench or drain
- gurus - plural of "guru", a Hindu spiritual teacher
- gusap - a town and river in Papua New Guinea
- gusau - a city in Nigeria
- gusev - another name for Gumbinnen
- gushy - overly sentimental
- gusii - a language
- gusla - a Balkan musical instrument
- gusle - a Balkan musical instrument
- gusli - a Balkan musical instrument
- Gussi - a first name
- gussy - a first name; to primp or dress up
- Gusta - a first name
- Gusti - a first name
- gusto - relish, vigor
- gusts - plural of "gust", a sudden blast of wind
- gusty - a first name; windy
- gutka - a smokeless tobacco used in India
- gutso - a fat person
- gutsy - daring, brave
- gutta - a Doric ornament resembling a droplet
- gutty - an old style golf ball made of gutta percha; a very fat person; something eliciting a strong emotional response
- Guven - a first name
- Guyan - a first name
- guyed - mocked
- guyer - one who mocks
- guyle - to beguile or deceive
- guyly - like a guy
- Guyon - a first name
- guyot - a submarine mountain
- guyse - guise
- Guyte - a first name
- guzes - plural of "guze", in heraldry, a roundlet of tincture sanguine
- guzla - a gusla, a Balkan musical instrument
- guzul - a people of western Ukraine
- gvarv - a town in Norway
- gwaai - tobacco
- gwari - the Gbari, a peasant people of Nigeria
- gwash - a British river
- gwaun - a British river
- gwayi - a river in Zimbabwe
- Gwayn - a first name
- Gwede - a first name
- gweeb - a studious student; a stupid dull person
- gweep - a computer user
- Gwenn - a first name
- gwent - a Welsh county
- gwere - a language
- gweru - a town in Zimbabwe
- gwick - to make a swallowing sound
- gwill - a British river
- gwine - slang for "going to"
- Gwinn - a first name
- Gwyan - a first name
- Gwynn - a first name
- gyall - a gayal; a jungle bull
- gyals - plural of "gyal", a gayal; an east Indian ox
- Gyasi - a first name
- gybed - made a sailing maneuver
- gybes - makes a sailing maneuver; sneers
- gyeld - guild
- gyges - a first name; in a story by Socrates, a man who found a belt of invisibility
- gygis - the tern genus
- gyles - a first name; ferments; plural of "gyle", a brewing
- Gylla - a first name
- gymel - a vocal part writing in medieval music
- gymir - aegir
- gymps - gimps
- gynae - a gynecologist
- gynee - a cow about three feet high
- gynic - of or relating to a female person
- gynie - a gynecologist
- gynno - to begin
- gynny - a variant spelling of "Guinea"
- gyoza - Japanese dumplings
- gypos - plural of "gypo", a variant of "gyppo"
- gyppo - a small time logger who gleans the work of bigger companies; a gypsy
- gyppy - used in the phrase "gyppy tummy", denoting diarrhea; a gypsy
- gypse - gypsum
- gypsy - a first name; a stateless nomadic people
- gyral - revolving
- gyras - plural of "gyra", an embroidered border
- gyred - moved in circles or spirals
- gyres - moves in circles or spirals
- gyron - a heraldic device
- gyros - plural of "gyro", a gyroscope
- gyrus - a brain convolution
- gyser - one who dresses up in a costume for a folk rite
- gyses - plural of "gyse", a variant of "guise"
- gytch - to steal
- gytes - plural of "gyte", a child
- Gytha - a first name
- Gyula - a first name
- Gyuri - a first name
- gyved - shackled
- gyver - a guiver; a clever person
- gyves - plural of "gyve", a shackle or bond
- gyvet - the vagina
- gyvor - affected speech
- haabs - plural of "haab", a 365 day period used in the Mayan calendar
- haafs - plural of "haaf", a deep-sea fishing ground
- haars - plural of "haar", a cold sea fog
- habab - a nomadic people of the Red Sea
- Habby - a first name
- haber - to haver
- Habib - a first name
- habit - a custom; a costume
- habla - a Palestinian town in the West Bank
- hable - able; a town in the West Bank
- habur - a town in southeast Turkey, on the border with Iraq
- habus - plural of "habu", a poisonous snake of the Ryukyu Islands
- hacek - a diacritical mark, commonly used in certain Czech words
- hache - minced, hashed; heroin
- hachi - the penis
- Hacib - a first name
- hacks - cuts or chops roughly; plays a prank; ad hoc alterations to computer code
- hacky - hacking; a taxi driver
- Hadag - a first name
- hadal - pertaining to deep parts of the ocean
- hadar - a first name; a star
- Hadas - a first name
- hadda - a first name; a town in Afghanistan; slang for "had to"
- haddo - the humpback salmon
- haded - inclined
- Haden - a first name
- hades - in Greek mythology, the underworld; slopes of mineral veins; plural of "hade", an unplowed strip
- Hadia - a first name
- Hadja - a first name
- hadji - an Islamic pilgrim to Mecca
- Hadli - a first name
- Hadly - a first name
- hadna - slang for "hadn't", that is, "had not"
- Hadon - a first name
- Hadra - a first name
- hadst - a Biblical form of "had"
- Hadyn - a first name
- hadza - a Khoisan language, now limited to about 1000 speakers in Tanzania
- haeju - a town in North Korea
- haems - plural of "haem", variant of "heme", a component of hemoglobin
- haets - plural of "haet", a small amount
- Hafed - a first name
- haffs - plural of "haff", a lagoon separated by a sandbar from the ocean
- Hafid - a first name
- hafiz - a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart
- Hafsa - a first name
- hafta - slang for "have to"
- hafts - plural of "haft", a knife handle
- hafum - an African cape
- hafun - a town in Somalia
- Hagai - a first name
- Hagan - a first name
- hagar - a first name; Abraham's concubine
- hagen - a first name; in the Nibelungenlied, the murderer of Siegfried; a city in Germany
- haggs - plural of "hagg", broken ground in a moor
- haggy - like a hag; old, wizened, and unattractive
- hagia - the consecrated Eucharistic elements in the Orthodox Church
- hagio - the consecrated bread and wine
- Hagit - a first name
- Hagly - a first name
- Hagop - a first name
- Hagos - a first name
- hague - the political capital of the Netherlands, usually "the Hague"
- haham - a hakam, one learned in Jewish law
- hahas - plural of "haha", a fence set in a ditch
- haick - a sheetlike piece of woolen or cotton cloth, used as an Arab wrap
- haida - a North American Indian tribe, in British Columbia
- haifa - a first name; a seaport in northern Israel
- haika - a Basque nationalist youth group; plural of "haik", an Arabic outer garment
- haikh - an Armenian
- Haiko - a first name
- haiks - plural of "haik", an Arabic outer garment
- haiku - Japanese poetic form // with 3 lines // and seventeen syllables
- Haila - a first name
- Haile - a first name
- Haili - a first name
- hails - salutes; pours down hail
- Hailu - a first name
- haily - a first name; apt to hail; icy
- haing - present participle of "ha"
- hains - saves
- haint - a humorous spelling of a Cockney's "ain't"; a ghost or specter
- hairs - plural of "hair", a threadlike growth
- hairy - covered in hair; frightening
- haith - an interjection meaning "by my faith"
- haiti - one half of a Caribbean island
- haits - a small amount
- Haiyt - a first name
- Hajar - a first name
- hajes - plural of "haje", a pilgrimage to Mecca
- hajib - a Muslim court official similar to a prime minister
- Hajim - a first name
- hajis - plural of "haji", one who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca
- hajji - a hadji, one who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca
- Hajna - a first name
- hakam - a first name; one learned in Jewish law
- Hakan - a first name
- hakas - plural of "haka", a native New Zealand dance
- hakea - a genus of evergreen trees
- hakes - plural of "hake", a marine fish; a pot hook
- hakim - a first name; a Moslem ruler, governor, or judge
- hakka - a language of Taiwan
- Hakon - a first name
- halab - another name for Aleppo
- halal - to slaughter for food according to Islamic law
- halat - a town in Lebanon
- halba - a town in Lebanon
- Halbe - a first name
- halch - to hug
- halds - holds
- haled - a first name; hauled
- Haleh - a first name
- Halen - a first name
- haler - more healthy; a coin
- hales - compels to go
- Haley - a first name
- halfa - esparto grass
- halfs - a variant plural of "half"
- halfy - a legless beggar
- halid - a halide, a chemical compound
- Halie - a first name
- halil - a first name; a river in Iran
- halim - a first name; a spicy Middle Eastern stew, similar to cream of wheat with shredded turkey
- halin - a first name; a town in northern Burma
- Halit - a first name
- Halla - a first name
- halle - a first name; a city in southeastern Germany
- Halli - a first name
- hallo - a first name; a greeting
- halls - plural of "hall", a corridor; a mansion
- Hally - a first name
- halma - a first name; a board game, the origin of "Othello"; in ancient Greece, a long jump with hand weights
- halms - plural of "halm", a haulm
- halod - thinning a crop by plowing, and sowing another crop in the intervals
- halol - a town in India
- halon - a group of haloalkanes with bromine as well as chlorine or fluorine groups
- halos - plural of "halo", a ring of light
- halsa - a town in Norway
- halse - the throat; the neck; the windpipe
- Halsy - a first name
- halts - stops
- Haluk - a first name
- halva - a Turkish confection
- halve - to divide in half
- halvi - a town in Lebanon
- Halya - a first name
- Halye - a first name
- halys - a river in Armenia
- hamah - a town in Syria
- hamal - a first name; a porter in eastern countries; a star in the constellation Aries
- haman - a first name; in the Bible, a murderous official exposed by Esther and hanged; an Iranian bathhouse; a town in South Korea
- hamar - a first name; a town in Norway
- hambo - a posing, incompetent person
- Hamda - a first name
- Hamdi - a first name
- Hamdy - a first name
- Hamel - a first name
- Hamer - a first name
- hames - a first name; plural of "hame", a part of a horse collar; an unpleasant job
- Hamet - a first name
- hamid - a first name; a principality of southwest Anatolia
- Hamif - a first name
- Hamil - a first name
- Hamin - a first name
- Hamit - a first name
- hammy - overtly theatrical; overacted
- hampi - a town in India
- hamra - a town in Sweden
- hamsa - an ancient symbol of good luck, representing an open hand
- Hamud - a first name
- hamus - a hook or curved process
- hamza - a first name; an Arabic diacritical mark
- Hanaa - a first name
- Hanae - a first name
- Hanah - a first name
- Hanan - a first name
- hanap - an ornate pewter drinking goblet
- hanau - a town in Germany, site of a famous battle
- hance - a haunch; a lintel; a curved rise from a lower to upper part
- hanch - snap
- handa - a first name; a British island
- hands - plural of "hand", a glove filler; a crewman; a unit of length of 4 inches
- handy - convenient
- Hanef - a first name
- hange - pluck
- hangi - a traditional Maori fire-pit oven
- hango - site of a famous naval battle
- hangs - suspends
- hania - a first name; a town in Crete
- hanif - a first name; a pre-Islamic hermit of Arabia
- Hanik - a first name
- Hanim - a first name
- Hanin - a first name
- Hanja - a first name
- hanji - Chinese ideograms
- Hanka - a first name
- hanko - a town in Finland
- hanks - fastens a sail; plural of "hank", a clump
- hanky - a handkerchief; used in the phrase "hanky panky" meaning mischief
- hanle - a town in India
- Hanly - a first name
- Hanna - a first name
- Hanne - a first name
- Hanni - a first name
- hanno - a first name; a town in Japan
- Hannu - a first name
- Hanny - a first name
- hanoi - the capital city of Vietnam
- Hanro - a first name
- hansa - a first name; a medieval merchant guild; a town in Papua New Guinea
- hanse - variant of "Hansa", a medieval merchant guild
- Hansh - a first name
- Hansl - a first name
- hanta - the Hantaan virus, which causes a hemorrhagic fever
- hants - a first name; Hampshire; haunts
- Hantz - a first name
- hanum - khanum
- Hanus - a first name
- hanzi - Chinese ideograms
- haole - a Hawaiian term for a non-native
- haoma - a sacred drink used in Zoroasterian rituals; a leafless vine
- Haona - a first name
- haora - a town in India
- haori - a loose outer garment worn in Japan
- hapai - to carry; pregnant
- hapax - "hapax legomenon", a word that occurs only once in a text, unlike "hapax"
- haply - by chance
- happa - a half-Asian person
- happi - a light Japanese overcoat with a crest or emblem on the back
- happy - a first name; cheerful
- hapto - a system of nomenclature for chemical compounds
- hapuu - a Hawaiian tree fern
- Haqqi - a first name
- Harah - a first name
- haram - things (food, activities, and so on) proscribed by the Islamic religion
- haran - a first name; a brother of Abraham; a biblical place, also called Harran
- harar - a city in eastern Ethiopia
- haras - a group of horses
- Harbi - a first name
- harda - a town in India
- Hardo - a first name
- hards - flax refuse
- hardu - a town in Estonia
- hardw - a store often seen in B Kliban cartoons
- hardy - a first name; robust
- hared - sprinted; ran fast
- Harel - a first name
- harem - a collection of wives or concubines
- hares - a first name; plural of "hare", a wild rabbit
- harey - like a hare
- harfe - a musical term meaning a harp
- harim - a first name; a harem
- Harin - a first name
- harir - a town in Iraq
- haris - a first name; a Palestinian village on the West Bank
- harka - a town in Hungary
- harks - listens to
- Harla - a first name
- harle - flax fiber
- Harli - a first name
- harls - plural of "harl", a feathered fishing lure
- Harly - a first name
- harms - hurts
- harns - plural of "harn", a coarse linen fabric; a brain
- harod - a first name; a biblical river
- Haron - a first name
- haros - plural of "haro", a cry announcing a claim to legal redress
- harpa - the genus type of the Harpdiae
- harpo - a first name; the mute Marx brother
- harps - repeatedly brings up; plucks; plural of "harp", a musical instrument
- harpy - a fabulous predatory monster; a golden eagle; an extortionist
- Harri - a first name
- Harro - a first name
- harrs - plural of "harr", a cold sea fog
- harry - a first name; to chase; to harass
- harsh - brutal; severe
- harst - harvest
- harts - plural of "hart", a male red deer
- Harue - a first name
- harum - used in the phrase "harum scarum", to mean a riot, disruption, or disorder
- Harun - a first name
- harut - a first name; a river in Afghanistan
- Harve - a first name
- harvy - a Harvard student
- harwa - a town in Afghanistan
- Hasad - a first name
- Hasan - a first name
- Hasen - a first name
- hashy - of, containing, or similar to hash; clever
- Hasib - a first name
- hasid - a member of a pious Jewish sect
- hasie - a homosexual
- Hasil - a first name
- Hasim - a first name
- Hasin - a first name
- hasks - plural of "hask", a basket made of rushes or wicker
- hasky - coarse and dry
- hasna - a first name; slang for "hasn't"
- Hason - a first name
- hasps - plural of "hasp", a clasp or fastening
- hassa - a town in Turkey
- Hasse - a first name
- Hasso - a first name
- hasta - slang for "have you"
- haste - hurry
- hasty - a first name; hurried
- haswa - a town in Iraq
- Hataw - a first name
- hatay - a town in Turkey
- Hatce - a first name
- hatch - to gestate; an opening
- hated - despised
- Hatem - a first name
- hater - one who despises
- hates - despises
- hatha - a form of Yoga that emphasizes breathing and posture
- hathi - a wild Indian elephant
- Hatim - a first name
- hatra - an ancient city in Iraq
- hatsa - a language
- Hatsy - a first name
- Hatta - a first name
- Hatti - a first name
- hatto - a first name; a bishop who was eaten by rats
- hatty - a first name; an elephant
- Hatun - a first name
- hauds - holds
- haugh - a low-lying meadow
- Hauke - a first name
- hauld - to hold
- Haule - a first name
- haulm - the plant stubble that remains after a harvest
- hauls - carries
- hault - haughty
- haums - plural of "haum", a halm
- haunt - to frequent; to importune; to frighten
- haurl - harl; rough-cast
- hausa - a northern Nigerian
- hause - a narrow passage between mountains
- haust - to suck; to drain; a dry cough
- hauta - an Arabian town
- haute - high; high-class; pretentious
- Havah - a first name
- havas - news agency
- havel - a river in Germany
- haven - a first name; a refuge
- haver - a first name; one who has; to blather; to equivocate; the oat
- haves - plural of "have", a wealthy or privileged person
- Havin - a first name
- Havis - a first name
- Haviv - a first name
- havna - a dialect form of "haven't"
- havoc - chaos; destruction
- havre - Le Havre, a seaport in northwest France; a town in Montana
- hawed - turned left
- hawer - one who haws in speech
- Hawes - a first name
- hawke - a bay in Australia
- hawks - sells; coughs up; plural of "hawk", a bird of prey
- hawky - hawklike
- hawls - hauls
- Hawly - a first name
- hawms - lounges about
- hawok - a kind of Californian Indian money made of shell buttons
- hawse - part of a ship's bows; a narrow passage between mountains
- haxby - an English town
- Hayah - a first name
- Hayam - a first name
- Hayat - a first name
- Hayde - a first name
- Haydn - a first name
- Haydy - a first name
- hayed - converted into hay
- hayer - one who hays
- hayes - a first name; an English town
- hayey - covered in, like, or containing hay
- Hayfa - a first name
- Hayim - a first name
- hayle - a first name; a tiny Cornish seaport in southeast England; hale
- Hayli - a first name
- Hayly - a first name
- Hayne - a first name
- Hayse - a first name
- hayti - a variant of "Haiti", a Caribbean country
- Hazal - a first name
- hazan - a cantor of a synagogue
- hazed - bullied
- hazel - a first name; a light brown color; a nut tree
- Hazem - a first name
- hazen - a first name; a town in North Dakota; a town in New Jersey
- hazer - one who hazes
- hazes - plural of "haze", a mist
- Hazim - a first name
- hazle - haze; to make dry
- hazor - a Canaanite city destroyed by Joshua
- Hazra - a first name
- hazri - an Indian breakfast
- Hazyl - a first name
- heads - points in a direction; plural of "head", a president; a latrine; a coin face
- heady - intoxicating
- heald - a warp guide in a loom
- Heall - a first name
- heals - repairs; recovers
- healy - a first name; a town in Alaska
- heame - home
- heams - plural of "heam", an animal's afterbirth
- heaps - plural of "heap", a pile
- heapy - grouped into piles; a fellow
- heard - listened
- heare - hair
- Hearn - a first name
- hears - listens
- heart - a center; a body organ
- heast - hest
- heath - a first name; shrubs; common land
- heats - warms up; plural of "heat", a stage of a competition
- heaty - a supposed property of certain foods to cause the body to warm up, to improve circulation and so on
- heave - to raise; to haul; to vomit
- heavy - weighty; dense
- Hebba - a first name
- hebei - a city in China; a Chinese dialect
- heben - ebony
- heber - a first name; a town in Arizona
- hebes - plural of "hebe", an Olympic cup bearer; a blooming young woman; an ethnic slur
- Hecca - a first name
- hecht - hight
- hecks - plural of "heck"; a fish weir; a rack; a river bend
- hecla - a town in Montana; a North American cape
- hecte - an ancient Greek coin worth 1/6 of a stater
- Hedda - a first name
- Heddi - a first name
- Heddy - a first name
- heden - a town in Sweden
- heder - a Jewish school; a male sheep
- hedge - to enclose; a row of bushes; to cover both sides of a bet
- hedgy - including hedges; like a hedge; taking precautions
- Hedia - a first name
- Hedir - a first name
- Hedly - a first name
- hedon - an English town
- Hedra - a first name
- Hedva - a first name
- heebs - plural of "heeb", a slur
- heeds - obeys
- heedy - heedful
- heeld - hield
- heels - supplies with a heel; plural of "heel", the base of the foot; a scoundrel
- heeps - plural of "heep", the hip of the dog rose
- heerd - heard
- heern - heard
- heers - plural of "heer", a unit of length of cloth of 600 yards
- heesh - hashish
- heeze - to hoist or raise
- hefei - a town in China
- hefig - heavy
- hefte - plural of "heft", a haft
- hefts - lifts up
- hefty - large; weighty
- hegge - a hedge
- heian - referring to a period of Japanese history
- heiau - a pre-Christian Hawaiian temple
- Heida - a first name
- heide - a first name; a town in Germany
- Heidi - a first name
- heids - plural of "heid", a head
- Heidy - a first name
- heigh - an exclamation used to call attention
- heihe - a town in China
- heijo - another name for Pyongyang
- heika - a style of Japanese flower arranging using tall vases
- Heike - a first name
- Heiko - a first name
- heils - salutes
- Heimo - a first name
- heino - a first name; a town in the Netherlands
- heiny - children's slang for the buttocks
- Heinz - a first name
- heirs - plural of "heir", an inheritor
- heist - a robbery
- Heith - a first name
- hejab - good or bad hejab is appropriate or inappropriate Muslim dress
- hejaz - a former kingdom in western Arabia, now part of Saudi Arabia
- hejia - a town in China
- hejra - hejira
- hekat - an ancient Egyptian measurement of volume, about a gallon
- hekla - an active volcano in Iceland
- Helah - a first name
- helam - a biblical place
- helas - alas
- heled - concealed
- helek - 1/1080 part of a day in the Hebrew calendar
- Helen - a first name
- heles - conceals
- Helga - a first name
- Helge - a first name
- helgi - a first name; in Norse mythology, the son of Hjorvard and the valkyrie Svava
- helio - a first name; a heliograph
- helix - a spiral, usually three dimensional
- Helki - a first name
- hella - a first name; very
- helle - a first name; in Greek myth, the sister of Phrixos, who drowned in the Hellespont stealing the golden fleece
- Helli - a first name
- hello - a greeting
- hells - behaves raucously; plural of "hell", a gambling house
- helly - hellish
- Helma - a first name
- Helmi - a first name
- helms - plural of "helm", a tiller; steering gear
- Helmy - a first name
- Helon - a first name
- helos - plural of "helo", a helicopter
- helot - a slave in ancient Sparta
- helpa - an apple (from backslang)
- helps - aids; assists
- Helsa - a first name
- helve - an axe handle
- Helyn - a first name
- hemad - toward the hemal side
- hemal - haemal; of blood
- Heman - a first name
- hemen - British dialect for "them"
- hemes - plural of "heme", a component of hemoglobin
- hemet - a town in California
- hemic - of the blood
- hemin - a chloride of heme
- hemol - an iron-containing product derived from hemoglobin
- hemps - plural of "hemp", a tall herb
- hempy - containing hemp; deserving of the hangman's rope; a gallowsbird
- hemus - a town in Sweden
- henad - a monad
- henan - a language; a province in China
- hence - therefore
- hende - skillful; clever
- Hendl - a first name
- hends - seizes
- hendy - a first name; clever; handy; a town in Wales
- henen - hence
- henge - a Neolithic stone monument
- Henia - a first name
- Henie - a first name
- Henio - a first name
- Henka - a first name
- henna - a first name; a dye; a shrub
- henne - a bay in Haiti
- Henni - a first name
- henny - a first name; like a hen
- Henri - a first name
- henry - a first name; an electrical unit of inductance
- hente - a past imperfect form of "hent"
- hents - grasps; comprehends
- Henya - a first name
- Henye - a first name
- hepar - a liver-colored sulfur compound
- herat - a city in northwest Afghanistan
- herbs - plural of "herb", a flowering plant with non-woody stem
- herby - a first name; containing herbs
- herds - plural of "herd", a drove
- herem - the most severe form of excommunication in Judaism
- heren - made of hair
- heres - plural of "here", an heir
- herie - to praise; to worship
- Herin - a first name
- heriz - a pattern style for woven rugs
- herky - a first name; used in the phrase "herky jerky" to mean by fits and starts
- herle - a heron
- herls - plural of "herl", a feather barb
- herma - a first name; a type of statue
- hermo - a first name; a town in Norway
- herms - plural of "herm", an outstanding type of statue; a hermaphrodite
- Hermy - a first name
- herne - of the style of Herne, Germany; a corner; a British bay
- herns - plural of "hern", a heron
- herod - a first name; a tyrant
- heron - a wading bird
- heros - plural of "hero", a hoagie sandwich
- herps - the herpes virus; plural of "herp', a reptile or amphibian
- herry - to harry
- herse - a portcullis; a frame for drying skins to use as parchment
- Hersh - a first name
- Hersz - a first name
- Herta - a first name
- herte - a heart
- herto - an Ethiopian village where ancient skulls were found
- herts - Hertfordshire, England
- Herty - a first name
- hertz - a first name; a unit of frequency, one cycle per second
- herut - an Israeli political party
- Herva - a first name
- herve - a first name; a kind of cheese
- Hervy - a first name
- herye - to praise
- Herzl - a first name
- Hesam - a first name
- Heshu - a first name
- Hesky - a first name
- hesps - plural of "hesp", a length of two linen hanks
- hesse - a German state
- Hessy - a first name
- Hesti - a first name
- hests - plural of "hest", command
- Hesty - a first name
- Hetal - a first name
- hetes - hights
- heths - plural of "heth", a Hebrew letter
- Hetta - a first name
- Hetti - a first name
- Hetty - a first name
- heuch - a steep cliff
- heugh - a steep cliff; a precipice
- heuks - plural of "heuk", a variant of huke
- hevea - a rubber tree; an indigenous language of French Guiana
- heved - the head
- Heven - a first name
- hewed - cut down; fashioned
- hewer - a cutter
- hewes - plural of "hewe", a domestic servant
- Hewet - a first name
- hewgh - an imitation of the whistling sound of an arrow
- Hewie - a first name
- Hewit - a first name
- hexad - a group of six
- hexed - cast a spell
- hexer - a spell caster
- hexes - casts a spell; plural of "hex", a hexagon
- hexis - a settled state of being; a permanent condition
- hexyl - a hydrocarbon radical
- heyed - danced the hey dance
- heygh - high
- heyne - a wretch; a rascal
- hheth - the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- hiaes - a town in Papua New Guinea
- hiant - gaping
- hiate - to gape
- Hiatt - a first name
- Hibah - a first name
- hican - a tree that is a hybrid of hickory and pecan
- hicht - height
- hichu - ichu
- hicks - plural of "hick", a rustic
- hicky - like a hick; a variant of "hickey", a love bite
- Hidde - a first name
- hiddy - hideous
- hided - having a hide
- Hidee - a first name
- Hideo - a first name
- hider - one who conceals oneself or some thing
- hides - conceals; plural of "hide", a pelt; a unit of area of about 100 acres
- Hieda - a first name
- Hiede - a first name
- hield - to tilt or lean
- hiems - winter
- hieng - a mountain people of Cambodia
- hifis - plural of "hifi", an audio reproduction set
- higgs - a particle supposed to account for inertia
- highs - plural of "high", a lofty level
- hight - to command; to call or name; to adorn
- higre - eagre
- hihya - a town in Egypt
- hijab - a veil or head scarf for a Muslim woman
- hijaz - another name for Hejaz
- hijra - the migration of Mohammed and his followers from Mecca to Medina; an Indian eunuch
- hiked - tramped; increased
- hiker - one who hikes
- hikes - increases; walks
- hikey - like a hike; full of hikes
- hilal - a first name; pertaining to a hilum
- hilar - pertaining to a hilum, the mark or scar on a seed produced by separation
- hilch - to hobble
- Hilda - a first name
- Hilde - a first name
- Hildi - a first name
- Hildo - a first name
- Hildy - a first name
- Hilel - a first name
- Hilia - a first name
- Hilit - a first name
- hilla - a town in Iraq
- Hille - a first name
- hillo - a greeting
- hills - plural of "hill", a rounded elevation
- hilly - a first name; undulating
- Hilma - a first name
- Hilmi - a first name
- hilsa - a valuable herring of India
- hilts - plural of "hilt", a haft; a handle
- hilty - like a hilt
- hilum - the eye of a bean
- hilus - a hilum; a hollow on the surface of an organ
- Himan - a first name
- himba - an African tribe of Namibia
- himbi - a district in Congo, near Goma
- himbo - a male bimbo
- himps - limps
- hinau - a New Zealand timber tree
- Hinda - a first name
- Hinde - a first name
- hindi - a language and culture of India
- hinds - plural of "hind", a rustic; a deer
- hindu - the predominant ethnic group and culture of India
- Hindy - a first name
- hineh - a town in Syria
- Hiner - a first name
- hines - a town in Florida; plural of "hine", a servant, a peasant
- hiney - children's slang for the buttocks
- hinge - to depend; a mechanical joint allowing movement
- hings - plural of "hing", the asafoetida
- hinin - a member of a Japanese outcast group
- Hinju - a first name
- Hinke - a first name
- hinks - plural of "hink", a reaping hook
- hinky - suspicious; fishy
- hinny - the offspring of a stallion and a she-ass
- Hinto - a first name
- hints - plural of "hint", an indication or clue
- Hinun - a first name
- hipes - plural of "hipe", a wrestling throw
- hippa - emerita; a genus of sand bugs
- hippe - a genus of marine decapod crustaceans
- hippo - a hippopotamus
- hipps - hyp, hypochonaria
- hippy - having big hips; a variant of "hippie"
- hipsy - a drink of wine, water and brandy
- Hiram - a first name
- hirch - hirtch
- hirci - armpit hair
- hired - employed
- hiree - a person who has been hired for a job
- Hirem - a first name
- Hiren - a first name
- hirer - an employer
- hires - employs
- Hirji - a first name
- Hirom - a first name
- Hirov - a first name
- hirrs - orders a dog forward
- Hirsh - a first name
- hirst - a first name; a barren unproductive patch of land
- Hirut - a first name
- Hisao - a first name
- hisar - a town in India
- hisks - breathes with difficulty
- hispa - a genus of beetles
- hissa - a shout used by sailors when hauling or hoisting
- hissy - hissing, spiteful, angry, as in a "hissy fit"
- hists - hoists
- Hitam - a first name
- hitch - a first name; to join; a drawback
- Hitha - a first name
- hithe - a haven
- Hitka - a first name
- Hitty - a first name
- hiula - a mountain in Colombia
- hived - stored
- hiver - an apiarist or bee keeper
- hives - an allergic rash; plural of "hive", a bee home
- Hivet - a first name
- Hiwat - a first name
- Hiwot - a first name
- Hiyam - a first name
- hizen - an old province of Japan; porcelain from this area of Japan
- hlota - a language
- hmmed - made a "hmm" sound
- hmong - a Laotian ethnic group
- hoaed - stopped
- hoagy - a first name; a submarine sandwich; a hero sandwich; a grinder
- Hoang - a first name
- hoard - to amass
- hoars - plural of "hoar", a white coating
- hoary - venerable; silvery
- hoast - a cough; to cough
- hobbs - a town in New Mexico
- hobby - a pasttime
- Hobey - a first name
- hobie - a first name; a kind of sailboat
- hobit - a small mortar on a gun carriage
- hobob - a town in Korea; the father-in-law of Moses
- hobos - plural of "hobo", a wanderer who will work for food
- hoboy - a hautboy
- hocco - the crested curassow or royal pheasant
- hocks - pawns; plural of "hock", a wine
- hocky - a variant spelling of "hockey" vainly promoted by the Chicago Tribune in 1934
- hocly - the hock, or penultimate card, in faro
- hocus - to cheat; to falsify something; part of the magical phrase "hocus pocus"
- hodad - a nonsurfer; a boastful amateur
- hodag - a mythical beast of Wisconsin and Minnesota, reputedly fierce and melancholy
- Hodan - a first name
- hoddy - a hod carrier
- hoder - in Norse myth, a blind god, tricked by Loki into killing Baldur with a mistletoe arrow
- hodge - a rustic or bumpkin; a stew; in the phrase "hodge podge", a miscellany
- hodja - khoja, an Islamic teacher
- hodur - in Norse myth, a blind god, tricked by Loki into killing Baldur with a mistletoe arrow
- hoers - plural of "hoer", one who hoes
- hofei - a town in China
- hofuf - a town in Saudia Arabia
- hoful - careful
- hogan - a first name; a strong liquor; a Navaho dwelling
- hogen - strong liquor
- hoggs - plural of "hogg", a young sheep
- hoggy - or or similar to a hog; fat; greedy
- hoghs - plural of "hogh", a hill or cliff
- Hogni - a first name
- hogos - plural of "hogo", a strong flavor or smell
- hohed - stopped
- hohes - plural of "hohe", assiniboin
- hohum - boring; routine
- hoick - to change direction abruptly
- hoiks - plural of "hoik", an upward turn
- hoing - stopping
- hoise - to hoist
- hoist - to lift up
- hoits - plural of "hoit", a leap; a caper
- hoity - part of the phrase "hoity toity" meaning haughtiness
- Hojem - a first name
- hokan - an American Indian language stock
- hokas - plural of "hokan", an American Indian language stock
- hoker - censure; abuse
- hokes - gives false value to
- hokey - contrived; false; part of the phrase "hokey pokey", a dance
- hokie - a castrated turkey; a Virginia Tech football player
- hokis - plural of "hoki", a food fish
- hokku - a haiku that is the first link of a renga
- hokum - hooey; sentimental claptrap
- holar - a town in Iceland
- Holda - a first name
- Holde - a first name
- holds - maintains; grasps; suspends; plural of "hold", a ship's cargo room
- holed - sank the ball in golf
- holer - one who makes a hole; one who sinks a ball in golf
- holes - plural of "hole", a lacuna; a void; a cavity
- holey - full of holes
- holia - a humpback salmon
- Holic - a first name
- holks - digs; burrows; hollows out
- holla - a greeting
- holle - a first name; a town in the Congo
- Holli - a first name
- hollo - a greeting
- holls - plural of "holl", a hollow or glen
- holly - a first name; an evergreen
- holma - a cathedral town in Uganda
- holme - a town in England
- holms - plural of "holm", an island in a river; an evergreen oak
- holod - a town in Romania
- holon - a hypothetical charged, spinless particle; something that is regarded as a whole; a town in Israel
- holps - an archaic form of "helps"
- holts - plural of "holt", a grove
- Holub - a first name
- holus - part of the phrase "holus bolus", all in a lump
- holwe - hollow
- homam - a constellation
- Homan - a first name
- homed - returned to one's home
- homee - a man
- homer - a first name; a home run; an ancient Greek poet; a homing pigeon; a unit of volume of 8 bushels
- homes - plural of "home", a residence; a shelter
- homey - homelike; someone from the same neighborhood
- homia - a river in Papua New Guinea
- homie - someone from the same neighborhood
- homme - a first name; French for "man"
- homos - a variant of "hummus"; plural of "homo", a homosexual
- honan - a fine silk; the Chinese province of Hunan
- honda - a part of a lariat; a town in Colombia
- hondo - a first name; the Japanese island of Honshu; a low-lying brook or stream; a broad gulley
- honds - plural of "hond", variant of "hand"
- honed - sharpened
- honer - a sharpener
- hones - sharpens
- honey - a first name; a bee product; dear
- hongi - a traditional Maori greeting
- hongs - plural of "hong", a Chinese factory
- honjo - a town in Japan
- honks - hoots
- honky - a slur for a white person; part of the phrase "honky tonk" for a music joint
- Honna - a first name
- Honon - a first name
- honor - a first name; to treat with respect
- honte - hunt
- honts - plural of "hont", a variant of "hunt"
- Honza - a first name
- hooch - fire water; a Vietnamese hut
- hoods - plural of "hood", a cowl; a gangster; a neighborhood
- hoody - the hooded crow; a hooded jacket
- hooer - an exaggerated pronunciation of "whore"
- hooey - hokum; blarney; bunkum; rot; blather; codswallop
- hoofs - dances; plural of "hoof", a horny covering that protects the toes of certain mammals
- hoofy - like a hoof; redolent of hoof; having hooves
- hooha - an uproarious commotion
- hooka - a Turkish pipe
- hooks - plural of "hook", a bend; a barb
- hooky - full of barbs; full of musical "hooks"; what you play when you skip school
- hooly - carefully
- hoons - plural of "hoon", a lout
- hoops - the game of basketball; plural of "hoop", a ring
- hoopy - like a hoop; acting up; a car
- hoord - hoard
- hoorn - a town in the Netherlands
- hoose - to wheeze; a lung disease of cattle
- hoosh - a thick soup or stew
- hoots - honks; boos; what Scots say just before "Mon"
- hooty - like a hoot; full of hoots
- hoove - a cattle disease
- hooze - to wheeze; a lung disease of cattle
- hopak - a gopak, a lively Ukrainian dance
- hoped - wished for
- hopeh - Hopei, a city in China
- hopei - a city in China
- hopen - a town in Norway
- hoper - one who hopes
- hopes - wishes for
- Hopey - a first name
- Hopie - a first name
- hopis - plural of "Hopi", an American Indian
- hoplo - a kind of catfish native to South America
- hopos - plural of "hopo", a V-shaped hedge, with a pit at the angle, to trap game
- hoppo - a Chinese overseer or customs agent
- hoppy - flavored with hops; tending to hop
- horae - in classical mythology, the hours; a book of hours
- horah - variant of "hora", an Israeli dance
- horal - hourly; of the hours
- horas - plural of "hora", an Israeli dance
- Horaz - a first name
- horde - a swarm
- horea - a first name; a town in Romania
- horeb - a first name; a biblical mountain
- Horia - a first name
- horim - a phallocrypt, or penis gourd, worn in New Guinea
- horme - activity directed toward a goal
- horns - plural of "horn", a hard bonelike projection
- horny - randy; callous; having horns; like horn
- Horry - a first name
- horsa - a first name; chief of the Jutes, brother of Hengst
- horse - a steed; heroin
- horst - a first name; an upraised block between two faults
- horsy - equine; like a horse; of a horse
- horta - a port town in Faial, one of the Azores Islands
- horus - in Egyptian mythology, the son of Osiris
- Hosam - a first name
- hosay - an Islamic religious festival of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein
- Hosea - a first name
- hosed - sprayed with water; very drunk
- hosel - part of a golf club
- hosen - plural of "hose", a stocking
- hoser - one who uses a hose; a good guy
- hoses - sprays with water
- Hoshi - a first name
- hosin - a town in the Czech Republic
- hoska - narcotics; contraband
- Hosni - a first name
- Hosny - a first name
- hosta - a plantain lily
- hoste - an island in Chile
- hosts - entertains socially; plural of "host", a large number; the Eucharistic wafer
- hotan - variant of "Hotien", a city in China
- hotch - to wiggle; to hitch; in the phrase "hotch potch", a miscellany
- hotel - an inn
- hoten - promised
- hotes - commands; enjoins
- hotin - another name for Khotin
- hotly - in a hot or angry manner
- hotsy - dramatic, strong, prominent
- hotty - an attractive person or celebrity
- houbi - a town in Taiwan
- Houda - a first name
- houes - plural of "houe", a tumulus
- houff - a haunt or resort
- houfs - howfs
- hough - a hamstring
- houka - a hookah
- Houko - a first name
- hoult - a piece of woodland
- houma - a town in Louisiana
- houmi - an American Indian language
- hound - a dog; to follow
- houps - plural of "houp", a hoopoe
- houri - a nymph of Paradise; a small Arabian boat
- hourn - a British bay
- hours - plural of "hour", a unit of time
- Houry - a first name
- house - a domicile; a residence
- houss - an ornamental cloth covering
- housy - like a house
- houts - hoots
- houve - a head covering
- Hovan - a first name
- hovas - plural of "hova", a Malagash, a native of Madagascar
- hoved - heaved
- hovel - a dilapidated house
- hoven - bloated; raised; swollen
- hover - to float in the air
- hoves - heaves
- Hovig - a first name
- hovis - wheat bread
- howbe - howbeit
- howdy - a greeting; a midwife
- howea - a genus of feather palms
- howel - a first name; a cooper's tool
- howes - plural of "howe", a hollow; a glen
- Howey - a first name
- howff - a haunt or resort
- howfs - plural of "howf", a place frequently visited
- Howie - a first name
- Howin - a first name
- howks - digs; burrows
- howls - yowls
- howps - cries out; yells
- howre - an obsolete spelling of "hour"
- howry - dirty, nasty
- howso - howsoever
- howve - a hood or head covering
- hoxed - hocked; hamstringed
- hoxes - hocks; hamstrings
- hoxne - a town in England, where Saint Edmund was murdered
- hoyas - plural of "hoya", a genus of climbing plants; a Georgetown hoopster
- hoyed - incited; drove on
- hoyle - a rule book for games
- Hrank - a first name
- Hrant - a first name
- Hrolf - a first name
- hrvat - a Croat
- hsian - a town in China
- hsien - a western Chou domain in central China
- hsing - a town in northern China
- huabi - huave, an Indian people of Oaxaca, Mexico
- huaca - any object inhabited by a god or spirit
- huaco - a pre-Columbian relic of Peru
- huari - an Indian people of eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil; a town in Bolivia
- huave - an Indian people of Oaxaca, Mexico
- huaxi - a town in China
- hubal - a Middle Eastern moon god
- hubam - clover
- hubba - an interjection, usually "hubba hubba", expressing lusty appreciation; crack cocaine; a unit of weight in Calcutta
- hubby - a husband
- hubei - a language
- Huber - a first name
- Hubey - a first name
- Hubie - a first name
- hubli - a town in India
- hucho - a genus of large riverine fish
- hucks - plural of "huck", a German trout; a hip
- huder - a town in Mongolia
- hudna - a ceasefire
- huela - a language
- huelo - a town on the island of Maui, Hawaiia
- huels - plural of "huel", a Cornish mine
- huene - one of the Tulun islands
- huers - plural of "huer", a fish scout watching for shoals
- hueys - plural of "Huey", a military helicopter
- huffs - breathes heavily
- huffy - petulant; offended
- huger - larger
- huggy - likely to hug someone; warm and friendly
- Hughy - a first name
- hugin - in Norse mythology, one of two raven companions of Odin, representing thought
- hugli - the Hooghly river in north east India
- hugos - plural of "Hugo", a science fiction award
- huias - plural of "huia", a New Zealand starling
- huila - a Colombian volcano
- hulas - plural of "hula", a Hawaiian dance
- hulba - a Yemeni sauce made of fenugreek
- hulch - a hunch
- Hulda - a first name
- hules - plural of "hule", variant of "ule", a central American rubber tree
- hulks - appears impressively large; old ships
- hulky - unwieldy; massive
- hullo - a greeting
- hulls - plural of "hull", a shell; the base of a ship
- hully - husky; a very fat person; in the phrase "hully gully", a dance
- Hulon - a first name
- humae - a legendary bird whose appearance signifies the viewer will become a king
- Humam - a first name
- human - of the species Homo
- humas - plural of "huma", a mythical unresting bird
- humbo - a town in Ethiopia
- humet - in heraldry, an abbreviated fesse
- humfs - makes an expression of dissatisfaction or disbelief
- humic - wet; dank; of humus
- humid - damp; moist
- humin - a dark insoluble substance formed in various chemical reactions
- humit - the units in which combined humidity and temperature readings are made
- humla - a town in Nepal
- hummy - satisfied; content
- humor - to indulge; a mood; comic matter; one of four constituents of character
- humpf - an exclamation of disbelief
- humph - a first name; an exclamation of disbelief
- humps - plural of "hump", a hillock; a bump; what hump?
- humpy - a first name; an Australian native hut; full of humps; an ideal surfing wave; bad tempered
- humus - a rich soil
- Humza - a first name
- hunan - a Chinese province and home of a fiery cuisine
- hunch - intuition; to slump; a hump
- hunde - a language
- hundi - a negotiable instrument of trade, used in India
- hundy - one hundred dollars
- hunge - a town in Sweden
- hungo - Hungarian
- hungu - a language
- hunia - a pack animal
- hunko - someone who is short and stocky
- hunks - plural of "hunk", a chunk; an attractive man
- hunky - chunky; an ethnic slur; in the phrase "hunky dory", very satisfactory
- Hunny - a first name
- Hunor - a first name
- hunts - stalks; searches for
- hunya - fighting rams
- hunza - a region of Pakistan
- Huong - a first name
- hupas - plural of "hupa", a North American Indian tribe in northwest California
- hupeh - a province in east central China
- hupei - a province in east central China
- hupen - a province in China
- Huram - a first name
- hurds - flax refuse
- hurdy - in the phrase "hurdy gurdy", a portable musical instrument played by a crank
- hurls - flings; vomits
- hurly - a first name; confusion; a ball; in the phrase "hurly burly", chaos or uproar
- huron - an American Indian tribe
- hurra - a celebratory exclamation
- hurri - hurrian; a country in the ancient Near East
- hurry - to rush
- hurst - a first name; a grove
- hurts - causes pain; damages
- hurty - hurtful
- huruk - an Indian drum shaped like an hourglass
- Husam - a first name
- husht - an interjection urging silence
- hushy - secret
- husis - plural of "husi", a fine sheer Philippine fabric
- husks - plural of "husk", an outer hull
- husky - heavy-set; throaty-sounding; a sled dog
- Husnu - a first name
- husos - plural of "huso", the great sturgeon
- hussy - a housewife; a brazen girl
- husum - a town in Germany
- huszt - a town in Hungary
- hutch - a coop; a dish cabinet
- hutia - the West Indian hog rat
- hutty - an elephant
- hutus - plural of "Hutu", a member of a Central African ethnic group
- huxen - a town in Germany
- Huxly - a first name
- huzza - a celebratory exclamation
- huzzy - a hussy; a brazen woman
- hveen - an island near Copenhagen where Tycho Brahe had an observatory
- hwang - an Asian river
- hwans - plural of "hwan", a monetary unit of Korea
- hwyls - plural of "hwyl", an emotional outburst
- hyads - variant of "Hyades", a cluster of stars; the daughters of Atlas
- Hyatt - a first name
- hybla - an ancient city of Sicily
- hydel - hydroelectric
- hyden - a town in Kentucky
- Hyder - a first name
- Hydie - a first name
- hydra - a nine-headed snake; the constellation of the water monster; a fresh water polyp
- hydro - a spa
- hyena - a scavenging feline
- hyens - plural of "hyen", a hyena
- hying - present participle of "hie"
- hykes - plural of "hyke", a loose Arab garment
- Hylan - a first name
- hylas - a first name; plural of "hyla", a tree frog
- Hylda - a first name
- hyleg - the ruling planet in a horoscope
- hyles - plural of "hyle", a woody matter
- hylic - materialistic; corporeal
- Hyman - a first name
- hymar - the wild ass of Persia
- hymen - a first name; the Roman god of marriage; a membrane that partially occludes the vagina
- Hymie - a first name
- hymns - plural of "hymn", a sacred song
- Hynda - a first name
- hynde - hind
- Hynee - a first name
- hynes - plural of "hyne", variant of "hine", a servant
- hyogo - a prefecture in western Japan
- hyoid - the tongue bone, literally, something shaped like the Greek letter upsilon
- hypar - a hyperbolic paraboloid
- hyped - promoted extravagantly
- hyper - very excitable; above
- hypes - promotes extravagantly; plural of "hype", a wrestling throw
- hypha - a threadlike element of a fungus
- hyphy - a style of hip-hop music
- hypos - plural of "hypo", a hypodermic needle
- hyppo - St Augustine's home town, also spelled "Hippo"
- Hyram - a first name
- hyrax - a rock rabbit
- Hyron - a first name
- hyrse - millet
- hyrst - a hurst, or woods
- Hyrum - a first name
- hyson - a Chinese green tea
- hythe - a haven; a coastal town in southern England
- hyuga - a town in Japan
- Hywel - a first name
- iaido - a Japanese style of fencing
- Iakob - a first name
- Iakov - a first name
- iambe - a first name; the daughter of Pan and Echo, goddess of rhyme and merriment
- iambi - plural of "iamb", a metrical foot in poetry
- iambs - plural of "iamb", a metrical foot in poetry
- Ianna - a first name
- Ianis - a first name
- Ianke - a first name
- Ianos - a first name
- ianus - a first name; a variant of "Janus", god of beginnings, doors and gateways
- Iason - a first name
- iasus - a first name; jasus, a genus of spiny lobsters
- ibads - plural of "Ibad", an Arabic people
- Ibbie - a first name
- ibera - a lake in South America
- iberi - the Celtic inhabitants of Britain
- ibiza - a resort island off the coast of Spain
- iblis - Eblis
- Ibrah - a first name
- Ibram - a first name
- ibrik - a water pot used in a Turkish bath
- Ibsaa - a first name
- icaco - the coco plum
- icana - a river in Brazil
- icasm - any figurative expression
- Iccho - a first name
- iceni - an ancient British ethnic group
- icers - plural of "icer", an instrument for applying icing
- iched - eked
- iches - ekes
- ichor - in Greek mythology, a god's blood; watery material that oozes from wounds
- ichou - a Han commanderie in southwest China
- ichun - a town in China
- icica - a tropical American timber tree
- icier - more icy
- icily - coldly
- icing - a creamy sugary coating used on cakes and doughnuts
- icker - an ear of corn
- ickle - an icicle
- icons - plural of "icon", a religious picture
- ictal - caused by an ictus; with rhythm
- ictic - abrupt; forceful; relating to the recurring stress or beat in a rhythmic sound
- ictus - a stroke; an accentuation; a beat of the heart
- idaho - a state of the USA
- Idaia - a first name
- idant - in biology, a hypothetical unit of germ plasm regarded as an aggregation of ids
- Idaya - a first name
- iddat - a period of several months during which a Muslim widow cannot remarry
- ideal - utopian; fanciful; a subset of a ring comprising all linear combinations of one or more generators
- idean - of Mount Ida on Crete
- ideas - plural of "idea", a mental image
- ideat - a variant of "ideate"
- idees - plural of "idee", an idea
- Idell - a first name
- idgah - a place set apart for public prayers on the two chief Muslim feasts
- idgoh - a town in Afghanistan
- idhna - a Palestinian town
- Idina - a first name
- idiom - argot; a specialized language
- idiot - a nitwit
- idism - the use or promotion of the artificial language Ido
- idist - an Ido linguist
- idite - a speaker or promoter of the articial language Ido
- idled - did nothing
- idler - one who does nothing
- idles - does nothing
- idlis - plural of "idli", a thick flat bread made from rice and lentils
- idola - plural of "idolum", an image without substance, a fantasy
- idols - plural of "idol", an object of worship
- idoma - a language
- idose - a sugar
- idrin - Rastafarian brethren
- idris - a first name; a mythical Welsh giant
- Idriz - a first name
- Idrys - a first name
- iduna - a first name; in Norse mythology, possessor of apples of immortality
- idunn - a first name; in Norse mythology, possessor of apples of immortality
- Idwal - a first name
- idyll - a pastoral poem
- idyls - plural of "idyl", a poem depicting pastoral tranquillity
- ieper - the Flemish name for Ypres, a town in Belgium
- Ierne - a first name
- ieroe - a great-grandchild
- Iesha - a first name
- Ieuan - a first name
- ifads - an old expression of astonishment
- ifegs - an old expression of astonishment
- ifere - together
- iffen - if
- Ifrah - a first name
- Ifraz - a first name
- ifrit - afreet
- Iftah - a first name
- iftar - the sundown meal that ends the Ramadan fast
- Ifzal - a first name
- igala - a Yoruba-speaking people
- igalo - a town in Montenegro
- igapo - gapo; the part of the Brazilian jungle that is underwater for part of the year
- igara - a Yoruba-speaking people
- igdyr - a nomadic Turkoman people
- Iggie - a first name
- iggle - to talk another into doing one a favor
- igigi - a group of heavenly spirits under Anu in Babylonian theology
- igloo - an Eskimo snow house
- iglus - plural of "iglu", an igloo
- Ignac - a first name
- Ignaz - a first name
- Ignes - a first name
- ignis - Latin for "fire", as in "ignus fatuus", fool's light
- ihlat - a nomadic Sunnite people of Persia
- ihram - a robe worn by Muslim pilgrims
- Ihsan - a first name
- ihsun - a town in Sinkiang
- iiwis - plural of "iiwi", a Hawaiian bird
- ijara - a town in Kenya; a Muslim custom of protection of guests
- ikary - caviar
- ikats - plural of "ikat", a fabric of tie-dyed yarns
- Ikbal - a first name
- ikeda - a town in Japan
- Ikemi - a first name
- Ikkei - a first name
- Iklas - a first name
- ikoma - a town in Japan
- ikons - plural of "ikon", an icon
- Ikram - a first name
- Ikuko - a first name
- Ilana - a first name
- Ilani - a first name
- Ilann - a first name
- ilava - a Hindu caste of cultivators
- ilave - a town in Peru
- Ildar - a first name
- ileac - colicky; of or pertaining to the ileum
- ileal - of the ileum
- Ilean - a first name
- ilebo - another name for Port-Francqui
- Ileen - a first name
- Ilena - a first name
- Ilene - a first name
- ileon - ileum
- Ilese - a first name
- ileum - the lowest of the three portions of the small intestine
- ileus - severe colic due to intestinal obstruction
- Ilgar - a first name
- Ilham - a first name
- Ilhan - a first name
- iliac - pertaining to the ilium
- iliad - an epic poem about the fall of Troy
- ilial - iliac
- ilian - of or relating to Troy
- Ilias - a first name
- iliau - a destructive disease of young sugarcane
- Ilich - a first name
- Ilida - a first name
- Ilija - a first name
- ilima - a first name; a small shrub bearing yellow or orange flowers
- ilimp - to happen or befall
- Ilina - a first name
- Iline - a first name
- ilion - ancient Troy
- ilipa - a town in Spain
- Ilisa - a first name
- Ilise - a first name
- Ilita - a first name
- ilium - a bone of the pelvis; the haunch bone; the ancient city of Troy
- Ilker - a first name
- Ilkka - a first name
- ilkon - variant of "ilkoon", each one or every one
- Illan - a first name
- iller - more ill
- Illia - a first name
- illin - crazy
- illon - a town in South Korea
- illth - poverty
- illuk - cogon
- Illya - a first name
- ilmen - a European lake
- iloko - ilocano
- Ilona - a first name
- Ilone - a first name
- Ilsey - a first name
- Ilyas - a first name
- Ilyaz - a first name
- Ilyna - a first name
- Ilysa - a first name
- Ilyse - a first name
- image - a picture; a representation
- imago - the final or "perfect" state of a metamorphic insect; an internal psychological image of an important person
- imama - a female Islamic religious instructor
- imams - plural of "imam", an Islamic priest
- Imani - a first name
- imans - plural of "iman", variant of "imam", an Islamic priest
- Imany - a first name
- imari - a Japanese harbor city, and a kind of porcelain made there
- imaum - variant of "imam", an Islamic priest
- imban - to put under a ban
- imbar - to exclude
- imbat - a cooling etesian wind in the Levant
- imbay - to embay
- imbed - to place into
- imber - the great northern diver
- imbow - to arch
- imbox - to enclose in a box
- imbue - to dye; to permeate
- Imena - a first name
- imide - a chemical compound
- imido - containing an imide
- imids - plural of "imid", an imide
- imine - a chemical compound
- imino - containing an imine
- imins - plural of "imin", a kind of chemical compound
- imjin - a river on the border between North and South Korea
- immew - to confine
- immie - agate; imitation marble
- immis - changeable
- immit - to inject
- immix - to mingle
- imola - a first name; a town in central Italy
- impar - unpaired
- imped - grafted feathers onto a bird's wing
- impel - to force; to drive
- impen - to write
- impex - from "import/export", a business involved in international trade
- impis - plural of "impi", a Zulu regiment
- imply - to suggest; to logically entail
- impot - a written task imposed as a punishment
- impro - improvisational comedy
- imput - input; charge
- Imran - a first name
- imroz - a Turkish island
- imshi - an expression meaning "Go away!"
- imshy - an expression meaning "Go away!"
- Inaam - a first name
- inage - to make old
- inagh - a town in Ireland
- inaja - the Brazilian palm
- Inaki - a first name
- inane - fatuous; empty headed
- inapt - unfit; clumsy
- inare - a lake in Finland
- inari - a town, and lake in Finland
- inarm - to encircle in the arms; to hug
- Inbal - a first name
- Inbar - a first name
- inbow - a bend
- inbox - a box or basket into which messages or assignments are delivered
- inbye - inward
- incan - of the Incas
- incap - an incapacitating agent
- incas - plural of "Inca", a South American Indian
- incle - a variant of "inkle"
- incog - incognito
- incur - to contract; to become liable for
- incus - the anvil bone of the inner ear; a thundercloud shaped like an anvil
- incut - inset
- indan - a chemical
- Indar - a first name
- indel - in gene sequencing, an insertion or deletion
- inder - a first name; a European lake
- indew - endue
- index - a pointer; a list; an indicator
- Indhu - a first name
- india - a first name; an Asian country
- indic - of India; a branch of the Indo-European language family
- indie - a first name; an independent person or business
- indig - an indigenous person
- indin - a dark red crystalline substance
- indio - a first name; a town in California
- indoc - an indoctrination or training course
- indol - indole, a chemical compound
- indow - to endow
- indra - a first name; the Hindu god of rain
- indre - a department of France
- indri - a large silky short-tailed lemur of Madagascar
- indue - to endue; to invest
- indus - a river flowing through Tibet, Kashmir and Pakistan; the constellation of the Indian
- Indya - a first name
- indyl - indolyl
- Ineke - a first name
- Inela - a first name
- Inell - a first name
- inept - not apt; futile; pointless
- ineri - igneri
- inerm - without prickles; unarmed
- inert - unmoving; inactive
- ineye - to graft a bud onto a tree
- infer - to deduce
- infil - a shortened form of "infiltration"
- infit - refers to a statistical fit to data that tries to ignore outlying data
- infix - to implant; referring to formulas in which operators are between their arguments
- infos - plural of "info", an item of information
- infra - below
- ingan - an onion
- Ingar - a first name
- ingas - plural of "inga", a family of trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves
- Inger - a first name
- ingle - a first name; a fireside
- ingot - a mass of metal; a metallic brick
- ingra - a first name; a town in Finland
- iniac - relating to the inion, the bump at the back of the skull
- inial - relating to the inion, the bump at the back of the skull
- inias - plural of "inia", a phrenological bump
- Iniga - a first name
- inigo - a first name; as in, "My name is Inigo Montoya."
- Iniki - a first name
- Iniko - a first name
- ining - a town in China
- inini - a former part of French Guiana, now separate
- inion - the bump at the back of the skull
- injun - slang for "Indian"
- inked - added ink to; wrote; signed
- Inken - a first name
- inker - a recording device; one who inks
- inkie - an incandescent lamp
- inkle - a broad linen tape; a ploy in euchre
- inkos - a Zulu chief
- inkra - ga
- inlaw - a relative by marriage
- inlay - to tesselate
- inlet - a bay; an aperture
- inman - a town in Kansas
- inmew - to enclose
- inned - past tense of "in"
- inner - interior
- Innes - a first name
- innet - a town in Burma
- innie - a belly button that is recessed
- Innis - a first name
- innit - slang for "isn't it"
- inode - a UNIX file system structure
- inola - a town in Oklahoma
- inoma - a town in the Philippines
- inorb - to enclose in or surround with an orb
- input - things that enter; data given to a computer program
- inros - plural of "inro", a Japanese ornamental box for medicine, perfume and so on
- inrun - a running in; a skiing trestle
- insar - a town in Lebanon
- insch - a town in Scotland
- inset - to implant; to place within
- insty - instantaneous
- insue - a variant of "ensue"
- intel - intelligence, often military
- inter - to bury
- intil - into; unto
- intra - Latin for "inner" or "internal"
- intro - an introduction
- intue - to intuit
- inubo - an Asian cape
- inuit - an Eskimo tribe
- inula - an herb, the elecampane plant
- inund - to inundate
- inure - to harden
- inurn - to place in an urn
- inust - burnt in
- inuus - a Barbary ape; a deity in early Roman religion
- invar - a nickel steel alloy
- invex - concave
- inwit - intuition; conscience; the agenbiter
- Ioana - a first name
- Ioann - a first name
- iodal - containing iodine
- iodic - containing iodine
- iodid - iodide
- iodin - iodine
- iodol - a brownish crystalline compound of iodine
- Iolee - a first name
- Iolia - a first name
- Ionel - a first name
- Ioney - a first name
- ionia - a first name; an ancient region along the west coast of Asia Minor
- ionic - from Ionia; having an electronic charge
- Ionie - a first name
- Ionut - a first name
- Iorav - a first name
- Ioseb - a first name
- Iosep - a first name
- Iosif - a first name
- Iosua - a first name
- iotas - plural of "iota", a Greek letter; a small amount
- Iouri - a first name
- iowan - a native or resident of Iowa
- iowas - a tribe of Indians
- ioway - a Siouan people; a humorous reference to the state of Iowa
- iphis - a first name; in mythology, a woman raised as a boy and later transformed by the gods into a man
- iphys - a first name; in mythology, a woman raised as a boy and later transformed by the gods into a man
- Ippei - a first name
- ippon - a full-point score in judo
- ippor - a point awarded for a perfect move in judo or karate
- ipses - a thingamajig; a whatsit
- ipsus - an ancient village in Phrygia, Asia Minor, site of a battle between Alexander's successors
- Iqbal - a first name
- iqdir - a town in Turkey
- irabu - one of the Ryukyu islands
- irade - a Turkish written decree
- Iradj - a first name
- iraki - a native of Iraq
- Irana - a first name
- irani - a native of Iran
- irapa - a town in Venezuela
- iraqi - a native of Iraq
- iraqw - a language
- irate - angry
- irati - a town in Brazil
- iraya - a pagan people of northern Mindanao
- irazu - a volcano and river in Costa Rica
- Irban - a first name
- irbid - a town in Jordan
- irbil - the modern name for Arbela, in Iraq
- Ireen - a first name
- ireli - a town in Mali
- Irena - a first name
- irene - a first name; the Roman goddess of peace
- ireos - the Florentine iris
- Ireya - a first name
- Irfan - a first name
- irfon - a first name; a British river
- irgun - a Jewish underground army in colonial Palestine
- irian - relating to the iris
- iriba - a town in Chad
- irids - plural of "irid", a plant of the iris family; the iris of the eye
- Irien - a first name
- Irina - a first name
- iring - angering
- Irini - a first name
- irion - a bay in Australia
- iriri - a river in Brazil
- Irisa - a first name
- irish - a native of Ireland
- Irita - a first name
- irite - an iridium compound
- irked - annoyed
- Irkha - a first name
- Irmay - a first name
- irmus - a rhetorical device of using a long sentence with a dramatic end
- iroha - the Japanese kana in its popular ordering
- iroko - a very large timber tree of tropical Africa
- iroma - a Japanese syllabary, or Kana, in the popular order: "I", "Ro" and "Ma" are the first three syllables.
- Irona - a first name
- irone - an aromatic oil obtained from the orrisroot
- irons - presses; plural of "iron", a metal golf club
- irony - mockery; a reversal of status, expectation, or meaning; language whose intent belies its formal meaning; consisting of iron
- irous - irascible; easily angered
- irpen - a town in Ukraine
- irpes - plural of "irpe", a fantastic grimace or contortion
- irpex - a genus of tooth fungi
- Irven - a first name
- Irvin - a first name
- Irwin - a first name
- Irwyn - a first name
- Iryna - a first name
- Isaac - a first name
- Isaak - a first name
- isaba - a town in Spain
- isabu - a town in Japan
- Isack - a first name
- Isaia - a first name
- Isaid - a first name
- Isaih - a first name
- Isais - a first name
- Isamu - a first name
- isana - a river in Colombia
- Isatu - a first name
- isawa - members of a Muslim religious brotherhood
- isbas - plural of "isba", a Russian log hut
- Isbel - a first name
- iscas - plural of "isca", an excrescence on oak or hazel
- Isela - a first name
- isere - a river in France
- iseum - a temple to Isis
- Iseut - a first name
- Ishak - a first name
- Isham - a first name
- ishan - a first name; a language
- Ishaq - a first name
- ishes - plural of "ish", a liberty of going out
- ishim - an Asian river; a town in Russia
- isiac - a first name; referring to the Egyptian goddess Isis
- Isiah - a first name
- Isild - a first name
- isiro - another name for Paulis
- iskar - a river in Bulgaria
- isker - a river in Bulgaria
- iskra - a town in Bulgaria
- iskur - a lake in Bulgaria
- islam - a first name; a religious faith based on the Koran
- islay - a first name; one of the Hebrides islands
- isled - made of islands
- isles - plural of "isle", an island
- islet - a small island
- islip - a town near Oxford, England; a town on Long Island
- islot - an islet
- Islow - a first name
- Ismal - a first name
- Isman - a first name
- Ismar - a first name
- Ismet - a first name
- isnad - the chain of authority attesting the authenticity of a particular haddith
- isoka - a first name; a town in Zambia
- isoko - a language
- Isold - a first name
- Isolt - a first name
- isote - a yucca plant
- ispra - a town in Italy
- Israa - a first name
- Issac - a first name
- Issai - a first name
- Issam - a first name
- Issat - a first name
- Issca - a first name
- issei - a Japanese immigrant to the United States
- Issel - a first name
- Isser - a first name
- Issey - a first name
- Issia - a first name
- Issie - a first name
- issos - a variant of "Issus"
- issue - to come forth; a matter in dispute; one appearance of a periodical
- Issur - a first name
- issus - an ancient town in southeast Asia Minor, where Alexander defeated Darius
- Istar - a first name
- ister - a name for the Danube river; a river god of Scythia
- istle - an aloe fiber used in making bagging and carpets
- istra - a town in Russia; the Istrian peninsula
- isuan - referring to Isua, in western Greenland, where some of the oldest known rocks are found
- iswas - a rough and ready calculating device
- itala - an early Latin version of the Scriptures
- Italo - a first name
- itals - plural of "ital", an italic letter
- Italy - a European country
- itami - a town in Japan
- itape - a town in Paraguay
- itapi - a river in Brazil
- itata - a river in Chile
- itati - a lake in South America; a town in Argentina
- Itche - a first name
- itchy - scratchy
- items - plural of "item", a unit, a thing
- itemy - full of items; itemized
- iters - plural of "iter", a brain passageway
- Ithel - a first name
- ithen - a British river
- ither - other
- ithun - a Norse goddess, wife of Bragi, who guarded the apples of youth
- itmos - plural of "itmo", a betel nut
- Ittai - a first name
- ituri - a highlands area of the Congo
- Itzak - a first name
- itzas - plural of "itza", a division of the Yucatec people of Peten, Guatemala
- Itzik - a first name
- Iulia - a first name
- iulid - a type of millipede
- iulus - a julus; a catkin; an ament
- Iurie - a first name
- ivads - an old expression of astonishment
- Ivana - a first name
- Ivane - a first name
- Ivann - a first name
- Ivano - a first name
- Iveta - a first name
- Ivete - a first name
- Iveth - a first name
- Ivett - a first name
- Ivica - a first name
- ivied - covered in ivy
- ivies - plural of "ivy", an ornamental vine
- ivins - plural of "ivin", ivy
- iviza - one of the Balearic Islands
- Ivona - a first name
- Ivone - a first name
- Ivori - a first name
- ivory - a first name; the material of elephant tusks
- ivrea - a town in Italy, with an annual orange-throwing festival
- Ivree - a first name
- Ivria - a first name
- ivrit - a modernized form of Hebrew
- ivver - a variant of "ever"
- ivyed - ivied
- iwaka - a river in Irian Jaya
- iwaki - a town in Japan
- iwans - plural of "iwan", a large audience chamber in Parthian architecture
- iwata - a town in Japan
- iwate - a prefecture of Japan
- Iwona - a first name
- Ixaka - a first name
- ixias - plural of "ixia", a South African flowering plant
- ixion - the king of the Lapithae, bound to a wheel for loving Hera
- ixnay - Pig Latin for "nix", no
- ixora - a genus of tropical shrubs
- ixtil - variant of "ixtle", an aloe fiber used in making bagging and carpets
- ixtle - an aloe fiber used in making bagging and carpets
- ixtli - variant of "ixtle", an aloe fiber used in making bagging and carpets
- Iyabo - a first name
- iyala - a language
- Iyapo - a first name
- Iyari - a first name
- Iyman - a first name
- Iyoka - a first name
- iyyar - a Hebrew month
- Izaac - a first name
- Izaak - a first name
- izard - the ibex or chamois of the Pyrenees
- izars - plural of "izar", an outer garment worn by Muslim women
- izbas - plural of "izba", a Russian log cabin
- Izbul - a first name
- izedi - a Mesopotomanian sect accused of worshipping the devil
- Izeke - a first name
- Izhar - a first name
- izhma - a river of the USSR
- izieu - a village in France
- izium - a town in Ukraine
- izles - plural of "izle", a spark rising from a fire or chimney, or its soot
- izmir - the Turkish name of Smyrna
- izmit - a Turkish resort on the Black Sea
- iznik - a town in Turkey
- izola - a first name; a town in Slovenia
- Izora - a first name
- izote - a Mexican yucca plant
- Izsak - a first name
- iztle - an aloe fiber
- iztli - a form of obsidian; an Aztec god
- Iztok - a first name
- izumi - a town in Japan
- izumo - a town in Japan
- izyum - a town in Ukraine
- Izzak - a first name
- izzat - a first name; honor; glory; respect
- Izzet - a first name
- Izzie - a first name
- Jaali - a first name
- jabem - a Papuan people
- Jaber - a first name
- Jabes - a first name
- jabez - a first name; to play an underhanded trick
- jabia - a unit of area in Libya of about 1225 square meters
- jabim - yabim
- Jabin - a first name
- Jabir - a first name
- jabot - a lace frill
- jacal - a crude thatched hut with walls made of poles, covered in mud
- Jacan - a first name
- jacas - plural of "jaca", bread fruit, jackfruit
- Jacee - a first name
- Jacek - a first name
- Jacel - a first name
- Jacen - a first name
- Jacey - a first name
- Jacia - a first name
- Jacie - a first name
- Jacki - a first name
- jacko - a first name; jocko; a gorilla-like creature discovered in the late nineteenth century
- jacks - a first name (at least if you watch "Feeling Minnesota!"); the bathroom; plural of "jack", a wooden wedge; a child's toy
- jacky - a first name; a sailor; gin
- jacob - a first name; a town in the Congo
- jacot - a first name; a jacot tool, a small hand lathe for watch pivots
- Jacsi - a first name
- jacua - jagua
- jacus - plural of "jacu", a South American guan
- Jadah - a first name
- Jadan - a first name
- jadar - a river in Bosnia
- Jadda - a first name
- Jadea - a first name
- jaded - sated
- Jadee - a first name
- Jadel - a first name
- Jaden - a first name
- Jader - a first name
- jades - wearies; plural of "jade", a semiprecious gemstone
- Jadey - a first name
- Jadie - a first name
- Jadin - a first name
- Jadon - a first name
- jadoo - a first name; an artificial silk
- Jadyn - a first name
- Jaeda - a first name
- Jaela - a first name
- Jaeli - a first name
- Jafar - a first name
- jaffa - a first name; a city in Israel; an orange
- Jafit - a first name
- Jafra - a first name
- jagat - in Hinduism, animate beings
- jager - the great skua; a high quality diamond; a German or Austrian rifleman
- Jaggi - a first name
- jaggs - cuts unevenly
- jaggy - uneven
- jagin - an Asian cape
- jagir - in India, a grant of the public revenues to an administrator
- jagla - the serow, an Asiatic goat
- jagra - a coarse dark sugar
- jagua - inaja; genipap; yagua
- jague - a first name; a ditch
- Jagur - a first name
- Jahan - a first name
- jahaz - a biblical place
- Jahel - a first name
- Jahja - a first name
- Jahla - a first name
- Jahna - a first name
- Jahon - a first name
- Jahre - a first name
- jahve - Jehovah
- Jaicy - a first name
- Jaida - a first name
- Jaide - a first name
- jails - plural of "jail", a prison
- Jaima - a first name
- Jaime - a first name
- Jaimi - a first name
- Jaimy - a first name
- jaina - a believer in Jainism
- Jaine - a first name
- jains - plural of "Jain", a member of an Indian sect
- Jainy - a first name
- Jaira - a first name
- Jairo - a first name
- Jairy - a first name
- Jaiya - a first name
- jajce - a town in Bosnia
- Jakab - a first name
- Jakea - a first name
- jaked - broken
- jakes - an outhouse; plural of "jake", a year-old male turkey
- jakey - a first name; old fashioned
- Jakia - a first name
- jakie - a first name; a South American striped frog
- Jakir - a first name
- Jakiv - a first name
- Jakki - a first name
- Jakob - a first name
- jakos - plural of "jako", an African gray
- Jakov - a first name
- Jakub - a first name
- jakun - an aboriginal people of the southern Malay peninsula
- Jakup - a first name
- Jalal - a first name
- jalap - a cathartic root
- jalee - jalee work, marble carved to look like latticework
- Jaleh - a first name
- Jalen - a first name
- jaleo - a lively Spanish solo dance, accompanied by castanets
- Jalil - a first name
- Jalin - a first name
- Jalna - a first name
- jalop - jalap, a cathartic root; a jalopy
- jalor - an east Indian rowing or sailing ship
- Jamaa - a first name
- jamah - a long sleeved cotton coat of knee length worn in Pakistan
- Jamal - a first name
- jaman - a first name; the Java plum
- Jamar - a first name
- jamas - pajamas; plural of "jama", a long-sleeved knee length cotton coat
- Jamay - a first name
- jamba - acle
- jambe - a piece of leg armor
- jambi - a province in southeast Sumatra
- jambo - the rose apple; Swahili for "hello"
- jambs - forces together tightly; plural of "jamb", the vertical side of an opening
- jambu - an East Indian rose-apple tree
- Jamea - a first name
- Jamee - a first name
- Jamel - a first name
- james - a first name; a flunkey
- Jamey - a first name
- Jamia - a first name
- Jamie - a first name
- Jamil - a first name
- Jamin - a first name
- Jamis - a first name
- jamit - to play music together informally
- jammu - an Indian state
- jammy - a first name; sticky with jam; a pajama; lucky
- Jamod - a first name
- Jamon - a first name
- jamsa - a town in Finland
- jamui - a town in India
- Jamya - a first name
- Jamye - a first name
- Jamyi - a first name
- Janaa - a first name
- janab - a Persian title of rank
- janad - a town in Yemen
- Janae - a first name
- Janah - a first name
- Janai - a first name
- Janak - a first name
- Janan - a first name
- Janar - a first name
- Janas - a first name
- Janat - a first name
- Janau - a first name
- Janav - a first name
- Janay - a first name
- Janaz - a first name
- Janco - a first name
- janda - a pole that is kissed during Persian New Year's ceremonies
- Jando - a first name
- Jandy - a first name
- Janea - a first name
- Janee - a first name
- Janei - a first name
- Janek - a first name
- Janel - a first name
- janes - plural of "jane", a girl or woman; twilled cloth
- Janet - a first name
- Janey - a first name
- Janez - a first name
- janfu - Joint Army Navy Foul Up, so to speak
- Jania - a first name
- Janie - a first name
- Janis - a first name
- Janit - a first name
- Janka - a first name
- Janko - a first name
- janks - changes altitude and direction to avoid anti-aircraft fire
- janky - unlucky; nervous; uncool; weird; bad
- Janna - a first name
- Janne - a first name
- janns - plural of "jann", a variant of "jinn", a genie
- janny - a first name; a school janitor
- Janos - a first name
- Janot - a first name
- Janou - a first name
- janow - a town in Poland
- Janse - a first name
- Jante - a first name
- jants - plural of "jant", a jaunt
- jantu - an Indian water-raising device using a lever
- janty - a first name; jaunty; showy
- janua - a door or gate
- janus - a first name; the two-faced Roman god honored by "January"
- Janvi - a first name
- Jaoke - a first name
- japan - an Asian country; a varnish
- japed - mocked
- japen - an island near New Guinea
- japer - mocker
- japes - mocks
- japie - a first name; an Afrikaner
- jappy - Japanese
- japvo - a mountain in Assam, India
- japyx - the type genus of the family Japagidae
- Jaqui - a first name
- Jarad - a first name
- Jarah - a first name
- jarai - a language
- Jarda - a first name
- jarde - a callous tumor on a horse's leg, below the hock
- jards - a callous tumor on a horse's leg, below the hock
- Jareb - a first name
- Jared - a first name
- Jarek - a first name
- Jarel - a first name
- Jaren - a first name
- Jaret - a first name
- Jaria - a first name
- Jarib - a first name
- Jaric - a first name
- Jarid - a first name
- Jaris - a first name
- Jarko - a first name
- jarks - plural of "jark", a seal
- jarls - plural of "jarl", a Scandinavian nobleman
- jarmo - a neolithic village site in northeast Iraq
- Jarno - a first name
- Jarod - a first name
- Jaron - a first name
- jarra - an Australian eucalyptus
- jarta - a term of endearment
- jarul - the Indian bloodwood
- jarvy - the driver of a hackney coach
- Jaryd - a first name
- Jasai - a first name
- Jasan - a first name
- jasbo - elements of low or vulgar comedy introduced into a play
- Jasek - a first name
- Jasen - a first name
- jasey - a worsted wig made of Jersey yarn
- Jasha - a first name
- Jasia - a first name
- Jasim - a first name
- Jasin - a first name
- Jasma - a first name
- Jasme - a first name
- jasms - plural of "jasm", an enthusiasm for accomplishment
- Jasna - a first name
- Jason - a first name
- jaspe - veined and spotted like jasper; a cotton cloth shaded like jasper
- jasps - plural of "jasp", jasper
- jassy - a city in northeast Romania
- Jasun - a first name
- jasus - a genus of spiny lobsters
- jatai - a town in Brazil
- jatha - an armed band of Sikhs
- Jatin - a first name
- jatki - a dialect of Lahnda
- jatni - a female Jat
- jatos - plural of "JATO", a jet assisted take-off
- Jauan - a first name
- jauja - a town in Peru
- jauks - dawdles, dallies, trifles
- Jaume - a first name
- jaune - heraldic yellow
- jauns - plural of "jaun", a Calcutta palanquin
- jaunt - a trip
- jaups - splashes
- Javad - a first name
- javan - a first name; of Java
- Javar - a first name
- javas - a first name; plural of "java", a coffee
- Javed - a first name
- javel - a worthless fellow; a vagrant; to bemire
- Javen - a first name
- javer - to jabber
- Javid - a first name
- Javin - a first name
- Javon - a first name
- Javos - a first name
- jawab - a building erected to balance another, such as the false mosque of the Taj Mahal
- jawan - a first name; a soldier of India
- jawed - a first name; talked a lot; having jaws
- jawer - one who talks a lot
- jawns - plural of "jawn", variant of "yawn"
- Jawon - a first name
- jawps - plural of "jawp", a splash of water or a stain
- jaxey - the rump
- jaxie - the rump
- Jaxin - a first name
- Jaxon - a first name
- Jayce - a first name
- Jayci - a first name
- Jaycy - a first name
- Jayda - a first name
- Jayde - a first name
- Jaydi - a first name
- Jaydn - a first name
- Jaydy - a first name
- jayet - jet
- Jayke - a first name
- Jayla - a first name
- Jayma - a first name
- Jayme - a first name
- Jaymi - a first name
- Jayms - a first name
- Jayna - a first name
- Jayne - a first name
- Jayni - a first name
- Jayol - a first name
- Jazan - a first name
- jazel - a gem of an azure color
- jazer - a biblical place
- Jazze - a first name
- Jazzi - a first name
- jazzy - lively; entertaining; free form
- jbail - a town in Lebanon
- Jeana - a first name
- Jeane - a first name
- Jeani - a first name
- jeans - denim trousers
- Jeany - a first name
- jears - plural of "jear", a gear or tackle
- jeats - plural of "jeat", variant of "jet"
- Jeays - a first name
- jebby - a first name; a Jesuit
- jebel - a mountain; a town in Sudan
- jebus - a biblical place
- Jecho - a first name
- Jecis - a first name
- jedda - a first name; Jidda
- Jeddy - a first name
- jedge - a gauge; a dean's warrant
- Jeeda - a first name
- jeels - plural of "jeel", a jelly; a morass; a shallow lake
- jeely - jelly
- Jeena - a first name
- Jeeny - a first name
- jeeps - plural of "jeep", a military vehicle
- jeera - black cumin
- jeers - boos
- jeery - jeering
- jeese - an exclamation
- jeeza - a town in Afghanistan
- jeeze - an exclamation
- jefes - plural of "jefe", a chief
- Jeffe - a first name
- jeffs - plural of "jeff", a circus rope
- Jeffy - a first name
- Jefre - a first name
- Jefri - a first name
- Jefry - a first name
- Jegar - a first name
- jehad - variant of "jihad", an Islamic holy war
- Jehan - a first name
- Jehmu - a first name
- Jehna - a first name
- jehol - a former province of China
- Jehri - a first name
- Jehry - a first name
- jehus - plural of "jehu", a fast driver; a coachman
- Jeisa - a first name
- jelab - a North African hooded jacket
- jeldi - haste, in a military sense
- Jelka - a first name
- Jelle - a first name
- jello - a gelatin dessert
- jells - congeals
- jelly - gelatin
- Jelmo - a first name
- Jelon - a first name
- jelsa - a Croatian town on the island of Hvar in the Adriatic
- Jemal - a first name
- Jemar - a first name
- Jemel - a first name
- Jemes - a first name
- jemez - an Indian group of New Mexico
- Jemie - a first name
- Jemma - a first name
- jemmy - a first name; a gemmy; a jimmy; a spruce; a lever
- Jemon - a first name
- Jenae - a first name
- Jenah - a first name
- Jenai - a first name
- Jenal - a first name
- Jenan - a first name
- Jenay - a first name
- Jenda - a first name
- Jendi - a first name
- Jendy - a first name
- Jenee - a first name
- Jenel - a first name
- Jenet - a first name
- Jeney - a first name
- Jenia - a first name
- Jenie - a first name
- Jenik - a first name
- jenin - a town in the West Bank
- Jenis - a first name
- Jenji - a first name
- Jenka - a first name
- Jenna - a first name
- jenne - a first name; a town in West Africa
- Jenni - a first name
- Jenno - a first name
- jenny - a first name; spinning machine; a billiard shot
- Jensy - a first name
- Jenya - a first name
- Jeorg - a first name
- Jeppe - a first name
- Jerad - a first name
- Jerae - a first name
- Jerah - a first name
- Jerai - a first name
- jerba - Djerba, an island in the southeast of Tunisia
- Jered - a first name
- Jeree - a first name
- Jerel - a first name
- jeres - a city in Spain, source of sherry
- Jeret - a first name
- jerez - a city in Spain, source of sherry
- jerib - an Afghan unit of measurement
- Jeric - a first name
- jerid - a first name; a blunt Turkish javelin used in war games
- Jerie - a first name
- Jerik - a first name
- Jeril - a first name
- Jerin - a first name
- Jeris - a first name
- Jerko - a first name
- jerks - plural of "jerk", a sharp sudden motion; an obnoxious person
- jerky - dried meat; like a jerk; spastic; used in the phrase "herky jerky" to mean by fits and starts
- jerma - a town in Libya
- Jerme - a first name
- Jerod - a first name
- Jerom - a first name
- Jeron - a first name
- Jerre - a first name
- Jerri - a first name
- jerry - a first name; a German
- jerts - jerks
- jerve - a waistcoat pocket
- Jeryl - a first name
- Jerzy - a first name
- Jesca - a first name
- Jesco - a first name
- Jesec - a first name
- Jesee - a first name
- Jesey - a first name
- Jeska - a first name
- Jessa - a first name
- jesse - a first name; a candlestick; a stained glass window; a leather leg strap for a hawk
- Jessi - a first name
- Jessy - a first name
- jests - jokes
- jesty - like a jest; full of jests
- jesus - a first name; a size of paper in France; an interjection
- jetes - plural of "jete", a sharp ballet leap
- jeths - plural of "jeth", a Hindu month
- Jetje - a first name
- jeton - a small metal counter used in games
- Jetro - a first name
- Jetta - a first name
- jette - a first name; a town in Belgium
- jetto - jetteau
- jetty - a first name; a pier
- Jeuel - a first name
- jeune - young
- Jevan - a first name
- jever - a town in Germany
- Jevin - a first name
- Jevon - a first name
- Jewad - a first name
- jewed - an offensive term
- jewel - a first name; gem
- jewey - an offensive term
- Jewlz - a first name
- jewry - the Jewish community
- Jeyes - a first name
- jezia - a poll tax levied on non-Muslims
- Jezza - a first name
- jhala - an Indian instrumental music style
- Jhamu - a first name
- Jhane - a first name
- jhang - a town in Pakistan
- jheel - an Indian marsh or pool left after a flood
- jheri - a first name; a loose curl used in hairstyling
- jhils - plural of "jhil", an Indian marsh
- Jhona - a first name
- jhool - trappings for a horse or elephant, used in India
- jhoom - jungle cultivation
- jhows - plural of "jhow", an Indian grass
- jiaju - a town in China
- Jiana - a first name
- jiaos - plural of "jiao", a unit of Chinese currency. 10 jiaos = 1 yuan.
- Jiaya - a first name
- jibba - a long loose cloth outer garment
- jibbs - shifts from side to side while sailing
- Jibby - a first name
- jibed - taunted
- jiber - one who taunts
- jibes - taunts
- jibey - taunting
- jibis - plural of "jibi", an extinct small yellow green bird of Oahu
- jibla - a town in Yemen
- jiboa - a large South American boa
- jibsh - an Asian cape
- Jicky - a first name
- jidda - a Saudi Arabian seaport
- Jiddu - a first name
- jiech - a town in Sudan
- jiffs - plural of "jiff", an instant
- jiffy - a moment
- jigga - a colloquial term for an African insect that burrows into the foot
- jiggy - ghetto slang for "hip" [with]; lively, like a jig
- Jigni - a first name
- Jigme - a first name
- jigot - a gigot, or leg-of-mutton sleeve
- jigua - a South American tree
- jigue - jiqui, a Cuban timber tree
- jihad - an Islamic holy war
- Jihan - a first name
- Jijun - a first name
- Jilan - a first name
- jildi - haste, in a military sense
- jildy - haste, in a military sense
- jilib - a town in Somalia
- jilin - a language; a province of China
- Jille - a first name
- Jilli - a first name
- jills - plural of "jill", a unit of liquid volume; a flirt
- Jilly - a first name
- jilts - breaks an engagement
- Jimae - a first name
- Jimar - a first name
- Jimbo - a first name
- Jimel - a first name
- Jimly - a first name
- Jimmu - a first name
- jimmy - a first name; to break into
- Jimoh - a first name
- jimps - skimps
- jimpy - slender
- Jinae - a first name
- jinan - a first name; a town in China
- jinas - plural of "jina", a Jain who has conquered temporal existence through discipline
- Jincy - a first name
- Jinda - a first name
- Jindo - a first name
- Jinfu - a first name
- jingo - a militarist
- jingu - an important Shinto shrine
- jinhu - a Shinto shrine
- Jinia - a first name
- jinja - a Shinto shrine; a town in Uganda
- jinju - a town in Korea
- jinks - high-jinks; sharp turns; takes evasive aeronautical maneuvers
- jinky - uncool; weird; bad
- Jinna - a first name
- jinni - a first name; a supernatural being in Muslim mythology
- jinns - plural of "jinni", a supernatural being
- jinny - a first name; an engine used in mining; a speakeasy
- jinty - slender
- jinxy - like a jinx; unlucky
- jippo - a jupon; a waistcoat for women
- jique - a kind of dance
- jiqui - a Cuban timber tree
- jirds - plural of "jird", a North African gerbil
- jirga - a council of Afghan tribal leaders
- jirts - jerks
- Jiske - a first name
- jisms - plural of "jism", semen
- jissa - a village in the Congo
- Jitka - a first name
- jitro - a unit of land measurement in Czechoslovakia, of about 1.4 acres
- Jivan - a first name
- jivas - plural of "jiva", a Hindu term for vital life energy
- jived - played jazz or swing music
- jiver - one who jives
- jives - plays jazz or swing music
- jivey - a first name; jazzy, lively
- Jivin - a first name
- jixie - a two-seater taxi
- jiyeh - a town in Lebanon
- jizan - a town in Yemen; a town in Saudi Arabia
- jizou - an Asian cape
- jizya - a capitation levied on non-Muslims in a Muslim state
- jnana - a Hindu term for knowledge acquired through meditation
- jnani - a devotee of jnana-marga
- Joaby - a first name
- Joana - a first name
- Joane - a first name
- Joani - a first name
- Joann - a first name
- joans - plural of "joan", a country girl
- joany - old fashioned; out of date
- joaro - an Indian tribe of North Carolina
- joars - plural of "joar", durra
- Joary - a first name
- Joash - a first name
- Joayn - a first name
- jobby - a gadget, doohickey or thingmajig
- jobed - scolded or lectured
- Joben - a first name
- jobes - scolds or lectures
- Jobey - a first name
- Jobie - a first name
- jobos - plural of "jobo", an American tree resembling the ash; the gumbo-limbo
- Jobst - a first name
- Jobye - a first name
- Jocek - a first name
- jochs - plural of "joch", a col
- Jocia - a first name
- jocko - a first name; a chimpanzee or monkey
- jocks - plural of "jock", an athlete; a Scotsman; an athletic supporter
- jocum - a mastic bully
- jocus - plural of "jocu", a dogsnapper
- Jodan - a first name
- Jodee - a first name
- jodel - to yodel
- Jodey - a first name
- Jodhi - a first name
- Jodie - a first name
- Jodin - a first name
- Jodon - a first name
- jodos - plural of "jodo", pure land; a Japanese Buddhist sect
- Joedy - a first name
- Joela - a first name
- Joeli - a first name
- Joell - a first name
- Joely - a first name
- Joerg - a first name
- Joern - a first name
- joeys - plural of "joey", a baby kangaroo; a 4 penny piece
- Jofre - a first name
- Jofta - a first name
- jogee - heroin
- jogis - plural of "jogi", a yogi
- Johan - a first name
- Johna - a first name
- Johne - a first name
- Johni - a first name
- Johnl - a first name
- johns - plural of "john", a toilet; a client of a prostitute
- Johny - a first name
- johvi - a town in Estonia
- Joice - a first name
- joins - unites; becomes part of
- joint - to splice; a seam; a marijuana cigarette
- joist - a floor beam
- Jokan - a first name
- joked - jested
- jokee - one upon whom a joke is played
- joker - a jester; a playing card
- jokes - jests
- jokey - amusing; full of jokes
- Jokim - a first name
- Jokin - a first name
- Jokla - a first name
- jokol - a form of "yes" used in the Shetland Islands
- jokul - a type of Icelandic iceberg
- Jolan - a first name
- Jolea - a first name
- joled - jowled
- Jolee - a first name
- joles - plural of "jole", a jowl
- Joley - a first name
- Jolie - a first name
- jolif - jolly
- Jolin - a first name
- jollo - a spree; a party
- jolls - plural of "joll", variant of "jowl"
- jolly - a first name; cheerful
- jolof - wolof
- jolts - plural of "jolt", a shock
- jolty - marked by jolting motion
- Jolye - a first name
- Jolyn - a first name
- jomah - a first name
- Jomei - a first name
- jomon - the ancestors of the Ainu people
- jomos - plural of "jomo", a mojo bag
- Jonae - a first name
- jonah - a first name; a person who brings bad luck
- Jonai - a first name
- Jonam - a first name
- Jonan - a first name
- Jonas - a first name
- Jonay - a first name
- Jonci - a first name
- Jonda - a first name
- Jonee - a first name
- Jonel - a first name
- jones - a first name; a powerful craving; a drug addiction
- jongs - plural of "jong", a South African term for a young man
- Jonie - a first name
- Jonis - a first name
- Jonit - a first name
- Jonjo - a first name
- Jonna - a first name
- Jonni - a first name
- Jonno - a first name
- jonny - a first name; johnnycake
- Jonta - a first name
- Jonte - a first name
- jonty - a first name; jaunty
- jooal - a dialect of French used in Quebec and Maine
- jooks - jouks; juke joints
- joola - a Himalayan rope suspension bridge
- Jools - a first name
- Joost - a first name
- Jooty - a first name
- Jopie - a first name
- jopim - a South American bird
- joppa - the ancient name of Jaffa
- Jorah - a first name
- Jorai - a first name
- joram - a first name; a drinking bowl
- Joran - a first name
- Jordi - a first name
- Jordu - a first name
- Jordy - a first name
- Jorea - a first name
- joree - a first name; the chewink
- Jorel - a first name
- Jorey - a first name
- Jorge - a first name
- Jorie - a first name
- Jorik - a first name
- Jorim - a first name
- Jorin - a first name
- Joris - a first name
- Jorja - a first name
- Jorma - a first name
- Jorry - a first name
- jorum - a drinking bowl
- Jorun - a first name
- josan - an Asian woman
- Josee - a first name
- Josef - a first name
- Josep - a first name
- Joses - a first name
- Joset - a first name
- Josey - a first name
- Josha - a first name
- Joshe - a first name
- Joshi - a first name
- Joshu - a first name
- joshy - a first name; joking
- Josia - a first name
- josie - a first name; a woman's fitted outer waist
- Josif - a first name
- Josip - a first name
- Joska - a first name
- Josko - a first name
- jossa - a word used to command a horse to halt; a town in Germany
- Josse - a first name
- Jossy - a first name
- Josua - a first name
- josue - a first name; an alternative spelling of "Joshua"
- Josup - a first name
- Josye - a first name
- jotas - plural of "jota", a Spanish dance
- jotto - a five letter word guessing game, but where can you find five letter words?
- jotty - written down quickly
- jotun - a giant in Norse mythology; a giant
- joual - an archaic dialect of French spoken in Quebec
- Jough - a first name
- jougs - an iron neck ring
- Jouko - a first name
- jouks - dodges; roosts
- joule - a unit of energy equal to a Newton-meter
- jouls - plural of "joul", variant of "jowl"
- Jouni - a first name
- joure - a town in the Netherlands
- jours - plural of "jour", a day
- joust - to compete in a tournament
- Joval - a first name
- Jovan - a first name
- jovas - plural of "jova", a division of the Pima people of Sonora
- Jovin - a first name
- Jovon - a first name
- Jowad - a first name
- jowar - a durra grown in India
- jowed - quarreled
- jowel - a town in Malawi
- jower - to quarrel
- Jowie - a first name
- jowls - the fleshy parts under the lower jaw
- jowly - having prominent jowls
- Joxel - a first name
- Joyan - a first name
- Joyce - a first name
- joyed - rejoiced
- Joyia - a first name
- Joyti - a first name
- Jozee - a first name
- Jozef - a first name
- Jozhe - a first name
- Jozie - a first name
- Jozio - a first name
- Jozka - a first name
- Jozsa - a first name
- Jozsi - a first name
- Jozua - a first name
- Jozus - a first name
- Juana - a first name
- juane - marijuana
- juang - a Kol people of Orissa, India, speaking a Munda language
- Juani - a first name
- Juann - a first name
- Juaun - a first name
- jubae - plural of "juba", an animal's mane
- Jubal - a first name
- jubas - plural of "juba", a lively Haitian dance
- jubba - a long outer garment; a river in Somalia
- jubbe - a large vessel for drinking wine or ale
- jubes - plural of "jube", a platform in a church; a rood screen
- jubus - juberous
- jucar - a river in Spain
- juche - the bizarre North Korean ideology of self-reliant socialism
- jucks - makes sounds like a partridge settling down for the night
- judah - a first name; a kingdom of ten tribes formed after Solomon's death
- judas - a first name; a traitor; a peephole
- Juday - a first name
- judds - plural of "judd", an NBS unit of color difference, about 4 times a "just noticeable difference"
- judea - a Hebrew province
- Judee - a first name
- judex - in Roman law, a private person appointed to arbitrate a case
- judge - a first name; to decide; to arbitrate
- Judie - a first name
- Judit - a first name
- judka - a Hindu cab
- judos - plural of "judo", a form of jujitsu
- Judye - a first name
- Jueen - a first name
- Jueri - a first name
- jueys - plural of "juey", the great land crab
- jufti - a knot used in making rugs
- jugal - malar; of the cheekbone
- jugas - plural of "juga", a leaflet in a pinnate leaf
- juger - an ancient Roman unit of area, 28,800 square pedes, about 25.2 ares
- juges - plural of "juge", variant of "judge"
- juggs - jougs
- jugum - a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf; a furrow connecting two parts of a bone
- Juhan - a first name
- juice - a first name; a fruit sap; a fluid
- juicy - full of juice
- juise - judgment; justice
- juist - a German island
- jujus - plural of "juju", an object having magical power
- jujuy - a town and province in Argentina
- jukao - a town in Asia
- juked - faked out a move in football; got high
- jukes - fakes out a move in football
- jukey - like a fake out move
- Jukie - a first name
- Jukka - a first name
- jukun - a language
- julap - a sweet medicine
- Julas - a first name
- Julee - a first name
- Julen - a first name
- julep - a sweet drink of brandy or whisky, sugar, crushed ice, and mint
- Jules - a first name
- Julet - a first name
- Juley - a first name
- Julia - a first name
- julid - a type of millipede
- Julie - a first name
- julii - a noble Roman family
- julio - a first name; an Italian silver coin
- julis - a wrasse; a small fish
- Julka - a first name
- julus - the iulus; the catkin; the ament; a millipede genus
- julys - plural of "July", a month
- Jumaa - a first name
- Jumah - a first name
- jumar - a one-way rope clamp which is used to ascend rock faces
- jumba - in Malacca, a unit of distance; a large house in Kenya
- jumbo - extra large
- jumby - an evil spirit
- jumet - a town in Belgium
- jumla - a town in Nepal
- jumma - an assessment
- jumna - a river in India
- jumps - leaps
- jumpy - nervous
- junan - a city in central China
- junco - a North American snowbird
- jundy - to jostle
- junee - a town in Australia
- junes - plural of "June", a month
- Juney - a first name
- jungs - plural of "jung", an ancient Tatar people of northwest China
- Junia - a first name
- Junie - a first name
- junik - a town in Serbia
- junin - a village in Ecuador; a town in Argentina
- Junix - a first name
- Junji - a first name
- junko - a first name; a dealer in second-hand goods
- junks - discards; plural of "junk", a Chinese house boat
- junky - slapdash; cheaply made; a doper
- junos - plural of "Juno", an ideal woman
- Junot - a first name
- junta - a deliberative or administrative council
- junto - a coterie
- Junue - a first name
- Junya - a first name
- juped - shamed
- jupes - shames; plural of "jupe", a woman's jacket
- jupon - a jippo; a surcoat
- juppy - a Japanese yuppie
- Juraj - a first name
- jural - legal
- juras - a range of mountains between France and Switzerland
- jurat - an alderman; a legally binding signature submitted with electronic taxes
- Jurek - a first name
- jurel - a blue runner fish
- Jurik - a first name
- juris - a first name; a Latin word meaning "the law"
- Jurka - a first name
- juror - a member of a jury
- Jurre - a first name
- jurua - a river in Brazil
- juruk - a Californian Native American tribe
- Jusak - a first name
- jusis - plural of "jusi", a fine sheer Philippine fabric
- Jusof - a first name
- jussi - a first name; a Manila textile fabric
- Justa - a first name
- juste - a first name; French for "appropriate", used in the phrase "le mot juste"
- Justi - a first name
- Justo - a first name
- justs - a first name; jousts
- Justy - a first name
- jutai - a river in Brazil
- jutes - plural of "jute", an ethnic group from Jutland; a twine fiber
- jutia - the West Indian hog rat
- jutka - a first name; a carriage
- Jutta - a first name
- jutty - a jetty; projecting
- Juval - a first name
- Juvan - a first name
- juves - plural of "juve", a juvenile; an unruly teenager
- juvey - a juvenile; a juvenile delinquent
- juvia - the Brazil nut tree
- juvie - a police officer who works with juveniles; a juvenile
- Juwan - a first name
- Juwon - a first name
- juxta - used in place names to signify "next to" or "near"
- Juzef - a first name
- Juziu - a first name
- Jwala - a first name
- Jyles - a first name
- Jylle - a first name
- Jymme - a first name
- Jyoti - a first name
- kaaba - a cube-shaped building in Mecca holding a sacred stone
- kaama - the hartebeest
- Kaana - a first name
- Kaare - a first name
- kaawi - a kind of yam
- kabaa - a variant of "the Kaaba"
- kabab - skewered cooked meat
- kabah - a variant of "the Kaaba"; a site of Mayan ruins in the Yucatan peninsula
- kabal - a patch of desert turned into a fortress by surrounding ramps of sand
- kaban - a variant of "caban"
- kabap - a variant of "kebab"
- kabar - a first name; a caber
- kabau - a lake in New York
- kabaw - a village in Libya
- kabaz - another name for El Jabha, Morocco
- kabel - a sans serif font
- kabik - an Arabian coin
- Kabir - a first name
- kabob - skewered cooked meat
- kabre - a language
- kabui - a Naga people of the Naga hills on the Burma-Assam border
- kabul - the capital city of Afghanistan
- DUPLICATE:k kabwe - a town in Zambia
- kabyl - a Berber belonging to a Muslim agricultural people of Algeria
- Kacee - a first name
- Kacey - a first name
- kacha - of dried mud
- kache - a variant of "kha"
- Kacia - a first name
- Kacie - a first name
- kadah - a variant of "keddah"
- kadai - a language family of southern China
- Kadar - a first name
- kadee - a first name; variant of "cadi"
- Kadem - a first name
- Kaden - a first name
- Kader - a first name
- kades - plural of "kade", a wingless fly
- kadet - a cadet
- Kadey - a first name
- kadhi - a qadi
- Kadie - a first name
- kadim - a first name; an Israeli settlement in the West Bank
- Kadin - a first name
- kadir - a first name; a cup for pig-sticking; a jungle-dwelling Dravidian people
- kadis - plural of "kadi", an Islamic judge
- kados - cadus
- kadra - an area of Baghdad
- Kadri - a first name
- kadus - plural of "kadu", a people of the Katha district of upper Burma
- Kadye - a first name
- Kaela - a first name
- Kaeli - a first name
- Kaely - a first name
- kaena - a Pacific cape
- Kaese - a first name
- Kaesy - a first name
- DUPLICATE:k kabwe - a town in Zambia
- kafal - a tree which yields a gum resin and a red aromatic wood
- kaffa - a native of the Kafa region of Ethiopia; a grayish reddish brown color
- Kaffe - a first name
- Kaffi - a first name
- kafin - a Palestinian town
- kafir - a kaffir; the Indo-Iranian people of Kafiristan; a cereal grass
- kafiz - an Iranian unit of area, 100 square meters
- kafra - a town in Lebanon
- kafta - the leaves of an Arabian bush, used in making a beverage
- kafue - an African river
- kages - plural of "kage", a chantry chapel enclosed with lattice or screenwork
- kagos - plural of "kago", a Japanese palanquin, a chair slung from a pole
- kagou - miserable-looking
- kagul - a town and river in Ukraine, site of a battle between Russians and Turks
- kagus - plural of "kagu", a New Caledonian flightless bird
- kahal - the local governing body of a Jewish community
- Kahan - a first name
- kahar - a Hindu caste whose occupation is carrying; a carrier
- kahas - plural of "kaha", a large Bornean proboscis monkey
- kahau - the proboscis monkey
- Kahil - a first name
- Kahki - a first name
- kahsi - a bathroom
- kahus - plural of "kahu", a common harrier of Australasia and the East Indies
- kaiak - a variant of "kayak"
- Kaian - a first name
- kaids - plural of "kaid", a tribal chief or governor in northern Africa
- Kaied - a first name
- kaies - plural of "kaie", an obsolete form of "key"
- kaifa - a female sexual partner
- kaifs - plural of "kaif", a drugged stupor
- Kaija - a first name
- Kaiji - a first name
- kaiju - the live-action monster genre film
- kaika - a Maori village
- Kaila - a first name
- Kaile - a first name
- kaili - a first name; a village in China
- kails - plural of "kail", a ninepin; kale
- kaimi - a kind of clover
- kaimo - a town in China
- kaims - plural of "kaim", a glacial deposit; a comb
- Kaine - a first name
- kaing - serving
- kains - plural of "kain", a tax paid in livestock or produce
- Kaipo - a first name
- Kaira - a first name
- Kaire - a first name
- kairi - a nautical mile
- Kairo - a first name
- Kaisa - a first name
- Kaite - a first name
- Kaity - a first name
- kaiwi - a Pacific Island woody climber
- kajak - a variant of "kayak"
- kajan - a river in Borneo
- kajar - a people of northern Iran
- Kajsa - a first name
- kakan - a town in Afghanistan
- kakar - a muntjac
- kakas - plural of "kaka", a New Zealand parrot
- kaker - excrement
- Kakha - a first name
- kakis - plural of "kaki", an oriental date tree
- kakka - a traditional formal style of Japanese flower arranging
- kakke - beriberi
- kakki - a town in Pakistan
- kakur - a muntjac
- kakus - plural of "kaku", the great barracuda
- Kakwa - a first name
- Kalab - a first name
- kalae - a Pacific cape
- kalak - a town in Iraq
- kalam - a first name; Muslim scholastic theology
- kalan - a first name; a sea otter
- kalar - a dagger; a town in Iraq
- kalas - plural of "kala", a black bulbul of India, often kept as a caged bird
- kalat - a former state in western India
- kalba - a town in the United Arab Emirates
- Kalea - a first name
- Kaleb - a first name
- Kalee - a first name
- Kalei - a first name
- Kalel - a first name
- Kalen - a first name
- Kaleo - a first name
- kales - plural of "kale", a variety of cabbage
- Kaleu - a first name
- Kaley - a first name
- kalha - a town in Iran
- Kalia - a first name
- Kalib - a first name
- Kalie - a first name
- kalif - a caliph
- kalij - a crested Indian pheasant
- Kalil - a first name
- Kalim - a first name
- Kalin - a first name
- Kaliq - a first name
- kalis - plural of "kali", the glasswort, which yields soda ash when burned (whence "al kali")
- kalja - a Russian fish soup
- kalka - khalkha; a Mongol people and their language; site of a famous battle in India
- kalki - a first name; the tenth and final incarnation of Vishnu
- Kalla - a first name
- Kalle - a first name
- Kalli - a first name
- Kally - a first name
- kalma - a town in Sudan
- kalna - a town in India
- kaloa - a town in Hawaii; a Hawaiian duck
- kalol - a town in India
- kalon - a first name; the classical Greek ideal of physical and moral beauty
- kalpa - a Hindu term for a day of Brahma
- kalpi - a town in northern India
- kalsa - a town in Slovakia
- kalua - baked in a Hawaiian earth oven
- Kalun - a first name
- Kalup - a first name
- kalwa - a small town in India, on the outskirts of Mumbai
- Kalya - a first name
- Kalye - a first name
- Kalyn - a first name
- Kalza - a first name
- kamah - a desert truffle plant
- Kamal - a first name
- Kaman - a first name
- kamao - a Hawaiian bird
- kamar - a first name; a people of central India
- kamas - camas; plural of "kama", enjoyment of the world of the senses
- kamau - a first name; a Hawaiian bird
- Kamay - a first name
- kamba - a Bantu people of Kenya
- Kambo - a first name
- Kamea - a first name
- Kamel - a first name
- Kamen - a first name
- Kameo - a first name
- kames - plural of "kame", a glacial deposit; a short ridge or hill; a comb
- kamet - a mountain in the Himalayas
- Kamey - a first name
- kamez - a town in Albania
- kamia - a first name; an Indian people of southeastern California
- kamik - an Eskimo sealskin boat
- Kamil - a first name
- kamis - an Eastern tunic; plural of "kami", a sacred power or force
- Kamla - a first name
- kamme - awry
- Kammi - a first name
- Kammy - a first name
- kampa - an African tribe; a famous district in Prague
- Kamra - a first name
- kamuk - a mountain people of northeast Thailand
- kanab - a town in Utah
- kanae - a mullet of New Zeeland
- kanaf - kenaf, an East Indian plant
- kanak - a Melanesian people of New Caledonia
- kanal - a measure of land area used in Pakistan
- kanam - a locality on Lake Victoria, Kenya, where the remains of Kanam Man were found
- Kanan - a first name
- kanas - plural of "kana", a Japanese syllabic script
- kanat - the walls of a tent
- kanca - a bay of Crete
- Kanda - a first name
- kande - a town in Sri Lanka
- kandh - the khond, a Dravidian ethnic group of east central India
- kandi - a first name; an Asian cape
- kandy - a first name; candy; a South Indian unit of weight; a town in Sri Lanka
- kaneh - caneh; a unit of length of 6 cubits
- kanes - plural of "kane", a tax paid in livestock or produce
- Kaney - a first name
- kanga - a first name; an East African colorful cotton fabric; a pneumatic drill; a kangaroo
- Kange - a first name
- kango - a pneumatic drill; an Australian
- kangs - plural of "kang", a Chinese water jar; a brick sleeping platform
- Kania - a first name
- kanij - a town in Pakistan
- kanin - boiled rice; a European cape
- kanji - a system of Japanese writing based on Chinese characters
- kanli - a town in Syria
- Kanny - a first name
- Kanoa - a first name
- kanon - a first name; a musical canon
- kansa - a Siouan people of the Kansas river valley
- kansu - a province in northwest China
- Kanta - a first name
- Kanti - a first name
- kants - plural of "kant", variant of "cant", a slope or angle
- Kantu - a first name
- kanuk - canuck
- kanun - a canun, a Turkish zither
- kanya - a first name; a kind of butter; the shea tree; the Indian name for the sign of Virgo
- kanye - a first name; a town in Botswana
- kanzu - a long white robe worn by men in Africa
- kaoma - a town in Zambia
- Kaomi - a first name
- kaona - an ambiguous Hawaiian poetic style
- kaons - plural of "kaon", a subatomic particle
- kaori - a first name; kauri, a New Zealand fir tree
- Kaoru - a first name
- kaoyu - a lake in China
- kapaa - a town on Kauai, Hawaiia
- kapai - a Maori word meaning "good"
- kapas - plural of "kapa", a coarse cloth
- kaphs - plural of "kaph", a Hebrew letter
- kapia - the fossil resin of the kauri tree of New Zealand
- Kapil - a first name
- kapok - fiber of the silk cotton tree
- kapor - a Borneo camphor tree
- kapos - plural of "kapo", a prisoner put in charge of others in a concentration camp
- kapow - a sound imitative of hitting or striking
- kappa - a Greek letter
- kappe - a Swedish unit of capacity, of about 4.58 liters
- Kapri - a first name
- Kaprr - a first name
- Kapua - a first name
- kapur - a Borneo camphor tree
- kapus - plural of "kapu", a Hawaiian taboo
- kaput - broken; out of order
- Karah - a first name
- karaj - a town in Iran
- karak - a town in Jordan
- Karal - a first name
- karam - a first name; a village of eastern Afghanistan
- Karan - a first name
- karao - in Hindu law, a widow's marriage to her brother-in-law
- Karar - a first name
- karas - plural of "kara", a steel bangle worn by Sikhs
- karat - a unit of quality for gold
- karbe - a town in Burma
- karbi - a small stingless wild bee
- karch - a unit of weight in Austria
- karee - a first name; a town in South Africa
- karei - a town in Romania
- karel - a first name; a Karelian
- Karem - a first name
- karen - a first name; a people of south east Burma
- Karey - a first name
- karez - an underground irrigation tunnel used in Baluchistan
- karie - a first name; a town in Greece
- Karif - a first name
- Karim - a first name
- Karin - a first name
- karis - a first name; plural of "kari", a large gum tree
- karka - a country of southwest Anatolia; the Indian name for the sign of Cancer
- karkh - a town in ancient Mesopotamia
- karks - breaks down; dies
- Karla - a first name
- Karle - a first name
- karli - a first name; a town in western India
- Karlo - a first name
- Karly - a first name
- karma - a first name; spiritual payback
- Karna - a first name
- karni - a first name; a crossing point between the Gaza strip and Israel
- karns - plural of "karn", a cairn
- Karny - a first name
- karob - a unit of weight of 1/24 of a grain
- karoh - an Afghan unit of measurement
- karoi - a town in Zimbabwe
- karok - an Indian people of the Klamath valley
- Karol - a first name
- Karon - a first name
- karoo - a South African dry plateau
- karos - plural of "karo", a New Zealand plant
- karou - a town in Mali
- karri - a first name; an Australian tree
- Karru - a first name
- Karry - a first name
- karsi - an outdoor bathroom
- karst - a limestone region marked by sinks, abrupt ridges, protuberant rocks
- karsy - an outdoor bathroom
- karts - plural of "kart", a small recreational motor vehicle
- karuk - an American Indian language
- karun - a first name; a river in Iran
- karup - a town in Denmark
- Karyl - a first name
- Karyn - a first name
- Karys - a first name
- karzy - a lavatory
- kasai - a tributary of the Congo river
- kasar - an African cape
- kasba - casbah; a lake in North America
- kasch - a first name; a mythical African country that practiced ritual regicide
- Kasci - a first name
- Kascy - a first name
- Kasee - a first name
- kasem - a first name; a language
- Kasen - a first name
- Kasey - a first name
- kasha - a dress material; a cooked cereal
- kashi - a rice puff cereal; a Persian enameled tile
- Kasho - a first name
- Kasia - a first name
- Kasib - a first name
- Kasie - a first name
- Kasim - a first name
- Kasin - a first name
- Kasja - a first name
- kaska - a first name; an Athapaskan people of the Liard valley
- Kason - a first name
- kasos - a Greek island, and associated strait
- kaspi - a town in Georgia
- kasra - an Arabic accent mark
- Kassi - a first name
- kassu - catechu made from betel nuts
- Kassy - a first name
- kaswa - cachua
- Kasya - a first name
- katab - a language
- katal - a unit of measurement for catalytic reactions
- katar - a short dagger with a handle of two parallel bars
- katas - plural of "kata", a Tibetan cloth; a judo exercise of set movements
- Katee - a first name
- katel - a wooden hammock used in Africa as a bed in a wagon
- Katey - a first name
- katha - a first name; variant of "cotta", a measure; a town in Burma
- kathe - a first name; a town in Burma
- Kathi - a first name
- Kathy - a first name
- Katia - a first name
- Katie - a first name
- katif - an Israeli settlement in Gaza
- katik - kartik
- katin - khatin
- katio - an Indian tribe of Colombia
- katis - plural of "kati", a variant of "catty"
- Katja - a first name
- Katka - a first name
- Katla - a first name
- Katon - a first name
- katos - plural of "kato", an Athapaskan people of northwest California
- Katri - a first name
- katsi - a town in Costa Rica
- katsu - a resuscitation of an unconscious judoka
- katti - a first name; a variant of "catty"
- katto - a Nepalese rite for the repose of the soul of a king
- katun - a period of 20 tuns (360 day years) in the Mayan calendar
- Katus - a first name
- Katya - a first name
- Katye - a first name
- katyn - a city and forest, formerly in Poland, now in Russia, site of a massacre in WWII
- kauai - a Hawaiian island
- kauch - kiaugh
- kauda - a village in Sudan
- kaugh - kiaugh, trouble or care
- kaula - a first name; a Hawaiian island
- kauna - a first name; a Pacific cape
- kauri - a New Zealand fir tree
- kaury - kauri, a New Zealand fir tree
- Kavai - a first name
- Kavan - a first name
- kavas - plural of "kava", a tropical shrub of the pepper family
- Kaveh - a first name
- kavil - a cavel, an axe for trimming stone
- Kavin - a first name
- kavya - a first name; a poetic composition in Sanskrit, with elaborate decoration
- kawas - plural of "kawa", wa
- kawed - cawed
- kawis - plural of "kawi", the ancient Austronesian language of Java
- kawns - plural of "kawn", an inn
- kayab - the 17th month of the Mayan civil calendar; a town in the Philippines
- kayah - a language spoken in Burma
- kayak - an Eskimo canoe
- kayal - a Hindu musical form based on a two-part song
- kayan - a Dayak people of north central Borneo
- kayar - a town in Senegal; a state in Myanmar
- kayas - plural of "kaya", a Japanese tree
- kayau - a town in Malaysia
- Kayci - a first name
- Kayde - a first name
- Kaydi - a first name
- Kaydy - a first name
- Kayel - a first name
- Kayia - a first name
- Kayin - a first name
- kayko - the dog salmon
- Kayla - a first name
- kayle - a first name; a ninepin
- Kayli - a first name
- Kayne - a first name
- kayoe - variant of "kayo", or "KO", a knockout in boxing
- kayos - knocks out
- Kaysi - a first name
- Kaysy - a first name
- Kayta - a first name
- Kayte - a first name
- kazak - a native of Kazakhstan
- kazan - the capital city of the Tatar autonomous republic
- Kazem - a first name
- Kazia - a first name
- kazik - a first name; a badly made and overpriced rug
- Kazio - a first name
- kazis - a slang term for a lavatory
- kazoo - a musical instrument
- Kazue - a first name
- Kazuo - a first name
- Kazys - a first name
- kbars - plural of "kbar", a kilobar, a measurement of pressure
- keady - a town in Northern Ireland
- Keahi - a first name
- Keaka - a first name
- keaki - a Japanese tree of the elm family
- keaks - cackles
- Keala - a first name
- Keali - a first name
- Kealy - a first name
- Keane - a first name
- Keanu - a first name
- Keara - a first name
- Kearn - a first name
- Keary - a first name
- Keath - a first name
- keawe - a first name; variant of "kiawe", a Hawaiian mesquite
- kebab - skewered cooked meat
- kebap - skewered cooked meat
- kebar - a caber
- kebbi - a northern state of Nigeria, and a river
- Kebin - a first name
- kebob - skewered cooked meat
- kecak - a form of Balinese musical theater
- Kecal - a first name
- Kecia - a first name
- kecks - makes retching sounds; knickers; trousers; plural of "keck", fool's parsley
- kecky - resembling a kecksy, the hollow stalk of an umbelliferous plant
- kedah - a state in Malaysia
- kedar - a first name; an Arab tribe; a biblical place
- Keddy - a first name
- Kedem - a first name
- Keder - a first name
- kedge - a small anchor; brisk and lively
- kedgy - happy; cadgy
- keech - a large lump of fat
- Keefe - a first name
- keefs - plural of "keef", kef
- keegh - excrement
- keeks - peeps; peeks
- Keela - a first name
- Keeli - a first name
- keels - capsizes; plural of "keel", the principal timber of a wooden boat
- keely - a first name; like a keel
- keema - minced meat
- Keena - a first name
- Keene - a first name
- keens - wails over the dead
- Keeon - a first name
- keeps - retains; plural of "keep", a part of a castle
- Keera - a first name
- Keesa - a first name
- keesh - carburet of iron
- keest - inner vital substance; sap, substance or marrow
- Keeth - a first name
- keets - plural of "keet", a young guinea fowl
- keeva - excellent
- keeve - a brewer's mash tub; a rock basin
- Keeya - a first name
- kefir - a slightly alcoholic drink made from fermented cow's milk
- kefte - a middle Eastern dish
- kefti - pertaining to ancient Crete
- Kegan - a first name
- kegon - a sect of Japanese Buddhism
- Kegun - a first name
- Kehai - a first name
- kehan - a town in Pakistan
- Kehat - a first name
- Keida - a first name
- keifs - plural of "keif", a drugged stupor
- keigo - a first name; a Japanese honorific language
- Keiji - a first name
- keijo - the Japanese name for Seoul, Korea
- keiki - a first name; a child
- Keiko - a first name
- Keily - a first name
- Keine - a first name
- Keion - a first name
- Keira - a first name
- keiri - the wallflower
- keirs - plural of "keir", a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics
- keish - an island off the coast of Iran
- keist - cast
- Keita - a first name
- keith - a first name; a town in Scotland
- Keiti - a first name
- Keiwa - a first name
- kejia - hakka
- kekes - a mountain peak in Hungary
- Kekoa - a first name
- Kelam - a first name
- Kelan - a first name
- Kelby - a first name
- kelch - a white person
- Kelci - a first name
- Kelcy - a first name
- Kelda - a first name
- Kelee - a first name
- keleh - a unit of capacity in Egypt, of about 16 liters
- kelek - an Assyrian oxhide raft
- kelep - a stinging ant that feeds on insects
- keles - cools
- Kelia - a first name
- Kelii - a first name
- kelim - kilim, an oriental tapestry
- kelis - localized scleroderma
- kelks - plural of "kelk", a blow or large stone
- kella - a unit of weight in Arabia
- Kelle - a first name
- Kelli - a first name
- kells - a town in Eire; plural of "kell", a woman's headdress; a cobweb; a caul; that of which there is a book
- kelly - a first name; a shade of green
- kelps - plural of "kelp", a seaweed
- kelpy - covered in seaweed; a malignant water sprite
- Kelsa - a first name
- Kelse - a first name
- Kelsi - a first name
- kelso - a first name; a town in Scotland
- Kelsy - a first name
- kelts - plural of "kelt", a Celt; a salmon; a woolen cloth
- kelty - a penalty drink
- keltz - a white person
- Kelye - a first name
- Kemah - a first name
- Kemal - a first name
- Kemba - a first name
- kembe - a town in the Central African Republic
- kembo - kimbo
- kembs - combs
- kemer - a town in Turkey
- kemin - a town in Kyrgyzstan
- kempe - rough; shaggy
- kemps - competes; plural of "kemp", a champion; a coarse hair; a harvest home festival
- kempt - clean and combed; a lake in North America
- kempy - containing or resembling kemp
- kenaf - an East Indian plant, similar to jute
- kenai - a peninsula in Alaska
- Kenan - a first name
- kench - a bin for salting fish; to laugh loudly
- Kenda - a first name
- Kendi - a first name
- kendo - a Japanese sport of fencing with staves
- Kendy - a first name
- kenge - a language
- Kengo - a first name
- Kenia - a first name
- Kenja - a first name
- Kenly - a first name
- kenna - a first name; slang for "do not know"
- kenno - a cheese prepared in ostensible secrecy for the gossips at a birth
- Kenny - a first name
- Kenol - a first name
- Kenon - a first name
- kenos - plural of "keno", a game of chance
- Kenpo - a first name
- kenso - Kensington, Australia
- kente - a brightly colored hand-woven African silk cloth
- Kenth - a first name
- kents - plural of "kent", a pole or pike used for leaping over ditches
- kenya - a first name; an African country
- Kenyn - a first name
- Kenzy - a first name
- Keoki - a first name
- Keola - a first name
- Keone - a first name
- Keoni - a first name
- Keony - a first name
- kepis - plural of "kepi", a French military cap
- kerak - a town in Jordan
- kerat - a unit of weight in Turkey
- kerbs - plural of "kerb", a variant of "curb"
- Kerby - a first name
- kerch - a port city in southern Ukraine
- Keree - a first name
- kerek - a people of the Khamchadal-Koryak group
- kerel - a first name; a chap or fellow (related to "churl" and "carl"!)
- Kerem - a first name
- keren - a first name; a town in Eritrea
- keres - a pueblo people of New Mexico
- Kerey - a first name
- kerfs - plural of "kerf", the cut or incision made by a saw or other cutting tool
- Kerim - a first name
- kerls - plural of "kerl", a variant of "carl"
- kerma - a first name; a unit of measurement for kinetic energy transmitted by radiation
- kerme - a first name; a town in Tibet
- Kermy - a first name
- kerna - a well-known spring near Delphi
- kerne - a first name; an Irish foot soldier
- kerns - adjusts font spacing; plural of "kern", a quern; a handmill; a harvest home festival
- kerpe - an Asian cape
- Kerri - a first name
- kerry - a first name; an Irish breed of cattle
- kerse - a crest
- kerve - to carve
- keryl - a first name; a mixture of alkyl radicals
- Keryn - a first name
- keryx - in ancient Greece, a messenger
- Kesal - a first name
- kesar - the Kaiser
- Kesha - a first name
- Kesia - a first name
- Kesin - a first name
- Kesly - a first name
- Kessa - a first name
- Kesse - a first name
- Kessi - a first name
- kests - casts
- ketal - an acetyl derived from a ketone
- Ketan - a first name
- ketas - plural of "keta", a caviar fish
- ketch - a two-masted sailing vessel
- keten - a colorless gas
- Keter - a first name
- ketol - a chemical compound that is both a ketone and an alcohol
- Ketti - a first name
- Ketty - a first name
- Ketul - a first name
- ketyl - a compound made by treating ketones with a metal
- Ketzi - a first name
- keuka - a town in Florida; a lake in North America
- Keung - a first name
- Keura - a first name
- Kevan - a first name
- keved - keyed
- kevel - a belaying pin; a hammer for breaking or shaping stone; to paw the ground like a bull; a horse's bit
- Keven - a first name
- kever - to cover
- kevil - a belaying pin
- Kevin - a first name
- Kevis - a first name
- Kevon - a first name
- Kevvy - a first name
- Kevyn - a first name
- kexes - plural of "kex", a dry hollow stalk
- keyed - wedged; defaced a car using a key; had keys
- keyer - one who provides with a key; a device that modifies a transmitter's amplitude or frequency
- Keyla - a first name
- keyly - a regrettable colloquialism, meaning "in a crucial way"
- Keyon - a first name
- Keyse - a first name
- Kezia - a first name
- khaar - a town in Pakistan
- khadi - khaddar; an Islamic judge; Indian homespun cloth; the scented flowers of the pandanus palm
- khafs - plural of "khaf", variant of "kaph", a Hebrew letter
- Khaim - a first name
- khair - catechu
- khaja - an Indian sweet made of flour, sugar and oil
- khaki - a durable cloth; a dull yellow-brown color
- Khali - a first name
- khami - an ancient city whose ruins are in Zimbabwe
- khana - a first name; Indian food
- Khanh - a first name
- khans - plural of "khan", an Asian ruler
- khaph - kaph, a Hebrew letter
- khara - a first name; a town in Nepal
- khark - an Iranian island
- kharo - a town in Pakistan
- khars - plural of "khar", an ancient Egyptian measurement of volume of about 20 gallons
- khasa - a river in Iraq
- khash - a river in Afghanistan
- khasi - a Mongoloid people of the Khasi and Jantia hills of Assam
- khass - a town in Uzbekistan
- khats - plural of "khat", kat, an Arabian shrub whose leaves are chewed as an intoxicant
- Khava - a first name
- khaya - a genus of African timber trees, with hard mahogany-like wood
- khazi - a bathroom
- kheda - a first name; an enclosure for capturing wild elephants
- khels - plural of "khel", an Afghani clan
- khenj - a village in Afghanistan
- kheri - a town in India
- kheth - heth, a Hebrew letter
- khets - plural of "khet", a variant of "heth", a Hebrew letter; an Egyptian measure of 100 cubits
- Kheya - a first name
- khiam - a town in Lebanon
- Khiel - a first name
- Khieu - a first name
- Khigh - a first name
- khios - the island of Chios
- khipu - a quipu, the Inca system of record keeping using knotted strings
- Khiri - a first name
- khirs - plural of "khir", an Indian sweet rice pudding
- Khiry - a first name
- khiva - a former khanate in western Asia; a city in Uzbekistan
- Khiza - a first name
- Khleo - a first name
- Khloe - a first name
- khmer - Cambodian
- khmus - plural of "khmu", a subgroup of the Laotian Kha people
- khoas - plural of "khoa", a semidehydrated milk product of India
- khoja - an Islamic teacher
- kholm - a town in western Russia
- khond - a Dravidian ethnic group of east central India
- khora - a city in Crete
- khori - a town in India
- khors - plural of "khor", a ravine
- Khory - a first name
- khost - a town in Afghanistan, good for being besieged in
- khoum - a monetary unit of Mauritania
- khovd - a town in Mongolia
- Khris - a first name
- Khrys - a first name
- khudi - a town in Nepal
- khuds - plural of "khud", a deep ravine
- khufu - an ancient Egyptian king, also called Cheops
- khulm - a town in Afghanistan
- khuzi - a town in Iran
- khvat - a unit of length in Yugoslavia, of about 2 meters
- khyal - khayal
- Khyra - a first name
- kiaat - a tree of southern Africa having heavy strong wood
- kiack - a kayak
- kiaki - a Japanese timber tree
- Kiana - a first name
- Kiane - a first name
- kiang - a Tibetan wild horse
- Kiani - a first name
- Kiant - a first name
- Kiara - a first name
- kiari - a town in Papua New Guinea
- kiato - a village in northern India
- kiawe - a Hawaiian mesquite tree
- Kibah - a first name
- kibbe - a first name; a Middle Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur wheat
- kibbi - a Middle Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur wheat
- kibed - chapped with cold
- kibei - an American-born child of Japanese immigrants, educated in Japan
- kibes - plural of "kibe", a cold sore, a chilblain
- kibet - a language
- kibla - the direction toward which Muslims face during prayer
- Kichi - a first name
- Kicki - a first name
- kicks - strikes with the foot; enjoyment
- kicky - exciting
- Kidan - a first name
- kidde - of kithe; of kythe
- kiddo - a familiar nickname
- kiddy - a child
- kidel - a fish trap
- kideo - video products for children
- kidge - a kedge; brisk; pot-bellied
- kidna - "How much?"
- kiefs - plural of "kief", a variant of "kef"
- Kiela - a first name
- Kiele - a first name
- Kieli - a first name
- Kiely - a first name
- Kiera - a first name
- kiers - plural of "kier", a vat for boiling and dyeing fabrics
- kieve - variant of "keeve", a brewer's mash tub, a rock basin
- Kifah - a first name
- kifer - to have sexual intercourse with
- kifil - a town in Iraq
- kifri - a town in Iraq
- kight - a kite
- kihei - a town in Hawaii
- kihnu - a town in Estonia
- kikar - a gum arabic tree
- kikes - plural of "kike", a slur
- kikoi - an east African striped cloth with fringes on the end, worn around the waist
- kikus - plural of "kiku", a chrysanthemum
- kilah - a unit of capacity in Egypt of about 16 liters
- Kilan - a first name
- kilba - a language
- Kilda - a first name
- Kilee - a first name
- kileh - a unit of volume equal to about 1 bushel
- Kilen - a first name
- kiley - a first name; a boomerang
- kilia - a town in Ukraine
- Kilie - a first name
- kilim - an oriental tapestry or carpet
- kilju - a town in North Korea
- kills - slays; plural of "kill", a stream
- killy - a first name; the killifish
- kilns - plural of "kiln", an oven, especially for bricks and pottery
- kilos - plural of "kilo", a kilometer; a kilogram
- kilps - plural of "kilp", kelp, a seaweed
- kilts - plural of "kilt", a man's skirt
- kilty - one who wears a kilt
- kilya - a town in Ukraine
- Kimba - a first name
- kimbo - to set akimbo
- Kimee - a first name
- Kimia - a first name
- Kimie - a first name
- Kimit - a first name
- Kimme - a first name
- Kimmi - a first name
- Kimmo - a first name
- Kimmy - a first name
- Kimon - a first name
- kimri - one of four stages of ripening
- kimry - Cymry
- Kimya - a first name
- kinah - a Hebrew elegy
- Kinan - a first name
- kinas - plural of "kina", a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea
- kinat - an impertinent, conceited youngster
- kinch - a noose or loop in a rope; a child
- kinda - a first name; slang for "kind of"
- Kindi - a first name
- kindr - a town in Iraq
- kinds - plural of "kind", a type or sort
- kindu - a town in the Congo
- kindy - kindergarten
- kines - plural of "kine", a television tube; a unit of measurement of velocity
- kinga - a first name; a language
- kings - plural of "king", a male hereditary ruler
- kingu - a god in Babylonian mythology
- kinic - pertaining to cinchona bark
- kinin - a polypeptide that is a powerful vasodilator
- kinit - a unit of force which, acting for one second on one pound, would impart a velocity of one foot per second
- kinks - bends
- kinky - crotchety; entangled; perverse; curly
- Kinna - a first name
- kinny - a first name; a kinescope
- kinos - plural of "kino", a gum resin
- kinot - a Hebrew elegy
- kinsh - a stone-mason's lever
- Kinya - a first name
- kioea - the bristle-thighed curlew
- kioga - an Asian cape
- kioko - a first name; the chokwe; a Bantu ethnic group
- Kiona - a first name
- Kioni - a first name
- kiore - the native rat of New Zealand
- kiosk - an open booth
- kioto - Kyoto, a city in Japan
- kiowa - an American Indian tribe
- kiped - stole
- kiper - one who steals
- kipes - steals; plural of "kipe", a basket for catching fish
- kippa - a yarmulke
- kipps - plural of "kipp", variant of "kip", anything pointed or beaked
- kippy - a first name; attractive
- Kiral - a first name
- Kiran - a first name
- Kirbi - a first name
- kirby - a first name; a fish hook of evenly curved pattern
- Kirdy - a first name
- Kiria - a first name
- Kiril - a first name
- kirin - a city and province in central Manchuria
- kiris - plural of "kiri", a throwing stick
- kirke - a first name; a proper transliteration of "Circe"
- kirks - plural of "kirk", a church
- Kirky - a first name
- kirns - plural of "kirn", a chum, a kern, a last sheaf; a harvest home festival
- Kiron - a first name
- kirov - a city in Russia
- kirra - a town in Australia
- kirri - a kierie, a stick
- Kirsi - a first name
- Kirti - a first name
- kirve - to undercut coal in a mine
- Kirya - a first name
- kiryi - a kind of African tree
- kiryu - a town in Japan
- kisan - a small farmer or agricultural worker in India
- kisar - a town in Hungary
- Kisha - a first name
- kishi - a first name; a town in Nigeria
- kisii - a language; a town in Kenya
- kiska - a first name; one of the western Aleutian islands
- kisky - drunk
- Kisma - a first name
- kisra - a town in Israel
- kissi - an agricultural people of Liberia and Sierra Leone
- kissy - inclined to kiss
- kists - plural of "kist", a box
- kiswa - a black cloth covering the Kaaba
- kitab - a book, especially of sacred scripture
- kitan - variant of "khitan", a Tatar people
- kitar - an Arabian guitar
- kited - obtained money through fraudulent checks
- kiter - one who kites; a person who writes fraudulent checks
- kites - obtains money through fraudulent checks; plural of "kite", a bird; a child's paper flying toy
- kithe - to make known; to appear; kythe
- kiths - plural of "kith", one's friends and neighbors
- kitke - challah
- kitna - "How much?"
- kitol - a crystalline alcohol
- Kitta - a first name
- kitte - to have cut
- Kitti - a first name
- Kitts - a first name
- Kittu - a first name
- kitty - a first name; a cat; the cash pile in poker
- kitwe - a city in northern Zambia
- kiuic - a site of Mayan ruins in the Yucatan peninsula
- Kivah - a first name
- kivas - plural of "kiva", an Indian sacred room
- kiver - a shallow vessel or wooden tub; a cover
- kives - plural of "kive", a mashing vat
- kivey - a man
- Kivie - a first name
- Kivin - a first name
- kiwai - a Papuan people
- kiwis - plural of "kiwi", a flightless bird, a New Zealander; a fruit
- kiyas - qiyas
- kiyev - another name for Kiev
- kiyiv - another name for Kiev
- kizer - a town in Arkansas
- kizil - a Mongolian-Tatar people
- Kizza - a first name
- Kizzy - a first name
- Kjell - a first name
- Klaas - a first name
- Klaes - a first name
- Klaid - a first name
- klang - a complex musical tone; a town and river in Malaysia
- Klara - a first name
- Klari - a first name
- Klaus - a first name
- Klava - a first name
- Kleef - a first name
- kleft - variant of "klepht", a Greek or Albanian brigand
- klein - a musical term meaning "little" or "small"
- Kleng - a first name
- Kleon - a first name
- kleve - the German name of the city of Cleves
- klick - a click; a kilometer
- klieg - an intensely bright stage light
- Kliel - a first name
- Kliff - a first name
- kling - a Dravidian of Tamil origin
- klink - clink
- Klint - a first name
- klisa - a town in Croatia
- Kliti - a first name
- klomp - a wooden shoe worn in the Low Countries
- klong - a Thai canal; a sudden realization of a major and irreversible error
- kloof - a South African ravine
- kloop - an imitation of the sound of a cork being extracted from a bottle
- klops - Polish meat loaf
- klosh - a town in Albania
- klotz - a klutz
- kluck - to cluck
- kluge - a kludge
- klugy - kludgy
- klunk - clunk
- klutz - a clumsy person
- knabs - bites, gnaws; oneself
- knack - an ability; to strike sharply
- knags - plural of "knag", a knot in wood; a small barrel
- knaik - a British river
- knaps - strikes sharply
- knark - a hard-headed person
- knarl - to gnarl
- knars - plural of "knar", a bump on a tree
- knaur - a bump on a tree
- knave - a rogue; the jack in cards
- knaws - variant of "gnaws"
- knead - to work with the hands
- kneck - the twisting of a rope or cable as it is running out
- kneds - kneads
- kneed - hit with the knee; baggy; having knees
- kneel - to genuflect
- knees - leg elbows; nudges with the knee
- knell - solemn bell ringing, often indicating a funeral
- knelt - kneeled
- kneph - an Egyptian god
- knezi - plural of "knez", a Slavic prince or duke
- kniaz - a Russian duke or prince
- knick - nick
- knife - a cutting implement; a short lance; to stab
- knips - plural of "knip", a silicon chip on a bank card
- knish - a Jewish pastry, dough stuffed with filling and fried
- knits - joins loops of yarn
- knive - to stab with a knife
- knobs - plural of "knob", a rounded protuberance
- knock - to rap; to criticize
- knole - a town in England
- knoll - a hillock
- knops - plural of "knop", a knob
- knors - plural of "knor", variant of "knur"
- knosp - an architectural ornament in the form of a flower bud
- knote - a term in rope making; where ropes meet in a funicular machine
- knots - ties in a knot
- knoud - the grey gurnard
- knoup - to toll the church bell
- knout - a Russian leather whip
- knowe - a knoll
- known - apprehended
- knows - is aware of
- knubs - plural of "knub", a knob; a protuberance
- knuck - a pickpocket
- knuff - a lout
- knurl - a knob or groove or ridge in wood
- knurr - a woodknot
- knurs - plural of "knur", a bump on a tree
- Knute - a first name
- knuts - plural of "knut", a nut; a dandy
- knyaz - a Russian duke or prince
- koala - an Australian marsupial bearlike mammal
- koali - a tropical morning glory
- koans - plural of "koan", a Buddhist meditation paradox
- koban - an oval Japanese gold coin; a Japanese
- kobas - plural of "koba", a kob, an African water antelope
- Kobet - a first name
- kobil - a small boat
- Kobon - a first name
- Kobra - a first name
- kobuk - a river in Alaska
- kobus - a genus of antelopes
- kochi - a first name; a town in southwestern Japan; a town in India, formerly Cochin
- kodak - a camera
- Kodey - a first name
- Kodie - a first name
- Kodjo - a first name
- kodok - a town in Sudan, formerly called "Fashoda"
- kodro - a town in Burkina Faso
- koele - a town in Hawaiia
- koeln - a city in Germany, also known as Cologne
- koels - plural of "koel", an Australian or Indian cuckoo
- koeri - an Aryo-Dravidian people of northeast Hindustan
- Koffe - a first name
- Koffi - a first name
- koffs - plural of "koff", a Dutch sailing vessel
- kofta - a kind of Middle Eastern meat ball
- kogai - a Japanese ornamental pin carried in a sheath
- kogia - a genus of whales
- kogon - cogon, a tall tropical grass
- kohal - a town in Yemen
- Kohei - a first name
- kohen - a cohen, or Jewish priest
- Kohki - a first name
- kohls - plural of "kohl", eye makeup
- kohlu - a town in Pakistan
- kohua - a Maori earth oven
- kohut - a town in Pakistan
- koidu - a town in Sierra Leone
- koila - a town in Greece
- koine - the common Greek tongue used in the New Testament
- koing - knocking out
- koiri - an Aryo-Dravidian people of northeast Hindustan
- kojah - a long-haired mutant mink
- kojak - to find a parking place where there seem to be none
- kojic - a kind of acid
- kojis - plural of "koji", a yeast cake
- kokam - the slow loris, a small slender tailless large-eyed nocturnal lemur
- kokan - a first name; an East Indian timber tree
- koker - a sluice gate
- kokil - a koel
- kokka - referring to the branch of Shinto that forms the Japanese state religion
- koklu - a town in China
- kokob - a venomous serpent
- Kokou - a first name
- kokra - the wood of an Indian tree, used for flutes
- kokum - a semisolid fat obtained from the seeds of an East Indian tree; pretended sympathy
- kolam - a southern Indian tradition of decorating the floor with intricate designs
- kolar - a town in southern India
- kolas - plural of "kola", a cola nut
- Kolby - a first name
- kolea - a golden plover
- kolek - a Malayan canoe
- kolel - a community of Jewish settlers in Palestine
- Kolia - a first name
- kolin - a town in Bohemia, site of a famous battle
- kolis - plural of "kolis", a low caste Indian people
- kolka - a town in Latvia
- kolms - plural of "kolm", a hydrocarbon mineral with a high portion of radioactive elements
- koloa - a first name; a Hawaiian duck
- kolok - a river between Thailand and Malaysia
- kolos - plural of "kolo", a Central European folk dance
- koloy - a town in Chad
- Kolyn - a first name
- Komal - a first name
- koman - a language
- kombi - a compact truck
- kombu - an edible brown kelp used in Japanese cuisine
- komos - a first name; the proper transliteration of "Comus"
- kompa - a Haitian dance
- konak - in Turkey, a large house used as an official residence
- konar - a town in Afghanistan
- konas - plural of "kona", a Hawaiian storm of southerly winds and heavy rains
- konda - a language
- konde - a Bantu people of Nyasaland
- kondo - a first name; a bronze-gilt finish
- Konga - a first name
- kongo - the Congo; an early kingdom of Africa
- kongs - plural of "kong", four of a kind in mah-jongg
- konia - a first name; the city of Konya, Turkey; a Turkish rug woven in soft shades of red, yellow and blue
- konks - conks
- Konni - a first name
- Konny - a first name
- Konon - a first name
- konso - a language
- konya - a first name; a city in southern Turkey famous for carpets
- konze - an African hartebeest
- konzo - a language
- kooka - a crazy person
- kooks - plural of "kook", an eccentric person
- kooky - nutty; loony; unconventional
- kools - phencyclidine
- koord - a Kurd
- koori - an aborigine
- koota - a body louse
- kooti - a body louse
- kopec - a Russian coin, 1/100 of a ruble
- kopek - a Russian coin, 1/100 of a ruble
- koper - a port city in Slovenia
- kophs - plural of "koph", a Hebrew letter
- kopje - a South African hill
- Kopla - a first name
- koppa - an obsolete Greek letter
- kopys - a town in western Russia
- korab - a first name; a mountain in Albania
- korah - a first name; a Levite who rebelled against Moses and Aaron
- korai - plural of "kore", an ancient Greek statue of a young woman
- Koral - a first name
- koran - the sacred book of Islam
- koras - plural of "kora", the water cock
- korat - a cat having a silver blue coat
- Korbi - a first name
- korce - a city in Albania
- korea - an East Asian country
- Koree - a first name
- korem - a town in Ethiopia
- Koren - a first name
- kores - plural of "kore", an ancient Greek statue of a woman
- Korey - a first name
- koria - a first name; a language
- Korie - a first name
- korin - a first name; a West African gazelle
- Korio - a first name
- koris - a first name; plural of "kori", an African bustard
- Korka - a first name
- korku - a Munda language; a tribe of India
- korla - a town in western China
- korma - a mild Indian dish
- Korny - a first name
- koroa - a Tunican people of the Yazoo and Mississippi river valleys
- koror - a town, and an island, part of Palau, in the South Pacific
- koros - plural of "koro", a Japanese incense burner
- Korra - a first name
- Korri - a first name
- Korry - a first name
- korwa - a people of southeast Bihar in India speaking a Munda language
- Koryn - a first name
- koryo - a first name; another name for Korea
- koses - plural of "kos", variant of "coss", a measure of distance in India
- Kosey - a first name
- kosha - in Hinduism, one of the five layers of well-being
- koshe - kosher; acceptable; neat or cool
- kosin - a yellow brown amorphous anthelmintic powder
- Kosma - a first name
- Kosmo - a first name
- Kosmy - a first name
- Kosse - a first name
- Kossi - a first name
- kosso - brayera, the dried pistillate flowers of an Ethiopian tree
- kosta - a first name; a town in Sweden
- kosti - a first name; a town in southern Sudan
- kotah - a town in India
- kotal - a town in Afghanistan
- kotar - an artisan people of southwestern India
- kotel - the Wailing Wall
- koths - plural of "koth", volcanic mud
- kotka - a town in Finland
- kotor - a town in Montenegro
- kotos - plural of "koto", a Japanese stringed musical instrument
- kotow - to prostrate oneself, a variant of "kowtow"
- kotte - a town in southwest Sri Lanka
- kotto - a river in the Central African Republic
- kotys - a Thracian goddes worshipped in wild orgies
- kotzk - a town in Poland
- Koula - a first name
- kousa - a kind of dogwood
- kouse - pearl millet
- kouza - a unit of liquid capacity in Cyprus
- kovel - a town in Ukraine
- kovil - a church
- Kovit - a first name
- kovno - the Russian name of Kaunas, Lithuania
- kovsh - a Russian boat-shaped vessel used as a ladle for drinks
- kowno - another name for Kovno
- koyan - a unit of weight in Malaya
- Kozen - a first name
- kpele - a people of central Liberia
- kposo - a language
- kraak - to speed
- kraal - a native village; a type of cattle enclosure
- krabi - a town in Thailand
- krabs - plural of "krab", a shortened form of "karabiner"
- krads - plural of "krad", a kilo-rad
- kraft - a strong brown paper
- krahn - a language; a Liberian ethnic group
- Kraig - a first name
- krain - another name for Carniola
- krait - a venomous snake
- krake - a town in Nigeria
- krama - in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the water and wine into which the consecrated host is broken
- krang - a variant of "kreng"; whale flesh
- kranj - a town in Slovenia
- krans - a ring of rock or cliffs about a summit; plural of "kran", a Persian monetary unit
- kranz - a crown of rock on a mountain top
- kratz - to make a mess
- kraut - a German; sauerkraut
- kreda - a tribe in Chad
- kreel - a variant of "creel"
- kreep - a basaltic lunar rock
- Kreig - a first name
- kreis - in Germany, a unit of local government
- krems - a city in northeast Austria; a variety of white lead
- kreng - the carcass of a whale after removal of the blubber and baleen (yum!)
- kreon - a first name; a proper transliteration of "Creon"
- krepi - a town in Ukraine
- kress - a town in northern Texas
- krete - the Greek name for Crete
- kreuz - a musical term meaning "sharp"
- krewe - a New Orleans Mardi Gras marching band
- krexy - pettish, cranky
- kribi - a port city in Cameroon
- krige - a first name; in computing, to estimate missing data in a table
- krill - an aggregrate of small marine crustaceans
- krina - a unit of measure of dry volume in Bulgaria
- krine - a unit of measure of dry volume in Bulgaria
- kriss - a first name; a variant of "kris"
- Krist - a first name
- kriti - a Mediterranean island
- kroes - frizzy hair
- kroja - a town in Albania
- kromo - a variant of "krama"
- krona - a Swedish or Icelandic coin
- krone - an Austrian, Danish or Norwegian coin
- kronk - shady; fraudulent
- kronz - a gun
- kroon - a monetary unit of Estonia
- kroos - plural of "kroo", a member of an African ethnic group
- krubi - a tropical East Indian aroid plant
- kruje - a town in Albania
- krump - a quick stepping African-style dance
- Krung - a first name
- krunk - to have sex
- Krupa - a first name
- krupp - a gun
- ksars - plural of "ksar", a variant of "czar"
- ktosh - a town in Albania
- kuans - plural of "kuan", a Chinese official
- kuban - a river in the Caucasus flowing into the Sea of Azov
- kucha - a region of Turkistan; a town in northwest China
- kuchi - a member of a nomadic ethnic group of Afghanistan
- kudas - plural of "kuda", an East Indian tapir
- kudat - a town in Borneo
- kudos - acclaim
- kudum - a village in Sudan
- kudus - plural of "kudu", a large antelope
- kudzu - an invasive clinging vine that is improving the South
- Kueng - a first name
- kufah - a town in Iraq
- kufas - plural of "kufa", an Iraqi boat, made of reeds and covered in skins
- kufic - of the Arab alphabet
- kufis - plural of "kufi", a knit cap worn by Muslims
- kufra - a town in Libya
- kugel - a baked pudding of potatoes or noodles
- kuhak - a town in Iran
- kuito - a town in Angola
- kukak - a village in Alaska
- kukes - a town in Albania
- kukis - plural of "Kuki", a member of a Tibetan-Burmese tribe
- kukri - a Gurkha knife
- kuksu - a religious cult of central California Indians
- kukui - the Hawaiian candlenut tree
- kukus - plural of "kuku", a large fruit-eating pigeon of New Zealand
- kulah - a Turkish prayer rug; a cap
- kulak - a Russian peasant proprietor
- kulan - the wild ass of the Kirghiz steppe
- kulfi - an Indian ice cream dessert
- kulla - the Sumerian and Accadian god of bricks
- kulli - a prehistoric culture of Baluchistan
- kulun - the Chinese name of Ulan Bator
- kumai - a town and bay in Borneo
- kumam - a language
- kuman - the Cuman, a Turkic people
- Kumar - a first name
- kumbh - a Hindu religious festival culminating in ritual bathing; an Indian pitcher
- kumbi - the fiber of the white silk cotton tree
- kumho - a city in North Korea
- kumni - kurmi, a member of an Indian agricultural caste
- kumrl - the above-ground bed of a fox
- kumul - a town in Sinkiang
- kumyk - a Turkish people of the Caucasus
- kumys - koumiss, a beverage made from camel's milk
- kunai - cogon, a tall tropical grass
- Kunal - a first name
- kunar - a province in Afghanistan
- kunas - plural of "kuna", a Panamanian Indian
- kunbi - kurmi, a member of an Indian agricultural caste
- kunda - the lawyer vine; a language; a town in Estonia
- kundu - a Bantu tribe of the Congo
- kungu - a kind of small mayfly
- Kunio - a first name
- Kunle - a first name
- kunna - a European cape
- kunqu - a style of Chinese opera typified by "The Peony Palace"
- kunuz - a province in Afghanistan
- kunya - an informal name, involving the name of one's father or son, by which an Arab man is known
- kuoyu - the Mandarin language
- Kuper - a first name
- kurds - plural of "Kurd", a nationless people of Asia Minor
- kuril - a chain of islands, possessed by Russia and claimed by Japan
- kurim - a town in South Korea
- kuris - plural of "kuri", a now-extince Maori dog
- kurku - korku, a Munda language
- kurmi - a member of an Indian agricultural caste
- kurns - plural of "kurn", a harvest home festival
- kurre - a cur
- kursk - a city in Russia
- kurta - a shirt worn in India
- kurus - a Turkish piaster; plural of "kuru", a disease of the nervous system
- kurve - a prostitute
- kusal - a language
- kusam - an East Indian tree upon which lac insects thrive
- kusan - an Indian people of Oregon
- kusha - a kind of grass
- kusso - cusso, an Ethiopian tree
- kusti - the sacred cord worn by Parsis as a sign of their faith
- kusum - a first name; safflower
- kutch - cutch, couch grass; catechu; a peninsula in India
- kutha - a town in Mesopotamia
- kutno - a town in central Poland
- kuzat - money
- Kuzih - a first name
- Kuzma - a first name
- kuzus - plural of "kuzu", a thickening agent
- kvaas - a Russian beer made from rye flour and malt
- kvass - a Russian beer made from rye flour and malt
- kvell - to beam with pleasure
- Kveta - a first name
- kvint - a unit of weight in Denmark
- kwaal - an illness
- kwadi - an African language
- Kwako - a first name
- Kwame - a first name
- Kwami - a first name
- kwapa - quapaw; a Siouan people of the Arkansas river valley
- kwasi - a first name; a Zulu musical style
- kweef - a vaginal fart
- Kweku - a first name
- kwela - a tin whistle; Zulu folk music
- kweni - a language
- Kwesi - a first name
- kwilu - a river of the Congo
- kyack - an American packsack or pack saddle
- kyaks - plural of "kyak", a kayak or Eskimo canoe
- kyami - a language
- kyang - a kiang, a wild ass
- kyars - plural of "kyar", a coir
- kyats - plural of "kyat", a monetary unit of Myanmar
- kyaws - plural of "kyaw", a jackdaw
- kydde - showed
- kydst - made known
- Kyele - a first name
- kyfer - to have sexual intercourse with
- Kyjel - a first name
- kykes - looks steadfastly; gazes
- Kylah - a first name
- Kylan - a first name
- Kylea - a first name
- Kylee - a first name
- Kylen - a first name
- Kyler - a first name
- kyles - plural of "kyle", a narrow strait or sound
- kyley - a boomerang
- Kylia - a first name
- kylie - a first name; a boomerang
- kylin - a Chinese or Japanese dragon
- kylix - a Greek vase or drinking vessel
- kyloe - Hebridean cattle
- Kylyn - a first name
- kymbo - a town in Sweden
- kymri - the Welsh
- kymru - Wales
- kymry - the Welsh
- Kynan - a first name
- Kynda - a first name
- kynde - kind
- Kyndl - a first name
- kynds - kinds
- kyoga - a lake of central Uganda
- Kyoji - a first name
- Kyoko - a first name
- kyoto - a city in Japan; a kind of Japanese pottery
- kyowa - a town in Brazil
- kypes - plural of "kype", a hook on the male salmon's lower jaw
- kypoo - an extract of catechu
- Kyrah - a first name
- Kyran - a first name
- Kyria - a first name
- kyrie - a first name; a prayer in the Mass
- Kyril - a first name
- Kyros - a first name
- Kysta - a first name
- kytes - plural of "kyte", the stomach
- kythe - to make known; to appear
- kyudo - Japanese archery
- kyuet - a quarter, in circus and hobo slang
- kyzyl - the capital of Tannu Tuva, unreached goal of Richard Feynman
- laaba - a storage platform elevated above the reach of animals
- laage - a town in Germany
- laama - clothing worn for celebration
- laari - a monetary unit of the Maldives
- laban - a first name; in the Bible, the father of Rachel and Leah
- labba - paca
- labda - the more correct form of the spelling of the Greek letter "lambda"
- label - an adhesive stamp; a classification
- labes - the feminine equivalent of "balls", assertiveness, nerve
- labia - plural of "labium", a lip or lip-like part
- Labib - a first name
- labis - cochlear; a eucharistic spoon
- labna - a site of Mayan ruins in the Yucatan peninsula
- Labon - a first name
- labor - work; childbirth; an English and Israeli political party
- labra - plural of "labrum", a lip or lip-like part
- labri - plural of "labrus", a genus of marine fishes
- lacca - lac
- laced - stiffened; twined; tied with laces
- Lacee - a first name
- lacer - one who laces
- laces - fastens by means of strings
- lacet - lace work; a braid
- lacey - a first name; adorned with lace
- lache - a first name; a coward
- Lacia - a first name
- Lacie - a first name
- lacis - a square-meshed lace with darned patterns
- Lacko - a first name
- lacks - doesn't have; needs
- lacto - a vegetarian who will also eat milk products (though perhaps not eggs)
- lacuy - a peninsula in Chile
- Ladan - a first name
- ladas - a classic runner
- ladde - an obsolete past tense of "to lead"
- laddy - a first name; a young boy
- laded - loaded
- laden - to be burdened
- lader - one who loads
- lades - burdens; loads
- Ladhu - a first name
- Ladie - a first name
- ladik - an Anatolian rug of fine texture
- ladin - a Rhaeto-Romanic dialect spoken in Switzerland
- Ladis - a first name
- ladle - a scoop
- ladon - a first name; the father of Daphne
- Laela - a first name
- laers - plural of "laer", a variant of "laager", a camp or improvised fort
- Laeta - a first name
- laeti - a first name; a town in Brazil
- laevo - levo, levorotatory
- lafia - a town in Nigeria
- lafon - a town in Sudan
- lafte - an obsolete past tense of "leave"
- lagam - ligan; flotsam
- lagan - ligan; flotsam; legally, anything sunk in the sea but attached to a buoy to be recovered
- lagen - an obsolete unit of capacity for liquids; a European river
- lager - a kind of beer
- lages - a town in Brazil
- laggy - lagging
- lagly - laggingly
- lagna - the Hindu Vedic astrological birthsign
- lagny - a town in central France
- lagos - a city in Nigeria, and its commercial capital
- lahar - a catastrophic mud flow caused by a volcano
- Lahea - a first name
- Lahib - a first name
- lahti - a town in Finland
- laich - a laigh; a lowland
- laics - plural of "laic", a layman
- Laidi - a first name
- laids - loads
- laidy - a first name; a beating or thrashing
- laigh - a lowland
- laika - a small red Finnish dog; a Russian space dog
- laiks - sports or plays
- Laila - a first name
- Laili - a first name
- Laily - a first name
- Laima - a first name
- Laina - a first name
- laine - a first name; a woolen fabric; an open tract of arable land
- laird - a first name; a lord; a landed proprietor
- lairg - a town in Scotland
- lairs - plural of "lair", a den
- lairy - full of lairs; flashy or showy; cunning
- laish - a biblical place
- laism - lamaism
- laita - a river in Brittany
- laith - a first name; to loathe
- laity - laymen
- laius - in Greek mythology, the king of Thebes and father of Oedipus
- lajes - a town in the Azores Islands
- Lajos - a first name
- lajta - a kind of cheese
- lakao - sap green
- laked - formed into lakes
- laker - a lake fish; someone who frequents lakes
- lakes - plural of "lake", a large body of fresh water
- Lakha - a first name
- Lakhi - a first name
- lakhs - plural of "lakh", 100,000, usually rupees
- Lakia - a first name
- lakie - a temporary retrograde movement of the tide in the Firth of Forth
- lakin - a first name; a shortened form of "ladykin"; a small damsel; the Virgin Mary
- lakke - an obsolete form of "lack"
- Lakki - a first name
- laksa - a spicy dish with fish and noodles
- Laksh - a first name
- Lakva - a first name
- Lalao - a first name
- laldy - a beating or thrashing
- Lalee - a first name
- Laleh - a first name
- lalia - a first name; a language
- Lalin - a first name
- Lalit - a first name
- Lalji - a first name
- Lalka - a first name
- Lalla - a first name
- Lalli - a first name
- lalls - articulates the letter "R" as "L"
- lally - a first name; wet or drying linen
- Laloo - a first name
- Laman - a first name
- lamar - a first name; the eighth day of the Mayan religious month
- lamas - plural of "lama", a Tibetan priest
- lamat - the eighth day of the Mayan religious month
- lamba - a large cloth shawl of Madagascar; a Bantu language and ethnic group
- lambo - a Lamborghini automobile
- lambs - plural of "lamb", a baby sheep
- lamby - a baby lamb; tasting of lamb
- lamed - hobbled; a Hebrew letter
- lamel - a thin plate; a lamella
- lamer - more lame
- lames - hobbles; small steel plates that slide over each other and form an armor
- lamet - kha
- lamia - a sorceress with the head of a woman and the body of a serpent
- lamin - an astrologer's charm consisting of a thin metal plate
- lammy - a thick warm sailor's jumper; a blanket
- lamna - the type genus of the family Lamnidae
- Lamon - a first name
- lampa - a town in Peru
- lamps - plural of "lamp", an artificial light source
- lamud - a town in Peru
- lamus - a titular see of Isauria; the legendary king of the Laestrygones
- lamut - a Tungus maritime people living near the Sea of Okhotsk
- Lanae - a first name
- Lanah - a first name
- lanai - a veranda
- lanao - maranao; an Asian lake
- lanas - plural of "lana", the genipap tree of Demerara
- Lanay - a first name
- lanaz - a Yugoslavian unit of measurement of area
- Lanbo - a first name
- lance - a first name; a spear
- lanch - to launch
- lancs - plural of "Lanc", a Lancaster aircraft
- Lancy - a first name
- lande - an uncultivated or sterile tract; a heath
- Lando - a first name
- lands - reaches land; plural of "land", a country or region
- Landy - a first name
- laned - having lanes
- lanes - plural of "lane", a country road
- Lanet - a first name
- laney - a first name; containing many lanes; inferior
- langa - a village in South Africa
- Lange - a first name
- langi - a language
- lango - a people of Uganda
- lanie - a first name; a boss
- lanin - a volcano in Argentina and Chile
- lanka - another name for Ceylon, or Sri Lanka
- lanks - becomes lanky
- lanky - tall and thin
- Lanna - a first name
- Lanni - a first name
- Lanny - a first name
- Lanse - a first name
- lants - plural of "lant", a small thin marine fish
- lanty - a first name; to scold
- Lantz - a first name
- lanum - a town in Denmark
- lanus - a town in Argentina
- lanza - a town in Bolivia
- Lanzo - a first name
- laoag - a Philippine seaport
- lapel - a part of a coat or jacket
- lapin - a rabbit
- lapis - a stone
- lapje - a rag or piece of cloth
- lappa - arctium; the root of the great bur; a kind of clover
- lappi - a kind of cheese
- lapps - plural of "Lapp", a native of Lapland
- lapse - to cease; a failing
- lapsi - among the early Christians, a name for those who renounced their faith under torture
- Larah - a first name
- Laran - a first name
- Larbi - a first name
- larch - a tree
- lardo - a fat person
- lards - plural of "lard", a fat
- lardy - fatty
- laree - a monetary unit of the Maldives, 1/100 of a rupee
- Laren - a first name
- lares - plural of "lar", a Roman household god
- large - big
- largo - in musical notation, slowly; a town in Scotland
- largs - a town in Scotland, site of a famous battle
- largu - a village in the Congo
- Laria - a first name
- larid - a bird of the family Laridae
- Larie - a first name
- larin - a piece of silver wire, doubled over and twisted into a fishhook, used as money
- laris - a first name; Georgian currency
- larix - a genus of deciduous trees that includes the larches
- Larka - a first name
- larks - plural of "lark", a bird; a fun time
- larky - sportive
- larme - a first name; a design in lace resembling a tear drop
- Larna - a first name
- larne - a town in Northern Ireland
- larns - learns
- Laron - a first name
- larro - oral sex (back slang)
- larry - a first name; a lorry
- larsa - an ancient Mesopotamian town in Iraq
- Larse - a first name
- larum - an alarm
- larus - a first name; an aquatic bird
- larva - a grub
- larve - a larva
- Laryn - a first name
- Lasca - a first name
- lased - functioned as a laser
- laser - a precise light beam (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation); resin
- lases - functions as a laser
- Lashi - a first name
- Lasho - a first name
- lasik - laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
- lasks - suffers from diarrhea
- Laslo - a first name
- lassa - source of a deadly fever
- lasse - a first name; a dialect form of "less"
- lassi - a first name; a drink made with cold yogurt
- lasso - a loop of rope
- lassu - the slow movement of a Hungarian csardas
- laste - an obsolete past form of "to last", as in "to endure"
- lasts - endures; plural of "last", a shoemaker's something-or-other
- lasty - lasting; durable
- lasya - the lyric and feminine dance type of India
- latah - a neurosis, discovered in Malaysia, of compulsive imitation of words and acts of others
- Latai - a first name
- latas - plural of "lata", a variant of "latah"
- Latau - a first name
- latax - enhydra
- latch - to catch; to fasten
- Latea - a first name
- lated - belated
- laten - to become late; to cause to become late
- later - subsequently; more late than
- lates - a genus of large percoid fish
- latex - a milky sap; a kind of rubber; a kind of paint; a mathematical typesetting language
- Latha - a first name
- lathe - a first name; a county division; a metal-forming machine
- lathi - a bamboo cudgel
- laths - plural of "lath", a thin strip of wood
- lathy - long and thin
- Latia - a first name
- latie - a town in the Cameroon
- Latif - a first name
- latik - a sauce of carmelized coco and molasses
- latin - the language of ancient Rome; a person of Mediterranean or Spanish American origin
- Latiq - a first name
- latis - plural of "lati"; the name of a Celtic deity
- latke - a potato pancake
- laton - a first name; a variant of "latoun" or "latten", thin sheets of brass used for church utensils
- latro - a fanciful form of "later" as a farewell
- latte - a kind of coffee, only much more expensive
- latty - a first name; a bed
- latus - Latin for "a side", as in "latus rectum", a perpendicular chord
- Latzi - a first name
- lauan - a Philippine timber
- lauca - a river in Bolivia and Chile
- lauch - a first name; one's share in expenses
- laude - Latin for "praise", used in the phrase "cum laude"
- laudo - a mountain in Argentina
- lauds - praises; a canonical hour of prayer
- Lauer - a first name
- laufs - runs in a bobsled contest
- Lauge - a first name
- laugh - to deride; to guffaw
- lauia - the parrot fish
- laund - an open grassy area among trees
- launs - plural of "laun", a ceramics sieve
- laura - a first name; a hermitage
- Laure - a first name
- Lauri - a first name
- Lauro - a first name
- lausa - a village in Kosovo
- lautu - a royal Inca badge
- Lauza - a first name
- laval - a first name; a city in France; made of lava
- Lavan - a first name
- Lavar - a first name
- lavas - plural of "lava", molten volcanic rock
- lavce - a village in Macedonia
- laved - washed
- laver - a brazen wash basin; edible seaweed; a heraldic bearing
- laves - washes
- Lavia - a first name
- lavic - resembling lava
- Lavon - a first name
- lavor - a basin or laver
- lavra - a first name; a laura, a group of recluse cells
- lavvu - a teepee-like structure used by the Sami people
- Lawal - a first name
- lawas - the Shan plateau in Burma; a town in Indonesia
- lawdy - a slang variant of the exclamation "Lordy"
- lawed - took a complaint to court; litigated; cut off the claws and balls of a dog's feet
- lawer - a lawyer
- lawes - cuts off the claws and balls of a dog's feet
- lawin - one's share of expenses
- lawks - an expression of surprise
- lawms - plural of "lawm", variant of "lawn", a fine linen fabric, originally from Lyon, France
- lawnd - a laund, an open grassy area among trees
- lawns - plural of "lawn", a grassy expanse; a fine linen fabric, originally from Lyon, France
- lawny - of or like the cloth lawn
- Lawry - a first name
- lawsy - an exclamation of surprise or amazement
- lawzy - an exclamation of surprise or amazement
- laxer - looser
- laxes - plural of "lax", a salmon
- laxly - loosely
- Laxmi - a first name
- Layal - a first name
- layby - a parking area or bay
- layed - deposited as a wager
- layer - a tier; an egg-laying creature
- layia - a genus of Californian herbs
- Layla - a first name
- Layli - a first name
- Layna - a first name
- layne - a first name; to hold back or conceal
- layup - a shot in basketball
- lazar - a first name; a leper; a beggar
- lazed - idled
- lazer - one who lazes
- lazes - idles
- lazio - a province of Italy that includes Rome
- Lazlo - a first name
- lazos - plural of "lazo", a symbolic rope or lasso encircling a wedding couple
- lazzi - plural of "lazzo", an improvised comic dialogue in the commedia dell'arte
- lazzo - an improvised comic dialogue in the commedia dell'arte
- leach - to wash by percolation
- leads - covers with lead; shows the way
- leady - leaden
- leafs - quickly turns the pages of a book
- leafy - covered with leaves
- leaks - plural of "leak", a breach, hole or flaw
- leaky - containing leaks
- Leala - a first name
- leams - plural of "leam", a dog leash
- Leana - a first name
- Leane - a first name
- Leann - a first name
- leans - tilts
- leant - inclined
- leany - lean
- leaps - jumps
- leapt - leaped; jumped
- leare - to teach
- learn - to acquire knowledge
- lears - learns; leers
- leary - an old mine shaft; leery; flashy or showy
- Leasa - a first name
- lease - to rent for a fixed term
- leash - a thong; to bind
- least - smallest
- leasy - flimsy
- leath - a ward in the English county of Cumberland
- leats - plural of "leat", a channel or watercourse for a mill
- leave - to depart; permission
- Leavi - a first name
- leavy - leafy