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User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-a

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# Italian :: English dictionary generated from http://en.wiktionary.org/
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# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 161962 Italian glosses; 204704 English translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
-a {suffix} :: Used, with a stem, to form the third-person singular present tense of -are verbs
-a {suffix} :: Used, with a stem, to form the second-person singular imperative of -are verbs
-a {suffix} :: Used, with a stem, to form the first-person singular, second-person singular and third-person singular present subjunctive of -ere verbs, and of those -ire verbs that do not insert "isc"
-a {suffix} :: Used, with a stem, to form the third-person singular imperative of -ere verbs, and of those -ire verbs that do not insert "isc"
a- {prefix} :: ad- [indicating direction]
a- {prefix} :: a- [indicating lack or loss]
a {f} /a/ :: letter: a; a
a {prep} :: in
a {prep} :: at
a {prep} :: to
a {prep} :: Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
A {letter} /a/ :: letter: a
a2 {adj} [music] :: abbreviation of a due
aa {f} [volcanology] /ˈa.a/ :: aa (type of lava flow)
aaleniano {m} [geology, paleontology] /a.leˈnja.no/ :: Aalenian (subdivision of the Jurassic epoch)
aaleniano {adj} [geology, paleontology] :: Aalenian (of or pertaining to the Aalenian epoch)
ab- {prefix} :: ab- (away from; outside of)
abaca {m} /ˈa.ba.ka/ :: alternative form of abacà
abacà {m} /a.baˈka/ :: Manila hemp
abachista {mf} /a.baˈkis.ta/ :: abacist; an expert at calculation
abaco {m} /ˈa.ba.ko/ :: abacus (calculating frame)
abaco {m} :: multiplication table
abaco {m} :: The art of counting
abaco {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: A board used to display pottery during banquets
abaco {m} [furniture] :: abacus (church furniture)
abaco {m} [architecture] :: abacus (uppermost portion of the capital of a column)
Abaco {prop} :: given name
Abacuc {prop} :: Habakkuk
Abacucco {prop} :: alternative form of Abacuc
abada {mf} /aˈba.da/ :: alternative form of bada
abadita {mf} /a.baˈdi.ta/ :: alternative form of ibadita
abalienante {v} :: present participle of abalienare
abalienare {vt} /a.ba.ljeˈna.re/ :: to abalienate
abalienazione {f} /a.ba.lje.nat͡sjo.ne/ :: abalienation
abalietà {f} [philosophy] /a.ba.ljeˈta/ :: dependence of one's existence upon that of another
abandonare {v} /a.ban.doˈna.re/ :: obsolete form of abbandonare
abandono {m} /a.banˈdo.no/ :: obsolete form of abbandono
Abano Terme {prop} /ˈa.ba.no ˈtɛr.me/ :: Abano Terme (town)
ab antico {adv} :: formerly
abantico {adv} /a.banˈti.ko/ :: alternative spelling of ab antico
abantico {adv} :: formerly
abapicale {adj} [anatomy] /a.ba.piˈka.le/ :: abapical
abaptista {m} [medicine, surgery] /a.bapˈtis.ta/ :: abaptiston
abarbicato {adj} :: alternative form of abbarbicato
a bardosso {adv} :: bareback
abarico {adj} /aˈba.ri.ko/ :: weightless
abarico {adj} :: Describing the L1 Lagrange point between the Earth and the Moon at which their gravities cancel out
abarognosia {f} [medicine, neurology] /a.ba.roɲ.ɲoˈzi.a/ :: abarognosis
abarticolare {adj} [medicine] /a.bar.ti.koˈla.re/ :: abarticular
abasia {f} [medicine] /a.baˈzia̯/ :: abasia
abasica {f} :: feminine noun of abasico
abasico {adj} [medicine] /aˈba.zi.ko/ :: abasic
abasico {m} :: One who is affected by abasia
abassiale {adj} [zoology, botany] /a.basˈsja.le/ :: abaxial
Abatantuono {prop} :: surname
Abatantuono {prop} :: Diego Abatantuono, Italian actor
abate {m} /aˈba.te/ :: abbot
Abate {prop} :: surname
abâte {m} :: abbot
abate del popolo {m} :: abbot of the people
abatemarchese {adj} /a.ba.te.marˈke.ze/ :: Of or pertaining to Abatemarco
abatemarchese {mf} :: An inhabitant of Abatemarco
abatese {adj} /a.baˈte.ze/ :: Of or pertaining to Sant'Antonio Abate
abatese {mf} :: An inhabitant of Sant'Antonio Abate
abatino {m} /a.baˈti.no/ :: diminutive of abate
abatino {m} :: A young abbot, particularly one that is elegant and gallant
abatino {m} [ecclesiastical, rare] :: altar boy
abatino {m} [sports slang, rare] :: An athlete possessing technique but lacking physical strength
abato {m} /ˈa.ba.to/ :: alternative form of abaton
abaton {m} /ˈa.ba.ton/ :: abaton
abatonzolo {m} /a.baˈton.t͡so.lo/ :: pejorative of abate: (inept or insignificant) abbot
abatterico {adj} /a.batˈtɛ.ri.ko/ :: abacterial
abavo {m} /ˈa.ba.vo/ :: great-great-grandfather
abazia {f} /a.batˈt͡si.a/ :: alternative form of abbazia
abaziale {adj} /a.batˈt͡sja.le/ :: alternative form of abbaziale
abba {m} [Christianity, Judaism] /ˈab.ba/ :: abba
Abba {prop} :: surname
Abba {prop} :: Giuseppe Cesare Abba, Italian writer and patriot
Abba {prop} :: Marta Abba, Italian actress
abbacante {v} :: present participle of abbacare
abbacare {vi} [obsolete] /ab.baˈka.re/ :: to calculate
abbacare {v} :: to daydream
abbacare {v} :: to rack one's brain or puzzle
abbacchiamento {m} [rare] /ab.bakˈkja.re/ :: The harvesting of fruits or nuts by beating a tree with a stick
abbacchiamento {m} :: disheartenment, depression
abbacchiante {v} :: present participle of abbacchiare
abbacchiantesi {v} :: present participle of abbacchiarsi
abbacchiare {vt} /ab.bakˈkja.re/ :: to beat down with a pole fruit from a tree
abbacchiare {v} :: to knock down, to bring down
abbacchiare {v} [figurative, colloquial] :: to dishearten or depress
abbacchiare {v} [figurative, colloquial] :: to undersell
abbacchiaro {m} [dialectal, chiefly Central Italy] /ab.bakˈkja.ro/ :: butcher (especially one who sells young lamb)
abbacchiarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbacchiare
abbacchiarsi {vr} :: to dishearten or depress oneself; to become depressed
abbacchiato {adj} /ab.bakˈkja.to/ :: downhearted
abbacchiatore {m} /ab.bak.kjaˈto.re/ :: synonym of bacchiatore
abbacchiatosi {v} :: past participle of abbacchiarsi
abbacchiatura {f} /ab.bak.kjaˈtu.ra/ :: The harvesting of fruits or nuts by beating a tree with a stick
abbacchio {m} [Central Italy, Rome] /abˈbak.kjo/ :: lamb (meat, especially from a very young animal)
abbachista {mf} /ab.baˈkis.ta/ :: alternative form of abachista
abbacinamento {m} [historical] /ab.ba.t͡ʃi.naˈmen.to/ :: abacination
abbacinamento {m} [figurative] :: blindness
abbacinante {v} /ab.ba.t͡ʃiˈnan.te/ :: present participle of abbacinare
abbacinante {adj} :: dazzling, blinding
abbacinantesi {v} :: present participle of abbacinarsi
abbacinare {vt} [archaic] /ab.ba.t͡ʃiˈna.re/ :: To abacinate
abbacinare {vt} [by extension] :: to dazzle
abbacinare {vt} [figurative] :: to deceive; to deceptively attract
abbacinare {vt} [figurative] :: to stun
abbacinarsi {v} /ab.ba.t͡ʃiˈnar.si/ :: reflexive of abbacinare
abbacinarsi {vi} :: To be dazzled
abbacinarsi {vi} [figurative, rare] :: To deceive or delude oneself
abbacinato {adj} /ab.ba.t͡ʃiˈna.to/ :: dazzled
abbacinato {adj} [figurative] :: confused, dazed
abbacinato {adj} [figurative] :: deceived
abbacinatore {adj} [literary] /ab.ba.t͡ʃi.naˈto.re/ :: that abacinates
abbacinatore {adj} [literary, figurative] :: stunning, dazing
abbacinatore {m} [literary, historical] :: One that abacinates
abbaco {m} /ˈab.ba.ko/ :: uncommon form of abaco
abbacone {m} /ab.baˈko.ne/ :: dreamer, fantasist
abbadante {v} :: present participle of abbadare
abbadare {v} [archaic, literary, a] /ab.baˈda.re/ :: alternative form of badare
abbadatore {m} /ab.ba.daˈto.re/ :: A worker involved in the extraction and processing of sulphur
abbadengo {adj} /ab.baˈden.ɡo/ :: Of or from Abbadia San Salvatore
abbadengo {m} :: An inhabitant of Abbadia San Salvatore
Abbadia {prop} /ab.baˈdi.a/ :: Used in several toponyms, indicating places founded by or near an abbey
abbadiana {f} /ab.baˈdja.na/ :: feminine noun of abbadiano
abbadiano {adj} /ab.baˈdja.no/ :: Of or from Abbadia (Montepulciano)
abbadiano {m} :: An inhabitant of Abbadia
abbadiense {adj} /ab.ba.diˈɛn.se/ :: Of or pertaining to any of several places whose names contain the toponym Abbadia
abbadiense {mf} :: An inhabitant of one of these places
abbadinga {f} :: feminine noun of abbadingo
abbadingo {adj} /ab.baˈdin.ɡo/ :: alternative form of abbadengo
abbadingo {m} :: alternative form of abbadengo
abbadino {m} /ab.baˈdi.no/ :: roofing slate
abbagliaggine {f} /ab.baʎˈʎad.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: synonym of abbagliamento
abbagliamento {m} /ab.baʎ.ʎaˈmen.to/ :: The act of dazzling
abbagliamento {m} :: The condition of being dazzled: dazzlement
abbagliamento {m} [figurative, rare] :: mental confusion, dazzlement
abbagliante {v} /ab.baʎˈʎan.te/ :: present participle of abbagliare
abbagliante {adj} :: dazzling
abbagliante {m} [usually in the plural] :: high-beam
abbaglianti {m} [usually in plural, automotive] :: high-beam
abbaglianza {f} :: glare
abbagliare {vt} /ab.baʎˈʎa.re/ :: to dazzle
abbagliare {vt} [figurative] :: to dazzle; to impress; to fascinate
abbagliare {vi} :: to be dazzled
abbagliarsi {v} /ab.baʎˈʎar.si/ :: reflexive of abbagliare: to dazzle oneself
abbagliarsi {vi} :: to be dazzled; to be blinded
abbagliarsi {v} [archaic, figurative] :: to be mistaken, to be wrong
abbagliatamente {adv} :: dazzlingly
abbagliato {adj} :: dazzling
abbagliatore {adj} /ab.baʎ.ʎaˈto.re/ :: dazzling, blinding
abbagliatore {m} :: dazzler, blinder
abbaglio {m} [literary] /abˈbaʎ.ʎo/ :: dazzlement
abbaglio {m} [figurative] :: mistake, error, blunder
Abbagnale {prop} :: surname
Abbagnale {prop} :: Giuseppe Abbagnale, Italian rower
abbaiamento {m} /ab.ba.jaˈmen.to/ :: (prolonged) barking
abbaiante {v} /ab.baˈjan.te/ :: present participle of abbaiare
abbaiante {adj} [of dogs and foxes] :: that barks, barking
abbaiante {adj} [by extension, figurative, of people] :: yelling, shouting
abbaiare {v} [of dogs and foxes] /ab.baˈja.re/ :: to bark
abbaiare {v} [by extension, figurative, of people] :: to yell, shout
abbaiare {m} :: barking
abbaiata {f} /ab.baˈja.ta/ :: barking, baying
abbaiata {f} [figurative, rare] :: A yell aimed at ridiculing or reproaching someone
abbaiato {v} :: past participle of abbaiare
abbaiatore {adj} /ab.ba.jaˈto.re/ :: barking, baying
abbaiatore {adj} [figurative] :: slanderous
abbaiatore {m} :: barking or baying animal
abbaiatore {m} [figurative] :: slanderer
abbaiatura {f} /ab.ba.jaˈtu.ra/ :: barking
abbaino {m} /ab.baˈi.no/ :: dormer (room)
abbaino {m} :: dormer window
abbaio {m} :: A single instance of barking
abbaio {m} :: barking (of dogs)
abbaione {m} [familiar] /ab.baˈjo.ne/ :: One who barks often
abbaione {m} [familiar] :: scorn, jeering
abbalconato {adj} /ab.bal.koˈna.to/ :: That overlooks a balcony; that overlooks (in a manner similar to that of a balcony)
abballante {v} :: present participle of abballare
abballare {v} /ab.balˈla.re/ :: To wrap into a bundle(s)
abballinante {v} :: present participle of abballinare
abballinare {vt} [Tuscany] /ab.bal.liˈna.re/ :: To wrap, roll (up)
abballinato {adj} :: rolled up
abballinato {adj} :: wrapped up
abballottamento {m} /ab.bal.lot.taˈmen.to/ :: tossing, jolting, bobbing (about or around)
abballottante {v} :: present participle of abballottare
abballottantesi {v} :: present participle of abballottarsi
abballottare {vt} [rare] /ab.bal.lotˈta.re/ :: to toss, jolt, bob
abballottare {vt} :: To handle without care
abballottarsi {v} :: to roll up into a ball
abballottarsi {v} :: to curdle, clot
abballottato {adj} :: tossed or thrown about
abballottio {m} /ab.bal.lotˈti.o/ :: tossing, jolting, bobbing (about or around)
abbaluginare {vi} /ab.ba.lu.d͡ʒiˈna.re/ :: To be in the first stage of sleep, when various shapes and colors can be seen
abbaluginarsi {vi} /ab.ba.lu.d͡ʒiˈnar.si/ :: To be in the first stage of sleep, when various shapes and colors can be seen
abbaluginato {adj} /ab.ba.lu.d͡ʒiˈna.to/ :: That is in the first stage of sleep, when various shapes and colors can be seen
abbambinante {v} :: present participle of abbambinare
abbambinare {v} /ab.bam.biˈna.re/ :: To transport paving slabs or similar heavy items by supporting them upright and moving them from one edge to another
abbambolato {adj} :: dazed
abbambolato {adj} :: enchanted
abbancante {v} :: present participle of abbancare
abbancare {vt} /ab.banˈka.re/ :: To lay out on a counter or table
abbancare {vt} [nautical] :: To provide with seats for rowers
abbandonamento {m} /ab.ban.do.naˈmen.to/ :: abandonment
abbandonante {v} :: present participle of abbandonare
abbandonantesi {v} :: present participle of abbandonarsi
abbandonar {v} :: apocopic form of abbandonare
abbandonare {vt} :: to abandon, walk out on, maroon, give away, give up
abbandonarsi {vr} :: to indulge
abbandonata {adj} :: deserted
abbandonata {adj} :: disused
abbandonata {adj} :: neglected
abbandonata {adj} :: abandoned
abbandonatamente {adv} :: abandonedly
abbandonato {adj} :: deserted
abbandonato {adj} :: disused
abbandonato {adj} :: neglected
abbandonato {adj} :: abandoned
abbandonato {m} :: foundling or orphan
abbandonatosi {v} :: past participle of abbandonarsi
abbandonico {adj} [psychology] /ab.banˈdɔ.ni.ko/ :: passive-defeatist
abbandonismo {m} /ab.ban.doˈnis.mo/ :: passive defeatism
abbandono {m} /abbanˈdono/ :: desertion, abandonment
abbandono {m} [sports] :: withdrawal
abbano {m} :: An ivory cane once used in the coronation of Italian kings
abbarbagliamento {m} /ab.bar.ba.ʎaˈmen.to/ :: dazzlement (condition of being dazzled)
abbarbagliamento {m} [figurative] :: mistake, error
abbarbagliante {v} :: present participle of abbarbagliare
abbarbagliare {vt} /ab.bar.baʎˈʎa.re/ :: to dazzle
abbarbagliare {vt} [figurative] :: to astonish
abbarbaglio {m} /ab.barˈba.ʎo/ :: dazzlement
abbarbaglio {m} :: mistake, error
abbarbante {v} :: present participle of abbarbare
abbarbare {v} :: alternative form of abbarbicare
abbarbicamento {m} /ab.bar.bi.kaˈmen.to/ :: taking root (all senses)
abbarbicante {v} :: present participle of abbarbicare
abbarbicantesi {v} :: present participle of abbarbicarsi
abbarbicare {vi} /ab.bar.biˈka.re/ :: to put forth roots
abbarbicare {vi} :: to take root [all senses]
abbarbicare {vi} :: To creep
abbarbicarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbarbicare
abbarbicarsi {vr} :: to root (to)
abbarbicarsi {vr} :: to cling (to)
abbarbicato {adj} :: rooted, taken root
abbarbicatosi {v} :: past participle of abbarbicarsi
abbarbiccato {adj} :: alternative form of abbarbicato
abbarcante {v} :: present participle of abbarcare
abbarcare {vt} /ab.barˈka.re/ :: To bend sheets and planks of wood (using steam) in order to construct the hull of a ship
abbarcare {vt} :: to amass
abbarcatore {m} :: A person who bends sheets and planks of wood (using steam) in order to construct the hull of a ship
abbarrante {v} :: present participle of abbarrare
abbarrare {vt} /ab.barˈra.re/ :: To barricade
abbarrare {vt} :: To block up
abbarrato {adj} :: barred
abbarrato {adj} :: blocked
abbaruffamento {m} :: disorder, disarray
abbaruffamento {m} :: fight, brawl
abbaruffante {v} :: present participle of abbaruffare
abbaruffantesi {v} :: present participle of abbaruffarsi
abbaruffare {vt} :: To disorder or disarray
abbaruffarsi {vr} :: To fight, brawl or scuffle
abbaruffatosi {v} :: past participle of abbaruffarsi
abbaruffio {m} :: disorder, disarray
abbaruffio {m} :: fight, brawl
abbaside {adj} /abˈba.si.de/ :: Abbasid [attributive]
Abbasidi {prop} :: Abbasid
abbassabile {adj} /ab.basˈsa.bi.le/ :: That can be lowered; lowerable
abbassalingua {m} /ab.bas.saˈlin.ɡwa/ :: tongue depressor
abbassamento {m} /ab.bas.saˈmen.to/ :: lowering
abbassamento {m} :: reduction
abbassamento {m} :: fall
abbassante {v} :: present participle of abbassare
abbassantesi {v} :: present participle of abbassarsi
abbassare {vt} /ab.basˈsa.re/ :: to lower
abbassare {vt} :: to press down [on a pedal]
abbassare {vt} :: to dim [a light]
abbassarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbassare
abbassarsi {vit} :: to lower or go down
abbassarsi {vit} [figurative, by extension] :: to diminish; to reduce; to lower
abbassarsi {v} [a, per] :: to lower oneself; to stoop
abbassarsi {vi} :: to bend over
abbassarsi {v} [figurative, by extension] :: [a] to assume a position of humility or subjection; to humble oneself; to stoop
abbassata {f} /ab.basˈsa.ta/ :: The action of lowering; the effect of having lowered
abbassata {f} :: The downwards movement of a loom's heddles
abbassata {f} [figure roller skating] :: An exercise performed while standing on a single foot
abbassatore {adj} :: lowering, dropping, decreasing
abbassatosi {v} :: past participle of abbassarsi
abbassatura {f} [typography] /ab.bas.saˈtu.ra/ :: synonym of sbassatura
abbasside {adj} /abˈbas.si.de/ :: alternative form of abbaside
abbasso {adv} :: down
abbasso {adv} :: down with (as an exclamation)
abbastante {v} :: present participle of abbastare
abbastanza {adv} :: quite, fairly
abbastanza {adj} :: enough
abbastanza {interj} :: enough!
abbastare {vi} :: alternative form of bastare
abbatacchiante {v} :: present participle of abbatacchiare
abbatacchiare {v} :: To beat with the clapper or a bell, or with a door knocker
abbate {m} /abˈba.te/ :: alternative form of abate
abbatessa {f} :: abbess
abbattaggio {m} :: The side of a tunnel that is being excavated
abbattente {v} :: present participle of abbattere
abbattentesi {v} :: present participle of abbattersi
abbattere {vt} /abˈbat.te.re/ :: to throw down; to knock down; to bring down; to fell
abbattere {vt} :: to demolish; to destroy
abbattere {vt} :: to topple; to overthrow
abbattere {vt} :: to reduce dramatically; to cut; to slash
abbattere {vt} :: to dismay; to demoralize; to discourage
abbattere {vt} :: to kill; to put down
abbattere {vt} :: to destroy [an argument, etc.]; to refute; to rebut
abbattersi {v} :: reflexive of abbattere
abbattersi {v} [su] :: to fall (on)
abbattersi {vi} :: to be dismayed; to lose heart
abbattersi {v} [su, contro] :: to befall
abbattibile {adj} :: Capable of being pulled down or shot down
abbattifieno {m} :: A trapdoor in the loft of a barn, used for throwing down hay
abbattimento {m} :: demolition
abbattitore {m} :: lumberjack
abbattitore {m} :: slaughterer
abbattitore {m} :: blast chiller
abbattitore {m} :: blast, destroyer
abbattitrice {f} :: female equivalent of abbattitore
abbattitrice {f} :: feller (forestry machine)
abbattuto {adj} :: despondent, depressed, toppled
abbattutosi {v} :: past participle of abbattersi
abbatuffolante {v} :: present participle of abbatuffolare
abbatuffolare {vt} :: to tangle into a ball
abbazia {f} /ab.batˈt͡si.a/ :: abbey
Abbazia {prop} :: Abbazia (city)
abbaziale {adj} :: abbey (attributive); abbatial
abbecedario {m} /ab.be.t͡ʃeˈda.rjo/ :: primer, ABC book
abbellante {v} :: present participle of abbellare
abbellare {vt} :: Variant of abbellire
abbellare {vi} :: To like or prefer
abbellente {v} :: present participle of abbellire
abbellentesi {v} :: present participle of abbellirsi
abbellimento {m} :: embellishment, ornament
abbellimento {m} [music] :: grace note, ornamentation
abbellire {vt} :: to make something (more) attractive; to prettify something
abbellire {vt} :: to embellish a story
abbellire {vt} :: to spiff up
abbellirsi {vr} :: To prettify oneself, to make more attractive oneself
abbellirsi {vr} :: To become more attractive
abbellitosi {v} :: past participle of abbellirsi
abbellitura {f} :: embellishment
abbenché {conj} :: alternative form of benché
abbendante {v} :: present participle of abbendare
abbendare {v} :: to bandage
abbendare {v} :: to gather (form a crowd)
abbeveraggio {m} :: watering (providing water for animals)
abbeverante {v} :: present participle of abbeverare
abbeverantesi {v} :: present participle of abbeverarsi
abbeverare {vt} :: to water (to provide (animals) with water)
abbeverarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbeverare
abbeverarsi {vr} :: to drink [especially of animals]
abbeverarsi {vr} :: to quench one's thirst
abbeverata {f} :: watering place (by a well)
abbeveratoio {m} :: drinking trough (for animals)
abbeveratosi {v} :: past participle of abbeverarsi
abbevilliano {adj} :: Abbevillian
abbiadante {v} :: present participle of abbiadare
abbiadare {v} :: To feed animals with fodder
abbiatico {m} :: alternative form of abiatico
abbicante {v} :: present participle of abbicare
abbicare {v} :: to collect in heaps
abbicatura {f} :: The gathering of grain into sheaves
abbiccì {m} /ab.bitˈtʃi/ :: alphabet
abbiccì {m} :: abc
abbiente {adj} :: well-to-do, prosperous, wealthy
abbiente {mf} [chiefly in the plural] :: Wealthy person
abbiettezza {f} :: baseness, vileness
abbietto {adj} :: alternative form of abietto
abbiezione {f} :: Variant of abiezione
abbigliamento {m} :: clothes, clothing, attire
abbigliante {v} :: present participle of abbigliare
abbigliantesi {v} :: present participle of abbigliarsi
abbigliare {vt} :: To dress
abbigliarsi {vr} :: To dress up, to dress
abbigliatoio {m} :: dressing room, changing room
abbigliatosi {v} :: past participle of abbigliarsi
abbigliatura {f} :: clothes, clothing
abbinabile {adj} :: combinable
abbinabile {adj} :: matching
abbinabilità {f} :: compatibility
abbinamento {m} :: matching, pairing, match
abbinante {v} :: present participle of abbinare
abbinantesi {v} :: present participle of abbinarsi
abbinare {vt} :: to match, to couple, to pair
abbinare {vt} :: to lace
abbinarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbinare
abbinarsi {vr} :: to match, go together, go well
abbinato {adj} :: matching, paired off, twinned
abbinatosi {v} :: past participle of abbinarsi
abbinatrice {f} :: alternative form of binatrice
abbinatura {f} :: alternative form of binatura
abbindolamento {m} :: deceit, deception, fraud
abbindolante {v} :: present participle of abbindolare
abbindolare {vt} :: To trick or take in
abbindolatore {m} :: trickster
abbindolatura {f} :: deceit, deception, fraud
abbioccante {v} :: present participle of abbioccare
abbioccantesi {v} :: present participle of abbioccarsi
abbioccare {vt} [rare] :: to exhaust or tire out
abbioccarsi {vr} :: to fall asleep or doze off
abbioccatosi {v} :: past participle of abbioccarsi
abbiocco {m} :: fit of drowsiness
abbiosciamento {m} :: dejection
abbiosciamento {m} :: wilting of a plant caused by damage to the stem
abbiosciante {v} :: present participle of abbiosciare
abbiosciare {v} :: To slump
abbiosciare {v} :: To wither (of plants)
abbisciante {v} :: present participle of abbisciare
abbisciare {v} [nautical] :: To coil a rope, chain or cable neatly
abbisognante {v} :: present participle of abbisognare
abbisognare {vi} /ab.bi.zoˈɲa.re/ :: to need
abbisognare {vi} [literary] :: to be necessary
abbittante {v} :: present participle of abbittare
abbittare {v} [nautical] :: To wrap a rope around a bollard
abbittatura {f} [nautical] :: The winding of a cord around a cleat
abboccamento {m} :: connection (of tubing etc)
abboccamento {m} :: meeting, interview
abboccante {v} :: present participle of abboccare
abboccare {vt} [rare] :: to bite or take with the mouth
abboccare {vi} [also, figuratively, by extension] :: to take the bait
abboccare {vt} [rare] :: to fill up [a glass, jar, etc.] to the top
abboccare {vt} :: to join or connect [tubes, ducts, etc.]
abboccare {vi} :: [of tubes, ducts, etc.] to be joined or connected
abboccare {vt} [by extension] :: [in surgery] to connect two organs
abboccarsi {v} :: reflexive of abboccare
abboccarsi {v} :: (with con) to meet (with) [someone]
abboccarsi {v} :: [of a boat] to lean or tip to one side so as to barely touch the water
abboccato {adj} :: sweetish (of wine, especially Orvieto)
abboccatoio {m} :: The mouth of a furnace
abboccatura {f} :: The mouth of a container (from which it is drunk)
abboccatura {f} :: The meeting-point of the two leaves of a double door
abboccatura {f} :: A part of a loaf that remains partially uncooked because it was in contact with another
abbocchevole {adj} [nautical] :: That can easily take the bait
abboffante {v} :: present participle of abboffarsi
abboffantesi {v} :: present participle of abboffarsi
abboffarsi {vr} :: alternative form of abbuffarsi
abboffata {f} :: gorging (eating like a pig)
abboffata {f} :: blowout (feast)
abboffatosi {v} :: past participle of abboffarsi
abbominabile {adj} :: Variant of abominabile
abbominante {v} :: present participle of abbominare
abbominare {v} :: Variant of abominare
abbominazione {f} :: rare form of abominazione
abbominevole {adj} /ab.bo.miˈne.vo.le/ :: alternative form of abominevole
abbominevolmente {adv} :: alternative form of abominevolmente
abbominio {m} :: alternative form of abominio
abbonacciamento {m} :: calming (return to a calm state)
abbonacciamento {m} [nautical] :: becalming
abbonacciante {v} :: present participle of abbonacciare
abbonacciantesi {v} :: present participle of abbonacciarsi
abbonacciare {v} /ab.bo.natˈt͡ʃa.re/ :: Transitive meanings:
abbonacciare {vt} :: to calm down (the sea)
abbonacciare {vt} [figuratively] :: to soothe
abbonacciare {v} :: Intransitive meanings:
abbonacciare {vi} [of the sea] :: to become dead calm
abbonacciare {vi} [figuratively] :: to calm down
abbonacciarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbonacciare
abbonacciarsi {vr} :: to calm (down)
abbonacciarsi {vr} :: to drop [of the wind]
abbonacciatosi {v} :: past participle of abbonacciarsi
abbonamento {m} /ab.bo.naˈmen.to/ :: subscription
abbonamento {m} :: season ticket
abbonamento {m} :: rental, licence
abbonante {v} :: present participle of abbonare
abbonantesi {v} :: present participle of abbonarsi
abbonare {vt} /ab.boˈna.re/ :: to deduct
abbonarsi {v} /ab.boˈnar.si/ :: reflexive of abbonare
abbonarsi {vr} :: to subscribe [to a magazine, etc.]
abbonarsi {vr} :: to buy a season ticket
abbonato {m} :: subscriber
abbonato {m} :: season ticket holder
abbonatosi {v} :: past participle of abbonarsi
abbondante {adj} :: abundant
abbondante {adj} :: generous
abbondante {adj} :: heavy (snow)
abbondante {adj} :: loose-fitting (clothes)
abbondante {v} :: present participle of abbondare
abbondantemente {adv} :: profusely, copiously, abundantly
abbondantissimo {adj} :: superlative of abbondante
abbondanza {f} :: abundance
abbondanza {f} :: richness
abbondanza {f} :: wealth
abbondanza {f} :: affluence
abbondanza {f} [historical] :: The foodstuffs and other materials needed by a city; the warehouse where it was stored
abbondanziere {m} [historical] :: The official in charge of the abbondanza of a city
Abbondanzio {prop} :: given name, from Latin Abundius
abbondare {vi} :: to abound, to be plentiful
Abbondazio {prop} :: given name from Latin Abundius
abbondevole {adj} [literary] /ab.bonˈde.vo.le/ :: plentiful, abundant, abounding
abbondevolmente {adv} :: abundantly
Abbondio {prop} :: given name. The Italian equivalent of Abundius
abbonente {v} :: present participle of abbonire
abbonentesi {v} :: present participle of abbonirsi
abbonimento {m} :: improvement (especially of land)
abbonire {vt} :: to calm down, appease
abbonire {vt} :: to reclaim, improve (land)
abbonirsi {vr} :: to calm down
abbonitosi {v} :: past participle of abbonirsi
abbono {m} :: Variant of abbuono
abbordabile {adj} :: approachable, accessible
abbordabile {adj} :: (of a price) reasonable, affordable
abbordabilità {f} :: accessibleness
abbordabilità {f} :: affordability, reasonableness
abbordabilmente {adv} :: approachably, accessibly
abbordabilmente {adv} :: (regarding a price) reasonably, affordably
abbordaggio {m} [nautical] /abborˈdaddʒo/ :: boarding
abbordaggio {m} :: approach
abbordante {v} :: present participle of abbordare
abbordare {vt} :: to go alongside or collide with a ship
abbordare {vt} :: to accost someone, to approach, to pick up
abbordare {vtt} [nautical] :: To capture an enemy ship by going alongside and grappling her, then invading her with a boarding party
abbordare {vt} :: to board
abbordatore {adj} [nautical] :: boarding (attributive)
abbordo {m} [nautical] :: boarding, collision
abbordo {m} :: approach
abborracciamento {m} :: a botched job
abborracciante {v} :: present participle of abborracciare
abborracciare {vt} :: To bungle or botch (do something badly and quickly)
abborracciatamente {adv} :: In a bungled or botched manner
abborracciato {adj} :: bungled, botched
abborracciatore {m} :: botcher
abborracciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of abborracciatore
abborracciatura {f} :: botch
abborracciona {f} :: female equivalent of abborraccione
abborraccione {m} :: botcher
abborrante {v} :: present participle of abborrare
abborrare {v} :: To stuff
abborrare {v} :: To quilt
abborrente {v} :: present participle of abborrire
abborrire {v} :: alternative spelling of aborrire
abbottinante {v} :: present participle of abbottinare
abbottinare {v} :: To plunder, pillage
abbottonante {v} :: present participle of abbottonare
abbottonantesi {v} :: present participle of abbottonarsi
abbottonare {vt} :: to button (do up the buttons on a coat, etc.)
abbottonarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbottonare
abbottonarsi {vr} :: to button, button up
abbottonatamente {adv} :: cautiously, prudently
abbottonato {adj} :: buttoned, buttoned up
abbottonato {adj} [figurative, of a person] :: reserved
abbottonatosi {v} :: past participle of abbottonarsi
abbottonatura {f} :: buttons [as a class]
abbozzacchiante {v} :: present participle of abbozzacchiare
abbozzacchiare {v} :: To sketch or outline incompletely
abbozzamento {m} :: sketching; sketch
abbozzante {v} :: present participle of abbozzare
abbozzare {vt} :: to sketch
abbozzare {vt} :: to outline
abbozzatamente {adv} :: sketchily
abbozzaticcio {adj} :: sketchy
abbozzato {adj} :: sketchy
abbozzatore {m} [art] :: sketcher (sketch artist)
abbozzatura {f} :: sketch
abbozzo {m} /abˈbɔt.t͡so/ :: sketch, outline, draft
abbozzo {m} [wiki] :: stub
abbozzolante {v} :: present participle of abbozzolarsi
abbozzolantesi {v} :: present participle of abbozzolarsi
abbozzolarsi {vr} :: to spin a cocoon
abbozzolarsi {vr} :: to become lumpy
abbozzolatosi {v} :: past participle of abbozzolarsi
abbracciabile {adj} :: embraceable
abbracciabosco {m} :: honeysuckle
abbracciafusto {adj} [botany, of a leaf] :: clasping or decurrent (whose lower part surrounds the stem)
abbracciamento {m} :: An extended hug or embrace
abbracciamento {m} [botany] :: clinging
abbracciamento {m} :: choice of a profession
abbracciante {v} :: present participle of abbracciare
abbracciantesi {v} :: present participle of abbracciarsi
abbracciar {v} :: apocopic form of abbracciare
abbracciare {vt} /abːraˈtːʃaːre/ :: to embrace someone or something
abbracciare {vt} :: to hug
abbracciarsi {v} :: reflexive of abbracciare
abbracciarsi {v} :: to embrace each other, hug one another
abbracciatosi {v} :: past participle of abbracciarsi
abbraccio {m} :: embrace, hug
abbraccio {m} :: brace (that which holds tightly)
abbraccione {m} :: busybody
abbraciante {v} :: present participle of abbraciare
abbraciare {v} :: To reduce to embers
abbraciare {v} :: To kindle or inflame
abbrancante {v} :: present participle of abbrancare
abbrancantesi {v} :: present participle of abbrancarsi
abbrancare {vt} :: To grasp or seize
abbrancarsi {vt} :: To grab hold (of)
abbrancatosi {v} :: past participle of abbrancarsi
abbreviabile {adj} :: shortenable
abbreviamento {m} :: shortening
abbreviante {v} :: present participle of abbreviare
abbreviare {vt} :: To abbreviate or shorten
abbreviatamente {adv} :: abbreviatedly
abbreviativo {adj} :: abbreviating, shortening
abbreviato {adj} :: abbreviated
abbreviato {adj} :: shortened
abbreviatore {m} :: abbreviator
abbreviatura {f} :: initialism
abbreviazione {f} /ab.brev.jatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: abbreviation, initialism, acronym, short (for)
abbriccante {v} :: present participle of abbriccare
abbriccare {v} :: To deal (someone) a series of blows or beatings
abbrigliante {v} :: present participle of abbrigliare
abbrigliare {v} :: To harness or bridle (a horse etc)
abbrivante {v} :: present participle of abbrivare
abbrivare {v} [of a boat or aircraft] :: To get underway and pick up speed
abbriviante {v} :: present participle of abbriviare
abbriviare {vt} [nautical] :: to get underway, or to pick up speed
abbrividente {v} :: present participle of abbrividire
abbrividire {v} :: alternative form of rabbrividire
abbrivio {m} :: Variant of abbrivo
abbrivo {m} :: headway
abbronzamento {m} :: tanning
abbronzante {v} :: present participle of abbronzare
abbronzante {adj} :: suntan (attributive)
abbronzante {m} :: suntan cream
abbronzante {m} :: suntan oil
abbronzantesi {v} :: present participle of abbronzarsi
abbronzare {v} /ab.bronˈd͡za.re/ :: to tan
abbronzarsi {vr} /ab.bronˈd͡zar.si/ :: to tan (oneself)
abbronzatosi {v} :: past participle of abbronzarsi
abbronzatura {f} :: tanning
abbronzatura {f} :: sunbathing
abbronzatura {f} :: tan, suntan
abbrostolante {v} :: present participle of abbrostolare
abbrostolare {v} :: alternative form of abbrustolare
abbrostolente {v} :: present participle of abbrostolire
abbrostolire {v} :: alternative form of abbrustolire
abbruciacchiamento {m} :: singeing, scorching
abbruciacchiamento {m} :: withering
abbruciacchiante {v} :: present participle of abbruciacchiare
abbruciacchiare {vt} :: To singe, to scorch
abbruciacchiare {vt} :: To wither
abbruciamento {m} [rare] :: alternative form of bruciamento
abbruciamento {m} :: stubble burning
abbruciante {v} :: present participle of abbruciare
abbruciare {v} :: alternative form of bruciare
abbruciaticcio {adj} :: slightly burnt
abbrumante {v} :: present participle of abbrumare
abbrumare {vi} :: To corrode (especially the hull of a ship)
abbrunamento {m} :: blackout (deliberate)
abbrunamento {m} :: darkening
abbrunante {v} :: present participle of abbrunare
abbrunantesi {v} :: present participle of abbrunarsi
abbrunare {vt} :: To drape with black
abbrunare {v} [impersonal] :: To get dark
abbrunarsi {vr} :: To wear mourning
abbrunarsi {v} [impersonal] :: To get dark
abbrunatosi {v} :: past participle of abbrunarsi
abbrunente {v} :: present participle of abbrunire
abbrunimento {m} :: tanning
abbrunimento {m} :: burnishing
abbrunire {vt} :: to tan
abbrunire {vt} :: to burnish
abbruscante {v} :: present participle of abbruscare
abbruscare {v} :: To toast (burn)
abbrusciante {v} :: present participle of abbrusciare
abbrusciare {v} :: to toast
abbrustiante {v} :: present participle of abbrustiare
abbrustiare {v} :: To toast (burn)
abbrustiatura {f} :: napping (of cloth)
abbrustolante {v} :: present participle of abbrustolare
abbrustolare {v} :: rare form of abbrustolire
abbrustolente {v} :: present participle of abbrustolire
abbrustolentesi {v} :: present participle of abbrustolirsi
abbrustolimento {m} :: toasting
abbrustolimento {m} :: roasting
abbrustolire {vt} :: to roast, to toast
abbrustolirsi {vr} :: To roast (in the sun)
abbrustolitosi {v} :: past participle of abbrustolirsi
abbrutente {v} :: present participle of abbrutire
abbrutente {adj} :: brutalising
abbrutentesi {v} :: present participle of abbrutirsi
abbrutimento {m} :: exhaustion
abbrutimento {m} :: degradation
abbrutire {v} :: to exhaust; to degrade; to stultify
abbrutire {v} :: to brutalize
abbrutirsi {vr} :: To become brutalized
abbrutitosi {v} :: past participle of abbrutirsi
abbruttente {v} :: present participle of abbruttire
abbruttentesi {v} :: present participle of abbruttirsi
abbruttimento {m} :: alternative form of imbruttimento
abbruttire {vt} :: to brutalize
abbruttirsi {vr} :: To become brutalized
abbruttitosi {v} :: past participle of abbruttirsi
abbuffante {v} :: present participle of abbuffarsi
abbuffantesi {v} :: present participle of abbuffarsi
abbuffarsi {vr} /ab.bufˈfar.si/ :: to stuff oneself (eat too much) or binge
abbuffata {f} :: binge (rapid and excessive consumption of food), binge eating
abbuffatosi {v} :: past participle of abbuffarsi
abbuiamento {m} :: darkening
abbuiante {v} :: present participle of abbuiare
abbuiantesi {v} :: present participle of abbuiarsi
abbuiare {v} :: to darken
abbuiarsi {vr} :: To grow dark; to darken
abbuiatosi {v} :: past participle of abbuiarsi
abbuonante {v} :: present participle of abbuonare
abbuonare {vt} :: Variant of abbonare
abbuono {m} :: discount
abbuono {m} [horse racing] :: handicap
abbuono {m} [cicle racing] :: time bonus
abburattamento {m} :: sifting, sieving
abburattante {v} :: present participle of abburattare
abburattare {vt} :: To sift or sieve
abburattatore {m} :: siever, sifter (person)
abburattatura {f} :: sieving, sifting (action, and result)
abburattatura {f} :: bran (produced by sifting)
abbuzzente {v} :: present participle of abbuzzire
abbuzzire {v} [rare] :: synonym of rimpinzare
abc {m} :: ABC, alphabet
abcaso {adj} :: Abkhaz, Abkhazian
abciximab {m} :: abciximab
Abdenago {prop} :: given name
Abdera {n} /ˈab.de.ra/ :: Abdera (ancient city)
Abdera {n} :: Abdera (modern municipality)
abderita {adj} /ab.deˈri.ta/ :: of or pertaining to Abdera
abderita {mf} :: Abderite (inhabitant or native of Abdera)
abderitismo {m} [philosophy] :: abderitism
Abdia {prop} [Biblical character] :: Obadiah
Abdia {prop} :: given name
abdicante {v} :: present participle of abdicare
abdicare {vi} :: to abdicate
abdicare {vi} :: to renounce
abdicatario {adj} :: abdicated
abdicatore {m} :: abdicator
abdicatrice {f} :: female equivalent of abdicatore
abdicazione {f} :: abdication
Abdieso {prop} :: given name
Abdone {prop} :: given name
abduano {adj} :: Relating to the river Adda
abducente {v} :: present participle of abdurre
abdurre {vt} [anatomy] :: To abduct
abduttivo {adj} [logic] :: abductive
abduttore {adj} [anatomy] :: abductive
abduzione {f} [anatomy] :: abduction (physiology: movement separating limb from axis)
abduzione {f} [logic] :: syllogism
abecedario {m} /a.be.t͡ʃeˈda.rjo/ :: uncommon form of abbecedario
abecedario {m} :: Anabaptist
Abèl {prop} :: Abel (medieval spelling of Abele)
abelaggio {m} [historical] :: The right of a feudal lord to the beehives found in the woods of his vassals
Abelardo {prop} :: Abelard
Abele {prop} :: given name
abeliano {adj} :: Abelian
abelisauride {m} :: abelisaurid
a bella posta {adv} :: on purpose, intentionally, deliberately
abelmosco {m} /a.belˈmɔs.ko/ :: musk mallow (Malva moschata)
abelmosco {m} :: abelmosk (Abelmoschus moschatus)
abentare {v} [obsolete] /a.benˈta.re/ :: to find peace, to rest
abento {m} [obsolete] /aˈbɛn.to/ :: peace, repose, tranquillity
abenula {f} [anatomy] :: habenula
Abenzio {prop} :: given name
Abercio {prop} :: given name
aberlusconiano {m} [politics] :: An opponent of the policies of Silvio Berlusconi
aberlusconismo {m} [politics] :: A movement that opposes the policies of Silvio Berlusconi
aberrante {adj} :: aberrant
aberrante {v} :: present participle of aberrare
aberranza {f} :: aberrance
aberrare {vi} :: to stray, to deviate
aberrazionale {adj} :: aberrational
aberrazione {m} :: aberration
aberrazione astronomica {f} :: alternative form of aberrazione della luce
aberrazione della luce {f} [astronomy] :: aberration of light
aberrazione stellare {f} :: alternative form of aberrazione della luce
aberrometria {f} :: aberrometry
abetaia {f} :: fir wood (forest)
abete {m} /aˈbe.te/ :: fir, fir tree, particularly the silver fir (Abies alba)
abete {m} :: deal (fir wood)
abetella {f} :: A pole of fir or larch, used in carpentry and construction
abete rosso {m} /aˈbe.te ˈros.so/ :: Norway spruce (Picea abies)
abetina {f} :: fir wood (forest)
abetino {adj} :: fir wood (attributive)
abeto {m} :: alternative form of abete
Abetone {prop} :: Abetone (small town)
abetonese {adj} :: Of or from Abetone
abeyas {m} :: abaya
Abia {prop} :: given name
Abia {prop} :: given name
abiatica {f} :: granddaughter
abiatico {m} :: grandchild
abiatico {m} [by extension] :: ancestor
Abibo {prop} :: given name
Abibone {prop} :: given name
abicì {m} :: alternative form of abbiccì
abietico {adj} :: abietic
abietinico {adj} :: abietinic
abiettamente {adv} :: abjectly, despicably
abiettante {v} :: present participle of abiettare
abiettare {v} :: synonym of spregiare
abiettezza {f} :: meanness, vileness, abjectness
abiettitudine {f} :: meanness, vileness, abjectness
abietto {adj} :: abject, despicable
abiezione {f} /a.bjetˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: abjection (low or downcast condition)
Abigaille {prop} [rare] :: given name
abigeatario {m} /a.bi.d͡ʒe.aˈta.rjo/ :: cattle thief, rustler
abigeato {m} [chiefly historical] /a.bi.d͡ʒeˈa.to/ :: abigeat, cattle-theft, rustling
-abile {suffix} :: -able, -ible
abile {adj} :: skilful
abile {adj} :: clever
abile {adj} :: able, fit
Abilio {prop} :: given name
abilissimo {adj} :: superlative of abile
abilissimo {adj} :: very skilful
abilissimo {adj} :: very clever
abilità {f} :: ability, skill
abilità {f} :: cleverness
abilitante {v} :: present participle of abilitare
abilitante {adj} :: qualifying
abilitare {vt} :: to qualify someone for something, or to do something
abilitare {vt} :: to enable (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
abilitativo {adj} :: qualifying
abilitato {adj} :: qualified
abilitazione {f} :: qualification
abilitazione {f} :: license
abilitazione {f} :: activation
abilmente {adv} :: cleverly, skilfully, deftly, smartly
Abimelech {prop} [Biblical character] :: Abimelech
abiogenesi {f} [biology] :: abiogenesis
abiogeneticamente {adv} :: abiogenetically
abiogenetico {adj} :: abiogenetic
abiogenetista {mf} :: abiogenist
abiogenista {mf} :: abiogenist
abiologicamente {adv} :: abiologically
abiologico {adj} :: abiological
abiosfera {f} :: abiosphere
abiosi {f} :: abiosis
abioticamente {adv} :: abiotically
abiotico {adj} :: abiotic
a bisdosso {adv} :: bareback (without a saddle)
abissale {adj} :: abyssal
abissale {adj} :: bottomless, unfathomable
abissante {v} :: present participle of abissare
abissare {v} :: To plunge or to sink into the abyss
Abissinia {prop} :: Abyssinia
abissino {adj} :: Abyssinian
abissino {m} :: Abyssinian (Native of Abyssinia and the domestic cat)
abisso {m} /aˈbis.so/ :: abyss, gulf
abitabile {adj} :: habitable, inhabitable, livable
abitabilità {f} :: habitability
abitacolo {m} :: cabin (part of car used by driver and passengers; part of aircraft used by pilot)
abitagione {f} :: alternative form of abitazione
abitante {v} /a.biˈtan.te/ :: present participle of abitare: inhabiting
abitante {mf} :: inhabitant
abitante {mf} :: denizen
abitante {mf} :: occupant
abitare {vi} :: to reside
abitare {vt} :: to live in, or inhabit a place
abitativo {adj} :: housing
abitativo {adj} :: living
abitato {adj} :: occupied (house etc)
abitato {m} :: built-up area
abitato {m} :: town, village
abitator {m} /a.bi.taˈtor/ :: apocopic form of abitatore: inhabitant, dweller
abitatore {m} [literary] /a.bi.taˈto.re/ :: inhabitant, dweller
abitatrice {f} :: female equivalent of abitatore
abitazione {f} :: habitation
abitazione {f} :: residence, house
abitazione isolata {f} :: alternative form of casa isolata
abitino {m} :: dress
abitino {m} :: scapular
abito {m} /ˈa.bi.to/ :: garment
abito {m} :: dress (of a woman)
abito {m} :: suit (of a man)
abito {m} :: habit (of a monk or nun)
abito {m} [zoology] :: coat (of an animal), especially a bird's plumage
abito {m} [Christianity] :: scapular
abito {m} :: aptitude, bent
abito {m} [literary] :: habit (action done on a regular basis)
abito {m} [literary] :: bearing, appearance
abito {m} [Aristotelic philosophy] :: Disposition to be or act in a certain way
abito {m} [medicine] :: The characteristics of the body's shape
abito {m} [zoology] :: habitus
abito {m} [crystallography] :: The predominant simple shape in a crystal
abito camicia {m} :: coatdress
abito da sposa {m} :: wedding dress
abito monacale {n} :: frock
abito monacale {n} :: monk's habit
abito monacale {n} :: nun's habit
abito talare {n} :: cassock, frock
abito talare {n} :: priest's habit
abito talare {n} :: An item of clerical clothing: a long, sheath-like, close-fitting, ankle-length robe worn by clergy members of some Christian denominations
abituale {adj} :: habitual, usual, regular
abitualità {f} :: habitualness
abitualmente {adv} :: usually, habitually
abituante {v} :: present participle of abituare
abituantesi {v} :: present participle of abituarsi
abituare {vt} :: to accustom
abituarsi {vr} :: to get used or to get accustomed (to something)
abituato {adj} /a.bi.tuˈ.a.to/ :: used (to)
abituato {adj} [archaic] :: habitual, usual
abituato {adj} [rare] :: habited, dressed
abituatosi {v} :: past participle of abituarsi
abituazione {f} :: habituation
abitudinale {adj} :: usual, regular
abitudinariamente {adv} :: habitually
abitudinarietà {f} :: overdependence on habit or routine; rigidity, regimentation
abitudinario {adj} :: habitual
abitudinario {m} :: creature of habit
abitudine {f} :: habit, practice (customary behaviour)
abitudine {f} :: custom
abitudine {f} :: routine
abituro {m} [literary] :: hovel
abituro {m} [literary] :: abode, dwelling
abiura {f} :: abjuration
abiurante {v} :: present participle of abiurare
abiurare {vt} :: To abjure
abiuratore {m} :: abjurer
abiuratrice {f} :: female equivalent of abiuratore
a bizzeffe {adv} /a‿b.bidˈdzɛf.fe/ :: in abundance, galore
a bizzeffe {adv} [by extension] :: two a penny, dime a dozen
abkhaza {f} :: Abkhazian (female)
Abkhazia {prop} :: Abkhazia
abkhazo {adj} :: Abkhazian
abkhazo {m} :: Abkhazian
abkhazo {m} :: the Abkhazian language
ablaqueazione {f} [agriculture] :: The act or process of laying bare the roots of trees; ablaqueation
ablativamente {adv} [grammar] :: ablatively
ablativo {adj} [grammar] :: ablative
ablativo {m} [grammar] :: ablative
ablazione {f} [biology, geology, physics] :: ablation
ablefaria {f} [pathology] :: ablepharia, ablepharon
ablegazione {f} :: ablegation
abluzione {f} :: ablution
abnegatore {m} [rare] :: abnegator
abnegatrice {f} [rare] :: female equivalent of abnegatore
abnegazione {f} :: abnegation, self-sacrifice
abnorme {adj} /abˈnɔr.me/ :: abnormal
abnorme {adj} :: extraordinary
abnormemente {adv} :: abnormally
abnormità {f} :: a monster in the form of a human abnormality
a bocca asciutta {prep} :: hungry, starving, without food
a bocca asciutta {prep} [figurative, by extension] :: disillusioned
abolente {v} :: present participle of abolire
abolibile {adj} :: abolishable, annullable
abolire {vt} :: to abolish
abolire {vt} :: to abrogate
abolire {vt} :: to annul
abolitivo {adj} :: abolishing
abolitore {m} [rare] :: abolisher
abolitrice {f} [rare] :: female equivalent of abolitore
abolizione {f} :: abolition
abolizione {f} :: abrogation
abolizionismo {m} :: abolitionism
abolizionista {adj} :: abolitionist
abolizionista {mf} :: abolitionist
abolizionistico {adj} :: abolitionist
abomasale {adj} [zoology] :: abomasal
abomaso {m} [zoology] :: abomasum
abominabile {adj} /a.bo.miˈna.bi.le/ :: abominable
abominando {adj} [literary] /a.bo.miˈnan.do/ :: That is to be abhorred or detested
abominante {v} :: present participle of abominare
abominare {vt} [literary] :: To abhor, to detest, to loathe
abominatore {m} :: abhorrer, detester, loather
abominazione {f} :: abomination
abominevole {adj} /a.bo.miˈne.vo.le/ :: abominable
abominevole uomo delle nevi {m} :: abominable snowman
abominevolmente {adv} :: abominably
abominio {m} :: abomination
abondante {v} :: present participle of abondare
abondare {v} :: alternative form of abbondare
abondevole {adj} /a.bonˈde.vo.le/ :: obsolete form of abbondevole
aborale {adj} [anatomy, zoology] :: aboral
aboralmente {adv} [anatomy, zoology] :: aborally
a bordo {adv} :: aboard, on board
aborigena {f} :: feminine noun of aborigeno
aborigeno {adj} :: aboriginal
aborigeno {m} :: aborigine, aboriginal
aborrente {v} :: present participle of aborrire
aborrevole {adj} :: detestable, repugnant (worthy of abhorrence)
aborrevolmente {adv} :: detestably, repugnantly
aborrimento {m} :: abhorrence, loathing
aborrire {vt} /a.borˈri.re/ :: to abhor, to detest, to loathe
aborrire {v} [da] :: To be averse (to)
aborritore {m} :: abhorrer
abortente {v} :: present participle of abortire
abortire {vi} :: to abort or have a miscarriage
abortire {vi} :: (but takes avere) to fail; not to develop
abortista {mf} :: abortionist
abortista {mf} :: abortion (attributive)
abortivo {adj} :: abortive
abortivo {m} :: abortifacient
aborto {m} :: abortion, miscarriage
Abraàm {prop} /ab.ra.ˈam/ :: medieval spelling of Abramo
a braccetto {adv} :: arm in arm
a braccia conserte {adv} :: with arms folded
abradente {v} :: present participle of abradere
abradere {vt} :: to rasp, abrade
abramide {m} :: bream (of genus Abramis)
abramide comune {m} [zoology, ichthyology] :: bream (of genus Abramis)
Abramio {prop} :: given name
abramita {m} :: Abrahamite
abramitico {adj} :: Abrahamic
Abramo {prop} [Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i] /aˈbra.mo/ :: Abraham
Abramo {prop} :: given name
abrasione {f} :: abrasion, chafe
abrasività {f} :: abrasiveness, abrasivity
abrasivo {adj} :: abrasive
abreazione {f} [psychoanalysis] :: abreaction
abregé {m} :: reduction, summary, extract (of a text)
a breve {adv} :: soon, shortly
a breve {adv} :: short-term
a breve termine {adv} :: short-term
a breve termine {adv} :: stopgap
a briglia sciolta {adv} :: free rein
a briglia sciolta {adv} :: at full speed
abrogabile {adj} :: repealable
abrogante {v} :: present participle of abrogare
abrogare {v} :: To abrogate
abrogativo {adj} :: abrogative
abrogato {adj} :: abrogated
abrogatorio {adj} :: rescinding
abrogazione {f} :: abrogation, repeal
abrogazionista {mf} :: A person who supports the repeal of a law; abolitionist
abronema {f} :: habronema (stomach parasite of genus Habronema)
abronemiasi {f} :: habronemiasis (infestation by Habronema parasites)
abrostine {m} :: fox grape (Vitis labrusca)
abrostine {m} :: wild vine
abrotanino {adj} /a.bro.taˈni.no/ :: only used in senecione abrotanino
abrotano {m} /abˈrɔ.ta.no/ :: southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
a bruciapelo {adv} :: point-blank
a brutto muso {adv} :: determinately, brutally
abruzzese {adj} :: of, from, or relating to Abruzzo or the Abruzzi
abruzzese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Abruzzo or the Abruzzi
abruzzese {m} [singular only] :: The dialect of this region
Abruzzo {prop} :: Abruzzo (region)
Absalone {prop} :: alternative form of Assalonne
absburgico {adj} :: Variant of asburgico
Absburgo {prop} :: Hapsburg / Habsburg
absidale {adj} :: apsidal
abside {m} [architecture] :: apse
absidiola {f} :: apsidole
Abudemio {prop} :: given name
abugida {m} :: abugida
Abulfeda {prop} :: Abulfeda
abulia {f} [medicine] /a.buˈli.a/ :: abulia
abulia {f} :: apathy, idleness
abulicamente {adv} :: apathetically
abulicità {f} :: aboulia, apathy, idleness
abulico {adj} :: aboulic
abulico {adj} :: apathetic
a buon fine {adv} :: successful, efficacious, effective, fruitful, rewarding, accomplished, profitable
a buon intenditor poche parole {proverb} :: word to the wise, a nod is as good as a wink
a buon mercato {adj} :: cheap
a buon rendere {phrase} :: thank you very much; I owe you one
abusante {v} :: present participle of abusare
abusare {vi} /abuˈzare/ :: to abuse or take advantage of something / someone
abusivamente {adv} :: illegally, without authorization, without permission
abusivismo {m} :: unauthorized activity (illegal street-trading etc)
abusivista {mf} :: an illegal or unauthorized person (in any of several contexts)
abusività {f} :: illegality
abusivo {adj} :: illegal, unauthorized, unlicensed
abuso {m} /aˈbuzo/ :: overuse
abuso {m} :: abuse, misuse
a.C. {adv} :: abbreviation of avanti Cristo BC
AC {n} :: anno Christi
AC {n} :: associazione calcio (football club)
AC {adj} :: avanti Cristo
AC45 {n} [sports] :: AC45 (America's Cup class)
AC72 {n} [sports] :: AC72 (America's Cup class developed for the 2013 America's Cup)
AC90 {n} :: AC90
acacia {f} /aˈka.t͡ʃa/ :: acacia (shrub or tree of the tribe Acacieae), particularly:
acacia {f} :: silver wattle (Acacia dealbata)
acacia {f} :: Mount Morgan wattle (Acacia podalyriifolia)
acacia {f} :: sweet acacia (Vachellia farnesiana)
acacia {f} :: black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Acacio {prop} :: given name
acadico {adj} :: Acadian
acagiù {m} /a.kaˈd͡ʒu/ :: mahogany (tree, wood)
acagiù {m} :: cashew (tree, wood)
Acaia {prop} :: Achaea
acaico {adj} :: Achaean
acaico {adj} :: Relating to the Achei
acalasia {f} [medicine] :: achalasia
acanino {adj} /a.kaˈni.no/ :: dear, sweet
acantite {f} [mineralogy] :: acanthite
acanto {m} [plant, architecture] :: acanthus (Acanthus mollis)
acantodo {m} [zoology, ichthyology] :: acanthodian extinct fish (Acanthodii)
acantofide {m} :: common death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus)
acantolisi {f} [pathology] :: acantholysis
acanzio {m} /aˈkan.t͡sjo/ :: cotton thistle (Onopordum acanthium)
acapnia {f} [medicine] :: acapnia
a capo {adv} :: at the beginning of a new paragraph or new line
a capo {m} :: new paragraph or new line
a capo {prep} [idiom] :: (with di) at the head (of)
a capofitto {adv} :: headlong, headfirst
a capofitto {adv} :: head over heels
a capofitto {adv} :: full speed ahead
a cappella {adv} [music] :: a cappella
acarbosio {m} :: acarbose
acariasi {f} [medicine] :: acariasis
acaricida {adj} :: acaricidal
acaricida {m} :: acaricide
acaride {m} :: acarid
Acario {prop} :: given name
acariosi {f} [medicine] :: acariasis
acaro {m} /ˈakaro/ :: mite
acaro {m} :: (plural, zoology) order of mites
acarofobia {f} :: acarophobia
acaroide {f} :: acaroid resin
a casaccio {adv} :: without order, reflection, or aim; at random; desultorily
a casa del diavolo {adv} [idiomatic] :: all the way to Egery and back
a casa del diavolo {adv} :: The long way; a roundabout route; a long distance to travel
a cascata {prep} [physics] :: relating to events that happen as part of a domino effect
a cascata {prep} [figurative, transferred sense] :: relating to events that have ripple effects, lasting influence, etc.; pivotal, influential, important
a caso {adv} :: at random, randomly, haphazardly
a catafascio {adv} :: random, upside down
a catafascio {adv} :: every which way
acatalessia {f} :: acatalepsy
acatalettico {adj} :: acataleptic
acataletto {adj} :: acatalectic
acatartofobia {f} :: A fear of dirt or of uncleaned surfaces
acatisia {f} [medicine] :: akathisia
acato {m} /ˈa.ka.to/ :: alternative form of acazio
acattolica {f} :: feminine noun of acattolico
acattolico {adj} :: non-Catholic
acattolico {m} :: non-Catholic person
acaule {adj} [botany] :: acaulous
a causa di {prep} :: because of, due to, on account of
acausalità {f} :: acausality
a cavalcioni {adv} :: astride
a caval donato non si guarda in bocca {proverb} :: you don't look a gift horse in the mouth
a cavallo {prep} :: on horseback of; (to ride) a horse
a cavallo {prep} [idiomatic] :: around (a time period or a place), at the turn of (a time period or a place)
acazio {m} [nautical] /aˈkat.t͡sjo/ :: acatus
Acazio {prop} :: given name
acca {f} /ˈak.ka/ :: letter: h; aitch
accada {f} :: female equivalent of accado
accademia {f} /ak.kaˈdɛm.ja/ :: academy
accademia delle scienze {f} :: Academy of Sciences
accademia militare {f} :: military academy
accademia militare {f} :: army academy
accademia navale {f} :: naval academy
accademia nazionale {f} :: national academy
accademicamente {adv} :: academically
accademicamente {adv} :: theoretically
accademicismo {m} :: academicism
accademico {m} :: academician
accademico {adj} :: academic
accademico {adj} :: pedantic
accademismo {m} [arts] :: academicism
accademista {m} :: cadet (military)
accadere {v} [impersonal] :: to happen
accadico {adj} :: Akkadian
accadico {m} :: Akkadian (language)
accadimento {m} :: event
accado {adj} :: Akkadian
accado {m} :: Akkadian
accaduto {m} :: event, happening
accaffante {v} :: present participle of accaffare
accaffare {v} /ak.kafˈfa.re/ :: to seize, to pilfer
accagionante {v} :: present participle of accagionare
accagionare {v} :: To blame, accuse
accagionare {v} :: To impute
accagliamento {m} :: curdling (of milk)
accagliamento {m} :: coagulation
accagliamento {m} :: condensation, densification
accagliante {v} :: present participle of accagliare
accagliare {vt} :: To curdle (milk)
accagliatura {f} :: curdling
accagliatura {f} :: coagulation
accalappiacani {m} :: dogcatcher
accalappiamento {m} :: catching, snaring
accalappiamento {m} :: trickery, deception, deceit
accalappiante {v} :: present participle of accalappiare
accalappiare {vt} :: To catch (a person or animal)
accalappiatore {m} :: trickster, deceiver
accalappiatura {f} :: catching, snaring
accalappiatura {f} :: trickery, deception, deceit
accalcante {v} :: present participle of accalcare
accalcantesi {v} :: present participle of accalcarsi
accalcare {vt} :: To cram or pack
accalcarsi {vr} :: To crowd or throng
accalcatosi {v} :: past participle of accalcarsi
accaldantesi {v} :: present participle of accaldarsi
accaldarsi {vr} :: to get hot
accaldarsi {vr} :: to get heated or excited
accaldatosi {v} :: past participle of accaldarsi
accallante {v} :: present participle of accallare
accallare {v} :: synonym of socchiudere
accaloramento {m} :: excitation
accalorante {v} :: present participle of accalorare
accalorantesi {v} :: present participle of accalorarsi
accalorare {vt} :: To stir up or excite
accalorarsi {vr} :: To get excited or worked up
accaloratamente {adv} :: excitedly
accalorato {adj} :: excited
accaloratosi {v} :: past participle of accalorarsi
accalorente {v} :: present participle of accalorire
accalorire {v} [rare] :: alternative form of accalorare
accambiante {v} :: present participle of accambiare
accambiare {v} :: To barter, exchange
accampamento {m} :: camp, encampment (military)
accampamento {m} :: campsite
accampanante {v} :: present participle of accampanare
accampanare {v} :: To arrange the branches of a vine into the shape of a bell
accampanato {adj} [heraldry] :: belled
accampante {v} :: present participle of accampare
accampantesi {v} :: present participle of accamparsi
accampare {vt} /ak.kamˈpa.re/ :: to encamp
accampare {vt} [figurative] :: to assert, advance, put forward [a proposition, etc.]
accampare {vi} [literary] :: to stand out
accamparsi {vr} :: To camp out (especially to travel with a tent)
accampatosi {v} :: past participle of accamparsi
accampionamento {m} :: land registration
accampionante {v} :: present participle of accampionare
accampionare {v} :: To register land
accanalante {v} :: present participle of accanalare
accanalare {v} :: To channel, slot, groove
accanante {v} :: present participle of accanare
accanare {v} :: to stalk with dogs
accanare {v} :: to harass
accanare {v} :: to persecute
accaneggiante {v} :: present participle of accaneggiare
accaneggiare {v} :: to stalk with dogs
accaneggiare {v} :: to harass
accaneggiare {v} :: to persecute
accanente {v} :: present participle of accanirsi
accanentesi {v} :: present participle of accanirsi
accanimento {m} :: fury
accanimento {m} :: tenacity, perseverance
accanire {v} :: alternative form of accanare
accanirsi {vir} :: (typically with su, con, contro, or [ a + inf. ]) to rage (against)
accanirsi {vir} :: (with in or [ a + inf. ]) to persist (in)
accanitamente {adv} :: fiercely
accanitamente {adv} :: assiduously, doggedly
accanito {adj} :: fierce, keen, cutthroat
accanito {adj} :: fierce, assiduous, dogged [person]
accanito {adj} :: inveterate
accanito {adj} :: [of noise or rain] constant and loud
accanitosi {v} :: past participle of accanirsi
accanto {adv} :: nearby
accanto {adv} :: next door
accanto {prep} :: beside
accanto {prep} :: next to
accantonamento {m} :: something put to the side, especially as part of a stockpile
accantonamento {m} :: the act of setting aside; temporary abandonment; suspension; postponement
accantonamento {m} :: billet, billeting
accantonamento {m} :: cantonment
accantonante {v} :: present participle of accantonare
accantonare {vt} :: to set aside, to put aside, to shelve
accaparramento {m} :: hoarding
accaparramento {m} :: buying up, cornering
accaparrante {v} :: present participle of accaparrare
accaparrantesi {v} :: present participle of accaparrarsi
accaparrare {vt} :: to hoard
accaparrare {vt} :: to secure [e.g. an acquisition, a seat]
accaparrare {vt} :: to gain [something]
accaparrare {vt} :: to buy up, corner the market
accaparrarsi {vr} :: To procure for oneself; to snap up
accaparratore {m} :: hoarder
accaparratore {m} :: forestaller, profiteer
accaparratosi {v} :: past participle of accaparrarsi
accaparratrice {f} :: female equivalent of accaparratore
accapezzante {v} :: present participle of accapezzare
accapezzare {v} :: To round off stones so that they fit together (for road building etc)
accapigliamento {m} :: scuffle, brawl
accapigliante {v} :: present participle of accapigliarsi
accapigliantesi {v} :: present participle of accapigliarsi
accapigliare {v} :: To squabble, brawl
accapigliare {v} :: To litigate
accapigliarsi {v} :: reflexive of accapigliare
accapigliarsi {v} :: (with con) to squabble, scuffle or come to blows (with)
accapigliarsi {v} :: to quarrel or wrangle
accapigliatosi {v} :: past participle of accapigliarsi
accapigliatura {f} :: squabble
accapigliatura {f} :: brawl
accapo {m} :: alternative spelling of a capo (adverb and noun senses)
accapottante {v} :: present participle of accapottare
accapottare {vt} :: To overturn
accappatoio {m} /ak.kap.paˈto.jo/ :: bathrobe, dressing gown, cover-up
accappiante {v} :: present participle of accappiare
accappiare {v} :: To make a slip knot or noose; to tighten such a knot
accappiare {v} :: To deceive or draw into a trap
accappiatura {f} :: The tightening of a noose
accappiatura {f} :: noose, slip knot
accappiatura {f} :: trap
accappiettante {v} :: present participle of accappiettare
accappiettare {v} :: To tie / close with a slip knot
accapponante {v} :: present participle of accapponare
accapponare {vt} :: to caponize (castrate a cockerel)
accapponare {vt} [nautical] :: to cat (hoist an anchor onto the cathead)
accapponare {vi} :: to have / give goosebumps / goosepimples
accapponatura {f} :: caponizing
accappucciante {v} :: present participle of accappucciare
accappucciare {v} :: synonym of incappucciare
accaprettante {v} :: present participle of accaprettare
accaprettare {v} :: To hobble a horse or similar animal by tying its legs together
accapricciante {v} :: present participle of accapricciare
accapricciare {v} /ak.ka.pritˈt͡ʃa.re/ :: alternative form of raccapricciare: to shudder
Accardo {prop} :: surname of Norman French origin, equivalent to the English Ackert or German Eckert
accareggiante {v} :: present participle of accareggiare
accareggiare {v} :: alternative form of accarezzare
accarezzamento {m} :: caressing, fondling
accarezzante {v} :: present participle of accarezzare
accarezzantesi {v} :: present participle of accarezzarsi
accarezzare {vt} :: to stroke gently; to caress
accarezzare {vt} :: to flatter
accarezzare {vt} :: to indulge one's mind in something; to entertain; to toy with [an idea, etc.]
accarezzarsi {v} :: reflexive of accarezzare
accarezzarsi {vt} :: to caress oneself
accarezzarsi {v} [reciprocal] :: to caress each another
accarezzatore {m} :: caresser, fondler
accarezzatosi {v} :: past participle of accarezzarsi
accarezzevole {adj} :: sweet, endearing
accarezzevole {adj} :: affectionate, amorous
accarezzevolmente {adv} :: sweetly
accarezzevolmente {adv} :: affectionately
accarnante {v} :: present participle of accarnare
accarnare {vt} [archaic] /ak.karˈna.re/ :: To stab or pierce
accarnare {vi} [archaic] :: To penetrate the flesh
accarnare {vt} [archaic, figurative] :: To understand deeply
accarpionante {v} :: present participle of accarpionare
accarpionare {v} :: alternative form of carpionare
accartocciamento {m} :: leaf roll
accartocciamento {m} :: curl
accartocciante {v} :: present participle of accartocciare
accartocciantesi {v} :: present participle of accartocciarsi
accartocciare {vt} :: to roll up, screw up or scrunch (paper)
accartocciarsi {vr} :: To curl up (paper)
accartocciatore {adj} :: That rolls up (leaves, paper etc)
accartocciatosi {v} :: past participle of accartocciarsi
accartocciatura {f} :: synonym of accartocciamento
accasamento {m} :: marriage, matrimony
accasante {v} :: present participle of accasare
accasantesi {v} :: present participle of accasarsi
accasare {vt} :: To marry
accasarsi {v} :: reflexive of accasare
accasarsi {vr} :: to marry
accasarsi {vr} :: to set up home
accasarsi {v} :: to settle down
accasato {adj} :: married
accasatosi {v} :: past participle of accasarsi
accasciamento {m} :: collapse
accasciamento {m} :: dejection, despondency
accasciante {v} :: present participle of accasciare
accasciantesi {v} :: present participle of accasciarsi
accasciare {vt} /ak.kaʃˈʃa.re/ :: to weaken
accasciarsi {v} /ak.kaʃˈʃar.si/ :: reflexive of accasciare
accasciarsi {vr} :: to collapse
accasciarsi {vr} [figurative] :: to lose heart
accasciatosi {v} :: past participle of accasciarsi
accasellante {v} :: present participle of accasellare
accasellare {v} :: alternative form of incasellare
accasermamento {m} :: barracking; quartering or lodging in barracks
accasermante {v} :: present participle of accasermare
accasermare {vt} :: To barrack; to quarter or lodge in barracks
accasermato {adj} :: quartered or lodged in barracks
accastellamento {m} :: heaping up
accastellamento {m} :: castellation (fortification as a castle)
accastellante {v} :: present participle of accastellare
accastellare {v} :: To castellate (fortify as a castle)
accastellare {v} :: To heap or pile (up); to stack
accastellinante {v} :: present participle of accastellinare
accastellinare {v} :: alternative form of accastellare
accatarramento {m} :: A chesty cold
accatarrante {v} :: present participle of accatarrare
accatarrare {v} :: To be stuffed up (with catarrh)
accatarratura {f} :: A chesty cold
accatastabile {adj} :: stackable
accatastabile {adj} :: That can registered (in the cadastre)
accatastabilità {f} :: stackability
accatastabilità {f} :: eligibility for registration (in the cadastre)
accatastamento {m} :: piling, stacking; pile, stack
accatastamento {m} :: registration
accatastante {v} :: present participle of accatastare
accatastare {vt} :: to stack, pile
accatastare {vt} :: to accumulate, augment, mount up, or pile on in a disorderly way
accatastare {vt} :: to register (in the cadastre)
accatastatore {m} :: stacker
accattabrighe {mf} :: Variant of attaccabrighe
accattafieno {m} :: haystack, hayrick
accattamento {m} :: begging, scrounging
accattamori {mf} :: flirt, philanderer
accattante {v} :: present participle of accattare
accattapane {mf} :: synonym of accattone
accattare {vi} :: to beg (for money, food, etc.)
accattare {vt} :: to beg for
accattare {vt} [pejorative] :: to go looking for
accattare {vt} :: to scrounge or cadge
accattare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to buy
accattare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to find
accattatore {m} :: beggar
accattatozi {n} :: synonym of accattone
accattivante {v} :: present participle of accattivare
accattivante {adj} :: captivating, engaging
accattivante {adj} :: catchy
accattivare {vt} :: To captivate, to win; alternative spelling of cattivare
accattivarsi {vr} :: To win, gain or earn or steal
accatto {m} :: begging
accatto {m} :: alms
accattolico {adj} :: unbelieving
accattolico {adj} :: Protestant
accattolico {m} :: unbeliever
accattolico {m} :: Protestant
accattona {f} :: female equivalent of accattone
accattonaggio {m} :: begging
accattone {m} :: beggar
accattoneria {f} :: begging
accavalcante {v} :: present participle of accavalcare
accavalcare {v} :: To place one thing over another
accavalcare {v} :: To step over
accavalcare {v} :: To overcome
accavalcatura {f} :: The placing of one thing over another
accavalcatura {f} :: The loss of alignment of rows of movable typesetting
accavalciante {v} :: present participle of accavalciare
accavalciare {vt} /ak.ka.valˈt͡ʃa.re/ :: to straddle
accavalciare {vt} :: to cross (the legs)
accavalcione {adv} :: alternative form of a cavalcioni
accavalcioni {adv} :: alternative form of a cavalcioni
accavallamento {m} :: overlap, overlapping
accavallamento {m} :: accumulation, piling up
accavallante {v} :: present participle of accavallare
accavallantesi {v} :: present participle of accavallarsi
accavallare {vt} :: to cross [the legs]
accavallare {vt} :: to overlap
accavallarsi {v} :: reflexive of accavallare
accavallarsi {v} :: to come out of place, disjointed
accavallarsi {v} :: to overlap
accavallatosi {v} :: past participle of accavallarsi
accavallatrice {f} [bookbinding] :: A machine that automatically sequences pages according to the book's segnatura
accavallatura {f} :: alternative form of accavalcatura
accavezzante {v} :: present participle of accavezzare
accavezzare {v} :: To tether
accecamento {m} :: blinding
accecante {v} :: present participle of accecare
accecante {adj} :: blinding, dazzling
accecare {vt} /a.t͡ʃːeˈka.re/ :: to blind
accecare {vt} :: to darken, to obscure
accecare {vt} :: to block, to wall up
accecare {vt} :: to countersink
accecatoio {m} :: countersink
accecatoio {m} :: counterbore
accecatore {adj} :: blinding
accecatore {m} :: blinder (person who blinds)
accecatore {m} :: A row of lights, placed at the edge of a stage, which, when lit, hides the players from the audience
accecatura {f} :: blinding
accecatura {f} :: countersinking
accecatura {f} :: countersink, counterbore
accedente {v} :: present participle of accedere
accedere {vi} :: to enter, access; to log in (to)
accedere {vi} :: to be admitted (to)
accedere {vi} :: to gain access (to)
accedere {vi} :: to accede (to)
accedibile {adj} :: accessible
acceffante {v} :: present participle of acceffare
acceffare {v} :: to bite
acceggia {f} /atˈt͡ʃed.d͡ʒa/ :: synonym of beccaccia
acceleramento {m} :: acceleration, speeding up
accelerando {adv} :: accelerating
accelerante {v} :: present participle of accelerare
accelerante {adj} :: accelerant (attributive)
accelerante {m} [chemistry] :: accelerant, accelerator
accelerare {vi} :: to accelerate, go faster, speed up
accelerare {vt} :: to accelerate, speed something up
accelerata {f} :: the act of accelerating
acceleratamente {adv} :: quickly, rapidly
accelerativo {adj} :: accelerative
accelerato {adj} :: quick, rapid
accelerato {m} :: train that stops at every local station
acceleratore {m} :: accelerator
acceleratore {adj} :: accelerating
acceleratorio {adj} :: accelerating
accelerazione {f} :: acceleration
accelerazione angolare {f} [mathematics, physics] :: angular acceleration
accelerografo {m} :: accelerograph
accelerometro {m} :: accelerometer
accellana {f} :: A mixture of woollen fibres, or a fabric made from such a mixture
accendentesi {v} :: present participle of accendersi
accendere {vt} /atˈt͡ʃɛn.de.re/ :: to light, set alight, ignite, kindle
accendere {vt} :: to turn on [a device]
accendere {vt} [figuratively] :: to fire up
accendersi {v} :: reflexive of accendere
accendersi {v} :: to start [of a fire, etc.]
accendersi {v} :: to light up
accendersi {v} :: to break out [of a conflict]
accendibile {adj} :: ignitable
accendigas {m} :: gas-lighter
accendimento {m} :: ignition
accendimento {m} :: turning on
accendimento {m} :: excitement
accendimento {m} :: incitement
accendino {m} :: lighter (for cigarettes or cigars)
accendisigaro {m} /atˌt͡ʃɛn.diˈsi.ɡa.ro/ :: cigar lighter (in a car)
accendisigaro {m} :: lighter (for cigarettes or cigars)
accenditoio {m} :: lighting-stick
accenditore {m} :: lighter
accendutosi {v} :: past participle of accendersi
accennante {v} :: present participle of accennare
accennare {vt} :: to do something slightly
accennare {vt} :: to point to
accennare {vi} :: to hint, to mention, to touch upon
accennare {vi} :: to beckon, to motion, to nod
accennare {vi} :: to make as if, to look as if
accennato {adj} :: mentioned
accennato {adj} :: hinted (at)
accennato {adj} :: touched (on)
accennato {adj} :: sketchy
accenno {m} :: sign, warning
accenno {m} :: hint
accensante {v} :: present participle of accensare
accensare {v} :: To tax by means of a poll tax
accensibile {adj} :: ignitable (Variant of: accendibile)
accensione {f} :: lighting, switching on
accensione {f} :: ignition
accenso {adj} /atˈt͡ʃɛn.so/ :: synonym of acceso
accenso {m} :: A citizen belonging to the fifth-class census
accentante {v} :: present participle of accentare
accentare {vt} :: to accent
accentare {vt} :: to stress
accentativo {adj} :: Variant of accentuativo
accentatura {f} :: accentuation
accentazione {f} :: accentuation
accentazione {f} :: stressing
accento {m} /atˈtʃɛn.to/ :: stress (in the pronunciation of a syllable, and the mark above a letter)
accento {m} :: accent (way of speaking)
accento {m} :: tone (of voice)
accento acuto {m} [orthography] :: acute accent (´)
accento circonflesso {m} [orthography] :: circumflex (ˆ); circumflex accent
accento grave {m} [orthography] :: grave accent (`)
accentramento {m} :: centralization
accentramento {m} :: concentration, gathering
accentrante {v} :: present participle of accentrare
accentrantesi {v} :: present participle of accentrarsi
accentrare {vt} :: To centralize
accentrare {vt} :: To concentrate, to gather
accentrarsi {vr} :: To center, to centre
accentrarsi {vr} :: To concentrate
accentratore {adj} [of a policy] :: centralizing
accentratore {adj} [of a person] :: Unwilling to delegate
accentratosi {v} :: past participle of accentrarsi
accentuale {adj} :: accentual
accentuante {v} :: present participle of accentuare
accentuare {v} :: to accentuate, emphasize
accentuare {v} :: to stress (in phonetics)
accentuarsi {vr} :: To worsen
accentuarsi {vr} :: To grow
accentuarsi {vr} :: To become more marked
accentuatamente {adv} :: strongly, markedly
accentuativo {adj} :: accentual
accentuato {adj} :: strong
accentuato {adj} :: marked
accentuazione {f} :: accentuation
accentuazione {f} :: stress, stress mark
acceppante {v} :: present participle of acceppare
acceppare {v} [nautical] :: To raise an anchor and secure it to the cathead
accerchiamento {m} :: encirclement
accerchiante {v} :: present participle of accerchiare
accerchiare {vt} :: to encircle, to surround
accerchiare {vt} :: to bracket
accerchiatore {adj} :: encircling, surrounding
accerchiatura {f} :: synonym of cipollatura
accerchiellante {v} :: present participle of accerchiellare
accerchiellare {v} :: To wrap with circles (of material)
accerchiellare {v} :: To form into circles
accerchiellato {adj} [heraldry] :: recercelée
accercinante {v} :: present participle of accercinare
accercinare {v} :: To twist tightly
accerito {adj} :: red in the face (because of anger, heat or fever)
accertabile {adj} :: verifiable, ascertainable
accertabile {adj} :: assessable
accertabilità {f} :: verifiability
accertamento {m} :: check, verification
accertamento {m} :: assessment (financial)
accertamento {m} :: investigation (legal)
accertante {v} :: present participle of accertare
accertantesi {v} :: present participle of accertarsi
accertare {vt} :: to verify, check
accertare {vt} :: to assess
accertarsi {v} :: reflexive of accertare
accertarsi {v} :: to make sure, ascertain that
accertativo {adj} :: ascertainment (attributive), assessment (attributive), verification (attributive), investigation (attributive)
accertatosi {v} :: past participle of accertarsi
accesamente {adv} :: ardently
accesissimo {adj} :: superlative of acceso
acceso {adj} [of a light] :: lit, on
acceso {adj} [of colour etc] :: bright
acceso {adj} :: enthusiastic, passionate, ardent
accessibile {adj} :: accessible, reachable, approachable
accessibile {adj} :: accessible, comprehensible
accessibile {adj} :: affordable, accessible
accessibilità {f} :: accessibility
accessione {f} :: accession (all senses)
accesso {m} :: access, admittance, approach
accesso {m} :: login
accesso {m} :: a fit, an attack of some disease
accessoriabile {adj} :: That can be accessorized; accessorizable
accessoriamente {adv} :: accessorily
accessoriante {v} :: present participle of accessoriare
accessoriare {vt} :: to accessorize
accessoriato {adj} :: accessorized
accessorietà {f} :: accessoriness
accessorio {adj} :: accessory, accessorial, additional, incidental
accessorio {m} :: accessory, fitting, attachment
accessorista {mf} :: auto-accessory manufacturer, dealer or shop
accessoristica {f} :: accessories (especially for motor cars)
accestente {v} :: present participle of accestire
accestimento {v} [botany] :: bunching in plants
accestire {vi} [botany] :: to tiller
accetta {f} /atˈt͡ʃet.ta/ :: hatchet
accettabile {adj} :: acceptable
accettabilità {f} :: acceptability
accettabilmente {adv} :: acceptably
accettante {v} :: present participle of accettare
accettantesi {v} :: present participle of accettarsi
accettare {v} :: to accept, to admit
accettare {v} :: to go along with
accettare {v} :: to cut with a hatchet, to hatchet
accettare la sfida {v} :: to take up the gauntlet
accettarsi {vr} :: to accept oneself
accettatore {m} :: acceptor (one who accepts)
accettatore {m} [chemistry, physics] :: acceptor
accettatosi {v} :: past participle of accettarsi
accettatrice {f} :: acceptor (a woman who accepts)
accettazione {f} :: acceptance
accettazione {f} :: reception (hotel, hospital etc)
accettevole {adj} :: acceptable
accettevole {adj} :: likeable
accettevolmente {adv} :: acceptably
accettilazione {f} :: acceptilation
accetto {adj} :: welcome
accettore {m} [chemistry] :: acceptor
accettore {adj} [chemistry] :: acceptor (attributive)
accezione {f} :: meaning, sense
accezione {f} :: significance
acché {conj} :: alternative form of affinché
acchetamento {m} :: quietening, calming
acchetante {v} :: present participle of acchetare
acchetare {v} :: To quieten; to calm
acchiappacani {m} :: alternative form of accalappiacani
acchiappadenti {m} :: tooth fairy
acchiappafarfalle {m} :: butterfly net
acchiappamosche {m} :: flypaper
acchiappamosche {m} :: flyswatter
acchiappamosche {m} :: flytrap (device or plant)
acchiappamosche {m} :: flycatcher (bird)
acchiappante {v} :: present participle of acchiappare
acchiappantesi {v} :: present participle of acchiapparsi
acchiappanuvoli {mf} :: wastrel
acchiappare {vt} :: to catch or seize
acchiappare {vt} [figuratively] :: to roust
acchiapparello {m} :: alternative form of acchiapperello
acchiapparsi {vr} :: To catch each other, to grab each other
acchiappasogni {m} /akˌkjap.paˈsoɲ.ɲi/ :: dreamcatcher, dream catcher (ritual object)
acchiappatoio {m} :: trap
acchiappatoio {m} :: deceit, deception
acchiappatosi {v} :: past participle of acchiapparsi
acchiappatutto {adj} :: all-conquering
acchiappavoti {m} :: The leader in an election
acchiappavoti {m} :: vote-winner
acchiapperello {m} :: artifice, deception
-acchiare {suffix} /akˈkja.re/ :: Used with verbs to derive verbs with attenuative, diminutive, frequentative and pejorative connotation
-acchio {suffix} /ˈak.kjo/ :: Used to derive nouns with an instrumental connotation
-acchio {suffix} :: Used to derive nouns with a diminutive connotation
-acchio {suffix} :: Used to derive nouns with an attenuative connotation
acchiocciolamento {m} :: rolling up into a spiral
acchiocciolante {v} :: present participle of acchiocciolare
acchiocciolare {v} :: to roll up into a spiral
acchiocciolatura {f} :: spiral winding
-acchiotto {suffix} /akˈkjɔt.to/ :: Used to derive diminutive nouns, usually with a connotation of endearment
acchitante {v} :: present participle of acchitare
acchitare {v} [billiards, snooker] :: To break-off in such a way as to leave the opponent at a disadvantage
acchito {m} /akˈki.to/ :: spot (on a billiard/snooker table)
acchiudente {v} :: present participle of acchiudere
acchiudere {v} :: To enclose
acchiudere {v} :: To tighten
-accia {suffix} :: Pejorative suffix used to form adjectives and nouns
accia {f} :: A fabric made from a quarter wool and three-quarters cotton, hemp or flax
accia {f} :: synonym of azza
acciabattamento {m} :: shuffling
acciabattamento {m} :: bungling
acciabattante {v} :: present participle of acciabattare
acciabattare {v} :: To shuffle
acciabattare {v} :: To bungle
acciabattatore {m} :: bungler
acciabattatura {f} :: shuffling
acciabattatura {f} :: bungling
acciabattio {m} :: A continuous shuffling sound
acciabattone {m} :: shuffler (person who shuffles while walking)
acciabattone {m} :: bodger
acciabattone {m} :: a scruffy person
acciaccamento {m} :: crushing
acciaccamento {m} :: weakening
acciaccante {v} :: present participle of acciaccare
acciaccare {v} :: to crush
acciaccare {v} :: to weaken
acciaccato {adj} :: aching (person)
acciaccato {adj} :: crushed or crumpled (clothing)
acciacco {m} :: ache, infirmity
acciacco {m} :: ailment
acciaccoso {adj} :: infirm
acciaccoso {adj} :: Having multiple ailments
acciaiante {v} :: present participle of acciaiare
acciaiare {vt} /at.t͡ʃaˈja.re/ :: to steel (plate with steel)
acciaiare {vt} :: to convert iron to steel
acciaiatura {f} /at.t͡ʃa.jaˈtu.ra/ :: steeling (plating with steel)
acciaieria {f} :: steelworks, steel mill
acciaio {m} /atˈt͡ʃa.jo/ :: steel
acciaio dolce {m} :: mild steel
acciaio inossidabile {m} :: stainless steel
acciaio inox {m} :: stainless steel
acciaiolo {m} [archaic] /at.t͡ʃaˈjɔ.lo/ :: flint
acciaiolo {m} :: steel (for sharpening)
acciaiuolo {m} [literary] /at.t͡ʃaˈjwɔ.lo/ :: alternative form of acciaiolo
acciale {m} [obsolete] :: steel
acciambellante {v} :: present participle of acciambellare
acciambellantesi {v} :: present participle of acciambellarsi
acciambellare {vt} :: To coil
acciambellarsi {vr} :: To curl up
acciambellato {adj} :: coiled
acciambellato {adj} :: curled up
acciambellatosi {v} :: past participle of acciambellarsi
acciarino {m} /at.t͡ʃaˈri.no/ :: flint (device for making a spark)
acciarino {m} :: gunlock
acciarito {adj} :: steely
acciaro {m} :: steel (Variant of: acciaio)
acciarpamento {m} :: bungling
acciarpante {v} :: present participle of acciarpare
acciarpare {v} :: To bungle, cobble
acciarpatore {m} :: bungler
acciarpatura {f} :: bungling
acciarpio {m} :: Continuous bungling
acciarpone {m} :: bungler
accidempoli {interj} /at.t͡ʃiˈdɛm.po.li/ :: an expression of astonishment
accidempoli {interj} :: an expression of anger
accidentale {adj} :: accidental, fortuitous, casual
accidentalità {f} :: accidentality
accidentalmente {adv} :: accidentally, casually, by chance, unintentionally, by the way
accidentario {adj} :: alternative form of accidentale
accidentato {adj} :: uneven, rough (ground)
accidentato {adj} :: bumpy, uneven (road)
accidente {m} :: accident, mishap
accidente {m} [music] :: an accidental
accidenti {interj} /at.t͡ʃiˈdɛn.ti/ :: Expression of anger; damn it!
accidenti {interj} :: Expression of amazement; good heavens!
accidenti {interj} :: wow
acciderba {interj} /at.t͡ʃiˈdɛr.ba/ :: an expression of astonishment
acciderba {interj} :: an expression of anger
accidere {vt} [obsolete] :: Variant of uccidere
accidia {f} :: sloth, acedia
accidiosaggine {f} :: sloth
accidiosamente {adv} :: slothfully
accidioso {adj} :: slothful
accidioso {m} :: slothful person
accidïoso {adj} :: medieval spelling of accidioso
acciecante {v} :: present participle of acciecare
acciecare {v} :: alternative form of accecare
accigliamento {m} :: frown
accigliamento {m} :: A facial expression in which the eyebrows are brought together, and the forehead is wrinkled, usually indicating displeasure, sadness or worry, or less often confusion or concentration
accigliante {v} :: present participle of accigliarsi
accigliantesi {v} :: present participle of accigliarsi
accigliare {v} :: To sew up the eyelids of falcons in order to tame them
accigliarsi {vr} :: to furl one's eyebrows to show resentment, sadness, or perplexity; to scowl; to lour
accigliatamente {adv} :: frowningly
accigliato {adj} :: frowning
accigliatosi {v} :: past participle of accigliarsi
accigliatura {f} :: frown
accigliatura {f} :: the space between the eyebrows
acciglionante {v} :: present participle of acciglionare
acciglionare {v} :: To fortify with embankments
accignente {v} :: present participle of accignere
accignere {v} :: alternative form of accingere
accincignante {v} :: present participle of accincignare
accincignare {v} :: To wrinkle
accincignare {v} :: To crease
accinese {m} :: Acehnese (language)
accingente {v} :: present participle of accingere
accingentesi {v} :: present participle of accingersi
accingere {vt} :: to surround or encircle (literary use)
accingersi {vr} :: to prepare or get ready (for something)
accintosi {v} :: past participle of accingersi
-accio {suffix} :: Alterative suffix used to form pejoratives
acciò {conj} [obsolete, literary] /aˈt͡ːʃɔ/ :: [followed by che + subjunctive] in order that, so that
acciocché {conj} [obsolete, literary, with subjunctive verb] /at.t͡ʃokˈke/ :: so that, in order that
acciocché {conj} [obsolete, literary, with indicative verb] :: since, because
acciocchente {v} :: present participle of acciocchire
acciocchire {vt} :: To daze, numb
acciocchire {vi} :: To doze, become numb
acciottolante {v} :: present participle of acciottolare
acciottolare {vt} :: to cobble (pave with cobbles)
acciottolare {vt} :: to clatter
acciottolato {m} :: cobble (road stone)
acciottolato {m} :: stepping stone
acciottolato {adj} :: cobbled (paved with cobbles)
acciottolatore {m} :: cobbler (person who lays cobbles)
acciottolio {m} :: clatter
accipicchia {interj} :: euphemistic form of accidenti; darn!
accipicchia {interj} :: wow
accipigliante {v} :: present participle of accipigliarsi
accipigliarsi {v} :: To frown
accisa {f} :: excise tax
accisa {f} :: customs
accismante {v} :: present participle of accismare
accismare {v} [obsolete] :: To style or adorn
accismare {v} [obsolete] :: to cut or divide
acciucchente {v} :: present participle of acciucchire
acciucchire {v} :: To stupefy
acciuffante {v} :: present participle of acciuffare
acciuffare {vt} :: to catch or seize
acciuffare {vt} [figuratively] :: to roust
acciuga {f} /atˈt͡ʃu.ɡa/ :: anchovy (any of the fish in the family Engraulidae family), particularly the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)
acciuga {f} [figuratively] :: a slim or thin person
acciuga {f} :: only used in erba acciuga
acciugaio {m} :: A street-seller of anchovies
acciugaio {m} :: A book that is good enough only to wrap anchovies
acciugata {f} :: anchovy sauce
acciughero {m} [regional, Tuscany] /atˈt͡ʃu.ɡe.ro/ :: synonym of origano
acciughero {m} [regional, Tuscany] :: prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola)
acciughetta {f} /at.t͡ʃuˈɡet.ta/ :: diminutive of acciuga
acciughina {f} /at.t͡ʃuˈɡi.na/ :: silverfish (Lepisma saccharina)
acciughina {f} :: diminutive of acciuga
accivettante {v} :: present participle of accivettare
accivettare {vt} :: to hunt birds by using a decoy [supposedly an owl]
accivettare {vt} :: to lure
acclamante {v} :: present participle of acclamare
acclamare {vit} :: To applaud, cheer, acclaim or shout out
acclamatore {m} :: applauder
acclamazione {f} :: acclamation, cheering, shout-out
acclarante {v} :: present participle of acclarare
acclarare {vt} :: To make clear, clarify or prove
acclarato {adj} :: proven, demonstrated, clear
acclimamento {m} :: synonym of acclimatazione
acclimante {v} :: present participle of acclimare
acclimare {vt} :: synonym of acclimatare
acclimatamento {m} :: acclimatization
acclimatante {v} :: present participle of acclimatare
acclimatantesi {v} :: present participle of acclimatarsi
acclimatare {vt} :: to acclimatize
acclimatarsi {vr} :: To become acclimatized
acclimatatosi {v} :: past participle of acclimatarsi
acclimatazione {f} :: acclimatization
acclimatore {m} :: acclimatizer
acclimazione {f} :: Variant of acclimatazione
acclive {adj} :: steep
acclività {f} :: steepness, acclivity
accludente {v} :: present participle of accludere
accludere {vt} :: to enclose (with)
accoccante {v} :: present participle of accoccare
accoccare {v} [obsolete, archery] :: To nock
accoccolante {v} :: present participle of accoccolarsi
accoccolantesi {v} :: present participle of accoccolarsi
accoccolarsi {vr} :: To crouch (down)
accoccolato {adj} :: crouched (down)
accoccolatosi {v} :: past participle of accoccolarsi
accoccovante {v} :: present participle of accoccovarsi
accoccovarsi {v} :: To curl up
accodamento {m} :: appending
accodamento {m} :: queueing
accodante {v} :: present participle of accodare
accodantesi {v} :: present participle of accodarsi
accodare {vt} :: To follow, or tag onto the person (or animal) in front; to append; to queue
accodarsi {vr} :: To follow, or tag on (behind someone)
accodatosi {v} :: past participle of accodarsi
accoglibile {adj} :: admissable
accogliente {adj} :: welcoming, friendly (person)
accogliente {adj} :: pleasant, cosy (place)
accoglientesi {v} :: present participle of accogliersi
accoglientissimo {adj} :: Very welcoming, friendly (person)
accoglientissimo {adj} :: Very pleasant, cosy (place)
accoglientiste {mf} :: A friendly, welcoming person
accoglienza {f} :: welcome, welcoming
accoglienza {f} :: reception
accogliere {vt} /akˈkɔʎ.ʎe.re/ :: to welcome, receive
accogliere {vt} :: to accommodate
accoglimento {m} :: acceptance, admission, granting
accoglimento {m} :: welcome, welcoming
accogliticcio {adj} :: synonym of raccogliticcio
accoglitor {m} :: apocopic form of accoglitore
accoglitore {adj} :: collecting, receiving
accoglitore {m} :: compiler (person who compiles); summarizer
accogliutosi {v} :: past participle of accogliersi
accolita {f} :: synonym of accolta
accolitato {m} :: acolyteship
accolito {m} [ecclesiastical] :: acolyte
accollacciato {adj} :: synonym of accollato
accollamento {m} :: shouldering (of a task)
accollante {v} :: present participle of accollare
accollantesi {v} :: present participle of accollarsi
accollare {vt} :: to force (on)
accollarsi {v} :: reflexive of accollare
accollarsi {v} :: to bear, shoulder (take on a task)
accollatario {m} :: contractor
accollatico {m} [historical] :: A tax, in the 1600s and 1700s, on the use of yoked oxen
accollato {adj} :: high-necked
accollatosi {v} :: past participle of accollarsi
accollatura {f} :: collar
accollo {m} :: Part of the load of a two-wheeled cart placed forward of the wheels and supported by the animal pulling it
accollo {m} :: synonym of incarico
accollo {m} [architecture] :: A projection supported by brackets
accollo {m} [nautical] :: The downwind side of a sail
accolta {f} :: gathering
accolta {f} :: band, gang (of people)
accoltellamento {m} :: knifing, stabbing
accoltellante {v} :: present participle of accoltellare
accoltellare {vt} :: to knife or stab
accoltellatore {m} :: stabber
accomandante {v} :: present participle of accomandare
accomandante {mf} [legal] :: limited partner
accomandare {v} :: To commit (give into custody)
accomandare {v} :: To recommend
accomandare {v} :: To secure
accomandatario {m} [legal] :: general / unlimited partner
accomandigia {f} :: deposit
accomandigia {f} :: loan
accomandita {f} :: A form of limited commercial partnership
accomiatante {v} :: present participle of accomiatare
accomiatantesi {v} :: present participle of accomiatarsi
accomiatare {vt} :: to dismiss (order to leave one's presence)
accomiatarsi {v} :: reflexive of accomiatare
accomiatarsi {vr} :: to take one's leave (of)
accomiatarsi {vr} :: to say goodbye (to)
accomiatatosi {v} :: past participle of accomiatarsi
accommiatante {v} :: present participle of accommiatare
accommiatantesi {v} :: present participle of accommiatarsi
accommiatare {vt} :: To dismiss (send away)
accommiatarsi {vr} :: To take one's leave (go away)
accommiatatosi {v} :: past participle of accommiatarsi
accomodabile {adj} :: repairable, mendable, fixable
accomodabilmente {adv} :: In a mendable or fixable manner
accomodamento {m} :: arrangement, agreement
accomodamento {m} [legal] :: out-of-court settlement
accomodante {v} :: present participle of accomodare
accomodante {adj} :: accommodating
accomodantesi {v} :: present participle of accomodarsi
accomodantismo {m} :: The tendency to always be accommodating, especially for the sake of a quiet life
accomodare {vt} :: to repair, fix
accomodare {vt} :: to arrange, settle; to accommodate
accomodare {vt} :: to suit
accomodarsi {v} :: reflexive of accomodare
accomodarsi {vr} :: to settle down, sit down, take a seat, set a spell
accomodarsi {vr} :: to come in, go in, enter
accomodarsi {vr} :: to come to an agreement, agree
accomodaticcio {adj} :: arranged for the best
accomodativo {adj} :: accommodative
accomodativo {adj} :: adaptable
accomodato {adj} :: arranged, accommodated
accomodatore {m} :: mender
accomodatore {m} :: repairman
accomodatosi {v} :: past participle of accomodarsi
accomodatura {f} :: mend, repair
accomodazione {f} :: accommodation (all senses)
accomodevole {adj} :: accommodative, conciliatory, submissive
accompagnabile {adj} :: matchable
accompagnabile {adj} :: That can be accompanied
accompagnamento {m} :: accompaniment (all senses), escort
accompagnamento {m} :: supporting fire (military)
accompagnante {v} :: present participle of accompagnare
accompagnantesi {v} :: present participle of accompagnarsi
accompagnare {vt} :: to go with, come with, accompany, escort
accompagnare {vt} :: to take, see, walk, drive, lead
accompagnare {vt} :: to see off or see out
accompagnare {vt} [figuratively] :: to accompany, add, match
accompagnarsi {v} :: reflexive of accompagnare
accompagnarsi {vr} :: to go well with, match
accompagnarsi {vr} :: to keep company with, associate with, join up with, go with
accompagnarsi {vr} :: to be matched, go well together
accompagnatore {m} :: companion, escort, chaperone
accompagnatore {m} [music] :: accompanist
accompagnatore {m} :: manager [of a sports team]
accompagnatorio {adj} :: accompanying
accompagnatorio {adj} :: covering (letter)
accompagnatosi {v} :: past participle of accompagnarsi
accompagnatrice {f} :: female equivalent of accompagnatore
accompagnatura {f} :: synonym of accompagnamento
accompagnatura {f} :: symmetry, correspondence (between two things)
accomunabile {adj} :: common (that may be shared)
accomunagione {f} :: pooling, sharing
accomunagione {f} :: reunification
accomunamento {m} :: joining
accomunamento {m} :: sharing (in common)
accomunante {v} :: present participle of accomunare
accomunare {vt} :: to pool, share
accomunare {vt} :: to reunite
acconciabile {adj} :: adjustable
acconciamento {m} :: styling, setting (of hair)
acconciamento {m} :: dressing up
acconciante {v} :: present participle of acconciare
acconciantesi {v} :: present participle of acconciarsi
acconciare {vt} :: To style, to set (hair)
acconciare {vt} :: To dress up
acconciarsi {vr} :: To do one's hair
acconciarsi {vr} :: To dress up
acconciatore {m} :: hairdresser, hair stylist
acconciatosi {v} :: past participle of acconciarsi
acconciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of acconciatore
acconciatura {f} :: hairstyle, hairdo, coiffure
acconciatura rasta {f} :: dreadlocks
acconcime {m} :: restoration, repair (of a building)
acconcime {m} :: clothing
acconcio {adj} :: suitable, fit
accondiscendente {v} :: present participle of accondiscendere
accondiscendenza {f} :: An obliging or accommodating manner
accondiscendere {vi} :: (with a) to agree, consent (to)
accone {m} [nautical] :: A type of barge used by mussel fishermen
acconigliante {v} :: present participle of acconigliare
acconigliare {v} [rowing] :: To feather (the blade of an oar)
acconsentente {v} :: present participle of acconsentire
acconsentimento {m} :: consent
acconsentimento {m} :: approval
acconsentire {vi} :: to agree
acconsentire {vi} :: to consent
acconsentito {adj} :: agreed
acconsenziente {adj} :: consenting, willing
acconsenziente {adj} :: approving
accontamento {m} :: meeting
accontamento {m} :: interview
accontante {v} :: present participle of accontare
accontare {v} :: alternative form of raccontare
accontentabile {adj} :: satisfiable
accontentamento {m} :: synonym of contentamento
accontentamento {m} :: fulfilment, satisfaction, gratification
accontentante {v} :: present participle of accontentare
accontentantesi {v} :: present participle of accontentarsi
accontentare {vt} /ak.kon.tenˈta.re/ :: To satisfy
accontentarsi {v} :: reflexive of accontentare
accontentarsi {v} [di] :: to be content or satisfied (with); to settle (for)
accontentatosi {v} :: past participle of accontentarsi
accontevole {adj} :: affable
acconto {m} :: advance (of pay)
acconto {m} :: deposit (of cash)
accoppante {v} :: present participle of accoppare
accoppare {vt} :: To bump off, to do in, to kill
accoppiabile {adj} :: matchable, connectable
accoppiabile {adj} [zoology] :: That will mate
accoppiabilità {f} :: matchability
accoppiamento {m} :: mating
accoppiamento {m} :: coupling, connecting
accoppiante {v} :: present participle of accoppiare
accoppiantesi {v} :: present participle of accoppiarsi
accoppiare {vt} :: to couple, connect (up)
accoppiare {vt} :: to mate [of animals]
accoppiarsi {vr} :: To mate (of animals)
accoppiatoio {m} :: A leash that keeps a pair of hunting dogs together
accoppiatoio {m} :: (mechanical) coupling
accoppiatore {m} :: coupler (device)
accoppiatosi {v} :: past participle of accoppiarsi
accoppiatura {f} :: lamination
accoramento {m} :: sorrow, grief
accorante {v} :: present participle of accorare
accorantesi {v} :: present participle of accorarsi
accorare {vt} :: To slaughter a pig by piercing its heart
accorare {vt} :: To break someone's heart
accorarsi {vr} :: To break one's heart
accorataggine {f} :: unhappiness, sadness
accoratamente {adv} :: heartbrokenly
accoratezza {f} :: synonym of accoramento
accorato {adj} :: heartbroken, desperate, distraught
accorato {adj} :: concerned
accoratoio {m} :: A sharp needle used to slaughter pigs
accoratosi {v} :: past participle of accorarsi
accorazione {f} :: sorrow, grief
accorcente {v} :: present participle of accorcire
accorciabile {adj} :: shortenable
accorciabilità {f} :: Property of being shortenable
accorciamento {m} :: shortening
accorciamento {m} [grammar] :: contraction
accorciante {v} :: present participle of accorciare
accorciantesi {v} :: present participle of accorciarsi
accorciare {vt} :: to shorten; to abridge; to abbreviate
accorciarsi {vr} :: To shorten, to get or become shorter
accorciativo {m} :: abbreviation (or similar shortened form of a word)
accorciatoia {f} :: synonym of scorciatoia
accorciatore {m} :: shortener
accorciatosi {v} :: past participle of accorciarsi
accorciatura {f} :: shortening, abridgement
accorcire {v} :: alternative form of accorciare
accorcito {adj} :: shortened
accordabile {adj} :: allowable
accordabile {adj} :: matchable
accordabile {adj} [music] :: tunable
accordabilità {f} :: tunability, accordability
accordabilmente {adv} :: compatibly
accordamento {m} :: agreement
accordamento {m} :: conciliation
accordamento {m} :: concordance
accordamento {m} [music] :: tuning
accordante {v} :: present participle of accordare
accordante {adj} [music] :: tuning (attributive)
accordantesi {v} :: present participle of accordarsi
accordanza {f} :: agreement
accordare {vt} :: to grant something to someone
accordare {vt} [music] :: to tune an instrument
accordare {vt} [grammar] :: to make a verb or adjective to agree with something
accordarsi {v} :: reflexive of accordare
accordarsi {v} :: to agree with someone
accordarsi {v} :: to come to an agreement
accordarsi {v} :: to covenant
accordatamente {adv} :: synonym of concordemente
accordato {adj} :: granted
accordato {adj} :: tuned
accordatore {m} [music] :: tuner (person)
accordatosi {v} :: past participle of accordarsi
accordatura {f} [music] :: tuning (of instruments (the process and the system))
accordellante {v} :: present participle of accordellare
accordellare {v} :: To wrap with fine cord
accordevole {adj} :: suitable
accordevole {adj} :: conciliatory
accordevolmente {adv} :: suitably
accordevolmente {adv} :: conciliatorily
accordicchio {m} :: An opaque or ambiguous compromise agreement
accordio {m} :: agreement
accordio {m} [musical instruments] :: accordion, concertina
accordissimo {ms} :: only in d'accordissimo
accordo {m} /akˈkɔr.do/ :: accord, agreement, bond
accordo {m} :: arrangement
accordo {m} [music] :: chord
accordo prematrimoniale {m} :: prenuptial agreement, prenup
accordo solenne {m} :: covenant
accorgentesi {v} :: present participle of accorgersi
accorgersi {vr} /akˈkɔrdʒersi/ :: to notice
accorgersi {vr} :: to realize
accorgimento {m} :: trick, device
accorgimento {m} :: shrewdness
accorpamento {m} :: The incorporation of several entities into one in order to improve efficiency
accorpante {v} :: present participle of accorpare
accorpare {v} :: to incorporate several entities into a single one in order to improve efficiency
accorrente {v} :: present participle of accorrere
accorrere {vi} :: to rush (up to)
accorrere {vi} :: to hurry (to)
accorruomo {interj} /ak.korˈrwɔ.mo/ :: help!
Accorso {prop} :: given name
accortamente {adv} :: wisely, sensibly
accortamente {adv} :: shrewdly, cunningly
accortezza {f} :: wisdom, wariness, uptake
accortissimo {adj} :: superlative of accorto
accortissimo {adj} :: very shrewd or wise
accortissimo {adj} :: very cautious
accorto {adj} :: very shrewd, very alert
accorto {adj} :: wary
accortosi {v} :: past participle of accorgersi
accosciante {v} :: present participle of accosciarsi
accosciantesi {v} :: present participle of accosciarsi
accosciarsi {vr} :: To squat (down)
accosciata {f} :: squat (exercise)
accosciatosi {v} :: past participle of accosciarsi
accostabile {adj} :: accessible
accostabile {adj} :: approachable (person)
accostamento {m} :: matching
accostamento {m} :: approaching
accostante {v} :: present participle of accostare
accostantesi {v} :: present participle of accostarsi
accostare {v} :: to approach
accostare {v} :: to match
accostarsi {v} :: reflexive of accostare
accostarsi {v} :: to approach
accostarsi {v} :: to go or come nearer; to near
accostarsi {v} :: to come alongside [of a ship]
accostarsi {v} :: to turn to [one's religion]
accostarsi {v} :: to come to agree with
accostarsi {v} :: to resemble
accostatosi {v} :: past participle of accostarsi
accostatura {f} :: approaching
accostatura {f} :: fitting, joining
accostatura {f} :: joint, junction
accostevole {adj} :: approachable, accessible
accostevole {adj} :: affable
accosto {adj} :: near
accosto {adv} :: near
accosto {m} [nautical] :: berthing, anchoring
accostumabile {adj} :: accustomable
accostumante {v} :: present participle of accostumare
accostumantesi {v} :: present participle of accostumarsi
accostumanza {f} [obsolete] :: costume, dress
accostumare {vt} :: To accustom
accostumarsi {vt} :: To become accustomed (to)
accostumato {adj} :: accustomed, used to
accostumatosi {v} :: past participle of accostumarsi
accotonante {v} :: present participle of accotonare
accotonare {vt} :: to tease [fabric]
accotonare {vt} :: to backcomb [the hair]
accotonato {adj} :: teased (fabric)
accotonato {adj} :: backcombed (hair)
accotonatore {m} :: teaser (of fabric)
accotonatore {m} :: backcomber (of hair)
accotonatura {f} :: teasing [fabric]
accotonatura {f} [hair] :: backcombing
accottimante {v} :: present participle of accottimare
accottimare {v} :: To employ or to work on a piecework basis
account {m} [computing] :: account
accovacciante {v} :: present participle of accovacciarsi
accovacciantesi {v} :: present participle of accovacciarsi
accovacciarsi {vr} :: to crouch down
accovacciatosi {v} :: past participle of accovacciarsi
accovante {v} :: present participle of accovarsi
accovarsi {vr} :: alternative form of accovacciarsi
accovonante {v} :: present participle of accovonare
accovonare {v} :: to sheaf / sheave (crops)
accovonatore {m} :: Person who binds sheaves of corn
accovonatore {m} :: binder (agricultural machine)
accozzabile {adj} :: That can be jumbled
accozzaglia {f} :: A strange assortment
accozzaglia {f} :: A jumble, hotchpotch, hodgepodge
accozzame {m} :: synonym of accozzaglia
accozzamento {m} :: jumble, muddle
accozzamento {m} :: medley
accozzante {v} :: present participle of accozzare
accozzantesi {v} :: present participle of accozzarsi
accozzare {vt} :: to jumble (up), pile (up)
accozzarsi {v} :: reflexive of accozzare
accozzarsi {v} :: to gather or crowd together
accozzatore {m} :: A person who gets things muddled or jumbled
accozzatosi {v} :: past participle of accozzarsi
accozzo {m} :: crowd, rabble
accozzo {m} :: medley
accreditabile {adj} :: creditable
accreditabile {adj} :: trustworthy, reliable
accreditabilità {f} :: creditableness
accreditabilità {f} :: reliability
accreditamento {m} :: accreditation
accreditante {v} :: present participle of accreditare
accreditantesi {v} :: present participle of accreditarsi
accreditare {v} :: to make credible; to confirm; to substantiate
accreditare {v} :: to accredit
accreditarsi {v} :: reflexive of accreditare
accreditarsi {v} :: to gain ground; to gain credibility; to be accepted
accreditatario {m} :: creditee
accreditatosi {v} :: past participle of accreditarsi
accrescente {v} :: present participle of accrescere
accrescentesi {v} :: present participle of accrescersi
accrescere {vit} :: to increase
accrescersi {vr} :: To grow, burgeon or increase
accrescibile {adj} :: increasable
accrescimento {m} :: increase, growth
accrescitivo {adj} [grammar] :: augmentative
accrescitivo {m} [grammar] :: augmentative
accrescitore {adj} :: increasing
accrescitore {adj} :: enhancing
accresciutosi {v} :: past participle of accrescersi
accrespante {v} :: present participle of accrespare
accrespare {v} :: synonym of increspare
accrespatura {f} :: synonym of increspatura
accrezionato {adj} :: accreted
accrezione {f} :: accretion
accrocco {m} :: botch job, bodge job, bodge
accrocco {m} :: mass, heap, mixture
accubito {m} :: synonym of triclinio
accucciante {v} :: present participle of accucciarsi
accucciantesi {v} :: present participle of accucciarsi
accucciarsi {vr} :: to lie down [especially of a dog]
accucciarsi {vr} :: to crouch
accucciatosi {v} :: past participle of accucciarsi
accucciolante {v} :: present participle of accucciolarsi
accucciolarsi {v} :: synonym of accucciarsi
accudente {v} :: present participle of accudire
accudimento {m} :: care
accudimento {m} :: nursing
accudire {vi} :: (+a) to attend to, to heed [especially of matters of the domicile]
accudire {vt} :: to look after
acculante {v} :: present participle of acculare
acculare {v} :: To walk an animal backwards (especially when hitching an animal to a cart, etc.)
acculturamento {m} :: acculturation
acculturante {v} :: present participle of acculturare
acculturantesi {v} :: present participle of acculturarsi
acculturare {vt} :: to acculturate
acculturarsi {vr} :: To acculturate
acculturatosi {v} :: past participle of acculturarsi
acculturazione {f} :: integration (social)
accumulabile {adj} :: cumulative, accumulative
accumulabilità {f} :: accumulativeness
accumulamento {m} :: accumulation
accumulante {v} :: present participle of accumulare
accumulantesi {v} :: present participle of accumularsi
accumulare {vt} :: To accumulate
accumulare {vt} :: To store
accumularsi {v} :: reflexive of accumulare
accumularsi {vr} :: to accumulate
accumularsi {vr} :: to accrue
accumulato {adj} :: accumulated
accumulatore {m} :: accumulator (all senses)
accumulatosi {v} :: past participle of accumularsi
accumulazione {f} :: accumulation
accumunante {v} :: present participle of accumunare
accumunare {vt} :: to share [in common]
accumunare {vt} :: to join, unite
accumunare {vt} :: to associate
accuratamente {adv} :: accurately, carefully
accuratezza {f} :: accuracy
accuratezza {f} :: care
accuratissimo {adj} :: superlative of accurato
accurato {adj} :: accurate, careful
Accursio {prop} :: given name
accusa {f} :: accusation
accusabile {adj} :: indictable, chargeable, accusable
accusabilità {f} :: Liability to indictment or charge
accusante {v} :: present participle of accusare
accusantesi {v} :: present participle of accusarsi
accusare {vt} :: to accuse, to reproach, to impeach
accusarsi {vr} :: To accuse or blame oneself or each other
accusata {f} :: feminine noun of accusato
accusativo {m} [grammar] :: accusative
accusato {adj} :: accused
accusato {m} :: accused person, accused
accusatore {m} :: accuser
accusatorio {adj} :: accusatorial, accusatory
accusatosi {v} :: past participle of accusarsi
accusatrice {f} :: female equivalent of accusatore
accusazione {f} :: accusation
ace {m} [cooking] /ˈat.ʃe/ :: a flavour of fruit juice, mainly formed by orange, carrot and lemon juice
-acea {suffix} :: -aceous e.g. erbacea, herbaceous
acefalia {f} [pathology] :: acephalia, acephalism
acefalo {adj} :: acephalous, headless
acellulare {adj} [biology] :: acellular
acemeti {m} :: Acoemetae
acenaftalene {f} [organic compound] :: acenaphthylene
acenaftene {m} [organic compound] :: acenaphthene
acenaftilene {m} [organic compound] :: acenaphthylene
acentrico {adj} :: acentric
acentrico {adj} :: acentromeric
-aceo {suffix} :: Added to nouns to form adjectives to denote "made out of" or "resembling"; -aceous
Acepsima {prop} :: given name
aceraia {f} :: wood of maple-trees
acerbamente {adv} :: prematurely, unseasonably
acerbamente {adv} :: pertinaciously
acerbetto {adj} :: tartish, sourish
acerbetto {adj} :: coy, shy
acerbezza {f} :: acerbity, sourness
acerbezza {f} :: roughness, harshness
Acerbi {prop} :: surname
Acerbi {prop} :: Giuseppe Acerbi, Italian naturalist and explorer
acerbissimo {adj} :: superlative of acerbo
acerbissimo {adj} :: very acerbic, very sour, very bitter, very harsh
acerbissimo {adj} :: very hard, very severe
acerbità {f} :: acerbity
acerbità {f} :: harshness, bitterness, sharpness
acerbità {f} :: unripeness
acerbità {f} :: immaturity
acerbo {adj} /aˈt͡ʃɛr.bo/ :: unripe, premature
acerbo {adj} :: acerbic, sour, bitter, harsh, crude
acerbo {adj} :: hard, severe
acereta {f} :: alternative form of acereto
acereto {m} :: maple wood (forest)
acerina {f} [zoology, ichthyology] :: ruffe
acero {m} /ˈatʃero/ :: maple (tree) (Acer)
acero {m} :: maple wood
acero americano {m} :: box elder, boxelder maple, Manitoba maple (tree, Acer negundo)
acero bianco {m} :: box elder, boxelder maple, Manitoba maple (tree, Acer negundo)
acero campestre {m} :: A field maple (tree, Acer campestre)
acero da zucchero {m} :: sugar maple (tree, Acer saccharum)
acero di monte {m} :: sycamore maple, sycamore (tree, Acer pseudoplatanus)
acero giapponese {m} :: Japanese maple (tree, Acer palmatum)
acero montano {m} :: sycamore maple, sycamore (tree, Acer pseudoplatanus)
acero nero {m} :: black maple (tree, Acer nigrum)
acero platanoide {m} :: Norway maple (tree, Acer platanoides)
acero riccio {m} :: Norway maple (tree, Acer platanoides)
acero rosso {m} :: red maple (tree, Acer rubrum)
acero saccarino {m} :: silver maple (tree, Acer saccharinum)
acerra {f} :: acerra (all senses)
Acerra {prop} :: Acerra (town)
acerrimamente {adv} :: bitterly, sourly
acerrimo {adj} /aˈtʃɛrrimo/ :: superlative of acre
acerrimo {adj} :: very sour
acerrimo {adj} :: bitter [enemy]
acescente {adj} :: acescent
acescenza {f} :: acescence
acese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Acireale
acetabolo {m} [Roman Antiquities] :: acetabulum
acetabolo {m} [skeleton, zoology] :: acetabulum
acetaio {m} :: vinegar maker or seller
acetaldeide {f} [organic compound] :: acetaldehyde
acetale {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetal
acetalico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetal (attributive); acetalic
acetalizzazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: acetalization
acetammide {f} [organic compound] :: acetamide
acetato {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetate
acetato di magnesio {n} :: magnesium acetate
acetato di potassio {m} [inorganic compound] :: potassium acetate
acetato di sodio {m} :: sodium acetate
Acete {prop} :: Acoetes
acetente {v} :: present participle of acetire
acetico {adj} /aˈtʃɛtiko/ :: acetic
acetificante {v} :: present participle of acetificare
acetificare {vt} :: to acetify
acetificatore {m} :: acetifier
acetificazione {f} :: acetification
acetificio {m} :: vinegar manufacturer; vinegar producer; vinegar factory
acetilante {v} :: present participle of acetilare
acetilare {vt} :: To acetylate
acetilazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: acetylation
acetilcellulosa {f} [organic compound] :: cellulose acetate, acetyl cellulose
acetilcloruro {m} [organic compound] :: acetyl chloride
acetilcolina {f} [neurotransmitter] :: acetylcholine
acetilcolinesterasi {f} [enzyme] :: acetylcholinesterase
acetilderivato {m} [chemistry] :: acetylated derivative
acetile {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetyl
acetilene {m} :: acetylene
acetilenico {adj} :: acetylenic
acetilgalattosamina {f} [organic compound] :: acetylgalactosamine
acetilglucosammina {f} [organic compound] :: acetylglucosamine
acetilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetylic
acetilneuraminico {adj} :: acetylneuraminic
acetilsalicilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetylsalicylic
acetilspermidina {f} [biochemistry] :: acetylspermidine
acetilspermina {f} [biochemistry] :: acetylspermine
acetiluro {m} [organic compound] :: acetylide
acetimetria {f} :: acetimetry
acetimetrico {adj} :: acetimetric
acetino {m} :: A form of garnet having a light red colour
acetire {v} :: To become sour (like vinegar)
aceto {m} /aˈt͡ʃeto/ :: vinegar
acetoarsenito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: acetoarsenite
aceto balsamico {m} :: balsamic vinegar
acetobatterio {m} :: acetobacter
aceto bianco {m} :: white vinegar
aceto di malto {m} :: malt vinegar
aceto di riso {m} :: rice vinegar
aceto di vino {m} :: wine vinegar
acetofenone {m} [organic compound] :: acetophenone
acetometrico {adj} :: acetometric, acetimetric
acetometro {m} :: acetometer
acetone {m} [organic compound] /at͡ʃeˈtone/ :: acetone
acetonemia {f} [pathology] :: acetonemia, ketosis
acetonitrile {n} [organic compound] :: acetonitrile
acetonuria {f} [pathology] :: acetonuria
acetosa {f} :: sorrel (Rumex acetosella)
acetosella {f} :: wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella)
acetosità {f} :: sourness, acidity
acetoso {adj} /atʃeˈtoso/ :: vinegary
acetossibenzoico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetylbenzoic, acetylsalicylic
acetume {m} :: A vinegary taste
achenio {m} [botany] :: achene
acheo {adj} :: Achaean
acheo {m} :: Achaean
Achernar {prop} :: Achernar, the brightest star in the constellation of Eridanus
Acheronte {m} :: The hereafter
Acheronte {m} :: Acheron (Hell)
Acheronte {m} [Greek mythology] :: Acheron (the river of the Underworld)
acheronteo {adj} [literary] /a.ke.ronˈtɛ.o/ :: Acheron [attributive]
acheronteo {adj} [literary, by extension] :: infernal
acherontico {adj} :: synonym of acheronteo
acherontico {adj} :: funereal
acheropita {f} :: acheiropoieton
acheuleano {adj} :: Acheulean
acheuleano {m} :: Acheulean
Achia {prop} [Biblical character] :: Ahijah
a chiare lettere {adv} :: Variant of senza peli sulla lingua
a chiare note {adv} :: plainly
achilia {f} [pathology] :: achylia
Achilla {prop} :: given name
achille {n} :: The paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise
achille {n} [by extension] :: Any strong argument that refutes a hypothesis
Achille {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Achilles
Achille {prop} :: given name of Ancient Greek origin
achillea {f} :: Any of several plants of the genus Achillea
achilleo {adj} :: Achilles (attributive)
achirale {adj} [chemistry] :: achiral
achiro {adj} :: acheirous
achiropita {f} :: alternative form of acheropita
achiropoieta {f} :: alternative form of acheropita
Achitofel {prop} :: Ahitophel
Achitofèl {prop} :: medieval spelling of Achitofel
achiurgia {f} :: surgery (as a science)
achivo {adj} [poetic] :: Achaean
A.C.I. {prop} :: initialism of Automobile Club d'Italia
aciclico {adj} [chemistry] :: acyclic
acicolare {adj} [botany] :: synonym of aghiforme
acidamente {adv} :: acidly, sourly
acidante {v} :: present participle of acidare
acidare {vt} :: To etch with acid
acidaro {m} :: The conical headgear typical of the Venetian doges
acidaspide {m} [paleontology] /a.t͡ʃiˈdas.pi.de/ :: Any trilobite of the Acidaspis taxonomic genus
acidaspide {m} :: alternative case form of Acidaspide
Acidaspide {m} /a.t͡ʃiˈdas.pi.de/ :: The Acidaspis taxonomic genus
acidatura {f} :: etching (with acid)
acidezza {f} :: acidity, sourness
acidico {adj} :: acidic
acidificante {v} :: present participle of acidificare
acidificante {adj} :: acidifying
acidificare {vt} :: to acidify
acidificato {adj} :: acidified
acidificazione {f} :: acidification
acidimetria {f} [chemistry] :: acidimetry
acidimetro {m} [chemistry] :: acidimeter
aciditá {f} :: rare form of acidità
acidità {f} [chemistry] :: acidity
acidità {f} :: heartburn
acido {adj} /ˈaː.tʃi.d̪o/ :: acid
acido {m} [chemistry] :: acid
acido {m} [slang] :: LSD
acido acetico {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetic acid
acido acetilsalicilico {m} [organic chemistry, pharmaceutical drug] :: acetylsalicylic acid
acido acrilico {m} [organic compound] :: acrylic acid
acido adipico {m} [organic chemistry] :: adipic acid
acido alginico {m} [organic compound] :: alginic acid
acido arachico {m} [fatty acid] :: arachidic acid
acido arachidico {m} [fatty acid] :: arachidic acid
acido ascorbico {m} [organic compound] :: ascorbic acid
acido aspartico {m} [amino acid] :: aspartic acid
acido barbiturico {m} [organic compound] :: barbituric acid
acido benzensolfonico {m} [organic compound] :: benzenesulfonic acid
acido benzoico {m} [organic compound] :: benzoic acid
acido biliare {m} [biochemistry] :: bile acid
acido borico {m} [chemistry] :: boric acid
acido bromico {m} [inorganic compound] :: bromic acid
acido bromidrico {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrobromic acid
acido butanoico {m} [organic compound] :: butanoic acid
acido butirrico {m} [fatty acid] :: butyric acid
acido caprico {m} [fatty acid] :: capric acid
acido caprilico {m} [fatty acid] :: caprylic acid
acido caprinico {m} [organic compound] :: capric acid
acido caproico {m} [fatty acid] :: caproic acid
acido carbolico {m} [organic compound] :: carbolic acid
acido carbonico {m} :: carbonic acid
acido carbossilico {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylic acid
acido ceroplastico {m} [biochemistry] :: ceroplastic acid
acido cerotico {m} [fatty acid] :: cerotic acid
acido cianidrico {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrocyanic acid
acido citrico {m} [organic compound] :: citric acid
acido clorico {m} [inorganic compound] :: chloric acid
acido cloridrico {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrochloric acid
acido cloroso {m} [inorganic compound] :: chlorous acid
acido coniugato {m} [chemistry] :: conjugate acid
acido crenico {m} [organic compound] :: crenic acid
acido crotonico {m} [organic compound] :: crotonic acid
acido decanoico {m} [organic compound] :: decanoic acid
acido deossiribonucleico {m} [biochemistry, genetics] :: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
acido desossiribonucleico {m} [biochemistry, genetics] :: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
acido domoico {m} [organic compound] :: domoic acid
acido eicosapentaenoico {m} [organic compound] :: eicosapentaenoic acid
acidofilia {f} :: acidophilia
acidofilo {adj} :: acidophilic
acidofilo {m} [biology] :: acidophile, acidophilus
acido fluoridrico {m} [chemistry] :: hydrofluoric acid
acido folico {m} [vitamin, organic compound] :: folic acid
acido formico {m} [organic compound] :: formic acid
acido fosfonico {m} [inorganic compound] :: phosphonic acid
acido fosforico {m} [inorganic compound] :: phosphoric acid
acido fosforoso {m} [inorganic compound] :: phosphorous acid
acido ftalico {m} [organic compound] :: phthalic acid
acido fulminico {m} [chemistry] :: fulminic acid
acido fumarico {m} [organic compound] :: fumaric acid
acido galatturonico {m} [organic compound] :: galacturonic acid
acido gallico {m} [organic compound] :: gallic acid
acido glicolico {m} [organic compound] :: glycolic acid
acido gluconico {m} [organic compound] :: gluconic acid
acido glucuronico {m} [organic compound] :: glucuronic acid
acido glutammico {m} [amino acid] :: glutamic acid
acido glutarico {m} [organic compound] :: glutaric acid
acido grasso {m} [organic compound] :: fatty acid
acido ialuronico {m} [organic compound] :: hyaluronic acid
acido idrocinnamico {m} [organic compound] :: hydrocinnamic acid
acido iodico {m} [inorganic compound] :: iodic acid
acido iodidrico {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydroiodic acid
acido ipobromoso {m} [inorganic compound] :: hypobromous acid
acido ipocloroso {m} [inorganic compound] :: hypochlorous acid
acido ipofluoroso {m} [inorganic compound] :: hypofluorous acid
acido ipofosforoso {m} [inorganic compound] :: hypophosphorous acid
acido iponitroso {m} [inorganic compound] :: hyponitrous acid
acido ippurico {m} [organic compound] :: hippuric acid
acido jasmonico {m} [organic compound] :: jasmonic acid
acido kainico {m} [organic compound] :: kainic acid
acido lattico {m} :: lactic acid
acido laurico {m} [organic compound] :: lauric acid
acido linoleico {m} [organic compound] :: linoleic acid
acido linolenico {m} [fatty acid] :: linolenic acid
acido lipoico {m} [organic compound] :: lipoic acid
acido lisergico {m} :: lysergic acid
acido lisergico {m} :: acid (LSD)
acidolisi {f} [organic chemistry] :: acidolysis
acido maleico {m} [organic compound] :: maleic acid
acido malico {m} [organic compound] :: malic acid
acido malonico {m} [organic compound] :: malonic acid
acido mandelico {m} [organic compound] :: mandelic acid
acido mellitico {m} [organic compound] :: mellitic acid
acido metafosforico {m} [inorganic compound] :: metaphosphoric acid
acido mevalonico {m} [organic compound] :: mevalonic acid
acido miristico {m} [fatty acid] :: myristic acid
acido molibdico {n} [inorganic compound] :: molybdic acid
acido mucico {n} [organic compound] :: mucic acid
acido muriatico {m} [inorganic compound] :: muriatic acid
acido naftalico {m} [organic compound] :: naphthalic acid
acido naftenico {m} [organic compound] :: naphthenic acid
acido nitrico {m} [inorganic compound] :: nitric acid
acido nitroso {m} [chemistry] :: nitrous acid
acido nucleico {m} [genetics] :: nucleic acid
acido oleico {m} [fatty acid] :: oleic acid
acido orotico {m} [chemistry] :: orotic acid
acido ossalico {m} [organic compound] :: oxalic acid
acido palmitico {m} [fatty acid] :: palmitic acid
acido palmitoleico {m} [fatty acid] :: palmitoleic acid
acido pantotenico {m} [organic compound] :: pantothenic acid
acido parabanico {m} [chemistry] :: parabanic acid
acido pentanoico {m} [organic compound] :: pentanoic acid
acido peracetico {m} [organic compound] :: peracetic acid
acido perborico {m} [inorganic compound] :: perboric acid
acido perbromico {m} [inorganic compound] :: perbromic acid
acido perclorico {m} [inorganic compound] :: perchloric acid
acido periodico {m} [inorganic compound] :: periodic acid
acido picrico {m} [organic compound] :: picric acid
acido pirofosforico {m} [inorganic compound] :: pyrophosphoric acid
acido pirogallico {m} [organic compound] :: pyrogallic acid
acido pirolegnoso {m} [organic compound] :: pyroligneous acid
acido pirosolforico {m} [inorganic compound] :: pyrosulfuric acid
acido piruvico {m} [organic compound] :: pyruvic acid
acido poliamminopolicarbossilico {m} [organic compound] :: polyaminopolycarboxylic acid
acido poligalatturonico {m} [carbohydrate] :: polygalacturonic acid
acido prussico {m} [inorganic compound] :: prussic acid
acido racemico {m} [organic compound] :: racemic acid
acido ribonucleico {m} [genetics] :: ribonucleic acid
acido ricinoleico {m} [fatty acid] :: ricinoleic acid
acido salicilico {m} [organic compound] :: salicylic acid
acido selenico {m} [inorganic compound] :: selenic acid
acidosi {f} :: acidosis
acido sialico {m} [organic compound] :: sialic acid
acido silicico {m} [chemistry] :: silicic acid
acido solfanilico {m} [organic compound] :: sulfanilic acid
acido solfidrico {m} [chemistry] :: hydrosulfuric acid; hydrogen sulfide
acido solfonico {m} [organic compound] :: sulfonic acid
acido solforico {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: sulfuric acid
acido solforoso {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfurous acid
acido sorbico {m} [organic compound] :: sorbic acid
acido stannico {m} [inorganic compound] :: stannic acid
acido stearico {m} [fatty acid] :: stearic acid
acido succinico {m} [organic compound] :: succinic acid
acido tannico {m} [organic compound] :: tannic acid
acido tartarico {m} [organic compound] :: tartaric acid
acido tereftalico {m} [organic compound] :: terephthalic acid
acido tiosolforico {m} [inorganic compound] :: thiosulfuric acid
acido tricloroacetico {m} [organic compound] :: trichloroacetic acid
acido urico {m} :: uric acid
acido valerico {m} [organic compound] :: valeric acid
acido xantico {m} [organic compound] :: xanthic acid
acidulante {v} :: present participle of acidulare
acidulare {vt} :: to acidulate
acidulato {adj} :: acidulated
acidulazione {f} :: acidulation
acidulo {adj} :: acidulous, sourish
acidume {m} :: sour taste
acidume {m} :: acid substance
aciduria {f} [medicine] :: aciduria
acifillo {adj} [botany] :: Having needle-shaped leaves
acilato {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acylated
acilcarnitina {f} [biochemistry] :: acylcarnitine
acile {m} [organic chemistry] :: acyl
Acilia {prop} :: A small town between Rome and Ostia
acilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acyl (attributive)
Acilio {prop} :: given name
Acillino {prop} :: given name
aciltransferasi {f} [enzyme] :: acyltransferase
Acindino {prop} :: given name
acinesia {f} [medicine] :: akinesia
acinetico {adj} :: akinetic
aciniforme {adj} :: aciniform
acino {m} :: a berry
acino {m} :: a grain (of rice etc)
acino d'uva {m} :: a grape
acinoso {adj} :: acinous
acioli {f} :: Acholi (language)
Acireale {prop} :: Acireale (town)
acirologia {f} [grammar] :: acyrology
Aciscolo {prop} :: given name
aclamidato {adj} [botany] :: achlamydeous
aclamide {adj} :: synonym of aclamidato
aclassismo {m} :: classlessness
aclassista {adj} :: classless
aclassistico {adj} :: classlessness (attributive)
acline {adj} :: aclinic
aclista {mf} :: a member of Associazioni Cristiane dei Lavoratori Italiani
acloridria {f} [medicine] :: achlorhydria
acluofobia {f} :: achluophobia (fear of the dark)
acme {f} :: acme (pinnacle, culmination)
acmonital {m} :: A form of steel used in Italy during the autarchy and the Second World War to make coins
acne {f} [disease] :: acne
acneico {adj} [pathology] :: acne [attributive]
acolito {m} :: alternative form of accolito
a colpo d'occhio {prep} :: at a glance
acondroplasia {f} [teratology] :: achondroplasia
aconfessionale {adj} :: nondenominational
aconfessionalità {f} :: nondenominationalism
aconflittuale {adj} :: nonconflicting, nonconflictual
aconitina {f} [organic compound] :: aconitine
aconito {m} :: aconite (plant and herbal preparation), monkshood
a conti fatti {adv} :: all things considered, on balance
acontista {m} :: archer (soldier armed with darts or arrows)
acoria {f} :: acoria
acoro {m} :: sweet flag
a corpo a corpo {prep} :: [of combat] close-range, using melee weapons
acotiledone {f} :: acotyledon
acotiledone {adj} :: acotyledonous
acqua {f} /ˈak.kwa/ :: water
acqua {f} [rowing] :: lane
Acqua {prop} [astrology] :: The astrological element Water that comprises the three water signs (Cancro, Scorpione and Pesci)
acqua-acqua {adj} [military] :: ship-to-ship, surface-to-surface
acqua alta {f} [usually, uncountable] /ˈak.kwa ˈal.ta/ :: acqua alta (regular flooding in Venice)
acqua-aria {adj} [military] :: surface-to-air, ship-to-air
acqua benedetta {f} :: synonym of acqua santa
acquaccia {f} :: bad water
acquaccia {f} :: downpour
acquacedrata {f} :: citron-water
Acquacheta {prop} :: A river that flows through Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna
acquaciclo {m} :: pedal boat
acquacoltore {m} :: aquaculturist
acquacoltura {f} :: aquaculture
acqua corrente {f} :: running water
acquacotta {f} :: A Tuscan vegetable soup
acquacultura {f} :: alternative form of acquacoltura
acquadella {f} :: smelt (especially Atherina boyeri)
acqua del rubinetto {f} :: tap water
acquadernante {v} :: present participle of acquadernare
acquadernare {v} :: To bind pages to form a quaderno
acqua di Colonia {f} :: cologne, eau de Cologne
acqua di invaso {n} :: backwater (water held back by a dam or obstruction)
acqua di mare {f} :: seawater
acqua di rose {f} :: rose water
acqua di rubinetto {f} :: tap water
acqua di scolo {f} :: waste water, sewage, black water
acqua distillata {f} :: distilled water
acqua dolce {f} :: fresh water, freshwater
acqua e sapone {adj} :: (literally: water and soap; usually of a woman) girl next door; with no makeup; fresh and natural; simple; natural
acquaforestazione {f} :: A form of agroforestry that combines agriculture, forestry and fishing
acquaforte {f} :: etching
acquafortista {mf} :: etcher
acqua fresca {f} :: fresh water
acqua in bocca {interj} :: An injunction to keep a secret; mum's the word;under one's hat
acquaio {m} :: A kitchen sink, a sink
acquaio {adj} [used in certain expressions] :: that which carries water or rain
acquaiolo {adj} /ak.kwaˈjɔ.lo/ :: water (attributive), aquatic
acquaiolo {m} :: water vendor
acquaiuolo {adj} /ak.kwaˈjwɔ.lo/ :: alternative spelling of acquaiolo
acquajolo {m} :: alternative spelling of acquaiolo
acquajuolo {m} :: obsolete spelling of acquaiuolo
acquamanile {m} :: ewer
acquamarina {adj} [color] :: aquamarine
acquamarina {f} [gems] :: aquamarine
acquamarina {m} [colors] :: aquamarine
acquametria {f} [chemistry] :: aquametrics
acquametrico {adj} :: aquametric
acqua minerale {f} :: mineral water
acqua morta {f} :: synonym of acqua stagnante
acquananfa {f} :: orange blossom water
acqua naturale {f} :: natural water, but especially still, bottled mineral water
acquanauta {mf} :: aquanaut
acqua nera {f} :: liquid sewage
acquaneve {m} :: sleet (mixture of rain and snow)
acquante {v} :: present participle of acquare
acqua oligominerale {f} :: oligomineral water
acqua ossigenata {f} [inorganic compound] :: hydrogen peroxide
acquapark {m} :: Water-based theme park
acqua pazza {f} :: A dish of poached whitefish and tomatoes
acqua pazza {f} :: A type of wine made by peasants
acquapendente {v} :: present participle of acquapendere
acquapendente {f} :: drainage basin (sloping land each side of a watershed)
acqua pesante {f} :: heavy water (deuterium oxide)
acqua piovana {f} :: rainwater
acquaplanista {mf} :: aquaplanist
acquaplano {m} :: aquaplane
acquaporina {f} [protein] :: aquaporin
acqua potabile {f} :: drinking water
acqua ragia {f} :: alternative form of acquaragia
acquaragia {f} :: turpentine
acquare {vt} [obsolete] /akˈkwa.re/ :: to water, irrigate
acquare {vt} [obsolete] :: to water (animals)
acquare {vi} [obsolete] :: to stock up on water
acquareccia {f} :: alternative form of acquereccia
acqua regia {f} :: aqua regia
acquarellante {v} :: present participle of acquarellare
acquarellare {vt} :: alternative form of acquerellare
acquarellista {mf} :: watercolourist
acquarello {m} :: alternative form of acquerello
acquariano {m} :: Aquarian
acquario {m} :: aquarium
Acquario {prop} [astronomy, astrology] :: Aquarius (constellation)
Acquario {prop} [astrology] :: Aquarius (star sign)
acquariofilia {f} :: The breeding of fish in a domestic aquarium
acquariofilo {m} :: aquarist
acquariologia {f} :: aquariology
Acquarossa {prop} :: The administrative capital of Ticino in Switzerland
acquartieramento {m} [military] :: quartering
acquartierante {v} :: present participle of acquartierare
acquartierare {vt} :: To quarter (troops)
acqua salata {f} :: salt water, seawater
acqua santa {f} :: holy water
acquasanta {f} :: alternative spelling of acqua santa
Acquasanta Terme {prop} :: Acquasanta Terme (small town)
acquasantiera {f} :: stoup (receptacle for holy water)
acquascivolo {m} :: water slide
acquascooter {m} [vehicle, nautical] /ak.kwaˈsku.ter/ :: jet ski, sea scooter, water scooter
acqua stagnante {f} :: stagnant water (water that does not flow)
acquastrino {adj} :: waterlogged
acquata {f} :: shower (precipitation), downpour, cloudburst
acquatella {f} :: silverside (fish of the genus Atherina)
acqua termale {f} :: thermal water (from a thermal spring)
acqua-terra {adj} [military] :: surface-to-surface, ship-to-shore
acquaterra {adj} :: ship-to-ground (missile)
acquaticcio {m} :: heavily watered-down wine
acquaticità {f} :: aquatic readiness
acquaticità {f} :: (by extension) baby swimming
acquatico {adj} /akˈkwa.ti.ko/ :: aquatic, water [attributive]
acquatile {adj} :: watery
acquatile {adj} :: aquatic
acquatina {m} :: heavily watered-down wine
acquatinta {f} :: aquatint
acquato {m} :: heavily watered-down wine
acqua tonica {f} :: soda water
acqua tonica {f} :: tonic water
acquattamento {m} :: flattening of crops by the weather
acquattamento {m} :: crouching down
acquattante {v} :: present participle of acquattare
acquattantesi {v} :: present participle of acquattarsi
acquattare {vt} :: To bend or flatten crops (of the wind or rain)
acquattarsi {vr} :: To crouch down or huddle (from the elements etc)
acquattarsi {vr} :: to lurk
acquattatosi {v} :: past participle of acquattarsi
acquavita {f} :: alternative form of acquavite
acquavitaio {m} :: brandy seller
acquavite {f} :: brandy (or similar)
acqua viva {f} :: living water (water from a perennial spring)
acquazzone {m} /ak.kwatˈt͡so.ne/ :: shower (precipitation), downpour, cloudburst, rainstorm
acque costiere {f} :: coastal waters, territorial waters
acquedottistico {adj} :: aqueduct (attributive)
acquedotto {m} :: aqueduct
acquemoto {m} :: waterquake
acque nere {fp} :: black water, sewage, wastewater
acqueo {adj} /ˈak.kwe.o/ :: water (attributive), watery
acque oceaniche {f} :: oceanic waters; high seas
acquereccia {f} :: An ornamental water jug
acquerella {f} :: drizzle (light rain)
acquerellante {v} :: present participle of acquerellare
acquerellare {vt} :: to paint in watercolour
acquerellista {mf} :: watercolourist, watercolorist
acquerello {m} [painting] :: watercolor, watercolour
acquerugiola {f} :: drizzle (light rain)
acquetante {v} :: present participle of acquetare
acquetare {vt} :: alternative spelling of acquietare
acque territoriali {f} :: territorial waters
acquetta {f} :: drizzle (light rain)
acquicella {f} :: light drizzle
acquicolo {adj} :: aquatic, water (attributive)
acquicoltore {m} :: alternative spelling of acquacoltore
acquicoltura {f} :: alternative spelling of acquacoltura
acquido {adj} :: synonym of acquoso
acquidoccio {m} [obsolete] :: aqueduct
acquidoccio {m} :: pit that collects rainwater from fields
acquidoso {adj} :: synonym of acquoso
acquidotto {m} :: obsolete form of acquedotto
acquidrino {m} :: alternative form of acquitrino
acquiescente {adj} /ak.kwjeʃˈʃɛn.te/ :: acquiescent
acquiescentemente {adv} /ak.kwjeʃ.ʃen.teˈmen.te/ :: acquiescently
acquiescenza {f} /ak.kwjeʃˈʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: acquiescence
acquiescere {v} /ak.kwiˈɛʃ.ʃe.re/ :: to resign oneself
acquietabile {adj} :: appeasable
acquietamento {m} :: appeasement
acquietante {v} :: present participle of acquietare
acquietantesi {v} :: present participle of acquietarsi
acquietare {vt} /ak.kwjeˈta.re/ :: to calm
acquietare {vt} :: to quieten
acquietare {vt} :: to appease
acquietarsi {v} /ak.kwjeˈtar.si/ :: reflexive of acquietare
acquietarsi {v} :: to calm down
acquietatosi {v} :: past participle of acquietarsi
acquifero {adj} :: aquiferous
acquirente {mf} /ak.kwiˈrɛn.te/ :: buyer, purchaser
acquisente {v} :: present participle of acquisire
acquisibile {adj} :: obtainable, acquirable
acquisire {vt} :: to acquire
acquisire {vt} :: to gain
acquisitivo {adj} :: prescription, usucaption
acquisitizio {adj} :: acquisitive (acquired from others)
acquisito {adj} :: acquired
acquisitore {m} :: acquirer
acquisitore {m} :: buyer, purchaser
acquisizione {f} :: acquisition
acquistabile {adj} :: That can be bought, that can be purchased, purchasable
acquistante {v} :: present participle of acquistare
acquistare {vt} :: to buy or purchase
acquistare {vt} :: to acquire
acquistare {vt} :: to gain
acquistare {vi} :: to improve
acquisto {m} :: purchase, acquisition
acquitrino {m} :: marsh, swamp, bog, bayou
acquitrinoso {adj} :: marshy, swampy, boggy
acquolina {f} :: The secretion of saliva in anticipation of food
acquosità {f} :: wateriness
acquoso {adj} :: watery
acrale {adj} [anatomy] :: acral
acre {adj} :: sharp, sour
acre {adj} :: harsh
acredine {f} :: acrimony
acredine {f} :: sharpness (of a smell, taste etc)
acremente {adv} :: acridly
Acri {prop} :: Acri (town)
Acri {prop} :: Acri (city)
acribia {f} :: scrupulousness, rigorous accuracy
acridina {f} [organic compound] :: acridine
acrigno {adj} :: synonym of asprigno
acrilammide {f} [organic compound] :: acrylamide
acrilato {m} [organic compound] :: acrylate
acrile {m} [organic chemistry] :: acryl
acrilico {adj} :: acrylic
acrilonitrile {m} [organic compound] :: acrylonitrile
acrilonitrilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acrylonitrilic
acrimonia {f} /ak.riˈmɔn.ja/ :: acrimony, animosity
acrimoniosamente {adv} :: acrimoniously
acrimonioso {adj} :: acrimonious, bitter, sharp, rancorous
acrisia {f} :: acriticality
acrisia {f} [pathology] :: The presence of symptoms that make diagnosis difficult
Acrisio {prop} :: given name
acritano {adj} :: Acre (attributive)
acriticamente {adv} :: uncritically, acritically
acriticità {f} :: Condition of being uncritical; dogmatism
acritico {adj} :: uncritical, dogmatic, acritical
acro- {prefix} :: tip
acro- {prefix} :: extremity
acro- {prefix} :: peak
acro {m} :: acre (unit of measure)
acroamatico {adj} :: acroamatic
acrobata {mf} /akˈrɔ.ba.ta/ :: acrobat
acrobaticamente {adv} :: acrobatically
acrobatico {adj} :: acrobatic
acrobatico {adj} :: aerobatic
acrobazia {f} :: acrobatics (especially in plural)
acrocefalia {f} :: acrocephaly
acrocefalo {adj} :: acrocephalic
acrocentrico {adj} [genetics] :: acrocentric
acrocianosi {f} [medicine] :: acrocyanosis
acrocoro {m} :: highlands
acrofobia {f} :: acrophobia
acrofonia {f} :: acrophony
acroleina {f} [organic compound] :: acrolein
acrolito {m} :: acrolith
acromasia {f} :: achromasia
acromatico {adj} :: achromatic (all senses)
acromatismo {m} :: achromatism
acromatizzante {v} :: present participle of acromatizzare
acromatizzare {vt} :: To achromatize (remove chromatic aberration)
acromatopsia {f} [medicine] :: achromatopsia
acromegalia {f} [medicine] :: acromegaly
acromia {f} :: achromia (lack of pigmentation)
acromico {adj} :: achromic
acromicria {f} [pathology] :: acromicria; acromicric dysplasia
acromio {m} [anatomy] :: acromial spur
acromo {adj} :: achromic (lacking colour)
acromocentrico {adj} [genetics] :: telocentric
acromodermia {f} [medicine] :: achromoderma, amelanosis
acronimo {m} :: An acronym
acronimo {m} :: initialism
acronimologo {m} :: acronymist
acroparestesia {f} [pathology] :: acroparaesthesia
acropoli {f} :: acropolis (elevated part of a city in ancient Greece)
Acropoli {prop} :: Acropolis
acrostico {m} :: An acrostic or word game
acrostolio {m} [nautical] :: figurehead (at the prow of a ship)
acroteriale {adj} :: acroterial
acroterio {m} :: acroterion
acrotonico {adj} [linguistics] :: Describing a word that has the stress on the first or last syllable
actea {f} :: baneberry (of genus Actaea)
actina {f} [protein] :: actin
actinico {adj} :: actinic (all senses)
actinina {f} [protein] :: actinin
actinolite {f} [mineral] :: actinolite
actinomicete {m} :: actinomycete
actinomicosi {f} :: actinomycosis
actinomiosina {f} [protein] :: actinomyosin
actinomorfo {adj} [botany] :: actinomorphic, actinomorphous
actinorriza {f} [botany] :: actinorhiza
Actv {prop} [Venice] :: initialism of Azienda Consorzio Trasporti Veneziano - the Venice public transport authority
acucettore {f} [physiology] :: acceptor (cluster of skin cells)
acuente {v} :: present participle of acuire
acuentesi {v} :: present participle of acuirsi
acufene {m} [medicine] :: tinnitus
acuire {vt} :: To sharpen or whet
acuirsi {vr} :: To sharpen; to worsen
acuità {f} :: acuity, sharpness
acuità {f} :: acuteness, astuteness
acuitosi {v} :: past participle of acuirsi
acuizione {f} :: sharpening
acuizione {f} :: acuity
aculeato {adj} :: aculeate
aculeo {m} [zoology] :: spine
aculeo {m} [zoology] :: stinger
aculeo {m} [botany] :: aculeus, prickle
acume {m} :: acumen, acuteness, sharpness
acuminato {adj} :: sharp
acuminato {adj} :: pointed
a cuore {adv} :: heart-shaped; in the form of a heart: ♥
a cuore leggero {adv} :: calmly; breezily; without worry
a cuor leggero {adv} :: apocopic form of a cuore leggero
acusma {f} :: acousma
acustica {f} :: acoustics
acusticamente {adv} :: acoustically
acustico {adj} :: acoustic, sound [attributive]
acustico {adj} :: auditory, sound [attributive], sonic, aural
acusticofobia {f} :: acousticophobia
acustoelasticità {f} :: acoustoelasticity
acustoelastico {adj} :: acoustoelastic
acustoelettricità {f} :: acoustoelectricity
acustoelettrico {adj} [physics] :: acoustoelectric
acustoelettronica {f} :: acoustoelectronics
acustoelettronico {adj} :: acoustoelectronic
acutamente {adv} :: acutely
acutangolo {adj} :: acute-angled
acutezza {f} :: acuteness
acutezza {f} :: sharpness
acutezza visiva {f} [anatomy, optics] :: visual acuity, vision
acutissimo {adj} :: superlative of acuto
acutissimo {adj} :: very high (sound)
acutissimo {adj} :: very sharp
acutissimo {adj} :: very intense, very acute (pain)
acutizzante {v} :: present participle of acutizzare
acutizzantesi {v} :: present participle of acutizzarsi
acutizzare {vt} :: to intensify
acutizzare {vt} :: to sharpen
acutizzarsi {vr} :: To worsen
acutizzatosi {v} :: past participle of acutizzarsi
acutizzazione {f} :: worsening, intensification (becoming more acute)
acuto {adj} :: acute
acuto {adj} :: sharp
acuto {adj} [music] :: high-pitched, high, shrill [voice, etc.]
acuto {m} [music, in absolute, un acuto] :: high note, top note
acuzie {f} :: acuteness, intensity, sharpness
Acuzio {prop} :: given name
ad {prep} :: to, at, in [used before a vowel for euphony instead of a]
AD {mf} :: initialism of amministratore delegato
ad acqua {adj} :: water-powered
adacquamento {m} :: watering
adacquante {v} :: present participle of adacquare
adacquare {vt} [obsolete] /a.dakˈkwa.re/ :: to water
adacquare {vt} :: To water, irrigate
adacquare {vt} [rare] :: to water down, dilute
adacquatore {m} :: irrigation canal
adacquatrice {f} :: A small irrigation ditch
adacquatura {f} :: irrigation, watering
adagetto {m} /a.daˈdʒet.to/ :: diminutive of adagio
adagetto {m} [music] :: A tempo or movement that is slightly faster than an adagio; an adagietto
adagiamento {m} :: laying down
adagiante {v} :: present participle of adagiare
adagiantesi {v} :: present participle of adagiarsi
adagiare {vt} :: To lay down carefully
adagiarsi {v} :: reflexive of adagiare
adagiarsi {vr} :: to lie down
adagiarsi {vr} :: to make oneself comfortable
adagiarsi sugli allori {v} [idiomatic] :: to rest on one's laurels
adagiatosi {v} :: past participle of adagiarsi
adagietto {m} :: obsolete form of adagetto
adagio {adv} :: slowly
adagio {m} [music] :: adagio
adagio {m} :: proverb, adage or saying
adagissimo {adv} :: superlative of adagio
Adalardo {prop} :: given name
Adalberto {prop} /a.dalˈbɛr.to/ :: given name, older form of Alberto
Adalciso {prop} :: given name
Adalfredo {prop} :: given name
Adalgisio {prop} :: given name
Adalgiso {prop} :: given name
Adalindo {prop} :: given name
Adalio {prop} :: given name
Adaloaldo {prop} :: given name
Adalrico {prop} :: given name
Adam {m} [colloquial] :: ecstasy (drug)
adamantino {adj} :: adamantine
adamita {m} :: adamite
adamitico {adj} :: Adam (attributive)
Adamo {prop} [biblical character] :: Adam
Adamo {prop} :: given name
adangme {f} :: Adangme (language)
a danno di {prep} :: synonym of a scapito di
ad armacollo {adv} :: slung across the shoulders
ad arte {adv} :: with hidden purposes; artfully
adassiale {adj} [botany] :: adaxial
adattabile {adj} :: adaptable
adattabile {adj} :: convertible
adattabile {adj} :: pliable
adattabilità {f} :: adaptability, adaptiveness
adattamento {m} :: adaptation (all senses)
adattamento {m} :: conversion
adattante {v} :: present participle of adattare
adattantesi {v} :: present participle of adattarsi
adattare {vt} :: to adapt
adattare {vt} :: to convert
adattarsi {v} :: reflexive of adattare
adattarsi {v} :: to adapt
adattarsi {v} :: to make the best of
adattativo {adj} :: adaptive
adattato {adj} :: adapted
adattatore {m} :: adapter, converter
adattatore {adj} :: adaptor (attributive)
adattatore USB {m} [computing] :: USB adapter
adattatosi {v} :: past participle of adattarsi
adattevole {adj} :: synonym of adattabile
adattilia {f} :: adactyly
adattino {adj} [biochemistry] :: Relating to, or composed of adaptin
adattissimo {adj} :: superlative of adatto
adattivo {adj} :: adaptive
adatto {adj} :: suitable or adapted for
Adaulfo {prop} :: given name
ad avancarica {adj} :: muzzle-loading
Adda {prop} :: A tributary of the river Po in northern Italy
Addai {prop} :: given name
addarsi {vr} :: To notice, realize
addarsi {vr} :: To dedicate oneself
Addaura {prop} :: Addaura (small town)
addax {m} :: addax
addaziante {v} :: present participle of addaziare
addaziare {v} :: To subject to duty or a tribute
addebbiante {v} :: present participle of addebbiare
addebbiare {v} :: To fertilize soil by burning stubble etc
addebitabile {adj} :: chargeable
addebitabilità {f} :: chargeability
addebitamento {m} :: debit
addebitamento {m} :: debiting
addebitante {v} :: present participle of addebitare
addebitare {vt} :: to debit, charge
addebitare {vt} :: to charge, blame
addebito {m} /adˈde.bi.to/ :: debit, charge
addebito {m} :: charge, allegation, imputation, accusation
addecimamento {m} :: tithing
addecimante {v} :: present participle of addecimare
addecimare {vt} :: to tithe
addecimatore {m} :: tither (A person who pays tithes)
addecimazione {f} :: tithing
addendo {m} :: addend
addensamento {m} :: thickening
addensamento {m} :: gathering
addensante {v} :: present participle of addensare
addensante {m} :: thickener
addensante {adj} :: thickening
addensantesi {v} :: present participle of addensarsi
addensare {vt} :: To thicken
addensarsi {vr} :: To thicken (become dense)
addensato {adj} :: thick
addensatore {m} :: thickener
addensatosi {v} :: past participle of addensarsi
addentante {v} :: present participle of addentare
addentare {vt} :: to bite (into)
addentatura {f} :: bite (cavity due to material removed by biting)
addentatura {f} :: slot, groove (in woodwork)
addentellante {v} :: present participle of addentellare
addentellare {vt} :: To tooth
addentellato {adj} :: toothed
addento {adv} :: inside, internally
addento {adv} :: deeply
addentrante {v} :: present participle of addentrare
addentrantesi {v} :: present participle of addentrarsi
addentrare {vt} :: to penetrate
addentrarsi {v} :: reflexive of addentrare
addentrarsi {vr} :: to penetrate
addentrarsi {vr} :: to go (deeply) (into)
addentratosi {v} :: past participle of addentrarsi
addestrabile {adj} :: trainable
addestrabilità {f} :: trainability
addestramento {m} :: training
addestrante {v} :: present participle of addestrare
addestrantesi {v} :: present participle of addestrarsi
addestrare {vt} :: to train
addestrarsi {v} :: reflexive of addestrare
addestrarsi {v} :: to train (oneself)
addestratissimo {adj} :: superlative of addestrato
addestrativo {adj} :: training (attributive)
addestrato {adj} :: trained (for a task)
addestratore {m} :: trainer (of animals)
addestratosi {v} :: past participle of addestrarsi
addestratrice {f} :: female equivalent of addestratore
addetta stampa {f} :: a press agent
addetta tuttofare {f} :: handywoman
addetta tuttofare {f} :: girl Friday
addetta tuttofare {f} :: right-hand woman
addetto {adj} :: (with a) [of a person] assigned (to) or in charge (of) [a task, office, etc.]
addetto {adj} :: (with a) intended (for)
addetto {m} :: (typically with a) person assigned (to) or in charge (of) [a task, office, etc.]
addetto {m} [transferred sense] :: employee
addetto {m} :: attaché
addetto ai lavori {m} :: expert in a particular field
addetto ai lavori {m} [humorous, figurative, by extension] :: presumptuous connoisseur; snob
addetto alla schiumatura {m} :: skimmer (person who skims)
addetto diplomatico {m} :: attaché (diplomatic officer)
addetto stampa {m} :: press agent
addetto tuttofare {m} :: synonym of assistente tuttofare
addetto tuttofare {m} :: synonym of uomo tuttofare
addì {adv} :: (followed by a specific date) on the
addiacciante {v} :: present participle of addiacciare
addiacciare {v} :: To put animals into a pen or fold (for the night)
addiaccio {m} /adˈdjat.t͡ʃo/ :: pen, run or fold (for animals at night)
addiaccio {m} :: bivouac
addicente {v} :: present participle of addire
addietro {adv} :: before
addietro {adv} :: ago
addiettivo {m} /ad.djetˈti.vo/ :: obsolete form of aggettivo
addimandante {v} :: present participle of addimandare
addimandare {v} [obsolete or literary] /ad.di.manˈda.re/ :: To ask (for), request
addimandare {v} [obsolete or literary] :: To call, name
addimesticante {v} :: present participle of addimesticare
addimesticare {v} :: alternative form of addomesticare
addimorante {v} :: present participle of addimorare
addimorare {v} :: alternative form of dimorare
addimorare {v} :: To loiter, linger
addimostrante {v} :: present participle of addimostrare
addimostrare {v} :: alternative form of dimostrare
addio {interj} /adˈdi.o/ :: goodbye, farewell
addio {m} :: goodbye, farewell
addio al celibato {m} :: bachelor party, stag night
addio al nubilato {m} :: hen party, bachelorette party, hen night
addipanante {v} :: present participle of addipanare
addipanare {v} :: alternative form of dipanare
addire {vt} [literary] :: to dedicate
addirittura {adv} /addiritˈtura/ :: even
addirittura {adv} :: directly
addirittura {adv} :: absolutely
addirizzamento {m} :: straightening
addirizzamento {m} :: correcting, correction
addirizzamento {m} :: addressing
addirizzante {v} :: present participle of addirizzare
addirizzare {v} :: To straighten
addirizzare {v} :: To correct
addirizzare {v} :: To address
addirsi {v} [a, .impersonal] /ad̪.ˈd̪ir.si/ :: to suit; to be suitable (for)
addisoniano {adj} :: Addison (attributive)
additante {v} :: present participle of additare
additare {v} :: to point or point out (especially with the finger)
additivamente {adv} :: additively; as an additive
additivante {v} :: present participle of additivare
additivare {vt} :: To add one or more additives to something
additivazione {f} :: The act of adding additives to something
additività {f} :: additivity
additivo {m} :: an additive
additivo {adj} [mathematics] :: additive
additivo alimentare {m} :: food additive
addiveniente {v} :: present participle of addivenire
addivenire {vi} :: to arrive
addivenire {vi} :: to happen
addizionabile {adj} :: Able, or permitted to be added
addizionale {adj} :: additional
addizionale {f} :: surtax
addizionalmente {adv} :: additionally
addizionante {v} :: present participle of addizionare
addizionare {vt} :: to add, add up
addizionatore {m} :: adding machine
addizionatrice {f} :: adding machine
addizione {f} :: addition
Addo {prop} :: given name
addobbamento {m} :: decorating; decoration
addobbamento {m} :: adorning; adornment
addobbante {v} :: present participle of addobbare
addobbare {vt} :: to decorate
addobbare {vt} :: to dress up [in fancy costume]
addobbatore {m} :: decorator
addobbo {m} :: decoration
addocilente {v} :: present participle of addocilire
addocilire {v} :: To tame (make docile)
addocilire {v} :: To soften (clothes etc)
addogante {v} :: present participle of addogare
addogare {v} :: To divide into strips (like a stave)
addogato {adj} [heraldry] :: paly
addogliante {v} :: present participle of addogliare
addogliare {v} [literary, poetic] /ad.doʎˈʎa.re/ :: to grieve
addolcante {v} :: present participle of addolcare
addolcare {v} :: To sweeten
addolcare {v} :: To soften
addolcente {v} :: present participle of addolcire
addolcentesi {v} :: present participle of addolcirsi
addolciante {v} :: present participle of addolciare
addolciare {v} [obsolete] :: To soften or mitigate
addolcimento {m} :: sweetening
addolcire {vt} :: to sweeten
addolcire {vt} :: to soften, soothe
addolcirsi {v} :: reflexive of addolcire
addolcirsi {v} :: to soften, mellow
addolcitivo {adj} :: sweetening
addolcitivo {adj} :: softening, soothing
addolcitivo {m} :: sedative
addolcitore {m} :: water softener
addolcitosi {v} :: past participle of addolcirsi
addolorante {v} :: present participle of addolorare
addolorantesi {v} :: present participle of addolorarsi
addolorare {vt} :: to grieve; to pain
addolorarsi {v} :: reflexive of addolorare
addolorarsi {vi} :: (with di, per, del fatto che + conj., or se + ind.) to feel a sense of deep despair (at); to grieve (over)
Addolorata {prop} [Christianity] :: Our Lady of Sorrows
Addolorata {prop} :: given name
addolorato {adj} :: distressed, upset
addolorato {adj} :: grieving
Addolorato {prop} :: given name
addoloratosi {v} :: past participle of addolorarsi
addomandante {v} :: present participle of addomandare
addomandare {v} /ad.do.manˈda.re/ :: alternative form of addimandare
addome {m} [anatomy, zoology] :: abdomen
addomesticabile {adj} :: tameable
addomesticabilità {f} :: Property of being tameable or domesticable
addomesticamento {m} :: domestication
addomesticante {v} :: present participle of addomesticare
addomesticantesi {v} :: present participle of addomesticarsi
addomesticare {vt} :: to tame, to domesticate
addomesticarsi {vr} :: To become tame, domesticated
addomesticato {adj} :: tame, domesticated
addomesticatore {m} :: tamer (of animals)
addomesticatosi {v} :: past participle of addomesticarsi
addomesticatura {f} :: synonym of addomesticamento
addomesticazione {f} :: domestication, taming
addomestichevole {adj} :: synonym of addomesticabile
addomestichevolezza {f} :: domesticability, tamability
addominale {adj} [anatomy] :: abdominal
addominale {m} [anatomy, usually plural] :: abdominal, abdominal muscle
addominale {m} [usually plural] :: sit-up
addominali a tartaruga {n} :: six pack (abdominal muscles)
addominalmente {adv} :: abdominally
addomine {m} :: Variant of addome
addominoplastica {f} [surgery] :: abdominoplasty
addoppiamento {m} :: synonym of raddoppiamento
addoppiante {v} :: present participle of addoppiare
addoppiare {vt} :: To double (Variant of: raddoppiare)
addoppiatura {m} :: synonym of addoppiamento
addormentabile {adj} :: That can be put to sleep
addormentamento {m} :: sleepiness
addormentamento {m} :: numbness
addormentante {v} :: present participle of addormentare
addormentantesi {v} :: present participle of addormentarsi
addormentare {vt} :: to send to sleep
addormentarsi {v} :: reflexive of addormentare
addormentarsi {vr} :: to go to sleep [person or limb]; to fall asleep, nod off
addormentarsi {vr} :: to grow numb
addormentativo {adj} [uncommon] :: soporific
addormentato {adj} :: sleeping, sleepy
addormentato {adj} :: stupid, dopey
addormentatore {adj} :: soporific
addormentatosi {v} :: past participle of addormentarsi
addossabile {adj} :: That can be leaned (against)
addossabile {adj} :: due, attributable
addossamento {m} :: placement on the shoulders or back
addossamento {m} [figurative, by extension] :: charge, accusation, imputation
addossante {v} :: present participle of addossare
addossantesi {v} :: present participle of addossarsi
addossare {vt} :: to lean against
addossare {vt} :: to lay or saddle [on the shoulders or back]
addossare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to entrust, charge, burden, or shoulder
addossarsi {v} :: reflexive of addossare
addossarsi {v} :: (with a) to lean (against)
addossarsi {v} :: to crowd; to huddle; to gather
addossarsi {v} :: to assume (take on a duty) for oneself
addossatosi {v} :: past participle of addossarsi
addossatura {f} :: synonym of addossamento
addosso {adv} :: on (one's person)
addosso {prep} :: [followed by a] on, next to
addotto {adj} :: adducted
addotto {adj} :: enclosed, annexed
addottoramento {m} :: The conferring of a degree
addottorante {v} :: present participle of addottorare
addottorantesi {v} :: present participle of addottorarsi
addottorare {vt} :: to confer a degree (on)
addottorarsi {vr} :: To graduate
addottosi {v} :: past participle of addursi
addottrinabile {adj} :: That can be indoctrinated
addottrinamento {m} :: indoctrination
addottrinante {v} :: present participle of addottrinare
addottrinantesi {v} :: present participle of addottrinarsi
addottrinare {vt} :: To indoctrinate
addottrinarsi {vr} :: To learn
addottrinatore {m} :: indoctrinator
addottrinatosi {v} :: past participle of addottrinarsi
addottrinatura {f} :: indoctrination
addottrinatura {f} :: doctrine
addottrinatura {f} :: education
addrento {adv} :: alternative form of addento
addrizzante {v} :: present participle of addrizzare
addrizzare {v} :: alternative form of addirizzare
adduante {v} :: present participle of adduare
adduare {v} [obsolete] /ad.duˈa.re/ :: To couple, pair up
adduarsi {vr} [obsolete] /ad.duˈar.si/ :: To double oneself; to make a couple, to be joined
adducente {v} :: present participle of addurre
adducentesi {v} :: present participle of addursi
adducibile {adj} :: adducible
addugliante {v} :: present participle of addugliare
addugliare {v} [nautical] :: To coil (a rope etc)
addurre {vt} :: To produce (an example etc)
addurre {vt} :: To advance or put forward (an argument)
addursi {vr} [obsolete] :: to move oneself; to go
adduttivo {adj} :: advancing
adduttivo {adj} :: adducting
addutto {adj} :: alternative form of addotto
adduttore {adj} :: adductive
adduttore {m} :: rheophore
adduzione {f} :: adduction
-ade {suffix} :: -ad [in the names of units]
Ade {prop} /ˈa.de/ :: Hades (deity)
Ade {prop} :: Hades (underworld)
Adeano {prop} [geology] /a.deˈa.no/ :: Hadean (the geologic eon)
ad eccezione di {prep} :: With the exception of; except, but
a decorrere da {prep} :: synonym of a partire da
adectico {adj} :: adecticous
adefago {m} :: adephagan
adeguabile {adj} :: adaptable, adjustable
adeguamento {m} :: adjustment
adeguamento {m} :: adaptation
adeguamento {m} :: onboarding
adeguante {v} :: present participle of adeguare
adeguantesi {v} :: present participle of adeguarsi
adeguare {vt} :: to adjust (to)
adeguare {vt} :: to bring into line (with)
adeguarsi {v} :: reflexive of adeguare
adeguarsi {v} :: to adapt (to)
adeguatamente {adv} :: adequately
adeguatamente {adv} :: suitably
adeguatezza {f} :: adequacy
adeguato {adj} :: fit, suitable, appropriate, proportionate
adeguato {adj} :: fair, just
adeguato {adj} :: sufficient, due
adeguatosi {v} :: past participle of adeguarsi
adeguazione {f} :: adjustment
adeguazione {f} :: adaptation
adeguazione {f} :: adequation
Adelaido {prop} :: given name
Adelardo {prop} :: given name
Adelasio {prop} :: given name
Adelberto {prop} :: given name
Adelchi {prop} :: given name
Adele {prop} /aˈdɛ.le/ :: given name
Adelfa {prop} :: given name
adelfia {f} :: adelphia (plant of the genus Adelphia)
adelfico {adj} :: adelphic
adelfo {adj} [botany] :: adelphous
Adelfo {prop} :: given name
Adelindo {prop} :: given name
Adelino {prop} :: given name
Adelio {prop} :: given name
Adelisio {prop} :: given name
Adeliso {prop} :: given name
Adelmiro {prop} :: given name
Adelmo {prop} :: given name
Adelo {prop} :: given name
adelomorfo {adj} [biology] :: adelomorphous
Ademaro {prop} :: given name
adempibile {adj} :: accomplishable
adempiente {v} :: present participle of adempiere
adempiente {adj} :: complying (with)
adempiente {adj} :: defaulting
adempiere {v} :: to carry out, accomplish, implement or fulfil
adempiersi {v} :: reflexive of adempiere
adempiersi {v} :: to come true
adempimento {m} :: fulfilment
adempimento {m} :: carrying out
adempire {v} :: alternative form of adempiere
adempito {adj} :: accomplished, implemented
ademprivio {m} :: A right to gather wood, glean and/or graze animals
aden- {prefix} [before vowels] :: alternative form of adeno-
adenia {f} :: adenoiditis
adenilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: adenylate
adenilciclasi {f} [enzyme] :: adenylate cyclase, adenylyl cyclase
adenilico {adj} :: adenylic
adenina {f} [organic compound] /a.deˈni.na/ :: adenine
adenite {f} [diseases] :: adenitis (gland inflammation)
adeno- {prefix} :: adeno- (relating to glands)
adenocarcinoma {m} [oncology] :: adenocarcinoma
adenocorticotropo {adj} [anatomy] :: adenocorticotropic
adenoide {adj} :: adenoid (attributive), adenoidal
adenoide {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: adenoids
adenoidectomia {f} [surgery] :: adenoidectomy
adenoideo {adj} :: adenoidal
adenoidismo {m} :: adenoidism
adenoipofisi {f} [anatomy] :: adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland)
adenologia {f} [pathology] :: adenology
adenoma {m} [pathology] :: adenoma
adenomatoso {adj} [pathology] :: adenomatous
adenomatoso {adj} [pathology] :: adenomatoid
adenomegalia {f} [pathology] :: adenomegaly
adenopatia {f} [pathology] :: adenopathy
adenosin {f} :: apocopic form of adenosina
adenosina {f} [biochemistry] /a.de.noˈsi.na/ :: adenosine
adenosina monofosfato {f} :: alternative form of adenosinmonofosfato
adenosinatrifosfato {m} [organic chemistry] :: adenosine triphosphate
adenosindifosfato {m} [organic chemistry] /adenozindifosˈfato/ :: adenosine diphosphate
adenosinfosfato {m} [organic chemistry] /a.de.no.zin.fosˈfa.to/ :: adenosine phosphate
adenosinmonofosfato {m} [organic chemistry] /adenozinmonofosˈfato/ :: adenosine monophosphate
adenosintrifosfatasi {f} [organic chemistry] /a.de.no.sin.tri.fos.faˈta.si/ :: adenosinetriphosphatase
adenosintrifosfato {m} [organic chemistry] /a.de.no.zin.tri.fosˈfa.to/ :: adenosine triphosphate
adenoso {adj} :: glandular
adenotomia {f} [surgery] :: adenotomy
adente {v} :: present participle of adire
a denti asciutti {prep} :: synonym of a bocca asciutta
a denti stretti {adv} :: forcibly, reluctantly, unwillingly, by biting the bullet
Adeodato {prop} :: given name
adepta {f} :: feminine noun of adepto
adepto {m} :: follower, initiate
adequante {v} :: present participle of adequare
adequare {v} :: alternative form of adeguare
adequazione {f} :: rare form of adeguazione
aderente {v} :: present participle of aderire
aderente {adj} :: tight, close-fitting, snug
aderente {adj} :: adhesive
aderente {mf} :: adherent, follower, supporter
aderentemente {adv} :: tightly, snuggly
aderentemente {adv} :: adhesively
aderenza {f} :: adhesion
aderenza {f} :: grip (of car tyres on the road)
aderenza {f} :: connection, contact (especially in plural)
adergere {v} /aˈdɛr.d͡ʒe.re/ :: To raise
aderimento {m} :: adhesion
aderire {vi} :: to adhere, stick (to)
aderire {vi} :: to grip [the road]
aderire {vi} :: to join [a movement, a party]
aderire {vi} :: to support [an idea]
aderire {vi} :: to agree to [a request]
Aderito {prop} :: given name
aderizzante {v} :: present participle of aderizzare
aderizzare {vt} :: to make a textured pattern on a surface in order to improve grip with another
aderizzatrice {f} :: A machine that produces the tread on tyres and similar products
aderizzazione {f} :: A textured pattern on a surface created in order to improve grip with another; especially the tread pattern on a tyre / tire
adermina {f} [organic compound] :: synonym of piridossina (Vitamin B6)
adescabile {adj} :: Able to be enticed, lured or seduced
adescamento {m} :: enticement, soliciting, luring
adescamento {m} :: priming (of a pump)
adescante {v} :: present participle of adescare
adescare {vt} :: to lure, entice, hook
adescare {vt} :: to prime [a pump]
adescare {vt} :: to strike [an electric arc]
adescato {adj} :: enticed
adescato {adj} :: lured
adescatore {m} :: enticer, allurer
ad esempio {adv} :: for example, for instance
adesina {f} [biochemistry] :: adhesin
adesione {f} :: adhesion
adesione {f} :: agreement, acceptance
adesione {f} :: support
adesività {f} :: adhesiveness
adesivo {adj} :: adhesive
adesivo {m} :: adhesive
adeso {adj} [botany, chemistry, otherwise archaic and rare] /aˈdɛ.zo/ :: attached, adherent
adespoto {m} :: masterless, ownerless (lacking a master or owner)
adespoto {m} :: anonymous (lacking a named author)
adesso {adv} /aˈdɛs.so/ :: now
a detta di {prep} :: according to, by one's telling
Adhara {prop} :: Adhara, the second brightest star in the constellation of Canis Major
adhocrazia {f} :: adhocracy
ad honorem {adj} :: honorary
adiabaticità {f} [physics] :: adiabaticity
adiabatico {adj} [physics] :: adiabatic
adiacente {adj} :: adjacent, adjoining
adiacenza {f} :: adjacency
adiacenza {f} [in the plural] :: surroundings, vicinity
adiaforia {f} [philosophy] :: adiaphorism
adiaforistico {adj} [philosophy] :: adiaphoristic
adiatermano {adj} [physics] :: adiathermic
adibente {v} :: present participle of adibire
adibibile {adj} :: usable
adibire {vt} :: To use something as something else; to adapt
adibizione {m} :: use, utilization
adibizione {m} :: assignment
adibizione {m} :: destination
Adice {prop} :: medieval spelling of Adige
-adico {suffix} :: -adic
adiettivo {m} /a.djetˈti.vo/ :: obsolete form of aggettivo
a differenza di {prep} :: unlike
Adige {prop} /ˈa.di.dʒe/ :: Adige (river)
Adilio {prop} :: given name
adimensionale {adj} :: adimensional, dimensionless
adinamia {f} [pathology] :: adynamia
adinato {m} :: adynaton
ad incasso {adj} :: built-in (appliance, piece of furniture, etc)
ad incastro {adj} [carpentry] :: tongue and groove
Adino {prop} :: given name
Adinolfi {prop} /a.diˈnol.fi/ :: surname
Adinolfo {prop} /a.diˈnol.fo/ :: given name, alternative form of Adolfo
a Dio piacendo {phrase} :: synonym of se Dio vuole
adipe {m} [literary] /ˈa.di.pe/ :: fat
adipe {m} [physiology] :: adeps
adipe minerale {f} :: synonym of vaselina
adipico {adj} :: adipic
adipo- {prefix} [anatomy, medicine] :: adipo-
adipoblasto {m} :: synonym of lipoblasto
adipocita {m} :: Variant of adipocito
adipocito {m} [biology] :: adipocyte
adiponectina {f} [biochemistry] :: adiponectin
adiposità {f} /a.di.po.zi.ˈta/ :: adiposity, fat
adiposo {adj} :: adipose, fatty
adiramento {m} :: anger
adirante {v} :: present participle of adirarsi
adirantesi {v} :: present participle of adirarsi
adirare {vt} :: To anger
adirarsi {vr} :: to get angry, or be peeved (with someone)
adiratamente {adv} :: angrily
adirato {adj} :: angry, peeved
adiratosi {v} :: past participle of adirarsi
adire {vt} [legal] :: to start or institute legal proceedings
a dire il vero {prep} :: to tell the truth, for the record, to set the record straight
a dirotto {adv} :: copiously, abundantly
a dirotto {adv} :: heavily, hard
a dir poco {adv} :: to say the least
a dir tanto {adv} :: Used to suggest an overstatement
a dismisura {adv} :: excessively
a dispetto di {prep} [idiom] :: in spite of
adito {m} /ˈa.di.to/ :: entrance
adito {m} :: approach
adito {m} :: adit
Adiuto {prop} :: given name
adiutore {m} :: helper
adiuvante {v} :: present participle of adiuvare
adiuvante {adj} :: helping
adiuvante {adj} :: adjuvant (attributive)
adiuvare {vt} [obsolete] :: To help
adizione {f} [legal] :: acceptance (of an inheritance)
adizzante {v} :: present participle of adizzare
adizzare {v} :: obsolete form of aizzare
Admeto {prop} :: given name
Admiralissimo {n} :: Admiral of the Fleet
ADN {m} [biochemistry, genetics] :: initialism of acido desossiribonucleico; DNA
Ado {prop} :: given name
adocchiamento {m} :: sight, sighting
adocchiante {v} :: present participle of adocchiare
adocchiare {vt} :: to catch sight of
adocchiare {vt} :: to have one's eye on
adocchiare {vt} :: to eye
ad occhi chiusi {adv} :: with one's eyes closed, with one hand tied behind one's back
ad oggi {adv} :: to date, as yet, thus far
ad oggi {adv} :: nowadays
adogmatico {adj} [Freemasonry] :: adogmatic
ad ogni buon conto {adv} :: regardless, no matter what
ad ogni costo {adv} :: at all costs
ad ogni modo {adv} :: anyway, in any case, either way
ad ogni passo {adv} :: alternative form of a ogni passo
adolescente {adj} /a.do.leʃˈʃɛn.te/ :: adolescent
adolescente {mf} :: adolescent, teenager
adolescenza {f} :: adolescence, teens
adolescenziale {adj} :: adolescent, teen (attributive), teenager (attributive)
Adolfo {prop} /aˈdɔl.fo/ :: given name
ad oltranza {adv} :: to the bitter end
ad oltranza {adv} :: until the end or conclusion
adombrabile {adj} :: touchy
adombramento {m} :: umbrage, resentment
adombramento {m} [arts] :: shading
adombramento {m} :: hint, allusion
adombramento {m} :: skittishness (of a horse)
adombramento {m} :: adumbration
adombrante {v} :: present participle of adombrare
adombrantesi {v} :: present participle of adombrarsi
adombrare {vt} :: To veil or conceal
adombrarsi {v} :: reflexive of adombrare
adombrarsi {vr} :: to shy [of a horse]
adombrarsi {vr} :: to be offended
adombratosi {v} :: past participle of adombrarsi
adonante {v} :: present participle of adonare
adonare {v} [obsolete] :: To subdue
adone {m} :: Adonis (handsome youth)
Adone {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Adonis
Adone {prop} :: given name
adonestante {v} :: present participle of adonestare
adonestare {v} :: To give a false impression of honesty
adonio {adj} :: Adonic
adonio {m} :: Adonic
adontamento {m} /a.don.taˈmen.to/ :: insult, offence
adontante {v} :: present participle of adontare
adontantesi {v} :: present participle of adontarsi
adontare {v} /a.donˈta.re/ :: To insult or offend
adontarsi {v} /a.donˈtar.si/ :: To take offence or feel insulted
adontatosi {v} :: past participle of adontarsi
adontoso {adj} :: shameful
adontoso {adj} :: insulting
adoperabile {adj} :: useable
ad opera di {prep} :: by means of; through the action of; due to; of
adoperante {v} :: present participle of adoperare
adoperantesi {v} :: present participle of adoperarsi
adoperare {vt} :: to use
adoperare {vi} [archaic] :: to act
adoperarsi {v} :: reflexive of adoperare
adoperarsi {v} :: to make every effort (to do something); to do one's best
adoperatosi {v} :: past participle of adoperarsi
a dopo {interj} :: see you later!
adoprabile {adj} :: useable (Variant of adoperabile)
adoprante {v} :: present participle of adoprare
adoprantesi {v} :: present participle of adoprarsi
adoprare {v} :: alternative form of adoperare
adoprarsi {v} :: reflexive of adoprare
adoprarsi {v} :: to strive, endeavour (do one's best)
adopratosi {v} :: past participle of adoprarsi
adorabile {adj} :: adorable, sweet, lovely
adorabilità {f} :: adorableness, lovableness
adorabilmente {adv} :: adorably
adorale {adj} :: adoral
adorante {adj} :: praying
adorante {adj} :: adoring
adorante {v} :: present participle of adorare
adorantesi {v} :: present participle of adorarsi
adorare {vt} :: (same as English) To love with one's entire heart and soul; regard with deep respect and affection
adorare {vt} :: (same as English) To adore or worship
adorarsi {vr} :: To love each other
Adorato {prop} :: given name
adoratore {m} :: worshipper
adoratosi {v} :: past participle of adorarsi
adoratrice {f} :: worshipper (female)
adorazione {f} :: adoration, worship
adorcismo {m} :: adorcism
adornabile {adj} :: That can be adorned
adornamento {m} :: ornament
adornante {v} :: present participle of adornare
adornantesi {v} :: present participle of adornarsi
adornare {vt} [+ di or + con] :: to adorn (with)
adornarsi {vr} :: To adorn oneself (with)
adornato {adj} :: adorned
adornatore {adj} :: adorning
adornatosi {v} :: past participle of adornarsi
adornezza {f} :: loveliness, beauty
adorno {adj} :: adorned (with)
Adorno {prop} :: given name
adottabile {adj} :: adoptable
adottabilità {f} :: adoptability
adottamento {m} :: synonym of adozione
adottando {adj} :: Who is to be adopted
adottante {v} :: present participle of adottare
adottante {adj} :: adopting
adottare {v} :: to adopt
adottare {v} :: to choose, to select
adottato {adj} :: adopted
adottato {adj} :: chosen, selected
adottatore {m} :: adopter
adottazione {f} :: adoption
adottazione {f} :: selection
adottivo {adj} :: adopted
adottivo {adj} :: adoptive
adottivo {adj} :: foster
adozionale {adj} :: adoption (attributive)
adozione {f} :: adoption
adozione {f} :: selection
adozionismo {m} :: adoptionism
adragante {adj} :: tragacanth (attributive)
Adrano {prop} :: Adrano (town)
Adrasto {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Adrastus
Adrasto {prop} :: given name
adrenale {adj} [anatomy] :: adrenal
adrenalectomia {f} [surgery] :: adrenalectomy
adrenalina {f} :: adrenaline, epinephrine
adrenalinico {adj} :: jacked up, hepped up (excited because of the effects of drugs)
adrenarca {m} :: adrenarche
adrenergico {adj} :: adrenergic
adreno- {prefix} :: adreno- (relating to the adrenal gland)
adrenocorticotropo {adj} :: adrenocorticotropic
adrenogenitale {adj} :: adrenogenital
adrenoleucodistrofia {f} [medicine] :: adrenoleukodystrophy
adrenomedullare {adj} [anatomy] :: adrenomedullary
adrenomieloneuropatia {f} [pathology] :: adrenomyeloneuropathy
adrenosterone {m} [hormone] :: adrenosterone
adressario {m} :: list of addresses
adressario {m} :: mailing list
Adria {prop} :: Adria (town)
adriaco {adj} :: alternative form of Adriatico
Adriana {prop} :: given name
Adriano {prop} :: given name
Adriano {prop} :: Hadrian [the emperor]
adriatico {adj} :: Adriatic
Adriatico {prop} :: The Adriatic sea
adriese {adj} :: Of, or from, Adria
adriese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Adria
Adrio {prop} :: given name
a dritta e a manca {adv} :: everywhere, all over the place, all over hell's half acre
adroma {m} :: synonym of xilema
adrone {m} [physics] :: hadron
adronico {adj} [physics] :: hadronic
adronizzazione {f} [physics] :: hadronization
adrosauro {m} [dinosaur] :: hadrosaur
adroterapia {f} [medicine] :: hadrontherapy
adsorbente {v} :: present participle of adsorbire
adsorbente {adj} :: adsorbent
adsorbimento {m} :: adsorption
adsorbire {vt} :: To adsorb
adsorbito {adj} :: adsorbed
adstrato {m} [linguistics] :: adstratum
Adua {prop} /ˈad.wa/ :: Adwa / Adowa
Adua {prop} :: given name
adualismo {m} :: adualism
a due {adj} [music] :: "for two", indicating both musicians or sections play together
aduggiamento {m} [ecology] :: The ecology of forests in which the biomass is subjected to continual shade
aduggiante {v} :: present participle of aduggiare
aduggiare {vt} :: To overshadow
adugnante {v} :: present participle of adugnare
adugnare {v} :: alternative form of adunghiare
Adula {prop} :: The Swiss mountain Rheinwaldhorn
adulabile {adj} /a.duˈla.bi.le/ :: easily flattered
adulante {v} :: present participle of adulare
adulantesi {v} :: present participle of adularsi
adulare {vt} :: to flatter, to adulate, to soft-soap
adularia {f} [mineralogy] :: adularia
adularsi {v} :: reflexive of adulare
adularsi {vr} :: to congratulate oneself
adularsi {vr} :: to be pleased with oneself
adulatore {m} :: flatterer, adulator
adulatore {m} :: hireling
adulatoriamente {adv} :: flatteringly
adulatorio {adj} :: flattering
adulatosi {v} :: past participle of adularsi
adulatrice {f} :: female equivalent of adulatore
adulazione {f} :: adulation, flattery
adulta {f} :: feminine noun of adulto
adultera {f} :: adulteress
adulterabile {adj} :: Liable to be adulterated
adulteramento {m} :: synonym of adulterazione
adulterante {v} :: present participle of adulterare
adulterare {vt} :: to adulterate
adulterare {v} [winemaking] :: to gallize
adulteratore {m} :: adulterator
adulterazione {f} :: adulteration
adulterazione {f} :: contamination
adulterino {adj} :: adulterine
adulterino {adj} :: adulterous
adulterio {m} :: adultery
adultero {adj} :: adulterous
adultero {m} :: adulterer
adultizzazione {f} :: adultization
adulto {adj} :: adult, grown-up
adulto {m} :: adult
adunabile {adj} :: collectable
adunamento {m} :: assembling, assembly
adunamento {m} :: gathering
adunamento {m} :: mustering
adunante {v} :: present participle of adunare
adunanza {f} :: meeting, assembly, muster
adunare {vt} :: to assemble or gather [people]
adunare {vt} :: to muster
adunarsi {v} :: To assemble (gather together as a group)
adunata {f} :: muster
adunatore {adj} :: assembling, gathering
adunatore {adj} :: mustering
adunazione {f} :: assembly
adunche {adv} /aˈdun.ke/ :: obsolete form of dunque
adunche {conj} :: obsolete form of dunque
adunco {adj} :: hooked
adunghiante {v} :: present participle of adunghiare
adunghiare {vt} :: to claw
adunghiare {vt} :: to clutch
ad uno ad uno {adv} :: one at a time; one by one
adunque {conj} [literary] :: alternative form of dunque
ad un tratto {adv} :: synonym of tutto d'un tratto
adusante {v} :: present participle of adusare
adusare {v} :: to accustom or to habituate
adusare {v} :: to be accustomed to; to be wont to
adustezza {f} :: dryness, aridity
adustezza {f} :: wizenedness
adusto {adj} [of land] /a.ˈdus.to/ :: scorched; parched
adusto {adj} :: wizened (lean and wrinkled by age or illness)
a eccezione di {prep} :: alternative form of ad eccezione di
aede {prop} :: Aedes (genus within the family Culicidae – a genus of mosquito)
aedo {m} :: bard, poet
aennino {m} :: A member of supporter of the Alleanza Nazionale
aequare {v} :: obsolete form of equare
aeraggio {m} :: synonym of aerazione
aerante {v} :: present participle of aerare
aerare {v} :: to air, expose to the open air, ventilate
aeratore {m} :: ventilator
aeratore {m} :: aerator
aeratore {m} :: snorkel
aerautodromo {m} :: A racetrack that incorporates an airstrip
aerazione {f} :: ventilation
aerazione {f} :: aeration
aere {m} [poetic] /ˈa.e.re/ :: air
aere {mf} [archaic] :: appearance, aspect
aere {mf} [archaic] :: nature, disposition
aereante {v} :: present participle of aereare
aereare {vt} :: To air, to expose to the open air, to ventilate
aereazione {f} :: Variant of areazione
aeremoto {m} :: blast (of air)
aereo {adj} /a.ˈɛ.re.o/ :: aerial
aereo {m} :: aeroplane [British], airplane [US]
aereonavale {adj} :: air-sea (attributive)
aereoplano {m} :: Variant of aeroplano
aericolo {adj} :: synonym of aerofito
aerifero {adj} :: aeriferous
aeriforme {adj} :: aeriform, airlike, gaseous
aero- {prefix} :: aero-
aeroacrofobia {f} :: aeroacrophobia
aeroambulanza {f} :: air ambulance
aerobica {f} :: aerobics
aerobicamente {adv} :: aerobically
aerobico {adj} :: aerobic [all senses]
aerobio {adj} :: aerobic
aerobio {m} [biology] :: aerobe
aerobiologia {f} [biology] :: aerobiology
aerobiosi {f} :: aerobiosis
aerobox {m} :: aeroboxing
aerobrigata {f} :: air brigade (troops of various types, deployed by air)
aerobus {m} :: airbus
aerocartografia {f} :: aerial cartography
aerocentro {m} :: air centre (gathering place for aircraft people and materials)
aerocinematografia {f} :: aerial cinematography (film about, or shot from, aircraft)
aerocinesi {f} :: aerokinesis
aerocisterna {f} :: air tanker
aeroclub {m} :: flying club
aerocooperazione {f} [military] :: cooperation of the air force with other branches of the military (especially in the fields of observation and remote sensing)
aerodina {f} :: aerodyne
aerodinamica {f} :: aerodynamics
aerodinamicamente {adv} :: aerodynamically
aerodinamicità {f} :: aerodynamics
aerodinamico {adj} :: aerodynamic
aerodisperso {adj} :: dispersed in the air (as fine particles)
aerodromo {m} :: aerodrome, airport
aeroelasticità {f} [physics] :: aeroelasticity
aeroelastico {adj} :: aeroelastic
aeroelettronica {f} :: avionics
aeroembolismo {m} :: aeroembolism, air embolism
aerofagia {f} [pathology] :: aerophagy
aerofaro {m} :: aerobeacon (flashing light to show the position of an airfield)
aerofilatelia {f} :: aerophilately
aerofisica {f} :: atmospheric physics
aerofisica {f} :: aerophysics
aerofito {adj} [botany] :: aerophytic, epiphytic
aerofobia {f} :: aerophobia
aerofonista {mf} :: aerophonist
aerofono {m} [music] :: aerophone
aeroforo {m} :: respirator
aerofotografia {f} :: aerial photography
aerofotografico {adj} :: aerial photography (attributive)
aerofotogramma {f} :: One of a series of aerial photographs
aerofotogrammetria {f} :: aerial photogrammetry
aerofotogrammetrico {adj} :: Relating to aerial photogrammetry
aerofreno {m} :: airbrake (on an aircraft)
aerogeneratore {m} :: wind turbine (generally, any device that converts wind energy into electricity)
aerogetto {m} :: jet aircraft
aerogiro {m} :: rotorcraft
aerografia {f} :: aerography
aerografia {f} :: airbrushing
aerografista {mf} :: aerographist
aerografista {mf} :: airbrusher
aerografo {m} :: aerograph
aerografo {m} :: airbrush
aerogramma {f} :: aerogram
aeroilluminante {adj} :: relating to ventilation and illumination
aerolinea {f} :: airline, air carrier
aerolite {m} [astronomy, mineralogy] /a.eˈrɔ.li.te/ :: aerolite
aerolitico {adj} :: aerolitic
aerolito {m} /a.eˈrɔ.li.to/ :: alternative form of aerolite
aerologia {f} :: aerology
aerologico {adj} :: aerological
aerologista {mf} :: aerologist
aerologo {m} :: aerologist
aeromante {mf} :: aeromancer
aeromanzia {f} :: aeromancy
aeromarittimo {adj} :: air-sea (attributive)
aeromeccanica {f} [physics] :: aeromechanics
aeromele {m} :: synonym of manna (sugary sap)
aerometria {f} :: aerometry
aerometro {m} :: aerometer
aeromobile {m} :: aircraft
aeromodellismo {m} :: aeromodelling
aeromodellista {mf} :: aeromodeller
aeromodellistica {f} :: aeromodelling
aeromodellistico {adj} :: aeromodelling (attributive)
aeromodello {m} :: model aircraft
aeromoto {m} :: airblast (explosive rush of air)
aeromotore {m} :: (wind) turbine (any motor that gets its energy from the movement of air)
aeronausifobia {f} :: aeronausiphobia
aeronauta {m} :: aeronaut, airman, pilot
aeronautica {f} :: aeronautics
aeronautica militare {f} :: alternative form of forza aerea
aeronautico {adj} :: aeronautical
aeronavale {adj} :: aeronaval
aeronave {f} :: dirigible
aeronavigazione {f} :: air navigation
aeronomia {f} :: aeronomy
aeropenna {f} :: airbrush
aeroplanino {m} :: A small aeroplane, a small plane
aeroplanino {m} :: A toy aeroplane, a toy plane
aeroplanino di carta {m} :: A paper aeroplane, paper airplane or paper plane
aeroplano {m} :: aeroplane, airplane
aeroplano di carta {m} :: A paper aeroplane, paper airplane or paper plane
aeroponica {f} :: aeroponics
aeroponico {adj} :: aeroponic
aeroporto {m} :: airport, airfield
aeroportuale {adj} :: airport (attributive)
aeroportuale {mf} :: airport worker
aeroposta {f} :: airmail
aeropostale {adj} :: airmail (attributive)
aerorazzo {m} :: rocket plane, rocket aircraft
aeroreattore {m} :: jet (aircraft)
aerorifornimento {m} :: aerial resupply
aerorifornimento {m} :: aerial refuelling
aerorimessa {f} :: hangar
aerorimorchiatore {m} :: towing aircraft (for a glider, or advertisements)
aerorimorchio {m} :: towing aircraft (especially for a glider)
aerosbarco {m} :: parachuting of troops
aeroscalo {m} :: airstrip
aeroscivolante {m} :: hovercraft
aeroscopio {m} :: aeroscope
aeroservizio {m} :: public air transport
aerosfera {f} :: atmosphere
aerosilurante {m} :: An aircraft armed with torpedos
aerosilurare {vt} :: To torpedo
aerosiluro {m} :: torpedo launched from an aircraft
aeroso {adj} :: airy
aeroso {adj} :: breezy
aerosoccorso {m} :: help or rescue by aircraft (especially by helicopter)
aerosol {m} :: aerosol (all senses)
aerosolterapia {f} [medicine] :: therapy by means of an aerosol
aerosostentazione {f} :: aerodynamic lift
aerospaziale {adj} :: aerospace (attributive)
aerospazio {m} :: aerospace
aerosporologico {adj} :: aerosporological
aerostatica {f} :: aerostatics
aerostatico {adj} :: aerostatic
aerostato {m} :: aerostat
aerostazione {f} :: air terminal
aerostiere {m} [obsolete] :: pilot of an aerostat
aerotassi {f} [biology] :: aerotaxis
aerotassì {m} :: air taxi
aerotaxi {m} :: air taxi
aerotecnica {f} :: aeronautics (aero-technology)
aerotecnico {adj} :: aerotechnical
aerotecnico {m} :: aerotechnical engineer
aeroterapia {f} [medicine] :: air therapy (especially for pulmonary problems)
aerotermico {adj} :: aerothermal
aerotermo {m} :: fan heater
aerotermochimica {f} [chemistry] :: aerothermochemistry
aeroterrestre {adj} :: air and ground (attributive, used especially of troops)
aerotrainante {v} :: present participle of aerotrainare
aerotrainare {vt} :: To tow one or more aircraft (through the air)
aerotraino {m} :: towing of aircraft
aerotrasportante {v} :: present participle of aerotrasportare
aerotrasportare {vt} :: To transport something by air (used especially of the military)
aerotrasportato {adj} :: transported by air
aerotrasporto {m} :: air transport
aerotreno {m} :: train supported on a cushion of air
aerotropismo {m} [biology] :: aerotropism
aeroturbina {f} :: air turbine
aeroturismo {m} :: air tourism (especially by use of light aircraft)
aerovia {f} :: air corridor
aerovia {f} [medicine] :: airway
afa {f} /ˈa.fa/ :: sultriness, sultry weather, muggy weather
afaca {f} :: yellow pea, yellow vetch (Lathyrus aphaca)
afachia {f} [pathology] /a.faˈki.a/ :: aphakia
afagia {f} [medicine] :: aphagia
afanite {f} [mineral] :: aphanite
afanitico {adj} [geology] :: aphanitic
afar {m} :: Afar (language)
afascista {adj} :: synonym of antifascista
afasia {f} [pathology] :: aphasia
afasico {adj} [pathology] :: aphasic
afasico {m} [pathology] :: aphasic person
a fatica {adv} :: With difficulty
a fatica {adv} :: hardly
afebbrile {adj} :: afebrile
afefobia {f} :: haphephobia
afelico {adj} :: aphelian
afelio {m} :: aphelion
aferesi {f} [medicine, linguistics] /aˈfɛ.re.zi/ :: apheresis
aferetico {adj} [linguistics] /a.feˈrɛ.ti.ko/ :: aphaeretic
affabile {adj} :: affable
affabilità {f} :: affability
affabilmente {adv} :: affably
affabulante {v} :: present participle of affabulare
affabulare {v} :: To represent something as a fairy tale
affabulare {v} :: To narrate
affabulatore {m} [literary] :: jester
affabulatorio {adj} :: narrative; storytelling (attributive)
affabulatrice {f} :: female equivalent of affabulatore
affabulazione {f} :: plot, storyline
affaccendamento {m} :: bustle
affaccendante {v} :: present participle of affaccendarsi
affaccendantesi {v} :: present participle of affaccendarsi
affaccendare {vt} :: To occupy, to keep someone busy, to be engaged in a task
affaccendarsi {v} :: reflexive of affaccendare
affaccendarsi {vr} :: to be busy [doing something], busy oneself
affaccendato {adj} :: busy
affaccendatosi {v} :: past participle of affaccendarsi
affacchinante {v} :: present participle of affacchinare
affacchinare {vt} [rare] :: to make [someone] work like a porter
affacchinarsi {v} :: reflexive of affacchinare
affacchinarsi {v} [rare] :: to slog or slave away
affacciante {v} :: present participle of affacciare
affacciante {adj} :: showing
affacciante {adj} :: advancing
affacciantesi {v} :: present participle of affacciarsi
affacciare {vt} :: to show
affacciare {vt} :: to advance, venture, raise
affacciarsi {v} :: reflexive of affacciare
affacciarsi {v} :: to overlook, give onto
affacciarsi {v} :: to appear, show oneself, go to
affacciatosi {v} :: past participle of affacciarsi
affacendato {adj} :: busy
affagottante {v} :: present participle of affagottare
affagottare {v} :: to wrap up in a bundle
affaire {m} :: Political controversy
affaldante {v} :: present participle of affaldare
affaldare {v} :: To fold into layers
affamante {v} :: present participle of affamare
affamare {vt} :: To starve
affamato {adj} :: starving
affamato {adj} :: hungry
affamatore {adj} :: starving (inducing starvation)
affamigliante {v} :: present participle of affamigliare
affamigliare {v} :: synonym of accomunare
affannamento {m} :: breathlessness
affannamento {m} :: trouble, worry
affannante {v} :: present participle of affannare
affannantesi {v} :: present participle of affannarsi
affannare {vt} :: to leave someone breathless
affannare {vt} [figurative] :: to trouble, worry
affannarsi {v} :: reflexive of affannare
affannarsi {v} :: to worry or get worked up (about)
affannatamente {adv} :: breathlessly
affannato {adj} :: breathless
affannatosi {v} :: past participle of affannarsi
affannevole {adj} :: worrisome
affanno {m} :: breathlessness
affanno {m} :: worry, trouble, anxiety
affannone {m} :: worrier (worrisome person)
affannosamente {adv} :: with difficulty [of breathing]
affannosamente {adv} :: anxiously
affannosità {f} :: breathlessness
affannosità {f} :: trouble, worry
affannoso {adj} :: laboured (breathing)
affannoso {adj} :: anxious
affaraccio {m} :: An unpleasant or problematic situation
affardellamento {m} :: bundling
affardellamento {m} :: packing (process)
affardellante {v} :: present participle of affardellare
affardellare {vt} :: to bundle together
affardellare {vt} [military] :: to pack [a kitbag, etc.]
affare {m} :: affair, matter
affare {m} :: deal, bargain
affare {m} :: thing
affare {m} :: (plural) business
affare fatto {interj} :: agreed!; it's a deal!; sure!; OK!
affario {m} :: a confused bustle
affarismo {m} :: speculation, commercialism, profiteering
affarista {mf} :: shrewd businessman
affarista {mf} :: profiteer
affaristico {adj} :: businesslike
affaristico {adj} :: profiteering
affarone {m} :: An advantageous business matter
affarone {m} :: steal
affarsi {vr} :: To suit; to agree with
affaruccio {m} :: bargain (good deal)
affascinabile {adj} :: fascinated (or rather, that can be fascinated or attracted)
affascinamento {m} :: fascination
affascinante {v} :: present participle of affascinare
affascinante {adj} :: fascinating, charming, appealing
affascinare {vt} :: to charm, to fascinate, to enchant
affascinatore {m} :: enchanter
affascinatrice {f} :: enchantress
affascinazione {f} :: fascination
affastellamento {m} :: bundling
affastellante {v} :: present participle of affastellare
affastellare {vt} :: To bundle (tie up in bundles)
affastellare {vt} :: To strap
affastellato {adj} :: bundled (together)
affastellato {adj} :: crowded
affastellato {adj} :: fasciculate
affastellatore {adj} :: bundling
affastellio {m} :: prolonged, regular bundling
affaticabilità {f} :: tiredness, fatigue
affaticamento {m} :: tiredness, fatigue
affaticante {v} :: present participle of affaticare
affaticantesi {v} :: present participle of affaticarsi
affaticare {vt} :: to tire
affaticarsi {vr} :: To tire; to become tired
affaticato {adj} :: tired
affaticato {adj} :: stuffed
affaticatosi {v} :: past participle of affaticarsi
affatto {adv} :: completely
affattucchiante {v} :: present participle of affattucchiare
affattucchiare {v} :: To bewitch, enchant
affatturamento {m} :: adulteration
affatturante {v} :: present participle of affatturare
affatturare {vt} :: to bewitch (cast a spell on)
affatturare {vt} :: to adulterate
affatturatore {adj} :: bewitching
affatturatore {adj} :: adulterating
affatturatore {m} :: adulterator
affatturazione {f} :: spell
affazzonare {vt} :: alternative form of raffazzonare
affé {interj} :: forsooth!, in truth!
afferente {v} :: present participle of afferire
afferente {adj} :: afferent
afferente {adj} :: concerning
afferenza {f} :: concern
afferenza {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: afferent nerve impulses
afferibile {adj} :: with reference to
afferire {vi} :: To concern
affermabile {adj} :: affirmable
affermante {v} :: present participle of affermare
affermantesi {v} :: present participle of affermarsi
affermare {vt} :: to declare, to affirm, to state, to claim, to assert
affermarsi {v} :: reflexive of affermare
affermarsi {vr} :: to establish oneself, catch on, make a name for oneself
affermarsi {vr} :: to win
affermarsi {vr} :: to assert oneself
affermativamente {adv} :: affirmatively; in the affirmative
affermativo {adj} :: affirmative
affermatore {adj} :: declaring, affirming, claiming, asserting
affermatosi {v} :: past participle of affermarsi
affermazione {f} /af.fer.matˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: statement, assertion, claim, affirmation
affermazione {f} [by extension] :: success, achievement, performance
afferrabile {adj} :: comprehensible
afferrabile {adj} :: catchable
afferrabilità {f} :: comprehensibility
afferrabilità {f} :: Property of being catchable
afferrante {v} :: present participle of afferrare
afferrantesi {v} :: present participle of afferrarsi
afferrare {v} :: to grab; to grasp
afferrare {v} :: to take advantage of [a circumstance]; to seize
afferrare {v} :: to grasp; to understand
afferrarsi {v} :: reflexive of afferrare
afferrarsi {v} [a] :: to grasp (at); to hold on (to)
afferrarsi {v} [reciprocal] :: to hold onto each other
afferratosi {v} :: past participle of afferrarsi
affettabile {adj} :: sliceable
affettamento {m} :: slicing
affettamento {m} :: knifing
affettamento {m} :: affectation
affettante {v} :: present participle of affettare
affettare {vt} :: to slice (bread, meat, etc.)
affettare {vt} :: to knife (injure with a knife)
affettare {vt} :: to affect (an English accent etc.)
affettatamente {adv} :: affectedly
affettato {adj} :: sliced (bread)
affettato {adj} :: affected, stilted (simulated in order to impress)
affettato {m} :: sliced meat such as salami
affettato {m} :: deli meats
affettato {m} :: cold cuts
affettatore {adj} :: slicing
affettatrice {f} :: meat slicer
affettatura {f} :: synonym of affettamento
affettaverdure {m} :: vegetable slicer
affettazione {f} :: affectation
affettivamente {adv} :: affectively
affettività {f} :: affectivity
affettivo {adj} :: affective
affettivo {adj} :: emotional
affetto {m} :: affection
affetto {m} :: the object of one's affection
affetto {adj} :: affected
affettuosamente {adv} :: affectionately
affettuosissimo {adj} :: superlative of affettuoso
affettuosissimo {adj} :: very affectionate, very tender
affettuosissimo {adj} :: kindest, warmest (regards, greetings)
affettuosità {f} :: affection
affettuosità {f} :: demonstration of affection
affettuoso {adj} :: affectionate, fond, loving
affettüoso {adj} :: medieval spelling of affettuoso
affettuto {adj} :: affected
affezion {f} :: apocopic form of affezione
affezionabile {adj} :: That easily becomes affectionate
affezionabilità {f} :: Tendency to become affectionate easily
affezionante {v} :: present participle of affezionare
affezionantesi {v} :: present participle of affezionarsi
affezionare {vt} :: to make [someone] emotionally attached to
affezionarsi {v} :: reflexive of affezionare
affezionarsi {v} [a] :: to grow fond (of)
affezionatamente {adv} :: affectionately
affezionatissimo {adj} :: superlative of affezionato
affezionato {adj} :: fond of (someone or something)
affezionato {adj} :: attached to (someone or something)
affezionato {adj} :: affectionate
affezionato {adj} :: regular (customer etc)
affezionatosi {v} :: past participle of affezionarsi
affezione {f} :: affection, sentiment
affezione {f} :: ailment
affiancabile {adj} :: nestable
affiancamento {m} :: flanking
affiancamento {m} :: supporting
affiancante {v} :: present participle of affiancare
affiancantesi {v} :: present participle of affiancarsi
affiancare {vt} :: to place side by side, put beside
affiancare {vt} :: to assign, partner, put together with, join, combine, collaborate
affiancarsi {v} :: reflexive of affiancare
affiancarsi {vr} :: to come abreast, draw up alongside, come up beside, flank
affiancarsi {vr} :: to join, collaborate
affiancatosi {v} :: past participle of affiancarsi
affiatamento {m} :: understanding
affiatante {v} :: present participle of affiatare
affiatantesi {v} :: present participle of affiatarsi
affiatare {vt} :: to create accord or harmony within a group of people
affiatarsi {v} :: reflexive of affiatare
affiatarsi {vr} :: to get to know one another
affiatarsi {vr} :: to get on well together
affiatatissimo {adj} :: superlative of affiatato
affiatato {adj} :: tight, close, that work well together
affiatatosi {v} :: past participle of affiatarsi
affibbiante {v} :: present participle of affibbiare
affibbiare {vt} :: to buckle
affibbiare {vt} :: to give forcefully
affibbiare {vt} :: to give through deceit; to deceive
affibbiare {vt} :: to give [something unpleasant]; to saddle
affibbiare {vt} :: to attribute
affibbiatoio {m} :: A type of buckle equipped with a flat plate, especially one used to keep a book closed
affibbiatura {f} :: buckle, clasp
affida {f} [historical] /afˈfi.da/ :: A tax on grazing land in the Papal States
affida {f} [historical] :: A document certifying the payment of the above tax
affidabile {adj} /af.fiˈda.bi.le/ :: reliable, trustworthy, dependable
affidabilità {f} /af.fi.da.bi.liˈta/ :: reliability, dependability, trustworthiness
affidabilmente {adv} :: reliably, dependably
affidamento {m} /af.fi.daˈmen.to/ :: trust, confidence
affidamento {m} :: reliability, dependability, trustworthiness
affidamento {m} [finance, banking] :: a bank's granting of a credit line to a customer
affidamento {m} [law] :: custody [of a child]
affidante {v} :: present participle of affidare
affidantesi {v} :: present participle of affidarsi
affidare {vt} /af.fiˈda.re/ :: to entrust, commit, give, leave
affidarsi {v} /af.fiˈdar.si/ :: reflexive of affidare
affidarsi {vr} :: to rely on, count on, trust, place one's trust
affidataria {f} :: foster mother
affidatario {adj} /af.fi.daˈta.rjo/ :: foster [attributive]
affidatario {m} :: foster father, foster parent
affidatario {m} :: trustee
affidatosi {v} :: past participle of affidarsi
affido {m} [law] /afˈfi.do/ :: synonym of affidamento
affienante {v} :: present participle of affienare
affienantesi {v} :: present participle of affienarsi
affienare {vt} :: to leave fallow
affienare {vt} :: to feed hay to an animal
affienarsi {v} :: reflexive of affienare
affienarsi {v} :: to lie fallow
affienatosi {v} :: past participle of affienarsi
affievolente {v} :: present participle of affievolire
affievolentesi {v} :: present participle of affievolirsi
affievolimento {m} :: weakening
affievolimento {m} :: fading (of a radio signal)
affievolire {vt} :: to weaken
affievolire {vt} :: to make faint; to deaden, blunt
affievolirsi {v} :: reflexive of affievolire
affievolirsi {vr} :: to grow faint or weak
affievolirsi {vr} :: to fade
affievolitosi {v} :: past participle of affievolirsi
affiggente {v} :: present participle of affiggere
affiggere {vt} :: To stick up; to affix
affigliante {v} :: present participle of affigliare
affigliare {v} :: alternative form of affiliare
affigliazione {f} :: rare form of affiliazione
affiguramento {m} :: representation (as an image)
affiguramento {m} :: perception, recognition
affigurante {v} :: present participle of affigurare
affigurare {v} :: to represent (as an image)
affigurare {v} :: to perceive or recognize
affigurazione {f} :: representation (as an image)
affigurazione {f} :: perception, recognition
affilacoltelli {m} :: steel (for sharpening edged tools)
affilacoltelli {m} :: knife sharpener
affilalame {m} :: A machine for sharpening safety razor blades
affilamento {m} :: sharpening
affilante {v} :: present participle of affilare
affilarasoio {m} :: razor strop, razor strap, strop
affilare {vt} :: to sharpen
affilare {vt} :: to make thinner
affilare {vt} :: to strap, strop (sharpen by rubbing on a strap, or strop)
affilatissimo {adj} :: superlative of affilato
affilato {adj} /affiˈlato/ :: sharp, keen, razor, razor-sharp
affilatoio {m} :: sharpener
affilatoio {m} :: steel (for sharpening edged tools)
affilatoio {m} :: strop
affilatoio {m} :: hone
affilatrice {f} :: grinding machine
affilatura {f} :: sharpening, grinding (of an tool or weapon)
affilatura {f} :: edge (of a razor)
affilettante {v} :: present participle of affilettare
affilettare {v} :: To point masonry, especially as a decorative effect
affiliante {v} :: present participle of affiliare
affiliantesi {v} :: present participle of affiliarsi
affiliare {vt} :: to foster (children)
affiliare {vt} :: to affiliate
affiliarsi {v} :: reflexive of affiliare
affiliarsi {v} :: to join, become a member of
affiliato {m} :: Fostered child
affiliato {m} :: Affiliated member
affiliatosi {v} :: past participle of affiliarsi
affiliazione {f} :: fostering
affiliazione {f} :: affiliation
affinaggio {m} :: refining (of metals)
affinamento {m} :: refinement
affinamento {m} :: All the physical and chemical changes that affect the quality of a wine during storage; ageing
affinante {v} :: present participle of affinare
affinare {vt} :: to refine
affinare {vt} :: to sharpen
affinatore {m} :: refiner (for metals); puddler
affinatura {f} :: refinement
affinatura {f} :: refining (of petroleum etc)
affinazione {f} :: refining
affinché {conj} :: [followed by the subjunctive] so that, in order that
affine {adj} :: similar
affine {adj} :: cognate
affine {adj} :: related, akin
affine {adj} [mathematics] :: affine
affine {mf} :: in-law
affine {mf} :: similar product
affinemente {adv} :: affinely
affinità {f} :: affinity
affiochente {v} :: present participle of affiochire
affiochentesi {v} :: present participle of affiochirsi
affiochimento {m} :: dimming
affiochire {vt} :: To dim (a light)
affiochirsi {vr} :: To dim
affiochito {adj} :: dim, weak, faint
affiochitosi {v} :: past participle of affiochirsi
affioramento {m} :: surfacing
affioramento {m} [geology] :: outcrop
affiorante {v} :: present participle of affiorare
affiorante {adj} :: emerging, surfacing
affiorare {vit} :: to emerge, to surface
affisante {v} :: present participle of affisare
affisare {v} :: alternative form of affissare
affissamento {m} :: stare (intent look)
affissante {v} :: present participle of affissare
affissare {v} :: To stare (at)
affissare {v} :: To concentrate (fix the mind) (on)
affissione {f} :: billposting
affissivo {adj} [linguistics] :: affixive
affisso {m} :: notice
affisso {m} :: poster, bill
affisso {m} :: fixture
affisso {m} :: affix (if a word)
affittabile {adj} :: rentable
affittacamere {mf} :: landlord, landlady (person who rent rooms etc)
affittamento {m} :: lease
affittansi {m} :: A sign who adverstises more than one good for rent
affittante {v} :: present participle of affittare
affittanza {f} :: renting, hiring
affittanza {f} :: rent
affittare {vt} :: to rent out, to let, to hire out something
affittasi {m} :: for rent (sign or announcement)
affittavolo {m} :: renter
affittente {v} :: present participle of affittire
affittire {v} :: synonym of infittire
affitto {m} :: renting, hiring
affitto {m} :: rent
affittuario {m} :: householder
affittuario {m} :: lessee, tenant
afflato {m} :: breath
afflato {m} :: puff
afflato {m} :: inspiration
affliggente {v} :: present participle of affliggere
affliggentesi {v} :: present participle of affliggersi
affliggere {vt} /afˈflid.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to trouble
affliggere {vt} :: to grieve
affliggere {vt} :: to pang
affliggersi {v} :: reflexive of affliggere
affliggersi {vr} :: to grieve (over)
affliggersi {vr} :: to worry (over)
affliggimento {m} :: synonym of afflizione
afflittivo {adj} :: afflictive
afflittosi {v} :: past participle of affliggersi
afflizione {f} :: affliction, grief, sorrow
afflizione {f} :: suffering, tribulation, plaguing
afflosciamento {m} :: wilt
afflosciamento {m} :: floppiness
afflosciante {v} :: present participle of afflosciare
afflosciantesi {v} :: present participle of afflosciarsi
afflosciare {vt} :: to soften
afflosciare {vt} :: to make something flabby or limp
afflosciarsi {v} :: reflexive of afflosciare
afflosciarsi {vr} :: to shrivel or wilt
afflosciarsi {vr} :: to become limp
afflosciarsi {vr} :: to become flabby; to sag
afflosciarsi {vr} :: to collapse
afflosciatosi {v} :: past participle of afflosciarsi
affluente {m} :: tributary
affluente {v} :: present participle of affluire
affluenza {f} :: attendance, turnout
affluire {vi} :: to flow
affluire {vi} :: to pour in or into
afflusso {m} :: influx
afflusso {m} :: flow
affocante {v} :: present participle of affocare
affocare {vt} [literary] /af.foˈka.re/ :: to burn
affocare {vt} [literary] :: to make red hot
affocare {vt} [literary, figurative] :: to enflame, to excite
affogamento {m} :: drowning
affogante {v} :: present participle of affogare
affogare {v} /af.foˈɡa.re/ :: to drown (to kill by suffocating in a liquid)
affogare {v} [literary] :: to extinguish, to put out
affogare {v} [literary, figurative] :: to oppress, to overbear, to overwhelm
affogare {v} [cooking] :: to smother
affogare {v} :: to drown (to die by suffocating in a liquid)
affogare {v} [figurative] :: to be oppressed or overwhelmed
affogare in un bicchier d'acqua {v} [idiom] :: To lose heart when encountering the smallest difficulty
affogato {adj} :: drowned
affogato {adj} :: poached [cooking], or otherwise cooked in a sauce
affogato {adj} [chess] :: checkmated, in a corner of the board, by a knight
affogato {m} :: ice-cream served with a syrup or sauce
affogliamento {m} :: renewal of the sheet of coupons on securities
affogliante {v} :: present participle of affogliare
affogliare {v} :: To feed leaves as fodder
affollamento {m} :: crowding
affollamento {m} :: crowd
affollante {v} :: present participle of affollare
affollantesi {v} :: present participle of affollarsi
affollare {vt} :: to crowd, pack, throng
affollarsi {v} :: reflexive of affollare
affollarsi {vr} :: to crowd, flock
affollarsi {vr} :: to fill, fill up, be crowded
affollatamente {adv} :: crowdedly
affollatissimo {adj} :: superlative of affollato
affollato {adj} :: crowded, packed
affollatosi {v} :: past participle of affollarsi
affoltante {v} :: present participle of affoltare
affoltare {v} :: To amass
affondabile {adj} :: sinkable
affondamento {m} :: sinking (of a ship)
affondamento {m} :: dropping (of an anchor)
affondamine {m} [nautical] :: minelayer
affondante {v} :: present participle of affondare
affondare {vt} /af.fonˈda.re/ :: to sink (to submerge into a liquid; to cause to be submerged into a liquid)
affondare {vt} :: to sink, to dig, to plunge
affondare {vt} [uncommon, literal and figurative] :: To deepen by digging
affondare {vi} [auxiliary essere] :: to sink, to founder
affondare {vi} [figurative, auxiliary essere] :: to sink (to be overwhelmed)
affondarsi {v} /af.fonˈdar.si/ :: reflexive of affondare: to sink oneself
affondarsi {vi} [rare] :: to sink, to founder
affondata {f} :: An aerobatic maneuver in which the aircraft descends vertically
affondatoio {m} [nautical] :: A device that allows an anchor to be lowered very quickly
affondatore {adj} :: sinking
affondatore {adj} :: dropping
affondatura {f} :: sinking, dropping
affondatura {f} :: digging, excavation
affondo {adv} :: deeply
affondo {m} :: lunge
afforcante {v} :: present participle of afforcare
afforcare {v} [nautical] :: To anchor using two anchors at an angle to hold a vessel still
afforco {m} [nautical] :: The mooring of a ship using two anchors
afforestamento {m} :: forestation, reforestation
afforestante {v} :: present participle of afforestare
afforestare {vt} :: To reforest
afforzamento {m} :: fortification, strengthening
afforzante {v} :: present participle of afforzare
afforzare {v} :: To fortify, strengthen
affossamento {m} :: hollow (shallow valley)
affossamento {m} :: ditch
affossante {v} :: present participle of affossare
affossare {vt} :: To shelve or put aside
affossatore {m} :: gravedigger
affossatore {m} :: digger, ditcher (machine or person)
affossatura {f} :: ditch (or system of ditches)
affossatura {f} :: ditching
affralente {v} :: present participle of affralire
affralire {v} :: To weaken
affrancabile {adj} :: That can be enfranchised
affrancabile {adj} :: That can be stamped; stampable (of postal mail)
affrancamento {m} :: freeing, liberation
affrancante {v} :: present participle of affrancare
affrancantesi {v} :: present participle of affrancarsi
affrancare {vt} :: to stamp (put stamps on an envelope, etc.)
affrancare {vt} :: to frank, postmark
affrancare {vt} :: to liberate, free
affrancare {vt} :: to enfranchise
affrancare {vt} :: to redeem
affrancarsi {v} :: reflexive of affrancare
affrancarsi {v} :: to free, liberate oneself
affrancato {adj} :: free
affrancato {adj} :: emancipated
affrancatore {adj} :: liberating
affrancatore {m} :: liberator
affrancatosi {v} :: past participle of affrancarsi
affrancatrice {f} :: franking machine
affrancatrice {f} :: stamping machine
affrancatrice {f} :: postage meter machine
affrancatura {f} :: postage
affrancatura {f} :: franking, stamping
affrancazione {f} :: enfranchisement
affrangente {v} :: present participle of affrangere
affrangere {vt} :: To exhaust
affranto {adj} :: overcome (with)
affratellamento {m} :: fraternization
affratellamento {m} :: fellowship, camaraderie
affratellante {v} :: present participle of affratellare
affratellantesi {v} :: present participle of affratellarsi
affratellare {vt} :: To unite in comradeship (like brothers)
affratellarsi {vr} :: To fraternize
affratellato {adj} :: united (people)
affratellatosi {v} :: past participle of affratellarsi
affreddamento {m} :: cooling (alternative form of raffreddamento)
affreddare {v} [archaic or regional] /af.fredˈda.re/ :: synonym of raffreddare
affrenante {v} :: present participle of affrenare
affrenare {vt} :: To restrain or hold back
affrenellante {v} :: present participle of affrenellare
affrenellare {v} [nautical] :: To secure a halyard etc to a rowlock or the tiller
affrescante {v} :: present participle of affrescare
affrescare {vt} :: to fresco
affrescare {vt} :: to refresh
affrescato {adj} :: frescoed
affreschista {mf} [arts] :: fresco painter
affresco {m} :: fresco
affrettando {m} [music] :: affrettando
affrettante {v} :: present participle of affrettare
affrettantesi {v} :: present participle of affrettarsi
affrettare {vt} :: to hasten, hurry up, speed up, quicken, rush
affrettarsi {v} :: reflexive of affrettare
affrettarsi {v} :: to hurry, hurry up, rush, hasten, race, make haste
affrettatamente {adv} :: hastily, hurriedly
affrettato {adj} :: rush, hurried, hasty
affrettatosi {v} :: past participle of affrettarsi
affricano {adj} :: alternative form of africano
affricano {m} :: alternative form of africano
affricata {f} :: affricative
affricato {adj} :: affricative
affricazione {f} [linguistics] :: affrication
affrittellante {v} :: present participle of affrittellare
affrittellare {v} :: To cook (something) in the form of a frittella
affrontabile {adj} :: confrontable
affrontamento {m} :: confrontation
affrontamento {m} :: affront
affrontante {v} :: present participle of affrontare
affrontantesi {v} :: present participle of affrontarsi
affrontar {v} :: apocopic form of affrontare
affrontare {v} :: to face or confront something
affrontare {v} :: to cope with something
affrontare {v} :: to deal with, broach or handle something
affrontare {v} :: to brave or tackle something
affrontare {v} :: to encounter someone or something
affrontare {v} :: to take on
affrontarsi {vr} :: To clash, to meet, to conflict
affrontato {adj} :: facing each other
affrontatore {m} :: confronter
affrontatosi {v} :: past participle of affrontarsi
affrontatura {f} :: flush joint
affronto {m} :: affront, insult, snub
affumante {v} :: present participle of affumare
affumare {v} :: To smoke (food)
affumare {v} :: To darken
affumicamento {m} :: blackening
affumicamento {m} :: smoking (of food)
affumicamento {m} :: curing (with smoke)
affumicante {v} :: present participle of affumicare
affumicare {vt} :: to smoke out, to fill with smoke
affumicare {vt} :: to smoke (fish, meat, etc.)
affumicatoio {m} :: smokehouse
affumicatura {f} [cooking] :: smoking (process for food)
affumigante {v} :: present participle of affumigare
affumigare {v} :: alternative form of affumicare
affuocante {v} :: present participle of affuocare
affuocare {v} :: rare form of affocare
affusione {f} :: affusion
affusolante {v} :: present participle of affusolare
affusolare {vt} :: To taper
affusolato {adj} :: tapering
affusolato {adj} :: willowy
affusto {m} [military] :: gun carriage
afgana {f} :: feminine noun of afgano
Afganistan {prop} :: alternative spelling of Afghanistan
afgano {adj} :: alternative spelling of afghano
afgano {m} :: alternative spelling of afghano
afghana {f} :: female equivalent of afghano
Afghanistan {prop} :: Afghanistan (country)
afghano {adj} :: Afghan
afghano {m} :: Afghan, Afghani
AFI {prop} :: IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
afide {m} :: aphid
afillo {adj} [botany] :: aphyllous
afinalistico {adj} [pathology, of a voluntary movement] :: performed without a precise goal
a fior d'acqua {adv} :: on the water's surface
a fior di pelle {adv} :: on the upper layer of the skin
a fiori {adj} :: flowery, flowered, floral
AFIS {prop} :: initialism of Amministrazione Fiduciaria Italiana della Somalia (Italian Administration of Somalia), a United Nations trust territory
aflatossina {f} :: aflatoxin
afnio {n} [chemistry] :: hafnium
afocale {adj} :: afocal
a fondo {adv} :: thoroughly, narrowly
a fondo {adv} :: plunge
a fondo perduto {prep} :: of or relating to a payment made without a guaranteed return; non-repayable
afonia {f} :: aphonia
afonico {adj} :: aphonic
afonico {adj} :: hoarse
afono {adj} :: hoarse
afono {adj} :: aphonic
aforisma {m} :: aphorism
aforista {mf} :: aphorist
aforisticamente {adv} :: aphoristically
aforistico {adj} :: aphoristic
aformale {adj} [legal] :: Not associated with a formal law
a forza {adv} :: with vigor or violence; forcefully
afosità {f} /a.fo.ziˈta/ :: sultriness
afoso {adj} /aˈfo.zo/ :: sultry, muggy
afotico {adj} :: aphotic
Afragola {prop} :: Afragola (town)
afragolese {adj} :: Of, or from, Afragola
afragolese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Afragola
afrezza {f} :: sourness, harshness (taste)
Africa {prop} /ˈafrika/ :: Africa (continent)
africana {f} :: feminine noun of africano
africander {mf} :: alternative spelling of afrikander
africaneria {f} :: African craft goods (especially when sold in Europe)
africanismo {m} :: Africanism
africanista {mf} :: Africanist
africanistica {f} :: African studies
africanizzante {v} :: present participle of africanizzare
africanizzare {vt} :: to Africanize
africanizzazione {f} :: Africanization
africano {adj} :: African
africano {m} :: African
africo {adj} :: African
africo {m} :: Hot, dry wind from the southwest
afrihili {f} :: Afrihili
afrikaans {m} :: Afrikaans (language)
afrikander {mf} /a.friˈkan.der/ :: Boer
afrikaner {mf} /a.friˈka.ner/ :: alternative form of afrikander
afro- {prefix} :: Afro-
afro {adj} :: sharp, tart, sour, acerbic, bitter (Variant of: aspro)
afro {adj} :: African
afro-americano {adj} :: alternative spelling of afroamericano
afro-americano {m} :: alternative spelling of afroamericano
afroamericano {adj} :: Afro-American
afroamericano {m} :: Afro-American
afroasiatico {adj} :: Afroasiatic
afrocanadese {adj} :: Afro-Canadian
afrocubano {adj} :: Afro-Cuban
afrodiscendente {adj} :: Having African ancestry
afrodisiaco {adj} :: aphrodisiac
afrodisiaco {m} :: aphrodisiac
afrodisio {adj} :: aphroditic
afrodite {f} :: sea mouse (of genus Aphrodita)
Afrodite {prop} [Greek god] :: Aphrodite
afroitaliano {m} :: black person of Italian citizenship or nationality; African-Italian
afroitaliano {adj} :: African-Italian
afrolite {f} [volcanology] /a.froˈli.te/ :: synonym of aa
afrometro {m} :: aphrometer
afroportoghese {adj} :: Afro-Portuguese
afrore {m} :: stench, reek
afrore {m} :: body odour (or similar smell)
afroroso {adj} :: reeking (very smelly)
afrosità {f} :: frothing or foaming (of wine)
afroso {adj} :: alternative form of afroroso
afroterio {m} :: afrotherian
afta {f} :: ulcerated blister
afta epizootica {f} :: foot-and-mouth disease
aftoso {adj} :: aphthous
agà {m} :: alternative form of aghà
Agabo {prop} [Biblical character] :: Agabus
Agabo {prop} :: given name
agalassia {f} [medicine] :: agalactia, agalactosis
agalattia {f} [medicine] :: agalactia
a galla {adv} :: to the surface
a galla {adv} :: afloat, floating
agama {m} :: agama
a gambe levate {adv} :: head over heels
Agamennone {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Agamemnon
agametico {adj} :: agametic
agamia {f} :: agamogenesis
agamicamente {adv} :: agamically
agamico {adj} [biology] :: agamic
agammaglobulinemia {f} [medicine] :: agammaglobulinemia
agapanto {m} :: African lily (of genus Agapanthus)
agapismo {m} [philosophy] :: agapism
Agapito {prop} :: given name
Agar {prop} [Biblical character] :: Hagar
Agar {prop} :: given name
agarico {m} /aˈɡa.ri.ko/ :: agaric (of genus Agaricus)
agarico delizioso {m} [mushroom] :: saffron milk cap (Lactarius deliciosus)
agarosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: agarose
agata {f} [mineralogy] /ˈa.ɡa.ta/ :: agate
Agata {prop} :: given name
agatato {adj} :: agate (attributive)
Agatino {prop} :: given name
Agato {prop} :: given name
Agatocle {prop} :: given name
Agatodoro {prop} :: given name
Agatone {prop} :: given name
agave {f} :: agave
Agazio {prop} :: given name
Agazzi {prop} :: surname
Agazzi {prop} :: Agazzi (town)
agazzino {m} :: scarlet firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea)
agazzino di Gigg {m} :: Gigg's firethorn, Sichuan firethorn (Pyracantha atalantioides)
agemina {f} :: intarsia, damascening
ageminante {v} :: present participle of ageminare
ageminare {vt} :: to inlay
ageminatore {m} :: inlayer
ageminatura {f} :: damascening (type of inlay work)
agenda {f} :: diary
agenda {f} :: planner (notebook)
agenda {f} [figuratively] :: agenda
agendina {f} :: pocketbook
agendina {f} :: little black book
agenesia {f} [pathology] :: agenesis
Agenore {prop} :: given name
agente {m} :: agent, representative
agente {m} :: constable, low rank police officer, from "polizia"
Agente Arancio {n} :: Agent Orange
agente di custodia {m} [law enforcement] :: prison guard
agente di polizia {m} :: police officer, policeman
agente generale {m} :: agent general
agente immobiliare {mf} :: estate agent, realtor, real estate broker, real estate agent
agentivo {adj} :: agentive
agenzia {f} :: agency, bureau
agenzia {f} :: branch office
Agenzia delle Entrate {prop} :: The agency of the Italian government that collects tax and enforces the tax laws, analogously to the Internal Revenue Service of the Unites States of America
agerato {m} :: ageratum
Agesilao {prop} :: given name
agevolabile {adj} :: That can be facilitated
agevolamento {m} :: synonym of agevolazione
agevolante {v} :: present participle of agevolare
agevolare {v} :: to make something easy; to facilitate
agevolare {v} :: to help someone with something
agevolativo {adj} :: facilitating
agevolativo {adj} :: concessionary
agevolato {adj} :: simplified, made easy; facilitated
agevolatore {adj} :: facilitating
agevolatore {adj} :: helping
agevolatore {m} :: facilitator
agevolatore {m} :: helper
agevolazione {f} :: facilitation (economic)
agevole {adj} /aˈd͡ʒe.vo.le/ :: easy
agevole {adj} :: smooth [road surface, etc.]
agevolezza {f} :: ease
agevolmente {adv} :: easily
agflazione {f} :: agflation
agg. {n} :: abbreviation of aggettivo
aggallante {v} :: present participle of aggallare
aggallare {v} :: To surface
aggallato {adj} :: surfacing
agganciabile {adj} :: That can be hooked, attachable
agganciamento {m} :: hooking, clasping, fastening
agganciamento {m} :: coupling
agganciamento {m} :: docking (especially of spacecraft)
agganciante {v} :: present participle of agganciare
agganciantesi {v} :: present participle of agganciarsi
agganciaponte {m} :: Short metal chain used to join members of a structure (such as scaffolding poles)
agganciare {vt} :: to hook
agganciare {vt} :: to hang up [the phone]
agganciare {vt} :: to couple [parts of a train, etc.]
agganciare {vt} :: to catch [detain someone]
agganciare {vt} :: to dock [especially spacecraft]
agganciare {vt} :: to peg, adjust
agganciarsi {v} :: reflexive of agganciare
agganciarsi {v} :: to become hooked, caught up, entangled
agganciato {adj} :: hooked
agganciato {adj} :: coupled
agganciatosi {v} :: past participle of agganciarsi
aggancio {m} :: coupling
aggancio {m} :: contact
aggancio {m} :: docking (spacecraft)
aggangherante {v} :: present participle of aggangherare
aggangherare {v} :: To hinge
aggarbante {v} :: present participle of aggarbare
aggarbare {v} [nautical] :: To design / draw the curved outline of the hull of a vessel
aggattonante {v} :: present participle of aggattonare
aggattonare {v} :: To stalk prey slowly and quietly
aggavignante {v} :: present participle of aggavignare
aggavignare {v} :: To clutch, grab, grapple
aggecchimento {m} :: degradation
aggecchimento {m} :: prostration
aggeggio {m} :: gadget, contraption
aggelante {v} :: present participle of aggelare
aggelare {v} [obsolete] :: To freeze
aggeminazione {f} :: Variant of geminazione
Aggeo {prop} [Biblical character] :: Haggai
Aggeo {prop} :: given name
aggere {m} [obsolete] /ˈad.d͡ʒe.re/ :: rampart, bulwark
aggere {m} [historical] :: A sort of trench dug next to the walls during a siege
aggettante {v} :: present participle of aggettare
aggettante {adj} :: jutting (out)
aggettante {adj} :: overhanging
aggettare {vi} [architecture] :: to jut (out)
aggettivale {adj} /ad.d͡ʒet.tiˈva.le/ :: adjectival
aggettivalmente {adv} :: adjectivally
aggettivamente {adv} /ad.d͡ʒet.ti.vaˈmen.te/ :: adjectivally, adjectively
aggettivante {v} :: present participle of aggettivare
aggettivare {vt} /ad.d͡ʒet.tiˈva.re/ :: To adjectivize
aggettivare {vi} [rare] :: To employ adjectives (e.g. in writing)
aggettivato {adj} /ad.d͡ʒet.tiˈva.to/ :: attributive (used as an adjective)
aggettivazione {f} /ad.d͡ʒet.ti.vatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: The use of adjectives
aggettivazione {f} [grammar, uncommon] :: adjectivization
aggettivo {m} /ad.d͡ʒetˈti.vo/ :: adjective
aggettivogeno {adj} [grammar] :: attributive (of a noun, functioning as an adjective)
aggetto {m} /adˈd͡ʒet.to/ :: overhang, jut
aggetto {m} :: lug, boss
agghiacciamento {m} :: terror, horror
agghiacciante {v} :: present participle of agghiacciare
agghiacciante {adj} :: bloodcurdling, horrifying
agghiacciare {vit} [somewhat, rare] :: to freeze
agghiacciare {vt} :: to frighten
agghiacciare {vi} :: to be frightened
agghiacciare {vi} :: to feel very cold; to freeze
agghiaccio {m} [nautical] :: helm
agghiadante {v} :: present participle of agghiadare
agghiadare {v} :: To stab (wound) with a dagger
agghiaiante {v} :: present participle of agghiaiare
agghiaiare {v} :: To gravel (spread, or cover with gravel)
agghindamento {m} :: dressing up
agghindante {v} :: present participle of agghindare
agghindantesi {v} :: present participle of agghindarsi
agghindare {vt} /aɡ.ɡinˈda.re/ :: to spiff up
agghindare {vt} :: to dress up, deck out, doll up
agghindare {vt} [nautical] :: to hoist; to weigh [the anchor]
agghindarsi {v} /aɡ.ɡinˈdar.si/ :: reflexive of agghindare
agghindarsi {v} :: to dress oneself up, deck oneself out, primp
agghindarsi {v} :: to spiff up
agghindarsi {v} :: to spruce up
agghindato {adj} :: well-groomed
agghindato {adj} [of a person] :: neat and well-dressed
agghindato {adj} :: dressed up
agghindatosi {v} :: past participle of agghindarsi
aggiaccante {v} :: present participle of aggiaccare
aggiaccare {v} :: To bend to the ground
aggiaccare {v} :: To wrinkle, crease
aggiaccio {m} :: alternative form of agghiaccio
aggina {f} :: Part of a mountain pasture assigned to a herd of cattle
-aggine {suffix} /ˈad.dʒi.ne/ :: Added to adjectives to form nouns denoting a quality, typically negative; -cy, -ness
-aggio {suffix} /ˈad.d͡ʒo/ :: -age; forms nouns indicating an action or result related to the root verb
-aggio {suffix} :: -age; forms nouns indicating collection or appurtenance
aggio {m} [economics] :: premium
aggiogamento {m} :: yoking (of animals)
aggiogamento {m} :: subjugation (of people)
aggiogante {v} :: present participle of aggiogare
aggiogare {vt} :: to yoke [animals]
aggiogare {vt} :: to subjugate [people]
aggiogatore {adj} :: subjugating
aggiogatore {m} :: subjugator
aggiornabile {adj} :: updatable, upgradable
aggiornabilità {f} :: updatability, upgradability
aggiornamento {m} :: update, updating
aggiornamento {m} :: adjournment, recess
aggiornante {v} :: present participle of aggiornare
aggiornantesi {v} :: present participle of aggiornarsi
aggiornare {vt} :: to update
aggiornare {vt} :: to revise
aggiornare {vt} :: to postpone, put off
aggiornarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggiornare
aggiornarsi {v} :: to keep oneself up to date
aggiornatissimo {adj} :: superlative of aggiornato
aggiornatissimo {adj} :: very up-to-date
aggiornatissimo {adj} :: latest, freshest (news)
aggiornato {adj} :: updated, up-to-date
aggiornato {adj} :: fresh, new, current
aggiornatosi {v} :: past participle of aggiornarsi
aggiotaggio {m} :: rigging or manipulating the stock market
aggiotatore {m} :: rigger
aggiotatore {m} :: jobber (in a stock exchange)
aggiottaggio {m} [finance, legal] :: market manipulation, agiotage
aggirabile {adj} :: That can be bypassed or circumvented; avoidable
aggiramento {m} :: encircling, outflanking
aggirante {v} :: present participle of aggirare
aggirantesi {v} :: present participle of aggirarsi
aggirare {vt} :: to bypass, circumvent, go around, get around
aggirare {vt} [military] :: to outflank
aggirarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggirare
aggirarsi {v} :: to wander, roam, prowl
aggirarsi {v} [of a price or amount of money] :: to be about, be around
aggiratore {adj} :: bypassing
aggiratore {adj} :: outflanking
aggiratore {m} :: swindler
aggiratore {m} :: conniver
aggiratosi {v} :: past participle of aggirarsi
aggiucchente {v} :: present participle of aggiucchire
aggiucchire {v} :: alternative form of acciucchire
aggiudicante {v} :: present participle of aggiudicare
aggiudicantesi {v} :: present participle of aggiudicarsi
aggiudicare {v} /ad.d͡ʒu.diˈka.re/ :: to award something to somebody
aggiudicare {v} :: to adjudge
aggiudicare {v} :: to knock down (sell something at auction)
aggiudicare {v} :: to obtain, win
aggiudicarsi {v} /ad.d͡ʒu.diˈkar.si/ :: reflexive of aggiudicare
aggiudicarsi {v} :: to win, be awarded
aggiudicatario {m} /ad.d͡ʒu.di.kaˈta.rjo/ :: highest or lowest bidder; winner (in an auction)
aggiudicatario {m} :: contractor
aggiudicativo {adj} /ad.d͡ʒu.di.kaˈti.vo/ :: adjudicative
aggiudicativo {adj} :: award (attributive)
aggiudicatore {m} [rare] /ad.d͡ʒu.di.kaˈto.re/ :: One who awards or adjudges [male]
aggiudicatore {adj} :: adjudication [attributive]
aggiudicatosi {v} :: past participle of aggiudicarsi
aggiudicatrice {f} /ad.d͡ʒu.di.kaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: female equivalent of aggiudicatore
aggiudicazione {f} /ad.d͡ʒu.di.katˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: award
aggiudicazione {f} :: knocking down [at an auction]
aggiungente {v} :: present participle of aggiungere
aggiungentesi {v} :: present participle of aggiungersi
aggiungere {vt} /adˈd͡ʒun.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to add, to append
aggiungere esca al fuoco {phrase} :: to add fuel to fire
aggiungersi {v} :: reflexive of aggiungere
aggiungersi {vr} [of thing] :: to be added to, come on top of
aggiungersi {vr} [of person] :: to join
aggiungimento {m} :: adding, addition
aggiungimento {m} :: appending, appendix
aggiunta {f} /aˈd͡ʒːunta/ :: addition, inclusion
aggiunta {f} :: extension [of a building]
aggiuntante {v} :: present participle of aggiuntare
aggiuntare {vt} :: to join, fasten
aggiuntare {vt} :: to stitch (together)
aggiuntatore {m} :: vamper
aggiuntatura {f} :: joining, stitching
aggiuntatura {f} :: joint, stitch
aggiuntatura {f} :: seam (of a garment)
aggiuntivo {adj} :: additional, extra, supplementary
aggiunto {adj} :: assistant, deputy, associate
aggiunto {adj} [maths] :: adjoint
aggiunto {m} :: assistant
aggiuntosi {v} :: past participle of aggiungersi
aggiunzione {f} :: addition, inclusion
aggiustabile {adj} :: repairable, mendable
aggiustaggio {m} /ad.d͡ʒusˈtad.d͡ʒo/ :: adjustment
aggiustamento {m} /ad.d͡ʒus.taˈmen.to/ :: adjustment
aggiustante {v} :: present participle of aggiustare
aggiustantesi {v} :: present participle of aggiustarsi
aggiustare {vt} /ad.d͡ʒusˈta.re/ :: to repair, mend, fix
aggiustare {vt} :: to alter [clothes, etc.]
aggiustare {vt} :: to correct
aggiustare {vt} :: to settle [an argument]
aggiustarsi {v} /ad.d͡ʒusˈtar.si/ :: reflexive of aggiustare
aggiustarsi {vr} :: to come to an agreement
aggiustarsi {vr} :: to settle up
aggiustarsi {vr} :: to tidy oneself up
aggiustata {f} /ad.d͡ʒusˈta.ta/ :: A quick or hurried repair; bodge
aggiustatezza {f} /ad.d͡ʒusˈta.tet.t͡sa/ :: adjustment
aggiustatezza {f} :: precision, accuracy
aggiustato {adj} /ad.d͡ʒusˈta.to/ :: adjusted
aggiustato {adj} :: repaired, adapted
aggiustato {adj} :: compounded
aggiustato {adj} :: paid
aggiustatore {m} /ad.d͡ʒus.taˈto.re/ :: One who adjusts [male]
aggiustatosi {v} :: past participle of aggiustarsi
aggiustatrice {f} /ad.d͡ʒus.taˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: feminine noun of aggiustatore
aggiustatura {f} /ad.d͡ʒus.taˈtu.ra/ :: repairing, mending
aggiustatura {f} :: repair, mend
aggiusteria {f} /ad.d͡ʒus.teˈria̯/ :: adjustment workshop
aggiustore {m} /ad.d͡ʒusˈto.re/ :: synonym of aggiustatore
agglomeramento {m} :: throng, crowd
agglomeramento {m} :: agglomeration
agglomerante {v} :: present participle of agglomerare
agglomerantesi {v} :: present participle of agglomerarsi
agglomerare {vt} :: to agglomerate
agglomerarsi {v} :: reflexive of agglomerare
agglomerarsi {v} :: to agglomerate
agglomerato {m} :: conglomerate
agglomerato {m} :: agglomeration
agglomeratosi {v} :: past participle of agglomerarsi
agglomerazione {f} :: agglomeration
agglomerazione {f} :: concentration
agglomerazione {f} :: throng, crowd
agglutinabile {adj} :: agglutinable
agglutinamento {m} :: agglutination (all senses)
agglutinante {v} :: present participle of agglutinare
agglutinante {adj} :: agglutinative
agglutinante {m} :: agglutinant, binder
agglutinare {v} :: to agglutinate
agglutinazione {f} :: agglutination
agglutinina {f} [biochemistry] :: agglutinin
agglutinogeno {m} [biochemistry] :: agglutinogen
aggomitolante {v} :: present participle of aggomitolare
aggomitolantesi {v} :: present participle of aggomitolarsi
aggomitolare {vt} :: To wind
aggomitolarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggomitolare
aggomitolarsi {v} :: to curl up (on oneself)
aggomitolatore {m} :: winding machine
aggomitolatosi {v} :: past participle of aggomitolarsi
aggomitolatura {f} :: winding (action, or result of the verb)
aggottamento {m} :: bailing (out)
aggottamento {m} :: draining
aggottamento {m} :: pumping (out)
aggottante {v} :: present participle of aggottare
aggottare {vt} [nautical] :: to bail or bail out
aggottatoio {m} [nautical] :: bailer
aggradare {vi} [impersonal] :: To be pleased
aggradazione {f} [geology] :: aggradation
aggradente {v} :: present participle of aggradire
aggradevole {adj} /aɡ.ɡraˈde.vo.le/ :: agreeable, pleasant
aggradevolmente {adv} :: agreeably, pleasantly
aggradimento {m} :: alternative form of gradimento
aggradire {v} :: alternative form of gradire
aggraffaggio {m} :: milling, knurling (impressing of small lines)
aggraffante {v} :: present participle of aggraffare
aggraffare {vt} :: to clamp
aggraffare {vt} :: to seam
aggraffare {vt} :: to seize, clutch, grasp
aggraffatrice {f} :: seaming machine
aggraffatura {f} :: seam
aggraffatura {f} :: seaming
aggranchente {v} :: present participle of aggranchire
aggranchiante {v} :: present participle of aggranchiare
aggranchiare {v} :: To become numb (especially with cold)
aggranchimento {m} :: stiffness, numbness
aggranchire {v} :: alternative form of aggranchiare
aggrandente {v} :: present participle of aggrandire
aggrandire {v} :: alternative form of ingrandire
aggranfiare {v} :: to grip (with pincers)
aggranfiare {v} :: to seize
aggranfiare {v} :: to claw
aggranfiare {v} :: to grasp
aggranfiare {v} :: to tong
aggrappante {v} :: present participle of aggrappare
aggrappantesi {v} :: present participle of aggrapparsi
aggrappare {vt} :: to grapple
aggrapparsi {v} :: reflexive of aggrappare
aggrapparsi {vr} :: to cling (to)
aggrappatosi {v} :: past participle of aggrapparsi
aggraticciante {v} :: present participle of aggraticciare
aggraticciare {v} :: To interweave to form a trellis
aggravamento {m} :: worsening
aggravamento {m} :: increase
aggravante {v} :: present participle of aggravare
aggravante {adj} :: aggravating
aggravante {m} :: aggravation
aggravantesi {v} :: present participle of aggravarsi
aggravare {v} :: to worsen or aggravate
aggravare {v} :: to increase [a penalty]
aggravarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggravare
aggravarsi {v} :: to worsen, get worse
aggravatosi {v} :: past participle of aggravarsi
aggravio {m} :: increase, burden
aggraziante {v} :: present participle of aggraziare
aggraziare {vt} :: To prettify or beautify
aggraziatamente {adv} :: gracefully
aggraziato {adj} :: graceful
aggredente {v} :: present participle of aggredire
aggredire {vt} :: To attack, to assault, to mug, to tackle, to set about
aggredita {f} :: female equivalent of aggredito
aggredito {m} :: victim (of an attack)
aggregabile {adj} :: aggregable
aggregabilità {f} :: aggregability
aggregamento {m} :: aggregation
aggregante {v} :: present participle of aggregare
aggregante {adj} :: aggregating
aggregare {vt} :: to include [someone in something]
aggregare {vt} :: to admit [someone to something]
aggregare {vt} :: to aggregate
aggregarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggregare
aggregarsi {vr} :: to join
aggregarsi {vr} :: to become part of a group
aggregativo {adj} :: aggregative, associative
aggregato {adj} /aɡ.ɡreˈɡa.to/ :: associated
aggregato {adj} :: aggregated
aggregato {adj} :: embedded
aggregato {m} :: aggregate [all senses]
aggregato {m} [Buddhism] :: skandha
aggregatore {m} [computing] :: aggregator
aggregazione {f} :: aggregation
aggressione {f} :: aggression, attack, assault, mugging
aggressivamente {adv} :: aggressively
aggressività {f} :: aggressiveness
aggressivo {adj} :: aggressive
aggressore {m} :: aggressor, attacker, assailant, mugger
aggrevante {v} :: present participle of aggrevare
aggrevare {v} :: alternative form of aggravare
aggricchiare {v} /aɡ.ɡrikˈkja.re/ :: alternative form of aggricciare
aggricciante {v} :: present participle of aggricciare
aggricciare {v} /aɡ.ɡritˈt͡ʃa.re/ :: To curl
aggrinzante {v} :: present participle of aggrinzare
aggrinzantesi {v} :: present participle of aggrinzarsi
aggrinzare {vt} :: To wrinkle
aggrinzare {vi} :: To shrivel
aggrinzarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggrinzare
aggrinzarsi {v} :: to wrinkle, shrivel
aggrinzatosi {v} :: past participle of aggrinzarsi
aggrinzente {v} :: present participle of aggrinzire
aggrinzentesi {v} :: present participle of aggrinzirsi
aggrinzire {vt} :: to wrinkle
aggrinzire {vi} :: to shrivel
aggrinzirsi {v} :: reflexive of aggrinzire
aggrinzirsi {v} :: to wrinkle, shrivel
aggrinzito {adj} :: wrinkled
aggrinzito {adj} :: shrivelled
aggrinzitosi {v} :: past participle of aggrinzirsi
aggrommante {v} :: present participle of aggrommare
aggrommare {v} :: To become encrusted (with fur, scale etc)
aggrondante {v} :: present participle of aggrondare
aggrondantesi {v} :: present participle of aggrondarsi
aggrondare {vt} :: to wrinkle
aggrondare {vt} :: to contract
aggrondarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggrondare
aggrondarsi {vr} :: to darken
aggrondarsi {vr} :: to frown
aggrondato {adj} :: frowning, sullen
aggrondatosi {v} :: past participle of aggrondarsi
aggroppamento {m} :: tangle
aggroppamento {m} :: knot
aggroppante {v} :: present participle of aggroppare
aggroppare {v} [obsolete] :: To entangle
aggrottamento {m} :: frowning
aggrottante {v} :: present participle of aggrottare
aggrottare {vt} :: To contract a surface and make ripples
aggrottare {v} :: To frown
aggrottare le sopracciglia {v} :: to furrow one's brow
aggrovigliamento {m} :: entanglement
aggrovigliamento {m} :: complication
aggrovigliante {v} :: present participle of aggrovigliare
aggrovigliantesi {v} :: present participle of aggrovigliarsi
aggrovigliare {vt} :: to tangle, entangle, muddle
aggrovigliare {vt} :: to complicate
aggrovigliarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggrovigliare
aggrovigliarsi {vr} :: to become tangled
aggrovigliarsi {vr} :: to become complicated
aggrovigliatosi {v} :: past participle of aggrovigliarsi
aggrumante {v} :: present participle of aggrumare
aggrumantesi {v} :: present participle of aggrumarsi
aggrumare {vit} :: to clot, coagulate, curdle
aggrumarsi {v} :: reflexive of aggrumare
aggrumarsi {v} :: to clot, coagulate, curdle
aggrumato {adj} :: clotted, curdled, coagulated
aggrumatosi {v} :: past participle of aggrumarsi
aggruppamento {m} :: grouping, cluster
aggruppante {v} :: present participle of aggruppare
aggruppantesi {v} :: present participle of aggrupparsi
aggruppare {vt} :: to group
aggrupparsi {v} :: Variant of raggrupparsi
aggruppatosi {v} :: past participle of aggrupparsi
aggruzzolante {v} :: present participle of aggruzzolare
aggruzzolare {v} :: alternative form of raggruzzolare
agguagliabile {adj} :: That can be equalled
agguagliamento {m} :: equalization
agguagliante {v} :: present participle of agguagliare
agguagliantesi {v} :: present participle of agguagliarsi
agguagliare {vt} :: to equal, match
agguagliare {vt} :: to roll (a lawn), clip (a hedge)
agguagliare {vt} :: to adapt, conform
agguagliare {vt} :: to compare
agguagliarsi {v} :: reflexive of agguagliare
agguagliarsi {v} :: to compare oneself (to)
agguagliatoio {m} :: roller (for lawns or roads)
agguagliatoio {m} :: clipper (for hedges)
agguagliatore {adj} :: equaling, matching
agguagliatore {adj} :: conforming
agguagliatosi {v} :: past participle of agguagliarsi
agguantante {v} :: present participle of agguantare
agguantare {vt} [dated] /aɡ.ɡwanˈta.re/ :: To catch or grab
agguardante {v} :: present participle of agguardare
agguardare {v} :: To stare
agguatante {v} :: present participle of agguatare
agguatare {v} :: To entrap, ambush
agguato {m} :: ambush
aggueffante {v} :: present participle of aggueffare
aggueffare {v} [obsolete] :: To wind
agguerrente {v} :: present participle of agguerrire
agguerrentesi {v} :: present participle of agguerrirsi
agguerrimento {m} :: battle training
agguerrimento {m} :: strengthening
agguerrire {vt} [originally] :: to train for war
agguerrire {vt} :: to harden, temper, strengthen
agguerrirsi {v} :: reflexive of agguerrire
agguerrirsi {vr} [originally] :: to train for war
agguerrirsi {vr} :: to become battle-hardened
agguerrito {adj} :: fierce
agguerrito {adj} :: warlike
agguerritosi {v} :: past participle of agguerrirsi
aghà {m} :: agha
agherbino {m} :: rare form of garbino
aghetto {m} :: aglet (tip of shoelace)
aghetto {m} :: aiguillette (military)
aghifoglia {f} :: conifer (or similar plant)
aghiforme {adj} :: needle-shaped
aghirone {m} :: alternative form of airone
AGI {prop} :: abbreviation of Agenzia Giornalistica Italia
agiante {v} :: present participle of agiare
agiare {v} :: To take one's ease
agiare {v} :: To ease
agiatamente {adv} :: comfortably
agiatezza {f} :: comfort, ease, affluence
agiato {adj} :: comfortable, well-off, well-to-do, leisured
agibile {adj} :: useable (especially of a road)
agibile {adj} :: feasible
agibile {adj} :: operable, practicable, accomplishable
agibile {adj} :: habitable
agibilità {f} :: occupancy
agibilità {f} :: compliance
agile {adj} /ˈa.d͡ʒi.le/ :: agile, nimble
agilissimo {adj} :: superlative of agile
agilità {f} :: agility, nimbleness
agilmente {adv} :: agilely, nimbly, dexterously
Agilulfo {prop} :: given name
agio- {prefix} :: hagio- [saints]
agio {m} :: ease, comfort
agio {m} :: luxury, comfort
agiografia {f} :: hagiography
agiograficamente {adv} :: hagiographically
agiografico {adj} :: hagiographic
agiografo {m} :: hagiographer
agiologia {f} :: hagiology
agiologico {adj} :: hagiological
agiologo {m} :: hagiologist
agionimo {m} :: hagionym
a giorni {adv} :: in a few days
agiotoponimo {m} :: hagiotoponym
Agira {prop} :: Agira (small town)
agire {vi} /aˈd͡ʒi.re/ :: to act or operate
agire {vi} :: to work, run or function
agire {vi} :: to take effect
agire {vi} :: to behave
agire {vi} [legal] :: to proceed (against)
agire {vi} [medicine] :: to affect (part of the body etc)
agire {vi} [psychology] :: to act out
agitabile {adj} :: shakable
agitabile {adj} :: excitable
agitamento {m} :: shaking, agitation, stirring
agitamento {m} :: waving
agitamento {m} :: inciting
agitante {v} :: present participle of agitare
agitantesi {v} :: present participle of agitarsi
agitare {vt} :: to shake, agitate, stir, churn
agitare {vt} :: to wave [the hand]
agitare {vt} :: to incite
agitare {vt} :: to trouble
agitare la mano {v} :: to wave one's hand to call attention to oneself
agitarsi {v} :: reflexive of agitare
agitarsi {vr} :: to sway [branches, etc.]
agitarsi {vr} :: to fidget
agitarsi {vr} :: to stir
agitarsi {vr} :: to agitate
agitatissimo {adj} :: superlative of agitato
agitatissimo {adj} :: very worried, very agitated
agitatissimo {adj} :: very rough (sea)
agitato {adj} :: restless, fidgety
agitato {adj} :: worried or excited
agitato {adj} :: rough [sea]
agitato {adj} :: wrought-up
agitato {m} :: a manic patient
agitatore {m} :: instigator, agitator, inciter, abettor
agitatosi {v} :: past participle of agitarsi
agitatrice {f} :: female equivalent of agitatore
agitazione {f} :: agitation
agitazione {f} :: unrest
agitazionismo {m} :: Continued social, political or industrial agitation
agit-prop {mf} :: agitprop
aglabita {adj} :: Aghlabid (attributive)
aglabita {m} :: Aghlabid
Aglaia {prop} [Greek god] :: Aglaia
Aglaia {prop} :: given name
-aglia {suffix} /ˈaʎːa/ :: Used to create female collective nouns, often pejorative
agliaceo {adj} :: garlicky (smelling or tasting of garlic)
agliaio {m} :: garlic bed
agliaio {m} :: garlic field
Agliana {prop} :: Agliana (town)
aglianese {adj} :: Of or from Agliana
aglianico {m} :: A black grape variety from Basilicata and Campania
aglianico {m} :: A red wine made from this grape
agliata {f} :: A sauce made of garlic, vinegar and breadcrumbs
aglietto {m} :: young garlic
aglifo {adj} :: aglyphous
aglina {f} /aʎˈʎi.na/ :: synonym of agliata
aglina {f} :: synonym of cicuta minore
aglio {m} /ˈaʎʎo/ :: garlic
aglutinato {adj} :: gluten-free
agnatia {f} [pathology] :: agnathia
agnatico {adj} :: agnatic
agnatizio {adj} [legal] :: agnatic, agnate
agnato {m} [legal] :: agnate
agnato {m} [zoology, ichthyology] :: agnath, agnathan, jawless fish, lamprey
agnazione {f} [legal] :: agnation
agnella {f} :: lamb (female animal)
agnellaio {m} :: A butcher who sells lamb and/or mutton
agnellatura {m} :: lambing (action or period)
agnelletto {m} :: lambswool
agnellino {m} /aɲˈɲɛl.li.no/ :: lamb, spring lamb (young sheep)
agnellino {m} :: A mild and sweet-natured person
agnello {m} /aɲˈɲɛl.lo/ :: lamb
Agnello {prop} :: given name
agnellone {m} :: hogget
agnello pasquale {m} :: Paschal Lamb, Agnus Dei
agnellotto {m} [Tuscany] :: alternative form of agnolotto
Agnese {prop} :: given name
Agnesi {prop} :: surname
Agnesi {prop} :: Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Italian mathematician
Agnesio {prop} :: given name
agniyoga {m} :: Agni yoga
agnizione {f} :: recognition
agno {m} /ˈaɲ.ɲo/ :: lamb
Agno {prop} :: Agno (river)
agnocasto {m} :: chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
agnolotti {n} :: A type of square or rectangular ravioli from Piedmont made from a small sheet of pasta folded up
agnolotti piemontesi {n} :: A type of square or rectangular ravioli from Piedmont made from a small sheet of pasta filled with meat and folded up, usually served during Christmas lunch
agnolotto {m} /aɲ.ɲoˈlɔt.to/ :: A single piece of agnolotti
agnosia {f} :: agnosia
agnostica {f} :: feminine noun of agnostico
agnosticamente {adv} :: agnostically
agnosticismo {m} /a.ɲos.tiˈt͡ʃis.mo/ :: agnosticism
agnostico {adj} /aˈɲɔs.ti.ko/ :: agnostic
agnostico {m} :: agnostic
ago {m} :: needle
agoaspirato {m} [medicine] :: fine-needle aspiration
agoaspirazione {f} [medicine] :: fine-needle aspiration
ago di pino {m} :: pine needle
agogica {f} [music] :: agogic
agogico {adj} :: agogic
Agogna {prop} :: A river that flows in Piedmont and Lombardy
agognante {v} :: present participle of agognare
agognare {vit} /a.ɡoɲˈɲa.re/ :: to yearn, long (for)
agognare {vit} :: to aspire
agomelatina {f} [medicine] :: agomelatine
agonale {adj} :: combative, pugnacious
agonale {adj} :: agonal
agone {m} :: agon (all senses); contest, competition, litigation; battlefield
agone {m} :: shad (Alosa agone)
agonia {f} /aɡoˈnia/ :: agony
agonico {adj} :: agonal
agonismo {m} :: competitiveness
agonismo {m} :: agonism
agonista {mf} :: agonist
agonista {mf} :: agonistic muscle
agonista {adj} :: agonistic
agonistica {f} [sports] :: athletics
agonisticamente {adv} :: competitively
agonistico {adj} :: competitive, agonistic
agonizzante {v} :: present participle of agonizzare
agonizzante {adj} :: dying, moribund, on the point of death
agonizzare {vi} :: to be dying, dying out
agonizzare {vi} :: to be in decline
agontano {m} /a.ɡonˈta.no/ :: A silver coin once minted in Ancona
agopressione {f} :: acupressure
agopuntore {m} :: acupuncturist
agopuntura {f} /aɡopunˈtura/ :: acupuncture
agorà {m} :: agora
agorafobia {f} :: agoraphobia
agorafobo {m} :: agoraphobic (person)
agoraio {m} :: needle case
agorismo {m} [economics] :: agorism
agostamento {m} :: The annual ring of summer growth of a tree
agostano {adj} :: August [attributive]
Agostinelli {prop} :: surname
Agostini {prop} :: surname
agostiniano {adj} :: Augustinian
agostiniano {m} :: Augustinian
agostinismo {m} :: Augustinianism
Agostino {prop} :: given name
agosto {m} :: August
a gradi {prep} :: by degrees
a grado a grado {prep} :: synonym of a gradi
agrafia {f} :: agraphia
agramente {adv} :: sourly
agramente {adv} :: harshly, severely
agrammaticità {f} :: agrammaticity
agrammatico {adj} :: agrammatic
agrammatismo {m} :: agrammatism
a grandi linee {adv} :: in outline, broadly, broadly speaking
agranulare {adj} :: agranular
agranulocita {m} :: agranulocyte
agranulocitosi {f} [pathology] :: agranulocytosis
agraria {f} :: agriculture
agrario {adj} :: agricultural
agrario {adj} :: agrarian
agrario {m} :: landowner
agrarizzante {v} :: present participle of agrarizzare
agrarizzare {v} :: To agrarianize
agrarizzazione {f} :: agrarianization / agrarianisation
agreement {m} :: agreement (pact, accord)
agremano {m} :: decorative, braided border
agresta {f} :: A grape variety that does not reach maturation
Agresta {prop} :: A Calabrian branch of the 'Ndrangheta
agreste {adj} /aɡˈrɛs.te/ :: rustic
agrestemente {adv} :: rustically
agrestezza {f} :: rusticity
agrestezza {f} :: crudity
agrestino {m} :: A bunch of grapes that has not reached maturity by vintage time and is left on the vine
agresto {m} :: verjuice
agretto {adj} /aɡˈret.to/ :: sour or sharp (tasting)
agretto {m} :: A sour or sharp taste
agretto {m} :: cress
agretto {m} [in the plural, culinary, central Italy] :: synonym of barba di frate
agrezza {f} :: sourness, acidity
agrezza {f} :: acrimony
agri- {prefix} :: agri-
Agri {prop} :: Agri (river)
agribusiness {m} :: agribusiness
agricampeggio {m} :: A campsite within an agritourism farm
agricola {m} :: farmer
agricolo {adj} /a.ˈɡri.ko.lo/ :: agricultural
agricolo {adj} :: farm (attributive)
agricolo {adj} :: farming
agricoltore {m} :: farmer
agricoltrice {f} :: female equivalent of agricoltore
agricoltura {f} :: agriculture
agricoltura biologica {f} [agriculture] :: organic farming
agrifoglio {m} [plant] :: holly
agrigenetica {f} :: agricultural genetics
agrigentina {f} :: A native or inhabitant of Agrigento; an Agrigentine
agrigentino {adj} /a.ɡri.dʒenˈti.no/ :: Agrigentine, relating to Agrigento or the Agrigento people
agrigentino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Agrigento; an Agrigentine
Agrigento {prop} /a.ɡriˈdʒɛn.to/ :: Agrigento (province/and/city)
agrigno {adj} :: Rather sour (Variant of: asprigno)
agrimatica {f} :: agricultural computing
agrimensore {m} :: agricultural cartographer or surveyor
agrimensura {f} :: agricultural cartography or surveying
agrimonia {f} /aɡ.riˈmɔn.ja/ :: agrimony
Agrinio {prop} :: Agrinio (city)
Agrio {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Agrius, a giant
agriotta {f} :: sour cherry (fruit)
agriotto {m} :: sour cherry (plant)
agrippina {f} /a.ɡripˈpi.na/ :: chaise longue (reclining chair with a long seat)
Agrippino {prop} :: given name
agriturismo {m} [noncount] :: agritourism
agriturismo {m} [count] :: An agritourism accommodation; a farm that offers tourists lodging as one of its lines of business
agriturista {mf} :: agritourism tourist
agrituristico {adj} :: farm, country (attributive; of a holiday or a holiday resort)
agrivoltaico {adj} :: agrivoltaic
agrizoofobia {f} :: agrizoophobia
agro- {prefix} :: agro- (agriculture)
agro- {prefix} :: citrus (See also agrume)
agro {adj} :: sour, vinegary
agro {m} :: countryside around a town
agroalimentale {adj} :: alternative form of agroalimentare
agroalimentare {adj} :: agroalimentary (food and agriculture (attributive))
agrobiologia {f} [biology] :: agrobiology
agrobiologo {m} :: agrobiologist
agrobiotecnologia {f} :: agrobiotechnology
agrobiotecnologico {adj} :: agrobiotechnological
agrochimica {f} [chemistry] :: agrochemistry
agrochimico {adj} [chemistry] :: agrochemical
agrocotto {m} :: Concentrated citrus juice, used in the manufacture of citric acid
agrodolce {adj} :: bittersweet
agrodolce {adj} [of a sauce] :: sweet and sour
agrodolce {m} :: sweet and sour sauce
agroecologia {f} :: agroecology
agroecologo {m} :: agroecologist
agroeconomia {f} :: agroeconomy
agroecosistema {m} :: agricultural ecosystem
agrofarmaco {m} :: pesticide (or similar agricultural chemical)
agroforestale {adj} :: agroforestry (attributive)
agroforestazione {f} :: agroforestry
agroglifo {m} :: agriglyph
agroindustria {f} :: agroindustry
agroindustriale {adj} :: agroindustrial
agroingegneria {f} :: agricultural engineering
agrologia {f} :: agrology (agricultural science)
agrometeorologia {f} :: agrometeorology
agrometeorologo {m} :: agrometeorologist
agrometereologico {adj} :: agrometeorological
agronica {f} :: agricultural electronics and computing
agronoma {f} :: female equivalent of agronomo
agronomia {f} :: agronomy
agronomico {adj} /aɡ.roˈnɔ.mi.ko/ :: agronomic
agronomo {m} :: agronomist
agropastorale {adj} :: agropastoral
agropiccante {adj} [of a sauce] :: both sour and spicy
agropirata {m} :: a person violating laws in force on food sector
agropiro {m} :: wheatgrass (grass of the genus Agropyron)
agropolese {adj} :: Of or from Agropoli
Agropoli {prop} :: Agropoli (town)
agrore {m} :: A sharp taste or smell
agroricerca {f} :: agricultural research
agrosilvicoltore {m} :: agroforester
agrosilvicoltura {f} :: agroforestry
agrosilvopastoralismo {m} :: farming that includes agriculture and forestry together with the raising of animals
agrosistema {m} :: agrosystem
agrostemma {m} :: corncockle
agrostide {f} :: bent, agrostis
agrotecnico {adj} :: agrotechnical
agrotecnico {m} :: agricultural technician or technologist
agrozootecnia {f} :: The science and technology associated with agriculture and animal husbandry
agrozootecnico {adj} :: agrozootechnical
agrumario {adj} :: citrus (fruit) ((attributive)
agrume {m} :: citrus (fruit and tree)
agrumeto {m} :: citrus grove
agrumicolo {adj} :: citrus (attributive), citrus fruit (attributive)
agrumicoltore {m} :: citrus grower
agrumicoltrice {f} :: citrus grower (female)
agrumicoltura {f} :: citrus growing; citrus cultivation
aguatante {v} :: present participle of aguatare
aguatare {v} :: alternative form of agguatare
aguato {m} :: alternative form of agguato
agucchia {f} [archaic] :: or [regional] needle, knitting needle
agucchiante {v} :: present participle of agucchiare
agucchiare {v} :: To sew
aguglia {f} /aˈɡuʎ.ʎa/ :: eagle
aguglia {f} :: large sewing needle; compass needle
aguglia {f} :: spire (tapering architectural structure)
aguglia {f} :: obelisk
aguglia {f} :: garfish, needlefish, game fish (of family Belonidae)
aguglia imperiale {f} :: synonym of aguglia maggiore
aguglia maggiore {f} :: keel-jawed needlefish (Tylosurus acus)
aguglia maggiore {f} :: synonym of aguglia imperiale
agugliara {f} :: A fishing net use to catch garfish
agugliata {f} :: alternative form of gugliata
agugliato {m} :: A type of felt, containing thin wires, used for flooring
agugliatore {m} :: needleworker
aguglieria {f} :: knitting
aguglione {m} :: A large needle used by mattress makers
agugliotto {m} [nautical] :: pintle
Aguinaldo {prop} :: given name
agumento {m} :: alternative form of aumento
agumina {f} :: alternative form of gomena
agunante {v} :: present participle of agunare
agunare {v} :: alternative form of adunare
agurante {v} :: present participle of agurare
agurare {v} :: alternative form of augurare
aguti {m} :: agouti
aguto {adj} :: alternative form of acuto
agutoli {mp} :: matrimony vine, boxthorn
aguzzamento {m} :: sharpening
aguzzante {v} :: present participle of aguzzare
aguzzare {vt} :: To sharpen
aguzzare l'ingegno {v} :: to rack one's brain
aguzzare l'ingegno {v} :: to sharpen up the edges of your wits
aguzzatore {m} :: sharpener
aguzzatura {f} :: sharpening (alternative form of aguzzamento)
aguzzatura {f} :: sharp ponit
aguzzina {f} :: female equivalent of aguzzino
aguzzino {m} /a.ɡutˈt͡si.no/ :: jailer
aguzzino {m} [by extension] :: torturer, persecutor, tyrant
aguzzo {adj} :: sharp
agyrofobia {f} :: agyrophobia (fear of crossing the road)
ah {interj} /ah/ :: ah! (usually ironic or sarcastic)
ahi {interj} /ˈa.i/ :: ouch!
ahi {interj} :: ah!
ahia {interj} /ˈa.ja/ :: alternative form of ahi!
ahimè {interj} /aiˈmɛ/ :: alas!, woe is me!
ahm {interj} :: yum!
-ai {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular past historic of -are verbs
-aia {suffix} :: A suffix used to form agent nouns
-aia {suffix} :: Added to nouns to form collective nouns, meaning a place in which to find a great quantity of the named object
aia {f} :: farmyard (the square courtyard in the middle of a casa colonica)
aia {f} :: threshing floor
aia {f} [literary] :: tutor, especially one hired by a wealthy family
Aiaccio {prop} :: alternative spelling of Ajaccio, Aiaccio (capital city)
Aiace {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Ajax
Aiace {prop} :: given name
aiale {m} :: A clearing in the woods where charcoal is made
aiata {f} :: threshing of grain (by hand)
aiata {f} :: The quantity of grain to be threshed
aicmofobia {f} :: aichmophobia
Aida {prop} :: given name
Aidano {prop} :: given name
Aido {prop} :: given name
aiducco {m} :: hajduk
aiduco {m} :: alternative form of aiducco
aierino {m} :: A winged sprite / fairy
ailanto {m} :: ailanthus (tree)
ailuride {m} [mammalogy] /aiˈlu.ri.de/ :: ailurid (any member of the Ailuridae taxonomic family)
ailuride {m} [in the plural] :: alternative case form of Ailuridi
ailuridi {m} {p} :: alternative case form of Ailuridi
Ailuridi {m} /aiˈlu.ri.di/ :: The Ailuridae taxonomic family
ailuro {m} [zoology] /ai̯ˈlu.ro/ :: Any member of the Ailurus taxonomic genus
ailuro {m} [uncountable] :: alternative case form of Ailuro
Ailuro {m} [zoology] /ai̯ˈlu.ro/ :: The Ailurus taxonomic genus
ailurofobia {f} /aiˌlu.ro.foˈbi.a/ :: ailurophobia (irrational fear or hatred for cats)
aimè {interj} :: alternative form of ahimè!
Aimone {prop} :: given name
ain {mf} /ˈajn/ :: ayin
ain {mf} :: The name of the Arabic-script letter ع‎
ain {mf} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter ע
ain {mf} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤏
ain {mf} :: The name of the Syriac-script letter ܥ
a incasso {adj} :: Variant of ad incasso
a intermittenza {adv} :: intermittently
-aio {suffix} /ˈa.jo/ :: Added to nouns to form agent nouns
-aio {suffix} :: Added to nouns to form nouns of mass or collection
aio {m} :: tutor, teacher
aiola {f} :: alternative form of aiuola
-aiolo {suffix} [sometimes pejorative] /aˈjɔ.lo/ :: Used to form the names of those who practice a profession or perform an activity
-aiolo {suffix} :: Used to derive adjectives with the meaning of “pertaining to”
-aiolo {suffix} :: Used to form the names of tools
aiolo {m} :: Variant of aiuolo
aione {m} :: salt pan
a iosa {adv} :: in plenty, in abundance, galore, in great quantity
a iosa {adv} :: bog-standard, run-of-the-mill, dime a dozen, common-or-garden
airbag {m} :: airbag [protective system]
aire {m} [literary] /aˈi.re/ :: impulse, start (of a motion)
airone {m} :: heron
airone bianco maggiore {m} :: great egret, great white egret, white heron, or common egret (Ardea alba, syn. Casmerodius albus)
airone cenerino {m} :: grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
airone guardabuoi {m} :: cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis)
airone rosso {m} :: purple heron (Ardea purpurea)
ai sensi {adv} [law] /ˌa.i ˈsɛn.si/ :: according (to)
aitante {adj} :: strong, sturdy
aitare {v} :: alternative form of aiutare
aiuga {f} :: bugleweed (or similar plants of the genus Ajuga)
aiuola {f} /aˈjwɔ.la/ :: flowerbed, bed
aiuola {f} [archaic, poetic, metonymy] :: land, earth
aiuolo {m} :: A net used for catching birds
aiutante {v} :: present participle of aiutare
aiutante {mf} :: assistant
aiutante {mf} :: adjutant
aiutante {mf} :: master-at-arms
aiutante {mf} :: helper
aiutantesi {v} :: present participle of aiutarsi
aiutare {vt} /ajuˈtare/ :: to help, assist
aiutarsi {v} :: reflexive of aiutare
aiutarsi {vr} :: to help oneself
aiutarsi {vr} :: to help one another
aiutati che Dio t'aiuta {proverb} :: God helps those who help themselves
aiutati che il ciel t'aiuta {proverb} :: God helps those who help themselves
aiutatore {m} :: helper
aiutatosi {v} :: past participle of aiutarsi
aiutino {m} :: diminutive of aiuto
aiuto {m} /aˈju.to/ :: help, assistance, aid
aiuto {m} :: support
aiuto {m} :: helper, assistant (person)
aiuto {interj} :: help!
aiuto {interj} :: mayday!
aiutore {m} :: alternative form of adiutore
aiutorio {m} [archaic] :: help, assistence, aid
aizzamento {m} :: provocation, incitement
aizzante {v} :: present participle of aizzare
aizzare {vt} :: to provoke
aizzare {vt} :: to incite, rouse [to violence]
aizzare {vt} :: to set [a dog upon somebody]
aizzatore {m} :: instigator, agitator, inciter, abettor
aizzatrice {f} :: instigator, agitator, inciter, abettor
Ajello {prop} :: surname
a km 0 {adv} :: locally (of food production)
Akragas {prop} /aˈkra.ɡas/ :: An ancient Greek city, part of modern Agrigento, in Sicily
al {prep} [cooking, in the singular] :: with (an ingredient)
ala {f} /ˈala/ :: wing
ala a delta {f} :: delta wing
Alabama {prop} :: Alabama (state)
alabamio {m} [obsolete] :: alabamine
alabarda {f} [weapons] /a.laˈbar.da/ :: halberd
alabardato {adj} :: armed with a halberd
alabardato {adj} :: in the form of a halberd
alabardiere {m} :: halberdier
alabastraio {m} :: A person who carves or who sells alabaster
alabastrino {adj} :: alabaster (attributive)
alabastrino {adj} :: alabastrine
alabastro {m} [mineral] :: alabaster
alabbasso {m} [nautical] :: downhaul
alaccia {f} :: Sardinella (especially Sardinella aurita)
alaccia {f} :: Shad (especially Alosa fallax)
Alachis {prop} :: given name
alacramente {adv} :: indefatigably, tirelessly, unflaggingly, untiringly
alacre {adj} :: brisk, alacritous
alacremente {adv} :: eagerly
alacremente {adv} :: lively
alacremente {adv} :: promptly
alacremente {adv} :: speedily
alacrità {f} :: alacrity, promptness, celerity, readiness
Alà dei Sardi {prop} :: Alà dei Sardi (small town)
Aladino {prop} :: Aladdin
alaese {adj} :: Of or from Alà dei Sardi
alaese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Alà dei Sardi
alaggio {m} :: towing, towage
alaggio {m} [nautical] :: beaching
Alagis {prop} :: given name
Alahis {prop} :: given name
alalà {interj} /alaˈla/ :: A form of war cry
alalonga {f} /a.laˈlɔn.ɡa/ :: albacore (Thunnus alalunga)
alalunga {f} /a.laˈlun.ɡa/ :: alternative form of alalonga
alamanna {f} :: alternative form of salamanna
alamanno {adj} :: alternative form of alemanno
alamanno {m} :: alternative form of alemanno
alamaro {m} :: frog (for buttoning)
alamaro {m} [military] :: flash
alambicco {m} [obsolete] :: alembic
alambicco {m} :: still (distillation apparatus)
alameticina {f} [medicine] :: alamethicin
alanina {f} [amino acid] :: alanine
Alanno {prop} :: Alanno (municipality)
alano {adj} :: Alanic
alano {m} :: Alan
alano {m} :: Great Dane
Alano {prop} :: given name
alante {v} :: present participle of alare
ala portante {f} :: hydrofoil (A wing attached to the hull of a ship)
alare {m} :: firedog (in a fireplace)
alare {adj} :: wing (attributive)
alare {adj} [anatomy] :: alar
alare {vt} :: to haul [on a rope, etc.]
Alarica {prop} [rare] /a.laˈri.ka/ :: given name, feminine noun of Alarico
Alarico {prop} [historical] /a.laˈri.ko/ :: Alaric (king of the Visigoths)
Alarico {prop} [rare] :: given name
Alasca {prop} :: Alasca (state)
Alaska {prop} :: alternative spelling of Alasca
alaterno {m} :: buckthorn (plant of the genus Rhamnus)
alatore {m} :: tugger (one who tugs)
alatore {m} :: tower (one who tows)
alatrese {adj} :: Of or from Alatri
Alatri {prop} :: Alatri (town)
alba {f} /ˈalba/ :: dawn, daybreak, break of day
alba {f} :: sunrise
Alba {prop} :: synonym of Scozia
albacora {f} /al.baˈkɔ.ra/ :: synonym of alalonga
albagia {f} :: arrogance, haughtiness
albagio {m} /alˈba.d͡ʒo/ :: A rough, white cloth fabric
albagioso {adj} :: haughty
albanella {f} :: harrier - bird
albanella minore {f} :: Montagu's harrier
albanella reale {f} :: hen harrier
albanense {adj} :: alternative form of albanese
albanense {adj} :: Of or from Albano Laziale
albanese {mf} :: Albanian
albanese {m} :: Albanian (language)
albanese {adj} :: Albanian
Albanese {prop} :: surname, originally of someone from Albania
Albania {prop} :: Albania (country)
Albania caucasica {prop} :: Caucasian Albania
albanistico {adj} :: Relating to the study of Albanian language and literature
Albano {prop} :: given name
albanofono {adj} :: Albanian-speaking
Albano Laziale {prop} :: Albano Laziale (town)
Albareale {prop} :: obsolete form of Székesfehérvár
albasia {f} [nautical] :: dead calm
albaspina {f} :: synonym of biancospino
albastrello {m} :: marsh sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis)
albatra {f} :: synonym of corbezzola
albatro {m} :: albatross
albatro {m} :: synonym of corbezzolo
albatro urlatore {m} :: wandering albatross
albedine {f} [literary] /alˈbɛ.di.ne/ :: whiteness
albedine {f} [biology] :: albedo
albedo {f} :: albedo (all senses)
albeggiamento {m} :: dawning
albeggiante {v} :: present participle of albeggiare
albeggiare {vi} :: to dawn [all senses]
Albegna {prop} :: Albegna (river)
Albenga {prop} :: Albenga (town)
alberaggio {m} [nautical] /al.beˈrad.d͡ʒo/ :: harbour dues
alberante {v} :: present participle of alberare
alberare {vt} :: to plant with trees
alberare {vt} [nautical] :: to mast (fit a mast to a vessel)
alberato {adj} :: tree-lined
alberatura {f} :: plantation (of trees)
alberatura {f} [nautical] :: The masts of a ship considered as a whole
alberella {f} [dated, medicine] :: alternative form of alberello
alberello {m} :: A sapling, a young tree
alberello {m} :: A cultivation technique of vines involving severe pruning
alberello {m} [especially in plural] :: A sweet biscuit in the form of a Christmas tree
alberello {m} [dated, medicine] :: A vase containing medicine etc (in old chemist's shops)
alberese {m} :: A variety of limestone used to make lime and cement
Alberese {prop} :: A district of Grosseto in Tuscany
albereta {f} /al.beˈre.ta/ :: plantation (of trees)
albereta {f} :: plantation (of poplar trees)
albereto {m} /al.beˈre.to/ :: alternative form of albereta
alberetto {m} :: Small tree
alberetto {m} [nautical] :: topmast
albergaccio {m} :: A cheap, unsavoury hotel; flophouse
albergagione {f} :: hotel, inn
albergante {v} :: present participle of albergare
albergare {vt} :: to accommodate
albergare {vt} :: to harbour (sentiments)
albergare {vi} :: to dwell
albergatore {m} :: hotelier
albergatoria {f} :: the hotel industry
albergatrice {f} :: hotelier (female)
albergazione {f} :: The hotel business
albergheria {f} :: hotel, housing, dwelling
albergheria {f} [obsolete] :: The right of a king etc to be housed at local expense
alberghetto {m} :: inn, guesthouse
alberghiero {adj} :: hotel (attributive)
albergo {m} /alˈbɛr.ɡo/ :: hotel, inn
Alberico {prop} :: Aubrey
Alberigo {prop} :: alternative form of Alberico
albero {m} /ˈal.be.ro/ :: tree (all senses)
albero {m} [nautical] :: mast
albero {m} :: shaft, spindle
albero {m} :: poplar tree
albero a camme {m} [auto parts, mechanics] :: camshaft
alberobellese {adj} :: Of or from Alberobello
alberobellese {mf} :: Someone from Alberobello
Alberobello {prop} :: Alberobello (small town)
albero cavo {m} :: tree hollow
albero da frutto {m} :: fruit tree
albero della cuccagna {m} :: greasy pole (the pole of plenty)
albero della manna {m} :: manna ash (tree, Fraxinus ornus)
albero del paradiso {m} :: tree of heaven
albero di Giuda {m} :: Judas tree
albero di Natale {m} :: Christmas tree
albero di trinchetto {m} :: foremast
albero genealogico {m} :: family tree
albero maestro {m} :: mainmast
albero matricino {m} :: sapling
Alberta {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Alberto
Albertini {prop} :: surname
albertino {adj} :: Relating to Carlo Alberto di Savoia
Alberto {prop} /alˈbɛr.to/ :: given name
albese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Alba
albicare {vi} [literary] /al.biˈka.re/ :: to be white or whitish
albicatura {f} [botany] /al.bi.kaˈtu.ra/ :: The presence of white spots on leaves, due to lack of chlorophyll
albicocca {f} :: apricot (fruit)
albicocca {f} :: apricot (colour)
albicocca {adj} :: apricot (in colour)
albicoccheto {m} :: apricot orchard
albicocco {m} /al.biˈkɔk.ko/ :: apricot tree
albicore {m} /al.biˈkɔ.re/ :: alternative form of albacora
albigese {adj} :: Albigensian
albigese {m} :: Albigenses
albinaggio {m} [legal] :: The rite of the state to the inheritance of an intestate stranger
albinismo {m} :: albinism (lack of melanin pigmentation)
albino {adj} :: albino
albino {m} :: albino
albio {m} :: bath, basin, sink
Albio {prop} :: given name
albiolo {m} :: A small container of water for caged birds
Albione {prop} :: Albion
Albizzo {prop} :: given name
albo {m} /ˈal.bo/ :: notice board, bulletin board
albo {m} :: honours board
albo {m} :: roll or register, especially of an organization or profession
albo {adj} [literary] :: white
albogatto {m} :: white poplar
Alboino {prop} :: given name
Albona {prop} :: Albona (city)
albonese {adj} :: Of, or from, Albona
albonese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Albona
Alboni {prop} :: surname
albore {m} [literary] :: glimmer
albore {m} [literary] :: first light, dawn
albore {m} [figurative, in plural] :: beginning, dawn
alborella {f} :: bleak, blay, ablet (fish of genus Alburnus)
alboretto {m} [Venice] :: A small tree
albugine {f} [botany] :: blight
albugine {f} [medicine] :: albugo, leucoma
albugineo {adj} :: whitish (especially of fibrous tissue)
al buio {adj} :: blind
albula {f} [zoology, ichthyology] :: bonefish, game fish
album {m} :: album (book, LP)
album {m} :: scrapbook
albume {m} /alˈbuːme/ :: albumen, egg white
album fotografico {m} :: photo album
albumina {f} [protein] :: albumin
albuminato {m} :: albuminate
albuminoide {adj} :: albuminoid
albuminoide {m} :: albuminoid
albuminoso {adj} :: albuminous, albuminose
alburno {m} [botany] :: sapwood
alburno {m} :: bleak, ablet, blay
alca {f} :: auk
alcachengi {m} /al.kaˈkɛn.d͡ʒi/ :: rare form of alchechengi
alcaico {adj} :: Alcaic
alcalescente {adj} :: alkalescent
alcalescenza {f} :: alkalescence
alcali {m} [chemistry] :: alkali, base
alcalimetria {f} :: alkalimetry
alcalimetro {m} :: alkalimeter
alcalinità {f} :: alkalinity
alcalinizzante {v} :: present participle of alcalinizzare
alcalinizzare {vt} :: to alkalize or alkalify
alcalinizzazione {f} :: alkalinization
alcalino {adj} :: alkaline
alcalino-terroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: alkaline-earth
alcaloide {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkaloid
alcalosi {f} [medicine] :: alkalosis
alcamese {adj} :: Of or from Alcamo
Alcamo {prop} :: Alcamo (town)
alcanna {f} /alˈkan.na/ :: synonym of henna
alcanna spuria {f} :: alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria)
alcano {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkane
Alcantara {prop} :: Alcantara (river)
alcazar {m} /alˈkad.dzar/ :: alcazar (Moorish fortress in Spain)
alce {m} :: elk [UK], moose [US] (Alces alces)
alcelafino {m} :: alcelaphine
alcelafo {m} :: kongoni, kaama
alcelafo {m} :: hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus)
alcelafo di Lichtenstein {m} :: Lichtenstein's hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus lichtensteinii)
alcelafo di Lichtenstein {m} :: konze
alcelafo torà {m} :: tetel
alcelafo torà {m} :: tora hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus tora)
Alceo {prop} :: given name
Alceste {prop} :: given name
Alceste {prop} :: given name
Alcesti {prop} :: Alcestis
alchechengi {m} /al.keˈkɛn.d͡ʒi/ :: bladder cherry, winter cherry, Chinese lantern (the plant Physalis alkekengi)
alchemico {adj} :: alchemical
alchemilla {f} :: alchemilla
alchene {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkene
alchermes {m} /alˈkɛr.mes/ :: alkermes
Alchiba {prop} :: Alchiba, a star in the constellation of Corvus
alchilammide {f} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl amide
alchilammina {f} [organic chemistry] :: alkylamine
alchilante {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alkylating
alchilare {vt} [organic chemistry] :: to alkylate
alchilato {adj} :: alkylated
alchilazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: alkylation
alchilcarbossammide {f} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl carboxamide
alchile {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl
alchilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl (attributive)
alchilimmina {f} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl imine
alchilmercurato {m} [organic chemistry] :: Any alkyl organomercury compound
alchimia {f} :: alchemy
alchìmia {f} :: medieval spelling of alchimia
alchimiante {v} :: present participle of alchimiare
alchimiare {v} :: To plot
alchimico {adj} :: alternative form of alchemico
alchimilla {f} :: alternative form of alchemilla
alchimista {mf} :: alchemist
alchimistico {adj} :: alchemistic, alchemistical, alchemical, alchemic
alchimizzante {v} :: present participle of alchimizzare
alchimizzare {vi} :: To alchemize
alchimizzare {vt} [figuratively] :: To falsify or deceive
alchino {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkyne
Alcibiade {prop} :: Alcibiades
Alcibiade {prop} :: given name
Alcide {prop} :: given name
alcino {adj} :: smart, clever, intelligent, bright
alcino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to elk
Alcino {prop} :: given name
alcione {m} :: kingfisher
alcione {m} :: gull
Alcione {prop} :: Alcyone
Alcioneo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Alcyoneus, king of the giants
alcionio {adj} :: halcyon
Alcippe {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Alcippe
Alciso {prop} :: given name
Alcmane {prop} :: Alcman
alcmania {f} :: Alcmanian verse
alcmanio {adj} :: Alcmanian
Alcmena {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Alcmene
alcol {m} /ˈal.kol/ :: alcohol (general use)
alcol {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethanol
alcol {m} [organic chemistry] :: alcohol
alcol amilico {m} [organic compound] :: amyl alcohol
alcol assoluto {m} :: absolute alcohol
alcolato {m} :: alcoholate as a tincture or as an alkoxide
alcol denaturato {m} :: denatured alcohol
alcoldipendente {mf} :: An alcoholic
alcole {m} :: alternative form of alcol
alcolemia {f} :: alcoholaemia
alcolemico {adj} :: Relating to the concentration of alcohol in the blood
alcol etilico {m} :: ethyl alcohol, ethanol
alcolicamente {adv} :: alcoholically
alcolicità {f} :: alcoholicity
alcolico {adj} :: alcoholic (of, pertaining to or containing alcohol)
alcolico {m} :: An alcoholic drink (used mostly in the plural)
alcolico {m} :: alcohol (as a drink)
alcoligeno {adj} :: alcoholigenic
alcolimetria {f} :: alcoholometry
alcolimetrico {adj} :: alcoholometric
alcolimetro {m} :: alcoholometer
alcolismo {m} :: alcoholism
alcolismo {m} :: drunkenness
alcolista {mf} :: alcoholic
Alcolisti Anonimi {prop} :: Alcoholics Anonymous
alcolizzante {v} :: present participle of alcolizzare
alcolizzantesi {v} :: present participle of alcolizzarsi
alcolizzare {vt} :: to alcoholize
alcolizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of alcolizzare
alcolizzarsi {vr} :: to become affected by alcohol
alcolizzata {f} :: female equivalent of alcolizzato
alcolizzato {v} :: past participle of alcolizzare
alcolizzato {m} :: drunk, drunkard, toper, blotto, binge drinker, wino, winesop
alcolizzato {adj} :: alcoholic (of or pertaining to alcoholism)
alcolizzatosi {v} :: past participle of alcolizzarsi
alcolizzazione {f} :: The process, and the result of becoming alcoholic
alcologia {f} :: alcohology
alcolometria {f} :: Variant of alcolimetria
alcolometrico {adj} :: alcoholometric
alcolometro {m} :: Variant of alcolimetro
alcol primario {m} :: primary alcohol
alcol secondario {m} :: secondary alcohol
alcol terziario {m} :: tertiary alcohol
alcoltest {m} :: An examination carried out to establish if the quantity of alcohol in a person's body is beyond an acceptable limit
al contrario {adv} :: on the contrary, contrariwise
al contrario {adv} :: backwards, back to front
al contrario {adv} :: upside down
al contrario {adv} :: inside out
alcool {m} /ˈal.kol/ :: alternative spelling of alcol; alcohol
alcoolato {m} :: alternative form of alcolato
alcooldipendente {adj} :: alcoholic (attributive)
alcooldipendente {mf} :: alcoholic (person)
alcoole {m} :: Variant of alcole
alcoolemia {f} :: alternative form of alcolemia
alcool etilico {m} :: ethyl alcohol, ethanol
alcoolicità {f} :: Variant of alcolicità
alcoolico {adj} :: alternative form of alcolico
alcoolico {m} :: alternative form of alcolico
alcoolimetria {f} :: Variant of alcolimetria
alcoolimetro {m} :: Variant of alcolimetro
alcoolismo {m} :: alternative form of alcolismo
alcoolista {mf} :: alternative form of alcolista
alcoolizzante {v} :: present participle of alcoolizzare
alcoolizzare {vt} :: alternative form of alcolizzare
alcoolizzato {adj} :: alcoholic (person)
alcoolizzato {m} :: alcoholic (person)
alcoolometrico {adj} :: alcoholometric
alcooltest {m} :: Variant of alcoltest
al corrente {prep} :: informed
alcossi {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkoxy
alcossido {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkoxide
alcova {f} /alˈkɔ.va/ :: alcove
Alcuino {prop} :: Alcuin
alcun {adj} :: Apocopic form of alcuno or alcuna
alcunché {pron} :: anything
alcunché {pron} :: nothing (in a negative expression)
alcuno {adj} [chiefly in the plural] /alˈku.no/ :: some, a few
alcuno {adj} :: [in negative phrases] no
Alda {prop} :: given name
aldace {adj} :: alternative form of audace
aldacemente {adv} :: alternative form of audacemente
Aldebaran {prop} :: Aldebaran
aldebaranio {m} [obsolete] :: aldebaranium
aldeico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aldehydic
aldeide {f} [organic chemistry] :: aldehyde
aldeideossidasi {f} [enzyme] :: aldehyde oxidase
aldeidico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aldehydic
al dente {adj} /al ˈdɛn.te/ :: al dente
Alderamin {prop} :: Alderamin, a star in the constellation of Cepheus
Alderico {prop} :: given name
Aldighiero {prop} /al.diˈɡjɛ.ro/ :: given name, alternative form of Alighiero
al di là {m} [uncommon] :: alternative spelling of aldilà
aldilà {m} /al.diˈla/ :: The afterlife, the hereafter
al di là di {prep} :: beyond
aldino {adj} :: Aldine
aldio {m} :: liegeman (or similar semi-free person)
aldiquà {m} :: here and now (earthly life)
al di sopra delle parti {adj} :: impartial, not involved
Aldo {prop} :: given name
Aldobrandi {prop} :: surname
Aldobrando {prop} :: given name
aldoesoso {m} [carbohydrate] :: aldohexose
aldolasi {f} [enzyme] :: aldolase
aldolico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aldol (attributive)
aldolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: aldol
aldopentoso {m} [carbohydrate] :: aldopentose
aldoso {m} [organic chemistry] :: aldose
aldosterone {m} :: aldosterone
aldotetroso {m} [carbohydrate] :: aldotetrose
aldotrioso {m} [carbohydrate] :: aldotriose
Alduino {prop} :: given name
-ale {suffix} :: Added to nouns to form adjectives; -al
alé {interj} :: let's go!, come on!
alea {f} :: risk
alea {f} :: uncertainty
Aleardo {prop} :: given name
aleatico {m} :: A prestigious red grape variety
aleatico {m} :: A red wine made from these grapes
aleatoriamente {adv} :: doubtfully, dubiously, uncertainly, unpredictably
aleatoriamente {adv} :: randomly, aleatorily
aleatoriamente {adv} :: riskily, hazardously
aleatorietà {f} :: uncertainty
aleatorietà {f} :: unpredictability
aleatorietà {f} :: instability
aleatorio {adj} :: random, aleatory
aleatorio {adj} :: uncertain
alectorofobia {f} :: alektorophobia
alef {m} /ˈa.lef/ :: aleph, specifically:
alef {m} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤀
alef {m} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter א
aleggiante {v} :: present participle of aleggiare
aleggiare {vi} :: to move the wings slowly [of a bird]
aleggiare {vi} :: to blow gently [of a breeze]
aleggiare {vi} :: to waft [of perfume]
a lei {phrase} [formal] :: same to you (I wish to you what you have just wished to me)
alemannico {adj} :: Alemannic
alemanno {adj} :: Alemannic
alemanno {m} :: Alemannic (language)
alenante {v} :: present participle of alenare
alenare {v} :: To gasp
alenare {v} :: To long for
Alento {prop} :: Alento (small river)
Aleo {prop} :: An Italian (Sicilian) habitational name varying as Alì or Aleo in the Messina province
aleppe {interj} /aˈlɛp.pe/ :: A nonce term used by Dante
aleppina {f} /a.lepˈpi.na/ :: feminine noun of aleppino
aleppino {adj} /a.lepˈpi.no/ :: Aleppine (pertaining to Aleppo)
aleppino {m} :: Aleppine (male inhabitant of Aleppo)
Aleppo {prop} /aˈlep.po/ :: Aleppo (city)
Aleramo {prop} :: given name
alerione {f} [heraldry] :: alerion
alerone {m} :: aileron
alesaggio {m} [automobiles] :: bore
alesaggio {m} :: boring, reaming
alesante {v} :: present participle of alesare
alesare {vt} :: To bore or ream
alesatoio {m} :: reamer
alesatore {m} :: borer
alesatore {m} :: reamer
alesatrice {f} :: boring machine, borer
alesatura {f} [manufacturing] :: boring
Alesi {prop} :: Alesi (surname)
Alessandra {prop} /alesˈsandra/ :: given name
Alessandria {prop} /a.lesˈsan.drja/ :: Alessandria (city/and/province)
Alessandria {prop} :: Alessandria (city)
alessandrina {f} :: feminine noun of alessandrino
alessandrina {f} [dance] :: A skipping dance from the area around Pavia
Alessandrina {prop} :: Alessandrina (district)
alessandrinismo {m} :: Alexandrianism
alessandrino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Alessandria in Piedmont
alessandrino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Alexandria in Egypt; Alexandrian
alessandrino {adj} :: Hellenistic
alessandrino {m} :: An Alexandrian, a native or inhabitant of Alessandria
alessandrino {m} :: An Alexandrian artist or author
alessandrino {m} [poetry] :: alexandrine
alessandrite {f} :: alexandrite
Alessandro {prop} /aleˈsːandro/ :: given name
Alessandro Magno {prop} :: Alexander the Great
Alessandropoli {prop} :: Alessandropoli (city)
alessia {f} [medicine] :: alexia
Alessia {prop} :: given name
alessico {adj} :: alexic
alessifarmaco {m} :: antidote (especially one for a snake bite)
Alessio {prop} :: given name
Alessio {prop} :: Alessio (city)
alestesia {f} [pathology] :: allesthesia
aletta {f} :: fin (of an aircraft etc)
alettante {v} :: present participle of alettare
alettare {vt} :: To fin
alettato {adj} :: finned
alettatura {f} :: finning
alettatura {f} :: fins (all the fins of a fish, considered as a whole)
a letto {adv} :: in bed
Aletto {prop} [Greek god] :: Alecto
alettone {m} [automobiles] :: spoiler
alettone {m} [aeronautics] :: aileron
aleurodo {m} :: whitefly (of the family Aleyrodidae)
aleurone {m} :: aleurone
aleuronico {adj} :: aleuronic
Aleutine {prop} :: Aleutian (islands)
alfa {mf} /ˈal.fa/ :: alpha, specifically:
alfa {mf} :: The name of the Greek-script letter Α/α
alfa {mf} :: letter: ɑ; Latin alpha
alfa {f} :: A grass, Stipa tenacissima; esparto, halfa
alfabeta {adj} :: literate
alfabetante {v} :: present participle of alfabetare
alfabetare {v} :: To alphabetize
alfabetario {m} :: alternative form of alfabetiere
alfabeticamente {adv} :: alphabetically
alfabetico {adj} /al.faˈbɛ.ti.ko/ :: alphabetical
alfabetiere {m} :: alphabet (list of letters as a teaching aid)
alfabetismo {m} :: Literacy; the ability to read
alfabetizzante {v} :: present participle of alfabetizzare
alfabetizzare {vt} :: to teach reading and writing
alfabetizzare {vt} :: to put in alphabetical order
alfabetizzazione {f} :: literacy
alfabeto {m} /al.faˈbɛ.to/ :: alphabet
alfabeto arabo {m} :: Arabic alphabet, Arabic script
alfabeto fonetico {m} :: phonetic alphabet
Alfabeto Fonetico Internazionale {prop} :: International Phonetic Alphabet
alfabeto semaforico {m} :: semaphore, flag semaphore
alfabeto telefonico {m} :: phonetic alphabet
alfabloccante {m} :: alpha-blocker
Alfa Centauri {prop} :: Alpha Centauri
alfalinolenico {adj} :: α-linolenic (as in omega-3 fatty acids)
alfamedialità {f} :: The merger of alphabetic / typographic culture based on paper with that of multimedia culture based on screens
alfana {f} :: Arab (horse)
Alfano {prop} :: Alfano (town)
Alfano {prop} :: A habitational surname derived from this town
alfanumerico {adj} :: alphanumeric
alfasillabario {m} :: abugida
Alfedena {prop} :: Alfedena (town)
alfeide {m} [zoology] /alˈfɛi̯.de/ :: alpheid
Alfeo {prop} :: Alpheus
alfiere {m} /alˈfjɛre/ :: standard-bearer
alfiere {m} :: ensign
alfiere {m} :: pioneer
alfiere {m} [sports] :: captain
alfiere {m} [chess] :: bishop
alfieresco {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Vittorio Alfieri
Alfieri {prop} :: surname
Alfieri {prop} :: Vittorio Alfieri, Italian writer and poet
alfieriano {adj} :: Alfierian
Alfiero {prop} :: given name
alfine {adv} :: finally, at last
al fine di {conj} :: in order to
Alfio {prop} :: given name
alfista {mf} :: A driver of an Alfa Romeo motorcar, or a collector of such cars
alfitomanzia {f} :: alphitomancy
Alfonsi {prop} :: surname
Alfonso {prop} :: given name
al forno {adj} :: baked or roast; cooked in the oven
Alfredino {prop} :: given name
Alfredo {prop} :: given name
al fresco {adv} :: In a cool place; in the fridge
al fresco {adv} [slang, familiar] :: In the cooler, in/to jail, in/to prison
alga {f} :: seaweed
algale {adj} :: algal
algarello {m} [fishing] /al.ɡaˈrɛl.lo/ :: synonym of negossa
algarrobo {m} /al.ɡarˈrɔ.bo/ :: algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba)
algarrobo {m} [uncountable] :: The wood of this plant
algebra {f} /ˈal.d͡ʒe.bra/ :: algebra
algebra booleana {n} :: synonym of algebra di Boole
algebra booleana {n} :: synonym of reticolo booleano
algebra di Boole {n} [logic, mathematics, algebra] :: Boolean algebra
algebra lineare {f} :: linear algebra
algebricamente {adv} :: algebraically
algebrico {adj} /alˈd͡ʒɛb.ri.ko/ :: algebraic
algebrista {mf} :: algebraist
algente {adj} [poetic] /alˈd͡ʒɛn.te/ :: cold, chilly, algid
algere {v} /ˈal.d͡ʒe.re/ :: To feel cold, freeze
Algeri {prop} :: Algeri (capital city)
Algeria {prop} /al.d͡ʒeˈri.a/ :: Algeria (country)
algerino {adj} :: Algerian
algerino {m} :: Algerian
algesia {f} [medicine] :: algesia
algesimetria {f} :: algometry
algesimetro {m} :: algometer
algherese {adj} /al.ɡeˈre.se/ :: Algherese, relating to Alghero, in Sardinia
algherese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Alghero
algherese {mf} [uncountable, masculine only] :: Algherese (Catalan dialect spoken in Alghero)
Alghero {prop} /alˈɡɛ.ro/ :: Alghero (city/and/port town)
Alghisio {prop} :: given name
-algia {suffix} :: algia
algia {f} [pathology] :: localised pain
algico {adj} [medicine] :: pain (attributive)
algidismo {m} [pathology] :: algidity
algido {adj} [literary] /ˈal.d͡ʒi.do/ :: algid
Algieba {prop} :: Algieba, the third brightest star in the constellation of Leo
alginato {m} [organic chemistry] :: alginate
alginico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alginic
al giorno d'oggi {adv} :: nowadays, these days, today
Algisio {prop} :: given name
Algiso {prop} :: given name
algo- {prefix} [botany] :: alga
algo- {prefix} [pathology] :: sadness; pain
algocoltura {f} :: algaculture
algocultura {f} :: algaculture (Variant of: algocoltura)
algofilia {f} :: algophilia
algofiliaco {adj} :: algophilic
algofobia {f} :: algophobia
algogeno {adj} :: Provoking pain or sorrow
algol {m} [computing] :: ALGOL
Algol {prop} :: Algol, a binary star in the constellation of Perseus
algolagnia {f} :: algolagnia
algologia {f} [biology] :: phycology
algologia {f} [medicine] :: algology
algologo {m} :: phycologist
algologo {m} :: algologist
algometria {f} [medicine] :: algometry
algometro {m} :: algometer
algonchiano {adj} :: Algonkian (late Proterozoic)
algonchino {adj} :: Algonquin
algonchino {m} :: Algonquin
algore {m} /alˈɡo.re/ :: intense cold, frost
algorismo {m} :: algorithm (Variant of: algoritmo)
algoritmicamente {adv} :: algorithmically
algoritmico {adj} :: algorithmic
algoritmo {m} :: algorithm
algoritmo genetico {m} [mathematics, computing] :: genetic algorithm
algoso {adj} :: Full of algae or seaweeds
Alhena {prop} :: Alhena
Alì {prop} :: Ali
aliante {m} :: glider
aliantista {mf} :: glider pilot
Aliarto {prop} :: Haliartus
alias {adv} :: alias
alias {m} :: alias
Alì Babà {prop} :: Ali Baba
alibi {m} /ˈa.li.bi/ :: alibi
alibi di ferro {n} :: castiron alibi
alibi di ferro {n} :: ironclad alibi
alicante {m} :: grenache, Alicante (grape variety)
alice {f} [zoology, ichthyology] :: anchovy
Alice {prop} /aˈliːtʃe/ :: given name
Alichin {prop} :: apocopic form of Alichino
Alichino {prop} :: A fictitious devil from the Divine Comedy
aliciclico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alicyclic
Alicio {prop} :: given name
alicorno {m} /a.liˈkɔr.no/ :: alternative form of liocorno
alicorno {m} [numismatics] :: a coin in medieval Ferrara, which had an image of a unicorn on it
Alicudi {prop} :: One of the Lipari Islands, in the Tyrrhenian Sea
alicula {f} [in Ancient Rome] :: A short tunic with a cape
alidada {f} :: alidade
alidente {v} :: present participle of alidire
Alideo {prop} :: given name
alidire {v} :: To dry, desiccate
alido {adj} :: arid, dry
Alido {prop} :: given name
alidore {m} :: dryness, aridity, desiccation
aliena {f} :: female equivalent of alieno
alienabile {adj} :: alienable
alienabilità {f} :: alienability
alienamento {m} :: alienation
alienamento {m} :: transfer
alienante {v} :: present participle of alienare
alienante {adj} :: alienating
alienantesi {v} :: present participle of alienarsi
alienare {vt} :: to alienate
alienarsi {vr} :: To alienate or estrange oneself
alienatore {m} :: alienator
alienazione {f} :: alienation
alienazione {f} :: transfer (legal)
alienia {f} [pathology] :: asplenia
alienista {mf} :: psychiatrist, alienist
alienità {f} :: Property of belonging to someone else
alieno {adj} :: averse
alieno {adj} :: unwilling
alieno {adj} :: alien
alieno {m} :: alien
alieutica {f} :: fisheries
alieutica {f} :: halieutics
alieutico {adj} :: fisheries (attributive)
alif {f} /a.lif/ :: The name of the Arabic-script letter ا
alifante {m} :: alternative form of elefante
alifatico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aliphatic
aliforme {adj} :: aliform
aliga {f} :: alternative form of alga
Alighieri {prop} /a.liˈɡjɛ.ri/ :: surname notably that of Dante
alighiero {m} [nautical, rare] /a.liˈɡjɛ.ro/ :: synonym of gaffa
alighiero {m} [nautical] :: A sailor using the gaff
Alighiero {prop} /a.liˈɡjɛ.ro/ :: given name
Aligi {prop} :: given name
aligusta {f} [regional, obsolete] :: alternative form of aragosta
alimentabile {adj} :: That can be powered by a specified fuel or power source
alimentante {v} :: present participle of alimentare
alimentantesi {v} :: present participle of alimentarsi
alimentare {adj} :: food (attribute), alimentary, dietary, eating
alimentare {vt} :: To feed, to nourish, to fuel, to nurture
alimentari {mp} :: (shop) grocery, grocery store, grocer's
alimentari {mp} :: foodstuffs, food
alimentarista {mf} :: grocer (food retailer)
alimentarista {mf} :: dietician
alimentarsi {vr} :: To feed (oneself)
alimentatore {m} :: power supply, power supply unit
alimentatore {m} :: feeder
alimentatosi {v} :: past participle of alimentarsi
alimentazione {f} :: nutrition, nourishment, diet, feeding
alimentazione {f} :: (electricity, mechanics, etc.) feed, fuel, power, supply
alimento {m} /a.liˈmen.to/ :: food, nourishment
alimento {m} [in the plural] :: alimony, maintenance
alimento base {m} :: staple
alimento base {m} :: basic or essential supply
Alina {prop} :: given name
alinave {f} [nautical] :: jetfoil
Alino {prop} :: given name
aliossi {mp} :: knucklebones, jacks (children's game)
aliosso {m} :: knucklebone (when used in ancient games of chance)
Alioth {prop} :: Alioth, the brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Major
alipede {adj} :: wing-heeled, hence very fast
Alipio {prop} :: given name
Aliprando {prop} :: given name
aliquota {f} /aˈlikwota/ :: aliquot
aliquota {f} :: rate (financial)
aliscafo {m} :: hydrofoil (vessel)
aliseo {m} /a.li.ˈzɛ.o/ :: trade wind
Alisio {prop} :: given name
Aliso {prop} :: given name
alisoide {f} [maths] :: alysoid, catenary
alisso {m} :: alyssum, madwort (plants of the genus Alyssum)
alisso {m} :: sweet alyssum (plant Lobularia maritima)
Alitalia {prop} /a.liˈtal.ja/ :: The national airline of Italy
alitante {v} :: present participle of alitare
alitare {vi} :: to breath
alitare {vi} :: to speak
alitare {vi} :: to blow
alite {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: halite
alito {m} :: breath
alitosi {f} [pathology] :: halitosis
alitoso {adj} :: halituous
Aliviero {prop} :: given name
alivolo {adj} :: winged
alivolo {adj} :: quick, rapid
alizarina {f} [organic compound] :: alizarin
Alkaid {prop} :: Alkaid, the third brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Major
alkalino {adj} :: alternative form of alcalino
alkikinger {m} :: cape gooseberry (fruit)
all. {adj} :: encl.
alla {prep} :: -style
alla Bismarck {adj} :: served with a fried egg on top
alla bolognese {adj} [cooking, food, chiefly of pasta] :: with bolognese as main condiment
alla bolognese {adj} [cooking, food] :: Bologna-style
alla buona {adj} :: simple, plain, down-to-earth, informal, homely
alla buona {adv} :: simply, plainly, informally, familiarly
alla buona {adv} :: approximately, carelessly
alla buonora {adv} :: finally, at last, It was about time
alla carbonara {adj} [cooking, of pasta sauce] :: with guanciale (pancetta), egg yolks, pecorino romano (a Roman sheep cheese), salt and pepper
alla carlona {adv} [idiom] :: carelessly, roughly
alla carrettiera {adj} [cooking, of pasta sauce] :: with pecorino (or salted ricotta), garlic, and olive oil
alla cazzo di cane {adv} [vulgar, slang] :: badly, poorly, carelessly
all'accattolica {adv} :: Always begging
allacciamento {m} :: connection (especially of services to a property)
allacciante {v} :: present participle of allacciare
allacciantesi {v} :: present participle of allacciarsi
allacciare {vt} :: to fasten
allacciare {vt} :: to lace, buckle [shoes, etc.]
allacciare {vt} :: to connect
allacciare {vt} :: to splice [ropes]
allacciare {vt} [figuratively] :: to form a relationship or rapport with (someone)
allacciarsi {vr} :: To fasten
allacciato {adj} :: fastened
allacciato {adj} :: laced
allacciato {adj} :: connected
allacciato {adj} :: spliced
allacciatosi {v} :: past participle of allacciarsi
allacciatura {f} :: fastening
alla chetichella {adv} :: stealthily, unobtrusively
alla cieca {adv} /ˈalːa ˈt͡ʃe.ka/ :: blindly, gropingly
alla cieca {adv} :: at random
alla cieca {adv} :: a pig in a poke
all'addiaccio {adv} :: on the ground, in the open air
alla deriva {adv} :: adrift
alla diavola {adj} :: devilled (grilled with hot spices)
alla faccia {interj} :: crikey, gee, blimey
alla faccia di {prep} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: in the face of, despite, against, contrary to
alla faccia di {prep} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: so much for
alla fin della fiera {prep} :: at the end of the day, after all, after everything
alla fine {adv} :: on one's last legs, at wit's end
alla fine {adv} :: at the end
alla fine {adv} :: Variant of alfine
alla fine della fiera {adv} :: alternative form of alla fin della fiera
alla fin fine {adv} :: after all, all things considered, in the long run
alla follia {adv} :: madly, crazily
allagabile {adj} :: floodable (e.g. a dry dock)
allagabile {adj} :: liable to flooding (e.g. low-lying ground)
allagamento {m} :: flooding
allagamento {m} :: flood
allagante {v} :: present participle of allagare
allagantesi {v} :: present participle of allagarsi
allagare {vt} :: to flood, to flush
allagare {vt} :: to sluice
allagarsi {vr} :: To become flooded
allagato {adj} :: flooded
allagatosi {v} :: past participle of allagarsi
allagazione {f} :: flooding
alla larga {adv} :: at bay, at a distance, away, clear
alla larga {adv} :: using circumlocution; in a roundabout way
alla leggera {adv} :: lightly, superficially; on a whim
alla leggera {adv} :: in vain (in a disrespectful manner, especially when concerning religion)
alla lettera {adv} [idiom] :: to the letter, literally, verbatim
alla lettera {adj} [idiom, uncommon] :: literal
allalì {interj} :: alternative form of hallalì
alla lunga {adv} :: in the long run
alla lunga {adv} :: over time
alla lunga {adv} :: sooner or later
alla lunga {adv} [literary] :: (from) far away
alla mano {adj} :: on hand
alla mano {adj} :: affable, friendly
all'amatriciana {adj} [of a pasta sauce] /allamatriˈt͡ʃana/ :: made with tomato and guanciale (or pancetta), garlic and parsley
alla meno peggio {adv} :: clumsily
alla meno peggio {adv} :: sloppily
alla meno peggio {adv} :: carelessly
alla moda {adj} :: fashionable, trendy, upscale, stylish
allampanante {v} :: present participle of allampanare
allampanare {v} :: To become thin and haggard
allampanato {adj} :: lanky, gangly
alla mugnaia {adj} [cooking, of fish] :: Floured and subsequently cooked in a pan with lemon juice and butter
alla napoletana {adj} :: in the Neapolitan style
alla napoletana {adj} :: (of pasta sauce) with tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and basil
alla napoletana {adj} :: (of a pizza) with tomato and anchovies
alla norma {adj} [cooking, of a pasta sauce] :: Served with fried eggplants, salted ricotta, tomato sauce and olive oil
allantiasi {f} [pathology] :: allantiasis
allantoide {f} :: allantois
allantoideo {adj} :: allantoid
alla perfezione {adv} :: perfectly
alla perfine {adv} :: finally
all'aperto {adj} :: outdoor, open-air, alfresco
all'aperto {adv} :: outdoors, outside, in the open
alla pescatora {adj} :: (typically of pasta) Served with seafood
allappante {v} :: present participle of allappare
allappare {vt} /al.lapˈpa.re/ :: To set one's teeth on edge
allappare {v} [by extension, slang] :: To cause dry mouth
all'apparenza {adv} :: alternative form of in apparenza
alla puttanesca {adj} [cooking, of a pasta sauce] :: Served with tomatoes, olives, anchovies, garlic and capers; puttanesca
alla raffaella {adj} :: In the manner of Raphael
allargabile {adj} :: That can be widened or broadened; enlargeable
allargamento {m} :: widening, extension, enlargement
allargando {m} [music] /al.larˈɡan.do/ :: A stylistic feature consisting in playing allargando
allargante {v} :: present participle of allargare
allargantesi {v} :: present participle of allargarsi
allargare {vt} :: to widen, enlarge, broaden
allargare {vt} :: to let out [clothing]
allargare {vt} :: to stretch
allargare {vt} :: to open [one's heart]
allargarsi {v} :: reflexive of allargare
allargarsi {vr} :: to widen
allargarsi {vr} :: to stretch
allargarsi {vr} :: to spread
allargascarpe {m} :: shoe stretcher
allargatese {m} :: A machine used to enlarge the brims of hats
allargatoio {m} :: reamer
allargatore {m} :: counterbore
allargatosi {v} :: past participle of allargarsi
allargatrice {f} :: tenter (for cloth)
allargatubi {m} :: mandrel
allargatura {f} :: widening, broadening, stretching, enlargement
all'aria aperta {adv} :: outdoors, in the open air
alla rinfusa {adv} :: randomly, at random
alla rinfusa {adv} :: higgledy-piggledy
alla rinfusa {adv} :: every which way
allarmante {adj} :: alarming, frightening, worrying
allarmantesi {v} :: present participle of allarmarsi
allarmare {vt} :: To alarm, to worry
allarmarsi {v} :: reflexive of allarmare
allarmarsi {vr} :: to get alarmed, get worried
allarmarsi {vr} :: to be alarmed, be worried
allarmatissimo {adj} :: superlative of allarmato
allarmatissimo {adj} :: very alarmed
allarmatissimo {adj} :: very panicky
allarmato {adj} :: alarmed, worried, frightened
allarmato {adj} :: panicky
allarmatosi {v} :: past participle of allarmarsi
all'arme {adv} [military] /alˈlar.me/ :: a command to take up arms and be ready to fight: to arms!
allarme {m} /alˈlar.me/ :: alarm
allarme {m} :: alert
allarmismo {m} :: alarmism
allarmista {mf} :: alarmist
allarmisticamente {adv} :: alarmingly
allarmistico {adj} :: alarmist
alla romana {adj} [of food] :: in the Roman manner
alla romana {adj} :: Dutch treat
alla rovescia {adv} :: upside down
alla rovescia {adv} :: inside out
alla rovescia {adv} :: back to front
alla rovescia {adv} [figuratively] :: contrary to normal or expected
all'arrembaggio {adv} :: assault!
alla salute {interj} :: cheers! (toast when drinking)
allascante {v} :: present participle of allascare
allascare {vt} :: To slacken (a rope etc)
alla scudiera {adj} :: riding (attributive)
alla scudiera {adj} :: [of boots or gloves] with a flap or cuff of a different color than the rest of the fabric
alla siracusana {adj} [cooking, of pasta sauce] :: with fish (usually anchovies) and breadcrumbs
alla spicciolata {adv} :: one by one
alla spicciolata {adv} :: in small groups; in dribs and drabs; few at a time
alla spina {n} :: draft (Referring to drinks on tap)
alla svelta {adv} :: quickly
allativo {adj} :: allative
all'attacco {adv} :: attack!
allattamento {m} :: breastfeeding, breast feeding, nursing, suckling
allattante {v} :: present participle of allattare
allattare {vt} :: To breast feed, to breastfeed, to suckle, to nurse
allattare {vt} :: To feed
allattatrice {f} :: nursing mother
allattatrice {f} :: wet nurse
allattatura {f} :: synonym of allattamento
all'atto pratico {adv} :: practically, all but
alla via così {adv} :: engage!
alla volta {adv} :: at a time, at the same time
alla volta di {prep} :: in the direction of, towards, for
alla zuava {adj} :: Zouave-like
alleante {v} :: present participle of alleare
alleantesi {v} :: present participle of allearsi
alleanza {f} :: alliance
alleanza {f} :: covenant, bond
alleare {vt} [rare] :: to ally, to unite
allearsi {vr} :: to ally oneself (with, to, against), to join the forces, to unite, to form an alliance
alleata {f} :: female equivalent of alleato
alleato {adj} :: allied
alleato {m} :: ally
alleatosi {v} :: past participle of allearsi
alle calcagna {adv} [idiomatic] :: hot on the heels, close behind
alle calende greche {phrase} [idiomatic] :: never; when pigs fly
alle corde {prep} [idiom, also, boxing, also, figurative] :: on the ropes
allegabile {adj} :: producible, adducible
allegagione {f} [botany] :: The setting of fruit (change from a flower)
allegamento {m} :: synonym of allegagione
allegamento {m} :: alloying (of metals)
Allegani {prop} :: Allegheny Mountains, Alleghenies
allegante {v} :: present participle of allegare
allegare {vt} :: To enclose, to attach; to unite
allegare {vt} :: To set one's teeth on edge
allegare {vi} [botany, of fruit] :: To set (change from flower to fruit)
allegare {vt} :: To alloy (metals)
allegare {v} :: to allege
allegare {v} :: to adduce
allegare {v} :: to produce or advance evidence
allegare {v} :: to cite
allegato {adj} :: enclosed
allegato {m} :: enclosure
allegato {m} :: attachment
allegazione {f} [legal] :: The production or advancement of evidence
alleggerente {v} :: present participle of alleggerire
alleggerimento {m} :: lightening
alleggerimento {m} :: loosening
alleggerimento {m} :: easing
alleggerimento {m} :: reduction
alleggerimento quantitativo {m} :: quantitative easing
alleggerire {vt} :: to lighten
alleggerire {vt} :: to lessen, relieve
alleggerire {vt} :: to reduce
alleggiamento {m} :: alleviation, relief
alleggiante {v} :: present participle of alleggiare
alleggiare {vt} [nautical] :: to light (unload a ship)
alleggiare {vt} :: To alleviate, lighten
alleggio {m} [nautical] :: lighter (vessel)
alleggio {m} [nautical] :: lighterage
alleggio {m} [nautical] :: scupper (drainage hole)
Alleghe {prop} :: Alleghe (small town)
Allegheni {prop} :: Allegheny Mountains, Alleghenies
alleghese {adj} :: Of or from Alleghe
Alleghieri {prop} :: alternative form of Alighieri
allegoria {f} /al.le.ɡoˈri.a/ :: allegory
allegoria {f} :: parable
allegoricamente {adv} :: allegorically
allegorico {adj} :: allegoric, allegorical
allegorista {mf} :: allegorist
allegorizzante {v} :: present participle of allegorizzare
allegorizzare {vit} :: to allegorize
allegramente {adv} :: happily, joyfully, cheerfully, merrily
allegramento {m} :: cheer (being happy)
allegramento {m} :: comfort, consolation
allegrante {v} :: present participle of allegrare
allegranza {f} :: joy
allegrare {v} [obsolete] :: To cheer (make happy)
allegrare {v} [obsolete] :: To comfort or console
allegrato {adj} :: gladdened
allegrato {adj} :: congratulated
allegretto {adv} [music] :: allegretto
allegretto {m} :: diminutive of allegro
allegretto {m} [music] :: allegretto
allegrezza {f} :: joy
allegria {f} /al.leˈɡri.a/ :: joy, happiness, frolic
allegria {f} :: vividness
Allegrino {prop} :: given name
allegrissimo {adj} :: superlative of allegro
allegro {adj} :: cheerful
allegro {adj} :: mirthful
Allegro {prop} :: given name
allegrone {m} :: jolly person
allele {m} [genetics] :: allele
allelico {adj} [genetics] :: allelic
allelomorfismo {m} [biology] :: allelomorphism, allelism
allelomorfo {adj} [genetics] :: allelomorphic
allelomorfo {m} [genetics] :: allelomorph
allelopatia {f} [botany] :: allelopathy
allelopatico {adj} [botany] :: allelopathic
alleluia {m} :: hallelujah
alleluiante {v} :: present participle of alleluiare
alleluiare {v} :: To sing hallelujah
alleluiatico {adj} :: hallelujah (attributive)
alleluja {m} :: Variant of alleluia
allemanda {f} [music] :: allemande
allenamento {m} :: training, practice, workout
allenamento {m} :: shape, condition
allenamento {m} :: coaching
allenante {v} :: present participle of allenare
allenantesi {v} :: present participle of allenarsi
allenare {vt} /al.leˈna.re/ :: to train, exercise
allenare {vt} :: to coach
allenare {vi} [literary] :: to lessen, diminish, weaken
allenarsi {v} /al.leˈnar.si/ :: reflexive of allenare
allenarsi {vr} :: to train (oneself)
allenarsi {vr} :: to do exercises
allenarsi {vi} [literary] :: to diminish, lessen, weaken
allenatore {m} :: coach, manager, trainer
allenatosi {v} :: past participle of allenarsi
allenatrice {f} :: female equivalent of allenatore
allene {m} [organic compound] :: allene
allenente {v} :: present participle of allenire
allenilidene {m} [organic chemistry] :: allenylidene
allenire {v} :: To soothe
allenire {v} :: To mitigate
allenire {v} :: To wane
allentamento {m} :: slackening, loosening
allentamento {m} :: relaxation
allentante {v} :: present participle of allentare
allentantesi {v} :: present participle of allentarsi
allentare {vt} :: to loosen [a knot, etc.]
allentare {vt} :: to slacken
allentare {vt} :: to relax
allentarsi {v} :: reflexive of allentare
allentarsi {vr} :: to loosen
allentarsi {vr} :: to work loose
allentato {adj} :: loosened
allentato {adj} :: slack
allentatosi {v} :: past participle of allentarsi
allentatura {f} [colloquial, pathology] :: hernia
allenza {f} :: alternative form of alleanza
all'epoca {prep} :: back in the day
alle porte {adj} :: near, round the corner, close
allergene {m} :: allergen
allergenico {adj} :: allergenic
allergia {f} :: allergy
allergicamente {adv} :: allergically
allergico {adj} :: allergic
allergizzante {adj} :: allergenic
allergizzare {vt} :: to make allergic
allergo- {prefix} :: allergy (attributive)
allergologa {f} :: female equivalent of allergologo
allergologia {f} [medicine] :: allergology
allergologico {adj} :: allergological, allergology (attributive)
allergologo {m} :: allergologist
allergopatia {f} [pathology] :: allergy (allergic disease)
allergosi {f} :: synonym of allergopatia
all'erta {adj} :: alternative spelling of allerta
all'erta {m} :: alternative spelling of allerta
allerta {adj} :: alert, attentive, vigilant
allerta {m} :: alert, alarm, warning signal, alarm bell
allertamento {m} :: alert (sign or signal)
allertante {v} :: present participle of allertare
allertare {vt} :: to alert
allertare {vt} :: to alarm
allertato {adj} :: alerted
allertato {adj} :: warned
allertato {adj} :: alarmed
allertatore {m} [neologism] :: alarmist
alle spalle {prep} [also, figurative] :: (typically with di or possessive pronoun) behind
allessante {v} :: present participle of allessare
allessare {v} :: alternative form of lessare
allesso {adj} :: boiled
allestente {v} :: present participle of allestire
all'estero {prep} :: in a foreign country; abroad, overseas
allestimento {m} :: preparation, setup, setting up, organization [of an exhibition, display]
allestimento {m} :: preparation, dressing [of a window]
allestimento {m} :: preparation, putting together [of a dinner]
allestimento {m} :: furnishing [with equipment]
allestimento {m} :: staging, production [a drama, film, etc.]
allestire {vt} :: to organize, prepare [an exhibition, etc.]
allestire {vt} :: to dress [a window]
allestire {vt} :: to furnish the necessary equipment or armament
allestire {vt} :: to rig out, fit out [a ship, airplane, etc.]
allestire {vt} :: to stage, produce [a drama, etc.]
allestitore {m} :: organizer (person)
allestitore {m} :: shopfitter, window dresser
allestitura {f} :: synonym of allestimento
allettamento {m} :: enticement, allurement
allettamento {m} :: attraction, allure
allettamento {m} [agriculture] :: lodging
allettante {v} :: present participle of allettare
allettante {adj} :: attractive, enticing, alluring
allettantemente {adv} :: attractively, enticingly, alluringly
allettantesi {v} :: present participle of allettarsi
allettare {vt} :: to attract, to entice
allettare {vt} :: to lodge
allettarsi {vr} :: To be confined to one's bed
allettativo {adj} :: attractive (able to attract)
allettativo {m} :: enticement
allettato {adj} :: bedridden
allettatore {m} :: enticer, charmer
allettatore {adj} :: enticing, alluring, tempting, attractive
allettatosi {v} :: past participle of allettarsi
allettevole {adj} :: attractive
allettevole {adj} :: enticing
allevamento {m} :: breeding or rearing (of animals)
allevamento {m} :: farm
allevamento {m} :: stud farm
allevamento {m} :: kennels
allevante {v} :: present participle of allevare
allevare {vt} :: To breed or rear (animals)
allevare {vt} :: To bring up (children)
allevato {adj} [chiefly in combination] :: brought up, bred
allevatore {m} :: breeder
allevatrice {f} :: female equivalent of allevatore
alleviamento {m} :: lightening
alleviamento {m} :: alleviation, relief
alleviante {v} :: present participle of alleviare
alleviare {vt} :: to alleviate, relieve
alleviatore {adj} :: alleviating, relieving
alleviatore {adj} :: comforting
alle volte {adv} :: sometimes, occasionally
alliacea {f} :: allium (any plant, such as lily or onion, in the family Alliaceae)
allibante {v} :: present participle of allibare
allibare {vt} [nautical] :: to light (unload a vessel)
allibente {v} :: present participle of allibire
allibire {v} :: to turn pale through shock or fright
allibo {m} [nautical] :: lighter (vessel)
allibramento {m} :: registration
allibramento {m} :: entry (in a book)
allibrante {v} :: present participle of allibrare
allibrare {vt} :: to register
allibrare {vt} :: to enter [in a book]
allibratore {m} :: bookmaker
allicciante {v} :: present participle of allicciare
allicciare {vt} :: To heddle
allicciare {vt} :: To sharpen a saw
allicciatura {f} :: saw setting, blade setting; saw set
allidente {v} :: present participle of allidere
allidere {vt} [obsolete] /alˈli.de.re/ :: to hit, beat
allietante {v} :: present participle of allietare
allietantesi {v} :: present participle of allietarsi
allietare {vt} :: to cheer up (make someone happy)
allietarsi {v} :: reflexive of allietare
allietarsi {v} :: to cheer up (become happy)
allietatosi {v} :: past participle of allietarsi
allieva {f} :: female equivalent of allievo
allievo {m} :: pupil, student
alligatore {m} :: alligator
alligazione {f} :: alloying (industrial process)
allignamento {m} :: alignment
allignante {v} :: present participle of allignare
allignare {vi} :: To take root
allignare {vi} :: To flourish, to thrive, to spread
allile {m} [organic chemistry] :: allyl
al limite della sopportazione {prep} :: at the end of one's tether, at the end of one's rope, wits' end
all'impazzata {adv} :: amok
all'impazzata {adv} :: wildly
all'impazzata {adv} :: at breakneck speed
all'improvviso {adv} :: suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, out of the blue, spontaneously
all'incirca {adv} :: about, approximately, roughly, more or less, odd
all'incontrario {adv} :: in the wrong order, orientation, etc.; back to front, upside down, backwards, other way round
allindante {v} :: present participle of allindare
allindare {v} :: To cleanse
allindare {v} :: To beautify
allindare {v} :: To refine
allineamento {m} :: alignment
allineante {v} :: present participle of allineare
allineantesi {v} :: present participle of allinearsi
allineare {vt} /al.li.neˈa.re/ :: to align
allineare {vt} :: to line up
allinearsi {v} /al.li.neˈar.si/ :: reflexive of allineare
allinearsi {vr} :: to line up
allinearsi {vr} :: to align oneself (with)
allineatamente {adv} :: in line
allineato {adj} :: aligned
allineato {adj} :: in line, lined up
allineatore {m} [rowing] :: referee who aligns the boats at the start of a rowing race
allineatosi {v} :: past participle of allinearsi
all'infinito {adv} :: synonym of quanto ti pare
all'infuori {adv} :: outward
all'infuori {prep} :: (with di) outside (of), except, apart (from)
all'ingrosso {adv} :: wholesale
all'ingrosso {adv} :: roughly, approximately
all'insaputa di {prep} :: without (someone's) knowledge; unbeknown to (someone)
all'insù {adv} :: up, upwards, upward
all'interno {adv} :: inside, within, on the inside
all'interno di {prep} :: inside, within
allisciatoio {m} :: A tool used in foundries to prepare the moulds into which liquid metal is poured
all'istante {adv} :: instantly, right away, immediately, forthwith
allitterativo {adj} :: alliterative
allitterazione {f} :: alliteration
alliumfobia {f} :: alliumphobia (an aversion to garlic)
allobiologia {f} :: exobiology, astrobiology
allobiologico {adj} :: exobiological
allobiosi {f} [biology] :: allobiosis
allobrogo {adj} :: Allobrogian
allocante {v} :: present participle of allocare
allocare {vt} :: To allocate, to room
allocativo {adj} :: allocative
allocato {adj} :: allocated
allocazione {f} :: allocation
alloccaggine {f} :: synonym of balordaggine
allocchente {v} :: present participle of allocchire
alloccherello {m} /al.lok.keˈrɛl.lo/ :: synonym of assiolo
alloccheria {f} :: foolishness, folly
allocchire {vi} :: to be dismayed, dumbfounded, astounded
allocchire {vi} :: to become stupid, dull
allocchito {adj} :: dazed, astounded
allocco {m} :: tawny owl or brown owl
allocco {m} :: sucker, chump
allocco degli Urali {m} :: Ural owl
allocentrismo {m} :: allocentrism
allochero {m} [linguistics] :: allocher
allocoria {f} [biology] :: allochory
allocoro {adj} :: allochoric
allocromasia {f} [pathology] :: allochromasia
allocromatico {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: allochromatic
alloctono {adj} [botany, geology, zoology] :: allochthonous
allocutivo {adj} :: speech (attributive)
allocutore {m} :: addressee (of speech)
allocutorio {adj} :: speech (attributive)
allocuzione {f} :: allocution, speech, tirade, sermon, diatribe, harangue
allodiale {adj} :: allodial
allodio {m} :: allodium
allodola {f} :: skylark - bird
allofonico {adj} :: allophonic
allofono {m} :: allophone
allogamento {m} :: placing, assignment
allogamento {m} :: leasing, lease
allogamento {m} :: investing (money)
allogamia {f} :: allogamy
allogante {v} :: present participle of allogare
allogare {vt} :: to arrange, settle
allogare {vt} :: to accommodate, lodge
allogare {vt} :: to marry off
allogare {vt} :: to lease
allogare {vt} :: to invest
allogazione {f} :: renting, leasing
allogazione {f} :: commission, order
allogenico {adj} :: allogeneic
allogeno {adj} :: ethnic (minority)
alloggiamento {m} :: lodging
alloggiamento {m} :: chamber
alloggiante {v} :: present participle of alloggiare
alloggiare {vt} :: To accommodate or put up someone
alloggiare {vit} :: To room
alloggiare {vi} :: To stay or lodge (at) or bestow
alloggio {m} :: lodging, accommodation
alloggio {m} :: flat, apartment
allogliato {adj} [of grain] :: Mixed with chaff
alloglotto {adj} :: minority (language of a region)
allografo {m} :: allograph
allometria {f} [biology] :: allometry
allomorfismo {m} [chemistry] :: allomorphism
allomorfo {adj} :: allomorphic
allomorfo {m} [chemistry, linguistics] :: allomorph
allonimo {adj} :: allonymous
allontanabile {adj} :: That can be sent away or expelled
allontanamento {m} :: removal
allontanamento {m} :: turning back, expulsion
allontanamento {m} :: departure
allontanante {v} :: present participle of allontanare
allontanantesi {v} :: present participle of allontanarsi
allontananto {adj} :: moved away
allontananto {adj} :: removed
allontanare {vt} :: to move away, pull away, push away
allontanare {vt} :: to spread out; to scatter
allontanare {vt} :: to send away, take away
allontanare {vt} :: to avert, avoid
allontanare {vt} :: to detach, divide, or separate
allontanare {vt} :: to estrange (cause to feel less friendly)
allontanarsi {v} :: reflexive of allontanare
allontanarsi {v} :: to go away, go off, leave
allontanarsi {v} :: to be absent
allontanarsi {v} :: to stop frequenting [a place]
allontanarsi {v} :: to stop seeing somebody; to lose touch; to distance oneself
allontanarsi {v} [figurative, by extension] :: to stray, deviate
allontanatosi {v} :: past participle of allontanarsi
allopatia {f} [medicine] :: allopathy
allopatico {adj} [medicine] :: allopathic
alloplastica {f} [surgery] /al.loˈplas.ti.ka/ :: alloplasty
alloplastico {adj} [surgery] /al.loˈplas.ti.ko/ :: alloplastic
allopoliploide {adj} :: allopolyploid
allopoliploidia {f} [genetics] :: allopolyploidy
alloppiare {v} :: To spike a drink with opium
alloppiare {v} :: To send to sleep with such a drink
alloppiare {v} :: To numb
allopurinolo {m} [organic compound] :: allopurinol
allor {adv} :: apocopic form of allora
allora {adv} /alˈlora/ :: so, well then
allora {adv} :: at the time, then (at some time in the past)
allorché {conj} /allorˈke/ :: Variant of allora chewhen
allorismo {m} :: A tendency to justify ones opinions by reference to similar situations without actually refuting specific criticism
allorista {m} :: A person who practices allorismo
alloritmia {f} [pathology] :: allorhythmia
alloro {m} :: laurel
alloro {m} :: bay (in cooking); bay leaf
allorquando {conj} :: when
allosauro {m} [dinosaurs] :: allosaurus
allo sbaraglio {adv} [idiomatic] :: To certain death
allo scoglio {adj} [cooking, of a pasta sauce] :: Served with mussels, clams, scampi, prawns, white wine and olive oil; seafood
allo scoperto {prep} :: in the open
allo spiedo {adj} :: cooked on a spit
allosteria {f} [biochemistry] :: allostery
allosterico {adj} [biochemistry] :: allosteric
allo stesso tempo {adv} :: at the same time, together, at once, simultaneously
allotigeno {adj} [geology] :: allogenic
allotrapianto {m} [surgery] :: allotransplantation
allotrio {adj} :: foreign
allotriomorfo {adj} [geology, mineralogy] :: allotriomorphic
allotropia {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: allotropy
allotropico {adj} :: allotropic
allotropo {m} [chemistry] :: allotrope
allotropo {m} [linguistics] :: doublet
allotta {adv} [obsolete] /alˈlɔt.ta/ :: at the time, then [referring to the past]
allottamento {m} :: apportioning
allottante {v} :: present participle of allottare
allottare {vt} :: To apportion
allucchettante {v} :: present participle of allucchettare
allucchettare {v} :: To padlock
allucciolante {v} :: present participle of allucciolare
allucciolare {v} :: To shimmer
allucciolare {v} :: To scintillate, twinkle
allucciolio {m} :: twinkle
alluce {m} [anatomy] /ˈal.lu.tʃe/ :: big toe, hallux
allucinamento {m} :: synonym of allucinazione
allucinante {v} :: present participle of allucinare
allucinante {adj} :: awful, terrifying
allucinante {adj} :: amazing
allucinare {vt} :: to hallucinate
allucinare {vt} :: to shock, appal
allucinatamente {adv} :: confusedly, bewilderedly
allucinato {adj} :: terrified
allucinato {adj} :: confused, bewildered
allucinatorio {adj} :: hallucinatory
allucinazione {f} :: hallucination
allucinogeno {adj} :: hallucinogenic
allucinogeno {m} :: hallucinogen
allucinosi {f} :: hallucinosis
alludente {v} :: present participle of alludere
alludere {vt} /alˈlu.de.re/ :: to allude (to)
alludere {vt} :: to hint (at)
all'ultimo momento {adv} [idiomatic] :: At the last possible moment; at the last minute
allumacare {vt} [Tuscan] /al.lu.maˈka.re/ :: To mark with a trail of mucus
allumacare {vt} [Tuscan, by extension] :: To make streaks on (a fabric) by ironing it against the nap
allumacato {adj} /al.lu.maˈka.to/ :: Marked by a trail of snail mucus
allumacatura {f} :: The trail left by a snail
allumante {v} :: present participle of allumare
allumare {vt} /al.luˈma.re/ :: to treat cloth with alum prior to dying it
allumare {vt} [obsolete, poetic] :: To make bright, brighten, illuminate
allumare {vt} [obsolete, poetic] :: To kindle, light (e.g. a fire)
allumare {vt} [regional] :: To eye
allumatura {f} :: aluming (steeping in alum)
all'umberta {adj} :: crew cut (attributive)
allume {m} :: alum
allume di rocca {m} :: crystalline alum (as a mineral)
allumiera {f} :: alum mine / quarry
allumina {f} :: alumina
alluminante {v} :: present participle of alluminare
alluminare {vt} :: to add gold or silver to pigments in order to make the painting (usually a miniature) shine
alluminato {m} :: aluminate
alluminato di sodio {m} :: sodium aluminate
alluminatore {m} [art] :: miniaturist
alluminatura {f} :: aluminizing
alluminiante {v} :: present participle of alluminiare
alluminiare {v} :: alternative form of alluminare
alluminico {adj} :: aluminic
alluminieria {f} :: aluminium works
alluminifero {adj} :: aluminiferous
alluminio {m} [chemistry] /al.luˈmi.njo/ :: aluminium
alluminio anodizzato {m} :: anodized aluminium
alluminioidruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: aluminohydride
alluminio nativo {m} :: native aluminium
alluminite {f} :: aluminite
alluminocopiapite {f} [mineralogy] :: aluminocopiapite
alluminosi {f} :: aluminosis
alluminosilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: aluminosilicate
alluminoso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: aluminous
alluminotermia {f} :: aluminothermy
alluminotermico {adj} :: aluminothermic
allumosilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: aluminosilicate
allunaggio {m} :: moon landing
allunamento {m} [nautical] :: roach (curve in the bottom of a sail)
allunante {v} :: present participle of allunare
allunare {vt} [rare] :: To shape something into a half-moon shape
allunare {vi} [space travel] :: To land (on the Moon)
allungabile {adj} :: extendable
allungaciglia {adj} :: Describing a mascara that gives the impression of longer eyelashes
allungamento {m} :: lengthening
allungamento {m} :: prolonging
allungamento {m} :: extension
allungante {v} :: present participle of allungare
allungantesi {v} :: present participle of allungarsi
allungare {vt} :: to lengthen
allungare {vt} :: to stretch out
allungare {vt} :: to pass or hand
allungare {vt} :: to dilute or water down
allungarsi {v} :: reflexive of allungare
allungarsi {v} :: to get longer, lengthen, grow, extend
allungarsi {v} :: to stretch out, lie down
allungato {adj} :: diluted, watery, thin, watered down, wishy-washy
allungatosi {v} :: past participle of allungarsi
allungatura {f} :: lengthening, extending, prolonging
allungatura {f} :: elongation, extension, prolongation
allungo {m} :: lunge
all'uopo {adv} /alˈlwɔ.po/ :: if need be
allupante {v} :: present participle of allupare
allupare {v} :: To become wolflike (especially from hunger or sexual desire)
allupato {adj} [colloquial] :: horny, randy, toey
allusione {f} :: allusion (to)
allusione {f} :: hint (at)
allusione {f} :: inkling
allusivamente {adv} :: allusively
allusività {f} :: allusiveness
allusivo {adj} :: allusive
alluviale {adj} [geology] :: alluvial
alluvionale {adj} :: alluvial
alluvionale {adj} :: flood (attributive)
alluvionante {v} :: present participle of alluvionare
alluvionare {v} :: To inundate
alluvionato {adj} :: flooded
alluvione {f} :: flood, inundation
alluvione {f} :: alluvion
alluzzante {v} :: present participle of alluzzare
alluzzare {v} :: To attract, entice
alma {f} [literary] :: soul
Almach {prop} [star] :: Almach (the third brightest point of light in the constellation of Andromeda)
almagesto {m} [astronomy] :: almagest
Almagià {prop} :: surname
Almagià {prop} :: Roberto Almagià, Italian naturalist and explorer
almanaccamento {m} :: daydream, reverie
almanaccamento {m} :: conjecture
almanaccante {v} :: present participle of almanaccare
almanaccare {vi} :: to daydream
almanaccare {vi} :: to puzzle or muse (over)
almanaccatore {m} :: daydreamer
almanacchista {mf} :: almanac compiler
almanacco {m} :: almanac
almanaccone {m} :: (merely a ) daydreamer
almandino {m} [mineral] :: almandine
almansore {m} :: synonym of difensore
al massimo {prep} :: at most
almea {f} :: An oriental singer and dancer
almen {adv} :: apocopic form of almeno
almeno {adv} /alˈme.no/ :: at least
almeno {conj} [followed by the imperfect subjunctive] :: if only!
Almerigo {prop} :: given name
Almerino {prop} :: given name
almiraglio {m} :: alternative form of ammiraglio
Almiro {prop} :: given name
Almissa {prop} :: Almissa (city)
almo {adj} :: fertile
almo {adj} :: noble
almodovariano {adj} :: Almodovarian
almogavero {m} :: almogavar
almucantarat {m} [astronomy] :: almucantar
almuzia {f} /alˈmut.t͡sja/ :: almuce
Alnair {prop} :: Alnair, a star in the constellation of Grus
al niente {adv} :: al niente
Alnilam {prop} :: Alnilam, a star in the constellation of Orion
Alnitak {prop} :: Alnitak, a star in the constellation of Orion
alo- {prefix} [chemistry] :: halo-
alobio {adj} :: halobiont (attributive)
alobio {m} :: halobiont
alocasia {f} :: alocasia
aloe {mf} :: aloe (plant)
aloè {mf} :: alternative form of aloe
aloetico {adj} :: aloetic
alofauna {f} [biology] :: Any animal that lives in a salty or brackish environment
alofilo {adj} :: halophilic
alofilo {m} [biology] :: halophile
alofita {f} [botany] :: halophyte
aloflora {f} [biology] :: Any plant that lives in a salty or brackish environment
alogena {f} :: halogen lamp
alogenante {v} :: present participle of alogenare
alogenare {vt} [chemistry] :: to halogenate
alogenato {adj} [organic chemistry] :: halogenated
alogenazione {f} [chemistry] :: halogenation
alogenico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: halogenic
alogenidrico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: halohydric
alogeno {m} [chemistry] /aˈlɔ.d͡ʒe.no/ :: halogen
alogeno {adj} :: Halogen (attributive)
alogenuro {m} [chemistry] :: halide
alogicamente {adv} :: alogically
alogico {adj} :: alogical
aloide {adj} [mineralogy] :: haloid
aloide {m} [mineralogy] :: haloid
Aloisio {prop} :: given name
Aloisio {prop} :: surname
alonante {v} :: present participle of alonare
alonare {vt} :: To halo
alone {m} :: halo
alone {m} :: glow
Alonzi {prop} :: surname
alopecia {f} [pathology] :: alopecia
alosa {f} :: shad (fish)
alpaca {m} /ˈal.pa.ka/ :: alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
alpaca {m} [uncountable] :: alpaca (wool)
alpaca {m} [uncountable] :: A fabric made out of a mixture of wool and cotton
alpacca {f} :: German silver, nickel silver
alpaga {m} /ˈal.pa.ɡa/ :: alternative form of alpaca
alpagà {m} /al.paˈɡa/ :: alternative form of alpaca
alpe {f} :: alp
alpeggiante {v} :: present participle of alpeggiare
alpeggiare {vit} /al.pedˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: to (lead animals to) pasture in Alpine meadows in the summer
alpeggio {m} /alˈped.d͡ʒo/ :: mountain pasture
Alperto {prop} :: given name
alpestre {adj} /alˈpɛs.tre/ :: alpine
alpestre {adj} :: mountain (attributive)
alpestro {adj} :: medieval spelling of alpestre
Alphard {prop} :: Alphard, the brightest star in the constellation of Hydra
Alphecca {prop} :: Alphecca, the brightest star in the constellation of Corona Borealis
Alpheratz {prop} [star] :: Alpheratz (the brightest star in the constellation of Andromeda)
Alpi {prop} :: Alpi (mountain range)
alpicoltura {f} :: cultivation of Alpine crops
alpigiano {adj} [botany] :: Alpine
alpigiano {adj} [botany] :: mountain (attributive)
alpigiano {m} :: Person who lives in the Alps (or other mountains), mountaineer
alpinismo {m} :: mountaineering, alpinism
alpinista {mf} :: mountaineer, climber, alpinist
alpinisticamente {adv} :: with regard to mountaineering or alpinism
alpinistico {adj} :: alpinist, climbing
alpino {adj} :: alpine
alpino {m} :: Italian alpine soldier
Alpinolo {prop} :: given name
al più presto {adv} :: as soon as possible
al più presto {adv} :: right away
al più presto {adv} :: at once
al più presto {adv} :: forthwith
al più presto {adv} :: immediately
al più presto {adv} :: instantly
al più presto {adv} :: now
al più presto {adv} :: straight away
al più presto {adv} :: without delay
al posto di {prep} :: instead of, in (the) place of, rather than, in lieu of
al postutto {adv} :: after all, in the end
al primo colpo {prep} :: at the first attempt
alquanto {adj} :: An amount of; some
alquanto {pron} :: An amount; some
alquanto {adv} :: rather, somewhat
Alrai {prop} :: A star in the constellation of Cepheus
al sangue {adj} :: rare (cooked very lightly)
Alsazia {prop} :: Alsace
alsaziano {adj} :: Alsatian
alsaziano {m} :: Alsatian (person)
alsaziano {m} :: Alsatian, German shepherd
alt {interj} :: stop!
Alta Austria {prop} :: Alta Austria (state)
Altaforte {prop} :: Hautefort
altaico {adj} :: Altaic
Altair {prop} :: Altair
altalena {f} /altaˈlɛna/ :: swing
altalena {f} :: seesaw
altalenante {v} :: present participle of altalenare
altalenante {adj} :: see-sawing, oscillating, fluctuating
altalenare {vi} :: to swing
altalenare {vi} :: to waver, hesitate
altalenare {vi} :: to be indecisive
altaleno {m} :: well sweep (device, with a long poll, for raising water)
alta marea {f} :: high tide
altamente {adv} :: highly
altamente {adv} :: extremely
alta moda {n} :: high fashion
Altamura {prop} :: Altamura (town)
altamurano {adj} :: Of, or from, Altamura
altamurano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Altamura
altana {f} :: Covered roof terrace
altanella {f} [Venice] /al.taˈnɛl.la/ :: A covered terrace on a roof, or sometimes extending over a canal
altare {m} :: altar
Altare {prop} :: Ara (constellation)
altarino {m} :: A small, portable altar
altarino {m} :: A tabernacle
altarolo {m} [art] :: altarpiece
altea {f} /alˈtɛ.a/ :: marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
Alte Alpi {prop} :: Alte Alpi (department)
Altedo {prop} :: A village near Bologna in Emilia-Romagna
al tempo stesso {adv} :: at the same time, together, at once, simultaneously
Alteo {prop} :: given name
Altera {prop} :: surname
alterabile {adj} :: impermanent (colour)
alterabile {adj} :: changeable
alterabile {adj} :: unstable
alterabile {adj} :: unreliable
alterabilità {f} :: alterability, changeability
alterabilità {f} :: perishability
alterabilità {f} :: irritability
alteramente {adv} :: proudly
alteramente {adv} :: arrogantly, haughtily
alterante {v} :: present participle of alterare
alterantesi {v} :: present participle of alterarsi
alterare {vt} :: to distort, to tamper
alterare {vt} :: to affect, to impair
alterare {vt} :: to alter, to change
alterarsi {v} :: reflexive of alterare
alterarsi {vr} :: to become altered, distorted
alterarsi {vr} :: to change
alterarsi {vr} :: to spoil [of food etc.]
alteratamente {adv} :: overwroughtly
alterativo {adj} :: alterative
alterato {adj} :: overwrought
alteratosi {v} :: past participle of alterarsi
alterazione {f} :: alteration, modification, change (especially for the worse)
alterazione {f} :: degradation
altercante {v} :: present participle of altercare
altercare {vi} :: to quarrel, argue
altercatore {m} :: quarreller
altercazione {f} :: altercation, row, dispute, wrangle
alterco {m} :: altercation, row, dispute, wrangle
alterezza {f} :: pride
alterezza {f} :: arrogance, haughtiness
alterigia {f} /al.teˈri.d͡ʒa/ :: hauteur
alterigia {f} :: arrogance
alterità {f} :: alterity, otherness
alternabilità {f} :: The possibility of complete change in state political policy
alternante {adj} [mathematics] :: alternating
alternante {v} :: present participle of alternare
alternantesi {v} :: present participle of alternarsi
alternanza {f} :: alternation
alternanza {f} :: rotation (of crops)
alternare {vt} :: to alternate
alternare {vt} [agriculture] :: to rotate [crops]
alternarsi {v} :: reflexive of alternare
alternarsi {vr} :: to alternate, take turns
alternarsi {m} :: alternation, succession
alternatamente {adv} :: alternately
alternativa {f} :: alternative
alternativamente {adv} :: alternatively
alternatività {f} :: alternativity
alternativo {adj} :: alternative
alternato {adj} :: alternate
alternato {adj} :: alternating
alternatore {m} :: alternator
alternatosi {v} :: past participle of alternarsi
alternazione {f} :: alternation
alterno {adj} :: alternate, alternating, every other
alterno {adj} [mathematics, botany] :: alternate
altero {adj} /alˈtɛ.ro/ :: proud, haughty, scornful, lofty
Altero {prop} :: given name
altezza {f} :: height, altitude, tallness
altezza {f} :: height, stature
altezza {f} [monarchy] :: Highness
altezzosamente {adv} :: haughtily, proudly, arrogantly
altezzosità {f} :: haughtiness, arrogance
altezzoso {adj} :: haughty
altezzoso {adj} :: arrogant
altica {f} :: flea beetle
alticcio {adj} :: tipsy, squiffy
altimetria {f} :: altimetry
altimetricamente {adv} :: altimetrically
altimetricamente {adv} :: in terms of height (above sea level)
altimetrico {adj} :: altimetric
altimetrico {adj} :: Relating to height (above sea level)
altimetro {m} :: altimeter
altipiano {m} :: alternative form of altopiano
altiporto {m} :: mountain landing strip
altisonante {adj} :: high-sounding
altisonante {adj} :: pompous
altissimo {adj} :: superlative of alto
Altissimo {m} :: Almighty, God
altitonante {adj} :: synonym of altisonante
altitudinale {adj} :: altitudinal
altitudine {f} /al.tiˈtu.di.ne/ :: height, altitude, elevation
alto- {prefix} :: high
alto {adj} :: high, tall
alto {adj} :: deep
alto {adj} :: loud
Alto Adige {prop} /al.toˈ-a.di.d͡ʒe/ :: South Tyrol, a predominantly German-speaking region of north-eastern Italy, known in German as Südtirol. Named after the region's foremost river, Adige, it is part of the administrative region of Trentino-Alto Adige
altoatesina {f} /ˌal.to.a.teˈzi.na/ :: A native or inhabitant of Alto Adige (South Tyrol)
altoatesino {adj} /ˌal.to.a.teˈzi.no/ :: Of or relating to Alto Adige (South Tyrol)
altoatesino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Alto Adige
Altobello {prop} :: given name
altobollente {adj} :: high(er) boiling point (attributive)
altoborghese {adj} :: upper-class
alto come un soldo di cacio {adj} :: knee high to a grasshopper
alto come un soldo di cacio {adj} [idiomatic] :: short; especially relating to when the subject was a small child
altocumulo {m} [meteorology] :: altocumulus
altofondente {adj} :: high-melting (having a high melting point)
altofondo {m} :: shallow (area of sea)
altoforno {m} :: blast furnace
altogardesano {adj} :: Of or from the region around the Northern part of Lake Garda
altoitaliano {adj} :: northern Italian
altolà {interj} :: stop there!
altolà {interj} :: halt
altolà {m} :: such a command
altolocato {adj} :: high-level, high-ranking, high-class
altomedievale {adj} :: high / late medieval
altomedioevo {m} :: Early Middle Ages
altometaurense {adj} :: Of or from Alto Metauro
altomilanese {adj} :: Of or from the Altomilanese region
Altomilanese {prop} :: Altomilanese (region) that includes the provinces of Milano, Varese and Como
altoparlante {m} :: speaker, loudspeaker
altopiano {m} :: plateau, tableland, highlands
altorilievo {m} [sculpture] :: high relief
altosonante {adj} :: synonym of altisonante
altostrato {m} [meteorology] :: altostratus
alto tedesco antico {m} :: Old High German (language)
altotiberino {adj} :: Upper Tiber (attributive)
altramente {adv} :: alternative form of altrimenti
altramenti {adv} :: alternative form of altrimenti
altra volta {f} [music] :: encore
altremente {adv} :: alternative form of altrimenti
altrementi {adv} :: alternative form of altrimenti
altresì {adv} :: besides
altresì {adv} :: similarly
altresì {adv} :: equally
altrettale {adj} :: similar, equal, analogous
altrettale {adv} :: similarly
altrettanto {adj} :: as much, as many
altrettanto {pron} :: (in response to good wishes, etc.) same to you, you too
altrettanto {pron} :: as much, as many
altrettanto {adv} :: equally
altrettanto {adv} :: likewise
altr'ieri {m} :: alternative form of altro ieri
altrieri {m} :: alternative form of altro ieri
altrimenti {adv} :: otherwise, or else
altrimenti {adv} :: differently, contrasting
altro {adj} /ˈal.tro/ :: other, another, more, further, else
altro {adj} :: previous, last
altro {pron} :: other, other man, another, more, somebody else
altro che {prep} [idiomatic] :: so much for
altroché {adv} :: yes certainly
altro ieri {m} :: only in l'altro ieri
altroieri {m} :: day before yesterday
altronde {adv} [rare] :: elsewhere, somewhere else
altrotale {adj} :: alternative form of altrettale
altrotale {adv} :: alternative form of altrettale
altrotanto {adj} :: alternative form of altrettanto
altrotanto {adv} :: alternative form of altrettanto
altrove {adv} :: elsewhere, somewhere else
altrui {adj} [possessive] :: another person's, someone else's, other people's, of others (genitive of altro)
altruismo {m} :: altruism, unselfishness
altruista {adj} :: unselfish
altruista {mf} :: altruist
altruisticamente {adv} :: altruistically
altruisticamente {adv} :: unselfishly
altruistico {adj} :: altruistic, unselfish
altura {f} :: height, high ground
altura {f} :: deep sea
altura {f} :: high water
Alture del Golan {prop} :: Golan Heights
alturiere {m} [nautical] :: sea-going vessel
alturiero {adj} [nautical] :: sea-going; open sea (attributive)
aluccia {f} :: diminutive of ala
aluccia {f} :: winglet
aludella {f} :: an aludel
Aludra {prop} :: Aludra, a star in the constellation of Canis Majoris
alula {f} /ˈa.lu.la/ :: Meanings related to zoology:
alula {f} [ornithology] :: bastard wing, alula
alula {f} [entomology] :: alula, axillary lobe (broad lobe at the proximal posterior margin of the wing stalk of Diptera)
alula {f} [aeronautics] :: leading-edge slot (aerodynamic feature of an aircraft's wing)
a lume di naso {adv} :: by the rule of thumb
aluminite {f} [mineral] :: aluminite
a lungo {adv} :: for long time, at length
a lungo termine {adv} :: long-term
alunite {f} [mineral] :: alunite
alunna {f} :: schoolchild (girl), schoolgirl
alunnato {m} :: apprenticeship
alunno {m} :: schoolchild, schoolboy
Alvaro {prop} :: given name
alveare {m} :: beehive
alveo {m} :: bed, runway (of a river)
alveo {m} :: riverbed
alveolare {adj} [anatomy, botany] /al.ve.oˈla.re/ :: alveolar, alveolate
alveolare {adj} [phonetics] :: alveolar (articulated with the tongue against the upper alveolar ridge)
alveolare {f} :: An alveolar speech sound
alveolato {adj} :: alveolate
alveolatura {f} [geology] :: alveolation
alveolite {m} [pathology] :: alveolitis
alveolo {m} [anatomy, botany] :: alveolus
alveolo-palatale {adj} [linguistics, phonetics] /al.ve.o.lo.pa.laˈta.le/ :: alveolopalatal
alveolo polmonare {m} [anatomy] :: pulmonary alveolus
Alvernia {prop} :: Auvergne
alverniate {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of the Auvergne
al vetriolo {adj} :: caustic, sharp, bitter
Alvezio {prop} :: given name
alvino {adj} :: intestinal
Alvise {prop} :: given name
alvo {m} [literary] :: intestine
alvo {m} [literary] :: belly
al volante {prep} :: at the wheel
alzabandiera {m} /ˌal.tsa.banˈdjɛ.ra/ :: flag-raising (ceremonial raising of a flag)
alzabandiera {m} [slang, colloquial] :: morning wood, morning glory (morning erection)
alzabile {adj} :: liftable, raisable
alzacristallo {m} :: window winder
alzagola {f} /alˈt͡sa.ɡo.la/ :: alternative form of alzavola
alzaia {f} :: towrope, towline
alzaia {f} :: towpath
alza le mani {phrase} :: hands up!, stick 'em up!
alzamento {m} :: raising, lifting
alzamento {m} :: increase
alzana {f} :: synonym of alzaia
alzante {v} :: present participle of alzare
alzantesi {v} :: present participle of alzarsi
alzare {vt} :: to lift (up), to raise, to heave
alzare {vt} :: to raise, to put up, to up
alzare {vt} :: to build, to erect
alzare l'asticella {v} :: to set the bar higher
alzare l'asticella {v} :: to take up the gauntlet
alzare le aspettative {v} :: synonym of alzare l'asticella
alzare le mani {v} :: See: it alzare mano
alzare le mani {vi} :: to put one's hands up as a gesture of surrender
alzare le mani {v} [su] :: to hit; to assault; to put one's hands (on)
alzarsi {v} :: reflexive of alzare
alzarsi {v} :: to stand up, rise to one's feet, get up, raise oneself, fly up, take off
alzarsi {v} :: to get out of bed
alzarsi {v} :: to rise
alzarsi con il piede sbagliato {v} :: synonym of alzarsi dal lato sbagliato del letto
alzarsi con il piede sbagliato {v} :: synonym of svegliarsi dal lato sbagliato del letto
alzarsi dal lato sbagliato del letto {v} :: to get up on the wrong side of the bed
alzarsi in piedi {v} :: to stand up
alzata {f} :: lifting, raising
alzata {f} :: top (of piece of furniture)
alzata {f} :: cake stand
alzata {f} :: cut [deck of playing cards]
alzataccia {f} :: early rising
alzato {m} :: elevation (part of a building)
alzato {adj} :: raised (arms)
alzato {adj} :: up (out of bed)
alzatore {m} [volleyball] :: setter
alzatosi {v} :: past participle of alzarsi
alzatrice {f} :: female equivalent of alzatore
alzavalvola {m} :: valve lifter, tappet
alzavino {m} :: wine thief
alzavola {f} /alˈt͡sa.vo.la/ :: teal (Anas crecca)
Alzheimer {m} [medicine] :: Alzheimer's disease
Alziro {prop} :: given name
amabile {adj} /aˈma.bi.le/ :: amiable, pleasant
amabile {adj} :: sweet (wine)
Amabile {prop} :: given name
amabilità {f} :: amiableness, kindness, pleasantness
amabilmente {adv} :: amiably
amabilmente {adv} :: courteously
amaca {f} :: hammock
Amadeo {prop} :: given name
amadore {m} :: alternative form of amatore
amadriade {f} :: hamadryad
amadriade {f} :: hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas)
amaggio {m} [obsolete] :: love
amagnetico {adj} :: nonmagnetic
amaide {f} [heraldiccharge] :: a hamade
a mai più rivederci {interj} :: goodbye, farewell with the wish of never meeting that person again
a malapena {adv} :: hardly, scarcely
Amaldi {prop} :: surname
Amaldi {prop} :: Edoardo Amaldi, Italian physician
Amalfi {prop} :: A picturesque town on the Gulf of Sorrento in Campania
amalfitana {f} :: feminine noun of amalfitano
amalfitano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Amalfi
amalfitano {m} :: Native or resident of Amalfi
amalgama {m} /aˈmal.ɡa.ma/ :: amalgam (all senses)
amalgamabile {adj} :: That can be amalgamated
amalgamante {v} :: present participle of amalgamare
amalgamantesi {v} :: present participle of amalgamarsi
amalgamare {vt} [chemistry] :: to amalgamate
amalgamare {vt} :: to mix, mingle, blend, combine, merge, amalgamate
amalgamarsi {v} :: reflexive of amalgamare
amalgamarsi {v} :: to amalgamate, mix, blend
amalgamatosi {v} :: past participle of amalgamarsi
amalgamazione {f} :: amalgamation
Amalia {prop} :: given name
a malincorpo {adv} :: reluctantly
a malincuore {adv} :: grudgingly, reluctantly, unwillingly
Amalio {prop} :: given name
amamelide {f} :: witch hazel, wych hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)
Amanda {prop} :: given name
Amandino {prop} :: given name
Amando {prop} :: given name
amanita {f} [mycology] /a.maˈni.ta/ :: amanita (any mushroom of the genus Amanita)
amanita {f} [usually capitalized as Amanita] :: The Amanita taxonomic genus
amanitico {adj} [mycology] /a.maˈni.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to mushrooms of the Amanita genus
amanitina {f} [biochemistry] /a.ma.niˈti.na/ :: amanitin (deadly amatoxin found in several species of mushroom)
amanitotossina {f} /a.ma.ni.to.tosˈsi.na/ :: synonym of amanitina
a mani vuote {adv} :: emptyhanded
a mano {adv} :: by hand, manually, hand-
a mano a mano {adv} :: gradually
a mano a mano {adv} :: little by little
a mano a mano {adv} :: bit by bit, incrementally, step by step
a mano a mano che {adv} :: as
a mano armata {prep} :: at gunpoint
a mano libera {adv} :: freehand
amante {mf} :: lover, paramour
amante {v} :: present participle of amare
amantesi {v} :: present participle of amarsi
amantiglio {m} [nautical] :: topping
amanuense {mf} :: amanuensis, scribe
amanza {f} [obsolete] :: love; lover (female)
Amanzio {prop} :: given name
amar {v} :: apocopic form of amare
amaramente {adv} :: bitterly
amarantino {adj} :: amaranthine (colour)
amaranto {adj} :: amaranthine
amaranto {m} :: love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus)
amaranto {m} [color] :: amaranthine
amarasca {f} :: morello cherry
amarascato {adj} :: Having the flavour of morello cherries
amaraschino {m} :: alternative form of maraschino
amarasco {m} :: marasca
amarcord {m} /a.marˈkɔrd/ :: nostalgic memory
amare {v} /aˈmaː.re/ :: to love, to like
amareggiante {v} :: present participle of amareggiare
amareggiante {adj} :: saddening, embittering
amareggiantesi {v} :: present participle of amareggiarsi
amareggiare {vt} :: to sadden, upset
amareggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of amareggiare
amareggiarsi {vr} :: to get sad, upset, miserable
amareggiatosi {v} :: past participle of amareggiarsi
amarena {f} /amaˈrɛna/ :: Sour cherry (the fruit of Prunus cerasus L.)
amareno {m} :: sour cherry (Prunus cerasus tree)
amaretto {m} :: The sweet-bitter liqueur amaretto
amarettono {m} :: A large biscuit flavoured with almond kernels
amarezza {f} :: bitterness
amarezza {f} [figuratively] :: bitterness, acerbity, sadness
amarezza {f} :: (plural) troubles, sorrows
amaricante {adj} :: Having a bitter taste
amaricare {vt} :: To make bitter
amarico {m} :: Amharic
amarico {adj} :: Amharic
amarilli {f} :: amaryllis
amarillide {f} /a.maˈril.li.de/ :: amaryllis
amarissimo {adj} :: superlative of amaro
amaro {adj} /aˈma.ro/ :: bitter
amaro {m} :: bitter, bitterness
amaro {m} :: any of several herbal liqueurs
amarognolo {adj} :: Slightly bitter
amarone {m} [usually uncountable] /a.maˈro.ne/ :: Amarone (strong Italian dry red wine)
amarore {m} :: A bitter taste
amarra {f} :: hawser, rope
amarsi {v} :: reflexive of amare
amarsi {vr} :: to love each other, love one another
amarsi {vr} :: to love oneself
amartia {f} [pathology] :: malformation of an organ
amartoblastoma {m} [pathology] :: tumor formation similar to a hamartoma
amartofobia {f} :: hamartophobia (fear of error or sin)
amartoma {m} [pathology] :: hamartoma
amarulento {adj} :: Somewhat bitter
amarume {m} :: A bitter substance
amarume {m} :: bitterness (all senses)
Amaseno {prop} :: Amaseno (river)
amasio {m} :: lover
amasio {m} :: catamite
amastia {f} :: amastia
amata {f} :: female equivalent of amato
amateur {mf} :: amateur (non-professional)
amatissimo {adj} :: superlative of amato
amatita {f} :: alternative form of matita
amativo {adj} :: amorous
amato {adj} :: beloved, dear, loved, darling
amato {adj} :: favourite
amato {m} :: beloved, sweetheart
Amato {prop} :: given name
Amato {prop} :: surname
Amato {prop} :: Giuliano Amato, Italian politician
amatofobia {f} :: amatophobia (fear of dust)
amatore {m} :: amateur
amatore {m} :: lover, connoisseur
amatoriale {adj} :: amateur (attributive), home-made
amatoriale {adj} :: collector (attributive)
amatorialmente {adv} :: As an amateur
amatorio {adj} :: amatory, love [attributive]
amatosi {v} :: past participle of amarsi
amatrice {f} :: female equivalent of amatore
Amatrice {prop} :: Amatrice (small town)
amatriciana {f} :: feminine noun of amatriciano
amatriciano {adj} :: of, or relating to Amatrice
amatriciano {prop} {m} :: native or inhabitant of Amatrice
amattamento {m} :: hint
amaurosi {f} [medicine] :: amaurosis
amaurotico {adj} :: amaurotic
amaxofobia {f} :: amaxophobia
amazzone {f} :: Amazon (woman)
amazzone {f} :: horsewoman
amazzone {f} :: riding habit
Amazzonia {prop} :: Amazonian rainforest (region)
amazzoniano {adj} :: synonym of amazzonico
amazzonico {adj} :: Amazonian
amazzonio {adj} :: Amazon (female warrior) (attributive)
amazzonite {f} [mineralogy] :: amazonite
amazzonomachia {f} :: Amazonomachy
amba {f} [geology] /ˈam.ba/ :: A characteristic landform in Ethiopia, consisting of a steep-sided, flat-topped mountain
amba {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: circumlocution, periphrasis
ambage {f} [especially in plural] :: ambage
ambaradan {m} /am.ba.raˈdan/ :: shambles (confused, disorganized situation)
ambaradan {m} :: song and dance (excessive excitement or activity)
ambarvali {m} :: Ambarvalia
ambasceria {f} :: embassy
ambascia {f} /amˈbaʃ.ʃa/ :: anguish, distress
ambasciadore {m} :: alternative form of ambasciatore
ambasciare {vt} [rare] /am.baʃˈʃa.re/ :: to anguish (to cause to suffer pain)
ambasciare {vi} [rare, obsolete] :: to anguish (to suffer pain)
ambasciata {f} /ambaʃˈʃata/ :: embassy
ambasciata {f} :: errand
ambasciatore {m} :: ambassador
ambasciatore {m} :: messenger
ambasciator non porta pena {proverb} :: don't shoot the messenger (the bearer of bad news should not be held accountable for the bad news)
ambasciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of ambasciatore
ambascioso {adj} :: distressing, discomforting
ambasso {m} [dice] :: snake eyes (two ones)
ambata {f} [in the Italian state lottery] :: A single number that can be coupled (in several winning ways) with any of the other 89 numbers
ambe {adj} [literary, rare] /ˈam.be/ :: both (referring to feminine nouns)
ambedue {adj} [literary] :: both
ambedue {pron} [literary] :: both
ambente {v} :: present participle of ambire
ambi- {prefix} :: ambi-
ambiante {v} :: present participle of ambiare
ambiare {v} /amˈbja.re/ :: To amble
ambiatore {adj} :: ambling
ambiatore {m} :: ambler
ambiatura {f} :: amble
ambidestrismo {m} :: ambidexterity
ambidestro {adj} :: ambidextrous
ambidue {adj} :: alternative form of ambedue
ambidue {pron} :: alternative form of ambedue
ambidui {adj} :: alternative form of ambedue
ambidui {pron} :: alternative form of ambedue
ambientale {adj} :: environmental
ambientale {adj} :: ambient
ambientalismo {m} :: environmentalism
ambientalista {mf} :: environmentalist
ambientalistico {adj} :: environmental, ecological
ambientalmente {adv} :: environmentally
ambientamento {m} :: acclimatization
ambientante {v} :: present participle of ambientare
ambientantesi {v} :: present participle of ambientarsi
ambientare {vt} :: to set (a story etc. in a place)
ambientarsi {vr} :: To settle down or settle in (get used to a new environment)
ambientato {adj} :: set (in a setting)
ambientatore {m} :: synonym of arredatore
ambientatosi {v} :: past participle of ambientarsi
ambientazione {f} :: setting [of a book, film, etc.]
ambientazione {f} [rare] :: acclimatization
ambiente {m} /amˈbjɛn.te/ :: environment
ambiente {m} :: sphere or circle [of friends, etc.]
ambiente {m} :: room
ambientista {mf} [art] :: painter of interiors
ambigenere {adj} [grammar] /am.biˈd͡ʒɛ.ne.re/ :: That can be one gender or the other; common-gender
ambiguamente {adv} :: ambiguously
ambiguante {v} :: present participle of ambiguare
ambiguare {v} :: To ambiguate
ambiguità {f} :: ambiguity
ambiguo {adj} :: ambiguous, equivocal
ambiguo {adj} :: shifty
ambiguo {adj} :: doubtful, shady
ambio {m} [horse] :: amble
ambire {vt} :: to want ardently; to long for
ambire {vi} :: (with a or [ di + inf. ]) to aspire or yearn (for/to)
ambisessuale {adj} :: ambisexual
ambisessualità {f} :: ambisexuality
ambitissimo {adj} :: superlative of ambito
ambito {adj} :: desirable, sought after
ambito {m} :: scope, ambit
ambivalente {adj} :: ambivalent
ambivalentemente {adv} :: ambivalently
ambivalenza {f} :: ambivalence
ambizione {f} :: ambition, purport
ambiziosaggine {f} :: ambitiousness
ambiziosamente {adv} :: ambitiously
ambiziosissimo {adj} :: superlative of ambizioso
ambizioso {adj} :: ambitious
ambligonite {f} [mineral] :: amblygonite
ambliopia {f} [pathology] :: amblyopia
ambliopico {adj} :: amblyopic
ambo {adj} /ˈam.bo/ :: both
ambo {m} :: double (in various games)
ambodue {adj} :: both
ambodue {pron} :: both
ambone {m} [architecture] :: ambo
ambonese {adj} :: Ambonese
ambosessi {adj} :: of either sex; male or female
ambosessi {m} :: Person of either sex; male or female
ambra {f} :: amber
Ambra {prop} :: given name of modern usage
ambracane {m} :: ambergris
ambra grigia {f} :: ambergris
ambrato {adj} :: amber (colour or perfume)
ambrenti {m} [Tuscan] /amˈbren.ti/ :: The plant Helichrysum stoechas
ambretta {f} :: musk mallow
Ambria {prop} :: Ambria (small river)
ambrogetta {f} /am.broˈdʒet.ta/ :: A type of square, glazed terracotta tile
ambrogino {m} [numismatics] /am.broˈdʒi.no/ :: ambrosin (coin of the Duchy of Milan)
Ambrogio {prop} /amˈbrɔ.dʒo/ :: given name
ambrosia {f} /amˈbrɔ.zja/ :: ambrosia (all senses)
ambrosia {f} [figuratively] :: honeydew
ambrosiano {adj} /am.broˈzja.no/ :: Ambrosian (pertaining to St. Ambrose, 4th century bishop of Milan and patron saint of the city)
ambrosiano {adj} :: Milanese, relating to Milan
ambrosiano {m} :: Native of inhabitant of Milan
ambrosino {m} :: alternative form of ambrogino
ambrotipia {f} [photography] :: ambrotype
ambulacrale {adj} :: ambulacral
ambulacro {m} :: ambulatory
ambulante {adj} :: travelling, itinerant
ambulante {adj} :: mobile (library)
ambulante {mf} :: peddler
ambulanza {f} :: ambulance
ambulanza {f} :: field hospital
ambulatoriale {adj} :: outpatient (attributive)
ambulatorialmente {adv} :: As an outpatient
ambulatorio {adj} :: ambulatory
ambulatorio {m} :: surgery, consulting room (of a doctor or vet)
ambulatorio {m} :: outpatient's department (of a hospital)
ambulazione {f} :: ambulation
ambulofobia {f} :: ambulophobia
amburghese {mf} :: Hamburger; native or inhabitant of Hamburg
amburghese {adj} :: Of or relating to Hamburg or the Hamburg people
Amburgo {prop} :: Amburgo (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Germany>>)
Amburgo {prop} :: Amburgo (a <<state>> of <<c/Germany>> containing the city of the same name)
-ame {suffix} :: Used to form collective nouns from simple nouns, often with derogatory connotation
a me {pron} [dative] :: to me
ameba {f} [biology] :: amoeba
amebeo {adj} :: alternating
amebeo {adj} [music] :: amoebean
amebiasi {f} :: amoebiasis / amebiasis; amoebic dysentery / amebic dysentery
amebico {adj} :: amoebic / amebic
amebocito {m} :: amebocyte / amoebocyte
ameboide {adj} :: amoeboid / ameboid
Amedea {prop} :: given name
Amedeo {prop} :: given name
Amelio {prop} :: given name
amello {m} :: Michaelmas daisy (Aster amellus)
ameloblastoma {m} [oncology] :: ameloblastoma
a memoria d'uomo {adv} :: within living memory
amen {adv} :: amen; so be it
amen {adv} [colloquial] :: that's it; end of the story
amen {interj} :: amen!
a menadito {adv} :: perfectly, thoroughly, backwards, word for word
amenamente {adv} :: pleasantly
amendua {adj} :: Variant of ambedue
amendua {pron} :: Variant of ambedue
amendue {adj} [invariable, obsolete] /a.menˈdu.e/ :: both
amendue {pron} [invariable, obsolete] :: both
amenità {f} :: pleasantness, amenity
amenità {f} :: pleasantry, jest
ameno {adj} /aˈmɛ.no/ :: pleasant
a meno che {conj} :: unless
amenorrea {f} :: amenorrhoea [British], amenorrhea [US]
amenorroico {adj} :: amenorrhoeic
amente {adj} /aˈmɛn.te/ :: demented
amento {m} [botany] /aˈmɛn.to/ :: ear, spike (the fruiting body of a grain plant)
amenza {f} [pathology] :: amentia
amenziale {adj} :: amential
America {prop} [continent] /aˈmɛ.ri.ka/ :: the Americas
America del Nord {prop} :: North America
America del sud {prop} :: South America
America meridionale {prop} :: South America
americana {f} :: feminine noun of americano
americana {f} [inhabitant or native of Americas or of the United States] :: American woman
americanata {f} :: absurdly grandiose and extravagant behaviour, considered typical of Americans
americanata {f} :: bad taste, kitsch
americanista {mf} :: Americanist
americanistica {f} :: American studies
americanistico {adj} :: Americanistic
americanizzante {v} :: present participle of americanizzare
americanizzantesi {v} :: present participle of americanizzarsi
americanizzare {vt} :: To Americanize (Americanise)
americanizzarsi {vr} :: To become Americanized (Americanised)
americanizzatosi {v} :: past participle of americanizzarsi
americanizzazione {f} :: Americanization
americano {adj} /a.me.riˈka.no/ :: American, United States, US, Yankee
americano {m} :: American (inhabitant or native of Americas or of the United States)
americanologo {m} :: Americanologist
America settentrionale {prop} :: North America
americio {m} [chemistry] /a.meˈri.tʃo/ :: americium
Amerigo {prop} :: given name
amerindiano {adj} :: Amerind, Amerindian
amerindiano {m} :: Native American
amerindio {adj} :: Amerindian
amerindo {adj} :: Amerind, Amerindian
ametabolo {adj} :: ametabolic
ametista {f} :: amethyst
ametistino {adj} :: amethyst (colour)
ametria {f} :: A lack of symmetry
ametrino {m} :: ametrine
ametrope {adj} :: ametropic
ametropia {f} [medicine, pathology, ophthalmology] :: ametropia
a mezzo {adv} :: halves, by halves, fifty-fifty
a mezzo {prep} :: by
amfenicolo {m} :: amphenicol
amfetamina {f} :: alternative spelling of anfetamina
amfocoleretico {adj} [physiology] :: amphocholeretic
amfotericina {f} [medicine] :: amphotericin
amharico {m} :: alternative form of amarico
amia {f} :: bowfin (freshwater fish of the family Amiidae)
amiantiero {adj} /a.mjanˈtjɛ.ro/ :: asbestos [attributive]
amiantite {adj} /a.mjanˈti.te/ :: A material resulting from the vulcanization of compressed sheets made out of a mix of asbestos fibers and rubber
amianto {m} /aˈmjan.to/ :: asbestos
amica {f} :: female equivalent of amico
amica {f} :: girlfriend
amicabile {adj} [obsolete] :: friendly, amicable
amicabile {adj} [mathematics] :: amicable
amica di letto {f} :: female equivalent of amico di letto
amicale {adj} :: friendly, amicable
amicamente {adv} :: friendly, amicably
amicante {v} :: present participle of amicarsi
amicantesi {v} :: present participle of amicarsi
amica per convenienza {f} :: female equivalent of amico per convenienza
amicare {v} :: To become friends with
amicare {v} :: To reconcile
amicarsi {vr} :: To make friends (with)
amicatosi {v} :: past participle of amicarsi
a miccino {adv} :: sparingly
amichetta {f} :: diminutive of amica; playmate (friend of a child)
amichetta {f} [humorous] :: young lover
amichetto {m} :: diminutive of amico; playmate (friend of a child)
amichevole {adj} /a.miˈke.vo.le/ :: friendly
amichevole {f} [sports] :: friendly (match)
amichevolezza {f} :: friendliness
amichevolmente {adv} :: friendly, friendlily, amicably
amicissimo {adj} :: superlative of amico
amicizia {f} :: friendship
amicizia {f} [in the plural] :: friends
amico {m} :: friend, companion, partner
amico {m} :: boyfriend
amico comune {m} :: mutual friend
amico del cuore {m} :: best friend
amico di letto {m} [euphemism] :: friend with benefits (male)
amico intimo {m} :: bosom friend
amico intimo {m} :: bosom buddy
amico intimo {m} :: body louse (Pediculus humanus)
amicone {mf} :: A close friend; a chum or crony or buddy
amicone {mf} :: A very friendly person
amico per convenienza {m} :: fair-weather friend
amico per la pelle {m} :: bosom friend, close friend
amico per la pelle {m} :: bosom buddy
amico per la pelle {m} :: body louse (Pediculus humanus)
amico per la pelle {m} :: cater-cousin
amico per la pelle {m} :: intimate
amicrobico {adj} :: amicrobic, amicrobial
amidaceo {adj} :: starchy
amidante {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amidating
amidato {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amidated
amidatura {f} :: starching (of fabrics)
amido {m} [carbohydrate] /ˈa.mi.do/ :: starch
amielia {f} [pathology] :: amyelia
amigdala {f} [anatomy] :: amygdala
amigdala {f} [archaeology] :: hand axe
amigdala {f} [geology] :: amygdaloid
amigdaliano {adj} :: amygdaloid
amigdalina {f} [organic compound] :: amygdalin
amigdalite {f} :: tonsillitis
amigdaloide {adj} :: amygdaloid
amigoniano {adj} :: Amigonian
amikacina {f} [medicine] :: amikacin
amilaceo {adj} :: amylaceous
amilaceo {adj} :: starchy
amilasi {f} [enzyme] :: amylase
Amilcare {prop} :: given name
amile {adj} :: amyl
amile {m} :: amyl
amilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amyl, amylic
amilo- {prefix} :: amylo- (related to starch)
amiloglucosidasi {f} [enzyme] :: amyloglucosidase
amiloide {adj} :: amyloid
amiloide {m} :: amyloid
amiloidosi {f} [disease] :: amyloidosis
amilopectina {f} [carbohydrate] :: amylopectin
amiloplasto {m} :: leucoplast (Variant of: leucoplasto)
amilopsina {f} [enzyme] :: amylopsin
amilosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: amylose
aminazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: amination
aminico {adj} :: alternative form of amminico
aminoacido {m} :: Variant of amminoacido
aminobenzoato {m} [organic chemistry] :: aminbenzoate
aminobutirrico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminobutyric
aminogramma {m} :: aminogram
aminolevulinico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminolevulinic
aminotransferasi {f} [enzyme] :: aminotransferase
aminozucchero {m} [carbohydrate] :: aminosugar
Aminta {prop} :: given name
Amintore {prop} :: given name
amiotrofico {adj} :: amyotrophic
amistà {f} :: amity, friendship
amistanza {f} :: familiarity, domesticity
amistanza {f} :: alliance
a misura d'uomo {adj} :: people-friendly, people-oriented, friendly
a misura d'uomo {adj} :: user-friendly
amitosi {f} :: amitosis
amitotico {adj} [cytology] :: amitotic
amitto {m} :: amice
amleticamente {adv} :: distressfully
amleticamente {adv} :: ambiguously
amletico {adj} :: distressful
amletico {adj} :: ambiguous
amletismo {m} :: Hamletism
Amleto {prop} :: given name
amlira {f} /amˈli.ra/ :: A banknote used during the American occupancy of Italy from 1943 to 1950
ammaccabile {adj} :: That can become bruised or dented
ammaccamento {m} :: denting, bruising
ammaccamento {m} :: dent, bruise
ammaccante {v} :: present participle of ammaccare
ammaccantesi {v} :: present participle of ammaccarsi
ammaccare {vt} :: to dent
ammaccare {vt} :: to bruise
ammaccarsi {v} :: reflexive of ammaccare
ammaccarsi {vr} :: to be dented
ammaccarsi {vr} :: to bruise
ammaccatosi {v} :: past participle of ammaccarsi
ammaccatura {f} :: dent or bruise
ammacco {m} :: synonym of ammaccatura
ammaestrabile {adj} :: trainable
ammaestramento {m} :: lesson
ammaestramento {m} :: teaching
ammaestramento {m} :: training
ammaestrante {v} :: present participle of ammaestrare
ammaestrare {vt} :: to instruct, educate
ammaestrare {vt} :: to train [animals]
ammaestratamente {adv} :: educatedly
ammaestrato {adj} :: instructed, educated, trained
ammaestratore {m} :: trainer
ammagliare {v} :: Variant of magliare
ammainabandiera {m} /amˌmai.na.banˈdjɛ.ra/ :: flag-lowering (ceremonial lowering of a flag)
ammainante {v} :: present participle of ammainare
ammainare {vt} :: To lower or strike (a flag)
ammainare {vt} :: to stow [a sail, etc.]
ammalamento {m} :: The act of falling ill
ammalante {v} :: present participle of ammalare
ammalantesi {v} :: present participle of ammalarsi
ammalare {v} [rare] :: To make someone ill; to sicken
ammalarsi {vr} :: to fall ill, to become ill, to be taken ill, to sicken
ammalata {f} :: female equivalent of ammalato
ammalaticcio {adj} :: in poor health
ammalato {adj} :: ill, sick, suffering, diseased
ammalato {m} :: patient
ammalato {m} :: sick person
ammalatosi {v} :: past participle of ammalarsi
ammalazzato {adj} :: quite ill; sickly
ammaliamento {m} :: enchantment
ammaliamento {m} :: fascination, charm
ammaliante {v} :: present participle of ammaliare
ammaliare {vt} :: to captivate, to fascinate, to bewitch, to spellbind, to stun
ammaliatore {adj} :: enchanting, charming, bewitching
ammaliatore {m} :: enchanter
ammaliatore {m} :: charmer
ammaliatore {m} :: head-turner
ammaliatrice {f} :: enchantress
ammaliatura {f} :: synonym of ammaliamento
ammalinconente {v} :: present participle of ammalinconire
ammalinconire {v} :: alternative form of immalinconire
ammaltante {v} :: present participle of ammaltare
ammaltare {v} :: To mix mortar
ammaltare {v} :: To mortar (spread mortar on a wall etc)
ammanco {m} :: deficit
ammandorlato {adj} :: almond (attributive)
ammandorlato {adj} :: rhomboid; lozenge-shaped
ammanettamento {m} :: handcuffing, manacling
ammanettante {v} :: present participle of ammanettare
ammanettare {vt} :: to handcuff
ammanicante {v} :: present participle of ammanicarsi
ammanicantesi {v} :: present participle of ammanicarsi
ammanicarsi {vr} :: To be in league (with)
ammanicatosi {v} :: past participle of ammanicarsi
ammanierante {v} :: present participle of ammanierare
ammanierare {v} :: To make mannered, artificial or affected
ammanieratamente {adv} :: affectedly
ammanigliante {v} :: present participle of ammanigliare
ammanigliare {vt} [nautical] :: to bend (attach ropes etc)
Ammaniti {prop} :: surname
Ammaniti {prop} :: Niccolò Ammaniti, Italian writer
ammannante {v} :: present participle of ammannare
ammannare {v} :: alternative form of ammannire
ammannellante {v} :: present participle of ammannellare
ammannellare {v} :: synonym of ammatassare
ammannente {v} :: present participle of ammannire
ammannimento {m} :: preparation
ammannire {vt} :: To prepare (get something ready)
ammansante {v} :: present participle of ammansare
ammansare {v} :: alternative form of ammansire
ammansatore {adj} :: taming, placating
ammansatore {m} :: tamer (of animals)
ammansente {v} :: present participle of ammansire
ammansibile {adj} :: tamable
ammansibile {adj} :: placatable
ammansibile {adj} :: pacifiable
ammansire {vt} [also, figurative] :: to tame
ammansire {vt} :: to pacify; to placate; to calm down
ammansirsi {vi} :: reflexive of ammansire
ammansirsi {vi} [also, figurative] :: to become tame
ammansirsi {vi} :: to calm down
ammantante {v} :: present participle of ammantare
ammantantesi {v} :: present participle of ammantarsi
ammantare {vt} :: to cloak
ammantare {vt} :: to cover
ammantare {vt} :: to mask, disguise
ammantarsi {v} :: reflexive of ammantare
ammantarsi {v} :: to cloak oneself
ammantarsi {v} :: to cover oneself
ammantarsi {v} :: to mask or disguise oneself
ammantatosi {v} :: past participle of ammantarsi
ammantatura {f} :: cloaking, covering
ammantatura {f} :: disguise
ammantellante {v} :: present participle of ammantellare
ammantellare {v} :: To cloak, cover
ammantellare {v} :: To conceal, hide
ammappalo {interj} /amˈmap.pa.lo/ :: synonym of ammazzalo
ammappelo {interj} /amˈmap.pe.lo/ :: synonym of ammazzalo
ammappete {interj} /amˈmap.pe.te/ :: synonym of ammazzalo
ammaraggio {m} /am.maˈrad.d͡ʒo/ :: splashdown (landing in the sea)
ammaramento {m} :: synonym of ammaraggio
ammarante {v} :: present participle of ammarare
ammarare {vi} [aviation] /am.maˈra.re/ :: To splashdown (to land in the sea)
ammarare {v} [aviation] :: to ditch
ammarare {v} [aviation] :: to crash-land
ammarezzante {v} :: present participle of ammarezzare
ammarezzare {v} :: alternative form of marezzare
ammarraggio {m} [of a seaplane or spacecraft] :: touchdown on water
ammarraggio {m} [nautical] :: docking, mooring
ammarrante {v} :: present participle of ammarrare
ammarrare {vt} :: to foul an anchor
ammarrare {v} [of a seaplane or spacecraft] :: To touch down on water
ammarrare {v} [nautical] :: To dock, moor
ammarrato {adj} [nautical, of an anchor] :: fouled
ammassamento {m} :: amassing, heaping, hoarding
ammassamento {m} :: mass, heap, hoard
ammassante {v} :: present participle of ammassare
ammassantesi {v} :: present participle of ammassarsi
ammassare {vt} :: to pile up, accumulate, amass, hoard
ammassare {vt} :: to pack [with people]
ammassarsi {v} :: reflexive of ammassare
ammassarsi {v} :: to pile up, accumulate
ammassarsi {v} :: to crowd [of people]
ammassatore {m} :: hoarder
ammassatosi {v} :: past participle of ammassarsi
ammassellante {v} :: present participle of ammassellare
ammassellare {v} :: To amass
ammassellare {v} :: To cram (into barrels)
ammassicciante {v} :: present participle of ammassicciare
ammassicciantesi {v} :: present participle of ammassicciarsi
ammassicciare {vt} :: to gather (together); to amass
ammassicciare {vt} :: to accumulate, collect, hoard
ammassicciarsi {v} :: reflexive of ammassicciare
ammassicciarsi {vr} :: to accumulate
ammassicciatosi {v} :: past participle of ammassicciarsi
ammasso {m} :: pile, heap, mass
ammasso {m} :: stockpile
ammasso {m} :: thicket
ammatassante {v} :: present participle of ammatassare
ammatassare {vt} :: to skein (wind yarn into skeins)
ammattente {v} :: present participle of ammattire
ammattimento {m} :: maddening
ammattimento {m} :: nuisance, trouble
ammattire {vi} :: To go mad, to go insane
ammattire {vi} :: To drive mad, to drive crazy
ammattire {vi} :: To puzzle over
ammattonante {v} :: present participle of ammattonare
ammattonare {vt} :: To pave with bricks
ammattonato {adj} :: paved with bricks
ammattonato {m} :: Brick pavement
ammattonatura {f} :: brick paving
ammattonatura {f} :: brick pavement / walkway
ammazza {interj} /amˈmat.t͡sa/ :: (expressing surprise, mainly used in Rome and central Italy)
ammazzacaffè {m} /amˌmat.tsa.kafˈfɛ/ :: chasse-café, pousse-café (small glass of liqueur usually consumed after coffee to dull its taste)
ammazzalo {interj} /amˈmat.t͡sa.lo/ :: Used to express amazement, wonder, admiration
ammazzamento {m} :: killing, murder
ammazzamento {m} :: massacre
ammazzamento {m} :: exhausting work
ammazzante {v} :: present participle of ammazzare
ammazzantesi {v} :: present participle of ammazzarsi
ammazzare {v} :: to kill, murder
ammazzarsi {v} :: reflexive of ammazzare
ammazzarsi {vr} :: to kill oneself
ammazzarsi {vr} :: to be killed
ammazzarsi di lavoro {vr} :: to work one's fingers to the bone
ammazzasentenze {adj} [colloquial, legal] :: Describing a judge who has a reputation for finding notorious famous people not guilty
ammazzasette {m} :: braggart
ammazzato {adj} :: killed, murdered
ammazzatoio {m} :: abattoir, slaughterhouse
ammazzatore {m} :: killer, murderer
ammazzatosi {v} :: past participle of ammazzarsi
ammazzatura {f} :: slaughter
ammazzatura {f} :: price paid to an abattoir for the slaughter of an animal
ammazzavampiri {n} :: vampire slayer
ammazzelo {interj} /amˈmat.t͡se.lo/ :: synonym of ammazzalo
ammazzete {interj} /amˈmat.t͡se.te/ :: synonym of ammazzalo
ammelmante {v} :: present participle of ammelmare
ammelmare {v} :: To sink into the mud
ammelmare {v} :: To be bogged down
ammen {interj} :: alternative form of amen
ammen {m} :: alternative form of amen
ammencente {v} :: present participle of ammencire
ammencire {vt} :: To soften
ammencire {vi} :: To wither
ammenda {f} :: fine
ammenda {f} :: reparation
ammendabile {adj} :: amendable
ammendamento {m} :: amendment
ammendamento {m} :: conditioning (of soil)
ammendante {v} :: present participle of ammendare
ammendante {m} :: soil conditioner
ammendare {vt} :: to amend, correct
ammendare {vt} :: to condition or improve the soil
ammennicolante {v} :: present participle of ammennicolare
ammennicolare {v} :: To provide excuses for
ammennicolare {v} :: To daydream, fantasize
ammennicolo {m} :: support for a theory or opinion
ammennicolo {m} :: excuse, cavil
ammennicolo {m} :: trifle, frippery
ammennicolone {m} :: trickster
ammennicolone {m} :: timewaster
ammennicolone {adj} :: captious, carping
ammetante {v} :: present participle of ammetare
ammetare {v} :: To pile / stack hay etc
ammettente {v} :: present participle of ammettere
ammettenza {f} [physics] :: admittance
ammettere {vt} /amˈmet.te.re/ :: to admit, accept, acknowledge
ammettere {vt} :: to suppose, grant
ammettere {vt} :: to bear, tolerate, brook
ammettere {vt} :: to induct
ammezzamento {m} :: halving (division into halves)
ammezzante {v} :: present participle of ammezzare
ammezzare {v} :: To half (divide into halves)
ammezzare {v} :: To half-fill (a container)
ammezzare {v} :: To half-do or leave off half-done
ammezzato {m} :: mezzanine, entresol
ammezzente {v} :: present participle of ammezzire
ammezzimento {m} :: overripeness
ammezzire {v} :: To overripen
ammiccamento {m} :: winking
ammiccamento {m} :: wink
ammiccante {v} :: present participle of ammiccare
ammiccante {adj} :: winking, blinking
ammiccare {vi} :: to wink (at)
ammiccare {vi} [figuratively] :: to pander
ammide {f} [organic chemistry] :: amide
ammidico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amidic
ammina {f} [organic chemistry] :: amine
amminico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amino (attributive)
amminicolo {m} :: alternative form of ammennicolo
amministrabile {adj} :: manageable
amministrante {v} :: present participle of amministrare
amministrare {vt} :: to run, manage
amministrare {vt} :: to administer
amministrare {vt} :: to ration, organize
amministrativamente {adv} :: administratively
amministrativo {adj} :: administrative
amministratore {m} :: administrator, manager
amministratore delegato {m} :: chief executive officer, CEO
amministratrice {f} :: female equivalent of amministratore
amministratrice delegata {f} :: female equivalent of amministratore delegato
amministrazione {f} :: administration, management
amministrazione {f} :: administration offices, administrative headquarters, head office
amministrazione {f} :: business
amministrazione {f} :: government, rule
amminoacidico {adj} :: aminoacyl, amino acid (attributive)
amminoacido {m} :: amino acid
amminoacilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminoacyl
amminobutirrico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminobutyric
amminodifenile {m} [organic compound] :: aminobiphenyl
amminofenolo {m} [organic compound] :: aminophenol
amminoplasto {m} :: aminoplast
amminopropanale {m} [organic chemistry] :: aminopropanal
amminosalicilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminosalicylic
amminoterminale {m} [biochemistry] :: N-terminus
amminutamento {m} :: shredding
amminutante {v} :: present participle of amminutare
amminutare {v} :: To shred
ammirabile {adj} :: admirable, commendable
ammirabilmente {adv} :: admirably
ammiraglia {f} :: flagship
ammiraglia {f} [cycle racing] :: team car
ammiragliato {m} :: admiralship (state of being an admiral)
ammiragliato {m} :: admiralty, Admiralty (government department)
ammiraglio {m} [military rank, nautical] :: admiral
ammirante {v} :: present participle of ammirare
ammirare {vt} :: to admire, to appreciate
ammiratamente {adv} :: astonishedly, amazedly
ammiratamente {adv} :: delightedly
ammirativamente {adv} :: admiringly
ammirativo {adj} :: admiring
ammirato {adj} :: admired
ammirato {adj} :: astonished, amazed
ammirato {adj} :: delighted
ammiratore {m} :: admirer
ammiratrice {f} :: female equivalent of ammiratore
ammirazione {f} :: admiration
ammirevole {adj} :: admirable
ammirevolmente {adv} :: admirably
ammiserente {v} :: present participle of ammiserire
ammiserire {v} :: alternative form of immiserire
ammissibile {adj} :: admissible, acceptable
ammissibile {adj} :: tolerable, allowable
ammissibilità {f} :: admissibility
ammissione {f} :: admission, admittance, entrance
ammissione {f} :: acknowledgement, admission, avowal
ammissivo {adj} :: admitting, admissive
ammistione {f} :: mixture, admixture
ammittanza {f} :: alternative form of ammettenza
-ammo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural past historic of regular -are verbs
ammo- {prefix} :: ammo-
ammobiliamento {m} :: furnishing
ammobiliamento {m} :: furnishings
ammobiliante {v} :: present participle of ammobiliare
ammobiliare {vt} :: To furnish
ammobiliato {adj} :: furnished
ammodernamento {m} :: modernization
ammodernamento {m} :: renewal, refurbishment
ammodernante {v} :: present participle of ammodernare
ammodernare {vt} :: to modernize, update, upgrade
ammodernatore {m} :: moderniser
ammodernatore {m} :: renovator
ammodernatura {f} :: synonym of ammodernamento
ammodernizzante {v} :: present participle of ammodernizzare
ammodernizzare {v} :: synonym of modernizzare
ammodernizzazione {f} :: synonym of modernizzazione
ammodite {m} :: horned viper (Vipera ammodytes)
ammodite {f} :: great sand eel (Ammodytes lanceolat)
ammodo {adj} :: respectable, well-behaved
ammodo {adv} :: well, properly
ammofila {f} :: sand wasp (Ammophila)
ammofila {f} :: beachgrass (Ammophila)
ammofilo {adj} :: ammophilous
ammogliante {v} :: present participle of ammogliare
ammogliantesi {v} :: present participle of ammogliarsi
ammogliare {vt} /am.moʎˈʎa.re/ :: To give a wife (to)
ammogliarsi {vr} /am.moʎˈʎar.si/ :: to take a wife, get married
ammogliarsi {vr} :: to wed (with)
ammogliatosi {v} :: past participle of ammogliarsi
ammoinante {v} :: present participle of ammoinare
ammoinare {v} :: To coax
ammoinare {v} :: To flatter
ammoinare {v} :: To fidget
ammollamento {m} :: soaking, soak
ammollante {v} :: present participle of ammollare
ammollantesi {v} :: present participle of ammollarsi
ammollare {vt} :: To soak or steep
ammollare {vi} :: To soak
ammollare {vt} :: To slacken or loosen
ammollarsi {vr} :: To soften
ammollatosi {v} :: past participle of ammollarsi
ammollente {v} :: present participle of ammollire
ammollimento {m} :: softening
ammollire {vt} :: to soften [especially by soaking]
ammollire {vt} :: to mollify, soothe
ammollitivo {adj} :: softening
ammollitivo {adj} :: emollient
ammollo {m} :: soak, soaking
ammonal {m} :: ammonal
ammonente {v} :: present participle of ammonire
ammoniaca {f} /am.moˈni.a.ka/ :: ammonia
ammoniacale {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: ammonical, ammoniacal
ammoniacato {adj} :: ammoniated
ammoniaco {adj} :: ammoniac
ammonico {adj} :: ammoniacal
ammonimento {m} :: reprimand, rebuke
ammonimento {m} :: warning, lesson, admonition
ammonio {m} :: ammonium (cation)
ammonire {vt} :: To admonish, berate or reprimand
ammonire {vt} :: To warn or caution
ammonita {adj} :: Ammonite (attributive)
ammonite {m} :: ammonite (extinct cephalopod)
ammonite {m} :: ammonite(most rare mineral)
ammonite {m} :: synonym of ammolite
ammonitico {adj} :: Ammonite
ammonitico {adj} [geology] :: ammonitic
ammonitivo {adj} :: admonitory
ammonito {adj} :: admonished, reprimanded
ammonito {adj} :: warned, cautioned
ammonitore {adj} :: warning, admonitory, admonishing
ammonitore {m} :: admonisher, warner
ammonitorio {adj} :: warning, admonitory, cautionary
ammonitrice {f} :: admonisher, warner (female)
ammoniuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: amide (NH2 anion)
ammonizione {f} :: warning, admonition, monition
ammonizione {f} [sports] :: booking, caution
ammonizzazione {f} :: ammonification
ammontante {v} :: present participle of ammontare
ammontare {vi} :: to amount to
ammontare {vi} :: to add up to
ammontare {m} :: amount
ammonticchiante {v} :: present participle of ammonticchiare
ammonticchiare {vt} :: To pile up or heap up
ammonticchiato {adj} :: furnished
ammonticellante {v} :: present participle of ammonticellare
ammonticellare {v} :: alternative form of ammonticchiare
ammorbamento {m} :: infection, pollution
ammorbamento {m} :: stench, stink
ammorbante {v} :: present participle of ammorbare
ammorbare {vt} :: to infect
ammorbare {vt} :: to pollute, taint, foul
ammorbatore {adj} :: infectious
ammorbatore {adj} :: polluting
ammorbidante {v} :: present participle of ammorbidare
ammorbidare {v} :: alternative form of ammorbidire
ammorbidatrice {f} :: A machine used to soften hemp or jute fibres prior to making into textiles
ammorbidente {v} :: present participle of ammorbidire
ammorbidente {adj} :: softening
ammorbidentesi {v} :: present participle of ammorbidirsi
ammorbidimento {m} :: softening
ammorbidire {vt} :: to soften
ammorbidirsi {v} :: reflexive of ammorbidire
ammorbidirsi {vr} :: to soften
ammorbidito {adj} :: softened
ammorbiditosi {v} :: past participle of ammorbidirsi
ammorsante {v} :: present participle of ammorsare
ammorsare {vt} :: To clamp (in a vice)
ammorsatura {f} :: toothing, tooth (projection)
ammorsatura {f} :: scarf (joint)
ammorsellato {m} :: A dish of minced meat and beaten eggs
ammortamento {m} :: redemption
ammortamento {m} :: amortization
ammortante {v} :: present participle of ammortare
ammortare {vt} :: to pay off [a debt]
ammortare {vt} :: to redeem
ammortare {vt} :: to write off
ammortente {v} :: present participle of ammortire
ammortimento {m} :: numbness
ammortire {vt} :: to deaden, numb
ammortire {vt} :: to muffle [sound], dim [light]
ammortizzabile {adj} :: amortizable
ammortizzabilità {f} :: Property of being amortizable
ammortizzamento {m} :: redemption (financial)
ammortizzamento {m} :: cushioning
ammortizzante {v} :: present participle of ammortizzare
ammortizzare {vt} :: to pay off, redeem [a debt]
ammortizzare {vt} :: to write off
ammortizzare {vt} :: to cushion
ammortizzatore {m} :: shock absorber (especially in a car)
ammortizzazione {f} :: amortization
ammortizzazione {f} :: depreciation
ammorzamento {m} :: extinguishment
ammorzamento {m} :: attenuation
ammorzamento {m} :: cushioning
ammorzante {v} :: present participle of ammorzare
ammorzare {vt} :: to switch off
ammorzare {vt} :: to extinguish
ammorzare {vt} :: to cushion
ammorzatore {adj} :: extinguishing
ammorzatore {adj} :: attenuating
ammorzatore {adj} :: cushioning
ammoscente {v} :: present participle of ammoscire
ammosciante {v} :: present participle of ammosciare
ammosciare {vt} :: to wilt, to shrivel
ammosciare {vt} :: to slacken, to soften
ammosciare {vi} :: to wilt, to shrivel, to droop
ammosciare {vi} :: to slacken
ammosciato {adj} :: wilted, drooping
ammosciato {adj} :: limp, slack
ammoscire {v} :: alternative form of ammosciare
ammostamento {m} :: synonym of ammostatura
ammostante {v} :: present participle of ammostare
ammostare {vt} :: To press grapes in order to obtain must
ammostare {vi} :: To produce must
ammostare {v} :: to mash (in wine- and beer-making)
ammostatoio {m} :: winepress
ammostatura {f} :: mashing (process in wine- and beer-making)
ammotinante {v} :: present participle of ammotinare
ammotinare {v} :: alternative form of ammutinare
ammotrago {m} :: barbary sheep (Ammotragus lewia)
ammucchiamento {m} :: heap, pile
ammucchiamento {m} :: heaping or piling (up)
ammucchiante {v} :: present participle of ammucchiare
ammucchiantesi {v} :: present participle of ammucchiarsi
ammucchiare {vt} :: to heap, pile up
ammucchiare {vt} :: to accumulate [money, etc.]
ammucchiarsi {v} :: reflexive of ammucchiare
ammucchiarsi {v} :: to pile up
ammucchiarsi {v} :: to crowd, throng
ammucchiarsi {v} :: to bank, bank up
ammucchiatosi {v} :: past participle of ammucchiarsi
ammuffente {v} :: present participle of ammuffire
ammuffimento {m} :: The process of growing mouldy
ammuffire {vi} :: to grow mouldy
ammuffire {vi} :: to moulder, languish
ammuffito {adj} :: mouldy
ammuffito {adj} :: fossilized
ammulinante {v} :: present participle of ammulinare
ammulinare {v} :: alternative form of mulinare
ammusante {v} :: present participle of ammusare
ammusare {v} :: To muzzle, nuzzle
ammusonito {adj} :: alternative form of immusonito
ammutante {v} :: present participle of ammutare
ammutare {vt} :: To mute, silence
ammutare {vi} :: To be dumbstruck or become mute
ammutente {v} :: present participle of ammutire
ammutinamento {m} :: mutiny
ammutinante {v} :: present participle of ammutinare
ammutinantesi {v} :: present participle of ammutinarsi
ammutinare {vt} :: To persuade someone to mutiny
ammutinarsi {vr} :: To mutiny
ammutinato {adj} :: mutinous
ammutinato {m} :: mutineer
ammutinatosi {v} :: past participle of ammutinarsi
ammutire {vi} :: to become mute
ammutire {vi} :: to be quiet
ammutolente {v} :: present participle of ammutolire
ammutolire {vi} :: to be struck dumb
ammutolito {adj} :: dumbstruck, speechless
amnesia {f} :: amnesia
amnesifobia {f} :: amnesiphobia (fear of amnesia)
amnio {m} [anatomy] :: amnion
amnioblasto {m} :: amnioblast
amniocentesi {f} [medicine] :: amniocentesis
amniocito {m} :: amniocyte
amniografia {f} :: amniography
amnioscopia {f} [medicine] :: amnioscopy
amnioscopio {m} [medicine] :: amnioscope
amniotico {adj} :: amniotic
amnistia {f} :: amnesty
amnistiante {v} :: present participle of amnistiare
amnistiare {vt} :: to amnesty
amo {m} :: hook
amo {m} [figurative] :: bait
a mo' di {adv} :: like, as, by way of
a modo {adj} :: alternative spelling of ammodo
a modo {adv} :: alternative spelling of ammodo
amoerre {m} /a.mo.ˈɛr.re/ :: alternative form of amoerro
amoerro {m} /a.mo.ˈɛr.ro/ :: synonym of moire
amomo {m} :: amomum (plants, such as cardamom, of the genus Amomum)
a monte {adv} :: upstream
amor {m} :: apocopic form of amore
amoracciante {v} :: present participle of amoracciare
amoracciare {v} [rare] :: To (hopelessly) fall in love (with)
amoraccio {m} :: alternative form of amorazzo
amorale {adj} :: amoral
amoralismo {m} :: amoralism
amoralità {f} :: amorality
amorazzo {m} :: amour
amorca {f} :: alternative form of morchia
amor cortese {m} :: courtly love
amore {m} /aˈmo.re/ :: love
Amore {prop} [Roman god] :: Cupid, Eros (the god of love)
amoreggiamento {m} :: flirtation
amoreggiante {v} :: present participle of amoreggiare
amoreggiare {vi} :: to flirt
amoreggiatore {m} :: flirt (male)
amoreggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of amoreggiatore
amorevole {adj} :: loving, affectionate, fond
amorevolezza {f} :: fondness, warmth, tenderness
amorevolmente {adv} :: lovingly, affectionately, amorously
amorfismo {m} :: amorphism
amorfo {adj} /aˈmɔr.fo/ :: amorphous
amorfo {adj} [figurative] :: colourless
Amorgo {prop} :: Amorgo (island)
amorino {m} :: cupid
amorosa {f} :: feminine noun of amoroso
amorosamente {adv} :: amorously, lovingly
amorosità {f} :: amorousness
amoroso {adj} :: amorous, loving
amoroso {m} :: lover
amorrito {adj} :: Amorite
amoruccio {m} :: darling
Amos {prop} [religion] :: Amos
Amos {prop} :: book of Amos
Amos {prop} :: given name
amoscino {m} :: damson plum (Prunus domestica damascena)
amostante {m} /a.mosˈtan.te/ :: A sixteenth-century governor of certain Arabs and Saracens
amovibile {adj} :: movable, removable
amovibilità {f} :: movability, removability
amozione {f} :: removal, discharge
Ampelio {prop} :: given name
ampelo- {prefix} :: vine or grape
ampelodesmo {m} :: stramma, rope grass, dis grass (Ampelodesmos mauritanicus)
ampelografia {f} :: ampelography
ampelografico {adj} :: ampelographic
ampelografo {m} :: ampelographer
ampelologia {f} :: ampelology (the study of vines)
ampelotecnia {f} :: viticulture
ampeloterapia {f} [medicine] :: ampelotherapy
amperaggio {m} :: amperage
ampere {m} :: ampere
ampère {m} :: ampere, amp
amperometro {m} :: ammeter
amperora {m} :: ampere-hour
amperspira {f} :: ampere-turn
ampex {m} :: video tape recorder
ampezzano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Ampezzo or to Cortina d'Ampezzo
Ampezzo {prop} :: Ampezzo (small town)
Ampezzo {prop} :: A region of the Dolomites in the province of Belluno
ampiamente {adv} :: widely
ampiamente {adv} :: amply
ampiamente {adv} :: spaciously
ampiamente {adv} :: abundantly
ampiante {v} :: present participle of ampiare
ampiare {v} :: alternative form of ampliare
ampicillina {f} :: ampicillin
ampiezza {f} :: size
ampiezza {f} :: largeness
ampiezza {f} :: extent
ampio {adj} :: wide, broad
ampio {adj} :: loose, baggy (clothing)
ampio {adj} :: spacious, roomy
ampio {adj} :: ample
ampissimo {adj} :: superlative of ampio
amplessicaule {adj} :: amplexicaul
amplesso {m} :: intercourse
amplesso {m} :: embrace
ampliabile {adj} :: expandable
ampliamento {m} :: widening, broadening
ampliamento {m} :: expansion (of an airport etc)
ampliante {v} :: present participle of ampliare
ampliantesi {v} :: present participle of ampliarsi
ampliare {v} :: to widen (all senses)
ampliare {v} :: to enlarge (on); amplify
ampliarsi {vr} :: To broaden, widen, expand or enlarge
ampliativo {adj} :: expandable
ampliatosi {v} :: past participle of ampliarsi
ampliazione {f} :: ampliation, enlargement
amplificamento {m} :: synonym of amplificazione
amplificante {v} :: present participle of amplificare
amplificantesi {v} :: present participle of amplificarsi
amplificare {vt} :: to amplify
amplificarsi {v} :: reflexive of amplificare
amplificarsi {v} :: to acquire greater importance or weight
amplificativo {adj} :: amplifying
amplificativo {adj} :: pompous
amplificato {adj} :: amplified
amplificatore {m} :: An amplifier
amplificatosi {v} :: past participle of amplificarsi
amplificazione {f} :: amplification
amplitron {m} :: amplitron
amplitudine {f} [astronomy] :: amplitude
amplitudine {f} :: vastness
ampolla {f} :: cruet
ampolla {f} :: ampulla
ampolla {f} :: bulb (e.g. a light bulb)
ampolliera {f} :: cruet set
ampollina {f} :: Small container of water or wine, used during the Mass
ampollosamente {adv} :: bombastically
ampollosamente {adv} :: pompously
ampollosità {f} :: bombast, pompousness
ampolloso {adj} :: bombastic, pompous
amputabile {adj} [surgery] :: That may, or needs to, be amputated
amputante {v} :: present participle of amputare
amputare {vt} :: To amputate
amputazione {f} :: amputation
amuchina {f} :: alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel
amuleto {m} :: amulet, lucky charm
a muso duro {adv} :: determinedly, brutally
amycofobia {f} :: amycophobia (fear of being scratched)
AN {prop} :: initialism of Alleanza Nazionale
ana- {prefix} :: ana- (almost always words of Greek origin)
ana- {prefix} [chemistry] :: ana- (derived from naphthalene or quinoline)
ana- {prefix} :: alternative form of a- before a vowel
ana {adv} [medicine] :: ana (in equal quantities)
anabasi {f} /aˈna.ba.zi/ :: anabasis
anabatico {adj} [meteorology] :: anabatic
anabattismo {m} :: Anabaptism
anabattista {adj} :: Anabaptist
anabattista {mf} :: Anabaptist
anabattistico {adj} :: Anabaptist
anabbagliante {adj} :: antidazzle (attributive)
anabbagliante {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: Antidazzle headlight (for car or motorcycle)
anabena {f} /a.naˈbɛ.na/ :: Any member of the Anabaena taxonomic genus
anabiosi {f} [biology] :: anabiosis
anablefobia {f} :: anablephobia (fear of looking up)
anabolico {adj} [biology] :: anabolic
anabolismo {m} :: anabolism
anabolizzante {adj} :: anabolic
anabolizzante {m} [biochemistry] :: anabolic steroid, steroid
anacardio {m} :: cashew (Anacardium occidentale)
anacardo {m} :: alternative form of anacardio
anace {m} :: anise; aniseed (Variant of: anice)
anacenosi {f} [rhetoric] :: anacoenosis
anaciato {adj} :: aniseed (attributive, especially when having this taste or flavour)
anaciclico {adj} :: anacyclic, palindromic
anacino {m} /a.naˈt͡ʃi.no/ :: alternative form of anicino
anacio {m} :: anise; aniseed (Variant of: anice)
anaclasi {f} :: anaclasis (all senses)
anaclastica {f} :: dioptrics
anaclastico {adj} :: anaclasic
anaclastico {adj} :: dioptric, anaclastic
Anacleto {prop} :: given name
anacoenosi {f} :: anacoenosis
anacoluto {m} [rhetoric, grammar] :: anacoluthon, anacoluthia
anaconda {f} [snake] :: anaconda
anacoresi {f} :: anachoresis
anacoreta {m} :: anchorite
anacoreticamente {adv} :: anchoretically
anacoretico {adj} :: anchorite (attributive)
anacoretismo {m} :: anachoretism
Anacreonte {prop} :: Anacreon
anacreonteo {adj} :: Anacreontic
anacreonteo {m} :: Anacreontic (poem)
anacreontica {f} :: Anacreontic (poem)
anacreontico {adj} :: Anacreontic
anacronismo {m} /anakroˈnismo/ :: anachronism
anacronisticamente {adv} /a.na.kro.nis.ti.kaˈmen.te/ :: anachronistically, anachronically
anacronistico {adj} /anakroˈnistiko/ :: anachronistic
anacrusi {f} :: anacrusis
anacrusi {f} [music] :: upbeat (unstressed beat at beginning of bar)
anacrusico {adj} :: anacrusic
anadema {f} :: anadem
anadiomene {adj} :: An epithet used to describe Venus emerging from the waves
anadiomene {adj} [by extension] :: Thrown-up by the sea
anadiplosi {f} [rhetoric] :: anadiplosis
anadromo {adj} [zoology, of migratory fish] :: anadromous (going upstream)
anadromo {adj} [botany] :: anadromous (inflorescence starting from the top)
anadumeno {m} :: diadumenos
anaelettrico {adj} :: un-electrifiable
anaerobicamente {adv} :: anaerobically
anaerobico {adj} :: anaerobic
anaerobio {adj} :: anaerobic
anaerobio {m} :: anaerobe
anaerobiosi {f} :: anaerobiosis
anafase {f} [genetics] :: anaphase
anaffettività {f} :: inaffectivity
anaffettivo {adj} :: inaffective
anafilassi {f} [medicine] :: anaphylaxis
anafilattico {adj} /a.na.fiˈlat.ti.ko/ :: anaphylactic
anafonesi {f} :: anaphonesis
anafora {f} [rhetoric, linguistics] :: anaphora
anaforesi {f} :: anaphoresis (all senses)
anaforicamente {adv} :: anaphorically
anaforico {adj} :: anaphoric
anafrodisia {f} :: anaphrodisia
anafrodisiaco {adj} :: anaphrodisiac
anagallide {f} :: pimpernel (plant)
anagenesi {f} :: anagenesis
anagiride {f} :: A legume of genus Anagyris
anaglifico {adj} :: anaglyphic
anaglifo {m} :: anaglyph
anagliptico {adj} :: Variant of anaglittico
anaglipto {m} :: Variant of anaglitto
anaglittica {f} :: anaglyptics
anaglittico {adj} :: anaglyptic
Anagni {prop} :: Anagni (town)
anagnino {adj} :: Of, or from, Anagni
anagnino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Anagni
anagogia {f} :: anagogics
anagogia {f} :: anagoge
anagogicamente {adv} :: anagogically
anagogico {adj} :: anagogic, anagogical
anagrafe {f} /aˈnaɡ.ra.fe/ :: register of births, marriages, and/or deaths
anagrafe {f} [transferred sense] :: register office, registry
anagraficamente {adv} :: according to register office; according to one's date of birth
anagrafico {adj} :: personal (data)
anagrafico {adj} :: registry (attributive)
anagramma {m} :: anagram
anagrammante {v} :: present participle of anagrammare
anagrammare {vt} :: To anagrammatise
anagrammaticamente {adv} :: anagrammatically
anagrammatico {adj} :: anagrammatic
anagrammista {mf} :: anagrammatist
analcolico {adj} /a.nalˈkɔ.li.ko/ :: non-alcoholic
analcoolico {adj} :: non-alcoholic (Variant of analcolico)
anale {adj} :: anal
analecta {mp} :: analects
analessi {f} :: analepsis
analettico {adj} :: analeptic
analettico {m} [pharmacology] :: analeptic
analfabeta {adj} /a.nal.faˈbɛ.ta/ :: illiterate
analfabeta {mf} :: illiterate
analfabetico {adj} :: analphabetic
analfabetismo {m} :: illiteracy
analfabetismo funzionale {m} [neologism] :: state or fact of being literate, but not able to understand any text that is even minimally complex
analgesia {f} :: analgesia
analgesico {adj} :: analgesic
analgesico {m} [pharmacology] :: analgesic, painkiller
analisi {f} :: analysis, testing, test
analisi {f} :: parsing
analisi armonica {f} [maths] :: harmonic analysis
analisi funzionale {f} [maths] :: functional analysis
analisi numerica {f} [maths] :: numerical analysis
analista {mf} :: analyst (all senses)
analista {mf} :: psychoanalyst
analita {f} [chemistry] :: analyte
analiticamente {adv} :: analytically
analiticità {f} :: The state of being analytic
analitico {adj} /a.naˈli.ti.ko/ :: analytical, analytic
analizzabile {adj} :: analyzable, analysable
analizzante {v} :: present participle of analizzare
analizzantesi {v} :: present participle of analizzarsi
analizzare {vt} :: to analyse, to analyze, to test, to examine
analizzare {vt} :: to backtrack
analizzarsi {vr} :: To undergo self-analysis
analizzatore {m} :: analyst (chemistry etc)
analizzatosi {v} :: past participle of analizzarsi
anallagmatico {adj} [maths] :: anallagmatic
anallergico {adj} :: hypoallergenic
analogamente {adv} :: analogously
analogia {f} :: analogy
analogicamente {adv} :: analogously
analogico {adj} :: analogic, analogical
analogico {adj} :: analog, analogue
analogismo {m} :: analogism
analogista {mf} :: analogist
analogo {adj} :: analogous
analogo {adj} :: similar
anamnesi {f} [medicine] :: anamnesis, medical history, case history
anamnestico {adj} :: anamnestic
anamorfico {adj} :: anamorphic
anamorfismo {m} :: anamorphism
anamorfizzante {v} :: present participle of anamorfizzare
anamorfizzare {vt} :: to anamorphize [create an anamorphosis]
anamorfizzazione {f} :: anamorphosis (process)
anamorfo {adj} :: anamorphic
anamorfosi {f} :: anamorphosis
ananas {m} /ˈa.na.nas/ :: pineapple
ananasso {m} /a.naˈnas.so/ :: obsolete form of ananas
anancasmo {m} [psychiatry] /a.nanˈkas.mo/ :: obsession
anancastico {adj} [psychiatry] /a.nanˈkas.ti.ko/ :: obsessive
ananche {f} [Ancient Greece] /aˈnan.ke/ :: ananke (necessity beyond all supplications or sway)
Anania {prop} [Biblical character] :: Ananias
Anania {prop} :: given name
ananke {f} :: alternative spelling of ananche
anapestico {adj} :: anapestic
anapesto {m} [prosody] /a.naˈpɛs.to/ :: anapest
anaplasia {f} :: anaplasia
anaplasma {m} :: Any bacterium of the genus Anaplasma
anaplasmosi {f} :: anaplasmosis
anaplastia {f} [surgery] :: anaplasty
anaplastico {adj} :: anaplastic
anaplerotico {adj} [biochemistry] :: anaplerotic
Anapo {prop} [Greek mythology] /ˈa.na.po/ :: A water deity
Anapo {prop} :: Anapo (river)
anapodittico {adj} :: anapodeictic
anappo {m} :: obsolete form of nappo
anapsido {m} [biology] :: anapsid
anaptissi {f} :: anaptyxis
anarchia {f} /anarˈkia/ :: anarchy, anarchism
anarchicamente {adv} :: autarchically
anarchico {adj} /aˈnar.ki.ko/ :: anarchistic
anarchico {adj} :: nihilistic
anarchico {adj} :: anarchic
anarchico {m} :: anarchist
anarchismo {m} [politics] :: anarchism
anarchofemminista {mf} :: alternative form of anarcofemminista
anarchomutualismo {m} :: anarcho-mutualism
anarcocapitalismo {m} [politics, economics] :: anarcho-capitalism
anarcocapitalistico {adj} :: anarcho-capitalist
anarcocomunismo {m} [economics, politics] :: anarcho-communism
anarcocomunista {mf} :: anarcho-communist
anarcocomunistico {adj} :: anarcho-communist
anarcofemminista {mf} :: anarcho-feminist
anarcoide {adj} :: anarchic
anarcoide {adj} :: rebellious
anarco-insurrezionalista {mf} :: anarchist-insurrectionist
anarco-insurrezionalista {adj} :: anarchist-insurrectionist
anarcolibertario {adj} :: anarcho-libertarian
anarcopacifismo {m} :: anarcho-pacifism
anarcopacifista {mf} :: anarcho-pacifist
anarco-sindacalismo {m} :: anarcho-syndicalism
anarcosindacalismo {m} :: anarcho-syndicalism
anarcosindacalista {mf} :: anarcho-syndicalist
ANAS {prop} :: acronym of Azienda Nazionale Autonoma delle Strade
anasarca {m} [medicine] :: anasarca
anaspide {m} [paleontology] /aˈnas.pi.de/ :: Any member of the extinct Anaspida taxonomic genus
Anassagora {prop} :: Anaxagoras
Anastasi {prop} :: surname derived from the given name Anastasio
Anastasio {prop} :: given name, from the Latin Anastasius
anastaticamente {adv} :: anastatically
anastatico {adj} :: anastatic
anastigmatico {adj} :: anastigmatic
anastigmatismo {m} :: anastigmatism
anastilosi {f} :: anastylosis
anastomizzante {v} :: present participle of anastomizzare
anastomizzantesi {v} :: present participle of anastomizzarsi
anastomizzare {vt} :: To anastomose
anastomizzarsi {vr} :: To be anastomosed
anastomizzatosi {v} :: past participle of anastomizzarsi
anastomosi {f} [surgery] :: anastomosis
anastrofe {f} :: anastrophe
anatasio {m} [mineralogy] :: anatase
anatema {m} /a.naˈtɛ.ma/ :: anathema
anatematismo {m} :: anathematism
anatematizzante {v} :: present participle of anatematizzare
anatematizzare {vt} :: to anathematize
anatematizzare {vt} :: to condemn
anatematizzare {vt} :: to curse
anatessi {f} [geology] /a.naˈtɛs.si/ :: anatexis
anatettico {adj} [geology] /a.naˈtɛt.ti.ko/ :: anatectic
anatide {m} :: duck (any bird of the family Anatidae)
anatocismo {m} :: anatocism, compound interest
anatolico {adj} :: Anatolian
anatolico {adj} [by extension] :: Turkish
Anatolio {prop} :: given name
anatomia {f} :: anatomy
anatomia {f} :: dissection
anatomia {f} :: analysis
anatomicamente {adv} :: anatomically
anatomico {adj} :: anatomic, anatomical, anatomy (attributive)
anatomico {adj} :: anatomically designed
anatomista {mf} :: anatomist
anatomizzante {v} :: present participle of anatomizzare
anatomizzare {vt} :: to anatomize
anatomopatologia {f} :: pathological anatomy
anatomopatologico {adj} [anatomy, pathology] :: anatomopathological
anatomopatologo {m} :: pathological anatomist
anatossina {f} :: toxoid
anatra {f} /ˈa.nat.ra/ :: duck (the bird or its meat)
anatra beccorosso {f} :: synonym of anatra dal becco rosso
anatra dal becco rosso {f} :: red-billed teal (Anas erythrorhyncha)
anatra dal becco rosso {f} :: synonym of anatra beccorosso
anatra mandarina {f} :: mandarin duck
anatrante {v} :: present participle of anatrare
anatrare {vi} :: To quack
anatra selvatica {f} :: mallard
anatra zoppa {f} [mainly politics] :: lame duck
anatrella {f} :: diminutive of anatra
anatrella {f} [uncommon] :: duckling
anatrella {f} [heraldiccharge] :: A stylized figure of a duck in profile with wings closed, and no beak or legs
anatreptica {f} [logic] :: anatrepsis
anatreptico {adj} :: anatreptic
anatroccolo {m} [rare] /a.naˈtrɔk.ko.lo/ :: diminutive of anatra
anatroccolo {m} :: duckling (young duck)
anatropo {adj} [botany] :: upside-down
anaunico {m} :: Nones (dialect)
anca {f} [anatomy] /ˈan.ka/ :: hip
ANCA {prop} :: Associazione Nazionale Cooperative Agricole
Ancarano {prop} :: Ancarano (small town)
Ancarano {prop} :: Ancarano (small coastal town)
ancata {f} :: swing or sway of the hips
ancata {f} :: A push with one's hips
ancella {f} /anˈt͡ʃɛl.la/ :: handmaid, maid
ancestrale {adj} :: ancestral
anch' {adv} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of anche
anche {adv} /ˈanke/ :: also, too, as well, besides
anche {adv} :: even
ancheggiamento {m} :: swaying gait
ancheggiante {v} :: present participle of ancheggiare
ancheggiante {adj} :: swaying
ancheggiare {vi} :: to wiggle [the hips]
ancheggiare {v} :: to grind
anche se {adv} :: even if, even though
anchilofobia {f} :: ankylophobia‎
anchilosante {adj} :: ankylosing
anchilosantesi {v} :: present participle of anchilosarsi
anchilosare {vt} :: To ankylose
anchilosarsi {vr} :: To ankylose
anchilosato {adj} :: stiff
anchilosatosi {v} :: past participle of anchilosarsi
anchilosauro {m} [dinosaurs] :: ankylosaurus
anchilosi {f} :: ankylosis
anchilostoma {m} :: hookworm (of genus Ancylostoma)
anchilostomiasi {f} :: ankylostomiasis (hookworm disease)
anchilotico {adj} :: ankylotic
Anchise {prop} :: Anchises
anchorman {m} :: anchorman
ancia {f} [music] :: reed (of a woodwind instrument)
ancidente {v} :: present participle of ancidere
ancidere {v} :: obsolete form of uccidere
ancile {m} :: The sacred shield of the Ancient Romans
ancillare {adj} :: maidservant (attributive)
ancillare {adj} :: ancillary
ancipite {adj} :: bifront, two-faced
ancipite {adj} :: double-headed, having two heads
ancipite {adj} [of mountains] :: having two summits or peaks
ancipite {adj} [of swords] :: double-edged
ancipite {adj} [of botany] :: ancipital
ancipite {adj} [of bibliography] :: wavering, doubtful, uncertain
ancipite {adj} :: dangerous, hazardous
ancirano {adj} :: Of or from Ankara
anco {adv} /ˈanko/ :: obsolete form of anche
ancona {f} :: retablo
Ancona {prop} /aŋˈkona/ :: Ancona (city/and/province)
Ancona {prop} :: The letter A in the Italian phonetic alphabet
anconetano {adj} /an.ko.neˈta.no/ :: Of or from Ancona
anconetano {m} :: An inhabitant of Ancona
anconetano {m} [uncountable] :: The dialect spoken in the area of Ancona
anconetano {m} [historical] :: A silver coin once minted in Ancona
anconitano {adj} /an.ko.niˈta.no/ :: alternative form of anconetano
ancor {adv} :: apocopic form of ancora
ancora {adv} /anˈko.ra/ :: still
ancora {adv} :: again
ancora {adv} :: more
ancora {adv} [after the adverb non] :: yet, not yet
ancora {adv} :: even
ancora {f} [nautical] /ˈan.ko.ra/ :: anchor (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom)
ancorabile {adj} :: anchorable, fixable
ancoraché {conj} :: alternative form of ancorché
ancoraggio {m} :: anchorage (all senses)
ancoraggio {m} [nautical] :: berth
ancoraio {m} :: anchor maker
ancorante {v} :: present participle of ancorare
ancorantesi {v} :: present participle of ancorarsi
ancorare {vt} :: to anchor
ancorare {vt} :: to moor
ancorarsi {v} :: reflexive of ancorare
ancorarsi {v} :: to anchor
ancorarsi {v} :: to moor
ancoratico {m} [nautical] :: medieval right to anchorage
ancorato {adj} :: anchored
ancoratosi {v} :: past participle of ancorarsi
ancorché {conj} [dated, literary] /ankorˈke/ :: although, though
ancoressa {f} :: An anchor with only one arm
ancoretta {f} :: grapnel
ancorotto {m} :: kedge
ancorquando {conj} :: although, though, even if
ancraofobia {f} :: ancraophobia
ancude {f} :: alternative form of incudine
Andalusia {prop} :: Andalusia (autonomous community)
andalusite {f} [mineral] :: andalusite
andaluso {adj} :: Andalusian
andaluso {m} :: Andalusian
andamento {m} :: course [of a road, illness, etc.]
andamento {m} :: trend [of prices, etc.]
andamento {m} [finance] :: state, performance
andamento {m} [music] :: chord progression
andamento {m} [music, by extension] :: movement (division of a larger composition)
andana {f} :: pathway
andana {f} :: windrow
andante {m} [music] :: andante
andante {adj} :: going, walking
andante {adj} :: current (month)
andante {adj} :: continuous, unbroken
andante {adj} :: ordinary, of little value
andante {adj} :: agile
andantemente {adv} :: cheaply
andantemente {adv} :: continuously
andantezza {f} :: affability
andantezza {f} :: simplicity
andar {v} :: apocopic form of andare
andarci piano {v} :: easy does it
andare {vi} /anˈda.re/ :: to go
andare {vi} :: to feel like (only with the 3rd person), to want/like
andare a fagiolo {v} :: to fit
andare a fagiolo {v} :: to be suitable
andare a finire {v} [idiom] :: to end up
andare a fondo {v} :: to sink
andare a fuoco {vi} :: to be on fire
andare a genio {v} :: to suit, sit
andare a genio {v} :: to be accepted, welcomed, or well-received (by)
andare al diavolo {v} :: to go to hell
andare a letto {v} :: to go to bed (with somebody)
andare a letto {v} [euphemistic] :: to have sex (with somebody)
andare a letto con le galline {v} :: to go to sleep very early
andare al fresco {v} :: to go to jail
andare alla cieca {v} :: to blunder
andare alla grande {v} :: to go like a dream
andare alla grande {v} :: to work like a charm
andare a male {vi} :: to go bad, rot, spoil
andare a nozze {v} :: to take delight in
andare a nozze {v} :: to revel
andare a nozze {v} :: to do something very pleasant or desirable
andare a nozze {v} :: to do something very easly or without problems
andare a parare {v} [idiom] :: to end up
andare a pennello {v} :: synonym of andare a fagiolo
andare a picco {v} :: to sink
andare a rotoli {v} [idiomatic] :: to fall apart, to become ruined
andare a rotta di collo {v} :: to go or run very fast
andare a ruba {v} :: to sell like hot cakes
andare avanti {vi} :: to lead (go in front)
andare a zonzo {v} :: to wander or stroll about
andare coi piedi di piombo {v} :: to proceed with extreme caution; to walk on eggshells
andare controcorrente {v} :: to go against the grain
andare di corpo {vi} :: To have a bowel movement
andare dietro {v} :: to run after
andare d'intestino {vi} :: To have a bowel movement
andare e venire {v} :: to come and go
andare fino alla fine {v} :: to go all the way
andare fuori dai gangheri {v} :: to go off the rails
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to go crazy
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to go berserk
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to flip
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to go mad
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to go insane
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to drive mad
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to drive crazy
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to lose the plot
andare fuori di testa {v} :: to see red
andare girandoloni {v} :: to go wandering or strolling about
andare in auto seduto davanti {v} :: to ride shotgun
andare in barchino {v} :: to punt
andare in brodo di giuggiole {vt} :: To rejoice (in) or (at), or be delighted (by)
andare in camporella {vi} :: To have a roll in the hay
andare in cerca di guai {v} :: synonym of cercare rogne
andare in cerca di guai {v} :: synonym of sfrugugliare
andare in cerca di rogne {v} :: synonym of cercare rogne
andare in collera {v} [idiom] :: to get angry
andare in estasi {v} :: to blast with ecstasy
andare in estasi {v} :: to hearken to ecstasy
andare in fallimento {v} :: To go bankrupt
andare in onda {v} :: to broadcast, air
andare in para {vi} [colloquial] :: to freak out
andare nel pallone {v} :: to be in a daze
andare per acqua {v} :: To travel by boat
andare per le spicce {v} :: to get straight to the point
andare per terra {v} :: To fall, fall over
andare sull'altalena {v} :: to swing
andare su tutte le furie {v} [idiom] :: to get very angry
andare via {v} :: to go away, to leave, to get away
andare via {v} [da, di] :: to leave, to get out of, to get away from
andare via {v} :: to vanish, to disappear
andarsene {vi} /anˈdar.se.ne/ :: to go away, leave
andarsene {v} [da, di] :: to leave, to get out of, to get away from
andarsene {vi} [euphemism] :: to pass away (die)
andarsene di nascosto {v} :: synonym of andarsene alla chetichella
andarsene di soppiatto {v} :: synonym of andarsene alla chetichella
andarsene furtivamente {v} :: synonym of andarsene alla chetichella
andarsene in acqua {v} :: To decay
andarsene in acqua {v} :: To be diluted
andarsene zitto zitto {v} :: synonym of andarsene alla chetichella
andata {f} :: outward journey, journey there
andata {f} [sports] :: first leg
andato a buon fine {adj} :: successful
andatoia {f} :: A temporary ramp allowing access to scaffolding etc on a building site
andatosene {v} :: past participle of andarsene
andatura {f} :: gait, walk
andatura {f} :: pace
andatura solenne {f} :: strut
andazzo {m} /anˈdat͡ːso/ :: A negative fad or trend
Ande {prop} :: Andes
andesite {m} [geology] :: andesite
andesitico {adj} :: andesitic
andicap {m} :: alternative form of handicap
andicappante {v} :: present participle of andicappare
andicappare {vt} :: alternative form of handicappare
andicappato {m} :: alternative form of handicappato
andicappato {adj} :: alternative form of handicappato
andino {adj} :: Andean
andirivieni {m} :: coming and going, bustle, hustle and bustle
andirivieni {m} :: hive of activity
andito {m} :: hall or passage (in a house)
-ando {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the gerund of regular -are verbs
-ando {suffix} :: Used with a stem to derive nouns and adjectives with an idea of necessity, obligation, or imminence
Andorra {prop} :: Andorra (country)
andorrana {f} :: feminine noun of andorrano
andorrano {adj} :: Andorran
andorrano {m} :: Andorran
andradite {f} [mineralogy] /an.draˈdi.te/ :: andradite
Andrea {prop} /anˈd̪rɛː.a/ :: Andrew (Biblical figure)
Andrea {prop} :: given name
andreeobri {m} {p} :: alternative case form of Andreeobri
Andreeobri {m} {p} /an.dre.eˈɔ.bri/ :: The Andreaeobryum taxonomic genus
andreeobrio {m} [bryology] /an.dre.eˈɔ.brjo/ :: Any member of the Andreaeobryum taxonomic genus
andreeobrio {m} [in the plural] :: alternative case form of Andreeobri
Andreina {prop} :: given name
andrena {f} :: mining bee (of genus Andrena)
Andreotti {prop} :: surname
Andreotti {prop} :: Giulio Andreotti, Italian statesman
andreottiano {m} :: A follower of Giulio Andreotti
andreottiano {adj} :: Of or relating to Giulio Andreotti
Andreozzi {prop} :: surname
Andretti {prop} :: Andretti (surname)
andrienne {f} :: A type of 19th-century négligée
andro- {prefix} :: andro- [both senses]
Andro {prop} :: Andro (island)
androcefalo {adj} :: androcephalous
androcentrico {adj} :: androcentric
androcentrismo {m} :: androcentrism
androceo {m} [botany] /an.dro.ˈtʃɛ.o/ :: androecium
androconio {m} [zoology] /an.droˈkɔ.njo/ :: androconium
androfobia {f} :: androphobia
androgenico {adj} [steroid hormone] :: androgenic
androgenizazione {f} :: androgenization
androgeno {m} :: androgen
androginia {f} :: androgyny
androginico {adj} :: androgynous
androgino {adj} :: androgynous
androgino {m} :: an androgyne
androginoforo {m} [botany] :: androgynophore
androide {adj} [biochemistry] /anˈdrɔi̯.de/ :: androgenous
androide {mf} :: An androgenous person
androide {mf} :: An android
androloga {f} :: feminine noun of andrologo
andrologia {f} [medicine] :: andrology
andrologico {adj} :: andrological, andrologic
andrologo {m} :: andrologist
Andromaca {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Andromache
andromania {f} :: nymphomania
Andromeda {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Andromeda
andromonoicismo {m} [botany] :: andromonoecy
andromonoico {adj} [botany] :: andromonoecious
androne {m} :: entrance, entrance hall
Andronico {prop} :: given name
andropausa {f} :: andropause
androprosopo {adj} :: man-headed (Having the facial features of a man)
androsace {f} :: rock jasmine (genus Androsace)
androsterone {m} :: androsterone
anecoico {adj} :: anechoic
anecumene {f} :: anecumene
aneddotico {adj} :: anecdotal, anecdotic
aneddotista {mf} :: raconteur, raconteuse
aneddoto {m} :: anecdote
anedonia {f} :: anhedonia
anelacio {n} :: double-edged dagger
anelacio {n} [weapon] :: A stabbing weapon, similar to a sword but with a short, double-edged blade
anelante {v} :: present participle of anelare
anelante {adj} :: panting, gasping (out of breath)
anelante {adj} :: eager, longing, yearning
anelantemente {adv} :: out of breath
anelantemente {adv} :: anxiously
anelantemente {adv} :: eagerly, longingly
anelare {v} [a] :: to long (for)
anelare {vi} :: to wheeze, to gasp (to breathe hard)
anelare {v} :: to be breathless
anelasticità {f} :: inelasticity
anelasticità {f} :: rigidity
anelastico {adj} :: inelastic
anelettrico {adj} :: anelectric
anelito {m} :: yearning, longing, purport
anelito {m} :: wheeze
anellamento {m} :: ringing (fixing a ring to a bird's leg)
anellante {v} :: present participle of anellare
anellare {vt} :: To girdle
anellare {vt} :: To ring (birds)
anellazione {f} :: girdling
anellazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: anellation
anelletto {m} [heraldiccharge] :: annulet
anellide {m} :: annelid
anellino {m} :: A small ring
anellino {m} [in the plural] :: A small ring-shaped pasta
anello {m} /aˈnɛl.lo/ :: ring
anello {m} :: link (of a chain)
anello {m} [in the plural, gymnastics] :: rings
anello {m} [botany] :: ring, growth ring
anello {m} [mycology] :: annulus
anello {m} [heraldiccharge] :: annulet
anello {m} [mathematics, algebra] :: ring
anello di fidanzamento {m} :: engagement ring
anello nuziale {m} :: wedding ring
anemia {f} [pathology] :: anemia
anemia drepanocitica {f} [pathology] :: sickle-cell disease
anemia falciforme {f} [pathology] :: sickle-cell disease
anemicamente {adv} :: anemically / anaemically
anemico {adj} :: anemic, anaemic
anemizzante {v} :: present participle of anemizzare
anemizzare {vit} :: to make, or to become anemic / anaemic
anemo- {prefix} :: wind, currents of air
anemocoria {f} :: anemochory
anemocoro {adj} [botany] :: anemochorous
anemofilia {f} [botany] :: anemophily (wind pollination)
anemofilo {adj} [botany] :: anemophilous
anemofobia {f} :: anemophobia
anemogamo {adj} :: synonym of anemofilo
anemografia {f} :: anemography
anemografo {m} :: anemograph
anemogramma {m} :: anemogram
anemologia {f} :: anemology
anemometria {f} :: anemometry
anemometrico {adj} :: anemometric
anemometro {m} [meteorology] :: anemometer
anemone {m} /aˈnɛ.mo.ne/ :: anemone
anemoscopio {m} :: anemoscope
anemotropismo {m} [botany] :: anemotropism
anepatia {f} [pathology] :: anhepatia
anepigrafo {adj} :: anepigraphic
anepisterno {m} :: mesopleuron
anergia {f} [immunology] :: anergy
anergia {f} [physics] :: exergy
anergico {adj} [immunology] :: anergic
anergico {adj} [physics] :: exergic
anerobio {adj} :: alternative form of anaerobio
anerobio {m} :: alternative form of anaerobio
aneroide {adj} :: aneroid
aneroide {m} [meteorology] :: aneroid barometer
anestesia {f} [medicine] /a.nes.tɛˈzi.a/ :: anesthesia
anestesiologia {f} [medicine] :: anesthesiology, anaesthesiology
anestesiologico {adj} :: anesthesiological
anestesiologo {m} :: anaesthesiologist / anesthesiologist
anestesista {mf} :: anaesthetist, anesthesiologist
anestetico {adj} :: anesthetic, anaesthetic
anestetico {m} [pharmacology] :: anesthetic, anaesthetic
anestetizzante {v} :: present participle of anestetizzare
anestetizzare {vt} :: to anesthetize
aneto {m} :: dill (herb)
aneuploidia {f} [genetics] :: aneuploidy
aneurina {f} :: aneurine, thiamine, vitamin B1
aneurisma {m} [pathology] :: aneurism
aneurismatico {adj} [medicine] :: aneurismatic
anfanamento {m} :: ranting, raving
anfanamento {m} :: rant, rave
anfanante {v} :: present participle of anfanare
anfanare {vi} :: To rant, rave
anfasibena {f} :: alternative form of anfesibena
anfesibena {f} :: amphisbaena
anfetamina {f} /an.fe.taˈmi.na/ :: amphetamine
anfetaminica {adj} :: amphetamine (attributive)
anfetaminico {adj} :: amphetaminic
anfetaminico {m} :: amphetaminic
anfi- {prefix} :: amphi- (Note. Words are either of Greek or Latin derivation)
Anfiarao {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Amphiaraus / Amphiaraos
Anfïarao {prop} :: medieval spelling of Anfiarao
anfiartrosi {f} [anatomy] :: amphiarthrosis
anfibio {adj} /anˈfi.bi.o/ :: amphibious, amphibian
anfibio {m} :: amphibian
anfibiotico {adj} :: amphibiotic
anfibolia {f} :: amphiboly (Variant of: anfibologia)
anfibolico {adj} [biochemistry] :: amphibolic
anfibolite {f} [geology] :: amphibolite
anfibolo {m} [mineral] :: amphibole
anfibolo {adj} :: ambiguous, uncertain
anfibologia {f} :: amphiboly
anfibologicamente {adv} :: amphibologically
anfibologico {adj} :: amphibolic
anfibraco {m} :: amphibrach
anfidromo {adj} :: amphidromous
anfifilico {adj} [chemistry] :: amphiphilic
anfigonia {f} :: amphigony
anfigonico {adj} :: amphigonic
anfimacro {m} :: amphimacer
anfimissi {m} [biology] :: amphimixis
Anfione {prop} :: Amphion
Anfïone {prop} :: medieval spelling of Anfione
anfiosso {m} :: lancelet, amphioxus (of genus Branchiostoma)
anfipatico {adj} :: amphipathic
anfipode {m} :: amphipod
anfiprostilo {adj} :: amphiprostyle
anfiprotico {adj} :: amphiprotic, amphoteric
anfisbena {f} :: amphisbaena
anfisibena {f} :: alternative form of anfisbena
anfistomatico {adj} [botany] :: amphistomatic
anfiteatro {m} [architecture, geology] :: amphitheatre, amphitheater
anfitrione {m} :: amphitryon (host at a meal)
anfitrione {m} :: host
Anfitrione {prop} :: Amphitryon
Anfitrite {prop} [Greek god] :: Amphitrite
anfizione {m} :: amphictyon
anfizionia {f} :: amphictyony
anfizionico {adj} :: amphictyonic
anfoione {m} [chemistry] :: amphoion, zwitterion
anfolito {m} [chemistry] :: ampholyte
anfora {f} /ˈan.fo.ra/ :: amphora
anfora {f} :: krater
anfora {f} :: An at sign (@)
anfotericina {f} [medicine] :: amphotericin
anfotero {adj} [chemistry] :: amphoteric, amphiprotic
anfratto {m} :: cleft
anfratto {m} :: ravine
anfratto {m} :: nook and cranny
anfrattuosità {f} :: anfractuosity
anfrattuoso {adj} :: anfractuous, winding
angamo {m} :: A kind of oyster net
angariante {v} :: present participle of angariare
angariare {vt} :: to vex; to bully, harass
angariatore {m} :: bully
angariatore {m} :: oppressor, tyrant
angela {f} [rare] :: A female angel
Angela {prop} :: given name
angelesco {adj} :: synonym of angelico
Angeli {prop} :: surname
angelica {f} :: angelica (plant)
Angelica {prop} :: A female given name
Angelica {prop} :: An order or nuns (or a member of that order)
angelicale {adj} :: angelic
angelicamente {adv} :: angelically
angelicante {v} :: present participle of angelicare
angelicare {v} :: To make angelic
angelicare {v} :: To spiritualize
angelicato {adj} :: angel-like
angelicità {f} :: angelicalness
angelico {adj} /an.ˈdʒɛ.li.ko/ :: angelic
Angelico {prop} :: given name
angelo {m} /ˈan.d͡ʒe.lo/ :: angel
Angelo {prop} /ˈan.d͡ʒe.lo/ :: given name
angelo custode {m} :: guardian angel
angelolatria {f} :: angelolatry
angelologia {f} :: angelology
angheria {f} :: oppression, abuse
angheria {f} :: imposition
anginofobia {f} :: anginophobia (1: fear of suffocation, 2: fear of angina)
anginoso {adj} [pathology] :: anginal
angio- {prefix} [anatomy, medicine] :: angio- (relating to blood vessels or lymph vessels)
Angiò {prop} :: Anjou
angioblastico {adj} [biology] /an.d͡ʒoˈblas.ti.ko/ :: angioblastic
angiocarpo {m} [botany] :: angiocarp
angiocarpo {adj} [botany] :: angiocarpous
angiocentrico {adj} :: angiocentric, perivascular
angiocolite {f} [pathology] :: angiocholitis, cholangitis
angiogenesi {f} [medicine] :: angiogenesis
angiogenico {adj} :: angiogenic
angiografia {f} [medicine] :: angiography
angiografico {adj} [medicine] :: angiographic
angiogramma {m} :: angiogram
angioino {adj} :: Angevin
angioino {m} :: Angevin
angioite {f} [pathology] :: angiitis
angiola {f} :: synonym of angela
Angiolello {prop} :: surname
angioletto {m} /an.dʒoˈlet.to/ :: diminutive of angelo
angioletto {m} [often ironical] :: an angelic child
Angiolo {prop} :: alternative form of Angelo
angiologia {f} :: angiology
angiologo {m} :: angiologist
angioma {m} :: angioma
angioneurosi {m} :: angioneurosis
angioneurotico {adj} [anatomy] :: angioneurotic
angiopatia {f} [pathology] :: angiopathy
angioplastica {f} [surgery] :: angioplasty
angioplastico {adj} :: angioplastic
angioproliferativo {adj} :: angioproliferative
angioproliferazione {f} :: angioproliferation
angiosarcoma {m} [medicine] :: angiosarcoma
angiospasmo {m} :: angiospasm, vasospasm
angiosperma {f} [botany] :: angiosperm
angiospermo {m} [botany] :: angiosperm
angiospermo {adj} [botany] :: angiospermous
angiostatina {f} :: angiostatin
angiotensina {f} :: angiotensin
angiotensinogeno {m} [biochemistry] :: angiotensinogen
angiporto {m} :: A narrow street (especially a cul-de-sac)
angiporto {m} :: A covered passageway between two buildings
angiporto {m} [nautical] :: dock
angla {f} :: feminine noun of anglo
anglicana {f} :: feminine noun of anglicano
anglicanesimo {m} :: Anglicanism
anglicano {adj} :: Anglican
anglicano {m} :: Anglican
anglicismo {m} /an.ɡliˈt͡ʃiz.mo/ :: anglicism
anglicizzante {v} :: present participle of anglicizzare
anglicizzantesi {v} :: present participle of anglicizzarsi
anglicizzare {vt} /an.ɡli.tʃidˈdza.re/ :: to anglicize
anglicizzarsi {vr} /an.ɡli.t͡ʃiˈd͡ːzar.si/ :: to anglicize oneself; to become anglicized
anglicizzatosi {v} :: past participle of anglicizzarsi
anglicizzazione {f} :: anglicisation
anglico {adj} :: Anglian
anglismo {m} :: anglicism, Anglicism
anglistica {f} /anˈɡlis.ti.ka/ :: English studies
anglo- {prefix} :: Anglo-
anglo {adj} :: Anglian [of the Angles]
anglo {adj} :: English
anglo {m} :: Angle
anglo {m} :: English
Anglo {m} :: Angle
angloamericano {adj} :: Anglo-American
angloamericano {m} :: Anglo-American
anglocattolicesimo {m} :: Anglo-Catholicism
anglocattolico {adj} :: Anglo-Catholic
anglofilia {f} :: Anglophilia
anglofilo {adj} :: anglophilic
anglofilo {m} :: anglophile
anglofobia {f} :: anglophobia
anglofobo {adj} :: anglophobic
anglofobo {m} :: anglophobe
anglofona {f} :: female equivalent of anglofono
anglofono {adj} :: anglophone
anglofono {m} :: anglophone
anglofrancese {adj} :: Anglo-French
angloirlandese {adj} :: Anglo-Irish
anglo-ispano {adj} :: Anglo-Hispanic
angloitaliano {adj} :: Anglo-Italian
anglomane {adj} :: Anglomaniac
anglomane {mf} :: Anglomaniac
anglomania {f} :: Anglomania
anglo-normanno {adj} :: Anglo-Norman
anglo-normanno {m} :: Anglo-Norman (person)
anglo-normanno {m} :: Anglo-Norman (language spoken in England after 1066)
anglonormanno {adj} :: Anglo-Norman
anglosassone {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
anglosassone {mf} :: Anglo-Saxon
Angola {prop} :: Angola (country)
angolana {f} :: feminine noun of angolano
angolano {adj} :: Angolan
angolano {m} :: Angolan
angolante {v} :: present participle of angolare
angolante {adj} :: angling (at an angle)
angolare {adj} :: angular
angolare {adj} :: pitched
angolare {vt} :: To angle
angolare {vt} [football] :: To cross the ball
angolarità {f} :: angularity
angolarmente {adv} :: angularly
angolato {adj} :: angled
angolatura {f} :: angulation
angolatura {f} :: angle (photographic, TV etc)
angolazione {f} :: angulation
angolazione {f} :: angle (photographic, TV etc)
angolese {adj} :: Angolan
angoletto {m} :: A small corner
angoliera {f} [furniture] :: corner cupboard (or shelf), encoignure
angolino {m} :: A small corner
angolo {m} /ˈan.ɡo.lo/ :: angle, corner
angolo acuto {n} [geometry] :: acute angle Of a triangle, having all three interior angles measuring less than 90 degrees
angolo cottura {m} :: kitchenette
angolo giro {n} [geometry] :: An angle of 360 degrees; round angle
angoloide {m} [mathematics] :: solid angle
angolo ottuso {n} [geometry] :: obtuse angle Of a triangle, having an obtuse angle
angolo retto {n} :: right angle
angolo retto {n} [geometry] :: Half of the angle formed by a single straight line, equivalent to 90 degrees
angolosità {f} :: angularity
angoloso {adj} :: angular
angolo solido {m} [mathematics] :: solid angle
Angora {prop} :: obsolete form of Ankara
angoscia {f} :: anguish
angosciante {adj} :: distressing, upsetting
angosciante {adj} :: scary, frightening
angosciante {v} :: present participle of angosciare
angosciantesi {v} :: present participle of angosciarsi
angosciare {vt} :: To cause anguish to; to upset
angosciarsi {vr} :: To grieve, distress oneself or worry
angosciatamente {adv} :: anguishedly, worriedly
angosciato {adj} :: anguished, worried, distressed
angosciatosi {v} :: past participle of angosciarsi
angosciosamente {adv} :: distressingly
angoscioso {adj} :: distressing
angoscioso {adj} :: anguished
angostura {f} :: A medicinal plant Angostura trifoliata
angostura {f} :: Angostura bitters
angue {mf} [literary] /ˈan.ɡwe/ :: serpent, snake
angue {mf} [zoology] :: Any member of the Anguis taxonomic genus, particularly the slowworm (Anguis fragilis)
anguichiomato {adj} :: synonym of anguicrinito
anguicrinito {adj} :: snake-haired
anguifero {adj} [heraldry] :: anguiform
anguilla {f} /anˈɡwil.la/ :: eel
Anguilla {prop} :: Anguilla
anguillaia {f} :: eel farm or pond
anguillano {adj} :: Of or from Anguilla
Anguillara {prop} :: surname
anguillescamente {adv} :: In a slippery manner (like an eel)
anguillesco {adj} :: of or like an eel
anguillesco {adj} [figurative, by extension] :: slippery, evasive
anguillicoltura {f} :: eel-farming
anguilliforme {adj} :: anguilliform
anguillula {f} :: eelworm
anguillulosi {f} [pathology] :: A disease caused by an infestation of eelworms
anguinaia {f} :: groin
anguinea {f} [maths] :: anguinea
anguineo {adj} :: anguine, anguineous
anguipede {adj} :: anguiped
anguipede {mf} :: anguiped
Anguissola {prop} :: surname
Anguissola {prop} :: Sofonisba Anguissola, an Italian paintress
anguistara {f} :: carafe
anguria {f} [regional] /anˈɡu.rja/ :: watermelon
angustamente {adv} :: narrowly
angustamente {adv} :: meanly
angustia {f} :: lack of space
angustia {f} :: want, poverty
angustia {f} :: anguish, distress
angustiante {v} :: present participle of angustiare
angustiantesi {v} :: present participle of angustiarsi
angustiare {vt} :: to torment, distress, worry
angustiarsi {vr} :: To become tormented or distressed (about)
angustiatore {adj} :: distressing, worrying
angustiatosi {v} :: past participle of angustiarsi
angusticlavio {m} :: angusticlavia, angusticlavus
angustiosamente {adv} :: distressingly, agonizingly
angustioso {adj} :: distressing, agonizing
angustioso {adj} :: distressed, agonised
angusto {adj} :: narrow
angusto {adj} :: stupid; mentally dull
angustura {f} :: alternative form of angostura
Anibàl {prop} :: medieval spelling of Annibale
anice {m} /ˈa.ni.t͡ʃe/ :: anise, aniseed (plant and spice)
anice {m} :: anise (liqueur made from aniseed)
Aniceto {prop} :: given name
Anichini {prop} :: surname
Anichini {prop} :: Luigi Anichini, Italian jewelry-maker
anicino {m} /a.niˈt͡ʃi.no/ :: biscuit or confectionary flavoured with aniseed
anicione {m} :: A drink, similar to sambuca, from Emilia
aniconico {adj} :: aniconic
anidrasi {f} [enzyme] :: anhydrase
anidrasi carbonica {f} [enzyme] :: carbonic anhydrase
anidride {f} [chemistry] :: anhydride
anidride carbonica {f} :: carbon dioxide - (literally) carbonic anhydride
anidride solforica {f} :: sulfur trioxide
anidrite {m} [mineralogy] :: anhydrite
anidro {adj} :: anhydrous
anidrosi {f} [pathology] :: anhidrosis
Aniello {prop} :: given name
Aniene {prop} :: Aniene (river)
anigroscopico {adj} :: anhygroscopic
anilina {f} [organic compound] :: aniline
anima {f} [religion, philosophy, also figuratively] /ˈa.ni.ma/ :: soul
anima {f} [lutherie] :: sound post
animabile {adj} :: That may be animated
animadversione {m} [literary] :: reproach
animadversione {m} [archaic] :: annotation, especially a literary one
anima gemella {f} :: soulmate
animalculismo {m} :: animalculism
animale {adj} /aniˈmale/ :: animal
animale {m} :: animal
animale {m} :: beast
animale da compagnia {m} :: pet, companion animal
animale d'affezione {m} :: pet
animale da soma {m} :: pack animal, beast of burden
animale da tiro {m} :: draught animal, draft animal
animale domestico {m} :: pet
animale domestico {m} :: domesticated animal
animaleria {f} :: the animal kingdom
animaleria {f} :: bestiality
animalescamente {adv} :: like an animal
animalesco {adj} :: bestial
animalesco {adj} :: animal (attributive)
animaletto {m} [colloquial] :: Little or young animal (or representation or model of an animal)
animalismo {m} :: animal rights movement
animalista {mf} :: animal rights activist
animalistico {adj} :: animalistic
animalistico {adj} :: animal (attributive)
animalità {f} :: animality
animante {v} :: present participle of animare
animantesi {v} :: present participle of animarsi
animare {vt} :: to animate
animare {vt} :: to enliven
animare {vt} :: to encourage
animarsi {v} :: reflexive of animare
animarsi {v} :: to become animated
animatamente {adv} :: animatedly
animatezza {f} [uncommon] :: vivacity, verve
animato {adj} :: animate
animato {adj} :: animated
animato {adj} :: lively
animatore {adj} :: guiding
animatore {adj} :: driving
animatore {m} :: organizer
animatore {m} :: compère
animatosi {v} :: past participle of animarsi
animatrice {f} :: feminine noun of animatore
animatrone {mf} :: animatronic robot
animatronica {f} :: animatronics
animatronico {adj} :: animatronic
animavversione {f} :: animadversion
animazione {f} :: animation
animazione {f} :: activity, liveliness, bustle
animella {f} [especially in the plural] /a.niˈmɛl.la/ :: sweetbread (thymus gland of an animal used as food)
animella {f} :: The main moving part of a valve
animella {f} [button manufacture] :: A levigated button prior to being milled
animella {f} :: diminutive of anima
animelle {f} :: sweetbreads
animico {adj} :: mental (relating to the mind)
animico {adj} :: psychic
animista {adj} :: animistic
animista {m} :: animist
animistico {adj} :: animistic
animo {m} :: mind
animo {m} :: spirit, courage
animo {m} :: inclination
animo {m} :: thought
animo {m} :: opinion
animosamente {adv} :: bravely, boldly
animosamente {adv} :: malevolently
animosità {f} :: animosity
animoso {adj} :: brave, courageous
anione {m} :: anion
anionico {adj} :: anionic
anisaldeide {f} [organic compound] :: anisaldehyde
anisetta {f} :: anisette
anismo {m} [pathology] :: anismus
anisocitosi {f} [pathology] :: anisocytosis
anisocoria {f} [medicine] :: anisocoria
anisofillia {f} [botany] :: anisophylly
anisogamete {m} [biology] :: synonym of eterogamete
anisogamia {f} [biology] :: anisogamy
anisomicina {f} [medicine] :: anisomycin
anisotropia {f} [physics] :: anisotropy
anisotropo {adj} :: anisotropic
Anito {prop} :: given name
anitra {f} :: alternative form of anatra
Ankaa {prop} :: Ankaa, the brightest star in the constellation of Phoenix
ankerite {f} [mineral] :: ankerite
Anna {prop} /ˈan.na/ :: given name
Anna {prop} :: Hannah (Biblical mother of Samuel)
Anna {prop} :: Anna (Biblical prophetess)
annà {v} [Rome, colloquial] :: alternative form of andare
annacquamento {m} :: watering (down); dilution
annacquante {v} :: present participle of annacquare
annacquare {vt} :: to water down, to dilute
annacquato {adj} :: diluted, watery, thin, watered down, wishy-washy
annacquatura {f} :: watering (down); diluting
annacquatura {f} :: watered-down drink
annaffiamento {m} :: watering
annaffiante {v} :: present participle of annaffiare
annaffiare {vt} /annafˈfjare/ :: to water (plants)
annaffiatoio {m} :: watering can
annaffiatore {adj} :: watering (attributive)
annaffiatura {f} :: watering
annali {m} {p} [history] :: annals
annalista {mf} :: annalist
annalistica {f} :: chronicling
annalistica {f} :: annals
annalisticamente {adv} :: annalistically
annalistico {adj} :: annalistic
Annam {prop} /anˈnam/ :: Annam (historical name of Vietnam)
annamita {adj} /an.naˈmi.ta/ :: Annamite
annamitico {m} /an.naˈmi.ti.ko/ :: Annamite (language)
annamitico {adj} :: Annamite
annasante {v} :: present participle of annasare
annasare {vt} [archaic or regional] /an.naˈza.re/ :: to smell, to sniff
annasare {vi} [archaic] :: to be fond of
annaspamento {m} :: flailing
annaspamento {m} :: gesticulation
annaspante {v} :: present participle of annaspare
annaspare {v} :: to flail about, grope blindly; to flounder
annaspare {v} :: to gesticulate wildly
annaspare {v} :: to fumble
annaspicante {v} :: present participle of annaspicare
annaspicare {v} :: To fumble
annaspicare {v} :: To gesticulate
annaspio {m} :: groping, fumbling
annata {f} :: year (entire)
annata {f} :: vintage
annataccia {f} :: poor year (for crops)
annatto {n} :: annatto (dye)
annea {f} :: alternative form of annata
annebbiamento {m} :: fog, mist
annebbiamento {m} :: fogging, misting
annebbiamento {m} :: dimming, blurring, clouding
annebbiante {v} :: present participle of annebbiare
annebbiantesi {v} :: present participle of annebbiarsi
annebbiare {vt} :: to cloud, bewilder, befuddle
annebbiarsi {v} :: reflexive of annebbiare
annebbiarsi {vr} :: to become cloudy, misty, foggy
annebbiarsi {vr} :: to blur
annebbiatosi {v} :: past participle of annebbiarsi
annegamento {m} /an.ne.ɡaˈmen.to/ :: drowning
annegante {v} :: present participle of annegare
annegare {vit} /an.neˈɡa.re/ :: To drown
annegare i propri dispiaceri nell'alcol {v} :: to drown one's sorrows
annegata {f} :: drowned woman
annegato {m} /an.neˈɡa.to/ :: drowned man
annegazione {f} :: Variant of abnegazione
anneramento {m} :: alternative form of annerimento
annerante {v} :: present participle of annerare
annerantesi {v} :: present participle of annerarsi
annerare {v} :: alternative spelling of annerire
annerarsi {v} :: alternative spelling of annerirsi
anneratosi {v} :: past participle of annerarsi
annerente {v} :: present participle of annerire
annerentesi {v} :: present participle of annerirsi
annerimento {m} :: darkening, blackening
annerire {vi} :: To become black
annerire {vt} :: To blacken
annerirsi {vr} :: To turn black, to blacken
anneritosi {v} :: past participle of annerirsi
anneritura {f} :: darkening, blackening
annessiectomia {f} [surgery] :: ovariosalpingectomy
annessione {f} :: annexation
annessionismo {m} :: annexationism
annessionista {mf} :: annexationist
annessionistico {adj} :: annexational
annessite {f} [pathology] :: adnexitis
annestante {v} :: present participle of annestare
annestare {v} :: alternative form of innestare
annettente {v} :: present participle of annettere
annettere {vt} :: to attach, add
annettere {vt} :: to annex, consolidate
annettersi {v} :: reflexive of annettere
annettersi {v} :: to annex [by force]
Annetto {prop} :: given name
Annibale {prop} :: Hannibal
Annibale {prop} :: given name
annibalico {adj} :: Hannibalic
annichilamento {m} :: annihilation
annichilante {v} :: present participle of annichilare
annichilantesi {v} :: present participle of annichilarsi
annichilare {vt} :: obsolete form of annichilire
annichilarsi {vr} :: To annihilate each other (e.g. of matter and antimatter)
annichilatosi {v} :: past participle of annichilarsi
annichilazione {f} :: annihilation (all senses)
annichilente {v} :: present participle of annichilire
annichilimento {m} :: annihilation
annichilire {vt} :: to annihilate
annichilire {vt} :: to devastate
Annico {prop} :: given name
annidamento {m} [embryology] :: implantation, nidation
annidamento {m} :: nesting
annidante {v} :: present participle of annidare
annidantesi {v} :: present participle of annidarsi
annidare {vt} :: to build a nest
annidarsi {v} :: reflexive of annidare
annidarsi {vr} :: to nest
annidarsi {vr} :: to nestle, nuzzle
annidarsi {vr} :: to hide
annidarsi {vr} :: to take root [with fright]
annidatosi {v} :: past participle of annidarsi
annientamento {m} :: annihilation, destruction
annientante {v} :: present participle of annientare
annientare {vt} :: to annihilate, destroy, thrash or wipe out
annientato {adj} :: annihilated, destroyed, wiped out
annientatore {m} :: destroyer, annihilator
annientatrice {f} :: female equivalent of annientatore
Annina {prop} :: A diminutive of the female given name Anna
Annino {prop} :: given name
anni ruggenti {m} {p} :: Roaring Twenties
anni ruggenti {m} {p} [transferred sense] :: period of intense fervor and activity
Annito {prop} :: given name
annitrente {v} :: present participle of annitrire
annitrire {v} :: alternative form of nitrire
anniversario {adj} :: anniversary
anniversario {m} :: anniversary
anniversario {m} :: birthday
anniversario di matrimonio {m} :: wedding anniversary
anniversario di nozze {m} :: wedding anniversary
anno {m} /ˈan.no/ :: year
annobilente {v} :: present participle of annobilire
annobilire {v} :: To ennoble
anno bisestile {m} :: leap year, bissextile year
annodamento {m} :: knotting
annodamento {m} :: knot
annodante {v} :: present participle of annodare
annodare {vt} :: to tie [laces, etc.]
annodare {vt} :: to knot [a tie]
annodatura {f} :: knotting
annodatura {f} :: knot
annodicchiante {v} :: present participle of annodicchiare
annodicchiare {v} :: To tie in small knots
anno fiscale {m} :: fiscal year
anno giuliano {m} [historical, astronomy] :: Julian year (365.25 days)
annoiamento {m} :: boredom
annoiante {v} :: present participle of annoiare
annoiantesi {v} :: present participle of annoiarsi
annoiare {vt} :: to bore, to weary
annoiarsi {vr} :: to be bored, to get bored, to be fed up
annoiatamente {adv} :: boredly
annoiatamente {adv} :: wearily
annoiato {adj} :: bored, fed up
annoiato {adj} :: tired, weary
annoiatore {adj} :: boring
annoiatore {m} :: bore (boring person)
annoiatosi {v} :: past participle of annoiarsi
anno luce {m} [astronomy] :: light year (distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days) or 9.461 trillion kilometres)
anno lunare {m} :: lunar year
annominazione {f} :: agnomination
annona {f} :: ration
annonario {adj} :: ration (attributive)
anno sabbatico {m} :: sabbatical, sabbatical year
annosamente {adv} :: year after year, since a long time, for a long time, for ages
annosità {f} :: age
annoso {adj} :: age-old, old
anno solare {m} :: solar year
annotamento {m} :: annotation, inscription
annotante {v} :: present participle of annotare
annotare {vt} :: to note down, take down [dictation, etc.]
annotare {vt} :: to annotate
annotatore {m} :: annotator
annotazione {f} :: note
annotazione {f} :: annotation
anno tropico {m} :: tropical year
annottante {v} :: present participle of annottare
annottare {v} [impersonal] :: To fall (of the night)
annottato {v} :: past participle of annottare
annottolante {v} :: present participle of annottolare
annottolare {v} :: To latch
annovale {adj} :: alternative form of annuale
annoverabile {adj} :: countable
annoverante {v} :: present participle of annoverare
annoverare {vt} :: To number
annuale {adj} :: annual
annuale {adj} :: yearly
annualità {f} :: annual salary
annualmente {adv} :: annually, yearly
annualmente {adv} :: from year to year
annuario {m} :: yearbook
annuaristico {adj} :: yearly, annual
Annuccio {prop} :: given name
annuente {v} :: present participle of annuire
annuenza {f} [uncommon] :: nodding
annuenza {f} [uncommon] :: approval
annuire {vi} :: to nod in agreement
annullabile {adj} :: annullable, voidable, defeasible
annullabilità {f} :: The state of being voidable or defeasible
annullamento {m} :: cancellation, annulment, nullification, abolition, revocation, reversal
annullante {v} :: present participle of annullare
annullantesi {v} :: present participle of annullarsi
annullare {vt} :: to cancel, revoke, nullify, annul, scrub, rescind, void, withdraw, disallow, repeal
annullarsi {v} :: reflexive of annullare
annullarsi {v} :: to cancel each other, cancel one another
annullarsi {v} :: to abase oneself, humble oneself
annullativo {adj} :: nullifying
annullatore {adj} :: cancelling
annullatore {m} :: canceler
annullatosi {v} :: past participle of annullarsi
annullazione {f} :: cancellation, annulment, nullification, abolition, revocation, reversal
annullo {m} :: (mail) cancellation, cancel
annullo filatelico {m} :: philatelic postmark
annullo postale {m} :: postmark
annullo postale {m} :: cancellation (on an envelope)
annunciante {v} :: present participle of annunciare
annunciantesi {v} :: present participle of annunciarsi
annunciare {v} :: to announce
annunciarsi {vr} :: To show the indications of a future event; to "look like being"
Annunciato {prop} :: given name
annunciatore {m} :: announcer (radio, TV)
annunciatosi {v} :: past participle of annunciarsi
annunciatrice {f} :: announcer (radio, TV)
annunciazione {f} :: annunciation
Annunciazione {n} :: Annunciation (Christian feast)
Annunciazione {n} :: Lady Day
annuncio {m} :: announcement, notice, news
annuncio {m} :: advertisement, ad, advert
Annuncio {prop} :: given name
annunziante {v} :: present participle of annunziare
annunziantesi {v} :: present participle of annunziarsi
annunziare {vt} :: alternative form of annunciare
annunziarsi {vr} :: Variant of annunciarsi
Annunziata {prop} :: given name referring to the annunciation
Annunziata {prop} :: The Madonna (as "Our Lady of the Annunciation")
Annunziata {prop} :: The feast of the Annunciation
Annunziato {prop} :: given name
annunziatore {m} :: Variant of annunciatore
annunziatosi {v} :: past participle of annunziarsi
annunziazione {f} :: Variant of annunciazione
annunzio {m} :: alternative form of annuncio
Annunzio {prop} :: given name
annuo {adj} :: annual, yearly
annurca {f} :: A cultivar of apple, from southern Italy, with red skin and white flesh
annusante {v} :: present participle of annusare
annusantesi {v} :: present participle of annusarsi
annusare {vt} /an.nuˈza.re/ :: to smell
annusare {vt} :: to sniff
annusarsi {v} :: reflexive of annusare
annusarsi {v} :: to detect one's own smell
annusarsi {v} :: to sniff each other [especially of animals]
annusatosi {v} :: past participle of annusarsi
annutolo {m} :: yearling buffalo
annuvolamento {m} :: clouding (over)
annuvolamento {m} :: cloudiness
annuvolante {v} :: present participle of annuvolare
annuvolantesi {v} :: present participle of annuvolarsi
annuvolare {vt} :: To cloud
annuvolarsi {vr} :: To become cloudy; to cloud over
annuvolatosi {v} :: past participle of annuvolarsi
-ano {suffix} /ano/ :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural present tense of regular -are verbs
-ano {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural present subjunctive of regular -ere and -ire verbs
-ano {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person imperative of regular -ere and those -ire verbs that do not take -isc
-ano {suffix} [productive] /ˈano/ :: Coming from, related to, or like. Example: italiano (Italian), from Italia (Italy)
-ano {suffix} [organic chemistry] :: -ane (in the names of hydrocarbons)
ano {m} :: anus
anobio {m} :: woodworm, furniture beetle (of genus Anobium)
anodico {adj} :: anodic
anodino {adj} /aˈnɔ.di.no/ :: anodyne, specifically:
anodino {adj} [pharmacology] :: Capable of soothing or eliminating pain
anodino {adj} [figurative] :: Noncontentious, blandly agreeable, unlikely to cause offence or debate
anodizzante {v} :: present participle of anodizzare
anodizzare {vt} :: To anodize
anodizzato {adj} :: anodized
anodizzazione {f} :: anodization
anodo {m} /ˈa.no.do/ :: anode
anoesia {f} [pathology] :: anoesis
anoetico {adj} :: anoetic
anofele {m} :: anopheles (mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles)
anogenitale {adj} [anatomy] :: anogenital
anolén {n} :: synonym of anolini (Parma dialect)
anolide {m} :: anole
anolini {n} :: A type of small, edged with rays pasta sheets folded up similar to tortellini, stuffed with meat, cheese etc specific of Parma-Piacenza in Emilia-Romagna region and Cremona Lombardy region in Italy
anolini {n} :: synonym of anvén (Piacenza dialect)
anolini {n} :: synonym of anolén (Parma dialect)
anolini {n} :: synonym of marubén (Cremona dialect)
anomalia {f} :: anomaly
anomalia {f} [medicine] :: abnormality
anomalia {f} [figuratively] :: quirk
anomalismo {m} :: anomalism
anomalista {mf} :: anomalist
anomalistico {adj} :: anomalistic
anomalo {adj} :: anomalous, abnormal, dysfunctional
anomaluro {m} :: anomalure, scaly-tailed squirrel, flying squirrel
anomaluro pigmeo {m} :: synonym of topo volante
a nome di {prep} :: on behalf of
anomerico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: anomeric
anomero {m} [organic chemistry] :: anomer
anomia {f} :: anomia, anomy
anomico {adj} :: anomic
anona {f} :: custard apple (of genus Annona)
anonimamente {adv} :: anonymously
anonimato {m} :: anonymity
anonimia {f} :: anonymity
anonimità {f} /a.no.ni.miˈta/ :: anonymity
anonimizzante {v} :: present participle of anonimizzare
anonimizzare {vt} :: to anonymize
anonimizzazione {f} :: anonymization
anonimo {adj} :: anonymous
anonimo {m} :: anonym, anonymous person
anopistografo {adj} :: anopisthograph
anorchide {adj} :: anorchid
anorchidia {f} /a.nor.kiˈdi.a/ :: anorchia, anorchidism
anorchismo {m} [medicine] /a.norˈkis.mo/ :: synonym of anorchidia
anoressante {m} [medicine] :: anorexiant
anoressia {f} :: anorexia
anoressica {f} :: female equivalent of anoressico
anoressico {adj} :: anorexic
anoressico {m} :: anorexic
anoressizzante {adj} :: anorectic
anoressizzante {m} [medicine] :: anorectic (medication)
anorettale {adj} [anatomy] :: anorectal
anorganico {adj} :: inorganic
anorgasmia {f} [medicine] :: anorgasmia (failure to achieve orgasm)
anorgasmico {adj} :: anorgasmic
a norma {adv} [law] /a ˈnɔr.ma/ :: according (to)
anormale {adj} :: abnormal, preternatural
anormale {mf} :: an abnormal person
anormalità {f} :: abnormality
anormalmente {adv} :: abnormally
anortite {f} [mineralogy] :: anorthite
anosmia {f} [pathology] :: anosmia
anosmico {adj} :: anosmic
anossia {f} [pathology] :: anoxia
anossico {adj} :: anoxic
anossiemia {f} [pathology] :: anoxemia
anossigenico {adj} :: anoxygenic
anostosi {f} [pathology] :: anostosis
a nove zeri {adj} :: Having nine zeros
anovulatorio {adj} :: anovulatory
Anrico {prop} /anˈri.ko/ :: given name, alternative form of Enrico
ansa {f} :: handle
ansa {f} :: curve or bend (in a river)
ansa {f} :: loop, coil
ansa cervicale {f} [anatomy] :: ansa cervicalis
ansamento {m} :: wheezing
ansamento {m} :: panting
ansante {adj} :: panting
ansante {adj} :: out of breath
ansare {vi} :: To pant
ansare {v} :: to wheeze, gasp
ansato {adj} :: handled (having handles)
Ansberto {prop} :: given name
anseatico {adj} :: Hanseatic
Anselmo {prop} :: given name
Anselmuccio {prop} :: given name, but especially that of Anselmo della Gherardesca
anseriforme {m} :: anseriform
anserino {adj} :: anserine
anserino {adj} :: goose (attributive)
ansia {f} :: anxiety, apprehension
ansia {f} :: eagerness
Ansiei {prop} :: Ansiei (river)
ansietà {f} :: anxiousness, anxiety
ansietà {f} :: longing, yearning
ansimante {v} :: present participle of ansimare
ansimante {adj} :: panting, gasping
ansimare {vi} :: to pant (gasp for breath)
ansimare {v} :: to wheeze, gasp
ansio {adj} :: anxious, anguished, tormented
ansiogeno {adj} :: causing anxiety; anxiogenic
ansiolitico {adj} :: tranquilizing
ansiolitico {m} [medicine] :: tranquilizer
ansiosamente {adv} :: anxiously
ansioso {adj} :: anxious, apprehensive
ansioso {adj} :: eager
ansioso {m} :: anxious person
ansito {m} [literary] /ˈan.si.to/ :: gasping, panting
Ansovino {prop} :: given name
Ansprando {prop} :: given name
ANSV {prop} :: ANSV; abbreviation of agenzia nazionale per la sicurezza del volo
anta {f} /ˈan.ta/ :: door [of furniture]
anta {f} :: shutter [of window]
anta {f} :: sash [of window]
anta {f} :: panel
anta {m} {p} [colloquial] :: forties, fifties, sixties, ... (in someone's age)
antagonismo {m} :: antagonism
antagonista {mf} :: antagonist [all senses]
antagonista {mf} :: rival
antagonista {adj} :: antagonist, antagonistic
antagonistico {adj} :: antagonistic
antagonistico {adj} [genetics] :: allelomorphic
antalgico {adj} :: analgesic
antalgico {m} [medicine] :: analgesic
antalgico {m} :: painkiller
antanaclasi {f} [rhetoric] :: antanaclasis
antanella {f} :: A vertical net used, at night, to catch game
Antares {prop} :: Antares
antarticite {f} [mineral] :: antarcticite
antartico {adj} :: Antarctic
Antartico {prop} :: The Antarctic
Antartide {prop} :: Antarctica
-ante {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the present participle of regular -are verbs
-ante {suffix} :: Used to form many adjectives whose form is the same for masculine and feminine
-ante {suffix} :: Added to verbs to form agent nouns
ante- {prefix} :: ante- (all senses)
ante {adv} [obsolete] /ˈan.te/ :: afore, ere; before, earlier
ante {adv} [obsolete] :: rather than, instead (of)
antebellico {adj} :: pre-war
antecedente {adj} :: precedent, previous, antecedent
antecedente {m} :: antecedent
antecedentemente {adv} :: previously, before
antecedenza {f} :: antecedence, precedence
antecedere {vt} :: to precede, antecede
antecessore {m} :: antecessor, predecessor
anteclipeo {m} :: anteclypeus
anteco {m} [obsolete, chiefly plural] /anˈtɛ.ko/ :: A person living on the same latitude, but in the opposite hemisphere
antedetto {adj} :: synonym of predetto
antefana {f} :: antiphon
antefatto {m} :: prior event
antefatto {m} :: background, antecedent
antefissa {f} :: antefix
anteguerra {f} :: pre-war period
anteguerra {f} :: antebellum
antela {f} [botany] :: anthela
Antelami {prop} :: surname
Antelami {prop} :: Benedetto Antelami, Italian sculptor and architect
antelio {m} [astronomy] :: anthelion
ante litteram {adv} :: ante litteram
antelmintico {adj} :: anthelmintic (Variant of: antielmintico)
antelucano {adj} :: antelucan
antelunare {adj} :: Describing the time of the Moon's first quarter
antemarcia {adj} :: Leading to the marcia su Roma
antemarcia {mf} :: A person who had joined the Italian Fascist party before the March on Rome
antemeridiano {adj} :: alternative form of antimeridiano
antemetico {adj} :: antiemetic (Variant of: antiemetico)
antemide {f} :: camomile
antemio {m} :: anthemion
antemurale {m} :: barbican (or similar fortification)
antenata {f} :: female equivalent of antenato
antenata {f} :: vintage car
antenatale {adj} :: antenatal
antenato {m} :: ancestor, forefather
anteneonatale {adj} :: antenatal (especially relating to the time immediately before birth)
antenitorio {m} :: aludel (alembic used for sublimation)
antenna {f} :: flagpole
antenna {f} [nautical] :: yard
antenna {f} :: device to receive or transmit radio signals: aerial (UK), antenna (US)
antenna {f} :: feeler organ on the head of an insect: antenna
antennale {m} [nautical] :: The edge of a sail that is attached to a yard
antenna parabolica {f} :: satellite dish
antennaria {f} :: catsfoot (plant of genus Antennaria)
antennifero {adj} :: antenniferous
antennista {mf} :: TV aerial / antenna installer
antennomero {m} :: antennomer
antennula {f} :: antennule
Antenora {prop} :: Antenor
Antenore {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Antenor
Antenore {prop} :: given name
antenuziale {adj} :: prenuptial, antenuptial
Anteo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Antaeus
Anteo {prop} :: given name
antepenultimo {adj} :: antepenultimate (Variant of: antipenultimo)
anteponente {v} :: present participle of anteporre
anteporre {vt} :: to put or place something before something else
anteposizione {f} :: anteposition
anteprandiale {adj} :: anteprandial
antepredicamento {m} [logic] :: antepredicament
anteprima {f} :: trailer, preview, teaser
anteprima {f} :: antecedent
anteprima {f} [computing] :: preview
anteprima {f} [computing] :: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
antera {f} [botany] :: anther
antergante {v} :: present participle of antergare
antergare {vt} :: To antedate or predate
anteridio {m} [botany] :: antheridium
anteriore {adj} :: front, fore in space
anteriore {adj} :: former, previous, prior, earlier, preceding in time
anteriorità {f} :: antecedence, priority
anteriormente {adv} :: previously
anteriormente {adv} :: in front, in the front, at the front
Antero {prop} :: given name
anterogrado {adj} :: anterograde
anterolaterale {adj} [anatomy] :: anterolateral
anterolinguale {adj} :: anterolingual
anteropalatale {adj} :: anteropalatal
anteroposteriore {adj} :: anteroposterior
anterosettale {adj} :: anteroseptal
anterosuperiore {adj} :: anterosuperior
anterozoo {m} :: antherozoid
antescritto {adj} :: forewritten
antesi {f} :: flowering, blossoming
antesignana {f} :: standard-bearer
antesignana {f} :: forerunner, predecessor, antecedent
antesignano {m} :: standard-bearer
antesignano {m} :: forerunner, predecessor, antecedent
anti- {prefix} :: anti-
anti- {prefix} :: ante-
anti- {prefix} :: anti-
anti {adv} [obsolete] /ˈan.ti/ :: alternative form of ante [all senses]
antiabbagliante {adj} :: antidazzle
antiabbagliante {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: dipped headlights
antiabortista {adj} :: antiabortion [attributive]
antiabortista {mf} :: antiabortionist
antiabusivi {adj} :: antiabuse (against illegal activities)
antiabusivismo {adj} :: anti-unauthorized activity (attributive)
antiacari {adj} :: antiacarian
antiaccademico {adj} :: antiacademic
antiacido {adj} :: antacid
antiacido {m} [pharmacology] :: antacid
antiacustico {adj} :: soundproof
antiaderente {adj} :: nonstick (utensils etc)
antiaereo {adj} :: anti-aircraft [attributive]
antiaereo {adj} :: air-raid (shelter)
antiaereo {m} :: Anti-aircraft gun
antiagglomerante {adj} :: anti-caking
antiagglomerante {m} :: anti-caking agent
antiagglomerante {m} :: antiagglomerant
antiaggregante {adj} [medicine] :: antiaggregant, antiplatelet
antialcol {adj} :: alternative form of antialcolico
antialcolico {adj} :: antialcohol (attributive)
antialcolismo {m} :: anti-alcoholism
antialcolismo {m} :: temperance (movement)
antialcolista {mf} :: anti-alcoholist (advocate of temperance)
antialghe {adj} :: anti-algae
antialiseo {m} :: antitrade (wind)
antiallergenico {adj} :: antiallergenic
antiallergico {adj} :: antiallergic
antiallergico {m} [pharmacology] :: antiallergic, anti-allergy agent
antialo {adj} [photography] :: antihalo
antialone {adj} [photography] :: antihalo
antialonico {adj} [photography] :: antihalo
antiamericana {f} :: feminine noun of antiamericano
antiamericanismo {m} :: anti-Americanism
antiamericano {adj} :: anti-American
antiamericano {m} :: anti-American
antianafilassi {f} :: antianaphylaxis
antianarchico {adj} :: anti-anarchic (opposed to anarchy)
antiandrogeno {m} [biochemistry] :: antiandrogen
antianemico {adj} :: antianemia
antianeurisma {adj} [medicine] :: anti-aneurism
antiangina {adj} :: antianginal
antiangina {m} [pharmacology] :: antianginal
antiapoptotico {adj} [biochemistry] :: antiapoptotic
antiappannante {adj} :: demisting, defogging
antiappenninico {adj} :: Antiapennine
Antiappennino {prop} :: Any of several mountain ranges separated from the true Apennines by deep, wide depressions
antiareo {adj} :: Variant of antiaereo
antiaritmico {adj} :: antiarrhythmic
antiaritmico {m} [pharmacology] :: antiarrhythmic
antiarrossante {adj} :: anti-reddening
antiartritico {adj} :: antiarthritic
antiartritico {m} [medicine] :: antiarthritic (drug)
antiasmatico {adj} [pharmacology] :: antiasthmatic
antiasmatico {m} :: antiasthmatic drug
antiastenico {adj} :: antiasthenic
antiatlantismo {m} [politics] :: Opposition to the North Atlantic Treaty
antiatlantista {adj} [politics] :: Who opposes the North Atlantic Treaty
antiatomico {adj} :: antinuclear
antiatomo {m} [physics] :: antiatom
antiautoritario {adj} :: antiauthoritarian
antiautoritarismo {m} :: antiauthoritarianism
antibaccheo {m} :: antibacchius
antibagno {m} :: antechamber (originally of a bathroom)
antibalistico {adj} :: antiballistic
antibarione {m} [physics] :: antibaryon
antibatterico {adj} :: antibacterial
antibatterico {m} [pharmacology] :: antibacterial
antibecco {m} :: A pointed breakwater on the pier of a bridge
antibellicista {adj} :: anti-warmongering
antiberlusconismo {m} :: criticism of, and opposition to Silvio Berlusconi and his policies
antibiogramma {m} [medicine] :: antibiogram
antibiosi {f} :: antibiosis
antibioterapia {f} [medicine] :: antibiotherapy
antibiotico {adj} :: antibiotic
antibiotico {m} [pharmacology] :: antibiotic
antibioticoterapia {f} [medicine] :: antibiotic therapy
antiblasfemo {adj} :: anti-blasphemy
antiblastico {adj} [biology] /an.tiˈblas.ti.ko/ :: antiblastic
antibloccaggio {adj} :: anti-lock
antiblocco {adj} :: anti-lock
antiblu {adj} [physics] :: antiblue
antibolscevico {adj} :: antibolshevist
antiborghese {adj} :: antibourgeois
antibraccio {m} :: synonym of avambraccio
antibrachiale {adj} :: antibrachial
antibrina {adj} :: antifrost
antibufale {adj} [neologism] :: anti-fake-news
anticaccia {adj} :: antihunt, antihunting
anticaduta {adj} :: that counters or reverses hair loss
anticaduta {adj} :: [of a safety harness, etc.] that prevents one from falling
anticaglia {f} :: antique
anticaglia {f} :: old junk
anticalamità {adj} :: Describing an insurance policy that provides cover against natural disasters
anticalcare {adj} :: limescale removing
anticalcare {m} :: limescale remover
anticaldo {adj} :: anti-heat (describing foods etc for when it is hot)
anticalore {adj} :: heat-resistant (protective clothing etc)
anticalpestio {adj} :: soundproofing (of a floor)
anticamente {adv} :: in ancient times; anciently
anticamera {f} /an.tiˈka.me.ra/ :: hall, lobby, waiting room
anticamera {f} :: antechamber
anticancerogeno {adj} [medicine] :: anticarcinogenic
anticanceroso {adj} [medicine] :: anticancer, antitumour / antitumor
anticancro {adj} :: anticancer
anticapitalista {adj} :: anticapitalist
anticapitalistico {adj} :: anticapitalist
anticarbonchioso {adj} :: anti-anthrax
anticardio {m} [anatomy] :: anticardium
anticarie {adj} :: anticavity (dental)
antica Roma {prop} :: alternative form of Roma antica
anticarro {adj} :: antitank
anticasta {adj} :: antiestablishment
anticastrismo {m} :: anti-Castrism
anticastrista {adj} :: anti-Castro
anticatarrale {adj} :: anti-catarrh
anticato {adj} :: old-looking
anticatodo {m} [physics] :: anticathode
anticattolico {adj} :: anticatholic
anticellulite {adj} :: anticellulite
anticheggiante {v} :: present participle of anticheggiare
anticheggiante {adj} :: old-fashioned (in fashions, manners, customs, etc.)
anticheggiare {vi} :: to adopt old-fashioned fashions, manners, customs, etc
antichinetosico {adj} :: anti-travel sickness
antichissimo {adj} :: superlative of antico
antichista {mf} :: antiquarian
antichistica {f} :: classics (study of classical antiquity)
antichità {f} :: antiquity
antichità {f} :: antique
antichizzante {v} :: present participle of antichizzare
antichizzare {vt} :: to distress (make to look antique)
anticiclico {adj} [economics] :: countercyclical
anticiclone {m} [meteorology] :: anticyclone
anticiclonico {adj} :: anticyclonic
anticima {f} :: subpeak
anticipante {v} :: present participle of anticipare
anticipare {vi} :: To arrive early
anticipare {vt} :: To bring forward
anticipare {vt} :: To hasten
anticipare {vt} :: To anticipate
anticipare {vt} :: To reveal
anticipare {vt} :: To advance or lend (money)
anticipatamente {adv} :: in advance, beforehand, early
anticipato {adj} :: early
anticipato {adj} :: in advance
anticipatore {m} :: forerunner, precursor
anticipatore {adj} :: anticipatory
anticipazione {f} :: anticipation
anticipazione {f} :: payment in advance
anticipo {m} [of a payment] /anˈti.t͡ʃi.po/ :: advance, prepayment, deposit, down payment
anticipo {m} [of time] :: early [adv.], time ahead
anticivilizzazione {adj} :: anticivilization
anticlandestini {adj} :: anti-illegal immigrant
anticlandestino {adj} :: Variant of anticlandestini
anticlericale {adj} :: anticlerical
anticlericalismo {m} :: anticlericalism
anticlinale {adj} :: anticlinal
anticlinale {m} [geology] :: anticline
anticlinalmente {adv} :: In an anticlinal direction
antico {adj} /anˈti.ko/ :: ancient
anticoagulante {adj} :: anticoagulant
anticoagulante {m} [pharmacology] :: anticoagulant
anticoaugulante {adj} :: anticoagulant
anticoaugulante {m} :: anticoagulant
anticodone {m} [genetics] :: anticodon
anticoincidenza {adj} [electronics, of a circuit with multiple inputs] :: That prevents the passage of multiple signals at the same time
anticolerica {f} [medicine] :: cholera vaccination
anticolerico {adj} :: anticholera
anticolesterolo {adj} [medicine] :: anticholesterol
anticolinergico {adj} :: anticholinergic
anticolinergico {m} [pharmacology] :: anticholinergic
anticollisione {adj} :: collision avoidance (attributive)
anticoloniale {adj} :: anticolonial
anticolonialismo {m} :: anticolonialism
anticolonialista {mf} :: anticolonialist
anticolore {m} [physics] :: anticolour
anticommerciale {adj} :: anticommercial
anticomunismo {m} :: anticommunism
anticomunista {adj} :: anticommunist
anticoncentrazione {adj} :: The counters or prevents the concentration of power or influence in single newspapers, TV channels etc
anticoncettivo {adj} :: synonym of anticoncezionale
anticoncezionale {adj} :: contraceptive
anticoncezionale {m} :: A contraceptive
anticoncordatario {adj} :: Opposing the concordat between the Italian State and the Catholic Chhurch
anticoncorrenziale {adj} :: anticompetitive
anticonfessionale {adj} :: anticonfessional
anticonformismo {m} :: nonconformism, nonconformity
anticonformista {adj} :: nonconformist, unconventional
anticonformista {mf} :: nonconformist, unconventional person
anticonformisticamente {adv} :: in a nonconformist manner
anticonformisticamente {adv} :: unconventionally
anticonformistico {adj} :: nonconformist, unconventional
anticongelante {m} :: antifreeze
anticongelante {adj} :: antifreeze [attributive]
anticongiuntura {f} [economics] :: countercyclicality
anticongiunturale {adj} [economics] :: countercyclical
antico nordico {m} :: Old Norse (language)
anticonoscente {v} :: present participle of anticonoscere
anticonoscere {vt} [obsolete] :: to anticipate
anticonsumismo {m} :: anticonsumerism
anticonsumista {adj} :: anticonsumerist
anticontaminazione {adj} :: anti-contamination (attributive)
anticontraffazione {f} :: anti-counterfeiting
anticontraffazione {adj} :: anti-counterfeiting (attributive)
anticonvenzionale {adj} :: unconventional, unorthodox
anticonvenzionale {adj} :: contrary to (international) convention
anticonvulsante {adj} :: anticonvulsant
anticonvulsante {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: anticonvulsant
anticopia {adj} [computing, Internet] :: anti-copy (describing digital rights management protected objects or systems)
anticoppia {adj} :: antitorque
anticorpale {adj} :: antibody (attributive)
anticorpo {m} [immunology] :: antibody
anticorrosione {adj} :: anticorrosion
anticorrosivo {adj} :: anticorrosive
anticorrosivo {m} :: anticorrosive (material)
anticorruzione {adj} :: anticorruption
anticostituzionale {adj} :: unconstitutional
anticostituzionalissimamente {adv} :: very anticonstitutionally
anticostituzionalità {f} :: unconstitutionality
anticostituzionalmente {adv} :: unconstitutionally
Antico Testamento {prop} [biblical] :: Old Testament
anticrepuscolo {m} /an.tik.reˈpus.ko.lo/ :: An optical phenomenon, sometimes occurring at dusk, consisting in coloured stripes running parallel to the horizon
anticresi {f} :: antichresis
anticrimine {adj} :: anticrime (especially that fights organized crime)
anticrisi {adj} :: anti-crisis
anticristiana {f} :: feminine noun of anticristiano
anticristiano {adj} :: antichristian
anticristiano {m} :: antichristian
anticristo {m} :: A persecutor of Christians
anticristo {m} :: A devil
Anticristo {prop} :: Antichrist
anticrittogamico {adj} :: fungicidal
anticrittogamico {m} :: fungicide
anticrollo {adj} :: anti-collapse
anticucina {f} :: A room, such as a pantry or scullery, adjacent to a kitchen
anticume {m} :: old junk
anticursore {m} :: explorer
anticursore {m} :: forerunner
antidarwiniano {adj} :: anti-Darwinist, anti-Darwinian
antidarwinista {adj} :: anti-Darwinist
antidata {f} :: antedate
antidatante {v} :: present participle of antidatare
antidatare {vt} :: to antedate
antidatazione {f} :: antedating
antideflagrante {adj} :: explosion-proof
antidemocraticamente {adv} :: antidemocratically (in an antidemocratic manner)
antidemocraticità {f} :: Property of being undemocratic
antidemocratico {adj} :: antidemocratic
antidepositante {adj} :: anti-depositing (that prevents calcareous deposits)
antidepressione {adj} [medicine] :: antidepressant
antidepressivo {adj} :: antidepressant
antidepressivo {m} [pharmacology] :: antidepressant
antiderapante {adj} :: nonskid, antiskid
antidetonante {adj} :: antiknock
antidetonante {m} :: antiknock agent
antidiabete {adj} :: antidiabetes
antidiabetico {adj} :: antidiabetic
antidiabetico {m} [pharmacology] :: antidiabetic drug; antidiabetic agent
antidiaforetico {adj} :: antisudorific, antiperspirant
antidiaforetico {m} :: antisudorific, antiperspirant
antidiarroico {adj} :: antidiarrheal
antidiarroico {m} :: antidiarrheal agent
antidifterico {adj} :: anti-diphtheria
antidiftotetanico {adj} [medicine] :: Both antitetanus and antidiphtheria
antidiluviano {adj} [biblical] /an.ti.di.luˈvja.no/ :: antediluvian (pertaining to the time prior to the Flood)
antidiluviano {adj} [figurative, jocular] :: antediluvian (ancient)
antidirottamento {adj} :: anti-hijacking
antidiscriminazioni {adj} :: antidiscrimination
antidisidratante {adj} [of a cosmetic] :: moisturizing (that prevents dehydration)
antidisturbo {adj} :: antijamming
antidiuretico {adj} [pharmacology] :: antidiuretic
antidiuretico {m} [pharmacology] :: antidiuretic
antidivistico {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of an antidivo / antidiva
antidivo {m} :: A star (personality) who rebels against the star system
antidivorzismo {m} :: opposition to divorce
antidivorzista {mf} :: A person who is opposed to divorce
antidivorzistico {adj} :: anti-divorce (attributive)
antidogmatico {adj} :: antidogmatic
antidogmatismo {m} :: anti-dogmatism
antidolore {adj} :: antidepressant
antidolorifico {adj} :: analgesic
antidolorifico {m} :: analgesic, painkiller
antidopaminergico {adj} :: antidopaminergic
antidopaminergico {m} [pharmacology] :: antidopaminergic drug, antidopaminergic agent
antidoping {adj} :: doping (attributive), drug (attributive)
antidoping {m} [sports] :: dope test, drug test
antidorcade {f} :: springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis)
antidotario {m} [medicine] :: antidotary (a book or list of antidotes)
antidoto {m} :: antidote
antidroga {adj} :: against drugs; counternarcotics (attributive), drug (attributive)
antidromico {adj} :: antidromic
antiebraico {adj} :: anti-Jewish
antiebraismo {m} :: antisemitism
antieconomicamente {adv} :: uneconomically
antieconomico {adj} :: uneconomic
antieffrazione {adj} :: against-break-ins
antielettrone {m} [physics] :: antielectron, positron
antielmintico {adj} :: anthelmintic
antielmintico {m} [pharmacology] :: anthelmintic
antielusivo {adj} :: anti- tax evasion
antiemetico {adj} :: antiemetic
antiemetico {m} [pharmacology] :: antiemetic
antiemofilico {adj} :: antihemophilic
antiemorragico {adj} :: antihemorrhagic
antiemorragico {m} [pharmacology] :: antihemorrhagic
antiemorroidale {adj} [medicine] :: anti-haemorrhoidal
antiepilettico {adj} :: antiepileptic
antiepilettico {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antiepileptic drug
antieroe {m} :: antihero
antieroina {f} :: antiheroine
antiesclusione {adj} :: anti-exclusion
antiessudativo {adj} :: antiexudative
antiessudativo {m} [pharmacology] :: antiexudative drug; antiexudative agent
antiestetico {adj} :: unaesthetic
antiestrogenico {adj} :: antiestrogenic
antiestrogenico {m} [pharmacology] :: antiestrogenic
antietà {adj} :: synonym of antinvecchiamento
antieuropeismo {m} :: anti-Europeanism
antieuropeista {mf} :: anti-European, anti-Europeanist (especially against the European Community)
antieuropeistico {adj} :: anti-European
antieuropeo {adj} :: anti-European
antieuropeo {m} :: anti-European
anti-fading {m} :: antifading
antifagocitario {adj} [biology] :: antiphagocytic
antifannulloni {adj} :: anti-idlers
antifascismo {m} :: anti-fascism
antifascista {adj} [politics] /an.ti.faˈʃis.ta/ :: antifascist
antifascista {mf} :: antifascist
antifato {m} :: dowry
antifebbrile {adj} :: antipyretic
antifebbrile {m} :: antipyretic, febrifuge
antifecondativo {adj} :: contraceptive
antifecondativo {m} :: contraceptive
antifederalista {adj} :: anti-federalist
antifederalista {mf} :: anti-federalist
antifemminismo {m} :: antifeminism
antifemminista {adj} :: antifeminist
antifemminista {mf} :: antifeminist
antifermentativo {m} :: fermentation inhibitor
antiferna {f} :: A wedding gift from the groom to the bride
antiferromagnetico {adj} [physics] :: antiferromagnetic
antiferromagnetismo {m} [physics] :: antiferromagnetism
antifeudale {adj} :: antifeudal
antifiamma {adj} :: flame-retardant
antifiamme {adj} :: alternative form of antifiamma
antifibrinolitico {adj} :: antifibrinolytic
antifibrinolitico {m} [pharmacology] :: antifibrinolytic
antifiscalismo {m} [finance] :: Opposition to excessive fiscalism
antiflogistico {adj} :: antiphlogistic
antiflogistico {m} [pharmacology] :: antiphlogistic
antiflogosi {f} [medicine] :: antiinflammatory, antiphlogistic
antifona {f} :: antiphon, antiphony
antifona {f} :: anthem
antifonale {adj} [music] :: antiphonal
antifonario {m} :: antiphonary
antifonia {f} :: antiphony
antiforfora {adj} :: anti-dandruff
antiforme {m} :: antiform
antifotone {m} [physics] :: antiphoton
antifrancese {adj} :: anti-French
antifranchista {adj} :: anti-Franco
antifrasi {f} [rhetoric] :: antiphrasis
antifrasticamente {adv} :: antiphrastically
antifrastico {adj} :: antiphrastic
antifreddo {adj} :: anti-cold
antifrizione {adj} :: antifriction
antifrode {adj} :: antifraud
antifumo {adj} :: antismoking, antitabacco
antifungino {adj} :: antifungal, antimycotic
antifungino {m} [pharmacology] :: antifungal, antimycotic
antifuoco {adj} :: synonym of antincendio
antifurto {m} :: antitheft device
antigatto {adj} :: anti-cat (describing products to deter cats from gardens etc)
antigelo {adj} :: antifreeze (attributive)
antigelo {m} :: antifreeze, deicer
antigene {m} [immunology] :: antigen
antigene {adj} :: antigenic
antigenicità {f} :: antigenicity
antigenico {adj} :: antigenic
antighiaccio {adj} :: anti-icing (attributive)
antigienico {adj} :: unhygienic
antiginnastica {f} :: A form of yoga that focuses on relaxation of muscles and control of breathing
antigiudaico {adj} :: anti-Judaic
antigiudaico {m} :: anti-Judaic
antigiuridicamente {adv} :: illegally
antigiuridicità {f} :: illegality
antigiuridico {adj} :: illegal
antiglobale {adj} :: Antiglobal
antiglobalista {mf} [politics] :: antiglobalist, anti-globalization
antiglobalizzazione {f} :: antiglobalization
antiglutine {adj} :: antigluten (antibodies etc)
antigonide {adj} :: Antigonid
Antigono {prop} :: given name
antigovernativo {adj} :: antigovernment
antigraffio {adj} :: scratch-resistant
antigrafo {m} :: antigraph (copy of a manuscript)
antigrandine {adj} :: anti-hail
antigravità {f} :: antigravity
antigrisutoso {adj} :: anti-firedamp (safe to use in the presence of firedamp)
Antigua e Barbuda {prop} :: Antigua e Barbuda (country)
antiguerriglia {f} :: synonym of controguerriglia
antiidrogeno {m} [physics] :: antihydrogen
antiigienico {adj} :: alternative form of antigienico
antiimmigrati {adj} :: antiimmigration
antiincendio {adj} :: alternative form of antincendio
antiinfettivo {adj} :: alternative form of antinfettivo
antiinfiammatorio {adj} :: alternative form of antinfiammatorio
antiinfluenzale {adj} :: alternative form of antinfluenzale
antiinfortunistico {adj} :: alternative form of antinfortunistico
antiinquinamento {adj} :: alternative form of antinquinamento
antiintercettazione {adj} :: anti-wiretapping (Variant of antintercettazione)
antiinterventista {adj} :: anti-interventionist
antiislamico {adj} :: anti-Islamic
antiislamisto {adj} :: anti-Islamist
antiislamisto {m} :: anti-Islamist
antiisraeliano {adj} :: anti-Israeli
antiistaminico {adj} :: alternative form of antistaminico
antiisterico {adj} :: alternative form of antisterico
antiitaliano {adj} :: anti-Italian
antilegame {adj} [chemistry] :: antibonding
antilegante {adj} [chemistry] :: antibonding
antileptone {m} [physics] :: antilepton
antiletterario {adj} :: antiliterary
antiletteratura {adj} :: anti-literature
antiletteratura {f} :: antiliterature
antileucemico {adj} :: antileukemic / antileukaemic
antiliberale {adj} :: antiliberal
antillano {adj} :: Antillean
Antille {prop} :: the West Indies
antillide {f} :: kidney vetch (or similar plants of the genus Anthyllis)
antilocapra {f} :: pronghorn
antilogaritmo {m} [mathematics] :: antilogarithm, antilog
antilogia {f} :: antinomy
antilogia {f} :: oxymoron
antilogico {adj} :: antilogical
antilogismo {m} [logic] :: antilogism
antilope {f} :: antelope (mammal)
antilope alcina {m} :: eland, common eland, southern eland, eland antelope, Cape elk (Taurotragus oryx)
antilope azzurra {f} :: nilgai, nilgau, nilghais, blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
antilope capriolo {f} :: rhebok, grey rhebok, grey rhebuck (Pelea capreolus)
antilope d'acqua {f} :: waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
antilope dalle corna a vite {m} :: synonym of addax
antilope dei canneti {f} :: reedbuck, reed antelope, inghalla, reitbok
antilope giraffa {f} :: synonym of gazzella giraffa
antilope giraffa {f} :: synonym of gherenuc
antilope nana {f} :: synonym of antilope pigmea
antilope nera {f} :: sable antelope (Hippotragus niger)
antilope pigmea {f} :: pygmy antelope, dwarf antelope, royal antelope (Neotragus pygmaeus)
antilope quadricorne {f} :: four-horned antelope, chousingha Tetracerus quadricornis
antilope reale {f} :: synonym of antilope pigmea
antilope roana {f} :: roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)
antilope roana {f} :: bastard gemsbok
antilope tibetana {f} :: Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii)
antilope tibetana {f} :: Variant of chiru
antiluetico {adj} [medicine] :: antiluetic
antilussazione {adj} :: anti-dislocation
antimacchia {adj} :: stainproof, stain-resistant
antimacedone {adj} :: anti-Macedonian
antimafia {adj} :: Directed at combatting the mafia
antimafia {f} :: The "commissione parlamentare antimafia"
antimagnetico {adj} :: antimagnetic
antimalarico {adj} :: antimalarial
antimalarico {m} [medicine] :: antimalarial (drug)
antimarxismo {adj} :: antimarxism
antimateria {f} [physics] :: antimatter
antimeningococcico {adj} :: against meningococcus; antimeningococcal
antimeridiano {adj} :: morning (attributive)
antimero {adj} :: antimeric
antimero {m} :: antimere
antimetabole {f} :: antimetabole
antimetafisica {f} [philosophy] :: antimetaphysics
antimetafisico {adj} :: antimetaphysical
antimicina {f} [medicine] :: antimycin
antimicotico {adj} :: antimycotic, antifungal
antimicotico {m} [pharmacology] :: antimycotic, antifungal
antimicrobico {adj} :: antimicrobial
antimicrobico {m} [pharmacology] :: antimicrobial
antimilitarismo {m} :: antimilitarism
antimilitarista {adj} :: antimilitarist
antimilitarista {mf} :: antimilitarist
antimilitaristico {adj} :: antimilitaristic
antimissilistico {adj} :: antimissile
antimitotico {adj} :: antimitotic
antimitotico {m} [pharmacology] :: antimitotic
antimmigrazione {adj} :: antiimmigration
Antimo {prop} :: given name
antimodernismo {m} :: antimodernism (especially opposition to Catholic modernism)
antimodernità {f} :: antimodernity, antimodernism
antimoderno {adj} :: antimodern
antimonaco {adj} :: antimonial
antimonarchico {adj} :: antimonarchical
antimoniale {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonial
antimoniato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimoniate
antimonico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonic
antimonio {m} [chemistry] /an.tiˈmɔn.jo/ :: antimony
antimonioso {adj} :: antimonious, antimonous
antimoniuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonide
antimonopolio {adj} :: antimonopoly
antimonopolistico {adj} :: antimonopolistic
antimonopolistico {adj} :: antitrust
antimperiale {adj} :: anti-imperial
antimperialista {adj} :: antiimperialist
antimuffa {adj} :: anti-mould
antimultinazionale {adj} :: anti-multinational
antimuro {m} :: A defensive wall placed in front of another defence
antinapoleonico {adj} :: anti-Napoleonic
antinarrazione {f} :: introduction (to a written work)
antinausea {adj} :: antinausea
antinazionale {adj} :: antinational
antinazionalismo {m} [politics] :: antinationalism
antinazista {adj} :: anti-nazi
antinazista {mf} :: anti-nazi
antincendio {adj} :: anti-incendiary
antincendio {m} :: An anti-incendiary substance
antincidente {adj} :: anti-accident; safety (attributive)
antincrostante {adj} :: anti-scaling
antincrostante {m} :: antiscalant
antinduttivo {adj} :: noninductive
antinebbia {m} :: fog lamp (on a car)
antinefritico {adj} :: antinephritic
antineoplastico {adj} :: antineoplastic
antineoplastico {m} [pharmacology] :: antineoplastic
antineuritico {adj} :: antineuritic
antineurotico {adj} :: antineurotic
antineutrino {m} [physics] :: antineutrino
antineutrone {m} [physics] :: antineutron
antineve {adj} :: anti-snow
antinevralgico {adj} :: painkilling
antinevralgico {m} :: painkiller
antinevritico {adj} :: alternative form of antineuritico
antinevrotico {adj} :: alternative form of antineurotico
antinfettivo {adj} :: anti-infective
antinfettivo {m} [pharmacology] :: anti-infective agent, anti-infective drug
antinfiammatorio {adj} [pharmacology] :: anti-inflammatory
antinfiammatorio {m} [pharmacology] :: anti-inflammatory
antinflativo {adj} :: anti-inflationary
antinflazionistico {adj} :: anti-inflationary
antinfluenzale {adj} :: anti-influenza, antiflu
antinfluenzale {f} :: influenza / flu vaccine or jab
antinfortunistica {f} :: accident prevention
antinfortunistica {f} :: safety
antinfortunistico {adj} :: preventive (that prevents accidents)
antingiallente {adj} :: antiyellowing
Antino {prop} :: given name
antinobiliare {adj} :: anti-nobility
antinodo {m} [physics] :: antinode
antinomia {f} :: antinomy
antinomico {adj} :: antinomic
antinquinamento {adj} :: antipollution
antinquinante {adj} :: antipollution
antintercettazione {adj} :: anti-wiretapping
antintercettazioni {adj} :: anti-wiretapping (Variant of antintercettazione)
antintrusione {adj} :: anti-intrusion
antintrusione {adj} :: reinforced (car)
antinucleare {adj} :: antinuclear
antinucleare {mf} :: antinuclear activist
antinuclearismo {m} :: antinuclearism
antinuclearista {adj} :: antinuclear
antinucleo {adj} :: antinuclear
antinutritivo {adj} :: antinutritive
antinutrizionale {adj} :: antinutritional
antinvecchiamento {adj} :: anti-aging
antioccidentale {adj} :: anti-Western (against Western culture, democracy etc)
antioccidentalismo {m} :: criticism of Western culture, economics etc
antiocheno {adj} :: Antiochian (of or pertaining to ancient Antioch), Antiochene
antiocheno {m} :: Antiochian
Antiochia {prop} :: Antiochia (an <<ancient>> Greco-Roman <<city>> in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
Antioco {prop} :: Antiochus
antiofidico {adj} :: anti-snake bite (attributive)
antiofidico {m} :: snake-bite serum; antivenin
antiolomorfo {adj} [mathematics] :: antiholomorphic
antiomega {m} [physics] /an.ti.oˈmɛ.ɡa/ :: The Ω hyperon's antiparticle
antiopa {f} :: Camberwell beauty (Nymphalis antiopa)
antiorario {adj} :: anticlockwise / counterclockwise
antiossidante {adj} :: antioxidant
antiossidante {m} :: antioxidant
antipalchetto {m} :: A vestibule leading to the stage in some theatres
antipallage {f} [rhetoric] :: A form of antimetabole
antipanico {adj} :: (anti-) panic (attributive)
antipapa {m} [Roman Catholicism, historical] :: antipope
antipapale {adj} :: antipapal
antipapista {adj} :: antipapist
antiparallelo {adj} [mathematics] :: antiparallel
antiparassitario {adj} :: antiparasitic
antiparassitario {m} :: antiparasitic
antiparlamentare {adj} :: unparliamentary
antiparticella {f} [physics] :: antiparticle
antiparticolato {adj} :: anti-particulate
antipartigiane {adj} :: antipartisan
antipastiera {f} :: hors d'oeuvre dish or tray (tray with multiple compartments, for bringing antipasti to the table)
antipasto {m} :: starter, hors d'oeuvre, appetizer, antipasto
antipate {m} :: black coral (of the genus Antipathes)
antipatia {f} /an.ti.paˈti.a/ :: antipathy, dislike
antipatica {f} :: feminine noun of antipatico
antipaticamente {adv} :: unpleasantly
antipatico {adj} [of people or situations] /an.tiˈpa.ti.ko/ :: unpleasant, odious, unsympathetic, harsh, [of person] crabby
antipatico {m} :: unpleasant person, odious person, unsympathetic person, harsh person, crabby person
antipatizzante {m} [chiefly journalism] :: political or ideological opponent
antipatriotticamente {adv} :: unpatriotically
antipatriottico {adj} :: unpatriotic
antipatriottismo {m} :: anti-patriotism
antipattinaggio {adj} [automotive] :: antislip
antipattinamento {adj} [automobiles] :: antiskid
antipaura {adj} :: antifear
antipedofili {adj} :: anti-pedophile
antipenultimo {adj} :: antepenultimate
antiperforazione {adj} :: anti-perforation
antiperforazione {adj} :: anti-puncture
antiperiodo {m} [maths] :: In a mixed periodic number, the part between the decimal point (or comma) and the repeating decimal
antiperistalsi {f} :: antiperistalsis
antiperistaltico {adj} :: antiperistaltic
antipersiano {adj} :: anti-Persian
antipersona {adj} :: antipersonnel
antipertensivo {adj} :: antihypertensive
antipertensivo {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antihypertensive
antipetrarchismo {m} :: anti-Petrarchism
antipetrarchista {adj} :: anti-Petrarchist
antipianisti {adj} :: Describing a system that prevents Italian Members of Parliament for voting for their missing neighbours by stretching their arms to the buttons on neighbouring desks
antipiccioni {adj} :: anti-pigeon
antipiega {adj} :: crease-resistant
antipioggia {adj} :: rainproof
antipirateria {adj} :: anti-piracy
antipiresi {f} :: antipyresis
antipiretico {adj} :: antipyretic
antipiretico {m} [pharmacology] :: antipyretic
antiplacca {adj} :: anti-plaque
antiplastico {adj} /an.tiˈplas.ti.ko/ :: antiplastic (diminishing plasticity)
antipneumococcico {adj} :: against pneumococcus; antipneumococcal
antipodale {adj} :: antipodal
antipode {mf} :: antipode
antipodismo {m} :: foot juggling (whilst lying on ones back)
antipodista {mf} :: antipodist
antipoetico {adj} :: antipoetic
antipolio {adj} :: anti-polio
antipolio {f} :: An anti-polio vaccine
antipoliomielitico {adj} :: antipolio
antipolitica {f} :: aversion to politics
antipolitico {adj} [rare] :: antipolitical
antipolitico {adj} :: politically inefficient or even counterproductive
antipolline {adj} :: anti-pollen (of a filter)
antipolvere {adj} :: anti-dust (does not produce, or protects against dust)
antipopolare {adj} :: unpopular
antiporta {f} /an.tiˈpɔr.ta/ :: porch, vestibule
antiporta {f} :: An illustrated page preceding the frontispiece of a book
antiporto {m} :: antiport
antipovero {adj} :: antipoor
antipredatorio {adj} :: antipredatory
antiprisma {m} [geometry] :: antiprism
antiprismatico {adj} [geometry] :: antiprismatic
antiproibizionismo {m} :: antiprohibition
antiproibizionista {mf} :: antiprohibitionist
antiproiettile {adj} :: bulletproof
antiproliferativo {adj} :: antiproliferative
antiproliferativo {m} [pharmacology] :: antiproliferative agent, antiproliferative drug
antiprotone {m} [physics] :: antiproton
antiprovenzale {adj} [historical] :: anti-Provençal
antipruriginoso {adj} :: antipruritic
antiprurito {adj} :: antipruritic
antipsichiatria {f} :: antipsychiatry
antipsicotico {adj} :: antipsychotic
antipsicotico {m} [pharmacology] :: antipsychotic
antipsorico {adj} [medicine] :: antipsoric
antipulci {adj} :: (anti-) flea (attributive)
antipurismo {m} [linguistics] :: anti-purism
antiquaria {f} :: female equivalent of antiquario
antiquariale {adj} :: antique
antiquariato {m} :: antique
antiquariato {m} [in the plural] :: The antiques trade
antiquario {adj} :: antiquarian
antiquario {m} :: antiquarian, antiquary
antiquatamente {adv} :: antiquatedly, in an outdated manner
antiquato {adj} :: outdated, out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated
antiquità {f} [obsolete] :: Variant of antichità
antiquo {adj} :: obsolete form of antico
antirabbica {f} :: (anti-) rabies vaccination
antirabbico {adj} :: anti-rabies
antirachitico {adj} [medicine] :: antirachitic
antiracket {adj} :: against racket and extorsion
antiradar {adj} [military] :: antiradar
antiradiazione {adj} :: anti-radiation
antirapina {adj} :: anti-theft
antirazionale {adj} :: antirational
antirazionalista {adj} :: antirationalist
antirazzismo {m} :: antiracism
antirazzista {adj} :: antiracist
antirazzista {mf} :: antiracist
antirecessione {adj} [economics] :: anti-recession
antirecessivo {adj} [economics] :: anti-recession
antireferendario {adj} :: antireferendum
antireligioso {adj} :: irreligious
antirepubblicano {adj} :: anti-republican
antiretrovirale {adj} :: antiretroviral
antireumatico {adj} :: antirheumetic
antireumatico {m} [medicine] :: antirheumatic (drug)
antiribaltone {adj} :: Opposed to a change in political alliance
antiriciclaggio {adj} :: anti-money laundering
antiriduzionista {mf} :: antireductionist
antiriflesso {adj} :: antiglare
antiriflettente {adj} :: anti-reflection
antiripetitore {m} :: antirepeater
antirivoluzionario {adj} :: antirevolutionary
antirollante {adj} :: anti-roll
antirollio {adj} :: anti-roll
antiromantico {adj} :: antiromantic
antiromanzo {m} :: antinovel
antirombo {adj} :: sound-deadening
antirosso {adj} [physics] :: antired
antirrino {m} :: snapdragon, antirrhinum
antiruggine {adj} :: anti-rust
antiruggine {f} :: rust inhibitor
antirughe {adj} :: anti-wrinkle
antirumore {adj} :: antinoise
antisabotaggio {adj} :: antisabotage
antisala {f} :: antechamber
antisavoiardo {adj} [historical] :: anti-Savoyard
antiscafisti {adj} :: antismuggling
antiscalo {m} [nautical] :: (sloping part of a) slipway
antiscasso {adj} :: theft-proof
antiscasso {adj} :: armoured
antischiavismo {m} :: antislavery, abolitionism
antischiavista {mf} :: abolitionist (of slavery)
antischiuma {adj} :: antifoam, antifoaming
antischiumogeno {adj} :: anti-foaming
antischiumogeno {m} :: anti-foaming agent
antiscialagogo {adj} /an.tiʃ.ʃa.laˈɡɔ.ɡo/ :: That decreases the production of saliva
antiscialagogo {m} :: antisialagogue
antiscientificamente {adv} :: unscientifically
antiscientifico {adj} :: unscientific, antiscientific
antiscintilla {adj} :: antispark
antisciopero {adj} :: anti-strike
antiscippo {adj} :: anti-theft
antiscivolo {adj} :: nonslip, nonskid
antiscorbutico {adj} :: antiscorbutic
antiscorrimento {adj} :: antiflow
antisdrucciolevole {adj} :: antiskid
antisdrucciolo {adj} :: nonslip, nonskid
antiseborroico {adj} [medicine] :: antiseborrheic
antisegregazionista {mf} :: anti-segregationist
antisemita {adj} :: anti-Semitic
antisemita {mf} :: anti-Semite
antisemitico {adj} :: antisemitic
antisemitismo {m} :: anti-Semitism
antisenso {m} [biochemistry] :: antisense
antisentimentale {adj} :: antisentimental
antisepsi {f} [medicine] :: antisepsis
antisequestro {adj} :: anti-kidnapping
antisessismo {m} :: anti-sexism
antisetticamente {adv} :: antiseptically
antisettico {adj} :: antiseptic
antisettico {m} :: antiseptic
antisfilamento {adj} :: anti-fraying
antisfondamento {adj} :: shatter-proof; reinforced (glass)
antisiero {m} :: antiserum
antisifilitico {adj} :: antisyphilitic
antisilurante {adj} [military, nautical] :: antitorpedo
antisimmetrico {adj} [mathematics] /antisimˈmɛtriko/ :: skew-symmetric
antisindacale {adj} :: anti-union
antisindaco {adj} :: Variant of antisindacale
antisionismo {m} :: anti-Zionism
antisionista {adj} :: anti-Zionistic
antisionista {mf} :: anti-Zionist
antisionistico {adj} :: anti-Zionist, anti-Zionistic
antisismico {adj} :: antiseismic
antisistema {adj} [politics] :: antisystem
antislittamento {adj} :: antiskid
antismagliature {adj} :: anti-stretchmark
antismog {adj} :: antismog
antisocialista {adj} :: antisocialist
antisofisticazione {adj} :: against the adulteration of food and drink
antisoggettivismo {m} [philosophy] :: antisubjectivism
antisolare {adj} :: (anti-) sun (protection, attributive)
antisole {adj} :: synonym of antisolare
antisommergibile {adj} :: antisubmarine
antisommossa {adj} :: anti-riot
antisottomarino {adj} :: antisubmarine
antisovietico {adj} :: anti-soviet
antisovversivo {adj} :: anti-subversive
antispartano {adj} :: anti-Spartan
antispasmodico {adj} :: antispasmodic
antispasmodico {m} [pharmacology] :: antispasmodic
antispastico {adj} :: antispasmodic
antispastico {m} [pharmacology] :: antispasmodic
antispasto {m} :: antispast
antispecismo {m} :: anti-speciesism
antispeculatori {adj} :: anti-speculator, anti-speculation (financial)
antisportivo {adj} :: unsporting
antisprechi {adj} :: anti-waste (attributive)
antistaminico {adj} :: antihistaminic
antistaminico {m} [pharmacology] :: antihistamine, antihistaminic
antistante {adj} :: opposite
antistatale {adj} :: antistate
antistatalista {adj} :: antistatist
antistatico {adj} :: antistatic
antistatunitense {adj} :: anti-American
antisterico {adj} [medicine] :: That counters hysterics
antistoricamente {adv} :: antihistorically
antistoricamente {adv} :: unhistorically
antistoricamente {adv} :: datedly
antistoricismo {m} :: antihistoricism
antistorico {adj} :: antihistorical
antistorico {adj} :: unhistorical
antistorico {adj} :: dated
antistrappo {adj} :: anti-tear (fabric)
antistreptolisina {f} [medicine] :: antistreptolysin
antistress {adj} :: antistress
antistrofe {f} :: antistrophe
antistupro {adj} :: anti-rape
antitaccheggio {adj} :: anti-theft
antitaglio {adj} :: cut-resistant
antitaliano {adj} :: anti-Italian
antitamponamento {adj} :: anti-collision (in cars)
antitarlo {adj} :: (anti-) woodworm (attributive)
antitarmico {adj} :: mothproof; moth-repellant
antitarmico {m} :: moth-repellant
antitarmico {m} [in the plural] :: mothballs
antitartaro {adj} :: anti-tartar (tootpaste etc)
antitecnologico {adj} :: antitechnological
antitedesco {adj} :: anti-German
antitermico {m} [medicine] :: antipyretic, febrifuge
antiterremoto {adj} :: antiearthquake
antiterrorismo {adj} :: antiterrorist
antiterrorismo {adj} :: antiterrorism (attributive)
antiterrorismo {m} :: antiterrorism
antiterroristico {adj} :: antiterrorist
antitesi {f} :: antithesis
antitetanico {adj} /an.ti.teˈta.ni.ko/ :: tetanus (attributive) i.e. that prevents tetanus
antiteticamente {adv} :: antithetically
antitetico {adj} /an.tiˈtɛ.ti.ko/ :: antithetical
antiteto {m} /anˈti.te.to/ :: antithet; one of the two contrasting terms in an antithesis
antitifica {f} [medicine] :: An antityphoid injection
antitifico {adj} [medicine] :: antityphoid
antitiroideo {adj} :: antithyroid
antitorinese {adj} :: Antagonistic to the people or institutions of Turin (especially to the football club)
antitosse {adj} :: antitussive
antitosse {m} [pharmacology] :: antitussive
antitossico {adj} :: antitoxic
antitossina {f} [immunology] :: antitoxin
antitraffico {adj} :: anti-traffic
antitrapano {adj} :: anti-drill (that does not yield to the power of a drill)
antitrasformata {f} [mathematics] :: antitransform
antitraspirazione {adj} :: antiperspirant (attributive)
antitrinitario {adj} :: antitrinitarian
antitriplicista {adj} :: Opposed to the Triple Alliance
antitrombotico {adj} :: antithrombotic
antitrombotico {m} [pharmacology] :: antithrombotic
antitubercolare {adj} :: antitubercular
antitubercolosi {adj} [medicine] :: synonym of antitubercolare
antitumorale {adj} :: antitumor
antitumorale {m} [pharmacology] :: antitumor agent or drug, anticancer agent or drug
antitumore {adj} :: synonym of antitumorale
antitumori {adj} :: (anti-) tumour, cancer (attributive)
antitutto {m} [familiar, neologism, chiefly politics] :: one who systematically opposes every initiative or proposal
antiuomo {adj} :: antipersonnel
antiurico {adj} [medicine] :: anti-uric (counters the formation of uric acid)
antiurto {adj} :: shockproof, shock resistant, impact resistant
antiusura {adj} :: hardwearing, wear-resistant
antivaccinismo {m} [neologism] :: the opposition to vaccines, as an ideology or belief system; vaccine hesitancy
antivaccinista {m} [neologism] :: antivaxxer
antivaiolo {adj} :: synonym of antivaioloso
antivaiolosa {f} :: smallpox vaccination
antivaioloso {adj} :: (anti-) smallpox (attributive)
antivandalismo {adj} :: vandal resistant, vandal proof
antivaricella {adj} [medicine] :: antismallpox
antivedente {v} :: present participle of antivedere
antivedere {vt} [obsolete] :: to foresee, anticipate
antivedere {vt} [obsolete] :: to forecast
antivedere {vt} [obsolete] :: to plan
antivegetativo {adj} :: antifouling
antiveggente {adj} :: foreseeing
antiveggente {v} :: present participle of antivedere
antiveggenza {f} :: foresight
antiveleno {m} :: antivenin
antivelocità {adj} /an.ti.ve.lo.tʃiˈta/ :: Designed or intended to avoid high speed, said of machines such as speed cameras
antivenereo {adj} [medicine] :: antivenereal
antiveniente {v} :: present participle of antivenire
antivenire {vi} [obsolete] :: to precede
antiverde {adj} [physics] :: antigreen
antiversione {f} [anatomy] :: anteversion
antivescovo {m} :: antibishop
antivigilia {f} :: eve
antiviolenza {adj} :: antiviolence
antivipera {adj} :: (anti-) snake-bite (attributive)
antivirale {adj} :: antiviral
antivirale {m} [pharmacology] :: antiviral drug
antivivisezione {adj} :: antivivisection
antivivisezionismo {m} :: antivivisectionism
antivivisezionista {mf} :: antivivisectionist
antizanzare {adj} :: mosquito-repellant
antlofobia {f} :: antlophobia (fear of floods)
anto- {prefix} :: antho- (relating to flowers)
antocianidina {f} [organic compound] :: anthocyanidin
antocianina {f} [organic compound] :: anthocyanin (Variant of: antociano)
antociano {m} [organic compound] :: anthocyanin
antofago {adj} :: anthophagous
antofillite {m} [mineral] :: anthophyllite
antofillo {m} [botany] :: Either of the sepals, tepals or petals of a flower considered together
antogenesi {f} [botany] :: anthogenesis
antografia {f} [botany] :: anthography
antologia {f} /an.to.loˈdʒi.a/ :: anthology
antologicamente {adv} :: in the form of an anthology
antologico {adj} :: anthology (attributive)
antologista {mf} :: anthologist
antologizzante {v} :: present participle of antologizzare
antologizzare {vt} :: to anthologize
Antonacci {prop} :: surname
Antonella {prop} :: given name, a diminutive form of Antonia
Antonelli {prop} :: surname
Antonello {prop} :: surname
Antonetti {prop} :: surname
Antonia {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Antonio
antoniano {adj} :: Antonian, Antonine
Antonietta {prop} :: given name
antonimia {f} /an.to.niˈmi.a/ :: antithesis
antonimia {f} :: antonymy
antonimico {adj} :: antonymic, antonymous
antonimo {m} /anˈtɔnimo/ :: antonym
Antonini {prop} :: surname
Antonini {prop} :: An imperial Roman dynasty
Antonino {prop} :: given name
Antonio {prop} :: given name
Antonioni {prop} :: surname
Antonioni {prop} :: Michelangelo Antonioni, Italian film director
antonomasia {f} [rhetoric] /an.to.noˈma.zja/ :: antonomasia
antonomasticamente {adv} :: antonomastically
antonomastico {adj} :: antonomastic
antonomo {m} :: A type of weevil (of genus Anthonomus)
Antonucci {prop} :: surname
antoptosi {f} :: A disease of plants in which the flowers fall off (?anthoptosis?)
antozoo {m} [zoology] :: anthozoan
antrace {m} [disease, ] :: anthrax
antracene {m} [organic compound] :: anthracene
antrachinone {m} [organic compound] :: anthraquinone
antracite {f} :: anthracite
antracnosi {f} :: anthracnosis
antracosi {f} [medicine] :: anthracosis
antrale {adj} [anatomy] :: antral
antro {m} :: cave, cavern
antro {m} [anatomy] :: antrum
antrodocano {adj} :: Of or from Antrodoco
Antrodoco {prop} :: Antrodoco (small town)
antropico {adj} :: anthropic
antropizzante {v} :: present participle of antropizzare
antropizzare {vt} :: to anthropize
antropizzazione {f} :: anthropization
antropo- {prefix} :: anthropo-
antropocentrico {adj} :: anthropocentric
antropocentrismo {m} :: anthropocentrism
antropofagia {f} :: anthropophagy
antropofago {adj} :: cannibal (attributive)
antropofago {adj} :: man-eating
antropofago {m} :: cannibal
antropofago {m} :: man-eater
antropofita {f} [botany] :: anthropophyte
antropofito {m} [ecology] :: anthropophyte
antropogenesi {f} /an.tro.poˈd͡ʒɛ.ne.zi/ :: anthropogenesis
antropogenia {f} /an.tro.po.d͡ʒeˈni.a/ :: synonym of antropogenesi
antropogenico {adj} :: anthropogenic
antropogeno {adj} :: anthropogenic
antropogeografia {f} :: human geography
antropogeografico {adj} :: anthropogeographic
antropogonia {f} :: anthropogony, anthropogenesis
antropoide {adj} :: anthropoid, anthropomorphic
antropologa {f} :: anthropologist (female)
antropologia {f} [social sciences] :: anthropology
antropologicamente {adv} :: anthropologically
antropologico {adj} :: anthropological
antropologismo {m} :: anthropocentrism
antropologo {m} :: An anthropologist (male or of unspecified sex)
antropomanzia {f} :: anthropomancy
antropometria {f} :: anthropometry
antropometrico {adj} :: anthropometric
antropometrismo {m} [philosophy] :: anthropometrism
antropometro {m} :: anthropometer
antropomorficamente {adv} :: anthropomorphically
antropomorfico {adj} :: anthropomorphic
antropomorfismo {m} :: anthropomorphism
antropomorfizzante {v} :: present participle of antropomorfizzare
antropomorfizzare {v} :: to anthropomorphize
antropomorfizzazione {f} :: anthropomorphization
antropomorfo {adj} :: anthropoid, man-like
antropomorfo {m} :: anthropoid ape
antroponimia {f} :: anthroponymy
antroponimico {adj} :: anthroponymic
antroponimo {m} :: anthroponym
antropopiteco {m} :: Java man (Anthropopithecus erectus)
antropopoiesi {m} :: anthropopoiesis
antroposcopia {f} :: anthroposcopy
antroposfera {f} :: anthroposphere
antroposofia {f} :: anthroposophy
antroposofico {adj} :: anthroposophic
antropotecnica {f} :: anthropotechnics
antropotoponimo {m} :: anthropotoponym
antropozoico {adj} :: anthropozoic, neozoic
antrustione {m} :: antrustion
anturio {m} :: anthurium
Anubi {prop} [Egyptian mythology] :: Anubis
anucleato {adj} [cytology] :: anucleate
anulare {adj} /a.nuˈla.re/ :: annular, ring-shaped, ring
anulare {m} [anatomy] :: ring finger
anuresi {f} [medicine] :: anuria
anuria {f} [pathology] :: anuria
anvén {n} :: synonym of anolini (Piacenza dialect)
Anversa {prop} :: Anversa (capital city)
Anversa {prop} :: Anversa (province)
anvoglia {f} :: covering
-anza {suffix} :: Added to nouns and adjectives to indicate a state or condition; -ance; -ancy
anzi {conj} :: on the contrary
anzi {conj} :: or rather; or better still; or better yet; or even
Anzi {prop} :: Anzi (town)
anziana {f} :: female equivalent of anziano
anzianato {m} :: anzianate
anzianità {f} :: old age
anzianità {f} :: seniority
anziano {adj} :: elderly, aged, old
anziano {adj} :: senior
anziano {m} :: elderly person
anziano {m} :: senior citizen
anzianotto {adj} :: old, long-in-the-tooth, over-the-hill
anziche {conj} :: alternative form of anziché
anziché {conj} :: rather than
anziché {conj} :: instead (of)
anzichenò {adv} :: somewhat
anzidetto {adj} :: aforesaid, aforementioned
Anzio {prop} :: Anzio (small coastal town), site of a crucial Allied landing during World War II
anzitempo {adv} :: early
anzitutto {adv} :: first of all
aocchiante {v} :: present participle of aocchiare
aocchiare {v} :: alternative form of adocchiare
a occhio e croce {adv} :: about, approximately, more or less, at a guess
a ogni costo {adv} :: at all costs
a ogni passo {adv} :: at every turn
a oltranza {adv} :: alternative spelling of ad oltranza
aombrante {v} :: present participle of aombrare
aombrare {v} :: alternative form of adombrare
aonestante {v} :: present participle of aonestare
aonestare {v} :: alternative form of adonestare
aonio {adj} /aˈɔ.njo/ :: Aonian (all senses)
aontante {v} :: present participle of aontare
aontare {v} :: obsolete form of adontare
aontarsi {v} :: alternative form of adontarsi
aoristico {adj} [grammar] :: aoristic
aoristo {m} [grammar] :: aorist
aorta {f} [anatomy] :: aorta
aortico {adj} [anatomy] :: aortic, aortal
aortite {f} [pathology] :: aortitis
aorto- {prefix} :: aorto-
aortocoronarico {adj} [anatomy] :: aortocoronary
aortografia {f} :: aortography
Aosta {prop} /aˈɔ.sta/ :: Aosta (city)
Aosta {prop} :: Aosta (province)
aostana {f} :: feminine noun of aostano
aostano {adj} /a.oˈsta.no/ :: Of or relating to Aosta or its people; Aostan
aostano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Aosta; an Aostan
apagogico {adj} :: apagogic
apalato {adj} :: revealed, disclosed
apale {m} :: marmoset (of the genus Callithrix, syn. Hapale)
apallage {f} [rhetoric] :: hypallage
Apamene {prop} :: Apamene (region)
a pancia all'aria {adv} :: lounging
a pancia all'aria {adv} :: slothfully
a pancia all'aria {adv} :: In a slothful manner; lazily
apar {m} /aˈpar/ :: synonym of mataco
apareunia {f} :: apareunia
apartheid {m} [history] /a.parˈtai̯d/ :: apartheid (racial separation in South Africa from 1948 to 1990)
apartheid {m} :: apartheid (any policy of racial separation)
a partire da {prep} :: as from, as of, from, beginning from, from... onwards
apartiticamente {adv} :: In a non-party political manner
apartiticità {f} :: party-political independence
apartitico {adj} :: non- party political
a passi da giraffa {adv} :: with long and irregular strides
a passi da giraffa {adv} [figuratively] :: in a way that gets the job done, but by using strange or extravagant methods
a passo d'elefante {adv} :: See: it passo elefante
a passo d'elefante {adv} :: [of walking] clumsily, inelegantly, or inharmoniously
a passo d'elefante {adv} :: [of making progress] slowly
a passo d'elefante {adv} :: [of an unpleasant situation] (approaching) slowly but surely
a passo di carica {adv} :: double-quick or with a spring in one's step
a passo di carico {adv} :: alternative form of a passo di carica
apatia {f} /a.paˈti.a/ :: apathy
apatia {f} :: lethargy
apatia {f} :: nonchalance
apaticamente {adv} :: apathetically
apatico {adj} /aˈpa.ti.ko/ :: apathetic, indifferent
apatista {adj} :: synonym of apatico
apatite {f} [mineral] :: apatite
a patto {prep} :: (with di or che) on the condition (of/that); provided (that)
ape {f} [entomology] :: bee
ape {f} [colloquial] :: honeybee
Ape {prop} {f} /ˈapɛ/ :: a tricycle scooter with a cab for the driver and a pickup truck body over the rear wheels; used as a light delivery van and for small-scale agricultural tasks
apecchiese {adj} :: Of or from Apecchio
Apecchio {prop} :: Apecchio (town)
apeliota {m} /a.peˈljɔ.ta/ :: synonym of levante: levanter (easterly wind)
apeliote {m} /a.peˈljɔ.te/ :: alternative form of apeliota
a pelo d'acqua {adv} :: on the water's surface
a pennello {adv} :: perfectly
Apennino {prop} :: medieval spelling of Appennini
a perdifiato {adv} :: breathlessly
a perdifiato {adv} :: At breathtaking speed
a perdifiato {adv} :: At the top of one's voice
a perdita d'occhio {prep} :: as far as the eye can see; vast, long, or boundless
aperea {f} /aˈpɛ.re̯a/ :: Brazilian guinea pig (Cavia aperea)
ape regina {f} :: queen, queen bee (reproductive female animal in a hive)
a perfezione {adv} :: perfectly
apericena {f} :: An informal evening meal involving aperitives and tapas-style food
apericena {f} :: A restaurant that serves such a meal
aperiodicamente {adv} :: aperiodically
aperiodicità {f} :: aperiodicity
aperiodico {adj} :: aperiodic
aperitivo {m} :: an apéritif
aperitivo {m} :: an appetizer
a perpendicolo {adv} :: perpendicularly
apertamente {adv} :: openly
apertissimo {adj} :: superlative of aperto
aperto {adj} :: open
aperto {adj} :: unlocked
apertore {m} :: opener
apertosi {v} :: past participle of aprirsi
apertura {f} :: opening (all meanings)
apertura {f} :: crack, slit
apertura {f} :: slot
apertura {f} :: placket
apertura {f} :: openness, open-mindedness, broad-mindedness
apertura {f} [optics] :: aperture
apertura {f} [rugby] :: fly-half
aperturismo {m} :: collaboration between political parties who traditionally have different policies
aperturista {m} :: A politician who tends to employ aperturismo
a peso d'oro {adv} :: weight in gold
a peso d'oro {adv} :: very expensive
apetalo {adj} [botany] :: apetalous
a piacimento {adv} :: at will
a piacimento {adv} :: as much as one likes
apiario {m} :: apiary
apiaristico {adj} :: apiarian
apicale {adj} :: apical
apicalmente {adv} :: apically
a picco {adj} :: sheer, precipitous, vertical
a picco {adv} :: precipitously, vertically
a picco {adv} :: under, to the bottom
apice {m} :: apex
apicectomia {f} [surgery] :: apicectomy
apicoalveolare {adj} :: apicoalveolar
apicoltore {m} :: apiarist, beekeeper
apicoltura {f} :: beekeeping
apicomplesso {m} :: apicomplexan
apicoplasto {m} [biology] :: apicoplast
apicultore {m} :: apiarist, beekeeper
a piedi {adv} :: on foot
a piena voce {adv} :: in a clear, loud voice; loud and clear; out loud
a piene mani {adv} :: profusely
a pieno {adv} :: alternative form of appieno
a pieno titolo {adv} :: truly, legitimately, for all intents and purposes
apifobia {f} :: apiphobia
apiolo {m} [organic compound] :: apiol
a piombo {adv} :: alternative form of appiombo
apione {m} :: weevil (of genus Apion)
apiosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: apiose
apireno {adj} :: seedless, aspermous
apiressia {f} :: apyrexia, apyrexy
apiretico {adj} :: apyretic, afebrile
apiro {adj} :: That will not burn or be damaged by heat
apiscampo {m} :: bee escape
apistico {adj} :: apiaristic
apiterapia {f} [medicine] :: apitherapy
a più non posso {adv} :: hell-for-leather, at full speed; flat out; at full tilt
a più tardi {interj} :: see you later
apivoro {adj} :: apivorous
aplacentato {adj} :: aplacental
aplanatico {adj} [physics] :: aplanatic
aplanospora {f} [botany] :: aplanospore
aplasia {f} [pathology] :: aplasia
aplastico {adj} :: aplastic
aplo- {prefix} :: haplo-
aplodiplonte {adj} :: haplodiplontic
aplografia {f} :: haplography
aplogruppo {m} [genetics] :: haplogroup
aploide {adj} [genetics] :: haploid
aploidia {f} [genetics] :: haploidy
aplologia {f} :: haplology
aplomb {m} :: aplomb, self-confidence, poise
aplorrino {m} :: haplorhine
aplotipo {m} [genetics] :: haplotype
apnea {f} :: apnea
apnea {f} :: freediving
apneista {mf} :: freediver
apneusi {f} :: apneusis
apneustico {adj} :: apneustic
apnoico {adj} :: apnoeic / apneic
apo- {prefix} :: apo- (all senses)
apo {prep} /ˈa.po/ :: alternative form of appo
apocalisse {f} :: apocalypse
apocalitticamente {adv} :: apocalyptically
apocalittico {adj} :: apocalyptic
apocarpico {adj} [botany] :: apocarpous
apocatastasi {f} :: apocatastasis
apocino {m} :: dogbane (plants of the genus Apocynum)
apocizio {m} [biology] :: apocytium, apocyte
a poco a poco {adv} :: little by little, by degrees
apocopante {v} :: present participle of apocopare
apocopare {vt} :: to apocopate
apocopato {adj} :: apocopate (shortened by apocope)
apocope {f} :: apocope
apocope {f} :: amputation
apocrifo {adj} :: apocryphal
apocrino {adj} :: apocrine
apocrisario {m} :: apocrisarius
apocromatico {adj} :: achromatic
apocromatismo {m} :: achromatism
apodissi {f} :: apodixis
apoditerio {m} /a.po.diˈtɛ.rjo/ :: apodyterium
apodittica {f} :: apodicticity
apoditticamente {adv} :: apodictically
apoditticità {f} :: apodicticity
apodittico {adj} :: apodictic
apodo {adj} [zoology] :: footless
apodosi {f} :: apodosis
apoenzima {m} [enzyme] :: apoenzyme
apofantico {adj} :: apophantic
apofermento {m} [enzyme] :: apoferment, apoenzyme
apoferritina {f} [protein] :: apoferritin
apofisario {adj} :: apophysial
apofisi {f} [anatomy, geology] :: apophysis
apofisite {f} [pathology] :: apophysitis
apofonia {f} :: apophony, ablaut, gradation
apofonico {adj} :: apophonic
apofora {f} :: apophoret
apoftegma {m} :: aphorism
apoftemma {f} :: alternative form of apoftegma
apogamia {f} [biology] :: apogamy
apogeo {m} [astronomy] /a.po.ˈdʒɛ.o/ :: apogee, peak, zenith, acme
apografo {m} :: apograph
apolare {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: apolar
apolide {adj} :: stateless
apolide {mf} :: stateless person
apolidia {f} :: statelessness
apolipoproteina {f} [protein] :: apolipoprotein
apolisi {f} :: apolysis (prayer at end of Eastern Orthdox service)
apoliticamente {adv} :: apolitically
apoliticità {f} :: indifference towards party politics
apolitico {adj} /a.poˈli.ti.ko/ :: apolitical
apolitico {m} :: An apolitical person
Apollinare {prop} :: Apollinaris
apolline {m} :: A man of great beauty
apollineo {adj} :: apollonian
apollo {m} :: A young man of great beauty, an apollo
apollo {m} :: Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo, a large swallowtail with black and red spots on white wings)
Apollo {prop} [Greek god] :: Apollo
Apollonia {prop} :: given name
Apollonio {prop} :: given name
apologeta {mf} /a.po.loˈd͡ʒɛ.ta/ :: apologist (all senses)
apologetica {f} :: apologetics
apologeticamente {adv} :: apologetically
apologetico {adj} :: apologetic
apologia {f} :: apology, apologia
apologico {adj} :: apological
apologista {mf} /a.po.loˈd͡ʒis.ta/ :: apologist (all senses)
apologisticamente {adv} :: apologetically
apologistico {adj} :: apologetic
apologizzante {v} :: present participle of apologizzare
apologizzare {vi} :: to apologize
apologizzare {vt} :: to exalt, enhance, magnify
apologo {m} :: apologue
apomictico {adj} [biology] :: apomictic
apomissia {f} :: apomixis
aponense {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to Abano Terme
aponeurosi {f} [anatomy] :: aponeurosis
aponeurotico {adj} :: aponeurotic
aponevrosi {f} :: Variant of aponeurosi
aponevrotico {adj} :: Variant of aponeurotico
aponia {f} :: aponia
apopaina {f} [enzyme] :: apopain
apoplessia {f} [pathology] :: apoplexy
apoplettico {adj} :: apoplectic
apoproteina {f} [protein] :: apoprotein
apoptosi {f} /apopˈtoːzi/ :: apoptosis
apoptosoma {m} :: apoptosome
apoptotico {adj} :: apoptotic
aporema {m} :: aporia
aporeticità {f} :: doubting
aporeticità {f} :: contradiction
aporetico {adj} :: aporetical, problematic, contradictory
aporia {f} :: aporia
a portata di mano {adv} :: handy, close, at hand, within reach, convenient
a portata di mano {adv} [idiom] :: for the taking, within reach
a portata di orecchio {adv} :: within earshot (within a distance from which sound is still audible)
Aporti {prop} :: surname
Aporti {prop} :: Ferrante Aporti, Italian theologian
aposematico {adj} :: aposematic
aposematismo {m} [biology] :: aposematism
aposimbiosi {f} [biology] :: aposymbiosis
aposimbiotico {adj} [biology] :: aposymbiotic
aposiopesi {f} [figure of speech] :: aposiopesis, reticence
apostasia {f} :: apostasy
apostata {mf} /aˈpɔs.ta.ta/ :: apostate
apostatante {v} :: present participle of apostatare
apostatare {vi} :: to apostatize
apostatico {adj} :: apostatic, apostate
apostema {f} {m} :: synonym of postema
a posteriori {adj} /ˌa.pos.teˈrjo.ri/ :: a posteriori
a posteriori {adv} :: a posteriori
aposteriorità {f} [philosophy] /a.pos.te.rjo.riˈta/ :: The quality of being a posteriori
apostolato {m} :: apostolate
apostolicamente {adv} :: apostolically
apostolicità {f} :: apostolicity
apostolico {adj} :: apostolic
apostolo {m} :: Apostle
apostolo {m} :: apostle (missionary or pioneer)
apostrofante {v} :: present participle of apostrofare
apostrofantesi {v} :: present participle of apostrofarsi
apostrofare {vt} [grammar] :: to apostrophize
apostrofare {vt} :: to reproach, rebuke, reprimand
apostrofare {vt} :: to address
apostrofarsi {v} :: reflexive of apostrofare
apostrofarsi {v} :: to reproach or insult one another
apostrofatosi {v} :: past participle of apostrofarsi
apostrofe {f} :: alternative spelling of apostrofo
apostrofo {m} [orthography] /aˈpɔs.tro.fo/ :: apostrophe
apotecio {m} [lichenology] :: apothecium
apotema {m} :: apothem
apoteosi {f} :: apotheosis
apotropaico {adj} /a.po.troˈpa.i.ko/ :: apotropaic
apotropaico {adj} :: warding off bad luck
apozema {m} /aˈpɔ.d͡ze.ma/ :: A decoction
apozeugma {m} :: hypozeugma
apozzema {m} /aˈpɔd.d͡ze.ma/ :: alternative form of apozema
appaciante {v} :: present participle of appaciare
appaciare {vt} :: to reconcile
appaciare {vt} :: to settle a conflict
appacificante {v} :: present participle of appacificare
appacificantesi {v} :: present participle of appacificarsi
appacificare {vt} :: to reconcile
appacificare {vt} :: to pacify, appease
appacificarsi {v} :: reflexive of appacificare
appacificarsi {v} :: to be reconciled
appacificatosi {v} :: past participle of appacificarsi
appagabile {adj} :: satisfiable
appagabile {adj} :: satiable
appagabilità {f} :: Property of being satisfiable
appagamento {m} :: fulfilment, satisfaction, gratification
appagante {adj} :: satisfying, gratifying, fulfilling
appagante {v} :: present participle of appagare
appagare {vt} :: to satisfy
appagare {vt} :: to fulfil [a desire]
appagare {vt} :: to appease
appagare {vt} :: to quench
appagarsi {v} :: reflexive of appagare
appagato {adj} :: satisfied
appagato {adj} :: fulfilled
appagato {adj} :: appeased
appagatore {adj} :: satisfying
appaiamento {m} :: pairing
appaiante {v} :: present participle of appaiare
appaiantesi {v} :: present participle of appaiarsi
appaiare {vt} :: To pair or match
appaiarsi {vr} :: To pair
appaiatosi {v} :: past participle of appaiarsi
appaiatura {f} :: pairing
Appalachi {prop} :: Appalachi (mountain range)
appalesante {v} :: present participle of appalesare
appalesare {v} [rare] :: alternative form of palesare
appallottolante {v} :: present participle of appallottolare
appallottolantesi {v} :: present participle of appallottolarsi
appallottolare {vt} :: To ball up (twist something (e.g. paper) into a ball shape)
appallottolarsi {vr} :: To roll up into a ball (of paper etc)
appallottolatosi {v} :: past participle of appallottolarsi
appalmato {adj} [heraldry] :: appaumé
appaltabile {adj} :: Able to be put out to contract
appaltante {v} :: present participle of appaltare
appaltante {adj} :: contracting (out)
appaltante {adj} :: outsourcing
appaltare {vt} :: To contract out; to farm out
appaltatore {adj} :: contracting
appaltatore {m} :: contractor
appaltatrice {f} :: female equivalent of appaltatore
appalto {m} :: contract to assume another party's obligation to supply a product or service
appaltoconcorso {m} :: competitive tender
appanettante {v} :: present participle of appanettare
appanettare {v} :: To shape into small blocks (especially of butter)
appannabile {adj} :: That can steam up
appannaggio {m} :: prerogative, privilege, apanage
appannaggio {m} :: annuity
appannamento {m} :: misting
appannamento {m} :: dimming
appannante {v} :: present participle of appannare
appannantesi {v} :: present participle of appannarsi
appannare {vt} :: to steam up (window etc)
appannarsi {v} :: reflexive of appannare
appannarsi {vr} :: to steam up [of window, etc.]
appannarsi {vr} :: to blur [of vision]
appannatoio {m} :: A cloth used to cover the eyes of a skittish horse while it is being harnessed
appannatosi {v} :: past participle of appannarsi
appannatura {f} :: steaming up
apparante {v} :: present participle of apparare
apparare {v} :: To prepare
apparatcik {m} :: apparatchik
apparato {m} :: deployment
apparato {m} :: apparatus
apparato circolatorio {m} :: circulatory system
apparato del Golgi {m} :: Golgi apparatus
apparato digerente {m} [anatomy] :: digestive tract
apparatore {m} :: decorator
apparatore {m} :: sceneshifter
apparatore {m} :: upholsterer
apparecchiante {v} :: present participle of apparecchiare
apparecchiare {vt} :: to set the table, lay the table
apparecchiare {vt} :: to prepare
apparecchiatore {m} :: preparer, equipper
apparecchiatore {m} :: Person in charge of the machinery in a textile factory
apparecchiatura {f} :: equipment, appliance
apparecchiatura {f} :: machine, device
apparecchiatura {f} :: finishing [of woven material]
apparecchiatura {f} :: table setting
apparecchietto {m} :: Small apparatus or device
apparecchio {m} /ap.paˈrek.kjo/ :: apparatus, instrument, device, setup, appliance
apparecchio {m} :: braces
apparecchio {m} :: receiver, telephone
apparecchio {m} :: airplane, aircraft
apparentamento {m} :: election alliance or agreement
apparentante {v} :: present participle of apparentare
apparentantesi {v} :: present participle of apparentarsi
apparentare {vt} :: To relate through marriage
apparentarsi {v} :: reflexive of apparentare
apparentarsi {vr} :: to be related through marriage
apparentarsi {vr} :: to form an electoral alliance
apparentato {adj} :: related (to)
apparentatosi {v} :: past participle of apparentarsi
apparente {adj} :: ostensible, apparent, outward
apparente {v} :: present participle of apparire
apparentemente {adv} :: seemingly, apparently
apparenza {f} :: appearance, look
apparigliante {v} :: present participle of apparigliare
apparigliare {vt} :: To couple or pair
apparire {vi} :: to appear
apparire {vi} :: to seem, to look
apparire {vi} :: to grow
appariscente {adj} :: showy, eye-catching, garish, loud, flashy
appariscenza {f} :: A striking appearance
appariscenza {f} :: gaudiness
apparizione {f} :: appearance
apparizione {f} :: apparition
appartamentino {m} :: Small flat, small apartment, flatlet
appartamento {m} :: apartment, flat
appartante {v} :: present participle of appartarsi
appartantesi {v} :: present participle of appartarsi
appartare {vt} [rare] :: to set apart
appartarsi {v} :: reflexive of appartare
appartarsi {v} :: to get away from others; to withdraw (oneself)
appartatamente {adv} :: solitarily, by oneself
appartato {adj} :: apart, aloof
appartato {adj} :: secluded, solitary, isolated
appartatosi {v} :: past participle of appartarsi
appartenente {v} :: present participle of appartenere
appartenente {adj} :: belonging (to)
appartenente {mf} :: member (of)
appartenenza {f} :: belonging (to)
appartenenza {f} :: membership (of)
appartenere {vi} :: to belong to
appassente {v} :: present participle of appassire
appassimento {m} :: withering
appassimento {m} :: fading
appassimento {m} :: wilting
appassionamento {m} :: fascination
appassionamento {m} :: grief
appassionante {v} :: present participle of appassionare
appassionante {adj} :: thrilling, exciting, moving
appassionantesi {v} :: present participle of appassionarsi
appassionare {vt} :: to grip, move or fascinate
appassionarsi {v} :: reflexive of appassionare
appassionarsi {vr} :: to move or excite
appassionarsi {vr} :: to develop a passion (for something)
appassionatamente {adv} :: passionately, with passion
appassionatamente {adv} :: ardently, fervently, keenly
appassionatezza {f} :: passion
appassionato {adj} :: passionate, ardent
appassionato {adj} [music] :: performed passionately
appassionatosi {v} :: past participle of appassionarsi
appassire {vi} :: to wither, shrivel
appassire {vi} :: to fade
appassire {vi} [wine] :: to dry bunches of grapes by exposure to the sun prior to winemaking
appassire {vti} [cooking] :: To sweat / To cook slowly at low heat, in shallow oil and without browning, to reduce moisture content
appassito {adj} :: withered
appassito {adj} :: faded
appastante {v} :: present participle of appastare
appastare {v} [obsolete] :: To knead
appastellante {v} :: present participle of appastellarsi
appastellarsi {v} :: To form into pellets
appeal {n} :: appeal (power to attract or interest)
appeal {n} :: sex appeal
appellabile {adj} [legal] :: appealable
appellabilità {f} [legal] :: appealability
appellante {v} :: present participle of appellare
appellante {adj} [legal] :: appellant, appealing
appellante {mf} [legal] :: appellant
appellantesi {v} :: present participle of appellarsi
appellare {vt} :: to call
appellare {vt} [legal] :: to appeal
appellarsi {v} :: reflexive of appellare
appellarsi {v} :: to appeal [to or against]
appellativo {m} :: nickname, epithet
appellatorio {adj} [legal] :: appeal (attributive)
appellatosi {v} :: past participle of appellarsi
appellazione {f} [literary] :: appellation
appellazione {f} [legal] :: appeal
appello {m} :: plea, appeal, call
appello {m} :: roll call
appello {m} [legal] :: appeal
appena {adv} :: barely, hardly
appena {adv} :: just, recently, newly
appena {adv} :: as soon as
appendente {v} :: present participle of appendere
appendere {vt} :: to hang [something up on something else]; to pin up
appendere {vt} :: [of an athlete] (often followed by a metonym) to withdraw from [competitive activity]
appenderia {f} :: hanger (for clothes)
appendersi {v} :: reflexive of appendere
appendersi {v} :: to hang (on)
appendiabiti {m} :: A hook or peg
appendiabiti {m} :: A hatstand or similar thing for hanging clothes
appendice {f} :: appendix (all senses)
appendicectomia {f} [surgery] :: appendectomy, appendicectomy
appendicista {mf} :: A writer of appendices in a newspaper
appendicite {f} :: appendicitis
appendicolare {adj} [anatomy] :: appendicular
appendigonna {m} :: skirt hangar
appennellante {v} :: present participle of appennellare
appennellare {v} [nautical] :: To kedge
Appennini {prop} :: the Apennines
appenninico {adj} :: Apennine
appennino {adj} :: Apennine
Appennino {prop} :: (in combination) Any of the three sections of the Apennines
Appenzell {prop} :: Appenzell
Appenzello {prop} :: Appenzello (canton)
appercepente {v} :: present participle of appercepire
appercepire {v} :: To apperceive
appercettivo {adj} :: apperceptive
appercezione {f} :: apperception
appertizzante {v} :: present participle of appertizzare
appertizzare {v} :: To appertize (preserve food by canning)
appertizzazione {f} :: appertisation, appertization
appesantente {v} :: present participle of appesantire
appesantentesi {v} :: present participle of appesantirsi
appesantimento {m} :: loading, burdening
appesantimento {m} :: weight, heaviness
appesantire {vt} :: to make heavy
appesantire {vt} :: to add heaviness, inconvenience, or difficulty
appesantire {vt} :: to make torpid or tumultuous
appesantirsi {v} :: reflexive of appesantire
appesantirsi {v} :: to get heavier
appesantirsi {v} :: to put on weight
appesantirsi {v} :: to be exacerbated; to get worse
appesantitosi {v} :: past participle of appesantirsi
appesente {v} :: present participle of appesire
appesire {v} :: To become heavy
appestante {v} :: present participle of appestare
appestare {vt} :: To infect (originally, with the plague); to pollute
appestato {adj} :: infected (especially with the plague)
appestato {adj} :: stinking, fetid
appestatore {m} :: polluter
appetente {v} :: present participle of appetire
appetenza {f} :: desire, longing
appetibile {adj} :: appetizing, palatable
appetibile {adj} :: [figuratively] desirable, tempting, attracting
appetibilità {f} :: desirability
appetire {vt} :: To desire or crave
appetire {vi} :: To whet one's appetite
appetitivo {adj} :: appetitive
appetito {m} :: appetite
appetitosamente {adv} :: appetizingly
appetitoso {adj} :: appetizing
appetitoso {adj} :: attractive (figuratively)
appetizione {f} :: appetition
appetto {adv} :: only in appetto a
appetto a {adv} :: opposite
appetto a {adv} :: in comparison with
appezzamento {m} :: piece or plot (of land)
appezzante {v} :: present participle of appezzare
appezzare {v} :: to divide into pieces
appezzare {v} :: to piece together
appezzato {m} :: appezzamento
appezzato {m} :: appezzatura
appezzatura {f} :: piecing together, unification
Appia {prop} :: Ancient Roman name for Apulia
appiacevolente {v} :: present participle of appiacevolire
appiacevolire {v} :: to make pleasing
appiacevolire {v} :: to mitigate
appianabile {adj} :: smoothable
appianabile {adj} :: resolvable
appianamento {m} :: levelling
appianamento {m} :: settlement, ironing out, smoothing over
appianante {v} :: present participle of appianare
appianantesi {v} :: present participle of appianarsi
appianare {vt} :: to level
appianare {vt} :: to iron out, settle
appianarsi {v} :: reflexive of appianare
appianarsi {v} :: to be ironed out
appianatoia {f} :: float (building tool)
appianatoio {m} :: roller (agricultural)
appianatosi {v} :: past participle of appianarsi
appianatura {f} :: levelling
appiastrante {v} :: present participle of appiastrare
appiastrare {v} :: synonym of impiastrare
appiastrare {v} :: synonym of appiccicare
appiastro {m} :: synonym of melissa
appiatante {v} :: present participle of appiatare
appiatare {vt} :: To hide or conceal (Variant of: appiattare)
appiattamento {m} :: concealment
appiattante {v} :: present participle of appiattare
appiattantesi {v} :: present participle of appiattarsi
appiattare {vt} :: To hide or conceal (especially in a narrow place)
appiattarsi {vr} :: To crouch (down, especially so as to hide)
appiattente {v} :: present participle of appiattire
appiattentesi {v} :: present participle of appiattirsi
appiattimento {m} :: levelling or leveling, flattening
appiattire {vt} :: to flatten
appiattire {vt} :: to make something dull or boring
appiattirsi {v} :: reflexive of appiattire
appiattirsi {v} :: to flatten (oneself)
appiattirsi {v} :: to become dull or boring
appiattito {adj} :: flattened
appiattitosi {v} :: past participle of appiattirsi
appiccagnolo {m} :: hook, peg (to hang something on)
appiccagnolo {m} :: pretext, cavil
appiccamento {m} :: synonym of appiccatura
appiccante {v} :: present participle of appiccare
appiccare {vt} :: to hang, suspend
appiccare {vt} :: to transmit
appiccare {vt} :: to set off, start, initiate
appiccare {vt} [obsolete] :: to attack
appiccarsi {v} :: reflexive of appiccare
appiccarsi {v} [also, figurative] :: (with a) to cling (to)
appiccarsi {v} :: to hang oneself
appiccarsi {v} :: [of an illness] to be spread or transmitted
appiccarsi {v} :: [of a plant] to take root
appiccaticcio {adj} :: initiating
appiccaticcio {adj} :: contagious
appiccatoio {m} :: synonym of appiccagnolo
appiccatura {f} :: synonym of attaccatura
appiccatura {f} :: join, joint, conjunction
appiccicante {v} :: present participle of appiccicare
appiccicantesi {v} :: present participle of appiccicarsi
appiccicare {vt} :: (typically with a or su) to glue (to)
appiccicare {vt} :: to give forcefully or violently
appiccicare {vt} :: to give with deceit
appiccicare {vt} :: to attribute
appiccicare {vi} :: to be sticky
appiccicarsi {v} :: reflexive of appiccicare
appiccicarsi {v} [a] :: to stick (to)
appiccicarsi {v} [figurative] :: [a] [of a person] to cling (to) [someone else]
appiccicarsi {v} [reciprocal] :: to fight one another
appiccicaticcio {adj} /ap.pit.t͡ʃi.kaˈtit.t͡ʃo/ :: sticky
appiccicatosi {v} :: past participle of appiccicarsi
appiccicatura {f} :: join (especially a bad one held together by glue)
appiccicosamente {adv} :: stickily
appiccicoso {adj} :: sticky
appiccicoso {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: clinging (of a person)
appiccolente {v} :: present participle of appiccolire
appiccolire {v} :: To diminish (make small)
appiè {adv} :: on foot
appiè {adv} :: Normally, only used in the term appiè di
appiedamento {m} :: dismounting
appiedante {v} :: present participle of appiedare
appiedare {vt} :: To dismount
appiedato {adj} :: Left with no means of travel except walking
appiedato {adj} :: dismounted
appiede {adv} :: alternative form of appiè
appiè di {adv} :: At the foot of
appiè di {adv} :: At the bottom of
appieno {adv} :: fully
appieno {adv} :: totally
appigionamento {m} :: letting, renting
appigionante {v} :: present participle of appigionare
appigionare {vt} :: To let or rent
appigionasi {m} :: to let, for rent (sign or announcement)
appigionatore {m} :: lessor, landlord, landlady
appigliante {v} :: present participle of appigliarsi
appigliantesi {v} :: present participle of appigliarsi
appigliare {v} :: To cling to
appigliarsi {vr} :: To cling; to grasp or seize
appigliatosi {v} :: past participle of appigliarsi
appiglio {m} :: handhold
appiglio {m} :: pretext, excuse
appilamento {m} :: accumulation
appinzante {v} :: present participle of appinzare
appinzare {v} :: To pinch, prick
appinzare {v} :: To tighten etc using pliers
appio {m} :: celery (or related plants)
Appio {prop} :: given name
appiolo {adj} :: pippin (attributive)
appiombante {v} :: present participle of appiombare
appiombare {v} [nautical] :: To plumb (measure depth)
appiombatoio {m} :: Am embrasure from which stones or molten lea was poured onto attackers
appiombo {m} :: perpendicularity
appiombo {m} :: plumb
appiombo {adv} :: perpendicularly
appioppante {v} :: present participle of appioppare
appioppare {vt} :: to pin something (on) someone
appioppare {vt} :: to saddle someone (with) something
appioppare {vt} :: to encumber
appisolante {v} :: present participle of appisolarsi
appisolantesi {v} :: present participle of appisolarsi
appisolarsi {vr} :: to nap, sack out, drop off or doze off
appisolatosi {v} :: past participle of appisolarsi
applaudente {v} :: present participle of applaudire
applaudire {v} :: to applaud or clap
applauditissimo {adj} :: superlative of applaudito
applaudito {adj} :: famous, celebrated
applauditore {adj} :: applauding
applauso {m} /apˈpla.u.zo/ :: applause (act of applauding)
applauso {m} :: ovation
applausometro {m} :: clapometer
applicabile {adj} :: applicable (to)
applicabilità {f} :: applicability
applicamento {m} :: application
applicante {v} :: present participle of applicare
applicantesi {v} :: present participle of applicarsi
applicar {v} :: apocopic form of applicare
applicare {vt} :: to apply, to put, to stick, to spread
applicare {vt} :: to impose, to enforce
applicarsi {vr} :: to apply oneself (to something)
applicativo {adj} :: applicative
applicato {adj} :: applied
applicato {m} :: clerk
applicatore {m} :: applicator (person or device; device is only masculine)
applicatosi {v} :: past participle of applicarsi
applicazione {f} :: application (something applied to a surface, and in computing)
applicazione {f} :: employment
applicazione {f} :: enforcement
applicazione {f} :: diligence
applique {f} :: wall light
appo {prep} [obsolete] /ˈap.po/ :: at, nearby
appo {prep} [obsolete, figurative] :: in someone's regard
appo {prep} [obsolete, figurative] :: before; in comparison to
appo {prep} [obsolete] :: behind
appo {prep} [obsolete] :: after
appoderamento {m} :: division of land into small estates
appoderante {v} :: present participle of appoderare
appoderare {vt} :: To divide land into small estates
appodiare {v} /ap.poˈdja.re/ :: To annex (a land) to a dominion or feud
appoggiacapo {m} /ap.pod.d͡ʒaˈka.po/ :: antimacassar
appoggiaferro {m} :: flatiron stand
appoggiamano {m} :: maulstick
appoggiamano {m} [rare] :: handrail
appoggiante {v} :: present participle of appoggiare
appoggiantesi {v} :: present participle of appoggiarsi
appoggiapiedi {m} :: footrest, footstool
appoggiare {vt} :: to support, to second, to back, to endorse
appoggiare {vt} :: to lean on, to lean against, to prop, to place, to rest on
appoggiare {vi} :: to rest
appoggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of appoggiare
appoggiarsi {vr} :: to lean, prop oneself
appoggiarsi {vr} :: to rely on, lean on, place one's trust in
appoggiatesta {m} :: headrest
appoggiatoio {m} :: support, rest
appoggiatoio {m} :: banister, handrail
appoggiatosi {v} :: past participle of appoggiarsi
appoggiatura {f} :: appoggiatura
appoggiatura {f} [theater] :: a strong emphasis in intonation on the key word of a joke
appoggio {m} :: support
appollaiante {v} :: present participle of appollaiarsi
appollaiantesi {v} :: present participle of appollaiarsi
appollaiarsi {vr} :: to perch
appollaiatosi {v} :: past participle of appollaiarsi
apponente {v} :: present participle of apporre
apponibile {adj} :: addible
apponibilità {f} :: addibility
appontaggio {m} :: landing deck of an aircraft carrier
appontante {v} :: present participle of appontare
appontare {vi} :: To land on the deck of an aircraft carrier
appoppante {v} :: present participle of appoppare
appoppantesi {v} :: present participle of appopparsi
appoppare {vt} [nautical] :: to lower the stern by moving the cargo aft
appopparsi {v} :: reflexive of appoppare
appopparsi {vr} [nautical] :: to be down the stern
appopparsi {vr} [of an aircraft] :: to be tail-heavy
apporre {vt} /apˈpor.re/ :: to add, to affix, to append
apporre {vt} [figurative, literary] :: to impute, to attribute, to ascribe
apporre {vt} [obsolete] :: to object
apportamento {m} :: transference
apportamento {m} :: creation, innovation
apportamento {m} :: citation, quotation
apportante {v} :: present participle of apportare
apportante {adj} :: producing (bringing about)
apportare {v} :: to transfer
apportare {v} :: to cause, create, bring about (something new)
apportare {v} :: to cite, quote
apportatore {m} :: bringer
apportatore {m} :: bearer
apportatore {m} :: carrier
apportatrice {f} :: female equivalent of apportatore
apporto {m} :: contribution (financial)
appositamente {adv} :: intentionally
appositamente {adv} :: appropriately
appositivo {adj} :: appositive, appositional
apposito {adj} [obsolete] /apˈpɔ.zi.to/ :: placed (near or before or above)
apposito {adj} :: appropriate, proper
apposito {adj} :: special
apposizione {f} :: apposition
apposta {adv} /apˈpɔs.ta/ :: on purpose, intentionally
apposta {adv} :: specially, ad hoc
apposta {adj} :: special, ad hoc
appostamento {m} :: ambush
appostamento {m} :: post (military)
appostante {v} :: present participle of appostare
appostantesi {v} :: present participle of appostarsi
appostare {vt} [military] :: to post, station
appostarsi {v} :: reflexive of appostare
appostarsi {v} :: to lie in wait
appostatosi {v} :: past participle of appostarsi
apposto {adj} :: appended
appozzare {vt} [rare] :: to dig, creating puddles in the process
appozzare {vt} [archaic or regional] :: to soak or immerse, especially in a puddle
appozzare {vt} [sports] :: in water polo, to push [an opponent] under water
appozzarsi {v} :: reflexive of appozzare
appozzarsi {vi} :: to fill up with puddles, after a heavy rainfall, etc
appratente {v} :: present participle of appratire
appratire {v} :: To put agricultural land to grass
apprendente {v} :: present participle of apprendere
apprendere {vt} :: To learn or find out
apprendere {vt} :: To become aware of or be informed
apprendibile {adj} :: learnable
apprendimento {m} :: learning
apprendista {mf} :: apprentice
apprendista {mf} :: helper
apprendistato {m} :: apprenticeship
apprensibile {adj} :: learnable (Variant of: apprendibile)
apprensione {f} :: apprehension, anxiety, concern, fear
apprensivamente {adv} :: apprehensively, anxiously
apprensivo {adj} :: apprehensive, anxious
appresentante {v} :: present participle of appresentare
appresentare {v} :: To present, offer, proffer
appreso {adj} :: learnt
appressamento {m} :: approach (drawing near)
appressante {v} :: present participle of appressare
appressantesi {v} :: present participle of appressarsi
appressare {vt} :: To approach or come near
appressarsi {vr} :: To approach or come near
appressatosi {v} :: past participle of appressarsi
appresso {adv} :: nearby
appresso {prep} :: near
appresso {adj} :: next, after
apprestamento {m} :: preparation
apprestante {v} :: present participle of apprestare
apprestantesi {v} :: present participle of apprestarsi
apprestare {vt} :: To prepare or get ready
apprestarsi {vr} :: To prepare or get ready (to do something)
apprestatosi {v} :: past participle of apprestarsi
apprettamento {m} :: synonym of apprettatura
apprettante {v} :: present participle of apprettare
apprettare {vt} :: To dress, size or starch fabric
apprettatore {m} :: A person who applies size or starch
apprettatrice {f} :: female equivalent of apprettatore
apprettatrice {f} :: a machine used to apply size or starch
apprettatura {f} :: sizing, dressing, starching (of fabric)
appretto {m} :: starch (when used for laundry purposes)
apprezzabile {adj} :: appreciable
apprezzabile {adj} :: remarkable
apprezzabilità {f} :: pleasantness
apprezzabilmente {adv} :: appreciably, remarkably, significantly
apprezzamento {m} :: appreciation
apprezzamento {m} :: comment
apprezzamento {m} :: opinion
apprezzamento {m} :: evaluation
apprezzante {v} :: present participle of apprezzare
apprezzantesi {v} :: present participle of apprezzarsi
apprezzare {vt} :: to appreciate, to esteem, to value
apprezzarsi {vr} :: To appreciate (increase in value)
apprezzatissimo {adj} :: superlative of apprezzato
apprezzativo {adj} [uncommon] :: appreciative
apprezzato {adj} :: appreciated, valued
apprezzatore {m} :: appreciator
apprezzatosi {v} :: past participle of apprezzarsi
approbazione {f} :: alternative form of approvazione
approcciamento {m} :: approaching, approach
approcciante {v} :: present participle of approcciare
approcciare {vi} :: To approach
approcciare {vt} :: To meet; to confront
approccio {m} :: approach
approdante {v} :: present participle of approdare
approdare {vi} [nautical] :: to land [from a ship]
approdare {vi} :: to arrive
approdo {m} :: landing, landfall [from a ship]
approdo {m} :: harbour, haven
approdo {m} :: [figuratively] landing place
approfittante {v} :: present participle of approfittare
approfittantesi {v} :: present participle of approfittarsi
approfittare {vit} :: to make use of, to take advantage of
approfittarsene {vp} :: to take advantage of a person or situation for personal reasons
approfittarsi {vr} :: To take advantage
approfittatore {m} :: exploiter
approfittatore {m} :: opportunist
approfittatosi {v} :: past participle of approfittarsi
approfondamento {m} :: alternative form of approfondimento
approfondante {v} :: present participle of approfondare
approfondare {v} :: alternative form of approfondire
approfondente {v} :: present participle of approfondire
approfondimento {m} :: deepening
approfondire {vt} :: to deepen
approfondire {v} :: to make deep or deeper
approfondire {v} [figurative] :: to make [one's understanding] more thorough or extensive
approfondire {v} [figurative] :: to make more intimate
approfondire {v} [figurative, literary] :: to make more poignant or affecting
approfondirsi {v} :: reflexive of approfondire
approfondirsi {v} [also, figurative] :: to become deeper; to deepen
approfonditamente {adv} :: in depth [of an examination, etc.]
approfondito {adj} :: exhaustive, thorough, extensive
approfondito {adj} :: complete, comprehensive
approfondito {adj} :: meticulous
approntabile {adj} :: preparable
approntamento {m} :: preparation
approntamento {m} :: readiness
approntante {v} :: present participle of approntare
approntare {vt} :: To prepare, set up or get ready
approntatura {f} :: readiness (for use)
appropinquamento {m} :: synonym of avvicinamento
appropinquante {v} :: present participle of appropinquarsi
appropinquantesi {v} :: present participle of appropinquarsi
appropinquare {v} :: synonym of avvicinare, synonym of appressare
appropinquarsi {vr} :: To approach (come near)
approposito {adv} :: suitably, appropriately
approposito {adv} :: conveniently
approposito {adj} :: suitable, appropriate
appropriabile {adj} :: appropriable
appropriamento {m} :: adaptation
appropriante {v} :: present participle of appropriarsi
appropriantesi {v} :: present participle of appropriarsi
appropriare {vt} :: To adapt or fit
appropriarsi {vr} :: to get possession, appropriate
appropriatamente {adv} :: appropriately
appropriatamente {adv} :: suitably
appropriato {adj} :: appropriate, suitable
appropriatosi {v} :: past participle of appropriarsi
appropriazione {f} :: appropriation
appropriazione indebita {f} :: embezzlement
appropriazione indebita {f} :: misappropriation
approssimabile {adj} [mathematics] :: approximable
approssimante {v} :: present participle of approssimare
approssimantesi {v} :: present participle of approssimarsi
approssimare {vt} [rare] :: to approach
approssimare {vt} [mathematics] :: to round (down or up)
approssimarsi {v} :: reflexive of approssimare
approssimarsi {v} :: (with a) to approach, draw near
approssimativamente {adv} :: approximately, roughly, odd
approssimativo {adj} :: approximative, rough
approssimatosi {v} :: past participle of approssimarsi
approssimazione {f} :: approximation (all senses)
approvabile {adj} :: approvable
approvabilità {f} :: approvableness
approvante {v} :: present participle of approvare
approvare {vt} :: to approve
approvativo {adj} :: approbative
approvato {adj} :: approved
approvatore {m} :: approver
approvazione {f} :: approval
approvisionante {v} :: present participle of approvisionare
approvisionare {v} :: alternative form of approvvigionare
approvvigionamento {m} :: provisioning, supplying, stocking (with food, or with military supplies)
approvvigionamento {m} [in the plural] :: provisions, supplies, stock
approvvigionante {v} :: present participle of approvvigionare
approvvigionantesi {v} :: present participle of approvvigionarsi
approvvigionare {vt} :: to supply
approvvigionarsi {v} :: reflexive of approvvigionare
approvvigionarsi {v} :: to stock up
approvvigionatore {m} :: caterer
approvvigionatore {m} :: chandler
approvvigionatosi {v} :: past participle of approvvigionarsi
appruante {v} :: present participle of appruare
appruantesi {v} :: present participle of appruarsi
appruare {vt} [nautical] :: to lower the bow
appruarsi {v} :: reflexive of appruare
appruarsi {vr} [nautical] :: to be down the bow
appruarsi {vr} [of an aircraft] :: to be nose-heavy
appulcrante {v} :: present participle of appulcrare
appulcrare {v} :: to embellish or decorate
appulso {m} :: push, thrust
appulso {m} :: impulse
appuntabile {adj} :: deplorable, reproachable
appuntalapis {m} :: pencil sharpener
appuntamento {m} :: appointment, meeting, rendezvous
appuntamento {m} :: date, tryst
appuntamento al buio {m} :: blind date
appuntante {v} :: present participle of appuntare
appuntantesi {v} :: present participle of appuntarsi
appuntare {vt} :: to sharpen [a point]
appuntare {vt} :: to point [a finger, etc.]
appuntare {vt} :: to pin (fix with a pin)
appuntare {vt} :: to note (take a note)
appuntarsi {v} :: reflexive of appuntare
appuntarsi {v} :: to be focused (on)
appuntaspilli {m} :: pincushion
appuntato {m} :: corporal (in the Carabinieri and GdF)
appuntatore {m} :: aimer (of a weapon)
appuntatosi {v} :: past participle of appuntarsi
appuntatura {f} :: pointing, aiming
appuntatura {f} :: sharpening
appuntatura {f} :: reproach
appuntellante {v} :: present participle of appuntellare
appuntellare {v} :: To prop up, support
appuntellatura {f} :: propping up, support
appuntente {v} :: present participle of appuntire
appuntino {adv} :: with great care and precision; perfectly
appuntire {vt} :: To sharpen
appunto {m} /apˈpun.to/ :: note (brief piece of writing intended to assist the memory)
appunto {m} :: reproach
appunto {m} [computing, especially, in the plural] :: clipboard, scratchpad
appunto {adv} :: exactly, precisely
appurabile {adj} :: verifiable
appuramento {m} :: verification
appuramento {m} :: assessment
appurante {v} :: present participle of appurare
appurare {vt} :: to check
appurare {vt} :: to verify
appurare {vt} :: to ascertain
appurato {adj} :: checked, verified
appuzzante {v} :: present participle of appuzzare
appuzzare {vt} :: To corrupt
apr. {m} :: abbreviation of aprile
aprassia {f} [pathology] /a.prasˈsia̯/ :: apraxia
aprassico {adj} :: apraxic
a precipizio {adj} :: precipitous (all senses)
a precipizio {adv} :: precipitously
aprente {v} :: present participle of aprire
aprentesi {v} :: present participle of aprirsi
a prescindere {adv} :: anyway, in any case, either way
a prescindere da {prep} :: regardless of, without considering, irrespective of
a prescindere da {prep} :: apart from, aside from
a presto {interj} /a ˈprɛs.to/ :: see you soon!
a presto {interj} [in letters or emails] :: write soon!
a prezzo ridotto {adj} :: cut-rate
apribile {adj} :: That can be opened; openable
apribocca {m} :: gag (especially medical)
apribottiglie {m} :: bottle opener
apricasse {m} :: case opener (metal tool)
aprico {adj} [poetic] /aˈpri.ko/ :: Exposed to the sun
aprico {adj} [poetic, rare] :: clear, bright, serene
aprico {adj} [poetic] :: sun-loving
aprilante {adj} :: April (attributive)
aprile {m} /aˈpri.le/ :: April
Aprilia {prop} :: Aprilia (town)
apriliano {adj} :: Of, or from, Aprilia
apriliano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Aprilia
aprilino {adj} :: April (attributive)
a priori {adj} :: a priori
a priori {adv} :: a priori
apriorismo {m} :: apriorism
apriorista {mf} :: apriorist
aprioristicamente {adv} :: in an a priori manner
aprioristicamente {adv} :: hypothetically
aprioristicamente {adv} :: self-evidently, intuitively
aprioristico {adj} :: a priori
apriorità {f} :: apriority
apripalco {mf} [music] :: support act, support group (that opens the show before the main attraction)
apripista {mf} :: pacemaker, pacesetter
apripista {mf} :: forerunner, precursor
apripista {mf} :: bulldozer (masculine only)
apriporta {m} :: (remotely operated) door opener
apriporta {m} :: A product, sold successfully door-to-door
aprir {v} :: apocopic form of aprire
aprire {vt} :: to open
aprire {vt} :: to unlock
aprire {vt} :: to turn on
aprire il cuore {v} :: to open one's heart
aprire il fuoco {vi} [idiom] :: to open fire
aprire il proprio animo {v} :: Variant of mettere a nudo il proprio animo
aprire il proprio cuore {v} :: to pour one's heart out
aprire un varco {v} :: to cut a wide swath
aprirsi {v} :: reflexive of aprire
aprirsi {vr} :: to open
aprirsi {vr} :: to open up
aprirsi {vr} :: to get off one's chest
aprirsi un varco {v} :: to hack
apriscatole {m} :: can-opener, tin-opener [British]
apriti cielo {interj} :: for goodness sake
apriti sesamo {phrase} /ˌa.pri.ti ˈsɛ.za.mo/ :: open sesame!
apritoio {m} :: opener (device)
apritoio {m} :: willow (cotton processing device)
apritore {m} :: opener
apritore {adj} :: opening (used to open something)
apritura {f} :: opening
apritura {f} :: slot, split
aproblematico {adj} :: unproblematic
a pronta cassa {adv} [of payments] :: in cash
a pronta cassa {adv} [business, of payments] :: Within 30 days
apronunciarsi {vr} :: To pronounce upon
a proposito {adv} :: at the right moment, opportunely
a proposito {adj} :: appropriate, suitable, convenient
a proposito {prep} :: by the way
a proposito di {prep} :: about, regarding, with regard to, of
a propria volta {prep} :: in turn
a proprio agio {adv} :: at ease
a proprio giudizio {prep} :: in one's opinion, in one's judgement
aprosessia {f} :: aprosexia
aprospettico {adj} :: aperspectival
aprotico {adj} [chemistry] :: aprotic
a prova di {adj} :: -proof
aprutino {adj} :: synonym of abruzzese
apside {m} [astronomy] :: apsis
aptero {adj} :: apterous, wingless
aptero {adj} :: apteral
aptico {adj} :: haptic
aptonastia {f} [botany] /ap.to.nasˈti.a/ :: A nastic response to touch
aptonastico {adj} [botany] /ap.toˈnas.ti.ko/ :: Pertaining to aptonastia
apuano {adj} :: Apuan
Apuleio {prop} :: Apuleius (writer in the Roman Empire)
apulo {adj} :: Apuglian, Puglian
a punta {adj} :: pointed (hat, shoes, etc)
a puntino {adv} :: Variant of appuntino
a punto {adv} :: obsolete spelling of appunto
AQ {prop} :: abbreviation of Aquila, L'Aquila (the capital city of Abruzzo)
aqua {f} :: obsolete form of acqua
aqua {f} :: water
aquagym {f} :: aquaerobics
a quanto pare {adv} :: as it seems; so it seems; apparently; seemingly
a quanto sembra {adv} :: as it seems; so it seems; apparently; seemingly
aquario {m} :: Aquarian
aquario {m} :: alternative form of acquario
Aquario {prop} :: Aquarius (the constellation)
Aquario {prop} :: Aquarius (the star sign)
aquatico {adj} /aˈkwa.ti.ko/ :: alternative form of acquatico
a quattr'occhi {adv} [idiom] /a‿k.kwatˈtrɔk.ki/ :: in private (between two people)
a quattro mani {adj} [literally] :: fourhanded (requiring or using four hands)
a quattro mani {adj} [figuratively, idiom] :: collaborative, joint (work involving two people)
a quattro piedi {adv} :: on all fours
a quattro zampe {adj} :: four-legged
a quattro zampe {adv} :: on all fours
aquifoglio {m} :: alternative form of agrifoglio
aquila {f} /ˈaːkwila/ :: eagle
aquila {f} [heraldiccharge] :: eagle
aquila anatraia minore {m} :: lesser spotted eagle (Clanga pomarina)
aquila arpia {f} :: harpy eagle, or the American harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja)
aquila del Bonelli {f} :: Bonelli's eagle
aquila di Haast {f} :: Haast's eagle or harpagornis eagle
aquila di mare {f} :: sea eagle
aquila di mare a coda bianca {f} :: white-tailed eagle, sea eagle, erne or white-tailed sea eagle
aquila di mare della testa bianca {f} :: bald eagle or American eagle
aquila di mare di Steller {f} :: Steller's sea eagle
aquila gigante della Nuova Zelanda {f} :: Haast's eagle
aquila imperiale {f} :: imperial eagle
aquilano {adj} :: Of or relating to L'Aquila or the L'Aquila people
aquilano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of L'Aquila
aquila pescatrice africana {f} :: African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)
aquila pescatrice del Madagascar {f} :: Madagascar fish eagle
aquila reale {f} :: golden eagle
aquila serpentaria del Madagascar {f} :: Variant of astore
aquila spiegata {f} [heraldiccharge] :: spread eagle, eagle displayed (with outstretched wings)
aquilastore {m} :: hawk-eagle
aquilastore variabile {m} :: crested hawk-eagle, changeable hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus)
aquilastro {m} :: osprey
aquila urlatrice {f} :: African fish eagle
aquilegia {f} :: columbine (flower)
Aquileia {prop} :: Aquileia (town)
aquiliano {adj} [legal] :: extracontractual
aquilifero {m} :: eagle-bearer (in Ancient Rome)
aquilino {adj} /ak.wiˈli.no/ :: aquiline
Aquilino {prop} :: given name
aquilonare {adj} :: north wind (attributive)
aquilonare {adj} :: northerly (from the north)
aquilone {m} :: kite (flying toy)
aquilone {m} :: hang glider
aquilone {m} [meterology] :: north wind
aquilonista {mf} :: Maker or flyer of kites
aquilonista {mf} :: hang glider (person)
aquilotto {m} :: eaglet
aquinate {adj} :: Of or from Aquino
Aquino {prop} :: Aquino (small town)
Aquisgrana {prop} :: Aachen
Aquitania {prop} :: Aquitania (historical region)
aquitano {adj} :: Aquitanian
ara {f} :: altar
ara {f} :: are, measurement of area (100 square metres)
ara {f} :: macaw
ara ambigua {f} :: great green macaw
araba {f} /ˈaː.ra.ba/ :: female equivalent of arabo
arabafenice {f} :: phoenix
arabeggiante {adj} :: Arabist (attributive)
arabescante {v} :: present participle of arabescare
arabescare {vt} :: to decorate with arabesques or similar
arabescato {adj} :: decorated with arabesques or similar designs (especially as a security device)
arabescatura {f} :: A security background pattern, designed to be resistant to counterfeiting, that uses multicolour security inks and guilloche printing
arabesco {m} :: arabesque
arabetta {f} :: thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana)
Arabia {prop} :: Arabia
Arabia Saudita {prop} :: Saudi Arabia
arabico {adj} /aˈra.bi.ko/ :: Arab
arabile {adj} :: arable
arabilità {f} :: arability
arabinosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: arabinose
arabismo {m} :: arabism
arabista {mf} :: Arabist
arabizzante {v} :: present participle of arabizzare
arabizzantesi {v} :: present participle of arabizzarsi
arabizzare {vt} :: to Arabize
arabizzarsi {vr} :: To become Arabized
arabizzatosi {v} :: past participle of arabizzarsi
arabizzazione {f} :: Arabization
arabo {adj} /ˈaː.ra.bo/ :: Arabian, Arab [attribute]
arabo {m} :: Arab
arabo {m} :: Arabic (language)
arabo {m} :: gibberish, Greek (needlessly obscure or overly technical language)
arabofobo {m} :: arabophobe
arabo-israeliano {adj} :: Arab-Israeli
arac {m} :: Variant of arrak
arachico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: arachidic
arachide {f} /aˈra.ki.de/ :: peanut
arachidico {adj} :: arachidic
aracne {f} :: spider
Aracne {prop} :: Arachne
aracnefobia {f} :: alternative form of aracnofobia
aracneo {adj} :: spider (attributive)
aracnide {m} :: arachnid
aracnidismo {m} [pathology] :: arachnidism
aracnofobia {f} :: arachnophobia
aracnofobico {adj} :: arachnophobic (fearful of spiders)
aracnofobo {m} :: arachnophobe
aracnoide {f} [anatomy] :: arachnoid (membrane)
aracnoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: arachnoid
aracnoidite {f} :: arachnoiditis
aracnologa {f} :: female equivalent of aracnologo
aracnologia {f} [zoology] :: arachnology
aracnologo {m} :: arachnologist
ara di cuba {n} :: Cuban red macaw
a ragione {adv} :: rightly, justly
a ragion veduta {adv} :: advisedly
ara glauca {f} :: glaucous macaw
aragna {f} [obsolete] :: spider
Aragne {prop} :: Arachne
aragno {m} /aˈraɲ.ɲo/ :: obsolete form of ragno
Aragona {prop} :: Aragona (autonomous community)
Aragona {prop} :: Aragona (commune)
aragonese {adj} :: Aragonese
aragonese {mf} :: Aragonese
aragonite {f} [mineral] :: aragonite
aragosta {f} :: spiny lobster
aragosta {adj} :: orange-red
araldica {f} :: heraldry
araldicamente {adv} :: heraldically
araldico {adj} :: heraldic
araldista {mf} :: heraldist
araldo {m} :: herald
Araldo {prop} :: given name
aramaico {m} :: The Aramaic language
aramaico {adj} :: pertaining to the Aramaic language or culture
arameo {adj} :: Aramean
aramidico {adj} :: aramid (attributive)
arammide {f} [organic chemistry] :: aromatic amide
arancera {f} :: alternative form of aranciera
aranceto {m} :: orange grove
arancia {f} :: orange (fruit)
aranciaia {f} :: synonym of aranceto
arancia sanguinella {f} :: blood orange
aranciata {f} :: orangeade, orange drink
aranciato {m} :: orange (colour)
aranciato {adj} :: orange (colour)
aranciera {f} :: orangery
arancino {adj} /a.ranˈtʃi.no/ :: Of, or relating to oranges
arancino {adj} [color] :: Resembling the colour of oranges; orangey
arancino {m} :: An orange that has fallen from the tree before being ripe
arancino {m} [culinary] :: arancino (baked stuffed rice ball from Sicily)
arancio {adj} :: orange [colored as an orange (fruit)]
arancio {m} [rare] :: orange [colour]
arancio {m} :: orange (tree)
arancio {m} [dated] :: orange (fruit)
arancione {adj} :: orange (colour)
arancione {m} :: the colour orange
aranese {m} :: Aranese (dialect)
aranese {adj} :: Aranese (attributive)
arante {v} :: present participle of arare
arare {vt} :: To plough / plow
arare {vt} [slang, colloquial] :: To possess sexually
arativo {adj} :: arable, tillable, ploughable
Aratone {prop} :: given name
aratore {m} :: ploughman / plowman
aratorio {adj} :: ploughing (attributive)
aratrice {f} :: ploughwoman / plowwoman
aratrice {f} :: plough
aratro {m} :: plough
aratura {f} :: ploughing / plowing
arazzeria {f} :: tapestry weaving
arazzeria {f} :: tapestry factory
arazziere {m} :: weaver or seller of tapestries
arazzo {m} :: tapestry, tapet
arbanella {f} :: Mason jar, Kilner jar
Arbe {prop} :: Arbe (island)
Arbedo {prop} :: Arbedo (small town)
arbelo {m} [geometry] /arˈbɛ.lo/ :: arbelos
Arbia {prop} :: Arbia (river)
Arbia {prop} :: Arbia (village)
arbitra {f} :: female equivalent of arbitro
arbitrabile {adj} :: arbitrable
arbitraggio {m} :: refereeing
arbitraggio {m} :: umpiring
arbitraggio {m} :: arbitration
arbitrale {adj} :: arbitral
arbitrale {adj} :: arbitration [attributive]
arbitramento {m} :: synonym of arbitraggio
arbitrante {v} :: present participle of arbitrare
arbitrare {vt} :: to referee or umpire
arbitrare {vt} :: to arbitrate
arbitrariamente {adv} :: arbitrarily
arbitrarietà {f} :: arbitrariness
arbitrario {adj} /ar.bitˈrar.jo/ :: arbitrary
arbitrato {m} :: arbitration
arbitratore {m} :: arbitrator
arbitrio {m} :: will
arbitrio {m} :: volition
arbitro {m} [sports] /ˈar.bit.ro/ :: referee, umpire
arbitro {m} :: arbitrator
arborante {v} :: present participle of arborare
arborare {vt} :: To plant with trees
arborato {adj} :: planted with trees
arborato {adj} :: lined with trees
arborato {m} :: tree plantation
arboratura {f} :: synonym of alberatura
arbore {mf} [literary] /ˈar.bo.re/ :: tree
arborella {f} :: A small fish (Alburnus arborella)
arboreo {adj} :: arboreal
arborescente {adj} :: arborescent
arborescenza {f} :: arborescence
arboreto {m} :: arboretum
arboricolo {adj} [zoology] :: arboreal, arboricolous
arboricoltore {m} :: arboriculturist
arboricoltrice {f} :: female equivalent of arboricoltore
arboricoltura {f} :: arboriculture
arborifero {adj} :: arboriferous
arborio {m} /arˈbɔ.rjo/ :: arborio (variety of short-grained rice)
Arborio {prop} /arˈbɔ.rjo/ :: Arborio (town)
Arborio {m} :: alternative case form of arborio
arborista {mf} :: arborist
arborizzato {adj} [mineralogy] :: Containing dendritic veins of other minerals
arborizzazione {f} :: arborization
arboscello {m} :: sapling
arbuscolare {adj} [botany] :: arbuscular
arbuscolo {m} :: synonym of arboscello
arbustaceo {adj} :: shrubby
arbustiforme {adj} [botany] :: shrublike
arbustivo {adj} :: shrubby
arbusto {m} :: shrub, bush
arbustoso {adj} :: shrubby
-arca {suffix} /ˈar.ka/ :: -arch (ruler, leader)
arca {f} :: ark (casket or tomb)
arcaccia {f} [nautical] :: transom, thwart
Arca dell'Alleanza {prop} :: Ark of the Covenant
arcadicamente {adv} :: In an Arcadian manner
arcadico {adj} :: Arcadian
arcadico {m} :: The Arcadian dialect
arcadio {adj} :: Arcadian
Arcadio {prop} :: Arcadius
arcadismo {m} :: arcadianism
arcaicamente {adv} :: archaically
arcaicismo {m} :: alternative form of arcaismo
arcaicità {f} :: ancientness
arcaicizzante {v} :: present participle of arcaicizzare
arcaicizzare {vi} :: to archaize
arcaico {adj} :: archaic
arcaismo {m} /ar.ka.ˈiz.mo/ :: archaism
arcaista {mf} :: archaist
arcaistico {adj} :: archaistic
arcaizzante {v} :: present participle of arcaizzare
arcaizzante {adj} :: archaistic
arcaizzare {vi} :: to archaize
arcale {m} :: The arch of a door or window; A curved part of a rib
arcame {m} :: alternative form of carcame
arcanamente {adv} :: arcanely
arcangelo {m} :: archangel
Arcangelo {prop} :: given name
Arcangelo {prop} :: Arkhangelsk
arcano {adj} /arˈkano/ :: arcane
arcano {adj} :: eerie
arcano {m} :: mystery
arcante {v} :: present participle of arcare
arcare {v} :: To bend into an arch
arcareccio {m} :: purlin
arcaro {m} :: A person who makes arks (caskets)
arcata {f} [architecture] :: arcade, arch, span
arcata {f} [anatomy] :: arch
arcatella {f} :: A small arch, especially when used as a decorative motif
arcato {adj} :: arched
arcavola {f} :: great-great-grandmother
arcavolo {m} :: great-great-grandfather
arcavolo {m} :: (distant) ancestor
arccosec {m} :: arccosecant
Arce {prop} :: Arce (small town)
arcella {f} :: A space, under the altar of early Christian churches, in which relics were stored
arcella {f} :: A decorated wedding chest
arcese {adj} :: Of or from Arce (in Lazio)
archè {f} [philosophy] :: the quintessence of all things
archeano {adj} [geology] :: Archaean
archegete {m} :: A heroic patron of a city in Ancient Greece
archeggiamento {m} [music] :: bowing (of a stringed instrument)
archeggiante {v} :: present participle of archeggiare
archeggiare {vi} [music] :: to bow (a stringed instrument)
archeggiatura {f} [music] :: bowing (of a stringed instrument)
archeggiatura {f} :: A decorative motif consisting of a series of small arches
archeggio {m} [music] :: bowing (a stringed instrument)
archegonio {m} [botany] :: archegonium
archeo- {prefix} :: archaeo-, archeo-
archeo {adj} :: archaic
archeo {m} :: life force
archeoastronomia {f} :: archeoastronomy
archeobatterio {m} :: archeobacterium
archeobiologia {f} :: archaeobiology
archeobiosi {f} :: archebiosis
archeobiosi {f} :: abiogenesis
archeobotanica {f} :: archaeobotany, paleoethnobotany
archeografia {f} :: archeography
archeografico {adj} :: archeographic, archaeographic
archeografo {m} :: archeograph
archeografo {m} :: archeographer
archeologa {f} :: female equivalent of archeologo
archeologia {f} :: archaeology, archeology
archeologicamente {adv} :: archeologically
archeologico {adj} :: archaeological
archeologo {m} /ar.ke.ˈɔ.lo.ɡo/ :: archaeologist
archeomagnetismo {m} :: archaeomagnetism
archeometria {f} :: archeometry (archeological science)
archeometrico {adj} :: archaeometric
archeotterige {m} :: archeopteryx
archeozoico {adj} /ar.keo̯ˈd͡zɔi̯.ko/ :: Archeozoic
Archeozoico {prop} /ar.keo̯ˈd͡zɔi̯.ko/ :: synonym of Precambriano
archeozoologico {adj} :: archaeozoological
archetipico {adj} :: archetypal, archetypic
archetipo {m} :: archetype
archetto {m} :: bow (for a violin etc)
archetto {m} :: pantograph
archi- {prefix} :: arch-
-archia {suffix} /arˈki.a/ :: -archy (form of government or rule)
archiacuto {adj} :: ogival (having a pointed arch)
archianellide {m} :: archiannelid
archiatra {m} :: archiater (especially to a Pope)
archibugeria {f} /ar.ki.bu.d͡ʒeˈri.a/ :: A unit of arquebusiers
archibugetto {m} :: A small arquebus once used for hunting
archibugiare {vt} [archaic] /ar.ki.buˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: To kill using an arquebus
archibugiare {vt} [archaic] :: To attack using an arquebus
archibugiata {f} /ar.ki.buˈd͡ʒa.ta/ :: arquebusade (shot from an arquebus)
archibugiata {f} :: The wound produced by such a shot
archibugiera {f} :: A slit in the walls of a fortress through which a weapon could be fired
archibugiere {m} :: arquebusier (soldier armed with an arquebus)
archibugio {m} [historical] /ar.kiˈbu.d͡ʒo/ :: arquebus
archibuseria {f} /ar.ki.bu.zeˈri.a/ :: alternative form of archibugeria
archibuso {m} /ar.kiˈbu.zo/ :: alternative form of archibugio
archicchioccho {m} [Venice] :: obsolete form of articiocco
archicembalo {m} [musical instruments] :: archicembalo
archichiocco {m} [Tuscany] :: obsolete form of articiocco
archicorteccia {f} [anatomy] :: archicortex
archidiacono {m} :: alternative form of arcidiacono
archidiocesi {f} :: Variant of arcidiocesi
archiepiscopale {adj} :: archiepiscopal; archbishop (attributive)
archiereo {m} :: high priest (in Ancient Greece)
archiginnasio {m} :: The universities of Rome and Bologna
archigrafia {f} :: The use of graphics in architecture
archilocheo {adj} :: Archilochian
archimandrita {m} :: archimandrite
Archimede {prop} :: Archimedes
archimedeo {adj} :: Archimedean
archimia {f} :: alternative form of alchimia
archipendolo {m} :: perpendiculum (early form of plumb line)
archipenzolo {m} :: plumb line
Archippo {prop} :: given name
archipresbitero {m} :: synonym of arciprete
architetta {f} :: female equivalent of architetto
architettante {v} :: present participle of architettare
architettare {vt} :: to devise
architettare {vt} :: to plan, concoct, plot
architettese {adj} :: architectural (as if created by an architect, rather than a normal human being)
architetto {m} /arkiˈtetto/ :: architect
architettonicamente {adv} :: architecturally
architettonico {adj} :: architectural
architettore {m} :: architect, creator, builder
architettura {f} :: architecture
architravato {adj} :: architraved
architravatura {f} :: All the architraves of a building
architrave {m} /ar.kiˈtra.ve/ :: architrave
architrave {m} :: template
archiviabile {adj} :: That can be filed; fileable
archiviante {v} :: present participle of archiviare
archiviare {vt} :: to file [documents]
archiviare {vt} :: to shelve [books]
archiviare {vt} [legal] :: to dismiss [case, etc.]
archiviato {adj} :: filed, archived
archiviatura {f} :: archiving
archiviatura {f} :: archival
archiviazione {f} :: filing, archiving
archiviazione {f} :: storage
archivio {m} :: archive, library
archivio {m} :: filing cabinet
archivista {mf} /ar.kiˈvi.sta/ :: archivist
archivista {mf} :: filing clerk
archivistica {f} :: archival science
archivistico {adj} :: archival
archivolto {m} [architecture] :: archivolt
arci- {prefix} :: arch- (variant of archi-)
Arcibaldo {prop} :: Archibald
arcibasilica {f} :: archbasilica
arcibirbone {adj} :: Very naughty or mischievous
arcicattolico {adj} :: arch-Catholic
arciconfraternita {f} :: archconfraternity
arciconsolare {adj} :: archconsular
arciconsolato {m} :: archconsulate
arciconsolo {m} :: archconsul
arcicontento {adj} :: Very happy
arcidiaconale {adj} :: archidiaconal
arcidiaconato {m} :: archdeaconry
arcidiacono {m} :: archdeacon
arcidiavolo {m} :: archfiend, archdevil
arcidiavolo {m} :: nettle tree, hackberry, especially Celtis australis, the European nettle tree
arcidiocesi {f} :: archdiocese
arciduca {m} :: archduke
arciducale {adj} :: archducal
arciducato {m} :: archduchy
arciduchessa {f} :: archduchess
arciera {f} :: alternative form of arciere
arciera {f} :: arrowslit
arciere {m} :: archer; bowman
arcieristico {adj} :: archery (attributive)
arcifanfano {m} :: synonym of fanfarone
arcignamente {adv} :: sullenly
arcigno {adj} /arˈt͡ʃiɲ.ɲo/ :: severe and offputting; forbidding, grim
arcigno {adj} [archaic] :: sour, acerbic
arcile {m} :: A large chest for the storage of flour and cereal grain
arciliuto {m} [musical instruments] :: archlute
arcimiliardario {m} :: zillionaire
arcimilionario {m} :: billionaire (multi-millionaire)
arcinemica {f} :: archenemy (female)
arcinemico {m} :: archenemy
arcinoto {adj} :: extremely well-known
arcionato {adj} :: fitted with saddlebows
arcione {m} :: saddlebow
arcipelago {m} /ar.t͡ʃiˈpɛ.la.ɡo/ :: archipelago
Arcipelago {prop} [obsolete] :: The Aegean
arcipresso {m} :: alternative form of cipresso
arcipretale {adj} :: archpriest (attributive)
arciprete {m} :: archpriest
arcipretura {f} :: archpriesthood
Arcisio {prop} :: given name
arcispedale {m} :: A principal hospital
arcistufo {adj} :: fed up (to the back teeth!)
arcivescovado {m} :: archbishopric
arcivescovato {m} :: alternative form of arcivescovado
arcivescovile {adj} :: archepiscopal
arcivescovo {m} :: archbishop
arco {m} :: bow [weapon]
arco {m} [music] :: bow [used to play string instruments]
arco {m} [geometry] :: arc
arco {m} [architecture] :: arch
arco a sesto acuto {n} :: ogive, gothic arch
arco a tutto sesto {n} :: round arch
arcobaleno {m} /ar.ko.baˈle.no/ :: rainbow
arcobaleno {m} [by extension] :: A group of many colors or differently colored things
arcobaleno {adj} :: rainbow, specifically:
arcobaleno {adj} :: multicolored
arcobaleno {adj} :: Made up of several cultural or ideological factions
arcobaleno {adj} :: LGBT [attributive]
arcobalestro {m} :: A large crossbow, mounted on a tripod, that fired large arrows
arcocosecante {m} [trigonometry] :: arccosecant
arcocoseno {m} [trigonometry] :: arccosine
arcocotangente {f} [trigonometry] :: arccotangent
arco gotico {n} :: synonym of arco a sesto acuto
arco gotico {n} :: synonym of ogiva
arcolaio {m} :: wool winder, reel, spool, winder
arcolaio {m} :: reel spool, skein winder, reel winder
arcologia {f} :: arcology
arcontato {m} :: archontate
arconte {m} :: archon
arco rampante {m} :: flying buttress
arcosaldatura {f} :: arc welding
arcosauro {m} :: archosaur
arcoscenico {m} :: proscenium arch
arcosecante {m} [trigonometry] :: arcsecant
arcoseno {m} [trigonometry] :: arcsine
arcosolio {m} [architecture] :: arcosolium
arcotangente {f} [trigonometry] :: arctangent
arcsec {m} :: arcsecant
arctazione {f} [pathology] :: arctation
arcuante {v} :: present participle of arcuare
arcuare {vt} :: to arch
arcuare {vt} :: to bend
arcuarsi {v} :: reflexive of arcuare
arcuato {adj} :: curved, bent
arcuato {adj} :: arched
Arda {prop} :: Arda (river)
Ardenne {prop} /arˈdɛn.ne/ :: Ardennes
ardente {v} :: present participle of ardire
ardente {v} :: present participle of ardere
ardente {adj} :: blazing, burning
ardente {adj} :: passionate
ardente {adj} :: ardent
ardente {adj} :: fervent, enthusiastic, passionate
ardentemente {adv} :: passionately, fervently, ardently
ardenza {f} :: ardour
ardenza {f} :: fervour
ardere {vt} :: to burn
ardere {vt} :: to parch or scorch
ardesia {f} [mineralogy] :: slate
ardesia {m} :: slate (color)
ardesia {adj} :: slaty
ardesiaco {adj} :: slate gray (in colour)
ardia {f} :: A horse race, run annually through the streets of Sedilo, Sardinia
ardica {f} :: exonarthex (only used in Ravenna)
ardiglione {m} :: tongue (of a shoe etc)
ardiglione {m} :: barb (of a fish)
ardimento {m} :: daring
ardimentosamente {adv} :: courageously, boldly, daringly
ardimentosamente {adv} :: recklessly, rashly
ardimentoso {adj} :: daring, bold
ardire {vt} :: to dare (someone to do something)
ardire {m} :: daring, boldness
ardire {m} :: impudence
arditamente {adv} :: boldly, courageously, daringly
arditanza {f} :: alternative form of arditezza
arditezza {f} :: boldness, courage, daring, audacity
arditezza {f} :: impudence, effrontery
arditismo {m} :: bravery, daring, boldness
arditissimo {adj} :: superlative of ardito
ardito {adj} :: brave, doughty
ardito {adj} :: daring
ardito {adj} :: forward, bold
Ardito {prop} :: given name
-ardo {suffix} :: -er (resident or native)
Ardo {prop} :: A small river that crosses Belluno in Veneto
ardore {m} :: heat
ardore {m} :: ardour, passion, fire
ardore {m} :: fervour, eagerness, glow
arduamente {adv} :: arduously
arduamente {adv} :: difficultly (of a problem)
arduamente {adv} :: steeply (of a slope)
Arduino {prop} :: given name
arduità {f} :: arduousness
arduo {adj} :: arduous
arduo {adj} :: difficult (of a problem)
arduo {adj} :: steep (of a slope)
-are {suffix} :: Used, with a stem, to form the infinitive of most regular verbs
-are {suffix} :: Used, with a stem to form some adjectives whose masculine and feminine forms are the same
-are {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives from nouns
area {f} :: area, surface
area {f} :: land, ground
area {f} :: field, sector
area di servizio {f} :: A rest area or service station (on a motorway)
areale {adj} :: areal
areale {m} [ecology] :: distribution area
areante {v} :: present participle of areare
areare {v} :: alternative form of aerare
areato {adj} :: ventilated
areazione {f} :: airing
areflessia {f} [pathology] :: areflexia
areico {adj} :: areal
areico {adj} :: dry
areligioso {adj} :: areligious, irreligious (non-religious)
arella {f} :: A lattice of reeds used in southern Italy to dry fruit etc
arena {f} /aˈre.na/ :: sand
arena {f} :: beach or lido
arena {f} :: space in a classical amphitheatre; arena
arena {f} :: bullring and similar sporting spaces
arena {f} :: cockpit (An enclosure for cockfights)
arenaceo {adj} :: arenaceous
arenamento {m} [nautical] :: stranding (running aground)
arenamento {m} :: silt (deposit of sand)
arenamento {m} :: deadlock
arenante {v} :: present participle of arenarsi
arenantesi {v} :: present participle of arenarsi
arenare {vi} :: To run aground
arenaria {f} :: sandstone
arenarsi {vr} [nautical] :: to run aground
arenarsi {vr} :: to come to a standstill
arenatosi {v} :: past participle of arenarsi
arendiazonio {m} [organic chemistry] :: aryl diazonium
arengario {m} :: A building with a balcony, from which speeches were made
arengo {m} [historical] /aˈren.ɡo/ :: an assembly of the citizens of a town in medieval Italy; the place where they assembled
areniano {adj} :: arena (attributive)
arenicolo {adj} :: arenicolous
arenile {m} :: strand (stretch of sand)
arenosità {f} :: sandiness
arenoso {adj} :: sandy
arenoso {adj} :: unsteady, unstable
arente {adj} [literary] /aˈrɛn.te/ :: arid
arente {adj} [literary] :: dry
areo- {prefix} :: soft; less dense
areografia {f} :: areography
areografo {m} :: alternative form of aerografo
areogramma {m} :: histogram
areola {f} :: areola
areolare {adj} :: areolar
areolato {adj} :: areolate
areometria {f} :: areometry
areometro {m} :: areometer
areonautico {adj} :: Variant of aeronautico
areopagita {m} :: Areopagite
areopagitico {adj} :: Areopagitic
areopago {m} :: Areopagus
areoplanino {m} :: Variant of aeroplanino
areoplano {m} :: Variant of aeroplano
areostilo {adj} :: araeostyle / areostyle
Ares {prop} [Greek god] :: Ares
areteico {adj} :: aretaic
aretina {f} :: A native or inhabitant of Arezzo; an Arretine
aretino {adj} :: Arretine (of or pertaining to Arezzo)
aretino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Arezzo; an Arretine
aretologia {f} [philosophy] :: aretology
aretologico {adj} :: aretological
Aretusa {prop} :: given name
Arezzo {prop} /aˈret.tso/ :: Arezzo (city/and/province)
arfasatto {m} :: A clumsy person
arfasatto {m} :: A wretch
argali {m} :: biggest central asia wild sheep (Ovis ammon)
argalì {m} :: argali (Ovis ammon)
Argan {prop} :: surname
Argan {prop} :: Giulio Carlo Argan, Italian art historian and politician
arganetto {m} :: Small winch or windlass
arganetto idraulico {m} :: hydraulic winch / windlass
arganetto idraulico {m} :: Segner wheel / Segner turbine
arganista {mf} :: winchman
argano {m} /ˈarɡano/ :: hoist, winch
argato {m} :: A child stolen by Gypsies and forced to steal
argentana {f} :: white copper, cupronickel
argentante {v} :: present participle of argentare
argentare {vt} :: To silver-plate
argentato {adj} :: silver-plated
argentato {adj} :: silver (coloured), silvery
argentatore {m} :: silverer
argentatura {f} :: silver plate
argentatura {f} :: silver plating
argenteo {adj} /arˈd͡ʒɛn.teo̯/ :: silver, silvery
argenteria {f} /ar.d͡ʒen.teˈri.a/ :: silverware, silver (objects)
argenteria {f} :: factory or workshop making silverware
Argentero {prop} :: surname
Argenti {prop} :: surname most notably that of Filippo Argenti
argentico {adj} :: silver (attributive)
argentico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: argentic
argentiera {f} :: silver mine
argentiere {m} :: silversmith
argentifero {adj} :: argentiferous (silver-bearing)
argentina {f} :: female equivalent of argentino
Argentina {prop} :: Argentina (country)
argentino {adj} :: Argentinian, Argentine
argentino {m} :: Argentinian
argentite {f} [mineral] :: argentite
argento {m} [chemistry] /arˈdʒɛn.to/ :: silver
argento {m} [heraldry] :: argent
Argento {prop} :: given name
Argento {prop} :: surname
argentone {m} :: nickel silver, German silver
argento vivo {m} :: quicksilver
argentovivo {m} [obsolete] :: quicksilver (mercury)
Argeo {prop} :: given name
Argia {prop} :: given name
argilla {f} :: clay
argillaceo {adj} :: argillaceous
argilloscisto {m} [geology] :: slate (clay schist)
argilloso {adj} :: clayey
arginale {adj} :: bankside (attributive)
arginamento {m} :: embankment
arginamento {m} :: containment
arginante {v} :: present participle of arginare
arginare {vt} :: to embank
arginare {vt} [figurative] :: to check, limit
arginasi {m} [enzyme] :: arginase
arginatura {f} :: embankment
argine {m} /ˈar.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: bank (of a river)
argine {m} :: embankment, dyke
arginina {f} [amino acid] :: arginine
arginnide {f} :: fritillary (butterfly Argynnis aglaja)
Argio {prop} :: given name
argiraspide {m} /ar.d͡ʒiˈras.pi.de/ :: argyraspide
argiria {f} [pathology] :: argyria
argirismo {m} :: silver poisoning
argirite {f} [mineral] :: argentite
Argirocastro {prop} :: Argirocastro (city)
argirodite {f} [mineral] :: argyrodite
argironeta {f} :: diving bell spider, water spider (Argyroneta aquatica)
argirosi {f} [pathology] :: synonym of argiria
argismo {m} :: A Sicilian term for the tarantella dance and healing ritual
argiva {f} :: feminine noun of argivo
argivo {adj} :: Argive (attributive)
argivo {m} :: Argive
argo {m} :: argon
Argo {prop} :: Argos
argolico {adj} :: Argolic, Argive
argomentabile {adj} :: deducible
argomentante {v} :: present participle of argomentare
argomentare {vt} :: to infer, to deduce (from a logical argument)
argomentare {vi} :: to argue
argomentativo {adj} :: argumentative
argomentatore {m} :: arguer, debater
argomentazione {f} :: argument (statement used to support a proposition)
argomento {m} /arɡoˈmento/ :: topic, matter, subject, issue, point (subject)
argomento {m} :: argument (reason)
argon {m} [chemistry] /ˈar.ɡon/ :: argon
argonauta {m} :: Argonaut
argonauta {m} :: argonaut (marine animal)
argonautico {adj} :: Argonautic
Argovia {prop} :: Argovia (canton)
arguente {v} :: present participle of arguire
arguibile {adj} :: deducible
arguire {vt} :: to deduce or infer
Argurio {prop} :: surname
argutamente {adv} :: keenly, sharply, wittily, cleverly
argutezza {f} :: keenness, sharpness, wit
argutezza {f} :: witticism
arguto {adj} :: witty
arguto {adj} :: quick-witted
arguto {adj} :: sharp, keen
arguzia {f} /arˈɡut.t͡sja/ :: wit; mental sharpness
arguzia {f} :: witty remark
aria {f} /ˈa.rja/ :: air
aria {f} :: look, appearance, countenance
aria {f} [plurale tantum] :: airs
aria {f} :: wind (all senses)
aria {f} [music] :: aria, song
aria-acqua {adj} [military] :: air-to-surface
aria-aria {adj} [military] :: air-to-air
aria compressa {f} :: compressed air
aria condizionata {f} :: air conditioning
aria fritta {f} :: hot air (empty or exaggerated talk)
aria fritta {f} :: thin air
ariana {f} :: Aryan (female)
arianesimo {m} :: Arianism
arianizzante {v} :: present participle of arianizzare
arianizzare {v} :: To Aryanize
Arianna {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Ariadne
Arianna {prop} :: given name of Ancient Greek origin
Arianno {prop} :: given name
ariano {adj} :: Aryan
ariano {m} :: Aryan
ariano {adj} [Christianity] :: Arian (pertaining to Arianism; heretic)
ariano {m} [Christianity] :: Arian (one who follows the Christology of Arianism; a heretic)
Ariasso {prop} :: surname
Ariasso {prop} :: Ariassos
aria-terra {adj} [military] :: air-to-ground, air-to-surface
ariato {adj} [music] :: unvoiced
ariballo {m} /a.riˈbal.lo/ :: aryballos
aribanno {m} :: arrière-ban
Ariccia {prop} :: Ariccia (town)
ariccino {adj} :: Of or from Ariccia
aridamente {adv} :: aridly, dryly
aridezza {f} :: alternative form of aridità
aridità {f} :: dryness, aridity
arido {adj} /ˈa.ri.do/ :: dry, arid
arido {adj} [by extension] :: barren, infertile, sterile
arido {adj} [by extension, rare, of places] :: desolate, bleak
arido {adj} [figuratively] :: unfeeling, insensitive
arido {adj} [figuratively] :: narrow-minded, provincial
arido {adj} [figuratively, of art] :: bland, inexpressive
arido {m} [especially in plural] :: dry goods
aridocoltore {m} :: farmer who farms in dry conditions
aridocoltura {f} /a.ri.do.kolˈtu.ra/ :: dryland farming; farming in dry conditions
a ridoppio {adj} :: More than double
a ridoppio {adj} :: In great abundance
aridore {m} :: aridity
a ridosso {prep} :: (typically with di or da) sheltered, protected (from)
a ridosso {prep} :: very close or near
a ridosso {prep} :: (also with di) physically or geographically close (to)
a ridosso {prep} :: (also with di) temporally close
a ridosso {prep} [also, figurative] :: (from) close behind; trailing
a ridosso {prep} [literary] :: on (on one's person)
arieggiamento {m} :: airing, ventilation
arieggiamento {m} :: aeration
arieggiante {v} :: present participle of arieggiare
arieggiare {vt} :: to air, ventilate
arieggiare {vt} :: to aerate
arieggiare {vt} :: to resemble
arieggiare {vt} :: to imitate
Ariele {prop} [Biblical character] :: Ariel
Ariele {prop} :: given name
ariento {m} :: alternative form of argento
ariepiglottico {adj} [anatomy] :: aryepiglottic
ariete {m} /arˈjɛ.te/ :: ram (male sheep)
ariete {m} [historical, military] :: battering ram
Ariete {prop} [zodiac constellations, astrology, astronomy] /arˈjɛ.te/ :: Aries
Ariete {prop} :: Aries (the star sign)
arietta {f} :: breeze
arietta {f} [music] :: arietta
arigatò {interj} /a.ri.ɡaˈtɔ/ :: arigato (“thank you”, used in the context of, or to evoke, Japanese culture)
a righe {adj} :: striped
a rigor di termini {adv} :: strictly speaking
a rigore {adv} :: ellipsis of a rigor di termini
arile {f} [organic chemistry] :: aryl
a rilento {adv} :: slowly
arilicense {adj} :: Of or from Peschiera del Garda
arilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aryl (attributive)
arillo {m} [botany] :: aril
arimannia {f} :: A group of arimanno warriors
arimanno {m} :: A soldier in Longibard Italy
aringa {f} [zoology, ichthyology] :: herring, sprat
aringo {m} /aˈrinɡo/ :: synonym of arengo
aringo {m} :: A circular field, used in medieval times for tournaments etc
aringo {m} :: race, tournament, trial
arinia {f} [pathology] :: arrhinia
-ario {suffix} :: -ary; Added to nouns to create attributive adjective forms and show relation
-ario {suffix} :: Added to numerals with various derivations
ario {adj} :: Aryan
Ario {prop} :: Arius
Arioaldo {prop} :: given name
arioeuropeo {adj} :: alternative form of indoeuropeo
ariosamente {adv} :: airily
ariosità {f} :: airiness
arioso {adj} :: airy
arioso {adj} :: breezy
ariosteo {adj} :: alternative form of ariostesco
ariostesco {adj} :: Ariostan
Ariosto {prop} :: surname
Ariosto {prop} :: Ludovico Ariosto, Italian poet
a rischio {prep} [idiomatic] :: at stake, at issue, at risk
a rischio {prep} [idiomatic] :: endangered
arista {f} /ˈa.ris.ta/ :: pork loin
arista {f} [biology, botany, zoology] /aˈris.ta/ :: arista
arista {f} [literary] :: awn, ear (of grain)
Aristide {prop} :: Aristides
Aristide {prop} :: given name
aristocratica {f} :: female equivalent of aristocratico
aristocraticamente {adv} :: aristocratically
aristocraticità {f} :: aristocraticness
aristocratico {adj} :: aristocratic
aristocratico {m} :: aristocrat
aristocratico {m} :: gentlefolk
aristocrazia {f} :: aristocracy
Aristofane {prop} /a.risˈtɔ.fa.ne/ :: Aristophanes; historical given name, famously held by:
Aristofane {prop} :: Aristophanes (446 ca. BC–386 ca. BC)
Aristofane {prop} :: Aristophanes of Byzantium (257 ca. BC–185/180 BC)
aristofaneo {adj} :: alternative form of aristofanio
aristofanesco {adj} :: Aristophanean
aristofanio {adj} :: Aristophanean
Aristotele {prop} :: Aristotle
aristotelicamente {adv} :: in an Aristotelian manner
aristotelico {adj} :: Aristotelian
aristotelico {m} :: Aristotelian
aristotelismo {m} :: Aristotelianism
aristotipo {m} :: aristotype (all senses)
aritenoide {adj} [anatomy] :: arytenoid
aritenoide {f} [anatomy] :: arytenoid, arytenoid cartilage
aritenoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: arytenoid
aritmetica {f} /a.ritˈmɛ.ti.ka/ :: arithmetic
aritmetica {f} :: female equivalent of aritmetico
aritmeticamente {adv} :: arithmetically
aritmetico {adj} :: arithmetic, arithmetical
aritmetico {m} :: arithmetician
aritmia {f} [medicine] /a.ritˈmi.a/ :: arrhythmia
aritmicamente {adv} :: arrhythmically
aritmico {adj} /aˈrit.mi.ko/ :: arrhythmic
aritmogenico {adj} :: arrhythmogenic
aritmomanzia {f} :: arithmancy
aritmosofia {f} :: arithmosofia / arithmosophia
a ritroso {adv} :: backwards
Ariulfo {prop} :: given name
Arizona {prop} /a.riˈt͡sɔ.na/ :: Arizona (state)
arizotonico {adj} [linguistics] :: arrhizotonic
Arkansas {prop} /ˈar.kan.so/ :: Arkansas (state)
arlecchinata {f} :: harlequinade
arlecchinata {f} :: buffoonery, clowning
arlecchinesco {adj} :: harlequinesque, clownish
arlecchino {m} :: harlequin
arlecchino {m} :: buffoon, fool
arlecchino {m} :: clown, jester
Arlecchino {prop} [theatre] :: Harlequin [character]
Arli {prop} :: medieval spelling of Arles
arlotto {m} :: beggar
arma {f} /ˈar.ma/ :: weapon, arms
arma {f} [military] :: arm, force
arma a doppio taglio {f} [idiom] :: action or argument that can be detrimental to the person who believes he is using it to his own advantage; double-edged sword
arma a retrocarica {f} :: breechloader (a variety of firearm in which the weapon is loaded from the breech)
arma bianca {f} [weaponry] :: A weapon that causes damage by striking with a tip, a blade, or blunt force
arma biologica {f} :: biological weapon, bioweapon
armacollo {adv} :: only in ad armacollo
arma da botta {f} [weaponry] :: A melee weapon that strikes using blunt force
arma da fuoco {f} [firearms] :: firearm
arma da getto {f} :: alternative form of arma in asta
arma da lancio {f} :: alternative form of arma in asta
arma di distruzione di massa {f} :: weapon of mass destruction
armadietto {m} [furniture] :: diminutive of armadio
armadillo {m} :: armadillo
armadio {m} [furniture] :: wardrobe, closet, cupboard, cabinet
armagnac {m} :: Armagnac (brandy)
arma in asta {f} [weaponry] :: polearm
armaiolo {m} /ar.maˈjɔ.lo/ :: armourer (gun maker)
armaiolo {m} :: gunsmith
armaiolo {m} :: arms dealer
armamentario {m} :: instruments, equipment, kit
armamentario {m} :: paraphernalia, arsenal
armamento {m} :: armament, weaponry, weapons, arms
armamento {m} :: arming
armamento {m} [nautical] :: equipment, crew
armamento {m} [rail transportation] :: superstructure
Armando {prop} :: given name
Armani {prop} :: surname
Armani {prop} :: Giorgio Armani, Italian fashion designer
armante {v} :: present participle of armare
armantesi {v} :: present participle of armarsi
arma nucleare {f} :: nuclear weapon
arma parlante {f} :: canting arms
armare {vt} /arˈma.re/ :: to arm
armare {vt} :: to cock, to load
armare {vt} :: to reinforce, to brace
armare {vt} :: to equip, to fit out, to rig
armarsi {v} :: reflexive of armare
armarsi {vr} :: to arm oneself
armarsi {vr} :: to summon
armata {f} [military] /arˈma.ta/ :: army
armata {f} [nautical] :: fleet
armato {adj} :: armed
armato {adj} :: reinforced
armato {adj} :: equipped
armato fino ai denti {adj} [idiom] :: armed to the teeth
armatore {adj} :: shipping
armatore {m} [nautical] :: shipowner, shipping magnate
armatoriale {adj} [nautical] :: shipping (attributive)
armatosi {v} :: past participle of armarsi
armatrice {m} :: female equivalent of armatore
armatura {f} /ar.maˈtu.ra/ :: (suit of) armour
armatura {f} :: framework
armatura {f} :: sheath (of a cable)
armatura {f} :: plate (of an electrical condenser)
armatura {f} :: twill (pattern in weaving)
arme {m} :: blazon; coat of arms; crest
armeggiamento {m} :: bustling (about)
armeggiamento {m} :: manoeuvering
armeggiante {v} :: present participle of armeggiare
armeggiare {vi} :: (typically with intorno a, con, or su) manoeuvre or scheme (around)
armeggiare {vi} :: (with in) to rummage
armeggiare {vi} :: to intrigue
armeggiare {vi} [archaic] :: to handle weapons (as an expert)
armeggiatore {m} :: warrior
armeggiona {f} :: busybody, meddler, fixer
armeggione {m} :: busybody, meddler, fixer
Armelindo {prop} :: given name
armellina {f} :: kernel of an apricot or peach
armellinato {adj} [heraldry] :: ermined
Armellini {prop} :: surname
armellino {m} :: alternative form of ermellino
armellino {m} [heraldry] :: ermine
armellino {m} [obsolete] :: apricot
Armellino {prop} :: given name
Armello {prop} :: given name
armena {f} :: female equivalent of armeno
Armenia {prop} :: Armenia (country)
armeno {adj} :: Armenian
armeno {m} :: Armenian (person)
armeno {m} :: Armenian (language)
armeno classico {m} :: Old Armenian (language, script)
armento {m} :: herd
armento {m} :: stock
armento {m} :: livestock
armeria {f} :: armoury
armeria {f} :: a collection of arms (or the department of a museum etc)
armerista {m} [heraldry] :: armorial
Armida {prop} :: given name
Armida {prop} :: An opera by Rossini
armiere {m} :: armourer
armiere {m} :: gunsmith
armiere {m} :: gunner
armiero {m} :: alternative form of armigero
armigero {m} :: armiger
armigero {m} :: bodyguard
armilla {f} :: armilla
armilla {f} :: armil
armillare {adj} :: armillary
armilustro {m} :: armilustrum
Armindo {prop} :: given name
Arminio {prop} :: given name
armipotente {adj} [literary] /ar.mi.poˈtɛn.te/ :: powerful with weapons, armipotent
armipotente {adj} [literary] :: bellicose
armisonante {adj} /ar.mi.soˈnan.te/ :: resounding with arms or weapons
armistiziale {adj} :: armistice (attributive)
armistizio {m} :: armistice
armonia {f} /ar.moˈni.a/ :: harmony (in musical and all other senses)
Armonia {prop} :: Harmonia
armonica {f} :: armonica, glass harmonica
armonica {f} [colloquial] :: harmonica, mouth organ
armonica a bicchieri {f} [musical instruments] :: glass harmonica
armonica a bocca {f} :: harmonica, mouth organ
armonicamente {adv} :: harmoniously
armonicista {mf} :: harmonica player
armonico {adj} :: that produces musical harmony
armonico {adj} :: harmonious
armonio {m} [musical instruments] :: harmonium
armoniosamente {adv} :: harmoniously
armoniosamente {adv} :: elegantly, gracefully
armoniosità {f} :: harmoniousness
armoniosità {f} :: The quality of being well-proportioned
armoniosità {f} :: elegance, grace
armonioso {adj} :: harmonious
armonioso {adj} :: melodious
armonioso {adj} :: musical [language]
armonioso {adj} :: well-proportioned
armonista {mf} :: harmonizer
armonistico {adj} [music] :: harmonistic (relating to harmony)
armonium {m} [musical instruments] :: harmonium
armonizzamento {m} :: synonym of armonizzazione
armonizzante {v} :: present participle of armonizzare
armonizzante {adj} :: harmonizing
armonizzante {adj} :: balancing
armonizzantesi {v} :: present participle of armonizzarsi
armonizzare {v} /ar.mo.nidˈdzaː.re/ :: to harmonize
armonizzare {v} :: to attune [music]
armonizzare {v} :: to match [colours]
armonizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of armonizzare
armonizzarsi {vr} :: to be in harmony
armonizzatore {m} :: harmonizer
armonizzatosi {v} :: past participle of armonizzarsi
armonizzazione {f} :: harmonization
armonografo {m} :: harmonograph
armoriale {m} [heraldry] :: armorial
armoricano {adj} :: Armorican
ARN {m} :: RNA
Arnaldo {prop} :: given name
arnese {m} /arˈne.ze/ :: armour
arnese {m} :: A part of an armour
arnese {m} :: weapon
arnese {m} :: fortress
arnese {m} :: way of dressing
arnese {m} :: tool, implement
arnese {m} :: gadget
arnia {f} :: beehive
arnica {f} /ˈar.ni.ka/ :: arnica
arnione {m} :: synonym of rognone
Arno {prop} :: The river that flows through Florence
arnoglossa {f} /ar.noˈɡlɔs.sa/ :: narrowleaf plantain, ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
Arnoldo {prop} :: given name
Arnolfo {prop} :: given name
-aro {suffix} [dialectal, chiefly Central Italy] :: alternative form of -aio
Aroldo {prop} :: Harold
arolio {m} [entomology] :: arolium
aroma {m} :: aroma, fragrance, smell
aroma {m} :: flavour, flavor
aroma {m} :: spice
aromantico {adj} :: aromantic
aromatario {m} :: A person who grows or sells herbal essences
aromatario {m} :: herb garden
aromatasi {m} :: aromatase
aromaterapia {f} :: aromatherapy
aromaterapico {adj} :: aromatherapeutic
aromaticità {f} :: aromaticity (all senses)
aromatico {adj} :: aromatic
aromatismo {m} :: intoxication from beverages containing aromatic essences
aromatite {f} :: An aromatic wine
aromatite {f} :: A form of amber with the smell and colour of myrrh
aromatizzante {v} :: present participle of aromatizzare
aromatizzante {adj} :: flavoring, flavouring
aromatizzante {m} [foods] :: flavoring, flavouring
aromatizzare {vt} :: to flavour/flavor
aromatizzare {vt} :: to spice
aromatizzazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: aromatization
aromatizzazione {f} :: flavouring
a rompicollo {adv} :: At breakneck speed
aromuno {adj} :: alternative form of arumeno
Aronne {prop} [Biblical character] /aˈrɔn.ne/ :: Aaron
Aronne {prop} :: given name
-arono {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural past historic of regular -are verbs
Aronta {prop} :: alternative form of Arunte
Aronzio {prop} :: given name
a rotta di collo {adv} :: at breakneck speed, as quick as a flash
a rovescio {adv} :: synonym of alla rovescia
Arp. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of arpa
arpa {f} /ˈar.pa/ :: harp (musical instrument)
arpa {f} :: A curved sword
arpacordo {m} [musical instruments] :: alternative form of arpicordo
arpagone {m} [nautical] /ar.paˈɡo.ne/ :: grapnel, grappling iron
arpagone {m} [nautical, uncommon] :: gaff
arpagone {m} :: skinflint, miser
arpe {f} /ˈar.pe/ :: alternative form of arpa
arpeggiamento {m} [music] :: the playing of an arpeggio
arpeggiante {v} :: present participle of arpeggiare
arpeggiare {vit} [music] :: to play a harp or similar instrument
arpeggiare {vit} [music] :: to execute arpeggios
arpeggiatore {m} :: harpist
arpeggio {m} :: arpeggio
arpento {m} :: arpent
arpese {m} :: clamp
arpia {f} /arˈpi.a/ :: harpy
arpicordo {m} [musical instruments] :: A musical instrument somewhat like a spinet
arpinate {adj} /ar.piˈna.te/ :: Of or from the town of Arpino
arpinate {prop} :: Cicero (106 BC–43 BC)
Arpino {prop} /arˈpi.no/ :: Arpino (small town)
arpionante {v} :: present participle of arpionare
arpionare {vt} :: To harpoon
arpione {f} :: harpoon
arpione {f} :: hook
arpione {f} :: hinge
arpione {f} :: pawl
arpioniere {m} :: harpooner
arpionismo {m} :: ratchet mechanism or gear
arpista {mf} :: harpist
Arpocrate {prop} :: Harpocrates
arponante {v} :: present participle of arponare
arponare {v} :: To harpoon
arpone {m} :: harpoon
Arquà Petrarca {prop} :: Arquà Petrarca (small town)
arquatense {adj} :: Of or from Arquà Petrarca
arra {f} [literary] /ˈarra/ :: deposit, pledge
arrabattante {v} :: present participle of arrabattarsi
arrabattantesi {v} :: present participle of arrabattarsi
arrabattarsi {vr} :: to strive, do all one can
arrabattatosi {v} :: past participle of arrabattarsi
arrabbiamento {m} :: anger, ire
arrabbiante {v} :: present participle of arrabbiare
arrabbiantesi {v} :: present participle of arrabbiarsi
arrabbiare {vi} [rare] :: to have rabies; to be rabid
arrabbiare {v} [obsolete] :: to get angry, to lose one's temper
arrabbiarsi {v} :: reflexive of arrabbiare
arrabbiarsi {v} :: to get angry, get cross, get mad, lose one's temper, see red
arrabbiata {f} /ar.rabˈbja.ta/ :: A rage, an act of getting angry
arrabbiata {f} :: arrabbiata sauce
arrabbiata {f} [by ellipsis] :: penne arrabbiata
arrabbiatamente {adv} [of an animal] :: rabidly
arrabbiatamente {adv} [of a person, uncommon] :: angrily
arrabbiaticcio {m} :: sterility of agricultural land due to overworking
arrabbiatissimo {adj} :: superlative of arrabbiato
arrabbiato {adj} [of an animal] /ar.rabˈbja.to/ :: rabid
arrabbiato {adj} [of a person] :: angry
arrabbiatosi {v} :: past participle of arrabbiarsi
arrabbiatura {f} :: rage
arraffante {v} :: present participle of arraffare
arraffare {vt} [somewhat rare] :: to grab or snatch
arraffare {vt} [by extension] :: to pinch; to steal
arraffazzonato {adj} :: off-the-cuff, makeshift
arraffiante {v} :: present participle of arraffiare
arraffiare {v} :: To grasp (with a grapnel)
arraffone {m} :: grabber, snatcher (petty thief)
arrak {m} :: arak
arrampicamento {m} :: climb, clamber
arrampicante {v} :: present participle of arrampicare
arrampicantesi {v} :: present participle of arrampicarsi
arrampicare {vi} :: to climb
arrampicarsi {vr} :: to climb, to scramble, to shin
arrampicata {f} :: climbing
arrampicata libera {f} [sports] :: free climbing
arrampicatore {m} :: climber
arrampicatorio {adj} :: (rock-) climbing (attributive)
arrampicatosi {v} :: past participle of arrampicarsi
arrampicatrice {f} :: female equivalent of arrampicatore
arrancante {v} :: present participle of arrancare
arrancare {vi} :: to limp, hobble
arrancare {vi} :: to plod, slog, trudge
arrandellante {v} :: present participle of arrandellare
arrandellare {v} :: alternative form of randellare
arrangiamento {m} :: arrangement (all senses)
arrangiamento {m} :: agreement
arrangiante {v} :: present participle of arrangiare
arrangiantesi {v} :: present participle of arrangiarsi
arrangiare {vt} :: To arrange (all senses)
arrangiarsi {v} :: reflexive of arrangiare
arrangiarsi {vr} :: to make do
arrangiarsi {vr} :: to manage
arrangiatore {m} [music] :: arranger
arrangiatosi {v} :: past participle of arrangiarsi
arrangiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of arrangiatore
arrapamento {m} [slang] :: randiness, horniness, hard-on, lust
arrapante {v} :: present participle of arrapare
arrapare {vt} :: To arouse (sexually)
arrapato {adj} :: aroused (sexually)
arrapinante {v} :: present participle of arrapinare
arrapinare {v} :: To anger
arrappante {v} :: present participle of arrappare
arrappare {v} :: To snatch
arrappare {v} :: To steal
arrappato {adj} :: wrinkled
arraspare {vt} [obsolete] /ar.rasˈpa.re/ :: to scrape, to scratch
arraspare {vt} [figurative] :: to steal, to take away
arrazzante {v} /ar.ratˈt͡san.te/ :: present participle of arrazzare
arrazzante {adj} [archaic] :: blazing
arrazzante {adj} [Rome, vulgar] :: exciting, arousing
arrazzante {adj} [Rome, by extension] :: inviting
arrazzare {v} [rare] /ar.ratˈt͡sa.re/ :: to burn
arrazzare {v} [by extension, rare] :: to blaze, to glow
arrazzare {v} [by extension, rare] :: to redden, to become red
arrazzare {v} [literary] :: to flare (to cause to burn)
arrazzare {v} [figurative, Rome, vulgar] :: to turn on (to excite sexually)
arrazzarsi {v} /ar.ratˈt͡sar.si/ :: reflexive of arrazzare
arrazzarsi {vi} [rare] :: to burn
arrazzarsi {vi} [literary] :: to redden
arrazzarsi {vi} [by extension, rare] :: to blaze, to glow
arrazzarsi {vi} [figurative, vulgar, Rome] :: to get turned on, to get aroused
arrazzato {adj} /ar.ratˈt͡sa.to/ :: turned on, aroused
-arre {suffix} :: Used, with a stem, to form the infinitive of some Italian verbs
arrecante {v} :: present participle of arrecare
arrecante {adj} :: injurious
arrecare {vt} :: To cause, to bring, to give
arrecatore {m} :: causer, provoker
arredamento {m} :: furniture, furnishings, decor
arredamento {m} :: interior decoration, furnishing, fitting out
arredante {v} :: present participle of arredare
arredare {vt} :: to furnish, to decorate, to fit, to fit out
arredatore {m} :: interior designer
arredatore {m} :: furniture designer
arredatrice {f} :: female equivalent of arredatore
arredo {m} [especially, in the plural] :: furnishings
arredobagno {m} :: bathroom fixtures and fittings
arreggimentante {v} :: present participle of arreggimentare
arreggimentare {v} :: alternative form of irreggimentare
arreggimentare {v} :: To line up (in rows)
arreggimentare {v} :: To enslave
arrembaggio {m} [nautical] :: boarding (forceful entry into a vessel)
arrembaggio {m} [nautical] :: assault
arrembante {v} :: present participle of arrembare
arrembare {vt} [nautical] :: to board (forceful entry onto a vessel)
arrembata {f} :: synonym of arrembaggio
arrembato {adj} :: worn out
arrenante {v} :: present participle of arrenare
arrenare {v} :: To rub or polish with sand
arrendente {v} :: present participle of arrendersi
arrendentesi {v} :: present participle of arrendersi
arrendere {vt} [obsolete] :: to surrender (deliver something into the hands of an enemy)
arrendersi {v} :: reflexive of arrendere
arrendersi {v} :: to surrender
arrendevole {adj} :: yielding, compliant
arrendevolezza {f} :: compliancy
arrendevolmente {adv} :: yieldingly, compliantly
arrendutosi {v} :: past participle of arrendersi
arreso {adj} :: surrendered
arresosi {v} :: past participle of arrendersi
arrestabile {adj} :: stoppable
arrestamento {m} :: synonym of arresto
arrestante {v} :: present participle of arrestare
arrestantesi {v} :: present participle of arrestarsi
arrestare {vt} :: to halt, to stop, to check, to staunch
arrestare {vt} :: to arrest, to apprehend, to collar, to nick
arrestarsi {vr} :: To stop, to halt, to pause
arrestato {adj} :: arrested, under arrest
arrestato {m} :: Person under arrest
arrestatoio {m} :: arrester (device)
arrestatosi {v} :: past participle of arrestarsi
arresto {m} :: arrest
arresto {m} :: stop, standstill
arresto cardiaco {m} [pathology] :: cardiac arrest
arretramento {m} :: moving back, backward motion, rollback
arretramento {m} :: regression, regress, reversion
arretramento {m} :: retreat (of the coastline etc)
arretramento {m} :: withdrawal
arretrante {v} :: present participle of arretrare
arretrare {vt} :: To move something back
arretrare {vi} :: To move back; to retreat
arretrare {v} :: to backtrack
arretratezza {f} :: backwardness
arretrato {adj} :: backward [community, country, etc.]
arretrato {adj} :: back (attributive)
arretrato {adj} [chess] :: backwards [pawn]
arri {interj} :: gee up, giddyup [in urging a horse forward]
arricchente {v} :: present participle of arricchire
arricchentesi {v} :: present participle of arricchirsi
arricchimento {m} :: enrichment
arricchire {vt} [also, figurative] :: to enrich
arricchirsi {v} :: reflexive of arricchire
arricchirsi {v} :: to get rich
arricchirsi {v} :: (with di) to become equipped (with)
arricchito {v} :: past participle of arricchire
arricchito {m} [pejorative] :: nouveau riche
arricchitosi {v} :: past participle of arricchirsi
arricciabaffi {m} :: moustache curler (heated iron device)
arricciaburro {m} :: butter curler
arricciacapelli {m} :: curling iron, curling tongs
arricciamento {m} [photography] :: frill; wrinkled edge to a film
arricciamento {m} :: curl
arricciante {v} :: present participle of arricciare
arricciantesi {v} :: present participle of arricciarsi
arricciare {vt} :: to curl [hair, etc.]
arricciare {vt} :: to render [walls, etc.]
arricciare {vt} :: to gather [cloth, etc.]
arricciarsi {v} :: reflexive of arricciare
arricciarsi {v} :: to curl, become curly
arricciatamente {adv} [rare] :: In a curly manner
arricciato {adj} :: curly, curled
arricciato {m} :: rendering (on a wall etc)
arricciatosi {v} :: past participle of arricciarsi
arricciatura {f} :: curling
arricciatura {f} :: curliness
arricciatura {f} :: rendering (on a wall)
arricciatura {f} :: gather (in cloth)
arricciolante {v} :: present participle of arricciolare
arricciolare {vt} :: To curl (the hair)
arridatoio {m} :: turnbuckle
arridatoio {m} :: burton
arridente {v} :: present participle of arridere
arridere {vit} /arˈri.de.re/ :: to smile (on)
arrière-goût {m} :: aftertaste
arrière-pensée {mf} :: arrière-pensée (both senses)
arriffante {v} :: present participle of arriffare
arriffare {v} :: To raffle
Arrigo {prop} /arˈri.ɡo/ :: given name, alternative form of Enrico
arringa {f} :: harangue
arringa {f} :: address (legal)
arringante {v} :: present participle of arringare
arringare {vt} :: To harangue
arringatore {m} :: haranguer, orator
arrischiante {v} :: present participle of arrischiare
arrischiantesi {v} :: present participle of arrischiarsi
arrischiare {vt} :: to risk
arrischiare {vt} :: to venture, hazard
arrischiarsi {v} :: reflexive of arrischiare
arrischiarsi {v} :: to dare [to do something]
arrischiatamente {adv} :: riskily, rashly
arrischiato {adj} :: risky, foolhardy, rash
arrischiatosi {v} :: past participle of arrischiarsi
arrisicante {v} :: present participle of arrisicare
arrisicare {v} :: alternative form of arrischiare
arriso {adj} :: smiling
arrivabile {adj} [rare] :: reachable
arrivante {v} :: present participle of arrivare
arrivar {v} :: apocopic form of arrivare
arrivare {vi} :: to arrive, to come, to reach
arrivare {vi} [sports] :: to come, to be placed
arrivare a fine mese {v} :: # synonym of far quadrare i conti
arrivare alla fine del mese {v} :: make ends meet
arrivare alla spicciolata {v} :: to straggle
arrivare dopo la puzza {v} :: a day late and a dollar short
arrivare dopo la puzza {v} [idiomatic] :: Action that was taken too late and is too feeble to be of any use
arrivare dopo la puzza {v} :: too late
arrivare dopo la puzza {v} :: too little, too late
arrivato {adj} :: successful
arrivatura {f} :: The point in a typographical composition at which the work of one compositor ends and another's begins
arrivedella {interj} :: alternative form of arrivederla!
arrivederci {interj} /ar.ri.veˈder.tʃi/ :: goodbye, so long, see you soon, see you (non-definitive farewell)
arrivederci {m} :: goodbye, farewell
arrivederla {interj} [formal] :: goodbye
arrivismo {m} :: ambitiousness
arrivismo {m} :: social climbing
arrivismo {m} :: careerism
arrivista {mf} :: social climber
arrivista {mf} :: careerist
arrivistico {adj} :: arrivistic
arrivo {m} :: arrival
arrivo {m} [sports] :: finish, finish line
arrocante {v} :: present participle of arrocare
arrocare {v} :: alternative form of arrochire
arroccamento {m} :: castling (in chess)
arroccante {v} :: present participle of arroccare
arroccantesi {v} :: present participle of arroccarsi
arroccare {vt} [chess] :: to castle
arroccare {vt} [military] :: to move troops behind the lines
arroccarsi {v} :: reflexive of arroccare
arroccarsi {v} :: to shelter
arroccatosi {v} :: past participle of arroccarsi
arrocchettato {adj} :: revamped
arrochente {v} :: present participle of arrochire
arrochimento {m} :: hoarsening
arrochire {vit} :: to hoarsen (make, or become hoarse)
arrochito {adj} :: hoarse
arrogante {v} /ar.roˈɡan.te/ :: present participle of arrogare
arrogante {adj} :: arrogant
arrogantemente {adv} :: arrogantly
arrogantesi {v} :: present participle of arrogarsi
arroganza {f} :: arrogance
arrogare {vt} :: to claim, arrogate
arrogarsi {v} :: reflexive of arrogare
arrogarsi {v} :: to assume, take [a right, etc.]
arrogatosi {v} :: past participle of arrogarsi
arrogazione {f} :: arrogation
arroge {adv} /arˈrɔ.d͡ʒe/ :: alternative form of arrogi
arrogere {v} [archaic, defective, literary] /arˈrɔ.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to add
arrogere {v} [archaic, defective, rare] :: synonym of arrogare
arrogi {adv} [law] /arˈrɔ.d͡ʒi/ :: furthermore, moreover
arrolante {v} :: present participle of arrolare
arrolare {vt} :: alternative form of arruolare
arroncamento {m} :: pruning with a billhook
arroncante {v} :: present participle of arroncare
arroncare {v} :: To prune with a billhook
arroncigliato {adj} [heraldry] :: curled, curly
Arrone {prop} :: Arrone (river)
arronzante {v} :: present participle of arronzare
arronzare {v} :: To bungle
arrosante {v} :: present participle of arrosare
arrosare {v} :: To drizzle (as if with dew)
arrosare {v} :: To redden (make rose-coloured)
Arroscia {prop} :: Arroscia (river)
arrossamento {m} :: redness, irritation, flush
arrossante {v} :: present participle of arrossare
arrossantesi {v} :: present participle of arrossarsi
arrossare {vt} :: to make red; to redden
arrossarsi {vr} :: To become red; to redden
arrossatosi {v} :: past participle of arrossarsi
arrossente {v} :: present participle of arrossire
arrossimento {m} :: blushing, flush
arrossire {vi} :: to blush
arrostante {v} :: present participle of arrostare
arrostantesi {v} :: present participle of arrostarsi
arrostare {v} [obsolete] :: to drive off by waving a rosta, or with the hands
arrostarsi {vr} [obsolete] :: To defend oneself with the hands
arrostente {v} :: present participle of arrostire
arrosticino {m} [chiefly in the plural] /ar.ros.tiˈt͡ʃi.no/ :: A dish consisting of small chunks of cooked mutton on a skewer
arrostimento {m} :: roasting, especially the roasting of ores as part of the process of metal extraction
arrostire {vt} :: to roast
arrostire {vt} :: to toast [bread]
arrostire {vt} :: to grill
arrostito {adj} :: roast, roasted
arrostitura {f} :: roasting
arrostitura {f} :: toasting
arrostitura {f} :: grilling
arrosto {adj} /arˈrɔs.to/ :: roast
arrosto {adj} :: grilled
arrosto {m} :: roast
arrotamento {m} :: sharpening, whetting, grinding
arrotante {v} :: present participle of arrotare
arrotare {vt} :: to sharpen, hone [a blade]
arrotare {vt} :: to grind [glass]
arrotare {vt} :: to run over [in a car]
arrotatore {m} :: knife grinder / sharpener (person)
arrotatrice {f} :: grinder (machine)
arrotatura {f} :: sharpening, grinding, smoothing, polishing
arrotino {m} :: knife-grinder, knife-sharpener [person]
arrotolabile {adj} :: That can be rolled up (into a cylinder)
arrotolamento {m} :: rolling, rolling up
arrotolante {v} :: present participle of arrotolare
arrotolare {vt} :: to roll or roll up
arrotolatrice {f} :: rolling machine (for metal plates)
arrotondadorsi {m} :: A bookbinding machine that rounds the backs of books
arrotondamento {m} :: rounding (off)
arrotondante {v} :: present participle of arrotondare
arrotondare {vt} :: To round, dull, blunt (make round in shape)
arrotondare {vt} :: to round up [a number]
arrotondare {vt} :: to supplement, eke out
arrotondare lo stipendio {v} :: to eke out a living
arrotondare lo stipendio {v} :: to get by
arrovellamento {m} :: fretting
arrovellante {v} :: present participle of arrovellare
arrovellantesi {v} :: present participle of arrovellarsi
arrovellare {vt} :: To torment
arrovellarsi {v} :: reflexive of arrovellare
arrovellarsi {v} :: to torment oneself
arrovellarsi {v} :: to brood
arrovellarsi {v} :: to rack one's brain
arrovellarsi il cervello {vr} :: To rack one's brain
arrovellatosi {v} :: past participle of arrovellarsi
arrovellio {m} :: Continuous or repetitive fretting
arroventamento {m} :: making, or becoming red-hot
arroventante {v} :: present participle of arroventare
arroventantesi {v} :: present participle of arroventarsi
arroventare {vt} :: To make something red hot
arroventarsi {vr} :: To become red hot
arroventato {adj} :: red hot
arroventatosi {v} :: past participle of arroventarsi
arroventatura {f} :: heating to a red heat
arroventente {v} :: present participle of arroventire
arroventire {v} :: alternative form of arroventare
arrovesciamento {m} :: turning inside out or upside down
arrovesciante {v} :: present participle of arrovesciare
arrovesciare {vt} :: To turn inside out or upside down
arrovesciatura {f} :: turning inside out or upside down
arrubinante {v} :: present participle of arrubinare
arrubinare {v} :: To redden (specifically, make ruby-red)
arruffamatasse {mf} :: mischiefmaker
arruffamatasse {mf} :: swindler
arruffamento {m} :: ruffling
arruffamento {m} :: tangle
arruffante {v} :: present participle of arruffare
arruffantesi {v} :: present participle of arruffarsi
arruffapopoli {mf} /ar.ruf.faˈpɔ.po.li/ :: rabble-rouser
arruffapopolo {mf} /ar.ruf.faˈpɔ.po.lo/ :: alternative form of arruffapopoli
arruffare {vt} :: To ruffle (the hair)
arruffare {vt} :: To muddle
arruffarsi {vr} :: To become tousled
arruffatamente {adv} :: shaggily
arruffatamente {adv} :: dishevelledly
arruffato {v} :: past participle of arruffare
arruffato {adj} :: ruffled, tousled (of hair etc)
arruffato {adj} :: shaggy
arruffato {adj} :: dishevelled
arruffatosi {v} :: past participle of arruffarsi
arruffianamento {m} :: pandering
arruffianamento {m} :: toadyism
arruffianante {v} :: present participle of arruffianarsi
arruffianantesi {v} :: present participle of arruffianarsi
arruffianare {v} :: To pander
arruffianarsi {vr} :: To toady
arruffianatura {f} :: pandering
arruffianatura {f} :: toadyism
arruffianatura {f} :: a misleading embellishment
arruffio {m} :: confusion, muddle, mess
arruffone {m} :: muddler, bungler
arruffone {m} :: swindler, crook
arrugginente {v} :: present participle of arrugginire
arrugginimento {m} :: rusting, tarnishing
arrugginimento {m} :: impairment
arrugginire {vt} :: To rust
arrugginire {vi} :: To become rusty (all senses)
arrugginire {vi} :: To stiffen (of muscles)
arrugginire {v} :: to tarnish
arrugginito {adj} :: rusty
arruncigliante {v} :: present participle of arruncigliare
arruncigliare {v} [obsolete] :: To grapple
arruolabile {adj} :: That can be enlisted; recruitable
arruolamento {m} :: enlistment
arruolante {v} :: present participle of arruolare
arruolantesi {v} :: present participle of arruolarsi
arruolare {vt} :: To enlist someone
arruolare {vt} :: to commandeer, to draft
arruolare a forza {v} :: to press-gang, shanghai
arruolare a forza {v} :: To force men into military or naval service
arruolare a forza {v} :: To coerce somebody into doing something that they are reluctant to do
arruolare a forza {vt} :: To force or trick (someone) into joining a ship which is lacking a full crew
arruolarsi {vr} :: To enlist
arruolato {adj} :: enlisted, recruit
arruolatosi {v} :: past participle of arruolarsi
arruvidente {v} :: present participle of arruvidire
arruvidimento {m} :: roughening, coarsening
arruvidire {v} :: To roughen, coarsen
Arsa {prop} :: The river Raša that flows in Croatia
Arsacio {prop} :: given name
arsana {m} :: dockyard, arsenal
arsella {f} [mollusk] :: clam
arsenale {m} :: dockyard
arsenale {m} :: arsenal
arsenalotto {m} :: dockyard worker
arsenato {m} :: arsenite
arseniato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenate
arsenicale {adj} :: arsenical
arsenicato {adj} :: arsenicated
arsenicismo {m} :: arsenicism (arsenic poisoning)
arsenico {m} [chemistry] /arˈsɛ.ni.ko/ :: arsenic
arsenico {adj} :: arsenic, arsenical
Arsenio {prop} :: given name
arsenioso {adj} :: arsenious
arseniuro {m} :: arsenide
arseniuro di alluminio {m} [inorganic compound] :: aluminium arsenide
arseniuro di gallio {m} [inorganic compound] :: gallium arsenide
arseniuro di indio {m} [inorganic compound] :: indium arsenide
arsenobenzolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: arsenobenzene
arsenocromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenochromate
arsenopirite {f} [mineralogy] :: arsenopyrite
-arsi {suffix} :: Forms a reflexive verb from a verb ending in -are
arsicciante {v} :: present participle of arsicciare
arsicciare {v} :: To scorch
arsiccio {adj} :: scorched, singed
arsiccio {adj} :: parched
Arsilio {prop} :: given name
arsina {f} [chemistry] :: arsine
arsione {f} /arˈsjo.ne/ :: A burning feeling, particularly in the throat (due to thirst, fever or heat)
arsione {f} [archaic] :: burning, arson
arso {adj} :: burnt
arso {adj} :: dry, arid
arsonfobia {f} :: arsonphobia
arsura {f} :: heat
arsura {f} :: drought
arsura {f} :: thirst
artanita {f} :: cyclamen
artatamente {adv} [literary] :: artfully, ingeniously
arte {f} /ˈar.te/ :: art
arte della ceramica {f} :: pottery (art of)
artefacente {v} :: present participle of artefare
artefare {vt} :: to do or make something skillfully
artefare {vt} :: to adulterate
artefattamente {adv} :: artificially
artefatto {adj} :: artificial
artefatto {adj} :: adulterated
artefice {m} /arˈte.fi.t͡ʃe/ :: author
artefice {m} :: creator
arteficio {m} :: alternative form of artificio
artefizio {m} :: alternative form of artificio
Artemide {prop} [Greek god] :: Artemis
Artemio {prop} :: given name
artemisia {f} :: artemisia
arte plastica {f} [arts] :: plastic art
arte povera {f} [art] /ˌar.te ˈpɔ.ve.ra/ :: Arte Povera (Italian modern art movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s)
arteria {f} [anatomy] :: artery, arteria
arteriale {adj} [anatomy] :: arterial
arterializzazione {f} [physiology] :: arterialization
arteria polmonare {f} [anatomy] :: pulmonary artery
arteriectasia {f} :: arterial ectasis
arteriectomia {f} :: excision of an artery
arteriografia {f} [medicine] :: arteriography
arteriogramma {m} :: arteriogram
arteriolare {adj} [anatomy] :: arteriolar
arteriolico {adj} [anatomy] :: arterial
arteriologia {f} [anatomy] :: arteriology
arteriopatia {f} :: arteriopathy
arteriosclerosi {f} [diseases] :: arteriosclerosis
arteriosclerotico {adj} :: arteriosclerotic
arteriosclerotico {adj} [colloquial] :: senile
arterioso {adj} [anatomy] :: arterial
arterite {f} [medicine] :: arteritis
arterovenoso {adj} [anatomy] :: arteriovenous
artesiano {adj} :: artesian
arteterapeuta {mf} :: art therapist
arteterapia {f} :: art therapy
arte visiva {f} [arts] :: visual art
arte visuale {f} [arts] :: visual art
artezza {f} :: tightness
artezza {f} :: bottleneck
articiocco {m} [Northern Italy] /ar.tiˈt͡ʃɔk.ko/ :: artichoke
artico {adj} :: Arctic (of or pertaining to the Arctic)
artico {adj} :: very cold
Artico {prop} :: The Arctic
articolabile {adj} :: flexible, moveable
articolante {v} :: present participle of articolare
articolare {adj} [anatomy] :: articular, joint [attributive]
articolare {vt} :: to move
articolare {vt} :: to articulate
articolare {vt} :: to subdivide
articolarsi {v} :: reflexive of articolare
articolarsi {v} :: to articulate
articolatamente {adv} :: articulatedly
articolatissimo {adj} :: superlative of articolato
articolato {adj} :: articulated
articolato {adj} :: articulate (language)
articolatore {adj} :: articulatory
articolatore {m} :: articulator
articolatorio {adj} :: articulatory
articolazione {f} :: joint (of the body)
articolazione {f} :: articulation (all senses)
articolessa {f} :: Long and boring newspaper article
articolista {mf} :: columnist
articolo {m} [part of speech] /arˈti.ko.lo/ :: article
articolo {m} :: article (in a newspaper, magazine, etc.)
articolo {m} :: item, article
articolo {m} [usually, in the plural] :: goods
articolo {m} [law] :: article, paragraph, clause
articolo determinativo {m} [part of speech] :: definite article
articolo indeterminativo {m} [part of speech] :: indefinite article
articolo partitivo {m} [part of speech] :: partitive article, prepositional article used with article meanings
Artide {prop} :: The Arctic
artiere {m} [horse racing] :: groom
artiere {m} :: craftsman
artiere {m} :: artist
artiere {m} [military] :: pioneer
artificiale {adj} :: artificial
artificialista {mf} :: artificialist
artificialità {f} :: artificiality, artificialness
artificializzato {adj} :: (of the course of a river) Modified artificially (typically by removing bends)
artificialmente {adv} :: artificially
artificialmente {adv} :: unnaturally
artificiato {adj} :: artificial
artificiato {adj} :: adulterated
artificiato {adj} :: contrived
artificiere {m} :: artificer
artificiere {m} :: Expert in bomb disposal
artificiere {m} :: firework maker
artificio {m} /ar.tiˈfi.t͡ʃo/ :: artifice
artificio {m} :: device
artificiosamente {adv} :: artificially
artificiosamente {adv} :: affectedly
artificiosità {f} :: artificiality
artificioso {adj} :: artificial
artifizio {m} /ar.tiˈfit.t͡sjo/ :: alternative form of artificio
artigiana {f} :: female equivalent of artigiano
artigianale {adj} :: craft (attributive), crafted, artisan (attributive), artisanal
artigianale {adj} :: handmade
artigianale {adj} :: homemade
artigianalità {f} :: craftsmanship
artigianalmente {adv} :: handmade
artigianalmente {adv} :: traditionally
artigianato {m} :: craft
artigianato {m} [in the plural] :: arts and crafts
artigianato {m} :: craftsman, artisan
artigianello {m} :: A person on a youth apprenticeship course
artigianesco {adj} :: craftsmanlike
artigiano {adj} /ar.tiˈd͡ʒa.no/ :: artisan (attributive)
artigiano {m} :: craftsman, artisan
artigliante {v} :: present participle of artigliare
artigliare {vt} :: to claw
artigliere {m} /ar.tiʎˈʎɛ.re/ :: artilleryman
artiglieria {f} /ar.tiʎ.ʎeˈri.a/ :: artillery
artiglieria {f} :: gunnery
artiglio {m} :: claw (of a cat)
artiglio {m} :: talon (of a bird)
artimone {m} [nautical] :: mizzen (mast or sail)
artiodattilo {m} [biology] :: artiodactyl (even-toed ungulate)
artista {mf} :: artist
artisticamente {adv} :: artistically
artisticità {f} :: artistry
artistico {adj} :: artistic
Art Night {n} :: An evening, in Venice (and some other cities), during which all municipal museums and art galleries are free of charge
arto {m} :: limb
artocarpo {m} :: breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
artoforio {m} :: artophorion
artralgia {f} [medicine] :: arthralgia
artrectomia {f} [surgery] :: arterectomy, atherectomy
artrite {f} [pathology] :: arthritis
artrite reumatoide {f} [disease] :: rheumatoid arthritis
artritico {adj} :: arthritic
artritismo {m} [pathology] :: arthritism
artro- {prefix} :: arthro-
artrocace {m} [pathology] :: tuberculous arthritis
artrocentesi {f} [surgery] :: arthrocentesis
artrodesi {f} [surgery] :: arthrodesis
artrografia {f} :: arthrography
artrogriposi {f} [pathology] :: arthrogryposis
artrologia {f} :: arthrology
artrometro {m} [medicine] :: arthrometer
artropatia {f} [pathology] :: arthropathy
artroplastica {f} [surgery] :: arthroplasty
artropode {m} :: arthropod
artroscopia {f} [surgery] :: arthroscopy
artroscopico {adj} [surgery] :: arthroscopic
artroscopio {m} [surgery] :: arthroscope
artrosi {f} [diseases] :: arthritis
artrotomia {f} [surgery] :: arthrotomy
Artù {prop} :: Arthur (king)
arturiano {adj} :: Arthurian
Arturo {prop} :: given name
Arturo {prop} :: Arcturus
Aru {prop} :: surname
Aru {prop} :: Fabio Aru, Italian cyclist
a ruffa raffa {adv} :: with violent and unchecked greed
arumeno {adj} :: Aromanian
arumeno {m} :: Aromanian (language)
Arunte {prop} :: A fictional soothsayer in the Divine Comedy
aruspice {m} :: haruspex
aruspicina {f} :: haruspicy
aruspicina {f} :: haruspex
aruspicio {m} :: haruspicy
arvicola {f} :: vole, field mouse
arvicola delle nevi {f} :: snow vole
arzagola {f} /arˈt͡sa.ɡo.la/ :: alternative form of alzavola
arzana {m} [obsolete] :: dockyard; arsenal
arzanà {m} :: medieval spelling of arzana
arzavola {f} /arˈt͡sa.vo.la/ :: alternative form of alzavola
arzente {adj} :: alternative form of ardente
arzigogolante {v} :: present participle of arzigogolare
arzigogolare {vi} :: to daydream
arzigogolare {vi} :: to quibble, cavil, split hairs
arzigogolare {vi} :: to philosophize
arzigogolare {vi} :: to waffle
arzigogolatamente {adv} :: tortuously
arzigogolato {adj} :: tortuous
arzigogolo {m} :: convoluted and contrived turn of words
arzigogolone {m} :: daydreamer
arzigogolone {m} :: quibbler
arzillo {adj} :: sprightly
arzillo {adj} :: alert
arzillo {adj} [tuscany, wine] :: sparkling
arzinca {f} :: pincers used in a mint to handle the crucibles of molten metal
a salve {adj} :: blank (cartridge)
a sangue {adj} :: [of cooked meat] rare
a sangue {prep} :: violently, to the point of bleeding
a sangue freddo {adv} :: in cold blood
asaro {m} [botany] /ˈa.za.ro/ :: Any member of the Asarum taxonomic genus
asaro europeo {m} :: asarabacca, hazelwort (Asarum europaeum)
a sbafo {adv} :: on the scrounge; for free
asbergo {m} /asˈbɛr.ɡo/ :: obsolete form of usbergo
asbestosi {f} [medicine] :: asbestosis
asburgico {adj} :: Hapsburg / Habsburg (attributive)
Asburgo {prop} :: Hapsburg / Habsburg
Ascalona {prop} :: Ascalona (coastal city)
a scancio {adv} :: obliquely, sideways, aslant
Ascanio {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Ascanius
Ascanio {prop} :: given name
a scapito di {prep} :: at the expense of, at the cost of
ascaride {m} [biology] :: ascarid
ascaro {m} :: askari (member of an African military or police unit serving a European colonial force)
a scartamento ridotto {adv} :: inefficiently
a scartamento ridotto {adv} :: ineffectively
a scatafascio {adv} :: random, upsidedown
a scatola chiusa {adv} :: sight unseen
a scatti {adv} :: with sudden and irregular movements; jerkily
ascella {f} [anatomy] :: armpit, axilla
ascella {f} [botany] :: axil, axilla
ascellare {adj} :: axillary
ascellare {adj} :: armpit (attributive)
ascendentale {adj} :: ascending
ascendentale {adj} :: upward
ascendentale {adj} [legal] :: ancestral
ascendente {v} :: present participle of ascendere
ascendente {adj} :: ascending, upward
ascendente {m} :: ancestor
ascendente {m} :: ascendancy
ascendenza {f} :: ancestry
ascendenza {f} :: ancestors
ascendere {vt} /aʃˈʃen.de.re/ :: to ascend, rise
ascensionale {adj} :: upward
ascensionalmente {adv} :: upwardly
ascensione {f} :: ascent (all senses)
ascensione {f} :: climb
Ascensione {f} :: The Ascension
ascensionista {mf} :: climber, rock climber
ascensivo {adj} [philosophy] :: ascending, upward
ascensore {m} [construction] :: lift, elevator
ascensore di servizio {m} [building] :: service lift
ascensorista {mf} :: lift / elevator operator, attendant or maintenance engineer
ascesa {f} :: rise, rising, ascent, accession
ascesa {f} :: ascent, climb
ascesso {m} [pathology] :: abscess
ascessuale {adj} :: abscess (attributive)
asceta {mf} /aʃˈʃɛ.ta/ :: ascetic
asceterio {m} [literary] /aʃ.ʃeˈtɛ.rjo/ :: A place where ascetics gather
asceticamente {adv} :: ascetically
ascetico {adj} :: ascetic
ascetismo {m} :: asceticism
aschenazita {adj} :: Ashkenazi
aschenazita {mf} :: Ashkenazi (attributive)
a schifio {adv} :: poorly, badly
ascia {f} /ˈaʃ.ʃa/ :: axe, tomahawk
ascialia {f} [pathology] :: asialism, aptyalia
ascialone {m} :: A horizontal wooden board that forms part of scaffolding
asciante {v} :: present participle of asciare
ascianti {adj} :: alternative form of ashanti
ascianti {mf} :: alternative form of ashanti
asciare {vt} :: to hew [with an axe]
asciatico {adj} :: shadow-free
ascidia {f} :: a sea squirt
ascidiaceo {m} :: ascidian
ascidio {m} [botany] :: ascidium
asciolvente {v} :: present participle of asciolvere
asciolvere {vi} [obsolete] /aʃˈʃɔl.ve.re/ :: To breakfast
asciolvere {vt} [obsolete, rare] :: To breakfast on
asciolvere {m} :: meal
ascisc' {m} :: alternative spelling of hashish
ascisc {m} :: alternative spelling of hashish
ascissa {f} [geometry] :: abscissa
ascite {f} [pathology] :: ascites
ascitico {adj} [pathology] :: ascitic
ascitizio {adj} :: temporary, transitory
ascitizio {adj} :: assistant, associate, casual
asciugabiancheria {mf} /aʃˌʃu.ɡa.bjan.keˈri.a/ :: clothes dryer, dryer
asciugabile {adj} :: That can dry or can be dried
asciugacapelli {m} :: hairdryer
asciugaggine {f} :: dryness
asciugaggine {f} :: drought
asciugamano {m} /aʃ.ʃu.ɡaˈma.no/ :: handtowel
asciugamento {m} :: drying
asciugante {v} :: present participle of asciugare
asciugantesi {v} :: present participle of asciugarsi
asciugare {vt} /aʃʃuˈɡare/ :: to dry, to wipe, to mop
asciugarsi {v} :: reflexive of asciugare
asciugarsi {vr} :: to dry oneself
asciugarsi {vr} :: to dry, to get dry
asciugarsi {vr} :: to become lean
asciugatoio {m} :: towel
asciugatoio {m} :: dryer
asciugatoio {m} :: drying kiln
asciugatore {m} :: (hot air) dryer (for the hands)
asciugatosi {v} :: past participle of asciugarsi
asciugatrice {f} :: clothes dryer, dryer
asciugatura {f} :: drying
asciugatutto {m} :: paper towels
asciuttamente {adv} :: sharply, abruptly
asciuttamente {adv} :: concisely, briefly
asciuttezza {f} :: dryness
asciuttezza {f} :: curtness
asciutto {adj} /aʃˈʃutto/ :: dry
asciutto {adj} :: curt, abrupt, sharp
asciutto {adj} [of a body] :: lean, thin
asciutto {m} :: dry place, dry ground
asclepiade {f} :: milkweed (of the subfamily Asclepiadoideae)
asclepiade {f} :: willow gentian (Gentiana asclepiadea)
asclepiadeo {adj} /a.skle.pi.aˈdɛ.o/ :: Asclepiadean
asclepiadeo {m} :: Asclepiadean
Asclepio {prop} :: Asclepius
ascocarpo {m} [mycology] :: ascocarp
ascogonio {m} [botany] :: ascogonium
ascolana {f} :: female equivalent of ascolano
ascolano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Ascoli Piceno (or its people, culture or football team)
ascolano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Ascoli Piceno
ascolano {m} :: A variety of olive which originated in the Le Marche region of Italy. Originally grown as a table olive, now a popular variety for olive oil due to the olive's fruity characteristic when harvested ripe. Tasters liken fresh olive oil from Ascolano to having sensations of tropical fruit or peaches
ascoliasmo {m} :: askoliasmos
Ascoli Piceno {prop} :: Ascoli Piceno (town/and/province)
ascolta {f} /asˈkol.ta/ :: alternative form of scolta
ascoltabile {adj} :: That can be heard, audible
ascoltante {v} :: present participle of ascoltare
ascoltantesi {v} :: present participle of ascoltarsi
ascoltar {v} :: apocopic form of ascoltare
ascoltare {v} :: to listen, hearken
ascoltarsi {vr} :: To listen to one's own voice (especially during a recording)
ascoltatore {m} :: listener
ascoltatosi {v} :: past participle of ascoltarsi
ascoltatrice {f} :: female equivalent of ascoltatore
ascoltazione {f} :: listening
ascoltazione {f} [medicine] :: Variant of auscultazione
ascolto {m} :: listening
ascolto {m} :: reception (radio)
ascomanno {adj} :: Viking, Norse
ascomicete {m} :: ascomycete
Ascona {prop} :: A lakeside town in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland
ascondente {v} :: present participle of ascondere
ascondentesi {v} :: present participle of ascondersi
ascondere {vt} [literary] :: To hide or conceal something
ascondersi {vr} :: To hide (oneself)
ascorbato {m} [organic chemistry] :: ascorbate
ascorbico {adj} :: ascorbic
ascorbile {m} [organic chemistry] :: ascorbyl
ascorbina {f} [organic compound] :: ascorbic acid
ascoso {adj} [literary] :: hidden, concealed
ascososi {v} :: past participle of ascondersi
ascospora {f} [botany] :: ascospore
ascostosi {v} :: past participle of ascondersi
a scottadito {adv} [cooking] :: Grilled and eaten when still piping hot
ascreo {adj} :: Of or from Ascra
ascreo {adj} :: Hesiodic
ascreo {adj} :: poetic, lyrical
ascritto {adj} :: numbered
ascritto {adj} :: ascribed
ascritto {adj} :: imputed
ascrivente {v} :: present participle of ascrivere
ascrivere {vt} :: to attribute something to someone; to ascribe, put down to, chalk up to
ascrivere {vt} :: to give someone credit for something
ascrivere {vt} :: to enter someone's name (in a list)
ascrivere {vi} [~ tra] :: to number among
ascriversi {v} :: reflexive of ascrivere
ascriversi {v} :: to give oneself credit for something
ascrivibile {adj} :: attributable
ascrivibile {adj} :: ascribable
Asdente {prop} :: The nickname of a medieval Italian magician and soothsayer
asdic {m} :: sonar
Asdrubale {prop} :: given name
a seconda che {conj} :: depending on, whether
a seconda di {prep} :: depending on, according to
a seguito di {prep} :: synonym of in seguito a
aseità {f} [theology, philosophy] /a.se.iˈta/ :: aseity
a sei zeri {adj} :: Having six zeroes
asello {m} :: hog louse (of the family Asellidae)
asemanticità {f} :: Property of being non-semantic
asemantico {adj} :: non-semantic
asemplo {m} /aˈzɛm.plo/ :: obsolete form of esempio
asempro {m} /aˈzɛm.pro/ :: obsolete form of esempio
asepsi {f} [pathology] :: asepsis
asessuale {adj} :: asexual
asessualità {f} :: asexuality
asessualmente {adv} :: asexually
asessuatamente {adv} :: asexually
asessuato {adj} :: asexual
asetticamente {adv} :: aseptically
asettico {adj} :: aseptic
asfaltante {v} :: present participle of asfaltare
asfaltare {vt} :: to asphalt
asfaltare {vt} [figuratively] :: to trounce
asfaltato {adj} :: asphalt
asfaltatore {m} :: asphalt layer (person)
asfaltatrice {f} :: female equivalent of asfaltatore
asfaltatrice {f} :: asphalt layer (machine)
asfaltatura {f} :: asphalt surface
asfaltatura {f} :: tarmac
asfaltico {adj} :: asphaltic; asphalt (attributive)
asfaltista {mf} :: asphalt layer (person)
asfalto {m} :: asphalt, bitumen
asferico {adj} :: aspheric, aspherical
asfissia {f} [pathology] :: asphyxia, asphyxiation
asfissiante {v} :: present participle of asfissiare
asfissiante {adj} :: asphyxiant
asfissiante {adj} :: stifling, suffocating
asfissiante {adj} :: tiresome (person)
asfissiantemente {adv} :: stiflingly, suffocatingly
asfissiantemente {adv} :: tiresomely (of a person)
asfissiantesi {v} :: present participle of asfissiarsi
asfissiare {vti} :: To asphyxiate or suffocate
asfissiare {vt} :: To stifle
asfissiarsi {vr} :: To asphyxiate or suffocate
asfissiato {adj} :: stifled
asfissiatosi {v} :: past participle of asfissiarsi
asfitticamente {adv} :: In an asphyxiated manner
asfitticamente {adv} :: weakly
asfittico {adj} :: asphyxiated
asfittico {adj} :: weak
asfodelo {m} /aˈsfɔ.de.lo/ :: asphodel
a sghembo {adv} :: obliquely, askew, crookedly
ashanti {adj} :: Ashanti (attributive)
ashanti {mf} :: Ashanti
ashkenazita {adj} :: Ashkenazi
ashkenazita {mf} :: Ashkenazi
-asi {suffix} [enzyme] :: -ase
Asia {prop} /ˈazja/ :: Asia (continent)
Asia {prop} :: given name
asiaco {adj} :: alternative form of asiatico
asiago {m} /aˈzja.ɡo/ :: asiago (cheese)
asialia {f} :: alternative form of ascialia
asianesimo {m} :: Asianic style
asiano {adj} :: Asianic
Asia occidentale {prop} :: Western Asia
asiarca {m} :: Asiarch
asiatica {f} :: female equivalent of asiatico
asiatico {adj} :: Asian
asiatico {m} :: an Asian
asigmatico {adj} [linguistics] :: asigmatic
asillabico {adj} :: asyllabic
asilo {m} [education] /aˈzilo/ :: nursery, nursery school
asilo {m} [politics] :: asylum
asilo {m} :: shelter, refuge
asimetrico {adj} :: asymmetric, asymmetrical
asimmetria {f} [all senses] :: asymmetry
asimmetria {f} [statistics] :: skewness
asimmetricamente {adv} :: asymmetrically
asimmetricità {f} :: asymmetry
asimmetrico {adj} :: asymmetric
asimmetrofobia {f} :: asymmetriphobia (unnatural worry about unsymmetrical things)
asina {f} :: she-ass
asina {f} [figuratively] :: donkey [female]
asinaggine {f} :: stupidity, asininity
asinaio {m} :: donkey driver
Asinara {prop} :: Asinara (small island)
asinarteto {adj} :: asynartetic
asinata {f} :: stupidity (foolish action or remark)
asincronia {f} :: asynchrony, asynchronism
asincronismo {m} :: asynchrony, asynchronism
asincrono {adj} :: asynchronous
asindetico {adj} :: asyndetic
asindeto {m} [rhetoric] :: asyndeton
asinello {m} :: diminutive of asino
asinergia {f} [pathology] :: asynergia
asineria {f} :: asininity, stupidity
asinescamente {adv} :: asininely, stupidly, crassly
asinesco {adj} :: asinine, stupid, crass
a singhiozzo {adj} :: fitful, intermittent, irregular
a singhiozzo {adv} :: in fits and starts, fitfully
asinino {adj} :: asinine
asinino {adj} :: donkey (attributive)
asinità {f} :: stupidity, asininity
asino {m} :: donkey, ass (mammal)
asino {m} :: dunce, ass
asintattico {adj} :: asyntactic
asintomatico {adj} [pathology] :: asymptomatic
asintoticamente {adv} :: asymptotically
asintotico {adj} :: asymptotic, asymptotical
asintoto {m} [mathematics] :: asymptote
asismico {adj} :: aseismic
asismico {adj} :: earthquake-proof
asistematico {adj} :: unsystematic
asistolia {f} [pathology] :: asystole
askenazita {adj} :: Ashkenazi (attributive)
askenazita {mf} :: Ashkenazi
asma {f} [pathology] /ˈaz.ma/ :: asthma
Asmara {prop} :: Asmara (capital city)
asmatica {f} :: feminine noun of asmatico
asmatico {adj} :: asthmatic
asmatico {m} :: asthmatic
Asmundo {prop} :: surname
Aso {prop} :: Aso (river)
asociale {adj} :: asocial
asociale {adj} :: antisocial
asocialità {f} :: antisocial behaviour
asocialmente {adv} :: asocially
asocialmente {adv} :: antisocially
asola {f} :: buttonhole (hole for a button)
Asola {prop} :: Asola (small town) near Mantua
asolaia {f} :: A person who makes buttonholes (holes for buttons)
asolano {adj} :: Of or relating to Asola
asolano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Asola
asolo {m} :: Slight puff of wind
asolo {m} :: vent, blowhole
Asolo {prop} :: Asolo (town)
asomatico {adj} :: asomatic
asopia della farina {f} :: alternative form of piralide della farina
a soqquadro {adv} :: In a mess, upside down, topsy-turvy
a sorpresa {adj} :: surprise (attributive)
a sorpresa {adv} :: unexpectedly, surprisingly
a spaglio {adj} :: broadcast (of sowing seed)
asparageto {m} :: asparagus bed
asparageto {m} :: asparagus field
asparagiaia {f} :: asparagus bed
asparagiaia {f} :: asparagus field
asparagina {f} [amino acid] :: asparagine
asparagio {m} :: alternative form of asparago
asparago {m} :: asparagus
asparago selvatico {m} :: wild asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius)
aspargicoltura {f} :: The cultivation of asparagus
aspartame {n} :: aspartame
aspartato {m} [organic chemistry] :: aspartate
aspartico {adj} :: aspartic
Aspasio {prop} :: given name
aspata {f} :: The quantity of yarn wound on to a bobbin
aspatoio {m} :: A machine used to wind spun fibres together to make thread
aspatura {f} :: the winding of spun fibres together to make thread
aspaziale {adj} :: aspatial
aspe {m} [poetic] /ˈas.pe/ :: asp (venomous snake)
aspecifico {adj} :: aspecific, not specific, nonspecific
asperezza {f} :: alternative form of asprezza
aspergente {v} :: present participle of aspergere
aspergere {vt} :: to dampen, sprinkle, humidify
aspergillo {m} :: aspergillus (of the genus Aspergillus)
aspergillosi {f} [pathology] :: aspergillosis
aspergine {f} [literary] /asˈpɛr.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: sprinkling, besprinkling
asperità {f} :: asperity
aspermatismo {m} [pathology] :: aspermatism, aspermia
aspermia {f} :: aspermia
asperrimo {adj} :: Very sharp, sour or pungent
aspersione {f} :: sprinkling
aspersione {f} :: aspersion (sprinkling of holy water)
aspersione {f} :: perfusion
aspersorio {m} :: aspergillum (holy water sprinkler)
aspersorio {m} :: dagger (16th century stabbing weapon with double-edged blade)
aspettabile {adj} :: expectable
aspettante {v} :: present participle of aspettare
aspettantesi {v} :: present participle of aspettarsi
aspettare {vit} :: (also with [ di + inf. ] or [ che + subj. ]) to wait for, await, wait
aspettare al varco {v} :: to lie in wait
aspettare al varco {v} [figurative, by extension] :: to wait for an opportune moment to get even with someone
aspettarsi {v} :: reflexive of aspettare
aspettarsi {v} :: (also with [ di + inf. ] or [ che + subj. ]) to expect
aspettativa {f} :: expectation
aspettatosi {v} :: past participle of aspettarsi
aspettazione {f} [uncommon] /as.pet.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: waiting (act of waiting)
aspettazione {f} [uncommon] :: expectancy, anticipation
aspettazione {f} [uncommon] :: expectation
aspetto {m} [literary] /asˈpɛt.to/ :: look (act of looking)
aspetto {m} [literary] :: sight
aspetto {m} :: appearance, look
aspetto {m} :: aspect, side, angle, point of view
aspetto {m} [astrology, grammar] :: aspect
aspetto {m} [archaic] :: waiting, now only used in sala d'aspetto
aspetto {m} [music] :: synonym of pausa
aspetto semelfattivo {m} :: semelfactive aspect
aspettuale {adj} [grammar] :: aspectual
aspic {m} :: aspic
aspide {m} /ˈas.pi.de/ :: Vernacular name of various venomous ophidians
aspide {m} :: synonym of cobra egiziano: asp
aspide {m} [figurative] :: A malicious or malevolent person
aspide {m} :: A kind of cannon similar to a culverin
aspide di Cleopatra {m} :: synonym of cobra egiziano
Aspidiske {prop} :: Aspidiske, a star in the constellation of Carina
aspido {m} /ˈas.pi.do/ :: obsolete form of aspide
a spina di pesce {prep} :: herringbone (Bricks arranged in a herringbone pattern)
aspio {m} [ichthyology] /ˈas.pjo/ :: Any member of the Aspius taxonomic genus
Aspio {prop} /ˈas.pjo/ :: Aspio (small river)
Aspio {m} :: The Aspius taxonomic genus
aspirabriciole {m} :: A small, hand-held vacuum cleaner for removing crumbs from the table
aspirantato {m} /as.pi.ranˈta.to/ :: The condition of, or the time served by, an aspirant
aspirantato {m} [religion] :: synonym of probandato
aspirante {v} /as.piˈran.te/ :: present participle of aspirare
aspirante {adj} :: suction (attributive)
aspirante {adj} :: aspiring, would-be, wishful
aspirante {mf} :: aspirant
aspirante {mf} :: candidate
aspirante {mf} :: wannabe
aspirante {mf} :: pretender
aspirapolvere {m} :: vacuum cleaner
aspirare {v} :: to inhale or breathe in
aspirare {v} :: to suck up
aspirare {v} :: to aspirate (all senses)
aspirare {v} :: to aspire to
aspiratore {m} :: extractor
aspiratore {m} :: aspirator
aspiratore {m} :: sucker
aspiratore {m} :: draft
aspirazione {f} /as.pi.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: suction
aspirazione {f} :: ambition, aspiration, purport (an ardent wish or desire)
aspirazione {f} [phonetics] :: aspiration (burst of air)
aspirazione {f} [of a chimney] :: draft
aspirina {f} :: aspirin
aspirina {f} :: Any similar tablet
asplenio {m} :: spleenwort (of the genus Asplenium)
aspo {m} :: reel, bobbin
aspontaneità {f} [pathology] :: aspontaneity
asportabile {adj} :: removable (especially by surgery)
asportabilità {f} :: removability
asportante {v} :: present participle of asportare
asportare {v} :: to remove, take away, extract
asportare {v} :: to eradicate
asportatore {m} :: remover
asportatore {m} :: extractor
asportatrucioli {adj} :: (wood/metal) chip removal (attributive)
asportazione {f} :: removal (by surgery)
aspraggine {f} :: bristly oxtongue (plant of the genus Picris echioides)
aspramente {adv} :: severely
aspramente {adv} :: harshly
aspreggiante {v} :: present participle of aspreggiare
aspreggiare {vt} :: to torment
aspretto {adj} :: Somewhat sharp or sour tasting
asprezza {f} :: sharpness, asperity
asprezza {f} :: roughness, severity, harshness, strictness
asprezza {f} :: sourness
asprezza {f} :: pungency
asprì {m} :: aigrette, osprey (feather or plume)
asprigno {adj} :: Rather sour
asprino {adj} :: Somewhat sharp or sour tastng
asprissimo {adj} :: superlative of aspro
asprissimo {adj} :: very sharp, very tart
asprissimo {adj} :: very sour, very pungent, very bitter
asprissimo {adj} :: very harsh, very severe
asprità {f} :: Variant of asperità
aspro {adj} /ˈas.pro/ :: sharp, tart (taste)
aspro {adj} :: sour, pungent, bitter
aspro {adj} :: rugged (terrain)
aspro {adj} :: harsh, severe
aspro {adj} :: strict
aspro {adj} :: difficult
aspromontano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Aspromonte
Aspromonte {prop} :: A mountain massif in Reggio Calabria
a spron battuto {adv} :: at full speed; very quickly
a sproposito {adv} :: in an inopportune or untimely way
Asprucci {prop} :: surname
a squarciagola {adv} [idiom] :: at the top of one's lungs
assaettante {v} :: present participle of assaettare
assaettare {vt} :: To hit with a thunderbolt; hence to harass
assaettare {vi} :: To be thunderstruck
assafetida {f} :: asafoetida
assaggiamento {m} :: tasting, sampling
assaggiante {v} :: present participle of assaggiare
assaggiare {vt} :: to taste, try, sample
assaggiare {vt} :: to nibble
assaggiatore {m} :: taster (person who tastes)
assaggiatrice {f} :: taster (woman who tastes)
assaggiatura {f} [uncommon] :: tasting, sampling
assaggiatura {f} [uncommon] :: taste, sample (small)
assaggino {m} :: A small taste, usually a tiny portion of food, or a small piece of something
assaggio {m} :: tasting, sampling
assaggio {m} :: taste, sample
assai {adv} :: very
assaissimo {adv} [jocular] :: superlative of assai; absolutely, very ... indeed
assalente {v} :: present participle of assalire
assaliente {v} :: present participle of assalire
assalimento {m} :: attack
assalire {vt} :: to attack, assail
assalire {vt} :: to savage
assalitore {m} :: assailant
assalitrice {f} :: female equivalent of assalitore
Assalonne {prop} :: given name. Italian equivalent of Absalom
assaltabile {adj} :: attackable, assaultable
assaltante {v} :: present participle of assaltare
assaltare {vt} [military] :: to attack, assault
assaltare {vt} :: to hold up (a vehicle, by force)
assaltatore {m} :: assailant, attacker
assaltatore {adj} :: assailing, attacking
assalto {m} [military] /asˈsal.to/ :: assault, raid, storming
assalto {m} :: hold up
assalto {m} [fencing] :: bout
assalto {m} [boxing, rare] :: round
assamese {adj} :: Assamese
assamese {mf} :: Assamese (people)
assamese {m} :: Assamese (language)
assaporamento {m} :: savouring
assaporante {v} :: present participle of assaporare
assaporare {vt} :: to savour, to savor, to relish, to taste, to enjoy
assaporente {v} :: present participle of assaporire
assaporire {v} :: alternative form of insaporire
assassina {f} :: female equivalent of assassino
assassinamento {m} :: synonym of assassinio
assassinamento {m} :: aggression, assault, attack
assassinante {v} :: present participle of assassinare
assassinare {vt} :: to murder, to kill, to assassinate, to massacre
assassina seriale {f} :: female equivalent of assassino seriale
assassinio {m} :: a murder
assassinio {m} :: an assassination
assassino {m} /asːaˈsːino/ :: One who commits murder on someone else's behest; assassin, hitman
assassino {m} [by extension] :: One who has committed murder; murderer
assassino {m} [by extension] :: One who damages people and/or property out of wickedness or ineptitude; villain, miscreant, scoundrel
assassino {adj} :: murderous
assassino {adj} [by extension, of a task] :: Demanding yet scarcely profitable
assassino {adj} [by extension] :: seductive, provocative
assassino di massa {m} :: mass murderer
assassino seriale {m} :: serial killer
assassino seriale {m} :: spree killer
assatanato {adj} [colloquial] :: randy
assatanato {adj} :: possessed
-asse {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of regular -are verbs
asse {f} :: board (of wood)
asse {f} :: beam (gymnastic)
asse {m} :: axle
asse {m} [mathematics, physics] :: axis
asse {m} [anatomy] :: axis (vertebra)
asse {f} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: as (any of several coins of Rome)
Asse {prop} :: The Axis (between Italy and Germany in World War II)
assecco {m} [nautical] :: bilge (lower part of a ship, where water accumulates)
assecondabile {adj} :: That can be humoured; supportable
assecondamento {m} :: pandering
assecondante {v} :: present participle of assecondare
assecondare {vt} /as.se.konˈda.re/ :: to go along with; to pander
assecondare {vt} :: to give into
assecondare {vt} :: to second (agree as a second person)
assecurante {v} :: present participle of assecurare
assecurare {v} :: alternative form of assicurare
asse da stiro {f} :: ironing board
asse della malvagità {m} :: axis of evil (countries disliked by American neoconservatives)
asse del male {m} :: axis of evil (group of countries)
assediamento {m} /as.se.djaˈmen.to/ :: siege
assediante {v} /as.seˈdjan.te/ :: present participle of assediare
assediante {adj} :: besieging
assediante {mf} :: besieger
assediante {mf} [figurative] :: A nagging beggar
assediare {vt} [military] /as.seˈdja.re/ :: to besiege, to lay siege to
assediare {vt} [by extension] :: to beset, to surround
assediare {vt} [figurative] :: to nag, to pester
assediato {adj} /as.seˈdja.to/ :: besieged
assediato {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: A person under siege
assediatore {m} /as.se.djaˈto.re/ :: besieger
assediatore {adj} :: synonym of assediante
assedio {m} [military] /asˈsɛ.djo/ :: siege (military blockade or settlement)
assedio {m} [figurative] :: A formation of people aimed at restricting access to a place
assedio {m} [figurative, by extension] :: scrum, throng
assedio {m} [figurative] :: siege (prolonged assault or attack)
asse di simmetria {m} :: axis of symmetry
asse ereditario {m} :: estate (The collective property and liabilities of someone deceased)
asse ereditario {m} :: assets (sufficient estate)
asseggiante {v} :: present participle of asseggiare
asseggiare {v} :: obsolete form of assediare
assegnabile {adj} :: assignable
assegnabile {adj} :: awardable
assegnabilità {f} :: assignability
assegnamento {m} :: assignment
assegnamento {m} :: allocation, allotment
assegnante {v} :: present participle of assegnare
assegnare {v} :: to assign, allocate or allot
assegnare {v} :: to award
assegnare {v} :: to sign over
assegnare {v} :: to room
assegnatamente {adv} :: fixedly
assegnatamente {adv} :: moderately, cautiously, thriftily
assegnataria {f} :: female equivalent of assegnatario
assegnatario {m} [legal] :: assignee
assegnato {adj} :: attributed, assigned
assegnato {adj} :: fixed
assegnato {adj} :: moderate, cautious, thrifty
assegnatore {m} :: assigner
assegnatore {m} :: awarder
assegnatore {m} :: allocator
assegnazione {f} :: allocation
assegnazione {f} :: assignment
assegnazione {f} :: awarding (of a prize etc)
assegnazione {f} :: triage
assegnista {mf} :: grantee
assegno {m} :: allowance
assegno {m} :: cheque, check, draft
assegno circolare {m} :: banker's draft
asseguire {vt} [literary] /as.seˈɡwi.re/ :: to achieve, accomplish, obtain
assembiante {v} :: present participle of assembiare
assembiare {v} :: alternative form of assembrare
assemblabile {adj} /as.semˈbla.bi.le/ :: assemblable
assemblaggio {m} /as.semˈblad.d͡ʒo/ :: assembly [all senses]
assemblamento {m} :: assembly, assemblage
assemblante {v} :: present participle of assemblare
assemblantesi {v} :: present participle of assemblarsi
assemblare {vt} /as.semˈbla.re/ :: to assemble or put together
assemblarsi {vr} :: To assemble
assemblativo {adj} [computing] :: assembler (attributive)
assemblato {adj} :: assembled
assemblatore {m} :: assembler (machine, person or computer programming system)
assemblatosi {v} :: past participle of assemblarsi
assemblea {f} :: assembly, meeting, convention, muster
assembleare {adj} :: assembly, meeting (attributive)
assemblearismo {m} :: A tendency to hold too many meetings, or to attach too much importance to them
assembraglia {f} :: fight, skirmish
assembramento {m} :: group of people with hostile, suspicious, or unknown intentions
assembramento {m} [transferred sense] :: public gathering; crowd
assembramento {m} [archaic] :: grouping of soldiers ready for combat; multitude of armed people
assembrante {v} :: present participle of assembrare
assembrare {vt} :: to gather together
assembrare {vi} [archaic] :: to resemble
assembrare {vt} [archaic] :: to compare
assembrarsi {vi} :: reflexive of assembrare
assembrarsi {vi} :: to get [people] together; to gather [people]; to crowd
assempio {m} :: alternative form of esempio
assemplo {m} /asˈsɛm.plo/ :: obsolete form of esempio
assemprante {v} :: present participle of assemprare
assemprare {v} [obsolete] :: To exemplify
assempro {m} /asˈsɛm.pro/ :: obsolete form of esempio
assennante {v} :: present participle of assennare
assennare {v} [obsolete] :: To come to one's senses
assennare {v} [obsolete] :: To instruct, warn or admonish
assennatamente {adv} :: wisely, sensibly
assennatezza {f} :: sensibleness, judiciousness
assennatezza {f} :: wisdom
assennato {adj} :: judicious, sensible
assennato {adj} :: wise
assenso {m} :: assent
assentante {v} :: present participle of assentarsi
assentantesi {v} :: present participle of assentarsi
assentarsi {vr} :: to stay away or go away
assentarsi {vr} :: to absent oneself; to be absent
assentatosi {v} :: past participle of assentarsi
assente {adj} /asˈsɛn.te/ :: absent (also figurative), away
assente {mf} :: absentee
assenteismo {m} :: absenteeism
assenteista {mf} :: absentee
assenteistico {adj} :: absentee (attributive)
assentente {v} :: present participle of assentire
assentibile {adj} [legal] :: acceptable, admissible
assentire {vi} :: To assent
assenza {f} /asˈsɛn.t͡sa/ :: absence
assenziente {adj} :: agreeing, consenting
assenzio {m} [beverage] :: absinth
assenzo {m} :: Variant of assenzio
asserente {v} :: present participle of asserire
asserimento {m} :: assertion
asserire {vt} :: to assert, aver, maintain or set forth
asseritamente {adv} :: assertedly, allegedly
asserito {adj} :: asserted, alleged
-assero {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural imperfect subjunctive of regular -are verbs
asserragliamento {m} :: barricade, block
asserragliante {v} :: present participle of asserragliare
asserragliantesi {v} :: present participle of asserragliarsi
asserragliare {vt} :: To barricade
asserragliarsi {vr} :: To barricade oneself (in)
asserragliatosi {v} :: past participle of asserragliarsi
assertivamente {adv} :: assertively, affirmatively
assertività {f} :: assertiveness
assertivo {adj} :: assertive, affirmative
asserto {m} :: assertion, affirmation
assertore {m} :: supporter, assertor, advocate, upholder
assertorio {adj} :: assertive
assertrice {f} :: female equivalent of assertore
asservente {v} :: present participle of asservire
asserventesi {v} :: present participle of asservirsi
asservimento {m} :: enslavement, subjection, slavery
asservimento {m} :: subservience
asservire {vt} :: to enslave
asservire {vt} :: to subdue [the spirit]
asservirsi {v} :: reflexive of asservire
asservirsi {v} :: to submit
asservitosi {v} :: past participle of asservirsi
asserzione {f} :: assertion, affirmation, statement
assessina {f} /asːeˈsːina/ :: obsolete form of assassina
assessino {adj} /as.sesˈsi.no/ :: obsolete form of assassino
assessino {m} :: obsolete form of assassino
assessora {f} :: feminine noun of assessore
assessorale {adj} :: councillor (attributive)
assessorato {m} :: department (local authority)
assessore {m} :: councillor
assessoriale {adj} :: council, councillor (attributive)
assessorile {adj} :: alternative form of assessoriale
assestamento {m} :: settlement (of a building)
assestante {v} :: present participle of assestare
assestantesi {v} :: present participle of assestarsi
assestare {vt} :: to settle
assestare {v} [with "un colpo"] :: To deal (a blow)
assestare {v} [with "la mira"] :: To adjust one's aim
assestarsi {v} :: reflexive of assestare
assestarsi {v} :: to settle
assestarsi {v} :: to settle in
assestarsi {v} :: to settle down
assestatamente {adv} :: in an orderly manner; tidily, neatly
assestatezza {f} :: settling
assestatezza {f} :: accuracy, precision, order
assestato {adj} :: orderly, tidy, neat
assestato {m} :: blow
assestatosi {v} :: past participle of assestarsi
asset {m} :: asset [economic]
assetante {v} :: present participle of assetare
assetare {vt} :: to make (someone) thirsty
assetato {adj} :: thirsty
assetato {adj} :: arid
assettamento {m} :: arrangement, settlement
assettamento {m} :: alternative spelling of assestamento
assettante {v} :: present participle of assettare
assettare {vt} :: to stow (put things away orderly)
assettarsi {v} :: reflexive of assettare
assettarsi {v} :: to organize oneself; to tidy oneself up
assettarsi {v} :: (typically with a + inf.) to prepare oneself (for)
assettarsi {v} [archaic or regional] :: to sit down
assettatamente {adv} :: tidily, neatly
assettato {adj} :: tidy, neat, trim
assettatore {m} :: follower
assettatore {m} :: partisan
assetto {m} :: order, arrangement
assetto {m} :: trim (of an aircraft or ship)
assetto {m} :: position
asseveramento {m} :: asseveration, assertion, affirmation, statement
asseverante {v} :: present participle of asseverare
asseverare {v} :: to asseverate
asseverativo {adj} :: affirmative, assertive
asseverazione {f} :: asseveration
-assi {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person and second-person singular imperfect subjunctive of regular -are verbs
Assia {prop} :: Hesse
assiale {adj} :: axial
assialmente {adj} :: axially
assibilante {v} :: present participle of assibilare
assibilare {vt} :: to assibilate
assibilazione {f} :: assibilation
assicella {f} :: lath
assicurabile {adj} :: insurable
assicurabilità {f} :: insurability
assicuramento {m} :: synonym of assicurazione
assicurante {v} :: present participle of assicurare
assicurantesi {v} :: present participle of assicurarsi
assicurare {vt} :: to assure, guarantee
assicurare {vt} :: to ensure, provide
assicurare {vt} :: to insure, assure
assicurare {vt} :: to secure, fasten, tie up
assicurare con filo metallico {v} :: to wire
assicurarsi {v} :: reflexive of assicurare
assicurarsi {vr} :: to secure, get, win, clinch
assicurarsi {vr} :: to make sure, assure oneself
assicurarsi {vr} :: to insure oneself
assicurata {f} :: registered mail
assicurata {f} :: female equivalent of assicurato
assicuratamente {adv} :: assuredly
assicurativo {adj} :: insurance (attributive)
assicurato {adj} :: insured
assicurato {adj} :: assured
assicurato {adj} :: secured
assicurato {m} :: policyholder
assicuratore {adj} :: insurance (attributive)
assicuratore {m} :: insurance agent or broker
assicuratosi {v} :: past participle of assicurarsi
assicurazione {f} :: assurance
assicurazione {f} :: insurance
assidente {v} :: present participle of assidere
assidentesi {v} :: present participle of assidersi
assidenza {f} :: alternative form of assistenza
assidenza {f} :: existence
assidenza {f} :: residence
assideramento {m} [medicine] :: exposure (to the cold)
assiderante {v} :: present participle of assiderare
assiderantesi {v} :: present participle of assiderarsi
assiderare {vt} :: To freeze
assiderarsi {vr} :: To freeze
assiderato {adj} :: frozen
assiderato {adj} :: exposure (attributive)
assideratosi {v} :: past participle of assiderarsi
assidere {vt} [obsolete] :: To seat
assidere {vi} [obsolete] :: To sit, or to remain seated
assidersi {v} :: reflexive of assidere
assidersi {vr} :: to sit down
assidersi {vr} :: to lie down [especially of animals]
assidersi {vr} :: to be positioned
assiduamente {adv} :: assiduously, regularly
assiduità {f} :: assiduity, regularity, diligence
assiduo {adj} :: assiduous, regular, diligent
assiemaggio {m} :: assembly, assemblage
assiemante {v} :: present participle of assiemare
assiemare {vt} :: to assemble
assieme {adv} /as.ˈsjɛ.me/ :: together; along
assieme {prep} :: together with; along with
assiepamento {m} :: crowding
assiepamento {m} :: crowd, throng
assiepante {v} :: present participle of assiepare
assiepare {vt} :: to hedge (surround as if by a hedge)
assiepare {vt} :: to block [access]
assiepare {vt} :: to crowd, cram
assile {adj} [anatomy] :: axial
assillabazione {f} :: A form of alliteration using words that begin with the same or similar syllable
assillante {v} :: present participle of assillare
assillante {adj} :: nagging, pestering, harassing
assillantemente {adv} :: naggingly, pesteringly, harassingly
assillare {vt} :: to nag, pester
assillare {vt} :: to harass
assillo {m} :: horsefly, gadfly
assillo {m} :: nagging worry
assillo {m} :: one-track mind
assimigliante {v} :: present participle of assimigliare
assimigliare {v} :: alternative form of assomigliare
assimilabile {adj} :: Able to be assimilated
assimilabile {adj} :: digestible (food)
assimilabilità {f} :: Ability to be assimilated
assimilabilità {f} :: digestibility (of food)
assimilante {v} :: present participle of assimilare
assimilare {vt} /assimiˈlare/ :: to assimilate something
assimilare {vt} :: to make something similar to something else
assimilativo {adj} :: assimilative, assimilatory
assimilato {adj} :: assimilated
assimilatore {adj} :: assimilative, assimilatory
assimilazione {f} :: assimilation
-assimo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural imperfect subjunctive of regular -are verbs
assio {m} :: alternative form of hassio
assiolo {m} /as.siˈɔ.lo/ :: Eurasian scops owl (Otus scops)
assiologia {f} :: axiology
assiologico {adj} :: axiological
assioma {m} [mathematics, logic, philosophy] /asˈsjɔma/ :: axiom
assiomaticamente {adv} :: axiomatically
assiomaticità {f} :: axiomaticity
assiomatico {adj} :: axiomatic
assiomatizzante {v} :: present participle of assiomatizzare
assiomatizzare {vt} :: to axiomatize
assiomatizzazione {f} :: axiomatization
assiometro {m} [nautical] :: rudder indicator
assione {m} [physics] :: axion
assionimo {m} [linguistics] :: axionym
Assiria {prop} :: Assyria
assiriologia {f} :: Assyriology
assiriologico {adj} :: Assyriological
assiriologo {m} :: Assyriologist
assiro {adj} :: Assyrian
assiro {m} :: Assyrian
assiro-babilonese {adj} :: Assyro-Babylonian
assise {fp} :: assizes
Assisi {prop} :: Assisi (city)
assisiate {adj} :: Of or from Assisi
assisosi {v} :: past participle of assidersi
assist {m} [sports] :: assist
assistentato {m} :: assistantship
assistente {mf} :: assistant, helper
assistente {mf} [computing] :: wizard (program or script used to simplify complex operations)
assistente {v} :: present participle of assistere
assistentesi {v} :: present participle of assistersi
assistente sociale {mf} :: social worker
assistente tuttofare {mf} :: right-hand man, right-hand woman, factotum
assistente tuttofare {mf} :: handyman, handywoman
assistente tuttofare {mf} :: man Friday, girl Friday
assistenza {f} :: assistance
assistenza {f} :: attendance
assistenza pubblica {f} :: public service
assistenziale {adj} :: welfare (attributive)
assistenziale {adj} :: nursing
assistenziale {adj} :: aid (attributive)
assistenzialismo {m} :: abuse of the state welfare system
assistenzialista {adj} :: Of or relating to the abuse of the welfare state
assistenzialista {adj} :: welfare (attributive)
assistenziario {m} :: rehabilitation unit
assistere {vt} /asˈsistere/ :: to assist
assistere {v} [a] :: to be present (at); to attend
assistersi {v} :: reflexive of assistere
assistersi {vr} :: to help oneself
assistersi {vr} :: to comfort one another
assistibile {adj} :: That can be treated, assisted or aided
assistito {adj} :: assisted
assistito {m} :: welfare recipient, welfare beneficiary
assistito {m} :: patient (of a physician)
assistito {m} :: client (of a lawyer)
assistitosi {v} :: past participle of assistersi
assistivo {adj} :: assistive
assito {m} :: wooden partition
assito {m} :: planking, boarding, floorboards
assito {m} :: boardwalk
assiuolo {m} :: alternative form of assiolo
asso {m} :: ace (all senses)
asso {m} [dice, dominoes] :: A piece or side having a single dot
associabile {adj} :: associable
associabilità {f} :: associability
associamento {m} :: associating, association
associante {v} :: present participle of associare
associantesi {v} :: present participle of associarsi
associare {vt} [with a] :: to associate (with)
associare {vt} [with a] :: to take someone into partnership, or make them a member
associarsi {v} :: reflexive of associare
associarsi {vr} :: to enter into a partnership (with)
associarsi {vr} :: to join (become a member of)
associarsi {vr} :: to share (in)
associatività {f} [mathematics] :: associativity
associativo {adj} :: membership [attributive]
associato {adj} :: associated
associatosi {v} :: past participle of associarsi
associazione {f} /asːotʃaˈtsjone/ :: association, enterprise, partnership, joint venture
associazione {f} :: clique, coterie, ingroup, inner circle, camp
associazione a delinquere {n} :: crime syndicate, gang, mob, mafia
associazionismo {m} [psychology] :: associationism
associazionista {adj} [psychology] :: associationist
associazionistico {adj} :: associational
assodamento {m} :: ascertainment
assodamento {m} :: assessment
assodante {v} :: present participle of assodare
assodantesi {v} :: present participle of assodarsi
assodare {vt} :: to strengthen
assodare {vt} :: to ascertain, assess
assodarsi {v} :: reflexive of assodare
assodarsi {v} :: to harden
assodatosi {v} :: past participle of assodarsi
assoggettabile {adj} :: subjugable
assoggettabilità {f} :: Property of being subjugable
assoggettamento {m} :: subjection
assoggettamento {m} :: subjugation
assoggettante {v} :: present participle of assoggettare
assoggettantesi {v} :: present participle of assoggettarsi
assoggettare {vt} :: to subdue, to subjugate, to enslave
assoggettare {vt} :: to submit
assoggettarsi {vr} :: To submit
assoggettatosi {v} :: past participle of assoggettarsi
assoide {m} [anatomy] :: synonym of epistrofeo
assolato {adj} :: sunny
assolcante {v} :: present participle of assolcare
assolcare {vt} :: To furrow
assolcatore {adj} :: furrowing
assolcatura {f} :: furrowing
assoldamento {m} :: hiring
assoldamento {m} :: recruiting, enlistment
assoldante {v} :: present participle of assoldare
assoldare {vt} :: To hire
assoldato {adj} :: hired
assolo {m} [music] /asˈsolo/ :: solo
assolotto {m} :: synonym of axolotl
assolto {adj} /asˈsɔl.to/ :: absolved
assolto {adj} :: acquitted
assolutamente {adv} :: absolutely, completely, totally, dead
assolutezza {f} :: absoluteness
assolutismo {m} :: absolutism
assolutista {adj} :: absolutist
assolutista {mf} :: absolutist
assolutisticamente {adv} :: absolutistically
assolutistico {adj} :: absolutistic, absolutist
assolutizzante {v} :: present participle of assolutizzare
assolutizzare {vt} :: to absolutize
assolutizzazione {f} :: absolutization
assoluto {adj} :: absolute (all senses)
assoluto {adj} [maths] :: nonnegative
assoluto {adj} :: complete, total, utter
assoluto {m} [rare] :: infinity
assolutore {m} :: absolver
assolutorio {adj} :: acquitting
assoluzione {f} :: absolution
assoluzione {f} :: acquittal
assolvente {v} :: present participle of assolvere
assolvenza {f} [cinematography] :: fade
assolvere {vt} :: to absolve (from)
assolvere {vt} :: to acquit (of)
assolvere {vt} :: to carry out, perform
assolversi {vr} /asˈsɔl.ver.s̪i/ :: To absolve or forgive oneself
assolvibile {adj} :: absolvable
assolvimento {m} :: fulfilment
assolvimento {m} :: completion
assomante {v} :: present participle of assomare
assomare {v} :: To load a pack animal
assomare {v} :: To enslave
assomigliante {v} :: present participle of assomigliare
assomiglianza {f} :: synonym of somiglianza
assomiglianza {f} :: synonym of rassomiglianza
assomigliare {vi} /assomiʎˈʎare/ :: To resemble or look like
assomigliarsi {vr} :: To resemble or look like each other
assommante {v} :: present participle of assommare
assommare {vt} :: to combine
assommare {vi} :: to amount (to)
assommare {vi} :: to come to
assonale {adj} :: axonal
assonante {v} :: present participle of assonare
assonante {adj} :: assonant
assonantico {adj} :: assonant, assonantic
assonanza {f} :: assonance
assonanzato {adj} :: assonant
assonare {vt} :: to assonate
assonate {v} :: present participle of assonare
assone {m} [anatomy] :: axon
asso nella manica {m} [of figurative manner] :: ace up one's sleeve
assonema {m} :: axoneme
assonico {adj} :: axon (attributive)
assonnacchiato {adj} :: sleepy, drowsy
assonnante {v} :: present participle of assonnare
assonnare {vt} :: To make sleepy
assonnare {vi} :: To become sleepy or drowsy
assonnatamente {adv} :: sleepily, drowsily
assonnato {adj} :: sleepy, drowsy
assonometria {f} :: axonometry (axonometric projection)
assonometrico {adj} :: axonometric
assopente {v} :: present participle of assopire
assopentesi {v} :: present participle of assopirsi
assopimento {m} :: dozing off
assopimento {m} :: doziness, sleepiness
assopimento {m} :: mitigation, appeasement
assopire {vt} :: To soothe (sorrow)
assopirsi {vr} :: To doze off, to drop off
assopito {adj} :: asleep, sleeping
assopitosi {v} :: past participle of assopirsi
assoplasma {m} :: axoplasm
assorbanza {f} [physics] :: absorbance
assorbente {v} :: present participle of assorbire
assorbente {adj} :: adsorbing, adsorbent
assorbente {m} :: sanitary towel, sanitary napkin, pad
assorbente interno {m} :: tampon
assorbenza {f} :: absorption
assorbibile {adj} :: absorbable, absorptive
assorbimento {m} :: absorption
assorbimetro {m} [physics] :: absorptiometer
assorbire {v} :: to absorb or soak up
assorbire {v} :: to assimilate
assorbire {v} :: to take in
assorbitore {m} :: absorber
assordamento {m} :: deafening
assordamento {m} :: deafness
assordante {v} :: present participle of assordare
assordante {adj} :: deafening
assordantemente {adv} :: deafeningly
assordare {vt} :: To deafen
assordente {v} :: present participle of assordire
assordimento {m} [phonetics] :: devoicing
assordire {v} :: alternative form of assordare
assorgente {v} :: present participle of assorgere
assorgere {vi} :: alternative form of assurgere
Assoro {prop} :: Assoro (town)
assortamente {adv} :: engrossedly, absorbedly, intensely
assortativo {adj} [biology] :: assortative
assortente {v} :: present participle of assortire
assortimento {m} :: assortment, range, array, selection, choice, mixed bag
assortire {vt} :: to assort, combine
assortire {vt} :: to match [colours]
assortito {adj} :: mixed, assorted
assortito {adj} :: matched, matching
assortito {adj} :: well-stocked, copious
assortitore {m} :: combiner, matcher
assortitura {f} :: synonym of assortimento
assorto {adj} :: engrossed (in), absorbed
assottigliamento {m} :: thinning
assottigliante {v} :: present participle of assottigliare
assottigliante {v} :: present participle of assottigliarsi
assottigliantesi {v} :: present participle of assottigliarsi
assottigliare {vt} :: to thin
assottigliare {vt} :: to sharpen
assottigliare {vt} :: to make [someone or something] look slimmer
assottigliare {vt} :: reduce, slim down, taper
assottigliare {vt} :: to make keener
assottigliarsi {v} :: reflexive of assottigliare
assottigliarsi {v} :: to diminish
assottigliarsi {v} :: to slim down
assottigliativo {adj} :: thinning
assottigliatosi {v} :: past participle of assottigliarsi
ASST {prop} :: initialism of Azienda di Stato per i servizi telefonici
Assuan {prop} :: Aswan
assuccare {v} [nautical] /as.sukˈka.re/ :: to tighten (e.g. a rope)
assuccare {v} [nautical] :: to frap
assuefabile {adj} :: accustomable (that one could get used to)
assuefacente {v} :: present participle of assuefare
assuefacentesi {v} :: present participle of assuefarsi
assuefare {vt} :: to get used (to)
assuefare {vt} :: to accustom (to)
assuefarsi {v} :: reflexive of assuefare
assuefarsi {v} :: to get accustomed, get used, inure oneself
assuefattosi {v} :: past participle of assuefarsi
assuefazione {f} :: tolerance (to a drug or medication)
assuefazione {f} :: addiction
assuefazione {f} :: habit; habituation
Assuero {prop} [Biblical character] :: Ahasuerus
Assuero {prop} :: given name
assumente {v} :: present participle of assumere
assumentesi {v} :: present participle of assumersi
assumere {vt} /asˈsumere/ :: to take on, assume
assumere {vt} :: to employ, hire
assumersi {v} :: reflexive of assumere
assumersi {vr} :: to accept
assumersi {vr} :: to take upon oneself
assumibile {adj} :: employable
Assunta {prop} :: given name, in honour of Our Lady of the Assumption
Assunta {f} :: Assumption (Christian feast)
assunteria {f} :: assignment
Assuntino {prop} :: given name
assuntivo {adj} :: assumptive
assunto {adj} :: assumed
assunto {adj} :: employed, engaged
assunto {m} :: proposition
Assunto {prop} :: given name
assuntore {m} [legal] :: contractor, undertaker
assuntore {m} :: underwriter
assuntoria {f} :: The outsourcing of the management of railway stations (from the state railway)
assuntosi {v} :: past participle of assumersi
assuntrice {f} :: female equivalent of assuntore
assunzionale {adj} :: employment (attributive)
assunzione {f} :: employment
assunzione {f} :: engagement
assunzione {f} :: assumption
Assunzione {prop} :: The Assumption
assurdamente {adv} :: absurdly
assurdissimo {adj} :: superlative of assurdo
assurdità {f} :: absurdity
assurdità {f} :: rubbish
assurdo {adj} :: absurd, preposterous, ludicrous, nonsensical, cockeyed, ridiculous, paradoxical
assurdo {m} :: absurdity
assurgente {v} :: present participle of assurgere
assurgere {vi} :: to rise
asta {f} :: pole
asta {f} :: rod
asta {f} :: shaft
asta {f} :: a short, straight line, especially the vertical part of a letter
asta {f} :: lance
asta {f} :: auction
astabile {adj} [physics] :: astable
astacicoltura {f} :: astaciculture
astaco {m} :: crayfish (of genus Astacus)
asta della bandiera {f} :: flagpole, flagstaff
astante {m} :: bystander
astanteria {f} [medicine] :: reception ward (where a patient is moved from the casualty ward before transferring to a specialist ward)
astatato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: astatate
astaticità {f} :: astaticism
astatico {adj} :: astatic
astatidrico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen astatide (attributive)
astato {adj} /aˈsta.to/ :: armed with a pole or a rod
astato {m} [chemistry] /ˈa.sta.to/ :: astatine
-aste {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person past historic and imperfect subjunctive of regular -are verbs
asteatosi {f} :: asteatosis
asteatotico {adj} :: asteatotic
asteggiante {v} :: present participle of asteggiare
asteggiare {v} :: to do a preparatory exercise in writing
asteggiatura {f} :: preparatory exercise in writing
astemio {adj} /asˈtɛm.jo/ :: abstemious
astemio {adj} :: teetotal
astenente {v} :: present participle of astenersi
astenentesi {v} :: present participle of astenersi
astenere {vt} :: to keep away
astenersi {vr} :: to abstain (to refrain from voting)
astenersi {vr} :: to abstain or refrain from doing something; to shy away from; to steer clear of; to stop short of
astenia {f} [medicine] :: asthenia
astenico {adj} :: asthenic
astenico {adj} :: feeble, weak
astenocoria {f} [pathology] :: asthenocoria
astenopia {f} [pathology, optics] :: asthenopia, eyestrain
astenosfera {f} [geology] :: asthenosphere
astenospermia {f} [medicine] :: asthenospermia
astenozoospermia {f} [pathology] :: asthenozoospermia, asthenospermia
astensione {f} :: abstention
astensionismo {m} :: abstentionism
astensionista {mf} :: abstentionist
astensionistico {adj} :: abstentionist
a stento {adv} /a ˈstɛn.to/ :: hardly, barely, narrowly
a stento {adv} :: with difficulty
astenutosi {v} :: past participle of astenersi
asteracea {f} :: aster (any plant of the family Asteraceae)
astereognosia {f} :: astereognosis
astergente {v} :: present participle of astergere
astergere {vt} :: To wipe clean
asteria {f} :: starfish
asteride {m} :: asterid
Asterino {prop} :: given name
Asterio {prop} :: given name
asteriscato {adj} :: starred (marked with an asterisk)
asterisco {m} :: asterisk
asterismo {m} :: asterism (all senses)
asternia {f} :: sternal cleft (congenital absence of the sternum)
Astero {prop} :: given name
asteroidale {adj} :: asteroidal
asteroide {m} [astronomy] :: asteroid
asterosismico {adj} :: asteroseismic
asterosismologia {f} :: asteroseismology
astersione {f} :: abstersion
astersione {f} :: purification
astersivo {adj} :: abstersive
astersivo {adj} :: purifying
-asti {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular past historic of regular -are verbs
Asti {prop} :: Asti (town/and/province)
asticciola {f} :: Small rod
asticciola {f} :: shaft of an arrow or a pen
asticciuola {f} :: alternative form of asticciola
astice {m} /ˈas.ti.t͡ʃe/ :: synonym of gambero di mare
asticella {f} [athletics] :: bar (in high jump and pole vault)
asticella {f} [figurative, by extension] :: bar (level of achievement)
asticina {f} :: small rod
Astico {prop} :: Astico (river)
astigiano {adj} :: Of or relating to Asti or the Asti people
astigiano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Asti
astigmatico {adj} :: astigmatic
astigmatismo {m} [pathology, optics] :: astigmatism
astigmometro {m} :: astigmometer
astilo {adj} :: astylar
astina {f} :: dipstick
astinente {adj} :: abstinent, abstemious
astinentemente {adv} :: abstinently, temperantly, soberly
astinenza {f} :: abstinence
astinenza {f} :: withdrawal, cold turkey (from a drug)
astio {m} /ˈas.tjo/ :: hate, bitterness, resentment, spite
astiosamente {adv} :: resentfully
astiosità {f} :: rancour, resentment
astiosità {f} :: sullenness
astioso {adj} :: spiteful, resentful
astista {mf} :: pole-vaulter
Astolfo {prop} :: given name
astomatico {adj} [botany] :: astomatic
astore {m} :: goshawk (Eutriorchis astur)
astore {m} :: Variant of aquila serpentaria del Madagascar
astore {m} :: Variant of astore del Madagascar
astore codalunga {m} :: long-tailed hawk (Urotriorchis macrourus)
astore codalunga {m} :: a species within the family Accipitridae, the long-tailed hawk
astore codalunga {m} :: Variant of falco africano a coda lunga
astore del Madagascar {m} :: Variant of astore
Astorgio {prop} :: given name
astorico {adj} :: unhistoric
Astorre {prop} [rare] :: given name
astracan {m} :: astrakhan
astraente {v} :: present participle of astrarre
astraentesi {v} :: present participle of astrarsi
astragalo {m} [skeleton] :: talus, talus bone, astragalus
astragalo {m} [architecture] :: astragal
astragalo {m} :: astragalus (flower)
astragalo {m} [game] :: knucklebones
astragalomanzia {f} :: astragalomancy
astraggere {v} /asˈtrad.d͡ʒe.re/ :: obsolete form of astrarre
astrakan {m} :: astrakhan
astrale {adj} :: astral
astrale {adj} :: astronomical (very large)
astranzia {f} :: masterwort (Astrantia major)
astrarre {vt} :: To abstract
astrarsi {vr} :: To cut oneself off (from)
a strati {adj} :: tiered (having or made up of tiers)
astrattamente {adv} :: abstractly
astrattezza {f} :: abstractness
astrattismo {m} [arts] :: abstract art
astrattismo {m} [philosophy] :: abstractionism
astrattista {mf} :: abstract artist
astrattista {adj} [arts] :: abstract
astrattivo {adj} :: abstractive
astratto {adj} :: abstract
astratto {m} :: abstract
astrattosi {v} :: past participle of astrarsi
astrazione {f} :: abstraction
Astrea {prop} :: Astraea
a stretto contatto {adv} :: closely
astringente {v} :: present participle of astringere
astringente {adj} :: astringent
astringente {m} :: astringent
astringenza {f} :: astringency
astringere {vt} :: To compel or oblige someone to do something
astringere {vi} :: To apply an astringent (medical)
Astrio {prop} :: given name
-astro {suffix} [forms nouns and adjectives] /ˈastro/ :: Used to express incomplete resemblance, generally with a pejorative connotation:
-astro {suffix} :: Used to form pejoratives; -aster, -ster
-astro {suffix} [appended to a colour] :: -ish
-astro {suffix} [appended to fratello, sorella, figlio or figlia] :: step-
astro- {prefix} :: astro-
astro {m} [astronomy] /ˈastro/ :: celestial body, star
astro {m} [figuratively] :: A person exceptionally talented or famous in a specific field; star
astro {m} [botany] :: One of various plants in the genus Aster; aster
astroarcheologia {f} :: astroarchaeology
astrobiologa {f} :: female equivalent of astrobiologo
astrobiologia {f} :: astrobiology
astrobiologo {m} :: astrobiologist
astrobussola {f} /as.troˈbus.so.la/ :: astrocompass
astrocartomante {mf} :: astro-cartomancy
astrochimica {f} [astronomy, chemistry] :: astrochemistry
astrochimico {m} :: astrochemist
astrocita {m} [biology] :: astrocyte
astrocitario {adj} :: astrocytic
astrocitoma {f} :: astrocytoma
astrocupola {f} /as.troˈku.po.la/ :: astrodome
astrodinamica {f} [physics, astronomy] :: astrodynamics (orbital mechanics)
astrodinamico {adj} :: astrodynamic
astrofico {adj} :: astrophic
astrofilo {m} :: amateur astronomer
astrofisica {f} :: feminine noun of astrofisico
astrofisica {f} :: astrophysics
astrofisico {adj} :: astrophysical
astrofisico {m} :: (male) astrophysicist
astrofotografia {f} [astronomy, photography] :: astrophotography
astrofotografo {m} [astronomy, photography] :: astrophotographer
astrofotometria {f} :: astrophotometry
astrofotometro {m} :: astrophotometer
astrogeologia {f} [astronomy, geology] :: astrogeology
astrogeologo {m} [astronomy, geology] :: astrogeologist
astrografia {f} :: astrography
astrografico {adj} :: astrographic
astrografo {m} :: astronomical telescope
astrografo {m} :: astrograph
astroinformatica {f} [astronomy, computing] :: astroinformatics
astrolabio {m} :: astrolabe
astrolago {m} :: Variant of astrologo
astrolatria {f} :: astrolatry
astrologa {f} :: female equivalent of astrologo
astrologante {v} :: present participle of astrologare
astrologare {vi} /as.tro.loˈɡa.re/ :: to astrologize (practice astrology)
astrologare {vi} [figuratively] :: to fantasize
astrologia {f} :: astrology
astrologia occidentale {f} :: Western astrology
astrologicamente {adv} :: astrologically
astrologico {adj} :: astrological
astrologo {m} :: astrologer, stargazer
astromante {mf} :: synonym of astrocartomante
astrometria {f} [astronomy] :: astrometry
astrometrico {adj} :: astrometric
astronauta {mf} :: astronaut
astronautica {f} :: astronautics
astronautico {adj} :: astronautic, astronautical
astronave {f} :: spaceship
astronave {f} :: starship
astronavigazione {f} :: astronavigation
astronoma {f} :: female equivalent of astronomo
astronomia {f} :: astronomy
astronomicamente {adv} :: astronomically
astronomico {adj} /as.troˈnɔ.mi.ko/ :: astronomic, astronomical
astronomico {adj} :: prohibitive (of a price)
astronomo {m} :: astronomer, stargazer
astroporto {m} :: cosmodrome, spaceport
astrospettrografia {f} :: astrospectrography
astrospettrografo {m} :: astrospectrograph
astrospettroscopia {f} :: astrospectroscopy
astrospettroscopio {m} :: astrospectroscope
astrostatistica {f} [astronomy, computing] :: astrostatistics
astrusaggine {f} :: abstruseness
astrusamente {adv} :: abstrusely
astruseria {f} :: abstruseness
astrusità {f} :: abstruseness
astruso {adj} :: abstruse
astucciaio {m} :: Person who makes or sells boxes or cartons
astuccio {m} :: case [box], carton
Astura {prop} :: Astura (river)
asturiano {adj} :: Asturian
asturiano {m} :: Asturian
asturiano {m} :: the Asturian language
Asturie {prop} :: Asturie (autonomous community/and/province)
astutamente {adv} :: astutely, shrewdly
astutezza {f} :: synonym of astuzia
astutissimo {adj} :: superlative of astuto
astuto {adj} :: astute, shrewd
astuzia {f} :: astuteness, shrewdness
astuzia {f} :: trick
a sufficienza {prep} :: enough, sufficient
-ata {suffix} /ˈa.ta/ :: Used with a stem to form the feminine singular past participle of regular -are verbs
-ata {suffix} :: Used to form verbal nouns, derived from regular -are verbs, expressing an instance of the action expressed by the verb
-ata {suffix} :: Used to form words, derived from nouns, meaning a period of time
-ata {suffix} :: Used to form words, derived from nouns, corresponding to -ful (as much as something will hold)
-ata {suffix} :: Used to form words, derived from nouns, meaning a blow with the named object
-ata {suffix} :: Used to form nouns, derived from nouns with a negative connotation, expressing an action
-ata {suffix} :: Used to form collective nouns
-ata {suffix} [rare] :: Used as an intensifier
atabagico {m} [medicine] :: anti-smoking drug
atalanta {f} :: red admiral - butterfly
Atalanta {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Atalanta
Atalanta {prop} :: The Bergamo football team; properly Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio
atalantino {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to the Atalanta football club of Bergamo
a tal proposito {prep} :: speaking of this, in this connection, concerning this subject
atamano {m} :: ataman
Atamante {prop} :: Athamas
a tambur battente {adv} :: alternative form of a tamburo battente
a tamburo battente {adv} [uncommon] :: While the drum is being rolled
a tamburo battente {adv} [figurative] :: immediately, at once
Atanasio {prop} :: given name
atanatismo {m} [philosophy] :: athanatism
atanor {m} :: athanor
atarassia {f} /a.ta.rasˈsi.a/ :: ataraxia
atarassia {f} :: apathy, indifference
atarassico {adj} /a.taˈras.si.ko/ :: ataraxic
atassia {f} [pathology, chemistry] :: ataxia
atassico {adj} :: ataxic
atattico {adj} [chemistry] :: atactic
atavicamente {adv} :: atavistically
atavicamente {adv} :: ancestrally
atavico {adj} :: atavistic, ancestral
atavico {adj} :: dyed-in-the-wool
atavismo {m} :: atavism
atavistico {adj} :: atavistic
atavo {m} :: ancestor
atavo {m} :: great-great-great-grandfather
atavo {m} :: rare
ataxofobia {f} :: ataxophobia (fear of disorder or untidiness)
Atayal {prop} :: Atayal
-ate {suffix} :: Used with a suffix to form the feminine plural past participle of regular -are verbs
-ate {suffix} :: Common suffix of various towns in Lombardy, that usually indicates belonging to a person or a family
-ate {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural present and imperative of regular -are verbs
atea {f} :: feminine noun of ateo
atefobia {f} :: atephobia (fear of ruin or of ruins)
ateismo {m} :: atheism
ateista {mf} :: atheist
ateistico {adj} :: atheistic
ateizzazione {f} :: state atheism (as a national doctrine in communist countries)
atele {m} :: spider monkey (of genus Ateles)
atelectasia {f} [physiology] :: atelectasis
atelettasia {f} [pathology] :: atelectasis
atelettasico {adj} :: atelectatic
atelia {f} :: atelia
atelico {adj} :: atelic
atellana {f} :: Atellan farce
atelofobia {f} :: atelophobia (fear of imperfection)
a tema {adj} :: themed, theme (attributive)
atematico {adj} :: athematic
a tempo {adj} :: time (attributive)
a tempo {adv} :: on time, in time (sufficiently early)
a tempo {adv} :: in time (with the music)
a tempo {adv} [music] :: return to normal tempo from a deviation (e.g. ritenuto, rallentando, accelerando, etc.)
a tempo debito {adv} :: in due time
a tempo perso {adj} :: In one's spare time
a tempo perso {adv} :: In one's spare time
atemporale {adj} :: timeless
atemporalità {f} :: timelessness
atemporalmente {adv} :: timelessly
Atena {prop} [Greek god] :: Athena
Atene {prop} /aˈtɛne/ :: Atene (capital city)
ateneo {m} /a.te.ˈnɛ.o/ :: university
Ateneo {prop} :: Athenaeus
ateniese {adj} :: Athenian
ateniese {mf} :: Athenian
a tentoni {adv} :: gropingly
a tenuta stagna {adv} :: watertight
ateo {adj} /ˈa.te.o/ :: atheistic
ateo {m} :: atheist
atermano {adj} :: athermanous
atermicamente {adv} :: athermically
atermico {adj} :: athermic
aternino {adj} :: synonym of pescarese
Aterno {prop} :: Aterno (river)
aterogenetico {adj} :: atherogenetic
aterogenico {adj} :: atherogenic
ateroma {m} [pathology] /a.teˈrɔ.ma/ :: atheroma
ateromasia {f} [pathology] :: atheromasia
ateromatosi {f} [pathology] :: atheromatosis
aterosclerosi {f} [disease] :: atherosclerosis
aterosclerotico {adj} :: atherosclerotic
a terra {prep} :: See: it a terra
a terra {prep} :: [of a tire] completely deflated
a terra {prep} [idiom] :: disheartened due to being ill, morally depressed, or financially ruined; down in the dumps
a terra {prep} [idiom] :: [of electrical equipment] earthed
atesina {f} /a.teˈzi.na/ :: A native or inhabitant of Alto Adige (South Tyrol)
atesino {adj} /a.teˈzi.no/ :: Of or relating to Adige (river in South Tyrol)
atesino {adj} :: Of or relating to Alto Adige (South Tyrol)
atesino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Alto Adige
a testa {adv} :: each, each one, each person, per head
a testa alta {prep} :: with one's head held high
atetosi {f} [medicine] :: athetosis
athazagorafobia {f} :: athazagoraphobia
-ati {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the masculine plural past participle of regular -are verbs
-atico {suffix} /ˈa.ti.ko/ :: Used to derive adjectives with a meaning of “of, pertaining to”
atimia {f} [pathology] :: athymia
Atina {prop} :: Atina (small town)
atinate {adj} :: Of or from Atina
atipia {f} [pathology] :: atypia
atipicamente {adv} :: atypically
atipicità {f} :: atypical or unusual character
atipico {adj} :: atypical
atlante {m} /aˈtlan.te/ :: atlas (bound collection of maps or tables)
atlante {m} [anatomy] :: atlas (uppermost vertebra of the neck)
atlante {m} [architecture] :: telamon, atlas (male figure used as a pillar)
Atlante {prop} :: Atlas
Atlante {prop} :: Atlas Mountains
atlantico {adj} :: Atlantic
Atlantico {prop} :: The Atlantic (ocean)
Atlantide {prop} :: Atlantis
atlantideo {adj} :: Atlantean
atlantismo {m} :: Atlanticism (support of the North Atlantic Treaty)
atlantista {mf} :: Atlanticist
atleta {mf} [sports] /atˈlɛ.ta/ :: athlete
atletica {f} :: [classical] athletics
atletica leggera {f} [athletics] :: athletics [British], track and field [US]
atleticamente {adv} :: athletically
atletica pesante {f} :: weightlifting and competitive fighting
atletico {adj} :: athletic
atmabodha {m} [Hindu philosophy] :: self-knowledge
atmosfera {f} /atmosˈfɛra/ :: atmosphere (all meanings), air
atmosfera {f} :: normal atmospheric pressure
atmosfericamente {adv} :: atmospherically
atmosferico {adj} :: atmospheric (all meanings)
-ato {suffix} /ˈa.to/ :: Used with a stem to form the past participle of regular -are verbs
-ato {suffix} [in nouns] :: a rank or office; -ate, -hood, -ship, -cy
-ato {suffix} [in adjectives] :: having or resembling the specified thing
-ato {suffix} [chemistry, in nouns] :: a derivative of a specified element or compound; especially a salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in -ico; -ate
atollo {m} /aˈtɔl.lo/ :: atoll
atomicamente {adv} :: atomically
atomicità {f} [physics] :: atomicity
atomico {adj} /aˈtɔ.mi.ko/ :: atomic
atomismo {m} :: atomism
atomista {mf} :: atomist
atomistica {f} [obsolete, physics] :: atomic physics
atomistico {adj} :: atomistic
atomizzante {v} :: present participle of atomizzare
atomizzare {vt} :: to atomize
atomizzatore {m} :: atomizer
atomizzazione {f} :: atomization
atomo {m} :: atom
atomosofobia {f} :: atomosophobia (fear of atomic explosions)
atonale {adj} [music] :: atonal
atonalità {f} :: atonality
atonalmente {adv} :: atonally
atonia {f} [pathology] :: atony
atonicità {f} :: Property of being atonic
atonico {adj} :: atonic
atonismo {m} :: Atenism
atono {adj} :: unstressed (of a vowel, not stressed or accentuated)
atono {adj} :: languid, apathetic, dull
atopico {adj} :: atopic
a torto {adv} :: wrongly, wrongfully, unjustly
a torto o a ragione {phrase} :: whether right or wrong; rightly or wrongly
atorvastatina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: atorvastatin
Atos {prop} :: given name
atossicità {f} :: atoxicity
atossico {adj} :: non-toxic, nontoxic
atout {m} [card games] :: trump
atrabile {m} :: black bile
atrabiliare {adj} :: irascible, atrabilious, gloomy
a tratti {adv} :: in intervals, by coming and going
atrazina {f} [organic compound] :: atrazine
atreplice {mf} :: orach (Atriplex hortensis)
atrepsia {f} [pathology] :: athrepsia
atresia {f} [pathology] :: atresia
atriale {adj} [anatomy] :: atrial
atrio {m} :: entrance hall, lobby (of a hotel etc)
atrio {m} :: concourse (of a station)
atrio {m} [anatomy, architecture] :: atrium
atrioventricolare {adj} [anatomy] :: atrioventricular
atriplice {mf} :: alternative form of atreplice
atro {adj} /ˈa.tro/ :: dark, black
atro {adj} :: bleak, brooding
atroce {adj} :: atrocious
atroce {adj} :: terrible, dreadful
atroce {adj} :: excruciating
atroce {adj} :: ghastly
atrocemente {adv} :: atrociously
atrocemente {adv} :: terribly, dreadfully
atrocemente {adv} :: excruciatingly
atrocissimo {adj} :: superlative of atroce
atrocità {f} :: atrocity
atrocità {f} :: atrociousness
atrofia {f} :: atrophy
atrofico {adj} :: atrophic
atrofizzante {v} :: present participle of atrofizzare
atrofizzantesi {v} :: present participle of atrofizzarsi
atrofizzare {vt} :: to atrophy
atrofizzarsi {vr} :: To atrophy or waste
atrofizzato {adj} :: atrophied
atrofizzatosi {v} :: past participle of atrofizzarsi
atropa {f} :: synonym of belladonna
atropina {f} [organic compound] :: atropine
atropismo {m} [pathology] :: atropism
atropo {m} :: death's-head hawkmoth (of genus Acherontia)
Atropo {prop} [Greek god] :: Atropos
atrovante {v} :: present participle of atrovare
atrovantesi {v} :: present participle of atrovarsi
atrovare {vt} :: Variant of trovare
atrovarsi {vr} :: Variant of trovarsi
atrovatosi {v} :: past participle of atrovarsi
attaccabile {adj} :: attachable
attaccabile {adj} :: assailable
attaccabottoni {mf} :: buttonholer
attaccabrighe {mf} :: A quarrelsome person
attaccabrighe {mf} :: hellion
attaccagnolo {m} :: foothold
attaccamano {m} :: cleavers, goosegrass, catchweed (Galium aparine)
attaccamento {m} :: attachment
attaccante {m} [sports] :: striker, attacker
attaccante {m} [soccer] :: forward
attaccante {v} :: present participle of attaccare
attaccante {adj} :: attacking
attaccantesi {v} :: present participle of attaccarsi
attaccapanni {m} :: hook, peg
attaccapanni {m} :: coat stand, coat rack
attaccare {vt} :: to stick, attach, append
attaccare {vt} :: to attack
attaccarsi {v} :: reflexive of attaccare
attaccarsi {vr} :: to hang, cling
attaccarsi {vr} :: to stick, adhere
attaccarsi {vr} :: to become attached to
attaccarsi {vr} :: to be catching, be contagious
attaccarsi {vr} :: to stick together
attaccaticcio {adj} :: sticky, clinging
attaccato {adj} :: attached, glued or tied (to)
attaccato {adj} :: posted (to)
attaccato {adj} :: plugged in (electrically)
attaccato {adj} :: close (to)
attaccato {adj} :: devoted or dedicated (to), observant (of)
attaccatosi {v} :: past participle of attaccarsi
attaccatura {f} :: Point, line or method of attachment of parts of the same thing
attaccatura {f} :: hairline (properly attaccatura dei capelli)
attaccatutto {m} :: superglue
attacchinaggio {m} :: The putting up of political posters, especially before an election
attacco {m} :: attack, assault
attacco {m} :: attack, criticism
attacco {m} [medicine] :: attack, fit, bout
attacco {m} :: start, beginning, opening
attacco {m} [sports] :: attack
attacco {m} [music] :: entry, attack
attacco {m} :: junction, connection, join
attacco aereo {m} :: airstrike
attacco di panico {m} :: panic attack
attagliante {v} :: present participle of attagliarsi
attagliantesi {v} :: present participle of attagliarsi
attagliarsi {vr} :: To suit or fit
attagliatosi {v} :: past participle of attagliarsi
Attalo {prop} :: given name
attamente {adv} :: capably
attanagliamento {m} :: gripping
attanagliamento {m} :: A form of torture in which the body is torn with red-hot pincers
attanagliante {v} :: present participle of attanagliare
attanagliare {vt} :: To grip
attante {m} [linguistics] :: actant
attapirato {adj} [humorous] :: upset for a personal comedown or failure
attardante {v} :: present participle of attardare
attardantesi {v} :: present participle of attardarsi
attardare {vt} :: To slow down
attardarsi {v} :: reflexive of attardare
attardarsi {vr} :: to stop, stay behind or stay late in order to do something
attardarsi {vr} :: to linger
attardarsi {vr} :: to loiter
attardatosi {v} :: past participle of attardarsi
attatto {m} :: touch, touching
attecchente {v} :: present participle of attecchire
attecchimento {m} :: taking root, rooting
attecchimento {m} :: attachment, graft, engraftment
attecchire {vi} :: to take root
attecchire {vi} [figurative] :: to catch on, to set in
attediante {v} :: present participle of attediare
attediare {vt} [literary] /at.teˈdja.re/ :: synonym of tediare
attediarsi {v} /at.teˈdjar.si/ :: reflexive of attediare
attediarsi {vi} [literary] :: to be bothered or annoyed
attediarsi {vi} [literary] :: to be bored
atteggiamento {m} :: attitude, behaviour, ways, position, stance, air, pose
atteggiante {v} :: present participle of atteggiare
atteggiantesi {v} :: present participle of atteggiarsi
atteggiare {vt} :: to arrange the body or a part of it in order to express an emotion, intention, etc.; to pose
atteggiare {vt} :: to give a particular expression, connotation, or intonation (to)
atteggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of atteggiare
atteggiarsi {vi} :: to pose (as); to act (like)
atteggiarsi {vi} :: to take on the expression that manifests a certain feeling, state of mind, etc
atteggiatosi {v} :: past participle of atteggiarsi
attempante {v} :: present participle of attempare
attempare {v} :: To grow old
attempare {v} :: To linger
attempato {adj} :: elderly
attendamento {m} :: encampment
attendante {v} :: present participle of attendarsi
attendantesi {v} :: present participle of attendarsi
attendarsi {vr} :: to pitch camp
attendarsi {vr} :: to camp
attendatosi {v} :: past participle of attendarsi
attendente {m} :: batman or orderly (military servant)
attendentesi {v} :: present participle of attendersi
attendere {vt} :: to wait for
attendere {v} :: to hold on
attendere {vi} :: to attend on
attendere al varco {v} :: synonym of aspettare al varco
attendersi {v} :: reflexive of attendere
attendersi {vr} :: to anticipate something
attendersi {vr} :: to wait for someone or something
attendibile {adj} :: reliable, trustworthy, credible
attendibilità {f} /at.ten.di.bi.liˈta/ :: reliability, trustworthiness
attendibilmente {adv} :: reliably
attendismo {m} :: Wait-and-see policy or doctrine
attendista {mf} :: fence sitter
attenente {v} :: present participle of attenere
attenentesi {v} :: present participle of attenersi
attenere {vi} :: To concern, to attain, to pertain, to have a rapport with someone
attenersi {v} :: reflexive of attenere
attenersi {vr} :: to keep or stick (to)
attenersi {vr} :: to abide (by)
attentamente {adv} :: carefully, closely
attentante {v} :: present participle of attentare
attentare {v} [obsolete] /at.tenˈta.re/ :: To try. Used with di + object or infinitive verb
attentare {v} :: To try to damage, to attack. Used with a + object
attentarsi {vi} /at.tenˈtar.si/ :: To venture, dare. Used with di or a + infinitive verb
attentato {m} /at.tenˈta.to/ :: attack
attentato {m} :: assassination attempt
attentatore {m} /at.ten.taˈto.re/ :: attacker
attentatrice {f} :: female equivalent of attentatore
attenti {interj} /atˈtɛn.ti/ :: attention!
attentissimo {adj} :: superlative of attento
attentissimo {adj} :: very careful
attentissimo {adj} :: very attentive
attento {adj} :: careful, close, focusing
attento {adj} :: attentive, intent, watchful, alert
attento {adj} :: mindful, heedful
attento {interj} :: watch out!; look out!; take care!; mind!; careful!; be careful
attento {interj} :: caution
attenuamento {m} :: attenuation
attenuante {v} :: present participle of attenuare
attenuante {adj} :: extenuating
attenuare {vt} :: to ease [pain, etc.], mitigate
attenuare {vt} :: to soften
attenuare {vt} :: to attenuate, sag
attenuarsi {vr} :: to sag
attenuarsi {vr} :: to slack off
attenuatamente {adv} :: In an attenuated manner
attenuato {adj} :: attenuated
attenuato {adj} :: mitigated
attenuato {adj} :: alleviated
attenuato {adj} :: softened, toned down
attenuatore {m} :: attenuator
attenuazione {f} :: easing
attenuazione {f} :: softening
attenuazione {f} :: mitigation
attenuazione {f} :: attenuation
attenutosi {v} :: past participle of attenersi
attenzionante {v} :: present participle of attenzionare
attenzionare {vi} :: To receive (official) attention
attenzione {f} :: attention
attenzione {interj} :: watch out!; look out!; take care!; mind!; careful!
attenzione {interj} :: caution
Atteone {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Actaeon
attergante {v} :: present participle of attergare
attergare {v} :: To hoist onto the shoulders
attergare {v} :: To write on the back of a letter or other document
attergato {adj} :: behind
attergato {adj} :: written on the back
atterige {m} :: kiwi (bird)
attero {adj} /ˈat.te.ro/ :: apterous, wingless
attero {adj} [architecture] :: apteral (without lateral columns)
atterraggio {m} [aviation] :: landing (of an aircraft)
atterraggio di emergenza {m} [aviation] :: emergency landing
atterraggio di fortuna {m} :: alternative form of atterraggio di emergenza
atterraggio forzato {m} :: alternative form of atterraggio di emergenza
atterraggio senza motori {m} :: dead stick landing
atterramento {m} :: felling (of a tree)
atterramento {m} :: demolition (of a building)
atterramento {m} [sports] :: flooring (of an opponent)
atterrante {v} :: present participle of atterrare
atterrare {vi} :: [general sense] to land on a land (usually by aircraft or parachute)
atterrare {vt} :: to floor
atterrare {vi} [space travel] :: to land (on the Earth)
atterrare a motori spenti {v} :: to land dead stick
atterrare a motori spenti {v} :: to dead stick
atterrente {v} :: present participle of atterrire
atterrimento {m} :: terror, terrorization
atterrire {vt} :: To terrify or terrorize
atterrito {adj} :: terrified
atterzante {v} :: present participle of atterzare
atterzare {v} :: To third (divide into three parts)
attesa {f} :: waiting, wait
attesa {f} :: expectation
attesismo {m} :: A wait and see policy (Variant of attendismo)
attesissimo {adj} :: superlative of atteso
attesista {mf} :: synonym of attendista
atteso {adj} :: awaited; longed for
attesosi {v} :: past participle of attendersi
attestabile {adj} :: certifiable
attestamento {m} :: temporary halting of advancing troops for rest and consolidation
attestante {v} :: present participle of attestare
attestante {adj} :: testifying
attestante {mf} :: Someone who testifies
attestantesi {v} :: present participle of attestarsi
attestare {vt} :: to state (that)
attestare {vt} :: to testify (that)
attestare {vt} :: to certify (that)
attestare {vt} :: to halt (for rest and consolidation)
attestarsi {v} :: reflexive of attestare
attestarsi {vr} [military] :: to draw up in a line
attestarsi {vr} [military] :: to consolidate a position
attestato {m} :: certificate
attestatore {m} :: testifier
attestatore {m} :: witness
attestatosi {v} :: past participle of attestarsi
attestatura {f} :: halting
attestatura {f} :: abutment
attestazione {f} :: certificate
attestazione {f} :: statement
attestazione {f} :: attestation
attezza {f} :: attitude
Attica {prop} :: Attica (region)
atticamente {adv} :: In an Attic manner
atticamente {adv} :: elegantly; with finesse
atticciato {adj} :: stocky, stout
atticismo {m} :: Atticism
atticista {mf} :: Atticist
atticizzante {v} :: present participle of atticizzare
atticizzante {adj} :: elegant (in style)
atticizzare {v} :: To adopt an Attic literary style
atticizzare {v} :: To write elegantly
attico {m} /ˈat.ti.ko/ :: attic, loft
attico {m} :: penthouse
attico {adj} :: Attic
attiguità {f} :: contiguity, adjacency
attiguo {adj} :: adjoining
attiguo {adj} :: adjacent
Attila {prop} :: given name
Attila {prop} :: A king of the tribes of Huns
Attilio {prop} :: given name
attillante {v} :: present participle of attillare
attillare {vt} :: to make [an item of clothing] fit closely or tightly
attillatamente {adv} :: in a close-fitting manner; tightly, snugly
attillatezza {f} :: elegance, sophistication
attillato {adj} :: [of an item of clothing] close-fitting, tight, snug, clinging
attillato {adj} [literary] :: elegantly clothed
attillatura {f} :: tightness (a tight fit)
attimino {m} [colloquial] :: mo (brief moment)
attimo {m} /ˈattimo/ :: moment, instant, second
attimo {m} :: bit
attinente {adj} :: relevant (to)
attinenza {f} :: relevance
attingente {v} :: present participle of attingere
attingentesi {v} :: present participle of attingersi
attingere {vt} :: to pump [liquid]
attingere {vt} :: to draw [money], withdraw
attingersi {v} :: reflexive of attingere
attingersi {v} :: to attain, reach
attingimento {m} :: pumping, draining (of wetlands)
attingimento {m} :: withdrawal (of money)
attingitoio {m} :: dipper, ladle
attinia {f} :: sea anemone, actinia
attinicità {f} [physics] :: actinism
attinico {adj} :: actinic
attinide {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: actinide
attinio {m} [chemistry] :: actinium
attino- {prefix} :: actino-
attinografia {f} :: actinography
attinografia {f} :: radiography
attinografo {m} :: actinograph
attinografo {m} :: radiograph
attinoide {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: actinoid, actinide
attinologia {f} :: actinology
attinometria {f} :: actinometry
attinometrico {adj} :: actinometric
attinometro {m} :: actinometer
attinomiceti {mp} :: actinomycete
attinomicosi {f} :: alternative form of actinomicosi
attinomorfo {adj} [Variant of actinomorfo, botany] :: actinomorphic
attinon {m} [physics] :: actinon
attinopterigo {m} :: ray-finned fish (of class Actinopterygii)
attinoterapia {f} :: actinotherapy
attinto {adj} :: drawn
attintosi {v} :: past participle of attingersi
attiorbato {adj} [music] :: Related to the theorbo
attirante {v} :: present participle of attirare
attirantesi {v} :: present participle of attirarsi
attirare {vt} :: to attract, hook
attirare {vt} :: to decoy
attirarsi {vr} :: to attract one another
attiratosi {v} :: past participle of attirarsi
attitudinale {adj} :: aptitude (attributive)
attitudinalmente {adv} :: attitudinally
attitudinalmente {adv} :: according to aptitude
attitudine {f} /at.tiˈtu.di.ne/ :: aptitude, flair, bent
attitudine {f} [rare, of things] :: suitability (to an end)
attitudine {f} [obsolete] :: opportunity, chance
attitudine {f} :: attitude, posture, poise
attivabile {adj} :: activable, activatable
attivamente {adv} :: actively
attivante {v} :: present participle of attivare
attivantesi {v} :: present participle of attivarsi
attivare {vt} :: to activate (to encourage development or induce increased activity; to stimulate)
attivare {vt} :: to activate (to put a device, mechanism or system into action or motion; to enable)
attivare {vt} [chemistry, physics] :: to activate (to render more reactive; to excite)
attivarsi {v} :: reflexive of attivare
attivarsi {v} :: to get going, begin to do something
attivatore {adj} :: activating
attivatore {m} [chemistry] :: activator
attivatore {m} [biochemistry] :: coenzyme
attivatosi {v} :: past participle of attivarsi
attivazione {f} :: starting
attivazione {f} :: activation
attivazione {f} :: stimulation
attivismo {m} :: activism
attivissimo {adj} :: superlative of attivo
attivista {mf} :: activist
attivisticamente {adv} :: activistically, as an activist
attivistico {adj} :: activistic
attività {f} :: activity, operation
attività {f} :: activeness, energy
attività {f} :: business
attività {f} :: assets
attivizzante {v} :: present participle of attivizzare
attivizzare {v} :: To activate
attivizzare {v} :: To make efficient
attivo {adj} /aˈtːiːvo/ :: active
attivo {adj} :: working, busy
attivo {m} [grammar] :: active voice
attivo {m} [business] :: assets
attizzafuoco {m} :: synonym of attizzatoio
attizzamento {m} :: poking (of a fire)
attizzamento {m} :: fomenting (trouble)
attizzante {v} :: present participle of attizzare
attizzare {vt} :: to poke [a fire]
attizzare {vt} :: to stoke
attizzare {vt} :: to stir up [trouble, etc.]
attizzare {vt} [colloquial] :: to sexually arouse
attizzatoio {m} :: poker (for a fire)
attizzatore {m} :: stirrer, stoker
attizzatore {m} :: instigator
atto {m} /ˈat.to/ :: act
atto {adj} :: fit or capable (for a specified task)
attofisica {f} [physics] :: attophysics
attollere {vt} [literary, rare] /atˈtɔl.le.re/ :: to lift, to raise
attometro {m} :: attometre / attometer
attonimento {m} :: astonishment, amazement
attonitamente {adv} :: amazedly, in an astonished manner
attonito {adj} :: astonished, amazed
atto notarile {n} :: deed
attorale {adj} :: alternative form of attoriale
attorcente {v} :: present participle of attorcere
attorcere {vt} :: To twist with force
attorcigliamento {m} :: twisting, winding
attorcigliamento {m} :: entanglement
attorcigliante {v} :: present participle of attorcigliare
attorcigliantesi {v} :: present participle of attorcigliarsi
attorcigliare {vt} :: To twist
attorcigliarsi {vr} :: To twist or become twisted
attorcigliato {adj} :: twisted
attorcigliatosi {v} :: past participle of attorcigliarsi
attorcigliatura {f} :: synonym of attorcigliamento
attorcimento {m} :: twist, twisting
attorcitura {f} :: twist, twisting
attore {m} /atˈto.re/ :: actor, player
attoriale {adj} :: actorial; actor (attributive)
attorio {adj} [legal] :: litigant (inclined to sue)
attorniamento {m} :: surrounding, encompassing
attorniamento {m} :: encirclement
attorniante {v} :: present participle of attorniare
attorniantesi {v} :: present participle of attorniarsi
attorniare {vt} :: to surround or encircle
attorniare {vt} [rare] :: to deceive
attorniarsi {v} :: reflexive of attorniare
attorniarsi {v} :: (with di) to surround oneself (with) [people, typically of questionable character]
attorniatosi {v} :: past participle of attorniarsi
attorno {adv} :: around
attorno {prep} :: around, round
attortigliante {v} :: present participle of attortigliare
attortigliare {v} :: alternative form of attorcigliare
attortigliato {adj} [heraldry] :: torsed - wearing a torse
attoscante {v} :: present participle of attoscare
attoscare {v} [obsolete] :: To poison
attosecondo {m} /at.to.seˈkon.do/ :: attosecond
atto sessuale {m} :: sexual act
attoso {adj} :: mawkish, sentimental
attossicante {v} :: present participle of attossicare
attossicare {v} :: To intoxicate; to poison
attossicare {v} :: To embitter
attossicare {v} :: To bribe
attossicatore {m} :: poisoner
attovagliante {v} :: present participle of attovagliare
attovagliare {vi} :: To be gathered around a table, eating in a group
attraccaggio {m} [nautical] :: mooring, docking
attraccante {v} :: present participle of attraccare
attraccare {v} [nautical] :: to dock or berth or moor
attracco {m} [nautical] :: docking, berthing, landfall
attracco {m} [nautical] :: berth, wharf
attraente {adj} :: attractive
attraente {adj} :: appealing
attraente {v} :: present participle of attrarre
attraentemente {adv} :: attractively
attraentemente {adv} :: appealingly
attrappare {v} [obsolete] /at.trapˈpa.re/ :: to grab, to catch
attrappare {v} [obsolete] :: to obtain shrewdly or cunningly; to steal
attrapparsi {v} [obsolete] /at.trapˈpar.si/ :: reflexive of attrappare
attrapparsi {v} [obsolete] :: to become numb or stiff; to stiffen
attrappente {v} :: present participle of attrappire
attrappire {v} :: alternative form of rattrappire
attrarre {vt} :: to attract
attrarre {vt} [figuratively] :: to tempt, appeal
attrarsi {v} :: reflexive of attrarre
attrarsi {v} :: to attract one another
attrattiva {f} :: attraction
attrattivamente {adv} :: attractively
attrattivo {adj} :: attractive
attratto {adj} :: attracted
attrattore {m} [mathematics] :: attractor
attrattore strano {m} [mathematics] :: strange attractor
attraversabile {adj} :: That can be crossed; crossable
attraversamento {m} :: crossing
attraversamento {m} :: transit
attraversamento pedonale {m} :: pedestrian crossing
attraversamento zebrato {m} :: zebra crossing (UK) / crosswalk (US)
attraversante {v} :: present participle of attraversare
attraversare {vt} :: to cross, to go through, to span
attraverso {prep} :: through
attraverso {prep} :: across
attraverso {prep} :: over
attraverso {adv} :: transversely
attraverso {adv} :: obliquely
attrazione {f} :: attraction
attrazione {f} :: allure
attrezzaggio {m} :: equipment
attrezzaggio {m} :: set of tools
attrezzamento {m} :: equipping
attrezzamento {m} :: equipment, apparatus
attrezzante {v} :: present participle of attrezzare
attrezzare {vt} :: to equip, fit out, tool up
attrezzare {vt} [nautical] :: to rig [a ship]
attrezzarsi {v} :: To gear up (provide oneself with equipment)
attrezzato {adj} :: equipped, furnished, supplied
attrezzatore {adj} :: equipping
attrezzatura {f} :: equipment
attrezzatura {f} [in the plural] :: facilities
attrezzeria {f} :: props (department of a theatre)
attrezzeria {f} :: tool department or collection
attrezzista {mf} :: gymnast
attrezzista {mf} :: props (person in charge of props in the theatre etc)
attrezzistica {f} :: gymnastics (on apparatus)
attrezzistico {adj} :: tools / equipment (attributive)
attrezzo {m} :: tool, implement
attribuente {v} :: present participle of attribuire
attribuentesi {v} :: present participle of attribuirsi
attribuibile {adj} :: attributable
attribuibile {adj} :: attributive
attribuire {vt} :: to award, assign, give
attribuire {vt} :: to attribute, ascribe, blame, put down to, chalk up to
attribuirsi {v} :: reflexive of attribuire
attribuirsi {v} :: to attribute something to oneself
attribuito {adj} :: attributed
attribuito {adj} :: awarded
attribuito {adj} :: credited
attribuitosi {v} :: past participle of attribuirsi
attributivo {adj} :: attributive
attributo {m} :: attribute
attribuzione {f} :: attribution
attribuzione {f} :: awarding
attrice {f} :: actress
attricetta {f} [often, derogatory] :: starlet
attristante {v} :: present participle of attristare
attristare {v} :: To sadden
attristente {v} :: present participle of attristire
attristimento {m} :: saddening
attristire {v} :: alternative form of attristare
attrito {m} :: friction (all senses)
attrizione {f} :: attrition (sorrow for sin)
attroncare {vt} [forestry] /at.tronˈka.re/ :: To cut the trunk of (a tree) at the base
attroncare {vt} [agriculture] :: synonym of capitozzare
attruppamento {m} :: assembling (troops)
attruppamento {m} :: crowd, throng
attruppante {v} :: present participle of attrupparsi
attruppantesi {v} :: present participle of attrupparsi
attruppare {v} :: To amass
attrupparsi {vr} :: to assemble, troop
attrupparsi {vr} :: to crowd, throng
attuabile {adj} :: feasible, possible
attuabilità {f} :: feasibility
attuale {adj} /at.tuˈa.le/ :: present, current, modern, existing
attuale {adj} :: up-to-date
attuale {adj} :: topical, relevant
attuale {adj} [philosophy] :: actual
attualismo {m} :: actualism
attualismo {m} :: uniformitarianism
attualissimo {adj} :: superlative of attuale
attualista {mf} :: actualist
attualista {adj} :: actualist
attualistico {adj} :: actualistic
attualità {f} /at.tu.a.liˈta/ :: topicality, relevance, interest
attualità {f} :: current events, news, hot topics
attualità {f} [philosophy] :: actuality
attualizzante {v} :: present participle of attualizzare
attualizzare {vt} :: to update, make current
attualizzare {vt} [economics] :: to discount
attualizzazione {f} :: update
attualizzazione {f} :: actualizing
attualmente {adv} :: currently, now, at present, nowadays, at the moment
attuamento {m} :: synonym of attuazione
attuante {v} :: present participle of attuare
attuantesi {v} :: present participle of attuarsi
attuare {vt} :: to implement, to carry out
attuariale {adj} :: actuarial
attuario {m} :: actuary
attuarsi {vr} :: To take place, happen or occur
attuativo {adj} [uncommon] :: implementation (attributive)
attuato {adj} :: implemented, realized
attuatore {m} :: actuator
attuatosi {v} :: past participle of attuarsi
attuazione {f} :: carrying out, effecting
attuazione {f} :: implementation, application, accomplishment, fulfillment
attuffante {v} :: present participle of attuffare
attuffare {v} [obsolete] :: To dip or immerse
attuffare {v} [obsolete] :: To dive or plunge
attuoso {adj} :: active, industrious
attutante {v} :: present participle of attutare
attutare {v} :: alternative form of attutire
attutente {v} :: present participle of attutire
attutentesi {v} :: present participle of attutirsi
attutimento {m} :: damping
attutire {vt} :: to deaden [sound]
attutire {vt} :: to cushion [a fall, etc.]
attutire {vt} :: to ease [pain]
attutirsi {v} :: reflexive of attutire
attutirsi {v} :: to die down [of sound]
attutirsi {v} :: to ease [of pain]
attutito {adj} :: deadened
attutito {adj} :: cushioned
attutito {adj} :: eased
attutitosi {v} :: past participle of attutirsi
a turno {adv} :: in turn, by turns
a tutta birra {adv} :: at full speed; flat out; at full tilt
a tutta forza {adv} :: synonym of a tutta birra
a tutta manetta {adv} :: synonym of a tutta birra
a tutta voce {adv} :: [of speaking, singing, etc.] loudly
a tutti gli effetti {prep} :: for all intents and purposes
a tutti i costi {adv} :: at all costs, at any cost
a tutto campo {prep} :: wide-ranging
a tutto gas {adv} :: synonym of a tutta birra
a tutt'oggi {adv} :: to date, up to now, to this day
a tutto spiano {adv} :: at full blast; flat out; as hard as one can; like there's no tomorrow
a tuttotondo {adj} :: in the round
a tutto vapore {adv} :: full speed ahead
a tutto volume {n} :: full blast
atychifobia {f} :: atychiphobia
aucuba {f} :: aucuba
audace {adj} :: bold, daring, audacious, brash, rash, risky, doughty
audacemente {adv} :: audaciously, boldly, daringly
audacia {f} :: daring, audacity
audacia {f} :: boldness
audacia {f} :: provocativeness
audax {m} :: audax
Audenzio {prop} :: given name
audience {f} /ˈɔ.djens/ :: audience (widespread or nationwide viewing or listening public)
audio- {prefix} :: audio-
audio {adj} :: audio
audio {m} :: sound, volume, audio
audioanimatrone {m} :: audio-animatronic robot
audiocassetta {f} :: audio cassette
audioconferenza {f} :: audio conference
audiofilo {m} :: audiophile
audiofrequenza {f} :: audio frequency
audiogramma {m} :: audiogram
audioguida {f} :: audio guide
audioleso {adj} :: hearing-impaired
audiolibro {m} :: audiobook
audiologia {f} :: audiology
audiologico {adj} :: audiological
audiologo {m} :: audiologist
audiometria {f} :: audiometry
audiometrico {adj} :: audiometric
audiometrista {mf} :: audiometrist
audiometro {m} :: audiometer
audiopatia {f} [pathology] :: audiopathy
audioprotesi {f} :: hearing aid
audioprotesista {mf} :: hearing aid technician
audiovideo {n} :: video with added sound
audiovideoteca {f} :: radio and TV library / archive
audiovisione {f} :: All the audiovisual systems and devices considered as a whole
audiovisivamente {adv} :: audiovisually
audiovisivo {adj} :: audiovisual
auditivo {adj} :: auditory
auditorio {m} :: auditorium
audizione {f} :: audition (all senses)
Auf der Maur {prop} :: Auf der Maur; surname
auffa {interj} /a.ˈuf.fa/ :: synonym of uff!
a ufo {adv} :: Without paying
a ufo {adv} :: Without working for it
auge {f} [astronomy] /ˈau̯.d͡ʒe/ :: apogee
auge {f} [figuratively] :: height, apex
augello {m} [archaic, poetic] /au̯ˈd͡ʒɛl.lo/ :: bird
auggiante {v} :: present participle of auggiare
auggiare {v} :: alternative form of aduggiare
Augia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Augeas
augite {f} [mineral] :: augite
augnatura {f} :: An oblique cut (especially where two things are joined together)
augnatura {f} :: A groove in the blade of a pocket knife that allows it to be opened with a fingernail
augumentante {v} :: present participle of augumentare
augumentare {v} :: synonym of aumentare
augurabile {adj} :: to be hoped, hopeful, desirable
augurale {adj} :: greeting (attributive)
augurale {adj} :: prophetic
auguralmente {adv} :: As a greeting
auguralmente {adv} :: prophetically
augurante {v} :: present participle of augurare
augurantesi {v} :: present participle of augurarsi
augurare {vt} :: to wish
augurare {vt} :: to hope (for)
augurarsi {v} :: reflexive of augurare
augurarsi {vr} :: to wish (for)
augurarsi {vr} :: to hope (for)
auguratamente {adv} :: auspiciously, fortunately
augurato {adj} :: hoped-for, wished-for
augurato {adj} :: auspicious
auguratore {m} :: wisher
auguratorio {m} :: templum (place used for augury)
auguratosi {v} :: past participle of augurarsi
augurazione {f} :: augury
augure {m} :: augur
augurio {m} :: wish, {p} wishes, greetings
augurio {m} :: omen, presage, augury
augurosamente {adv} :: auspiciously
auguroso {adj} :: auspicious
Augusta {prop} :: Augsburg
Augusta {prop} :: given name
augustale {adj} :: Augustan
augustale {adj} :: imperial
augustamente {adv} :: augustly
augustano {adj} :: Of or from Augsburg
augusteo {adj} :: Augustan
augusto {adj} :: august
Augusto {prop} :: given name
Augusto {prop} :: Augustus (the emperor)
aula {f} :: room, hall
aula {f} :: classroom
aula {f} :: courtroom
auledo {m} [literary, rare, Ancient Greece] /au̯ˈlɛ.do/ :: A singer accompanied by a flute
aulente {v} /au̯ˈlɛn.te/ :: present participle of aulire
aulente {adj} [literary] :: perfumed, fragrant
Aulenti {prop} :: surname
Aulenti {prop} :: Gae Aulenti, Italian architect
aulentissimo {adj} [poetic] /au̯.lenˈtis.si.mo/ :: superlative of aulente
auletica {f} [music] :: flute playing
auletico {adj} :: auletic
auletride {f} :: flautist (female)
auletride {f} :: auletris
aulicamente {adv} :: solemnly
aulicamente {adv} :: aulically, courtly
aulico {adj} /ˈau.li.ko/ :: aulic, courtly
aulico {adj} [by extension] :: solemn, elevated
Aulide {prop} :: Aulis
aulire {v} [poetic] /au̯ˈli.re/ :: To perfume
aulo {m} [musical instruments] :: aulos
aulore {m} /au̯ˈlo.re/ :: smell, odor
auloroso {adj} /au̯.loˈro.zo/ :: odorous
aumentabile {adj} :: augmentable, increasable
aumentante {v} :: present participle of aumentare
aumentantesi {v} :: present participle of aumentarsi
aumentare {vt} [auxiliary avere] :: to increase, raise, augment, up, boost
aumentare {vi} [auxiliary essere] :: to increase, rise, spike, go up, put on
aumentarsi {v} :: reflexive of aumentare
aumentarsi {vr} :: to increase, etc
aumentarsi {vr} :: to put on weight
aumentatosi {v} :: past participle of aumentarsi
aumentazione {f} :: augmentation
aumentazione {f} :: increase
aumentista {mf} :: synonym of rialzista
aumento {m} :: increase, rise, growth
a un dipresso {adv} :: approximately, about, roughly
aunghiante {v} :: present participle of aunghiare
aunghiare {v} :: alternative form of adunghiare
aura {f} :: aura
aura {f} :: light breeze
Aura {prop} :: given name
aurale {adj} :: aural (pertaining to the ears)
aurale {adj} :: auric (pertaining to gold)
auramina {f} :: auramine
auraticità {f} :: auratic character (in art)
auratico {adj} :: auratic
aurelia {f} :: chrysalis, nymph
Aurelia {prop} :: given name
aureliana {adj} :: Aurelian
Aurelio {prop} :: given name
aureo {adj} [dated] /ˈau.re.o/ :: golden; gold [attributive]
aureo {m} [numismatics] :: aureus
Aureo {prop} :: given name
aureola {f} /a.uˈrɛ.o.la/ :: halo
aureola {f} :: aureole
aureola {f} :: aura
aureolante {v} :: present participle of aureolare
aureolare {v} :: To halo (encircle with a halo)
aureolato {adj} :: haloed
aureomicina {f} [medicine] :: Aureomycin (the drug chlortetracycline)
auri- {prefix} :: auri- (ear)
auri- {prefix} :: Variant of auro- (gold)
aurica {f} :: lugsail
aurico {adj} :: auric (related to trivalent gold)
auricola {f} [anatomy, botany, zoology] :: auricle
auricolare {adj} :: auricular, ear (attributive)
auricolare {m} :: earphone
auricolare {adj} [anatomy] :: auricular (of or pertaining to the auricules of the heart)
auricolato {adj} :: auriculate, auriculated
auricuprite {f} [mineral] :: auricupride
aurifero {adj} :: gold (attributive)
aurifero {adj} :: auriferous
auriga {m} /auˈri.ɡa/ :: charioteer
aurignaciano {adj} /au̯.riɲ.ɲaˈt͡ʃa.no/ :: alternative form of aurignaziano
aurignaciano {m} :: alternative form of aurignaziano
aurignaziano {adj} /au̯.riɲ.ɲatˈt͡sja.no/ :: Aurignacian
aurignaziano {m} :: The Aurignacian culture
Aurino {prop} :: given name
aurismo {m} [pathology] :: gold poisoning
auro- {prefix} :: auro-
Auro {prop} :: given name
aurofobia {f} :: aurophobia (fear of gold, especially of jewellery)
aurora {f} /au̯ˈrɔ.ra/ :: dawn, sunrise
aurora {f} :: aurora
Aurora {prop} [Roman mythology] /au̯ˈrɔ.ra/ :: Aurora (goddess of dawn)
Aurora {prop} :: given name
aurora boreale {f} :: aurora borealis
aurorafobia {f} :: auroraphobia
aurorale {adj} :: auroral
aurotiomaleato {m} [chemistry] :: aurothiomalate
aururo {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: auride
Ausa {prop} :: Ausa (river)
Ausa {prop} :: Ausa (river)
ausante {v} :: present participle of ausare
ausare {vt} :: synonym of adusare
ausare {vi} :: synonym of osare
auscultante {v} :: present participle of auscultare
auscultare {vt} [medicine] :: to auscultate
auscultatorio {adj} :: auscultatory
auscultazione {f} [medicine] :: auscultation
ausiliare {adj} :: auxiliary
ausiliare {m} [grammar] :: auxiliary
ausiliare {mf} [person that acts in an auxiliary manner] :: auxiliary
ausiliaria {f} :: female equivalent of ausiliario
ausiliario {adj} :: auxiliary
ausiliario {m} :: auxiliary (all senses)
ausiliatore {adj} :: helping
ausiliatore {adj} :: defensive
ausiliatore {adj} :: rescuing
ausilio {m} /au̯ˈzi.ljo/ :: help, aid, assistance, especially in a spiritual sense
Ausilio {prop} :: given name
Ausonia {prop} :: A historic region of Italy roughly corresponding with Campania
Ausonia {prop} [by extension, poetic] :: Italy itself
ausonio {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the historic region of Ausonia
ausonio {adj} [by extension, poetic] :: Italian
Ausonio {prop} :: Ausonius (Roman poet)
auspicabile {adj} :: desirable
auspicabile {adj} :: hopeful (to be hoped for)
auspicabilmente {adv} :: desirably
auspicabilmente {adv} :: hopefully
auspicale {adj} :: auspicial
auspicale {adj} :: auspicious
auspicante {v} :: present participle of auspicare
auspicare {vt} :: (also with [ che + subj. ] or [ di + inf. ]) to hope (to/for/that)
auspicarsi {v} :: reflexive of auspicare
auspicarsi {vt} [proscribed] :: (also with [ che + subj. ] or [ di + inf. ]) to hope (to/for/that)
auspicazione {f} :: divination, augury
auspice {m} :: auspex
auspice {m} :: patron, sponsor, promoter
auspicio {m} :: auspice, omen
auspicio {m} :: patronage, auspice
austenitico {adj} :: austenitic
austenizzazione {f} :: austenitizing
austeramente {adv} :: austerely
austerità {f} :: austerity
austero {adj} [of a person] /auˈstɛro/ :: austere
austero {adj} [of a discipline] :: strict
austorio {m} :: haustorium
australasiano {adj} :: Australasian
australe {adj} :: southern, south, austral
Australia {prop} :: Australia (continent)
australiana {f} :: feminine noun of australiano
australiano {adj} :: Australian
australiano {m} :: Australian
australoide {adj} :: Australoid (attributive)
australopiteco {m} :: australopithecine
Austria {prop} /ˈaustrja/ :: Austria (country)
austriaca {f} :: feminine noun of austriaco
austriacante {mf} :: A collaborator with Austria during the Italian risorgimento
austriaco {adj} :: Austrian
austriaco {m} :: An Austrian (male or of unspecified sex)
austriaco {m} [in the plural] :: The Austrian
Austria-Ungheria {prop} :: Austria-Hungary
austro- {prefix} :: southern
austro- {prefix} :: Austrian
austroafricano {adj} :: South African
austroalpino {adj} :: Austro-Alpine
austroasiatico {adj} :: Austroasiatic
austrobavarese {adj} :: Austro-Bavarian
austrobavarese {n} :: Austro-Bavarian (language)
austroungarico {adj} :: Austro-Hungarian
autarchia {f} /au̯.tarˈki.a/ :: autarky
autarchia {f} :: autarchy
autarchicamente {adv} :: autarchically
autarchicamente {adv} :: autocratically, despotically, dictatorially
autarchico {adj} :: autarchic
autarchico {adj} :: autocratic, despotic, dictatorial
Autari {prop} :: given name
autenticabile {adj} :: That can or must be authenticated
autenticamente {adv} :: authentically, truly, really
autenticante {v} :: present participle of autenticare
autenticantesi {v} :: present participle of autenticarsi
autenticare {vt} :: to authenticate
autenticarsi {vr} :: To provide authentication of one's identity (especially with a username and password)
autenticato {adj} :: authenticated
autenticatosi {v} :: past participle of autenticarsi
autenticazione {f} :: authentication
autenticità {f} :: authenticity
autentico {adj} :: genuine, authentic
autentico {adj} :: true
autentificante {v} :: present participle of autentificare
autentificare {vt} :: Variant of autenticare
autentificazione {f} :: Variant of autenticazione
autiere {m} [military] :: driver
autigeno {adj} :: authigenic
autismo {m} [pathology] :: autism
autista {adj} :: autistic
autista {mf} :: driver
autista {mf} :: chauffeur
autistica {f} :: female equivalent of autistico
autisticamente {adv} :: autistically
autistico {adj} :: autistic
autistico {m} :: autist
auto- {prefix} [highly productive] :: auto-, self- (regarding oneself; by oneself)
auto- {prefix} [highly productive] :: auto-, self- (automatic)
auto- {prefix} [maths] :: eigen-
auto- {prefix} [rare] :: homo- (same)
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (relating to cars)
auto {f} /ˈau̯.to/ :: clipping of automobile: car
auto {m} [historical, uncountable] :: auto (genre of dramatic literature)
auto {m} [historical] :: An auto literary work
autoabbronzante {adj} /au̯.to.ab.bronˈd͡zan.te/ :: Causing tanning without exposure to sunlight
autoabbronzante {m} :: A product that causes such tanning
autoabbronzatura {f} /au̯.to.ab.bron.d͡zaˈtu.ra/ :: An artificial tan (obtained from a cosmetic product rather than the sun)
autoaccelerazione {f} [organic chemistry] /au̯.to.at.t͡ʃe.le.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: autoacceleration
autoaccensione {f} /au̯.to.at.t͡ʃenˈsjo.ne/ :: autoignition
autoaccessorio {m} /au̯.to.at.t͡ʃesˈsɔ.rjo/ :: auto (car) accessories or spares
autoaccessorio {m} [in the plural] :: A store that sells such material
autoaccusa {f} /au̯.to.akˈku.za/ :: self-accusation
autoaccusante {v} :: present participle of autoaccusarsi
autoaccusantesi {v} :: present participle of autoaccusarsi
autoaccusarsi {vr} /au̯.to.ak.kuˈzar.si/ :: To accuse oneself (especially of something imagined)
autoaccusatosi {v} :: past participle of autoaccusarsi
autoadattante {adj} /au̯.to.a.datˈtan.te/ :: self-adapting
autoadempiersi {v} :: synonym of autoavverarsi
autoadescante {adj} [technology] /au̯.to.a.desˈkan.te/ :: self-priming
autoadesivo {adj} /au̯.to.a.deˈzi.vo/ :: self-adhesive
autoadesivo {m} :: sticker
autoaffermazione {f} /au̯.to.af.fer.matˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-assertiveness
autoaffondamento {m} [nautical] /au̯.to.af.fon.daˈmen.to/ :: scuttling (of a ship)
autoaffondante {v} :: present participle of autoaffondarsi
autoaffondantesi {v} :: present participle of autoaffondarsi
autoaffondarsi {vr} [nautical] /au̯.to.af.fonˈdar.si/ :: to scuttle (to sink one's own ship)
autoaffondarsi {vr} [figurative] :: to scuttle (to undermine or thwart oneself)
autoaffondatosi {v} :: past participle of autoaffondarsi
autoaggiornamento {m} /au̯.to.ad.d͡ʒor.naˈmen.to/ :: The act of keeping oneself up-to-date (in one's profession etc)
autoaggiunto {adj} [maths] /au̯.to.adˈd͡ʒun.to/ :: self-adjoint
autoaggressivo {adj} [psychology] /au̯.to.aɡ.ɡresˈsi.vo/ :: self-harming; self-destructive
autoaiuto {m} /au̯.to.aˈju.to/ :: self-help
autoalienazione {f} /au̯.to.a.lje.natˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-alienation
autoalimentante {v} :: present participle of autoalimentarsi
autoalimentantesi {v} :: present participle of autoalimentarsi
autoalimentarsi {vr} /au̯.to.a.li.menˈtar.si/ :: to self-regulate (of a mechanism, via feedback)
autoalimentato {adj} :: self-regulated
autoalimentato {adj} :: self-regulatory
autoalimentatosi {v} :: past participle of autoalimentarsi
autoallergia {f} [medicine] /au̯.to.al.lerˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: autoallergy, autoimmunity
autoambulanza {f} /au̯.to.am.buˈlan.t͡sa/ :: ambulance
autoanalisi {f} [psychology] /au̯.to.aˈna.li.zi/ :: synonym of autointrospezione: self-analysis
autoanticorpo {m} [immunology] /au̯.to.an.tiˈkɔr.po/ :: autoantibody
autoantigene {m} [immunology] /au̯.to.anˈti.d͡ʒe.ne/ :: autoantigen
autoapprendimento {m} /au̯.to.ap.pren.diˈmen.to/ :: self-teaching, self-learning
autoapprovvigionamento {m} /au̯.to.ap.prov.vi.d͡ʒo.naˈmen.to/ :: self-support
autoapprovvigionamento {m} :: self-supply
autoarticolato {m} /au̯.to.ar.ti.koˈla.to/ :: articulated lorry
autoassemblante {adj} :: self-assembling
autoassemblantesi {v} :: present participle of autoassemblarsi
autoassemblarsi {vr} [biochemistry] :: to self-assemble
autoassemblatosi {v} :: past participle of autoassemblarsi
autoassoltosi {v} :: past participle of autoassolversi
autoassoluzione {f} /au̯.to.as.so.lutˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-absolution
autoassolvente {v} :: present participle of autoassolversi
autoassolventesi {v} :: present participle of autoassolversi
autoassolversi {vr} /au̯.to.asˈsɔl.ver.si/ :: To absolve oneself from actions or responsibilities; to pass the buck
autoavverarsi {v} :: synonym of avverarsi
autobetoniera {f} /au̯.to.be.toˈnjɛ.ra/ :: A lorry in the form of a cement mixer that delivers ready-mixed concrete etc. to building sites
autobiblioteca {f} /au̯.to.bi.bljoˈtɛ.ka/ :: mobile library
autobilanciato {adj} /au̯.to.bi.lanˈt͡ʃa.to/ :: self-balancing
autobiografa {f} :: female equivalent of autobiografo
autobiografia {f} :: autobiography
autobiograficamente {adv} :: autobiographically
autobiografico {adj} :: autobiographic
autobiografismo {m} [literature] /au̯.to.bjo.ɡraˈfis.mo/ :: autobiographism
autobiografo {m} /au̯.to.biˈɔ.ɡra.fo/ :: autobiographer
autoblinda {f} /au̯.toˈblin.da/ :: short for autoblindata
autoblindato {adj} /au̯.to.blinˈda.to/ :: armoured (of a vehicle)
autoblindo {m} :: autoblindomitragliatrice
autoblindomitragliatrice {f} /au̯.to.blin.do.mi.traʎ.ʎaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: A lightly-armoured vehicle fitted with a machine-gun
autobloccante {adj} /au̯.to.blokˈkan.te/ :: self-locking
autobomba {f} /au̯.toˈbom.ba/ :: car bomb (automobile made into a bomb)
autobotte {f} /au̯.toˈbot.te/ :: tanker (lorry/truck carrying liquid)
autobruco {m} /au̯.toˈbru.ko/ :: A type of tracked vehicle for rough country
autobus {m} :: bus
autobus articolato {m} :: bendy bus
autobussistico {adj} :: bus (attributive)
autocalmiere {m} /au̯.to.kalˈmjɛ.re/ :: A price ceiling mutually agreed by the traders of a product
autocalunnia {f} /au̯.to.kaˈlun.nja/ :: The act of confessing to a crime that one did not commit
autocamionale {f} /au̯.to.ka.mjoˈna.le/ :: A road intended for heavy goods traffic
autocampeggio {m} /au̯.to.kamˈpedˈd͡ʒo/ :: A campsite for caravans and campervans etc
autocampionatore {m} [chemistry] /au̯.to.kam.pjo.naˈto.re/ :: autosampler
autocancellazione {f} [Internet] /au̯.to.kan.t͡ʃel.latˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: autodeletion
autocandidante {v} :: present participle of autocandidarsi
autocandidantesi {v} :: present participle of autocandidarsi
autocandidarsi {vr} :: to apply (for a post)
autocandidarsi {vr} :: to present oneself as a candidate on one's own initiative; to put oneself forward
autocandidatosi {v} :: past participle of autocandidarsi
autocandidatura {f} :: candidature, candidacy (on one's own initiative)
autocandidatura {f} :: application
autocaravan {m} /au̯.toˈka.ra.van/ :: synonym of motorcaravan
autocaricamento {m} [computing] /au̯.to.ka.ri.kaˈmen.to/ :: automatic installing (of software once loaded)
autocaricatura {f} /au̯.to.ka.ri.kaˈtu.ra/ :: self-caricature
autocarrato {adj} :: transported by lorry / truck (especially of military supplies or personnel)
autocarro {m} :: lorry / truck
autocasa {f} /au̯.toˈka.za/ :: synonym of motorcaravan
autocatalisi {f} [chemistry] /au̯.to.kaˈta.li.zi/ :: autocatalysis
autocateterismo {m} [medicine] /au̯.to.ka.te.teˈris.mo/ :: self-catheterization
autocefalia {f} :: autocephaly
autocefalo {adj} :: autocephalous
autocelebrativo {adj} /au̯.to.t͡ʃe.le.braˈti.vo/ :: self-publicising
autocensura {f} /au̯.to.t͡ʃenˈsu.ra/ :: self-censure
autocensura {f} :: self-censorship
autocensurante {v} :: present participle of autocensurarsi
autocensurantesi {v} :: present participle of autocensurarsi
autocensurarsi {vr} :: to self-censure
autocensurarsi {vr} :: to practice self-control over one's actions
autocensuratosi {v} :: past participle of autocensurarsi
autocentrante {adj} [technology, of a machine, tool, etc,] /au̯.to.t͡ʃenˈtran.te/ :: self-centring
autocentro {m} /au̯.toˈt͡ʃɛn.tro/ :: auto centre (for sales and maintenance)
autocercante {adj} [military, of a missile] /au̯.to.t͡ʃerˈkan.te/ :: self-seeking
autocertificante {v} :: present participle of autocertificare
autocertificare {v} /au̯.to.t͡ʃer.ti.fiˈka.re/ :: to self-certify
autocertificativo {adj} /au̯.to.t͡ʃer.ti.fi.kaˈti.vo/ :: self-certification (attributive)
autocertificato {adj} /au̯.to.t͡ʃer.ti.fiˈka.to/ :: self-certified
autocertificazione {f} /au̯.to.t͡ʃer.ti.fi.katˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: Any of several methods of bureaucratic certification that are simpler than the official method but have legal standing
autocertificazione {f} :: self-certification
autocestello {m} /au̯.to.t͡ʃesˈtɛl.lo/ :: A vehicle equipped with a cherry picker; a bucket truck
autochiusura {f} /au̯.to.kjuˈzu.ra/ :: self-closing (of a door)
autocinema {m} /au̯.toˈt͡ʃi.ne.ma/ :: synonym of drive-in
autocingolato {m} /au̯.to.t͡ʃin.ɡoˈla.to/ :: A tracked vehicle
autocisterna {f} /au̯.to.t͡ʃisˈtɛr.na/ :: tanker (lorry/truck carrying liquid)
autocisterna {f} :: tank truck
autocisternista {mf} :: tanker driver
autocitante {v} :: present participle of autocitarsi
autocitantesi {v} :: present participle of autocitarsi
autocitarsi {vr} /au̯.to.t͡ʃiˈtar.si/ :: To self-cite (quote or cite oneself, or one's own works)
autocitatosi {v} :: past participle of autocitarsi
autocitazione {f} /au̯.to.t͡ʃi.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: A citation of one's own writings or speech
auto civetta {f} /ˈau̯.to t͡ʃiˈvet.ta/ :: unmarked car
autocivetta {f} /au̯.to.t͡ʃiˈvet.ta/ :: rare form of auto civetta
autoclasi {f} :: autoclasis
autoclastico {adj} [geology] /au̯.toˈklas.ti.ko/ :: autoclastic
autoclave {f} :: autoclave
autoclavista {mf} :: autoclave operator
autocoat {m} :: A short coat designed to be worn when driving a car
autocolonna {f} /au̯.to.koˈlon.na/ :: convoy
autocombustione {f} /au̯.to.kom.busˈtjo.ne/ :: spontaneous combustion
autocombustione {f} :: knock
autocommento {m} [literature] /au̯.to.komˈmen.to/ :: self-comment (a form of self-criticism)
autocommiserante {v} :: present participle of autocommiserarsi
autocommiserantesi {v} :: present participle of autocommiserarsi
autocommiserarsi {vr} /au̯.to.kom.mi.zeˈrar.si/ :: To self-pity
autocommiseratosi {v} :: past participle of autocommiserarsi
autocommiserazione {f} /au̯.to.kom.mi.ze.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-pity
autocommutatore {m} [electronics] /au̯.to.kom.mu.taˈto.re/ :: automatic switch (in a telephone exchange)
autocompattatore {m} /au̯.to.kom.pat.taˈto.re/ :: refuse vehicle, garbage truck (that compacts the waste material)
autocompiacimento {m} /au̯.to.kom.pja.t͡ʃiˈmen.to/ :: self-congratulation, self-satisfaction
autoconcessionaria {f} /au̯.to.kon.t͡ʃes.sjoˈna.rja/ :: car dealership
autoconcessionario {m} /au̯.to.kon.t͡ʃes.sjoˈna.rjo/ :: car dealer
autocondanna {f} /au̯.to.konˈdan.na/ :: self-condemnation
autoconoscenza {f} /au̯.to.ko.noʃˈʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: synonym of autocoscienza
autoconsapevolezza {f} [psychology] /au̯.to.kon.sa.pe.voˈlet.t͡sa/ :: self-awareness
autoconservazione {f} /au̯.to.kon.ser.vatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-preservation
autoconsistente {adj} /au̯.to.kon.sisˈtɛn.te/ :: selfconsistent
autoconsistenza {f} /au̯.to.kon.sisˈtɛn.t͡sa/ :: selfconsistency
autoconsumante {v} :: present participle of autoconsumare
autoconsumare {vt} [of a power generating device] :: to consume some of the power produced by the device itself
autoconsumo {m} [economy] /au̯.to.konˈsu.mo/ :: autoconsumption; self-consumption
autocontemplativo {adj} :: introspective, self-contemplative
autocontemplazione {f} :: self-contemplation
autocontraddirsi {vr} :: To contradict oneself
autocontrarre {vt} /au̯.to.konˈtrar.re/ :: to contract, to tense automatically
autocontrarsi {vr} /au̯.to.konˈtrar.si/ :: To contract, to tense automatically
autocontratto {m} [legal] /au̯.to.konˈtrat.to/ :: A contract between one person and the same person acting on another's behalf
autocontrollo {m} /au̯.to.konˈtrɔl.lo/ :: self-control
autoconvincente {v} :: present participle of autoconvincersi
autoconvincentesi {v} :: present participle of autoconvincersi
autoconvincersi {vr} [di, che, a] /au̯.to.konˈvin.t͡ʃer.si/ :: to convince oneself of something, especially something erroneous
autoconvincimento {m} /au̯.to.kon.vin.t͡ʃiˈmen.to/ :: self-conviction
autoconvintosi {v} :: past participle of autoconvincersi
autoconvinzione {m} :: the act of convincing oneself to do, say, or believe something; self-persuasion
autoconvoglio {m} /au̯.to.konˈvɔʎ.ʎo/ :: convoy
autocopiante {adj} /au̯.to.koˈpjan.te/ :: carbonless, only used in carta autocopiante
autocoria {f} [botany] :: autochory, self-dispersal (of seeds)
autocoro {adj} [botany] :: autochorous, self-dispersed
autocorrelazione {f} /au̯.to.kor.re.latˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: autocorrelation
autocorrezione {f} /au̯.to.kor.retˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: auto-correction, self-correction
autocorriera {f} /au̯.to.korˈrjɛ.ra/ :: long-distance or intercity bus
autocorsa {f} :: bus route
autocosciente {adj} [psychology] /au̯.to.koʃˈʃɛn.te/ :: self-conscious
autocoscienza {f} [psychology] /au̯.to.koʃˈʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: self-awareness
autocostruito {adj} :: self-built
autocostruzione {f} :: Anything self-built
autocrate {m} :: autocrat
autocraticamente {adv} :: autocratically
autocratico {adj} :: autocratic
autocrazia {f} :: autocracy
autocrino {adj} :: autocrine
autocritica {f} /au̯.toˈkri.ti.ka/ :: self-criticism
autocriticamente {adv} :: self-critically
autocritico {adj} /au̯.toˈkri.ti.ko/ :: self-critical
autocross {m} /au̯.toˈkrɔs/ :: autocross
autoctisi {f} [philosophy] :: autoctisis (self-creation)
autoctona {f} :: female equivalent of autoctono
autoctonia {f} :: autochthony
autoctono {adj} :: native, autochthonous
autoctono {m} :: native
autocura {f} [medicine] /au̯.toˈku.ra/ :: self-treatment
auto-da-fé {m} :: alternative spelling of autodafé
autodafé {m} /au̯.to.daˈfe/ :: auto da fe
autodecisione {f} /au̯.to.de.t͡ʃiˈzjo.ne/ :: self-determination
autodefinente {v} :: present participle of autodefinirsi
autodefinentesi {v} :: present participle of autodefinirsi
autodefinirsi {vr} :: To define oneself in a particular role
autodefinitosi {v} :: past participle of autodefinirsi
autodefinizione {f} /au̯.to.de.fi.nitˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-definition
autodemolitore {m} /au̯.to.de.mo.liˈto.re/ :: auto (car) demolition worker
autodemolizione {f} /au̯.to.de.mo.litˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: auto (car) demolition
autodenuncia {f} /au̯.to.deˈnun.t͡ʃa/ :: A spontaneous confession or admission of guilt
autodenunciante {v} :: present participle of autodenunciarsi
autodenunciantesi {v} :: present participle of autodenunciarsi
autodenunciarsi {vr} /au̯.to.de.nunˈt͡ʃar.si/ :: To self-denounce; to self-incriminate
autodenunciatosi {v} :: past participle of autodenunciarsi
autodenunzia {f} :: Variant of autodenuncia
auto d'epoca {f} :: vintage car
autoderminazione {f} :: self-determination
autodeterminarsi {v} :: to undergo self-determination
autodeterminarsi {v} :: synonym of autoavverarsi
autodeterminato {adj} /au̯.to.de.ter.miˈna.to/ :: self-determined
autodeterminazione {f} /au̯.to.de.ter.mi.natˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-determination
autodiagnosi {f} [medicine, technology] /au̯.to.diˈaɲ.ɲo.zi/ :: self-diagnosis
autodiagnostica {f} /au̯.to.djaɲˈɲɔs.ti.ka/ :: autodiagnosis
autodichia {f} [legal] :: the exercise of judicial powers by an administrative authority (without using external courts)
autodichiarare {vt} [bureaucracy] /au̯.to.di.kjaˈra.re/ :: To notify by means of self-declaration
autodichiararsi {vr} /au̯.to.di.kjaˈrar.si/ :: to declare oneself, call oneself
autodichiarato {adj} /au̯.to.di.kjaˈra.to/ :: self-declared
autodichiarazione {f} [legal] /au̯.to.di.kja.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-declaration (a type of affidavit)
autodidatta {mf} /au̯.to.diˈdat.ta/ :: autodidact, self-taught person, automath
autodidatticamente {adv} :: autodidactically
autodidattico {adj} /au̯.to.diˈdat.ti.ko/ :: self-teaching, self-taught, autodidactic
autodidattico {m} [rare] :: synonym of autodidatta
autodidattismo {m} /au̯.to.di.datˈtis.mo/ :: self-education
autodifesa {f} /au̯.to.diˈfe.za/ :: self-defense
autodigestione {f} [biology] /au̯.to.di.d͡ʒesˈtjo.ne/ :: autodigestion
autodina {f} /au̯.toˈdi.na/ :: short for autoeterodina
autodirezionale {adj} /au̯.to.di.ret.t͡sjoˈna.le/ :: auto-directional
autodisciplina {f} :: self-discipline
autodistribuito {adj} /au̯.to.dis.tri.buˈi.to/ :: self-distributed
autodistribuito {adj} :: self-published
autodistruggente {v} :: present participle of autodistruggersi
autodistruggentesi {v} :: present participle of autodistruggersi
autodistruggere {v} :: alternative form of autodistruggersi
autodistruggersi {vr} /au̯.to.disˈtrud.d͡ʒer.si/ :: To self-destruct; to destroy oneself
autodistruttivo {adj} :: self-destructive
autodistruttosi {v} :: past participle of autodistruggersi
autodistruzione {f} :: autodestruction
autodonazione {f} /au̯.to.do.natˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: synonym of autotrasfusione
autodromo {m} :: racetrack
autoduale {adj} [mathematics] :: self-dual
autoeccitante {adj} /au̯.to.et.t͡ʃiˈtan.te/ :: self-exciting
autoeccitarsi {v} [of a muscle] /au̯.to.et.t͡ʃiˈtar.si/ :: To self-excite
autoeccitazione {f} [physics] /au̯.to.et.t͡ʃi.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: autoexcitation
autoecologia {f} /au̯.to.e.ko.loˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: autecology
autoeditore {m} /au̯.to.e.diˈto.re/ :: self-publisher
autoeditoria {f} /au̯.to.e.di.toˈri.a/ :: self-publishing
autoeducazione {f} /au̯.to.e.du.katˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-education
autoefficacia {f} /au̯.to.ef.fiˈka.t͡ʃa/ :: self-efficacy
autoemarginazione {f} /au̯.to.e.mar.d͡ʒi.natˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: auto-marginalization, self-marginalization
autoemoteca {f} /au̯.to.e.moˈtɛ.ka/ :: blood donation vehicle
autoemoterapia {f} [medicine] /au̯.to.e.mo.te.raˈpi.a/ :: autohemotherapy
autoemotrasfusione {f} /au̯.to.e.mo.tras.fuˈzjo.ne/ :: synonym of autotrasfusione
autoerotico {adj} /au̯.to.eˈrɔ.ti.ko/ :: autoerotic
autoerotismo {m} /au̯.to.e.roˈtis.mo/ :: masturbation
autoesaltazione {f} /au̯.to.e.zal.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-exaltation
autoesame {m} [rare] /au̯.to.eˈza.me/ :: self-reflection (reflection about oneself and one's life)
autoesame {m} [medicine] :: self-examination
autoescludersi {vr} /au̯.to.esˈklu.der.si/ :: To rule oneself out
autoesiliantesi {v} :: present participle of autoesiliarsi
autoesiliarsi {vr} :: To go into voluntary exile
autoesiliarsi {vr} :: To cut oneself off (from the world)
autoesiliatosi {v} :: past participle of autoesiliarsi
autoestinguente {adj} /au̯.to.es.tinˈɡwɛn.te/ :: flame retardant
autoeterodina {f} [electronics] /au̯.to.e.te.roˈdi.na/ :: autoheterodyne
autofagia {f} :: autophagy
autofago {adj} :: autophagous
autofagocitosi {f} /au̯.to.fa.ɡo.t͡ʃiˈtɔ.zi/ :: autophagocytosis
autofagolisosoma {m} :: autophagolysosome
autofagosoma {m} /au̯.to.fa.ɡoˈsɔ.ma/ :: autophagosome
autofattura {f} /au̯.to.fatˈtu.ra/ :: An invoice or bill produced by a purchaser for tax purposes
autofecondazione {f} [biology] /au̯.to.fe.kon.datˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: synonym of autogamia
autoferrotranviario {adj} /au̯.to.fɛr.ro.tranˈvja.rjo/ :: public transport (attributive)
autoferrotranviere {m} /au̯.to.fɛr.ro.tranˈvjɛ.re/ :: public transport worker
autofertile {adj} [botany] /au̯.toˈfɛr.ti.le/ :: self-fertile, self-pollinating
autofertilizzante {adj} /au̯.to.fer.ti.lidˈd͡zan.te/ :: breeder (attributive)
autofficina {f} /au̯.tof.fiˈt͡ʃi.na/ :: auto (car) workshop
autofilettante {adj} /au̯.to.fi.letˈtan.te/ :: self-tapping (screw)
autofilotranviario {adj} /au̯.to.fi.lo.tranˈvja.rjo/ :: bus, tram etc. (attributive)
autofinanziamento {m} /au̯.to.fi.nan.t͡sjaˈmen.to/ :: self-financing
autofinanziante {v} :: present participle of autofinanziarsi
autofinanziantesi {v} :: present participle of autofinanziarsi
autofinanziarsi {vr} /au̯.to.fi.nanˈt͡sjar.si/ :: To be self-financing
autofinanziatosi {v} :: past participle of autofinanziarsi
autoflagellazione {f} /au̯.to.fla.d͡ʒel.latˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: self-flagellation
autofobia {f} :: autophobia
autofocus {m} /au̯.toˈfɔ.kus/ :: autofocus (lens system)
autofocus {f} :: autofocus (camera)
autoformazione {f} :: self-directed learning or training
autofosforilazione {f} [biochemistry] :: autophosphorylation
autofrenante {adj} :: Describes a motor equipped with an electro-mechanical brake unit that operates directly on the motor shaft
autofunzione {f} :: eigenfunction
autofurgone {m} :: van
autogamia {f} :: autogamy
autogamo {adj} :: autogamous
autogeminazione {f} [linguistics] :: autogemination
autogenerato {adj} :: self-generated
autogenesi {f} :: autogenesis
autogenico {adj} :: autogenic
autogeno {adj} :: spontaneous
autogeno {adj} :: autogenic
autogestente {v} :: present participle of autogestire
autogestentesi {v} :: present participle of autogestirsi
autogestionale {adj} :: self-managed
autogestione {f} :: self-management
autogestione {f} :: work-in
autogestire {vtt} :: to self-manage
autogestirsi {vr} :: To manage one's own affairs
autogestirsi {v} :: to choose for oneself
autogestitosi {v} :: past participle of autogestirsi
autogiro {m} [aircraft] :: autogiro
autogiustificarsi {v} :: To self-justify
autogiustificazione {f} :: self-justification
autognosia {f} :: self-awareness
autogoal {m} :: alternative spelling of autogol
autogol {m} [football (soccer)] :: An own goal
autogonfiabile {adj} :: self-inflating (on contact with water)
autogonia {f} :: abiogenesis
autogovernante {v} :: present participle of autogovernarsi
autogovernantesi {v} :: present participle of autogovernarsi
autogovernarsi {vr} :: To self-govern (exercise self-government)
autogovernatosi {v} :: past participle of autogovernarsi
autogoverno {m} :: self-government, self-rule
autografante {v} :: present participle of autografare
autografare {vt} :: To autograph
autografia {f} :: autograph (handwritten manuscript)
autografico {adj} :: autographic
autografo {m} :: autograph
autografo {adj} :: autograph; hand-written
autogravitazione {f} [physics] :: autogravitation
autogrill {m} :: a rest area or service station (on a motorway)
autogru {f} :: alternative form of autogrù
autogrù {f} :: tow truck (vehicle with a crane)
autogruista {mf} :: tow truck driver
autogruppo {m} [military] :: A formation of military vehicles
autoguida {f} :: automatic guidance system (on a guided missile etc)
autoguidato {adj} :: guided (of a missile etc, automatically)
autoignizione {f} :: autoignition, spontaneous combustion
autoilluminante {adj} :: That lights up automatically when it gets dark
autoimbustante {adj} :: Describing a form etc. which can be folded to form an envelope suitable for posting
autoimmondizie {m} :: dustcart, rubbish cart, garbage truck
autoimmune {adj} [pathology, immunology] :: autoimmune
autoimmunità {f} :: autoimmunity
autoimmunitario {adj} :: autoimmune
autoimmunitario {adj} :: autoimmunity (attributive)
autoimmunizzazione {f} :: autoimmunization
autoimpollinazione {f} [botany] :: self-pollination
autoimposto {adj} :: self-imposed
autoimprenditorialità {f} :: self-employment
autoincendio {m} :: fire engine, fire truck
autoincensamento {m} :: self-praise
autoincensante {v} :: present participle of autoincensarsi
autoincensantesi {v} :: present participle of autoincensarsi
autoincensarsi {vr} :: To self-praise
autoincensatorio {adj} :: synonym of autocelebrativo
autoincensatosi {v} :: past participle of autoincensarsi
autoinchiostrante {adj} :: self-inking
autoincompatibile {adj} [botany] :: self-incompatible
autoincompatibilità {f} [botany] :: self-incompatibility
autoindagine {f} :: self-investigation
autoindotto {adj} :: autoinduced
autoindotto {adj} :: autoinduction (attributive)
autoindulgente {adj} :: self-indulgent
autoindulgenza {f} :: self-indulgence
autoinduttanza {f} [physics] :: inductance
autoinduttivo {adj} [physics] :: autoinductive
autoinduzione {f} [physics] :: induction (electromagnetic)
autoinfezione {f} :: autoinfection
autoinganno {m} :: self-deception
autoinnaffiatrice {f} :: street-cleaning vehicle
autoinnesco {m} :: self-priming
autoinnesto {m} :: autograft
autoinoculazione {f} :: autoinoculation
autoinseminazione {f} :: artificial insemination
autoinstallante {adj} [computing] :: self-installing
autointeressato {adj} :: self-interested
autointersecante {v} :: present participle of autointersecarsi
autointersecantesi {v} :: present participle of autointersecarsi
autointersecarsi {vr} [mathematics] :: to self-intersect
autointersecatosi {v} :: past participle of autointersecarsi
autointersezione {f} [geometry] :: autointersection, self-intersection (of a line)
autointervista {f} :: A group discussion
autointossicazione {f} :: autointoxication
autointrospezione {f} [psychology] /au̯.to.in.tros.petˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: introspective analysis (performed by the subject himself)
autoinvitante {v} :: present participle of autoinvitarsi
autoinvitantesi {v} :: present participle of autoinvitarsi
autoinvitarsi {vr} :: To gatecrash (invite oneself without receiving an invitation)
autoinvitatosi {v} :: past participle of autoinvitarsi
autoipnosi {f} :: autohypnosis
autoironia {f} :: self-mockery
autoironico {adj} :: self-mocking
autoistoradiografia {f} [medicine] /au̯.to.is.to.ra.djo.ɡra.fi.a/ :: autohistoradiography
autolatra {adj} :: autolatrous
autolatria {f} :: autolatry
autolatrico {adj} :: autolatric
autolavaggio {m} :: car wash (place at which a car is washed)
autolegittimazione {f} :: autolegitimation / auto-legitimation
autolesionante {v} :: present participle of autolesionarsi
autolesionarsi {v} :: to self-harm
autolesione {f} :: self-harm
autolesionismo {m} :: self-harm
autolesionismo {m} :: self-destruction
autolesionista {adj} :: self-destructive
autolesionisticamente {adv} :: self-harmfully, self-destructively
autolesionistico {adj} :: self-destructive
autolesionistico {adj} :: self-harming
autolesività {f} :: self-injury, self-harm
autolesivo {adj} :: self-harming
autolettiga {f} :: ambulance
autolettura {f} :: The automatic reading of an electricity / gas / water meter remotely by the utility supplier
autolibro {m} :: mobile library
Autolico {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Autolycus
autolimitante {v} :: present participle of autolimitarsi
autolimitantesi {v} :: present participle of autolimitarsi
autolimitarsi {vr} :: To self-limit or self-regulate (automatically maintain within selected limits)
autolimitato {adj} :: self-limiting, self-regulating
autolimitatosi {v} :: past participle of autolimitarsi
autolimitazione {f} :: self-limitation, self-regulation
autolinea {f} :: public transport company (especially a bus company)
autoliquidazione {f} :: self-assessment (of national taxes)
autolisi {f} [cytology, pathology] :: autolysis
autolisosoma {m} :: autolysosome
autolitico {adj} :: autolytic
autolivellante {adj} :: self-levelling
autologico {adj} :: autological
autologo {adj} :: autologous
automa {m} :: automaton
automagicamente {adv} :: automagically
automagico {adj} :: automagic
automantenimento {m} :: self-maintenance
automassaggio {m} :: self-massage
automaticamente {adv} :: automatically
automaticità {f} :: automaticity
automaticizzante {v} :: present participle of automaticizzare
automaticizzare {vt} :: to automate
automaticizzato {adj} :: automated
automaticizzazione {f} :: automation
automatico {adj} :: automatic
automatico {m} :: push-button
automatismo {m} :: automatism
automatizzabile {adj} :: automatable
automatizzante {v} :: present participle of automatizzare
automatizzare {vt} :: to automate
automatizzazione {f} :: automation, automatization/automatisation
automato {m} :: automaton
automatonofobia {f} :: automatonophobia
automazione {f} :: automation, automatization/automatisation
automedicarsi {vr} :: to self-medicate, self-treat
automedicazione {f} :: self-medication
automedonte {m} :: coachman
automedonte {m} [colloquial] :: driver, chauffeur (properly: autista)
automercato {m} :: A large shop / store selling motor accessories and spares
automezzo {m} :: motor vehicle
automisofobia {f} :: automysophobia (an abnormal fear of being dirty)
automitragliatrice {f} [military] :: A vehicle on which is mounted a machine gun
automobilastro {m} :: road hog (bad driver)
automobile {f} /au.to.ˈmɔ.bi.le/ :: automobile
automobilina {f} :: toy car (either the sort you sit in and pedal, or the smaller ones you play with)
automobilismo {m} [sports] :: motor racing, auto racing, motorsport, autosport
automobilista {mf} :: motorist, driver
automobilistico {adj} :: car (attributive), motor (attributive), auto (attributive), automotive
automodellante {adj} :: That moulds itself to fit
automodellismo {m} :: The making or collecting of model cars
automodellista {mf} :: Person who makes or collects model cars
automodello {m} :: model car
automonitoraggio {m} :: self-monitoring
automontato {adj} :: mounted on a vehicle (especially of a gun etc.)
automorfismo {m} [mathematics] /automorˈfizmo/ :: automorphism
automorfo {adj} :: automorphic
automostra {m} :: A vehicle equipped to display goods (especially books)
automotivante {v} :: present participle of automotivarsi
automotivantesi {v} :: present participle of automotivarsi
automotivarsi {vr} :: To self-motivate
automotivato {adj} :: self-motivated
automotivatosi {v} :: past participle of automotivarsi
automotive {adj} :: automotive (pertaining to motor vehicles)
automotore {adj} :: automotive (all senses)
automotore {adj} :: locomotive
automotore {m} :: locomotive
automotoristico {adj} :: automotive
automotoristico {adj} :: motor car (attributive)
automotrice {f} :: railcar (with its own engine)
automunito {adj} [of an employee] :: Provided with a company car
automutilazione {f} :: self-mutilation; cutting
autonica {f} :: automotive electronics
autonimia {f} :: autonymy
autonimo {adj} :: autonymous
autonoleggiatore {m} :: car hirer, car renter
autonoleggio {m} :: A car rental, a car hire
autonolo {m} :: synonym of autonoleggio
autonomamente {adv} :: autonomously
autonomamente {adv} :: independently
autonomia {f} :: autonomy
autonomia {f} [aviation, nautical] :: endurance
autonomico {adj} :: autonomic
autonominante {v} :: present participle of autonominare
autonominare {v} :: To appoint oneself; be self-appointed
autonominato {adj} :: self-appointed
autonomismo {m} [politics] :: autonomism
autonomista {adj} :: autonomist (attributive)
autonomista {mf} :: autonomist
autonomistico {adj} :: autonomist (attributive), autonomy (attributive)
autonomo {adj} :: autonomous
autonomo {adj} :: independent
autonomo {m} :: Member of an independent trade union
autoosservazione {f} :: self-observation
autopalpazione {f} :: autopalpation, self-palpation
autoparcheggio {m} :: car park
autoparco {m} :: car park, pound
autoparco {m} :: fleet (of cars)
autopattuglia {f} :: highway patrol (police in cars)
autopiano {m} :: pianola, player piano
autopilota {m} :: autopilot
autopista {f} :: race track (at a fairground)
autoplastia {f} :: autograft
autoplastica {f} /au̯.toˈplas.ti.ka/ :: autoplasty
autoplastico {adj} [medicine] /au̯.toˈplas.ti.ko/ :: autoplastic
autoploidia {f} [genetics] :: autoploidy
autopoiesi {f} :: autopoiesis
autopoliploide {adj} [genetics] :: autopolyploid
autopompa {f} :: fire engine
autoportante {adj} :: self-supporting
autoporto {m} :: Very large car park, especially at a border, airport etc
autopostale {m} [Switzerland] :: post bus
autopresentazione {f} :: self-presentation
autoproclamante {v} :: present participle of autoproclamarsi
autoproclamantesi {v} :: present participle of autoproclamarsi
autoproclamarsi {vr} :: To self-proclaim
autoproclamato {adj} :: self-proclaimed
autoproclamatosi {v} :: past participle of autoproclamarsi
autoprodotto {adj} :: self-published
autoprodotto {adj} :: self-made
autoprodurre {v} :: To produce a film etc independently
autoproduzione {f} :: self-publishing
autopromozionale {adj} :: self-promotional
autopromozione {f} :: self-promotion
autopromuoversi {v} :: To self-promote
autopropagante {adj} [of an explosive] :: self-propagating
autopropulsione {f} :: self-propulsion
autopropulso {adj} :: self-propelled
autoproteggere {v} :: to protect oneself
autoprotettore {m} :: (self-contained) breathing apparatus (for use by firemen etc)
autoprotezione {f} :: self-protection, self-defence
autoprotolisi {f} [chemistry] :: autoprotolysis
autopsia {f} :: autopsy, post-mortem
autoptico {adj} :: autopsic
autopubblica {f} :: taxi
autopubblicante {v} :: present participle of autopubblicare
autopubblicare {v} :: To self-publish
autopubblicizzante {v} :: present participle of autopubblicizzarsi
autopubblicizzantesi {v} :: present participle of autopubblicizzarsi
autopubblicizzarsi {vr} :: To self-publish or self-promote
autopubblicizzatosi {v} :: past participle of autopubblicizzarsi
autopulente {adj} :: self-cleaning
autopullman {m} :: bus
autopullman {m} :: coach (tourist)
autopunitivo {adj} :: self-punitive
autopunitivo {adj} :: masochistic
autopunizione {f} :: self-punishment
autoradio {f} :: car audio, car radio
autoradio {f} :: radio car (vehicle equipped with radio)
autoradiografia {f} :: autoradiography
autoraduno {m} :: motor racing meeting
autorale {adj} :: authorial
autore {m} :: author
autore {m} :: creator
autore {m} :: writer
autore {m} :: artist
autore {m} :: perpetrator
autorealizzarsi {v} :: synonym of autoavverarsi
autoreattivo {adj} :: autoreactive
autoreattore {m} :: ramjet
autoreclusione {f} :: self-imposed confinement
autorecluso {m} :: recluse (person who lives in self-imposed isolation)
autorecluso {m} :: hermit
autorecluso {adj} :: reclusive
autorecluso {adj} :: hermitlike
autoreferenza {f} :: self-reference
autoreferenziale {adj} :: self-referential
autoreferenziale {adj} :: self-serving
autoreferenzialità {f} :: self-referentiality
autoregalo {m} :: A gift to oneself
autoreggente {adj} :: self-supporting (not requiring a suspender belt)
autoreggente {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: thigh-high(s)
autoregolamentante {v} :: present participle of autoregolamentarsi
autoregolamentantesi {v} :: present participle of autoregolamentarsi
autoregolamentarsi {vr} :: To self-regulate
autoregolamentato {adj} :: self-regulated
autoregolamentatosi {v} :: past participle of autoregolamentarsi
autoregolamentazione {f} :: self-regulation
autoregolante {v} :: present participle of autoregolarsi
autoregolantesi {v} :: present participle of autoregolarsi
autoregolarsi {vr} :: To self-regulate
autoregolato {adj} :: self-regulated
autoregolatosi {v} :: past participle of autoregolarsi
autoregolazione {f} :: self-regulation
autoreparto {m} :: motor pool (military)
autoreplicante {v} :: present participle of autoreplicarsi
autoreplicante {adj} :: self-replicating
autoreplicazione {f} :: autoreplication, self-replication
autorespiratore {f} :: scuba (underwater breathing apparatus)
autoresponsabilità {f} [legal] :: self-responsibility (responsibility for one's own actions)
autorete {f} [football (soccer)] :: An own goal
autoreverse {m} :: autoreverse
autorevole {adj} /a.u.toˈre.vo.le/ :: authoritative, influential
autorevolezza {f} :: authority, authoritativeness
autorevolissimo {adj} :: superlative of autorevole
autorevolmente {adv} :: authoritatively, influentially
autorganizzazione {f} :: self-organization
autoriale {adj} :: authorial, auctorial, author's
autorialità {f} :: authoriality
autoribaltabile {f} :: dumper truck (or similar)
autoricambio {m} :: The automotive spare parts industry
autoricambio {m} :: A shop selling spare parts for cars
autoricaricabile {adj} [of a mobile phone] :: That can be recharged (topped up) during normal use
autoriducente {v} :: present participle of autoridurre
autoridurre {vt} :: To pay less than the required amount as a protest
autoriduzione {f} :: An independent reduction in the price of a commodity or service, often made in protest
autoriferimento {m} :: self-reference
autoriflessione {f} :: introspection
autoriforma {f} :: self-reform
autorifornimento {m} :: self-service (at a petrol station)
autorimessa {f} :: garage (where cars are serviced)
autorimessa {f} :: body shop
autoriparante {v} :: present participle of autoripararsi
autoriparantesi {v} :: present participle of autoripararsi
autoripararsi {vr} :: To self-repair
autoriparatosi {v} :: past participle of autoripararsi
autoriparazione {f} :: auto (vehicle) repair
autoriscaldante {adj} :: self-heating
autorità {f} [uncountable] /au̯.to.riˈta/ :: authority (power to enforce rules or give orders)
autorità {f} [in the plural] :: authorities (bodies that have power and control in a particular sphere)
autorità {f} :: Extended meanings:
autorità {f} :: prestige, influence
autorità {f} :: An authoritative testimony or claim
autorità {f} :: An influential example
autorità {f} [rare] :: A quote from a literary work
autorità {f} :: authority (person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject)
autoritariamente {adv} :: In an authoritarian manner
autoritario {adj} :: authoritarian
autoritarismo {m} [government] :: authoritarianism
autoritaristico {adj} :: authoritarianist
autoritativamente {adv} :: authoritatively
autoritativo {adj} :: authoritative
autoritratto {m} :: self-portrait
autorizzabile {adj} :: authorizable
autorizzante {v} :: present participle of autorizzare
autorizzantesi {v} :: present participle of autorizzarsi
autorizzare {vt} :: To give permission; to authorize
autorizzare {v} :: to sign off on
autorizzarsi {vr} :: To be authorized or given permission
autorizzativo {adj} :: authorization (attributive), permission (attributive)
autorizzato {adj} :: authorized
autorizzato {adj} :: permitted
autorizzatore {m} :: authorizer
autorizzatorio {m} :: authorization
autorizzatorio {adj} :: authorizing
autorizzatosi {v} :: past participle of autorizzarsi
autorizzazione {f} :: authorization, permission
autorizzazione {f} :: permit
autorizzazione {f} :: clearance
autorotazione {f} :: autorotation
autoroulotte {f} :: caravan (trailer)
autosacrificio {m} :: self-sacrifice
autosalone {m} :: car dealer / dealership
autoscafo {m} :: motorboat
autoscala {f} :: An extensible ladder mounted on a vehicle
autoscatto {m} :: automatically-timed shutter release (that allows one to include oneself in photos)
autoscatto {m} :: selfie
autoschediastico {adj} /au̯.tos.keˈdjas.ti.ko/ :: impromptu, autoschediastic
autoscioglimento {m} :: self-dissolution (of an assembly etc.)
autoscontro {m} :: dodgem [British], bumper car [US]
autoscopofilia {f} :: self-voyeurism
autoscuola {f} :: driving school
autosemantico {adj} [linguistics] :: autosemantic (having a meaning independent of context)
autosensibilizzazione {f} :: synonym of autoallergia
autoservizio {m} :: public transport (especially bus) service
autoservizio {m} :: self-service
autosigillante {adj} :: self-sealing
autosilo {m} :: multistory carpark
autoslitta {f} :: motorized sledge
autosnodato {m} :: articulated vehicle (especially an articulated bus)
autosoccorso {m} :: breakdown lorry; tow truck
autosoma {m} [genetics] :: autosome
autosomico {adj} [genetics] :: autosomal, autosomic
autosomministrante {v} :: present participle of autosomministrare
autosomministrare {v} :: To self-medicate
autosorveglianza {f} :: self-surveillance
autosostenente {v} :: present participle of autosostenere
autosostenere {vt} :: To self-sustain
autosostentamento {m} :: self-support
autosostentamento {m} :: self-sufficiency
autospanditrice {f} :: A self-propelled vehicle that spreads bitumen when making roads
autospazio {m} [maths] :: eigenspace
autospazzatrice {f} :: street-cleaning vehicle
autospeaker {f} :: vehicle equipped with a loudspeaker for making public announcements
autospurgatore {m} :: A vehicle equipped with a pump for cleaning drains etc
autossidazione {f} [chemistry] :: autoxidation
autostabilizzante {adj} :: self-stabilizing
autostarter {m} :: A vehicle used to lead horses into the start of a horse race
autostarter {m} :: Any device that starts automatically when needed
autostato {m} [maths] :: eigenstate
autostazione {f} :: bus station or terminus
autostello {m} :: motel
autosterzante {adj} :: self-steering
autostilia {f} :: autostyly
autostilico {adj} :: autostylic
autostima {f} :: self-esteem
autostop {m} :: hitchhiking
autostoppismo {m} :: hitchhiking
autostoppista {mf} :: hitchhiker
autostrada {f} :: motorway, expressway, freeway, highway, turnpike
Autostrada del Sole {prop} :: The A1 motorway from Milan to Naples
autostradale {adj} :: motorway (attributive)
autostrangolamento {m} :: self-strangulation
autosufficiente {adj} :: self-sufficient
autosufficienza {f} :: self-sufficiency
autosuggestionabile {adj} :: autosuggestible
autosuggestionante {v} :: present participle of autosuggestionarsi
autosuggestionantesi {v} :: present participle of autosuggestionarsi
autosuggestionarsi {vr} :: to be the subject of autosuggestion
autosuggestionarsi {vr} :: to get carried away
autosuggestionatosi {v} :: past participle of autosuggestionarsi
autosuggestione {f} :: autosuggestion
autosuggestivo {adj} :: autosuggestive
autosvalutazione {f} :: Self-devaluation; low self-esteem
autosviluppante {adj} [photography, of film] :: self-developing (as in a Polaroid or similar camera)
autotassante {v} :: present participle of autotassarsi
autotassantesi {v} :: present participle of autotassarsi
autotassarsi {vr} :: To self-assess (tax)
autotassatosi {v} :: past participle of autotassarsi
autotassazione {f} :: self-assessment (of national taxes)
autotelaio {m} :: chassis (of a vehicle)
autotelefono {m} :: carphone
autotelico {adj} :: autotelic
autotemprante {adj} :: self-hardening
autoterapia {f} :: self-therapy
autotipia {f} :: autotype
autotomia {f} :: autotomy
autotosante {adj} :: self-shearing (of sheep that naturally lose their wool in spring)
autotraccia {f} [computing] :: autotracing
autotrainato {adj} :: towed by a vehicle
autotraino {m} :: towing (by a vehicle)
autotrapiantante {v} :: present participle of autotrapiantare
autotrapiantare {vt} [surgery] :: to autograft
autotrapianto {m} [surgery] :: autograft
autotrasformatore {m} :: autotransformer (electrical)
autotrasfusione {f} :: autotransfusion
autotrasportante {v} :: present participle of autotrasportare
autotrasportare {vt} :: To transport goods by road vehicle
autotrasportatore {m} :: haulier (road transport company)
autotrasporto {m} :: road transport
autotrasporto {m} :: road haulage
autotrattamento {m} [medicine] :: self-treatment, self-medication
autotrattarsi {vr} :: to self-treat, self-medicate
autotrazione {f} :: propulsion (of a car)
autotrenista {mf} :: trucker (especially the driver of a large or articulated lorry)
autotreno {m} :: articulated lorry, juggernaut
autotreno {m} :: road train
autotrofia {f} :: autotrophy
autotrofico {adj} :: autotrophic
autotrofo {m} :: autotroph
autotutela {f} :: self-protection, self-defence
autoumiliazione {f} :: self-degradation
autovaccinazione {f} :: autovaccination
autovaccino {m} :: autovaccine
autovalore {m} [algebra] :: eigenvalue
autovalutante {v} :: present participle of autovalutare
autovalutare {v} :: To self-assess
autovalutativo {adj} :: self-assessed
autovalutazione {f} :: selfassessment
autoveicolo {m} :: motor vehicle
autoveicolo con cassone ribaltabile {m} :: dumper
autovelox {m} /au.toˈvɛ.loks/ :: speed camera (camera to detect speeding vehicles)
autoventilante {adj} :: self-ventilating
autoventilato {adj} :: self-ventilated
autoverificato {adj} [Internet] :: autopatrolled
autovettore {m} [maths] :: eigenvector
autovettura {f} :: A motorcar, a car, an automobile
autoviaria {f} :: coach (long-distance bus)
autozoom {m} [photography] :: automatic zoom
autrice {f} :: feminine noun of autore
autronica {f} :: car electronics
autunnale {adj} :: autumnal, autumn (attributive), fall (attributive)
autunno {m} /au̯ˈtun.no/ :: autumn, [US] fall
auxina {f} [biochemistry] :: auxin
auxologia {f} :: auxology
auxologico {adj} :: auxologic
auxologo {m} :: auxologist
auxometria {f} :: auxometry
auxopatia {f} [pathology] :: auxopathy
auzzino {m} :: synonym of aguzzino
-ava {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person imperfect of regular -are verbs
ava {f} :: female equivalent of avo
avaccio {adv} [obsolete] /aˈvat.t͡ʃo/ :: soon, early
avaccio {adv} [obsolete] :: quickly, eagerly
avallante {v} :: present participle of avallare
avallare {vt} :: to endorse, to back, to support, to guarantee
a valle {adv} :: downstream
avallo {m} :: guarantee
avalutatività {f} :: freedom from value judgement
avambecco {m} :: synonym of antibecco
avambraccio {m} [anatomy] :: forearm
-avamo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural imperfect of regular -are verbs
avampaese {m} :: foreland
avampante {v} :: present participle of avampare
avampare {v} :: alternative form of avvampare
avampiede {m} :: The front foot of a quadruped
avampiede {m} [anatomy] :: The front of a human foot, including the metatarsal and the toes
avamporto {m} [nautical] :: outer harbour
avamposto {m} :: outpost
avan- {prefix} :: preceding in space or time
avana {m} :: Havana cigar
Avana {prop} :: Avana (capital city)
avancarica {f} :: only in ad avancarica
avance {f} :: advance
avancorpo {m} [architecture] :: risalit
avanera {f} :: habanera
avanfossa {f} :: foredeep
avanguardia {f} [literature, arts] :: avant-garde
avanguardia {f} :: cutting edge
avanguardia {f} [military] :: vanguard, advance guard
avanguardismo {m} :: avantgardism (an avant-garde trend)
avanguardista {mf} :: avantgardist (member of the avant-garde)
avannotto {m} :: fry (young fish)
-avano {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural imperfect of regular -are verbs
avanotto {m} :: young freshwater fish
avanscena {f} :: proscenium
avanscogliera {f} :: forereef
avanscoperta {f} :: reconnaissance
avanscorta {f} [nautical] :: escort ship that leads a convoy
avansigla {f} [music] :: A jingle at the beginning of a TV programme, sometimes followed by a proper signature tune
avanspettacolo {m} :: curtain raiser
avantaggio {m} :: alternative form of avvantaggio
avante {adv} /aˈvante/ :: obsolete form of avanti
avantesto {m} :: preface (to a text)
avanti {adj} [dated, of time units, follows noun] /aˈvanti/ :: previous, prior, last
avanti {adv} :: forward, ahead, onward
avanti {adv} [dated, rare] :: before, ere [followed by di or che]
avanti {adv} [dated, rare] :: rather than [followed by che]
avanti {interj} :: come in!
avanti {interj} :: come on! [expressing encouragement]
avanti {interj} :: go on!
avanti {interj} :: next
avanti {prep} [dated, rare] :: before, in front of (a place) [may or may not be followed by a]
avanti {prep} [dated] :: before (in time)
avanti {m} [soccer, rugby, waterpolo] :: player whose main objective is scoring points; forward
avanti Cristo {prep} :: before Christ
avantielenco {m} :: The explanatory introduction to a telephone directory
avant'ieri {adv} :: alternative spelling of avantieri
avantieri {adv} :: day before yesterday
avantilettera {adv} :: synonym of ante litteram
avantreno {m} :: The front axle assembly of a car's chassis
avantreno {m} :: The front part of a gun carriage; the limber
a vanvera {adv} [dated] :: at random, without any effort to achieve particular outcome
a vanvera {adv} :: without thinking
avanvomere {m} :: chisel (part of a ploughshare)
avanzamento {m} :: advance, advancement
avanzamento {m} :: progress
avanzamento {m} :: promotion
avanzante {v} :: present participle of avanzare
avanzante {adj} :: advancing
avanzantesi {v} :: present participle of avanzarsi
avanzare {vt} :: to advance, to propose, to put forward, to owe, to save
avanzare {vt} :: to promote
avanzare {vi} :: to advance, to go forward, to move forward, to proceed
avanzare {vi} :: to be left, to remain
avanzare {vi} :: to be in excess
avanzare {vt} :: to be owed
avanzarsi {vr} :: to advance, to go forward
avanzata {f} [military] :: advance, approach
avanzaticcio {m} :: remainder
avanzaticcio {m} :: leftovers, remains
avanzatissimo {adj} :: superlative of avanzato
avanzato {adj} :: advanced, late
avanzato {adj} :: elderly
avanzato {adj} :: (food) being left over
avanzatosi {v} :: past participle of avanzarsi
avanzo {m} :: remainder (in arithmetic)
avanzo {m} :: remnant or scrap (of material)
avanzo {m} :: surplus
avanzo {m} [in the plural] :: leftovers
avanzo {m} :: swill (kitchen swills)
avanzume {m} :: synonym of rimasuglio
avara {f} :: feminine noun of avaro
avaraccio {m} :: skinflint
avaramente {adv} :: stingily, meanly
avaria {f} /a.vaˈri.a/ :: damage
avaria {f} :: breakdown, failure (mechanical)
avariante {v} :: present participle of avariare
avariantesi {v} :: present participle of avariarsi
avariare {vt} :: to damage, to break
avariarsi {vr} :: To go off or go bad
avariato {adj} :: rotten, gone bad
avariato {adj} :: damaged, broken
avariatosi {v} :: past participle of avariarsi
avarissimo {adj} :: superlative of avaro
avarizia {f} :: avarice, greed
avarizia {f} :: meanness, stinginess, parsimony
avaro {adj} :: mean, stingy
avaro {m} :: miser
avascolare {adj} [anatomy] :: avascular
avatar {m} :: avatar (all senses)
avatara {m} :: avatar
avatara {m} :: incarnation
-avate {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural imperfect of regular -are verbs
ave {interj} :: hail
a vela quadra {adv} [nautical] :: square rigged, square-rigged
avelia {f} /aˈvɛ.lja/ :: alternative form of averla
Avelino {prop} :: given name
Avelio {prop} :: given name
avellinese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Avellino (town or football team)
avellinese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Avellino
Avellino {prop} :: Avellino (town/and/province)
avello {m} :: tomb
avemaria {f} /a.ve.maˈria̯/ :: Hail Mary, Ave Maria
avemaria {f} :: Angelus
Avempace {prop} :: Avempace
avena {f} :: oats
avendo {v} :: Gerund of avere
a venire {adj} [rare] :: alternative form of avvenire
avente {adj} :: having
aventecela {v} :: present participle of avercela
aventiniano {adj} /a.ven.tiˈnja.no/ :: Relating to the Aventine Hill; Aventine
aventiniano {adj} [historical] :: Relating to, or participating in the Aventine Secession (20th century)
aventiniano {adj} [by extension, politics] :: Of or pertaining to one who uses abstention to express strictness or disapproval
aventinismo {m} :: A parliamentary protest, in 1924-5, following the murder or it
aventinismo {m} :: Any similar opposition to a regime considered illegal
aventinista {mf} :: synonym of aventiniano
Aventino {prop} /a.venˈti.no/ :: The Aventine Hill (one of the Seven hills of Rome)
a ventiquattro carati {adj} [of gold] :: 24 carat, pure
a ventiquattro carati {adj} [by extension] :: Of the best quality
aver {v} :: apocopic form of avere
avercela {v} :: See: it avere ci la
avercela {v} [con] :: to hold a grudge (against); to have it in (for)
avere {vt} /aˈve.re/ :: to have
avere {v} [auxiliary, the non-perfect forms followed by a past participle, used to form composite (perfect) tenses in the active and dative conjugations of the transitive verbs] :: to have (done something); See Category:Italian transitive verbs and Category:Italian reflexive verbs.
avere {m} :: property, substance
avere {m} [in the plural] :: belongings
avere {m} :: credit, assets
avere {m} :: swag
avere a che fare con {v} [idiom] :: to have to do with; to regard
avere a che vedere con {v} [idiom] :: alternative form of avere a che fare con
avere a cuore {v} [idiom] :: to desire
avere a ridosso {vt} :: to have [someone] who follows insistingly or threateningly; to be dogged or harassed
avere a ridosso {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to have [someone] on one's tail
avere a ridosso {vt} [Tuscany] :: to have [someone] who is dependent
avere battuto il capo nel muro {v} :: synonym of battere il capo nel muro
avere cura {v} :: To heed, to mind, to regard with care, to take notice of, to attend to, to observe
avere dimestichezza {v} :: synonym of prendere dimestichezza
avere dimestichezza {v} :: synonym of imparare il mestiere
avere effetto {v} [idiom] :: to take effect
avere freddo {v} :: to be cold (especially of a person)
avere gli occhi più grandi del proprio stomaco {v} :: to have eyes bigger than one's stomach
avere il cuore sulle labbra {v} [idiom] :: to wear one's heart on one's sleeve
avere in cuore {v} [idiom] :: (with di + inf.) to intend (to)
avere la faccia come il culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to have a bare-faced cheek
avere la meglio {v} :: to prevail
avere la meglio {v} [a, su] :: to get the best of
avere la testa a posto {v} :: to have one's head screwed on
avere la testa sulle spalle {v} :: to have one's head screwed on
avere le mani bucate {vt} :: To squander, waste or dissipate
avere le mani d'oro {v} [idiomatic, figuratively] :: to be gifted in doing things, especially manual precision work
avere le mani impegnate {v} :: synonym of essere indaffarato
avere le mani in pasta {v} [idiomatic] :: to be involved in something
avere le mani legate {v} :: to be unable to act, operate, exert, produce effect
avere le mani legate {v} :: sb's hands are tied
avere le mani occupate {n} :: synonym of essere indaffarato
avere le tasche piene {v} :: to have had it up to here
avere le traveggole {vi} :: To be seeing things
avere luogo {vi} :: to take place
avere senso {v} :: to make sense
avere sete {v} :: to be thirsty
avere una fissazione {v} :: to have a bee in one's bonnet
avere una idea fissa {v} :: to have a bee in one's bonnet
avere un bel da fare {v} :: synonym of essere indaffarato
avere un chiodo fisso {v} :: to have a bee in one's bonnet
avere un culo così grande {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to be a jammy bastard (be lucky)
avere un debole {v} :: to have a soft spot
avere un nodo alla gola {v} :: to have a lump in the throat, to be worried sick
avere un po' di terra al sole {v} [idiom] :: To own a small piece of farming land
avere un presagio {v} :: to see the writing on the wall
avere voglia di litigare {v} :: to have a chip on one's shoulder
Averio {prop} :: given name
averla {f} /aˈvɛr.la/ :: shrike (any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae)
averla capirossa {f} :: woodchat shrike (Lanius senator)
averla cenerina {f} :: lesser grey shrike (Lanius minor)
averla maggiore {f} :: great grey shrike
averla minore {f} :: synonym of averla cenerina
averla piccola {f} :: red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)
averla vinta {v} :: to have one's way
aver luogo {v} :: alternative form of avere luogo
avernale {adj} :: Relating to Averno
avernale {adj} :: infernal
averne fino alla cima dei capelli {v} :: synonym of avere le tasche piene
averne fino alla cima dei capelli {v} :: synonym of essere stufo
averne fino alla cima dei capelli {v} :: synonym of non poterne più
averno {m} :: underworld (Sometimes capitalized)
averno {m} :: afterlife
Averno {prop} :: Avernus
Averoìs {prop} :: medieval spelling of Averroè
Averroè {prop} :: Averroes
averroismo {m} :: Averroism
averroista {mf} :: Averroist
averroistico {adj} :: Averroist
Aversa {prop} :: Aversa (town)
aversano {adj} :: Of or from Aversa
aversiera {f} :: synonym of versiera
aversiere {m} :: alternative form of avversiere
aversitade {f} /a.ver.siˈta.de/ :: obsolete form of avversità
aversivo {adj} :: aversive
avestico {adj} :: Avestan (attributive)
avestico {m} :: Avestan (language)
aveteropodo {m} :: avetheropod
avezzanese {adj} :: Of or from Avezzano
Avezzano {prop} :: Avezzano (town)
-avi {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular imperfect of regular -are verbs
aviario {adj} :: avian
aviario {adj} :: bird (attributive)
aviario {m} :: aviary
aviatofobia {f} :: aviatophobia (fear of flying, or of aircraft)
aviatore {m} :: aviator
aviatorio {adj} :: air, aviation (attributive)
aviazione {f} :: aviation
aviazione {f} :: air force
a vicenda {adv} :: mutually, reciprocally, each other, one another
a vicenda {adv} :: in turn
Avicenna {prop} /a.viˈt͡ʃɛn.na/ :: Avicenna (Persian polymath, 980 ca. AD–1037 AD)
avicennia {f} /a.viˈt͡ʃɛn.nja/ :: Any plant in the genus Avicennia
avicenniano {adj} /a.vi.t͡ʃenˈnja.no/ :: Avicennian
avicenniano {m} :: A follower of Avicenna's philosophy
avicennismo {adj} /a.vi.t͡ʃenˈnis.mo/ :: The doctrines of Avicenna
avicennista {adj} /a.vi.t͡ʃenˈnis.ta/ :: synonym of avicenniano
avicolo {adj} /a.ˈvi.ko.lo/ :: avicultural
avicoltore {m} :: aviculturist
avicoltura {f} :: aviculture (bird breeding, poultry farming)
avicunicolo {adj} :: poultry and rabbit (attributive)
avicunicoltore {m} :: poultry and rabbit breeder
avicunicoltura {f} :: poultry and rabbit rearing
avidamente {adv} :: avidly, greedily
avidissimo {adj} :: superlative of avido
avidissimo {adj} :: very greedy
avidissimo {adj} :: very eager or avid
avidità {f} :: greed, avidity
avidità {f} :: thirst (for wealth etc)
avido {adj} :: greedy
avido {adj} :: eager, avid
aviere {m} :: (military) airman
Aviero {prop} :: given name
avifaunistico {adj} :: avifaunistic, avifaunal
Avignone {prop} :: Avignon
avignonese {adj} :: Of or from Avignon
avincente {v} :: present participle of avincere
avincere {v} :: Variant of avvincere
avio- {prefix} /a.vjo/ :: Denoting connection to aircraft and aerial navigation in general; aero-
aviocisterna {f} :: tanker aircraft
aviofobia {f} :: aviophobia (fear of flying, or of aircraft)
aviogetto {m} :: jet (aircraft)
avioimbarco {m} :: boarding of an aircraft (by passengers)
aviolanciante {v} :: present participle of aviolanciare
aviolanciare {vt} :: To airdrop
aviolancio {m} :: airdrop
aviolinea {f} :: airline, air carrier
aviomissile {m} :: air-to-air or air-to-ground missile
avionica {f} :: avionics
avionico {adj} :: avionic
avioraduno {m} :: air rally
aviorazzo {m} :: A rocket or flare fired from an aircraft
aviorimessa {f} :: hangar (for aircraft)
aviosbarco {m} :: disembarkation from an aircraft
aviosuperficie {f} :: airfield (for light aircraft)
aviotrasportabile {adj} :: airmobile
aviotrasportante {v} :: present participle of aviotrasportare
aviotrasportare {vt} /a.vjo.tras.porˈta.re/ :: To transport by air
aviotrasportato {adj} :: airborne
aviotrasporto {m} :: air transport
aviotruppa {f} [military, especially in plural] /a.vjoˈtrup.pa/ :: airborne troop(s)
avirulento {adj} :: avirulent
Avisio {prop} :: Avisio (river)
a vista {adj} :: without instruments (flight)
a vista {adj} :: at sight, on demand, demand (attributive), sight (attributive)
a vista {adj} :: visible, exposed
a vista {adv} :: without instruments (flight)
a vista {adv} :: on sight (shooting)
a vista {adv} :: at sight, on demand
a vita {adj} :: life (attributive), for life
a vita {adv} :: life (attributive), for life
avitaminosi {f} [medicine] :: avitaminosis, vitamin deficiency
avito {adj} :: ancestral
-avo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular imperfect of regular -are verbs
avo {m} :: ancestor, forefather
avocado {m} :: avocado
avocante {v} :: present participle of avocare
avocare {vt} [legal] /a.voˈka.re/ :: to call up something under certiorari
avocare {vt} [legal] :: to confiscate
avocatorio {adj} [legal] /a.vo.kaˈtɔ.rjo/ :: advocative
avocazione {f} [legal] :: advocation, certiorari
avocazione {f} [legal] :: confiscation
avocetta {f} :: avocet, properly the pied avocet
avogadore {m} :: Either of the three judges, in the old Venetian republic, who were in charge of judicial and constitutional matters
Avogadro {prop} /a.voˈɡa.dro/ :: surname
Avogadro {prop} :: Amedeo Avogadro, Italian physicist
Avola {prop} :: Avola (town)
a voler dire il vero {prep} :: synonym of a dire il vero
avolese {adj} :: Of, or from, Avola
avolese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Avola
a volo {prep} :: quickly and readily; on the fly
a volta {adv} [proscribed] :: at times, sometimes
a volte {adv} :: sometimes, at times
avolterante {v} :: present participle of avolterare
avolterare {v} [obsolete] :: To adulterate
avoltoio {m} :: alternative form of avvoltoio
avoriaceo {adj} :: Resembling ivory
avoriato {adj} :: Resembling ivory
avorio {m} :: ivory
avorniello {m} :: laburnum, golden chain, golden rain (Laburnum anagyroides)
avorniello {m} :: ash (tree)
avornio {m} :: ash (tree of genus Fraxinus)
avrei battuto la testa nel muro {v} :: synonym of batterei il capo nel muro
avulsione {f} :: avulsion
avulsivo {adj} :: avulsive
avulso {adj} :: foreign
avulso {adj} :: separate
avulso {adj} :: extraneous
avuncolato {m} :: avunculate
avutacela {v} :: past participle of avercela
avvalente {v} :: present participle of avvalersi
avvalentesi {v} :: present participle of avvalersi
avvalere {v} :: alternative form of avvalersi
avvalersi {vr} :: to avail oneself (of)
avvalimento {m} :: availment
avvallamento {m} :: depression (in the landscape)
avvallamento {m} :: trough (depression between waves or ridges)
avvallante {v} :: present participle of avvallare
avvallantesi {v} :: present participle of avvallarsi
avvallare {vi} :: To collapse or subside
avvallare {vt} :: To endorse; to ratify
avvallarsi {vr} :: To subside or collapse
avvallarsi {vr} :: To yield
avvallatosi {v} :: past participle of avvallarsi
avvallatura {f} :: synonym of avvallamento
avvaloramento {m} :: corroboration
avvalorante {v} :: present participle of avvalorare
avvalorare {vt} :: To corroborate, confirm or support
avvaloratore {adj} :: corroborating
avvalsosi {v} :: past participle of avvalersi
avvampamento {m} :: reddening
avvampamento {m} :: blushing, blush
avvampante {v} :: present participle of avvampare
avvampare {v} /av.vamˈpa.re/ :: to flare up, flame
avvampare {v} [by extension] :: to redden
avvampare {v} [by extension] :: to blush
avvampare {v} [by extension] :: to burn
avvampare {v} [figurative, literary] :: to flame (in violence of passion)
avvampare {v} [literary] :: to light, set alight, kindle
avvampare {v} [literary, figurative] :: to kindle, arouse
avvampare {v} :: to singe, scorch
avvampatura {f} :: synonym of avvampamento
avvampatura {f} :: synonym of vampata
avvantaggiamento {m} :: advantage, profit, utility
avvantaggiante {v} :: present participle of avvantaggiare
avvantaggiantesi {v} :: present participle of avvantaggiarsi
avvantaggiare {vt} :: to favor / favour someone
avvantaggiare {vt} :: to further some cause
avvantaggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of avvantaggiare
avvantaggiarsi {v} :: to take advantage (of)
avvantaggiatosi {v} :: past participle of avvantaggiarsi
avvantaggio {m} :: Variant of vantaggio
avvantaggioso {adj} :: Variant of vantaggioso
avvedente {v} :: present participle of avvedersi
avvedentesi {v} :: present participle of avvedersi
avvedersi {vi} :: To notice or realize
avvedimento {f} :: foresight, forethought
avvedimento {f} :: workaround
avvedutamente {adv} :: shrewdly, cleverly, wisely
avvedutezza {f} :: prudence
avvedutezza {f} :: astuteness
avveduto {adj} :: prudent
avveduto {adj} :: astute
avvedutosi {v} :: past participle of avvedersi
avveggentesi {v} :: present participle of avvedersi
avvegnaché {conj} :: although, though
avvegnaché {conj} :: because
avvelante {v} :: present participle of avvelare
avvelare {v} :: To veil
avvelare {v} :: To rig with sails
avvelenamento {m} :: poisoning
avvelenante {v} :: present participle of avvelenare
avvelenare {vt} /a.vːe.leˈna.re/ :: to poison
avvelenarsi {v} :: reflexive of avvelenare
avvelenatissimo {adj} :: superlative of avvelenato
avvelenatissimo {adj} :: very resentful
avvelenatissimo {adj} :: very rabid or enraged
avvelenato {adj} :: resentful
avvelenato {adj} :: rabid, enraged, raging
avvelenatore {m} :: poisoner
avvelenatrice {f} :: female equivalent of avvelenatore
avvenente {adj} :: attractive, charming, lovely, comely
avvenentemente {adv} :: attractively, charmingly
avvenenza {f} :: attractiveness, charm, loveliness
avvenevole {adj} :: comely
avvenevole {adj} :: suitable
avvengaché {conj} :: alternative form of avvegnaché
avveniente {v} :: present participle of avvenire
avvenimento {m} /avveniˈmento/ :: event
avvenire {vi} :: to happen or occur
avvenire {vi} :: to arrive or turn up
avvenire {adj} :: future
avvenire {m} :: future
avvenire {m} :: prospects
avvenirismo {m} :: futurism
avvenirista {mf} :: futurist
avveniristicamente {adv} :: innovatingly (by use of innovation)
avveniristico {adj} :: innovating
avveniticcio {adj} :: alternative form of avventizio
avventante {v} :: present participle of avventare
avventantesi {v} :: present participle of avventarsi
avventare {v} :: to fling or hurl
avventare {v} :: to venture or rush
avventarsi {v} :: reflexive of avventare
avventarsi {vr} :: to launch oneself; to pounce (on)
avventarsi {vr} :: to crash (into)
avventarsi {vr} :: to go for it
avventarsi {vr} :: to eagerly throw oneself into something; to rush to something
avventarsi {vr} :: to throw oneself down
avventarsi {vr} [rare] :: to catch someone's eye
avventataggine {f} :: synonym of avventatezza
avventatamente {adv} :: recklessly
avventatamente {adv} :: rashly
avventatezza {f} :: rashness
avventato {adj} :: rash
avventatosi {v} :: past participle of avventarsi
avventiccio {adj} :: alternative form of avventizio
avventismo {m} :: Adventism
avventista {adj} :: Adventist
avventista {mf} :: Adventist
avventizia {f} [anatomy] /av.venˈtit.t͡sja/ :: ellipsis of tunica avventizia
avventizia {f} :: female equivalent of avventizio
avventiziato {m} :: casual work
avventizio {adj} [uncommon] /av.venˈtit.t͡sjo/ :: foreign
avventizio {adj} [Ancient Rome, law, of wealth] :: Coming from an inheritance or a donation
avventizio {adj} [by extension] :: unstable, uncertain, temporary
avventizio {adj} [botany] :: adventitious
avventizio {m} :: temp (temporary clerk)
avvento {m} /avˈvɛnto/ :: coming, advent
avvento {m} :: accession (to the throne)
Avvento {m} :: Advent (religious festival)
avventora {f} :: alternative form of avventrice
avventore {m} :: regular customer
avventrice {f} :: female equivalent of avventore
avventura {f} :: adventure, venture
avventura {f} :: love affair, affair, amour, fling, hookup
avventurante {v} :: present participle of avventurare
avventurantesi {v} :: present participle of avventurarsi
avventurare {vt} /av.ven.tuˈra.re/ :: To venture (to put on a venture)
avventurare {vt} [archaic] :: To make prosperous or lucky
avventurarsi {vr} :: To venture (into)
avventuratamente {adv} :: riskily
avventurato {adj} [archaic] /av.ven.tuˈra.to/ :: lucky, fortunate
avventurato {adj} [archaic, rare] :: risky, venturous
avventuratosi {v} :: past participle of avventurarsi
avventuriera {f} :: female equivalent of avventuriero
avventuriero {m} :: adventurer
avventuriero {m} :: venturer
avventurina {f} [mineral] :: aventurine
avventurismo {m} :: adventurism (political)
avventurista {mf} :: adventurist
avventuristico {adj} :: adventurous
avventurosamente {adv} :: adventurously
avventuroso {adj} :: adventurous
avvenuto {adj} :: future
avvenuto {m} :: happening (rare)
avvenzione {f} :: advection
avverabile {adj} :: realizable
avverabilità {f} :: realizability (possibility that something will happen)
avveramento {m} :: fulfillment
avverante {v} :: present participle of avverare
avverantesi {v} :: present participle of avverarsi
avverare {vt} :: to make true or real; to realize
avverarsi {v} :: reflexive of avverare
avverarsi {vr} :: to come true
avveratosi {v} :: past participle of avverarsi
avverbiale {adj} :: adverbial
avverbialmente {adv} :: adverbially
avverbio {m} [grammar] /avˈvɛr.bjo/ :: adverb
avversamente {adv} :: adversely, hostilely
avversamente {adv} :: unfavourably
avversante {v} :: present participle of avversare
avversare {vt} :: To oppose
avversaria {f} :: female equivalent of avversario
avversario {adj} :: rival, opposing, foe
avversario {m} :: opponent, antagonist, rival, adversary, foe
avversativo {adj} :: adversative
avversatore {adj} :: opposing, adverse
avversiere {m} :: adversary
avversione {f} :: aversion, loathing, dislike
avversità {f} [uncountable] /av.ver.siˈta/ :: adversity (state of being adverse)
avversità {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: adversity (adverse event)
avverso {adj} :: adverse, hostile
avverso {adj} :: unfavourable, untoward
avvertente {v} :: present participle of avvertire
avvertenza {f} :: caution, warning
avvertenza {f} :: care, precaution
avvertenza {f} :: (in plural) instructions, directions
avvertibile {adj} :: perceptible
avvertimento {m} :: A warning, a caution
avvertimento {m} :: cue, prompt
avvertire {vt} :: to inform, tell, notify
avvertire {vt} :: to warn, caution
avvertire {vt} :: to feel, sense, perceive
avvertire {vt} [literary] :: to consider
avvertitamente {adv} :: wisely, shrewdly
avvertitamente {adv} :: deliberately
avvezione {f} :: advection
avvezzamento {m} :: habit, custom
avvezzante {v} :: present participle of avvezzare
avvezzantesi {v} :: present participle of avvezzarsi
avvezzare {vt} :: To accustom
avvezzarsi {vr} :: To accustom oneself
avvezzatosi {v} :: past participle of avvezzarsi
avvezzo {adj} :: accustomed (to)
avvezzo {adj} :: wont
avviamento {m} :: start, starting
avviamento {m} :: introduction
avviamento {m} :: training
avviamento {m} :: goodwill (commercial)
avviante {v} :: present participle of avviare
avviantesi {v} :: present participle of avviarsi
avviare {vt} :: To send, to refer
avviare {vt} :: To start, to launch
avviarsi {vr} :: To set out (for)
avviatissimo {adj} :: superlative of avviato
avviato {adj} :: established
avviatore {m} :: starter (motor)
avviatosi {v} :: past participle of avviarsi
avviatura {f} :: start, beginning
avviatura {f} :: kindling
avvicendabile {adj} :: alternatable
avvicendamento {m} :: alternation
avvicendamento {m} :: rotation (of crops)
avvicendamento {m} :: turnover (of staff)
avvicendante {v} :: present participle of avvicendare
avvicendantesi {v} :: present participle of avvicendarsi
avvicendare {vt} :: To alternate
avvicendarsi {v} :: reflexive of avvicendare
avvicendarsi {vr} :: to alternate
avvicendarsi {vr} :: to take turns
avvicendato {adj} :: alternating
avvicendatosi {v} :: past participle of avvicendarsi
avvicinabile {adj} :: approachable (person)
avvicinamento {m} :: approach
avvicinamento {m} :: The way an aircraft comes in to land at an airport
avvicinante {v} :: present participle of avvicinare
avvicinantesi {v} :: present participle of avvicinarsi
avvicinare {vt} :: to move near, move closer, bring near
avvicinare {vt} :: to approach, come up, accost, have to do with
avvicinarsi {v} :: reflexive of avvicinare
avvicinarsi {v} :: to go near (or nearer), come near, get closer, go up to, come up to, approach, get near, draw near
avvicinarsi {v} :: to be similar, verge on
avvicinatosi {v} :: past participle of avvicinarsi
avvignante {v} :: present participle of avvignare
avvignare {v} :: To plant with vines
avvilente {adj} :: humiliating
avvilente {adj} :: discouraging, disheartening
avvilente {v} :: present participle of avvilire
avvilentemente {adv} :: humiliatingly
avvilentemente {adv} :: discouragingly, dishearteningly
avvilentesi {v} :: present participle of avvilirsi
avvilimento {m} :: dejection, disheartenment, depression
avvilimento {m} :: discouragement, humiliation
avvilire {vt} :: to dishearten, discourage
avvilire {vt} :: to humiliate
avvilirsi {v} :: reflexive of avvilire
avvilirsi {vr} :: to be disheartened or discouraged; to lose heart
avvilirsi {vr} :: to be humiliated
avvilitivo {adj} :: synonym of avvilente
avvilitosi {v} :: past participle of avvilirsi
avviluppamento {m} :: tangle, entanglement
avviluppante {v} :: present participle of avviluppare
avviluppantesi {v} :: present participle of avvilupparsi
avviluppare {vt} :: to wrap up, cling
avviluppare {vt} :: to envelop
avviluppare {vt} :: to entangle
avvilupparsi {v} :: reflexive of avviluppare
avvilupparsi {vr} :: to be wrapped up
avvilupparsi {vr} :: to be enveloped
avvilupparsi {vr} :: to be entangled
avviluppatosi {v} :: past participle of avvilupparsi
avviluppatura {m} :: synonym of avviluppamento
avvinante {v} :: present participle of avvinare
avvinare {v} :: To mix with wine
avvinare {v} :: To rinse with a little wine before filling with the rest
avvinatore {m} :: Apparatus, used in winemaking, to rinse a container with a little wine before filling
avvinazzante {v} :: present participle of avvinazzare
avvinazzare {v} /av.vi.natˈt͡sa.re/ :: To make (someone) drink copious amounts of wine; to wine
avvinazzarsi {v} /av.vi.natˈt͡sar.si/ :: reflexive of avvinazzare
avvinazzarsi {v} [colloquial] :: To drink large amounts of wine
avvinazzato {adj} :: drunken
avvinazzato {m} :: drunkard, binge drinker, winesop
avvincente {v} :: present participle of avvincere
avvincente {adj} :: charming, fascinating
avvincente {adj} :: gripping
avvincere {vt} [literary] :: to bind or tie
avvincere {vit} [figurative, by extension] :: to charm
avvincere {vit} [figurative, by extension] :: to enthral; to fascinate
avvincersi {v} :: reflexive of avvincere
avvincersi {v} :: synonym of stringersi
avvinchiante {v} :: present participle of avvinchiare
avvinchiare {v} :: alternative form of avvinghiare
avvinghiante {v} :: present participle of avvinghiare
avvinghiantesi {v} :: present participle of avvinghiarsi
avvinghiare {vt} :: to clutch or clasp
avvinghiarsi {v} :: reflexive of avvinghiare
avvinghiarsi {v} [a] :: to cling (to)
avvinghiarsi {v} [reciprocal] :: to clutch onto one another
avvinghiatosi {v} :: past participle of avvinghiarsi
avvinto {adj} :: charmed
avvinto {adj} :: enthralled, fascinated
avvio {m} /av.ˈvi.o/ :: start, beginning
avvio {m} :: startup, start, starting, prompt (computer)
avvisaglia {f} :: sign, symptom
avvisaglia {f} :: manifestation
avvisaglia {f} :: warning
avvisamento {m} :: notice, warning
avvisamento {m} :: advice
avvisante {v} :: present participle of avvisare
avvisantesi {v} :: present participle of avvisarsi
avvisare {vt} :: to warn, alert
avvisare {vt} :: to inform, tell, let someone know
avvisarsi {vr} :: To realise
avvisatamente {adv} :: wisely, shrewdly
avvisatamente {adv} :: purposely
avvisato {adj} :: alerted, informed
avvisatore {m} :: alarm
avvisatosi {v} :: past participle of avvisarsi
avviso {m} :: notice [publication or document]
avviso {m} :: warning, advice, reminder
avviso {m} :: announcement, advertisement, sign
avviso {m} :: opinion
avvistamento {m} :: sighting
avvistante {v} :: present participle of avvistare
avvistare {vt} :: to sight, to spot, to catch sight of
avvistatore {m} :: spotter
avvistatore {m} [ufology] :: repeater
avvistatrice {f} :: female equivalent of avvistatore
avvistosi {v} :: past participle of avvedersi
avvitamento {m} :: spin (of the body, about the head-to-toe axis)
avvitamento {m} :: barrel roll, tailspin (of an aircraft)
avvitante {v} :: present participle of avvitare
avvitantesi {v} :: present participle of avvitarsi
avvitare {vt} :: to screw (in or down)
avvitarsi {v} :: reflexive of avvitare
avvitarsi {vr} :: to spin [aircraft]
avvitarsi {vr} :: to be attached (to) by a screw
avvitatore {m} :: screwer (device)
avvitatosi {v} :: past participle of avvitarsi
avvitatrice {f} :: screwer (device)
avvitatura {f} :: screwing
avvitente {v} :: present participle of avvitire
avviticchiamento {m} :: twisting
avviticchiante {v} :: present participle of avviticchiare
avviticchiantesi {v} :: present participle of avviticchiarsi
avviticchiare {vt} :: To twist or twine
avviticchiarsi {vr} :: To twist or twine (around)
avviticchiatosi {v} :: past participle of avviticchiarsi
avvitire {v} :: To plant with vines
avvivamento {m} :: animation, enlivening
avvivamento {m} :: rekindling
avvivante {v} :: present participle of avvivare
avvivantesi {v} :: present participle of avvivarsi
avvivare {vt} :: to animate, enliven
avvivare {vt} :: to rekindle
avvivarsi {v} :: reflexive of avvivare
avvivarsi {v} :: to become animated
avvivatosi {v} :: past participle of avvivarsi
avvizzente {v} :: present participle of avvizzire
avvizzimento {m} :: withering, fading
avvizzire {vi} :: to wilt, to wither, to shrivel, to fade, to wrinkle
avvizzito {adj} :: withered, wrinkled, shrunken, shrivelled, faded
avvocata {f} :: synonym of avvocatessa
Avvocata {prop} :: Avvocata (district)
avvocateria {f} :: artifice
avvocateria {f} :: chicanery (as practiced by a dodgy lawyer)
avvocateria {f} :: lawyers (as a group)
avvocatesco {adj} :: pettifoging
avvocatessa {f} :: female equivalent of avvocato
avvocaticchio {m} :: A quibbling lawyer
avvocatizio {adj} /av.vo.kaˈtit.tsjo/ :: lawyer [attributive]
avvocato {m} /avːoˈkato/ :: lawyer, counsel, solicitor, barrister [male]
avvocato {m} [figuratively] :: advocate, defender, intercessor [male]
avvocatura {f} :: law; the legal profession
avvocatura {f} :: The Bar
avvogliare {v} :: alternative form of invogliare
avvolgente {v} :: present participle of avvolgere
avvolgente {adj} :: wrapping, enveloping, surrounding, encircling
avvolgente {adj} :: comfortable
avvolgente {adj} :: wrapped-up
avvolgente {adj} :: rolled-up
avvolgente {adj} :: charming, fascinating
avvolgentemente {adv} :: comfortably, as if wrapped-up or enveloped
avvolgentesi {v} :: present participle of avvolgersi
avvolgere {vt} :: to wrap, wrap up
avvolgere {vt} :: to roll up [carpet, etc.]
avvolgere {vt} :: to wind something around something
avvolgersi {v} :: reflexive of avvolgere
avvolgersi {v} :: to wind [something around something]
avvolgersi {v} :: to wrap oneself [in a cloak, flag, etc.]
avvolgibile {adj} :: That rolls up
avvolgibile {m} :: roller blind
avvolgicavo {m} :: cable reel
avvolgimento {m} :: winding (electrical)
avvolgitore {m} :: wrapper (person who wraps things)
avvolgitore {m} :: winder, spooler (device)
avvolgitrice {f} :: winding machine
avvolgitrice {f} :: take-up (device)
avvoltare {vt} [rare] /av.volˈta.re/ :: to wrap, wrap up
avvolto {adj} :: rolled up
avvolto {adj} :: wrapped up
avvoltoio {m} :: vulture
avvoltoio collorosso {m} :: turkey vulture
avvoltoio degli agnelli {m} :: Variant of gipeto
avvoltoio monaco {m} :: monk vulture, Eurasian black vulture, black vulture, cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus)
avvoltolante {v} :: present participle of avvoltolare
avvoltolantesi {v} :: present participle of avvoltolarsi
avvoltolare {vt} :: To roll up
avvoltolarsi {vr} :: To roll around
avvoltolatosi {v} :: past participle of avvoltolarsi
avvoltosi {v} :: past participle of avvolgersi
avvolvente {v} :: present participle of avvolvere
avvolvere {v} :: obsolete form of avvolgere
axenico {adj} :: axenic
axeroftolo {m} :: synonym of retinolo
axiologia {f} :: Variant of assiologia
axiverso {m} [physics] :: axiverse
ayatollah {m} :: ayatollah
ayin {mf} :: alternative spelling of ain
aymara {m} :: Aymara (people)
ayn {mf} :: alternative spelling of ain
ayurvedico {adj} :: Ayurvedic
Azadane {prop} :: given name
Azade {prop} :: given name
azalea {f} :: azalea
azamacrociclico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: azamacrocyclic
azara {f} /aˈd͡za.ra/ :: alternative form of zara
Azaria {prop} [Biblical character] :: Azariah
Azaria {prop} :: given name
azatioprina {f} [medicine] :: azathioprine
Azeglio {prop} :: given name
azeotropico {adj} :: azeotropic
azeotropo {m} [physics] :: azeotrope
azera {f} :: female equivalent of azero
Azerbaigian {prop} :: Azerbaigian (country)
azerbaigiana {f} :: female equivalent of azerbaigiano
azerbaigiano {adj} :: Azerbaijani
azerbaigiano {m} :: Azerbaijani
azerbaigiano {m} :: the Azerbaijani language
a zero {adv} [of hair] :: cut close-cropped
azero {adj} :: Azerbaijani
azero {m} :: Azeri, Azerbaijani
azero {m} :: the Azeri or Azerbaijani language
azienda {f} /aˈd͡zjɛn.da/ :: firm, company, business, concern, establishment
aziendale {adj} :: corporate, firm (attribute), business (attribute), company (attribute)
aziendalese {m} :: company executive
aziendalismo {m} :: A surpassing interest in the company that one works for
aziendalista {adj} :: company, business (attributive)
aziendalista {adj} :: having a great interest in the business in which one works
aziendalista {mf} :: an expert in business economics
aziendalizzante {v} :: present participle of aziendalizzare
aziendalizzare {vt} :: to corporatize
aziendalizzazione {f} :: corporatization
aziendalmente {adv} :: corporately
aziliano {adj} :: Azilian
aziliano {m} :: Azilian
azimo {adj} :: alternative form of azzimo
azimut {m} [astronomy] /ˈa.d͡zi.mut/ :: azimuth
azimutale {adj} :: azimuthal
Azio {prop} :: Actium
azionabile {adj} :: That can be activated or operated
azionabile {adj} :: enforceable
azionabilità {f} :: enforceability
azionamento {m} :: activation
azionamento {m} :: raising or lowering (of a lever)
azionante {v} :: present participle of azionare
azionare {v} :: to activate
azionare {v} :: to prime
azionariato {m} [finance] :: shareholding
azionariato {m} [finance] :: shareholders
azionario {adj} :: stock, share (attributive)
azionatore {m} :: actuator
azione {f} /atˈt͡sjoːne/ :: action
azione {f} :: share (finance)
azione {f} [finance] :: share, security
azione {f} [Switzerland] :: offer
azione legale {f} [legal] :: action, charge, prosecution
azione nossale {f} [Ancient Roman law] :: Prosecution against a paterfamilias for harm or damage on part of a member of his family without legal capacity
azionista {mf} [finance] :: shareholder, investor, stockholder
azionistico {adj} :: stocks and shares (attributive)
aziridina {f} [organic compound] :: aziridine, ethyleneimine
azocomposto {m} [organic chemistry] :: azo compound
azoico {adj} :: azoic
azoico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: azo
azoospermia {f} [medicine] /a.t͡so.os.perˈmi.a/ :: azoospermia
azotante {v} :: present participle of azotare
azotare {v} :: To nitrogenize, azotize
azotasi {m} [enzyme] :: azotase
azotato {adj} :: azotic
azotatura {f} :: Application of nitrogen fertilizers
azotemia {f} :: azotemia
azotidrato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: synonym of azoturo
azotidrico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrazoic
azoto {m} [chemistry] /adˈd͡zɔ.to/ :: nitrogen
azotofissatore {adj} :: nitrogen-fixing
azotofissatore {m} :: A nitrogen-fixing organism
azotofissazione {f} [chemistry] :: nitrogen fixation
azoto liquido {n} :: liquid nitrogen
azoturia {n} :: azoturia
azoturo {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: azide
azoturo di sodio {n} :: sodium azide
azteca {f} :: feminine noun of azteco
azteco {adj} /asˈtɛ.ko/ :: Aztec
azteco {m} :: Aztec
azteco {m} :: synonym of nahuatl
azza {f} :: poleaxe
azzannante {v} :: present participle of azzannare
azzannare {vt} :: to maul, to bite
azzannata {f} :: synonym of zannata
azzannatore {adj} :: biting, snapping
azzannatura {f} :: bitemark
azzara {f} /ad͡zˈd͡za.ra/ :: alternative form of zara
azzardante {v} :: present participle of azzardare
azzardantesi {v} :: present participle of azzardarsi
azzardare {vit} :: to risk, hazard
azzardare {vt} :: to venture
azzardarsi {v} :: reflexive of azzardare
azzardarsi {v} [chiefly in the negative or imperative] :: (with a + inf.) to dare
azzardatamente {adv} :: rashly, riskily, hazardously
azzardato {adj} :: rash, risky, hazardous
azzardatosi {v} :: past participle of azzardarsi
azzardo {m} /adˈd͡zar.do/ :: hazard, risk
azzardo {m} :: chance
azzardopatia {f} :: problem gambling
azzardosamente {adv} :: rashly, riskily, hazardously
azzardoso {adj} :: rash, risky, hazardous
-azzare {suffix} /atˈt͡sa.re/ :: Used to form verbs with frequentative and intensifying value, usually with a pejorative connotation
azzeccagarbugli {m} /atˌtsek.ka.ɡarˈbuʎ.ʎi/ :: pettifogger (unskilled lawyer)
azzeccagarbugli {m} :: meddler, busybody
azzeccante {v} :: present participle of azzeccare
azzeccare {vt} :: to hit, strike [a target, etc.]
azzeccare {vt} :: to guess, to hazard
azzeccare {vt} [slang] :: to question someone's intelligence
azzeccare {vt} [rare] :: to give through deceit; to deceive
azzeccato {adj} :: accurate, spot-on, apt
azzeramento {m} :: zeroing, resetting, zero setting
azzeramento {m} :: clearing
azzeramento {m} [telecommunication] :: A sequence of events used to disconnect a call, and return to the ready state
azzerante {v} :: present participle of azzerare
azzerare {vt} :: to zero, to reset, to clear
azzerare {vt} :: to wipe out
azzeruola {f} :: alternative form of lazzeruola
azzeruolo {m} :: alternative form of lazzeruolo
azzettatura {f} :: skeining (winding of thread to form a uniform skein)
azzica {f} :: decoy
azzima {f} :: unleavened bread
azzimante {v} :: present participle of azzimare
azzimantesi {v} :: present participle of azzimarsi
azzimare {vt} :: To deck, dress up or groom
azzimarsi {vr} :: To dress up
azzimato {adj} :: dressed up, spruced up
azzimato {adj} :: well-groomed
azzimato {adj} :: nifty
azzimatosi {v} :: past participle of azzimarsi
azzimo {adj} :: unleavened
azzimo {m} :: unleavened bread
azzimutto {m} :: alternative form of azimut
azzittante {v} :: present participle of azzittare
azzittare {v} :: alternative form of azzittire
azzittente {v} :: present participle of azzittire
azzittire {vt} :: To silence someone
-azzo {suffix} /ˈat͡ːso/ :: Used to derive nouns
Azzo {prop} :: given name
Azzolino {prop} :: given name, most notably that of Azzolino Bernardino della Ciaja
azzonamento {m} :: zoning
azzoppamento {m} :: laming (making lame)
azzoppante {v} :: present participle of azzoppare
azzoppantesi {v} :: present participle of azzopparsi
azzoppare {vt} :: To make lame
azzopparsi {vr} :: To become lame
azzoppatosi {v} :: past participle of azzopparsi
azzoppente {v} :: present participle of azzoppire
azzoppentesi {v} :: present participle of azzoppirsi
azzoppimento {m} :: crippling
azzoppire {vt} :: To cripple
azzoppirsi {vr} :: To be crippled
azzoppitosi {v} :: past participle of azzoppirsi
Azzorre {prop} :: The Azores
azzuffamento {m} :: brawl, scuffle
azzuffante {v} :: present participle of azzuffare
azzuffantesi {v} :: present participle of azzuffarsi
azzuffare {vt} [rare] :: To provoke a fight
azzuffarsi {v} :: reflexive of azzuffare
azzuffarsi {vr} :: to come to blows
azzuffarsi {vr} :: to squabble, wrangle
azzuffatore {m} :: A person who provokes a fight
azzuffatosi {v} :: past participle of azzuffarsi
azzuolo {adj} :: dark blue
azzurra {f} :: female equivalent of azzurro
azzurrabile {adj} :: That can be selected for an Italian national team (especially of a footballer)
azzurraggio {m} :: bluing / blueing
azzurramento {m} :: bluing / blueing
azzurrante {v} :: present participle of azzurrare
azzurrantesi {v} :: present participle of azzurrarsi
azzurrare {vt} :: to colour blue
azzurrarsi {vr} :: To become blue
azzurrastro {adj} :: bluish
azzurrato {adj} :: coloured blue
azzurratosi {v} :: past participle of azzurrarsi
azzurrescenza {f} :: blueish (colour)
Azzurri {prop} :: the Italian national football team
Azzurri {prop} :: the Italian national rugby team
azzurriccio {adj} :: bluish
azzurrigno {adj} :: bluish
Azzurrini {prop} :: the Italian national under 21 football team
azzurrino {adj} :: Pale blue
Azzurrino {prop} :: given name
azzurrità {f} :: blueness
azzurrite {f} [mineralogy] :: azurite
azzurro {adj} /atˈt͡sur.ro/ :: light blue, azure, sky blue [especially the light blue colour of the sky]
azzurro {adj} [idiomatic, sport] :: in or of an Italian national team [athlete, player, etc.]
azzurro {m} :: the light blue colour of the sky
azzurro {m} [heraldry] :: azure
azzurro {m} [idiomatic, sport] :: a member of the Italian national team
Azzurro {prop} :: given name
azzurrofilo {adj} [cytology] :: azurophilic
azzurrognolo {adj} :: bluish (somewhat blue)