User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-t
-t {suffix} | :: Used to form adverbs from adjectives; -ly |
-t {suffix} | :: Used to make neuter forms of adjectives |
-t {suffix} | :: Used to form past participles of some verbs, like -et does |
t {letter} | :: The twentieth letter of the Danish alphabet |
t {noun} | :: ton |
ta' {v} | :: eye dialect of tage |
ta {v} | :: clipping of tage |
tå {noun} | :: toe |
tab {noun} | :: loss |
tab {noun} | :: casualty |
tabe {v} | :: to lose [a thing] |
tabe {v} | :: to lose [a battle or a match] |
taber {noun} | :: a looser |
tab og vind med samme sind {proverb} | :: It doesn't matter if you win or lose, for winning is not everything |
tabu {noun} | :: taboo |
taburet {noun} [furniture] | :: a stool |
tadsjiker {noun} | :: Tajik |
tæft {noun} | :: flair (natural or innate talent or aptitude) |
tæft {noun} | :: [archaic] scent (odour left by animal) |
-tægt {noun} | :: taking (used only as the second part of compounds) |
tælle {noun} | :: tallow |
tælle {v} | :: to count |
tælle {v} | :: to number |
tæller {noun} [arithmetic] | :: numerator |
tæller {noun} | :: something which counts something |
tælle til 90 {v} [Danish politics] | :: to procure at least 90 votes for a proposal in Folketinget (90 being the minimum for a majority in the 179-member parliament) |
tælling {noun} | :: count, act of counting |
tæmme {v} | :: tame |
tæmme {v} | :: domesticate |
tæmme {v} | :: control, curb |
tæmmer {noun} | :: agent noun of tæmme |
tænde {v} | :: kindle, ignite, set fire to |
tænde {v} | :: (activate a device, apparatus, artificial light or electrical process) switch on, turn on |
tænde {v} | :: set in motion, cause to begin |
tænde {v} | :: (release a flow of liquid or gas by rotating a valve or tap) turn on (generally used with preposition for) |
tænde {v} [archaic] | :: cause to shine, light up |
tænde {v} | :: arouse, turn on |
tænde på {vt} | :: be turned on by, to be sexually aroused by |
tænder {noun} | :: lighter, igniter |
tændstik {c} | :: match |
tændstikæske {noun} | :: matchbox |
tændstikmand {noun} | :: stick figure |
tænke {v} | :: to think |
tænke {v} | :: to believe |
tænke {v} | :: to intend |
tænker {noun} | :: thinker |
tænkt {adj} | :: thought up, hypothetical, imagined, existing only in thoughts |
tænkt {adj} [comparable] | :: characterized by excessive assumptions, to the point of unrealisticness |
tæppe {noun} | :: blanket (a cloth, usually large, used for warmth or sleeping) |
tæppe {noun} | :: carpet (a fabric used as a complete floor covering) |
tæppe {noun} | :: rug (small carpet) |
tæppe {noun} | :: curtain (piece of cloth that separates the audience and the stage in a theater) |
tæppe {v} | :: tæppe af – to remove the bedspread |
tærske {v} | :: thrash, thresh (to separate the grain from the straw or husks by mechanical beating, with a flail or machinery) |
tærskel {noun} | :: threshold |
tærskelværdi {noun} | :: threshold |
tærte {noun} | :: pie (pastry) |
tæsk {p} | :: beating, thrashing |
tæske {v} | :: thrash (to beat mercilessly) |
tæske {v} | :: thrash (to defeat utterly) |
tæt {adj} | :: close [with a little or no distance] |
tæt {adj} | :: dense, tight, thick, heavy [with a high density] |
tæt {adj} | :: watertight, waterproof, air-tight [impenetrable by water or air] |
tæt {adv} | :: closely [with little or no distance] |
tæt {adv} | :: densely, thickly, tight, tightly, heavily [with a high density] |
tætsiddende {adj} | :: tight-fitting |
tæve {noun} | :: bitch (female canine, spiteful woman) |
tæve {noun} | :: slut (sexually promiscuous woman) |
tæve {v} | :: to trash, to beat up |
tævet {v} | :: past participle of tæve |
tag {noun} | :: roof |
tag {noun} | :: hold, grasp, grip |
tag {noun} | :: stroke [with an oar or with the armes in the water] |
tag {noun} | :: handling, control |
tag {n} | :: tag [signature of a graffiti artist] |
tag {n} [computing] | :: tag [markup in an electronic file] |
tagalog {noun} | :: Tagalog, the Tagalog language, native language of the Philippines |
tage {v} | :: to take, get, pick up |
tage {v} | :: to catch, hold |
tage {v} | :: to charge [to take money] |
tage {v} | :: to go somewhere [with a preposition phrase] |
tage {v} | :: to occupy, steal [to take what is not yours] |
Tage {prop} | :: given name |
tåge {noun} | :: fog |
tåge {noun} | :: mist |
tåge {noun} | :: haze |
tåge {noun} | :: smog |
tåge {v} | :: to be misty, unclear |
tåge {v} | :: to move around aimlessly |
tåge {v} [passive] | :: to be misty |
tage fat {v} | :: grab |
tage fat {v} | :: work on something |
tage kegler {v} [slang] | :: to impress |
tage på {v} | :: put on (clothing) |
tage på {v} | :: put on, gain (body weight) |
tage på {v} | :: grope, fondle (a person) |
tage på {v} | :: to wear down; to have a fatiguing effect on |
tage på vej {v} | :: be offended |
tage sig af {v} | :: mind, pay attention to |
tage sig af {v} | :: take care of, see to |
tage sig sammen {vr} | :: get one's act together, pull oneself together, man up (unisexually, though) |
tage sig til {vr} | :: occupy oneself with; fill one's time with (some activity) |
tage sig ud {v} | :: to appear, to seem |
tage skeen i den anden hånd {phrase} | :: take another line |
tage skeen i den anden hånd {phrase} | :: turn over a new leaf |
tagetage {noun} | :: attic, top storey, top floor |
tagetes {noun} [plant] | :: tagetes (genus Tagetes) |
tage til {v} | :: See: da tage til |
tage til {v} | :: intensify, increase in loudness, intensity, strength etc |
tage til orde {v} | :: to seize the word, to begin speaking (in some gathering of people) |
tage vare på {v} | :: care for; take responsibility for the welfare of (something living) or the fulfillment of (some duty) |
tage ved lære {v} | :: learn |
tage ved næsen {v} | :: cheat and deceive |
tagrende {noun} | :: an eavestrough, a rain gutter |
tak {noun} | :: thanks |
tak {interj} | :: thank you, thanks |
tak {noun} | :: jag |
tak {noun} | :: point |
tak {noun} | :: cog |
tak {noun} | :: tooth |
tak {noun} | :: tine |
tak for kaffe {interj} | :: An expression indicating surprise, astonishment or offense; oh my God |
tak for mad {interj} | :: thanks for food |
takke {v} | :: thank |
takket {v} | :: past participle of takke |
takket være {prep} | :: thanks to |
taknemmelighed {noun} [uncountable] | :: thankfulness |
taks {noun} | :: yew [a busk or a tree, Taxus baccata] |
taks {noun} [obsolete] | :: badger |
taks {noun} [obsolete] | :: dachshund |
tal {noun} | :: number |
tal {noun} | :: figure |
tal {noun} | :: digit |
tal {noun} | :: numeral |
tale {noun} | :: speech, talk, address, discourse |
tale {v} | :: to make a speech |
tale {v} | :: to speak, talk |
tåle {v} | :: to put up with, bear, endure, stand, tolerate |
taleboble {noun} | :: speech bubble |
tale er sølv, tavshed er guld {proverb} | :: speech is silver, silence is golden |
tale frit fra leveren {v} [idiomatic] | :: speak honestly |
talehandling {noun} | :: speech act |
taleksempel {noun} | :: an example of some calculation using specific numbers |
talemåde {noun} | :: phrase |
talemåde {noun} | :: commonplace, platitude |
talemåde {noun} | :: colloquialism |
tale med to tunger {v} [idiomatic] | :: be false and unreliable |
talent {noun} | :: talent (potential or factual ability to perform a skill better than most people) |
talent {noun} | :: talent (unit of weight and money) |
tale over {vr} | :: to say too much |
taler {noun} | :: speaker |
taler du dansk {phrase} | :: do you speak Danish? |
taler du engelsk {phrase} | :: do you speak English? |
tale ud {v} | :: finish speaking |
talg {noun} | :: tallow |
talg {noun} | :: suet |
talisman {noun} | :: talisman |
talje {noun} | :: waist |
talje {noun} | :: waistline |
talje {noun} | :: tackle (system of ropes and blocks) |
talk {noun} | :: talc (a soft, fine-grained mineral used in talcum powder) |
talkum {noun} | :: talcum (powdered and perfumed talc for toilet use) |
tallerken {noun} | :: plate (dish) |
Tallinn {prop} | :: Tallinn (capital city) |
tallium {noun} | :: alternative spelling of thallium |
talmæssig {adj} | :: relating to numbers, numerical |
tålmod {noun} | :: patience |
tålmodig {adj} | :: patient (not losing one's temper while waiting) |
tålmodighed {noun} | :: patience |
talord {noun} | :: numeral (a word representing a number) |
talrig {adj} | :: numerous |
talsmand {noun} | :: spokesman [often used gender-neutrally] |
talsperson {noun} | :: spokesperson |
talteori {noun} [math] | :: number theory |
tålt ophold {noun} [law] | :: tolerated stay |
tam {adj} | :: tame |
Tampere {prop} | :: Tampere (city) |
tand {noun} | :: tooth |
tand {noun} | :: prong |
tandbørste {noun} | :: toothbrush |
tandlæge {noun} | :: dentist (specialized medical doctor) |
tandlægeangst {noun} | :: odontophobia, fear of dentistry |
tandpasta {noun} | :: toothpaste |
tandsmør {noun} | :: Butter on bread thick enough to reveal tooth marks.[1] |
tandtråd {noun} | :: dental floss |
tånegl {noun} | :: toenail |
tang {noun} | :: tongs |
tang {noun} | :: forceps |
tang {noun} | :: seaweed |
tangens {noun} | :: tangent (trigonometrical function) |
tangent {noun} [geometry] | :: tangent |
tangent {noun} | :: a piano key |
tango {noun} | :: tango |
Tanja {prop} | :: given name. Popular in the 1970s and the 1980s |
tank {noun} | :: tank [for storage] |
tank {noun} [colloquial] | :: filling station, gas station (US), petrol station (UK), service station |
tank {noun} | :: tank [military fighting vehicle] |
tankbil {noun} | :: tanker (a road vehicle with a tank for carrying liquids) |
tanke {noun} | :: thought |
tanke {noun} | :: idea |
tanke {noun} | :: intension |
tanke {v} | :: tank up, fill up |
tanke {v} | :: refuel |
tankegods {noun} | :: intellectual or ideological heritage or basis; a way of thinking that underpins arts, politics, institutional policy or practice, etc.; thought, system of thought |
tankelæser {noun} | :: mind-reader |
tanker {c} | :: a tanker (a ship fitted with tanks for carrying liquid cargoes) |
tankereferat {noun} [literature] | :: a non-verbatim representation of a character's thoughts |
tanket {v} | :: past participle of tanke |
tankevækkende {adj} | :: thought-provoking |
tankskib {noun} | :: a tanker (a ship equipped with tanks for carrying liquid cargoes) |
tankstation {c} | :: filling station, gas station (US), petrol station (UK), service station |
tankvogn {noun} | :: tanker (a road vehicle with a tank for carrying liquids) |
tankvogn {noun} | :: tank wagon (a rail vehicle with a tank for carrying liquids) |
tantal {noun} | :: tantalum |
tantalum {noun} [now, rare] | :: alternative form of tantal |
tante {noun} | :: aunt |
tap {c} [mechanics] | :: protruding component of a device |
tap {c} [anatomy] | :: cone cell |
tap {c} [colloquial] | :: penis |
tap {c} [erotic literature] | :: clitoris |
tap {c} | :: member of technical and administrative staff |
tape {noun} | :: Scotch tape, adhesive tape |
tape {v} | :: tape (to bind with adhesive tape) |
tapet {noun} | :: wallpaper (decorative paper for walls) |
tapet {v} | :: past participle of tape |
tappe {v} [of liquid] | :: to draw, bottle |
tappe {v} | :: to drain |
tappe {v} | :: to tap, spy on |
tappe {v} | :: to record |
tappe {v} [rare] | :: tap (strike lightly) |
tappet {v} | :: past participle of tappe |
tår {noun} | :: drop, sip [a small amount of liquid] |
tåre {noun} | :: tear [drop of clear salty liquid from the eye] |
tåregas {noun} | :: tear gas |
tarm {noun} | :: intestine, gut, bowels ({p}) |
tårn {noun} | :: tower |
tårn {noun} [chess] | :: rook |
tårne {v} | :: pile up |
tarok {noun} | :: tarot |
tartan {n} {c} | :: tartan (woollen cloth with a distinctive pattern) |
tartan {n} {c} | :: tartan (synthetic resin, used for surfacing tracks etc.) |
tarv {c} {n} | :: want, need |
tarv {c} {n} | :: interests |
Tåsinge {prop} | :: an island south of Funen |
taske {noun} | :: bag |
taskekrabbe {noun} | :: Cancer pagurus; edible crab |
Tasmanien {prop} | :: Tasmania |
taste {v} | :: To type |
tatovere {v} | :: to tattoo |
tatovering {c} | :: tattoo |
tatovør {c} | :: tattoo artist, tattooer, tattooist |
tavle {noun} | :: table |
tavle {noun} | :: tablet |
tavle {noun} | :: slab |
tavle {noun} | :: blackboard |
tavle {noun} | :: whiteboard |
tavs {adj} | :: silent |
taxa {noun} | :: cab, taxi |
taxachauffør {c} | :: taxi driver, cab driver, cabdriver, cabbie, cabby (person who drives a taxi) |
taxagrønt {noun} [humorous] | :: amber light, yellow light (traffic light) |
taxi {c} | :: taxi |
taxichauffør {c} | :: Alternative form of taxachauffør |
taxivej {c} | :: taxiway |
Taylorpolynomium {noun} [math] | :: Taylor polynomial |
Taylorrække {noun} [math] | :: Taylor series |
TB {noun} | :: tuberculosis |
Tchad {prop} | :: Tchad (country) |
te {noun} | :: tea [the plant Camellia sinensis] |
te {noun} | :: tea [the dried leaves from the tea plant, also parts from other plants] |
te {noun} [uncountable] | :: tea [a beverage made from tea leaves, also similar beverages made from other plants] |
te {vr} | :: behave |
teater {noun} | :: theater, theatre |
tebrev {noun} | :: tea bag |
technetium {noun} | :: technetium |
Teddy {prop} | :: given name of English origin |
teddybjørn {c} | :: a teddy bear |
teenager {c} | :: a teenager |
teet {v} | :: past participle of te |
tegn {noun} | :: sign |
tegn {noun} | :: token |
tegn {noun} | :: character |
tegne {v} | :: draw |
tegne {v} | :: design |
tegne {v} | :: represent |
tegne {v} | :: appear, seem, promise |
tegne {v} | :: sign a contract |
tegnefilm {noun} | :: cartoon (animated cartoon) |
tegneserie {noun} | :: A series of drawings, often with a caption, or a strip of such drawings, a cartoon, a comic |
Teheran {prop} | :: Teheran (capital city) |
tehus | :: teahouse, tearoom |
teint {noun} | :: complexion (appearance of the skin on the face) |
teknik {noun} | :: technique |
teknik {noun} | :: technology |
teknik {noun} | :: engineering |
tekniker {noun} | :: technician |
tekst {c} | :: a text |
tekst {v} | :: imperative of tekste (to subtitle, to text) |
tekstil {noun} | :: textile |
tekstil {adj} [rare] | :: of or pertaining to textiles |
tekstilproduktion {noun} [usually, uncountable] | :: textile production; the production of textiles |
tekstuel {adj} | :: textual |
telefon {noun} | :: telephone (an electronic device used for two-way talking with other people) |
telefon {noun} | :: phone number, telephone number (digits assigned to a telephone), abbreviated tlf. |
telefon {noun} | :: call, phone call, telephone call |
telefonbog {noun} | :: telephone book |
telefonboks {noun} | :: telephone box, telephone booth |
telefonere {v} [archaic] | :: To telephone |
telefoni {noun} | :: telephony |
telefonnummer {noun} | :: telephone number |
telegraf {noun} | :: telegraph |
telegrafist {noun} | :: telegraphist, telegrapher |
teleskop {noun} | :: telescope |
tellurium {noun} | :: tellurium |
telt {noun} | :: a tent |
tempel {noun} | :: temple (place of worship) |
temperatur {noun} | :: temperature (all senses) |
temperaturforhold {noun} [meteorology] | :: temperature condition |
tempo {noun} | :: pace |
tempo {noun} | :: rate |
tempo {noun} | :: tempo |
tempo {noun} | :: stage |
tendens {noun} | :: tendency |
tendens {noun} | :: trend |
tendens {noun} | :: inclination; bias |
Tenna {prop} | :: given name |
Tennessee {prop} | :: Tennessee (state) |
Tennessees {prop} | :: genitive of Tennessee |
tennessine {noun} | :: tennessine |
tennis {c} [uncountable, sports] | :: tennis |
tennisbane {c} [sports] | :: a tennis court |
tennisbold {c} [sports] | :: a tennis ball |
tennisketsjer {c} [sports] | :: a tennis racket, or tennis racquet |
tennisspiller {noun} | :: tennis player |
tenor {noun} | :: tenor (musical range, person, instrument or group performing in the tenor range) |
teoretiker {noun} | :: theorist |
teori {noun} | :: theory |
teosofi {noun} | :: theosophy |
tepose {noun} | :: teabag |
tepotte {noun} | :: teapot |
terapeut {noun} | :: therapist |
terapi {noun} | :: therapy |
terbium {noun} | :: terbium |
termin {noun} | :: settling period |
termin {noun} | :: due date, settling day |
termin {noun} | :: date, deadline |
termin {noun} | :: mortgage payment |
terminologi {c} | :: terminology |
terminologisk {adj} | :: terminological |
termometer {n} | :: a thermometer |
termostat {noun} | :: thermostat |
terning {noun} | :: die (used for games of chance) |
terpentin {noun} | :: turpentine |
terræn {noun} | :: country, ground, terrain |
terrasse {noun} | :: terrace (platform that extends outwards from a building) |
terrasse {noun} [heraldry] | :: compartment |
terrier {noun} | :: terrier (a small breed of dog) |
territorial {adj} | :: territorial |
territorium {n} | :: territory |
terror {noun} | :: terror |
terrorliste {noun} | :: list of most wanted terrorists |
terzet {noun} [music] | :: terzetto |
terzet {noun} [poetry] | :: tercet |
tese {noun} | :: thesis |
teske {noun} | :: teaspoon |
teske {noun} | :: teaspoonful |
teskefuld {c} [cooking] | :: teaspoonful |
test {noun} | :: test |
testamente {noun} | :: testament |
testikel {noun} [anatomy] | :: testicle |
testimonial {noun} | :: testimonial |
testimonium {n} | :: evidence, testimony |
testning {noun} | :: invigilation |
testosteron {noun} | :: testosterone |
tetraeder {noun} [geometry] | :: tetrahedron |
tetrahydrocannabinol {c} | :: tetrahydrocannabinol |
Texas {prop} | :: Texas (state) |
Thailand {prop} | :: Thailand |
thailandsk {adj} | :: Thai |
thailandsk {prop} | :: Thai language |
thallium {noun} | :: thallium |
the {c} | :: alternative spelling of te |
Thea {prop} | :: given name |
Theben {prop} {n} | :: Thebes [city in Ancient and Modern Greece, largest city in the landscape of Boetia] |
Theben {prop} {n} | :: Thebes [major city in Ancient Egypt, at the location modern Luxor] |
Theis {prop} | :: given name |
Themsen {prop} {c} | :: the River Thames in England |
Theodor {prop} | :: given name |
Theodora {prop} | :: given name |
Therese {prop} | :: given name |
the shit {noun} [colloquial] | :: the shit |
thi {conj} | :: [dated] for [coordinating conjunction introducing an explanation] |
thi {conj} | :: [archaic] therefore |
Thøgersen {prop} | :: surname |
Thomas {prop} | :: Thomas (biblical figure) |
Thomas {prop} | :: given name of biblical origin |
Thomassen {prop} | :: surname |
Thomine {prop} | :: given name, a feminine form of Thomas |
Thomsen {prop} | :: surname |
Thor {prop} [Norse mythology] | :: Thor |
Thor {prop} | :: given name, shortened from compound names beginning with Thor-/Tor- |
Thora {prop} | :: given name |
Thorbjørn {prop} | :: given name |
thorium {noun} | :: thorium |
Thorkild {prop} | :: given name |
Thorsen {prop} | :: surname |
Thorshavn {prop} | :: Tórshavn |
Thorup {prop} | :: surname |
Thorvald {prop} | :: given name |
Thrane {prop} | :: surname |
Thukydid {prop} | :: Thucydides [famous Ancient Greek Historian, author of the History of the Peloponnesian War] |
thulium {noun} | :: thulium |
Thyge {prop} | :: given name |
Thygesen {prop} | :: surname |
ti {num} | :: ten |
tibetaner {noun} | :: Tibetan (a native of Tibet) |
tibetansk {adj} | :: Tibetan (pertaining to Tibet, the Tibetan people, culture, or language) |
tibetologi {noun} | :: Tibetology |
tid {noun} | :: time |
tiden læger alle sår {proverb} | :: time heals all wounds |
tidens tand {adv} [idiomatic] | :: something breaking down over time |
tidernes morgen {prop} | :: the dawn of time |
tidernes morgen {prop} | :: a long time ago |
tid er penge {proverb} | :: time is money |
tidlig {adj} | :: early |
tidlig {adv} | :: early |
tidsånd {noun} | :: zeitgeist |
tidsforlængelse {noun} [physics] | :: time dilation |
tidsledelse {noun} | :: time management |
tidslig {adj} | :: temporal |
tidsmaskine {noun} | :: time machine (hypothetical device used to travel in time) |
tidsnok {adv} | :: in time, not too late |
tidspunkt {noun} | :: time, moment, date, point in time |
tidsrejse {noun} | :: time travel |
tidsskrift {noun} | :: magazine [periodical] |
tidsskrift {noun} | :: journal |
tidssvarende {adj} | :: fitting for the time |
tidszone {noun} | :: time zone |
tie {v} | :: to be silent, fall silent |
tiende {noun} | :: tithe |
tiende {num} | :: tenth |
tiendedel {noun} | :: tenth (one of ten equal parts of a whole), ⅒ |
tier {noun} | :: ten [the card between the nine and jack in a given suit] |
tier {noun} | :: ten [a monetary denomination worth ten units] |
tier {noun} | :: number ten [a person or a thing defined by the number ten, e.g. a bus-line] |
tier {noun} [plural] | :: tens [the second decade of a century, like the 1910s or 2010s] |
tiger {noun} | :: tiger |
tigerbestand {noun} | :: tiger population |
tigge {v} | :: to beg |
tigger {noun} | :: beggar |
tight {adj} | :: tight [of cloths, finances, schedules] |
tight {adj} [music] | :: tight [keeping time and with musical understanding] |
til- {prefix} | :: to, towards |
til {prep} | :: to, towards [direction or goal of a physical movement] |
til {prep} | :: towards [the way a thing is turned] |
til {prep} | :: to, until [the upper limit] |
til {prep} | :: for [the purpose or the beneficiary] |
til {prep} | :: into, interested in [especially sexually] |
til {prep} | :: at [at a certain point in time, with certain nouns] |
til {prep} | :: by, by [not later than] |
til {prep} | :: (together) with [e.g. accompanying food] |
til {prep} | :: on, by [the mean of transportation] |
til {adv} | :: more, additional, another |
til {adv} | :: to, having as destination |
til {adv} | :: such that something is caused to be in a fitting state |
til {adv} | :: such that some pathway or cavity is blocked |
til {adv} | :: with force |
til {conj} | :: till, until |
til at lukke op og skide i {adj} | :: worthless |
tilbage {adv} | :: back |
tilbage {adv} | :: left, remaining |
tilbage {adv} | :: backwards [direction] |
tilbagestående {adj} | :: underdeveloped [culturally, economically, mentally] |
tilbageståenhed {noun} | :: quality of being underdeveloped |
tilbagevirkende {adj} | :: retroactive |
tilbede {v} | :: worship |
tilbedelse {noun} | :: worship |
tilberede {vt} | :: to prepare (food) |
tilbøjelig {adj} [almost always used with til] | :: inclined (to); biased (towards) |
tilbøjelighed {noun} | :: inclination; bias |
tilbomme {v} | :: close something permanently (e.g. a road with a bar or a windows with boards) |
til bords {adv} | :: at a/the table |
tilbringe {v} | :: to spend, pass [time] |
tilbud {n} | :: an offer |
tilbud {n} | :: an offer where a ware has a reduced price |
tilbyde {v} | :: offer |
tildække {v} | :: cover |
Tilde {prop} | :: given name, short form of Mathilde |
tildele {v} | :: to allocate, allot, assign |
tildele {v} | :: to award [e.g. a prize, medal] |
til dels {adv} | :: partly, in part |
tilfældig {adj} | :: random |
tilfældigvis {adv} | :: by chance |
tilføje {v} | :: to add, append |
tilforladelig {adj} | :: dependable, reliable |
tilforn {adv} | :: previously, formerly |
tilfreds {adj} | :: satisfied |
tilfredsstille {v} | :: to satisfy |
tilfredsstille {v} | :: to content |
tilfredsstillende {adj} | :: satisfactory |
tilfredsstillende {adj} | :: satisfying |
tilfredsstillende {adv} | :: satisfactorily |
tilgang {noun} | :: approach; a way of trying to solve a problem or understand something |
til gengæld {adv} | :: on the other hand |
tilgive {v} | :: forgive |
tilgivelig {adj} | :: forgivable |
tilgivelse {noun} | :: forgiveness |
tilgodese {v} | :: attempt to accommodate someone's needs or desires |
til hobe {adv} [archaic] | :: together |
til hobe {adv} | :: in the phrase alle til hobe (altogether) |
tilhøre {v} | :: to belong to |
tilhørende {adj} | :: matching |
tilhører {noun} | :: listener |
tilhører {noun} | :: [in plural form] audience |
tilhørssted {noun} | :: the place where someone belongs |
tilhviske {v} | :: whisper to someone |
tilkørsel {noun} | :: a road that merges with a highway, allowing one to access the highway |
tillade {v} | :: to allow, permit |
tilladelse {noun} | :: permission, permit, consent |
tillæg {noun} | :: add-on |
tillæg {noun} | :: addendum |
tillægsform {noun} [grammar] | :: participle |
tillægsord {noun} [grammar] | :: adjective |
til lands {adj} | :: on land |
til lands {adv} | :: by land |
tillid {noun} | :: confidence (quality of trusting) |
tillid {noun} | :: trust (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) |
tillid {noun} | :: reliance |
tillidskultur {noun} | :: trust culture |
tillige {adv} [literary] | :: additionally |
tillykke {interj} | :: congratulations [expressing approbation] |
tillykke {n} | :: congratulation |
tillykke med fødselsdagen {interj} | :: happy birthday (good wishes for birthday) |
til måde {adj} | :: placated |
til måde {adj} | :: acceptable, good enough |
til måde {adv} | :: moderately, in moderation |
tilmed {adv} | :: additionally, furthermore |
tilnavn {noun} | :: byname |
til og med {adv} | :: even |
til og med {prep} | :: up to and including |
tilpas {adj} | :: properly, right, suitable |
tilpas {adj} | :: [adverbial] opportunely, suitably |
tilpas {adj} | :: a (specified) physical or psychological condition |
tilpas {adj} | :: a pleasant condition or in a good mood, content, fit, well |
tilpasning {noun} | :: adaptation |
tilpasningsdygtig {adj} | :: adaptive, able to adapt |
tilsammen {adv} | :: in total, in all |
tilslutte {vr} | :: to agree to (some opinion, view), to support (some deal, treaty, law etc.) |
til søs {adj} | :: at sea |
til søs {adv} | :: at sea |
tilstand {noun} | :: state (condition) |
tilstand {noun} | :: state (physical property of matter) |
tilstand {noun} | :: condition (state of an object) |
tilstand {noun} | :: condition (health status of a patient) |
tilstandsfunktion {noun} | :: state function |
til stede {adj} | :: present |
tilstrækkelig {adj} | :: sufficient, enough, adequate |
tilsyn {noun} | :: supervision |
tilsyneladende {adv} | :: seemingly, apparently |
tilsyneladende {adj} | :: apparent |
tiltrække {v} | :: to attract |
tilværelse {noun} | :: existence, life |
tilvejebringe {v} | :: bring about |
tilvejebringelse {noun} | :: procurement, act of procuring, producing, bringing forth |
til vejrs {adv} | :: up, into the air |
til vogns {adv} | :: in a carriage |
Tim {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English and German |
time {noun} | :: hour |
time {noun} | :: lesson, class |
time {v} | :: to time |
timer {noun} | :: timer |
timet {v} | :: past participle of time |
timian {noun} | :: thyme |
Timotheus {prop} | :: Timothy [biblical character] |
tin {noun} | :: tin (Sn) |
Tina {prop} | :: given name, short for Christina and Bettina |
tinde {noun} | :: summit, peak; the highest part of a mountain |
tinding {noun} [anatomy] | :: temple |
Tine {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Katrine or of any name ending in -tine |
ting {noun} | :: thing [an individual object] |
ting {noun} | :: assembly, parliament [a judicial or legislative assembly] |
tingest {noun} | :: thingy, thingamabob |
tingslig {adj} | :: material, physical, consisting of matter |
tingsliggøre {v} | :: objectify |
tingsliggørelse {noun} [chiefly in the singular] | :: objectification |
-tion {suffix} | :: -tion; making nouns |
tip- {prefix} | :: great- |
tirsdag {noun} | :: Tuesday |
tisse {v} | :: pee, piddle |
tisse i bukserne for at holde varmen {v} | :: enact a solution that benefits in the short term, but is inexpedient in the long term |
tissekone {noun} [childish] | :: vagina |
tissekone {noun} [childish] | :: the external female sexual organs and urethra, taken as a whole |
tissekone {noun} [slang] | :: female restroom attendant at a public toilet |
tissemand {noun} [childish] | :: penis |
tissemand {noun} [slang] | :: male restroom attendant at a public toilet |
tisse på nogens sukkermad {v} | :: piss in someone's cornflakes |
tisser {c} | :: penis |
tit {adv} | :: often |
tit {adv} | :: frequently |
tit {noun} | :: glimpse |
titanium {noun} | :: titanium |
titel {c} | :: A title |
titrand {noun} [chemistry] | :: a titrand, a substance whose concentration is to be determined by titration |
titrator {noun} [analytical chemistry] | :: a titrator, a substance used to titrate some other substance |
titrere {v} [analytical chemistry] | :: titrate |
titrering {noun} [chemistry] | :: titration |
titte {v} | :: to peep |
tivoli {noun} | :: funfair |
tja {interj} | :: Expression of contemplation |
tjæld {noun} [obsolete] | :: a canvas, carpet |
tjæld {noun} [archaic] | :: a tent |
tjæld {noun} [poetic] | :: a cover |
tjære {noun} | :: tar |
tjære {v} | :: tar |
tjald {c} [slang] | :: weed, pot |
tjek {noun} | :: check, control |
tjekke {noun} | :: Czech (a person from the Czech Republic (Czechia) or of Czech descent) |
tjekke {v} | :: check |
tjekket {adj} | :: organized |
tjekket {adj} | :: trendy, cool |
Tjekkiet {prop} {n} | :: Tjekkiet (country) |
tjekkisk {adj} | :: Czech (pertaining to the Czech Republic, the Czech people, culture, or language) |
tjekkisk {noun} | :: The Czech language |
Tjekkoslovakiet {prop} [historical] | :: Czechoslovakia |
tjene {v} | :: to serve [a master, a country, a purpose] |
tjene {v} | :: to earn [money] |
tjener {noun} | :: waiter, waitress, server |
tjener {noun} | :: servant |
tjeneste {noun} | :: duty, service |
tjeneste {noun} | :: kindness |
tjenlig {adj} | :: serviceable |
tjenlig {adj} | :: cultivable [earth] |
tjenstdygtig {adj} [dated] | :: fit for military service |
tjenstlig {adj} | :: official |
Tjernobyl {prop} | :: Tjernobyl (city) |
tjetjener {noun} | :: Chechen person |
Tjetjenien {prop} | :: Tjetjenien (republic) |
tjetjensk {adj} | :: Chechen |
tjetjensk {prop} | :: Chechen language |
tjod {noun} [historical, obsolete] | :: a people, nation [of tribes in prehistoric Europe] |
tjørn {noun} | :: hawthorn |
Tjukotskij {prop} | :: Chukotka |
Tjukotskij autonome okrug {prop} | :: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug |
tl;dr {phrase} [Internet slang] | :: Introduces a summary |
to {num} | :: two |
to {v} [dated] | :: wash |
tobak {noun} | :: tobacco |
Tobias {prop} | :: Tobias [biblical character] |
Tobias {prop} | :: given name |
toer {noun} [games] | :: A die roll of two |
toer {noun} [games] | :: A playing card of two |
toet {v} | :: past participle of to |
tøffel {m} [footwear] | :: a slipper |
tøffel {m} [colloquial] | :: a henpecked husband |
tøffelhelt {noun} | :: a henpecked husband |
Toft {prop} | :: surname |
tog {noun} | :: train |
tog {noun} | :: expedition |
togstation {noun} | :: railway station |
togt {noun} | :: expedition |
togvogn {noun} | :: railroad car |
toilet {noun} | :: toilet (room containing lavatory); men's room, ladies' room |
toilet {noun} | :: toilet (lavatory) |
toiletbørste {noun} | :: toilet brush |
toiletpapir {noun} | :: toilet paper (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) |
tøj {noun} | :: fabric, material |
tøj {noun} [uncountable] | :: cloth, clothes, clothing |
tøj {noun} | :: only in compounds: |
tøj {noun} | :: tool, mechanism |
tøj {noun} | :: means of transport, mode of transport |
tøj {noun} | :: body part with a certain function |
tøj {noun} | :: articles of everyday use |
tøj {noun} | :: material for knitting, needle work and such |
tøj {noun} | :: something unpleasant |
tøjhus {noun} | :: armoury |
tøjle {noun} | :: a rein |
tøjle {noun} | :: [figuratively] anything used to restrain or regulate |
tøjle {v} | :: to control |
tøjle {v} | :: to fasten by use of a rope or similar |
tøjte {noun} | :: hussy, tart |
Toke {prop} | :: given name, medieval diminutive of Thorkild |
toksikolog {noun} | :: toxicologist (scientist or physician who speciality is toxicology) |
toksisk {adj} | :: toxic |
Toksvig {prop} | :: surname |
Tokyo {prop} | :: Tokyo (prefecture/capital city) |
told {noun} | :: duty, tariff (tax placed on imports or exports) |
tolk {noun} | :: interpreter |
tolke {v} | :: interpret |
tolkning {noun} | :: an interpretation |
tølt {noun} | :: a gait unique to the Icelandic horse |
tolv {num} | :: twelve |
tolvfingertarm {noun} [, anatomy] | :: duodenum |
tolvte {num} | :: twelfth |
t.o.m. {prep} | :: abbreviation of til og med |
tom {adj} | :: empty |
Tom {prop} | :: given name |
Tomas {prop} | :: given name |
tomat {noun} | :: A tomato |
tomatiseret {adj} [of a dish] | :: containing tomatoes |
tomatjuice {noun} | :: Tomato juice |
tombak {n} {c} | :: tombac |
tomle {v} | :: thumb, hitchhike |
tomme {noun} [historical or referring to foreign cultures] | :: inch [a unit of length equal to one-twelfth of a foot, in Denmark 2.62 cm until 1907; in English-speaking countries 2.54 cm] |
tømme {noun} | :: rein |
tømme {v} | :: to empty |
tommel {c} [anatomy] | :: a thumb [digit] |
tommelfinger {noun} | :: thumb |
tommelfingerregel {noun} | :: rule of thumb |
tommelfingerregel {noun} [chiefly definite, physics] | :: a mnemonic for determining the direction of the magnetic field brought about by a current |
tømmer {noun} | :: timber |
tømmermænd {c} | :: hangover, veisalgia |
tømmermænd {c} [by extension] | :: an unpleasant feeling after completing a strenuous or energetic activity |
tomme tønder buldrer mest {proverb} | :: empty vessels make the most sound |
Tommy {prop} | :: given name |
tømrer {noun} | :: carpenter (carpentry person) |
tomrum {n} [also figuratively] | :: vacuum, void |
ton {c} {n} | :: ton (unit of weight) |
tønde {noun} | :: barrel, drum |
tønde {noun} [colloquial] | :: toilet |
tone {noun} | :: tone |
tone {noun} | :: note |
tone {v} | :: to sound |
tone {v} | :: to tone |
tone {v} | :: to tint |
tonet {v} | :: past participle of tone |
Tønnes {prop} | :: given name |
Tonni {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Anton |
Tonny {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Anton |
Tony {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English |
toogfirs {num} | :: eighty-two |
toogfyrre {num} | :: forty-two |
tooghalvfems {num} | :: ninety-two |
tooghalvfjerds {num} | :: seventy-two |
tooghalvtreds {num} | :: fifty-two |
toogtredive {num} | :: thirty-two |
toogtredve {num} | :: thirty-two |
toogtres {num} | :: sixty-two |
toogtyve {num} | :: twenty-two |
top {noun} | :: summit, peak |
top {noun} | :: hairpiece |
top {noun} | :: top (uppermost part, lid, cap, cover, garment worn to cover the torso, child’s spinning toy) |
topas {noun} | :: topaz |
topform {noun} [of e.g. a person, a machine] | :: good condition; very good shape |
topløs {adj} | :: topless |
topograf {noun} | :: topographer |
topografi {noun} | :: topography |
topografisk {adj} | :: topographic |
topolog {noun} | :: topologist |
topologi {noun} | :: topology (study of geometric properties that are not changed by stretching etc.) |
topologisk rum {noun} [mathematics] | :: topological space (a set along with a topology on the set) |
topstyret {adj} | :: managed top-down; organized in such a way that most decisions are made at the highest level |
tør {adj} | :: dry |
tør {adj} | :: neat, straight [undiluted] |
Torben {prop} | :: given name, a popular variant of Thorbjørn |
torden {noun} | :: thunder |
torden {noun} | :: thunderstorm |
Torino {prop} | :: Torino (capital city) |
Torino {prop} | :: Torino (metropolitan city) |
Torkild {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Thorkild |
tørklæde {noun} [dated] | :: handkerchief |
tørklæde {noun} | :: scarf [garment worn around the neck] |
tørklæde {noun} | :: scarf, headscarf [cloth worn to protect the hair or for religious reasons] |
torn {noun} | :: thorn |
tornado {noun} | :: tornado |
Tornerose {prop} | :: Sleeping Beauty |
tornløs {adj} | :: thornless |
torpedohøns {noun} [slang, plural only] | :: crab lice |
tørre {vt} | :: to dry, to cause to become dry |
tørre {vi} | :: to dry, to become dry; towel off |
tørretumbler {noun} | :: dryer (of clothes) |
torsdag {noun} | :: Thursday |
torsk {noun} | :: cod, codfish |
torsk {noun} [pejorative] | :: ass, fool |
torso {noun} | :: torso, upper body |
tørst {noun} | :: thirst |
Torsten {prop} | :: given name |
tørstig {adj} | :: thirsty |
tørstof {noun} [uncountable] | :: dry matter |
tørstof {noun} [countable] | :: dry substance |
tortere {v} | :: to torture (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) |
tortur {noun} | :: torture (intentional causing of pain and agony to someone) |
torturere {v} | :: to torture |
torv {noun} | :: square (open space in a town) |
torv {noun} | :: market, marketplace |
tøs {noun} | :: girl, lass |
tøs {noun} | :: slut, hussy, tart |
tøsedreng {noun} [mostly of males] | :: wimp |
to sjæle en tanke {noun} | :: two persons thinking the same |
tosproget {adj} | :: bilingual, especially natively so |
tosse {noun} | :: simpleton |
tosse {v} | :: fool, fool about, fool around |
tossekasse {noun} [colloquial] | :: television |
tosset {adj} | :: crazy, insane |
total {adj} | :: total |
total {noun} | :: total |
total {noun} | :: two |
totalitarisme {noun} | :: totalitarianism |
totalmatrix {noun} [linear algebra] | :: augmented matrix |
Tourettes {prop} | :: genitive of Tourette |
Tourettes syndrom {noun} | :: Tourette syndrome |
tov {noun} | :: rope |
Tove {prop} | :: given name |
tøve {v} | :: to hesitate [to stop or pause respecting decision or action] |
tøve {v} | :: to hesitate, falter [to stammer; to falter in speaking] |
tøve {v} | :: to linger [to stay or remain] |
tøvelæsioner {noun} | :: a non-lethal wound sometimes inflicted before a suicide attempt while summoning courage to perform the killing blow |
tøven {c} | :: hesitation |
tøven {c} | :: delay |
tråd {noun} | :: thread |
tråd {noun} | :: wire |
tråd {noun} | :: string |
tråd {noun} | :: fiber, fibre |
tråd {noun} | :: filament |
tråd {noun} | :: a step, an act of treading |
tråde {v} | :: to thread |
tråde {v} [dialect] | :: to tread |
tradition {noun} | :: tradition |
traditionel {adj} | :: traditional |
trådløs {adj} | :: wireless (not having any wires) |
træ {noun} | :: tree |
træ {noun} [uncountable] | :: wood, timber |
træ {noun} [graph theory] | :: tree |
træde {v} | :: to step |
træde {v} | :: to tread |
træde {v} | :: to thread |
træde i spinaten {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: put a foot wrong (see Thesaurus:make a mistake) |
træf {noun} | :: coincidence |
træf {noun} | :: get-together, rally |
træf {noun} [card games, archaic] | :: clubs |
træffe {vt n c} | :: to meet |
træffe {v n c} | :: to hit |
træffe {vi n c} [passive] | :: meet, see træffes |
træffende {adj} | :: striking, apt, fitting |
træffende {adv} | :: strikingly, aptly, fittingly |
træffes {vi} | :: meet |
træg {adj} | :: sluggish |
træg {adj} | :: inert |
træg {adj} | :: slow |
træindustri {noun} | :: wood industry; an industry that deals with wood |
træk {noun} | :: draft, draught (current of air) |
træk {noun} | :: pull |
træk {noun} | :: touch |
træk {noun} | :: feature |
træk {noun} | :: trait |
træk {noun} | :: move |
træk {noun} | :: migration, flight |
træk {noun} [weightlifting] | :: snatch |
trækbasun {noun} | :: trombone |
trækfugl {noun} | :: migrant (migratory bird) |
trækfugl {noun} | :: bird of passage |
trækharmonika {noun} | :: accordion |
trækharmonika {noun} | :: concertina |
trække {v n c p} | :: to pull |
trække {v n c p} | :: to drag, haul, tow |
trække {v n c p} | :: to draw [a card or a line] |
trække {vi n c p} [of a liquid with one or more solid items in it] | :: to steep [to stand undisturbed, such that something from the solid items are released into the liquid, or vice versa] |
trække {v n c p} | :: to withdraw [money from an account] |
trække {vi n c p} | :: to move [from one place to another] |
trække {vi n c p} | :: to migrate [of birds] |
trække {vi n c p} [colloquial] | :: to work as a prostitute, especially on the streets |
trække det korteste strå {v} | :: lose |
trække fra {v} [arithmetic] | :: subtract |
trækkerdreng {noun} | :: male prostitute who caters to male clients |
trække tænder ud {v} | :: See: da trække tand ud |
trække tænder ud {v} | :: be painful, exhausting, boring or otherwise unpleasant |
trække vejret {v} | :: to breathe |
trække vejret {v} | :: to take a break |
træl {noun} | :: slave |
trælagtig {adj} | :: slavelike, like a slave |
trældom {noun} | :: thralldom, bondage, slavery |
trælle {v} | :: to slave, toil as a slave |
træløs {adj} | :: treeless |
træls {adj} | :: annoying, grueling, tiresome |
trænet {adj} | :: trained |
trænge {vi} | :: to need, want [normally with the preposition til] |
trænge {vt} | :: to press, force |
trænge {vi} | :: to advance, force |
trænge {vr} | :: to push, intrude |
trænge {v} [passive] | :: to crowd |
trærod {noun} | :: tree root |
træskonæb {noun} | :: shoebill |
træstamme {noun} | :: tree trunk |
træstamme {noun} | :: a cake consisting of different cakes mixed with e.g. rum, marmalade, marzipan, chocolate, covered in marzipan and dipped by the ends in chocolate |
træt {adj} | :: tired [in need of rest and/or sleep] |
træt {adj} | :: fed up, frustrated |
træt af {adj} | :: tired of |
trætte {vt} | :: tire, to exhaust, to cause to be tired |
trætte {noun} [archaic] | :: feud |
trætte {vi} | :: To fight, feud, bicker |
trættekær {adj} | :: cantankerous, quarrelsome |
trævl {noun} | :: thread [in cloths] |
trævl {noun} | :: rag, shred [a piece of cloths] |
trævl {noun} | :: shred [of meat or flesh] |
trævl {noun} [botany] | :: fibre |
trafikant {noun} | :: someone who participates in traffic |
trafiklys {noun} | :: A traffic light |
trafikprop {noun} | :: traffic jam, traffic congestion |
trafikprop {noun} | :: tailback |
tragedie {noun} [theater] | :: tragedy, a dramatic performance |
tragedie {noun} | :: tragedy, an unexpected incidence causing great pain or sadness |
tragisk {adj} | :: tragic, causing grief or sadness |
tragisk {adj} [theater] | :: tragic, concerning tragedy |
tragt {noun} | :: funnel |
traktatstridig {adj} | :: going against some treaty |
traktor {noun} | :: tractor |
traktorfører | :: tractor driver |
trampfart {noun} [rare] | :: tramp trade (engaging in running a ship from port to port without a fixed schedule) |
trampolin {noun} | :: trampoline (gymnastic and recreational device) |
tranebær {noun} | :: cranberry (berry) |
tranebær {noun} | :: cranberry (shrub), Vaccinium oxycoccos (syn. Oxycoccus palustris) |
Trankebar {prop} | :: Tharangambadi |
Tranquebar {prop} | :: Tharangambadi |
transfobi {c} | :: transphobia |
transformator {noun} [electrical engineering] | :: transformer |
transformer {noun} [electrical engineering] | :: transformer |
transfyr {noun} | :: young trans man |
transitiv {adj} [grammar] | :: transitive |
transkønnet {adj} | :: transgender |
transkvinde {noun} | :: trans woman |
translitteration {noun} | :: transliteration (product of transliterating) |
transmand {noun} | :: trans man |
transmission {noun} | :: transmission |
transparens {noun} | :: transparence, transparency (the quality of being transparent) |
transparens {noun} | :: transparency (openness, degree of accessibility to view) |
transparent {adj} | :: transparent |
transparent {c} {n} | :: banner |
transparent {c} {n} | :: transparency, overhead |
transpige {noun} | :: trans girl |
transportsyge {noun} | :: motion sickness |
transseksuel {adj} | :: transsexual |
transvestit {c} | :: a transvestite |
trapez {noun} [geometry] | :: trapezium (UK), trapezoid (US); quadrangle with two opposite sides parallel |
trapez {noun} [gymnastics] | :: trapeze |
trappe {noun} | :: stairs, stairway |
trappe {noun} | :: bustard |
trappeform {noun} [linear algebra] | :: row echelon form |
traske {v} | :: trudge, plod, slog (to walk heavily and laboriously with slow steps) |
travl {adj} | :: busy (doing a great deal; engaged) |
tre {num} | :: three |
tredive {num} | :: thirty |
tredivte {num} | :: thirtieth |
tredje {num} | :: third |
tredje ben {noun} [anatomy, slang] | :: penis |
tredjedel {c} | :: a third (1/3) (a fraction, each of three equal parts) |
tredjepart {noun} | :: third party (someone not directly involved in a transaction) |
tredjepart {noun} | :: third party (someone only incidentally or tangentially connected to an incident or dispute) |
tredjepart {noun} | :: [rare] third (one of three equal parts of a whole) |
tredjeudgave {noun} | :: the third edition (of e.g. a book) |
tredjeudgave {noun} | :: a copy hereof |
tredve {num} | :: thirty |
treer {noun} | :: third (person or thing in the third position) |
treer {noun} | :: three (in dice or cards) |
treer {noun} | :: three (person or thing that is number three in a system, e.g.bus #3) |
trekant {noun} | :: triangle (polygon) |
trekant {noun} | :: threesome |
trekantet {adj} | :: triangular |
trekløver {noun} | :: shamrock |
trekløver {noun} | :: trio |
tre ludere og en lommetyv {noun} [idiomatic] | :: no one |
tremme {noun} | :: a bar (rigid, elongated object, arranged together with others so as to obstruct exit or entrance while allowing through-sight) |
treogfirs {num} | :: eighty-three |
treogfyrre {num} | :: forty-three |
treoghalvfems {num} | :: ninety-three |
treoghalvfjerds {num} | :: seventy-three |
treoghalvtreds {num} | :: fifty-three |
treogtredive {num} | :: thirty-three |
treogtredve {num} | :: thirty-three |
treogtres {num} | :: sixty-three |
treogtyve {num} | :: twenty-three |
tres {num} | :: sixty |
tresindstyve {num} | :: [dated] sixty |
tresindstyvende {num} | :: sixtieth |
trespring {noun} | :: triple jump |
tresproget {adj} | :: trilingual |
tressende {num} | :: sixtieth |
treti {num} | :: thirty |
tretten {num} | :: thirteen |
triangel {noun} | :: triangle (percussion instrument) |
-trice {suffix} | :: Used to form female version of title |
trigonometrisk {adj} [geometry] | :: trigonometric |
trigonometrisk funktion {noun} [math] | :: trigonometric function |
trillebør {noun} | :: wheelbarrow |
trilling {noun} | :: triplet |
trimester {noun} | :: trimester |
trin {noun} | :: step |
trin {noun} | :: stair |
trin {noun} | :: rung |
trin {noun} | :: grade |
trin {noun} | :: stage |
Trine {prop} | :: given name, short form of Katrine ( =Catherine) |
Trinidad og Tobago {prop} | :: Trinidad og Tobago (a <<country>> consisting of two main <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>) |
trist {adj} | :: sad |
trist {adj} [of a situation] | :: sad |
tristhed {noun} | :: sadness |
triumf {noun} | :: triumph |
trives {v} [deponent] | :: to thrive |
trivialnavn {noun} [chemistry] | :: trivial name |
triviel {adj} | :: tedious, boring, mundane |
triviel {adj} | :: commonplace |
triviel {adj} | :: hackneyed, trite |
trivsel {noun} | :: well-being |
trivsel {noun} | :: growth, prosperity |
tro {noun} | :: belief |
tro {noun} | :: confidence |
tro {noun} | :: trust |
tro {noun} | :: faith |
tro {v} | :: to believe |
tro {v} | :: to think |
tro {adj} | :: faithful |
tro {adj} | :: true |
tro {adj} | :: loyal |
tro {adj} | :: accurate, close |
trods {noun} | :: defiance |
trods {prep} | :: despite |
trods alt {phrase} | :: in spite of everything, despite everything |
trods alt {phrase} | :: after all |
trodse {v} | :: to defy |
trodsig {adj} | :: defiant |
trodsig {adj} | :: obstinate, stubborn |
trodsig {adj} | :: contrary, refractory |
trodsig {adj} | :: willful |
Troels {prop} | :: given name |
troende {adj} | :: believing, religious |
troende {noun} | :: faith |
troen kan flytte bjerge {proverb} | :: faith will move mountains |
trøffel {noun} | :: truffle, an edible fungus, of the genus Tuber |
trøffel {noun} | :: truffel, a creamy chocolate confection |
trøffel {noun} [regional] | :: a rum ball, a truffle-like confectionery cake |
troglodyt {noun} | :: troglodyte |
Troja {prop} [historical] | :: Troja (ancient city) |
trojaner {noun} | :: Trojan (person from Troy) |
trojaner {noun} [computing] | :: Trojan horse |
trojansk {adj} | :: Trojan |
trojansk hest {c} [computing] | :: Trojan horse |
trøje {noun} | :: shirt |
trøje {noun} | :: jersey |
trøje {noun} | :: cardigan |
trokæ {noun} [poetry] | :: trochee |
trokæisk {adj} [poetry] | :: trochaic |
trold {noun} | :: troll (supernatural being) |
trold {noun} | :: ogre |
trold {noun} | :: spitfire |
trolddom {noun} | :: sorcery |
trolddomsmæssig {adj} | :: sorcerial, relating to sorcery |
trolde {v} [often, humorous] | :: to perform magic |
troldmand {noun} | :: a male wizard |
troldspejl {noun} | :: a view or account of something that distorts the truth, especially if negatively |
trolig {adj} | :: likely, credible |
tromme {noun} [musical instruments] | :: a drum |
tromme {v} | :: to drum |
trommesæt {noun} | :: drum kit |
trommet {v} | :: past participle of tromme |
trompet {noun} [musical instruments] | :: trumpet |
trompeter {noun} | :: trumpeter, trumpet player in a marching band |
Tromsø {prop} | :: Tromsø (city) |
tronarving {noun} | :: heir to the throne |
trone {noun} | :: throne |
trone {v} | :: to throne |
tronet {v} | :: past participle of trone |
tro om {v} | :: synonym of tro om igen |
tro om igen {v} | :: think again (cf. have another think coming) |
tro på det {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: forget about it |
troposfære {noun} | :: troposphere (the lower levels of the atmosphere extending from the earth's surface up to the tropopause) |
tror du på Gud {phrase} | :: do you believe in God? |
trosbekendelse {noun} [religion] | :: creed [the fundament of a religious group, in particular the Apostles' Creed] |
trossamfund {noun} | :: religious community [organized group of people sharing common religious beliefs] |
trøst {noun} | :: comfort |
trøst {noun} | :: consolation |
trøst {noun} | :: solace (consolation) |
trøste {v} | :: to console, to comfort |
trøster {noun} | :: consoler, one who consoles |
trøster {noun} | :: a pillow for the head |
troubadour {noun} | :: alternative spelling of trubadur |
troubadur {noun} | :: alternative spelling of trubadur |
troværdig {adj} | :: reliable |
troværdig {adj} | :: credible |
trubadour {noun} | :: alternative spelling of trubadur |
trubadur {noun} | :: troubadour |
true {v} | :: to threaten |
trug {noun} | :: trough |
trumf {noun} | :: trump (suit of cards that outranks others; card of the outranking suit) |
trumf {noun} [figurative] | :: generally, an advantage one can bring to play; trump |
trumpisme {noun} | :: Trumpism (characteristic uttering) |
trumpisme {prop} | :: Trumpism |
trussel {noun} | :: threat |
tryg {adj} | :: safe |
tryg {adj} | :: secure |
tryg {adj} | :: easy |
tryg {adj} | :: confident |
tryk {n} [physics] | :: pressure |
tryk {n} [linguistics] | :: stress |
trykblyant {noun} | :: mechanical pencil |
trykfejl {noun} | :: typo, typing error |
trykke {v} | :: to press [e.g. a button] |
trykke {v} | :: to print |
trykstærk {adj} [phonetics] | :: stressed |
tryksvag {adj} [phonetics] | :: unstressed |
tryllekunstner {noun} | :: conjurer, conjuror, magician (performer of tricks) |
tryllestav {c} | :: a magic wand |
tryne {noun} | :: snout |
tryne {v} | :: sit on, put down, flatten |
trynet {v} | :: past participle of tryne |
tsk. {noun} [cooking] | :: abbreviation of teske |
tsk {interj} | :: tsk |
tsk {noun} | :: alternative form of tsk. |
tsunami {noun} | :: tsunami |
tuberkulose {noun} [disease] | :: tuberculosis |
tud {noun} | :: spout |
tud {noun} | :: nozzle |
tud {noun} | :: snout |
tud {noun} | :: howl |
tud {noun} | :: hoot |
tude {v} | :: howl |
tude {v} | :: yowl |
tude {v} | :: hoot |
tude {v} [pejorative] | :: blubber, weep, cry |
tudekiks {noun} | :: a biscuit given to someone who is crying [but usually used figuratively] |
tudet {v} | :: past participle of tude |
tudse {noun} | :: toad |
tudsegammel {adj} | :: very old |
Tue {prop} | :: given name, short for compound names beginning with the Old Norse element Þur-, a variant of Þórr (Thor) |
tugt {noun} | :: discipline |
tulipan {noun} | :: tulip |
tumult {noun} | :: uproar, tumult |
tumult {noun} | :: riot, disturbance |
tumult {noun} | :: scuffle |
tun {noun} | :: tuna |
tun {noun} | :: tuna fish |
tun {noun} | :: tun |
tun {noun} [dated] | :: an enclosed piece of ground |
Tunesien {prop} | :: Tunisia |
tung {adj} | :: heavy |
tunge {noun} [anatomy] | :: tongue |
tunge {noun} | :: sole [fish] |
tunge {noun} [poetic] | :: language |
tungemål {noun} | :: language |
tungtopløselig {adj} | :: not very soluble |
tunika {noun} | :: tunic (garment) |
Tunis {prop} | :: Tunis (capital city) |
tunnel {c} | :: tunnel |
tunnelsyn {noun} | :: tunnel vision |
tunnelsyn {noun} | :: narrow-mindedness |
tupilak {noun} | :: tupilak (statuette) |
tupilak {noun} | :: tupilak (creature) |
tur {noun} | :: turn |
tur {noun} [graph theory] | :: trail |
tur {noun} | :: walk, stroll |
tur {noun} | :: outing, excursion |
tur {noun} | :: trip, tour, flight |
tur {noun} | :: ride, drive, run |
turban {noun} | :: turban (male headdress) |
turbine {noun} | :: turbine |
turde {v} | :: to dare |
turde {v} | :: ought to |
turde {v} | :: might |
turkis {noun} | :: turquoise (sky-blue, greenish-blue, or greenish-gray semi-precious gemstone) |
turkis {adj} | :: turquoise (having a pale greenish-blue colour) |
turkish delight {c} | :: Turkish delight |
Turkmenistan {prop} {m} | :: Turkmenistan (country) |
turnus {noun} | :: change between tasks according to a fixed agreed schedule; shiftwork |
tus {noun} | :: felt-tip pen |
tusind {num} | :: thousand |
tusind {noun} | :: a thousand (a unit of ca. 1000 pieces) |
tusinde {num} | :: thousand |
tusinde {num} | :: thousandth |
tusinde {noun} | :: a thousand (a unit of ca. 1000 pieces) |
tusind tak {phrase} | :: thanks a million, thank you very much (greater gratitude than thank you) |
tusmørke {noun} | :: twilight |
tut {noun} | :: stall (a cover to a finger) |
tut {noun} | :: roll (a roll of coins) |
tut {noun} | :: toot |
tutte {v} | :: to toot |
tuttenut {noun} [childish] | :: person |
tv {noun} | :: TV |
tvær- {prefix} | :: cross-, inter- |
tvær {adj} | :: sullen, sulky |
tværbølge {noun} [physics] | :: transverse wave |
tvære {v} | :: to rub, crush |
tværfløjte {noun} | :: transverse flute |
tværs {adv} | :: across, abeam |
tvært {adv} | :: only in the phrases tvært imod, tværtimod and tværtom |
tværtimod {adv} | :: on the contrary, au contraire |
tværvektor {noun} | :: a 2d vector obtained by rotating some 2D vector 90 degrees counter-clockwise |
tvætte {v} [archaic] | :: to wash |
tvangsarbejde {noun} | :: forced labor |
tvangshandling {noun} | :: compulsive action |
tvangstanke {noun} [psychology] | :: intrusive thought; compulsive thought |
tv-avis {c} | :: news show |
tve- {prefix} | :: bi-, di-, duo- |
tveægget {adj} | :: double-edged |
tveægget {adj} [of twins] | :: dizygotic, fraternal |
tvedragt {noun} | :: discord, conflict |
tvelyd {noun} [phonetics] | :: diphthong |
tvetydig {adj} | :: ambiguous |
tvetydig {adj} | :: equivocal |
tvetydig {adj} | :: dubious |
tvetydig {adj} | :: improper, risqué, suggestive |
tvetydighed {c} | :: ambiguity |
tvetydighed {c} | :: a double entendre |
tvilling {noun} | :: twin |
Tvillingerne {prop} | :: Gemini (an astrological sign) |
tvist {noun} | :: legal dispute |
tvivl {noun} | :: doubt (uncertainty) |
tvivle {vi} [with på] | :: doubt |
tvivlende {v} | :: present participle of tvivle |
tvivlende {v} | :: doubtful, dubious |
tvivlende {v} | :: doubtfully, dubiously |
tv-program {n} | :: A television program |
TV-program {n} | :: alternative case form of tv-program |
tv-serie {noun} | :: A television series |
TV-serie {noun} | :: alternative case form of tv-serie |
tweet {noun} | :: tweet (Twitter) |
tweete {v} | :: to tweet (post a message to Twitter) |
ty {v} | :: to turn to, resort to |
tyd {noun} [dated] | :: meaning, sense |
tyde {v} | :: interpret |
tyde {v} | :: decipher, read |
tydeliggjort {v} | :: past participle of tydeliggøre |
tydeliggøre {v} | :: make clear, evident |
tydeliggørelse {noun} | :: clarification |
tyde på {vt} | :: to suggest; to serve as evidence for something |
tydsk {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of tysk |
tydsk {prop} | :: obsolete spelling of tysk |
Tydskland {prop} | :: obsolete form of Tyskland |
tyfon {noun} | :: typhoon |
tyfus {noun} [pathology] | :: typhus |
tygge {v} | :: to chew |
tyggegummi {noun} [chiefly uncountable] | :: chewing gum |
tyk {adj} | :: thick, deep |
tyk {adj} | :: stout, big, fat, plumb, chubby, tubby |
tyk {adj} | :: swollen |
tyk {adj} [vulgar, with verbs like gøre, bolle, knalde] | :: pregnant, especially out of wedlock; compare knock up |
tykhornsfår {noun} | :: A bighorn sheep |
tykkes {v} [archaic] | :: to seem, appear |
tykkes {v} [archaic or dialect] | :: to think |
tykmælk {noun} | :: fermented milk [more liquidy than yoghurt, similar to kefir] |
tyktarm {noun} [anatomy] | :: large intestine |
tylle {v} | :: drink fast (and a lot) |
tynd {adj} | :: thin, opposite of thick |
tynd {adj} | :: skinny, opposite of fat |
tynd {adj} | :: runny, thin, opposite of viscous |
tynd {adj} | :: weak, feeble |
tyndskid {noun} [colloquial] | :: diarrhea |
tyndtarm {noun} [anatomy] | :: small intestine |
tyndtlagskromatografi {noun} | :: thin-layer chromatography |
tyngde {noun} | :: heaviness, weight |
tyngde {noun} | :: importance, strength |
tyngde {noun} [physics] | :: gravity |
tyngdefelt {noun} [physics] | :: gravitational field |
tyngdekraft {noun} | :: gravity |
typografi {c} | :: typography |
tyr {noun} | :: bull (uncastrated adult male of cattle) |
tyr {noun} | :: Taurean (someone with the Taurus star sign) |
Tyr {prop} [Norse mythology] | :: Tyr |
tyran {noun} [historical] | :: tyrant [a leader in many Ancient Greek city states] |
tyran {noun} | :: tyrant [an unjust and cruel leader] |
tyre {v} | :: grind away at |
tyre {v} | :: put down |
tyre {v} | :: kick violently |
Tyren {prop} [zodiac constellations] | :: Taurus (constellation; astrological sign) |
tyrker {noun} | :: Turk (a person from Turkey) |
Tyrkiet {prop} | :: Turkey |
tyrkificering {noun} | :: Turkification |
tyrkisk {adj} | :: Turkish (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) |
tysk {adj} | :: German [relating to the country, people or language of Germany] |
tysk {n} | :: the German language |
tyskbog {noun} | :: a German textbook |
tysken {prop} {c} [archaic or jocular] | :: Fritz; the Germans, or especially the German army, taken as a unit |
tysken {prop} {c} | :: the German language |
tysker {noun} | :: German (person from Germany) |
tyskertøs {noun} [pejorative] | :: a woman who had a relationship with a German soldier during World War II |
Tyskland {prop} {n} | :: Germany |
tyst {adj} | :: hushed, quiet, silent |
tyst {adv} | :: quietly, silently |
tystne {vi} | :: become silent |
tystne {vt} | :: make silent |
tyttebær {noun} | :: lingonberry |
tyv {noun} | :: thief (one who carries out theft) |
tyve {num} | :: twenty |
tyvende {num} | :: twentieth |
tyver {noun} | :: twenty, coin or banknote with a denomination of 20¤ |
tyver {noun} | :: twenties, a decade with 20, e.g. the 1920–29 or the 1820s, mostly in the plural definite |
tyver {noun} | :: twenties (the decade of one's life from age 20 through age 29), mostly in the plural definite |
tyver {noun} | :: person or object that is nr. 20 in a system |
tyveri {noun} | :: theft (act of stealing property) |
tyveri {noun} | :: stealing |
tyveri {noun} | :: burglary |
tyv tror hver mand stjæler {proverb} | :: A person who commits wrongdoings is more likely to believe that others are as well |
tyv tror, hvermand stjæler {proverb} | :: someone with a moral failing thinks that that failing is common (usually with the implication that it is therefore excusable) |