User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/4500
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- पउरुष (paüruṣa) (pauruṣa)
- 1 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{puruSa}) manly, human S3Br. MBh. &c.
- belonging or sacred to Purusha RPra1t. Mn. MBh. &c.
- = %{puruSa-dvayasa}, %{-daghna} or %{-mAtra} Pa1n2. 5-2, 37
- 38
- m. a weight or load which can be carried by one man Mn. viii, 404 (Kull.)
- N. of a Ra1kshasa VP. (v.l. %{pauruSeya})
- (%{I}) f. a woman S3a1n3khS3r.
- a period of 3 hours (= %{yAma}) HParis3.
- n. manhood, virility (opp. to %{strItva}) R.
- manliness, manly strength or courage or deed, valour, heroism MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- force (opp. to %{buddhi}, `" intellect "') Katha1s.
- a man's length VarBr2S.
- a generation A1s3vS3r. Ma1rkP.
- semen virile
- the penis Sus3r.
- a sun-dial L.
- पउरुषेय (paüruṣeya) (pauruṣeya)
- mf(%{I})n. relating to or derived from or made by man, human RV. VS. AV. Br. MBh. [651,3]
- coming from the soul, spiritual Kap. Sch.
- m. a hireling, day-labourer SaddhP.
- = %{samUha}, %{vadha} or %{puruSasya@padA7ntaram} (?)
- N. of a Ra1kshasa BhP.
- n. human action, the work of man AV.
- पउष (paüṣa) (pauṣa)
- mf(%{I}) n. relating to or occurring at the time when the moon is in the asterism Pushya Ragh. Var.
- m. the month Pausha (December-January, when the full moon is in the asterism Pushya) Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
- N. of the 3rd year in the 12 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
- (%{I}) f. the night or day of full moon in the month Pausha Kaus3.
- n. a festival or a partic. festival
- a fight, combat
- N. of sev. Sa1mans Br.
- पउष्कर (paüṣkara) (pauṣkara)
- mf(%{I})n. relating to or made of or connected with the blue lotus MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- (m. with or scil. %{prAdur-bhAva}, `" the appearance of Vishn2u in the form of a lotus flower "' Hariv.)
- relating to or derived from Costus Speciosus or CCostus Arabicus
- n. the root (with or sc. %{mUla}) or fruit of CCostus SpSpeciosus or Arc Sus3r.
- N. of wk.
- पउष्करसंहिता (paüṣkarasaṃhitā) (pauṣkarasaṃhitā)
- f. N. of wks.
- प्रउग (praüga) (prauga)
- w.r. for %{prau0ga} Ma1nGr2S3rS. [714,3]
- प्रकट (prakaṭa) (prakaṭa)
- 1 mf(%{A})n. (according to Pa1n2. 5-2, 29 fr. %{pra} + affix %{kaTa}
- but prob. Pra1kr. = %{pra-kRta} cf. %{ava-k-}, %{ut-k-}, %{ni-k-}, %{vi-k-}, %{saM-k-}), evident, clear, manifest, open, plain, public Su1ryas. Ka1v. Katha1s. (%{prakaTah@so@'stu}, `" let him show himself "') Pur. &c.
- m. N. of a S3aiva philosopher Cat.
- ibc. and (%{am}) ind. evidently, visibly, openly, in public Var. Katha1s. Pan5c.
- %{-prIti-vardhana} m. `" evidently increaser of joy "'N. of S3iva S3ivag.
- %{-raktA7nta-nayana} mfn. having the eye-corners visibly red Pan5c.
- %{-vaikRta} mf(%{A})n. openly inimical Ra1jat.
- %{-zIrSa} mfn. bearing the head uplifted Mr2icch.
- %{-tA7prakaTa} mf(%{A})n. open and not open2 Nom. P. %{-Tati} (pr.p. %{-Tat}), to appear, become manifest Hariv.
- प्रकर (prakara) (prakara)
- 1 &c. see %{pra-kR}. 2 see %{pra-kRR}, p. 654. 1 mf(%{I})n. (for 2. see %{pra-kRR}) doing much or well W.
- m. aid, friendship ib.
- usage, custom ib.
- respect ib.
- seduction ib.
- (%{I}) f. a kind of song Ya1jn5.
- an episodical interlude inserted in a drama to explain what follows Das3ar. (also %{-rikA} Prata1p.)
- theatrical dress or disguise W.
- प्रकरण (prakaraṇa) (prakaraṇa)
- n. production, creation Hariv.
- treatment, discussion, explanation
- treatise, monograph, book, chapter (esp. introduction or prologue) Gr2S3rS. MBh. Sarvad.
- a subject, topic, question, matter, occasion, opportunity MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (%{asminn@eva@-raNe}, `" on this occasion "' or `" in this connection "' MBh.
- %{na@ca@-raNaM@vetsi}, `" nor do you know what is the matter "' Katha1s.)
- a kind of drama with a fictitious plot (such as Mr2icch. Ma1lati1m. &c.) Sa1h. (IW. 47 r)
- treating with respect W.
- doing much or well ib.
- N. of wk. (cf. %{nyAyapr-})
- %{-tas} ind. occasionally Sus3r.
- %{-tva} n. Veda7ntas.
- %{-paJcikA} f. %{-pAda} m. %{-vAdA7rtha} m. N. of wks.
- %{-zas} ind. according to species or kind (opp. to %{pRthak-tvena}) Nir.
- %{-sama} m. a kind of sophism, an assertion by two opponents of some argument which has the same force of argument pro and con Nya1yas. Car.
- %{-NI} (or %{-NikA}) f. a drama of the same character as the Prakaran2a but of less extent Sa1h.
- प्रकर्ष (prakarṣa) (prakarṣa)
- &c. see %{pra-kRS}. m. pre-eminence, excellence, superiority, excess, intensity, high degree MBh. Ka1v. &c. (often ifc. e.g. %{adhva-pr-}, a great distance R.
- %{kAla-pr-}, a long time Sus3r.
- %{guNa-pr-}, extraordinary qualities Mr2icch.
- %{phala-pr-} mfn. consisting chiefly in fruit Sus3r.
- %{zakti-pr-}, possessing extraordinary power Inscr.)
- length of time, duration Car.
- absoluteness, definitiveness W.
- (in gram.) the effect of the prefix %{pra} upon roots ib.
- ibc. and (%{At}, or %{eNa}) ind. eminently, intensely, thoroughly, in a high degree MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- %{-gamana} n. going absolutely or finally, departure W.
- %{-tantra} mfn. dependent on excellence or superior strength MW.
- %{-vat} mfn. pre-eminent, excelling by or in (comp.) S3am2k.
- प्रकाम (prakāma) (prakāma)
- m. joy, delight VS.
- pl. objects of desire R.
- ibc. and %{am}, or %{-tas} ind. with delight, willingly, according to desire, sufficiently, very much, indeed MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- प्रकार (prakāra) (prakāra)
- &c. see %{pra-kR}. m. sort, kind, nature, class, species, way, mode, manner, APra1t. Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c.
- %{kena@-reNa}, in what way? how? Pan5c.
- %{-raiH}, in one way or another R.
- %{rAmAyaNasya@bhAratasya@vA@-raH}, a kind of R. or MBh. Ra1jat. (mostly ifc. mfn.
- cf. %{tri-} `" of three kinds "', %{nAnA-}, %{bahu-})
- similitude or difference
- %{-ka} mfn. = %{kAra} ifc. (cf. %{tat-}, %{niS-})
- %{-tA} f. speciality Bha1sha1p.
- %{-vat} mfn. belonging to a species Pa1n2. 5-3, 69 Sch.
- प्रकार्य (prakārya) (prakārya)
- mfn. to be evinced or manifested Pan5c.
- प्रकाश (prakāśa) (prakāśa)
- mfn. visible, shining, bright S3a1n3khBr. MBh. &c.
- clear, manifest, open, public Mn. MBh. &c. (%{nAmadheyam@prakAzaM@kRtvA}, `" pronouncing a name out loud "' S3a1n3khGr2.)
- expanded W.
- universally noted, famous, celebrated for (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1lid.
- renowned throughout (comp.) Ragh.
- (ifc.) having the appearance of, looking like, resembling MBh. R. &c.
- ibc. and (%{am}) ind. openly, publicly, before the eyes of all Mn. MBh. &c. (%{-zaM@nA7bhyudaikSata}, `" he did not look up openly "' R.)
- aloud, audibly (esp. in dram., opp. to %{Atma-gatam}, %{sva-gatam} &c.)
- m. clearness, brightness, splendour, lustre, light RV. &c. &c.
- (fig.) light, elucidation, explanation (esp. at the end of titles of explanatory works e.g. %{kAvya-}, %{tarka-} &c.)
- appearance, display. manifestation, expansion, diffusion MBh. Ka1v. Sa1h.
- publicity, fame, renown, glory Hariv.
- sunshine open spot or air MBh. S3ak. Ma1rkP. (%{e} ind. openly, publicly, before the world ifc. in the presence of MBh. Prab.)
- the gloss on the upper part of a (horse's) body VS. (Mahi1dh)
- w.r. for %{prAk-} TBr.
- a chapter, section, Cat
- N. of sev. wks. ib.
- laughter
- N. of a Bra1hman (son of Tamas) MBh.
- of Manu Raivata Hariv.
- (pl.) the messengers of Vishn2u
- n. bell-metal, brass
- %{-kartR} m. `" light-maker "'N. of the sun MBh.
- %{-karman} m. `" whose work is to give light "'N. of the sun MBh.
- %{-kAma} mfn. wishing for renown A1s3vS3r.
- %{-kraya} m. a purchase made publicly MW.
- %{-tA} f. brightness, brilliance, splendour Ya1jn5. Pan5cat.
- publicity (%{-tAM-gam}, to become known or public Mudr.)
- renown MBh.
- %{-tva} n. clearness, brightness Naish. Sch.
- appearance, manifestation (%{sva-}, `" of one's self "') Sa1h.
- celebrity, renown MBh.
- %{-datta} m. N. of a poet Cat.
- %{-devI} f. N. of a princess Ra1jat.
- %{-dhara} m. N. of an author Cat.
- %{-nArI} f. `" public woman "', a prostitute Mr2icch.
- %{-vaJcaka} m. `" open rogue, a public deceiver or cheat MW.
- %{-vat} mfn. (%{-vat-tva} n.) bright, brilliant, shining ChUp. Ragh. Sch. S3am2k.
- m. N. of one of the feet of Brahma1 ChUp.
- %{-varSa} m. N. of a poet Cat.
- %{-vAda} m. %{-saMhitA} f. %{-saptati} f. %{-sUtra} n. N. of wks.
- %{-zA7kAza-kAnti} mfn. bright as a clear sky MW.
- %{-zA7tmaka} mfn. = %{-zA7tman} (%{-ka-tva} n. the possession of a brilliant nature or character, brilliancy) S3am2k.
- %{-zA7tman} mfn. brilliant in character or nature, brilliant, shining Su1ryas.
- m. N. of S3iva S3ivag.
- the sun
- N. of sev. men and authors (also with %{yati} and %{svAmin}) Cat.
- %{-zA7ditya} m. and %{-zA7nanda} m. N. of authors Cat.
- %{-zI-karaNa} n. giving light, illuminating R.
- %{-zI-kR} P. A1. to give light, illumine Var. [653,2]
- to publish, make known Hariv.
- %{-zI-bhAva} m. the becoming light, morning twilight Nir.
- %{-ze7tara} mfn. `" other than visible "', invisible S3ak.
- %{-ze7ndra} m. N. of a man (the father of Ksheme7ndra) Cat.
- %{-zo7daya} m. N. of wk.
- प्रकाशक (prakāśaka) (prakāśaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. clear, bright, shining, brilliant Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas. MBh.
- universally known, renowned Ra1jat.
- irradiating, illuminating, giving light BhP. Sa1m2khyak. Sch. MBh. &c.
- making clear, illustrating, explaining Sarvad. S3am2k.
- making apparent or manifest, disclosing, discovering, publishing, evincing, betraying Sa1h. Ma1rkP.
- indicating, expressing
- m. `" light-giver "', the sun Katha1s.
- (%{ikA}) f. N. of sev. Comms.
- n. bell-metal, brass
- %{-ka-jJAtR} and %{-prajJAtR} m. `" knowing the giver of light, i.e. the sun "', a cock
- %{-ka-tva} n. illustration, explanation Veda7ntas.
- प्रकाशन (prakāśana) (prakāśana)
- mfn. illuminating, giving light Ra1matUp. MBh.
- (%{A}) f. teaching
- n. illuminating, giving light
- causing to appear, displaying, bringing to light, publicly showing or manifesting Nir. MBh. Sus3r. &c.
- %{-vat} mfn. irradiating, illuminating Nir.
- प्रकाशित (prakāśita) (prakāśita)
- mfn. become visible, brought to light, clear, manifest, apparent, evident
- displayed, unfolded, discovered
- illumined, enlightened, irradiated
- published, promulgated MBh. R. Sus3r. &c.
- %{-viruddha-tA} f. and %{-ddha-tva} n. (in rhet.) a partic. awkwardness in expression (saying something at variance with what ought to be said) Sa1h.
- प्रकाशिन् (prakāśin) (prakāśin)
- mfn. visible, clear, bright, shining MBh. Hariv.
- making visible or manifest Pan5cat.
- %{-zi-tA} f. and %{-tva} n. clearness, brightness, brilliance, light MBh.
- प्रकीर्तित (prakīrtita) (prakīrtita)
- mfn. announced, proclaimed, revealed, stated, said, mentioned Mn. Ya1jn5.
- named, called Mn. Pan5c.
- approved, praised, celebrated Ya1jn5. Pan5c.
- प्रकृत (prakṛta) (prakṛta)
- mfn. made, done, produced, accomplished, prepared RV. &c. &c.
- appointed, charged Ka1tyS3r.
- (ifc.) made or consisting of (%{tat-p-}) Pa1n2. 5-4, 21
- commenced, begun or one who has ccommenced or bbegun, iii, 4, 71
- put forward, mentioned, under discussion or in question Ka1tyS3r. Katha1s. Sa1h.
- (in rhet.) = %{upa-meya} Kpr.
- wished, expected W.
- genuine, real MW.
- m. N. of a man g. %{azvA7di}
- n. something begun
- original subject, present case MW.
- %{-tA} (%{prakRta4-}) f. the being begun or in process of execution S3Br.
- %{-tva} n. the being the subject of discussion S3am2k.
- the being offended Ja1takam.
- %{-tA7rtha} mfn. having the original sense
- real, true Katha1s.
- %{-to7kta} mfn. being spoken of as the original subject of discussion Sa1h.
- प्रकृति (prakṛti) (prakṛti)
- f. see next p. f. `" making or placing before or at first "', the original or natural form or condition of anything, original or primary substance (opp. to %{vi-kRti} q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh.
- cause original source Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c.
- origin, extraction Mr2icch.
- nature, character, constitution, temper, disposition MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c. (ibc. and %{-tyA} ind. by nature, naturally, unalterably, properly Pra1t. S3rS. Mn. &c.)
- fundamental form, pattern, standard, model, rule (esp. in ritual) S3rS.
- (in the Sa1m2khya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or Gun2as called %{sattva}, %{rajas} and %{tamas}), Nature (distinguished from %{puruSa}, Spirit as Ma1ya1 is ddistinguished from Brahman in the Veda7ntas)
- pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. %{a-vyakta}, %{buddhi} or %{mahat}, %{ahaM-kAra}, and the 5 %{tan-mAtras} or subtle elements
- rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c.
- (in mythol.) a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the S3akti or personified energy or wife of a deity, as Lakshmi1, Durga1 &c.
- also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223
- (pl.) N. of a class of deities under Manu Raibhya Hariv.
- (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers, the body of ministers or counsellors, ministry Mn. MBh. &c.
- the subjects of a king, citizens, artisans &c. ib.
- the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated, viz. king minister, alies, treasure, army, territory, fortresses Mn. ix, 294
- 295)
- the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the %{madhyama}, %{vijigISu}, %{udAsIna} and %{zatru}
- to which should be added 8 remoter princes, viz. the %{mitra}, %{arimitra}, %{mitra-mitra}, %{arimitra-mitra}, %{pArSNi-graha}, %{Akranda}, %{pArSNigrAhA7sAra}, %{AkrandA7sAsa}
- each of these 12 kings has 5 Prakr2itis in the form of minister, territory, fortresses, treasure and army, so that the total number of Prakr2itis may be 72) Mn. vii, 155
- 157 Kull.
- (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word, base, root, an uninflected word Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop.
- N. of 2 classes of metres Col.
- (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib.
- (in anat.) temperament, the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W.
- (with %{tritIyA}) the third nature, a eunuch MBh.
- matter, affair Lalit.
- the male or female organ of generation
- a woman or womankind
- a mother
- an animal
- N. of a woman Buddh.
- N. of wk.
- प्रकृष्ट (prakṛṣṭa) (prakṛṣṭa)
- mfn. drawn forth, protracted, long (in space and time) MBh. R.
- superior, distinguished, eminent Mn. MBh. &c. (%{-tara} mfn. Pan5cat.
- %{-tama} mfn. Das3.)
- violent, strong Ratna7v.
- distracted, harassed, disquieted. MW.
- %{-kezA7khya} m. coral (lit. having the name `" beautiful hair "'
- cf. %{pra-vAla}) Ka1vya7d.
- %{-tA} f. (MW.), %{-tva} n. (Hit.) transcendent excellence, pre-eminence, superiority.
- प्रकोप (prakopa) (prakopa)
- m. effervescence, excitement, raging (of diseases, war &c.) Var. Ra1jat.
- tumult, insurrection Hit.
- violent anger, rage, fury, wrath, ire Mn. MBh. &c.
- (in med.) excess, superabundance, vitiation Sus3r.
- प्रकोष्ठ (prakoṣṭha) (prakoṣṭha)
- m. the fore-arm Ka1lid. BhP. Sus3r.
- a room near the gate of a palace Mudr.
- (also n. L.) a court in a house, a quadrangle or square surrounded by buildings Mr2icch.
- a part of a door-frame W.
- प्रक्रिया (prakriyā) (prakriyā)
- f. producing, production Sarvad.
- procedure, way, manner MBh.
- a ceremony, observance, formality Hariv. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
- precedence, high position, elevation, privilege MBh. Ra1jat. Katha1s.
- the insignia of high rank Ra1jat.
- characterisation Nya1yas.
- a chapter (esp. the introductory chchapter of a work) S3am2k. Cat.
- (in med.) a prescription Bhpr.
- (in gram.) etymological formation
- rules for the fformation and inflection of words MW.
- %{-kaumudI} (and %{-dI-vRtti}) f. %{--Jjana-TIkA} (%{-kriyA7Jj-}) f. %{-pradIpa} m. %{-bhUSaNa} n. %{-maJjarI} f. %{-ratna} n. %{-rUpA7valI} f. %{--rNava} (%{-kriyA7rN-}) m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-sarvasva} n. %{-sAra} m. N. of gram. wks. [654,1]
- प्रक्षिप्त (prakṣipta) (prakṣipta)
- mfn. thrown or cast at, hurled, flung
- thrown forth, projected Hit.
- inserted, interpolated Pa1n2. 6-3, 83 Sch.
- %{-vat} mfn. one who has thrown at, one who has thrown W.
- प्रगत (pragata) (pragata)
- mfn. gone forward, started MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- separate, apart (see below)
- gone with difficulty W.
- %{-jAnu}, or %{-nuka} mfn. having the knees far apart, bandy-legged, bow-legged L.
- प्रगल्भ (pragalbha) (pragalbha)
- mf(%{A})n. bold, confident, resolute, brave, strong, able MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- proud, arrogant, impudent Ragh.
- skilful Ka1d.
- illustrious, eminent W.
- mature (as age) MW.
- m. N. of the fire employed at the Ja1takarman Gr2ihya1s.
- (with %{AcArya}) N. of an author (called also S3ubham2-kara) Cat.
- (%{A}) f. a bold and confident woman (esp. one of the classes of heroines in dram. composition) Sa1h.
- N. of Durga1
- (%{am}) ind. courageously, resolutely Mr2icch.
- %{-kulAla} m. a skilful potter Bhartr2.
- %{-tA} f. (Kum.), %{-tva} n. (W.) boldness, wilfulness, resolution, energy, strength, power
- %{-manas} mfn. resolute-minded (%{a-}) Amar.
- %{-lakSaNa} n. and %{-Na-prakAza} m. N. of wks.
- %{-vAc} mfn. speaking confidently or proudly Kum.
- प्रगृह्य (pragṛhya) (pragṛhya)
- mfn. to be seized or taken or accepted MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (in gram.) to be taken or pronounced separately, not subject to the rules of Sam2dhi (as the final %{I}, %{U}, and %{e} of the dual terminations e.g. %{kavI@etau}, `" these two poets "') Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c. 2, ind. having taken or grasped, carrying away with, with MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- प्रघास (praghāsa) (praghāsa)
- see %{varuNa-praghAsa4}.
- प्रचण्ड (pracaṇḍa) (pracaṇḍa)
- mf(%{A})n. excessively violent, impetuous, furious, fierce, passionate, terrible, direful, formidable MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- great, large, hot, burning, sharp (see comp. below)
- m. a species of oleander with white flowers
- N. of a Da1nava Katha1s.
- of a goblin Ma1rkP.
- of a son of Vatsa-pri1 and Su-nanda1 ib.
- (%{A}) f. a species of Du1rva1 with white flowers
- a form or S3akti of Durga1 Cat.
- प्रचरित (pracarita) (pracarita)
- mfn. followed, practised Mn. x, 100
- arrived at, visited R.
- current, publicly known Car. Sch.
- प्रचार (pracāra) (pracāra)
- m. roaming, wandering Hariv. (cf. %{bhikSA-})
- coming forth, showing one's self, manifestation, appearance, occurrence, existence MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- application, employment, use ib.
- conduct, behaviour Mn. MBh. &c.
- prevalence, currency, custom, usage W.
- a playground, place of exercise Hariv.
- pasture-ground, pasturage Mn. ix, 219 (= Vishn2. xviii, 44, where Sch. `" a way or road leading from or to a house "') Ya1jn5. MBh. Hariv. R.
- प्रचुदित (pracudita) (pracudita)
- mfn. (m. c. for %{-codita}) hurled, shot off MBh.
- प्रचुर (pracura) (pracura)
- mf(%{A})n. much, many, abundant (opp. to %{alpa})
- plenteous, plentiful, frequent
- (ifc.) abounding in, filled with MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. a thief A.
- प्रचेतस् (pracetas) (pracetas)
- (%{pra4-}) mfn. attentive, observant, mindful, clever, wise (said of the gods, esp. of Agni and the A1dityas)VS. TS.
- happy, delighted
- m. N. of Varun2a Hariv. Ka1lid. BhP.
- of a Praja1-pati (an ancient sage and law-giver) Mn. i, 35 (%{-smRti} f. N. of wk.)
- of a prince (son of Duduha) Hariv.
- of a son of Durya1man VP.
- of a son of Dur-mada BhP.
- pl. (w.r. %{prAc-}) N. of the 10 sons of Pra1ci1na-barhis by a daughter of Varun2a (they are the progenitors of Daksha) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- प्रजा (prajā) (prajā)
- f. (ifc. f. %{A}
- cf. %{pra-ja} above) procreation, propagation, birth
- offspring, children, family, race, posterity, descendants, aftergrowth (of plants) RV. &c. &c.
- a creature, animal, man, mankind
- people, subjects (of a prince) ib.
- seed, semen VS. (cf. %{-niSeka})
- an era DivyA7v.
- प्रजागर (prajāgara) (prajāgara)
- mfn. one who wakes, waking MBh. &c.
- m. a watchman, guardian BhP.
- N. of Vishn2u MBh.
- waking, watching, attention, care (also pl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- waking up (intr.) Ka1m.
- (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
- प्रजापति (prajāpati) (prajāpati)
- (%{-jA-}) m. `" lord of creatures "'N. of Savitr2i, Soma, Agni, Indra &c.
- a divinity presiding over procreation, protector of life ib. VS. Mn. Sus3r. BhP. [658,3]
- lord of creatures, creator RV. &c. &c. (N. of a supreme god above or among the Vedic deities [RV. (only x, 21, 10) AV. VS. Br.] but in later times also applied to Vishn2u, S3iva, Time personified, the sun, fire, &c., and to various progenitors, esp. to the 10 lords of created beings first created by Brahma1, viz. Mari1ci, Atri, An3giras, Pulastya, Pulaka, Kratu, Vasisht2ha, Pracetas or Daksha, Bhr2igu, Na1rada [Mn.i, 34
- cf. IW. 206 n. 1], of whom some authorities count only the first 7, others the last 3)
- a father
- a king, prince
- a son-in-law
- N. of the 5th (39th) year in a 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter Var.
- the planet Mars, a partic. star, $ Aurigae Su1ryas.
- (in astrol.) = 2. %{kAla-nara} q.v.
- a species of insect
- N. of sev. men and authors Cat.
- (%{I}) f. a matron, lady DivyA7v.
- N. of Gautama Buddha's aunt and nurse (with the patr. Gautami1, the first woman who assented to his doctrines) Lalit.
- %{-grihIta} (%{-jA4-p-}) mfn. seized by Praja1-pati VS.
- %{-carita} n. N. of wk.
- %{-citi4} f. PPraja1-pati's layer S3Br.
- %{-datta} m. N. of a man Pat.
- %{-nivAsinI} f. N. of a Gandharvi1 Ka1ran2d2.
- %{-pati} m. `" lord of the PPraja1-pati "'N. of Brahma1 BhP.
- of Daksha ib.
- %{-bhakSita} (%{-jA4-p-}) mfn. eaten by PPraja1-pati VS.
- %{-mukha} (%{jA4-p-}) mfn. having PPraja1-pati as head or chief S3Br.
- %{-yajJa} m. `" sacrifice to PPraja1-pati "', the procreation of children enjoined by law VP.
- %{-loka4} m. PPraja1-pati's world (situated between the sphere of Brahma1 and that of the Gandharvas) S3Br.
- %{-zarman} m. N. of a man
- %{-sRSTa} (%{-jA4-p-}) mfn. created by PPraja1-pati AV. S3Br.
- %{-smRti} f. N. of wk.
- %{-hRdaya} n. `" PPraja1-pati's heart "'N. of a Sa1man S3rS. (also %{prajA4pater-hR4d-} S3Br. TS.)
- प्रज्ञ (prajña) (prajña)
- 1 mfn. = %{pra-jJu}2 mf(%{A})n. (for 1. see above) wise, prudent Ma1n2d2Up.
- (ifc.) knowing, conversant with (cf. %{nikRti-}, %{pathi-})
- (%{A}) f. see col. 2
- %{-tA} (%{-jJa4-}) f. knowledge. S3Br.
- प्रज्ञा (prajñā) (prajñā)
- P. %{-jAnAti}, to know, understand (esp. a way or mode of action), discern, distinguish, know about, be acquainted with (acc.) RV. &c. &c.
- to find out, discover, perceive, learn MBh. Ka1v. &c.:, Caus. %{-jJA8payati}, to show or point out (the way) S3Br.
- to summon, invite Lalit. 2.
- प्रज्ञात (prajñāta) (prajñāta)
- mfn. known, understood, found out, discerned, known as (nom.), well-known, public, common, notorious Mn. MBh. &c.
- प्रज्ञापारमिता (prajñāpāramitā) (prajñāpāramitā)
- f. perfection in wwisdom Katha1s. Ka1ran2d2.
- (with Buddh.) one of the 6 or 10 transcendent virtues Dharmas. 17
- 18 MWB. 128
- %{-sUtra} n. N. of wk.
- प्रणत (praṇata) (praṇata)
- mfn. bent forwards, bowed, inclined S3a1n3khBr. Mn. &c.
- bowed to, saluted reverentially BhP.
- bent towards, offered respectfully Ma1lav. (cf. below)
- humble, submissive to (gen. or acc.) MBh. R. BhP.
- skilful, clever W.
- a partic. kind of accentuation Sa1y.
- of a Paris3. of SV.
- %{-kAya} mfn. having the body bent down SaddhP.
- %{-bahu-phala} mfn. one to whom various fruits or good things are offered Ma1lav. i, 1
- %{-vat} mfn. bowing, bent, bowed W.
- %{-ziras} mfn. having the head bowed, inclined, stooping W.
- %{-tA7tmavat} mfn. `" having one's person bowed "', inclined, stooping R. (B.)
- %{-tA7zeSa-sAmanta} mfn. one to whom all his neighbours bow or are submissive L.
- प्रणमन (praṇamana) (praṇamana)
- n. bowing before, salutation, reverence (gen. or comp.) Bhartr2. Katha1s.
- प्रणय (praṇaya) (praṇaya)
- %{-yana} &c. see %{pra-NI}. m. a leader Pa1n2. 3-1, 142 (%{jyotiSAm} Nir. ii, 14)
- guidance, conduct MBh.
- manifestation, display Mr2icch.
- setting forth (an argument) Ja1takam.
- affection, confidence in (loc.), love, attachment, friendship, favour (ibc.
- %{At}, %{ena} and %{-yo7pe7tam} ind. confidentially, affectionately, openly, frankly) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- desire, longing for (loc.
- %{anyathA}, `" for something else "') ib.
- an entreaty, request, solicitation R. Vikr.
- reverence, obeisance
- final beatitude
- %{-kalaha} m. a quarrel of lovers, mere wanton quarrelsomeness Megh. Ka1d. Pan5cat.
- %{-kupita} mfn. angry through love, feigning anger Megh.
- %{-kopa} m. the (feigned) anger of a coquette towards her lover MW.
- %{-pezala} mfn. soft through affection R.
- %{-prakarSa} m. excess of affaffection, extraordinary attachment Katha1s.
- %{-bhaGga} m. breach of confidence, faithlessness Vikr. Pur.
- %{-madhura} mfn. sweet through affection Bhartr2.
- %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. full of confidence Ja1takam.
- %{-mAna} m. `" love-pride "', the jealousy of llove W.
- %{-vacana} n. a declaration of llove or affection Megh.
- %{-vat} mfn. possessing candour, unceremonious, frank, open, confident Ka1lid.
- attached or devoted to, loving (loc. or comp.) ib.
- desirous of. longing for (loc.) S3is3.
- (ifc.) familiar with, used to Ba1lar.
- %{-virhAta} = %{-vihata} A.
- %{-vimukha} mf(%{I})n. averse from love or friendship Megh.
- %{-vihati} f. refusal of a request, non-compliance W.
- %{-spRz} mfn. exciting love, affectionate Ma1lati1m.
- %{-yA7parAdha} m. an offence against (mutual) affection or confidence Amar.
- %{-yA7pahArin} mfn. taking with cconfidence or without shyness MW.
- %{-yA7mRta-paJcAzaka} n. N. of wk.
- %{-yI-kR}, to attach closely Vcar.
- %{-yI-bhU}, to become attached or affectionate Sus3r.
- %{-yo7nmukha} mf(%{I})n. expectant through love Ma1lav.
- %{-yA7pe7ta} mfn. possessing candour, frank, open Ma1rkP.
- प्रणयिन् (praṇayin) (praṇayin)
- mfn. having affection for (gen.), attached to, beloved, dear, intimate, familiar MBh. Ka1v. &c. [660,3]
- feeling attracted towards, longing for, desirous of (instr. or comp.), affectionate, loving, kind ib.
- (ifc.) clinging to, dwelling or being in
- turned towards, aiming at
- combined or provided with Ka1v.
- m. a friend, favourite Kum. v, 11
- a husband, lover
- (%{inI} f.) a beloved female, wife Ka1lid. Bhartr2. Katha1s. &c.
- a worshipper, devotee Kum. iii, 66
- a suppliant, suitor Vikr.
- %{-yi-kriyA} f. the business or affair of a lover or friend Vikr. iv, 31
- %{-yi-jana} m. a friend or lover (also collect.) Ka1lid.
- %{-yi-tA} f. attachment or devotion to, desire or longing for (gen. loc. or comp.) Ka1v.
- %{-yi-bhava} mfn. being attached to, being in (comp.) Ba1lar. i, 49
- %{-yi-mAdhava-campU} f. N. of a poem.
- प्रणव (praṇava) (praṇava)
- see %{pra-Nu}. (or %{pra4-N-}) m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the mystical or sacred syllable %{om} VS. TS. S3Br. Mn. (ifc. also %{-ka}) &c. (%{-tva} n. Ra1matUp.)
- a kind of small drum or tabor = (and prob. w.r. for) %{paNana}
- %{-kalpa} m. %{-darpaNa} m. %{-pariziSTa} n. %{-vyAkhyA} f. %{-vA7rcana-candRkA} f. %{-vA7rtha-nirNaya} m. %{-vA7rtha-prakAzikA-vyAkhyAna} n. %{-vo7paniSad} f. N. of wks.
- प्रणाम (praṇāma) (praṇāma)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) bending, bowing, a bow, respectful salutation, prostration, obeisance (esp. to a Bra1hman or to a deity) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- %{-kRti} f. making an obeisance Pan5cat.
- %{-mitra} m. N. of a man HParis3.
- %{-mA7Jjali} m. reverential salutation with the hands opened and hollowed Das3.
- %{-mA7dara} m. reverential salutation Kum.
- प्रणिधान (praṇidhāna) (praṇidhāna)
- n. laying on, fixing, applying (also pl.) Car. Sus3r.
- access, entrance
- exertion, endeavour SaddhP.
- respectful conduct, attention, paid to (loc.) MBh.
- profound religious meditation, abstract contemplation of (comp.) Ragh. Katha1s. Veda7ntas.
- vehement desire Lalit.
- vow ib.
- prayer (threefold) Dharmas. 112.
- प्रणीत (praṇīta) (praṇīta)
- (%{pra4-}) mfn. led forwards, advanced, brought, offered, conveyed (esp. to the altar, as fire or water or Soma) RV. &c. &c.
- brought into, reduced to (e.g. %{tamas}, to blindness RV.
- %{-vazam}, to submission BhP.)
- directed towards (loc.) Sa1h.
- hurled, cast, shot MBh.
- led towards i.e. delivered, given (as a son
- others `" exposed "') MBh. i, 4672
- performed, executed, finished, made, done, prepared Up. MBh. &c.
- inflicted, sentenced, awarded Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- established, instituted, taught, said, written MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (%{-tva} n. Sarvad.) wished, desired (cf. %{manaH-})
- good (as food) DivyA7v.
- entered, approached
- m. (scil. %{agni}) fire consecrated by prayers or mystical formulas W.
- (%{A}) f. a partic. vessel used at sacrifices, a sort of cup
- N. of a river
- pl. (scil. %{Apas}) water fetched on the morning of a festival for sacrificial uses, holy water S3Br. S3rS. &c.
- n. anything cooked or dressed (such as a condiment) A.
- %{-tavijJApana} n. begging for dainties
- %{-tA-kAle} ind. = %{praNItAnAm@praNayana-kAle} S3a1n3khS3r.
- %{-tA-caru} m. the vessel for the holy water, S3an3khGr2.
- %{-tA-praNa4yana} n. the vessel in which holy water is fetched S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
- प्रणेतृ (praṇetṛ) (praṇetṛ)
- m. a leader, guide RV. &c. &c. (Ved. with gen. or acc.
- Class. gen. or comp.)
- a maker, creator MBh. Hariv.
- an author, promulgator of a doctrine MBh. Pur.
- a performer or one who plays a musical instrument
- one who applies (a clyster) Car.
- %{-mat} mfn. containing the notion of leading AitBr.
- प्रतर्क (pratarka) (pratarka)
- m. conclusion, supposition, conjecture MBh. S3ak.
- प्रतर्क्य (pratarkya) (pratarkya)
- see %{a-pratarkya}.
- प्रतर्दन (pratardana) (pratardana)
- see under %{pra-tRd}. mfn. piercing, destroying (said of Vishn2u) Vishn2.
- m. N. of a king of Ka1Si (son of Divo-da1sa and author of RV. ix, 96) Br. MBh. &c.
- of a Ra1kshasa R.
- of a class of divinities under Manu Auttama Ma1rkP.
- प्रताप (pratāpa) (pratāpa)
- m. glowing heat, heat, warmth Ka1v. Var. Sus3r.
- splendour, brilliancy, glory, majesty, dignity, power, strength, energy Mn. MBh. &c.
- Calotropis Gigantea (= %{arka})
- N. of a man MBh. Ra1jat.
- %{-candra} m. N. of a king Katha1s.
- of a Jaina author Sarvad.
- %{-deva} (Cat), %{-dhavala} (Inscr.) m. N. of princes
- %{-nAraziMha} or %{-nRsiMha} m. N. of wks.
- %{-pAla} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
- %{-pura} n. N. of a town ib.
- %{-mArtaNDa} m. N. of sev. wks.
- %{-mukuTa} m. N. of a prince Vet.
- %{-rAja} m. N. of a king Dharmas3.
- %{rAma-pUjA} f. N. of wk. [661,2]
- %{-rudra} m. N. of a king of the Ka1kati1yas (or according to others of Vijayanagara or of Eka-s3ila1
- sev. wks. are attributed to him, though in reality composed by different authors) Cat.
- %{-dra-kalyANa} n. N. of a drama
- %{-dra-yazo-bhUSaNa}, or = %{-drIya} n. N. of wk. by Vidya1-na1tha on rhetoric (in which king Prata1pa-rudra is eulogized)
- %{-vat} mfn. full of splendour, majestic, glorious, powerful MBh. R. &c.
- m. N. of S3iva S3ivag.
- of an attendant of Skanda MBh.
- %{-velA7valI} f. (in music) N. of a Ra1ga
- %{-zIla} m. N. of a king (= %{zilA7ditya}) Ra1jat.
- %{-zekhara} m. (in music) a kind of measure
- %{-siMha} and %{-siMha-rAja} m. N. of authors Cat.
- %{-pA7ditya} m. N. of sev. princes (%{-tA} f.) Ra1jat.
- %{-pA7laMkAra} m. N. of wk. (prob.= %{-parudrIya})
- %{-pe7ndra} m. N. of the sun Hcar.
- प्रतिकार (pratikāra) (pratikāra)
- m. (cf. %{pratIk-}) requital, retaliation, reward, retribution, revenge. R. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
- opposition, counteraction, prevention, remedy MBh. Sus3r.
- = %{sama} and %{bhaTa}
- %{-karman} n. opposition, resistance Ra1jat.
- %{-jJa} mfn. knowing what remedy should be applied MBh.
- %{-vidhAna} n. medical treatment Ragh.
- प्रतिकूल (pratikūla) (pratikūla)
- mf(%{A})n. `" against the bank "' (opp. to %{anu-kUla} q.v.), contrary, adverse, opposite, inverted, wrong, refractory, inimical, disagreeable, unpleasant Mn. MBh. &c.
- (%{kU4lam}) ind. contrarily, against, in inverted order AV. &c. &c.
- n. inverted order, opposition
- (%{ena}, in invinverted oorder BhP.
- %{-leSu@sthitaH}, offering opposition Mn. ix, 275)
- %{-kArin} (Ma1lav.), %{-kRt} (R.) mfn. acting adversely, inimical
- %{-tas} ind. in contradiction to (%{-to-vRt}, to be in ccontradiction to) MBh.
- %{-tA} f. (Ka1v. &c.), %{-tva} n. (MW.) adverseness, opposition, hostility
- perverseness, contumacy
- %{-darzana} mfn. looking cross or awry, having an ungracious aspect MW.
- %{-daiva} mfn. opposed by fate (%{-tA} f. hostility of fate) Pan5cat.
- %{-pravartin} mfn. (a ship) taking an adverse course or(tongue) causing unpleasantness S3a1rn3gP. (v.l.)
- %{-bhASin} mfn. speaking against, contradicting R.
- %{-vacana} n. refractory speech, contradiction Pan5cat.
- %{-vat} mfn. refractory, contumacious MBh.
- %{-vartin} mfn. being adverse to, disturbing, troubling Kum.
- %{-vAda} m. = %{-vacana} MBh.
- %{-vAdin} mfn. = %{-bhASin} ib.
- %{-visarpin} mfn. (a ship) moving against the wind or stream, (a tongue) moving unpleasantly S3a1rn3gP. (cf. %{-pravartin})
- %{-vRtti} mfn. resisting, opposing (with gen.) BhP.
- %{-vedanIya} mfn. causing an unpleasant effect Tarkas.
- %{-zabda} mfn. sounding unpleasantly Kum.
- %{-lA7carita} n. an offensive action, injurious conduct Ragh.
- %{-lo7kta} n. pl. contradiction Katha1s.
- प्रतिक्रम (pratikrama) (pratikrama)
- m. reversed or inverted order Prata1p.
- प्रतिक्रमण (pratikramaṇa) (pratikramaṇa)
- n. stepping to and fro S3Br.
- going to confession Kalpas.
- %{-vidhi} m. %{-sUtra} n. N. of wks.
- प्रतिक्रिया (pratikriyā) (pratikriyā)
- f. requital (of good or evil), retaliation, compensation, retribution MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- opposition, counteraction, prevention, remedy, help ib. (ifc. = removing, destroying)
- %{-tva} n. MBh.
- venting (of anger) Katha1s.
- embellishment, decoration (of the person) MBh.
- %{-zUlinI-stotra} n. N. of a Stotra.
- प्रतिगत (pratigata) (pratigata)
- mfn. gone towards or back MBh.
- flying backwards and forwards, wheeling in flight W.
- lost from the memory R.
- प्रतिग्रह (pratigraha) (pratigraha)
- m. receiving, accepting, acceptance of gifts (as the peculiar prerogative of Bra1hmans
- cf. IW. 237
- 262) S3Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. (%{-grahaM-kR}, to receive presents Mn.)
- friendly reception MBh.
- favour, grace MBh.
- taking a wife, marrying R.
- receiving with the ear i.e. hearing Katha1s.
- a grasper, seizer (%{keza-}, a hair-cutter, barber) Gobh. a receiver Ka1tyS3r. R.
- a chamber-vessel or any similar convenience for sick persons Car.
- a spittoon
- a gift, present (esp. a donation to a Bra1hman at suitable periods) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (instr. `" as a present Katha1s.)
- N. of the objects or functions corresponding to the 8 Grahas
- = %{kriyA-kAra}
- the reserve of an army (a detachment posted with the general 400 yards in the rear of a line) W.
- the sun near the moon's node ib.
- %{-kalpa} m. N. of Paris3. of Ma1nGr2S.
- %{-dhana} n. money received as a present Katha1s. [665,2]
- mfn. one whose wealth consists only in presents Pan5cat.
- %{-prA7pta} mfn. received as a present Katha1s.
- %{-prA7yazcitta-prakAra} m. N. of wk.
- प्रतिज्ञा (pratijñā) (pratijñā)
- P. A1. %{-jAnAti}, %{-jAnIte}, to admit, own, acknowledge, acquiesce in, consent to, approveMBh.
- to promise (with gen. dat. or loc. of pers., and acc. with or without %{prati}, or dat. of thing, also with inf. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- with %{vAkyam} and gen. `" to promise fulfilment of a person's word "' MBh.
- with %{satyam} `" to promise verily or truly "' ib.)
- (A1) to confirm, assert, answer in the affirmative S3Br. A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c.
- to maintain, assert, allege, state MBh. R. &c. (%{zabdaM@nityatvena}, `" to assert the eternity of sound "' Pa1n2. 1-3, 22 Sch.)
- (A1) to bring forward or introduce (a topic) Nya1yam. Sch.
- to perceive, notice, learn, become aware of MBh. Hariv.
- to remember sorrowfully (only in this sense P. by Pa1n2. 1-3, 46
- but really A1. MBh. xii, 8438).
- प्रतिज्ञात (pratijñāta) (pratijñāta)
- (%{pra4ti-}) mfn. admitted, acknowledged Ka1tyS3r. Mn.
- promised, agreed MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- declared, stated, asserted, proposed, alleged ib.
- agreeable, desirable S3Br.
- %{-tA7rtha} m. a statement, averment Ya1jn5.
- प्रतिदान (pratidāna) (pratidāna)
- n. restitution (of a deposit), restoration
- giving or a gift in return Das3. Pa1n2. 1-4, 92
- exchange, barter(v.l. for %{pari-d-}).
- प्रतिनयन (pratinayana) (pratinayana)
- (ibc.), into the eye Ma1lati1m.
- प्रतिनियत (pratiniyata) (pratiniyata)
- mfn. (%{yam}) fixed or adopted for each single case, particular or different for each case Kap. S3am2k.
- प्रतिपक्ष (pratipakṣa) (pratipakṣa)
- m. the opposite side, hostile party, opposition MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- an obstacle DivyA7v.
- an adversary, opponent, foe ib. (ifc. = a rival in, match for, equal, similar Ka1vya7d.)
- a respondent, defendant (in law) W.
- m. N. of a king Va1yuP.
- %{-graha} m. the taking of the opposite side (%{-haM@cakruH}, they took the oppopposite side) MBh.
- %{-caNDa-bhairava} m. N. of the chief of a partic. sect Cat.
- %{janman} mfn. caused by the enemy. S3is3.
- %{-tA} f. (BhP.), %{-tva} n. (S3am2k.) opposition, hostility
- %{-kSita} mfn. containing a contradiction, contradictory Bha1sha1p.
- nullified by a contradictory premiss (one of the 5 kinds of fallacious middle terms) MW.
- प्रतिपद् (pratipad) (pratipad)
- ind. (cf. %{prati-pad}, p. 667) = %{-padam}
- %{-darzinI} f. `" looking at every step "', a womanA1. %{-padyate} (ep. fut. also %{-patsyati}), to set foot upon, enter, go or resort to, arrive at, resch, attain VS. &c. &c.
- to walk, wander, roam ChUp.
- to come back to (acc.), return MBh.
- to happen, occur, take place Pa1rGr2. MBh.
- to get into (acc.), meet, with, find, obtain, receive, take in or upon one's self. S3Br. &c. &c.
- to receive back, recover AitBr. S3ak.
- to restore to favour Ragh.
- to undertake, begin (acc. dat. or inf.), practise, perform, accomplish Nir. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- to do anything to any person, act or proceed or behave towards or against (loc. gen. or acc.) MBh. Hariv. R.
- to make, render MBh.
- to fall to a person's (acc.) lot or share, Pa1rGr.
- to let a person (dat.) have anything A1past.
- to give back, restore Mn. viii, 183
- to perceive, find out, discover, become aware of or acquainted with, understand, learn MBh. R. &c.
- to deem, consider, regard S3am2k. Sa1h.
- to answer affirmatively say yes (with or scil. %{tathA}, or %{tathe7ti}), acknowledge, assent, agree, promise MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- to begin to speak, commence (with acc. or instr.) RV. Br.
- to answer ChUp. (also with %{uttaram} R.): Caus. %{-pAdayati}, to convey or lead to, procure, cause to partake of (2 acc.). give a present to, bestow on (loc. dat. or gen.) Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c.
- to give in marriage A1past.
- to spend. ib.
- to present with (instr.) Ka1ran2d2.
- to put in, appoint to (loc.) R.
- to produce, cause, effect MBh. R. &c.
- to establish, substantiate, prove, set forth, explain, teach, impart MBh. R. &c.
- to deem, consider, regard as (2 acc.) Pan5cat. (v.l. %{-vadasi} for %{-pAdayasi}): Desid. %{-pitsate} (Pa1n2. 7-4, 54), to wish to attain S3am2k.
- to wish to know Bha1m.: Desid. of Caus. %{-pipAdayiSati}, to wish or intend to explain or analyze S3am2k.
- प्रतिपत्ति (pratipatti) (pratipatti)
- f. gaining, obtaining, acquiring Gaut. S3am2k.
- perception, observation, ascertainment, knowledge, intellect MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- supposition, assertion, statement Bhartr2. Tattvas.
- admission, acknowledgment Ya1jn5.
- giving, granting, bestowing on (loc. or comp) MBh. Ka1m.
- causing, effecting Ka1m.
- beginning, action, procedure in or with (loc. gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{tatra@kA@pratipattiH@syAt}, what is to be done there? MBh.
- %{kA@tasya@pratipattiH}. what is to be done with it? Kull.)
- respectful reception or behaviour, homage, welcome ib. (%{-ttiM-dA}, to show honour S3ak.)
- confidence, assurance, determination R. (cf. %{a-pratp-})
- resource, means for (loc.), expedient against (gen.) Jaim.
- high rank or dignity, rule, reign Cat.
- conclusion A1s3vS3r.
- %{-karman} n. a concluding rite or ceremony A1pS3r. Sch.
- %{-dakSa} mfn. knowing how to act or what is to be done Pan5cat.
- %{-darzin} mfn. showing what ought to be done SaddhP.
- %{-niSThura} mfn. difficult to be understood Ragh.
- %{-paTaha} m. a kind of kettle-drum (allowed only to chiefs of a certain rank)
- %{-parAGmukha} mf(%{I})n. averse from compliance, obstinate, unyielding Bhat2t2.
- %{-pradAna} n. the giving of preferment, conferring promotion Hit.
- %{-bheda} m. diversity of views, difference of opinions RPra1t.
- %{-mat} mfn. possessing appropriate knowledge, knowing what is to be done, active, prompt R. Ka1m. Sus3r.
- celebrated, high in rank W.
- %{-vizArada} mfn. = %{-dakSa} MBh.
- प्रतिपन्न (pratipanna) (pratipanna)
- mfn. come up or resorted to, got into (acc.), approached, arrived MBh. Ka1lid.
- met with, obtained, found, gained, won Ka1d.
- overcome, conquered, subdued W.
- undertaken, begun, done ib.
- ascertained, known, understood Kum.
- familiar with (loc.) MBh.
- convinced, sure of anything S3am2k.
- one who has consented or agreed to or promised Katha1s. (also %{-vat}) Pan5cat.
- agreed upon, promised, consented to, to R. Pan5cat. (%{-tva} S3ukas.)
- avowed, acknowledged (as a brother), admitted (as a debt) Ya1jn5. Pan5cat.
- answered, replied Katha1s.
- offered, given, presented to (loc.) A1past.
- acting or behaving towards (loc.) MBh.
- %{-prayojana} mfn. one who has attained his object R.
- प्रतिपादक (pratipādaka) (pratipādaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. causing to obtain, giving, presenting to (loc.) MBh. (%{a-pratip-})
- stating, demonstrating, explaining, teaching (%{-tva} n.) MBh. Ka1s3. Veda7ntas.
- effective, accomplishing, promoting MW.
- m. or n. (?) a receptacle for hair L.
- प्रतिप्रसव (pratiprasava) (pratiprasava)
- see under %{prati-pra-} 1. %{sU}. m. counter-order, suspension of a general prohibition in a particular case S3am2k. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. Kull.
- an exception to an exception TPra1t. Sch.
- return to the original state Yogas.
- प्रतिबध्य (pratibadhya) (pratibadhya)
- mfn. to be obstructed or hindered[668,2]
- प्रतिबन्ध (pratibandha) (pratibandha)
- m. connection, uninterruptedness, Kap. Ka1s3.
- a prop, support Ka1d.
- investment, siege Hariv.
- obstacle, hindrance, impediment Ka1lid. S3am2k.
- opposition, resistance S3ak. (%{ena}, by all kinds of resresistance Nal.)
- a logical impediment, obstructive argument Sarvad.
- stoppage, suspension, cessation Pa1n2. 3-3, 51 (cf. %{varSapr-})
- vii, 1, 45
- %{-kArin} mfn. creating obstacles, hindering, preventing W.
- %{-mukta} mfn. freed from obstobstacles S3atr.
- %{-vat} mfn. beset with obstobstacles, difficult to attain Ma1lav.
- प्रतिबन्धक (pratibandhaka) (pratibandhaka)
- (ifc.) = %{-bandha}, impediment, obstacle MBh.
- mf(%{ikA})n. obstructing, preventing, resisting MBh. Ra1jat. TPra1t. Sch.
- m. a branch
- N. of a prince VP.
- प्रतिबोध (pratibodha) (pratibodha)
- m. (cf. %{pratI-b-}) awaking, waking Ragh. BhP.
- perception, knowledge KenUp. BhP.
- instruction, admonition S3ukas.
- N. of a man g. %{bidA7di}
- %{-vat} mfn. endowed with knowledge or reason S3ak.
- प्रतिभ (pratibha) (pratibha)
- mfn. wise, intelligent Ragh. viii, 79 (v.l.)
- प्रतिभा (pratibhā) (pratibhā)
- P. %{-bhAti}, to shine upon (acc.) La1t2y.
- to come in sight, present or offer one's self to (gen. or acc.) MBh. R. &c. [668,3]
- to appear to the mind (also with %{manasi}), flash upon the thoughts, become clear or manifest, occur to (acc. or gen.) Up. MBh. &c. (%{no4ttaram@pratibhAtime}, `" no answer occurs to me "' Hariv.)
- to seem or appear to (gen. acc. with or without %{prati}) as or like (nom. with or without %{iva}, or %{yathA}, or %{-vat} ind.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{iti@pratibhAti@me@manaH}, `" so it seems to my mind "' MBh.)
- to seem fit, appear good, please to (gen.or acc.) Vikr. Pan5cat. &c. (%{sA@bhAryA@pratibhAti@me}, `" this one would please me as a wife "' Katha1s.) f. an image Nir.
- light, splendour (see %{niS-pr-})
- appearance (%{a-pr-}) Gaut.
- fitness, suitableness (%{a-pr-}), S3rs.
- intelligence, understanding MBh. Ka1v. Sa1h.
- presence of mind, genius, wit Ka1m.
- audacity, boldness (%{a-pr-}) Nya1yad.
- a thought, idea Das3. Katha1s.
- a founded supposition Naish.
- fancy, imagination MBh. Katha1s. Sa1h.
- %{-kSaya} m. loss or absence of knowledge, want of sense Kull.
- %{-tas} ind. by fancy or imagination Katha1s.
- %{--nvita} (%{-bhA7nv-}) mfn. intelligent, wise
- confident, hold
- %{-balAt} ind. by force of reason or intelligence, wisely Ra1jat.
- %{-mukha} mfn. at once hitting the right, quick-witted(confident, arrogant W.)
- %{-vat} mfn. endowed with presence of mind, shrewd, intelligent Katha1s.
- confident, bold
- m. (L.) the sun, the moon, fire
- %{-vazAt} ind. = %{-tas}, Kitha1s.
- %{-vilAsa} m. N. of sev. wks.
- %{-hAni} f. privation of light, dulness, darkness W.
- = %{-kSaya} ib.
- प्रतिभान (pratibhāna) (pratibhāna)
- n. becoming clear or visible, obviousness TS. Sch.
- intelligence Hariv.
- eloquence Lalit.
- brilliancy W.
- boldness, audacity ib.
- v.l. for %{-bhAta} Hariv.
- %{-kUTa} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva
- %{-vat} mfn. endowed with presence of mind, quick-witted, shrewd, intelligent MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-tva} n. Ma1latim.)
- bright, brilliant W.
- bold, audacious ib.
- प्रतिमा (pratimā) (pratimā)
- A1. %{-mimIte} (Ved. inf. %{prati-mai}), to imitate, copy RV. VS. Kaus3. m. a creator, maker, framer AV. VS.
- (%{A4}) f. an image, likeness, symbol RV. &c. &c.
- a picture, statue, figure, idol Mn. Hariv. Ragh. (IW. 218, 1
- 241)
- reflection (in comp. after a word meaning `" moon "' cf. below)
- measure, extent (cf. below)
- N. of a metre RPra1t.
- the part of an elephant's head between the tusks (also %{-ma} m.)(ifc. like, similar, resembling, equal to TBr. MBh. &c.
- having the measure of, as long or wide &c. as e.g. %{tri-nalva-pr-}, 3 Nalvas long Hariv.
- %{-ma-tA} f. %{-tva} n. reflection, image, shadow W.)
- %{-gata} mfn. present in an idol (as a deity) Ragh.
- %{-candra} m. `" reflection-moon "', image of the mmoon Ragh.
- %{-dAna} n. %{-dravyA7di-vacana} n. N. of wks.
- %{-paricAraka} m. an attendant upon an idol (= %{devala}) Kull. (cf. IW. 218, 1)
- %{-pUjA} f. worship of images MWB. 464
- %{-pratiSThA} f. (and %{-thA-vidhi}, m.), %{-rodanA7di-prA7yazcitta-vidhi} m. %{-lakSaNa} n. N. of wks.
- %{vizeSa} m. a sort of image, a kind of figure MW.
- %{-zazA7Gka} m. = %{-candra} Ragh.
- %{-sampro7kSaNa} n. N. of wk.
- %{-me7ndu} m. = %{-mAcandra} Ra1jat.
- प्रतिमान (pratimāna) (pratimāna)
- n. a counterpart, well-matched opponent, adversary RV.
- a model, pattern MBh. BhP.
- an image, picture, idol
- comparison, likeness, similarity, resemblance MBh. Ma1lati1m.
- a weight Vishn2. Ya1jn5. (cf. %{pratI-m-})
- = %{-bhAga} MBh.
- %{pratimAna-kalpa} mfn. like, similar MBh.
- %{-bhAga} m. the part of an elephant's head between the tusks L.
- प्रतिमोक्ष (pratimokṣa) (pratimokṣa)
- m. ( %{mokS}) liberation, deliverance
- (with Buddh.) emancipation
- the formulary for releasing monks by penances Ka1ran2d2.
- %{-sUtra} n. N. of Buddh. Su1tras MWB. 268.
- प्रतियात (pratiyāta) (pratiyāta)
- mfn. gone towards or against or back or away, turned, returned, opposed MBh. R.
- %{-nidra} mfn. `" one whose sleep is gone "', awakened, wake BhP.
- %{-buddhi} mfn. one whose mind is turned towards (dat.) R.
- प्रतियोग (pratiyoga) (pratiyoga)
- m. resistance, opposition, contradiction, controversy BhP.
- an antidote, remedy Katha1s.
- cooperation, association W.
- the being a counterpart of anything ib.
- प्रतिरूप (pratirūpa) (pratirūpa)
- n. the counterpart of any real form, an image, likeness, representation MBh. Var. BhP. (also %{A} f. KaushUP.)
- a pattern, model for imitation (cf. %{-dhRk} below)
- anything falsified, a counterfeit of (gen.) Vishn2.
- mf(%{A})n. like, similar, corresponding, suitable, proper, fit RV. &c. &c. (%{-pam@akurvan}, not requiting. Ma1rkP.)
- agreeable, beautiful MBh.
- m. N. of a Da1nava ib.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Meru BhP.
- %{-carya} mfn. exemplary in conduct, worthy of imitation MW.
- %{-caryA4} f. suitable or exemplary conduct S3Br.
- %{-tA} f. resemblance Harav.
- %{-dhRk} mfn. offering (i.e. being) a model or pattern BhP.
- प्रतिलाभ (pratilābha) (pratilābha)
- m. recovering, receiving, obtaining S3am2k. [670,1]
- प्रतिलेखन (pratilekhana) (pratilekhana)
- n. or the regular cleaning of all implements or objects for daily use HParis3.
- प्रतिलोम (pratiloma) (pratiloma)
- mf(%{A})n. against the hair or grain (opp. to %{anu-l-}), contrary to the natural course or order, reverse, inverted
- adverse, hostile, disagreeable, unpleasant
- low, vile S3Br. RPra1t. S3rS. &c.
- left, not right W.
- contrary to caste (where the mother is of a higher caste than the father) ib.
- (ibc. and %{a4m} ind.) against the hair, agagainst the grain, in reversed or inverted order TS. Br. A1s3vS3r. &c.
- m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants g. %{upakA7di}
- (%{A}) f. a partic. incantation (to be recited from the end to the beginning) Katha1s.
- n. any disagreeable or injurious act
- (%{ena}) ind. in an unfriendly manner, unpleasantly Ca1n2.
- %{-ja} mfn. born in the inverse order of the classes (as of a Kshatriya father and Bra1hman2i1 mother, or of a Vais3ya ffather and Kshatriya1 mman or BBra1hman2i1 mman, in which cases the wife is of a higher caste than the husband
- cf. Mn. x, 16) W.
- %{-tas} ind. in consequence of the inverted order or course Mn. x, 68
- invertedly, in inverted order or series Ya1jn5. MBh. Pan5cat.
- %{-rUpa} mfn. inverted KaushUp.
- %{-mA7nuloma} mfn. speaking against or for anything
- (ibc. and %{am} ind.) in inverted order or course and in the natural oorder or ccourse Mn. Ya1jn5.
- %{-ma-tas} ind. in an unfriendly and friendly manner R.
- प्रतिवचन (prativacana) (prativacana)
- m. a verse or formula serving as an answer A1pS3r.
- n. a dependent or final clause in a sentence Nir.
- an answer Mr2icch. Prab. &c.
- an echo W.
- %{-nI-kRta} mfn. answered S3ak.
- प्रतिवात (prativāta) (prativāta)
- m. a contrary wind, Mn Sus3r.
- (%{am}) ind. against the wind Ka1tyS3r. S3ak. Pan5cat.
- (%{e}) ind. on the lee side MW. -1.
- प्रतिविधान (pratividhāna) (pratividhāna)
- n. arrangement against, prevention, precaution (gen. or comp.) R. Pan5cat.
- care or provision for (comp.) Prasannar. Kull.
- a subsidiary or substituted ceremony W.
- प्रतिविन्ध्य (prativindhya) (prativindhya)
- m. N. of a king who ruled over a particular part of the Vindhya mountains MBh.
- of a son of Yudhi-sht2hira
- pl. N. of his descendants MBh. Pur.
- प्रतिवेश (prativeśa) (prativeśa)
- (%{pra4ti-} or %{pratI-}
- cf. Pa1n2. 6-3, 122 Va1rtt. 3). mf(%{A})n. neighbouring, a neighbour RV. TS. S3Br. &c.
- auxiliary Br. TBr. Comm.
- m. a neighbouring house
- %{-tAs} ind. from the neighbourhood S3Br.
- %{-vAsin} mf(%{nI})n. living in the neighbourhood
- m.f. a neighbour Alam2ka1rak. %{-zin} &c. see p. 663.
- प्रतिवेशिन् (prativeśin) (prativeśin)
- (or %{pratI-v-}). mfn. neighbouring
- m. and (%{nI}) f. a neighbour Dhu1rtas. Mr2icch. Sa1h.
- प्रतिशब्द (pratiśabda) (pratiśabda)
- (or %{-daka} Ka1d. Hcar.) m. echo, reverberation MBh. R. Ragh. &c.
- %{-ga} mfn. going after a sound or in the direction of a ssound MBh.
- %{-vat} mfn. re-echoing, resounding Katha1s. 1.
- प्रतिशाखा (pratiśākhā) (pratiśākhā)
- f. a side branch, ssound shoot (pl. all the schools of the Veda BhP.)
- %{-nADI} f. a branch vein Pras3nUp.
- %{-khavat} mfn. having anything as side branches MBh. 1.
- प्रतिश्रुत (pratiśruta) (pratiśruta)
- mfn. heard R.
- promised (also in marriage), assented, agreed, accepted (%{-te} "', the promise having been made ) Gr2S. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.: echoing. resounding R.
- m. N. of a son of A1nakadundubhi BhP.
- n. a promise, engagement (see above).
- प्रतिषिद्ध (pratiṣiddha) (pratiṣiddha)
- mfn. driven back, kept off, prevented, omitted MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- forbidden, prohibited, disallowed, refused, denied Mn. MBh. &c.
- %{-vat} mfn. one who has forbidden or interdicted something Ra1jat.
- %{-vAma} mfn. refractory when driven back S3ak. vi, 18/19 (v.l.)
- %{-sevana} n. doing what is prohibited W.
- %{-sevin} mfn. following or doing what is forbidden ib.
- प्रतिषेध (pratiṣedha) (pratiṣedha)
- m. keeping back, warding off, prevention, repulsion (of a disease) Mn. MBh. Sus3r.
- prohibition, refusal, denial S3rS. Nir. Ka1lid.
- contradiction, exception W.
- (in gram.) negation, a negative particle VPra1t. Pa1n2. Va1m.
- (in rhet.) enforcing or reminding of a prohibition Kuval.
- (in dram.) an obstacle to obtaining the desired object Sa1h.
- %{-dhA7kSara} n. `" words of denial "', a negative answer S3ak. iii, 22 (v.l.)
- %{-dhA7tmaka} mfn. having a nnegative form or character Ya1jn5. Sch.
- %{-dhA7pavAda} m. annulment of a prohibition Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 68
- %{-dhA7rthIya} mfn. having the meaning of a negation Nir.
- %{-dho7kti} f. expression of denial or refusal Ka1vya7d.
- %{-dho7mA} f. a comparison expressed in a negative form ib.
- प्रतिष्ठ (pratiṣṭha) (pratiṣṭha)
- mf(%{A})n. standing firmly, steadfast S3Br. MBh.
- resisting Kaus3.
- (ifc.) ending with, leading to Ja1takam.
- famous W.
- m. N. of the father of Su-pa1rs3va (who was 7th Arhat of present Avasarpin2i)
- (%{A}) f. see next
- n. point of support, centre or base of anything RV. x, 73, 6 (%{pratiSThA4hRdyA@jaghantha}, `" thou hast stricken to the quick
- %{pratiSThA} may also be acc. pl. of next).
- प्रतिष्ठान (pratiṣṭhāna) (pratiṣṭhāna)
- n. a firm standing-place, ground, foundation Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c.
- a pedestal, foot TBr. MBh. R.
- the foundation (others `" consecration "') of a city SkandaP.
- N. of a town at the confluence of the Gan3ga1 and Yamuna1 (on the left bank of the GGan3ga1 opposite to Alla1ha1bad, the capital of the early kings of the lunar dynasty) MBh. Hariv. Katha1s. &c. (IW. 511 n. 1)
- m. N. of a locality on the Go-da1vari Katha1s.
- (du.) of the constellation Prosht2ha-pada L.
- प्रतिष्ठित (pratiṣṭhita) (pratiṣṭhita)
- (%{pra4ti}.) mfn. standing, stationed, placed, situated in or on (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
- abiding or contained in (loc.) S3Br. &c. &c.
- fixed, firm, rooted, founded, resting or dependent on (loc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c.
- established, proved Mn. viii, 164
- ordained for, applicable to (loc.) ib., 226
- secure, thriving, well off ChUp. Hariv. &c.
- familiar or conversant with (loc.) MBh.
- transferred to (loc.) Hariv.
- undertaken Pan5cat. (B. %{anu-SThita})
- ascended into, having reached (comp.) S3ak. vii, 4/5 (v.l.)
- complete, finished W.
- consecrated ib.
- endowed, portioned ib.
- established in life, married ib.
- prized, valued ib.
- famous, celebrated ib.
- m. N. of Vishn2u A.
- %{-pada} mfn. containing verses of a fixed or constant number of syllables AitBr.
- %{-mAtra} mfn. having just got a firm footing Mr2icch.
- %{-yazas} mfn. one whose renown is well founded Ratna7v. (%{su-pr-})
- %{-saMtAna} mfn. one who has progeny or offspring secured MW.
- प्रतिसर (pratisara) (pratisara)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a cord or ribbon used as an amulet worn round the neck or wrist at nuptials &c. AV. &c. &c. (also %{A} f. [Var. Dharmas. 5]
- and n. [g. %{ardharcA7di}])
- a bracelet Kir.
- a line returning into itself. circle S3Br.
- assailing, an attack (%{a-pr-}) Hariv.
- a wreath, garland
- a follower, servant
- the rear of an army
- dressing or anointing a wound
- day-break
- %{-bandha} m. a partic. nuptial ceremony A1pGr2. Sch.
- pl. N. of partic. magical verses or formulas protecting from demons S3Br.
- m. n. a watch, guard
- (%{A}) f. (cf. above) a female servant
- (with Buddh.) one of the 5 protectors Dharmas. 5.
- प्रतिसर्ग (pratisarga) (pratisarga)
- see under %{prati-sRj}. m. secondary or continued creation out of primitive matter Pur.
- dissolution, destruction ib.
- the portion of a Pura1n2a which treats of the destruction and renovation of the world IW. 511
- 517.
- प्रतिस्पर्धिन् (pratispardhin) (pratispardhin)
- mfn. emulous, coping with (gen.), a rival MBh. Ra1jat. Ka1ran2d2.
- (ifc.) resembling, like Ka1vya7d.
- प्रतिहत (pratihata) (pratihata)
- mfn. struck or striking against R. S3ak. Ra1jat.
- repelled, warded off, checked, impeded, obstructed, prevented, omitted MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- dazzled (as eyes i.e. impeded in their functions) BhP.
- dulled, blunted (as teeth by acids = %{hRSita})(cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 7-2, 29)
- hostile (cf. below)
- disappointed
- hated, disliked
- tied, bound
- sent, despatched(prob. w.r. for %{pra-hita})
- %{-dhI} mfn. hostile-minded, having hostile intentions Bhartr2.
- %{-mati} mfn. id. W.
- %{-raya} mfn. whose current is impeded Megh.
- प्रतिहार (pratihāra) (pratihāra)
- m. striking against, touch, contact (esp. of the tongue with the teeth in the pronunciation of the dentals) RPra1t.
- shutting, closing, stopping (%{a-pr-}) Ta1n2d2Br.
- N. of partic. syllables in the Sa1man hymns (with which the Pratihartr2i begins to join in singing, generally at the beginning of the last Pada of a stanza
- also %{pratI-h-} AV. S3a1n3khBr.) Br. S3rS. &c.
- N. of a partic. magical formula spoken over weapons R. (v.l. %{-ra-tara})
- (that which keeps back), a door, gate (also %{pratI-h-}
- cf. comp. below)
- a door-keeper, porter Hariv. Ka1v. Pur. &c. (also %{pratI-h-}
- du. two ddoor-kkeeper i.e. two statues at the entrance of a temple VarBr2S.
- %{I} f. a female ddoor-kkeeper, portress, Priyad.)
- a juggler
- juggling, trick, disguise
- %{-goptrI} f. a female door-keeper Vcar.
- %{-tara} m. see above
- %{-pa} m. a door-keeper BhP. [673,2]
- %{-bhUmi} f. `" ddoor-place "', a threshold Kum.
- the office of a porter or a portress Ragh.
- %{-rakSI} f. = %{-goptrI} Vcar.
- %{-vat} mfn. containing the PPriyad syllables (above) La1t2y.
- %{-sUtra} n. N. of wk.
- प्रतिहृत (pratihṛta) (pratihṛta)
- mfn. held back S3Br.
- fastened Ka1tyS3r.
- प्रतीक (pratīka) (pratīka)
- see p. 675, col. 1.
- प्रतीत (pratīta) (pratīta)
- mfn. acknow. ledged, recognized, known (%{zyAmaiti}, `" by the name of SS3am2k "') Nir. Mn. MBh. &c.
- convinced of anything, trusting in, firmly resolved upon (comp.) Kat2hUp. MBh. Hit.
- satisfied, cheerful, glad, pleased AitBr. MBh. &c.
- respectful
- past, gone
- clever, wise
- m. N. of a divinity enumerated among the Vis3ve Deva1s. MBh.
- %{-sena} m. N. of a prince Buddh.
- %{-tA7kSarA} f. N. of a Comm. on the Mita7kshara1
- %{-tA7tman} mfn. confident, resolute MBh.
- %{-tA7rtha} mfn. having a recognized or acknowledged meaning Nir.
- %{-tA7zva} m. N. of a prince VP. &c. see under 2. %{pratI7}.
- प्रतीत्य (pratītya) (pratītya)
- n. confirmation, experiment RV. vii, 68, 6
- comfort, consolation ib. iv, 5,14 (others mfn. to be acknowledged or recognized)
- %{-samutpAda} m. (Buddh.) the chain of causation Lalit. (twelvefold
- cf. Dharmas. 42).
- प्रतीप (pratīpa) (pratīpa)
- mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{prati+ap}
- cf. %{anUpa}, %{dvIpa}, %{samIpa}), `" against the stream "', `" agagainst the grain "', going in an opposite direction, meeting, encountering, adverse, contrary, opposite, reverse MBh. R. Ragh. &c.
- inverted, out of order Sus3r. Var.
- displeasing, disagreeable Mn. MBh. R. Hariv.
- resisting, refractory, cross, obstinate
- impeding, hindering BhP. MBh. R. &c. backward, retrograde
- turned away, averted W.
- m. an adversary, opponent BhP.
- N. of a prince, the father of S3a1m2tanu and grandfather of Bhi1shma AV. MBh. Hariv. &c.
- n. (in rhet.) inverse comparison (e.g. `" the lotus resembles thine eyes "', instead of the usual comparison `" thine eeyes resemble the llotus
- 5 forms are enumerated) Kuval. Prata1p. Sa1h. Kpr.
- N. of a gram. wk.
- (%{a4m}) ind. against the stream, backwards
- against RV. &c. &c.
- in return Ba1lar.
- in inverted order Mn.
- refractorily (with %{gam}, to resist S3ak.
- with %{abhy-upa-gam}, to go against, oppose R.)
- प्रत्त (pratta) (pratta)
- %{pra4-tti} see %{pra-dA}. mfn. (for %{pra-datta}) given away (also in marriage), offered, presented, granted, bestowed TS. &c.&c.
- %{-vat} mfn. one who has given or presented W.
- प्रत्न (pratna) (pratna)
- mf(%{A4})n. former, preceding
- ancient, old
- traditional, customaryTS. Br. BhP.
- n. a kind of metre RPra1t.
- प्रत्यक्ष (pratyakṣa) (pratyakṣa)
- see s.v. mf(%{A})n. present before the eyes, visible, perceptible (opp. to %{paro'kSa} q.v.) Up. MBh. &c.
- clear, distinct, manifest, direct, immediate, actual, real S3Br. &c. &c.
- keeping in view, discerning (with gen.) MBh.
- n. ocular evidence, direct perception, apprehension by the senses (in Nya1ya one of the 4 Prama1n2as or modes of proof. cf. %{pramANa})
- superintendence of, care for (gen.) Mn. ix, 27
- (in rhet.) a kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses Kuval.
- (%{pratya4kSam}) ind. (also %{-kSa} ibc.) before the eyes, in the sight or presence of (gen. or comp.), clearly, explicitly, directly, personally AV. &c. &c. [674,3]
- (%{At}) ind. explicitly, actually, really Br.
- (%{eNa}) ind. before the eyes, visibly, publicly, expressly, directly La1t2y. MBh. Ma1rkP.
- (%{e}) ind. before one's face, publicly Pan5cat.
- प्रत्यक्षता (pratyakṣatā) (pratyakṣatā)
- f. the being before the eyes, bbefore visible, visibility MBh. Katha1s. Ma1rkP. &c.
- addressing in the 2nd person MW.
- (%{ayA}) ind. before the eyes of any one Pan5cat.
- प्रत्यय (pratyaya) (pratyaya)
- m. belief firm conviction, trust, faith, assurance or certainty of (gen. loc. or comp.)
- proof, ascertainment Mn. MBh. &c. (%{pratyayaM-gam}, to acquire confidence, repose cconfidence in MBh.
- %{asty@atra@pratyayo@mama}, that is my conviction Katha1s.
- %{kah@pratyayo@'tra}, what assurance is there of that? ib.)
- conception, assumption, notion, idea Ka1tyS3r. Nir. S3am2k. &c.
- (with Buddhists and Jainas) fundamental notion or idea (%{-tva} n.) Sarvad.
- consciousness, understanding, intelligence, intellect (in Sa1m2khya = %{buddhi})
- analysis, solution, explanation, definition
- ground, basis, motive or cause of anything MBh. Ka1v. &c. (in med.) = %{nimitta}, %{hetu} &c. Cat.
- (with Buddhists) a co-operating cause
- the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its approximate cause
- an ordeal Ka1ty.
- want, need Ka1ran2d2.
- fame, notoriety Pa1n2. 8-2, 58
- a subsequent sound or letter Pra1t.
- an affix or suffix to roots (forming verbs, substantives, adjectives and all derivatives) Pra1t. Pa1n2.
- an oath
- usage, custom
- religious meditation
- a dependant or subject
- a householder who keeps a sacred fire
- %{-kara} (R.), %{-kAraka} (Pan5cat.), %{kAraNa} (S3ak.) mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy
- %{-kArin} mfn. id.
- (%{iNI}) f. a seal, signet
- %{-tattva-prakAzikA} f. N. of wk.
- %{-tva} n. (cf. above) the being a cause, causality Sarvad.
- %{-dhAtu} m. the stem of a nominal verb Pat.
- %{-prativacana} n. a certain or distinct answer, Sak.
- %{-mauktika-mAlA} f. N. of wk.
- %{-lopa} m. (in gram.) elision of an affix
- %{-sarga} m. (in Sa1m2khya) the creation which proceeds from Buddha
- %{-svara} m. (in gram.) an accent on an affix
- %{-ayA7tma} mfn. causing confidence R. (v.l. %{pratyag-Atma})
- %{-ayA7dhi} m. a pledge which causes confidence in regard to a debt
- %{--ayA7nta-zabda-kRd-anta-vyUha} m. N. of wk. &c. see p. 673, col. 3.
- प्रत्ययिन् (pratyayin) (pratyayin)
- mfn. deserving confidence, trustworthy R.
- trusting, believing W.
- प्रत्यादिष्ट (pratyādiṣṭa) (pratyādiṣṭa)
- mfn. enjoined, directed, &c.
- overcome, surpassed MBh. S3ak. Ragh.
- informed, apprised W.
- warned, cautioned ib.
- declared (as from heaven) ib.
- प्रत्यादेश (pratyādeśa) (pratyādeśa)
- m. order, command Vet.
- an offer Ja1takam.
- rejection, refusal Ka1lid.
- warning, determent, prevention Mn. viii, 334
- obscuring, eclipsing Das3.
- putting to shame Ka1d.
- who or what puts to shame, shamer of, reproach to (gen.) Vikr.
- प्रत्यापन्न (pratyāpanna) (pratyāpanna)
- mfn. returned, regained, restored Das3. BhP.
- प्रत्याहार (pratyāhāra) (pratyāhāra)
- m. drawing back (troops from a battle), retreat MBh.
- withdrawal (esp. of the senses from external objects), abstraction MBh. Mn. Pur. Veda7ntas. (cf. IW. 93)
- withdrawing (of created things), re-absorption or dissolution of the world MBh.
- (in gram.) the comprehension of a series of letters or roots &c. into one syllable by combining for shortness the first member with the Anubandha (s.v.) of the last member
- a group of letters &c. so combined (as %{ac} or %{hal} in the S3ivaSu1tras) Pa1n2. 1-1, 1 &c.
- (in dram.) N. of a partic. part of the Pu1rva-ran3ga (s.v.) Sa1h.
- speaking to, address (%{-raM-kR}, with gen., to speak to a person) Ka1ran2d2. (prob. w.r. for %{pravyAh-})
- sound ib. (prob. w.r. for id.)
- प्रत्युक्त (pratyukta) (pratyukta)
- mfn. answered (pers. and thing) Br. MBh. &c.
- n. = next Megh.
- प्रत्युत्थान (pratyutthāna) (pratyutthāna)
- n. rising from a seat to welcome a visitor, respectful salutation or reception Mn. Gaut. MBh. &c.
- rising up against, hostility Hariv. (v.l. %{abhy-utth-}).
- प्रत्युत्पन्न (pratyutpanna) (pratyutpanna)
- mfn. ( %{pad}) existing at the present moment, present, prompt, ready MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- reproduced, regenerated W.
- (in arithm.) produced by multiplication, multiplied Col.
- n. multiplication or the product of a sum in mmultiplication ib.
- प्रत्येक (pratyeka) (pratyeka)
- mfn. each one, eeach single oone, every oone Jaim. Sch.
- n. a partic. sin Buddh.
- (ibc. or %{am} ind.) one by one, one at a time, singly, for every single one S3a1n3khS3r. Mn. Ka1v. &c.
- %{-naraka} m. a partic. hell DivyA7v.
- %{-buddha} m. a Buddha who lives in seclusion and obtains emancipation for himself only (as opp. to those Buddhas who liberate others also) Buddh. (cf. MWB. 134 &c.)
- (%{-kathA} f. %{-catuSTaya} n. N. of wks.
- %{-tva} n. the state of a Pratyeka Buddha Buddh.)
- %{-bodhi} f. = %{-buddhatva} Ka1ran2d2.
- %{-zas} ind. one by oone, singly, severally MBh.
- प्रत्येनस् (pratyenas) (pratyenas)
- (%{pra4ty-}) m. an officer of justice, punisher of criminals S3Br.
- a surety, the heir nearest of kin who is responsible for the debts of a deceased person Ka1t2h. S3a1n3khS3r. MaitrS.
- प्रथ (pratha) (pratha)
- m. N. of a Va1sisht2ha (supposed author of RV. x, 181, 1), Auukr.
- (%{A}) f. spreading out, extending, flattening, scattering Nya1yam. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
- fame, celebrity S3is3. Katha1s. Ra1jat. (%{-thAM-gam} or %{gA}, to become famous or celebrated Ra1jat.
- %{-thA7paha} mfn. destroying fame ib.)
- growing, becoming (in %{anyathA-pr-}, `" the becoming different "') Veda7ntas.
- प्रथन (prathana) (prathana)
- n. spreading out, extending, flattening Nir. RPra1t.
- the place for spreading &c. TBr.
- unfolding, displaying, showing Ra1jat.
- throwing, projecting W.
- celebrating ib.
- m. Phaseolus Mungo(cf. %{pra-ghana}).
- प्रथम (prathama) (prathama)
- mf(%{A4})n. (for %{pra-tama}, superl. of 1. %{pra}
- rarely declined as a pron. e.g. %{-ma4syAH} AV. vi, 18, 1
- %{-me} Pan5cavBr. xxv, 18, 5 R. iv, 37, 11 Kir. ii, 44
- cf. Pa1n2. 1-1, 33) foremost, first (in time or in a series or in rank)
- earliest, primary, original, prior, former
- preceding, initial, chief, principal, most excellent RV. &c. &c.
- often translatable adverbially = ibc. (cf. below) and (%{a4m}), ind. firstly, at first, for the first time
- just, newly, at once, forthwith (also %{At} Hariv.)
- formerly, previously (%{am} also as prep. with gen. = before, e.g. Mn. ii, 194
- %{prathamam-anantaram}, or %{pazcAt}, first-afterwards
- %{prprathamam-tatas}, firstnext)
- m. (in gram., scil. %{varNa}), the first consonant of a Varga, a surd unaspirate letter
- (scil. %{puruSa}), the first (= our 3rd) person or its terminations
- (scil. %{svara}), the first tone
- in math. the sum of the products divided by the difference between the squares of the cosine of the azimuth and the sine of the amplitude
- (%{A}) f. (in gram.) the first or nominative case and its terminations [679,1]
- du. the first two cases and their terminations.
- प्रथित (prathita) (prathita)
- mfn. spread, extended, increased
- divulged, displayed, published, known, celebrated MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- cast, thrown W.
- intent upon, engaged in ib.
- m. N. of Manu Sva1rocisha Hariv.
- of Vishn2u A.
- प्रद (prada) (prada)
- mf(%{A})n. giving, yielding, offering, granting, bestowing, causing, effecting, uttering, speaking (cf. %{anna-}, %{jaya-}, %{bahu-}, %{sukha-}, %{-zApa} &c.)
- (%{A}) f. a gift L.
- प्रदक्षिण (pradakṣiṇa) (pradakṣiṇa)
- mf(%{A})n. moving to the right S3a1n3khGr2.
- standing or placed on the right (with %{kR}, or %{pra-kR}, `" to turn towards persons or things so as to place them on one's right "', `" turn the right side towards "' as a token of respect) Mn. MBh. &c. [679,2]
- auspicious, favourable MBh. R.
- respectful, reverential MBh.
- (%{a4m}) ind. from left to right, so that the rreverential side is turned towards a person or object AV. &c. &c. (also ibc.
- cf. comp. below
- with %{kR} and %{pra-kR} as above)
- towards the south Mn. Var. (%{eNa} ind. = %{a4m} in both meanings BhP. Var.)
- m. (%{A}) f. and n. turning the right side towards, circumambulation from left to right of a person or object (gen. or comp.
- with %{kR} or 1. %{dA} dat. gen. or loc.) as a kind of worship R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. RTL. 68, 2
- 145 &c.
- प्रदत्त (pradatta) (pradatta)
- &c. see %{pra-} 1. %{dA}. mfn. = %{pratta} R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. (%{-nayano7tsava} mfn. affording a feast to the eyes i.e. beautiful to behold Katha1s.)
- m. N. of a Gandharva R.
- प्रदर्श (pradarśa) (pradarśa)
- &c. see %{pra-dRz}. m. look, appearance (see %{su-prad-})
- direction, injunction Sus3r.
- प्रदर्शन (pradarśana) (pradarśana)
- n. look, appearance (often ifc., with f. %{A}) MBh. R.
- pointing out, showing, propounding, teaching, explaining, Rpra1t. MBh. S3am2k.
- an example Ya1jn5.
- prophesying W.
- (%{A}) f. indication Ka1vya7d. Sch.
- m. pl. N. of a class of deities under Manu Auttami VP.
- प्रदर्शिन् (pradarśin) (pradarśin)
- mfn. (ifc.) seeing, viewing MBh. Sus3r.
- pointing out, showing, indicating MBh. Hariv. Katha1s.
- प्रदातृ (pradātṛ) (pradātṛ)
- m. a giver, bestower (mostly in comp. with the object, rarely with the receiver) AV. &c. &c.
- an offerer, presenter (%{viSa-}, of poison) Car.
- one who gives a daughter in marriage Mn. MBh.
- an imparter (of knowledge) Pan5cat.
- a granter (of a wish) BrahmaP. (f. %{trI})
- N. of Indra TS. S3Br.
- of one of the Vis3ve Deva1h2 MBh.
- प्रदान (pradāna) (pradāna)
- 1 n. (for 2. see below) giving, bestowal, presentation (esp. of an offering in the fire
- also N. of the sacred text recited on this occasion) TS. &c. &c.
- a gift, donation Mn. MBh. &c.
- giving away in marriage Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
- applying (of a clyster) Sus3r.
- turning (the eyes) Kum.
- making (an attack) Pan5cat.
- uttering (a curse) VP.
- granting (a boon) MBh.
- teaching, imparting, announcing, declaring Mn. R. Katha1s.
- %{-kRpaNa} mfn. mean or niggardly in making presents MBh.
- %{-pUrvam} ind. with a present Katha1s.
- %{-ruci} m. `" delighting in giving "'N. of a man Buddh.
- %{-vat} mfn. giving, liberal MBh.
- %{-zUra} m. `" a hero in giving "', an excessively liberal man Lalit.
- N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP.
- प्रदिश् (pradiś) (pradiś)
- P. A1. %{-dizati}, %{-te}, to point out, show, indicate, declare, appoint, fix, ordain RV. &c. &c.
- to direct, bid, urge R.
- to assign, apportion, grant Mn. MBh. (%{-dizyati}, i, 6472) Ka1v. &c.: Caus. %{-dezayati}, to urge on, incite MBh. R.: Intens. (pr. p. %{-de4dizat}), to animate RV.
- प्रदिष्ट (pradiṣṭa) (pradiṣṭa)
- (%{pra4-}) mfn. pointed out, indicated, fixed, ordained RV. &c. &c. [680,1]
- प्रदीप (pradīpa) (pradīpa)
- m. a light, lamp, lantern MBh. Ka1v. &c. (often ifc. `" the light i.e. the glory or ornament of "' e.g. %{kula-pr-} q.v.
- also in titles of explanatory wks. = elucidation, explanation, e.g. %{mahAbhASya-pr-})
- N. of wk.
- %{-maJjarI} f. N. of Comm. on the Amara-kos3a
- %{-zaraNa-dhvaja} m. N. of a Maho7raga-ra1ja
- %{-sAha} m. N. of a prince Cat. (%{sAha} = $)
- %{-siMha} m. N. of an author Cat.
- प्रदीप्त (pradīpta) (pradīpta)
- mfn. kindled, inflamed, burning, shining S3Br. &c. &c.
- excited, stimulated MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (in augury) clear, shrill (opp. to %{pUrNa}) VarBr2S.
- %{-bhAs} mfn. shining bright, R2it.
- %{-ziras} mfn. one whose head is hot or burning Veda7ntas.
- %{-tA7kSa} m. `" having lustrous eyes "'N. of a Yaksha Katha1s.
- प्रदेश (pradeśa) (pradeśa)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) pointing out, showing, indication, direction, decision, determination Nir. S3rS.
- appeal to a precedent Sus3r.
- an example (in grammar, law &c.) RPra1t. MBh. Ya1jn5. Sch.
- a spot, region, place, country, district (often in comp. with a part of the body e.g. %{kaNTha-}, %{hRdaya-}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (n. Pan5cad.)
- a short while (see comp. below)
- a wall
- a short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger)
- (with Jainas) one of the obstacles to liberation Sarvad. (`" atomic individuality "' W.)
- %{-kArin} m. N. of a kind of ascetic
- %{-bhAj} mfn. of short duration Das3ar.
- %{-vat} mfn. possessing or occupying a place Brahmas. Sch.
- %{-vartin} mfn. = %{-bhAj} (%{-ti-tvA} f.) Hcar.
- %{-zAstra} n. a book containing examples MBh.
- %{-stha} mfn. = %{-bhAj} Sa1h.
- being or situated in a district MW. &c. see %{pra-diz}.
- प्रदेष्टृ (pradeṣṭṛ) (pradeṣṭṛ)
- m. one who pronounces judgment, chief justice Pan5cat.
- प्रद्युम्न (pradyumna) (pradyumna)
- m. `" the pre-eminently mighty one "'N. of the god of love (re-born as a son of Kr2ishn2a and Rukmin2i1, or as a son of Sam2karshan2a and then identified with Sanat-kuma1ra) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- the pleasant (= %{kAma}) Subh.
- the intellect (= %{manas}) S3am2k.
- N. of a son of Manu and Nad2vala1 BhP.
- of a king Katha1s.
- of sev. authors and teachers Cat.
- of a mountain Ra1jat.
- of a river ib.
- प्रद्रुत (pradruta) (pradruta)
- mfn. run away, fled, departed TBr. MBh.
- प्रद्वेष (pradveṣa) (pradveṣa)
- m. dislike, repugnance, aversion, hatred, hostility to (loc. gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (%{I}) f. N. of the wife of Di1rghatamas MBh.
- प्रधा (pradhā) (pradhā)
- 1. A1. %{-dhatte}, to place or set before, offer RV.
- to send out (spies) ib. vii, 61, 3
- to give up, deliver TS. Ka1t2h.
- to devote one's self to (acc.) Lalit. 2. see %{pra-dhe}, col. 2
- प्रधान (pradhāna) (pradhāna)
- n. a chief thing or person, the most important or essential part of anything Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.
- (ibc.) the principal or first, chief, head of
- [often also ifc. (f. %{A}) e.g. %{indra-pradhAna}, (a hymn) having Indra as the chief object or person addressed Nir.
- %{prayoga-p-}, (the art of dancing) having practice as its essential part, chiefly practical Ma1lav.]
- `" the Originator "', primary germ, original source of the visible or material universe (in Sa1m2khya = %{prakRti} q.v.) IW. 53, 1 &c.
- primary or unevolved matter or nature Sarvad.
- supreme or universal soul
- intellect, understanding
- the first companion or attendant of a king, a courtier, a noble (also m.)
- an elephant-driver (also m.)
- (in gram.) the principal member of a compound (opp. to %{upasarjana} q.v.)
- mf(%{A})n. chief, main, principal, most important
- pre-eminent in (instr.)
- better than or superior to (abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. N. of an ancient king MBh.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a S3akti, Tantr. (cf. IW. 522).
- प्रधावित (pradhāvita) (pradhāvita)
- mfn. run away, set out, started MBh. R. Pan5cat. &c.
- प्रध्वस्त (pradhvasta) (pradhvasta)
- mfn. destroyed, perished, disappeared MBh. R. Bhartr2. BhP.
- प्रनप्तृ (pranaptṛ) (pranaptṛ)
- m. a great grandson Un2. Sch.
- प्रनष्ट (pranaṣṭa) (pranaṣṭa)
- mfn. (wrongly written %{pra-NaSTa} Pa1n2. 8-4, 36 Sch.) lost, disappeared, vanished, ceased, gone, perished, destroyed, annihilated Mn. MBh. &c. see %{pra-Naz}, p. 659.
- प्रनाल (pranāla) (pranāla)
- %{-nAlI} = %{-NAla}, %{-NAlI} q.v.
- प्रपञ्च (prapañca) (prapañca)
- m. (1. %{pac}, or %{paJc}) expansion, development, manifestation Ma1n2d2Up. Ka1v. Katha1s.
- manifoldness, diversity Ka1v. S3am2k. Pan5cat.
- amplification, prolixity, diffuseness, copiousness (in style
- %{-cena} and %{-ca-tas} ind. diffusely, in detail) Hariv. Hit.
- manifestation of or form of (gen.) Hit. Bha1sha1p.
- appearance, phenomenon Vcar.
- (in phil.) the expansion of the universe, the visible world Up. Kap. Sarvad.
- (in rhet.) mutual false praise Prata1p.
- (in dram.) ludicrous dialogue Sa1h.
- (in gram.) the repetition of an obscure rule in a clearer form Pa1n2. Sch.
- (said to be encl. after a finite verb g. %{gotrA7di})
- deceit, trick, fraud, error
- opposition, reversion
- %{-catura} mfn. skilful in assuming different forms Amar.
- %{-tva} n. = %{maraNa}, death, Sa1m2khyas. (v.l.)
- %{-nirmANa} n. the creation of the visible world BhP.
- %{-buddhi} mfn. having a cunning mind, artful
- m. N. of a man Katha1s. %{-mithyA-tva} n. the unreality of the visible world
- %{-tvA7numAna} n. (%{-mAna-khaNDana} n. and %{-Dana-parazu}, m.) N. of wks.
- %{-vacana} n. diffuse or prolix discourse Hit.
- %{-viveka} m. %{-sAra} m. %{-sAra-viveka} m. and %{-sAra-sAra-saMgraha} m. N. of wks.
- %{-cA7mRta-sAra} m. N. of wk.
- %{-cA7sya} mf(%{A})n. (prob.) having various faces Hcat.
- प्रपत्ति (prapatti) (prapatti)
- f. pious resignation or devotion, S3a1n2d.
- %{-parizilana} n. %{-tty-upA7dhitva-niSedha} m. N. of wks.
- प्रपद (prapada) (prapada)
- n. id. the point of the foot, tip of the toes (%{ais} ind. on tiptoe) RV. &c. &c.
- प्रपन्न (prapanna) (prapanna)
- mfn. arrived at, come to (%{zaraNam}, for protection), got into (any condition) ChUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (with %{pAdau}) fallen at a person's feet R.
- suppliant (cf. comp.)
- approached, appeared, happened, occurred R.
- acknowledged (as a claim) Ya1jn5.
- provided with (instr.) S3ak. 1, 1
- effecting, producing W.
- poor, distressed ib.
- %{-gati-dIpikA} f. %{-dina-caryA} f. %{-duSTA7riSTa-zAnti} f. %{-pArijAta} m. N. of wks.
- %{-pAla} m. `" protector of suppliants "'N. of Kr2ishn2a MBh.
- %{-mAlikA} f. %{-lakSaNa} n. N. of wks.
- %{-nnA7mRta} n. `" nectar for suppliants "'N. of a legendary biography of Ra1ma7nuja (cf. RTL. 119 &c.)
- %{-nnA7rti-hara} mf(%{I})n. relieving the distress of suppliants MW. &c. see col. 1.
- प्रपश्यत् (prapaśyat) (prapaśyat)
- or mfn. well-discerning, judicious, sensible, intelligent MBh.
- प्रपाठ (prapāṭha) (prapāṭha)
- or m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) TS. Br. &c.
- प्रपाठक (prapāṭhaka) (prapāṭhaka)
- m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) TS. Br. &c. see %{pra-paTh}.
- प्रपितामह (prapitāmaha) (prapitāmaha)
- m. a paternal great-grandfather VS. TS.
- (%{-maha4}) AV. &c. &c.
- N. of Kr2ishn2a and Brahma1 MBh.
- (%{I}) f. a paternal great-grandmother ib.
- m. pl. great-grandfathers, ancestors R. Katha1s.
- प्रपउत्र (prapaütra) (prapautra)
- m. the son of a son's son, a great-grandson Katha1s. Ra1jat. (also %{-traka} Ya1jn5.)
- (%{I}) f. a great-granddaughter Hcat.
- प्रफुल्ल (praphulla) (praphulla)
- mfn. (see %{phull}. %{phal}) blooming forth, blooming, blown MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- covered with blossoms or flowers R. Hariv.
- expanded, opened wide (like a full-blown flower), shining, smiling, cheerful, pleased (see comp.)
- प्रबन्ध (prabandha) (prabandha)
- m. a connection, band, tie (%{garbha-nADI-prab-}, the umbilical cord) Sus3r.
- an uninterrupted connection, continuous series, uninterruptedness, continuance Hariv. Ka1v. &c.
- a composition, (esp.) any literary production Ka1v. Ra1jat. Prata1p.
- a commentary Naish. Sch.
- %{-kalpanA} f. a feigned story, a work of fiction
- %{-koza} m. %{-cintAmaNi} m. N. of wks.
- %{-varSa} m. incessant rain Var.
- %{-dhA7dhyAya} m. N. of the 4th ch. of the Sam2gi1ta-darpan2a and of the Sam2gi1taratna7kara
- %{-dhA7rtha} m. the subject-matter of a composition or treatise, A.
- प्रबुद्ध (prabuddha) (prabuddha)
- mfn. awakened, awake, roused, expanded, developed, opened, blown Up. MBh. &c.
- come forth, appeared Vcar.
- (anything) that has begun to take effect (as a spell) Cat.
- known, understood, recognised Kap.
- enlightened, clear-sighted, clever, wise Katha1s. Hcar.
- m. N. of a teacher BhP.
- %{-tA} f. intelligence, wisdom Ma1rkP.
- प्रबोध (prabodha) (prabodha)
- m. awaking (from sleep or ignorance), becoming conscious, consciousness Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
- opening, blowing (of flowers) Ka1lid.
- manifestation, appearance (of intelligence) Pan5cat. (v.l.)
- waking, wakefulness S3ak.
- knowledge, understanding, intelligence Ragh. BhP. S3a1ntis3.
- awakening (trans.) R.
- friendly admonition, good words (pl.) Naish.
- reviving of an evaporated scent VarBr2S.
- N. of wk.
- %{-candra} m. `" the moon of knowledge "', knknowledge personified and compared with the moon Prab.
- %{-candrikA} f. `" moonlight of knknowledge "'N. of sev. wks.
- %{-candro7daya} m. `" rise of the moon of knknowledge "'N. of a celebrated philosophical drama and of sev. other wks.
- %{-daya-saMgraha} m. %{-dayA7malaka} m. or n. (?) N. of wks.
- %{-cintAmaNi} m. %{-dIpikA} f. %{-prakAza} m. %{-maJjarI} f. %{-mAnaso7llAsa} m. %{-ratnA7kara} m. N. of wks. [683,3]
- %{-vatI} f. N. of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
- %{-siddhi} f. %{-sudhA7kara} m. %{-sU7kti-vyAkhyA} f. N. of wks.
- %{-dhA7nanda} m. (with %{sarasvatI})N. of an author Cat.
- %{-dho7tsava} m. = %{-dhinI} (below)
- N. of wk. (cf. %{nArAyaNaprabodh-})
- %{-dho7daya} m. rise of knowledge Prab.
- N. of wk.
- प्रबोधिन् (prabodhin) (prabodhin)
- mfn. awaking Ragh.
- coming forth from (abl.) R.
- (%{inI}) f. the 11th day in the light half of Ka1rttika (= %{-bodhanI}) Cat.
- %{-dhi-tA} f. awaking, wakefulness (%{a-prab-}) MBh.
- प्रभद्र (prabhadra) (prabhadra)
- n. Azadirachta Indica
- (%{A}) f. Paederia Foetida L.
- प्रभव (prabhava) (prabhava)
- &c. see under %{pra-bhU}.
- प्रभु (prabhu) (prabhu)
- see under %{pra-bhU} below.
- प्रभाकर (prabhākara) (prabhākara)
- m. `" light-maker "', the sun (du. sun and moon) MBh. Ka1v. Katha1s.
- the moon
- fire
- a partic. Sama1dhi Ka1ran2d2.
- N. of S3iva S3ivag.
- of a class of deities under the 8th Manu Ma1rkP.
- of a serpentdemon MBh.
- of a sage of the race of Atri Hariv. Pur.
- of a son of Jyotish-mat VP.
- of a teacher of the Ma1ma1n6sa1 philosophy (associated with Kuma1rilabhat2t2a) Col. [684,1]
- of sev. other teachers and authors (also %{prabhAkara-guru}, %{-candra}, %{-datta}, %{-deva}, %{-nandana}, %{-mitra}) Cat.
- %{-pariccheda} m. N. of wk.
- %{-vardhana} m. N. of a king Hcar.
- %{-varman} m. N. of a minister Ra1jat.
- %{-siddhi} m. N. of a scholar Buddh.
- %{-svAmin} m. N. of the statue of the tutelary deity of Prabha1kara-varman Ra1jat.
- %{-rA7hnika} n. N. of wk.
- (%{I}) f. (with Buddhists) one of the 10 stages of perfection Dharmas. 64
- n. N. of a Varsha MBh.
- प्रभात (prabhāta) (prabhāta)
- mfn. shone forth, begun to become clear or light MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. N. of a son of the sun and Prabha1 VP.
- (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of the Vasus Pratyu1sha and Prabha1sa MBh.
- n. daybreak, dawn, morning Gaut. MBh. &c.
- प्रभामण्डल (prabhāmaṇḍala) (prabhāmaṇḍala)
- n. (also %{-la-ka} n. Katha1s.) a circle or crown of rays ib.
- %{-zobhin} mfn. shining with a circle of rays Ragh.
- N. of wk.
- m. a partic. Sama1dhi Ka1ran2d2.
- प्रभाव (prabhāva) (prabhāva)
- &c. see %{pra-bhU}. m. (ifc. f. %{A}) might, power, majesty, dignity, strength, efficacy Mn. MBh. &c. (%{-veNa}, %{-vAt} and %{-vatas} ind. by means or in consequence of, through, by) [684,3]
- supernatural power Ka1lid.
- splendour, beauty MBh. R.
- tranquillizing, conciliation (?)
- N. of the chapters of the Rasikapriya1 Cat.
- N. of a son of Manu Sva-rocis Ma1rkP.
- %{-ja} mfn. proceeding from conscious majesty or power W.
- %{-tva} n. power, strength Ka1m.
- %{-vat} mfn. powerful, strong, mighty MBh. Katha1s.
- प्रभास (prabhāsa) (prabhāsa)
- M. `" splendour "', `" beauty "'N. of a Vasu MBh.
- of a being attendant on Skanda ib.
- of a deity under the 8th Manu Ma1rkP.
- (with Jainas) of one of the 11 Gan2a7dhipas
- of a son of a minister of Candraprabha king of Madra Katha1s.
- (pl.) N. of a race of R2ishis MBh.
- m. or n. N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the Dekhan near Dva1raka1 MBh. Ka1v. &c. (also %{-kSetra} n. %{-kSetra-tIrtha} n. %{-deza} m.)
- %{-kSetra-tIrtha-yAtrA7nukrama} m. %{-kSetra-mAhAtmya} n. %{-khaNDa} m. or n. and %{-se7zvara-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wks. [684,2]
- प्रभिन्न (prabhinna) (prabhinna)
- mfn. split asunder, cleft, broken, pierced, opened MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- blown (as a flower) Sa1h.
- exuding (as blood) Sus3r.
- flowing with juice (cf. %{-karaTa}
- m. an elephant in rut) MBh. R.
- broken through, interrupted R.
- disfigured, altered, depressed MBh.
- %{-karaTa} mfn. having the temples cleft and flowing with juice (as a rutting elephant) MBh. R. (%{-TA-mukha} mfn. having the fissure in the temples flowing with juice MBh.)
- %{-viS} mfn. secreting or relaxing the feces, aperient Sus3r.
- %{-bhinnA7Jjana} n. mixed collyrium, an eye-salve mixed with oil R2itus. Pan5cat.
- प्रभूत (prabhūta) (prabhūta)
- mfn. come forth, risen, appeared &c.
- (ifc.) become, transformed into Das3.
- abundant, much, numerous, considerable, high, great S3Br. &c. &c. (compar. %{-tara} Pan5cat.
- superl. %{-tama} Das3.)
- abounding in (comp.) R.
- able to (inf.) Sa1h.
- governed, presided over W.
- mature, perfect ib.
- m. a class of deities in the 6th Manvantara Hariv. (v.l. %{pra-sUta})
- n. (in phil.) a great or primary element (= %{mahA-bhUta}) Sa1m2khyak.
- %{-jihvatA} f. having a long tongue (one of the 32 signs of perfection of a Buddha) Dharmas. 83 (also %{-tanu-jihv-}, `" having a long and thin ttongue ib.)
- %{-tA} f. quantity, plenty, multitude, large number S3is3.
- %{-tva} n. id. Pan5cat.
- sufficiency Ka1tyS3r. (v.l. for %{prabhU-tva})
- %{-dhana-dhAnya-vat} mfn. rich in money and corn R.
- %{-nAgA7zva-ratha} mfn. having many elephants and horses and chariots MBh.
- %{-bhrAnta} n. much roaming Pan5cat.
- %{-yavase7ndhana} mfn. abounding in fresh grass and fuel ib.
- %{-ratna} m. N. of a Buddha SaddhP.
- %{-rUpa} n. great beauty MW.
- %{-vayas} mfn. advanced in years, old Ka1v.
- %{-varSa} n. pl. many years, Pan5eat.
- %{-zas} ind. many times, often Car.
- %{-to7tka} m. ardently desirous of or longing for Ka1vya7d. iii, 118.
- प्रभृति (prabhṛti) (prabhṛti)
- (%{pra4-}) f. bringing forward, offering (of sacrifice or praise)
- a throw or stroke RV.
- beginning, commencement S3Br. &c. &c. (ifc. = `" commencing with "' or `" et caetera "' e.g. %{munayaH@somazravaH-prabhRtayaH}, `" the Munis beginning with SSomas3ravah2 i.e. `" the Munis, SSomas3ravah2 &c. "'
- in this sense also %{-tika})
- ind. (after an abl. adv. or ifc.) beginning with, from-forward or upward, since Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. (e.g. %{bAlyAt@prabhRti}, `" from boyhood upwards "'
- %{janma-pr-}, `" from birth "'
- %{adya@pr-}, `" beginning from to-day, henceforth "'
- %{tataH} or %{tadA@pr-}, `" thenceforth "' &c.)
- प्रभेद (prabheda) (prabheda)
- m. splitting, piercing, cutting through Ya1jn5. MBh. Ragh.
- the flowing of juice from the temples of an elephant Megh.
- division, subdivision, variety, species, kind, sort MBh. Kap. Hcat. Sus3r. see %{pra-bhid}.
- प्रभ्रष्ट (prabhraṣṭa) (prabhraṣṭa)
- mfn. fallen down Ratna7v.
- strayed, runaway, escaped from (abl.) ib. Mr2icch.
- broken W.
- %{-zIla} mf(%{A})n. of fallen character, immoral Var.
- प्रमति (pramati) (pramati)
- (%{pra4-}) f. care, providence, protection
- provider, protector.
- m. N. of a R2ishi in the 10th Mauv-antara Hariv. (v.l. %{prAm-})
- of a son of Cyavana and father of Ruru MBh.
- of a prince (son of Janam-ejaya) R.
- of a son of Pra7n6s3u BhP.
- प्रमातामह (pramātāmaha) (pramātāmaha)
- m. a maternal great-grandfather GobhS3ra1ddh. AgP. (v.l. %{-mAtR-kAmaha})
- (%{I}) f. a maternal great-grandmother W.
- प्रमत्त (pramatta) (pramatta)
- see %{pra-mad}. mfn. excited, wanton, lascivious, rutting Mn. Pan5cat.
- drunken, intoxicated S3ak.
- mad, insane W.
- inattentive, careless, heedless, negligent, forgetful of (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- indulging in (loc.) MBh. R.
- blundering, a blunderer W.
- %{-gIta} mfn. sung or recited by an intoxicated person Pat.
- %{-citta} mfn. careless-minded, heedless, negligent Ka1m.
- %{-tA} f. inattentiveness, sleepiness, mental inactivity (%{a-pram-}) Ra1jat.
- %{-rajju} f. (?) Kaus3.
- 1. %{-vat} mfn. inattentive, careless (%{a-pram-}) MBh.
- 2. %{-vat} ind. as if drunk, like one intoxicated MW.
- %{-zramaNa} n. (with Jainas) N. of the 6th among the 14 stages which lead to liberation Cat.
- प्रमद (pramada) (pramada)
- m. joy, pleasure, delight MBh. Katha1s.
- mfn. wanton, dissolute Ragh. (also %{-daka} Nir.)
- mad, intoxicated
- m. the thorn-apple
- the ankle
- N. of a Da1nava Hariv.
- of a son of Vasisht2ha and one of the sages under Manu Uttama BhP.
- (%{A} f. see below)
- %{-kaNTha} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
- %{-kAnana} n. = %{-dA-k-}
- %{-ropya} n. N. of a city in the Dekhan Pan5cat.
- %{-vana} n. = %{-dA-v-} Ka1lid.
- प्रमा (pramā) (pramā)
- A1. %{-mimIte} (Ved. inf. %{pra-me4}
- Pass. %{-mIyate}), to measure, mete out, estimate AV. S3rS. MBh.
- to form, create, make ready, arrange RV. MBh.
- to form a correct notion of (acc.), understand, know MaitrUp. Hariv. Hit.: Caus. %{-mApayati}, to cause correct knowledge, afford proof or authority MW. 1.
- प्रमाण (pramāṇa) (pramāṇa)
- n. (ifc. f. %{A}) measure, scale, standard
- measure of any kind (as size, extent, circumference, length, distance, weight, multitude, quantity, duration) Ka1tyS3r. Kat2hUp. Mn. &c. (instr. `" on an average "' Jyot.)
- prosodical length (of a vowel) Pa1n2. 1-1, 50 Sch.
- measure in music MBh. (Ni1lak.)
- accordance of the movements in dancing with music and song Sam2gi1t.
- measure of physical strength S3ak. (cf. comp. below)
- the first term in a rule of three sum Col.
- the measure of a square i.e. a side of it S3ulbas.
- principal, capital (opp. to interest) Col.
- right measure, standard, authority Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. (%{pramANam@bhavatI}, `" your ladyship is the authority or must judge "' Nal.
- in this sense also m. and f. sg. and pl. e.g. %{vedAH@pramANAH}, `" the Vedas are authorities "' MBh.
- %{strI@pramANI@yeSAm}, `" they whose authority is a woman Pa1n2. Sch.)
- a means of acquiring Prama1 or certain knowledge (6 in the Veda7nta, viz. %{pratyakSa}, perception by the senses
- %{anumAna}, inference
- %{upamAna}, analogy or comparison
- %{zabda} or %{Apta-vacana}, verbal authority, revelation
- %{an-upalabdhi} or %{abhAva-pratyakSa}, non-perception or negative proof
- %{arthA7patti}, inference from circumstances
- the Nya1ya admits only 4, excluding the last two
- the Sa1m2khya only 3, viz. %{pratyakSa}, %{anumAna} and %{zabda}
- other schools increase the number to 9 by adding %{sambhava}, equivalence
- %{aitihya}, tradition or fallible testimony
- and %{ceSTA}, gesture IW. 60 &c. &c.)
- any proof or testimony or evidence Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- a correct notion, right perception (= %{pramA}) Tarkas.
- oneness, unity
- = %{nitya}
- m. (cf. n.) N. of a large fig-tree on the bank of the Ganges MBh.
- (%{I}) f. (cf. n.) N. of a metre Col.
- प्रमातृ (pramātṛ) (pramātṛ)
- mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) one who has a correct notion or idea, authority, performer of (the mental operation resulting in a) true conception Kap. Sch. Veda7ntas. Sarvad.
- (%{-tA} f. Sarvad.
- %{-tva} n. S3am2k.)
- a partic. class of officials Inscr.2 f. (for 1. see col. 1) the mother's mother VP.
- प्रमाथ (pramātha) (pramātha)
- m. stirring about, racking, paining, tormenting MBh. Hariv.
- rape (cf. %{draupadI-pr-})
- subjugation, destruction (of enemies) Uttarar.
- N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh.
- of one of the attendants of Skanda ib.
- of a Da1naya Katha1s.
- pl. N. of a class of fiends attending on S3iva Hariv. (cf. %{pramatha}). &c. see %{pra-math}.
- प्रमाथित (pramāthita) (pramāthita)
- mfn. (fr. Caus.) roughly handled, violated, ravished, forcibly carried off MBh.
- प्रमाथिन् (pramāthin) (pramāthin)
- mfn. stirring about, tearing, rending, troubling, harassing, destroying MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- striking off, used for striking off MBh.
- (in med.) throwing out i.e. producing secretion of the vessels Car. Bhpr.
- m. N. of the 13th (47th) year of a 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter Var. (also w.r. for %{pra-mAdin})
- of a Ra1kshasa MBh.
- of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra ib.
- of a monkey R.
- (%{inI}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv.
- प्रमाद (pramāda) (pramāda)
- m. intoxication RV. MBh.
- madness, insanity
- negligence, carelessness about (abl. or comp.) Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c.
- an error, mistake W.
- a partic. high number
- %{-cArin} mfn. acting in a careless manner Ka1ran2d2.
- %{-pATha} m. a wrong reading S3am2k.
- %{-vat} mfn. = %{-mAdin}&c. see %{pra-mad}.
- प्रमित (pramita) (pramita)
- mfn. meted out, measured Ka1tyS3r. (ifc. measuring, of such and such measure or extent or size Var.
- cf. %{mAsa-pram-})
- limited, moderate, little, few Var. Katha1s.
- that about which a correct notion has been formed S3am2k.
- known, understood, established, proved W.
- m. N. of a teacher VP.
- %{-tA7kSara} n. pl. `" measured syllables "', few words Katha1s.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a metre S3rutab.
- %{-tA7bha} m. pl. `" of limited splendour "'N. of a class of gods in the 5th Manv-antara VP. n. (for 1. see col. 1) a hall KaushUp.
- प्रमिति (pramiti) (pramiti)
- f. a correct notion, right conception, knowledge gained or established by Prama1n2a or proof Nya1yas. Sch. Sarvad.
- manifestation BhP.
- inference or analogy W.
- measuring ib.
- प्रमुख (pramukha) (pramukha)
- mfn. turning the face towards, facing (acc.) R.
- first, foremost, chief, principal, most excellent Hit.
- (generally ifc.
- f. %{A}) having as foremost or chief, headed or preceded by, accompanied by or with [cf. %{prIti-p-}
- %{vasiSThap-}] MBh. Ka1v.
- honourable, respectable
- m. a chief, respectable man, sage W.
- a heap, multitude
- Rottleria Tinctoria
- n. the mouth MW.
- commencement (of a chapter) Br2A1rUp. S3am2k.
- time being, the present, the same time Prata1p.
- (ibc. or %{e} ind.) before the face of, in front of, before, opposite to (with gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v.
- (with %{kR}) to cause to go before or precede R.
- प्रमुद् (pramud) (pramud)
- A1. %{-modate}, to become joyful, rejoice greatly, exult, be delighted AV. &c. &c.: Caus. %{-modayati}, to make glad, delight Mn. MBh. Hariv. Sa1h. mfn. pleased, happy
- (%{-mu4d}) f. gladness, delight, pleasure (esp. sensual plpleasure) RV. VS. S3Br. MBh. Pan5cat. (%{-mude-bhU}, to become a cause of delight).
- प्रमूढ (pramūḍha) (pramūḍha)
- mfn. bewildered, unconscious MBh. Hariv. Uttarar.
- infatuated, foolish Mun2d2Up. S3a1rn3gP.
- disjointed MBh.
- %{-saMjJa} mfn. having the mind perplexed, bewildered, infatuated R.
- प्रमृष्ट (pramṛṣṭa) (pramṛṣṭa)
- mfn. rubbed off, cleaned, polished MBh. Ma1lav. &c.
- rubbed with (instr.) R.
- wiped away, removed, expelled Ragh.
- given up, left Hariv. (v.l. %{prasRSTa}).
- प्रमेय (prameya) (prameya)
- mfn. to be measured, measurable (also = limited, small, insignificant Naish.), to be ascertained or proved, provable MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- that of which a correct notion should be formed Veda7ntas.
- n. (ifc. f. %{A}) an object of certain knowledge, the thing to be proved or the topic to be discussed Kap. Sch. Veda7ntas. MBh. R. (cf. IW. 63)
- %{-kamala-mArtaNDa} m. %{-TIkA} f. %{-tattvabodha} m. N. of wks.
- %{-tva} n. provableness, demons-rability Tarkas.
- %{-dIpikA} f. %{-nava-mAlikA} f. %{-pariccheda} m. %{-mAlA} f. %{-muktA7valI} f. %{-ratnA7valI} f. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-saMgraha-vivaraNa} n. %{-sAra} m. %{-sAra-saMgraha} m. N. of wks. [686,2] see p. 686, col. 1.
- प्रमोद (pramoda) (pramoda)
- m. (also pl.
- ifc. f. %{A}) excessive joy, delight, gladness VS. Up. MBh. &c.
- (also n.) one of the 8 Sa1m2khya perfections Tattvas. Sa1m2khyak. Sch.
- (with Jainas) joy as exhibited in the virtuous HYog.
- Pleasure personified Hariv. (as a child of Brahma1 VP.)
- the 4th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S. viii, 29
- a strong perfume BhP.
- a kind of rice Gal.
- N. of a being attendant upon Skanda MBh.
- of a Na1ga ib.
- of an author Cat.
- of sev. men VP. Ra1jat.
- %{-cArin} w.r. for %{pramAda-c-} q.v.
- %{-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha W.
- %{-nRtya} n. joyous dancing, a joyful dance MW.
- %{-modA7DhyA} f. a partic. plant = %{aja-modA} Gal.
- प्रमोह (pramoha) (pramoha)
- m. bewilderment, infatuation MBh. Sus3r. Uttarar.
- insensibility, fainting W.
- %{-citta} mf(%{A})n. bewildered in mind MBh. &c. see %{pra-muh}.
- प्रमोहित (pramohita) (pramohita)
- mfn. bewildered, infatuated MBh.
- प्रयत (prayata) (prayata)
- mfn. outstretched, far-extended
- placed upon (loc.) RV.
- offered, presented, given, granted, bestowed RV. &c. &c.
- piously disposed, intent on devotion, well prepared for a solemn rite (with loc. or ifc.), ritually pure (also applied to a vessel and a place A1past. R.), selfsubdued, dutiful, careful, prudent Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
- m. a holy or pious person W.
- %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. purity, holiness MBh.
- %{-dakSiNa} (%{pra4y-}) mfn. one who has made presents (to the priests at a sacrifice), a giver, donor RV.
- %{-parigraha-dvitIya} mfn. accompanied by a pious or chaste wife MW.
- %{-mAnasa} mfn. pious-minded, devout, ascetic MBh.
- %{-tA7tman} or %{-tA7tma-vat} mfn. id. Mn. R.
- प्रयतित (prayatita) (prayatita)
- n. (impers.) pains have been taken with (loc.) MBh.
- प्रयतितव्य (prayatitavya) (prayatitavya)
- n. (impers.) pains have to be taken with (loc.) R. Ba1lar. Car.
- प्रयत्त (prayatta) (prayatta)
- mfn. intent, eager Bhartr2.
- प्रयत्न (prayatna) (prayatna)
- m. persevering effort, continued exertion or endeavour, exertion bestowed on (loc. or comp.), activity, action, act Mn. MBh. &c. (instr. sg. and pl. abl. and %{-tas} ind. with special effort, zealously, diligently, carefully
- %{-tna} ibc. and %{-tnAt} ind. also = hardly, scarcely)
- great care, caution Pan5cat.
- (in phil.) active efforts (of 3 kinds, viz. engaging in any act, prosecuting it, and completing it)
- pl. volitions (one of the 17 qualities of the Vais3eshikas) IW. 68
- (in gram.) effort in uttering, mode of articulation (also %{Asya-pray-}, distinguished into %{Abhyantara-p-} and %{bAhya-p-}, internal and external effort) Pra1t. Pa1n2. 1-1, 9 Sch.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
- %{-cchid} mfn. frustrating a person's (gen.) efforts Mudr.
- %{-pre7kSaNIya} mfn. hardly visible S3ak.
- %{-muktA7sana} mfn. rising with difficulty from a seat Ragh.
- %{-vat} mfn. assiduous, diligent, persevering Ka1m.
- %{-tnA7nanda} m. N. of wk.
- प्रयाग (prayāga) (prayāga)
- m. `" place of sacrifice "'N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (now called Alla1ha1ba1d) at the confluence of the Gan3ga1 and Yamuna1 with the supposed subterranean Sarasvati1 (also %{-ka} AgP.
- cf. %{tri-veNI}
- ifc. also in Deva-ppilgrimage, Rudra-ppilgrimage, Karn2a ppilgrimage and Nanda-ppilgrimage) Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 375
- as N. of a country Priy. i, 3/4
- pl. the inhabitants of PPraya1ga MBh.)
- a sacrifice
- a horse(cf. %{pra-yoga})
- N. of Indra
- N. of a man (also %{-ka}) Ra1jat.
- प्रयाण (prayāṇa) (prayāṇa)
- n. (Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8-4, 29) setting out, starting, advancing, motion onwards, progress, journey, march, invasion RV. &c. &c. (with %{gardabhena}, `" riding on an ass "' Pan5cat.)
- departure, death (cf. %{prA7Na-pray-})
- onset, beginning, commencement Ka1t2h. S3Br.
- %{-kAla} m. time of departure, death Bhag.
- %{-paTaha} m. a drum beaten while marching Hcar.
- %{-purI} f. N. of a town (%{-rI-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wk.)
- %{-bhaGga} m. the breaking or suspending of a journey, a halt Pan5cat.
- %{-vicAra} m. N. of wk.
- %{-NA7rha} mfn. deserving death W.
- प्रयात (prayāta) (prayāta)
- mfn. set out, gone, advanced MaitrUp. R. &c.
- arrived at, come to (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- gone or passed away, vanished, deceased, dead Katha1s.
- प्रयातृ (prayātṛ) (prayātṛ)
- m. one who goes or can go or fly Katha1s.
- setting out on a march or journey Var.
- प्रयुक्त (prayukta) (prayukta)
- mfn. yoked, harnessed MBh. R. &c.
- stirred (by wind) Ragh.
- directed, thrown, hurled MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- drawn (as a sword) BhP.
- vented (as anger) MBh.
- uttered, pronounced, recited Up. S3iksh. &c.
- urged, ordered, bidden Gobh. Bhag. &c.
- used, employed, practised, performed, done Br. Kaus3. MBh. &c.
- undertaken, begun, contrived R. Ma1lav. Prab.
- made, prepared Kum.
- (n. impers.) behaved or acted towards (loc. or acc. with %{prati}) S3ak.
- lent (on interest) Ya1jn5.
- suitable, appropriate Pan5cat. (see %{a-pray-})
- resulting from (comp.) ib.
- n. a cause W.
- %{-tama} mfn. most used AitBr.
- %{-saMskAra} mfn. to which polish has been applied, polished (as a gem) Ragh.
- प्रयुत (prayuta) (prayuta)
- (%{pra4-}) mfn. absent in mind, inattentive, heedless, careless (cf. %{a-pray-}) RV. VS.
- (%{pra-yu4ta}) n. (also m. Siddh.) a million VS. &c. &c. (cf. 2. %{ayu4ta}). (%{pra4-}) mfn. mingled with (instr.) Ma1nS3r.
- confused (as a dream) Ma1nGr2.
- destroyed, annihilated MaitrS.
- m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
- %{-te7zvara-tIrtha} n. N. of a place of pilgrimage SkandaP. [688,2]
- प्रयोक्तृ (prayoktṛ) (prayoktṛ)
- m. a hurler, shooter (of missiles) MBh. R.
- an executor, agent (of an action) MBh. Ragh. &c.
- an undertaker (of a sacrifice) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
- a procurer MBh.
- an employer ib. Ka1m.
- an actor, mime Ragh.
- a speaker, reciter RPra1t. Ka1vya7d.
- a performer (of music) R.
- a composer, author, poet Uttarar.
- a money-lender Ya1jn5. Sch.
- %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. the state or condition of an employer Sarvad.
- प्रयोग (prayoga) (prayoga)
- m.2 m. (for 1. see under 2. %{pra4yas}, col. 1) joining together, connection Var.
- position, addition (of a word) Vpra1t. Pa1n2. (loc. often = in the case of Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-4, 25
- 26 &c.)
- hurling, casting (of missiles) MBh. R. &c.
- offering, presenting Hariv.
- undertaking, beginning, commencement S3Br. S3rS.
- a design, contrivance, device, plan Ma1lav. Ra1jat.
- application, employment (esp. of drugs or magic
- cf. IW. 402, 1), use Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c. (%{ena}, %{At} and %{-ga-tas} ifc. = by means of)
- practice, experiment (opp. to, `" theory "') Ma1lav.
- a means (only %{ais}, by use of means) MBh. Sus3r.
- (in gram.) an applicable or usual form Siddh. Vop.
- exhibition (of a dance), representation (of a drama) Mr2icch. Ka1lid. (%{-ga-to-dRz}, to see actually represented see on the stage Ratna7v.)
- a piece to be represented Ka1lid. Prab.
- utterance, pronunciation, recitation, delivery S3rS. RPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
- a formula to be recited, sacred text S3iksh. [688,3]
- lending at interest or on usury, investment Mn. MBh.
- principal, loan bearing interest Gaut.
- an example
- cause, motive, affair, object W.
- consequence, result ib.
- ceremonial form, course of proceeding ib.
- a horse (cf. %{pra-yAga}) L.
- प्रयोजक (prayojaka) (prayojaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. causing, effecting, leading to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ra1jat. Sarvad.
- (ifc.) prompting, instigating, instigator, promoter Pa1n2. 1-4, 55
- effective, essential Sa1h.
- deputing, anointing W.
- m. an author, composer Ya1jn5.
- a money-lender, creditor ib.
- a founder or institutor of any ceremony W.
- an employer A.
- %{-kartR-tva} n. the acting as instigator or promoter W.
- %{-tA} f. (Nya1yam. Sch.), %{-tva} n. (Ka1s3.) agency
- %{-kA7dhyAya-bhASya} n. N. of wk.
- प्रयोजन (prayojana) (prayojana)
- n. (ifc. f. %{A}) occasion, object, cause, motive, opportunity, purpose, design, aim, end Pra1t. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- %{prayojanena}, with a particular intention, on purpose MBh.
- %{-na-vazAt} id. Pan5cat.
- %{kena@-nena}, from what cause or motive ? Prab.
- %{kasmai@-nAya}, %{kasmAt@-nAt}, %{kasya@-nasya} and %{kasmin@-ne} id. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 27
- %{-nam@ati-kram}, to neglect an opportunity MBh.
- profit, use or need of, necessity for Ka1v. Pan5cat. &c. (with instr., %{taruNA@kim@prayojanam}, what is the use of the tree? Kuval.
- %{bhavatv@etaiH@kusumaiH@prayojanam}, let these flowers be used S3ak.
- with gen. or dat. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 27
- ii, 3, 72)
- means of attaining Mn. vii, 100
- (in phil.) a motive for discussing the point in question IW. 64
- %{-vat} mfn. having or connected with or serving any purpose or interest, interested R.
- serviceable, useful Sus3r. (%{-ttva} n. Sarvad.)
- having a cause, caused, produced W.
- प्ररूढ (prarūḍha) (prarūḍha)
- mfn. grown up, full-grown R. Ka1v. Var.
- (ifc.) overgrown with Hariv.
- filled up, healed up R.
- grown, widely spread, become great or strong Sa1h. BhP. Katha1s. &c.
- old
- growing or proceeding from a root, rooted, fastened[689,2]
- arisen or proceeded from (comp.) Hariv. R. S3ak. BhP.
- %{-kakSa} mfn. a place where shrubs have grown A1pS3r.
- %{-keza} mfn. one whose hair has grown long, having llong hhaving Pan5cat.
- %{-mUla} mfn. having roots gone deep A.
- %{-zAli} m. full-grown rice MW.
- प्रलब्ध (pralabdha) (pralabdha)
- mfn. seized MBh.
- overreached, cheated, deceived MW.
- प्रलम्ब (pralamba) (pralamba)
- mf(%{A})n. hanging down, depending, pendent, pendulous (generally ibc.) Ka1tyS3r. Sch. MBh. Hariv. R.
- bending the upper part of the body forward MBh.
- prominent MW.
- slow, dilatory W. [689,3]
- m. hanging on or from, depending
- a branch
- a shoot of the vine-palm
- a cucumber Bhpr.
- a garland of flowers worn round the neck W.
- a kind of necklace of pearls
- the female breast
- tin (?) W.
- N. of a Daitya slain by Balara1ma or Kr2ishn2a MBh. Hariv. Katha1s. &c.
- of a mountain R.
- (%{A} f. N. of a Ra1kshasi1 Buddh.)
- %{-keza} mfn. one whose hair hangs down VP.
- %{-ghna} m. `" slayer of Pralamba "'N. of Bala-ra1ma and of Kr2ishn2a
- %{-tA} f. the hanging down, being pendulous Ka1d.
- %{-nAsika} mfn. one who has a prominent nose A.
- %{-bAhu} mfn. one whose arms hang down MBh. Hariv. BhP. Buddh. (%{-tA} f. one of the 32 signs of perfection Dharmas. 83)
- m. N. of a man Katha1s.
- %{-bhid} m. `" crusher of Pralamba "'N. of Bala-ra1ma
- %{-bhuja} mfn. one whose arms hang down
- m. N. of a Vidya1-dhara Katha1s.
- %{-mathana} (Hariv.), %{-han} (MBh.), %{-hantR} (L.) m. `" slayer of Pralamba "'N. of Bala-ra1ma and of Kr2ishn2a
- %{-bA7NDa} m. a man with pendent testicles Vet.
- %{-bo7jjvala-cAru-ghoNa} mfn. having a prominent and bright and handsome nose MBh.
- %{-bo7dara} m. `" having a pendent belly "'N. of a prince of the Kim2-naras Ka1ran2d2.
- of a fabulous mountain ib.
- प्रलय (pralaya) (pralaya)
- &c. see under %{pra-lI}. m. dissolution, reabsorption, destruction, annihilation
- death
- (esp.) the destruction of the whole world, at the end of a Kalpa (s.v.) Shad2vBr. ChUp. S3am2k. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- setting (of the stars) Subh.
- end (%{saMjAta-nidrA-p-} mfn. having done sleeping Pan5cat.)
- cause of dissolution Bhag. Br2ih.
- fainting, loss of sense or consciousness Prata1p. Sa1h. Sus3r.
- sleepiness Gal.
- N. of the syllable %{om}, Atharvas3Up.
- %{-kAla} m. the time of universal dissolution MW.
- %{-kevala} mfn. = %{-layA7kala} (q.v.) Sarvad.
- %{-ghana} m. the cloud which causes the destruction of the world Hit.
- %{-M-kara} mf(%{I})n. causing destruction or ruin Up. Ka1v.
- %{-jaladhara-dhvAna} m. the rumbling or muttering of clouds at the dissolution of the world MW.
- %{-tA} f. dissolution (%{-tAM-gam}, to perish, be annihilated) Hariv.
- %{-tva} n. id. (%{-tvAya-klRp} = %{-tAM-gam}) MBh. BhP.
- %{-dahana} m. the fire causing the destruction of the world, Ratna7v. Amar. [690,1]
- %{-sthiti-sarga} m. pl. destruction, preservation and creation (of the world). Kum.
- %{-layA7kala} mfn. (an individual soul) to which %{mala} and %{karman} still adhere (with S3aivas) Sarvad.
- %{-layA7nta-ga} mfn. perishing only at the destruction of the world (the sun) Ma1rkP.
- %{-layo7daya} m. du. dissolution and creation Bhag. Sus3r. Katha1s.
- प्रलाप (pralāpa) (pralāpa)
- m. talk, discourse, prattling, chattering AV. &c. &c.
- (also n.) lamentation (%{Arta-p-}, llamentation of one in pain) MBh. R. Pan5cat. &c.
- incoherent or delirious speech, raving Cat.
- %{-vat} mfn. one who speaks confusedly or incoherently Sus3r.
- %{-han} m. a kind of medic. preparation
- %{-pai9ka-maya} mf(%{I})n. `" consisting only of lamentation "', doing nothing but lament MW.
- प्रलापन (pralāpana) (pralāpana)
- n. (fr. Caus.) causing or teaching to speak Cat.
- प्रवक्तृ (pravaktṛ) (pravaktṛ)
- mfn. one who tells or imparts or relates Ya1jn5.
- a good speaker MBh.
- an announcer, expounder, teacher (%{-tva} n.) A1s3vS3r. Mn. R. &c.
- the first relater of a legend (ifc. %{-ka})
- प्रवचन (pravacana) (pravacana)
- m. one who exposes, propounds BhP.
- n. speaking, talking Pan5cat.
- recitation, oral instruction, teaching, expounding, exposition, interpretation (cf. %{sAMkhya-pravacana-bhASya}) S3Br. Up. Pa1rGr2. RPra1t. &c.
- announcement, proclamation La1t2y.
- excellent speech or language, eloquence W.
- an expression, term Nir.
- a system of doctrines propounded in a treatise or dissertation
- sacred writings (esp. the Bra1hman2as or the Veda7n3gas) Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 145)
- the ssacred wwritings of Buddhists (ninefold) Dharmas. 62
- the ssacred wwritings of the Jainas Hemac. Sch.
- (%{am}, enclitic after a finite verb g. %{gotrA7di})
- %{-paTu} mfn. skilled in speaking, eloquent Bhartr2.
- %{-sAra-gAthA} f. and %{-sAro7ddhAra} m. N. of wks.
- प्रवचनीय (pravacanīya) (pravacanīya)
- mfn. to be taught or propounded S3a1n3khGr2.
- to be well or elegantly spoken W.
- m. a propounder, teacher Pa1n2.
- a good speaker W.
- प्रवर (pravara) (pravara)
- 1 mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{pra} + %{vara} or fr. %{pra} 2. %{vR}
- for 2. and 3. see p. 693) most excellent, chief, principal, best Mn. MBh. &c.
- eldest (son) MBh.
- better than (abl.) BhP.
- greater (opp. to %{sama}, `" equal "', and %{nyUna}, `" smaller "') Var.
- (ifc.) eminent, distinguished by Hariv.
- m. a black variety of Phaseolus Mungo
- Opuntia Dillenii
- N. of a messenger of the gods and friend of Indra Hariv.
- of a Da1nava ib.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a river (which falls into the Goda1vari1 and is celebrated for the sweetness of its water) MBh. VP.
- n. aloe wood Bhpr.
- a partic. high number Buddh.3 m. a call, summons (esp. of a Bra1hman to priestly functions) AitBr.
- an invocation of Agni at the beginning of a sacrifice, a series of ancestors (so called because Agni is invited to bear the oblations to the gods as he did for the sacrificer's progenitors, the names of the 4 10 5 most nearly connected with the ancient R2ishis being then added) Br. S3rS.
- a family, race
- an ancestor Ka1tyS3r. Sch. (%{I} f. Pat.)
- %{-kANDa} m. or n. a chapter about a series of ancestors Cat.
- %{-khaNDa} m. or n. %{-darpaNa} m. %{-dIpikA} f. %{-nirNaya}, m. %{-maJjarI} f. %{-ratna} n. N. of wks.
- %{-vat} mfn. having a series of ancestors
- %{-rA7dhyAya} m. %{-re-kRta-zAnti} f. N. of wks. 2.
- प्रवर्ग्य (pravargya) (pravargya)
- m. a ceremony introductory to the Soma sacrifice (at which fresh milk is poured into a heated vessel called, %{mahA-vIra} or %{gharma}, or into boiling ghee) Br. S3rS. MBh. &c.
- n. N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
- %{-kANDa} m. N. of S3Br. xvi (in the %{kANva-zAkhA})
- %{-prayoga} m. N. of wk.
- %{-vat} (%{-gya4-}.) mfn. connected with the Pravargya ceremony S3Br. S3rS.
- %{-sAman} n. N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
- प्रवर्तक (pravartaka) (pravartaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. acting, proceeding
- setting in motion or action, setting on foot, advancing, promoting, forwarding Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
- producing, causing, effecting MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. a founder, author, originator of anything ib.
- an arbiter, judge W.
- n. (in dram.) the entrance of a previously announced person on the stage (at the end of the introduction) Sa1h. Prata1p. (cf. %{pra-vRttaka} and %{prA-varta})
- %{-jJAna} and %{-kIya} n. N. of wks.
- प्रवर्तन (pravartana) (pravartana)
- mf(%{I})n. being in motion, flowing Ragh. x, 38 (C. %{-vartin})
- (%{A}) f. incitement to activity Gaut.
- (in gram.) order, permission, the sense of the precative or qualified imperative tense (?) W.
- n. advance, forward movement, rolling or flowing forth R. Var. Ya1jn5. Sch.
- walking, roaming, wandering R.
- activity, procedure, engaging in, dealing with (instr. or loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- going on, coming off, happening, occurrence MBh. Hariv. &c.
- conduct, behaviour MBh.
- bringing near, fetching S3a1n3khS3r.
- erection, construction Mn. Ya1jn5. Sch.
- causing to appear, bringing about, advancing, promoting, introducing, employing, using MBh. R. &c.
- informing W.
- प्रवह (pravaha) (pravaha)
- mf(%{A})n. bearing along, carrying (ifc.) MBh. R.
- m. N. of one of the 7 winds said to cause the motion of the planets MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 179)
- wind, air
- N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire Col.
- a reservoir into which water is carried Ya1jn5.
- flowing or streaming forth(cf. %{-vAka})
- going forth, ggoing from a town W.
- प्रवात (pravāta) (pravāta)
- mfn. blown forward, agitited by the wind (see below)
- n. a current or draught of air, windy weather or a windy place TS. &c. &c.
- %{-dIpa-capala} mfn. flickering or unsteady like a lamp agitated by the wind Katha1s.
- %{-nIlo7tpala} n. a lotus flower agagitated by the wind Kum.
- %{-zayana} n. a bed placed in the middle of a current of air Ma1lav.
- %{-sAra} m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (v.l. %{pravATa-sAgara} i.e. %{pravADas-})
- %{-subhaga} mfn. (a spot), delightful by (reason of) a fresh breeze S3ak.
- %{-te-jA84} mfn. growing in an airy place RV.
- प्रवाल (pravāla) (pravāla)
- m. n. (prob. fr. %{val}, but also written %{pra-bAla}
- ifc. f. %{A}) a young shoot, sprout, new leaf or branch (to which feet and lips are often compared) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- coral Mn. MBh. &c. (in this sense also written %{pra-vADa})
- the neck of the Indian lute
- m. an animal
- a pupil
- mfn. having shoots or sprouts Dharmas3.
- having long or beautiful hair (= %{prakRSTa-keza@yukta}) ib.
- प्रवास (pravāsa) (pravāsa)
- m. dwelling abroad, foreign residence, absence from home RV. &c. &c. (acc. with %{gam} or %{yA}. %{pra-} %{vas} or %{A-} %{pad}
- to go abroad
- abl. with %{A-} %{i}, %{upA7-}. or %{parA-vRt}, to return from abroad)
- (in astron.) heliacal setting of the planets Var.
- %{-kRtya} n. N. of wk.
- %{-gata} mfn. gone abroad, being away from home MW.
- %{-gamana-vidhi} m. N. of wk.
- %{-para} mfn. addicted to living abroad MW.
- %{-pariziSta} n. %{-vidhi} m. N. of wks.
- %{-stha} (Ragh.), %{-sthita} (Katha1s.) mfn. being absent from home
- %{-so7pasthAna} n.
- %{-so7pasthAna-prayoga} m. %{-so7pasthAna}. %{vidhi}, m.
- %{-so7pasthAna-haviryajJa-prA7yazcitta} n. N. of wks. and e. see col. 1.
- प्रवाह (pravāha) (pravāha)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a stream, river, current, running water (%{-he-mUtrita} n. `" making water in a river "', doing a useless action Pa1n2. 2-1, 47 Sch.)
- met. = continuous flow or passage, unbroken series or succession, continuity S3Br. &c. &c.
- continuous use or employment S3am2k.
- ccontinuous train of thought Sarvad.
- N. of ch. in Sad-ukti-karn2a7mr2ita
- flowing or streaming forth(cf. %{-vaha})
- course of action, activity
- course or direction towards W.
- a pond, lake ib.
- a beautiful horse
- N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh.
- (pl.) N. of a people VP.
- (%{I}) f. sand(also %{-ho7tthA} f. Gal.)
- प्रवाहक (pravāhaka) (pravāhaka)
- mfn. carrying forwards, bearing or carrying well W.
- m. a Ra1kshasa, imp, goblin (also %{ika})
- (%{ikA}) f. a sudden desire to evacuate, diarrhoea Sus3sr. (%{ikA} ind. g. %{svar-Adi}).
- प्रविष्ट (praviṣṭa) (praviṣṭa)
- mfn. entered R. Ragh.
- one who has entered or gone or come into, being in or among (loc., acc. or comp.
- cf. %{madhya-prav-}) RV. &c. &c. (in dram. `" one who has entered the stage "')
- sunk (as an eye) Sus3r.
- appeared or begun (as an age) Vet.
- one who has entered upon or undertaken, occupied with, intent upon, engaged in (loc. or comp.) BhP. Ra1jat.
- initiated into (acc.) Prab.
- agreeing with (loc.) MBh.
- made use of. invested (as money) Ya1jn5. Ra1jat.
- (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of Paippala1di and Kaus3ika Hariv. (prob. w.r. for %{zraviSThA}).
- प्रवीण (pravīṇa) (pravīṇa)
- mf(%{A})n. (%{pra} + %{vINA}) skilful, clever, conversant with or versed in (loc. or comp.) Ka1v. Ka1m. (cf. g. %{zauNDDA7di})
- m. N. of a son of the I4th Manu Hariv. (v.l. %{pra-vIra}).
- प्रवीर (pravīra) (pravīra)
- mfn. preceding or surpassing heroes RV. x, 103, 5 (cf. %{abhi4-vIra})
- m. a hero, prince, chief among (gen. or comp.), a person excellent or distinguished by (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ifc. f. %{A})
- N. of a son of Pu1ru MBh.
- of a son of Pracinvat (grandson of Pu1ru) Hariv. Pur.
- of a son of Dharmanetra Hariv.
- of a son of Hary-as3va VP.
- of a son ol the 14th Manu Hariv. (v.l. %{pra-vINa})
- of a Can2d2ala Ma1rkP.
- pl. N. of the descendants of Pravi1ra (son of Pu1ru) MBh.
- प्रवृत्त (pravṛtta) (pravṛtta)
- mfn. rotund, globular S3a1n3khBr.
- driven up (as a carriage) ChUp.
- circulated (as a book) Pan5cat.
- set out from (%{-tas}), going to, bound for (acc. loc. inf., or %{artham} ifc.
- %{dakSiNena}, `" southwards "'
- with %{pathA} "', proceeding on a path "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- issued from (abl.), come forth, resulted, arisen, produced, brought about, happened, occurred VS. &c. &c.
- come back, returned MBh.
- commenced, begun MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (also %{-vat} mfn. ) having set about or commenced to (inf.) Katha1s.
- purposing or going to, bent upon (dat. loc., or comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
- engaged in, occupied with, devoted to (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- hurting, injuring, offending MBh.
- acting, proceeding, dealing with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- existing A1past.
- who or what has become (with nom.) R.
- (with %{karman} n. action) causing a continuation of mundane existence Mn. xii, 88 [694,1]
- w.r. for %{pra-cRtta} and %{pra-nRtta}
- (%{-vRtta4}) m. = %{-varta}, a round ornament S3Br.
- (%{A} f. N. of a female demon Ma1rkP.)
- %{-karman} n. any act leading to a future birth W.
- %{-cakra} mfn. `" whose chariot wheels run on unimpeded "', having universal power (%{-kra-tA} f.) Ya1jn5.
- %{-tva} n. the having happened or occurred Jaim.
- %{-pAnIya} mfn. (a well) with abundant water MBh.
- %{-pAraNa} n. a partic. religious observance or ceremony S3ak. (v.l.)
- %{-vAc} mfn. of fluent speech, eloquent MBh.
- %{-samprahAra} mfn. one who has begun the fight (%{-ra-tva} n.) Katha1s.
- %{-ttA7zin} m. N. of a partic. class of ascetics Baudh.
- प्रवृत्ति (pravṛtti) (pravṛtti)
- f. moving onwards, advance, progress Gr2S3rS. MBh. Sus3r.
- coming forth, appearance, manifestation S3vetUp. Ka1lid. Ra1jat.
- rise, source, origin. MBh.
- activity, exertion, efficacy, function Kap. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. &c. (in the Nya1ya one of the 82 Prameyas IW. 63)
- active life (as opp. to %{ni-vRtti} [q.v.] and to contemplative devotion, and defined as consisting of the wish to act, knowledge of the means, and accomplishment of the object) W.
- giving or devoting one's self to, prosecution of. course or tendency towards, inclination or predilection for (loc. or comp.) Ra1jat. Hit. Sa1h.
- application, use, employment Mn. MBh. Ma1rkP.
- conduct, behaviour, practice Mn. MBh. &c.
- the applicability or validity of a rule Ka1tyS3r. Pa1n2. Sch.
- currency, continuance, prevalence ib.
- fate, lot, destiny R.
- news, tidings, intelligence of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- cognition (with %{viSaya-vatI}, `" a sensuous ccognition "') Yogas.
- the exudation from the temples of a rutting elephant(cf. Vikr. iv, 47)
- N. of Avanti or Oujein or any holy place
- (in arithm.) the multiplier W. (w.r. for %{pra-kRti}?)
- %{-jJa}, m. `" knowing the news "', an emissary, agent. spy
- %{-jJo4na} n. %{-vijJAna} Sarvad.
- %{-nimitta} n. the reason for the use of any term in the particular significations which it bears MW.
- %{-nivRtti-mat} mfn. connected with activity and inactivity BhP.
- %{paro4Gmukha} mf(%{I})n. disinclined to give tidings Vikr.
- %{-pratyaya} m. a belief in or conception of the things relating to the external world Buddh.
- %{-mat} mfn. devoted to anything, Kaiy.
- %{mArga} m. active or worldly life, occupancy about the business and pleasures of the world or with the rites and works of religion MW.
- %{-vacana} mfn. (a word) expressing activity Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 51
- %{-vijJAna} n. cognition of the things belonging to the external world Buddh.
- %{-tty-aGga} n. N. of wk.
- प्रवृद्ध (pravṛddha) (pravṛddha)
- mfn. grown up, fully developed, increased, augmented, intense, vehement, great, numerous RV. &c. &c.
- swollen, heaving R. Ka1lid.
- risen to wealth or power, prosperous, mighty, strong MBh. Var.
- (also with %{vayasA}) advanced in age, grown old MBh. Katha1s.
- expanded, diffused W.
- full, deep (as a sigh) ib.
- haughty, arrogant MW.
- w.r. for %{pra-vRtta}, %{-viddha}, %{-buddha}.
- प्रवेश (praveśa) (praveśa)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) entering, entrance, penetration or intrusion into (loc. gen. with or without %{antar}, or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (acc.with %{kR}, to make one's entrance, enter)
- entrance on the stage Hariv. Malav.
- the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac Var.
- coming or setting in (of night)
- the placing (e. g. of any deposit) in a person's house or hand Pan5cat.
- interfering with another's business, obtrusiveness Katha1s.
- the entering into i.e. being contained in (loc.) Pa1n2. 2-1, 72 Sch. Sa1h.
- employment, use, utilisation of (comp.) Kull. Inscr.
- income, revenue, tax, toll (cf. %{-bhAgika})
- intentness on an object, engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose W.
- manner, method Lalit.
- a place of entrance, door MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- the syringe of an injection pipe Sus3r.
- %{-bhAgika} m. (prob.) a receiver or gatherer of taxes Ra1jat. &c. see %{pra-} %{viz}.
- प्रवेशक (praveśaka) (praveśaka)
- ifc. = %{-veza} entering, entrance Katha1s.
- m. a kind of interlude (acted by some of the subordinate characters for the making known of what is supposed to have occurred between the acts or the introducing of what is about to follow) Ka1lid. Ratna7v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c. (cf. %{viSkambhaka} and IW. 473)
- N. of wk.
- प्रवेश्य (praveśya) (praveśya)
- mfn. to be entered, accessible, open MBh. Hariv. S3ak.
- to be played (as a musical instrument) Ragh.
- to be let or conducted into, be introduced MBh. R. [693,1]
- to be put back or re-introduced (said of the intestines) Sus3r.
- प्रवेष्टव्य (praveṣṭavya) (praveṣṭavya)
- mfn. to be entered or penetrated or pervaded, accessible, open Ka1v. Katha1s.
- to be caused or allowed to enter, to be admitted Hariv.
- n. (impers.) one should enter or penetrate into (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. %{-TR} see %{pra-} %{viz}.
- प्रव्याहृत (pravyāhṛta) (pravyāhṛta)
- mfn. speaking MBh.
- spoken, foretold, predicted ib.
- प्रव्रज्य (pravrajya) (pravrajya)
- n. going abroad, migration MBh.
- (%{A}) f. id. ib.
- going forth from home (first rite of a layman wishing to become a Buddh. monk) MWB. 77
- roaming, wandering about (esp. as a religious mendicant, in a dress not authorized by the Veda) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- the order of a relreligious mmendicant MBh. Var.
- %{-jyA-yoga} m. a constellation under which future relreligious mmendicants are born Var.
- %{jyA7vasita} m. a relreligious mmendicant who has renounced his order Ya1jn5.
- प्रव्राजक (pravrājaka) (pravrājaka)
- m. a religious mmendicant R. Katha1s.
- (%{ikA}) f. a female ascetic (also %{-jaka-strI}) Katha1s.
- प्रव्राज् (pravrāj) (pravrāj)
- m. a religious mendicant Var. Katha1s.
- प्रशंसा (praśaṃsā) (praśaṃsā)
- f. praise, commendation, fame, glory (with Buddhists one of the 8 worldly conditions Dharmas. 61) S3Br. &c. &c. (cf. %{aprastuta-p-}, %{strI-p-}
- w.r. %{-zaMzA})
- %{-nAman} n. an expression of praise Nir.
- %{mukhara} mfn. loud with praise, praising loudly (%{-rA7nana}, mfn. `" one whose mouth is lloud wwith prpraise "', speaking loudly in praise of anything) Ra1jat.
- %{--lApa} (%{-sA7l-}) m. applause, acclamation Das3.
- %{-vacana} n. pl. a laudatory speech MBh.
- %{--vali} (%{-sA7v-}) f. a poem of praise, panegyric Ba1lar.
- %{-zaMso7pamA} f. (in rhet.) laudatory comparison, comparing to anything superior Ka1vya7d. [695,1]
- प्रशम (praśama) (praśama)
- m. calmness, tranquillity "' (esp. of mind), quiet, rest, cessation, extinction, abatement MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. N. of a son of A1naka-dundisbhi and S3a1nti-deva BhP.
- (%{I}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
- %{-M-kara} mfn. causing the cessation of (gen.), disturbing, interrupting R.
- %{-rati-sUsra} n. N. of wk.
- %{-sthita} mfn. being in a state of quiescence Ragh.
- %{-mA7yana} mfn. walking in tranquillity BhP.
- प्रशस्त (praśasta) (praśasta)
- mfn. praised, commended, considered fit or good, happy, auspicious (as stars, days &c.) RV. A1s3vGr2. Mn. MBh. &c.
- better, more excellent Gaut.
- best A1past.
- consecrated (as water) Var.
- m. N. of a man Katha1s.
- of a poet Cat.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a river MBh.
- %{-kara} m. N. of an author (perhaps the writer of a wk. entitled Pras3asta) Cat.
- %{-kalaza} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
- %{-ta} f. (MW.) or %{-tva} n. (Mcar.) excellence, goodness
- %{-paribhASA} f. N. of wk.
- %{-pAda} m. N. of an author Sarvad. Cat.
- %{-bhASya} n. N. of wk. Cat.
- %{-vacana} n. pl. laudatory words, praises Mr2icch.
- %{-zastA7dri} m. N. of a mountain to the west of Madhya-des3a Var.
- प्रशस्तव्य (praśastavya) (praśastavya)
- mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy R. (cf. %{-zaMstavya}).
- प्रशान्त (praśānta) (praśānta)
- mfn. tranquillized, calm, quiet, composed, indifferent Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
- (in augury) auspicious, boni ominis Var.
- extinguished, ceased, allayed, removed, destroyed, dead MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- %{-kAma} mfn. one whose desires are calmed, content BhP.
- %{-cAritramati} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lalit.
- %{-cArin} m. pl. `" walking tranquilly "', (prob.) N. of a class of deities ib. [695,2]
- %{-citta} mfn. `" tranquil-minded "', calm Veda7ntas.
- %{-ceSTa} mfn. one whose efforts have ceased, resting MW.
- %{-tA} f. tranquillity of mind MBh.
- %{-dhI} mfn. = %{-citta} BhP.
- %{-bAdha} mfn. one who has all calamities or hindrances quelled MW.
- %{-bhUmipAla} mfn. `" having the kings extinguished "', without a king (said of the earth) Ra1jat.
- %{-mUrti} mfn. of tranquil appearance Var.
- %{-rAga} m. N. of a man Cat.
- %{-vinizcaya-pratihArya-nirdeza} m. N. of a Buddh. Su1tra
- %{-vinIte7zvara} m. N. of a divine being, Lalii.
- %{-tA7tman} mfn. `" tranquil-souled "', composed in mind, peaceful, calm Bhag. BhP.
- %{-tA7rAti} mfn. one whose enemies have been pacified or destroyed Prab.
- %{-tA7rja} mfn. one whose strength has ceased, weakened, prostrated W.
- %{-to7lmuka} mfn. extinguished W.
- %{-tau9jas} mfn. = %{-to7rja} MW. &c. see under %{pra-} %{zam}.
- प्रशास्तृ (praśāstṛ) (praśāstṛ)
- m. `" director "'N. of a priest (commonly called Maitra1varun2a, the first assistant of the Hotr2i) RV. &c. &c.
- a king Un2. ii, 94 Sch.
- प्रश्न (praśna) (praśna)
- 1 m. basket-work, a plaited basket Kaus3. (Sch. `" a turban "').
- प्रश्लिष्ट (praśliṣṭa) (praśliṣṭa)
- mfn. ( %{iliS}) twisted, entwined, coalescent (applied to the Sam2dhi of %{a}, or %{A} with a following vowel and of other vowels with homogeneous ones, also to the vowel resulting from this Sam2dhi and its accent) Pra1t. S3a1n3khS3r. Pat.
- प्रश्लेष (praśleṣa) (praśleṣa)
- m. close contact or pressure Amar.
- coalescence (of vowels) Pra1t. Siddh.
- प्रष्टव्य (praṣṭavya) (praṣṭavya)
- mfn. to be asked or questioned about (acc. with or without %{prati}) Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
- to be consulted about (loc.), M Bh. Ma1rkP.
- to be inquired into S3ak. Ma1rkP.
- n. (impers.) one should ask or inquire about Ma1lav. %{-tR} see under %{prazna}.
- प्रष्ठ (praṣṭha) (praṣṭha)
- mf(%{I})n. ( %{sthA}
- cf. Pa1n2. 8-3, 92) standing in front, foremost, principal, best, chief Ragh. Ra1jat.
- m. a leader, conductor Kuval.
- a species of plant
- (%{I}) f. the wife of a leader or chief L.
- प्रसङ्ग (prasaṅga) (prasaṅga)
- see under %{pra-} %{zaJj}. m. adherence, attachment, inclination or devotion to, indulgence in, fondness for, gratification of, occupation or intercourse with (loc. gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{ena} ind. assiduously, zealously, eagerly
- cf. also below)
- evil inclination or illicit pursuit Mn. ix, 5
- union, connection (ifc. `" connected with "' e.g. %{madhu-prasaGga-madhu}, `" honey connected with or coming in the spring season "') Ratna7v. i, 17 [696,3]
- (pl.) all that is connected with or results from anything Ka1m.
- occurrence of a possibility, contingency, case, event S3rS. Mn. S3am2k. Pa1n2. Sch. (e.g. %{ecaH@pluta-prasaGge}, `" in the event of a diphthong being prolated "')
- applicability Vajras.
- an occasion, incident, conjuncture, time, opportunity MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ibc.
- %{ena}, %{At} and %{atas} ind. when the occasion presents itself, occasionally, incidentally
- %{prasaGge@kutrA7pi}, `" on a certain occasion "'
- %{amunA@prasaGgena}, %{tat-prasaGgena} or %{etat-prasaGge}, `" on that occasion "')
- mention of parents (? = %{guru-kIrtita}) Sa1h.
- (in dram.) a second or subsidiary incident or plot W.
- N. of a man Katha1s.
- (pl.) of a Buddhistic school
- %{-nivAraNa} n. the prevention of (similar) eases, obviation of (like future) contingencies Kull. on Mn. viii, 334
- %{-pro7Sita} mfn. happening to be departed or absent Das3.
- %{-ratnA7kara} m. %{-ratnA7valI} f. N. of wks.
- %{-vat} mfn. occasional, incidental Das3.
- %{-vazAt} ind. according to the time, as occasion may demand MW.
- %{-vinivRtti} f. the non-recurrence of a case Mn. viii, 368
- %{-sama} m. (in Nya1ya) the sophism that the proof too must be proved Nya1yas. Sarvad.
- %{-gA7nu}. %{saGgena} ind. by the way, by the by, Sa1m2khyas. Sch.
- %{-gA7bharaNa} n. N. of a modern poetical anthology.
- प्रसन्न (prasanna) (prasanna)
- mfn. clear, bright, pure (lit. and fig.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- distinct, perspicuous MBh. Ka1m.
- true, right, plain, correct, just Ma1lav. Ma1lati1m.
- placid, tranquil R. Var. A1p.
- soothed, pleased
- gracious, kind, kindly disposed towards (with loc. gen., or acc. aod %{prati}), favourable (as stars &c.)
- gracious, showing favour (as a speech) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. N. of a prince Hemac.
- (%{A}) f. propitiating, pleasing W.
- spirituous liquor made of rice Car. Pat.
- %{-kalpa} mfn. almost quiet, tolerably calm Pan5cat.
- %{-gAtr-tA}. f. having tranquil limbs (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- %{-caNDikA} f. N. of a drama
- %{-candra} m. N. of a prince HParis3.
- %{-jala} mfn. containing clear water R.
- %{-tarka} mfn. conjecturing right Ma1lav.
- %{-tA} f. brightness, clearness, purity Sus3r.
- clearness of expression, perspicuity Cat.
- complacence, good humour Ka1v. Ra1jat. VP.
- %{-tva} n. clearness, purity MBh. Ragh.
- %{-pAda} m. or n. (?) N. of wk. by Dharma-kirti
- %{-prA7ya} mfn. rather plain or correct, Ma1latim.
- %{-mukha} mfn. `" placid-countenanced "', looking pleased, smiling W.
- %{-rasa} mfn. clear-juiced Kpr.
- %{-rAghava} n. N. of a drama by Jaya-deva
- %{-veGkaTe7zva-mAhAmya} n. N. of a legend in the Bhavishyo7ttara-Pura1n2a
- %{-salila} mfn. %{-jala} MBh.
- %{-sannA7tman} mfn. gracious-minded, propitious MaitrUp.
- %{-sanne7rA} f. spirituous liquor made of rice &c. see p. 696, col. 3.
- प्रसर (prasara) (prasara)
- %{pra-saraNa} see %{pra-} %{sR}. m. (ifc. f. %{A}) going forwards, advance, progress, free course, coming forth, rising, appearing, spreading, extension, diffusion Ka1lid. Ka1d. S3am2k. &c.
- range (of the eye) Amar.
- prevalence, influence S3ak.
- boldness, courage Mr2icch.
- a stream, torrent, flood Gi1t. BhP.
- (in med.) morbid displacement of the humours of the body Sus3r.
- multitude, great quantity S3is3.
- a fight, war
- an iron arrow
- speed
- affectionate solicitation
- (%{A}) f. Paederia Foetida
- n. (in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
- %{-yuta} mfn. possessing extension, extensive (as a forest) R.
- प्रसव (prasava) (prasava)
- 1. 2. 3 see %{pra-} 3. %{su} and %{pra-} 1. 2. %{su}.
- प्रसव्य (prasavya) (prasavya)
- 1 see %{vAja-pr-}. 2 mfn. turned towards the left, to the left side (%{am} ind.
- opp. to %{pradakSiNa} q.v.) Gr2S3rS. R.
- contrary, reverse
- favourable
- प्रसह्य (prasahya) (prasahya)
- mfn. to be conquered or resisted &c.
- capable of being cconquered or rresisted (inf. with pass. sense) MBh. 2. ind. having conquered or won Ma1lav. i, 2
- using force, forcibly, violently Mn. Gaut. &c.
- exceedingly, very much MBh. R. Mr2icch.
- at once, without more ado Katha1s.
- necessarily, absolutely, by all means (with %{na}, `" by no means "') Mn.
- Var BhP. Katha1s.
- %{-kArin} mfn. acting with violence Ma1rkP.
- %{-caura} m. `" violent thief "', a robber, plunderer
- %{-haraNa} n. forcible abduction, robbing, plundering MBh.
- %{-hyA7DhA} f. married by force ib.
- प्रसाद (prasāda) (prasāda)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) clearness, brightness, pellucidnees, purity (cf. %{ambu-p-}), UP. Ka1lid. &c. (Nom. P. %{-sAdati}, to be clear or bright. S3atr.) [697,1]
- clearness of style, perspicuity Prata1p. Ka1vya7d. Sa1h.
- brightness (of the face) Ragh.
- calmness, tranquillity, absence of excitement Kat2hUp. Sus3r. Yogas.
- serenity of disposition, good humour MBh. Sus3r. Ragh. &c.
- graciousness, kindness, kind behaviour, favour, aid, mediation (%{-dAt} ind. through the kindness or by the favour of
- %{-daM} %{kR}, to be gracious
- cf. %{duS-p-}, %{drik-p-}) Gobh. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- Kindness personified as a son of Dharma and Maitri1 BhP.
- clarified liquor, a decoction Car.
- settlings, a residuum ib.
- free gift, gratuity Ratna7v.
- a propitiatory offering or gift (of food = %{p--dravya}, %{prasAdA7nna})
- the food presented to an idol, or the remnants of food left by a spiritual teacher (which any one may freely appropriate to his own use) RTL. 69
- 145 &c.
- approbation W.
- well-being, welfare W.
- N. of a Comm. on the Prakriya1-kaumudi
- %{-cintaka} w.r. for %{-vittaka} Ba1lar.
- %{-dAna} n. a propitiatory gift, a gift in token of favour, gift of food by a superior MW.
- %{-paTTa} m. a turban of honour (worn as a token of royal favour) Var.
- %{-paTTaka} n. a written edict of favour, Lokapr.
- %{-parAGmukha} mf(%{I}) not caring for any one's favour Amar.
- withdrawing ffavour from any one (gen.) Pan5cat.
- %{-pAtra} n. an object of ffavour Das3.
- %{-puraga} mfn. inclined to ffavour, favourably inclined Ma1rkP.
- %{-pratilabdha} m. N. of a son of Ma1ra Lalit.
- %{-bhAj} mfn. being in favour, Sa1mkhyas. Sch.
- %{-bhUmi} f. an object of ffavour, favourite Hcar.
- %{-mAlA} f. N. of wk.
- %{-vat} mfn. pleased, delighted
- gracious, favourable(%{-vatI-samAdhi} m. a partic. Sama1dhi Buddh.)
- %{-vitta} mf(%{A})n. (Ka1d. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Ba1lar.) or %{-vittaka} mfn. (Katha1s.) rich in favour, being in high ffavour with any one (gen. or comp.)
- m. and favourite, darling
- %{-SaT-zlokI} f. %{-stava} m. N. of 2 Stotras
- %{-su-mukha} mf(%{I})n. inclined to favour (others `" having a clear or serene face "') Ma1lav. Ragh.
- %{-stha} mfn. abiding in serenity, kind, propitious
- happy W.
- %{-sAdA7ntara} n. another (mark of) favour MW.
- %{sAdA7nna} n. see %{-sAda} above
- %{-sAdI-} %{kR}, to bestow as a mark of favour, bestow graciously, Present (with gen. of person) Pan5cat. Ka1d. Ra1jat. &c. &c. see %{pra-} %{sad}.
- प्रसादित (prasādita) (prasādita)
- mfn. cleared, rendered clear (%{a-pr-}) Ka1vya7d.
- pleased, conciliated &c. MBh.
- worshipped. W.
- n. pl. kind words Hariv.
- प्रसार (prasāra) (prasāra)
- &c. see %{pra-} %{sR}. m. spreading or stretching out, extension Sus3r. Kull.
- a trader's shop Nalac.
- opening (the mouth) Vop.
- raising (dust) Ba1lar.
- = prec. L.
- प्रसारण (prasāraṇa) (prasāraṇa)
- n. (fr. Caus.) stretching or spreading not, extending, diffusing, displaying, developing Br. Bha1sha1p. Sus3r.
- augmentation, increase Ka1m.
- changing a semivowel into a vowel APra1t. Sch. (cf. %{sam-pras-})
- = %{-saraNi}
- spreading over the country for collecting forage
- (%{I}) f. = %{-saraNi}
- Paederia Foetida L.
- प्रसिद्ध (prasiddha) (prasiddha)
- (%{pra4-}) mfn. brought about, accomplished Kum. (%{a-pras-})
- arranged, adomed (as hair) ib.
- well known, notorious, celebrated TS. &c. &c.
- (%{A}) f. (in music) a partic. measure Sam2gi1t.
- %{-kSatriya-prA7ya} mfn. consisting for the most part of renowned Kshatriyas MW.
- %{-tA} f. (Ni1lak.), %{-tva} n. (Sarvad.) celebrity, notoriety.
- प्रसिद्धि (prasiddhi) (prasiddhi)
- f. accomplishment, success, attainment Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. BhP.
- proof, argument Katha1s.
- general opinion, publicity, celebrity, renown, fame, rumour Var. Ka1v. Katha1s.
- %{-mat} mfn. universally known, famous Katha1s.
- %{viruddha-tA} f. the state of being opposed to general opinion, sa1h. (= %{khyAti-v-})
- %{-hata} mfn. having no value, very trivial Kpr.
- प्रसू (prasū) (prasū)
- 1. P. %{-suvati}, %{-sauti}, (Impv. %{-suhi} with v.l. %{-sUhi} Ka1tyS3r.), to set in motion, rouse to activity, urge, incite, impel, bid, commandBr.
- to allow, give up to, deliver AV. Br. S3rS.
- to hurl, throw, Bhst2t2. Sch. 2. A1. %{-sUte}, %{-sUyate}, (rarely P. %{-savati}, %{-sauti}
- once Pot. %{-sunuyAt} Vajracch.), to procreate, beget, bring forth, obtain offspring or bear fruit, produce Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
- (mostly A1. %{-sUyate}, rarely %{-ti}) to be born or produced, originate, arise Mn. MBh. &c.
- प्रसुप्त (prasupta) (prasupta)
- mfn. fallen into sleep, fast asleep, sleeping, slumbering Mn. MBh. &c.
- closed (said of flowers) Ka1lid.
- having slept Hit.
- asleep i.e. insensible Sus3r.
- quiet, inactive, latent BhP.
- %{-tA} f. = next Sus3r.
- प्रसूत (prasūta) (prasūta)
- (%{pra4-}) mf(%{A})n. procreated, begotten, born, produced, sprung (`" by "' or `" from "' abl. or gen.
- `" in "' loc. or comp.
- cf. Pa1n2. 2-3, 39) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
- m. pl. (or sg. with %{gaNa}) N. of a class of gods under Manu Ca1kskusha Hariv. Ma1rkP.
- n. a flower
- any productive source MW.
- (in Sa1m2khya) the primordial essence or matter Tattvas.
- (%{A}) f. a woman who has brought forth a child, recently delivered (also= finite verb) AV. &c. &c. 2.
- प्रसूति (prasūti) (prasūti)
- f. (for 1. see %{pra-} 1. %{su}) procreation, generation, bringing forth (children or young), laying (eggs), parturition, birth Mn. iv, 84 (%{-tas}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- coming forth, appearance, growth (of fruit, flowers &c.) Ka1lid. Prab.
- a production, product (of plants or animals) MBh.
- a procreator, father or mother Hariv. Var. Ragh.
- a child, offspring, progeny Mn. MBh. and e.
- N. of a daughter of Manu and wife of Daksha Pur.
- %{-ja} n. `" birthproduced "', pain (resulting as a necessary consequence of birth)
- %{-vAyu}. m. air generated in the womb during the pangs of childbirth MW.
- प्रसेन (prasena) (prasena)
- 1 m.or n. (?), %{-nA} f. a kind of jugglery VarBr2S. Sch. 2 m. N. of a prince (son of Nighna or Nimna) Hariv. Pur.
- of a king of Ujjayini (succeeded by Vikrama7rka or Vikrama7ditya). Inscr.
- प्रस्तर (prastara) (prastara)
- &c. see %{pra-} %{stR}.
- प्रस्तार (prastāra) (prastāra)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) strewing, spreading out, extension (also fig. = abundance, high degree) MBh. Ka1v.
- a litter, bed of straw Hariv.
- a layer Sulbas.
- a flight of steps (leading down to water) MBh.
- a flat surface, plain Hariv. (v.l. %{-stara})
- a jungle or wood overgrown with grass
- a process in preparing minerals Cat.
- a representation or enumeration of all the possible combinations of certain given numbers or of short and long syllables in a metre Col.
- (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
- N. of a prince (son of Udgi1tha) VP. (prob. w.r. for %{prastAva})
- %{cintAmaNi} m. N. of wk.
- %{-paGkti} f. a kind of metre RPra1t.
- %{-pattana} n. N. of wk.
- प्रस्ताव (prastāva) (prastāva)
- m. introductory eulogy, the introduction or prelude of a Sa1man (sung by the Pra-stotr2i) Br. La1t2y. ChUp.
- the prologue of a drama (= %{prasstAvanA}) Hariv.
- introducing a topic, preliminary mention, allusion, reference Ka1v. Pan5cat.
- the occasion or subject of a conversation, topic ib.
- occasion, opportunity, time, season, turn, convenience ib. Katha1s. Hit. (%{e} or %{eSu}, on a suitable occasion, opportunity
- %{ena}, incidentally, occasionally, suitably
- with %{tava}, at your convenience)
- beginning, commencement Pan5cat. Hit.
- spoit, ease (= %{helA})
- N. of a prince (son of Udgi1tha). BhP.
- %{-krameNa} ind. by way of introduction Hit.
- %{-cintamaNi} m. %{-taraMgiNI} f. N. of wks.
- %{-tas} ind. on the occasion of (%{kathA-pr-}, in course of conversation) Katha1s.
- %{-pAThaka} m. = %{vaitAlika}, the herald or bard of a king Nalac.
- %{-muktA7vatI} f. N. of wk.
- %{-yajJa} m. a topic of conversation to which each person present offers a contribution (as at a sacrifice) MW.
- %{-ratnA7kara} m. %{-zloka} m. pl N. of wks.
- %{-sadRza} mf(%{I})n. suited to the occasion, appropriate, seasonable Hit.
- %{-sUtra} n. N. of wk.
- %{-vA7nugatarn} ind. on a suitable occasion Pan5cat.
- %{-vA7ntara-gata} mfn. occupied with something else, %{jAtakam}.
- प्रस्तावना (prastāvanā) (prastāvanā)
- f. sounding forth, blazing abroad Das3.
- introduction, commencement, beginning, preface, exordium MBh. Ma1lav. Mcar.
- a dramatic prologue, an introductory dialogue spoken by the manager and one of the actors (of which several varieties are enumerated, viz. the Udgha1t2yaka, Kat2ho7dgha1t2a, Prayoga7tis3aya, Pravartaka, and Avalagita) Ka1lid. [699,2] Ratna7v. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c.
- प्रस्तुत (prastuta) (prastuta)
- mfn. praised TS. Br.
- proposed, propounded, mentioned, introduced as a topic or subject under discussion, in question MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- commenced, begun R. Ma1lav. Hit.
- (with inf., one who has ccommenced or bbegun Katha1s.) Ra1jat.
- ready, prepared W.
- happened ib.
- made or consisting of ib.
- approached, proximate ib.
- done with effort or energy ib.
- n. beginning, undertaking Ma1lati1m.
- (in rhet.) the chief subject-matter, that which is the subject of any statement or comparison ( = %{upameya}
- cf. IW. 109, 457, and %{-tA7Gkura})
- %{-tva} n. the being a topic under discussion Kull.
- %{-yajJa} mfn. prepared for a sacrifice MW.
- %{-tA7Gkura} m. a figure of, speech, allusion by the mention of any passing circumstance to something latent in the hearer's mind Kuval.
- प्रस्तुति (prastuti) (prastuti)
- (%{pra4-}) f. praise, eulogium RV. ChUp.
- प्रस्तोतृ (prastotṛ) (prastotṛ)
- m. N. of the assistant of the Udga1tr2i (who chants the Prasta1va) Br. S3rS. MBh. &c.
- %{-prayoga} m. %{-sAman} n. N. of wks.
- प्रस्थ (prastha) (prastha)
- mfn. going on a march or journey, going to or abiding in (cf. %{vana-pr-})
- stable, firm, solid W.
- expanding, spread ib.
- m. n. table-land on the top of a mountain MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- a level expanse, plain (esp. at the end of names of towns and villages
- cf. %{indra-}, %{oSadhi-}, %{karIra-pr-} and see Pa1n2. 4-2, 110)
- a partic. weight and measure of capacity (= 32 Palas or = 1/4 of an A1d2haka
- or = 16 Palas= 4 Kud2avas= 1/4 of an Ad2haka
- or = 2 S3ara1vas
- or = 6 Palas
- or = 1/16 of a Dron2a) MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c.
- m. N. of a monkey R.
- %{-kusuma} or %{-puSpa} m. `" flowering on mountain-tops "', a species of plant, a variety of Tulasi or basil
- %{-m-paca} mf(%{A})n. cooking the amount of a Prastha (said of a cooking utensil capable of containing one PPrastha) Pa1n2. 3-2, 33 Sch.
- %{-vat} m. a mountain L.
- प्रस्थान (prasthāna) (prasthāna)
- n. setting out, departure, procession, march (esp. of an army or assailant) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- walking, moving, journey, advent ib.
- sending away, dispatching Ya1jn5.
- departing this life, dying (cf. %{mahA-pr-})
- religious mendicancy MBh.
- a way to attain (any object), course, method, system Madhus. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
- a sect Sarvad.
- an inferior kind of drama (the character of which are slaves and outcasts) Sa1h.
- starting-point, place of origin, source, cause (in %{jJAna-pr-}, N. of wk.)
- %{-trayabhASya} n. N. of wk.
- %{-dundubhi} m. a drum giving the signal for marching Ka1d.
- %{-bheda} m. %{ratnA7kara} m. N. of wks.
- %{-vat} ind. as in setting forth, as on a departure Var.
- %{-viklava-gati} mfn. one whose step falters in walking S3ak.
- %{-vighna} m. an obstacle to proceeding or to sending anything (%{-kRt} mfn. causing an obstobstacle &c.) Ya1jn5.
- non-attendance at a festival, impeding its taking place W.
- %{-naka} n. setting out, departure Nalac.
- %{-nA7valI} f. N. of wk.
- %{-nika} mfn. see %{ca4tuS-pr-}
- also w.r. for %{prAsthAnika}
- %{-nIya} mfn. belonging or relating to a departure La1t2y.
- प्रस्थित (prasthita) (prasthita)
- mfn. set forth, prepared, ready (as sacrifice) RV. Br. S3rS.
- rising, upright RV.
- standing forth, prominent AV.
- appointed, installed R.
- set out, departed, gone to (acc. with or without %{prati} dat. or loc.) or for the purpose of (dat.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (%{-vat} mfn. = %{pra-tasthe}, `" he has set out "' Katha1s.)
- (ifc.) reaching to, Sak. vii, 4/3 (v.l. %{prati-SThita})
- (%{am}) impers. a person (instr.) has set out BhP.
- n. setting out, going away, departure Bhartr2.
- N. of partic. Soma vessels (see next)
- %{-yAjyA} f. a verse pronounced on offering the Prasthita vessels, S3rS. (%{-homa} m. the oblation connected with it Vait.)
- प्रहर (prahara) (prahara)
- &c. see %{pra-} %{hR}. m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a division of time (about 3 hours = 6 or 7 Na1d2ika1s
- lit. `" stroke "', scil. on a gong) Var. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
- the 8th part of a day, a watch Katha1s.
- N. of the subdivisions in a S3a1kuna (q.v.)
- %{-kuTumbI}. f. a species of plant
- %{-virati} f. the end of a watch (at 9 o'clock in the forenoon), Amar "'
- प्रहरण (praharaṇa) (praharaṇa)
- n. striking, beating, pecking Pan5cat. attack, combat MBh.
- throwing (of grass into the fire) TS. Sch.
- removing, dispelling S3am2k.
- a weapon (ifc. f. %{A}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{kRta-pr-})
- a carriage-box BhP.
- w.r. for %{pra-vahaNa}
- m. the verse spoken in throwing grass into the fire A1pS3r.
- N. of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
- %{-kalikA} or %{-kalitA} f. a kind of metre Chandom. Col.
- %{-vat} mfn. fighting Sa1y.
- प्रहस (prahasa) (prahasa)
- m. N. of S3iva Gal.
- of a Rakshas R.
- प्रहसन (prahasana) (prahasana)
- n. laughter, mirth, mockery, derision Uttarar. Hit. (%{-nam}, enclit. after a finite verb g. %{gotrA7di}
- %{-ne} %{kR}, to mock, deride g. %{sA7kSAd-Adi} Ka1s3.)
- (in rhet.) satire, sarcasm
- (esp.) a kind of comedy or farce Das3ar. Sa1h. &c.
- प्रहार (prahāra) (prahāra)
- see %{pra-} %{hR}. m. striking, hitting, fighting Vcar.
- a stroke, blow, thump, knock, kick &c. (`" with "' comp.
- `" on "' loc. or comp.) Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
- m. a necklace Dharmas3.
- %{-karaNa} n. dealing blows, beating MW.
- %{-da} mfn. (ifc.) giving a blow to, striking Ya1jn5.
- %{-varman} m. N. of a prince of Mithila1 Das3.
- %{-vallI} f. a kind of perfume Bhpr.
- %{-rA7rta} mfn. hurt by a blow, wounded Ya1jn5.
- n. chronic and acute pain from a wound or hurt W.
- प्रहारिन् (prahārin) (prahārin)
- mfn. striking, smiting, beating with (comp.), attacking, fighting against (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. a good fighter, champion, hero Nir. v, 12
- %{-ri-tA} f. striking, hitting DivyA7v.
- प्रहित (prahita) (prahita)
- mfn. urged on incited, stirred up RV. BhP.
- hurled, discharged at Hariv. R. Pur.
- thrown forward i.e. stretched out (as an arm) MBh.
- imbedded (as nails) Sa1h.
- (ifc.) directed or turned towards, cast upon (as eyes, the mind &c.), Kalid. BhP.
- conveyed, sent, procured Das3. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
- sent out, dispatched (as messengers) RV. &c. &c.
- sent away, expelled, banished to (dat.) R. Katha1s.
- sent to or towards or against (loc. gen. with or without %{pArzve}, or dat.), appointed, commissioned MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. du. (with %{gaurIviteH} and %{zyAvA7zvasya}) N. of 2 Sa1mans A1rshBr.
- n. sauce, gravy, condiment L.
- प्रहुत (prahuta) (prahuta)
- mfn. offered up RV. Br. Gr2S. &c.
- m. (scil. %{yajJa}) sacrificial food offered to all created beings Mn. iii, 73 &c. (n. L.)
- प्रहृत (prahṛta) (prahṛta)
- mfn. thrown (as a stone) AV.
- stretched out or lifted up (as a stick) S3Br.
- struck, beaten, hurt, wounded, hit, smitten MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. N. of a man g. %{azvA7di} n. a stroke, blow
- (impers. `" a blow has been struck "' Hariv. Ragh. Sa1h.
- %{-te@sati}, when a blow has been struck "' Mn. viii, 286)
- a fight with (comp.) Ragh. xvi, 16 (cf. g. %{akSa-dyUtA7di}).
- प्रहृष्ट (prahṛṣṭa) (prahṛṣṭa)
- mfn. erect, bristling (as the hair of the body) MBh. R. BhP.
- thrilled with delight. exceedingly pleased, delighted ib. Var. Katha1s. Pan5cat. &c.
- %{citta} mfn. delighted at heart at heart, exceedingly glad. A.
- %{-manas} mfn. id. MBh.
- %{-mukha} mfn. having a cheerful face, looking pleased (%{a-pr-}). Ma1rkP.
- %{-mudita} mfn. exceedingly pleased and cheerful R.
- %{-rUpa} mfn. of pleasing form MBh.
- erect in form MW.
- %{-roman} mfn. one who has erected hair R.
- m. N. of an Asura Katha1s.
- %{-vadana} mfn. = %{-mukha} Ma1rkP.
- %{-TA7tman}. mfn. = %{-Ta-citta}. MBh. R.
- प्रहेलक (prahelaka) (prahelaka)
- n. ( %{hil}?) a kind of pastry. sweetmeat &c. distributed at a festival(cf. %{pra-heNaka}).
- प्रह्लाद (prahlāda) (prahlāda)
- m. joyful excitement, delight, joy. happiness MBh. R. Sus3r.
- sound, noise
- a species of rice Gal.
- N. of a pious Daitya (son of Hiran2ya-kas3ipu
- he was made king of the DDaitya by Vishn2u, and was regent of one of the divisions of Pa1ta1la
- cf. %{pra-hrAda}) MBh. VP. (RTL. 109)
- of a Na1ga. MBh.
- of a Praja1-pati ib.
- pl. N. of a people. ib.
- %{-campU} f. %{-carita} n. %{-vijaya} n. %{-stuti} f. %{-stotra} n. N. of wks.
- प्राकाम्य (prākāmya) (prākāmya)
- n. (fr. %{-kAma}) freedom of will, wilfulness MBh. Kum. Ma1rkP.
- irresistible will or fiat (one of the 8 supernatural powers) MWB. 245.
- प्राकार (prākāra) (prākāra)
- see s.v. m. (fr. %{prA} for %{pra} and 1. %{krI}
- cf. Pa1n2. 6-3, 122 Va1rtt. 1 Pat.) a wall, enclosure, fence, rampart (esp. a surrounding wall elevated on a mound of earth
- ifc. f. %{A}) S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
- प्राकृत (prākṛta) (prākṛta)
- see s.v.
- प्राग्ज्योतिष (prāgjyotiṣa) (prāgjyotiṣa)
- mfn. lighted from the east S3a1n3khGr2.
- relating to the city of Pra1g-jyjyotisha MBh.
- m. N. of a country (= %{kAma-rUpa})
- the king of the city of Prra1g-jyjyotisha (N. of Bhaga-datta) MBh.
- (pl.) N. of a people living in that city or its environs Ma1rkP. Var.
- n. N. of a city, the dwelling-place of the demon Naraka MBh. Hariv. R. Ra1jat. Ragh.
- N. of a Sa1man MBh. (Ni1lak.)
- %{-jeSTha} m. N. of Vishn2u ib.
- प्राग्र (prāgra) (prāgra)
- (%{pra-agra}) n. the highest point, summit Nir.
- प्राचीन (prācīna) (prācīna)
- &c. see p. 704, col. 3.
- प्राच्य (prācya) (prācya)
- see p. 705, col. 1.
- प्राज्ञ (prājña) (prājña)
- mf(%{A} and %{I}) (fr. %{jJA}) intellectual (opp. to %{zArIra}, %{taijasa}) S3Br. Nir. Ma1n2d2Up.
- intelligent, wise, clever Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
- m. a wise or learned man MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- intelligence dependent on individuality Veda7ntas.
- a kind of parrot with red stripes on the neck and wings
- (%{A}) f. intelligence, understanding
- (%{I}) f. the wife of a learned man
- %{-kathA} f. a story about a wise man MW.
- %{-tA} f. (Mis.), %{-tva} n. (Veda7ntas.) wisdom, learning, intelligence
- %{-bhUta-nAtha}, m.N. of a poet Cat.
- %{-mAna} m. respect for learned men W.
- %{-mAnin} (S3am2k.), %{-m-mAniG} (Katha1s.), %{-vAdika} (MBh.). mfn. thinking one's self wise.
- प्राञ्जलि (prāñjali) (prāñjali)
- mf(%{I})n. joining and holding out the hollowed open hands (as a mark of respect and humility or to receive alms
- cf. %{aJjali}, %{kRtA7Jj-}) Mn. MBh. and e.
- m. pl. N. of a school of the Sa1maveda, A1ryav. (also %{-dvaita-bhRt}
- v.l. %{prAjvalanA} %{dvaita-bhRtaH} and %{prAjalA} %{dvaita-bhRtyAH}).
- प्राण (prāṇa) (prāṇa)
- 1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 705, col. i) filled, full
- प्राणपति (prāṇapati) (prāṇapati)
- m. `" llife-lord "', the soul MBh.
- a physician. Car.
- a husband MW.
- प्राणप्रतिष्ठा (prāṇapratiṣṭhā) (prāṇapratiṣṭhā)
- f. N. of wk.
- %{-paddhati} f. %{-mantra} m. N. of wks.
- प्राणायाम (prāṇāyāma) (prāṇāyāma)
- m. (also pl.) N. of the three `" breath-exercises "' performed during Sam2dhya1 (see %{pUraka}, %{recaka}, %{kumbhaka} IW. 93 RTL. 402 MWB. 239) Kaus3. Ya1jn5. Pur.
- %{-zas} ind. with frequent bbreath-exercises A1past.
- %{-min} mfn. exercising the bbreath (in 3 ways) Ya1jn5.
- प्राणिन् (prāṇin) (prāṇin)
- mfn. breathing, living, alive
- m. a living or sentient being, living creature, animal or man S3Br. &c, &c. (also n. A1pS3r.) [706,2]
- प्रातर् (prātar) (prātar)
- ind. (fr. 1. %{pra}
- %{prA4tar} Un2. v, 59) in the early morning. at daybreak, at dawn RV. &c. &c. (%{prAtaH@prAtah}, every morning, Das3)
- next morning. to-morrow AV. &c. &c.
- Morning personified as a son of Pushparn2a and Prabha1 BhP. [Cf. Gk. $
- Germ. &215114[706,2] {fruo}, {fru10h}.]
- प्रातिपदिक (prātipadika) (prātipadika)
- mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{-padam}) express, explicit (%{-kA7nurodhAt} ind. in conformity with express terms, expressly) Ni1lak.
- n. the crude form or base of a noun, a nnoun in its uninflected state Pa1n2. 1-2, 45 &c. APra1t. Sa1h. (%{tva-} n. Pa1n2. 1-2, 45 Sch.)
- m. fire
- %{-saMjJA-vAda} m. N. of wk.
- प्रातिभ (prātibha) (prātibha)
- mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{-bhA}) intuitive, divinatory
- n. (with or scil. %{jJAna}) intuitive knowledge, intuition, divination S3is3. Katha1s. Pur. (%{-vat} ind. Nya1yas.)
- (%{A}) f. presence of mind MBh.
- प्रातिवेशिक (prātiveśika) (prātiveśika)
- m. (fr. %{-veza}) a neighbour Katha1s.
- प्रातिशाख्य (prātiśākhya) (prātiśākhya)
- n. (fr. %{-zAkham}) a treatise on the peculiar euphonic combination and pronunciation of letters which prevails in different S3a1kha1s of the Vedas (there are 4 PPan5cat. one for the S3a1kala-s3a1kha1 of the RV.
- two for particular S3a1kha1s of the black and white Yajur-vedas, and one for a S3akha1 of the AV.
- cf. IW. 149, 150)
- %{-kRt} m. the author of a PPan5cat. Pa1n2. 8-3, 61 Sch.
- %{-bhASya} n. N. of Uvat2a's Comm. on RPra1t.
- प्राथम्य (prāthamya) (prāthamya)
- n. priority A1pS3r. Sch. Kull.
- प्रादेश (prādeśa) (prādeśa)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the span of the thumb and forefinger (also a measure= 12 An3gulas) S3Br. Gr2S3rS.: MBh. &c.
- place, country(v.l. for %{pra-d-})
- %{-pAda} mf(%{I})n. (a seat) whose legs are a span long Ka1tyS3r.
- %{-mAtra4} n. the measure of a span S3Br. (with %{bhUmeH}, `" a mere span of land "' MBh.)
- mf(%{I})n. a span long Br. Gr2S3rS. &c.
- %{-sama} mf(%{A})n. id. Ka1tyS3r.
- %{-zA7yAma} mf(%{A})n. id. Gobh.
- प्राधान्य (prādhānya) (prādhānya)
- n. predominance, prevalence, ascendency, supremacy Ka1tyS3r. S3am2k. Sus3r. &c.
- ibc.
- %{-nyena}, %{-nyAt}, and %{-tas} ind. in regard to the highest object or chiefmatter, chiefly. mainly, summarily Nir. MBh. Hariv. &c. (%{-stuti} mfn. chiefly praised) [702,2]
- m. a chief or most distinguished person Vet.
- प्रान्तर (prāntara) (prāntara)
- (%{pra-an-}) n. a long desolate road Ma1rkP. Hit.
- the country intervening between two villages
- a forest
- the hollow of a tree L.
- प्रापणीय (prāpaṇīya) (prāpaṇīya)
- mfn. to be reached, attainable MBh.
- to be caused to attain, to be brought or conveyed to (acc.) Megh. Katha1s.
- प्राप्त (prāpta) (prāpta)
- mfn. attained to, reached, arrived at, met with, found, incurred, got, acquired, gained Mn. MBh. &c. [707,3]
- one who has attained to or reached &c. (acc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c.
- come to (acc.), arrived, present (%{prA7pteSu@kAleSu}, at certain periods) Mn. MBh. &c.
- accomplished, complete, mature, full-grown (see %{a-pr-})
- (in med.) indicated, serving the purpose Sus3r.
- (in gram.) obtained or following from a rule, valid (%{iti@prA7pte}, `" while this follows from a preceding rule "') Pa1n2. 1-1, 34 Sch. &c.
- fixed, placed
- proper, right
- m. pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP.
- प्राप्ति (prāpti) (prāpti)
- f. advent, occurrence AV. Ya1jn5. Pan5cat.
- reach, range, extent Su1ryas.
- reaching, arrival at (comp.) R.
- the power (of the wind) to enter or penetrate everywhere BhP.
- the power of obtaining everything (one of the 8 superhuman faculties) Ma1rkP. Vet. MWB. 245
- saving, rescue or deliverance from (abl.) Ratna7v.
- attaining to, obtaining, meeting with, finding, acquisition, gain Mn. MBh. &c.
- the being met with or found Nya1yas. Sch.
- discovery, determination Su1ryas.
- obtainment, validity, holding good (of a rule) Ka1tyS3r. Pa1n2. APra1t.
- (in dram.) a joyful event, successful termination of a plot (Das3ar.)
- a conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing. Sa1h.
- lot, fortune, luck S3vetUp. MBh.
- (in astrol.) N. of the 11th lunar mansion Var.
- a collection (= %{saMhati})
- N. of the wife of S3ama (son of Dharma) MBh.
- of a daughter of Jara1-sam2dha Hariv. Pur.
- प्राप्तव्य (prāptavya) (prāptavya)
- mfn. to be reached or attained or gained or procured MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- to be met with or found Hit.
- प्राप्तव्यमर्थ (prāptavyamartha) (prāptavyamartha)
- m. N. given to a man (who whenever asked his name replied %{prA7p-tavyam@artham@labhate@manuSyaH}, `" a man takes anything that is to be got "') Pan5cat.
- n. (when used with %{nAman}), a name ib.
- प्रामाण्य (prāmāṇya) (prāmāṇya)
- n. (fr. %{-mANa}) the being established by proof. resting upon authority, authoritativeness, authenticity, evidence, credibility Nir. Mn. MBh. &c.
- %{-vAda} m. N. of sev. wks. (also %{-da-kroDa} m. %{-TIkA} f. %{-rahasya} n. %{-vicAra} m. %{-ziromaNi}. m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-dA7rtha}, m.)
- %{-vA7din} mfn. one who affirms or believes in proof Sarvad.
- प्राय (prāya) (prāya)
- m. (fr. %{pra} + %{aya}
- 5. %{i}) going forth, starting (for a battle) RV. ii, 18, 8
- course, race AV. iv, 25, 2
- departure from life, seeking death by fasting (as a religious or penitentiary act, or to enforce compliance with a demand
- acc. with %{As}, %{upa-As}, %{upa-viz}, %{upa-i}, %{A-sthA}, %{sam-A-sthA}, or %{kR}, to renounce life, sit down and fast to death
- with Caus. of %{kR}, to force any one [acc.] to seek death through starvation) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- anything prominent, chief part, largest portion, plenty, majority, general rule (often ifc., with f. %{A} = chiefly consisting of or destined for or furnished with, rich or abounding in, frequently practising or applying or using
- near, like, resembling
- mostly, well-nigh, almost, as it were
- cf. %{Arya-}, %{jita-}, %{jJAti-}, %{tRNa-}, %{daNDa-}, %{duHkha-}, %{siddhi-pr-} &c.
- also %{-tA} f.) S3Br. La1t2y. Mn. MBh. &c.
- a stage of life, age
- (%{am}) ind. g. %{gotrA7di}.
- प्रारब्ध (prārabdha) (prārabdha)
- mfn. commenced, begun, undertaken MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- one who has ccommenced or bbegun (also %{-vat} mfn. ) Amar. Ra1jat. Katha1s.
- n. an undertaking, enterprise Ka1v. Pan5cat.
- %{-karman} (Ni1lak.),
- प्रार्थन (prārthana) (prārthana)
- n. wish, desire, request, entreaty, solicitation, petition or suit for (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- %{-nA7bhAva} m. absence of solicitation Hit.
- प्रार्थित (prārthita) (prārthita)
- mfn. wished for, desired, wanted MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- requested, solicited ib.
- attacked, assailed Ragh.
- obstructed, besieged
- killed, hurt
- n. wish, desire R. Ragh.
- %{-durlabha} mfn. desired but hard to obtain Kum.
- %{-vat} mfn. one who has asked or asks W.
- प्रावीण्य (prāvīṇya) (prāvīṇya)
- u. (fr. %{-vINa}) cleverness, dexterity, skill, proficiency in (loc. or comp.) Ragh. Katha1s.
- प्रावृष् (prāvṛṣ) (prāvṛṣ)
- &c., sees. v. f. (fr. %{pra-vRS}) the rainy season, wet season, rains (the months A1sha1d2ha and S3ravan2a, comprising the first half of the rainy season which lasts in some parts from the middle of June till the middle of October) RV. &c. &c. (%{-Si-ja} mfn. produced in the rainy seasons S3is3.)
- प्राश (prāśa) (prāśa)
- m. eating, feeding upon (cf. %{ghRta-}, %{dhUma-pr-})
- food, victuals Kaus3. MBh. Sus3r.
- प्राशन (prāśana) (prāśana)
- n. eating, feeding upon, tasting Gr2S3rS. &c. &c.
- (fr. Caus.) causing to eat, feeding (esp. the first feeding of a child
- cf. %{anna-pr-}) Mn. Ya1jn5.
- food, victuals (cf. %{amRta-pr-}) MBh. R. Hariv.
- (%{I}) f. enjoyment, (cf. %{rasa-pr-}) Vait.
- %{-nA7rthIya} mfn. meant for food S3a1n3khGr2.
- %{-nin} see %{parNa-} and %{prA7Na-prA7zanin}.
- प्राशित (prāśita) (prāśita)
- mfn. eaten, tasted, devoured TS. &c. &c.
- n. the daily oblation to deceased progenitors Mn. iii, 74.
- प्रास (prāsa) (prāsa)
- m. casting, throwing Br. S3rS.
- scattering, sprinkling Prata1p.
- a barbed missile or dart MBh. Katha1s.
- a partic. constellation or position of a planet Var.
- N. of a man Ra1jat.
- %{-bhArata} n. N. of a poem [709,3]
- %{-saka} m. a die, dice
- %{-sika} mfn. armed with a dart or javelin Pa1n2. 4-4, 57 Sch.
- m. a spearman L.
- प्रासाद (prāsāda) (prāsāda)
- see s.v.
- प्रिय (priya) (priya)
- %{priyAla} see under 1. %{prI} below.
- प्रियंवद (priyaṃvada) (priyaṃvada)
- mf(%{A})n. speaking kindly, agreeable, affable to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. a kind of bird R.
- N. of a Gandharva Ragh.
- of a poet Cat.
- (%{A}) f. a kind of metre Col.
- N. of a woman S3ak. Das3.
- %{-da-ka} m. N. of a man Mudr.
- प्रियङ्गु (priyaṅgu) (priyaṅgu)
- mf. panic seed, Panicum Italicum VS. TS. Br. Kaus3.
- Aglaia Odorata
- Sinapis Ramosa MBh. Katha1s.
- long pepper
- a medicinal plant and perfume (commonly called Priyan3gu and described in some places as a fragrant seed)
- a partic. creeper (said to put forth blossoms at the touch of women) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- Italian millet MW.
- n. (prob.) panic seed or mustard seed Sus3r. Bhpr.
- saffron L.
- प्रियदर्शिन् (priyadarśin) (priyadarśin)
- m. `" looking with kindness upon everything "'N. of As3oka Inscr.
- प्रियवाच् (priyavāc) (priyavāc)
- mfn. one whose words are kind, kind in speech Ka1m. Var.
- f. kind speech, gentle words, (%{-vAk-sahita} mfn. accompanied by kkindness wwords) Hit.
- प्रियव्रत (priyavrata) (priyavrata)
- (%{priya4-}) mfn. having desirable ordinances or fond of obedience (said of the gods) RV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
- m. N. of a king (a son of Manu and S3ata-ru1pa1) Hariv. Pur.
- of a man Br.
- प्रीत (prīta) (prīta)
- mfn. pleased, delighted, satisfied, joyful, glad
- plpleased or ddelighted or ssatisfied with, jjoyful at, gglad of (with instr. loc. gen., or ifc.) RV. &c. &c.
- beloved, dear to (gen. or comp.) Ca1n2. Hit.
- kind (as speech) Hit.
- (%{A}) f. a symbolical expression for the sound %{S} Ra1matUp. (v.l. %{pItA})
- n. jest, mirth
- pleasure, delight W.
- प्रीति (prīti) (prīti)
- f. any pleasurable sensation, pleasure, joy, gladness, satisfaction (with loc. or ifc.
- with ind. p., `" joy at having done anything "') Gr2S3rS. &c. &c.
- friendly disposition, kindness, favour, grace, amity (with %{samam} or ifc.), affection, love (with gen. loc., or ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- joy or gratification personified (esp. as a daughter of Daksha or as one of the two wives of Ka1ma-deva) Hariv. Pur. Katha1s.
- N. of a S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
- the 2nd of the 27 astrological Yogas.
- N. of the 13th Kala1 of the moon Cat.
- a symbolical expression for the sound %{dh} Ra1matUp.
- (%{yA}) ind. in a state of joyful excitement, gladly, with joy MBh. R. Ragh. Katha1s.
- in a friendly way, amicably Mn. Ragh. &c.
- प्रीतिमत् (prītimat) (prītimat)
- mfn. having pleasurable sensations, pleased, gratified, glad, satisfied MBh. Ka1v. Ma1rkP.
- having love or affection for (loc. gen. or acc.), affectionate, favourable, loving MBh. R. Hariv. Ma1rkP.
- kind (as words) R.
- (%{atI}) f. a kind of metre Col.
- प्रेक्षण (prekṣaṇa) (prekṣaṇa)
- n. viewing, looking at or on (at a performance) Gr2S. Mn. BhP.
- (ifc. %{A}) a view, look, sight Megh.
- the eye Sus3r.
- any public show or spectacle Mn. Pan5cat. Katha1s.
- a place where public exhibitions are held W.
- %{-kUTa} n. the pupil of the eye Sus3r.
- %{-NA7lambha} n. sg. looking at and touching (women) Mn. ii, 179.
- प्रेक्षा (prekṣā) (prekṣā)
- f. seeing, viewing, beholding, regarding, looking on (at a performance) MBh. R. BhP. (often ifc. cf. %{dharma-pre7kSa}, %{mukha-pr-})
- a sight or view (esp. a beautiful ssight or vview) BhP.
- a public show or entertainment Mn. Hariv. Katha1s.
- (ifc.) the being understood or meant as Nir. i, 17
- circumspection, consideration, reflection MBh. Hariv. Ra1jat.
- the branch of a tree L.
- प्रेक्षित (prekṣita) (prekṣita)
- mfn. looked at &c.
- n. a look, glance MBh. R. &c.
- प्रेङ्ख (preṅkha) (preṅkha)
- mfn. trembling, rocking, swaying, pitching
- m. n. and (%{A}) f. a swing, a sort of hammock or swinging-cot Br. S3rS. BhP. Sus3r. (m. du. the two posts between which a swing moves A1past.
- id. [with %{nakulasya@vAma-devasya}] and sg. [with %{marutAm}] N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr.
- %{-kha-phalaka} n. the board or seat in a swing S3a1n3khS3r.
- %{-khe7Gkhana} n. swinging BhP.)
- (%{A}) f. dancing
- a partic. pace of a horse
- wandering, roaming
- प्रेत (preta) (preta)
- mfn. departed, deceased, dead, a dead person S3Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh.
- m. the spirit of a dead person (esp. before obsequial rites are performed), a ghost, an evil being Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 241, 271 MWB. 219).
- प्रेप्सु (prepsu) (prepsu)
- mfn. wishing to attain, desirous of obtaining, seeking, longing for, aiming at (acc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
- anxious to rescue or save (see %{prA7Na-pr-})
- supposing, assuming Nir. vi, 32.
- प्रेमन् (preman) (preman)
- m. n. love, affection, kindness, tender regard, favour, predilection, fondness, llove &c. towards (loc. or comp.) TS. Br. Ka1v. &c. (also pl.)
- joy
- m. sport, a jest, joke Sa1h.
- wind
- N. of Indra
- of various men Ra1jat.
- (%{premNA}, Ved. %{preNA4}) ind. through love or affection RV. TS. MBh.
- प्रेयस् (preyas) (preyas)
- mfn. (compar. fr. %{priya}) dearer, more agreeable, mmore desiredS3Br. &c.
- m. a lover Amar. Katha1s.
- a dear friend Ma1lati1m.
- (%{asI}) f. a mistress Bhartr2. Dhu1rtas. [711,3]
- n. (in rhet.) flattery Prata1p. Kuval. Sa1h.
- प्रेरण (preraṇa) (preraṇa)
- n. driving out
- see %{pazu-pr-}
- (also %{A} f.) setting in motion, urging, inciting, direction, command, impelling to (%{prati} or comp.) Naish. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Hit.
- activity, action Ya1jn5. Megh.
- the sense of the causal verb Vop.
- प्रेषण (preṣaṇa) (preṣaṇa)
- n. the act of sending &c., charge, commission Gaut. MBh. R. BhP.
- rendering a service MBh. Ratna7v. (pl.)
- %{-kRt} mfn. one who executes a commission MBh.
- %{-NA7dhyakSa} m. a superintendent of the commands (of a king), chief of the administration Ca1n2.
- प्रेषित (preṣita) (preṣita)
- mfn. set in motion, urged on, impelled RV.
- hurled, flung, thrown S3Br.
- sent, dispatched on an errand MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-vat} mfn. Hit)
- sent into exile, banished R.
- turned, directed (as the eyes) S3ak. i, 23 (v.l. %{pre7rita})
- ordered, commanded Vop.
- प्रेष्य (preṣya) (preṣya)
- mfn. to be sent or dispatched, fit for a messenger Katha1s.
- m. a servant, menial, slave (%{A} f. a female servant, handmaid) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- n. servitude Ya1jn5. (in %{zUdra-pr-} v.l. for %{-praiSya})
- behest, command (see next)
- %{-kara} mfn. executing the orders of (gen.) MBh.
- %{-jana} m. servants (collectively), household Mn. Nal.
- a servant Prab. [713,1]
- %{-tA} f. (Mn.), %{-tva} n. (ib. MBh.), %{-bhAva} m. (Ma1lav.) the state or condition of a servant, servitude
- %{-vadhU} f. a female servant, handmaid MBh.
- the wife of a slave MW.
- %{-varga} m. a train of servants, retinue R.
- %{-SyA-tva} n. the state of a female servant, being a handmaid Ra1jat.
- प्रोक्त (prokta) (prokta)
- mfn. announced, told, taught, mentioned Mn. BhP. Var. Pa1n2.
- said, spoken, spoken to, addressed MBh. Prab. Var. Hit.
- called, declared, said Mn. Bhag. Hariv. Pan5cat. &c.
- meaning, signifying (with loc.)
- (%{e}) ind. it having been announced Ka1tyS3r. &c. see %{pra-vac}.
- प्रोक्ष (prokṣa) (prokṣa)
- m. the act of sprinkling upon A1pS3r.
- प्रोक्षण (prokṣaṇa) (prokṣaṇa)
- n. id., consecration by sprinkling (of a sacrificial animal or of a dead body before burial) TS. &c. &c.
- a vessel for holy water Hariv. (v.l. %{-NI})
- immolation of victims(%{-vidhi} m. N. of wk.)
- (%{I}) f. see below.
- प्रोत्तुङ्ग (prottuṅga) (prottuṅga)
- (%{pra-utt-}) mfn. very high or lofty, elevated, prominent Ka1v. Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
- प्रोष्ठ (proṣṭha) (proṣṭha)
- m. (prob. fr. %{pra} + %{oSTha} = %{ava-stha}, `" standing out below "') a bench, stool TBr.
- m. a bull Pa1n2. 5-4, 120 Sch.
- N. of a man g. %{zivA7di}
- pl. N. of a people MBh. (%{-STa} VP.)
- (%{I}) f. Cyprinus Pausius Bhpr. (also m. L.)
- प्रोष्ठपद (proṣṭhapada) (proṣṭhapada)
- m. (and %{A} f.) sg. du. and pl. `" the foot of a stool "'N. of a double Nakshatra of the 3rd and 4th lunar mansions AV. (%{pro4SThAp-}) Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
- प्लक्ष (plakṣa) (plakṣa)
- m. the waved-leaf fig-tree, Ficus Infectoria (a large and beautiful tree with small white fruit) AV. &c. &c.
- the holy fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa
- Thespesia Populneoides
- a side door or the space at the sspace of a ddoor
- = %{dvIpa} Pur.
- N. of a man TBr.
- (with %{prAsravaNa}) = %{-prasravaNa} Ta1n2d2Br. S3rS.
- (%{A}) f. N. of the river Sarasvati1 MBh. Hariv.
- प्लव (plava) (plava)
- %{plavaka} &c. see col. 2.
- प्लुत (pluta) (pluta)
- mfn. floated, floating or swimming in (loc.), bathed, overflowed, submerged, covered or filled with (instr. or comp.) Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c.
- protracted, prolated or lengthened (as a vowel) to 3 Ma1tra1s (q.v.) Pra1t. Pa1n2. 1-2, 27 esp. S3rS. &c. (also said of a kind of measure Cat.) [715,3]
- flown R.
- leaped, leaping MBh. Hariv.
- n. a flood, deluge (pl.) Hariv.
- leaping, moving by leaps MBh. R. Vcar.
- capering (one of a horse's paces) L.
- प्लुति (pluti) (pluti)
- f. overflowing, a flood Var.
- prolation (of a vowel cf. %{pluta}) Pra1t. Pa1n2. Sch. S3rS.
- a leap, jump S3ak. i, 7 v.l. (also met.
- cf. %{maNDUka-pl-})
- capering, curvet (one of a horse's paces)
- फकार (phakāra) (phakāra)
- m. the letter or sound %{pha}.
- फण (phaṇa) (phaṇa)
- m. scum, froth TBr. (cf. %{phena})
- (also %{A} f.) the expanded side of the nose, a nostril Sus3r.
- (also %{A} f.) the expanded hood or neck of a serpent (esp. of the Coluber Na1ga) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- a stick shaped like a serpent's hood S3a1n3khGr2.
- mfn. having the fingers shaped like a serpent's hood L.
- फणिन् (phaṇin) (phaṇin)
- m. `" hooded "', a serpent (esp. Coluber Na1ga) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur.
- N. of Ra1hu and Patan5jaliCat.
- a species of shrub
- (prob.) n. tin or lead Ka1lac.
- फणीन्द्र (phaṇīndra) (phaṇīndra)
- m. `" serpentking "'N. of S3esha MBh.
- of Patan5jali Cat.
- %{-dre7zvara} m. N. of one of the 8 Vi1ta-ra1gas of the Buddhists W.
- फणीश (phaṇīśa) (phaṇīśa)
- m. N. of Patan5jali Cat. (cf. %{-nI7ndra}).
- फल (phala) (phala)
- n. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) fruit (esp. of trees) RV. &c. &c.
- the kernel or seed of a fruit, A1mar.
- a nutmeg Sus3r.
- the 3 myrobalans (= %{tri-phalA} q.v.)
- the menstrual discharge(cf. %{puSpa})
- fruit (met.), consequence, effect, result, retribution (good or bad), gain or loss, reward or punishment, advantage or disadvantage Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- benefit, enjoyment Pan5cat. ii, 70
- compensation Ya1jn5. ii, 161 [716,3]
- (in rhet.) the issue or end of an action Das3. Sa1h.
- (in math.) the result of a calculation, product or quotient &c. Su1ryas.
- corrective equation ib. Gol.
- area or superficial contents of a figure A1ryabh.
- interest on capital ib.
- the third term in a rule of three sum ib. Sch.
- a gift, donation
- a gaming board MBh. [cf. Goth. {spilda}
- Icel. {spjald}]
- a blade (of a sword or knife) MBh. R. Kum.
- the point of an arrow Kaus3.
- a shield
- a ploughshare (= %{phAla})
- a point or spot on a die MBh. iv, 24
- m. Wrightia Antidysenterica
- (%{A}) f. a species of plant Car.
- w.r. for %{tula} Hcat.
- (%{I}) f. Aglaia Odorata
- a kind of fish (= %{phali}) L.
- फलक (phalaka) (phalaka)
- (ifc. f. %{ikA}) = %{phala}, fruit, result, gain (%{-tva} n.) Kull. on Mn. ii, 146
- menstruation (cf. %{nava-phalikA})
- (%{pha4laka}) n. (m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
- ifc. f. %{A}) a board, lath, plank, leaf. bench Br. Gr2S3rS., &c.
- a slab or tablet (for writing or painting on
- also = page, leaf) Ka1v. Ya1jn5. Sch. Lalit.
- a picture (= %{citra-ph-}). Mr2icch. iv, 3/4
- a gamingboard (cf. %{zAri-ph-})
- a wooden bench MBh.
- a slab at the base (of a pedestal
- cf. %{sphaTika-ph-})
- any flat surface (often in comp. with parts of the body, applied to broad flat bones cf. %{aMsa-}, %{phaNA-}, %{lalATa-ph-} &c.)
- the palm of the hand S3Br.
- the buttocks
- the top or head of an arrow Kull. on Mn. vii, 90
- a shield MBh.
- bark (as a material for clothes) MBh. Hariv.
- the pericarp of a lotus S3is3.
- = %{-yantra} Gol.
- a layer W.
- the stand on which a monk keeps his turban Buddh.
- m. Mesua Roxburghii
- (%{A} or %{ikA}) f. see below.
- फलवत् (phalavat) (phalavat)
- (%{pha4la-}) mfn. fruit-bearing, fructiferous, covered or laden with fruits AV. VS. Gr2S. &c.
- yielding results, successful, profitable, advantageous AV. A1past. Hit. (%{-tA} f. Jaim. Mcar.
- %{-tva} n. ChUp., S3am2h. Sa1h.)
- having profit or advantage Vop.
- (in dram.) containing the result or end of a plot Sa1h.
- (%{atI}) f. a twig of a partic. thorn tree
- (others `" the plant %{priyaGgu} "'
- cf. %{phalinI}) Shad2vBr. Gobh.
- N. of wk.
- फल्गु (phalgu) (phalgu)
- mf(%{U84}, or %{vI})n. reddish, red TS.
- small, minute, feeble, weak, pithless, unsubstantial, insignificant, worthless, unprofitable, useless VS. &c. &c.
- f. Ficus Oppositifolia
- a red powder usually of the root of wild ginger (coloured with sappan wood and thrown over one another by the Hindu1s at the Holi1 festival
- cf. %{phalgU7tsava}) W.
- the spring season
- (scil. %{vAc}) a falsehood lie
- N. of a river flowing Past Gaya1 MBh. Hariv.
- du. (in astrol.) N. of a Nakshatra.
- फल्गुन (phalguna) (phalguna)
- mf(%{I})n. reddish, red VS. TS.
- born under the Nakshatra Phalguni1 Pa1n2. 4-3, 34
- m. N. of a man (%{-svAmin} m. a temple built by PhPhalguni1) Ra1jat.
- the month Pha1lguna
- N. of Arjuna
- (%{I}) f. see below.
- फाल्गुन (phālguna) (phālguna)
- mf(%{I4})n. relating to the Nakshatra Phalguni1 S3Br. S3rS.
- born under the NNakshatra PhPhalguni1 Pa1n2. 4-3, 34 (v.l.)
- m. (with or scil. %{mAsa}) the month during which the full moon stands in the NNakshatra PhPhalguni1 (February-March) Mn. MBh.
- N. of Arjuna (= %{phalguna}) MBh. Hariv.
- Terminalia Arjuna (= %{nadI-ja})
- (%{I}) f. see below
- n. a species of grass used as a substitute for the Soma plant (and also called %{arjunAnI}) S3Br. TBr. A1s3vS3r. [718,2]
- N. of a place of pilgrimage BhP.
- फिरङ्ग (phiraṅga) (phiraṅga)
- mfn. Frankish, European (with %{vyAdhi} m. = %{-gA7maya}) Bhpr.
- m. the country of the Franks i.e. Europe, or = %{-gA7maya} L.
- फुल्ल (phulla) (phulla)
- mf(%{A})n. (Pa1n2. 7-4, 89
- viii, 2, 55) split or cleft open, expanded, blown (as a flower) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- abounding in flowers, flowery ib.
- opened wide, dilated (as eyes) Pan5cat.
- puffed inflated (as cheeks) Ba1lar.
- loose (as a garment) Mr2icch.
- beaming, smiling (as a face) Ka1vya7d.
- m. N. of a saint Cat.
- (prob.) n. a full-blown flower Ka1lP.
- Nom. P. %{phullati} (cf. Dha1tup. xv, 24) to open, expand, blow (as a flower) MBh. [718,1]
- फेन (phena) (phena)
- m. once n. (often written %{pheNa} and prob. connected with %{phaN}
- but see Un2. iii, 3) foam, froth, scum RV. &c. &c.
- moisture of the lips, saliva Mn. iii, 19
- n. (m. L.) Os Sepiae (white cuttle-fish bone, supposed to be indurated foam of the sea) Car.
- m. N. of a man (son of Ushad-ratha and father of Su-tapas) Hariv.
- (%{A}) f. a kind of shrub (= %{sAtalA})
- (%{I}) f. a kind of food[Cf. Slav. $
- Angl.Sax. {fam}
- Eng. {foam}
- Germ. {Feim}.]
- बक (baka) (baka)
- m. (also written %{vaka}) a kind of heron or crane, Ardea Nivea (often fig. = a hypocrite, cheat, rogue, the crane being regarded as a bird of great cunning and deceit as well as circumspection) Mn. MBh. &c.
- Sesbana Grandiflora
- an apparatus for calcining or subliming metals or minerals
- N. of Kubera
- of a demon Ma1nGr2.
- of an Asura (said to have assumed the form of a crane and to have been conquered by Kr2ishn2a) BhP.
- of a Ra1kshasa killed by Bhi1ma-sena MBh.
- of a R2ishi (with the patr. Da1lbhi or Da1lbhya) Ka1t2h. ChUp. MBh.
- of a peasant HParis3.
- of a king Ra1jat.
- (pl.) of a people MBh.
- (%{I}) f. a female crane Va1s. Sch.
- a female demon = %{pUtanA} BhP. Sch.
- बकार (bakāra) (bakāra)
- m. the sound or letter %{ba}, the soft form of %{pa}.
- बकुल (bakula) (bakula)
- m. (also written %{vakula}) a kind of tree, Mimusops Elengi (said to put forth blossoms when sprinkled with nectar from the mouth of lovely women) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- N. of S3iva MBh. xiii, 1223
- of a country Buddh.
- (%{A}) f. Helleborus Niger
- (%{I}) f. a kind of drug
- n. the fragrant flower of Mimusops Elengi MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- बगदाद (bagadāda) (bagadāda)
- N. of a city, Bagdad Cat.
- बटु (baṭu) (baṭu)
- m. (also written %{vaTu}) a boy, lad, stripling, youth (esp. a young Bra1hman, but also contemptuously applied to adult persons) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- N. of a class of priests Cat.
- a form of S3iva (so called from being represented by boys in the rites of the S3a1ktas) ib.
- Calosanthes Indica L.
- बटुक (baṭuka) (baṭuka)
- m. a boy, lad &c. = %{baTu} Katha1s. BhP.
- a stupid fellow, blockhead W.
- N. of a class of priests Cat.
- a form of S3iva (among the S3a1ktas) ib.
- बदर (badara) (badara)
- m. the jujube tree, Zizyphus Jujuba
- another tree (= %{deva-sarSapa})
- the kernel of the fruit of the cotton plant
- dried ginger
- N. of a man g. %{naDA7di}
- (%{A}) f. the cotton shrub
- a species of Dioscorea
- Mimosa Octandra
- Clitoria Ternatea
- (%{I}) f. see below
- (%{ba4d-}) n. the edible fruit of the jujube (also used as a weight) VS. &c. &c.
- the berry or fruit of the cotton shrub L.
- बदरिका (badarikā) (badarikā)
- f. the fruit or berry of the jujube Hit.
- N. of one of the sources of the Ganges and the neighbouring hermitage of Nara and Na1ra1yan2a (= %{badarI}) Hariv. Katha1s. &c.
- बदरीनाथ (badarīnātha) (badarīnātha)
- m. N. of a temple at BBadari1 W.
- of sev. authors Cat.
- बद्ध (baddha) (baddha)
- &c. see p. 720, col. 2.
- बधिर (badhira) (badhira)
- &c. see col. 3. mf(%{A})n. (sometimes written %{vadhira}) deaf RV. &c. &c.
- m. N. of a serpent-demon (son of Kas3yapa) MBh.
- बन्दिन् (bandin) (bandin)
- 1 m. (also written %{vandin} q.v., and m.c. %{-di}) a praiser, bard, herald (who sings the praises of a prince in his presence or accompanies an army to chant martial songs
- these bards are regarded as the descendants of a Kshatriya by a S3u1dra female) Mn. MBh. &c. 2 m. (also written %{vandin}) a prisoner, captive, slave BhP.
- plunder, spoil (see %{-grAha}).
- बन्ध (bandha) (bandha)
- m. binding, tying, a bond, tie, chain, fetter RV. &c. &c.
- a ligature, bandage Sus3r.
- damming up (a river) Ma1rkP.
- capture, arrest, imprisonment, custody Mn. MBh. &c.
- connection or intercourse with (comp.) Pan5cat. BhP. (ifc. = connected with, conducive to MBh.)
- putting together, uniting, contracting, combining, forming, producing MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- joining (the hollowed hands) Ragh.
- anything deposited (%{-dhe-sthA} = to remain deposited) Campak.
- a deposit, pledge Ra1jat.
- any configuration or position of the body (esp. of the hands and feet) Ragh. Kum.
- a partic. mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16, 18, 36, or even 84 L.), Caur.
- constructing, building (of a bridge &c.) MBh. Ra1jat.
- bridging over (the sea) Vcar.
- knitting (the brows) Ra1jat.
- fixing, directing (mind, eyes, &c.) Cat.
- assumption, obtainment (of a body) Ragh.
- (ifc.) conceiving, cherishing, feeling, betraying Hariv. Ka1lid.
- a border, framework, inclosure, receptacle
- a sinew, tendon
- the body
- (in phil.) mundane bondage, attachment to this world S3vetUp. Bhag. &c. (opp. to %{mukti}, %{mokSa}, `" final emancipation "', and regarded in the Sa1m2khya as threefold, viz. %{prakRti-}, %{vaikArika-}, and %{dakSiNA-b-})
- combination of sounds (in rhet.), construction or arrangement of words Ka1vya7d. Prata1p.
- arrangement of a stanza in a partic. shape Kpr.
- arrangement of musical sounds, composition S3atr.
- a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing Sus3r.
- (ifc. with numerals) a part (cf. %{paJca-}, %{daza-b-}).
- बन्धक (bandhaka) (bandhaka)
- m. a binder, one who is employed in binding (esp. animals) MBh.
- a catcher (see %{naga-} and %{pAza-b-})
- a violator, ravisher
- a band, tie (see %{pAzu-b-})
- a dam, dike (see %{jala-b-})
- a promise, vow
- exchanging, barter W.
- a city
- (ifc. with numerals) a part (see %{sa-daza-b-})
- m. or n. (?) pledging or a pledge (see %{sa-b-})
- (%{I}) f. (connected "', scil. with many men), an unchaste woman, harlot, courtezan MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- a barren woman(cf. %{bandhyA})
- a female elephant
- n. binding, confinement W.
- बन्धकत्व (bandhakatva) (bandhakatva)
- n. the being a fetter Sa1m2khyak. Sch.
- बन्धन (bandhana) (bandhana)
- mf(%{I})n. binding, tying, fettering RV. &c. &c.
- captivating (with gen. or ifc.
- cf. %{bhAva-b-} and Pa1n2. 4-4, 96 Sch.)
- holding fast, stopping MW.
- (ifc.) dependent on ib.
- n. the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering Mn. MBh. &c.
- (also %{I} f. L.) a bond, tie (also fig.), rope, cord, tether S3Br. &c. &c. (ifc. with f. %{A} = bound to or fettered by)
- binding on or round, clasping Ka1v. Pan5cat.
- binding up, bandaging, a bandage Sus3r.
- catching, capturing, confining, detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison Mn. Katha1s. Pur.
- building, construction MBh. R. &c.
- embanking or an embankment ib.
- bridging over Hit.
- alloying (of metals) Bhpr.
- joining, junction, connection, coherence RV. MBh.
- fixing upon, directing towards (loc.)
- checking, suppressing Amar.
- (in phil.) mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation)
- hurting, killing
- a stalk, stem, peduncle (of a flower) RV. &c. &c.
- a sinew, muscle L.
- बन्धु (bandhu) (bandhu)
- m. connection, relation, association RV. &c. &c. (ifc. with f. %{U} = belonging to, coming under the head of i.e. `" being only in name "'
- cf. %{kSatra-}, %{dvija-b-} &c.
- `" resembling "' Ba1lar. v, 56/57, `" frequented by "' ib. iii, 20, `" favourable for "' ib. iv, 87
- cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 14)
- respect, reference (%{kena@bandhunA} `" in what respect? "') S3Br.
- kinship, kindred Mn. ii, 136
- a kinsman (esp. on the mother's side), relative, kindred RV. &c. &c. (in law, a cognate kinsman in a remote degree, one subsequent in right of inheritance to the Sa-gotra
- three kinds are enumerated, personal, paternal and maternal)
- a friend (opp. to %{ripu}) MBh. Ka1v. BhP.
- a husband Ragh.
- a brother
- Pentapetes Phoenicea(= %{bandhUka})
- N. of a metre Col.
- (in astrol.) of the fourth mansion Var.
- of a R2ishi with the patr. Gaupa1yana or Laupa1yana (author of RV. v, 24 and x, 5660) RAnukr.
- of Manmatha L.
- बन्धुल (bandhula) (bandhula)
- mfn. inclined, bent, depressed
- lovely, charming
- m. a bastard Mr2icch.
- Pentapetes Phoenicea
- N. of a R2ishi Pravar.
- बन्धूक (bandhūka) (bandhūka)
- m. Pentapetes Phoenicea (n. its flower) Ka1v. Katha1s. Sus3r.
- Terminalia Tomentosa L.
- बन्ध्य (bandhya) (bandhya)
- mfn. to be bound or fettered or imprisoned Ya1jn5.
- to be constructed ib. Sch. (cf. %{vandhya}).
- बभ्रु (babhru) (babhru)
- mf(%{u}, or %{U4})n. (according to Un2. i, 23 fr. %{bhR}) deep-brown, reddish-brown, tawny RV. &c. &c.
- bald-headed
- m. a kind of large ichneumon
- any ichneumon MBh. Hariv.
- a man with deep-brown hair Mn. iv, 30 (others `" a reddish-brown animal "' or `" the Soma creeper "')
- Cuculus Melanoleucus (= %{cAtaka})
- a species of vegetable
- N. of Kr2ishn2a-Vishn2u or of S3iva MBh.
- a king, prince ib.
- a partic. constellation (= %{babhruka}) VarBr2S. Sch.
- N. of sev. men (cf. g. %{gargA7di})
- of a descendant of Atri (author of RV. v, 30) Anukr. (also with the patr. Daiva1vr2idha and Kaumbhya Br. MBh. Pur.)
- of a disciple of S3aunaka VP.
- of a son of Vis3va1-mitra MBh. (also pl. Hariv. )
- of a son of Vis3va-garbha Hariv.
- of a Vr2ishn2i MBh. Hariv.
- of a son of Druhyu Hariv.
- of a son of Roma-pa1da or Loma-pa1da ib.
- of a Gandharva R.
- of a country (= %{-deza})
- (%{u}) f. a reddish-brown cow, Bhp.
- n. a dark-brown colour or any object of that ccolour W. [Cf. Gk. $
- Lith. {be4ras}, {bru4nas}
- Germ. {bru7n}, &219711[721,3] {braun}
- Eng. {brown}.]
- बभ्रुकेश (babhrukeśa) (babhrukeśa)
- mf(%{I})n. brown-haired A1pGr2. Sch.
- बभ्रुवाहन (babhruvāhana) (babhruvāhana)
- m. N. of a son of Arjuna, king of Maho7daya MBh. Pur.
- बर्बर (barbara) (barbara)
- mfn. (also written %{varvara}) stammering (see %{-tA})
- curly Ka1t2h.
- m. (pl.) the non-A1ryans, barbarians MBh. R. &c.
- the country of the barbarians W.
- a low fellow, blockhead, fool, loon (used mostly in the voc.) Hit.
- (only L.) curly hair
- Clerodendrum Siphonantus
- Cleome Pentaphylla
- a partic. fragrant plant
- Unguis Odoratus
- a kind of worm
- two kinds of fish
- the noise of weapons
- a kind of dance
- (%{A}) f. a kind of fly
- a species of Ocimum
- a kind of vegetable
- a partic. flower
- N. of a river VP.
- (%{I}) f. see below
- n. vermilion
- gum-myrrh
- yellow sandal-wood
- = %{barbarI} f. and %{-rIka} n.
- बर्ह (barha) (barha)
- m. n. (also written %{varha}
- 1. %{bRh}, `" to pluck out "') a tail-feather, the tail of a bird (esp. of a peacock) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- a leaf (%{ketaka-b-}) Ragh.
- n. a kind of perfume L.
- बर्हण (barhaṇa) (barhaṇa)
- 1 mf(%{I})n. tearing or pulling out (see %{mUla-b-})
- dazzling (the eyes) Ba1lar.
- n. pulling out (see %{mUla-b-})
- a leaf
- Tabernaemontana Coronaria[722,2]
- बर्हिन् (barhin) (barhin)
- m. a peacock MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
- of a R2ishi (= %{barhiSada}) ib.
- n. a kind of perfume
- बर्हिस् (barhis) (barhis)
- n. (rarely m.) `" that which is plucked up "', sacrificial grass, a bed or layer of Kus3a grass (usually strewed over the sacrificial ground and esp. over the Vedi, to serve as a sacred surface on which to present the oblations, and as a seat for the gods and for the sacrificers) RV. &c. &c.
- n. Sacrificial Grass personified (and enumerated among the Praya1ja and Anuya1ja deities) RV. Br.
- sacrifice RV. BhP.
- ether
- water
- a kind of perfume
- m. fire, light, splendour
- Plumbago Zeylanica
- N. of a man MaitrUp.
- of a son of Br2ihad-ra1ja BhP.
- pl. the descendants of Barhis Sam2ska1rak.
- बल (bala) (bala)
- n. (or m. g. %{ardharcA7di}) power, strength, might, vigour, force, validity RV. &c. &c. (%{balAt}, `" forcibly, against one's will, without being able to help it "'
- also = %{bala} ibc., or %{balena}, %{bala-tas}, with gen. or ifc., `" by force, by the power or on the strength or in virtue or by means of, by "')
- force or power of articulation, TUP.
- force considered as a sixth organ of action (cf. %{karme7ndriya}) MBh.
- (the Buddhists reckon 10 forces, the ascetic S3aivas four, which according to Sch. on R. [B.] are %{sAman}, %{dAna}, %{bheda}, and %{nigraha})
- Force personified as one of the Visve Deva1h2 MBh.
- power of, expertness in (loc.) Nal.
- stoutness, bulkiness
- (also pl.
- ifc. f. %{A}) military force, troops, an army Mn. MBh. &c.
- (L. also shape
- body
- semen virile
- gum
- blood
- a young shoot
- bone)
- m. a crow MBh.
- Crataeva Roxburghii
- half-ripe barley
- N. of a demon conquered by Indra (the brother of Vr2itra, in older texts %{vala}) RV. &c. &c.
- of an elder brother of Kr2ishn2a (also called Bala-deva, Balabhadra, Bala-ra1ma &c.) MBh. Pur.
- cf. IW. 332 &c.
- (with Jainas) a white Bala or elder brother of Va1sudeva (9 in number, viz. Acala, Vijaya, Bhadra, Su-prabha, Su-daris3ana, A1nanda, Nandana, Padma, and Ra1ma)
- N. of a son of Varun2a and brother of Sura1 MBh.
- of an attendant on Skanda ib.
- of a son of An3giras ib.
- of a son of Parikshit ib.
- of a son of Parija1tra BhP.
- of a son of Kr2ishn2a ib.
- of a lexicographer (also written %{vala}) Naish. Sch.
- of a horse of the Moon VP.
- (%{A}) f. Sida Cordifolia Sus3r. (du. the plants Bala1 and Ati-bala1 ib.)
- N. of a partic. charm R. Ragh. (cf. %{ati-b-})
- the youngest sister in a drama
- N. of a daughter of Daksha R.
- of a daughter of Raudra1s3va Hariv.
- of a female divinity who executes the orders of the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
- of a peasant girl Lalit.
- (%{bala4}) n. = %{vala4}, a cavern AV.
- mfn. strong, robust
- sick (= %{amin})[Cf. Lat. {valere}, {valor} &c.]
- बलकर (balakara) (balakara)
- mfn. inspiring strength, strengthening R. Sus3r.
- बलि (bali) (bali)
- m. (perhaps fr. %{bhR}) tribute, offering, gift, oblation (in later language always with %{hR}) RV. &c. &c.
- tax, impost, royal revenue Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
- any offering or propitiatory oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food, such as grain, rice &c., to certain gods, semi-divine beings, household divinities, spirits, men, birds, other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects
- it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire
- it is also called %{bhUta-yajJa} and was one of the 5 %{mahA-yajJas}, or great devotional acts
- cf. RTL. 411, 421) Gr2S3rS. Mn. (esp. iii, 69, 71) MBh. &c. (often ifc. with the object, the receiver, the time, or the place of the offering)
- fragments of food at a meal W.
- a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to Durga1 MW.
- the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper Megh.
- N. of a Daitya (son of Virocana
- priding himself on his empire over the three worlds, he was humiliated by Vishnu, who appeared before him in the form of a Va1mana or dwarf. son of Kas3yapa and Aditi and younger brother of Indra, and obtained from him the promise of as much land as he could pace in three steps, whereupon the dwarf expanding himself deprived him of heaven and earth in two steps, but left him the sovereignty of Pa1ta1la or the lower regions) MBh. Pur. &c. (cf. IW. 328)
- N. of Indra in the 8th Manv-antara Pur.
- of a Muni MBh.
- of a king ib. Pan5cat.
- of a son of Su-tapas Hariv. Pur. (cf. %{vali}).
- बलवत् (balavat) (balavat)
- (%{ba4la-}) mfn. possessing power, powerful, mighty, strong, intense VS. &c. &c.
- vehement (as love, desire &c.) MBh.
- dense (as darkness) Mr2icch.
- preponderating, prevailing (also with abl., `" over "') VPra1t.
- accompanied by an army Inscr.
- ind. powerfully, strongly, vehemently, much, well S3Br. &c. &c.
- m. N. of the 8th Muhu1rta Var.
- (%{atI}) f. small cardamoms
- %{-tama} (%{ba4l-}) mfn. most powerful, strongest, mightiest&c.
- %{-tara} mfn. more powerful, stronger Mn. MBh. &c.
- %{-tA} f. (MBh. Ra1jat.), %{-tva} n. (Kap.) powerfulness, superiority, preponderance.
- बलाक (balāka) (balāka)
- m. (also written %{valAka}) a kind of crane (the flesh of which is eaten) Gaut. Hariv.
- N. of a pupil of S3a1kapu1n2i VP.
- of a pupil of Ja1tu1karn2ya BhP.
- of a hunter MBh.
- of a son of Pu1ru and grandson of Jahnu1 BhP.
- of a son of Vatsa-pri1 Ma1rkP. [723,3]
- of a Ra1kshasa ib.
- (%{A}) f. see below.
- बलाहक (balāhaka) (balāhaka)
- or %{valAhaka4} m. (Naigh. i,10) a rain or thunder -cloud, any cloud MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ifc. f. %{A})
- one of the 7 clouds appearing at the destruction of the world Cat.
- a mountain
- Cyperus Rotundus
- a kind of crane (= %{balAka})
- a kind of snake Sus3r.
- a kind of metre Col.
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- of a commander Ka1d.
- of one of the 4 horses of Vishn2u ib.
- of a brother of Jayad-ratha MBh.
- of a Daitya
- of a mountain, Kathls.
- बलिन् (balin) (balin)
- mfn. powerful, strong, mighty, stout, robust RV. &c. &c.
- m. a soldier Inscr. (cf. %{balastha})
- N. of Vatsa-pril Ma1rkP.
- (only L) a hog bull, buffalo, camel, kind of sheep, serpent, Phaseolus Radiatus, a sort of jasmine, the phlegmatic humourN. of a Bala-ra1ma
- (%{inI}) f. Sida Cordifolia
- बलिष्ठ (baliṣṭha) (baliṣṭha)
- mfn. (superl. fr. %{bali4n}) most powerful, very. strong or mighty S3Br. &c. &c.
- stronger or mightier than (abl.) Ragh.
- m. a camel%{ba4liyas} see p. 723, col. 2.
- बव (bava) (bava)
- n. (also written %{vava}) N. of the first Karan2a or astrological division of the day Su1ryas.
- बहु (bahu) (bahu)
- mf(%{vI4} or %{u})n. much, many, frequent, abundant, numerous, great or considerable in quantity (n. also as subst. with gen.) RV. (rarely in Man2d2. i-ix) AV. &c. &c. (%{tadbahu-yad}, `" it is a great matter that "' MBh.
- %{tvayA@me@bahu@kRtaM-yad}, `" you have done me a great service by-or that- "' Nal.
- %{kim@bahunA}, `" what occasion is there for much talk? "' i.e. `" in short "' S3ak. Hit.)
- abounding or rich in (instr.) S3Br.
- large, great, mighty AV. &c. &c.
- (%{u4}) ind. much, very, abundantly, greatly, in a high degree, frequently, often, mostly RV. &c. &c. (often ibc., where also= nearly, almost, rather, somewhat [724,3]
- cf. %{bahu-tRNa}, %{bahu-trivarSa} and Pa1n2. 5-3, 68
- %{bahu-man} = to think much of esteem highly, prize, value)
- n. the pl. number AitBr.
- बहुचारिन् (bahucārin) (bahucārin)
- mfn. roaming much or widely AV.
- बहुता (bahutā) (bahutā)
- f. numerousness, muchness, abundance, plenty, multiplicity, plurality Vet. (cf. %{-tva}).
- बहुतर (bahutara) (bahutara)
- mf(%{A} or %{I})n. more (or most) abundant or numerous &c.
- greater or very great MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- (%{am}) ind. more, very or too much, for the greater part, chiefly Vet. SaddhP.
- %{-ka} mfn. very -much or numerous Pat.
- %{-kaNiza} m. a kind of corn or grain (cf. %{gucchakaNiza}).
- बहुतिथ (bahutitha) (bahutitha)
- see p. 626, col. 1.
- बहुत्व (bahutva) (bahutva)
- n. muchness, abundance, multitude MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- plurality, majority Mn. viii, 73
- (in gram.) the pl. number (cf. %{bahu-tA}).
- बहुफल (bahuphala) (bahuphala)
- mfn. `" mmany-fruited "', fertile W.
- m. a partic. fruit tree
- Nauclea Cadamba
- (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (Solanum Indicum or another variety of Solanum
- Glycine Debilis
- a species of Convolvulus Turpethum
- various kinds of cucurbitaceous plants, Flacourtia Cataphracta)
- (%{I}) f. N. of various plants (Emblica Officinalis
- Ficus Oppositifolia &c.) L.
- बहुबीज (bahubīja) (bahubīja)
- mfn. having much seed VarYogay.
- n. the fruit of Anona Reticulata or Squamosa
- (%{A}) f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum Bhpr.
- a kind of Musa L.
- बहुल (bahula) (bahula)
- mf(%{A4})n. thick, dense, broad, wide, spacious, ample, large RV. &c. &c.
- abundant, numerous, many, much ib. (%{am} ind. often, frequently Nir. Pra1t. Pa1n2.)
- accompanied by, attended with ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
- (in gram.) variously applicable, comprehensive (as a rule)
- born under the Pleiades Pa1n2. 4-3, 33
- black
- m. (or n. ?) the dark half of a month MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. Agni or fire
- N. of a Praja1pati VP.
- of a king of the Ta1la-jan3ghas MBh.
- m. pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP.
- (%{A}) f. a cow
- cardamoms Bhpr.
- the indigo plant
- N. of the twelfth Kala1 of the moon Cat.
- of a goddess Pur.
- of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh.
- of the wife of Uttama who was son of Utta1na-pa1da Ma1rkP.
- of the mother of a Samudra HParis3.
- of a mythical cow Col.
- of a river MBh.
- f. pl.= %{kRttikAs}, the Pleiades Var.
- n. the sky
- factitious black salt
- white pepper
- a partic. high number Buddh.
- बहुव्रीहि (bahuvrīhi) (bahuvrīhi)
- mfn. possessing much rice
- m. a relative or adjective compound (in which, as in the word %{bahu-vrIhi} itself [cf. %{tat-puruSa}], the last member loses its character of a substantive and together with the first member serves to qualify a noun) Pa1n2. 2-2, 23
- 35 &c.
- %{-vat} ind. like a Bahu-vrilhi or relative compound Pa1n2. 8-1, 9.
- बहुस्वर (bahusvara) (bahusvara)
- mfn. many-syllabled, containing more than two syllables %{-tva} n. TPra1t.
- बाढ (bāḍha) (bāḍha)
- or %{bALha4} mfn. ( %{baMh}
- cf. Pa1n v, 63) strong, mighty (only ibc. and in %{bAhe4} ind.), loudly, strongly, mightily RV.
- (%{bADham} or %{vADham}) ind. assuredly, certainly, indeed, really, by all means, so be it, yes (generally used as a particle of consent, affirmation or confirmation) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- बाण (bāṇa) (bāṇa)
- or %{vANa4} (RV.), %{bA4Na} (AV.
- later more usually %{vANa} q.v.) m. a reed-shaft, shaft made of a reed, an arrow RV. &c. &c.
- N. of the number five (from the 5 arrows of Ka1ma-deva
- cf. %{paJca-b-}) Su1ryas. Sa1h.
- the versed sine of an arc Gan2it.
- a mark for arrows, aim BhP.
- a partic. part of an arrow
- Saccharum Sara or a similar species of reed Bhpr.
- the udder of a cow (%{vANa4} RV. iv, 24, 9)
- music (for %{vANa4}) AV. x, 2, 17 = %{kevala},
- N. of an Asura (a, son of Bali, an enemy of Vishn2u and favourite of S3iva) MBh. Pur.
- of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
- of a king Hariv.
- (also %{-bhaTTa}) of a poet (the author of the Ka1dambari1, of the Harsha-carita, and perhaps of the Ratna7vali1) Cat.
- of a man of low origin Ra1jat.
- m. (S3is3) or (%{A}) f. (L.) a blue-flowering Barleria
- (%{A}) f. the hind part or feathered end of an arrow
- n. the flower of Barleria Kir. S3is3.
- the body Pras3nUp.
- बाणिन् (bāṇin) (bāṇin)
- mfn. having an arrow or arrows MBh. R.
- बादाम (bādāma) (bādāma)
- m. an almond-tree, Pers.
- बाध (bādha) (bādha)
- 1 m. a harasser, tormentor Hariv.
- annoyance, molestation, affliction, obstacle, distress, pain, trouble RV. &c. &c.
- (also %{A}, f.
- cf. Va1m. v, 2, 44) injury, detriment, hurt, damage MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- danger, jeopardy (see %{prA7Na-})
- exclusion from (comp.) Pan5cat.
- suspension, annulment (of a rule &c.) Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. &c.
- a contradiction, objection, absurdity, the being excluded by superior proof (in log., one of the 5 forms of fallacious middle term) Kap. Bha1sha1p. &c.
- बान्धव (bāndhava) (bāndhava)
- m. (fr. %{bandhu}) a kinsman, relation (esp. maternal rrelation), friend (ifc. f. a1) Mn. MBh. &c.
- a brother A.
- (%{I}) f. a female relative Katha1s.
- बान्धवक (bāndhavaka) (bāndhavaka)
- mfn. belonging or relating to kinsmen, kindred Hariv.
- बान्धव्य (bāndhavya) (bāndhavya)
- n. connection by blood, relationship Katha1s.
- बाल (bāla) (bāla)
- mf(%{A})n. (cf. %{vAla}) young, childish, infantine, not full-grown or developed (of per. sons and things) Gr2S. Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
- newly risen, early (as the sun or its rays) Ragh.
- new or waxing (as the moon) ib. Kum.
- puerile, ignorant, simple, foolish Mn. Hariv. Ka1v.
- pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice)
- m.a child, boy (esp. one under 5 years) Mn. MBh. &c.
- (in law) a minor (minors are classified as %{kunAra}, or boys under 5 years of age, %{zizu} under 8, %{pogaNDa} from the 5th to the end of the 9th or till the 16th year, and %{kizora} from the 10th to the 16th year)
- a fool, simpleton Mn. Pan5cat.
- any young animal
- a colt, foal
- a five years old elephant
- Cypriuus Denticulatus or Rohita
- N. of a Rakshas VP.
- of a prince Ra1jat.
- (%{A}) f. a female child, girl, young woman (esp. one under 16 years) Mn. MBh. &c.
- a one year old cow
- small cardamoms
- Aloe Indica
- a kind of metre
- a partic. mystical prayer Cat.
- N. of the mother of Va1lin and Su-griva (said to have been formed by Praja1-pati out of some dust which had fallen into his eyes) R.
- n. Andropogon Muricatus
- heat L.
- बालक (bālaka) (bālaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. young, childish, not yet fullgrown MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. a child, boy, youth (in law `" a minor "'), the young of an animal ib. (%{ikA} f. a girl Ka1v. Pur.)
- a young elephant five years old S3is3. v, 47
- a fool, simpleton
- a kind of fish
- N. of a prince (v.l. %{pAlaka}) Pur.
- बालता (bālatā) (bālatā)
- f. (MBh.),
- बालत्व (bālatva) (bālatva)
- n. (Ka1v. Pur.) childhood, boyhood.
- बालिश (bāliśa) (bāliśa)
- 1 mf(%{A})n. young, childish, puerile, ignorant, simple, foolish MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- m. a fool, simpleton, blockhead ib.2 n. (for 1. see above) = Pers. $ a pillow, cushion
- बाल्य (bālya) (bālya)
- or n. boyhood, childhood, infancy S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
- बाष्कल (bāṣkala) (bāṣkala)
- m. N. of a teacher (a pupil of Paila) Gr2S.
- of a Daitya Hariv.
- of a son of Anuhra1da BhP.
- (pl.) N. of a family regarded as belonging to the Kaunkas Hariv. (v.l. %{vAskala})
- a warrior (%{vASk-})
- mfn. belonging to or derived from Ba1shkala A1s3vS3r. Sch.
- large, great (%{vASk-}) W.
- m. pl. the pupils of BBa1shkala (a school of the R2ig. veda) Cat. [730,1]
- बाष्प (bāṣpa) (bāṣpa)
- m. (also written %{vASpa} cf. Un2. iii, 28) a tear, tears MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- steam, vapour R. Ragh. Pan5cat.
- a kind of pot-herb Va1gbh.
- iron
- N. of a disciple of Gautama Buda7ha
- (%{I}) f. a kind of plant (= %{hiGgu-pattrI}) L.
- बाहु (bāhu) (bāhu)
- 1 m. and (L.) f. (fr. %{bah}, %{baMh}
- for 2. %{bAhu} see col. 3) the arm, (esp.) the fore-arm, the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to %{pra-gaNDa} q.v.
- in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body, as opp. to %{sakthi}, the lower extextremity) RV. &c. &c.
- the arm as a measure of length (= 12 An3gulas) Sulbas.
- the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part)Br. A1s3vGr2.
- the limb of a bow S3Br.
- the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh.
- the post (of a door
- see %{dvAra-b-})
- the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Su1ryas.
- the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial ib.
- (also du.) the constellation A1rdra1
- m. N. of a Daitya MBh.
- of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions) ib.
- of a son of Vr2ika Hariv.
- of a son of Vajra VP. [Cf. Gk. $, $
- &222225[730,2] Germ. {buog}, {Bug}
- Angl. Sax. {bo1g}
- Eng. {bough}.]
- बाहादुर (bāhādura) (bāhādura)
- m. a modern title of honour conferred by Muhammadan kings (= Pers.$).
- बाहुक (bāhuka) (bāhuka)
- ifc. = 1. %{bAhu}, the arm (cf. %{hrasvabAhuka})
- mf(%{A})n. servile, dependent
- swimming with the arms Baudh. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-4, 7 Sch.)
- dwarfish BhP.
- m. a monkey
- N. of a Na1ga MBh.
- of a prince ib.
- of a son of Vr2ika (= %{bAhu}) Pur.
- (also written %{vAh-}) N. assumed by Nala upon his becoming charioteer to king R2itu-parn2a Nal.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a river
- बाहुबलि (bāhubali) (bāhubali)
- m. (fr. %{bahu-bala}?) N. of a mountain S3atr.
- बाह्य (bāhya) (bāhya)
- mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{bahis}
- in later language also written %{vAhya} q.v.
- m. nom. pl. %{bA4hye} S3Br.) being outside (a door, house, &c.), situated without (abl. or comp.), outer, exterior (acc. with %{kR}, to turn out, expel) AV. &c, &c.
- not belonging to the family or country, strange, foreign MBh. Ka1v. &c. [731,1]
- excluded from caste or the community, an out-caste Mn. MBh. &c.
- diverging from, conflicting with, opposed to, having nothing to do with (abl. or comp.) ib.
- (with %{artha}), meaning external to (i.e. not resulting from) the sounds or letters forming a word Pa1n2. 1-1, 68 Sch.
- m. a corpse (for %{vAhya}?) Ka1v.
- N. of a man (pl. his family) Sam2ska1rak.
- (pl.) N. of a people VP.
- (%{A}) f. (scil. %{tvac}) the outer bark of a tree S3Br.
- (ifc. f. %{A}) the outer part, exterior Ra1jat.
- ibc. and (%{am}, %{ena}, e) ind. outside, without, out S3Br. &c. &c.
- (%{At}) ind. from without Pan5cat.
- बाह्लीक (bāhlīka) (bāhlīka)
- or m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh. R. &c.
- बिडाल (biḍāla) (biḍāla)
- m. (also written %{viDAla} of doubtful origin
- cf. Un2. i, 117) a cat Mn. MBh. &c.
- a partic. remedy for the eye Bhpr. (cf. %{-laka})
- the eye-ball
- (%{A}) f. a female cat R. (also i1 Un2. i, 117 Sch.)
- (%{I}) f. a partic. disease and the female demon presiding over it (reckoned among the Yogini1s) Hcat.
- a species of plant L.
- बिन्दु (bindu) (bindu)
- m. (once n. MBh.
- in later language mostly written %{vindu}) a detached particle, drop, globule, dot, spot AV. &c. &c.
- (with %{hiraNyaya}) a pearl AV. xix, 30, 5 (cf. %{-phala})
- a drop of water taken as a measure
- a spot or mark of coloured paint on the body of an elephant Kum.
- (ifc. also %{-ka}) the dot over a letter representing the Anusva1ra (supposed to be connected with Siva and of great mystical importance) MBh. Katha1s. BhP.
- a zero or cypher R. (in manuscripts put over an erased word to show that it ought not to be erased = `" stet "' Naish.)
- a partic. mark like a dot made in cauterizing Sus3r.
- a mark made by the teeth of a lover on the lips of his mistress
- a coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows
- (in dram.) the sudden development of a secondary incident (which, like a drop of oil in water, expands and furnishes an important element in the plot) Sa1h. (ifc. also %{-ka})
- m. N. of a man g. %{bidA7di}
- of an A1n3girasa (author of RV. viii, 83
- ix, 30) Anukr.
- of the author of a Rasa-paddhati Cat.
- pl. N. of a warrior tribe g. %{dAmany-Adi}.
- बिन्दुमत् (bindumat) (bindumat)
- mfn. having drops or bubbles or clots, formed into balls or globules AitBr. Ka1tyS3r.
- m. N. of a son of Marici by Bindu-mati1 BhP.
- (%{atI}) f. N. of a kind of verse Ka1d.
- of a drama Sa1h.
- of the wife of Mari1ci (cf. above) BhP.
- of a daughter of S3as3a-bindu and wife of Ma1ndha1tr2i Hariv.
- of the murderess of Vidu1ratha, Va1sav "', Introd.
- of a fisherman's daughter Katha1s.
- बिम्ब (bimba) (bimba)
- m. n. (also written %{vimba}, or %{vimva}, of doubtful origin, but cf. Un2. iv, 95 Sch.
- ifc. f. %{A}) the disk of the sun or moon Ka1v. Pur. &c.
- any disk, sphere, orb (often applied to the rounded parts of the body) Ka1lid. Pan5cat.
- a mirror S3vetUp. Kum.
- an image, shadow, reflected or represented form, picture, type R. BhP. Ra1jat.
- (in rhet.) the object compared (as opp. to %{prati-bimba}, `" the counterpart "' to which it is compared) Sa1h. Prata1p.
- m. a lizard, chameleon Gaut.
- N. of a man Ra1jat.
- (%{A}) f. Momordica Monadelpha (a plant bearing a bright-red gourd)
- N. of 2 metres Col.
- N. of the wife of Ba1la7ditya (king of Kas3mi1ra) Ra1jat.
- (%{I}) f. Momordica Monadelpha, Sulr. (cf. g. %{gaurA7di})
- N. of the mother of king Bimbi-sa1ra (below) Buddh.
- n. the fruit of the Momordica Monadelpha (to which the lips of women are often compared) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- बिम्बाधर (bimbādhara) (bimbādhara)
- m. a nether lip (red like the BBimba fruit) S3ak.
- बिम्बिसार (bimbisāra) (bimbisāra)
- m. (from %{bimbin} or %{bimbI+s-}?) N. of a king of Magadha (contemporary and patron of Gautama Buddha) MWB. 48 &c. (v.l. %{vidhisAra}, %{vidmi-sAra}, %{vindu-sena}, %{vindhya-sena})
- बिल (bila) (bila)
- n. (also written %{vila}
- ifc. f. %{A}) a cave, hole, pit, opening, aperture RV. &c. &c.
- the hollow (of a dish), bowl (of a spoon or ladle) &c. AV. VS. S3Br. S3rS.
- m. Calamus Rotang
- Indra's horse Uccaih2-s3ravas
- N. of two kinds of fish L.
- बिल्व (bilva) (bilva)
- m. (in later language also %{vilva}) Aegle Marmelos, the wood-apple tree (commonly called Bel
- its delicious fruit when unripe is used medicinally
- its leaves, are employed in the ceremonial of the worship of S3iva
- cf. RTL. 336) AV. &c. &c.
- (%{A}) f. a kind of plant (= %{hiGgu-pattrI})
- n. the Bilva fruit MBh. Katha1s.
- a partic. weight (= 1 Pala, = 4 Akshas, 1/4= Kud2ava) Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS.
- a kind of vegetable Sus3r.
- a small pond, pool(cf. %{billa}).
- बिस (bisa) (bisa)
- n. (m. only Hariv. 15445
- also written %{vIsa}
- ifc. f. %{A}) a shoot or sucker, the film or fibre of the water-lily or lotus, also the stalk itself or that part of it which is underground (eaten as a delicacy) RV. &c. &c.
- the whole lotus plant MBh. xii, 7974.
- बिसिनी (bisinī) (bisinī)
- f. a lotus (the whole plant) or an assemblage of lotus-flowers Ka1v. Katha1s.
- बीज (bīja) (bīja)
- n. (also written %{vIja}, of doubtful origin
- ifc. f. %{A}) seed (of plants), semen (of men and animals), seed-corn, grain RV. &c. &c.
- a runner (of the Indian fig-tree) Vcar.
- any germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin (ifc. = caused or produced by, sprung from) ChUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- the germ or origin of any composition (as of a poem, of the plot of a drama, of a magical formula &c.) R. BhP. Das3ar. Prata1p.
- calculation of original or primary germs, analysis, algebra Col.
- truth (as the seed or cause of being)
- anything serving as a receptacle or support (= %{Alambana}), Yogas3
- the mystical letter or syllable which forms the essential part of the Mantra of any deity RTL. 197 &c.
- the position of the arms of a child at birth BhP.
- quicksilver (?) Su1ryas.
- marrow
- m. = %{bijaka}, the citron tree A1ryabh.
- बीजक (bījaka) (bījaka)
- n. seed Sus3r.
- a list HParis3.
- m. Citrus Medica R. Hariv. &c.
- a citron or lemon Sus3r.
- Terminalia Tomentosa
- the position of the arms of a child at birth Sus3r. Bhpr.
- N. of a poet.
- बीजपूरक (bījapūraka) (bījapūraka)
- m. (MBh. R. &c.),
- बीभत्स (bībhatsa) (bībhatsa)
- mf(%{A})n. (fr. Desid. of %{bAdh}) loathsome, disgusting, revolting, hideous S3a1n3khBr. S3rS. MBh. &c.
- loathing, detesting
- envious, cruel, wicked
- changed or estranged in mind
- m. disgust, abhorrence
- (with rasa) the sentiment of disgust (one of the 8 Rasas q.v.) Das3ar. Sa1h.
- N. of Arjuna
- (%{A4}) f. loathing, abhorrence VS. (cf. %{a4-b-})
- n. anything loathsome or hideous, a hhideous sight Ma1lati1m.
- %{-karman} mfn. doing loathsome or wicked things (as an abusive word) Mcar.
- %{-tA} f. loathsomeness, detestableness MBh.
- prab.
- बुद्ध (buddha) (buddha)
- %{buddhi} see cols. 2 and 3. mfn. awakened, awake MBh.
- expanded, blown Sa1mavBr.
- conscious, intelligent, clever, wise (opp. to %{mUDha}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- learnt, known, understood A1past. MBh. (`" by "', usually instr., but also gen. according to Pa1n2. 2-2, 12
- 3, 67 Sch.)
- m. a wise or learned man, sage W.
- (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of Nirva1n2a reveals the method of obtaining it, (esp.) the principal Buddha of the present age (born at Kapila-vastu about the year 500 B.C. his father, S3uddhodana, of the S3a1kya tribe or family, being the Ra1ja of that district, and his mother, Ma1ya1-devi1, being the daughter of Ra1ja Su-prabuddha MWB. 19 &c.
- hence he belonged to the Kshatriya caste and his original name S3a1kya-muni or S3a1kya-sin6ha was really his family name, while that of Gautama was taken from the race to which his family belonged
- for his other names see ib. 23
- he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C. ib. 49 n. 1
- he was preceded by 3 mythical Buddhas of the present Kalpa, or by 24, reckoning previous Kalpa, or according to others by 6 principal Buddhas ib. 136
- sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of Vishn2u Hariv. Ka1v. Var. &c.)
- n. knowledge BhP. (B. %{buddhi}).
- बुद्धि (buddhi) (buddhi)
- f. the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions, intelligence, reason, intellect, mind, discernment, judgment Mn. MBh. &c.
- perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated, or with %{manas} 6
- cf. %{indriya}, %{buddhI7ndriya})
- comprehension, apprehension, understanding Sa1h.
- (with %{AtnanaH}, or %{buddhir@brAhmI}) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car.
- (in Sa1m2khya phil.) Intellect (= %{adhy-avasAya}, the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception, the second of the 25 Tattvas
- cf. %{buddhi-tattva}) IW. 80 &c.
- presence of mind, ready wit Pan5cat. Hit.
- an opinion, view, notion, idea, conjecture MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- thought about or meditation on (loc. or comp.), intention, purpose, design ib. (%{buddhyA}, with the intention of. designedly, deliberately
- %{anugraha-b-}, with a view to i.e. in order to show favour
- %{buddhiM-kR} or %{pra-kR}, to make up one's mind, resolve, decide, with loc. dat. acc. with %{prati}, or inf.)
- impression, belief. notion (often ifc. = considering as, taking for) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Hit.
- right opinion, correct or reasonable view R. Ragh.
- a kind of metre
- N. of the 5th astrol "' mansion VarBr2S. Sch.
- Intelligence personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma and mother of Bodha) MBh. Pur.
- N. of a woman, HParil.
- बुद्धिमत् (buddhimat) (buddhimat)
- mfn. endowed with understanding, intelligent, learned, wise Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
- humble, docile W.
- famed, known (?) ib.
- m. a rational being, man ib.
- the large shrike
- %{-tara} mfn. more or very intelligent R.
- %{-tA} f. (MW.), %{-tva} n. (Ka1m.) intelligence, wisdom.
- बुद्बुद (budbuda) (budbuda)
- m. (onotnat.
- cf. %{buDabuDa}) a bubble (often as a symbol of anything transitory) RV. (cf. comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (ifc. f. %{A})
- an ornament or decoration resembling a bubble
- an embryo five days old Nir. BhP. (n.) Sus3r.
- (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
- n. a partic. disease of the eye, SuS3r
- बुध (budha) (budha)
- mfn. awaking (cf. %{uSar-budha})
- intelligent, clever, wise Mn. MBh. &c.
- m. a wise or learned man, sage ib.
- a god
- a dog
- N. of a descendant of Soma (and hence also called %{saumya}, %{saumAyana}, author of RV. x, 1, and father of Puru1-ravas
- identified with the planet Mercury)
- Mercury (regarded as a son of Soma or the moon) Pan5cavBr. MBh. R. &c. of a descendant of Atri and author of RV. v, 1 Anukr.
- of a son of Vega-vat and father of Tr2in2a-bindu Pur.
- of various authors Cat.
- (%{e}) ind. on a Wednesday (= %{budha-vAre})
- (%{A}) f. Nardostachys Jatamansi L.
- बुध्न (budhna) (budhna)
- m.n. (probably not connected with %{budh}
- but cf. Un2. iii, 5) bottom, ground, base, depth, lowest part of anything (as the root of a tree &c.)S3Br. (bu4dhna) S3rS. ChUp.
- the sky Nir.
- the body ib.
- N. of a son of the 14th Manu VP.
- often w.r. for %{budhnya} [Cf. Gk.$ Lat. {fundus}
- Germ. &223608[735,1] {bodam}, {bodem}, {Boden}
- Angl. Sax. {botm}
- Eng. {bottom}.]
- बुध्न्य (budhnya) (budhnya)
- mfn. being on the ground or at the base, coming from or belonging to the depths RV., &c. &c. (very often in connexion with %{a4hi} q.v.)
- N. of a son of the 14th Manu VP.
- बुभुक्षा (bubhukṣā) (bubhukṣā)
- f. (fr. Desid. of 3. %{bhuj}) desire of enjoying anything MBh.
- wish to eat, appetise, hunger R. Var. &c.
- %{--panaya} (%{-kSA7p-}) m. that which takes away hunger "', food R.
- %{-pIdita} mfn. pained by hhunger, hungry MW.
- बुभुक्षु (bubhukṣu) (bubhukṣu)
- mfn. wishing to eat, hungry Ma1rkP.
- desirous of worldly enjoyment (opp. to %{mumukSu}), Kull on Mn. ii, 224.
- बुभुक्षित (bubhukṣita) (bubhukṣita)
- mfn. hungry, starving, ravenous Mn. MBh. &c.,
- बुभुत्सा (bubhutsā) (bubhutsā)
- f. (fr. Desid.) desire to know, curiosity about (acc. or comp.) BhP. Ya1jn5. Sch. &c. see p. 734, col. 2.
- बृंहित (bṛṃhita) (bṛṃhita)
- 1 mfn. (for 2. see under 4. %{bRh}) strengthened, nourished, cherished, grown, increased MBh. Hariv. &c.
- (%{A}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attendant on Skanda MBh.
- (v.l. %{bRMhila}). 2 n. (for 1. see under 2. %{bRh}) the roar or noise made by elephants MBh. Ka1v. &c.
- बृसी (bṛsī) (bṛsī)
- f. (also written %{briSI}, %{vRsI}, or %{vRSI}) a roll of twisted grass, pad, cushion, (esp.) the seat of a religious student or of an ascetic, S3rs. MBh. &c.
- बृहत् (bṛhat) (bṛhat)
- mf(%{atI4})n. (in later language usually written %{vRhat}) lofty, high, tall, great, large, wide, vast, abundant, compact, solid, massy, strong, mighty RV. &c. &c.
- full-grown, old RV.
- extended or bright (as a luminous body) ib.
- clear, loud (said of sounds) ib.
- m. N. of a Marut Hariv.
- of a prince MBh.
- of a son of Su-hotra and father of Aja-mid2ha Hariv. m. or n. (?) speech (%{-tAm@pati} = %{bRhaspati}) S3is3. ii, 26
- (%{tI}) f. see s.v.
- n. height (also= heaven, sky) RV.
- N. of various Sa1mans composed in the metrical form Br2ihati1 (also with %{Aneyam}, %{bharad-vAjasya}. %{bhAradvAjam}, %{vAmadevyam}, %{sauram}) A1rshBr. [736,1]
- N. of Brahman, Bhp.
- of the Veda ib.
- (%{a4t}) ind. far and wide, on high RV.
- firmly, compactly ib.
- brightly ib.
- greatly, much ib.
- aloud ib. (also %{atA4} AV.)
- बृहत्संहिता (bṛhatsaṃhitā) (bṛhatsaṃhitā)
- f. `" the great composition "'N. of an astrological wk. by Vara1ha-mihira
- of a philos. wk.
- of a Dharma.
- बृहस्पति (bṛhaspati) (bṛhaspati)
- m. (also written %{vRh--p-}
- fr. 3. %{bRk+pati}
- cf. %{brahmaNas-pati}) `" lord of prayer or devotion "' N. of a deity (in whom Piety and Religion are personified
- he is the chief offerer of prayers and sacrifices, and therefore represented as the type of the priestly order, and the Purohita of the gods with whom he intercedes for men
- in later times he is the god of wisdom and eloquence, to whom various works are ascribed
- he is also regarded as son of An3giras, husband of Ta1ra1 and father of Kaca, and sometimes identified with Vya1sa
- in astronomy he is the regent of Jupiter and often identified with that planet) RV. &c, &c. (cf. RTL. 215)
- N. of a prince (great-grandson of As3oka) Buddh.
- of a king of Kalmira Ra1jat.
- of the author of a law-book IW. 203
- 302
- of a philosopher ib. 120
- of other authors (also with %{mizra} and %{AcArya} cf. above) Cat.
- (with %{AGgirasa} cf. above) N. of the author of RV. x, 71
- 72 Anukr.
- बइल्व (baïlva) (bailva)
- mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{bilva}) relating to or coming from the Bilva tree, made of Bilva wood S3Br. &c. &c.
- covered with BBilva trees Pa1n2. 4-2, 67 Sch.
- m. N. of a man g. %{azvA7di}
- n. the fruit of the BBilva tree L.
- बइष्क (baïṣka) (baiṣka)
- (prob. n. cf. %{veSka}, %{bleSka}, %{meSka}), flesh from an animal killed by a beast of prey or in a trap Gaut.
- बोद्धृ (boddhṛ) (boddhṛ)
- m. one who perceives or comprehends Sa1h.
- one who knows or is versed in (loc. or comp.) ChUp. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (%{-tva} n. Kap.)
- बोध (bodha) (bodha)
- mfn. knowing, understanding, Asht2a1vS. (cf. g. %{jvalA7di})
- m. waking, becoming or being awake, consciousness AV. MBh. &c.
- the opening of blossom, bloom Cat.
- the taking effect (of spells
- acc. with %{pra-yA}, `" to begin to take effect "') ib.
- exciting (a perfume) Var.
- perception, apprehension, thought, knowledge, understanding, intelligence Ka1v. Ra1jat. Pur.
- designation Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.
- awakening, arousing W.
- making known, informing, instructing MW.
- Knowledge personified as a son of Buddhi Pur.
- N. of a man Ma1rkP. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 107)
- pl. N. of a people MBh.
- बोधक (bodhaka) (bodhaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. awakening, arousing R.
- causing to know, explaining, teaching, instructing, a teacher, instructor Ka1v. Veda7ntas. Sarvad.
- (ifc.) denoting, indicating, signifying (%{-tva} n.) Pa1n2. Sch. Veda7ntas.
- m. a spy, informer W.
- N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Pravar.
- of a poet Cat.
- बोधन (bodhana) (bodhana)
- mf(%{I})n. causing to awake or expand (a flower), arousing, exciting R. Hariv. Sus3r.
- enlightening, teaching, instructing (cf. %{bAla-bodhinI})
- m. the planet Mercury W.
- N. of a mountain VP.
- (%{I}) f. intellect, knowledge
- long pepper
- = %{bodha-vAsara} PadmaP.
- a partic. S3akti Hcat.
- n. waking, being awake Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r.
- perceiving, understanding Ragh.
- causing to wake, awakening, arousing MBh. R. &c.
- causing (a spell) to take effect, Cat [734,3]
- calling forth a perfume, burning incense
- causing to perceive or understand Sa1h.
- instructing, teaching, informing Hariv. Ka1v.
- denoting, indicating, signifying Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.
- `" the awaking of Durga1 "'N. of a festival on the 9th day of the dark half of the month Bha1dra Col.
- बोधि (bodhi) (bodhi)
- mf. (with Buddhists or Jainas) perfect knowledge or wisdom (by which a man becomes a Buddha or Jina), the illuminated or enlightened intellect (of a BBuddha or JJina) Katha1s. Ra1jat. S3atr. Lalit. (cf. MWB. 97, 188 &c.)
- m. the tree of wisdom under which perfect wwisdom is attained or under which a man becomes a Buddha, the sacred fig-tree, (Ficus Religiosa) Hcat. (MWB. 35, 181 &c.)
- `" wakener "', a cock
- N. of a man (= Buddha in a former birth) Ja1takam.
- of a mythical elephant Lalit.
- of a place
- pl. N. of a people R.
- mfn. learned, wise Un2. iv, 117. f. (with Buddhists) perfect knowledge or enlightenment MWB. 43 (%{-dhy-aGga} n. an `" integral part of perfect knowledge or enlightenment "' Lalit.)
- बोधायन (bodhāyana) (bodhāyana)
- m. N. of a teacher and author of the Brahma-su1tra-vr2itti (said to have commented also on the Bhagavad-gi1ta1 and 10 Upanishads) Cat.
- बोधिन् (bodhin) (bodhin)
- mfn. (ifc.) intent upon, careful of. Ma1rkP.
- knowing, familiar with Cat.
- causing to know or perceive Sa1h.
- awakening, enlightening (cf. %{jJAna-}, %{tattva-}, %{bAla-bodhinI}).
- बोधिसत्त्व (bodhisattva) (bodhisattva)
- m. `" one whose essence is perfect knowledge "', one who is on the way to the attainment of pperfect kknowledge (i.e. a Buddhist saint when he has only one birth to undergo before obtaining the state of a supreme Buddha and then Nirva1n2a) S3is3. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Buddh. (the early doctrine had only one Bodhi-sattva, viz. Maitreya
- the later reckoned many more MWB. 134, 188, 189)
- N. of the principal Buddha of the present era (before he became a Buddha) S3is3. Sch.
- of a poet Cat.
- %{caryA} f. the actions or condition of a Bodhisattva Lalit.
- %{-caryA7lvatAra} f. N. of wk.
- %{-tA} f. the state of a BBodhisattva-sstate, Bodhi-sattvaship Katha1s.
- %{-pakSa}. %{nirdeza} m. %{-piTaka} m. or n. %{-buddhA7nusmRtisamAdhi} m. %{-bhUmi} f. N. of wks.
- बउद्ध (baüddha) (bauddha)
- mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{buddhi}) being in the mind, mental (= not uttered) Va1m. v, 2, 62
- relating to intellect or understanding Sa1h.
- (fr. %{buddha}), relating or belonging to Buddha, Buddhist Prab. Ra1jat. Veda7ntas. &c. (cf. MWB. 529, t).
- बउधायन (baüdhāyana) (baudhāyana)
- m. patr. of an ancient teacher (author of Gr2ihya-, Dharma- and S3rauta.su1tras)
- N. of a Vidu1shaks, Can2d.
- mf(%{I})n. relating to or composed by BBudha1yana AgP.
- pl "' his race or school Sam2ska1rak.