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User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-d

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
г. {m inan} :: abbreviation of год
г. {m inan} :: abbreviation of город
г. {f inan} :: abbreviation of гора
г {m inan} :: abbreviation of грамм
г {prefix} :: hecto- (x 100)
га {m inan} :: ha, hectare
Гаага {prop} :: Гаага (city/administrative capital)
габарит {noun} :: outline, periphery, perimeter
габарит {noun} :: linear dimensions (such as length and width)
габарит {noun} :: position lamps
Габон {prop} :: Габон (country)
габонский {adj} :: Gabonese
Габороне {prop} {m inan} :: Габороне (capital city)
гаваец {noun} :: Hawaiian
Гавайи {prop} :: Гавайи (state)
Гавайи {prop} :: Гавайи (island)
гавайка {noun} :: Hawaiian (woman )
гавайка {noun} :: Hawaiian shirt
Гавайские острова {prop} :: Hawaiian Islands
гавайский {adj} :: Hawaiian
гавайский {noun} :: Hawaiian language
Гавана {prop} :: Гавана (capital city)
гавань {noun} :: haven (harbour), port
Гавар {prop} :: Гавар (town/capital)
гав-гав {interj} :: [imitative] woof, arf (sound a dog makes)
гавкать {v impf} :: to bark (to make a loud noise (dogs))
гавот {noun} :: gavotte
Гавр {prop} :: Гавр (city)
Гавриил {prop} :: given name
Гавриил {prop} [biblical character] :: Gabriel
гага {noun} :: eider
га-га-га {interj} [imitative] :: honk (sound a goose makes)
Гагарин {prop} :: Гагарин (town)
гагарка {noun} :: auk, razorbill (seabird of the family Alcidae)
гагауз {noun} :: Gagauz (person)
Гагаузия {prop} :: Gagauzia
гад {noun} :: reptile
гад {noun} [figuratively, pejorative] :: repulsive person, vile creature
гад {noun} [figuratively, pejorative] :: scoundrel, skunk, cad
гад {noun} [figuratively, pejorative] :: asshole, foul bastard
гадалка {noun} :: fortuneteller
гадание {noun} :: divination, fortune-telling, (by hand) palmistry, chiromancy, (cards) card reading, cartomancy
гадание {noun} :: guess, guessing, guesswork
гадать {v impf} :: to tell fortunes, to divine
гадать {v impf} :: to conjecture, to guess, to surmise
Гадес {prop} :: former name of Кадис, Гадес (city)
Гадес {prop} :: Hades (Ancient Greek god of the dead and king of the underworld)
гаджет {noun} :: gadget (any device or machine)
гадина {noun} :: vermin
гадина {noun} :: bastard, vile creature, cur (very strong term) ({m}{f})
гадина {noun} :: garbage
гадить {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to defecate, to shit, to take a dump
гадить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to soil, to sully, to defile
гадить {v impf} [figurative] :: to do mischief, to play dirty tricks on
гадкий {adj} :: disgusting (repulsive, distasteful)
гадкий утёнок {noun} :: ugly duckling
гадолиний {noun} :: gadolinium
гадость {noun} :: abomination (something abominable)
гадюка {noun} :: viper, adder
гадюка {noun} [figurative] :: evil, insidious or treacherous person
газ. {f inan} :: abbreviation of газета
газ {noun} :: gas (state of matter)
газ {noun} [colloquial] :: natural gas
газ {noun} :: [colloquial] gas, gas pedal, throttle
газ {noun} [pluralonly] :: wind, gas
газ {noun} [colloquial, rare] :: vodka
газ {noun} [singularonly] :: gauze, gossamer [fabric]
газ {noun} :: guz [obsolete unit of length in Asia] (around two to three feet, depending on the region)
ГАЗ {prop} :: GAZ (Gorky Automobile Plant)
Газа {prop} :: Газа (city)
газель {noun} :: gazelle
газель {noun} :: a minibus, a small van
газель {noun} [poetry] :: ghazal
газета {noun} :: newspaper
газетёнка {noun} :: pejorative of газета: tabloid
газетка {noun} :: diminutive of газета: newspaper
газетный {adj} [relational] :: newspaper
газетчик {noun} :: newspaper seller, newsvendor, newsboy, newspaper boy
газетчик {noun} [colloquial] :: journalist, newsman, pressman
газик {noun} :: diminutive of ГАЗ: a GAZ car
газировать {v both} :: to carbonate
газировка {noun} :: aerification, aerating, aeration, carbonation
газировка {noun} [colloquial] :: sparkling water, soda water, carbonated water
газификация {noun} :: gasification
газовая колонка {noun} :: gas water heater
газовик {noun} [colloquial] :: worker of gas industry
газовщик {noun} :: gasman, gas fitter
газовый {adj} [relational] :: gas
газон {noun} :: lawn
газонный {adj} [relational] :: lawn
газонокосилка {noun} :: lawn mower
газообразный {adj} :: gaseous, gasiform
газопровод {noun} :: gas pipeline
газоснабжение {noun} :: gas supply
ГАИ {prop} {f inan} :: acronym of Государственная автомобильная инспекция: State Vehicle Inspection (State Patrol), road/traffic police
Гаити {prop} {f inan} :: Гаити (country)
гаитянин {noun} :: Haitian
гаитянский {adj} :: Haitian
гаишник {noun} [colloquial] :: traffic cop
гай {noun} [dialectal, Ukraine, Southern Russia] :: small grove
Гайана {prop} :: Гайана (country)
гайанский {adj} :: Guyanese
гайдук {noun} :: hajduk (outlaw, highwayman or freedom fighter in the Balkans)
гайка {noun} :: nut (that fits on a bolt)
гак {noun} [nautical] :: iron hook used for lifting equipment
гак {noun} [colloquial] :: addition [normally used in с гаком (a bit more than, plus (after numbers))]
гак {noun} [fruit] :: gac fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis)
галактика {noun} :: galaxy
галактический {adj} :: galactic
галанка {noun} [archaic] :: see брюква
галантерея {noun} :: haberdashery, fancy goods
галантно {adv} :: courteously, gallantly
галантный {adj} :: gallant
галдеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make a racket (a lot of noise)
галдёж {noun} :: clatter, uproar, noise, clamour, din
галера {noun} [historical] :: galley (large vessel for war)
галера {noun} [figuratively] :: drudgery, hard work
галерея {noun} :: gallery
галета {noun} :: galette (a type of flat, round cake)
галёрка {noun} [colloquial] :: gallery (cheap seats in a theater)
галилеянин {noun} :: Galilean
галиматья {noun} [colloquial, sometimes, pejorative] :: gobbledygook
Галина {prop} :: given name
Галина {prop} :: golf (G in the ICAO spelling alphabet)
галиотис {noun} :: abalone (edible univalve mollusc)
галисийский {adj} :: Galician (relating to Galicia in northwest Spain)
галифе {n inanp} [military] :: flared breeches
Галич {prop} :: Galich, a town in Russia
Галич {prop} :: Halych, a town in Ukraine
галичанин {noun} :: citizen of Galich
галка {noun} [animate] :: jackdaw, daw (Coloeus monedula)
галка {noun} [inanimate] :: checkmark
галл {noun} :: Gaul (person)
галл {noun} :: gall, gall nut
галлий {noun} :: gallium
галлица {noun} :: gall midge
галлицизм {noun} :: gallicism (a loanword borrowed from French)
галлон {noun} :: gallon (a unit of volume used for liquids)
галлюцинация {noun} :: hallucination (sensory perception of something that does not exist)
гало {n inan} :: halo (atmospheric phenomenon)
галоген {noun} [chemistry] :: halogen (any element of group 7)
галоп {noun} :: gallop
галоп {noun} :: galop
галочка {noun} [animate] :: diminutive of галка: (small) jackdaw, daw
галочка {noun} :: tick, checkmark
галоша {noun} :: galosh
галоша {noun} :: swim fin foot pocket
галс {noun} [nautical] :: board, reach, tack, traverse
галстук {noun} :: necktie, tie
галстук {noun} [scouts, pioneers] :: neckerchief
галун {noun} :: galloon, braid, lace
галушка {noun} :: a kind of dumpling with no filling, normally added to soups, halušky
гальбик {noun} [historical] :: galbik (from Gogol’s novel Dead Souls (Мёртвые души), it refers to a game of chance, probably cards but possibly dice)
гальванический {adj} :: galvanic
галька {noun} :: pebble, shingle
Галя {prop} :: given name
гам {noun} [colloquial] :: din, row, rumpus, hubbub, racket (loud noise, commotion)
гамак {noun} :: hammock
гамбийский {adj} :: Gambian
гамбит {noun} :: gambit (chess move)
Гамбия {prop} :: Гамбия (country)
Гамбург {prop} :: Гамбург (city)
гамбургер {noun} :: hamburger (sandwich), beefburger, burger
гамбургер {noun} [graphical user interface] :: hamburger icon, hamburger button (an icon with three horizontal lines, indicating a menu in graphical user interfaces)
гамбургский {adj} [relational] :: гамбургский (city)
гамелан {noun} [music] :: gamelan
гамма {noun} :: gamma (the name of the third letter of the Greek alphabet)
гамма {noun} [music] :: scale
гамма {noun} :: range, gamut
Гана {prop} :: Гана (country)
Ганг {prop} :: Ганг (river)
гангрена {noun} :: gangrene, mortification
гангстер {noun} :: gangster (especially in a foreign context)
гандбол {noun} :: handball (sport)
гандон {noun} :: alternative form of гондон
ганивать {v impf} :: iterative of гонять
Ганимед {prop} [astronomy] :: Ganymede, moon of Jupiter
Ганимед {prop} [Greek god] :: Ganymede
Ганновер {prop} :: Ганновер (capital city)
ганский {adj} :: Ghanaian, Ghanan
гантель {noun} [sports] :: dumbbell
гантель {noun} [figurative] :: anything shaped like a dumbbell
Ганьсу {prop} {f} :: Ганьсу (province)
гаолян {noun} [botany] :: kaoliang (gaoliang), Chinese sorghum
Гаосюн {prop} :: Гаосюн (city/special municipality)
гараж {noun} :: garage
гаражный {adj} [relational] :: garage
гарант {noun} :: guarantor, sponsor
гарантийный {adj} [relational, law, finance] :: guarantee
гарантийный {adj} [relational] :: warranty
гарантирование {noun} :: guaranteeing
гарантированный {adj} :: guaranteed, assured, secured
гарантировать {v both} :: to guarantee, to vouch
гарантировать {v both} :: to guarantee, to secure
гарантия {noun} :: guarantee, warranty
гарда {noun} [of an epee, saber, sword] :: guard
гардероб {noun} :: cloakroom, checkroom
гардероб {noun} [furniture] :: wardrobe
гардероб {noun} [collectively] :: clothes
гардеробщик {noun} :: cloakroom attendant, coatroom attendant
гардина {noun} :: curtain
гарем {noun} :: harem
Гарик {prop} :: given name
Гарик {prop} :: given name
Гарик {prop} :: given name
гаркать {v impf} :: to shout, to shout (at), to bark (at)
гаркнуть {v pf} :: to shout, to shout (at), to bark (at)
гармонизация {noun} :: harmonization
гармонизировать {v both} [music] :: to harmonize
гармонизовать {v both} [music] :: alternative form of гармонизировать
гармоника {noun} [musical instruments] :: accordion
гармоника {noun} :: harmony
гармонировать {vi both} :: to harmonize, to accord (to agree or correspond; to be in harmony) [с + instrumental case]
гармонист {noun} :: accordionist
гармонический {adj} [music, mathematics, physics] :: harmonic
гармонический {adj} :: harmonious
гармонично {adv} :: harmoniously
гармоничный {adj} :: harmonious
гармония {noun} :: harmony
гармонь {noun} :: garmon, accordion
гармошка {noun} :: garmon, diminutive of гармонь (a Russian accordion)
гармошка {noun} :: (by extension) anything that resembles the middle part of such an accordion, e.g. a type of sliding doors
гармошка {noun} [colloquial] :: a type of two section bus with a rubber connection
гарнизон {noun} :: garrison
гарнизонный {adj} [relational] :: garrison
гарнир {noun} :: garnish, side dish
гарнитур {noun} :: set (of items of the same style, e.g. furniture, accessories)
гарнитура {noun} :: font, type family
гарнитура {noun} :: headset with a microphone
гарпун {noun} :: harpoon
гарсон {noun} [chiefly French context] :: waiter, garçon, boy
гарус {noun} :: worsted (type of woolen cloth)
гарь {noun} :: something burnt, char, cinder
гаситель {noun} :: damper, suppressor, shock absorber
гаситель {noun} :: quencher, quenching agent, killer, luminescence killer
гасить {v impf} :: to put out, to extinguish
гасить {v impf} :: to turn off (light)
гасить {v impf} :: to cancel (debt); to make invalid
гасить {v impf} :: to quench
гасить {v impf} :: to slake (lime)
гасить {v impf} :: to kill (a ball)
гасить {v impf} [slang] :: to kill, to murder, to waste; to beat
гаснуть {v impf} :: to go out (of light, fire)
гаснуть {v impf} :: to die away
гастарбайтер {noun} :: guest worker, migrant worker
гастрит {noun} :: gastritis
гастролёр {noun} :: performer on tour
гастролёр {noun} :: guest performer
гастролёр {noun} [colloquial, figurative, pejorative] :: frequent job-changer (particularly someone who is dishonest or in search of easy money)
гастролёр {noun} [criminal, , slang] :: criminal operating outside of his or her area of residence
гастролировать {v impf} :: to tour, to be on tour, to perform/play on tour
гастролировать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to job-hop
гастроль {noun} [usually plural] :: (concert) tour
гастрольный {adj} :: on tour, touring
гастроном {noun} :: deli, grocery, delicatessen
гастрономический {adj} :: gastronomic
гастрономия {noun} [collective] :: meat and dairy products
гастрономия {noun} :: meat and dairy department [of a store]
гастрономия {noun} [dated] :: gastronomy
гастропод {noun} :: gastropod
гаструляция {noun} [medicine, biology] :: gastrulation
гать {noun} :: a causeway through swamps, made from logs or brushwood, a corduroy road
гаубица {noun} :: howitzer
гаубица-пушка {noun} :: gun-howitzer (a Russian weapon that combines characteristics of a gun and a howitzer, providing both a flat trajectory of fire and steep angles of ascent and descent).
гауптвахта {noun} [military] :: a stockade (prison)
гауптвахта {noun} [military] :: detention in a stockade as a punishment
гауптвахта {noun} [military, dated] :: a guardhouse with an area for line-up of guards
гауптвахта {noun} [military, dated] :: a chief guard of a city or a garrison
гаучо {m anim} {f anim} :: gaucho
гафель {noun} [nautical] :: gaff rig
гафний {noun} :: hafnium
гачек {noun} :: háček; the diacritical mark ˇ
гашение {noun} :: extinguishing
гашение {noun} :: (postal stamps) cancellation
гашение {noun} [engineering] :: hydrating, slaking
гашёный {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrated, slaked (mixed with water to form a chemical compound; especially of lime)
гашёный {adj} [philately] :: cancelled
гашиш {noun} :: hashish
гаштет {noun} [Germany, Austria, neologism, colloquial] :: a little restaurant or a café (especially in a German speaking country)
гвалт {noun} [colloquial] :: din, row, rumpus, hubbub, racket (loud noise, commotion)
гвардеец {noun} :: guardsman
гвардейский {adj} [relational, military] :: guard (squad responsible for protecting something)
гвардейский {adj} :: guardsman's
гвардейский {adj} [relational, military] :: Guards [in the names of units]
гвардейский миномёт {noun} :: multiple rocket launcher
гвардия {noun} :: guard (armed forces),
Гватемала {prop} :: Гватемала (country)
Гватемала {prop} :: Гватемала (capital city)
гватемальский {adj} :: Guatemalan
гвинейский {adj} :: Guinean
Гвинея {prop} :: Гвинея (country)
Гвинея-Бисау {prop} :: Гвинея-Бисау (country)
гвоздик {noun} :: diminutive of гвоздь
гвоздика {noun} :: carnation, dianthus
гвоздика {noun} :: spice cloves
гвоздодёр {noun} :: nail puller; crowbar
гвоздь {noun} :: nail, tack, peg (construction)
гвт-ч {m inan} :: hWh, hectowatt-hour
гвт/ч {m inan} :: hWh, hectowatt-hour
гвтч {m inan} :: hWh, hectowatt-hour
ГД {prop} {f inan} :: State Duma
Гданьск {prop} :: Гданьск (capital city)
где {adv} :: where
где {conj} :: where
где-либо {adv} :: somewhere or other (indefinite adverb)
где-либо {adv} [interrogative] :: anywhere at all
где-нибудь {pron} :: indefinite pronoun, anywhere, somewhere
где-то {pron} :: indefinite pronoun, somewhere
где тонко, там и рвётся {proverb} :: a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
где туалет {phrase} :: where is the toilet?
гегемония {noun} [bookish] :: hegemony
гедонист {noun} :: hedonist
геенна {noun} [religion] :: Gehenna
геенна {noun} [figuratively] :: hell
гей {interj} :: hey!
гей {interj} :: hi!
гей {interj} :: giddyup!
гей {noun} :: [colloquial] a male homosexual; gay
гей-бар {noun} :: gay bar
гей-брак {noun} :: gay marriage (marriage between two people of the same sex)
гей-вечеринка {noun} :: gay party
гей-движение {noun} :: gay movement
гейзер {noun} :: geyser (boiling spring)
гей-издание {noun} :: gay periodical
гей-клуб {noun} :: gay club
гей-культура {noun} :: gay culture
геймплей {noun} [gaming, neologism] :: gameplay
гей-парад {noun} :: gay parade
гей-порно {n inan} :: gay porn
гей-пропаганда {noun} :: [alleged] gay propaganda, propaganda of homosexuality
Гейропа {prop} [slang, pejorative] :: Europe, "Gayrope" [a derogatory term ridiculing Europe's tolerance toward gays implying that all Europe is populated by gays]
гейский {adj} :: gayish
гей-сообщество {noun} :: gay community
гей-фестиваль {noun} :: gay festival
гейша {noun} :: A geisha
гей-эстетика {noun} :: gay aesthetics
геккон {noun} :: gecko (any lizard of the family Gekkonidae)
гексакосиойгексеконтагексафобия {noun} [psychiatry] :: hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
гектар {noun} :: hectare
гекто- {prefix} :: hecto-
гектоватт {noun} :: hectowatt
гектограмм {noun} :: hectogram (100 grams)
гектолитр {noun} :: hectoliter, hectolitre
гектометр {noun} :: hectometer/hectometre (SI unit of measure)
гектопаскаль {noun} :: hectopascal
гелевый {adj} [relational] :: gel
Геленджик {prop} :: Геленджик (resort town)
гелий {noun} :: helium
гелиотроп {noun} :: heliotrope (plant of genus Heliotropium)
гель {noun} :: gel (suspension of solid in liquid)
гематология {noun} :: haematology, hematology
гемоглобин {noun} :: haemoglobin
геморрагический {adj} :: hemorrhagic
геморрагия {noun} :: hemorrhage
геморрой {noun} [pathology] :: hemorrhoid, hemorrhoids
геморрой {noun} [slang] :: problem, difficulty, pain in the ass
ген {noun} [genetics] :: gene (unit of heredity)
Генассамблея {noun} :: acronym of Генеральная Ассамблея ООН
гендерный {adj} [relational] :: gender
гендиректор {noun} :: general director
генеалог {noun} :: genealogist
генеалогический {adj} :: genealogical
генеалогическое дерево {noun} :: family tree, genealogical tree
генеалогия {noun} :: genealogy
генезис {noun} [literary] :: genesis, origin
генерал {noun} [military] :: general
генерал {noun} [disease, colloquial] :: syphilis
генерал {noun} [colloquial] :: syphilitic person
генерал-губернатор {noun} :: governor general
генералиссимус {noun} [military] :: generalissimo (a supreme commander of the armed forces of a country, especially one who is also a political leader.)
генералитет {noun} [military, collective] :: supreme command, generals
генералитет {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: higher authorities
генерал-лейтенант {noun} :: lieutenant general
генерал-майор {noun} :: major general
генерал-майорство {noun} :: major-generalcy, major-generalship
генерал-полковник {noun} :: colonel-general
Генеральная Ассамблея ООН {noun} :: United Nations General Assembly
генеральный {adj} :: general
генеральский {adj} :: general's
генеральша {noun} :: the wife (or widow) of a general
генератор {noun} :: generator
генерация {noun} :: generation (origination by some process; formation)
генерация {noun} [rare, formal] :: generation (single step in the succession of natural descent)
генерировать {v impf} :: to generate
генета {noun} :: genet (mammal, Genetta)
генетик {noun} :: geneticist
генетика {noun} :: genetics
генетически {adv} :: genetically
генетический {adj} :: genetic, genetical
гениально {adv} :: ingeniously
гениальность {noun} :: genius (of a person or of an idea)
гениальный {adj} [often sarcastic] :: brilliant, ingenious
гений {noun} :: genius
гений {noun} [mythology] :: genie, jinn, jinni
гениталии {noun} [anatomy] :: genitalia (genitals or sex organs)
генитальный {adj} :: genital
Геннадий {prop} :: given name
генный {adj} [relational] :: gene
генный {adj} :: genetic
геном {noun} :: genome
генотип {noun} :: genotype
генофонд {noun} :: gene pool
геноцид {noun} :: genocide
генпрокуратура {noun} [legal] :: General Prosecutor's Office
генпрокурор {noun} :: attorney general, public prosecutor, prosecutor general
генри {m inan} [physics] :: henry
Генрих {prop} :: given name
генсек {noun} :: secretary general
Генуя {prop} :: Генуя (city)
генштаб {noun} :: general staff, joint staff; general headquarters
гео- {prefix} :: geo- (Earth)
географ {noun} :: geographer
географический {adj} :: geographical
география {noun} :: geography
геодезия {noun} :: geodesy
геоинформационный {adj} [relational] :: geoinformation
геолог {noun} :: geologist [male or female]
геологический {adj} :: geologic, geological
геология {noun} :: geology
геологоразведка {noun} :: geological survey
геологоразведка {noun} [colloquial] :: geological survey team
геологоразведочный {adj} [relational] :: geological survey
геометрический {adj} :: geometrical
геометрия {noun} [mathematics] :: geometry
геополитика {noun} :: geopolitics
геополитический {adj} :: geopolitical
георгиевский {adj} [relational] :: Saint George; Saint George's
Георгий {prop} :: given name
георгин {noun} :: dahlia
георгина {noun} [rare] :: alternative form of георгин
геофизик {noun} :: geophysicist
геофизика {noun} :: geophysics
геофизический {adj} :: geophysical
геохимический {adj} :: geochemical
гепард {noun} :: cheetah
гепатит {noun} :: hepatitis
Гераклит {prop} :: Heraclitus
геральдика {noun} :: heraldry (the profession of devising and blazoning arms)
герань {noun} :: geranium
Герасим {prop} :: given name
герб {noun} :: coat of arms
гербарий {noun} :: herbarium
гербицид {noun} :: herbicide
геркулес {noun} [animate] :: strong man
геркулес {noun} [inanimate] :: oatmeal
Геркулес {prop} :: Hercules
геркулесовый {adj} [relational] :: Hercules; Herculean
геркулесовый {adj} [relational] :: oatmeal
герм. {adj} :: abbreviation of германский: Germ., German, Germanic
Герман {prop} :: given name
германец {noun} [historical] :: Teuton, ancient German
германец {noun} [colloquial] :: German [male]
германизация {noun} :: Germanization
германий {noun} :: germanium
германистика {noun} :: German studies
Германия {prop} :: Германия (country)
германо- {prefix} :: Germano-, German (of Germany)
германский {adj} :: German
германский {adj} :: Germanic
гермафродит {noun} :: hermaphrodite (individual or organism having both male and female gonads)
герметик {noun} :: sealant
герметический {adj} :: hermetic (not letting gas or water through, waterproof or gasproof)
герметичный {adj} :: hermetically sealed, airtight, airproof, watertight, waterproof
героизм {noun} :: heroism
героин {noun} :: heroin (powerful and addictive drug)
героиня {noun} :: heroine (female hero)
героически {adv} :: heroically
героический {adj} :: heroic
герой {noun} :: hero
герой {noun} [literature] :: character
геройский {adj} :: heroic
геройство {noun} :: heroism
герпес {noun} :: herpes
герр {noun} [German speaking countries] :: Mr, herr (a title used before the surname)
герундий {noun} :: gerund
герц {noun} :: hertz (the derived unit of frequency)
Герцеговина {prop} :: Герцеговина (the southern <<region>> of <<c/Bosnia and Herzegovina>>)
герцог {noun} :: duke
герцогиня {noun} :: duchess
герцогство {noun} :: duchy (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess)
гестапо {n inan} :: Gestapo
гетерогенный {adj} [literary] :: heterogeneous
гетеросексуал {noun} :: heterosexual
гетеросексуальность {noun} :: heterosexuality
гетеросексуальный {adj} :: heterosexual (sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex)
гетман {noun} :: hetman (a Cossack headman or general, a leader in various areas in Eastern Europe)
гетра {noun} :: gaiter, legging
гетто {n inan} :: ghetto
Гехаркуник {prop} :: Gegharkunik (region of Armenia)
гёдза {p} :: gyoza
гёрлфренд {f anim} :: girlfriend
Гётеборг {prop} :: Гётеборг (city)
г-жа {noun} :: abbreviation of госпожа: Mrs., Mistress, Madam
гиацинт {noun} :: hyacinth
гиацинт {noun} :: jacinth
-гибать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of гнуть (to bend)
гибель {noun} :: loss, death
гибель {noun} :: destruction, ruin
гибель {noun} :: lots of, immense number
гибельный {adj} :: disastrous, destructive, ruinous, pernicious
гибельный {adj} :: fatal
гибернация {noun} :: hibernation (state of inactivity during winter)
гибка {noun} :: bending [especially in a technical context]
гибка {noun} [technical] :: bender (device for bending)
гибкий {adj} :: flexible, pliable, agile
гибкий {adj} :: adaptable
гибкость {noun} :: flexibility (various senses)
гибнуть {v impf} :: to perish, to die
Гибралтар {prop} :: Gibraltar
гибрид {noun} :: hybrid, mongrel
гибридный {adj} [relational] :: hybrid
гибэдэдэшник {noun} [colloquial] :: traffic cop
гига- {prefix} :: giga-
гигабайт {noun} [computing] :: gigabyte
гигант {noun} :: giant
гигантский {adj} :: giant
гигиена {noun} :: hygiene (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health)
гигиенический {adj} [relational] :: hygiene
гигиенический {adj} :: hygienic
гигрометр {noun} :: hygrometer
гигроскопичный {adj} :: hygroscopic
гид {noun} :: guide (someone who guides, especially someone hired to show people around a place)
гидра {noun} :: hydra
гидравлика {noun} :: hydraulics (engineering science that deals with liquid in motion)
гидравлический {adj} :: hydraulic
гидрант {noun} :: hydrant
гидраргирум {noun} [chemistry and medicine] :: mercury
гидраргирум {noun} :: Hg, hydrargyrum
гидрат {noun} [chemistry] :: hydrate
гидро- {prefix} :: hydro- (pertaining to water)
гидрогеохимия {noun} :: hydrogeochemistry
гидрокостюм {noun} :: immersion suit
гидрология {noun} :: hydrology (science related to water)
гидрометеорологический {adj} :: hydrometeorological
гидрометла {noun} :: hydraulic broom
гидроним {noun} :: hydronym
гидроплан {noun} :: seaplane
гидросамолёт {noun} :: seaplane
гидростанция {noun} :: water power plant, hydroelectric power plant
гидротипный {adj} [relational] :: dye-transfer process
гидрофойл {noun} :: hydrofoil (wing or vessel)
гидроцикл {noun} :: personal watercraft, PWC, water scooter, boatercycle
гидроэлектрический {adj} :: hydroelectric
гидроэлектростанция {noun} :: water power plant
гиена {noun} :: hyena
гиль {noun} [archaic] :: nonsense, rubbish, baloney, bilge, poppycock
Гильгамеш {prop} :: Gilgamesh
гильдия {noun} :: guild
гильза {noun} :: shell, casing (of a bullet or missile)
гильза {noun} :: cigarette paper
гильза {noun} :: cylinder sleeve, bushing sleeve
гильотина {noun} :: guillotine
Гималаи {prop} :: the Himalayas
гималайский {adj} :: Himalayan
гимн {noun} :: anthem
гимн {noun} :: hymn
гимназист {noun} [historical, pre-Revolutionary] :: gymnasium student, high school student
гимназистка {noun} :: female gymnasium student, female high school student
гимназический {adj} [relational] :: gymnasium [in pre-Revolutionary Russia]
гимназия {noun} :: high school (US)
гимназия {noun} :: grammar school (UK)
гимнаст {noun} :: gymnast
гимнастёрка {noun} [military] :: blouse [U.S.], tunic [British]
гимнастика {noun} :: gymnastics
гимнастика {noun} :: physical exercises
гимнастический {adj} :: gymnastic
гинеколог {noun} :: gynaecologist
гинекология {noun} [medicine] :: gynaecology, gynecology (branch of medicine)
гинуть {v impf} [rare, colloquial or regional] :: to disappear, to vanish, to die
гипер- {prefix} :: hyper-
гипербола {noun} [geometry] :: hyperbola
гипербола {noun} [literature] :: hyperbola
гиперинфляция {noun} :: hyperinflation
гипермаркет {noun} :: hypermarket
гипероним {noun} [linguistics] :: hypernym (superordinate grouping word)
гиперссылка {noun} [computing, Internet] :: hyperlink (link from one electronic document to another)
гипертонический {adj} [relational] :: hypertension; hypertensive
гипертония {noun} :: hypertension
гипноз {noun} :: hypnosis
гипнотизировать {v impf} :: to hypnotize
гипнотизировать {v impf} :: to mesmerize
гипнотический {adj} :: hypnotic
гипнотический {adj} [figurative] :: hypnotizing, mesmerizing
гипоним {noun} :: hyponym
гипотеза {noun} :: hypothesis
гипотенуза {noun} [geometry] :: hypotenuse
гипотетически {adv} [hedge] :: hypothetically
гипотетический {adj} :: hypothetical
гиппопотам {noun} :: hippopotamus (mammal)
гипс {noun} :: gypsum, plaster of Paris
гипс {noun} [sculpture, surgery] :: plaster cast
гипсовый {adj} [relational, mineralogy] :: gypsum; gypseous
гипсовый {adj} [relational] :: plaster
гипсокартон {noun} :: gypsum board, plaster (drywall panels)
гиревик {noun} [rare] :: kettlebell lifter
гирлянда {noun} :: garland
гирляндный {adj} [relational] :: garland
гиря {noun} :: weight for measuring
гиря {noun} :: kettlebell, girya
гистограмма {noun} :: histogram
гистология {noun} :: histology
гитара {noun} :: guitar
гитара {noun} [mechanical engineering] :: change gear, swing-frame, swingarm, bracket
гитара {noun} [mechanics] :: swing-frame gear
гитара {noun} [mechanics] :: quadrant
гитара {noun} [mechanics] :: adjustment plate
гитарист {noun} :: guitarist (person playing or performing on the guitar)
гитаристка {noun} :: female guitarist (girl playing or performing on the guitar)
гитарный {adj} [relational] :: guitar
Гитлер {prop} :: Hitler (Adolf Hitler, German dictator)
гитлеровец {noun} :: Hitlerite
гитлеровский {adj} [relational] :: Hitler; Hitler's, Hitlerite
гифка {noun} [computing slang] :: GIF (an image or video encoded in GIF format)
гл. {f inan} :: abbreviation of глава
гл. {m inan} :: abbreviation of глагол
глава {noun} :: head, top, summit
глава {noun} :: cupola, dome
глава {noun} :: chapter, section [of a book]
глава {noun} [heraldry] :: chief [on a shield]
глава {noun} :: head, chief [title]
главарь {noun} :: leader (e.g. of a gang); ringleader; chieftain
главврач {noun} :: head physician, chief doctor
главенство {noun} :: primacy, supremacy
главенство {noun} :: prevailing importance
главенствовать {v impf} :: to lead, to dominate
главенствовать {v impf} :: to prevail
главк {noun} :: central administrative board, central directorate, major committee
главком {noun} [military] :: commander in chief
главнейший {adj} :: superlative of главный: most important, of paramount importance
главное {noun} :: the main thing, the essentials
главное {noun} [colloquial] :: chiefly, above all
Главное управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей {prop} :: gulag (Chief Administration of Corrective-Labor Camps, or Main Directorate for Places of Detention, or Main Administration of Corrective Labor Camps, etc.)
главнокомандующий {noun} [military] :: commander in chief
главный {adj} :: chief, leading, main
главный {adj} :: principal
главный {adj} :: central, head, senior
главный {adj} :: core
главный лонжерон {noun} :: main spar (airframe wing)
главным образом {adv} :: mainly, chiefly
главным образом {adv} :: mostly
глагол {noun} [grammar] :: verb
глагол {noun} [obsolete] :: word; speech
глаголить {v impf} [dated, stilted or ironic] :: to say, to speak, to make a speech
глаголица {noun} :: Glagolitic alphabet
глагол-связка {noun} [linguistics, grammar] :: copula, linking verb
глагольный {adj} :: verbal
глад {noun} [obsolete] :: hunger
гладиатор {noun} :: gladiator
гладилка {noun} :: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder
гладильная доска {noun} :: ironing board (a long board on which one can iron)
гладильный {adj} [relational] :: ironing
гладильня {noun} :: ironing room
гладить {v impf} :: to iron, to press (clothes)
гладить {v impf} :: to pet (animals, etc.)
гладить {v impf} :: to stroke, to caress
гладкий {adj} :: smooth
гладкий {adj} [colloquial] :: well-fed
гладко {adv} :: smoothly
гладь {noun} :: smooth surface
гладь {noun} :: satin stitch
глаз {noun} :: eye
глаз {noun} :: eyesight
глаз {noun} :: view, opinion
Глазго {prop} {m inan} :: Глазго (major city/and/council area)
глазеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stare, to gape, to look, to eye
глазёнки {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of глаз
глазик {noun} :: diminutive of глаз
глазированный сырок {noun} :: glazed curd
глазище {noun} :: augmentative of глаз
глазница {noun} :: (eye) orbit, eye-pit, eyesocket
глазное яблоко {noun} [anatomy] :: eyeball (ball of the eye)
глазной {adj} [relational] :: eye; ocular
глазок {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of глаз: little eye
глазок {noun} :: eye spot, globule
глазок {noun} [colloquial] :: reproductive bud on a vegetable
глазок {noun} [gardening] :: (in rural areas) kidney-shaped scion cut from a plant and grafted onto rootstock
глазок {noun} [biology] :: lentigo or pigmented spot (in the coloration of insects, birds, plants); circle or dot in the design on a fabric
глазок {noun} [technical] :: eyelet for threading the warp on a loom
глазок {noun} :: eyehole, peephole, spyhole, or optical device for seeing through a wall or door
глазомер {noun} :: the ability to assess the size of objects or distance between objects by naked eye, the capacity to eyeball
глазунья {noun} :: fried egg; an egg fried sunny side up, over easy
глазурь {noun} [cooking] :: syrup (for fruit), icing (for cakes)
глазурь {noun} [ceramics] :: glaze
гламур {noun} :: glamour
гланда {noun} :: tonsil
глас {noun} [poetic] :: voice
гласить {v impf} :: to say, to read
гласная {noun} :: vowel (letter)
гласность {noun} :: public, publicity
гласность {noun} :: openness
гласность {noun} :: glasnost (Soviet policy)
гласный {adj} [relational, phonetics] :: vowel
гласный {adj} :: public, open
гласный {noun} [phonetics] :: vowel
гласный {noun} [historical] :: town councillor (member of the city duma)
глаукома {noun} :: glaucoma
Глеб {prop} :: given name
глетчер {noun} [mountain climbing] :: glacier
гликопротеин {noun} [chemistry, biology] :: glycoprotein
глина {noun} :: clay
глинистый {adj} [relational, especially, geology] :: clay
глинистый {adj} :: clayey
глинтвейн {noun} :: mulled wine
глиняный {adj} [relational] :: clay
глиняный {adj} [relational] :: pottery
глиссер {noun} :: speedboat
глист {noun} :: helminth (parasitic roundworm or flatworm)
глиста {noun} :: helminth
глиф {noun} :: glyph
глицерин {noun} :: glycerine
глициния {prop} :: wisteria
глобализация {noun} :: globalisation
глобальное потепление {noun} :: global warming
глобальный {adj} :: global, holistic, world-wide, universal
гл. обр. {adv} :: mostly, mainly
глобус {noun} :: globe (model of Earth)
глодать {v impf} :: to gnaw
глодать {v impf} :: to torment, to gnaw at [of feelings]
ГЛОНАСС {prop} :: acronym of ГЛОбальная НАвигационная Спутниковая Система: GLONASS, Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS)
глоссарий {noun} :: glossary
глотать {v impf} :: to swallow
глотка {noun} :: throat, gullet
глотка {noun} :: pharynx
глотнуть {v pf} :: to swallow, to gulp
глотнуть {v pf} :: to take a gulp (of)
глоток {noun} :: swallow, draught, gulp
глоточек {noun} :: endearing diminutive of глоток: small gulp, small swallow
глохнуть {v impf} :: to grow/to become deaf
глохнуть {v impf} :: to fade out, to die away, to subside (of a noise)
глохнуть {v impf} :: to stall (of an engine)
глохнуть {v impf} :: to become choked with weeds
глубже {adv} :: comparative of глубокий
глубже {adv} :: comparative of глубоко
глубина {noun} :: depth
глубина {noun} :: depth, profoundness
глубина {noun} :: profundity
глубинка {noun} :: remote / out-of-the-way place, hinterland
глубинный {adj} :: deep
глубинный {adj} [relational] :: deep-water
глубинный {adj} [figurative] :: remote
глубинный {adj} [figurative] :: underlying
глубинный {adj} [figurative] :: implicit, hidden
глубокий {adj} :: deep, profound
глубоко {adv} :: deep, deeply
глубоко {adv} :: profoundly
глубоководный {adj} [relational] :: deep-water; abyssal
глубь {noun} :: depth
глум {noun} [dialectal] :: synonym of глумление
глумить {v pf} [dated] :: to mock, to ridicule, to scorn, to jeer, to scoff
глумиться {v impf} :: to scoff, to scorn, to mock
глумление {noun} :: mockery, ridicule
глумливый {adj} :: mocking, derisive, jeering
глупец {noun} :: fool, blockhead, turkey
глупо {adv} :: foolishly, stupidly
глуповатый {adj} :: stupid
глупость {noun} :: stupidity, foolishness, foolery, nonsense (quality of being stupid)
глупый {adj} :: silly, stupid, foolish
глупый {adj} :: inane
глупый {noun} :: blockhead, dolt, numskull
глупыш {noun} :: silly fellow, naive kid, silly little thing
глупыш {noun} :: fulmar (seabird, genus Fulmarus)
глухарь {noun} :: western capercaillie, wood grouse, mountain cock, horse-of-the-wood
глухарь {noun} :: (police slang) a case not likely to be solved
глухо {adv} :: deafly
глухо {adv} :: dully, vaguely, in a muffled way [sound]
глухо {adv} :: voicelessly [consonant]
глухо {adv} :: out-of-the-way, remotely [place]
глухо {adv} :: wildly [forest]
глуховатый {adj} :: somewhat deaf
глуховатый {adj} [figurative] :: slightly muffled, quiet [of a voice, sound, etc.]
глухой {adj} :: deaf
глухой {adj} :: dull, vague, muffled [sound]
глухой {adj} [phonology] :: unvoiced, voiceless [consonant]
глухой {adj} :: out-of-the-way, remote, god-forsaken [place]
глухой {adj} :: overgrown, wild [forest]
глухой {adj} :: dead-end
глухой {noun} :: deaf person
глухой {noun} [plural] :: the deaf
глухомань {noun} :: thick forest
глухомань {noun} :: wilderness, desolate place
глухомань {noun} [colloquial] :: backwater, podunk
глухонемой {adj} :: deaf-mute (unable to hear or speak)
глухота {noun} :: deafness
глушитель {noun} :: muffler (part of exhaust pipe)
глушитель {noun} :: silencer (an attachment to a gun)
глушить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stun
глушить {v impf} :: to deafen, to damp
глушить {v impf} :: (plants) to choke
глушить {v impf} :: (motor, engine etc) to stop
глушить {v impf} :: to stifle, to suppress
глушить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to guzzle
глушняк {noun} [dialect] :: (collective sense) wild shoots (of plants)
глушь {noun} :: backwater, boondock, middle of nowhere, hinterland, backwoods
глыба {noun} :: lump, block, burr, clod
глюк {noun} [colloquial] :: a hallucination, an illusion
глюк {noun} :: glitch, bug; problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)
глюкоза {noun} :: glucose, dextrose, grape sugar
глюон {noun} [physics] :: gluon
глютен {noun} :: gluten (cereal protein)
гляделки {noun} :: staring contest (children's game)
глядеть {v impf} :: to look
глядеть {v impf} :: to look after, to take care of
глядеться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to look, to gaze at one's reflection [в + accusative, in a mirror, etc.]
глядеться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be reflected in water
глядеться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to look like [+ instrumental, someone/something]
глядеться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to look right
глядь {interj} :: lo and behold!
глянец {noun} :: polish, gloss, lustre, shine
-глянуть {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning of "to look at"
глянуть {v pf} :: to glance, to give a brief look
глянцевый {adj} :: glossy
гм {m inan} :: hectometer
гм {interj} :: alternative form of хм
г-н {noun} :: abbreviation of господин: Mr., Mister, sir
гн {m inan} :: H, henry
гнать {v impf} :: to drive
гнать {v impf} :: to distill
гнать {v impf} :: to chase, to pursue
гнать {v impf} :: to speed along
гнать {v impf} [slang] :: to lie
гнать {v impf} [slang] :: to give [used in the imperative to make a forceful demand]
гнаться {v impf} :: to chase, to pursue [за someone]
гнев {noun} :: anger; wrath
гневаться {v impf} :: to be angry
гневить {v impf} :: to anger
гневно {adv} :: angrily, wrathfully
гневный {adj} :: angry, irate, wrathful
гнедой {adj} :: chestnut [of a horse]
гнедой {noun} :: chestnut-colored horse
гнездиться {v impf} :: to nest [of birds]
гнездиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to set up and live in a den [of animals]
гнездиться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to huddle together, to live in crowded conditions [of people]
гнездиться {v impf} :: to live in nests, to in large numbers [of insects]
гнездиться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to take root, to be present [of thoughts or feelings]
гнездо {noun} :: nest, aerie
гнездо {noun} :: socket, bezel
гнездо {noun} [linguistics] :: group of words that are related in some way
гнести {v impf} :: to oppress, to weigh down, to press
гнетущий {adj} :: distressing, depressing, oppressive [of thoughts, feelings, silence, etc.]
гнёздышко {noun} :: endearing diminutive of гнездо
гнёт {noun} :: press, weight
гнёт {noun} :: oppression, yoke
гнёт {noun} :: weight (of), being oppressed (with / by)
гнида {noun} :: nit (louse egg)
гнида {noun} :: scumbag, rascal
гниение {noun} :: rotting, putrefaction, decay
гнилой {adj} :: rotten, putrid
гнилой {adj} [figurative] :: damp [of the weather or climate]
гнилой {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: weak, infirm
гниль {noun} :: rottenness, rot
гнить {v impf} :: to rot, to go bad, to putrefy, to decompose, to decay
гнить {v impf} :: teeth to become carious
гнить {v impf} :: water to stagnate
гнобить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to annoy, to irritate
гнобить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bully, to terrorize, to persecute
гноить {v impf} :: to let rot, to allow to decay
гноить {v impf} :: to rot (someone in bad conditions)
гной {noun} :: pus
гнойник {noun} :: abscess (cavity filled with pus)
гнойничок {noun} :: diminutive of гнойник: small abscess (cavity filled with pus)
гнойный {adj} :: purulent
гном {noun} :: a gnome
гном {noun} [obsolete, Magic: The Gathering] :: synonym of карлик
гном {noun} :: a dwarf
гном {noun} [Magic: The Gathering] :: a dwarf
гностицизм {noun} :: Gnosticism
гностический {adj} :: Gnostic
гну {m anim} {f anim} :: gnu, wildebeest
гнус {noun} [collective] :: mosquitoes, midges, horseflies and other bloodsucking insects
гнусавить {v impf} [onomatopoeia] :: to speak with changed timbre
гнусно {adv} :: abominably, detestably
гнусность {noun} :: infamy, heinousness
гнусность {noun} :: heinous act
гнусный {adj} :: abominable, hideous, detestable, odious, vile
гнусный {adj} :: mean, villainous [of a person]
гнусь {noun} [colloquial] :: foul thing, dirty thing(s), rot, filth
гнуть {v impf} :: to bend, to curve
гнуть {v impf} :: to drive at, to aim at
гнуться {v impf} :: to be bent, to be curved, to bend (intransitive)
гнушаться {v impf} :: to disdain, to abhor, to shun, to loathe
-го {suffix} :: Affixed to the end of numerals to mean "in or on + (date)"
го {n inan} :: go [board game]
Гоа {prop} {m inan} :: Гоа (state)
гоацин {noun} :: hoatzin
гобелен {noun} :: gobelin, tapestry, arras (wall hanging)
Гоби {prop} {f} :: Gobi (desert)
гоблин {noun} :: goblin
гобой {noun} :: oboe
говаривать {v impf} :: to say [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of говорить
говеть {v impf} [religion] :: to fast and attend church services in preparation for communion
говеть {v impf} [obsolete] :: to respect, to esteem, to honor highly
говённый {adj} [vulgar] :: shitty, crappy, lousy
говнарь {noun} [slang, vulgar, neologism, derogatory, rare] :: a member of a punk and rock-music subculture in Russia but despises other styles and foreign music
говнистость {noun} [colloquial] :: (of a person) the lowly character flaw, usually enviousness
говнистый {adj} [vulgar] :: shitty, disgusting, nasty [of a person]
говнище {noun} [pejorative, slang] :: shit, feces, especially when liquid and in a large amount
говнище {noun} [pejorative, slang] :: something of exceptionally poor quality
говнище {noun} [pejorative, slang] :: very bad person
говно {noun} [uncountable, vulgar] :: shit
говно {noun} [vulgar] :: shit, shitass, turd (worthless person)
говно {noun} [vulgar] :: crap, junk (worthless thing)
говно {noun} [uncountable, vulgar] :: bullshit (nonsense)
говнюк {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: stinker, shithead, bugger, asshole
говор {noun} [colloquial] :: the sound of talking, the sound of voices, the sound of speech
говор {noun} :: murmur
говор {noun} :: dialect, patois
говор {noun} :: pronunciation, accent
говорильня {noun} [colloquial] :: talking-shop
говоритель {noun} [rare] :: orator, speaker (someone who speaks)
говорить {v impf} :: to speak, to talk
говорить {v impf} :: to say, to tell
говориться {v impf} [impersonal] :: [expressing something to talk about]
говорливый {adj} :: talkative, chatty, loquacious, garrulous
говорливый {adj} :: boisterous, noisy [of a crowd]
говорливый {adj} :: burbling, babbling [of water]
говорок {noun} [colloquial] :: manner of speech
говорок {noun} [colloquial] :: dialect, accent
говорок {noun} [colloquial, also figurative] :: murmur
говорок {noun} [dated, animate, colloquial] :: chatterbox, windbag
говорок {noun} [dated, animate, regional] :: lawyer
говорун {noun} :: talker, chatterbox
говорунья {noun} :: (female) chatterbox
говорящий {adj} :: talking, speaking
говядина {noun} :: beef
говядо {noun} [dated, dialectal, collective, usually, uncountable] :: domestic bovine animals, cattle [cows, oxen, bulls]
говяжий {adj} [relational] :: beef
гоголевский {adj} [relational] :: Gogol; Gogol's (related to Nikolai Gogol)
гоголь {noun} :: Common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), a kind of duck
гогот {noun} :: (sound of a goose) cackle, honk
гогот {noun} [colloquial] :: loud laughter, roars of laughter, guffaw
гоготать {v impf} :: to cackle [of geese]
гоготать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to roar with laughter
год {noun} :: year
годами {adv} :: for years; for years on end
годик {noun} :: diminutive of год: year
година {noun} [poetic] :: time
година {noun} [poetic] :: year
годить {v impf} [dialectal] :: to wait
годить {v impf} [dialectal] :: to delay
годить {v impf} [dialectal] :: to loiter
годиться {v impf} :: to suit
годиться {v impf} :: to be fit (for), to be of use
годичный {adj} [relational] :: year; year's
годичный {adj} :: annual, yearly
годность {noun} :: fitness (of something for some purpose), suitability; validity
годный {adj} :: fit, suitable, well-suited, valid, apposite, appropriate, relevant [для + genitive or к + dative or на + accusative, for/to something]
годовалый {adj} :: one-year-old
годовой {adj} :: annual (happening once a year)
годовщина {noun} :: anniversary
годок {noun} [inanimate] :: diminutive of год
годок {noun} [low colloquial, animate] :: contemporary
годок {noun} [animate] :: soldier who has served a full year
гой {noun} :: Goy, gentile, non-Jew
гойка {noun} :: Goy, gentile, non-Jew
гол {noun} [sports] :: goal
Голанские высоты {prop} :: the Golan Heights
голанский {adj} [relational] :: Golan
голань {noun} [archaic, colloquial] :: see брюква
голань {noun} [archaic, colloquial] :: see баклага
Голд-Кост {prop} :: Голд-Кост (city)
голевой {adj} [relational, sports] :: goal
голевой пас {noun} [sports] :: assist (a pass that leads directly to scoring)
голем {noun} :: golem
голенище {noun} :: bootleg, top of a (high) boot
голень {noun} [anatomy] :: shin, shank
голимый {adj} [regional] :: sheer, utter
голимый {adj} [argotic] :: bad
голк {noun} [dialectal, East, Siberia] :: loud noise
гол как сокол {adj} [simile] :: absolutely poor (but crafty, resourceful, street-smart)
голландец {noun} :: Dutchman
Голландия {prop} :: Голландия (region)
Голландия {prop} [colloquial, by extension] :: Голландия (country)
голландка {noun} :: Dutch girl, Dutch woman
голландский {adj} :: Dutch
голландский {noun} :: the Dutch language (short for голландский язык)
голливудский {adj} [relational] :: Hollywood
голова {noun} :: head
голова {noun} :: mind; brains
голова {m anim} :: head; chief; master
головастик {noun} :: tadpole, polliwog
головешка {noun} :: ember, firebrand
головка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of голова: small head
головка {noun} :: head (of pin, hammer, nail, etc.)
головка {noun} :: bulb, clove (onion, garlic, etc.)
головка {noun} [anatomy] :: glans penis
головная боль {noun} :: headache, cephalalgia
головная боль {noun} [idiomatic] :: pain in the neck
головной {adj} [relational] :: head
головной {adj} :: main, principal
головной мозг {noun} [anatomy] :: cerebrum
головной убор {noun} :: headgear, headdress (anything worn on the head, single item)
головня {noun} :: brand (piece of wood)
головня {noun} :: smut (range of fungi)
головокружение {noun} :: giddiness, dizziness, vertigo
головокружительный {adj} :: dizzy, giddy (causing dizziness or a feeling of unsteadiness)
головоломка {noun} :: puzzle, brain-teaser
головоломный {adj} :: puzzling, intricate, tricky
головомойка {noun} :: dressing-down (reprimand)
головоногий {adj} [relational] :: cephalopod (type of mollusk)
головорез {noun} :: daredevil
головорез {noun} :: thug, cutthroat
головушка {noun} [folk poetic] :: endearing diminutive of голова: small head
гологолить {v impf} [dialectal] :: to talk nonsense
голод {noun} :: hunger
голод {noun} :: famine
голод {noun} :: starvation
голод {noun} :: dearth, shortage
голодание {noun} :: starvation, famishment
голодание {noun} :: fasting
голодать {v impf} :: to starve, to go hungry
голодать {v impf} :: to fast, to go without food
голодать {v impf} :: to go on hunger strike
голодный {adj} :: hungry, starving
голодный {adj} [relational] :: famine, starveling, starvation, hunger
голодный {adj} :: meagre, scanty, poor
голодный {noun} :: hungry person, starving person
голодовка {noun} :: hunger strike
голодовка {noun} :: starvation; famine
Голодомор {prop} :: Holodomor (Ukrainian famine of 1932-33)
голодуха {noun} [low colloquial] :: (prolonged) hunger, starvation
гололедица {noun} :: ice-covered ground, black ice
гололёд {noun} :: glaze (layer of ice formed by freezing rain)
голорукий {adj} :: bare-handed
голос {noun} :: voice
голос {noun} :: voice, word, remark, opinion
голос {noun} :: vote
голосистый {adj} :: loud-voiced, vociferous
голосить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wail
голосование {noun} :: voting, poll, polling
голосование {noun} :: hitchhiking (from raising a hand as if voting)
голосовать {v impf} :: to vote (assert a formalised choice)
голосовая почта {noun} :: voice mail (system)
голосовое сообщение {noun} :: voice message (message left on a voice mail system)
голосовой {adj} [relational] :: voice; vocal
голосовые связки {noun} :: vocal cords
голосок {noun} :: diminutive of голос: (high or soft) voice
голубая сорока {noun} :: azure-winged magpie
голубенький {noun} :: queer, fag
голубеть {v impf} :: to show blue
голубеть {v impf} :: to turn blue
голубеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn gay (homosexual)
голубизна {noun} :: blueness, sky-blue colour
голубика {noun} :: bog bilberry, bog blueberry, northern bilberry, western blueberry, (Vaccinium uliginosum)
голубка {noun} :: female pigeon, dove
голубка {noun} :: (my) dear, darling, honey
голубоватый {adj} :: bluish
голубоглазый {adj} :: blue-eyed
голубой {adj} :: light blue, sky blue, cyan, azure [contrast синий (dark blue)]
голубой {adj} [figuratively] :: ideal
голубой {adj} [colloquial] :: gay, homosexual (mostly related to male homosexuals, i.e. not lesbian)
голубой {noun} [colloquial] :: male gay (neutral term, see also гей, педераст, гомосексуалист)
голубок {noun} :: diminutive of голубь: young pigeon, dove
голубок {noun} [familiar or humorous] :: (to a man) darling, darl, sweetheart, dear, honey
голубушка {noun} :: diminutive of голубка
голубушка {noun} :: darling, honey, my dear (to a female)
голубцы {noun} :: golubtsy, cabbage rolls
голубчик {noun} :: my dear (fellow), my friend; my lad (can be ironical)
голубь {noun} :: dove, pigeon
голубятня {noun} :: dovecote
голый {adj} :: naked, nude, bare
голый {adj} :: poor, miserable
голытьба {noun} [colloquial, collective] :: the poor
голышом {adv} :: stark naked (completely unclothed)
голь {noun} :: poverty
голь {noun} :: waste, wasteland
гольмий {noun} :: holmium
голь на выдумку хитра {proverb} :: necessity is the mother of invention
гольф {noun} [sports] :: golf
гольф {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: knee sock, knee high
Гольфстрим {prop} :: Gulf Stream (warm ocean current)
голья {noun} [dialectal, Kursk] :: branch, bough
голяшка {noun} :: diminutive of голень
Гомель {prop} :: Гомель (city)
Гомер {prop} :: Homer
гомерический {adj} :: Homeric
гомик {noun} [disparaging] :: homo, gay
гоминоид {noun} :: hominoid (a great tailless ape (including humans and apes))
гомно {noun} [vulgar, colloquial] :: shit, usually human
гомно {noun} [vulgar, colloquial] :: a despicable person, shithead
гомон {noun} :: hubbub
гомонить {v impf} :: to produce a hubbub, to rumble [of a crowd]
гомонить {v impf} :: to talk loudly
гомо сапиенс {noun} :: Homo sapiens
гомосек {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: homosexual, faggot, fag, queer
гомосекс {noun} :: [colloquial] sex between homosexuals
гомосексуал {noun} :: homosexual
гомосексуализм {noun} :: homosexualism
гомосексуалист {noun} :: homosexual (literally homosexualist)
гомосексуальность {noun} :: homosexuality
гомосексуальный {adj} :: homosexual
гомофобия {noun} :: homophobia
Гомс {prop} :: alternative form of Хомс
гон {noun} [hunting] :: pursuit, chase
гон {noun} :: group of people involved in a chase
гон {noun} [zoology] :: rut
гон {noun} [slang] :: lies
гон {noun} [geometry] :: grad (one-hundredth of a right angle)
гонада {noun} :: gonad
гонг {noun} :: gong
Гондвана {prop} :: Гондвана (hypothetical <<ancient supercontinent>> in the <<hemisphere/Southern Hemisphere>>, evolved from Laurasia)
гондола {noun} :: gondola
гондон {noun} [vulgar] :: condom, rubber
гондон {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: inept, weak man
гондон {noun} [vulgar, slang, offensive] :: asshole
Гондурас {prop} :: Гондурас (country)
гондурасский {adj} :: Honduran
гонение {noun} :: persecution
гонец {noun} :: courier, messenger; herald
гонимый {adj} :: persecuted
гонка {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: racing, race
гонка {noun} :: rush
гонка вооружений {noun} :: arms race (a competition for military supremacy)
гонки {noun} :: race (a contest between people, animals, vehicles, etc.)
Гонконг {prop} :: Гонконг (city/island/and/special administrative region)
гонконгский {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Hong Kong, Hongkongese
Гонолулу {prop} {m inan} :: Гонолулу (city)
гонор {noun} [dated] :: honor, dignity
гонор {noun} [colloquial] :: arrogance, haughtiness
гонорар {noun} :: fee; honorarium, honorary; royalties
гоноратив {noun} [linguistics] :: honorific
гонорея {noun} [disease] :: gonorrhea
гоночный {adj} [relational] :: race (competition), racing
гончар {noun} :: potter
гончарня {noun} :: pottery workshop
гончая {noun} :: beagle, hound, foxhound (dog)
гончий {adj} :: trained to chase prey [of dogs]
гонщик {noun} :: racer
гонять {v impf} :: to drive
гонять {v impf} :: to distill
гонять {v impf} :: to chase, to pursue
гонять {v impf} :: to speed along
гоняться {v impf} :: to chase, to pursue [за someone]
гопкомпания {noun} :: free-and-easy gathering; riff-raff crew
гопник {noun} :: gopnik (a member of the Russian urban criminal subculture; a young hoodlum; a member of a street gang)
гопник {noun} :: a young bully; a rowdy youth; a young tough
гопник {noun} :: an aggressive, poorly educated and ill-mannered person, even if not so young; a redneck
гопница {noun} :: female gopnik
гопнический {adj} [relational] :: gopnik
гопничество {noun} :: The state of being a gopnik
гоп-стоп {noun} :: mugging, street robbery, heist, hold-up, stickup (when a few people, some гопники, approach a victim on the street and take his money and valuables)
гора {noun} :: mountain
гора {noun} :: heap, pile
горазд {adj} [colloquial] :: skilful; capable [of doing something]
гораздо {adv} :: much, far, by far, a lot, considerably, quite (+ comparative)
горб {noun} :: hump, hunch
горбатого могила исправит {proverb} :: a leopard cannot change its spots
горбатый {adj} :: humpbacked, hunchbacked (having a hump on the back)
горбатый {adj} :: humpy
горбач {noun} [colloquial] :: humpback (humpbacked person)
горбач {noun} :: hump-backed whale, hunch-backed whale
горбачёвский {adj} [relational] :: Gorbachev; Gorbachev's (especially referring to Mikhail Gorbachev)
горбина {noun} :: hump, bump
горбина {noun} :: hillock, hummock
горбина {noun} :: augmentative of горб
горбинка {noun} :: bump [on a nose]
горбинка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of горбина
горбить {vt impf} :: to hunch
горбиться {vi impf} :: to hunch over
горбун {noun} [colloquial] :: humpback (humpbacked person)
горбуша {noun} :: pink salmon, humpback salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
горбушка {noun} :: crust, heel (end-piece of a loaf of bread)
горбылёвые {noun} :: Sciaenidae (a biological family that includes weakfish and yellow croakers)
горбыль {noun} [inanimate] :: bump [on wood], half-beam, half-log, slab
горбыль {noun} [animate] :: croaker (type of fish), weakfish
горгулья {noun} :: gargoyle (carved grotesque figure on a spout)
Гордей {prop} :: given name
горделивый {adj} :: arrogant, haughty, proud (having excessive pride)
гордиться {v impf} :: to be proud (of)
гордо {adv} :: proudly
гордость {noun} :: pride
гордый {adj} :: proud
гордый {adj} :: majestic
гордыня {noun} :: arrogance, pride (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner)
горе {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: grief, distress, sadness
горе {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: trouble
горе {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: misfortune, disaster
горе {adv} [literary, obsolete] :: up
горевать {v impf} :: to grieve (for), to mourn (over, for)
горе-критик {noun} :: criticaster
горелка {noun} :: burner (of a gas range, heater or light using liquid or gas fuel).
горелка {noun} :: The nozzle of a welding torch.
горелка {noun} [South Russia] :: vodka, usually in a Ukrainian context
горелки {noun} :: race-and-catch (a Russian outdoor game)
горе луковое {noun} [colloquial, humorous] :: sad sack, double-trouble, blunderer, muddler (ironically about someone who is having trouble or causing trouble to others)
горелый {adj} :: burnt
горельеф {noun} [sculpture] :: high relief
горельефный {adj} [relational] :: high relief
горемыка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: poor, miserable creature, wretch
горение {noun} :: burning, combustion
горение {noun} [figuratively] :: enthusiasm
горестно {adv} :: sorrowfully, sadly
горестный {adj} :: sorrowful, sad, mournful
горестный {adj} :: pitiful
горесть {noun} :: sorrow, grief
гореть {vi impf} :: to burn (to be consumed by fire)
гореть {v impf} :: to be alight
гореть {v impf} :: to gleam, to shine (of eyes)
горец {noun} :: highlander
горец {noun} :: knotweed
горечь {noun} :: bitterness, bitter taste
горизонт {noun} :: horizon
горизонталь {noun} :: horizontal (line)
горизонталь {noun} [chess] :: rank
горизонтально {adv} :: horizontally (in a horizontal direction or position)
горизонтальный {adj} :: horizontal, level
горизонт событий {noun} [astrophysics] :: event horizon
горилка {noun} :: alternative spelling of горелка (vodka)
горилла {noun} [zoology] :: gorilla (animal)
горилла {noun} [figurative] :: hunk, muscleman, beefy guy
Горис {prop} :: Горис (town)
горисполком {noun} [Soviet Union] :: city executive committee
горихвостка {noun} [ornithology] :: redstart (Phoenicurus)
горка {noun} :: diminutive of гора: hill, hillock
горка {noun} :: slide (an item of play equipment that children can climb up and then slide down again)
горка {noun} [aviation] :: steep climb
горком {noun} :: city committee, municipality
горланить {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to scream, to shout or sing at the top of one's lungs
горлинка {noun} :: turtledove, Eurasian collared dove
горлица {noun} :: turtledove
горлица {noun} :: collared dove
горло {noun} :: throat
горло {noun} :: gullet
горло {noun} :: neck (of a vessel)
горловина {noun} :: mouth, orifice, neck [e.g. of a sweater]
горловой {adj} [relational] :: throat
горловой {adj} :: guttural, deep-throat
горлышко {noun} :: diminutive of горло
горлышко {noun} :: neck (the tapered part of a bottle toward the opening)
гормон {noun} :: hormone (substance produced by the body that affects physiological activity)
гормональный {adj} [relational, physiology] :: hormone; hormonal
горн {noun} :: fireplace, hearth
горн {noun} :: forge, furnace
горн {noun} :: bugle, clarion, horn
горнило {noun} [archaic] :: forging furnace, hearth
горнило {noun} [figuratively, poetic] :: crucible, a place of severe test or trial
горница {noun} [dated] :: room, chamber; cenacle; ben, ben-room
горничная {noun} :: maid, parlourmaid, chambermaid
Горно-Алтайск {prop} :: Горно-Алтайск (capital city)
горнодобывающий {adj} [relational] :: mining
горнолыжный {adj} [relational] :: alpine skiing, skiing, ski
горнолыжный спорт {noun} :: alpine skiing (sport)
горно-металлургический {adj} [relational] :: mining and smelting
горностай {noun} :: ermine (in winter), stoat (in summer)
горностай {noun} :: ermine fur
горные лыжи {noun} :: alpine skis
горные лыжи {noun} :: alpine skiing (sport)
горный {adj} [relational] :: mountain
горный {adj} [relational] :: rock
горный {adj} [relational] :: mining
горняк {noun} :: miner (a person who works in a mine)
город {noun} :: city, town
город {noun} :: downtown
город-герой {noun} [Soviet Union] :: Hero City (Soviet award to cities that suffered greatly during World War II)
городить {v impf} :: to fence in
городить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to talk nonsense
городишко {noun} [sometimes, derogatory] :: townlet; burg; a (small) town
городки {noun} :: gorodki (an ancient Russian folk sport)
городничий {noun} [historical] :: governor, mayor of an uyezd city
городовой {adj} [dated] :: alternative form of городской
городовой {noun} [historical, Russian Empire] :: city policeman
городок {noun} :: diminutive of город: small city, town
городской {adj} [relational] :: town, city; urban, municipal
горожанин {noun} :: urbanite, townsman (male resident of a town)
ГОРОНО {m inan} {n inan} :: municipal department of people's education
гороскоп {noun} :: horoscope (astrological forecast)
горох {noun} :: peas
горох {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] :: very small fruit, tubers, etc
гороховый {adj} [relational] :: pea, peas
гороховый {adj} :: pea-green
горошек {noun} :: diminutive of горох: (small) peas
горошек {noun} :: polka dots
горошина {noun} :: pea (seed)
горошина {noun} [figuratively, colloquial] :: something round and small resembling a pea
горошница {noun} :: a kind of pea soup
горский {adj} [relational] :: highlander; highland
горсовет {noun} :: municipal council
горстка {noun} :: handful
горстка {noun} :: small group
горсточка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of горсть
горсть {noun} :: hollow of the hand, cupped hand
горсть {noun} :: handful, fistful
гортанный {adj} [relational] :: larynx; laryngeal
гортанный {adj} :: guttural
гортанный выступ {noun} :: Adam's apple (the lump in the throat)
гортань {noun} :: larynx; throat
горчица {noun} :: mustard
горчичник {noun} :: mustard plaster
горчичник {noun} [slang] :: yellow card
горшеня {noun} [dated, regional] :: potter
горшечник {noun} :: potter (one who makes pots and ceramic wares)
горший {adj} [archaic] :: comparative of горький: more bitter
горшок {noun} :: pot (a vessel)
горшок {noun} :: flowerpot
горшок {noun} :: chamber pot
горшочек {noun} :: diminutive of горшок
горький {adj} :: bitter [comparative is горче]
горький {adj} :: woeful, sorrowful [comparative is горше or горший]
горький {adj} [colloquial] :: unhappy, hopeless
Горький {prop} [historical] :: Горький (former name, from 1932 to 1990, of Nizhny Novgorod, a <<city>>, the <<administrative center>> of <<obl/Nizhny Novgorod>>, <<c/Russia>>)
горько {adv} :: bitter, bitterly
горько {adv} :: poignant, poignantly
горько {interj} :: bitter! (an old Russian tradition: a shout by wedding guests urging the newlyweds to kiss, thus removing the "bitterness")
горьковатый {adj} :: bitterish
горьковский {adj} [relational] :: Gorky (city in Russia)
горьковский {adj} [relational] :: Maxim Gorky; Gorkian
горьковчанин {noun} [historical] :: citizen of Gorky
горючее {noun} :: fuel, gasoline, petrol (of engines)
горючее {noun} :: propellant
горючий {adj} :: combustible, inflammable
горячее {noun} [colloquial] :: main course, hot plate/dish
горячий {adj} :: hot (having a high temperature)
горячий {adj} :: hot-tempered
горячий {adj} :: heated
горячий {adj} :: busy [of time]
горячить {v impf} :: to excite
горячиться {v impf} :: to get angry (and act or talk rashly), to fly into a passion, to lose one's temper
горячка {noun} :: fever (also figuratively); rush
горячность {noun} :: hot temper, hot-headed nature
горячность {noun} :: fervor, ardor, zeal
горячность {noun} :: vehemence
горячо {adv} :: hotly, warmly
горячо {adv} :: passionately (in a passionate manner)
госаппарат {noun} :: state machinery
госархив {noun} :: state archive
госбанк {noun} :: state-owned bank
госбезопасность {noun} :: state security
госбюджет {noun} :: national budget, state budget
госвласть {noun} :: state power, government power
госвласть {noun} :: organs of state power, as well as their leadership
госдепартамент {noun} [politics] :: state department (in the US)
Госдума {prop} :: State Duma (lower house of Russian national parliament)
госзаказ {noun} :: national order, state order (request for some product or service by a government)
госизмена {noun} :: high treason, state treason
госкомитет {noun} :: government committee, state committee
госкомпания {noun} :: government firm, state-owned company
госорган {noun} :: government agency
госпитализация {noun} :: hospitalization
госпитализировать {v both} :: to hospitalize
госпиталь {noun} [military] :: hospital
госпитальный {adj} [relational] :: hospital
господарь {noun} [historical] :: a type of leader in Wallachia or Moldova
господдержка {noun} :: state support (economic, financial or legal support from the state)
господи {interj} :: alternative case form of Господи
Господи {interj} :: oh my God, oh my Lord
господин {noun} :: gentleman (a man of a higher rank or position)
господин {noun} :: mister (an address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown)
господин {noun} :: Mr.
господин {noun} :: lord; master
господний {adj} :: God's, Lord's
господство {noun} :: dominancy, dominance, domination, supremacy, rule
господствовать {v impf} :: to rule, to reign
господствовать {v impf} :: to predominate, to prevail
господствовать {v impf} :: to command, to dominate, to tower above
господствующий {adj} :: ruling
господствующий {adj} :: prevailing, prevalent, predominant
господь {noun} :: alternative case form of Господь
Господь {prop} :: the Lord, God
госпожа {noun} :: dame, lady (a woman of a higher rank or position)
госпожа {noun} :: madam, ma'am
госпожа {noun} :: Mrs. or Miss + name
госпредприятие {noun} :: state-owned company
госсекретарь {noun} [politics] :: Secretary of State (in the US and other countries)
госслужащий {noun} :: civil servant
госслужба {noun} :: Civil Service, governement service
госсобственность {noun} :: state property
госструктура {noun} :: state institution, state agency
ГОСТ {noun} :: acronym of государственный общероссийский стандарт: ISO
гостайна {noun} :: state secret
гостевой {adj} [relational] :: guest
гостеприимный {adj} :: hospitable, xenial (cordial and generous towards guests)
гостеприимство {noun} :: hospitality
гостиная {noun} :: living room
гостиная {noun} :: suite of furniture for a living room
гостинец {noun} :: present, gift
гостиница {noun} :: hotel, inn
гостиничный {adj} [relational] :: hotel
гостиный {adj} [obsolete, relational] :: guest
гостиный {adj} [obsolete, relational] :: trade
гостить {v impf} :: to stay (with), to be on a visit (to)
гость {noun} :: guest, visitor
гость {noun} [obsolete] :: merchant, especially one that trades overseas
гостья {noun} :: female guest
государев {adj} [relational] :: king, sovereign; king's, sovereign's
Государственная автомобильная инспекция {prop} :: State Vehicle Inspection (State Patrol), road/traffic police
государственник {noun} :: statist (supporter of strong state power)
государственник {noun} :: statesman
государственность {noun} :: statehood
государственный {adj} [relational] :: state
государственный {adj} :: national
государственный {adj} [legal] :: public
государство {noun} [government] :: State
государство-донор {noun} :: donor state
Государство Израиль {prop} :: Государство Израиль (country)
государство-участник {noun} :: member state, participant state
государыня {noun} [historical] :: empress; sovereigness
государыня {noun} [archaic] :: Your Majesty; madam, ma'am (very respectful)
государь {noun} :: sovereign
государь {noun} :: Your Majesty
государь {noun} :: sire
госуниверситет {noun} :: state university
госучреждение {noun} :: government agency, state agency
госчиновник {noun} :: government official, state official
гот. {adj} [linguistics] :: abbreviation of готский: Goth., Gothic
гот {noun} :: Goth (historical)
гот {noun} :: goth (subculture)
готика {noun} [architecture] :: Gothic style
готика {noun} [colloquial] :: Gothic-style works of art
готический {adj} :: Gothic
готовальня {noun} :: case of drawing instruments
готовить {v impf} :: to prepare, to make ready
готовить {v impf} :: to cook
готовить {v impf} :: to prepare, to train
готовить {v impf} :: to store up, to lay in (stock)
готовиться {v impf} :: to get ready, to prepare oneself
готовиться {v impf} :: to study, to prepare for
готовиться {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to be impending, to be imminent, to be threatening
готовка {noun} [colloquial] :: cooking
готовность {noun} :: preparedness, readiness
готовность {noun} :: willingness
готовый {adj} :: ready, prepared [к + dative]
готовый {adj} :: ready, inclined, willing [на + accusative]
готовый {adj} :: finished, ready-made
готский {adj} :: Gothic
готский {noun} :: Gothic (an extinct Germanic language, once spoken by the Goths)
граб {noun} [botany] :: hornbeam (Carpinus)
граб {noun} [botany] :: (Carpinus betulus)
грабар {noun} :: Old Armenian
грабарь {noun} [dated or regional] :: digger, shovelman, navvy, sandhog
грабельки {noun} :: diminutive of грабли: (small) rake
грабен {noun} [geology] :: graben
грабёж {noun} :: robbery
грабитель {noun} :: robber, burglar (one who robs or steals)
грабитель {noun} :: plunderer
грабить {v impf} :: to rob, to sack, to loot, to plunder
грабли {noun} :: rake (garden tool)
гравий {noun} :: gravel
гравировать {v both} :: to engrave, to etch
гравис {noun} :: grave accent ( ˋ )
гравитационное взаимодействие {noun} [physics] :: gravitational interaction
гравитационный {adj} :: gravitational
гравитация {noun} [physics] :: gravity, gravitation
гравитон {noun} [physics] :: graviton
гравюра {noun} :: engraving
град. {m inan} :: abbreviation of градус: deg., degree
град {noun} [meteorology] :: hail
град {noun} :: volley, shower
град {noun} :: [poetic, antiquated] town, city, used as a common city name suffix (Волгоград, Калининград, Ленинград)
градация {noun} :: gradation
град идёт {phrase} [meteorology] :: it’s hailing
градиент {noun} :: gradient, slope
градина {noun} :: hailstone
градирня {noun} :: cooling tower
-градить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with various meanings, e.g. "to reward" or "to block"
градом {adv} :: like hail; flying or falling in great profusion
градоначальник {noun} [somewhat, dated] :: mayor
градостроительный {adj} [relational] :: town planning
градостроительный {adj} [relational] :: urban development
градостроительство {noun} :: town planning, urban development, municipal engineering
градус {noun} [mathematics, physics, meteorology] :: degree
градус {noun} :: grade
градусник {noun} :: medical thermometer
гражданин {noun} :: citizen
гражданин {noun} :: national
гражданин {noun} :: mister, Mr.
гражданка {noun} :: female citizen
гражданка {noun} [colloquial] :: civilian life, civvy street
гражданская война {noun} :: civil war
гражданская война в США {noun} :: American Civil War
гражданский {adj} :: civil, civic
гражданский {adj} :: civilian (unrelated to armies or ground forces)
гражданский брак {noun} :: civil marriage
гражданский брак {noun} [colloquial in modern usage] :: cohabitation [of two lovers], common-law marriage
гражданский шрифт {prop} :: the civil script, a modernized version of the Cyrillic script, introduced by Peter I of Russia in 1708
гражданское неповиновение {noun} :: civil disobedience
гражданское право {noun} [legal] :: civil law (body of law dealing with private relations)
гражданско-правовой {adj} [relational] :: civil law [as opposed to criminal law]
гражданственность {noun} :: civic consciousness
гражданственный {adj} :: civic, civil
гражданство {noun} :: citizenship, nationality
грамм {noun} :: gram
грамматика {noun} :: grammar
грамматически {adv} :: grammatically
грамматический {adj} :: grammatical
граммофон {noun} :: gramophone, record player
граммофонный {adj} [relational] :: record player, gramophone
грамота {noun} :: reading and writing (sum of knowledge necessary to be able to read and write)
грамота {noun} :: document
грамота {noun} :: patent
грамота {noun} :: diploma
грамота {noun} [obsolete] :: letter
грамотей {noun} :: educated, literate person, scholar
грамотно {adv} :: correctly, grammatically
грамотно {adv} :: competently, skilfully
грамотность {noun} :: literacy
грамотность {noun} :: competence
грамотный {adj} :: literate
грамотный {adj} :: grammatical, correct [of texts, i.e. no spelling mistakes]
грампластинка {noun} :: phonograph record, gramophone record, vinyl disk
гран {noun} :: grain (unit of weight)
гранат {noun} :: pomegranate
гранат {noun} :: garnet
граната {noun} [military] :: grenade
гранатомёт {noun} :: grenade launcher
грандиозно {adv} :: grandly
грандиозный {adj} :: grandiose (large and impressive, in size, scope or extent)
гранёный {adj} :: cut, faceted
гранильня {noun} :: lapidary workshop
гранит {noun} :: granite
гранитный {adj} [relational] :: granite; granitic
гранитный {adj} [color] :: stone grey
гранить {v impf} :: to cut, to facet
граница {noun} :: border, boundary, bounds, confines, frontier
граничащий {adj} :: contiguous, adjoining, abutting, bordering
граничить {v impf} :: to border, to be contiguous
граничить {v impf} :: to adjoin, to abut, to neighbour on
граничить {v impf} :: to verge
гранка {noun} [printing] :: proof, galley proof, slip
гранка {noun} [printing] :: galley
гран-при {m inan} :: grand prize
Гран-при {prop} {m inan} :: Grand Prix
грант {noun} :: grant (the thing or property granted; a gift; a boon)
грантодатель {noun} :: grantor
грантоед {noun} [pejorative] :: a recipient of money grants, especially from foreign entities, who advocates the policies of the donors
грантополучатель {noun} :: grantee, grant receiver, beneficiary
грант-эквивалент {noun} [economics] :: grant equivalent
грант-элемент {noun} [economics] :: grant element
гранула {noun} :: granule
грань {noun} [geometry] :: face (of a polyhedron)
грань {noun} :: facet, side
грань {noun} :: border, verge, brink
Грас {prop} :: Грас (city/commune/and/subprefecture)
граф {noun} :: count, earl (the male ruler of a county)
граф {noun} [mathematics] :: graph
графа {noun} :: column (a vertical body of text)
графема {noun} :: grapheme
график {noun} [inanimate] :: diagram, graph
график {noun} [inanimate] :: schedule, time-table, staff roster
график {noun} [animate] :: graphic artist
графика {noun} [art] :: drawing; graphic arts
графика {noun} [computer] :: graphics
графика {noun} [linguistics] :: script, character
графин {noun} :: decanter, carafe; water-bottle
графинчик {noun} :: diminutive of графин: small carafe, cruet
графиня {noun} :: countess
графит {noun} :: graphite
графически {adv} :: graphically
графический {adj} :: graphic, graphical
графология {noun} :: graphology
графоман {noun} [literary] :: graphomaniac, scribbler
графомания {noun} :: graphomania
графский {adj} [relational] :: count; earl
графство {noun} :: earldom
графство {noun} :: county, shire
граффити {n inan} :: graffiti
грациозно {adv} :: gracefully
грациозный {adj} :: graceful
грация {noun} :: grace, gracefulness
грация {noun} :: long line bra, corselet
грация {noun} [mythology] :: Grace
грач {noun} :: rook (a black bird whose large flocks signal the arrival of spring)
граять {v impf} [folk poetic] :: to caw, to croak [of birds]
граять {v impf} [figuratively] :: to laugh loudly
граять {v impf} [figuratively] :: to ridicule noisily, to play jokes on, to fool
граять {v impf} :: to quarrel
гребенчатый {adj} :: pectinate, comb-shaped
гребенчатый {adj} :: pectineal, related to the pecten
гребень {noun} :: comb
гребень {noun} [of a bird] :: crest, comb
гребень {noun} :: hackle, hatchel
гребень {noun} :: ridge, crest
гребец {noun} :: rower, oarsman
гребец {noun} [regional] :: hay raker
гребешок {noun} [inanimate] :: diminutive of гребень: comb, tooth-comb
гребешок {noun} :: crest (of a bird)
гребешок {noun} [animate] :: scallop (mollusc)
гребёнка {noun} :: comb
гребло {noun} :: strickle, scraper
гребля {noun} :: rowing
гребной {adj} [relational] :: rowing
грезить {v impf} :: to dream (of)
грейдер {noun} [technical] :: grader
грейпфрут {noun} :: grapefruit
грейхаунд {noun} :: greyhound (lean breed of dog used in hunting and racing)
грек {noun} :: Greek (person)
грелка {noun} :: hot-water bottle
греметь {v impf} :: to thunder (to make a noise like thunder)
греметь {v impf} :: to rattle (to make a rattling noise)
гремучий {adj} :: thundering, explosive
гремучий {adj} :: rattling
грена {noun} :: grain, silkworm eggs
Гренада {prop} :: Гренада (island/and/country)
гренадер {noun} [historical, military] :: grenadier
гренка {noun} :: toast (toasted bread)
гренландец {noun} :: Greenlander
Гренландия {prop} :: Гренландия (island/and/autonomous country)
гренок {noun} :: toast (toasted bread)
грести {v impf} :: to row, to scull
грести {v impf} :: to rake
греть {v impf} :: to heat (to cause an increase in temperature of an object or space)
греться {v impf} :: to warm oneself
греться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to warm oneself by drinking hot liquid
греться {v impf} :: to become warm
грех {noun} [theology] :: sin
грех {noun} :: fault
греховность {noun} :: depravity, peccability, peccancy, sin
греховный {adj} :: sinful
грехопадение {noun} [Christianity, Judaism, Islam] :: fall of man
Греция {prop} :: Греция (country)
грецкий {adj} [obsolete] :: Greek
грецкий орех {noun} :: walnut
греч. {adj} :: abbreviation of греческий
греч. {m inan} :: abbreviation of греческий язык
греч. {n inan} :: abbreviation of слово греческого языка: Greek words, in terms of etymology or philology
греча {noun} [Northern, St Petersburg] :: local variation of гречка (buckwheat)
гречанка {noun} :: Greek (girl, woman)
греческий {adj} :: Greek
греческий {noun} :: the Greek language (short for греческий язык)
гречиха {noun} :: buckwheat (plant)
гречка {noun} :: buckwheat
гречка {noun} :: buckwheat porridge (breakfast cereal)
гречневый {adj} [relational] :: buckwheat
грешить {v impf} :: to sin (to commit a sin)
грешить {v impf} :: to contradict, to go against (logic)
грешник {noun} :: sinner
грешница {noun} :: sinner
грешный {adj} :: sinful
грешный {adj} [colloquial, short form only] :: guilty, culpable
грешным делом {adv} :: I must admit, I must confess; I am sorry to say, much as I regret it
грешок {noun} :: peccadillo, trivial offence
грешок {noun} :: diminutive of грех
грёбаный {adj} :: fucking, damn
грёза {noun} :: dream, daydream, vision
гриб {noun} :: fungus (a category of eukaryotic organism, having cell walls but no chlorophyll)
гриб {noun} :: mushroom
грибник {noun} :: mushroomer, habitual gatherer of mushrooms, mushroom picker, mushroom hunter
грибница {noun} :: female mushroomer, female habitual gatherer of mushrooms, female mushroom picker, female mushroom hunter
грибница {noun} :: mycelium, mushroom spawn
грибной {adj} [relational] :: mushroom
грибок {noun} :: diminutive of гриб: small mushroom
грибок {noun} :: fungus (any member of the kingdom Fungi)
грибок стопы {noun} :: athlete's foot (fungal infection)
грива {noun} :: mane
гривенник {noun} [colloquial] :: ten-copeck coin
гривенничек {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of гривенник
гривна {noun} [historical] :: grivna '(unit of currency and weight in in medieval Rus)
гривна {noun} [obsolete] :: ten-copeck coin
гривна {noun} :: hryvnia, hryvna, grivna (the currency of Ukraine)
григорианский {adj} [relational] :: Gregorian
григорианский календарь {noun} :: Gregorian calendar
Григорий {prop} :: given name
Григорий {prop} :: Golf (G in the ICAO spelling alphabet)
гридня {noun} [obsolete] :: room for the entourage in a Russian prince's palace
гризли {m anim} :: grizzly bear
гриль {noun} :: grill (barbecue)
грим {noun} :: makeup (especially theatrical makeup)
грим {noun} :: grease-paint
гримаса {noun} :: grimace (a distortion of the countenance)
гримасничать {v impf} :: to grimace
гримёр {noun} :: make-up artist
гримировка {noun} :: makeup
Гринвич {prop} :: Гринвич (city)
гринвичский меридиан {noun} :: prime meridian
гринда {noun} :: pilot whale
грипп {noun} :: influenza, flu, grippe, grip
гриппозный {adj} [relational] :: influenza; influenzal
гриф {noun} :: vulture (bird)
гриф {noun} [mythology] :: griffin, gryphon
гриф {noun} :: fingerboard, neck (the extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mounted)
гриф {noun} :: signature stamp
грифель {noun} :: slate pencil, stylus for writing on a slate board
грифель {noun} :: pencil lead
грифер {noun} [gaming] :: griefer
грифон {noun} [mythology] :: griffin (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle)
гроб {noun} :: coffin
гроб {noun} [poetic] :: grave
гробница {noun} :: tomb, sepulchre
гробовой {adj} [relational] :: coffin
гробовой {adj} [literary, poetic] :: sepulchral, deathly
грог {noun} :: grog
Гродно {prop} {n inan} {m inan} :: Гродно (capital city)
гроза {noun} :: thunder, thunderstorm
гроза {noun} :: disaster
гроза {noun} :: danger, menace
гроза {noun} :: terror
гроздь {noun} :: bunch, cluster (a group of a number of similar things)
грозить {v impf} :: to threaten
грозить {v impf} :: to make threatening gestures
грозить {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be in danger of, to face
грозиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to threaten (to)
грозно {adv} :: threateningly, menacingly
грозно {adv} :: sternly
грозный {adj} :: menacing, formidable
грозный {adj} :: severe, cruel
Грозный {prop} :: Грозный (regional capital/and/largest city)
грозовой {adj} [relational] :: thunderstorm
грокнуть {v pf} [colloquial, neologism, rare] :: to grok
гром {noun} [meteorology] :: thunder, thunderbolt
гром {noun} :: roar, thunderous sound
громада {noun} :: bulk, mass
громадина {noun} :: hulk, huge object
громадина {noun} :: hulk, giant
громадный {adj} :: huge, colossal, enormous, immense
громить {v impf} :: to raid, to sack, to loot
громить {v impf} :: to smash up
громить {v impf} :: to inveigh (against), to fulminate (against)
громить {v impf} :: (an enemy) to smash, to rout, to crush, to pound
громкий {adj} :: loud
громкий {adj} :: famous
громкий {adj} :: pompous
громко {adv} :: loudly, aloud
громко {pred} :: (is/are) loud, noisy
громко {pred} [figuratively] :: (is/are) famous, great, noted
громко {pred} :: (is/are) notorious
громко {pred} :: (is/are) pompous
громкоговоритель {noun} :: loudspeaker
громкость {noun} :: loudness, noisiness, volume
громовержец {noun} [mythology] :: thunderer, god of thunder and lightning
громовой {adj} [relational] :: thunder
громовой {adj} [figurative] :: thunderous, very loud, deafening
громовой {adj} [figurative] :: stunning, awe-inspiring
громовой {adj} [figurative] :: destructive
громовый {adj} [dated or low colloquial] :: alternative form of громовой
громогласный {adj} :: loud, loud-voiced, public
громоздить {v impf} :: to pile up, to heap up
громоздиться {v impf} :: to tower
громоздиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to climb (onto), to struggle up (onto), to place oneself (on)
громоздкий {adj} :: bulky, cumbersome, cumbrous, unwieldy
громоотвод {noun} :: lightning rod
громче {adv} :: comparative of громкий
громче {adv} :: comparative of громко
громыхать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to produce loud sounds
гроссбух {noun} :: ledger, account book (a collection of accounting entries consisting of credits and debits)
гроссмейстер {noun} [chess] :: Grandmaster
грот {noun} :: grotto
грот {noun} :: mainsail
гротеск {noun} [literature, art] :: grotesque (genre)
гротеск {noun} :: grotesque ornament
гротеск {noun} [typography] :: grotesque
грохать {v impf} :: to bang
грохнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bang
грохнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drop with a crash/bang, to bang down, to break, to smash
грохнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to roar (with laughter)
грохнуть {v pf} [criminal slang] :: to kill, to murk, to waste
грохнуться {v pf} :: to crash, to tumble
грохот {noun} :: crash, din, thunder, roar (of weapons), rumble, roll, rattle
грохот {noun} :: riddle, screen, sifter
грохотать {v impf} :: to crash, to roll, to peal, to rumble, to roar, to thunder, to clatter
грош {noun} [dated] :: half-kopeck coin
грош {noun} :: grosz
грош {noun} :: groschen
грош {noun} [figuratively] :: penny, cent, farthing, small amount of money, peanuts ({p}: гроши)
ГРУ {prop} {n inan} :: acronym of Главное Разведывательное Управление: GRU (in Russia or Mongolia)
груббер {noun} [agriculture] :: grubber (cultivator for deep loosening of soil)
грубее {adv} :: comparative of грубый
грубее {adv} :: comparative of грубо
грубить {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to insult, to speak rudely to; to talk back to [+ dative]
грубить {vi impf} [sports, imperfective only] :: to break the rules when playing
грубить {vt impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] :: to roughen
грубиян {noun} :: churl, boor, cad, chuff, vulgarian, bounder (rude and mean fellow)
грубо {adv} :: coarsely, roughly
грубо {adv} :: crudely
грубоватый {adj} :: rather/somewhat rough/coarse/rude
грубость {noun} :: roughness, coarseness, crudity, crudeness
грубость {noun} :: rudeness, rude manner, rough manner
грубость {noun} :: rude words
грубый {adj} :: coarse, rough, rude
грубый {adj} :: gross
грубый {adj} :: crude
грубый {adj} :: harsh, rough, gruff
груда {noun} :: pile, heap, mass
грудастый {adj} :: busty
грудка {noun} :: diminutive of грудь chest (esp. culinary)
грудная жаба {noun} :: angina pectoris (colloquial: intermittent chest pain)
грудная клетка {noun} :: chest, thorax
грудной {adj} [relational] :: breast; pectoral
грудь {noun} :: chest
грудь {noun} :: breast, bosom
грудь {noun} :: thorax
груз {noun} :: weight, burden, load
груз {noun} :: cargo, freight, lading
груз 200 {noun} [idiomatic, euphemism] :: cargo-200 (code word referring to casualties for transportation in the Soviet and modern Russian military)
груз 300 {noun} [idiomatic, euphemism] :: (code word referring to injured persons for transportation in the Soviet and modern Russian military)
грузануть {v pf} [slang] :: to puzzle (someone), to make someone feel uncomfortable or burdened
груздь {noun} [botany] :: Lactarius mushroom, milk-cap
грузило {noun} [fishing] :: plummet, lead, sinker
грузин {noun} :: Georgian, Kartvelian (person from the country of Georgia)
грузинка {noun} :: Georgian woman
грузинофобия {noun} :: Georgianophobia, Gruzinophobia, anti-Georgianism
Грузинская ССР {prop} :: Грузинская ССР (former republic)
грузинский {adj} :: Georgian (relating to Georgia, nation south of the Caucasus Mountains)
грузить {v impf} :: to load (a vehicle)
грузить {v impf} :: to load (cargo)
грузить {v impf} [slang] :: to talk about something at length in order to confuse, to deceive, make worried
грузить {v impf} [slang] :: to bother, to annoy
грузиться {v impf} :: to take cargo
грузиться {v impf} :: [of many people] to pile into
Грузия {prop} :: Грузия (country)
грузно {adv} :: in a bulky or unwieldy manner
грузность {noun} :: heaviness, unwieldiness, corpulence
грузный {adj} :: heavy, massive, bulky, cumbersome, cumbrous, unwieldy, stout, corpulent
грузовик {noun} :: lorry, truck (motor vehicle)
грузовичок {noun} :: diminutive of грузовик
грузовой {adj} [relational] :: cargo, shipping
грузовой {adj} [relational] :: cargo, freight
грузовой автомобиль {noun} [formal] :: truck, lorry (motor vehicle)
грузооборот {noun} :: goods/freight turnover, goods/freight traffic
грузоотправитель {noun} :: consignor, shipper, sender of freight
грузопассажирский {adj} [relational, vehicles] :: cargo-passenger, cargo and passenger
грузоподъёмность {noun} :: load-carrying capacity, carrying capacity; tonnage
грузоподъёмный {adj} :: load-bearing, lifting
грузчик {noun} :: loader, stevedore, docker, porter
грунт {noun} :: soil, ground, bottom
грунт {noun} :: priming, primer coat
грунтовый {adj} [relational] :: ground, earth, soil
группа {noun} :: group
группа войск {noun} [military] :: army group (large operational military command that controls several armies; equivalent to U.S. army group)
группа войск {noun} [military] :: group of forces
группа крови {noun} :: blood type, blood group (blood classification, lit.: "group of blood")
группетто {n inan} [music] :: gruppetto, turn
группировать {v impf} :: to group, to classify
группировать {v impf} :: to collect, to concentrate
группироваться {vi pf} :: to group together, to be grouped, to cluster
группироваться {v pf} [sports] :: to assume the correct posture [preparatory to a jump, somersault, etc.]
группировка {noun} :: coterie, faction; gang
группировка {noun} :: grouping
группка {noun} :: diminutive of группа
групповой {adj} [relational] :: group, team
групповой секс {noun} :: group sex
грустить {v impf} :: to be sad, to grieve
грустно {adv} :: sadly
грустный {adj} :: sad
грусть {noun} :: sadness (state/emotion)
грухва {noun} [archaic] :: swede (see брюква)
груша {noun} [botany] :: pear (fruit or tree)
груша {noun} [sport] :: punching bag (boxing equipment of such shape)
грушник {noun} [colloquial] :: an employee of the GRU
грыжа {noun} [pathology] :: hernia
грыжник {noun} :: rupturewort (Herniaria gen. et spp.)
грыза {noun} [archaic] :: hernia, same as грыжа
грыза {noun} [archaic] :: swede, same as брюква
грызня {noun} [colloquial] :: fight between animals
грызня {noun} [colloquial] :: squabble, wrangling, argy-bargy
грызть {v impf} :: to gnaw
грызть {v impf} :: to nibble
грызть {v impf} :: to crack (nuts)
грызть {v impf} :: to bite (fingernails)
грызть {v impf} :: to nag at
грызун {noun} :: rodent
гряда {noun} :: garden bed
гряда {noun} :: ridge, (mountain) range
грядка {noun} :: diminutive of гряда: bed (for plants), seedbed
грядущее {noun} :: the future
грядущий {adj} [literary] :: future, coming, forthcoming
грязнить {v impf} :: to soil, to dirty, to make dirty, to besmirch, to litter
грязнить {v impf} :: to sully, to tarnish
грязно {adv} :: dirtily, dirty
грязнуля {m anim} {f anim} :: dirty creature
грязнуля {m anim} {f anim} :: dirty fellow
грязнуля {m anim} {f anim} :: slut
грязнуть {v impf} [regional] :: to sink into something sticky or boggy
грязнуть {v impf} [dated or literary, figurative] :: to wallow in, to get stuck in [something bad]
грязный {adj} :: dirty, soiled, dingy, filthy, grimy, grubby
грязный {adj} :: dirty, low, vile
грязный {adj} :: muddy
грязный {adj} :: garbage, slop
грязь {noun} :: mud
грязь {noun} :: dirt (stain or spot (on clothes etc))
грязь {noun} [figuratively] :: filth, smut, dirt
грянуть {v pf} :: to break out, to burst out, to burst forth
грянуть {v pf} :: (song, orchestra) to strike up
грясти {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come forth
ГТО {n inan} :: Literally: Ready for Labour and Defence (of the USSR): physical culture training program in the USSR
гуава {noun} :: guava (fruit)
Гуам {prop} :: Гуам (island/territory)
ГУАМ {prop} :: acronym of Грузия, Украина, Азербайджан, Молдова: GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova)
Гуандун {prop} :: Гуандун (province)
гуано {n inan} :: guano
гуано {n inan} [euphemistic] :: excrement; shit
Гуанси {prop} {f inan} :: Гуанси (autonomous region)
Гуанчжоу {prop} {m inan} :: Гуанчжоу (capital city)
гуаньхуа {m inan} :: Guanhua (language)
гуашь {noun} :: gouache (paint or painting)
губа {noun} [anatomy] :: lip
губа {noun} [obsolete] :: polypore, sponge
губа {noun} [Northern Russia] :: bay, inlet
губа {noun} [military, slang] :: stockade [prison]
губа {noun} [military, slang] :: detention in a stockade (as a punishment)
губернатор {noun} :: governor
губернаторский {adj} :: gubernatorial, governor's
губерния {noun} [historical] :: province, governorate, gubernia (an administrative subdivision in the Russian empire)
губернский {adj} [relational] :: guberniya, province [prerevolutionary]; provincial
губительный {adj} :: baneful, pernicious, ruinous, disastrous, destructive
губить {v impf} :: to wreck, to destroy, to ruin
губить {v impf} :: to kill (make useless)
губить {v impf} :: to waste
губка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of губа
губка {noun} :: sponge
губка {noun} :: polypore
губная помада {noun} :: lipstick
губной {adj} [relational] :: lip
губной {adj} [phonetics] :: labial
губнушка {noun} [colloquial] :: lipstick
гувернантка {noun} :: governess
Гугл {prop} :: Google
гуглить {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to google
гуглофон {noun} :: Googlephone
гудение {noun} :: buzzing; droning; humming
гудение {noun} :: honking
гудеть {v impf} :: to buzz; to drone; to hoot, to honk
гудеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to party, revel
гуджарати {m inan} :: Gujarati (language)
гудок {noun} :: hooter; toot; siren; honk; whistle (ship, train, factory, car, etc.)
гудок {noun} :: gudok (an ancient Russian musical instrument)
гудрон {noun} :: tar (a black, oily, sticky, viscous substance)
гуж {noun} :: tug
гузка {noun} :: rump (of a bird)
гузно {noun} [derogatory] :: butt (of an human being or an animal)
Гуйчжоу {prop} {f} :: Гуйчжоу (province)
гул {noun} :: boom, rumble, rumbling, hum, buzz, din
гулаг {noun} [historical] :: acronym of Главное управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей: gulag
ГУЛАГ {noun} [historical] :: acronym of Главное управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей: gulag
гуливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stroll, to take a walk [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of гулять
гуливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to have fun [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of гулять
гулить {v impf} :: to make the sound of a pigeon
гулкий {adj} :: loud, booming
гулкий {adj} :: resonant
гулко {adv} :: resonantly
гулко {adv} :: resoundingly, in a booming manner
гулливер {noun} :: very tall person, giant
гуля {noun} :: affectionate term for a dove
гуля {noun} :: bump, blister, bruise
гуляка {m anim} {f anim} :: reveller
гуляка {m anim} {f anim} :: idler
гулянка {noun} [colloquial] :: outing, party
гулянье {noun} :: walk, walking; stroll
гулянье {noun} :: revelry, open-air merrymaking, outdoor fete; (popular) festival
гулять {v impf} :: to walk, to go for a walk, to stroll
гулять {v impf} :: to have time-off, to have free time
гулять {v impf} :: to make merry, to enjoy oneself, to carouse
гулять {v impf} :: to party
гулять {v impf} :: to go with, to go out with someone
гуманизм {noun} :: humanism
гуманист {noun} :: humanist
гуманистический {adj} :: humanistic, humanitarian
гуманитарий {noun} :: humanitarian
гуманитарный {adj} :: humanitarian
гуманность {noun} :: humanity, humaneness
гуманный {adj} :: humane
гуманоид {noun} :: humanoid (a being having the appearance or characteristics of a human)
гумно {noun} [agriculture] :: threshing-floor, cleared plot of land in farms on which stacks of grain are piled, accompanied by threshing and processing of grain
гумно {noun} [agriculture] :: barn, shed for compressed grain
гумно {noun} :: a minced oath form of говно
гуморальный {adj} [relational, medical] :: bodily fluid; humoral
гуна {noun} [archaic, colloquial] :: threadbare clothes, rags, tatters
гуна {noun} [archaic, colloquial, figurative] :: (male or female) sloven, slut, slattern
гунн {noun} :: Hun
гунфу {n inan} :: alternative form of кунг-фу
гуня {noun} :: alternative form of гуна
гурия {noun} :: houri
гурман {noun} :: gourmet (gourmet; a person who appreciates good food)
гурт {noun} :: drove, herd, flock
гурт {noun} :: milled edge (of a coin)
гуру {m anim} :: guru
гурукула {noun} :: gurukula (a type of residential school in India with pupils living near the guru)
гурьба {noun} [colloquial] :: crowd, throng
гусак {noun} :: gander (goose)
гусак {noun} [regional] :: pluck (offal from the thoracic part of slaughtered animals)
гусар {noun} :: hussar
гусарский {adj} [relational] :: hussar
гусарский {adj} [figurative] :: reckless
гусачок {noun} :: diminutive of гусак
гусеница {noun} [animate] :: caterpillar (larva of a butterfly)
гусеница {noun} [mechanical, inanimate] :: caterpillar track
гусеничный {adj} [relational] :: caterpillar
гусеничный {adj} [relational] :: caterpillar track
гусёнок {noun} :: gosling
гусиная кожа {noun} :: goose bumps, goose pimples, goose flesh
гусиный {adj} [relational] :: goose
гусит {noun} :: Hussite
гусли {noun} [musical instruments] :: gusli
густеть {vi impf} :: to thicken
густеть {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to become denser
густо {adv} :: thickly, densely
густой {adj} :: thick, dense (having a viscous consistency)
густой {adj} :: rich, deep, heavy
густой {adj} :: dark, deep [of a color]
густота {noun} :: thickness; density
гусыня {noun} :: a female goose
гусь {noun} :: goose
гуща {noun} :: sediment, (coffee) grounds, (beer) lees, soup the body
гуща {noun} :: thicket
гуща {noun} :: thick, centre, middle
гуще {adv} :: comparative of густой
гуще {adv} :: comparative of густо
гхи {n inan} :: ghee
гц {m inan} :: Hz, hertz
ГШ {noun} :: general staff; abbreviation of генштаб
ГШ {noun} :: main headquarters; abbreviation of главного штаба
гэ {n inan} :: The Cyrillic letter Г, г
гэ {n inan} :: The Roman letter G, g, also called же
гэбист {noun} [pejorative] :: a member of the Soviet or Russian state security such a KGB, FSB, etc
гэканье {noun} [phonology] :: "hekanye", the non-standard pronunciation of letter Г, г as [ɣ] or [ɦ] and [x] in devoiced positions, instead of the standard [ɡ] and [k] in devoiced positions as heard in Southern Russian (the European part, south from Voronezh), Ukrainian and Belarusian, also commonly by Russians or Russian speakers in Ukraine and Belarus
гэканье {noun} [phonology, rare] :: "gekanye", the standard and common pronunciation of letter Г, г as [ɡ] and [k] in devoiced positions. This is the feature of the standard Russian and the most common pronunciation in Northern and Central dialects and spread in most parts of Eastern Russian - Urals, Siberia and the Far East
Гэндальф {prop} :: Gandalf
ГЭС {f inan} :: hydroelectric power station
гэта {f inan} :: geta
Гюмри {prop} {m inan} :: Гюмри (city/administrative center)
гюрза {noun} :: blunt-nosed viper, Macrovipera lebetina
гяур {noun} [derogatory] :: giaour (infidel)