User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-t
ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks | :: |
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette | :: |
tab {v} /tæb/ (small flap or strip of material attached to something) | :: linguetta |
tab {v} (navigational widget in a GUI) | :: scheda {f} |
tabby {n} /ˈtæb.i/ (cat) | :: soriano |
tabby {adj} (brindled) | :: soriano |
tabernacle {n} /ˈtæbɚnækl̩/ (portable tent used before the construction of the temple) | :: tabernacolo {m} |
tabernacle {n} (small ornamented cupboard or box used for the sacrament of the Eucharist) | :: tabernacolo {m} |
tabernacle {n} (temporary place of worship, especially a tent) | :: tabernacolo {m} |
tabetic {adj} (of or pertaining to tabes) | :: tabetico |
tabla {n} (an Indian drum) | :: tabla {f} |
table {n} /ˈteɪbəl/ (item of furniture) | :: tavola {f}, tavolo {m} |
table {n} | :: tavola {f} [2], tavolo {m} [1] |
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) | :: tovaglia {f} |
table football {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball | :: |
tableland {n} (flat region of terrain) | :: altopiano {m}, pianoro {m}, tavoliere {m} |
table of contents {n} (organized list summarizing book or document) | :: contenuti {m-p} |
table soccer {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball | :: |
tablespoon {n} /ˈteɪbəlˌspuːn/ (a large spoon, used for eating food) | :: cucchiaio da tavola {m} |
tablespoon {n} (a unit of measure) | :: cucchiaiata {f} |
tablespoonful {n} (measure of volume) SEE: tablespoon | :: |
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill | :: |
tablet {n} (tablet computer) SEE: tablet computer | :: |
tablet {n} (graphics tablet) SEE: graphics tablet | :: |
tablet computer {n} (a type of computer) | :: tablet {m} |
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) | :: tennistavolo {m}, ping-pong {m}, ping pong {m} |
taboo {n} /təˈbuː/ (inhibition or ban) | :: tabù {m} |
taboo {v} (mark as taboo) | :: tabuizzare |
tabula rasa {n} (the idea that the mind comes into the world as a blank state) | :: tabula rasa {f} |
tabulation {n} (the act or process of tabulating) | :: tabulazione {f}, tabulazioni {f-p} |
tachistoscope {n} (device) | :: tachistoscopio {m} |
tachometer {n} /təˈkɒmətə(ɹ)/ (device for measuring rpm) | :: tachimetro {m} |
tachometer {n} (device for measuring velocity) SEE: speedometer | :: |
tachyarrhythmia {n} (pathological tachycardia) | :: tachiaritmia {f} |
tachycardia {n} /tæ.kɪˈkɑː(ɹ).di.ə/ (rapid resting heart rate) | :: tachicardia {f} |
tachyon {n} /ˈtæki.ɒn/ (hypothetical particle) | :: tachione {m} |
tachyphagia {n} (excessively rapid eating of food) | :: tachifagia {f} |
Tacitean {adj} | :: tacitiano |
Tacitism {n} | :: tacitismo {m} |
taciturn {adj} /ˈtæsɪtɝn/ (untalkative, silent) | :: taciturno |
taciturnous {adj} (taciturn) SEE: taciturn | :: |
Tacitus {prop} /ˈtæsɪtʊs/ (Roman cognomen) | :: Tacito {m} |
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board | :: |
tack {n} /tæk/ (small nail) | :: bulletta {f}, chiodino {m}, puntina {f} |
tack {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack | :: |
tack {n} (hardtack) SEE: hardtack | :: |
tackle {n} /ˈtækəl/ (sports: attempt to take control over the ball) | :: tackle {m}, placcaggio {m}, scivolata {f} |
tackle {n} (American football, rugby: play where a defender brings the ball carrier to the ground) | :: placcaggio {m} |
tackle {v} (to face or deal with) | :: affrontare, contrastare |
tackle {n} (nautical: system of ropes and blocks) SEE: block and tackle | :: |
tacky {adj} /ˈtæki/ (colloquial: in bad taste) | :: di cattivo gusto, tamarro, pacchiano |
tacky {adj} (gaudy, flashy, showy, garish) | :: pacchiano, appariscente |
tact {n} /tækt/ (sensitive mental touch) | :: tatto |
tactic {n} /ˈtæktɪk/ (action to achieve some end) | :: tattica {f}, stratagemma {m}, piano {m}, programma {m} |
tactic {adj} (describing a polymer whose repeat units are identical) | :: tattico |
tactical {adj} (of or relating to tactics) | :: tattico [all senses] |
tactician {n} /tækˈtɪʃən/ (person skilled in tactics) | :: tattico {m} |
tad {n} /tæd/ (a little bit) | :: po’ {m} |
tadpole {n} /ˈtædpoʊl/ (toad or frog larva) | :: girino {m} |
taekwondo {n} /ˌtaɪkwɑnˈdoʊ/ (a martial art) | :: taekwondo |
taffeta {n} /ˈtæ.fɨ.tə/ (woven fabric) | :: taffetà {m} |
tag {n} /tæɡ/ (small label) | :: etichetta {f} |
tag {n} (game) | :: acchiapparello {m} |
tagliatelle {n} /ˌtæl.jəˈtɛl.i/ (flat ribbons of pasta) | :: tagliatelle {f} |
taglierini {n} (type of pasta) | :: taglierini {m} |
tag question {n} (question inviting agreement) | :: question tag {f}, tag question {f} |
Tagus {prop} (Iberian river) | :: Tago {m} |
tahini {n} /tɑːˈhiː.ni/ (sesame paste) | :: tahina |
Tahitian {n} (native or inhabitant) | :: tahitiano {m}, tahitiana {f} |
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei | :: |
taiga {n} /ˈtaɪɡə/ (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) | :: taiga {f} |
tail {n} /teɪl/ (appendage of an animal) | :: coda {f} |
tail {n} (rear of an aircraft) | :: coda {f} |
tail {n} (comet tail) | :: chioma {f} |
tail {v} (to tail) | :: pedinare |
tailback {n} (a traffic jam) | :: colonna {f} |
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx | :: |
tailcoat {n} /ˈteɪlkoʊt/ (formal evening jacket) | :: frac {m} |
tailfin {n} (fin at the tail of fish) | :: pinna caudale {f} |
tail flap {n} | :: paracoda |
taillight {n} (rear mounted lights on a vehicle) | :: fanalino di coda {m} |
tailor {n} /ˈteɪlɚ/ (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) | :: sarto {m}, sarta {f} |
tailor {v} (adapt for a specific need) | :: calibrare |
tailpiece {n} (secures strings on a musical instrument) | :: cordiera {f} |
tailpipe {n} /ˈteɪlpaɪp/ (exhaust pipe) | :: tubo di scarico {m}, tubo di scappamento {m} |
tails {n} /teɪlz/ (side of coin) | :: code, croce {f} |
tails {n} (tailcoat) SEE: tailcoat | :: |
tailwind {n} (a wind that blows in the same direction as the course of an aircraft or ship) | :: vento di coda |
Tainan {prop} (a city in Taiwan) | :: Tainan |
taint {v} /teɪnt/ (To contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally) | :: contaminare, infettare, macchiare |
taint {v} (To spoil food by contamination) | :: guastare |
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei | :: |
Taipei {prop} /taɪˈpeɪ/ (Taipei) | :: Taipei |
Taiwan {prop} /ˌtaɪˈwɑn/ (East Asian country) | :: Taiwan {m} |
Taiwanese {n} /ˌtaɪwɑˈniːz/ (person from Taiwan) | :: taiwanese {m} {f} |
Tajik {n} /ˈtɑːdʒɪk/ (person) | :: tagiko {m}, tagika {f} |
Tajik {prop} (language) | :: tagico {m} |
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) | :: tagiko |
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik | :: |
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) | :: Tagikistan {m} |
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik | :: |
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik | :: |
tajine {n} /təˈʒiːn/ (stew originally from Morocco) | :: tajine |
take {v} /teɪk/ (to get into one's hands or control) | :: prendere |
take {v} (to grab and move to oneself) | :: prendere |
take {n} | :: [2,5,9,10] prendere, [1,4,6] portare, [3, also to rape] violentare |
take {v} (to exact) SEE: exact | :: |
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe | :: |
take a bow {v} (to accept applause at the end of a performance) | :: inchinarsi, fare un inchino |
take a chance {v} (to risk) | :: rischiare |
take a dump {v} (defecate) SEE: defecate | :: |
take advantage {v} (profit from a situation) | :: approfittare, avvantaggiarsi |
take advantage of {v} (make use of) | :: sfruttare, approfittare |
take advantage of {v} (exploit) | :: avvantaggiarsi |
take aim {v} (position oneself and/or one's weapon) | :: prendere di mira, prendere la mira |
take a look {v} (to examine or observe) | :: [idiomatic] dare un'occhiata, esaminare |
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
take a risk {v} (to do something risky) | :: correre un rischio |
take a turn for the worse {v} (start to become worse) | :: prendere una brutta piega |
take a walk {v} (to go for a walk) | :: fare una passeggiata, passeggiare |
take away {v} (to take away) SEE: remove | :: |
take away {v} (to remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it) | :: togliere |
take away {v} | :: portare via, asportare, rubare, togliere, levare |
takeaway {n} /ˈteɪkəweɪ/ (meal bought to be eaten elsewhere) | :: da asporto, da portare via |
take a wife {v} ((of a man) to marry a woman) | :: prendere moglie |
take back {v} (take back) SEE: withdraw | :: |
take by storm {v} /ˌteɪk baɪ ˈstɔːɹm/ (To capture by means of a sudden, overwhelming attack) | :: prendere d'assalto |
take care {v} (to be in charge of something) | :: curarsi, occuparsi, badare |
take care of {v} (look after) | :: badare |
take care of {v} (deal with) | :: ci penso io |
take courage {v} (take courage) SEE: take heart | :: |
take flight {v} (to flee) | :: darsi alla fuga |
take for granted {v} (assume something to be true without verification or proof) | :: dare per scontato |
take for granted {v} (give little attention to or to underestimate the value of) | :: dare per scontato |
take French leave {v} (take French leave) | :: filarsela all’inglese, andarsene alla chetichella |
take heart {v} (to be courageous) | :: farsi coraggio, prendere il coraggio a due mani |
take heart {interj} | :: forza e coraggio |
take in {v} (absorb; comprehend) | :: impegnare, vincolare, assorbire, prendere |
take in {v} (allow to live in one's home) | :: accogliere, ospitare |
take in {v} (receive into one's home for the purpose of processing for a fee) | :: fare lavoretti in casa |
take in {v} (deceive; hoodwink) | :: imbrogliare, ingannare, abbindolare |
take into account {v} | :: tenere conto di, prendere in considerazione, considerare |
take into consideration {v} | :: prendere in considerazione, prendere in conto |
take it from me {v} (believe me) | :: dammi retta |
take it out on {v} (unleash one's anger) | :: prendersela con |
taken {adj} /ˈteɪkən/ (infatuated, fond of or attracted to) | :: infatuato {m}, attratto {m}, coinvolto {m} |
taken {adj} (informal: in a relationship) | :: impegnato, coinvolto |
taken aback {adj} (surprised, shocked) | :: preso alla sprovvista |
take off {v} (to remove) | :: togliere |
take off {v} (to begin flight) | :: decollare |
take off {v} (to imitate) SEE: imitate | :: |
take off {v} (to quantify) SEE: quantify | :: |
takeoff {n} (start of flight) | :: decollo {m} |
take offense {v} (feel and possibly show resentment) | :: offendersi, aversene a male, prendersela |
take on {v} (To obtain the services of (a person) in exchange for remuneration; to give someone a job) SEE: employ | :: |
take on {v} (To acquire, bring in, or introduce) | :: caricare, acquisire |
take on {v} (To begin to have or exhibit) | :: assumere, prendere le sembianze |
take on {v} (To assume responsibility for) | :: prendere in carico |
take on {v} (To attempt to fight or compete) | :: affrontare, sfidare, provarci |
take one's leave {v} (depart) SEE: depart | :: |
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide | :: |
take one's time {v} (go about something slowly and carefully) | :: con comodo, prendersela comoda |
take one's time {v} (take more time to do something than is considered acceptable) | :: prendersela comoda |
take out {v} (to remove) | :: cavare |
take out {v} (slang: to kill or destroy) | :: far fuori [slang], liquidare |
take over {v} (to assume control) | :: usurpare |
take over {v} (to adopt a further responsibility) | :: assumere |
take over {v} (to annex a territory) | :: impossessarsi, annettere |
take part {v} (participate or join) | :: partecipare |
take place {v} (to happen) | :: avere luogo |
take revenge {v} (to avenge; to get back at) | :: vendicare |
take someone's word for it {v} (to believe what someone claims) | :: credere sulla parola |
take the bull by the horns {v} (to deal directly with a matter; to confront a difficulty) | :: prendere il toro per le corna |
take the piss {v} (to mock or ridicule (transitive)) | :: prendere per il culo, prendere in giro |
take the point {v} (to agree with someone) | :: concordare, essere d'accordo |
take the point {v} (to understand someone's argument) | :: comprendere, capire |
take the waters {v} | :: passare le acque |
take the wind out of someone's sails {v} (to discourage someone) | :: remare contro, scoraggiare, disilludere, mettere in ginocchio |
take the wrong way {v} (to misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand | :: |
take to task {v} (hold sb. accountable) SEE: hold to account | :: |
take turns {v} (do the same thing one after another) | :: avvicendarsi |
take up the gauntlet {v} (accept a challenge) | :: raccogliere il guanto, accettare la sfida, alzare l'asticella |
talc {n} /tælk/ (soft mineral) | :: talco {m} |
talc {n} (talcum powder) SEE: talcum powder | :: |
talcose {adj} | :: talcoso |
talcum powder {n} (perfumed talc) | :: borotalco {m}, talco {m} |
tale {n} /ˈteɪl/ (type of story) | :: racconto {m}, favola {f}, fiaba {f}, storia {f}, storiella {f} |
talent {n} /ˈtælənt/ (unit of weight and money) | :: talento {m} |
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) | :: talento {m} |
talent {n} (people of talent collectively) | :: talenti {m-p} |
talent {n} (talented person) | :: talento {m} |
talented {adj} (endowed with talents) | :: dotato, talentuoso |
Taliban {n} (member of the Taliban movement or its militia) | :: talebano {m}, talibano {m} |
talisman {n} /ˈtæl.ɪsˌmæn/ (magical protective charms) | :: talismano {m} |
talismanic {adj} /ˌtælɪzˈmænɪk/ (of, relating to, or like, a talisman) | :: talismanico |
talk {v} /tɔk/ (to communicate by speech) | :: parlare |
talk {n} (conversation) | :: conversazione |
talk {n} (lecture) | :: discorso |
talk {n} (major topic of social discussion) | :: argomento |
talk {n} (meeting, negotiation) | :: conferenze |
talk {n} | :: argomento {m} , conversazione {f}, discorso {m} |
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
talk around {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
talkative {adj} /ˈtɑːkədɪv/ (tending to talk or speak freely or often) | :: loquace, chiacchierino, garrulo |
talkativeness {n} (the state of being talkative) | :: parlantina {f}, loquacità {f}, loquela {f}, chiacchiera {f}, verbosità {f} |
talk back {v} (to reply impertinently; to answer in a cheeky manner) | :: rispondere, rimbeccare, controbattere, ribattere, eccepire |
talk down {v} (patronize) | :: degnarsi, trattare dall'alto in basso, trattare con arroganza |
talking book {n} (audiobook) SEE: audiobook | :: |
talking statue {n} | :: statua parlante {f} |
talk out of turn {v} (speak when not allowed to) | :: parlare prima del proprio turno, parlare fuori tempo |
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
talk over {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
talk shop {v} (discuss one's work) | :: parlare di lavoro |
tall {adj} /tɔl/ (of a person) | :: alto |
tall {adj} (of a building) | :: alto |
Tallinn {prop} /ˈtɑːlɪn/ (Capital of Estonia) | :: Tallinn |
tallophyte {n} (vascular plant that does not have roots) | :: tallofita {f} |
tall order {n} /ˈtɔːl ˈɔːdə/ (big job, difficult challenge) | :: compito arduo {m}, osso duro {m} |
tallow {n} /tæləʊ/ (hard animal fat obtained) | :: sego {m} |
tall ship {n} | :: nave d'alto bordo {f} |
tall story {n} (a tale or an account of questionable veracity) | :: panzana {f}, storiellina {f}, fandonia {f}, balla {f} |
tally {v} /ˈtæli/ (to count something) | :: conteggiare |
tally {n} (tally stick) SEE: tally stick | :: |
tally stick {n} (piece of wood with notches or scores) | :: bastone da conteggio {m} |
Talmud {prop} /ˈtɑlmʊd/ (collection of Jewish writings) | :: Talmud {m} |
talon {n} (remaining stock of undealt cards) SEE: stock | :: |
talon {n} /ˈtælən/ (hooked claw) | :: branca {f}, grinfia {f} |
talus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone | :: |
tamaraw {n} (Bubalus mindorensis) | :: tamarro |
tamarind {n} /ˈtæməɹɪnd/ (tropical tree) | :: tamarindo {m} |
tamarind {n} (fruit) | :: tamarindo {m} |
tamarisk {n} /ˈtæmərɪsk/ (shrub of the genus Tamarix) | :: tamerice {f} |
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum | :: |
tambourine {n} /ˌtæm.bəˈɹiːn/ (percussion instrument) | :: tamburello {m} |
tame {adj} /teɪm/ (not wild) | :: addomesticato, domato {m} |
tame {v} (to make something tame) | :: addomesticare, domare |
tame {v} (to become tame) | :: addomesticato {m}, essere domato |
tamer {n} /ˈteɪmɚ/ (one who tames or subdues) | :: domatore {m}, domatrice {f} |
tamp {v} /tæmp/ (plug up with clay or other material) | :: borrare |
tamper {n} /ˈtæm.pə(ɹ)/ (pipe tool) | :: mazzaranga {f}, mazzeranga {f}, pillo {m}, pestello {m}, mazzapicchio {m} |
tamper {v} (alter by making unauthorized changes) | :: manomettere, falsificare, alterare, manipolare |
tampon {n} /ˈtʰæmpɒn/ (A plug of cotton or other absorbent material) | :: tampone {m}, assorbente interno {m}, stuello {m} |
tampon {v} | :: stuellare, tamponare |
tan {n} /tæn/ (darkening of skin) | :: abbronzatura {f} |
tan {n} (bark of tree) | :: corteccia {f} |
tan {adj} (dark skin) | :: abbronzato {m} |
tan {v} (to become tan due to exposure to sun) | :: abbronzarsi |
tan {v} (to turn animal hide into leather) | :: conciare |
Tancred {prop} /ˈtæŋkɹɪd/ (male given name) | :: Tancredi |
tandem {n} /ˈtæn.dəm/ (bicycle) | :: tandem {m} |
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue | :: |
tang {n} /tæŋ/ (refreshingly sharp aroma) | :: aroma {m}, olezzo {m}, effluvio {m} |
tang {n} (strong or offensive taste) | :: sapore intenso {m}, gusto {m}, retrogusto {m}, timbro {m} |
tang {n} (projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to some other part) | :: codolo {m} |
tang {n} (part of small instrument inserted into handle) | :: codolo {m} |
tang {n} (part of a sword blade) | :: codolo {m} |
tang {n} (fish from the Acanthuridae family) | :: pesce chirurgo {m} |
tang {n} (anything resembling a tongue in form or position) | :: linguetta {f} |
Tanganyika {prop} /tæŋɡənˈjiːkə/ (lake) | :: Lago Tanganica |
Tanganyika {prop} (territory, former country) | :: Tanganika {f} |
tangent {n} /ˈtæn.dʒənt/ | :: tangente {f} |
tangential {adj} /tænˈdʒɛnt.ʃəl/ (referring to a tangent) | :: tangenziale |
tangential {adj} (merely touching) | :: tangenziale |
tangential {adj} (only indirectly related) | :: tangenziale |
tangentoid {n} | :: tangentoide {f} |
tangent space {n} (vector space tangent to a manifold) | :: spazio tangente {m} |
tangerine {n} /ˈtæn.dʒəˌɹin/ (fruit) | :: mandarino {m} |
tangerine {n} (tree) | :: mandarino {m} |
tangible {adj} /ˈtæn(d)ʒɪb(ə)l/ (touchable, palpable) | :: tangibile |
tangible {adj} (possible to be treated as fact) | :: tangibile |
tangible {adj} (comprehensible by the mind; understandable) | :: tangibile |
Tangier {prop} (a port city in northern Morocco) | :: Tangeri {f} |
tangle {v} /ˈtæŋ.ɡəl/ (to mix together or intertwine) | :: intrecciare |
tango {n} /ˈtæŋɡoʊ/ (letter T in ICAO spelling alphabet) | :: Taranto, Torino |
tank {n} /tæŋk/ (closed container for fluids) | :: tanica, serbatoio, bombola {f} (scuba diving), cisterna {f} |
tank {n} (fuel reservoir) | :: cisterna {f} |
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) | :: carro armato {m} |
tank {n} (muscular and physically imposing person) | :: energumeno |
tank {n} (reservoir or dam) SEE: reservoir | :: |
tankard {n} /ˈtæŋkɚd/ (drinking vessel) | :: boccale {m} |
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
tanker {n} (vessel) | :: nave cisterna {f}, petroliera {f} |
tanker {n} (tank truck) | :: autocisterna {f} |
tanker {n} (member of a tank crew) | :: carrista {m} |
tank top {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet | :: |
tanner {n} /ˈtænɚ/ (person whose occupation is to tan) | :: pellaio {m}, conciatore {m} |
tannic acid {n} (any of various complex phenols) | :: acido tannico {m} |
tannicity {n} (tannin levels) | :: tannicità {f} |
tansy {n} /ˈtæn.zi/ (plant of the genus Tanacetum) | :: tanaceto {m} |
tantalic {adj} (containing pentavalent tantalum) | :: tantalico |
tantalize {v} /ˈtæntəlaɪz/ (to tease someone by offering something desirable but keeping it out of reach) | :: tentare, lusingare, infliggere il supplizio di tantalo, allettare |
tantalize {v} (to bait someone by showing something desirable but leaving them unsatisfied) | :: adescare |
tantalizing {adj} (teasing, desirable, but out of reach) | :: allettante |
tantalum {n} /ˈtæntələm/ (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) | :: tantalio {m} |
tantamount {adj} /ˈtæntəˌmaʊnt/ (equivalent in meaning or effect) | :: equivalente |
tantrum {n} /ˈtæntɹəm/ (often childish display of bad temper) | :: bizza {f}, capriccio {m} |
Tanzania {prop} /ˌtænzəˈniːə/ (United Republic of Tanzania) | :: Tanzania {f} |
tap {n} /tæp/ (device to dispense liquid) | :: rubinetto {m}, spina {f} |
tap {v} (to touch something, often repeatedly) | :: toccare |
tap {v} (to make a sharp noise) | :: sbattere |
tap {v} (to operate an electronic device by tapping its touch screen) | :: cliccare |
tape {n} /teɪ̯p/ (video or audiocassette tape) | :: nastro {m}, audiocassetta {f}, videocassetta {f} |
tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
tape measure {n} (graduated ribbon for length measurement) | :: fetuccia {f} |
taper {n} /ˈteɪpɚ/ (slender wax candle) | :: smusso {m}, stoppino {m} |
taper {n} (tapering form) | :: smusso {m}, conicità {f}, rastrematura {f}, rastremazione {f} |
taper {v} (to make thinner or narrower at one end) | :: affusolare, affilare, smussare |
taper {v} (to diminish gradually) | :: assottigliare |
tape-recorded {adj} (recorded on tape) | :: magnetofonico |
tape recorder {n} (an electromechanical device use to record and play back sound) | :: magnetofono {m}, registratore a nastro {m} |
taper off {v} (diminish or lessen gradually; to become smaller, slower, quieter, etc.) | :: calare |
tapestry {n} /ˈtæpəstɹi/ (heavy woven cloth) | :: arazzo {m}, tappezzeria {f} |
tape up {v} (to repair by tape) | :: fasciare, sigillare |
tapeworm {n} /ˈteɪpˌwɝm/ (parasitical worm of the class Cestoda) | :: verme solitario {m}, tenia {f} |
taphonomy {n} (the study of the fate of the remains of organisms after they die) | :: tafonomia {f} |
tapioca {n} /tæpiˈoʊkə/ (starchy food from cassava) | :: tapioca {f} |
tapir {n} /ˈteɪpiːə(ɹ)/ (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae) | :: tapiro {m} |
taproot {n} /ˈtæpˌɹuːt/ (long tapering root) | :: fittone {m} |
tap water {n} (water from a tap) | :: acqua del rubinetto {f} |
tar {n} /tɑː/ (substance) | :: catrame {m}, bitume {m} |
tar {n} (coal tar) | :: catrame {m} |
tar {n} (byproduct of tobacco smoke) | :: catrame {m} |
tar {n} (sailor) | :: marinaio {m} |
tar {v} (to coat with tar) | :: catramare, incatramare, calafatare, bitumare |
taramosalata {n} (Greek/Turkish dish) | :: taramosalata {f} |
tarantella {n} /ˌtɛɹənˈtɛlə/ (rapid dance) | :: tarantella |
Tarantian {prop} | :: Tarantiano |
Tarantino {n} (dialect of Neapolitan) | :: tarantino {m} |
Tarantino {n} (native or inhabitant of Taranto) | :: tarantino {m}, tarantina {f} |
Taranto {prop} (city and province) | :: Taranto {f} |
tarantula {n} /tə.ˈɹæn.t͡ʃʊ.lə/ (spider of the family Theraphosidae) | :: tarantola {f} |
tarantula {n} (wolf spider of the species Lycosa tarantula) | :: tarantola {f} |
tarboosh {n} (fez) SEE: fez | :: |
tardigrade {n} (water bear) SEE: water bear | :: |
tare {n} /tɛɚ/ (the empty weight of a container) | :: tara {f} |
target {n} /ˈtɑɹɡɪt/ (butt or mark to shoot at) | :: bersaglio {m} |
target {n} (goal or objective) | :: obiettivo {m} |
target practice {n} (exercise in which projectiles are fired at a specific target) | :: tiro a segno {m} |
tariff {n} /ˈtæɹɪf/ (duties imposed) | :: dazio {m} |
tarmac {n} /ˈtɑː(ɹ)mæk/ (bituminous road surface) | :: asfalto {m} |
tarn {n} /tɑːn/ (small mountain lake) | :: tarn, laghetto {m}, laghetto montano {m} |
tarnish {v} /ˈtɑɹnɪʃ/ (to soil, sully, damage or compromise) | :: infamare, disonorare |
taro {n} /ˈtæɹəʊ/ (Colocasia esculenta) | :: colocasia {f} |
taro {n} (food from the taro plant) | :: colocasia {f} |
tarot {n} /ˈtɛɹoʊ/ (card game) | :: tarocco {m} |
tarpan {n} /ˈtɑɹpən/ (Equus ferus ferus) | :: tarpan {m} |
tarpaulin {n} /ˈtɑːɹpəlɪn/ (heavy, waterproof sheet of material) | :: telone impermeabile {m}, tela cerata {f} |
tarpaulin {n} (sailor) | :: marinaio {m} |
tarpaulin {n} (any heavy, waterproof material used as a cover) | :: telone {m} |
tarpaulin {n} (canvas waterproofed with tar, used as a cover) | :: incerata {f}, tela incatramata {f} |
tarragon {n} /ˈtæɹəɡɑn/ (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus) | :: estragone, dragoncello |
tarragon {n} | :: dragoncello {m} |
tar sand {n} (oil sand) SEE: oil sand | :: |
tarsier {n} /ˈta(ɹ)si.ə(ɹ)/ (insectivorous primate) | :: tarsio |
Tarsus {prop} (city in modern Turkey) | :: Tarso |
tart {adj} /tɑɹt/ (with sharp taste, sour) | :: acido, aspro |
tart {adj} (sharp (figuratively)) | :: aspro, tagliente |
tart {n} (pie, pastry) | :: torta [cake], crostata |
tart {n} (prostitute) | :: puttana, prostituta |
tart {n} (woman with loose sexual morals) | :: donnaccia |
tartare {adj} /tɑːɹˈtɑːɹ/ | :: tartar {f} |
tartare sauce {n} (sauce served with fish) | :: salsa tartara {f} |
tartaric acid {n} | :: acido tartarico {m} |
tarte Tatin {n} /ˌtɑɹt tæˈtæ̃/ (upside-down cake prepared with caramelized apples) | :: torta Tatin {f}, tarte Tatin {f} |
Tartu {prop} /ˈtɑɹtu/ (second-largest city in Estonia) | :: Tartu |
Tarvisio {prop} (town) | :: Tarvisio |
task {n} /tæsk/ (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) | :: compito {m}, attività |
task {n} (difficult or tedious undertaking) | :: incombenza {f} |
task {n} (objective) | :: obiettivo |
task {n} (process or execution of a program) | :: task |
Tasmania {prop} /tæzˈmeɪniə/ (Australian state) | :: Tasmania |
Tasmania {prop} (island comprising majority of state) | :: Tasmania |
Tasmanian tiger {n} (extinct carnivorous marsupial) SEE: Tasmanian wolf | :: |
Tasmanian wolf {n} (extinct carnivorous marsupial) | :: tilacino {m} |
Tasman Sea {prop} /ˈtæzmən ˈsiː/ (part of the Pacific Ocean) | :: mar di Tasman {m} |
tassel {n} /ˈtæsəl/ (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads) | :: nappa |
taste {n} /teɪst/ (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) | :: gusto {m} |
taste {n} (implicit set of preferences) | :: gusto {m}, inclinazione {m} |
taste {v} (to sample the flavor of something) | :: gustare, assaggiare, assaporare, godere |
taste {v} (to have a taste) | :: assaggiare |
taste {v} (to experience) | :: provare |
tastebud {n} (a small organ on the tongue used for tasting) | :: papilla gustativa {f} |
tastevin {n} | :: tastevin {m} |
tasting {n} /ˈteɪstɪŋ/ (small amount of food or drink) | :: degustazione {f}, assaggio {m} |
tasting {n} (taking of a small amount of food or drink in order to taste it) | :: degustazione {f}, assaggio {m} |
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious | :: |
tasty {adj} /ˈteɪsti/ | :: saporito |
tat {v} (slang: tattoo) SEE: tattoo | :: |
tat {n} (vulgar tastelessness) SEE: sleaze | :: |
tathata {n} | :: talità {f} |
Tatiana {prop} (female given name) | :: Tatiana |
tatt {n} (tattoo) SEE: tattoo | :: |
tatter {n} /ˈtætə(ɹ)/ (A shred of torn cloth) | :: cencio {m}, straccio {m}, strofinaccio {m} |
tattered {adj} /ˈtætəd/ (ragged and torn) | :: stracciato, a brandelli, liso |
tatters {n} /ˈtætɚz/ (ragged clothing, fabric, paper etc) | :: stracci |
tattle {n} (tattletale) SEE: tattletale | :: |
tattler {n} (one who tattles) | :: chiacchierone {m} |
tattler {n} (bird of the genus Heteroscelus) | :: totano {m} |
tattler {n} (device that records mileage, speed etc.) | :: tachimetro {m} |
tattletale {n} (one who gossips) | :: pettegolo {m}, pettegola {f} |
tattoo {n} /tæˈtu(ː)/ (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle) | :: tatuaggio {m} |
tattoo {v} (to apply a tattoo) | :: tatuare |
tattoo artist {n} (tattoo artist) | :: tatuatore {m}, tatuatrice {f} |
tattooer {n} (tattooer) SEE: tattoo artist | :: |
tattooist {n} (tattooist) SEE: tattoo artist | :: |
tau {n} /taʊ/ (Greek letter) | :: tau {m} {f} |
tau {n} (tauon) SEE: tauon | :: |
taunt {v} /tɔnt/ (to make fun of (someone); to goad into responding) | :: schernire, dileggiare, irridere |
taunt {n} (a scornful or mocking remark) | :: scherno, dileggio {m} |
tauon {n} (particle) | :: tauone {m} |
taupe {adj} /toʊp/ (of a dark brownish-gray colour) | :: topato |
taurokathapsia {n} (bull-leaping) | :: taurocatapsia {f} |
tauromachy {n} (bullfighting) | :: tauromachia {f} |
Taurus {prop} /ˈtɔːɹəs/ (constellation) | :: Toro {m} |
Taurus {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Toro {m} |
taut {adj} /tɔːt/ (under tension) | :: teso {m}, tirato {m} |
taut {adj} (containing only relevant parts; brief and controlled) | :: conciso {m} |
taut {adj} (experiencing anxiety or stress) | :: teso {m}, tirato {m}, ansioso {m}, nervoso, agitato |
tautochronous {adj} (occupying the same time) | :: tautocrono |
tautogram {n} | :: tautogramma {m} |
tautological {adj} (of, relating to, or using tautology) | :: tautologico |
tautologically {adv} (in a tautological manner) | :: tautologicamente |
tautology {n} /tɔˈtɒl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (expression that features tautology) | :: tautologia {f} |
tautology {n} (in logic) | :: tautologia {f} |
tautosyllabic {adj} (occurring in the same syllable) | :: tautosillabico |
tavern {n} /ˈtævɚn/ (bar) | :: taverna {f}, osteria {f}, birreria {f} |
taverner {n} | :: tavernaio |
tawny {adj} /ˈtɔːni/ (of a light brown to brownish orange colour) | :: ocra, fulvo |
tawny owl {n} /ˈtɔːni aʊl/ (Strix aluco) | :: allocco {m} |
tax {n} /tæks/ (money paid to government) | :: tassa {f}, imposta {f} |
tax break {n} (a deduction in tax) | :: agevolazione fiscale {f} |
tax collector {n} (one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes) | :: esattore {m} |
tax dodger {n} (one who avoids or evades taxes) | :: evasore {m} |
tax evasion {n} (illegal avoidance of tax) | :: evasione fiscale {f} |
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) | :: paradiso fiscale {m} |
taxi {n} /ˈtæ (vehicle) | :: taxi {m}, tassì {m} |
taxidermy {n} /ˈtæksɪdɚmi/ (art of stuffing dead animals) | :: tassidermia {f} |
taxi driver {n} (person who drives a taxicab) | :: tassista {m} {f}, taxista {m} {f} |
taximeter {n} (device in a taxicab that calculates the fare) | :: tassametro {m} |
taxiway {n} (road or path on an airport for taxiing) | :: pista di rullaggio {f} |
tax office {n} (government-established place offering advice on tax affairs) | :: ufficio tributi {m} |
taxonomic {adj} (of, or relating to taxonomy) | :: tassonomico |
taxonomically {adv} (in the way or manner of taxonomy) | :: tassonomicamente |
taxonomy {n} /tækˈsɑːnəmi/ (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms) | :: tassonomia {f} |
taxonomy {n} | :: tassonomia {f} |
taxpayer {n} (person who pays tax) | :: contribuente |
Taylor {prop} /ˈteɪlɚ/ (surname associated with "tailor") | :: Sarti, Sarto, Sartini, Sartor, Sartore |
Taylorism {n} (scientific management; a theory of management of the early 20th century that analyzed workflows in order to improve efficiency) | :: taylorismo {m} |
Taylor series {n} (power series of a function calculated from derivatives at a reference point) | :: serie di Taylor {f} |
Tbilisi {prop} /t(ə)ˈbi.lə.si/ (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) | :: Tbilisi |
T-bone steak {n} (the beek steak) | :: fiorentina {f}, costata {f} |
Tchaikovsky {prop} /tʃaɪˈkɑfski/ (surname) | :: Čajkovskij |
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner | :: |
tea {n} (dried leaves of tea plant) | :: tè {m} |
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) | :: tè {m} |
tea {n} (cup of this drink) | :: tè {m} |
tea {n} (drink made from other plants) | :: tisana {f} |
tea {n} (cup of drink made from other plants) | :: tisana {f} |
teabag {n} (sachet of tea) | :: sacchetto (di tè) {m} |
tea ceremony {n} (detailed ritual in Japan or Asia for preparing, serving and drinking tea) | :: cerimonia del tè {f} |
teach {v} /tiːt͡ʃ/ (to pass on knowledge) | :: insegnare |
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
teacher {n} /ˈtit͡ʃɚ/ (person who teaches) | :: insegnante {m}, docente {m}, professore {m}, maestro {m}, aio {m}, educatore {m}, precettore {m} |
teacher {n} (a female person who teaches) | :: insegnante {f}, docente {f}, professoressa {f}, maestra {f} |
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit | :: |
teacher's desk {n} (lectern) SEE: lectern | :: |
teacher's desk {n} (rostrum) SEE: rostrum | :: |
teacher's pet {n} (student perceived to be favored by the teacher) | :: cocco della maestra {m}, cocco {m}, beniamino {m}, prediletto {m}, favorito {m} |
teaching {n} /ˈtiːtʃɪŋ/ (something taught) | :: insegnamento {m} |
teach someone a lesson {v} (punish (informal)) | :: dare una lezione |
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) | :: sala da tè {f}, casa da tè {f} |
teak {n} /tiːk/ (tree) | :: teak {m}, teck {m} |
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) | :: teiera {f}, bollitore {m} |
teal {n} (duck) | :: alzavola |
teal {n} (colour) | :: blu petrolio, foglia di tè |
teal {adj} (colour) | :: foglia di tè |
tea leaf {n} (leaf of the tea plant) | :: foglia di tè {f} |
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief | :: |
team {n} /tiːm/ (group of people) | :: squadra {f} |
teammate {n} /ˈtiːmˌmeɪt/ (one who is on the same team) | :: compagno di squadra {m}, compagna di squadra {f} |
teamwork {n} (cooperative effort of a team) | :: lavoro di squadra {m} |
tea plant {n} (Camellia sinensis) | :: pianta del tè {f} |
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) | :: teiera {f} |
tear {v} /tɛɚ/ (rend) | :: strappare, dilaniare |
tear {v} (remove by tearing) | :: strappare, staccare |
tear {v} (to demolish; to tear down) | :: demolire |
tear {v} (become torn) | :: strapparsi |
tear {v} (move at excessive speed) | :: andare sparato |
tear {n} (hole or break caused by tearing) | :: strappo {m}, squarcio {m} |
tear {n} /tɪə/ (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) | :: lacrima {f} |
tear gas {n} /ˈtɪəɡæs/ (chemical compound) | :: gas lacrimogeno {m} |
tearjerker {n} (emotionally charged dramatic work) | :: strappalacrime, lacrimoso {m} |
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse | :: |
tear up {v} (To damage) SEE: damage | :: |
tease {v} /tiːz/ (to separate the fibers) | :: cardare |
tease {v} (to comb) | :: pettinare |
tease {v} (to poke fun at) | :: burlarsi di |
tease {v} (to provoke or disturb) | :: provocare, stuzzicare |
tease {v} (to entice) | :: tentare, sedurre |
teaser {n} /ˈtizɚ/ (preview of a product) | :: anteprima |
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse | :: |
teaspoon {n} /ˈtiˌspun/ (small spoon) | :: cucchiaino da tè {m} |
tea strainer {n} (strainer for loose tea leaves) | :: colino {m}, passino, colino da te {m} |
teat {n} /tiːt/ (projection of mammary gland) | :: tettarella, capezzolo {m} |
teat {n} (feeding bottle top) | :: tettarella {f} |
teat {n} | :: capezzolo {m} |
tea towel {n} (cloth for drying dishes and glassware) SEE: dishcloth | :: |
tea tree {n} (Camellia sinensis) SEE: tea plant | :: |
technetium {n} /tɛkˈni.ʃi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: tecnezio {m}, tecneto {m} |
technical {adj} /ˈtɛk.nɪk.əl/ (pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts) | :: tecnico |
technical {n} (pickup truck-based fighting vehicle) | :: tecnica {f} |
technically {adv} /ˈtɛknɪkəli/ (based on precise facts) | :: veramente, tecnicamente |
technically {adv} (having certain skills) | :: tecnicamente |
technically {adv} (regarding the scientific state of art) | :: tecnicamente |
technical term {n} (word that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise) | :: tecnicismo {m}, termine tecnico {m} |
technician {n} /tekˈnɪʃən/ (occupation) | :: tecnico {m} |
technifermion {n} (technicolor fermion) | :: tecnifermione {m} |
technique {n} /tɛkˈniːk/ (practical aspects of a given art) | :: tecnica {f} |
techno {n} /ˈtɛknoʊ/ (style of music) | :: techno |
techno- {prefix} /tɛknoʊ/ (used to form words relating to technology) | :: tecno- |
technobabble {n} /ˈtɛknoʊbæbəl/ (fake technical language used in fiction) | :: tecno bla-bla |
technocracy {n} /tɛkˈnɒkɹəsi/ (a system of governance where people who are skilled or proficient govern in their respective areas of expertise) | :: tecnocrazia {f} |
technocrat {n} /ˈtɛknə(ʊ)kɹat/ (advocate of technocracy) | :: tecnocrate {m} {f} |
technocratic {adj} /tɛk.nəˈkɹæt.ɪk/ (of or relating to a technocrat or technocracy) | :: tecnocratico |
technological {adj} (of, relating to, or involving technology) | :: tecnologico {m} |
technologically {adv} (in a technological manner) | :: tecnologicamente |
technologist {n} /tɛkˈnɑləd͡ʒɪst/ (a scientist or engineer who specializes in a particular technology) | :: tecnologo {m}, tecnologa {f} |
technology {n} /tɛkˈnɑlədʒi/ (the study of or a collection of techniques) | :: tecnologia {f}, tecnica {f} |
technology {n} (a particular technological concept) | :: tecnologia {f} |
technology {n} (body of tools) | :: tecnologia {f} |
technopolymer {n} (plastic material) | :: tecnopolimero {m} |
technostructure {n} (a corporate structure including technicians or other skilled professionals) | :: tecnostruttura {f} |
tectonic {adj} ((geology) relating to large-scale movements) | :: tettonico |
tectonics {n} (study of crustal plates) | :: tettonica {f} |
tectonite {n} | :: tettonite {f} |
tedder {n} (machine for stirring and spreading hay) | :: spandifieno {m} |
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) | :: orsacchiotto {m} |
tedious {adj} /ˈti.di.əs/ (boring, monotonous) | :: noioso, tedioso, fastidioso, palloso, soporifero {m} |
tediously {adv} (in a tedious manner) | :: tediosamente |
tediousness {n} (quality of being tedious) | :: noia {f}, monotonia {f}, fastidiosità {f}, pallosità {f}, noiosità {f}, fastidiosaggine {f}, tediosità {f}, stucchevolezza {f} |
teem {v} /tiːm/ (overflowing with) | :: brulicare |
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager | :: |
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) | :: -dici [11 to 16], dici- [17 to 19] |
teenager {n} /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒə(ɹ)/ (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) | :: giovane {mf}, adolescente, ragazzino {m}, ragazzina {f} |
teeny {adj} /ˈtiːni/ (very small (informal)) | :: piccolo piccolo |
teetan {n} (pipit) SEE: pipit | :: |
teething {n} /ˈtiːðɪŋ/ (eruption of milk teeth) | :: dentizione {f} |
teething ring {n} (object for a baby to chew) | :: massaggiagengive |
teething troubles {n} /ˈtiːðɪŋ ˈtɹʌb(ə)lz/ (problems that are expected with any new and untried product, venture, etc.) | :: contrattempi {m-p}, difficoltà {f}, imprevisti {m-p}, incidente di percorso {m}, problemi di crescita {m-p} |
teetotal {adj} (abstinent from alcohol) | :: astemio |
teetotaler {n} /ˈtitoʊtəlɚ/ (person who completely abstains from alcohol) | :: astemio {m}, astemia {f} |
teetotaller {n} /ˈtitoʊtəlɚ/ (person who completely abstains from alcohol) | :: astemio {m}, astemia {f} |
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran | :: |
Tehran {prop} /ˈtɛ.ɹæn/ (capital of Iran) | :: Teheran |
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot | :: |
telamon {n} /ˈtɛləməʊn/ (male figure as pillar) | :: telamone {m} |
Tel Aviv {prop} /ˈtɛl.əˈviːv/ (city in Israel) | :: Tel Aviv {f} |
tele- {prefix} (over a distance) | :: tele- |
telecobaltotherapy {n} | :: telecobaltoterapia {f} |
telecommunication {n} (science and technology of communication over distance) | :: telecomunicazioni |
telecommuting {n} (practice of using telecommunications technology to work from a remote location) | :: telelavoro {m} |
telediastolic {adj} (occurring towards the end of a ventricular diastole) | :: telediastolico |
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph | :: |
telegram {n} /ˈtɛləˌɡɹæm/ (message sent by telegraph) | :: telegramma {m} |
telegraph {n} /ˈtɛl.ə.ɡɹæf/ (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) | :: telegrafo {m} |
telegrapher {n} (a telegraph operator) | :: telegrafista {mf} |
telegraphic {adj} (of, or relating to the telegraph) | :: telegrafico |
telegraph post {n} (pole that carries telephone lines) | :: palo del telegrafo {m} |
telekinesis {n} /ˌtɛləkɪˈniːsɪs/ (ability to move objects with the power of one's thoughts) | :: telecinesi {f} |
Telemachus {prop} /təˈlɛməkəs/ (the son of Odysseus) | :: Telemaco {m} |
telemanipulator {n} | :: telemanipolatore {m} |
telematic {adj} /tɛləˈmætɪk/ (pertaining to telematics) | :: telematico |
telematics {n} /tɛləˈmætɪks/ (science of sending, receiving and storing information via telecommunication devices) | :: telematica {f} |
telematics {n} (the use of GPS technology) | :: telematica {f} |
telemedicine {n} (transfer of medical information via telecommunication technologies) | :: telemedicina {f} |
telemetry {n} (the science, and associated technology, of automatic recording) | :: telemetria {f} |
teleological {adj} /tɛliːəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ (pertaining to teleology) | :: teleologico |
teleologically {adv} (in a teleological context or manner) | :: teleologicamente |
telepathic {adj} /ˌtɛlɪˈpæθɪk/ (of, relating to, or using telepathy) | :: telepatico |
telepathically {adv} (by means of telepathy) | :: telepaticamente |
telepathy {n} /tɛˈlɛpəθi/ (communication by psychic means) | :: telepatia {f} |
telephone {n} /ˈtɛləfoʊn/ (a device used for two-way talking with other people) | :: telefono {m} |
telephone {v} (to call someone) | :: telefonare |
telephone {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers | :: |
telephone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory | :: |
telephone booth {n} (a small enclosure housing a public telephone) | :: cabina telefonica {f} |
telephone box {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth | :: |
telephone call {n} (conversation) | :: telefonata {f} |
telephone directory {n} (a listing of telephone subscribers) | :: elenco telefonico {m} |
telephone exchange {n} (equipment) | :: centrale telefonica {f}, autocommutatore {m} |
telephone exchange {n} (rooms) | :: centrale telefonica {f}, autocommutatore {m} |
telephone kiosk {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth | :: |
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) | :: numero telefonico {m} |
telephone pole {n} (utility pole that supports telephone lines) | :: palo del telefono {m} |
telephony {n} /təˈlɛf.ə.ni/ (act of sound transmission via the electromagnetic spectrum) | :: telefonia {f} |
telephotography {n} | :: telefotografia {f} |
teleport {v} /ˈtɛləpɔː(ɹ)t/ (travel without physically crossing distance) | :: teletrasportare |
teleportation {n} (process of moving matter from one point to another) | :: teletrasporto |
teleprompter {n} /ˈtɛləˌpɹɑmptəɹ/ (device that displays scrolling text) | :: gobbo elettronico {m}, suggeritore elettronico {m} |
telescope {n} /ˈtɛləˌskoʊp/ (optical instrument that magnifies) | :: telescopio {m}, cannocchiale {m} |
telescopic sight {n} (aiming device) | :: mirino {m} |
teleshow {n} (television show) SEE: television show | :: |
Telesphoros {prop} (Son of Asclepius) | :: Telesforo {m} |
Teletext {n} (information retrieval system) | :: teletext {m} |
telethon {n} /ˈtɛl.əˌθɒn/ | :: teletono |
television {n} /ˈtɛlɪˌvɪʒən/ (medium) | :: televisione {f} |
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) | :: televisore {m} |
television {n} (program broadcasting) | :: televisione {f} |
television program {n} (the content of an individual television broadcasting) | :: programma televisivo {m}, trasmissione televisiva {f} |
television series {n} (series) SEE: series | :: |
television set {n} (television) SEE: television | :: |
television show {n} (live or recorded TV broadcast or program) | :: programmazione televisiva {f} |
televoting {n} (a form of advertising) | :: televoto {m} |
telework {n} (telecommuting) SEE: telecommuting | :: |
tell {v} /tɛl/ (to pass information) | :: dire, raccontare |
tell {v} (to say) | :: dire |
tell {v} (to instruct) | :: insegnare |
tell {v} | :: dire, contare |
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate | :: |
teller {n} /ˈtɛləɹ/ (bank clerk who receives and pays out money) | :: cassiere {m} {f} |
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
tellin {n} (marine bivalve mollusc) | :: tellina {f} |
tell it to Sweeney {phrase} (expression of disbelief) SEE: tell it to the marines | :: |
tell it to the marines {phrase} (expression of disbelief) | :: raccontalo a qualcun altro, dillo a qualcun altro |
tell off {v} (to rebuke) | :: dare una lavata di capo, sgridare, ammonire |
telltale {n} (nautical: yarn that indicates relative direction of airflow) | :: mostravento {m} |
telltale {adj} | :: rivelatore {m}, rivelatrice {f} |
telltale {n} (tattler) SEE: tattler | :: |
Tellurian {n} (inhabitant of the earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
telluric {adj} (pertaining to the Earth) | :: tellurico |
telluric {adj} (containing tellurium in a lower valency than in tellurous compounds) | :: tellurico |
telluride {n} (binary compound of tellurium) | :: tellururo {m} |
telluride {n} (Tellurium analog of ether) | :: tellururo {m} |
tellurium {n} /tɪˈljʊəɹiəm/ (chemical element) | :: tellurio {m} |
telly {n} /ˈtɛli/ (television (medium), see also: television) | :: tele {f} |
telophase {n} (final stage of mitosis or meiosis) | :: telofase {f} |
Telugu {prop} /ˈtɛl.ə.ɡuː/ (Dravidian language of India) | :: lingua telugu |
Telve di Sopra {prop} (town in Italy) | :: Telve di Sopra |
Telychian {prop} | :: Telychiano |
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake | :: |
temerity {n} /təˈmɛɹəti/ (reckless boldness) | :: temerità {f} |
Temminck's stint {n} (Calidris temminckii) | :: gambecchio nano {m} |
temper {n} /ˈtɛmpɚ/ (tendency to be of a certain type of mood) | :: carattere, temperamento |
tempera {n} /ˈtɛmpəɹə/ (painting medium, artistic technique) | :: tempera {f} |
temperament {n} /ˈtɛmpəɹəmənt/ (a person's normal manner of thinking, behaving or reacting) | :: temperamento {m}, carattere {m} |
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature | :: |
temperance {n} (one of seven virtues) | :: temperanza {f} |
temperance {n} (Tarot card) | :: temperanza |
temperate {adj} /ˈtɛmpəɹət/ (moderate; not excessive heat, climate) | :: temperato |
temperature {n} /ˈtɛmp(ə)ɹətʃə(ɹ)/ (a measure of cold or heat) | :: temperatura {f} |
temperature {n} (elevated body temperature) | :: febbre {f} |
temper tantrum {n} (fit of bad temper) SEE: tantrum | :: |
tempest {n} /ˈtɛmpəst/ (storm) | :: procella {f} |
tempest in a teapot {n} (big fuss made in a small context) | :: tempesta in un bicchiere d'acqua |
Templar {n} (one of the Knights Templar) | :: templare {m} |
template {n} /ˈtɛm.plɪt/ (physical object) | :: mascherina {f}, sagoma {f}, modello {m}, stampo {m}, calibro {m} |
template {n} (generic model) | :: modello {m}, paradigma {m} |
temple {n} /ˈtɛmp(ə)l/ (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) | :: tempio {m} |
temple {n} (region of skull) | :: tempia {f} |
temple {n} (contrivance used in a loom) | :: tempiale {m} |
tempo {n} /ˈtɛm.pəʊ/ (frequency or rate) | :: ritmo {m} |
tempo {n} (music: number of beats per minute) | :: tempo {m} |
temporal {adj} /ˈtɛm.pəɹ.əl/ (of or relating to time) | :: temporale |
temporal {adj} (of limited time) | :: temporale |
temporal {adj} ((euphemistic for) lasting a short time only) | :: temporale |
temporal {adj} (of the temples of the head) | :: temporale |
temporarily {adv} /ˌtɛmpəˈɹɛɹəli/ | :: temporaneamente |
temporary {adj} /ˈtɛmpəɹəɹi/ (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) | :: temporaneo |
temporary tooth {n} (milk tooth) SEE: milk tooth | :: |
temporoparietalis {n} (muscle) | :: muscolo temporoparietale {m}, temporoparietale {m} |
tempt {v} /tɛmpt/ (to provoke someone to do wrong) | :: tentare |
tempt {v} (to attract, allure) | :: tentare |
temptation {n} /tɛmpˈteɪʃən/ (act of tempting) | :: tentazione {f} |
temptation {n} | :: tentazione {f} |
tempura {n} /ˈtɛmpʊɹə/ (dish made by deep-frying food in a light batter) | :: tempura {m} {f} |
tempus fugit {proverb} (time flies) SEE: time flies | :: |
ten {n} /tɛn/ | :: dieci {m} |
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) | :: dieci |
tenancy in common {n} | :: comunione pro-indiviso {f} |
tenant {n} /ˈtɛ.nənt/ (one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.) | :: inquilino, locatario |
tenant {n} | :: inquilino |
tenant farmer {n} (a person who farms land rented from a landlord) | :: affittuario {m}, fittavolo {m} |
tench {n} /tɛnt͡ʃ/ (species of freshwater game fish) | :: tinca |
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) | :: dieci comandamenti {m-p}, Decalogo {m}, decalogo {m} |
tend {v} /tɛnd/ (to make a tender of; to offer or tender) | :: appaltare |
tend {v} (to be probable or likely) | :: tendere, essere probabile, propendere |
tend {v} (to look after) | :: avere cura di, accudire, curare, dedicarsi |
tend {v} (to accompany as an assistant or protector) | :: badare, custodire, prendersi cura |
tend {v} (to wait upon, attend) | :: accudire, vegliare, preoccuparsi |
tend {v} (to kindle, ignite) | :: infiammare, accendere |
tendency {n} /ˈtɛndənsi/ (likelihood of behaving in a particular way) | :: tendenza {f} |
tendentious {adj} /tɛnˈdɛnʃəs/ (biased opinion) | :: tendenzioso |
tendentiously {adv} (in a tendentious manner) | :: tendenziosamente |
tender {adj} /ˈtɛn.dɚ/ (sensitive or painful) | :: delicato {m}, sensibile {m} {f} |
tender {adj} (soft and easily chewed) | :: tenero {m}, morbido {m}, soffice {m} |
tender {adj} (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) | :: carino {m}, tenero {m}, dolce {m} |
tender {adj} | :: tenero {m}, tenera {f} |
tender {n} (fuel-carrying railroad car) | :: tender |
tender {n} (nautical: a boat used for transportation btw a ship and the shore) | :: scialuppa |
tender {n} (means of payment) | :: valuta, moneta |
tender {n} (law: an offer to buy or sell something) | :: gara d’appalto, offerta |
tender {v} (formal: to offer, give) | :: presentare, dare, sottoporre, offrire |
tender {v} (to offer a payment) | :: battere, fare una offerta, offrire |
tenderfoot {n} (novice) | :: novizio |
tenderizer {n} (a form of mallet used to beat meat before cooking) | :: batticarne {m} |
tenderloin steak {n} (Any of several steaks cut from the tenderest part of the loin of beef) | :: filetto di bue |
tenderly {adv} /ˈtɛn.dɚ.li/ (in a tender manner) | :: teneramente |
tenderness {n} /ˈtɛn.dɚ.nɪs/ (a tendency to express warm, compassionate feelings) | :: tenerezza {f} |
tendinitis {n} /ˈtɛndn̩ˌaɪ.tɪs/ (inflammation of a tendon) | :: tendinite {f} |
tendinopathy {n} (a disorder of the tendons) | :: tendinopatia |
tendinous {adj} (pertaining to a tendon or sinew) | :: tendineo |
tendon {n} /ˈtɛndən/ (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) | :: tendine {m} |
tendonitis {n} (inflammation of the tendon) SEE: tendinitis | :: |
tendril {n} /ˈtɛn.dɹəl/ (thin, spirally coiling stem) | :: cirro {m} |
tendril {n} (hair-like tentacle) | :: cirro {m} |
tendrilled {adj} | :: viticcioso |
tenebrous {adj} /ˈtɛ.nə.bɹəs/ (dark and gloomy) | :: tenebroso |
tenement {n} /ˈtɛnɪmənt/ (a building that is rented to multiple tenants, especially a low-rent, run-down one) | :: casamento {m}, condominio {m}, case popolari {f-p}, casermone {m} |
tenet {n} /ˈtɛnɪt/ (an opinion, belief or principle) | :: principio {m}, fondamento {m}, cardine {m} |
tenfold {adj} (containing ten parts) | :: decuplo |
tenfold {adj} (ten times as much) | :: decuplo |
tenfold {adv} (by ten times as much) | :: decuplicare |
Tennessee {prop} /ˌtɛn.əˈsi/ (state) | :: Tennessee {m} |
tennessine {n} /ˈtɛn.əˌsiːn/ (chemical element with atomic number 117) | :: tennesso {m}, tennessinio {m} |
tennis {n} /ˈtɛ.nɪs/ (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) | :: tennis {m} |
tennis court {n} (surface on which tennis is played) | :: campo da tennis {m} |
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) | :: tennista {m} {f} |
tenor {n} /tɛnə(ɹ)/ (musical range) | :: tenore {m} |
tenor {n} (musical performer) | :: tenore {m} |
tenor {n} (tone) | :: tenore {m} |
tenor {n} | :: tenore |
tense {n} /tɛns/ (verb forms distinguishing time) | :: tempo {m} |
tenside {n} (surfactant) SEE: surfactant | :: |
tensiograph {n} | :: tensiografo {m} |
tension {n} /ˈtɛnʃən/ (psychological state) | :: tensione {f} |
tension {n} (state of an elastic object) | :: tensione {f} |
tension {n} (voltage) | :: tensione {f} |
tensive {adj} (pertaining to tension) | :: tensivo |
tensor {n} (muscle) | :: tensore {m} |
tensor {n} ((mathematics, physics) image of a tuple under a tensor product map) | :: tensore {m} |
tensor {n} ((mathematics, physics) function of several variables) | :: tensore {m} |
tensor {n} ((mathematics, physics) matrix of matrices) | :: tensore {m} |
tensor tympani {n} (muscle) | :: tensore del timpano {m}, muscolo tensore del timpano {m} |
tent {n} /tɛnt/ (portable lodge) | :: tenda {f} |
tentacle {n} /ˈtɛntəkəl/ (elongated, boneless, flexible appendage) | :: tentacolo {m} |
tentatively {adv} /ˈtɛntətɪvli/ (Of, or having to do with being tentative) | :: tentativamente |
tenth {adj} /tɛnθ/ (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) | :: decimo (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) decimo {m}, decima {f} (after the name) (abbreviation X) |
tenth {n} (something in the tenth position) | :: decimo {m}, decima {f} |
tenth {n} (a tenth; one of ten equal parts of a whole) | :: decimo {m}, decima {f} |
ten thousand {num} (10,000) | :: diecimila |
ten-thousandth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number ten thousand) | :: decimillesimo |
ten-thousandth {n} (one of ten thousand equal parts of a whole) | :: decimillesimo {m} |
tenure {n} /ˈtɛn.jɚ/ (status of possessing a thing or an office) | :: essere titolare {m}, permanenza in carica {f}, gestione {f} |
tenure {n} (period of time possessed) | :: durata di un incarico {f}, durata di un mandato {f} |
tenure {n} (status of having a permanent post) | :: essere di ruolo, titolare di una cattedra {m} |
tenure {n} (right to hold land under the feudal system) | :: godimento di un terreno {m} |
TEOTWAWKI {n} /ti.ɑt.wɑk.i/ ((acronym) The end of the world as we know it) | :: la fine del mondo come lo conosciamo |
Tepelenë {prop} (town) | :: Tepelenë |
tepid {adj} /ˈtɛpɪd/ (lukewarm) | :: tiepido |
tepid {adj} (uninterested) | :: tepido, indifferente, molle, fiacco |
tepid {adj} | :: tiepido |
tequila {n} /ˌtəˈkiː.lə/ (liquor) | :: tequila |
Teramo {prop} (province) | :: Teramo |
Teramo {prop} (capital) | :: Teramo {f} |
teramorphous {adj} (having the shape of a monster) | :: teromorfico |
terato- {prefix} (pertaining to birth defects and similar abnormalities) | :: terato- |
teratological {adj} (elating to teratology) | :: teratologico |
teratology {n} ((medicine) study of congenital malformations) | :: teratologia {f} |
teratology {n} ((toxicology) study of the mechanisms in bringing about malformations.) | :: teratologia {f} |
terawatt-hour {n} (unit of electrical energy) | :: terawattora {m} |
terbium {n} /ˈtɜːɹbiəm/ (chemical element) | :: terbio {m} |
terbuthylazine {n} (selective herbicide) | :: terbutilazina {f} |
tercel gentle {n} (trained male falcon) | :: terzuolo {m}, terzolo {m} |
tercet {n} (three-line stanza in a poem) | :: terzina {f} |
terebinth {n} (a Mediterranean tree) | :: terebinto {m} |
terebrant {adj} /ˈtɛɹəbɹənt/ | :: terebrante |
teredo {n} | :: teredine {f} |
Terence {prop} (male given name) | :: Terenzio |
Teresa {prop} /təˈɹiː.sə/ (female given name) | :: Teresa {f} |
Teresian {adj} | :: teresiano |
teriyaki {n} /ˌtɛɹiˈjɑki/ (a cooking technique) | :: teriyaki |
terlipressin {n} (analogue of vasopressin) | :: terlipressina {f} |
term {n} /tɝm/ (limitation, restriction or regulation) | :: termine {m} |
term {n} (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) | :: termine {m} |
term {n} (period of time, time limit) | :: scadenza {f} |
term {n} (one of the addends in a sum or in another mathematical operation) | :: termine {m} |
termes {n} (a termite) SEE: termite | :: |
terminal {n} /ˈtɚmɪnəl/ (airport building) | :: terminal {m} |
terminate {v} /ˈtɝmɪneɪt/ (to end incompletely) | :: cessare, terminare |
termination {n} /tɚmɪˈneɪʃən/ (ending up of a polypeptid chain) | :: terminazione |
terminographer {n} | :: terminografo {m} |
terminography {n} | :: terminografia {f} |
terminological {adj} /ˌtɜɹmənəlˈɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to terminology) | :: terminologico |
terminology {n} /ˌtɚməˈnɑləd͡ʒi/ (the doctrine of terms; a theory of terms or appellations; a treatise on terms, a system of specialized terms) | :: terminologia {f} |
terminology {n} (terms used in any business, art, etc) | :: terminologia {f} |
terminus {n} (end point of a transport system) | :: capolinea |
termite {n} /ˈtɜː(ɹ).maɪt/ (insect) | :: termite {m} |
term of art {n} (term specific to a particular field) SEE: technical term | :: |
term of endearment {n} (word, phrase, or nickname expressing affection) | :: vezzeggiativo {m} |
tern {n} /tɝn/ (bird of family Sternidae) | :: sterna {f} |
ternary {adj} (Mathematics: Having three variables) | :: ternario |
Terni {prop} (province) | :: Terni |
Terni {prop} (town) | :: Terni {f} |
Terpander {prop} (Ancient Greek name) | :: Terpandro {m} |
terpenic {adj} (of the terpenes) | :: terpenico |
Terpsichore {prop} /ˌtəːpˈsɪkəɹi/ (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) | :: Tersicore {f} |
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth | :: |
terrace {n} /ˈtɛɹəs/ (platform that extends outwards from a building) | :: terrazza {f} |
terrace {n} (roof of a building, especially if accessible to the residents) | :: altana {f} |
terraced house {n} (type of house) SEE: rowhouse | :: |
terra firma {n} /tɛɹəˈfɜːmə/ (land, as opposed to water or air) | :: terraferma {f} |
terraforming {n} (planetary engineering) | :: terraformazione {f} |
terrain {n} /tə.ˈreɪn/ (area) | :: terreno, tratto {m}, estensione {f}, spianata {f} |
terramare {n} /ˌtɛɹəˈmɑːɹɪ/ (prehistoric settlements of the Po valley) | :: terramare {f-p}, terremare {f-p} |
Terramycin {n} | :: terramicina {f} |
Terran {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
terraqueous {adj} (Comprising land and water) | :: terracqueo {m} |
terrarium {n} /tə.ˈɹɛɹ.i.əm/ (an enclosure where very small animals are displayed) | :: terrario |
terrestrial {adj} /təˈɹɛstɹi.əl/ (of, relating to, or inhabiting the Earth or its inhabitants) | :: terrestre |
terrestrial {adj} (living or growing on land; not aquatic) | :: terragnolo, terricolo, terragno |
Terrestrial {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
terrible {adv} /ˈtɛ.ɹə.bl̩/ (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) | :: terribile |
terrible {adv} | :: terribile |
terrific {adj} /təˈɹɪfɪk/ (extremely good) | :: eccezionale, stupendo |
terrifying {adj} /ˈtɛɹɪfaɪ.ɪŋ/ (frightening or intimidating) | :: terrificante, terribile, spaventoso |
territorial {adj} /ˌtɛ.ɹɪˈtɔː.ɹi.əl/ (of, relating to, or restricted to a specific geographic area, or territory) | :: territoriale {m} {f} |
territorialization {n} (the process of territorializing) | :: territorializzazione {f} |
territorial waters {n} (belt of coastal waters) | :: acque territoriali {f-p}, mare territoriale {m} |
territory {n} /ˈtɛɹɪˌtɔɹi/ (large tract of land) | :: territorio {m} |
territory {n} (administrative unit) | :: territorio {m} |
terror {n} /ˈtɛɚ/ | :: terrore {m} |
terrorise {v} (fill with terror) SEE: terrorize | :: |
terrorism {n} /ˈtɛɹəɹɪzəm/ (use of terror as a means of coercion) | :: terrorismo {m} |
terrorist {n} /ˈtɛɹəɹɪst/ (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) | :: terrorista {m} {f} |
terrorize {v} /ˈtɛɹəɹaɪz/ (fill with terror) | :: terrorizzare |
terse {adj} /tɜːs/ (brief, concise, to the point, see also: brief; concise) | :: asciutto {m}, asciutta {f}, essenziale {m} {f}, laconico {m}, laconica {f}, scabro {m}, scabra {f}, stringato {m}, stringata {f}, sintetico {m}, sintetica {f} |
tersely {adv} (In a brief, concise, or to the point manner) | :: chiaramente, concisamente, succintamente, brevemente, sinteticamente, puntualmente |
tertiary {adj} /ˈtɜː.ʃi.ə.ɹiː/ (of third rank or order) | :: terziario |
tertiary {n} (tertiary feather) | :: terziario {m} |
tertiary {n} (Roman Catholicism: member of a third order) | :: terziario {m} |
Tertiary {adj} (of the first part of the Cenozoic era) | :: terziario |
Tertiary {prop} (first part of the Cenozoic era) | :: terziario |
tertiary alcohol {n} (alcohol R3C-OH) | :: alcol terziario {m} |
tertile {n} (group) | :: terzile {m} |
terza rima {n} /ˌtɝtsə ˈɹimə/ (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc) | :: terza rima {f} |
tessellation {n} /tɛsəˈleɪʃən/ | :: tessellazione, tassellazione |
test {n} /tɛst/ (challenge, trial) | :: prova, verifica |
test {n} (academics: examination) | :: esame {m} |
test {v} (to challenge) | :: testare, mettere alla prova |
test {v} (to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions) | :: testare |
test {v} | :: esaminare, provare, valutare, verificare |
testament {n} /ˈtɛst.ə.mənt/ (document containing a person's will) | :: testamento {m} |
testament {n} (part of the Bible) | :: testamento {m} |
testamentary {adj} (of or pertaining to a will or testament) | :: testamentario |
testator {n} /tɛsˈteɪ.tɚ/ (One who dies having made a legally valid will) | :: testatore {m} |
testicle {n} /ˈtɛstɪkəl/ (male sex gland) | :: testicolo {m}, coglione {m} [vulgar] |
testicular {adj} /tɛsˈtɪkjələ/ (pertaining to the testicles) | :: testicolare |
testimonial {n} (statement given under oath) SEE: testimony | :: |
testimony {n} /ˈtɛstɪmoʊni/ (statement in court) | :: testimonianza {f} |
testing {n} /ˈtɛstɪŋ/ (the act of conducting a test) | :: prova |
testosterone {n} /tɛsˈtɒstəˌɹəʊn/ (steroid hormone) | :: testosterone {m} |
test the waters {v} (explore or probe) | :: tastare il terreno, sondare |
test tube {n} (glass tube) | :: provetta {f} |
test tube baby {n} (baby who was conceived by in vitro fertilisation) | :: figlio della provetta {m} |
tetanus {n} /ˈtɛt.ən.əs/ (disease) | :: tetano {m} |
tetany {n} (condition) | :: tetania {f} |
tetchy {adj} /ˈtɛtʃi/ (easily annoyed or irritated) | :: suscettibile, permaloso, irascibile |
tether {n} (rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement) | :: cavezza {f}, guinzaglio {m}, briglia {f}, redine {f} |
tether {n} (limit of one's abilities, resources etc) | :: portata {f}, campo {m} |
tether {n} | :: guinzaglio {m} |
tether {v} (to restrict something with a tether) | :: imbrigliare, incatenare, tenere al guinzaglio |
tetherball {n} (sport) | :: tetherball {m} |
Tethys {prop} /ˈtɛθɪs/ (moon of Saturn) | :: Teti {m} |
tetra {n} (fish) | :: tetra {m} |
tetraboric acid {n} | :: acido tetraborico {m} |
tetrabromide {n} (bromide containing four bromine atoms per molicule) | :: tetrabromuro {m} |
tetrachloride {n} (choloride containing four chlorine atoms in each molicule) | :: tetracloruro {m} |
tetraethyl {n} (four ethyl groups in a molicule) | :: tetraetile {m} |
tetrafluoride {n} (chloride) | :: tetrafluoruro {m} |
tetrafluoromethane {n} (carbon tetrafluoride) | :: tetrafluorometano {m} |
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral | :: |
Tetragrammaton {prop} (the four Hebrew letters י-ה-ו-ה, used as the ineffable name of God) | :: tetragramma {m} |
tetragyny {n} | :: tetraginia {f} |
tetrahedral {adj} (pertaining to a tetrahedron) | :: tetraedrico |
tetrahedron {n} /tɛtɹəˈhiːdɹən/ (polyhedron) | :: tetraedro {m} |
tetrahydride {n} (tetrahydride) | :: tetraidruro {m} |
tetrahydrocannabinol {n} /tɛtɹəhaɪdɹə(ʊ)ˈkænəbɪnɒl/ (THC) | :: tetraidrocannabinolo {m} |
tetrahydrofolate {n} (coenzyme) | :: tetraidrofolato {m} |
tetraiodide {n} (an iodide with four iodine atoms) | :: tetraioduro {m} |
tetrakis hexahedron {n} (polyhedron with 24 triangular faces and 36 edges) | :: tetracisesaedro {m} |
tetramethylammonium hydroxide {n} | :: idrossido di tetrametilammonio {m} |
tetrandry {n} | :: tetrandria {f} |
tetraplegia {n} (paralysis of all four limbs) | :: tetraplegia {f} |
tetrapolar {adj} (having or relating to four poles) | :: tetrapolare |
tetrapylon {n} | :: tetrapilo {m} |
tetrapyrrole {n} (any of several natural pigments with four pyrrole rings) | :: tetrapirrolo {m} |
tetrarchic {adj} | :: tetrarchico |
tetrarchy {n} (government by four people) | :: tetrarchia {f} |
Tetris {prop} /ˈtɛtɹɪs/ (game in which falling shapes must be manipulated) | :: Tetris |
tetroxide {n} (oxide containing four oxygen atoms) | :: tetrossido {m} |
Teutonic {adj} /ˌtjuːˈtɒn.ɪk/ (relating to the ancient Germanic people) | :: teutonico |
Teutonic {adj} (having qualities regarded as typical of German people) | :: teutonico |
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) | :: Cavalieri Teutonici, Ordine Teutonico |
Teutonism {n} (German idiom) SEE: Germanism | :: |
Texan {adj} /ˈtɛksən/ (of or pertaining to Texas) | :: texano |
Texan {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of Texas) | :: texano {m} |
Texas {prop} /ˈtɛk.səs/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Texas {m} |
texel {n} (image representing the smallest unit of a texture) | :: texel {m} |
text {n} /tɛkst/ (a written passage) | :: testo {m} |
text {n} (a book, tome or other set of writings) | :: testo {m} |
text {n} (a brief written message transmitted between mobile phones) | :: sms {m} |
text {v} (to send a text message to) | :: messaggiare |
textbook {n} /ˈtɛkst.bʊk/ (formal manual of instruction) | :: libro di testo {m} |
text box {n} (widget that accepts textual input) | :: casella {f}, riquadro {m} |
textile {n} /ˈtɛks.taɪl/ (cloth produced from fabric) | :: tessuti {m-p} |
textology {n} | :: testologia {f} |
textual {adj} /ˈtɛk.stju.əl/ (of or pertaining to text) | :: testuale |
textual criticism {n} (discipline for reconstructing old text forms) | :: critica testuale {f} |
texture {n} /ˈtɛkstʃə(ɹ)/ (computer graphics: image applied to a polygon) | :: texture {f} |
Tezze sul Brenta {prop} (town in Italy) | :: Tezze sul Brenta |
-th {suffix} /-θ/ (used to form the ordinal numeral) | :: -esimo, -to [4, 5, 6], -imo [7, 10] |
Thaddaeus {prop} (the Apostle) | :: Taddeo {m} |
Thaddaeus {prop} (male given name) | :: Taddeo {m} |
Thai {adj} /taɪ/ (of or pertaining to Thailand) | :: tailandese |
Thai {n} (person from Thailand or of Thai origin) | :: tailandese, tailandesi {p} |
Thai {n} (language) | :: tailandese {m}, thailandese {m} |
Thai boxing {n} (Muay Thai) SEE: Muay Thai | :: |
Thaification {n} (assimilation) | :: thaificazione {f} |
Thailand {prop} /ˈtaɪ̯lænd/ (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Tailandia {f}, Thailandia {f} |
Thais {prop} (female given name) | :: Taide, Taisia |
thalamus {n} (botany:receptacle of a flower) SEE: receptacle | :: |
thalamus {n} (thallus) SEE: thallus | :: |
thalassocrat {n} | :: talassocrate {m} |
thalassotherapy {n} (medecine) | :: talassoterapia {f} |
thaler {n} /ˈtɑːləɹ/ (historical monetary unit) | :: tallero |
thallium {n} /ˈθæliəm/ (chemical element) | :: tallio {m} |
thallophyte {n} /ˈθæləfaɪt/ (plant consisting of thallus only) | :: tallofita {f} |
thallus {n} /ˈθæl.əs/ (thallus) | :: tallo {m} |
Thames {prop} /tɛmz/ (river through London) | :: Tamigi {m} |
than {prep} /ðæn/ (Introduces a comparison) | :: di, che |
thanatological {adj} (pertaining to thanatology) | :: tanatologico |
thanatology {n} (deathlore) SEE: deathlore | :: |
thanatophobia {n} (fear of death) | :: tanatofobia {f} |
Thanatos {n} /ˈθænəˌtɒs/ (Thanatos, the god of death) | :: Tanato {m} |
Thanetian {prop} | :: Thanetiano |
thank {v} /θæŋk/ (express gratitude or appreciation to someone) | :: ringraziare |
thank {v} | :: ringraziare |
thankful {adj} /ˈθæŋkfəl/ (showing thanks) | :: riconoscente, grato |
thankfully {adv} (fortunately) | :: fortunatamente |
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) | :: grazie a Dio {m} |
thank goodness {interj} (express gratitude) | :: meno male |
thankless {adj} (ungrateful) | :: ingrato {m}, irriconoscente |
thanks {interj} /θæŋks/ (used to express appreciation or gratitude) | :: grazie |
thanks {n} (grateful feelings) | :: ringraziamento |
thanks a million {interj} (thanks a great many times) | :: grazie mille |
thanks for your help {phrase} (thanks for your help) | :: grazie per il tuo aiuto, grazie per il vostro aiuto |
Thanksgiving {prop} (Thanksgiving Day) | :: giorno del ringraziamento {m} |
Thanksgiving Day {n} (Thanksgiving) SEE: Thanksgiving | :: |
thanks to {prep} (because of) | :: grazie a |
thank you {interj} /ˈθæŋk juː/ (an expression of gratitude) | :: grazie |
thank you very much {interj} (greater gratitude than "thank you") | :: tante grazie, grazie mille |
that {conj} /ˈðæt/ (connecting a noun clause) | :: che |
that {conj} (connecting a clause indicating purpose ("final")) | :: perché |
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) | :: quello {m}, quella {f} |
that {pron} (that thing) | :: quello {m}, quella {f} |
that {pron} (which) | :: che |
that being said {adv} (that said) SEE: that said | :: |
Thatcherism {prop} (political ideology of Thatcher's governments) | :: thatcherismo {m} |
Thatcherist {n} (proponent of Thatcherism) SEE: Thatcherite | :: |
Thatcherite {adj} /ˈθætʃəɹaɪt/ (of or relating to Thatcherism) | :: thatcheriano |
Thatcherite {adj} (supporting Thatcherism) | :: thatcheriano |
Thatcherite {n} (advocate of Thatcherism) | :: thatcheriano {m}, thatcheriana {f}, thatcherista {m} {f} |
that is {adv} (in other words) | :: cioè, cioè a dire |
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is | :: |
that one {pron} (specified object) | :: quello |
that said {phrase} (even so) | :: ciò detto |
that's all {phrase} (that's all) | :: tutto qua |
that ship has sailed {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) | :: hai perso il treno |
that's it {phrase} (There is nothing more to the issue) | :: è tutto, pace, amen |
that's it {phrase} (Yes!, exactly!) | :: proprio, esattamente, esatto |
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life | :: |
that's that {phrase} (there is nothing more to say or to do concerning the matter) | :: questo è, punto e basta, e buona notte al secchio |
that train has left the station {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) SEE: that ship has sailed | :: |
thaw {v} /θɔː/ (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid) | :: fondersi, scongelarsi |
thaw {v} (to cause frozen things to melt, soften, or dissolve) | :: fondere, scongelare |
thaw {n} (the melting of ice, snow or other congealed matter) | :: disgelo |
thaw {n} (a warmth of weather) | :: disgelo |
thaw {n} | :: fusione {f}, scongelamento {m} |
the {article} /ˈðiː/ (article) | :: il {m}, la {f}, i {m-p}, le {f-p} |
the {article} (used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts) | :: il |
the {article} (with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”) | :: i |
the {article} (with a superlative) | :: il |
the {article} (used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class) | :: il |
theandry {n} | :: teandria {f} |
theanine {n} (amino acid) | :: teanina {f} |
the apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to its parents) | :: la mela non cade lontano dall'albero |
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
theater {n} /ˈθi(ə)tɚ/ (place or building) | :: teatro {m} |
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater | :: |
theatrical {adj} /θiˈæt.ɹɪ.kəl/ (fake and exaggerated) | :: teatrale, plateale |
Theban {adj} (pertaining to Thebes) | :: tebano |
the bee's knees {n} (something excellent, outstanding) | :: il meglio del meglio |
Thebes {prop} /θibz/ (Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.) | :: Tebe {f} |
the bill, please {phrase} (the bill, please) | :: il conto, per favore |
The Call of South Africa {prop} (a former national anthem of South Africa) | :: La chiamata del Sud-Africa |
the coast is clear {phrase} (there is no danger) | :: nessun pericolo in vista |
the cowl does not make the monk {proverb} (superficial trappings) | :: l’abito non fa il monaco |
the customer is always right {proverb} (proverb) | :: il cliente ha sempre ragione |
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation | :: |
the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined) | :: il dado è tratto |
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou | :: |
thee {pron} /ðiː/ (Objective case of 'thou') | :: [informal and addressing one person; used after a preposition] te, [informal and addressing one person; used before a verb] ti |
the early bird catches the worm {proverb} (be motivated so you can accomplish what you want, in the morning) SEE: the early bird gets the worm | :: |
the early bird gets the worm {proverb} (whoever arrives first has the best chance of success) | :: chi primo arriva meglio alloggia (he who arrives first, stays better), chi dorme non piglia pesci (he who sleeps catches no fish), il mattino ha l'oro in bocca (the morning has gold in its mouth) |
The End {n} /ði ɛnd/ (end of a story) | :: fine {f} |
the end justifies the means {proverb} (morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary) | :: il fine giustifica i mezzi |
the fish rots from the head {proverb} (proverb) | :: il pesce puzza dalla testa |
the fox may grow grey but never good {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) | :: il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio |
theft {n} /θɛft/ (act of stealing property) | :: furto {m} |
the fuck {phrase} (vulgar: intensifier used after interrogative pronouns) | :: cazzo |
the grass is always greener on the other side {proverb} (others' circumstances seem more desirable) | :: l'erba del vicino è sempre più verde |
The Groyne {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña | :: |
The Hague {prop} /ðə ˈheɪɡ/ (Dutch city) | :: L'Aia {f} |
the hell {adv} (expletive used for emphasis after an interrogative term) | :: col cazzo, che cazzo |
the icing on the cake {n} (something that intensifies the appreciation of something else) | :: la ciliegina sulla torta {f} (the (little) cherry on the cake) |
their {determiner} /ðɛɚ/ (belonging to them (plural)) | :: il loro {m-s}, la loro {f-s}, i loro {m-p}, le loro {f-p}, loro |
theirs {pron} /ðɛɚz/ (that which belongs to them) | :: il loro {m}, la loro {f}, i loro {m-p}, le loro {f-p} |
the lady doth protest too much {phrase} (because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite must be true) | :: la signora si opponga un po' troppo |
the line is busy {phrase} (the line is busy) | :: la linea è occupata |
them {pron} /ðɛm/ | :: [after preposition] loro, [indirect object] loro, [colloquial] gli, [indirect object, emphatic] a loro, [indirect object with an imperative verb] loro, [colloquial; becomes glie- when used with a direct object] gli, [direct object] li {m}, le {f}, [direct object, emphatic] loro |
thematic {adj} /θɪˈmætɪk/ (relating to, or having a theme or a topic) | :: tematico |
thematically {adv} (in a thematic manner) | :: tematicamente |
theme {n} /θiːm/ (computing: collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc.) | :: tema {m} |
theme {n} | :: tema {m} |
theme song {n} (a song accompanying a program) | :: sigla {f}, sigla musicale {f}, intro {f} |
the more the merrier {proverb} (it is more fun with more people) | :: più siamo meglio è |
themselves {pron} /ðɛmˈsɛlvz/ | :: essi stessi |
then {adv} /ðɛn/ (at that time) | :: allora |
then {adv} (soon afterward) | :: poi, quindi |
then {adv} (next in order) | :: poi, quindi |
then {adv} (in that case) | :: allora |
then {adv} (at the same time; on the other hand) | :: allo stesso tempo |
then {n} | :: allora |
the night is young {phrase} (it's not very late) | :: la notte è giovane |
Theobald {prop} /ˈtɪbəɫd/ (male given name) | :: Teobaldo {m} |
theobromine {n} (alkaloid) | :: teobromina {f} |
theocentric {adj} /θiːəʊˈsɛntɹɪk/ (having God as main focus) | :: teocentrico |
theocracy {n} /θiːˈɒkɹəsɪ/ (government under the control of a Church) | :: teocrazia {f} |
theodicy {n} /θiːˈɒd.ɪ.si/ (justification of a deity) | :: teodicea {f} |
theodolite {n} /θiːˈɒdəlaɪt/ (instrument) | :: teodolite {m} |
Theodora {prop} (female given name) | :: Teodora |
Theodore {prop} (male given name) | :: Teodoro |
Theodosia {prop} (female given name) | :: Teodosia |
Theodosian {adj} | :: teodosiano |
Theodosius {prop} (male given name) | :: Teodosio |
theogony {n} /θɪˈɒɡənɪ/ (origination of gods or a narrative describing the origin of gods) | :: teogonia {f} |
theologaster {n} | :: teologastro {m} |
theologian {n} /θi.əˈloʊdʒən/ (one who studies theology) | :: teologo {m}, teologa {f} |
theologic {adj} (theological) SEE: theological | :: |
theological {adj} /θi.əˈlɑd͡ʒɪkl/ (of or relating to theology) | :: teologico |
theologically {adv} (in a theological manner) | :: teologicamente |
theologist {n} (theologian) SEE: theologian | :: |
theology {n} /θi.ˈɒ.lə.dʒi/ (study of God, or a god, or gods) | :: teologia {f} |
the one {n} (person destined to save the universe or world, also called the Chosen One) | :: quello scelto {m}, quella scelta {f}, il prescelto {m}, la prescelta {f} |
theonym {n} (name of a god) | :: teonimo {m} |
theophany {n} /θiːˈɒfəni/ (a visible manifestation of a deity) | :: teofania {f} |
Theophilus {prop} (biblical character) | :: Teofilo |
Theophilus {prop} (male given name) | :: Teofilo |
theorbo {n} /θi.ˈɔɹ.boʊ/ (theorbo) | :: chitarrone {m}, tiorba {f} |
theorem {n} /ˈθiː.ə.ɹəm/ (proved mathematical statement) | :: teorema {m} |
theoretical {adj} /ˌθi.əˈɹɛtɪkəl/ (of or relating to theory) | :: teorico |
theoretically {adv} (in theory) | :: teoricamente, in linea teorica |
theoretical physics {n} (description of natural phenomena) | :: fisica teorica {f} |
theoretician {n} (expert in the theory of a science or art) | :: teorico, teorizzatore {m} |
theorisation {n} (something theorized) | :: teorizzazione {f} |
theorist {n} /ˈθɪəɹɪst/ (someone who constructs theories) | :: teorico {m} |
theorization {n} (theorisation) SEE: theorisation | :: |
theorize {v} (formulate theories) | :: teorizzare |
theory {n} /ˈθɪəɹi/ (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) | :: teoria {f} |
theory {n} (an unproven conjecture) | :: teoria {f} |
theory {n} (a field of study in mathematics) | :: teoria {f} |
theory {n} (in logic: a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) | :: teoria {f} |
theory {n} | :: teoria {f} |
theosophic {adj} /ˌθi.əˈsɑ.fɪk/ (of, or relating to theosophy) | :: teosofico |
theosophy {n} /θi.ˈɒs.ə.fi/ (doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism) | :: teosofia {f} |
the other way round {adv} (same but with mentioned things reversed) | :: viceversa, al contrario, all'incontrario, all'opposto, all'inverso |
the pen is mightier than the sword {proverb} (more power can achieved writing than fighting) | :: ne uccide più la penna della spada, la penna ferisce più della spada |
therapeutic {adj} /θɛɹəˈpjuːtɪk/ (of, or relating to therapy) | :: terapèutico |
therapeutical {adj} (therapeutic) SEE: therapeutic | :: |
therapist {n} (one who provides therapy) | :: terapista {m} {f} |
therapy {n} /ˈθɛɹ.ə.pi/ (treatment of disease) | :: terapia {f} |
there {adv} /ðɛəɹ/ (in or at that place) | :: lì, là, ivi |
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) | :: ci, vi |
thereabout {adv} (near that place, time, or date) | :: nei pressi, nei dintorni, nelle vicinanze |
there are {phrase} | :: ci sono |
there are none so blind as those who will not see {proverb} | :: non c'è peggior sordo di chi non vuol sentire |
there are plenty of fish in the sea {proverb} (there are more opportunities available) | :: morto un papa se ne fa un'altro |
there be {v} (to exist) | :: esserci |
thereby {adv} /ðɛɹˈbaɪ/ (by that) | :: in tal modo |
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore | :: |
therefore {adv} /ˈðɛəɹfɔɹ/ (for that or this reason; for that) | :: quindi, dunque, perciò, pertanto |
therefore {adv} (consequently; by consequence) | :: dunque |
therefore {adv} | :: dunque, quindi, per questo |
therein lies the rub {phrase} | :: qui casca l'asino |
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) | :: c'è, [plural] ci sono |
there is an exception to every rule {proverb} (every rule has an exception) | :: ogni regola ha la sua eccezione. |
there is nothing new under the sun {proverb} (there is nothing new) | :: niente di nuovo sotto il sole |
theremin {n} /ˈθɛə.ɹəˌmɪn/ (electronic musical instrument) | :: theremin {m} |
thereof {adv} /ðɛˈɹʌv/ (of this, that or it) | :: ne |
Theresa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Teresa | :: |
there's been an accident {phrase} (there's been an accident) | :: c'è stato un incidente |
there's many a slip twixt cup and lip {proverb} (in any situation something can always go wrong) | :: tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare |
there's more than one way to skin a cat {proverb} (a problem generally has more than one solution) | :: c'è più di un modo di scuoiare un gatto |
there's no place like home {proverb} (one feels most comfortable at home) | :: dove si nasce, ogni erba pasce |
there's no such thing as a free lunch {phrase} (nothing is free; everything has a price) | :: i soldi non crescono sugli alberi |
the rest is history {phrase} (used to indicate that one does not need to continue a story) | :: il resto è storia |
there you go {phrase} (here you are) SEE: here you are | :: |
theriac {n} /ˈθɛ.ɹi..ək/ (supposed universal antidote) | :: teriaca {f} |
therio- {prefix} /ˈθɪəɹɪə(ʊ)/ (Forming compound words having the sense of "wild animal") | :: terio- |
thermal {n} /ˈθɝməl/ (column of rising air) | :: corrente ascensionale |
thermal {adj} (pertaining to heat or temperature) | :: termico |
thermal {adj} (caused, brought about by heat) | :: termico |
thermalism {n} (therapeutic use of hot-water springs) | :: termalismo {m} |
thermalization {n} (The process of reaching thermal equilibrium) | :: termalizzazione {f} |
thermic {adj} /ˈθɜː(ɹ)mɪk/ (related to heat) | :: termico |
Thermidor {prop} /ˈθɝmədɔɹ/ (the eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar) | :: termidoro {m} |
thermionic {adj} (concerning the emission of electrons from a heated electrode) | :: termoionico |
thermo- {prefix} /θɝmoʊ-/ (heat) | :: termo- |
thermoballistic {adj} | :: termobalistico |
thermochemical {adj} (pertaining to thermochemistry) | :: termochimico |
thermochemistry {n} (the study of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions) | :: termochimica {f} |
thermochromatic {adj} | :: termocromatico |
thermocoagulation {n} (coagulation by means of heat) | :: termocoagulazione {f} |
thermocouple {n} (a transducer consisting of two different metals welded together at each end) | :: termocoppia {f} |
thermodesorber {n} | :: termodesorbitore {m} |
thermodesorption {n} | :: termodesorbimento {m} |
thermodynamic {adj} /ˌθɝmoʊdaɪˈnæmɪk/ (relating to the conversion of heat) | :: termodinamico |
thermodynamic {adj} (relating to thermodynamics) | :: termodinamico |
thermodynamic equilibrium {n} (state of equal temperature) | :: equilibrio termodinamico {m} |
thermoelectric {adj} (of, pertaining to, or exhibiting thermoelectricity) | :: termoelettrico |
thermoelectricity {n} (physics: direct conversion of heat into electricity) | :: termoelettricità {f} |
thermojet {n} (motorjet) SEE: motorjet | :: |
thermologist {n} /θə(ɹ)ˈmɒləd͡ʒɪst/ (one who practices thermology) | :: termogista {m} {f} |
thermomanometer {n} | :: termomanometro {m} |
thermometer {n} /θɚˈmɑmɪtɚ/ (apparatus used to measure temperature) | :: termometro {m} |
thermonasty {n} (type of nastic response) | :: termonastia {f} |
thermonuclear {adj} (of, or relating to the fusion of atomic nuclei at high temperatures) | :: termonucleare |
thermophile {n} (organism that lives and thrives at relative high temperatures) | :: termofilo |
thermopile {n} | :: termopila {f} |
Thermopylae {prop} /θɚˈmɑpɪli/ (narrow pass in eastern Greece) | :: Termopili {f-p} |
thermoregulation {n} (the maintenance of a constant internal temperature of an organism) | :: termoregolazione {f} |
thermos {n} /ˈθɜː.mɒs/ (vacuum flask) | :: termos {m} |
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) | :: termosfera {f} |
thermostatistics {n} (application of statistical methods to thermodynamics) | :: termostatistica {f} |
thermotropism {n} (thermotropic movement of a plant or plant part) | :: termotropismo {m} |
thermovoltaic {adj} (thermoelectric) | :: termovoltaico |
the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (well-intended acts can lead to disasters) | :: la strada per l'inferno è lastricata di buone intenzioni, di buone intenzioni è lastricata la via per l'inferno, di buone intenzioni è lastricato l'inferno |
Theron {prop} /ˈθɛɹən/ (5th century BC tyrant of Akragas) | :: Terone {m} |
thersite {n} | :: tersite {m} |
thesaurus {n} /θɪˈsɔːɹəs/ (book of synonyms) | :: dizionario dei sinonimi, tesoro {m} |
these {determiner} /ðiːz/ (plural of this) | :: questi |
these {determiner} | :: questi |
these {pron} (plural of this) | :: questi {m-p} |
these days {adv} (currently) | :: oggidì |
Theseus {prop} /ˈθiːsiːəs/ (hero) | :: Teseo |
the shoemaker's children go barefoot {proverb} (one often neglects those closest to oneself) | :: in casa del ciabattino le scarpe sono sfondate (in a shoemaker's house shoes are broken), il figlio del calzolaio va in giro con le scarpe rotte (the shoemaker's son gets around with broken shoes), il calzolaio ha le scarpe rotte (the shoemaker has broken shoes), il sarto va con i calzoni strappati (the tailor gets around with ripped trousers) |
thesis {n} /ˈθiːsɪs/ (statement supported by arguments) | :: tesi {f}, tema {f} |
thesis {n} (written essay submitted for a university degree) | :: tesi {f} |
thesmothete {n} | :: tesmoteta {m} |
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak {proverb} (achieving something is made impossible by frailty) | :: lo spirito è pronto, ma la carne è stanca |
Thessalonians {prop} /θɛsəˈloʊni.ənz/ (books of the Bible) | :: Tessalonicesi |
Thessaloniki {prop} /ˌθɛsələˈniːki/ (city in Greece) | :: Salonicco {f} |
Thessaly {prop} /ˈθesəli/ (region of Greece) | :: Tessaglia {f} |
the straw that broke the camel's back {n} (small additional burden which causes failure) | :: la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso [the drop of water that makes the glass overflow], goccia che fa traboccare il vaso {f} |
the terrorists will have won {phrase} | :: hanno vinto i terroristi |
thetic {adj} (pertaining to a thesis) | :: tetico |
thetic {adj} (dogmatic) | :: tetico |
Thetis {prop} /ˈθɛtɪs/ (the mother of Achilles) | :: Teti {f} |
the whole while {n} (always) | :: sempre |
the wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) | :: il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio |
they {pron} /ðeɪ/ (third-person plural pronoun) | :: essi, loro |
they {pron} (one, people, some people) | :: si |
thiazidic {adj} (of or pertaining to a thiazide) | :: tiazidico |
thiazole {n} (class of unsaturated heterocyclic compounds) | :: tiazolo |
thick {adj} /θɪk/ (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) | :: spesso |
thick {adj} (heavy in build) | :: pesante |
thick {n} (most active or intense part of something) | :: folto {m} |
thick {n} | :: tonto |
thick as thieves {adj} (intimate, close-knit) | :: culo e camicia, pappa e ciccia |
thick-billed murre {n} (Uria lomvia) | :: uria di Brunnich {f} |
thickening {n} (the process of making something, or becoming, thick or viscous) | :: ispessimento {m} |
thickening {n} (a substance, usually a source of starch, used to thicken a sauce) | :: addensante {m} {f} |
thicket {n} /ˈθɪkɪt/ (copse) | :: boscaglia {f}, fratta {f}, macchia {f}, boschetto {m}, roveto {m}, ammasso {m} |
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer | :: |
thickness {n} /ˈθɪknəs/ (property of being thick in dimension) | :: spessore {m}, grossezza {f} |
thief {n} /θiːf/ (one who carries out theft) | :: ladro {m}, ladra {f}, ladruncolo {m}, borsaiolo {m}, scippatore {m}, mariolo {m}, taccheggiatore, malandrino {m}, borseggiatore |
Thiene {prop} (city in Italy) | :: Thiene |
thieve {v} /θiːv/ (commit theft) | :: rubare |
thigh {n} /θaɪ/ (upper leg) | :: coscia {f} |
thighbone {n} (femur) | :: femore {m} |
thimble {n} /ˈθɪmbəl/ (a protective cap for the finger) | :: ditale {m} |
thimble {n} (rings used in a ship's rigging) | :: redancia {f} |
thin {adj} /ˈθɪn/ (having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite) | :: sottile, fine |
thin {adj} (very narrow in all diameters; having a cross section that is small in all directions) | :: sottile |
thin {adj} (having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt) | :: magro, sottile, emaciato {m}, consunto {m} |
thin {adj} | :: sottile, magro |
thine {determiner} /ðaɪn/ (possessive determiner) | :: tuo {m}, tua {f}, tuoi {m-p}, tue {f-p} |
thine {pron} (possessive pronoun) | :: il tuo {m-s}, la tua {f-s}, i tuoi {m-p}, le tue {f-p} |
thing {n} /θɪŋ/ (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) | :: cosa {f} |
thing {n} (penis) | :: coso {m} |
Thing {n} /θɪŋ/ (public assembly) | :: ting, thing |
thingamajig {n} (something that one does not know the name of) | :: coso |
thingamajigger {n} (something that one does not know the name of) | :: coso |
thing-in-itself {n} (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: noumenon) | :: cosa in sé {f} |
thingy {n} /ˈθɪŋi/ (a thing) | :: coso, qualcosa |
think {v} /θɪŋk/ (to ponder, to go over in one's head) | :: cogitare, pensare, ponderare |
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) | :: pensare, riflettere, rimuginare |
think {v} (to conceive of something or someone) | :: ritenere, considerare, reputare |
think {v} (be of the opinion that) | :: credere, pensare, ritenere |
think {v} (guess, reckon) | :: credere, pensare, supporre |
think {v} (consider, judge, regard something as) | :: considerare, trovare |
thinker {n} /ˈθɪŋ.kɚ/ (intellectual) | :: pensatore |
thinking cap {n} /ˈθɪŋkɪŋ ˌkæp/ (metaphorical piece of headgear for solving a problem) | :: pensatoio {m} |
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
think of {v} (think) SEE: think | :: |
think tank {n} (group producing research and recommendations) | :: centro studi {m}, centro di ricerca {m}, laboratorio d'idee {m}, istituto d'investigazione {m}, gabinetto strategico {m}, gruppo di riflessione {m} |
think up {v} (create in one's mind; invent) | :: ideare, inventare |
thin-skinned {adj} (overly sensitive to criticism) | :: permaloso |
thioacid {n} (acid formally derived from an oxyacid) | :: tioacido {m} |
thioaldehyde {n} (analogue of aldehyde) | :: tioaldeide {m} |
thiocyanate {n} (salt of ester of thiocyanic acid) | :: tiocianato {m} |
thioether {n} (analogue of an ether in which the oxygen has been replaced by sulfur) | :: tioetere {m} |
thiolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a thiol) | :: tiolico |
thiophene {n} (aromatic heterocyclic compound) | :: tiofene {m} |
thiosulfate {n} (salt or ester of thiosulfuric acid) | :: tiosolfato {m} |
thiosulphate {n} (thiosulfate) SEE: thiosulfate | :: |
Thira {prop} (Santorini) SEE: Santorini | :: |
third {adj} /θɝd/ (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) | :: terzo {m}, terza {f}, terzo {m} [in names of monarchs and popes], terza {f} [after the name; abbreviation III] |
third {n} (person or thing in the third position) | :: terzo {m} {f} |
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) | :: terzo {m} |
third {n} (interval) | :: terza {f} |
third {v} (divide into three parts) | :: atterzare |
third baseman {n} (baseball: defensive player near third base) | :: terza base {m} |
third person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement) | :: terza persona {f} |
third-person plural {n} | :: terza persona plurale {f} |
third-person singular {n} | :: terza persona singolare {f} |
third rail {n} (the electrified rail that runs beside or between train tracks to power electric trains) | :: rotaia elettrificata {f} |
Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime) | :: terzo Reich {m} |
third time's a charm {proverb} | :: la terza volta è quella buona |
third wheel {n} (person or thing that serves no useful purpose) | :: ultima ruota del carro {f} |
third wheel {n} (unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date) | :: terzo incomodo |
third-world {adj} | :: terzomondista {m} {f} |
Third World {prop} (countries not alligned with the west or east during the cold war) | :: terzo mondo {m} |
Third World {prop} (developing countries) | :: terzo mondo {m} |
Third-Worldism {n} | :: terzomondismo {m} |
Third-Worldist {adj} | :: terzomondista |
Third World War {prop} (World War III) SEE: World War III | :: |
thirst {n} /θɝst/ (dryness) | :: sete {f} |
thirst {n} (figuratively) | :: avidità {f}, sete {f} |
thirst {v} (to be thirsty) | :: avere sete |
thirsty {adj} /ˈθɜː(ɹ)st.i/ (needing to drink) | :: assetato |
thirteen {num} /ˌθɜːˈtiːn/ (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) | :: tredici {m} |
thirteenth {adj} /ˌθɝˈtiːnθ/ (ordinal form of thirteen, see also: 13th) | :: tredicesimo; (in names of monarchs and popes) tredicesimo {m}, tredicesima {f} (after the name) (abbreviation XIII) |
thirteenth {n} (something in the thirteenth position) | :: tredicesimo {m}, tredicesima {f} |
thirteenth {n} (one of thirteen equal parts of a whole) | :: tredicesimo {m} |
thirtieth {adj} /ˈθɝti.əθ/ (the ordinal form of the number thirty, see also: 30th) | :: trentesimo |
thirtieth {n} (the person or thing in the thirtieth position) | :: trentesimo {m}, trentesima {f} |
thirtieth {n} (one of thirty equal parts of a whole) | :: trentesimo |
thirty {num} /ˈθɝti/ (cardinal number) | :: trenta |
thirty-eight {num} (38) | :: trentotto |
thirty-fifth {adj} (35th) | :: trentacinquesimo |
thirty-fifth {n} (35th part) | :: trentacinquesimo |
thirty-five {num} (35) | :: trentacinque |
thirty-four {num} (34) | :: trentaquattro |
thirty-nine {num} (39) | :: trentanove |
thirty-one {num} (31) | :: trentuno |
thirty-second note {n} (demisemiquaver) SEE: demisemiquaver | :: |
thirty-seven {num} (37) | :: trentasette |
thirty-six {num} (36) | :: trentasei |
thirty-three {num} (33) | :: trentatrè |
thirty-three {n} (phonograph record) | :: trentatré giri {m} |
thirty-two {num} (32) | :: trentadue |
this {determiner} /ðɪs/ (the (thing) here) | :: questo {m}, questa {f}, sto {m}, sta {f} |
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) | :: questo {m}, questa {f} |
this afternoon {adv} (during the afternoon of today) | :: questo pomeriggio |
this evening {adv} (during the evening of today) | :: stasera |
this morning {n} /ðɪs ˈmɔɹnɪŋ/ (during the morning of today) | :: stamattina, stamani |
this one {pron} (a specified object) | :: questo |
thistle {n} /θɪsl̩/ (plant) | :: cardo {m} |
this way {adv} (as follows) SEE: thus | :: |
this way {n} (to indicate direction) | :: da questa parte, per di qua |
this year {adv} (during the current year) | :: quest'anno, uguanno |
thixotropy {n} | :: tissotropia |
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer | :: |
thole {v} (to endure, to put up with) SEE: endure | :: |
thole {n} (cupola, dome, rotunda) SEE: cupola | :: |
thole {n} (pin for oars) SEE: rowlock | :: |
thole {n} (ability to bear or endure something) SEE: endurance | :: |
Thomas {prop} /ˈtɑm.əs/ (biblical Apostle) | :: Tommaso {m} |
Thomas {prop} (given name) | :: Tommaso |
Thomism {n} (the philosophy and theology of Thomas Aquinas) | :: tomismo {m} |
Thomist {n} (follower or advocate of Thomism) | :: tomista {m} {f} |
Thomson {prop} (surname) | :: Di Tommaso, Tommasi |
thong {n} /θɒŋ/ (leather strip) | :: cinghia {f}, correggia {f}, laccio {m} |
thong {n} (footwear) | :: infradito {m}, ciabatta {f} |
thong {n} (G-string) SEE: G-string | :: |
thoracic {adj} (of the thorax) | :: toracico |
thoracic vertebra {n} (any vertebrae in the chest region) | :: vertebra toracica {f}, vertebra dorsale {f} |
thoraco- {prefix} (thorax) | :: toraco- |
thoracodorsal {adj} (relating to the thorax and back) | :: toracodorsale |
thorax {n} /ˈθɔɹæks/ (region of the mammalian body) | :: torace {m}, petto {m} |
thorianite {n} (mineral) | :: torianite {f} |
thorite {n} (mineral) | :: torite {f} |
thorium {n} /ˈθɔːɹiəm/ (chemical element) | :: torio {m} |
thorn {n} /θɔɹn/ (sharp protective spine of a plant) | :: spina {f}, aculeo |
thorn apple {n} (Datura stramonium) SEE: jimsonweed | :: |
thornbush {n} (thorny shrub or bush) | :: rovo {m}, spino {m} |
thorn in someone's side {n} (thorn in someone's side) | :: spina nel fianco |
thorny {adj} /ˈθɔɹni/ (having thorns) | :: spinoso {m} |
thorny {adj} (troublesome) | :: spinoso |
thorough {adj} /ˈθʌɹə/ (detailed) | :: minuzioso {m}, accurato {m}, dettagliato |
thorough {adj} (utter; complete; absolute) | :: totale, completo |
thoroughly {adv} /θɜːɹ.ə.lɪ/ (in a thorough or complete manner) | :: completamente, totalmente, assolutamente |
thorp {n} /θɔɹp/ (a hamlet, a village) | :: villaggio {m} |
those {determiner} /ðoʊz/ (plural of that) | :: quelle {f}, quei {m-p}, quegli {m-p} |
those who can't use their head must use their back {proverb} | :: chi non ha testa abbia gambe |
thou {pron} /ðaʊ/ (singular nominative form of you) | :: tu |
thou {v} /ðaʊ/ (to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun) | :: dare del tu |
though {adv} /ðəʊ/ (however) | :: comunque, nonostante, in ogni caso, ad ogni modo |
though {conj} (although) | :: anche se |
thought {n} /θɔt/ (form created in the mind) | :: idea {f} |
thought {n} (process) | :: pensiero {m} |
thought experiment {n} (attempt to solve a problem using human imagination) | :: esperimento mentale {m} |
thoughtful {adj} /ˈθɔːtfʊl/ (demonstrating thought or careful consideration) | :: pensieroso, pensoso, meditabondo, cogitabondo |
thoughtful {adj} (demonstrating kindness or consideration) | :: premuroso |
thought police {n} (a group that aims to control what other people think) | :: psicopolizia {f} |
thousand {num} /ˈθaʊz(ə)nd/ (cardinal number 1000) | :: mille {m} |
thousandfold {adj} /ˈθaʊzəndfəʊld/ (Repeated a thousand times) | :: millecuplo {m}, millecupla {f} |
thousand one {num} (one thousand plus one) | :: mille uno |
thousand one {num} (thousand-first) | :: millunesimo [for things in a sequence], mille uno |
thousandth {adj} /ˈθaʊzəntθ/ (ordinal form of 1000, see also: 1000th) | :: millesimo |
thousandth {n} (the person or thing in the thousandth position) | :: millesimo {m}, millesima {f} |
thousandth {n} (one of a thousand equal parts of a whole) | :: millesimo {m} |
Thrace {prop} /θɹeɪs/ (historical and geographic area in southeast Europe) | :: Tracia {f} |
thrall {n} /θɹɔl/ (one who is enslaved) | :: essere schiavo |
thrash {v} (to thresh) SEE: thresh | :: |
thrash {v} /θɹæʃ/ (to beat mercilessly) | :: infierire, sferzare, percuotere, bastonare, picchiare |
thrash {v} (to defeat utterly) | :: annientare, sconfiggere, travolgere |
thread {n} /θɹɛd/ (long, thin and flexible form of material) | :: filo {m}, refe {m} |
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) | :: filo {m}, filo conduttore {m} |
thread {n} ((Internet): a series of messages) | :: forum {m} |
thread {n} (a screw thread) SEE: screw thread | :: |
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes | :: |
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread | :: |
threadworm {n} (pinworm) SEE: pinworm | :: |
threat {n} /θɹɛt/ (expression of intent to injure or punish another) | :: minaccia {f} |
threat {n} (indication of imminent danger) | :: minaccia {f} |
threat {n} (person regarded as a danger) | :: minaccia {f} |
threaten {v} /ˈθɹɛt.n̩/ (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) | :: minacciare, impaurire |
threaten {v} (to menace, or be dangerous) | :: minacciare, intimidire |
threaten {v} (to portend, or give a warning) | :: avvisare, promettere |
threaten {v} | :: minacciare |
threateningly {adv} (In a threatening manner) | :: minacciosamente |
three {num} /θɹiː/ (cardinal number 3) | :: tre |
three {n} (digit/figure 3) | :: tre |
threefold {adj} (three times as great) | :: triplo {m} |
threefold {adj} (triple) | :: triplo {m} |
threefold {adv} (by a factor of three) | :: tripletta {f} |
three fourths {num} (3/4) | :: tre quarti |
three hundred {num} /ˈθɹiː ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 300) | :: trecento {m} |
three of a kind {n} (hand with three cards of the same rank) | :: tris |
three-piece suit {n} (suit consisting of matching jacket, trousers and waistcoat) | :: completo {m} |
three-pronged {adj} (having three prongs) | :: triforcuto |
three-quarter {n} | :: trequarti {m} |
three-quarter back {n} (rugby position) | :: trequarti {m} |
three quarters {num} (3/4) | :: tre quarti |
threesome {n} /ˈθɹiːsəm/ (a group of three people) | :: trio {m} |
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy | :: |
three thousand {num} (3,000) | :: tremila |
threonine {n} (an essential amino acid) | :: treonina {f} |
thresh {v} /θɹɛʃ/ (to separate the grain from the straw or husks) | :: trebbiare |
thresher {n} /ˈθrɛʃə(r)/ (farm machine) | :: trebbiatrice {f} |
thresher {n} (shark of the genus Alopias) SEE: thresher shark | :: |
thresher shark {n} (any of three species of sharks) | :: squalo volpe {m} |
threshing {n} (process) | :: trebbiatura {f} |
threshing floor {n} (floor of a threshing house) | :: aia {f} |
threshold {n} /ˈθɹɛʃ(h)oʊld/ (bottom-most part of a doorway) | :: soglia {m} |
threshold {n} (entrance) | :: soglia di casa {f}, entrata {f}, uscio {m} |
threshold {n} (point at which an action is triggered) | :: soglia |
threshold {n} | :: soglia {f} |
thrice {adv} /θɾ̪̊äɪs/ (three times) | :: tre volte |
thrift {n} /θɹɪft/ (characteristic of using a minimum of something) | :: parsimonia, frugalità, risparmio, economia |
thriftiness {n} (the property of being thrifty) | :: parsimonia {f} |
thrifty {adj} /ˈθɹɪfti/ (given to, or evincing, thrift) | :: parsimonioso |
thrifty {adj} | :: economico {m} |
thrill {v} /θɹɪl/ (suddenly excite someone, or to give someone great pleasure; to electrify) | :: elettrizzare |
thrill {v} (feel a sudden excitement) | :: eccitare, emozionare |
thriller {n} /ˈθɹɪlɚ/ (a suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction) | :: thriller {m} |
thrive {v} /θɹaɪv/ (to increase in bulk or stature) | :: prosperare |
thrive {v} (to prosper by industry) | :: prosperare, fiorire |
thriving {adj} /θɹaɪvɪŋ/ (flourishing) | :: florido {m}, fiorente, prospero {m}, rigoglioso {m} |
throat {n} /ˈθɹoʊt/ (front part of the neck) | :: gola {f} |
throat {n} | :: gola {f} |
throb {v} /θɹɒb/ (to pound or beat rapidly or violently) | :: battere, picchiare |
throb {v} (to vibrate or pulsate with a steady rhythm) | :: pulsare |
throb {n} (beating, vibration or palpitation) | :: battito {m}, palpito {m}, pulsazione {f} |
thrombocyte {n} (platelet) SEE: platelet | :: |
thrombocytopenia {n} (abnormally low platelet count) | :: piastrinopenia |
thromboembolic {adj} (of or pertaining to a thromboembolism) | :: tromboembolico |
thrombogenesis {n} (the formation of clots) | :: trombogenesi {f} |
thrombosis {n} /θɹɑmˈboʊsɪs/ (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) | :: trombosi {f} |
thrombus {n} (blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis) | :: trombosi {f} |
throne {n} /θɹoʊn/ (ornate seat) | :: trono {m} |
throne {n} (lavatory or toilet) | :: trono {m} |
throne {n} (third highest order of angel) | :: trono {m} |
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
throng {n} /θɹɔŋ/ (group of people) | :: calca {f}, ressa {f}, folla {f}, turba {f}, masnada {f}, orda {f}, stuolo {m} |
throttle {n} /ˈθɹatəl/ (valve) | :: acceleratore {m}, farfalla {f}, valvola a farfalla {f} |
throttle {n} (the lever or pedal that controls this valve) | :: pedale {m}, manetta {f} |
throttle {v} (to cut back speed) | :: rallentare |
throttle {v} (to strangle someone) | :: soffocare |
through {prep} (to or up to, until (and including)) SEE: to | :: |
through {prep} /θɹuː/ (from one side of an opening to the other) | :: attraverso |
through {prep} | :: attraverso |
through {n} (From one side to the other) | :: attraverso |
throughout {prep} /θɹuːˈʷaʊt/ (in every part of; all through) | :: in ogni parte, dappertutto |
throughput {n} (etendue) SEE: etendue | :: |
throw {v} /θɹoʊ/ (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) | :: gettare, lanciare, tirare, buttare |
throw {v} (computing: send (an error) to an exception-handling mechanism) | :: generare |
throw away {v} (discard or dispose of) | :: buttare via |
throw-away {adj} (designed to be thrown away) | :: usa e getta, monouso |
throw in the towel {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) | :: gettare la spugna, gettare le armi |
throw out {v} /ˈθɹəʊ ˌaʊt/ (discard) | :: buttare via, gettare via, scartare |
throw out {v} (dismiss or expel someone from duty or attending) | :: buttare fuori |
throw the baby out with the bathwater {v} /θɹəʊ ðə ˈbeɪbi aʊt wɪð ðə ˈbɑːθwɔːtə(ɹ)/ ((idiomatic) to discard something valuable) | :: buttare il bambino con l'acqua sporca |
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
throw up one's hands {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) SEE: throw in the towel | :: |
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through | :: |
thrum {n} /θɹʌm/ (short piece of yarn) | :: filaccia {f} |
thrush {n} /θɹʌʃ/ (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) | :: tordo {m} |
thrush {n} | :: candida {f}, candidosi {f} |
thrust {n} /θɹʌst/ (an attack with a sword) | :: stoccata |
thrust {n} (force due to propulsion) | :: spinta {f} |
thud {n} /ˈθʌd/ (the sound of a dull impact) | :: tonfo {m} |
thug {n} /θʌɡ/ (someone who treats others violently or roughly) | :: delinquente {m}, teppista {m} {f} |
thulium {n} /ˈθuːliəm/ (chemical element) | :: tulio {m} |
thumb {n} /θʌm/ (digit) | :: pollice {m}, dito grosso {m} |
Thumbelina {prop} /ˌθʌmbəˈliːnə/ (a thumb-sized girl, the main character of a fairy tale) | :: Mignolina {f}, Pollicina {f} |
thumbnail {n} /ˈθʌm.neɪl/ (small picture) | :: anteprima {f}, miniatura {f} |
thumb one's nose {v} (to place a thumb upon the tip of the nose in a gesture of disrespect) | :: fare marameo |
thumbscrew {n} (torture instrument) | :: schiaccia pollici {m} |
thumbtack {n} /ˈθʌm.tæk/ (nail-like tack) | :: puntina {f} |
thunder {n} /ˈθʌndə/ (sound caused by lightning) | :: tuono {m} |
thunder {n} (sound resembling thunder) | :: rombo {m}, schianto {m}, boato {m} |
thunder {n} (deep, rumbling noise) | :: fragore {m}, frastuono {m} |
thunder {v} (to make a noise like thunder) | :: tuonare |
thunderbird {n} /ˈθʌndə.bɜːd/ (mythological bird) | :: uccello del tuono {m} |
thunderbolt {n} /ˈθʌndə(ɹ)ˌboʊlt/ (flash of lightning accompanied by thunder) | :: fulmine, folgore, saetta, lampo |
thunderous {adj} /ˈθʌn.dəɹ.əs/ (very loud; suggestive of thunder) | :: tonitruante, tonante |
thunderstorm {n} /ˈθʌn.ə(ɹ)ˌstɔː(ɹ)m/ (storm with thunder and lightning) | :: temporale {m} |
Thurgau {prop} (Canton) | :: Turgovia |
thurible {n} (censer) SEE: censer | :: |
thurifer {n} (acolyte who carries a thurible) | :: turiferario {m} |
Thuringia {prop} /θəˈɹɪndʒiə/ (state) | :: Turingia |
Thuringian {n} /θjʊˈɹɪndʒɪən/ (a native or inhabitant of Thuringia) | :: turingese {m} {f} |
Thursday {n} /ˈθɝzdeɪ/ (day of the week) | :: giovedì {m} |
thus {adv} /ˈðʌs/ (in this way or manner) | :: così |
thus {adv} (as a result) | :: quindi, perciò, dunque, pertanto |
thus and so {n} (generic thing) | :: tal dei tali {m} |
thus and so {adj} (in such a way) | :: così e così, in questo modo, in quel modo, in questa maniera, in quella maniera |
thus far {adv} (so far) | :: finora, fino ad ora |
thwart {v} /θwɔːt/ (to prevent; to halt; to cause failure) | :: sventare |
thwart {n} (seat across a boat) | :: arcaccia {f} |
thy {determiner} /ðaɪ/ (possessive determiner) | :: tuo |
thy {determiner} | :: tuo |
thylakoid {n} (membrane within plant chloroplasts) | :: tilacoide {m} |
thyme {n} /taɪm/ (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) | :: timo {m} |
thymine {n} /ˈθaɪmɪn/ | :: timina {f} |
thymosin {n} | :: timosina {f} |
thymus {n} /ˈθaɪməs/ (ductless gland located behind the breastbone) | :: timo {m} |
thyroid {n} /ˈθaɪ̯ɹɔɪ̯d/ (referring to the gland situated in the neck) | :: tiroide |
thyrosis {n} | :: tireosi {f} |
thyroxine {n} (the hormone) | :: tiroxina {f} |
thyrsus {n} /ˈθɜːsəs/ (staff) | :: tirso {m} |
thysanuran {n} (species of order Thysanura) | :: tisanuro |
ti {n} (seventh note of a major scale) SEE: si | :: |
Tianjin {prop} (city in China) | :: Tientsin {m}, Tianjin {m} |
tiara {n} /tiˈɑːɹə/ (papal crown) | :: tiara {f} |
Tiber {prop} /ˈtaɪbəɹ/ (river) | :: Tevere {m} |
Tiberius {prop} /tɪˈbɛɹiʊs/ (given name) | :: Tiberio {m} |
Tibet {prop} /tɪˈbet/ (region in Inner Asia) | :: Tibet {m} |
Tibetan {n} /tɪˈbɛtn̩/ (a language) | :: tibetano {m} |
Tibetan antelope {n} (Pantholops hodgsonii) | :: chiru {m}, antilope tibetana {f} |
Tibetan fox {n} (Vulpes ferrilata) | :: volpe tibetana |
Tibetan Mastiff {n} (Tibetan Mastiff) | :: mastino tibetano {m} |
Tibetological {adj} (relating to Tibetology) | :: tibetologico |
tibia {n} (bone of the leg) SEE: shinbone | :: |
tibia {n} (segment of insect's leg) SEE: shinbone | :: |
tibial {adj} /ˈtɪbi.əl/ (Of or pertaining to a tibia) | :: tibiale |
tibicen {n} (flute-player) SEE: flautist | :: |
Ticino {prop} (canton of Switzerland) | :: Canton Ticino {m} |
tick {n} (unit of time defined by timer frequency) SEE: jiffy | :: |
tick {n} /tɪk/ (arachnid) | :: zecca {f} |
tick {n} (checkmark) | :: segno di spunta {m} |
ticket {n} /ˈtɪkɪt/ (admission to entertainment) | :: biglietto {m} |
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) | :: biglietto {m} |
ticket {n} | :: [1,2] biglietto {m}, multa {f}, [3] contravvenzione {f} |
ticket collector {n} (ticket validity checker) SEE: ticket inspector | :: |
ticketing {n} (issuing or selling of tickets) | :: bigliettazione {f} |
ticket inspector {n} (person who checks passengers have a valid ticket) | :: bigliettaio {m} |
ticket office {n} (an office where tickets may be purchased) | :: biglietteria {f} |
ticket stamping machine {n} (ticket validating machine) | :: obliteratrice {f}, validatrice {f} |
ticket tout {n} (person who resells tickets) SEE: scalper | :: |
ticking {n} /ˈtɪkɪŋ/ (a strong cotton or linen fabric) | :: traliccio {m}, vergatino {m} |
tickle {v} /ˈtɪkl̩/ (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation) | :: solleticare, titillare |
tickler {n} (conundrum) SEE: conundrum | :: |
tickler {n} (reminder) SEE: reminder | :: |
ticklish {adj} /ˈtɪk(ə)lɪʃ/ (sensitive or susceptible to tickling) | :: solleticoso |
tick tock {interj} (sound of a ticking clock) | :: tic tac, tictac |
tic-tac-toe {n} (game) | :: filetto {m}, tris {m} |
tidal {adj} /ˈtaɪd(ə)l/ (relating to tides) | :: di marea |
tidal island {n} (piece of land that is connected to the mainland at low tide but separated at high tide) | :: isola tidale {f} |
tidal locking {n} | :: rotazione sincrona |
tidal wave {n} /ˈtaɪdəlweɪv/ (large and sudden rise and fall in the tide) | :: onda di marea, onda anomala {f} |
tidal wave {n} (tsunami) | :: maremoto {m}, tsunami, onda anomala {f} |
tidal wave {n} (figurative: sudden, powerful surge) | :: marea {f} |
tidbit {n} (a tasty morsel of food) | :: bocconcino {m}, leccornia {f} |
tiddlywinks {n} (game in which the objective is to shoot winks into a cup) | :: giuoco della pulce |
tide {n} /taɪd/ (periodic change of sea level) | :: marea {f} |
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide | :: |
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide | :: |
tidiness {n} (the quality of being tidy) | :: compostezza {f} |
tiding {n} /ˈtaɪdɪŋ/ (news, new information) | :: notizie {f-p}, novità {f} |
tidy {adj} /ˈtaɪdi/ (arranged neatly) | :: ordinato {m} |
tie {n} /taɪ/ (tie score) | :: pareggio {m} |
tie {n} (strong connection between people) | :: legame {m}, vincolo {m} |
tie {v} (to attach or fasten with string) | :: legare, magliare, ammagliare |
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie | :: |
tie {v} (to achieve the same score) SEE: equalize | :: |
T'ien-chin {prop} (Tianjin) SEE: Tianjin | :: |
Tiepolesque {adj} | :: tiepolesco |
tier {n} /ˈtɪɚ/ (layer or rank) | :: strato, ripiano |
tiercel {n} (male hawk or falcon, used in falconry) | :: terzuolo {m}, terzolo {m} |
Tierra del Fuego {prop} /tiˌɛɹə dɛl ˈfweɪɡoʊ/ (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) | :: Terra del Fuoco {f} |
tiff {n} /tɪf/ (petty quarrel) | :: litigio {m}, litigata {f}, baruffa {f} |
tiger {n} /ˈtaɪɡɚ/ (The mammal Panthera tigris) | :: tigre {f} |
tiger beetle {n} (any active, carnivorous beetle of the subfamily Cicindelinae) | :: cicindela |
tiger cub {n} (young tiger) | :: tigrotto {m} |
tiger's eye {n} (chatoyant gemstone) | :: occhio di tigre {m} |
tiger shark {n} (Galeocerdo cuvier) | :: squalo tigre {m} |
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow | :: |
tight {adj} /taɪt/ (pushed/pulled together) | :: aderente, teso, stretto |
tight {adj} (under high tension) | :: teso, tirato |
tight {adj} (well-rehearsed and accurate) | :: nitido |
tight {adv} (firmly) | :: stretto |
tighten {v} /ˈtaɪ.tən/ (to make tighter) | :: stringere |
tighten the purse strings {v} (to decrease or cause to decrease spending) | :: stringere i cordoni della borsa [literally], tirare la cinghia |
tight-knit {adj} (tightly knit) | :: affiatato {m} |
tight-lipped {adj} (unwilling to divulge information) | :: reticente, nulladicente |
tightly {adv} /ˈtaɪtli/ (in a tight manner) | :: strettamente |
tightness {n} (the quality of being tight) | :: strettezza |
tightrope walker {n} (acrobat who practices tightrope walking) | :: funambolo {m} |
tights {n} /taɪts/ (women's garment) | :: collant {m} |
tights {n} (dancer's garment) | :: calzamaglia {f} |
tigon {n} /ˈtaɪɡən/ (cross between a male tiger and a lioness) | :: tigone {m} |
tigress {n} (female tiger) | :: tigre femmina {f}, femmina della tigre {f} |
Tigrinya {prop} /tɪˈɡɹiːnjə/ (language) | :: tigrigna {f} |
Tigris {prop} /ˈtaɪɡɹɪs/ (river in Southwest Asia) | :: Tigri {m} |
tilapia {n} /təˈlɑːpiə/ (any fish of the genus Tilapia) | :: tilapia {f} |
tilde {n} /ˈtɪldə/ (diacritical mark) | :: tilde {f} |
tile {n} /taɪl/ (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) | :: piastrella {f}, mattonella {f} [floor and wall tile], tegola {f}, coppo {m} [roof tile] |
tile {v} (to cover with tiles) | :: piastrellare |
tiled {adj} (covered with tiles) | :: piastrella |
till {prep} /tɪl/ (until) | :: fino a, fino a che, fintanto, fintantochè, finattantochè, finchè |
till {conj} (until) | :: fino a, fino a che |
till {n} (cash register) | :: registratore di cassa {m} |
till {n} (box within a cash register) | :: comparto contanti {m} |
till {n} (contents of a cash register) | :: incasso {m} |
till {v} (to work or cultivate) | :: arare, dissodare |
till {n} (glacial drift) | :: materiale alluvionale {m} |
till {n} (manure used as fertilizer) | :: letame {m}, stallatico {m} |
tillable {adj} (able to be tilled) | :: arativo, dissodabile, lavorativo |
tillage {n} /ˈtɪlɪdʒ/ (cultivation of arable land) | :: coltivazione {f} |
till death do us part {adv} (phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment) | :: finché morte non ci separi |
tiller {n} /ˈtɪlə/ (person) | :: aratore {m} |
tiller {n} (machine) | :: aratro |
tiller {v} (put forth new shoots) | :: accestire |
till point {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
tilt {v} /tɪlt/ (to slope or incline (something); to slant) | :: pendere, inclinare, piegare |
tilt {n} (inclination of part of the body) | :: inclinazione, pendenza {f} |
Timau {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Timau |
timbale {n} (mould) | :: timballo {m} |
timber {n} /ˈtɪˑmˌbəː/ (trees considered as a source of wood) | :: legno {m} |
timber {n} (wood that has been cut ready for construction) | :: legname {m} |
timbre {n} /ˈtæm.bɚ/ (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume) | :: timbro {m} |
timbric {adj} (timbric) | :: timbrico |
time {v} /taɪm/ (to choose the time for) | :: fissare, programmare |
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) | :: tempo {m} |
time {n} (quantity of availability in time) | :: tempo {m} |
time {n} (measurement of a quantity of time) | :: tempo {m} |
time {n} (slang: serving of a prison sentence) | :: pena {f} |
time {n} (time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc) | :: ora {f} |
time {n} (instance or occurrence) | :: volta {f} |
time {n} (ratio of comparison) | :: volta {f} |
time after time {adv} (again and again) | :: ripetutamente, ancora ed ancora, di volta in volta |
time bomb {n} (bomb with a timeout mechanism) | :: bomba a orologeria {f}, bomba a tempo {f} |
time bomb {n} (a situation that threatens to have disastrous consequences at some future time) | :: bomba a orologeria {f}, bomba a tempo {f} |
time capsule {n} (sealed container) | :: capsula del tempo {f} |
time flies {phrase} (time seems to pass quickly) | :: il tempo fugge |
time flies when you're having fun {proverb} (equal proverbs) | :: il tempo vola quando ci si diverte |
time frame {n} (period of time) | :: lasso di tempo {m} |
time heals all wounds {proverb} (negative feelings eventually fade away) | :: il tempo guarisce ogni ferita |
time is money {proverb} (time is money) | :: il tempo è denaro |
time-lapse {adj} (photographic technique) | :: time-lapse |
timeless {adj} (eternal) | :: senza tempo |
timeless {adj} (untimely) SEE: untimely | :: |
timeliness {n} (the state of being timely) | :: tempestività {f} |
time machine {n} (device used to travel in time) | :: macchina del tempo {f} |
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time | :: |
time of departure {n} (the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to depart) | :: ora di partenza {f} |
time off {n} (time without work) | :: ferie {f-p}, pausa {f} |
timer {n} /ˈtaɪmɚ/ (device) | :: temporizzatore {m} |
times {prep} /taɪmz/ (multiplied by) | :: per |
time series {n} (set of data points representing values of a variable at different times) | :: serie storica {f} |
timetable {n} /ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl/ (a structured schedule of events) | :: orario {m} |
time travel {n} (hypothetical or fictional travel to the past or future) | :: viaggio nel tempo {m} |
time trial {n} (race in cycling) | :: cronometro {f} |
time tunnel {n} (passageway enabling time travel) | :: tunnel temporale {m} |
time will tell {phrase} (results of an action cannot be known beforehand) | :: chi vivrà vedrà, il tempo lo dirà |
time zone {n} (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used) | :: fuso orario {m} |
timezone {n} (time zone) SEE: time zone | :: |
timid {adj} /ˈtɪmɪd/ (lacking in courage or confidence) | :: timido, pavido, impaurito |
timidly {adv} (in a timid manner) | :: timidamente |
timing {n} /ˈtaɪmɪŋ/ (the regulation of the pace) | :: ritmo {m}, cadenza {f}, passo {m}, andamento {m} |
timing {n} (time when something happens) | :: tempismo {m}, tempistica {f} |
timing {n} (synchronization of the spark plugs) | :: regolazione {f}, sincronizzazione {f}, messa a punto {f}, messa in fase {f} |
timing {n} (instance of recording the time) | :: registrazione {f}, tempistica {f}, cronologia {f}, cronometria {f}, calcolo del tempo {m}, metrologia {f} |
timing belt {n} (a part of an internal combustion engine) | :: cinghio di distribuzione {m} |
Timișoara {prop} /ˌtimiˈʃwɑɹɑ/ (city in Romania) | :: Timișoara |
timocracy {n} (form of government) | :: timocrazia {f} |
timolol {n} (kind of beta-adrenergic receptor blocker) | :: timololo {m} |
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor | :: |
timorous {adj} /ˈtɪməɹəs/ (fearful, timid) | :: timido |
timothy {n} (type of grass) | :: fleo {m}, fleolo {m} |
Timothy {prop} /ˈtɪməθi/ (books in the New Testament) | :: Timoteo {m} |
Timothy {prop} (companion of Paul) | :: Timoteo {m} |
Timothy {prop} (male given name) | :: Timoteo {m} |
timpani {n} /ˈtɪmpəni/ (kettledrums) | :: timpani {p} |
timpanist {n} (someone who plays the timpani) | :: timpanista {m} {f} |
timpanum {n} (musical instrument) SEE: kettledrum | :: |
timpanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear | :: |
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
timpanum {n} (hearing organ) SEE: tympanum | :: |
timpanum {n} (ornamental panel) SEE: tympanum | :: |
timps {n} (timpani) SEE: timpani | :: |
tin {n} /tɪn/ (element) | :: stagno {m} |
tin {n} (airtight container) | :: lattina {f}, barattolo {m} |
tin {n} (metal pan) | :: gamella {f} |
tin {adj} (made of tin) | :: di stagno |
tinamou {n} (bird of the family Tinamidae) | :: tinamo {m} |
tin can {n} (container) | :: lattina {f}, barattolo {m} |
tincture {n} /ˈtɪŋ(k)tʃə/ (alcoholic extract used as medicine) | :: alcolato {m} |
tinder {n} /ˈtɪndəɹ/ (dry sticks etc.) | :: esca {f} |
tinderbox {n} (potentially dangerous situation) | :: polveriera {f} |
tine {n} /taɪn/ (prong) | :: rebbio {m}, dente {m}, punta {f} |
tine {n} (on antler) | :: ramificazione corna cervidi |
tinea {n} (ringworm) SEE: ringworm | :: |
tinge {n} /tɪn(d)ʒ/ (degree of vividness of a colour, see also: hue; shade; tint) | :: sfumatura {f} |
tingle {v} /ˈtɪŋɡəl/ (to have a prickling or mildly stinging sensation) | :: formicolare |
tingle {n} (prickling sensation) | :: solletico {m} |
tingling {n} (a tingling sensation) | :: solletico {m} |
tinker {n} /tɪŋkə(ɹ)/ (itinerant tinsmith) | :: stagnino {m}, calderaio {m}, lattoniere {m} |
tinker {n} (member of the travelling community) | :: zingaro {m} |
tinker {n} (mischievous person) | :: zingaro {m} |
tinker {v} (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it) | :: arrabattarsi, scervellarsi |
Tinkerbell {n} (fictional fairy) | :: Campanellino {f}, Trilli {f}, Trilli Campanellino {f} |
tinkerer {n} (meddler) SEE: meddler | :: |
tinkle {v} (to urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
tinned {adj} (preserved in tins) SEE: canned | :: |
tinned {adj} (previously prepared) SEE: canned | :: |
tinnitus {n} /ˈtɪn.ɪ.təs/ (perception of nonexistent noise) | :: acufene {m} |
tin opener {n} (tin opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
tin-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
tinsel {n} /ˈtɪn.səl/ (thin strips of a glittering, metallic material used as a decoration) | :: orpello {m} |
tinsmith {n} (a person who makes or repairs things with tin) | :: lattoniere {m} |
tiny {adj} /ˈtaɪni/ (very small) | :: minuscolo, piccolo, piccino, minuto, microscopico |
-tion {suffix} /-ʃən/ (producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb) | :: -zione (unless previous letter was "s", when "t" remains as is, like in "digestione", "questione", etc.) |
tip {n} /tɪp/ (extreme end of something) | :: punta {f}, estremità {f} |
tip {v} (to pour from a container) | :: sversare |
tip {n} (area or place for dumping something, such as rubbish or refuse, as from a mine; a heap) | :: discarica {f} |
tip {v} (give a small amount of money to someone for a service provided) | :: dare la mancia, lasciare la mancia |
tip {n} (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) | :: mancia {f} |
tip {n} (piece of private information) | :: dritta {f} |
tip {n} (piece of advice) | :: dritta {f} |
tip {v} (inform of a potential clue) | :: dare una dritta |
tipcat {n} (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick) | :: lippa {f} |
tipcat {n} (wooden piece used in tipcat) | :: lippa {f} |
tip of the iceberg {n} /ˈtɪp əv ðiː ˈaɪsbɜːɡ/ (small indication of a larger possibility) | :: punta dell'iceberg {f} |
tipsy {adj} /ˈtɪ (slightly drunk) | :: brillo, alticcio, allegro, allegretto |
tiptoe {n} /ˈtɪpˌtoʊ/ (tips of one's toes) | :: punta dei piedi |
tiptoe {v} (to walk quietly) | :: camminare in punta di piedi |
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent | :: |
tiptop {n} (very topmost point) | :: di prim'ordine |
tirade {n} /ˈtaɪɹeɪd/ (long, angry or violent speech) | :: invettiva {f} |
tiramisu {n} /ˌtɪɹəˈmisu/ (semifreddo dessert) | :: tiramisù {m} |
Tirana {prop} /tɪˈɹɑː.nə/ (capital city of Albania) | :: Tirana |
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre | :: |
tire {v} /ˈtaɪ̯ə(ɹ)/ (to make sleepy) | :: affaticare |
tire {v} (to become bored) | :: stancarsi |
tire {v} (to bore) | :: stancare |
tired {adj} /taɪɚd/ (in need of rest or sleep) | :: stanco, esausto, fatto, distrutto, affaticato, stracco |
tired {adj} (fed up) SEE: fed up | :: |
tiredness {n} (state of being tired) | :: sfinitezza {f} |
tireless {adj} (indefatigable) | :: instancabile |
tiresome {adj} /ˈtaɪɹsəm/ (causing fatigue or boredom) | :: fastidioso, noioso |
tiresomeness {n} (the state or quality of being tiresome; wearisomeness; tediousness) | :: fastidiosità {f}, fastidiosaggine {f}, importunità {f}, stucchevolezza {f} |
tiring {adj} (that tires or tire) | :: faticoso {m}, faticosa {f} |
Tironian {adj} (of or pertaining to M. Tullius Tiro) | :: tironiano |
Tirzah {prop} (biblical woman) | :: Tersa |
Tirzah {prop} (biblical place) | :: Tersa |
tissue {n} /ˈtɪʃu/ (woven fabric) | :: tessuto |
tissue {n} (aggregation of cells) | :: tessuto {m} |
tissue paper {n} (thin, translucent paper) | :: carta velina |
Tisza {prop} (river in Central Europe) | :: Tibisco {m} |
tit {n} /tɪt/ (a mammary gland, teat) | :: tetta {m} |
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) | :: tetta {f} [slang], [informal, slang] poppa {f}, seno {m}, mammella {f}, zizza {f}, zinna {f} |
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee | :: |
Titan {n} /ˈtaɪtən/ (mythological giant) | :: Titano |
Titan {prop} (moon of Saturn) | :: Titano {m} |
Titania {prop} /tɪˈtɑːni.ə/ (moon of Uranus) | :: Titania {m} |
titanic {adj} /taɪˈtæn.ɪk/ (titanic) | :: titanico |
titanite {n} (mixed calcium and titanium neosilicate) | :: titanite {f} |
titanium {n} /tɪˈteɪni.əm/ (chemical element) | :: titanio {m} |
Titanomachy {prop} /ˌtaɪtəˈnɒməki/ (mythological war between Titans and Olympian gods) | :: titanomachia {f} |
titer {v} (titrate) SEE: titrate | :: |
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat | :: |
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat | :: |
tit for tat {n} /ˈtɪt fə(ɹ) ˈtæt/ (act of returning exactly what one gets) | :: pan per focaccia |
tit fuck {n} (stimulation of a penis by breasts) | :: spagnola |
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth | :: |
tithe {n} /taɪð/ (tax paid to the Church) | :: decima |
Tithonian {prop} (age 152.1-145Ma ago) | :: Tithoniano |
titian {n} /ˈtɪʃən/ (bright auburn colour) | :: rosso tiziano {m} |
titian {adj} (of a bright auburn colour) | :: tiziano, tizianesco, rosso tiziano |
Titian {prop} /ˈtɪʃən/ (sixteenth century Italian painter) | :: Tiziano {m} |
Titianesque {adj} /tɪʃəˈnɛsk/ (suggesting Titian's style) | :: tizianesco |
title {n} /ˈtaɪtl̩/ (prefix or suffix added to a name) | :: titolo {m} |
title {n} (name of a book, etc) | :: titolo {m} |
title {v} (the act of assigning a title) | :: intitolare |
titled {adj} | :: nobile, titolato |
title page {n} (page in a book) | :: frontespizio {m} |
titling {n} (stockfish) SEE: stockfish | :: |
titling {n} (Anthus pratensis) SEE: meadow pipit | :: |
Titoism {n} (socialist ideology) | :: titoismo |
Titoist {adj} (of, relating to, or resembling w:Josip Broz Tito) | :: titoista |
Titoist {adj} (of or relating to Titoism) | :: titoista |
Titoist {n} (a person who accepts the philosophy of Titoism) | :: titoista {m} {f} |
titrant {n} (reagent of known concentration and volume) | :: titolante {f} |
titrate {v} /ˈtɪtɹeɪt/ (to ascertain the concentration of a solution) | :: titolare |
titration {n} /taɪˈtɹeɪʃən/ (determination of concentration, by addition of reagent until completion of reaction) | :: titolazione {f} |
titrator {n} (titrant) SEE: titrant | :: |
tits and ass {n} (entertainment involving scantily clad women) | :: tette e culi {f} |
tits and bums {n} (tits and ass) SEE: tits and ass | :: |
tittle {n} /ˈtɪt.əl/ (a small amount) | :: punto {m} |
tittle {n} (dot on i and j) | :: puntino {m} |
titty {n} (kitty) SEE: kitty | :: |
Titus {prop} /ˈtaɪtəs/ (book of the Bible) | :: Tito |
Titus {prop} (biblical character) | :: Tito |
Titus {prop} (male given name) | :: Tito |
Tivoli {prop} /ˈtɪvəli/ (city in Lazio, Italy) | :: Tivoli {f} |
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo | :: |
tl;dr {phrase} (too long didn't read) | :: tal;nhl |
tmesis {n} /t(ə)ˈmiːsɪs/ (insertion of one or more words between the components of a word) | :: tmesi {f} |
to {particle} /tu/ (infinitive-marker) | :: -are [1st conjugation], -ere [2nd conjugation], -arre [2nd irregular conjugation], -orre [2nd irregular conjugation], -urre [2nd irregular conjugation], -ire [3rd conjugation] |
to {particle} (particle used to create phrasal verbs) | :: da [+ infinitive verb], per [+ infinitive verb] |
to {prep} | :: per |
to {prep} (in the direction of, and arriving at) | :: a, in, per |
to {prep} (used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship) | :: a |
to {prep} (used to indicate ratios) | :: a, per |
to {prep} (used to indicated exponentiation) | :: alla, a |
to {prep} (time: preceding) | :: a [+ definite article] |
to {adv} | :: not used in Italian |
toad {n} /toʊd/ (amphibian similar to a frog) | :: rospo {m} |
toadstool {n} /ˈtoʊdˌstu(ə)l/ (an inedible or poisonous mushroom) | :: fungo velenoso |
toady {n} (sycophant flattering others to gain personal advantage) | :: leccaculo {m}, adulatore {m}, ruffiano {m}, sicofante {m}, lecchino {m} |
to all intents and purposes {prep} (for every functional purpose) | :: a tutti gli effetti |
to and fro {adv} (back and forth) | :: avanti e indietro |
Toarcian {prop} | :: Toarciano |
to arms {prep} (to arms) | :: all'arme! |
toast {n} /toʊst/ (toasted bread) | :: pane tostato {m}, toast {m} |
toast {n} (salutation) | :: brindisi {m} |
toasted {adj} | :: tostato |
toaster {n} /ˈtoʊstɚ/ (device for toasting bread) | :: tostapane |
toastmaster {n} (person who proposes toasts, etc.) SEE: master of ceremonies | :: |
tobacco {n} /təˈbækoʊ/ (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) | :: tabacco {m} |
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) | :: tabacco {m} |
tobacconist {n} (smoker) SEE: smoker | :: |
tobacconist {n} (person who sells tobacco) | :: tabaccaio {m}, tabaccaia {f} |
tobacconist {n} (tobacconist's shop) SEE: tobacconist's | :: |
tobacconist's {n} (shop that sells tobacco products) | :: tabaccheria {f} |
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) | :: pipa {f} |
Tobias {prop} /təˈbaɪəs/ (biblical character) | :: Tobia |
Tobias {prop} (male given name) | :: Tobia |
Toblerone {n} /ˈtoʊbləɹoʊn/ (A chocolate bar having triangular wedges) | :: Toblerone {m} |
toccata {n} /təˈkɑːtə/ (musical piece) | :: toccata {f} |
to come {adj} | :: avvenire, a venire |
Tocquevillian {adj} (of or characteristic of Tocqueville) | :: tocquevilliano |
to date {prep} (until now) | :: finora, ad oggi |
today {adv} /təˈdeɪ/ (on the current day) | :: oggi |
today {adv} (nowadays) | :: oggi, oggigiorno, attualmente |
today {n} (today (noun)) | :: oggi |
today's {adj} | :: odierno, di oggi |
toddle {v} (walk unsteadily) | :: trotterellare |
toddler {n} (young human child) | :: bambino {m}, bambina {f}, piccolo {m}, piccola {f}, trotterellino {m}, trottolino {m} |
toe {n} /toʊ/ (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) | :: dito del piede {m}, dito {m} |
toe {n} (any equivalent part in an animal) | :: dito della zampa {m}, dito del piede {m}, dito {m} |
toe {n} (part of a shoe or sock covering the toe) | :: punta {f} |
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) | :: a ciascuno il suo, a ognuno il suo |
toenail {n} /ˈtəʊˌneɪl/ (the plate covering the end of a toe) | :: unghia del piede |
toe ring {n} (toe ring) | :: anello per alluce {m} |
to err is human {proverb} (Everybody makes mistakes) | :: errare è umano |
toffee {n} /ˈtɔfi/ (uncountable: type of confectionery) | :: caramella mou {f} |
tofu {n} /ˈtoʊfu/ (protein-rich food made from curdled soy milk) | :: tofu {m} |
toga {n} /ˈtoʊɡə/ (loose outer garment worn by the citizens of Ancient Rome) | :: toga {f} |
toga {n} (loose wrap gown) | :: toga {f} |
togate {adj} /ˈtəʊɡeɪt/ (clad in a toga) | :: togato |
together {adv} /tʊˈɡɛðɚ/ (at the same time, in the same place) | :: insieme |
together {adv} | :: insieme, assieme |
toggle {n} /ˈtɑ.ɡəl/ (pin, short rod or similar securing a loop in a rope or chain) | :: coccinello {m}, cavicchio {m} |
toggle {n} (toggle switch) SEE: toggle switch | :: |
toggle switch {n} (switch actuated by a lever) | :: interruttore basculante {m}, interruttore {m} |
toggle switch {n} | :: commutatore |
Togo {prop} /ˈtoʊɡoʊ/ (Togolese Republic) | :: Togo {m} |
toil {n} /tɔɪl/ (labor, work) | :: lavoro {m}, fatica {f} |
toil {n} (trouble, strife) | :: disputa {f}, tenzone {f}, litigio {m}, baruffa, diverbio {m} |
toilet {n} /ˈtɔɪ.lət/ (personal grooming) | :: toeletta {f}, toilette {f}, toletta {f} [rare] |
toilet {n} (dressing room) | :: toeletta {f}, toilette {f}, [rare] toletta {f} |
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) | :: bagno {m}, gabinetto {m}, toilette {f}, ritirata {f}, water {m}, cesso {m}, WC {m} [informal], toeletta {f}, toletta {f} [rare], latrina {f} |
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) | :: water {m}, water closet {m}, WC {m}, tazza {f}, vaso {m}, vaso sanitario {m}, cesso {m} |
toilet {n} (place resembling a filthy toilet) | :: schifezza {f}, cesso {m} [slang] |
toilet bowl {n} (receptacle designed to receive the dejections of humans) | :: tazza {f}, water {m} |
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) | :: carta igienica {f} |
toilet roll {n} (roll of toilet paper) | :: rotolo di carta igienica {m} |
Tokelau {prop} /ˈtoʊkəlaʊ/ (a territory of New Zealand in the Pacific) | :: Tokelau |
token {n} /ˈtoʊkən/ (something serving as an expression of something else) | :: simbolo {m}, segno {m} |
token {n} (piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for money) | :: gettone {m} |
Tokyo {prop} /toʊ.ki.oʊ/ (capital of Japan) | :: Tokyo {f}, Tokio {f}, Tochio {m} |
Tokyoite {adj} (relating to Tokyo) | :: edochiano |
Tokyoite {n} (person from Tokyo) | :: edochiano {m}, edochiana {f} |
tolerance {n} /ˈtɒləɹəns/ (ability to endure pain or hardship) | :: tolleranza {f} |
tolerance {n} (ability to tolerate) | :: tolleranza {f} |
tolerate {v} /ˈtɑl.ə.ɹeɪt/ (something difficult) | :: tollerare |
to let {prep} (being advertised for rent (of a room or property)) SEE: for rent | :: |
toll {n} /toʊɫ/ (fee for using roads and bridges) | :: pedaggio {m}, dazio {m} |
toll {v} (to make the noise of a bell) | :: suonare |
toll {v} (entice) SEE: entice | :: |
tollbar {n} | :: casello {m} |
toll booth {n} (a booth on a toll road or toll bridge where the toll is collected) | :: casello {m} |
toll-free {adj} (of phone call: without additional toll) | :: numero verde |
tollgate {n} | :: pedaggio, barriera {f} |
toll road {n} (toll road) SEE: turnpike | :: |
tollway {n} (turnpike) SEE: turnpike | :: |
toluene {n} /ˈtɒl.juː.iːn/ (liquid hydrocarbon) | :: toluene {m}, toluolo {m} |
Tolyatti {prop} /tɔlˈjɑti/ (city) | :: Togliatti {f} |
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian | :: |
tom {n} /tɑm/ (male cat) | :: gatto {m} |
tom {n} (male of other animals) | :: maschio {m} |
tomato {n} /tʰə̥ˈmɑɾoʊ/ (tomato plant) | :: pomodoro {m} |
tomato {n} (fruit) | :: pomodoro {m} |
tomato juice {n} (juice made from tomatoes) | :: sugo di pomodoro {m} |
tomato sauce {n} (pasta sauce) | :: salsa di pomodoro {f} |
tomb {n} /tum/ (small building or vault for the remains of the dead) | :: tomba {f} |
tombak {n} (type of goblet drum) | :: darabouka {f} |
tombak {n} (brass with zinc content below 28%) | :: tombacco {m}, similoro {m} |
tomboy {n} /ˈtɒmbɔɪ/ (girl who acts as a typical boy would) | :: maschiaccio {m} |
tombstone {n} /tuːmstoʊn/ (stone on grave) | :: lapide {f}, pietra tombale {f} |
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom | :: |
Tom, Dick and Harry {n} (anybody or everybody; random or unknown people) | :: Tizio, Caio e Sempronio {m} |
tomentum {n} (matted woolly down on the surface of a plant) | :: tomento {m} |
tomnoddy {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin | :: |
tomo- {prefix} (sections; cutting) | :: tomo- |
tomography {n} (imaging by sections or sectioning) | :: tomografia {f} |
tomorrow {adv} /təˈmɑɹoʊ/ (on the day after the present day) | :: domani |
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) | :: domani |
tomorrow is another day {proverb} /təˈmɑɹoʊ ɪz əˈnʌðɚ deɪ/ (a phrase indicating that tomorrow will bring new opportunities) | :: domani è un altro giorno |
tomorrow night {adv} (during the night of the day after) | :: domani sera |
Tom Thumb {prop} (the thumb-sized hero of a fairy tale) | :: Pollicino {m} |
-tomy {suffix} /-təmi/ (cutting, incision, section) | :: -tomia {f} |
ton {n} /tʌn/ (unit of weight) | :: tonnellata {f} |
ton {n} (register ton) | :: tonnellata {f} |
tondo {n} /ˈtɒndoʊ/ (a round work of art) | :: tondo {m} |
tone {n} /toʊn/ (specific pitch, quality and duration; a note) | :: tono {m} |
tone-deaf {n} (unable to distinguish differences in pitch) | :: che non ha orecchio |
toneme {n} (phoneme) | :: tonema {m} |
tong {n} /tɒŋ/ (tool) | :: pinza {f}, tenaglia {f}, molla {f} |
tong {v} (to use tongs) | :: pinzare, attanagliare |
tong {v} (to grab, manipulate or transport something using tongs) | :: afferrare, attanagliare, abbrancare, aggranfiare |
Tonga {prop} /ˈtɑŋ.ɡə/ (country) | :: Tonga |
tongs {n} /tɔŋz/ (an instrument) | :: tenaglie {f-p}, pinzetta {f} |
tongue {n} /tʌŋ/ (organ) | :: lingua {f} |
tongue {n} (flap in a shoe) | :: linguetta {f} |
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language | :: |
tongue and groove {n} (joint, in flooring or panelling) | :: ad incastro, maschio e femmina |
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) | :: scioglilingua {m} |
tonic {n} /ˈtɒnɪk/ (first note of a scale) | :: tonica {f} |
tonic {n} (tonic water) SEE: tonic water | :: |
tonic water {n} (carbonated beverage) | :: acqua tonica {f} |
tonight {adv} /təˈnaɪt/ (during today's evening) | :: stasera |
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) | :: stanotte |
tonight {n} (nighttime today) | :: stasera, stanotte |
tonkatsu {n} /tɑŋˈkætsu/ (Japanese dish made from pork cutlet) | :: tonkatsu {m} |
tonkotsu {n} /tɑŋˈkɑtsu/ (Japanese broth made from pork marrow) | :: tonkotsu {m} |
tonne {n} /tʌn/ (1000 kilograms) | :: tonnellata {f} |
tonometric {adj} (of or pertaining to tonometry) | :: tonometrico |
tonometry {n} (the measurement of tension or pressure) | :: tonometria {f} |
tonsil {n} /ˈtɑn.səl/ (palatine tonsil) | :: tonsilla {f} |
tonsil {n} | :: tonsilla {f} |
tonsillectomy {n} (surgical removal of tonsils) | :: tonsillectomia {f} |
tonsillitis {n} /tɒnsəˈlaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of the tonsils) | :: tonsillite {f} |
tonsillolith {n} (calculus) | :: tonsillolito |
Tony {prop} /ˈtoʊni/ (male given name) | :: Tony {m}, Tonio {m} |
too {adv} /tu/ (likewise) | :: anche, pure |
too {adv} (more than enough; as too much) | :: troppo |
too bad {phrase} (that's a pity) | :: peccato {m} |
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
tool {n} /tuːl/ (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) | :: arnese {m}, strumento {m}, utensile {m}, mezzo {m} |
tool {n} (equipment used in a profession) | :: attrezzo {m}, strumento {m}, utensile {m} |
tool {n} (a software for developers) | :: strumento {m} |
tool {n} (person or group used or controlled by another) | :: strumento {m}, mezzo {m} |
tool {n} (penis) | :: arnese {m} |
toolbar {n} (row of icons in a graphical user interface) | :: barra degli strumenti {f}, toolbar {f} |
toolbox {n} /ˈtuːlˌbɑks/ (storage case for tools) | :: cassetta degli attrezzi {f}, scatola degli attrezzi {f} |
toolbox {n} (set of routines) | :: toolkit |
too little, too late {n} | :: troppo poco, troppo tardi |
tool post {n} (clamp that attaches a tool holder to a machine tool) | :: portautensili {m} |
too many {determiner} (excessive) | :: troppo |
too many balls in the air {n} (too many tasks, responsibilities, or details to cope with or manage successfully) | :: troppa carne sul fuoco {f} (literally: too much meat on the fire) |
too many cooks spoil the broth {proverb} (with too many people a task won't be done very well) | :: troppi galli nel pollaio |
too much {adv} /tu ˈmʌtʃ/ (excessively) | :: troppo |
toon {n} (town) SEE: town | :: |
to one's knowledge {prep} (to one's knowledge) | :: per quanto ne sappia, per quanto mi è dato sapere |
toot {n} /tuːt/ (a fart) | :: scoreggia {f} |
tooth {n} /tuːθ/ (biological tooth) | :: dente {m} |
tooth {n} (saw tooth) | :: dente {m} |
tooth {n} (gear tooth) | :: dente {m} |
toothache {n} /ˈtuθˌeɪk/ (ache in a tooth) | :: mal di denti {m} |
tooth and nail {adv} (viciously) | :: con le unghie e con i denti |
toothbrush {n} /ˈtuːθbɹʌʃ/ (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) | :: spazzolino da denti {m} |
tooth enamel {n} (substance) SEE: enamel | :: |
tooth fairy {n} /tuːθ ˈfɛəɹɪ/ (a figure of modern myth) | :: topolino {m} (little mouse) |
toothless {adj} (Having no teeth) | :: sdentato |
toothless {adj} (Being weak) | :: inefficace, impotente |
toothpaste {n} /ˈtuːθpeɪst/ (paste for cleaning the teeth) | :: dentifricio |
toothpick {n} /tuːθ.pɪk/ (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) | :: stuzzicadenti {m} |
top {n} /tɑp/ (uppermost part) | :: cima {f} |
top {n} (uppermost part of a visual field) | :: sommità |
top {n} (lid, cap, cover) | :: coperchio {m}, cappuccio |
top {n} (garment worn to cover the torso) | :: parte superiore, top {m} |
top {n} (child’s spinning toy) | :: trottola {f} |
top {n} (top of a ship's mast) | :: coffa {f} |
top {n} (gay sexual slang: gay man who likes to penetrate in sex) | :: attivo {m} |
top {adj} (on the top) | :: superiore |
topaz {n} /ˈtoʊpæz/ (gem) | :: topazio {m} |
top hat {n} (cylindrical hat) | :: cilindro {m} |
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread | :: |
topic {n} /ˈtɒpɪk/ (subject; theme) | :: tema {m}, categoria {f}, argomento {m}, soggetto {m} |
topical {adj} /ˈtɒp.ɪ.kəl/ (of current interest) | :: topico |
topical {adj} (local to a particular place) | :: topico |
topical {adj} (medicine: applied to a localized part of the body) | :: topico |
topical {adj} (medicine: applied to the surface) | :: topico |
topical {adj} (arranged according to topic or theme) | :: topico |
topless {adj} | :: col seno scoperto |
topmast {n} (mast below topgallant mast) | :: albero di gabbia {m}, albero di trinchetto {m}, alberetto {m} |
topographer {n} (A person who studies or records topography) | :: topografo {m} |
topography {n} /təˈpɑɡɹəfi/ (the features themselves (the terrain)) | :: topografia {f} |
topologic {adj} (topological) SEE: topological | :: |
topological {adj} (of or relating to topology) | :: topologico |
topologically {adv} (in a topological manner) | :: topologicamente |
topological space {n} (a set with its topology) | :: spazio topologico {m} |
topological space {n} (a set that has a topology) | :: spazio topologico {m} |
topology {n} /təˈpɑlədʒi/ (study of geometric properties that are not changed by stretching etc.) | :: topologia {f} |
toponym {n} /ˈtɒpənɪm/ (place name) | :: toponimo {m} |
toponymic {adj} | :: toponimico |
topophilia {n} | :: topofilia {f} |
topping {n} /ˈtɑpɪŋ/ (food on top) | :: companatico {m} [on bread] |
topple {v} /ˈtɑpl̩/ (to push, throw over, overturn or overthrow something) | :: abbattere, abbattersi |
topple {v} (to totter and fall, or to lean as if about to do so) | :: reclinare, reclinarsi |
topsoil {n} (the most fertile soil, easiest to start new plants in) | :: soprassuolo {m} |
topsy-turvy {adj} (backwards or upside down) | :: sottosopra |
topsy-turvy {adj} (disorderly, chaotic) | :: sottosopra |
topsy-turvy {adv} (backwards or upside down) | :: bilo-balo, sotto-sopra |
toque {n} (knitted hat) SEE: beanie | :: |
toque {n} (chef) SEE: chef | :: |
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill | :: |
Torah {prop} /tɔːɹə/ (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) | :: Torà {f} |
torch {n} (flashlight) SEE: flashlight | :: |
torch {n} /tɔɹtʃ/ (stick with flame at one end) | :: fiaccola {f}, torcia {f} |
torch {v} (set fire to) | :: incendiare |
toreador {n} (a bullfighter) | :: torero |
torero {n} (bullfighter) SEE: toreador | :: |
toric {adj} /tɔːɹɪk/ (pertaining to or shaped like a torus) | :: torico |
torment {n} /ˈtɔː(ɹ)mɛnt/ (extreme pain) | :: cruccio {m}, tormento {m}, tarlo {m} |
torment {v} (to cause severe suffering) | :: tormentare, martoriare, torturare, affliggere, angustiare |
tormentil {n} (Potentilla erecta) | :: tormentilla {f} |
tornado {n} /tɔː(ɹ)ˈneɪ.dəʊ/ (violent windstorm) | :: tornado {m}, tromba d'aria {f} |
Tornedalen {prop} (Meänkieli) SEE: Meänkieli | :: |
Torne Valley Finnish {prop} (Meänkieli) SEE: Meänkieli | :: |
toroid {n} | :: toroide {m} |
Toronto {prop} /təˈɹɒn(t)oʊ/ (city in Canada) | :: Toronto {m} |
torpedo {n} /ˌtɔɹˈpi.doʊ/ (underwater weapon) | :: siluro {m}, torpedine {f} |
torpedo {n} (fish) | :: torpedine {f}, torpiglia {f} |
torpedo {v} (to send a torpedo) | :: silurare |
torpedo boat {n} (warship designed to fire torpedoes) | :: torpediniera {f}, lanciatorpedini {m} |
torpedo bomber {n} (aircraft) | :: aerosilurante {m} |
torpedo tube {n} (tube through which torpedoes are launched) | :: lanciasiluri {m} |
torque {n} /tɔː(ɹ)k/ (a rotational or twisting force) | :: coppia {f} |
torr {n} (unit of pressure) | :: torr {m} |
torrential {adj} /tɔˈɹɛnt.ʃəl/ (coming or characterized by torrents; flowing heavily or in large quantities) | :: torrenziale |
torsion {n} /ˈtɔː.ʃən/ (the act of turning or twisting) | :: torsione {m} |
torsional {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or achieved using torsion) | :: torsionale |
torso {n} /ˈtɔɹ.soʊ/ (body excluding the head and limbs) | :: tronco {m}, busto {m}, torso {m} |
tort {n} /tɔːt/ (law: wrongful act causing injury) | :: illecito civile {m} |
tortellini {n} /ˌtɔɹtəˈlini/ (ring-shaped pasta) | :: tortellino {m} |
tortelloni {n} (type of pasta) | :: tortelloni {m} |
tortoise {n} /ˈtɔːɹ.təs/ (land-dwelling reptile) | :: [tortoise or turtle] tartaruga {f}, testuggine {f} |
Tortonian {n} | :: Tortoniano |
tortricid {n} | :: tortrice {f} |
tortuous {adj} /ˈtɔɹt͡ʃuəs/ (twisted) | :: contorto |
torture {v} /ˈtɔɹt͡ʃɚ/ (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) | :: torturare |
torturer {n} (one who tortures) | :: aguzzino {m}, seviziatore {m}, torturatore {m}, tormentatore {m}, tormentatrice {f} |
torus {n} /ˈtɔːɹəs/ (shape in 3-dimensional Euclidean space) | :: toro {m} |
torus {n} (molding) | :: toro {m} |
to say the least {adv} (suggesting understatement) | :: a dir poco |
tosh {n} /tɒʃ/ (silly nonsense) | :: castroneria {f} |
Tosk {prop} (Tosk) | :: tosco {m} |
toss {n} /tɔs/ (throw, a lob, of a ball) | :: tiro {m}, lancio {m} |
toss {n} (toss of a coin before a match) | :: testa o croce, lancio moneta |
toss {v} (to throw with an initial upward direction) | :: tirare un pallonetto |
toss {v} (to flip a coin) | :: tirare, lanciare una moneta, fare testa o croce |
toss {v} (to stir or mix (a salad)) | :: rigirare, voltare, mescolare |
toss a coin {v} (to flick a coin for making a decision) | :: lanciare una moneta |
tosser {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker | :: |
toss up {v} (to make a decision based on chance) | :: tirare a sorte |
tot {n} (small child) | :: bambino {m} |
tot {n} (measure of spirits) | :: porzione {f}, tot {m} |
total {n} /ˈtəʊ.təl/ (amount) | :: totale {m} |
total {n} (sum) | :: somma {f} |
total {adj} (entire) | :: totale, intero |
totalitarian {adj} /ˌtoʊtəlɪˈtɛəɹiən/ (related to the system of government) | :: totalitario |
totalitarianism {n} (system where state wields absolute control) | :: totalitarismo {m} |
totalization {n} | :: totalizzazione {f} |
totally {adv} /ˈtoʊt.əl.i/ (In a total manner; completely) | :: totalmente, completamente |
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) | :: guerra totale {f} |
totem {n} /ˈtoʊtəm/ (natural object or living creature that serves as an emblem of a tribe) | :: totem {m} |
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore | :: |
to the letter {adv} (idiomatic for “literally”, following the rules as they're written) | :: alla lettera |
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very | :: |
to the max {prep} (to the maximum possible degree or extent) | :: a palla |
to thine own self be true {proverb} (proverb) | :: sii sincero con te stesso |
totipotence {n} (totipotency) SEE: totipotency | :: |
totipotency {n} (ability to produce differentiated cells on division) | :: totipotenza {f} |
totipotent {adj} (exhibiting totipotency) | :: totipotente |
totter {v} /ˈtɑːtɚ/ (move or stand unsteadily) | :: barcollare |
toucan {n} /ˈtuːˌkæn/ (Ramphastid) | :: tucano {m} |
touch {v} /tʌt͡ʃ/ (make physical contact with) | :: toccare |
touch {v} (affect emotionally) | :: commuovere |
touch {n} (sense of perception by physical contact) | :: tatto {m} |
touch {n} | :: [1,3] tatto {m}, [2] contatto {m} |
touché {interj} /tuːˈʃeɪ/ (acknowledgement) | :: touché |
touchdown {n} /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/ (football score) | :: touchdown |
touchdown {n} (landing) | :: atterraggio {m} |
touched {adj} /tʌt͡ʃt/ (moved) | :: commosso |
touch hole {n} (small hole for ignition) | :: focone {m} |
touchiness {n} (the property of being touchy) | :: ombrosità {f}, suscettibilità {f}, permalosità {f}, spigolosità {f} |
touch-me-not {n} (Ecballium elaterium) SEE: squirting cucumber | :: |
touch screen {n} (input/output device) | :: schermo tattile {m} |
touchstone {n} (stone used to test the quality of gold alloys) | :: pietra di paragone |
touchstone {n} (standard of comparison or evaluation) | :: pietra di paragone {f} |
touch wood {v} (to make contact with wood or another material to avert bad luck) SEE: knock on wood | :: |
touch wood {interj} (hopefully; said when touching something wooden) SEE: knock on wood | :: |
touchy {adj} /ˈtʌtʃi/ (easily offended; oversensitive) | :: permaloso, facilmente irritabile, suscettibile |
tough {v} (endure) SEE: endure | :: |
tough {adj} /tʌf/ (difficult to chew) | :: duro, coriaceo |
tough {adj} (rugged or physically hardy) | :: duro, resistente |
tough {n} | :: bullo {m}, duro {m} |
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn | :: |
tough {adj} (resilient) SEE: resilient | :: |
tough cookie {n} (person who can endure physical or mental hardship) | :: osso duro {m} |
toughness {n} (state of being tough) | :: robustezza |
tough nut to crack {n} (challenging problem to solve) | :: gatta da pelare {f} |
tough out {v} (endure) SEE: endure | :: |
Toulon {prop} (city in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France) | :: Tolone |
Toulouse {prop} /təˈluːz/ (a city in France) | :: Tolosa |
toupe {n} (hairpiece) SEE: toupee | :: |
toupee {n} /tuːˈpeɪ/ (wig) | :: toppè {m} |
tour {n} /tɔː(ɹ)/ (journey through given list of places) | :: tournée {f}, [abbrivation] tour {f} |
tour {n} (cycling: multistage street and road race) | :: giro |
Tour de France {prop} /ˌtʊɹ də ˈfɹæns/ (annual long-distance cycling race through France) | :: Tour de France {m}, Giro di Francia {m} |
tourer {n} (motor car) | :: torpedo {f} |
tourism {n} /tɔːɹɪz(ə)m/ (the act of travelling or sightseeing) | :: turismo {m} |
tourism {n} (collectively, the tourists visiting a place or landmark) | :: turismo {m} |
tourist {n} /ˈtʊɹ.ɪst/ (someone who travels for pleasure) | :: turista {m} {f} |
touristic {adj} (catering to tourists) | :: turistico |
tourist office {n} (office which provides information for tourists) | :: ufficio turismo {m}, ufficio turistico {m} |
touristy {adj} (catering to tourists) | :: turistico |
tournament {n} /ˈtʊɹnəmənt/ ((historical) series of battles) | :: torneo {m}, giostra {f} |
tournament {n} (series of games) | :: torneo {m}, gara {f} |
tournament {n} ((graph theory)) | :: torneo {m} |
tour operator {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency | :: |
tout {n} /taʊt/ (someone advertising for customers in an aggressive way) | :: strillone {m}, imbonitore {m} |
tout {v} (To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote) | :: pubblicizzare, propagandare, sbandierare |
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade | :: |
tow {v} /toʊ/ (pull something using a line) | :: trainare, rimorchiare |
tow {n} (something that is towed) | :: rimorchio {m}, traino {m} |
tow {n} (bundle of fibers) | :: capecchio {m} |
toward {prep} /tʊ.ˈwɔɹd/ (in the direction of) | :: verso |
toward {prep} (in relation to) | :: verso |
toward {prep} (for the purpose of) | :: per |
toward {prep} (located near) | :: presso |
towards {prep} (toward) SEE: toward | :: |
towel {n} /taʊl/ (cloth used for wiping) | :: asciugamano |
tower {n} /ˈtaʊɚ/ (structure) | :: torre {f} |
tower {n} (Tarot card) | :: la torre, il fulmine |
Tower of Babel {prop} (tower erected at Babel) | :: Torre di Babele {f} |
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) | :: Torre di Londra {f} |
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa | :: |
tower over {v} (to be considerably taller than) | :: torreggiare, innalzarsi |
to wit {adv} (namely, specifically) | :: cioè |
town {n} /taʊn/ (settlement) | :: città {f} |
town council {n} (governing body) | :: giunta comunale {f} |
town hall {n} (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) | :: municipio {m} |
townhouse {n} (town hall) SEE: town hall | :: |
townhouse {n} (row house) SEE: rowhouse | :: |
town square {n} (an open area in a town) | :: piazza {f} |
town twinning {n} (pairing of towns or cities) | :: gemellaggio {m} |
towpath {n} (path alongside a canal or river) | :: alzaia {f}, alaggio {m} |
tow truck {n} /ˈtoʊ.tɹʌk/ (motor vehicle for towing) | :: camion di rimorchio {m}, carro attrezzi {m} |
toxic {adj} /ˈtɑk.sɪk/ (having a harmful chemical nature) | :: tossico |
toxicological {adj} (of or pertaining to toxicology) | :: tossicologico |
toxicology {n} (scientific study of poisons and poisoning) | :: tossicologia {f} |
toxicopharmacological {adj} (pertaining to toxicopharmacology) | :: tossicofarmacologico |
toxicopharmacology {n} (pharmacology of toxic substances) | :: tossicofarmacologia {f} |
toxin {n} /ˈtɒksɪn/ (a toxic or poisonous substance) | :: tossina {f} |
toxocone {n} | :: toxocona {f} |
toxoplasmosis {n} (disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii) | :: toxoplasmosi {f} |
toy {n} /tɔɪ/ (something to play with) | :: giocattolo {m}, balocco {m} |
toy {v} (to play with) | :: giocare, trastullarsi, baloccarsi, giocherellare |
toy {v} (to ponder or consider) | :: carezzare, giocherellare |
Toyger {n} | :: gatto Toyger |
Toyotism {n} | :: toyotismo {m} |
toy soldier {n} (toy soldier) | :: soldatino {m} |
Trabzon {prop} (port in Turkey) | :: Trebisonda |
trace {n} /tɹeɪs/ (mark left as a sign of passage) | :: orma |
trace {n} (one of two straps, chains, or ropes of a harness, extending from the collar or breastplate to a whippletree attached to a vehicle or thing to be drawn) | :: tirella {f}, tirante {m} |
traceability {n} /ˌtɹeɪsəˈbɪlɪti/ (ability to trace a process) | :: tracciabilità {f} |
trace element {n} (chemical element in an organism’s diet) | :: oligoelemento {m} |
trachea {n} /ˈtɹeɪki.ə/ (thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi) | :: trachea {f} |
tracheal {adj} (of or pertaining to the trachea) | :: tracheale |
tracheitis {n} (inflammation of the trachea) | :: tracheite {f} |
tracheo- {prefix} (relating to the trachea) | :: tracheo- |
tracheotomy {n} (surgery to insert a tube into the neck) | :: tracheotomia |
trachoma {n} (infectious disease) | :: tracoma {m} |
track {n} /tɹæk/ (mark left by something that has passed along) | :: traccia, scia, tracciamento |
track {n} (mark or impression left by the foot) | :: sentiero |
track {n} (entire lower surface of the foot) | :: impronta |
track {n} (beaten path) | :: mulattiera {f}, pista battuta, viottolo {m}, sentiero {m} |
track {n} (course; way) | :: scia |
track {n} (path or course laid out for a race or exercise) | :: pista |
track {n} (permanent way; the rails) | :: binario {m} |
track {n} (tract or area, as of land) | :: traccia |
track {n} (distance between two opposite wheels) | :: passo |
track {n} (sound stored on a record) | :: traccia |
track {n} (physical track on a record) | :: solco |
track {n} (circular data storage unit on a side of magnetic or optical disk) | :: traccia |
track {n} (session talk) | :: sessione {f}, discorso {m} |
track {v} (to observe the (measured) state of an object over time) | :: tracciare |
track {v} (to monitor someone's or something's movement) | :: monitorare |
track {v} (to discover the location of person or an object) | :: rintracciare |
track {v} (to follow the tracks of) | :: seguire |
track {n} (caterpillar track) SEE: caterpillar track | :: |
track and field {n} (group of athletic sports) | :: atletica leggera {f} |
track cycling {n} (Cycling discipline) | :: ciclismo su pista {m} |
track down {v} (to search, hunt) | :: rintracciare, scovare |
tracklist {n} (a list of tracks appearing on an album) | :: tracklist {f} |
track stand {n} (bicycling technique) | :: surplace {m} |
tracksuit {n} (garment) | :: tuta sportiva {f} |
tract {n} /tɹækt/ (series of connected body organs) | :: apparato |
tractor {n} /ˈtɹæktə/ (farm vehicle) | :: trattore {m} |
tractor {n} (truck (or lorry) for pulling a trailer) | :: motrice {f} |
tractor {n} (any piece of machinery that pulls something) | :: motrice {f} |
tractor beam {n} (science fiction device) | :: raggio traente {m} |
tractor driver {n} (one who drives a tractor) | :: trattorista {m} {f} |
tractrix {n} (curve) | :: trattrice {f} |
trade {n} /tɹeɪd/ (buying and selling) | :: commercio {m} |
trade {n} (skilled practice of an occupation) | :: mestiere |
trade deficit {n} (negative balance of trade) | :: disavanzo commerciale |
trade fair {n} (exhibition for a particular field) | :: fiera campionaria {f}, salone {f} |
trademark {n} /ˈtɹeɪdmɑː(ɹ)k/ (identification of a company's product) | :: marchio registrato {m} |
trader {n} /ˈtɹeɪdɚ/ (one who earns a living by trading) | :: commerciante {m} {f} |
trade secret {n} (formula, practice, process, design) | :: segreto commerciale {n}, segreto industriale |
trade union {n} (organization) | :: sindacato {m} |
trade unionist {n} (a member of a trade union) SEE: unionist | :: |
trade wind {n} /ˈtɹeɪdˑwɪnd/ (steady wind) | :: aliseo {m} |
trading card {n} /ˈtɹeɪd.ɪŋ ˌkɑɹd/ (collectible card featuring information of interest to purchasers) | :: figurina {f} |
trading post {n} (place where trading of goods takes place) | :: base commerciale {f} |
tradition {n} /tɹəˈdɪʃən/ (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) | :: tradizione {f} |
traditional {adj} /tɹəˈdɪʃənəl/ (of or pertaining to tradition) | :: tradizionale |
Traditional Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using traditional characters) | :: cinese tradizionale {m} {f} |
traditional Chinese medicine {n} (medical practices of Chinese culture) | :: medicina tradizionale cinese {f} |
traditionalist {n} (one who adheres to tradition) | :: tradizionalista {m} {f} |
traditionalistic {adj} (pertaining to traditionalism) | :: tradizionalista, tradizionalistico |
traduce {v} /tɹəˈdus/ (to pass into another form of expression) | :: tradurre |
traductology {n} (translation studies) SEE: translation studies | :: |
traffic {n} /ˈtɹæfɪk/ (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) | :: traffico {m}, viabilità {f} |
traffic {n} (commercial transportation or exchange of goods) | :: traffico {m} |
traffic {n} (illegal trade or exchange of goods, often drugs) | :: tratta {f} |
traffic {n} (exchange or flux of information, messages or data) | :: traffico {m} |
trafficator {n} (blinking light) SEE: indicator | :: |
traffic circle {n} (an intersection with a circular shape and, usually, a central island) | :: rotatoria {f} |
traffic cone {n} (cone-shaped marker) | :: birillo {m} |
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) | :: ingorgo {m}, ingorgo stradale {m} |
trafficker {n} | :: trafficatore {m} |
trafficking {n} (human trafficking) SEE: human trafficking | :: |
trafficking {n} (the distributing of illegal drugs) SEE: drug trafficking | :: |
traffic light {n} (signalling device) | :: semaforo {m} |
traffic sign {n} (traffic sign) | :: segnale stradale {m} |
tragedian {n} (actor who specializes in tragic roles) | :: tragediografo {m}, tragedo {m} |
tragedy {n} /ˈtɹæd͡ʒɪdi/ (drama or similar work) | :: tragedia {f} |
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) | :: tragedia {f} |
tragic {adj} /ˈtɹædʒɪk/ (causing great sadness) | :: tragico |
tragic {adj} (relating to tragedy) | :: tragico |
tragically {adv} (in a tragic manner) | :: tragicamente |
tragicomic {adj} (related to tragicomedy) | :: tragicomico |
tragicomical {adj} (related to tragicomedy) SEE: tragicomic | :: |
tragus {n} (small piece of thick cartilage of the external ear) | :: trago {m} |
trail {v} /tɹeɪl/ (follow behind) | :: pedinare, seguire, inseguire |
trail {v} (drag behind) | :: trascinare, trainare, strascicare |
trail {v} (leave (a trail of)) | :: lasciar tracce di |
trail {n} (footprints or signs of something/someone has passed previously) | :: strascico {m} |
trail {n} (track followed by a hunter) | :: traccia {f}, pista {f} |
trail {n} (route for travel over land) | :: sentiero {m}, pista {f} |
trailer {n} /ˈtɹeɪlɚ/ (unpowered wheeled vehicle that is towed behind another, and used to carry equipment, with the exception of a caravan) | :: rimorchio {m} |
trailer {n} (furnished vehicle towed behind another, used as a dwelling when stationary) | :: roulotte {f}, caravan {m} |
trailer {n} (prefabricated home that could be towed but typically is not) | :: casamobile {f} |
trailer {n} (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment) | :: rimorchio {m} |
trailer {n} (preview of a film) | :: trailer {m}, anteprima {f}, provino {m} |
train {n} /tɹeɪn/ (line of connected cars or carriages) | :: treno {m} |
train {n} (group of animals, vehicles, or people) | :: carovana |
train {v} (to practice an ability) | :: allenare |
train {v} (to teach a task) | :: istruire |
train {v} (to improve one's fitness) | :: esercitarsi |
train-bearer {n} (attendant who supports the train) | :: caudatario {m} |
trainee {n} /tɹeɪˈni/ (someone being formally trained in a workplace) | :: tirocinante {m} {f} |
trainer {n} /ˈtɹeɪnɚ/ (person who trains another; coach) | :: allenatore {m} |
training {n} /ˈtɹeɪnɪŋ/ (the activity of imparting and acquiring skills) | :: allenamento {m}, tirocinio, stage |
training {n} | :: addestramento {m} |
train of thought {n} (flow of thinking) | :: filo del ragionamento {m} |
train of thoughts {n} (train of thought) SEE: train of thought | :: |
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station | :: |
trait {n} /tɹeɪt/ (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend) | :: caratteristica {f}, tratto {m} |
traitor {n} /ˈtɹeɪtɚ/ (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) | :: traditore {m}, traditrice {f}, voltagabbana {m} {f}, banderuola {f}, giravolta {f}, proditore {m}, proditrice {f} |
traitor {n} (a betrayer) | :: traditore, traditrice {f} |
Trajan {prop} /ˈtɹeɪd͡ʒən/ (the Roman emperor) | :: Traiano {m} |
tra-la-la {interj} | :: trallallà, trallallero |
tram {n} /tɹam/ (passenger vehicle) | :: tram {m} |
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram | :: |
trammel {n} /ˈtræməl/ (something that impedes activity, freedom, or progress) | :: rete {f} |
trammel {n} (device to suspend cooking pots over a fire) | :: griglia {f}, anello {m}, piastra {f}, riduzione {f}, radiante {m} |
tramp {n} /tɹæmp/ (homeless person) | :: vagabondo {m}, barbone {m} |
tramp {n} (promiscuous woman) | :: puttana {f}, sgualdrina {f} |
tramp {v} (to hitchhike) SEE: hitchhike | :: |
tramper {n} (recreational walker) SEE: hiker | :: |
trample {v} /ˈtɹæmpəl/ ((transitive) to crush something by walking on it) | :: calpestare, pestare |
trample {v} (to treat someone harshly) | :: offendere, urtare, maltrattare |
trample {v} ((intransitive) to walk heavily and destructively) | :: calpestare, pestare |
trample {v} ((intransitive) to cause emotional injury as if by trampling) | :: offendere, violare |
trample {n} (the sound of heavy footsteps) | :: calpestio {m} |
trampoline {n} /ˈtɹæmpəliːn/ (gymnastic and recreational device) | :: trampolino elastico {m} |
Trana {prop} (A municipality in Piedmont) | :: Trana |
trance {n} /tɹɑːns/ (genre of electronic dance music) | :: trance |
trance music {n} (Style of dance music) | :: trance |
tranche {v} (slice) SEE: slice | :: |
tranche {v} /tɹæntʃ/ (finance) | :: tranche |
tranquil {adj} /ˈtɹæŋ.kwɪl/ (free from emotional disturbance) | :: tranquillo, sereno, calmo |
tranquil {adj} (calm; without motion or sound) | :: calmo, pacifico, quieto |
tranquilizer {n} (drug used to reduce anxiety or tension) | :: ansiolitico {m} |
tranquillity {n} /træŋˈkwɪlɪti/ (the state of being tranquil) | :: tranquillità {f} |
tranquillity {n} (the absence of disturbance; peacefulness) | :: tranquillità {f} |
tranquillity {n} (the absence of stress; serenity) | :: tranquillità {f} |
trans- {prefix} (across, through, over, beyond, to or on the other side of, outside of) | :: tras- |
transaction {n} /tɹænˈzækʃən/ | :: transazione |
transalpine {adj} (on the other side of the Alps) | :: transalpino |
transavantgarde {n} | :: transavanguardia {f} |
transceive {v} /tɹænˈsiv/ (transmit and receive) | :: ricetrasmettere, transricevere |
transceiver {n} (combined radio transmitter and receiver) | :: ricetrasmettitore {m}, ricetrasmissione {m} |
transcendental {adj} /ˌtɹænsɛnˈdɛntəl/ (independent of experience) | :: trascendentale |
transclusion {n} (the inclusion of part of one hypertext document in another one by means of reference rather than copying) | :: transclusione {f} |
transcriber {n} (person who transcribes) | :: trascrittore {m} |
transcript {n} /ˈtɹænskɹɪpt/ (sequence of RNA produced by transcription) | :: trascritto |
transcription {n} /tɹænˈskɹɪpʃən/ (in genetics) | :: trascrizione |
transcriptional {adj} (Of or pertaining to transcription) | :: trascrizionale |
transdifferentiation {n} (change of one type of differentiated cell into another) | :: transdifferenziazione {f} |
transdimensional {adj} (all senses) | :: transdimensionale |
transduce {v} (to convert energy) | :: trasdurre |
transelevator {n} | :: transelevatore {m} |
transfected {adj} (Infected with nucleic acid) | :: transfettato |
transfer {v} /tɹænsˈfɝ/ (to move or pass from one place, person or thing to another) | :: trasferire |
transfer {v} (to convey the impression of something from one surface to another) | :: decalcare, ricalcare |
transfer {v} (to be or become transferred) | :: trasferirsi |
transfer {v} (arrange for something to belong to or be controlled by somebody else) | :: trasferire, passare, conferire |
transfer {n} (act) | :: trasferimento {m} |
transfer {n} (instance) | :: trasferimento bancario {m}, bonifico {m} |
transfer {n} (genetics) | :: transfezione {f}, trasfezione {f} |
transferable {adj} /trænsˈfɝrəbl̩/ (able to be transferred) | :: cedibile, trasferibile, trasmissibile |
transferase {n} (enzyme which catalyses the transfer of a functional group) | :: transferasi {f} |
transferee {n} | :: cessionario {m} |
transference {n} /tɹænsˈfəɹəns/ (the act of conveying or transferring) | :: transferenza {f} |
transference {n} (term used in psychology) | :: transfert {m} |
transfermium {adj} | :: transfermico |
transferrin {n} (glycoprotein) | :: transferrina {f} |
transfinite induction {n} (extension of mathematical induction to well-ordered sets of transfinite cardinality) | :: induzione transfinita {f} |
transfinite number {n} (number larger than any finite number) | :: numero transfinito {m} |
transform {v} /tɹænzˈfɔɹm/ (change greatly the appearance or form of) | :: trasformare, modificare |
transform {v} (change the nature, condition or function of) | :: trasformare |
transform {v} (in mathematics: subject to a transformation) | :: trasformare |
transform {v} (in electricity: subject to the action of a transformer) | :: trasformare |
transform {v} (undergo a transformation) | :: trasformarsi |
transform {n} (in mathematics) | :: trasformata {f} |
transformation {n} /ˌtɹæns.fɔɹˈmeɪ.ʃən/ | :: trasformazione {f} |
transformer {n} /tɹænsˈfɔɹmɚ/ (device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity) | :: trasformatore {m} |
transformism {n} (the doctrine that living organisms have evolved from previously existing forms of living matter) | :: trasformismo {m} |
transfuge {n} (turncoat) SEE: turncoat | :: |
transfusional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or involving transfusion) | :: trasfusionale |
transgender {n} /tɹænzˈdʒɛndɚ/ (a transgender person) | :: transgender |
transgenerational {adj} | :: transgenerazionale {m} {f} |
transgenic {adj} /tɹɑːnzˈdʒɛnɪk/ (genetically modified) | :: transgenico |
transgress {v} /tɹænzˈɡɹɛs/ (to act in violation of some law) | :: trasgredire |
transhumance {n} /tɹænzˈhjuːməns/ (the movement of people with their grazing animals to new pastures) | :: transumanza {f} |
transhumanism {n} (philosophy favoring the use of science and technology) | :: transumanesimo {m}, transumanismo {m} |
transient {adj} (passing or disappearing with time; transitory) | :: transitorio {m} |
transilluminator {n} | :: transilluminatore {m} |
transistor {n} (small portable radio) | :: radiolina {f} |
transistor radio {n} (a small radio having transistors) | :: radiolina {f} |
transit {n} /ˈtɹæn.zɪt/ (act of passing over, across, or through something) | :: transizione {f}, traversata {f}, attraversamento {m} |
transit {n} (conveyance of people or goods from one place to another) | :: spostamento {m}, movimento {m}, passaggio {m}, transito {m} |
transit {n} (astronomy: passage of a celestial body) | :: transizione {f}, passaggio {m} |
transit {n} (surveying instrument) | :: teodolite {m}, tacheometro {m} |
transition {n} /tɹænˈzɪʃən/ (process of change from one form, state, style or place to another) | :: transizione {f} |
transitive {adj} /ˈtɹænzɪtɪv/ (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) | :: transitivo |
translate {v} /tɹɑːnzˈleɪt/ (to change text from one language to another) | :: tradurre |
translate {v} (to change from one medium to another) | :: trasferire, riversare |
translatese {n} (Awkwardness or ungrammaticality of translation) SEE: translationese | :: |
translation {n} /tɹænzˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of translating between languages) | :: traduzione {f} |
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) | :: traduzione {f} |
translation {n} (math, physics: motion without deformation or rotation) | :: traslazione {f} |
translation {n} (genetics: process for producing proteins) | :: traduzione |
translation {n} | :: translazione/traslazione |
translationese {n} (Awkwardness or ungrammaticality of translation) | :: traduttese {m} |
translation studies {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) | :: scienza della traduzione {f}, traduttologia {f} |
translatology {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) SEE: translation studies | :: |
translator {n} /ˈtɹænzleɪtɚ/ (someone who translates) | :: traduttore {m}, traduttrice {f} |
transliterate {v} /tɹænzˈlɪtəɹeɪt/ (to represent letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script) | :: traslitterare |
transliteration {n} /ˌtɹænzlɪtəˈɹeɪʃən/ (product of transliterating) | :: traslitterazione {f} |
translocation {n} (genetics: transfer of chromosomal segment) | :: traslocazione |
translogarithmic {adj} (function which is trancendental and logarithmic) | :: translogaritmico |
translucent {adj} /tɹænzˈlu.sənt/ (allowing light to pass through, but diffusing it) | :: traslucido {m} |
transmembrane {adj} (Traversing a cellular membrane) | :: transmembrana |
transmigrate {v} (to migrate to another country) | :: trasmigrare |
transmigration {n} | :: trasmigrazione {f} |
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy {n} (any fatal, degenerative disease transmitted by prions) | :: encefalopatia spongiforma transmissibile {f} |
transmission {n} /tɹænsˈmɪʃən/ (passing of a communicable disease) | :: trasmissione |
transmittance {n} (fraction of incident radiation) | :: trasmittanza |
transmontane {adj} /ˌtɹænz.mɑnˈteɪn/ (of or relating to the other side of the mountains) | :: oltramontano |
transmutation {n} (change) SEE: alteration | :: |
transmutation {n} (transformation) SEE: transformation | :: |
Transnistria {prop} /tɹænzˈnɪsˌtɹi.ə/ (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) | :: Transnistria {f} |
transom {n} /ˈtɹænsəm/ (nautical: transverse structural member) | :: arcaccia {f} |
transonic {adj} (just above or below the speed of sound) | :: transonico |
transpacific {adj} | :: traspacifico |
transpadane {adj} | :: transpadano {m} |
transparent {adj} /tɹæn(t)sˈpæɹənt/ (see-through, clear) | :: trasparente |
transparent {adj} | :: trasparente |
transpersonal {adj} (transcends the personal) | :: transpersonale |
transphobia {n} (fear or hatred of transsexuality or transgenderism) | :: transfobia {f} |
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen | :: |
transplant {v} /tɹænzˈplænt/ (uproot and replant (a plant)) | :: trapiantare |
transplant {v} (resettle or relocate (something)) | :: trapiantare |
transplant {v} (medicine: transfer (tissue/organ)) | :: trapiantare |
transplant {n} (medicine: operation) | :: trapianto {m} |
transplantation {n} (A surgical operation) | :: trapianto, trapiantazione |
transport {v} /tɹænzˈpɔɹt/ (carry or bear from one place to another) | :: trasportare |
transport {v} (historical: deport to a penal colony) | :: deportare |
transport {v} (move someone to strong emotion) | :: trasportare |
transport {n} (act of transporting) | :: trasporto {m}, porto {m} |
transport {n} (state of being transported by emotion) | :: trasporto {m} |
transport {n} | :: trasporto {m} |
transport {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport | :: |
transportable {adj} /tɹænsˈpɔɹtəbəl/ (Capable of being transported; easily moved) | :: trasportabile |
transportation {n} /tɹænspɚˈteɪʃən/ | :: trasporto {m} |
transrealism {n} (literary mode) | :: transrealismo {m} |
transsexual {adj} /tɹæn(z)ˈsɛkʃuəl/ (being a transsexual) | :: transessuale {m} |
transsexual {n} (person whose gender identity did not match his/her birth sex, and who therefore is changing or has changed sex) | :: transessuale {m} |
transsexual {n} | :: transessuale {m},{f} |
transsexualism {n} (transsexuality) SEE: transsexuality | :: |
transsexuality {n} (the state, condition, or properties of being transsexual) | :: transessualità {f}, transessualismo {m} |
Trans-Siberian {adj} (across Siberia) | :: transiberiano |
Transtiberine {adj} (located beyond the river Tiber) | :: trasteverino |
transubstantiation {n} (Roman Catholic dogma) | :: transustanziazione {f} |
transuranic {adj} (element with atomic number greater than 92) | :: transuranico |
transversely {adv} (In a transverse manner) | :: attraverso |
transverse wave {n} (type of wave) | :: onda trasversale {f} |
transvestite {n} /tɹænzˈvɛstaɪt/ (cross-dresser, see also: cross-dresser) | :: travestito {m} |
Transylvania {prop} /tɹænslˈveɪni.ə/ (Transylvania) | :: Transilvania {f} |
trap {n} /tɹæp/ (device designed to catch or kill animals) | :: trappola, tranello {m} |
trap {n} (trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense) | :: trappola {f}, tranello {m} |
trap {n} | :: [1,2] trappola {f} |
trap {v} (to catch in a trap or traps) | :: intrappolare |
trap {v} (to ensnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap) | :: intrappolare |
trap {n} (trap shooting) SEE: trapshooting | :: |
Trapani {prop} (province) | :: Trapani |
Trapani {prop} (city) | :: Trapani {f} |
trapdoor {n} (door set into floor or ceiling) | :: botola |
trapdoor {n} (similar door on a stage) | :: botola {f} |
trapdoor {n} | :: botola {f} |
trapeze {n} (trapezium) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapeze artist {n} (trapezist) SEE: trapezist | :: |
trapezist {n} (gymnast who performs on a trapeze) | :: trapezista {m} |
trapezium {n} /tɹəˈpiː.zi.əm/ (polygon with two parallel sides) | :: trapezio {m} |
trapezium {n} (polygon with no parallel sides and no equal sides) | :: trapezoide {m} |
trapezius {n} /tɹəˈpiːziəs/ (large vertebrate skeletal muscle) | :: trapezio {m} |
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with two sides parallel) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with no sides parallel) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapped {adj} (caught in a trap) | :: intrappolato |
trapper {n} /ˈtɹæpɚ/ (one who traps animals) | :: trapper {m} {f}, cacciatore {m} |
Trappist {n} (a monk or nun of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance) | :: trappista {m} {f} |
trapshooting {n} (shooting sport) | :: tiro al piattello {m} |
trash {n} /tɹæʃ/ (things to be discarded) | :: spazzatura {f}, immondizia {f}, rifiuti |
trash {n} (container) | :: cassonetto {m} |
trash {n} (something of poor quality) | :: mondezza {f}, porcheria {f}, robaccia {f} |
trash {n} (people of low social status or class) | :: feccia {f} |
trash {v} (to discard) | :: scartare |
trash can {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
trashman {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector | :: |
trash TV {n} | :: telespazzatura {m} |
trauma {n} /ˈtɹɔ.mə/ (serious injury to the body) | :: trauma {m} |
trauma {n} (emotional wound) | :: trauma {m} |
traumatic {adj} (of, caused by, or causing trauma) | :: traumatico |
traumatize {v} (to cause a trauma) | :: traumatizzare |
travel {v} /ˈtɹævəl/ (be on a journey) | :: viaggiare |
travel {n} (act of traveling) | :: viaggio {m} |
travel agency {n} (company) | :: ufficio viaggi {m} |
travel agent {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency | :: |
travelator {n} (moving walkway) SEE: moving walkway | :: |
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller | :: |
traveller {n} /ˈtɹævəlɚ/ (one who travels) | :: viaggiatore {m}, viaggiatrice {f}, viandante {m}, girovago |
travel sickness {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness | :: |
travertine {n} /ˈtɹavətɪn/ | :: travertino {m} |
travesty {n} /ˈtɹæv.əs.ti/ (An absurd or grotesque misrepresentation) | :: farsa |
trawl {v} /tɹɔl/ (To fish with a trawl) | :: pescare con rete a strascico, sciabicare |
trawler {n} (fishing boat) | :: peschereccio {m}, battello {m} |
tray {n} /tɹeɪ/ (object on which things are carried) | :: vassoio {m} |
tray {n} (notification area in a computer's graphical user interface) | :: barra {f} |
treacherous {adj} /ˈtɹɛtʃəɹəs/ (exhibiting treachery) | :: traditore {m}, sleale {m}, infido {m} |
treacherously {adv} (in a treacherous manner) | :: proditoriamente, subdolamente |
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason | :: |
treachery {n} /ˈtɹɛtʃəɹi/ (deliberate disregard for trust or faith) | :: tradimento {m}, tradigione {f}, inganno {m} |
treacle {n} /ˈtɹiː.kəl/ (molasses or golden syrup) | :: melassa {f} |
tread {v} /tɹɛd/ (to step on) | :: calpestare |
tread {n} (grooves in tire) | :: battistrada {m} |
treadle {n} /ˈtɹɛdl̩/ (pedal or lever) | :: pedale {m} |
treadmill {n} /ˈtɹɛd.mɪl/ (piece of indoor sporting equipment) | :: treadmill {m}, tapis roulant |
tread water {v} (to remain afloat in water without use of any buoyancy aid) | :: stare a galla |
tread water {v} (to make no progress) | :: annaspare |
treason {n} /ˈtɹiː.zən/ (crime of betraying one’s country) | :: tradimento {m} |
treason {n} (providing aid and comfort to the enemy) | :: collaborazionismo {m}, connivenza {f} |
treasure {n} /ˈtɹɛʒɚ/ (collection of valuable things) | :: tesoro {m} |
treasure {n} (any single thing one values greatly) | :: tesoro {m} |
treasure {n} (term of endearment) | :: tesoro {m} |
treasure {v} (consider to be precious) | :: apprezzare |
treasure hunt {n} (search for a treasure (game or real)) | :: caccia al tesoro {f} |
treasure map {n} (map on which is marked the location of a treasure) | :: mappa del tesoro {f} |
treasurer {n} /ˈtɹɛʒəɹə(ɹ)/ (official entrusted with the funds and revenues of an organisation) | :: tesoriere |
treasurer {n} | :: tesoriere {m} |
treasure trove {n} (hidden treasure, subsequently discovered) | :: ritrovamento {m}, reperimento {m}, rintracciamento {m}, scoperta {f} |
treasury {n} /ˈtɹɛʒəɹi/ (place where treasure is stored safely) | :: tesoreria {f} |
treasury {n} (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) | :: tesoreria {f} |
treasury {n} (collection of artistic or literary works) | :: tesoro {m} |
treat {v} /tɹiːt/ (to negotiate) | :: trattare |
treat {v} (to discourse, conduct a discussion) | :: trattare |
treat {n} (An entertainment, outing, or other indulgence provided by someone for the enjoyment of others) | :: trattenimento {m}, festeggiamento {m} |
treat {n} (An unexpected gift, event etc., which provides great pleasure) | :: sorpresa {f} |
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation | :: |
treatise {n} /ˈtɹiːtɪs/ (systematic discourse on some subject) | :: trattato |
treatment {n} /ˈtɹiːtmənt/ (process or manner of treating) | :: trattamento {m} |
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) | :: trattamento {m}, cura {f} |
treaty {n} /ˈtɹiːti/ (a binding agreement under international law) | :: trattato {m} |
trebbiano {n} /tɹɛbiˈɑːnəʊ/ (Italian grape variety) | :: trebbiano {m} |
trebbiano {n} (variety of white wine) | :: trebbiano {m} |
treble {v} /ˈtɹɛbəl/ (to multiply by three) | :: triplicare |
trebuchet {n} /ˈtɹɛb.juˌʃɛt/ (trebuchet) | :: trabucco {m}, trabocco {m} |
tree {proverb} /tɹiː/ (large woody plant) | :: albero {m} |
tree {proverb} (pole with storage hooks) | :: albero {m} |
tree {proverb} ((graph theory) graph tree with no cycles) | :: albero {m} |
tree {proverb} ((computing theory) recursive data structure) | :: albero {m} |
tree {proverb} ((graphical user interface) tree list) | :: albero {m} |
tree {v} (chase up a tree) | :: albero |
treecreeper {n} (any of various small passerine birds of the family Certhidae) | :: rampichino {m} |
tree frog {n} (frog of the family Hylidae) | :: raganella {f} |
tree hollow {n} (tree hollow) | :: albero cavo {m} |
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) | :: tronco {m} |
trellis {n} /ˈtɹɛlɪs/ (An outdoor garden frame which can be used for partitioning a common area) | :: graticcio {m}, inferriata {f}, recinzione {f} |
trellis {n} (An outdoor garden frame which can be used to grow vines or other climbing plants) | :: graticcio {m}, pergola {f}, pergolato {m}, traliccio {m} |
trema {n} (the diacritical mark) SEE: diaeresis | :: |
Tremadocian {n} | :: Tremadociano |
tremble {v} /ˈtɹɛmbl̩/ (to shake) | :: tremare, tremolare |
tremble {n} (a shake) | :: tremore |
tremendous {adj} /tɹɪˈmɛndəs/ (awe-inspiring) | :: formidabile, tremendo |
tremendous {adj} (notable for size, power or excellence) | :: eccellente |
tremendous {adj} (extremely large (in amount, extent, degree etc.) or great; enormous; extraordinary) | :: straordinario, enorme |
tremolite {n} (amphibole mineral) | :: tremolite {f} |
tremor {n} /ˈtɹɛmɚ/ (shake, quiver, or vibration) | :: tremore |
trench {n} /tɹɛntʃ/ (long, narrow ditch or hole) | :: fosso {m}, trincea {f}, fossato {m} |
trench {n} (military excavation) | :: trincea {f}, fossato {m}, buca {f} |
trench coat {n} (military-style raincoat) | :: trench {m} |
trend {n} /tɹɛnd/ (an inclination in a direction) | :: tendenza, trend |
trend {n} (A fad) | :: tendenza, moda |
trend {v} (To have a particular direction; to run; to stretch; to tend) | :: tendere |
trenette {n} (type of pasta) | :: trenette {f} |
Trentino {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Trentino {m} |
Trentino-Alto Adige {prop} (region) | :: Trentino-Alto Adige |
Trento {prop} (city) | :: Trento {f} |
Trento {prop} (province) SEE: Trentino | :: |
trepan {n} /tɹɪˈpæn/ (tool to bore) | :: perforatrice {f}, trivella {f}, trapano {m} |
trepanation {n} /tɹɛpəˈneɪʃən/ (practice of drilling a hole in the skull) | :: trapanazione {f} |
trepang {n} (sea cucumber) SEE: sea cucumber | :: |
trepidation {n} /ˌtɹɛp.ɪˈdeɪ.ʃən/ (fearful state) | :: trepidazione, timore, preoccupazione, insicurezza, dubbio, incertezza, apprensione |
Treschè Conca {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Treschè Conca |
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin | :: |
trespassing {n} (unauthorized entry on private property) | :: sconfinamento {m} |
trestle {n} /ˈtɹɛsəl/ (a horizontal member supported near each end by a pair of divergent legs) | :: cavalletto {m}, trespolo {m}, capra {f} |
trestle {n} (a folding or fixed set of legs used to support a table-top or planks) | :: capra {f}, cavalletto {m} |
trestle {n} (a framework, using spreading, divergent pairs of legs used to support a bridge) | :: intelaiatura {f}, traliccio {m} |
Treviso {prop} (province) | :: Treviso |
Treviso {prop} (town) | :: Treviso {f} |
tri- {prefix} /tɹaɪ/ (three) | :: tri- |
triacontahedron {n} (polyhedron with 30 faces) | :: triacontaedro {m} |
triad {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.æd/ (grouping of three) | :: triade |
triad {n} (underground society) | :: triade {f} |
triage {n} /ˈtɹi.ɑʒ/ (assessment or sorting according to quality) | :: sorteggio {m}, assegnazione {f}, scelta {f} |
triage {n} (the process of sorting patients) | :: priorità {f} |
trial {n} /ˈtɹaɪəl/ (chance to test something out) | :: prova {f}, test {m}, cimento {m}, rischio {m} |
trial {n} (appearance at judicial court) | :: processo {m} |
trial {n} (difficult experience) | :: prova {f}, tribolazione {f} |
trial {adj} (Triple) | :: triplo {m} |
trial and error {n} (solution by learning from mistakes) | :: prove ed errori, tentativi ed errori |
trial balloon {n} /ˌtɹaɪəl bəˈluːn/ (idea, suggestion, etc., offered to test whether it generates acceptance or interest) | :: notizia sonda {f} |
trial number {n} | :: triale {m} |
triangle {n} /ˈtɹaɪˌæŋɡəl/ (polygon) | :: triangolo {m} |
triangle {n} (percussion instrument) | :: triangolo {m} |
triangle {n} (love triangle) SEE: love triangle | :: |
triangle inequality {prop} (the triangle inequality) | :: disuguaglianza triangolare {f} |
triangular {adj} /tɹaɪˈæŋ.ɡjə.lɚ/ (shaped like a triangle) | :: triangolare |
triangularis muscle {n} (muscle) | :: muscolo triangolare {m}, depressore dell'angolo della bocca {m}, muscolo depressore dell'angolo della bocca {m} |
triangular number {n} (an integer which is the sum of n natural numbers) | :: numero triangolare {m} |
triangular prism {n} (prism with triangular base) | :: prisma triangolare {m} |
triangulation {n} /tɹʌɪaŋɡjʊˈleɪʃn̩/ (surveying technique) | :: triangolazione {f} |
Triangulum Australe {prop} (constellation) | :: Triangolo Australe {m} |
triathlete {n} (An athlete who competes in the triathlon) | :: triatleta {m} {f} |
tribadism {n} /ˈtɹɪbədɪz(ə)m/ (sexual practice) | :: tribadismo {m} |
tribal {adj} /ˈtɹaɪbəl/ (of or relating to tribes) | :: tribale |
tribasic {adj} (of an acid) | :: tribasico {m} |
tribasic {adj} (of a salt) | :: tribasico {m} |
tribe {n} /tɹaɪb/ (group of people) | :: tribù {f} |
triboelectricity {n} (electricity produced by the triboelectric effect) | :: triboelettricità {f} |
tribology {n} /tɹaɪˈbɒləd͡ʒi/ (science and technology of lubrication) | :: tribologia |
triboluminescence {n} (production of light) | :: triboluminescenza {f} |
tribulation {n} /ˌtɹɪbjʊˈleɪ̯ʃən/ (adversity) | :: tribolazione {f} |
tribune {n} /ˈtɹɪbjuːn/ (elected official in Ancient Rome) | :: tribuna |
tributary {n} /ˈtɹɪbjʊtəɹi/ (stream which flows into a larger one) | :: affluente {m}, tributario {m}, immissario {m} |
tributary {n} (nation, state etc.) | :: vassallo {m} |
tributary {adj} (related to the paying of tribute) | :: tributario {m} |
tribute {n} /ˈtɹɪbjuːt/ (acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift) | :: omaggio {m} |
tribute {n} (payment made by one nation to another in submission) | :: tributo {m} |
tricameralism {n} (tricameralism) | :: tricameralismo |
tricarboxylic acid cycle {n} (the Krebs cycle, see also: Krebs cycle; citric acid cycle) | :: ciclo degli acidi tricarbossilici {m} |
tricentennial {adj} (occurring every 300 years) | :: tricentenniale |
triceps {n} (any muscle having three heads) | :: tricipite {m} |
trichina {n} (roundworm of the genus Trichinella) | :: trichina {f} |
trichloroacetic {adj} (pertaining to trichloroacetic acid) | :: tricloroacetico |
trichloroethylene {n} (hydrocarbon) | :: tricloroetilene {m} |
trichlorofluoromethane {n} (chlorofluorocarbon CFCl3) | :: triclorofluorometano {m} |
trichology {n} /tɹʌɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (knowledge or study of hair) | :: tricologia {f} |
trichotillomania {n} (disorder) | :: tricotillomania |
trick {n} /tɹɪk/ (effective, clever or quick way of doing something) | :: trucco {m} |
trick {v} (to fool; to cause to believe something untrue) | :: imbrogliare |
trickery {n} /tɹɪ.kə.ɹi/ (underhanded behavior) | :: inganno {m}, trappoleria {f}, accalappiamento {m}, accalappiatura {f}, tiro mancino {m} |
trickle {n} /ˈtɹɪkəl/ (a very thin flow; the act of trickling) | :: gocciolio {m}, sgocciolio {m} |
trickle {v} (to flow in a very thin stream or drop continuously) | :: gocciolare, sgocciolare |
trick of the trade {n} (techniques learned from job experience) | :: trucchi del mestiere {m-p} |
trick or treat {interj} (extortion) | :: dolcetto o scherzetto |
trick question {n} (misleading question) | :: trabocchetto {m} |
trickster {n} (mythological or literary figure) | :: folletto {m}, spiritello {m}, gnomo {m}, coboldo {m}, diavoletto {m} |
trickster {n} (one who performs tricks) | :: imbroglione, truffatore {m}, lestofante {m} |
trickster {n} (impish or playful person) | :: indiavolato {m} |
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud | :: |
trick up one's sleeve {n} (ace up one's sleeve) SEE: ace up one's sleeve | :: |
tricky {adj} /tɹɪki/ (hard to deal with) | :: insidioso, ingannevole, pericoloso |
triclinic {adj} (having three unequal axes all intersecting at oblique angles) | :: triclinico |
tricolor {adj} (having three colors) | :: tricolore |
Tricolor {prop} (Italian flag) | :: Tricolore |
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) | :: tricolore |
triconodont {n} | :: triconodonte |
tricuspid {adj} | :: tricuspide |
tricuspidate {adj} (three-pointed) | :: tricuspidato |
tricycle {n} /ˈtɹaɪsɪkəl/ (cycle with three wheels) | :: triciclo {m}, tricicletto |
tricyclist {n} (person who rides a tricycle) | :: riciclista {m} {f} |
trident {n} /ˈtɹaɪ̯dənt/ (three-pronged spear) | :: tridente {m} |
tridermic {adj} (relating to the three germ layers of the embryo: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm) | :: tridermico |
triennial {adj} /tɹaɪˈɛnɪəl/ (happening every three years) | :: triennale {m} {f} |
triennial {adj} (lasting for three years) | :: triennale {m} {f} |
Trier {prop} (city in Germany) | :: Treviri |
Trieste {prop} (province) | :: Trieste |
Trieste {prop} (city) | :: Trieste {f} |
Triestine {adj} (of, from or relating to Trieste) | :: triestino |
trifecta {n} /tɹaɪˈfɛktə/ (A bet on the first three places of a race in the order) | :: tris {m} |
triffid {n} (a fictional plant) | :: trifido {m} |
trifle {n} /ˈtɹaɪfəl/ (dessert) | :: zuppa inglese {f} [a similar Italian dessert] |
trifle {n} (insignificant amount) | :: un tantino, un po', bagattella {f}, briciola {f} |
trifle {n} (thing of little importance or worth) | :: cosa da poco, inezia {f}, bagattella {f} |
trifle {n} (kind of pewter) | :: peltro {m} |
trifling {adj} /ˈtɹaɪfliŋ/ (trivial) | :: insignificante |
triforce {n} (Shape composed of three triangles in a specific alignment) | :: Triforza |
triforium {n} /tɹaɪ̯ˈfɔːɹɪəm/ (gallery of arches) | :: triforio {m} |
trigger {n} /ˈtɹɪɡə/ (finger-operated lever used to fire a gun) | :: grilletto {m} |
trigger {n} (similar device used to activate any mechanism) | :: levetta {f} |
trigger {n} (event that initiates others, or incites a response) | :: innesco {m}, detonatore {m} |
trigger {n} (pulse in an electronic circuit that initiates some component) | :: impulso {m} |
trigger {v} (to fire a weapon) | :: premere il grilletto, sparare |
trigger {v} (to initiate something) | :: innescare, accendere la miccia |
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
triggerfish {n} (fish) | :: pesce balestra {m} |
trigger guard {n} (A thin loop surrounding the trigger of a weapon to keep it from accidental discharge) | :: guardamano {m} |
triglyceride {n} /tɹaɪˈɡlɪsəɹaɪd/ (lipid, ester of glycerol and three fatty acids) | :: trigliceride {m} |
triglyceridemia {n} (presence of triglycerides in the blood) | :: trigliceridemia {f} |
trigonal {adj} /ˈtrɪɡ(ə)n(ə)l/ (triangular) | :: trigono |
trigonometric {adj} /ˌtɹɪɡ ə nəˈmɛ tɹɪk/ (of or relating to trigonometry) | :: trigonometrico |
trigonometric function {n} (a function of an angle) | :: funzione trigonometrica {f} |
trigonometry {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: trigonometria {f} |
trihedral {adj} | :: triedrico {m} |
trihedron {n} (geometric figure) | :: triedro {m} |
trihydride {n} (trihydride) | :: triidruro {m} |
triiodomethane {n} (iodoform) SEE: iodoform | :: |
trilemma {n} /tɹaɪˈlɛmə/ (circumstance in which a choice must be made between three options) | :: trilemma {m} |
trilingualism {n} (the speaking of three languages) | :: trilinguismo {m} |
Trilj {prop} (town in Croatia) | :: Treglia |
trill {n} /tɹɪl/ (rapid alternation of notes) | :: trillo {m} |
trill {n} (vibrating consonant) | :: consonante vibrante {f}, trillo {m} |
trillion {num} /ˈtɹɪljən/ (a million million, 1012, see also: billion) | :: bilione {f} |
trillion {num} (a million million million, 1018, see also: quintillion) | :: trilione {f} |
trilobite {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.ləˌbaɪt/ (member of the class Trilobita) | :: trilobite {m} |
trilogy {n} /ˈtɹɪlədʒi/ (collection of three works) | :: trilogia {f} |
trim {v} /tɹɪm/ (to reduce slightly) | :: tagliare, accorciare |
trim {v} (to decorate) | :: decorare |
trim {v} (to adjust sails) | :: bordare, orientare |
trim {n} (a moderate haircut) | :: spuntata (capelli-barba-baffi), sforbiciata {f} |
trim {n} (the manner in which a vessel floats) | :: assetto (nave-aereo) |
trim {n} (arrangement of sails relative to the wind) | :: orientamento |
trim {adj} (fit) | :: in forma |
trimaran {n} (type of boat) | :: trimarano {m} |
trimer {n} (molecule) | :: trimero {m} |
trimerous {adj} (organized in threes) | :: trimero |
trimester {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.mɛs.təɹ/ (period of three months) | :: trimestre |
trimillennial {adj} (occurring every 3000 years) | :: trimillenniale |
trimolecular {adj} (involving three molecules) | :: trimolecolare |
trinal {adj} (having three parts, triple) SEE: tripartite | :: |
Trinidad and Tobago {prop} /ˌtɹɪn.ɪ.dæd ænd toʊˈbeɪ.ɡoʊ/ (country) | :: Trinidad e Tobago {m} |
Trinidadian {n} /tɹɪ.nɪ.ˈdæ.diː.ən/ (a person from Trinidad) | :: trinidadiano {m}, trinidadiana {f} |
Trinitarian {adj} (believing in the Trinity) | :: trinitario |
trinity {n} /ˈtɹɪnɪti/ (group or set of three people or things) | :: trinità {f} |
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) | :: trinità |
trinket {n} (a small showy ornament or piece of jewelry) | :: gingillo {m}, ciondolo {m}, fronzolo {m}, ninnolo {m}, cineseria {f} |
trinket {n} (a mere trifle) | :: chincaglieria {f} |
trinomial {adj} (consisting of three parts) | :: trinomiale |
trinomial {n} (an expression consisting of three terms) | :: trinomio {m} |
trio {n} /ˈtɹioʊ/ (group of three musicians) | :: trio {m} |
trio {n} (a piece of music written for three musicians) | :: trio {m} |
trio {n} (passage in the middle of minuet) | :: trio {m} |
trio {n} | :: trio {m} |
triorchidism {n} (form of polyorchidism) | :: triorchidismo {m} |
triose {n} (sugar containing three carbon atoms) | :: trioso {m} |
trioxide {n} (oxide containing three oxygen atoms in each molecule) | :: triossido {m} |
trip {n} /tɹɪp/ (journey) | :: viaggio {m}, gita {f} |
trip {n} (period of time in which one experiences drug-induced reverie or hallucinations) | :: trip {m} |
trip {n} (act of tripping someone) | :: sgambetto {m} |
trip {v} (fall over or stumble over an object) | :: inciampare |
trip {v} | :: inciampare |
tripartite {adj} /tɹaɪˈpɑɹtaɪt/ (in three parts) | :: tripartito |
tripartite {adj} (done by three parties) | :: tripartito |
tripe {n} /tɹaɪp/ (stomach lining of animal for food) | :: trippa {f} |
tripe {n} (entrails) | :: trippa {f} |
tripe {n} (something valueless) | :: stupidaggine {f} |
triphosphate {n} (any salt or ester containing three phosphate groups) | :: trifosfato {m} |
triphthong {n} /ˈtɹɪfθɔŋ/ (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vowel to another) | :: trittongo {m} |
triple {adj} /ˈtɹɪpəl/ (made up of three related elements) | :: triplo |
triple {adj} (three times the quantity) | :: triplo {m} |
triple {n} (sequence of three elements) | :: triplo {m} |
triple {v} (to multiply by three) | :: triplicare |
triple {v} (to become three times as large) | :: triplicare |
triple harp {n} (musical instrument) | :: arpa tripla {f} |
triplet {n} (group of three) | :: tripletta |
triploblastic {adj} (exhibiting triploblasty) | :: triploblastico |
triplophonia {n} | :: triplofonia {f} |
tripod {n} /ˈtɹaɪpɑd/ (a three-legged stand or mount) | :: treppiedi {m}, cavalletto {m} |
tripolar {adj} (having three poles) | :: tripolare |
tripolar {adj} (having three electrical connections) | :: tripolare |
tripolar {adj} (involving three centers of military, economic or political power) | :: tripolare |
Tripoli {prop} /ˈtɹɪpəli/ (capital of Libya) | :: Tripoli {f} |
Tripolitania {prop} (historic region) | :: Tripolitania {f} |
triptych {n} /ˈtɹɪptɪk/ (art: a picture or series of pictures painted on three tablets connected by hinges) | :: trittico {m} |
trip up {v} (cause to fall or stumble) | :: fare lo sgambetto [+ a], sgambettare |
triquetra {n} /tɹaɪˈkwɛtɹə/ (shape formed of three vesica piscis) | :: trinacria {f}, triquetra {f} |
trireme {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.ɹiːm/ (galley with three banks of oars) | :: trireme {f} |
trisect {v} (to cut into three pieces) | :: trisecare |
triskaidekaphobia {n} /ˌtɹɪskaɪdɛkəˈfəʊbi.ə/ (fear or dislike of the number 13) | :: triscaidecafobia {f} |
triskele {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.skil/ (symbol consisting of three connected curves) | :: triscele |
triskelion {n} /trɑɪ.ˈskɛ.li.ən/ ( figure composed of three interlocked spirals, or three bent human legs) | :: triscele {m} |
Tristan {prop} /ˈtɹɪstən/ (male given name) | :: Tristano |
trisyllabic {adj} /ˌtɹaɪ.sɪˈlæb.ɪk/ (having three syllables) | :: trisillabico {m} |
trisyllable {n} | :: trisillabo {m} |
tritagonist {n} (third role) | :: tritagonista {m} |
tritheism {n} (belief in three gods) | :: triteismo {m} |
tritheism {n} (form of Christianity that denies the Trinity) | :: triteismo {m} |
tritium {n} (radioactive isotope of hydrogen) | :: trizio {m} |
Triton {prop} /ˈtɹaɪtən/ (seventh moon of Neptune) | :: Tritone {m} |
tritone {n} /ˈt͡ʃɹaɪˌtoʊn/ (an interval of three whole tones) | :: tritono {m} |
triulose {n} (dihydroxyacetone considered as a ketotriose) | :: triulosio {m} |
triumph {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.əmf/ (conclusive success; victory; conquest) | :: trionfo {m} |
triumph {n} (a state of joy or exultation at success) | :: trionfo {m} |
triumph {n} | :: trionfo {m} |
triumph {v} (to prevail over rivals) | :: trionfare |
triumph {v} (to succeed) | :: trionfare |
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump | :: |
triumphalism {n} (attitude) | :: trionfalismo {m} |
triumphalist {adj} (having a feeling of superiority) | :: trionfalista {m} {f} |
triumphant {adj} /tɹaɪˈʌmfənt/ (celebrating victory) | :: trionfante |
trivia {n} (quiz) SEE: quiz | :: |
trivial {adj} /ˈtɹɪ.vi.əl/ (of little significance or value) | :: insignificante |
trivial {adj} (common, ordinary) | :: banale, ordinario |
trivial {adj} ((mathematics) of being the simplest possible case) | :: banale {m} |
Troad {prop} /ˈtɹəʊ.æd/ (historical term for peninsula in modern Turkey) | :: Troade |
troak {v} /tɹoʊk/ (exchange goods or services without involving money) | :: barattare |
troat {v} (to make the cry of a deer) | :: bramire |
trochlea {n} /ˈtɹɒklɪə/ (a structure resembling a pulley) | :: troclea {f} |
trochlear {adj} /ˈtɹɒklɪə(ɹ)/ (shaped like, or resembling, a pulley; related to, or connected with, a trochlea) | :: trocleare |
trodden {adj} /ˈtɹɑdən/ (crushed by being walked on) | :: calpestato |
Troödos {prop} (mountain range) | :: ; Troodos |
Trogir {prop} (city in Croatia) | :: Traù |
trogon {n} (species of bird) | :: trogone {m} |
Trojan {n} (computer malware) SEE: Trojan horse | :: |
Trojan horse {prop} (epic wooden horse) | :: cavallo di Troia {m} |
Trojan horse {n} (computing: malicious program) | :: cavallo di Troia {m}, trojan {m} |
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) | :: guerra di Troia {f} |
troll {v} /tɹoʊl/ (internet: to attempt to lure others into combative argument) | :: trollare |
troll {n} (person who provokes others) | :: troll {n} |
troll {v} (to saunter) SEE: saunter | :: |
trolley {n} (cart or shopping cart) | :: carrello {m} |
trolley {n} (hand truck) SEE: hand truck | :: |
trollop {n} /ˈtɹɒl.əp/ (strumpet) | :: puttana {f}, sgualdrina {f}, battona {f}, baldracca {f}, squillo {f}, peripatetica {f} |
trombone {n} /ˌtɹɑmˈboʊn/ (a musical instrument in the brass family) | :: trombone {m} |
Tromsø {prop} (municipality in Norway) | :: Tromsø |
troop {n} /tɹup/ (collection of people) | :: truppe |
trooper {n} /ˈtɹuːpə(ɹ)/ (a soldier) | :: soldato {m} |
troops {n} /tɹuːps/ (military personnel in uniform) | :: truppe {p} |
trope {n} /tɹəʊp/ (rhetoric: figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning) | :: tropo {m}, figura retorica {f}, metafora {f}, metonimia {f} |
trope {n} (music: short cadence at the end of the melody) | :: tropo {m} |
trope {n} (music, Roman Catholicism: phrase or verse added to the Mass) | :: tropo {m} |
-trophic {suffix} (used to form adjectives corresponding to nouns ending in -trophy) | :: -tropico |
trophic level {n} (position of a group of organisms in a food chain) | :: livello trofico |
trophy {n} /ˈtɹoʊfi/ (object rewarding success) | :: trofeo {m} |
tropic {adj} (tropical) SEE: tropical | :: |
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) | :: tropico {m} |
-tropic {suffix} | :: -tropico, -tropo |
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic | :: |
tropical {adj} (dated: metaphorical, figurative) SEE: figurative | :: |
tropical {adj} /ˈtɹoʊ.pɪ.kəl/ (of or pertaining to the tropics) | :: tropicale |
tropical {adj} (from or similar to a hot humid climate) | :: tropicale |
tropical geometry {n} (branch of geometry) | :: geometria tropicale {f} |
tropicalization {n} | :: tropicalizzazione {f} |
tropicalize {v} /ˈtɹɑpɪkəlaɪz/ (modify something for use in the tropics) | :: tropicalizzare |
tropical rainforest {n} (forest) | :: foresta pluviale tropicale |
tropicbird {n} /ˈtɹɒ.pɪkˌbɜɹd/ | :: fetonte {m} |
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) | :: Tropico del Cancro {m} |
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) | :: Tropico del Capricorno {m} |
tropism {n} ((biology) turning of an organism) | :: tropismo {m} |
tropologically {adv} (in a tropological manner) | :: tropologicamente |
troponin {n} (regulatory protein of skeletal and cardiac muscle) | :: troponina {f} |
troposphere {n} (lower levels of the atmosphere) | :: troposfera {f} |
-tropy {suffix} | :: -tropia |
trot {n} (toddler) SEE: toddler | :: |
trot {n} /tɹɑt/ (gait of an animal between walk and canter) | :: trotto {m} |
trot {n} (ugly old woman) | :: megera {f} |
trot {n} (a gait of a person faster than a walk) | :: trotterellio {m} |
trot {v} (walk rapidly) | :: trottare |
trot {v} ((of a horse) move at a gait between a walk and a canter) | :: trotto |
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth | :: |
Trotskyism {n} (left-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky) | :: trotskismo, trotschismo |
troubadour {n} (an itinerant performer of songs) | :: trovatore {m}, trobadore {m}, trovatrice {f}, trobairitz {f} |
trouble {n} /ˈtɹʌb(ə)l/ (distressful or dangerous situation) | :: guaio {m}, problema {m}, impiccio {m}, tumulto {m} |
trouble {n} (difficulty) | :: problema {m}, difficoltà {f}, dissesto {m} |
trouble {n} (violent occurrence) | :: guaio {m}, problema {m}, grana {f} |
trouble {n} (effort) | :: problema {m}, impedimento {m}, fastidio {m} |
trouble {n} (malfunction) | :: problema {m}, fastidio {m} |
trouble {n} (conflict with law) | :: guaio {m}, contrasto {m}, intoppo {m} |
trouble {n} | :: pena {f}, disturbo {m}, disagio {m} |
trouble {v} (to bother; to annoy) | :: esagitare, infastidire, disturbare, agitare |
troublemaker {n} (one who causes trouble, especially deliberately) | :: piantagrane {m}, attaccabrighe {m}, casinista, combinaguai, rompipalle {m}, rompiscatole {m} |
troublemaker {n} (complainer) | :: pignolo {m} |
trough {n} /tɹɔf/ (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) | :: trogolo, abbeveratoio {m} |
trough {n} (a long, narrow container open at the top) | :: madia {f}, tinozza {f}, mastello {m} |
trough {n} (short, narrow drainage canal) | :: canale di scolo {m} |
trough {n} (a gutter under the eaves of a building) | :: grondaia {f}, gronda {f} |
trough {n} (a long, narrow depression between waves or ridges) | :: avvallamento {m}, fossa {f} |
trough {n} (a linear atmospheric depression associated with a weather front) | :: superficie di attraversamento {f} |
trounce {v} /tɹaʊns/ (to beat severely, see also: thrash) | :: battere, picchiare, bastonare |
trounce {v} (to beat thoroughly, to defeat heavily) | :: surclassare, sbaragliare, stravincere, travolgere |
trounce {v} (to chastise or punish physically or verbally) | :: castigare, punire, penalizzare |
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket | :: |
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants | :: |
trousseau {n} /ˈtɹuːsəʊ/ (bridal clothes) | :: corredo {m} |
trout {n} /tɹaʊt/ (fish) | :: trota {f} |
trouvère {n} (a lyric poet using the Northern langue d'oïl) | :: trovero {m} |
trove {n} (treasure trove) SEE: treasure trove | :: |
trowel {n} /ˈtɹaʊ.əl/ (mason's tool) | :: cazzuola {f} |
trowel {n} (scoop-like gardening tool) | :: paletta {f} |
trowel {n} (tool used for smoothing mold) | :: pala {f} |
Troy {prop} /tɹɔɪ/ (an ancient city) | :: Troia {f} |
truancy {n} (the act of shirking from responsibilities and duties) | :: assenteismo |
truant {adj} /ˈtɹʊənt ~ ˈtɹuː.ənt/ (Describing one who is truant, absent without permission) | :: pigro |
truce {n} /tɹus/ (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) | :: tregua {f} |
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade | :: |
truck {n} /t͡ʃɹʌk/ (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) | :: autocarro {m}, camion {m} |
truck {v} (drive a truck) | :: guidare un autocarro, guidare un camion |
truck {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon | :: |
truck driver {n} (person employed to drive a truck) | :: camionista |
trucker {n} (one who drives a truck) SEE: truck driver | :: |
true {adj} /tɹu/ (concurring with a given set of facts) | :: vero |
true {adj} | :: vero |
true {n} (State of being in alignment) | :: centratura {f} |
truffle {n} /ˈtɹʌ.fəl/ (tuber) | :: tartufo {m} |
truffle {n} (chocolate truffle) SEE: chocolate truffle | :: |
truism {n} (self-evident or obvious truth) | :: ovvietà {f}, tautologia {f} |
truism {n} (banality or cliché) | :: banalità {f}, clichè {m}, luogo comune {m}, tautologia {f} |
truly {adv} /ˈtɹuːli/ (honestly, genuinely) | :: veramente |
trump {n} /tɹʌmp/ (suit that outranks all others) | :: seme vincente {m}, briscola di seme {f}, briscola {f} |
trump {n} (playing card of that suit) | :: briscola {f} |
trump {n} (something that gives one an advantage) | :: asso nella manica {m} |
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump | :: |
trumpet {n} /ˈtɹʌmpɪt/ (brass instrument) | :: tromba {f} |
trumpet {n} (musician playing a trumpet) | :: tromba {f}, trombettista {m} |
trumpet {n} (elephant noise) | :: barrito {m} |
trumpet {v} (play the instrument) | :: suonare la tromba |
trumpet {v} (make an elephant call) | :: barrire |
trumpet {v} (proclaim loudly) | :: strombazzare |
trumpeter finch {n} (Bucanetes githagineus) | :: trombettiere {m} |
Trumpism {prop} (the philosophy and politics espoused by Donald Trump) | :: trumpismo {m} |
Trumpism {n} (characteristic uttering) | :: trumpismo {m} |
Trumpist {n} | :: trumpista {m} {f} |
truncate {v} /ˈtɹʌŋˌkeɪt/ (shorten something as if by cutting off part of it) | :: troncare |
truncated {adj} (Deprived of one of its parts or of its end) | :: troncato |
truncated cuboctahedron {n} (polyhedron with 12 square, 8 hexagonal and 6 octagonal faces) | :: cubottaedro troncato {m}, grande rombicubottaedro {m} |
truncated dodecahedron {n} (polyhedron with 12 decagonal faces, 20 triangular faces and 90 edges) | :: dodecaedro troncato {m} |
truncated icosahedron {n} (polyhedron) | :: icosaedro troncato {m} |
truncated icosidodecahedron {n} (polyhedron with 12 decagonal, 30 hexagonal and 30 square faces) | :: icosidodecaedro troncato {m} |
truncated octahedron {n} (polyhedron with 14 faces and 36 edges) | :: ottaedro troncato, tetracaidecaedro |
trundle {n} (low bed on wheels) SEE: trundle bed | :: |
trundle bed {n} (low bed under a higher bed) | :: letto estraibile {m}, letto a carriola {m} |
trunk {n} /tɹʌŋk/ (tree trunk) | :: tronco {m} |
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) | :: baule {m}, cofano {m} |
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) | :: proboscide {f} |
trunk {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) | :: baule {m}, bagagliaio {m} |
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso | :: |
trunk {n} (swimming trunks) SEE: swimming trunks | :: |
truss {n} /tɹʌs/ (bandage and belt) | :: cinto {m}, cinto erniario {m} |
truss {n} (framework of beams) | :: struttura reticolare {f} |
trust {n} /trʌst/ (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) | :: fiducia {f} |
trust {n} (confidence in the future payment for goods or services supplied; credit) | :: credito |
trust {n} (a group of businessmen or traders) | :: trust {m} |
trust {n} | :: fiducia {f}, confidenza {f}, speranza {f}, aspettazione {f}, credito {m}, amministrazione fiduciaria {f}, consorzio {m}, responsibilità {f}, compito {m}, incarico {m}, fede {f} |
trust {v} (to place confidence in) | :: fidare, avere fiducia |
trustworthiness {n} /ˈtɹʌst.wɜɹ.ði.nɛs/ (the state or quality of being trustworthy or reliable) | :: fidatezza, attendibilità, affidabilità |
trustworthy {adj} /ˈtɹʌst.wɜɹ.ði/ (reliable) | :: affidabile, attendibile, credibile, fidato {m} |
truth {n} /tɹuːθ/ (state or quality of being true to someone or something) | :: veritate {f}, verità |
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) | :: verità {f} |
truth {n} (that which is real) | :: verità {f} |
truthful {adj} /ˈtɹuːθ.f(ə)l/ (honest, and always telling the truth) | :: sincero |
truthful {adj} (accurately depicting what is real) | :: realista |
truth value {n} (values in logic) | :: valore di verità {m}, valore logico {m} |
truth will out {proverb} (truth will inevitably be discovered) | :: la verità viene sempre a galla, il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi |
try {v} /tɹaɪ/ (to attempt) | :: cercare, tentare, provare |
try {v} (to make an experiment) | :: provare |
try {v} (to work on something) | :: cercare |
try {v} (to put to test) | :: provare, testare |
try {v} (to taste, sample, etc) | :: assaggiare |
try {v} (to put on trial) | :: mettere alla prova |
try {v} | :: tentare, provare (to do di fare), cercare (to do di fare) , provare |
try {n} (an attempt) | :: tentativo {m}, prova {f} |
try {n} (a score in rugby) | :: meta {f} |
trying {adj} /ˈtɹaɪ.ɪŋ/ (Difficult to endure; arduous) | :: difficile, impegnativo {m}, arduo {m} |
trying {adj} (irritating, stressful or bothersome) | :: irritante |
try on {v} (to test the look of) | :: provare, misurare |
try out {v} (to test something) | :: saggiare, collaudare, testare |
tryst {n} /tɹɪst/ (prearranged meeting, now especially between lovers) | :: appuntamento {m}, incontro {m} |
tryst {v} (to agree to meet at a place) | :: trovarsi, incontrarsi |
Tsakonian {adj} | :: zaconico, tsaconico |
tsar {n} /(t)sɑɹ/ (an emperor) | :: zar {m} |
tsarina {n} /tsaˈɹiːnə/ (empress or wife of a tsar) | :: zarina {f} |
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina | :: |
T-shirt {n} /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ (type of shirt) | :: maglietta {f} |
tsunami {n} /suˈnɑmi/ (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) | :: tsunami {m} [invariable], maremoto {m} |
tsundere {n} /ˈtsun.dəɹ.eɪ/ (character who fits the archetype of being cold or hostile before gradually showing a warm and caring side) | :: tsundere {f} |
tub {n} /tʌb/ (broad, flat-bottomed vessel) | :: tinozza {f}, vaschetta {f}, contenitore {m} |
tub {n} (slow-moving craft) | :: bagnarola {f} |
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub | :: |
tuba {n} /ˈtu.bə/ (a large brass musical instrument) | :: tuba {f} |
tube {n} /tjuːb/ (a pipe) | :: tubo |
tube {n} (cylindrical container) | :: tubo {m}, tubetto {m} [e.g. toothpaste] |
tube {n} (a tin can) | :: lattina |
tube {n} (the London underground) SEE: Tube | :: |
Tube {prop} (informal: the London underground) | :: la metropolitana di Londra {f} |
tuber {n} /tjuːbə(ɹ)/ (fleshy underground stem) | :: tubero {m} |
tuberal {adj} (characteristic of a tuber) | :: tuberale |
tuberculosis {n} /tjuːˌbɜː(r)kjʊˈləʊsɪs/ (infectious disease) | :: tubercolosi {f} |
tubing {n} (tubes) | :: condotta {f} |
tub of lard {n} (fat person) | :: barilotto {m} |
tubulin {n} (proteins used as the material for microtubules) | :: tubulina |
tuck {v} /tʌk/ (push the end of fabric out of sight) | :: rimboccare, ripiegare |
tuck {v} (place somewhere safe or hidden) | :: ripiegare, infilare |
tuck {v} (fit neatly) | :: incastrare, incastrarsi, adattarsi |
tuck {v} (curl into a ball; fold up and hold one's legs) | :: rannicchiarsi |
tuck {v} (sew folds) | :: cucire le pieghe, pieghettare |
tuck {n} (short sword) SEE: rapier | :: |
tucker {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub | :: |
tuck in {v} (to push in loose clothing) | :: infilare il fondo della camicia nei pantaloni |
Tuesday {n} /ˈt(j)uzdeɪ/ (day of the week) | :: martedì {m} |
tufa {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: tuff | :: |
tuff {n} /tʌf/ (a rock composed of compacted volcanic ash) | :: tufo {m} |
tuft {n} /tʌft/ (bunch) | :: cespo {m}, ciuffo {m}, ciocca, zolla {f} |
tuft {n} (cluster of threads) | :: fiocco, rappa |
tuft {n} (clump of trees) | :: macchia d'alberi |
tuft {n} (gold tassel) | :: nappina dorata |
tuft {v} (provide or decorate with tufts) | :: infiocchettare, ornare di ciuffi, impennacchiare |
tuft {v} (secure with tufts) | :: trapuntare |
tuft {v} (be formed into tufts) | :: a forma di ciuffo |
tufted {adj} /ˈtʌftɪd/ | :: cespuglioso |
tufted antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antibird family) | :: averla formichiera dal ciuffo |
tug {v} /tʌɡ/ (to pull with great effort) | :: trascinare |
tug {v} (to pull repeatedly) | :: tirare |
tug {v} (to tow by tugboat) | :: rimorchiare |
tug {n} (sudden pull) | :: strattone {m} |
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat | :: |
tugboat {n} /ˈtʌɡboʊt/ (small, powerful boat) | :: rimorchiatore {m} |
tughra {n} (signature of an Ottoman sultan) | :: tughra |
tug of war {n} (game) | :: tiro alla fune {m} |
tuition {n} /tuˈɪʃən/ (sum of money paid for instruction) | :: retta {f} |
tulip {n} /ˈt(j)uːlɪp/ (plant) | :: tulipano {m} |
tulipomania {n} (speculative enthusiasm for tulips) | :: tulipomania {f} |
tumble {n} /ˈtʌmbl̩/ (a fall) | :: caduta {f} |
tumble {v} (to fall end over end) | :: cadere, precipitare, rovinare, crollare, ruzzolare |
tumble dryer {n} (electrical device) | :: asciugatrice |
tumbler {n} (acrobat) SEE: acrobat | :: |
tumbler {n} /ˈtʌmblɚ/ (movable obstruction in lock) | :: nottolino {m}, cilindro |
tumbler {n} (part of a gunlock) | :: percussore {m} |
tumbler {n} (drinking glass without stem) | :: bicchiere {m} |
tumbler {n} (variety of pigeon) | :: piccione tomboliere {m} |
tumbleweed {n} /ˈtʌmbəlwiːd/ (plant which breaks loose and is driven by the wind) | :: rotolacampo {m} |
tummy {n} /tʌmi/ (childish language for stomach) | :: pancia {f} |
tumor {n} /tuː.məɹ/ (oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth) | :: tumore {m} |
tumoral {adj} (of or pertaining to a tumor) | :: tumorale |
tumorectomy {n} (surgical removal of a tumor) | :: tumorectomia {f} |
tumour {n} (tumor) SEE: tumor | :: |
tumult {n} /ˈtjuː.mʌlt/ (noise as made by a crowd) | :: tumulto {m} |
tumult {n} (riot or uprising) | :: tumulto {m} |
tumultuous {adj} /tjʊˈmʌl.tjʊ.əs/ (causing or characterized by tumult) | :: tumultuoso {m}, tumultuosa {f} |
tuna {n} /ˈtu.nə/ (fish) | :: tonno {m} |
tundra {n} /ˈtʌndɹə/ (flat treeless arctic region) | :: tundra {f} |
tune {n} /t(j)un/ (melody) | :: melodia {f} |
tune {n} (song, short musical composition) | :: composizione {f} |
tune {n} (informal: act of tuning) | :: regolazione {f}, messa a punto |
tune {v} (to adjust a musical instrument) | :: accordare |
tune {v} (to adjust (e.g. a mechanical or electrical device) so that it functions optimally) | :: regolare, registrare, mettere a punto |
tune {v} (to make more precise, intense, or effective) | :: affinare |
tune in {v} (to select a channel, station, etc., as on television or radio) | :: sintonizzare |
tuner {n} /ˈtuː.nɚ/ (person who tunes a piano or organ) | :: accordatore {m} |
tuner {n} (device that shows the deviation of the played pitch from the desired pitch) | :: accordatore {m} |
tuner {n} (the component of an audio system that receives radio broadcasts.) | :: sintonizzatore {m} |
tungsten {n} /ˈtʌŋstən/ (chemical element) | :: tungsteno {m}, wolframio {m} |
tungsten carbide {n} (Very hard grey compound used as an abrasive) | :: carburo di tungsteno {m} |
tungstic {adj} /ˈtʌŋstɪk/ (of or relating to tungsten) | :: tungstico |
tunic {n} /tjuːnɪk/ (garment) | :: tunica {f} |
tuning fork {n} /tjʉːnɪŋ foːk/ (fork-shaped object which emits a tone) | :: corista {m}, diapason {m} |
Tunis {prop} /ˈtuːnəs/ (capital of Tunisia) | :: Tunisi {f} |
Tunisia {prop} /tjuːˈnɪzi.ə/ (Republic of Tunisia) | :: Tunisia {f} |
Tunisian {n} (person from Tunisia) | :: tunisino |
Tunisian {adj} (pertaining to Tunisia) | :: tunisino |
tunnel {n} /ˈtʌn(ə)l/ (an underground or underwater passage) | :: tunnel {m}, traforo {m} |
tunnel vision {n} (one-track mind) SEE: one-track mind | :: |
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck | :: |
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram | :: |
tuple {n} /tuːp(ə)l/ (in set theory) | :: tupla {f} |
turban {n} /ˈtɜː(ɹ)bən/ (man's head-dress) | :: turbante {m} |
turban {n} (woman's hat) | :: turbante {m} |
turbanned {adj} (Wearing a turban) | :: inturbantato |
turbid {adj} (having the lees or sediment disturbed; roiled; muddy; thick; not clear) | :: torbido |
turbidity {n} (the state of being turbid) | :: torbidezza {f}, torbidità {f} |
turbine {n} /ˈtɜ(ɹ)baɪn/ (rotary machine) | :: turbina {f}, rotore {m} |
turboalternator {n} | :: turboalternatore {m} |
turbojet {n} (type of jet engine) | :: turbogetto {m}, turboreattore {m} |
turboprop {n} (type of gas-turbine aircraft engine) | :: turboelica {f} |
turbosail {n} | :: rotonave {f} |
turbot {n} /ˈtɜːbət/ (any of various flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae) | :: rombo {m} |
turbot {n} (triggerfish) SEE: triggerfish | :: |
turbulence {n} (disturbance in gas, fluid) | :: turbolenza |
turbulent {adj} /ˈtɜːbjələnt/ | :: turbolento |
turd {n} /tɜːd/ (piece of solid feces) | :: stronzo {m} |
turf {n} /tɝf/ (a layer of earth covered with grass; sod) | :: erba, zolla erbosa |
turf {n} (a piece of such a layer cut from the soil and used to make a lawn) | :: zolla d'erba {f} |
turf {n} (a piece of peat used as fuel) | :: torba {f} |
turf {v} (to create a lawn by laying turfs) | :: piotare, zollare |
turf accountant {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker | :: |
turgid {adj} /ˈtɜːdʒɪd/ (distended beyond natural state) | :: turgido |
Turin {prop} /tjʊəˈɹɪn/ (province) | :: Torino |
Turin {prop} (city) | :: Torino {f} |
Turinese {adj} (of or relating to Turin) | :: torinese |
Turinese {n} (a person from Turin) | :: torinese {m} {f} |
Turing machine {n} (abstract machine) | :: macchina di Turing {f} |
turion {n} | :: turione {m} |
Turk {n} /tɝk/ (a person from Turkey) | :: turco {m}, turca {f} |
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim | :: |
turkey {n} /ˈtɜː(ɹ)ki/ (bird) | :: tacchino {m}, gallinaccio {m} |
turkey {n} (failure) | :: fiasco {m} |
turkey {n} (stupid person) | :: oca {f}, scemo {m} |
Turkey {prop} /ˈtɝ.ki/ (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) | :: Turchia {f} |
turkey vulture {n} (a common North American vulture, Cathartes aura) | :: avvoltoio collorosso {m} |
Turkish {n} /ˈtɝ.kɪʃ/ (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) | :: turco {m} |
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) | :: turco {m} |
Turkish alphabet {prop} (the alphabet used in the Turkish language) | :: alfabeto turco |
Turkish Angora {n} | :: gatto Turkish Angora |
Turkish coffee {n} (type of coffee) | :: caffè turco |
Turkish delight {n} (confection) | :: lokum {m} |
Turkish Van {n} | :: gatto Turkish Vankedisi, gatto Turkish Van |
Turkmenistan {prop} /ˌtɜːkmɛn.ɪˈstɑːn/ (Central Asian country) | :: Turkmenistan |
Turkology {n} (discipline studying Turkic peoples) | :: turcologia |
Turks and Caicos Islands {prop} /ˈtɜː(ɹ)ks ən ˈkeɪkəs ˌaɪləndz/ (a British overseas territory in the Caribbean) | :: Isole Turks e Caicos |
turmeric {n} /ˈtɜɹ.məɹ.ɪk/ (spice) | :: curcuma {f} |
turmeric {n} (dye) | :: curcumina {f} |
turmoil {n} /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ (a state of great disorder or uncertainty) | :: caos, disordine, scompiglio |
turn {v} /tɜːn/ (move around an axis through itself) | :: girare, ruotare |
turn {v} (change the direction or orientation of (something)) | :: girare, invertire, cambiare, svoltare |
turn {v} (change one's direction of travel) | :: girare, svoltare, virare |
turn {v} (become) | :: divenire, diventare |
turn {v} (reach a certain age) | :: compiere |
turn {v} (metamorphose) | :: mutare, trasformare, cambiare |
turn {v} (complete) | :: completare, compiere |
turn {n} (change of direction or orientation) | :: giro {m}, virata {f}, sterzata {f}, svolta {f} |
turn {n} (movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation) | :: giro {m}, giravolta {f}, piroetta {f}, rotazione {f} |
turn {n} (single loop of a coil) | :: spira {f}, spirale {f} |
turn {n} (chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others) | :: turno |
turn {n} (one's chance to make a move in a game) | :: turno {m} |
turn {n} (time required to complete a project) | :: periodo {m}, lasso {m}, lasso di tempo |
turn {n} (change in temperament or circumstance) | :: cambiamento {m}, mutamento {m}, variazione {f}, svolta {f}, china {f} |
turn {n} (character; personality; nature) | :: tipo |
turn {n} (poker, obsolete: flop) SEE: flop | :: |
turn a blind eye {v} (to ignore or deliberately overlook) | :: chiudere un occhio |
turn a deaf ear {v} (to refuse to listen or hear something) | :: fare orecchi da mercante |
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return | :: |
turncoat {n} /ˈtɝn.koʊt/ (a traitor) | :: voltagabbana {m} {f}, pentito {m}, traditore {m}, giravolta, banderuola |
turn down {v} (refuse, decline, deny) | :: rifiutare |
turn down {v} (reduce amount) | :: abbassare |
turner {n} /ˈtɜːɹnəɹ/ (person working a lathe) | :: tornitore {m} |
turner {n} (kitchen utensil) | :: paletta {f} |
turning point {n} (decisive point) | :: svolta {f}, inversione {f} |
turn in one's grave {v} (be appalled, offended or disgusted by something, despite being deceased) | :: rigirarsi nella tomba, rivoltarsi nella tomba, girarsi nella tomba |
turnip {n} /ˈtɜ˞.nɪp/ (white root of Brassica rapa) | :: rapa {f} |
turnip greens {n} (leaves of the turnip plant) | :: cime di rape {f-p}, friarielli {m-p}, broccoletti {m-p} |
turnkey {adj} (ready to use without further assembly) | :: chiavi in mano |
turn of events {n} (deviation from the expected) | :: ironia della sorte |
turn off {v} (switch off appliance or light) | :: spegnere |
turn off {v} (rotate a tap or valve to stop outflow) | :: chiudere |
turn of phrase {n} (expression which is worded in a distinctive way) | :: giro di parole {m}, modo di dire {m}, proprietà di linguaggio {f}, modo di esprimersi {m} |
turn on {v} (to set a flow of fluid or gas running by rotating a tap or valve) | :: aprire |
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) | :: accendere |
turn on {v} ((intransitive) to power up) | :: accendere |
turn on {v} (to rebel) | :: rivoltarsi contro |
turn out {v} (to result; end up) | :: risultare |
turn out {v} (to succeed) | :: venire |
turn out {v} (to attend; show up) | :: assistere, partecipare |
turn out {v} (to extinguish a light or other device) | :: spegnere |
turn out {v} (to become apparent or known) | :: diventare chiaro |
turn out {v} (to produce; make) | :: produrre |
turn out {v} (to leave a road) | :: uscire |
turn out {v} (to remove from a mould, bowl etc.) | :: estrarre |
turn out {v} (to refuse service or shelter; to eject or evict) | :: espellere, buttare fuori |
turnout {n} (number of people who attend or participate in an event) | :: affluenza {f} [election], partecipazione {f} [event] |
turn over {v} (to flip over) | :: ribaltare, capovolgere |
turn over {v} (to relinquish) | :: restituire, consegnare |
turn over {v} (to transfer) SEE: transfer | :: |
turnover {n} (sales transacted) | :: giro d'affari |
turnover {n} (rate of change or replacement) | :: turnover {m} |
turnover {n} (act of overturning something) | :: scombussolamento {m} |
turnpike {n} /ˈtɜː(ɹ)npaɪk/ (toll road) | :: autostrada {f} |
turnpike {n} (gate or bar set across a road to stop traffic) SEE: tollgate | :: |
turn signal {n} (turn signal) SEE: indicator | :: |
turnstile {n} /ˈtɝnstaɪl/ (rotating mechanical device) | :: tornello {m} |
turnstone {n} (coastal wading bird) | :: voltapietre {m} |
turntable {n} /ˈtɜːnteɪb(ə)l/ (circular rotating platform of a record player or a disk jockey's console) | :: piatto {m} |
turntable {n} (record player, see also: record player) | :: giradischi {m} |
turn the tables {v} (To reverse a situation so that the advantage has shifted) | :: cambiare le carte in tavola |
turn to {v} (to consult for advice) | :: rivolgersi |
turn turtle {v} (to fail, go belly up) SEE: fail | :: |
turn up {v} (to appear unexpectedly) | :: presentarsi, apparire, saltare fuori, trovare |
turn up {v} (increase volume etc.) | :: alzare, aumentare |
turn up {v} (reposition) | :: alzare, tirare su |
turpentine {n} /ˈtɜː.pən.ˌtaɪn/ (volatile essential oil) | :: acquaragia {f}, trementina {f} |
turquoise {n} /ˈtɚ.k(w)ɔɪz/ (gemstone) | :: turchese {m} |
turquoise {n} (colour) | :: turchese {m} |
turquoise {adj} (made of turquoise) | :: di turchese {m} {f} |
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) | :: turchese |
turret {n} /ˈtʌɹət/ (a little tower) | :: torretta {f} |
turricone {n} | :: turricona {f} |
turtle {n} /ˈtɝtəl/ (land or marine reptile with a shell) | :: tartaruga {f} |
turtle {v} (to flip over onto the back or top; to turn upside down) | :: ribaltare |
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove | :: |
turtle dove {n} /ˈtɝtəldʌv/ (bird in the genus Streptopelia) | :: tortora {f} |
turtleneck {n} (high, close-fitting collar rolled up) | :: dolcevita {m}, collo alto {m} |
turtleneck {n} (turtleneck sweater) | :: dolcevita {m}, collo alto {m} |
Tuscan {adj} /ˈtʌs.kən/ (of or relating to Tuscany or its inhabitants) | :: toscano |
Tuscan {n} (person from or inhabitant of Tuscany) | :: toscano {m}, toscana {f} |
Tuscan porterhouse {n} | :: bistecca alla fiorentina |
Tuscany {prop} /ˈtʌskəni/ (region in Italy) | :: Toscana {f} |
tusk {n} /ˈtʌsk/ (pointed tooth) | :: zanna {f} |
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough | :: |
Tutankhamon {prop} /ˌtu.tɑŋˈkɑ.mən/ (Egyptian Pharaoh) | :: Tutankhamon |
tutor {n} /ˈtutɚ/ (one who teaches another) | :: istitutore {m}, istitutrice {f}, precettore {m}, precettrice {f}, aio {m}, aia {f} |
tutor {v} (to instruct or teach, especially to an individual or small group) | :: insegnare, istruire |
tutti-frutti {n} /ˌtuːtɪˈfɹuːtɪ/ (variety of ice cream) | :: gelato ai frutti misti {m}, gelato di frutta mista {m} |
tutu {n} (ballet skirt) | :: tutù {m} |
Tuvalu {prop} /tuːˈvɑː.luː/ (country in Oceania) | :: Tuvalu |
tuxedo {n} /tʌkˈsidoʊ/ (formal suit) | :: smoking {m} |
Tuzla {prop} (a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: Tuzla |
TV {n} /ˈtiːˈviː/ (abbreviation for television) | :: TV {f}, tivù {f} |
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series | :: |
twat {n} /twɑt/ (vulgar slang, vagina) | :: figa {f} |
twat {n} (idiot) | :: coglione |
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute | :: |
tweak {v} /twiːk/ (to pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist; to twitch.) | :: storcere |
tweak {v} (to slightly adjust or modify) | :: ritoccare, affinare, rifinire |
tweak {n} (a sharp pinch or jerk; a twist or twitch; as, a tweak of the nose) | :: pizzicotto, tirata di naso, buffetto {m} |
tweak {n} (trouble; distress; tweag) | :: agitazione {f}, ansietà {f} |
tweak {n} (a slight adjustment or modification) | :: ritocco, miglioria {f}, modifica {f} |
tweed {n} /twiːd/ (coarse woolen fabric) | :: tweed {m} |
Tweedledum and Tweedledee {n} /ˌtwiːdəlˈdʌm ən ˌtwiːdəlˈdiː/ (people who spend a lot of time together, and look and act similarly) | :: Pincopanco e Pancopinco {m-p}, pappa e ciccia {f-p} |
tween {v} (tween) | :: intercalare |
tweet {v} /twiːt/ (internet: to post an update to Twitter) | :: cinguettare |
tweezers {n} (small pincer-like instrument, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects) | :: pinzetta |
twelfth {adj} /twɛlfθ/ (ordinal form of twelve) | :: [before the noun] dodicesimo, [in names of monarchs and popes] dodicesimo {m} [after the name] |
twelfth {n} (one of twelve equal parts of a whole) | :: dodicesimo {m} |
twelfth {n} (interval) | :: duodecima {f} |
Twelfth cake {n} (cake eaten on Twelfth Night) SEE: king cake | :: |
twelve {num} /twɛlv/ (cardinal number 12) | :: dodici |
Twelve Days of Christmas {n} (the season or time made up of the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany) | :: Dodici giorni di Natale |
Twelve Labours of Hercules {prop} (the series of labours) | :: dodici fatiche di Ercole {f-p} |
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth | :: |
twelve-tone technique {n} (system of musical composition) | :: dodecafonia |
twentieth {adj} /ˈtwɛnti.əθ/ (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) | :: ventesimo (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) ventesimo {m}, ventesima {f} (after the name) (abbreviation XX) |
twentieth {n} (ordinal object) | :: ventesimo {m}, ventesima {f} |
twentieth {n} (portion of whole) | :: ventesimo {m} |
twenty {num} /ˈtwɛnti/ (cardinal number) | :: venti {m} |
twenty-eight {num} (number) | :: ventotto |
twenty-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty-eight) | :: ventottesimo, 28º |
twenty-eighth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-eighth position) | :: ventottesimo {m} |
twenty-eighth {n} (one of twenty-eight equal parts of a whole) | :: ventottesimo {m} |
twenty-fifth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-five) | :: venticinquesimo, 25º |
twenty-fifth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-fifth position) | :: venticinquesimo {m} |
twenty-fifth {n} (one of twenty-five equal parts of a whole) | :: venticinquesimo {m} |
twenty-first {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-one) | :: ventunesimo {m}, ventunesima {f} (abbreviations 21º {m}, 21ª {f}) |
twenty-first {n} (ordinal) | :: ventunesimo {m}, ventunesima {f} |
twenty-first {n} (portion of a whole) | :: ventunesimo {m} |
twenty-five {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈfaɪv/ (twenty-five) | :: venticinque |
twenty-four {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈfɔɹ/ (cardinal number) | :: ventiquattro |
twenty-four seven {adv} (constantly) | :: tutti i giorni 24 ore su 24, tutti i giorni ventiquatt'ore su ventiquattro |
twenty-fourth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-four) | :: ventiquattresimo, 24º |
twenty-fourth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-fourth position) | :: ventiquattresimo {m} |
twenty-fourth {n} (one of twenty-four equal parts of a whole) | :: ventiquattresimo {m} |
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) | :: ventinove |
twenty-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of the number twenty-nine) | :: ventinovesimo, 29º |
twenty-ninth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-ninth position) | :: ventinovesimo {m} |
twenty-ninth {n} (one of twenty-nine equal parts of a whole) | :: ventinovesimo {m} |
twenty-one {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈwʌn/ (cardinal number) | :: ventuno |
twenty-second {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-two) | :: ventiduesimo, 22º |
twenty-second {n} (person or thing in the twenty-second position) | :: ventiduesimo {m} |
twenty-second {n} (one of twenty-two equal parts of a whole) | :: ventiduesimo {m} |
twenty-seven {num} (twenty-seven) | :: ventisette {m} |
twenty-seventh {adj} /ˌtwɛn(t)iˈsɛvənθ/ (ordinal for of twenty-seven) | :: ventisettesimo {m}, ventisettesima {f} |
twenty-seventh {n} (person or thing in the twenty-seventh position) | :: ventisettesimo {m}, ventisettesima {f} |
twenty-seventh {n} (one of twenty-seven parts) | :: ventisettesimo {m} |
twenty-six {num} (cardinal number) | :: ventisei |
twenty-sixth {adj} (ordinal number) | :: ventiseiesimo |
twenty-sixth {n} (the person or thing in the twenty-sixth position) | :: ventiseiesimo {m}, ventiseiesima {f} |
twenty-sixth {n} (one of twenty-six equal parts of a whole) | :: ventiseiesimo |
twenty-third {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-three) | :: ventitreesimo, 23º |
twenty-third {n} (person or thing in the twenty-third position) | :: ventitreesimo {m} |
twenty-third {n} (one of twenty-three equal parts of a whole) | :: ventitreesimo {m} |
twenty-three {num} (twenty-three) | :: ventitré |
twenty two {num} (22) | :: ventidue |
twenty-two {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈtuː/ (twenty-two) | :: ventidue |
twenty-two {n} (.22 calibre pistol or rifle) | :: ventidue {m} |
twice {adv} /twaɪs/ (two times) | :: due volte |
twice-weekly {adj} (happening twice each week) | :: bisettimanale |
twiddle one's thumbs {v} (to circle one's thumbs around one another) | :: girarsi i pollici |
twiddle one's thumbs {v} (to wait or dawdle) | :: girarsi i pollici |
twig {n} /twɪɡ/ (a small thin branch) | :: ramoscello {m}, verga {f}, rametto {m} |
twilight {n} /ˈtwaɪlaɪt/ (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) | :: crepuscolo {m} |
twilight {n} (evening twilight) | :: crepuscolo {m} |
twilight {n} (faint light; dubious medium) | :: crepuscolo {m}, penombra {f} |
twilight years {n} (old age) SEE: golden years | :: |
twill {n} /twɪl/ (weaving pattern) | :: armatura, diagonale {f} |
twill {n} (type of cloth) | :: diagonale {f} |
twin {n} /twɪn/ (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) | :: gemello {m}, gemella {f} |
twin-cam {n} (Describing an engine with a pair of overhead camshafts) | :: bialbero |
twine {v} (to mutually twist together; to become mutually involved; to intertwine) SEE: intertwine | :: |
twine {n} /twaɪn/ (strong thread) | :: spago |
twine {v} (to wind about; to embrace; to entwine) SEE: entwine | :: |
twink {n} /twɪŋk/ (weak or effeminate man) | :: checca {f} |
Twin Towers {prop} (the two main buildings of the World Trade Center) | :: Torri Gemelle {f-p} |
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig | :: |
twist {n} /twɪst/ (twisting force) | :: torsione {f}, contorsione {f}, distorsione {f} |
twist {n} (anything twisted, or the act of twisting) | :: distorsione {f} |
twist {n} (type of thread) | :: filamento {m}, filo {m} |
twist {n} (sliver of lemon peel) | :: scorza {f} |
twist {n} (sudden bend (or short series of bends) in a road, path, etc) | :: piega {f}, giravolta {f} |
twist {n} (distortion to the meaning of a word or passage) | :: travisamento {m}, forzatura {f} |
twist {n} (sprain, especially to the ankle) | :: contorsione {f} |
twist {v} (to turn the ends in opposite directions) | :: torcere |
twisted {adj} /ˈtwɪstɪd/ (contorted) | :: contorto |
twisty {adj} (curly) SEE: curly | :: |
twitch {n} /twɪt͡ʃ/ (brief, small (sometimes involuntary) movement out of place and then back again) | :: tic {m}, spasimo {m} |
twitch {n} ((farriery)) | :: imboccatura {f} |
twitch {n} ((physiology) muscle contraction) | :: spasmo {m}, contrazione {f}, tremito {m} |
twitch {v} (to perform a twitch; spasm) | :: spasimare |
twitch {v} (to jerk sharply and briefly) | :: strattonare |
twitch {v} (to spot a bird) | :: individuare, identificare |
twitch {n} (Elymus repens) SEE: couch grass | :: |
twitter {n} /ˈtwɪ.tə(ɹ)/ (sound made by birds) | :: cinguettio {m} |
twitter {v} (to utter chirps) | :: cinguettare |
Twitter {v} (tweet) SEE: tweet | :: |
two {num} /tu/ (numerical value) | :: due |
two {n} (digit or figure) | :: due {m} {p} |
two {n} (two-dollar bill) | :: biglietto da due dollari {m}, bancanota da due dollari {f} |
two beers, please {phrase} (two beers, please) | :: due birre, per favore |
two-cylinder {adj} (having two cylinders) | :: bicilindrico |
two-edged sword {n} (double-edged sword) SEE: double-edged sword | :: |
two-faced {adj} /ˈtuːˈfeɪst/ (having two faces or plane surfaces) | :: bifronte |
two-faced {adj} | :: doppio, bifronte |
twofold {adj} (double) | :: duplice |
twofold {adj} (having two parts) | :: doppio {m} |
twofold {adv} (in a double degree) | :: doppiamente, due punti di vista |
two heads are better than one {proverb} (joint thinking pays) | :: due teste sono meglio di una |
two-hourly {adj} (every two hours) | :: biorario |
two hundred {num} /ˈtuː ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 200) | :: duecento |
two-legged {adj} /tuːˈlɛɡɪd/ (having two legs) | :: bipede |
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian | :: |
two-line pica {n} (double pica) SEE: double pica | :: |
two-move checkmate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) SEE: fool's mate | :: |
two pair {n} (poker hand that contains two pairs) | :: doppia coppia {f} |
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) | :: duemila |
two-tone {adj} (having two colours / shades) SEE: bicolour | :: |
two-wheeler {n} (bicycle or motorcycle) | :: due ruote {f} |
two-wheel tractor {n} (tractor with one axle) | :: motocoltivatore {m} |
-ty {suffix} (-ity) SEE: -ity | :: |
Tyche {prop} (Greek goddess of luck/fortune) | :: Tiche {f} |
tycoon {n} /taɪˈkuːn/ (wealthy, powerful business person) | :: magnate {m} {f}, capitano d'industria {m}, mogol {m}, tycoon {m} |
tympanate {adj} | :: timpanato |
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
tympanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear | :: |
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
tympanum {n} (triangular space between the sides of a pediment) | :: timpano {m} |
Tyndallization {n} | :: tindalizzazione {f} |
type {n} (blood group) SEE: blood type | :: |
type {n} /taɪp/ (grouping based on shared characteristics) | :: tipo |
type {n} (individual considered typical of its class) | :: archetipo {m} |
type {n} (individual that represents the ideal for its class) | :: archetipo {m} |
type {n} (preferred sort of person) | :: tipo {m} |
type {n} (computing theory: tag indicating data type) | :: tipo {m} |
type {v} (to use a typewriter) | :: dattilografare |
type {v} (to enter characters into a computer using keyboard) | :: digitare |
type holder {n} | :: portacaratteri {m} |
typescript {n} /ˈtʌɪpskɹɪpt/ (typewritten material, especially such a copy of a manuscript) | :: dattiloscritto {m} |
TypeScript {prop} /ˈtʌɪpskɹɪpt/ (scripting programming language) | :: TypeScript {m} |
typesetting {n} (setting or composition) | :: composizione {f} |
typewriter {n} /ˈtaɪpˌɹaɪtə(ɹ)/ (machine used to print text by pressing keys) | :: macchina da scrivere {f} |
typhlitis {n} (inflammation) | :: tiflite {f} |
typhoid {n} (typhoid fever) SEE: typhoid fever | :: |
typhoid fever {n} (illness) | :: febbre tifoide {f} |
Typhon {prop} /ˈtaɪfɒn/ (monster with 100 heads) | :: Tifone {m} |
typhoon {n} /taɪˈfun/ (hurricane in the Pacific) | :: tifone |
typical {adj} /ˈtɪpɪkl̩/ (capturing the overall sense of a thing) | :: tipico |
typicity {n} (quality of wine) | :: tipicità {f} |
typing {n} /ˈtaɪpɪŋ/ (assigning by type) | :: classificazione {f} |
typing {n} (the act of typing) | :: digitazione {f} |
typist {n} /ˈtaɪpɪst/ (person who types) | :: dattilografo {m}, dattilografa {f} |
typo {n} /ˈtaɪpəʊ/ (error) | :: refuso {m}, errore di battitura {m} |
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter | :: |
typographer {n} (person skilled in typography) | :: tipografo {m} |
typographer {n} (kind of bark beetle) | :: bostrico tipografo {m}, bostrico dell'abete rosso {m} |
typographic {adj} (typographic) SEE: typographical | :: |
typographical {adj} (pertaining to typography or printing) | :: tipografico |
typographical error {n} (typing error) | :: errore di battitura {m} |
typographically {adv} (in a typographical manner) | :: tipograficamente |
typography {n} /taɪˈpɑːɡɹəfi/ (art and technique) | :: tipografia {f} |
typological {adj} (of or relating to typology) | :: tipologico |
typologically {adv} (in regards to typology) | :: tipologicamente |
typology {n} /taɪˈpɒl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics) | :: tipologia {f} |
tyrannosaur {n} (large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur) | :: tirannosauro {m} |
tyranny {n} /ˈtɪɹəni/ (government in which a single ruler has absolute power) | :: tirannide {f} |
tyranny {n} (office or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler) | :: tirannide {f} |
tyranny {n} (absolute power, or its use) | :: tirannia {f} |
tyranny {n} (extreme severity or rigour) | :: tirannia {f} |
tyrant {n} /ˈtaɪɹənt/ (absolute ruler) | :: tiranno {m} |
tyrant {n} (harsh and cruel ruler) | :: tiranno {m} |
tyrant {n} (oppressive and harsh person) | :: tiranno {m} |
tyre {n} /taɪə(ɹ)/ (wheel covering) | :: gomma {m}, pneumatico {m} |
Tyre {prop} /ˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ (an ancient sea port and city state of Phoenicia) | :: Tiro |
Tyrian purple {n} (dye) | :: porpora {f} |
Tyrian purple {n} (colour) | :: porpora {m} |
Tyrian purple {adj} (colour) | :: porpora |
Tyrol {prop} /tɪˈɹoʊl/ (state in the west of Austria) | :: Tirolo |
Tyrolean {n} /tɪˈɹoʊl.i.ən/ (someone from Tyrol) | :: tirolese {m} |
Tyrrhenian Sea {prop} (Part of the Mediterranean Sea) | :: Mar Tirreno {m} |
Tyrtaean {adj} | :: tirtaico |
Tyrtaeus {prop} (Ancient Greek name) | :: Tirteo |