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User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-v

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
v {letter} :: The twenty-third (23rd) letter of the Spanish alphabet
V {letter} :: The 23rd letter of the Spanish alphabet
vaca {f} :: cow (adult female of the species Bos taurus)
vaca {f} :: beef
vaca {f} :: leather
vaca {f} [derogatory, colloquial] :: cow (woman considered unpleasant, particularly one considered fat)
vaca {f} [Chile] :: collection
vacación {f} :: vacation, holiday
vacacionable {adj} :: suitable for a vacation
vacacional {adj} [attributive] :: vacation, holiday (of or relating to vacations)
vacacionar {vi} [primarily, Mexico] :: to go on vacation
vacacionista {mf} :: vacationer
vacada {f} :: herd (of cows)
vaca lechera {f} :: milker (cow)
vaca lechera {f} [idiomatic] :: cash cow
vaca loca {f} :: mad cow
vaca marina {f} :: sea cow
vacana {f} :: feminine noun of vacano
vacancia {f} :: vacancy
vacano {adj} :: good
vacano {adj} :: fantastic
vacano {adj} :: amazing
vacano {adj} :: well-made
vacano {m} :: Something or someone that is found good or attractive
vacante {adj} :: vacant; empty
vacante {f} :: vacancy; opening (as for a job)
vacar {v} :: to take a break
vacar {v} :: to vacate
vacar {v} :: to dedicate time to
vacar {v} :: to lack
vacarí {adj} :: covered in cow hide or leather
vaca sagrada {f} :: sacred cow
vacas flacas {fp} [idiom] :: Leanness, little prosperity
vacas gordas {fp} [idiom] :: Prosperity
vacceos {mp} :: Vaccaei
vaciadero {m} :: dumping site
vaciamiento {adj} :: empty
vaciamiento {m} :: emptiness
vaciante {adj} :: emptying; draining
vaciante {f} :: ebb tide
vaciar {v} :: to empty
vaciarse {v} :: reflexive of vaciar
vaciedad {f} :: vacuum
vaciedad {f} :: nonsense
vacilación {f} :: vacillation, perplexity, unresolve
vacilante {adj} :: unsteady, uncertain
vacilar {v} :: to hesitate, waver
vacilar {v} [colloquial, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala] :: to enjoy
vacilar {v} [colloquial] :: to spy on
vacilar {v} [colloquial] :: to kid; to play a joke on
vacilón {adj} :: jokey; teasing
vacilón {adj} :: funloving
vacilón {m} :: teaser; joker; prankster
vacilón {m} :: party animal; fun-lover
vacilón {m} :: fun; good times
vacilón {m} [Cuba] :: drunkenness
vacilona {f} :: feminine noun of vacilón
vacío {adj} :: vacant
vacío {adj} :: empty
vacío {m} :: empty space; gap
vacío {m} :: vacuum
vacío {m} :: void
vacuamente {adv} :: emptily
vacuidad {f} :: vacuousness
vacuna {f} :: vaccine
vacunable {adj} :: vaccinable
vacunación {f} :: vaccination; inoculation
vacunador {m} :: vaccinator
vacunal {adj} :: of or pertaining to vaccines
vacunar {v} :: to vaccinate
vacunarse {v} :: reflexive of vacunar
vacuno {adj} :: bovine
vacuno {m} :: bovine
vacuo {adj} :: empty; vacant
vacuo {m} :: empty space, gap
vacuola {f} :: vacuole
vacuolización {f} :: vacuolization
vacuómetro {m} :: vacuum gage; vacuum gauge
vacuum {m} :: vacuum
vadeable {adj} :: wadable
vadear {vt} :: to ford
vadear {vt} :: to wade, to wade across
vademécum {m} :: vade mecum; handbook
vadeo {m} :: wade
vadiniense {adj} :: Vadinian
vadiniense {mf} :: Vadinian
vado {m} :: ford
Vaduz {prop} :: Vaduz (town/and/municipality/capital)
vaga {f} :: feminine noun of vago
vagabunda {f} :: feminine noun of vagabundo
vagabundaje {m} :: synonym of vagabundeo
vagabundear {v} :: to wander
vagabundeo {m} :: vagrancy
vagabundo {adj} :: roaming
vagabundo {adj} :: stray
vagabundo {m} :: vagabond
vagabundo {m} :: vagrant
vagal {adj} [anatomy] :: vagal
vagamente {adv} :: vaguely
vagamente {adv} :: lazily
vagamunda {f} :: feminine noun of vagamundo
vagamundo {m} :: rare form of vagabundo
vagamundo {adj} :: rare form of vagabundo
vagancia {f} :: vagrancy
vagancia {f} :: laziness
vagante {adj} :: wandering
vagante {mf} :: wanderer
vagar {v} :: to roam, to wander
vagaroso {adj} :: wandering
vagido {m} :: wail; cry (of a newborn baby)
vagilla {f} :: obsolete spelling of vajilla
vagina {f} :: vagina
vaginal {adj} :: vaginal
vaginalmente {adv} :: vaginally
vaginectomía {f} :: vaginectomy
vaginismo {m} :: vaginismus
vaginitis {f} [pathology] :: vaginitis
vaginoplastia {f} [surgery] :: vaginoplasty
vaginosis {f} [pathology] :: vaginosis
vago {adj} :: vague
vago {adj} :: lazy
vago {m} :: wanderer
vago {m} :: vagabond
vagón {m} :: train car
vagoneta {f} :: wagon
vagoroso {adj} :: vague
vaguada {f} :: thalweg
vaguada {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: storm; bad weather
vaguear {v} :: to laze about, loaf about
vaguear {v} :: to veg out, veg
vaguear {v} :: to lounge
vaguedad {f} :: vagueness
vaharada {f} :: puff
vaharada {f} :: waft
vahído {m} :: short blackout
vahído {m} :: dizziness
vahído {m} :: dizzy spell
vaho {m} :: vapor
vaho {m} :: breath
vaho {m} :: whiff
vaído {adj} [architecture, attributive] :: pendentive
Vaillancourt {prop} :: surname
vaina {f} [botany] :: pod
vaina {f} :: scabbard, sheath
vaina {f} :: case, casing
vaina {f} [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, colloquial] :: thing, gadget
vaina {f} [Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, colloquial] :: hickey
vaina {f} [slang] :: worthless person
vaina {f} [regional] :: green bean
vaina de mielina {f} :: myelin sheath
vainica {f} :: hemstitch
vainica {f} :: green pea
vainilla {f} :: vanilla (plant or fruit)
vainilla {f} :: vanilla sex
vainilla {f} [Argentina] :: ladyfinger
vainillado {adj} :: vanilla; containing vanilla
vainillal {m} :: vanilla plantation
vainillina {f} :: vanillin
vainita {f} :: diminutive of vaina, small green bean
vaisnava {mf} :: Vaishnava
vaivén {m} :: swaying; rocking
vaivén {m} :: fluctuation
vaivén {m} [figurative] :: back and forth, ups and downs
vajilla {f} :: dishes, dishware
val {m} :: apocopic form of valle valley
Val. {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Valencia
valaca {f} :: feminine noun of valaco
valaco {adj} :: Vlach
valaco {m} :: Vlach
Valadez {prop} :: surname
Valaquia {prop} {f} :: Valaquia (subregion/and/former principality)
Valdemoro {prop} {m} :: A town in the Madrid, Spain
valdense {adj} :: Waldensian
valdense {mf} :: Waldensian
Valderrama {prop} :: surname
Valdés {prop} :: Valdes; Valdés (municipality)
Valdés {prop} :: Valdes; surname
Valdez {prop} :: Valdez; surname
valdiviana {f} :: feminine noun of valdiviano
valdiviano {adj} :: Of or from Valdivia, Chile
valdiviano {m} :: Someone from Valdivia
valdiviano {m} :: A soup made with jerky and onions
vale {m} :: A voucher; an IOU
vale {interj} [Spain] :: okay
vale {interj} :: goodbye, be well
valedero {adj} :: valid (well grounded or justifiable, pertinent)
valedor {m} :: protector
valedor {m} [Mexico] :: friend
valedora {f} :: feminine noun of valedor
valefacer {v} :: To make an IOU
valefacer {v} :: To make a bill of exchange; a negotiable instrument; a promissory note or note payable
valefacer {v} :: To vouch
valefacer {v} :: To take responsibility for; to express confidence in; to witness; to obtest
valefacer {v} :: To warrant; to maintain by affirmations; to attest; to affirm; to avouch
valefacer {v} :: To back; to support; to confirm
valefacer {v} :: To call into court to warrant and defend, or to make good a warranty of title
valefacer {v} :: To bear witness; to give testimony or full attestation
valefacer {v} :: To call as a witness
valefacer {v} :: To assert; to aver; to declare
valefacer {v} :: To voucher
valefacer {v} :: To establish the authenticity of; to vouch for
valefacer {v} :: To provide a vouch for (an expenditure)
valefacer {v} :: To provide (a beneficiary) with a voucher
valefacer {v} [literary] :: To say farewell
valencia {f} :: valency
Valencia {prop} {f} :: Valencia (capital city)
Valencia {prop} {f} :: Valencia (autonomous community)
Valencia {prop} {f} :: Valencia (province)
Valencia {prop} {f} :: The letter V in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
valenciana {f} :: feminine noun of valenciano
valencianismo {m} :: Pro-Valencia feelings
valencianista {adj} [football] :: Of or related to Valencia CF, a football team in Valencia
valencianista {mf} [football] :: Someone associated with Valencia CF, as a player, coach, fan etc
valenciano {adj} :: Valencian
valenciano {m} :: Valencian
valenciano {prop} {m} :: Valencian (dialect of Catalan)
valentía {f} :: courage, bravery
Valentín {prop} {m} :: given name
Valentina {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Valentín
valentísimo {adj} :: superlative of valiente
valentón {adj} :: acting with bravado
valentón {m} :: a person acting with bravado
valentona {f} :: feminine noun of valentón
valer {v} :: to be worth
valer {v} :: to be useful or valid
valer {v} :: to be well, healthy
valer {v} :: to be strong
Valera {prop} :: surname
valerato {m} [organic compound] :: valerate
valeriana {f} :: valerian
valérico {adj} :: valeric
valer la pena {v} [idiom] :: to be worth the effort, to pay off
valerosamente {adv} :: bravely
valerosísimo {adj} :: superlative of valeroso
valeroso {adj} :: brave
valerse {v} :: to make use of
valérselas {v} [idiom] :: to cope, get by, get along
Valesco {prop} :: surname
valesko {m} [Argentina, dated] :: The heavily accented and Yiddish-influenced Spanish spoken by Jewish immigrants from Europe
valet {m} [card games] :: jack, knave
valetudinario {adj} :: valetudinarian
válgame Dios {interj} :: dear God
valí {m} :: wali (governor in an Islamic country)
valía {f} :: worth
valiato {m} :: A wilaya or vilayet; an administrative division ruled by a wali
validación {f} :: validation
validador {m} :: checker, validator (machine)
validadora {f} :: ticket machine
válidamente {adv} :: validly
validar {v} :: to validate
validez {f} :: validity
validismo {m} :: independence (not needing a career)
valido {adj} :: valued; favored; believed
valido {m} :: a valued, favored, trusted or believed person
válido {adj} :: valid
valiente {adj} :: brave, courageous, fearless
valiente {adj} :: valiant, gallant, doughty
valiente {adj} :: gritty, plucky, gutsy, spunky
valientemente {adv} :: valiantly
valija {f} :: valise
valija {f} [Argentina] :: case, suitcase
valijera {f} :: postwoman
valijero {m} :: postman
valimiento {m} :: worth
valimiento {m} :: favourite
valina {f} [amino acid] :: valine
valiosísimo {adj} :: superlative of valioso
valioso {adj} :: valuable
Valium {m} :: valium
valkiria {f} :: alternative spelling of valquiria
valla {f} :: fence
valla {f} :: barricade
valla {f} :: obstacle
valla {f} :: hurdle
valladar {m} :: fence
vallado {m} :: fence
vallado {m} :: fencing
vallado {m} :: palisade
Valladolid {prop} :: Valladolid (province)
Valladolid {prop} :: Valladolid (city)
valla publicitaria {f} :: billboard
vallar {v} :: to fence in, enclose
valle {m} :: valley
Valle {prop} :: surname
vallecano {adj} :: From or of Vallecas, a neighbourhood of Madrid
vallecano {adj} :: From or of Valle, a department of Honduras
vallecaucana {f} :: feminine noun of vallecaucano
vallecaucano {adj} :: Of or from the department of Valle del Cauca Department, Colombia
vallecaucano {m} :: An inhabitant of the department of Valle del Cauca Department, Colombia
vallecito {m} :: diminutive of valle
Valle de los Reyes {prop} {m} :: Valley of the Kings (Egyptian valley known for its tombs)
vallegrandina {f} :: feminine noun of vallegrandino
vallegrandino {adj} :: Of or from Vallegrande
vallegrandino {m} :: Someone from Vallegrande
valleinclanesco {adj} :: Of or relating to Ramón María del Valle-Inclán (1866–1936), Spanish writer, or his works
Vallejo {prop} :: surname
vallenato {adj} [attributive] :: vallenato
vallenato {m} [music] :: vallenato
vallense {adj} :: of or from Valls
vallense {mf} :: Someone from Valls
vallesana {f} :: feminine noun of vallesano
vallesano {adj} :: Of or from Vallès or Vallès Oriental
vallesano {m} :: Someone from Vallès or Vallès Oriental
vallinclanesco {adj} :: alternative form of valleinclanesco
vallisoletano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Valladolid
vallisoletano {m} :: Someone from Valladolid
vallista {mf} :: hurdler
Valmaseda {prop} {f} :: A town in Vizcaya, Basque Country
valón {m} :: A Walloon person
valón {m} :: Walloon (language)
valón {adj} :: Walloon
Valonia {prop} {f} :: Valonia (region)
valor {m} :: value (all senses)
valor {m} [finance] :: security
valor {m} :: worth
valor {m} :: courage
valorable {adj} :: ratable
valor absoluto {m} [mathematics] :: absolute value (value of a number regardless of its sign)
valor absoluto {m} :: See: es valor absoluto
valoración {f} :: valuation; appraisal
valoración {f} [chemistry] :: titration
valorante {adj} :: evaluating
valorante {mf} :: evaluator
valorar {v} :: to value
valorar {v} :: to appraise
valorativo {adj} :: appraising
valor característico {m} [linear algebra] :: eigenvalue
valor facial {m} :: face value
valórico {adj} :: of or pertaining to moral value
valorización {f} :: valorization
valorizar {vt} :: to value, to appraise
valorizar {vt} :: to give or add value to
valor nominal {m} :: face value, nominal value
valor preestablecido {m} :: A default, preset value
valor propio {m} [linear algebra] :: eigenvalue
valor sentimental {m} :: sentimental value
valor venal {m} :: sellable price
Valparaíso {prop} {m} :: Valparaíso
valproato {m} [organic compound] :: valproate
valproico {adj} :: valproic
valquiria {f} [Norse mythology] :: Valkyrie
vals {m} :: waltz
valsar {v} :: to waltz
valse {m} :: waltz
valuación {f} :: valuation
valuar {vt} :: to value
valva {f} [anatomy] :: valve
valvado {adj} :: valvate
Valverde {prop} :: A placename
Valverde {prop} :: surname
válvula {f} :: valve
válvula de escape {f} :: exhaust valve
válvula mitral {f} :: mitral valve
valvular {adj} :: valvular (of or relating to valves)
valvulopatía {f} :: valvulopathy
vamos a ver {phrase} :: let's see, we'll see
vamos hablando {phrase} :: we'll see; let's keep in touch
vamp {mf} :: vamp
vampira {f} :: A female vampire
vampiresa {f} :: vampiress
vampírico {adj} :: vampiric
vampirismo {m} :: vampirism
vampirito {m} :: diminutive of vampiro
vampirizar {vt} :: to vampirize (drain the resources of)
vampiro {m} [folklore] :: vampire
van {m} :: van (vehicle)
vanadato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: vanadate
vanadinita {f} [mineral] :: vanadinite
vanadio {m} :: vanadium
vanagloria {f} :: boastfulness, vainglory
vanagloriarse {vr} :: to boast
vanaglorioso {adj} :: vainglorious
vanamente {adv} :: vainly, in vain
vancomicina {f} :: vancomycin
vancuverita {adj} :: Vancouverite (of or pertaining to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
vancuverita {mf} :: Vancouverite (of or pertaining to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
vándala {f} :: feminine noun of vándalo
vandálico {adj} :: vandalic
vandalismo {m} :: vandalism
vandalizar {v} :: to vandalize
vándalo {m} :: vandal
vándalo {m} :: hooligan; lout; thug; yob, yobbo; punk
vándalo {m} :: Vandal
vándalo {m} [uncountable] :: Vandalic
vandeana {f} :: feminine noun of vandeano
vandeano {adj} :: Vendean
vandeano {m} :: Vendean
Vane {prop} {f} :: given name, nickname of Vanessa
Vanesa {prop} {f} :: given name
vanguardia {f} :: vanguard, forefront
vanguardia {f} :: avantgarde, cutting edge
vanguardismo {m} :: vanguardism
vanguardista {adj} :: avant-garde
vanguardista {mf} :: a member a the avant-garde
vanidad {m} :: vanity
vanidad {m} :: pomp
vanidad {m} :: nonsense
vanidosamente {adv} :: vainly
vanidoso {adj} :: vain
vanilina {f} [organic compound] :: vanillin
vanísimo {adj} :: superlative of vano
vano {adj} :: vain (overly proud of oneself)
vano {adj} :: vain (having no real substance)
vano {adj} :: vain (pointless, futile)
Vanuatu {prop} :: Vanuatu
vanuatuense {adj} :: Vanuatuan
vanuatuense {mf} :: Vanuatuan
vapeador {m} :: e-cigarette
vapear {v} :: to vape
vapor {m} :: steam, vapor (water vapor)
vaporcillo {m} :: diminutive of vapor
vaporcito {m} :: diminutive of vapor
vaporera {f} [culinary] :: steamer
vaporización {f} :: vaporization
vaporizador {m} :: vaporizer
vaporizar {vt} :: to vaporize
vaporoso {adj} :: vaporous
vaporoso {adj} :: airy
vapulear {v} :: to thrash
vapulear {v} :: to beat up, beat
vaqueana {f} :: feminine noun of vaqueano
vaqueano {adj} :: alternative form of baquiano
vaqueano {m} :: alternative form of baquiano
vaquera {f} :: cowgirl
vaquería {f} :: wild bull and cow hunting
vaquería {f} :: licence to raise bulls or cows
vaquerita {f} :: diminutive of vaquera, little cowgirl
vaqueriza {f} :: cow hut
vaqueriza {f} :: cowherd
vaquerizo {adj} [attributive] :: cow; cow-rearing
vaquerizo {m} :: cowherd
vaquero {adj} :: cowboy
vaquero {m} :: cowboy
vaquero {m} [in plural] :: jeans
vaquero {m} :: A kind of bird:
vaquero {m} :: squirrel cuckoo (Piaya cayana)
vaquero {m} :: laughing falcon (Herpetotheres cachinnans)
vaquero {m} :: lesser ground cuckoo (Morococcyx erythropygus)
vaqueta {f} :: cowhide
vaquiana {f} :: feminine noun of vaquiano
vaquiano {adj} :: alternative form of baquiano
vaquiano {m} :: alternative form of baquiano
vaquilla {f} :: heifer
vaquillona {f} [Latin America] :: A heifer of between two and three years of age
vaquita {f} :: diminutive of vaca, little cow
vara {f} :: a long and thin stick, pole or rod
vara {f} :: thin branch or cane (of a tree or bush)
vara {f} :: a staff of office
vara {f} [bullfighting] :: bullfighter's lance
vara {f} [obsolete] :: a unit of length, about 0.836 metres or three Spanish feet; equivalent to the English yard
varada {f} :: stranding
varada {f} :: beaching
varada {f} :: grounding
varadero {m} :: dry dock
varado {adj} :: stranded
varado {adj} :: beached
varadura {f} :: going aground; grounding
varal {m} :: large pole
varal {m} :: lanky person; beanpole
vara mágica {f} :: a magic wand
varamiento {m} :: beaching (event of a marine mammal stranding itself on land)
varano {m} :: monitor lizard
varapalo {m} :: long pole
varapalo {m} :: caning (hit with a cane or pole)
varapalo {m} [figurative] :: blow, heavy blow, setback
varapalo {m} :: battering, barrage of criticism
varar {v} :: to beach
varar {v} :: to run aground
varar {v} :: to strand
varazo {m} :: A hit with a stick, branch or lance
varazo {m} :: a hit (in general)
várdula {f} :: feminine noun of várdulo
várdulo {adj} :: of or relating to the Varduli tribe
várdulo {m} :: Member of the Varduli
varear {v} :: to hit with a pole
varear {v} :: to measure with a pole
varear {vr} :: to turn skinny; to become thin as a rake
varega {f} :: feminine noun of varego
varego {adj} :: Varangian
varego {m} :: Varangian
varetazo {m} [bullfighting] :: A hit with the lateral part of a bull's horn
varga {f} :: steepest part of a slope
Vargas {prop} :: surname
vargasllosismo {m} :: The political philosophy of Mario Vargas Llosa (born 1936), Peruvian writer
vargasllosista {mf} :: A supporter of Mario Vargas Llosa (born 1936), Peruvian writer and politician
vargasllosista {adj} :: Supporting Mario Vargas Llosa
vargasllosistas {adj} :: plural of vargasllosista
vargueño {m} :: vargueno
varguense {adj} :: Of or from the state of Vargas (state), Venezuela
varguense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the state of Vargas (state), Venezuela
varguismo {m} :: The political beliefs, or support, of Getúlio Vargas, Brazilian politician
variabilidad {f} :: variability
variable {adj} :: variable
variable {f} :: variable
variable dependiente {f} :: dependent variable
variable independiente {m} :: independent variable
variablemente {adv} :: variably
variación {f} :: variation
variacional {adj} :: variational
variadamente {adv} :: variously
variadísimo {adj} :: superlative of variado
variado {adj} :: diverse
variador {adj} :: varying
variador {m} :: something that varies
variante {adj} :: varying
variante {adj} :: variable
variante {f} :: variant
varianza {f} :: variance
variar {v} :: to alter, vary, change
varice {f} :: varicose vein
várice {f} :: alternative form of varice
varicela {f} [pathology] :: chicken pox
varicoso {adj} :: varicose
variedad {f} :: variety
variedad {f} :: breed
variedad {f} [mathematics] :: manifold
variegación {f} :: variegation
varietal {m} :: varietal
varietal {adj} :: varietal
varilarguero {m} [bullfighting] :: picador
varilla {f} :: spoke
varilla {f} :: whisk
varillaje {m} :: (set of) spokes (of an object, e.g. a fan, whisk, umbrella)
vario {adj} :: various
vario {adj} :: varied
variómetro {m} :: variometer
variopinto {adj} :: multicoloured, colorful
variopinto {adj} [figurative] :: motley, varied, diverse, eclectic
variopinto {adj} :: multifaceted
varisco {adj} :: Variscan
varita {f} :: wand (hand-held narrow rod)
varita de virtudes {f} :: magic wand
varita mágica {f} :: magic wand
varo {m} [Mexican slang] :: money
varón {m} :: person of male sex
Varona {prop} :: surname
varoncito {m} :: diminutive of varón, little man, boy
varonía {f} :: male line
varonil {adj} :: masculine, manly
varonilmente {adv} :: in a manly manner
Varsovia {prop} :: Varsovia (capital city)
varsoviana {f} :: feminine noun of varsoviano
varsoviano {adj} :: Varsovian (of or pertaining to Warsaw, Poland)
varsoviano {m} :: Varsovian (native or resident of Warsaw, Poland)
vasallage {m} :: alternative spelling of vasallaje; vassalage
vasallaje {m} :: vassalage
vasallo {adj} :: vassal, serving
vasallo {m} :: vassal
vasca {f} :: female equivalent of vasco
vasco {adj} :: Basque
vasco {m} :: a Basque person
vasco {prop} {m} :: the Basque language
vascófila {f} :: expert in Basque studies
vascófila {f} :: a fan of Basque culture or the language
vascófilo {m} :: expert in Basque studies
vascófilo {m} :: a fan of Basque culture or the language
vascófono {adj} :: Basque-speaking
vascófono {m} :: Basque speaker
vascofrancés {adj} :: of or from the French Basque Country
vascohablante {adj} :: Basque-speaking
vascohablante {mf} :: Basque speaker
vascón {adj} :: Vascon
vascón {m} :: Vascon
vascona {f} :: feminine noun of vascón
vasconavarra {f} :: feminine noun of vasconavarro
vasconavarro {adj} :: Of, from, related to, or connecting, the Basque Country and Navarre
vasconavarro {m} :: Someone from the Basque Country and Navarre, or someone who claims to be from both places
vasconcelista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to José Vasconcelos, Spanish writer
vascongado {adj} :: Basque
vascongado {m} :: Basque
vasconización {f} :: Basquisation
vascoparlante {adj} :: Basque-speaking
vascoparlante {mf} :: Basque speaker
vascuence {adj} :: of the Basque language
vascuence {m} :: the Basque language
vascular {adj} :: vascular
vascularización {f} :: vascularization
vascularizar {v} :: to vascularize
vasculatura {f} :: vasculature
vasculitis {f} [pathology] :: vasculitis
vasectomía {f} [surgery] :: vasectomy
vaselina {f} :: petroleum jelly
vaselina {f} [sports] :: lob, chip
vasija {f} :: vessel, container (object made to hold liquid or another substance that can be held in the hand)
vasito {m} :: small (drinking) glass
vaso {m} :: drinking glass
vaso {m} :: glassful
vaso {m} :: vessel (container)
vaso {m} :: vessel (tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant)
vasoactivo {adj} :: vasoactive
vasoconstricción {f} :: vasoconstriction
vasoconstrictor {m} :: vasoconstrictor
vaso de precipitados {m} :: Any kind of beaker, or similar glass container used in a chemical laboratory
vasodilatación {f} :: vasodilation
vasodilatador {adj} :: vasodilating
vasodilatador {m} :: vasodilator
vasoespasmo {m} :: vasospasm
vasopresina {f} :: vasopressin
vaso sanguíneo {m} :: blood vessel
vasovagal {adj} :: vasovagal
vasovasostomía {f} [surgery] :: vasovasostomy
vaspina {f} :: vaspin
Vásquez {prop} :: surname
vasquismo {m} :: Pro-Basque movement
vasquista {mf} :: Supporter of Basquism
vástago {m} :: shoot of a plant
vástago {m} :: offspring
vástago {m} [figuratively] :: offshoot (that which develops from something else)
vastamente {adv} :: vastly, immensely
vastedad {f} :: extension, width
vastedad {f} :: vastness, broadness
vastísimo {adj} :: superlative of vasto; very vast
vasto {adj} :: vast
vastoaductor {adj} [anatomy] :: vastoadductor
vasto externo {m} :: vastus lateralis, vastus externus
vasto interno {m} :: vastus medialis
vataje {m} :: wattage
vate {m} :: vates
váter {m} :: toilet
vaticana {f} :: feminine noun of vaticano
vaticanista {mf} :: Vatican correspondent
vaticano {adj} :: Vatican (relating to the Vatican city state)
vaticano {m} :: a Vaticanian (someone from the Vatican city state)
Vaticano {adj} :: Vatican (pertaining to the Vatican)
Vaticano {adj} :: Vatican (pertaining to the Pope or the Holy See)
Vaticano {prop} {m} :: the Vatican
vaticinar {v} :: to predict, vaticinate
vaticinio {m} :: prediction
vatio {m} :: watt
vato {m} [Chicano, slang] :: Hispanic youth; guy; dude; boyfriend; significant other
vav {f} :: vav; the Hebrew letter ו
vávula {f} :: valve
vaya {interj} :: Expresses surprise: Wow!, Why, Oh!, Whoa!, Well!, Man!, Boy!
vaya {interj} :: Expresses dismay, worry, indignation or frustration: Gee!, Jeez!, Gosh!, Why, Man!, Oh dear!
vaya {interj} [before a noun] :: What a ..
vaya {interj} [colloquial, at the end of a sentence] :: you know, like, y'know
vaya {interj} :: Go!, Leave!, Go away! [technically an imperative but can function as an interjection in this sense]
vaya {f} :: joke; taunt
vaya con Dios {phrase} :: Godspeed
vaya por caso {adv} :: for instance; for example
Vázquez {prop} :: alternative form of Vásquez
VC {prop} :: abbreviation of Veracruz (Mexican state)
Vd. {pron} :: abbreviation of usted
vdd {n} [internet slang, texting] :: abbreviation of verdad
vds {pron} :: abbreviation of ustedes
Vds. {pron} :: abbreviation of ustedes
ve {f} :: letter: v
veces {prep} [mathematics] :: by, times (multiplication)
vecina {f} :: feminine noun of vecino
vecinal {adj} :: local
vecinal {adj} [attributive] :: neighbour
vecinal {adj} :: neighbourly
vecindad {f} :: vicinity
vecindad {f} :: neighborhood
vecindario {m} :: neighbourhood
vecine {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: neighbour
vecinita {f} :: feminine noun of vecinito
vecinito {m} :: diminutive of vecino; little neighbour
vecino {m} :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
vecino {m} [especially, in the plural] :: a resident or inhabitant of an area, especially of a neighborhood or a village
vecino {m} [historical] :: freeman, person of relatively high status associated with a place
vecino {adj} :: neighboring, adjacent
Vecino {prop} :: surname
vector {m} :: vector
vectorial {adj} [mathematics] :: vectorial
vectorialmente {adv} :: vectorially
vectorización {f} :: vectorization
vectorizar {v} :: to vectorize/vectorise
vector propio {m} [linear algebra] :: eigenvector
vector unitario {m} [linear algebra] :: unit vector
veda {f} :: prohibition, ban
veda {f} [hunting] :: closed season
vedado {adj} :: banned
vedado {m} :: reserve (for hunting)
vedar {v} :: to ban, prohibit
vedegambre {m} [botany] :: hellebore
vedete {f} :: protagonist, star
vedete {f} :: standout (notable person)
vedetismo {m} :: stardom, superstardom
vedette {f} :: alternative spelling of vedete
vedettismo {m} :: alternative spelling of vedetismo
ve de vaca {letter} :: The letter V, so called to distinguish it from be de burro, the letter B
védico {adj} :: Vedic
vedija {f} :: woollen tuft
ve doble {f} :: letter: w
veedor {adj} :: looking, observing
veedor {m} :: onlooker
veedor {m} :: guard
veedor {m} :: overman
veedor {m} :: overseer
veeduría {f} :: oversight committee
vega {f} :: meadow
vega {f} :: fertile lowland
vega {f} :: grassy plain
vega {f} :: valley (the fertile lowlands surrounding a river)
vega {f} :: alluvial plain
vega {f} [Carribean] :: tobacco plantation
Vega {prop} :: surname derived from vega (meadow)
vegada {f} [obsolete] :: synonym of vez
vegan {m} :: a vegan
vegana {f} :: female equivalent of vegano
veganismo {m} :: veganism
vegano {adj} :: vegan (relating to vegans or veganism)
vegano {m} :: vegan (supporter of veganism)
Vegecio {prop} {m} :: Vegetius
vegetación {f} :: vegetation
vegetación {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: adenoid
vegetacional {adj} :: vegetational
vegetal {adj} :: vegetal
vegetal {m} :: vegetable
vegetar {v} :: to vegetate
vegetariana {f} :: feminine noun of vegetariano
vegetarianismo {m} :: vegetarianism
vegetariano {m} :: vegetarian
vegetariano {adj} :: vegetarian
vegetativamente {adv} :: vegetatively
vegetativo {adj} :: vegetative
vegueña {f} :: feminine noun of vegueño
vegueño {adj} :: Las Vegan (of or pertaining to Las Vegas, Nevada)
vegueño {m} :: Las Vegan (native or resident of Las Vegas, Nevada)
veguense {adj} :: Las Vegan
veguense {mf} :: Las Vegan
veguer {m} :: vicar, representative in northeast Spain, of the monarchy
veguería {f} :: A subdivision of the Principality of Catalonia during the Middle Ages
veguero {adj} :: lowland, low-lying
veguero {m} :: tobacco farmer
veguero {m} :: lowland farmer
vehemencia {f} :: vehemence, zeal
vehemente {adj} :: vehement
vehementemente {adv} :: vehemently
vehementísimo {adj} :: superlative of vehemente
vehicular {adj} :: vehicular [of a vehicle]
vehicular {adj} :: vehicular [of a common language]
vehicular {v} :: to serve as a mediator
vehiculizar {v} :: synonym of vehicular
vehículo {m} :: vehicle
vehículo eléctrico {m} :: electric vehicle
veinte {num} :: twenty
veinteañero {adj} :: twenty-something, twentyish (years old)
veinteañero {m} :: Person in their twenties
veinteava {f} :: feminine noun of veinteavo
veinteavo {adj} :: twentieth (portion of a whole)
veinteavo {m} :: twentieth (portion of a whole)
veintena {f} :: Set of twenty units
veinteno {adj} :: twentieth
veintetantos {v} :: twentysomething
veinticinco {num} :: twenty-five
veinticuatro {num} :: twenty-four
veintidós {num} :: twenty-two
veintinueve {num} :: twenty-nine
veintinueveavo {m} :: twenty-ninth
veintiocho {num} :: twenty-eight
veintipico {num} :: twentysomething
veintipocos {adj} :: approximately twenty
veintiséis {num} :: twenty-six
veintisiete {num} :: twenty-seven
veintitantos {num} :: twentysomething
veintitrés {num} :: twenty-three
veintiún {num} [before the noun] :: apocopic form of veintiuno twenty-one
veintiuna {f} [card games] :: blackjack
veintiunavo {m} :: twenty-first
veintiuno {num} :: twenty-one
veisalgia {f} :: veisalgia, hangover
vejación {f} :: harassing
vejación {f} :: bullying
vejado {adj} :: vexed
vejamen {m} :: lampoon, satire
vejaminista {adj} :: satirical
vejar {v} :: to harass
vejatorio {adj} :: vexatious
vejestoria {f} :: feminine noun of vejestorio
vejestorio {m} [pejorative] :: old fogey, dodo, fuddy-duddy (very old person)
vejestorio {m} [Latin America] :: very old object
vejete {mf} :: An elderly person
vejete {mf} :: A codger
vejete {mf} :: The old fool, a ridiculous old person, predominantly an old man in classical drama and theater's stock charactery
vejez {f} :: old age
vejezuela {f} :: pejorative of vieja
vejiga {f} :: bladder
vejiga {f} [El Salvador] :: balloon
vejiga de perro {f} :: bladder cherry
vela {f} :: candle
vela {f} :: wakefulness, sleeplessness
vela {f} :: vigil, watch
vela {f} [nautical] :: sail
vela {f} [nautical] :: sailing
vela cangreja {f} :: lugsail
velación {f} :: wake, vigil
velada {f} :: soirée
velada {f} :: night meeting
veladamente {adv} :: in a veiled or hidden way
velador {m} :: candlestick
velador {m} [Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, northern Argentina] :: nightstand, pedestal table
velador {m} [Latin America] :: guard, watchman, sentinel [historical] (man employed as nighttime guard)
velador {m} [Argentina, Paraguay] :: night lamp, bedside lamp
velador {m} [Mexico] :: lampshade
velador {m} [Uruguay, Argentina] :: night light, nightlight
veladora {f} [Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama] :: votive candle, prayer candle, religious candle (ceremonial or nonceremonial ones sold in stores)
veladora {f} [Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay] :: bedside lamp, nightstand lamp
veladora {f} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] :: oil lamp
veladora {f} [Latin America] :: watchwoman
veladorcillo {m} :: diminutive of velador
veladorcito {m} :: diminutive of velador
veladura {f} [painting] :: glaze
vela güira {mf} [slang, Puerto Rico, pejorative] :: An opportunist; one who takes an advantage over others
vela latina {f} [nautical] :: lateen (sail)
velamen {m} [nautical] :: set of sails of a boat
velar {adj} :: velar
velar {v} :: to veil
velar {v} [information] :: to conceal, cover, hide
velar {v} [photography] :: to fog
velar {v} :: to watch, guard
velar {v} :: to be vigilant
velar {v} :: to ensure, to see to, to guarantee (+ por)
velar {v} :: to look after, to look out for, to watch over, to monitor (+ por)
velar {v} :: to sit up (with an ill person)
velar {v} :: to keep vigil (over a dead person)
velar {vi} :: to stay awake
velar {vr} :: to be ensured (+ por)
Velarde {prop} :: surname
velarización {f} :: velarization
velarizar {v} :: to velarize
velarte {m} :: broadcloth, fine cloth
Velasco {prop} :: surname
vela solar {f} [astronautics] :: solar sail (a sail-like structure on a spacecraft)
velasquino {adj} :: Of or from José Miguel de Velasco Province
velasquino {m} :: Someone from José Miguel de Velasco Province
velasquismo {m} :: Support of Juan Velasco Alvarado, president of Peru from 1968 to 1975
velasquismo {m} :: The presidency of Juan Velasco Alvarado
velasquista {adj} :: of or pertaining to José María Velasco Ibarra, five-time president of Ecuador
velasquista {mf} :: A supporter of José María Velasco Ibarra
velatorio {adj} [attributive] :: funeral parlour; funereal
velatorio {m} :: wake (for the dead)
velatorio {m} :: funeral parlour
velay {interj} :: whatever; fine; sound's good
velazqueño {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Diego Velázquez, or his style of art
Velázquez {prop} :: surname
velc {f} :: abbreviation of velocidad
velcro {m} :: Velcro
velde {adj} [Puerto Rico] :: pronunciation spelling of verde
veleidad {f} :: caprice, whimsy
veleidad {f} :: fickleness
veleidoso {adj} :: fickle
veleño {m} :: obsolete spelling of beleño
velera {f} :: feminine noun of velero
velerismo {m} :: sailing (a recreational activity)
velerista {adj} [attributive] :: sailing
velerista {mf} :: sailor, especially a dinghy sailor
velero {m} :: sailmaker
velero {m} :: candlemaker
velero {m} :: sailmaking
velero {m} :: sailboat
veleta {f} :: weather vane
veleta {f} :: weathercock (person who constantly changes their mind)
veleta {f} :: veleta (dance)
veleto {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having very high horns
Vélez {prop} :: surname
vélico {adj} [attributive] :: sail
velillo {m} :: diminutive of velo
velís {m} :: carry-on
velita {f} :: diminutive of vela
vello {m} :: body hair, androgenic hair, vellus hair
vello {m} :: facial hair
vello androgénico {m} :: body hair, androgenic hair
vellocino {m} :: fleece
vello corporal {m} :: body hair
vellón {m} :: fleece
vello púbico {m} :: pubic hair
vellosidad {f} :: hairiness
vellositario {adj} :: villous
velloso {adj} :: hairy
velloso {adj} :: fluffy
velluda {f} :: Hairy woman. Usually referring to excess of arm, chest, or pubic hair (not head hair)
velludo {adj} :: hairy-bodied
velludo {m} :: felt, velvet
velo {m} :: veil (something hung up or spread out to hide or protect the face, or hide an object from view; usually of a diaphanous material)
velocidad {f} :: speed
velocidad {f} [physics] :: velocity
velocidad {f} [automotive] :: gear
velocidad de escape {f} :: escape velocity
velocidad de la luz {f} :: speed of light
velocidad del sonido {f} :: speed of sound
velocímetro {m} :: speedometer
velocípedo {m} :: velocipede
velociraptor {m} [rare] :: velociraptor
velocirráptor {m} :: velociraptor
velocísimamente {adv} :: superlative of velozmente
velocísimo {adj} :: superlative of veloz
velocista {mf} :: sprinter
velódromo {m} :: velodrome
velón {m} :: oil lamp
velón {m} :: large candle
velorio {m} :: wake (for the dead)
Veloso {prop} {m} :: surname
velour {m} :: velour
velouté {f} :: velouté
veloz {adj} :: fast, quick, speedy
velozmente {adv} :: quickly
velvetón {m} :: velour
vena {f} :: vein
venablo {m} :: A kind of spear
vena cava {f} [anatomy] :: vena cava
vena cava inferior {f} :: inferior vena cava
vena cava superior {f} [anatomy] :: superior vena cava
venación {f} [archaic] :: hunt
venación {f} :: venation
venadear {v} :: to kill someone like a deer
venadillo {m} :: diminutive of venado
venado {m} [Latin America] :: deer, stag
venado {m} :: venison
venado {m} [colloquial] :: cuckold, deceived husband or partner
venado andino {m} :: north Andean deer
venal {adj} :: venous
venal {adj} :: venal, corruptible
venal {adj} :: for sale, sellable
venalidad {f} :: venality, corruptness
Venancio {prop} :: given name
vena porta {f} [anatomy] :: portal vein
vena safena {f} [anatomy] :: saphenous vein
venático {adj} :: crazy, insane
vena yugular {f} :: jugular vein
vencedor {adj} :: conquering
vencedor {adj} :: winning, defeating, vanquishing
vencedor {m} :: conquerer
vencedor {m} :: victor, winner
vencedora {f} :: female equivalent of vencedor
vencejo {m} :: swift (bird)
vencer {vti} :: to defeat, to win, to conquer
vencer {v} [a] :: to beat
vencer {vi} :: to expire
venceremos {interj} [politics] :: We shall win, as a slogan
vencible {adj} :: beatable; defeatable
vencido {adj} :: defeated, beaten
vencido {adj} :: expired
vencimiento {m} :: defeat
vencimiento {m} :: expiry, expiration
vencimiento {m} :: expiry date
vencimiento {m} :: maturity date
vencimiento {m} :: collapse
venda {f} :: bandage
venda {f} :: blindfold
venda {f} :: feminine noun of vendo; female Wend
vendaje {m} :: bandage, dressing (for a wound or injury)
vendar {v} :: to bandage
vendar {v} :: to blindfold
vendaval {m} :: windstorm
vendebiblias {m} [rare] :: bible basher
vendedor {m} :: salesman
vendedora {f} :: feminine noun of vendedor; saleswoman
vendehúmos {mf} :: charlatan; trickster
vendemotos {m} [colloquial] :: someone who can easily talk somebody into buying things that aren't needed, or that are of low quality
vendepatria {m} :: traitor
vendepatrias {m} :: traitor
vender {vt} :: to sell
vender humo {v} [idiom] :: to talk shit; to make shit up (in order to sell something)
vender la pomada {v} [Chile, colloquial, idiom] :: to fool, deceive, beguile (make someone believe a lie)
venderse {v} :: reflexive of vender To sell for; to fetch
venderse por un plato de lentejas {v} [idiom] :: to sell out
vendetta {f} :: revenge, vengeance
vendible {adj} :: saleable, sellable
vendido {m} [pejorative] :: sellout
vendimia {f} :: vintage (yield of grapes during one season)
vendimiador {m} :: vintager
vendimiar {v} :: to vintage
vendimiario {m} :: Vendémiaire
vendo {m} :: Wend (a member of a Slavic people from the borders of Germany and Poland)
Venecia {prop} {f} :: Venecia (city)
veneciano {adj} :: Venetian
veneciano {m} :: Venetian
venencia {f} :: An implement used to take out sherry samples from a barrel, consisting of a long flexible shaft with a small cup at the end
venenciador {m} :: Someone who takes out and pours sherry using a venencia
venenciadora {f} :: feminine noun of venenciador
venenciar {v} :: to pour sherry using a venencia
veneno {m} :: poison (substance that is harmful or lethal to a living organism)
veneno {m} :: venom (poison carried by an animal)
venenoso {adj} :: venomous, poisonous, toxic
venera {f} :: A shell of a scallop
venera {f} :: A type of jewel worn in Spain, including the badges of the Spanish religious confraternities worn by members throughout the 17th century
venera {f} :: A type of dessert from Asturias, similar to Linzer torte with rings of marzipan-enriched dough formed to resemble scalloped edges
venerabilidad {f} :: venerability
venerable {adj} :: venerable
venerablemente {adv} :: venerably
veneración {f} :: veneration
venerando {adj} :: venerable
venerar {vt} :: to venerate
venéreo {adj} :: venereal
venero {m} :: spring
venero {m} [mining] :: vein
venesta {f} :: plywood
véneta {f} :: feminine noun of véneto
venético {m} :: Venetic
véneto {adj} :: Venetian
véneto {m} :: Venetian
Véneto {prop} {m} :: Véneto (region)
venezolanidad {f} :: Venezuelanness (the quality or state of being Venezuelan)
venezolano {m} :: a Venezuelan person
venezolano {m} :: the currency of Venezuela; venezolano
venezolano {adj} :: Venezuelan
Venezuela {prop} {f} :: Venezuela (country)
venga {interj} :: come on, attaboy
venga {interj} :: wow, woah
vengador {m} :: avenger
vengadora {f} :: avenger
venganza {f} :: vengeance
vengar {v} :: to avenge, get even, take revenge
vengativo {adj} :: vengeful (wanting vengeance)
venia {f} :: forgiveness
venia {f} :: consent, permission, approval
venia {f} [Latin America, military] :: salute
venial {adj} :: venial, petty
venicelista {adj} :: Venizelist
venicelista {mf} :: Venizelist
venida {f} :: arrival, return
venida {f} :: coming
venidero {adj} :: future, forthcoming, upcoming
venilla {f} :: veinlet
venir {v} :: to come
venir {vr} :: [slang] To achieve orgasm; to cum; to ejaculate
venir al caso {v} [idiomatic] :: to be relevant, to be to the point
venir al pelo {v} [idiom] :: To suit down to the ground
venires {particle} :: only used in ires y venires
venirse {v} :: reflexive of venir
venirse abajo {v} [idiom] :: to collapse
venirse abajo {v} [idiom] :: to come to nothing
venirse abajo {v} [idiom] :: to go to pieces
venita {f} :: diminutive of vena
venlafaxina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: venlafaxine
venoso {adj} :: venous
venta {f} :: sale
venta {f} :: sales (all goods sold in a given time period)
venta {f} :: roadside inn in Spain
venta al por mayor {f} :: wholesale (business)
ventaja {f} :: advantage, upper hand, edge
ventaja {f} :: benefit
ventaja {f} :: head start
ventajismo {m} :: nerve, gall
ventajista {adj} :: opportunistic, self-serving
ventajosamente {adv} :: advantageously, profitably, favorably
ventajosísimo {adj} :: superlative of ventajoso
ventajoso {adj} :: advantageous, profitable, favorable
ventana {f} :: window (opening for light and air)
ventana {f} :: window frame
ventana {f} [computing] :: window (area on a computer screen)
ventana {f} :: nostril
ventana {f} :: small gap or opening; forest clearing
ventanal {m} :: augmentative of ventana, large window
ventanería {f} :: windows
ventanilla {f} :: small window
ventanilla {f} :: a window in a vehicle
ventanilla {f} :: ticket window
ventanilla {f} [anatomy] :: nostril
ventanillo {m} :: small window
ventanita {f} :: diminutive of ventana
ventar {vi} :: to blow
ventar {vt} :: to sniff, scent
ventarrón {m} :: strong wind
ventear {v} [impersonal] :: to blow (of the wind)
ventear {v} :: to sniff the air (said of an animal)
ventear {v} :: to air, air out (clothes)
ventear {v} :: to sniff around, snoop
ventear {vr} :: to split
ventear {vr} :: to blister (get a blister)
ventear {vr} :: to dry out (e..g tobacco)
ventear {vr} :: to break wind
ventera {f} :: innkeeper
ventero {m} :: innkeeper
ventilación {f} :: ventilation
ventilador {m} :: fan, ventilator
ventilar {v} :: to ventilate
ventilar {v} :: to vent, to air, to air out
ventilatorio {adj} :: ventilatory
ventiloconvector {m} :: fan coil
ventisca {f} :: storm (strong wind)
ventisca {f} :: blizzard, snowstorm
ventisquero {m} :: storm (strong wind)
ventolera {f} :: gale, strong blast of wind
ventolera {f} :: pinwheel
ventolera {f} :: whim
ventorrillo {m} :: diminutive of ventorro
ventorro {m} :: small inn
ventosa {f} :: plunger
ventosamente {adv} :: windily, breezily
ventosear {v} :: to fart (break wind)
ventosidad {f} :: windiness
ventosidad {f} :: flatulence (intestinal gas)
ventoso {adj} [weather] :: windy, breezy
ventral {adj} :: ventral (relating to the abdomen or stomach)
ventral {adj} [anatomy] :: ventral (on the front side of the human body or the according surface of an animal)
ventralmente {adv} :: ventrally
ventresca {f} :: ventresca
ventriblanco {adj} :: white-bellied
ventricular {adj} :: ventricular
ventrículo {m} :: ventricle
ventriculomegalia {f} :: ventriculomegaly
ventrílocua {f} :: feminine noun of ventrílocuo
ventrílocuo {m} :: ventriloquist
ventriloquia {f} :: ventriloquism (the art of projecting one’s voice so that it appears to come from another source)
ventriloquía {f} :: alternative form of ventriloquia
ventrinegro {adj} :: black-bellied (said of a number of bird species)
ventrudo {adj} [colloquial] :: big-bellied, potbellied (having a big belly)
ventura {f} :: fortune, chance, luck
venturina {f} :: aventurine
venturo {adj} :: forthcoming; upcoming
venturosamente {adv} :: fortunately, luckily
venturoso {adj} :: fortunate, lucky
vénula {f} :: venule
Venus {prop} :: Venus (planet)
Venus {prop} [Roman mythology] :: Venus
vepsio {m} :: Veps
ver {v} :: to see (literally), to spot
ver {v} :: to see, to look at, to view (perceive)
ver {v} :: to see, to tell, to observe
ver {v} :: to see, to check (verify)
ver {v} :: to watch
ver {vr} :: to look, to seem
ver {vr} :: to see oneself, to picture oneself
ver {vr} :: to find oneself, to be
ver {v} [reciprocal] :: to see one another
vera {f} [poetic] :: side, face
vera {f} :: shore, bank (of a watercourse)
vera {f} :: edge, border
vera {f} :: verawood (Bulnesia arborea)
veracidad {f} :: veracity
Veracruz {prop} {f} :: Veracruz (state)
Veracruz {prop} {f} :: Veracruz (city)
veracruzano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Veracruz
verado {adj} [heraldry] :: varriated
veranada {f} :: summer, summer season (for pasturing)
veranada {f} [Argentina, agriculture] :: summer pasture
veranadero {m} [agriculture] :: summer pasture
veranda {f} :: veranda
veraneante {m} :: vacationer
veranear {v} :: to summer; to spend a summer at
veraneo {m} :: summer holiday / summer vacation
veranera {f} :: bougainvillea
veranero {m} [agriculture] :: summer pasture, grazing land
veraniego {adj} :: pertaining to the summer, summerly
veraniego {adj} :: trivial
veranillo {m} :: Small spell of hot weather
verano {m} :: summer
Verano {prop} :: surname
veras {fp} :: truth; reality
veras {fp} :: serious things
veraz {adj} :: truthful, veracious
verazmente {adv} :: credibly
verba {f} :: loquacity; gift of the gab
verbal {adj} :: verbal (of or relating to words)
verbal {adj} :: verbal (spoken rather than written)
verbal {adj} [grammar] :: verbal (relating to verbs)
verbal {mf} [grammar] :: verbal
verbalista {adj} :: verbose
verbalista {adj} :: verbal, verbalistic
verbalista {mf} :: verbalist
verbalización {f} :: verbalization (act, process of verbalizing)
verbalizar {v} :: to verbalize/verbalise
verbalmente {adv} :: verbally
verbasco {m} :: mullein
verbena {f} :: verbena (plant)
verbena {f} :: a night-time fair or party
verbena de Indias {f} :: lemon verbena (shrub, Aloysia triphylla)
verbenita {f} :: diminutive of verbena
verberar {v} :: to whip, flog
verbigracia {m} :: example
verbigracia {adv} [formal] :: for instance, for example
verbo {m} [grammar] :: verb
verbo defectivo {m} [grammar] :: defective verb
verbo intransitivo {m} [grammar] :: intransitive verb
verbo irregular {m} :: irregular verb
verbo reflexivo {m} [grammar] :: reflexive verb
verborragia {f} :: verbiage, verbose
verborrágico {adj} :: wordy
verborrea {f} [colloquial] :: verbiage
verbosamente {adv} :: verbosely, long-windedly
verbosidad {f} :: verbosity
verboso {adj} :: verbose; wordy
verbo transitivo {m} [grammar] :: transitive verb
ver con buenos ojos {v} [idiomatic] :: to look favourably on
verdad {f} :: truth
verdad {f} :: fact
verdad {interj} :: right
verdad de perogrullo {f} :: truism
verdaderamente {adv} :: truthfully
verdadero {adj} :: true, real
verdadero {adj} :: honest
verdadero {m} :: a person who tells the truth
verde {adj} :: green in colour
verde {adj} :: unripe
verde {adj} [figurative] :: inexperienced; naïve
verde {adj} [figurative] :: risqué, naughty
verde {adj} [figurative] :: dirty, coarse
verde {adj} [figurative] :: unwell; sick
verde {adj} :: green (eco-friendly)
verde {m} :: green (colour)
verdeamarela {f} [soccer] :: The Brazil national football team
verdeante {adj} :: verdant
verdear {v} :: to turn green
verdecillo {m} :: European serin
verdegay {adj} :: bright green
verdegay {m} :: bright green (colour)
verdeguear {v} :: synonym of verdear
verdel {m} :: mackerel
verdemar {adj} :: sea green
verderón {m} :: greenfinch
Verdi {prop} {mf} :: surname
verdiano {adj} :: Verdian (of or pertaining to Giuseppe Verdi)
verdiblanco {adj} :: Of or relating to Club León, a football club in León, Mexico
verdiblanco {adj} :: Of or relating to Real Betis, a football club in Sevilla, Spain
verdiblanco {m} [football, Mexico] :: A player, supporter, or someone who works for Club León, a football club in León, Mexico
verdiblanco {m} [football, Spain] :: A player, supporter, or someone who works for Real Betis, a football club in Sevilla, Spain
verdillo {m} :: greenlet
verdín {m} :: small (green) plant
verdinegro {adj} :: green and black
verdirrojo {adj} :: red and green
ver doble {v} [idiom] :: to see double
verdolaga {f} :: common purslane, a plant of species Portulaca oleracea
verdor {m} :: green, greenery, greenness
verdoso {adj} :: greenish
verdugado {m} [historical] :: A type of dress, similar to the farthingale
verdugo {m} :: executioner, hangman (official person who carries out the capital punishment of a criminal)
verdugo {m} :: tyrant
verdugo {m} [bullfighting] :: puntilla (small dagger for administering the coup de grâce to the bull)
verdugón {m} :: bruise, welt
verduguillo {m} :: A type of rapier with a long, thin blade
verduguillo {m} [nautical] :: moulding
verdulera {f} :: feminine noun of verdulero, female greengrocer, fruiterer
verdulería {f} :: greengrocer's [UK], produce store [US], produce shop [US]
verdulero {m} :: greengrocer, fruiterer
verdura {f} :: vegetable
verdura {f} :: greenness, verdancy
verdurita {f} :: diminutive of verdura
verdusco {adj} :: greenish, somewhat green
vereda {f} :: path, lane
vereda {f} [Latin America] :: sidewalk
vereda {f} [Colombia] :: an administrative subdivision of a Colombian municipality
veredal {adj} [attributive] :: village
veredal {adj} [attributive] :: sidewalk
veredero {m} :: courier
veredicto {m} [legal] :: verdict
ver el cielo abierto {v} [idiomatic] :: to see an opportunity; see one's chance
verga {f} :: a long and thin stick, pole or rod
verga {f} [nautical] :: yardarm; yard (spar on a mast from which sails are set)
verga {f} [weapons] :: steel bow (of a crossbow)
verga {f} [vulgar] :: penis
verga {f} [vulgar] :: a thing of bad or undesirable quality
vergación {f} [Venezuela, colloquial] :: thingy (something whose name one cannot recall)
vergajazo {m} :: whip, lash
vergajazo {m} :: blow from a whip or lash
vergajo {m} :: pizzle
vergajo {m} :: dick; cock; knob
Vergara {prop} :: Vergara (town)
Vergara {prop} :: surname deriving from the town in Gipuzkoa
vergazo {m} [vulgar] :: augmentative of verga; an exceptionally large penis, monster cock
vergazo {m} [vulgar] :: dickslap
vergazo {m} [vulgar slang in Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua] :: blow, strike, knock, smack
vergel {m} :: orchard
verglás {m} :: black ice
vergón {adj} [vulgar] :: having a big penis
vergón {adj} [vulgar] :: expert, strong, powerful
vergonzante {adj} :: shameful, embarrassing
vergonzosamente {adv} :: modestly, shyly
vergonzosísimo {adj} :: superlative of vergonzoso
vergonzoso {adj} :: shameful
vergonzoso {adj} :: shy
vergonzoso {adj} :: bashful
vergota {f} [vulgar] :: big cock, penis
vergudo {adj} :: having a large penis
verguear {vi} :: In Spanish: to say a phrase to someone using the word "verga", in a vulgar context
vergüenza {f} :: shame
vergüenza {f} :: embarrassment
vergüenza ajena {f} :: vicarious embarrassment, secondhand embarrassment (i.e., shame or embarrassment felt as a result of the actions of others)
vericueto {m} :: difficult terrain
vericueto {m} :: difficult mountain trail
vericueto {m} :: meander
vericueto {m} :: intricacy
vericueto {m} :: (in plural) twists and turns
verídico {adj} :: true, veridical, veracious
verificabilidad {f} :: verifiability
verificable {adj} :: verifiable
verificación {f} :: verification
verificación {f} :: realization
verificador {m} :: checker, verifier
verificar {v} :: to verify, check
verificativo {adj} :: verifying, documenting
verificentro {m} [Mexico] :: A center where vehicles are tested for emissions
verija {f} :: pubic region; groin
veril {m} [nautical] :: isobath
verisímil {adj} :: obsolete spelling of verosímil
verisimilitud {f} :: alternative form of verosimilitud
verismo {m} :: verism, realism
verista {adj} [art] :: veristic, realist
verja {f} :: gate, railing (usually an iron gate with balusters)
verja {f} :: fence (often made of trellis)
verjurado {adj} :: laid (of paper)
ver las orejas al lobo {v} [idiom] :: to see the danger; to hear alarm bells ringing
verle el ojo a la papa {v} [idiomatic, Chile] :: to pop one's cherry
verlo todo negro {v} [idiom] :: to be pessimistic
verme {m} :: (intestinal) worm
vermiculación {f} :: vermiculation
vermiculado {adj} :: vermiculated
vermiculita {f} [mineral] :: vermiculite
vermiforme {adj} :: vermiform; worm-shaped
vermífugo {adj} [pharmacology] :: antiworm (preventing or eliminating worms, especially intestinal worms)
vermífugo {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antiworm medicine
Vermont {prop} {m} :: Vermont (state)
vermontés {adj} :: Vermonter, Vermont
vermontés {m} :: Vermonter
vermontesa {f} :: feminine noun of vermontés
vermú {m} :: vermouth
vermut {m} :: alternative form of vermú
vernáculo {adj} :: vernacular (pertaining to everyday language)
vernal {adj} :: vernal (pertaining to spring)
vernalización {f} :: vernalization
verniano {adj} :: Vernean
vero {m} [heraldry] :: vair
vero {adj} [literary, obsolete] :: true, real
Vero {prop} {f} :: A diminutive of the female given name Verónica
veronal {m} :: veronal
veronés {adj} :: Veronese
veronés {m} :: Veronese
veronesa {f} :: feminine noun of veronés
verónica {f} :: speedwell
verónica {f} :: An act in bullfighting where the matador lets his cloak trail over the bull's head
Verónica {prop} {f} :: given name
Verónica {prop} {f} [folklore] :: Bloody Mary
verosímil {adj} :: plausible
verosimilitud {f} :: authenticity
verosímilmente {adv} :: plausibly
verotoxigénico {adj} :: verotoxigenic
verraco {m} :: a male, uncastrated adult pig
verraco {m} [archaeology] :: a stone sculpture of a pig or other quadruped created by the pre-Roman inhabitants of Iberia, especially the Vettones
verraco {m} [Latin America] :: foolish, slovenly or misbehaving person
verrucoso {adj} :: verrucose
verruga {f} :: wart, verruca
verrugoso {adj} :: warty
versación {f} :: expertise
versación {f} :: skill
versadísimo {adj} :: superlative of versado
versado {adj} :: versed, knowledgeable, skilled
versalita {f} [typography] :: A letter in small caps
Versalles {prop} {f} :: Versailles
versallesco {adj} [attributive] :: Versailles
versar {v} :: to concern
versar {v} :: to turn (around)
versátil {adj} :: versatile
versatilidad {m} :: versatility
verse {v} :: to meet; to see one another
verse a la legua {phrase} :: to be blindingly obvious; to see (it) from a mile away
versear {v} :: to lie, to tell a tall tale
vérselas {v} [idiom] :: to deal with
vérselas y deseárselas {v} [idiomatic] :: to have a tough time (doing something); to find it tough going (to do something)
vérsele el plumero {v} [idiomatic] :: to be blindingly obvious
versículo {m} :: verse (in the Bible)
versificación {f} :: versification
versificador {m} :: versifier
versificadora {f} :: feminine noun of versificador
versificar {v} :: to versify
versificatorio {adj} :: versifying
versión {f} :: version
versión {f} :: cover version
versionar {v} [music] :: to cover (make a cover version)
versionear {v} :: alternative spelling of versionar
versito {m} :: diminutive of verso
verso {adj} [mathematics] :: versed
verso {m} :: verse, poem
verso {m} :: verse, line (of a poem)
verso {m} :: verso, reverse, back, overleaf (of a page)
verso {m} [printing] :: verso, left-hand page
verso {m} [military, artillery] :: small culverin (kind of cannon)
verso {m} [colloquial] :: lie, story, porky
versolari {m} :: bertsolari
versolarismo {m} :: The art of singing bertsos
verso libre {m} :: free verse
versolibrismo {m} :: free verse
verso suelto {m} :: blank verse
verso suelto {m} [idiomatic] :: maverick, nonconformist
versus {prep} :: versus
vértebra {f} [skeleton] :: vertebra
vértebra cervical {f} :: cervical vertebra
vertebración {f} :: support
vertebrado {adj} :: vertebrate (having a backbone)
vertebrado {m} :: vertebrate (an animal having a backbone)
vertebrador {adj} :: supporting
vertebral {adj} [anatomy] :: vertebral
vertebrar {v} :: to support
vertedera {f} :: mouldboard (of a plow)
vertedero {m} :: landfill, dump (place where waste or garbage is left)
vertedero {m} :: weir
vertedor {m} :: pourer
vertedor {m} :: chute; pouring tube
vertedor {m} :: spillway
verter {vt} :: to pour, spill, shed
vertical {adj} :: vertical
vertical {adj} :: portrait [a print orientation where the vertical sides are longer than the horizontal sides.; in smartphones]
verticalidad {f} :: verticality
verticalismo {m} [architecture] :: verticalism
verticalista {adj} :: top-down
verticalista {adj} :: top-to-bottom
verticalización {f} :: verticalization
verticalizar {v} :: to verticalize
verticalmente {adv} :: vertically
vértice {m} [anatomy, geometry] :: vertex
verticilastro {m} :: verticillaster
verticilo {m} [botany] :: whorl
vertido {m} :: tipping
vertido {m} :: pouring
vertiente {f} :: slope, declivity
vertiente {f} :: aspect
vertiente {f} :: point of view
vertiginosamente {adv} :: dizzily
vertiginosamente {adv} :: dramatically, rapidly
vertiginosidad {f} :: vertiginousness
vertiginoso {adj} :: vertiginous (pertaining or related to vertigo)
vertiginoso {adj} :: dizzying, vertiginous, giddy (inducing a feeling of giddiness, vertigo, or dizzyness)
vertiginoso {adj} :: suffering from vertigo
vértigo {m} :: vertigo
vertimiento {m} :: dumping
vesania {f} :: madness, insanity
vesania {f} :: rage
vesánico {adj} :: raging, furious
vesánico {adj} :: insane
vesical {adj} [anatomy] :: vesical
vesicoureteral {adj} :: vesicoureteral
vesícula {f} [cytology] :: vesicle
vesícula biliar {f} :: gall bladder
vesicular {adj} :: vesicular
vesícula seminal {f} [anatomy] :: seminal vesicle
vespa {f} :: Vespa (brand name)
vespa {f} :: scooter (powered bicycle or tricycle)
vespertino {adj} :: relating to the afternoon
vespertino {adj} :: occurring during the afternoon
vespertino {m} :: sermon preached in the evening
vesre {m} :: A type of backslang in Argentine and Uruguayan Spanish
vestal {adj} :: vestal (of or pertaining to Vesta)
vestal {adj} :: vestal (pure, chaste)
vestal {f} :: vestal (virgin)
vestible {adj} :: wearable
vestibular {adj} [anatomy] :: vestibular
vestibulo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: vestibulo
vestíbulo {m} :: hall
vestíbulo {m} :: vestibule
vestibulococlear {adj} [anatomy] :: vestibulocochlear
vestidillo {m} :: diminutive of vestido
vestidito {m} :: diminutive of vestido
vestido {adj} :: dressed
vestido {m} :: dress
vestido de faralaes {m} :: A frilly dress worn by flamenco dancers
vestidor {m} :: changing room
vestidura {f} :: clothing; garb
vestigial {adj} :: vestigial
vestigio {m} :: vestige (faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost)
vestimenta {f} :: vesture, habiliment
vestimenta {f} :: clothes, outfit, apparel
vestir {v} :: to dress, to clothe, to attire
vestir {v} :: to wear
vestir {v} :: to adorn, to bedeck, to embellish
vestir {v} :: to disguise, to cover up
vestir {v} :: to make clothes for, to dress
vestirse {v} :: to get dressed
vestón {n} :: blazer, men's sportscoat
vestuario {m} :: clothing
vestuario {m} :: wardrobe
vestuarista {mf} [theatre] :: costumer
veta {f} [of wood] :: vein
veta {f} :: streak
veta {f} [mining] :: vein, seam
vetar {v} :: to veto
vete a chingar {phrase} [pejorative, Cuba slang] :: Go fuck yourself
vete a la mierda {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, offensive] :: fuck you, fuck off, get fucked, go fuck yourself, go to hell
vete a la verga {interj} [vulgar, offensive] :: fuck you, go to hell, go suck a dick
vetear {v} :: to make or paint veins or streaks
vete a saber {phrase} [idiomatic] :: you tell me, goodness knows, who knows
vete a tomar por culo {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, offensive] :: fuck you, fuck off, get fucked, go fuck yourself, go to hell
vete con la música a otra parte {phrase} [idiomatic] :: scram; get outta here; go take a long walk off a short pier
veterana {f} :: feminine noun of veterano
veteranía {f} :: the state of being a veteran
veterano {adj} :: veteran
veterano {m} :: veteran
veterinaria {f} :: veterinary science
veterinaria {f} :: female equivalent of veterinario
veterinario {adj} :: veterinary
veterinario {m} :: veterinarian, vet, veterinary, veterinary surgeon
veto {m} :: veto
vetón {adj} :: Vettonian
vetón {m} :: Vettonian
vetona {f} :: feminine noun of vetón
vetustense {mf} :: Oviedan
vetustez {f} :: great age, ancientness
vetusto {adj} :: old, ancient, age-old
vexilar {m} :: vexillum
vexilo {m} [ornithology] :: vane (of a feather)
vexilología {f} :: vexillology
vexilológico {adj} :: vexillological
vez {f} :: time, instance
vez {f} [Spain] :: place (in a queue)
vez {f} [Spain] :: turn (a chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others)
vez {f} [in the plural] :: place, stead
veza {f} :: vetch
vezar {v} :: alternative spelling of avezar
vezina {f} :: feminine noun of vezino
vezino {m} :: obsolete spelling of vecino
vezo {m} [rare] :: custom, habit
vía {f} :: way, means
vía {f} [figuratively] :: avenue, way, path
vía {f} :: road
vía {f} :: track, railroad track
vía {f} :: method
vía {f} :: leak
vía {f} [anatomy, medicine, neurology] :: pathway
vía {prep} :: via
viabilidad {f} :: viability
viabilizar {vt} :: to make viable
viable {adj} :: viable
vía contenciosa {m} [legal] :: litigation
viacrucis {m} :: alternative spelling of vía crucis
vía crucis {m} :: Way of the Cross; Via Crucis
víacrucis {m} :: Way of the Cross
viada {f} :: pull; jolt; tug
viada {f} :: shove
viaducto {m} :: viaduct
viaducto {m} [Mexico] :: in Mexico City, a limited-access high-speed roadway below street level, built on top of a river which has been channeled underground
vía ferrata {f} [climbing] :: via ferrata (protected climbing route)
viage {m} :: obsolete spelling of viaje
viagero {n} :: obsolete spelling of viajero
viagra {mf} :: Viagra
viajador {adj} :: travelling
viajador {m} :: traveler
viajante {adj} :: that travels, who travels, travelling (person)
viajante {mf} :: travelling salesman
viajar {vi} :: to travel, journey
viajar en el tiempo {v} :: to time-travel, to time travel
viajata {f} [colloquial] :: journey from one place to another
viajata {f} [colloquial] :: long and tiresome journey
viaje {m} :: voyage, journey, trip
viajecillo {m} :: diminutive of viaje
viajecito {m} :: diminutive of viaje
viaje de negocios {m} :: business trip
viaje en el tiempo {m} :: time travel, time-travel
viaje inaugural {m} :: maiden voyage
viajera {f} :: feminine noun of viajero
viajero {adj} :: travelling
viajero {m} :: traveller, traveler
vial {adj} :: of or pertaining to a via, road, highway
vial {m} :: avenue
vial {m} :: vial
Vía Láctea {prop} {f} :: Milky Way
vialidad {f} :: road network administration
vianda {f} :: food, viands (items of food served as a meal)
vianda {f} :: takeaway meal
vianda {f} :: meals on wheels (food delivered to the homes of those unable to cook)
viandante {mf} :: passer-by, walker
viandera {f} :: feminine noun of viandero
viandero {m} :: Someone who sells vegetables
vía rápida {f} :: fast track
viario {adj} :: road, street, highway (attributive)
viático {m} :: viaticum
víbora {f} :: viper, adder
víbora {f} :: malicious person, snake in the grass
víbora {f} [colloquial, Mexico] :: snake
viborear {v} :: to wind, slither, snake
viborezno {adj} :: viperous (of or pertaining to a viper)
viborezno {m} :: snakelet, especially a young viper
vibra {f} [colloquial] :: vibe (atmosphere or aura of a person or place as communicated to and felt by others)
vibración {f} :: vibration
vibracional {adj} :: vibrational
vibracionismo {m} :: vibrational art
vibrador {m} [sex] :: vibrator
vibrafonista {mf} [music] :: vibraphonist
vibráfono {m} :: vibraphone
vibrante {adj} :: vibrating
vibrante {adj} :: vibrant, lively
vibrante {adj} [linguistics] :: trilled
vibrante {f} [linguistics] :: vibrant
vibrantemente {adv} :: vibrantly, lively
vibrar {v} :: to vibrate
vibrar {v} :: to brandish
vibrar {v} :: to roll the letter R
vibrato {m} :: vibrato
vibratorio {adj} :: vibratory, vibrating
vibrisa {f} :: vibrissa; whisker
vibrometría {f} :: vibrometry
viburno {m} :: viburnum
vicaría {f} :: vicarage
vicaría {f} :: vicarate
vicarial {adj} :: vicarial
vicariamente {adv} :: vicariously
vicariante {adj} :: substituting
vicariato {m} :: vicariate
vicario {m} :: vicar
vice- {prefix} :: vice-
vice {mf} :: vice (second in command)
vicealcalde {m} :: deputy mayor
vicealcaldesa {f} :: feminine noun of vicealcalde
vicealmirante {m} [nautical] :: vice admiral
vicecampeón {m} :: synonym of subcampeón
vicecampeonato {m} :: second place in a championship; silver medal; finishing as the runner-up
vicecanciller {mf} :: vice-chancellor
vicecapitán {m} :: vice-captain
vicecomisario {m} :: vice commissioner
vicecomodora {f} :: feminine noun of vicecomodoro
vicecomodoro {m} :: vice commodore
viceconsejera {f} :: feminine noun of viceconsejero
viceconsejería {f} [Spain] :: deputy governmental ministry
viceconsejero {m} :: deputy minister
vicecónsul {m} :: vice-consel
vicecoordinador {m} :: deputy coordinator
vicedecana {f} :: Second most senior person
vicedecano {m} :: second most senior person
vicedirector {mf} :: vice director
vicedirectora {f} :: deputy director
vicedirectora {f} :: deputy headmistress
vicediretora {f} :: vice director
vicefiscal {m} :: vice-attorney general
vicegerente {mf} :: deputy leader
vicegobernación {f} :: deputy government
vicegobernador {m} :: vice governor
vicegobernadora {f} :: feminine noun of vicegobernador
viceintendente {mf} :: vice superintendent
vicejefa {f} :: feminine noun of vicejefe
vicejefe {m} :: deputy boss, second-in-command
vicelehendakari {mf} :: deputy lehendakari
vicemandataria {f} :: feminine noun of vicemandatario
vicemandatario {m} :: deputy head of state
vicemariscal {mf} :: deputy marshall
viceministerio {m} :: viceministry
viceministra {f} :: feminine noun of viceministro
viceministro {m} :: vice minister
vicenal {adj} :: vicennial
Vicenta {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Vicente ( =Vincent)
Vicente {prop} {m} :: given name
vicentino {adj} :: Vicentine
vicentino {m} :: Vicentine
vicentino {m} :: Vincentian
viceparroquia {f} :: A subdivision of a parish; subparish
vicepichichi {m} [football, Spain] :: second highest scorer in the league
viceportavoz {mf} :: deputy spokesperson
viceprefecta {f} :: deputy prefect
viceprefecto {m} :: deputy prefect
viceprefectura {f} :: vice prefecture
vicepresidencia {f} :: vice-presidency
vicepresidenciable {adj} :: Running for candidate as vice president
vicepresidencial {adj} :: vice-presidential
vicepresident {m} :: vice president of the Government of Catalonia
vicepresidenta {f} :: feminine noun of vicepresidente
vicepresidente {m} :: vice president
viceprimer {adj} :: deputy prime
viceprimer ministro {m} [politics] :: deputy prime minister
viceprovincia {f} [historical] :: pseudo-province
vicerrector {m} :: vice-rector
vicerrectora {f} :: feminine noun of vicerrector
vicerrectorado {m} :: vice-rectorship
vicerrectoría {f} :: vice rectorship
vicerreina {f} :: deputy queen
vicesecretaria {f} :: feminine noun of vicesecretario
vicesecretario {m} :: vice-secretary
vicetiple {f} :: Woman singer of operettas, zarzuelas and similar spectacles
vicetitular {mf} :: deputy holder of a position
vicevaledora {f} :: deputy protector
viceversa {adv} :: vice versa, the other way round
viche {m} :: An alcoholic drink from Colombia, based on cane sugar
vichear {v} [Argentina] :: alternative spelling of bichear
Vichuquén {prop} {m} :: Vichuquén (city)
Vichuquén {prop} {m} :: Vichuquén (former department)
vichuquenino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Vichuquén
viciar {v} :: to distort
vicio {m} :: vice
vicio {m} :: bad habit
vicio {m} :: imperfection, blotch
vicio {m} :: slip-up, mess-up
vicio {m} :: spoiledness
vicio {m} [botany] :: rankness
vicioso {adj} :: profligate
vicioso {adj} :: vicious
vicisitud {f} :: vicissitude
Vico {prop} {f} :: given name
víctima {f} :: victim
victimar {v} :: to murder someone
victimaria {f} :: killer
victimario {m} :: killer, homicide
victimismo {m} :: victimism
victimista {adj} :: victimist
victimización {f} :: victimization
victimizante {adj} :: victimizing
victimizar {v} :: to victimize (to make someone a victim)
victimología {f} :: victimology
Víctor {prop} {m} :: given name
victorear {v} :: alternative spelling of vitorear
victoria {f} :: victory
Victoria {prop} {f} :: given name
Victoria {prop} {f} :: Victoria (state)
victoriano {adj} :: Victorian (relating to Queen Victoria's reign)
victoriano {adj} :: Victorian (of or pertaining to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
victoriano {adj} :: Victorian (of or pertaining to Victoria, Australia)
victoriano {m} :: Victorian (native or resident of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
victoriano {m} :: Victorian (native or resident of Victoria, Australia)
victoria pírrica {f} :: Pyrrhic victory
victoriosamente {adv} :: victoriously
victorioso {adj} :: victorious, triumphant
victrola {m} :: victrola
vicuña {f} :: vicuna
vid {f} :: vine, grapevine
vida {f} :: life
vida {f} :: lifestyle
vida {f} :: livelihood; living
vida {f} :: liveliness
vida {f} :: life span; lifetime
vida {f} :: a term of endearment; darling, sweetheart
vida {f} :: The game (prostitution)
vida {f} [computing] :: life (in a computer game)
vida de perros {f} :: dog's life
vidalismo {m} [politics] :: The political support of María Eugenia Vidal (1973-), Argentine politician
Vidanes {prop} :: Vidanes (village)
Vidanes {prop} :: surname
vida sexual {f} :: sex life
videasta {mf} :: video artist
videncia {f} :: clairvoyance
vidente {mf} :: seeing
vidente {mf} :: fortuneteller, clairvoyant, seer
vidente {adj} :: seeing
video- {prefix} :: video-
video {m} [Latin America] :: alternative form of vídeo
video {m} [Latin America] :: video rental shop
vídeo {m} [Spain] :: video
vídeo {m} [Spain, dated] :: VHS player, videocassette recorder, VCR
videoaficionado {m} :: fan of videos
videoarbitraje {m} :: video refereeing
videoarte {m} :: video art
videoartista {mf} :: video artist
videoasistente {mf} :: video referee
videoaudiencia {f} :: hearing via a webcam
videoblog {m} :: videoblog
videobloguera {f} :: video blogger; vlogger
videocámara {f} :: video camera
videocasete {f} :: videotape
video chat {m} :: video chat
videochat {m} :: videochat
videocinta {f} :: videotape
videoclip {m} :: music video
vídeoclip {m} :: videoclip
videoclub {m} :: business where one can rent and sometimes buy recorded home videos
videocolonoscopía {f} [medicine] :: videocolonoscopy
videocolumna {f} :: televised periodical
videoconferencia {f} :: videoconference
videoconsola {f} :: video console
videoconversación {f} :: videochat
videocreación {f} :: video creation
video doméstico {m} :: home video
videoenlace {m} :: videolink
videograbación {f} :: video recording
videograbador {m} [Spain, dated] :: VCR; videocassette recorder
videograbadora {f} [Latin America] :: VCR; videocassette recorder
videograbar {v} :: to videotape or record on video
videógrafa {f} :: videographer
videografía {f} :: videography
videográfico {adj} :: videographic
videográfico {m} :: videographic
videógrafo {m} :: videographer
videograma {m} :: videogram
videohome {m} [Mexico] :: B-movie
videoinstalación {f} :: video installation
videojuego {m} :: video game
vídeojuego {m} :: nonstandard form of videojuego
videojugador {m} :: gamer, video game player
videollamada {f} :: video call
videomapping {m} :: video mapping
videomarcador {m} :: video scoreboard
videomensaje {m} :: video message
videoportero {m} :: video doorphone, video entryphone, video intercom, video door entry
videoserie {f} :: video series
videostreaming {m} :: video streaming
videoteca {f} :: video library
videoteca {f} :: video rental shop
videotecnológico {adj} :: video-technological
videotutorial {m} :: video tutorial
videovigilancia {f} [chiefly Spain] :: video surveillance
vidilla {f} :: diminutive of vida
vidorra {f} [colloquial] :: an easy, comfortable life
vidriar {v} :: to glaze
vidriera {f} [Latin America] :: shop window
vidriera {f} :: feminine noun of vidriero
vidriería {f} :: glaziery, glazier's shop, glazier's workshop
vidriero {m} :: glazier
vidrio {m} :: glass
vidrio {m} :: window
vidrioso {adj} :: glassy
viduño {m} :: A kind of grape or a certain quality of grape
vieira {f} :: scallop
vieja {f} :: feminine noun of viejo
vieja {f} :: hag
vieja {f} :: wife, (spouse) little woman
vieja escuela {f} :: old school
viejales {m} [slang] :: old man, old chap
viejecilla {f} :: diminutive of vieja
viejecillo {adj} :: diminutive of viejo
viejecillo {m} :: diminutive of viejo
viejecita {f} :: feminine noun of viejecito
viejecito {m} :: diminutive of viejo, little old man, gramps, grams, granny, big mama, cheeser
viejete {mf} :: [informal, grammatically incorrect] old man, old lady, oldie
viejillo {m} :: diminutive of viejo
viejísimo {adj} :: superlative of viejo
viejismo {m} :: ageism
viejita {f} :: diminutive of vieja
viejita {f} :: green heron (Butorides virescens)
viejita {f} :: boat-billed heron (Cochlaerius cochlaerius)
viejita {f} :: white-throated towhee (Melozone albicollis)
viejita {f} :: canyon towhee (Melozone fusca)
viejito {adj} :: diminutive of viejo
Viejito Pascuero {prop} {m} :: Santa Claus, Father Christmas
viejo {m} :: an old person
viejo {m} [slang] :: old man (one's father)
viejo {m} [Mexico] :: a certain guy or man, especially adult or almost
viejo {m} [Mexico] :: sweetheart, honey (substitute for a male name)
viejo {m} [Mexico] :: a male sexual companion or partner, occasional or stable; husband
viejo {adj} :: old (having existed for a long time)
viejo {adj} :: old (having lived for many years)
viejo {adj} [before the noun] :: old (former, previous)
viejo {adj} :: stale (no longer novel or interesting)
viejo de monte {m} [zoology] :: tayra
viejoven {adj} :: a young person who acts like an elderly
viejuja {f} :: feminine noun of viejujo
viejujo {m} :: superlative of viejo, an old person; old fart, geezer, cheeser
Viena {prop} :: Viena (capital city)
vienés {adj} :: Viennese (from or connected with Vienna)
vienés {m} :: Viennese (inhabitant or resident of Vienna)
vienesa {f} :: wiener, hot dog (sausage)
vienesa {f} :: female Viennese (female inhabitant or resident of Vienna)
vientecillo {m} :: diminutive of viento
vientecito {m} :: diminutive of viento
Vientián {prop} :: Vientiane
viento {m} :: wind (the movement of air)
viento {m} :: woodwind section (of an orchestra)
viento {m} :: guy rope
viento en popa {m} :: tailwind
viento estelar {m} :: stellar wind
viento solar {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
vientre {m} :: abdomen
vientre {m} :: belly
viequense {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico
viequense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico
viernes {m} :: Friday
Viernes Santo {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Good Friday
Vietnam {prop} {m} :: Vietnam
vietnamita {adj} :: Vietnamese
vietnamita {mf} [uncountable] :: Vietnamese language
vietnamita {mf} :: Vietnamese (person)
vietnamización {f} :: Vietnamisation
viga {f} :: timber, beam, rafter, girder
Vigan {prop} :: Vigan (city/capital city)
vigencia {f} :: validity, applicability
vigencia {f} :: term, life (for a contract)
vigencia {f} :: operation (for a law, regulation)
vigencia {f} :: shelf life
vigencia {f} :: circulation
vigente {adj} [legal] :: in force, in effect
vigente {adj} :: current, in use
vigente {adj} :: in shelf life
vigente {adj} :: (for a commercial offer, price or promotion) suitable in time
vigésima {f} :: feminine noun of vigésimo
vigésimo {adj} :: twentieth
vigésimo {m} :: twentieth
vigesimoctavo {adj} :: twenty-eight
vigesimoctavo {m} :: twenty-eighth
vigesimocuarto {adj} :: twenty-fourth
vigesimocuarto {m} :: twenty-fourth
vigésimo cuarto {adj} :: twenty-fourth
vigesimonoveno {adj} :: twenty-ninth
vigesimonoveno {m} :: twenty-ninth
vigésimo noveno {adj} :: twenty-ninth
vigésimo noveno {m} :: twenty-ninth
vigésimo octavo {adj} :: twenty-eight
vigésimo octavo {m} :: twenty-eighth
vigesimoprimero {adj} :: twenty-first
vigesimoprimero {m} :: twenty-first
vigésimo primero {adj} :: twenty-first
vigesimoquinto {adj} :: twenty-fifth
vigesimoquinto {m} :: twenty-fifth
vigésimo quinto {adj} :: twenty-fifth
vigesimosegundo {adj} :: twenty-second
vigésimo segundo {adj} :: twenty-second
vigesimoséptimo {adj} :: twenty-seventh
vigesimoséptimo {m} :: twenty-seventh
vigesimosexto {adj} :: twenty-sixth
vigesimosexto {m} :: twenty-sixth
vigesimotercero {adj} :: twenty-third
vigesimotercero {m} :: twenty-third
vigésimo tercero {adj} :: twenty-third
vigía {m} :: lookout, watchtower (vantage point with a view of the surrounding area)
vigía {m} [nautical] :: reef (chain or range of rocks, sand, or coral protruding from the surface of the water)
vigía {mf} :: lookout (person on watch for approaching danger, enemy, etc.)
vigilancia {f} :: vigilance, surveillance
vigilante {adj} :: watchful, alert, wakeful
vigilante {mf} :: guard, watchman
vigilante de seguridad {mf} :: bodyguard
vigilante jurado {mf} [Spain, dated] :: bodyguard
vigilantemente {adv} :: vigilantly
vigilar {v} :: to watch over
vigilia {f} :: wakefulness, being awake
vigilia {f} :: watchfulness
vigilia {f} :: vigil
vigilia {f} :: (religion) fast, abstinence
vigilia {f} :: night shift
vigilia {f} :: eve (the day or night before)
Vigo {prop} {m} :: Vigo (city)
vigor {m} :: vigor
vigorexia {f} :: bigorexia
vigoréxica {f} :: feminine noun of vigoréxico
vigoréxico {adj} :: bigorexic
vigoréxico {m} :: bigorexic
vigorizante {adj} :: envigorating
vigorizar {vt} [_ and pronomial] :: to invigorate, to encourage
vigorón {m} :: A traditional dish from Nicaragua, made of curtido, boiled yuca, and chicharrones wrapped in a banana leaf
vigorosamente {adv} :: vigorously
vigorosidad {f} :: vigorousness
vigorosísimo {adj} :: superlative of vigoroso
vigoroso {adj} :: vigorous
viguería {f} [architecture] :: (set of) beams; girders
vigués {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Vigo
vigués {m} :: Someone from Vigo
vigueta {f} :: beam
VIH {m} :: HIV
VIH positivo {adj} :: HIV positive
vihuela {f} [music] :: vihuela
vihuelista {mf} :: vihuelist
viking {m} :: alternative form of vikingo
víking {m} :: alternative form of vikingo
vikinga {f} :: feminine noun of vikingo
vikingo {adj} :: viking
vikingo {m} [history] :: Viking (one of the Scandinavian seafaring warriors)
vil {adj} :: mean
vilamoviciano {m} :: Wymysorys
vilano {m} :: thistledown
vilayato {m} :: alternative form of valiato
vilela {adj} :: Vilela
vilela {mf} :: Vilela
vileza {f} :: vileness
vilipendiar {v} :: to vilify
vilipendioso {adj} :: contemptible
vilísimo {adj} :: superlative of vil
villa {f} :: small town
villa {f} :: villa
villa {f} :: settlement with a minimum of five thousand inhabitants (bigger than a town but smaller that a city) that has asked for the title officially. Previously, this title was granted by the king
Villa Clara {prop} :: Villa Clara (province)
villaclareña {f} :: feminine noun of villaclareño
villaclareño {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the province of Villa Clara, Cuba
villaclareño {m} :: Someone from the province of Villa Clara, Cuba
Villacorta {prop} {f} :: surname
Villafranca {prop} {f} :: surname
Villafuerte {prop} :: surname
Villalobos {prop} :: surname
villanamente {adv} :: uncouthly
villancico {m} [music genre, poetry] :: villancico (traditional Spanish or Portuguese folk song)
villancico {m} [by extension, music genre] :: Christmas carol
villanía {f} :: villainy
villano {adj} :: peasant
villano {adj} :: rude, bad-mannered
villano {m} :: villain, bad guy
villanovense {adj} :: of or from Villanueva
villanovense {mf} :: Someone from Villanueva
Villanueva {prop} :: surname
Villanueva {prop} :: Any of a large number of towns in various Spanish-speaking countries
Villar {prop} :: surname
Villareal {prop} :: surname
villareña {f} :: feminine noun of villareño
villareño {adj} :: Of or from a villa
villareño {adj} :: Of or from Cabezas del Villar
villareño {adj} :: Of or from Villar del Ala
villareño {m} :: Someone from a villa
villareño {m} :: Someone from Cabezas del Villar
villareño {m} :: Someone from Villar del Ala
Villarreal {prop} {f} :: Villarreal (city)
villarrealense {adj} :: Of or from Villarreal
villarrealense {mf} :: Someone from Villarreal
Villaseñor {prop} :: surname
Villaverde {prop} :: surname
villavesa {f} [Pamplona] :: bus
Villavicencio {prop} :: surname
villazgo {m} :: city or town status
Villegas {prop} :: surname
Villena {prop} {f} :: Villena (city)
Villena {prop} {f} :: surname deriving from the city in Alicante
villenense {adj} :: Of or from Villena
villenense {mf} :: Someone from Villena
villera {f} :: feminine noun of villero
villero {m} [chiefly Argentina] :: slumdog; especially someone living in a villa miseria
villista {adj} :: Of or relating to Pancho Villa (1878-1923), a leader of the Mexican Revolution
villista {mf} :: A supporter of Pancho Villa
villorrio {m} :: small town; one-horse town; hole
vilmente {adv} :: cruelly, viciously
vilmente {adv} :: basely, meanly
Vilna {prop} {f} :: Vilna (capital city)
vilnés {adj} :: Vilnian (of or pertaining to Vilnius, Lithuania)
vilnés {m} :: Vilnian (native or resident of Vilnius, Lithuania)
vilnesa {f} :: feminine noun of vilnés
vilo {m} :: Word only used in the idiom en vilo
vilorta {m} :: the sport of lacrosse
vimbre {m} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of mimbre
vimentina {f} [protein] :: vimentin
viña {f} :: vineyard
viñador {m} :: winegrower
viñadora {f} :: feminine noun of viñador
vinago {m} :: green pigeon
vinagre {m} :: vinegar (a sour liquid formed by the fermentation of alcohol used as a condiment or preservative)
vinagrera {f} :: vinegar bottle; table cruet
vinagreta {f} :: vinaigrette
vinagrillo {m} :: weak vinegar
vinagrillo {m} :: whip scorpion (order Thelyphonida)
vinagrón {m} :: vinegary wine
vinagrón {m} [Mexico] :: whip scorpion
vinajera {f} :: cruet (small jug)
viñamarina {f} :: feminine noun of viñamarino
viñamarino {adj} :: Of or from the city of Viña del Mar, Chile
viñamarino {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Viña del Mar, Chile
vinatera {f} :: feminine noun of vinatero
vinatero {m} :: wine merchant
vinatero {adj} :: pertaining to wine
vinaza {f} [organic compound] :: vinasse
vinazo {m} [Costa Rica] :: gossip
vincapervinca {f} :: periwinkle
vinceña {f} :: feminine noun of vinceño
vinceño {adj} :: Of or from Vinces, Ecuador
vinceño {m} :: Someone from Vinces
vincha {f} [Latin America] :: headband
vinculación {f} :: connection, link
vinculante {adj} :: binding
vincular {v} :: to bind
vincular {v} :: to link
vincularse {v} :: reflexive of vincular
vinculina {f} [protein] :: vinculin
vínculo {m} :: tie, bond (strong connection between people or groups of people)
vínculo {m} [computing] :: link, hyperlink
vindicación {f} :: vindication
vindicar {vt} :: to vindicate
vindicativo {adj} :: vindictive
vindicta {f} :: vengeance
viñedo {m} :: vineyard (grape plantation)
viñera {f} :: feminine noun of viñero
viñero {m} :: vineyard owner
viñeta {f} :: vignette
viñeta {f} :: frame, panel (of a comic)
viñeta {f} :: bullet (in a list)
vinícola {adj} :: winemaking, winegrowing (attributive)
vinícola {mf} :: winegrower
vinicultor {m} :: winemaker
vinicultora {f} :: feminine noun of vinicultor
vinicultura {f} :: viniculture
vinífero {adj} :: viniferous
vinificación {f} :: vinification
vinificar {v} :: to vinify
vinílico {adj} :: vinyl (relating to vinyl)
vinillo {m} :: thin, weak wine
vinilo {m} :: vinyl
vinito {m} :: diminutive of vino
vino {m} :: wine
vino blanco {m} :: white wine
vino de mesa {m} :: table wine
vino espumoso {m} :: sparkling wine
vino rosado {m} :: rosé; rosé wine
vinoso {adj} :: vinous; winy
vinoso {adj} :: characteristic of a wino
vinoteca {f} :: wine shop, winery
vinoteca {f} :: wine cabinet (furniture for storing wine)
vino tinto {m} :: red wine
vinotinto {f} [football] :: The Venezuela national football team
vintage {adj} :: vintage
vinuco {m} :: diminutive of vino
viola {f} :: viola (musical instrument)
Viola {prop} :: surname
violáceo {adj} [mycology] :: violaceous
violación {f} :: violation
violación {f} :: rape
violación correctiva {f} :: corrective rape
violación curativa {f} :: corrective rape
violador {adj} :: violating
violador {m} :: rapist
violadora {f} :: feminine noun of violador
violagambista {mf} :: A viol player
violar {v} :: to violate
violar {v} :: to rape
violatorio {adj} :: that violates (a law)
violencia {f} :: violence
violencia de género {f} :: gender-based domestic violence
violencia doméstica {f} :: domestic violence
violencia intrafamiliar {f} :: domestic violence
violentador {m} :: attacker
violentamente {adv} :: violently
violentar {v} :: to break open
violentar {v} :: to violate
violentísimo {adj} :: superlative of violento
violentista {adj} :: subversive
violentista {mf} :: a subversive person
violento {adj} :: violent
violeta {adj} :: violet
violeta {m} :: violet (colour); purple
violeta {f} :: violet (plant)
violeta {f} [Spain, Chile, slang] :: rapist, nonce
Violeta {prop} {f} :: given name
violetera {f} :: flower girl
violín {m} :: violin (string instrument)
violín {m} :: fiddle
violinista {mf} :: violinist
violinista {mf} :: third wheel (An unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date)
violinístico {adj} [attributive] :: violin; violining
violista {mf} :: violist
violón {m} :: an old-style double bass
violón {m} :: double bassist
violona {f} :: feminine noun of violón
violoncelista {mf} :: cellist
violoncellista {mf} :: cellist
violoncello {m} :: alternative form of violonchelo
violoncelo {m} :: alternative form of violonchelo
violonchelista {mf} :: cellist
violonchelo {m} :: cello (musical instrument)
violonista {mf} :: double bassist
vip {mf} :: VIP [initialism of very important person]
viperino {adj} :: viperine
viperino {adj} :: cunning, wicked
Viqui {prop} {f} :: given name
vira {f} :: welt (of a hoe)
vira {f} :: dart
virada {f} [nautical] :: turning (act and effect of changing direction)
viraje {m} :: change in orientation or direction
viral {adj} :: viral (of or relating to a biologic virus)
viral {adj} :: viral (caused by a virus)
viral {adj} :: viral (spread by word of mouth)
viralidad {f} :: virality
viralización {f} :: virality
viralizar {v} :: to spread the word
viralizar {vr} :: to go viral
viralmente {adv} :: virally
virar {v} :: to veer
virar {v} [nautical] :: to tack
virey {m} :: obsolete spelling of virrey
virga {adj} :: feminine singular form of virgo
virgada {f} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: stupid thing
virgen {mf} :: virgin
virgencita {f} :: feminine noun of virgencito
virgencito {m} :: diminutive of virgen: little virgin
virgenense {adj} :: of or from the Virgin Islands
virgenense {mf} :: Virgin Islander
virgenense estadounidense {adj} :: US Virgin Islands (of or pertaining to the U.S. Virgin Islands)
virgenense estadounidense {mf} :: US Virgin Islander (native or resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands)
Virgen María {prop} {f} :: Virgin Mary
Virgen Santa {interj} [idiom] :: good Lord, holy moley, Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Virgilio {prop} {m} :: Virgil
virginal {adj} :: virginal
virgíneo {adj} :: virginal; pure
Virginia {prop} {f} :: Virginia (state)
Virginia {prop} {f} :: given name
virginiana {f} :: feminine noun of virginiano
virginiana del oeste {f} :: feminine noun of virginiano del oeste
virginiano {adj} :: Virginian
virginiano {m} :: Virginian
virginiano del oeste {adj} :: West Virginian
virginiano del oeste {m} :: West Virginian
Virginia Occidental {prop} {f} :: West Virginia
virginidad {f} :: virginity
virgo {m} [singular only] :: Virgo, a constellation and sign in astrology
virgo {m} :: hymen
virgo {adj} :: virgin
virgo {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: funny, typically in a stupid way (said of a thing or a person)
Virgo {prop} {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Virgo (constellation)
Virgo {prop} {m} [astrology] :: Virgo (zodiac sign)
virguero {adj} [colloquial] :: smashing, awesome, brill
virguero {m} [colloquial] :: whizz, hot stuff, the dog's bollocks, ace
virguero {m} :: Person who works wonders, wizard
vírgula {f} :: a small stick or rod
vírgula {f} :: a thin line or stripe
virgulilla {f} :: tilde
virgulilla {f} :: prime (mark)
vírico {adj} :: viral
viril {adj} [attributive] :: male
viril {adj} :: virile, manly
virilidad {f} :: virility
virilmente {adv} :: in a manly way
viringo {adj} [Colombia, slang] :: naked
virión {m} :: virion
virófago {m} [virology] :: virophage
viroide {m} :: viroid
virola {f} :: ferrule
viróloga {f} :: feminine noun of virólogo
virología {f} :: virology
virologista {mf} :: virologist
virólogo {m} :: virologist
virosis {f} :: virosis
virote {m} :: bolt (short, stout, blunt-headed arrow)
virreina {f} :: vicereine
virreinal {adj} :: related or pertaining to the viceroy
virreinato {m} :: viceroyalty
virreinato {m} :: viceroyship
virreino {m} :: viceroyalty
virrey {m} :: viceroy
virreynato {m} :: viceroyship
virtual {adj} :: virtual
virtualidad {f} :: virtuality
virtualización {f} :: virtualization
virtualizar {vt} :: to virtualize
virtualmente {adv} :: potentially
virtualmente {adv} :: virtually
virtud {f} :: virtue
virtuosa {f} :: feminine noun of virtuoso
virtuosamente {adv} :: virtuously
virtuosidad {f} :: virtuosity
virtuosísimo {adj} :: superlative of virtuoso
virtuosismo {m} :: virtuosity
virtuosístico {adj} :: virtuosic, virtuoso
virtuoso {adj} :: virtuous
virtuoso {m} :: A virtuous person
virtuoso {m} :: A virtuoso
virtuoso {adj} :: virtuoso (exhibiting the ability of a virtuoso)
Virú {prop} :: Virú (province)
viruela {f} [pathology, uncountable] :: smallpox
viruela {f} [pathology] :: Any of the fluid-filled blisters caused by smallpox
viruela loca {f} :: chickenpox
virulencia {f} :: virulence
virulentamente {adv} :: sharply, aggressively
virulentamente {adv} :: virulently
virulento {adj} :: virulent
virus {m} :: virus
virus {m} :: computer virus
virusoide {m} :: virusoid
viruta {f} [colloquial] :: dosh; cash; dough (money)
viruta {f} :: woodshavings
visa {f} [Latin America] :: visa
visado {m} :: visa; a permit to enter and leave a country
visaje {m} [archaic, poetic] :: grimace
visaje {m} [archaic, poetic] :: face, appearance
visar {v} :: to study
visar {v} :: to visa
visar {v} :: to endorse; to approve
vis a vis {conj} :: vis-à-vis
vis a vis {m} [idiom] :: conjugal visit
víscera {f} :: viscera
visceral {adj} :: visceral
visceralidad {f} :: viscerality
visceralmente {adv} :: viscerally
visceromegalia {f} [pathology] :: visceromegaly
visco {m} :: birdlime
viscoelasticidad {f} :: viscoelasticity
viscoelástico {adj} :: viscoelastic
viscontiniano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the House of Visconti
viscontiniano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lucchino Visconti
viscosidad {f} :: viscousness
viscosidad {f} :: A viscous material
viscosidad {f} [physics] :: viscosity
viscoso {adj} :: viscous, sticky
viscoso {adj} :: slimy
visera {f} :: visor
visfatina {f} [protein] :: visfatin
visibilidad {f} :: visibility
visibilización {f} :: visibility, highlighting, raising of awareness
visibilizar {vt} :: to make visible; to highlight
visible {adj} :: visible
visiblemente {adv} :: visibly
visigodo {adj} :: Visigothic
visigodo {m} :: Visigoth
visigótico {adj} :: Visigothic
visillo {m} :: net curtain
visión {f} :: vision (something seen; an object perceived visually)
visión {f} :: vision, sight (the sense or ability of sight)
visión {f} :: view (a way of understanding something, an opinion, a theory)
visión {f} :: vision (something imaginary one thinks one sees)
visionado {m} :: viewing
visionado {m} :: performance of a movie
visionar {v} :: to envision
visionaria {f} :: feminine noun of visionario
visionario {adj} :: visionary
visionario {m} :: visionary
visión de túnel {f} :: tunnel vision
visión general {f} :: overview
visir {m} :: vizier
visita {f} :: visit
visita {f} :: visitor
visitable {adj} :: visitable
visitación {f} :: visitation
visita conyugal {f} [idiom] :: conjugal visit
visitador {adj} :: visiting
visitador {m} :: inspector
visitador {m} :: representative
visitadora {f} :: feminine noun of visitador
visitadora {f} [Latin America] :: syringe
visitadora {f} [Latin America] :: enema
visitaflor {m} :: hummingbird
visitante {mf} :: visitor
visitar {v} :: to visit
visitar al señor Roca {v} [idiom, Spain] :: To go to the little boy's room
vislumbrar {v} :: to discern
vislumbrarse {v} :: reflexive of vislumbrar
vislumbre {f} :: glimmer, glimpse, surmise
Visnú {prop} {m} :: Vishnu
viso {m} [formal] :: appearance, look
viso {m} :: vantage point
viso {m} :: slip (clothing)
viso {m} :: gleam, glint
visoespacial {adj} :: visuospatial
visón {m} :: mink
visor {m} :: visor
visoría {f} [Mexico, sports] :: training session attended by scouts
visoriar {v} [sport, Mexico] :: to scout
visorrey {m} :: obsolete spelling of virrey
víspera {f} :: eve (the day or night before)
vista {f} :: sight, vision
vista {f} :: view
vista {f} [law] :: trial
vista aérea {f} :: aerial view, bird's-eye view
vista de lince {f} [idiom] :: eagle eye
vista de pájaro {f} [idiomatic] :: bird's-eye view
vistazo {m} :: look
vistazo {m} :: glance
viste {interj} [interrogatively, colloquial, Rioplatense] :: Used as a space filler, usually in the middle of a sentence, or when telling a story
vistilla {f} :: viewpoint
visto {adj} :: seen
visto {adj} :: obvious, clear
visto {adj} :: exposed, bare
visto {adj} :: known about, talked about, seen around
visto bueno {m} [idiom] :: endorsement; approval; OK; blessing; green light; go-ahead
visto lo visto {adv} [idiom] :: all in all; all things considered
vistosamente {adv} :: brightly, colorfully
vistosidad {f} :: gaudiness, showiness
vistosísimo {adj} :: superlative of vistoso
vistoso {adj} :: gaudy, showy, flashy
vistoso {adj} :: sightly attractive
visto y no visto {adj} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: blink-and-you-miss-it
Vístula {prop} {m} :: Vístula (river)
visual {adj} :: visual
visualidad {f} :: visuality
visualización {f} :: visualization
visualizador {adj} :: visualising
visualizador {m} :: visualizer
visualizadora {f} :: feminine noun of visualizador
visualizar {v} :: to visualize
visualmente {adv} :: visually
vitáceo {adj} [botany] :: Of or pertaining to plants in the genus Vitis; vines and grapevines
vital {adj} :: vital
vitaliciamente {adv} :: for life
vitalicio {adj} :: lifelong, life, for life (extending for the entire duration of life)
vitalidad {f} :: vitality
vitalismo {m} :: vitalism (the doctrine that life involves some immaterial "vital force", and cannot be explained scientifically)
vitalista {mf} :: vitalist
vitalista {adj} :: vitalistic
vitalizar {v} :: to vitalize
vitalmente {adv} :: vitally
vitamina {f} :: vitamin
vitaminado {adj} :: with added vitamins
vitamínico {adj} :: Of, containing, or relating to vitamins
vitando {adj} :: odious, bad, vital
vitela {f} :: vellum
vitelino {adj} :: vitelline
vitelo {m} :: vitellus
vitícola {mf} :: viticulturist
vitícola {adj} :: viticultural
viticultor {m} :: winegrower
viticultora {f} :: feminine noun of viticultor
viticultura {f} :: viticulture
vitiligo {m} :: vitiligo
vitíligo {m} :: vitiligo
vitivinícola {adj} :: viticultural
vitivinicultoa {f} :: feminine noun of vitivinicultor
vitivinicultor {m} :: winegrower
vitivinicultura {f} :: viticulture
vito {m} :: an Andalusian music style and dance
Vito {prop} {m} :: given name
vitola {f} :: cigar band
vitola {f} :: appearance, look
vítor {interj} :: long live
vítor {m} :: ovation; ceremony of public appreciation
vitorear {v} :: to cheer
vitoria {f} :: obsolete spelling of victoria
Vitoria {prop} {f} :: Vitoria (city)
vitoriano {adj} :: Of or from Vitoria
vitoriano {m} :: Someone from Vitoria
vitorioso {adj} :: obsolete spelling of victorioso
vitral {m} :: stained glass
vitrectomía {f} [surgery] :: vitrectomy
vítreo {adj} :: vitreous
vitrificación {f} :: vitrification
vitrificar {v} :: to vitrify
vitrina {f} :: vitrine
vitrina {f} :: display cabinet
vitrina {f} [Latin America] :: window, shop window
vitrina {f} :: showcase
vitriólicamente {adv} :: vitriolically
vitriólico {adj} :: vitriolic
vitriolo {m} :: vitriol
vitrocerámica {mf} :: glass-ceramic
vitrola {f} :: gramophone
vitualla {f} [also used in the plural] :: provisions, victuals
vituperable {adj} :: censureable; reproachable
vituperación {f} :: vituperation
vituperante {adj} :: shameful
vituperar {v} :: to vituperate against
vituperio {m} :: insult; vituperation
vituperioso {adj} :: shameful
viuda {f} :: widow
viuda {f} :: dowager
viuda negra {f} :: black widow spider
viudedad {f} :: widowhood; the state of being a widow or widower
viudedad {f} :: widow's pension
viudez {f} :: widowhood/widowerhood; the state of being a widow or widower
viudita {f} :: young widow
viudo {adj} :: widowed
viudo {adj} :: dowager [in the feminine]
viudo {m} :: widower, widow
viudo {m} [plant] :: Sixalix atropurpurea, syn. Scabiosa atropurpurea (mourning bride, mourning widow, sweet scabious)
vivac {m} :: bivouac
vivacidad {f} :: jauntiness
vivacidad {f} :: liveliness
viva estampa {f} [idiom] :: spitting image; carbon copy
viva imagen {f} [idiom] :: picture, personification (visual reflection of something)
viva imagen {f} :: spitting image
viva la Pepa {phrase} :: let the good times roll
vivalavirgen {mf} [colloquial] :: good-time Charlie (carefree person)
Vivaldi {prop} {mf} :: surname
vivales {mf} [colloquial] :: wise guy; smart-ass
vivamente {adv} :: livelily (in a lively manner)
vivamente {adv} :: deeply, profoundly
vivandera {f} :: vivandière
vivanquista {adj} :: of or related to Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco, 19th century Peruvian soldier and politician
vivanquista {mf} :: A supporter of, or soldier in the army of, Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco
vivaque {m} :: alternative spelling of vivac
vivaquear {v} :: to bivouac; to set up camp
vivar {v} [Latin America] :: to applaud
vivaracho {adj} :: lively, cheery, sprightly
vivaz {adj} :: animated; lively
vivencia {f} :: insight, experience
vivencial {adj} [attributive] :: housing
vivenciar {vt} :: to experience
víveres {mp} :: army food rations
víveres {mp} [Dominican Republic] :: Starchy foods including roots and plantains
viverista {mf} :: someone who works in a plant nursery
vivero {m} :: vivarium
vivero {m} :: nursery (a place where young trees and other plants are cultivated for transplanting)
vivero {m} :: nursery (the place where something is fostered and its growth promoted)
viverrávido {m} [zoology] :: viverravid
viveza {f} :: liveliness
viveza {f} :: life
Viviana {prop} {f} :: given name, equivalent to English Vivian, Vivien, Vivienne
vivible {adj} :: liveable
vívidamente {adv} :: vividly
vivido {adj} :: living, existing
vivido {adj} :: worldly
vivido {adj} :: vivid
vívido {adj} [of perception] :: vivid (clear, detailed or powerful)
vívido {adj} [of an image] :: vivid (bright, intense or colourful)
vívido {adj} :: vivid (full of life)
vividor {m} [pejorative] :: bon viveur
vividor {m} [pejorative] :: bon vivant
vividora {f} :: feminine noun of vividor
vivienda {f} :: housing, dwelling
vivienda protegida {f} [Spain] :: state-subsidised house, similar to a council house in Great Britain
viviente {adj} :: living
viviente {mf} :: living
vivificante {adj} :: vivifying
vivificar {v} :: vivify
vivificar {v} :: comfort, console
vivíparo {adj} :: viviparous
vivir {m} :: life; lifestyle
vivir {vi} :: to live; to be alive
vivir {vi} :: to make a living, to live (on)
vivir {vi} :: to live, reside, inhabit
vivir {vt} :: to experience, to live through
vivir del cuento {v} [idiomatic] :: To skimp off other people, go through life without working
vivisección {f} :: vivisection
vivísimamente {adv} :: superlative of vivamente
vivísimo {adj} :: superlative of vivo
vivito {adj} :: diminutive of vivo, used chiefly in the idiomatic expression vivito y coleando
vivito y coleando {adj} [idiomatic] :: alive and kicking
vivo {adj} :: alive, living (having life)
vivo {adj} :: intense, strong
vivo {adj} :: vivid, lively
vizcacha {f} :: viscacha
vizcacha de la sierra {f} :: southern viscacha
vizcacha montanera {f} :: southern viscacha
vizcacha norteña {f} :: northern viscacha
vizcachera {f} :: viscachera
vizcaíno {adj} :: Biscayan (from or native to Biscay)
vizcaíno {adj} :: Biscayne (pertaining to Biscay or to the language)
vizcaíno {m} :: Biscayan
vizcaíno {m} :: the Biscay dialect
Vizcarra {prop} {f} :: surname, the 815th most common in Mexico
Vizcaya {prop} {f} :: Vizcaya (province)
vizcondado {m} :: viscounty
vizcondal {adj} :: of or pertaining to a viscount
vizconde {m} :: viscount
vizcondesa {f} :: viscountess
Vladímir {prop} {m} :: Vladimir
Vladimiro {prop} {m} :: given name
Vmd. {pron} :: abbreviation of vuestra merced
vocablo {m} :: word, term
vocabulario {m} :: vocabulary
vocación {f} :: vocation (inclination to undertake a certain kind of work, especially a religious career)
vocacional {adj} :: vocational (of or relating to vocation)
vocacionalmente {adv} :: vocationally
vocal {f} :: vowel
vocal {mf} :: voter, member with vote rights
vocal {adj} :: by means of the voice
vocal {adj} :: related to the voice
vocal {adj} :: using the voice
vocalía {f} :: committee membership
vocálico {adj} [phonetics] :: vocal, vocalic (relating to or being a vowel)
vocalidad {f} :: vocality
vocalismo {m} :: vocalism
vocalista {mf} :: vocalist (singer in a band)
vocalización {f} :: vocalization
vocalizar {v} :: to vocalize
vocalmente {adv} :: vocally (using words)
vocativo {adj} :: vocative
vocativo {m} [grammar] :: vocative
voceador {adj} :: shouting
voceador {m} :: shouter, crier
voceadora {f} :: feminine noun of voceador
vocear {v} :: to shout
vocecilla {f} :: diminutive of voz
vocecita {f} :: diminutive of voz
vocera {f} :: spokeswoman
vocería {f} :: yelling, shouting
vocerío {m} :: outcry, uproar
vocero {m} :: spokesman
vocho {m} [colloquial, Latin America] :: Beetle (type of car)
Vocho {m} [Mexico] :: Beetle (Volkswagen Beetle)
vociferación {f} :: shouting, ranting
vociferante {adj} :: loud (speaking); vociferous
vociferar {v} :: to vociferate
vocinglería {f} :: clamor, babble, chatter
vocinglero {adj} :: garrulous, chatty, loud-mouthed
vocoide {m} :: semivowel
vodevil {m} :: vaudeville
vodka {m} :: vodka
vodník {m} [mythology, folklore] :: vodyanoy
Vohol {prop} :: obsolete spelling of Bohol
voilá {interj} :: voila
voivoda {m} :: voivode
voivodato {m} :: voivodeship (the jurisdiction of a voivode)
volada {f} :: short flight
voladito {adj} [typography] :: superscript
voladizo {adj} [architecture] :: projecting
voladizo {m} [architecture] :: cantilever, overhang
volado {adj} [typography] :: superscript
volado {adj} [colloquial, Latin America] :: daydreaming
volado {adj} [colloquial, Latin America] :: stoned (on drugs)
volador {adj} :: flying
volador {adj} :: flighty (flying easily, flying a lot)
volador {m} :: flier (something that flies)
volador {m} :: flying fish
volador {m} :: rocket
volador {m} :: toy windmill
volador {m} [Mexico] :: A dancer in the Danza de los Voladores
voladora {f} [Dominican Republic] :: a small bus used for public transportation
voladura {f} :: blowing up, blasting
volái {n} [Paraguay] :: cop; copper
volanderamente {adv} :: loosely
volanderamente {adv} :: randomly
volandero {adj} :: fledged
volandero {adj} :: loose; free; roaming
volando {adj} :: In flight
volantazo {m} :: swerve, hard turn (with the steering wheel)
volante {adj} :: flying
volante {adj} :: loose
volante {m} [automotive] :: steering wheel
volante {m} :: flyer
volante {m} :: shuttlecock
volante {mf} :: driver
volante {mf} [Peru, Chile, football] :: winger
volantear {v} :: to leaflet
volantín {m} [Chile, Peru, Argentina] :: kite (flying toy on string)
volantón {m} :: fledgling
volantona {f} :: feminine noun of volantón
volapié {m} [bullfighting] :: volapié
volar {vi} :: to fly, to fly away
volar {vt} :: to blow up
volar {vt} :: to anger, to exasperate, to infuriate
volar {vt} :: to rouse
volar {vt} :: to make fly out
volar {vt} :: to release (a hunting falcon)
volar {vt} :: to raise to the top of the line (e.g., a letter or number)
volar {vi} :: to flutter, to hover
volar {vi} :: to spread like wildfire
volar {vt} :: to disappear suddenly
volar {vt} :: to jut out, to project
volar {vt} :: to sell like hotcakes
volarse {v} :: reflexive of volar
volatería {f} :: fowling, fowls, poultry, flock of birds
volatería {f} [figurative] :: crowd (of ideas)
volátil {adj} :: volatile, unstable
volátil {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: volatile
volatilidad {f} :: tenacity
volatilización {f} :: volatilization
volatilizar {v} :: to volatilize
volatín {m} :: tightrope walker
volatinera {f} :: feminine noun of volatinero
volatinero {m} :: tightrope walker
volca {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Volcae
volca {mf} :: Member of the Volcae
volcada {f} :: capsize, overturning
volcador {m} :: synonym of camión volcador
volcadura {f} :: overturning
volcamiento {m} :: rollover (act of a car turning over)
volcán {m} :: volcano
volcancito {m} :: diminutive of volcán
volcánicamente {adv} :: volcanically
volcánico {adj} :: volcanic
volcánico {adj} :: fiery, passionate
volcanismo {m} :: volcanism
volcanoclástico {adj} :: volcanoclastic
volcanotectónico {adj} :: volcanotectonic
volcar {vt} :: to upset, knock over, tip over, dump (to cause to flip over, from uppermost to bottom)
volcar {vt} :: to empty, empty out (to remove the contents of)
volcar {vt} :: to make dizzy
volcar {vt} :: to get (someone) to change their mind
volcar {vir} :: to overturn, tip over, capsize (to flip over; to rotate uppermost to bottom)
volcar {vr} :: to do one's utmost, do one's best (to make the greatest possible effort)
volear {vi} :: to volley
voleibol {m} :: volleyball (game)
vóleibol {m} :: alternative spelling of voleibol
voleibol de playa {m} :: beach volleyball
voleibolista {mf} :: volleyballer
voleibolístico {adj} :: volleyball (attributive)
voleiplaya {f} :: alternative form of vóley-playa
voley {m} :: volleyball (sport)
vóley {m} :: volleyball
vóley playa {m} :: alternative form of vóley-playa
vóley-playa {m} :: beach volleyball
volframio {m} :: alternative spelling of wolframio
volibol {m} :: volleyball
volición {f} :: volition
volición {f} :: A voluntary action or behavior
volitivo {adj} :: volitional, volitive
volován {m} :: vol-au-vent
volqueta {f} [Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras] :: alternative form of volquete
volquete {m} :: dump truck
volsco {adj} :: Volscian
voltaico {adj} :: voltaic
voltaje {m} :: voltage
volteador {m} :: acrobat
volteadora {f} :: feminine noun of volteador
voltear {v} :: to turn
voltearse {v} :: reflexive of voltear
voltejear {v} [nautical] :: to tack (sail by making tacks into the wind)
volteo {m} :: turn
volteo {m} :: chiming, pealing
voltereta {f} :: somersault
volteretón {m} [bullfighting] :: Act of being thrown up into the air by the bull
volteriano {adj} :: Of or relating to Voltaire
voltímetro {m} :: voltmeter (instrument for measuring electric potential)
voltio {m} :: A volt (electrical)
volubilidad {f} :: volubility
voluble {adj} :: voluble; fickle
volumen {m} :: volume (a three-dimensional measure of space)
volumen {m} :: volume (a bound book)
volumen {m} :: volume (strength of sound)
volúmen {m} :: obsolete spelling of volumen
volumetría {f} :: volumetry
volumétrico {adj} :: volumetric
voluminoso {adj} :: voluminous, bulky
voluntad {f} :: will; wish; want; desire
voluntad {f} :: willpower
voluntaria {f} :: feminine noun of voluntario
voluntariado {m} :: volunteers, voluntary force, volunteering
voluntariamente {adv} :: voluntarily
voluntariedad {f} :: voluntariness
voluntario {adj} :: voluntary
voluntario {m} :: volunteer
voluntariosamente {adv} :: dedicatedly
voluntarioso {adj} :: willful
voluntarismo {m} :: volunteerism
voluntarismo {m} :: wishful thinking (illusion that what one would like is true)
voluntarista {adj} :: wilful
volunturismo {m} :: voluntourism
voluptuosamente {adv} :: voluptuously
voluptuosidad {f} :: voluptuousness
voluptuoso {adj} :: voluptuous
voluta {f} :: wisp (of smoke)
volver {v} :: to return, to revert, to get back
volver {v} :: to come back, go back
volver {v} :: to do again
volver {v} :: to turn
volver {vr} :: to turn
volver {vr} :: to get, become
volver {v} :: to make, to drive
volver en sí {v} [idiom] :: to come around; come to
volver por sus fueros {v} [idiom] :: to showone's worth, after losing reputation in the past
vólvulo {m} [medicine] :: volvulus
vómico {adj} :: emetic (causing vomiting)
vomitador {m} :: puker; vomiter
vomitadora {f} :: feminine noun of vomitador
vomitar {v} :: to vomit, to be sick
vomitivo {adj} :: emetic (causing vomiting)
vomitivo {adj} :: nauseating, repugnant
vomitivo {m} :: emetic
vómito {m} :: vomit
vomitona {f} :: vomiting, puking
vomitorio {m} :: vomitorium
vóngole {adj} :: vongole
voracidad {f} :: voracity
vorágine {f} :: whirlpool, maelstrom
vorágine {f} :: extremely intense or passionate emotions or feelings; the effect, manifestation or perception of them
vorágine {f} :: disorder, mess
vorágine {f} :: angry crowd
voraginoso {adj} :: voraginous
voraz {adj} :: voracious, greedy
voraz {adj} :: destructive
vorazmente {adv} :: voraciously
voroga {adj} :: Boroano
voroga {mf} :: Boroano
vórtice {m} :: vortex
vorticidad {f} :: vorticity
vos {pron} [archaic] :: An elevated form of you, either singular or plural
vos {pron} [parts of Latin America, Chavacano-speaking areas in the Philippines] :: a form of you, singular
vós {pron} :: obsolete spelling of vos
VOSE {n} [film] :: initialism of versión original con subtítulos en español; a non-Spanish-language film or TV series with Spanish subtitles
vosear {v} :: to address someone with vos
voseo {m} :: In Spanish dialects, the use of the pronoun vos as opposed to
Vosgos {prop} {mp} :: Vosgos (mountain range)
Vosgos {prop} {mp} :: Vosgos (department)
vosotras {pron} [colloquial] :: you; second person feminine plural personal pronoun
vosotras {pron} [Louisiana, formal] :: you; second person masculine plural personal pronoun
vosotres {pron} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: you (plural)
vosotros {pron} [colloquial or Louisiana] :: you; second person masculine plural personal pronoun
votación {f} :: voting, vote (act)
votante {adj} :: voting
votante {mf} :: voter
votar {v} :: to vote
votar {v} [Latin America] :: to throw
votarse {v} :: reflexive of votar
votito {m} :: diminutive of voto
votivo {adj} :: votive
voto {m} :: vote
voto {m} :: vow
voto de censura {m} :: vote of no confidence
voto matrimonial {m} :: marriage vow
voto útil {m} :: tactical vote
voucher {m} :: voucher
voyerismo {m} :: voyeurism
voyeur {m} :: voyeur
voyeurismo {m} :: voyeurism
voy y vengo {phrase} :: I'll be right back
voz {f} :: voice
voz {f} :: term; word
voz activa {f} [grammar] :: active voice
vozarrón {f} :: Loud, booming voice
voznar {vi} :: to croak, quack
voz pasiva {m} :: passive voice
vs {prep} :: vs.
vualá {interj} :: voilà (behold!)
vudú {m} :: voodoo
vudú {mf} :: voodoo (person)
vuecelencia {pron} :: your excellency
vuecencia {f} :: abbreviation of vuecelencia
vuelacerca {f} [baseball] :: home run
vuelco {m} :: upset
vuelco {m} :: turnover
vuelillo {m} :: diminutive of vuelo
vuelito {m} :: diminutive of vuelo
vuelo {m} :: flight (the act of flying)
vuelo {m} :: flight (an instance of flying)
vuelo {m} :: flight (a trip made by an aircraft)
vuelo espacial {m} [astronomy] :: space flight
vuelta {f} :: turn
vuelta {f} :: return
vuelta {f} :: walk
vuelta {f} :: tour, trip
vuelta {f} :: change (money given back when a customer hands over more than the exact price of an item)
vuelta {f} [sports] :: lap (one circuit around a race track, or one traversal down and then back the length of a pool)
Vuelta {prop} {f} [cycling, by ellipsis] :: The Vuelta a España
Vuelta a España {prop} {f} [cycling] :: Vuelta a España (annual cycling race in Spain)
vuelta al mundo {f} :: Ferris wheel
vueltabajera {f} :: feminine noun of vueltabajero
vueltabajero {adj} :: Of or from the region of Vuelta Abajo in Cuba
vueltabajero {m} :: An inhabitant of the region of Vuelta Abajo in Cuba
vuelta de campana {f} [idiom] :: barrel roll
vuelta de campana {f} [idiom] :: 360; volte-face
vuelta de rezón {f} :: A type of knot consisting of a round turn and two half hitches
vueltecita {f} :: diminutive of vuelta
vueltilla {f} :: diminutive of vuelta
vuelto {m} :: change (money given back)
vuelve a la vida {m} :: a cocktail made of various seafoods and other ingredients
vuelvepiedras {m} :: turnstone (bird)
vuesa {pron} [possessive, archaic] :: your
vuesa merced {pron} [archaic, formal] :: your grace; your mercy; you
vuesarced {pron} [archaic, formal] :: your grace; your mercy; you
vuesas {pron} [possessive, archaic] :: your
vuesasted {pron} :: alternative form of vuesarced
vueselencia {pron} [archaic, formal] :: Your Excellency
vueseñoría {mf} [obsolete] :: Your Honour; your Honor
vueso {pron} [possessive, archaic] :: your
vuesos {pron} [possessive, archaic] :: your
vuestra {pron} :: feminine singular of vuestro
vuestra {adj} :: feminine singular of vuestro
vuestra merced {pron} [archaic, formal] :: your grace; your mercy; you
vuestras {pron} [possessive] :: feminine plural of vuestro Yours
vuestras {adj} [possessive] :: feminine plural of vuestro Yours, your, to you
vuestras mercedes {pron} [archaic, formal] :: plural of vuestra merced your graces; m'lords; you (plural)
vuestro {pron} [possessive] :: Yours
vuestro {adj} [possessive] :: Yours, your, to you
vuestros {pron} [possessive] :: plural of vuestro yours
vuestros {adj} [possessive] :: plural of vuestro yours, your, to you
vulcaniano {adj} [science fiction] :: Vulcan
vulcanismo {m} :: volcanism
vulcanización {f} :: vulcanization
vulcanizador {m} :: vulcanizer
vulcanizadora {f} [Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru] :: a tire repair shop
vulcanizar {v} :: vulcanize (to harden rubber with heat)
vulcanóloga {f} :: feminine noun of vulcanólogo
vulcanología {f} :: volcanology
vulcanológico {adj} :: volcanological
vulcanólogo {m} :: vulcanologist
vulgar {adj} :: vulgar
vulgariana {f} :: feminine noun of vulgariano
vulgariano {m} :: vulgarian
vulgaridad {f} :: vulgarity
vulgaridad {f} :: vulgarism
vulgarísimo {adj} :: superlative of vulgar
vulgarismo {m} :: vulgarism
vulgarización {f} :: popularization
vulgarización {f} :: vulgarization
vulgarizar {vt} :: to vulgarise (to make something vulgar)
vulgarmente {adv} :: commonly, generally, ordinarily, usually
vulgarmente {adv} :: popularly
Vulgata {prop} {f} :: Vulgate (a fourth-century Bible translation into Latin)
vulgo {m} :: the common people, the masses
vulgo {adv} :: commonly known as
vulka {f} [Mexico, colloquial, nonstandard] :: a tire repair shop
vulkanizadora {f} [nonstandard] :: alternative spelling of vulcanizadora
vulnerabilidad {f} :: vulnerability, vulnerableness
vulnerable {adj} :: vulnerable
vulneración {f} :: infringement
vulnerar {v} :: to damage or injure
vulnerar {v} :: to violate, to breach, to undermine, to infringe upon, to impinge upon, to contravene
vulpécula {f} :: vixen
vulpeja {f} :: vixen
vulpino {adj} :: vulpine (relating to foxes)
vulpino {adj} :: crafty
vulva {f} [anatomy] :: vulva (the external female sexual organs)
vulvar {adj} :: vulvar
vulvovaginitis {f} :: vulvovaginitis
vusted {pron} :: you
vustedes {pron} :: plural of vusted
vuvuzela {f} :: vuvuzela
Vzla. {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Venezuela