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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-d

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
d10 {n} :: D10
d12 {n} :: D12
d20 {n} :: D20
d4 {n} :: D4
d6 {n} :: D6
d8 {n} :: D8
dab {v} (apply softly tapping) :: примочувати {impf}, примочити {pf}
dacha {n} (Russian villa or summer house) :: дача {f}
dachshund {n} (breed of dog) :: такса {f}
Dacia {prop} (ancient kingdom and Roman province) :: Дакія {f}
dacite {n} (an igneous, volcanic rock with a high iron content) :: дацит
dactylic {adj} :: дактилічний
dad {n} (informal: a father) :: тато {m}, татусь {m}, татко {m}, неньо {m}
daddy {n} (father) :: тато {m}, татусь {m}
daddy longlegs {n} (cranefly) SEE: cranefly ::
Daegu {prop} (city in South Korea) :: Тегу {m}
daffodil {n} (flower) :: нарцис {m}
Dagestan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Дагестан {m}, Даґестан {m}
dagga {n} (cement) SEE: cement ::
dagger {n} (a stabbing weapon) :: кинджал {m}
daikon {n} (large white radish) :: дайкон {m}, японська редька {f}, китайська редька {f}
dairy {n} (place, where milk is processed) :: молочарня {f}, маслоробня {f}
dairy {n} (products produced from milk) :: молочка {f}, молочні вироби {m-p}, молочні продукти {m-p}, набіл {m} [regional]
Dalai Lama {n} (the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism) :: далай-лама {m}
dale {n} (valley) :: долина {f}
Dalmatian {prop} (extinct Romance language of Croatia) :: далматинська мова {f}
dam {n} (structure placed across a flowing body of water) :: гребля {f}, дамба {f}
damage {n} (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm) :: пошкодження, шкода, збитки
damage {n} (cost or expense) :: шкода, збитки
damage {v} (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction) :: пошкоджувати, шкодити, псувати, завдавати зибитків
damage {v} :: шкода
Damascus {prop} (the capital city of Syria) :: Дамаск {m}
damask {n} (fabric) :: дамаст {m}
Damian {prop} (male given name) :: Дам'ян {m}
damn {v} (theology: to condemn to hell) :: проклинати {impf}, проклясти {pf}
damn {adj} (generic intensifier) :: проклятий
damp {adj} (Being in a state between dry and wet) :: сирий
damp {n} (moisture) :: волога, вологість
damsel in distress {n} (young woman perceived as being in a dangerous situation.) :: діва у біді {f}
dance {n} (movements to music) :: танець {m}, танок {m}
dance {v} (move rhythmically to music) :: танцювати {impf}
dancer {n} (person who dances) :: танцюрист {m}
dancer {n} (a female person who dances) :: танцюристка {f}
dandelion {n} (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum) :: кульбаба {f}
dandruff {n} (skin flakes) :: лупа {f}
Dane {n} (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) :: данці {p}, данка {f}, данець {m}
Danelaw {prop} (part of Great Britain) :: Данелаг
dang {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
danger {n} (exposure to likely harm) :: небезпека {f}
danger {n} (instance or cause of liable harm) :: небезпека {f}, загроза {f}
dangerous {adj} (full of danger) :: небезпечний
Daniel {prop} :: Данило
Danish {prop} (language) :: датська мова {f}
Danish {adj} (of Denmark) :: датський, данський
Danish {n} (native of Denmark) SEE: Dane ::
Danish crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
Dantean {adj} (of or pertaining to Dante or his style) SEE: Dantesque ::
Dantesque {adj} (of or pertaining to Dante or his style, with elevated tone and somber focus) :: дантівські
Danube {prop} (river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea) :: Дунай {m}
Danzig {prop} (Gdańsk) SEE: Gdańsk ::
Dardanelles {prop} (strait) :: Дарданелли {f-p}
dare {v} (to have courage) :: сміти {impf}, дерзати {impf}, наважуватися {impf}, наважитися {pf}
daredevil {n} (person who engages in risky behavior) :: шибайголова {m} {f}, зірвиголова {m} {f}, смільчак {m}, сміливець {m}, молодець {m}
Darius {prop} (any of several Persian kings) :: Дарій {m}
dark {adj} (having an absolute or relative lack of light) :: темний
dark matter {n} (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation) :: тéмна матéрія {f}
darkness {n} (state of being dark) :: темрява {f}, тьма {f}, морок {m}, темнота {f}, темнота {f}
darn {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {interj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {v} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {v} (stitch with thread) :: церувати, зацеровувати, зацерувати {pf}
Darwinism {n} (principles of natural selection) :: дарвінізм {m}
dash {n} (colloquial: hyphen) SEE: hyphen ::
dash {n} (typographic symbol) :: тире {n}, риска {f}
dash {n} (short run) :: спринт {m}
data {n} (information) :: дані {n-p}
databank {n} (database) SEE: database ::
database {n} (collection of information) :: база даних {f}
database {n} (software program) :: база даних {f}
database management system {n} (suite of interrelated computer programs) :: система керування базами даних {f}
data set {n} (modem) SEE: modem ::
date {n} (fruit of the date palm) :: фінік {m}
date {n} (that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.) :: дата {f}
dated {adj} (out of date) :: постарілий
date of birth {n} (birthday) SEE: birthday ::
date of birth {n} (date and year when something was born) :: дата народження {f}
dative {adj} (grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object) :: давальний
dative {n} (dative case) SEE: dative case ::
dative case {n} (case used to express direction towards an indirect object) :: давальний відмінок {m}, давальний {m}
daub {n} (crude or amateurish painting) :: мазня {f}
Daugava {prop} (river in Europe) :: Західна Двіна {f}, Даугава {f}
daughter {n} (female offspring) :: дочка {f}, донька {f}
daughter-in-law {n} (wife of one's child) :: невістка {f}
David {prop} (king of Israel) :: Давид
daw {n} (Coloeus monedula) SEE: jackdaw ::
daw {v} (dawn) SEE: dawn ::
dawn {n} (morning twilight period) :: зоря {f}, світанок {m}
dawn {n} (rising of the sun) :: схід {m}
day {n} (period of 24 hours) :: день {m}, доба {f}
day {n} (period from midnight to the following midnight) :: день, доба {f}
day {n} (rotational period of a planet) :: день, доба {f}
day {n} (part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.) :: день
day {n} (period between sunrise and sunset) :: день
day {n} :: день {m}, доба {f}
day after tomorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow; in two days - translation entry) :: післязавтра, позавтра
day before yesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday - translation entry) :: позавчора
daybook {n} (A daily chronicle; a diary) SEE: diary ::
daydream {n} (a spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts) :: марення {n}, мрія {f}
daydream {v} (to have such a series of thoughts) :: мріяти {impf}
day off {n} (a day of vacation etc.) :: вихідний день {m}, вихідний {m}
deacon {n} (a designated minister of charity in the early Church) :: диякон {m}
dead {adj} (no longer alive) :: мертвий
dead end {n} (street or path that goes nowhere) :: глухий кут
dead-end {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end ::
deadfall {n} (cheap, rough bar or saloon) SEE: dive ::
deadlift {n} (weight training exercise) :: мертве зведення {n}
deadline {n} (date on or before which something must be completed) :: строк {m}, термін {m}
deadly nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade; Atropa belladonna) :: белладонна {f}
Dead Sea {prop} (lake in the Middle East) :: Мертве море {n}
deaf {adj} (unable to hear) :: глухий
deaf aid {n} (hearing aid) SEE: hearing aid ::
deaf-mute {adj} (unable to hear or speak) :: глухонімий
deafness {n} (condition of being deaf) :: глухота {f}, глухість {f}
deal {v} (to give out as one’s portion or share) :: роздавати, розподіляти
deal {v} (to trade) :: торгувати
deal {v} (to handle, manage) :: мати справу, відати
deal {n} (agreement, arrangement) :: угода
deal {v} (to conduct oneself) SEE: behave ::
dear {adj} (loved; lovable) :: дорогий, милий, любий
dear {adj} (formal way of addressing) :: дорогий, шановний
dear {n} (a very kind, loving person) :: коханий {m}
dear {adj} (high in price; expensive) SEE: expensive ::
death {n} (cessation of life) :: смерть {f}
death camp {n} (facility) :: табір смерті {m}
death seat {n} (the front passenger seat of an automobile) SEE: shotgun ::
Debaltseve {prop} (city) :: Дебальцеве {m}
Debaltsevo {prop} (Debaltseve) SEE: Debaltseve ::
debate {n} (argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting) :: дебати {m-p}, дискусія {f}
debate {n} (informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views) :: дискусія {f}
debate {n} (discussion of opposing views) :: дискусія {f}
debt {n} (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) :: борг {m}, зобов'язання, обов'язок {m}
debt {n} (state or condition of owing something to another) :: борг {m}
debt {n} (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) :: борг {m}
debtor {n} (a person or firm that owes money) :: боржник {m}
debugging {n} (the process of finding and resolving bugs or defects that prevent correct operation of computer software or a system) :: налагодження {n}
decade {n} (period of ten years) :: десятиліття {n}, десятиріччя {n}
decadence {n} (state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration) :: декаданс {m}
decagon {n} (polygon with ten sides) :: десятикутник
Decalogue {prop} (the Ten Commandments) SEE: Ten Commandments ::
decangle {n} (decagon) SEE: decagon ::
decapitate {v} (remove the head of) SEE: behead ::
deceive {v} (trick or mislead) :: обманювати {impf}, обманути {pf}
deceiver {n} (person who lies or deceives) :: дурисвіт {m}, ошукач {m}, ошуканець {m}, бманник {m}, дурилюдок {m}, дурилюд
December {prop} (twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: грудень {m}
decent {adj} (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness) :: пристойний
decentralization {n} (the action of decentralizing) :: децентралізація {f}
deception {n} (instance of actions fabricated to mislead) :: обман {m}
decide {v} (to resolve or settle) :: вирішувати {impf}, вирішити {pf}
decision {n} (choice or judgement) :: рішення {n}, вирішення {n}
decision {n} :: вирішення {f}
deck {n} (pack of playing cards) :: колода {f}
deck {n} (floorlike covering on a ship) :: палуба {f}
declaration {n} (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief) :: заява, декларація
declare {v} (to make a declaration) :: декларувати, оголошувати
declare {v} (to announce one's support, choice, opinion, etc) :: декларувати, заявляти
declare {v} (to announce something formally or officially) :: оголошувати, заявляти
declension {n} (act) :: відміна {f}
declension {n} (way of categorizing) :: відміна {f}
declination {n} (declension) SEE: declension ::
decline {n} (downward movement, fall) :: зниження, спад
decline {v} (inflect) :: відмінювати {impf}
decollate {v} (behead) SEE: behead ::
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a deity or for religious purposes; consecrate) :: присвячувати
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a special use) :: призначати
dedicate {v} (to commit (oneself) to a particular course of thought or action) :: присвячувати себе
dedicate {v} (to address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection) :: підписувати
Ded Moroz {prop} (Father Frost) SEE: Father Frost ::
dedovshchina {n} (bullying in the Soviet/Russian army) :: дідівщина {f}
deed {n} (action) :: дія {f}, діяння {n}, акт {m}
deed {n} (brave or noteworthy action, feat or exploit) :: подвиг {m}
deem {n} (an opinion, judgment) SEE: opinion ::
deen {n} (religion) SEE: religion ::
deen {n} (Islam) SEE: Islam ::
deep {adj} (having its bottom far down) :: глибокий
deep blue {adj} (dark blue) SEE: navy ::
deep-fat fryer {n} (heated vessel for frying food by immersing in hot fat or oil) SEE: deep fryer ::
deep freeze {n} (freezer) SEE: freezer ::
deep fryer {n} (vessel for deep frying) :: фритюрниця {f}
deer {n} (animal of the family Cervidae) :: олень {m}
defamatory {adj} (damaging to someone's reputation) :: наклепницький, який ганьбить
defeat {v} (to overcome in battle or contest) :: поражати {impf}, поразити {pf}
defeat {n} :: поразка {f}
defeatism {n} (acceptance of defeat without struggle) :: дефетизм {m}
defecate {v} :: випорожнюватися {impf}, какати {impf} [childish or colloquial], срати {impf} [vulgar]
defect {n} (fault or malfunction) :: ґандж {m}, вада {f}, дефект {m}, хиба {f}
defence {n} (defence) SEE: defense ::
defenceless {adj} (defenceless) SEE: defenseless ::
defend {v} (ward off attacks against) :: обороняти {impf}, оборонити {pf}, захищати {impf}, захистити {pf}
defender {n} (someone who defends) :: захисник {m}, захисниця {f}
defender {n} (sports term) :: захисник {m}
defense {n} (action of protecting from attack) :: оборона {f}, захист {m}
defenseless {adj} (lacking any form of defense; vulnerable; open to attack) :: беззахисний, беззахисний {m}
defensive {adj} (intended for defence; protective) :: оборонний, захисний
defensive {n} (means, attitude or position) :: оборона {f}
deficit {n} (situation wherein spending exceeds government revenue) :: дефіцит {m}
define {v} (to determine) :: визначати, визначити
definite {adj} (having distinct limits) :: визначений, певний
definite {adj} (free from any doubt) :: визначений
definition {n} (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol) :: означення {n}, визначення {n}, дефініція {f}
defrost {v} (to thaw) :: розморожувати {impf}, розморозити {pf}
defy {n} (challenge) SEE: challenge ::
degree {n} (in geometry: unit of angle) :: градус {m}
degree {n} (unit of temperature) :: градус {m}
degree {n} (amount, proportion, extent) :: ступінь {m}, рівень {m}
degree {n} (academic award) :: ступінь {m}
degree {n} (in graph theory: the number of edges that a vertex takes part in) :: ступінь
degree Celsius {n} (unit of temperature) :: градус Цельсія {m}
deicide {n} (killing) :: боговбивство {n}
deism {n} (belief) :: деїзм {m}
deity {n} :: божество {n}
deity {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
dekulakization {n} (repression of the kulaks) :: розкуркулення {n}
delay {v} (put off until a later time) :: відкладати {impf}, відкласти {pf}
delegate {n} (deputy, envoy, representative) :: делегат {m}, делегатка {f}
delegation {n} (a group of delegates) :: делегація {f}
Delhi {prop} (city in India) :: Делі {m}
deliberate {adj} (intentional) :: навмисний, умисний
deliberately {adv} (intentionally) :: навмисно, свідомо, нароком, умисно, зумисно, нарошне, знарошне, нарочито, знарошна, назнарошне, назнарошки
deliberately {adv} (slowly and carefully) :: поволі, повільно, звагом, прокволисто, несквапно, неквапливо, виважено
delicious {adj} (pleasing to taste) :: смачний
delirium {n} (mental state of confusion) :: бред {m}
deliver {v} (to bring or transport something to its destination) :: доставляти
delivery {n} (act of conveying something) :: доставка {f}
delivery {n} (act of giving birth) :: роди {m-p}, пологи {m-p}, народження {n}
dell {n} (valley) SEE: valley ::
demagogue {n} ((pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument) :: демагог
demand {n} (desire to purchase goods and services) :: потреба, попит
demand {n} (economics: amount a consumer is willing to buy at a particular price) :: потреба, попит
demand {n} (forceful claim for something) :: вимога
demand {n} (need, requirement) :: вимога
demand {v} (to request forcefully) :: вимагати {impf}
demean {n} (behavior; conduct; bearing; demeanor) :: поведінка
demeanor {n} (outward way in which a person behaves) :: поведінка {f}
Demeter {prop} (Greek goddess of the harvest) :: Деметра {f}
Demetrius {prop} (male given name) :: Дмитро {m}
demigod {n} (a half-god or hero) :: напівбог {m}
demilitarized zone {n} (area) :: демілітаризована зона {f}
democracy {n} (rule by the people) :: демократія {f}
democracy {n} (government under the rule of its people) :: демократія {f}
democrat {n} (supporter of democracy) :: демократ {m}, демократка {f}
democratic {adj} (pertaining to democracy) :: демократичний
Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} (country in East Asia (official name)) :: Корейська Народно-Демократична Республіка {f}
Democratic Republic of the Congo {prop} (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire) :: Демократична Республіка Конго {f}
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka {prop} (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) :: Демократична Соціалістична Республіка Шрі-Ланка {f}
democratize {v} (to make democratic) :: демократизувати {impf} {pf}
demographic {adj} (of or pertaining to demography) :: демографічний
demographical {adj} (demographic) SEE: demographic ::
demolition {n} (the action of demolishing or destroying) :: знесення {n}
demon {n} (evil spirit) :: біс {m}, демон {m}, чорт {m}
demonstration {n} (public display of opinion) :: демонстрація {f}, маніфестація {f}
demonstrator {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
demonstrator {n} (a person involved in a demonstration) :: демонстрант {m}, демонстрантка {m}, маніфестант {m}, маніфестантка {f}
demoralization {n} (act of corrupting or subverting morale) :: деморалізація {f}
demoralize {v} (to destroy morale; to dishearten) :: деморалізовувати {impf}, деморалізувати {pf}
Demotic Greek {n} (Modern Greek vernacular language) :: димотика {f}
den {n} (home of certain animals) :: нора {f}, барліг {m}, лігвище {n}, лігво {n}
dendrochronology {n} (science of counting tree rings) :: дендрохронологія {f}
dendrology {n} (the study of trees) :: дендрологія {f}
Deng {prop} (Chinese surname) :: Ден {m} {f}
denial {n} (negation in logic) :: заперечення {n}
denial {n} (refusal to comply with a request) :: відмова {f}
denial {n} (assertion of untruth) :: спростування {n}
Denmark {prop} (country in Northern Europe) :: Данія {f}
denomination {n} (name, designation, or title) :: найменування, позначення
denomination {n} (class or society with the same name, a sect) :: віросповідання, конфесія
denomination {n} (unit in a series of units) :: вартість
denominator {n} (number or expression written below the line in a fraction) :: знаменник {m}
denote {v} (to indicate, mark) :: позначати
denote {v} (to convey as meaning) :: означати
dense {adj} (having relatively high density) :: густий, щільний
density {n} (physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume) :: щільність {f}, густота {f}, густина {f}, густість {f}
dental {adj} (of or concerning the teeth) :: зубний
dental calculus {n} (crust on the teeth) :: зубний камінь {m}
dental dam {n} (dental dam) :: кофердам {m}
denticity {n} (number of donor groups from a ligand to the central atom of a coordination compound) :: дентатність {f}
dentist {n} (specialized tooth doctor) :: зубний лікар {m}, дантист {m}
deny {v} (disallow) SEE: forbid ::
deny {v} (to assert that something is not true) :: заперечувати, відкидати
deodorant {n} (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm) :: дезодорант {m}
depart {v} (to leave) :: відправлятися {impf}, відправитися {pf}
department {n} (subdivision of organization) :: відділ {m}, департамент {m} [of government]
department store {n} (store containing many departments) :: універмаг {m}
departure {n} (the act of departing) :: відправлення {n}, виїзд {m}, від'ї́зд {m}, [also of flights] виліт {m}
departure {n} (deviation from a plan or procedure) :: відхилення {n}
departure {n} (death) :: смерть {f}, відхід {m}, [obsolete] упокоєння {n}, [obsolete] упокій {m}
depend {v} (be contingent or conditioned) :: залежати {impf}, зависіти {impf}
dependent {adj} (relying upon; depending upon) :: залежний, несамостійний
deplorable {adj} (deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad) :: поганий, кепський
deplorable {adj} (lamentable, to be felt sorrow for, worthy of compassion) :: жалібний, жалібний, плачний
deport {v} (to evict, especially from a country) :: висилати {impf}, вислати {pf}
deportation {n} (act of deporting or exiling) :: депортація {f}, висилка {f}
depressing {adj} (causing depression or sadness) :: гнітючий, тужливий, похмурий, сумний
depression {n} (psychology: state of mind) :: депресія {f}
deprivation {n} (act of depriving) :: позбавлення {n}
depth {n} (vertical distance below a surface) :: глибина {f}
depths {n} (plural of depth) SEE: depth ::
deputy {n} (representative) :: заступник {m}, заступниця {f}
deputy {n} (legislator) :: депутат {m}
derision {n} (act of treating with contempt) :: висміювання {n}, насміхання {n}, глузування {n}
dermal {adj} (of or pertaining to skin or integument) :: шкірний
dermatology {n} (the study of the skin and its diseases) :: дерматологія {f}
dervish {n} (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism) :: дервіш {m}
descend {v} (to pass from a higher to a lower place) :: спускатися {impf}, спуститися {pf}
descendant {n} (one who is the progeny of someone) :: нащадок {m}
descendant {n} (later evolutionary type) :: нащадок {m}
descent {n} (lineage or hereditary derivation) :: походження {n}
describe {v} (to represent in words) :: описувати {impf}, описати {impf}
description {n} (account in words) :: опис {m}
description word {n} (adjective) SEE: adjective ::
descriptivism {n} (describing realistic language forms) :: дескриптивізм {m}
descry {v} (see) SEE: see ::
desert {n} (barren area) :: пустеля {f}, пустиня {f}
deserter {n} (person who leaves a military or naval unit) :: дезертир {m}
desertion {n} (deserting) :: дезертирство, залишення, занедбаність
deserve {v} (to merit) :: заслуговувати {impf}, заслужити {pf}
design {n} (art of designing) :: дизайн {m}
designer {n} (person who designs) :: дизайнер {m}
desire {v} (desire) SEE: want ::
desire {v} (wish for earnestly) :: бажати {impf}
desire {n} (something wished for) :: бажання {n}
desire {n} (feeling of desire) :: бажання {n}
desk {n} (table for writing and reading) :: письмовий стіл {m}, стіл {m}, парта {f} [school]
Des Moines {prop} (the capital city of the state of Iowa) :: Де-Мойн {m}
despair {n} (loss of hope) :: відчай {m}, відчай {m}, розпач {m}, розпука {f}
desperate {n} (filled with despair) :: розпачливий
despicable {adj} (deserving to be despised) :: нікчемний
despise {v} (to regard with contempt or scorn) :: зневажати {impf}
despite {prep} (in spite of) :: незважаючи на, всупереч
despot {n} (ruler with absolute power; tyrant) :: деспот {m}
despotism {n} (government by a singular authority) :: деспотизм {m}
dessert {n} (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal) :: десерт {m}
destination {n} (the act of destining or appointing) :: призначення
destination {n} (purpose for which anything is destined) :: призначення
destination {n} (the place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent) :: пункт призначення
destiny {n} (predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things) SEE: fate ::
destroy {v} (to damage beyond use or repair) :: нищити {impf}, руйнувати, розвалити
destroy {v} (to cause destruction) :: руйнувати
detachment {n} (separation) :: відділення, відокремлення, відірваність, відчуження, роз'єднання
detachment {n} (indifference) :: відчуженість, відчуження, безстрасність
detachment {n} (impartiality) :: відділення, безсторонність, безстрасність
detachment {n} (military unit) :: загін, відділення
detail {n} (something small enough to escape casual notice) :: деталь {f}
detail {n} (uncountable: a profusion of details) :: деталь {f}
detail {n} (something considered trivial enough to ignore) :: деталь {f}, подробиця {f}, докладність {f}
detail {n} (military: temporary unit) :: наряд {m}
detain {v} (to detain) SEE: hold ::
detain {v} (put under custody) :: затримувати {impf}, затримати {pf}
detect {v} (to detect) SEE: notice ::
detective {n} (police officer who looks for evidence) :: детектив {m}, нишпорка {f} [sleuth], слідець {m}, сищик {m} [rare]
deterioration {n} (process of making or growing worse) :: погіршення {n}
determinative {n} (determiner) SEE: determiner ::
determine {v} (to set the limits of) :: встановлювати, обмежувати
determine {v} (to ascertain definitely) :: визначати
determined {adj} (decided or resolute) :: рішучий
determiner {n} (class of words) :: визначник {n}
detritivore {n} (organism that feeds on detritus) :: детритофаги
dette {n} (debt) SEE: debt ::
deuteragonist {n} (second most important character) :: девтерагоніст {m}
deuteragonist {n} (second actor) :: девтерагоніст {m}
develop {v} (to progress) :: розвиватися {impf}, розвинутися {pf}
develop {v} (to progress through stages) :: розвивати {impf}, розвити {pf}, розвинути {pf}
developer {n} (real estate developer) :: забудовник {m}, девелопер {m}
development {n} (process of developing) :: розвиток {m}
development {n} :: розвиток
device {n} (piece of equipment) :: пристрій {m}
devil {n} (a creature of hell) :: чорт {m}, біс {m}, диявол {m}, дідько {m}
devilish {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a devil) :: чортячий, диявольський, сатанинський
devil's advocate {n} :: адвокат диявола
Devon {prop} (English county) :: Девон {m}
devote {v} (to commit oneself for a certain matter) :: присвячувати, приділяти
dew {n} (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc) :: роса {f}
dexterous {adj} (skillful with one's hands) :: спритний, зграбний, умілий
diabetes {n} (A group of metabolic diseases) :: діабет {m}
diachronic linguistics {n} (historical linguistics) SEE: historical linguistics ::
diagnosis {n} (identification of the nature and cause of an illness) :: діагноз {m}
diagnostic {adj} (of, or relating to diagnosis) :: діагностичний
diagnostics {n} (the process of determining the state of or capability of a component) :: діагностика {f}
diagonal {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
diagram {n} (graph or chart) :: діаграма {f}, графік {m}
dial {n} (sundial) SEE: sundial ::
dial {n} (clock face) SEE: clock face ::
dialect {n} (particular variety of a language) :: діалект {m}, наріччя {n}, говір {m}
dialectology {n} (the study of dialects) :: діалектологія {f}
dialog {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (computing: dialogue box) SEE: dialogue ::
dialogue {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) :: діалог {m}, розмова {f}, бесіда {f}
diameter {n} (line) :: діаметр {m}
diametrically {adv} (on exactly the opposite side) :: діаметрально
diamond {n} (rhombus) SEE: rhombus ::
diamond {n} (uncountable: mineral) :: алмаз {m}, діамант {m}
diamond {n} (gemstone) :: діамант {m}
diamond {adj} (made of, or containing diamond) :: діамантовий
diaper {n} (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent) :: підгузок {m}, підгузник {m}, памперс {m}, пелена {f}, пелюшка {f}
diarrhea {n} (medical condition) :: пронос {m}, різачка {f}, бігунка {f}, срачка {f} [vulgar]
diary {n} (daily log of experiences) :: щоденник {m}
diaspora {n} (dispersion of a group of people) :: діаспора {f}
Diaspora {prop} (dispersion of a group of people) SEE: diaspora ::
dice {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) SEE: die ::
dichotomy {n} (separation or division into two) :: дихотомія {f}
dick {n} (slang: penis) :: хуй {m}, [of children] пісюн {m}
dickhead {n} ((slang) glans penis) :: залупа {f} [vulgar]
dickhead {n} ((slang) stupid person) :: хуйло {n}
dickhead {n} (glans penis) SEE: glans penis ::
dicotyledon {n} (in botany) :: дводольні
dictation {n} (an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down) :: диктант {m}
dictator {n} (totalitarian leader of a dictatorship) :: диктатор {m}
dictatorship {n} (a government led by a dictator) :: диктатура {f}
dictionary {n} (publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words) :: словник {m}
dictionary {n} (an associative array) :: словник {m}
didgeridoo {n} (Australian musical instrument) :: діджеріду
didukh {n} (a Ukrainian Christmas sheaf of wheat used in rituals around Christmas and Epiphany traditionally believed to contain ancestor spirits) :: дідух {m}
die {v} (to stop living) :: умирати {impf}, умерти {pf}, померти {pf}, помирати {impf}, померти {pf}, гинути {impf} [perish], згинути {pf}
die {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) :: кістка {f}
diet {n} (food a person or animal consumes) :: дієта {f}, ї́жа {f}
differ {v} (not to have the same characteristics) :: відрізнятися, різнитися
difference {n} (quality of being different) :: різниця {f}
difference {n} (arithmetic: result of a subtraction) :: різниця {f}
different {adj} (not the same) :: інший, відмінний
different {adj} (unlike most others) :: різний, інший
difficult {adj} (hard, not easy) :: важкий, трудний
difficulty {n} (state of being difficult) :: важкість {f}, трудність {f}, тяжкість {f}
dig {v} (to move hard-packed earth out of the way) :: копати {impf}, рити {impf}
dig {v} (get by digging, take up from the ground) :: викопувати {impf}, викопати {pf}, виривати {impf}, вирити {pf}
digest {v} (to separate food in the alimentary canal) :: перетравлювати, травити
digest {v} (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind) :: засвоювати
digest {n} (compilation of statutes or decisions analytically arranged) :: збірник
digest {n} (magazine of abridged articles) :: дайджест
digestion {n} (process in gastrointestinal tract) :: травлення {n}
digger {n} (spade (playing card)) SEE: spade ::
digger {n} (large piece of machinery) :: екскаватор {m}
digit {n} (finger or toe) :: палець {m}
digit {n} (numeral) :: цифра {f}
digital {adj} (having to do or performed with a finger) :: пальцьовий
digital {adj} (representing discrete values) :: цифровий
digital {adj} (of or relating to computers) :: цифровий
digitalization {n} (digitization) SEE: digitization ::
digitization {n} (conversion of data from digital) :: оцифровування {n}, диджиталізація {f}
dignified {adj} (respectable) :: гідний
dignity {n} (quality or state) :: достоїнство {n}, гідність {f}
digs {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
dilation {n} (delay) SEE: delay ::
dildo {n} (artificial phallus) :: фалоімітатор {m}
dilemma {n} (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives) :: дилема {f}
dilettantism {n} (the act of behaving like a dilettante, of being an amateur) :: дилетантизм {m}
diligence {n} (qualities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, perseverance) :: старанність {f}, ретельність {f}, дбайливість {f}, пильність {f}, загарливість {f}, працьовитість {f}, працелюбність {f}
diligent {adj} (hard-working and focused) :: старанний, пильний, ретельний
dill {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
dill {n} (herb of the species Anethum graveolens) :: кріп {m}, окріп {m}
dim-bulb {adj} (slow-witted, stupid) SEE: stupid ::
dimension {n} (measure of spatial extent) :: розмір {m}
dinar {n} (official currency of several countries) :: динар {m}
dine {v} (to eat; to eat dinner or supper) :: вечеряти {impf}, повечеряти {pf}
ding-a-ling {n} (dick) SEE: dick ::
dining room {n} (room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten) :: їдальня {f}
dinner {n} (main meal of the day) :: вечеря {f} [eaten in the evening, but the midday meal is the main meal]
dinner {n} (midday meal) :: обід {m}
dinner jacket {n} (type of formal suit) SEE: tuxedo ::
dinosaur {n} (extinct reptile) :: динозавр {m}
diocese {n} (region administered by a bishop) :: єпархія {f}, діоцез {m}, дієцезія {f}
dioptrics {n} (study of the refraction of light) :: діоптрика {f}
diphthong {n} (complex vowel sound) :: дифтонг {m}, двоголосний
diplodocus {n} (dinosaur) :: диплодок {m}
diploma {n} (certificate) :: диплом {m}
diplomacy {n} (art of conducting international relations) :: дипломатія {f}
diplomat {n} (person who is accredited to represent a government) :: дипломат {m}
diplomatics {n} (science of authenticating, dating, and interpreting old official documents) :: дипломатика
diplomatist {n} (diplomat) SEE: diplomat ::
dipyramid {n} (geometry) :: діпіраміда
direct {adj} (Straight, constant, without interruption) :: прямий, безпосередній
direct {v} (to manage, control, steer) :: керувати
direct {v} (to aim at) :: скеровувати
direction {n} (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) :: напрямок {m}, напрям {m}, керунок {m}
directions {n} (direction) SEE: direction ::
directly {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
director {n} (supervisor, manager, see also: film director) :: директор {m}, режисер {m} [film]
directory {n} (structured listing of files) :: папка {f}, каталог {m}, директорія {f}
dirigible {n} (a self-propelled airship that can be steered) :: дирижабль {m}
dirt {n} (soil or earth) :: бруд {m}
dirt {n} (previously unknown negative information, kompromat) :: компромат {m}
dirty {adj} (covered with or containing dirt) :: брудний
disable {v} (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: деактивувати {impf} {pf}, вимикати {impf}, відключати {impf}
disallow {v} (to refuse to allow) SEE: forbid ::
disappear {v} (to vanish) :: зникати {impf}, зникнути {pf}
disappoint {v} (to displease by underperforming etc.) :: розчаровувати {impf}, розчарувати {pf}
disappointed {adj} (defeated of hope or expectation) :: розчарований
disappointment {n} (emotion) :: розчарування {n}
disapprove {v} (to refuse to approve) SEE: reject ::
disarmament {n} (the reduction of military forces and armaments) :: роззброєння {n}
disaster {n} (unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage, etc.) :: катастрофа {f}, лихо {n}, нещастя {n}, горе {n}, біда {f}
disc {n} (disk) SEE: disk ::
discard {v} (to throw away, reject) :: відкидати, відмовлятися
discard {v} (to discard, set aside) SEE: remove ::
discipline {n} (controlled behaviour, self-control) :: дисципліна {f}
disco {n} (discotheque) :: дискотека {f}
discontent {n} (dissatisfaction) SEE: dissatisfaction ::
discount {n} (reduction in price) :: знижка {f}
discover {v} (expose something previously covered) :: виявити, знайти
discover {v} (find something for the first time) :: відкривати, виявлят́и
discovery {n} (something discovered) :: відкриття {n}
discrimination {n} (distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage) :: дискримінація {f}
discus {n} (round plate-like object for throwing) :: диск {m}
discuss {v} (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic) :: дискутувати {impf}, обговорювати {impf} обговорити {pf}
discussion {n} (conversation or debate) :: дискусія {f}, обміркування {f}
discus throw {n} (athletic event where a discus is thrown) :: метання диска {n}
disdain {n} (feeling of contempt or scorn) :: прозріння {n}, презирство {n}
disdainful {adj} (showing contempt or scorn) :: презирливий, погордливий
disease {n} (an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction) :: хвороба {f}
disgrace {n} (condition of being out of favor) :: ганьба {f}, сором {m}
disgrace {n} (state of being dishonored) :: ганьба {f}
disgust {n} (an intense dislike or repugnance) :: відраза {f}
disgusting {adj} (repulsive, distasteful) :: огидний, гидкий, відворотний, обридливий, противний
dish {n} (vessel for holding/serving food) :: тарілка {f}, миска {f}, блюдо
dish {n} (contents of such a vessel) :: страва
dish {n} (specific type of food) :: страва
dish {n} (type of antenna) :: тарілка
dishonest {adj} (not honest) :: нечесний, несумлінний
dishware {n} (crockery) :: посуд {m-p}
dishwasher {n} (machine) :: посудомийна машина {f}
disinformation {n} (intentionally false information) :: дезінформація {f}
disk {n} (a thin, flat, circular plate) :: диск {m}
disk {n} (something resembling a disk) :: диск {m}
disk {n} (intervertebral disc) :: диск {m}
disk {n} (a vinyl phonograph/gramophone record) :: пластинка {f}, диск {m}
disk {n} (a computer's hard disk) :: диск {m}
diskette {n} (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data) SEE: floppy disk ::
dislike {n} (feeling of distaste) :: неприязнь {f}, антипатія {f}
dismiss {v} (to discharge) :: звільняти {impf}, звільнити {pf}
dismiss {v} (to order to leave) :: відпускати
dismissal {n} (deprivation of office) :: звільнення {n}, звільняння {n}
disobedience {n} (refusal to obey) :: непокора {f}, непокірність {f}, неслухняність {f}
disobedient {adj} (not obedient) :: непокірний, неслухняний [esp. of a child]
disorder {n} (absence of order) :: безладдя {n}, безлад {m}, нелад {m}, розгардіяш {m} [colloquial], непорядок {m}
disorder {n} (physical or psychical malfunction) :: розлад {m}
disorganized schizophrenia {n} (disorganized schizophrenia) :: гебефрéнія {f}
dispatch {n} (dismissal) SEE: dismissal ::
dispel {v} (to drive away by scattering) :: розвіювати, розсіювати
displace {v} (to move something or someone) :: переміщати
displace {v} (to supplant, or take the place of something or someone; to substitute) :: витісняти, заміщати
displacement {n} (physics: vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component) :: переміщення
display {n} (electronic screen) :: дисплей {m}
display {v} (to show conspicuously) :: показувати {impf}, показати {pf}
disprove {v} (to refute) :: спростовувати {impf}, спростувати {pf}
disputable {adj} (of opinions, propositions or questions, subject to dispute) :: спірний
disrespect {n} (lack of respect) :: неповага {f}
dissatisfaction {n} (unhappiness or discontent) :: невдоволеність {f}, невдоволення {c}
disservice {n} (service that results in harm) :: ведмежа послуга {f} [bear's service]
dissident {n} (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws) :: дисидент {m}, дисидентка {f}
dissimilar {adj} (not similar) :: несхожий, неподібний, відмінний
dissolve {v} (intransitive: to be disintegrated into a solution by immersion) :: розчинятися {impf}, розчинитися {pf}
distaff {n} (device to which fibres are attached for temporary storage) :: прясельце {n}, пряслице {n}, прясло {n}, прясниця {f}
distaff {n} (part of a spinning wheel) :: прясельце {n}, пряслице {n}, прясло {n}, прясниця {f}
distance {n} (amount of space between two points) :: віддалення {n}, відстань {f}, віддаль {f}, дистанція {f}
distant {adj} (far off) :: далекий
distilled water {n} (water that has been purified by distillation) :: дистильована вода
distinct {adj} (very clear) :: чіткий, ясний, виразний
distinct {adj} (different from one another) :: окремий, особливий
distinct {adj} (noticeably different) :: особливий
distinguishable {adj} (able, or easily able to be distinguished) :: відмінний
distract {v} (To divert the attention of) :: відволікати {impf}, відволікти {pf}
distress {n} ((cause of) discomfort) :: горе {n}, лихо {n}, страждання {n}
distress {n} (serious danger) :: небезпека {f}, загроза {f}
district {n} (administrative division) :: округ, район
distrustful {adj} (marked by distrust; doubtful; suspicious) :: недовірливий {m}
disturb {v} (confuse or irritate) :: турбувати {impf}, мішати {impf}, тривожити {impf}, перешкоджати {impf}, непокоїти {impf}
disturbing {adj} (causing distress or worry) :: тривожний [alarming]
ditch {n} (trench) :: рів {m}, канава {f}, траншея {f}
dittany {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
ditto {adv} (likewise) SEE: likewise ::
diuresis {n} (excessive production of urine, see also: polyuria) :: діурез {m}
diurnal {adj} (happening during daylight; primarily active during the day) :: денний
diurnal {adj} (botany; of flowers open or releasing perfume during the day) :: денний
diurnal {adj} (having a daily cycle) :: добовий
diurnal {adj} (done once every day) :: щоденний
divan {n} (sofa) :: диван {m}
divan {n} (council) :: диван {m}
dive {v} (to swim under water) :: ниряти {impf}
dive {v} (to jump into water) :: пірнати {impf}, пірнути {pf}
diver {n} (the loon (bird)) SEE: loon ::
diverse {adj} (various) :: різний, різноманітний
diverse {adj} (different) :: різноманітний
divertimento {n} (eighteenth-century composition in several short movements) :: дивертисмент {m}
divest {v} (undress) SEE: undress ::
divide {v} (split into two or more parts) :: ділити {impf}
divine {n} (a deity) SEE: deity ::
divine {adj} (of or pertaining to a god) :: божественний, божий
diving {n} (practice of swimming underwater) :: дайвінг {m}
diving board {n} (springboard) SEE: springboard ::
divinity {n} (deity) SEE: deity ::
divinity {n} (godhood, state of being God or a god) :: божественність {f}
divisim {adv} (formal: separately) SEE: separately ::
division {n} (act or process of dividing anything) :: розділ, поділ, ділення, розділення {n}
division {n} (each of the parts resulting from division) :: частина {f}, частка
division {n} (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another) :: ділення {n}
division {n} (arithmetic: calculation involving this process) :: ділення {n}
division {n} (large military unit) :: дивізія {f}
division {n} (section of a large company) :: відділ {m}, відділення {n}, підрозділ {m}
division {n} (disagreement; a difference of viewpoint) :: розбіжність {f}, поділ {m}, розділ {m}
divorce {n} (legal dissolution of a marriage) :: розлучення {n}
divorce {v} (to end one's own marriage) :: розлучатися {impf}, розлучитися {pf}, розводитися {impf}, розвестися {pf}
divorced {adj} (having had one's marriage legally dissolved) :: розлучений, розведений
divvy up {v} (divide) SEE: divide ::
Diwali {prop} (Hindu festival of lights) :: Дівалі {m}, Діпавалі {m}
dizziness {n} (state of being dizzy) :: запаморочення (голови)
dizzyness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness ::
Djibouti {prop} (Republic of Djibouti) :: Джибуті {f}
Dnepropetrovsk {prop} (Dnipropetrovsk) SEE: Dnipropetrovsk ::
Dnieper {prop} (river to the Black Sea) :: Дніпро {m}, Дніпр {m}
Dniester {prop} (river in Europe) :: Дністер {m}
Dnipro {prop} (city) :: Дніпро {m}
Dnipropetrovsk {prop} (city) :: Дніпропетровськ {m}
do {v} (perform, execute) :: робити {impf}, зробити {pf}
doable {adj} (possible to do) SEE: feasible ::
dobra {n} (official currency of São Tomé and Príncipe) :: добра
Dobruja {prop} (region) :: Добруджа
do business {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
dock {n} (fixed structure to which a vessel is secured) :: причал {m}
doctor {n} (person who has attained a doctorate) :: доктор {m}
doctor {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
doctor {n} (medical doctor) SEE: physician ::
doctorate {n} (highest degree awarded by a university faculty) :: докторський ступінь {m}, докторат {m}
doctrine {n} (belief) :: доктрина {f}, віра {f}
doctrine {n} (body of beliefs or teachings) :: учення {n}, доктрина {f}
document {n} (original or official paper) :: документ {m}
documentary {adj} (of, related to or based on documents/that serves to document something) :: документальний
documentary {n} (documentary film) :: документальний фільм {m}
documentation {n} (documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program) :: документація {f}
dodder {n} (parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta) :: повитиця {f}
dodecahedron {n} (a polyhedron with 12 faces) :: додекаедр {m}
Dodecanese {prop} (an island chain consisting of twelve main islands) :: Додеканес {m}
does anyone here speak English {phrase} (does anyone here speak English?) :: хто-небудь тут говорить англійською?
dog {n} (animal) :: собака {m} {f}, пес {m}
dog {n} (male canine) :: пес {m}, собака {m} {f}
dog {n} (morally reprehensible person, See also scoundrel) :: собака {m} {f}
dog collar {n} (collar for a dog) :: нашийник {m}, ошийник {m}
doge {n} (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa) :: дож {m}
doghouse {n} (kennel) SEE: kennel ::
dogma {n} (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion) :: догма {f}
dogmatism {n} (arrogance in stating opinion) :: догматизм {m}
dog shit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) SEE: bullshit ::
Dog Star {prop} (Sirius) SEE: Sirius ::
dogwood {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Cornus) :: дерен {m}
Doha {prop} (capital of Qatar) :: Доха {f}
do ill {v} (to harm, to injure) SEE: harm ::
doldrum {adj} (boring, uninteresting) SEE: boring ::
doll {n} (a toy in the form of a human) :: лялька {f}, кукла {f}
dollar {n} (designation for specific currency) :: долар {m}
dolly {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
dolphin {n} (aquatic mammal) :: дельфін {m}
dolphinarium {n} :: дельфінарій {m}
dome {n} (architectural element) :: купол {m}
domestic {adj} (of or relating to the home) :: домашній
domestic {adj} (of or relating to activities normally associated with the home, wherever they actually occur) :: домашній
domestic {adj} ((of a domesticated animal) kept by someone) :: домашній, свійський
domestic {adj} (internal to a specific country) :: внутрішній, вітчизняний, місцевий
domestic policy {n} (government's policy) :: внутрішня політика {f}
domestic violence {n} (violence committed in a domestic setting) :: сімейне насильство
Dominic {prop} (male given name) :: Домінік {m}
Dominica {prop} (Commonwealth of Dominica) :: Домініка {f}
Dominican Republic {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Домініканська Республіка {f}
dominoes {n} (game) :: доміно {n}
Domodedovo {prop} (airport in Russia) :: Домодєдово {n}
domovoi {n} (domovoy) SEE: domovoy ::
domovoy {n} (type of house sprite) :: домовик {m}
don {n} (professor) SEE: professor ::
Don {prop} (River in European Russia) :: Дон {m}
Donald Duck {prop} (Disney character) :: Дональд Дак {m}
Donbas {prop} (An industrial region in eastern Ukraine.) :: Донбас {m}
Donbass {prop} (Donbas) SEE: Donbas ::
Donegal {prop} (county in Ireland) :: Донегол {m}
Donets {prop} (one of several rivers) :: Донець {m}
Donetsk {prop} (city) :: Донецьк {m}
Donetsk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state) :: Донецька Народна Республіка {f}
donjon {n} (fortified tower) SEE: keep ::
donkey {n} (a domestic animal, see also: ass) :: осел {m}, віслюк {m}, ішак {m}
Don Quixote {prop} (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel) :: Дон Кіхот {m}
don't {v} (do not) :: не
don't let the door hit you on the way out {phrase} (good riddance) SEE: good riddance ::
don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely) :: дарованому коневі в зуби не дивляться
don't mention it {phrase} (it is too trivial to warrant thanks) :: нема за що, будь ласка
donut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough) SEE: doughnut ::
doofer {n} (remote control for a television) SEE: remote control ::
doogh {n} (yogurt drink) :: тан
doom {n} (death) :: смерть, загибель
doom {n} (destiny, especially terrible) :: доля, приреченість
doom {n} (undesirable fate) :: доля
doom {v} (to condemn) :: прирікати
door {n} (portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle) :: двері {f-p}
doorbell {n} (device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence) :: дверний дзвінок {m}
doorman {n} (man who holds open the door at the entrance to a building) :: швейцар {m}, портьє {m}, консьєрж {m}, консьєржка {f}
doorstep {n} (threshold of a doorway) :: поріг {m}
dopamine {n} (the neurotransmitter) :: дофамін {m}
Dordogne {prop} (department) :: Дордонь {f}
dormitory {n} (room for sleeping) :: почивальня {f}
dormitory {n} (building or part thereof) :: гуртожиток {m}
dormouse {n} (rodent) :: соня {f}
dorsal {adj} (relating to the side in which the backbone is located) :: спинний, хребетний
dorsal fin {n} (fin on a marine animal's back) :: спинний плавець {m}
Dorset {prop} (county of England) :: Дорсет {m}
dose {n} (measured portion of medicine) :: доза {f}
doss-house {n} (sleeping-place for the homeless) :: притулок {m}, нічліжка {f}, приют {m}
dossier {n} (a collection of papers and/or other sources) :: досьє {n}
dot {n} (small spot or mark) :: крапка {f}, точка {f}
dot {n} (punctuation mark) :: крапка {f}
dot {n} (diacritical mark) :: крапка {f}
dot {n} (dot in URL's or email addresses) :: крапка {f}, дот {m}
do time {v} (colloquial: to spend time in prison) :: сидіти
doubloon {n} (former Spanish gold coin) :: дублон {m}
doubt {v} (to lack confidence in) :: сумніватися {impf}
doubt {n} (disbelief or uncertainty (about something)) :: сумнів {m}
doubting Thomas {n} (one who requires proof) :: Хома невіруючий {m}, Фома невіруючий {m}
dough {n} (mix of flour and other ingredients) :: тісто {n}
doughnut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough or batter) :: пончик {m}, пампушка {f}
Douro {prop} (river in northern Portugal and Spain) :: Дуеро {m}, Дору {m}
dove {n} (bird of the family Columbidae) :: голуб {m}
dove's-foot {n} (columbine) SEE: columbine ::
down {adv} (from a high to a low position, downwards) :: вниз, донизу
down {adv} (in a lower position) :: внизу
down {prep} (from one end to another) :: униз
downhill {adj} (easy) SEE: easy ::
downing {n} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
download {v} (to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one) :: завантажити
downpour {n} (heavy rain) :: злива {f}
downsizing {n} (downsizing of the workforce) :: скорочення {n}
downturn {n} (a downward trend, or the beginnings of one) :: спад {m}
down with {interj} (away with) :: геть
doxology {n} (expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn) :: доксологія {f}
do you accept credit cards {phrase} (do you accept credit cards?) :: ви приймаєте кредитну картку?
do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?) :: ви вірите в бога?, ти віриш в бога?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak English? (English specifically)) :: [informal] ти говориш англійською?, [formal or plural] ви говорите англійською?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) :: ви говорите украї́нською?
doze {v} (to sleep lightly or briefly) :: дрімати {impf}
dozen {n} (twelve) :: дюжина {f}
DPRK {prop} (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) SEE: Democratic People's Republic of Korea ::
drachma {n} (currency) :: драхма {f}
draft {n} (current of air coming in) :: протяг {m}
drag {n} (street) SEE: street ::
dragée {n} (a sweet or confection, originally used to administer drugs, medicine, etc.) :: драже {n}
dragline excavator {n} (any of several very large vehicles used for lifting) :: драглайн
dragon {n} (mythical creature) :: змій {m}, змії́ха {f}, дракон {m}, смок {m} [archaic]
dragonfly {n} (insect of the infraorder Anisoptera) :: стрекоза {f}, важка {f}, бабка {f}
dragon fruit {n} (fruit) :: пітахайя {f}, пітайя {f}
dragoon {n} (horse soldier) :: драгун {m}
drain {v} (cause liquid to flow out of) :: спускати, спустити
drain {v} (dry out a wet place) :: висушувати
drain {v} (deplete of energy) :: виснажувати
drain {v} :: сохнути
draisine {n} (light auxiliary rail vehicle) :: дрезина {f}
dram {n} (Greek weight) SEE: drachma ::
drama {n} (theatrical plays) :: драма {f}, п'єса {f}
dramatist {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright ::
drape {n} (curtain, drapery) SEE: curtain ::
draughts {n} (game for two players) :: шашки {f-p}
draughtsman {n} (person skilled at drawing engineering or architectural plans) :: кресляр {m}, рисувальник {m}
draw {v} (to produce a picture) :: рисувати {impf}, нарисувати {pf}, малювати {impf}, намалювати {pf}
draw {v} (to cause) SEE: cause ::
drawback {n} (a disadvantage) :: недолік {m}, перешкода {f}
drawer {n} (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing) :: шухляда {f}, висувний ящик {m}
drawers {n} (plural of drawer) SEE: drawer ::
drawing {n} (picture, likeness, diagram or representation) :: рисунок {m}, малюнок {m}, креслення {n}
dream {n} (imaginary events seen while sleeping) :: сон {m}, сновидіння {n}
dream {n} (hope or wish) :: мрія {f}
dream {v} (see imaginary events while sleeping) :: снитися {impf} [the person dreaming is the object]
dream {v} (to hope, to wish) :: мріяти {impf}, марити {impf}, мріти {impf}
dream {v} (daydream) SEE: daydream ::
dreamcatcher {n} (decorative Native American object) :: ловець снів {m}, вловлювач снів {m}
dreamer {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
Dresden {prop} (capital city of the German Federal State of Saxony) :: Дрезден {m}
dress {v} (to clothe (something or somebody)) :: одягати
dress {v} (to clothe oneself) :: одягатися {impf}
dress {n} (item of clothing worn by a woman) :: плаття {n}, сукня {f}
dress {n} (apparel) :: одежа {f}, одяг {m}
dressing gown {n} (item of clothing) :: халат {m}
drift {n} (shallow place in a river) SEE: ford ::
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: пити {impf}, випити {pf}
drink {n} (served beverage) :: напій {m}
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: пити {impf}, випити {pf}
drinkable {adj} (safe to drink) :: питний
drinker {n} (regular drinker of alcohol) :: п'яниця {m} {f}
drinking {n} (act or session by which drink is consumed) :: пиття
drinking-bout {n} (period of drinking) :: запі́й {m}
drinking straw {n} (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk) :: соломинка {f}
drinking water {n} (water for humans) :: питна вода {f} /pytna voda/
drive {v} (herd (animals) in a particular direction) :: гнати {impf} [concrete], ганяти {impf} [abstract]
drive {v} (operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle)) :: ї́хати {impf} [intransitive, concrete], ї́здити {impf} [intransitive, abstract], вести {impf} [transitive, concrete], водити {impf} [transitive, abstract]
driver {n} (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus) :: водій {m}, шофер {m}
driver {n} (person who drives some other vehicle) :: водій {m}
driver's licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
driver's license {n} (documenting permitting a person to drive) :: водійські права {n-p}, водійське посвідчення {n}
driving licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
drizzle {v} (to rain lightly) :: мрячити
drizzle {n} (light rain) :: мжичка {f}, мряка {f}
dromedary {n} (single-humped camel) :: дромадер {m}
drone {n} (male bee) :: трутень {m}
drone {n} (unmanned aircraft) :: безпілотник {m}
drop {n} (small mass of liquid) :: крапля {f}
drop {v} (to allow to fall from one's grasp) :: упускати {impf}, упустити {pf}
droshky {n} (open horse-drawn carriage, especially in Russia) :: дрожки {f-p}
drought {n} (period of unusually low rain fall) :: засуха {f}
drown {v} (to be suffocated in fluid) :: тонути {impf}, потопати {impf}, утопати {impf}
drown {v} (to deprive of life by immerson in liquid) :: топити {impf}, потопляти {impf}
drug {n} (psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one) :: наркотик {m}
drug addiction {n} (dependency on illegal drugs) :: наркоманія {f}
drugstore {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
drum {n} (musical instrument) :: барабан {m}
drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol) :: п'яний
drunk {n} (habitual drinker) :: п'яниця {m}, пияк {m}, пияка {m}, питець {m}, запивайло {m}
drunk {n} (drinking-bout) SEE: drinking-bout ::
drunkard {n} (person who is habitually drunk) SEE: drunk ::
drunk tank {n} (cell where drunken people are detained until they are sober) :: витверезник {m}
Druskininkai {prop} (town in Lithuania) :: Друскінінкай
Druzhkivka {prop} (city) :: Дружківка {f}
Druzhkovka {prop} (Druzhkivka) SEE: Druzhkivka ::
dry {adj} (free from liquid or moisture) :: сухий
dryad {n} (female tree spirit) :: дріада {f}
drydock {n} (dock that can be drained of water) :: сухий док {m}
dryer {n} (household appliance for drying clothing) :: сушарка {f}
détente {n} (a relaxing of tension, especially between countries) :: розрядка {f}
Dubai {prop} (one of the emirates of the United Arab Emirates) :: Дубай {m}
Dublin {prop} (the capital of the Republic of Ireland) :: Дублін {m}
dubnium {n} (chemical element) :: дубній {m}
Dubrovnik {prop} (Croatian port-city) :: Дубровник
Dubăsari {prop} (city) :: Дубоссари
duchess {n} (female spouse or widow of a duke) :: герцогиня {f}, княгиня {f}
duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess) :: герцогство {n}, князівство {n}
duck {v} (to quickly lower the head or body (intransitive)) :: поринати
duck {v} (to quickly lower the head (transitive)) :: ухиляти
duck {v} (to lower into the water) :: занурювати, заглиблювати, поринати
duck {n} (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae) :: качка {f}
duck {n} (female duck) :: качка {f}
duck {n} (flesh of a duck used as food) :: качка {f}
duck {n} (cotton fabric) :: парусина {f}, грубе полотно {n}
duckling {n} (young duck) :: каченя {n}, каченятко {n}
ductus deferens {n} (vas deferens) SEE: vas deferens ::
dud {n} (loser) SEE: loser ::
due {adj} (of an event, scheduled, expected) :: очікуванний
due {adv} (used with compass directions: directly or exactly) :: точно
due {n} (deserved acknowledgement) :: належне
duel {n} (combat between two persons) :: дуель {f}, двобій
duel {n} (struggle between two parties) :: поєдинок {m}
due to {prep} (caused by) :: через, завдяки [thanks to]
duffel bag {n} (large duffel cloth bag used to carry personal gear) :: речовий мішок {m}, речмішок {m}
duffel coat {n} (hooded coat made from duffel) :: дафлкот {m}
duke {n} (male ruler of a duchy) :: герцог {m}, князь {m}
dukhan {n} (a small restaurant, tavern or a shop in the Caucasus and Crimea) :: духан {m}
dulcimer {n} (musical instrument) :: цимбали
dull {adj} (lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp) :: тупий
duma {n} (lower house of Russian national parliament) :: дума {f}
dumb {adj} (unable to speak) SEE: mute ::
dumbbell {n} (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar) :: гантель {f}
dumbledore {n} (beetle) SEE: beetle ::
dumbledore {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
dumbledore {n} (dandelion) SEE: dandelion ::
dummy {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
dump {v} (to sell below cost or very cheaply) :: демпінгувати {impf}
dumping {n} (selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market) :: демпінг {m}
dumpling {n} (food) :: пельмень {m}, клецька {f} [no filling], галушка {f} [no filling], пиріг {m} [Western Ukraine]
dump truck {n} (heavy truck for carrying loose, bulk cargo) :: самоскид {m}
Dundee {prop} (city) :: Данді {m}
dune {n} (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind) :: дюна {f}, бархан {m}
Dunfermline {prop} (town in Fife) :: Данфермлін {m}
dung {n} (manure) :: гній {m}, кал {m}, екскременти {m-p}
dung beetle {n} (insect of the family Scarabaeidae) :: гнойовик {m}
dunno {contraction} (do (does) not know) :: не знаю
Durex {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
Durex {prop} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
durian {n} (fruit) :: дуріан {m}
during {prep} (for all of a given time interval) :: протягом
during {prep} (within a given time interval) :: під час
Durrës {prop} (Adriatic port city in Albania) :: Дуррес {m}, Дураццо {m}, [dated] Дирахій {m}
Dushanbe {prop} (capital of Tajikistan) :: Душанбе {m}
dusk {n} (period of time at the end of day when sun is below the horizon but before full onset of night) :: сутінки {m-p}
dust {n} (fine, dry particles) :: пил {m}, порох {m}, курява {f}
dustbin {n} (container for trash) SEE: garbage can ::
duster {n} (object used for dusting) :: ганчірка {f}
dustpan {n} (flat scoop for assembling dust) :: совок {m}
Dutch {adj} (of the Netherlands, people, or language) :: голландський, нідерландський
Dutch {prop} (the Dutch language) :: нідерландська {f}, голландська {f}
Dutchman {n} (a Dutch man) :: нідерландець {m}, голландець {m}
Dutchwoman {n} (a Dutch woman) :: нідерландка {f}, голландка {f}
duty {n} (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do) :: борг {m}, обов'язок {m}
duty {n} (tax; tariff) :: мито {n}, збір {m}
dwarf {n} (being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit) :: карлик {m}, гном {m}
dwell {v} (live, reside) :: мешкати {impf}, жити {impf}, проживати {impf}
dweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant ::
dwelling {n} (house or place in which a person lives) :: житло {n}, помешкання {n}
dye {n} (die) SEE: die ::
dyke {n} (ditch) SEE: ditch ::
dynamite {n} (class of explosives) :: динаміт {m}
dynasty {n} (A series of rulers or dynasts from one family) :: династія {f}
dysentery {n} (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines) :: дизентерія {f}
dyslexia {n} (learning disability) :: дислексія {?}
dysprosium {n} (chemical element) :: диспрозій {m}
dzhigit {n} (a brave equestrian in the Caucasus and Central Asia) :: джиґіт {m}, джигіт {m}