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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-c

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
c. {conj} :: abbreviation of comme
c. {f} :: abbreviation of collection
c' {pron} :: apocopic form of ce
c {letter} :: letter
C. {f} [music] :: b-d, bd, BD (bass drum)
ç' {pron} [dated] :: contraction of ce
ç' {pron} [colloquial] :: contraction of ça
ç {letter} :: "c cédille", the letter c with a cedilla
Ç {letter} :: A letter used in writing French, representing /s/
ca {prep} :: abbreviation of circa
CA {m} :: abbreviation of conseil d'administration
CA {m} [Canada, accounting] :: CA; initialism of comptable agréé
ç'a {contraction} :: contraction of ça + a: it has, that has
ça {pron} [colloquial] :: that
ça {pron} :: [informal] this
ça {pron} :: it
ça {pron} [psychoanalysis] :: id
ça {pron} [Louisiana French] :: they
çà {adv} [archaic] :: hither
çà {interj} :: so, well, then (with exhortative or intensive effect)
çà {interj} [archaic] :: la! (expressing strong emotion of anger, surprise etc.)
ça a été {phrase} :: was everything OK?, did it go well?
ça alors {interj} [colloquial] :: well, I never! well blow me down! my goodness! my word!
ça baigne {phrase} [as a question, colloquial] :: how's it going?
cabale {f} :: cabal
cabaliste {m} :: cabalist
cabalistique {adj} :: cabalistic
cabalistiquement {adv} :: cabalistically
caballin {adj} :: caballine
caban {m} :: reefer jacket
cabane {f} :: cabin, hut, shack; shed
cabane {f} [slang] :: prison
cabane {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: workshop
cabanon {m} [archaic] :: hut
cabanon {m} [Provence] :: (holiday) cottage
cabaret {m} :: cabaret
cabaret {m} [Quebec, Louisiana] :: tray (object on which things are carried)
cabaretier {m} :: innkeeper
cabaretier {m} :: person who hosts a cabaret
cabaretière {f} :: feminine noun of cabaretier
cabas {m} :: shopping basket
caberlot {m} [slang] :: noggin, bonce
cabernet {m} :: Cabernet (grape variety)
cabestan {m} :: capstan (vertical cleated drum or cylinder)
cabillaud {m} :: cod
cabillot {m} [obsolete] :: cleat
cabine {f} :: cabin (aeroplane)
cabine de pilotage {f} [aviation] :: cockpit (the compartment in an aircraft in which the pilot sits and from where the craft is controlled)
cabine d'essayage {f} :: fitting room
cabinet {m} [archaic] :: a study
cabinet {m} :: an office, a surgery
cabinet {m} :: a cabinet
cabinet {m} :: a cabinet of government advisors
cabinet {m} [in the plural] :: the toilet, lavatory
cabinet de curiosités {m} :: cabinet of curiosities
cabinet médical {m} :: doctors' surgery; doctors'
câblage {m} :: wiring, cabling (action of laying cables etc or the resulting cables)
câble {m} :: cable
câblé {adj} :: wired, cabled (connected by wires etc)
câble coaxial {m} :: coaxial cable (a transmission line)
câbler {v} :: to cable
câbler {v} :: to twist together into a cable, to cable together
câbleur {m} :: cable guy
câblier {m} :: cable layer; cable ship
câblodiffusion {f} :: cable television
câblodistribution {f} :: cable television
câblogramme {m} :: cablegram
cabochard {adj} [colloquial] :: stubborn
caboche {f} [colloquial, anatomy] :: head
cabochien {adj} :: Cabochien
cabochon {m} :: cabochon
cabochon {m} :: (Typography) cul-de-lampe
cabochon {m} :: Small nail with an ornamental head, especially used in furniture
cabochon {m} :: (Québec) Head
ça boom {phrase} [slang] :: what's up?
ça boom {phrase} [slang] :: what's new?
cabossé {adj} :: dented
cabossé {adj} :: battered
cabosser {vt} [colloquial] :: to dent
cabot {m} [colloquial] :: pooch, mutt, cur (dog)
cabotage {m} :: cabotage
caboter {vi} [nautical] :: to coast (to travel by the coast)
caboter {vi} :: to transport goods or passenger, to provide cabotage
caboteur {m} [nautical] :: coaster
cabotier {m} :: a cabotage ship, a transport ship
cabotin {m} :: ham (actor)
cabotin {m} :: poser
cabotin {adj} :: camp, overly theatrical
cabotinage {m} :: affectedness
cabrer {vt} :: to rear up (horse)
cabri {m} :: kid (young goat)
cabri {m} [Louisiana French] :: goat
cabriolant {adj} :: cavorting
cabriole {f} :: capriole (jump)
cabriole {f} [dressage] :: capriole
cabrioler {vi} :: to caper, cavort
cabriolet {m} :: a cabriolet carriage
cabriolet {m} :: a convertible car
cabriolet {m} :: a knotted cord, each end tied to wood, to tie criminals to by the wrists
cabriolet {m} :: a Directoire style hat type
CAC {prop} {m} [business, economics, finance] :: initialism of w:Cotation Assistée en Continu the electronic trading system used by the Paris Bourse stock exchange
CAC {prop} {m} [stock market, by extension] :: The main stock market index code for the French stock market, the Paris Bourse
caca {m} [childish] :: poo (childish word for excrement)
cacahouète {m} :: alternative spelling of cacahuète
cacahuète {f} :: peanut, goober
cacao {m} :: cocoa
cacaoté {adj} :: with cocoa
cacaotier {m} :: cacao (tree)
cacaotière {f} :: farm growing cocoa
cacaoyer {adj} :: Related to cocoa
cacaoyer {m} :: cacao (tree)
cacaoyère {f} :: cocoa plantation
cacatoès {m} :: cockatoo (bird)
cachalot {m} :: sperm whale
cache {f} :: cache, hiding place for later retrieval
cache {m} :: cover, mask (clipping of cache-oeil, cache-nez, etc.)
cache {m} [computing] :: cache
caché {adj} :: hidden
cache-cache {m} :: hide and seek
cache-col {m} :: muffler; scarf
cachectique {adj} :: cachectic
cachement {m} [rare] :: act of hiding
cachément {adv} [archaic, rare] :: obscurely
cachemire {m} :: cashmere (fabric)
Cachemire {prop} {m} :: Kashmir (region)
cachemiri {m} :: Kashmiri (language)
Cachemiri {prop} {m} :: Kashmiri (person)
Cachemirie {prop} {f} :: feminine noun of Cachemiri
cachemirien {m} :: Kashmiri (language, masculine only)
cachemirien {m} :: Kashmiri (person)
cachemirien {adj} :: Kashmiri
cache-nez {m} :: scarf, muffler
cache-œil {m} :: eyepatch
cache-pot {m} :: cachepot
cacher {vt} :: to hide
cacher {vr} [_, se cacher] :: to hide (oneself)
cacher {adj} :: alternative spelling of casher
cacherout {f} [Judaism] :: kashrut (Jewish dietary laws)
cacheroute {f} :: alternative spelling of cacherout
cacher son jeu {v} [figuratively] :: to keep one's cards close to one's chest
cache-sexe {m} :: cache-sexe
cachet {m} :: seal
cachet {m} :: pill
cachet {m} :: cachet
cacheté {adj} :: sealed
cacheter {vt} :: to seal (put a seal on a letter, a package, a wine bottle, etc.)
cachette {f} :: hideaway, hiding place
cachicame {m} :: armadillo
cachot {m} :: dungeon, prison
cachot {m} [ice hockey] :: penalty box
cachotterie {f} :: mystery, secrecy
cachottier {adj} :: secretive
cacique {m} [historical] :: chieftain (Indian chief in a tribe)
cacique {m} [by extension] :: a very powerful person
cacochymie {f} :: cacochymia
cacochymique {adj} :: cacochymic
cacodyle {m} [organic compound] :: cacodyl
cacodylique {adj} [chemistry] :: cacodylic
cacographie {f} :: cacography
cacolet {m} :: cacolet
ça commence à bien faire {phrase} :: enough is enough!
cacophonie {f} :: cacophony
cacophonique {adj} :: cacophonous
cacophoniquement {adv} :: cacophonously
cactée {f} :: cactus
cactus {m} :: cactus
c.-à-d. {adv} :: abbreviation of c'est-à-dire = i.e.
cadastral {adj} :: cadastral
cadastralement {adv} :: cadastrally
cadastre {m} :: cadastre (a register showing details of land ownership and value)
cadavéreux {adj} :: cadaverous
cadavérique {adj} [medicine] :: cadaveric
cadavérique {adj} :: cadaver-like (deathly pale)
cadavre {m} :: corpse, cadaver
cadavre {m} :: empty bottle, empty
caddie {m} :: shopping cart (conveyance used to carry items while shopping)
caddie {m} [golf] :: caddie
caddy {m} [golf] :: caddy
caddy {m} :: golf cart
caddy {m} :: supermarket trolley
cadeau {m} :: present, gift
cadeau empoisonné {m} [figuratively] :: poisoned chalice, more of a curse than a blessing, something that does more harm than good
cadenas {m} :: padlock
cadenassé {adj} :: locked up
cadenasser {vt} :: to padlock
cadence {f} :: cadence
cadencé {adj} :: rhythmic
cadencer {vt} :: to cadence
cadène {f} [archaic] :: chain used to attach convicts
cadet {adj} [family] :: youngest
cadet {m} :: cadet, student officer
cadet {m} :: junior sportsperson, young player
cadet {m} :: a younger sibling
cadet des soucis de {m} [colloquial] :: the least of (someone's) concerns, the least of (someone's) worries, the least thing on (someone's) mind
Cadien {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: Cajun
Cadienne {f} :: feminine singular of Cadien
cadière {f} [numismatics, historical] :: French coinage issued in the time of Philippe de Valois, where the monarch is pictured seated
Cadillac {prop} :: surname
Cadillac {prop} :: A placename
Cadillac {prop} :: A commune in Gironde, France
Cadillac {prop} :: Cadillac (former municipality)
Cadillac {prop} :: Cadillac (village)
Cadillac {prop} :: A brand of luxury cars, part of General Motors
Cadix {prop} {f} :: Cadix (city)
Cadix {prop} {f} :: Cadix (province)
Cadix {prop} {f} :: Cadix (commune)
Cadjin {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative spelling of Cadien, Cajun
Cadjinne {f} :: feminine singular of Cadjin
cadmate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cadmate
cadmiage {m} :: electroplating with cadmium
cadmie {f} :: cadmia
cadmier {v} :: To electroplate with a thin layer of cadmium
cadmium {m} :: cadmium
cador {m} :: (informal) pro
cador {m} :: (informal) lady-killer
cadrage {m} [imaging] :: framing (position of an image within a frame or border)
cadrage satellitaire {m} [linguistics, syntax] :: satellite-framing
cadrage verbal {m} [linguistics, syntax] :: verb-framing
cadran {m} :: dial
cadran {m} :: face (of clock)
cadran lunaire {m} :: moondial (instrument for telling time)
cadran solaire {m} :: sundial
cadrat {m} [typography] :: spacer (in typesetting)
cadratin {m} :: em
cadre {m} :: frame (of a door or picture)
cadre {m} :: backbone (of an organization)
cadre {m} :: box, square (on a printed page)
cadre {m} [business] :: executive
cadre {m} :: scope, framework
cadre {m} [military] :: cadre
cadre {m} :: context, parameters
cadre {m} :: frame (of a bicycle)
cadré {adj} [sports] :: on target
cadrer {v} :: to fit (go well together)
cadrer {v} [photography] :: To frame (put into the field of vision)
cadreur {m} :: cameraman
caduc {adj} [botany] :: deciduous (of or pertaining to trees that shed their leaves in winter)
caduc {adj} :: obsolete
caduc {adj} :: null and void
caducifolié {adj} [of trees] :: deciduous
caducité {f} :: caducity
caducité {f} :: transience
caduque {f} :: decidua
cæcal {adj} :: Caecal, cæcal, cecal
Cæcile {prop} :: obsolete spelling of Cécile
cæcilie {f} :: obsolete spelling of cécilie
cæcité {f} :: obsolete form of cécité
caecotrophe {m} [biology] :: caecotroph
cæcum {m} :: caecum
cæleste {adj} :: obsolete form of céleste
cælibat {m} :: obsolete form of célibat
caelifère {m} :: any grasshopper belonging to the suborder Caelifera
Caen {prop} :: Caen
caennais {adj} :: of or from Caen
Caennais {m} :: someone from the city of Caen
Caennaise {f} :: feminine noun of Caennais
Cæsar {prop} {m} :: alternative form of César
Cæsarée {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Césarée
cæsium {m} :: alternative form of césium
çà et là {adv} :: here and there, hither and thither
cafard {m} :: hypocrite
cafard {m} [by extension] :: tattletale, informant, rat
cafard {m} [entomology] :: cockroach
cafard {m} [familiar] :: depression, melancholy
cafarder {v} :: to tattle
cafardeux {adj} :: glum, gloomy
cafardeux {adj} :: depressing
café {m} :: coffee [drink]
café {m} :: coffee colour
café {m} :: public house
café {m} :: cafe, coffee shop
café {adj} :: Of the colour of coffee
café allongé {m} :: (long) coffee, americano
café au lait {m} :: white coffee
café au lait {adj} :: Light brown
café complet {m} [especially, Switzerland] :: afternoon snack, usually bread with cheese or jam, served with coffee
café crème {m} :: coffee with cream
café du commerce {m} [pejorative] :: place where people engage in water-cooler gossip, cracker-barrel discussions, where they talk about setting the world to rights without having any qualifications, etc
café glacé {m} :: iced coffee
caféiculture {f} :: coffee culture
caféier {m} :: coffee (plant)
caféière {f} :: Coffee-plantation
caféine {f} :: caffeine
caféisme {m} :: caffeinism
café noir {m} :: black coffee
cafetan {m} :: kaftan (long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean)
cafétéria {f} :: cafeteria
café-théâtre {m} :: A café or restaurant that stages cabaret or other theatrical performances
cafetier {m} :: café owner
cafetière {f} :: coffee pot
café-vélo {m} :: a cycling café, a type of café specializing in serving a clientele that bicycles
caféylquinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: caffeoylquinic
cafier {m} :: alternative form of caféier
cafignon {m} :: a little shadowy nook
cafignon {m} [Switzerland] :: slippers, particularly slippers that are closed at the back
cafouillage {m} :: screw-up
cafouiller {vi} :: to play up, be in a mess, fall apart
cafre {m} [obsolete, offensive] :: Kaffir
caftan {m} :: kaftan (long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean)
cafter {v} [colloquial] :: to rat; to rat on
cafter {v} [colloquial] :: to denounce
cafteur {m} [colloquial] :: telltale, snitch
ça gaze {phrase} [colloquial] :: how's things?, how's tricks?
cage {f} :: cage
cage {f} [soccer, colloquial] :: area, penalty area
cage d'escalier {f} :: stairwell
cage dorée {f} :: gilded cage
cageot {m} :: bottle crate
cage thoracique {f} :: rib cage (part of skeleton)
cagette {f} :: carton, (small) crate (or similar packaging)
cagette {f} :: punnet
cagibi {m} :: storeroom (small rooms without windows)
cagibi {m} :: cubbyhole
cagliaritain {adj} :: of or from Cagliari
Cagliaritain {m} :: someone of or from Cagliari
Cagliaritaine {f} :: feminine singular of Cagliaritain
cagna {f} [military slang] :: dugout
cagnard {adj} :: lazy
cagnard {adj} [obsolete] :: cowardly
cagnard {m} :: lazy person
cagnard {m} [obsolete] :: coward
cagnard {m} :: suntrap (masculine only)
cagnarder {v} :: To be lazy
cagneux {adj} :: knock-kneed (having the knees abnormally close together)
cagnotte {f} :: pool, kitty, pot (of money, for distribution)
cagot {m} [obsolete, outside, historical] :: cagot
cagot {m} [dated] :: sanctimonious person, hypocrite
cagot {adj} [dated] :: sanctimonious
cagotement {adv} :: sanctimoniously
cagoterie {f} [historical] :: A quarter of a town to which cagots were restricted
cagou {m} :: kagu
cagouille {f} :: snail
cagoulard {m} [historical] :: cagoulard
cagoularde {f} :: feminine noun of cagoulard
cagoule {f} :: cowl
cagoule {f} :: balaclava
cagoulé {adj} :: masked by a balaclava
cagouler {vr} [se cagouler] :: to wear a balaclava
caguer {v} [France, colloquial] :: to defecate
cahba {f} [vulgar, derogatory] :: prostitute
cahier {m} :: notebook, exercise book
cahier {m} :: quire
cahier des charges {m} [commerce] :: specifications, specs, requirements; brief
cahier de textes {m} :: homework notebook
cahin-caha {adv} :: hobbling along
cahors {m} :: A red wine from Cahors
cahot {m} :: jolt, bump
cahotant {adj} :: jolting
cahoter {vt} :: to bump, jolt
cahoter {vi} :: to jolt along, bounce along
cahoteux {adj} :: bumpy; jolty
cahoua {m} [colloquial] :: coffee
cahute {f} :: shack, hut
cahutte {f} :: alternative spelling of cahute
caïd {m} [historical] :: caid
caïd {m} [colloquial, especially, of a criminal gang] :: big shot, big man; boss
caïdat {f} :: The function or government of a caid
Caiète {prop} {f} :: Caiète (town)
caillage {m} :: curdling
caillassage {m} :: stoning
caillasser {v} :: To stone (throw stones at)
caille {adj} :: multicoloured, spotted
caille {f} :: quail
caillé {m} :: curd, the product obtained by curdling milk, used in cheesemaking
caillebotis {m} :: duckboard
caille des blés {f} :: common quail
caille-lait {m} :: bedstraw (plant of the genus Galium)
caillement {m} :: curdling
cailler {v} :: to curdle, clot
cailler {v} [slang, impersonal] :: To be very cold, to be brass monkeys
cailler {vi} [slang] :: To be very cold, to freeze
caillera {m} [slang] :: rabble, riffraff, thug
cailleter {vi} [dated] :: to gossip, chew the cud
caillette {f} :: abomasum
caillette {f} :: curd (of milk to make cheese)
caillette {f} :: frivolous gossiping woman
caillot {m} :: clot
caillot {m} :: curd
caillou {m} :: gravel, small stone
caillouter {vt} :: to metal [a road]
caillouteux {adj} :: stony, pebbly
cailloutis {m} :: gravel
caïman {m} :: caiman
caïman {m} [Louisiana French] :: alligator
Caïn {prop} {m} :: Cain (son of Adam and Eve)
caïnisme {m} :: siblicide
caïon {m} [Switzerland] :: pig, pork
Caïphe {prop} :: Caiaphas
caïque {m} [nautical] :: A small craft/boat used in the archipelago and Constantinople
caïque à queue courte {m} :: short-tailed parrot
ça ira {phrase} :: it will be all right, it will be ok
ça ira {phrase} :: that's enough, that will do nicely, it will do just fine; no thank you
cairote {adj} :: Cairene
Cairote {mf} :: Cairene
caisse {f} :: box, crate
caisse {f} :: cash register
caisse {f} :: checkout (in a supermarket)
caisse {f} :: fund
caisse {f} :: bank (establishment managing such funds)
caisse {f} [colloquial] :: car
caisse {f} [vulgar] :: fart
caisse à outils {f} :: toolbox
caisse claire {f} :: snare drum, snare, side drum
caisse de résonance {f} :: sound box (resonant chamber of a stringed musical instrument)
caisse enregistreuse {f} :: cash register (machine)
caisse noire {f} :: slush fund (money stored for illegal or dishonest purposes)
caissier {m} :: cashier
caissière {f} :: feminine noun of caissier
caisson {m} :: box
cajeput {m} [botany] :: cajuput, a tree (Melaleuca leucadendra or Melaleuca cajuputi) of Australia and southeast Asia
cajeputène {m} :: cajuputene
cajoler {v} :: to cuddle, to cradle in one's arms
cajoler {v} [dated] :: to flatter, to cajole
cajolerie {f} :: cuddling, hugging
cajolerie {f} [dated] :: cajolery
cajoleur {m} :: cuddler (someone who cuddles)
cajou {m} :: cashew (tree)
cake {m} :: fruitcake (containing rum)
cake {m} :: quick bread (a smallish loaf-shaped baked good which may be sweet like an English cake or salty and with bits of meat. See insert)
cake-walk {m} :: cakewalk (the dance)
cakilier {m} :: searocket or similar plant of the genus Cakile
cal {m} :: callus (hardened part of the skin)
calabrais {adj} :: Calabrian
calabrais {m} :: Calabrian, the Calabrian language
calabraise {f} :: Calabrian woman
Calabre {prop} {f} :: Calabria
calade {f} :: a harmonious, decorative and useful arrangement of medium-sized pebbles, fixed to the ground
caladrius {m} :: caladrius
calage {m} :: timing (of an engine)
calage {m} :: synchronization
calage {m} :: adjustment
Calais {prop} :: Calais
calaisien {m} :: of or from Calais
Calaisien {m} :: someone of or from Calais
calaisienne {f} :: feminine noun of calaisien
Calaisienne {f} :: feminine noun of Calaisien
calamandrier {m} :: wall germander (of the species Teucrium chamaedrys)
calamar {m} :: squid
calame {m} :: a calamus, a quill
calament {m} :: calamint (of the genera Acinos or Calamintha)
calamine {f} :: calamine (zinc oxide or silicate)
calamine {f} :: Residue of carbon deposited in the cylinders of two-stroke engines
calamité {m} :: calamity, disaster
calamiteusement {adv} :: calamitously
calamiteux {adj} :: calamitous
calamondin {m} :: calamondin
calandre {f} :: calender (machine)
calandre {f} :: radiator grill (on a car)
calandre {f} :: calandra lark (Melanocorypha calandra)
calandre {f} :: wheat weevil larva (Sitophilus granarius)
calanque {f} :: creek (rocky inlet), especially one in the Mediterranean
calao {m} :: hornbill (bird)
calbar {m} [slang] :: underpants
calcaire {m} :: limestone
calcaire {adj} :: calcareous
calcanéen {adj} [anatomy] :: calcaneal
calcanéum {m} [anatomy] :: calcaneus
calcanthe {m} [dated, chemistry] :: alternative form of chalcanthe
calcarifère {adj} :: calciferous
calcédoine {f} :: chalcedony
calcémie {m} [pathology] :: calcemia
calciférol {m} [organic compound] :: calciferol
calcifier {v} :: to calcify
calcimètre {m} :: calcimeter
calcin {m} :: cullet
calcination {f} :: calcination
calciné {adj} :: calcinated
calciné {adj} :: calcined
calciner {vt} :: to calcinate
calciner {vt} :: to calcine
calcineurine {f} :: calcineurin
calcique {adj} :: calcic
calcite {f} :: calcite
calcium {m} :: calcium
calciurie {f} [pathology] :: calcinuria
calcul {m} :: calculus (maths)
calcul {m} :: calculus (medicine)
calcul {m} [computing] :: computing
calculable {adj} :: calculable
calculateur {adj} :: calculating
calculateur {m} :: calculating person
calculateur {m} :: calculator (device)
calculatrice {f} :: calculator (electronic calculation device)
calcul biliaire {m} :: gallstone
calcul différentiel {m} :: differential calculus
calculer {v} :: to calculate (all meanings)
calculette {f} :: calculator (handheld device)
calcul rénal {m} :: kidney stone
caldeira {f} :: caldera
caldoche {adj} :: Describing European French inhabitants of New Caledonia
cale {f} :: wedge (under door etc.)
cale {f} [golf] :: wedge
cale {f} :: chock (for wheel)
cale {f} [obsolete] :: immersion (in water)
cale {f} :: hold (of a ship)
cale {f} :: slipway
cale {f} :: bilge
calé {adj} [colloquial] :: knowledgeable
calebasse {f} :: calabash
calebasse {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: gourd
calebasse {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: pumpkin
calèche {f} :: calèche, carriage
caleçon {m} :: boxer shorts, boxer briefs
Calédonie {prop} {f} :: Caledonia
calédonien {adj} :: Caledonian
calédonien {adj} :: New Caledonian
caléfaction {f} :: calefaction
caléidoscope {f} :: kaleidoscope
caléidoscopique {adj} :: kaleidoscopic
calembour {m} :: pun (joke or type of wordplay)
calenda {f} :: calinda
calendaire {adj} :: calendric
calende {f} :: Calends. The first day of the Roman month
calendique {adj} :: calendic
calendrier {m} :: calendar
calendrier {m} :: program, schedule
calendrier de l'Avent {m} :: Advent calendar
calendrier grégorien {m} :: Gregorian calendar
calendule {f} :: synonym of souci (marigold)
calenduline {f} :: calendulin
cale-nuque {m} :: neckroll
calepin {m} :: notebook
caler {vt} :: to wedge (open) (a door)
caler {vt} :: to jam (machinery etc.), to stall (an engine)
caler {vi} :: to stall (of driver, engine)
caler {vt} :: to fill (someone) up
caler {vi} [colloquial] :: (of person eating) to give up, be full
caler {vt} :: to synchronize
calfater {v} :: to caulk (to seal joints with caulk)
calfeutrage {m} :: draughtproofing / draftproofing
calfeutrer {v} :: caulk (to seal joints with caulk)
calfeutrer {v} :: to draughtproof, draftproof
calibrage {m} :: calibration
calibre {m} :: calibre
calibrer {v} :: to calibrate
calibrer {v} :: to grade
calice {m} :: chalice
calice {interj} [Quebec, slang, euphemistic] :: alternative form of câlisse
calicot {m} :: calico
calicotome {m} :: thorny broom (or similar plant of the genus Calicotome)
califat {m} :: caliphate
calife {m} :: caliph
calife à la place du calife {m} :: Somebody who has taken over the role of some other important person, often by devious means and motivated by a lust for power
californate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: californate
Californian spangled {m} :: California spangled cat
Californie {prop} {f} :: Californie (state)
californien {adj} :: Californian (of or relating to California)
Californien {m} :: Californian (someone from California)
Californienne {f} :: feminine noun of Californien
californium {m} :: californium
califourchon {m} :: only used in à califourchon
calimaçon {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: snail
câlin {adj} :: cuddly
câlin {m} :: hug, cuddle
câline {interj} [Québec, minced oath] :: câlisse
câlinement {adv} :: In a cuddly, touchy way
câliner {v} :: to be physically affectionate; to cuddle
câlinerie {f} :: caress, cuddle
câlinerie {f} :: softness, tenderness
Calinescu {prop} :: surname
calinotade {f} :: stupidity, silliness
câlisse {interj} [Quebec, vulgar] :: fuck!
câlisser {v} [Quebec, vulgar, slang] :: to throw
câlisser {vr} [Quebec, vulgar, slang] :: to not give a fuck, to not care
calisson {m} :: A diamond-shaped confection made with ground almonds
calleux {adj} :: calloused
calligramme {m} :: calligram
calligraphe {mf} :: calligrapher (one who practices calligraphy)
calligraphie {f} :: calligraphy (art of writing with decorative strokes)
calligraphier {vt} :: to calligraph
calligraphique {adj} :: calligraphic
calligraphiquement {adv} :: calligraphically
Callimaque {prop} {m} :: Callimachus
callipyge {adj} :: callipygian (having beautifully shaped buttocks)
callistemon {m} :: bottlebrush (tree of the genus Callistemon)
callosité {f} :: callosity
callune {f} :: ling, heather
calmant {m} :: gripe water
calmar {m} :: squid (the mollusk)
calmar colossal {m} :: colossal squid
calmar géant {m} :: giant squid
calme {adj} :: calm
calme {adj} :: quiet, peaceful
calme {m} :: calmness, stillness
calme {m} :: coolness (of a person)
calme avant la tempête {m} :: calm before the storm
calmement {adv} :: calmly
calme plat {m} [figuratively] :: a dead calm, a flat calm, a clock calm
calmer {vt} :: to calm, pacify, soothe
calmer {vr} :: to calm down, abate, subside
calmer le jeu {v} :: to defuse the situation, to calm things down, to pour oil on troubled waters
calmer les esprits {v} :: to calm things down, to let cooler heads prevail, to defuse the situation
calmer ses ardeurs {v} [figuratively] :: to curb one's enthusiasm
calmos {interj} [colloquial] :: calm; (let's) stay calm
calmos {adv} [colloquial] :: calmly
calomel {m} [inorganic compound] :: calomel
calomelano {m} [inorganic compound] :: calomel
calomelas {m} :: alternative form of calomel
calomniateur {m} :: slanderer; libeler
calomniatrice {f} :: a female slanderer
calomnie {f} :: calumny; slander
calomnier {v} :: to slander
calomnieusement {adv} :: calumniously
calomnieux {adj} :: calumnious
caloporteur {adj} :: heat transfer (attributive)
calorie {f} :: calorie
calorifère {m} [dated, outside, Quebec] :: heater, radiator
calorifique {adj} :: calorific
calorifuge {adj} :: (heat) insulating
calorimètre {f} [physics] :: calorimeter
calorimétrie {f} :: calorimetry
calorimétrique {adj} :: calorimetric
calorique {adj} :: caloric
calorique {adj} [attributive] :: heat; heat-emitting
calot {m} :: forage cap
calot {m} :: large marble used in kids' games
calotin {m} :: A person who wears a calotte (religious skullcap); any officer of the church
calotte {f} :: zucchetto (skullcap worn by Roman Catholic clergy)
calotte {f} :: kippah (Jewish cap)
calotte {f} [Belgium] :: calotte (religious skullcap)
calotte {f} [Belgium, student slang] :: cap worn by students of Belgian Catholic universities after the corona ceremony (a sort of hazing)
calotte {f} [by extension] :: cap (of ice)
calotte glaciaire {f} :: ice cap
caloyer {m} :: caloyer
caloyère {f} :: feminine noun of caloyer
calque {m} :: tracing (the reproduction of an image made by copying it through translucent paper)
calque {m} [lexicography] :: calque, loan translation
calque {m} [computer graphics] :: layer
calqué {adj} :: imitated, copied
calquer {v} :: to model, to imitate, to copy
calquer {v} :: to trace, to copy onto a sheet of paper superimposed over the original, by drawing over its lines
calumet {m} :: calumet (clay tobacco-pipe used by American Indians, especially as a symbol of truce or peace)
calumet de la paix {m} :: A (literal or figurative) peace pipe
calus {m} :: callus (hardened part of the skin)
calva {m} :: calva; calvados
Calvados {prop} {m} :: Calvados (department)
calvaire {m} [Christianity] :: calvary
calvaire {m} [figuratively] :: ordeal
calvaire {interj} [Quebec, vulgar] :: fuck, fucking hell, bloody hell
calvinisme {m} :: Calvinism (The Christian doctrines of John Calvin)
calviniste {adj} :: Calvinist
calviniste {mf} :: Calvinist
calvitie {f} :: baldness (the state of being bald)
cam. {m} :: abbreviation of camarade
cam {f} :: cam (device for filming)
cam {m} [military, nautical] :: contre-amiral (rear admiral (RAdm))
CAm {n} [military] :: abbreviation of contre-amiral
camaïeu {m} :: cameo (stone)
camaïeu {m} :: (range of) shades, tones, hues (of a colour)
camaïeu {m} [art] :: camaieu
camail {m} :: camail, capuchin (hood)
camarade {m} :: Buddy, mate
camarade {m} :: Comrade (companion or fellow socialist or communist)
camaraderie {f} :: camaraderie
ça marche {phrase} :: See: fr ça marche
ça marche {phrase} [colloquial] :: OK, all right, sure, sure thing, sounds good, that's fine, that works for me
camard {adj} :: flat-nosed
camarguais {adj} :: Pertaining to, or from the Camargue
camarilla {f} :: camarilla
camarine {f} :: crowberry
cambiste {m} :: foreign exchange trader
Cambodge {prop} {m} :: Cambodia
cambodgien {adj} :: Cambodian (of or pertaining to Cambodia or its people or culture)
Camboricien {m} :: A person from Chambourcy in northern France
Camboricienne {f} :: feminine singular of Camboricien
cambouis {m} :: sludge (dirty oil / grease)
cambrer {v} :: to arch (one's back, feet etc.)
cambrien {adj} :: Cambrian
cambriolage {m} :: burglary, robbery
cambrioler {v} :: to burgle [UK], burglarize [US]
cambrioleur {m} :: burglar
cambrioleuse {f} :: feminine noun of cambrioleur
cambrousse {f} [pejorative] :: countryside, outback, backwoods, sticks, boondocks
cambrure {f} :: instep, arch (of the foot)
cambrure {f} :: camber (of a road)
cambrure {f} :: small of the back
cambusard {m} [nautical] :: A rough red wine once distributed to French sailors
cambuse {f} [nautical] :: a storeroom
cambuse {f} [slang] :: a hovel
cambuse {f} [slang] :: a badly maintained and often ill-famed cabaret or inn
Cambyse {prop} :: Cambyses
came {f} :: cam (part of engine)
camée {m} :: cameo (stone)
camélée {f} :: spurge olive (of species Cneorum tricoccon)
caméléon {m} :: chameleon (reptile)
caméléon {m} :: chameleon (person who always changes)
camélia {m} :: camellia (plant or the flower from the plant)
camélidé {m} [usually in the plural] :: any member of the Camelidae taxonomic family
camelin {adj} :: cameline, pertaining to the camel
camelin {m} :: camlet
cameline {f} :: camelina (plant)
camelot {m} :: street vendor, peddler, hawker
camelote {f} :: junk, rubbish, tat
camembert {m} :: camembert (creamy French cheese)
camembert {m} [colloquial] :: pie chart
caméo {m} :: cameo (brief appearance)
camer {vr} [se camer] :: to take drugs
caméra {f} :: video camera
caméra cachée {f} :: candid camera, hidden camera
caméral {adj} :: cameral
caméralisme {m} :: cameralism
cameraman {m} :: alternative form of caméraman
caméraman {m} :: cameraman
caméra-piéton {f} :: body camera, bodycam
camérier {m} :: chamberlain
camériste {f} :: maid (or similar servant)
camerlingue {m} :: camerlengo
Cameroun {prop} {m} :: Cameroon
camerounais {adj} :: Cameroonian (of or pertaining to Cameroon or its people or culture)
Camerounais {m} :: a Cameroonian
Camerounaise {f} :: feminine noun of Camerounais
camescope {m} :: alternative spelling of caméscope
caméscope {m} :: a camcorder
ça m'est égal {phrase} :: It doesn't matter to me; I don't mind; I don't care
Camille {prop} :: given name
Camille {prop} :: given name
Camille {prop} :: given name
camion {m} :: lorry (UK); truck (US)
camion-balai {m} :: broom wagon
camion-citerne {m} :: tanker (UK), tank truck (US)
camionnage {m} :: haulage / trucking
camionnette {f} :: van
camionneur {m} :: lorry/truck driver
camionneur {m} :: haulier
camionneuse {f} :: feminine noun of camionneur
camionneuse {f} [pejorative] :: butch lesbian
camion plateau {m} :: flatbed truck, flatbed lorry
camisole {f} [dated] :: camisole (short, sleeveless undergarment)
camisole {f} :: ellipsis of camisole de force; straitjacket
camisole de force {f} :: straitjacket
camomille {f} :: camomile (plant)
camorra {f} [singulare tantum] :: Camorra (crime organization from Naples)
camorra {f} [countable, by extension] :: any criminal organization
camouflage {m} :: camouflage
camoufler {v} :: to camouflage (hide, disguise)
camouflet {m} :: snub, affront
camouflet {m} [military] :: camouflet
camp {m} :: camp (An outdoor place acting as temporary accommodation in tents or other temporary structures.)
camp {m} :: camp (Semi-temporary accommodation)
camp {m} :: camp (A base of a military group, not necessarily temporary)
camp {m} :: camp (A group of people with the same ideals or political leanings, strongly supported.)
camp {m} :: camp, summer camp
camp {adj} :: camp (Intentionally tasteless or vulgar, self-parodying, affected, exaggerated)
camp {m} :: campness; An affected, exaggerated or intentionally tasteless style
campagnard {adj} :: country (attributive)
campagnard {adj} :: rustic
campagnard {m} :: countryman
campagne {f} :: country (the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city), countryside
campagne {f} :: campaign
campagne électorale {f} :: election campaign
campagnol {m} :: vole
Campanie {prop} :: Campanie (region)
campanien {adj} :: Campanian
campanologie {f} :: campanology (study of bells)
campanologique {adj} :: campanologic
campanologue {mf} :: campanologist
campanulacé {adj} :: campanulaceous
campanule {f} :: bellflower (plant of genus Campanula)
campanulé {adj} :: campaniform
camp de concentration {m} :: concentration camp
camp de la mort {m} :: death camp, extermination camp
camp de travail {m} :: labor camp
camp de travail {m} :: workcamp
camp d'extermination {m} :: death camp, extermination camp
campêche {m} :: logwood
campement {m} :: campsite
campement {m} :: camping (the action of staying in a camp)
campement {m} :: camping gear
camper {v} :: to camp
camper sur ses positions {v} [figuratively] :: to stick to one's guns, to hold the line
campeur {m} :: camper
camphène {m} [organic compound] :: camphene
camphogène {m} [organic compound] :: camphogen
camphorée {f} :: camphorweed
camphorine {f} [organic compound] :: camphorin
camphorique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: camphoric
camphre {m} :: camphor
camphré {adj} :: camphorated
camphrier {m} :: camphor tree
camping {m} [uncountable] :: camping
camping {m} [countable] :: campsite
camping-car {m} :: motor home
camptothécine {f} :: camptothecin
campurgne {f} [musical instruments] :: Jew's harp
campus {m} :: campus (grounds of a university)
camtar {m} [slang] :: van
camus {adj} :: flat-nosed
Camus {prop} :: surname of Basque origin
camusien {adj} :: Camusian
Canada {prop} {m} :: Canada (country)
canadair {m} :: firefighting aircraft
canadianiser {v} :: Canadianize (to make Canadian)
canadianisme {m} :: Canadianism (word or phrase originated in Canada or with special meaning in Canada)
canadien {adj} :: Canadian
Canadien {m} :: Canadian (male or of unspecified sex) [boy or man]
Canadien {prop} {m} [ice hockey] :: the Montreal Canadiens hockey club
Canadienne {f} :: female equivalent of Canadien
Canadiens {prop} {mp} [Canada] :: the Montreal Canadiens hockey club
canado- {prefix} :: A combining form relating to Canada
canado-américain {adj} :: Canado-American, Can-Am; pertaining to the United States of America and Canada
canado-belge {adj} :: Pertaining to Belgium and Canada
canaille {f} [archaic] :: rabble (collectively)
canaille {f} :: rascal, blackguard, scoundrel, scum
canaillerie {f} :: blackguardism
canal {m} :: canal
canal {m} :: channel (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies)
canalaire {adj} [anatomy] :: ductal
canalisation {f} :: canalisation
canaliser {v} :: to channel; to canalise (direct the flow)
canaliser {v} :: to canalise (render into a canal)
canaliser {v} :: to channel (direct one's efforts)
canal nommé {m} [computing] :: named pipe
canamelle {f} :: sugarcane
cananéen {adj} :: Canaanite
canapé {m} :: sofa
canapé {m} :: piece of bread covered with some savory (finger) food
canapé {m} :: nibble (small bits of food, e.g. at a party)
canapé-lit {m} :: sofa bed, settee bed
canaque {adj} :: Kanak
canard {m} :: duck (of either sex)
canard {m} :: drake (male duck)
canard {m} :: canard, hoax
canard {m} [slang, familiar] :: newspaper
canard {m} [slang, familiar] :: a man who complies with every desire of his partner in order to avoid conflict
canard {m} [slang, familiar] :: a man who tries to attract women by offering them gifts
canard {m} :: lump of sugar dunked in coffee or brandy
canard {m} [music, colloquial] :: off-note
canard boiteux {m} :: lame duck (person or thing that is helpless, inefficient or disabled)
canard brun {m} :: mottled duck (Anas fulvigula)
canard d'Amérique {m} :: American wigeon
canarder {v} [colloquial] :: to snipe at someone
canardier {m} :: A gun used in duck-shooting
canardier {m} :: A waiter who prepares duck sauces at the customer's table
canardière {f} [historical] :: punt gun (for shooting wildfowl)
canard siffleur {m} :: Eurasian wigeon (Mareca penelope)
canari {m} :: canary (bird from Canary Islands)
canarien {adj} :: Canarian
Canarien {m} :: Canarian
Canarienne {f} :: feminine singular of Canarien
Canaries {prop} {fp} :: Canaries (archipelago/and/autonomous community)
canaroie {m} :: magpie goose
canasson {m} [colloquial] :: horse
canasta {f} :: canasta
cancan {m} :: gossip
cancan {m} :: cancan (dance)
cancanement {m} :: quacking (making the sound of ducks)
cancanement {m} :: gossiping
cancaner {v} :: to gossip
cancaner {v} :: to quack
cancaneuse {f} :: cancan dancer
cancanier {adj} :: gossiping
cancer {m} :: cancer
cancéreux {adj} :: cancerous
cancérigène {adj} :: carcinogenic (causing or tending to cause cancer)
cancérigènement {adv} :: carcinogenically
cancérogène {adj} :: alternative form of cancérigène
cancérogenèse {f} :: carcinogenesis
cancérogénicité {f} :: carcinogenicity
cancérologie {f} :: oncology
cancérologique {adj} :: oncologic; oncological
cancérologue {mf} :: oncologist
cancer vert {m} [archaic, medicine] :: chloroma
canche {f} :: hair grass (of family Poaceae)
canche {f} [slang] :: dump
cancre {m} :: blockhead, dunce, dolt
cancre {m} [dated] :: crayfish
cancre {m} [obsolete] :: pauper
cancrelat {m} :: cockroach
Cancún {prop} :: Cancún (city)
candela {f} :: candela (SI unit of luminous intensity)
candéla {f} :: candela
candélabre {m} :: candelabrum
candeur {f} :: purity
candeur {f} :: confidence
candeur {f} :: honesty; candour
candi {adj} :: candied
candi {m} :: sugar candy
candi {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, Paroisse St.Martin] :: an exhausted man
candidat {m} :: candidate
candidate {f} :: feminine noun of candidat
candidater {v} :: To stand (put oneself forward) as a candidate
candidature {f} :: candidature
candide {adj} :: candid, frank
candide {adj} :: naive, overtrusting
candide {mf} :: a candid person
candide {m} :: A mountain clouded yellow (Colias phicomone), a butterfly of Europe
candidement {adv} :: confidently
candidement {adv} :: purely, in a pure way
candidement {adv} :: candidly
candir {vi} :: to crystallize
candir {vt} :: to cover with crystallized sugar
cane {f} :: duck (female duck)
ça ne fait rien {phrase} :: it doesn't matter
ça ne fait rien {phrase} :: never mind
canelé {m} :: canelé (type of pastry with custard center)
canelle {f} :: alternative form of cannelle
ça ne mange pas de pain {phrase} [colloquial] :: it doesn't cost anything, it can't hurt
canepetière {f} :: little bustard
canéphore {f} [architecture] :: canephorus
caneton {m} :: duckling, duckling (male)
canette {f} :: can, tin, tin can
canette {f} :: (female) duckling
canevas {m} [sewing] :: canvas; tapestry
canevas {m} :: framework
canevas {m} [cartography] :: network
cange {f} :: small boat used on the Nile
caniche {mf} :: poodle (dog)
caniculaire {adj} :: scorching
caniculaire {adj} :: canicular
canicule {f} [astronomy] :: Sirius, Dog Star
canicule {f} :: The dog days of summer
canicule {f} [figuratively] :: synonym of vague de chaleur (any heat wave or hot spell)
canidé {m} [usually, in the plural] :: a member of the Canidae family, canid
canif {m} :: penknife
canin {adj} :: canine
canine {f} :: canine, cuspid
caninoïde {adj} :: caninoid
caninoïde {m} :: a caninoid
caniveau {m} [on a road] :: gutter
cannabinique {adj} :: cannabic
cannabis {m} :: cannabis
cannage {m} :: caning (working with canes, cane craftwork)
cannamelle {f} :: alternative form of canamelle
canne {f} :: cane; stick
canne {f} [familiar] :: peg; leg
canne {f} :: rod; fishing rod
canne à pêche {f} :: fishing rod (rod used for angling)
canne à sucre {f} :: sugar cane (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar)
canneberge {f} :: cranberry (berry)
canne blanche {f} :: cane (white stick used by blind people)
canne des tranchées {f} :: trench stick
cannelé {adj} :: fluted
cannelé {adj} [heraldry] :: invected
cannelé {m} :: alternative spelling of canelé
cannelier {m} :: Cinnamomum verum, the true cinnamon tree
cannelier {m} :: Any of several plants in the genus Cinnamomum
cannelle {f} :: cinnamon (the spice)
cannelle {adj} :: cinnamon (in colour)
cannelure {f} :: groove (linear indent)
cannelure {f} [botany] :: striation (on a plant)
cannelure {f} [architecture] :: flute (on a column)
canner {v} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to can
canner {v} [France, slang] :: to die
Cannes {prop} :: Cannes (city)
cannibale {adj} :: cannibalistic, cannibal
cannibale {m} :: cannibal
cannibalisation {f} :: cannibalization
cannibaliser {v} :: to cannibalise
cannibalisme {m} [literally] :: The practice of cannibalism, eating another of one's own species
cannibalisme {m} [figuratively] :: Extreme ferocity, ruthlessness
cannois {adj} :: From Cannes
Cannois {m} :: Cannois, someone from Cannes
Cannoise {f} :: feminine singular of Cannois
cannonière {f} :: gunboat
cannonière {f} :: feminine noun of cannonier
canoé {m} :: alternative spelling of canoë
canoë {m} :: canoe
canoéiste {mf} :: canoeist
canon {m} :: cannon, (big) gun
canon {m} :: barrel (of firearm)
canon {m} :: cannon for a horse
canon {m} :: canon
canon {m} [music] :: canon
canon {m} [religion] :: canon
canon {m} [slang] :: hottie, dish, bombshell (attractive man/woman)
canon {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: hot, sexy
canon {m} [slang] :: glass of wine
cañon {m} :: alternative spelling of canyon
canon à eau {m} :: water cannon
canon à neige {m} :: snow cannon (machine that spurts out snow over pistes)
canon de beauté {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: canon of beauty, aesthetic canon, beauty standard
canon de beauté {m} :: very attractive person
canonial {adj} :: canonical
canonialement {adv} :: canonically
canonique {adj} :: canonic, canonical
canoniquement {adv} :: canonically
canonisable {adj} :: worthy of being canonized
canonisation {f} :: canonization
canoniser {v} :: to canonize
canonnade {f} :: cannonade
canonner {v} :: To cannon, cannonade
canonnier {m} :: cannoneer
canonnière {f} :: gunboat
canope {m} :: An ancient Egyptian vase
Canope {prop} [star] :: Canopus
canopée {f} :: canopy (in forest)
canot {m} :: dinghy (small boat)
canot {m} [Quebec] :: canoe
canotage {m} [nautical] :: rowing
canot automobile {m} :: motorboat
canot de sauvetage {m} :: life raft, safety raft
canoter {v} :: to go canoeing
canoteur {m} [nautical] :: rower
canotier {m} [nautical] :: canoeist, rower
canotier {m} :: boater (hat)
canotiere {f} :: feminine noun of canotier
Canseau {prop} :: Canso; Canseau (town); Canseau, Guysborough, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada; dated form of Canso
Canso {prop} :: Canso
Canso {prop} :: Canso (town); Canso, Comté de Guysborough, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada
Canso {prop} :: ellipsis of détroit de Canso; Canso (strait)
Canso {prop} :: ellipsis of cratère Canso; Canso (crater)
cantabile {m} [music] :: cantabile
cantabile {adj} [music] :: cantabile
cantabrique {adj} :: Cantabrian
cantal {m} :: Cantal (cheese)
Cantal {prop} {m} :: Cantal
cantaloup {m} :: cantaloupe
cantate {f} :: cantata
cantatrice {f} :: cantatrice
Canterbury {prop} {m} :: Canterbury (cathedral city)
canthaxanthine {m} [organic compound] :: canthaxanthin
cantilène {f} [music] :: cantilena
cantillation {f} :: cantillation (the act of cantillating)
cantiller {v} :: cantillate
cantine {f} :: canteen (small cafeteria or snack bar)
cantinier {m} :: cellarman
cantinier {m} :: sutler
cantinière {f} :: cantinière
cantinière {f} :: female equivalent of cantinier
cantique {m} :: canticle
Cantique des Cantiques {prop} {m} [bible] :: Song of Songs
cantoche {f} [slang] :: cantine
canton {m} :: canton (of Switzerland, France or Luxembourg)
canton {m} [heraldiccharge] :: canton
Canton {prop} :: Canton (caplc)
Canton {prop} :: Canton (province)
cantonade {f} [theatre, archaic] :: box seats
cantonais {adj} :: Cantonese
cantonais {m} :: Cantonese (language)
cantonais {m} :: Cantonese (people)
cantonaise {f} :: feminine noun of cantonais
cantonal {adj} :: cantonal (of or pertaining to a canton)
cantoniste {m} [historical] :: cantonist
cantonnement {m} :: billet; billeting
cantonnement {m} :: cantonment
cantonner {v} [military] :: to station; billet (troops)
cantonner {vi} [military] :: to be stationed, be billeted
cantonner {vt} :: to confine (someone to)
cantonner {vr} [with dans] :: to take refuge (in)
cantonner {vr} [with à, dans] :: to restrict oneself (to); focus (on)
cantonner {vr} [with à, dans] :: be restricted, confined
cantonner {vr} [military, with dans] :: to fortify, set up or establish defenses
cantonnier {m} :: roadman, roadmender
cantonnier {m} :: trackman (railways)
cantonnier {adj} :: pertaining to les Cantons-de-l'Est (Eastern Townships) (les Cantons)
Cantonnier {m} :: Townshipper; A denizen of les Cantons-de-l'Est (Eastern Townships) (les Cantons)
cantonnière {f} :: a valance
cantonnière {f} :: feminine noun of cantonnier
Cantonnière {f} :: feminine noun of Cantonnier
Cantons de l'Est {prop} :: alternative form of Cantons-de-l'Est
Cantons-de-l'Est {prop} :: The Eastern Townships
Cantorbéry {prop} {m} :: Cantorbéry (cathedral city)
canular {m} :: hoax (anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick)
canule {f} :: cannula
canuse {f} :: feminine singular of canut
canut {m} :: A former hand weaver (who worked at home)
canut {m} :: (by extension) A very poor person
canyon {m} :: canyon
canyonisme {m} [sports] :: canyoning
caoua {m} [colloquial] :: coffee
caouanne {f} :: loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)
caoutchène {m} :: caoutchin
caoutchouc {m} :: rubber (natural and synthetic)
caoutchouté {adj} :: rubberized
caoutchouter {v} :: To coat with rubber
caoutchouter {v} :: To decorate with rubber
caoutchouteux {adj} :: rubbery; having the appearance or consistency of rubber
caoutchoutique {adj} [rare] :: rubber (attributive)
caoutchoutique {adj} [rare] :: rubbery
cap {m} [geography] :: cape
cap {m} [archaic] :: head
cap {m} [nautical] :: heading
cap {m} [figuratively] :: goal, direction, course
cap {m} [Quebec, geography] :: cap (summit of a mountain)
Cap {prop} {m} :: only used in Le Cap
capabilité {f} :: capability
capable {adj} :: able, capable
capablement {adv} :: capably
capacitaire {adj} :: (of a voting system) In which only those meeting a certain educational standard may vote
capacitaire {m} [legal] :: A person having a specified capacity, especially one having a law degree
capacité {f} :: skill (capacity to do something well)
capacité {f} :: capacity (measure of the ability to hold, receive or absorb; maximum amount that can be contained)
capacité électrique {f} :: capacitance (property of an element of an electrical circuit)
capaciter {v} :: To capacitate
capacitif {adj} [physics] :: capacitive
caparaçon {m} :: caparison
caparaçonner {vt} :: to caparison
ça par exemple {interj} [colloquial] :: well, I never! well blow me down! my goodness! my word!
cape {f} :: cape
caper {v} [finance] :: to cap (set a limit to)
caper {v} [sports] :: to cap (award a player a cap for playing for their national team)
Capernaüm {prop} {f} :: Capernaum
capésien {m} :: Candidate or holder of the certificate of aptitude of secondary education
capésienne {f} :: feminine noun of capésien
capétien {adj} :: Capetian
cap glacé {m} :: synonym of calotte glaciaire (ice cap)
cap glacé {m} :: abbreviation of cappuccino glacé (iced capp (frappuccino))
capharnaüm {m} [figuratively] :: shambles
capillaire {adj} :: capillary (related to hair)
capillaire {m} :: capillary (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins)
capillarité {f} :: capillarity; capillary action
capilliculteur {m} :: coiffeur
capillicultrice {f} :: feminine noun of capilliculteur
capilotade {f} :: capilotade
capitaine {m} :: captain, leader
capitaine de vaisseau {m} :: Naval military officer in command of a capital ship or a small squadron. Equivalent of a ship of the line captain in commonwealth navies and a full captain in the United States navy. Ranking above a capitaine de corvette and below contre-amiral
capitainerie {f} :: port authority
capitainerie {f} [obsolete] :: captaincy
capital {m} :: capital (money and wealth)
capital {adj} :: capital (important)
capitale {f} :: capital, capital city
capitale {f} :: capital letter
capitalement {adv} :: capitally
capitalisable {adj} :: capitalizable
capitalisation {f} :: capitalisation
capitaliser {vt} [finance, typography] :: to capitalize
capitalisme {m} :: capitalism
capitaliste {mf} :: capitalist
capitaliste {adj} :: capitalist
capitalistique {adj} :: capitalistic
capitalistiquement {adv} :: capitalistically
capitanat {m} :: captaincy
capiter {v} :: To tax on a per capita basis
capiteux {adj} :: heady
capiteux {adj} :: intoxicating
capitolin {adj} :: Capitoline (attributive)
capitonnage {m} :: padding
capitonnage {m} :: upholstery
capitonner {v} :: to pad (fill with padding)
capitoul {m} [historical] :: A capitoul or capitol: the former chief magistrates of the city of Toulouse, France. The requirements included being male, married, over 25 years of age, and Catholic; having a house in Toulouse; and plying an honorable profession, such as the law or trade
capitoulat {m} :: Capitoulate:
capitoulat {m} [specifically, historical] :: Rule by capitouls, the former municipal government of Toulouse, France, under their direction
capitoulat {m} [historical] :: The office or term of office of a capitoul
capitoulat {m} [historical] :: The former districts of Toulouse, France, responsible for electing the capitouls
capitulaire {adj} :: capitular
capitulairement {adv} :: capitularly (as an ecclesiastical chapter)
capitulation {f} :: capitulation
capitule {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: capitulum
capitule {m} [botany] :: capitulum, flower head
capituler {v} :: to surrender; to capitulate (to give oneself up into the power of another)
Caplette {prop} :: surname
capnie {f} :: capnia (carbon dioxide in the blood)
capnoïde {adj} [rare] :: smokelike; resembling the color or odor of smoke
capoeira {f} :: capoeira
capon {adj} [pejorative] :: cowardly
capon {m} [pejorative] :: coward
caponner {vi} :: to act cowardly, be yellow, chicken
caponner {v} :: to cat (raise anchor to cathead)
caponnière {f} :: caponier
caporal {m} [military] :: corporal
caporal {m} :: caporal (tobacco)
capot {m} :: bonnet [UK], hood [US]
capote {f} :: greatcoat
capote {f} [of a car] :: soft top
capote {f} [slang] :: ellipsis of capote anglaise
capote anglaise {f} [slang] :: French letter, rubber johnny, condom
capoter {vi} :: to overturn (of a boat, car etc.)
capoter {vi} :: to derail
capoter {vi} [figurative] :: to fail
capoter {vi} [Quebec] :: to founder
capoter {vi} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to freak out, to lose it
Capoue {prop} {f} :: Capoue (city)
Cappadoce {prop} {f} :: Cappadocia
cappadocien {adj} :: Cappadocian
Cappadocien {m} :: Cappadocian
Cappadocienne {f} :: feminine noun of Cappadocien
Cappe {prop} :: Cappe; surname
Cappe {prop} :: surname from English
Cappe {prop} :: alternative form of Cappé
cappuccino {m} :: cappuccino
câpre {f} :: caper (bud)
câpre {m} :: In the French Antilles, someone born to a black parent and a mulatto parent
câpresse {f} :: feminine singular of câpre
caprice {m} :: whim; wish
caprice {m} :: tantrum
capricieusement {adv} :: capriciously
capricieux {adj} :: capricious
capricorne {m} :: longhorn beetle (of the family Cerambycidae)
Capricorne {mf} :: Capricorn (someone born with a Capricorn star sign)
Capricorne {prop} {m} :: Capricorn (constellation)
Capricorne {prop} {m} :: Capricorn (star sign)
câprier {m} :: caper, caper tree
caprifiguier {m} :: common fig (Ficus carica)
caprifoliacé {adj} :: caprifoliaceous
caprin {adj} :: caprine
caprin {m} :: caprid, goat antelope
caprin {m} :: goat, domestic goat
capriné {m} :: caprine
capriole {f} [dressage] :: dated form of cabriole
caprique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: capric
caprisant {adj} :: caprizant
caproïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: caproic
caprolactame {m} [organic compound] :: caprolactam
caprylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: caprylic
capsaïcine {f} [organic compound] :: capsaicin
capsaïsine {f} [organic compound] :: capsaicin
capse {f} [rare, historical, Ancient Rome] :: coffer, chest
capside {f} [virology] :: capsid
capsien {adj} [archaeology] :: Capsian, concerning a specific Mediterranean Paleolithic culture
capsulaire {adj} :: capsular
capsule {f} :: capsule
capsule {f} :: bottle cap
capsule {f} :: cap or primer for a gun
capsulé {adj} :: capsular
capsule temporelle {f} :: time capsule
captage {m} :: capture
captage {m} :: harnessing (of energy)
captage {m} :: picking up (of a radio station)
captation {f} [legal] :: inveiglement, captation
capter {v} :: to capture, to catch, to pick up
capter {v} :: to detect, to sense, to receive (Note: capteur means sensor)
capter {v} [colloquial] :: to understand
capteur {m} :: a sensor
capteur de rêves {m} :: dreamcatcher
capteur pollinique {m} :: pollen counter
captieusement {adv} :: speciously, misleadingly, sophistically
captieux {adj} :: specious, misleading, sophist
captif {adj} :: captive
captif {m} :: captive
captivant {adj} :: captivating; fascinating; absorbing
captiver {v} :: to engross; to captivate (to engage completely)
captivité {f} :: captivity
capture {f} :: capture
capture {f} :: a catch, a take
capture d'écran {f} :: screenshot
capturer {v} :: to capture (catch, seize e.g. an enemy)
capuce {m} [rare] :: hood (headgear)
capuche {f} :: hood (headwear)
capuche {f} :: hoodie
capuchon {m} :: A hood, which may be attached to a cape, permanently or detachable
capuchon {m} :: Certain resembling objects
capucin {m} :: capuchin (primate)
capucin {m} :: Capuchin monk
capucine {f} :: nasturtium
Capucine {prop} {f} :: given name of modern usage
cap-verdien {adj} :: Cape Verdean
capverdien {adj} :: Cape Verdean
Capverdien {m} :: Cape Verdean
Capverdienne {f} :: feminine noun of Capverdien
Cap Vert {prop} {m} :: Cape Verde
Cap-Vert {prop} {m} :: Cap-Vert (archipelago/and/country)
CAQ {prop} {f} [Canada, politics] :: acronym of Coalition Avenir Québec (Coalition pour l'avenir du Québec)
caque {f} :: keg, barrel (especially for storing herring)
caquelon {m} [Switzerland, Belgium] :: caquelon
caquenlit {m} [regional] :: annual mercury (Mercurialis annua)
caquet {m} :: cackle, clucking
caqueter {vit} :: to cackle
caqueter {vit} :: to prattle
caquiste {mf} [Canada, politics] :: a member of the Coalition Avenir Québec
caquiste {adj} [Canada, politics] :: pertaining to the Coalition Avenir Québec
car {conj} :: as, since, because, for
car {m} :: a single-decked long-distance, or privately hired, bus, a coach
carabin {m} :: carabineer
carabin {m} :: medical student
carabine {f} :: rifle
carabine {f} :: mistress of a cavalry soldier
carabiné {adj} [colloquial] :: raging, ferocious, violent, excessive
carabinier {m} :: carabineer
carabinière {f} :: feminine singular of carabinier
caracal {m} :: caracal
caraco {m} [archaic] :: loose blouse
caraco {m} :: (women's) undershirt, camisole
caracole {f} [equestrianism] :: caracole
caracole {f} [architecture] :: caracole
caracole {f} [Belgium] :: snail
caracoler {v} [of a horse] :: to caracole
caracoler {v} :: go round and round, buzz round, flit about, flit around
caracoler {v} [figuratively] :: to sit pretty, to be (well) ahead, nestle (appear comfortable at the top of a ranking)
caractère {m} :: character, demeanour, personality
caractère {m} :: character (written symbol)
caractère chinois {m} :: Chinese character (hanzi)
caractère de cochon {m} [colloquial] :: a nasty character, a bad temper
caractériel {adj} :: temperamental
caractériel {adj} :: emotionally disturbed
caractérisation {f} :: characterization
caractérisé {adj} :: characterized
caractériser {v} :: to characterize
caractéristique {adj} :: characteristic
caractéristique {f} :: characteristic, trait
caractérologie {f} :: characterology
carafe {f} :: carafe
carafon {m} :: small carafe
caraïbe {adj} :: Caribbean (Pertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies)
caraïbe {mf} :: Caribbean (someone from the Caribbean)
Caraïbes {prop} {fp} :: Caribbean
carambolage {m} [billiards] :: a carom, a cannon
carambolage {m} [by extension] :: pile-up (car accident involving 3 or more cars hitting each other successively)
carambole {f} :: star fruit
carambole {f} [dated, billiards] :: red (ball)
carambole {f} [by extension, dated] :: French billiards
carambole {f} [cue sports, dated] :: cannon
caramboler {vt} :: to collide with
carambouille {f} :: con in which someone sells something bought on credit, and then disappears without paying his debt
caramel {m} :: caramel, fudge
caramélisation {f} :: caramelisation
caraméliser {v} :: to caramelise
carapace {f} :: shell
carapater {v} [colloquial] :: to run, to make haste
carapater {vr} [colloquial] :: to run away
Caravage {prop} {m} :: Caravaggio (Italian painter)
caravagesque {adj} :: Caravaggesque, Caravaggiesque (reminiscent of the style of Caravaggio)
caravane {f} :: caravan (convoy of travelers)
caravane {f} :: travel trailer
caravanier {m} :: caravanner (all senses)
caravanière {f} :: feminine noun of caravanier
caravansérail {m} :: caravanserai
carbaldéhyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbaldehyde
carbazotique {adj} [obsolete, organic chemistry] :: carbazotic
carbène {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbene
carbocationique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: carbocationic
carbochimie {f} [chemistry] :: carbochemistry
carbochloration {f} [chemistry] :: carbochlorination
carboglace {f} :: dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)
carbolique {adj} [dated, organic chemistry] :: carbolic
carbomère {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbomer
carbomère {adj} :: carbomeric
carbonarisme {m} :: Carbonarism
carbonate {m} :: carbonate
carbonaté {adj} :: carbonated
carbone {m} :: carbon
carboné {adj} :: carbonaceous
carboné {adj} :: carbonized
carboner {v} :: To carbonize (react or treat with carbon)
carboneutralité {f} :: carbon neutrality
carboneutre {adj} :: carbon neutral
carboneux {adj} :: carbonic, carbonaceous
carbonifère {adj} [geology] :: Carboniferous
Carbonifère {prop} {m} [geology] :: the Carboniferous
carbonique {adj} :: carbonic
carbonisé {adj} :: charred, carbonized
carboniser {v} :: to char (to burn something to charcoal)
carbonitruration {f} :: carbonitriding
carbonitrurer {vt} :: to carbonitride
carbonné {adj} :: carbonized
carbonomètre {m} :: carbonometer
carbonylé {adj} :: carbonylated
carbonyler {vt} [chemistry] :: to carbonylate
carbophile {adj} [organic chemistry] :: carbophilic
carboplatine {m} [organic compound] :: carboplatin
carboréduction {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: carboreduction
carbosulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: carbosulfide
carboxaldéhyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxaldehyde
carboxyhémoglobine {f} [biochemistry] :: carboxyhemoglobin
carboxyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxyl
carboxylé {adj} :: carboxylated
carboxyler {vt} [organic chemistry] :: to carboxylate
carboxylique {adj} :: carboxylic
carboxyméthylcellulose {f} [organic compound] :: carboxymethylcellulose
carburant {m} :: fuel (to power machines)
carburateur {m} :: carburetor
carbure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: carbide
carburéacteur {m} :: aviation (jet) fuel
carburer {v} :: to carburet
carburer {v} [slang] :: [of a motor] to run well
carburer {v} [slang, followed by the preposition à] :: to run on, live on (to use a substance to work, to get on)
carburer {v} [chemistry] :: to introduce carbon into a metal
carcajou {m} :: wolverine
carcajou {m} [Canada, colloquial] :: a person who is fierce or otherwise displays the characters of a wolverine
carcan {m} :: yoke, shackles
carcan {m} :: straitjacket
carcasse {f} :: carcass (dead animal)
carcasse {f} :: carcass; skeleton; bones (of a plan)
carcassonnais {adj} :: Of the city of Carcassonne
Carcassonnais {m} :: Someone from the city of Carcassonne
Carcassonne {prop} {f} :: Carcassonne
carcéral {adj} :: prison (attributive), penal
carcino- {prefix} :: carcino-
carcinogène {m} :: carcinogen
carcinogène {adj} :: carcinogenic
carcinogénèse {f} :: carcinogenesis
carcinoïde {m} [pathology] :: carcinoid
carcinome {m} [pathology] :: carcinoma
cardabelle {f} :: A type of carline thistle (Carlina acanthifolia)
cardage {m} :: carding
cardamome {mf} :: cardamom
cardan {m} :: gimbal
carde {f} :: card (a machine for disentagling the fibres of wool prior to spinning)
carde {f} [botany] :: cardoon (perennial plant related to the artichoke)
carde {f} [culinary, in the plural] :: edible stalks of either cardoon or chard
carder {v} :: to card (use a carding machine)
cardère {f} :: teasel (plant of the genus Dipsacus)
cardeur {m} :: carder (person who cards wool)
cardeuse {f} :: feminine singular of cardeur
cardiacé {adj} :: heart-shaped
cardiaque {adj} :: cardiac
cardiaque {adj} [attributive] :: heart
cardigan {m} :: cardigan
cardinal {adj} :: Important; paramount
cardinal {adj} [mathematics] :: cardinal
cardinal {m} [religion] :: cardinal
cardinal {m} :: Cardinal number
cardinal {m} :: Cardinal (bird)
cardinal {m} :: cardinal (color)
cardinalat {m} :: cardinalate
cardinalesque {adj} :: Characteristic of a cardinal
cardinalité {f} :: cardinality (all senses)
cardio- {prefix} [anatomy] :: cardio-
cardiographe {m} :: cardiograph
cardiographie {f} :: cardiography
cardioïde {adj} :: cardioid
cardioïde {f} :: cardioid (epicycloid with one cusp)
cardiologie {f} :: cardiology
cardiologique {adj} :: cardiac
cardiologique {adj} :: cardiological
cardiologue {mf} :: cardiologist (physician)
cardiorespiratoire {adj} :: cardiorespiratory
cardiovasculaire {adj} :: cardiovascular (relating to the circulatory system)
cardite {f} [medicine] :: carditis
carditique {adj} :: carditic
cardon {m} :: cardoon
cardoncelle {f} :: A type of cardoon (Carduncellus mitissimus)
cardousse {f} :: A type of thistle (Scolymus hispanicus)
carduacé {adj} :: Resembling a thistle
careiche {f} [botany, archaic] :: carex, sedge
Carélie {prop} {f} :: Karelia (region)
carélien {m} :: Karelian (language)
carême {m} :: Lent
carêmien {adj} :: Carêmian
carénage {m} [nautical] :: careenage
carénage {m} :: fairing (on an aircraft etc)
carence {f} :: deficiency, lack, insufficiency
carence {f} :: gap
carencer {vt} :: to cause a deficiency [in someone]
carencro {m} [Louisiana French, Missouri] :: buzzard
caréné {adj} :: ducted
carène {f} [nautical] :: hull; keel
caréner {vt} [nautical] :: to careen
carer {v} [slang] :: alternative spelling of carrer
caresme {m} :: alternative form of carême
caressant {adj} :: cuddly
caressant {adj} :: affectionate
caresse {f} :: caress; stroke
caresser {v} :: to stroke; to caress (to move the hand over the surface of)
caresser {v} :: to toy with
caresser {v} :: to touch up; put the final touches on
caresser dans le sens du poil {vt} [figuratively] :: to butter up, to soft-soap
caret {m} :: loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)
caret {m} :: hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
caret {m} :: spool, reel
caret {m} :: yarn (thread of a rope)
caret {m} [dated] :: carex, sedge
caret {m} :: caret (symbol)
car-ferry {m} :: car ferry
cargaison {f} :: cargo (freight carried by a ship)
cargo {m} :: ship designed to carry a cargo
carhaisien {adj} :: Of or from Carhaix-Plouguer
cari {m} :: curry (spice blend and dish)
cariacou {m} :: carjacou; whitetail
caribéen {adj} :: Caribbean
caribou {m} :: caribou
caricatural {adj} :: caricatural
caricaturalement {adv} :: ridiculously
caricaturalement {adv} :: grotesquely
caricature {f} :: caricature
caricaturer {v} :: to caricature
caricaturesque {adj} :: caricaturesque
caricaturiste {mf} :: caricaturist
carie {f} [dentistry] :: decay [uncountable], cavity [countable] (process or result of bone or teeth being gradually decomposed)
carie {f} [botany] :: rot (process of a plant becoming rotten)
carie {f} [agriculture] :: rust (disease of cereals in which the grain is replaced by the spores of a reddish-brown fungus in genus Uredo)
carier {v} :: to rot, to rot away
carillon {m} :: carillon (set of bells, often in a bell tower)
carillonner {vi} :: to ring, chime, peal [of bells]
Carine {prop} :: given name, alternative spelling of Karine
carinet {m} :: navelwort (Umbilicus rupestris)
caritatif {adj} [attributive] :: charity
caritatif {adj} :: charitable
Carla {prop} :: given name borrowed from Italian
carlin {m} :: pug (dog)
carlingue {f} [nautical] :: kelson, keelson
carlingue {f} :: cabin of aircraft
carlisme {m} :: Carlism
carliste {adj} :: Carlist
carliste {mf} :: Carlist
carlovingien {adj} :: Carlovingian
carmagnole {f} [historical, clothing] :: carmagnole (short jacket fashionable during the French Revolution)
carmagnole {f} [historical] :: carmagnole (lively song and street dance)
carmagnole {f} [archaic] :: An old variety of apple
carme {m} :: Carmelite, white friar
carmélite {f} :: Carmelite nun
Carmen {prop} {f} :: given name
carmin {adj} :: carmine, crimson (having a deep, slightly bluish red colour)
carmin {m} :: cochineal, carmine (red dye made from the bodies of cochineal insects)
carmin {m} :: carmine, crimson (deep, slightly bluish red)
carmin {m} :: cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae
carminatif {adj} :: carminative
carminé {adj} :: carmine
carminique {adj} :: carminic
carnage {m} :: carnage (all senses)
carnassier {adj} :: carnivorous
carnation {f} [uncountable] :: a fleshy pinkish color (not the color of a carnation flower)
carnation {f} [countable] :: skin tone
carnaval {m} :: The carnival, last festive occasion before Lent, notably on Shrove Tuesday, marked by a masked parade and/or ball
carnavalesque {adj} :: carnival (attributive)
carnavaleuse {f} :: feminine singular of carnavaleux
carnavaleux {m} :: carnival-goer
carnavalier {adj} :: carnival (attributive)
carnavaliser {v} :: To give a carnival-like atmosphere to
carne {f} [colloquial] :: meat (usually of bad quality)
carne {f} :: nag (old useless horse)
carne {f} :: angle, corner (projecting)
carne {f} :: The tubular part of a pen
carnet {m} :: booklet, notebook
carnet d'adresses {m} :: address book; professional network, contacts, professional acquaintances
carnet de bord {m} :: logbook
carnet de commandes {m} :: order book, backlog
carnet de textes {m} :: homework notebook
carnichot {m} :: a large hole dug underneath a tree's roots and covered with branches
carnier {m} :: A small sack used by hunters to carry game birds
carnivore {adj} :: carnivorous (predatory or flesh-eating)
carnivore {m} :: carnivore
carnivorie {f} [biology] :: carnivory
Caro {prop} {f} :: given name. An intimate form of several given names such as Carole, Caroline and Carolane
carole {f} [historical] :: carol (round dance accompanied by singing)
Carole {prop} :: given name
Caroline {prop} {f} :: given name, one of several feminine equivalents of Charles
Caroline {prop} {f} :: One of the two US States named Carolina in English
Caroline du Nord {prop} {f} :: Caroline du Nord (state)
Caroline du Sud {prop} {f} :: South Carolina
Carolines {prop} {fp} :: Carolinas
carolingien {adj} :: Carolingian
caron {m} :: háček (the háček diacritic)
Caron {prop} :: surname
caronade {f} :: carronade
caroncule {f} :: caruncle
carotène {m} [organic chemistry] :: carotene
caroténoïde {m} [organic chemistry] :: carotenoid
carotide {f} [anatomy] :: carotid
carotidien {adj} [anatomy] :: carotid
carotinoïde {m} :: alternative form of caroténoïde
carotique {adj} [anatomy] :: carotic
carotte {f} :: carrot (vegetable)
carotte {f} :: carotte (cylindrical roll of tobacco)
carotte {f} [by extension] :: the red sign outside a tabac or bar-tabac
carotté {adj} [Quebec] :: alternative form of carreauté
carottes Vichy {fp} :: A dish consisting of sliced carrots cooked in butter
carottier {m} :: wangler
carottière {f} :: feminine noun of carottier
carottine {f} [organic compound] :: synonym of carotène
caroube {f} :: carob (fruit)
caroubier {m} :: carob (tree)
carouge {m} :: blackbird (precisely, New World blackbird)
carouge {m} :: rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)
carouge {f} :: carob (pod)
carouge {f} :: carob (wood)
ça roule {phrase} [as a question, colloquial] :: how's it going?
ça roule {phrase} [as a response, colloquial] :: OK, sounds like a plan, sounds good, all right, sure, sure thing
ça roule, ma poule {phrase} :: alternative form of ça roule
Carpates {prop} {fp} :: Carpathians
-carpe {suffix} :: -carp
carpe {f} :: carp
carpe {m} [skeleton] :: carpus
carpeau {m} :: young carp
carpelle {m} [botany] :: carpel
Carpenter {prop} :: Carpenter (surname)
Carpentier {prop} :: Carpentier (surname) (Charpentier (Carpenter))}
Carpentier {prop} :: surname
Carpentier {prop} :: surname
carpette {f} :: a rug, a doormat
carpien {adj} :: carpal (any of the eight bones of the wrist)
carpophage {adj} :: carpophagous
carpophage {m} :: pigeon (any of a number of fruit-eating pigeons)
carquois {m} :: quiver (for arrows)
carrable {adj} [maths] :: quadrable
carraghénane {m} :: carrageenan
carre {f} :: stature
carre {f} :: angle
carre {f} :: the side of a sword blade
carre {f} :: skating figure
carré {adj} :: square
carré {adj} [maths] :: quadratic
carré {adj} :: straightforward
carré {m} :: square
carré {m} :: patch (of land)
carré {m} [poker] :: four of a kind
carreau {m} :: square (as a geometrical shape)
carreau {m} [card games] :: diamonds (card suit)
carreau {m} :: tile (compare with carrelage, meaning tiles or tiling)
carreau {m} :: windowpane
carreau {m} :: bolt (crossbow projectile)
carreau {m} [Haiti] :: a unit of land, 100 square pas (where a pas is 3.5 French feet or pieds): roughly 1.3 hectares or 3.2 acres
carreauté {adj} [Quebec] :: plaid, tartan
carré d'agneau {f} :: rack of lamb
carrée {f} [music] :: a double whole note, a breve
carrefour {m} :: crossroads
carrelage {m} :: tiling, tiles (covering of tiles)
carrelage {m} :: tiling (action of covering with tiles)
carrelage {m} :: tiled floor
carrelage {m} [geometry] :: tiling, tesselation (tiling pattern with no gaps)
carreler {vt} :: to tile
carreler {vt} :: to pave
carrelet {m} :: plaice
carrelet {m} [fishing] :: (type of) fishing net; lift net
carrelet {m} :: fishing cabin
carrelet {m} :: carlet
carrelet {m} [fencing] :: (type of) square-bladed foil
carreleur {m} :: tiler
carreleuse {f} :: feminine noun of carreleur
carrément {adv} :: Lit.: "squarely". In the shape of a square; (of motion etc.) at right angles
carrément {adv} [colloquial] :: really, completely, real (US), well (UK slang)
carrément {adv} [colloquial] :: straight out, bluntly (of asking, speaking etc.)
carrément {adv} [colloquial] :: right, slap-bang
carrément {adv} [colloquial] :: definitely, for sure, really
carrer {v} :: to square (a number)
carret {m} :: alternative form of caret
Carrier {prop} :: surname
carrière {f} [originally] :: racecourse
carrière {f} :: career
carrière {f} :: quarry
carriérisme {m} :: careerism (priority given to one's career)
carriériste {mf} :: careerist (person who pursues his or her own career as his or her main aim)
carriole {f} :: cart
carriole {f} [Canada] :: sleigh
carrossable {adj} :: passable (for motor vehicles)
carrosse {m} :: carriage (luxury horse-drawn vehicle)
carrosserie {f} :: bodywork, body (of car)
carrossier {m} :: coachbuilder
carrossier {m} :: draught horse
carrossière {f} :: feminine noun of carrossier
carrousel :: carousel, merry-go-round
carroyer {v} :: to divide into squares
carrure {f} :: shoulders (of person, clothes)
carrure {f} :: build (physique of a human body)
carrure {f} :: calibre
cart. {m} :: abbreviation of cartulaire
cartable {m} :: satchel; schoolbag
carte {f} :: card
carte {f} :: chart; map
carte {f} :: menu
carte à jouer {f} :: playing card
carte bancaire {f} :: bank card
carte blanche {f} :: carte blanche (unlimited discretionary power to act; unrestricted authority)
carte blanche {f} :: See: fr carte blanche
carte bleue {f} [France] :: bank card
carte bleue {f} :: blue card
carte de crédit {f} :: credit card (plastic card, with a magnetic strip)
carte de débit {f} :: debit card
carte d'embarquement {f} :: boarding pass
carte de visite {f} [literally] :: A visiting card
carte de visite {f} :: A business card, small card with a person’s name and professional information
carte d'identité {f} :: ID card
carte heuristique {f} :: mind map
cartel {m} :: a cartel
carte mémoire {f} [electronics] :: memory card
carte mémoire {f} [education] :: flashcard
carte mentale {f} :: mind map
carte mère {f} [computing] :: motherboard (primary circuit board of a computer)
carte postale {f} :: postcard
carter {m} :: housing (of an engine)
carter {v} :: To verify a person's age etc by inspecting his identity card
carterie {f} :: printing found on post cards or playing cards
carterie {f} :: a shop selling postcards
carterie {f} :: artwork on personalized cards
carte routière {f} :: a road map
cartésianisme {m} :: Cartesianism
cartésien {adj} :: Cartesian
carte SIM {f} :: a SIM card
carte soleil {f} [Quebec, colloquial, medicine] :: synonym of carte d'assurance maladie du Québec (the Quebec medicare card)
carte soleil {f} [by extension] :: Any socialized health insurance card, government health care card, medicare card
carte verte {f} :: green card (US work permit)
carte verte {f} :: green card (motor insurance certificate)
carte vierge {f} :: blank map, blank card
Carthage {prop} {f} :: Carthage (ancient city)
Carthage {prop} {f} :: Carthage (ancient civilisation)
carthaginois {adj} :: Carthaginian
Carthaginois {m} :: Carthaginian
Carthaginoise {f} :: feminine singular of Carthaginois
carthame {m} :: safflower
carthamine {f} :: carthamin
cartier {m} :: playing card maker
cartilage {m} [anatomy] :: cartilage
cartilagéine {f} [protein] :: cartilagein
cartilagineux {adj} :: cartilaginous, gristly
cartogramme {m} :: cartogram
cartographe {mf} :: cartographer
cartographiable {adj} :: mappable
cartographie {f} :: cartography
cartographié {adj} :: mapped, charted
cartographier {vt} :: to map, chart
cartographique {adj} :: cartographic (of or relating to cartography)
cartographiquement {adv} :: cartographically
cartomancie {f} :: cartomancy
cartomancien {m} :: fortune teller (from tarot or playing cards), cartomancer
cartomancienne {f} :: feminine noun of cartomancien
carton {m} :: cardboard
carton {m} :: carton, cardboard box
carton {m} :: target
carton {m} [arts] :: sketch; cartoon
carton {m} [cartography] :: inset map
carton {m} :: card
carton jaune {m} [sports] :: yellow card
cartonnage {m} :: A cardboard covering of a parcel for protection during delivery
cartonné {adj} :: hardback
cartonner {vt} :: to cover with cardboard; [of a book] to print in hardcover
cartonner {vt} [colloquial] :: to attack, vigorously critique
cartonner {vt} [slang, sexuality] :: to possess sexually
cartonner {vi} [colloquial] :: to hit the jackpot
cartonner {vi} [colloquial] :: to be in danger, exposed, etc
cartonner {vi} [colloquial] :: to get into a collision, a car accident
cartonnerie {f} :: cardboard manufacturing plant
carton-pierre {m} :: carton-pierre (papier-mâché made to resemble wood, stone, or metal)
carton rouge {m} [sports] :: red card
cartouche {m} :: cartouche (ornamental figure)
cartouche {m} :: cartouche (Egyptian hieroglyphic of name)
cartouche {m} :: title block (technical drawing)
cartouche {f} :: cartridge
cartoucherie {f} :: A factory that makes small arms ammunition
cartouchière {f} :: bandolier, cartridge belt
cartouchière {f} :: cartridge pouch
cartul. {m} :: abbreviation of cartulaire
cartulaire {m} :: cartulary
carvi {m} :: caraway (plant)
carvi {m} :: caraway (spice)
caryatide {f} :: alternative spelling of cariatide
caryo- {prefix} [biology] :: karyo-
caryocinèse {f} [biology] :: karyokinesis
caryogame {adj} [biology] :: karyogamic
caryogamie {f} [biology] :: karyogamy
caryologie {f} [biology] :: karyology
caryon {m} [biology] :: karyon
caryophylline {f} :: caryophyllene
caryotype {m} [genetics] :: karyotype
cas {m} :: case, situation
cas {m} [medicine] :: case
cas {m} [law] :: case
cas {m} [grammar] :: case
casablancais {adj} :: Of or from Casablanca
casanier {adj} :: stay-at-home
casanier {m} :: homebody
casaque {f} :: blouse
casaque {f} :: jersey (of a jockey)
casaquin {m} [historical] :: casaquin
Casaubon {prop} :: surname
casbah {f} :: casbah
cascade {f} :: cascade (waterfall)
cascade {f} :: cascade (series of event)
cascade {f} [juggling] :: cascade
cascade {f} :: a stunt performed for cinematic imitation or entertainment
cascader {v} :: to cascade
cascadeur {m} :: stuntman, stuntperson (one who performs stunts)
cascadeuse {f} :: feminine noun of cascadeur
cascarine {f} [organic chemistry] :: cascaroside
cas d'école {m} :: A theoretical case used for study of a theory
cas d'école {m} :: A real-life case that matches the theory perfectly; a textbook case
cas de conscience {m} :: crisis of conscience, moral dilemma, matter of conscience
cas de conscience {m} [colloquial] :: twinge of conscience, misgiving, scruple
cas de figure {m} :: hypothesis, eventuality
cas d'espèce {m} :: special case, specific case, individual case (case where the usual rule doesn't apply)
cas direct {m} [grammar] :: direct case
case {f} [archaic, rare or regional] :: hut, cabin, shack
case {f} :: box (on form)
case {f} :: square (on board game)
case à cocher {f} [graphical user interface] :: checkbox
caséate {m} [organic chemistry] :: caseinate
caséine {f} [protein] :: casein
casemate {f} :: pillbox, blockhouse
caser {v} :: to fit
caser {vp} [colloquial] :: to settle down
caserne {f} :: barracks
caserne de pompiers {f} :: fire station
casernement {m} :: barracks
caserner {v} :: to barrack
cas grammatical {m} [grammar] :: grammatical case
cash {adv} [colloquial] :: in cash (of paying)
cash {adv} [colloquial] :: bluntly, directly, straight up
casher {adj} [Judaism] :: kosher
casier {m} :: locker (for storage)
casier {m} :: lobster pot, lobster trap
casier {m} [colloquial] :: ellipsis of casier judiciaire: criminal record
casier {m} :: a wooden basket, bin or chest in which dairy products such as cheese and butter were stored in the past
casier {m} [archaic] :: a cheesemaker, especially of parmesan
casier judiciaire {m} :: criminal record (a record of past crimes)
casino {m} :: a casino
casoar {m} :: cassowary
cas oblique {m} [grammar] :: oblique case
Caspienne {prop} :: Caspian
casque {m} :: helmet
casque {m} :: hard hat
casque {m} :: headphones
casque {m} [zoology] :: casque
casque bleu {m} [military] :: United Nations peacekeeper; a blue helmet or blue beret
casquer {vi} :: to fall into a trap, particularly by paying money in advance
casquer {vit} :: to cough up, stump up, fork out, shell out [money]
casquer {vt} :: to cover with (something resembling) a helmet
casquer {vr} :: to put on (something resembling) a helmet
casquette {f} :: cap, baseball cap, flat cap
cas régime {m} [grammar, especially, Old French] :: objective case, object case
cassable {adj} :: breakable
cassage {m} :: breaking
cassant {adj} :: brittle
cassant {adj} :: harsh, cutting, catty
cassation {f} [legal] :: cassation
casse {m} [slang] :: burglary, break-in
casse {f} :: breakage (act of breaking)
casse {f} :: breaker's yard, wreck yard
casse {f} :: [typography, informatics] case
cassé {adj} :: broken
cassé {adj} [Quebec] :: broke (lacking money)
casse-bonbons {adj} [figuratively, somewhat vulgar] :: irritating, annoying as hell
casse-bonbons {m} [figuratively, somewhat vulgar] :: ball-buster; pain; pain in the arse (someone who is irritating)
casse-briques {m} [video games] :: A style of video game in which the player moves a paddle to deflect a ball so as to clear a grid of bricks by striking them with the ball
casse-burnes {adj} [figuratively, vulgar] :: irritating, annoying as fuck
casse-burnes {m} [figuratively, vulgar] :: ball-buster; pain; pain in the arse (someone who is irritating)
casse-cœur {m} [figurative] :: heartbreaker; lady-killer, man-killer
casse-cou {m} :: deathtrap
casse-cou {m} :: daredevil (a person who risks life)
casse-couille {m} :: alternative spelling of casse-couilles
casse-couille {adj} :: alternative spelling of casse-couilles
casse-couilles {adj} [vulgar] :: irritating
casse-couilles {m} [vulgar] :: ball-buster; pain; pain in the arse (figuratively, someone who is irritating)
casse-croute {m} :: alternative spelling of casse-croûte
casse-croûte {m} :: snack, light meal taken between larger ones
casse-croûte {m} :: snack, the food that makes up that meal, usually quite portable
casse-croûte {m} :: snack bar
casse-gueule {adj} [figuratively, very colloquial] :: dangerous, risky, dodgy
casse-gueule {m} [figuratively, very colloquial] :: a dangerous, slippery place, passage or obstacle
casse-noisette {f} :: nutcracker
casse-noix {m} :: nutcracker (tool)
casse-noix {m} :: nuthatch (bird)
casse-pied {adj} :: annoying
casse-pied {mf} :: pain, pain in the ass, pain in the neck
casse-pipe {m} :: A difficult, risky or life-threatening situation
casse-pipe {m} [by extension, military] :: A dangerous mission or battle; a war
casse-pipe {m} [figuratively] :: Disaster
casser {v} :: to break
casser {v} :: to break up (with somebody)
casser du sucre sur le dos de {v} [colloquial] :: to badmouth, to slag off, to backbite, to speak ill of, to talk about someone behind their back
casser la baraque {v} [colloquial] :: to bring down the house
casser la croûte {v} :: to break bread
casser la gueule {v} [à] :: [very, colloquial, figuratively] to duff up, to beat up
casser la gueule {vr} [very, colloquial, figuratively] :: to fail, to fall flat on one's face
casser les burnes {v} [à] :: [vulgar] synonym of casser les couilles
casser les couilles {v} [à] :: [vulgar] To piss off, to annoy a lot
casser les pieds {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to annoy (someone)
casserole {f} :: saucepan (utensil)
casserole {f} [transferred sense] :: saucepan (contents of a saucepan)
casserole {f} [Belgium] :: stewpot, cooking pot
casser sa pipe {v} [euphemistic or humorous] :: to kick the bucket; to snuff it
casse-tête {m} :: brainteaser, puzzle
casse-tête {m} [by extension] :: headache, problem
casse-tête {m} :: warclub
cassette {f} :: treasure box
cassette {f} :: small box
cassette {f} :: cassette tape
cassette {f} [cycling] :: cassette (set of sprockets)
casseur {m} :: rioter, hooligan
casseuse {f} :: feminine noun of casseur
casse-vitesse {m} [Belgium] :: speed bump
cassican {m} :: butcherbird (in the genus Cracticus)
cassie {f} :: needle bush, cassie
cassie {f} :: cassie (perfume)
cassier {m} :: sweet acacia, needle bush (Vachellia farnesiana, syn. Acacia farnesiana)
cassinoïde {f} [geometry] :: cassinoid
Cassiopée {prop} {f} :: Cassiopeia
cassiopéium {m} :: cassiopeium
cassis {m} :: blackcurrant (fruit)
cassis {m} :: the shrub of this fruit
cassis {m} :: liqueur made with this fruit; crème de cassis
cassis {m} [slang] :: head
Cassis {prop} :: Cassis (town)
cassitérite {f} [mineral] :: cassiterite
cassonade {f} :: (soft) brown sugar
cassos {mf} [vulgar, slang] :: loser
cassoulet {m} :: cassoulet
cas sujet {m} [grammar, especially, Old French] :: subjective case, subject case
cassure {f} :: break
cassure {f} :: crack, fissure
castagne {f} [colloquial] :: brawl, punch-up, scrap
castagnette {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: castanets
castagnole {f} :: pomfret
caste {f} :: caste (hereditary class)
caste {f} :: class (social position)
Castex {prop} :: surname
castillan {m} :: Castilian (language)
castillan {adj} :: Castilian
Castille {prop} {f} :: Castile
castiller {vi} :: to argue
casting {m} :: casting (selection of actors)
castor {m} :: beaver (aquatic mammal)
Castor {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Castor
Castor {prop} [star] :: Castor
Castor {prop} [Canada] :: Dane-zaa or Beaver indigenous people
castor commun {m} :: European beaver (Castor fiber)
castor d'Eurasie {m} :: European beaver (Castor fiber)
castor d'Europe {m} :: European beaver (Castor fiber)
castrat {m} :: castrato
castration {f} :: castration
castrer {v} :: to neuter, to castrate (to remove sex organs from an animal)
castrisme {m} :: Castroism
castriste {adj} :: Castrist
castriste {mf} :: Castrist
casualiser {v} :: To casualize
casualiser {v} [maths, computing] :: To randomize
casuel {adj} :: casual; fatal (happening by chance)
casuellement {adv} :: casually
ça suffit {interj} :: that does it, that's enough
casuiste {m} :: casuist
cata {f} [colloquial] :: disaster
catabase {f} :: katabasis
catabatique {adj} :: katabatic
catabolisme {m} [biochemistry] :: catabolism
catacaustique {f} [geometry] :: catacaustic
catachrèse {f} [rhetoric] :: catachresis
cataclysme {m} :: cataclysm
cataclysmique {adj} :: cataclysmic
catacombe {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: catacomb
catadioptre {m} :: reflector, retroreflector
catadioptrique {adj} :: catadioptric
catadioptrique {f} :: catadioptrics
catafalque {m} :: catafalco, catafalque
cataire {f} :: catnip (Nepeta cataria)
catalan {m} :: Catalan language
catalan {adj} :: Catalan, Catalonian
Catalan {m} :: A Catalan person
Catalane {f} :: feminine noun of Catalan
catalanophone {adj} :: Catalan-speaking
catalanophone {mf} :: Catalan-speaking person
catalectique {adj} :: catalectic
catalepsie {f} [pathology] :: catalepsy
cataleptique {adj} :: cataleptic
Catalogne {prop} {f} :: Catalogne (autonomous community)
catalogue {m} :: A systematical catalogue
cataloguer {v} :: to catalogue
cataloguer {v} [pejorative] :: to pigeonhole
catalpique {adj} :: catalpic
catalyse {f} [chemistry] :: catalysis
catalysé {adj} :: catalyzed
catalyser {vt} [chemistry] :: to catalyze
catalyseur {adj} :: catalytic
catalyseur {m} :: catalyst
catalytique {adj} :: catalytic
catalytiquement {adv} :: catalytically
catamaran {m} :: catamaran, a twin-hulled ship or boat
catanais {adj} :: of or from Catania
Catanais {m} :: someone of or from Catania
Catanaise {f} :: feminine singular of Catanais
catananche {m} :: cupid's dart (Catananche caerulea)
Catane {prop} {f} :: Catania, town and province in Italy
cataphase {f} :: cataphasis
cataphatique {adj} :: cataphatic
cataphote {m} :: reflector (on a bicycle etc)
cataplasme {m} :: cataplasm, poultice
cataplasme sur jambe de bois {m} :: alternative form of cataplasme sur une jambe de bois
cataplasme sur une jambe de bois {m} [figuratively] :: something as useful as tits on a bull, as useful as a chocolate teapot, as useful as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, as useful carrying coals to Newcastle, something of no earthly use (something completely useless and inefficient)
catapultage {m} :: catapulting
catapulte {f} :: catapult
catapulter {v} :: to catapult
catapulteur {m} :: catapulter
cataracte {f} :: cataract (waterfall)
cataracte {f} :: cataract (eye disease)
catarhinien {adj} :: alternative form of catarrhinien
catarhinien {m} :: alternative form of catarrhinien
catarrhe {m} :: catarrh
catarrheux {adj} :: catarrhal
catarrhinien {adj} :: catarrhine
catarrhinien {m} :: catarrhine
catastrophe {f} :: catastrophe
catastropher {vt} :: to stagger [a person, with an announcement]
catastrophique {adj} :: catastrophic
catastrophiquement {adv} :: catastrophically
catastrophisme {m} :: doomsaying (having dire predictions)
catastrophisme {m} [geology] :: catastrophism
catastrophiste {mf} :: catastrophist
catatonie {f} [medicine] :: catatonia
catatonique {adj} [medicine] :: catatonic
catatrufa {m} :: smooth golden fleece (Urospermum dalechampii)
catch {m} :: wrestling; professional wrestling
catcher {v} :: to wrestle
catcher {v} [Quebec] :: to catch
catcher {v} [Quebec] :: to catch, get (understand fully)
catcheur {m} :: professional wrestler (fighter in simulated wrestling)
catcheuse {f} :: feminine noun of catcheur
catéchèse {f} :: catechesis
catéchétique {adj} :: catechetical
catéchine {f} [organic compound] :: catechin, catechol
catéchiser {vt} :: to catechise
catéchisme {m} :: catechism
catécholamine {f} :: catecholamine
catéchumène {mf} :: catechumen
catégorie {f} :: category
catégoriel {adj} [philosophy, linguistics] :: categorical (relating to categories)
catégoriellement {adv} :: categorically
catégorifier {v} :: To categorify
catégorique {adj} :: categorical, clear-cut, unequivocal
catégorique {adj} [of a person] :: positive, certain
catégoriquement {adv} :: categorically
catégorisation {f} :: categorization/categorisation
catégoriser {vt} :: to categorize
caténaire {f} :: overhead line
caténaire {f} :: catenary
caténation {f} :: catenation (all senses)
caténoïde {f} :: catenoid
ça te va bien {interj} [colloquial] :: look who's talking! you're one to talk! you can talk!
cathare {adj} [religion] :: Catharist
cathare {mf} [religion] :: Cathar
catharisme {m} :: Catharism: a Christian religious sect of the High Middle Ages
cathartique {adj} :: cathartic
cathéchétique {adj} :: catechetical
cathédral {adj} :: cathedral
cathédrale {f} :: cathedral
cathèdre {f} :: cathedra
cathèdre {f} [archaic, rare] :: chair of university
catherine {f} [Canada] :: chamber pot
Catherine {prop} {f} :: given name
catherinette {f} :: A girl of 25 years old who is unmarried by St Catherine's Day (25th November)
catherinien {adj} :: Catherinian
cathète {f} [geometry] :: cathetus
cathéter {m} :: catheter
cathétomètre {m} :: cathetometer
catho {mf} [colloquial] :: Catholic, often one who is overly-pontifical
catho {adj} [colloquial] :: Catholic
cathode {f} :: cathode
cathodique {adj} :: cathodic
cathodique {adj} :: adjectival form of tube cathodique (CRT)
cathodiquement {adv} :: cathodically
catholicisme {m} :: Catholicism
catholicité {f} :: catholicity
catholique {adj} :: Catholic
catholique {mf} :: Catholic
catholiquement {adv} [religion] :: Catholically
catigot {m} :: A type of stew, often of eels, from the South of France
catimini {adj} :: sly
catin {f} [dated or literary] :: harlot, slattern
catin {f} [Canada, Louisiana French] :: doll; mannequin, dummy
catin {m} [obsolete, metallurgy] :: vessel for molten metal
cation {m} :: cation
cationique {adj} [chemistry] :: cationic
catoblépas {m} :: catoblepas
catogan {m} :: ribbon to attach the hair
catogan {m} :: ponytail attached by this ribbon
Caton {prop} {m} [history] :: given name
Caton {prop} {m} :: surname
catoptrique {adj} :: catoptric
catoptriquement {adv} :: catoptrically
catoptromancie {f} :: catoptromancy
catze {m} [obsolete, slang] :: penis
Cau {prop} :: surname
Caucase {prop} {m} :: Caucasus (geographic region)
caucasien {adj} [geography, linguistics] :: Caucasian (pertaining to the Caucasus region)
caucasien {adj} [anthropology, rare] :: Caucasian, white
Caucasien {m} :: Caucasian (native of the Caucasus region)
Caucasienne {f} :: feminine noun of Caucasien
cauchemar {m} :: nightmare
cauchemardement {adv} :: nightmarishly
cauchemarder {v} :: to have a nightmare
cauchemardesque {adj} :: nightmarish (resembling a nightmare)
caucher {m} :: the beating of gold into gold leaf
cauchois {adj} :: Cauchois, pertaining to the Caux region of France
Cauchon {prop} :: surname
caudal {adj} [anatomy] :: caudal
caudalement {adv} :: caudally
caudé {adj} [biology] :: caudate
caudillo {m} :: caudillo
Caumartin {prop} :: surname
cauri {m} :: cowry, money cowry
causal {adj} :: causal
causalement {adv} :: causally
causalité {f} :: causality (agency of cause)
causatif {adj} :: causative
causatif {m} [grammar] :: causative
causativement {adv} :: causatively
cause {f} :: cause
cause {f} [law] :: case (a legal proceeding)
cause perdue {f} :: lost cause
causer {v} :: to cause (be the cause of)
causer {vt} [colloquial] :: to speak (a language)
causer {vi} [colloquial] :: to speak, talk, chat; to be waffling on about
causer chiffons {v} :: synonym of parler chiffons
causerie {f} :: chat, talk
cause toujours {phrase} [colloquial] :: carry on, keep going, keep talking, fascinating!
causette {f} :: chat, casual conversation
causette {f} [Internet] :: online chatting
causeur {adj} :: talkative
causeur {m} :: talkative person
causeuse {f} :: feminine noun of causeur
causeuse {f} :: causeuse, love seat
causticité {f} :: causticity
causticité {f} :: pungency
caustique {adj} :: caustic (all senses)
caustique {adj} :: scathing, biting, pungent
caustiquement {adv} :: caustically
cauteleusement {adv} :: craftily
cauteleux {adj} :: wily, crafty
cautère {m} [surgery] :: cautery (all senses)
cautère sur jambe de bois {m} :: alternative form of cautère sur une jambe de bois
cautère sur une jambe de bois {m} :: synonym of cataplasme sur une jambe de bois
cautériser {vt} [surgery] :: to cauterize
caution {f} :: caution, guaranty, bail
caution {f} :: deposit
caution {f} :: security deposit
cautionnement {m} [law] :: suretyship
cautionnement {m} :: security deposit (action)
cautionner {v} [legal] :: to post bail
cautionner {v} :: to support
ça va {interj} [as a question] :: how are you? how is it going? how are things?
ça va {interj} [as a response] :: Things are going fine
ça va barder {idiom} :: all hell will break loose!
ça va bien {phrase} :: I'm fine, I'm alright
cavalcade {f} :: cavalcade
cavalcader {vi} :: to ride with a group
cavalcader {vi} :: to run in all directions
cavale {f} :: mare (female horse)
cavale {f} [colloquial] :: escape
cavaler {v} [colloquial] :: to rush about
cavaler {v} :: to be on the run
cavaler {v} [obsolete] :: to bestride
cavalerie {f} :: cavalry
cavalier {m} :: horseman, particularly:
cavalier {m} :: knight
cavalier {m} :: cavalier: an early modern cavalry officer
cavalier {m} :: (horse-)rider
cavalier {m} [chess, m] :: knight
cavalier {m} [card games, m] :: knight (in tarot)
cavalier {m} [m] :: U-nail, fence staple, construction staple
cavalier {m} [m] :: cable clip
cavalier {m} [danse, m] :: (male) partner
cavalier {m} [m] :: (male) date, (male) companion for social activities
cavalier {adj} :: equestrian
cavalier {adj} :: cavalier (all senses)
cavalièrement {adv} :: offhandedly (in a cavalier manner)
ça va sans dire {phrase} [idiom] :: it goes without saying
cavatine {f} [music] :: cavatina
cave {adj} :: pitted
cave {adj} :: concave
cave {adj} :: cavernous
cave {f} :: A cellar or basement
cave {f} [specifically] :: A wine cellar; or, a piece of furniture that serves the purpose of a wine cellar
cave {f} [by extension] :: A wine selection
cave {f} :: caves: An estate where wine grapes are grown or (especially) where wine is produced
cave {f} :: cave à liqueurs: A chest for the storage of liquors
cave {m} [Quebec, slang] :: An imbecile, a stupid person
caveau {m} :: crypt, sepulchre
caveau {m} [Canada] :: A dug-out or sod hut
cave à vin {f} :: wine cellar, wine vault
caveçon {m} :: cavesson
caverne {f} :: cavern
caverneux {adj} :: cavernous
caverneux {adj} [of a voice] :: sonorous
cavernicole {adj} :: cavernicolous
caviar {m} :: caviar
caviarder {v} [colloquial] :: to redact
caviste {mf} :: cellarman (person in charge of a wine cellar)
cavitation {f} [science] :: The formation of gas bubbles in a fluid in a vacuum
cavité {f} :: cavity
caye {f} :: key (small island)
Cayenne {prop} {f} :: Cayenne (capital city)
ça y est {phrase} [idiomatic] :: there we go, there you go, there you have it, that's it, etc
Cayor {prop} {m} :: Cayor (country)
Cb. {f} [music] :: db, Cb. (double bass)
C.-B. {prop} {f} :: Colombie-Britannique, a province in Canada
CB {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Colombie-Britannique
CB {f} :: abbreviation of carte bleue
CB {f} :: ham radio
CB {f} :: abbreviation of cul-bénit: a priest's darling
C.Bon. {m} [music] :: C.Bon. (contrabassoon)
C.Bssn. {m} [music] :: C.Bssn. (contrabassoon)
CCE {m} :: (comité central d'entreprise) ≈ works council
CCITT {prop} {m} [telecommunication, initialism] :: CCITT; initialism of Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique, called since 1993 ITU-T
CCP {prop} {f} :: initialism of Certification de conformité produit
CD {m} :: CD (compact disk)
CDD {m} :: fixed-term contract
CDI {m} :: open-ended contract (as opposed to a CDD (fixed-term contract))
cdlt {adv} :: cordially
CDM {prop} {f} [sports, cycling, skiing] :: initialism of Coupe du Monde (World Cup (e.g., the World Cup of Skiing, or World Cup of Cycling))
CDN {prop} :: CDN; initialism of Côte-des-Neiges CDN (district)
ce {determiner} :: this, that
ce {pron} [subject of être, with predicative adjectives or relative clauses, singular only] :: it, this, that (see § Usage notes, below)
ce {pron} [subject of être, with predicate nouns] :: he, she, it, this, that
ce {pron} [archaic, subject of verbs other than être] :: it, this, that
CE {prop} {f} :: EC (European Community)
CE {m} :: a part of the primary school
CE {m} :: works council
{m} :: letter: c
céans {adv} [archaic or literary] :: (in) here
cébidé {m} :: cebid
ceci {pron} :: this
cécidie {f} :: gall, cecidium
ceci dit {adv} :: that said, that being said, then again
ceci étant {adv} :: that being so, that being said, then again, however
ceci étant dit {adv} :: that being so, that being said, then again, however
Cécile {prop} {f} :: given name
Cécilia {prop} {f} :: given name
cécité {f} :: blindness (condition of being blind)
cécotrophe {m} [biology] :: caecotroph
cécotrophie {f} [biology] :: caecotrophy
cédant {m} [legal] :: transferor (of a right etc)
cédante {f} :: feminine singular of cédant
cédé {m} :: CD, compact disc
céder {v} :: to yield
céder la parole {v} [à] :: to give the floor to someone, to call on someone, to give someone a chance to speak
céder le pas {v} [à] :: [figuratively] to give way to, to yield to
cédérom {m} :: CD-ROM
CEDEX {m} :: abbreviation of Courrier d'Entreprise à Distribution Exceptionnelle: a postcode system used in France for bulk commercial postal mail
cédez-le-passage {m} :: yield sign, give way sign
cédille {f} :: cedilla
cédraie {f} :: A plantation of cedars
cédrat {m} :: citron (the fruit of Citrus medica)
cèdre {m} :: cedar (tree)
cèdre de l'Atlas {m} :: Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica)
Cédric {prop} {m} :: given name borrowed from English Cedric
Cédrika {prop} {f} :: Cedrica, feminine noun of Cédric given name derived from English Cedric
Cédron {prop} :: Cédron (valley)
cédule {f} [dated] :: debt certificate, borrower's note, payment agreement
cédule {f} [by extension] :: note
cédule {f} [Canada] :: schedule
ce faisant {adv} [rather formal] :: in doing so, by so doing, thereby
céfran {prop} {m} [verlan, slang] :: the French language
céfran {adj} [verlan, slang] :: French
Céfran {m} [slang] :: a French person
cégep {m} :: cégep (college in Québec)
cégépien {adj} :: Of or relating to a cégep
cégépien {m} :: A student who attend a cégep
cégétiste {adj} :: Pertaining to the CGT
cégétiste {mf} :: Someone who supports the CGT
CEI {prop} {f} :: initialism of w:fr:Commission électrotechnique internationale: IEC
ceindre {vt} :: to gird, put on (clothes, which fit around a part of the body)
ceindre {vt} :: to wrap round
ceindre {v} [figuratively] :: to don (an item of ceremonious clothing)
ceintrer {v} [nautical] :: To warp (a ship)
ceinture {f} :: belt (item of clothing)
ceinture d'astéroïdes {f} :: asteroid belt
ceinture de chasteté {f} :: chastity belt
ceinture de sécurité {f} :: seatbelt, safety belt
ceinture noire {f} :: black belt (the belt itself)
ceinture noire {f} :: black belt (someone who has attained a black belt)
ceinturer {vt} :: to belt; belt up; girt; put a belt (or something similar) around
ceinturer {vt} :: to wrap; wrap up
ceinturer {vt} :: to surround
ceinturon {m} :: leather belt for holding knives, swords, daggers, etc
ceinturon {m} [by extension] :: any wide leather belt
cejourd'hui {adv} :: synonym of aujourd'hui
cela {pron} :: that
celà {pron} :: alternative form of cela
cela dit {adv} :: that said, that being said, having said that, then again
céladon {m} :: celadon (color)
céladon {m} :: celadon (glaze)
céladon {adj} :: celadon
cela étant {adv} :: that being so, that being said, then again, however
cela étant dit {adv} :: that being so, that being said, then again, however
cela fait zir {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] :: astonishing!
célastrol {m} [organic compound] :: celastrol
cela va sans dire {phrase} [idiom] :: it goes without saying
célébrateur {m} :: celebrator
célébration {f} :: celebration
célébratrice {f} :: feminine singular of célébrateur
célèbre {adj} :: famous
célébrer {v} :: to celebrate
célébrissime {adj} :: superfamous
célébrité {f} [uncountable] :: the celebrity
célébrité {f} [countable] :: a celebrity
celer {vt} [literary] :: to conceal, hide
céler {vt} :: obsolete form of celer
céleri {m} :: celery
cèleri {m} :: alternative spelling of céleri
célerin {m} :: a kind of sardine
céléripède {adj} [archaic] :: swift-footed
céléripède {m} :: celeripede
céleri-rave {m} :: celeriac
célérité {f} :: celerity (speed)
célérité {f} [physics] :: celerity
célesta {m} [musical instrument] :: celesta
céleste {adj} :: celestial
Céleste {prop} {f} :: given name
Céleste-Empire {prop} {m} [obsolete or historical] :: Celestial Empire (China)
célestement {adv} :: celestially
célestine {f} [mineral] :: celestine
Célia {prop} :: given name
célibat {m} :: celibacy (state of being unmarried)
célibat {m} :: celibacy (state of not engaging in sexual intercourse)
célibataire {adj} :: single (without a life partner)
célibataire {mf} :: a single (person who is single)
Céline {prop} {f} :: given name
célite {m} [mineral] :: diatomite, kieselguhr
cell {m} [Quebec, colloquial] :: cellular phone, mobile phone; abbreviation of téléphone cellulaire
cella {f} :: cella
celle {pron} :: feminine singular of celui
cellier {m} :: storeroom (for food, wine etc.)
cellophane {m} :: cellophane
cellulaire {adj} [chiefly biology] :: cellular
cellulaire {m} [Quebec] :: cellular phone, mobile phone; ellipsis of téléphone cellulaire
cellulairement {adv} :: cellularly
cellule {f} [biology] :: cell
cellule {f} :: cell (of prison)
cellule {f} [electronics] :: cell
cellule {f} [optics] :: cell
cellule {f} [geometry] :: cell
cellule {f} [computing] :: table cell
cellule de dégrisement {f} :: drunk tank
cellule sanguine {f} [cytology] :: blood cell
cellule souche {f} :: stem cell
celluleux {adj} [biology] :: cellular
cellulifuge {adj} :: cellulifugal
cellulipète {adj} :: cellulipetal
cellulite {f} :: cellulite
cellulite {f} :: cellulitis
celluloïd {m} :: celluloid
cellulose {f} :: cellulose
cellulosique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cellulosic
cellulosiquement {adv} :: In a cellulosic manner; by the use of cellulose
célome {m} :: coelom
celte {adj} :: Celtic (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts)
celte {m} :: Celtic, (the language of the Celts)
Celte {mf} :: Celt (person of Celtic origin)
celtique {adj} :: Celtic (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts)
celtiser {v} :: To Celticize
celtitude {f} :: The quality, state or characteristic of being Celtic
celui {pron} :: the one
celui-ci {pron} :: this one
celui-ci {pron} :: the latter
celui-là {pron} :: that one
celui-là {pron} :: the former
celuy {pron} :: obsolete spelling of celui
cément {m} [technology, chemistry] :: cementum
cémentation {f} :: carburizing, cementation
cémentatoire {adj} :: cementatory
cémenter {v} :: To cement
ce me semble {adv} [literary] :: methinks
cémétérial {adj} :: cemeterial
cénacle {m} :: cenacle (all senses)
Cenchrées {prop} :: Kechries
cendre {f} :: ash (of fire, etc.)
cendré {adj} :: ashen
cendrée {f} [tincture, rare] :: The blazoning term for gray
cendreux {adj} :: ashen
cendreux {adj} :: cindery
cendrier {m} :: ashtray
cendriette {f} :: cineraria (plant)
Cendrillon {prop} {f} :: Cinderella (fairy tale)
Cendrillon {prop} {f} :: Cinderella (character)
Cène {f} :: Holy Communion
Cène {f} [arts] :: Last Supper
ce n'est pas à un vieux singe qu'on apprend à faire des grimaces {proverb} :: don't try to teach grandma how to suck eggs
ce n'est pas le Pérou {phrase} [idiomatic] :: it's nothing to write home about
ce n'est pas pour dire {adv} [colloquial] :: not to be rude, but..., I don't mean to be rude, but...; just saying
cenne {f} [money, Canada, colloquial] :: cent (one-hundredth of a dollar)
cénobial {adj} :: cenobitic
cénobite {m} :: cenobite
Cénomanien {prop} {m} :: Cenomanian period
ce nonobstant {adv} [dated, literary] :: this notwithstanding, in spite of that, despite that
cénotaphe {m} :: cenotaph
cénote {m} :: cenote
cens {m} :: census
cens {m} [historical] :: feu-duty (annual rent paid by a tenant of a fief to his feudal lord)
censé {adj} :: supposed to
censément {adv} :: supposedly
censeur {m} :: censor
censeur {m} :: headmaster (or deputy head)
censeure {f} :: feminine noun of censeur
censier {adj} :: poll tax (attributive)
censier {m} :: census document
censitaire {adj} :: census (attributive)
censuel {adj} :: censual
censuellement {adv} :: By means of a census
censure {f} :: censorship
censurer {v} :: to formally rebuke; to censure
censurer {v} :: to censor
cent {num} :: hundred
cent {m} [money] :: cent (one-hundredth of a dollar or of a euro)
centaine {f} :: hundred, about a hundred, about one hundred
centaine {f} :: (in plural centaines) hundreds (in arithmetic)
centaure {m} :: centaur (mythical half horse, half man)
centaurée {f} :: centaury
centauresque {adj} :: centauresque
centauresse {f} :: centauress (female centaur)
centenaire {mf} :: centenary (period of 100 years, to mark an anniversary)
centenaire {mf} :: centennial (100 year anniversary)
centenaire {mf} :: centenarian (someone aged 100 years or more)
centenaire {adj} :: 100-year-old
centenier {m} :: centurion
centennal {adj} :: centennial
centésimal {adj} [maths] :: centesimal
centi- {prefix} :: centi-
centième {adj} :: hundredth
centième {mf} :: hundredth
centièmement {adv} :: hundredthly
centièmement {adv} :: finally, lastly
centigrade {adj} :: centigrade (all meanings)
centigramme {m} :: centigram, centigramme
centikatal {m} :: Centikatal
centilage {f} [statistics] :: percentilation
centilitre {m} :: centilitre, centiliter
centime {m} :: centime (hundredth of a franc, coin)
centime {m} :: cent (one-hundredth of a euro), eurocent
centimètre {m} :: centimetre
centimétrique {adj} :: centimetric
centipède {adj} :: centipede
centipède {m} :: centipede (A segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda)
centiseconde {f} :: centisecond (one hundredth of a second)
centon {m} :: cento
centon {m} :: motley
cent pour cent {adv} [colloquial] :: one hundred percent
centrafricain {adj} :: Central African
Centrafricain {m} :: Central African
Centrafricaine {f} :: feminine noun of Centrafricain
Centrafrique {prop} :: Central African Republic
Centrafrique {prop} :: Central Africa
centrage {m} :: centering (act of putting into the center)
central {adj} :: central
centrale {f} :: power plant
centrale électrique {f} :: power station
centrale nucléaire {f} :: nuclear power plant
centralien {m} :: A eq. master degree in engineering offered at Ecole Centrale Paris, the Centralien curriculum
centralisateur {adj} :: centralizing (tending to centralize)
centralisateur {m} :: centralizer
centralisation {f} :: centralization, centralisation
centraliser {v} :: to centralise
centralisme {m} :: centralism
centralité {f} :: centrality
centraméricain {adj} :: Central American
centranthe {m} :: Any plant of the genus Centranthus
centre {m} :: centre, center
centre {m} [soccer] :: cross, specifically one directed into the penalty area
Centre {prop} :: Centre (former région of France)
centré {adj} :: central
centré {adj} :: centralized
centre aéré {f} :: An outdoor centre for recreation
centre commercial {m} :: mall; shopping center, especially one with multiple floors
centre de gravité {m} [physics] :: center of gravity
centre de jeunesse {m} :: youth center
centre de la petite enfance {m} :: synonym of garderie
Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications {prop} {m} [Canada] :: Communications Security Establishment
Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications Canada {prop} {m} [Canada] :: Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications - Communications Security Establishment, literally Communications Security Establishment Canada
centre de masse {m} [physics] :: center of mass
centre d'intérêt {m} :: interest, area of interest, center of interest, field of personal interest, hobby, concern, preoccupation, focus
centrer {v} :: to center (put into, move into to center)
Centre-Val de Loire {prop} :: Centre-Val de Loire
centre-ville {m} :: town centre, city center, downtown, central business district (CBD)
centrifuge {adj} :: centrifugal
centrifugeuse {f} :: centrifuge
centripète {adj} :: centripetal (directed or moving towards a centre)
centripétence {f} :: centripetence
-centrique {suffix} :: -centric
centrique {adj} :: centric
centrique {adj} :: central
centrisme {m} :: centrism
centriste {adj} [politics] :: centrist
centriste {mf} [politics] :: a centrist
centrobarique {adj} :: centrobaric
centroïde {f} [geometry] :: centroid
centrolécithe {adj} :: centrolecithal
centromère {m} [genetics] :: centromere
centroscopie {f} [obsolete, geometry] :: centroscopy
centrosymétrique {adj} :: centrosymmetric
cent sept ans {adv} [colloquial, hyperbolic] :: a long time
centupler {v} :: to centuple, to multiply by one hundred
centurie {f} [historical, Ancient Rome, military] :: century (Roman army type unit)
centurie {f} [literary, obsolete] :: century (period of 100 years)
centurion {m} [Ancient Rome, military] :: centurion (Roman officer)
cénure {m} :: coenure (larva of taenia)
cep {m} :: vine
CEP {m} :: initialism of certificat d’études primaires
cépage {m} :: a variety or clone of a cultivated vine
cèpe {m} :: an edible mushroom, Boletus edulis
cependant {adv} :: meanwhile
cependant {conj} :: however, nevertheless, yet, notwithstanding
cephalæe {f} :: obsolete form of céphalée
-céphale {suffix} :: -cephalic
céphalé {adj} :: cephalic
-céphalie {suffix} :: -cephaly
céphaline {f} [organic chemistry] :: cephalin
céphalique {adj} :: cephalic
céphalisation {f} [biology] :: cephalization
céphalon {m} :: cephalon
céphalopode {m} :: cephalopod
céphaloscopie {f} :: cephaloscopy
céphaloscopique {adj} [anatomy] :: cephaloscopic
Céphas {prop} :: Cephas
Céphée {prop} {m} :: Cepheus
ce pourquoi {adv} :: which is why; that's why
cepstral {adj} :: cepstral
cepstre {m} :: cepstrum
ce que {pron} [accusative, relative] :: what (relative pronoun - direct object)
ce que {pron} [accusative, interrogative] :: what (in indirect questions)
ce que femme veut, Dieu le veut {proverb} :: Women always manage to obtain what they want
ce qui {pron} [nominative, relative] :: what (that which; those which; the thing that)
ce qui {pron} [nominative, interrogative] :: what (in indirect questions, subject)
ce qui est fait est fait {proverb} :: what's done is done
ce qu'il fallait démontrer {interj} :: quod erat demonstrandum
céramide {m} [organic chemistry] :: ceramide
céramique {adj} :: ceramic
céramique {f} :: ceramic (material, object)
céramique {f} :: ceramics (art)
céramiste {m} :: ceramist
cérasine {f} :: cerasin
cérasine {f} :: ozocerite
cérate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cerate
cératophylle {m} :: hornwort, coontail (of the genus Ceratophyllum)
céraunologie {f} :: ceraunics
cerbère {m} :: bad-tempered bouncer (door keeper)
Cerbère {prop} {m} :: Cerberus
cerbérine {f} :: cerberin
cerce {f} [architecture] :: curve of an arch
cerce {f} [maths] :: spline
cerceau {m} :: hoop (circular-shaped ring)
cerceau {m} [gymnastics] :: hoop
cercle {m} [geometry] :: circle
cercle {m} :: group of people, circle
cerclé {adj} :: encircled
cercle polaire {m} :: polar circle
cercler {vt} :: to ring, hoop, encircle (with)
cercle unité {m} :: unit circle (circle of radius 1)
cercle vertueux {m} :: virtuous circle
cercle vicieux {m} :: vicious circle
cercope {m} :: froghopper, spittlebug
cercosporine {f} :: cercosporin
cercueil {m} :: coffin, casket
céréale {f} :: cereal (plant)
céréale {f} :: cereal (seed)
céréale {f} :: cereal (food product made from cereal plants)
céréalier {adj} :: cereal (attributive)
céréalier {m} :: cereal grower, cultivator of cereal
céréalière {f} :: feminine noun of céréalier
céréaline {f} :: cerealin
cérébelleux {adj} [anatomy] :: cerebellar
cérébral {adj} :: cerebral
cérébral {m} :: A cerebral person
cérébralisme {m} :: cerebralism
cérébration {f} :: cerebration
cérébroside {m} [organic chemistry] :: cerebroside
cérébrospinal {adj} [anatomy] :: cerebrospinal
cérémonial {adj} :: ceremonial
cérémonie {f} :: ceremony
cérémonie du thé {f} :: tea ceremony
cérémonieusement {adv} :: ceremoniously
cérémonieux {adj} :: ceremonious; formal
Cérès {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: Ceres (goddess)
cérésine {f} :: ceresin
céreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: cerous
cerf {m} :: a stag, a hart
cerfeuil {m} :: chervil
cerf rouge {m} :: red deer, Cervus elaphus
cerf-volant {m} :: stag beetle
cerf-volant {m} :: kite (toy)
cerf-volant {m} [geometry] :: kite
cérine {f} :: cerin
cérique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: ceric
cerisaie {f} :: cherry orchard
cerise {adj} :: cerise colour
cerise {f} :: cherry (fruit)
cerise {f} :: cerise
ceriseraie {f} :: cherry orchard
cerise sur le gâteau {phrase} :: the icing on the cake
cerisier {m} :: cherry tree
cerisier à grappes {m} :: bird cherry (Prunus padus)
cérium {m} :: cerium
CERN {prop} {m} :: CERN
cerne {m} :: dark bluish coloration around the eyes, periorbital dark circle
cerne {m} :: dark circle around a lesion
cerne {m} :: tree ring
cerné {adj} :: having dark circles around one's eyes (due to fatigue and etc...)
cerner {vt} :: to surround
cerner {vt} [figuratively] :: to figure out
céroléine {f} :: cerolein
cérosie {f} :: cerosin
cérotique {adj} :: cerotic
cerque {m} :: cercus
certain {adj} :: certain (sure, positive)
certain {adj} :: certain (fixed, determined)
certain {adj} :: certain (specified, particular)
certain {m} :: certain; certainty
certain {determiner} :: certain: a determined but unspecified amount of ; some
certainement {adv} :: certainly (with certainty, without doubt)
certes {adv} :: indeed, admittedly, fair enough, certainly, surely, absolutely, decidedly, definitively
certif {m} [colloquial] :: certificate
certificat {m} :: certificate, certification, credentials
certificat {m} :: diploma
certificat de travail {m} [legal] :: A proof of employment
certificateur {m} :: certifier
certification {f} :: certification (all meanings)
certificat médical {m} :: medical certificate, doctor's certificate
certificat médical {m} :: aegrotat, sick note
certificatrice {f} :: feminine singular of certificateur
certifié {adj} :: certified
certifié {adj} :: notarized
certifier {v} :: to certify (to attest as to)
certitude {f} :: certitude
céruléen {adj} :: cerulean
céruléen {m} :: cerulean
céruléoplasmine {f} [enzyme] :: ceruloplasmin
céruline {f} :: cerulein
cérumen {m} :: earwax (waxy substance secreted by the ear)
cérumineux {adj} [anatomy] :: ceruminous
céruse {f} [inorganic compound] :: ceruse
cérusite {f} [mineral] :: cerussite
cerveau {m} :: brain
cerveau brûlé {m} :: hothead (one who reacts quickly and without thinking carefully first)
cerveau brûlé {m} [attributive] :: impulsive, foolish
cervelas {m} :: saveloy
cervelet {m} :: cerebellum (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates)
cervelle {f} [archaic or pejorative] :: brain (organ of thought)
cervelle {f} [cooking] :: brains
cervical {adj} :: cervical
cervicapre {adj} :: Relating to the blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra)
cervicite {f} [pathology] :: cervicitis
cervidé {m} :: cervid, deer
Cervin {m} :: Matterhorn
cervoise {f} :: Ancient beer made during antiquity and the Middle Ages with barley or wheat but without hops
cervolisme {m} :: kite flying
cervoliste {mf} :: kite flyer (person who flies kites)
céryle {m} :: pied kingfisher
céryle {m} [organic chemistry] :: ceryl
CES {m} [Quebec] :: initialism of certificat d’études secondaires: ≈ GED (high-school diploma), GCSE
CES {m} [France] :: initialism of collège d’enseignement secondaire
césalpinie {f} :: honey locust and other trees of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae
césar {n} :: Caesar
César {prop} {m} :: Caesar
Césarée {prop} :: Caesarea
Césarée {prop} [archaic, dialectal] :: Jersey
césarien {adj} :: Caesarian (of, or pertaining to Caesar)
césarienne {f} :: Caesarean, Caesarean section
césariser {v} :: to grant the César Award to (a nominee)
césarisme {m} :: Caesarism
césaropapisme {m} :: caesaropapism
césine {f} [inorganic compound] :: caesium hydroxide
césium {m} :: cesium
ces jours-ci {adv} :: these days, currently
cesoird'hui {adv} [rare, nonstandard] :: this evening
cespiteux {adj} [botany] :: Cespitous, having several stems or trunks from the same root system and close to one another, forming a compact or bushy tuft
CESR {prop} {m} [astrophysics] :: initialism of w:Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements
cessation {f} :: cessation
cesse {f} [dated] :: end
cesser {v} :: to cease; to stop
cesser {v} :: to break up (e.g. a relationship)
cesseur {m} :: synonym of cédant
cesseuse {f} :: feminine singular of cesseur
cessez-le-feu {m} :: ceasefire
cessible {adj} :: transferable
cession {f} :: cession
cessionnaire {mf} :: assignee, cessionary
c'est {contraction} :: it is
c'est {contraction} :: this is
c'est-à-dire {phrase} :: that is to say
c'est ça {adv} :: Confirmation of a question: that's right
c'est ça {adv} :: Ironic negation of a statement, by antiphrasis
c'est cela {interj} [colloquial] :: yeah, right! my eye! tell it to the marines!
c'est celui qui dit qui l'est {interj} [childish] :: I know you are but what am I? takes one to know one!
c'est celui qui dit qui y est {interj} :: alternative form of c'est celui qui dit qui l'est
c'est combien {phrase} :: how much is it?
c'est comme si c'était fait {phrase} :: consider it done; it's as good as done
c'est dans les vieux pots qu'on fait la meilleure soupe {proverb} :: tried and tested methods are the best ones
c'est de la moutarde après dîner {phrase} [figuratively] :: it's like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted
c'est de l'hébreu {phrase} :: it's all Greek to me (literally "Hebrew"), a phrase indicating that something's impossible to understand
c'est dire {interj} [colloquial] :: it goes to show!
c'est du chinois {phrase} :: it's all Greek to me (literally "it's Chinese"), a phrase indicating that something is impossible to understand
c'est du gâteau {phrase} :: It's very easy, a piece of cake
c'est du russe {phrase} :: it's all Greek to me (literally "it's russian"), a phrase indicating that something is impossible to understand
ceste {pron} :: obsolete spelling of cette
ceste {m} :: cestus (boxing glove)
c'est en forgeant que l'on devient forgeron {proverb} :: alternative form of c'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron
c'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron {proverb} :: practice makes perfect
c'est kif-kif {phrase} [expression, colloquial] :: it's all the same, it makes no difference
c'est la fin des haricots {phrase} [colloquial] :: game over, the goose is cooked; it's the end of the world
c'est la meilleure {phrase} [colloquial] :: that's rich! (an expression of surprised indignation)
c'est la moindre des choses {phrase} :: that's the least one can do, it's nothing at all
c'est la poêle qui se moque du chaudron {phrase} :: that's the pot calling the kettle black
c'est là que le bât blesse {phrase} :: therein lies the rub
c'est la vie {phrase} :: that’s life, such is life, c’est la vie
c'est le cas de le dire {interj} [colloquial] :: you can say that again!
c'est le chat qui se mord la queue {phrase} [figuratively] :: it's a vicious circle
c'est le métier qui rentre {phrase} [colloquial] :: practice makes perfect, you'll get better, you learn from your mistakes
c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire {interj} [colloquial] :: to say the least! that's the least you can say! you can say that again!
c'est le moment ou jamais {phrase} [colloquial] :: it's now or never
c'est le monde à l'envers {phrase} [colloquial] :: the world's turned upside down; it's the tail wagging the dog; that's the pot calling the kettle black
c'est le serpent qui se mord la queue {phrase} [figuratively] :: it's a vicious circle
c'est l'hôpital qui se fout de la charité {phrase} [colloquial] :: alternative form of c'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité
c'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité {phrase} :: that's the pot calling the kettle black
c'est l'hôpital qui se moque de l'infirmerie {phrase} [colloquial] :: alternative form of c'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité
c'est l'intention qui compte {proverb} :: it's the thought that counts
c'est moi qui te le dis {interj} :: take it from me, I'm telling you, I can tell you, believe me
c'est moi qui vous le dis {interj} :: take it from me, I'm telling you, I can tell you, believe me
c'est parti {interj} [colloquial] :: let's go! we're off! here we go!
c'est parti mon kiki {interj} [colloquial] :: let's go! we're off! here we go!
c'est parti, mon kiki {interj} :: alternative spelling of c'est parti mon kiki
c'est pas de refus {phrase} :: alternative form of ce n'est pas de refus
c'est pas pour dire {adv} :: alternative form of ce n'est pas pour dire
c'est plus fort que moi {phrase} [colloquial] :: I can't help it
c'est quand le jeu devient dur que les durs commencent à jouer {proverb} :: when the going gets tough, the tough get going
cestreau {m} :: cestrum (of the genus Cestrum)
c'est rien de le dire {interj} [colloquial] :: and how! and it's an understatement!
c'est toujours ça de gagné {interj} [colloquial] :: that's something at least
c'est toujours ça de pris {interj} [colloquial] :: that's something at least
césure {f} [poetry] :: caesura (a pause or interruption)
cet {determiner} :: this
cétacé {m} :: cetacean
cétacé {adj} :: cetacean
c'était le bon temps {phrase} :: those were the days
cétal {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketal
cétane {m} [organic compound] :: cetane
cétazine {f} [organic compound] :: azine
cétène {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketene
cétérac {m} :: alternative form of cétérach
cétérach {m} :: ceterach
cétide {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketide
cétine {f} :: cetin
céto- {prefix} :: keto-
cétoacide {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketoacid
cétoacidose {f} [pathology] :: ketoacidosis
cétogenèse {f} [biochemistry] :: ketogenesis
cétogénique {adj} [biochemistry] :: ketogenic
cétoglutarique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ketoglutaric
cétohexose {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketohexose
cétoine {m} :: chafer (type of beetle)
cétol {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketol
cétone {f} [organic chemistry] :: ketone
cétonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ketonic
cétose {f} [chemistry] :: ketose (saccharide containing a ketone functional group)
cétotriose {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketotriose
cétrarine {f} :: cetrarin
cette {pron} :: feminine singular of ce
cétylique {adj} :: cetylic
cévenol {adj} :: pertaining to, or from the Cévennes region
ceviche {m} :: ceviche
Ceylan {prop} {m} :: Ceylon (old name for Sri Lanka)
Cézembre {prop} :: An uninhabited island in Brittany, in the Ille-et-Vilaine département of France, near Saint-Malo
cézigue {pron} [slang] :: Her, him (third-person singular personal pronoun)
CGCC {prop} {m} :: initialism of Cotre de Garde côtière canadienne (Canadian Coast Guard Cutter)
CGPM {prop} {m} [physics, standardisation] :: initialism of Conférence générale des poids et mesures
CGT {prop} {f} :: Confédération générale du travail (a French trade union)
ch. {adj} :: ea. (each); abbreviation of chaque
ch. {m} :: hp (horsepower); abbreviation of cheval-vapeur
ch. {m} :: rm. (room); abbreviation of chambre
ch {adj} :: ea (each)
ch {m} :: hp (horsepower)
CH {prop} {mp} [Canada] :: the hockey club, les Canadiens de Montréal
CH {m} :: abbreviation of centre hospitalier (lit. hospital center)
chabab {mf} :: A member of Al-Shabaab (militant group)
chabbat {m} :: Jewish Shabbat, biblical seventh day
chabichou {m} :: A kind of unpasteurized soft goat cheese from the north of Nouvelle-Aquitaine
chabiha {m} :: A militiaman loyal to Bashar al-Assad
chabin {m} :: sheep-goat hybrid, "geep"
chabin {m} [Antilles, slang] :: A person of African descent with pale skin
Chablais {prop} :: Chablais
chablaisien {adj} :: Of or from Chablais
chablis {mf} :: fallen timber
chablis {mf} :: Chablis (grape variety or wine)
chabot {m} :: bullhead (Cottus gobio)
chabot {m} [heraldry] :: chalbot
Chabot {prop} :: surname
chabot commun {m} :: European bullhead (Cottus gobio)
chabrette {f} [musical instruments] :: chabrette
chabrol {m} :: A mixture of broth and wine
chabrot {m} :: alternative form of chabrol
chacal {m} :: jackal
chacal à chabraque {m} :: black-backed jackal
chacal à flancs rayés {m} :: side-striped jackal
chacal doré {m} :: golden jackal
chaconne {f} :: chaconne
chacun {pron} :: each, each one
chacun {pron} :: every, everyone
chacun pour soi {phrase} :: every man for himself
chacun son métier, les vaches seront bien gardées {proverb} :: horses for courses, the cobbler should stick to his last, each to their own trade, stick to what you know
chadda {f} :: shadda (diacritic used in the Arabic script)
chaebol {m} :: chaebol
Chæronée {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Chéronée
chafouin {adj} :: sly, cunning
chafouin {adj} :: surly, cranky
chafouinement {adv} :: slyly
Chagnon {prop} :: surname
chagrin {m} :: sorrow, grief, chagrin
chagrin {adj} [literary] :: despondent, woeful
chagrin {adj} [literary] :: disgruntled, morose
chagrin d'amour {m} :: heartache; lovesickness; love disappointment; unreciprocated love feelings; unrequited love; unhappy love story
chagrinement {adv} :: sorrowfully, sadly
chagriner {vt} :: to bother, worry
chagriner {vt} :: to grieve
chagriner {vt} :: to upset
chah {m} :: alternative spelling of schah
chahada {f} [Islam] :: shahada (Islamic declaration of belief)
chahut {m} :: horseplay, racket, the act of messing around
chahuter {v} [usually of children] :: to playfight, to horseplay, to mess around
chahuteur {adj} :: rowdy, raucous (rough and disorderly)
chahuteur {m} :: troublemaker, rowdy
chaine {f} :: alternative spelling of chaîne
chaîne {f} :: chain
chaîne {f} [TV] :: channel
chaîne {f} [textiles] :: warp
chaîne {f} [music] :: hi-fi or stereo system
chaîne {f} [computer science] :: character string
chaîné {adj} :: chained
chaîne alimentaire {f} :: food chain
chaîne de caractères {f} :: string (sequence of characters in computing)
chaîne de commandement {f} [military] :: chain of command
chaîne de production {f} [economics] :: supply chain
chaîne du froid {f} :: cold chain
chaîne latérale {f} [organic chemistry] :: sidechain
chaîner {v} :: to chain
chaînette {f} :: (small) chain
chaînette {f} [sewing] :: chain stitch
chaînon {m} :: link (in a chain)
chaînon {m} [geology] :: secondary range (of mountains)
chaînon manquant {m} :: missing link
chair {f} :: flesh
chair à canon {f} :: cannon fodder
chair de poule {f} :: goosebumps
chaire {f} :: pulpit
chaire {f} :: rostrum
chaire {f} :: chair (of university)
chaire {f} :: throne (of the pope)
chais {contraction} [colloquial] :: contracted form of je sais "I know"
chaise {f} :: chair, seat
chaise à bascule {f} :: rocking chair (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked)
chaise à porteurs {f} :: sedan chair
chaise électrique {f} :: electric chair (to carry out executions)
chaise longue {f} :: chaise longue (reclining chair with a long seat)
chaise percée {f} :: commode (chair containing a chamber pot)
chaise pliante {f} :: folding chair
chaise roulante {f} :: wheelchair
chaises musicales {fp} [plurale tantum] :: musical chairs (game)
chais pas {phrase} [colloquial] :: dunno
chaland {m} :: barge (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters)
chaland {m} :: a regular client, a returning client
chalandage {m} :: shopping
chalande {f} :: feminine noun of chaland
chalandise {f} :: shopping mall
chalcanthe {m} :: copperas
chalcantite {f} [mineral] :: chalcanthite
Chalcédoine {prop} {f} :: Chalcedon
chalcédonien {adj} :: Chalcedonian
chalcogène {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chalcogen
chalcographie {f} :: chalcography
chalcolithique {adj} :: chalcolithic
chalcosine {f} [mineral] :: chalcocite
chaldaïque {adj} :: Chaldaic
Chaldée {prop} :: Chaldea
chaldéen {adj} :: Chaldean
Chaldéens {prop} :: Chaldeans
châle {m} :: shawl
chalef {m} :: silverberry, oleaster (of the genus Elaeagnus)
chalet {m} :: chalet
chaleur {f} [temperature] :: heat
chaleur {f} :: heat (a state of sexual aggression)
chaleureusement {adv} :: passionately, warmly, animatedly
chaleureusement {adv} [closing a letter] :: with warm regards
chaleureux {adj} [rare] :: Physically warm, radiating warmth.
chaleureux {adj} [of a thing that has a particular effect on the senses] :: Agreeable for its own qualities.
chaleureux {adj} [of an alcoholic drink, especially wine] :: Rich in alcohol, feeling physically warm.
chaleureux {adj} [of a color] :: Warm.
chaleureux {adj} [of a person or his personality] :: Ardent, excited, emotive; especially, warm, cordial, showing affection.
chaleureux {adj} [of a piece of literature or work of art] :: Expressive; showing the author's or artist's feelings.
chaleureux {adj} [rare] :: Animated, as of a discussion.
chaleureux {adj} [rare] :: Quick to anger.
chaleureux {m} :: A warm, emotive person.
chaleureux {m} :: A soft, expressive style of literature or art.
châlit {m} :: bedstead (originally a large, enclosed wooden structure)
challenge {m} :: challenge
challenger {v} :: to challenge
challengeur {m} :: challenger (one who challenges)
chaloir {vr} [impersonal, literary] :: to heat
chaloir {vr} [impersonal, literary] :: to matter
chaloir {v} [impersonal, literary] :: to be of import
chalon {m} :: Chalon (language)
chalonnais {adj} :: Of or from any of several places called Chalon or Chalonnes in Frence
Chalonnais {m} :: A native or resident of any of several places called Chalon or Chalonnes in Frence
Chalonnaise {f} :: feminine singular of Chalonnais
chaloupe {f} [nautical] :: launch
chaloupe {f} :: rowing boat [UK], rowboat [US]
chaloupé {adj} :: swinging, swaying
chalouper {v} :: to sway, to rock (said of dancing or walking)
chalumeau {m} :: blowtorch
chalumeau {m} [musical instruments] :: chalumeau
chalumeau {m} [perhaps dated] :: drinking straw
chalut {m} :: trawl (net); dragnet
chalutage {m} :: trawling
chaluter {v} :: to trawl
chalutier {m} [nautical] :: trawler (fishing boat)
cham {adj} :: Cham
cham {m} :: khan
chamade {f} :: chamade
chamæleon {m} :: obsolete form of caméléon
chamæléon {m} :: obsolete form of caméléon
chamailler {vr} [reciprocal] :: to bicker, to squabble, to quarrel, especially over something of little value
chamaillerie {f} :: bicker; quarrel
chamaillis {m} [rare, literary] :: quarrel, fracas
chamallow {m} :: marshmallow (confectionery)
chaman {m} :: shaman
chamane {f} :: feminine noun of chaman
chamanique {adj} :: shamanic
chamanisme {m} :: shamanism
chamarré {adj} :: bedizened (richly brocaded)
chambard {m} :: bedlam, rumpus, hullabaloo
chambard {m} :: mayhem
chambardement {m} :: upheaval
chambarder {vit} :: to turn upside down
chambarder {vit} :: to radically reorganize
chambellan {m} :: chamberlain
chambérien {adj} :: of or from Chambéry
Chambérien {m} :: Someone of or from Chambéry
Chambérienne {f} :: feminine singular of Chambérien
chambertin {m} :: Chambertin (wine)
chamboulement {m} :: upheaval
chambouler {vt} [colloquial] :: to shatter; to shake
chambouler {vt} [colloquial] :: to turn upside down
chambouler {vt} [colloquial, by extension] :: to upset
chambranle {m} :: frame, casing (of door/window)
chambranle {m} :: mantlepiece
chambre {f} :: A chamber in its various senses, including:
chambre {f} :: A room
chambre {f} :: A hotel room
chambre {f} :: A bedroom
chambre {f} :: A house of a parliament
chambré {adj} :: room temperature (of wine), chambré
chambre à air {f} :: inner tube
chambre à bain {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: bathroom
chambre à coucher {f} :: bedroom (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping)
chambre à gaz {m} :: gas chamber
chambre d'ami {f} :: guest room (room in a home set aside for the use of visiting guests)
chambre d'amis {f} :: alternative spelling of chambre d'ami
chambre de combustion {f} :: combustion chamber (space in a heat engine)
Chambre des communes {f} [politics] :: House of Commons
chambre d'hôte {f} :: bed and breakfast
chambre d'hôtes {f} :: alternative spelling of chambre d'hôte
chambrée {f} :: barracks (for soldiers)
chambrée {f} :: dormitory
chambre-forte {f} :: strongroom, vault
chambre magmatique {f} [geology] :: magma chamber
chambre noire {f} [photography] :: darkroom
chambre opératoire {f} [rare] :: operating room, operating theatre
chambrer {v} :: to bring wine to room temperature
chambrer {v} :: to mock
chambrette {m} :: diminutive of chambre
chambrette {m} :: small bedroom
chambrier {m} :: chamberlain
chambrier {m} :: chambermaid (or similar male servant)
chambrière {f} :: chambermaid
chambriste {mf} :: A member of a certain French Catholic sect in the early nineteenth century
chambriste {mf} :: A player of chamber music
chameau {m} :: (male) camel
chameau de Bactriane {m} :: Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus)
chaméléon {m} :: obsolete form of caméléon
chamelier {m} :: camel rider (or soldier mounted on a camel)
chamelier {m} :: camel driver
chamelière {f} :: feminine noun of chamelier
chamelle {f} :: female camel
chamérops {m} :: A dwarf palm tree (Chamaerops humilis)
chamitique {adj} :: Hamitic (relative to the Hamites)
chamois {m} :: chamois (animal)
chamois {m} :: chamois (leather)
chamoiserie {f} :: a shop selling, or making, chamois products
chamomille {f} :: obsolete form of camomille
Chamonix {prop} {mf} :: Chamonix
chamorro {m} :: Chamorro language
champ' {m} [slang, colloquial] :: champagne, champers
champ {m} :: field in its various senses, including:
champ {m} :: a wide open space
champ {m} :: an area of study
champ {m} [mathematics] :: a vector field, tensor field, or scalar field (but not a commutative ring with identity for which every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse, cf. corps)
champ {m} [heraldry] :: the background of a shield's design
champagne {m} [countable, uncountable] :: champagne (wine from the Champagne region of France)
champagne {m} [countable, uncountable, non-European French, colloquial] :: sparkling wine, generic champagne
champagne {m} [countable, heraldic charge] :: base; bottom third of a coat of arms
champagne {f} [rare] :: an expanse of flat and open cultivated earth
Champagne {prop} {f} :: Champagne, a region in the northeast of France
Champagne {prop} {f} :: surname
champ de bataille {m} [military] :: battlefield
champ de bataille {m} [figuratively] :: a messy place, a bloody mess
champ de courses {m} :: racecourse
champ de force {m} [physics] :: force field, field
champ de force {m} [chemistry] :: force field
champ de force {m} [science fiction] :: force field
champ de mines {m} :: minefield
champ de vision {m} :: field of view, field of vision, visual field
champ d'honneur {m} :: field of honor, battlefield
champenois {adj} :: of Champagne
champenois {m} :: Champenois
Champenois {m} :: A male person from Champagne
Champenoise {f} :: A female person from Champagne
champêtre {adj} :: pastoral, of or relating to the countryside
champignon {m} :: mushroom
champignon {m} :: fungus in general
champignon {m} [colloquial] :: accelerator pedal
champignon chinois {m} [Canada, colloquial] :: Chinese mushroom
champignonner {v} :: to mushroom (grow quickly)
champignonner {v} :: to mushroom (to pick mushrooms)
champignonneux {adj} :: mushroomy, fungal
champignonnière {f} :: mushroom bed
champion {m} :: champion
champion du monde {m} :: world champion
championnat {m} :: championship
championne {f} :: champion
Champlain {prop} :: Champlain; surname
Champlain {prop} :: Champlain; Samuel de Champlain, French geographer and explorer
champ libre {m} :: free rein, free hand, carte blanche
champlure {f} [Québec] :: tap
champ magnétique {m} :: magnetic field
champoreau {m} :: A mixture of coffee and wine (or other alcohol)
Champs-Élysées {prop} {mp} :: The Elysian Fields, home of the blessed in the afterlife
Champs-Élysées {prop} {mp} :: A major boulevard in Paris, running between the Place de la Concorde and the Arc de Triomphe
champ sémantique {m} [linguistics, translation studies] :: semantic field
champtocéen {adj} :: Of or from Champtocé-sur-Loire
Champtocé-sur-Loire {prop} :: A small town in the Maine-et-Loire department of Pays de la Loire
champ vectoriel {m} :: vector field
chananéen {adj} :: alternative form of cananéen
chançard {adj} :: lucky
chance {f} :: chance
chance {f} :: luck
chance de cocu {f} [colloquial] :: luck of the devil, luck of the Irish
chancel {m} :: chancel
chancelant {adj} :: tottering, staggering, faltering
chancelant {adj} :: shaky
chancelant {adj} :: hazy, unclear
chancelant {adj} :: unresolved
chanceler {v} :: to stagger, totter, reel (of person)
chanceler {v} :: to wobble (of object)
chanceler {v} :: to falter, waver (of resolve etc.)
chancelier {m} :: chancellor
chancelière {f} :: female equivalent of chancelier
chancellerie {f} :: chancellery
chanceux {adj} :: with good luck; fortunate
chancre {m} [obsolete] :: lobster, crab
chancre {m} [medicine] :: canker, chancre
chandail {m} :: sweater, jumper
chandail {m} [Quebec] :: T-shirt
Chandeleur {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: Candlemas
chandelier {m} :: candlestick
chandelier {m} :: chandelier
chandelier {m} :: candlemaker
chandelle {f} :: a (tallow) candle
chandelle {f} :: candlelight
chandelle {f} :: a jack stand
chandelle {f} :: a chandelle
Chanel {prop} :: surname
chanfrein {m} :: chamfer, bevel (obtuse-angled relief or cut at an edge)
chanfrein {m} :: chamfron, chamfrein (protective armor for horse's head)
change {m} :: exchange
changeable {adj} :: changeable (capable of being changed)
changeant {adj} :: changeable (tending to change suddenly or quickly)
changement {m} :: change
changement climatique {m} :: climate change
changer {vt} :: to exchange (something)
changer {vt} :: to change (money, a job, one's circumstances etc.)
changer {vt} :: to change, alter (something en into)
changer {vt} :: to change (a diaper)
changer {vi} :: to change
changer {vp} :: to change (one's clothes), get changed
changer d'air {v} [colloquial] :: to have a change of scenery, to get a change of air
changer d'avis {vi} :: to change one's mind
changer d'avis comme de chemise {v} [simile] :: to flip-flop, to chop and change
changer de crémerie {v} [somewhat, dated] :: to take one's business elsewhere, to take one's custom elsewhere (to go elsewhere, especially in another restaurant, bar, etc.)
changer de crèmerie {v} :: alternative spelling of changer de crémerie
changer de disque {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to change the record
changer de mains {v} [figuratively] :: to change hands
changer la donne {v} :: to change the game, to make a big difference, to be a game changer, to change everything
changer son fusil d'épaule {v} [figuratively] :: to change tack, change one's tune (change ideas)
changeur {m} :: changer; money changer
changeur {m} :: changer
chanlatte {f} [roofing] :: double lath, tilting lath
chanlatte {f} [roofing] :: arris fillet, tilting fillet, eaves lath
chanmé {adj} [slang, verlan] :: méchant, evil or wicked
chanmé {adj} [slang, antiphrastic] :: excellent, very enjoyable, wicked
chanoine {m} [religion] :: canon (person)
chanoinesse {f} :: canoness (female canon)
chanson {f} :: song
chanson à boire {f} :: drinking song
chansonner {v} :: To be satirized in song
chansonnette {f} :: chansonnette
chansonnier {m} :: songbook, chansonnier
chansonnier {m} :: singer, chansonnier
chansonnière {f} :: feminine noun of chansonnier
chant {m} :: song
chant {m} :: The discipline of singing
chantable {adj} [music] :: singable, cantabile
chantage {m} :: blackmail, shakedown (threat to obtain some advantage)
Chantal {prop} {f} :: given name
chantant {adj} :: singing (in the act or process of singing)
chant du cygne {m} [figuratively] :: swan song
chantefable {m} :: chantefable
chanter {v} :: to sing
chanter {v} :: to crow
chanter comme une casserole {v} [simile] :: To sing very badly; to be unable to carry a tune in a bucket
chanter comme une seringue {v} [simile] :: To sing very badly; to be unable to carry a tune in a bucket
chanteur {adj} :: that sings
chanteur {m} :: (male) singer
chanteuse {f} :: singer (female)
chantier {m} :: building site
chantier {m} :: worksite
chantier {m} :: passage
chantier {m} [colloquial] :: jumble, mess
chantier {m} :: workcamp (for volunteers)
chantier naval {m} :: dockyard, shipyard
chantilly {f} :: Chantilly cream
chantonner {vit} :: to sing or hum (to oneself)
chantre {mf} [archaic] :: singer, songster
chantre {mf} [religion] :: cantor
chantre {mf} [literary] :: bard, minstrel
chantre {mf} [figuratively] :: figurehead; champion; advocate
chanturgue {m} :: A red wine from the Auvergne
chanvre {m} :: hemp
Chaon {prop} :: A small village in Centre
chaos {m} :: chaos
chaotique {adj} :: chaotic
chaotiquement {adv} :: chaotically
chaouch {m} [historical] :: chiaus
chaouch {m} [Morocco] :: A service industry worker
chaouch {prop} {m} [agriculture] :: alternative case form of Chaouch
Chaouch {prop} {m} [agriculture] :: Chaouch (a cultivar of vinifera grape)
chaouche {m} :: [historical] archaic spelling of chaouch
chaoui {m} :: Berber (language)
chaoui {adj} :: Berber (relating to people who speak the Berber language)
chaoui {m} [Louisiana French] :: raccoon
chaouin {m} :: A form of French spoken in Quebec
Chaouis {prop} :: A Berber people from Numidia
chapardage {m} :: pilfering (petty theft)
chaparder {vt} :: to pinch, pilfer
chapardeur {m} :: pilferer (petty thief)
chapardeur {m} :: sticky fingers (habit of pilfering)
chape {f} [archaic] :: cape, cloak
chape {f} :: cope, cappa (ceremonial cape)
chape {f} [nautical] :: gin block
chape {f} :: tread (of tyre)
chape {f} [manufacturing] :: clevis
chapeau {m} :: hat
chapeau {m} [law] :: introductory text
chapeau {m} [printing] :: lead of an article
chapeau {m} :: cap (of a mushroom)
chapeau {interj} :: Used to express appreciation
chapeau bas {interj} :: hats off
chapeau melon {m} :: bowler hat
chapeauter {v} :: to hat (put a hat on someone)
chapeauter {v} :: to head (be in control of something)
chapelain {m} :: chaplain
chapelain {adj} :: relating to any of several places in France with Chapelle as part of its name
chapelet {m} [obsolete] :: wreath (of flowers)
chapelet {m} :: rosary, beads
chapelet {m} [figuratively] :: string, hatful (of objects, ideas etc.)
chapelet Thaï {m} :: (set of) anal beads
chapelier {m} :: hatter (person who makes, sells, or repairs hats)
chapelière {f} :: feminine singular of chapelier
chapelle {f} :: chapel
chapelle {f} :: covering for the head
chapellerie {f} :: headwear
chapellerie {f} :: hat shop; hat trade
chapelure {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: (dried) breadcrumb(s)
chaperon {m} :: chaperon
chaperonner {vt} :: to chaperone
chaperonner {vt} :: to hood
chapiteau {m} :: a circus tent, or any similar set-up used for spectacles or events
chapiteau {m} [architecture] :: the capital of a column, baluster or similar structure
chapiteau {m} [aeronautics] :: the conical part at the front end of a rocket
chapiteau {m} [chemistry] :: the top part of an alembic, where condensation occurs
chapitre {m} :: chapter
chapitre {m} :: subject, issue
chapitre {m} [religion] :: chapter
chapitrer {v} :: to reprimand
Chapleau {prop} :: surname
chapon {m} :: capon (meat)
chaponner {v} :: to caponize, castrate [a cockerel]
chaponner {v} [Louisiana French] :: to castrate
chaponner {v} [dated] :: to cut (the ears, etc.) off [of a hide, as part of tanning it]
chappe {f} :: alternative form of chape
chapska {m} :: shapka
chaque {adj} :: each
chaque {adj} :: every
char {m} :: chariot, carriage
char {m} [military] :: tank
char {m} [Quebec, Louisiana French, Cajun French, Missouri] :: car, auto
char {m} [Louisiana French] :: train car
char à bancs {m} :: alternative form of char-à-bancs
charabia {m} [obsolete] :: Auvergnat dialect
charabia {m} [colloquial] :: double Dutch
charabia {m} :: gibberish
charabier {v} [slang] :: to talk gobbledegook, to babble
charade {f} :: charade (kind of riddle)
charade {f} [figurative] :: something bizarre or hard to understand
charade {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: chat, conversation
charançon {m} :: weevil
charbon {m} :: coal
charbon {m} :: anthrax
charbon actif {m} :: activated carbon
charbon de bois {m} :: charcoal (substance)
charbonnage {m} :: coal mining
charbonnage {m} [in the plural] :: The coal mines of a region
charbonnage {m} [nautical] :: coaling
Charbonneau {prop} :: surname
charbonnerie {f} :: coal warehouse
charbonnerie {f} :: The French form of Carbonarism
charbonneux {adj} :: carbonaceous
charbonneux {adj} :: charcoal gray (in colour)
charbonnier {m} :: coalman (or person who sells charcoal)
charbonnier {m} :: coal bunker (place where coal is stored)
charbonnier {m} [mushrooms] :: charbonnier
charbonnier {m} [fish] :: sablefish
charbonnier {m} [watercraft] :: collier (cargo ship)
charbonnière {f} :: feminine noun of charbonnier
charcuter {v} :: to chop or cut badly
charcuterie {f} :: charcuterie (all senses)
charcutier {m} :: A person involved in charcuterie; a butcher
charcutière {f} :: feminine noun of charcutier
char d'assaut {m} :: tank
char de combat {m} :: main battle tank
char de guerre {m} [military] :: a tank; synonym of char
chardon {m} [botany] :: thistle
chardon {m} [in the plural] :: spikes (on wall etc.)
chardon macaque {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: milkweed thistle
chardonnay {m} :: Chardonnay (grape, wine)
chardonneret {m} :: goldfinch (bird)
chardonneret élégant {m} :: European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
chardonneret gris {m} :: Lawrence's goldfinch (Spinus lawrencei)
chardonneret jaune {m} :: American goldfinch (Spinus tristis)
chardonneret mineur {m} :: lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)
chardousse {f} :: A type of thistle (Carlina acanthifolia)
charentais {adj} [attributive] :: Charente
charentaise {f} :: carpet slipper
Charente {prop} {f} :: Charente
Charente-Maritime {prop} {f} :: Charente-Maritime
charge {f} :: load, burden
charge {f} :: cargo, freight
charge {f} :: responsibility, charge
charge {f} [legal] :: charge
charge {f} [military] :: charge
charge {f} [in the plural] :: costs, expenses
chargé {adj} :: busy
chargé d'affaires {m} :: chargé d'affaires
chargé de clientèle {m} :: customer service manager
chargé de communication {m} :: communications manager, communications officer, PR manager, PR officer, public relations manager, public relations officer, press officer
chargé de cours {m} :: lecturer (at university)
chargement {m} [computing] :: upload
chargeon {m} [physics] :: holon, chargon
charger {v} :: to load (up) [vehicle, animal etc.]
charger {v} :: to load [firearm]
charger {v} :: to charge [battery]
charger {v} :: to put in charge; to charge [somebody with doing something]
charger {v} :: to charge [somebody of a crime]
charger {v} [military, sports] :: to charge
charger {v} [theater] :: to overact, ham it up
charger {vr} [se charger de] :: to take care of, see to
charger la barque {v} :: to overdo it, to exaggerate
chargeur {m} :: stoker, fireman
chargeur {m} :: cassette, film-holder
chargeur {m} [nautical] :: loader, shipper, freighter, shipping agent
chargeur {m} [military] :: ammo clip
chargeur {m} [military] :: loader (of canons)
chargeur {m} :: (electrical) charger
charge utile {f} :: payload (all meanings)
charge virale {f} :: viral load
chargino {m} :: chargino
charia {f} :: shari'a
charibotée {f} :: (large) swarm
charier {v} [Quebec] :: to exaggerate
chariot {m} :: trolley
chariot {m} :: carriage (of a computer printer)
chariot {m} [Québec] :: shopping cart
chariot élévateur {m} :: forklift
charismatique {adj} :: charismatic
charisme {m} :: charisma
charitable {adj} :: charitable (all senses)
charitablement {adv} :: charitably
charité {f} :: charity
charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même {proverb} :: charity begins at home
charivari {m} [historical] :: charivari, shivaree (mock serenade of discordant noise, notably to heckle a publicly reviled figure)
charivari {m} [by extension] :: racket, banging in general, rumpus
charivarique {adj} :: charivaric
charivariquement {adv} :: in a charivaric manner
Charland {prop} :: surname
charlatan {m} [dated] :: a streetseller of medicines
charlatan {m} :: a charlatan (trickster)
charlatan {m} :: a quack
charlatane {f} :: feminine noun of charlatan
charlatanisme {m} :: charlatanism
charlatanisme {m} :: quackery, fraud, humbug
Charlemagne {prop} {m} :: Charlemagne (emperor)
Charlène {prop} {f} :: given name, fashionable in France around 1990
Charleroi {prop} :: Charleroi
Charles {prop} {m} :: given name
charlevoisien {adj} :: Of or from Charlevoix
Charlevoix {prop} :: Charlevoix
Charlevoix {prop} :: surname
Charlot {prop} {m} [theatre, cinema] :: a comedic character who has as accessories a mustache, a bowler hat, a cane, etc
charlotte {f} :: charlotte (dessert)
charlotte {f} :: Charlotte hat, Charlotte bonnet, mob cap
Charlotte {prop} {f} :: given name; a feminine diminutive form of Charles
charmant {adj} :: charming
charmante compagnie {f} :: a good company, a charming company, a gallant company
charmantissime {adj} :: supercharming
charme {m} :: charm, attractive quality
charme {m} :: enchantment; originally, magical incantation
charme {m} [botany] :: Trees of genus Carpinus (hornbeam), of the Betulaceae family
charmé {adj} :: charmed
charme commun {m} :: common hornbeam, European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)
charmer {v} :: to charm (with magic)
charmer {v} :: to charm
charmeur {m} :: a charmer; something or someone that charms
charmeur {adj} :: charming
charmeuse {f} :: feminine noun of charmeur
charmille {f} :: bower, arbor
charnel {adj} :: carnal (relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites)
charnellement {adv} [sexuality] :: carnally
charnier {m} :: mass grave
charnière {f} :: hinge
charnière {f} :: joint (of a bone)
charnière {f} [figuratively] :: turning point (pivotal moment)
charnière {f} [philately] :: hinge
charnu {adj} :: fleshy; plump
charognard {m} :: scavenger (animal feeding on decaying matter)
charognard {m} [figuratively, colloquial] :: vulture (person who profits from the suffering of others)
charognard {adj} :: scavenging
charogne {f} :: carrion
charogne {f} [slang, pejorative] :: asshole, bastard
charolais {adj} :: pertaining to, or from Charols
Charols {prop} :: A commune in the Drôme department of the Rhône-Alpes region
charpente {f} :: framework
charpente {f} :: build (of person)
charpenter {v} :: to tailor, to tailor make
charpenterie {f} :: carpentry
charpenterie {f} :: carpenter's workshop
charpentier {m} :: carpenter
charpentier {adj} :: carpentry (attributively)
Charpentier {prop} :: Charpentier (surname)
charpentière {f} :: feminine noun of charpentier
charpie {f} :: lint
charpie {f} [figuratively] :: shred
charrer {v} :: To speak, talk
charretée {f} :: cartload
charretier {adj} :: cart, wagon (attributive)
charretier {m} :: carter, wagoner
charrette {f} :: cart
charrette {f} :: urgent job, vital piece of work
charrette des condamnés {f} [historical] :: tumbril
charrier {v} :: to carry, carry along; to transport (a cargo etc.)
charrier {v} [colloquial] :: to tease relentlessly, to pull one's leg
charrière {f} :: a path, way, route, or road, large enough to fit carriages, chariots, carts, wagons, etc
charriot {m} :: alternative spelling of chariot
charroi {m} :: cartage (transport by cart etc., money paid for such transport)
charron {m} :: wheelwright
charroyage {m} :: carting, cartage (transport by cart etc)
charroyer {v} :: To cart (transport by cart or waggon)
charrue {f} [agriculture] :: plough
charrue {f} [Quebec] :: snow plow [US], snow plough [UK]
charte {f} :: charter
charter {m} :: a charter flight
charter {m} :: a charter plane
charter {m} :: a charter pilot
chartisme {m} :: Chartism
chartiste {mf} :: A person who studies old charters
chartiste {mf} :: A student or an alumnus of Ecole nationale des chartes
chartiste {mf} [finance] :: A chartist
chartiste {mf} :: A Chartist
chartiste {adj} :: Chartist
chartrain {adj} :: From Chartres
chartre {f} [obsolete] :: prison; place of safekeeping
Chartres {prop} :: Chartres
chartreuse {f} :: chartreuse (liqueur)
chartreuse {f} :: (originally) Grande Chartreuse;or any Carthusian monastery (a charterhouse)
chartreux {adj} :: of or belonging to the Carthusian Order
Chartreux {prop} :: the Order of Carthusian
Chartreux {prop} :: a Chartreux cat
chartrier {m} :: cartulary
Charybde {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Charybdis
chas {m} :: eye (of a needle)
chasier {m} :: obsolete spelling of casier
chasier {m} :: alternative spelling of chasière
chasil {m} [obsolete] :: chasil
chassable {adj} :: huntable, chasable
chasse {f} :: hunt
chasse {f} :: hunting
Chasse {prop} :: surname
chassé {m} [dance] :: A chassé
châsse {f} :: reliquary
châsse {f} :: coffin
chasse à courre {f} :: hunting with hounds
chasse à l'homme {f} :: manhunt
chasse au trésor {f} :: treasure hunt
chasse aux sorcières {f} :: witch-hunt
chasse aux sorcières {f} [figuratively] :: witch-hunt
chasse-café {m} [archaic, rare] :: chasse-café, pousse-café (small glass of alcohol after coffee)
chasse d'eau {f} :: flush (of a toilet etc.)
chasséen {adj} :: Of or from either of two places called Chassey
chasse gardée {f} :: private hunting ground
chasse gardée {f} [figuratively] :: preserve
chasselas {m} :: Chasselas
chasse-neige {m} :: snow plow [US], snow plough [UK] (machine for moving snow)
chasse patate {f} :: A pointless chase, wild-goose chase
chasse patate {f} [cycling] :: A group chasing a breakaway that fails to catch it and then gets stuck between the breakaway and the peloton
chassepot {m} :: A breechloading, rapid-fire, long-range rifle used in the French army from 1866 to 1874
chasser {v} :: to hunt
chasser {v} :: to chase
chasser {v} :: to drive off
chasser {vi} [dance] :: to chassé
chasseresse {f} [literary, poetic] :: huntress
chasseur {m} :: a hunter
chasseur {m} :: a fighter plane
chasseur {m} :: a servant or attendant
chasseur {m} :: a la façon chasseur, a style of cooking in which meat is cooked with a sauce containing mushrooms, shallots and white wine
chasseur-cueilleur {m} :: hunter-gatherer
chasseur de primes {m} :: bounty hunter
chasseur de tête {m} :: alternative spelling of chasseur de têtes
chasseur de têtes {m} :: headhunter, talent scout (recruiter)
chasseur de têtes {m} :: headhunter (savage who cuts off the heads of his enemies)
chasseuse {f} :: feminine noun of chasseur
chassez le naturel, il revient au galop {proverb} :: a leopard cannot change its spots
chassie {f} :: sleep (in the corner of the eye)
chassieux {adj} :: sticky, gummy
chassieux {adj} :: bleary, rheumy
châssis {m} :: chassis, frame
châssis {m} [Québec, Acadia, Louisiana French] :: window
chaste {adj} :: chaste; celibate
chastement {adv} :: chastely
chasteté {f} :: chastity
chasuble {f} :: chasuble
chat {m} :: cat (feline)
chat {m} :: (male) cat, tom, tomcat
chat {m} :: tag, tig (children’s game)
chat {m} [Internet] :: chat (online discussion)
châtaigne {f} :: (sweet) chestnut
châtaigneraie {f} :: chestnut plantation
châtaignier {m} :: chestnut; chestnut tree
châtain {adj} [hair] :: chestnut-coloured, brown
châtain {adj} :: having brown hair, brunette
châtain {m} :: chestnut brown
chataire {f} :: alternative form of cataire
chat à neuf queues {m} :: cat-o'-nine-tails
chat bai {m} :: bay cat
chat de gouttière {m} :: alley cat; moggy
chat de jungle {m} :: jungle cat (Felis chaus)
chat des marais {m} :: jungle cat (Felis chaus)
chat domestique {m} :: domestic cat
château {m} :: castle (fortified building or similar structure; winegrower's estate)
chateaubriand {m} :: chateaubriand (steak cut from a beef tenderloin)
Chateaubriand {prop} :: surname
châteaubriand {m} :: alternative spelling of chateaubriand
chateaubriant {m} :: alternative spelling of chateaubriand
châteaubriant {m} :: alternative spelling of chateaubriand
château d'eau {m} :: water tower
château de cartes {m} :: house of cards
château de sable {m} :: sandcastle
château-fort {m} :: castle (fortified building)
château lapompe {m} [familiar, humorous] :: tap water
châteaux en Espagne {mp} :: castles in the air; pipe dreams
chat échaudé craint l'eau froide {proverb} :: once bitten, twice shy
châtelain {m} :: someone who lives in a castle
châtelain {m} [obsolete] :: lord (master of a household)
châtelaine {f} :: feminine noun of châtelain
châtelet {m} :: A castellum
châtelet {m} [dated] :: A small castle
châtellenie {f} :: lordship (jurisdiction of a châtelain)
châtelleraudais {adj} :: Of or from Châtellerault
Châtellerault {prop} :: A town in the Vienne department of Poitou-Charentes
Châtelperron {prop} :: A small town in the Allier region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
châtelperronien {adj} :: Châtelperronian
chat haret {m} :: feral cat
chat-huant {m} :: barn owl
châtié {adj} :: refined
châtier {vt} :: to chastise, punish, castigate, smite
chatière {f} :: cat flap
châtiment {m} :: punishment
chatoiement {m} :: shimmer, shimmering
chaton {m} :: kitten, kitty (baby cat)
chaton {m} :: catkin
chaton {m} :: collet, bezel (around a jewel, on a ring)
chaton {m} [by extension] :: the jewel itself (around which the collet is, on a ring)
chatonne {f} :: female equivalent of chaton
chatouillant {adj} :: tickling
chatouille {f} [colloquial] :: tickle
chatouillement {m} :: tickle, an act of tickling
chatouiller {v} :: to tickle
chatouilleur {m} :: tickler (person who tickles)
chatouilleux {adj} :: ticklish
chatouilleux {adj} [figuratively] :: touchy
chatoyant {adj} :: shimmering, iridescent
chatoyer {vi} :: to shimmer; to iridesce (to reflect light in different colors depending on the direction and orientation)
chat perché {m} :: off-ground tag, off-ground touch
châtré {adj} :: castrated
châtré {m} :: eunuch
châtrer {v} :: to castrate
châtreur {m} :: castrator, gelder
châtreuse {f} :: feminine singular of châtreur
chatte {f} :: feminine noun of chat; she-cat
chatte {f} [vulgar] :: pussy, twat (female genitalia)
chatte {f} [slang or, vulgar] :: luck
chattement {adv} [dated] :: in a catlike way
chatterie {f} :: titbit, morsel
chatterie {f} [in the plural, archaic] :: playful caresses
chatterton {m} :: insulating tape
chatteur {m} :: chatter; specifically someone who engages in Internet chatroom discussions
chatteuse {f} :: feminine noun of chatteur
Chattien {prop} {m} :: Chattian period
chat-tigre {m} :: wildcat; (often specifically) margay, oncilla
chaud {adj} :: warm, hot
chaud {adj} [slang] :: horny, randy (showing interest in sexual activity)
chaud {adj} [slang] :: enthusiastic, willing, up for
chaud {adj} [slang] :: hard
chaud {adj} [slang] :: risky, dangerous, disreputable, dodgy
chaud {m} :: heat, warmth
chaud {adv} :: hot
chaudasse {f} [slang] :: sexually naughty girl
chaud comme la braise {adj} [simile] :: hot as blazes; red-hot; on fire
chaud comme une baraque à frites {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: champing at the bit
chaud comme une baraque à frites {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: hot to trot, up for it, gagging for it
chaudement {adv} :: hotly
chaude-pisse {f} [slang] :: the clap (gonorrhea)
chauder {v} [obsolete] :: To spread lime as a fertiliser
chaudière {f} :: boiler
chaudière {f} :: cauldron (large pot)
chaudière {f} [Quebec] :: bucket
chaud lapin {m} [figuratively, colloquial] :: salty dog, horndog, man bent on sex, randy man
chaudron {m} :: cauldron
chaudron {m} [Quebec] :: pot
chaudronner {v} :: To work metal (practice metalworking)
chaudronnerie {f} :: boilermaking (and similar metalworking trades); the place where such trade is carried out
chaudronnier {m} :: A person who makes or sells pots and pans
chaudronnier {m} :: coppersmith
chaudronnière {f} :: feminine singular of chaudronnier
chauffage {m} :: heating
chauffage central {m} :: central heating
chauffagiste {mf} :: heating engineer
chauffant {adj} :: heating (attributive)
chauffard {m} [slang, pejorative] :: road hog, bad driver
chauffe-eau {m} :: water heater (appliance for heating water)
chauffer {v} :: to heat, to warm, to warm up
chauffer {v} [slang] :: to tease, to entice sexually, to arouse
chaufferette {f} :: (small) heater; foot heater, bed warmer
chaufferie {f} :: boiler room or generally any kind of heating system
chauffeur {m} [rail transport] :: stoker; fireman
chauffeur {m} :: driver
chauffeur {m} :: chauffeur
chauffeuse {f} :: Female chauffeur
chauffeuse {f} :: fireside chair
chauffoir {m} :: warming room
chauffoir {m} :: stove
chauffoir {m} :: warming pan
chaulage {m} :: liming, whitewashing
chauler {vt} :: to whitewash
chaulmoogrique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: chaulmoogric
chaume {m} :: stubble (in fields)
chaume {m} :: thatch (for roof)
chaumière {f} :: thatched cottage
chaumière {f} [literary, humorous] :: (small rural) cottage
chaumine {f} :: a thatched hut
chaus {m} :: jungle cat, Felis chaus
chausse {f} [historical, in the plural] :: stockings; hose
chausse {f} :: straining bag, filter cloth (for wine)
chaussée {f} :: highway; street
chaussée {f} :: surface (of road)
chaussée {f} :: causeway
chausse-pied {m} :: shoehorn (tool used to assist the foot)
chausser {v} :: to put footwear on someone
chausser {vr} [se chausser] :: to put on footwear
chausser {v} :: to shoe (a horse)
chausser {v} :: to mulch
chaussetier {m} [obsolete] :: hosier
chaussetière {f} :: feminine singular of chaussetier
chaussette {f} :: sock
chausseur {m} :: shoemaker
chausseuse {f} :: feminine noun of chausseur
chausson {m} :: slipper (footwear)
chausson {m} :: bootee
chausson {m} :: ballet shoe (UK), ballet slipper (US)
chausson {m} [cooking] :: turnover
chausson {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: a sock
chaussure {f} :: shoe
chaussure {f} :: the shoe industry
chauve {adj} :: Bald; devoid of hair; often used substantively
chauve {adj} :: Bare, barren; devoid of a thing (such as vegetation); often construed with de
chauve {mf} :: a bald person
Chauveau {prop} :: surname
chauve-souris {f} :: bat (small flying mammal)
Chauvet {prop} :: surname
chauvin {adj} :: chauvinistic
chauvin {m} :: chauvinist
chauvinisme {m} :: chauvinism
chauvir {vi} [dated] :: to perk up, to rise up (said of the ears of certain equine animals like donkeys)
chauvissant {adj} :: balding
chauvissant {adj} :: cocking the ears (said of horses, mules, and donkeys)
chaux {f} :: lime, limestone
chavirage {m} :: capsizing
chavirer {vit} :: to capsize
chavirer {vi} :: to overturn, keel over, tip over (of objects etc.)
chavirer {vi} [figuratively] :: to roll (of eyes); to reel, spin (of room etc.); to turn over (of heart)
chavirer {vt} :: to bowl over, shatter (someone)
chavisme {m} :: Chavism
chaviste {adj} :: Chavist
chaviste {mf} :: Chavista
chawarma {f} :: shawarma
chayotte {f} :: chayote (plant)
ché {contraction} :: alternative form of chais
cheau {m} :: Cub of a dog, wolf, fox, badger, or otter
chebec {m} :: xebec
chébec {m} :: alternative form of chebec
chèche {m} :: Long scarf worn by Arab men, usually around the head
chéchia {f} :: shashiya
check {m} :: (slang) fist bump
checker {v} :: to check, verify
checker {vr} [reciprocal, slang] :: to bump fists
cheddar {m} :: Cheddar cheese
chef {m} [now literary] :: head
chef {m} :: article, principal point
chef {m} :: principal motive, charge, count of indictment
chef {m} [heraldiccharge] :: chief; top third of a coat of arms
chef {m} :: A boss, chief, leader
chef {m} :: A culinary chef, chief cook
chef d'accusation {m} :: charge (of a crime, as in a court); count of an indictment
chef de bande {m} :: band chief
chef de cabinet {m} :: chief of staff (head of political department)
chef de chœur {m} :: choirmaster
chef de file {m} [general] :: leader
chef de file {m} [politics] :: party leader
chef de file {m} [nautical] :: lead ship
chef de guerre {m} :: war chief, war leader, warlord
chef de partie {m} :: chef de partie, line cook
chef de projet {m} :: project manager
chef d'État {m} :: chief of state
chef-d'œuvre {m} :: the chief example of a body of work, a masterpiece
chef d'orchestre {m} [music] :: conductor
cheffe {f} :: feminine noun of chef
cheffe de partie {f} :: female equivalent of chef de partie
cheffer {v} :: synonym of dire
cheffer {v} :: To work as a chef
chefferie {f} :: leadership (the characteristics of leading by the leader)
chef-lieu {m} :: An administrative centre in various French-speaking countries
cheftaine {f} :: captain; chieftain
cheik {m} :: sheik
cheikh {m} :: sheikh
cheikhat {m} :: sheikdom
cheiroptérophilie {f} :: chiropterophilia
chélatant {adj} :: chelating
chélate {m} [chemistry] :: chelate, chelate compound
chélaté {adj} [chemistry] :: chelated
chélateur {adj} :: chelating
chélateur {m} [chemistry] :: chelator, chelating agent
chélation {f} [chemistry] :: chelation
chelem {m} [card games, sports] :: slam
chélidoine {f} :: celandine
chelin {m} [money] :: shilling
chéloïde {f} :: keloid
chélone {f} :: chelone, snakehead
chélonien {m} :: chelonian
chélotrope {adj} :: chelotropic
chelou {adj} :: shady, creepy, dodgy
chélydre {m} [obsolete] :: a venomous and amphibious serpent
chélydre {f} :: a snapping turtle
chemin {m} :: path, way
chemin {m} [Louisiana French] :: road
chemin de croix {m} :: Way of the Cross; Via Crucis
chemin de croix {m} [figuratively] :: painful, strenuous experience
chemin de fer {m} :: Railroad, railway
chemin des écoliers {m} :: the scenic route, the long way round
chemineau {m} :: migrant worker
chemineau {m} :: vagabond
cheminée {f} :: a chimney
cheminée {f} :: a fireplace or hearth
cheminée {f} :: a vertical vent, exhaust or gallery
cheminée {f} :: a hole at the centre of some models of parachute
cheminée {f} :: the glass tube protecting the flame of a kerosene or similar wick lamp
cheminée {f} [technology] :: a vertical vacuum forming in a gasifier
cheminée {f} [welding] :: a type of welding fault
cheminée {f} [geology] :: the exhaust of a volcano
cheminée {f} [geology] :: a vertical mineral vein
cheminée {f} [theatre] :: large pipe containing ropes that serves to control theater backdrops
cheminement {m} :: progress, course
cheminer {v} :: to walk on, to keep walking
chemin faisant {adv} :: on the way
chemin méchant {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: a muddy road
cheminot {m} :: A railway worker
chemise {f} :: shirt
chemise {f} :: folder [office supplies]
chemise {f} :: chemise (wall enforcing earthwork)
chemise brune {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: brownshirt (uniformed member of the German Nazi Party (NSDAP), especially a storm trooper of the Sturmabteilung)
chemise de nuit {f} :: nightgown, nightie
chemise noire {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: blackshirt, squadrista (uniformed member of a paramilitary wing of the Italian Fascist Party)
chemiser {v} :: to line (cover the inside surface of)
chemiserie {f} :: outfitters' (shop), haberdashery
chemisette {f} :: short-sleeved shirt/blouse
chemisier {adj} [attributive] :: shirtmaking
chemisier {m} :: shirtmaker
chemisier {m} :: blouse
chemisière {f} :: feminine noun of chemisier
chémorécepteur {m} :: chemoreceptor
chênaie {f} :: oak grove; copse of oak or oak-like trees
chenal {m} :: canal, channel (all nautical senses)
chenal {m} :: eavesdrop, eavestrough, gutter
chenapan {m} :: rogue, rascal, scoundrel
chêne {m} :: oak (tree), oak tree
chêne {m} :: oak (wood)
cheneau {f} :: alternative form of chéneau
chéneau {m} :: eavesdrop (space around a house on which rain water drips)
chéneau {m} :: gutter
chêneau {m} :: A young oak
chêne-liège {m} :: cork oak
chenet {m} :: firedog, andiron
chenette {f} :: wall germander (Teucrium chamaedrys)
chêne vert {m} :: holm oak (evergreen tree, Quercus ilex)
chènevis {m} :: hempseed
chengyu {m} [linguistics] :: chengyu
chenil {m} :: kennel; kennels
chenil {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: pigsty (dirty or very untidy place)
chenille {f} :: caterpillar
chenille {f} :: chenille
chenille {f} :: caterpillar track, snow chain
chenille {f} :: whirligig (fairground attraction)
chenillette {f} [military] :: tankette
chenillette {f} [road equipment] :: a tracked sidewalk tractor, especially one equipped with a sidewalk (UK: pavement) clearing snowplow
chenillette {f} [ski resort equipment] :: a snowcat
chenin {m} :: A white wine from the Loire valley in France
chénopodiacée {f} [biology] :: chenopod
Chenoy {prop} :: surname
chenu {adj} :: hoary, snow-capped
chenu {adj} :: grey-haired, grey-headed
chenu {adj} :: elderly
chenument {adv} :: hoarily
chenument {adv} [slang] :: excellently
cheptel {m} :: livestock
chèque {m} :: cheque (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity)
chèque en blanc {m} :: blank check [US], blank cheque [Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK] (a signed cheque with the value left blank)
chèque en bois {m} :: bounced cheque
chéquier {m} :: chequebook
cher {adj} [before the noun] :: dear (beloved)
cher {adj} [salutation of a letter] :: dear
cher {adj} [after the noun] :: expensive
cher {adv} :: dearly
Cher {prop} {m} :: Cher (department)
Cher {prop} {m} :: Cher (river)
Cherbourg {prop} :: Cherbourg
cherbourgeois {adj} :: Of or from Cherbourg
chercher {vt} :: to look for, to seek
chercher {vi} [followed by à] :: to look (to do something)
chercher {vt} [slang] :: to mess with someone, ask for trouble
chercher {vt} :: to pick up, to go and get
chercher des noises {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to try and pick a fight with, to try to pick a quarrel with
chercher des poux {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to try and pick a fight with, to try to pick a quarrel with
chercher la merde {v} [vulgar] :: to look for trouble, to ask for trouble, to fish for trouble
chercher la merde {v} [vulgar] :: [avec] to fuck with someone, to try and pick a fight with someone
chercher la petite bête {v} [colloquial] :: to nitpick, to split hairs
chercher midi à quatorze heures {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to complicate things needlessly; to seek a knot in a bulrush
chercher querelle {v} [à] :: [literary] to try and pick a fight with, to try to pick a quarrel with
chercher ses mots {v} :: to fumble for words, to grasp for words, to be at a loss for words
chercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin {v} [figuratively] :: to look for a needle in a haystack
chercheur {m} :: searcher (one who searches)
chercheur {m} :: researcher
chercheuse {f} :: feminine noun of chercheur
chère {f} [obsolete] :: visage, face
chère {f} [archaic or humorous] :: fare, food, cheer
chèrement {adv} :: dearly
chéri {adj} :: cherished; beloved
chéri {m} :: dear, darling, honey, sweetheart
chérie {f} :: feminine noun of chéri
chérif {m} :: sharif
Chérif {prop} {m} :: given name: Sharif
chérifien {adj} :: Sherifian
chérir {vt} :: to cherish
cherokee {adj} :: Cherokee
cherokee {m} :: Cherokee (language)
cherté {f} :: expensiveness, high cost
chérubin {m} :: cherub
chervis {m} :: skirret
chétif {adj} :: puny, scrawny
chétif {adj} :: meagre, paltry
chétivement {adv} :: punily
chétivement {adv} :: meagrely
cheum {adj} [verlan] :: ugly
chevaine {m} :: chub (Leuciscus cephalus, now Squalius cephalus)
cheval {m} :: horse
cheval {m} :: horsepower
cheval {m} [slang] :: tall and slim woman, beautiful woman (only in the feminine form, jument)
cheval {m} [slang] :: horse, H (narcotic)
cheval à bascule {m} :: rocking horse (a child’s toy consisting of a (usually wooden) horse mounted on a rocker or swing)
cheval d'arçons {m} [sports] :: horse; pommel horse (gymnastic equipment)
cheval de bât {m} :: packhorse
cheval de bataille {m} :: war-horse, battle-charger
cheval de bataille {m} [figuratively] :: hobbyhorse, favourite theme
cheval de course {m} :: racehorse
cheval de frise {m} :: cheval de frise
cheval de main {m} :: led horse
cheval de Przewalski {m} :: Przewalski's horse
cheval de trait {m} :: draft horse
cheval de Troie {m} :: Trojan horse (a wooden horse used by the Greeks)
cheval de Troie {m} [computing] :: Trojan horse (malware)
cheval-diable {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: alternative form of cheval du diable
cheval du diable {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, Acadia] :: praying mantis
cheval du diable {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: locust
chevaleresque {adj} [historical] :: chivalrous (relating to Medieval chivalry)
chevaleresquement {adv} :: chivalrously
chevalerie {f} :: chivalry (state of being a knight in the Middles Ages)
chevalet {m} :: rack [torture instrument]
chevalet {m} :: horse [torture instrument]
chevalet {m} :: trestle, support
chevalet {m} [arts] :: easel
chevalet {m} [lutherie] :: bridge (of guitar, violin, etc.)
chevalet {m} [rare, crafts] :: A structure used to keep whatever is being worked on at a certain height; a bench or table
chevalet {m} [Scrabble] :: rack
chevalier {m} :: knight
chevalier {m} :: sandpiper (bird)
Chevalier {prop} :: surname
chevalière {f} :: signet ring
chevalier servant {m} [figuratively] :: cicisbeo, knight in shining armor, escort, devoted admirer
chevalin {adj} :: equine (related to horses)
cheval-jupon {m} :: hobby horse; a horse costume used in festivals, dances, and play
cheval qui boit dans son blanc {m} :: horse that has a white nose and the rest of its body another colour
cheval-vapeur {m} :: horsepower
chevauchée {f} :: ride on horseback, usually for the purpose of raiding and pillaging
chevauchement {m} :: overlap
chevaucher {v} :: to straddle, be astride
chevaucher {v} :: to span, sit/be across
chevaucher {v} :: to ride on horseback, usually for the purpose of raiding and pillaging
chevaucher {vp} :: to overlap
chevêche {f} :: little owl (Athene noctua)
chevêche des terriers {f} :: burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia, syn. Speotyto cunicularia)
chevêchette d'Europe {f} :: Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum)
chevelu {adj} :: hairy, long-haired
chevelure {f} :: hair
chevelure {f} :: tail (of a comet)
Chevelure de Bérénice {f} :: Coma Berenices
chevesne {m} :: alternative spelling of chevaine
chevet {m} :: bedside
chevet {m} [architecture] :: apse, chevet
chevêtre {m} [archaic] :: halter
cheveu {m} :: a headhair
cheveux blancs {mp} [idiom] :: silver-haired person
cheveux en bataille {mp} :: tousled hairs, dishevelled hairs, scruffy hairs, unkempt hairs, messy hairs
cheville {f} :: ankle
cheville {f} :: dowel, peg
cheville {f} :: wall plug
cheville {f} [poetry] :: cheville
chevillé {adj} :: pinned, pegged (attached by a pin, peg)
chevillé au corps {adj} :: deeply attached; strongly rooted
chevillé au corps {adj} :: intimately linked to an object or person as a key part of it
cheville ouvrière {f} :: linchpin (central cohesive source of stability and security)
chevillette {f} :: A latch hidden in a door with the tab sticking through a slot
chevillette {f} :: An unidentified part of the locking mechanism of Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother's door
chevillier {m} [music] :: pegbox (on a violin etc)
chèvre {f} :: a she-goat
chèvre {m} :: goat cheese (US), goat's cheese (UK)
chevreau {m} :: kid (young goat)
chevreau {m} :: goatskin
chèvrechoutisme {m} [Belgium] :: A policy of attempting to please everybody or reconcile conflicting options
chèvrechoutiste {adj} [Belgium] :: Attempting to please everybody or reconcile conflicting options
chèvrefeuille {m} [plant] :: honeysuckle
chevrette {f} :: kid (young goat)
chevrette {f} :: doe
chevrette {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: shrimp
Chevrette {prop} :: surname
chevreuil {m} :: roe deer, roebuck
chevrier {m} :: goatherd
chevrière {f} :: feminine noun of chevrier
Chevrolet {prop} :: surname
chevron {m} :: rafter
chevron {m} [heraldiccharge] :: chevron
chevronné {adj} :: experienced, seasoned
chevrotant {adj} :: quavering; shaking
chevroter {vi} [of the voice] :: to quaver
chevroter {vit} :: to bleat
chevrotin {m} :: A young deer (less than 6 months old)
chevrotin {m} :: leather from a deer or goat
chevrotin {m} :: A type of cheese, made from goat's milk, from the Savoy
chevrotin {adj} :: Of or from Chevreuse, Chevrières, Chevroz or Chevru
chevrotine {f} :: buckshot
chewing-gum {m} [France] :: chewing gum
cheyenne {m} :: Cheyenne language
cheyenne {adj} :: Cheyenne
Cheyenne {mf} :: Cheyenne (member of the Cheyenne tribe)
chez {prep} [before personal pronouns] :: to (any specified location)
chez {prep} :: at, in (any specified location; used with the names of people or professions)
chez {prep} :: in; among (a group of things or people of the same type)
chez {prep} :: in the work of (an author or artist)
chez soi {adj} :: at home (at one's abode)
chez soi {adj} :: at home (comfortable)
chez-soi {m} :: home, nest
chiac {m} :: A dialect consisting of French mixed with English, spoken by Acadians in New Brunswick
chiadé {adj} :: thorough (made with special care)
chialer {v} [colloquial, usually, derogatory] :: To cry
chialer {v} [Canada, colloquial] :: To complain
chialeux {adj} [Quebec] :: who is complaining often
chialeux {m} [Quebec] :: someone who is complaining often
chiant {adj} [vulgar, slang, colloquial, colloquial] :: annoying
chiant {adj} [vulgar, slang] :: boring
chiant comme la pluie {adj} [colloquial, simile] :: dull as dishwater, extremely boring
chianti {m} :: Chianti (Tuscan red wine)
chiantifique {adj} :: scientific yet "boring as shit"
chiaoux {m} :: chiaus
chiasmatique {adj} [anatomy] :: chiasmatic
chiasme {m} [figure of speech] :: chiasmus
chiasse {f} [slang] :: the runs, diarrhoea
chiasse {f} [slang, figurative] :: vexation, pain, annoyance
chiaux {m} :: obsolete form of chiaoux
chibouque {f} :: chibouk (Turkish tobacco pipe)
chibre {m} [vulgar, slang, slightly dated] :: cock, dick
chic {adj} :: elegant
chic {adj} :: considerate
chic {m} :: elegance
chic {m} :: skillfulness; adroitness
Chicago {prop} {f} :: Chicago (large city)
chicagolais {adj} :: Chicagoese, Chicagoan
Chicagolais {m} :: a Chicagoan
chicane {f} [road transport] :: Chicane (obstruction designed to reduce speed), double road bend
chicane {f} :: Bickering, quibbling, especially as delay tactic
chicaner {vt} :: to get (someone) into an argument
chicaner {vr} [reciprocal] :: to quibble, squabble (to complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner)
chicanerie {f} :: niggling; hairsplitting
chicaneur {m} :: quibbler, pettifogger
chicaneur {adj} :: quibbling, pettifogging
chicard {m} :: A chic person
chicaya {f} :: squabble
chicharron {m} :: chicharron (a Spanish dish)
chicharron {m} :: pork rinds, pork scratchings
chiche {adj} :: mean, stingy
chiche {adj} :: scanty, meagre, stingy
chiche {adj} [colloquial, predicative only] :: able, capable
chiche {interj} :: I dare you!
chichement {adv} :: meanly, sparingly, niggardly
chichi {m} :: affected manners, demanding behaviour
chichi {m} :: something showy
chichi {m} :: sort of fritter, churro
chichi {adj} :: chichi
chichiteux {adj} :: chichi
chich taouk {m} :: shish taouk, grilled skewered chicken cubes
chiclette {f} [Belgium, Switzerland] :: chewing gum
chicon {m} [Belgium] :: chicon; witloof (edible chicory bud)
chicorée {f} [plant] :: chicory (Cichorium intybus (common chicory) or Cichorium endivia)
chicorée {f} [by extension, culinary] :: The coffee substitute prepared from the roasted roots of the common chicory
chicot {m} :: stump, stub
chicote {f} :: alternative form of chicotte
chicotte {f} :: whip, chicotte
chicoutai {f} [Canada] :: cloudberry
chiée {f} [vulgar] :: shitload
Chiem {prop} :: surname
chien {m} :: dog
chien {m} :: cock, hammer (of a firearm)
chien {adj} [Louisiana French, ] :: greedy, stingy
chien à perdrix {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: bird-dog, a dog that specializes in bird hunting
chien chaud {m} [Quebec, Louisiana French] :: hot dog
chienchien {m} [colloquial, hypocoristic] :: doggy (usually addressing a single dog, chiefly used in the plural)
chien d'aveugle {m} :: guide dog, seeing-eye dog
chien d'eau {m} :: water dog
chien d'eau portugais {m} :: Portuguese Water Dog
chien de chasse {m} :: A hound, hunting dog
chien de garde {m} :: A guard dog
chien de Jean de Nivelle {m} :: a disobedient animal or a person
chien de la casse {m} [slang, of a man] :: junkyard dog
chiendent {m} :: couch grass, quackgrass
chiendent {m} :: weed (unwanted plant that is difficult to eradicate)
chien de poche {m} [Quebec] :: A dog who always insist to follow its master as closely as possible
chien de poche {m} [Quebec] :: Someone whose behaviour reminds of such a dog
chien de prairie {m} :: prairie dog (burrowing rodent)
chien de terre {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: salamander
chien guide d'aveugle {m} :: guide dog, seeing-eye dog
chienlit {mf} [archaic] :: pissabed, repugnant person
chienlit {mf} :: someone in a carnival mask
chienlit {f} :: masquerade, carnival
chienlit {f} :: havoc, chaos
chienne {f} :: feminine noun of chien
chienne {f} [slang, vulgar] :: a bitch (objectionable woman)
chienne {f} [slang, vulgar] :: a whore; a prostitute
chienne de prairie {f} :: feminine noun of chien de prairie
chiennerie {f} :: A large group of dogs
chiennerie {f} [rare] :: Things pertaining to dogs
chiennerie {f} :: An immodest act
chiennerie {f} [familiar] :: Avarice
chiennerie {f} [old, vulgar] :: An untenable situation
chien policier {m} :: police dog
chien qui aboie ne mord pas {proverb} :: barking dogs seldom bite, one's bark is worse than one's bite
chiens écrasés {mp} [journalism] :: dead donkey
chien tayau {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: mutt
chier {v} [vulgar] :: to shit, defecate
chier {v} [on] :: [vulgar] to spit on, to spit at
chier dans son froc {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to shit oneself (to be very afraid)
chierie {f} [slang] :: a piece of crap, piece of shit
Chiers {prop} {f} :: Chiers
chieur {m} [vulgar] :: A pain in the arse (person who is irritating)
chieuse {f} :: feminine singular of chieur
chiffe {f} :: rag
chiffe {f} :: drip (person of weak character)
chiffon {m} :: rag
chiffon {m} :: scrap (of paper)
chiffonnade {m} :: A shredded food (especially ham)
chiffonner {v} :: to crumple, crease
chiffonner {v} [colloquial] :: to bother, to perplex
chiffonnier {m} :: rag-gatherer
chiffonnier {m} :: chiffonier (item of furniture)
chiffrable {adj} :: quantifiable
chiffrable {adj} :: computable
chiffrage {m} :: numbering
chiffrage {m} :: ciphering
chiffre {m} :: a digit i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
chiffre {m} [colloquial or dated] :: a number
chiffre {m} :: figure (number)
chiffre {m} :: cipher (method of transforming a text to conceal meaning)
chiffre {m} :: cipher (code)
chiffre {m} [music] :: figure
chiffre {m} :: monogram
chiffre arabe {m} [mathematics] :: Arabic numeral
chiffre d'affaires {m} [economics] :: revenue, turnover, net sales
chiffrement {m} :: encryption (process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge, key files, and/or passwords)
chiffrer {vt} :: To number (to add a number to)
chiffrer {vi} :: To add up (accumulate)
chiffrer {vt} :: To cipher, to encrypt (add a cipher to, for protection)
chiffre romain {m} :: Roman numeral (a numeral represented by letters)
chiffreur {m} :: cipherer
chiffreur {m} [computing] :: encryption method
chiffreuse {f} :: feminine noun of chiffreur
chigner {v} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to whine, moan, complain, or grumble in a childish manner. (followed by de to mean "about")
chignole {f} :: brace (bitstock)
chignon {m} :: roll or twist of hair worn at the nape of the neck; a bun
Chihiro {prop} :: given name
chihuahua {m} :: Chihuahua / chihuahua [the dog breed or an individual of this breed]
chiisme {m} :: Shi'a (branch of Islam)
chiite {adj} :: Shiite
chiite {mf} :: Shiite
chik {m} :: clipping of chikungunya
Chili {prop} {m} :: Chili (country)
chiliarque {m} :: chiliarch
chili con carne {m} :: chili con carne
chilien {adj} :: Chilean
Chilien {m} :: Chilean, someone from Chile
Chilienne {f} :: feminine noun of Chilien
chiliogone {m} [geometry] :: chiliagon
chilogone {m} :: A polygon with 1000 sides and 100 angles
chilomètre {m} :: rare spelling of kilomètre
chimaphile {f} :: wintergreen (plant of Chimaphilia)
chimère {f} :: chimera (mythical monster)
chimère {f} :: chimera (creature of the imagination)
chimère {f} [biology] :: chimera (organism with cells from two zygotes)
chimère {f} :: chimaera (fish)
chimérique {adj} :: chimeric, fanciful, imaginary
chimérique {adj} :: unrealistic, quixotic
chimérique {adj} [genetics] :: chimeric
chimériquement {adv} :: chimerically
chimie {f} :: chemistry (the science)
chimie nucléaire {f} :: nuclear chemistry
chimie organique {f} :: organic chemistry (chemistry of carbon containing compounds)
chimiluminescence {f} [chemistry] :: chemiluminescence
chimio- {prefix} :: chemo-
chimio {f} [colloquial] :: chemotherapy
chimiorécepteur {m} :: chemoreceptor
chimiostratigraphie {f} [chemistry, geology] :: chemostratigraphy
chimiosynthèse {f} [biochemistry] :: chemosynthesis
chimiotactique {adj} [biology] :: chemiotactic
chimiotaxie {f} [biology] :: chemiotaxis
chimiothérapeutique {adj} :: chemotherapeutic
chimiothérapie {f} :: chemotherapy
chimiotoxicité {f} :: chemotoxicity
chimiotrophe {m} :: chemotroph
chimiotrophie {f} :: chemotropism
chimique {adj} :: chemical (related to chemistry)
chimiquement {adv} :: chemically
chimiquier {m} :: chemical tanker
chimiste {mf} :: chemist (scientist of chemistry)
chimiste inorganique {mf} :: inorganic chemist (chemist whose field is inorganic chemistry)
chimiste organique {mf} :: organic chemist (chemist whose field is organic chemistry)
chimou {m} :: annual mercury (Mercurialis annua)
chimpanzé {m} :: chimpanzee (ape)
chinchard {m} :: jack mackerel
chinchilla {m} :: chinchilla (rodent)
chinchilla {m} [uncountable] :: chinchilla fur
chinchilla {m} :: chinchilla (cat)
Chine {prop} {f} :: Chine (country)
Chine continentale {prop} {f} :: mainland China
chiner {v} :: to dye and interweave fabrics
chinetoque {m} [slang, pejorative, ethnic slur] :: Chink (person of Chinese descent)
chineur {m} :: bargain hunter
chineuse {f} :: feminine singular of chineur
chinois {m} :: Chinese (language)
chinois {m} :: Greek (something difficult to understand)
chinois {adj} :: Chinese (relating to China)
Chinois {m} :: Chinese, someone from China
Chinoise {f} :: feminine noun of Chinois
chinoiser {v} :: to argue; to quibble; to squabble
chinoiserie {f} [arts] :: chinoiserie
chinoiserie {f} [in the plural] :: complications
chinois simplifié {prop} {m} :: Simplified Chinese
chinois traditionnel {prop} {m} :: Traditional Chinese
chinqui-chinque {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, derogatory] :: Cajun music
chiot {m} :: puppy (baby dog, of either sex)
chiotte {f} [vulgar, slang, chiefly in the plural] :: shitter, toilet
chiotte {f} [slang] :: car
chioukh {m} :: synonym of cheikh
chiourme {f} [archaic] :: team or group of galley slaves
chiourme {f} [archaic] :: convict
chiper {vt} [colloquial] :: to pinch; to steal; to rob
chipie {f} [colloquial] :: cow, bitch, harpy, vixen
chipie {f} [colloquial] :: (female) brat
chipotage {m} :: nitpicking
chipoter {vit} :: to nibble
chipoter {vit} :: to quibble, haggle
chips {f} {m} {mp} [Anglicism] :: chips [American English], crisps [British English]
chique {f} [Belgium] :: chewing gum
chiqué {m} :: affectation; airs
chiquement {adv} :: chicly, fashionably
chiquenaude {f} :: flick, flip
chiquer {vi} :: to chew tobacco
chiquer {vi} [Belgium] :: to chew gum
Chirac {prop} :: surname
chiral {adj} :: chiral
chiralement {adv} :: chirally
chiralité {f} :: chirality (a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science)
chiraquie {f} :: The sphere of influence of former French president Jacques Chirac
chiraquien {adj} :: Relating to, or supporting Jacques Chirac
chiraquisme {m} :: The political philosophy of Jacques Chirac
Chiraz {prop} :: Chiraz (city)
chiridien {adj} :: chiridian
chirographie {f} :: chirography
chirogymnaste {m} :: hand director
chirologie {f} :: chirology
chiromancie {f} :: chiromancy
chiromancien {m} :: palmist, chiromancer
chiromancienne {f} :: feminine noun of chiromancien
Chiron {prop} [Greek mythology] :: an old, wise centaur who served as Achilles' mentor and teacher
Chiron {prop} [astronomy, astrology] :: Chiron, a centaur (minor planet) and asteroid-like/comet-like object, orbiting between Saturn and Uranus
chironome {m} :: chironomid
chiropracteur {m} :: chiropractor
chiropractie {f} :: chiropractic
chiropraticien {m} :: chiropractor
chiropraxie {f} :: chiropractic, chiropraxy
chiroptère {m} :: bat (animal of the order Chiroptera)
chiroptérochorie {f} [biology] :: chiropterochory
chirurgical {adj} :: surgical
chirurgicalement {adv} [medicine] :: surgically
chirurgie {f} [medicine] :: Surgery, medical operation
chirurgie {f} :: That branch of medicine
chirurgie de réassignation sexuelle {f} :: sex reassignment surgery
chirurgie de réattribution sexuelle {f} :: sex reassignment surgery
chirurgie esthétique {f} :: cosmetic surgery, esthetic surgery
chirurgien {m} :: a surgeon, a doctor who performs surgery
chirurgie plastique {f} :: plastic surgery
Chisa {prop} :: given name
chitine {f} :: chitin (polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, found in arthropod and fungi)
chitineux {adj} :: chitinous
chitinisé {adj} :: chitinized
chiure {f} :: frass (fly specks)
Chiyo {prop} :: given name
chlague {m} :: nitty, druggy
chlamyde {f} :: chlamys
chlamydiase {f} [disease] :: chlamydiasis
chlamydie {f} [biology] :: chlamydia (microorganism)
chlamydiose {f} [disease] :: chlamydiasis
chleuh {m} [uncountable] :: Tashelhit; one of the Berber languages
chleuh {m} [countable, pejorative, ethnic slur] :: a German; a kraut
chleuh {adj} :: Shilha, Tashelhit
chleuh {adj} [pejorative] :: German
Chleuh {m} :: a Chleuh
Chleuhe {f} :: feminine noun of Chleuh
chlinguer {vi} [colloquial] :: to stink, to reek
Chloé {prop} :: given name
chlorage {m} :: chlorination
chloranile {m} [organic compound] :: chloranil
chlorarachniophyte {f} :: chlorarachniophyte
chlorargyrite {f} [mineral] :: chlorargyrite
chloration {f} :: chlorination (all senses)
chloraurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloroauric
chlore {m} :: chlorine
chloré {adj} [chemistry] :: chlorinated
chlorer {v} :: to chlorinate
chloreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorous
chlorhydrate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrochloride
chlorhydrique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrochloric
chlorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloric
chloristique {adj} [chemistry] :: chloristic
chlorite {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorite (salt of chlorous acid)
chlorite {f} [mineral] :: chlorite
chloro- {prefix} :: chloro-
chloroacétique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: chloroacetic
chloroéthane {m} [organic compound] :: chloroethane
chlorofluorocarbone {m} [organic chemistry] :: chlorofluorocarbon
chlorofluorocarbure {m} [organic chemistry] :: chlorofluorocarbon
chloroforme {m} [chemistry] :: chloroform [an anesthetic]
chloroformer {v} :: to chloroform (to treat with chloroform, or to render unconscious with chloroform)
chloroformique {adj} :: chloroformic
chlorogénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: chlorogenic
chloroiodure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloroiodide
chlorolyse {f} [chemistry] :: chlorinolysis
chlorométhane {m} [organic compound] :: chloromethane
chloromètre {m} :: chlorometer
chlorométrie {m} :: chlorometry
chlorophénol {m} [organic chemistry] :: chlorophenol
chlorophylle {f} :: chlorophyll
chlorophyllien {adj} :: chlorophyllic
chlorophytum {m} :: spider plant (of genus Chlorophytum)
chloropicrine {m} [organic compound] :: chloropicrin
chloroplaste {m} [biology] :: chloroplast
chloroplatinique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloroplatinic
chlorose {f} :: chlorosis (yellow-green colouration of the skin)
chlorotique {adj} :: chlorotic (afflicted with chlorosis)
chlortétracycline {f} :: chlortetracycline
chlorurage {m} :: chlorination
chloruration {m} :: chlorination
chlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloride
chloruré {adj} :: chlorinated
chlorurer {vt} [chemistry] :: to chlorinate
chnek {f} [slang, vulgar] :: vulva, pussy
chnek {f} [slang, derogatory] :: young woman; slut
chnoute {f} [Canada] :: crap, shit [something worthless]
choane {f} [biology] :: choana
choc {m} :: hit, strike
choc {m} :: shock (surprise, startling)
choc {m} :: electrical shock
choc {m} :: clash
choc {m} [Louisiana French] :: alternative form of tchoque
choc anaphylactique {m} :: anaphylactic shock
choc culturel {m} :: culture shock
chochotte {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: sissy, wimp, wuss, pansy
chochotte {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: pansy (effeminate homosexual)
chocolat {adj} :: chocolate; chocolate-coloured
chocolat {adj} :: deceived; tricked
chocolat {m} :: chocolate
chocolat {m} :: hot chocolate
chocolat au lait {m} :: milk chocolate
chocolat au lait {m} :: chocolate milk
chocolat blanc {m} :: white chocolate
chocolat chaud {m} :: hot chocolate
chocolaté {adj} :: chocolate (attributive)
chocolater {v} [rare] :: To add chocolate to, to cover with chocolate
chocolaterie {f} :: chocolate shop
chocolaterie {f} :: chocolate factory
chocolatier {adj} [attributive] :: chocolate
chocolatier {m} :: chocolatier
chocolatière {f} :: feminine noun of chocolatier
chocolatine {f} [southern France, Canada] :: pain au chocolat, a chocolate-filled pastry
chocolat noir {m} :: dark chocolate
choc terminal {m} [astronomy] :: termination shock
chœnix {m} :: choenix
choeur {m} :: nonstandard spelling of chœur
chœur {m} :: chorus
chœur {m} :: choir
choin {m} :: bogrush, particularly the black bogrush (Schoenus nigricans)
choir {v} [literary] :: to fall
choisir {v} :: to choose
choisir {v} [obsolete] :: to perceive, distinguish
choix {m} :: choice
choléate {m} [organic chemistry] :: choleate
cholécalciférol {m} [biochemistry] :: cholecalciferol
cholécyste {m} [anatomy] :: cholecyst
cholédoque {adj} [anatomy] :: choledochal
cholédoque {m} [anatomy] :: common bile duct
choléra {m} :: cholera (infectious disease)
cholérique {adj} :: choleraic (pertaining to cholera)
cholérique {adj} :: choleric (showing anger)
cholestérate {m} [organic chemistry] :: cholesterate
cholesterine {m} :: cholesterol; dated form of cholestérol
cholestérique {adj} :: cholesteric
cholestérol {m} :: cholesterol (an essential component of mammalian cell membranes)
cholestérolémie {f} [pathology] :: cholesterolemia
choline {f} [biochemistry] :: choline
cholinergique {adj} :: cholinergic
cholique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cholic
Cholon {prop} :: Cholon
chômage {m} :: idleness
chômage {m} :: unemployment
chômage structurel {m} [economics] :: structural unemployment
chômage technique {m} :: layoff (temporary)
chômage technique {m} :: furlough
chomer {v} :: alternative form of chômer
chômer {v} :: to be idle
chômer {v} :: to be out of work
chômeur {m} :: An unemployed person
chômeuse {f} :: feminine noun of chômeur
chondre {m} [mineralogy] :: chondrule
chondrioconte {m} :: chondriocont
chondriome {m} [biology] :: chondriome
chondrographie {f} :: chondrography
chondroïde {adj} [anatomy] :: chondroid
chondroïtine {m} [organic compound] :: chondroitin
chondrome {m} :: chondroma
chondrosarcome {m} :: chondrosarcoma
Chooz {prop} :: A French commune in the département of Ardennes
chope {f} :: tankard, mug
chope {f} [colloquial] :: beer, quick beer, quick one (glass of beer)
choper {v} [colloquial] :: to steal, nick, pinch
choper {v} [colloquial] :: to arrest, catch
choper {v} [colloquial] :: to pick up, collect a passenger
chopine {f} [France, obsolete] :: A French pre-metric measure of capacity equal to half a pinte that was equivalent to 0.476 liters. Under the monarchy the measure varied from region to region, with the Parisian chopine being equivalent to 0.465 liters. 1 pinte ("quart") = 2 chopines ("pints") = 4 demiards ("half-pints")
chopine {f} [France] :: a French metric chopine (or metric "pint") equal to 0.250 liters
chopine {f} [Canada] :: a French Canadian term for an imperial pint, equal to one eighth of an Imperial gallon, 20 Imperial ounces, or 0.568 liters
chopine {f} [France] :: an amount of wine equivalent to 0.25 liters
chopine {f} :: a type of women's clog or overshoe; a chopine
chopiner {v} :: to tope (drink excessively)
chopinien {adj} :: Chopinian
chopper {vi} [archaic] :: to stumble
choquant {adj} :: shocking (surprising)
choqué {adj} :: shocked, startled
choquer {v} :: to hit, to collide
choquer {v} :: to shock (surprise, startle)
Choquette {prop} :: surname
choral {adj} :: choral
choral {m} :: chorale
chorale {f} :: chorus (group of people in a play or performance who recite together), a choir
choralement {adv} :: chorally
chorde {f} :: obsolete form of corde
choré {f} :: clipping of chorégraphie
chorée {m} [pathology] :: chorea
chorégraphe {mf} :: choreographer
chorégraphie {f} :: choreography
chorégraphier {v} :: to choreograph
chorégraphique {adj} :: choreographic
chorégraphiquement {adv} :: choreographically
chorial {adj} :: chorial
-chorie {suffix} :: -chory
chorion {m} [anatomy] :: chorion (all senses)
chorionique {adj} [anatomy] :: chorionic
chorioptique {adj} :: chorioptic
chorique {adj} :: choric
choriste {mf} :: chorister
choriste {mf} :: member of the chorus (operatic)
chorizo {m} :: chorizo
chorographie {f} :: chorography
choroïde {f} [anatomy] :: choroid
choroïdien {adj} [anatomy] :: choroidal
chorologique {adj} :: chorological
chorologiquement {adv} :: chorologically
chörten {m} [Buddhism] :: chorten, Tibetan stupa
chorus {m} :: chorus
chose {f} :: thing
chose jugée {f} :: res judicata (something decided on by a court of law)
chose promise, chose due {proverb} :: a promise is a promise
chott {m} [geology] :: chott
chou {m} :: cabbage
chou {m} :: baby, darling, sweetheart (term of endearment)
chou {adj} :: cute, endearing
Chou {prop} :: Shu (Egyptology)
chou à la crème {m} :: cream puff
chouan {adj} :: Chouan (attributive)
Chouan {prop} :: surname
chouannerie {f} :: counterrevolution
choucas {m} :: jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)
Chouchanik {prop} :: given name, Shushanik
chouchen {m} :: a type of mead popular in Brittany
chou chinois {m} :: Chinese cabbage
chou chinois {m} :: bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis)
chou chinois {m} :: napa cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis)
chouchou {m} [childish] :: term of endearment (like petit chou, mon chou)
chouchou {m} :: blue-eyed boy, teacher's pet (student perceived to be favored by the teacher)
chouchou {m} :: a hair scrunchie
chouchou {m} [Réunion] :: chayote
chouchou {m} :: candied peanut
chouchoute {f} :: feminine noun of chouchou
chouchouter {vt} :: to spoil, pamper
choucroute {f} :: sauerkraut (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage)
chou de Bruxelles {m} :: Brussels sprout
chouette {f} :: owl (specifically, those species of owls without ear tufts; those with ear tufts are hiboux)
chouette {adj} [colloquial] :: great, cool, swell
chouette {interj} [colloquial] :: Exclamation when one learns of something pleasing
chouette boréale {f} :: boreal owl, Tengmalm's owl, Richardson's owl (Aegolius funereus, syn. Nyctala tengmalmi)
chouette cendrée {f} :: great grey owl, Lapland owl (Strix nebulosa)
chouette des terriers {f} :: burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia, syn. Speotyto cunicularia)
chouette effraie {f} :: barn owl (Tyto alba)
chouette effraie {f} :: screech owl
chouette épervière {f} :: northern hawk owl (Surnia ulula)
chouette hulotte {f} :: tawny owl, brown owl (Strix aluco)
chouette lapone {f} :: great grey owl, Lapland owl (Strix nebulosa)
chouettement {adv} [colloquial] :: really well
chouette rayée {m} :: barred owl (Strix varia)
chouffe {f} :: white beer, wheat beer blond beer
chou-fleur {m} :: cauliflower
chou frisé {m} :: curly kale
chouia {m} [Central Africa] :: brochette, grilled meat
chouia {adv} :: alternative form of chouïa
chouïa {adv} [colloquial] :: little, bit
chouillat {adv} :: alternative form of chouïa
Chouinard {prop} :: surname
chouinegomme {m} [rare, dated] :: chewing gum
chouiner {v} [colloquial] :: to cry, to whine, to whinge
choupique {m} [Louisiana French] :: bowfin, mudfish
chouquette {f} :: A small choux pastry made with dough sprinkled with sugar
chou-rave {m} :: kohlrabi (cabbage cultivar)
chouraver {v} [slang] :: To nick, pinch (steal)
chouré {adj} [slang] :: hot, stolen
chourer {v} :: To steal
chouriner {v} [obsolete, slang] :: to knife, stab
chou rouge {m} :: red cabbage
choute {f} :: feminine noun of chou
chou vert et vert chou {phrase} [Belgium] :: tomayto, tomahto; same difference; six of one, half a dozen of the other
chow mein {m} :: chow mein
choyer {vt} :: to cherish, pamper, coddle (care for with affection and tenderness)
choyer {vt} :: to hold in great esteem, revere, going to great lengths to demonstrate this
choyer {vt} :: to cherish, treasure, conserve with great care
chrématistique {adj} :: chrematistic
chrématistique {f} :: chrematistics
chrême {m} :: chrism
chresmologue {mf} :: chresmologue
chrétien {adj} :: Christian
chrétien {m} :: Christian
Chrétien {m} :: Christian (member of the Christian religion)
Chrétien {prop} :: surname
chrétienne {f} :: feminine noun of chrétien
Chrétienne {f} :: feminine noun of Chrétien
chrétiennement {adv} [religion] :: Christianly
chrétienté {f} :: Christendom
Chrismeusse {prop} {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: Christmas
Christ {prop} {m} :: Christ
christadelphe {adj} :: Christadelphian
christadelphe {mf} :: Christadelphian
Christelle {prop} :: given name
Christian {prop} :: given name
Christiane {prop} {f} :: given name
christianisation {f} :: Christianization
christianisé {adj} :: Christianized
christianiser {v} :: to Christianize (to convert to Christianity)
christianisme {m} :: Christianity
Christine {prop} {f} :: given name
christique {adj} :: Christic
Christophe {prop} :: given name, French form of Christopher
Christopher {prop} :: given name
chromage {m} :: chrome plating
chromamétrique {adj} :: chromometric
chromate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chromate
chromatine {f} [cytology] :: chromatin
chromatinique {adj} [cytology] :: chromatinic
chromatique {adj} :: chromatic
chromatiquement {adv} :: chromatically
chromatiser {v} :: To chromatize
chromatisme {m} :: chromatism
chromatogramme {m} [chemistry] :: chromatogram
chromatographe {m} [chemistry] :: chromatograph
chromatographie {f} [analytical chemistry] :: chromatography
chromatographique {adj} :: chromatographic
chromatopsie {f} :: chromatopsia
chrome {m} :: chromium
chromé {adj} :: chrome / chromium (attributive)
chromé {adj} :: chromium-plated
chromeux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chromous
chromique {adj} :: chromic
chromite {f} [mineral] :: chromite
chromo- {prefix} :: chromo-
chromodynamique {adj} :: chromodynamic
chromodynamique {m} [physics] :: chromodynamics
chromodynamique quantique {m} [physics] :: quantum chromodynamics
chromolithographie {f} :: chromolithography
chromoprotéine {f} [protein] :: chromoprotein
chromosome {m} [biology, cytology] :: chromosome
chromosome Y {m} [genetics] :: Y chromosome
chromosomique {adj} :: chromosomal (of, or relating to chromosomes)
chromosphère {f} :: chromosphere
chromotypographie {f} :: chromotypography
chronicité {f} :: chronicity
chronique {adj} :: chronic (that which continues over an extended period of time)
chronique {f} :: chronicle
chronique {f} :: newspaper column
chronique {mf} :: a patient who has a chronic condition
chroniquement {adv} :: chronically
chroniquer {v} :: to write a column (for a newpaper)
chroniquer {v} :: to chronicle
chronique scandaleuse {f} :: Chronique scandaleuse
chroniqueur {m} :: chronicler
chroniqueur {m} :: columnist
chrono- {prefix} :: chrono-
chrono {m} [colloquial] :: timer
chrono {m} [colloquial] :: time (the length of time recorded on a timer)
chronobiologie {f} [biology] :: chronobiology
chronobiologique {adj} :: chronobiological
chronocide {m} :: chronocide
chronogramme {m} :: chronogram (all senses)
chronographe {m} :: chronograph
chronologie {f} :: chronology
chronologique {adj} :: chronological
chronologiquement {adv} :: chronologically
chronométrage {m} :: timing (action of keeping time or a record of timing)
chronomètre {m} [sports] :: stopwatch
chronomètre {m} [timing] :: chronometer
chronomètre {m} [computing] :: timer
chronométrer {v} :: to time, to keep time (measure time)
chronométreur {m} :: timekeeper, a person who records the times elapsed in a sporting event
chronométrie {f} :: chronometry
chronométrique {adj} :: chronometric
chronophage {adj} :: time-consuming
chronophagement {adv} :: time-consumingly
chronophotographie {f} :: chronophotography
chronopsychologie {f} :: chronopsychology
chronostratigraphie {f} [geology] :: chronostratigraphy
chronostratigraphique {adj} :: chronostratigraphic
chronotachygraphe {m} :: tachograph
chrysalide {f} :: pupa, chrysalis
chrysanthémate {m} [organic chemistry] :: chrysanthemate
chrysanthème {m} :: chrysanthemum
chrysanthémique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: chrysanthemic
chrysarobine {f} :: chrysarobin
chrysène {m} [organic compound] :: chrysene
chryside {f} :: chrysidid
Chrysippe {prop} {m} :: Chrysippus
chrysobéryl {m} [mineral] :: chrysoberyl
chrysoïdine {f} :: chrysoidine
chrysolite {f} [mineralogy] :: chrysolite
chrysolite {f} [obsolete] :: gems such as chrysoberyl, sapphire, topaz, or tourmaline (any of various gemstones with a golden, and especially greenish) tint
chrysolite {f} :: peridot, prehnite, or apatite
chrysolithe {f} :: alternative spelling of chrysolite
chrysomèle {m} :: leaf beetle (of family Chrysomelidae)
chrysothérapie {f} :: chrysotherapy
CHSLD {m} [Quebec] :: initialism of centre d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée
chtarbé {adj} [slang] :: crazy, bonkers
chtetl {m} :: alternative spelling of shtetl
chthonien {adj} :: chthonian
ch'ti {adj} :: alternative spelling of chti
ch'ti {m} :: alternative spelling of chti
chti {adj} :: Of, or pertaining to the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, or its inhabitants, culture or dialect
chti {m} :: chtimi, the regional dialect of Picard spoken in Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Chti {mf} :: someone from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France, especially someone who speaks Picard
chtimi {adj} :: Of, or pertaining to, the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region
chtimi {m} :: chti, a Picard dialect spoken in Nord-Pas-de-Calais region
Chtimi {mf} :: Someone from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region
chtonien {adj} :: alternative form of chthonien
chu {phrase} [Quebec, colloquial] :: I am
CHU {m} :: abbreviation of centre hospitalier universitaire (lit. university hospital center); a teaching hospital
Chuchanik {prop} :: alternative form of Chouchanik
chuchotage {m} [rare] :: whispering
chuchotage {m} :: chuchotage
chuchotement {m} :: A whisper or murmur
chuchotement {m} :: Rustling (of leaves)
chuchoter {v} :: to whisper
chuchoter {v} [of leaves] :: to rustle
chuchoteur {m} :: whisperer
chuchoteuse {f} :: feminine noun of chuchoteur
chui {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of je + contraction of suis: I'm
chuintement {m} :: swish, hiss
chuintement {m} :: lisp
chuintement {m} :: buzz
chuinter {vi} [of an owl] :: to hoot, screech
chuinter {vi} [of a machine] :: to buzz, whirr, whoosh
chuinter {vi} [of a door] :: to creak
chuinter {vi} :: to swish
chuinter {vi} [of tires] :: to hiss
chuinter {vi} :: to pronounce the phoneme s as ʃ, often seen as a speech defect or regionalism. Can be compared to lisping in the English language.
chuis {contraction} [colloquial] :: I am, I'm
chum {m} [Canada, colloquial, Quebec] :: boyfriend (feminine counterpart: blonde)
chum {m} [Canada, chiefly slang, Quebec] :: a friend, usually male; a chum (feminine form: chum de fille)
chum de fille {f} [Canada, colloquial] :: Non-romantic girlfriend, female friend (especially of a woman)
chut {interj} :: shush (a request of silence)
chute {f} :: fall
chute {f} :: fall, drop (e.g. in price)
chute {f} :: waterfall
chute {f} :: conclusion (of a joke or a story, i.e. the last words that bring the comic effect or the conclusion)
chute {f} :: final part of an ensemble or a shape
chute d'eau {f} :: waterfall
chute de tension {f} :: drop in blood pressure
chute libre {f} [physics] :: Freefall
chuter {v} :: to fall, to drop
chuter {v} :: (e.g. of prices) to fall, to drop
chutes du Niagara {prop} {fp} :: Niagara Falls
chutney {m} :: chutney (condiment)
chymie {f} :: obsolete spelling of chimie
chymiste {mf} :: obsolete spelling of chimiste
chymotrypsine {f} :: chymotrypsin
Chypre {prop} {f} :: Cyprus. official name: République de Chypre
Chypre du Nord {prop} {f} :: Northern Cyprus
chypriote {adj} :: alternative spelling of cypriote
Chypriote {mf} :: alternative spelling of Cypriote
-ci {particle} :: this: always used with ce or pronouns such as celui, celle
ci {adv} :: here
ci {adv} :: this
CIA {prop} {f} :: CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
ciao {interj} :: ciao
ci-après {adv} :: hereafter
cibiste {mf} :: breaker (user of CB radio)
ciblage {m} :: targeting
cible {f} [literal] :: target
cible {f} [figurative] :: aim, goal
cibler {vt} :: to target
ciboire {m} :: The ciborium cup
ciboire {m} [Quebec] :: A mild profanity
cibole {interj} [Quebec, euphemistic] :: alternative form of ciboire
ciboule {f} :: scallion, spring onion (Allium fistulosum)
ciboulette {f} :: chive (the plant)
ciboulette {f} :: chives (the herb)
ciboulot {m} [colloquial] :: bonce, nut, noggin (head)
cicatrice {f} :: scar
cicatriciel {adj} :: cicatricial
cicatrisant {adj} :: that heals wounds
cicatrisation {f} :: scarring
cicatriser {v} :: to heal, to scar (of a wound)
Cicéron {prop} {m} :: Cicero
cicérone {m} :: cicerone
cicindèle {f} :: tiger beetle (of genus Cicindela)
ci-contre {prep} :: thereagainst
CICR {prop} {m} :: ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
cicutoxine {f} :: cicutoxin
-cide {suffix} :: -cide
ci-dessous {adv} :: below, underneath (under this point)
ci-dessus {adv} :: above, above here
ci-devant {adj} :: former
ci-devant {adj} :: one-time
ci-devant {mf} [historical, French Revolution] :: former aristocrat
cidre {m} :: cider
cidre brut {m} :: brut cider
cidre de glace {m} :: ice cider (alcoholic beverage made from fermented apple juice squeezed from naturally frozen apples left on the tree into winter)
cidre de poire {m} :: synonym of poiré (perry)
cidre de poire {m} :: pear cider (an apple-based alcoholic cider infused with pear or artificial pear flavour)
cidre mousseux {m} :: sparkling cider (a bubbly fizzy alcoholic potable created from fermented apple juices similar to champagne)
cidrerie {f} :: cider-makers
cidrerie {f} :: cider house
cidrier {m} :: cider brewer
cidrière {f} :: feminine singular of cidrier
cie {n} [military] :: abbreviation of compagnie - company
cie {n} [business] :: abbreviation of compagnie - Co. (company)
ciel {m} :: sky
ciel {m} :: heaven
ciel {m} :: canopy (of a bed, etc.)
ciel {interj} :: heavens!
cierge {m} [religion] :: candle
cierge {m} [botany] :: cereus
CIF {m} :: initialism of congé individuel de formation
cigale {f} :: cicada (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera)
cigare {m} :: cigar
cigarette {f} :: cigarette
cigarette électronique {f} :: electronic cigarette
cigarettier {m} :: cigarette company
cigarettier {m} :: cigarette seller
ci-gît {phrase} [epitaph] :: here lies
cigogne {f} :: stork
cigogne blanche {f} :: white stork (large wading bird, Ciconia ciconia)
ciguë {f} :: hemlock (umbellifer)
cigüe {f} :: post-1990 spelling of ciguë
ci-joint {adv} :: herewith
ci-joint {adj} :: enclosed
ci-joint {adj} :: attached
cil {m} :: eyelash
cilastatine {f} [medicine] :: cilastatin
ciliaire {adj} :: ciliary
ciliature {f} :: ciliature
Cilicie {prop} :: Cilicia
cilié {adj} [biology] :: ciliated
cilié {m} [botany, zoology] :: ciliate
ciller {v} :: to blink
ciller {v} :: to bat an eyelash
cimaise {f} :: cymatium
cimaise {f} :: picture rail
cime {f} :: peak, summit (of mountain)
cime {f} :: top (of tree)
ciment {m} :: cement
cimentation {f} :: cementation
cimentation {f} :: cementing
cimenter {vt} :: to cement
cimenter {vt} :: to confirm
cimenterie {f} :: cement works
cimentier {m} :: cementer (someone who works with cement)
cimentière {f} :: feminine noun of cimentier
cimer {interj} [slang] :: thank you; thanks
cimeterre {m} :: scimitar
cimetière {m} :: cemetery, graveyard
cimmérien {adj} :: cimmerian
cinabre {m} [mineral] :: cinnabar
cinchonacé {adj} :: cinchonaceous
cindynique {f} :: cindynics
ciné {m} [colloquial] :: cinema; movie theater
cinéaste {mf} :: filmmaker
cinéma {m} :: cinema (the art of making films and movies)
cinéma {m} :: cinema (the film and movie industry)
cinéma {m} :: cinema (film or movies as a group)
cinéma {m} :: cinema (movie theatre)
cinéma {m} [colloquial] :: playacting, drama, fuss
cinémathèque {f} :: film archive
cinématique {f} [physics] :: kinematics
cinématique {adj} :: kinematic
cinématiquement {adv} :: cinematically
cinématographe {m} :: cinematograph
cinématographie {f} :: cinematography
cinématographier {v} :: to cinematograph
cinématographique {adj} :: cinematographic
cinématographiquement {adv} :: cinematographically
ciné-parc {m} [cinema] :: a drive-in theatre, a movie theatre where patrons sit in their cars in a parking lot to view the movies
cinéphage {f} :: moviegoer; film buff, movie junkie
cinéphagie {f} :: movie addiction; quality of being a film junkie
cinéphile {mf} :: cinephile
cinéphilie {f} :: cinephilia
cinéraire {adj} :: cinerary
cinèse {f} :: alternative form of kinèse
cinétique {adj} :: kinetic (relating to motion)
cinétique {f} :: kinetics
cinétiquement {adv} :: kinetically
cingalais {adj} :: Sinhalese
cingalais {m} :: Sinhalese language
cinghalais {m} :: alternative spelling of cingalais
cinghalais {adj} :: alternative spelling of cingalais
cinglage {m} :: shingling (in iron making)
cinglant {adj} :: scathing, stinging
cinglé {adj} [slang] :: nuts, bonkers, crazy
cingler {v} :: to sail; to navigate
cingler {v} :: to hit; to strike; to knock
cinnamaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: cinnamaldehyde
cinname {m} :: cinnamon
cinnamique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cinnamic
cinoche {m} [slang] :: movie, pictures
cinoque {adj} :: alternative spelling of sinoque
Cinotti {prop} :: Cinotti (surname)
cinq {num} :: five
cinq à sept {m} [France, colloquial, idiomatic] :: quick afternoon tryst
cinq à sept {m} [Quebec] :: afternoon get-together similar to a happy hour, cocktail party, or wine and cheese, held approximately between 5 and 7 p.m
cinq cents {m} :: five hundred
cinq sur cinq {adv} [figuratively] :: loud and clear
cinquantaine {f} :: About 50, 50 or so
cinquante {num} :: fifty
cinquante {m} :: fifty
cinquante-cinq {m} :: fifty-five
cinquante-deux {m} :: fifty-two
cinquante-et-un {m} :: fifty-one
cinquante-huit {m} :: fifty-eight
cinquantenaire {m} :: fifty-year anniversary
cinquante-neuf {m} :: fifty-nine
cinquante-quatre {m} :: fifty-four
cinquante-sept {m} :: fifty-seven
cinquante-six {m} :: fifty-six
cinquante-trois {m} :: fifty-three
cinquantième {adj} :: fiftieth
cinquantième {mf} :: fiftieth
cinquième {adj} :: fifth
cinquième {mf} :: fifth
cinquièmement {adv} :: fifthly
cinquième roue du carrosse {f} [derogatory, figuratively] :: fifth wheel (anything superfluous or unnecessary)
cinsault {m} :: cinsault (grape and wine)
cinsaut {m} :: alternative form of cinsault
cintrage {m} :: centering (temporary support to an arch)
cintre {m} [architecture] :: curve
cintre {m} [architecture] :: centring
cintre {m} :: hanger (for clothes)
cintré {adj} :: curved
cintré {adj} :: fitted (clothes)
cintrer {vt} :: to bend
cintrer {vt} :: to vault
cintrer {vt} :: to take in [at the waist]
cipaille {m} [Canada] :: sea pie
cipaye {m} :: A native Indian infantry soldier in a French colonial regiment prior to 1898, when they were disbanded and replaced by a locally recruited gendarmerie. Cipayes were the French equivalent of the Indian sepoys in British service
CIPM {prop} {m} [physics, standardisation] :: initialism of Comité international des poids et mesures
cippe {m} :: cippus
ciprofloxacine {f} [medicine] :: ciprofloxacin
cirable {adj} :: waxable
cirage {m} :: polish (product used to make things shiny)
cirage {m} :: waxing, polishing, wax, polish (act of waxing or polishing)
circa {prep} :: approximately, about
circadien {adj} :: circadian
circaète {m} :: snake eagle
circaète jean-le-blanc {m} :: short-toed snake eagle
circannuel {adj} [biology] :: circannual
circassien {adj} :: Circassian
circassien {adj} :: circus (attributive)
circassien {m} :: Circassian
circassien {m} :: A member of a circus troupe
circoncellion {m} :: circumcellion
circoncire {v} :: to circumcise
circoncision {f} :: circumcision (excising foreskin from penis)
circonférence {f} :: circumference
circonfixe {m} :: circumfix (affix with both a prefixing and suffixing part)
circonflexe {adj} :: circumflex
circonflexe {m} :: circumflex (diacritic)
circonlocution {f} :: circumlocution
circonscriptible {adj} :: circumscribable
circonscription {f} :: electoral district, constituency, riding
circonscrire {v} :: to circumscribe (all meanings)
circonspect {adj} :: circumspect, cautious, prudent
circonspectement {adv} :: circumspectly, cautiously, prudently
circonspection {f} :: circumspection (attention to all the facts and circumstances)
circonstance {f} :: circumstance
circonstance atténuante {f} :: extenuating circumstance
circonstancié {adj} :: circumstantial
circonstancié {adj} :: particular
circonstancié {adj} :: detailed
circonstanciel {adj} [grammar] :: adjectival
circonstancier {vt} :: to present the circumstances of an affair
circonvallation {f} :: circumvallation
circonvenir {vt} :: to circumvent
circonvoisin {adj} :: neighboring, located around, circumjacent
circonvolutif {adj} [botany] :: convoluted
circonvolution {f} :: convolution, twist
circuit {m} :: circuit
circuit {m} :: tour
circuiter {v} :: To circuit
circuit imprimé {m} [technology] :: printed circuit board
circulaire {adj} :: circular
circulaire {f} :: decree
circulaire {f} :: election leaflet
circulairement {adv} :: circularly
circulateur {m} :: circulator
circulation {f} :: circulation (act of moving in a circular shape)
circulation {f} [anatomy] :: circulation (of blood)
circulation {f} :: traffic
circulation {f} :: distribution, circulation (of a newspaper/magazine)
circulation alternée {f} :: Road space rationing (traffic management via alternation of the direction of circulation)
circulatoire {adj} :: circulatory
circulène {m} [organic compound] :: circulene
circuler {vi} :: To circulate
circuler {vi} :: To go by, to get around
circumbinaire {adj} [astronomy] :: circumbinary
circumlunaire {adj} :: circumlunar
circumnavigation {f} :: circumnavigation
circumpolaire {adj} :: circumpolar
circumterrestre {adj} :: circumterrestrial (around the globe)
cire {f} :: wax
cire {f} :: beeswax
cire {f} :: earwax
cire {f} :: sealing wax
cire {f} :: (wax) taper (wax candle)
cire {f} :: cere
cirement {m} :: waxing
cire perdue {f} :: lost wax, cire perdue
cire-pompe {mf} :: alternative spelling of cire-pompes
cire-pompes {mf} [colloquial] :: brown noser (one who brownnoses)
cirer {v} :: to wax (apply wax to something)
cirer les pompes {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to suck up, to flatter
cireur {m} :: shoeshine boy, shoeshiner
cireuse {f} :: female equivalent of cireur
cireuse {f} :: (electric floor) polisher, floor polishing machine
cireux {adj} :: waxen
cireux {adj} :: waxy, sallow
ciroir {m} :: A type of pliers used by weavers (vannier) (ie. basketweavers, wickerworkers, etc.) to build goods out of strips, reeds, rattan, wicker, vine, and the like
cirque {m} :: circus
cirque {m} [geology] :: cirque
cirque {m} [historical] :: a circular arena, such as in the ancient Roman Empire
cirque {m} [colloquial] :: a mess, a disorder
cirrhose {f} :: cirrhosis
cirsocèle {m} [pathology] :: cirsocele
cisaillant {adj} :: clipping, shearing
cisaillement {m} :: shear stress
cisaillement {m} :: windshear
cisailler {vt} :: to clip, shear
cisailles {fp} :: shears, clippers
cisalpin {adj} :: cisalpine
ciseau {m} :: chisel
ciseau {m} :: sculpture
ciseau {m} [colloquial] :: scissors
ciseau {m} :: scissor kick
ciseaux à ongles {mp} :: nail scissors
ciseler {v} :: to chisel
ciseler {v} [of spices] :: to chop finely
ciselet {m} :: small pair of scissors
ciseleur {m} :: chiseler (one who uses a chisel for carving)
ciseleuse {f} :: feminine noun of ciseleur
cisellement {m} :: chiseling (action of chiseling)
ciselure {f} :: engraving, chasing
ciselure {f} :: carving, tooling
cisgenre {adj} :: cisgender
cisgenre {mf} :: cis person
Cisjordanie {prop} {f} :: West Bank
cisplatine {m} :: cisplatin, one of the platinum-based antineoplastic drugs
Cisplatine {prop} :: Cisplatina
cissoïdal {adj} :: cissoidal
cissoïde {f} [geometry] :: cissoid
cistercien {adj} :: Cistercian
cistercien {m} :: Cistercian
cistre {m} [musical instruments] :: cittern
cistronique {adj} [genetics] :: cistronic
citadelle {f} :: citadel
citadin {adj} :: of or pertaining to a city
citadin {mf} :: city dweller, urbanite, townsman
citadine {f} :: townswoman
citadine {f} :: city car
citadinité {f} :: citizenry (the state of being a city-dweller)
citation {f} :: citation, quotation
cité {f} :: city
cité {f} :: housing estate
cité-dortoir {f} :: dormitory town, bedroom community
citer {v} :: to cite, to quote
citer {v} :: to summon
citer {v} :: to name
citérieur {adj} [rare, literary] :: hither; located near a certain point, usually defined relative to the speaker
citerne {f} :: cistern
cité universitaire {f} :: hall of residence
cithare {f} :: zither (musical instrument)
citoyen {m} :: citizen
citoyen {adj} :: citizen (attributive)
citoyen {adj} :: civic
citoyenne {f} :: feminine noun of citoyen
citoyennement {adv} :: civically; as a citizen
citoyenneté {f} :: citizenship
citrène {m} [organic compound] :: citrene
citriculture {f} :: citricutlure
citrine {f} :: citrine
citrinelle {f} :: lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)
citrinelle de Californie {f} :: Lawrence's goldfinch (Spinus lawrencei)
citrinine {f} [organic compound] :: citrinin
citrique {adj} [chemistry] :: citric
Citroën {prop} :: surname
Citroën {prop} :: A French automobile manufacturer
citron {m} :: lemon
citron {m} :: lime [citrus]
citron {m} :: brimstone [butterfly]
citron {m} [colloquial] :: noggin (head)
citron {m} [Quebec, colloquial] :: lemon (defective item)
citron {m} [slang, offensive, ethnic slur] :: East Asian
citronnade {f} :: lemonade
citronné {adj} :: lemon flavoured or scented, lemony
citronnelle {f} :: lemongrass
citronnelle {f} :: citronella
citronnier {m} :: lemon tree
citron vert {m} :: lime [citrus]
citrouille {adj} :: pumpkin, pumpkin-colored
citrouille {f} :: pumpkin (the fruit)
City {prop} {f} [finance, with definite article] :: the City
Ciudad de Guatemala {prop} {f} :: Ciudad de Guatemala (capital city)
cive {f} :: chive
civelot {m} [military slang] :: civvy, civilian
civet {m} :: (cuisine) ragout of hare, rabbit or wild mammal, with red wine and onions, bound with the animal’s blood
civétone {f} [organic compound] :: civetone
civette {f} :: civet
civettone {f} [organic compound] :: civetone
civière {f} :: stretcher (for carrying injured people, etc.)
civière {f} [historical] :: the rank of a noble without a fief
civil {adj} :: civil [war, marriage etc.]
civil {adj} [politics] :: lay
civil {adj} :: civilian
civil {adj} [literary] :: civil, courteous, polite
civil {m} :: civilian
civilement {adv} :: civilly
civilisable {adj} :: civilizable
civilisateur {adj} :: civilizing
civilisation {f} :: civilization
civilisationnel {adj} :: civilizational
civilisé {adj} :: civilized
civiliser {vt} :: To civilize
civilité {f} :: civility
civilité {f} [in the plural] :: compliments
civique {adj} :: civic
civiquement {adv} :: civically
civisme {m} :: public-spiritedness
civisme {m} :: citizenship
ckoi {phrase} [internet slang, texting] :: abbreviation of c'est quoi ?
Cl. {f} [music] :: Cl. (clarinet)
clac {m} :: a hit; a strike
clac {m} :: a clack (clacking sound)
clade {m} :: clade
clade {m} :: branch
cladistique {f} [taxonomy] :: cladistics
cladistique {adj} :: cladistic
cladogramme {m} [taxonomy] :: cladogram
clafoutis {m} [culinary] :: clafoutis (type of dessert cake made with fresh fruits and batter)
claie {f} :: wicker rack; trellis
claie {f} :: hurdle (temporary fence, hedge)
clair {adj} :: clear (see-through)
clair {adj} :: clear (understandable)
clair {adj} :: [of a color] light (having a light shade, not dark)
clair {m} :: light
clair {adv} :: clearly
clairage {m} :: clarity, transparency
clairance {f} :: clearance (all senses)
clair comme de l'eau de roche {adj} [simile] :: crystal clear
clair comme le jour {adj} [simile] :: plain as the nose on one's face, clear as day, very obvious
clair de lune {m} :: moonlight
clair de Terre {m} :: Earthshine (reflected Earthlight)
Claire {prop} :: given name
clairement {adv} :: clearly
clairer {vt} :: to enlighten
clairet {m} :: claret (wine)
clairet {m} :: an infusion of fragrant plants in honeyed wine
clairet {adj} :: claret coloured
clair et net {adj} :: crystal clear, clear-cut, cut-and-dried, loud and clear, no ifs or buts
claire-voie {f} [architecture] :: clerestory (high section of wall that contains windows above eye level)
clairière {f} :: glade, clearing (an area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees)
clair-obscur {m} [arts] :: chiaroscuro
clairon {m} [musical instruments] :: bugle (music: a simple brass instrument consisting of a horn with no valves)
clairon {m} :: bugler (someone who plays the bugle)
clairon {m} [music] :: clairon (saxophone register)
claironner {v} :: to bugle (play the bugle)
claironner {v} :: to holler, yell
clairsemé {adj} :: scattered
clairsemé {adj} :: sparse
clairsemer {v} :: To dwindle
clairsemer {v} :: To disperse, scatter
clairsemer {v} :: To thin out
clairvoyance {f} :: clairvoyance
clairvoyant {adj} :: clairvoyant
clamecer {v} :: to snuff it
clamer {v} :: to proclaim
clameur {f} :: outcry
clameur de haro {f} :: hue and cry
clameur de haro {f} :: clameur de haro
clampin {m} :: laggard
clamser {v} [colloquial] :: to die
clan {m} :: clan
clanche {f} [Alsace, Lorraine, Champagne Ardennes, Normandy] :: doorknob
clandestin {adj} :: clandestine
clandestinement {adv} :: clandestinely
clandestinité {f} :: clandestinity
clanique {adj} :: clannish
clanisme {m} :: clanism (society based on clans)
claoui {m} [slang, vulgar] :: testicle
clap {m} :: clapperboard
clape {f} [slang] :: food
claper {v} :: to clap; to clack (make a clapping noise)
claper {v} [slang] :: to eat
clapet {m} :: valve
clapet {m} [colloquial] :: mouth
clapier {m} :: rabbit hutch
clapier {m} :: an overcrowded, unhealthy dwelling, dump
clapier {m} :: scree
clapotant {adj} :: lapping
clapotement {m} :: lapping of water
clapoter {v} [of water] :: to swash, slosh, lap
clapoteux {adj} :: choppy (of seas etc)
clapotis {m} :: lapping of water against a surface
clapper {v} :: to click (the tongue)
claquage {m} :: pulled muscle
claquage {m} :: electrical breakdown
claque {f} :: slap
claque {f} :: slap on the cheek
claque {f} [Quebec] :: overshoe
claque {f} [sports] :: thrashing; thumping (heavy defeat)
claque {m} [slang] :: gambling den
claque {m} [slang] :: whorehouse, brothel
claqué {adj} [colloquial] :: dead
claqué {adj} [colloquial] :: knackered
claquement {m} :: a click or clacking sound; crack
claquemuré {adj} :: shut-in, shut up
claquemuré {adj} :: caged, cooped up
claquemuré {adj} :: isolated
claquemuré {adj} :: enclosed
claquemurer {vt} :: to shut up, shut in
claquemurer {vt} :: to enclose
claquemurer {vt} [figurative] :: to trap
claquemurer {vr} :: to shut oneself away
claquemurer {vr} [colloquial] :: to limit or restrict oneself
claquer {vi} :: to clack (make a sharp sound)
claquer {v} [of hands] :: to clap
claquer {vi} [of fingers] :: to click, to snap
claquer {vi} [of a whip] :: to crack
claquer {vi} [of a flag] :: to flap
claquer {vi} [of teeth] :: to chatter
claquer {vi} [of gunshots] :: to rattle
claquer {vi} [of shutters] :: to rattle
claquer {vi} :: to click (to make a click sound with the mouth)
claquer {vt} :: to slap (hit with the hand)
claquer {vt} :: to slam (a door)
claquer {vr} :: to snap
claquer {v} [colloquial] :: to squander, to dissipate, to splurge
claquer {v} :: to sole a shoe
claquettes {fp} :: tap dance
Clara {prop} :: given name
clarification {f} :: clarification
clarifier {v} :: to clarify
clarinette {f} :: clarinet
clarinette basse {f} [musical instruments] :: bass clarinet
clarinettiste {mf} :: clarinetist
Clariond {prop} :: surname
Clarisse {prop} :: given name
clarissime {adj} :: superclear
clarté {f} :: light, illumination
clarté {f} :: clarity
Clary {prop} :: surname
clasico {m} [football] :: An annual football match between Olympique de Marseille and Paris Saint-Germain F.C
classable {adj} :: classable
classe {f} :: class, type, group
classe {f} [military] :: "Une classe de conscrits" refers to all the recruits conscripted in a particular year, similar to the idea of a cohort. In the plural, "classes" refers to a period of military training
classe {f} [object-oriented programming] :: class
classe abstraite {f} [object-oriented] :: abstract class
classe anonyme {f} [object-oriented] :: anonymous class
classe concrète {f} [object-oriented] :: concrete class
classe dérivée {f} [object-oriented] :: derived class
classe économique {f} :: economy class (the least expensive class of accommodation on an airplane)
classe externe {f} [object-oriented] :: outer class
classe fille {f} [object-oriented] :: subclass
classe finale {f} [object-oriented] :: final class
classe générique {f} [object-oriented] :: generic class
classe interne {f} [object-oriented] :: nested class
classe lexicale {f} :: part of speech
classe locale {f} [object-oriented] :: local class
classe membre {f} [object-oriented] :: member class
classement {m} :: ranking
classement {m} :: classification
classement {m} :: sorting, ordering
classe mère {f} [object-oriented] :: superclass
classe moyenne {f} :: middle class
classe nominale {f} [linguistics] :: noun class
classe ouvrière {f} :: working class (social class doing physical work)
classer {vt} :: to classify
classer {vt} :: to file
classe sociale {f} :: social class
classe statique {f} [object-oriented] :: static class
classeur {m} :: file (stationery to keep documents together), binder
classeur {m} :: filing cabinet
classeur {m} :: workbook
classeur {m} :: stamp album
classe verte {f} :: field trip
classe wrapper {f} [object-oriented] :: wrapper class
classicide {f} :: classicide
classicisme {m} :: classicism
classificateur {m} [grammar] :: measure word, classifier
classification {f} :: classification
classifier {v} :: to classify
classifieur {m} [object-oriented] :: Classifier
classique {adj} :: classic
classique {adj} :: classical
classique {m} :: classic, a classic work of art, literature etc
classique {m} [uncountable] :: classical music
classiquement {adv} :: classically
clastique {adj} [geology] :: clastic
clastogène {adj} :: clastogenic
clathrate {m} [chemistry] :: A clathrate compound
Claude {prop} :: given name
Claude {prop} :: surname
Claude {prop} :: given name
Claudette {prop} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Claude
Claudia {prop} :: given name, a latinate variant of the female given name Claudie
claudication {f} :: limp, lameness
Claudie {prop} :: given name
claudien {adj} :: Claudian
Claudine {prop} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Claude
claudiquer {v} :: to limp
clause {f} :: clause
claustral {adj} :: claustral (relating to a cloister)
claustration {f} :: confinement
claustration {f} [psychology] :: withdrawal
claustrer {vt} :: to confine
claustrophobe {mf} :: claustrophobe
claustrophobe {adj} :: claustrophobic
claustrophobie {f} :: claustrophobia
clavardage {m} [Internet, Quebec] :: online chatting
clavarder {v} [Quebec] :: to chat by typing on a keyboard
claveau {m} [architecture] :: keystone
clavecin {m} [musical instruments] :: harpsichord (musical instrument)
clavecineau {m} :: small harpsichord, spinet
claveciniste {mf} :: harpsichordist
clavette {f} :: key, peg
claviculaire {adj} :: clavicular
claviculaire {adj} :: (less frequently) of, pertaining to the ankle
claviculairement {adv} [rare] :: clavicularly
clavicule {f} :: clavicle
clavier {m} :: keyboard (of a computer)
clavier {m} :: keyboard (musical instrument)
clavier {m} [archaic] :: keyring
clavier {m} [slang] :: mouth, teeth
claviériste {mf} :: keyboardist
clayette {f} :: small slatted tray
clayette {f} :: shelf (in a refrigerator)
claymore {f} :: claymore
clé {f} :: key (device for unlocking)
clé {f} :: key (essential attribute)
clé {f} :: wrench, spanner
clé à cliquet {f} :: ratchet wrench (a type of wrench)
clé à douille {f} :: socket wrench (a type of wrench)
clé à molette {f} :: adjustable spanner, monkey wrench
clé anglaise {f} :: monkey wrench (a wrench)
Cléanthe {prop} {m} :: Cleanthes
clébard {m} [derogatory, slang] :: dog; pooch
clebs {m} [slang] :: dog, mutt
clé de bras {f} :: armlock (wrestling move in which the opponent's arm is held immobile)
clé de fa {f} :: alternative spelling of clef de fa
clé de sol {f} :: alternative spelling of clef de sol
clé de voûte {f} :: alternative spelling of clef de voûte
clé étrangère {f} [databases] :: foreign key
clef {f} :: alternative spelling of clé
clef {f} [music] :: clef
clef {f} [heraldiccharge] :: key; the device as shown on a coat of arms
clef de bras {f} :: alternative spelling of clé de bras
clef de fa {f} [music] :: F clef, bass clef
clef de sol {f} [music] :: G clef, treble clef
clef de voûte {f} :: keystone (of a vault)
clef de voûte {f} [architecture] :: boss
clef d'ut {f} [music] :: C clef
cleido- {prefix} :: clavicle
Clélia {prop} {f} :: given name
Clélie {prop} {f} [Roman mythology] :: Cloelia
Clélie {prop} {f} :: given name
clématite {f} [flowers] :: clematis
clémence {f} :: clemency (moderation of the severity of a punishment)
Clémence {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Clément
clément {adj} [weather] :: clement, mild
clément {adj} :: merciful, clement, lenient
Clément {prop} {m} :: given name
Clément {prop} {m} :: surname
clémentine {f} :: clementine (fruit)
Clémentine {prop} {f} :: given name
clémentinier {m} :: clementine (fruit tree)
clenche {f} :: latch, clench
Cléobule {prop} {m} :: Cleobulus
Cléopâtre {prop} {f} [historical] :: Cleopatra
clé primaire {f} [databases] :: primary key
clepsydre {f} :: water clock, clepsydra
cleptocrate {mf} :: kleptocrat (corrupt leader)
cleptocratie {f} :: alternative form of kleptocratie
cleptomane {mf} :: kleptomaniac
cleptomanie {f} :: kleptomania
cleptoparasite {m} [biology] :: kleptoparasite
cleptoparasitisme {m} [biology] :: kleptoparasitism
clé publique {f} [cryptography] :: public key
clerc {m} :: a clergyman, usually in Christianity
clerc {m} :: clerk (office worker)
clergé {m} :: clergy (people trained to officiate at religious ceremonies and services)
cléricaille {f} [pejorative] :: clergy
clérical {adj} :: clerical (relating to the clergy)
clérical {adj} :: clerical (relating to clerical work)
cléricalement {adv} :: clerically
cléricalisme {m} :: clericalism
Clermont-Ferrand {prop} {m} :: Clermont-Ferrand
clermontois {adj} :: of or from any of the French towns called Clermont
clermontois {adj} :: of or from Clermont-Ferrand
Clermontois {m} :: someone of or from any of the French towns called Clermont
Clermontois {m} :: someone of or from Clermont-Ferrand
Clermontoise {f} :: feminine noun of Clermontois
clés de la ville {fp} :: keys to the city
clé USB {f} [computing] :: USB flash drive
clévéite {f} [mineral] :: cleveite
clic {m} [computing] :: click
cliché {m} [printing] :: stereotype (printing plate)
cliché {m} [photography] :: negative
cliché {m} [by extension] :: snapshot
cliché {m} [figurative] :: cliché; stereotype (overused phrase or expression)
clicher {v} :: to stereotype (in either sense of the word)
client {m} :: customer; client (one who purchases or receives a product or service)
cliente {f} :: feminine noun of client
clientèle {f} :: clientele (body of clients)
clientélisme {m} :: patronage
clientélisme {m} :: clientelism
clientéliste {adj} :: clientelist
clignement {m} :: wink, blink
clignement {m} :: winking, blinking
cligner {v} :: to squint
cligner des yeux {v} [idiomatic] :: to wink
clignotant {adj} :: flashing
clignotant {adj} [biology] :: nictitating
clignotant {m} :: indicator (in a vehicle, to signal a turn)
clignotement {m} :: blink, blinking
clignoter {v} :: to blink
clignoter {v} :: to indicate (flash the lights on a vehicle)
clim {f} [colloquial] :: air-con
climacique {adj} :: climactic
climat {m} :: climate
climatérique {adj} :: climacteric (all senses)
climatérique {f} :: climacteric (all senses)
climatique {adj} :: climate, climatic
climatiquement {adv} :: climatically
climatisation {f} :: air conditioning
climatisé {adj} :: air-conditioned
climatiser {v} :: to air-condition
climatiseur {m} :: air conditioner
climatisme {m} :: climatotherapy
climatologie {f} :: climatology
climatologique {adj} :: climatological
climatologiquement {adv} :: climatologically
climatologue {mf} :: climatologist
climatoscepticisme {m} :: climate change skepticism
climato-sceptique {mf} :: climate change skeptic
climato-sceptique {adj} :: climate change skeptic (attributive)
climatosceptique {adj} :: alternative form of climato-sceptique
climatosceptique {mf} :: alternative form of climato-sceptique
climax {m} :: climax (all senses)
clin {m} :: Found only in the expression clin d’œil (wink, instant)
clin d'œil {m} :: A wink
clin d'œil {m} [figuratively] :: An instant, a blink of an eye
clin d'œil {m} [figuratively] :: An allusion, as an artistic tool
clinicien {m} :: clinician
clinicienne {f} :: feminine singular of clinicien
clinique {adj} :: clinical
clinique {f} :: clinic (small hospital)
cliniquement {adv} :: clinically
clinker {m} :: clinker
clinoïde {adj} :: clinoid
clinomètre {m} :: clinometer
clinopyroxène {m} [mineral] :: clinopyroxene
clinorhombique {adj} [geometry] :: clinorhombic
clintonisme {m} :: Clintonism (political philosophy of Bill Clinton)
clip {m} :: music video
clip {m} :: clip-on (earring)
clipper {m} [watercraft] :: heavy sailing ship
clipper {m} [aviation] :: transatlantic airplane
cliquable {adj} [computing] :: clickable
cliquablement {adv} :: clickably
clique {f} :: clique
cliquer {vi} [computing] :: to click
cliquet {m} :: pawl
cliqueter {vi} :: to jingle, rattle, clink
cliquetis {m} :: jingle, clatter, clank, clash
Clisthène {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Clisthenes
clitique {adj} :: clitic
clitique {m} :: clitic (morpheme attached to another word)
clito {m} [slang] :: clit
clitoridectomie {f} :: clitoridectomy
clitoridien {adj} :: clitoral
clitoridiennement {adv} :: clitorally
clitorien {adj} :: alternative form of clitoridien
clitoris {m} :: clitoris
clivable {adj} :: cleavable
clivage {m} [mineralogy] :: cleavage
clivage {m} :: separation, dissociation
clivage {m} [figurative] :: deep divide between two entities, chasm
clivant {adj} :: divisive
cliver {v} :: to cleave (split)
CLM {n} :: initialism of Contre La Montre (Eng. (lit.): against the clock) - a time trial, as in cycle racing)
cloaque {m} :: cesspool, cesspit
cloaque {m} :: cloaca
clochard {m} [pejorative] :: tramp; vagrant
clocharde {f} :: feminine noun of clochard
cloche {f} :: bell (metal apparatus used to produce sound)
cloche {f} :: a glass covering, originally bell-shaped, for garden plants to prevent frost damage and promote early growth
cloche {f} :: a bell-shaped, close-fitting women’s hat with a deep rounded crown and narrow rim
cloche {f} :: a tableware cover, often resembling a bell
cloche {f} [colloquial] :: a clumsy person, an oaf
cloche {adj} [colloquial] :: clumsy, stupid
cloche de plongée {f} :: diving bell
clocher {m} :: bell tower, steeple
clocher {v} :: To ring a bell
clocher {v} :: To wobble
clocher {v} [colloquial] :: To be wrong
clocheton {m} [architecture] :: pinnacle
clochette {f} :: (little) bell
clochette {f} :: bellflower
clodo {m} [slang] :: [offensive] tramp; vagrant
clodoche {m} :: synonym of clochard
clodote {f} :: feminine singular of clodo
Clœlia {prop} :: given name
Clœlius {prop} :: given name
cloison {f} :: partition, party wall
cloison {f} [anatomy, botany] :: septum, partition
cloison {f} [nautical] :: bulkhead
cloisonner {vt} :: to partition, compartmentalize
cloistre {m} :: archaic spelling of cloître
cloitre {m} :: alternative spelling of cloître
cloître {m} :: cloister (part of a monastery)
cloitrer {v} :: alternative spelling of cloîtrer
cloîtrer {v} :: to cloister (confine to a cloister)
CLOM {m} :: MOOC (massive open online course)
clonage {m} :: cloning
clonal {adj} :: clonal
clonalité {f} [biology] :: clonality
clone {m} :: clone
cloner {v} :: to clone
Clopas {prop} :: Clopas
clope {f} {m} [slang, dated] :: a cigarette butt, a fag end
clope {f} {m} [slang] :: a cigarette
clopin-clopant {adv} :: hobbling, limping
clopiner {v} :: to limp; to hobble; to halt
cloporte {m} :: woodlouse
cloporte {m} [slang] :: porter, concierge
cloque {f} :: blister
cloqué {adj} :: blistered, puckered
cloquer {v} :: to blister, get blisters
clorazépate {m} :: clorazepate
clore {v} :: close (put an end to)
clos {adj} :: closed, shut
clos {adj} :: shut in, enclosed
clos {m} :: A piece of cultivated land surrounded by walls or hedges, especially a small vineyard
clostridie {f} :: clostridium
clothianidine {m} :: clothianidin
Clothilde {prop} :: given name
Clotilde {prop} {f} :: given name, best known for Saint Clotilde, a sixth century queen
clôture {f} :: fence; hedge, wall
clôture {f} :: closing, closure (of a business, shop, argument etc.)
clôturer {vt} :: to fence off
clôturer {vt} :: to close, finish (a project, an evening)
clôturer {vi} [finance, stock market] :: to close
clou {m} :: nail (metal pin)
clou {m} :: clove (of garlic)
clou {m} [figurative] :: highlight, climax
clou {m} [usually, in the plural, des clous] :: not likely, no way, you'll be so lucky
cloud {m} [computing, Anglicism, with le] :: the cloud
clou de girofle {m} :: clove [spice]
cloué au lit {v} :: bedridden
clouer {v} :: to nail (to attach using a nail)
clouer {v} [vulgar] :: to nail, shag, fuck
clouer au pilori {vt} :: to pillory (to blame and criticize harshly)
clouer au sol {vt} [figuratively] :: to pin down (a person); to ground (an aircraft)
clouer le bec {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to shut (someone) up
Clouseau {prop} :: surname
clouté {adj} :: studded
clouter {v} :: to decorate with nails; to stud
cloutier {m} :: nailer (person who makes nails)
Cloutier {prop} :: surname from the common noun cloutier
cloutière {f} :: feminine noun of cloutier
Clovis {prop} :: given name, notably of four Frankish kings
clown {m} :: clown (performer)
clown {m} :: clown (person who acts in a comic way)
clownerie {f} :: clowning
clownesque {adj} :: clownish; characteristic of clowns
CLSC {m} :: initialism of centre local de services communautaires (lit. local community service center); a CLSC
club {m} :: club (association)
club {m} [golf] :: club
clubement {adv} :: In the manner of a club (organization)
clubman {m} [dated] :: clubman
clunisien {adj} :: Cluniac (attributive)
clunisien {m} :: Cluniac
clupanodonique {adj} :: clupanodonic
clupe {m} :: synonym of hareng
clupéine {f} [protein] :: clupein
cluse {f} :: water gap
cluse {f} :: defile
cluster {m} :: cluster
clypéacé {adj} :: Having the form of a shield
clystère {m} :: clyster
CMM {prop} {f} [government] :: Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal - MMC - the supramunicipal level of government for Metropolitan Montreal. It was formed in 2002 and replaced the CUM
CMU {prop} {f} :: Couverture maladie universelle
CNES {prop} {m} :: initialism of Centre National d'Études Spatiales, the French space agency
cnidaire {m} :: cnidarian
Cnide {prop} :: Cnide (town)
cnidoblaste {m} [biology] :: cnidoblast
cnidoblastique {adj} [biology] :: cnidoblastic
CNRS {prop} :: initialism of Centre national de la recherche scientifique, a French science agency
CNSS {prop} {f} [Morocco] :: initialism of Caisse Nationale de Sécurité SocialeDSS); social security
CNTP {n} :: initialism of conditions normales de température et de pression
co- {prefix} :: co- (together; jointly)
coaccusé {m} :: co-defendant (co-accused person)
coaccusée {f} :: feminine noun of coaccusé
coach {m} :: coach, trainer, instructor
coacher {v} [sports] :: to coach
coactionnaire {mf} :: co-shareholder, co-stockholder, co-stakeholder
coadjuteur {m} :: coadjutor
coadjutrice {f} :: feminine noun of coadjuteur
coagulabilité {f} [pathology] :: coagulability
coagulateur {m} :: coagulator
coaguler {vi} :: to coagulate
coalisé {m} :: coalition member
coaliser {vt} :: to form into a colation, unite
coaliser {vr} :: to join forces, coalize, form a coalition
coalition {f} :: coalition
coälition {f} :: rare spelling of coalition
coassement {m} :: croak, croaking
coasser {v} :: to croak (like a frog)
coati {m} :: coati
coauteur {m} :: coauthor
coauteur {m} :: cowriter
coautrice {f} :: female equivalent of coauteur
coax {m} :: coax (coaxial cable)
coaxial {adj} :: coaxial
coaxial {m} [by ellipsis] :: coaxial cable
cobalt {m} :: cobalt
cobalticinium {m} [chemistry] :: cobaltocenium
cobaltide {m} [mineral] :: asbolane
cobaltocène {m} [chemistry] :: cobaltocene
cobaye {mf} :: guinea pig
cobaye {mf} [figuratively] :: guinea pig (a living experimental subject)
cobelligérance {f} [military] :: alliance (in a war)
Coblence {prop} :: Koblenz, Germany
cobra {m} :: cobra (snake)
coca {m} :: Coke (serving of Coca-Cola)
coca {m} :: cola (serving of any cola drink)
coca {m} :: coca (plant)
coca {m} [colloquial] :: cocaine
cocagne {f} :: Cockaigne
cocaïmane {m} :: alternative form of cocaïnomane
cocaïne {f} :: cocaine (the drug)
cocaïné {adj} :: Addicted to, or using cocaine
cocaïnomane {m} :: cocaine addict, cokehead
cocard {m} :: a black eye
cocard {m} :: an old cock (male hen)
cocarde {f} :: rosette
cocarde {f} :: cockade
cocardier {adj} :: jingoistic, chauvinistic
cocasse {adj} :: amusing; funny; comical
cocassement {adv} :: amusingly, comically, funnily
cocasserie {f} :: Something amusing; absurdity
cocatrix {f} [mythological creature] :: cockatrice
coccidie {f} :: coccidia
coccigrole {f} :: synonym of alkékenge
coccinelle {f} :: ladybird, ladybeetle, ladybug
coccolithe {m} :: coccolith
coccolithophoridé {f} :: coccolithophorid
coccosphère {f} :: coccosphere
coccygien {adj} [anatomy] :: coccygeal
coccyx {m} [anatomy] :: coccyx, tailbone
coche {m} :: stage-coach
coche {f} [dated] :: a sort of large boat previously used for transporting passengers and merchandise
coche {f} :: tick, checkmark (symbol)
coche {f} [dated] :: sow (female pig)
cochenille {f} :: cochineal (insect & pigment)
cocher {m} :: stagecoach driver
cocher {vt} :: to tick; to tick off (to place a tick symbol on, e.g. a form)
cocher {vt} :: to cross (to place a cross symbol on, e.g. a form)
cochère {adj} :: only used in porte cochère
Cochinchine {prop} :: Cochinchina
cochlée {f} :: cochlea (the complex, spirally coiled, tapered cavity of the inner ear)
cochon {m} [obsolete] :: piglet
cochon {m} :: pig
cochon {m} [slang] :: dirty pig, swine, contemptible person
cochon {adj} [slang] :: dirty, smutty
cochonceté {f} :: lewdness, obscenity, smut, pornography
cochonceté {f} [colloquial] :: crap
cochon de lait {m} :: piglet
cochon de lait {m} [cooking] :: suckling pig
cochon de mer {m} :: porpoise
cochon de mer {m} :: triggerfish
cochon de mer {m} :: sea pig (sea cucumber in the genus Scotoplanes)
cochon d'Inde {m} :: guinea pig
cochonium {m} [colloquial] :: An alloy of aluminium and antimony that has poor mechanical properties
cochon marron {m} [Antilles] :: wild boar
cochonnaille {f} :: charcuterie made from pork
cochonne {f} :: sow (female pig)
cochonne {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: slut (promiscuous, naughty, dirty woman)
cochonné {adj} :: dirty, soiled
cochonnément {adv} :: dirtily
cochonner {v} :: to mess up
cochonnerie {f} :: rubbish, junk
cochonnerie {f} :: dirt, muck, crap
cochonnet {m} :: piglet, young pig
cochonnet {m} [boules] :: jack, jack-ball
cocker {m} :: cocker spaniel
cockney {m} :: cockney
cockpit {m} :: cockpit
cocktail {m} :: cocktail
cocktail {m} [metonymic] :: cocktail party
cocktail de crevettes {m} :: prawn cocktail
cocktail Molotov {m} :: Molotov cocktail
coco {m} :: Fruit of the coconut palm, also called noix de coco
coco {m} :: A kind of bean
coco {m} [slang] :: Motor fuel
coco {m} [dated] :: A type of licorice drink, by analogy with coconut milk
coco {mf} [colloquial] :: Commie (masculine)
coco {mf} [slang] :: cocaine (feminine)
coco {m} [colloquial, dated, childish] :: egg
coco {mf} [colloquial] :: Friendly, joking term for a friend; pal, mate, buddy
coco {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: Aggressive, disdainful term of address, usually preceded by mon, ma, or mes. Roughly punk or buddy, as in “You wanna try, punk?”, or “Hey buddy, what do you think you’re doing?”
coco-fesse {m} [palm tree] :: coco-de-mer (Lodoicea maldivica)
cocoler {v} [Switzerland] :: to pamper
cocon {m} [zoology] :: cocoon
cocon {m} [figuratively] :: cocoon
cocorico {m} :: cock-a-doodle-do
cocoter {vi} [said of women] :: to yap, jabber, blather
cocoteraie {f} :: coconut tree plantation
cocotier {m} :: coconut, coconut palm
cocotte {f} [child talk] :: chicken, hen
cocotte {f} [colloquial] :: honey, darling
cocotte {f} :: small casserole (pot) for individual portions, similar to a Dutch oven
cocotte {f} :: promiscuous woman, prostitute
cocotte {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: vagina
cocotte-minute {f} :: pressure cooker (cooking vessel)
cocotter {vi} [said of women] :: to yap, jabber, blather
Cocteau {prop} :: surname
cocu {m} :: cuckold
cocu {adj} :: cuckolded
cocue {f} :: feminine noun of cocu
cocufier {vt} :: to be unfaithful to; to cuckold
cocuisson {f} :: cofiring
cocuit {adj} :: cofired
cocyclique {adj} [maths] :: cocyclic
cocyclomatique {adj} :: cocyclomatic
Cocyte {prop} {m} :: Cocytus
coda {f} [music] :: coda
coda {f} [phonology] :: a syllable coda
codage {m} :: coding
codant {adj} :: coding
code {m} :: code
code-barres {m} :: barcode
code civil {m} :: civil code
codécouvreur {m} :: codiscoverer
codécouvreuse {f} :: feminine singular of codécouvreur
code d'accès {m} :: access code
code de la route {m} [driving] :: traffic code, Highway Code
code génétique {m} :: genetic code (the set of rules by which the sequence of bases in DNA are translated into the amino acid sequence of proteins)
code hérité {m} [computing] :: legacy code (source code that relates to a no-longer supported or manufactured operating system)
codéine {f} :: codeine
codéiné {adj} [medicine] :: Containing codeine
code machine {m} [computer science] :: machine code
code pénal {m} :: penal code
code postal {m} :: postcode, zip code
coder {v} :: to code; to encode
Coderre {prop} :: surname
code source {m} [computing] :: source code
codétenir {v} :: To detain (or be detained) together with another
codétenu {m} :: a fellow prisoner
codétenue {f} :: feminine noun of codétenu
codeur {m} :: coder (device for coding)
codeur {m} [computing] :: coder (computer programmer)
codeuse {f} :: feminine noun of codeur
code vestimentaire {m} :: dress code
codex {m} :: codex (all senses)
codicille {m} [legal] :: codicil
codiffusion {f} :: joint broadcast (on two or more channels)
codification {f} :: codification
codifier {v} :: to codify
codirecteur {m} :: codirector, associate director
codirectrice {f} :: female equivalent of codirecteur
codiriger {v} :: codirect, comanage
cododo {m} :: cosleeping
codomaine {m} [maths] :: codomain
codon {m} [biochemistry] :: codon
coécrire {v} :: to co-write
coéditeur {m} :: coeditor
coéditeur {m} :: copublisher
coéditrice {f} :: feminine noun of coéditeur
coefficient {m} :: coefficient
coefficient de remplissage {m} [business] :: occupancy rate
coefficient de remplissage {m} [technical] :: delivery ratio
cœlacanthe {m} :: coelacanth
cœlentéré {adj} :: coelenteric
cœlentéré {m} [zoology, dated] :: coelenterate
Cœlé-Syrie {prop} {f} :: Coele-Syria
cœlé-syrien {adj} :: Coele-Syrian
cœlialgie {f} :: coeliac pain
cœliaque {adj} :: celiac
coelioscopie {f} :: alternative spelling of cœlioscopie
cœlioscopie {f} :: Celioscopy; coelioscopy; cœlioscopy
cœlioscopique {adj} :: Celioscopic; coelioscopic; cœlioscopic
cœliotomie {f} :: Celiotomy; coeliotomy; cœliotomy
cœlomate {adj} :: Coelomate; cœlomate
cœlomate {m} :: Coelomate; cœlomate
cœlome {m} [anatomy] :: coelom
cœlomique {adj} :: coelomic, cœlomic, celomic
cœmetiere {m} :: obsolete form of cimetière
cœmetière {m} :: obsolete form of cimetière
cœnobite {m} :: obsolete form of cénobite
coentreprise {f} :: joint venture (a cooperative business partnership)
cœnure {m} :: coenure
coéquipier {m} :: teammate
coéquipière {f} :: feminine noun of coéquipier
coercibilité {f} :: coercibility
coercif {adj} :: coercive
coercitif {adj} :: coercive
coercition {f} :: coercion
coercivité {f} :: coercivity
coeur {m} :: nonstandard spelling of cœur
cœur {m} [anatomy] :: heart
cœur {m} [geometry] :: heart, heart shape
cœur {m} :: heart (love)
cœur {m} [card games] :: hearts (the suit)
cœur {m} [physics] :: the core of a nuclear reactor
Cœur {prop} :: surname
cœur à prendre {m} [figuratively] :: a person who is single
cœur brisé {m} :: broken heart
cœur d'artichaut {m} :: artichoke heart
cœur d'artichaut {m} [figuratively] :: hopeless romantic
cœur d'artichaut {m} [figuratively] :: soft touch
coévolution {f} [biology] :: coevolution
coexistant {adj} :: coexisting
coexistence {f} :: coexistence
coexister {vi} :: to coexist
cofacteur {m} [biochemistry] :: cofactor
coffrage {m} :: formwork
coffre {m} :: chest, box
coffre {m} :: boot [UK], trunk [US] (luggage storage compartment of a vehicle, i.e. car)
coffre au trésor {m} :: treasure chest
coffre-fort {m} :: safe (a box, usually made of metal, in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping)
coffrer {vt} :: to lock up; to put away or inside
coffrer {vt} :: to make formwork
coffret {m} :: small box or chest; casket, tin, case; cassette
coffret {m} :: box set
cofinalité {f} [maths] :: cofinality
cofinancement {m} :: joint funding or financing
cofinancer {vt} :: to cofinance
cofondateur {m} :: cofounder
cofondatrice {f} :: feminine noun of cofondateur
cofonder {v} :: to cofound
cofrittage {m} :: cofiring (sintering)
cofritté {adj} :: cofired (sintered)
cogénération {f} :: cogeneration
cogérer {v} :: to co-manage, to co-run
cogestion {f} :: comanagement, coadministration
cogiter {v} :: to cogitate, think about
cognac {m} :: cognac
Cognac {prop} {m} :: Cognac (city)
cognassier {m} :: quince (tree)
cogne {m} [slang, dated] :: policeman
cognée {f} :: axe, hatchet
cognement {m} :: knocking, pounding
cogner {v} :: to whack, to bash, to thump (hit hard)
cognitif {adj} :: cognitive
cognitivement {adv} [chiefly psychology] :: cognitively
cogroupe {m} [maths] :: cogroup
cohabitation {f} :: cohabitation (act of living together)
cohabitation {f} [politics] :: cohabitation
cohabiter {v} :: to cohabit, to live together
cohæsion {f} :: obsolete form of cohésion
cohéremment {adv} :: coherently
cohérence {f} :: coherence, consistence, consistency
cohérent {adj} :: coherent
cohéreur {m} :: coherer
cohéritier {m} :: coinheritor
cohésif {adj} :: cohesive
cohésion {f} :: cohesion (the state of cohering, or of sticking together)
cohésion {f} [figuratively] :: cohesion
cohobat {m} [obsolete, chemistry] :: cohobate, cohobation (concentrated distillate)
cohobation {f} :: cohobation
cohober {v} [obsolete, chemistry] :: To cohobate
cohorte {f} :: cohort
cohorte {f} [Ancient Rome, military] :: cohort, a division of the Roman legion
cohue {f} :: crowd, rabble
coi {adj} [dated] :: silent
coi {adj} [dated] :: speechless
coi {interj} [archaic] :: Cry of a huntsman to send the dogs on chase
coi {m} [archaic] :: quiet
coiffe {f} :: coif (headgear in general)
coiffer {vt} :: To cover the head
coiffer {vt} :: To give a haircut; to do the hair of
coiffer {vr} :: To do one's own hair
coiffer au poteau {vt} :: to pip to the post (to overcome at the last minute, to overtake at the decisive moment, to beat to the punch at the very end)
coiffer sur le poteau {v} :: alternative form of coiffer au poteau
coiffeur {m} :: hairdresser
coiffeuse {f} :: (female) hairdresser
coiffeuse {f} :: a dressing table
coiffure {f} :: headwear, headgear (garment worn on someone's head)
coiffure {f} :: hairstyle
coiffure à la garçonne {f} :: bob haircut
Coïmbre {prop} {f} :: Coïmbre (district)
Coïmbre {prop} {f} :: Coïmbre (city)
coiment {adv} :: silently, speechlessly
coin {m} :: wedge, cornerpiece
coin {m} :: corner
coin {m} :: area, part, place, spot
coin {interj} :: quack
coincé {adj} :: stuck
coincé {adj} [colloquial] :: not at ease, unconfident, uptight, stuck up; close-minded
coincé {m} [colloquial] :: a tightass, an uptight person
coincé du cul {adj} [vulgar] :: uptight, stuck up, not at ease, unconfident; close-minded
coincé du cul {m} [vulgar] :: a tightass, an uptight person
coincer {v} :: to wedge, to jam, to catch (e.g. one's finger in a door)
coincer {v} :: to turn a corner
coincer {v} [colloquial] :: to catch out, to expose
coincer {vi} [colloquial] :: to cause a problem
coincer {v} [figurative] :: to corner, to trap
coincer {vr} [se coincer] :: to get stuck
coïncidemment {adv} :: coincidently
coïncidence {f} :: coincidence (all meanings)
coïncidentiel {adj} :: coincidental
coïncidentiellement {adv} :: coincidentally
coïncider {v} :: to coincide
coin-coin {m} :: quack (sound made by a duck)
coincoin {interj} :: quack quack (cry of a duck)
coincoin {m} :: cootie catcher
coincoin {m} :: charlatan
coïnculpé {m} [legal] :: A person charged, with others, with an offence
coïnculpée {f} :: feminine singular of coïnculpé
coin de rue {m} :: street corner
coing {m} :: quince (fruit)
coinstot {m} [slang] :: place, neighbourhood
cointéressé {adj} :: alternative form of coïntéressé
cointéressé {m} :: alternative form of coïntéressé
coïntéressé {m} :: A person who has an interest in common with another
coïntéressé {adj} :: Having a common interest
coït {m} :: sexual intercourse
coïter {v} :: to copulate
coïter {v} :: to practise coitus
Coiteux {prop} :: surname
coït interrompu {m} :: coitus interruptus
coitus interruptus {m} :: coitus interruptus
coke {m} :: coke (form of carbon)
coke {f} :: coke (cocaine)
cokéfier {v} :: to cokify, transform into coke
cokerie {f} :: coke works (type of factory or place of production)
col {m} :: collar
col {m} :: col
col {m} :: neck (now especially of objects, vases etc.)
Colas {prop} :: surname
colback {m} :: calpack
colchicacé {adj} :: Resembling a crocus
colchicine {f} :: colchicine
colchique {m} :: crocus, autumn crocus
colcotar {m} :: colcothar
col Danton {m} :: Danton collar
col de l'utérus {m} [anatomy] :: cervix
colectomie {f} [surgery] :: colectomy
colémanite {f} [mineral] :: colemanite
coléoptère {m} :: beetle
coléoptile {m} [botany] :: coleoptile (thin membrane sheathing a plumule)
colere {f} [before approximately 1780] :: obsolete form of colère
colère {f} :: anger, rage
colère {f} :: wrath
colère noire {f} :: great anger, rage, fury
coléreux {adj} :: irritable; tending to anger
colérique {adj} :: habitually angry or bad-tempered
colériquement {adv} :: angrily; frustratedly
coleta {f} [bullfighting] :: coleta
Colette {prop} :: given name, short for Nicolette, feminine diminutive form of Nicolas ( =Nicholas)
coléus {m} :: coleus
colibacille {m} :: colon bacillus (E. coli)
colibacillose {f} :: colibacillosis
colibrettiste {m} :: co-librettist
colibri {m} :: hummingbird
colifichet {m} :: trinket, knick-knack, bauble
coliforme {adj} :: coliform
coliforme {m} :: coliform bacteria
colimaçon {m} :: alternative form of limaçon
colin {m} :: coalfish
Colin {prop} :: given name
Colin {prop} :: surname
Coline {prop} :: given name, short for Nicoline, feminine diminutive form of Nicolas ( =Nicholas)
colinéaire {adj} [maths] :: collinear
colinéarité {f} [maths] :: colinearity
colineau {m} :: a young coalfish
colinguisme {m} :: The inclusion of regional languages within a national one
colin-maillard {m} :: blind man's buff
colinot {m} :: alternative spelling of colineau
colique {f} :: colic
colique {f} :: diarrhoea
colique {adj} [anatomy] :: colic (relating to the colon)
colis {m} :: parcel, package
colis {m} :: baggage, luggage
Colisée {prop} {m} :: Colosseum
colistier {m} [politics] :: A fellow-candidate on a party list; running mate
colistière {f} :: feminine noun of colistier
colite {f} [pathology] :: colitis
coll. {f} :: abbreviation of collection
collabo {mf} :: quisling (traitor)
collaborateur {m} :: collaborator
collaborateur {m} [in particular, pejorative] :: One who collaborates or has collaborated with the Nazis, fascists or another enemy; traitorous collaborator
collaboratif {adj} :: collaborative
collaboration {f} :: collaboration
collaborationniste {adj} :: collaborationist
collaborationniste {mf} :: synonym of collaborateur
collaborativement {adv} :: collaboratively
collaboratrice {f} :: female equivalent of collaborateur
collaborer {v} :: to collaborate
collage {m} :: collage
collage {m} [photography] :: montage
collagène {adj} :: collagenous
collagène {m} :: collagen
collagiste {mf} :: collagist (one who makes collages)
collant {adj} :: sticky, gluey, clammy
collant {adj} [figuratively, of a person, colloquial] :: hard to shake off; clingy, clinging
collant {adj} :: skintight, close-fitting, clinging
collant {m} :: body stocking, leotard
collant {m} [usually, in the plural] :: tights [UK], pantyhose [US]
collante {f} [European French, school slang] :: Notification of an examination, especially the bac
collante {f} [European French, school slang] :: Result sheet for an examination
collante {f} [Scrabble] :: A play were all or most letters form perpendicular words
collapser {v} :: To collapse
Collard {prop} :: surname
collargol {m} :: collargol
collatéral {adj} :: collateral
collatéralement {adv} :: collaterally
collatif {adj} :: collative
collatif {adj} :: That may be referred to; reference (used attributively)
collation {f} :: (used in collation des grades) the process of granting an academic degree
collation {f} [Canada, Belgium] :: a light snack usually taken between breakfast and lunch (often employed as the analogue of English brunch)
collationner {v} :: To collate
collationner {v} :: To verify (documents) by comparing them
colle {f} :: glue
collecte {f} :: collecting, collection
collecter {v} :: to collect, to gather
collecteur {m} :: collector (all senses)
collecteur {m} :: main drain / sewer (masculine only)
collectif {m} :: collective
collectif {adj} :: collective
collection {f} :: collection
collectionner {v} :: to collect (accumulate items)
collectionneur {m} :: collector; one who collects
collectionneuse {f} :: feminine noun of collectionneur
collectionnite {f} :: collectomania, collectionitis
collectivement {adv} :: collectively
collectiviser {vt} :: to collectivize
collectivisme {m} :: The ideological system collectivism, in which the means are owned and controlled by people collectively
collectiviste {adj} :: collectivist
collectivité {f} :: community
collectrice {f} :: feminine singular of collecteur
collège {m} :: academy
collège {m} :: junior high school
collège {m} [Switzerland] :: high school, secondary school
collège {m} [Louisiana French] :: college, university
collégial {adj} :: collegial
collégial {adj} :: collegiate
collégialement {adv} :: collegially
collégialité {f} :: collegiality
collégien {m} :: A pupil at a collège (junior high school)
collégienne {f} :: feminine noun of collégien
collègue {mf} :: colleague
collembole {m} :: springtail, collembolan
coller {v} :: to stick, to glue
coller {vr} :: To be sticky; to stick
coller au cul {v} [de] :: [driving, vulgar] to tailgate someone
coller au cul {v} [de] :: [vulgar] to follow (someone) everywhere, to breathe down someone's neck, to stay close to (someone) all the time, to stick to (someone) like glue, like a leech, to dog (someone's) footsteps
coller au train {v} [de] :: [driving, colloquial] to tailgate someone
coller au train {v} [de] :: [colloquial] to follow (someone) everywhere, to breathe down someone's neck, to stay close to (someone) all the time, to stick to (someone) like glue, like a leech, to dog (someone's) footsteps
coller aux basques {v} [de] :: [colloquial] to follow (someone) everywhere, to stay close to (someone) all the time, to stick to (someone) like glue, like a leech, to dog (someone's) footsteps
coller aux fesses {v} [de] :: [colloquial] to follow (someone) everywhere, to breathe down someone's neck, to stay close to (someone) all the time, to stick to (someone) like glue, like a leech, to dog (someone's) footsteps
collerette {f} [historical] :: ruff
collerette {f} :: collarette
collerette {f} [botany] :: ring, annulus
collerette {f} [technology] :: flange
collet {m} [obsolete] :: collar
collet {m} :: snare, noose
collet {m} :: (short) cape
collet {m} [dentistry] :: neck (of tooth)
collet {m} [botany] :: neck
Collet {prop} :: surname
colletage {m} :: collection (act of collecting)
colleter {v} :: to wrap round the collar
colleter {vt} :: to collar (grab by the collar)
colletin {m} [historical] :: jerkin
collet monté {m} :: Medici collar
collet monté {adj} [figuratively] :: prim, prim and proper, prissy, starchy, stuffy, uptight, strait-laced
collet-monté {adj} :: alternative spelling of collet monté
Collett {prop} :: surname
colleur {m} :: sticker, gluer; wallpaper hanger
colleuse {f} :: feminine noun of colleur
colley {m} :: collie (group of dog breeds)
collier {m} :: A necklace, string-shaped jewel worn around the neck
collier {m} :: collar (e.g. of a dog)
collier {m} :: collar (on animals, colored fur around the neck)
collier de perles {m} :: pearl necklace (necklace made of pearls)
colligance {f} [logic] :: connection (especially a chain of connections)
colligatif {adj} :: colligative
colliger {v} :: To collate
colliger {v} :: To compile
collimateur {m} :: sight (on a weapon)
collimateur {m} :: collimator
Collin {prop} :: surname
collinaire {adj} [botany] :: That grows in hilly ground
colline {f} :: hill, downs
collinéation {f} :: collineation, congruence
collision {f} :: collision (an instance of colliding)
collision frontale {f} :: head-on collision
collisionnel {adj} :: collisional
collisionneur {m} [physics] :: collider
colloïdal {adj} :: colloidal
colloïdalement {adv} :: colloidally
colloïde {m} :: colloid
colloque {m} :: conference, colloquium
colloque {m} :: secret or mysterious meeting
colloquer {vt} [archaic, rare] :: to lodge someone, to set up someone in a place, to establish, to install
colloquer {v} [rare] :: [avec] to converse with
colluder {v} [dated] :: to collude
collusoire {adj} :: collusive
collusoirement {adv} :: collusively
collutoire {m} :: mouthwash (or similar oral medication)
colluvion {m} :: colluvium (a loose accumulation of rock and soil debris at the foot of a slope)
collyre {m} [medicine] :: eyewash
col Mao {m} :: mandarin collar
Colmar {prop} :: Colmar (city)
colmatage {m} :: plugging
colmatage {m} :: clogging
colmater {vt} :: to fill in (a low land)
colmater {vt} :: to plug (a hole)
colmater {vr} :: to fill up
colo {f} [colloquial] :: camp
coloc {mf} [colloquial] :: roomie, housemate, roommate, co-tenant, joint tenant
colocase {f} :: taro (plant)
colocataire {mf} :: flatmate, housemate, joint tenant, co-tenant
colocation {f} :: renting of a house with another tenant
colocynthine {f} :: colocynthin
cologarithme {f} [maths] :: cologarithm
Cologne {prop} {f} :: Cologne (largest city)
colombage {m} :: half-timbering
colombard {adj} :: Of or from Colombier-Saugnieu
colombard {m} :: A white grape variety from Charentes; a wine made from these grapes
Colombard {m} :: Someone form Colombier-Saugnieu
Colombarde {f} :: feminine singular of Colombard
colombe {f} :: dove, white pigeon
colombe {f} :: joist, upright
Colombie {prop} {f} :: Colombie (country)
Colombie-Britannique {prop} {f} :: British Columbia, a province in Canada
colombien {adj} :: Colombian
Colombien {m} :: Colombian (A person from Colombia)
Colombienne {f} :: feminine noun of Colombien
colombier {m} :: dovecote, columbarium
colombite {f} [mineral] :: columbite
colombo-britannique {adj} :: British Columbian; Pertaining to British Columbia, Canada
Colombo-Britannique {mf} :: British Columbian; A denizen of British Columbia, Canada
colon {m} :: colonist, colonizer
colon {m} :: camper (child in a colonie de vacances)
colon {m} :: sharecropper in the system of colonat partiaire
côlon {m} :: colon (organ of the digestive system)
colonaire {adj} :: columnar
colonat {m} :: serfdom
colonel {m} :: colonel
colonel {m} :: An ice cream dessert consisting of lemon sherbet and vodka
colonelle {f} :: feminine singular of colonel
coloniaire {adj} [biology, of an organism] :: Consisting of a colony of similar organisms physiologically linked together
colonial {adj} :: colonial
colonialisme {m} :: colonialism
colonialiste {mf} :: colonialist
colonialiste {adj} :: colonialist
coloniarité {f} [biology] :: coloniality (especially of insects)
colonie {f} :: colony
colonie de vacances {f} :: camp; summer camp
colonisateur {m} :: coloniser
colonisation {f} :: colonization
colonisatrice {f} :: feminine noun of colonisateur
coloniser {v} :: to colonise
colonnade {f} :: colonnade
colonne {f} [architecture] :: column, pillar (cylindrical part of a structure, for support)
colonne {f} [computing] :: column (vertical part of a table or grid)
colonne {f} [journalism] :: column
colonne {f} [chess] :: file
colonne éruptive {m} :: eruption column
colonnette {f} :: a small column
colonne vertébrale {f} :: vertebral column, backbone
colonne volcanique {f} :: eruption column
colonoscopie {f} :: alternative form of coloscopie
colophane {f} :: rosin
colophène {m} :: colophene
colophon {m} :: colophon, final notice on manuscript
colophon {m} :: colophon, final notice about printer, editor, paper, etc., with bibliophilic information
coloquinte {f} [plant] :: colocynth, bitter apple
colorant {m} :: food colouring
colorant {m} :: colouring in general
coloration {f} :: color; coloring; coloration
colorature {adj} :: coloratura (attributive)
colorature {f} [music] :: coloratura
colorectal {adj} :: colorectal
colorectalement {adv} :: colorectally
colorer {v} :: to color
coloriage {m} :: colouring (the act of adding color to something)
coloriage {m} :: colouring in
colorier {v} :: to color
colorimétrie {f} :: colorimetry (science of measuring colours and assigning them numeric values)
colorimétrique {adj} [analytical chemistry] :: colorimetric (analytical chemistry: of or pertaining to colorimetry)
coloris {m} :: act of mixing colors
coloris {m} :: a mix of color
coloris {m} [figuratively] :: style, panache
colorisation {f} :: colorization
coloriser {vt} :: to colorize
coloscopie {f} [medicine] :: colonoscopy
colossal {adj} :: colossal, huge
colossalement {adv} :: hugely, enormously
colosse {m} :: colossus
colosse {m} [Louisiana French] :: large person, a giant
colosse aux pieds d'argile {m} [figuratively] :: a colossus with feet of clay, a giant with feet of clay
Colosses {prop} :: Colossus
colossien {adj} :: Colossian
Colossiens {prop} {m} [Bible] :: Colossians
colporter {v} :: to peddle; to hawk
colporter {v} :: to spread (gossip, accusation)
colporteur {m} :: peddler, hawker
colporteuse {f} :: feminine noun of colporteur
colposcopie {f} [medicine] :: colposcopy
col roulé {m} :: turtleneck (high, close-fitting collar rolled up)
col roulé {m} :: ellipsis of pull à col roulé: turtleneck sweater, turtleneck (sweater with such a collar)
coltiner {vt} [dated] :: to lug, to carry on the shoulder
coltiner {vp} [colloquial, se coltiner] :: to get lumbered with, to get stuck with
colubridé {m} :: colubrid
columnaire {adj} [anatomy, architecture] :: columnar
colvert {m} :: mallard
colza {m} [originally] :: oilseed rape
colza {m} :: canola
coma {m} :: coma (state of unconsciousness)
comanche {m} :: Comanche (language)
comanche {adj} :: Comanche
Comaneci {prop} :: surname
comarque {f} :: comarca
comater {v} [colloquial] :: To pass out (faint)
comateux {adj} :: comatose
combat {m} :: combat (hostile interaction)
combat {m} [figuratively] :: combat (contest; competition)
combat {m} [in the plural] :: battle; military combat
combat à mort {m} :: fight to the death, fight to the finish, deathmatch
combat de coqs {m} :: cockfight
combat de coqs {m} [figuratively] :: cockfight
combatif {adj} :: combative, aggressive, assertive
combativement {adv} :: combatively, aggressively, assertively
combativité {f} :: combativeness
combattant {m} :: combatant; fighter
combattante {f} :: feminine noun of combattant
combattif {adj} :: alternative form of combatif
combattre {v} :: to fight, to combat (against)
combattre {v} :: to oppose, to struggle
combattre le feu par le feu {v} [idiomatic] :: to fight fire with fire
combattre le mal par le mal {v} :: to fight fire with fire
combe {f} [geography] :: combe (valley or hollow, often wooded and with no river)
combien {adv} :: how much (for uncountable nouns)
combien {adv} :: how much (for money)
combien {adv} :: how many (for countable nouns)
combien ça coûte {phrase} :: how much does it cost?
combientième {adj} [interrogative, nonstandard, colloquial] :: what number, which [in a numbered series]
combinaison {f} :: combination, combining
combinaison {f} :: combination (of lock, safe etc.)
combinaison {f} :: (full-length) slip; petticoat
combinaison {f} :: jumpsuit; overalls
combinat {m} :: combine (in the old Soviet Union)
combinatoire {adj} :: combinatory
combinatoire {f} :: combinatorics (branch of mathematics)
combine {f} [colloquial] :: trick, scheme
combiné {adj} :: combined
combiné {m} [chemistry] :: compound
combiné {m} :: (telephone) receiver
combiné {m} [radio] :: radiogram
combiné {m} [skiing] :: combination (event)
combiné {m} :: corselet, corselette
combiné nordique {m} :: Nordic combined
combiner {v} :: to combine (bring (two or more things or activities) together)
combishort {m} :: playsuit
comble {m} :: summit, peak (of a building)
comble {m} [figuratively] :: pinnacle
comble {m} :: overabundance; overload
comble {m} [heraldiccharge] :: comble
comble {adj} :: packed, heaving, crowded
comblé {adj} :: fulfilled, satisfied
comblement {m} :: fulfilment, satisfaction
combler {v} :: to fulfil, satisfy
combler {v} :: to fill (add contents to, so it is full)
combler {v} :: to fill (to install someone)
combler {v} :: to counter
combustibilité {f} :: combustibility
combustible {m} :: combustible
combustible {adj} :: combustible
combustion {f} :: combustion, burning, incineration
Côme {prop} :: given name
Côme {prop} :: Como, town and province in Italy
Comeau {prop} :: surname
Comeaux {prop} :: surname
comeback {m} :: (anglicism) comeback; a return
comédie {f} :: comedy (genre of theatre, film, television etc.)
comédie {f} :: acting, playacting
comédie de situation {f} :: sitcom, situation comedy (episodic comedy television program)
comédie musicale {f} :: musical
comédien {m} :: actor
comédienne {f} :: feminine noun of comédien; Comedienne; a female comedian
comédique {adj} :: comedic
comédon {m} :: comedo
comestible {adj} :: comestible
cométaire {adj} :: cometary
comète {f} :: comet
comics {m} :: comic strip
Comines {prop} :: Comines
Comino {prop} :: Comino
comique {adj} :: comic
comique {m} :: comedy
comique {m} :: clown (person who acts silly)
comique de répétition {m} :: type of humour based on running jokes and running gags
comique de situation {m} :: situation comedy
comiquement {adv} :: comically; farcically
comitatif {m} [grammar] :: comitative, comitative case
comité {m} :: committee
comité de lecture {m} :: selection panel, review panel
Comité de surveillance des activités de renseignement de sécurité {prop} [Canada] :: Security Intelligence Review Committee
comité exécutif {m} [government, politics, Quebec] :: executive committee, the equivalent of the cabinet of ministers for a city government, serving the mayor
comité restreint {m} :: select committee; cenacle
comité restreint {m} [figuratively] :: small group
commac {adv} [slang, verlan, backslang] :: like that
Commagène {prop} {f} :: Commagene
commagénien {adj} :: Commagenian
commandant {m} :: commander (function)
commandant {m} :: major (rank)
commande {f} :: order (request for some product or service)
commandement {m} :: command, order
commandement {m} :: (similitude) commandment; rule or law imposed by a superior power (as in the 10 commandments)
commandement {m} :: (metonymie) authority, power to command, to give orders; command (in this second, figurative sense)
commander {v} :: to order (tell someone to do something)
commander {v} :: to order (ask for a product)
commanderie {f} :: commandery, commandry
commandeur {m} :: commander
commandeuse {f} :: commander (female)
commanditaire {m} :: a sponsor
commanditaire {m} [colloquial] :: a silent partner, a sleeping partner
commandite {f} [law, business] :: a type of limited partnership in France, Quebec, and elsewhere; its full legal name is a société en commandite (SCS)
commandité {m} [law, business] :: a partner in a société en commandite
commanditer {v} :: to commission, finance, sponsor
commando {m} :: commando (troop, trooper)
comme {conj} :: as
comme {conj} :: like
comme {conj} :: how
comme {conj} :: because, as, since
comme {particle} [colloquial, Canada] :: like
comme ça {adv} :: Suddenly and unexpectedly; just like that
comme ça {adv} :: that way, as a result
comme c'est pas permis {adv} [simile, colloquial] :: like crazy, like you wouldn't believe, like nobody's business, as can be, as they come
comme ci comme ça {adv} :: comme ci comme ça, so-so
comme ci, comme ça {adv} :: alternative spelling of comme ci comme ça
comme cul et chemise {prep} [simile, colloquial] :: as thick as thieves, very close, inseparable
comme des petits pains {adv} [simile] :: like hot cakes (used to describe something which is selling quickly)
comme deux gouttes d'eau {adv} [simile] :: like two peas in a pod; exactly alike
comme d'hab {adv} [colloquial] :: as usual
comme d'habitude {adv} :: as usual
comme il faut {adv} :: properly (the way it should be done)
comme il se doit {adv} [colloquial] :: as expected
comme jamais {adv} :: like never before
comme larrons en foire {prep} [simile] :: as thick as thieves
comme marée en carême {adv} [simile] :: opportunely
commémoratif {adj} :: commemorative
commémoration {f} :: commemoration
commémorer {vt} :: to commemorate
commençant {adj} :: starting
commençant {adj} :: incipient
commencement {m} :: beginning, start
commencer {v} :: to begin, commence
commensal {adj} :: commensal
commensal {m} :: commensal
commensalisme {m} :: commensalism
commensurabilité {f} [maths] :: commensurability
commensurable {adj} [maths] :: commensurable
comment {adv} :: how
commentaire {m} :: comment, remark
commentaire {m} :: commentary
commentaire en bloc {m} [programming] :: block comment
comment allez-vous {phrase} :: (formal or plural) how are you
commentateur {m} :: commentator
commentatif {adj} :: commentative
commentatrice {f} :: feminine noun of commentateur
comment ça {interj} [colloquial] :: what do you mean? how do you mean? say what? how so?
comment ça plume {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, colloquial] :: how are you?
comment ça va {phrase} [colloquial] :: how are you
comment cela {phrase} :: What do you mean?
commenter {v} :: to comment
comment les zaricos {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, , colloquial] :: how are you
comment sont les zaricos {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, colloquial] :: how are you?
comment vas-tu {phrase} :: How are you? (informal singular)
comme on fait son lit on se couche {proverb} :: as you make your bed, so you must lie in it
comme par hasard {adv} [colloquial] :: what do you know; what a coincidence; surprise surprise
comme pas deux {adv} [colloquial] :: like no one else, like you've never seen before; as can be
comme pas possible {adv} [simile, colloquial] :: like crazy, like you wouldn't believe, like nobody's business, as can be
comme pas un {adv} :: like no other
comme personne {adv} [simile] :: like nobody else, like no other, better than anyone
comme prévu {adv} :: according to plan
comme qui dirait {adv} [colloquial] :: so to speak, as it were, how shall I put it
comme quoi {phrase} :: A phrase used to say that: this recent fact or result confirms what we always thought.: it goes to show
commer {v} :: To compare
commérage {m} :: gossip (idle talk)
commerçant {adj} :: trading; mercantile
commerçant {m} :: trader, retailer
commerçant {m} :: shopkeeper, storekeeper
commerce {m} :: commerce, trade
commerce {m} :: store, shop, trader
commercer {vi} :: to trade
commercial {adj} :: commercial
commercial {m} :: a salesman, sales representative
commercialement {adv} :: commercially
commercialisable {adj} :: marketable
commercialisation {f} :: commercialization
commercialiser {v} :: to commercialise
commère {f} [colloquial] :: gossip, busybody
commère {f} [obsolete] :: the godmother of one's child or the mother of one's godchild
commérer {v} :: to gossip; to talk about others' personal information
comme si {conj} :: as if; as though (as to suggest that)
comme si c'était hier {adv} [colloquial] :: as if it were yesterday
comme si de rien {adv} [colloquial] :: ellipsis of comme si de rien n'était
comme si de rien n'était {adv} [colloquial] :: as if it were nothing, as if nothing had happened
comme si sa vie en dépendait {adv} :: like one's life depended on it, as if there were no tomorrow
comme suit {adv} :: as follows
comme sur des roulettes {adv} [simile, colloquial] :: like a charm, smoothly, swimmingly, without a hitch
comme tout {adv} [colloquial, simile] :: very, extremely, as all get-out
commettant {m} :: principal
commettant {m} :: constituent (denizen)
commettre {v} :: to commit
comme un cheveu sur la soupe {adv} [idiomatic, simile] :: out of the blue (unexpectedly)
comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles {adv} [simile] :: Very suddenly and incongruously
comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles {adv} [simile] :: also : "Etre reçu comme un chien dans un jeu de quille" : To have been given a bad reception
comme un coq en pâte {adv} :: in clover, very comfortably, with one's every need catered to, pampered
comme un dératé {adv} [simile] :: Very fast
comme un dératé {adv} [simile] :: Very hard and for extended periods of time
comme un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaine {adv} [simile] :: like a bull in a china shop
comme une traînée de poudre {adv} [simile] :: like wildfire
comme un manche {adv} [simile, colloquial] :: very clumsily, very badly, very poorly, like shit
comme un pet sur une toile cirée {adv} [simile, colloquial] :: very rapidly, as fast as greased lightning
comme un pied {adv} [simile, colloquial] :: very clumsily, very badly, very poorly, like shit
comme un poisson dans l'eau {adv} [simile] :: like a duck takes to water
comme un rat mort {adv} [simile, colloquial] :: very much, to death
comme un seul homme {adv} [simile] :: as one man, in concert, unanimously
comme un voleur {adv} [simile] :: on the sly, surreptitiously, stealthily, like a thief in the night
comminatoire {adj} :: minatory
comminatoirement {adv} :: minatorily
commis {adj} :: commercial
commis {m} :: clerk
commis {m} :: shop assistant; salesclerk
commisération {f} :: commiseration
commissaire {mf} :: commissioner
commissaire {mf} :: chief of police, head of police, superintendent
commissaire-priseur {m} :: auctioneer
commissaire-priseuse {f} :: feminine singular of commissaire-priseur
commissariat {m} :: A commissionership
commissariat {m} :: A police station
commission {f} :: commission (fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction)
Commission européenne {prop} {f} :: European Commission
commissionnaire {mf} :: A person who charges commission
commissionnaire {mf} :: commissionaire
commissionné {adj} :: commissioned
commissionner {v} :: To commission (an officer, ship etc)
commissurant {adj} [anatomy] :: commissural
commissure {f} :: commissure
commode {adj} :: convenient (of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient)
commode {f} :: chest of drawers, commode
commode {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: toilet
Commode {prop} :: Commodus
commodément {adv} :: comfortably
commodité {f} :: commodity, amenity
commodité {f} [in the plural] :: toilet
commodore {mf} [military, nautical] :: commodore, a naval military rank between captain (capitaine de vaisseau or capitaine de croiseur) and rear admiral (contre-amiral)
commotion {f} :: concussion (head injury)
commotion {f} :: shock, surprise
commotionné {adj} :: concussed, shocked, shaken
commuer {v} [legal] :: to commute (a sentence)
commun {adj} :: common (widespread)
commun {adj} :: common (popular)
commun {adj} :: common (of low class)
commun {adj} :: communal
communal {adj} :: of or relating to a commune
communalité {f} :: commonality
communard {m} :: Communard
communard {m} :: A drink made from red wine and crème de cassis
communarde {f} :: Communard (female)
communautaire {adj} :: communal, relating to a community
communautarisme {m} :: communitarianism
communautariste {adj} :: communitarian
communauté {f} :: community
commun des mortels {m} [with the definite article le] :: the ordinary people, the common people, hoi polloi
commune {f} :: commune (administrative subdivision)
Commune {f} :: Either of the French revolutionary governments (of 1792 or of 1871)
communément {adv} :: commonly, collectively, communally
communément {adv} :: popularly
communiant {m} :: communicant
communiante {f} :: communicant (female)
communicabilité {f} :: communicability
communicable {adj} :: communicable
communicaison {f} :: alternative form of communication
communicant {adj} :: communicating
communicateur {adj} :: communicating
communicateur {m} :: communicator (one who communicates)
communicatif {adj} :: communicative (person)
communicatif {adj} :: infectious, catching (disease)
communication {f} :: communication
communicativement {adv} :: communicatively
communier {vi} :: To receive communion
communier {vt} :: To administer communion
communier {vt} :: To communicate
communion {f} :: Communion; communion
communiquable {adj} :: alternative spelling of communicable
communiqué {m} :: communiqué, statement
communiqué de presse {m} :: press release
communiquer {v} :: to communicate
communisant {adj} :: communistic (favourable to communism)
communisme {m} [literally] :: Any collectivism
communisme {m} :: (commonly) The Marxist ideology communism
communiste {adj} :: communist (of or relating to communism)
communiste {mf} :: Communist
commutable {adj} :: commutative
commutateur {m} :: switch (electrical)
commutateur {m} [math] :: commutator
commutateur {m} [computing] :: command line option, switch
commutatif {adj} :: interchangeable
commutatif {adj} :: commutative (such that the order in which the operands are taken does not affect their image under the operation)
commutativité {f} [maths] :: commutativity
commuter {v} [mathematics] :: to commute
commuter {v} [electronics] :: to switch
comœdie {f} :: obsolete form of comédie
Comores {prop} {fp} :: Comoros
comorien {adj} :: Comorian
Comorien {m} :: Comorian
Comorienne {f} :: feminine noun of Comorien
compacité {f} :: compactness
compact {adj} :: compact [closely packed], dense
compact {adj} :: compact [having all necessary features fitting neatly into a small space]
compact {m} :: compact disc
compact {m} :: music center [US], music centre [UK]
compact {m} :: compact camera
compacter {v} :: to compact
compactifié {m} [maths] :: compact space
compactifier {v} [maths] :: To compactify
compagne {f} :: companion (female)
compagnie {f} :: company
compagnie aérienne {f} :: airline (company that flies airplanes)
compagnon {m} :: lifelong partner
compagnon {m} :: companion
compagnon {m} :: friend, buddy, pal
compagnon d'infortune {m} :: companion in misfortune, companion in adversity, companion in misery, fellow-sufferer
compagnonnage {m} :: companionship
compagnonnage {m} :: a form of apprenticeship by which a person is trained under the supervision of a community
compagnonnique {adj} :: companionable
comparabilité {f} :: comparability; comparableness
comparable {adj} :: comparable (suitable to be compared)
comparablement {adv} :: comparably
comparaison {f} :: comparison
comparaison {f} :: simile (figure of speech)
comparaitre {v} :: alternative spelling of comparaître
comparaître {v} [law] :: to appear before a judge or government official
comparateur {m} :: comparator
comparatif {adj} :: comparative
comparatif {m} [grammar] :: comparative (word in comparative form)
comparativement {adv} :: comparatively
comparé {adj} :: compared
comparer {v} :: to compare
comparer des pommes et des poires {v} [Belgium] :: to mix apples and oranges, to compare apples and oranges
comparse {mf} [theatre] :: extra
comparse {mf} [colloquial] :: sidekick
compartiment {m} :: compartment
compartimentation {f} :: compartmentalization
compartimenté {adj} :: compartmentalized
compartimenter {v} :: to put into compartments, compartmentalize, to section off
comparution {f} [legal] :: appearance
compas {m} :: pair of compasses
compas {m} :: (marine, aviation) magnetic compass
compas {m} [music] :: A genre of modern Haitian music descended from the traditional style méringue
compassé {adj} :: scrupulous, meticulous
compassé {adj} :: stuffy
compassement {m} :: Exact measurement or regulation
compasser {v} :: to compass (measure with a compass)
compassion {f} :: compassion, pity
compassionnel {adj} :: compassionate
compassionner {v} [archaic] :: to pity, feel sorry for
compatibilité {f} :: compatibility
compatibilité ascendante {f} [computing] :: forward compatibility (compatibility with newer data)
compatibilité descendante {f} [computing] :: backward compatibility (compatibility with older data)
compatible {adj} :: compatible
compatiblement {adv} :: compatibly
compatir {v} :: to sympathise, empathise, feel for
compatissant {adj} :: compassionate
compatissant {adj} :: sympathetic
compatriote {mf} :: compatriot, fellow countryman
compendieusement {adv} :: compendiously
compendieux {adj} :: compendious
compendium {m} :: compendium, abstract
compendium {m} :: vitrine showing didactic material
compénétrer {v} :: To penetrate deeply
compensateur {adj} :: compensatory
compensatif {adj} :: compensative
compensation {f} :: compensation
compensativement {adv} :: compensatively
compensatoire {adj} :: compensatory
compensatoirement {adv} :: compensatorily
compenser {v} :: to compensate for, to offset
compère {m} :: partner, accomplice
compère {m} [obsolete] :: the godfather of one's child or the father of one's godchild
compète {f} :: clipping of compétition
compétence {f} :: competence, ability, skill
compétence {f} :: talent, capability
compétent {adj} :: competent (able)
compéter {v} [legal] :: To be competent; to have jurisdiction
compétiteur {m} :: competitor, rival
compétitif {adj} :: competitive
compétition {f} :: competition
compétitivité {f} :: competitiveness
compétitrice {f} :: feminine singular of compétiteur
compilateur {m} :: compiler (person who compiles)
compilateur {m} [programming, masculine only] :: compiler
compilation {f} :: compilation (all senses)
compilatrice {f} :: female equivalent of compilateur
compiler {v} [programming] :: to compile
complainte {f} :: complaint, lament
complaire {vr} :: to get stuck in, to get caught in
complaire {vr} :: to take pleasure in, to bask in
complaire {vr} [pejorative] :: to wallow, to revel in
complaisamment {adv} :: complacently, indulgently
complaisamment {adv} :: kindly
complaisance {f} :: kindness
complaisance {f} :: complacency
complaisance {f} :: indulgence
complaisant {adj} :: complaisant, obliging, eager to please
complément {m} :: complement, thing added that makes a whole
complément {m} [mathematics] :: complement
complément {m} [optics] :: complement
complémentaire {adj} :: complementary
complémentairement {adv} :: complementarily
complémentarité {f} :: the act of working hand-in-hand, the act of complementing one another, coupling
complémentarité {f} [physics, mathematics] :: complementarity
complément d'agent {m} [grammar] :: agent
complément d'objet direct {m} [grammar] :: direct object
complément d'objet indirect {m} [grammar] :: indirect object
complément du nom {m} [grammar] :: possessive phrase
complémenter {vt} :: To complement
complet {adj} :: full, without room for more
complet {adj} :: complete, entire
complet {m} [clothing] :: a suit
complétement {adv} :: alternative form of complètement
complétement {m} :: alternative form of complètement
complètement {adv} :: completely
complètement {m} [rare] :: completion
compléter {v} :: to complete
complétion {f} :: completion
complétude {f} [rare] :: completeness
complexe {adj} :: complex
complexé {adj} :: troubled, hung up
complexé {adj} :: complexed
complexe d'Électre {m} :: Electra complex
complexe d'Œdipe {m} :: Oedipus complex
complexer {v} :: To form or establish a complex (in any sense)
complexer {vi} [colloquial] :: to have a complex about something
complexification {f} :: complexification
complexifier {v} :: to complexify
complexité {f} :: complexity
complication {f} :: complication
complice {adj} :: kindred, close
complice {mf} :: accomplice
complicité {f} :: complicity
complies {fp} [Christianity] :: compline
compliment {m} :: compliment (positive comment)
complimenter {v} :: To compliment
complimenteur {m} :: flatterer
complimenteuse {f} :: feminine noun of complimenteur
compliqué {adj} :: complicated, intricate, convoluted
compliqué {adj} [colloquial] :: difficult, hard
compliquer {v} :: to complicate
compliquer {v} :: to elaborate
complot {m} :: plot; conspiracy
comploter {v} :: to plot, especially something illegal or immoral
comploteur {m} :: conspirator
comploteuse {f} :: feminine noun of comploteur
complotisme {m} :: conspiracy theory
complotiste {adj} :: conspiracy theorist (attributive)
complotiste {mf} :: conspiracy theorist
compo {f} [sports] :: lineup
componction {f} :: compunction, contrition, remorse
comportement {m} :: behavior, demeanor
comportemental {adj} :: behavioural
comporter {vt} :: to include
comporter {vt} :: to consist of, comprise
comporter {vt} :: to entail (formal, risk), involve
comporter {vr} :: to behave, act
composant {m} :: component (smaller, self-contained part of larger entity)
composant {adj} :: component (attributive)
composé {m} [chemistry] :: compound
composé organique volatil {m} [organic compound] :: volatile organic compound
composer {v} :: to compose
composer {v} :: to constitute, to make up
composer {v} :: to dial (a number)
composite {m} :: composite material
composite {adj} :: composite
compositeur {m} [music] :: composer
compositeur {m} :: typesetter
composition {f} :: composition, makeup
composition {f} :: essay
composition {f} :: composition, work of art
composition {f} [linguistics] :: composition, formation of compound words
composition {f} [printing] :: composition, typesetting
composition {f} [sports] :: lineup
composition {f} [object-oriented] :: composition
compositrice {f} :: feminine noun of compositeur
compossible {adj} :: compossible
compost {m} :: compost, natural fertilizer produced by decaying organic matter
composter {vt} :: To stamp (a ticket) to validate it before boarding a train or a bus
composter {vt} :: To create compost using biodegradable materials
composter {vt} :: To add compost to the ground
composteur {m} [printing] :: composing stick
composteur {m} [gardening] :: A composter (garden waste container)
composteur {m} :: A machine used for validating tickets
compote {f} :: stewed fruit or meat, compote
compôte {f} :: alternative spelling of compote
compoter {vt} :: to stew [fruit, etc.]
compotier {m} :: fruit bowl
compoundage {m} :: compounding (especially of medicines)
comprehendre {v} [chiefly before 1900] :: obsolete spelling of comprendre
compréhensible {adj} :: comprehensible; understandable
compréhensif {adj} :: Emotionally understanding; compassionate
compréhensif {adj} [rare or logic] :: Encompassing a certain number of elements or characteristics
compréhensif {adj} [rare] :: Encompassing many elements; having many characteristics
compréhensif {adj} [archaic] :: Capable of intellectual comprehension
compréhension {f} :: comprehension, understanding
comprenable {adj} [Canada] :: understandable; comprehensible
comprendre {v} :: to understand
comprendre {v} :: to include
compresse {f} :: compress (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds)
compresser {v} :: to compress
compresseur {m} :: compressor
compressibilité {f} :: compressibility
compressible {adj} :: compressible
compressif {adj} :: compressive
compression {f} :: compression (act, instance of compressing)
compression {f} :: compression (cycle of an internal combustion engine)
comprimé {m} [medical] :: pill, tablet
comprimé {adj} :: compressed
comprimer {v} :: to compress
compris {adj} :: understood
compris {adj} :: included
compromettant {adj} :: incriminating
compromettre {v} :: to compromise, jeopardise
compromis {m} :: compromise, trade-off
compromission {f} :: compromise (of opinions or principles)
compromissoire {n} :: compromissorial
comptabiliaire {adj} :: compatible
comptabiliairement {adv} :: compatibly
comptabilisation {f} :: counting, accounting
comptabilisé {adj} :: recorded
comptabilisé {adj} :: taken into account
comptabiliser {v} :: to count; keep score
comptabilité {f} :: Accounting
comptable {mf} :: accountant
comptable {adj} :: accountable, responsible
comptablement {adv} :: accountably, responsibly
comptage {m} :: counting, enumeration
comptant {adv} :: cash
compte {m} :: account
compte {m} :: count (the action of counting)
compte à rebours {m} :: countdown (to an event)
compte à vue {m} [Belgium] :: current account
compte bancaire {m} :: bank account (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank)
compte courant {m} :: current account (checking account)
compte d'épargne {m} :: savings account
compte de résultat {m} :: income statement (financial statement of net income)
compte en banque {m} :: synonym of compte bancaire
compte-goutte {m} :: dropper (device for dropping water)
compte-gouttes {m} :: dropper (utensil for dropping liquid)
compter {vit} :: to count
compter {vt} :: to reckon, allow
compter {vt} :: to include
compter {vt} :: to matter
compter {v} [catenative] :: to intend, plan
compte rendu {m} :: account, report (of research, etc.)
compte rendu {m} :: exposé
compte rendu {m} :: review (of a scientific article or work)
compte-rendu {m} :: proceedings (published record)
compte-rendu {m} :: summary
compte-rendu {m} :: minutes
compte-rendu {m} :: report
compter pour du beurre {vi} [colloquial] :: to not count for anything, to count for nothing, to not come into account
compter sur {v} [idiomatic] :: to count on, rely on
compte tenu de {prep} :: given, considering, in light of, in view of
compteur {m} :: a measuring device that keeps a count, a meter, a counter
compteur {m} [by ellipsis] :: an speedometer, an electricity meter, or a gas meter
compteur {m} [grammar] :: a counter
compteur {m} [programming] :: a counter
compteur {m} [sports] :: table (league)
compteur de vitesse {m} :: speedometer
comptine {f} :: nursery rhyme (short poem or song for children)
comptoir {m} :: A counter, countertop, as of a store or bank
comptoir {m} :: A trading post in overseas colonies
compulser {vt} :: to consult
compulsif {adj} :: compulsive
compulsion {f} :: compulsion
compulsivement {adv} :: compulsively
comput {m} :: computus
computation {f} :: (old) computation
computationnel {adj} [mathematics, computing] :: computational
computationnellement {adv} :: computationally
computer {v} [archaic, rare] :: to compute
comtadine {adj} :: Of or from Comtat (in the Vaucluse)
comtal {adj} :: comtal, comital, pertaining to a count
comte {m} :: count, earl
comté {m} :: county
comté {m} [Canada] :: riding
comté {m} :: comté cheese
comtesse {f} :: countess
comtoir {m} [ante 1900] :: obsolete spelling of comptoir
comtois {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Franche-Comté or its inhabitants
Comtois {m} :: person from Franche-Comté, France
Comtoise {f} :: feminine noun of Comtois
con {m} [vulgar] :: cunt, pussy
con {m} [vulgar] :: arsehole, asshole, fucktard, cunt, retard (stupid person)
con {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: stupid
conard {m} :: alternative spelling of connard
conasse {f} :: alternative spelling of connasse
Con.Bn. {m} [music] :: Con.Bn. (contrabassoon)
concamération {f} :: concameration (all senses)
concasser {vt} :: to crush, to grind, to reduce (a hard or dry substance like sugar or pepper) to small pieces, as with a pestle or hammer
concasser {vt} :: to dice (a tomato) after removing seeds and skin
concaténation {f} [programming] :: concatenation
concaténer {v} :: to concatenate
concave {adj} :: concave
concavité {f} :: concavity
concéder {v} :: to concede
concélébrer {v} :: to concelebrate
concentration {f} :: concentration (mental state of being concentrated)
concentration {f} :: concentration (quality of being concentrated)
concentrationnaire {adj} :: concentration camp (attributive)
concentrer {vr} [se concentrer] :: to concentrate
concentrer {vt} :: to concentrate (something)
concentrique {adj} :: concentric
concentriquement {adv} :: concentrically
concept {m} :: concept
concepteur {m} :: conceiver (someone who comes up with an idea)
concepteur {m} :: ideas man
conception {f} :: conception (of a child)
conception {f} :: conception (beginning, start)
conception {f} :: ability to understand
conception {f} :: viewpoint; angle
conception {f} :: concept, idea
conceptrice {f} :: feminine noun of concepteur
conceptualisable {adj} :: conceptualizable
conceptualiser {v} :: to conceptualize (to conceive the idea for something)
conceptuel {adj} :: conceptual
conceptuellement {adv} :: conceptually
concernant {prep} :: concerning, regarding
concerné {adj} :: concerned, involved
concerner {v} :: to concern (be concerned with, be associated with)
concert {m} :: concert (musical entertainment)
concertation {f} :: consultation
concertation {f} :: concertation
concerter {vt} :: to concert; plan
concertiste {mf} [music] :: concert performer (especially a soloist)
concession {f} :: concession
concessionnaire {mf} :: dealer, distributor
concessionnaire {mf} :: concessionaire, agent
concevable {adj} :: conceivable
concevoir {v} :: to conceive (an idea)
concevoir {v} :: to conceive (a baby)
concevoir {v} :: to conceive (to understand, to comprehend)
concevoir {v} :: to design
conche {f} [nautical] :: small bay
conche {f} :: natural basin
conche {f} :: concher, conch (machine used to refine the flavour and texture of chocolate)
conchier {vt} [vulgar, literary] :: to beshit, to shit on something
conchier {v} [vulgar, humorous] :: used to tell someone to get lost
conchioline {f} [protein] :: conchiolin
conchoïdal {adj} :: conchoidal
conchoïde {f} [maths] :: conchoid
conchyliculture {f} :: shellfish farming
concierge {m} :: house-porter, doorkeeper, caretaker
concierge {m} :: [US] janitor, custodian
concierge {m} :: concierge
concierge {m} :: lodge-keeper of a château
concierge {m} :: keeper, jailor (prison)
conciergerie {f} :: the rank or status of a caretaker or doorkeeper
conciergerie {f} :: caretaker's or doorkeeper's lodge
concile {m} [religion] :: council
conciliabule {m} :: consultation, meeting; confab
conciliaire {adj} :: conciliar
conciliaire {adj} :: conciliary
conciliairement {adv} :: conciliarly
conciliant {adj} :: conciliatory
conciliant {adj} :: manageable, tractable
conciliateur {m} :: conciliator, mediator, go-between
conciliateur {adj} :: conciliatory
conciliation {f} :: conciliation
concilier {v} :: to reconcile
concilier {v} :: to conciliate
concis {adj} :: concise
concisément {adv} :: concisely
concision {f} :: concision
concitoyen {m} :: fellow citizen, fellow countryman
conclave {m} :: conclave
conclaviste {m} :: conclavist
conclu {adj} :: concluded
concluant {adj} :: concluding
concluant {adj} :: conclusive
conclure {v} :: to conclude
conclure {v} :: to attain, to reach
conclusif {adj} [grammar] :: conclusive
conclusion {f} :: conclusion
conclusions {fp} [European Union law] :: opinion (judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice for a legal solution in a case)
concocter {v} :: to concoct
concoction {f} :: concoction (mixture)
concombre {m} :: cucumber (plant)
concombre {m} :: cucumber (vegetable)
concombre d'âne {m} :: squirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium)
concombre de mer {m} :: sea cucumber
concomitamment {adv} :: concomitantly
concomitant {adj} :: concomitant
con comme la Lune {adj} [simile] :: Very stupid; thick as two short planks; dumb as a doorknob
con comme la Lune {adj} [simile, rare] :: Extremely easy or simple; easy as pie
con comme ses pieds {adj} [vulgar, simile] :: alternative form of bête comme ses pieds
con comme un balai {adj} [simile, vulgar] :: Very stupid; thick as a brick; dumb as a post
con comme un manche {adj} [simile, vulgar] :: Very stupid; thick as a brick; dumb as a post
concordamment {adv} :: concordantly
concordance {f} :: accord, agreement, accordance, concurrence, consonance, concord
concordance des temps {f} [grammar] :: sequence of tenses, consecutio temporum, tense harmony
concordant {adj} :: concordant
concordataire {adj} :: Relating to a concordat, but especially to the 1801 Concordat between France and the Papacy
concorde {f} :: harmony, concord
concorder {vi} :: to match, tally
concorder {vi} :: to concur
concourir {vi} :: to compete, to contend
concourir {v} [followed by the preposition à] :: to contribute, to play a role in
concourir {v} [mathematics] :: to converge
concours {m} :: competition
concours {m} :: (competitive) examination
concours complet {m} :: eventing
concours de beauté {m} :: beauty pageant
concours de circonstances {m} :: combination of factors, combination of circumstances, concurrence of events
concours d'entrée {m} :: entrance examination
concret {adj} :: concrete, real, existing
concrètement {adv} :: concretely, solidly
concréter {v} :: To thicken or solidify
concrétion {f} :: concretion
concrétisation {f} :: realization
concrétisation {f} :: embodiment
concrétiser {v} :: to solidify, to make (something) real and tangible, to concretize
concrétiser {v} [sports] :: to score
concrétiser {vr} [se concrétiser] :: to become fulfilled, to become a reality
concubin {m} :: cohabitant
concubin {m} [in the plural] :: A cohabiting couple
concubinage {m} :: concubinage
concubinaire {adj} :: cohabitational
concubinaire {adj} :: concubinal
concubine {f} :: cohabitant (female)
concubine {f} :: concubine
concupiscence {f} :: concupiscence
concupiscent {adj} :: concupiscent
concurremment {adv} :: concurrently; in competition
concurrence {f} :: competition (action of competing)
concurrence {f} :: concurrence (instance of simultaneous occurrence)
concurrence déloyale {f} :: unfair competition
concurrencer {vt} :: to compete with, be in competition with
concurrent {adj} :: concurrent, simultaneous
concurrent {adj} :: competitive, in competition
concurrent {m} :: competitor (person against whom one is competing)
concurrente {f} :: feminine noun of concurrent
concurrentiel {adj} :: competitive
concussion {f} :: political corruption, misappropriation
concussionnaire {mf} :: A person who takes bribes
condamnable {adj} :: condemnable, reprehensible
condamnation {f} :: sentencing
condamné {adj} :: convicted
condamné {adj} :: doomed
condamné {m} :: condemned person
condamner {v} :: to condemn
condamner {v} :: to sentence, punish
condamner {v} :: to block, to obstruct
condé {m} [slang] :: cop, rozzer (UK)
condensabilité {f} :: condensability
condensable {adj} :: condensable
condensat {m} :: condensate
condensateur {m} :: capacitor
condensation {f} [all senses] :: condensation
condensé {adj} :: condensed
condenser {vt} :: to condense
condenser {vt} :: to compress
condenser {vt} :: to concentrate
condenseur {m} :: condenser (device to convert gas to liquid)
condescendance {f} :: condescension
condescendant {adj} :: condescending (assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude)
condescendre {v} [followed by the preposition à] :: to assent (to); to agree (to); to condescend (to)
Condé-sur-Sarthe {prop} {f} :: Small town near Alençon in France
condigne {adj} :: condign
condignement {adv} :: condignly
condiment {m} :: condiment
condition {f} :: term, condition
condition {f} :: condition, state
condition {f} :: social status, walk of life
conditionné {adj} :: packaged (about a product)
conditionné {adj} :: conditioned (about a person)
condition nécessaire {f} [logic] :: necessary condition
conditionnel {adj} :: conditional, depending on conditions
conditionnel {m} [linguistics, grammar] :: Conditional, the conditional mood or the conditional tense
conditionnellement {adv} :: conditionally
conditionnement {adv} :: conditional; with conditions
conditionner {v} :: to package
conditionner {v} :: to condition
conditionneur {m} :: packager
conditionneur {m} :: conditioner
conditionneuse {f} :: feminine noun of conditionneur
conditions de vie {fp} :: living conditions
condition suffisante {f} [logic] :: sufficient condition
condo {m} [Quebec] :: condominium
condoléance {f} :: sympathy, condolence
condoléancer {v} :: to condole
condom {m} [Quebec] :: condom
Condom {prop} :: surname
condominium {m} :: condominium (all senses)
condor {m} :: condor (American species of vultures)
condorcétien {adj} :: Condorcetian
condottiere {m} :: condottiere
conducteur {m} :: The driver of a vehicle or of a group of animated creatures
conducteur {m} :: A conductor, substance which conducts
conducteur {m} :: A cue sheet
conducteur du dimanche {m} [pejorative] :: Sunday driver (person who drives poorly)
conducteur fantôme {m} :: wrong-way driver, ghost driver
conductibilité {f} [physics] :: conductivity
conductimétrie {f} :: conductimetry
conductimétrique {adj} :: conductimetric
conductivité {f} [physics] :: conductivity
conductrice {f} :: feminine noun of conducteur
conduire {v} :: to drive (a vehicle)
conduire {v} :: to lead, to conduct
conduire {vr} [se conduire] :: to behave, to conduct oneself
conduit {m} :: conduit (connecting pipe/channel)
conduite {f} :: behavior, conduct
conduite {f} :: duct
conduite {f} :: drive, driving
conduite {f} :: guidance
condyle {m} :: condyle
cône {m} :: cone (all senses)
confection {f} :: making, creation, development, confection
confection {f} :: ready-to-wear clothing
confection {f} :: the ready-to-wear clothing industry
confectionner {v} :: to make, create
confectionner {v} :: to fashion (clothes)
confectionneur {m} :: manufacturer
confectionneur {m} :: outfitter
confédéral {adj} :: confederal
confédération {f} :: an alliance, confederation
confédéré {adj} :: confederate
confédérer {v} :: To confederate
conférence {f} :: conference
conférence {f} :: lecture; talk
conférence de presse {f} :: press conference
conférencier {m} :: lecturer
conférencier {m} :: speaker (at a conference, etc.)
conférencière {f} :: feminine noun of conférencier
conférer {v} :: to confer
confesse {f} [religion] :: confession
confesser {vt} :: to acknowledge, admit
confesser {vtr} :: to confess oneself (to confess having sinned)
confesseur {m} [chiefly Christianity] :: confessor
confession {f} :: confession (admittance of having done something, good, bad or neutral)
confession {f} :: confession (the disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution)
confession {f} :: creed (a declaration of one's religious faith)
confessionnal {m} :: confessional, confession booth (a small room where confession is performed)
confessionnalisme {m} :: confessionalism
confessionnel {adj} :: denominational
confessionnellement {adv} :: confessionally
confetti {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: confetti
confiance {f} :: confidence
confiance {f} :: trust
confiance en soi {f} :: self-confidence
confiant {adj} :: confident
confidemment {adv} :: confidently
confidence {f} :: confidence, secret
confident {m} :: confidant
confidentialité {f} :: confidentiality
confidentiel {adj} :: confidential
confidentiellement {adv} :: confidentially
confier {v} :: to confide
confier {v} :: to entrust
configurable {adj} :: configurable
configuration {f} :: configuration
configurationnel {adj} :: configurational
configuré {adj} :: configured
configurer {v} :: to configure (to set up or arrange something)
confiné {adj} [of air] :: stale
confinement {m} :: confinement
confinement {m} :: act of quarantining, of putting into quarantine
confinement {m} :: quarantine
confinement {m} :: lockdown
confinement {m} :: containment
confiner {v} :: to confine (to have a common boundary)
confins {mp} :: confines, edges
confins {mp} [figuratively] :: end
confiote {f} [colloquial] :: jam
confire {v} :: to preserve (food)
confire {v} :: to pickle (food)
confirmatif {adj} :: confirmatory
confirmation {f} :: confirmation (all senses)
confirmer {vt} :: to confirm (a fact etc.)
confirmer {vt} :: to uphold (a decision)
confirmer {vr} :: to be confirmed, be corroborated
confiscation {f} :: confiscation
confiserie {f} :: candy store, confectioner's
confiserie {f} :: confectionery area of store
confiseur {m} :: confectioner
confisquer {v} :: to confiscate
confit {adj} [food] :: preserved, pickled
confit {m} :: confit
confiture {f} :: jam [UK], jelly [US]
confiture {f} :: preserve
confiture de lait {f} :: dulce de leche (sweat dairy spread)
confiturerie {f} :: jam factory (building where jam is manufactured)
confiturier {m} :: jam maker
confiturier {m} :: jam cupboard
confiturier {m} :: jam bowl
confiturière {f} :: feminine singular of confiturier
conflagration {f} [literary] :: conflagration
conflictuel {adj} :: conflictual
conflit {m} :: conflict (clash or disagreement)
conflit armé {m} :: armed conflict
conflit d'intérêts {m} [law] :: conflict of interest
confluent {adj} :: confluent
confluent {m} :: confluence (point where two rivers or streams meet)
confluer {v} [of a river] :: to join, flow into (another river)
confluer {v} [figuratively] :: to flood together, to converge
confœderation {f} :: obsolete form of confédération
confœdération {f} :: obsolete form of confédération
confondre {v} :: to confuse, confound
confondre {vr} [with à] :: to mix in, to merge
confondre {vr} [with avec] :: to mix up, to get confused (with)
confondre {vr} :: to coincide
confondre {vr} :: to be overflowing with, to be profuse with
confondu {adj} :: confused
conformationnel {adj} :: conformational
conforme {adj} :: Consistent with, in keeping with (construed with à)
conformément {adv} :: accordingly
conformément à {prep} :: in accordance with
conformer {v} :: to conform; comply
conformisme {m} :: conformism
conformité {f} :: conformity
confort {m} :: comfort
confortable {adj} [of a situation, environment or thing] :: Comfortable, providing comfort
confortable {adj} [of a person or animal] :: Comfortable, experiencing comfort
confortablement {adv} :: comfortably
confortatif {adj} :: comfortative
conforté {adj} :: reinforced
conforter {vt} :: to comfort
conforter {vt} :: to reinforce
confraternel {adj} :: confraternal
confraternellement {adv} :: confraternally
confraternité {f} :: brotherhood, confraternity
confrère {m} :: colleague, fellow, peer
confrérie {f} :: brotherhood, fraternity
confrontation {f} :: confrontation
confronter {v} :: to confront
confronter {v} :: to contrast, to compare
confucianisme {m} :: Confucianism (philosophy)
confucianiste {adj} :: Confucianist
confucianiste {mf} :: Confucianist
Confucius {prop} :: Confucius
confus {adj} :: confused (chaotic, jumbled or muddled)
confus {adj} :: confusing
confusément {adv} :: confusedly, uncertainly
confusion {f} :: confusion
confusionnel {adj} :: confusional
confussion {f} :: obsolete spelling of confusion
conga {f} :: conga (dance)
congé {m} :: leave (time off, absence from work, etc.)
congé {m} :: holiday, day off
congé {m} :: furlough
congé de maternité {m} :: maternity leave
congé de paternité {m} :: paternity leave
congédier {vt} :: to lay off, dismiss
congélateur {m} :: freezer (container or room keeping things frozen)
congélation {f} :: freezing
congeler {v} :: freeze (to lower something's temperature to freezing point)
congé maladie {m} :: sick leave, sick day
congé maternité {m} :: alternative form of congé de maternité
congénère {adj} :: congeneric
congénère {mf} :: a peer, an individual of the same sort
congénital {adj} [medicine, biology, of a physical or psychological condition] :: Congenital: originating before birth and continuing or progressing thereafter
congénitalement {adv} :: congenitally
congère {f} :: snowdrift, snowbank
congestion {f} :: congestion
congestionner {v} :: to congest
congestionner {v} [of blood] :: to make flushed
congiaire {m} :: congiary
conglomérat {m} :: conglomerate
congloméré {adj} :: conglomerated
conglomérer {v} :: To conglomerate
conglutine {f} [protein] :: conglutin
congo {adj} :: Congo [attributive]
congo {m} :: Congolese (language)
Congo {prop} {m} :: Congo
Congo belge {prop} {m} [historical] :: Belgian Congo
congoïde {m} :: Congoid
congolais {adj} :: Congolese (of or pertaining to Congo or its people or culture)
Congolais {m} :: a Congolese person
Congolaise {f} :: feminine noun of Congolais
congratulation {f} [dated] :: congratulation
congre {m} :: conger, conger eel
congrégation {f} :: congregation
congrès {m} [chiefly politics] :: congress
congressiste {mf} :: A participant at a congress
congru {adj} :: congruous, congruent
congruence {f} [mathematics] :: congruence
congrument {adv} :: alternative form of congrûment
congrûment {adv} :: congruently
conide {m} [dentistry] :: conid
conifère {adj} :: coniferous
conifère {m} :: conifer (plant)
coniférine {f} [organic compound] :: coniferin
conique {adj} :: conical
conique {m} [geometry] :: conic section
coniquement {adv} :: conically
conjectural {adj} :: conjectural
conjecturalement {adv} :: conjecturally
conjecture {f} :: conjecture
conjecturer {vt} :: to conjecture, surmise, speculate
conjoindre {v} :: to conjoin
conjoint {adj} :: joint (e.g. effort)
conjoint {m} :: spouse
conjointe {f} :: feminine noun of conjoint
conjointement {adv} :: jointly, together
conjonctif {adj} :: conjunctive
conjonctif {adj} [grammar] :: subjunctive
conjonction {f} [grammar] :: conjunction
conjonction de coordination {f} [grammar] :: coordinating conjunction
conjonction de subordination {f} [grammar] :: subordinating conjunction
conjonctionnel {adj} :: conjunctional
conjonctionnellement {adv} :: conjunctionally
conjonctivement {adv} :: conjunctively
conjonctivite {f} [disease] :: conjunctivitis
conjonctivité {f} :: conjunctivity
conjonctivite égyptienne {f} [disease] :: Egyptian conjunctivitis (trachoma)
conjonctivite granuleuse {f} [disease] :: granular conjunctivitis (trachoma)
conjoncture {f} :: circumstances, situation
conjoncturel {adj} [economics] :: cyclical, temporary, short-term
conjoncturellement {adv} :: cyclically
conjoncturer {v} [maths] :: To conjugate
conjoncturiste {mf} [economics] :: forecaster
conjugaison {f} [grammar] :: conjugation
conjugaison {f} [military] :: pairing, combining
conjugal {adj} :: conjugal
conjugalement {adv} :: maritally; conjugally
conjugalité {f} :: conjugality
conjuguer {v} [grammar] :: to conjugate
conjuguer {v} [rare] :: to unite, to tie together
conjugueur {m} :: conjugator
conjurer {v} :: to beseech, to beg
conjurer {v} :: to ward off
conjurer {v} :: to conspire, to plot, to conjure
conjurer {v} [magic] :: to conjure
connaissance {f} :: knowledge
connaissance {f} :: acquaintance
connaissement {m} :: bill of lading
connaisseur {m} :: a connoisseur
connaisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of connaisseur
connaitre {v} :: alternative spelling of connaître
connaître {vt} :: to know (of), to be familiar with (a person, place, fact, event)
connaître {vt} :: to know, to experience (glory, hunger, problems etc.)
connaître {vt} [archaic] :: to know (sexually)
connaître {vp} :: to be knowledgeable (en about)
connaître comme sa poche {v} [colloquial, figuratively, simile] :: to know like the back of one's hand, to know backwards, to know inside and out
connaître de vue {vt} :: to know by sight
connaître la chanson {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to know the score; to know the drill
connaître la musique {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to know the score; to know the drill
connaître sur le bout des doigts {vt} [figuratively] :: to know backwards, to know inside and out, to know off pat, to have down pat
connard {m} [vulgar, slang, offensive] :: bastard, jerk, asshole
connasse {f} [vulgar, obsolete] :: whore (prostitute)
connasse {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: bitch, whore, cunt (objectionable woman)
conne {f} :: bitch
connecter {v} :: to connect
connecter {v} [computing] :: to login; to sign in
connecteur {m} :: connective
connecteur {m} :: connector
connectique {f} :: electrical connector
connectomique {f} :: connectomics
connectomique {adj} :: connectomic
connement {adv} [vulgar] :: in a fucking stupid way
connerie {f} [familiar] :: foolish act
connerie {f} [vulgar] :: bullshit
connerie {f} [uncountable] :: stupidity
connétable {m} [historical] :: Constable (of France); supreme commander of the French armies
connexe {adj} :: closely related
connexe {adj} [topology] :: connected
connexion {f} :: connection
connexion {f} :: login
connexité {f} :: connectivity, connectedness
connil {m} [dated, literary] :: rabbit
connivence {f} :: connivance
connoissance {f} :: obsolete spelling of connaissance
connoisseur {m} :: obsolete spelling of connaisseur
connoître {v} :: archaic spelling of connaître
connotatif {adj} [grammar, logic] :: connotative
connotation {f} :: connotation
connoter {v} :: connote
connu {adj} :: known
connu {adj} :: famous
connu {m} :: a well-known person
conoïdal {adj} :: conoidal
conoïde {m} [geometry] :: conoid
conoscopie {f} :: conoscopy
conque {f} :: conch (the mollusk)
conquéramment {adv} :: conqueringly
conquérant {adj} :: conquering
conquérant {m} :: conqueror
conquérir {vt} :: to conquer, to capture
conquérir {vt} :: to win, to win over
conquête {f} :: conquest
conquête {f} [figuratively] :: conquest (act of winning someone over)
conquistador {m} :: conquistador
consacrer {v} :: to dedicate, to devote (time, effort)
consacrer {v} :: to consecrate
consanguin {adj} :: consanguineous (when born of the same father)
consanguin {adj} :: inbred
consanguinité {f} :: consanguinity (a blood relationship)
consciemment {adv} :: consciously
conscience {f} :: conscience
conscience {f} :: consciousness
consciencieusement {adv} :: consciously
consciencieusement {adv} :: conscientiously
consciencieux {adj} :: conscientious, thorough
conscient {adj} :: Physically alert; conscious
conscient {adj} :: Aware of something's implications or consequences
conscientisation {f} :: (political) awareness
conscientiser {v} :: To make aware
conscientiser {v} :: To sensitize
conscription {f} :: conscription
conscrit {m} :: conscript
conscrite {f} :: feminine noun of conscrit
consécration {f} :: consecration
consécutif {adj} :: consecutive, successive, sequential
consécution {f} :: consecution
consécutivement {adv} :: consecutively; in a row
conseil {m} [countable] :: piece of advice
conseil {m} [countable] :: council
conseil d'administration {m} :: board of directors
conseil d'ami {m} :: piece of friendly advice
Conseil de l'Europe {prop} {m} :: Council of Europe
Conseil européen {prop} {m} :: European Council
conseiller {m} :: counsellor, advisor
conseiller {v} :: to advise
conseiller {v} :: to counsel
conseillère {f} :: female equivalent of conseiller
conseiller principal d'éducation {m} :: guidance counselor
conseilleur {m} [pejorative] :: someone who gives unsolicited advice
conseillisme {m} :: councilism
conseilliste {mf} :: councilist
consensuel {adj} :: consensual
consensuel {adj} :: based on consensus
consensuellement {adv} :: consensually
consensus {m} :: consensus
consentant {adj} :: consenting
consentant {adj} :: acquiescent
consentement {m} :: consent (voluntary agreement)
consentir {v} :: to consent
conséquemment {adv} :: consequentially; consequently
conséquence {f} :: consequence
conséquent {adj} :: Acting or operating in a consistent or logical manner; coherent
conséquent {adj} :: Ensuing logically from something else; consequent
conséquent {adj} [Europe, colloquial] :: Large; considerable; important
conséquent {m} :: the second term in various semantic or logical relationship where the first term is called the antécédent
conséquent {m} [music] :: a countersubject
conséquent {m} [logic] :: a consequent
conservateur {m} :: keeper, curator, custodian
conservateur {m} :: conservative
conservateur {m} :: Conservative
conservateur {m} [food] :: preservative
conservateur {adj} :: conservative
conservateur {adj} :: Conservative
conservatif {adj} :: conservative
conservation {f} :: conservation
conservatisme {m} :: conservatism
conservatoire {adj} :: conservative
conservatoire {m} :: conservatory (for the maintenance of tradition)
conservatoire {m} :: music academy
conservatoirement {adv} :: conservatively
conservatrice {f} :: keeper, curator, custodian
conservatrice {f} :: Same as title in professional duties
conservatrice {f} :: conservative
conservatrice {f} :: Conservative
conservatrice {f} [food] :: preservative
conserve {f} :: canned food, preserve
conserver {v} :: to keep (in a particular place)
conserver {v} :: to retain, conserve, preserve
conserverie {f} :: cannery
conserver un suivi {v} :: to keep track (de of)
considérable {adj} :: considerable
considérablement {adv} :: considerably
considération {f} :: consideration (the process of considering)
considération {f} :: esteem
considérément {adv} :: prudently
considérer {v} :: to consider
consignataire {m} :: consignee
consignataire {m} :: shipping agent
consignation {f} :: consignation
consigne {f} :: orders, instructions
consigne {f} [airport, railway station etc] :: baggage/luggage locker
consigné {adj} :: confined
consigné {adj} :: consigned
consigner {v} [military] :: to confine to quarters
consigner {v} [school] :: to give (somebody) detention
consigner {v} :: to record, to write down
consigner {v} :: to consign
consistance {f} :: consistence (physical quality)
consistant {adj} :: solid, thick
consister {vi} [~ en] :: to consist (of/in)
consister {v} [~ à] :: to entail, to involve
consistoire {m} :: consistory
consistorialement {adv} :: consistorialy
conso {f} :: clipping of consommation
conso {f} :: clipping of consolidation
consoeur {f} :: nonstandard spelling of consœur
consœur {f} :: colleague, coworker (female)
consolateur {m} :: consoler, sympathizer, reliever
consolateur {adj} :: consolatory
consolation {f} :: consolation
console {f} [architecture] :: a projection or spur on a wall, generally in the form of an "S", supporting a cornice, balcony etc
console {f} [carpentry] :: projecting piece of timber in the form of a cantilever arm
console {f} [by analogy] :: piece of furniture abutted against a wall, serving as adornment and for the presentation of other fitments (such as pieces in bronze, clocks, vases etc.)
console {f} [music] :: upper part of the harp holding the chords, or the controlling interface of a pipe organ
console {f} [by ellipsis] :: video game console, electronic gadget serving in order to play video games
console {f} [electronics] :: physical interface allowing the control of an electronic system
console {f} [informatics] :: programmed interface of a system
console de jeu {f} :: video game console
console de jeux {f} :: alternative spelling of console de jeu
consoler {v} :: to comfort, console
consolidation {f} :: consolidation
consolidation {f} :: strengthening, reinforcement
consolider {vt} :: to consolidate (make more solid)
consolider {v} [finance] :: to consolidate
consommable {adj} :: consumable, edible
consommable {adj} :: expendable
consommateur {m} :: consumer
consommateur {m} :: customer
consommation {f} :: consumption
consommatrice {f} :: feminine noun of consommateur
consommé {m} :: consommé
consommer {v} :: to consume; to ingest
consomption {f} :: consumption (all senses)
consonantique {adj} :: consonantal
consonne {f} :: consonant
consort {f} :: consort
consort {f} [plurale tantum, preceded by et, slightly derogatory] :: minions, associates; the likes
consortial {adj} :: consortial
consortium {m} :: consortium (association, arrangement)
consortium {m} :: cartel
consoude {f} :: comfrey
conspécifique {adj} [biology] :: conspecific
conspirateur {adj} :: conspiratorial, conspiring
conspirateur {m} :: conspirator (person who is part of a conspiracy)
conspiration {f} :: conspiracy (act of working in secret to obtain some goal)
conspirationnisme {m} :: conspiracy theory, conspiracism
conspirationniste {adj} :: conspiracy theorist
conspirationniste {mf} :: conspiracy theorist
conspirer {v} :: to conspire
conspuer {v} :: to boo, to shout down
constamment {adv} :: constantly
constance {f} :: constancy
Constance {prop} {f} :: given name
constant {adj} :: constant
constante d'Avogadro {f} [physics, chemistry] :: Avogadro's number
Constantin {prop} :: given name
Constantinescu {prop} :: surname
constantinois {adj} :: Of or from Constantine in Algeria
Constantinople {prop} {m} :: Constantinople
constantinopolitain {adj} :: Constantinopolitan
Constantinopolitain {m} :: Constantinopolitan
Constantinopolitaine {f} :: feminine noun of Constantinopolitain
constat {m} :: constat
constat {m} :: report; fact
constatation {f} :: remark
constatation {f} :: act of noticing something
constater {v} :: to note, notice
constater {v} :: to certify
constater {v} :: to state (que that)
constellation {f} :: constellation (all senses)
constellé {adj} :: riddled, dotted, scattered (+ de, with)
consteller {v} :: to cluster
consteller {v} :: to constellate
consternant {adj} :: distressing, saddening
consternation {f} :: consternation
consterné {adj} :: appalled, staggered
consterner {v} :: to alarm, to dismay
constipation {f} :: constipation
constipé {adj} :: constipated
constiper {v} :: to constipate
constituant {adj} :: constituent
constituant {m} :: constituent
constituer {v} :: to constitute
constituer {v} :: to make up
constituer {vr} :: to build up
constitutif {adj} :: constitutive
constitution {f} :: constitution
constitutionnalisation {f} :: constitutionalization
constitutionnaliser {v} :: To constitutionalize
constitutionnalisme {m} :: constitutionalism
constitutionnaliste {mf} :: constitutionalist
constitutionnalité {f} :: constitutionality
constitutionnel {adj} :: constitutional
constitutionnellement {adv} :: constitutionally
constricteur {adj} :: constrictor
constructeur {m} :: constructor
constructeur {m} [object-oriented] :: constructor
constructeur par défaut {m} [object-oriented] :: empty constructor
constructible {adj} :: constructible
constructif {adj} :: constructive (causing construction; carefully considered and meant to be helpful)
construction {f} :: construction
constructivement {adv} :: constructively
constructivisme {m} :: constructivism (movement in modern art)
constructrice {f} :: feminine singular of constructeur
construire {v} :: to build
consubstantiel {adj} :: consubstantial
consubstantiellement {adv} :: consubstantially
consuétude {f} [dated] :: consuetude; custom
consul {m} :: consul, in its various senses
consulaire {adj} :: consular
consulairement {adv} :: consularly
consulat {m} :: consulate (the residency of a consul)
consule {f} :: feminine noun of consul
consule {f} [obsolete] :: alternative spelling of consul
consultable {adj} :: consultable, accessible, available
consultance {f} :: consultancy
consultant {adj} :: consulting
consultant {m} :: consultant
consultatif {adj} :: consultative
consultatif {adj} :: advisory
consultation {f} :: consultation, consulting
consultation {f} :: survey, poll
consulter {v} :: to consult
consulter {v} :: to refer to
consumer {v} :: to consume; to use up
consumer {v} [figuratively] :: to consume
consumérisme {m} :: consumerism
consumériste {adj} :: consumerist
consumériste {mf} :: consumerist
contact {m} :: (physical) contact; contact [with another person]
contact {m} :: contact (person that one knows)
contact {m} :: rapport
contacter {v} :: to contact (all senses)
contact visuel {m} :: eye contact
contagieusement {adv} :: contagiously
contagieux {adj} :: contagious (of a disease, easily transmitted to others)
contagion {f} :: contagion
container {f} :: container
containeur {m} :: container
contamination {f} :: contamination (act or process of contaminating)
contaminer {v} :: to contaminate
conte {m} :: tale; story
conte de bonne femme {f} :: old wives' tale; cock-and-bull story
conte de fée {m} :: alternative form of conte de fées
conte de fées {m} :: fairy tale
contemplateur {m} :: contemplator, meditator
contemplatif {adj} :: contemplative
contemplation {f} :: contemplation
contemplativement {adv} :: contemplatively
contemplatrice {f} :: female equivalent of contemplateur
contempler {v} :: contemplate
contemporain {adj} :: current, of the current era
contemporain {adj} :: contemporary (from the same time period)
contempteur {m} :: despiser
contenance {f} :: capacity (amount that can be held)
contenance {f} :: composure
contenant {adj} :: containing
contenant {m} :: container
conteneur {m} :: container (large metal box)
conteneur {m} [object-oriented programming] :: container
conteneurisation {f} :: containerization
conteneuriser {vt} :: to containerize
contenir {v} :: to contain (To have in)
contenir {v} :: to contain, to hold back (control, e.g. a disease, tears), to keep in check (control something that might hurt you, e.g. emotions)
contenir {v} :: to hold, to take, to seat (To have a capacity of)
content {adj} :: content, satisfied, pleased
contentement {m} :: happiness; joyfulness; joyousness
contenter {vt} :: to content, to satisfy
contenter {v} [.reflexive, de] :: to content oneself, to be content with
contentieusement {adv} :: contentiously
contentieux {adj} :: contentious
contentieux {m} :: contention
contenu {m} :: content (that which is contained, subject matter)
conter {v} :: to recount (tell a story)
conter fleurette {v} [à] :: [dated] to woo
contestable {adj} :: contestable
contestablement {adv} :: disputably, arguably
contestataire {adj} :: contesting, anti-establishment
contestataire {mf} :: protester
contestation {f} :: challenge, dispute
contestation {f} :: protest
contester {v} :: to contest; to challenge; to dispute
conteur {m} :: storyteller, a person who tells stories
conteur {m} :: narrator
conteuse {f} :: female equivalent of conteur
contexte {m} :: context
contextualiser {v} :: To contextualize
contextuel {adj} :: contextual (relating to context)
contexture {f} :: contexture
contigu {adj} :: adjoining; contiguous
contiguïser {vt} :: to make contiguous
contiguïté {f} :: contiguity
continence {f} :: continence
continent {m} :: continent
continental {adj} :: continental
contingemment {adv} :: contingently
contingence {f} :: contingence (all senses)
contingence {f} [in the plural] :: contingencies
contingent {adj} :: contingent
contingent {m} :: quota
contingent {m} :: contingent
contingentement {m} :: quota
contingenter {vt} :: to apply a quota to
contingenter {vt} :: to brake
continu {adj} :: continuous, uninterrupted
continuateur {m} :: successor
continuation {f} :: continuation (act of continuing)
continuatrice {f} :: feminine noun of continuateur
continuel {adj} :: continuous, continual
continuellement {adv} :: continuously
continuer {v} :: to continue
continuité {f} :: continuity
continument {adv} :: alternative spelling of continûment
continûment {adv} :: continuously
continuum dialectal {m} [linguistics] :: dialect continuum
contondant {adj} :: blunt
contorsion {f} :: contortion
contorsionné {adj} :: contorted
contorsionner {vtr} :: to contort
contorsionniste {mf} :: contortionist
contour {m} :: contour
contourné {adj} :: bypassed, circumvented
contourné {adj} :: distorted, crooked, wobbly
contournement {m} :: bypass (road)
contournement {m} :: workaround (computing)
contourner {v} :: to circumvent, to bypass, to skirt around
contourner {v} :: to travel from one place to another, to visit several places
contra- {prefix} :: contra-
contraceptif {adj} :: contraceptive (that acts to prevent conception)
contraceptif {m} :: a contraceptive
contraception {f} :: contraception
contractant {adj} :: contracting
contracter {vt} :: To engage via a formal or informal contract; to contract
contracter {vt} :: To contract a disease; to develop or acquire a bad habit
contracter {vt} :: To reduce the volume or size
contracter {vr} :: To reduce its own size
contractif {adj} :: contractive
contractile {adj} :: contractile
contraction {f} :: contraction
contractualisation {f} :: contractualization
contractualiser {v} :: To contractualize
contractuel {adj} :: contractual
contractuellement {adv} :: contractually
contradicteur {m} :: opponent
contradiction {f} :: contradiction
contradictoire {adj} :: contradictory
contradictoirement {adv} :: contradictorily
contradictoirement {adv} :: in the presence of the parties
contradictrice {f} :: feminine noun of contradicteur
contrafactuel {adj} :: counterfactual
contraignant {adj} :: binding
contraindre {v} :: to constrain
contraindre {v} :: to compel; force
contraint {adj} :: constrained
contrainte {f} :: constraint
contrainte {f} :: requirement, demand
contrainte {f} [physics] :: stress
contraire {adj} :: opposite
contraire {adj} :: contradictory
contraire {adj} :: hostile
contraire {m} :: opposite
contrairement {adv} :: contrarily, oppositely
contrairement à {prep} :: unlike; as opposed to
contraposée {f} [logic] :: contraposition
contraposer {v} :: To counterpose
contraposer {v} [maths] :: To apply a counterposition to
contrariant {adj} :: annoying, irritating
contrariant {adj} :: antagonizing
contrarié {adj} :: upset
contrarié {adj} :: annoyed, irritated
contrarié {adj} :: thwarted
contrarier {v} :: to thwart
contrarier {v} :: to upset
contrarier {v} :: to stand in the way of
contrariété {f} :: vexation, irritation
contrariété {f} :: contrast, contrariety
contraste {m} :: contrast
contraster {v} :: to contrast
contrat {m} :: contract
contrat à durée déterminée {m} :: fixed-term contract
contrat à durée indéterminée {m} :: open-ended contract, permanent contract
contrat de travail {m} :: employment contract, work contract
contrat social {m} [philosophy, politics] :: social contract
contravariance {f} [object-oriented programming] :: contravariance
contravention {f} :: traffic ticket, traffic fine
contravention {f} [legal] :: infraction, infringement, minor offence
contre- {prefix} :: counter-, anti-
contre {prep} :: against (in physical contact with)
contre {prep} :: against (not in favor of)
contre {prep} :: against (having as an opponent)
contre {prep} :: as against (as opposed to, compared to, in contrast with)
contre {prep} :: in exchange for
contre {m} [bridge] :: double
contre-allée {f} :: sidepath
contre-allée {f} :: side aisle (of church)
contre-amiral {m} [military, nautical] :: rear admiral
contre-amirale {f} :: feminine noun of contre-amiral
contre-attaque {f} :: counter-attack
contre-attaquer {vi} :: to counterattack
contrebalancé {adj} :: counterbalanced
contrebalancer {v} :: to counterbalance
contrebande {f} :: smuggling
contrebandier {m} :: smuggler
contrebas {m} :: lower level, lower portion
contrebasse {f} :: contrabass (musical range)
contrebasse {f} :: double bass (string instrument)
contrebassine {f} :: washtub bass
contrebassine {f} :: gutbucket
contrebassiste {mf} [music] :: double bass player
contrebasson {m} [musical instruments] :: contrabassoon
contrebattre {v} :: to counter (especially to fire on enemy artillery positions)
contrebattre {v} :: to get back at, hit back
contrecarrer {v} :: to thwart; to stymie
contrechamp {m} [film] :: reverse shot
contrecœur {m} :: fireback
contrecœur {adv} :: reluctantly
contreculture {f} :: counterculture
contredanse {f} [archaic, dance] :: quadrille
contredanse {f} :: fine; (parking) ticket
contredire {v} :: to contradict
contrée {f} [literary] :: land; region; country
contrefaçon {f} :: counterfeit; forgery (a fake)
contrefaçon {f} :: counterfeiting; forgery (the action of faking something)
contrefacteur {m} :: counterfeiter, forger, pirate
contrefactrice {f} :: feminine noun of contrefacteur
contrefaire {v} :: to forge, counterfeit
contrefaire {v} :: to imitate, mimic
contrefaire {v} :: to disguise
contre-fenêtre {f} :: A secondary window placed inside or outside of the primary window
contre-fenêtre {f} :: A storm window (an exterior window placed outside the primary window to improve weatherproofing)
contre-filet {m} :: sirloin (cut of meat)
contre-filet {m} [Canada] :: striploin
contrefort {m} :: foothills (hilly land near the base of a mountain range)
contrefort {m} [architecture] :: buttress
contre-indication {f} [medicine] :: a contraindication
contre-intuitif {adj} :: counterintuitive
contre-jour {m} :: backlighting
contrejour {m} :: alternative spelling of contre-jour
contre-la-montre {m} :: against the clock
contre-la-montre {m} [sports] :: time trial
contremaitre {m} :: alternative spelling of contremaître
contremaître {m} :: foreman (leader of a work crew)
contremarche {f} :: countermarch
contremarche {f} :: riser (part of a step)
contremarque {f} :: pass-out (ticket allowing reentry)
contremine {f} :: countermine
contre-mot {m} [military] :: countersign
contre nature {adj} [pejorative] :: unnatural
contre-partie {f} :: alternative spelling of contrepartie
contrepartie {f} :: equivalent, counterpart
contrepartie {f} :: compensation
contrepèterie {f} :: spoonerism
contrepied {m} :: contrary, opposite
contreplaqué {m} :: plywood
contrepoids {m} :: counterweight
contrepoint {m} [music] :: counterpoint (all senses)
contrepoison {m} :: antidote
contre-porte {f} :: A secondary door placed inside or outside of the primary door
contre-porte {f} :: A storm door (an exterior door placed outside the primary door to improve weatherproofing)
contreproductif {adj} :: counterproductive
contrer {v} :: to block, to counter, to counteract
contre-révolutionnaire {adj} :: counterrevolutionary
contre-révolutionnaire {mf} :: counterrevolutionary
contresens {m} :: backward interpretation
contresens {m} :: misinterpretation or mistranslation
contresigner {vt} :: to countersign
contrespionnage {m} :: counterespionage
contre-sujet {f} :: countersubject
contretemps {m} :: a contretemps, a hitch, a hold-up, a setback
contreterroriste {adj} :: counterterrorist
contre-torpilleur {m} [Canada, military, nautical] :: destroyer, a type of warship
contre toute attente {adv} [idiomatic] :: against all odds (despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability)
contre-transfert {m} [psychoanalysis] :: countertransference
contrevenant {m} :: offender
contrevenante {f} :: feminine noun of contrevenant
contrevenir {v} [with the preposition à] :: to contravene
contre vents et marées {adv} :: through thick and thin, against all odds, come hell or high water
contrevérité {f} :: falsehood; falsity; untruth
contrexemple {m} :: counterexample (instance of the falsity)
contribuable {mf} :: taxpayer
contribuer {v} :: to contribute
contribuer {v} :: to help
contributaire {adj} :: contributory (of taxation etc)
contributeur {m} :: contributor
contributif {adj} :: contributive
contribution {f} :: contribution
contributoire {adj} :: contributive
contributoirement {adv} :: contributively
contributrice {f} :: feminine noun of contributeur
contrister {vt} :: to grieve (for)
contrit {adj} :: contrite
contrit {adj} :: apologetic
contrition {f} :: remorse
contrôlabilité {f} :: controllability
contrôlable {adj} :: controllable
contrôlable {adj} :: verifiable
contrôle {m} :: control (all senses)
contrôle {m} [education] :: test
contrôle d'identité {m} :: identity check
contrôler {v} :: to check or examine
contrôler {v} :: to control
contrôleur {m} :: controller; conductor
contrôleur aérien {m} :: air traffic controller, ATC
contrôleur des travaux finis {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: Monday-morning quarterback
contrôleuse {f} :: feminine singular of contrôleur
contrordre {m} :: counterorder, countermand
controuvé {adj} :: contrived
controuver {v} [rare, literary] :: To contrive
controverse {f} :: controversy (debate, discussion of opposing opinions)
controversé {adj} :: controversial
controverser {vt} :: to controvert
controversiste {mf} :: controversialist (one who regularly engages in public controversies)
contumace {mf} :: contumacy (disobedience, resistance to authority)
contumélieusement {adv} :: contumeliously
contumélieux {adj} :: contumelious
contusion {f} :: contusion, bruise
contusionné {adj} :: bruised
contusionner {v} :: to bruise
convaincant {adj} :: convincing
convaincre {v} :: to convince
convalescence {f} :: convalescence
convalescent {adj} :: convalescent
convalescent {m} :: convalescent
convallamarine {f} :: convallamarin
convallarine {f} :: convallarin
convectif {adj} :: convective
convenable {adj} :: appropriate; correct; usable
convenablement {adv} :: appropriately
convenablement {adv} :: accordingly; suitably
convenance {f} :: conformity, propriety
convenance {f} :: convenience, expediency
convenir {v} [followed by de] :: to admit; to agree (to, upon)
convenir {v} [followed by à] :: to suit; to be convenient (for)
convent {m} [archaic, rare] :: convent, nunnery
convention {f} :: convention, agreement
convention {f} :: convention (formal meeting)
convention {f} :: convention (conventionally standardised choice)
conventionalisme {m} :: conventionalism
convention collective {f} :: collective agreement
conventionnalisme {m} :: alternative spelling of conventionalisme
conventionnel {adj} :: conventional
conventionnel {m} [historical] :: conventionalist, conventionnel
conventionnellement {adv} :: conventionally
conventionnement {m} :: settling up
conventionner {vt} :: To bring under a pay agreement
conventuel {adj} :: conventual, monastic
conventuellement {adv} :: conventually (in a conventual manner)
convergence {f} :: convergence
converger {v} :: to converge
convers {adj} :: lay (not of the clergy)
convers {adj} [logic] :: converse
conversation {f} :: conversation
conversationnel {adj} :: conversational
converser {vi} [literary] :: to converse
conversion {f} :: conversion
converti {adj} :: converted
converti {m} :: convert (to a religion)
convertibilité {f} :: convertibility
convertible {adj} :: convertible (able to be converted)
convertiblement {adv} :: convertibly
convertir {v} :: to convert (change one thing into another)
convertir {v} :: to convert (exchange one thing into another)
convertir {v} :: to convert (to change someone's beliefs)
convertir {v} :: to convert; to bring around (to change someone's mind or opinion)
convertir {vr} :: To become; to change into
convertir {vr} :: to convert (+ à = to)
convertisseur {m} :: converter (a person or thing that converts)
convexe {adj} :: convex
convexifier {v} [maths] :: To convexify
convexité {f} :: convexity
conviction {f} :: conviction
convier {v} :: to invite (someone to come somewhere)
convier {v} :: to invite, suggest (someone to do something)
convivial {adj} :: convivial
convivial {adj} :: user-friendly
convivialité {f} :: friendliness, conviviality
convivialité {f} :: user-friendliness
convocation {f} :: convocation
convoi {m} :: convoy
convoi {m} [transport, of trucks] :: load (used in the phrase convoi exceptionnel)
convoité {adj} :: coveted, sought-after
convoiter {v} :: covet (to wish for with eagerness)
convoiteusement {adv} :: covetously
convoiteusement {adv} :: greedily
convoiteux {adj} :: covetous
convoiteux {adj} :: greedy
convoitise {f} :: covetousness
convoitise {f} :: desire, lust
convoler {v} :: to get married (once more)
convoluer {v} [maths] :: To convolve
convolution {f} :: convolution
convoquer {v} :: to convene, convoke (invite together)
convoquer {v} :: to summon, call (call up), invite
convoquer {v} [legal] :: to summon; to summons
convoyage {m} [transport] :: Conveyance, the transport of goods
convoyer {v} :: to convoy; to escort
convoyeur {m} :: conveyor (machine for transporting)
convoyeur {m} :: courier; transporter (someone who transports)
convoyeur {m} :: escort (someone who travels with e.g. valuable goods)
convoyeuse {f} :: feminine noun of convoyeur
convulsé {adj} :: convulsed
convulsé {adj} :: distorted
convulsif {adj} :: convulsive
convulsion {f} :: convulsion
convulsivement {adv} :: convulsively
conylène {m} :: conylene
conyze {f} :: synonym of vergerette
coofficiel {adj} :: co-official
cookie {m} [France] :: cookie (American-style biscuit)
cookie {m} [computing] :: cookie
cool {adj} :: cool (only its informal senses, mainly fashionable)
cool {interj} :: cool! great!
coopérant {m} :: aid worker (especially one deployed by a communist state, to a friendly developing country)
coopérateur {m} :: cooperator
coopérateur {m} :: a member of a cooperative
coopératif {adj} :: joint, united, together
coopératif {adj} :: cooperative
coopératif {adj} :: related to cooperatives
cooperation {f} :: obsolete form of coopération
coopération {f} :: cooperation
coöpération {f} :: obsolete spelling of coopération
coopérative {f} :: a cooperative
coopérativement {adv} :: cooperatively
coopératrice {f} :: feminine singular of coopérateur
coopérer {v} :: to cooperate
coopérite {m} [mineral] :: cooperite
cooptation {f} :: cooptation
coopter {vt} :: to coopt
coordinant {adj} [chemistry] :: coordinating
coordinat {m} [chemistry] :: ligand
coordinateur {adj} :: coordinating
coordinateur {m} :: coordinator
coordinatif {adj} :: coordinative
coordination {f} :: coordination
coordinatrice {f} :: feminine noun of coordinateur
coordiné {adj} [chemistry] :: coordinated
coordinence {f} [chemistry] :: coordination number
coordonnant {adj} :: coordinating
coordonnateur {adj} :: coordinating
coordonnateur {m} :: coordinator
coordonné {adj} :: coordinated
coordonnée {f} [mathematics] :: coordinate
coordonner {v} :: to coordinate, to organise thoroughly
coorganiser {vt} :: to co-organize
cop {m} [colloquial] :: A friend, a pal
copahine {f} :: copaiba (resin)
copain {m} :: (male) friend, chum, mate (UK), pal, buddy
copain {m} [colloquial, by ellipsis] :: ellipsis of petit copain: boyfriend (boy/man to whom one has a romantic attachment)
copains comme cochons {adj} [simile] :: very close friends; thick as thieves
copal {m} :: copal
coparent {m} :: co-parent (person sharing parenting)
copeau {m} :: shaving (of wood); turning (of metal)
copeau {m} :: swarf
Copenhague {prop} {f} :: Copenhague (capital city)
copernicien {adj} :: Copernican
cophin {m} :: obsolete form of coffin
copiable {adj} :: copyable
copie {f} :: copying
copie {f} :: copy
copie carbone {f} :: carbon copy
copie conforme {f} [figuratively] :: replica, exact copy, carbon copy, dead ringer, spitting image
copier {v} :: to copy
copier-coller {v} [computing] :: to copy and paste
copieur {m} :: copier (one who copies)
copieur {m} :: copier (machine)
copieusement {adv} :: copiously
copieux {adj} :: copious
copilotage {m} :: copiloting (action of a copilot)
copilote {mf} :: copilot
copilote {mf} :: codriver
copiloter {v} :: To copilot
copinage {m} :: cronyism
copine {f} [colloquial] :: feminine noun of copain: (female) friend, girl friend, chum, pal
copine {f} [colloquial, by ellipsis] :: ellipsis of petite copine: girlfriend (girl/woman to whom one has a romantic attachment)
copiste {mf} :: copyist, transcriber
copiste {mf} :: amanuensis
coplanaire {adj} [geometry] :: coplanar
coplanarité {f} [maths] :: coplanarity
copolymère {m} [organic chemistry] :: copolymer
copolymériser {v} [organic chemistry] :: To copolymerize
coponnier {m} [obsolete] :: A type of harbourmaster in Middle-Ages Lyon
coppa {m} :: koppa (Greek letter)
coprah {m} :: copra (dried kernel of coconut)
coprécipitation {f} :: coprecipitation
coprécipiter {v} :: to coprecipitate
coprésident {m} :: copresident
coprésidente {f} :: feminine singular of coprésident
coprésider {v} :: to co-preside
coprocesseur {m} [computer hardware] :: coprocessor
coproducteur {m} :: coproducer (all senses)
coproduction {f} :: coproduction
coproductrice {f} :: feminine singular of coproducteur
coproduire {vt} :: to coproduce
coproduit {m} :: coproduct
coprolalie {f} :: coprolalia
coprolithe {m} :: coprolith (all senses)
coprologie {f} :: coprology
coprophage {adj} :: coprophagous
coprophage {mf} :: coprophage
coprophagie {f} :: coprophagy; coprophagia
coprophilie {f} :: coprophilia
copropriétaire {mf} :: coowner
copropriété {f} :: co-ownership
copropriété {f} :: condominium
copte {m} :: Copt (Egyptian Christian person)
copte {m} :: the Coptic language
copte {adj} :: Coptic
copulatif {adj} :: copulative
copulativement {adv} :: copulatively
copule {f} [grammar] :: copula
copuler {v} :: to copulate (produce offspring)
copyright {m} :: copyright
coq {m} :: male chicken, rooster, cockerel, cock
coq {m} [rare] :: a cook
coq au vin {m} :: A French braise of chicken cooked with wine, lardons, mushrooms, and sometimes garlic
coq de bruyère {m} :: grouse
coquard {m} :: A hybrid obtained by crossing a pheasant and a chicken
coquard {m} :: Variant of cocard (old cock)
coque {f} :: shell (of an animal's egg)
coque {f} :: the casing of a phone
coque {f} [nautical] :: hull
coque {f} :: cockle
coquebin {m} :: coquin
coquecigrue {f} :: chimera
coquecigrue {f} :: pigwidgeon
coquelet {m} :: small cockerel
coquelet {m} :: chick
coqueleux {m} :: cockfighter
coquelicot {m} :: poppy, corn poppy, red poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
coquelourde {f} :: pasque flower
coqueluche {f} [pathology] :: whooping cough
coqueluche {f} [obsolete, pathology] :: influenza
coqueluche {f} [figurative] :: craze, bug (something that "sweeps the nation")
coqueluche {f} [obsolete] :: coqueluche hood
coquemar {m} :: kettle or ewer with handle, spout and lid
coquet {adj} :: vain, conscious of one's appearance
coquet {adj} :: sweet, cute, charming
coqueter {v} :: to flirt; to coquet
coquetier {m} :: eggcup
coquetier {m} :: egg seller; a business which sells eggs
coquetisme {m} [rare] :: coquetry
coquette {f} :: flirt, tease
coquettement {adv} :: coquettishly
coquettement {adv} :: attractively
coquetterie {f} :: vanity, knack for fashion and appearance
coquetterie {f} :: coquetry
coquillage {m} :: shell
coquillage {m} [uncountable] :: shellfish
coquille {f} :: shell
coquille {f} :: (shell-shaped) dish; scallop
coquille {f} :: typo, misprint
coquille {f} [sports] :: athletic protector; groin guard, box, cup [protection for the male genitals]
coquille {f} [medicine] :: vacuum mattress [for spinal immobilization]
coquille {f} [medicine] :: egg crate mattress [for prevention of bedsores]
coquille Saint-Jacques {f} :: scallop (mollusc)
coquillette {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: pasta shell(s) (conchiglie)
coquille vide {f} [figuratively, pejorative] :: empty shell
coquillier {m} :: cockling boat
coquin {m} :: rascal, scoundrel
coquin {m} [colloquial] :: lucky dog
coquin {adj} :: mischievous
coquin {adj} :: naughty, risqué
coquine {f} [colloquial] :: a sexually naughty girl
coquinement {adv} :: cheekily, playfully
coquinerie {f} [archaic or literary] :: roguery, scoundrelism
cor {m} :: horn (musical instrument)
cor {m} :: corn (of the foot)
coracoïde {adj} :: coracoid
coracoïde {m} :: coracoid
corail {m} :: corals, an aquatic organism living in maritime colonies
corail {m} :: coral, the precious material of those dwellings, harvested mainly for decorative and collectionable uses
corailleur {m} :: coral fisher (someone who catches coral)
Coralie {prop} :: given name
corallien {adj} [attributive] :: coral
corallien {adj} :: coralline (resembling coral)
corallifère {adj} :: coralliferous
coran {m} :: alternative form of Coran
Coran {prop} {m} :: Qur'an
cor anglais {m} [musical instruments] :: cor anglais, English horn
coranique {adj} :: qur'anic
coraniser {v} :: to learn off-by-heart, to memorize perfectly
corannulène {m} [organic compound] :: corannulene
corbeau {m} :: raven (bird)
corbeau {m} :: poison-pen letter writer
corbeau de nuit {m} :: black-crowned night heron
corbeau freux {m} :: rook (bird)
Corbeil {prop} :: surname
corbeille {f} :: wicker basket
corbeille {f} :: trash can
corbeille {f} [computing] :: recycle bin
corbelle {f} :: feminine singular of corbeau
corbillard {m} [obsolete] :: horse-drawn coach
corbillard {m} :: hearse
corbillat {m} :: Young raven
corbillot {m} :: synonym of corbillat
corbleu {interj} :: by Jove
Corcoran {prop} :: surname
cordage {m} :: rope [especially, for a vessel]
cordaite {m} [botany] :: cordaite
corde {f} :: rope (general)
corde {f} [geometry] :: chord
corde {f} [music] :: chord (of a string instrument)
corde {f} :: chord (vocal chord)
corde {f} :: line (washing line, for hanging clothes to dry)
corde à linge {f} :: clothesline
corde à sauter {f} :: skipping rope
corde à sauter {f} :: skip rope, jump rope
cordeau {m} :: (usually thin or small) rope, string (used to mark a straight line)
cordeau {m} :: cord (long length of twisted strands of fibre)
cordeau {m} :: straight line
cordeau {m} [fishing] :: line, fishing line
cordeau {m} [mining] :: fuse (cord that conveys fire to an explosive device)
cor de chasse {m} :: hunting horn
cordée {f} [climbing] :: rope team (people sharing a rope)
cordelette {f} :: cord, small rope
cordelier {adj} :: Cordelier
cordelier {adj} :: Franciscan
cordelier {m} :: Cordelier
cordelier {m} :: Franciscan
cordelière {f} :: cord; cord belt
cordelle {f} :: towline, towrope
corder {v} :: to rope up, rope
corderie {f} :: A ropeworks
cor des Alpes {m} :: alphorn
corde vocale {f} [anatomy] :: vocal cord
cordial {adj} [archaic] :: stimulating the heart; tonic
cordial {adj} :: coming from the heart; sincere
cordial {adj} :: amiable
cordial {m} [medicine, obsolete] :: stimulant
cordial {m} :: cordial
cordialement {adv} :: cordially
cordialement {adv} :: (used to end a letter) regards, yours sincerely
cordialiser {v} :: To cordialize
cordialité {f} :: cordiality, geniality
cordier {m} :: tailpiece
cordier {m} :: ropemaker
cordiérite {f} :: cordierite
cordiforme {adj} :: cordate; heart-shaped (having the supposed shape of a heart)
cordillère {f} :: mountain range
cordon {m} :: cord (for connecting)
cordon bleu {m} :: a blue ribbon
cordon bleu {m} :: a skilful chef
cordon bleu {m} :: a cordon bleu (the meal)
cordonner {v} :: to twist into the form of a rope
cordonnerie {f} :: cobbler's (shop)
cordonnerie {f} :: shoemaking, shoe repair
cordonnier {m} :: cobbler
cordon ombilical {m} :: umbilical cord
cordon sanitaire {m} :: cordon sanitaire
cordouan {adj} :: Cordoban
Cordouan {m} :: Cordoban
Cordouanne {f} :: feminine noun of Cordouan
Cordoue {prop} :: Cordoue (city)
Cordoue {prop} :: Cordoue (province)
Corduène {prop} {f} :: Corduene
Coré {prop} :: Korah
Corée {prop} {f} :: Korea
Corée du Nord {prop} {f} :: North Korea
Corée du Sud {prop} {f} :: South Korea
coréen {m} :: Korean, the Korean language
coréen {adj} :: Korean (from, or pertaining to Korea)
Coréen {m} :: Korean (person)
Coréenne {f} :: feminine noun of Coréen
corégence {f} :: coregency
corégent {m} :: coregent
corégone {m} :: whitefish
coreligionnaire {mf} :: coreligionist
coresponsabilité {f} :: joint responsibility
coresponsable {adj} :: co-responsable, jointly responsible or liable
corfiote {adj} :: Corfiot
Corfiote {mf} :: Corfiot
Corfou {prop} :: Corfou (island)
Corfou {prop} :: Corfou (city)
corgi {m} :: Corgi dog
coriace {adj} :: tough, leathery
coriace {adj} [figuratively] :: tough, rugged
coriamyrtine {f} :: coriamyrtin
coriandre {f} [countable] :: coriander (the plant)
coriandre {f} [uncountable] :: coriander (the herb and spice)
corindon {m} [mineral] :: corundum
Corinne {prop} :: given name
Corinthe {prop} :: Corinthe (city)
corinthien {adj} :: Corinthian
Corinthiens {prop} :: Corinthians
cork {m} [snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding] :: cork (An aerialist maneuver involving a rotation where the rider goes heels over head, with the board overhead.)
corlieu {m} [hunting] :: young curlew
corme {f} :: corm
cormoran {m} :: cormorant (seabird)
cormoran huppé {m} :: European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
cornac {m} :: mahout, elephant driver
cornac {m} [figuratively] :: guide
cornaline {f} :: carnelian
cornard {m} :: cuckold (married man)
corne {f} [countable] :: horn
corne {f} [uncountable] :: corn [callus]
corné {adj} :: horny (hard or bony)
cornecul {mf} :: comical, funny
corne d'abondance {f} :: cornucopia
corne de brume {f} :: foghorn
Corne de l'Afrique {prop} {f} :: Horn of Africa
cornée {f} :: cornea
corneille {f} :: crow (bird)
Corneille {prop} {m} :: Cornelius
corneille mantelée {f} :: hooded crow
corneille noire {f} :: carrion crow (Corvus corone)
cornéine {f} [protein] :: cornein
cornélien {adj} :: Cornelian
cornemuse {f} [musical instrument] :: bagpipes; cornemuse
cornemuser {v} :: To play the bagpipes
cornemuseur {m} :: bagpiper, piper
cornemuseuse {f} :: feminine noun of cornemuseur
cornemuseuse {f} :: feminine noun of cornemuseux
cornemuseux {m} [obsolete, literary] :: bagpiper, piper
corner {m} [soccer] :: corner kick, corner
corner {v} :: to fold a corner of a page
corner {v} :: to blow, horn (a cornet or horn)
corner {v} :: to bellow
corner {v} :: to honk, beep (a vehicle's horn)
corner {v} :: to shout from the rooftops
cornériser {v} :: To corner (a financial market)
cornet {m} :: (paper) cone
cornet {m} :: (pastry) horn; (ice-cream) cone
cornet {m} :: post horn
cornet {m} [musical instruments] :: cornet; cornet stop (on organ)
cornet {m} :: portable inkhorn
cornet {m} [Switzerland] :: plastic bag
corneter {vt} [medicine] :: to cup
cornette {m} [historical] :: cornet (military rank)
cornettiste {mf} :: cornetist
cornéule {f} :: corneule
corniaud {m} :: mongrel
corniaud {m} :: nitwit (stupid person)
corniche {f} :: cornice
corniche {f} [geology] :: ledge
cornichon {m} :: gherkin
cornichon {m} :: pickle (pickled cucumber)
cornier {m} :: European cornel (Cornus mas)
cornifle {m} :: synonym of cératophylle
cornille {f} :: black-eyed pea
cornillon {m} :: A young crow
cornine {f} :: cornin
cornique {adj} :: Cornish
cornique {m} :: Cornish (language)
corniste {mf} :: hornist (person who plays the horn)
Cornouaille {prop} :: Cornouaille (region)
Cornouailles {prop} {f} :: Cornwall
cornouille {f} :: The cornel (fruit), cornelian cherry
cornouiller {m} :: dogwood
cornouiller mâle {m} :: European cornel (Cornus mas)
cornouiller sauvage {m} :: European cornel (Cornus mas)
cornu {adj} :: horned
cornue {f} [chemistry] :: retort
corolaire {m} [logic] :: corollary
corole {f} :: alternative spelling of corolle
corollaire {m} :: corollary (proposition which follows easily)
corollaire {adj} :: That follows directly and logically
corollairement {adv} :: corollarily
corolle {f} [botany] :: corolla
coron {m} :: miner's house (in Northern France)
coron {m} :: mining village
coronaire {adj} [anatomy] :: coronary
coronaire {adj} :: coronal
coronal {adj} [anatomy, astronomy, botany, phonetics] :: coronal
coronarien {adj} :: coronary
coronarographie {f} [medicine] :: coronary catheterization
coronavirus {f} [virology] :: coronavirus
coronélisme {m} :: coronelism
coronène {m} [organic compound] :: coronene
coroner {m} :: coroner (in English-speaking countries)
coronille {f} :: coronilla
coronis {m} :: tree grayling (butterfly Hipparchia statilinus)
coronis {f} :: coronis (diacritic)
coronographe {m} :: coronagraph
coronoïde {adj} :: coronoid
coronoïdien {adj} :: coronoid
corp {m} [obsolete] :: another name for the fish ombre
corporatif {adj} :: corporate
corporation {f} :: corporation
corporation {f} :: guild
corporatisme {m} :: corporatism
corporatiste {adj} :: corporatist
corporativement {adv} :: corporately
corporé {adj} :: corporate
corporel {adj} :: corporeal
corporel {adj} :: corporal; bodily; body (relating to the body)
corporellement {adv} :: bodily, corporally
corporifier {v} :: To corporify
corporisation {f} :: The forming into one body; embodiment
corps {m} :: body
corps {m} [mathematics] :: field (in abstract algebra)
corps {m} [military] :: corps
corps calleux {m} [anatomy] :: corpus callosum
corps céleste {m} :: celestial body
corps composé {m} :: chemical compound
corps consulaire {m} :: each and all consuls in a country
corps de ballet {m} :: chorus line, ballet personnel
corps de métier {m} :: profession, trade (practitioners of a profession collectively, those who perform a particular kind of skilled work); guild
corps diplomatique {m} :: diplomatic corps
corps du délit {m} [law] :: corpus delicti, piece of evidence
corps et âme {adv} [figuratively] :: body and soul, completely
corps et biens {adv} [nautical, of a shipwreck] :: completely, utterly
corps étranger {m} :: foreign body
corps simple {m} :: elementary substance
corpulence {f} :: corpulence (quality of being corpulent)
corpulent {adj} :: corpulent, stout
corpus {m} [linguistics] :: a corpus, a body of texts
corpusculaire {adj} :: corpuscular
corpusculaire {adj} [physics] :: particle (attributive)
corpuscule {m} :: corpuscle
corpuscule {m} [physics] :: particle
corrasion {f} :: The wear and tear effectuated by the erosive sand-loaded desert winds
correct {adj} :: correct, right
correct {adj} [colloquial] :: passable, okay
correct {adj} [Québec, colloquial] :: OK, fine, alright
correctement {adv} :: correctly (in a correct manner)
correcteur {m} :: A corrector, notably a proofreader
correcteur {adj} :: corrective
correcteur liquide {m} :: correction fluid, Tippex [UK], whiteout [US], Twink [New Zealand]
correctif {adj} :: corrective
correctif {m} :: corrective (all senses)
correctif {m} :: rider, qualification
correction {f} :: correction (all senses)
correction {f} :: propriety (quality of being proper or correct)
correctionnel {adj} :: correctional
correctionnelle {f} :: magistrates' court
correctionnellement {adv} :: correctionally
correctivement {adv} :: correctively
corrélat {m} :: correlate, correlative
corrélatif {adj} :: correlative
corrélation {f} :: correlation
corrélativement {adv} :: correlatively
corrélé {adj} :: correlated
corréler {vt} :: To correlate
corrélogramme {m} [statistics] :: correlogram
correspondance {f} :: correspondence
correspondance {f} :: match
correspondance {f} [transport] :: connection
correspondancier {m} :: correspondence clerk
correspondancière {f} :: feminine noun of correspondancier
correspondant {m} :: pen pal
correspondant {m} :: correspondent (journalist on the scene)
correspondant {adj} :: corresponding
correspondant {adj} :: congruent
correspondre {v} :: to correspond
correspondre {v} :: to write to
Corrèze {prop} {f} :: Corrèze
corrézien {adj} :: Pertaining to, or from the Corrèze
Corrézien {m} :: Native or inhabitant of the Corrèze
Corrézienne {f} :: feminine noun of Corrézien
corrida {f} [bullfighting] :: a bullfight
corridor {m} :: passage, corridor
corrigeable {adj} :: corrigible, correctable
corriger {v} :: to correct
corriger {v} :: (school); to grade (US), to mark (UK)
corriger le tir {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to make adjustments, to adjust tactics, to change course; to set things back on track
corrine {m} [organic chemistry] :: corrin
corroboration {f} :: corroboration, verification, confirmation
corroborer {v} :: to corroborate
corrodé {adj} :: corroded
corroder {v} :: to corrode (to have corrosive action)
corrompre {v} :: to corrupt, impair, deprave
corrompre {v} [figurative] :: to bribe
corrompu {adj} :: corrupt
corrosif {adj} :: corrosive
corrosion {f} :: corrosion
corroyage {m} :: currying (of leather etc)
corroyère {f} :: redoul (of the genus Coriaria)
corroyeur {m} :: currier
corrude {f} :: wild asparagus Asparagus acutifolius
corrugateur {m} [anatomy] :: corrugator
corrugatrice {f} :: feminine singular of corrugateur
corrupteur {m} :: corruptor, briber
corrupteur {adj} :: corrupting
corruptibilité {f} :: corruptibility
corruptible {adj} :: corruptible
corruption {f} :: corruption (act of corrupting)
corruption {f} :: corruption (state of being corrupt)
corruption {f} :: corruption (putrefaction)
corruption {f} [figurative] :: corruption (bribing)
cors {m} :: archaic spelling of corps
corsage {m} [obsolete] :: body, torso
corsage {m} [historical] :: bodice, corsage
corsage {m} :: blouse, camisole; top
corsaire {m} :: privateer
corsaire {m} :: corsair
corsaire {m} :: private
corse {adj} :: Corsican
corse {m} :: Corsican (language)
Corse {prop} {f} :: Corsica
Corse {mf} :: Corsican (person)
corsé {adj} [coffee] :: strong
Corse-du-Sud {prop} {f} :: The southernmost department of Corsica
corselet {m} :: corselet (garment)
corselet {m} [zoology] :: corselet, thorax
corser {vt} :: to spice up
corser {vt} :: to increase
corser {vr} :: to worsen
corset {m} :: corset
corseter {v} :: to put on a corset
corsitude {f} [neologism] :: Feeling of belonging to the Corsican community or Corsica
cortège {m} :: procession
cortex {m} :: cortex
cortex préfrontal {m} [neuroanatomy] :: prefrontal cortex
corticoïde {m} [medicine] :: corticoid
corticole {adj} :: corticolous
corticostéroïde {m} :: corticosteroid
corticotrophine {f} [hormone] :: corticotropin
cortiqué {adj} :: corticated
coruscant {adj} :: coruscant
corvéable {adj} :: to be subject to corvée labour
corvéable {adj} [metaphorical] :: exploitable
corvéable à merci {adj} :: alternative form of taillable et corvéable à merci
corvée {f} :: corvee (labour due to a feudal lord; labour on roads)
corvée {f} :: drudgery, chore
corvée {f} [military] :: fatigue
corvette {f} :: corvette
corvidé {m} :: corvid
corynébactérie {f} :: corynebacterium
coryphée {m} [Ancient Greece] :: leader of the ancient Greek chorus, coryphaeus
Cos {prop} :: Cos
cosaisine {f} [legal] :: A joint appeal or seisin
cosaisir {v} [legal] :: To take (etc) along with another person
cosaque {adj} :: Cossack
Cosaque {m} :: Cossack (member of a population)
cosécante {f} [mathematics] :: cosecant (trigonometric function)
coseigneur {m} :: A seigneur who held the lordship in common with another
coseigneurial {adj} :: Relating to a coseigneur
cosignataire {mf} :: cosignatory
cosigner {v} :: To cosign
cosinus {m} [mathematics] :: cosine (trigonometric function)
cosinusoïdal {adj} [maths] :: cosinusoidal
cosmétique {m} :: cosmetics, make-up
cosmétique {f} :: the science of cosmetics
cosmétique {adj} :: cosmetic
cosmétologie {f} :: cosmetology
cosmique {adj} :: cosmic (of or from or pertaining to the cosmos or universe)
cosmiquement {adv} :: cosmically
cosmo- {prefix} :: cosmo-
cosmochimie {f} [astronomy, chemistry] :: cosmochemistry
cosmochimiste {mf} [astronomy, chemistry] :: cosmochemist
cosmodicée {f} :: cosmodicy
cosmodrome {m} :: cosmodrome
cosmogénique {adj} :: cosmogenic
cosmogonie {f} :: cosmogony
cosmogonique {adj} :: cosmogonic
cosmogoniquement {adv} :: cosmogonically
cosmographe {mf} :: cosmographer
cosmographie {f} :: cosmography
cosmographique {adj} :: cosmographic
cosmologie {f} :: cosmology (study of the physical universe)
cosmologique {adj} :: cosmological
cosmologiquement {adv} :: cosmologically
cosmologiste {mf} :: cosmologist
cosmonaute {mf} :: a cosmonaut
cosmonucléide {m} [physics] :: cosmonuclide
cosmopolite {mf} :: cosmopolite
cosmopolite {adj} :: cosmopolitan
cosmopolitisme {m} :: cosmopolitism
cosmos {m} :: cosmos, universe
cosom hockey {m} :: cosom hockey; alternative form of hockey cosom
cosse {f} :: pod (seed case)
cosser {vi} :: to butt (ram heads together)
cossette {f} :: A cossette
cossin {m} [Quebec, colloquial] :: Any small-sized object, especially of little value or interest
cossu {adj} :: poddy (of a plant, having many pods); compare Ital. coccio, earthenware pot
cossu {adj} :: well-off (person)
Costa {prop} :: Costa; surname, equivalent to the French Côté
costard {m} [colloquial] :: suit
Costa Rica {prop} {f} :: Costa Rica (country)
costaricain {adj} :: of or relating to Costa Rica
Costaricain {m} :: person from Costa Rica
Costaricaine {f} :: feminine noun of Costaricain
costaricien {adj} :: Costa Rican
Costaricien {m} :: Costa Rican
Costaricienne {f} :: feminine noun of Costaricien
costarmoricain {adj} :: of, from, or relating to, Côtes-d'Armor, a French department in Brittany
costaud {adj} :: strong
costaud {adj} :: competent; capable; able
costaud {adj} [colloquial] :: hefty, beefy
costaud {m} :: strong person
costaud {m} :: competent person
costaude {f} :: feminine noun of costaud
costume {m} :: A style of dress characteristic of a particular country, period or people
costume {m} :: An outfit or a disguise worn as fancy dress
costume {m} :: A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or task
costume {m} :: A suit worn by a man
costumé {m} :: fancy dress
costumé {m} :: disguise
costumer {v} :: To wear a particular costume
cosy {adj} :: correlation
cosy {m} :: correlation
côt {m} :: malbec (grape or wine)
cotangente {m} [trigonometry] :: cotangent (trigonometric function)
cotation {f} [finance] :: quote, quotation
cot cot codet {interj} :: cackle (the cry of a hen, especially one that has laid an egg)
cote {f} :: call number
cote {f} :: ratings, popularity, approval rating [of a politician]
cote {f} [architecture] :: dimension
cote {f} [finance, stock market] :: quote
cote {f} [horse racing, gambling] :: odds
cote {f} [finance] :: tax assessment
côte {f} :: rib (bone)
côte {f} :: hill, slope
côte {f} :: coast
côté {m} :: side
côté {m} :: edge
côté {prep} [colloquial] :: as for, in terms of
Côté {prop} :: surname
côte à côte {adv} :: side by side, cheek by jowl
coteau {m} :: hillside
Côte d'Azur {prop} {f} :: The Côte d’Azur, the French Riviera
Côte d'Ivoire {prop} {f} :: Côte d'Ivoire (country)
Côte d'Or {prop} {f} :: The Côte d'Or département (equivalent of a county) in France’s eastern region Bourgogne (Burgundy)
Côte d'Or {prop} {f} :: The Côte d'Or chain of hills West of the Saône valley, which the above département was named after
Côte-d'Or {prop} {f} :: Côte-d'Or (department)
côtelé {adj} :: ribbed
côteler {v} :: to wale
côtelette {f} :: cutlet; chop
côté obscur de la force {m} [figuratively] :: dark side of the Force
coter {v} [finance] :: to quote, list
coter {v} :: to quote the market price of; to put odds on
coter {v} :: to mark (UK), grade (US)
coter {v} :: to rate (a film etc.)
coterie {f} [historical] :: feudal community of peasants
coterie {f} [figurative, also, pejorative] :: coterie, clique, cabal (small, exclusive group of individuals advancing shared interests)
Côtes-d'Armor {prop} {fp} :: Côtes-d'Armor
cothurne {m} :: cothurnus
cothurne {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: buskin(s)
cotice {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bendlet
cotidal {adj} [geography] :: cotidal
côtier {adj} :: coastal
cotillon {m} [archaic] :: petticoat
cotillon {m} [dance] :: cotillion, cotillon
cotillon {m} [in the plural] :: party novelties (e.g. paper hats, streamers etc.)
cotir {vt} :: to damage (a fruit)
cotisant {m} :: contributor
cotisante {f} :: feminine singular of cotisant
cotisation {f} :: subscription, dues (for organisation etc.)
cotisation {f} :: contribution(s) (to pension, social security etc.)
cotiser {vi} :: to contribute, subscribe (to)
coton {m} :: cotton (material)
coton hydrophile {m} :: cotton wool (absorbent cotton)
cotonnade {f} :: cotton (fabric)
cotonneusement {adv} :: spongily
cotonneux {adj} :: cottony
cotonneux {adj} :: spongy
cotonnier {adj} :: cotton (attributive)
cotonnier {m} :: cotton (tree), cotton tree
cotonnier {m} :: cotton worker
cotonnière {f} :: feminine noun of cotonnier
coton-tige {m} :: cotton swab, cotton bud (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod)
côtoyer {v} [literally] :: to pass alongside
côtoyer {v} [figurative] :: to rub shoulders
cotre {m} :: cutter (sailboat)
cotret {m} :: bundle of sticks
cotret {m} :: stick, rod
cotriade {f} :: A kind of fish stew from Brittany
cotriade bretonne {f} :: synonym of cotriade
Cotroni {prop} :: surname
cottage {m} :: cottage
cotte {f} [historical] :: coat, tunic
cotte {f} [archaic] :: petticoat
cotte {f} :: overalls
cotte-hardie {f} [historical] :: cotehardie, coat-hardy
cottien {adj} :: Cottian
cotutelle {f} :: co-guardianship
cotylédon {m} [botany] :: cotyledon
cotyloïde {adj} [anatomy] :: cotyloid
cotyloïdien {adj} :: synonym of cotyloïde
cou {m} :: neck
coua {m} :: coua
couac {interj} [noise of a crow] :: squawk, croak
couac {m} [music] :: false note
couard {adj} [archaic or literary] :: cowardly
couard {m} :: coward
couarde {f} :: feminine noun of couard
couardement {adv} :: cowardly (in a cowardly way)
couardise {f} :: cowardice
couchage {m} :: coating (of paper etc)
couchage {m} :: sleeping
couchant {m} :: the setting sun
couchant {m} :: the sunset
couchant {m} :: the west
couchant {m} [literary] :: old age, decline, termination
couche {f} :: bed (any place for sleeping)
couche {f} :: nappy/diaper
couche {f} :: coat (of paint)
couche {f} :: layer (of soil, snow etc.)
couche {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: childbirth
couche {f} [chemistry] :: shell
couché {adj} :: in bed
couche-culotte {f} :: nappy, diaper
couche d'ozone {f} :: ozone layer, ozone shield
coucher {vt} :: to lay, to lay down
coucher {vt} :: to put to bed, to put up (a lodger)
coucher {vr} :: to go to bed
coucher {vt} [agriculture] :: to lodge, to beat down (wheat)
coucher {vt} :: to layer (branches)
coucher {vt} :: to slant (writing)
coucher {vt} [military] :: to aim at
coucher {vi} :: to sleep
coucher {vi} :: to spend the night
coucher {vi} :: to lodge
coucher {vi} :: to pack off to bed
coucher {m} :: going to bed
coucher {m} :: bedding
coucher {m} :: room and board
coucher {m} :: setting (sun)
coucher de soleil {m} :: sunset
coucherie {f} [slang] :: one-night stand (sexual encounter)
coucher sur le papier {vt} :: to write down
couche-tard {mf} :: night owl (one who stays up late at night or goes to bed late)
couchette {f} [rail] :: sleeping berth
coucheur {m} :: bedfellow
coucheuse {f} :: feminine noun of coucheur
couci-couça {adv} :: so-so (neither well nor badly)
couci-couci {adv} :: not bad, so-so
coucou {interj} [colloquial] :: hiya, hey; an informal greeting
coucou {m} :: cuckoo (the bird)
coucou {m} :: cuckoo (the cry of the bird)
coucou {m} :: cuckoo clock
coucou {m} :: cowslip (flower)
coucou {m} [colloquial] :: old plane; old crate; rust bucket; any old vehicle, especially one that is rickety
coucoumelle {f} :: A type of amanita (Amanita ovoidea)
coucoune {m} [Réunion] :: cigarette butt, fag end; joint (of cannabis)
coucoune {f} [Antilles, colloquial] :: vulva
coude {m} :: elbow
coude {m} :: (pipe fitting) elbow
coude à coude {adv} :: neck and neck, nip and tuck
coudée {f} :: cubit
cou-de-pied {m} :: instep
couder {v} :: to fold elbow-shaped
coudière {f} :: coutere
coudoiement {m} :: close contact, elbowing, rubbing shoulders with other people
coudonc {interj} [Québec] :: expressing surprise, impatience, or incomprehension
coudoyer {v} [obsolete] :: to elbow (someone)
coudoyer {v} :: to press together, be elbow-to-elbow
coudoyer {v} :: to encounter regularly
coudre {v} :: to sew
coudre {v} :: to mend
coudrier {m} :: hazel
couenne {f} :: bacon rind
couette {f} :: duvet, quilt
couette {f} :: pigtail, bunches (hairstyle)
couette {f} :: quillback (species of fish)
couffin {m} :: Moses basket (UK), bassinet (US)
çoufisme {m} [obsolete] :: Sufism
cougar {f} [colloquial] :: cougar (an older woman who actively seeks the casual, often sexual, companionship of younger men)
Couillard {prop} :: surname
couille {f} [slang, vulgar] :: nut, ball, bollock (testicle)
couille dans le pâté {f} [vulgar] :: a fly in the ointment
couille dans le potage {f} [vulgar] :: a fly in the ointment
couille de mammouth {f} [somewhat vulgar] :: gobstopper, jawbreaker (type of candy)
couille molle {f} [vulgar] :: pansy, chickenshit (person with little courage or bravery)
couillette {f} [archaic] :: little testicle
couillette {f} [colloquial] :: dispenser cap
couillette {f} [colloquial] :: mistake, error
couillon {m} [vulgar] :: dickhead, bastard
couillon {m} [vulgar] :: coward
couillon {m} [card games] :: A Belgian card game that is also played in Limburg and on the border of Luxemburg and Germany
couillon {m} [Louisiana French] :: joker, funny person; nut, nutter
couillon {m} [Louisiana French] :: fool, simpleton, nitwit
couillon {adj} [vulgar] :: fucking stupid
couillon {adj} [Louisiana French] :: foolish
couillonne {f} :: feminine noun of couillon
couillu {adj} [vulgar] :: having testicles
couillu {adj} [by extension, vulgar] :: ballsy; brave; courageous
couilte {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: alternative form of couette, quilt
couiner {vi} [of an object] :: to creak, squeak
couiner {vi} [of an animal or person] :: to squeal, squeak
coulage {m} :: casting (of metal etc)
coulage {m} :: shrinkage (loss of stock due to theft)
coulamment {adv} :: fluidly
coulant {adj} :: flowing
coulant {adj} :: fluid
coulant {m} :: loop
coulant {m} [regional] :: napkin ring
coulante {f} :: diarrhoea
coulée {f} :: flow, flowing
coulée {f} :: stream (flow)
coulée de boue {f} :: mudslide
coulement {m} :: flow (of liquid)
coulement {m} :: slip, skid, slide, slither
couler {vt} :: to sink
couler {vt} :: to cast (metal); to pour (liquid)
couler {vi} :: to sink
couler {vi} :: to flow, to run; to slip, to skid
couler {vi} :: to shed (i.e. shed blood)
couler {vi} :: to go bankrupt
couler {vt} [Quebec] :: to fail, flunk (a course, test, etc.)
couler de source {v} [figuratively] :: to be obvious, self-evident
couler un bronze {v} [familiar, slang, figurative, colloquial, idiom] :: to defecate
couleur {f} :: color, colour
couleur {f} [poker] :: a flush
couleur {f} [cards] :: suit
couleur {f} [heraldry] :: tincture, colour
couleuvre {f} [obsolete] :: serpent
couleuvre {f} :: grass snake, garter snake
couleuvre à collier {f} :: grass snake (Natrix natrix)
couleuvre d'Esculape {f} :: Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus, syn. Coluber longissimus)
couleuvrine {f} [historical] :: culverin
coulevrine {f} :: alternative form of couleuvrine
coulis {adj} :: flowing; running
coulis {m} :: coulis (sauce)
coulis {m} :: melted metal used to fix a joint
coulissant {adj} :: sliding
coulisse {f} :: coulisse (piece of timber)
coulisse {f} :: side of a stage, dressing room
coulisse {f} :: background
coulisse {f} [musical instruments, lutherie, bowmaking] :: underslide, underslide channel
coulisser {vi} :: to slide
coulissier {m} :: stockbroker
couloir {m} :: corridor, hallway
couloir {m} :: aisle (in an airliner)
couloir {m} :: slipstream
coulomb {m} :: coulomb
coulombien {adj} [physics] :: coulombic, electric
coulométrie {f} [physics] :: coulometry
coulommiers {m} :: A soft ripened cow cheese from Coulommiers, Seine-et-Marne
coulpe {f} [archaic, rare, in certain contexts only] :: guilt (sin)
coumaphène {m} :: warfarin
coumarine {f} [organic compound] :: coumarin
coumarique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: coumaric
counoise {m} :: A black grape variety from the Rhône valley in France
counoise {m} :: A red wine (often blended) made from that grape
country {m} :: country music
coup {m} :: blow, hit, strike
coup {m} :: sound of the action
coup {m} :: physical consequences of the action (marks)
coup {m} [by extension] :: fast and instantaneous action
coup {m} [firearm] :: load, shot
coup {m} :: bit (small quantity)
coup {m} :: planned action
coup {m} :: [slang] lay
coupabilité {f} :: blame; culpability
coupable {adj} [legal] :: guilty
coupable {adj} :: culpable, responsible
coupable {mf} :: culprit
coupablement {adv} :: guiltily (in a guilty way)
coupage {m} :: coupage
coupage {m} :: cutting (mixing of drugs with other substances)
coupant {adj} :: cutting
coupant {adj} :: sharp
coup bas {m} [combat sports or figuratively] :: a low blow, blow below the belt, cheap shot
coup de barre {m} [colloquial] :: sudden fatigue
coup de blues {m} :: a bout of depression
coup de bol {m} [colloquial] :: fluke, lucky break, stroke of luck
coup de boule {m} [colloquial] :: headbutt
coup de bourre {m} [idiomatic] :: a rush; a hurry
coup de chance {m} [colloquial] :: fluke, lucky break, stroke of luck
coup de circuit {m} [baseball] :: home run
coup d'éclat {m} :: a great feat, a great deed, a grand gesture
coup de coin {m} [soccer] :: synonym of coup de pied de coin
coup de dent {m} :: bite
coup de dents {m} :: alternative form of coup de dent
coup de feu {m} :: gunshot
coup de fil {m} [colloquial] :: telephone call, ring, call, bell
coup de filet {m} :: raid, haul
coup de force {m} :: power move, power play, show of force, coup de force
coup de foudre {m} :: lightning strike, thunderbolt
coup de foudre {m} [idiomatic] :: bolt from the blue; love at first sight
coup de fouet {m} :: lash, whiplash
coup de fouet {m} [figuratively] :: boost
coup de fusil {m} [figuratively] :: rip-off (excessive price)
coup de génie {m} [colloquial] :: stroke of genius
coup de glotte {m} [phonetics] :: glottal stop (plosive sound articulated with the glottis)
coup de grâce {m} :: finishing blow
coup de gueule {m} [colloquial] :: a roar, a bellow, a shout, a yell; a rant, an outburst, a fit of anger (a loud expression of discontent)
coup de jeune {m} [figuratively] :: facelift; shot in the arm
coup de l'étrier {m} [historical] :: stirrup cup
coup de l'étrier {m} [colloquial] :: one for the road
coup de main {m} :: a helping hand (assistance)
coup de maître {m} :: a masterstroke
coup de mou {m} [colloquial] :: lapse, slump
coup d'envoi {m} [sports] :: kick-off
coup d'envoi {m} :: unveiling, opening (of an event, for example)
coup d'épée dans l'eau {m} :: something completely useless
coup de pied {m} :: kick
coup de pied {m} :: hop, skip, and a jump
coup de pied de but {m} [soccer] :: goal kick
coup de pied de coin {m} [soccer] :: corner kick, corner
coup de poing {m} :: punch (a hit with the fist)
coup de poing {m} :: [attributive] lightning, ad hoc, shock
coup de poing {m} :: knuckleduster, brass knuckles
coup de pompe {m} [colloquial] :: energy slump
coup de pot {m} [colloquial] :: fluke, lucky break, stroke of luck
coup de pouce {m} [figurative, idiom, colloquial] :: helping hand
coup de pute {m} [vulgar] :: dirty trick, low blow, rotten move, dick move
coup de sang {m} [figuratively] :: fit of anger, apoplexy
coup de semonce {m} :: warning shot
coup de semonce {m} [figuratively] :: wake-up call
coup de sifflet final {m} :: final whistle
coup de soleil {m} :: sunburn
coup d'essai {m} :: first try, first attempt, dummy run
coup d'État {m} :: coup d'état
coup de téléphone {m} :: phone call, telephone call
coup de tête {m} :: headbutt
coup de tête {m} [sports] :: header
coup de tête {m} [colloquial] :: whim, impulse
coup de théâtre {m} :: coup de théâtre, twist, plot twist
coup de vieux {m} [colloquial] :: sudden aging
coup d'oeil {m} :: nonstandard spelling of coup d'œil
coup d'œil {m} :: glance, look
coup d'œil {m} :: swift decision
coup d'œil {m} :: sight
coup droit {m} [tennis] :: forehand
coup du chapeau {m} [soccer, France] :: hat trick
coup du lapin {m} :: rabbit punch
coup du lapin {m} :: (after car accident etc.) whiplash
coup d'un soir {m} :: one-night stand
coupe {f} :: goblet, cup
coupe {f} [sports] :: cup (award; prize)
coupe {f} :: cut
coupe {f} [style] :: haircut
Coupe {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Crater (a constellation)
coupé {adj} [heraldry] :: Divided into two equal parts horizontally, per fess; said of an escutcheon
coupé {m} :: A coupé (car)
Coupeau {prop} :: surname
coupe au bol {f} :: bowl cut
coupe-bordure {m} :: strimmer, grass trimmer, edge trimmer, edger, string trimmer, weedwhacker
coupé-cabriolet {mf} :: retractable hardtop
coupe choux {m} [slang] :: A straight razor; ellipsis of rasoir coupe-choux; synonym of rasoir droit
coupe choux {m} [slang] :: A machete; synonym of machette
coupe choux {m} [historical, military, slang, 19th century] :: A Model 1816 French Army artillery short sword, which was based on the Roman gladius. The sword was generally used for clearing brush and was ineffective as a fighting weapon, without an accompanying shield
coupe choux {m} [historical, military, slang, 19th century, by extension] :: Swords based on the Model 1816, such as the Model 1832 U.S. Army foot artillery short sword
coupe claire {f} [forestry] :: heavy felling
coupe claire {f} [figuratively, chiefly in the plural] :: drastic cuts
coupe-coupe {m} :: machete
coupe de la ligue {f} [sports] :: league cup
coupe du monde {f} :: a World Cup
Coupe du Monde {f} :: alternative case form of coupe du monde when referring to a specific World Cup
coupe-faim {m} :: appetite suppressant, anorectic
coupe-gorge {m} :: no-go zone, deathtrap, cutthroat area, dangerous area, ghetto
Coupe Grey {prop} :: Grey Cup (LCF (Ligue canadienne de football)) [football canadien]
coupe-herbe {m} :: grass trimmer, edge trimmer, edger, edger/trimmer, weedwhacker
coupe-jarret {m} :: cut-throat, bandit
coupelle {f} :: small cup
coupe menstruelle {f} :: menstrual cup
coupe-ongles {m} :: nail clipper
coupe-papier {m} :: paperknife
couper {v} :: to cut, cut up, to chop, to sever
couper {v} :: to cut off, to keep out
couper {v} :: to dilute (with water)
couper {vr} [se couper, of leather] :: to crack
couper à travers champs {vi} [figuratively] :: to take the shortest route, to cut through the fields, to cut across the fields, to go cross lots
couper court {v} [à] :: to shut down, to cut off
coupe réglée {f} [forestry] :: periodic felling
coupe réglée {f} [figuratively] :: regular exaction
couperet {m} :: cleaver (butcher's knife)
couperet {m} [sports] :: knockout (match)
couper la parole {v} [à] :: to cut (someone) off, to interrupt
couper la poire en deux {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to split the difference, to meet halfway
couper le cordon {v} [figuratively] :: to cut the cord, to cut the umbilical cord, to cut the apron strings
couper les cheveux en quatre {v} [idiomatic] :: to split hairs
couper les ponts {v} [figuratively] :: to burn one's bridges
couper les ponts {v} [avec] :: [colloquial, figuratively] to cut ties with (someone)
couper l'herbe sous le pied {v} [à] :: to beat to the punch, cut the ground from under someone's feet
couperose {f} :: rosacea (chronic condition)
couperosé {adj} :: blotchy
coupe sombre {f} [forestry] :: light felling, thinning of the trees
coupe sombre {f} [sometimes, proscribed, figuratively, chiefly in the plural] :: drastic cuts
coupe-tifs {m} [colloquial] :: hairdresser
coupette {f} :: small cup
coupeur {m} :: cutter (person or thing that cuts)
coupeuse {f} :: feminine noun of coupeur
coupe-vent {m} :: windbreaker, windcheater
coup fourré {m} [colloquial] :: dirty trick, cheap trick, low blow, rotten move, underhand trick
coup franc {m} [sports] :: free kick (kick played without interference of opposition)
couplage {m} :: coupling
couple {m} :: two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship
couple {m} [physics] :: a force couple; a pure moment
couple {m} [mathematics] :: an ordered pair
couple {f} [animal husbandry] :: An accessory used to tightly attach two animals next to each other by the neck
couple {f} [regional] :: a pair of something
couple {f} [Canada] :: a couple of something, not to be mistaken as a few
coupler {v} :: to couple
couplet {m} [literature] :: couplet
coupletier {m} :: rhymester
coupletière {f} :: feminine singular of coupletier
coupleur {m} :: coupler
coupleur {m} :: linker
coup monté {m} :: a setup, a frameup, a stitch-up
coupole {f} [architecture] :: cupola
coupon {m} :: coupon (certificate of interest due)
coupon {m} :: An oddment or offcut, a short rest of fabric remaining from a bolt (roll) or large piece.
coups et blessures {mp} [law] :: battery
coup sûr {m} [baseball] :: hit; base hit
coup sur coup {adv} :: in a row, in rapid succession, one after the other
coupure {f} :: the act or result of cutting; a cut
coupure {f} :: interruption
coupure {f} :: power cut, blackout
coupure {f} :: bill, a piece of paper money
coupure de courant {f} :: power cut, blackout
cour {f} :: courtyard, yard
cour {f} [legal] :: court
cour {f} [royal] :: court
cour {f} :: following (of a celebrity etc.)
courage {m} :: courage
courage {interj} :: chin up! keep going! take heart!
courageusement {adv} :: bravely, courageously, boldly
courageux {adj} :: courageous, brave, daring
courageux mais pas téméraire {adj} [colloquial] :: none too brave, rather cowardly
courailler {v} :: [informal, Québec] to search for sexual encounters
courailleuse {f} :: feminine singular of courrailleur
courailleux {m} :: [Québec, colloquial] one who searches for sexual encounters
couramment {adv} [language skills] :: fluently
couramment {adv} :: usually, commonly
courant {m} :: current (of water, electricity, thought, etc.)
courant {adj} :: current, present
courant {adj} [language skills] :: fluent
courant {adj} :: common
courant alternatif {m} :: alternating current
courant alternatif {m} :: (by extension) domestic electricity supply
courant astatique {m} :: synonym of courant alternatif
courant d'air {m} :: draft (current of air)
courant de Foucault {m} :: eddy current
courante {f} [slang] :: the runs (diarrhea)
courante {f} :: courante (dance)
courante {f} :: courante (music)
courant électrique {m} :: electric current
courbarine {f} :: Am oleoresin, obtained from courbaril, used to make varnishes
courbatu {adj} :: aching, stiff (of muscles)
courbature {f} :: stiffness (in the muscles), ache
courbature {f} :: founder, laminitis (horse ailment)
courbaturé {adj} :: aching, stiff
courbaturer {v} :: to cause to ache
courbe {f} [mathematics] :: curve
courbe {adj} :: curved
courbe {adj} :: bent (not straight)
courbé {adj} :: bent, bowed
courbe d'apprentissage {f} :: learning curve (a visualization of the progress of learning as function of experience)
courbe de Gauss {f} [mathematics] :: bell curve
courber {vt} :: to bend (cause to become bent)
courber {vt} :: to bend (e.g. a rule)
courber {vi} :: to bend (become bent)
courber {vr} :: to bend
courber {vr} :: to bow, to bow down, to bend down, to bend over
courber {vr} :: to bend over backwards (be at another's will)
courber l'échine {v} [figuratively] :: to bend the knee, to submit oneself, to bend down, to bow down, to kowtow
courbetien {adj} :: Courbetian
courbette {f} :: (low) bow (prostration)
Courbevoie {prop} :: A commune near the centre of Paris
courbure {f} :: curvature
cour de cassation {f} [legal] :: court of cassation, Court of Appeal
cour des grands {f} [colloquial] :: the big boys
cour des miracles {f} :: Ill-famed slum
cour d'honneur {f} [architecture] :: cour d'honneur
courette {m} :: small courtyard
coureur {m} :: runner
coureur {m} :: racer
coureur {m} [cycling] :: rider
coureur de jupons {m} :: womanizer, skirt chaser
coureuse {f} :: feminine noun of coureur
courez-venez {m} [Louisiana French] :: A name for the Louisiana Creole French language
courge {f} :: marrow (UK; vegetable), vegetable marrow (UK), marrow squash (US)
courgelier {m} :: cornelian cherry
courgellier {m} :: alternative form of courgelier
courgette {f} :: courgette (UK), zucchini (Australia, Canada, US)
courir {v} :: to run
courir {v} [Louisiana French] :: to go
courir après {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to chase, to pursue, to chase after (somebody)
courir à sa perte {v} [figuratively] :: to be riding for a fall, to be heading for disaster, to be on the road to ruin
courir comme un dératé {v} [simile] :: run very fast, especially when unexpectedly; run like a bat out of hell
courir la gueuse {v} [dated, colloquial] :: to chase skirt, to gallivant
courir la prétentaine {v} [dated] :: to chase skirt, to gallivant
courir le guilledou {n} [dated] :: to frequent disreputable places, especially during the night; to philander, to womanize, to chase skirt
courir le risque {v} [de] :: to run the risk of
courir les rues {v} [colloquial] :: to abound, to be found in large amounts, to be widespread
courir sur le haricot {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to get someone's goat, to exasperate, to annoy
courlis {m} :: curlew
couronne {f} :: crown (item of headgear)
couronne {f} [by extension] :: funereal wreath
couronne {f} :: crown (royalty in general)
couronne {f} :: crown (various units of currency)
couronne {f} [heraldry] :: crown [heraldry]
couronne {f} [dentistry] :: crown, cap
Couronne {prop} {f} [Canada, government] :: the Crown
couronné {adj} [heraldry] :: crowned
couronne de lauriers {f} :: laurel wreath
couronnement {m} [literally] :: A coronation, crowning ceremony
couronnement {m} [figuratively] :: Any similar investiture, triumph etc
couronnement {m} :: A crest, something physically in prominent top-position
couronnement {m} [figuratively] :: A culmination
couronner {v} :: to crown
couronner le tout {v} [colloquial] :: to top it off, to cap it all off
courre {v} [hunting] :: to run
courriel {m} [Internet] :: email (system, message)
courriel indésirable {m} [computing, Internet, formal] :: spam
courrieller {vt} :: To email. (chiefly Canada)
courrier {m} [archaic] :: messenger, courier
courrier {m} :: mail
courrier des lecteurs {m} :: letters to the editor
courrier électronique {m} [computing] :: electronic mail
courrier indésirable {m} :: alternative form of courriel indésirable
courroie {f} :: strap
courroie {f} :: belt (especially in a machine)
courroie {f} :: band
courroie {f} :: strip
courroucé {adj} [literary] :: wrathful, irate
courroucer {v} :: to enrage; to infuriate
courroux {m} [literary] :: ire, wrath
cours {m} :: stream of water, river
cours {m} :: course (of events)
cours {m} :: teaching, lesson, lecture, class
cours d'eau {m} :: watercourse, waterway, stream, run
course {f} :: run, running
course {f} :: race
course {f} :: errand
course d'obstacles {f} :: obstacle course, obstacle race, assault course
course d'orientation {f} :: orienteering race
cours en ligne ouvert et massif {m} :: massive open online course
course-poursuite {f} :: car chase, high-speed chase, high-speed pursuit
courser {v} [colloquial] :: to purchase
course sur luge {f} :: sledge racing (a disabled sport analogue of ice speed skating on an ice sledge)
coursier {m} :: steed
coursier {m} :: courier, messenger
coursière {f} :: feminine noun of coursier
coursive {f} :: passageway, access corridor
cours magistral {m} [education] :: lecture
court {adj} :: short
court {m} :: (tennis) court
courtage {m} :: commission, fee taken by a broker
courtage {m} :: brokerage
courtaud {adj} :: Having a docked tail
courtauder {vt} :: to dock (cut the tail of an animal)
court-bouillon {m} :: A court bouillon, a short broth
court-circuit {m} :: short circuit (an unintentional connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit)
court-circuiter {v} :: to short circuit
court-circuit magnétique {m} :: keeper (for a magnet)
courte échelle {f} :: leg up
Courtemanche {prop} :: surname
courtement {adv} :: shortly
courtepointe {f} :: quilt
courtier {m} :: broker; stockbroker
courtière {f} :: feminine singular of courtier
courtil {m} [dated, poetic] :: (small) garden, yard
courtine {f} :: curtain
courtisan {m} :: courtier
courtisane {f} :: prostitute
courtisane {f} :: courtesan
courtisane {f} :: female courtier
courtisanerie {f} :: any action taken by a group of courtiers
courtiser {v} :: to court; to woo (to endeavor to gain someone's affection)
court-métrage {m} [film] :: short film
courtois {adj} :: courtly
courtois {adj} :: courteous (polite)
courtoisement {adv} :: courteously
courtoisie {f} :: courtesy
court sur pattes {adj} [colloquial] :: short-legged
couru d'avance {adj} :: foregone, predictable
couscounille {f} :: brighteyes (Reichardia picroides)
couscous {m} :: couscous
couscoussière {f} :: A couscoussier
cousette {f} :: seamstress
cousette {f} :: étui (needlework case)
cousin {m} :: cousin (male)
cousin {m} :: crane fly
cousinade {f} :: family reunion
cousine {f} :: female equivalent of cousin
Cousineau {prop} :: surname
cousine germaine {f} :: feminine noun of cousin germain
cousiner {v} :: to get along; to get on well
cousinette {f} :: A variety (cultivar) of apple
cousin germain {m} :: cousin-german
cousinière {f} :: protective mesh against crane flies
coussiège {m} :: window-seat
coussin {m} :: cushion
coussinet {m} :: (small) cushion
coussinet {m} :: pad (of animal)
coussinet {m} [technical] :: bearing
coussinet {m} [architecture] :: cushion
coussinette {f} :: alternative form of cousinette
coussin péteur {m} [practical joke] :: whoopee cushion
Cousteau {prop} :: surname
cousteline {f} :: synonym of couscounille
cousu {adj} :: sewn, stitched
cousu de fil blanc {phrase} [figurative] :: blatantly obvious, poorly concealed (such as of the plot of a story)
cout {m} :: alternative form of coût
coût {m} :: cost, price
coût de la vie {m} [economics] :: cost of living
couteau {m} :: knife
couteau à beurre {m} :: butter knife
couteau à cran d'arrêt {m} :: switchblade
couteau à fromage {m} :: cheese knife
couteau à fruit {m} :: fruit knife
couteau à huîtres {m} :: oyster knife
couteau à pain {m} :: bread knife
couteau à palette {m} :: palette knife
couteau à poisson {m} :: fish-knife
couteau à viande {m} :: steak knife
couteau de chasse {m} :: hunting knife
couteau de chef {m} :: chef's knife, cook's knife
couteau de cuisine {m} :: kitchen knife
couteau d'office {m} :: paring knife
couteau suisse {m} :: Swiss Army knife
coutelas {m} :: A large kitchen knife
coutelier {m} :: cutler
coutelière {f} :: feminine noun of coutelier
coutellerie {f} :: knife making (cutlery works)
coûte que coûte {adv} :: at all costs, by any means, no matter what
couter {v} :: alternative spelling of coûter
coûter {v} :: to cost
coûter bonbon {v} [colloquial] :: to be expensive, to cost an arm and a leg
coûter la peau des fesses {v} [colloquial] :: to be expensive, cost an arm and a leg
coûter la peau du cul {v} [vulgar] :: to be expensive, cost an arm and a leg
coûter la peau du dos {v} [idiomatic] :: to cost an arm and a leg: to cost too much, to be very expensive
coûter les yeux de la tête {v} [idiomatic] :: to cost an arm and a leg, to cost the earth: to cost too much, to be very expensive
coûter un bras {v} [colloquial] :: to be expensive, cost an arm and a leg
coûter un os {v} [Belgium, colloquial] :: to be expensive, to cost an arm and a leg
coûter un pont {v} [colloquial, Belgium] :: to be expensive, to cost an arm and a leg
couteusement {adv} :: alternative spelling of coûteusement
coûteusement {adv} :: expensively, in a costly way
couteux {adj} :: costly, expensive
coûteux {adj} :: expensive, costly, pricey (having a high price, cost)
coutil {m} [textiles] :: drill
coût marginal {m} [economics] :: marginal cost
coutume {f} :: custom
coutumier {adj} :: customary, usual
coutumièrement {adv} :: customarily; usually; habitually
couture {f} :: sewing
couture {f} :: dressmaking
couture {f} :: seam
couture {f} :: (medical) stitches
couture {f} :: scar
Couture {prop} :: surname
couturer {v} [archaic] :: to sew
couturer {v} :: to scar
couturier {m} :: couturier
couturière {f} :: dressmaker
couturière {f} :: tailor
couvade {f} :: couvade (Basque tradition)
couvade {f} :: couvade (sympathetic pregnancy)
couvaison {f} [rare] :: incubation
couvent {m} :: convent, nunnery
couventine {f} :: convent girl
couver {v} :: to brood (an egg)
couver {v} :: to mollycoddle (keep someone or something safe)
couvercle {m} :: lid, cap, cover
couvert {adj} :: covered
couvert {adj} :: cloudy, overcast
couvert {m} :: Piece of cutlery
couvert {m} :: covering, shelter
couverte {f} :: covering
couverture {f} :: blanket
couverture {f} :: coverage
couverture {f} :: cover
couveuse {f} :: brooder (a brooding chicken)
couveuse {f} :: brooder (incubator)
couvoir {m} :: hatchery
couvrant {adj} :: covering
couvrante {f} :: covering
couvre-chef {m} :: headgear, head covering, hat
couvre-feu {m} :: curfew (bell, regulation)
couvreur {m} :: slater, roofer (one who lays slate)
couvrir {v} :: to cover up, to cover (put a cover over)
couvrir {v} :: to cover (feature, discuss, mention)
couyon {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative spelling of couillon, idiot
COV {m} [organic compound] :: VOC
covalent {adj} [chemistry] :: covalent
covariance {f} [statistics] :: covariance
covariance {f} [object-oriented programming] :: covariance
covelline {f} [mineral] :: covellite
cover {m} :: [colloquial] cover (rerecording)
covergirl {f} :: cover girl (female model on magazine cover)
Covid-19 {prop} {mf} [pathology] :: COVID-19 (disease)
Covid-19 {prop} {mf} [virology, metonymy] :: COVID-19 (virus)
COVID-19 {prop} {mf} :: alternative case form of Covid-19
covoiturage {m} :: carpooling
covoiturer {v} :: to carpool
cow-boy {m} [Anglicism] :: cowboy
cowboy {m} :: alternative spelling of cow-boy
coxal {adj} :: sciatic (pertaining to the hip)
coyau {m} [architecture] :: sprocket
coyote {m} :: coyote
CPA {m} [Canada, accounting] :: CPA; initialism of comptable professionnel agréé
CPE {m} :: abbreviation of centre de la petite enfance: nursery, kindergarten
CPE {m} :: abbreviation of conseiller principal d'éducation: guidance counselor
CPE {m} :: abbreviation of contrat première embauche (type of employment contract for young people)
CPF {m} :: initialism of compte personnel de formation
CPM {n} [government, Westministerian Parliament] :: PMO [Prime Minister's Office]; initialism of cabinet de la première ministre {f}
CPM {n} [government, Westministerian Parliament] :: PMO [Prime Minister's Office]; initialism of cabinet du premier ministre {m}
CQ {n} :: Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Québec
CQFD {interj} :: initialism of ce qu'il fallait démontrer: QED
crabe {m} :: crab
crabe {m} [colloquial] :: cancer
crabier {m} :: A boat used for crab fishing
crabier {m} :: pond heron
crachat {m} :: (gob of) spit; spittle, sputum
crachement {m} :: spit, spitting
crachement {m} :: crackle (of a radio, microphone etc.)
cracher {v} :: to spit
cracher au bassinet {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to cough up money, to pony up money (to give up money reluctantly)
cracher dans la soupe {v} [idiomatic] :: to treat what's given to you or what's available to you with neglect and disdain, to bite the hand that feeds you
cracher le morceau {v} [slang] :: to fess up, to own up, to spit it out, to spill the beans
cracheur {m} :: spitter (someone who spits)
cracheur de feu {m} :: fire-eater (performer pretending to swallow fire)
crachin {m} :: drizzle
crachiner {v} [dated, of rain] :: to spit, drizzle
crachoir {m} :: spittoon
crachotement {m} :: crackling
crachotement {m} :: sputtering
crachoter {v} :: to spittle
crachoter {v} :: to splutter, crackle (e.g. a radio)
crachouiller {v} :: to sputter
crack {f} :: crack (expert person)
crack {f} :: crack (cocaine)
crackage {m} :: alternative form of craquage
Cracovie {prop} {f} :: Cracovie (city)
cracovien {adj} :: Cracovian (of or from Cracow)
Cracovien {m} :: Cracovian (person from Cracow)
cracovienne {f} :: krakowiak (dance)
Cracovienne {f} :: feminine noun of Cracovien
crade {adj} [colloquial] :: grungy, dirty
crade {adj} [colloquial] :: gory
crade {mf} [colloquial] :: a dirty person
cradingue {adj} :: filthy dirty
crado {adj} :: filthy, dirty
crado {adj} [colloquial] :: icky
craie {f} :: chalk
craignos {adj} [colloquial] :: worthless; useless, a waste of space
craindre {vt} :: to fear
craindre {vi} [slang] :: to suck (to be unwanted or bad)
crainte {f} :: fear
crainte {f} :: fright
craintif {adj} :: worried, anxious, nervous
craintivement {adv} :: worriedly; anxiously
cramer {vit} :: to burn
cramer {v} [slang] :: to smoke [a cigarette]
cramoisi {adj} :: crimson
cramoisissement {m} :: crimsoning
crampe {f} :: cramp
crampe {f} :: iron clamp
crampon {m} :: cleat, crampon (a protrusion on the bottom of a shoe for better traction)
crampon {m} :: spike
crampon {m} :: clinger, hanger-on
cramponner {vt} :: to attach with, or drive a spike or hook into
cramponner {vt} :: to staple, stud (a shoe); attach a crampon, spike, or hook to
cramponner {vt} :: to stud or attach calks (to a horseshoe)
cramponner {vt} [by extension] :: to shoe (a horse or mule) using a studded horseshoe
cramponner {vr} [with à] :: to cling onto, attach oneself to (something or someone)
crampons {mp} :: studs (shoes with studs on the bottom to aid grip)
cran {m} :: notch
cran {m} [firearm] :: safety catch
cran {m} [belt] :: hole
cran {m} [hair] :: wave
cran {m} [colloquial] :: guts, bottle, courage
cranchiidé {m} :: cranchiid, glass squid
cran d'arrêt {m} :: safety catch
crâne {m} [anatomy] :: skull, cranium
crâne {adj} [archaic] :: gallant
crâne d'œuf {m} [pejorative] :: bald-headed person, egghead
crânement {adv} :: gallantly
crânement {adv} :: intrepidly
crâner {v} [colloquial] :: to show off
crânerie {f} :: showing off
crangba {adj} [nouchi] :: present, there
cranial {adj} :: cranial
crânial {adj} :: cranial
crânialement {adv} :: cranially
crânien {adj} :: cranial
crapahuter {vi} :: to walk to battle, especially over difficult terrain; to yomp
crapaud {m} :: toad
crapaud {m} :: baby grand piano
crapaud {m} :: flaw (in a diamond)
crapaud {m} [Louisiana French] :: frog
crapaud {m} [Cajun, slang] :: booger
crapaud buffle {m} :: cane toad
crapaud-buffle {m} :: cane toad
crapaudine {f} :: Several types of precious stones
crapaudine {f} :: toadstone
crapaudine {adv} [cuisine] :: crapaudine
crapeau {m} :: toad
crapoter {v} [slang] :: to smoke without inhaling; to puff
crapule {f} [archaic] :: drunkenness
crapule {f} :: scoundrel
crapule {f} :: debauchery
crapulerie {f} :: villainy
crapuleusement {adv} :: crapulously
crapuleusement {adv} :: villainously
crapuleux {adj} :: crapulous
crapuleux {adj} :: villainous
craquage {m} [organic chemistry] :: cracking (of petroleum)
craquant {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: irresistible, adorable, cute
craque {f} [colloquial, often, in the plural] :: fib
craqueler {vr} :: to crack
craquelin {m} [Quebec] :: cracker (biscuit)
craquelure {f} :: A small crack, usually in paint, glaze, varnish and similar substances
craquement {m} :: crack, cracking, click (sound)
craquer {v} [ergative] :: to split, to break
craquer {v} [organic chemistry] :: to crack (petroleum)
craquer {vi} :: to crack, to creak, to crunch
craquer {vi} [colloquial] :: to give up, to break down, to crack
craquer {v} [colloquial, followed by pour] :: to fall for, to become infatuated with, to yield to, give in to, fall in love with
craqueter {vi} :: to crackle, snap, crepitate
crase {f} [linguistics] :: crasis (contraction of a vowel at the end of a word with the start of the next word)
crash {m} [of an aircraft] :: crash landing
crash {m} [economics] :: crash
crash {m} [computing] :: crash
crasher {v} [of an aircraft] :: to crash-land
crasher {v} [of a vehicle] :: to crash
crasher {v} [economics] :: to crash
crasher {v} [computing] :: to crash
crasse {adj} :: crass
crasse {adj} [of humor] :: dirty, filthy
crasse {f} :: filth, muck
crasse {f} :: (especially, dirty) froth, foam
crasseux {adj} :: filthy, grimy
crassier {m} :: slag heap
crassulescent {adj} [botany] :: succulent
-crate {suffix} :: -crat
cratère {m} [geography, astronomy] :: crater
cratère {m} [history] :: krater
cratérisé {adj} :: cratered
cratériser {v} :: To crater (form craters in a surface)
-cratie {suffix} :: -cracy
cravache {f} :: quirt, riding crop
cravacher {vt} :: to quirt, whip (hit with a quirt or whip)
cravacher {vi} :: to pull one's socks up, knuckle down (work hard)
cravate {f} :: necktie
cravate {f} :: headlock (wrestling move)
cravate {f} [Quebec] :: Situation in which a canoe is stuck on a rock
cravate de notaire {f} [sexual slang] :: mammary intercourse, titfuck, French fuck
cravater {vt} :: to put on a tie
cravater {vt} :: to decorate someone with a chain or ribbon around the neck
cravater {vt} :: to strangle, choke
crawl {m} :: crawl (swimming stroke)
crawler {vit} :: to swim using the crawl stroke
crawler {vit} [Internet] :: to spider
crayeux {adj} :: chalky
crayon {m} :: pencil
crayon {m} [colloquial] :: pen
crayonner {vt} :: to sketch
crayonner {vt} :: to scribble
créance {f} :: a debt
créance {f} :: credence
créancier {m} [finance] :: creditor
créancière {f} :: female equivalent of créancier
créateur {m} :: creator
Créateur {prop} {m} :: the Creator; God
créatif {adj} :: creative
créatine {f} :: creatine
créatinine {f} [biochemistry] :: creatinine
création {f} :: creation
créationnisme {m} :: creationism (belief)
créationniste {mf} :: creationist (supporter of creationism)
créationniste {adj} :: creationist
créativement {adv} :: creatively
créativité {f} :: creativity
créatrice {f} :: feminine noun of créateur
créature {f} :: a creature, a living being, especially seen as the work of the divine Creator
créature {f} :: anything created or devised by a person
créature {f} :: a person who is at the mercy of another, notably in whose gift his position is
crécelle {f} :: rattle (instrument, toy)
crécerelle {f} :: kestrel (any of various birds of prey)
crèche {f} :: crèche (the Nativity scene)
crèche {f} :: crèche (day nursery)
crécher {v} [familiar] :: to inhabit, live
crédal {adj} [maths] :: credal
crédence {f} :: sideboard, credenza
crédibiliser {v} :: To make credible, establish credibility
crédibilité {f} :: credibility
crédible {adj} :: credible
crédiblement {adv} :: credibly
crédit {m} :: credit
crédit {m} [student slang] :: course credit
créditer {vt} [finance] :: to credit (to) (add credit)
créditer {v} :: to credit (give someone acknowledgement)
créditeur {m} [chiefly finance] :: creditor
créditiste {mf} [Canadian politics] :: a Socred - a member of the Social Credit Party (Ralliement créditiste)
créditiste {mf} [Canadian politics] :: a socred - a person who subscribes to social credit (crédit social) political philosophy
créditiste {mf} [Canadian politics] :: diminutive of Ralliement créditiste (Social Credit)
créditrice {f} :: feminine noun of créditeur
crédit social {m} [politics, economics] :: social credit
crédo {m} :: creed (that which is believed)
crédule {adj} :: gullible; credulous
crédulement {adv} :: credulously, gullibly
crédulité {f} :: credulity, gullibility
créer {v} :: to create
crémage {m} :: To cream
crémaillère {f} :: trammel
crémaillère {f} [rail] :: rack, rack-and-pinion
crémaillère {f} [military] :: crémaillère (indented or zigzagging line of entrenchment used in fortification)
crémaillère {f} :: housewarming
crémant {m} :: A type of French sparkling wine
crémation {f} :: cremation
crématiser {v} [rare] :: to cremate
crématoire {adj} :: crematory
crématorium {m} :: crematorium (establishment)
crème {adj} [color] :: cream
crème {adj} [colloquial] :: cool
crème {f} :: cream
crème {f} [France, colloquial] :: café crème
crème {f} [Louisiana French] :: ice cream
crème à glace {f} [Quebec, colloquial] :: ice cream
crème anglaise {f} :: crème anglaise, a sweet, creamy desert similar to custard
crème brulée {f} :: alternative form of crème brûlée
crème brûlée {f} :: crème brûlée
crème de cassis {f} :: crème de cassis
crème de la crème {f} :: crème de la crème (the best of something)
crème de tartre {f} :: cream of tartar
crème de violette {f} :: A brandy liqueur with violet flavoring
crème fouettée {f} :: whipped cream
crème fraiche {f} :: alternative spelling of crème fraîche
crème fraîche {f} :: crème fraîche, slightly sour thick soured cream (also called crème fraîche épaisse)
crème fraîche {f} :: fresh liquid cream (also called crème fraîche liquide or crème fleurette)
crème glacée {f} :: ice cream
crème hydratante {f} :: moisturising cream
crémer {vt} :: to add cream
crémer {vi} :: to turn to cream
crémer {vt} [archaic, rare] :: to cremate
crémerie {f} :: dairy, cheese store or area in a store
crémerie {f} :: An ice cream parlour
crèmerie {f} :: alternative form of crémerie
crème solaire {f} :: sunscreen, sun cream (a form of sunblock)
crémeux {adj} :: creamy (containing cream, or having the taste or texture of cream)
crémier {m} :: dairyman
crémier {adj} :: dairy (attributive)
crémière {f} :: feminine noun of crémier
créneau {m} :: slot or timeslot, a defined period within a schedule
créneau {m} :: niche (in a market)
créneau {m} :: parallel parking
créneau {m} [architecture] :: crenel
crénelage {m} [architecture] :: crenels (as a whole)
crénelage {m} [computing] :: aliasing
créneler {v} :: to form the shape of a crenel, to crenellate
créneler {v} [minting] :: to mill (a coin)
crénom {interj} :: holy shit! (or similar oath)
créole {mf} :: Creole
créole {m} [linguistics] :: creole language
Créole {mf} :: Creole:
Créole {mf} :: A descendant of white European settlers who is born in a colonized country
Créole {mf} :: Anyone with mixed ancestry born in a country colonized by white Europeans, now especially one who speaks a creole language
Créole {mf} :: Someone of black African descent who is born in the Caribbean or Americas (originally as opposed to an African immigrant)
Créole {mf} [Louisiana French, dated] :: A native-born of Latin descent in the Louisiana territory of any race or ethnicity, as opposed to Anglo-American settlers
créole haïtien {m} :: Haitian Creole
créole jamaïcain {m} :: Jamaican Creole
créole mauricien {m} :: Mauritian Creole
créoliser {v} :: to creolize
créolistique {f} [linguistics] :: creolistics
créosol {m} [organic compound] :: creosol
créosote {f} :: creosote
crêpe {m} [textiles] :: crepe
crêpe {m} :: black veil
crêpe {f} :: pancake, crêpe
crêpé {adj} :: crimped
crêpé {adj} :: ploughed
Crépeau {prop} :: surname
Crépeaux {prop} :: surname
crépénynique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: crepenynic
crêperie {f} :: A restaurant specialising in making crêpes
crêpe Suzette {f} :: crêpe Suzette
crépi {m} :: roughcast, pebbledash
crépide {f} :: hawksbeard (of the genus Crepis)
crêpier {m} :: person who makes crêpes, proprietor of a crêperie
crêpier {m} :: hotplate used to make crêpes
crêpière {f} :: feminine singular of crêpier
crépine {f} :: caul (of pork, lamb etc.)
crépine {f} :: liner, filter; strainer
crépinette {f} :: A type of flat pork sausage enclosed in a caul
crépir {v} :: to roughcast, render
crépis {m} :: hawksbeard
crépissage {m} [construction] :: roughcast
crépitant {adj} :: crackling
crépitant {adj} :: sputtering
crépitement {m} :: rattle (sound), crackle, crackling
crépiter {vi} :: to crackle
crépiter {vi} :: to rattle
crépiter {vi} :: to splutter
crépon {m} :: seersucker
crépu {adj} :: frizzy, fuzzy
crépusculaire {adj} :: crepuscular
crépuscule {m} :: twilight, dusk (the time of the day when the sun sets)
crèque {f} :: fruit of any tree that is described under créquier
créquier {m} :: blackthorn tree (Prunus spinosa)
créquier {m} :: bullace tree (Prunus domestica ssp. insititia)
créquier {m} :: hence, Prunus × fruticans, a natural hybrid of the two aforementioned difficult to distinguish from the blackthorn
créquier {m} [heraldry] :: vepre, a kind of chandelier or thornbush
crésol {m} [organic compound] :: cresol
Crespelle {prop} :: surname
cresson {m} :: watercress
cresson alénois {m} :: cress, garden cress
cresson de fontaine {m} :: common watercress, Nasturtium officinale
crestou {adj} :: only used in pain crestou
Crésus {prop} {m} :: Croesus
crésyl {m} [organic chemistry] :: tolyl
crésyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: cresyl
crésylite {f} :: cresylite
crésylol {m} [organic compound] :: synonym of crésol
crêt {m} :: A crest or peak in the Jura mountains
crétacé {adj} :: Cretaceous
Crétacé {prop} {m} :: Cretaceous period
Crète {prop} {f} :: Crete
crête {f} [zoology] :: crest (on a bird); comb (on a cock)
crête {f} :: ridge, crest, top, peak
crétin {m} [pathology] :: cretin (someone affected by cretinism)
crétin {m} [pejorative, offensive] :: cretin (moron; idiot etc.)
crétin {adj} [pejorative, offensive] :: cretin (stupid; idiotic etc.)
crétine {f} :: feminine noun of crétin
crétinerie {f} :: idiocy
crétinisme {m} :: cretinism
crétois {adj} :: Cretan (of or relating to Crete)
crétois {m} :: Cretan (dialect of Ancient Greek)
Crétois {m} :: Cretan
Crétoise {f} :: feminine singular of Crétois
creton {m} :: A piece of fat
creton {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: A type of rillettes
creton {m} :: creton
Creuse {prop} {f} :: Creuse
creusement {m} :: digging, dig
creuser {v} :: to dig
creuset {m} :: crucible, smelter
creuset {m} :: melting-pot
creuseté {f} [obsolete or nonstandard] :: hollowness
creuseur {m} :: digger (person or device that digs)
creusois {adj} :: Of or from Creuse
Creusois {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Creuse
Creusoise {f} :: feminine noun of Creusois
creux {adj} :: hollow
creux {adj} :: off-peak
crevaison {f} :: puncture, flat (of a tyre / tire)
crevant {adj} :: bursting
crevant {adj} :: [informal] exhausting, backbreaking
crevant {adj} :: croaking (dying)
crevant {adj} :: [slang] side-splitting, hilarious, priceless
crevard {m} [slang] :: a bastard, an asshole
crevarde {f} :: feminine singular of crevard
crevasse {f} :: crevasse
crevasser {v} :: To chap
crevé {adj} :: popped
crevé {adj} [slang] :: dead
crevé {adj} [slang] :: knackered, exhausted, wiped out
crève {f} [colloquial] :: nasty cold
Crèvecœur-le-Grand {prop} :: Crèvecœur-le-Grand
Crèvecœur-le-Petit {prop} :: Crèvecœur-le-Petit
crève-la-faim {m} :: down-and-out
crever {v} :: to pop, burst
crever {v} [slang] :: to snuff it, pop one's clogs (to die)
crever {v} [slang] :: to wear out, knacker
crever {v} :: to have a puncture
crever de faim {v} [colloquial] :: to be starving, to be ravenous (to be extremely hungry)
crever l'abcès {v} [figuratively] :: to air out an issue, to clear the air
crever la dalle {v} [slang] :: to starve, to be very hungry
crever les yeux {vi} [colloquial] :: to be plain as the nose on one's face, to stick out a mile, to be obvious, conspicuous, visible, plain for all to see; to jump out
crevette {f} :: shrimp
crevette grise {f} :: A type of caridean shrimp (of species Crangon crangon)
crevette nordique {f} :: pink shrimp, Pandalus borealis
crevette rose {f} :: any shrimp that is pink when cooked, especially of the genuses Pandalus or Palaemon
crevettier {m} :: shrimpboat
cri {m} :: cry; shout; scream
criable {adj} :: shoutable
criailler {v} :: to whine
criaillerie {f} :: screeching
criaillerie {f} :: outcry
criant {adj} :: shouting
criant {adj} :: so shocking as to cause outcries; scandalous, outrageous
criant {adj} :: blatant, flagrant
criard {adj} :: shrill (of sound); garish (of colour etc.)
criardement {adv} :: shrilly
criardement {adv} :: garishly
crible {m} :: sieve, sifter, riddle (any device with holes in used to separate small things from larger things)
criblé {adj} :: riddled (de (with)), covered (de (in))
cribler {vt} :: to sift, sieve (filter through a sieve or screen)
cribler {vt} [usually used in the passive] :: to riddle (cover with holes)
cribler {vt} [figurative] :: to riddle, fill, cover (fill or cover with a multitude of)
cric {m} :: jack (device for raising and supporting a heavy object)
cricket {m} :: cricket (sport)
cricoïde {adj} :: cricoid
cricoïde {m} :: cricoid
cricoïdectomie {f} [surgery] :: cricoidectomy
cricothyroïdotomie {f} [surgery] :: cricothyroidotomy
cri de guerre {m} :: battle cry, war cry
cri de ralliement {m} :: rallying cry, rallying call
cri du cœur {m} :: cry from the heart, heartfelt appeal, sincere plea, cri de coeur
criée {f} :: auction
crier {v} :: to cry out
crier {v} :: to shout
crier {v} :: to creak
crier au loup {v} :: to cry wolf
crier comme un putois {v} [simile, colloquial] :: to squeal like a stuck pig, to scream like a banshee
crier famine {v} [figuratively, of a stomach] :: to rumble, to poor-mouth, to cry poor, to cry poverty, to plead poverty
crier pour la pirogue {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: to call for help
crier sur les toits {v} [figuratively] :: to shout from the rooftops
crier victoire {v} :: to cry victory, to claim victory, to declare victory
crieur {m} :: crier
crieur {m} :: newspaper seller
crieuse {f} :: feminine noun of crieur
crime {m} :: A category of severe infractions within French law, with the strongest of penalties; a felony. (10 years and more according to law)
crime contre l'humanité {m} [law] :: crime against humanity
crime de guerre {m} [law] :: war crime
crime d'honneur {m} :: honour killing
Crimée {prop} {f} :: Crimea
crime passionnel {m} :: crime of passion, crime passionnel
criminalisation {f} :: criminalization
criminaliser {v} :: to criminalise
criminalistique {f} :: forensic science
criminalité {f} :: crime (practice or habit of committing crimes; criminal acts collectively)
criminalité {f} :: criminality, criminalness (state of being criminal)
criminel {adj} :: criminal (against the law)
criminel {adj} :: criminal (relating to crime)
criminel {adj} :: criminal (similar to a criminal)
criminel {m} :: criminal (someone who commits a crime)
criminellement {adv} :: criminally
criminogène {adj} :: criminogenic
criminologie {f} :: criminology (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour)
criminologique {adj} :: criminological
criminologiste {mf} :: criminologist
criminologue {mf} :: criminologist
crin {m} :: hair (of certain animals, especially horses); horsehair
crincrin {m} [pejorative] :: squeaky fiddle/violin; sawing, squeaking
crinière {f} :: mane
crinière {f} :: plume (on helmet)
crinoline {f} :: crinoline
criophore {adj} :: criophorous
criosphinx {m} :: criosphinx
crique {f} :: cove
criquet {m} :: locust (insect)
crise {f} :: crisis
crise {f} [medical] :: attack, fit
crise cardiaque {f} :: heart attack
crise d'adolescence {f} :: teenage crisis, adolescence identity crisis
crise de la quarantaine {m} :: mid-life crisis
crise de nerfs {f} [colloquial, figuratively] :: nervous breakdown
crise existentielle {f} :: existential crisis
crise identitaire {f} :: identity crisis
crisette {f} [colloquial] :: A minor crisis, a mini-crisis
crisounette {f} [colloquial] :: A minor crisis
crisounette {f} [colloquial] :: A tantrum
crispation {f} :: twitch
crispation {f} :: tension
crispé {adj} :: tense, edgy, nervous
crisper {v} [of a muscle] :: to tense, to tense up
crisse {interj} [Quebec, vulgar] :: fuck!
crisse {m} [Quebec, colloquial, uncountable] :: anger
crisse {m} [Quebec, colloquial] :: good-for-nothing
crissement {m} :: screech
crissement {adv} [Quebec] :: damn, very
crisser {v} :: to screech, to squeak
crisser {v} :: to crunch (noise made by walking in snow)
cristal {m} :: crystal
cristal de roche {m} :: quartz
cristallerie {f} :: crystal glassworks
cristallin {adj} :: crystalline (relating to crystals)
cristallin {m} [anatomy] :: lens (of the eye)
cristallinien {adj} :: synonym of cristallin
cristallinité {f} :: crystallinity
cristal liquide {m} :: liquid crystal (phase of matter)
cristallisabilité {f} :: crystallizability
cristallisable {adj} :: crystallizable
cristallisation {f} :: crystallization
cristallisé {adj} :: crystallized
cristalliser {v} :: to crystallize
cristallisoir {m} :: crystallizer
cristallogène {m} :: crystallogen
cristallographe {mf} :: crystallographer
cristallographie {f} :: crystallography
cristallographique {adj} :: crystallographic
cristallographiquement {adv} :: crystallographically
Cristescu {prop} :: surname
cristi {interj} :: alternative form of sacristi
critere {m} :: obsolete form of critère
critère {m} :: criterion
critérium {m} :: criterium
critérium {m} :: mechanical pencil
crithme {m} :: rock samphire (Crithmum maritimum)
criticité {f} [physics] :: criticality (of a nuclear reaction)
critiquable {adj} :: questionable
critique {adj} :: critical (urgent)
critique {adj} :: critical (of great importance)
critique {adj} :: critical (related to criticism)
critique {adj} [of a person] :: judgemental
critique {f} :: criticism
critique {f} :: review, usually written
critique {f} :: reason; logic
critique {mf} :: critic (profession)
critiquement {adv} :: critically
critiquement {adv} :: judgementally
critiquer {v} :: to criticise
Crnt. {m} [music] :: Crnt. (cornet)
croassement {m} :: caw, squawk (cry of a crow)
croassement {m} :: croak (cry of a frog)
croasser {v} :: to caw (of a crow, to make its cry)
croasser {v} :: to croak (of a frog, to make its cry)
croate {adj} :: Croatian; from, or pertaining to Croatia or its language, culture or people
croate {m} :: Croatian, the national language of Croatia
Croate {mf} :: a Croat
Croatie {prop} {f} :: Croatia
croatisation {f} :: croatization
croc {m} :: hook
croc {m} :: fang
croc {m} :: croc [type of shoe]
croc {interj} :: crunch
crocéine {f} [organic compound] :: crocein
croc-en-jambe {m} :: action of tripping someone
croche {adj} [Canada, colloquial] :: hooked; curved
croche {adj} [Canada, colloquial] :: crooked; not straight as it should be
croche {adj} [Canada, colloquial] :: crooked; dishonest or of otherwise dubious morality
croche {f} [music] :: an eighth note or quaver
croche-pied {m} :: trip (action of tripping someone)
crochet {m} :: hook (rod bent into a curved shape)
crochet {m} [typography] :: square bracket
crochet {m} :: fang (of snake)
crochet {m} :: crochet
crochet {m} [boxing] :: hook
crochet {m} [soccer, rugby] :: sidestep
crochet {m} :: detour
crochetable {adj} :: pickable (lock etc)
crocheter {vt} :: to pick (a lock)
crocheter {vt} [soccer, rugby] :: to sidestep
crocheteur {m} :: picklock (person)
crocheteuse {f} :: feminine singular of crocheteur
crochu {adj} :: hooked (having the shape of a hook)
crocique {adj} :: alternative form of croconique
croco {m} [colloquial] :: croc
crocodile {m} :: crocodile
crocodile marin {m} [zoology] :: saltwater crocodile
crocodilien {m} :: crocodilian
crocodiliforme {adj} :: crocodiloid
crocoïte {f} [mineral] :: crocoite
croconique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: croconic
crocus {m} :: crocus (plant)
croire {v} [à] :: to believe, to accept as true
croire {v} [en] :: to believe in, to have faith in
croire {vr} [often followed by an adjective] :: to think of oneself as, to consider oneself as
croire dur comme fer {v} [à] :: [simile, colloquial] to firmly believe (in something), to be firmly convinced (of something)
croire sur parole {vt} :: to take someone's word for it
croisade {f} :: crusade
croisé {m} :: crusader
croisée {f} :: intersection
croisée {f} [architecture] :: casement; muntin
croisée {f} [literary] :: window
croisée d'ogives {f} [architecture] :: ribbed vault
croisement {m} :: crossing (intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross)
croiser {v} :: to cross, to put in the shape of a cross
croiser {v} :: to cross, to go across
croiser {v} [of two routes] :: to cross, to intersect
croiser {v} :: to cross, to crossbreed
croiser {v} :: to meet unexpectedly, to run into, to bump into
croiser le fer {v} :: to duel
croiser les doigts {v} :: cross one's fingers (to wish for luck)
croiseur {m} :: cruiser, a type of warship
croiseur lourd {m} [nautical] :: heavy cruiser
croisière {f} [nautical] :: cruise (sea voyage)
croisière {f} [nautical] :: cruiser (vessel which cruises)
croisiériste {mf} :: cruise passenger, passenger on a cruise ship
croisiériste {mf} :: cruise tour operator
croisillon {m} :: crosspiece, crossbar
croisillon {m} :: (in a church) transept
croisillon {m} [in the plural] :: lattice
croisillon {m} :: The symbol #; hash, pound
croissance {f} :: growth
croissance exponentielle {f} :: exponential growth
croissandwich {m} :: croissandwich
croissant {m} :: crescent
croissant {m} :: croissant
croissant {m} :: crescent moon
croissant {m} [heraldiccharge] :: crescent
croissant {adj} :: increasing, augmenting
Croissant-Rouge {prop} {m} :: Red Crescent (humanitarian organization)
croît {m} :: breeding, propagation
croitre {v} :: alternative spelling of croître
croître {v} :: to grow
croix {f} :: cross (shape)
croix {f} [heraldiccharge] :: a representation of a cross; the cross as a heraldic symbol
croix de bois, croix de fer, si je mens, je vais en enfer {phrase} :: cross my heart and hope to die
Croix-des-Bouquets {prop} :: Croix-des-Bouquets, A commune in the Ouest department of Haiti
croix gammée {f} :: swastika, in particular with relation to National Socialism and the Nazi party
Croix-Rouge {prop} {f} :: Red Cross (humanitarian organization)
crolean {m} [organic compound] :: acrolein
Cro-Magnon {prop} :: The cave where the first Cro-Magnon Man specimens were found, in Les Eyzies, France
Cro-Magnon {m} :: ellipsis of homme de Cro-Magnon: Cro-Magnon, a variety of early homo sapiens found in Europe
cromesquis {m} :: A croquette of salpicon filling wrapped in bacon or pig's caul
Cronos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Cronus
cronut {m} :: cronut
crooner {m} :: crooner
crooner {v} [music] :: to croon
crooning {m} :: crooning
croquant {adj} :: crunchy
croque galois {m} :: Welsh rarebit (a Welsh cheese and toast dish)
croque-madame {m} [food] :: croque-madame
croquembouche {m} :: croquembouche (French dessert made from a pile of profiteroles coated with caramel)
croque-mitaine {m} :: bogeyman (menacing, ghost-like monster in children's stories)
croquemitaine {m} :: alternative form of croque-mitaine
croque-monsieur {m} [food] :: croque-monsieur
croque-mort {mf} [colloquial] :: undertaker; mortician
croquemort {mf} :: alternative spelling of croque-mort
croquenbouche {m} :: obsolete spelling of croquembouche
croquer {v} :: to crunch
croquer {v} [colloquial] :: to waste, squander (money etc.)
croquer {v} :: to sketch, outline
croquer la pomme {v} [idiomatic, euphemistic] :: To make love
croquer le marmot {v} :: To wait around for a long time
croquet {m} [sports] :: croquet
croquet {m} :: croquette
croquette {f} [culinary] :: croquette (minced, cooked food which is then deep-fried)
croquette {f} [by extension] :: kibble (grain for use as animal feed)
croquette {f} [colloquial, slightly offensive] :: a beanpole (a skinny and unmuscular person)
croquignole {f} :: In France, a biscuit/cookie similar to the Italian biscotti
croquignole {f} :: In Canada, a pastry somewhat similar to a donut except for the shape
croquignolet {adj} [colloquial] :: cute; cutesy
croquis {m} :: sketch
crosne {m} :: Chinese artichoke, crosne
cross {m} [sport] :: cross-country
cross-country {m} [sport] :: cross country running (sport)
crosse {f} :: butt (of rifle etc.)
crosse {f} :: stick
crosse {f} :: crosier
crosse {f} [France, sports] :: hockey stick, lacrosse stick, or golf club
crosse {f} :: lacrosse
crosse {f} [Canada, uncountable, colloquial] :: fraud, a swindle (usually as de la crosse)
crosse de fougère {f} [food] :: fiddlehead (tete de violin)
crosser {v} [sport] :: to hit with a crosse (hockey stick, lacrosse stick, or golf club)
crosser {v} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to cheat, to swindle
crosser {vr} [Quebec, vulgar] :: to masturbate, to jack off, to jerk off
crossman {m} :: (male) cross-country runner
crossover {m} :: crossover (car)
crosswoman {f} :: (female) cross-country runner
crotale {m} [in the plural] :: crotales
crotale {m} :: pit viper
crotale {m} [loosely] :: rattlesnake
croteau {m} :: cave, grotto; synonym of creux
Croteau {prop} :: Croteau; surname
crotonique {adj} :: crotonic
crotte {f} :: muck, animal dropping
crotte {f} [figuratively] :: a miserable or dangerous situation; shit
crotté {adj} :: muddy, murky
crotté {m} [Canada] :: despicable person
crotte de nez {f} [colloquial, childish] :: a boogie, booger
crottin {m} :: manure [especially of horses]
crottin {m} :: a kind of small goat cheese
croulant {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: an elderly person
croulement {m} :: collapse
crouler {vi} :: to collapse
croupe {f} [chiefly of horses] :: The part of an animal that corresponds to the human buttocks
croupe {f} [colloquial, especially of women] :: bottom, derrière
croupier {m} :: croupier
croupière {f} :: croupiere
croupière {f} :: feminine noun of croupier
croupion {m} :: rump
croupion {m} :: parson's nose
croupir {v} [of water] :: to stagnate
croupir {v} :: to wallow (remain miserable)
croupir {v} :: to rot (e.g. in prison)
croustade {f} :: croustade
croustade {f} [Quebec] :: crumble (dessert)
croustillant {adj} :: crispy, crunchy
croustillant {adj} :: suggestive, bawdy, filthy
croustille {f} [Canada, especially in plural] :: potato chip, crisp
croustiller {vi} :: to get crunchier
croustiller {vt} :: to crunch, munch
croustilleusement {adv} :: grittily, crisply
croustilleux {adj} :: gritty, crisp
croûtage {m} :: crusting (of bread)
croute {f} :: alternative form of croûte
croûte {f} :: crust (of e.g. bread)
croûte {f} [geology] :: crust
croûte {f} :: scab
crouter {v} :: alternative spelling of croûter
croûter {v} [colloquial] :: to eat
croûter {v} [dated] :: to crust (form a crust)
crouton {m} :: alternative form of croûton
croûton {m} :: heel (end-piece of a loaf of bread)
croûton {m} :: crouton
croûton {m} [figuratively] :: a backwards, mediocre person
crowdfunding {m} :: crowdfunding
crowdlending {m} :: crowdlending
croyable {adj} [rare] :: credible; believable
croyablement {adv} [rare, dated] :: credibly; believably
croyance {f} :: belief
croyant {adj} :: who adheres to a religious faith
croyant {m} :: believer (one who adheres to a religious faith)
croyante {f} :: feminine noun of croyant
croyez-le ou non {adv} :: believe it or not (you may not believe the following, but it is true)
crozet {m} :: (especially in plural) A type of pate from the Savoy
croziflette {f} :: tartiflette made with small squares of crozets de Savoie pasta instead of potatoes
CRS {fs} {fp} :: French police reserve used as riot police and for crowd control
CRS {m} :: By extension, a policeman belonging to a Compagnie Républicaine de Sécurité
cru {adj} :: raw (uncooked, unprocessed)
cru {m} :: vineyard; vintage
cruauté {f} :: cruelty
cruauté {f} [usually, in the plural] :: a cruel act
cruche {f} :: pitcher, jug
cruche {f} :: cretin, fool, numskull
cruchon {m} :: (small) jug, pitcher
crucial {adj} :: cruciform
crucial {adj} :: crucial, critical, vital
crucialement {adv} :: crucially
crucianelle {f} :: crosswort (of the genus Crucianella)
crucifiement {m} :: crucifixion
crucifier {v} :: to crucify
crucifix {m} :: crucifix
crucifixion {f} :: A crucifixion, death on the cross
crucifixion {f} :: terrible treatment
cruciforme {adj} :: cruciform, cross-shaped
cruciverbiste {mf} :: crossword amateur
crudité {f} [uncountable] :: rawness
crudité {f} [countable] :: a type of salad, usually put in sandwiches
crue {f} :: flood
crue {f} [obsolete] :: growth
cruel {adj} :: cruel
cruel {adj} :: hard, painful
cruellement {adv} :: cruelly
cruellement {adv} :: desperately, sorely
crumble {m} [France] :: crumble (dessert)
crument {adv} :: alternative spelling of crûment
crûment {adv} :: dryly
crûment {adv} :: harshly
cruorique {adj} [anatomy] :: cruoric
crustacé {adj} :: crustaceous
crustacé {m} :: crustacean
crustacyanine {m} [protein] :: crustacyanin
crustal {adj} :: crustal
cryo- {prefix} :: cryo-
cryodessiccation {f} :: cryodesiccation
cryogène {m} :: cryogen
cryogène {adj} :: cryogenic
cryogénie {f} :: cryogenics
cryogénique {adj} :: cryogenic
cryolithe {f} [mineral] :: cryolite
cryologie {f} [physics] :: cryology
cryomètre {m} :: cryometer
cryophore {m} :: cryophorus
cryoscopie {f} [chemistry, physics] :: cryoscopy (all senses)
cryoscopique {adj} :: cryoscopic
cryosphère {f} :: cryosphere
cryptage {m} :: encryption (process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge, key files, and/or passwords)
cryptanalyse {f} :: cryptanalysis
cryptanalyste {mf} :: cryptanalyst (an expert in analyzing and breaking codes)
crypte {f} :: a crypt
crypté {adj} :: encrypted
crypté {adj} :: scrambled
crypter {v} :: to encrypt (to conceal information by means of a code or cipher)
cryptique {adj} :: relating to crypts
cryptique {adj} :: recondite; difficult to understand
crypto- {prefix} :: crypto-
cryptodépression {f} :: cryptodepression
cryptogame {m} :: cryptogam
cryptogamique {adj} :: cryptogamic
cryptogénique {adj} [biology] :: cryptogenic
cryptogramme {m} :: cryptogram
cryptographe {mf} :: cryptographer
cryptographie {f} :: cryptography (discipline concerned with communication security)
cryptographique {adj} :: cryptographic
cryptographiquement {adv} :: cryptographically
cryptologie {f} :: cryptology
cryptologique {adj} :: cryptologic
cryptologue {mf} :: cryptologist
cryptomnésie {f} :: cryptomnesia
cryptomorphique {adj} [maths] :: cryptomorphic
cryptomorphisme {m} [maths] :: cryptomorphism
cryptoportique {m} [architecture] :: cryptoporticus
cryptorchidie {f} :: cryptorchidism
cryptozoologie {f} :: cryptozoology
cryptozoologique {adj} [rare] :: cryptozoological
CSARS {prop} {m} [Canada] :: initialism of Comité de surveillance des activités de renseignement de sécurité - SIRC
CSL {prop} :: CSL; initialism of Côte Saint-LucCSL (city)
CSP {f} :: socio-professional category
CSSS {m} :: abbreviation of centre de santé et de services sociaux (lit. health and social services center)
CST {prop} {m} [Canada] :: Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications - CSE
CSTC {prop} {m} [Canada] :: initialism of Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications Canada
c't {pron} :: alternative spelling of cet
CTCUM {prop} {f} [transport] :: Commission de transport de la Communauté urbaine de Montréal - the MUCTC - the transit commission for the Montreal Urban Community; in 1970, it replaced the CTM, it was replaced by the STCUM in 1985
CTM {prop} {f} [transport] :: Commission de transport de Montréal - the MTC - the transit commission for the Island of Montreal; in 1970 it was replaced by the CTCUM, it replaced the MTC in 1950
c'tte {pron} :: alternative spelling of cette
cu {m} :: alternative spelling of ku
Cuba {prop} {m} :: Cuba (island/and/country)
cubain {adj} :: Cuban (of or pertaining to Cuba or its people or culture)
Cubain {m} :: Cuban (a person from Cuba)
Cubaine {f} :: feminine noun of Cubain
cube {m} :: cube (all senses)
cube {m} :: third-grader
cube {adj} :: cubic
cubébine {f} [organic compound] :: cubebin
cuber {v} :: to cube [a number] (raise to the power of 3)
cubi {m} :: box wine
cubicuboctaèdre {m} [geometry] :: cubicuboctahedron
cubique {adj} :: cubic (of a polynomial of third degree)
cubiquement {adv} :: cubically
cubisme {m} :: cubism
cubiste {adj} :: cubist
cubiste {mf} :: cubist
cubitus {m} [skeleton] :: ulna
cuboctaèdre {m} [geometry] :: cuboctahedron
cubohémioctaèdre {m} [geometry] :: cubohemioctahedron
cuboïde {m} [anatomy] :: cuboid
cuboïde {adj} :: cuboid
cuboïdien {adj} [anatomy] :: cuboid
cucu {m} [childish] :: bum, bottom, derriere
cucu {adj} [colloquial] :: ridiculous, vacuous, stupid
cucul {adj} :: corny
cucul la praline {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: mushy, slushy, hokey, kitschy, cheesy, corny, sappy, soppy, schmaltzy, syrupy, fogeyish, saccharine, maudlin, sentimental
cucumeriforme {adj} :: rare form of cucumiforme
cucumiforme {adj} :: cucumiform
cucurbitacée {f} :: gourd (any plant of the family Cucurbitaceae)
çûdra {m} :: Shudra
cueillaison {f} :: fruit-picking season
cueillette {f} :: gathering, collecting, picking (act of gathering, collecting or picking crops, or other items (payments, data))
cueilleur {adj} :: gathering (that gathers)
cueilleur {m} :: gatherer
cueillir {v} :: to gather, pick
cueillir {v} :: to grab, snatch, nab
çui {pron} [colloquial] :: contraction of celui
cuichette {f} :: spork
cuider {v} [obsolete] :: to think, to consider
Cuif {prop} :: surname found mainly in the Champagne district of northern France and among families in other parts of France which originally lived there. It is considered to be a variant of the Irish name Ó Caoimh (English O'Keefe)), brought to France by Irish exiles in the 16th and 17th Centuries who served as soldiers in the French army
cuiller {f} :: alternative spelling of cuillère
cuiller à café {f} :: alternative spelling of cuillère à café
cuiller à pot {f} :: ladle
cuiller à soupe {f} :: alternative spelling of cuillère à soupe
cuiller à thé {f} :: alternative spelling of cuillère à thé
cuillère {f} :: spoon
cuillère à café {f} :: teaspoon (small spoon)
cuillère à café {f} :: teaspoon (unit of measure)
cuillère à caviar {f} :: caviar spoon
cuillère à dessert {f} :: dessertspoon
cuillère à glace {f} :: ice cream scoop, ice cream spoon
cuillère à miel {f} :: honey dipper, honey drizzler
cuillère à moutarde {f} :: mustard spoon
cuillère à œuf {f} :: egg spoon
cuillère à pamplemousse {f} :: grapefruit spoon
cuillère à pomme parisienne {f} :: melon baller
cuillère à sel {f} :: saltspoon
cuillère à soda {f} :: soda spoon
cuillère à soupe {f} :: soupspoon
cuillère à sucre {f} :: sugar spoon
cuillère à thé {f} :: tea spoon
cuillerée {f} :: spoonful
cuillère en bois {f} :: wooden spoon (implement)
cuillère en bois {f} :: wooden spoon (prize for coming last)
cuilleuse {f} :: feminine noun of cueilleur
cuir {m} :: leather
cuirasse {f} :: breastplate (piece of armour covering the chest and sometimes the back)
cuirasse {f} [zoology] :: armour (protective plates covering some lizards and fish)
cuirasse {f} [nautical] :: armour, armour plate (metal plating covering a ship for protection)
cuirassé {m} [military] :: battleship
cuirassé {adj} :: armoured (wearing armour, especially a breastplate)
cuirasser {vt} :: to put on (a suit of armour)
cuirasser {vr} [figuratively, se cuirasser] :: to prepare for action
cuirassier {m} :: cuirassier
cuir chevelu {m} :: scalp (part of head where the hair grows)
cuire {vi} :: to cook
cuirer {v} :: to leather (cover with leather)
cuisamment {adv} :: stingingly, burningly
cuisamment {adv} :: crushingly (defeated)
cuisant {adj} :: stinging, burning
cuisant {adj} [figuratively] :: crushing, bitter
cuisine {f} :: kitchen
cuisine {f} :: cuisine
cuisine de rue {f} :: street food
cuisiner {vt} :: to cook (prepare food)
cuisiner {v} [colloquial] :: To grill (bombard with questions)
cuisinette {f} :: kitchenette
cuisinier {m} :: cook; chef (someone who cooks)
cuisinière {f} :: feminine noun of cuisinier; cook
cuisinière {f} :: cooker (instrument for cooking)
cuissard {m} :: leg guard, thigh guard
cuissarde {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: waders (waterproof leggings used by anglers)
cuisse {f} [anatomy] :: thigh
cuisseau {m} :: thigh and buttock (meat) of veal
cuisson {f} :: cooking (the act of cooking)
cuisson {f} :: firing (of ceramics)
cuissot {m} :: thigh (meat) of game
cuistance {f} [slang] :: grub, nosh
cuistancier {m} [military slang] :: chef, cook
cuistot {m} [slang] :: chef, cook
cuistre {m} [pejorative] :: prig, pedant
cuistre {m} [pejorative] :: yokel, bumpkin
cuit {adj} :: cooked
cuit {adj} [slang] :: sozzled, smashed (intoxicated by alcohol)
cuite {f} :: batch of ore, porcelain or the like for smelting; viewed economically, the time an occurence of smelting takes
cuite {f} [slang] :: piss-up (UK), bender (US)
cuiter {v} [colloquial] :: to get smashed, to get wasted (very drunk)
cuivre {m} :: copper
cuivre {m} [music] :: brass
cuivre {m} [arts] :: copperplate
cuivré {adj} :: copper (made of copper)
cuivrer {vt} :: to coat with copper
cuivreux {adj} :: cuprous (all senses)
cuivrique {adj} :: cupric (all senses)
cul {m} [anatomy, vulgar] :: butt, bum, ass, arse
cul {m} [vulgar] :: anus; arsehole; asshole
cul {m} [figuratively] :: the bottom, rear (of an object)
cul {m} [colloquial] :: sex; sexual intercourse
cul {m} [colloquial, France] :: good luck or fortune
cul {m} [France, slang] :: roach (butt of a marijuana cigarette)
culasse {f} :: breech, breechblock (of rifle, etc.)
culasse {f} :: cylinder head (of engine)
cul-béni {m} :: alternative spelling of cul-bénit
cul-bénit {m} [pejorative] :: a Holy Joe, a Holy Mary, a zealot, a bigot, a God botherer, a Bible thumper, a Jesus freak, a creeping Jesus, a goody two shoes (an excessively pious person, a sanctimonious person, a holier-than-thou person)
culbute {f} :: fall, tumble
culbute {f} :: somersault
culbuter {vi} :: to take a tumble, fall over (of a person); to overturn (of vehicle)
culbuter {vt} :: [vulgar] to have sex with someone, describing what one person does to another rather than what both do together
culbuteur {m} :: rocker arm
culbuteur {m} :: tumbler (mechanism)
cul-cul {adj} :: alternative form of cucul
cul-de-jatte {mf} :: legless cripple, someone with both legs amputated
cul-de-poule {m} :: mixing bowl
cul-de-sac {m} :: dead end, cul-de-sac (a path that goes nowhere)
cul-de-sac {m} :: impasse
culer {v} :: to go astern, to back up
culinaire {adj} :: culinary
culinairement {adv} :: culinarily
culminant {adj} :: highest [typically of mountains]
culminer {vi} :: To culminate (to come to an end)
culminer {v} :: to culminate; reach the highest point
culot {m} :: base, bottom (of an object)
culot {m} [metallurgy] :: residue, slag
culot {m} [colloquial] :: cheek, nerve (effrontery)
culot {m} :: architectural ornament, e.g. starting point of volutes
culot {m} :: residue on a smoking pipe's bottom; its darkening by use is called culotter
culot {m} [metonymy] :: the last-come person, e.g. youngest child, worst loser in a competition
culotte {f} :: (a pair of) panties, knickers
culotte {f} :: trousers, pants; shorts
culotte {f} [historical] :: breeches
culotté {adj} :: seasoned (of a smokepipe)
culotté {adj} :: faded, worn
culotté {adj} [colloquial] :: cheeky, sassy; daring
culpabilisation {f} :: A feeling of culpability, guilt
culpabilisation {f} :: An instance of inducing guilt, a guilt trip
culpabiliser {vi} :: to feel guilty
culpabiliser {vt} :: to guilt trip, to make (someone) feel guilty
culpabilité {f} :: guilt; culpability (responsibility for wrongdoing)
culpabilité {f} :: guilt (feeling)
cul-rond {m} [slang, rare] :: (round) bag
cul-rond {m} [obsolete] :: (type of) fishing boat
cul sec {adv} [of drinking] :: in one go
cul sec {interj} :: bottoms up (a toast used when drinking alcohol)
culte {m} :: religion
culte {m} :: cult (religious practice)
culte {adj} :: cult (attributive)
culte de la personnalité {m} :: cult of personality
cul-terreux {m} [pejorative] :: a yokel, a peasant, a rustic, a clodhopper
-culteur {suffix} :: indicates a grower or a keep of something, usually animal or plant related
cultissime {adj} :: very cult (enjoyed by a very small group)
cultivable {adj} :: cultivable
cultivateur {m} :: cultivator
cultivation {f} :: cultivation
cultivatrice {f} :: feminine noun of cultivateur
cultivé {adj} [usually, of a person] :: cultured; cultivated
cultiver {v} :: to cultivate
cultuel {adj} :: cult (attributively, relating to a cult)
culturalement {adv} :: culturally
culturalisme {m} :: culturalism
culturaliste {adj} :: culturalist
culturaliste {mf} :: culturalist
culture {f} :: crop
culture {f} :: culture (arts, customs and habits)
culture générale {f} :: general knowledge
culturel {adj} :: cultural
culturellement {adv} :: culturally
culturisme {m} :: bodybuilding
culturiste {mf} :: A bodybuilder
CUM {prop} {f} [government] :: Communauté urbaine de Montréal - MUC - the supramunicipal level of government for the island of Montreal and several surrounding islands. It was formed in 1970, and in 2002 it was replaced by the CMM. It was reformed in 2006 as the Conseil d'agglomération de Montréal (Montreal Agglomeration Council)
cumène {m} [organic compound] :: cumene
cuménol {m} [organic compound] :: cumenol
cumin {m} :: The plant cumin
cumin {m} :: Its seed, a spice
cuminique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cuminic
cummingtonite {f} [mineral] :: Cummingtonite
cumul {m} :: accumulation
cumul {m} :: multitasking
cumulard {m} :: moonlighter (person with several jobs)
cumulateur {m} [maths] :: addend
cumulatif {adj} :: cumulative
cumulativement {adv} :: cumulatively
cumul des mandats {m} [politics] :: Dual mandate
cumuler {v} :: to accumulate
cumuler {v} :: to multitask (do many things at once)
cunéiforme {m} :: cuneiform
cunéiforme {adj} :: cuneiform; wedgelike
cunni {m} [colloquial] :: cunnilingus
cunnilingus {m} [sexuality] :: cunnilingus
cupide {adj} :: greedy
cupidement {adv} :: greedily
cupidité {f} :: greed, cupidity
Cupidon {prop} {m} :: Cupid (the god)
cupidone {f} :: Cupid's dart (of species Catananche caerulea)
cuprifère {adj} :: cupriferous
cuprique {adj} :: cupric
cuprite {f} :: cuprite
cuproaluminium {m} :: aluminium bronze
cuproammoniacal {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: cuprammonium (atributive)
curabilité {f} :: curability
curable {adj} :: curable
curaçao {m} :: The orange peel-flavored liqueur curaçao
curaillon {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: priest
curatelle {f} [legal] :: guardianship under which the ward is totally and permanently incapable
curateur {m} :: trustee
curateur {m} :: curator
curatif {adj} :: curative (having curing properties)
curatif {m} [dated] :: a remedy
curatrice {f} :: female equivalent of curateur
curcuma {m} :: turmeric (plant, spice)
curcumine {m} [organic compound] :: curcumin
cure {f} [archaic] :: care, concern
cure {f} [obsolete] :: healing, recovery
cure {f} [medicine] :: treatment; cure
cure {f} [religion] :: vicarage, presbytery
curé {m} :: priest bearing the responsibility of a parish
curé {m} :: a vicar (Church of England)
cure-dent {m} :: toothpick
curée {f} :: scramble
curée {f} :: quarry (part of the entrails of a hunted animal, given to the hounds)
curée {f} :: spoils
curer {vt} :: to clean by scrubbing, scraping and removing (e.g. a drain, a pipe, a canal, a stable, ...)
curer {vr} :: to clean oneself by scrubbing, scraping and removing (e.g. one's nails, teeth, ...)
curer {vt} :: [rare] to clear out (to make empty, to remove)
curetage {m} [surgery] :: curettage
curetage {m} [architecture] :: The rebuilding of an old building whilst retaining the facade
cureton {m} [pejorative] :: priest
curial {adj} :: curial (all senses)
curie {f} :: curia (all meanings)
curie {m} :: curie
Curie {prop} {mf} :: surname, especially referring to Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie
curiethérapie {f} :: curietherapy, brachytherapy
curieuse {f} :: feminine noun of curieux
curieusement {adv} :: curiously (in a bizarre fashion)
curieusement {adv} :: curiously (in a curious fashion)
curieux {adj} :: curious, inquisitive, intrigued, wondering; possessing curiosity
curieux {adj} :: curious, unusual, interesting, quaint; inducing curiosity
curieux {m} :: rubbernecker
curiosité {f} [uncountable] :: curiosity
curiosité {f} [countable] :: oddity, curious fact
curiste {m} :: A person who takes the cure (waters) at a spa
curium {m} :: curium
curleur {m} :: curler (someone who competes in curling)
curleuse {f} :: feminine noun of curleur
curling {m} :: curling
curling en fauteuil roulant {m} :: wheelchair curling
curond {m} :: alternative form of cul-rond
curriculum vitæ {m} :: résumé, curriculum vitae
curry {m} :: curry
curryfication {f} [computing] :: currying
curseur {m} [computing] :: cursor
cursif {adj} :: cursive
cursive {f} :: cursive letter
cursivement {adv} :: cursively
cursus {m} :: course (learning program)
curviligne {adj} [mathematics] :: curvilinear
curvilinéaire {adj} [maths] :: curvilinear
customisation {f} :: customisation
customiser {v} :: To customize
cutané {adj} :: cutaneous
cuticule {f} :: cuticle (thin membrane)
cutter {m} :: cutter, boxcutter, utility knife, Stanley knife
cutter {m} [nautical] :: cutter (vessel)
cuvage {m} :: fermentation of crushed grapes in a vat as part of the production of wine
cuvaison {m} :: alternative form of cuvage
cuve {f} :: tank; vat
cuveau {m} :: tub (small vat)
cuvée {f} :: the quantity of wine in a fermentation vessel
cuvée {f} :: a cuvée (blend of wine)
cuvée {f} :: vintage
cuvée {f} [colloquial] :: batch, group; group of students who celebrate graduation the same year
cuver {vi} :: to ferment
cuver {vt} [colloquial] :: to sleep off (especially of alcohol)
cuver {vi} [colloquial] :: to sleep or rest after drinking
cuver {vt} :: to calm
cuver {vi} [Argad'z] :: to lie around, laze about
cuverie {f} :: winery
cuverie {f} :: all the fermentation vats of a winery
cuvette {f} :: basin, bowl; washbowl
cuvette {f} :: basin, washbasin (in bathroom)
cuvette {f} :: pan (of toilet)
cuvette {f} [photography] :: dish
cuvette {f} [geology] :: basin
cuvier {m} :: vat (large receptacle for liquids, etc.)
Cuvier {prop} :: surname
CV {n} :: curriculum vitae
CVT {n} [automotive] :: initialism of boite de vitesses à variation continue
cyan {m} :: cyan (color)
cyane {m} [organic compound] :: cyanogen
cyanhydrine {f} [organic chemistry] :: alternative form of cyanohydrine
cyanhydrique {adj} :: hydrocyanic
cyanique {adj} [chemistry] :: cyanic
cyanite {f} [nonstandard] :: synonym of disthène
cyano- {prefix} :: cyano-
cyanobactérie {m} :: cyanobacterium
cyanoborohydrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cyanoborohydride
cyanocobalamine {f} [biochemistry] :: cyanocobalamin
cyanogène {m} [organic compound] :: cyanogen
cyanohydrine {f} [organic chemistry] :: cyanohydrin
cyanohydrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrocyanide
cyanomètre {m} :: cyanometer
cyanophile {adj} :: cyanophilous
cyanophycée {f} :: cyanobacterium (of the phylum Cyanophyceae)
cyanose {f} [pathology] :: cyanosis
cyanose {mf} [mineralogy, obsolete] :: chalcanthite
cyanuration {f} [metallurgy] :: cyanidation
cyanuration {f} [chemistry] :: cyanation
cyanure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cyanide
cyanurer {v} [chemistry] :: to cyanate (treat or react with cyanide)
cyanurique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cyanuric
cyber- {prefix} :: cyber-
cyberactiviste {mf} :: cyberactivist
cyberattaque {f} :: cyberattack
cybercafé {m} :: Internet café
cybercaméra {f} [France] :: webcam
cybercarnet {m} :: blog
cybercommandement {m} :: cybercommand
cyberconflit {m} :: cyberconflict
cybercriminalité {f} :: cybercrime
cybercriminel {m} :: cybercriminal
cyberdéfense {f} :: cyberdefence / cyberdefense
cyberespace {f} :: cyberspace
cyberespionnage {m} :: cyberespionage
cyberguerre {f} :: cyberwarfare, cyberwar
cyberharcèlement {m} :: cyberbullying
cyberintimidation {f} :: cyberbullying
cyberlundi {m} :: Cyber Monday (the Monday after U.S. Thanksgiving, a day for online sales similar to in-store sales of Black Friday)
cybermenace {f} :: cyberthreat
cybermonde {m} :: cyberworld
cybernéticien {m} :: cyberneticist
cybernéticienne {f} :: feminine singular of cybernéticien
cybernétique {f} :: cybernetics
cybernétique {adj} :: cybernetic
cybernétiquement {adv} :: cybernetically
cyberpunk {m} [science fiction] :: cyberpunk
cybersécurité {f} :: cybersecurity
cybersociété {f} :: cybersociety
cyberstratégie {f} :: cyberstrategy
cyberterrorisme {m} :: cyberterrorism
cyberterroriste {mf} :: cyberterrorist
cyclable {adj} :: bicycles (attributive)
Cyclades {prop} {fp} :: The Cyclades
cyclane {m} [organic chemistry] :: cycloalkane
cycle {m} :: cycle
cycle {m} [Switzerland] :: middle school, junior high school
cycle de l'eau {m} :: water cycle
cycle du carbone {m} :: carbon cycle
cyclique {adj} :: cyclic, cyclical
cycliquement {adv} [chiefly physics] :: cyclically
cyclisant {adj} [chemistry] :: cyclizing
cyclisé {adj} :: cyclized
cycliser {v} [chemistry] :: To cyclize
cyclisme {m} :: cycling
cycliste {mf} :: cyclist (someone who rides a bicycle)
cyclo- {prefix} :: cyclo-
cyclo {m} [colloquial] :: clipping of cyclorandonneur
cycloalcane {m} [organic chemistry] :: cycloalkane
cyclobutadiène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclobutadiene
cyclobutane {m} :: cyclobutane
cyclobutène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclobutene
cyclocrossman {m} :: cyclocross racer
cycloheptatriène {m} [organic compound] :: cycloheptatriene
cyclohexadiène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclohexadiene
cyclohexène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclohexene
cycloïdal {adj} [maths] :: cycloidal
cycloïde {f} [maths] :: cycloid
cyclomatique {adj} [graph theory] :: cyclomatic
cyclomoteur {m} :: moped
cyclomotoriste {mf} :: moped rider
cyclonal {adj} :: cyclonic
cyclone {m} :: cyclone (rotating system of winds)
cyclonique {adj} :: cyclonic
cyclooctatétraène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclooctatetraene
cyclooctatriène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclooctatriene
cyclope {m} :: cyclops (giant of mythology)
cyclopentadécanone {f} [organic compound] :: cyclopentadecanone
cyclopentadiène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentadiene
cyclopentadiènone {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentadienone
cyclopentadiényle {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclopentadienyl
cyclopentanophénanthrénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cyclopentanophenanthrene (attributive); steroidal
cyclopentène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentene
cyclopropène {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopropene
cyclostome {m} :: cyclostome
cyclostratigraphie {f} :: cyclostratigraphy
cyclotomique {adj} [maths] :: cyclotomic
cyclotourisme {m} :: bicycle touring, cycle touring
cyclotouriste {mf} :: bicycle tourist, cycle tourist
cygne {m} :: swan
Cygne {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Cygnus
cygne noir {m} :: black swan
cylindracé {adj} :: cylindraceous
cylindre {m} [geometry] :: cylinder
cylindre {m} [automobiles] :: cylinder
cylindrée {f} :: (engine) capacity, engine size
cylindrer {v} :: to roll
cylindrer {v} :: to make into a cylinder shape
cylindrique {adj} :: cylindric, cylindrical
cylindriquement {adv} :: cylindrically
cylindroïde {m} [geometry] :: cylindroid
cylindroïde {adj} [geometry] :: cylindroid
cymbale {f} [usually, in the plural] :: cymbal
cymbales {fp} :: cymbals
cymbalion {m} :: navelwort, pennywort (of species Umbilicus rupestris)
cymbalum {m} :: cimbalom
cymophane {f} [mineral] :: cymophane
cynégétique {f} :: hunting (with hounds)
cynégétique {adj} :: hunting (attributive)
cynique {adj} :: cynical
cynique {adj} :: canine (of or relating to a dog)
cynique {mf} :: cynic (a person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness)
cynique {mf} :: cynic (a person who practices the cynic philosophy)
cyniquement {adv} :: cynically
cynisme {m} :: cynicism (skeptical, scornful or pessimistic attitude)
cynocéphalie {f} :: cynocephaly
cynocrambe {m} :: dog's mercury
cynorhodon {m} :: rosehip
cynorrhodon {m} :: alternative form of cynorhodon
Cynthe {prop} {m} :: Cynthus
cynthien {adj} :: Cynthian
cypéracé {adj} :: cyperaceous
cyphonaute {m} [zoology] :: cyphonautes
cyprès {m} :: cypress
cyprès chauve {m} :: bald cypress (Taxodium distichum)
cyprès commun {m} :: Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
Cyprien {prop} {m} :: given name
cyprine {f} [mineral] :: vesuvianite
cyprine {f} [sex] :: vaginal lubrication, vaginal fluid
cyprinidé {m} :: cyprinid
cypriote {adj} :: Cypriot (relating to Cyprus)
Cypriote {mf} :: Cypriot (person from Cyprus)
Cyrénaïque {prop} {f} :: Cyrenaica
Cyrène {prop} {f} :: Cyrene
cyrénéen {adj} :: Cyrenian
Cyrénéens {prop} :: Cyrenians
Cyriaque {prop} {m} :: given name
Cyril {prop} :: given name
Cyrille {prop} :: given name
Cyrille {prop} :: given name
cyrillique {adj} :: Cyrillic
cyrillique {m} :: Cyrillic (a script or alphabet)
cystéine {f} [organic compound] :: cysteine
cystique {adj} [anatomy] :: cystic
cystite {f} [pathology] :: cystitis
cystographie {f} :: cystography
cystoscope {m} :: cystoscope
cystoscopie {f} :: cystoscopy
cystotomie {f} :: cystotomy
-cyte {suffix} :: -cyte
cytinet {m} :: A parasitic plant Cytinus hypocistis
cytise {m} :: Any of several species of shrubs in the taxonomic family Fabaceae which are, or were at one time, classified in the genus Cytisus, the best known being those now in the genus Laburnum
cyto- {prefix} :: cyto-
cytoarchitectonie {f} [anatomy] :: cytoarchitectonics
cytoarchitectonique {adj} [anatomy] :: cytoarchitectonic
cytoarchitecture {f} :: cytoarchitecture
cytochimie {f} [chemistry] :: cytochemistry
cytogénétique {f} :: cytogenetics
cytogénétique {adj} :: cytogenetic
cytokinèse {f} :: cytokinesis
cytologie {f} :: cytology (cell biology)
cytologique {adj} :: cytologic; cytological
cytologiste {mf} :: cytologist
cytolyse {f} :: cytolysis
cytomètre {m} [biology] :: cytometer
cytométrie {f} :: cytometry
cytométrique {adj} :: cytometric
cytomorphose {f} [biology] :: cytomorphosis
cytoplasme {m} :: cytoplasm
cytoplasmique {adj} :: cytoplasmic
cytosquelette {m} [cytology] :: cytoskeleton
cytotaxinomique {adj} :: cytotaxonomic
cytotoxicité {f} :: cytotoxicity
cytotoxique {adj} :: cytotoxic
cytotrophoblaste {m} [biology] :: cytotrophoblast
czar {m} :: alternative spelling of tsar (old)
czarien {adj} :: "czarinian, czarish"
czarine {f} :: "czarina"
Czartoryski {prop} :: surname
czimbalum {m} :: cimbalom