User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-uk-s
Sabbath {n} (Christian Sunday) | :: неділя {f} |
Sabbath {n} (witches' Sabbath) | :: шабаш {m} |
sabbatical {n} (extended period of leave) | :: творча відпустка, наукова відпустка |
saber {v} (sabre) SEE: sabre | :: |
sable {n} (animal) | :: соболь {m} |
sabot {n} (a wooden shoe worn in various European countries) | :: сабо {n} |
sabre {n} (light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point) | :: шабля {f}, шашка {f} |
sabre-rattling {n} (display of military power as an implied threat) | :: брязкотіння зброєю {n} |
sack {n} (bag for commodities or items) | :: мішок {m} |
sack {n} (amount that can be put in a sack) | :: мішок {m} |
sackcloth {n} (cloth) | :: мішковина {f} |
sacking {v} (sacking) | :: мішковина {f} |
sacred {adj} (made holy) | :: святий, священний |
sacrifice {v} (to offer as a gift to a deity) | :: жертвувати {impf} |
sacrifice {n} (something offered to a god) | :: жертвопринесення {n} |
sacrifice {n} (something sacrificed) | :: жертва {f}, офіра {f}, пожертвування {n} |
sacrilege {n} (desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred) | :: святотатство {n}, блюзнірство {n} |
sad {adj} (feeling sorrow) | :: смутний, сумний |
Saïda {prop} (port city in Lebanon) SEE: Sidon | :: |
saddle {n} (seat on an animal) | :: сідло {n} |
sadly {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately | :: |
sadness {n} (state/emotion) | :: печаль {f}, смуток {m} |
sad to say {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately | :: |
safari {n} (a trip into any undeveloped area) | :: сафарі {n} |
safe {adj} (not in danger) | :: безпечний |
safe {adj} (free from risk) | :: безпечний |
safe {n} (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) | :: сейф {m} |
safety {n} (condition or feeling of being safe) | :: безпека {f} |
safety pin {n} (pin in the form of a clasp) | :: булавка {f}, шпилька {f} |
sage {adj} (wise) | :: мудрий |
sage {n} (wise person) | :: мудрець |
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis) | :: шавлія |
Sahara {prop} (desert) | :: Сахара {f} |
saiga {n} (antelope) | :: сайгак |
Saigon {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City | :: |
sail {n} (a piece of fabric attached to a boat) | :: вітрило {n}, парус {m} |
sailboat {n} (a boat propelled by a sail) | :: вітрильник {m} |
sailor {n} (worker on a ship, seaman, seawoman) | :: моряк {m}, матрос {m}, мореплавець {m} |
sailplane {n} (sailplane) SEE: glider | :: |
saint {n} (person proclaimed as saint) | :: святий {m}, свята {f} |
Saint Andrew's cross {n} (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars) | :: Андріївський хрест {m} |
Saint George {prop} (Patron saint of England and several other places) | :: Святий Юрій {m}, Святий Георгій {m} |
Saint Kitts and Nevis {prop} (a country in the Caribbean) | :: Сент-Кіттс і Невіс {f} |
Saint Lucia {prop} (country in the Caribbean) | :: Сент-Люсія {f} |
Saint Mary {prop} (the mother of Jesus Christ) | :: Діва Марія {f}, Богородиця {f} |
Saint Nicholas {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus | :: |
Saint Nicholas {prop} (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and marines) | :: Микола Чудотворець {m} |
Saint Petersburg {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Санкт-Петербург {m}, Петербург {m} |
Saint Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day) | :: день святого Валентина {m}, день Валентина {m} |
sake {n} (Japanese rice wine) | :: саке {n} |
Sakhalin {prop} (island in Russia) | :: Сахалін {m} |
sakura {n} (cherry) SEE: cherry | :: |
Salé {prop} (city near Rabat) | :: Сале |
salacious {adj} (promoting sexual desire or lust) | :: хтивий, похітливий |
salad {n} (food) | :: салат {m}, салата {f} |
salamander {n} (amphibian) | :: саламандра {f} |
salami {n} (penis) SEE: penis | :: |
salami {n} (sausage) | :: салямі {f} |
salary {n} (fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis) | :: заробітна плата {f}, зарплата {f}, заплата {f} |
salat {n} (Islamic prayer) | :: намаз {m} |
sale {n} (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit) | :: продаж {m}, спродаж {m} |
sale {n} (sale of goods at reduced prices) | :: розпродаж {m} |
Salekhard {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Салехард {m} |
salesperson {n} (person who sells) | :: продавець {m} |
sales slip {n} (receipt for a purchase) | :: чек {m} |
Salisbury {prop} (city in England) | :: Солсбері |
saliva {n} (liquid secreted into the mouth) | :: слина {f} |
sally {n} (willow) SEE: willow | :: |
salmon {n} (fish) | :: лосось {m} |
salmon trout {n} (rainbow trout) SEE: rainbow trout | :: |
salo {n} (non-rendered pig fat) | :: сало {n} |
salon {n} (large room) | :: салон {m}, зал {m} |
salpinx {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube | :: |
salt {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh | :: |
salt {n} (sodium chloride) | :: сіль {f} |
saltbush {n} (plant of the genus Atriplex) | :: лутига {f}, лобода {f} |
salt cellar {n} (container holding salt for use in the kitchen or on a dining table) | :: сільничка {f} |
salting {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh | :: |
saltire {n} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross | :: |
salt marsh {n} (marsh of saline water) | :: солончак {m} |
salt shaker {n} (a small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling) | :: сільничка |
salt water {n} (brine) SEE: brine | :: |
salty {adj} (tasting of salt) | :: солоний |
salvation {n} (the process of being saved (religion)) | :: спасіння {n}, порятунок {m} |
salve {n} (ointment, cream or balm) | :: бальзам {m}, мазь {f} |
samara {n} (winged indehiscent fruit of trees such as the ash, elm or maple) | :: крилатка {f} |
Samara {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Самара {f} |
Samaria {prop} (Both city and part of ancient Palestine) | :: Самарія {f} |
samarium {n} (chemical element) | :: самарій {m} |
Samarkand {prop} (city in Uzbekistan) | :: Самарканд {m} |
Sambo {prop} (martial art) | :: самбо {n} |
same {adj} (not different as regards self; identical) | :: однаковий, однакий, той же |
same {adj} (similar, alike) | :: такий же |
samizdat {n} (underground publishing) | :: самвидав {m} |
samizdat {n} (a samizdat publication) | :: самвидав {m} |
Samogitia {prop} (Samogitia) | :: Жмудь {m}, Жемайтія {f} |
samogon {n} (moonshine) SEE: moonshine | :: |
Samosata {prop} (city in Commagene) | :: Самосата |
samovar {n} (metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea) | :: самовар {m} |
sample {n} (part taken for inspection) | :: зразок, проба, екземпляр |
sample {v} (to take or to test a sample or samples of) | :: пробувати |
samsara {n} (cycle of reincarnation) | :: сансара {f}, самсара {f} |
Samson {prop} (Israelite judge) | :: Самсон {m} |
samurai {n} (feudal Japanese warrior) | :: самурай {m} |
-san {suffix} (Mrs) SEE: Mrs | :: |
-san {suffix} (Miss) SEE: Miss | :: |
San {prop} (river) | :: Сян |
sanatorium {n} (institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence) | :: санаторій {m} |
sanction {n} (penalty, coercive measure) | :: санкція {f} |
sand {n} (finely ground rock) | :: пісок {m} |
sandal {n} (type of footwear) | :: сандалія {f}, сандаль {m} |
sandwich {n} (snack consisting of two slices of bread) | :: сендвіч {m}, бутерброд {m} |
sandy {adj} (covered with sand) | :: піщаний |
sandy {adj} (like sand) | :: піщаний |
sandy {adj} (sand-coloured) | :: піщаний |
San Francisco {prop} (San Francisco, California city) | :: Сан-Франциско {m} |
sangfroid {n} (composure, self-possession or imperturbability) | :: холоднокровність |
sangria {n} (Spanish wine drink with fruit, sugar and soda) | :: сангрія {f} |
sanguine {adj} (having a bodily constitution characterised by a preponderance of blood over the other bodily humours) | :: сангвінік |
San José {prop} (the capital of Costa Rica) | :: Сан-Хосе {m} |
San José {prop} (A city in California, USA) SEE: San Jose | :: |
San Jose {prop} (a city in California, USA) | :: Сан-Хосе |
San Marino {prop} (Republic of San Marino) | :: Сан-Марино {f} |
sans {prep} (without) SEE: without | :: |
San Salvador {prop} (capital of El Salvador) | :: Сан-Сальвадор {m} |
Sanskrit {n} (language) | :: санскрит {m} |
Santa {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus | :: |
Santa Claus {prop} (fictional figure) | :: Дід Мороз {m} [Slavic style], Санта-Клаус {m} [Western style] |
sap {n} (juice of plant) | :: сік {m} |
sapwood {n} (wood just under the bark) | :: оболонь {f} |
Sara {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sarah | :: |
sarafan {n} (a traditional long, trapeze-shaped Russian pinafore worn by women and girls.) | :: сарафан {m} |
Sarah {prop} (the wife of Abraham) | :: Сара {f} |
Sarajevo {prop} (city) | :: Сараєво {n} |
Saransk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Саранськ {m} |
Saratov {prop} (city) | :: Саратов {m} |
sarcasm {n} (derision, facetiousness) | :: сарказм {m} |
sarcophagus {n} (coffin) | :: саркофаг {m} |
sarcophagus {n} (steel structure) | :: саркофаг {m} |
sardine {n} (fish) | :: сардинка {f} |
Sardinia {prop} (island of Italy) | :: Сардинія {f} |
sarin {n} (neurotoxin) | :: зарин {m} |
Sarkozy {prop} (surname) | :: Саркозі |
sashimi {n} (dish of slices of raw fish or meat) | :: сашімі {n} |
Saskatchewan {prop} (Province in western Canada) | :: Саскачеван {m} |
saskatoon {n} (Amelanchier alnifolia) | :: грушечка {f} |
Saskatoon {prop} (the largest city in Saskatchewan, Canada) | :: Саскатун |
Satan {prop} (the Devil) | :: Сатана {m}, сатана {m} |
Satanism {n} (a religion founded by Anton Szandor LaVey) | :: сатанізм |
Satanist {n} (one who identifies with Satanism) | :: сатаніст |
Satanist {n} (one who worships Satan) | :: сатаніст |
satellite {n} (a body orbiting a larger one) | :: сателіт {m}, супутник {m} |
satellite {n} (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body) | :: супутник {m}, сателіт {m} |
satiated {adj} (pleasantly full) | :: ситий |
satin {n} (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back) | :: атлас {m}, сатин {m} |
satire {n} (literary technique) | :: сатира {f} |
satirize {v} (make a satire) | :: висміювати |
satisfaction {n} (fulfillment of a need or desire) | :: задоволення {n} |
satisfactory {adj} (adequate or sufficient) | :: задовільний |
satisfy {v} (to meet needs, to fulfill) | :: задовольняти {impf}, задовольнити {pf} |
satisfy {v} (to satisfy) SEE: respond | :: |
satrap {n} (governor of a Persian province) | :: сатрап {m} |
Saturday {n} (day of the week) | :: субота {f} |
Saturn {prop} (planet) | :: Сатурн {m} |
Saturn {prop} (god) | :: Сатурн {m} |
sauce {n} (liquid condiment) | :: соус {m}, підлива {f} |
saucepan {n} (deep cooking vessel) | :: каструля {f}, рондель {m} |
Saudi {prop} (Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi Arabia | :: |
Saudi {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) | :: саудівський |
Saudi Arabia {prop} (country in the Middle East) | :: Саудівська Аравія {f} |
Saudi Arabian {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi | :: |
Saudi Arabian {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi | :: |
sauerkraut {n} (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage) | :: квашена капуста {f} |
sauna {n} (sauna room or house) | :: сауна {f} |
Saurier {prop} (commune in Puy-de-Dôme) | :: Сор'є {m} |
sausage {n} (a food made of minced meat packed into a tubular casing) | :: ковбаса {f} |
sausage {n} (small, uncooked) | :: сосиска {f} |
Sava {prop} (river) | :: Сава {f} |
savage {adj} (wild, not cultivated) | :: дикий |
savage {n} (uncivilized or feral person) | :: дикун {m} |
savanna {n} (tropical grassland with scattered trees) | :: саванна {f} |
save {v} (to help someone to survive, or rescue someone) | :: рятувати {impf}, врятувати {pf} |
save {v} (computing: to write a file to a storage medium) | :: зберігати {impf}, записати {pf} |
save {v} (to economize) | :: заощаджувати {impf}, заощадити {pf}, економити {impf}, зекономити {pf} |
save {v} (to accumulate money) | :: збирати {impf}, назбирати {pf} |
Save {prop} (river in Africa) | :: Саве {m} |
saving {n} (something that is saved) | :: заощадження {n-p} |
savings bank {n} (financial institution) | :: ощадний банк {m} |
savior {n} (a person who saves someone, rescues another from harm) | :: рятівник {m} |
Savi's warbler {?} (Locustella luscinioides) | :: кобилочка солов’їна {f} |
savory {n} (herb of genus Satureja) | :: чабер {m} |
saw {n} (tool) | :: пила {f} |
saxaul {n} (any plant of the Haloxylon genus) | :: саксаул {m} |
Saxony {prop} (state) | :: Саксонія {f} |
saxophone {n} (a musical instrument of the woodwind family) | :: саксофон {m} |
say {v} (to pronounce) | :: говорити {impf}, казати {impf}, сказати {pf} |
say {v} (to say) SEE: tell | :: |
say goodbye {v} (wish someone farewell upon their leaving) | :: прощатися {impf}, проститися {pf}, попрощатися {pf} |
saying {n} (proverb or maxim) | :: приказка {f}, прислів'я {n} |
scab {n} (incrustation over a wound) | :: струп {m}, короста {f} |
scab {n} (scabies) SEE: scabies | :: |
scab {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker | :: |
scabbard {n} (the sheath of a sword) | :: піхви {f-p}, піхва {f} |
scabies {n} (an infestation of parasitic mites, Sarcoptes scabiei) | :: короста {f} |
scaffold {n} (structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on) | :: риштування |
scaffold {n} (platform for executions) | :: ешафот {m} |
scalability {n} (property of being scalable) | :: масштабовність {f} |
scale {n} (sequence for measurement) | :: шкала {f} |
scale {n} (size or scope) | :: масштаб {m} |
scale {n} (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals) | :: луска {f} |
scale {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder | :: |
scale {n} (device) SEE: scales | :: |
scales {n} (device for weighing goods for sale) | :: ваги {f-p}, вага {f} |
scalpel {n} (small straight knife) | :: скальпель {m} |
scaly anteater {n} (pangolin) SEE: pangolin | :: |
scandal {n} (incident that brings disgrace) | :: скандал {m} |
Scandinavia {prop} (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) | :: Скандинавія {f} |
Scandinavia {prop} (Scandinavian Peninsula) SEE: Scandinavian Peninsula | :: |
Scandinavian {adj} (of Scandinavia) | :: скандинавський {m} |
Scandinavian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia) | :: Скандинавія {f} |
scandium {n} (chemical element) | :: скандій {m} |
scanner {n} (device which scans documents) | :: сканер {m} |
scapegoat {n} (a goat imbued with the sins of the people) | :: офірний цап {m}, козел відпущення {m} |
scapegoat {n} (someone punished for someone else's error(s)) | :: козел відпущення {m} |
scar {n} (cliff) SEE: cliff | :: |
scar {n} (permanent mark on the skin) | :: шрам {m}, рубець {m} |
scare {v} (to frighten) | :: лякати {impf} |
scarecrow {n} (an effigy made to scare the birds away) | :: опудало {n}, потороча {f} |
scared {adj} (afraid, frightened) | :: зляканий |
scarf {n} (long garment worn around the neck) | :: шарф {m}, шалик {m}, кашне {n} |
scarf {n} (headscarf) SEE: headscarf | :: |
scarlet {n} (colour) | :: яскраво-червоний |
scary {adj} (causing, or able to cause, fright) | :: страшний, жахливий |
scenario {n} (outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work) | :: сценарій {m} |
scene {n} ((theater) the stage) SEE: stage | :: |
scene {n} (landscape, scenery) SEE: scenery | :: |
scenery {n} (view, natural features, landscape) | :: краєвид {m}, пейзаж {m}, ландшафт {m}, вид {m} |
scent {n} (distinctive odour or smell) | :: запах {m} |
sceptre {n} (ornamental staff) | :: скіпетр {m}, берло {n}, жезл {m} |
schadenfreude {n} (malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune) | :: зловтіха {f} |
schedule {n} (a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur) | :: розклад {m}, графік {m} |
Scheherazade {prop} (female given name) | :: Шагразада {f}, Шехерезада {f} |
Scheldt {prop} (river) | :: Шельда |
Schiller {prop} (surname) | :: Шиллер |
schizoid personality disorder {n} (personality disorder) | :: шизоїдний розлад особистості |
schizophrenia {n} (mental disorder) | :: шизофренія {f} |
schizophrenialike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of schizophrenia) | :: шизофреноподібний |
schizophrenic {adj} (of a person: afflicted with schizophrenia) | :: шизофреник {m} |
schizophrenic {n} (a person suffering from schizophrenia) | :: шизофренік {m} |
Schlemm's canal {n} (channel in the eye) | :: канал Шлемма {m}, Шлеммів канал {m} |
schnapps {n} (liquor) | :: шнапс {m} |
schnitzel {n} (a meat dish) | :: шніцель {m} |
scholar's mate {n} (checkmate which occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qxf7#) | :: дитячий мат {m} |
school {n} (a group of fish) | :: зграя {f} /zhrája/ |
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning) | :: школа {f} /škóla/, училище {n} /učýlyšče/ |
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning before college or university) | :: школа {f} /škóla/ |
school {n} (college or university) | :: вища школа {f} /výšča škóla/, вищий навчальний заклад {m} /výščyj navčálʹnyj základ/, університет {m} /universytét/, академія {f} /akadémija/, інститут {m} /instytút/, консерваторія {f} /konservatórija/, коледж {m} /kolédž/, технікум {m} /téxnikum/, училище {n} /učýlyšče/ |
school {n} (a department/institute at a college or university) | :: факультет {m} /fakulʹtét/, відділення {f} /viddílennja/ |
school {n} ((collectively) the followers of a particular doctrine) | :: школа {f} /škóla/ |
school {v} (to educate, teach, or train) | :: навчати /navčáty/ |
schoolbag {n} (satchel) | :: портфель {m} |
schoolboy {n} (young male student) | :: школяр {m}, учень {m} |
schoolgirl {n} (girl attending school) | :: школярка {f}, учениця {f} |
schoolie {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher | :: |
school of thought {n} (opinion subscribed to by some connected or arbitrary group) | :: школа |
schoolteacher {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher | :: |
school year {n} (academic year of a school) | :: навчальний рік {m} |
schooner {n} (sailing ship) | :: шхуна {f} |
schwa {n} (indeterminate central vowel) | :: шва {f} |
Schwartz {prop} (surname) | :: Шварц |
science {n} (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method) | :: наука {f} |
science {n} (particular discipline or branch of learning) | :: наука {f}, дисципліна {f} |
science {n} (fact of knowing something) | :: знання {n} |
science {n} (knowledge gained through study or practice) | :: знання {n} |
science fiction {n} (fiction) | :: наукова фантастика {f} |
scientific {adj} (of or having to do with science) | :: науковий |
scientist {n} (one whose activities make use of the scientific method) | :: вчений {m} / учений {m}, науковець {m} {f}, вчена {f}, учена {f} |
scion {n} (descendant) | :: нащадок {m} |
scissors {n} (tool used for cutting) | :: ножиці {f-p} |
scold {v} (rebuke) | :: сварити {impf}, лаяти {impf}, шпетити {impf}, ганити {impf}, картати {impf} |
scoliosis {n} (condition in which there is abnormal lateral curvature of the spine) | :: сколіоз {m} |
scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) | :: самокат {m} |
scooter {n} (type of small two-wheeled vehicle, see also: motorscooter) | :: моторолер {m}, скутер {m} |
-scope {suffix} (suffix to name viewing instruments) | :: -скоп {m} |
score {v} (to score) SEE: strike | :: |
score {n} (number of points earned) | :: рахунок |
score {n} (performance of an individual or group on an examination or test) | :: результат |
score {v} (to earn points in a game) | :: отримувати (очки) |
scores {pron} (many) SEE: many | :: |
scorpion {n} (any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones) | :: скорпіон {m} |
Scotch crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow | :: |
Scotch tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
Scotland {prop} (country in northwest Europe to the north of England) | :: Шотландія {f} |
Scottish {adj} (of a person) | :: шотландський {m} |
Scottish {adj} (of a thing or concept) | :: шотландський {m} |
scoundrel {n} (villain) | :: негідник {m}, драб {m}, мерзотник {m}, поганець {m}, паскуда {m} {f}, падлюка {m} {f}, підлотник {m} |
scouting {n} (act of one who scouts) | :: розвідка {f}, рекогносцировка {f}, пласт {m}, пластування {n} |
scouting {n} (activities of boy scouts and girl scouts) | :: пласт {m}, пластування {n}, скаутінґ {m} |
scrap {n} (discarded objects) | :: металобрухт {m} |
scrape {v} (draw an object along while exerting pressure) | :: скребти {impf} |
scratch {v} (to rub a surface with a sharp object) | :: шкрябати {impf}, дряпати {impf} |
scratch {v} (to rub the skin with rough material) | :: чухати {impf} |
scratch {n} (disruption or mark on a surface) | :: дряпина {f} |
scream {v} (to make the sound of a scream) | :: кричати |
scream queen {n} (actress who appears in several horror movies) | :: королева верещання {f} |
scree {n} (loose stony debris on a slope) | :: осип {f} |
screech owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl | :: |
screen {n} (viewing area of electronic output device) | :: екран {m} |
screenplay {n} (script for a movie or a television show) | :: сценарій {m} |
screen printing {n} (printing method) | :: трафаретний друк |
screw {n} (fastener) | :: гвинт {m}, шуруп {m} |
screw {n} | :: гвинт, шуруп |
screwdriver {n} (tool) | :: викрутка {f}, завертка {f} |
screw thread {n} (helical ridge or groove) | :: різьба {f} |
scribe {n} (writer and doctor of the law) | :: секретар |
script {n} (text of the dialogue and action for a drama) | :: сценарій {m} |
script {n} (a system of writing) | :: писемність {f} |
scriptorium {n} (room set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts) | :: скрипторій {m} |
Scripture {prop} (Tanakh) SEE: Tanakh | :: |
Scripture {prop} (Bible) SEE: Bible | :: |
scrofulous {adj} (morally degenerate; corrupt) SEE: corrupt | :: |
scroll {n} (roll of paper or parchment) | :: сувій {m} |
scroll {n} (ornament) | :: завиток, закруток, закрутка |
scrotum {n} (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles) | :: мошонка {f}, калитка {f} |
sculptor {n} (a person who sculpts) | :: скульптор {m}, різьбяр {m} |
sculpture {n} (art of sculpting) | :: скульптура {f}, ліпка {f}, різьблення {n}, різьбярство {n}, різьбарство {n} |
sculpture {n} (work of art created by sculpting) | :: скульптура {f} |
scumbag {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
scutch grass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass | :: |
scythe {n} (farm tool) | :: коса {f} |
scythe {v} (to cut with a scythe) | :: косити |
sea {n} (body of water) | :: море {n} |
seaborgium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 106) | :: сіборгій {m} |
seafarer {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
seafarer {n} (one who travels by sea) | :: мореплавець {m}, моряк {m}, мореплавиця {f} |
seagull {n} (bird of the family Laridae) | :: чайка {f}, мартин {m}, мева {f} [dialectal] |
sea horse {n} (walrus) SEE: walrus | :: |
sea horse {n} (fish) | :: морський коник {m} |
seal {n} (pinniped) | :: тюлень {m} |
seal {n} (stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance) | :: печатка {f}, печать {f} |
seal {n} (design or insignia associated with organization or official role) | :: печать {f} |
sealant {n} (material used to seal a surface so as to prevent passage of a fluid) | :: герметик {m} |
sea legs {n} (crab stick) SEE: crab stick | :: |
seam {n} (folded back and stitched piece of fabric) | :: шов {m} |
seaman {n} (mariner or sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
Sea of Azov {prop} (sea) | :: Азовське море {n} |
Sea of Japan {prop} (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia) | :: Японське море {n} |
Sea of Okhotsk {prop} (sea) | :: Охотське море {n} |
sea onion {n} (Drimia maritima) | :: луківка надморська {f} |
search {v} (to search) SEE: look | :: |
search {n} (an attempt to find something) | :: пошук {m} |
search {v} (to look throughout (a place) for something) | :: шукати {impf} |
sea salt {n} (salt prepared by evaporating sea water) | :: морська сіль {f} |
seashell {n} (shell) | :: мушля {f}, раковина {f}, черепашка {f} |
seashore {n} (the coastal land bordering a sea or ocean) | :: берег моря, морське побережжя {n}, морське узбережжя {n} |
sea-sickness {n} (seasickness) SEE: seasickness | :: |
seasickness {n} (a feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship) | :: морська хвороба {f} |
seaside {n} (the area by and around the sea) | :: морське побережжя {n}, морське узбережжя {n} |
season {n} (quarter of a year) | :: пора року {f}, сезон {m} |
seasoning {n} (cooking ingredient) | :: приправа {f} |
seat {n} (place in which to sit) | :: сидіння {n}, місце {n} |
sea urchin {n} (any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea) | :: морський їжак {m} |
secession {n} (The act of seceding) | :: відділення {n}, сецесія {f} |
second {adj} (second (numeral), see also: 2nd) | :: другий |
second {n} (one-sixtieth of a minute; SI unit of time) | :: секунда {f} |
Second World War {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II | :: |
secret {n} (knowledge that is hidden) | :: таємниця {f}, секрет {m} |
secretary {n} (person keeping records and handling clerical work) | :: секретар {m}, секретарка {f} |
secretly {adv} (in a secret manner) | :: таємно |
sect {n} (religious movement) | :: секта {f} |
secular {adj} (not specifically religious) | :: світський, мирський |
security {n} (condition of not being threatened) | :: безпека {f} |
Security Council {prop} (UN Security Council) SEE: UN Security Council | :: |
sedative {n} (an agent or drug that sedates) | :: заспокійливий засіб, заспокійливе {n} |
sedentary {adj} (not moving, not migratory) | :: осілий |
sedimentary rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) | :: осадові гірські породи |
see {v} (perceive with the eyes) | :: бачити, видіти [dialectal] |
see {v} (understand) | :: розуміти {impf} |
see also {phrase} (a suggestion that other topics of study are related to a current topic) | :: див. також, дивіться також |
seed {n} (fertilized grain) | :: сім'я {n}, насінина {f}, насіння {n} [collective] |
seed {n} (semen) | :: сім'я {c} |
seed {n} (offspring, descendants, progeny) | :: потомство {n} |
seed {v} (to plant or sow seeds) | :: сіяти {impf}, садити {impf}, засівати |
seedpod {n} (pouch-like form on a plant) SEE: pod | :: |
seek {v} (to try to find) | :: шукати {impf} |
seel {v} (To blind) SEE: blind | :: |
seem {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look | :: |
seem {v} (to appear) | :: здаватися |
seemingly {adv} (apparently) SEE: apparently | :: |
see off {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
see off {v} (to accompany someone to a point of departure) | :: проводжати {impf}, проводити {impf}, провести {pf} |
see-through {adj} (transparent) SEE: transparent | :: |
see you later {phrase} (goodbye) | :: побачимося пізніше, побачимося, до зустрічі, до побачення |
see you tomorrow {phrase} (see you tomorrow) | :: до завтра |
Segorbe {prop} (municipality in Castellón, Spain) | :: Сегорбе |
seine {n} (fishing net) | :: невід {m} |
seismology {n} (the study of the vibration of the Earth's interior) | :: сейсмологія {f} |
seiyuu {n} (voice actor) SEE: voice actor | :: |
sejunct {adj} (separate) SEE: separate | :: |
seldom {adv} (infrequently, rarely) | :: рідко, зрідка |
selection {n} (process or act of selecting) | :: вибір, відбір |
selenium {n} (chemical element) | :: селен {m} |
selenology {n} (the study of the moon and several satellites) | :: селенологія |
self {n} (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness) | :: сам {m} |
self-determination {n} (political independence of a people) | :: самовизначення {n} |
self-esteem {n} (confidence in one's own worth) | :: самооцінка {f} |
selfie {n} (photographic self-portrait) | :: селфі {n} |
self-image {n} (way a person views themself) | :: самооцінка {f} |
self-immolation {n} (setting oneself on fire) | :: самоспалення {n} |
selfish {adj} (holding one's self-interest as the standard for decision making) | :: егоїстичний |
self-reference {n} (act or process of referring to itself) | :: автореференція {f} самореференція {f} |
self-service {n} (the practice of serving oneself) | :: самообслуговування {n}, самообслуга {f} |
sell {v} (to agree to transfer goods or provide services) | :: продавати {impf}, продати {pf} |
seller {n} (someone who sells) | :: продавець {m}, продавщиця {f}, торговець {m} |
sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
Sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
Selonia {prop} (A cultural region in Latvia) | :: Селія {f} |
semen {n} (semen (fluid)) SEE: sperm | :: |
semen {n} (male reproductory fluid) | :: сперма {f}, сім'я {f}, еякулят {m}, насіння {n} |
semester {n} (half of school year) | :: семестр {m} |
semicolon {n} (punctuation mark ';') | :: крапка з комою {f}, середник {m} |
seminarist {n} (student at a seminary) | :: семінарист {m} |
semipalmated sandpiper {n} (Calidris pusilla) | :: побережник тундровий {m} |
Semite {n} (descendant of any of these peoples) | :: семіт {m}, семітка {f} |
Semitic {adj} (pertaining to the Semitic subdivision of Afroasiatic languages) | :: семітський |
senate {n} (the upper house in some bicameral legislative systems) | :: сенат {m} |
senator {n} (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate) | :: сенатор {m} |
senator {n} (historic: position in government of ancient Rome) | :: сенатор {m} |
send {v} (make something go somewhere) | :: посилати {impf}, слати {impf}, послати {pf}, надсилати {impf}, надіслати {pf} |
sendoff {n} (farewell party) | :: прощавальна вечірка {f} |
send out {v} (dispatch, issue) | :: висилати {impf}, вислати {pf} |
Senegal {prop} (Republic of Senegal) | :: Сенегал {m} |
senior {adj} (older) | :: старший, старіший |
sense {n} (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world) | :: чуття, відчуття |
sense {n} (conscious awareness) | :: відчуття {n} |
sense {n} (meaning or reason) | :: сенс, значення {n} |
sense {n} (natural ability) | :: почуття {n} |
sense {n} (semantics term) | :: значення, сенс |
sense of humour {n} (quality of an individual to find certain things funny) | :: почуття гумору {n} |
sensor {n} (device or organ that detects certain external stimuli) | :: сенсор {m} |
sentence {n} (judicial order for punishment, conviction) | :: присуд |
sentence {n} (punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime) | :: вирок |
sentence {n} (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate) | :: речення {n}, фраза {f} |
Seoul {prop} (capital of South Korea) | :: Сеул {m} |
Seoulite {adj} (of or from Seoul) | :: сеульський |
sepal {n} (part of calyx) | :: чашолисток {m} |
separate {adj} (apart from; not connected to) | :: окремий |
separate {adj} (followed by "from": not together with) | :: роздільний |
separate {v} (to disunite, disconnect) | :: відокремлювати {impf}, відділяти {impf} |
separate {v} (to cause to be separate) | :: розділяти |
separate {v} (to divide itself) | :: розділятися, відділятися, відокремлюватися |
separately {adv} (in a separate manner) | :: окремо |
separatism {n} (separatism) | :: сепаратизм {m} |
separatist {n} (political separatist) | :: сепаратист {m}, сепаратистка {f} |
separatist {adj} (Advocating or seeking the separation of a country or territory) | :: сепаратистський |
sepia {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish | :: |
September {prop} (ninth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: вересень {m} |
septoplasty {n} (corrective surgical procedure) | :: септопластика {f} |
Septuagint {prop} (an ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek) | :: Септуаґінта {f} |
Sequoyah {prop} (Inventor of the syllabary for writing Cherokee) | :: Секвоя |
Serb {n} (person of Serb descent, see also: Serbian) | :: сербин {m}, сербка {f} |
Serbia {prop} (a country in southeastern Europe) | :: Сербія {f} |
Serbia and Montenegro {prop} (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) | :: Сербія і Чорногорія |
Serbian {n} (person from Serbia, see also: Serb) | :: серб {m}, сербка {f} |
Serbian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) | :: сербська {f} |
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians) | :: сербський |
Serbian {n} (Serb) SEE: Serb | :: |
Serbo-Croatian {n} (South Slavic language) | :: сербсько-хорватська мова {f} |
Serbo-Croatian {adj} (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language) | :: сербсько-хорватський, сербохорватський |
serendipity {n} (a combination of events which are not individually beneficial, but occurring together produce a good or wonderful outcome) | :: щасливий збіг обставин {m} |
serene {adj} (peaceful, calm) | :: безтурботний, спокійний |
serf {n} (semifree peasant) | :: кріпосний {m}, кріпосна {f}, кріпак {m} |
sergeant {n} (non-commissioned officer rank) | :: сержант {m} |
Sergey {prop} (transliteration of Сергей) | :: Сергій {m} |
Sergius {prop} (male given name) | :: Сергій {m} |
serial killer {n} (person who commits multiple murders) | :: серійний убивця {m} |
sericulture {n} (rearing of silkworms for the production of silk) | :: шовківництво |
series {n} (a number of things that follow on one after the other) | :: ряд {?}, серія {?} |
series {n} (television or radio program) | :: телесеріал {m}, серіал {m} |
series {n} (in analysis: sum of the terms of a sequence) | :: ряд {?} |
serigraphy {n} (printing method) SEE: screen printing | :: |
serious {adj} (without humor or expression of happiness) | :: серйозний |
serious {adj} (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play) | :: серйозний |
serious {adj} (really intending what is said; being in earnest) | :: серйозний |
seriously {adv} (in a serious or literal manner) | :: серйозно |
sermon {n} (religious discourse) | :: проповідь {f}, казання {n} |
serum {n} (yellowish fluid obtained from blood) | :: сироватка {f} |
servant {n} (one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation) | :: слуга {m}, служниця {f} |
serve {n} (sports: act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play) | :: подача |
serve {v} (to work for) | :: служити {impf} |
serve {v} (religion: to obey and worship) | :: служити |
serve {v} (to attend, supply the wants of) | :: обслуговувати {impf} |
serve {v} (to bring food to) | :: подавати, обслуговувати |
server {n} (computing: a program which provides services to other programs or users) | :: сервер {m} |
serve time {v} (to be in prison) SEE: do time | :: |
Servian {adj} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
Servian {n} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
Servian {prop} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian | :: |
service {n} (practice of providing services as economic activity) | :: служба {f}, обслуговування {n}, сервіс {m} |
service {n} (the military) | :: служба {f} |
service {v} (to serve) | :: обслуговувати {impf} |
service {n} (service tree) SEE: service tree | :: |
serviceberry {n} (plant) | :: ірга {f}, коринка {f}, бішмула {f} |
serviceman {n} (man who serves in the armed forces) | :: військовослужбовець {m}, військовик {m} |
service station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station | :: |
service tree {n} (Sorbus domestica) | :: горобина домашня |
service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) SEE: wild service tree | :: |
serviette {n} (napkin) SEE: napkin | :: |
session {n} (period devoted to a particular activity) | :: сесія {f}, сеанс {m} |
session {n} (meeting of a body to conduct business) | :: сесія {f}, засідання {n} |
set {v} (of a heavenly body: to disappear below the horizon) | :: заходити {impf}, зайти {pf} |
set {v} (to sit) SEE: sit | :: |
set forth {v} (to start) SEE: start | :: |
set on fire {v} (cause to begin to burn) | :: підпалювати {impf}, підпалити {pf} |
setting {n} (placement of a control) | :: налаштування {n} |
settle {v} (to fix one's dwelling) | :: селитися, заселяти |
settle down {v} (to become quiet) | :: заспокойтесь |
settle down {v} (to establish a settled lifestyle) | :: оселитися, облаштуватися |
settlement {n} (newly established colony) | :: поселення {n}, осада {f} |
settler {n} (someone who settles in a new location) | :: поселенець {m}, поселенка {f} |
Sevastopol {prop} (city) | :: Севастополь {m} |
sevdalinka {n} (genre of folk music) | :: севдалінка {f} |
seven {num} (cardinal number 7) | :: сім, семеро [collective] |
seven {n} | :: сімка {f} |
seven deadly sins {n} (the cardinal sins) | :: смертні гріхи {p} |
seven hundred {num} (cardinal number 700) | :: сімсот |
seven-league boots {n} (boots enabling great stride) | :: чоботи-скороходи {m-p}, семимильні чоботи {m-p} |
sevennight {n} (period of seven consecutive days and nights) SEE: week | :: |
seventeen {num} (cardinal number) | :: сімнадцять |
seventeenth {adj} (ordinal number, see also: 17th) | :: сімнадцятий |
seventh {adj} (ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th) | :: сьомий |
seven thousand {num} (7,000) | :: сім тисяч |
seventy {num} (cardinal number) | :: сімдесять |
several {determiner} (consisting of a number more than two, but not very many) | :: декілька, кілька |
severe {adj} (very bad or intense) | :: суворий, тяжкий, лютий |
severe {adj} (strict or harsh) | :: суворий, строгий |
Seville {prop} (city in Andalusia, Spain) | :: Севілья {f} |
sew {v} ((transitive) use a needle) | :: шити |
sewer {n} (pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage) | :: стічна труба {f}, каналізація {f} |
sewerage {n} (sewer system) | :: каналізація {f} |
sewing machine {n} (device) | :: швейна машина {f} |
sex {n} (act of sexual intercourse) | :: любощі {p}, секс {m}, статеві зносини {f-p} |
sex {n} (gender (female or male)) | :: стать {f} |
sex gland {n} (gland in which sex cells are produced) SEE: gonad | :: |
sexism {n} (gender discrimination or dislike) | :: сексизм {m} |
sex shop {n} (shop that sells sexual merchandise) | :: секс-шоп {m} |
sext {n} (noon) SEE: noon | :: |
sexual {adj} (of or relating to having sex) | :: статевий, сексуальний |
sexual {adj} (of or relating to the sex of an organism) | :: статевий |
sexual intercourse {n} (sexual interaction) | :: статеві зносини {f-p}, злягання {n}, статевий акт {m} |
sexuality {n} (sexual orientation) SEE: sexual orientation | :: |
sexualization {n} | :: сексуалізація {f} |
sexually transmitted disease {n} (disease contracted through sexual contact) | :: захворювання, що передається статевим шляхом {n} |
sexual orientation {n} (sexual orientation) | :: сексуальна орієнтація {f} |
sexual reproduction {n} (process whereby a new organism created by combining the genetic material of two organisms) | :: статеве розмноження |
Seychelles {prop} (country in East Africa) | :: Сейшели {f-p}, Сейшельські острови {m-p} |
shabbiness {n} (The property of being shabby.) | :: убогість, занедбаність, зношеність, нікчемність |
shack {n} (crude hut) | :: халупа {f}, хатинка {f} |
shackle {n} (stubble) SEE: stubble | :: |
shadbush {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry | :: |
shade {n} (darkness where light is blocked) | :: тінь {f} |
shadow {n} (dark image projected onto a surface) | :: тінь {f} |
shadow {n} (spirit, ghost) SEE: ghost | :: |
Shadow Cabinet {n} (a senior group of opposition politicians who shadow the members of the government) | :: тіньовий уряд |
shaft {n} (vertical passage housing a lift) | :: шахта {f} |
shah {n} (king of Persia) | :: шах {m} |
shah {n} (former Ukrainian monetary unit) | :: шаг {m} |
shaheed {n} (martyr) SEE: martyr | :: |
shaitan {n} (Iblis, Satan in Islam) | :: шайтан {m} |
shake {v} (transitive: to cause to move) | :: трусити {impf}, трясти {impf} |
shake {n} (beverage made of ice cream and carbonated drink) SEE: float | :: |
shakedown {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion | :: |
shallot {n} (vegetable in the onion family, A. ascalonium or A. oschaninii) | :: кущівка {f}, шалот {m} |
shallow {adj} (having little depth and significantly less deep than wide) | :: мілкий, неглибокий, плиткий |
shallow {adj} (extending not far downward) | :: мілкий |
shallow {adj} (concerned mainly with superficial matters) | :: поверхневий, неглибокий, зовнішній |
shallow {adj} (lacking interest or substance) | :: поверховий, неглибокий, побіжний |
shallow {n} (shallow portion of an otherwise deep body of water) | :: мілина {f} |
shalom {interj} (transliteration of the Jewish greeting or farewell) | :: шалом |
shalwar {n} (garment) | :: шаровари {f-p} |
shaman {n} (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) | :: шаман {m}, знахар {m} |
shamanism {n} (range of traditional beliefs) | :: шаманізм {m} |
shame {n} (uncomfortable or painful feeling) | :: сором {m}, ганьба {f}, стид {m} |
shampoo {n} (product for washing the hair or other fibres) | :: шампунь {m} |
shamrock {n} (any of several small plants, forms of clover) SEE: clover | :: |
Shang-hai {prop} (Shanghai) SEE: Shanghai | :: |
Shanghai {prop} (Chinese city as provincial-level municipality) | :: Шанхай {m} |
shape {n} (appearance or outline) | :: форма {f}, вигляд |
shape {n} (figure) | :: фігура |
shape {v} (to give something a shape) | :: формувати |
Shapiro {prop} (surname Shapiro) | :: Шапіро |
sharbat {n} (sherbet) SEE: sherbet | :: |
share {n} (portion of something) | :: доля, частка, частина |
share {n} (financial instrument) | :: акція |
share {v} (to give) | :: ділитися {impf}, ділити {impf}, розділяти {impf} |
share {v} (to have in common) | :: розділяти |
share {v} (to divide and distribute) | :: розподіляти, ділити |
shareholder {n} (one who owns shares of stock) | :: акціонер {m} |
shareowner {n} (shareholder) SEE: shareholder | :: |
shari'a {n} (Islamic religious law) | :: шаріат {m} |
shark {n} (fish) | :: акула {f} |
sharp {adj} (able to cut easily) | :: гострий |
sharp {adj} (intelligent) | :: дотепний |
sharp {adj} (pointed, able to pierce easily) | :: гострий |
sharp {adj} (of a note, played a semitone higher than usual) | :: дієз |
sharp {adj} (having an intense, acrid flavour) | :: гострий, різкий |
sharp {adj} (intense and sudden (of pain)) | :: гострий, різкий |
sharp {adj} (exact, precise, accurate, keen) | :: точний |
sharp {adj} (offensive, critical, or acrimonious) | :: різкий |
sharp {adv} (exactly) | :: точно |
sharp {n} (sign for a sharp note on the staff) | :: дієз {m} |
sharp {n} (note that is sharp in a particular key) | :: дієз {m} |
sharp {n} (cheater or dishonest person) | :: шахрай {m} |
sharp-tailed sandpiper {n} (Calidris acuminata) | :: побережник гострохвостий {m} |
shashlik {n} (skewered dish) | :: шашлик {m} |
shatter {v} (to violently break something into pieces) | :: розтрощувати {impf}, розтрощити {pf}, трощити {impf} |
shave {v} (to remove hair from) | :: голити {impf}, брити {impf} |
shave {v} (to remove hair from one's face) | :: голитися {impf}, бритися {impf} |
shaver {n} (boy) SEE: boy | :: |
shaver {n} (barber) SEE: barber | :: |
shaver {n} (electric razor) | :: електробритва {f}, бритва {f} |
shaving brush {n} (brush for applying shaving cream) | :: пензлик {m}, помазок для гоління {m} |
shawl {n} (a square piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders) | :: хустка {f}, шаль {f} |
shchi {n} (a type of Russian soup) | :: щі {f-p} |
she {pron} (person) | :: вона |
sheaf {n} (bundle of grain or straw) | :: сніп {m}, в'язанка {f} |
shear {v} (to remove the fleece from a sheep) | :: стригти {impf} |
shearwater {n} (seabird) | :: буревісник {m} |
sheath {n} (scabbard) SEE: scabbard | :: |
sheath {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
Sheba {prop} (biblical kingdom) | :: Саба {f} |
shebop {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate | :: |
shed {n} (temporary structure to shelter something) | :: сарай {m}, повітка {f}, шопа {f} |
sheep {n} (animal) | :: вівця {f} |
sheepdog {n} (dog used for herding sheep) | :: вівчарка {f} |
sheepherder {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd | :: |
sheer {adj} (pure) SEE: pure | :: |
sheer {adj} (very thin or transparent) | :: прозорий |
sheer {adj} (downright; complete) | :: повний, чистий |
sheer {adj} ((used to emphasize)) | :: чистий, істиний, справжній |
sheer {adj} (straight up and down; vertical; perpendicular) | :: перпендикулярний, прямовисний, вертикальний |
sheer {v} (nautical: swerve from course) | :: відхилятися від курсу |
sheet {n} (sheet of paper) | :: аркуш {m}, лист {m} |
sheet {n} (thin bed cloth) SEE: bedsheet | :: |
Sheffield {prop} (city) | :: Шеффілд {m} |
sheik {n} (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe) | :: шейх {m} |
shekel {n} (sheqel) SEE: sheqel | :: |
shelduck {n} (waterfowl) | :: галагаз {m} |
shelf {n} (structure) | :: полиця {f} |
shell {n} (hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates) | :: черепашка {f}, скойка {f}, мушля {f}; панцер {m}, панцир {m} [of an arthropod or a turtle] |
shell {n} (hard covering of an egg) | :: шкаралупа {f}, шкаралупина {f}, лушпина {f}, лушпайка {f} |
shell {n} (conjoined scutes that comprise the "shell" of a tortoise or turtle) | :: панцер {m}, панцир {m} |
shell {n} (casing of an artillery projectile) | :: гільза {f} |
shellfish {n} (aquatic food that has a shell) | :: молюск {m} |
shelter {n} (a refuge or other protection) | :: притулок {m} |
shepherd {n} (a person who tends sheep) | :: пастух {m}, пастир {m} |
sheqel {n} (currency unit in Israel) | :: шекель {m} |
sherbet {n} (frozen fruit juice) | :: шербет {m} |
sherbet {n} (sweet drink prepared from fruits or flower petals) | :: шербет {m} |
Sheremetyevo {prop} (airport in Russia) | :: Шереметьєво {n} |
sheriff {n} (all meanings) | :: шериф {m} |
Sherman necktie {n} (segment of rail that has been heated and twisted into a loop) | :: краватка Шермана {f} |
she-tiger {n} (tigress) SEE: tigress | :: |
Shevchenko {prop} (surname) | :: Шевченко {m} {f} |
she-wolf {n} (female wolf) | :: вовчиця {f} |
shibboleth {n} (a word, especially seen as a test, to distinguish someone as belonging to a particular nation, class, profession etc) | :: шібболет {m} |
Shibuya {prop} (one of the special wards that form Tokyo) | :: Шібуя {m} |
shield {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
shield {n} (armor) | :: щит {m} |
shift {n} (change of workers) | :: зміна {f} |
Shih Tzu {n} (small dog breed which originated in China) | :: ши-цу, ші-тсу |
shiitake {n} (Lentinula edodes, an edible mushroom) | :: шіїтаке {n} |
shilajit {n} (tar-like substance used in traditional medicine) | :: мумійо {n}, муміє {n} |
Shimla {prop} (capital of Himachal Pradesh, India) | :: Шімла {f} |
Shimshon {prop} (given name) SEE: Samson | :: |
shin {n} (front part of the leg below the knee) | :: гомілка {f} |
shinbone {n} (inner bone of the hind limb below the knee) | :: велика гомілкова кістка {f}, великогомілкова кістка {f} |
shine {v} (to emit light) | :: світити {impf}, сяяти {impf} |
shine {v} (to reflect light) | :: блища'ти {impf}, сяяти {impf} |
shine {v} (to distinguish oneself) | :: блищат́и {impf}, сяяти {impf} |
shine {n} (brightness from a source of light) | :: світло {n} |
shine {n} (brightness from reflected light) | :: блиск {m}, сяйво {n} |
shine {n} (excellence in quality or appearance) | :: блиск {m} |
shine {n} (slang: moonshine) SEE: moonshine | :: |
shiner {n} (black eye) SEE: black eye | :: |
Shinto {prop} (religion) | :: синтої́зм {m} |
Shintoism {prop} (Shinto) SEE: Shinto | :: |
ship {n} (large water vessel) | :: корабель {m}, судно {n} |
shipbuilder {n} (person) | :: корабел {m}, суднобудівник {m} |
shipyard {n} (place to build and repair ships) | :: верф {f}, судноверф {f} |
shirt {n} (article of clothing) | :: сорочка {f}, кошуля {f} |
shit {n} | :: гімно {n}, дерьмо {n}, лайно {n} |
shit {v} | :: срати {impf} |
shit {interj} (expression of worry, failure) | :: лайно! |
shit happens {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life | :: |
shithole {n} (anus) SEE: asshole | :: |
shithole {n} (unpleasant person) SEE: asshole | :: |
shithouse {adj} (Of poor quality) SEE: shitty | :: |
shits {n} (vulgar slang for diarrhea) | :: срачка {f} |
shitter {n} (coarse slang for the anus) SEE: anus | :: |
shitty {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
shitty {adj} (high) SEE: high | :: |
shitty {adj} (unpleasant as shit) | :: гівняний, гімняний, хуйовий, сраний |
Shiva {prop} (deity) | :: Шива |
Shlomo {prop} (given name) SEE: Solomon | :: |
Shoah {prop} (the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews) SEE: Holocaust | :: |
shoal {n} (group of fish) SEE: school | :: |
shocking {adj} (inspiring shock; startling) | :: шокуючий |
shoe {n} (protective covering for the foot) | :: черевик {m} |
shoe {v} (To put shoes on one's feet) | :: взуватися |
shoe {v} (to put horseshoes on a horse) | :: підкувати |
shoe {n} (piece of metal designed to be attached to a horse’s foot) SEE: horseshoe | :: |
shoebill {n} (wading bird) | :: китоголов {m} |
shoeblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoehorn {n} (tool used to assist the foot) | :: ріжок {m} |
shoelace {n} (for fastening a shoe, see also: lace) | :: шнурок {m} |
shoeshine boy {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoeshine girl {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
shoeshiner {n} (person who shines shoes) | :: чистильник взуття |
shoestring {n} (the string or lace used to secure the shoe to the foot; a shoelace) SEE: shoelace | :: |
shogun {n} (supreme generalissimo of feudal Japan) | :: сьоґун {m} |
shoot {v} (to fire a shot) | :: стріляти {impf}, вистрілювати {impf}, вистрелювати {impf}, вистрелити {pf}, вистрілити {pf} |
shoot {v} (to fire multiple shots) | :: стріляти {impf}, вистрілювати {impf}, вистрелювати {impf}, вистрелити {pf}, вистрілити {pf} |
shoot down {v} (to cause to fall by shooting) | :: збивати {impf}, збити {pf} |
shooting {n} (instance of shooting) | :: стрільба {f}, стрілянина {f} |
shooting star {n} (meteor) | :: падаюча зірка {f} |
shop {n} (establishment that sells goods) | :: крамниця {f}, магазин {m} |
shop {v} (to visit shops) | :: ходити до крамниць |
shop assistant {n} (shop employee) | :: продавець {m}, продавщиця {f} |
shoppe {n} (shop) SEE: shop | :: |
shopping bag {n} (strong bag for carrying purchases) | :: шопер |
shopping center {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre | :: |
shopping centre {n} (large retail outlet) | :: торговий центр {m} |
shopping mall {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre | :: |
shop window {n} (large window at the front of a shop) | :: вітрина {f} |
shore {n} (land adjoining a large body of water) | :: беріг {m}, берег {m} |
short {adj} (having a small distance between ends or edges) | :: короткий |
short {adj} (of a person, of comparatively small height) | :: низький |
short-billed dowitcher {n} (Limnodromus griseus) | :: неголь короткодзьобий {m} |
shortcoming {n} (deficiency) | :: недолік {m} |
shorten {v} (to make shorter) | :: скорочувати {impf}, скоротити {pf} |
short of {phrase} (except) SEE: except | :: |
shorts {n} (plural of short) SEE: short | :: |
shorts {n} (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees) | :: шорти {f-p} |
short-sightedness {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness | :: |
short story {n} (work of fiction) | :: оповідання {n}, новела {f} |
short-tailed weasel {n} (Mustela erminea) SEE: ermine | :: |
short-toed snake eagle {n} (Circaetus gallicus) | :: змієїд блакитноногий {m} |
shorty {n} (a short person) | :: коротун {m} |
shot {n} (result of launching a projectile) | :: постріл {m} |
Shota {prop} (male given name) | :: Шота |
shotgun {n} (gun) | :: рушниця {f} |
shot put {n} (athletics event) | :: штовхання ядра {n} |
should {v} (expressing obligation) | :: повинен, варто |
should {v} (expressing likelihood) | :: повинно, слід |
shoulder {n} (joint between arm and torso) | :: плече {n}, рам'я {n} [obsolete], рамено {n} [obsolete] |
shoulder {n} (a verge to the side of a road) | :: узбіччя {n} |
shoulder joint {n} (glenohumeral joint) SEE: glenohumeral joint | :: |
shoulder pole {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole | :: |
shout {n} (a loud burst of voice) | :: крик {m} |
shout {v} (to utter a sudden and loud outcry) | :: кричати {impf} |
shovel {n} (spade) SEE: spade | :: |
shovel {n} (tool for moving portions of material) | :: лопата {f} |
show {v} (to display) | :: показувати {impf}, показати {pf} |
show {n} (entertainment) | :: вистава {f}, спектакль {m}, шоу {n}, видовище {n} |
show {v} (show up) SEE: show up | :: |
showcase {n} (a setting for displaying something favorably) | :: вітрина {f} |
shower {n} (brief fall of rain) | :: дощик {m} |
shower {n} (device for bathing) | :: душ {m} |
shower {n} (instance of using of this device) | :: душ {m} |
shower {n} (quantity of something that has characteristics of a rain shower) | :: град {m} |
shower {v} (to spray with) | :: бризкати |
shower {v} (to bathe using a shower) | :: прийняти душ |
shower gel {n} (gel shower soap) | :: гель для душу {m} |
show jumping {n} (equestrian event in which a rider's horse is jumped over an array of obstacles) | :: конкур {m} |
show off {v} (to exhibit, to demonstrate something for the purpose of bragging) | :: викаблучуватися {impf}, викабелюватися [informal], випендрюватися [informal], випиндючуватися [slang], вийобуватися {impf} [vulgar] |
show up {v} (to appear) | :: з’являтися |
shredder {n} (machine) | :: шатківниця {f} [mandoline] |
shrew {n} (mouselike animal) | :: землерийка {f} |
Shrewsbury {prop} (town in Shropshire, England) | :: Шрусбері |
shrike {n} (Any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae) | :: сорокопуд |
shrimp {n} (decapod crustacean) | :: креветка {f} |
shrine {n} (a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect) | :: рака {f}, святиня {f}, храм |
shroom {n} (mushroom) SEE: mushroom | :: |
shroom {n} (hallucinogenic fungus) SEE: magic mushroom | :: |
Shrovetide {n} (period of three days) | :: масниця {f} |
Shrove Tuesday {n} (day before the beginning of Lent) | :: масниця {f} |
shrub {n} (woody plant) | :: кущ {m} |
shrug {n} (gesture) | :: знизування плечима {n} |
shrug {v} (to raise the shoulders to express uncertainty, lack of concern, etc.) | :: знизувати плечима |
shuffle {n} (act of shuffling cards) | :: перемішування, тасування |
shuffle {v} (to put in a random order) | :: тасувати |
shuffle {v} (to walk without picking up one's feet) | :: човгати |
shufti {n} (glance) SEE: glance | :: |
shut {v} ((transitive) to close) | :: зачиняти {impf}, зачинити {pf}, закривати {impf}, закрити {pf} |
shut one's trap {v} (shut up) SEE: shut up | :: |
shuttlecock {n} (badminton ball) | :: волан {m} |
shut up {v} (imperative: "Shut up!", see also: hold one's tongue) | :: заткнися!, замовкни! |
shvitz {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat | :: |
shy {adj} (easily frightened) | :: полохливий, боязкий, страшливий, несмілий |
shy {adj} (reserved) | :: соромливий, сором'язливий |
shy {adj} (cautious) | :: боязкий, полохливий |
shylock {n} (loan shark) SEE: loan shark | :: |
shyness {n} (quality of being shy) | :: соромливість {f}, сором'язливість {f} |
Siamese cat {n} (mammal) | :: сіамська кішка {f} |
Siamese fighting fish {n} (a freshwater fish) | :: бійцівська рибка сіамська {f} |
sib {n} (sibling) SEE: sibling | :: |
Siberia {prop} (region of Russia) | :: Сибір {f} |
Siberian Husky {n} (Siberian Husky dog) | :: сибірський хаскі {m} |
sibling {n} (person who shares same parents) | :: суродженець {m}, родженство {n} |
sic {adv} (thus, thus written) | :: так |
sich {n} (administrative and military centre for Cossacks) | :: Січ {f} |
Sichuan {prop} (a province in China) | :: Сичуань {f} |
Sicilian {n} (chess opening) SEE: Sicilian Defence | :: |
Sicilian Defence {prop} (chess opening) | :: сицилійський захист {m} |
Sicily {prop} (island) | :: Сицилія {f} |
sick {n} (sick people) | :: хворий |
sick {n} (vomit) | :: блювота |
sick {adj} (ill) SEE: ill | :: |
sick and tired {adj} (frustrated and annoyed) SEE: fed up | :: |
sicken {v} (to be or become ill) | :: захворіти |
sickle {n} (agricultural implement) | :: серп {m} |
sickle {v} (to cut with a sickle) | :: жати {impf} |
side {n} (bounding straight edge of an object) | :: бік {m}, сторона {f} [rare] |
side {n} (portion of the human torso generally covered by the arms) | :: бік {m} |
side {n} (television channel) SEE: channel | :: |
side cap {n} (military cap) | :: пілотка {f} |
sideproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct | :: |
sidereal year {n} (orbital period) | :: сидеричний рік {m} |
sidewalk {n} (paved footpath) | :: тротуар {m} |
Sidon {prop} (city state of Phoenicia) | :: Сідон |
siege {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
Sierra Leone {prop} (Republic of Sierra Leone) | :: Сьєрра-Леоне {f} |
sieve {n} (device to separate larger objects from smaller ones or from liquids) | :: решето {n}, сито {n} |
sigh {v} (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it) | :: зітхати {impf}, зітхнути {pf}, здихати {impf}, здихнути {pf} |
sigh {n} (act of sighing) | :: зітхання {n}, подих {m} |
sight {n} (something seen) | :: вид |
sight {n} (device used in aiming a firearm) | :: приціл |
sight {v} (visually register) | :: побачити, дивитися |
sight {v} (get sight of) | :: побачити |
sight {n} (eyesight) SEE: eyesight | :: |
sighthound {n} (sighthound) | :: хорт {m} |
sign {n} (visible indication) | :: знак |
sign {v} (to make (a document) official by writing one's signature) | :: підписувати {impf}, підписати {pf}, підписуватися {impf}, підписатися {pf} |
signal {n} (sign made to give notice) | :: сигнал {m}, знак {m} |
signature {n} (person’s autograph name) | :: підпис {m} |
signboard {n} (a board carrying a sign) | :: вивіска {f}, шильда {f} |
significant {adj} (having noticeable effect) | :: значний, істотний, суттєвий |
signify {v} (to give something a meaning) | :: значити, означати |
sign language {n} (sign language) | :: жестова мова {f} |
sign of the cross {n} (gesture) | :: хресне знамення, знак хреста {m} |
Sikkim {prop} (state in eastern India which has Gangtok as its capital) | :: Сіккім |
silence {n} (lack of any sound) | :: тиша {f}, мовчання {n} [when nobody talks] |
silence {v} (to make something silent) | :: затихати {impf}, затихнути {pf} |
silencer {n} (attachment) | :: глушник {m} |
silent {adj} (free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet) | :: тихий, мовчати {impf} [verb "to be silent"] |
silent {adj} (to refrain from speaking) SEE: be silent | :: |
Silesia {prop} (region) | :: Сілезія |
silhouette {n} (representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black color) | :: силует {m} |
Siliana {prop} (Tunisian town) | :: Сільяна |
silicon {n} (non-metallic element) | :: кремній {m} |
silicosis {n} (silica dust pneumoconiosis) | :: силікоз {m} |
silique {n} (fruit with two carpels) | :: стручок {m} |
silk {n} (fiber) | :: шовк {m}, єдваб {m} |
silk {n} (fabric) | :: шовк {m}, єдваб {m} |
silk-screen printing {n} (screen printing) SEE: screen printing | :: |
silkworm {n} (caterpillar) | :: шовковичний шовкопряд {m}, шовкопряд {m} |
silly {adj} (foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom) | :: дурний, тупий |
silovik {n} (former member of the security services and the military, any power structure (Russia)) | :: силовик {m} |
silt {n} (fine earth deposited by water) | :: мул {m}, намул {m}, іл {m}, глей {m} |
silver {n} (metal) | :: срібло {n-in} |
silver {n} (color/colour) | :: сріблястий {m} |
silver {adj} (made from silver) | :: срібний |
silvern {adj} (made from silver) SEE: silver | :: |
SIM card {n} (small, removable card which stores mobile phone data) | :: SIM-карта |
Simferopol {prop} (city) | :: Сімферополь {m} |
similar {adj} (having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable) | :: подібний, схожий |
similarity {n} (closeness of appearance) | :: схожість {f}, подібність {f} |
similarness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity | :: |
simile {n} (figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another) | :: порівняння {n} |
simony {n} (act of buying or selling spiritual things) | :: симонія {f} |
simoom {n} (hot, dry wind) | :: самум {m} |
simple {adj} (uncomplicated) | :: простий, легкий [easy] |
simplify {v} (to make simpler) | :: спрощувати {impf}, спростити {pf} |
simultaneous {adj} (occurring at the same time) | :: одночасний |
sin {n} (violation of religious law) | :: гріх {m} |
sin {v} (to commit a sin) | :: грішити {impf} |
since {prep} (from (time)) | :: з, від |
since {conj} (from the time that) | :: відтоді |
since {conj} (because) | :: тому, так як |
sincere {adj} (earnest) | :: щирий |
sine {n} (trigonometric function) | :: синус {m} |
sinew {n} (cord or tendon of the body) SEE: tendon | :: |
sinful {adj} (evil) SEE: evil | :: |
sing {v} (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice) | :: співати {impf}, заспівати {pf} |
Singapore {prop} (Republic of Singapore) | :: Сінгапур {m}, Сингапур {m}, Сінґапур {m}, Синґапур {m} |
singer {n} (person who sings) | :: співак {m} |
singer {n} (female person who sings) | :: співачка {f} |
singing {n} (the act of using the voice to produce musical sounds; vocalizing) | :: спів {m}, співання {n} |
singlet {n} (sleeveless shirt) | :: майка {f} |
singular {n} (grammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing) | :: однина {f} |
sink {v} (descend into liquid, etc) | :: опускатися, знижуватися, падати, впадати, западати, of the sun заходити, тонути, занурюватися, іти на дно, потупати, of a foundation осідати, into the mind запасти в пам’ять, врізатися в пам’ять, weaken or die слабшати гинути, into poverty зубожіти, have one's spirits sink занепасти духом. |
sink {v} (submerge) | :: топити, a well копати колодязь, рити колодязь, capital невдало покласти |
sink {v} (cause (ship, etc) to sink) | :: затопити |
sink {v} (push (something) into) | :: всадити, вколоти |
sink {n} (basin) | :: кухонний злив, раковина для стікання води, раковина {f}, умивальник {m} |
sinker {n} (weight used in fishing) | :: грузило {n} |
Sinkiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang | :: |
sinless {adj} (without sin) | :: безгрішний |
sinner {n} (person who has sinned) | :: грішник {m}, грішниця {f} |
Sinocentrism {n} (belief that China was literally the centre of the world) | :: китаєцентризм {m} |
Sino-Japanese {n} (the Chinese-derived elements in the Japanese language) | :: канґо {n}, канго {n} |
Sino-Xenic {adj} (Sino-Japanese) SEE: Sino-Japanese | :: |
Sion {prop} (capital of Valais, a canton in Switzerland) | :: Сьйон |
sir {n} (man of a higher rank or position) | :: пан {m} |
sir {n} (address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown) | :: пан {m} |
siren {n} (nymph of Greek mythology) | :: сирена {f} |
siren {n} (device for making a sound alarm) | :: сирена {f} |
Sirius {prop} | :: Сіріус |
sirtaki {n} (modern Greek folk dance) | :: сиртакі {m} |
siskin {n} (small European finch) SEE: Eurasian siskin | :: |
sister {n} (woman or girl having the same parents) | :: сестра {f} |
sister {n} (a nun; a female member of a religious community) | :: сестра {f} |
sit {v} (of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported) | :: сидіти {impf}, сісти {pf} |
sit down {v} (to assume a sitting position from a standing position) | :: сідати {impf}, сісти {pf} |
site {n} (place where anything is fixed; situation; local position) | :: місце, місцезнаходження |
site {n} (place fitted or chosen for any certain permanent use or occupation) | :: ділянка |
situate {v} | :: розміщувати |
situation {n} (position vis-à-vis surroundings) | :: ситуація {f}, становище {n} |
situation {n} (location) | :: місцеположення {n}, положення {n}, розташування {n} |
situation {n} (one's status with regard to circumstances) | :: положення {n}, ситуація {f}, стан {m} |
situation {n} (state of affairs) | :: обстановка {f}, ситуація {f}, стан {m} |
situation {n} (position of employment) | :: пос́ада {f} |
six {num} (cardinal number) | :: шість, шестеро [collective] |
six {n} | :: шістка {f} |
six hundred {num} (cardinal number 600) | :: шістсот |
sixteen {num} (cardinal number 16) | :: шістнадцять |
sixteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixteen, see also: 16th) | :: шістнадцятий |
sixth {adj} (ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th) | :: шостий |
sixth {n} (person or thing in sixth place) | :: шостий {m} |
six thousand {num} (6000) | :: шість тисяч |
sixth sense {n} (extrasensory perception) | :: шосте чуття {n} |
sixtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixty) | :: шістдесятий |
sixtieth {n} (person or thing in the sixtieth position) | :: шістдесятий |
sixty {num} (cardinal number) | :: шістьдесят |
sixty-nine {n} (cardinal number) | :: шістдесят дев'ять |
size {n} (dimensions or magnitude of a thing) | :: розмір {m}, величина {f} |
size {n} (a specific set of dimensions for clothing) | :: розмір {m} |
skate {n} (ice skate or roller skate) | :: ковзан {m}, лижва {f} |
skate {n} (fish of family Rajidae) | :: скат {m} |
skateboard {n} (platform on wheels) | :: скейтборд {m} |
skeeter {n} (mosquito) SEE: mosquito | :: |
skeleton {n} (system that provides support to an organism) | :: скелет {m} |
skene {n} (element of ancient Greek theater) | :: скена {f} |
skepticism {n} (general disposition to doubt) | :: скептицизм |
sketch {n} (quick freehand drawing) | :: начерк {m}, нарис {m}, ескіз {m} |
skewer {n} (pin used to secure food during cooking) | :: рожен {m}, шампур {m} |
ski {n} (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow) | :: лижа {f} |
ski jump {n} (ramp) | :: трамплін для стрибків на лижах {m} |
ski jumping {n} (a winter sport) | :: стрибки з трампліна |
skill {n} (capacity to do something well) | :: вміння {n}, майстерство {n}, навик {m} |
skimble-skamble {n} (gibberish, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense) SEE: nonsense | :: |
skin {n} (outer protective of the body of a person or animal) | :: шкіра {f} |
skinhead {n} (member of skinhead subculture) | :: скінхед {m} {f}, скін {m} {f} |
skink {n} (lizard) | :: сцинк {m} |
skinny {adj} (thin) | :: худий |
skirmish {n} (brief battle between small groups) | :: сутичка {f}, бійка {f}, спотичка {f}, перестрілка {f} [with shooting] |
skirmish {n} (minor dispute) | :: сутичка {f}, спотичка {f} |
skirt {n} (clothing) | :: спідниця {f} |
skirting board {n} (panel between floor and interior wall) | :: плінтус |
ski track {n} (trail from/for skis) | :: лижня {f} |
skitrack {n} (ski track) SEE: ski track | :: |
Skopje {prop} (capital of North Macedonia) | :: Скоп'є {n} |
Skopje {prop} (North Macedonia) SEE: North Macedonia | :: |
skull {n} (bones of the head: cranium and mandible) | :: череп {m} |
skunk {n} (animal) | :: скунс {m} |
skunk {n} (skunkweed) SEE: marijuana | :: |
sky {n} (atmosphere above a point) | :: небо {n} |
sky {n} (specific view, condition) | :: небо {n} |
sky {n} (heaven) | :: небо {n}, небеса {p} |
skyclad {adj} (nude) SEE: nude | :: |
skylark {n} (small brown passerine bird) | :: жайворонок {m} |
skyline {n} (horizon) SEE: horizon | :: |
skyrocket {n} (pocket) SEE: pocket | :: |
skyscraper {n} (tall building) | :: хмарочос {m} |
slack {adj} (not tense) | :: розслаблений |
slang {n} (jargon) SEE: jargon | :: |
slant {n} (typography: slash) SEE: slash | :: |
slanting {adj} (not perpendicular) | :: косий, похилий |
slap {n} (A blow dealt with the open hand) | :: ляпас {m} |
slash {n} (typography: / symbol) | :: коса риска {f}, слеш {m} |
slattern {n} (slut) SEE: slut | :: |
slaty-backed gull {n} (Larus schistisagus) | :: мартин охотський {m} |
slaughterhouse {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir | :: |
Slav {n} (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language) | :: слов'янин {m}, слов'янка {f} |
Slavdom {n} (the area inhabited by Slavs, or with Slavic influence) | :: слов'янщина {f} |
slave {n} (person owned by another) | :: раб {m}, рабиня {f} |
slavedealing {n} (slave trade) SEE: slave trade | :: |
slavery {n} (institution or practice of owning human beings) | :: рабство {n} |
slavery {n} (condition of servitude endured by a slave) | :: рабство {n} |
slave trade {n} (traffic in slaves) | :: работоргівля {f} |
Slavic {adj} (of the Slavs, their culture or languages) | :: слов'янський |
Slavism {n} (a Slavic idiom or phrase) | :: слов'янізм {m}, славізм {m} |
Slavo- {prefix} (Slavic) | :: слов'яно- |
Slavonia {prop} (region of Croatia) | :: Славонія {f} |
Slavonic {adj} (Slavic) SEE: Slavic | :: |
Slavyansk {prop} (Slovyansk) SEE: Slovyansk | :: |
sled {n} (sledge) SEE: sledge | :: |
sledge {n} (sledgehammer) SEE: sledgehammer | :: |
sledge {n} (sleigh or sled) | :: сани {m-p}, санки {f-p} |
sledgehammer {n} (kind of hammer) | :: кувалда {f} |
sleep {v} (to rest in state of reduced consciousness) | :: спати {impf} |
sleep {n} (state of reduced consciousness) | :: сон {m} |
sleeper {n} (sedative) SEE: sedative | :: |
sleeping {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep | :: |
sleeping bag {n} (padded or insulated bag) | :: спальний мішок {m} |
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale) | :: Спляча Красуня {f} |
sleeve {n} (part of a garment that covers the arm) | :: рукав {m} |
sleigh {adj} (sly) SEE: sly | :: |
sleigh {n} (vehicle on runners) SEE: sledge | :: |
slender {adj} (thin) | :: стрункий, тонкий |
slender-billed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus genei) | :: мартин тонкодзьобий {m} |
slide fastener {n} (zip fastener) SEE: zip fastener | :: |
slide rule {n} (analog calculator) | :: логарифмічна лінійка {f} |
slight {adj} (small in amount, insignificant) | :: незначний, легкий, слабкий |
slightly {adv} (to a small extent or degree) | :: злегка, ледь, трохи |
slime {n} (mucilaginous substance or mucus-like substance) | :: слиз {m}, іл {m}, шлам {m} |
slimeball {n} (person regarded as slimy or otherwise undesirable) | :: слизняк |
sling {n} (instrument for throwing, see also: slingshot) | :: праща {f}, метавка {f}, кидька {f} |
slingshot {n} (Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles, see also: sling) | :: рогатка {f}, рогачка {f} |
slipper {n} (low shoe usually worn indoors) | :: пантофля {f}, капці {m-p} |
slippery {adj} (of a surface) | :: слизький, ковзкий, сковзкий |
slipstick {n} (slide rule) SEE: slide rule | :: |
slivovitz {n} (rakija made from distilled, fermented plum juice) | :: сливовиця {f} |
sloboda {n} (a kind of settlement in the history of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine) | :: слобода {f} |
sloe {n} (tree Prunus spinosa) SEE: blackthorn | :: |
slogan {n} (phrase associated with a product, used in advertising) | :: гасло {n}, лозунг {m}, слоган {m} |
sloop {n} (single-masted sailboat) | :: шлюп {m} |
slope {n} (area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward) | :: схил {m}, нахил {m} |
sloppy {adj} (very wet; covered in or composed of slop) | :: мокрий |
sloppy {adj} (messy; not neat, elegant, or careful) | :: неохайний, недбалий |
sloth {n} (laziness) | :: лінь {f}, ледарство {n}, лінощі {f} |
sloth {n} (mammal) | :: лінивець {m} |
slot machine {n} (vending machine) SEE: vending machine | :: |
Slovak {adj} (of Slovakia or its language) | :: словацький |
Slovak {n} (native of Slovakia) | :: словак {m}, словачка {f} |
Slovak {n} (language of Slovakia) | :: словацька {f} |
Slovakia {prop} (Slovakia) | :: Словаччина {f}, Словеньско {n} [Ruthenian] |
Slovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Slovakia) SEE: Slovak | :: |
Slovakian {n} (a person from Slovakia or of Slovakian descent) SEE: Slovak | :: |
Slovak Republic {prop} (official name of Slovakia) | :: Словацька Республіка {f} |
Slovene {adj} (adjective) | :: словенський |
Slovene {n} (a person) | :: словенець {m}, словенка {f} |
Slovene {prop} (the language) | :: словенська {f} |
Slovenia {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Словенія {f} |
Slovenian {adj} (Slovene) SEE: Slovene | :: |
Slovenian {n} (language) SEE: Slovene | :: |
Slovenian {n} (person) SEE: Slovene | :: |
Slovincian {prop} (extinct language of the Slovincian people) | :: словінцька мова {f}, словінцький {m}, словінська мова {f}, словінський {m} |
Slovio {prop} (an artificial Slavic language) | :: словіо {m} |
Slovyansk {prop} (city) | :: Слов'янськ {m} |
slow {adj} (not quick in motion) | :: повільний |
slow {adj} (lacking spirit; boring) | :: нудний |
slowly {adv} (at a slow pace) | :: повільно, без поспіху |
slug {n} (gastropod) | :: слимак {m}, слизняк {m} |
sluice {n} (passage for water) | :: шлюз {m} |
slum {n} (dilapidated neighborhood) | :: нетрі {f-p}, трущоба {f} |
slut {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
slut {n} (sexually promiscuous woman) | :: шлюха {f}, шльондра {f}, курва {f} |
sly {adj} (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily) | :: хитрий, лукавий |
smack {n} ((slang) heroin) SEE: horse | :: |
small {adj} (not large) | :: маленький, малий |
small {adj} (young) | :: маленький, молодий |
smallest room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
small of the back {n} (lumbar region of the back) | :: поперек {m}, поперек {m}, крижі {m-p} [dialectal], чересла {n-p} [dialectal] |
smaragdine {n} (emerald) SEE: emerald | :: |
smart {adj} (exhibiting social ability or cleverness) | :: кмітливий, тямущий |
smart {adj} (exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books) | :: розумний |
smart {adj} (equipped with intelligent behaviour (digital/computer technology)) | :: розумний |
smart {adj} (good-looking) | :: елегантний |
smart {adj} (cleverly shrewd and humorous) | :: дотепний |
smartphone {n} (electronic handheld device) | :: смартфон {m} |
smegma {n} (sebaceous secretion) | :: смегма |
smell {n} (sensation) | :: запах {m}, пах {m} [dialectal] |
smell {n} (sense of smell) | :: нюх {m} |
smell {v} (sense with nose) | :: нюхати {impf}, чуяти {impf}, чути {impf} (носом) |
smell {v} (to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of") | :: пахнути {impf} |
smell you later {interj} (see you later; goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
smerd {n} (a member of a class of peasants in medieval Rus') | :: смерд {m} |
smetana {n} (type of soured cream) | :: сметана {f} |
smile {n} (a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice) | :: посмішка {f} |
smile {v} (to have a smile on one's face) | :: посміхатися {impf}, посміхнутися {pf} |
smith {n} (craftsperson who works metal, see also: blacksmith) | :: коваль {m} |
Smith {prop} (transliterations of the name Smith) | :: Сміт {m} {f} |
Smith {prop} (surnames derived from the equivalents of “smith”) | :: Коваль {m} |
smithsonite {n} (mineral) | :: смітсоніт {m} |
smithy {n} (forge) SEE: forge | :: |
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale smoke from a burning cigarette) | :: курити {impf}, палити {impf} |
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually) | :: курити {impf}, палити {impf} |
smoke {v} (to preserve or prepare by treating with smoke) | :: коптити, закопчувати {impf}, вудити {impf}, закоптити {pf} |
smoke {n} (visible particles and vapour given off by burning material) | :: дим {m} |
smoked {adj} (of food, preserved by treatment with smoke) | :: вуджений, копчений |
smoker {n} (bee smoker) SEE: bee smoker | :: |
smokestack {n} (a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out) SEE: chimney | :: |
smoking {n} (smoking of tobacco) | :: паління {n}, куріння {n} |
smoko {n} (cigarette break) | :: перекур {m} |
smolder {v} (to burn with no flame and little smoke) | :: тліти {impf} |
Smolensk {prop} (city) | :: Смоленськ |
smooth {adj} (lacking friction, not rough) | :: гладкий |
smooth {adj} (motion: unbroken) | :: плавний |
smorgasbord {n} (Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes, see also: buffet) | :: шведський стіл {m} |
smug {adj} (irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied) | :: самовдоволений |
smuggler {n} (One who smuggles things) | :: контрабандист {m}, контрабандистка {f} |
smut {n} (soot) SEE: soot | :: |
snack {n} (a light meal) | :: закуска {f} |
snag {n} (tree fixed in the bottom of a river or other navigable water) | :: корч {m} |
snail {n} (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) | :: равлик {m}, слимак {m} |
snake {n} (legless reptile) | :: змія {f} |
snap bean {n} (unripe or green fruit pod of a bean plant) SEE: green bean | :: |
sneakernet {n} (method of transferring a computer file from one computer to another by copying it to an external storage device, carrying the device to the other computer, and saving the file there) | :: флоппінет |
sneeze {v} (expel air as a reflex) | :: чхати {impf}, чхнути {pf}, чихати {impf}, чихнути {pf} |
sneeze {n} (act of sneezing) | :: чихання {n} |
sniff {v} (to make a short audible inhalation) | :: нюхати {impf}, чмихати {impf} [to sniff noisily] |
sniff {v} (to perceive vaguely) | :: відчувати {impf}, відчути {pf} |
sniff {v} (to be dismissive or contemptuous) | :: крутити носом {impf} |
sniff {v} (to inhale drugs in powder form through the nose) | :: нюхати {impf} |
sniffle {v} (to make a whimpring sound when breathing) | :: шморгати носом {impf}, шморгнути носом {pf} |
sniper {n} (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position) | :: снайпер {m} |
snobbishness {n} (state or quality) | :: снобізм {m} |
snooker {n} (cue sport) | :: снукер {m} |
snore {v} (breathe during sleep with harsh noises) | :: хропіти {impf} |
snore {n} (act and noise of snoring) | :: храп {m} |
snot {n} (mucus) | :: [slang] смаркаль {m}, соплі {f-p}, шмарклі {f-p} |
snout {n} (long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast) | :: морда {f}, писок {m}, храпа {f}, рило {n} |
snow {n} (precipitation) | :: сніг {m} |
snowball {n} (ball of snow) | :: сніжок {m} |
snowball fight {n} (play fight) | :: сніжки {m-p} |
snow bunting {n} (bird) | :: пуночка |
Snowdon {prop} (Welsh mountain) | :: Сноудон {m} |
snowfall {n} (instance of falling of snow) | :: снігопад {m} |
snowflake {n} (crystal) | :: сніжинка {f} |
snowflake {n} (Plectrophenax nivalis) SEE: snow bunting | :: |
snow globe {n} (decorative object) | :: снігова куля {f} |
snow leopard {n} (a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia) | :: барс {m}, сніжний барс {m}, сніжний леопард {m} |
snowman {n} (figure made of snow) | :: снігова баба {f}, сніговик {m} |
Snow Queen {prop} (fairy tale character with power over snow and ice) | :: Снігова королева {f} |
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow White (Schneewittchen)) | :: Білосніжка {f} |
so {conj} (in order that) | :: аби, щоб |
so {conj} (with the result that) | :: тому, так що |
so {adv} (very) | :: дуже |
so {adv} (to a particular extent) | :: так |
so {adv} (in a particular manner) | :: так |
so {adv} (slang: very much) | :: дуже, так |
so {interj} (interjection used to introduce a new topic) | :: отже |
soap {n} (soap opera) SEE: soap opera | :: |
soap {n} (substance) | :: мило {n} |
soap opera {n} (television serial) | :: мильна опера {f}, телесеріал {m}, серіал {m} |
soapstone {n} (soft rock) | :: жировик {m}, стеатит {m} |
soapwort {n} (herb) | :: мильнянка {f} |
sob {n} (a cry with a short, sudden expulsion of breath) | :: ридання, ревіння |
sob {v} (weep with convulsive gasps) | :: ридати {impf}, ревіти {impf} |
so be it {phrase} (indication of acceptance) | :: хай так |
sober {adj} (not drunk) | :: тверезий |
so-called {adj} (so named, but wrongly so) | :: так званий {m} |
so-called {adj} (so named) | :: так званий {m} |
soccer {n} (game) | :: футбол {m}, копаний м'яч {m} |
Sochi {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Сочі {m} |
sociable {adj} (tending to socialize or be social; friendly; inviting; congenial) | :: товариський, компанійський |
social {adj} (extroverted or outgoing) | :: товариський |
social {adj} (relating to society) | :: соціальний, суспільний, громадський |
social contract {n} (agreement or contract) | :: суспільний договір, соціальний договір |
socialism {n} (political philosophy of social and economic equality) | :: соціалізм {m} |
socialist {n} (one who practices or advocates socialism) | :: соціаліст {m}, соціалістка {f} |
Socialist Republic of Vietnam {prop} (official name of Vietnam) | :: Соціалістична Республіка В'єтнам {f} |
social network {n} (a network of personal or business contacts on the Internet) | :: соціальна мережа {f}, соцмережа {f} |
society {n} (group of people sharing culture) | :: суспільство {n}, соціум |
society {n} (group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest) | :: товариство {n}, суспільство {n}, спілка {f} |
socioeconomic {adj} (of or pertaining to social and economic factors) SEE: socio-economic | :: |
socio-economic {adj} (pertaining to a combination of social and economic factors) | :: соціально-економічних |
sociolect {n} (variant of language used by a social group) | :: соціолект |
sociolinguistics {n} (the study of social and cultural effects on language) | :: соціолінгвістика {f} |
sociology {n} (study of society, human social interactions, etc.) | :: соціологія {f} |
sock {n} (covering for the foot) | :: носок {m}, шкарпетка {f} |
socket {n} (mechanical opening) | :: розетка {f}, гніздо {n}, роз’єм {m} |
Socratic method {prop} | :: майєвтика {f}, маєвтика {f} |
soda {n} (sodium carbonate) | :: сода {f} |
soda {n} (carbonated water) | :: газована вода |
soda {n} (sweet, carbonated drink) | :: солодка вода |
sodium {n} (reactive metal) | :: натрій {m} |
Sodom {prop} (city in the Middle East) | :: Содом {m} |
sofa {n} (upholstered seat) | :: софа {f}, диван {m} |
so far {adv} (until now; previously; yet) | :: поки що, досі, поки, наразі , на даний момент, на сьогодні |
Sofia {prop} (the capital city of Bulgaria) | :: Софія {f} |
soft {adj} (foolish) SEE: foolish | :: |
soft {adj} (giving way under pressure) | :: м'який |
softener {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener | :: |
softly {adv} (softly, gently) | :: м'яко |
softly {adv} (not loudly, inaudible) | :: тихо |
soft sign {n} (Cyrillic letter Ь/ь) | :: м'який знак {m}, єрик {m} [archaic] |
soft spot {n} (fontanelle) SEE: fontanelle | :: |
soft spot {n} (sentimental fondness or affection) | :: слабкість {f} |
software {n} (encoded computer instructions) | :: програмне забезпечення {n}, ПЗ {n} |
soil {n} (mixture of sand and organic material) | :: земля {f}, ґрунт {m} |
soil {n} (mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants) | :: ґрунт |
soil {n} (unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth) | :: ґрунт |
soil {n} (country or territory) | :: земля |
soil {v} (to make dirty) | :: бруднити, забруднювати, марати |
soiree {n} (formal evening party) | :: вечірка {f} |
solar {adj} (of or pertaining to the sun) | :: сонячний |
solar eclipse {n} (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun) | :: Сонячне затемнення {f} |
solar system {prop} (Solar System) SEE: Solar System | :: |
Solar System {prop} (the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it) | :: Сонячна система {f} |
solar wind {n} (outflow of charged particles from the solar corona into space) | :: сонячний вітер {m} |
soldering iron {n} (tool) | :: паяльник {m}, лютувальник {m}, лютувало {n}, лютівник {m}, лютар {m} |
soldier {n} (member of an army) | :: солдат {m}, воїн {m}, жовнір {m}, вояк {m}, військовий {m} |
soldier fly {n} (insect) | :: коловодниця {f} |
sole {n} (bottom of the foot) | :: підошва {f} |
sole {n} (bottom of a shoe or boot) | :: підошва {f}, підметка {f} |
solecism {n} (error in the use of language) | :: солецизм {m} |
solid {adj} (in the solid state) | :: твердий |
solidarity {n} (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) | :: солідарність {f} |
solidus {n} (slash) SEE: slash | :: |
solitaire {n} (patience) SEE: patience | :: |
solitary sandpiper {n} (Tringa solitaria) | :: коловодник малий {m} |
solitude {n} (state of being alone) | :: самотність {f} |
Solomon {prop} (king of Israel) | :: Соломон {m} |
solonchak {n} (soil type) | :: солончак {m} |
so long as {phrase} (as long as) SEE: as long as | :: |
solstice {n} (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun) | :: сонцестояння {n} |
soluble {adj} (able to be dissolved) | :: розчинний |
solution {n} (liquid mixture) | :: розчин {m} |
solution {n} (an act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem.) | :: рішення {n} |
solve {v} (to find an answer or solution) | :: розв’язувати {impf}, розв’язати {pf}, вирішувати {impf}, вирішити {pf} |
solvent {n} (liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute) | :: розчинник {m} |
solyanka {n} (a thick, spicy and sour soup in Russian and Ukrainian cuisine) | :: солянка {f} |
Somali {n} (a language) | :: сомалійська {f} |
Somalia {prop} (country in the Horn of Africa) | :: Сомалі {f} |
Somalian {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) SEE: Somali | :: |
Somalian {n} (someone from Somalia) SEE: Somali | :: |
some {pron} (certain number) | :: деякий |
some {pron} (indefinite quantity or number) | :: кілька, трохи |
some {pron} (indefinite amount, part) | :: трохи |
some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown) | :: якийсь, котрийсь, деякий, який-небудь |
somebody {pron} (some unspecified person) | :: хтось, хто-небудь, дехто |
somebody's {pron} (belonging to somebody (possessive form of somebody)) | :: чийсь |
someday {adv} (sometime; at some time in the future) | :: коли-небудь |
somehow {adv} (in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated) | :: якось, як-небудь |
someone {pron} (some person) | :: хтось, хто-небудь |
somersault {n} (the act of going head over heels) | :: сальто {n}, перекид {m}, переверт {m} |
Somerset {prop} (county in England) | :: Сомерсет {m} |
something {pron} (unspecified object) | :: щось, дещо, що-небудь, чого-небудь |
something else {n} (exceptional, out of the ordinary, unusual) | :: винятковий, незвичайний, надзвичайний |
sometime {adv} (obsolete: sometimes) SEE: sometimes | :: |
sometime {adv} (at an unstated or indefinite time in the future) | :: колись, коли-небудь |
sometimes {adv} (on certain occasions, but not always) | :: деколи, іноді, часом, інколи, інколи |
somewhat {pron} (something) SEE: something | :: |
somewhat {adv} (limited extent) | :: певною мірою, почасти |
somewhere {adv} (in some place) | :: десь, де-небудь |
somewhere {adv} (to some place) | :: кудись, десь |
somewhither {adv} (to some place) SEE: somewhere | :: |
son {n} (a male person in relation to his parents) | :: син {m} |
son {n} | :: син {m} |
sonata form {n} (a form of classical music) | :: сонатна форма |
song {n} (music with words) | :: пісня {f} |
songbird {n} (bird) | :: співочий птах {m} |
Song of Solomon {prop} (book of the Bible) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
Song of Songs {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Пісня над піснями |
son-in-law {n} (son-in-law) | :: зять {m} |
sonless {adj} | :: безсинівний |
sonnet {n} (verse form consisting of fourteen lines) | :: сонет {m} |
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable person) | :: сучий син {m} |
Son of Man {prop} (Jesus Christ) | :: Син людський {m}, Син чоловічий {m} |
soon {adv} (within a short time) | :: скоро, незабаром |
sooner or later {adv} (set phrase; eventually) | :: рано чи пізно |
soot {n} (fine black or dull brown particles) | :: сажа {f}, кіпоть {f}, кіптява {f} |
soothe {v} (to ease or relieve pain) | :: полегшувати |
soothsayer {n} (mantis or rearhorse) SEE: mantis | :: |
sop {n} (gravy) SEE: gravy | :: |
Sophia {prop} (female given name) | :: Софія |
Sophocles {prop} (Greek dramatic poet) | :: Софокл {m} |
sorb {n} (wild service tree) SEE: wild service tree | :: |
Sorbian {prop} (language) | :: лужицька {f} |
sorceress {n} (female wizard) | :: чарівниця {f} |
sorrel {n} (plant) | :: щавель {m} |
sorrow {n} (unhappiness) | :: печаль {f}, горе {n}, смуток {m}, скорбота {f} |
sorry {interj} (expression of regret or sorrow) | :: [formal] пробачте, [informal] пробач, перепрошую, вибачте, вибач |
sort {n} (type) | :: тип {m}, сорт {m}, вид {m}, рід {m} |
so that {conj} (in order to) | :: щоб, щоби, аби |
São Tomé and Príncipe {prop} (Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe) | :: Сан-Томе і Принсіпі {f} {n} |
so to speak {adv} (in a manner of speaking) | :: так би мовити |
soul {n} (the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death) | :: душа {f} |
sound {n} (sensation perceived by the ear) | :: звук {m} |
sound {v} (to produce a sound) | :: звучати {impf} |
sound {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish | :: |
soup {n} (dish) | :: суп {m}, зупа {f}, юшка {f} |
souped-up {adj} (drunk, intoxicated) SEE: drunk | :: |
souped-up {adj} (excited) SEE: excited | :: |
soupçon {n} (suspicion, suggestion) SEE: suspicion | :: |
souq {n} (a street market in the Arabic-speaking countries) | :: сук {m} |
sour {adj} (having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste) | :: кислий |
source {n} (person, place or thing) | :: джерело {n}, криниця {f} |
source {n} (spring etc.) | :: джерело {n}, криниця {f} |
source {n} ((computing) source code) SEE: source code | :: |
source code {n} (human-readable instructions in a programming language) | :: вихідний код {m}, початковий код {m} |
sour cherry {n} (Prunus cerasus) | :: вишня {f} |
sour cherry {n} (fruit) | :: вишня {f} |
sour cream {n} (cream which has been treated with a benign bacterium) | :: сметана {f} |
sousaphone {n} (brass instrument) | :: сузафон {m} |
south {n} (compass point) | :: південь {m} |
South Africa {prop} (country) | :: Південно-Африканська Республіка {f}, Південна Африка {f}, ПАР {f} |
South African {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to South Africa) | :: південноафриканський |
South America {prop} (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) | :: Південна Америка {f} |
South American {adj} (relating to South America) | :: південноамериканський |
Southampton {prop} (city) | :: Саутгемптон {m} |
South Asia {prop} (South Asia) | :: Південна Азія {f} |
South Australia {prop} (state of Australia) | :: Південна Австралія {f} |
South China Sea {prop} (Pacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines) | :: Південнокитайське море {n} |
southeast {n} (compass point) | :: південний схід {m} |
Southeast Asia {prop} (a subregion of Asia) | :: Південно-Східна Азія {f} |
southern {adj} (of the south) | :: південний |
Southern Europe {prop} (Southern Europe) | :: Південна Європа {f} |
Southern Ocean {prop} (the ocean surrounding Antarctica) | :: Південний океан {m} |
South Korea {prop} (country in East Asia) | :: Південна Корея {f} |
South Korean {adj} (of South Korea) | :: південнокорейський |
South Ossetia {prop} (South Ossetia) | :: Південна Осетія {f} |
South Pole {prop} (the southernmost point on Earth) | :: Південний полюс {m} |
South Sea {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean | :: |
South Slavic {adj} (of or relating to South Slavic or the South Slavs) | :: південнослов'янський |
South Sudan {prop} (country in Africa) | :: Південний Судан {m} |
southward {adv} (towards the south) | :: на південь |
southwest {n} (compass point) | :: південний захід {m} |
southwester {n} (waterproof hat) SEE: sou'wester | :: |
souvenir {n} (item of sentimental value to remember an event or location) | :: сувенір {m} |
sou'wester {n} (waterproof hat) | :: зюйдвестка |
sovereign {adj} (exercising power of rule) | :: суверенний |
sovereignty {n} (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.) | :: суверенітет {m} |
soviet {n} (council) | :: рада {f}, совєт {m} |
soviet {adj} (relating to the Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet | :: |
Soviet {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet | :: |
Soviet {adj} (pertaining to the Soviet Union or its republics) | :: радянський, совєтський |
Sovietology {n} (the field of study of the Soviet Union) | :: совєтологія {f} |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russia) SEE: Russia | :: |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet Union | :: |
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union in the early stages) | :: Радянська Росія {f} |
Soviet Union {prop} (USSR, see also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR) | :: Радянський Союз {m} |
sovkhoz {n} (soviet state farm) | :: радгосп {m} |
sovnarkhoz {n} (a regional economic council of the Soviet Union (historical)) | :: раднаргосп {m} |
sovok {n} (person with Soviet mentality) | :: совок {m} |
sovok {n} (Soviet Union, disparagingly) | :: совдеп {m} |
sow {n} (female pig) | :: свиня {f}, льоха {f} |
sow {v} (disperse seeds) | :: сіяти |
sower {n} (one who or that which sows) | :: сіяч {m} |
sow thistle {n} (thistle) | :: осот {m} |
Soyuz {n} (a Soviet/Russian spacecraft) | :: Союз {m} |
space {n} (while) SEE: while | :: |
space {n} (physical extent in two or three dimensions) | :: простір {m} |
space {n} (area beyond atmosphere of planets) | :: космос {m} |
space {n} (gap between written characters, lines etc.) | :: пробіл {m} |
spacefarer {n} (a person who travels in space, see also: astronaut) | :: зореплавець {m} |
spaceship {n} (vehicle that flies through space) | :: космічний корабель {m} |
spade {n} (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging) | :: лопата {f}, заступ {m} |
spades {n} (spade) SEE: spade | :: |
spades {n} (suit of playing cards) | :: вино {n}, піка {f} |
spaghetti {n} (informally: any type of pasta) SEE: pasta | :: |
spaghetti {n} (pasta) | :: спагеті {n-p} |
spaghetti western {n} (western film produced in Europe by an Italian company) | :: спагеті-вестерн {m} |
Spain {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Іспанія {f} |
Spanglish {prop} (blend of English and Spanish) | :: спангліш, спангліш |
Spaniard {n} (somebody from Spain) | :: іспанець {m}, іспанка {f} |
Spanish {adj} (of or pertaining to Spain) | :: іспанський |
Spanish {prop} (Romance language of Spain and the Americas) | :: іспанський |
spanner {n} (hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts) | :: гайковий ключ {m}, мутровий ключ {m} |
spanworm {n} (measuring worm) SEE: measuring worm | :: |
spare time {n} (free time) SEE: free time | :: |
spark {n} (particle of glowing matter) | :: іскра {f} |
spark plug {n} (part of an internal combustion engine) | :: запалювальна свічка {f}, свічка запалювання, свічка {f} [informal] |
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Passeridae) | :: горобець {m}, горобчик {m} [diminutive], воробець {m} [dated], воробель {m} [dated or regional] |
sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) SEE: house sparrow | :: |
sparrow hawk {n} (Falco sparverius) SEE: American kestrel | :: |
sparrow hawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk | :: |
sparrowhawk {n} (Eurasian sparrowhawk) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk | :: |
sparse {adj} (having widely spaced intervals) | :: рідкий |
Sparta {prop} (ancient city-state in southern Greece) | :: Спарта {f} |
Spartacus {prop} (Thracian name) | :: Спартак {m} |
spasticity {n} (state, quality or property) | :: спастичність {f} |
spatula {n} (kitchen utensil for turning and lifting) | :: шпатель {m} |
speak {v} (to communicate with one's voice using words) | :: говорити {impf}, сказати {pf}; розмовляти {impf}, |
speaker {n} (politics: the chair or presiding officer) | :: спікер {m} |
spear {n} (long stick with a sharp tip) | :: спис {m}, піка {f} |
special {adj} (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality) | :: особливий, спеціальний, виїмковий |
special education {n} (educational services designed for students with learning difficulties) | :: спеціальна школа {f} |
species {n} (group of plants or animals having similar appearance) | :: вид |
species {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification) | :: вид |
specific {adj} (explicit or definite) | :: конкретний, специфічний |
specific {adj} (special, distinctive or unique) | :: особливий, конкретний |
specific {adj} (intended for, or applying to a particular thing) | :: спеціальний |
specificity {n} (the state of being specific rather than general) | :: специфіка {f} |
specificness {n} (specificity) SEE: specificity | :: |
specify {v} (to state explicitly, in detail, or as a condition) | :: специфікувати, точно описувати |
spectacle {n} (optical instrument) SEE: spectacles | :: |
spectacle {n} (something exciting or extraordinary) | :: видовище {n}, видовисько {n}, спектакль {m} |
spectacled bear {n} (Tremarctos ornatus) | :: очковий ведмідь {m} |
spectacles {n} (a pair of lenses set in a frame) | :: окуляри {p} |
spectacles {n} (plural of spectacle) SEE: spectacle | :: |
spectator {n} (observer) | :: глядач {m}, глядачка {f} |
specter {n} (ghostly apparition) | :: привид {m} |
spectroscope {n} (optical instrument used for spectrographic analysis) | :: спектроскоп {m} |
spectrum {n} (range) | :: спектр {m} |
spectrum {n} (range of colors) | :: спектр {m} |
speculative fiction {n} (class of fiction involving fantastic, supernatural or futuristic elements) | :: фантастика {f} |
speech {n} (dialect or language) SEE: dialect | :: |
speech {n} (vocal communication) | :: мова {f}, говір {m} |
speech {n} (an oration, session of speaking) | :: промова {f} |
speech community {n} (group of people sharing a language or way of speaking) | :: мовна спільнота {f}, мовне співтовариство {n} |
speed {n} (rapidity) | :: швидкість {f} |
speed bump {n} (transverse ridge in the road) | :: штучна дорожня нерівність {f} |
spell {n} (magical incantation) | :: заклинання {n}, закляття {n} |
spell {n} (magical effect of such incantation) | :: чари {p}, закляття {n} |
spellbound {adj} (fascinated by something; entranced as if by a spell) | :: зачарований |
spelling {n} (the practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography) | :: правопис {m} |
spelling {n} (a specific spelling of a word) | :: правопис {m}, орфографія {f}, написання {n} |
spelunk {n} (cave, cavern, grotto) SEE: cave | :: |
spend {v} (to pay out) | :: тратити, витрачати |
spend {v} (to wear out, to exhaust) | :: витратити |
spend {v} (to consume, to use up (time)) | :: проводити |
sperm {n} (semen (fluid)) | :: сперма {f} |
sperm bank {n} (vulgar: vagina) SEE: cunt | :: |
sperm whale {n} (sperm whale) | :: кашалот {m} |
Spetsnaz {n} (post-Soviet special forces) | :: спецназ {m} |
spew {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
sphere {n} (mathematics: regular three-dimensional object) | :: сфера {f} |
sphere {n} (spherical physical object) | :: сфера {f} |
sphere {n} (astronomy: apparent outer limit of space) SEE: celestial sphere | :: |
sphincter {n} (band of muscle) | :: сфінктер {m} |
sphinx {n} (sphincter) SEE: sphincter | :: |
spice {n} (Yorkshire dialect: sweets, candy) SEE: sweet | :: |
spice {n} (plant matter used to season or flavour food) | :: прянощі {f-p}, спеція {f}, приправа {f} |
spicy {adj} (containing spice) | :: пряний, гострий |
spicy {adj} (tangy or pungent) | :: гострий, пряний |
spider {n} (arthropod) | :: павук {m} |
spiderweb {n} (net-like construct of a spider) | :: павутина {f} |
spigot {n} (faucet) SEE: tap | :: |
spill {v} (transitive: to drop something so that it spreads out) | :: розливати {impf}, розлити {pf} |
spill {v} (intransitive: to spread out or fall out) | :: розливатися {impf}, розлитися {pf} |
spill one's guts {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
spin {v} (to make yarn) | :: прясти |
spinach {n} (a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea) | :: шпинат {m} |
spinal cord {n} (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue) | :: спинний мозок {m} |
spindle {n} (dragonfly) SEE: dragonfly | :: |
spindle {n} (rod in spinning and winding thread) | :: веретено {n} |
spindle {n} (trees of the genus Euonymus) | :: бересклет {m}, бруслина {f} |
spindle tree {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle | :: |
spine {n} (backbone) | :: хребет {m} |
spine pig {n} (porcupine) SEE: porcupine | :: |
spinning top {n} (a toy) | :: дзиґа {f} |
spin-off {n} (offshoot) SEE: offshoot | :: |
spin-off {n} (by-product) SEE: by-product | :: |
spinster {n} (unmarried woman) | :: стара діва {f} |
spiral {n} (geometry) | :: спіраль {f} |
spire {n} (tapering architectural structure) | :: шпиль {m} |
spirit {n} (soul) | :: душа {f}, дух {m} |
spirit {n} (supernatural being) | :: привид {m}, дух {m} |
spirit {n} (manner or style) | :: дух {m} |
spirit {n} (alcohol) | :: алкоголь {m}, спирт {m} |
spit {v} (to dig, to spade) SEE: dig | :: |
spit {n} (thin rod on which meat is skewered for cooking) | :: рожен {m}, шампур {m} |
spit {n} (generally low, narrow, pointed, usually sandy peninsula) | :: коса {f} |
spit {v} (to evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.) | :: плювати {impf}, наплювати {impf}, плюнути {pf} |
spit {n} (saliva) | :: слина {f} |
spit {n} (instance of spitting) | :: плювок {m} |
spiteful {adj} (filled with spite) | :: злобний |
splash {n} (the sound made by an object hitting a liquid) | :: плеск {m}, плюскіт {m} |
splash {v} (to hit or agitate liquid) | :: хлюпати {impf}, хлюпатися {impf} |
splash {v} (to splatter or spread around suddenly) | :: розливатися {impf}, хлюпатися {impf}, бризкати {impf} |
spleen {n} (organ) | :: селезінка {f} |
spleen {n} (mood) | :: сум {m} |
splenomegaly {n} (enlargement of the spleen) | :: спленомегалія {f} |
splice {v} (to unite in marriage) SEE: marry | :: |
split {n} (manoeuvre, acrobatic feat) | :: Поперечка {m} |
split {v} (divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach) SEE: peach | :: |
spoil {v} (ruin) | :: псувати {impf} |
spoiled {adj} (of food, that has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible) | :: зіпсований |
spoiled {adj} ((of a person, usually a child) having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) | :: розпещений, розбещений, розпущений |
spoiler {n} (document, review or comment that discloses) | :: спойлер {m} |
spoilt {adj} (having lost its original value) | :: зіпсований |
spoilt {adj} (of food: rendered unusable or inedible) | :: зіпсований |
spoilt {adj} (of a child) | :: зіпсований |
spoke {n} (part of a wheel) | :: спиця {f}, шпиця {f} |
sponge {n} (marine invertebrate) | :: губка {f} |
sponge {n} (piece of porous material used for washing) | :: губка {f} |
sponge {n} (sponge cake) SEE: sponge cake | :: |
sponge cake {n} (type of soft cake made from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs, with a spongy structure) | :: бісквіт {m}, бісквітне тісто {n} |
spool {n} (spindle) | :: котушка {f}, шпулька {f} |
spoon {n} (scooped utensil for eating (or serving)) | :: ложка {f} |
spoonbill {n} (bird) | :: косар {m} |
spore {n} (reproductive particle) | :: спора {f} |
spore {n} (resistant particle produced by bacterium or protist) | :: спора {f} |
sport {n} (any athletic activity that uses physical skills) | :: спорт {m} |
sportive {adj} (gay, frolicsome, merry) SEE: merry | :: |
spot {n} (a round or irregular patch of a different color) | :: пляма |
spot {n} (stain) | :: пляма |
spot {n} (location or area) | :: місце |
spouse {n} (husband) SEE: husband | :: |
spouse {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
spouse {n} (person in a marriage or marital relationship) | :: супруг {m}, супруга {f}, чоловік {m}, дружина {f}, жінка {f} |
sprachbund {n} (group of languages sharing areal features primarily due to language contact) | :: мовний союз {m} |
spread {v} (to stretch out, expand) | :: розповсюджувати, поширювати |
spread {n} (act of spreading) | :: розповсюдження, поширення |
spring {n} (season between winter and summer in temperate climates) | :: весна {f} |
spring {n} (water springing from the ground) | :: джерело {n}, криниця {f} |
spring {n} (device made of flexible material) | :: пружина {f}, спружина {f} |
spring {v} (to jump) SEE: jump | :: |
spring {n} (jump) SEE: jump | :: |
spring {n} (people sharing the same origin) SEE: race | :: |
spring {n} (shoot) SEE: shoot | :: |
spring {n} (cluster of trees) SEE: grove | :: |
spring {n} (erection of the penis) SEE: erection | :: |
spring {n} (youth) SEE: youth | :: |
spring {n} (time of growth, early stages) SEE: beginning | :: |
spring {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide | :: |
springboard {n} (figuratively: anything that launches or provides impulse) | :: трамплін {m} |
springtail {n} (springtail) | :: колембола {f} |
sprite {n} (the green woodpecker, or yaffle) SEE: green woodpecker | :: |
Sprite {prop} (colourless, caffeine-free, lemon and lime-flavoured soft drink) | :: Спрайт {m} |
sprout {n} (new growth on a plant) | :: росток {m} |
spruce {n} (tree from the genus Picea) | :: ялиця {f}, смерека {f}, ялина {f} |
spur {n} (implement for prodding a horse) | :: острога {f}, шпора {f} |
spur on {v} (spur) SEE: spur | :: |
sputnik {n} (a Soviet robotic space satellite) | :: супутник {m}, спутнік {m} |
spy {n} (person who secretly watches) | :: шпигун {m} |
spyglass {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars | :: |
squacco {n} (Ardeola ralloides) | :: чапля жовта {f} |
square {n} (type of polygon) | :: квадрат {m} |
square {n} (open space in a town) | :: площа {f}, майдан {m}, плац {m} |
square {n} (act quarrelling) SEE: quarrel | :: |
square {v} (to take opposing sides) SEE: quarrel | :: |
square {adj} (fair) SEE: fair | :: |
squash {n} (the sport) | :: сквош {m} |
squash {n} (plant and its fruit of the genus Cucurbita) | :: кабачок {m} |
squash {n} (soft drink) SEE: cordial | :: |
squat {n} (position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet) | :: присідання {n} |
squeeze {v} (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once) | :: стискати {impf}, стискувати {impf}, стиснути {pf}, тиснути {impf} |
squid {n} (sea animal) | :: кальмар {m} |
squiggle {v} (to write (something) illegibly) | :: шкрябати (to scratch) |
squint {v} (to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight) | :: мружити {impf}, жмурити {impf} |
squirrel {n} (rodent) | :: білка {f}, вивірка {f}, білиця {f} [regional], вискічка {f} [regional] |
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte {prop} (the administrative capital of Sri Lanka) | :: Шрі-Джаяварденепура-Котте |
Sri Lanka {prop} (a country in South Asia) | :: Шрі-Ланка {f} |
Srinagar {prop} (summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, India) | :: Срінаґар {m} |
St. {n} (abbreviation of Street) | :: вул. {f} |
stab {n} (attempt) | :: спроба {f} |
stab {n} (criticism) | :: критика {f} |
stable {n} (building for animals with hoofs) | :: стайня {f}, кінниця {f}, конюшня {f}, хлів {m}, кошара {f}, саж {m} |
stadium {n} (venue where sporting events are held) | :: стадіон {m} |
staff {n} (employees of a business) | :: персонал, кадри, штат |
staff {n} (commanding officers) | :: штаб |
stage {n} (phase) | :: стадія {?}, фаза {?}, етап {m} |
stage {n} (in theatre) | :: сцена {f}, підмостки {m-p}, естрада {f} |
stage fright {n} (state of nervousness about performing) | :: сценічне хвилювання, сценофобія |
stagflation {n} (inflation accompanied by stagnant growth) | :: стагфляція {f} |
stain {n} (discoloured spot or area) | :: пляма {f} |
stained glass {n} (coloured glass) | :: вітраж {m} |
stair {n} (single step) | :: східець {m}, сходинка {f} |
stair {n} (series of steps) | :: сходи {p} |
staircase {n} (stairway) | :: сходи {p}, сходова клітка {f} |
stairs {n} (contiguous set of steps) | :: сходи {p} |
stake {n} (pointed long and slender piece of wood etc.) | :: кіл {m} |
stalactite {n} (mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave) | :: сталактит {m} |
stalagmite {n} (mineral deposit) | :: сталагміт {m} |
Stalin {prop} (Stalin) | :: Сталін {m} |
Stalinism {n} (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin) | :: сталінізм {m} |
Stalinist {n} (a person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism) | :: сталініст |
stalk {n} (stem or main axis of a plant) | :: стебло {n}, стебель {m} |
stalk {n} (petiole, pedicel, or peduncle of a plant) SEE: petiole | :: |
stall {n} (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed) | :: стійло, хлів {m} |
stall {n} (bench or table on which small articles of merchandise are exposed for sale) | :: прилавок |
stall {n} (small open-fronted shop) | :: ларьок |
stall {n} (very small room used for a shower) | :: душова кабінка, кабінка, кабінка |
stallion {n} (uncastrated male horse) | :: жеребець {m} |
stamen {n} (A flower part that produces pollen) | :: тичинка {f} |
stammer {v} (to stutter) | :: заїкатися {impf}, затинатися {impf} |
stammer {n} (involuntary repetition of sounds in speech) | :: заїкання {n} |
stamp {n} (device for stamping designs) | :: штамп {m}, печатка {f}, штемпель {m} |
stamp {n} (postage stamp) SEE: postage stamp | :: |
stamp collecting {n} (stamp hobby) SEE: philately | :: |
-stan {suffix} (home of; place where one stays; used especially in place names) | :: -стан {m} |
stand {v} (to support oneself on the feet in an erect position) | :: стояти {impf} |
stand {v} (to rise to one’s feet) | :: вставати {impf}, стати {pf} |
stand {v} (to remain motionless) | :: стояти {impf} |
stand {v} (to undergo; withstand; hold up) | :: вистояти {pf}, витримати {pf} |
stand {v} (to tolerate) | :: витримувати {impf}, витримати {pf} |
stand {v} (to place in an upright or standing position) | :: ставити {impf}, поставити {impf} |
stand {n} (defensive position or effort) | :: позиція {f} |
stand {n} (resolute, unwavering position) | :: позиція {f} |
stand {n} (device to hold something upright or aloft) | :: підставка {f}, трибуна {f}, стійка {f}, штатив {m}, столик {m}, стенд {m} |
stand {n} (small building or booth) | :: ларьок {m}, кіоск {m}, намет {m} |
stand {n} (designated spot where someone or something may stand or wait) | :: стоянка {f} |
standard {n} (level of quality) | :: стандарт {m} |
standard {n} (standard idiom, see also: standard language) | :: стандарт {m}, літературний стандарт {m} |
standard lamp {n} (a floor lamp supported by a pole) | :: торшер {m} |
standard language {n} (standard variety) | :: літературна мова {f}, стандартна мова {f}, нормативна мова {f}, культурна мова {f} |
standard variety {n} (variety of language regarded as most "correct", widely accepted, or neutral, see also: standard language) | :: літературна форма мови {f}, стандартна форма мови {f} |
standpoint {n} (point of view) | :: точка зору {f} |
St. Andrew's Cross {prop} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross | :: |
stand up {v} (rise from a sitting position) | :: вставати {impf}, встати {pf} |
Stanislaus {prop} (male given name- the standard or most popular form) | :: Станіслав |
stanitsa {n} (a Cossack village) | :: станиця {f} |
stapler {n} (device which binds together paper) | :: степлер {m}, зшивач {m} |
star {n} (luminous celestial body) | :: зірка {f}, звізда {f} [dated] |
star {n} | :: зірка {f} |
Starbucks {prop} (chain of coffee shops) | :: Старбакс {m} |
starch {n} (substance) | :: крохмаль {m} |
stare {v} (to look fixedly) | :: вдивлятися, витріщитися |
starets {n} (an elder of a monastery in the Russian Orthodox Church who functions as an adviser and teacher) | :: старець {m} |
starfish {n} (various echinoderms) | :: морська зірка {f} |
starling {n} (bird) | :: шпак {m} |
Star of Bethlehem {prop} (star mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew) | :: Вифлеємська зірка {f} |
Star of David {prop} (symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism) | :: зірка Давида {f} |
starring {v} (present participle of "to star") SEE: star | :: |
start {n} (beginning of an activity) | :: початок {m} |
start {v} (to begin) | :: починати {impf}, почати {pf} [transitive], починатися {impf}, початися {pf} [intransitive] |
starve {v} (to die because of lack of food) | :: голодувати |
Star Wars {prop} (Saga) | :: Зоряні війни |
state {n} (any sovereign polity) | :: держава {f} |
state {n} (a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy) | :: штат {m} |
state {n} (a condition) | :: стан {m}, становище {n} |
statement {n} | :: заява, виклад |
State of Israel {prop} (country (official name)) | :: Держава Ізраїль {f} |
static {adj} (unchanging) | :: статичний |
static {adj} (having no motion) | :: статичний, непорушний, фіксований |
static {adj} (programming: computed, created or allocated before the program starts running) | :: статичний |
station {n} (place where a vehicle may stop) | :: станція {f}, вокзал {m} [railway, also], зупинка {f} |
station {n} (place used for broadcasting) | :: станція {f} |
stationary {adj} (not moving) | :: нерухомий |
stationary {adj} (incapable of being moved) | :: стаціонарний |
stationary {adj} (unchanging) | :: постійний |
stationery {n} (writing materials) | :: канцтовари, канцелярія, канцелярські товари |
statistics {n} (mathematical science) | :: статистика {f} |
statistics {n} (collection of measurements) | :: статистика {f} |
statue {n} (three-dimensional work of art) | :: статуя {f} |
statue {n} (portrait) SEE: portrait | :: |
status {n} (person’s position or standing) | :: стан {m}, статус {m} |
status {n} (situation or state of affairs) | :: становище {n}, стан {m} |
stave {n} (narrow strip, a part of a vessel) | :: клепка {f} |
stave church {n} (wooden church of a medieval type) | :: ставкірка {f} |
Stavropol {prop} (city) | :: Ставрополь {m} |
stay {v} (to remain in a particular place) | :: затримуватися {impf}, зоставатися {impf} |
stay {n} (residence, sojourn) | :: перебування {n} |
steak {n} (slice of beef) | :: біфштекс {m} |
steal {v} (to illegally take possession of) | :: красти {impf}, украсти {pf}, свиснути {pf} [slang], поцупити {pf} [informal], спиздити {pf} [vulgar] |
steam {n} (water vapor) | :: пара {f}, пар {m} |
steam {n} (steam-powered vehicle) SEE: steamer | :: |
steamboat {n} (vessel powered by steam) | :: пароплав {m} |
steam engine {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive | :: |
steamer {n} (steamboat or steamship) | :: пароплав {m} |
steam locomotive {n} (locomotive powered by steam) | :: паровоз {m}, паротяг {m} |
steampunk {n} (subgenre of speculative science fiction) | :: паропанк {m}, стімпанк {m} |
steamship {n} (vessel propelled by steam) | :: пароплав {m} |
steel {n} (metal produced from iron) | :: сталь {f}, криця {f} |
steel mill {n} (steel mill) SEE: steelworks | :: |
steelworker {n} (a person employed to manufacture or shape steel) | :: сталевар {m} |
steelworks {n} (place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped) | :: сталеливарний завод {m} |
steelyard {n} (steelyard balance) | :: безмін {m}, кантар {m} |
steep {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive | :: |
steep {adj} (near-vertical) | :: крутий, стрімкий |
steeple {n} (spire) SEE: spire | :: |
steeple {n} (a tall tower, often on a church) | :: дзвіниця {f} |
steering wheel {n} (wheel-shaped control) | :: кермо, стерно {n}, руль {m}, штурвал {m} [vessel] |
stela {n} (archaeology: an obelisk or upright stone pillar) SEE: stele | :: |
stele {n} ((archaeology) tall, slender stone monument) | :: стела {f} |
stellar {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars) | :: зоряний |
stellar wind {n} (equivalent of solar wind) | :: зоряний вітер {m} |
St. Elmo's fire {n} (electrical discharge) | :: Вогні святого Ельма |
stem {n} (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant) | :: стебло {n} |
stench {n} (a strong foul smell, a stink) | :: сморід {m}, вонь {f} |
Stendhalian {adj} (pertaining to, or in the style of Stendhal) | :: стендальський |
step {n} (pace) | :: крок {m} |
step {n} (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder) | :: щабель {m} [ladder], сходинка {f} [staircase] |
step {n} (space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running) | :: крок {m} |
step {n} (small space or distance) | :: крок {m} |
step {n} (manner of walking) | :: хода {f} |
step {n} (proceeding; measure; action; act) | :: крок {m} |
Stepanakert {prop} (the capital of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) | :: Степанакерт {m} |
stepdaughter {n} (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself) | :: падчерка {f}, пасербиця {f} |
stepfather {n} (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father) | :: вітчим {m} |
step in {v} (To act) SEE: act | :: |
step ladder {n} (ladder with steps or treads instead of rungs) | :: стрем'янка {f}, розсувна драбина {f} |
stepmother {n} (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother) | :: мачуха {f} |
steppe {n} (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia) | :: степ {f} |
stepson {n} (son of one's spouse and not of oneself) | :: пасинок {m}, пасерб {m} |
sterile {adj} (unable to reproduce) | :: безплідний, який не може мати дітей |
stern {n} (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) | :: корма {f} |
stethoscope {n} (medical instrument) | :: стетоскоп {m} |
Stettin {prop} (Szczecin) SEE: Szczecin | :: |
steven {n} (command) SEE: command | :: |
steven {n} (a prayer) SEE: prayer | :: |
steven {n} (voice) SEE: voice | :: |
stick {n} (twig or small branch) | :: прут |
stick {n} (long piece of wood) | :: палиця {f}, палка, кий {m} |
stick {n} (cane or walking stick) | :: ціпок, паличка, палиця, посох |
stick {n} (hockey stick) | :: ключка |
stick {v} (to glue; to adhere (transitive)) | :: приклеювати, клеїти |
stick {v} (to become attached, to adhere (intransitive)) | :: липнути |
stick {v} (to jam) | :: защемляти, защемити |
stick {v} (to press into with a sharp point) | :: втикати |
sticker {n} (adhesive label or decal) | :: наклейка {f} |
stick out {v} (to protrude; to extend beyond) | :: стирчати {impf}, випинатися {impf}, виставати {impf} |
sticky {adj} (able or likely to stick) | :: липкий, липучий |
sticky tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
stigmatize {v} (to characterize as disgraceful or ignominious) | :: таврувати {impf} |
stiletto {n} (awl) SEE: awl | :: |
still {adv} (up to a time, as in the preceding time) | :: ще, іще |
still life {n} (work of art) | :: натюрморт {m} |
still waters run deep {proverb} (a person's calm appearance may be misleading) | :: тиха вода греблю рве |
stilt {n} (walking pole) | :: хідля {f}, хідлі {p} {f-p}, диби {p} |
stilt {n} (crutch) SEE: crutch | :: |
stilt sandpiper {n} (Calidris himantopus) | :: побережник довгоногий {m} |
sting {v} (of an insect: to bite) | :: жалити {impf}, ужалити {pf}, кусати {impf}, укусити {pf}, жигати {impf}, джигнути {pf} |
sting {n} (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack) SEE: stinger | :: |
stinger {n} (pointed portion of an insect) | :: жало {n} |
stingy {adj} (unwilling to spend or give) | :: жадібний, жадібний, жадний, жадний, жадливий, скупий |
stink {v} (have a strong bad smell) | :: смердіти {impf} |
stinkbird {n} (hoatzin) SEE: hoatzin | :: |
stir {v} (to change the place of in any manner; to move) | :: рухати {impf} |
stir {v} (to disturb the relative position of the particles of) | :: розмішувати {impf}, мішати {impf}, розмішат́и {pf} |
stir {v} (to agitate the contents of) | :: мішати {impf}, розмішат́и {impf} |
stir {v} (to move; to change one’s position) | :: рухатися {impf}, рушити {pf}, рушати {impf}, ворушити {impf}, ворушитися {impf} |
stir {v} (to be in motion) | :: рухатися {impf}, рушити {pf}, рушати {impf}, ворушитися {impf}, ворухнутися {pf}, ворушити {impf} |
stir {n} (The act or result of stirring) | :: метушня {f}, переполох {m}, ажіотаж {m} |
stirrup {n} (footrest used by riders) | :: стремено {n}, стремено {n} |
stitch {v} (form stitches in) SEE: sew | :: |
stitch {n} (single pass of the needle in sewing) | :: стібок {m} |
stitch {v} (agriculture: to form land into ridges) SEE: plough | :: |
stitch {n} (furrow) SEE: furrow | :: |
St John's wort {n} (any plant of the genus Hypericum) | :: звіробій {m} |
stoat {n} (stoat) SEE: ermine | :: |
stock {n} (supply of anything ready for use) | :: запас |
stock {n} (finance: capital raised by a company) | :: акції |
stockade {n} (a military prison (colloquial)) | :: гауптвахта {f} |
stock character {n} (fictional character based on a recognizable stereotype) | :: амплуа {n} |
stock dove {n} (stock dove, Columba oenas) | :: голуб-синяк {m}, клинтух {m} |
stock exchange {n} (building and the associated organization) | :: фондова біржа {f}, біржа {f} |
stockholder {n} (one who owns stock) SEE: shareholder | :: |
Stockholm {prop} (capital of Sweden) | :: Стокгольм {m} |
stocking {n} (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock)) | :: панчоха {f} |
stock market crash {n} (sudden dramatic decline of stock prices) | :: біржовий крах {m} |
stoichiometry {n} (the study of the relationships of reactants and products in chemical reactions) | :: стехіометрія {f} |
stoker {n} (poker) SEE: poker | :: |
stole {n} (ecclesiastical garment) | :: стола |
stolperstein {n} (small, cobblestone-sized memorial for an individual victim of Nazism) | :: камінь спотикання {m} |
stomach {n} (digestive organ) | :: шлунок {m}, желудок {m} [dialectal], жолудок {m} [dialectal] |
stomach {n} (belly) | :: живіт {m}, черево {n} |
stomach {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stomach {n} (figuratively: desire, appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stompie {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt | :: |
stone {n} (substance) | :: камінь {m} /káminʹ/ |
stone {n} (small piece of stone) | :: камінь {m}, камінець {m} |
stonechat {n} (bird) | :: трав'янка {f} |
stonecrop {n} (Sedum) | :: очиток {m} |
stoned {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
Stonehenge {prop} (ancient group of standing stones in England) | :: Стоунхендж |
stone loach {n} (Barbatula barbatula) | :: слиж {m} |
stone pine {n} (a species of pine native to southern Europe, Pinus pinea) | :: піннія {f} |
stony {adj} (broke) SEE: broke | :: |
stool {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
stool {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
stoop {v} (to bend the upper part of the body forward and downward) | :: нахилятися {impf}, нахилитися {pf}, нагинатися {impf}, нагнутися {pf} |
stop {v} (to cease moving) | :: зупинятися {impf}, зупинитися {pf} |
stop {v} (to not continue) | :: перестати |
stop {v} (to cause to cease moving) | :: зупиняти {impf}, зупинити {pf} |
stop {n} (place to get on and off mass transport) | :: зупинка {f} |
stoplight {n} ((US) a traffic control signal) SEE: traffic light | :: |
stop sign {n} (traffic sign) | :: проїзд без зупинки заборонено |
store {n} (in computing) SEE: memory | :: |
store {n} (shop) SEE: shop | :: |
store {n} (place where items may be kept) | :: склад |
store {n} | :: крамниця (kramnýc’a) {f} , комора (komóra) {f} , запас (zapás) {m} , пам'ять (pámjat’) {f} |
store {v} (keep (something) while not in use) | :: зберігати |
store {v} (computing: write (something) into memory or registers) | :: зберігати |
storey {n} (floor, level) | :: поверх {m} |
stork {n} (large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae) | :: лелека {m}, чорногуз {m}, бусел {m} |
storm {n} (disturbed state of the atmosphere) | :: буря {f} |
storm cloud {n} (rain cloud with potential to bring a storm) | :: хмара {f} |
stormcloud {n} (cloud threatening rain and wind) SEE: storm cloud | :: |
story {n} (lie) SEE: lie | :: |
story {n} (account of events) | :: оповідь {f}, розповідь {f}, історія {f} |
story {n} (storey) SEE: storey | :: |
stove {n} (heater) | :: піч {f}, пічка {f} |
stove {n} (device for heating food) | :: плита {f}, плитка {f} |
straight {adj} (not crooked or bent) | :: прямий |
straight {adj} (direct, truthful, frank) | :: прямий, відвертий, безпосередній |
straight {adj} (as it should be) | :: правильний |
straight {adj} (heterosexual) | :: натурал, гетеросексуал |
straight {adv} (in a forward direction) | :: прямо |
straight {adv} (directly; without pause, delay or detour) | :: безпосередньо |
straight away {adv} (very soon; immediately) SEE: right away | :: |
straightforward {adj} (not deviating; honest; frank) | :: прямий, чесний, відвертий |
straightforward {adj} (presenting few difficulties, easy) | :: простий, легкий |
strait {n} (narrow channel of water) | :: протока {f}, пролив {m} |
Strait of Kerch {prop} (strait) | :: Керченська протока {f} |
Strait of Messina {prop} (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy) | :: Мессинська протока {f} |
Strait of Sicily {prop} (strait between Sicily and Tunisia) | :: Туніська протока {f}, Сицилійська протока {f} |
strange {adj} (not normal) | :: дивний |
strange {adj} (not yet part of one’s experience) | :: чужий, незнайомий |
stranger {n} (person whom one does not know) | :: незнайомець {m}, незнайомка {f}, чужинець {m}, чужинка {f}, чужий {m} |
stranger {n} (outsider or foreigner, see also: foreigner) | :: іноземець {m}, іноземка {f} |
strangle {v} (to kill someone by strangulation) | :: душити {impf}, задушити {pf}, придушити {pf} |
Strategic Defense Initiative {prop} (Star Wars) SEE: Star Wars | :: |
strategist {n} (one who devises strategies) | :: стратег {m} |
strategy {n} (science and art of military command) | :: стратегія {f} |
Strauss {prop} (surname) | :: Штраус {m} {f} |
straw {n} (a dried stalk of a cereal plant) | :: соломина {f}, соломинка {f} |
straw {n} (dried stalks considered collectively) | :: солома {f} |
straw {n} (drinking straw) SEE: drinking straw | :: |
strawberry {n} (fruit) | :: суниця {f} [wild], полуниця {f} [cultivated], трускавка {f} [cultivated] |
strawberry {n} (plant) | :: суниця {f} [wild], полуниця {f} [cultivated], трускавка {f} [cultivated] |
strawberry {n} (colour) | :: полуничний |
strawberry {adj} (flavour) | :: суничний {f}, полуничний {f} |
stream {n} (small river) | :: струмок {m}, річка {f}, потік {m} |
street {n} (paved part of road in a village or a town) | :: вулиця {f} |
streetcar {n} (tram) SEE: tram | :: |
strength {n} (quality of being strong) | :: сила {f}, міць {f} |
strength {n} (intensity of a force or power) | :: сила {f}, міць {f} |
strength {n} (strongest part of something) | :: сила {f}, дієвість {f}, прочність, міцність |
strength {n} (positive attribute) | :: сила {f}, авторитет {m} |
streptococcus {n} (bacterium) | :: стрептокок |
stress {n} (on a syllable) SEE: accent | :: |
stress {n} (emotional pressure) | :: стрес {m} |
stress {n} (when speaking) | :: наголос {m} |
stressed {adj} (having a stress or accent) | :: наголошений |
stretch {v} (lengthen by pulling) | :: розтягати {impf}, розтягти {pf}, витягати {impf}, витягти {pf} |
stretch {v} (lengthen when pulled) | :: витягатися {impf}, витягтися {pf}, розтягатися {impf}, розтягтися {pf} |
stretch {v} (pull tight) | :: натягат́и {impf}, натягти {pf} |
stretch {n} (act of stretching) | :: розтягування {n}, розтяжка {f} |
stretch {n} (ability to lengthen when pulled) | :: еластичність {f} |
stretcher {n} (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) | :: носилки {f-p} |
stretching {n} (a form of physical exercise) | :: розтяжка {f} |
strict {adj} (governed or governing by exact rules) | :: строгий |
strict {adj} (severe in discipline) | :: строгий, суворий |
strigil {n} (grooming tool) | :: стригіль {m} |
strike {v} (to delete) | :: закреслювати, викреслювати |
strike {v} (to hit) | :: бити, вдарити |
strike {v} (to stop working to achieve better working conditions) | :: страйкувати |
strike {v} (to impress, seem, appear) | :: вражати |
strike {n} (work stoppage) | :: страйк {m}, забастовка {f} |
strikebreaker {n} (worker hired to replace a striking worker) | :: штрейкбрехер {m}, штрайкбрехер {m}, страйкбрехер {m} |
strike out {v} (to draw a line through a text) SEE: cross out | :: |
strike through {v} (to obliterate by drawing a line over) SEE: cross out | :: |
string {n} (long, thin structure made from twisted threads) | :: вервечка {f}, мотузка {f}, вірьовка {f}, шворка {f} |
string {n} (computing: sequence of characters) | :: рядок {m} |
string {n} (string of a musical instrument) | :: струна {f} |
strip {n} (long, thin piece of land or material) | :: смуга {f} |
strip club {n} (establishment offering striptease or other erotic dancing) | :: стриптиз-клуб {m} |
striped {adj} (having stripes, decorated or marked with bands differing in color) | :: смугастий |
striped hyena {n} (Hyaena hyaena) | :: гієна смугаста {f} |
stripy {adj} (striped) SEE: striped | :: |
strive {v} (to try to achieve) | :: прагнути |
stroboscope {n} (instrument for studying or observing periodic movement by rendering a moving body visible only at regular intervals) | :: стробоскоп {m} |
stroke {n} (blow) | :: удар {m} |
stroke {n} (line drawn with a writing implement) | :: риса {f}, штрих {m} |
stroke {n} (- slash) SEE: slash | :: |
stroke {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite | :: |
stroke {n} (throb or beat of the heart) SEE: heartbeat | :: |
stroll {v} (wander on foot) | :: гуляти {impf}, прогулюватися {impf} |
stroller {n} (seat on wheels used to transport babies) | :: дитячий візок {m}, коляска {f}, візок {m}, дитяча коляска {f} |
stromatolite {n} (rock-like structure built by microorganisms) | :: строматоліт {m} |
strong {adj} (capable of producing great physical force) | :: сильний, міцний |
strongbox {n} (sturdy box with a lock) SEE: safe | :: |
strontium {n} (chemical element) | :: стронцій {m} |
structure {n} (cohesive whole built up of distinct parts) | :: структура {f} |
structure {n} | :: будова (budowa) {f} |
struggle {n} (strife, effort) | :: боротьба {f}, бій {m}, битва {f} |
struggle {v} (to strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight) | :: боротися {impf}, битися {impf} |
Strumica {prop} (a city in North Macedonia) | :: Струмиця {f} |
stubble {n} (short stalks left in a field after harvest) | :: стерня {n} |
stubborn {adj} (refusing to move or change one's opinion) | :: впертий |
student {n} (person who studies a subject) | :: студент {m}, студентка {f} |
studio {n} (artist’s or photographer’s workshop) | :: студія {f}, ательє {n}, майстерня {f} |
studio {n} (establishment where an art is taught) | :: студія {f} |
studio {n} (place where radio or television programs, records or films are made) | :: студія {f} |
study {v} (to revise/review materials) | :: вчити {impf}, учити {impf} |
study {v} (to take a course) | :: вчитися {impf}, учитися {impf}, навчатися {impf} |
study {v} (to acquire knowledge) | :: вчитися {impf}, учитися {impf} |
study {n} (act of studying or examining) SEE: examination | :: |
study {n} (music: piece for special practice) SEE: etude | :: |
stump {n} (remains of something that has been cut off) | :: пень {m} |
stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence) | :: дурний, тупий |
stupidity {n} (property of being stupid) | :: дурість {f}, глупство {n}, глупота {f} |
stupor {n} (a state of reduced consciousness or sensibility) | :: ступор {m} |
sturgeon {n} (fish of family Acipenseridae) | :: осетер {m} |
stutter {v} (to speak with spasmodic repetition) SEE: stammer | :: |
stutter {n} (speech disorder) | :: заїкання |
sty {n} (inflammation) SEE: stye | :: |
sty {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder | :: |
stye {n} (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid) | :: ячмінь {m} |
style {n} (gnomon or pin of a sundial) SEE: gnomon | :: |
style {n} (manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art) | :: стиль {m} |
stylist {n} (hairdresser) SEE: hairdresser | :: |
stylist {n} (designer) SEE: designer | :: |
Styx {prop} (river of the underworld) | :: Стікс |
subconscious {adj} (below the level of consciousness) | :: підсвідомий |
subconsciousness {n} (state of being subconscious) | :: підсвідомість {f} |
subject {n} (in grammar) | :: підмет {m}, суб'єкт {m} |
subject {n} (main topic) | :: предмет {m}, тема {f} |
subject {n} (particular area of study) | :: предмет {m} |
subject {n} (citizen in a monarchy) | :: підданий {m}, піддана {f}, підданець {m} |
subjective {adj} (based upon subjective feelings or intuition) | :: суб'єктивний |
subjunctive {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
subjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
subjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) | :: умовний спосіб {m} |
submarine {n} (undersea boat) | :: підводний човен {m} |
submissive {adj} (meekly obedient or passive) | :: покірний |
submit {v} (yield or give way to another) | :: коритися |
submit {v} (enter or put forward something for approval, consideration, marking etc.) | :: передавати на розгляд, пропонувати, висувати |
subpoena {n} (writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony) | :: повістка {f} |
subproduct {n} (byproduct) SEE: byproduct | :: |
subscriber {n} (a person who subscribes to a publication or a service) | :: передплатник {m}, передплатниця {f} |
Subscriber Identity Module {n} (component on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user) | :: модуль ідентифікації абонента {m} |
subset {n} (set whose elements are within another given set) | :: підмножина {f} |
subsistent {adj} (inherent) SEE: inherent | :: |
subspecies {n} (rank in the classification of organisms) | :: підвид {m} |
substance {n} (physical matter; material, see also: matter) | :: речовина {f}, субстанція {f} [literary] |
substance {n} (theology: hypostasis) SEE: hypostasis | :: |
substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun | :: |
substitute {v} (to use in place of something else) | :: заміняти |
substitute {n} (replacement or stand-in) | :: заміна |
substitute {v} (to substitute) SEE: replace | :: |
substitution {n} (substitute) SEE: substitute | :: |
substrate {n} (an indigenous language) | :: субстрат {m} |
substratum {n} (a layer that lies underneath another) | :: субстрат {m} |
subterranean {adj} (below ground, under the earth, underground) | :: підземний |
subterraneous {adj} (subterranean) SEE: subterranean | :: |
subtitle {n} (heading below a title) | :: підзаголовок {m} |
subtitle {n} (textual versions of the dialog in films) | :: субтитри {p} |
subtract {v} (to remove or reduce) | :: віднімати {impf}, відняти {pf} |
subtraction {n} (process) | :: віднімання |
subtraction {n} (calculation) | :: віднімання |
suburb {n} (area on the periphery of a city or large town) | :: передмістя {n}, пригород {m} |
suburban {adj} (relating to outskirts of a city) | :: приміський, передміський, підміський |
subway {n} (underground railway) | :: метро {n} |
success {n} (achievement of one's aim or goal) | :: успіх {m} |
successful {adj} (resulting in success) | :: успішний, вдатний |
successor {n} (person or thing that immediately follows another) | :: спадкоємець {m}, спадкоємиця {f}, наступник {m}, наступниця {f} |
successor {n} (next heir in order or succession) | :: наслідник {m}, наслідниця {f}, спадкоємець {m}, спадкоємиця {f} |
Suceava {prop} (city) | :: Сучава |
such {determiner} (used to make a comparison with something implied by context) | :: такий |
such as {prep} (for example) SEE: for example | :: |
such is life {phrase} (used to express the acceptance of misfortune) | :: таке життя |
suck {v} (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc)) | :: смоктати {impf}, ссати {impf} |
sucrose {n} (a disaccharide) | :: сахароза {f} |
Sudak {prop} (resort town) | :: Судак {m} |
Sudan {prop} (Republic of Sudan) | :: Судан {m} |
sudden {n} (surprise) SEE: surprise | :: |
sudden {adj} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) | :: раптовий, несподіваний, наглий |
suddenly {adv} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) | :: раптово, несподівано, зненацька |
Sudeten {prop} (series of mountains) | :: Судети {p} |
Sudetenland {prop} (region in Czechia) | :: Судетська область {f}, Судети {p} |
Suez Canal {prop} (canal) | :: Суецький канал {m} |
suffer {v} (undergo hardship) | :: страждати {impf}, мучитися {impf}, терпіти {impf} |
suffer {v} (feel pain) | :: страждати {impf}, мучитися {impf} |
suffer {v} (become worse) | :: дозволяти |
suffering {adj} (experiencing pain) | :: страждаючий |
suffering {n} (condition) | :: страждання {n}, мука {f}, терпіння {n} |
suffice {v} (be enough, sufficient, adequate) | :: вистачати {impf}, вистачити {pf}, ставати {impf}, стати {pf}, виставати {impf}, вистати {pf} |
sufficient {adj} (adequate to wants) | :: достатній |
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof {proverb} (the present provides enough to worry about) | :: кожний день має досить своєї турботи |
suffix {n} (morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning) | :: суфікс {m} |
Sufism {n} (Islamic mysticism) | :: суфізм {m} |
sugar {n} (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink) | :: цукор {m} |
sugar {n} | :: цукор {m} |
sugar beet {n} (type of beet) | :: цукровий буряк {m} |
sugar cane {n} (species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar) | :: цукрова тростина {f} |
Sugarloaf Mountain {prop} (rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro) | :: Цукрова голова {f} |
suggest {v} (to ask for without demanding) | :: пропонувати {impf} |
suggest {v} (to recommend) | :: пропонувати {impf}, радити {impf} |
suggestion {n} (something suggested) | :: пропозиція {f} |
suicide {n} (instance of killing oneself) | :: самогубство {n}, суїцид {m} |
suicide {n} (person who has killed himself/herself, is killing (is attempting/has attempted to kill) himself/herself) | :: самогубець {m} {f}, самогубця {m} {f} |
suicide {adj} (to kill oneself intentionally) SEE: commit suicide | :: |
suit {n} (set of clothes) | :: костюм {m} |
suit {n} (single garment that covers the whole body) | :: костюм, комбінезон |
suit {n} (card games: set of cards distinguished by color and emblems) | :: масть {f} |
suit {v} (to be appropriate or apt for) | :: підходити {impf}, підійти {pf} |
suit {n} (pursuit, chase) SEE: pursuit | :: |
suit {n} (company of attendants or followers) SEE: retinue | :: |
suitable {adj} (appropriate to a certain occasion) | :: підходящий, відповідний, придатний |
suitcase {n} (large piece of luggage) | :: валіза {f}, валізка {f}, чемодан {m} |
suite {n} (selection of music from a larger work) | :: сюї́та {f} |
Sukhumi {prop} (capital city) | :: Сухум |
Sukkot {prop} (Jewish festival) | :: Суккот |
sulfur {n} (element) | :: сірка {f} |
sulfur mustard {n} (mustard gas) SEE: mustard gas | :: |
sulk {v} (to express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn) | :: дутися {impf} |
sultan {n} (ruler) | :: султан {m} |
sum {n} (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) | :: сума {f} |
sum {n} (basic unit of money in Kyrgyzstan) | :: сом |
sum {n} (summary) SEE: summary | :: |
sum {n} (summit) SEE: summit | :: |
sumac {n} (shrub or small tree of the genus Rhus, etc.) | :: сумах {m} |
Sumatra {prop} (the largest island of Indonesia) | :: Суматра {f} |
summarisation {n} (the act of summarizing) | :: сумування {n} |
summary {n} (condensed presentation) | :: підсумок {m}, стислий виклад {m} |
summer {n} (hottest season) | :: літо {n} |
summer camp {n} (institution devoted to housing and entertaining children) | :: дитячий табір {m} |
summery {adj} (relating to the summer) | :: літній |
summit {n} (peak, top of mountain) | :: вершина {f}, пік {m}, верхівка {f} |
summit {n} (gathering of leaders) | :: саміт {m}, зустріч {f} [у верхах] |
sumo {n} (form of wrestling) | :: сумо {n} |
Sumy {prop} (city) | :: Суми {p} |
sun {prop} (the star around which the Earth revolves, see also: Sun) | :: сонце {n} |
sun {n} (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system) | :: сонце {n} |
Sun {prop} (star) | :: Сонце {n} |
Sunday {n} (day of the week) | :: неділя {f} |
sunderling {adv} (separately) SEE: separately | :: |
sundial {n} (device noting the time of day by the position of a shadow) | :: сонячний годинник {m} |
sundown {n} (sunset) SEE: sunset | :: |
sunfish {n} (fish of the family Molidae) | :: риба-місяць |
sunflower {n} (flower) | :: соняшник {m}, сонях {m} |
sunflower {n} (colour) | :: жовтогарячий |
sunflower oil {n} (vegetable oil) | :: соняшникова олія {f} |
sunglasses {n} (tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun) | :: сонячні окуляри |
Sunni {n} (follower of the Sunni branch of Islam) | :: суніт {m} |
Sunni {n} (Sunni Islam, a branch of Islam) | :: сунізм {m} |
Sunnite {n} (Sunni) SEE: Sunni | :: |
sunny {adj} (weather, day) | :: сонячний |
sunny {adj} (place) | :: сонячний |
sunrise {n} (time of day) | :: схід сонця {m} |
sunrise {n} (sky changing color) | :: зоря {f}, зірниця {f}, світанок {m}, світання {n} |
sunset {n} (time of day) | :: захід сонця {m} |
sunup {n} (time of day) SEE: sunrise | :: |
sunup {n} (change in color of sky) SEE: sunrise | :: |
supercilium {n} (arch of hair) SEE: eyebrow | :: |
superhero {n} (a fictional crime-fighting character with superpowers) | :: супергерой {m} |
superior {adj} (higher in rank or quality) | :: вищий, старший |
superior {adj} (located above) | :: вищий |
superior {adj} (extraordinary) | :: найліпший |
superiority {n} (the state of being superior) | :: перевага, старшинство |
superlative {n} (form of adjective expressing "most") | :: найвищий ступінь {m} |
superlative {adj} (exceptionally good) | :: найвищий |
supermarket {n} (store) | :: супермаркет {m} |
supernatural {adj} (above nature) | :: надприродний |
supernova {n} (exploding star) | :: наднова зірка {f}, наднова {f} |
superpower {n} (sovereign state) | :: наддержава {f}, супердержава {f} |
superstition {n} (a belief that events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way) | :: забобон {m} |
supervision {n} (the act or instance of supervising) | :: нагляд {m} |
supper {n} (food before going to bed) | :: вечеря {f} |
supper {n} (dinner at night) | :: вечеря {f} |
suppletion {n} ((grammar) the use of an unrelated word or phrase to supply inflected forms otherwise lacking) | :: суплетивізм {m} |
supply {v} (to provide, make available for use) | :: постачати, поставка |
support {v} (to keep from falling) | :: підтримувати {impf}, підтримати {pf}, піддержувати {impf}, піддержати {pf} |
support {v} (to back a cause, party, etc., mentally or with concrete aid) | :: підтримувати {impf}, підтримати {pf}, піддержувати {impf}, піддержати {pf} |
support {n} (something which supports) | :: опора {f}, опертя {n}, підпора {f} |
support {n} (financial or other help) | :: підтримка {f}, піддержка {f} |
suppose {v} (conclude; believe) | :: припускати {impf}, припустити {pf} |
supposition {n} (assumption) | :: припущення {n} |
suppress {v} (to put an end to) | :: пригнічувати, забороняти |
supreme {adj} (dominant) | :: верховний, найвищий |
supreme court {n} (court of law representing the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction) | :: верховний суд {m} |
Supreme Soviet {prop} (Soviet parliament) | :: Верховна Рада {f} |
sura {n} (chapter of the Qur'an) | :: сура {f} |
Surami {prop} (small town in Georgia’s Shida Kartli region) | :: Сурамі |
sure {adj} (certain, reliable) | :: упевнений |
sure {adj} (certain in one's knowledge or belief) | :: упевнений, певний |
sure {interj} (of course) | :: звісно |
surely {adv} (certainly, undoubtedly) | :: звісно, безсумнівно |
surety {n} (certainty) SEE: certainty | :: |
suretyship {n} (agreement) | :: порука {f} |
surface {n} (up-side of a flat object) | :: поверхня {f} |
surface-to-air {adj} (fired from the ground) | :: земля-повітря |
surgeon {n} (doctor who performs surgery) | :: хірург {m} |
surgeonfish {n} (any of many brightly coloured fishes, of the family Acanthuridae) | :: хирург-риба {f} |
surgery {n} (procedure involving major incisions) | :: операція {f} |
surgery {n} (medical specialty) | :: хірургія {f} |
surgery {n} (room or department where surgery is performed) | :: операційна {f}, хірургічне відділення {n} |
surgery {n} (doctor's consulting room) | :: лікарський кабінет, кабінет лікаря {m} |
Suriname {prop} (country) | :: Суринам {m} |
surname {n} (name that indicates family) | :: прізвище {n} |
surplus {n} (excess, overplus) | :: надлишок {m} |
surplus {n} | :: лишок {m}, зайвина {f}, решта {f} |
surprise {n} (something not expected) | :: сюрприз {m}, несподіванка {f} |
surprise {v} (cause (someone) to feel surprise) | :: дивувати {impf}, здивувати {pf}, чудувати {impf}, зчудувати {pf} |
surprised {adj} (caused to feel surprise) | :: здивований |
surprising {adj} (that is or are a surprise) | :: дивний |
Surrey {prop} (county in the south east of England) | :: Суррей {m} |
surround {v} (to encircle something or simultaneously extend in all directions) | :: оточувати |
surround {v} (surround, fence in) SEE: enclose | :: |
surströmming {n} (traditional Swedish delicacy made from fermented Baltic herring) | :: сюрстремінг {m}, сюрстремінґ {m} |
survey {n} (an examination of the opinions of a group) | :: опитування {n} |
survey {n} (act of surveying) | :: огляд {m} |
survey {n} (an examination) | :: дослідження {n}, огляд {m}, обстеження {n} |
survey {v} (to view as from a high place) | :: оглядати |
survey {v} (to inspect; to examine) | :: оглядати, обстежувати |
survey {v} (to determine the status or value of) | :: обстежувати |
survive {v} (person: continue to live) | :: переживати {impf}, пережити {pf}, вижити, вціліти |
survive {v} (object, concept: continue to exist) | :: виживати |
Surzhyk {prop} (language) | :: суржик {m} |
sushi {n} (Japanese dish) | :: суші {n} |
suslik {n} (Spermophilus or Citellus) | :: ховрах {m}, ховрашок {m} |
suspender {n} (an item used hold up trousers) | :: шлейки {c} |
suspenders {n} (trouser supporter) SEE: suspender | :: |
suspenders {n} (stocking supporter) SEE: garter | :: |
suspense {n} (pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement) | :: саспенс {m}, напруга {f} |
suspicion {n} (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong) | :: підозра {f}, підозріння {n} |
suspicion {n} (condition of being suspected) | :: підозра {f} |
suspicion {n} (imagining without evidence) | :: підозра {f} |
suspicious {adj} (arousing suspicion) | :: підозрілий |
sustainability {n} (ecological sense) | :: сталість довкілля |
Suva {prop} (capital of Fiji) | :: Сува {f} |
svirel {n} (an old folk Russian wind instrument) | :: сопілка {f}, свиріль {f}, свирілка {f} |
swaddle {v} (to bind a baby) | :: пеленати {impf} |
Swahili {n} (language) | :: суахілі {m}, кісуахілі {m} |
swallow {v} (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach) | :: ковтати {impf}, глитати {impf} |
swallow {n} (bird) | :: ластівка {f} |
swamp {n} (type of wetland) | :: болото {n} |
swan {n} (waterfowl of the genus Cygnus) | :: лебідь {m} |
swanling {n} (baby swan, young swan) SEE: cygnet | :: |
swarf {n} | :: стружка {f}, остружок |
swarm {n} (large number of insects) | :: рій {m} |
swarm {n} (a mass of people or animals in turmoil) | :: натовп {m}, юрба {f} |
swarm {v} (to teem, or be overrun with insects) | :: кишіти |
swarthy {adj} (dark) SEE: dark | :: |
swastika {n} (a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle) | :: свастика {f} |
swath {n} (The track cut out by a scythe in mowing) | :: прокіс {m} |
swathe {n} (swath) SEE: swath | :: |
Swaziland {prop} (Kingdom of Swaziland, see also: eSwatini) | :: Свазіленд {m} |
sweat {n} (fluid that exits the body through pores) | :: піт {m} |
sweat {v} (to emit sweat) | :: потіти {impf} |
sweater {n} (knitted jacket worn by athletes before or after exercise) | :: светр {m} |
sweater {n} (similar garment worn for warmth) | :: светр {m}, пуловер {m} |
swede {n} (turnip) SEE: turnip | :: |
Swede {n} (person from Sweden or of Swedish descent) | :: швед {m}, шведка {f} |
Sweden {prop} (Scandinavian country) | :: Швеція {f} |
Swedish {prop} (language) | :: шведська мова {f}, шведська {f} |
Swedish {adj} (of or pertaining to Sweden) | :: шведський |
Swedish massage {n} (style of massage) | :: шведський масаж {m} |
sweep {v} (to clean using a broom or brush) | :: підмітати {impf}, мести {impf}, підмести {pf} |
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant taste) | :: солодкий |
sweet {adj} (having a taste of sugar) | :: солодкий |
sweet {adj} (not having a salty taste) | :: прісний |
sweet {n} (food eaten for dessert) SEE: dessert | :: |
sweet {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart | :: |
sweet cherry {n} (Prunus avium) SEE: wild cherry | :: |
sweetener {n} (food additive) | :: підсолоджувач {m} |
sweet flag {n} (Acorus calamus) | :: аїр {m}, аєр {m}, татарське зілля {n}, лепеха {f}, лепех {m} |
sweetheart {n} (a person very much liked or loved by someone) | :: милий {m}, мила {f}, коханий {m}, кохана {f} |
sweet pepper {n} (fruit) SEE: bell pepper | :: |
sweet potato {n} (tuber) | :: батат {m}, солодка картопля {f} |
swim {v} (move through water) | :: [abstract] плавати {impf}, поплавати {pf}; [concrete], плисти {impf}, поплисти {pf} |
swimming {n} (human activity of moving oneself through water) | :: плавання {n} |
swimming costume {n} (garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit | :: |
swimmingly {adv} (in a very favourable manner) | :: як по маслу |
swimming pool {n} (pool for swimming) | :: басейн {m}, плавальний басейн {m} |
swimming trunks {n} (a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing) | :: плавки {f-p} |
swimsuit {n} | :: купальний костюм {m}, купальник {m} |
swimwear {n} (clothing for swimming) SEE: swimsuit | :: |
swine {n} (pig) SEE: pig | :: |
Swiss {adj} (of or pertaining to Switzerland) | :: швейцарський |
Swiss Confederation {prop} (Official name of Switzerland) | :: Швейцарська Конфедерація {f} |
switch {n} (device to turn electric current on and off) | :: вимикач {m}, перемикач {m}, ключ {m} |
switch {n} (movable section of railroad track) | :: стрілка |
Switzerland {prop} (sovereign country) | :: Швейцарія {f} |
swole {adj} (upset) SEE: upset | :: |
sword {n} (weapon) | :: меч {m} |
sycamore {n} (Platanus) | :: платан {m} |
sycamore {n} (sycamore maple) SEE: sycamore maple | :: |
sycamore maple {n} (Acer pseudoplatanus) | :: явір |
Sydney {prop} (in Australia) | :: Сідней {m}, Сідней {m} |
syenite {n} (obsolete: granite) SEE: granite | :: |
Syktyvkar {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Сиктивкар {m} |
syllable {n} (unit of speech) | :: склад {m} |
syllabus {n} (summary of topics) | :: програма {f}, навчальна програма {f} |
symbol {n} (character or glyph) | :: символ {m}, знак {m} |
symbol {n} (object meant to represent another) | :: символ {m} |
symbol {n} (summary of a dogmatic statement of faith) | :: символ {m} |
symmetry {n} (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis) | :: симетрія {f} |
symphonic {adj} (characteristic of a symphony) | :: симфонічний |
symphony {n} (piece of orchestral music) | :: симфонія {f} |
symphony orchestra {n} (large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music) | :: симфонічний оркестр {m} |
synagogal {adj} (of or pertaining to a synagogue) | :: синагогальний |
synagogue {n} (Jewish place of worship) | :: синагога {f} |
synclinal {n} (synclinal fold) | :: синкліналь |
syncline {n} (concave upward fold) SEE: synclinal | :: |
synecdoche {n} (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole) | :: синекдоха {f} |
synod {n} (ecclesiastic council or meeting) | :: синод {m} |
synonym {n} (word with same meaning as another) | :: синонім {m} |
syntactic salt {n} | :: синтаксична сіль {f} |
syntactic sugar {n} | :: синтаксичний цукор {m} |
synthesis {n} (formation of something complex or coherent) | :: синтез {m} |
Syracuse {prop} (city in New York state) | :: Сірак'юс |
Syria {prop} (country in the Middle East) | :: Сирія {f} |
Syrian Arab Republic {prop} (official name of Syria) | :: Сирійська Арабська Республіка {f} |
syringe {n} (hypodermic syringe) | :: шприц {m} |
syrup {n} (thick liquid that has a high sugar content) | :: сироп {m} |
system {n} (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members) | :: система {f} |
syzygy {n} (astronomical conjunction) | :: сизигія {f} |
Szczecin {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Щецин {m} |
Szlachta {prop} (nobility of Poland, and Lithuania) | :: шляхта {f} |