d' {prep} [sometimes before a vowel or an h] /d‿/
:: apocopic form of di: of
d {n}
:: See under D
D {letter} /di/
:: letter: di
da {prep}
:: from (all senses)
da {prep}
:: Used to indicate the house, place, or establishment of; at or to + -'s
da {prep}
:: since; from
da {prep}
:: to (implying necessity)
da {prep}
:: like, as
da {prep}
:: by
da {prep}
:: Used to indicate causation
da {prep}
:: Used to indicate the means by which
da {prep}
:: enough to
da {prep}
:: Used to express a quality or characteristic of
da {prep}
:: Used to indicate a limitation of
da {prep}
:: Used to indicate a price, measure, or value of; worth
da {prep}
:: Used to indicate a scope, purpose, or goal of; used to/for; in/with which to
da {prep}
:: Used in some adverbial phrases
da asporto {adj}
:: takeaway
dabbasso {adv}
:: At the bottom
dabbasso {adv}
:: From underneath
dabbenaggine {m}
:: credulity, gullibility
dabbene {adj}
:: honest, decent
dabbene {m}
:: honesty
daboia {m} /daˈbɔ.ja/
:: Russell's viper (Daboia russelii)
da capo {adv}
:: from scratch; from the beginning; from the top
da capogiro {adj}
:: astonishing, staggering, mind-boggling
daccanto {adv}
:: nearby
daccanto {adv}
:: beside
daccapo {adv}
:: alternative form of da capo
dacché {conj}
:: since
dacci dentro {interj}
:: synonym of dacci sotto
dacci sotto {interj}
:: get down to it!
d'accordissimo {adj} [colloquial]
:: superlative of d'accordo: absolutely agreeing
d'accordo {adj}
:: agreed
d'accordo {interj}
:: sure!, OK!, of course!, naturally!
d'accordo {interj}
:: all right!, very well!
daccordo {adj}
:: alternative spelling of d'accordo
daccordo {interj}
:: alternative spelling of d'accordo
dacia {f}
:: dacha
dacitico {adj}
:: dacitic
dacnomania {f} /dak.no.maˈni.a/
:: A compulsive urge to bite people
daco {adj} /ˈda.ko/
:: Dacian (of or pertaining to Dacia or the Dacians)
daco {m}
:: Dacian member of an ancient Indo-European ethnic group of Dacia
dacoromanzo {adj}
:: Daco-Romanian
dacoromanzo {m}
:: Daco-Romanian (language)
dacoromeno {adj}
:: alternative form of dacoromanzo
dacorumeno {adj}
:: alternative form of dacoromanzo
D'Acquisto {prop}
:: surname
D'Acquisto {prop}
:: Salvo D'Acquisto, Italian policeman and martyr
dacrio- {prefix}
:: dacryo-, dacry- (relating to tears)
dacrioadenite {f} [medicine]
:: dacryoadenitis
dacriocisti {f} [anatomy]
:: dacryocyst, lacrimal sac
dacriocistite {f} [medicine]
:: dacryocystitis
dacrioma {m} [medicine]
:: dacryoma
dada {m} [arts]
:: Dada
dadaismo {m} [arts]
:: Dada, Dadaism
dadaista {adj}
:: Dada (attributive)
dadaista {mf} [arts]
:: Dadaist
daddolo {m}
:: gesture of affection
dadino {m}
:: Small cube, small piece
da dio {prep} [colloquial]
:: very well
dado {m} [gaming]
:: die, dice
dado {m} [by extension]
:: any small cube-shaped object
dado {m} [cooking]
:: stock cube
dado {m} [engineering]
:: nut (intended to be screwed onto a bolt)
dadolata {f}
:: croutons
da dove viene {phrase} [formal]
:: where are you from?
da dove vieni {phrase} [colloquial]
:: where are you from?
da fare {m}
:: alternative spelling of daffare
da fatica {adv}
:: Capable of withstanding heavy work or strenuous pressure
daffare {m}
:: work, toil
dafne {f}
:: daphne
Dafne {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Daphne
Dafne {prop}
:: given name
dafnia {f}
:: water flea, daphnid (of genus Daphnia)
daga {f}
:: dagger
daga {f} [weapon]
:: A stabbing weapon, similar to a sword but with a short, double-edged blade
dagherrotipia {f} [photography]
:: daguerreotypy
dagherrotipo {m} [photography]
:: daguerreotype
Daghestan {prop}
:: Dagestan
D'Agostino {prop}
:: surname
dahlien {adj}
:: only in giallo dahlien
dai {contraction}
:: from the
dai {contraction}
:: at the house/home of the
dai {interj}
:: An expression of encouragement; come on!
da incasso {adj}
:: built-in (appliance, piece of furniture, etc)
daino {m}
:: A fallow deer
Dakota del Nord {prop}
:: North Dakota
Dakota del Sud {prop}
:: South Dakota
dal {contraction}
:: contraction of da il; from the
dal {contraction}
:: since
dal cuore tenero {adv}
:: softhearted
Dalek {m} /ˈda.lek/
:: Dalek (all senses)
dalet {mf} /ˈda.let/
:: dalet, specifically:
dalet {mf}
:: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤃
dalet {mf}
:: The name of the Hebrew-script letter ד
dalia {f}
:: dahlia
Dalila {prop} [Biblical character]
:: Delilah (mistress of Samson)
Dalila {prop}
:: given name
dalla {contraction}
:: contraction of da la
dalla a alla zeta {adv} [idiomatic] /dal.laˌa.al.laˈd͡zɛ.ta/
:: from the beginning to the end; completely, entirely
Dallago {prop}
:: Dallago; surname
dalla padella alla brace {phrase} [idiomatic]
:: out of the frying pan, into the fire
Dalla Pasqua {prop}
:: surname
Dallapé {prop}
:: surname
Dallapé {prop}
:: Francesca Dallapé, Italian diver
Dallara {prop}
:: Dallara; surname
Dall'Ara {prop}
:: Dallara; surname
dalle stalle alle stelle {adv}
:: from rags to riches
dalli {prep}
:: alternative form of dagli
dall'inizio {adv}
:: from scratch
dall'interno {adv}
:: inside
dall'interno {adv}
:: home
dalmata {adj}
:: Dalmatian (from or native to Dalmatia)
dalmata {adj}
:: Dalmatian (pertaining to Dalmatia)
dalmata {m}
:: Dalmatian (dog)
dalmata {mf}
:: Dalmatian (person from Dalmatia in Europe)
dalmatica {f}
:: dalmatic (kind of tunic)
dalmaticella {f}
:: A fine, silk dalmatic
dalmatico {adj}
:: Dalmatian
dalmatico {prop}
:: Dalmatian [language]
dalmato {m}
:: Dalmatian (person from Dalmatia)
Dalmazia {prop}
:: Dalmatia
dal momento che {conj}
:: since, as
dal nulla {adv}
:: from scratch
d'alto bordo {adj} [figurative] /ˌdal.toˈbor.do/
:: influential, high-profile
daltonica {f}
:: female equivalent of daltonico
daltonico {adj}
:: color blind
daltonico {m}
:: A color blind person
daltonismo {m} /dal.toˈnis.mo/
:: colour blindness, daltonism
d'altra parte {adv}
:: on the other hand, however, then again, but then
d'altro canto {adv}
:: on the other hand, then again
d'altronde {adv}
:: on the other hand, however
dal vivo {adj}
:: live
dama {f}
:: lady
dama {f} [board games, in the singular]
:: draughts / checkers
dama {f}
:: king (in draughts/checkers)
dama {f}
:: draughtboard / checkerboard
dama {f}
:: queen (playing card)
damalisco {m}
:: damalisk, sassaby
damalisco comune {m}
:: common tsessebe, sassaby, topi (Damaliscus lunatus lunatus)
damalisco dalla faccia bianca {m}
:: blesbok, blesbuck (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi)
damalisco di Hunter {m}
:: hirola, Hunter's hartebeest, Hunter's antelope (Beatragus hunteri)
damante {v}
:: present participle of damare
damare {vt}
:: To crown (in draughts/chequers)
damascante {v}
:: present participle of damascare
damascare {vt}
:: To damask or damascene
damascato {adj}
:: damask (attributive)
damascatura {f}
:: damasking
damascatura {f}
:: damascening
damasceno {adj}
:: Damascene (of Damascus)
damasceno {m}
:: Damascene (native of Damascus)
damaschinante {v}
:: present participle of damaschinare
damaschinare {vt}
:: To damascene
damaschinatura {f}
:: damascening
damaschino {adj}
:: Damascus (attributive); Damascene
damaschino {adj}
:: damascene
damaschino {m}
:: Damascene
damaschino {m}
:: damask (steel)
damaschino {m}
:: damson
damasco {m}
:: damask
Damasco {prop}
:: Damasco (capital city)
Damaso {prop}
:: given name
da meno {adj}
:: alternative form of dammeno
damerino {m}
:: gallant, dandy, flop (fashionably dressed man)
Damiano {prop}
:: given name
damiera {f}
:: draughtboard / checkerboard
damiere {m}
:: draughtboard, chequerboard
Damietta {prop}
:: Damietta (town)
damigella {f}
:: damsel
damigella {f}
:: mistress (title)
damigella di Numidia {f}
:: demoiselle crane
damigella d'onore {f}
:: bridesmaid
damigella in pericolo {f}
:: damsel in distress (stereotype of a young woman in a dangerous situation)
damigiana {f}
:: carboy, demijohn
damista {mf}
:: draughts / checkers player
dammaggio {m} /damˈmad.d͡ʒo/
:: alternative form of dannaggio
dammeno {adj}
:: lower
dammeno {adj}
:: less
dammeno {adj}
:: worse
Dammiata {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Damietta
dammi retta {phrase} [idiomatic]
:: take it from me, rest assured
dammuso {m}
:: A small, stone habitation typical of Pantelleria
Damocle {prop}
:: Damocles
da morire {adv} [colloquial, hyperbole]
:: incredibly, terribly, extremely, a lot
Da Mula {prop}
:: surname
Danae {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Danae
danaio {m} [regional, obsolete]
:: alternative form of denaro
Danao {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Danaus
danaro {m}
:: alternative form of denaro
danarosamente {adv}
:: richly
danaroso {adj}
:: wealthy, rich
dancing {m}
:: dance hall
d'andata {adj}
:: alternative spelling of di andata
dandismo {m}
:: dandyism
dandistico {adj}
:: dandyish
Dandolo {prop}
:: surname
Dandolo {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
dandyismo {m}
:: dandyism
dandysmo {m}
:: alternative form of dandismo
danese {adj}
:: Danish
danese {mf}
:: Dane
danese {mf}
:: Great Dane (dog)
danese {m}
:: Danish (language)
da nessuna parte {adv} /da nesːu.na ˈpar.te/
:: nowhere
Daniela {prop}
:: given name
Daniele {prop} /daˈnjɛ.le/
:: given name
Daniele {prop}
:: Daniel [biblical character]
Daniele {prop}
:: the Book of Daniel
Danilo {prop}
:: given name
Danimarca {prop}
:: Denmark
dannabile {adj} [literary] /danˈna.bi.le/
:: condemnable
dannaggio {m} /danˈnad.d͡ʒo/
:: damage, harm
dannante {v}
:: present participle of dannare
dannare {vt}
:: to damn
dannarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dannare
dannarsi {vr}
:: to be damned
dannarsi {vr}
:: to worry
dannarsi {vr}
:: to "work oneself to death"
dannata {f}
:: female equivalent of dannato
dannatamente {adv}
:: damned, damn
dannatamente {adv}
:: a damn sight more, a fuck sight more
dannatamente {adv}
:: a hell of a lot
dannatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of dannato
dannato {adj}
:: damned
dannato {m}
:: damned soul
dannato {m} [in the plural]
:: The damned
dannazione {f}
:: damnation, damn, dammit, gee, blimey
danneggiabile {adj}
:: damageable
danneggiamento {m} [legal]
:: malicious damage (the crime)
danneggiante {v}
:: present participle of danneggiare
danneggiantesi {v}
:: present participle of danneggiarsi
danneggiare {vt}
:: to damage or harm
danneggiarsi {vr}
:: To damage or harm oneself
danneggiatore {m}
:: damager
danneggiatosi {v}
:: past participle of danneggiarsi
dannevole {adj} /danˈne.vo.le/
:: harmful, noxious
dannevole {adj}
:: reprehensible
dannità {f} [obsolete]
:: damage
danno {m} /ˈdan.no/
:: damage, harm, injury
danno {m}
:: mischief
dannosamente {adv}
:: harmfully
dannosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of dannoso
dannosità {f}
:: harm
dannosità {f}
:: damage
dannoso {adj}
:: harmful
dannunziano {adj} /dan.nunˈtsja.no/
:: Of or pertaining to Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863–1938), Italian poet
Danoia {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Danubio
d'antan {adj}
:: of yesteryear, of the old days
Dante {prop} /ˈdan.te/
:: given name and a surname, a reduced form of Durante
Dante {prop}
:: particularly Dante Alighieri, Italian writer
dantescamente {adv}
:: In a Dantesque manner, Dantesquely
dantesco {adj} /danˈte.sko/
:: Dantesque, Dantean (pertaining to Dante's style)
dantesi {v}
:: present participle of darsi
dantistica {f}
:: Dante studies
dantologia {f}
:: The study of Dante, his life and works
danubiano {adj}
:: Danubian; Danube (attributive)
Danubio {prop} /daˈnubjo/
:: Danube
danza {f} /ˈdan.t͡sa/
:: a dance
danzante {v} /danˈt͡san.te/
:: present participle of danzare
danzante {adj}
:: dancing
danzare {vt} /danˈt͡sa.re/
:: To dance
danza su ghiaccio {f}
:: ice dancing
danzatore {m} /dan.t͡saˈto.re/
:: dancer (male)
danzatrice {f} /dan.t͡saˈtri.t͡ʃe/
:: female equivalent of danzatore
Danzica {prop} /ˈdan.tsi.ka/
:: Danzica (city)
danzicano {adj}
:: Of or from Gdańsk (city in Poland)
da parata {adj} [often, humorous]
:: suitable for a big occasion; to show off
da parte di {prep}
:: from, by, of (someone), on someone's part
da parte di {prep}
:: on behalf of (someone)
da parte di {prep}
:: on someone's side
da parte di {prep}
:: at the hand of
dape {f} [literary, obsolete] /ˈda.pe/
:: meal, banquet, feast
dape {f} [literary, obsolete, figurative]
:: aliment, nourishment
da per tutto {adv} /da .perˈ tutːo/
:: [archaic] everywhere, all over the place
da poco {adj}
:: alternative form of dappoco
da poco {adv}
:: recently, just, a short time ago
dapoxetina {f} [medicine]
:: dapoxetine
dappertutto {adv}
:: everywhere, all over the place
dappertutto {adv}
:: all over hell's half acre
dappiè {adv}
:: at the foot; at the base
dappiù {adj}
:: better (than)
dappocaggine {f}
:: ineptitude, worthlessness
dappoco {adj} /dapˈpɔ.ko/
:: inept
dappoco {adj}
:: insignificant
dappoi {adv}
:: then, after, afterwards, subsequently
dappoi {conj}
:: since
dappoi {prep}
:: after
dappoiché {conj} [rare] /dap.poi̯ˈke/
:: after
dappoiché {conj} [rare]
:: as, for, since
dappresso {adv} /dapːˈresːo/
:: closely
dappresso {adv}
:: nearby
dapprima {adv}
:: at first, firstly, first of all
dapprincipio {adv}
:: From the beginning
da presso {adv} /da ˈpresːo/
:: [archaic] closely
da presso {adv}
:: [archaic] nearby
da qualche parte {adv} /da kwal.ke ˈpar.te/
:: somewhere
dar {v}
:: apocopic form of dare
darabouka {f} [musical instruments]
:: tombak, goblet drum
darabukka {f} [musical instruments] /da.raˈbuk.ka/
:: darbuka (type of goblet drum)
darci dentro {v}
:: to get one's groove on
darci dentro {v}
:: to pull up one's socks
darci un taglio {v}
:: to stop, get off, cease
dardana {f}
:: feminine noun of dardano
Dardanelli {prop}
:: Dardanelles
dardano {m} /ˈdar.da.no/
:: synonym of gruccione
dardano {adj}
:: Dardanian
dardano {m}
:: Dardanian (native or inhabitant of Dardania)
Dardano {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Dardanus
Dardano {prop}
:: given name
dardeggiante {v}
:: present participle of dardeggiare
dardeggiare {vt}
:: to dart
dardo {m}
:: dart, arrow
dare {vt} /ˈda.re/
:: to give, to transfer the possession/holding of something to someone else
dare {vt}
:: to yield, to bear, to give, to produce, to return
dare {m}
:: debit
dare a Cesare quel che è di Cesare {phrase}
:: credit where it's due
dare acqua alle funi {v} [idiom]
:: To speed up or hurry a task
dare adito a {v}
:: synonym of dare luogo a
dare alla luce {vt}
:: To give birth to
dare ascolto {v} [idiom]
:: to listen
dare atto {v} [a, di, che]
:: to recognize; to acknowledge
dare buca {v}
:: to stand up, jilt, shirk
dare buca {v}
:: to avoid a prearranged meeting, especially a date, with a person
dare cinque {v}
:: synonym of dare il cinque
dare corda {v}
:: synonym of dare tregua
dare del filo da torcere {vt}
:: to give someone a run for one's money
dare del lei {v}
:: to address someone with the polite form Lei
dare del tu {v}
:: to thou (to address someone using the second person singular)
dare forfait {v}
:: to give way, to give up
dare fuoco a {v} [idiom]
:: to set on fire
dare gas {v}
:: to accelerate (especially while driving or using a motor); to put one's foot down
dare il benservito {v} [a, .familiar]
:: to fire; to sack
dare il cinque {v} [idiom]
:: to high-five
dare il diapason {v} [idiom]
:: to set the tone (of a conversation, discussion, etc.)
dare il fianco {v}
:: synonym of prestare il fianco
dare il la {v} [idiom]
:: to begin, to initiate
dare il passo {v} [rare]
:: synonym of cedere il passo
dare importanza {v}
:: synonym of prendere in considerazione
dare importanza {v}
:: synonym of dare peso
dare importanza {v}
:: to attach importance
dare indietro {v}
:: to give back
dare in matrimonio {v}
:: to bestow (give in marriage)
dare la colpa {v}
:: to blame, chalk up to, put down to
dare la precedenza {v}
:: to give way
dare la responsabilità {v}
:: synonym of dare la colpa
dare lo spazzolone {v}
:: to mop
dare luogo a {v}
:: to give rise to
dare man forte {v}
:: Variant of dare manforte
dare manforte {v}
:: to back up
dare manforte {v}
:: to help
dare manforte {v}
:: to assist
dare manforte {v}
:: to have someone's back
dare manforte {v}
:: Variant of dare man forte
dare per buono {v} [idiom]
:: to reluctantly accept as good enough; to take it
dare per certo {v} [idiom]
:: synonym of dare per scontato
dare per scontato {v}
:: to take for granted
dare peso {v}
:: to give weight
dare retta {v} [a]
:: to pay attention, to take notice, to listen
dare rifugio {v}
:: to shelter (transitive, to provide cover)
dare spettacolo {vi} [idiomatic]
:: to make an exhibition of oneself, to show off
dare spettacolo di sé {phrase}
:: make a spectacle of oneself
dare sui nervi {v}
:: synonym of far venire la mosca al naso
dare sui nervi {v}
:: synonym of stare sui nervi
dare tempo al tempo {v}
:: good things come to those who wait
dare torto {v}
:: to blame
dare tregua {v}
:: to cut someone some slack, give someone a break, give someone enough rope
dare tutto se stesso {v}
:: synonym of ammazzarsi di lavoro
dare una lavata di capo {v}
:: (idiomatic) to give someone a piece of one's mind, give somebody what-for, read somebody the riot act
dare una lavata di capo {v}
:: to rebuke, scold, tell off
dare una lezione {v}
:: (idiomatic) to give someone what for, give somebody what-for, read somebody the riot act
dare una lezione {v}
:: to rebuke, scold, tell off
dare una lezione {v}
:: to punish
dare una mano {v}
:: synonym of tendere una mano
dare una occhiata {v}
:: to glance over (quickly inspect something (newspaper, notes) with the eyes)
dare una occhiatina {v}
:: synonym of dare una occhiata
dare una sbirciata {v}
:: synonym of dare una occhiata
dare una sbirciatina {v}
:: synonym of dare una occhiata
dare un cinque {v}
:: synonym of dare il cinque
dare un'occhiata {v} [idiomatic]
:: To take a look, to glance, to glance over
dare uno sguardo {v}
:: to review
dare uno sguardo {v}
:: to look back over
dare uno sguardo {v}
:: to glance over
dare un pugno {v}
:: to punch
dare via {v}
:: to give away
dare vita a {v} [idiom]
:: to bring to life; to create or organize [a business, initiative, etc.]; to build; to form
Daria {prop}
:: given name
darico {m}
:: daric
Dario {prop}
:: given name
dark {adj}
:: dark (used especially to describe a form of punk music)
darla su {v}
:: to give up
darla su {v}
:: to give way
darla vinta {v}
:: to give way, to give up
darmstadio {m}
:: alternative form of darmstadtio
darmstadtio {m} [chemistry] /darmˈsta.djo/
:: darmstadtium
darmstazio {m} /darmˈstattsjo/
:: alternative form of darmstadtio
darsela a gambe {v}
:: to escape, fly, flee, runaway
darsena {f} /ˈdar.se.na/
:: A dock (for ship repairs)
darsi {v}
:: reflexive of dare
darsi {v}
:: to devote oneself, take up, take to, go into
darsi {v}
:: to give oneself to, yield to
darsi {v}
:: to start, begin
darsi {v}
:: to give to each other, exchange
darsi {v} [impersonal]
:: to happen, chance
darsi alla pazza gioia {v}
:: to paint the town red
darsi all'ippica {v} [familiar, jocular]
:: to change one's profession due to incapacity or unskillfulness in a previous job
darsi da fare {vi}
:: to get busy, to get moving
darsi da fare {vi}
:: To be hardworking
darsi delle arie {v}
:: (idiomatic)to lord it over
darsi delle arie {v}
:: to put on airs
darsi fastidio {vt}
:: to disturb; to bother; to trouble; to inconvenience; to hassle
darsi fastidio {vt}
:: to upset; to disrupt
darsi la zappa sui piedi {vr}
:: to cut off one's nose to spite one's face, shoot oneself in the foot
darsi pace {v} [idiom]
:: to come to grips (with)
darsi pena {vi} [idiom]
:: to take pains
darsi una calmata {v} [familiar]
:: to calm down; to chill; to chill out; to cool off; to settle down
darsi una mossa {v}
:: to get moving
darvinismo {m}
:: Darwinism
dar volta {vi} [nautical]
:: to belay
darwiniano {adj}
:: Darwinian
darwiniano {m}
:: Darwinian
darwinismo {m}
:: Darwinism
darwinismo sociale {m}
:: social Darwinism
da sé {prep}
:: See: da sé
da sé {prep}
:: without the help or intervention of others; of one's own accord; by oneself
da sempre {adv}
:: lifelong
dasiuro {m}
:: quoll (of family Dasyuridae)
da sogno {adj}
:: dream (attributive)
Daspo {prop}
:: A movement that counters violence in sport
data {f}
:: date
database {m}
:: database
databile {adj}
:: That may be dated; datable
databilità {f}
:: Property of being datable
data di nascita {f}
:: date of birth
datante {v}
:: present participle of datare
datare {vt}
:: to date (something)
datare {vi}
:: to date back to
dataria {f}
:: datary
datario {m}
:: datestamp
datario {m}
:: calendar
datazione {f}
:: dating (of an object)
da tempo {prep}
:: for a long time; long
datità {f} [philosophy]
:: reality, actuality
dativo {adj} [grammar]
:: dative
dativo {m} [grammar]
:: dative case
dativo etico {m} [grammar]
:: ethical dative
dato {m}
:: datum (item of data)
dato {m}
:: fact
dato {m}
:: evidence, proof
dato di fatto {m} [idiom]
:: something certain and verifiable; fact
datolite {f} [mineral]
:: datolite
datore {m}
:: giver
datore {m}
:: donor
datore di lavoro {m}
:: employer
datoriale {adj}
:: employer (attributive)
datosi {v}
:: past participle of darsi
datrice {f}
:: female equivalent of datore
datrice di lavoro {f}
:: female equivalent of datore di lavoro
dattero {m} /ˈdat.te.ro/
:: date (fruit of the date palm)
dattero {m}
:: synonym of palma da datteri
dattero {m} [zoology]
:: synonym of dattero di mare
dattero di mare {m}
:: date mussel
dattero nero {m} [mollusks]
:: mussel
datti all'ippica! {interj}
:: go take up knitting!
datti all'ippica! {interj}
:: go climb a tree!
datti all'ippica! {interj}
:: go away, go to hell, leave me alone, get lost
-dattilia {suffix} /dat.tiˈli.a/
:: Used to form abstract nouns pertaining to the digits or fingers
dattilico {adj}
:: dactylic
dattilifero {adj}
:: dactyliferous (bearing dates)
-dattilo {suffix} /ˈdat.ti.lo/
:: -dactyl
dattilo- {prefix} /dat.ti.lo/
:: dactylo-
dattilo {m} /ˈdattilo/
:: dactyl
dattilografa {f}
:: female equivalent of dattilografo
dattilografante {v}
:: present participle of dattilografare
dattilografare {vt}
:: to type
dattilografia {f}
:: typing
dattilograficamente {adv}
:: by means of a typewriter
dattilografico {adj}
:: typewritten
dattilografico {adj}
:: typewriting (attributive)
dattilografo {m}
:: typist [male]
dattilogramma {m}
:: fingerprint
dattilologia {f}
:: dactylology
dattiloscopia {f}
:: dactyloscopy (science of fingerprinting)
dattiloscopico {adj}
:: dactyloscopy, fingerprinting (attributive)
dattiloscritto {adj}
:: typewritten
dattiloscritto {m}
:: typescript
dattiloscrivente {v}
:: present participle of dattiloscrivere
dattiloscrivere {vt}
:: To typewrite
dattorno {adv}
:: around
dattorno {adj}
:: surrounding; in the vicinity
datura {f}
:: thorn apple (of genus Datura)
daturismo {m}
:: daturism
da tutti i punti di vista {adv}
:: all-around
da ultimo {adv}
:: finally, lastly
da una vita {adv}
:: lifelong
da un giorno all'altro {adv}
:: suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
daunomicina {f} [medicine]
:: daunomycin
da urlo {n}
:: banner (Exceptional-very good)
davante {adj} /daˈvante/
:: obsolete form of davanti
davanti {adv} /daˈvanti/
:: at the front; in front
davanti {prep}
:: in front of
davanti {prep}
:: opposite
davanti {adj}
:: front
davanti {m}
:: a front
davantino {m}
:: dickey, jabot
davanzale {m}
:: windowsill
d'avanzo {adv}
:: More than enough
davanzo {adv}
:: Variant of d'avanzo
da vicino {adv}
:: closely
Davìd {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Davide
Davide {prop} /ˈda.vi.de/
:: David [biblical character]
Davide {prop}
:: given name of biblical origin
davidico {adj}
:: Davidic
davvero {adv}
:: really, in fact
davvero {adv}
:: certainly, seriously
davvero {adv}
:: actually
davvicino {adv}
:: Variant of da vicino
dazebao {m}
:: Variant of dazibao
da zero {adv}
:: from the ground up
daziabile {adj}
:: dutiable
daziante {v}
:: present participle of daziare
daziare {vt}
:: To levy duty (on)
daziario {adj}
:: excise, duty, customs (attributive)
dazibao {m}
:: dazibao
daziere {m}
:: exciseman
dazio {m} /ˈdat.t͡sjo/
:: tax, duty
dazio {m}
:: customs
dazio {m}
:: custom house
dazione {f}
:: giving, conferring
d.C. {adv}
:: abbreviation of dopo Cristo AD (anno Domini)
D.C. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Democrazia Cristiana
DC {prop}
:: initialism of Democrazia Cristiana (Christian Democracy)
de- {prefix} /de/
:: Denoting:
de- {prefix}
:: removal
de- {prefix}
:: movement downwards; lowering
de- {prefix}
:: privation; a-
de- {prefix}
:: negation; un-
de- {prefix}
:: intensifying
de- {prefix} [chemistry]
:: Denoting subtraction of one or more atoms, radicals or molecules:
de {contraction}
:: apocopic form of del
dea {f}
:: goddess
dea {f} [colloquial, acting]
:: female star
dèa {f}
:: goddess (all senses)
deacetilasi {f} [enzyme]
:: deacetylase
deacetilazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: deacetylation
deacidificante {adj}
:: deacidifying
deacidificante {v}
:: present participle of deacidificare
deacidificare {vt}
:: to deacidify
deacilato {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: deacylated
deacronimico {adj} [linguistics, neologism]
:: of or relating to a word derived from the pronunciation or affixation of an acronym or abbreviation
deacronimico {m} [linguistics, neologism]
:: a word derived from the pronunciation or affixation of an acronym or abbreviation
deaerazione {f}
:: deaeration
deafferentazione {f}
:: deafferentation
deaggettivale {adj}
:: deadjectival
deambulante {v}
:: present participle of deambulare
deambulante {adj}
:: ambulatory
deambulante {adj}
:: walking
deambulare {vi}
:: to walk
deambulatore {m}
:: walker, walking frame (for people with walking difficulties)
deambulatorio {m} [architecture]
:: ambulatory
deambulazione {f}
:: walking about
De Amicis {prop}
:: surname
De Amicis {prop}
:: Edmondo De Amicis, Italian writer
deaminasi {f} [enzyme]
:: deaminase
deaminato {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: deaminated
deaminazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: deamination
deamplificazione {f} [physics, genetics]
:: deamplification (of a signal or of DNA)
deandreiano {adj} [music] /de.an.dreˈja.no/
:: Of or pertaining to Italian singer-songwriter Fabrizio De André (1940–1999) or his music
deasfaltizzazione {f}
:: deasphalting
deaspirazione {f} [linguistics]
:: deaspiration (loss of an aspirated sound)
deattivante {v}
:: present participle of deattivare
deattivare {v}
:: To deactivate
deattivato {adj}
:: self-appointed
deattivazione {f}
:: deactivation
deavverbiale {adj}
:: deadverbal
deb {f}
:: deb, debutante
debbiante {v}
:: present participle of debbiare
debbiare {vt}
:: To burn stubble after the wheat harvest
debbio {m}
:: stubble-burning
debbio {m}
:: slash and burn (agricultural technique of clearing land by cutting the vegetation and burning it in situ)
debbio {m}
:: swidden (land thus cleared)
debellante {v}
:: present participle of debellare
debellare {vt}
:: To defeat
debellare {vt}
:: To eradicate
debellazione {f}
:: defeat
debellazione {f}
:: eradication
debile {adj} [obsolete]
:: weak
debilità {f}
:: weakness
debilitamento {m}
:: weakening, enfeeblement, debilitation
debilitante {v}
:: present participle of debilitare
debilitante {adj}
:: debilitating
debilitantesi {v}
:: present participle of debilitarsi
debilitare {vt}
:: to debilitate
debilitarsi {vr}
:: To become debilitated
debilitato {adj}
:: debilitated
debilitatosi {v}
:: past participle of debilitarsi
debilitazione {f}
:: debilitation
debitamente {adv}
:: properly
debitamente {adv}
:: duly
debito {adj}
:: due, proper
debito {m}
:: debt
debitore {m}
:: debtor
debitorio {adj}
:: debt (attributive)
debitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of debitore
debole {adj} /ˈde.bo.le/
:: weak, dim, faint
debole {mf}
:: weakling
debole {m}
:: weakness
debolezza {f}
:: weakness
debolissimamente {adv}
:: very weakly, very faintly, very feebly
debolissimo {adj}
:: superlative of debole
debolmente {adv}
:: weakly
debolmente {adv}
:: dimly, faintly
deboluccio {adj}
:: Somewhat weak or feeble
Debora {prop} /ˈdɛbora/
:: Deborah [biblical character]
Debora {prop}
:: given name
debordante {v}
:: present participle of debordare
debordare {vi}
:: To overflow or flood
De Bortoli {prop}
:: surname
debosciato {adj} /de.boʃˈʃa.to/
:: debauched
debosciato {m}
:: debauchee
debraiata {f}
:: declutching
débrayage {m}
:: declutching
debuccalizzazione {f} [phonetics] /de.buk.ka.lid.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: debuccalization
debunker {m}
:: debunker
debuttante {mf}
:: beginner, novice
debuttare {vi} [takes avere as its auxiliary]
:: to make one's debut, to debut
debuttare {vi} [takes avere as its auxiliary]
:: to begin, to start out
debutto {m}
:: debut
deca- {prefix}
:: deca- (all senses)
deca {f}
:: decade
deca {f} [obsolete]
:: A 10,000 lire banknote
decabrista {m}
:: Decembrist
decacorde {adj} [music]
:: ten-string
decade {f}
:: a decade, a period of ten days
decadente {adj}
:: decadent
decadentismo {m}
:: decadence
decadentista {m}
:: decadent (person)
decadentistico {adj}
:: decadent
decadenza {f}
:: decline
decadenza {f}
:: decadence
decadere {vi}
:: To decline or lapse
decadico {adj}
:: decadal
decadimento {m}
:: lowering
decadimento {m}
:: decline
decadimento {m}
:: diminution
decaduto {adj}
:: impoverished
decaduto {adj}
:: lapsed
decaedrico {adj}
:: decahedral
decaedro {m}
:: decahedron
decaffeinante {v}
:: present participle of decaffeinare
decaffeinare {vt}
:: to decaffeinate
decaffeinato {adj}
:: decaffeinated
decaffeinazione {f}
:: decaffeination
decaffeinizazione {f}
:: decaffeination
decaffeinizzante {v}
:: present participle of decaffeinizzare
decaffeinizzare {vt}
:: alternative form of decaffeinare
decaffeinizzato {adj}
:: decaffeinated
decaffeinizzazione {f}
:: decaffeination (Variant of: decaffeinazione)
decagonale {adj}
:: decagonal
decagono {m}
:: decagon
decagramma {m}
:: decagram (Variant of: decagrammo)
decagrammo {m} [unit of measure]
:: decagramme, decagram
decalage {m}
:: A difference between two elements
decalage {m}
:: lift (of an aircraft)
decalage {m}
:: decalage
decalcabile {m}
:: transfer, decal
decalcante {v}
:: present participle of decalcare
decalcare {vt}
:: To trace
decalcare {v}
:: to transfer
decalcare {vt}
:: To convey the impression of (something) from one surface to another
decalcificante {v}
:: present participle of decalcificare
decalcificare {vt}
:: to decalcify
decalcificatore {m}
:: decalcifier
decalcificazione {f}
:: decalcification
decalcomania {f}
:: transfer (that puts a design on the skin)
decalcomania {f}
:: decal
decalcomania {f}
:: decalcomania
decalina {f} [organic compound]
:: decalin (decahydronaphthalene)
decalitro {m}
:: decalitre / decaliter
decalogo {m}
:: Decalogue (all senses)
Decameron {prop} /de.ka.meˈrɔn/
:: Decameron (collection of 100 novellas by Boccaccio)
Decamerone {prop} /de.ka.meˈro.ne/
:: alternative form of Decameron
decametro {m}
:: decametre / decameter
decampamento {m}
:: decampment, decamping
decampante {v}
:: present participle of decampare
decampare {vi}
:: To decamp
decanapulatura {f}
:: separation of the fibres of hemp shives
decanapulazione {f}
:: separation of the fibres of hemp shives
decanato {m}
:: deanery
decano {m} [religion]
:: dean
decano {m}
:: doyen
decano {m} [organic compound]
:: decane
decanoico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: decanoic
decanolo {m} [organic compound]
:: decanol
decantante {v}
:: present participle of decantare
decantare {vt}
:: To praise or sing the praises
decantare {vt}
:: To settle, to decant, to rack, to purify
decantare {vi} [chemistry]
:: To settle
decantato {adj}
:: praised, extolled
decantato {adj}
:: decanted, settled
decantatore {m}
:: settler, decanter (vessel)
decantazione {f}
:: settling, decantation, racking
decapaggio {m}
:: stripping, pickling
decapante {v}
:: present participle of decapare
decapare {vt}
:: to strip or pickle (metals)
decapitante {v}
:: present participle of decapitare
decapitare {vt}
:: To decapitate or behead
decapitazione {f}
:: decapitation, beheading
decapode {m}
:: decapod
decapottabile {adj}
:: alternative form of decappottabile
decapottabile {f}
:: alternative form of decappottabile
decappottabile {adj}
:: convertible (car)
decappottabile {f}
:: convertible, cabriolet (car)
decappottante {v}
:: present participle of decappottare
decappottare {vt}
:: To put the top down (of a convertible car)
decapsulazione {f}
:: decapsulation
decarbossilante {v}
:: present participle of decarbossilare
decarbossilare {vt} [organic chemistry]
:: to decarboxylate
decarbossilasi {f} [enzyme]
:: decarboxylase
decarbossilato {adj}
:: decarboxylated
decarbossilazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: decarboxylation
decarburante {v}
:: present participle of decarburare
decarburare {vt}
:: To decarburize or decarbonize
decarburazione {f}
:: decarburization, decarbonization
decarliano {adj}
:: Relating to, or characteristic of the Italian architect Giancarlo De Carlo
decartellizzazione {f}
:: decartelization (the breaking-up of a cartel)
decasillabo {m}
:: (in classical Italian verse) A line of verse containing ten syllables
decastilo {adj}
:: decastyle (attributive)
decathlon {m} [athletics]
:: decathlon
decatissaggio {m}
:: decating, decatizing
decatizzante {v}
:: present participle of decatizzare
decatizzare {vt}
:: To decatize
decatleta {mf} [athletics]
:: decathlete
decatlon {m}
:: decathlon
decauville {f}
:: Decauville railway
d'eccezione {adj}
:: exceptional, special, extraordinary
decedente {v}
:: present participle of decedere
decedere {vi}
:: to die
deceduto {adj}
:: deceased
decelerante {v}
:: present participle of decelerare
decelerare {vit}
:: to decelerate, slow down
decelerato {adj}
:: decelerated, slowed down
deceleratore {adj}
:: decelerating
decelerazione {f}
:: deceleration, slowing down
decempeda {f} [historical, Ancient Rome] /deˈt͡ʃɛm.pe.da/
:: A unit of length equal to 10 Roman feet (2,956 m)
decemvirato {m}
:: decemvirate
decennale {adj}
:: ten-yearly, decennial
decennale {m}
:: Tenth anniversary; decennial
decenne {adj}
:: ten years old
decennio {m}
:: decade (a period of 10 years)
decente {adj} /deˈt͡ʃɛn.te/
:: decent, decorous, seemly
decente {adj}
:: proper
decente {adj}
:: reasonable
decente {adj}
:: chaste
decentemente {adv}
:: decently
decentralizzante {v}
:: present participle of decentralizzare
decentralizzare {vt}
:: to decentralize
decentralizzare {vt}
:: to devolve
decentralizzazione {f}
:: decentralization
decentralizzazione {f}
:: devolution
decentramento {m}
:: decentralization
decentramento {m}
:: devolution
decentrante {v}
:: present participle of decentrare
decentrare {vt}
:: to decentralize
decentrare {vt}
:: to devolve
decentrato {adj}
:: decentralized
decentratore {adj}
:: decentralizing
decenza {f}
:: decency, propriety
decerebrante {v}
:: present participle of decerebrare
decerebrare {vt}
:: To decerebrate
decerebrazione {f}
:: decerebration
decernente {v}
:: present participle of decernere
decernere {v}
:: to choose, decide
decernere {v}
:: to decree
decespugliamento {m}
:: brushcutting
decespugliamento {m}
:: strimming
decespugliante {v}
:: present participle of decespugliare
decespugliare {vt}
:: To clear undergrowth (from)
decespugliatore {m} /de.t͡ʃes.puʎ.ʎaˈto.re/
:: string trimmer, strimmer, edge trimmer
decespugliatore {m}
:: brush cutter
decespugliatrice {f}
:: alternative form of decespugliatore
decesso {m}
:: death, decease
decettivo {adj}
:: deceptive, misleading
decevolmente {adv} /de.t͡ʃe.volˈmen.te/
:: alternative form of dicevolmente
decezione {f}
:: deception
De Chirico {prop}
:: surname
De Chirico {prop}
:: Giorgio De Chirico, Italian painter
deci- {prefix}
:: deci-
decibel {m}
:: decibel
decidente {v}
:: present participle of decidere
decidentesi {v}
:: present participle of decidersi
decidere {vt} /deˈtʃidere/
:: to decide (on), fix, arrange, determine
decidere {vt}
:: to choose or decide (on)
decidere {vt}
:: to settle, decide or resolve
decidere {vt}
:: to decide, make up one's mind
decidersi {v}
:: reflexive of decidere
decidersi {vr}
:: to make a decision; to make up one's mind
decidibile {adj}
:: decidable
decidibile {adj}
:: resolvable
decidibilità {f}
:: decidability
decidua {f} [anatomy]
:: decidua
deciduale {adj}
:: decidual
deciduo {adj} [botany]
:: deciduous
deciferante {v}
:: present participle of deciferare
deciferare {vt}
:: To decode, decipher or work out (Variant of: decifrare)
deciferatore {m} [obsolete]
:: Variant of decifratore
decifrabile {adj}
:: decipherable, legible
deciframento {m}
:: deciphering, decoding
decifrare {vt}
:: to decode or decipher or work out
decifrato {adj}
:: decoded, deciphered
decifratore {m}
:: decipherer
decifratore {m}
:: codebreaker
decifrazione {f}
:: decoding, deciphering
decigrado {m}
:: decigrade
decigramma {m}
:: decigram (Variant of: decigrammo)
decigrammo {m}
:: decigram
decile {m} [mathematics]
:: decile
decile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: decyl
decilitro {m}
:: decilitre / deciliter
decima {f}
:: tithe
decima {f}
:: feminine noun of decimo
decimale {adj}
:: decimal
decimale {m}
:: decimal
decimalizzante {v}
:: present participle of decimalizzare
decimalizzare {vt}
:: to decimalize
decimalizzazione {f}
:: decimalization
decimante {v}
:: present participle of decimare
decimare {vt}
:: To decimate
decimazione {f}
:: decimation
decimetro {m}
:: decimetre / decimeter
decimilionesimo {adj}
:: ten-millionth
decimilionesimo {m}
:: ten-millionth (fraction)
decimilionesimo {m}
:: ten-millionth (one in 10,000,000th position)
decimillesimo {adj} [ordinal numbers]
:: ten thousandth
decimillesimo {m}
:: ten-thousandth
decimo {adj} /ˈdɛtʃimo/
:: tenth
decimo {m}
:: tenth (the one in tenth position)
decimo {m}
:: tenth (fraction)
decimonono {adj}
:: alternative form of diciannovesimo
decimoprimo {adj} [rare, old-fashioned] /de.t͡ʃi.moˈpri.mo/
:: eleventh
decimoquarto {adj}
:: Variant of quattordicesimo
decimosecondo {adj} [rare, old-fashioned]
:: twelfth
decimosecondo {m} [rare, old-fashioned]
:: twelfth (the one in twelfth position)
decimosecondo {m} [rare, old-fashioned]
:: twelfth (fraction)
decimosesto {adj} [rare]
:: sixteenth
decimosettimo {adj} [rare]
:: seventeenth
decimoterzo {adj}
:: Variant of tredicesimo
decimottavo {adj} [rare]
:: eighteenth
decina {f}
:: A quantity of ten or so things
decina {f} [in plural]
:: The tens column (of a decimal number)
decina {f} [especially in plural]
:: dozen(s)
decina {f}
:: A group of ten men
decina {f}
:: An established and authorized branch of an existing crime family geographically distinct from the main body of the family
decisamente {adv}
:: decidedly, definitely, positively, strongly, indeed
decisamente {adv}
:: decisively, resolutely
decisionale {adj}
:: decisional (all senses)
decisionalità {f}
:: decision-making ability
decisione {f} /detʃiˈzjone/
:: decision
decisione {f}
:: decisiveness
decisionismo {m}
:: decisionism
decisionista {adj}
:: decisionist
decisionista {mf}
:: decisionist
decisionista {mf}
:: policy-maker
decisissimo {adj}
:: superlative of deciso
decisivamente {adv}
:: decisively
decisività {f}
:: decisiveness
decisivo {adj}
:: decisive
decisivo {adj}
:: deciding (factor etc)
deciso {adj}
:: determined, resolute, firm
decisore {m}
:: decider (person)
decisorio {adj}
:: decisive
decisosi {v}
:: past participle of decidersi
deck {m}
:: tape deck
declamante {v}
:: present participle of declamare
declamare {vt}
:: to declaim
declamatore {m}
:: declaimer, reciter (of poetry)
declamatorio {adj}
:: declamatory
declamazione {f}
:: declamation
declamazione {f}
:: oratory
declaratoria {f}
:: declaration
declaratorio {adj}
:: declaratory
declaratorio {adj}
:: bombastic
declassamento {m}
:: downgrading
declassante {v}
:: present participle of declassare
declassare {vt}
:: To downgrade or demote
declassazione {f}
:: degrading
declassazione {f}
:: downgrading
declassificante {v}
:: present participle of declassificare
declassificare {v}
:: To declassify
declassificato {adj}
:: declassified
declinabile {adj} [grammar]
:: declinable
declinabilità {f} [grammar]
:: Property of being declinable
declinante {v}
:: present participle of declinare
declinare {vi}
:: to slope downward; to decline
declinare {vt}
:: to decline a verb
declinare {vt}
:: to decline or turn down something
declinatorio {adj} [legal]
:: declinatory
declinazione {f}
:: declination (all senses)
declinismo {m} [finance]
:: The decline in the dollar as an international currency
declino {m}
:: decline
declinometro {m}
:: declinometer
declivio {m}
:: declivity (downward slope)
declività {f}
:: declivity
declorante {v}
:: present participle of declorare
declorare {vt}
:: To dechlorinate
declorazione {f}
:: dechlorination
declorurazione {f}
:: dechlorination
decocente {v}
:: present participle of decuocere
decodificabile {adj}
:: decodable
decodificante {v}
:: present participle of decodificare
decodificare {vt}
:: to decode
decodificatore {m}
:: decoder
decodificatore {m}
:: set-top box
decodificazione {f}
:: decodification, decoding
decoerenza {f} [physics]
:: decoherence
decollante {v}
:: present participle of decollare
decollare {vi} [of an aircraft or its passengers] /dekolˈlare/
:: to take off
decollazione {f}
:: decollation, beheading
décolleté {adj}
:: having a low neckline
décolleté {m}
:: A low neckline
décolleté {m}
:: cleavage
decollo {m}
:: takeoff (of an aircraft etc)
decolonizzante {v}
:: present participle of decolonizzare
decolonizzare {vt}
:: to decolonize
decolonizzazione {f}
:: decolonization
decolorante {adj}
:: decolorizing, bleaching
decolorante {m}
:: decolorizing agent, bleach
decolorare {v}
:: to decolorize
decolorare {v}
:: to bleach (the hair)
decolorazione {f}
:: decoloration / decolouration
decolorazione {f}
:: bleaching
decombente {adj} [botany]
:: decumbent
decompartimentante {v}
:: present participle of decompartimentare
decompartimentare {v}
:: To decompartmentalize
decompartimentazione {f}
:: decompartmentalization
decompilante {v}
:: present participle of decompilare
decompilare {vt} [computing]
:: to decompile
decompilato {adj}
:: decompiled
decomponente {v}
:: present participle of decomporre
decomponibile {adj}
:: decomposable
decomponibilità {f}
:: decomposability
decomporre {vt}
:: to decompose
decomporsi {vr}
:: To decompose
decompositore {m} [ecology]
:: decomposer
decomposizione {f}
:: decomposition
decompressimetro {m}
:: dive computer
decompressione {m}
:: decompression
decompressore {m} [computing]
:: decompressor
decomprimente {v}
:: present participle of decomprimere
decomprimere {vt}
:: to decompress
deconcentrante {v}
:: present participle of deconcentrare
deconcentrantesi {v}
:: present participle of deconcentrarsi
deconcentrare {vt}
:: To make somebody lose his concentration
deconcentrarsi {vr}
:: To lose one's concentration
deconcentratosi {v}
:: past participle of deconcentrarsi
deconcentrazione {f}
:: loss of concentration
decondizionamento {m}
:: deconditioning
decondizionante {v}
:: present participle of decondizionare
decondizionare {vt}
:: To decondition
decongelamento {m}
:: defrosting
decongelamento {m}
:: thawing
decongelante {v}
:: present participle of decongelare
decongelare {v}
:: to defrost
decongelazione {f}
:: defrosting
decongelazione {f}
:: thawing
decongestionamento {m}
:: decongestion (relief or easing of congestion)
decongestionante {v}
:: present participle of decongestionare
decongestionante {adj}
:: decongestant
decongestionante {m} [pharmacology]
:: decongestant
decongestionantesi {v}
:: present participle of decongestionarsi
decongestionare {vt}
:: To decongest
decongestionarsi {vr}
:: To decongest
decongestionatosi {v}
:: past participle of decongestionarsi
decongestione {f}
:: decongestion (relief or easing of congestion)
decontaminante {v}
:: present participle of decontaminare
decontaminare {vt}
:: To decontaminate
decontaminazione {f}
:: decontamination
decontestualizzante {v}
:: present participle of decontestualizzare
decontestualizzare {vt}
:: to decontextualize
decontestualizzazione {f}
:: decontextualization
decontraente {v}
:: present participle of decontrarre
decontrarre {vt}
:: to relax
decontrarre {vt}
:: to unclench
decontratto {adj}
:: relaxed
decontratto {adj}
:: unclenched
decontrazione {f}
:: relaxing, relaxation
decontribuzione {f}
:: A reduction in the amount of social security contributions of a worker under certain circumstances
decorare {v}
:: to decorate (all meanings)
decorare {vt}
:: to spiff up
decoratissimo {adj}
:: superlative of decorato
decorativamente {adv}
:: decoratively
decorativismo {m} [arts]
:: preponderance of decoration
decorativo {adj}
:: decorative
decorato {adj}
:: decorated
decoratore {m}
:: decorator (especially interior)
decoratore {m}
:: set designer (in a theatre)
decoratrice {f}
:: feminine noun of decoratore
decorazione {f}
:: decoration
decorazione {f}
:: trimming
decornazione {f}
:: dehorning
decoro {adj} [obsolete, literary] /deˈkɔ.ro/
:: dignified, fair, elegant
decoro {m}
:: decorum
decoro {m}
:: dignity
decoro {m} [figurative]
:: prestige
decoro {m} [theater]
:: set, location
decorosamente {adv}
:: decorously
decoroso {adj}
:: dignified, decorous
decoroso {adj}
:: decent
decorrente {v}
:: present participle of decorrere
decorrente {adj}
:: effective (from)
decorrenza {f}
:: The date or time from which something is in effect
decorrere {vi} [archaic]
:: to run down
decorrere {v} [da]
:: to begin to be recognized or calculated; to take effect
decorrere {vi} [literary, rare]
:: [of time] to pass
decorso {adj}
:: [of time] passed
decorso {adj}
:: expired
decorso {m} [pathology]
:: course [of a sickness]
decorso {m}
:: period, stretch [of time]
decorso {m} [archaic]
:: course [of a body of water]
decortica {f}
:: decortication, decorticating
decorticante {v}
:: present participle of decorticare
decorticare {vt}
:: To decorticate
decorticare {vt}
:: To hull
decorticato {adj}
:: decorticated
decorticato {adj}
:: hulled
decorticazione {f}
:: decortication
decostruente {v}
:: present participle of decostruire
decostruire {vt}
:: to deconstruct
decostruttivismo {m}
:: deconstructivism
decostruzione {f}
:: deconstruction
decostruzionismo {m}
:: deconstructionism (literary)
decostruzionista {mf}
:: deconstructionist (literary)
decotto {adj} [archaic] /deˈkɔt.to/
:: boiled, cooked
decotto {adj} [law, rare]
:: bankrupt
decotto {adj} [of a company or business]
:: Nearly bankrupt
decotto {m}
:: decoction
decotto {m}
:: infusion, brew
decoupage {m} [cinematography]
:: cutting
decoupage {m}
:: decoupage
decozione {f} /de.kotˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: The operation of decocting
decozione {f}
:: decoction
decozione {f} [archaic]
:: cooking
decozione {f} [archaic]
:: maturing, maturation
decozione {f} [law, rare]
:: insolvency, bankruptcy
decrementante {v}
:: present participle of decrementare
decrementare {v}
:: To decrease
decrementare {v} [maths]
:: To decrement
decremento {m}
:: decrease, diminution
decremento {m}
:: decrement
decrepità {f} /de.kre.piˈta/
:: decrepitude
decrepitazione {f}
:: decrepitation
decrepitezza {f}
:: decrepitude
decrepito {adj}
:: decrepit
decrescente {v}
:: present participle of decrescere
decrescente {adj} [mathematics]
:: decreasing (function)
decrescenza {f}
:: decrease, diminution, wane
decrescere {vi}
:: to decrease, go down, wane or ebb
decrescita {f} /deˈkre.ʃi.ta/
:: degrowth
decretale {adj}
:: decretal
decretante {v}
:: present participle of decretare
decretare {v}
:: to decree, to order
decretare {v}
:: to confer, to award, to give
decretazione {f}
:: decreeing
decreto {m}
:: decree
decriminalizzante {v}
:: present participle of decriminalizzare
decriminalizzare {vt}
:: to decriminalize
decriminalizzazione {f}
:: decriminalization
decriptaggio {m}
:: decryption
decriptante {v}
:: present participle of decriptare
decriptare {vt}
:: Variant of decrittare
decriptatore {m}
:: Variant of decrittatore
decriptatore {m}
:: Variant of decrittatore
decriptazione {f}
:: decryption, decoding, deciphering (Variant of decrittazione)
decrittante {v}
:: present participle of decrittare
decrittare {vt}
:: To decrypt
decrittatore {m}
:: decrypter (device)
decrittatore {m}
:: decrypter (person)
decrittazione {f}
:: decryption, decoding, deciphering
decubito {m}
:: To lie down. To recline
deculturazione {m} [neologism, anthropology, sociology]
:: deculturation
decumano {m} [Ancient Rome]
:: street that ran East-West in a Roman town
decuocente {v}
:: present participle of decuocere
decuocere {vti}
:: to decoct
decuplicante {v}
:: present participle of decuplicare
decuplicantesi {v}
:: present participle of decuplicarsi
decuplicare {vt}
:: to multiply by ten
decuplicare {vt}
:: to increase considerably
decuplicarsi {vr}
:: To increase considerably (literally by a factor of ten)
decuplicatosi {v}
:: past participle of decuplicarsi
decuplicazione {f}
:: tenfold increase
decuplo {adj}
:: tenfold, decuple
decuplo {m}
:: decuple
decuria {f}
:: decury
decurione {m}
:: decurion
decurtabile {adj}
:: reducible
decurtante {v}
:: present participle of decurtare
decurtare {vt}
:: To reduce, curtail, dock
decurtazione {f}
:: reduction, cut
decussato {adj}
:: decussate
decussazione {f}
:: decussation
decusse {f}
:: decussate cross
decusse {f} [heraldiccharge]
:: saltire
dedalo {m}
:: maze, labyrinth
Dedalo {prop}
:: Daedalus
dedica {f}
:: dedication
dedica {f}
:: posy (motto inscribed inside a ring)
dedicabile {adj}
:: That can be dedicated
dedicantesi {v}
:: present participle of dedicarsi
dedicare {vt}
:: to dedicate
dedicarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dedicare
dedicarsi {v}
:: to devote oneself to, apply oneself to
dedicatario {adj}
:: dedicatory
dedicatorio {adj}
:: dedicatory
dedicatosi {v}
:: past participle of dedicarsi
dedicazione {f}
:: dedication (all senses)
dedifferenziazione {f} [biology]
:: dedifferentiation
deditamente {adv}
:: dedicatedly
deditamente {adv}
:: devotedly
dedito {adj}
:: dedicated to
dedito {adj}
:: devoted "to"
dedito {adj}
:: addicted to
dedizione {f}
:: dedication
dedizione {f}
:: devotion
dedottosi {v}
:: past participle of dedursi
deducente {v}
:: present participle of dedurre
deducentesi {v}
:: present participle of dedursi
deducibile {adj}
:: deductible
deducibile {adj}
:: deducible, inferable
deducibilità {f}
:: deductibility
deducibilità {f}
:: deducibility
dedurre {vt}
:: To deduce or infer something
dedursi {vr}
:: To adapt oneself (to changes)
deduttivamente {adv}
:: deductively
deduttivo {adj}
:: deductive
deduzione {f}
:: deduction
deep learning {m} [computing, neologism]
:: deep learning
deeplearning {m}
:: alternative form of deep learning
defacciante {v}
:: present participle of defacciare
defacciare {v} [Internet]
:: To deface (a website)
defaillance {f}
:: momentary lapse
defaillance {f}
:: collapse, crisis
defalcabile {adj}
:: deductible
defalcante {v}
:: present participle of defalcare
defalcare {vt}
:: To deduct
defalcazione {f}
:: deduction, cut, subtraction
defascistizzante {v}
:: present participle of defascistizzare
defascistizzare {vt} /de.faʃ.ʃis.titˈt͡sa.re/
:: To purge of fascist elements
defascistizzazione {f}
:: purge of fascists
defaticamento {m} [sports]
:: cooling down, warming down
defaticante {adj}
:: That does not tire or weary one
defatigante {adj}
:: wearying, wearisome
defatigatorio {adj}
:: dilatory
defatigazione {f}
:: defatigation
De Fazio {prop}
:: surname
defecante {v}
:: present participle of defecare
defecare {vi}
:: to defecate
defecare {vt}
:: to refine (chemistry)
defecatorio {adj}
:: defecatory
defecazione {f}
:: defecation (all senses)
defecografia {f}
:: defecography
De Felice {prop}
:: surname
defenestrante {v}
:: present participle of defenestrare
defenestrare {vt} [rare]
:: to throw out of a window; to defenestrate
defenestrare {vt}
:: to remove from a position, office, etc
defenestrazione {f}
:: defenestration
defenestrazione {f}
:: dismissal from office
defensina {f} [protein]
:: defensin
defensionale {adj} [legal]
:: defence (attributive)
deferente {adj}
:: deferential
deferentectomia {f} [surgery]
:: vasectomy, deferentectomy
deferentemente {adv}
:: deferentially
deferenza {f}
:: deference
deferenziale {adj} [anatomy]
:: deferential
deferimento {m}
:: referral
deferire {v}
:: to refer (something to)
deferrizzazione {f}
:: deferrization
defettibile {adj}
:: defectible, imperfect
defetto {m}
:: alternative form of difetto
defettologia {f}
:: defectology (part of psychology that studies learning difficulties etc)
defezionante {v}
:: present participle of defezionare
defezionare {vi}
:: to defect
defezionare {vi}
:: to desert (military)
defezione {f}
:: defection
defezione {f}
:: desertion
defezionista {mf}
:: defector
defibrillante {v}
:: present participle of defibrillare
defibrillare {vi}
:: To defibrillate
defibrillatore {m} [medicine]
:: defibrillator
defibrillazione {f} [medicine]
:: defibrillation
defibrinazione {f}
:: defibrination
deficiente {adj}
:: [followed by di] deficient (in)
deficiente {adj}
:: half-witted
deficiente {mf}
:: half-wit
deficiente {mf}
:: moron, clot
deficienza {f}
:: deficiency
deficienza {f}
:: shortage
deficienza {f}
:: weakness
deficit {m}
:: deficit (financial, medical)
deficitario {adj}
:: in deficit
defiggente {v}
:: present participle of defiggere
defiggere {vt}
:: To tear or rip out
defilamento {m}
:: defilade
defilante {v}
:: present participle of defilarsi
defilantesi {v}
:: present participle of defilarsi
defilare {vt}
:: To defilade
defilarsi {v}
:: reflexive of defilare
defilarsi {v}
:: to slip away
defilarsi {v} [military]
:: to escape from the sight or gunfire of the enemy
defilarsi {v}
:: to hide or escape from an embarrassing situation
defilarsi {v}
:: to skirt [an obligation, commitment, etc.]
defilarsi {v} [soccer]
:: to make oneself unmarked at the passage of a teammate
defilarsi {v} [nautical]
:: to cross a short distance from the stern of another boat
defilatosi {v}
:: past participle of defilarsi
defilé {m}
:: fashion show
defilé {m} [by extension]
:: parade
defilè {m}
:: fashion show
défilé {m}
:: fashion parade
definanziamento {m}
:: disinvestment (reduction in financing)
definente {v}
:: present participle of definire
definentesi {v}
:: present participle of definirsi
definibile {adj}
:: definable
definire {vt} /de.fiˈni.re/
:: to define, resolve
definirsi {v}
:: reflexive of definire
definirsi {vr}
:: to declare or reveal oneself [to be something]
definitamente {adv}
:: definedly (in a defined manner)
definitamente {adv}
:: sharply (in a clear cut manner)
definitezza {f}
:: definiteness
definitivamente {adv}
:: finally, once and for all
definitivamente {adv}
:: definitely
definitivamente {adv}
:: for good, forever
definitività {f}
:: definitiveness
definitivo {adj}
:: final
definitivo {adj}
:: definitive
definito {adj} /de.fiˈni.to/
:: definite, defined, determinate
definito {adj}
:: clear cut, sharp
definitore {m}
:: definer
definitorio {adj}
:: definitional
definitosi {v}
:: past participle of definirsi
definizione {f} /de.fi.niˈtsjo.ne/
:: definition
defiscalizzante {v}
:: present participle of defiscalizzare
defiscalizzare {vt}
:: to exempt from taxation
defiscalizzato {adj}
:: exempt from taxation
defiscalizzazione {f}
:: exemption (from tax)
deflagrante {v}
:: present participle of deflagrare
deflagrante {adj}
:: exploding
deflagrante {adj}
:: deflagrating
deflagrare {vi} /deflaˈɡrare/
:: To explode
deflagrare {v}
:: to deflagrate
deflagratore {m}
:: deflagrator
deflagrazione {f}
:: explosion
deflagrazione {f}
:: deflagration, conflagration
deflativo {adj}
:: alternative spelling of deflattivo
deflatore {m}
:: deflator
deflatorio {adj}
:: deflationary
deflattivo {adj}
:: deflationary
deflazionante {v}
:: present participle of deflazionare
deflazionare {v} [economics]
:: to deflate
deflazione {f} [economics]
:: deflation
deflazionista {mf}
:: deflationist
deflazionistico {adj}
:: deflationary
deflegmazione {f}
:: dephlegmation
deflemmante {v}
:: present participle of deflemmare
deflemmare {vt} [obsolete, chemistry]
:: to dephlegmate
deflemmatore {m} [obsolete, chemistry]
:: dephlegmator
deflemmazione {m} [obsolete, chemistry]
:: dephlegmation
deflessione {f}
:: deflection
deflettente {v}
:: present participle of deflettere
deflettere {vi}
:: To deflect
deflettore {m}
:: deflector
deflettore {m}
:: quarter light
deflocculazione {f}
:: deflocculation
deflogisticato {adj} [chemistry]
:: dephlogisticated
deflorante {v}
:: present participle of deflorare
deflorare {vt}
:: to deflower
deflorazione {f}
:: deflowering
deflorazione {f}
:: defloration
defluente {v}
:: present participle of defluire
defluenza {f}
:: downflow
defluire {vi}
:: to flow away (from), or out (of)
defluorurato {adj}
:: defluorinated
deflusso {m}
:: flow, outflow
deflusso {m}
:: ebb (of the tide)
defogliante {adj}
:: defoliant (attributive); defoliating
defogliante {m}
:: defoliant
defogliante {v}
:: present participle of defogliare
defogliare {vt}
:: To defoliate
defogliazione {f}
:: defoliation
defoliante {v}
:: present participle of defoliare
defoliare {vt}
:: Variant of defogliare
defoliazione {f}
:: Variant of defogliazione
defonologizzazione {f} [linguistics]
:: dephonologization
deforestante {v}
:: present participle of deforestare
deforestare {vt}
:: To deforest
deforestazione {f}
:: deforestation
deformabile {adj}
:: deformable
deformabilità {f}
:: deformability
deformante {adj}
:: deforming
deformante {adj}
:: distorting (mirror, lens etc)
deformantesi {v}
:: present participle of deformarsi
deformare {vt}
:: To deform or warp; to distort
deformarsi {vr}
:: To get deformed, to contort, to get twisted
deformativo {adj}
:: deformative, deforming
deformatosi {v}
:: past participle of deformarsi
deformazione {f}
:: deformation
deformazione {f}
:: warp
deforme {adj}
:: deformed
deforme {adj}
:: misshapen
deforme {adj}
:: hideous (because of ugliness)
deformemente {adv}
:: misshapenly, hideously
deformità {f}
:: deformity
defosfatazione {f}
:: phosphorus removal (usually from wastewater)
defosforante {v}
:: present participle of defosforare
defosforare {vt}
:: To dephosphorize
defosforazione {f}
:: dephosphorization
defosforilante {v}
:: present participle of defosforilare
defosforilare {v}
:: To dephosphorylate
defosforilato {adj}
:: dephosphorylated
defosforilazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: dephosphorylation
deframmentante {v}
:: present participle of deframmentare
deframmentare {vt} [computing]
:: to defragment
deframmentazione {f} [computing]
:: defragmentation
defraudante {v}
:: present participle of defraudare
defraudare {vt}
:: to cheat, swindle or defraud
defraudatore {m}
:: fraudster, cheat
defraudazione {f}
:: defrauding, cheating
defungente {v}
:: present participle of defungere
defungere {vi} [literary] /deˈfun.d͡ʒe.re/
:: to die
defunta {f}
:: female equivalent of defunto
defunto {adj} /deˈfun.to/
:: dead, defunct
defunto {adj} [figurative, of things]
:: dead, defunct, past
defunto {m}
:: deceased [male]
degasaggio {m}
:: degassing, degasification
degasatore {m}
:: degasser, deaerator
degasazione {f}
:: degassing, deaerating
degassamento {m}
:: degassing
degassante {v}
:: present participle of degassare
degassare {v}
:: to degas
degassificante {v}
:: present participle of degassificare
degassificare {vt}
:: to degas, outgas
degassificazione {f}
:: degassing, outgassing
degeminazione {f}
:: degemination
degenerante {v}
:: present participle of degenerare
degenerare {vt}
:: to degenerate something
degenerare {vi} [figuratively]
:: to sour
degenerare {vi}
:: to degenerate into something
degenerata {f}
:: female equivalent of degenerato
degenerativo {adj}
:: degenerative (of a medical condition)
degenerato {adj}
:: degenerate
degenerato {m}
:: degenerate (male)
degenerazione {f}
:: degeneration
degenerazione {f}
:: deterioration
degenere {adj} /deˈd͡ʒɛ.ne.re/
:: degenerate
degente {adj}
:: bedridden
degente {mf}
:: patient, in-patient
degenza {f}
:: A stay in hospital
degiac {n} [historical]
:: ethipian commander of a unit equivalent to a regiment
deglassare {v} [cooking]
:: To deglaze
deglobalizzare {vt}
:: To deglobalize
deglobalizzazione {f}
:: deglobalization
deglutente {v}
:: present participle of deglutire
deglutinazione {f}
:: deglutination
deglutire {v}
:: to swallow
deglutizione {f}
:: swallowing
degnamente {adv}
:: worthily, properly, fittingly, agreeably
degnante {v}
:: present participle of degnare
degnantesi {v}
:: present participle of degnarsi
degnare {v}
:: to deign to
degnarsi {vr}
:: To deign, to condescend, to bother, to talk down, to patronize
degnatosi {v}
:: past participle of degnarsi
degnazione {f}
:: condescension
degnevolmente {adv}
:: courteously
degnissimo {adj}
:: superlative of degno
degnissimo {adj}
:: very worthy, very worth, very deserving
degnissimo {adj}
:: very admirable, very respectable
degnità {f}
:: worthiness
degno {adj}
:: worthy, deserving
degno {adj}
:: eligible, suitable
degno {adj}
:: admirable, respectable
degno di nota {v}
:: worthy of note
degradabile {adj}
:: degradable
degradabilità {f}
:: degradability
degradamento {m}
:: degradation
degradamento {m}
:: downgrading
degradante {adj}
:: degrading
degradante {adj}
:: declining, sloping
degradantesi {v}
:: present participle of degradarsi
degradare {v}
:: to degrade
degradare {v}
:: to downgrade or demote
degradarsi {vr}
:: To deteriorate or degrade
degradarsi {vr}
:: To become degraded
degradatamente {adv}
:: In a degraded or downgraded manner
degradativo {adj}
:: degradative
degradato {adj}
:: degraded
degradato {adj}
:: downgraded
degradato {adj}
:: demoted
degradatosi {v}
:: past participle of degradarsi
degradazione {f}
:: reduction (in rank), demotion
degradazione {f}
:: debasement, abasement
degradazione {f}
:: degradation (physical)
degrado {m}
:: degradation
degranulazione {f}
:: degranulation
degressivo {adj}
:: degressive
degu {m}
:: degu
degustabile {adj}
:: tastable
degustante {v}
:: present participle of degustare
degustare {vt}
:: to taste, to sample, to savor
degustatore {m}
:: taster (person who tastes wine etc for quality)
degustatrice {f}
:: taster (woman who tastes wine etc for quality)
degustazione {f}
:: sampling, tasting
degustazione {f}
:: degustation
deh {interj} [poetic, literary] /dɛ/
:: Used to introduce a prayer or request or a wishful statement; ah!, oh!
dehoniano {m}
:: dahonian (A member of the Sacerdoti del Sacro Cuore di Gesù)
Deianira {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Deianira
Deianira {prop}
:: given name
deicida {adj} [literary] /dei̯ˈt͡ʃi.da/
:: deicidal
deicida {mf} [literary]
:: deicide (killer of a god or goddess)
deicidio {m}
:: deicide
Deidamia {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Deidamia
Deïdamìa {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Deidamia
deidratante {v}
:: present participle of deidratare
deidratare {vt}
:: To dehydrate
deidratare {vt}
:: To dewater
deidratasi {f} [enzyme]
:: dehydratase
deidratazione {f}
:: dehydration
deidrocolesterolo {m} [organic compound]
:: dehydrocholesterol
deidrocongelazione {f}
:: dehydrofreezing
deidrogenante {v}
:: present participle of deidrogenare
deidrogenare {vt}
:: To dehydrogenate
deidrogenasi {f} [enzyme]
:: dehydrogenase
deidrogenazione {f} [chemistry]
:: dehydrogenation
deiezione {f}
:: dejection
deiezione {f}
:: deposit (material deposited)
deiezione {f} [in the plural]
:: faeces, excrement
deificante {v}
:: present participle of deificare
deificare {v}
:: to deify
deificazione {f}
:: deification
deiforme {adj} [literary] /dei̯ˈfor.me/
:: deiform, godlike
Deimos {prop} [mythology, Greek god] /ˈdei.mos/
:: Deimos (a son of the god Ares)
Deimos {prop} [astronomy]
:: Deimos (satellite of Mars)
deindicizzante {v}
:: present participle of deindicizzare
deindicizzare {vt} [economics]
:: to stop applying indexation to
deindicizzato {adj}
:: no longer index-linked
deindicizzazione {f}
:: deindexation
deindustrializzante {v}
:: present participle of deindustrializzare
deindustrializzare {vt}
:: To deindustrialize
deindustrializzazione {f}
:: deindustrialization
Deino {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Deino, one of the Graeae
deintegrazione {f}
:: deintegration
deiodinasi {m} [enzyme]
:: deiodinase
deionizzante {v}
:: present participle of deionizzare
deionizzare {vt}
:: to deionize
deionizzato {adj}
:: deionized
deionizzazione {f}
:: deionization
deiscente {adj} [botany]
:: dehiscent
deiscenza {f} [botany]
:: dehiscence
deismo {m}
:: deism
deissi {f}
:: deixis
deistico {adj}
:: deistic
deità {f} [literary] /de.iˈta/
:: godhood, divinity
deità {f} [literary]
:: deity, god, divinity
deitade {f} /deiˈtade/
:: obsolete form of deità
deitate {f} /deiˈtate/
:: alternative form of deitade
deittico {adj}
:: deictic
de iure {adv}
:: de jure
del {contraction}
:: contraction of di il; of the, from the (+ a masculine noun in singular)
delatore {m} /de.laˈto.re/
:: informer, spy
delatore {m}
:: sycophant
delatorio {adj}
:: informing
delatorio {adj}
:: slanderous, defamatory
delatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of delatore
delavé {adj}
:: stonewashed
Delaware {prop}
:: Delaware (state)
delazione {f} /de.latˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: The act of informing on someone
del caso {adv}
:: necessary, relevant
del cazzo {adj} [vulgar]
:: fucking (used an an intensifier)
del cuore {adj}
:: favorite, best, bosom
delebile {adj} /deˈlɛ.bi.le/
:: deletable, cancellable
Deledda {prop} /deˈlɛd.da/
:: surname
Deledda {prop}
:: Grazia Deledda (1871–1936), Italian writer
deleddiano {adj} /de.ledˈdja.no/
:: Of or pertating to Italian writer Grazia Deledda (1871–1936) or her writings
delega {f}
:: proxy
delega {f}
:: delegation, delegacy
delegabile {adj}
:: delegable
delegante {v}
:: present participle of delegare
delegare {v}
:: to delegate
delegata {f}
:: female equivalent of delegato
delegatario {m}
:: delegatee
delegato {adj}
:: delegating
delegato {m}
:: delegate
delegazione {f}
:: delegation
delegificante {v}
:: present participle of delegificare
delegificare {vt}
:: to deregulate
delegificazione {f}
:: deregulation
delegittimante {v}
:: present participle of delegittimare
delegittimare {vt}
:: To delegitimize
delegittimazione {f}
:: delegitimization
deleterio {adj}
:: toxic
deleterio {adj}
:: harmful, dangerous
deleterio {adj}
:: damaging, deleterious
deleto {adj} [obsolete, rare] /deˈlɛ.to/
:: erased, destroyed
deleto {adj} [genetics]
:: removed due to deletion
delettazione {f} /de.let.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: obsolete form of dilettazione
delezione {f} [genetics] /de.letˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: deletion (genetic mutation)
delezione {f}
:: obsolete form of dilezione
Delfi {prop}
:: Delphi
delfico {adj}
:: Delphic
delfinaggio {m}
:: dolphining
delfinario {m}
:: dolphinarium
Delfinato {prop}
:: Dauphiné (hystorical French region)
delfinio {m}
:: delphinium
delfinista {mf}
:: dolphin (form of butterfly stroke) swimmer
delfino {m}
:: dolphin
delfino {m}
:: dauphin
delfino {m}
:: probable successor
delfino {m} [heraldiccharge]
:: dolphin
Delfino {prop}
:: given name
del genere {adj}
:: like that; this kind of; that kind of
delibante {v}
:: present participle of delibare
delibare {vt}
:: to enjoy the taste (of food or drink) or a pleasant sensation
delibare {vt} [legal]
:: to approve or confirm
delibazione {f}
:: tasting, sampling
delibazione {f} [legal]
:: exequatur
delibera {f}
:: decision, resolution
deliberante {v}
:: present participle of deliberare
deliberare {vit}
:: to deliberate
deliberare {vt}
:: to come to a decision after deliberation; to decide
deliberare {vt}
:: in an auction, to award
deliberare {vt} [archaic]
:: to liberate
deliberatamente {adv}
:: deliberately
deliberativo {adj}
:: deliberative, deciding, resolving
deliberato {adj}
:: deliberate, intentional
deliberazione {f}
:: deliberation, resolution, decision
deliberazione {f}
:: intention
delicatamente {adv}
:: delicately
delicatamente {adv}
:: finely
delicatamente {adv}
:: softly
delicatamente {adv}
:: gently
delicatezza {f}
:: delicacy
delicatezza {f}
:: frailty
delicatezza {f}
:: gentleness
delicatezza {f}
:: thoughtfulness
delicatezza {f}
:: tactfulness
delicatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of delicato
delicatissimo {adj}
:: very delicate or frail
delicatissimo {adj}
:: very gentle, mild or sensitive
delicatissimo {adj}
:: very thoughtful, considerate or tactful
delicato {adj}
:: delicate
delicato {adj}
:: frail
delicato {adj}
:: sensitive
delicato {adj}
:: gentle, mild
delicato {adj}
:: thoughtful, considerate
delicato {adj}
:: tactful
delimitabile {adj}
:: delimitable; limitable
delimitabile {adj}
:: definable
delimitante {v}
:: present participle of delimitare
delimitante {adj}
:: delimiting
delimitare {vt}
:: to delimit
delimitatore {m} [computing]
:: delimiter
delimitazione {f}
:: delimitation
delineabile {adj}
:: delineable
delineamento {m}
:: delineation, outline
delineante {v}
:: present participle of delineare
delineantesi {v}
:: present participle of delinearsi
delineare {vt}
:: To outline or delineate
delinearsi {v}
:: reflexive of delineare
delinearsi {vr}
:: to be outlined
delinearsi {vr}
:: to emerge, take shape
delineato {adj}
:: sketchy
delineatosi {v}
:: past participle of delinearsi
delineazione {m}
:: delineation, outline
delinquente {mf} /de.linˈkwɛnˌte/
:: delinquent, criminal
delinquente {mf}
:: scoundrel, wretch
delinquenza {f} /de.linˈkwɛn.t͡sa/
:: criminality, crime, delinquency
delinquenza minorile {f} [law]
:: juvenile delinquency
delinquenziale {adj}
:: delinquent (attributive)
delinquere {vi} /deˈlin.kwe.re/
:: to commit a crime
deliquere {f}
:: solicitation
deliquescente {adj}
:: deliquescent
deliquescenza {f} [chemistry]
:: deliquescence
deliquescenza {f}
:: languor, weakness
deliquio {m}
:: swoon
delirante {adj}
:: delirious
delirante {adj}
:: frenzied
delirare {v}
:: to be delirious
delirare {v}
:: to rave
delirio {m}
:: delirium
delirio {m}
:: frenzy
deliro {adj} [poetic] /deˈli.ro/
:: delirious
delitto {m} /deˈli.tːo/
:: crime, offence, felony, misdemeanour
delitto {m}
:: murder, homicide
delitto {m}
:: sin
delitto d'onore {m}
:: honor killing
delittore {m} [law] /de.litˈto.re/
:: synonym of delinquente
delittore {m}
:: criminal, delinquent
delittuosamente {adv} /de.lit.two.zaˈmen.te/
:: criminally
delittuosità {f} /de.lit.two.ziˈta/
:: criminality
delittuoso {adj} /de.litˈtwo.zo/
:: criminal
delizia {f}
:: delight
deliziante {v}
:: present participle of deliziare
deliziantesi {v}
:: present participle of deliziarsi
deliziare {vt}
:: To delight
deliziarsi {vr}
:: To take delight in (doing) something
deliziatosi {v}
:: past participle of deliziarsi
deliziosamente {adv}
:: delightfully
deliziosamente {adv}
:: deliciously
delizioso {adj}
:: exquisite, delightful
delizioso {adj}
:: delicious, exquisite
Delle Piane {prop}
:: surname of a very ancient and noble aristocratic Ligurian family from the 12th to 20th centuries
delle volte {adv}
:: sometimes, occasionally
Dellucci {prop}
:: surname
Delo {prop}
:: Delos
delocalizzante {v}
:: present participle of delocalizzare
delocalizzare {vt}
:: to outsource
delocalizzare {vt}
:: to delocalize
delocalizzazione {f} [chemistry, physics]
:: delocalization
delocalizzazione {f}
:: outsourcing
delocalizzazione {f}
:: relocation, offshoring
delomorfo {adj} [biology]
:: delomorphous, delomorphic
De Lorenzo {prop}
:: surname
del resto {adv}
:: however, on the other hand, besides, anyway
del senno di poi son piene le fosse {proverb} [idiomatic]
:: hindsight is 20/20
del senno di poi son piene le fosse {proverb} [idiomatic]
:: twenty-twenty hindsight
delta {m}
:: delta (all senses)
deltaplanista {mf}
:: hang glider
deltaplano {m}
:: hang glider
deltazione {f} [geology]
:: deltafication
deltizio {adj}
:: delta (attributive); deltaic
deltoide {adj}
:: deltoid
deltoide {m}
:: deltoid (muscle)
del tutto {adv}
:: fully, completely, totally
delubro {m} [literary] /deˈlu.bro/
:: temple, shrine
De Luca {prop}
:: surname
De Lucia {prop}
:: surname
delucidante {v}
:: present participle of delucidare
delucidare {vt}
:: to elucidate
delucidazione {f}
:: elucidation, explanation
deludente {v}
:: present participle of deludere
deludente {adj}
:: disappointing
deludentesi {v}
:: present participle of deludersi
deludere {vt}
:: to disappoint, let down
deludersi {vr}
:: To be disappointed or disillusioned
delusione {f}
:: disappointment
deluso {v}
:: past participle of deludere
deluso {adj}
:: disappointed
delusosi {v}
:: past participle of deludersi
Del Vecchio {prop}
:: surname
demagliabile {adj}
:: unravelable
demagliazione {f}
:: run, ladder (in stockings etc)
demagnetizzante {v}
:: present participle of demagnetizzare
demagnetizzare {vt}
:: To demagnetize
demagnetizzazione {f}
:: demagnetization
demagoga {f}
:: female equivalent of demagogo
demagogia {f}
:: demagogy
demagogicamente {adv}
:: demagogically
demagogico {adj}
:: demagogic, demagogical
demagogo {m}
:: demagogue
demandante {v}
:: present participle of demandare
demandare {vt}
:: To refer, submit or transfer
demaniale {adj} [attributive]
:: state
demanialità {f}
:: state ownership
demanializzante {v}
:: present participle of demanializzare
demanializzare {v}
:: to nationalize
demanializzazione {f}
:: nationalization of private property
demanio {m}
:: state property
démaquillage {m}
:: makeup (cosmetic) removal
demarcante {v}
:: present participle of demarcare
demarcare {vt}
:: To demarcate
demarcatura {f}
:: synonym of demarcazione
demarcazione {f}
:: demarcation
De Marco {prop}
:: surname
demasculazione {f}
:: demasculinization
dematerializzazione {f}
:: dematerialization
d'emblée {adv} /d‿amˈble/
:: straightaway, at once
demente {mf}
:: lunatic
demenza {f}
:: madness, insanity
demenza {f} [pathology]
:: dementia
demenziale {adj}
:: insane
demenzialità {f}
:: insanity
demenzialmente {adv}
:: insanely
demergente {v}
:: present participle of demergere
demergere {vt}
:: to submerge or sink
demeritante {v}
:: present participle of demeritare
demeritare {v}
:: to demerit
demerito {m}
:: demerit
demetallizzante {v}
:: present participle of demetallizzare
demetallizzare {v}
:: to demetallize
demetallizzazione {f}
:: demetallization
demetilare {v} [organic chemistry]
:: To demethylate
demetilasi {f} [enzyme]
:: demethylase
demetilato {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: demethylated
demetilazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: demethylation
Demetra {prop} [Greek god]
:: Demeter
Demetra {prop}
:: given name
Demetrio {prop}
:: given name
demico {adj}
:: demic
demielinizzazione {f}
:: demyelination
demilitarizzante {v}
:: present participle of demilitarizzare
demilitarizzare {vt}
:: To demilitarize
demilitarizzazione {f}
:: demilitarization
demineralizzante {v}
:: present participle of demineralizzare
demineralizzare {vt}
:: to demineralize
demineralizzato {adj}
:: demineralized
demineralizzazione {f}
:: demineralization
demi-sec {adj}
:: medium dry (sparkling wine)
demistificante {v}
:: present participle of demistificare
demistificare {vt}
:: to demystify
demistificatore {m}
:: one who demystifies; debunker
demistificazione {f}
:: demystification
demitizzante {v}
:: present participle of demitizzare
demitizzare {vt}
:: To demythologize
demitizzazione {f}
:: demythologization
demiurgico {adj}
:: demiurgic
demiurgo {m}
:: demiurge
demo- {prefix}
:: demo-
demo {m}
:: demo
demo {m}
:: deme
democratica {f}
:: democrat [female]
democraticamente {adv}
:: democratically
democraticismo {m}
:: A show or an act of democracy
democraticissimo {adj}
:: superlative of democratico
democraticità {f}
:: democratic nature
democratico {adj} /de.mokˈra.ti.ko/
:: democratic
democratico {m}
:: democrat (male or of unspecified sex)
democratismo {m}
:: A show or an act of democracy
democratizzante {v}
:: present participle of democratizzare
democratizzare {vt}
:: to democratize
democratizzazione {f}
:: democratization
democrazia {f}
:: democracy
Democrazia Cristiana {prop}
:: Christian Democracy (Italy), an Italian Christian Democratic political party, active from 1943 to 1994
democristiano {adj} [politics] /de.mo.krisˈtja.no/
:: Christian Democratic
democristiano {adj} [historical]
:: Of or pertaining to the Democrazia Cristiana (Christian Democracy (Italy)) political party
democristiano {m}
:: Christian Democrat [male]
democristiano {m} [historical]
:: A member or a supporter of the Democrazia Cristiana political party [male]
democriteo {adj}
:: Democritean
Democrito {prop}
:: Democritus
demodé {adj}
:: unfashionable
demodé {adj}
:: outmoded, old-fashioned
démodé {adj}
:: old-fashioned, out-of-date
demodossologia {f}
:: public opinion research
demodulante {v}
:: present participle of demodulare
demodulare {vt}
:: To demodulate
demodulato {adj}
:: demodulated
demodulatore {m}
:: demodulator
demodulazione {f}
:: demodulation
demoecologia {f}
:: demoecology (ecology of populations)
demofobia {f}
:: ochlophobia
demogeronte {m}
:: demogeron
demografia {f}
:: demography
demograficamente {adv}
:: demographically
demografico {adj}
:: demographic, population (attributive)
demografo {m}
:: demographer
demolente {v}
:: present participle of demolire
demolire {v}
:: to demolish
demolitivo {adj}
:: extirpative
demolito {adj}
:: demolished
demolitore {adj}
:: destructive
demolitore {m}
:: demolition worker
demolitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of demolitore
demolizione {f}
:: demolition
demologia {f}
:: folklore
demologico {adj}
:: folkloric
demoltiplica {f}
:: gearing down
demoltiplica {f}
:: reduction gear
demoltiplicante {v}
:: present participle of demoltiplicare
demoltiplicare {vt}
:: To gear down
demoltiplicatore {m}
:: reduction gear
demoltiplicazione {f}
:: gearing down
demone {m}
:: demon
demonetante {v}
:: present participle of demonetare
demonetare {vt}
:: To demonetize
demonetizzante {v}
:: present participle of demonetizzare
demonetizzare {vt}
:: to demonetize
demonetizzazione {f}
:: demonetization
demoniaco {adj}
:: demoniacal, fiendish, wicked
demonico {adj}
:: demonic
demonietto {m}
:: diminutive of demonio: little demon
demonietto {m} [figuratively]
:: imp, pest, etc, (naughty child)
demonimo {m}
:: demonym
demonio {m}
:: demon, devil
Demonio {prop}
:: The Devil
demonismo {m}
:: demonism
demonizzante {v} /de.mo.nitˈt͡san.te/
:: present participle of demonizzare
demonizzante {adj}
:: demonizing
demonizzare {vt} [literary] /de.mo.nitˈt͡sa.re/
:: to demonize (to turn into a demon)
demonizzare {vt} [figurative]
:: to demonize (to describe or represent as evil)
demonizzazione {f}
:: demonization
demonofobia {f}
:: demonophobia
demonologia {f}
:: demonology
demonomania {f}
:: demonomania
demoplutocrazia {f}
:: plutodemocracy
demopsicologia {f}
:: demopsychology (folk psychology)
demoralizzante {v}
:: present participle of demoralizzare
demoralizzante {adj}
:: demoralizing, discouraging
demoralizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of demoralizzarsi
demoralizzare {vt} /de.mo.ra.lidˈd͡za.re/
:: to demoralize
demoralizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of demoralizzare
demoralizzarsi {vr}
:: to become demoralized
demoralizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of demoralizzarsi
demoralizzazione {f} /de.mo.ra.lid.d͡zaˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: demoralization
demordente {v}
:: present participle of demordere
demordere {vt}
:: to give up or give in (and admit defeat)
demoscopia {f}
:: public opinion polling
demoscopicamente {adv}
:: By means of a public opinion poll
demoscopico {adj}
:: public opinion polling (attributive)
demosociale {adj}
:: social democrat
Demostene {prop}
:: Demosthenes
demotico {adj}
:: demotic; Of the people; popular
demotico {m}
:: demotic (script)
demotivante {v}
:: present participle of demotivare
demotivantesi {v}
:: present participle of demotivarsi
demotivare {vt}
:: to demotivate
demotivare {vt}
:: to discourage
demotivarsi {v}
:: reflexive of demotivare
demotivarsi {vr}
:: to be demotivated
demotivarsi {vr}
:: to be discouraged
demotivatamente {adv}
:: In a demotivated manner
demotivato {adj}
:: demotivated
demotivatosi {v}
:: past participle of demotivarsi
demotivazione {f}
:: demotivation
demulcente {adj}
:: demulcent, emollient
demulcente {m} [pharmacology]
:: demulcent, emollient
demuscazione {f}
:: The removal of an infestation of flies
denario {m}
:: denarius (Roman coin)
denaro {m}
:: money
denaro {m}
:: denier
denaro {m} [tarot, cards]
:: coin
denaro liquido {m}
:: ready money, cash
denaroso {adj}
:: wealthy, rich (Variant of: danaroso)
denaro sonante {m}
:: cash, ready cash, money
denasalizzazione {f} [linguistics]
:: denasalization
denatalista {mf} [neologism]
:: advocate for a decrease in the birth rate
denatalista {adj} [neologism]
:: of or relating to advocates of decreasing the birth rate
denatalità {f}
:: fall in birth rate
denaturalizzante {v}
:: present participle of denaturalizzare
denaturalizzare {vt}
:: To denaturalize
denaturalizzazione {f}
:: denaturalization
denaturante {v}
:: present participle of denaturare
denaturante {adj}
:: denaturing
denaturante {m}
:: denaturant
denaturare {vt} [chemistry]
:: to denature
denaturarsi {v} [chemistry]
:: to be denatured
denaturato {adj}
:: denatured
denaturazione {f} [chemistry]
:: denaturation
denazificante {v}
:: present participle of denazificare
denazificare {vt}
:: to denazify
denazificato {adj}
:: denazified
denazificazione {f}
:: denazification
denazionalizzante {v}
:: present participle of denazionalizzare
denazionalizzare {v}
:: to denationalize
denazionalizzazione {f}
:: denationalization
dendrimero {m} [chemistry]
:: dendrimer
dendrita {m}
:: dendrite (hermit who lived in a tree)
dendrite {m}
:: dendrite (all senses)
dendritico {adj}
:: dendritic
-dendro {suffix}
:: -dendron (forms of tree or tree-like plant)
dendro- {prefix}
:: dendr- (related to trees)
dendrocito {m}
:: dendrocyte
dendroclimatologia {f}
:: dendroclimatology
dendrocronologia {f}
:: dendrochronology
dendrofobia {f}
:: dendrophobia
dendrogliale {adj}
:: dendroglial
dendrogramma {m}
:: dendrogram
dendroide {adj}
:: dendroid (tree-like)
dendrologia {f}
:: dendrology
dendrologico {adj}
:: dendrologic, dendrological
dendrometria {f}
:: dendrometry
dendrometrico {adj}
:: dendrometric
Deneb {prop}
:: Deneb
Denebola {prop}
:: Denebola, the second brightest star in the constellation of Leo
denegazione {f}
:: denegation, denial
De Nicola {prop}
:: surname
De Nicola {prop}
:: Enrico De Nicola, Italian politician and first President of Italy
denicotinizzante {v}
:: present participle of denicotinizzare
denicotinizzare {vt}
:: to denicotinize
denicotinizzato {adj}
:: denicotinized
denicotinizzazione {f}
:: denicotinization
denigrante {v}
:: present participle of denigrare
denigrare {vt}
:: To denigrate, slur or run down
denigratore {m}
:: denigrator, defamer
denigratorio {adj}
:: disparaging, denigrating
denigrazione {f}
:: denigration
denitrificante {v}
:: present participle of denitrificare
denitrificare {vt}
:: to denitrify
denitrificazione {f}
:: denitrification
De Nittis {prop}
:: surname
De Nittis {prop}
:: Giuseppe De Nittis, Italian painter
denocciolante {v}
:: present participle of denocciolare
denocciolare {vt}
:: to stone or pit (fruit)
denocciolato {adj}
:: stoned, pitted (fruit)
denocciolatrice {f}
:: stoner (machine for stoning fruit)
denominabile {adj}
:: That can be named or called
denominale {adj}
:: denominative
denominale {m}
:: denominative
denominante {v}
:: present participle of denominare
denominare {vt}
:: To name, nominate or dub
denominativo {adj}
:: denominative
denominativo {m}
:: denominative
denominato {adj}
:: named, nominated
denominatore {m}
:: denominator
denominazionale {adj}
:: denominational
denominazione {f}
:: name
denominazione {f}
:: designation
denotabile {adj}
:: noticeable
denotante {v}
:: present participle of denotare
denotare {vt}
:: To indicate or denote
denotativo {adj}
:: denotative
denotazione {f}
:: denotation
densamente {adv}
:: densely
densimetria {f}
:: densimetry
densimetro {m}
:: densimeter, densitometer
densissimo {adj}
:: superlative of denso
densità {f}
:: density
densità {f}
:: thickness
densitometria {f} [medicine]
:: densitometry
densitometro {m}
:: densitometer
denso {adj}
:: dense, thick
dentale {adj} [anatomy] /denˈtale/
:: of or pertaining to the teeth, dental
dentale {adj} [phonetics]
:: dental (articulated with the tongue on the upper teeth)
dentale {f} [phonetics]
:: A dental speech sound
dentario {adj} [anatomy]
:: dental
dentarolo {m}
:: teething ring
dentaruolo {m}
:: teething ring
dentata {f}
:: bite
dentata {f}
:: toothmark
dentato {adj}
:: toothed
dentato {adj}
:: dentate
dentatrice {f}
:: gear cutter
dentatura {f} [anatomy]
:: A set of teeth
dentatura {f}
:: serration
dentatura irregolare {f}
:: snaggletooth
dente {m} [anatomy] /ˈdɛnte/
:: tooth
dente {m}
:: cog, prong
dente da latte {m} [anatomy]
:: milk tooth, baby tooth
dente del giudizio {m} [dentistry]
:: wisdom tooth
dente di leone {m}
:: dandelion
dentellante {v}
:: present participle of dentellare
dentellare {vt}
:: to indent or notch
dentellare {vt}
:: to perforate (postage stamps)
dentellare {vt}
:: to serrate (a blade)
dentellare {vt}
:: to scallop or pink (fabric)
dentellato {adj}
:: indented, notched
dentellato {adj}
:: perforated (postage stamp)
dentellato {adj}
:: serrated (blade)
dentellato {adj}
:: jagged
dentellato {adj}
:: scalloped
dentellatore {m}
:: perforator
dentellatura {f}
:: indentation
dentellatura {f}
:: perforation (of postage stamps)
dentellatura {f}
:: jagged outline (of mountains etc)
dentellatura {f}
:: scalloping
dentello {m}
:: notch, tooth
dentello {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: perforation (on a postage stamp)
dentice {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: sea bream, porgy, scup
dentice {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: dentex
denticolato {adj}
:: denticulate
dentiera {f}
:: dentures
dentiera {f}
:: rack
dentifricio {adj}
:: tooth (attribute)
dentifricio {m}
:: toothpaste, dentifrice
dentina {f} [anatomy]
:: dentin
dentino {m} [colloquial]
:: milk tooth, baby tooth
dentista {mf}
:: dentist
dentistico {adj}
:: dentist, dentistry (attributive)
dentizione {f}
:: dentition
dentizione {f}
:: teething
dentone {m}
:: big tooth
dentr {adv}
:: apocopic form of dentro
dentro {adv} /ˈden.tro/
:: inside; indoors
dentro {adv}
:: inwardly
dentro {adv} [colloquial]
:: imprisoned
dentro {prep}
:: in
dentro {n}
:: inside
denuclearizzante {v}
:: present participle of denuclearizzare
denuclearizzare {v}
:: to denuclearize
denuclearizzato {adj}
:: denuclearized, nuclear-free
denuclearizzazione {f}
:: denuclearization
denudamento {m}
:: denudation, stripping (of the land etc)
denudante {v}
:: present participle of denudare
denudantesi {v}
:: present participle of denudarsi
denudare {vt} /de.nuˈda.re/
:: To denude, strip or bare
denudarsi {vr}
:: To strip
denudatosi {v}
:: past participle of denudarsi
denudazione {f}
:: denudation, stripping
denuncia {f}
:: denouncement
denuncia {f}
:: registration (of births, marriages and deaths)
denuncia {f}
:: complaint, notice
denunciabile {adj}
:: impeachable, condemnable
denunciante {v}
:: present participle of denunciare
denunciantesi {v}
:: present participle of denunciarsi
denunciare {vt}
:: to declare
denunciare {vt}
:: to denounce
denunciare {vt}
:: to expose
denunciare {vt}
:: to report someone to the police
denunciarsi {vr}
:: To denounce someone
denunciatore {m}
:: denouncer
denunciatosi {v}
:: past participle of denunciarsi
denunciazione {f}
:: denunciation
denunzia {f}
:: alternative spelling of denuncia
denunziante {v}
:: present participle of denunziare
denunziantesi {v}
:: present participle of denunziarsi
denunziare {v}
:: alternative spelling of denunciare
denunziarsi {vr}
:: alternative spelling of denunciarsi
denunziatosi {v}
:: past participle of denunziarsi
denutrito {adj}
:: undernourished
denutrizione {f}
:: malnutrition
dèo {m}
:: Variant of dio
Deodato {prop}
:: given name
deodorante {m} /de.o.doˈran.te/
:: deodorant
deodorante {adj}
:: deodorant
deodorare {vt}
:: To deodorize
deodorazione {f}
:: deodorization, deodorizing
deodorizzazione {f}
:: deodorization
deonomastica {f} [collective] /de.o.noˈmas.ti.ka/
:: The words of a language that are derived from given names, last names, ethnonyms, and toponyms
deonomastica {f}
:: The study of such words
deonomastico {adj} /de.o.noˈmas.ti.ko/
:: Derived from a given name or a last name
deonomastico {m}
:: A word derived from a given name or a last name
deontologia {m}
:: code of conduct, ethical code, deontology
deontologicamente {adv}
:: deontologically
deontologico {adj}
:: ethical, deontological
deorbitazione {f}
:: deorbiting (the act of a spacecraft leaving its orbit)
deospedalizzazione {f}
:: dehospitalization (discharge from hospital)
deossiadenosina {f} [biochemistry]
:: deoxyadenosine
deossicitidina {f} [biochemistry]
:: deoxycytidine
deossidante {v}
:: present participle of deossidare
deossidare {vt}
:: To deoxidize or deoxidate
deossidato {adj}
:: deoxidized
deossigenante {v}
:: present participle of deossigenare
deossigenante {adj}
:: deoxygenating
deossigenare {vt}
:: To deoxygenate
deossigenato {adj}
:: deoxygenated
deossigenazione {f}
:: deoxygenation
deossiguanosina {f} [biochemistry]
:: deoxyguanosine
deossinucleic {adj}
:: deoxynucleic
deossiribonucleico {adj}
:: Variant of desossiribonucleico
deossiribonucleoside {m} [biochemistry]
:: deoxyribonucleoside
deossiribonucleotide {m}
:: deoxyribonucleotide
deossiribonucleotidico {adj}
:: deoxyribonucleotidic
deossiribosio {m} [carbohydrate]
:: deoxyribose
deossitimidina {f} [biochemistry]
:: deoxythymine
deossiuridina {f} [biochemistry]
:: deoxyuridine
deossizucchero {m} [carbohydrate]
:: deoxy sugar
deostruente {v}
:: present participle of deostruire
deostruire {vt}
:: To unblock
De Pasquale {prop}
:: surname
depauperamento {m}
:: impoverishment, depletion
depauperante {adj}
:: impoverishing
depauperante {v}
:: present participle of depauperare
depauperantesi {v}
:: present participle of depauperarsi
depauperare {vt}
:: To impoverish
depauperarsi {vr}
:: To become impoverished
depauperato {adj}
:: impoverished
depauperatosi {v}
:: past participle of depauperarsi
depauperazione {f}
:: impoverishment, depletion
depauperazione {f} [genetics]
:: depauperation
depellente {v}
:: present participle of depellere
depellere {vt} [obsolete]
:: to hunt
depellere {vt} [obsolete]
:: to expel
depenalizzante {v}
:: present participle of depenalizzare
depenalizzare {vt}
:: to decriminalize
depenalizzazione {f}
:: decriminalization
dependance {f}
:: outbuilding
dépendance {f} /depanˈdans/
:: minor building of a hotel, of a villa
depennamento {m}
:: striking out or through; deletion
depennante {v}
:: present participle of depennare
depennare {vt}
:: To cross off, cross out or strike out
depennare {v}
:: to cancel
deperente {v}
:: present participle of deperire
deperibile {adj}
:: perishable
deperibilissimo {adj}
:: superlative of deperibile
deperibilità {f}
:: perishability
deperimento {m}
:: wasting away
deperimento {m}
:: deterioration (of goods)
deperire {vi}
:: To wilt or waste away
deperizione {f}
:: wasting away
deperizione {f}
:: deterioration (of goods)
Depero {prop}
:: surname
Depero {prop}
:: Fortunato Depero, Italian painter and sculptor
depersonalizzazione {f} [psychiatry, psychology]
:: depersonalization
depezzare {vt} [forestry] /de.petˈt͡sa.re/
:: To divide (a cut tree) into pieces after eliminating branches and roots
depigmentato {adj}
:: depigmented
depigmentazione {f} [pathology]
:: depigmentation
depilante {v}
:: present participle of depilare
depilantesi {v}
:: present participle of depilarsi
depilare {vt}
:: to depilate
depilarsi {vr}
:: To depilate oneself
depilatore {adj}
:: depilatory
depilatore {m}
:: depilatory
depilatorio {adj}
:: depilatory
depilatorio {m}
:: hair remover, depilatory
depilatosi {v}
:: past participle of depilarsi
depilazione {f}
:: depilation, hair removal
depingente {v}
:: present participle of depingere
depingere {vt}
:: alternative form of dipingere
depirimidinazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: depyrimidination
depistaggio {m}
:: diversion
depistante {v}
:: present participle of depistare
depistare {vt}
:: To put someone on the wrong track; to sidetrack; to lead someone down the garden path
depletato {adj}
:: depleted
depleto {adj}
:: depleted
deplezione {f}
:: depletion
depliant {m}
:: leaflet
depliant {m}
:: brochure
dépliant {m}
:: alternative form of depliant
deplorabile {adj}
:: deplorable
deplorabilità {f}
:: deplorableness
deplorabilmente {adv}
:: deplorably
deplorante {v}
:: present participle of deplorare
deplorare {vt}
:: to deplore, lament
deplorazione {f}
:: censure
deplorazione {f}
:: disapproval
deplorevole {adj}
:: deplorable
deplorevolmente {adv}
:: deplorably
d'epoca {adj}
:: vintage, period (attributive)
depolarizzante {v}
:: present participle of depolarizzare
depolarizzante {m}
:: depolarizer
depolarizzare {v}
:: to depolarize
depolarizzatore {m}
:: depolarizer
depolarizzazione {f} [biology, chemistry, physics]
:: depolarization
depolimerizzante {v}
:: present participle of depolimerizzare
depolimerizzare {vt}
:: to depolymerize
depolimerizzarsi {vr}
:: To become depolymerized
depolimerizzazione {f} [chemistry]
:: depolymerization
depoliticizzante {v}
:: present participle of depoliticizzare
depoliticizzare {vt}
:: to depoliticize
depoliticizzazione {f}
:: depoliticization
depolverizzante {v}
:: present participle of depolverizzare
depolverizzare {vt}
:: to remove dust (from)
depolverizzatore {m}
:: dust remover
depolverizzazione {f}
:: dust removal or collection
deponente {adj} /de.poˈnɛn.te/
:: deponent
deponente {m} [rare]
:: depositor
deponente {m} [grammar]
:: deponent
deponente {v}
:: present participle of deporre
deponente {m} [typography]
:: subscript
deporre {vt}
:: to put down (a weighty item)
deporre {vt}
:: to deposit
deporre {vt}
:: to set aside
deporre {vt}
:: to lower (an object)
deporre {vt}
:: to depose
deporre {vt}
:: to give up or abandon (a project)
deporre {vt}
:: to testify
deporre {vt}
:: to lay ("an egg")
deportabile {adj}
:: deportable
deportante {v}
:: present participle of deportare
deportanza {f}
:: downforce
deportare {vt}
:: To deport
deportata {f}
:: female equivalent of deportato
deportato {adj}
:: deported
deportato {m}
:: deportee
deportato {m}
:: convict
deportazione {f}
:: deportation
depositante {v}
:: present participle of depositare
depositante {mf}
:: depositor
depositantesi {v}
:: present participle of depositarsi
depositare {vt}
:: to deposit
depositare {vt}
:: to store or bestow
depositare {vt}
:: to put down, to place
depositario {m}
:: depository
depositario {m}
:: repository
depositario {adj}
:: deposit (attributive)
depositarsi {vr}
:: to settle, to collect, to precipitate
depositato {adj}
:: deposited
depositato {adj}
:: stored
depositato {adj}
:: settled
depositatosi {v}
:: past participle of depositarsi
depositeria {f}
:: depot, warehouse
deposito {m}
:: deposit, trust
deposito {m}
:: depositing, banking, storage
deposito {m}
:: store, depot, warehouse, storehouse, shed, stock
deposito {m}
:: deposit, sediment, accumulation; deposition
deposito {m}
:: registration
deposito auto {m}
:: car pound (where cars parked illegally etc are stored)
deposito infruttifero {m} [banking]
:: noninterest-bearing deposit
deposizione {f}
:: deposition
depotenziante {v}
:: present participle of depotenziare
depotenziare {vt}
:: to deprive of strength or power; to disempower; to weaken
depravante {v}
:: present participle of depravare
depravare {vt}
:: To corrupt, pervert or deprave
depravata {f}
:: depraved or degenerate woman
depravato {adj}
:: depraved
depravato {m}
:: a depraved or degenerate person
depravazione {m}
:: depravity
deprecabile {adj}
:: blameworthy
deprecabile {adj}
:: deplorable
deprecabilità {f}
:: blameworthiness
deprecabilità {f}
:: deplorableness
deprecabilmente {adv}
:: deplorably
deprecante {v}
:: present participle of deprecare
deprecare {vt}
:: to deplore, deprecate
deprecativamente {adv}
:: deprecatingly
deprecativo {adj}
:: deprecating
deprecatorio {adj}
:: deprecating, deprecative
deprecazione {f}
:: deprecation
depredabile {adj}
:: plunderable
depredante {v}
:: present participle of depredare
depredare {vt}
:: to plunder, loot
depredatore {m}
:: plunderer, pillager
depredatore {adj}
:: plundering, pillaging
depredazione {f}
:: depredation, plundering
depressionario {adj} [meteorology]
:: low-pressure (attributive)
depressione {f}
:: depression
depressione {f} [figuratively]
:: dejection
depressivo {adj}
:: depressive
depresso {adj}
:: depressed
depressore {adj} [anatomy]
:: depressor (attributive)
depressore {adj}
:: vacuum (attributive)
depressore {m} [anatomy]
:: depressor
depressore {m}
:: vacuum pump
depressore del labbro inferiore {m} [muscle]
:: depressor labii superioris, quadratus labii inferioris
depressore dell'angolo della bocca {m} [muscle]
:: depressor anguli oris
depressore del setto {m} [muscle]
:: depressor septi
depressore del setto nasale {m} [muscle]
:: depressor septi nasi
depressore del sopracciglio {m} [muscle]
:: depressor supercilii
depressosi {v}
:: past participle of deprimersi
depressurizzante {v}
:: present participle of depressurizzare
depressurizzare {vt}
:: to depressurize
depressurizzazione {f}
:: depressurization
deprezzamento {m}
:: depreciation (in)
deprezzante {v}
:: present participle of deprezzare
deprezzare {vt}
:: To lower the cost or value of something; to depreciate
deprimente {adj}
:: depressing
deprimentesi {v}
:: present participle of deprimersi
deprimere {vt}
:: To depress
deprimersi {vr}
:: To get depressed
deprimibile {adj}
:: depressible
deprivante {v}
:: present participle of deprivare
deprivare {vt}
:: to deprive
deprivazione {f}
:: deprivation
deprotonato {adj} [chemistry]
:: deprotonated
deprotonazione {f} [chemistry]
:: deprotonation
depsichiatrizzazione {f}
:: depsychiatrization (the state of no longer needing psychiatric care)
depurabile {adj}
:: That can be purified
depuramento {m}
:: purification
depurante {v}
:: present participle of depurare
depurantesi {v}
:: present participle of depurarsi
depurare {vt}
:: to purify, cleanse
depurarsi {vr}
:: To be purified; to purify oneself
depurativo {adj}
:: purifying
depuratore {adj}
:: purifying
depuratore {m}
:: purifier
depuratorio {m}
:: water purifier
depuratorio {adj}
:: purifying, depurative
depuratosi {v}
:: past participle of depurarsi
depurazione {f}
:: purification
depurinazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: depurination
deputare {vt}
:: to delegate
deputata {f}
:: feminine noun of deputato
deputato {adj}
:: appointed, fixed
deputato {m}
:: [in Italy] deputy; Member of Parliament; congressman
deputato {m}
:: delegate, representative
deputazione {f}
:: deputation, delegation
dequalificante {v}
:: present participle of dequalificare
dequalificare {vt}
:: to disqualify
dequalificato {adj}
:: disqualified
dequalificazione {f}
:: retrogression, decline
deradicalizzare {v} [politics, neologism]
:: to deradicalize
deradicalizzarsi {vi}
:: reflexive of deradicalizzare
deradicalizzarsi {vi} [neologism]
:: to become less mordacious or caustic
deradicalizzarsi {vi} [politics, neologism]
:: to become less intransigent; to move away from extremist ideology
deradicalizzazione {f} [neologism]
:: deradicalization
deragliamento {m}
:: derailment
deragliante {v}
:: present participle of deragliare
deragliare {vi}
:: to derail, to go off the rails
deragliatore {m}
:: derailleur
deramificante {adj} [biochemistry]
:: debranching
derapage {m}
:: skid, sideslip
derapante {v}
:: present participle of derapare
derapare {vi}
:: to skid
derapare {vi}
:: to sideslip (when skiing)
derapata {f}
:: skid, sideslip
deratizzante {v}
:: present participle of deratizzare
deratizzare {v}
:: alternative form of derattizzare
deratizzazione {f}
:: alternative form of derattizzazione
derattizzante {v}
:: present participle of derattizzare
derattizzare {vt}
:: to disinfest from rats and mice
derattizzazione {f}
:: deratization, rodent control
derby {m}
:: derby (horse race; sports event between local rivals)
derealizzazione {f} [psychiatry, psychology]
:: derealization
dereferenziante {v}
:: present participle of dereferenziare
dereferenziare {vt} [computing]
:: to dereference
deregolamentante {v}
:: present participle of deregolamentare
deregolamentare {vt}
:: To deregulate
deregolamentazione {f}
:: deregulation
deregolante {v}
:: present participle of deregolare
deregolare {vt}
:: To deregulate
deregolazione {f}
:: deregulation
derelitto {adj}
:: abandoned
derelitto {adj}
:: derelict
derelitto {adj}
:: destitute
derelitto {m}
:: A destitute person
derelizione {f}
:: dereliction
derequisente {v}
:: present participle of derequisire
derequisire {vt}
:: To derequisition
derequisizione {f}
:: derequisitioning
deresponsabilizzante {v}
:: present participle of deresponsabilizzare
deresponsabilizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of deresponsabilizzarsi
deresponsabilizzare {vt}
:: to free from responsibility
deresponsabilizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of deresponsabilizzare
deresponsabilizzarsi {vr}
:: to free oneself from responsibility
deresponsabilizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of deresponsabilizzarsi
deresponsabilizzazione {f}
:: exemption from responsibility
deretano {m} [colloquial]
:: backside, buttocks
deridente {v}
:: present participle of deridere
deridere {vt}
:: to mock, deride, scoff
derisione {f}
:: derision, mockery
derisione {f} [in the plural]
:: jeers
derisione {f}
:: smirk
deriso {v}
:: past participle of deridere
derisore {m}
:: mocker, derider
derisoriamente {adv}
:: mockingly
derisoriamente {adv}
:: ludicrously, ridiculously
derisorio {adj}
:: mocking
derisorio {adj}
:: ludicrous, ridiculous
deriva {f}
:: drift (of a ship or aircraft etc)
deriva {f}
:: fin (of an aircraft)
deriva {f}
:: centreboard
derivabile {adj}
:: derivable
derivabilità {f}
:: derivability
deriva genetica {f} [genetics]
:: genetic drift
derivante {adj}
:: derived
derivare {vi}
:: (followed by "da") to derive "from"
derivare {vt}
:: to derive
derivata {f}
:: derivative (maths)
derivativo {adj}
:: derivative, derived
derivatizzazione {f} [chemistry]
:: derivatization
derivato {adj}
:: derived
derivato {m}
:: derivative (chemistry, grammar)
derivato {m}
:: byproduct
derivato {m}
:: offshoot
derivatore {m}
:: shunt (electrical)
derivatore {adj}
:: diverting
derivazione {f} /derivaˈtsjone/
:: derivation
derivazione {f}
:: shunt (electrical)
derivometro {m}
:: drift meter, drift indicator (in an aircraft)
-derma {suffix}
:: -derma
-derma {suffix}
:: -derm
derma- {prefix}
:: derma-
derma {m} [anatomy]
:: dermis
dermascheletro {m} /dɛr.maˈskɛ.le.tro/
:: A calcareous skeleton covering an echinoderm's body
dermatite {f} [pathology]
:: dermatitis
dermatite atopica {f} [disease]
:: atopic dermatitis
dermato- {prefix}
:: dermato-
dermatofita {m}
:: dermatophyte
dermatofitosi {f} [disease]
:: dermatophytosis
dermatogeno {m}
:: dermatogen, protoderm
dermatoglifo {m}
:: fingerprint
dermatologa {f}
:: female equivalent of dermatologo
dermatologia {f} [medicine]
:: dermatology
dermatologicamente {adv}
:: dermatologically
dermatologico {adj}
:: dermatologic, dermatological
dermatologo {m}
:: dermatologist
dermatomicosi {f} [medicine]
:: dermatomycosis
dermatomiosite {f} [disease]
:: dermatomyositis
dermatomo {m} [surgery]
:: dermatome
dermatoplastica {f} [surgery]
:: dermatoplasty
dermatosclerosi {f} [pathology] /der.ma.tosˈklɛ.ro.zi/
:: scleroderma, dermatosclerosis
dermatoscopia {f} [medicine]
:: dermatoscopy
dermatosi {f} [disease]
:: dermatosis
dermatozoo {m} [zoology]
:: ectoparasite
dermeste {m}
:: larder beetle, carpet beetle (of family Dermestidae)
dermestide {m}
:: dermestid (insect of the genus Dermestes)
-dermia {suffix} /derˈmi.a/
:: -derma
dermico {adj} [anatomy]
:: dermic, dermal
dermite {f} [pathology]
:: dermatitis
dermo- {prefix}
:: dermo-
dermoabrasione {f} [surgery]
:: dermabrasion
dermocosmesi {f}
:: skin care product(s)
dermoesfoliazione {f}
:: skin exfoliation
dermografia {f} [medicine]
:: dermographia, dermographism
dermografismo {m} [medicine]
:: dermographism, dermographia
dermoide {adj}
:: dermoid, dermatoid
dermoide {f}
:: leatherette
dermopatia {f} [medicine]
:: dermopathy, dermatopathy (disease of the skin)
dermopatico {adj}
:: dermopathic
dermoprotettivo {adj}
:: dermoprotective (that protects the skin)
dermoprotezione {f}
:: skin protection
dermoscopia {f}
:: dermatoscopy
dermoscopio {m}
:: dermoscope, dermatoscope
derno {m}
:: only in bandiera in derno
deroga {f}
:: dispensation
derogabile {adj}
:: That can be derogated; derogatable
derogabilità {f}
:: derogatability
derogabilmente {adv}
:: In a derogatable manner
derogante {v}
:: present participle of derogare
derogare {vi}
:: (followed by "a") To derogate; to partially repeal
derogativo {adj} [legal]
:: derogatory (that creates an exception)
derogatorio {adj} [legal]
:: derogatory (that derogates a law)
derogazione {f}
:: derogation
De Rose {prop}
:: surname
derrata {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: foodstuff
derubante {v}
:: present participle of derubare
derubare {v} [di] /deruˈbare/
:: to rob (someone of something)
derubare {v} [di]
:: to steal (something from someone)
derubricante {v}
:: present participle of derubricare
derubricare {vt} [legal]
:: To reduce
derubricare {v}
:: to remove (from agenda)
derubricazione {f} [legal]
:: reduction
derubricazione {f}
:: remove (from agenda)
deruralizzazione {f}
:: rural exodus (movement away from the land)
derussificazione {f}
:: derussianization
derustizzazione {f}
:: derusting (the removal of rust from a metal object)
dervis {m} /ˈdɛr.vis/
:: alternative form of derviscio
derviscio {m} [historical] /derˈviʃ.ʃo/
:: dervish
desacralizzante {v}
:: present participle of desacralizzare
desacralizzare {vt}
:: to deconsecrate
desacralizzazione {f}
:: deconsecration
desalante {v}
:: present participle of desalare
desalare {v}
:: synonym of dissalare
desalatore {m}
:: desalinator (desalination equipment)
desalazione {f}
:: desalination
desalinizzante {v}
:: present participle of desalinizzare
desalinizzare {vt}
:: to desalinate, desalt
desalinizzatore {m}
:: desalinator
desalinizzazione {f}
:: desalination
desanctisiano {adj}
:: Relating to, or characteristic of Francesco De Sanctis
De Santis {prop}
:: surname
desaturazione {f}
:: desaturation
descensivo {adj} [philosophy]
:: descending, downward
deschetto {m}
:: cobbler's bench
desco {m}
:: table (containing prepared items)
desco da parto {m}
:: birth tray, birth salver
descolarizzante {v}
:: present participle of descolarizzare
descolarizzare {vt}
:: to deschool
descolarizzazione {f}
:: deschooling
descrittibile {adj}
:: Variant of descrivibile
descrittivamente {adv}
:: descriptively
descrittivismo {m}
:: descriptivism
descrittivo {adj}
:: descriptive
descrittore {m}
:: describer (Feminine: descrittrice)
descrittore {m} [computing]
:: descriptor
descrittosi {v}
:: past participle of descriversi
descrivente {v}
:: present participle of descrivere
descriventesi {v}
:: present participle of descriversi
descrivere {vt}
:: to describe (in all senses)
descriversi {vr}
:: To describe oneself, to self-describe
descrivibile {adj}
:: describable
descrizione {f}
:: description, sketch
descrizione {f}
:: line traced by a curve
desecretante {v}
:: present participle of desecretare
desecretare {vt}
:: to declassify; to remove a document's status as secret, so that it may be released and read by the public
desegregazione {f}
:: desegregation
desegretante {v}
:: present participle of desegretare
desegretare {vt}
:: to desegregate
desegretare {vt}
:: to declassify
desegretazione {f}
:: declassification
deselezionante {v}
:: present participle of deselezionare
deselezionare {vt} [computing]
:: to untick / uncheck (a tickbox)
desemantizzazione {f} [linguistics]
:: desemantization (loss of the original meaning of a word, which thus acquires a more general meaning)
desensibilizzante {v}
:: present participle of desensibilizzare
desensibilizzare {vt}
:: To desensitize
desensibilizzatore {m}
:: desensitizer
desensibilizzazione {f} [medicine, psychology]
:: desensitization
desertico {adj}
:: desert (attributive)
deserticolo {adj}
:: deserticolous
desertificazione {f}
:: desertification
deserto {adj} /deˈzɛr.to/
:: deserted, desert
deserto {m}
:: desert
desessualizzante {v}
:: present participle of desessualizzare
desessualizzare {vt}
:: To desexualize
desessualizzazione {f}
:: desexualization
desiabile {adj} [literary]
:: Variant of desiderabile
desiante {v}
:: present participle of desiare
desiare {v} [poetic] /de.ziˈa.re/
:: synonym of desiderare
desiderabile {adj}
:: desirable
desiderabile {adj}
:: advisable
desiderabilità {f}
:: desirability
desiderabilmente {adv}
:: desirably
desiderante {v}
:: present participle of desiderare
desiderare {vt}
:: to wish, to want, to like, to desire, to long
desiderata {mp}
:: desiderata
desideratissimo {adj}
:: superlative of desiderato
desiderativo {adj}
:: desiderative
desiderato {adj}
:: hoped-for, desired, longed for
desiderato {m} [rare]
:: desideratum
desiderazione {f} [obsolete]
:: desire
desiderio {m} /de.ziˈdɛ.rjo/
:: wish, desire, longing
Desiderio {prop}
:: Desiderius
Desiderio {prop}
:: given name
desiderosamente {adv}
:: eagerly
desideroso {adj} /de.zi.deˈro.zo/
:: desirous (of)
desideroso {adj}
:: eager (for)
design {m}
:: design (industrial)
designabile {adj}
:: appointable
designante {v}
:: present participle of designare
designare {vt}
:: to designate or appoint
designato {adj}
:: appointed, designated
designato {m}
:: appointee
designatore {m}
:: appointer, nominator
designazione {f}
:: designation
designazione {f}
:: appointment
designer {mf}
:: designer (especially one who designs furniture or other industrial products)
De Simone {prop}
:: surname
desinante {v}
:: present participle of desinare
desinapsi {f}
:: desynapsis
desinare {v}
:: to lunch
desinare {m}
:: lunch
desinenza {f} [grammar]
:: ending (of a word)
desinenza {f} [grammar]
:: inflection
desinenziale {adj}
:: desinential
desio {m} [obsolete]
:: desire
Desio {prop}
:: surname
Desio {prop}
:: Ardito Desio, Italian explorer
desiosamente {adv} [literary]
:: desirously
desioso {adj} [literary]
:: desirous
desipienza {f}
:: ignorance, stupidity
desirante {v}
:: present participle of desirare
desirare {v} /de.ziˈra.re/
:: To wish, desire
desire {m} /deˈsi.re/
:: desire
desiro {m} /deˈsi.ro/
:: alternative form of desire
desistente {v}
:: present participle of desistere
desistenza {f}
:: discontinuance, abandonment
desistenza {f}
:: the formation of a pact between two parties during an election
desistere {v}
:: to give up (something, or doing something)
desistere {v}
:: to desist
desktop {m} [computing]
:: desktop (computer; visible user interface)
desmalusogenia {f} [chemistry]
:: catenation (ability to form chains of atoms)
desminopatia {f}
:: desminopathy
desmo- {prefix}
:: desm- (forms terms relating to bonds, adhesion or ligaments)
desmocollina {f} [protein]
:: desmocollin
desmodromico {adj}
:: desmodromic
desmogleina {f} [protein]
:: desmoglein
desmologia {f} [anatomy]
:: desmology
desmologia {f} [chemistry]
:: The study of chemical bonds
desmologico {adj}
:: desmologic, desmological
desmopatia {f} [medicine]
:: desmopathy (disease of ligaments)
desmoplachina {f} [protein]
:: desmoplakin
desmosina {f} [biochemistry]
:: desmosine
desmosoma {m}
:: desmosome
desmotubulo {m}
:: desmotubule
desolante {adj}
:: distressing
desolante {v}
:: present participle of desolare
desolare {vt}
:: to distress or dishearten
desolare {vt}
:: to desolate or devastate
desolatamente {adv}
:: desolately
desolatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of desolato
desolato {adj}
:: desolate
desolato {adj}
:: distressed
desolato {adj}
:: barren, bleak
desolazione {f}
:: desolation
desolfatazione {f}
:: desulfation
desolforante {v}
:: present participle of desolforare
desolforante {adj}
:: desulfurizing
desolforare {vt} [chemistry]
:: To desulfurize
desolforatore {m}
:: desulfurizer / desulphurizer
desolforazione {f} [chemistry]
:: desulfurization
desonorizzante {v}
:: present participle of desonorizzare
desonorizzare {vt}
:: to devoice
desonorizzazione {f} [phonetics] /de.so.no.rid.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: devoicing
desorbente {v}
:: present participle of desorbire
desorbimento {m}
:: desorption
desorbire {v}
:: to desorb
desossidante {v}
:: present participle of desossidare
desossidare {vt}
:: Variant of disossidare
desossidazione {f}
:: Variant of disossidazione
desossiribonucleico {adj}
:: deoxyribonucleic
desossiribonucleotide {m}
:: alternative form of deossiribonucleotide
desossiribonucleotidico {adj}
:: alternative form of deossiribonucleotidico
desossiribosio {m} [carbohydrate]
:: deoxyribose
desossizucchero {m} [carbohydrate]
:: deoxy sugar
despazializzante {adj}
:: despatializing / despacialization
despazializzazione {f}
:: despatialization / despacialization
despezione {f} [obsolete]
:: contempt
Despina {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Despoina
Despina {prop}
:: given name
despota {mf} /ˈdɛspota/
:: despot
despotato {m}
:: despotate
despotico {adj}
:: alternative spelling of dispotico
despotismo {m}
:: alternative spelling of dispotismo
despumazione {f}
:: skimming (removal of scum etc)
desquamante {v}
:: present participle of desquamare
desquamantesi {v}
:: present participle of desquamarsi
desquamare {vt}
:: To scale (remove scales from a fish)
desquamarsi {vr}
:: To desquamate (shed scales)
desquamativo {adj}
:: desquamative
desquamatosi {v}
:: past participle of desquamarsi
desquamazione {f} [pathology]
:: desquamation
desso {pron}
:: obsolete form of esso
destabilizzante {v}
:: present participle of destabilizzare
destabilizzante {adj}
:: destabilizing
destabilizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of destabilizzarsi
destabilizzare {v}
:: to destabilize
destabilizzarsi {vr}
:: To get unstable; to become destabilized
destabilizzatore {adj}
:: destabilizing
destabilizzatore {m}
:: destabilizer
destabilizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of destabilizzarsi
destabilizzazione {f}
:: destabilization
destagionalizzante {v}
:: present participle of destagionalizzare
destagionalizzare {vt}
:: to seasonally adjust, deseasonalize
destagionalizzato {adj}
:: seasonally adjusted
destagionalizzazione {f}
:: seasonal adjustment
destalinizzante {v}
:: present participle of destalinizzare
destalinizzare {vt}
:: to destalinize
destalinizzazione {f}
:: destalinization
destante {v}
:: present participle of destare
destantesi {v}
:: present participle of destarsi
destare {vt} /desˈta.re/
:: to wake up
destare {vt}
:: to stimulate or agitate
destare {vt}
:: to arouse [a feeling, thought, etc.]
destarsi {vi} /desˈtar.si/
:: reflexive of destare
destarsi {vi}
:: to wake or wake up [oneself]
destarsi {vi}
:: to get out of a rut; to come back to activity
destatalizzante {v}
:: present participle of destatalizzare
destatalizzare {vt}
:: to denationalize
destatalizzazione {f}
:: denationalization
destatizzante {v}
:: present participle of destatizzare
destatizzare {vt}
:: to denationalize
destatizzazione {f}
:: denationalization
destatosi {v}
:: past participle of destarsi
De Stefano {prop}
:: surname
desterità {f} [obsolete]
:: dexterity, ease, skill
destinabile {adj}
:: That can be destined
destinante {v}
:: present participle of destinare
destinantesi {v}
:: present participle of destinarsi
destinare {vt}
:: to intend or mean
destinare {vt}
:: to destine
destinare {vt}
:: to earmark (a sum of money for a purpose)
destinare {vt}
:: to appoint or assign or room
destinare {vt}
:: to address (a letter)
destinarsi {vr}
:: to intend or mean to do something
destinataria {f}
:: female equivalent of destinatario
destinatario {m} /des.ti.naˈta.rjo/
:: addressee; consignee; payee; destinatary (who is the destination of a performance)
destinato {adj}
:: destined
destinatosi {v}
:: past participle of destinarsi
destinazione {f}
:: destination
destinazione {f}
:: purpose, aim
destino {m} /desˈti.no/
:: destiny, fate
destino {m}
:: destination
destituente {v}
:: present participle of destituire
destituire {vt}
:: to dismiss
destituire {vt}
:: to depose
destituzione {f}
:: dismissal
destituzione {f}
:: deposition
desto {adj}
:: awake
destoricizzante {v}
:: present participle of destoricizzare
destoricizzare {vt}
:: To dehistoricize
destoricizzazione {f}
:: dehistoricization
destra {f}
:: right (hand, direction)
destramente {adv}
:: dexterously
destreggiamento {m}
:: manoeuvring, (clever) management
destreggiante {v}
:: present participle of destreggiare
destreggiantesi {v}
:: present participle of destreggiarsi
destreggiare {vt} [dated]
:: to manoeuvre
destreggiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of destreggiare
destreggiarsi {v}
:: to manoeuvre
destreggiatosi {v}
:: past participle of destreggiarsi
destrese {m}
:: right wing political jargon
destrezza {f}
:: skill, dexterity
destriero {m}
:: steed
destriero {m}
:: warhorse, charger
destrimano {adj}
:: right-handed
destrina {f} [carbohydrate]
:: dextrin
destrismo {m}
:: right-handedness
destrismo {m}
:: right-wing politics
destro- {prefix} [chemistry]
:: dextro-
destro {adj} /ˈdɛs.tro/
:: clever, able, dexterous
destro {adj}
:: right, right-hand
destro {adj} [archaic]
:: right, just
destro {adj} [archaic]
:: favourable
destro {m} [boxing]
:: right
destro {m} [soccer]
:: right foot
destro {m} [politics, rare, pejorative, in the plural]
:: members of right-wing parties
destro {m}
:: opportunity, chance
destro {m} [dated]
:: latrine
destrocardia {f} [medicine]
:: destrocardia
destrocherio {m} [heraldry]
:: Heraldic representation of a right arm
destrogiro {adj} [chemistry]
:: dextrorotatory
destroide {adj}
:: rightist, right wing (attributive)
destroide {mf}
:: rightist (right wing person)
destroposto {adj}
:: right; placed on the right side
destrorso {adj}
:: clockwise
destrorso {adj}
:: rightist (politics)
destrosio {m}
:: dextrose
destroso {m}
:: dextrose (Variant of: destrosio)
destruggente {v}
:: present participle of destruggere
destruggere {vt}
:: Variant of distruggere
destrutturabile {adj}
:: That can be destructured
destrutturante {v}
:: present participle of destrutturare
destrutturantesi {v}
:: present participle of destrutturarsi
destrutturare {vt}
:: To alter or remove the structure (of something); to destructure
destrutturarsi {vr}
:: To lose one's structure; to get destructured
destrutturato {adj}
:: destructured
destrutturato {adj}
:: unstructured
destrutturatosi {v}
:: past participle of destrutturarsi
destrutturazione {f}
:: altering or removing the structure of something
destruzione {f}
:: obsolete form of distruzione
desueto {adj}
:: disused, obsolete
desuetudine {f}
:: disuse
desuetudine {f}
:: desuetude
desultoriamente {adv}
:: discontinuously
desultoriamente {adv}
:: jerkily
desultorio {adj} [literary, rare] /de.sulˈtɔ.rjo/
:: Meanings related to jumping:
desultorio {adj} [literary]
:: that jumps, jumping
desultorio {adj} [literary]
:: fit for jumping
desultorio {adj} [literary]
:: able in jumping
desultorio {adj} [literary, figurative]
:: desultory; discontinuous; jerky
desumente {v}
:: present participle of desumere
desumere {vt}
:: to infer or deduce
desumere {vt}
:: to gather (information)
desumibile {adj}
:: inferable
desumibile {adj}
:: deducible
detassante {v}
:: present participle of detassare
detassare {vt}
:: to remove (or greatly diminish) a tax (on something)
detassazione {f}
:: the abolition of a tax
deteinato {adj}
:: decaffeinated
detenente {v}
:: present participle of detenere
detenere {vt}
:: to hold
detenere {vt}
:: to have or possess (property etc)
detenere {vt}
:: to detain (a prisoner)
detentivo {adj}
:: detention (attributive)
detentivo {adj} [legal]
:: custodial
detentore {m}
:: holder (of a title etc)
detentore {m}
:: possessor
detentrice {f}
:: female equivalent of detentore
detenuta {f}
:: prisoner (female)
detenuto {m}
:: prisoner
detenzione {f}
:: holding (of a title etc)
detenzione {f}
:: possession (of drugs etc)
detenzione {f}
:: detention (law)
detergente {adj}
:: detergent
detergente {adj}
:: cleansing
detergente {m}
:: detergent
detergere {vt}
:: To cleanse, to clean, to wash
deteriorabile {adj}
:: Liable to deteriorate
deteriorabile {adj}
:: perishable
deteriorabilità {f}
:: perishability
deterioramento {m}
:: deterioration
deteriorante {v}
:: present participle of deteriorare
deteriorantesi {v}
:: present participle of deteriorarsi
deteriorare {vt}
:: To damage, to deteriorate
deteriorarsi {vr}
:: to go bad, to perish, to rot
deteriorarsi {vr}
:: to deteriorate
deteriorarsi {vr} [figuratively]
:: to sour
deteriorato {adj}
:: damaged, deteriorated
deterioratosi {v}
:: past participle of deteriorarsi
deteriorazione {f}
:: deterioration
deteriore {adj}
:: second-rate
deteriore {adj}
:: pejorative
deteriore {adj}
:: lesser, minor
determinabile {adj}
:: determinable
determinabilità {f}
:: determinability
determinante {m}
:: determinant (a determining factor)
determinante {m} [grammar]
:: determiner (class of words that identify or distinguish a referent without modifying it)
determinante {m} [mathematics]
:: determinant (a value associated with a square matrix)
determinante {adj}
:: decisive, determining
determinantesi {v}
:: present participle of determinarsi
determinare {vt}
:: to determine, define, establish, set out, calculate
determinare {vt}
:: to cause, bring about
determinare {vt}
:: to decide
determinarsi {v}
:: to be solved or cleared up
determinarsi {v}
:: to be decided or resolved
determinarsi {v}
:: to come about or occur
determinatamente {adv}
:: particularly
determinatamente {adv}
:: temporarily (for a fixed time)
determinatamente {adv}
:: determinedly, resolutely
determinatezza {f}
:: determination (by analysis, weighing, etc.)
determinatezza {f}
:: precision, exactness
determinativo {adj}
:: determining
determinativo {adj}
:: definite (grammar)
determinato {adj}
:: particular
determinato {adj}
:: certain, given, fixed, limited
determinato {adj}
:: determined, resolute, set
determinato {adj} [mathematics]
:: determinate
determinatosi {v}
:: past participle of determinarsi
determinazione {f}
:: determination (all senses)
determinazione {f}
:: decision
determinazione {f}
:: prioritization
determinismo {m}
:: determinism
determinista {mf}
:: determinist
deterministicamente {adv}
:: deterministically
deterministico {adj}
:: deterministic
deterrente {adj}
:: deterrent
deterrente {m}
:: deterrent
deterrenza {f}
:: deterrence
deterritorializzazione {f}
:: deterritorialization
detersione {f}
:: cleansing
detersivo {m}
:: detergent
detersivo {m}
:: washing powder, laundry detergent
detersivo {m}
:: washing-up liquid, dishwashing liquid
detestabile {adj}
:: detestable, odious, despicable
detestabile {adj}
:: dreadful, appalling
detestabilmente {adv}
:: detestably
detestando {adj} [literary] /de.tesˈtan.do/
:: That is to be detested: loathsome, detestable
detestante {v}
:: present participle of detestare
detestantesi {v}
:: present participle of detestarsi
detestare {vt}
:: to detest, to loathe, to hate
detestarsi {vr}
:: To hate or detest each other
detestarsi {vr}
:: To hate or detest oneself
detestato {adj}
:: detested, hated
detestatosi {v}
:: past participle of detestarsi
detestazione {f}
:: hate, detestation
detezione {f}
:: detection
detonabilità {f}
:: detonability (of an explosive)
detonabilità {f}
:: tendency to knock (of a car engine)
detonante {v}
:: present participle of detonare
detonante {adj}
:: detonating, explosive
detonante {m}
:: explosive
detonare {v}
:: to detonate or explode
detonatore {m}
:: detonator
detonazione {f}
:: detonation, explosion
detonazione {f}
:: pinking, knocking (of an engine)
detorcente {v}
:: present participle of detorcere
detorcere {v}
:: obsolete form of storcere
detossicazione {f}
:: detoxification
detossificante {v}
:: present participle of detossificare
detossificare {v}
:: to detoxify
detossificazione {f}
:: detoxification
detraente {v}
:: present participle of detrarre
detraibile {adj}
:: deductible
detraibilità {f}
:: deductibility
detrarre {v}
:: to deduct (from)
detrarre {v}
:: to take away (from)
detrattivo {adj}
:: detractive
detrattore {m}
:: detractor
detrattrice {f}
:: female equivalent of detrattore
detrazione {f}
:: deduction
detrimento {m}
:: detriment
detritico {adj} [geology]
:: detrital; clastic
detriticolo {adj}
:: detriticolous
detritivoro {adj} [biology]
:: detritivorous
detritivoro {m} [biology]
:: detrivore
detrito {m}
:: detritus
detrito {m}
:: silt, alluvium
detronizzante {v}
:: present participle of detronizzare
detronizzare {vt}
:: to dethrone, depose
detronizzazione {f}
:: dethronement
detronizzazione {f}
:: ousting
detrudere {v} /deˈtru.de.re/
:: to cast down, to thrust down
detrusore {adj} [anatomy]
:: detrusor (attributive)
detrusore {m} [anatomy]
:: detrusor
detta {fs}
:: only in a detta di
dettagliante {v}
:: present participle of dettagliare
dettagliante {m}
:: retailer
dettagliare {vt} /det.taʎˈʎa.re/
:: to detail
dettagliare {vi}
:: to give details
dettagliatamente {adv}
:: in detail
dettagliatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of dettagliato
dettagliato {adj}
:: detailed
dettaglio {m} /detˈtaʎ.ʎo/
:: detail
dettame {m}
:: dictate, precept
dettante {v}
:: present participle of dettare
dettare {vt}
:: To dictate, prompt
dettato {m}
:: dictation
dettatura {f}
:: dictation
dettazione {f} [obsolete]
:: dictate, precept
Detti {prop}
:: surname
detto {adj}
:: known as, called
detto {adj}
:: above-mentioned, aforementioned, said
detto {m}
:: saying
detto e fatto {phrase}
:: Variant of detto, fatto
detto fatto {phrase}
:: Variant of detto, fatto
detto, fatto {phrase}
:: no sooner said than done
detto, fatto {phrase}
:: said and done
dettosi {v}
:: past participle of dirsi
detumescenza {f}
:: detumescence
deturpamento {m}
:: disfigurement, defacement
deturpante {v}
:: present participle of deturpare
deturpare {vt}
:: to disfigure, deface, scar
deturpatore {m}
:: defacer, deformer
deturpatore {m}
:: defiler
deturpatore {adj}
:: disfiguring
deturpazione {f}
:: disfigurement
deumidificante {v}
:: present participle of deumidificare
deumidificare {vt}
:: to dehumidify
deumidificato {adj}
:: dehumidified
deumidificatore {m}
:: dehumidifier
deumidificazione {f}
:: dehumidification
deuteragonista {mf} /deu̯.te.ra.ɡoˈnis.ta/
:: deuteragonist
deuterato {adj} [chemistry]
:: deuterated
deuterio {m}
:: deuterium
deutero- {prefix}
:: deutero- (both senses)
deuterobenzene {m}
:: deuterobenzene
deuterocanonico {adj}
:: deuterocanonical
deuterocloroformio {m} [organic compound]
:: deuterochloroform
deuterone {m} [physics]
:: deuteron
Deuteronomio {prop} [biblical]
:: Deuteronomy
deuteronomista {m}
:: Deuteronomist
deuteropatia {f} [medicine]
:: deuteropathy (secondary disease)
deuterostoma {m} [zoology]
:: deuterostome
deuteruro {m} [chemistry]
:: deuteride
deutone {m} [physics]
:: deuteron
devalutazione {f}
:: devaluation
devalutazione {f}
:: depreciation (of money)
devanagari {adj} /de.vaˈna.ɡa.ri/
:: Devanagari
devanagari {mf}
:: Devanagari (abugida alphabet of India and Nepal)
devascolarizzazione {f}
:: devascularization
devastante {v}
:: present participle of devastare
devastante {adj}
:: devastating
devastare {vt}
:: to devastate, ravage
devastatore {adj}
:: destructive
devastazione {f}
:: devastation, destruction
deventante {v}
:: present participle of deventare
deventare {v}
:: alternative form of diventare
deverbale {adj}
:: deverbal (grammar - derived from a verb)
deverbale {m}
:: A word derived from a verb (especially a noun)
devessità {f} [obsolete]
:: slope
devetrificazione {f}
:: devitrification
deviabile {adj}
:: That can be diverted
deviamento {m}
:: deviation, diversion (of a waterway)
deviamento {m}
:: deflection
deviamento {m}
:: shunting (of a train)
deviamento {m}
:: disengagement
deviante {v}
:: present participle of deviare
deviante {adj}
:: deviant
devianza {f}
:: deviance
devianza {f}
:: perversity
deviare {v} /de.viˈ-a.re/
:: to deflect
deviare {v}
:: to divert
deviare {v}
:: to lead astray
deviare {v}
:: to ward off
deviata {f}
:: a mains circuit employing three-way switches, called deviatori, to allow controlling a load from multiple locations
deviato {adj}
:: deviated, diverted
deviato {adj}
:: deviant
deviatoio {m}
:: points, railroad switch
deviatore {m}
:: diverter; three-way switch
deviatore {m}
:: signalman
deviazione {f}
:: deviation, departure, divergence
deviazione {f}
:: diversion, detour
deviazione {f}
:: deviance, perversion
deviazione {f} [surgery]
:: shunt
deviazione {f}
:: parry
deviazione standard {f}
:: alternative form of scarto quadratico medio
deviazionismo {m}
:: deviationism
deviazionista {mf}
:: deviationist
deviazionistico {adj}
:: deviationist
deviscerante {v}
:: present participle of deviscerare
deviscerare {vt}
:: To disembowel, eviscerate or gut
devitalizzante {v}
:: present participle of devitalizzare
devitalizzare {vt}
:: to devitalize
devitalizzare {vt}
:: to deaden [a nerve, etc.]
devitalizzazione {f}
:: devitalization
devitaminizzante {v}
:: present participle of devitaminizzare
devitaminizzare {vt}
:: to devitaminize
devitaminizzato {adj}
:: devitaminized
devitaminizzato {adj}
:: vitamin deficient
De Vito {prop}
:: surname
devocalizzazione {f}
:: devocalization, devoicing
devoltare {vt} [electrical engineering] /de.volˈta.re/
:: To power with lower potential than required
devolutivo {adj}
:: transfer, assignment (attributive)
devolutivo {adj}
:: devolutionary
devoluzione {f}
:: devolution
devoluzione {f}
:: transfer
devoluzione {f}
:: endowment
devoluzionista {adj}
:: devolutionary
devolvente {v}
:: present participle of devolvere
devolvere {vt}
:: to transfer (power etc)
devolvere {vt}
:: to devolve
devoniano {adj}
:: Devonian
devoniano {m}
:: Devonian
Devos {prop}
:: surname
devota {f}
:: feminine noun of devoto
devotissimo {adj}
:: superlative of devoto
devoto {adj}
:: devout, pious
devoto {adj}
:: devoted
devoto {m}
:: A devout or faithful person
devozionale {adj}
:: devotional
devozione {f}
:: devoutness
devozione {f}
:: devotion
dexpantenolo {m}
:: dexpanthenol
dezippante {v}
:: present participle of dezippare
dezippare {vt} [computing]
:: to unzip (a compressed file)
dharma {m} /ˈdar.ma/
:: dharma
di- {prefix}
:: di-
di {f} /di/
:: letter: d; dee
di {prep}
:: Used to indicate possession, after the thing owned and before the owner; of; ’s
di {prep}
:: from
di {prep}
:: by, of, ’s
di {prep}
:: than
di {prep}
:: Used in superlative forms; in, of
di {prep}
:: about, on, concerning
di {prep}
:: Expresses composition; of, made of, in or more often omitted
di {prep}
:: (followed by an infinitive) to or omitted
di {prep}
:: Used with the definite article in partitive constructions; some
di {prep}
:: Used in some expressions in a partitive-like function, often without article
dì {m} [archaic] /di/
:: day
dì {m} [astronomy]
:: daytime
diabete {m} [diseases]
:: diabetes
diabete insipido {m}
:: diabetes insipidus
diabete mellito {m}
:: diabetes mellitus
diabetica {f}
:: female equivalent of diabetico
diabetico {adj} /djaˈbɛ.ti.ko/
:: diabetic
diabetico {m}
:: diabetic person
diabetogeno {adj}
:: diabetogenic
diabetologia {f}
:: diabetology
diabetologo {m}
:: diabetologist
diablastico {adj} [petrology] /djaˈblas.ti.ko/
:: Characterized by metamorphic rocks, with two or more different minerals
diabolicamente {adv}
:: diabolically, devilishly, fiendishly
diabolicità {f}
:: diabolicalness, devilishness
diabolico {adj}
:: diabolic, diabolical
diabolico {adj}
:: wicked
diaccio {m} /ˈdjat.t͡ʃo/
:: [Tuscany] alternative form of ghiaccio
diacetato {m} [chemistry]
:: diacetate
diacinesi {f}
:: diakinesis
diacitosi {f}
:: diacytosis
diaclasi {f}
:: joint (geology - fracture with no offset of strata)
diaconale {adj}
:: diaconal
diaconato {m}
:: diaconate
diaconessa {f}
:: female equivalent of diacono
diaconia {f}
:: deaconship
diaconia {f}
:: deaconry
diacono {m}
:: deacon
diacriticamente {adv}
:: diacritically
diacritico {adj}
:: diacritical (linguistics)
diacronia {f}
:: diachrony
diacronicamente {adv}
:: diachronically
diacronico {adj}
:: diachronic
diade {f}
:: couple, dyad
diadema {m}
:: diadem
diadema {m}
:: tiara
diademato {adj}
:: nimbed, haloed
diadico {adj}
:: dyadic
diadoco {m}
:: One of the Diadochi
diadumeno {m}
:: diadumenos
diafaneità {f}
:: diaphaneity
diafaneità {f}
:: transparency
diafanità {f}
:: transparency, diaphaneity
diafano {adj}
:: diaphanous
diafano {adj}
:: transparent
diafanoscopia {f} [medicine]
:: diaphanoscopy
diafanoscopio {m}
:: diaphanoscope
diafasia {f} [linguistics]
:: diaphasia
diafasico {adj} [linguistics]
:: diaphasic
diafisario {adj} [skeleton]
:: diaphyseal
diafisi {f} [skeleton]
:: diaphysis
diafonia {f}
:: dissonance
diafonia {f}
:: organum (medieval polyphony)
diafora {f}
:: diaphora
diaforesi {f} [physiology]
:: diaphoresis
diaforetico {adj}
:: diaphoretic
diaforetico {m}
:: diaphoretic agent
diaframma {m}
:: diaphragm
diaframma {m}
:: screen
diaframma lamellare {m} [optics, photography]
:: lamellar diaphragm
diaframmante {v}
:: present participle of diaframmare
diaframmare {vit} [photography]
:: to stop down (regulate the diaphragm)
diaframmatico {adj}
:: diaphragmatic
diagenesi {n}
:: diagenesis
diagnosi {f} [medicine, figuratively]
:: diagnosis
diagnosta {mf}
:: diagnostician
diagnostica {f}
:: diagnostics
diagnosticabile {adj}
:: That can be diagnosed, diagnosable
diagnosticamente {adv}
:: diagnostically
diagnosticante {v}
:: present participle of diagnosticare
diagnosticare {vt}
:: to diagnose
diagnostico {adj}
:: diagnostic
diagonale {adj}
:: diagonal
diagonale {f}
:: diagonal
diagonale {m} [textiles, clothing]
:: twill, tweel
diagonale {m}
:: cross (football)
diagonale principale {f} [maths]
:: main diagonal
diagonalizzabile {adj} [mathematics]
:: diagonalizable
diagonalizzabilità {f} [maths]
:: diagonalizability
diagonalizzante {v}
:: present participle of diagonalizzare
diagonalizzare {vt} [mathematics]
:: to diagonalize
diagonalizzazione {f} [mathematics] /diaɡonaliddzaˈtsjone/
:: diagonalization
diagonalmente {adv}
:: diagonally
diagonalmente {adv}
:: on the bias (cut fabric)
diagramma {m}
:: diagram
diagramma {m}
:: chart
diagramma {m}
:: graph
diagramma di Feynman {m} [physics]
:: Feynman diagram
diagrammante {v}
:: present participle of diagrammare
diagrammare {vt}
:: To chart (represent as a diagram)
diagrammatico {adj}
:: diagrammatic
diagrammatore {m} [computing]
:: plotter (device)
diagrammazione {f} [computing]
:: flowcharting
dialchile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: dialkyl
dialefe {f}
:: dialefe
dialettale {adj}
:: dialectal
dialettale {adj}
:: spoken or written in dialect
dialettaleggiante {adj}
:: dialect-like
dialettalismo {m}
:: A word or construction whose origin is from a dialect
dialettalità {f}
:: dialectal character
dialettalmente {adv}
:: in dialect
dialettica {f}
:: dialectic
dialettica {f}
:: dialectics
dialetticamente {adv}
:: dialectically
dialettico {adj}
:: dialectical
dialettismo {m}
:: dialect word or form
dialettizzazione {f} [linguistics]
:: dialectization
dialetto {m} /djaˈlɛt.to/
:: dialect
dialettofono {m}
:: dialect speaker
dialettologia {f}
:: dialectology
dialettologico {adj}
:: dialectological
dialettologo {m}
:: dialectologist
dialipetalo {adj} [botany]
:: dialypetalous
dialisi {f}
:: dialysis
dialitico {adj}
:: dialytic
dialitico {adj}
:: dialysis (attributive)
dializzante {v}
:: present participle of dializzare
dializzare {vt}
:: to dialyze / dialyse
dializzato {adj}
:: dialyzed / dialysed
dializzatore {m}
:: dialyzer (machine)
dialogante {v}
:: present participle of dialogare
dialogare {vi}
:: To converse, or have a dialogue (with)
dialogare {vt}
:: To write the dialogue (for); to script
dialoghista {mf}
:: scriptwriter
dialoghista {mf}
:: dialoguist
dialogico {adj}
:: dialogue (attributive)
dialogismo {m}
:: dialogism
dialogista {mf}
:: dialogist (writer or director of dialogues)
dialogizzante {v}
:: present participle of dialogizzare
dialogizzare {vi}
:: to converse [hold a dialogue]
dialogizzare {vt}
:: to write a dialogue
dialogo {m} /diˈaloɡo/
:: dialogue
dialogo {m}
:: conversation
di alto grado {adj}
:: high-ranking
diamagnetico {adj} [physics] /dja.maɲ.ˈɲɛ.ti.ko/
:: diamagnetic
diamagnetismo {m} [physics]
:: diamagnetism
diamantare {v} /dja.manˈta.re/
:: To ornate or embellish with diamonds
diamantato {adj}
:: diamond (attributive)
diamante {m}
:: diamond (all senses)
diamante {m} [sports, baseball]
:: baseball field, ball field, sandlot baseball diamond
diamante {m}
:: The crown of an anchor
diamante {m}
:: excelsior (a small size of type, standardized to 3 point)
diamante mandarino {m}
:: zebra finch
diamantifero {adj}
:: diamantiferous (diamond-bearing)
diamantino {adj} [literary] /dja.manˈti.no/
:: diamond [attributive], diamond-like
diamantino {adj} [literary, figurative]
:: strong, solid
diamantino {m}
:: diminutive of diamante: small diamond
diamantino {m} [numismatics]
:: A silver coin minted in Ferrara in the 15th century
diametrale {adj}
:: diametrical (all senses)
diametralmente {adv}
:: diametrically
diametrico {adj}
:: diametric, diametrical
diametro {m}
:: diameter
diamine {interj} /ˈdjamine/
:: An expression of wonder, impatience or irritation
diaminofenolo {m} [organic compound]
:: diaminophenol
diammina {f} [chemistry]
:: diamine
diamminomonocarbossilico {adj} [organic chemistry] /di.am.mi.no.mo.no.kar.bosˈsi.li.ko/
:: diaminomonocarboxylic
diammonio {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: Diammonium
Diana {prop} [Roman god]
:: Diana
Diana {prop}
:: given name
Diana {prop}
:: surname
Diana {prop}
:: Giuseppe Diana, Italian priest killed by the Mafia
di andata {adj}
:: outward, there (journey, trip)
di andata {adj}
:: single, one-way (ticket)
di andata {adj} [sports]
:: first (leg, round etc)
dianetica {f}
:: dianetics
dianetico {adj}
:: dianetic
dianione {m} [chemistry]
:: dianion
dianionico {adj} [chemistry]
:: dianionic
dianoetico {adj}
:: dianoetic
dianto {m}
:: dianthus
dianzi {adv}
:: A short time before; a while ago
diapason {m} [music]
:: tuning fork
diapason {m}
:: diapason
diapositiva {f} [photography]
:: slide, transparency, diapositive
diapoteca {f} [photography]
:: slide container; collection of slides
diaproiettore {m} [photography]
:: slide projector
diapside {m}
:: diapsid
diarchia {f}
:: diarchy, dyarchy
diaria {f}
:: per diem (a daily allowance of expenses)
diario {m}
:: diary, journal
diarista {mf} /djäˈristä/
:: diarist
diaristico {adj}
:: diaristic
diarrea {f}
:: diarrhea / diarrhoea
diarroico {adj} [medicine] /djarˈrɔj.ko/
:: diarrheic/diarrhoeic, diarrheal/diarrhoeal
diartrosi {f} [anatomy]
:: synovial joint, diarthrosis
diascopia {f} [medicine]
:: diascopy
diascopio {m}
:: slide projector
Dïascoride {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Dioscoride
diaspide {m} /diˈas.pi.de/
:: synonym of diaspro
diaspora {f}
:: diaspora (all senses)
diasporico {adj}
:: diasporic
diaspro {m} [mineral] /diˈas.pro/
:: jasper
diaspro {m} [poetic, by extension]
:: Any hard stone
diastasi {f} [enzyme]
:: diastase
diastasi {f} [medicine]
:: diastasis
diastema {m}
:: diastema
diastematico {adj}
:: diastematic
diastereoisomerico {adj} [chemistry]
:: diastereoisomeric
diastilo {m} [architecture]
:: diastyle
diastole {f} [physiology] /diˈastole/
:: diastole
diastolico {adj}
:: diastolic
diastratia {f}
:: The variation in language use depending on social, cultural or educational factors
diastratico {adj}
:: diastratic
diastrofismo {m} [geology]
:: diastrophism
diateca {f}
:: slide library
diatermanità {f}
:: diathermancy
diatermano {adj} [physics]
:: diathermic
diatermia {f} [physics, medicine]
:: diathermy
diatermico {adj}
:: diathermic
diatermocoagulazione {f} [surgery]
:: diathermy (diathermic coagulation)
diatesi {f} [grammar]
:: voice
diatesi {f} [medicine]
:: predisposition
diatesico {adj}
:: diathetic
diatomea {f}
:: diatom
diatomico {adj}
:: diatomic
diatonia {f} [music]
:: diatonicism
diatonico {adj} [music]
:: diatonic
diatonismo {m} [music]
:: diatonism
diatopico {adj}
:: diatopic
diatorico {adj} [anatomy]
:: diatoric
diatriba {f}
:: debate
diatriba {f}
:: diatribe
diatriba {f} [rare]
:: reprimand
diavola {f}
:: devil
diavoleria {f}
:: devilry (act of mischief etc)
diavoleria {f}
:: a strange object or contraption
diavolessa {f}
:: she devil
diavolessa {f}
:: hag
diavoletto {m}
:: diminutive of diavolo
diavoletto {m}
:: little devil, imp
diavoletto {m}
:: demon
diavoletto {m}
:: hair curler
diavoletto {m}
:: pickle
diavoletto di Cartesio {m}
:: Cartesian devil, Cartesian diver
diavoletto di Maxwell {m} [physics]
:: Maxwell's demon
diavolillo {m}
:: Red chili pepper
diavolino {m}
:: imp (also figurative)
diavolino {m}
:: hair curler
diavolio {m}
:: pandemonium
diavolo {m}
:: devil, demon, fiend, Satan
diavolo {m}
:: (evil person) devil, devilish person
diavolo {m}
:: (man) sort, devil
diavolo {interj}
:: the devil, the heck, the dickens, the deuce
diavolo {interj}
:: (diavolo!) damn!, blast!
diavolo {interj}
:: (diavolo!) you bet!, rather!
diavolo nero {m} [fish]
:: anglerfish, black seadevil, Melanocetus, humpback anglerfish (Melanocetus johnsonii)
diazocomposto {m} [organic chemistry]
:: diazo compound
diazometano {m} [organic compound]
:: diazomethane
diazonio {m} [organic chemistry]
:: diazonium
diazoreazione {f} [organic chemistry, pathology]
:: diazo reaction
diazotante {v}
:: present participle of diazotare
diazotare {vt}
:: To diazotize
diazotazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: diazotization
diazoto {m}
:: dinitrogen
diazotrofo {m} [microbiology]
:: diazotroph
di base {adj}
:: basic
di basso rango {adv}
:: a cut below
di basso rango {adv}
:: of low social class
di basso rango {adv}
:: One's position in a list sorted by a shared property such as physical location, population, or quality
di basso rango {adv}
:: of low rank
di basso rango {adv}
:: a level in an organization such as the military
dibattente {v}
:: present participle of dibattere
dibattentesi {v}
:: present participle of dibattersi
dibattere {v}
:: to debate or discuss
dibattersi {vr}
:: To flounder, to struggle, to writhe
dibattersi {vr}
:: To be torn by something
dibattimentale {adj}
:: debate, discussion (attributive)
dibattimento {m}
:: debate, discussion
dibattimento {m}
:: hearing
dibattito {m}
:: debate, discussion
dibattutosi {v}
:: past participle of dibattersi
Dibba {prop}
:: Dibba
Dibba {prop} [colloquial]
:: The politician and activist Alessandro Di Battista
di bello {adv} [colloquial]
:: Used to make a question more informal or familiar
Dibiasi {prop}
:: surname
Dibiasi {prop}
:: Klaus Dibiasi, Italian diver
diblastico {adj} [embryology] /diˈblas.ti.ko/
:: diploblastic
di bocca in bocca {prep}
:: by word of mouth
diborano {m} [inorganic compound]
:: diborane
diboscamento {m}
:: alternative form of disboscamento
diboscante {v}
:: present participle of diboscare
diboscare {v}
:: alternative form of disboscare
diboscazione {f}
:: deforestation
dibreve {m} [music, rare] /dibˈrɛ.ve/
:: longa (four whole notes)
di brutto {adv} [familiar, slang]
:: a lot, very much, like crazy, like mad, like hell
di buon grado {adv}
:: alternative form of di buongrado
di buongrado {adv}
:: willingly
di buon'ora {adv}
:: early (in the morning)
di buonora {adv}
:: alternative spelling of di buon'ora
dicace {adj} [obsolete]
:: caustic, sarcastic, sharp
dicacità {f} [obsolete]
:: sarcasm, causticity, sharpness
Di Carlo {prop}
:: surname
dicastero {m}
:: ministry
dicastero {m}
:: office
dicastero {m}
:: field, department
dicatione {m} [chemistry]
:: dication
dicationico {adj} [chemistry]
:: dicationic
diccì {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Democrazia Cristiana (Christian Democracy) a dissolved political party
diccì {mf}
:: A member of this party
dicco {m} [mineralogy]
:: dike
dicefalo {m}
:: dicephaly
dicefalo {adj}
:: dicephalous
dicembre {m} /diˈt͡ʃɛm.bre/
:: December
dicembrino {adj}
:: December (attributive)
dicentesi {v}
:: present participle of dirsi
dicentra {f} [botany] /diˈt͡ʃɛn.tra/
:: Any plant of the Dicentra taxonomic genus
dicentra {f} [by narrowing]
:: bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis, formerly Dicentra spectabilis)
dicere {vit} [archaic, literary] /ˈdi.t͡ʃe.re/
:: alternative form of dire
diceria {f}
:: rumour, gossip, buzz, chit-chat, claver
di certo {adv}
:: certainly, of course, surely, definitely
dicevole {adj} [literary, rare] /diˈt͡ʃe.vo.le/
:: decent, proper, suitable
dicevolmente {adv} /di.t͡ʃe.volˈmen.te/
:: decently, properly, suitably
dichiarabile {adj}
:: declarable
dichiarante {v}
:: present participle of dichiarare
dichiarante {m}
:: declarant
dichiarante {m}
:: registrant
dichiarantesi {v}
:: present participle of dichiararsi
dichiarare {vt}
:: to declare, to announce, to proclaim, to state, to assert
dichiarare {vt} [card games]
:: to bid
dichiararsi {v}
:: reflexive of dichiarare
dichiararsi {vr}
:: to declare oneself, call oneself, avow oneself
dichiararsi {vr} [legal]
:: to plead (guilty or not guilty)
dichiararsi {vr} [of opinions]
:: to commit oneself
dichiararsi {vr} [of a lover]
:: to propose
dichiaratamente {adv}
:: avowedly
dichiarativa {f}
:: declarative
dichiarativamente {adv}
:: declaratively
dichiarativo {adj}
:: declarative
dichiarato {adj}
:: avowed, explicit, professed
dichiarato {adj}
:: reported
dichiaratosi {v}
:: past participle of dichiararsi
dichiarazione {f}
:: declaration, announcement, statement, remark
dichiarazione {f}
:: (in card games) bid, bidding
dichiarazione di guerra {f}
:: declaration of war
Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell'Uomo {prop}
:: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani {prop}
:: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
-dici {suffix}
:: Approximately equivalent to -teen (used to form cardinal numbers from 11 to 16)
dici- {prefix}
:: Somewhat equivalent to -teen (used to form cardinal numbers from 17 to 19)
diciannove {adj} /ditʃanˈnɔve/
:: nineteen
diciannove {num}
:: nineteen
diciannovemila {adj}
:: nineteen thousand
diciannovemila {num}
:: nineteen thousand
diciannovenne {adj}
:: nineteen-year-old
diciannovenne {mf}
:: nineteen-year-old
diciannovesimo {adj}
:: nineteenth
diciannovesimo {m}
:: nineteenth (the one in nineteenth position)
diciannovesimo {m}
:: nineteenth (fraction)
diciassette {adj} /ditʃasˈsɛtte/
:: seventeen
diciassette {num}
:: seventeen
diciassettemila {adj}
:: seventeen thousand
diciassettemila {num}
:: seventeen thousand
diciassettenne {adj}
:: seventeen-year-old
diciassettenne {mf}
:: seventeen-year-old
diciassettesimo {adj}
:: seventeenth
diciassettesimo {m}
:: seventeenth (the one in 17th position)
diciassettesimo {m}
:: seventeenth (fraction)
dicibile {adj} [literary]
:: expressible, utterable
dicibilità {f}
:: utterability
dicinetide {m} [biology]
:: dikinetid
dici nove {n}
:: alternative spelling of diciannove
diciottenne {adj}
:: eighteen-year-old
diciottenne {mf}
:: eighteen-year-old
diciottesimo {adj}
:: eighteenth
diciottesimo {m}
:: eighteenth (the one in 18th position)
diciottesimo {m}
:: eighteenth (fraction)
diciotto {adj} /diˈtʃɔtto/
:: eighteen
diciotto {num}
:: eighteen
diciottomila {adj}
:: eighteen thousand
diciottomila {num}
:: eighteen thousand
dicitore {m}
:: speaker, orator (male)
dicitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of dicitore
dicitura {f}
:: wording, words
dicitura {f}
:: short written phrase or sentence
di classe mondiale {adj}
:: world-class
dicloroetano {m} [organic compound]
:: dichloroethane
dicloroindofenolo {m} [organic compound]
:: dichloroindophenol
diclorometano {m} [organic compound]
:: dichloromethane, methylene chloride
dicogamia {f}
:: dichogamy
di colore {adj}
:: (of a person) colored, coloured, black
di colpo {adv} [idiom]
:: suddenly, all of a sudden, out of the blue, short, cold turkey
di conseguenza {adv}
:: consequently, therefore, accordingly
di continuo {adv}
:: continually
di contrabbando {adj}
:: smuggled
di contrabbando {adv}
:: by means of smuggling
di contrabbando {adv} [figurative, by extension]
:: illicitly or clandestinely
dicoriale {adj} [anatomy] /di.koˈrja.le/
:: dichorial
di corsa {adv}
:: quickly, hurriedly
dicotiledone {adj} [botany]
:: dicotyledonous
dicotiledone {f} [botany]
:: dicotyledon
dicotomia {f}
:: dichotomy
dicotomicamente {adv}
:: dichotomously
dicotomico {adj}
:: dichotomic, dichotomous
dicotomo {adj} [botany]
:: dichotomous, dichotomic
dicroico {adj}
:: dichroic
dicroismo {m} [physics]
:: dichroism
dicromatico {adj}
:: dichromatic
dicromato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: dichromate
dicromia {f}
:: two-colour printing
dicromia {f}
:: two-colour print
dicromico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: dichromic
dicrotismo {m} [pathology]
:: dicrotism
dictafono {m}
:: dictaphone
di cuore {adv}
:: willingly
didascalia {f} /di.das.kaˈli.a/
:: caption
didascalia {f} [theatre, film]
:: stage direction
didascalia {f} [by extension, film]
:: subtitle
didascalicamente {adv}
:: didactically
didascalico {adj}
:: didactic
didascalico {m}
:: hyphen (separating compound words)
didascalico {m}
:: dash (used to introduce direct speech)
didatta {mf}
:: teacher
didattica {f}
:: didactics
didatticamente {adv}
:: didactically
didattico {adj}
:: didactic
didattico {adj}
:: teaching
didattico {adj}
:: educational
didattile {m}
:: didactyl
di dentro {adj}
:: inner, interior
di dentro {adj}
:: internal, inside
didentro {adv}
:: inside, indoors
didentro {m}
:: inside, interior
didgeridù {m} [musical instruments]
:: didgeridoo
didietro {adv}
:: behind
didietro {adj}
:: back, rear
didietro {m}
:: rear
didietro {m} [colloquial]
:: backside, hind
didimio {m} [chemistry]
:: didymium
didimo {adj}
:: double, twin, dual
didimo {adj}
:: occurring as a matching pair
didimo {m}
:: ball, testicle
didimo {m}
:: synonym of testicolo
didimo {m}
:: synonym of doppio
didimo {m}
:: synonym of gemello
didimo {m}
:: synonym of bigloboso
Didimo {prop} [rare]
:: given name
di diritto {adv}
:: as a right
Di Donato {prop}
:: surname
Didone {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Dido
die {m} /ˈdi.e/
:: obsolete form of dì
di eccezione {adj}
:: Variant of d'eccezione
diece {adj} /ˈdjɛ.t͡ʃe/
:: obsolete form of dieci
diece {n}
:: obsolete form of dieci
diece {num}
:: obsolete form of dieci
dieci {num} /ˈdjɛt͡ʃi/
:: ten
dieci {adj}
:: ten
dieci {m}
:: ten
diecibilioni {num}
:: ten billion
diecimila {adj}
:: ten thousand
diecimila {num}
:: ten thousand
diecimiliardi {num}
:: ten billion
diecimilionesimo {adj}
:: ten millionth
diecimilionesimo {m}
:: ten millionth (fraction)
diecimilionesimo {m}
:: ten millionth (one in 10,000,000th position)
diecimilioni {num}
:: ten million
diecimillesimo {adj}
:: ten thousandth
diecimillesimo {m} [ordinal numbers]
:: ten thousandth
diecina {f}
:: ten (or so) (things)
diedrale {adj} [mathematics]
:: dihedral
diedro {m}
:: dihedral
diegesi {f}
:: diegesis
diegetico {adj}
:: diegetic
Diego {prop} /ˈdjɛɡo/
:: given name
dielettricità {f} [physics]
:: dielectricity; insulation (electrical)
dielettrico {m} [physics]
:: dielectric, insulator
dielettrico {adj} [physics]
:: dielectric, insulating
diencefalico {adj}
:: diencephalic
diencefalo {m} [anatomy]
:: diencephalon
diene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: diene
dieresi {f} /diˈɛ.re.zi/
:: diaeresis, specifically:
dieresi {f} [linguistics, prosody]
:: The separation of a vowel, often a diphthong, into two distinct syllables
dieresi {f} [typography]
:: A diacritical mark (¨)
dieresi {f}
:: hiatus
diesagonale {adj}
:: dihexagonal
diesante {v}
:: present participle of diesare
diesare {vt} [music]
:: to sharp
diesel {m}
:: diesel (engine; vehicle)
diesel-elettrico {adj}
:: diesel-electric
diesis {m} [music]
:: sharp
diesis {adj} [music]
:: sharp
diesizzante {v}
:: present participle of diesizzare
diesizzare {vt} [music]
:: to sharp
diessino {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Democratici di Sinistra (Democrats of the Left) political party
diessino {m}
:: A member of this party
diestere {m}
:: diester
dieta {f}
:: diet (all senses)
dieta mediterranea {f}
:: Mediterranean diet
dietetica {f} [medicine]
:: dietetics
dieteticamente {adv}
:: dietetically
dietetico {adj}
:: dietetic, diet (attributive), dietary
dietile {m}
:: diethyl
dietilico {adj}
:: diethyl [attributive]
dietista {mf}
:: dietician, nutritionist
dietologa {f}
:: female equivalent of dietologo
dietologia {f}
:: dietetics
dietologo {m}
:: dietician, nutritionist
dietoterapia {f} [medicine]
:: diet therapy
dietro {adv}
:: behind, at the back
dietro {prep}
:: behind
dietro {prep}
:: after, next
dietro {m}
:: back, rear
dietro {m}
:: seat (of trousers)
dietro front {interj}
:: about turn!
dietro front {m}
:: about-turn, volte-face
dietrofront {m}
:: alternative form of dietro front
dietro l'angolo {prep}
:: See: it dietro angolo
dietro l'angolo {prep} [idiom]
:: around the corner (both senses)
dietrologa {f}
:: female equivalent of dietrologo
dietrologia {f}
:: conspiracy theory (search for hidden motives)
dietrologo {m}
:: Person who is always looking for what is behind an event; conspiracy hunter
di faccia {adj}
:: synonym of di fronte
di faccia {adv}
:: synonym of di fronte
difatti {conj}
:: in fact, as a matter of fact
di fatto {adv}
:: in fact
difendente {v}
:: present participle of difendere
difendentesi {v}
:: present participle of difendersi
difender {v}
:: apocopic form of difendere
difendere {vt} /diˈfɛndere/
:: to defend
difendersi {v}
:: reflexive of difendere
difendersi {vr}
:: to defend oneself, protect oneself
difendersi {vr}
:: to get by, hold one's own, stand up
difendibile {adj}
:: defensible
difendibilità {f}
:: defensibility
difenile {m}
:: alternative form of bifenile
difenolo {m} [organic chemistry]
:: diphenol
difensibile {adj}
:: alternative form of difendibile
difensiva {f}
:: The defensive
difensivamente {adv}
:: defensively
difensivismo {m}
:: defensiveness
difensivismo {m} [sports]
:: playing defensively
difensivista {adj}
:: defensive
difensivista {mf} [sports]
:: defensive player
difensivo {adj}
:: defensive
difensore {adj}
:: defending
difensore {adj}
:: supporting
difensore {m} [sports, soccer, etc.]
:: defender
difensore {m} [law]
:: defending counsel, defense attorney
difensore {m}
:: advocate, supporter
difensore di base {m} [baseball]
:: baseman
di ferro {adj}
:: cast iron
difesa {f} /diˈfesa/
:: defence
difesa {f}
:: protection, shelter
difesa civile {f}
:: civil defence
difeso {adj}
:: protected, sheltered
difeso {adj}
:: fortified
difesosi {v}
:: past participle of difendersi
difettante {v}
:: present participle of difettare
difettare {vi}
:: To lack or be lacking
difettare {vi}
:: To be defective
difettato {adj}
:: defective, faulty, imperfect
difettivo {adj}
:: defective
difetto {m}
:: defect, fault, blemish, flaw
difetto {m}
:: deficiency, lack, shortage
difettosamente {adv}
:: defectively, faultily, imperfectly
difettosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of difettoso
difettosità {f}
:: defectiveness, faultiness, imperfection
difettosità {f}
:: defect, fault, imperfection
difettoso {adj}
:: defective, faulty, imperfect
difettuccio {m}
:: A small defect, a small fault
diffamante {v}
:: present participle of diffamare
diffamante {adj}
:: defamatory
diffamare {vt}
:: to defame, slander or libel
diffamatore {m}
:: slanderer
diffamatore {m}
:: libeller
diffamatorio {adj}
:: slanderous, libellous
diffamazione {f}
:: slander
diffamazione {f}
:: libel
diffamazione {f}
:: defamation
diffamazione {f}
:: aspersion
diffeomorfico {adj}
:: diffeomorphic
diffeomorfismo {m} [mathematics] /diffeomorˈfizmo/
:: diffeomorphism
diffeomorfo {adj}
:: diffeomorphic
differente {adj}
:: different, differing, dissimilar, unlike
differentemente {adv}
:: in a different way, differently, otherwise
differenza {f}
:: difference
differenziabile {adj}
:: differentiable
differenziabilità {f}
:: differentiability
differenziale {adj}
:: differential
differenziale {m}
:: differential (gear)
differenzialismo {m}
:: conception or philosophy that exalts racial, gender, etc. differences
differenziamento {m}
:: differentiation
differenziante {v}
:: present participle of differenziare
differenziantesi {v}
:: present participle of differenziarsi
differenziare {vt}
:: To differentiate, to distinguish
differenziarsi {v}
:: reflexive of differenziare
differenziarsi {vr}
:: to distinguish oneself
differenziarsi {vr}
:: to be different, be differentiated
differenziatamente {adv}
:: in a differentiated or specialized manner
differenziativo {adj}
:: differentiative
differenziato {adj}
:: differentiated, different, specialized, separated
differenziatosi {v}
:: past participle of differenziarsi
differenziazione {f}
:: differentiation
differibile {adj}
:: postponable
differimento {m}
:: deferment, postponement
differire {vt}
:: To defer or postpone
differire {vi}
:: To differ, or be different (from)
differito {adj}
:: postponed, delayed
difficile {adj} /difˈfitʃile/
:: difficult
difficilissimo {adj}
:: superlative of difficile
difficilmente {adv}
:: hardly, with difficulty, unlikely (adjective)
difficoltà {f}
:: difficulty
difficoltosamente {adv}
:: difficultly
difficoltoso {adj}
:: difficult
difficultà {f}
:: dated form of difficoltà
diffida {f} /difˈfi.da/
:: notice, warning
diffidante {v}
:: present participle of diffidare
diffidare {vi} /dif.fiˈda.re/
:: to distrust, or be suspicious (of)
diffidare {vt}
:: to warn or caution
diffidarsi {vr}
:: To despair; to lose confidence
diffidato {adj} /dif.fiˈda.to/
:: That has received a notice or warning
diffidato {m}
:: One who has received a notice or warning
diffidente {adj} /dif.fiˈdɛn.te/
:: suspicious, distrustful
diffidente {adj} [obsolete]
:: untrustworthy
diffidenza {f} /dif.fiˈdɛn.t͡sa/
:: mistrust, suspicion
diffinente {v}
:: present participle of diffinire
diffinire {v} /dif.fiˈni.re/
:: obsolete form of definire
diffinire {vt}
:: to define, resolve
diffinito {adj} /dif.fiˈni.to/
:: obsolete form of definito
diffinito {adj}
:: definite, defined, determinate
diffinizione {f}
:: alternative form of definizione
difflugia {f} [zoology] /difˈflu.d͡ʒa/
:: difflugid
diffondente {v}
:: present participle of diffondere
diffondentesi {v}
:: present participle of diffondersi
diffondere {vt}
:: to spread [an idea, sickness, etc.]
diffondere {vt}
:: to give out or diffuse [light, radio, TV programming, etc.]
diffondersi {v}
:: reflexive of diffondere
diffondersi {v}
:: to be spread
diffondersi {v}
:: to be circulated
diffondersi {v}
:: to catch on
diffondersi {v}
:: (with a) to speak or write at length (in/about)
diffondersi {v} [literary]
:: (with di) to sprinkle (with)
diffondibile {adj}
:: spreadable
diffondibile {adj}
:: diffusible
diffondibilità {f}
:: spreadability
diffondibilità {f}
:: diffusibility
difforme {adj}
:: Not conforming
difforme {adj}
:: different
difforme {adj}
:: discordant
difformemente {adv}
:: in a nonconforming manner
difformemente {adv}
:: differently
difformemente {adv}
:: discordantly
difformità {f}
:: diversity, unlikeness, dissimilarity, difference
diffrangente {v}
:: present participle of diffrangere
diffrangentesi {v}
:: present participle of diffrangersi
diffrangere {vt}
:: To diffract (cause diffraction)
diffrangersi {vr}
:: To diffract (be diffracted)
diffranto {adj}
:: diffracted
diffrantosi {v}
:: past participle of diffrangersi
diffratometrico {adj}
:: diffractometric
diffratto {adj} [physics]
:: diffracted
diffrattometria {f}
:: diffractometry
diffrattometro {m}
:: diffractometer
diffrazione {f} [physics]
:: diffraction
diffrazione {f}
:: dispersion
diffusamente {adv}
:: fully, diffusely
diffusibile {adj}
:: diffusible
diffusibilità {f}
:: diffusibility
diffusionale {adj} [physics]
:: diffusional
diffusionale {adj}
:: distribution (attributive)
diffusione {f}
:: diffusion
diffusione {f}
:: circulation (of newspapers)
diffusissimo {adj}
:: superlative of diffuso
diffusività {f}
:: diffusivity
diffusivo {adj}
:: diffusive
diffuso {adj}
:: diffuse
diffuso {adj}
:: diffused, spread
diffuso {adj}
:: widespread (disease etc)
diffusore {m}
:: diffuser
diffusorio {adj}
:: diffusion (attributive))
diffusosi {v}
:: past participle of diffondersi
di fila {prep}
:: in a row
difilate {adv}
:: directly, straight
difilate {adv}
:: straightaway
difilato {adv}
:: straight
difilato {adv}
:: straight away
difluoruro {m}
:: difluoride
difluoruro d'ammonio e idrogeno {m} [inorganic compound]
:: synonym of idrogenodifluoruro d'ammonio
difluoruro di cobalto {m} [inorganic compound]
:: cobalt difluoride
difluoruro di diossigeno {m} [inorganic compound]
:: dioxygen difluoride
difluoruro di kripton {m} [inorganic compound]
:: krypton difluoride
difluoruro di ossigeno {m} [inorganic compound]
:: oxygen difluoride
difluoruro di radon {m} [inorganic compound]
:: radon difluoride
difluoruro di xeno {m} [inorganic compound]
:: xenon difluoride
di fondo {adj}
:: underlying, basic, fundamental
di fondo {adj}
:: background (attributive)
di fortuna {adj}
:: makeshift, jury (attribute), emergency (attribute), forced
di forza {adv}
:: forcefully
difosfatasi {f} [enzyme]
:: diphosphatase
difosfochinasi {f} [enzyme]
:: diphosphokinase
difosforo {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: diphosphorus
difosfotrasferasi {f} [enzyme]
:: diphosphotransferase
di frequente {adv}
:: frequently, often
di fronte {adj}
:: front, fore
di fronte {adv}
:: opposite (directly across)
di fronte {adv}
:: (with a) in front of
di fronte {adv} [figurative, by extension]
:: (with a) in the wake of; in the face of
difronte {adv} /diˈfronte/
:: alternative spelling of di fronte
difterico {adj}
:: diphtheric; diphtheria (attributive)
difterite {f} [diseases]
:: diphtheria
difteroide {adj}
:: diphtheroid
diftongo {m} /difˈtɔn.ɡo/
:: obsolete form of dittongo
di furto {adv}
:: secretly, stealthily, surreptitiously, furtively
diga {f}
:: an hydraulic barrier built for protection purposes or for the creation of a basin
diga {f} [figuratively, by extension]
:: a barrier, defense, or rampart
diga foranea {f}
:: breakwater; groyne / groin
digamma {m}
:: digamma (Greek letter)
digastrico {adj} [anatomy]
:: digastric
digastrico {m} [muscle]
:: digastric muscle, digastricus
digerente {v}
:: present participle of digerire
digerente {adj}
:: digestive
digeribile {adj}
:: digestible
digeribile {adj} [figuratively]
:: tolerable
digeribilità {f}
:: digestibility
digerire {vt}
:: to digest
digerire {vt}
:: to master, understand
digerire {vt}
:: to tolerate, stand
digestibile {adj}
:: Variant of digeribile
digestione {f}
:: digestion
digestivo {adj}
:: digestive
digestivo {m}
:: digestive
digestivo {m}
:: after dinner drink
digesto {m}
:: digest
digestore {m}
:: digester
di getto {adv}
:: with haste and immediacy, without much thought; off the cuff
digiambo {m} [poetry] /diˈd͡ʒam.bo/
:: diiambus, diiamb
Digione {prop}
:: Dijon
digitale {f}
:: foxglove
digitale {f}
:: digitalis (plant and drug)
digitale {adj}
:: digital
digitalico {m}
:: (especially in plural) digoxin, digitalin or any cardiac glycoside of similar structure
digitalico {adj}
:: digitalin (attributive)
digitalina {f}
:: digitalin
digitalizzante {v}
:: present participle of digitalizzare
digitalizzare {vt}
:: to digitize
digitalizzato {adj}
:: digitized
digitalizzatore {m}
:: digitizer
digitalizzazione {f}
:: digitization
digitalmente {adv}
:: digitally
digitante {v}
:: present participle of digitare
digitare {vt}
:: to key in, to key, to type
digitare {vt}
:: to press (a key)
digitare {vt}
:: to finger (music)
digitazione {f}
:: typing (on a keyboard)
digitazione {f}
:: fingering
digitazione {f}
:: digitation
digitiforme {adj}
:: digitiform
digitigrado {adj}
:: digitigrade
digitigrado {m}
:: digitigrade
digitopressione {f}
:: acupressure
digitossina {f}
:: digitoxin
digiunale {adj} [anatomy]
:: jejunal
digiunante {v}
:: present participle of digiunare
digiunare {vi}
:: To fast
digiunatore {m}
:: faster (person who fasts)
digiungente {v}
:: present participle of digiungere
digiungere {v}
:: obsolete form of disgiungere
digiuno {m}
:: fast, fasting
digiuno {m} [anatomy]
:: jejunum
digiuno {adj}
:: ignorant (of)
digiunoterapia {f}
:: fasting therapy
digliceride {m} [organic chemistry]
:: diglyceride
diglifo {m}
:: diglyph
dignità {f}
:: dignity
dignitaria {f}
:: female equivalent of dignitario
dignitario {m}
:: dignitary
dignitosamente {adv}
:: decently, decorously
dignitosamente {adv}
:: with dignity
dignitosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of dignitoso
dignitosissimo {adj}
:: very dignified
dignitosissimo {adj}
:: very decorous
dignitoso {adj}
:: dignified
dignitoso {adj}
:: decent, decorous
DIGOS {prop}
:: acronym of Divisione Investigazioni Generali e Operazioni Speciali (Division of General Investigations and Special Operations), an Italian law enforcement agency charged with investigating sensitive cases relating to terrorism, organized crime and capital offenses
digradando {m} [music] /di.ɡraˈdan.do/
:: synonym of diminuendo
digradante {v}
:: present participle of digradare
digradante {adj}
:: sloping
digradante {adj}
:: shading
digradare {vi}
:: To slope down or decline
digradare {vi}
:: To fade off or shade
digradazione {f}
:: downward incline
digramma {m} [linguistics]
:: digraph
di gran carriera {adv}
:: at full speed
di gran lunga {adv}
:: greatly, far and away, by a long chalk, by a long shot, by a wide margin, far and away, by far, to a long extent
digrassante {v}
:: present participle of digrassare
digrassare {vt}
:: To skim (fat from a liquid)
digrassatura {f}
:: skimming (of fat from a liquid)
digressione {f}
:: digression
digressivo {adj}
:: digressive
digrignamento {m}
:: grinding, gnashing
digrignante {v}
:: present participle of digrignare
digrignar {v}
:: apocopic form of digrignare
digrignare {vt}
:: To grind or gnash
digrossamento {m}
:: trimming; cutting (down)
digrossamento {m}
:: rough-hewing
digrossamento {m}
:: refining
digrossante {v}
:: present participle of digrossare
digrossare {vt}
:: to trim
digrossare {vt}
:: to rough-hew
digrossare {vt}
:: to polish or refine
diguazzamento {m}
:: splashing (about)
diguazzante {v}
:: present participle of diguazzare
diguazzare {vi}
:: to splash (about)
diguazzare {vi}
:: to paddle (one's feet in the sea etc)
diidrofolato {m}
:: dihydrofolate
diidrogeno {m}
:: dihydrogen
diidropiridina {f} [organic compound]
:: dihydropyridine
diidrossi {adj} [chemistry, in combnation]
:: dihydroxy
diidrossiacetone {m} [organic compound]
:: dihydroxyacetone
diidrossibenzene {m} [organic compound]
:: dihydroxybenzene
diidrossifenilalanina {f} [biochemistry]
:: dihydroxyphenylalanine
diidrotestosterone {m} [organic compound]
:: dihydrotestosterone
diidruro {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: dihydride
diisocianato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: diisocyanate
dik dik {m}
:: dik-dik, madoqua
dik dik di Salt {n}
:: Salt's dik-dik, madoqua (Madoqua saltiana)
dilacerante {v}
:: present participle of dilacerare
dilacerare {vt}
:: To tear or lacerate
dilacerazione {f}
:: alternative form of lacerazione
dilagante {v}
:: present participle of dilagare
dilagare {vi}
:: to flood
dilagare {vi} [figuratively]
:: to spread, to be rampant
dilaniante {v}
:: present participle of dilaniare
dilaniantesi {v}
:: present participle of dilaniarsi
dilaniare {vt}
:: to tear to pieces
dilaniare {vt}
:: to rip to shreds
dilaniarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dilaniare
dilaniarsi {vr}
:: to be torn to pieces
dilaniarsi {vr}
:: to be ripped to shreds
dilaniarsi {vr}
:: to worry, torture oneself
dilaniatosi {v}
:: past participle of dilaniarsi
dilapidante {v}
:: present participle of dilapidare
dilapidare {vt}
:: To dilapidate, squander, waste or dissipate
dilapidatore {m}
:: squanderer
dilapidazione {f}
:: squandering
dilapidazione {f}
:: dissipation
dilatabile {adj}
:: expandable, expansible, dilatable, expanding
dilatabilità {f}
:: expandability, expansibility
dilatamento {m}
:: dilation, expansion, enlargement
dilatante {v}
:: present participle of dilatare
dilatantesi {v}
:: present participle of dilatarsi
dilatare {vt}
:: to dilate
dilatare {vt}
:: to enlarge or make bigger
dilatarsi {vr}
:: To dilate
dilatarsi {vr}
:: To enlarge or become bigger
dilatativo {adj}
:: dilatative
dilatatore {adj}
:: dilating
dilatatore {m} [anatomy, medicine]
:: dilator
dilatatore della narice {m} [muscle]
:: dilator nasis
dilatatorio {adj}
:: dilative, dilating
dilatatosi {v}
:: past participle of dilatarsi
dilatazione {f}
:: dilation
dilatazione {f}
:: expansion
di lato {n}
:: edge-on
dilatometria {f}
:: dilatometry
dilatometro {m}
:: dilatometer
dilatone {m} [physics]
:: dilaton
dilatorio {adj}
:: dilatory
dilavamento {m}
:: washing off, washing out, washing away
dilavante {v}
:: present participle of dilavare
dilavare {vt}
:: To wash away
dilavazione {f}
:: washing off
dilazionabile {adj}
:: That can be postponed; postponable
dilazionabile {adj}
:: extendible, extendable
dilazionante {v}
:: present participle of dilazionare
dilazionare {vt}
:: To defer
dilazionatorio {adj}
:: dilatory
dilazione {f}
:: deferment
dilazione {f}
:: grace (relief period for a debtor)
dileggiabile {adj}
:: mockable
dileggiante {v}
:: present participle of dileggiare
dileggiare {vt}
:: To frolic, mock or scoff at
dileggiatore {m}
:: mocker, scoffer
dileggiatorio {adj}
:: mocking
dileggio {m}
:: mockery, derision
dileguante {v}
:: present participle of dileguare
dileguantesi {v}
:: present participle of dileguarsi
dileguare {vt}
:: To dispel or disperse
dileguarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dileguare
dileguarsi {vr}
:: to disperse
dileguarsi {vr}
:: to disappear
dileguatosi {v}
:: past participle of dileguarsi
dilemma {m}
:: dilemma [between two alternatives]
dilemmatico {adj}
:: dilemmatic
diletta {f}
:: beloved, loved one
Diletta {prop}
:: given name
dilettabile {adj}
:: delightful, delectable
dilettabilità {f}
:: delightfulness
dilettante {mf}
:: amateur
dilettante {mf}
:: dilettante
dilettante {adj}
:: amateur
dilettantescamente {adv}
:: amateurishly
dilettantesco {adj}
:: amateurish, amateur (attributive)
dilettantesi {v}
:: present participle of dilettarsi
dilettantismo {m}
:: amateurism
dilettantisticamente {adv}
:: amateurishly
dilettantistico {adj}
:: amateurish, amateur (attributive)
dilettare {vt}
:: to please, to delight
dilettarsi {vr}
:: to delight, love or enjoy
dilettarsi {vr}
:: to dabble
dilettatosi {v}
:: past participle of dilettarsi
dilettazione {f} /di.let.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: delight, pleasure
dilettevole {adj}
:: delightful
dilettevolmente {adv}
:: delightfully
diletto {adj}
:: beloved
diletto {m}
:: beloved, loved one
diletto {m}
:: pleasure, delight
diletto {m}
:: hobby
dilettosamente {adv}
:: pleasantly
dilettosamente {adv}
:: delectably
dilettoso {adj}
:: pleasant
dilettoso {adj}
:: delectable
dilezione {f} /di.letˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: dilection
di lì a poco {adv}
:: soon afterwards, shortly after, some time later
dilicato {adj}
:: delicate (Variant of: delicato)
diligente {adj} /di.liˈd͡ʒɛn.te/
:: diligent, hard-working
diligentemente {adv}
:: diligently
diligentissimo {adj}
:: superlative of diligente
diligentissimo {adj}
:: very diligent or careful
diligentissimo {adj}
:: very hard-working
diligenza {f}
:: diligence
diligenza {f}
:: stagecoach
diligere {vt}
:: to respect
diliscante {v}
:: present participle of diliscare
diliscare {vt}
:: To bone or fillet (a fish)
dilitio {m}
:: dilithium
dilogia {f}
:: dilogy (all senses)
Di Lorenzo {prop}
:: surname
dilucidante {v}
:: present participle of dilucidare
dilucidare {vt}
:: alternative form of delucidare
dilucidazione {f}
:: Variant of delucidazione
diluente {v}
:: present participle of diluire
diluente {adj}
:: diluent
diluente {m}
:: diluent
diluibile {adj}
:: dilutable
diluire {vt}
:: to dilute
diluire {vt}
:: to thin (with a solvent)
diluire {vt}
:: to dissolve
diluito {adj}
:: diluted
diluito {adj}
:: thin (thinned with solvent)
diluito {adj}
:: weak (diluted liquid)
diluizione {f}
:: dilution
diluizione {f}
:: thinning
diluizione {f}
:: dissolving
di lunga data {adj}
:: synonym of di vecchia data
di lunga data {adj}
:: synonym of di lunga durata
di lunga durata {adj}
:: synonym of di vecchia data
dilungante {v}
:: present participle of dilungare
dilungantesi {v}
:: present participle of dilungarsi
dilungare {vt} [archaic]
:: to extend or stretch out
dilungare {vt} [rare]
:: to defer
dilungare {vt} [literary]
:: to distance
dilungarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dilungare
dilungarsi {v}
:: to speak at length
dilungarsi {v} [rare]
:: to be extended or to stretch out
dilungarsi {v} [literary]
:: to distance oneself
dilungatosi {v}
:: past participle of dilungarsi
dilungazione {f} [obsolete]
:: removal
diluviale {adj}
:: diluvial
diluviare {vi} [impersonal]
:: to pour (also figurative), to rain cats and dogs, to bucket, to downpour
diluvio {m} /diˈlu.vjo/
:: deluge, downpour
diluvio {m} [uncommon]
:: flood
diluvio {m} [geology]
:: synonym of diluvium
diluvio {m} [hunting]
:: A large net used to capture birds
diluvio universale {prop} {m} [biblical]
:: the Flood, the Deluge
diluvium {m} [geology] /diˈlu.vjum/
:: diluvium
diluvium {m} [geology]
:: synonym of pleistocene
diluzione {f}
:: Variant of diluizione
dima {f}
:: template
Di Maggio {prop}
:: surname
dimagramento {m}
:: synonym of dimagrimento
dimagrante {v}
:: present participle of dimagrare
dimagrante {adj}
:: slimming
dimagrare {vi}
:: alternative spelling of dimagrire
dimagrare {vi}
:: To become poor
dimagrare {vt}
:: To impoverish
dimagrazione {f}
:: weight loss; slimming
dimagrente {v}
:: present participle of dimagrire
dimagrimento {m}
:: weight loss, loss of weight
dimagrimento {m}
:: slimming
dimagrire {vi}
:: to lose weight, to slim, to grow thin
Di Maio {prop}
:: surname
di malavoglia {adv}
:: unwillingly, reluctantly, grudgingly, petulantly
di malavoglia {adv}
:: In an unwilling or uncooperative manner
di malavoglia {adv}
:: In a manner expressing irritation or annoyance
di malavoglia {adv}
:: In a manner expressing resentment or lack of desire
di malavoglia {adv}
:: In a reluctant or hesitant manner
di male in peggio {adv}
:: from bad to worst
dimandante {v}
:: present participle of dimandare
dimandar {v}
:: apocopic form of dimandare
dimando {m} [archaic] /diˈmando/
:: inquiry, interrogation, question
dimando {m} [archaic]
:: plea, entreaty, request
dimane {f} /diˈmane/
:: obsolete form of domani
Di Marco {prop}
:: surname
Di Martino {prop}
:: surname
di massa {adj}
:: mass (attributive)
dimenamento {m}
:: wagging
dimenamento {m}
:: tossing about
dimenamento {m}
:: wriggling
dimenante {v}
:: present participle of dimenare
dimenantesi {v}
:: present participle of dimenarsi
dimenare {vt}
:: to shake [especially a body part] here and there; to wave; to wiggle
dimenare {vt}
:: to wag [the tail]
dimenarsi {vi}
:: reflexive of dimenare
dimenarsi {vi}
:: to squirm; to writhe
dimenatosi {v}
:: past participle of dimenarsi
dimenio {m}
:: waving (the arms etc)
dimenio {m}
:: wagging
dimenio {m}
:: fidgeting; tossing about
dimensionale {adj}
:: dimensional
dimensionalità {f}
:: dimensionality
dimensionalmente {adv}
:: dimensionally
dimensionamento {m}
:: dimensioning, sizing
dimensionante {v}
:: present participle of dimensionare
dimensionare {vt}
:: To set or change the dimension, to dimension, to shape
dimensionato {adj}
:: dimensioned
dimensione {f} [mathematics]
:: dimension
dimensione {f}
:: measurement, dimension
dimensione {f}
:: size, scale, proportion
dimenticabile {adj}
:: forgettable
dimenticante {v}
:: present participle of dimenticare
dimenticantesi {v}
:: present participle of dimenticarsi
dimenticanza {f}
:: oversight, omission
dimenticanza {f}
:: forgetfulness
dimenticar {v}
:: apocopic form of dimenticare
dimenticare {vt}
:: to forget
dimenticarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dimenticare
dimenticarsi {vr}
:: to forget
dimenticato {adj}
:: forgotten
dimenticato {adj}
:: godforsaken
dimenticato da dio {adj}
:: god-forsaken/godforsaken
dimenticato da Dio {adj}
:: alternative spelling of dimenticato da dio
dimenticatoio {m} [jocular]
:: oblivion
dimenticatosi {v}
:: past participle of dimenticarsi
dimentico {adj}
:: forgetful (of)
dimentico {adj}
:: oblivious or unmindful (of)
dimerico {adj}
:: dimeric
dimerizzante {v}
:: present participle of dimerizzare
dimerizzare {v}
:: to dimerize
dimerizzazione {f} [chemistry]
:: dimerization
dimero {adj} [botany]
:: dimerous
dimero {m} [chemistry]
:: dimer
dimessamente {adv}
:: humbly
dimessamente {adv}
:: modestly
dimessamente {adv}
:: shabbily
dimesso {adj}
:: modest, unassuming
dimesso {adj}
:: humble
dimessosi {v}
:: past participle of dimettersi
dimestichezza {f}
:: familiarity
dimeticone {m}
:: dimethicone
dimetilacetammide {f} [organic compound]
:: dimethylacetamide
dimetilammina {f} [organic compound]
:: dimethylamine
dimetilato {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: dimethylated
dimetilazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: dimethylation
dimetilformammide {f} [organic compound]
:: dimethylformamide
dimetilmercurio {m} [organic compound]
:: dimethylmercury
dimetilsilossano {m} [organic compound]
:: dimethylsiloxane
dimetilsolfossido {m} [organic compound]
:: dimethylsulphoxide
dimetilsolfuro {m} [organic compound]
:: dimethyl sulfide
dimetrico {adj}
:: dimetric
dimetro {m}
:: dimeter
dimetrodonte {m} [dinosaurs]
:: dimetrodon
dimettente {v}
:: present participle of dimettere
dimettentesi {v}
:: present participle of dimettersi
dimettere {vt}
:: to discharge, to release
dimettere {vt}
:: to remove, to dismiss
dimettersi {vr}
:: to resign, to step down
dimezzamento {m}
:: halving
dimezzante {v}
:: present participle of dimezzare
dimezzare {vt}
:: To cut in half; to halve
di mezzo {adj}
:: middle, central
diminuendo {m} [arithmetics] /di.mi.nuˈɛn.do/
:: synonym of minuendo
diminuendo {m} [music]
:: diminuendo
diminuente {v}
:: present participle of diminuire
diminuibile {adj}
:: That can diminished; diminishable
diminuire {vt} /diminuˈire/
:: to diminish, decrease, cut, lower
diminuire {vi}
:: to fall, go down, diminish, decrease
diminutivo {m}
:: diminutive (grammar)
diminutivo {adj}
:: diminutive (serving to diminish)
diminutore {m} [mathematics]
:: subtrahend
diminuzione {f}
:: diminution, decrease, drop, loss, reduction
dimissionante {v}
:: present participle of dimissionare
dimissionare {vt}
:: To dismiss (a legal case etc)
dimissionario {adj}
:: outgoing, resigning
dimissione {f}
:: discharge (from hospital)
dimissione {f} [in the plural]
:: resignation
dimissorio {adj}
:: dimissory
di misura {adv}
:: See: it di misura
di misura {adv}
:: closely, narrowly
dimittico {adj}
:: dimictic
dimli {m}
:: Zazaki (language)
dimmi con chi vai e ti dirò chi sei {proverb}
:: a man is known by the company he keeps
di moda {adj}
:: fashionable
di modo che {conj}
:: so that
dimora {f}
:: residence, abode
dimorante {v}
:: present participle of dimorare
dimorante {adj}
:: staying (usually used to describe temporary immigrants)
dimorare {vi}
:: to dwell (all senses)
dimorare {vi}
:: to stay
dimorare {vi}
:: to belong
dimorfico {adj}
:: dimorphic
dimorfismo {m}
:: dimorphism
dimorfo {adj} [biology, chemistry]
:: dimorphic, dimorphous
dimostrabile {adj}
:: demonstrable
dimostrabilità {f}
:: demonstrability
dimostrante {mf}
:: demonstrator
dimostrantesi {v}
:: present participle of dimostrarsi
dimostrare {vt}
:: to show, to display, to manifest, to demonstrate, to look, to appear, to evince
dimostrare {vt}
:: to prove, to show, to establish, to demonstrate
dimostrarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dimostrare
dimostrarsi {vr}
:: to prove (to be)
dimostrativamente {adv}
:: demonstratively
dimostrativo {n}
:: demonstrative
dimostratore {m}
:: demonstrator
dimostratosi {v}
:: past participle of dimostrarsi
dimostratrice {f}
:: female equivalent of dimostratore
dimostrazione {f}
:: demonstration
Di Moze {prop}
:: surname
d'impegno {adv}
:: with commitment and effort; hard (with much effort)
d'improvviso {adv}
:: suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, out of the blue
d'impulso {adv}
:: impulsively, on impulse
dimungente {v}
:: present participle of dimungere
dimungere {v}
:: obsolete form of smungere
dina {f}
:: dyne
Dina {prop}
:: given name (derived from the diminutives, evolved to be a separate name independent of dimunition)
Dina {prop}
:: given name
dinamica {f}
:: dynamics
dinamicamente {adv}
:: dynamically
dinamicità {f}
:: dynamicity (condition of being dynamic)
dinamico {adj} /diˈna.mi.ko/
:: dynamic
dinamico {adj}
:: energetic, high-energy
dinamina {f} [protein]
:: dynamin
dinamismo {m}
:: dynamism
dinamitardo {adj}
:: dynamite (attributive)
dinamitardo {m}
:: dynamiter
dinamite {f}
:: dynamite
dinamitificio {m}
:: dynamite factory
dinamizzante {v}
:: present participle of dinamizzare
dinamizzare {vt}
:: to dynamize
dinamizzato {adj}
:: dynamized
dinamizzazione {f}
:: dynamization
dinamo {f} [engineering, electricity]
:: dynamo, dynamo-electric machine
dinamoelettrico {adj}
:: dynamoelectric
dinamogetto {m}
:: ramjet
dinamometrico {adj}
:: dynamometric
dinamometro {m}
:: Any device for measuring force
dinamometro {m}
:: dynamometer
dinanzi {adj}
:: front
dinanzi {adj}
:: previous
dinanzi {adv}
:: at the front; in front
dinanzi {adv}
:: forward, onward, on
dinanzi {prep}
:: in front of
dinanzi {prep}
:: opposite
dinanzi {prep}
:: before
dinaro {m}
:: dinar
di nascosto {adv}
:: secretly, in secret, covertly, furtively
dinasta {m}
:: dynast
dinastia {f}
:: dynasty, house
dinasticamente {adv}
:: dynastically
dinastico {adj}
:: dynastic
dindi {m} [colloquial]
:: money
dindirindina {f}
:: only in per dindirindina
dindo {m}
:: turkey
di necessità virtù {proverb}
:: synonym of il bisogno aguzza l'ingegno
dinegazione {f}
:: alternative form of denegazione
dineina {f} [protein]
:: dynein
dingo {m}
:: dingo
di nicchia {adj}
:: marginal; secondary
di nicchia {adj}
:: niche
diniego {m}
:: denial, refusal
dinitrammide {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: dinitramide
dinitrofenilidrazina {f} [organic compound]
:: dinitrophenylhydrazine
dinitrofenilidrazone {m} [organic compound]
:: dinitrophenylhydrazone
dinitrofenolo {m} [organic compound]
:: dinitrophenol
dinnanzi {adv}
:: alternative form of dinanzi
Dino {prop} /ˈdi.no/
:: given name (derived from the abbreviated diminutives as its own form, independent of original diminution)
Dino {prop}
:: given name; clipping of Bernardino
Dino {prop}
:: given name; clipping of Bernardino
Dino {prop}
:: given name; clipping of Alfredino
Dino {prop}
:: given name; clipping of Alfredino
dinoccante {v}
:: present participle of dinoccare
dinoccare {v}
:: to dislocate
dinoccare {v}
:: to sprain
dinoccolante {v}
:: present participle of dinoccolare
dinoccolare {vt} [obsolete or rare] /di.nok.koˈla.re/
:: to dislocate
dinoccolare {vt} [obsolete or rare]
:: to sprain
dinoccolatamente {adv}
:: in a shambling manner
dinoccolatamente {adv}
:: lankily
dinoccolato {adj}
:: shambling, lanky
dinocerate {m}
:: dinoceratan
dinoflagellata {f}
:: dinoflagellate
dinoflagellato {m}
:: alternative form of dinoflagellata
di norma {adv}
:: usually, normally, as a rule
dinosauro {m}
:: dinosaur
di notte {adv}
:: at night, by night
di notte {adj}
:: night (attributive)
di notte tutti i gatti sono bigi {proverb}
:: all cats are grey in the dark
di notte tutti i gatti sono grigi {proverb}
:: alternative form of di notte tutti i gatti sono bigi
dintorno {adv}
:: round, around, about, round about
dintorno {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: outskirts
dintorno {m}
:: vicinity, neighbourhood
di nulla {interj}
:: you're welcome, don't mention it, no problem
dinumerare {v} [archaic] /di.nu.meˈra.re/
:: to enumerate, to count
di nuovo {adv}
:: again, anew
di nuovo {interj}
:: goodbye
D'Inzeo {prop}
:: surname
D'Inzeo {prop}
:: Raimondo D'Inzeo, Italian athlete
dio {m} /ˈdi.o/
:: god, deity
dio {m} [colloquial]
:: one who is remarkably skilled in something; ace, crackerjack, wiz
dio {adj} [obsolete, poetic]
:: bright, resplendent, shining (in a divine fashion)
Dio {prop} [Christianity] /ˈdi.o/
:: God
Dio ce la mandi buona {phrase}
:: let's hope for the best, hope against hope
diocesano {adj}
:: diocesan
diocesi {f} [religion] /diˈɔ.t͡ʃe.zi/
:: diocese
Diocleziano {prop}
:: Diocletian
diodo {m} [physics, electronics]
:: diode
diofanteo {adj} [mathematics]
:: diophantine
diofantino {adj} [mathematics]
:: diophantine
Diofanto {prop}
:: Diophantus
Diogene {prop}
:: Diogenes
Dïogenès {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Diogene
dioico {adj} [botany]
:: dioicus
dio li fa e poi li accoppia {proverb}
:: birds of a feather flock together
diolo {m} [organic chemistry]
:: diol
Diomede {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Diomedes
Dïomede {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Diomede
Diomira {prop}
:: given name
Dione {prop} [Greek god]
:: Dione
Dione {prop} [astronomy]
:: A moon of Saturn
dionea {f}
:: Venus flytrap (of genus Dionaea)
Dionigi {prop}
:: Dionysius
Dionigi {prop}
:: given name
Dionisia {prop}
:: given name
dionisiaco {adj} /djo.niˈzi.a.ko/
:: Dionysian
Dionisio {prop}
:: given name
Dïonisio {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Dioniso
dionisismo {m}
:: Dionysism
Dioniso {prop} [Greek god]
:: Dionysus
diopside {f} [mineral]
:: diopside
diorama {m} [arts]
:: diorama
diorite {f} [rock]
:: diorite
Dioscoride {prop}
:: Dioscorides
dioscuro {m}
:: Either of the twins Castor and Pollux
dioscuro {m}
:: (especially in plural) An inseparable couple
diospiro {m} [regional] /diˈɔspiro/
:: synonym of cachi
diossido {m}
:: dioxide
diossido di azoto {m} [inorganic compound]
:: nitrogen dioxide
diossido di carbonio {m} [inorganic compound]
:: carbon dioxide
diossido di zolfo {m} [inorganic compound]
:: sulfur dioxide
diossina {f} [organic chemistry]
:: dioxin
diottra {f}
:: diopter
diottria {f} [physics]
:: dioptre / diopter
diottrica {f}
:: dioptrics
diottrico {adj}
:: dioptric
dipanante {v}
:: present participle of dipanare
dipanantesi {v}
:: present participle of dipanarsi
dipanare {vt}
:: To unravel or disentangle
dipanarsi {vr}
:: To unravel
dipanatoio {m}
:: synonym of arcolaio
dipanatosi {v}
:: past participle of dipanarsi
dipanatura {f}
:: winding (up)
Di Paolo {prop}
:: surname
di parata {adj}
:: synonym of da parata
di pari passo {adv}
:: abreast (side by side)
di pari passo {adv} [figuratively]
:: abreast (parallel to)
dipartente {v}
:: present participle of dipartire
dipartentesi {v}
:: present participle of dipartirsi
dipartimentale {adj}
:: departmental
dipartimento {m}
:: department, district
dipartir {v}
:: apocopic form of dipartire
dipartire {vi}
:: to leave or depart
dipartire {vt}
:: to divide or separate
dipartirsi {v}
:: reflexive of dipartire
dipartirsi {vr}
:: to depart, go away
dipartirsi {vr}
:: to branch off
dipartirsi {vr}
:: to stray, wander
dipartirsi {vr}
:: to die, pass away
dipartita {f}
:: death
dipartita {f}
:: departure
dipartitosi {v}
:: past participle of dipartirsi
Di Pasquale {prop}
:: surname
dipelante {v}
:: present participle of dipelare
dipelare {v}
:: To peel
dipelare {v}
:: To skin
dipendente {adj}
:: subordinate
dipendente {adj}
:: addicted
dipendente {mf}
:: employee
dipendente {f} [grammar]
:: subordinate clause
dipendente {v}
:: present participle of dipendere
dipendentemente {adv}
:: subordinately
dipendenza {f}
:: dependency, dependence
dipendere {vi} [usually followed by da]
:: to depend (on something), to be up to (someone), to hang (on), to come from, to be due to
dipendere {vi} [usually followed by da]
:: to be dependent on, to depend on, to rely on
dipendere {vi} [usually followed by da]
:: to be under the authority of, to come under, to come under the control of, to be employed by
dipendere {vi} [usually followed by da, grammar]
:: to depend (on)
dipeptide {m} [organic chemistry]
:: dipeptide
di per sé {prep}
:: in itself
di persona {adv}
:: personally, oneself
di peso {adv}
:: See: it di peso
di peso {adv}
:: with a single, forceful pull up
di peso {adj}
:: relevant, important, salient
di peso {adj}
:: (with a) annoying
di petto {adv}
:: head on
Diphda {prop}
:: Diphda, the brightest star in the constellation of Cetus
dipietrismo {m}
:: an action or policy of Antonio Di Pietro
dipietrista {mf}
:: a follower of Antonio Di Pietro, or an advocate of his policies
Di Pietro {prop}
:: surname
dipingente {v}
:: present participle of dipingere
dipingentesi {v}
:: present participle of dipingersi
dipingere {vt}
:: to paint, to colour
dipingere {vt} [by extension]
:: to describe, to depict
dipingersi {v}
:: reflexive of dipingere
dipingersi {vr}
:: to make oneself up
dipingersi {vr}
:: to appear, show [as the emotions show on one's face]
dipinto {adj}
:: painted
dipinto {m}
:: a picture or painting
dipinto {v}
:: past participle of dipingere
dipintore {m} [archaic] /di.pinˈto.re/
:: painter [male]
dipintosi {v}
:: past participle of dipingersi
dipintrice {f} [archaic] /di.pinˈtri.t͡ʃe/
:: feminine noun of dipintore
diplo- {prefix}
:: diplo-
diploblastico {adj} [embryology] /di.ploˈblas.ti.ko/
:: synonym of diblastico
diplococco {m} [microbiology]
:: diplococcus
diplofonia {f} [music]
:: diplophonia
diploide {adj} [genetics]
:: diploid
diploidia {f} [genetics]
:: diploidy
diploma {m}
:: diploma
diplomante {v}
:: present participle of diplomare
diplomantesi {v}
:: present participle of diplomarsi
diplomare {vt}
:: to award or give a diploma to, to graduate
diplomarsi {vr}
:: To get or obtain a diploma, to graduate
diplomata {f}
:: The holder of a diploma (female)
diplomatica {f}
:: diplomat (female)
diplomatica {f}
:: diplomatics
diplomaticamente {adv}
:: diplomatically
diplomatico {adj} /dip.loˈma.ti.ko/
:: diplomatic
diplomatico {adj} [figuratively]
:: tactful, diplomatic
diplomatico {m}
:: diplomat
diplomatico {m}
:: attaché
diplomato {adj}
:: qualified (especially as the result of a paper qualification)
diplomato {adj} [Education]
:: graduated
diplomato {m}
:: The holder of a diploma
diplomato {m}
:: school-leaver (a recently graduated high school student)
diplomatosi {v}
:: past participle of diplomarsi
diplomazia {f}
:: diplomacy
diplomazia {f}
:: tact, diplomacy
diplomificio {m}
:: diploma mill
diplopia {f} [pathology]
:: diplopia
dipnoo {m}
:: dipnoan, lungfish
dipo {m}
:: jerboa
di poco {adv}
:: slightly, just, by a small margin, by a little
di poco {adv}
:: by a few days
dipodia {f}
:: dipody
dipolare {adj}
:: dipolar
dipolo {m}
:: dipole
diponente {v}
:: present participle of diporre
diporre {vt}
:: Variant of deporre
diportismo {m} [nautical]
:: yachting (sailing for pleasure)
diportista {mf}
:: yachtsman, yachtswoman
diporto {m}
:: pleasure, enjoyment
di preferenza {adv}
:: preferably, mostly, rather, sooner, more willingly
dipresso {m}
:: only in a un dipresso
di prima {adj}
:: previous, former
di prima mano {adv}
:: new, recent
di prima mano {adv}
:: at firsthand, firsthand
di prima mano {adv}
:: straight from the horse's mouth
di prim'ordine {adv} [colloquial]
:: spanking An intensifier
di prim'ordine {adj}
:: crackerjack, tiptop
di primordine {adj}
:: alternative form of di prim'ordine
di proposito {adv}
:: seriously, with commitment
di proposito {adv}
:: on purpose, designedly, deliberately
di prospetto {adv}
:: in front
di prospetto {adv}
:: from the front
di prospetto {adj}
:: of/from the front
dipsia {f}
:: thirst
dipsomane {mf} /dipˈsɔ.ma.ne/
:: dipsomaniac
dipsomania {f} /dip.so.maˈni.a/
:: dipsomania
diptero {adj}
:: dipteral
di punta {adj} [idiom]
:: leading, foremost
di punto in bianco {adv} [idiom]
:: abruptly, suddenly, out of the blue
di punto in bianco {adv} [idiom]
:: cold turkey
di quando in quando {adv}
:: sometimes, at times
dir {v}
:: apocopic form of dire
diradamento {m}
:: thinning out, thinning
diradamento {m}
:: clearing
diradamento {m}
:: reduction
diradantesi {v}
:: present participle of diradarsi
diradare {vt}
:: To reduce
diradare {vt}
:: To thin out
diradare {vt}
:: To disperse, to dissipate; to scatter, to clear
diradarsi {v}
:: reflexive of diradare
diradarsi {v}
:: to thin out, clear, disperse, scatter
diradarsi {v}
:: to become less frequent
diradatosi {v}
:: past participle of diradarsi
di rado {adv}
:: seldom, rarely, not frequently
diramante {v}
:: present participle of diramare
diramantesi {v}
:: present participle of diramarsi
diramare {vt}
:: to issue, to put out, to release
diramare {vt}
:: to broadcast
diramare {vt} [rare]
:: to bring
diramarsi {v}
:: reflexive of diramare
diramarsi {vr}
:: to branch (arrive from the trunk, produce branches)
diramarsi {vr} [figuratively, by extension]
:: to branch out
diramarsi {vr} [rare, also, figuratively]
:: [of people] to go separate ways
diramarsi {vr}
:: [of news, an idea, etc.] to spread; to propagate
diramatore {m}
:: issuer
diramatore {m}
:: pruner
diramatosi {v}
:: past participle of diramarsi
diramatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of diramatore
diramatura {f}
:: pruning or lopping of a tree
diramazione {f}
:: issuing (of an order etc)
diramazione {f}
:: circulation (of a notice etc)
diramazione {f}
:: fork, crotch, branch, offshoot or spur
diraspare {vt} /di.rasˈpa.re/
:: To destalk (grapes)
diraspatrice {f} /di.ras.paˈtri.t͡ʃe/
:: A machine that separates individual grapes prior to pressing
dire {vit} /ˈdi.re/
:: to say, tell
dire {vit}
:: to recite
dire {vit}
:: to mean
dire {vit}
:: to think
dire {vit}
:: to admit
di recente {adv}
:: recently, lately, of late
direggente {v}
:: present participle of direggere
direggere {v}
:: obsolete form of dirigere
di regola {adv}
:: regularly, typically, normally
dire in tutte le salse {v} [idiomatic]
:: to tell in every possible way
dire la propria {v}
:: to express one's opinions
dire peste e corna {v}
:: to backbite
direpzione {f} [obsolete]
:: plunder, robbery
direttamente {adv}
:: directly
direttamente {adv}
:: straight, direct
direttamente {adv}
:: personally
direttamente dalla fonte {interj}
:: synonym of di prima mano
direttissima {f}
:: Most direct route
direttissimo {adj}
:: superlative of diretto
direttissimo {m}
:: through train, express train (synonym of treno direttissimo) (express, or non-stop)
direttiva {f}
:: directive, instruction
direttività {f} [physics]
:: directivity
direttivo {adj}
:: directorial
diretto {adj}
:: direct, straight, immediate
diretto {adj}
:: addressed, intended
diretto {adj}
:: on one's way, going to, bound for
diretto {adj}
:: turned, facing, -ward
diretto {adv}
:: direct, straight
diretto {m}
:: through train
diretto {m} [boxing]
:: straight
direttora {f}
:: Variant of direttrice
direttore {m}
:: manager, director
direttore {m}
:: [of a newspaper etc.] editor
direttore {m} [music, of an orchestra]
:: conductor
direttore {m}
:: [of a school] headmaster, head, principal, master, warden
direttore {m}
:: [of a prison] governor, warden
direttore d'orchestra {m} [music]
:: conductor (of an orchestra)
direttore sportivo {m}
:: directeur sportif
direttoriale {adj}
:: directorial
direttorio {m}
:: board of directors
direttosi {v}
:: past participle of dirigersi
direttrice {f}
:: female equivalent of direttore
direzionabile {adj}
:: adjustable
direzionale {adj}
:: directional
direzionalità {f}
:: directionality
direzionamento {m}
:: direction, routing
direzionante {v}
:: present participle of direzionare
direzionantesi {v}
:: present participle of direzionarsi
direzionare {vt}
:: To point in a particular direction
direzionarsi {vr}
:: To point in a particular direction
direzionatosi {v}
:: past participle of direzionarsi
direzione {f} /diretˈtsjone/
:: direction, way, course
direzione {f}
:: direction, management, supervision, leadership, control
direzione {f}
:: administrative department, manager's office, head office
direzione {f} [music]
:: conductorship, (fig.) baton
direzione di marcia {f}
:: alternative form of senso di marcia
di riffa {adv}
:: overbearingly, arrogantly
di riffa {adv}
:: overwhelmingly
di riffa o di raffa {adv}
:: at all costs, at any cost
di riffa o di raffa {adv}
:: willing or not; whether one likes it or not
di riffa o di raffa {adv}
:: necessarily
dirigente {adj}
:: leading, ruling
dirigente {adj}
:: managerial, executive
dirigente {m}
:: manager, executive
dirigente {m}
:: leader
dirigentesi {v}
:: present participle of dirigersi
dirigenza {f}
:: management (of a firm)
dirigenza {f}
:: leadership (of a political party)
dirigenziale {adj}
:: managerial
dirigere {vt} /diˈridʒere/
:: to address (a letter etc.)
dirigere {vt}
:: to run, manage or direct
dirigere {vt}
:: to lead
dirigere {vt}
:: to conduct (an orchestra)
dirigersi {v}
:: reflexive of dirigere
dirigersi {vr}
:: to set out, go towards, make for, head for
dirigersi {vr}
:: to turn to
dirigibile {adj}
:: steerable
dirigibile {m}
:: airship, dirigible
dirigibilista {mf}
:: airship pilot or crewmember
dirigismo {m}
:: dirigisme
dirigista {adj}
:: dirigiste, dirigist
dirigista {mf}
:: dirigist
dirigistico {adj}
:: dirigiste, dirigist
di rilievo {adj} [idiom]
:: prominent, important
Dirillo {prop}
:: Dirillo (river)
di rimando {adv}
:: in response, in reply; back
dirimente {v}
:: present participle of dirimere
dirimere {vt}
:: to cut short
dirimere {vt}
:: to sort out
dirimere {vt}
:: [figuratively] to dispel
dirimpettaia {f}
:: female equivalent of dirimpettaio
dirimpettaio {m}
:: A neighbour living in the opposite house
dirimpetto {adv}
:: opposite
dirimpetto {prep}
:: opposite
dirimpetto {adj}
:: opposite
di ripiego {adj}
:: fallback
dirittamente {adv}
:: directly
diritti animali {m}
:: alternative form of diritti degli animali
diritti civili {m}
:: civil rights
diritti degli animali {m}
:: animal rights
diritti dell'uomo {mp} [plural only]
:: human rights
diritti umani {mp}
:: human rights
diritto {adj}
:: straight, direct
diritto {adj}
:: upright, erect, straight
diritto {adj}
:: right, right-hand
diritto {adj} [knitting]
:: plain, knit
diritto {adj}
:: right (legal or moral entitlement)
diritto {adv}
:: straight
diritto {m}
:: right side
diritto {m} [knitting]
:: plain stitch, knit stitch
diritto {m} [tennis]
:: forehand
diritto {m}
:: right
diritto {m}
:: law
diritto {m}
:: forehand
diritto civile {m} [legal]
:: civil law
diritto d'autore {m} /di.ritː.i .da.uˈto.re/
:: copyright
diritto di nascita {m}
:: birthright
diritto di riscatto {m} [law]
:: a seller's right under a refund agreement to regain a sold good after having refunded its price
diritto penale {m} [legal]
:: criminal law
diritto pubblico {m} [legal]
:: public law
dirittura {f}
:: straight (road)
dirittura {f}
:: rectitude
dirizzone {m}
:: only in prendere un dirizzone
dirne quattro {v}
:: Variant of esprimere il proprio disappunto
dirne quattro {v}
:: Variant of cazziare
dirne quattro {v}
:: Variant of rabbuffare
diro {adj} [literary]
:: dire, terrible
diroccamento {m}
:: demolition
diroccamento {m}
:: dismantlement
diroccante {v}
:: present participle of diroccare
diroccare {vt}
:: To demolish, dismantle or raze
diroccato {adj}
:: ruined
dirompente {adj} /di.romˈpɛn.te/
:: explosive
dirompente {adj}
:: disruptive
dirompente {v}
:: present participle of dirompere
dirompenza {f}
:: disruptiveness
dirompere {vt}
:: To break or wear out
dirompere {vi}
:: To erupt (uses essere)
dirottamente {adv}
:: copiously, abundantly
dirottamente {adv}
:: uncontrollably (crying)
dirottamente {adv}
:: heavily (raining)
dirottamento {m}
:: hijack, hijacking
dirottante {v}
:: present participle of dirottare
dirottare {vt}
:: To divert
dirottare {vt}
:: To hijack or commandeer
dirottare {vi}
:: To change course
dirottatore {m}
:: hijacker
dirotto {adj}
:: diverted
dirotto {adj}
:: burst
di rovescio {adv}
:: in the direction opposite to normal
dirozzamento {m}
:: rough-hewing
dirozzamento {m}
:: polishing, refining
dirozzante {v}
:: present participle of dirozzare
dirozzantesi {v}
:: present participle of dirozzarsi
dirozzare {vt}
:: To rough-hew
dirozzare {vt}
:: To refine or polish
dirozzarsi {vr}
:: To become more refined, to improve one's manners
dirozzatosi {v}
:: past participle of dirozzarsi
dirsi {v}
:: reflexive of dire
dirsi {vr}
:: to say to oneself, to each other
dirsi {vr}
:: to call oneself
dirugginire {vt}
:: To grind (one's teeth) in pain or in anger
dirugginire {vt}
:: to gnash
di ruolo {adj} [of tenure etc]
:: permanent
dirupante {v}
:: present participle of dirupare
dirupare {vi}
:: To fall headlong
dirupato {adj}
:: steep, precipitous
dirupo {m}
:: cliff, crag, precipice
diruto {adj}
:: ruined
diruttore {m}
:: spoiler (aerofoil)
dis- {prefix}
:: dis-
disabile {adj}
:: disabled, handicapped
disabile {mf}
:: A disabled or handicapped person
disabilità {f}
:: disability
disabilitante {v}
:: present participle of disabilitare
disabilitare {vt}
:: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
disabilitato {adj}
:: disabled
disabilitazione {f}
:: disabling (of a function)
disabitato {adj}
:: uninhabited
disabituante {v}
:: present participle of disabituare
disabituantesi {v}
:: present participle of disabituarsi
disabituare {vt}
:: to render unaccustomed, wean or make unused to
disabituarsi {vr}
:: To lose a habit, to become unused, to give up
disabituatosi {v}
:: past participle of disabituarsi
disaccaride {m} [biochemistry, organic chemistry]
:: disaccharide
disaccentante {v}
:: present participle of disaccentare
disaccentare {vt} [music]
:: to remove the tonic accent from a note
disaccoppiamento {m}
:: uncoupling, decoupling
disaccoppiante {v}
:: present participle of disaccoppiare
disaccoppiante {adj} [genetics]
:: mispaired
disaccoppiare {vt}
:: To uncouple or decouple
disaccordante {v}
:: present participle of disaccordare
disaccordantesi {v}
:: present participle of disaccordarsi
disaccordare {vt} [music]
:: to detune
disaccordarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disaccordare
disaccordarsi {vr} [music]
:: to be out of tune
disaccordarsi {vr}
:: to clash [of colours]
disaccordatosi {v}
:: past participle of disaccordarsi
disaccordo {m} /di.zakˈkɔr.do/
:: disagreement
disacerbante {v}
:: present participle of disacerbare
disacerbantesi {v}
:: present participle of disacerbarsi
disacerbare {vt} [literary]
:: To mitigate or appease
disacerbarsi {vr} [literary]
:: To soften
disacerbatosi {v}
:: past participle of disacerbarsi
disacetilato {adj}
:: deacetylated
disacidamento {m}
:: deacidification
disacidante {v}
:: present participle of disacidare
disacidare {vt}
:: To deacidify
disacidazione {f}
:: deacidification
disacidente {v}
:: present participle of disacidire
disacidificante {v}
:: present participle of disacidificare
disacidificare {vt}
:: to deacidify
disacidificazione {f}
:: deacidification
disacidire {vt}
:: To deacidify
disadattamento {m}
:: maladjustment
disadattata {f}
:: female equivalent of disadattato
disadattato {adj}
:: maladjusted
disadattato {m}
:: A maladjusted person; a misfit
disadatto {adj}
:: unsuitable, unfit, ill-suited
disadorno {adj}
:: unadorned, bare, plain
disaerante {v}
:: present participle of disaerare
disaerare {vt}
:: To deaerate
disaeratore {m}
:: deaerator
disaerazione {f}
:: deaeration
disaffezionante {v}
:: present participle of disaffezionare
disaffezionantesi {v}
:: present participle of disaffezionarsi
disaffezionare {vt}
:: to estrange or alienate (from)
disaffezionare {vt}
:: to make indifferent (to)
disaffezionarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disaffezionare
disaffezionarsi {v}
:: to lose ones affection or fondness (for)
disaffezionarsi {v}
:: to become estranged (from)
disaffezionatamente {adv}
:: In a disaffected manner
disaffezionato {adj}
:: estranged
disaffezionato {adj}
:: alienated (from)
disaffezionato {adj}
:: indifferent (to)
disaffezionatosi {v}
:: past participle of disaffezionarsi
disaffezione {f}
:: estrangement, alienation, disaffection
disagevole {adj}
:: uncomfortable
disagevole {adj}
:: difficult
disagevolmente {adv}
:: uncomfortably
disagevolmente {adv}
:: with difficulty
disaggio {m} [finance] /diˈsad.d͡ʒo/
:: The amount by which a security's face value exceeds its value
disaggradevolmente {adv}
:: disagreeably
disaggregante {v}
:: present participle of disaggregare
disaggregantesi {v}
:: present participle of disaggregarsi
disaggregare {vt}
:: To disaggregate
disaggregarsi {vr}
:: To disaggregate
disaggregatosi {v}
:: past participle of disaggregarsi
disaggregazione {f}
:: disaggregation
disagiatamente {adv}
:: uncomfortably
disagiatamente {adv}
:: poorly
disagiato {adj}
:: poor, straitened, needy, disadvantaged
disagiato {adj}
:: comfortless
disagio {m}
:: (usually mental rather than physical) discomfort
disagio {m}
:: inconvenience, trouble
disagio {m}
:: (plural) hardships, poverty
disagio {m}
:: embarrassment, awkwardness, unease
disagio {m}
:: (social) disadvantage
disagioso {adj}
:: uncomfortable
disalberante {v}
:: present participle of disalberare
disalberare {v} [nautical]
:: to dismast
disallineamento {m}
:: misalignment
disallineante {v}
:: present participle of disallineare
disallineare {v}
:: to misalign
Di Salvo {prop}
:: surname
disamabile {adj}
:: unlovable
disamante {v}
:: present participle of disamare
disamare {vt}
:: to unlove, to cease loving, to fall out of love with
disambientato {adj}
:: out of place
disambigua {f}
:: disambiguation
disambiguante {v}
:: present participle of disambiguare
disambiguante {adj}
:: disambiguating
disambiguantesi {v}
:: present participle of disambiguarsi
disambiguare {vt}
:: to disambiguate
disambiguarsi {vr}
:: To become disambiguated (to acquire a unique meaning)
disambiguato {adj}
:: disambiguated
disambiguatosi {v}
:: past participle of disambiguarsi
disambiguazione {f}
:: disambiguation
disamenità {f} [rare]
:: unpleasantness
disameno {adj} [rare]
:: unpleasant
disamina {f}
:: careful scrutiny; examination
disaminante {v}
:: present participle of disaminare
disaminare {vt} [literary]
:: to examine carefully
disammirazione {f} [obsolete]
:: scorn, contempt
disamorante {v}
:: present participle of disamorare
disamorantesi {v}
:: present participle of disamorarsi
disamorare {vt}
:: to make someone fall out of love or be indifferent to someone; to disenamour
disamorarsi {vr}
:: to fall out of love or become indifferent to someone
disamoratamente {adv}
:: indifferently
disamorato {adj}
:: estranged (from)
disamorato {adj}
:: indifferent (to)
disamoratosi {v}
:: past participle of disamorarsi
disamore {m}
:: estrangement
disamore {m}
:: indifference
di sana pianta {adv}
:: from scratch
di sana pianta {adv}
:: From the beginning; starting with no advantage or prior preparation
disancoramento {m}
:: delinking
disancorante {v}
:: present participle of disancorare
disancorare {vt} [nautical]
:: to raise the anchor and make preparations for the start of a voyage
disancorare {vt} [economics]
:: to free a currency from a gold standard or untie it from the currency of another country
disancorare {vt}
:: to delink
disanimante {v}
:: present participle of disanimare
disanimare {vt} [literary]
:: To discourage
disanimarsi {vr} [literary]
:: To get discouraged
disappannamento {m}
:: demisting (of a window etc)
disappannante {v}
:: present participle of disappannare
disappannare {vt}
:: To demist
disappetenza {f}
:: lack of appetite
disapplicante {v}
:: present participle of disapplicare
disapplicare {vt} [legal]
:: to fail to apply an existing law, rule, regulation etc
disapplicazione {f} [legal]
:: nonapplication
disapprendente {v}
:: present participle of disapprendere
disapprendere {vt}
:: to forget what one has learnt
disapprovante {v}
:: present participle of disapprovare
disapprovare {vt}
:: To disapprove (of)
disapprovare {v}
:: to frown upon
disapprovazione {f}
:: disapproval
disappunto {m}
:: disappointment
disappunto {m}
:: annoyance
disappunto {m}
:: rebuke
disarcionante {v}
:: present participle of disarcionare
disarcionare {vt}
:: To unhorse
disarmante {v}
:: present participle of disarmare
disarmante {adj}
:: disarming
disarmare {vt}
:: to disarm, dismantle
disarmare {vt} [nautical]
:: to cripple [a ship]
disarmare {vi} [military]
:: to disarm
disarmato {adj}
:: unarmed
disarmato {adj}
:: helpless, defenceless
disarmato {adj}
:: disarmed
disarmo {m}
:: disarmament
disarmonia {f}
:: disharmony
disarmonicamente {adv}
:: discordantly
disarmonico {adj}
:: disharmonious
disarticolante {v}
:: present participle of disarticolare
disarticolare {vt}
:: To dislocate
disarticolatamente {adv}
:: disjointedly
disarticolato {adj}
:: dislocated, disjointed
disarticolazione {f}
:: disarticulation
disarticolazione {f}
:: disruption
disartria {f} [diseases]
:: dysarthria (speech defect)
disascondente {v}
:: present participle of disascondere
disascondere {vt}
:: To disclose
disassamento {m}
:: misalignment
disassato {adj}
:: misaligned (out of alignment)
disassemblaggio {m}
:: disassembly
disassemblante {v}
:: present participle of disassemblare
disassemblare {vt}
:: To disassemble
disassimilazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: disassimilation, catabolism
di sasso {adj}
:: insensitive, callous
disassortito {adj}
:: broken up (of a collection)
disassortito {adj}
:: assorted, odd
disassuefacente {v}
:: present participle of disassuefare
disassuefacentesi {v}
:: present participle of disassuefarsi
disassuefare {vt} [rare]
:: to render unaccustomed
disassuefarsi {vr}
:: Variant of disabituarsi
disassuefattosi {v}
:: past participle of disassuefarsi
disassuefazione {f}
:: withdrawal
disastrante {v}
:: present participle of disastrare
disastrare {vt}
:: To devastate or ravage
disastrato {adj}
:: devastated
disastrato {m}
:: victim (of a disaster)
disastro {m} /diˈza.stro/
:: disaster
disastro naturale {m}
:: natural disaster
disastrosamente {adv}
:: disastrously, direly
disastroso {adj}
:: disastrous
disatomizzante {v}
:: present participle of disatomizzare
disatomizzare {vt}
:: to denuclearize
disatomizzato {adj}
:: denuclearized, nuclear-free
disatomizzazione {f}
:: denuclearization
disattendente {v}
:: present participle of disattendere
disattendere {vt}
:: Not to observe normal practices, follow orders, or take advice
disattentamente {adv}
:: inattentively
disattento {adj}
:: inattentive
disattenzione {f}
:: inattention, negligence, neglect
disattenzione {f}
:: carelessness
disattivante {v}
:: present participle of disattivare
disattivare {vt}
:: To deactivate, to defuse
disattivare {vt}
:: To disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
disattivato {adj}
:: disconnected
disattivato {adj}
:: disarmed (of a bomb etc)
disattivato {adj}
:: deactivated
disattivazione {f}
:: deactivating, deactivation
disattrezzante {v}
:: present participle of disattrezzare
disattrezzare {vt} [nautical]
:: to strip or unrig (a ship)
disavanzo {m}
:: deficit (economic)
disavvedutamente {adv}
:: carelessly, not carefully
disavvedutezza {f}
:: heedlessness, carelessness
disavveduto {adj}
:: careless, heedless
disavventura {f}
:: misadventure, mishap, accident
disavvertenza {f}
:: carelessness, heedlessness, negligence, thoughtlessness
disavvezzante {v}
:: present participle of disavvezzare
disavvezzantesi {v}
:: present participle of disavvezzarsi
disavvezzare {vt}
:: to disaccustom
disavvezzare {vt}
:: to wean (from)
disavvezzare {vt}
:: to make someone stop
disavvezzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disavvezzare
disavvezzarsi {v}
:: to give up (lose a habit)
disavvezzatosi {v}
:: past participle of disavvezzarsi
disavvezzo {adj}
:: unaccustomed
disavvezzo {adj}
:: disaccustomed
di sbieco {adv}
:: aslant, askew, sidelong, obliquely
di sbieco {adv}
:: bias
disbindina {f} [protein]
:: dysbindin
disborso {m} [rare] /dizˈbor.so/
:: disbursement, outlay
disboscamento {m}
:: deforestation
disboscante {v}
:: present participle of disboscare
disboscare {vt}
:: To deforest
disbrigante {v}
:: present participle of disbrigare
disbrigantesi {v}
:: present participle of disbrigarsi
disbrigare {vt}
:: to dispatch, settle, get through
disbrigarsi {vr} [literary]
:: To get rid of
disbrigatosi {v}
:: past participle of disbrigarsi
disbrigo {m}
:: handling
disbrigo {m}
:: dealing (with)
discacciante {v}
:: present participle of discacciare
discacciare {vt} [literary]
:: To expel or chase away
discadente {v}
:: present participle of discadere
discadere {vi} [obsolete]
:: To decline or go down
discalculia {f}
:: dyscalculia
discale {adj} [anatomy]
:: disk (attributive)
discalzante {v}
:: present participle of discalzare
discalzare {v}
:: synonym of scalzare
discantante {v}
:: present participle of discantare
discantare {vt} [music]
:: to compose or execute a descant
discantista {mf}
:: descanter (descant singer)
discanto {m} [music]
:: descant
discapitante {v}
:: present participle of discapitare
discapitare {vi}
:: To lose; to suffer loss
discapito {m}
:: detriment, damage
discarica {f}
:: landfill, dump, tip
discaricante {v}
:: present participle of discaricare
discaricare {vt}
:: to unload
discaricare {vt}
:: to unburden
discarico {m}
:: unloading
discarico {m}
:: dumping, tipping
discatolare {v} /dis.ka.toˈla.re/
:: to unbox (to remove from inside a box)
discatolare {v}
:: to decan (to remove from inside a can)
discatore {m} [Switzerland]
:: ice hockey player
di scatto {adv}
:: with a sudden immediacy or rush; quickly, abruptly
discendente {v}
:: present participle of discendere
discendente {adj}
:: descending
discendente {mf}
:: descendant
discendente {mf}
:: offshoot
discendente {mf}
:: spin-off
discendenza {f}
:: descent, lineage
discendenza {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: descendant
discendere {vt} /diʃˈʃen.de.re/
:: to descend, get down, slope down
discendere {vt} [from a vehicle]
:: to get off, get out
discendere {vt}
:: to fall, drop
discendere {vt}
:: to follow, proceed
discenderia {f}
:: winze (inclined mineshaft)
discensionale {adj}
:: descensional
discensivo {adj}
:: descending, falling
discensore {m}
:: descender (belay device)
discente {mf}
:: learner
discepola {f}
:: female equivalent of discepolo
discepolato {m}
:: discipleship
discepolo {m}
:: disciple
discepolo {m}
:: follower
discepolo {m}
:: pupil
discernente {v}
:: present participle of discernere
discernere {vt}
:: To discern or make out
discernere {vt}
:: To distinguish or discriminate between
discernibile {adj}
:: discernible
discernibilmente {adv}
:: discernibly
discernimento {m}
:: discernment
discerpere {v} /diʃˈʃɛr.pe.re/
:: to rip, to tear
discesa {f}
:: descent, slope
discesa {f}
:: fall, drop
discesa {f}
:: (sky) downhill
discesismo {m}
:: downhill racing
discesista {mf} [cycle racing]
:: descender
discesista {mf} [skiing]
:: downhill skier
discettante {v}
:: present participle of discettare
discettare {vi}
:: To discuss or debate
discettazione {f}
:: dissertation, examination
discettazione {f} [obsolete]
:: dispute, contest
disceverante {v}
:: present participle of disceverare
disceverare {v}
:: To separate, distinguish
dischetto {m} [computing]
:: floppy disk, floppy
dischetto {m} [Football (Soccer)]
:: penalty spot
dischetto {m}
:: small disc
dischezia {f}
:: dyschezia
dischiedente {v}
:: present participle of dischiedere
dischiedere {vt} [obsolete]
:: to not ask (for)
dischiedere {vt} [obsolete]
:: to not request
dischiodare {v} /dis.kjoˈda.re/
:: synonym of schiodare: to unnail
dischiudente {v}
:: present participle of dischiudere
dischiudere {vt} [literary, poetic]
:: to open [a door, the eyes, etc.]; to part [the lips]
dischiudere {vt} [figuratively]
:: to disclose, reveal
discinesia {f} [pathology]
:: dyskinesia
discingente {v}
:: present participle of discingere
discingere {vt}
:: to unfasten from a belt etc (literary usage)
discinto {adj} [of a person]
:: Partly undressed
discinto {adj} [of clothing]
:: undone or open to show what's underneath
disciogliente {v}
:: present participle of disciogliere
discioglientesi {v}
:: present participle of disciogliersi
disciogliere {vt}
:: to untie, unfasten, loosen
disciogliere {vt}
:: to let down (the hair)
disciogliere {vt}
:: to melt
disciogliere {vt}
:: to dissolve
disciogliersi {v}
:: reflexive of disciogliere
disciogliersi {v}
:: to dissolve, melt
discioglimento {m}
:: dissolving
discioglimento {m}
:: thawing
discioglimento {m}
:: melting
discioltosi {v}
:: past participle of disciogliersi
disciplina {f}
:: discipline (all meanings)
disciplina {f}
:: order
disciplina {f}
:: subject (in school)
disciplina {f} [sports]
:: discipline, sport (type of)
disciplinabile {adj}
:: disciplinable
disciplinabilità {f}
:: The property of being disciplinable
disciplinante {v}
:: present participle of disciplinare
disciplinante {adj}
:: governing, regulating
disciplinare {adj}
:: disciplinary
disciplinare {v}
:: to discipline
disciplinare {v}
:: to regulate
disciplinarmente {adv}
:: disciplinarily
disciplinatamente {adv}
:: In a disciplined or orderly manner
disciplinato {adj}
:: disciplined
disco- {prefix}
:: Of or pertaining to a disc
disco- {prefix}
:: disc-shaped
disco {m} /ˈdisko/
:: disc, disk
disco {m} [anatomy]
:: disc
disco {m} [athletics]
:: discus
discobar {m}
:: A discotheque with bar
discoblastico {adj} [biology] /dis.koˈblas.ti.ko/
:: discoblastic
discobola {f}
:: female equivalent of discobolo
discobolo {m}
:: discus thrower
disco di accrescimento {m} [astronomy]
:: accretion disc / accretion disk
discofilo {m}
:: record collector
disco fisso {m}
:: hard disk
discofo {m} [zoology] /disˈkɔ.fo/
:: Any member of the Dyscophus taxonomic genus
discografia {f} [music]
:: discography
discografia {f} [music]
:: record industry
discografico {adj} [music]
:: record (attributive)
discografico {m} [music]
:: A person working in the record industry or a label owner
discoidale {adj}
:: discoid
discoide {adj}
:: disc-shaped; discoid
disco intervertebrale {m} [anatomy]
:: intervertebral disc
discolibro {m} {m}
:: A book sold with an accompanying record (or, more lately, a CD)
discolo {adj}
:: undisciplined, unruly
discolo {m}
:: rascal
discolorante {v}
:: present participle of discolorare
discolorantesi {v}
:: present participle of discolorarsi
discolorare {vt}
:: To discolour
discolorarsi {vr}
:: To discolour
discoloratosi {v}
:: past participle of discolorarsi
discolorazione {f}
:: discolouration
discolpa {f}
:: defense, excuse
discolpante {v}
:: present participle of discolpare
discolpantesi {v}
:: present participle of discolparsi
discolpare {vt}
:: to prove someone's innocence; to exonerate; to clear
discolparsi {v}
:: reflexive of discolpare
discolparsi {v}
:: to prove one's innocence; to exonerate oneself; to make excuses or justifications for oneself
discolpatosi {v}
:: past participle of discolparsi
discolpazione {f} [obsolete]
:: disculpation, defence, excuse
discommettente {v}
:: present participle of discommettere
discommettere {vt}
:: to disconnect
discommettere {vt}
:: to break up or decompose
discommettere {vt}
:: to unpick the fibres of a rope
discomodità {f} [obsolete]
:: inconvenient
discomodo {adj} [obsolete]
:: inconvenient
discompagnabile {adj}
:: separable
discompagnante {v}
:: present participle of discompagnare
discompagnare {vt}
:: To separate
discomponente {v}
:: present participle of discomporre
discomporre {v}
:: obsolete form of scomporre
disconcludente {v}
:: present participle of disconcludere
disconcludere {vt}
:: To prevent the conclusion of something
disconfiggente {v}
:: present participle of disconfiggere
disconfiggere {vt}
:: Variation of sconfiggere
discongiungente {v}
:: present participle of discongiungere
discongiungere {v}
:: obsolete form of disgiungere
disconnessione {f}
:: disconnection
disconnettente {v}
:: present participle of disconnettere
disconnettere {vt}
:: to disconnect
disconnettersi {v}
:: reflexive of disconnettere
disconnettersi {vr}
:: to disconnect [especially from a computer network]
disconnettore {m}
:: blowback (in a firearm)
disconoscente {v}
:: present participle of disconoscere
disconoscere {vt} /dis.koˈnoʃ.ʃe.re/
:: to disown
disconoscere {vt}
:: to ignore, disregard
disconoscimento {m} [legal]
:: disclaimer
discontinuamente {adv}
:: discontinuously
discontinuamente {adv}
:: unevenly, patchily
discontinuità {f}
:: fitfulness, irregularity, discontinuity
discontinuità {f}
:: A break, a change
discontinuità di Moho {prop}
:: alternative form of discontinuità di Mohorovičić
discontinuità di Mohorovičić {prop} [geology]
:: Mohorovičić discontinuity
discontinuo {adj}
:: broken, discontinuous
discontinuo {adj}
:: uneven, patchy, ragged, inconstant, desultory
discontrollo {m}
:: dyscontrol
disconvenevolmente {adv}
:: unsuitably
disconveniente {v}
:: present participle of disconvenire
disconvenire {vi}
:: to disagree
disconvenire {vi}
:: to conflict
disco orario {m}
:: parking disk
discopatia {f} [pathology]
:: disease of an intervertebral disk; discopathy
discoprente {v}
:: present participle of discoprire
discoprire {vt}
:: to discover or invent
discopub {m}
:: A pub that also functions as a discotheque
discordante {v}
:: present participle of discordare
discordante {adj}
:: discordant
discordante {adj}
:: conflicting, clashing
discordanza {f}
:: discordance, dissonance
discordanza {f} [music]
:: discord
discordare {vt}
:: to clash, conflict (with)
discordare {vt}
:: to dissent
discorde {adj}
:: discordant, conflicting, disagreeing
discordemente {adv}
:: discordantly
discordia {f}
:: discord, dissension
discoria {f}
:: dyscoria
disco rigido {m}
:: hard disk
discorrente {v}
:: present participle of discorrere
discorrere {vi}
:: To talk or chat (about)
discorsetto {m}
:: A reproach or telling-off (often used ironically)
discorsivamente {adv}
:: conversationally
discorsività {f}
:: conversational character or quality
discorsivo {adj}
:: conversational
discorso {m}
:: speech, address, discourse
discorso {m}
:: talk, conversation
discorso {m}
:: subject, matter
discorso {m}
:: (language) speech
discoscendente {v}
:: present participle of discoscendere
discoscendere {v}
:: obsolete form of scoscendere
discostante {v}
:: present participle of discostare
discostantesi {v}
:: present participle of discostarsi
discostare {vt}
:: To move away
discostarsi {vr}
:: To move away (from); To diverge
discostatosi {v}
:: past participle of discostarsi
discosto {adj}
:: distant, remote
discosto {adv}
:: At a distance
discoteca {f}
:: A club, a disco, a discotheque
discoteca {f}
:: A record library
discotecaro {m}
:: A person who frequents discos
discount {m}
:: discount store
disco volante {m}
:: flying saucer
discrasia {f} [pathology]
:: dyscrasia
discrasia {f}
:: disequilibrium, disfunction, chaos
discredibile {adj}
:: unbelievable
discreditante {v}
:: present participle of discreditare
discreditantesi {v}
:: present participle of discreditarsi
discreditare {vt}
:: To discredit
discreditarsi {vr}
:: To be discredited
discreditatosi {v}
:: past participle of discreditarsi
discredito {m}
:: discredit, disrepute
discrepante {v}
:: present participle of discrepare
discrepante {adj}
:: discrepant, diverging
discrepanza {f}
:: discrepancy, mismatch
discrepare {vi}
:: to dissent or disagree
discrescente {v}
:: present participle of discrescere
discrescere {v}
:: obsolete form of decrescere
discretamente {adv}
:: reasonably
discretamente {adv}
:: discreetly
discretezza {f}
:: discretion
discretezza {f}
:: moderation
discretissimo {adj}
:: superlative of discreto
discretizzazione {f}
:: discretization
discreto {adj}
:: reasonable
discreto {adj}
:: discreet
discreto {adj}
:: discrete
discreto {adj}
:: low-key
discrezionale {adj}
:: discretionary
discrezionalità {f}
:: discretion (a discretionary power)
discrezionalmente {adv}
:: At discretion, discretionarily
discrezione {f}
:: discretion (all senses)
discriminabile {adj}
:: discriminable
discriminante {v}
:: present participle of discriminare
discriminante {adj}
:: decisive
discriminante {adj}
:: discriminating
discriminante {adj}
:: extenuating
discriminante {f} [legal]
:: extenuating circumstance
discriminare {vt}
:: To discriminate
discriminatore {m}
:: discriminator
discriminatorio {adj}
:: discriminatory
discriminatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of discriminatore
discriminazione {f}
:: discrimination (all senses)
discrimine {m}
:: distinction, separation
discrivente {v}
:: present participle of discrivere
discriver {v}
:: apocopic form of discrivere
discrivere {v}
:: obsolete form of descrivere
discromatopsia {f}
:: dichromatism, Daltonism
discromatoptico {adj}
:: dichromatic (having Daltonism)
discromia {f} [pathology]
:: dyscromia
discucente {v}
:: present participle of discucire
discucire {vt}
:: To unstitch, unpick or undo (needlework etc)
discuoiante {v}
:: present participle of discuoiare
discuoiare {v}
:: alternative form of scuoiare
discussione {f}
:: discussion
discussione {f}
:: argument
discussione {f}
:: quarrel
discusso {adj}
:: controversial
discutente {v}
:: present participle of discutere
discutere {vt} /disˈku.te.re/
:: to discuss, debate, moot or question
discutere {vi}
:: to argue
discutibile {adj}
:: questionable, debatable, that may be criticized, doubtful, dubious
discutibilissimo {adj}
:: superlative of discutibile
discutibilità {f}
:: questionableness
discutibilmente {adv}
:: questionably
disdegnante {v}
:: present participle of disdegnare
disdegnare {vt} /dis.deɲˈɲa.re/
:: To disdain, contemn or scorn
disdegno {m} /disˈdeɲ.ɲo/
:: disdain, contempt, scorn
disdegnosamente {adv}
:: disdainfully
disdegnoso {adj} /dis.deɲˈɲo.zo/
:: disdainful, scornful
Disdero {prop} [rare]
:: An Italian surname, used mainly in west Italy Piedmont
disdetta {f} /dizˈdet.ta/
:: cancellation
disdetta {f}
:: retraction
disdetta {f}
:: bad luck
disdettante {v}
:: present participle of disdettare
disdettare {vt}
:: to give notice
disdettare {vt}
:: to cancel
disdicente {v}
:: present participle of disdire
disdicevole {adj} [literary] /dis.diˈt͡ʃe.vo.le/
:: improper
disdicevole {adj} [literary]
:: unseemly
disdicevole {adj} [literary]
:: contemptible
disdicevolmente {adv}
:: improperly
disdicevolmente {adv}
:: unseemly
disdicevolmente {adv}
:: in vain (in a disrespectful manner, especially when concerning religion)
disdire {vi} /d̪iz.ˈd̪iː.re/
:: to cancel; to call off; to annul [a booking, contract, etc.]
disdire {vi} [rare]
:: to unsay (deny having said); to refute; to contradict
disdire {vi}
:: to countermand
disdire {vi} [literary]
:: to deny, ban
disdirsi {v}
:: reflexive of disdire
disdirsi {v} [rare]
:: to contradict oneself
disdirsi {v} [archaic]
:: to deny
disdoro {m}
:: discredit, disgrace, disrepute, aspersion
diseccante {v}
:: present participle of diseccare
diseccare {vt}
:: To desiccate or dry up (Variant of: disseccare)
diseccitante {v}
:: present participle of diseccitare
diseccitare {vt} [physics]
:: to disexcite, deexcite
diseccitazione {f} [physics]
:: disexcitation
di seconda mano {adv}
:: used, secondhand, at secondhand
diseconomia {f}
:: diseconomy
diseconomicità {f}
:: inefficiency
diseconomico {adj}
:: uneconomical, inefficient
diseducante {v}
:: present participle of diseducare
diseducare {vt}
:: to educate badly
diseducare {vt}
:: to bring up badly
diseducare {vt}
:: to have a bad effect on
diseducativo {adj}
:: That has a negative effect on the education of children
diseducazione {f}
:: Bad upbringing
disegnante {v}
:: present participle of disegnare
disegnare {vt}
:: to draw, outline, trace
disegnare {vt}
:: to design, style
disegnatore {m}
:: drawer, artist
disegnatore {m}
:: cartoonist
disegnatore {m}
:: designer
disegnatore {m}
:: draughtsman, draftsman
disegnatrice {m}
:: female equivalent of disegnatore
disegnazione {f}
:: drawing, tracing
disegnazione {f}
:: designing
disegno {m}
:: drawing, cartoon
disegno {m}
:: design, pattern
disegno {m}
:: intention, plan, design
diseguaglianza {f}
:: alternative spelling of disuguaglianza
diseguale {adj}
:: alternative spelling of disuguale
di seguito {adv}
:: uninterruptedly, consecutively, on end, in succession, in a row
disequazione {f} [mathematics]
:: inequality, inequation
disequilibrato {adj}
:: unbalanced
disequilibrio {m}
:: disequilibrium
diserbamento {m}
:: weeding
diserbante {adj}
:: herbicidal
diserbante {m}
:: herbicide, weedkiller
diserbante {v}
:: present participle of diserbare
diserbare {vt}
:: to weed
diserbato {adj}
:: weeded
diserbatura {f}
:: weeding
diserbo {m}
:: weeding
diseredante {v}
:: present participle of diseredare
diseredare {v}
:: to disinherit
diseredato {adj}
:: disinherited
diseredato {adj}
:: deprived
diseredato {m}
:: A disinherited or deprived person
diseredazione {f}
:: disinheritance
di serie {adj}
:: standard (not an option/optional)
di serie {adj}
:: production (attributive), mass (attributive)
disertante {v}
:: present participle of disertare
disertare {vt}
:: to desert
disertare {vt}
:: to abandon, leave, walk out on
disertazione {f}
:: dissertation
diserto {adj} [archaic, literary] /diˈzɛr.to/
:: forsaken, abandoned, deserted
diserto {adj} [archaic, literary, figuratively, of people]
:: undone, ruined
diserto {adj} [archaic, literary]
:: eloquent, well-spoken
diserto {adj} [archaic, literary, of speech]
:: eloquent, persuasive
disertore {m}
:: deserter
diserzione {f}
:: desertion
disetaneo {adj}
:: Of different ages
disfacente {v}
:: present participle of disfare
disfacentesi {v}
:: present participle of disfarsi
disfacibile {adj}
:: undoable
disfacibile {adj}
:: decomposable
disfacimento {m}
:: decay
disfacimento {m}
:: decline
disfagia {f} [medicine]
:: dysphagia
disfamare {vt} [literary] /dis.faˈma.re/
:: to satiate
disfamare {vt} [literary, figurative]
:: to satisfy
disfamare {vt} [obsolete]
:: to defame, to discredit
disfare {vt}
:: to undo, untie
disfare {vt}
:: to take to pieces; disassemble
disfare {vt}
:: to unpack
disfare {vt}
:: to destroy, smash
disfarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disfare
disfarsi {v}
:: to come undone [of a knot, etc.]
disfarsi {v}
:: to melt [of snow and ice]
disfarsi {v}
:: to fall to pieces
disfarsi {v}
:: to get rid of
disfasia {f}
:: dysphasia
disfatta {f}
:: defeat, rout (military)
disfattibile {adj}
:: decomposable
disfattismo {m} /dis.fatˈtis.mo/
:: Activity aimed at the defeat of one's own country in a time of war, especially by spreading pessimism about its chances of victory
disfattismo {m} [by extension]
:: Activity aimed at hindering a positive outcome; subterfuge
disfattismo {m} [by extension]
:: Tendency to pessimism; defeatism
disfattista {mf} /dis.fatˈtis.ta/
:: defeatist
disfatto {adj}
:: undone or untied
disfatto {adj}
:: unmade (of a bed)
disfatto {adj}
:: exhausted or worn out
disfattosi {v}
:: past participle of disfarsi
disfavore {m}
:: disfavour
disfavore {m}
:: disadvantage, damage
disfavorevolmente {adv}
:: unfavourably
disfazione {f} [obsolete]
:: destruction, ruin
disfazione {f} [obsolete]
:: dissolution, liquefaction
disferlina {f} [protein]
:: dysferlin
disfida {f} [literary] /disˈfi.da/
:: challenge
disfidante {v}
:: present participle of disfidare
disfidante {adj}
:: distrusting
disfidare {vt} [literary] /dis.fiˈda.re/
:: to challenge (to a duel or competition)
disfidare {vi} [obsolete]
:: to distrust (someone)
disfidare {vt} [obsolete]
:: to deem (a sick person) hopeless
disfinizione {f} [obsolete]
:: definition; resolution
disfonia {f} [medicine]
:: dysphonia
disforia {f} [psychiatry]
:: dysphoria
disformazione {f}
:: obsolete form of deformazione
disforme {adj}
:: dissimilar, different
disformità {f}
:: unlikeness, dissimilarity
di sfuggita {adv} [idiom]
:: in passing
disfunzionale {adj}
:: dysfunctional
disfunzione {f}
:: dysfunction, trouble, disorder, malfunction
disfunzione erettile {f} [pathology]
:: erectile dysfunction
disgagia {f} [pathology]
:: dysphagia
disgelante {v}
:: present participle of disgelare
disgelantesi {v}
:: present participle of disgelarsi
disgelare {vt}
:: To thaw
disgelarsi {vr}
:: To thaw
disgelatosi {v}
:: past participle of disgelarsi
disgelo {m}
:: thaw
disgenesia {f} [pathology]
:: dysgenesis
disgeusia {f} [pathology]
:: dysgeusia
di sghembo {adv}
:: askew, sideways, askance
disgiungente {v}
:: present participle of disgiungere
disgiungere {vt}
:: to separate
disgiungibile {adj}
:: separable
disgiuntamente {adv}
:: separately
disgiuntamente {adv}
:: disjointedly
disgiuntivo {adj} [grammar]
:: disjunctive
disgiunzione {f}
:: disjunction, separation
disgrafia {f}
:: dysgraphia
disgrazia {f} /dizˈɡrattsja/
:: misfortune, bad luck
disgrazia {f} [by extension]
:: accident, disaster
disgrazia {f} [rare]
:: disgrace
disgraziata {f}
:: female equivalent of disgraziato
disgraziatamente {adv}
:: unfortunately
disgraziatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of disgraziato
disgraziato {adj}
:: poor, wretched
disgraziato {adj}
:: unfortunate, unlucky
disgraziato {adj}
:: good-for-nothing
disgraziato {m}
:: Poor person (all senses)
disgraziato {m}
:: rascal, rogue, scoundrel
disgregabile {adj}
:: breakable, separable
disgregamento {m}
:: disintegration, breakup
disgregante {v}
:: present participle of disgregare
disgregantesi {v}
:: present participle of disgregarsi
disgregare {vt}
:: to break up, disintegrate
disgregarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disgregare
disgregarsi {v}
:: to break up, disintegrate
disgregativo {adj}
:: disruptive
disgregatore {adj}
:: disintegrating
disgregatore {m}
:: disintegrator
disgregatosi {v}
:: past participle of disgregarsi
disgregazione {f}
:: disintegration
disgregazione {f}
:: breakup
disguido {m}
:: snag, hitch
disguido {m}
:: wrong delivery, miscarriage
disgustante {v}
:: present participle of disgustare
disgustantesi {v}
:: present participle of disgustarsi
disgustarsi {vr}
:: To become disgusted, to get disgusted
disgustato {adj}
:: disgusted, sick, nauseated
disgustatosi {v}
:: past participle of disgustarsi
disgusto {m}
:: disgust
disgustosamente {adv}
:: disgustingly
disgustoso {adj}
:: disgusting, revolting, repellent
disiamilborano {m} [organic compound]
:: disiamylborane
disianza {f} [archaic, poetic] /di.ziˈan.t͡sa/
:: desire (emotion, or the thing desired)
disiare {v} /di.ziˈa.re/
:: alternative form of desiare
di sicuro {adv}
:: surely, certainly, definitely, of course
disidentificante {v}
:: present participle of disidentificare
disidentificare {v}
:: to disassociate [mentally, spiritually]
disidentificare {v}
:: to disidentify
disidentificarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disidentificare
disidentificarsi {v}
:: to disassociate oneself [through meditation, etc.]
disidentificazione {f}
:: dissociation (mental, spiritual)
disidentificazione {f}
:: disidentification
disiderante {v}
:: present participle of disiderare
disiderare {v} [archaic]
:: alternative form of desiderare
disidratante {v}
:: present participle of disidratare
disidratante {adj}
:: dehydrating
disidratantesi {v}
:: present participle of disidratarsi
disidratare {vt}
:: To dehydrate
disidratarsi {vr}
:: To dehydrate, to get dehydrated
disidratarsi {vr}
:: To shrivel up
disidratatore {m}
:: dehydrator
disidratatosi {v}
:: past participle of disidratarsi
disidratazione {f}
:: dehydration
disillabico {adj}
:: disyllabic
disillabo {m}
:: disyllable
disilludente {v}
:: present participle of disilludere
disilludentesi {v}
:: present participle of disilludersi
disilludere {vt}
:: To disillusion or disenchant
disilludersi {vr}
:: To be disillusioned or disenchanted
disillusa {f}
:: disillusioned or disenchanted woman
disillusione {f}
:: disillusion, disenchantment
disilluso {adj}
:: disillusioned, disenchanted
disilluso {m}
:: Such a person
disillusosi {v}
:: past participle of disilludersi
disimballaggio {m}
:: unpacking
disimballante {v}
:: present participle of disimballare
disimballare {vt}
:: To unpack
disimparante {v}
:: present participle of disimparare
disimparare {vt}
:: To unlearn or forget
disimpegnante {v}
:: present participle of disimpegnare
disimpegnantesi {v}
:: present participle of disimpegnarsi
disimpegnare {vt}
:: to release, to relieve, to free [from an obligation, promise, etc.]
disimpegnare {vt}
:: to leave or make [something that one was previously using] available
disimpegnare {vt}
:: to disengage
disimpegnare {vt}
:: to redeem (recover ownership)
disimpegnare {vt} [military]
:: to make a military or militia available for new tasks by removing it from the pressure of the enemy
disimpegnare {vt} [rare]
:: to carry out
disimpegnarsi {vr}
:: to free or disengage oneself [of an obligation, commitment, etc.]
disimpegnarsi {vr} [military]
:: to escape the attacks or the pressure from the enemy
disimpegnarsi {vr} [sports]
:: to free oneself from the pressure from the opponent
disimpegnatosi {v}
:: past participle of disimpegnarsi
disimpegno {m}
:: disengagement
disimpegno {m}
:: access room, mudroom, utility room
disimpiego {m}
:: unemployment
disimprimente {v}
:: present participle of disimprimere
disimprimere {vt}
:: to forget
disincagliante {v}
:: present participle of disincagliare
disincagliantesi {v}
:: present participle of disincagliarsi
disincagliare {vt} [nautical]
:: to refloat
disincagliarsi {vr} [nautical]
:: to be refloated
disincagliatosi {v}
:: past participle of disincagliarsi
disincantante {v}
:: present participle of disincantare
disincantare {vt}
:: To disenchant
disincantato {adj}
:: disenchanted, disillusioned
disincentivante {v}
:: present participle of disincentivare
disincentivare {vt}
:: to demotivate
disincentivare {vt}
:: to disincentivize
disincentivazione {f}
:: discouragement, disincentivization
disinclinazione {f}
:: disinclination
disincrostante {v}
:: present participle of disincrostare
disincrostantesi {v}
:: present participle of disincrostarsi
disincrostare {vt}
:: To scrape off
disincrostarsi {vr}
:: To scrape something (off) oneself
disincrostatore {m}
:: scaler (tool for removing scale etc)
disincrostatore {m}
:: scraper
disincrostatore {adj}
:: descaling
disincrostatosi {v}
:: past participle of disincrostarsi
disincrostazione {f}
:: descaling
disindustrializzante {v}
:: present participle of disindustrializzare
disindustrializzare {vt}
:: to deindustrialize
disindustrializzazione {f}
:: deindustrialization
disinfestante {v}
:: present participle of disinfestare
disinfestante {adj}
:: disinfesting
disinfestante {m}
:: pesticide
disinfestare {vt}
:: To disinfest
disinfestatore {m}
:: exterminator (of insects etc)
disinfestatrice {f}
:: (female) exterminator (of insects etc)
disinfestazione {f}
:: disinfection
disinfettante {v}
:: present participle of disinfettare
disinfettante {adj}
:: disinfectant
disinfettante {m}
:: disinfectant
disinfettare {vt}
:: To disinfect
disinfezione {f}
:: disinfection
disinflazionante {v}
:: present participle of disinflazionare
disinflazionare {vt} [economics]
:: to disinflate
disinflazione {f} [economics]
:: disinflation
disinflazionistico {adj}
:: disinflationary
disinformante {v}
:: present participle of disinformare
disinformare {vt}
:: to misinform
disinformato {adj}
:: uninformed
disinformato {adj}
:: misinformed
disinformatore {m} [neologism]
:: one who spreads disinformation
disinformazione {f} /dizinformaˈt͡sjone/
:: misinformation, disinformation
disingannante {v}
:: present participle of disingannare
disingannantesi {v}
:: present participle of disingannarsi
disingannare {vt}
:: to disillusion; to disabuse
disingannarsi {vr}
:: To get disillusioned
disingannatore {m}
:: one who disabuses; debunker
disingannatosi {v}
:: past participle of disingannarsi
disinganno {m}
:: disillusionment
disinganno {m}
:: disappointment
disingranante {v}
:: present participle of disingranare
disingranare {vt}
:: to disengage
disingranare {vt} [automotive]
:: to put a car gear into neutral
disinibente {v}
:: present participle of disinibire
disinibentesi {v}
:: present participle of disinibirsi
disinibire {vt}
:: To disinhibit or uninhibit
disinibirsi {vr}
:: To become uninhibited
disinibito {adj}
:: uninhibited
disinibitosi {v}
:: past participle of disinibirsi
disinibizione {m}
:: disinhibition
disinnamorante {v}
:: present participle of disinnamorare
disinnamorantesi {v}
:: present participle of disinnamorarsi
disinnamorare {vt}
:: To estrange
disinnamorarsi {vr}
:: To fall out of love
disinnamoratosi {v}
:: past participle of disinnamorarsi
disinnescante {v}
:: present participle of disinnescare
disinnescare {vt}
:: to defuse (both senses)
disinnesco {m}
:: defusing
disinnestante {v}
:: present participle of disinnestare
disinnestare {vt}
:: To disengage (the gears of a car)
disinquinamento {m}
:: cleaning up, cleanup
disinquinante {v}
:: present participle of disinquinare
disinquinare {vt}
:: To depollute or clean up (pollution)
disinserente {v}
:: present participle of disinserire
disinserimento {m}
:: disconnection
disinserire {vt}
:: To disconnect; to disinsert
disinserzione {f}
:: disconnection, unplugging
disinsettazione {f}
:: disinsectization
disinstallabile {adj}
:: uninstallable
disinstallante {v}
:: present participle of disinstallare
disinstallare {vt} [computing]
:: to uninstall
disinstallazione {f} [computing]
:: uninstallation
disintasante {v}
:: present participle of disintasare
disintasare {vt}
:: To unblock or clear
disintegrante {v}
:: present participle of disintegrare
disintegrantesi {v}
:: present participle of disintegrarsi
disintegrare {vt}
:: To disintegrate
disintegrarsi {vr}
:: To disintegrate
disintegratore {m}
:: disintegrator (machine used for crushing, chopping wood etc)
disintegratosi {v}
:: past participle of disintegrarsi
disintegrazione {f}
:: disintegration
disintendente {v}
:: present participle of disintendere
disintendere {vt}
:: To take no interest in
disinteressamento {m}
:: unconcern (for)
disinteressamento {m}
:: lack or loss of interest (in)
disinteressante {v}
:: present participle of disinteressare
disinteressante {adj}
:: uninterested
disinteressantesi {v}
:: present participle of disinteressarsi
disinteressare {vt}
:: To make someone lose interest in something
disinteressarsi {vr}
:: To lose interest or to take no interest (in something)
disinteressatamente {adv}
:: disinterestedly
disinteressato {adj}
:: disinterested
disinteressatosi {v}
:: past participle of disinteressarsi
disinteresse {m}
:: disinterest, indifference
disinteresse {m}
:: disinterestedness, unselfishness
disintermediazione {f} [economics]
:: disintermediation
disintossicante {v}
:: present participle of disintossicare
disintossicante {adj}
:: detoxifying
disintossicante {adj}
:: purifying
disintossicantesi {v}
:: present participle of disintossicarsi
disintossicare {vt}
:: To detoxicate or detoxify (especially to treat someone for alcoholism or drug addiction)
disintossicarsi {vr}
:: To be detoxicated or detoxified (especially to be treated for alcoholism or drug addiction)
disintossicato {adj}
:: detoxicated, detoxified
disintossicatosi {v}
:: past participle of disintossicarsi
disintossicazione {f}
:: detoxification, detoxication (especially treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction)
disinvestente {v}
:: present participle of disinvestire
disinvestimento {m} [economics]
:: disinvestment
disinvestire {vt} [economics]
:: to disinvest
disinvolgente {v}
:: present participle of disinvolgere
disinvolgere {vt}
:: Variant of svolgere
disinvoltamente {adv}
:: casually
disinvoltamente {adv}
:: shamelessly, boldly
disinvolto {adj} /di.zinˈvɔl.to/
:: confident
disinvolto {adj}
:: casual, nonchalant, free and easy
disinvoltura {f}
:: confidence
disinvoltura {f}
:: nonchalance, poise
disio {m}
:: Variant of desio
disioso {adj}
:: Variant of desioso
disire {m} /diˈsi.re/
:: alternative form of desire
disiro {m} /diˈsi.ro/
:: alternative form of desire
disistima {f}
:: lack of esteem, lack of respect
disistimante {v}
:: present participle of disistimare
disistimare {vt}
:: to disesteem
dislalia {f}
:: dyslalia
disleale {adj}
:: disloyal
dislessia {f}
:: dyslexia
dislessica {f}
:: female equivalent of dislessico
dislessico {adj}
:: dyslectic, dyslexic
dislessico {m}
:: dyslectic, dyslexic
dislivello {m}
:: height difference, elevation gain, drop, rise, lift
dislivello {m}
:: gap
dislocabile {adj} [military]
:: that may be stationed
dislocamento {m}
:: dislocation
dislocamento {m} [nautical]
:: displacement
dislocante {v}
:: present participle of dislocare
dislocante {adj}
:: displacing
dislocante {adj}
:: displacement (attributive)
dislocare {vt} [military]
:: to post, station, redeploy
dislocare {vt}
:: to displace, uproot
dislocato {adj}
:: posted, stationed, redeployed
dislocato {adj}
:: displaced, uprooted
dislocazione {f}
:: displacement
dislocazione {f}
:: dislocation
dislocazione {f}
:: whereabouts
dislogazione {f} [obsolete]
:: dislocation
dismaltare {vt} [rare] /dis.malˈta.re/
:: to remove enamel from
dismembrazione {f} [obsolete]
:: dismemberment
dismenorrea {f} [pathology]
:: dysmenorrhea
dismenorroico {adj}
:: dysmenorrhoeal, dysmenorrheal
dismetabolico {adj}
:: dysmetabolic
dismetabolismo {m}
:: dysmetabolism
dismetria {f}
:: dysmetria
dismettente {v}
:: present participle of dismettere
dismettere {vt}
:: to stop, cease
dismettere {vt}
:: to cast off (use no longer); to divest or decommission
dismissione {f}
:: cessation, interruption
dismisura {f}
:: excess
dismisurità {f} [obsolete]
:: excess
dismnesia {f}
:: dysmnesia
dismorfismo {m}
:: dysmorphism, dysmorphia
dismorfofobia {f}
:: dysmorphophobia
dismorfosi {f} [medicine] /dis.morˈfɔ.zi/
:: Any physical deformity
dismutasi {f}
:: dismutase (enzyme)
dismutazione {f} [chemistry]
:: dismutation
dismutazione {f} [mathematics]
:: derangement
disneiano {adj}
:: rare spelling of disneyano
disneyano {adj} /di.zneˈja.no/
:: Disneyan (of or relating to Walt Disney or his characters, movies, etc.)
disneyano {adj}
:: Disneyish, Disneyesque (reminiscent of Disney's work or style)
disnodare {vt} [rare, ] /dis.noˈda.re/
:: synonym of snodare
disnodare {vt} [rare, , figurative, archaic]
:: to clarify, to disclose, to unravel
disnodarsi {v} /dis.noˈdar.si/
:: reflexive of disnodare
disnodarsi {v}
:: to break free (from); with da
disnoranza {f} /dis.noˈran.t͡sa/
:: syncopic form of disonoranza
disobbedente {v}
:: present participle of disobbedire
disobbediente {v}
:: alternative form of disobbedente
disobbediente {v}
:: alternative form of disubbidiente
disobbediente {adj}
:: disobedient
disobbedienza {f}
:: disobedience
disobbedienza {f}
:: noncompliance
disobbedienza {f}
:: naughtiness (childish)
disobbedire {vt} /dizobːeˈdire/
:: Variant of disubbidire
disobbligante {v}
:: present participle of disobbligare
disobbligantesi {v}
:: present participle of disobbligarsi
disobbligare {vt}
:: To release or relieve
disobbligarsi {vr}
:: To return a favour
disobbligatosi {v}
:: past participle of disobbligarsi
disobbligazione {f} [obsolete]
:: release, relief
disobbligo {m}
:: release, relief
disoccupata {f}
:: unemployed woman, jobless woman
disoccupato {adj}
:: unemployed, jobless, out of work
disoccupato {adj}
:: unoccupied, empty, vacant
disoccupato {m}
:: unemployed person, jobless person
disoccupazione {f}
:: unemployment, joblessness
disodio {m} [chemistry, especially in combination]
:: disodium
disodontiasi {f} [medicine]
:: dysodontiasis
disoleazione {f}
:: deoiling
disolfuro {m}
:: disulfide
di solito {adv}
:: usually, as a rule, generally, habitually
disomogeneità {f}
:: inhomogeneity
disomogeneo {adj}
:: inhomogeneous, patchy
disonesta {f}
:: dishonest woman
disonestà {f}
:: dishonesty
disonestamente {adv}
:: dishonestly
disonestità {f}
:: Variant of disonestà
disonesto {adj}
:: dishonest
disonesto {m}
:: A dishonest person
disonorante {v}
:: present participle of disonorare
disonorantesi {v}
:: present participle of disonorarsi
disonoranza {f} [archaic] /di.zo.noˈran.t͡sa/
:: dishonor
disonorare {vt}
:: to dishonour [all senses]
disonorare {vt}
:: to disgrace
disonorarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disonorare
disonorarsi {v}
:: to bring dishonour or disgrace upon oneself
disonoratamente {adv}
:: Without honour
disonorato {adj}
:: disgraced
disonorato {adj}
:: dishonoured
disonoratosi {v}
:: past participle of disonorarsi
disonore {m}
:: dishonour
disonore {m}
:: disgrace
disonorevole {adj}
:: dishonourable
disonorevole {adj}
:: disgraceful
disonorevolmente {adv}
:: dishonourably, disgracefully, shamefully
disontogenesi {n}
:: dysontogenesis
di soppiatto {adv} [idiom]
:: stealthily, on the sly, furtively
di sopra {adv}
:: upstairs
di sopra {adv}
:: above
disopra {adv}
:: alternative spelling of di sopra
di soprassalto {adv}
:: all of a sudden, suddenly
disordinamento {m}
:: disorder
disordinante {v}
:: present participle of disordinare
disordinare {vt}
:: to disarrange
disordinare {vt}
:: to throw into disorder
disordinatamente {adv}
:: untidily
disordinatamente {adv}
:: every which way
disordinato {adj}
:: untidy, disorderly
disordinazione {f}
:: disordination
disordine {m} /diˈsor.di.ne/
:: disorder, untidiness, confusion, chaos, mess
disordine {m}
:: excess, intemperance
disordine {m}
:: riot, disorder, disturbance
disorganicamente {adv}
:: incoherently
disorganicamente {adv}
:: inconsistently
disorganicità {f}
:: incoherence
disorganico {adj}
:: incoherent
disorganico {adj}
:: disorganized
disorganico {adj}
:: inconsistent
disorganizzante {v}
:: present participle of disorganizzare
disorganizzare {vt}
:: to disorganize
disorganizzatamente {adv}
:: in a disorganized or confused manner, chaotically
disorganizzato {adj}
:: disorganized, confused, chaotic
disorganizzazione {f}
:: disorganization
disorientamento {m}
:: disorientation
disorientante {v}
:: present participle of disorientare
disorientante {adj}
:: disorientating, confusing
disorientantesi {v}
:: present participle of disorientarsi
disorientare {vt}
:: to disorientate, bewilder, befuddle
disorientarsi {vr}
:: To be disorientated; to lose one's bearings
disorientato {adj}
:: disorientated
disorientatosi {v}
:: past participle of disorientarsi
disormeggiante {v}
:: present participle of disormeggiare
disormeggiare {vt} [nautical]
:: to unmoor
disormeggio {m} [nautical]
:: unmooring
disorrevolmente {adv}
:: alternative form of disonorevolmente
disortografia {f}
:: dysorthography
disossamento {m}
:: boning (removal of bones)
disossante {v}
:: present participle of disossare
disossare {vt}
:: to bone (remove bones)
disossidante {v}
:: present participle of disossidare
disossidante {adj}
:: deoxidizing
disossidante {m}
:: deoxidizer
disossidare {vt} [chemistry]
:: to deoxidize
disossidazione {f}
:: deoxidation, deoxidizing
disostituito {adj} [chemistry]
:: disubstituted
disostosi {f}
:: dysostosis
disostruente {v}
:: present participle of disostruire
disostruire {vt}
:: To unblock
disostruzione {f}
:: unblocking
di sottecchi {adv}
:: furtively, stealthily, secretly
di sottecchi {adv}
:: sidelong
disotterrante {v}
:: present participle of disotterrare
disotterrare {vt}
:: Variant of dissotterrare
di sottinsù {adv}
:: From below
di sotto {adv}
:: downstairs
di sotto {adv}
:: underneath
disotto {adv}
:: alternative spelling of di sotto
dispacciamento {m}
:: dispatching
dispaccio {m}
:: dispatch (communication)
disparatamente {adv}
:: disparately
disparato {adj}
:: disparate
disparente {v}
:: present participle of disparire
dispareunia {f} [pathology]
:: dyspareunia
dispargente {v}
:: present participle of dispargere
dispargere {v} [obsolete]
:: Variant of spargere
dispari {adj}
:: odd (of a number)
dispari {adj}
:: unequal
dispari {n}
:: odd number
disparire {vi}
:: Variant of sparire or scomparire
disparità {f}
:: disparity (in)
disparità {f}
:: difference (in)
disparità {f}
:: spread (of)
disparitario {adj}
:: unequal (not based upon parity or equality)
disparo {adj} /disˈpa.ro/
:: odd (of a number)
disparte {adv}
:: apart
dispegnente {v}
:: present participle of dispegnere
dispegnere {v} [obsolete]
:: Variant of spegnere
dispendente {v}
:: present participle of dispendere
dispendere {vt}
:: To spend or dissipate
dispendio {m}
:: expenditure
dispendio {m}
:: waste
dispendio {m}
:: extravagance
dispendiosamente {adv}
:: expensively
dispendioso {adj}
:: extravagant
dispendioso {adj}
:: expensive
dispensa {f}
:: distribution, handing out
dispensa {f}
:: larder, pantry
dispensa {f} [furniture]
:: sideboard
dispensa {f}
:: instalment
dispensa {f}
:: exemption, dispensation (from)
dispensabile {adj}
:: dispensable
dispensante {v}
:: present participle of dispensare
dispensantesi {v}
:: present participle of dispensarsi
dispensare {v}
:: to dispense, to let off, to exempt
dispensare {v}
:: to dispense, to distribute
dispensario {m}
:: dispensary
dispensarsi {vr}
:: To dispense with (to go without)
dispensatore {m}
:: distributor, dispenser, bestower
dispensatosi {v}
:: past participle of dispensarsi
dispensatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of dispensatore
dispensazione {f}
:: dispensation
dispensiera {f}
:: stewardess
dispensiere {m}
:: steward
dispepsia {f} [pathology]
:: dyspepsia
dispeptico {adj} [pathology]
:: dyspeptic
disperabile {adj} [literary]
:: hopeless, desperate
disperante {v}
:: present participle of disperare
disperantesi {v}
:: present participle of disperarsi
disperare {vit}
:: (also with [ di + inf. ] or [ che + subj. ]) to no longer have hope to achieve or obtain [something]; to despair; to give up hope
disperarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disperare
disperarsi {v} [per]
:: to despair; to be disconsolate
disperata {adj}
:: desperate, reckless
disperata {adj}
:: forlorn
disperatamente {adv}
:: desperately, hopelessly
disperatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of disperato
disperato {adj}
:: hopeless, desperate, despairing
disperatosi {v}
:: past participle of disperarsi
disperazione {f}
:: despair
disperdente {v}
:: present participle of disperdere
disperdentesi {v}
:: present participle of disperdersi
disperdere {vt}
:: to scatter, disperse
disperdere {vt}
:: to waste, squander
disperdersi {v}
:: reflexive of disperdere
disperdersi {v}
:: to scatter, disperse
disperdersi {v}
:: to be wasted, lost
dispergente {v}
:: present participle of dispergere
dispergere {vt}
:: to scatter, disperse
dispermia {f} [biology]
:: dispermy
dispermo {adj} [botany]
:: dispermous
dispersa {f}
:: missing woman, especially a soldier
dispersamente {adv}
:: sparsely
dispersione {f}
:: scattering, dispersal
dispersione {f}
:: waste
dispersione {f} [chemistry, physics]
:: dispersion
dispersione {f}
:: leak
dispersivamente {adv}
:: disorganizedly
dispersivamente {adv}
:: dispersively
dispersività {f}
:: disorganization
dispersività {f}
:: dispersiveness
dispersivo {adj}
:: disorganized
dispersivo {adj}
:: dispersive
disperso {adj}
:: scattered, dispersed
disperso {adj}
:: sparse
disperso {adj}
:: lost, missing
disperso {m}
:: missing person, especially a soldier
dispersore {m}
:: earth plate, ground plate
dispersosi {v}
:: past participle of disperdersi
dispetto {adj}
:: scornful
dispetto {m}
:: a spiteful trick
dispetto {m}
:: vexation
dispettosamente {adv}
:: spitefully
dispettoso {adj}
:: spiteful, teasing, naughty
dispiacente {v}
:: present participle of dispiacere
dispiacentesi {v}
:: present participle of dispiacersi
dispiacere {vi} [followed by a]
:: to upset, displease
dispiacere {vi}
:: to dislike
dispiacere {vi}
:: to mind
dispiacere {vi}
:: to regret
dispiacere {m}
:: regret, sorrow
dispiacere {m}
:: grief
dispiacere {m}
:: disappointment
dispiacere {m}
:: worry (especially in plural)
dispiacersi {v}
:: reflexive of dispiacere
dispiacersi {v}
:: to be sorry for; to regret
dispiacevole {adj}
:: synonym of spiacevole
dispiacevolmente {adv}
:: displeasingly
dispiaciutosi {v}
:: past participle of dispiacersi
di spicco {adj}
:: prominent, outstanding
dispiegamento {m} [literary] /dispjeɡaˈmento/
:: deployment
dispiegante {v}
:: present participle of dispiegare
dispiegantesi {v}
:: present participle of dispiegarsi
dispiegare {vt} /dispjeˈɡare/
:: to stretch out
dispiegare {vt}
:: to deploy
dispiegarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dispiegare
dispiegarsi {v}
:: to be stretched out
dispiegarsi {v}
:: to be deployed
dispiegato {adj}
:: stretched out
dispiegato {adj}
:: deployed
dispiegatosi {v}
:: past participle of dispiegarsi
dispingente {v}
:: present participle of dispingere
dispingere {vt} [obsolete]
:: to rub out or erase a drawing etc
displasia {f} [pathology]
:: dysplasia
displasico {adj} [pathology]
:: dysplastic
displuviale {m} [geography]
:: watershed
displuvio {m} [geography]
:: watershed
displuvio {m}
:: ridge (of a roof)
dispnea {f} [medicine]
:: dyspnea
dispnoico {adj}
:: dyspneic, dyspnoeic
dispogliante {v}
:: present participle of dispogliare
dispogliare {v}
:: synonym of spogliare
disponente {v}
:: present participle of disporre
disponentesi {v}
:: present participle of disporsi
disponibile {adj}
:: available, disposable, at one's disposal, free
disponibile {adj}
:: vacant
disponibile {adj}
:: helpful, ready to help
disponibile {adj}
:: willing, disposed, prompt
disponibilità {f}
:: availability, supply
disponibilità {f}
:: helpfulness, willingness
disponibilità {f} [chiefly in the plural, economy]
:: available funds, current assets, cash
disporre {vt}
:: to place; to arrange; to set out; to organize
disporre {vt}
:: to prepare or prime; to dispose (to)
disporre {vt}
:: to command; to mandate; to require
disporre {vt} [archaic]
:: to expose
disporre {vt} [archaic]
:: to explain; to clarify
disporre {vt} [archaic]
:: to depose
disporre {vi}
:: (with di) to entrust; to count (on) [someone]
disporre {vi}
:: (with di) to have at one's disposal
disporre {vi}
:: (with di) to guide someone's will; to exploitatively direct [someone]; to use [someone]
disporre {vi}
:: (with di) to make available
disporre {vi}
:: (with di) to have employed
disporre {vi} [banking]
:: (with su or a carico di) to oblige by draft, check, etc
disporsi {v}
:: reflexive of disporre
disporsi {v}
:: to arrange oneself, place oneself, put out oneself
disporsi {v}
:: (with a) to prepare or get ready (for)
disportazione {f} [obsolete]
:: transport
disposare {v} [literary] /dis.poˈsa.re/
:: to marry
disposare {v} [literary]
:: to betroth
disposare {v} [literary, figurative]
:: to unite, to join
dispositivo {m}
:: appliance, device, equipment, setup
dispositivo {m}
:: purview (legal)
dispositivo {adj} [legal]
:: dispositive
dispositivo intrauterino {m}
:: intrauterine device
dispositivo intrauterino {m}
:: IUD
disposizion {f}
:: apocopic form of disposizione
disposizione {f}
:: disposal
disposizione {f}
:: disposition, arrangement, placing
disposizione {f}
:: order, direction, instruction, regulation, provision
disposizione {f}
:: (natural) gift, (natural) bent
disposizione {f}
:: mood
dispostissimo {adj}
:: superlative of disposto
disposto {adj}
:: ready, prepared, willing, inclined, disposed, open
disposto {m} [legal]
:: provisions
dispostosi {v}
:: past participle of disporsi
dispoticamente {adv}
:: despotically
dispoticamente {adv}
:: tyrannically
dispotico {adj}
:: despotic
dispotico {adj}
:: tyrannical, overbearing
dispotismo {m}
:: despotism
dispregevolmente {adv}
:: contemptibly
dispregiabile {adj}
:: contemptible, despicable
dispregiante {v}
:: present participle of dispregiare
dispregiare {vt} [literary] /dis.preˈd͡ʒa.re/
:: to despise, to scorn
dispregiativamente {adv}
:: disparagingly
dispregiativamente {adv}
:: pejoratively
dispregiativo {adj}
:: disparaging
dispregiativo {adj}
:: pejorative
dispregiatore {adj}
:: despising
dispregiatore {m}
:: despiser
dispregiatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of dispregiatore
dispregio {m}
:: contempt, scorn, disparagement
disprezzabile {adj}
:: contemptible, despicable
disprezzante {v}
:: present participle of disprezzare
disprezzantesi {v}
:: present participle of disprezzarsi
disprezzare {vt} /dis.pretˈt͡sa.re/
:: to despise, scorn, disdain or slight
disprezzare {vt} [by extension]
:: to disregard
disprezzarsi {vr}
:: To despise oneself
disprezzarsi {vr}
:: To despise each other
disprezzatosi {v}
:: past participle of disprezzarsi
disprezzo {m}
:: scorn
disprezzo {m}
:: contempt
dispromettente {v}
:: present participle of dispromettere
dispromettere {vt}
:: To renege or go back on a promise or commitment
disproporzionamento {m}
:: disproportionation
disproporzionante {v}
:: present participle of disproporzionare
disproporzionare {vt}
:: to disproportionate
disproporzione {f}
:: disproportion
disprosia {m} [inorganic compound]
:: dysprosia
disprosio {m} [chemistry] /disˈprɔzjo/
:: dysprosium
disputa {f}
:: discussion, dispute, debate, disputation, spat
disputa {f}
:: argument, quarrel
disputabile {adj}
:: disputable, questionable, controvertible
disputabilità {f}
:: disputability, disputableness, questionableness
disputantesi {v}
:: present participle of disputarsi
disputare {vi}
:: to dispute, discuss, argue
disputare {vi}
:: to compete, contend
disputare {vt}
:: to dispute, contest, fight
disputare {vt} [sports]
:: to take part in, play
disputarsi {vr}
:: To dispute, contend or fight over
disputarsi {vr}
:: To play, compete or take part
disputatosi {v}
:: past participle of disputarsi
disputazione {f}
:: disputation
disputazione {f}
:: dissertation
disqualificante {v}
:: present participle of disqualificare
disqualificare {vt}
:: to disqualify
disqualificazione {f}
:: disqualification
disquisente {v}
:: present participle of disquisire
disquisire {vi}
:: To discourse
disquisitore {m}
:: disquisitor
disquisizione {f}
:: dissertation, disquisition
disragionevolmente {adv}
:: unreasonably
disritmia {f}
:: dysrhythmia
disrompente {v}
:: present participle of disrompere
disrompere {v}
:: obsolete form of rompere
disrupzione {f}
:: disruptive electric discharge (when a charge is too big for an insulator)
disruttivo {adj}
:: disruptive
disruttore {m}
:: spoiler (on aircraft etc)
disruzione {f}
:: disruption, interruption
dissabbiatore {m} [architecture]
:: sand trap
dissacrante {v}
:: present participle of dissacrare
dissacrante {adj}
:: That desecrates
dissacrare {vt}
:: To desecrate
dissacrato {adj}
:: desecrated, profane
dissacratore {adj}
:: irreverent
dissacratore {adj}
:: desecrating
dissacratorio {adj}
:: desecrating
dissacratorio {adj}
:: irreverent, profaning
dissacrazione {f}
:: desecration
dissalamento {m}
:: desalination
dissalante {v}
:: present participle of dissalare
dissalare {v}
:: to desalinize
dissalatore {m}
:: desalinator
dissalazione {f}
:: desalination
dissaldante {v}
:: present participle of dissaldare
dissaldare {vt}
:: To unsolder
dissaldatura {f}
:: unsoldering
dissanguamento {m}
:: blood loss
dissanguante {v}
:: present participle of dissanguare
dissanguantesi {v}
:: present participle of dissanguarsi
dissanguare {vt}
:: to bleed white
dissanguare {vt}
:: to suck dry
dissanguarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dissanguare
dissanguarsi {vr}
:: to be bled white; to bleed copiously
dissanguarsi {vr}
:: to be sucked dry; to be ruined
dissanguato {adj}
:: bled white
dissanguato {adj}
:: sucked dry
dissanguatosi {v}
:: past participle of dissanguarsi
dissapore {m}
:: minor disagreement
dissecante {v}
:: present participle of dissecare
dissecare {vt}
:: to dissect
dissecazione {f}
:: dissection
disseccamento {m}
:: desiccation, drying up
disseccante {v}
:: present participle of disseccare
disseccantesi {v}
:: present participle of disseccarsi
disseccare {vt}
:: to dry (up)
disseccare {vt}
:: to desiccate
disseccarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disseccare
disseccarsi {v}
:: to dry up
disseccarsi {v}
:: to become desiccated
disseccativo {adj}
:: desiccative
disseccato {adj}
:: dried up
disseccato {adj}
:: desiccated
disseccatosi {v}
:: past participle of disseccarsi
disseccazione {f}
:: desiccation
disselciante {v}
:: present participle of disselciare
disselciare {vt}
:: To remove a pavement
dissellante {v}
:: present participle of dissellare
dissellare {vt}
:: To unsaddle
disseminante {v}
:: present participle of disseminare
disseminare {vt}
:: to scatter, spread, disseminate
disseminato {adj}
:: scattered, spread, disseminated
disseminazione {f}
:: spreading, scattering, dissemination
dissennatamente {adv}
:: unwisely
dissennatamente {adv}
:: foolishly
dissennatezza {f}
:: madness, craziness
dissennato {adj}
:: stupid
dissennato {adj}
:: foolish (person)
dissennato {adj}
:: senseless (idea)
dissennatore {m}
:: dementor
dissennatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of dissennatore
dissenso {m}
:: dissent
dissentaneità {f} [literary]
:: dissimilarity
dissentaneo {adj} [literary]
:: dissimilar
dissentente {v}
:: present participle of dissentire
dissenteria {f} [disease]
:: dysentery
dissenterico {adj}
:: dysenteric
dissentire {vi}
:: to dissent or disagree
dissenziente {adj}
:: dissenting
dissenziente {mf}
:: dissenter
disseparazione {f}
:: separation
disseppellente {v}
:: present participle of disseppellire
disseppellimento {m}
:: disinterment
disseppellimento {m}
:: exhumation
disseppellimento {m}
:: unearthing
disseppellire {vt}
:: to disinter or exhume
disseppellire {vt}
:: to dig up or unearth
disseppellire l'ascia di guerra {v}
:: to take up the hatchet
dissequestrante {v}
:: present participle of dissequestrare
dissequestrare {vt} [legal]
:: to release from seizure
dissequestro {m}
:: release from seizure
disserrante {v}
:: present participle of disserrare
disserrare {vt}
:: To unlock or open
dissertante {v}
:: present participle of dissertare
dissertare {v} [di, su]
:: to discourse (about) [erudite or scholarly matters]
dissertativo {adj}
:: disquisitive, dissertational
dissertatore {m}
:: dissertator
dissertatorio {adj}
:: dissertational
dissertazione {f}
:: dissertation, disquisition, discourse
disservizio {m}
:: inefficiency, malfunction, inconvenience
disservizio {m}
:: disservice, ill turn
dissestante {v}
:: present participle of dissestare
dissestare {vt}
:: to upset, disturb
dissestato {adj}
:: uneven
dissestato {adj}
:: shaky
dissesto {m}
:: disorder
dissesto {m}
:: difficulty,instability, trouble
dissetante {v}
:: present participle of dissetare
dissetante {adj}
:: refreshing, quenching (thirst)
dissetantesi {v}
:: present participle of dissetarsi
dissetare {vt}
:: To refresh, to quench someone's thirst
dissetare {vt} [figuratively]
:: To satisfy
dissetarsi {vr}
:: To refresh, to quench one's thirst, to drink, to water
dissetatosi {v}
:: past participle of dissetarsi
dissettore {m} [surgery]
:: dissector
dissezionante {v}
:: present participle of dissezionare
dissezionare {vt}
:: To dissect
dissezione {f}
:: dissection
dissidente {mf}
:: dissident
dissidenza {f}
:: dissidence
dissidio {m}
:: quarrel, dispute, spat, dissension
dissidio {m}
:: disagreement
dissigillante {v}
:: present participle of dissigillare
dissigillare {vt}
:: to unseal
dissigillare {vt}
:: to break the seal of
dissimiglianza {f}
:: Variant of dissomiglianza
dissimilare {adj} [rare]
:: dissimilar
dissimilarità {f}
:: dissimilarity
dissimilazione {f}
:: dissimilation
dissimile {adj}
:: different (from)
dissimile {adj}
:: dissimilar (to)
dissimilmente {adv}
:: differently (from)
dissimilmente {adv}
:: dissimilarly (to)
dissimmetria {f}
:: asymmetry
dissimmetrico {adj}
:: dissymmetric
dissimulabile {adj}
:: That can be hidden; concealable
dissimulante {v}
:: present participle of dissimulare
dissimulare {vt}
:: To hide or conceal
dissimulare {vt}
:: To alter or disguise the appearance of (something) so as to conceal its true nature
dissimulare {vi}
:: To dissemble
dissimulatore {m}
:: dissembler
dissimulazione {f}
:: dissimulation, dissembling, simulation
dissipabile {adj}
:: dispersible; able to be dispersed
dissipabile {adj}
:: dispellable; able to be dispelled
dissipante {v}
:: present participle of dissipare
dissipantesi {v}
:: present participle of dissiparsi
dissipare {vt}
:: to disperse
dissipare {vt}
:: to dispel
dissipare {vt}
:: to waste, squander
dissiparsi {v}
:: reflexive of dissipare
dissiparsi {v}
:: to disperse
dissiparsi {v}
:: to clear, lift [fog, etc.]
dissiparsi {v}
:: to vanish, disappear
dissipatamente {adv}
:: dissolutely
dissipatezza {f}
:: dissipation
dissipativo {adj}
:: dissipative
dissipato {adj}
:: dissipated
dissipato {adj}
:: dissolute
dissipatore {m}
:: heat sink
dissipatore {m}
:: kinetic impact shock absorber (mountaineering/climbing)
dissipatore {m}
:: garbage disposal
dissipatore {m}
:: squanderer, spendthrift
dissipatosi {v}
:: past participle of dissiparsi
dissipazione {f}
:: dissipation
dissociabile {adj}
:: dissociable, separable
dissociabilità {f}
:: The property of being dissociable; separability
dissociale {adj}
:: dissocial
dissocialità {f}
:: Property of being dissocial
dissociante {v}
:: present participle of dissociare
dissociantesi {v}
:: present participle of dissociarsi
dissociare {vt}
:: to dissociate
dissociarsi {vr}
:: To dissociate oneself
dissociata {f}
:: female equivalent of dissociato
dissociativo {adj}
:: dissociative
dissociato {adj}
:: dissociated
dissociato {m}
:: One who suffers from dissociation
dissociato {m}
:: A terrorist who has distanced himself from terrorism
dissociatosi {v}
:: past participle of dissociarsi
dissociazione {f}
:: dissociation (all senses)
dissodabile {adj}
:: tillable
dissodamento {m}
:: tillage (of the soil)
dissodante {v}
:: present participle of dissodare
dissodare {vt}
:: To till or break up (the soil)
dissolto {adj}
:: dissolved
dissolto {adj}
:: dispersed
dissoltosi {v}
:: past participle of dissolversi
dissolubile {adj}
:: dissoluble
dissolubilità {f}
:: dissolubility
dissoluta {f}
:: female equivalent of dissoluto
dissolutamente {adv}
:: dissolutely, licentiously
dissolutezza {f}
:: dissoluteness
dissolutezza {f}
:: licentiousness
dissolutivo {adj}
:: divisive
dissoluto {adj}
:: dissolute, depraved, debauched
dissoluto {m}
:: dissolute person, debauchee
dissolutosi {v}
:: past participle of dissolversi
dissoluzione {f}
:: dissolution
dissolvente {v}
:: present participle of dissolvere
dissolventesi {v}
:: present participle of dissolversi
dissolvenza {f}
:: dissolve (cinematic technique)
dissolvere {vt}
:: to dissolve
dissolvere {vt}
:: to disperse or dispel
dissolversi {v}
:: reflexive of dissolvere
dissolversi {v}
:: to dissolve, disperse
dissolvimento {m}
:: dissolution
dissomigliante {v}
:: present participle of dissomigliare
dissomigliante {adj}
:: dissimilar (to)
dissomigliante {adj}
:: different from
dissomiglianza {f}
:: A lack of resemblance, likeness or similarity
dissomigliare {vt}
:: To differ (be unlike)
dissonante {v}
:: present participle of dissonare
dissonante {adj}
:: dissonant
dissonante {adj}
:: discordant, clashing
dissonanza {f} [misic]
:: dissonance, discord
dissonanza {f}
:: dissonance, clash, conflict
dissonanza {f} [mechanics]
:: backlash, jarring, reflex
dissonanza cognitiva {f} [psychology]
:: cognitive dissonance
dissonnare {vt} [literary] /dis.sonˈna.re/
:: to awaken, wake up
dissotterramento {m}
:: disinterment
dissotterrante {v}
:: present participle of dissotterrare
dissotterrare {vt}
:: to disinter, exhume [a body]
dissotterrare {vt}
:: to dig up, unearth [physical remains]
dissotterrare {vt}
:: to resurrect [an argument, etc.]
dissuadente {v}
:: present participle of dissuadere
dissuadere {vt}
:: to dissuade
dissuasione {f}
:: dissuasion
dissuasivamente {adv}
:: dissuasively
dissuasivo {adj}
:: dissuasive
dissuasore {m}
:: dissuader
dissuasore {m}
:: bollard
dissueto {adj}
:: unaccustomed
dissuetudine {f}
:: disuse
dissuggellamento {m}
:: unsealing (opening by breaking a seal)
dissuggellante {v}
:: present participle of dissuggellare
dissuggellare {vt}
:: To unseal
distaccabile {adj}
:: detachable
distaccamento {m} [military]
:: detachment
distaccamento {m} [rare]
:: detachment; separation; departure
distaccante {v}
:: present participle of distaccare
distaccante {m}
:: release agent
distaccante {m} [legal]
:: An employer who temporarily allows an employee to work for another
distaccantesi {v}
:: present participle of distaccarsi
distaccare {vt}
:: to separate
distaccare {vt}
:: to remove, detach, or take off
distaccare {vt}
:: to distance or alienate
distaccare {vt} [spots]
:: to outdistance (in a race)
distaccarsi {v}
:: reflexive of distaccare
distaccarsi {v}
:: [of an aircraft or its passengers] to take off
distaccarsi {v} [also, figurative]
:: (with da) to detach or separate (from)
distaccarsi {v}
:: (with da + a) to distinguish oneself or stand out (from) (by/because of)
distaccarsi {v} [sports]
:: (with da + di) to outrun, outstrip, or outpace (by) (from)
distaccatamente {adv}
:: in a detached manner
distaccatario {m} [legal]
:: An employer who temporarily employs an employee of another
distaccato {adj}
:: detached
distaccatosi {v}
:: past participle of distaccarsi
distacco {m}
:: detaching
distacco {m}
:: parting
distacco {m}
:: detachment (all senses)
distacco {m}
:: run
distale {adj} [anatomy]
:: distal
distalmente {adv}
:: distally
distante {v}
:: present participle of distare
distante {adj}
:: distant (space or time)
distante {adv}
:: far away
distantissimo {adj}
:: superlative of distante
distanza {f}
:: distance, interval
distanziamento {m}
:: outdistancing, outstripping
distanziamento {m}
:: separation (of aircraft)
distanziamento {m}
:: distancing
distanziamento sociale {m}
:: social distancing
distanziante {v}
:: present participle of distanziare
distanziantesi {v}
:: present participle of distanziarsi
distanziare {vt}
:: to outdistance, distance, outstrip
distanziare {vt}
:: to space, space out
distanziarsi {vr}
:: To move away, to leave
distanziarsi {vr}
:: To move aside
distanziatore {m}
:: spacer
distanziatosi {v}
:: past participle of distanziarsi
distanziazione {f}
:: distancing
distanziometro {m}
:: diastimeter
distare {vi}
:: to be distant (from)
distare {vi}
:: to be far (from)
distavore {adj}
:: distavorous
distendente {v}
:: present participle of distendere
distendentesi {v}
:: present participle of distendersi
distendere {vt}
:: to stretch out [a limb, etc.]
distendere {vt}
:: to relax [a muscle, etc.]
distendere {vt}
:: to extend
distendere {vt}
:: to spread [a tablecloth, etc.]
distendere {vt}
:: to hang out [washing]
distendersi {v}
:: reflexive of distendere
distendersi {v}
:: to lie down, stretch out
distendersi {v}
:: to relax
distendibile {adj}
:: stretchable, spreadable, unfoldable
distenditrice {f}
:: A machine which produces a continuous ribbon of combed fibres, used in the spinning of hemp, flax and silk waste
distensione {f}
:: relaxation
distensione {f}
:: stretching, distension
distensione {f}
:: détente
distensivamente {adv}
:: relaxingly
distensivamente {adv}
:: conciliatorily
distensivamente {adv}
:: soothingly
distensivo {adj}
:: relaxing, soothing
distensivo {adj}
:: conciliatory
disterminazione {f}
:: extermination
distesa {f}
:: stretch
distesa {f}
:: expanse
distesa {f}
:: land
distesa desolata {n}
:: waste, moor
distesa desolata {n}
:: A waste land; an uninhabited desolate region; a wilderness or desert
distesamente {adv}
:: in detail
distesamente {adv}
:: at length
disteso {adj}
:: stretched out
disteso {adj}
:: relaxed
distesosi {v}
:: past participle of distendersi
distico {m}
:: distich, couplet (rhyming)
distico {adj} [botany]
:: distichous
distillabile {adj}
:: distillable
distillante {v}
:: present participle of distillare
distillare {vt}
:: to distil
distillato {m}
:: distillate
distillato {adj}
:: distilled
distillatoio {m}
:: still
distillatore {adj}
:: distilling
distillatore {m}
:: distiller
distillatore {m}
:: moonshiner
distillatore clandestino {m}
:: moonshiner (a person who illegally distills, especially alcoholic spirits or hard liquor)
distillatorio {adj}
:: distillatory; distillation (attributive)
distillatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of distillatore
distillatrice clandestina {f}
:: female equivalent of distillatore clandestino
distillazione {f}
:: distillation
distilleria {f}
:: distillery
distilo {adj} [architecture]
:: distyle
distilo {adj} [botany]
:: distylous
distimia {f} [pathology]
:: dysthymia
distinguente {v}
:: present participle of distinguere
distinguentesi {v}
:: present participle of distinguersi
distinguere {vt} /disˈtin.ɡwe.re/
:: to distinguish, discern, discriminate
distinguere {vt}
:: to mark, indicate
distinguersi {v}
:: reflexive of distinguere
distinguersi {v}
:: to distinguish oneself
distinguersi {v}
:: to be conspicuous, be distinguishable from others
distinguibile {adj}
:: distinguishable
distinguibilmente {adv}
:: distinguishably
distinta {f}
:: note (commercial)
distintamente {adv}
:: distinctly
distintamente {adv}
:: separately
distintivo {adj}
:: distinctive, distinguishing
distintivo {m}
:: a distinguishing mark
distintivo {m}
:: flash
distintivo {m}
:: badge, emblem
distinto {adj}
:: different, distinct
distinto {adj}
:: clear
distinto {adj}
:: distinguished, refined
distintosi {v}
:: past participle of distinguersi
distinzione {f}
:: distinction (all senses)
distinzione {f}
:: discrimination (all senses)
distinzione {f}
:: refinement
distinzione {f}
:: honour
distiroidismo {m} [pathology]
:: dysthyroidism
distocia {f}
:: dystocia
distocico {adj}
:: dystocial
distogliente {v}
:: present participle of distogliere
distoglientesi {v}
:: present participle of distogliersi
distogliere {vt}
:: to remove, take away
distogliere {vt}
:: to dissuade, deter
distogliere {vt}
:: to distract, divert
distogliersi {v}
:: reflexive of distogliere
distogliersi {v}
:: to distract or divert one's attention
distogliersi {v}
:: (with da) to turn away (turn from a fixed course) (from)
distoltosi {v}
:: past participle of distogliersi
distoma {m}
:: liver fluke
distonia {f}
:: dystonia
distonico {adj}
:: dystonic
distopia {f} [medicine]
:: malposition
distopia {f}
:: dystopia
distopico {adj}
:: dystopic
distorcente {v}
:: present participle of distorcere
distorcentesi {v}
:: present participle of distorcersi
distorcere {vt}
:: to twist or distort
distorcersi {vr}
:: To sprain or twist (an ankle etc)
distorsione {f}
:: sprain
distorsione {f}
:: distortion
distorsione {f}
:: warp
distorsivo {adj}
:: distorting, distortion (attributive), distortive
distorsore {m} [music]
:: fuzz box, or similar device used to distort the sound of an electric guitar
distorto {adj}
:: distorted
distortosi {v}
:: past participle of distorcersi
distraente {v}
:: present participle of distrarre
distraentesi {v}
:: present participle of distrarsi
di straforo {adv}
:: furtively, on the sly
distraggere {v} /disˈtrad.d͡ʒe.re/
:: obsolete form of distrarre
distraibile {adj}
:: distractible
distraibilità {f}
:: distractibility
distrarre {vt}
:: to distract, divert
distrarre {vt}
:: to amuse
distrarsi {v}
:: reflexive of distrarre
distrarsi {v}
:: to be distracted, lose attention, space out
distrattamente {adv}
:: absentmindedly
distrattissimo {adj}
:: superlative of distratto
distrattissimo {adj}
:: very absent-minded
distrattissimo {adj}
:: very inattentive
distratto {adj}
:: absent-minded, forgetful
distratto {adj}
:: distracted, inattentive
distrattosi {v}
:: past participle of distrarsi
distrazione {f}
:: absentmindedness
distrazione {f}
:: oversight
distrazione {f}
:: distraction, amusement
di stretta misura {adv}
:: closely, narrowly
di stretta misura {adv}
:: by a narrow margin
distretto {m}
:: district, precinct, area, zone
distretto {m} [military]
:: recruiting office
distrettuale {adj}
:: district (attribute)
distribuente {v}
:: present participle of distribuire
distribuentesi {v}
:: present participle of distribuirsi
distribuibile {adj}
:: distributable
distribuire {v}
:: to distribute
distribuire {v}
:: to deliver post
distribuire {v}
:: to allocate or assign
distribuire {v}
:: to dole out or share out
distribuire {v}
:: to deal cards
distribuire {v}
:: to arrange
distribuire {v}
:: to deploy troops
distribuire mazzette {v}
:: synonym of ungere le ruote
distribuire mazzette {v}
:: synonym of pagare sottobanco
distribuirsi {vr}
:: To be distributed
distribuito {adj}
:: distributed
distribuitosi {v}
:: past participle of distribuirsi
distributività {f} [mathematics]
:: distributivity
distributivo {adj}
:: distributive
distributore {m}
:: distributor (person)
distributore {m}
:: distributor (all other senses)
distributore {m}
:: dispenser
distributore {m}
:: petrol station, gas station
distributore automatico {m}
:: vending machine
distributore di benzina {m}
:: filling station, petrol station, gas station
distributrice {f}
:: female equivalent of distributore
distribuzionale {adj}
:: distributional
distribuzione {f}
:: distribution (all senses)
distribuzione {f}
:: delivery
distribuzione {f}
:: allocation, assignment
distribuzione {f}
:: arrangement
distribuzione {f}
:: deployment
distribuzione gaussiana {f}
:: Gaussian distribution
distribuzione normale {f} [maths]
:: normal distribution
districabile {adj}
:: extricable
districante {v}
:: present participle of districare
districantesi {v}
:: present participle of districarsi
districare {vt}
:: To unravel, to disentangle, to untangle, to comb out
districare {vt}
:: To sort out, to get out of, to extricate
districarsi {v}
:: reflexive of districare
districarsi {v}
:: to unravel, get out of
districatosi {v}
:: past participle of districarsi
distrigante {v}
:: present participle of distrigare
distrigantesi {v}
:: present participle of distrigarsi
distrigare {v}
:: alternative spelling of districare
distrigarsi {v}
:: alternative spelling of districarsi
distrigatosi {v}
:: past participle of distrigarsi
distringente {v}
:: present participle of distringere
distringere {vt}
:: To grip etc with force
di striscio {adv} [idiom]
:: superficially
di striscio {adv} [idiom]
:: barely, hardly
distrobrevina {f} [protein]
:: dystrobrevin
distrofia {f} [pathology]
:: dystrophy
distrofia muscolare {f} [disease]
:: muscular dystrophy
distrofico {adj}
:: dystrophic
distrofina {f} [protein]
:: dystrophin
distroglicano {m} [protein]
:: dystroglycan
distruggente {v}
:: present participle of distruggere
distruggentesi {v}
:: present participle of distruggersi
distrugger {v}
:: apocopic form of distruggere
distruggere {vt}
:: to destroy, wipe out or ruin
distruggersi {v}
:: reflexive of distruggere
distruggersi {vr}
:: to destroy oneself; to ruin oneself
distruggersi {vr}
:: to be in a bad state or condition, or in bad health
distruggibile {adj}
:: destructible (Variant of: distruttibile)
distruggidocumenti {m}
:: shredder (for paper)
distruttibile {adj}
:: destructible
distruttibilità {f}
:: destructibility
distruttivamente {adv}
:: destructively
distruttività {f}
:: destructiveness
distruttivo {adj}
:: destructive
distrutto {adj}
:: distraught (emotional)
distrutto {adj}
:: tired, stuffed
distruttore {adj}
:: destructive
distruttore {m}
:: destroyer
distruttosi {v}
:: past participle of distruggersi
distruttrice {f}
:: female equivalent of distruttore
distruzione {f}
:: destruction
disturbabile {adj}
:: That can be disturbed or upset
disturbante {v}
:: present participle of disturbare
disturbantesi {v}
:: present participle of disturbarsi
disturbare {vt}
:: to disturb, bother, trouble, inconvenience
disturbare {vt}
:: to upset, disrupt
disturbare {vt} [telephone]
:: to interfere, jam
disturbarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disturbare
disturbarsi {v}
:: to trouble, bother
disturbatore {m}
:: disturber
disturbatore {m}
:: troublemaker
disturbatosi {v}
:: past participle of disturbarsi
disturbo {m} /disˈtur.bo/
:: trouble, bother, inconvenience
disturbo {m} [telephone]
:: disturbance, interference, noise
disturbo del linguaggio {m}
:: speech disorder
disubbidente {v}
:: present participle of disubbidire
disubbidiente {adj}
:: disobedient
disubbidienza {f}
:: disobedience
disubbidire {vt} /dizubːiˈdire/
:: to disobey
di successo {adv}
:: brilliant, successful
disuggellamento {m}
:: alternative form of dissuggellamento
disuguaglianza {f}
:: disparity, inequality
disuguaglianza {f}
:: unevenness
disuguaglianza {f} [mathematics]
:: inequality
disuguale {adj}
:: different
disuguale {adj}
:: uneven, irregular
disuguale {adj}
:: unequal
disuguale {m}
:: unequal (in power, age, etc.)
disugualità {f}
:: disparity, inequality
disugualmente {adv}
:: differently
disugualmente {adv}
:: unevenly, irregularly
disugualmente {adv}
:: unequally
disumanamente {adv}
:: inhumanly
disumanante {v}
:: present participle of disumanare
disumanantesi {v}
:: present participle of disumanarsi
disumanare {vt}
:: To dehumanize
disumanarsi {vr}
:: To become dehumanized
disumanato {adj}
:: dehumanized
disumanatosi {v}
:: past participle of disumanarsi
disumanità {f}
:: inhumanity
disumanitario {adj}
:: dehumanizing
disumanizzante {v}
:: present participle of disumanizzare
disumanizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of disumanizzarsi
disumanizzare {vt}
:: to dehumanize
disumanizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of disumanizzare
disumanizzarsi {vr}
:: to become dehumanized
disumanizzato {adj}
:: dehumanized
disumanizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of disumanizzarsi
disumanizzazione {f}
:: dehumanization
disumano {adj}
:: inhuman
disumazione {f}
:: disinterment, exhumation
disunente {v}
:: present participle of disunire
disunentesi {v}
:: present participle of disunirsi
disunibile {adj}
:: divisible
disunione {f}
:: disunion
disunione {f}
:: discord
disunire {vt}
:: To disunite, disjoin or break up
disunirsi {vr}
:: To become disunited or divided
disunità {f}
:: disunity, unevenness
disunitamente {adv}
:: separately, disjointedly
disunito {adj}
:: disunited, divided, disjointed
disunitosi {v}
:: past participle of disunirsi
disuria {f} [pathology]
:: dysuria
disusante {v}
:: present participle of disusare
disusare {vt}
:: To cease to use
disuso {m}
:: disuse
disutile {adj}
:: useless
disutilità {f}
:: uselessness, disutility
disvalente {v}
:: present participle of disvalere
disvalere {vi} [obsolete]
:: to be harmful, dangerous
disvalere {vi} [obsolete]
:: to diminish in value
disvalore {m}
:: negative value
disvalore {m}
:: loss of value
disvedente {v}
:: present participle of disvedere
disvedere {vt} [obsolete]
:: to ignore
disveggente {v}
:: present participle of disvedere
disvelamento {m}
:: revelation, disclosure
disvelamento {m}
:: explanation
disvelante {v}
:: present participle of disvelare
disvelare {vt}
:: To disclose or reveal
disvelatore {adj}
:: disclosing, revealing
disvestito {adj}
:: undressed
disviabile {adj}
:: That can be diverted
disviante {v}
:: present participle of disviare
disviantesi {v}
:: present participle of disviarsi
disviare {vt}
:: To lead astray
disviarsi {vr}
:: To go astray
disviatosi {v}
:: past participle of disviarsi
disvolente {v}
:: present participle of disvolere
disvolere {v}
:: to cease to want something
disvolere {v}
:: to refuse
disvolere {m}
:: A change of mind
disvolgente {v}
:: present participle of disvolgere
disvolgere {vt}
:: Variant of svolgere
di taglio {adv}
:: edgeways, edgewise
dita incrociate {f}
:: fingers crossed
ditale {m}
:: thimble
ditale {m}
:: fingerstall
ditale {m}
:: cot
ditalino {m}
:: diminutive of ditale
ditalino {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: short pasta ring with ribbed sides
ditalino {m} [slang]
:: finger fucking, fingering
di tanto in tanto {adv}
:: occasionally, sometimes, now and then, every now and then, from time to time
ditata {f}
:: finger mark, fingerprint
ditata {f}
:: poke (with a finger)
diteggiante {v}
:: present participle of diteggiare
diteggiare {vit} [music]
:: to finger
diteggiatura {f} [music]
:: fingering
ditetragonale {adj}
:: ditetragonal
ditionato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: dithionate
ditionico {adj}
:: dithionic
ditionito {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: dithionite
ditirambico {adj}
:: dithyrambic
ditirambo {m}
:: dithyramb
ditisco {m}
:: any insect of the genus Dytiscus
ditizone {m} [organic compound]
:: dithizone
dito {m}
:: finger (on a hand)
dito {m}
:: toe (on a foot)
dito grosso {m} [familiar]
:: thumb
dito indice {m} [anatomy]
:: index finger, forefinger
ditola {f} [mycology]
:: club fungus, coral fungus, clavaroid fungus
ditola {f} [mushrooms]
:: changle (Ramaria flava)
ditola gialla {f} [mushrooms]
:: changle (Ramaria flava)
dito medio {m} [anatomy]
:: middle finger, tall man
dito mignolo {m} [anatomy]
:: little finger, pinkie
dito mignolo {m} [anatomy]
:: little toe
ditone {m}
:: big finger
ditone {m} [familiar]
:: big toe, hallux
ditono {m} [music]
:: ditone
di torno {adv}
:: around
Di Traglia {prop}
:: surname
di tratto in tratto {adv}
:: synonym of a tratti
di traverso {adv}
:: across, obliquely, askew
di traverso {adv}
:: sideways, sidelong, crookedly
ditrigonale {adj}
:: ditrigonal
ditta {f}
:: firm, company, concern, house
dittafono {m}
:: dictation machine, dictaphone
Dittaino {prop}
:: Dittaino (river)
dittamo {m}
:: fraxinella, burning bush, dittany
dittatore {m}
:: dictator, despot, tyrant
dittatorello {m}
:: dictator (especially a dictatorial politician etc.)
dittatoriale {adj}
:: dictatorial
dittatorialmente {adv}
:: dictatorially
dittatoriamente {adv}
:: dictatorially
dittatorio {adj}
:: dictatorial
dittatura {f}
:: dictatorship
dittero {adj}
:: dipteral
dittero {m}
:: dipteran
dittico {m} [arts]
:: diptych
dittinella {f} [Tuscany] /dit.tiˈnɛl.la/
:: synonym of erba corsa
dittiosoma {m}
:: dictyosome
dittologia {f}
:: dittology
dittongante {v}
:: present participle of dittongare
dittongare {vt}
:: To diphthongize
dittongato {adj}
:: diphthongal
dittongazione {f}
:: diphthongization
dittongo {m} [linguistics] /ditˈtɔn.ɡo/
:: diphthong
DIU {m}
:: abbreviation of dispositivo intrauterino
di un balzo {adv} [idiom]
:: quickly and unexpectedly
diuranato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: diuranate
diuresi {f} [medicine]
:: diuresis
diuretico {adj}
:: diuretic
diuretico {m}
:: diuretic
diurnamente {adv}
:: diurnally
diurno {adj} /di.ˈur.no/
:: diurnal
diurno {m}
:: diurnal (canonical book)
diurno {m}
:: public baths and conveniences
diuturnamente {adv}
:: diuturnally
diuturnità {f} [literary] /dju.tur.niˈta/
:: diuturnity
diuturno {adj} [literary] /djuˈtur.no/
:: diuturnal, durable, long-lasting
diva {f} [acting]
:: A star (female, especially a singer or actress)
diva {f} [poetic]
:: A goddess
divagante {v}
:: present participle of divagare
divagantesi {v}
:: present participle of divagarsi
divagare {vi}
:: To stray or wander
divagarsi {vr}
:: To amuse oneself
divagatosi {v}
:: past participle of divagarsi
divagazione {f}
:: digression
divallante {v}
:: present participle of divallare
divallare {v}
:: To descend a valley
divampante {v}
:: present participle of divampare
divampare {vi}
:: To flare up or break out
divanetto {m} [furniture]
:: Small sofa, couch, daybed
divano {m} [furniture] /diˈva.no/
:: sofa, divan, settee, chesterfield, love seat
divano-letto {m} [furniture]
:: day bed, sofa bed (sofa/couch that transforms into a bed)
divano-letto {m} [furniture]
:: davenport
divariante {v}
:: present participle of divariare
divariare {vi}
:: To be different, to differ
divariazione {f}
:: difference, gap
divaricabile {adj}
:: opening, openable
divaricamento {m}
:: opening (out)
divaricamento {m}
:: stretching (apart)
divaricante {v}
:: present participle of divaricare
divaricare {vt}
:: to open (wide)
divaricare {vt}
:: to splay
divaricatore {m} [surgery]
:: retractor
divaricazione {f}
:: divarication
divaricazione {f}
:: divergence (of opinion etc)
divaricazione {f}
:: spur
divario {m}
:: gap
divario {m}
:: clearance
di vecchia data {adj}
:: long-standing
di vecchio stampo {adj}
:: Of the old school, old-fashioned, out-of-date, outmoded
divedente {v}
:: present participle of divedere
divedere {v}
:: to give to understand
divedere {v}
:: to lead to believe
di vedetta {prep}
:: in the position of a guard or reconnoiter from a place suitable for observation; on the lookout
Divedro {prop}
:: Simplon (valley)
diveggente {v}
:: present participle of divedere
divellente {v}
:: present participle of divellere
divellere {vt} /diˈvɛl.le.re/
:: To uproot or to pull up
divellere {vt}
:: To eradicate, to extirpate
diveniente {v}
:: present participle of divenire
divenir {v}
:: apocopic form of divenire
divenire {vi}
:: to become
divenire {vi} [archaic]
:: to happen; to occur
divenire {vi} [literary, archaic]
:: to reach; to arrive
divenire {vi} [literary, archaic]
:: to derive; to come from
divenire {m}
:: evolution, development
diventante {v}
:: present participle of diventare
diventar {v}
:: apocopic form of diventare
diventare {vi}
:: to become, go
diventare {vi}
:: to grow
diventare tutt'uno {v}
:: to become one flesh
diventare tutt'uno {v} [idiomatic, of two persons]
:: To join together in marriage; to develop a unifying bond as a result of marrying
diverbio {m}
:: dispute, quarrel
divergente {v}
:: present participle of divergere
divergente {adj}
:: divergent
divergenza {f}
:: divergence
divergenza {f}
:: difference
divergere {vi}
:: to diverge
Diveria {prop}
:: An Alpine river that flows from Switzerland into Italy
diversamente {adv}
:: in a different way, differently, otherwise
diversamente abile {adj}
:: differently able
diversamente abile {mf}
:: A differently able person
diversi {pron}
:: several
diversificante {v}
:: present participle of diversificare
diversificare {vt}
:: to vary, diversify
diversificazione {f}
:: diversification
diversione {f}
:: deflection, detour, deviation, diversion
diversissimo {adj}
:: superlative of diverso
diversità {f}
:: difference
diversità {f}
:: variety, diversity
diversità di opinione {f}
:: difference of opinion
diversivo {adj}
:: diversionary
diversivo {adj}
:: distracting
diversivo {m}
:: diversion
diversivo {m}
:: distraction
diverso {adj}
:: different, diverse
diverso {adj} [in plural]
:: several
diverso {m} [euphemistic]
:: homosexual, gay
divertente {v}
:: present participle of divertire
divertente {adj}
:: funny, amusing, entertaining, fun
divertente {adj}
:: whimsical, playful
divertentemente {adv}
:: funnily, amusingly, entertainingly
divertentesi {v}
:: present participle of divertirsi
divertentissimo {adj}
:: superlative of divertente
divertere {v} /diˈvɛr.te.re/
:: obsolete form of divertire
diverticolare {adj} [anatomy]
:: diverticular
diverticolite {f} [pathology]
:: diverticulitis
diverticolo {m} [pathology]
:: diverticulum
diverticolosi {f} [pathology]
:: diverticulosis
divertimento {m} /di.ver.tiˈmen.to/
:: fun, amusement, entertainment, distraction
divertimento {m} [music]
:: divertimento
divertire {vt} [literary] /di.verˈti.re/
:: to turn away, to divert
divertire {vt} [literary]
:: to distract, to divert
divertire {vt}
:: to amuse, to entertain
divertirsi {vr}
:: to enjoy oneself, to have fun, to have a good time
divertirsi alla follia {v}
:: synonym of darsi alla pazza gioia
divertito {adj}
:: amused
divertitosi {v}
:: past participle of divertirsi
di vetta {adj}
:: top, summit, etc. (attributive)
di vetta {adj} [figurative, by extension]
:: top, peak
divetta {f}
:: starlet (cinema)
divezzamento {m}
:: alternative form of svezzamento
divezzante {v}
:: present participle of divezzare
divezzare {v}
:: alternative form of svezzare
dividendo {m}
:: dividend
dividente {v}
:: present participle of dividere
dividentesi {v}
:: present participle of dividersi
dividere {vt} /diˈvidere/
:: to divide
dividere {vt}
:: to share
dividersi {v}
:: reflexive of dividere
dividersi {v}
:: to divide, split up (into)
dividersi {v}
:: to fork
dividersi {v}
:: to separate, part
dividuità {f}
:: divisibility
dividuo {adj}
:: divisible
divietare {v} [rare]
:: alternative form of vietare
divieto {m}
:: prohibition, forbiddance, proscription
divin {adj}
:: apocopic form of divino
divinamente {adv}
:: divinely
divinamente {adv}
:: extremely
divinamento {m}
:: divination
divinante {v}
:: present participle of divinare
divinare {vt}
:: to divine
divinatore {m}
:: diviner
divinatore {adj}
:: divining
divinatorio {adj}
:: divining, divinatory
divinazione {f}
:: divination
divincolabile {adj}
:: That can be twisted
divincolamento {m}
:: wriggling
divincolante {v}
:: present participle of divincolare
divincolantesi {v}
:: present participle of divincolarsi
divincolare {vt}
:: To wriggle
divincolarsi {vr}
:: To wriggle or writhe
divincolatosi {v}
:: past participle of divincolarsi
divincolazione {f}
:: wriggling
divincolio {m}
:: twisting and turning; wriggling, writhing
divinilbenzene {m} [organic compound]
:: divinylbenzene
divinità {f} /di.vi.niˈta/
:: divinity
divinità {f}
:: godhead
divinità {f}
:: godhood
divinizzante {v}
:: present participle of divinizzare
divinizzare {vt}
:: to deify
divinizzazione {f}
:: deification
divino {adj} /diˈvi.no/
:: of or pertaining to a god or deity; divine
divino {adj} [figuratively, hyperbole]
:: heavenly
divisa {f}
:: uniform
divisa {f}
:: livery
divisa {f} [economics]
:: currency
divisa {f} [heraldry]
:: badge, emblem, token
divisibile {adj}
:: divisible
divisibilità {f}
:: divisibility
divisibilmente {adv}
:: divisibly
divisionale {adj}
:: divisional
divisione {f}
:: division (all senses)
divisione {f}
:: phylum (taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class
divisionismo {m} [arts]
:: divisionism, pointillism
divisionista {mf} [arts]
:: divisionist, pointillist
divisionista {adj} [arts]
:: divisionist, pointillist
divisionistico {adj} [arts]
:: divisionist, pointillist
divismo {m}
:: exhibitionism
divismo {m}
:: playing to the crowd
diviso {adj}
:: divided
divisore {m} [mathematics]
:: divisor
divisore {m}
:: partition, divider
divisorio {adj}
:: dividing
divisorio {adj}
:: partitioning
divisorio {m}
:: partition, divider
di vista {prep}
:: by sight
di vista {prep}
:: only as a matter of impressions; superficially
divistico {adj}
:: star (attributive), movie star (attributive), prima donna (attributive)
divizia {f} /diˈvit.t͡sja/
:: abundance
divizia {f} [in the plural]
:: riches, wealth
divo {m}
:: star (performer)
divo {m} [poetic]
:: god
divolgente {v}
:: present participle of divolgere
divolgere {v}
:: obsolete form of volgere
di volta in volta {adv}
:: from time to time
divorante {v}
:: present participle of divorare
divorantesi {v}
:: present participle of divorarsi
divorare {vt} /di.voˈra.re/
:: To devour, to eat up, to consume
divorarsi {vr}
:: To be consumed or eaten up (with)
divoratore {adj}
:: consuming, devouring
divoratore {m}
:: devourer, eater
divoratore {m}
:: cormorant
divoratore {m}
:: avid reader
divoratosi {v}
:: past participle of divorarsi
divoratrice {f}
:: female equivalent of divoratore
divorazione {f}
:: devouring
divorziante {v}
:: present participle of divorziare
divorziare {vt}
:: to divorce, to get divorced
divorziata {f}
:: female equivalent of divorziato
divorziato {adj}
:: divorced
divorziato {m}
:: divorced man
divorzile {adj}
:: divorce (attributive)
divorzio {m}
:: divorce
divorzista {adj}
:: divorce [attributive]
divorzista {mf}
:: divorce lawyer
divorzistico {adj}
:: divorce (attributive)
divorzistico {adj}
:: pro-divorce
divoto {adj}
:: devout
divoto {adj} [music]
:: solemn
divozione {f}
:: Variant of devozione
divulgabile {adj}
:: That can be divulged
divulgante {v}
:: present participle of divulgare
divulgantesi {v}
:: present participle of divulgarsi
divulgare {vt}
:: to divulge or disclose
divulgare {vt}
:: to popularize
divulgarsi {vr}
:: To spread (of news etc)
divulgativamente {adv}
:: informatively
divulgativo {adj}
:: informative (that divulges information)
divulgativo {adj}
:: popular
divulgatore {m}
:: populizer
divulgatore {m}
:: propagandist
divulgatosi {v}
:: past participle of divulgarsi
divulgazione {f}
:: disclosure
divulgazione {f}
:: popularization
divulgazione {f}
:: spread
divulsione {f}
:: divulsion
divulsore {m}
:: divulsor
diwan {m}
:: divan (collection of Persian poems)
Dixence {prop}
:: A long Alpine river in Switzerland
dizigotico {adj}
:: dizygotic
dizionarietto {m}
:: Small (pocket-size) dictionary
dizionario {m} /dit.t͡sjoˈna.rjo/
:: dictionary
dizionarista {m}
:: lexicographer (dictionary maker)
dizionarite {f} [jocular]
:: the continuous production of dictionaries
dizione {f} /ditˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: diction, delivery
dizione {f}
:: recitation
dizione {f}
:: pronunciation
dizione {f}
:: idiom, expression
dizolfo {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: disulfur
DNA {n}
:: DNA
do {m}
:: do (musical note)
do {m}
:: C (musical note or key)
Doagio {prop}
:: obsolete form of Douai
dobbiacense {adj}
:: Of, or from, Dobbiaco
dobbiacense {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Dobbiaco
Dobbiaco {prop}
:: Dobbiaco (town)
d'obbligo {adj}
:: obligatory
d'obbligo {adj}
:: required or recommended by social custom, tradition, etc.; formal, stilted, unspontaneous
doblone {m} [historical numismatics]
:: doubloon (former Spanish gold coin)
Dobrugia {prop}
:: Dobrugia (region)
dobutamina {f} [organic compound]
:: dobutamine
doc {n}
:: alternative case form of DOC
doc {adj} [chiefly wine]
:: certified as DOC (of a product, usually wine)
doc {adj} [by extension, colloquial]
:: genuine, excellent
DOC {n} [chiefly wine]
:: initialism of Denominazione di Origine Controllata
doccia {f} /ˈdottʃa/
:: shower
doccia {f}
:: drainpipe
doccia {f} [surgery]
:: plaster cast
docciagel {m}
:: shower gel
docciaschiuma {m}
:: A form of bath foam packaged for use in a shower; shower gel
docciatura {f} [medicine]
:: douching, douche
doccionata {f}
:: rainwater pipe; gutter
doccione {m}
:: spout (for water); gargoyle
docente {adj} /doˈt͡ʃɛn.te/
:: teaching (attributive)
docente {mf}
:: lecturer (at a university)
docenza {f}
:: teaching
DOCG {n} [chiefly wine]
:: initialism of Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita
docile {adj}
:: compliant, obedient, docile, meek
docilità {f}
:: docility
docilmente {adv}
:: docilely
docilmente {adv}
:: obediently
docimasia {f}
:: docimasy
docimastico {adj}
:: docimastic
docimologia {f}
:: educational assessment
docodonte {m}
:: docodont
documentabile {adj}
:: documentable
documentale {adj}
:: documental
documentalista {mf}
:: documentalist
documentalmente {adv}
:: In a documental manner (by use of documents)
documentante {v}
:: present participle of documentare
documentantesi {v}
:: present participle of documentarsi
documentare {vt}
:: to document
documentario {adj}
:: documentary
documentario {m}
:: documentary (film)
documentarista {mf}
:: documentarian
documentaristico {adj}
:: documentary (attributive)
documentarsi {vr}
:: To gather information or material (about)
documentatamente {adv}
:: In a documented manner
documentato {adj}
:: documented, substantiated
documentatore {m}
:: documentalist
documentatosi {v}
:: past participle of documentarsi
documentazione {f}
:: documentation
documentazione {f}
:: material, information
documentazione {f}
:: research
documento {m} /do.kuˈmen.to/
:: document
documento probatorio {n}
:: muniment
documento probatorio {n} [chiefly legal]
:: A deed, or other official document kept as proof of ownership or rights or privileges; an archived document
dodeca- {prefix}
:: dodeca-
dodecadattilo {m} [obsolete, anatomy]
:: dodecadactylum, duodenum
dodecaedrico {adj}
:: dodecahedral
dodecaedro {m} [geometry] /do.de.ka.ˈɛd.ro/
:: dodecahedron
dodecafonia {f} [music]
:: dodecaphony
dodecafonicamente {adv}
:: dodecaphonically
dodecafonico {adj} /do.de.kaˈfɔ.ni.ko/
:: dodecaphonic
dodecagonale {adj}
:: dodecagonal
dodecagono {m} [geometry]
:: dodecagon
dodecaidrato {m} [chemistry]
:: dodecahydrate
Dodecaneso {prop}
:: Dodecaneso (archipelago)
dodecasillabo {m} /do.de.kaˈsil.la.bo/
:: dodecasyllable
dodecasillabo {adj}
:: dodecasyllabic
dodecateico {adj}
:: Hellenic polytheistic
Dodecateismo {m}
:: Hellenic paganism
dodecile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: dodecyl
dodecuplo {adj}
:: twelvefold
dodicenne {adj}
:: twelve-year-old
dodicenne {mf}
:: twelve-year-old
dodicennio {m}
:: A period of twelve years
dodicesima {f}
:: female equivalent of dodicesimo
dodicesimo {adj}
:: twelfth
dodicesimo {m}
:: twelfth (the one in twelfth position)
dodicesimo {m}
:: twelfth (fraction)
dodici {adj} /ˈdoditʃi/
:: twelve
dodici {num}
:: twelve
dodicimila {adj}
:: twelve thousand
dodicimila {num}
:: twelve thousand
dodo {m} /ˈdɔ.do/
:: dodo
doga {f}
:: slat (of bed)
doga {f}
:: floorboard
doga {f}
:: stave
dogado {m}
:: dukedom, duchy (of a Venetian doge)
dogale {adj}
:: doge (attributive)
dogale {adj}
:: ducal
dogaliero {m}
:: A person in control of the movement of water (for agriculture, drainage etc)
dogana {f}
:: customs
dogana {f}
:: customs house, custom house
dogana {f}
:: custom duty, duty, customs
doganale {adj}
:: customs (attribute)
doganalista {f}
:: customs broker
doganiere {m}
:: customs officer
dogante {v}
:: present participle of dogare
dogare {vt}
:: To stave
dogaressa {f}
:: The wife of a doge
dogato {m}
:: dogate (the office of a doge)
doge {m} /ˈdɔ.d͡ʒe/
:: doge
doglia {f} [archaic, literary] /ˈdɔʎ.ʎa/
:: pain
doglia {f} [in the plural]
:: labour (the act of a mother giving birth)
doglianza {f}
:: pain, grief, distress
doglianza {f}
:: grievance
doglianza {f} [legal]
:: an appeal against a previous court decision
doglio {m}
:: dolium
Doglio {prop}
:: Doglio (village) that was the scene of a battle between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines
Doglioni {prop}
:: surname
doglioso {adj} [literary]
:: sorrowful
dogma {m} /ˈdɔɡma/
:: dogma
dogmatica {f}
:: female equivalent of dogmatico
dogmaticamente {adv}
:: dogmatically
dogmaticità {f}
:: Property of being dogmatic
dogmatico {adj}
:: dogmatic
dogmatico {m}
:: dogmatist
dogmatismo {m}
:: dogmatism
dogmatizzante {v}
:: present participle of dogmatizzare
dogmatizzare {vt}
:: To dogmatize
dogmatizzazione {f}
:: dogmatization
dogo {m} [literary] /ˈdɔ.ɡo/
:: bulldog
dogo {m} [literary]
:: mastiff
dolce {adj}
:: sweet
dolce {adj}
:: gentle, mild
dolce {adj}
:: luscious, sooth
dolce {adj}
:: dear
dolce {adj} [phonetic]
:: soft
dolce {m}
:: sweetness
dolce {m}
:: dessert
dolce {m}
:: cake
dolceamaro {adj}
:: bittersweet
dolce è la vendetta {phrase}
:: revenge is sweet
dolce far niente {m} /ˌdol.tʃe far ˈnjɛn.te/
:: dolce far niente (enjoyment of idleness)
dolcemente {adv}
:: sweetly
dolcemente {adv}
:: mildly
dolcemente {adv}
:: gently
dolcemente {adv}
:: softly
dolcemente {adv}
:: smoothly
dolce peso {m}
:: not too much to carry
dolcetta {f}
:: lamb's lettuce, corn salad (Valerianella locusta)
dolcetto {m} /dolˈtʃet.to/
:: diminutive of dolce: cookie, petit four, treat, sweet
dolcetto {m} [also, uncountable]
:: dolcetto (grape and wine from Piedmont)
dolce vita {f}
:: dolce vita (life of self-indulgence and luxury)
dolcevita {m} [also attributive] /ˌdol.tʃeˈvi.ta/
:: polo neck sweater, turtleneck sweater
dolcezza {f}
:: sweetness
dolcezza {f}
:: mildness
dolcezza {f}
:: gentleness
dolcezza {f}
:: softness
dolcezza {f}
:: smoothness
dolcezza {f}
:: sweetheart
dolciario {adj}
:: confectionery (attributive), sweet (attributive)
dolciario {m}
:: a confectionery worker
dolciastro {adj}
:: sweetish
dolciastro {adj}
:: sickly (sweet)
dolciastro {adj}
:: ingratiating (tone)
dolciera {m}
:: alternative form of dolciere
dolciere {m}
:: confectioner
dolcificante {v} /dol.t͡ʃi.fiˈkan.te/
:: present participle of dolcificare
dolcificante {adj}
:: sweetening
dolcificante {m}
:: sweetener
dolcificare {vt} /dol.t͡ʃi.fiˈka.re/
:: to sweeten
dolcificare {vt}
:: to soften water
dolcificato {adj} /dol.t͡ʃi.fiˈka.to/
:: sweetened
dolcificatore {m}
:: water softener (device)
dolcificazione {f} /dol.t͡ʃi.fi.katˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: sweetening (the process of making sweet)
dolcificazione {f} [of water]
:: softening
Dolcin {prop}
:: apocopic form of Dolcino
dolcino {m}
:: A slightly-sweet Italian wine
Dolcino {prop}
:: given name
dolcissimo {adj}
:: superlative of dolce
dolcitudine {m}
:: synonym of dolcezza
dolciume {m}
:: sweetmeat, confection, sweet
dolciura {f} [archaic, literary] /dolˈt͡ʃu.ra/
:: sweetness, particularly:
dolciura {f}
:: a sweet taste
dolciura {f} [figuratively]
:: a feeling of intimate pleasure
dolciura {f} [by extension]
:: mawkishness, soppiness
dolciura {f}
:: [Tuscany] mild climate
dolco {adj} [Tuscany, of weather] /ˈdol.ko/
:: moderate
dolco {adj} [Tuscany, figurative, archaic]
:: soft
dolco {adj} [Tuscany, figurative, archaic]
:: favourable, propitious
dolente {v}
:: present participle of dolere
dolente {adj}
:: sore, painful
dolente {adj}
:: sorrowful, doleful
dolentemente {adv}
:: sorely, painfully
dolentemente {adv}
:: sorrowfully, dolefully
dolentesi {v}
:: present participle of dolersi
dolere {vit}
:: to ache
dolere {vit}
:: to lament
dolere {vit}
:: to grieve
dolere {vit}
:: to suffer
dolersi {vr}
:: to be sorry or regret
dolersi {vr}
:: to complain
dolico- {prefix}
:: dolicho-
dolico {m}
:: cowpea
dolicocefalia {f}
:: dolichocephaly
dolicocefalo {adj}
:: dolichocephalic
dolicolo {m} [biochemistry]
:: dolichol
dolicomorfo {adj}
:: dolichomorphic
doliporo {m}
:: dolipore
dollarizzante {v}
:: present participle of dollarizzare
dollarizzare {vt}
:: To dollarize
dollarizzazione {f}
:: dollarization
dollaro {m}
:: dollar
dolo {m} [legal] /ˈdɔ.lo/
:: malice
dolo {m}
:: fraud, deceit
dolomia {f} [geology]
:: dolostone
dolomite {f} [mineral]
:: dolomite
Dolomiti {prop}
:: Dolomiti (mountain range)
dolomitico {adj} [mineralogy]
:: dolomitic
dolomitico {adj}
:: Dolomite (attributive)
dolomitizzazione {f} [geology]
:: dolomitization
dolorabile {adj} [pathology]
:: tender
dolorabilità {f} [pathology]
:: tenderness
dolorante {v}
:: present participle of dolorare
dolorante {adj}
:: aching, painful, sore
dolorare {v}
:: to suffer or ache
dolorazione {f}
:: sorrow
dolorazione {f}
:: pain, suffering
dolore {m} /doˈlo.re/
:: ache, pain
dolore {m}
:: sorrow, grief
doloretto {m}
:: A small pain
dolorifico {adj}
:: painful, aching
dolorifico {adj}
:: dolorific
dolorimetria {f}
:: dolorimetry
dolorino {m}
:: A small pain
dolorosamente {adv}
:: painfully
dolorosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of doloroso
dolorosità {f}
:: painfulness
doloroso {adj}
:: painful
doloroso {adj}
:: distressing
dolosamente {adv}
:: maliciously
dolosità {f}
:: malice
doloso {adj}
:: malicious
dolutosi {v}
:: past participle of dolersi
dom {m}
:: dominant, top (dominating BDSM partner)
domabile {adj}
:: tameable, domitable
domanda {f}
:: question
domanda {f}
:: request, demand, claim, application
domanda {f}
:: petition, action
domanda {f} [economy]
:: demand
domandante {v}
:: present participle of domandare
domandantesi {v}
:: present participle of domandarsi
domandare {v} /domanˈdare/
:: to ask
domandare {v}
:: to demand
domandarsi {v}
:: reflexive of domandare
domandarsi {vr}
:: to ask oneself
domandarsi {vr}
:: to wonder
domandatosi {v}
:: past participle of domandarsi
domandina {f}
:: A little question
domani {adv} /doˈmani/
:: tomorrow
domani {m}
:: tomorrow
doman l'altro {adv} /doˌmanˈlal.tro/
:: On the day after tomorrow; overmorrow
domante {v}
:: present participle of domare
domare {vt} /doˈma.re/
:: to tame
domare {vt}
:: to crush, subdue, quell
domare {vt}
:: to control, curb
domare {vt} [rare]
:: to wear out [clothing]
domare {vt} [literary]
:: to make malleable
domato {adj}
:: tamed
domatore {m}
:: breaker (of animals)
domatore {m}
:: wrangler
domatore {m}
:: tamer (of animals)
domatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of domatore
domattina {adv} /do.matˈti.na/
:: tomorrow morning
domatura {f}
:: taming
domatura {f}
:: breaking, breaking in (of an animal)
domenica {f} /doˈmenika/
:: Sunday
Domenica {prop}
:: given name. Dominique
Domenica delle palme {prop} [religion, Christianity]
:: Palm Sunday
domenica in albis {prop}
:: Divine Mercy Sunday (the Sunday after Easter)
domenicale {adj}
:: Sunday (attributive)
domenicano {adj}
:: Dominican
domenicano {m}
:: Dominican
Domenico {prop}
:: given name
domese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of Domodossola
domese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Domodossola or the Domodossola people
domestica {f}
:: maid, servant
domesticabile {adj}
:: domesticable
domesticamente {adv}
:: domestically
domesticante {v}
:: present participle of domesticare
domesticare {vt}
:: to domesticate
domesticazione {f}
:: domestication
domestichezza {f}
:: experience, practice, familiarity
domestichezza {f}
:: confidence or trust in a human relationship
domestichezza {f} [literary, euphemism]
:: carnal knowledge
domesticità {f}
:: domesticity
domestico {adj}
:: domestic, home [attributive], family [attributive], household [attributive]
domestico {m}
:: house servant, domestic
domiciliante {v}
:: present participle of domiciliare
domiciliantesi {v}
:: present participle of domiciliarsi
domiciliare {adj}
:: domiciliary, home (attributive)
domiciliare {vt}
:: To domicile
domiciliarsi {vr}
:: To fix one's residence or domicile; to domiciliate
domiciliataria {f}
:: female equivalent of domiciliatario
domiciliatario {m}
:: domiciliary
domiciliato {adj}
:: domiciled, resident, living
domiciliatosi {v}
:: past participle of domiciliarsi
domiciliazione {f}
:: domiciliation, residence
domicilio {m}
:: residence
domicilio {m}
:: domicile
domicilio {m}
:: address
domificazione {f}
:: domification
dominabile {adj}
:: controllable, manageable, subduable
dominante {v}
:: present participle of dominare
dominante {adj}
:: dominant
dominante {adj}
:: prevailing [opinion]
dominante {adj}
:: ruling [class, party]
dominante {f} [music]
:: dominant
dominantesi {v}
:: present participle of dominarsi
dominanza {f}
:: dominance
dominare {vt}
:: to dominate, to rule, to control, to contain
dominarsi {vr}
:: to control oneself, to master oneself
dominatore {adj}
:: ruling, dominating
dominatore {m}
:: ruler
dominatosi {v}
:: past participle of dominarsi
dominatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of dominatore
dominazione {f}
:: domination
domineddio {m}
:: God Almighty
Dominica {prop}
:: Dominica (island/and/country)
dominicale {adj}
:: manorial
dominicale {adj}
:: dominical
dominicana {f}
:: feminine noun of dominicano
dominicano {adj}
:: Dominican (of, from, or pertaining to the Dominican Republic, or its people)
dominicano {m}
:: Dominican (a person from the Dominican Republic or of its descent)
dominicense {adj}
:: Dominican
dominio {m}
:: rule, dominion
dominio {m}
:: power
dominio {m}
:: control
dominio {m}
:: mastery
domino {m}
:: dominoes
Domitilla {prop}
:: given name
domito {adj} [literary] /ˈdɔ.mi.to/
:: tamed
domitore {m} [literary] /do.miˈto.re/
:: synonym of domatore
Domiziano {prop}
:: Domitian
domma {f}
:: alternative spelling of dogma
domo {adj} [literary] /ˈdo.mo/
:: tamed
domo {m} [literary] /ˈdɔ.mo/
:: dome, vault
domo {m} [literary, figuratively]
:: sky
domo {m} /ˈdɔ.mo/
:: alternative form of duomo
Domodossola {prop}
:: Domodossola (town)
Domodossola {prop}
:: The letter D in the Italian phonetic alphabet
domoico {adj}
:: domoic
domotica {f}
:: domotics, home automation
domotronica {f}
:: alternative form of domotica
don {m}
:: Father (a title given to priests)
don {m}
:: A title of respect to a man
Don {prop}
:: Don (river)
Donà {prop}
:: surname
Donà {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
donabile {adj}
:: That can be donated
donacola {f}
:: munia, mannikin, silverbill
donante {mf}
:: donor
donare {vt}
:: to give
donare {vt}
:: to donate
Donarelli {prop}
:: surname
Donata {prop}
:: given name, feminine form of Donato
donatario {m}
:: donee
Donatella {prop}
:: given name, feminine diminutive form of Donato
Donatello {prop}
:: Donatello (Italian artist)
Donatello {prop}
:: given name, also used as a formal given name
Donati {prop}
:: surname
donatista {adj}
:: Donatist
Donato {prop}
:: given name
Donatoni {prop}
:: surname
donatore {m}
:: donor, giver
donatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of donatore
donazione {f}
:: donation, gift
donazione {f}
:: handout
donchisciotte {m} /ˌdoŋ.kiʃˈʃɔt.te/
:: Don Quixote (someone displaying quixotism)
Don Chisciotte {prop} /ˌdoŋ kiʃˈʃɔt.te/
:: Don Quixote (the protagonist a famous Spanish novel)
donchisciottescamente {adv} /ˌdoŋ.kiʃ.ʃotˌte.skaˈmen.te/
:: quixotically
donchisciottesco {adj} /ˌdoŋ.kiʃ.ʃotˈte.sko/
:: quixotic
donchisciottesco {adj}
:: Don Quixotesque
donchisciottismo {m}
:: quixotism
donde {adv} [archaic] /ˈdon.de/
:: whence; from where or which
dondola {f} [obsolete] /ˈdon.do.la/
:: rocking, swinging
dondola {f} [rare]
:: rocking chair
dondola {f} [rare]
:: swing
dondolamento {m}
:: rocking
dondolamento {m}
:: dangling
dondolante {v}
:: present participle of dondolare
dondolantesi {v}
:: present participle of dondolarsi
dondolare {vt}
:: To swing, rock or dangle (something)
dondolare {vi}
:: To rock, swing or sway
dondolarsi {vr}
:: To rock, swing or sway (oneself)
dondolatosi {v}
:: past participle of dondolarsi
dondolio {m}
:: rocking, swinging
dondolio {m}
:: dangling
dondolo {m}
:: swing
dondolo {m}
:: rocker
dondolone {m}
:: idler, loafer
dondoloni {adv}
:: swinging
dondoloni {adv}
:: dangling
dongione {m}
:: donjon, keep
dongiovannesco {adj}
:: Don Juan-like
dongiovanni {m}
:: Don Juan, libertine
Don Giovanni {prop}
:: Don Juan
dongiovannismo {m}
:: Don Juanism
Donini {prop}
:: surname
donizettiano {adj}
:: Relating to, or characteristic of the Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti
donna {f} /ˈdɔn.na/
:: woman
donna {f} [archaic]
:: lady
donna {f}
:: wife
donna {f} [card games]
:: queen
donna {f}
:: actress
donnacchera {f}
:: vulgar woman
donnaccia {f}
:: slut
donnaccia {f}
:: whore
donna d'affari {f}
:: businesswoman
donna di casa {f}
:: housewife
donna di casa {f}
:: mistress
donnaiolo {m}
:: philanderer, womanizer
donnaiuolo {m}
:: Variant of donnaiolo
donnesco {adj}
:: womanish, women's
donnetta {f}
:: little woman
donnetta {f}
:: ordinary woman
donnetta {f} [pejorative]
:: old maid, old wife
donnicciola {f}
:: silly woman
donnicciola {f}
:: sissy (effeminate man)
donnicciuola {f}
:: Variant of donnicciola
donnina {f}
:: diminutive of donna
donnina {f}
:: prostitute, loose woman
donnino {m}
:: Very small woman
donno {m}
:: synonym of signore
donno {m}
:: synonym of don
donnola {f} /ˈdɔn.no.la/
:: weasel
donnona {f}
:: alternative form of donnone
donnone {m}
:: large and tall woman; big woman
dono {m}
:: gift
donzella {f} [literary]
:: maiden, damsel
donzello {m}
:: knight bachelor
doorstepping {m}
:: doorstepping
dopachinone {m} [organic compound]
:: dopaquinone
dopaggio {m}
:: doping (illegal, in sport)
dopamina {f} [neurotransmitter]
:: dopamine
dopaminergico {adj}
:: dopaminergic
dopammina {f}
:: Variant of dopamina
dopante {adj}
:: doping
dopante {m}
:: dopant
dopante {v}
:: present participle of dopare
dopantesi {v} /doˈpan.te.zi/
:: present participle of doparsi
dopare {vt}
:: to dope (athletes, horses, etc to improve their performance)
doparsi {vr}
:: To dope, to take drugs (to improve athletic performance)
dopato {adj}
:: doped, on dope (athlete, horse)
dopato {m}
:: A doped athlete
dopatosi {v}
:: past participle of doparsi
doping {m}
:: doping (use of drugs to improve athletic performance; addition of impurities to semiconductors)
dopo- {prefix}
:: after-
dopo {adv}
:: after, later
dopo {prep}
:: after
dopo {conj}
:: then
dopobarba {m}
:: aftershave
dopoborsa {m} [finance]
:: after hours market; after hours trading
dopocena {adv}
:: after dinner
dopocena {m}
:: time after dinner, evening
dopo che {conj}
:: after, since, when, once
dopoché {conj}
:: alternative spelling of dopo che
dopodiché {adv}
:: after which, whereupon
dopo di te {phrase}
:: after you
dopodomani {m}
:: the day after tomorrow
dopodomani {adv}
:: the day after tomorrow
dopoelezioni {m}
:: Period after an election
dopogara {m} [sports]
:: The post-match period; the period after a match
dopoguerra {m}
:: The postwar period
dopolavorista {m}
:: Member of a working man's club
dopolavoristico {adj}
:: working man's club (attributive)
dopolavoro {m}
:: working man's club
dopolistino {m}
:: synonym of dopoborsa
dopopartita {m} [sports]
:: The post-match period; the period after a match
dopopranzo {adv}
:: after lunch
dopopranzo {m}
:: after lunch, afternoon
doposci {adj}
:: après-ski
doposci {m}
:: après-ski boots (etc)
doposcì {adj}
:: après-ski
doposcì {mp}
:: après-ski shoes
doposcuola {m}
:: after-school activities
dopo-shampoo {m}
:: hair conditioner
doposole {adj}
:: after-sun
doposole {m}
:: after-sun (product)
dopoteatro {adj}
:: after-theatre
dopoteatro {m}
:: after-theatre period or activities
dopo tutto {adv}
:: after all
dopotutto {adv}
:: after all
doppia {f} [chess]
:: fork
doppia coppia {f} [card games, poker]
:: two pair
doppiaggio {m} /dop.ˈpjad.dʒo/
:: dubbing (cinematographic technique)
doppiaggio {m}
:: dubber (person who speaks the dubbed voice)
doppiamente {adv}
:: doubly
doppiante {v}
:: present participle of doppiare
doppiare {vt}
:: to go past or go by [a place]
doppiare {vt} [automotive, sport]
:: to surpass another car by an entire lap [in a car race]
doppiare {vt} [literary or fossil word]
:: to double or duplicate
doppiare {vt} [rare]
:: to have [a lamb] be fed by two mothers' milk
doppiare {vt}
:: to dub (change audio on film)
doppiatore {m}
:: dubber
doppiatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of doppiatore
doppiatura {f}
:: doubling
doppiatura {f}
:: dubbing (film)
doppia vi {f}
:: alternative form of doppia vu
doppia vu {f} /ˌdop.pjaˈvu/
:: letter: w; double-u
doppiere {m}
:: two-branched candlestick or candelabra
doppietta {f}
:: Two goals in a football game, usually scored by the same player
doppietta {f} [firearms]
:: double-barrelled shotgun
doppietto {m}
:: Variant of doppietta
doppietto {m} [physics]
:: doublet (pair of spectral lines)
doppietto {m} [chemistry]
:: pair (orbital having the capacity to hold two electrons)
doppietto {m} [linguistics]
:: doublet
doppiezza {f}
:: duplicity, double-dealing
doppiezza {f}
:: doubleness
doppio {adj} /ˈdop.pjo/
:: double, dual, two [attributive]
doppio {adj}
:: two-faced, double-dealing
doppio {m}
:: double
doppio {m} [sports]
:: doubles
doppio {adv}
:: double
doppiofondo {m}
:: false bottom (of a suitcase etc)
doppiofondo {m} [nautical]
:: double hull
doppiogiochismo {m}
:: double-crossing
doppiogiochista {mf}
:: double-dealer
doppio mento {m}
:: double chin
doppione {m}
:: duplicate
doppiopesismo {m}
:: Having a double standard (especially of the press)
doppiopetto {adj}
:: double-breasted
doppiopetto {m}
:: A double-breasted jacket or suit
doppio senso {m}
:: alternative form of doppiosenso
doppiosenso {m}
:: double entendre
doppiovetro {m}
:: double glazing
doppista {mf} [tennis]
:: double player
doppo {adv} /ˈdop.po/
:: obsolete form of dopo
doppo {conj}
:: obsolete form of dopo
doppo {prep}
:: obsolete form of dopo
Dora Baltea {prop}
:: A river that flows in Valle d'Aosta and Piedmont
d'ora in avanti {adv}
:: from now on, from this moment forward
d'ora in poi {adv}
:: from now on, from this moment forward
Doralice {prop}
:: given name
dorante {v}
:: present participle of dorare
dorare {vt}
:: to gild (plate with gold)
dorare {vt} [cooking]
:: to brown
Dora Riparia {prop}
:: Dora Riparia (river)
dorato {adj}
:: gilt, gilded
dorato {adj}
:: golden
dorato {adj}
:: browned, sautéed
doratore {m}
:: gilder (one who gilds)
doratrice {f}
:: female equivalent of doratore
doratura {f}
:: gilt, gilding, gold-plate, gold-plating
doratura {f}
:: browning (of food)
Dordogna {prop}
:: Dordogne (dipartment)
Dordogna {prop}
:: Dordogne (river)
doreria {f}
:: gold jewellery, ornaments etc
Doria {prop}
:: surname
doriano {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the U.C. Sampdoria, the Italian football team based in Genoa
doriano {m}
:: A Sampdoria player or supporter
Doriano {prop}
:: given name
dorico {adj} [architecture]
:: Doric
dorico {adj}
:: Of or relating to Ancona and its football team
dorifora {f}
:: potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata, syn. Doryphora decemlineata)
dorismo {m}
:: Dorism
dormente {v}
:: present participle of dormire
dormente {adj}
:: alternative form of dormiente
dormenteci {v}
:: present participle of dormirci
dormicchiante {v}
:: present participle of dormicchiare
dormicchiare {vi} /dor.mikˈkja.re/
:: to doze or snooze
dormiente {adj}
:: sleeping
dormiente {mf}
:: sleeper (person)
dormienza {f} [biology]
:: dormancy
dormiglione {mf}
:: sleepyhead
dormiglione {mf}
:: lazybones
dormiglioso {adj} [literary]
:: sleepy, drowsy
dormiglioso {adj} [literary]
:: idle
dorminpiedi {adj}
:: sleepy, drowsy (asleep on one's feet)
dormirci {v}
:: to sleep on it (think about something for a while)
dormirci sopra {v} [idiom]
:: to sleep on
dormire {vi}
:: to sleep
dormire come una marmotta {v}
:: to sleep like a log
dormire sugli allori {v} [idiomatic]
:: to rest on one's laurels
dormirsela {v}
:: to sleep quietly and deeply; to be fast asleep
dormita {f}
:: sleep
dormitina {f}
:: nap, snooze
dormitoci {v}
:: past participle of dormirci
dormitorio {m} /dormiˈtɔrjo/
:: house, boardinghouse
dormitorio {m}
:: dormitory, dorm
dormitorio {m}
:: hall (in a college)
dormiveglia {mf}
:: condition of between being awake and asleep at the same time; light sleep
dormizione {f}
:: dormition
d'oro {adj} /ˈdɔ.ro/
:: golden, gold (made of gold, or having the colour of gold)
d'oro {adj} [figuratively]
:: golden, wonderful, priceless, super
doronico {m}
:: doronicum
dorotea {f}
:: A sister in any of the Dorotee orders
Dorotea {prop}
:: given name
dorsale {adj}
:: dorsal
dorsale {adj}
:: back (attributive)
dorsale {m}
:: back (of a chair)
dorsale {f}
:: ridge (of a mountain)
dorsalgia {f} [pathology]
:: back pain
dorsalmente {adv}
:: dorsally
dorsista {mf} [swimming]
:: backstroke swimmer
dorso {m}
:: back [of body, hand, book, etc.]
dorso {m}
:: ridge, shoulder
dorso {m} [swimming]
:: backstroke
dorsobronco {m}
:: dorsobronchium
Dorsoduro {prop}
:: Dorsoduro
dorsomediale {adj} [anatomy]
:: dorsomedial
dorsopatia {f} [pathology]
:: back pain, backache
dorsoventrale {adj}
:: dorsoventral
dorsoventrale {adj} [botany]
:: bifacial (with the two sides different)
dosabile {adj}
:: measurable
dosaggio {m}
:: dosage, dosing
dosante {v}
:: present participle of dosare
dosare {vt}
:: to measure out [ingredients]
dosare {vt} [medicine]
:: to dose
dosare {vt}
:: to husband [resources]
dosatore {m}
:: measure (device)
dosatore {adj}
:: measuring
dosatura {f}
:: dosing
dosatura {f}
:: dosage
dose {f}
:: dose
dose {f}
:: quantity, amount, measure
dose {f}
:: deal (great-good) (gran dose-buona dose)
dosimetria {f}
:: dosimetry (radiation)
dosimetrico {adj}
:: dosimetric
dosimetro {m}
:: dosimeter (radiation)
dossale {m}
:: ornamental cover (for an altar etc)
dossale {m}
:: lagging
Dossetti {prop}
:: surname
Dossi {prop}
:: surname
Dossi {prop}
:: Carlo Dossi, Italian writer
dossier {m}
:: dossier (collection of papers, especially legal)
dossieraggio {m}
:: The creation of a file (dossier) of confidential information on a person, especially with the intention of blackmail
dosso {m}
:: rise (of the ground)
dosso {m}
:: bump (in the road)
dossologia {f}
:: doxology
dotale {adj}
:: dotal
dotale {adj}
:: dowry (attributive)
dotante {v}
:: present participle of dotare
dotantesi {v}
:: present participle of dotarsi
dotare {vt}
:: To furnish or provide (with) something
dotarsi {v}
:: reflexive of dotare
dotarsi {vr}
:: to provide for oneself
dotarsi {vr}
:: to equip oneself
dotato {adj}
:: equipped (with)
dotato {adj}
:: endowed (with)
dotato {adj}
:: hung (colloquial) Having a large penis
dotatosi {v}
:: past participle of dotarsi
dotazione {f}
:: equipment
dotazione {f}
:: endowment
dote {f} [legal] /ˈdɔ.te/
:: dowry, dower
dote {f}
:: gift (2), talent (3)
dott. {n}
:: alternative case form of Dott.
Dott. {m}
:: abbreviation of dottore
dottabile {adj}
:: frightening
dottabile {adj}
:: risky
dottamente {adv}
:: learnedly
dottissimo {adj}
:: superlative of dotto
-dotto {suffix}
:: -duct
dotto {m} /ˈdot.to/
:: duct
dotto {adj} /ˈdɔt.to/
:: learned (all senses)
dotto {adj}
:: erudite
dotto {m}
:: scholar
Dotto {prop}
:: Doc (Disney character)
dotto biliare {m} [anatomy]
:: bile duct
dotto deferente {m} [anatomy]
:: vas deferens
Dottor {n}
:: apocopic form of Dottore Used before a personal name
dottorale {adj}
:: doctoral
dottorale {adj}
:: pedantic
dottoranda {f}
:: female equivalent of dottorando
dottorando {m}
:: graduate student
dottorato {m}
:: doctorate
dottore {m} [medicine]
:: doctor
dottore {m} [colloquial, university, related to second level degree or to doctorate]
:: doctor, graduate with a second level degree or a doctorate, Mr
Dottore {n}
:: Doctor (used before a name)
dottoreggiante {v}
:: present participle of dottoreggiare
dottoreggiare {vi}
:: to pontificate (in order to show off one's learning); to be or act like a know-it-all
dottore in medicina {m}
:: doctor, medical doctor, physician
dottorescamente {adv}
:: donnishly, pedantically
dottoresco {adj}
:: donnish, pedantic
dottoressa {f}
:: female equivalent of dottore
dottrina {f}
:: doctrine
dottrina {f}
:: learning, erudition
dottrinale {adj}
:: doctrinal
dottrinalmente {adv}
:: doctrinally
dottrinario {adj}
:: doctrinaire
dottrinario {m}
:: doctrinarian
dottrinarismo {m}
:: doctrinairism, doctrinarism
Dott.ssa {f}
:: abbreviation of dottoressa
double-face {adj}
:: reversible (clothing)
dov' {adv} [sometimes before a vowel or an h]
:: apocopic form of dove
dov {adv}
:: apocopic form of dove
dov {conj}
:: apocopic form of dove
Dovara {prop}
:: surname
dovario {m}
:: A sum of money, once given by a husband to his wife to put aside for use in the case of his untimely death
dove {conj} /ˈdove/
:: where
dove {adv} [interrogative]
:: where, whereabouts
dov'è {conj}
:: where he/she/it/one is
dovecchessia {adv}
:: anywhere
dove non batte il sole {phrase} [idiom, euphemism]
:: where the sun don't shine
dover {v}
:: Variant of dovere
dovere {vt}
:: to owe
dovere {v} [auxiliary]
:: to have to do something (must)
dovere {m}
:: duty
doverosamente {adv}
:: duly, properly
doveroso {adj}
:: right, due, proper
doversi {v}
:: reflexive of dovere
doversi {vr}
:: to have to do something
doversi {vr}
:: to be obliged
dovizia {f}
:: abundance
doviziosamente {adv}
:: abundantly, copiously
dovizioso {adj}
:: abundant, plentiful, rich
dovunque {adv} /doˈvunkwe/
:: wherever
dovunque {adv}
:: everywhere; anywhere
dovutamente {adv}
:: correctly
dovutamente {adv}
:: duly
dovuto {adj}
:: owing, owed
dovuto {m}
:: due, score, bill
dovutosi {v}
:: past participle of doversi
download {m} [computing]
:: download
downtown {m}
:: downtown (financial district)
doxorubicina {f} [medicine]
:: doxorubicin
dozzina {f} /doˈt͡si.na/
:: dozen (twelve or about twelve)
dozzinale {adj}
:: ordinary, cheap, second-rate
dozzinalità {f}
:: cheapness, ordinariness
dozzinalmente {adv}
:: ordinarily, cheaply, in a second-rate manner
dracena {f} [botany] /draˈt͡ʃɛ.na/
:: Any member of the Dracaena taxonomic genus
dracma {f}
:: drachma (former currency of Greece)
Dracone {prop}
:: Draco
draconianamente {adv}
:: in a draconian manner
draconiano {adj}
:: draconian
draftato {adj} [sports]
:: drafted (chosen from a pool of players)
draga {f} [nautical]
:: dredger
draga {f}
:: dredge
dragaggio {m}
:: dredging
dragamine {m} [nautical]
:: minesweeper
dragamine {m}
:: drifter
dragante {v}
:: present participle of dragare
dragare {vt}
:: to dredge
dragatore {m} [nautical]
:: dredger, dredgeboat
draghetto {m}
:: Small or baby dragon
Draghi {prop}
:: surname
Draghi {prop}
:: Mario Draghi, Italian economist
Draghignazzo {prop}
:: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
draghinassa {f} /dra.ɡiˈnas.sa/
:: Used to indicate any short, bladed weapon
draghista {m}
:: dredger
draglia {f} [nautical] /ˈdraʎ.ʎa/
:: stay, runner
drago {m}
:: dragon
drago {m} [colloquial]
:: expert, whizz
drago {m} [heraldiccharge]
:: dragon
drago di mare {m} [fish]
:: dragonfish (Idiacanthus antrostomus)
Dragogna {prop}
:: Dragonja
dragomanno {m}
:: dragoman
dragona {f}
:: wriststrap
dragona {f}
:: umbrella wriststrap
dragona {f}
:: ski pole wriststrap
dragona {f}
:: lanyard on a sabre handle
dragoncello {m}
:: tarragon
dragoncello {m}
:: guinea worm
dragone {m}
:: Variant of drago (dragon)
dragone {m}
:: Dragon class of dinghy
dragone {m} [military]
:: dragoon
draisina {f}
:: draisine
drakar {m} /ˈdra.kar/
:: longship (type of Viking vessel)
drakkar {m} /ˈdrak.kar/
:: alternative form of drakar
dramma {m}
:: drama
dramma {m} [figuratively]
:: tragedy, predicament
dramma {m} [familiar]
:: tragedy, fuss
dramma {f} [historical, numismatics]
:: drachma, drachm
dramma {f} [unit of weight]
:: dram
drammaticamente {adv}
:: dramatically
drammaticità {f}
:: drama
drammaticità {f}
:: dramatic force
drammatico {adj}
:: dramatic
drammatizzante {v}
:: present participle of drammatizzare
drammatizzare {vt}
:: to dramatize
drammatizzazione {f}
:: dramatization
drammaturga {f}
:: female equivalent of drammaturgo
drammaturgia {f}
:: drama
drammaturgico {adj}
:: dramatic (pertaining to drama)
drammaturgo {m}
:: dramatist, playwright
drammone {m}
:: tearjerker
drammone {m}
:: melodrama
drappeggiante {v}
:: present participle of drappeggiare
drappeggiantesi {v}
:: present participle of drappeggiarsi
drappeggiare {vt}
:: to drape
drappeggiarsi {vr}
:: To drape oneself
drappeggiatosi {v}
:: past participle of drappeggiarsi
drappeggio {m} /draˈpːe.d͡ːʒo/
:: drapery
drappeggio {m}
:: folds (of clothing)
drappella {f}
:: banderole
drappello {m}
:: platoon, squad
drapperia {f}
:: drapery
drapperia {f}
:: draper's (shop)
drappo {m} /ˈdra.pːo/
:: cloth
drappo {m}
:: curtain
drappo {m}
:: drape
drappo {m}
:: drab
drasticamente {adv}
:: drastically
drasticamente {adv}
:: short
drasticità {f}
:: The condition of being drastic
drastico {adj}
:: drastic
dravida {adj}
:: Dravidian
dravidico {adj}
:: Dravidian
dreadnought {f} /ˈdrɛd.not/
:: dreadnought (battleship in which most of the firepower is concentrated in large guns that are of the same caliber)
drenaggio {m}
:: drainage
drenaggio {m}
:: gutter
drenaggio {m}
:: sluice
drenante {v}
:: present participle of drenare
drenare {vt}
:: to drain
drenato {adj}
:: drained
drepanocitico {adj}
:: drepanocytic
drepanocitosi {f}
:: drepanocytosis
Dresda {prop}
:: Dresden (city)
dresina {f}
:: draisine
driade {f}
:: dryad
dribblaggio {m} [sports]
:: dribbling
dribblante {v}
:: present participle of dribblare
dribblare {vti} [sports]
:: to dribble
dribblatore {m} [sports]
:: dribbler
drillo {m}
:: drill (of genus Urosalpinx)
drin {m}
:: See drin drin
drin drin {m}
:: ring, ringing (sound of a telephone etc)
drink {m}
:: drink (served beverage and mixed beverage)
driolestide {m}
:: dryolestid
dritta {f}
:: right, right-hand
dritta {f} [nautical]
:: starboard
dritta {f}
:: tip-off, hint, indication (information given in secret)
dritta {f} [by extension]
:: suggestion, advice, tip
drittamente {adv}
:: directly
dritto {adj} /dritto/
:: straight, direct
dritto {adj}
:: upright, erect, straight
dritto {adj}
:: right, right-hand
dritto {adj} [knitting]
:: plain, knit
dritto {adj} [familiar]
:: crafty, sly
dritto {adj}
:: obverse [side of a coin, medal or badge]
dritto {adv}
:: straight, directly
dritto {m}
:: right side
dritto {m} [knitting]
:: plain stitch, knit stitch
dritto {m} [tennis]
:: forehand
dritto {m} [familiar]
:: crafty person, sly person
drittofilo {m}
:: grain (of cloth)
drittone {m}
:: slicker, sharper
driver {mf}
:: driver (in a trotting race; tennis player good at driving)
driver {m}
:: driver (golf club; computer module)
drizza {f} [nautical]
:: halyard
drizza {f}
:: gear, tackle
drizzante {v}
:: present participle of drizzare
drizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of drizzarsi
drizzare {vt}
:: to straighten
drizzare {vt}
:: to erect
drizzare {vt}
:: to prick up or perk up [the ears]
drizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of drizzare
drizzarsi {v}
:: to straighten
drizzarsi {v}
:: to become erect
drizzarsi {v}
:: to prick up [one's ears]
drizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of drizzarsi
droga {f} /ˈdrɔ.ɡa/
:: spice
droga {f}
:: drug
drogaggio {m}
:: doping (both drugging and the semiconductor usage)
drogante {v}
:: present participle of drogare
drogante {adj}
:: stimulating
drogante {m}
:: stimulant
drogantesi {v}
:: present participle of drogarsi
drogare {v}
:: to season or spice food
drogare {v}
:: to drug or dope a person or animal
drogarsi {vr}
:: To take drugs, to be on drugs
drogata {f}
:: female equivalent of drogato
drogato {m}
:: drug addict
drogatosi {v}
:: past participle of drogarsi
drogheria {f}
:: grocer's (shop)
droghiera {f}
:: female equivalent of droghiere
droghiere {m}
:: grocer (shopkeeper)
droide {m}
:: droid
dromedario {m}
:: dromedary
dromeosauride {m}
:: dromaeosaurid
dromeosauro {m}
:: dromeosaur
dromia {f}
:: A type of crab (Dromia personata)
-dromo {suffix}
:: -drome
dromo {m} [nautical] /ˈdrɔ.mo/
:: seamark
dromomania {f}
:: dromomania
dromone {m} [watercraft]
:: dromon
dromos {m} [archaeology] /ˈdrɔ.mos/
:: dromos (walkway to a tomb)
dromotropo {adj}
:: dromotropic
drone {m}
:: drone (unmanned aircraft)
drongo {m} [ornithology] /ˈdrɔn.ɡo/
:: drongo (any bird of the Dicruridae family), particularly the fork-tailed drongo (Dicrurus adsimilis)
dronte {m}
:: dodo
drosofila {f}
:: fruit fly (of genus Drosophila)
druda {f} /ˈdru.da/
:: feminine noun of drudo: paramour, mistress
drudo {m} [obsolete, historical, masculine only] /ˈdru.do/
:: vassal
drudo {m} [obsolete, masculine only]
:: defender
drudo {m} [obsolete, masculine only]
:: lover
drudo {m}
:: paramour
drudo {adj} [obsolete, literary]
:: loyal, faithful
drudo {adj} [obsolete, literary]
:: loving
drudo {adj} [obsolete, literary]
:: strong, healthy, thriving
druida {mf}
:: druid
druidico {adj}
:: druidic
druidismo {m}
:: druidism
druido {m}
:: alternative form of druida
drupa {f} [botany]
:: drupe
drupaceo {adj} [botany]
:: drupaceous
drusa {f} [mineralogy]
:: druse
drusiana {f}
:: slut
druso {m}
:: Druze
Druso {prop}
:: given name
Druso {prop}
:: surname
Dschubba {prop}
:: Dschubba, a binary star in the constellation of Scorpio
duale {adj} /duˈa.le/
:: dual
duale {adj} [physics]
:: Showing duality
duale {m} [grammar]
:: dual number
dualismo {m}
:: dualism
dualista {mf}
:: dualist
dualisticamente {adv}
:: dualistically
dualistico {adj}
:: dualistic
dualità {f}
:: duality
dualmente {adv} [math, physics] /dwalˈmen.te/
:: In a way consistent with the principles of duality
dubbietà {f} [literary] /dub.bjeˈta/
:: doubt, hesitation
dubbiezza {f}
:: doubtfulness
dubbio {adj} /ˈdub.bjo/
:: doubtful, uncertain, dubious, questionable
dubbio {m}
:: doubt, uncertainty, suspicion
dubbio amletico {m}
:: dilemma, difficult decision, difficult choice
dubbiosamente {adv}
:: doubtfully, dubiously
dubbiosamente {adv}
:: uncertainly
dubbiosità {f}
:: doubtfulness, uncertainty
dubbioso {adj}
:: doubtful, dubious
dubbioso {adj}
:: uncertain
Dubhe {prop}
:: Dubhe, the second brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Major
dubitabile {adj}
:: dubitable, doubtable, questionable
dubitabilità {f}
:: dubiousness
dubitante {v}
:: present participle of dubitare
dubitar {v}
:: apocopic form of dubitare
dubitare {vi}
:: to doubt, hesitate
dubitativamente {adv}
:: in a doubting manner; dubitatively, doubtingly
dubitativo {adj}
:: dubitative
dubitativo {adj}
:: Of doubt, doubting
dubitatore {m} /du.bi.taˈto.re/
:: (male) doubter (one who doubts)
dubitazione {f}
:: doubt, doubting
dubito {m} [archaic, literary] /ˈdu.bi.to/
:: doubt
dubitosamente {adv}
:: doubtfully
dubitoso {adj}
:: doubtful
dublinese {adj}
:: Dublin (attributive)
Dublino {prop}
:: Dublino (capital city)
dubnio {m} [chemistry]
:: dubnium
duca {m}
:: duke
ducale {adj}
:: ducal
Ducati {prop}
:: A company that designs and builds motorcycles
ducatista {mf}
:: A motorcyclist who rides a Ducati (in competitions)
ducato {m}
:: dukedom, duchy
ducato {m}
:: ducat
ducatone {m}
:: Any of several 17th-century European coins, higher in value than a ducat
duce {m} [archaic or literary] /ˈdu.tʃe/
:: captain, leader, helm
duce {m} [by extension, after the Fascist era]
:: An authoritarian leader
Duce {prop} [historical politics] /ˈdu.tʃe/
:: Il Duce (title assumed by Mussolini)
ducentesco {adj}
:: Variant of duecentesco
ducere {vt} [obsolete, rare] /ˈdu.t͡ʃe.re/
:: to lead, guide, drive
ducere {vt} [obsolete, rare, figurative]
:: to mold, temper
duchessa {f}
:: duchess
duchessina {f}
:: daughter of a duke
duchino {m}
:: son of a duke
due {num} /ˈdu.e/
:: two
due {adj}
:: two
due {m}
:: two
duecentesco {adj}
:: thirteenth-century
duecentesimo {adj}
:: two hundredth
duecentesimo {m}
:: two hundredth
duecentista {mf}
:: thirteenth-century writer, artist
duecentista {mf}
:: historian of the thirteenth century
duecentista {mf}
:: two hundred metre runner or swimmer
duecento {adj}
:: two hundred
duecento {num}
:: two hundred
Duecento {m}
:: thirteenth century (1200s)
duecentocinquanta {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty
duecentocinquanta {num}
:: two hundred and fifty
duecentocinquantacinque {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-five
duecentocinquantacinque {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-five
duecentocinquantadue {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-two
duecentocinquantadue {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-two
duecentocinquantamila {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty thousand
duecentocinquantamila {num}
:: two hundred and fifty thousand
duecentocinquantanove {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-nine
duecentocinquantanove {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-nine
duecentocinquantaquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-four
duecentocinquantaquattro {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-four
duecentocinquantasei {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-six
duecentocinquantasei {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-six
duecentocinquantasette {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-seven
duecentocinquantasette {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-seven
duecentocinquantatré {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-three
duecentocinquantatré {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-three
duecentocinquantotto {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-eight
duecentocinquantotto {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-eight
duecentocinquantuno {adj}
:: two hundred and fifty-one
duecentocinquantuno {num}
:: two hundred and fifty-one
duecentocinque {adj}
:: two hundred and five
duecentocinque {num}
:: two hundred and five
duecentodicianove {adj}
:: two hundred and nineteen
duecentodicianove {num}
:: two hundred and nineteen
duecentodiciasette {adj}
:: two hundred and seventeen
duecentodiciasette {num}
:: two hundred and seventeen
duecentodiciotto {adj}
:: two hundred and eighteen
duecentodiciotto {num}
:: two hundred and eighteen
duecentodieci {adj}
:: two hundred and ten
duecentodieci {num}
:: two hundred and ten
duecentododici {adj}
:: two hundred and twelve
duecentododici {num}
:: two hundred and twelve
duecentodue {adj}
:: two hundred and two
duecentodue {num}
:: two hundred and two
duecentometrista {mf}
:: two hundred metre swimmer or sprinter
duecentomila {adj}
:: two hundred thousand
duecentomila {num}
:: two hundred thousand
duecentonovanta {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety
duecentonovanta {num}
:: two hundred and ninety
duecentonovantacinque {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-five
duecentonovantacinque {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-five
duecentonovantadue {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-two
duecentonovantadue {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-two
duecentonovantanove {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-nine
duecentonovantanove {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-nine
duecentonovantaquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-four
duecentonovantaquattro {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-four
duecentonovantasei {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-six
duecentonovantasei {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-six
duecentonovantasette {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-seven
duecentonovantasette {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-seven
duecentonovantatré {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-three
duecentonovantatré {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-three
duecentonovantotto {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-eight
duecentonovantotto {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-eight
duecentonovantuno {adj}
:: two hundred and ninety-one
duecentonovantuno {num}
:: two hundred and ninety-one
duecentonove {adj}
:: two hundred and nine
duecentonove {num}
:: two hundred and nine
duecentootto {adj}
:: two hundred and eight
duecentootto {num}
:: two hundred and eight
duecentoquaranta {adj}
:: two hundred and forty
duecentoquaranta {num}
:: two hundred and forty
duecentoquarantacinque {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-five
duecentoquarantacinque {num}
:: two hundred and forty-five
duecentoquarantadue {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-two
duecentoquarantadue {num}
:: two hundred and forty-two
duecentoquarantanove {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-nine
duecentoquarantanove {num}
:: two hundred and forty-nine
duecentoquarantaquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-four
duecentoquarantaquattro {num}
:: two hundred and forty-four
duecentoquarantasei {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-six
duecentoquarantasei {num}
:: two hundred and forty-six
duecentoquarantasette {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-seven
duecentoquarantasette {num}
:: two hundred and forty-seven
duecentoquarantatré {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-three
duecentoquarantatré {num}
:: two hundred and forty-three
duecentoquarantotto {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-eight
duecentoquarantotto {num}
:: two hundred and forty-eight
duecentoquarantuno {adj}
:: two hundred and forty-one
duecentoquarantuno {num}
:: two hundred and forty-one
duecentoquattordici {adj}
:: two hundred and fourteen
duecentoquattordici {num}
:: two hundred and fourteen
duecentoquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and four
duecentoquattro {num}
:: two hundred and four
duecentoquindici {adj}
:: two hundred and fifteen
duecentoquindici {num}
:: two hundred and fifteen
duecentosedici {adj}
:: two hundred and sixteen
duecentosedici {num}
:: two hundred and sixteen
duecentosei {adj}
:: two hundred and six
duecentosei {num}
:: two hundred and six
duecentosessanta {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty
duecentosessanta {num}
:: two hundred and sixty
duecentosessantacinque {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-five
duecentosessantacinque {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-five
duecentosessantadue {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-two
duecentosessantadue {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-two
duecentosessantanove {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-nine
duecentosessantanove {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-nine
duecentosessantaquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-four
duecentosessantaquattro {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-four
duecentosessantasei {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-six
duecentosessantasei {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-six
duecentosessantasette {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-seven
duecentosessantasette {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-seven
duecentosessantatré {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-three
duecentosessantatré {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-three
duecentosessantotto {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-eight
duecentosessantotto {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-eight
duecentosessantuno {adj}
:: two hundred and sixty-one
duecentosessantuno {num}
:: two hundred and sixty-one
duecentosettanta {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy
duecentosettanta {num}
:: two hundred and seventy
duecentosettantacinque {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-five
duecentosettantacinque {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-five
duecentosettantadue {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-two
duecentosettantadue {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-two
duecentosettantanove {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-nine
duecentosettantanove {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-nine
duecentosettantaquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-four
duecentosettantaquattro {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-four
duecentosettantasei {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-six
duecentosettantasei {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-six
duecentosettantasette {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-seven
duecentosettantasette {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-seven
duecentosettantatré {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-three
duecentosettantatré {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-three
duecentosettantotto {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-eight
duecentosettantotto {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-eight
duecentosettantuno {adj}
:: two hundred and seventy-one
duecentosettantuno {num}
:: two hundred and seventy-one
duecentosette {adj}
:: two hundred and seven
duecentosette {num}
:: two hundred and seven
duecentotre {adj}
:: two hundred and three
duecentotre {num}
:: two hundred and three
duecentotré {adj}
:: two hundred and three
duecentotré {num}
:: two hundred and three
duecentotredici {adj}
:: one hundred and thirteen
duecentotredici {num}
:: one hundred and thirteen
duecentotrenta {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty
duecentotrenta {num}
:: two hundred and thirty
duecentotrentacinque {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-five
duecentotrentacinque {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-five
duecentotrentadue {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-two
duecentotrentadue {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-two
duecentotrentanove {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-nine
duecentotrentanove {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-nine (number)
duecentotrentaquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-four
duecentotrentaquattro {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-four
duecentotrentasei {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-six
duecentotrentasei {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-six
duecentotrentasette {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-seven
duecentotrentasette {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-seven
duecentotrentatré {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-three
duecentotrentatré {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-three
duecentotrentotto {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-eight
duecentotrentotto {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-eight
duecentotrentuno {adj}
:: two hundred and thirty-one
duecentotrentuno {num}
:: two hundred and thirty-one
duecentottanta {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty
duecentottanta {num}
:: two hundred and eighty
duecentottantacinque {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-five
duecentottantacinque {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-five
duecentottantadue {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-two
duecentottantadue {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-two
duecentottantanove {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-nine
duecentottantanove {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-nine
duecentottantaquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-four
duecentottantaquattro {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-four
duecentottantasei {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-six
duecentottantasei {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-six
duecentottantasette {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-seven
duecentottantasette {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-seven
duecentottantatré {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-three
duecentottantatré {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-three
duecentottantotto {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-eight
duecentottantotto {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-eight
duecentottantuno {adj}
:: two hundred and eighty-one
duecentottantuno {num}
:: two hundred and eighty-one
duecentotto {adj}
:: two hundred and eight
duecentotto {num}
:: two hundred and eight
duecentouno {adj}
:: two hundred and one
duecentouno {num}
:: two hundred and one
duecentoventi {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty
duecentoventi {num}
:: two hundred and twenty
duecentoventicinque {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-five
duecentoventicinque {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-five
duecentoventidue {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-two
duecentoventidue {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-two
duecentoventinove {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-nine
duecentoventinove {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-nine
duecentoventiquattro {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-four
duecentoventiquattro {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-four
duecentoventisei {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-six
duecentoventisei {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-six
duecentoventisette {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-seven
duecentoventisette {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-seven
duecentoventitré {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-three
duecentoventitré {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-three
duecentoventotto {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-eight
duecentoventotto {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-eight
duecentoventuno {adj}
:: two hundred and twenty-one
duecentoventuno {num}
:: two hundred and twenty-one
duecentuno {adj}
:: two hundred and one
duecentuno {num}
:: two hundred and one
due con {m} [sports, rowing, nautical, watercraft]
:: coxed pair
duellante {v}
:: present participle of duellare
duellante {mf}
:: duellist
duellare {vi}
:: to duel, to have or fight a duel
duellista {m}
:: duellist
duello {m}
:: duel
duemila {adj}
:: two thousand
duemila {num}
:: two thousand
duemilacinquecento {adj}
:: two thousand five hundred
duemilacinquecento {num}
:: two thousand five hundred
duemiladuecento {adj}
:: two thousand two hundred
duemiladuecento {num}
:: two thousand two hundred
duemilatre {adj}
:: two thousand and three
duemilatre {num}
:: two thousand and three
due passi {n}
:: a very short distance; a stone's throw
due pezzi {m}
:: bikini
due pezzi {m}
:: two-piece (suit)
duepezzi {m}
:: alternative spelling of due pezzi
due punti {mp}
:: colon (punctuation mark)
Duera {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Dovara
duerno {m} [codicology] /duˈɛr.no/
:: A booklet composed of two sheets (of parchment, paper or papyrus)
due ruote {f}
:: two-wheeler (bicycle or motorcycle)
due senza {m} [sports, rowing, nautical, watercraft]
:: coxless pair
due teste sono meglio di una {phrase}
:: two heads are better than one
due torti non fanno una ragione {proverb}
:: two wrongs don't make a right
duettante {v}
:: present participle of duettare
duettare {vi}
:: to sing or play a duet
duettare {vi}
:: to converse [in twos]
duettista {mf} [music]
:: duettist
duetto {m} [music]
:: duet
duetto {m}
:: duo
duglia {f} [nautical]
:: fake (coil of rope)
dugliante {v}
:: present participle of dugliare
dugliare {vt} [nautical]
:: to fake (coil a rope)
dugo {m} /ˈdu.ɡo/
:: synonym of gufo reale
dugongo {m} /duˈɡɔn.ɡo/
:: dugong
Duilio {prop}
:: given name
Dulbecco {prop}
:: surname
Dulbecco {prop}
:: Renato Dulbecco, Italian biologist and doctor
dulcacquicolo {adj}
:: freshwater [attributive]
dulcamara {f}
:: woody nightshade
dulcamara {m}
:: quack (charlatan doctor)
dulciana {f} [musical instruments]
:: dulcian
Dulcigno {prop}
:: Dulcigno (city)
dulcina {f}
:: dulcin
dulcinea {f}
:: sweetheart
dulcis in fundo {adv}
:: last but not least; to cap it all
dulia {f}
:: dulia
dulosi {f} [entomology]
:: dulosis
dumasiano {adj}
:: Dumasian
dumo {m} [literary]
:: thorny bush
dumoso {adj}
:: Covered in thornbushes; brambly
duna {f} /ˈdu.na/
:: dune
dunale {adj}
:: dunal
dunite {f} [rock] /duˈni.te/
:: dunite
dunoso {adj}
:: dun (coloured)
dunque {adv} /ˈdunkwe/
:: then, afterwards
dunque {adv}
:: hence, therefore, thus
dunque {conj}
:: so
Dunstano {prop}
:: given name
d'un tratto {adv}
:: Variant of tutto d'un tratto
d'un tratto {adv}
:: Variant of ad un tratto
duo- {prefix}
:: duo-
duo {num} /ˈdu.o/
:: obsolete form of due
duo {adj}
:: obsolete form of due
duo {m}
:: obsolete form of due
duo {m}
:: duo
duo {m} [music]
:: duet
duodecennale {adj}
:: duodecennial
duodecima {f} [music]
:: twelfth
duodecimale {adj}
:: duodecimal
duodecimo {adj} [literary]
:: twelfth
duodecuplo {adj}
:: duodecuple
duodecuplo {m}
:: duodecuple
duodenale {adj}
:: duodenal
duodenite {f} [diseases]
:: duodenitis
duodeno {m} [anatomy]
:: duodenum
Duodo {prop}
:: surname
Duodo {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
duol {m}
:: apocopic form of duolo
duolo {m} /ˈdwɔlo/
:: grief, sorrow
duomo {m} /ˈdwɔ.mo/
:: the principal church of a city (not having an episcopal throne)
duomo {m}
:: a cathedral
duomo {m} [mechanics]
:: steam dome
duomo {m}
:: The upper part of an alembic
Duomo di Firenze {prop}
:: synonym of Santa Maria del Fiore
duopolio {m}
:: duopoly
duopolistico {adj}
:: duopolistic
duplex {m}
:: party line
duplicabile {adj}
:: duplicable
duplicante {v}
:: present participle of duplicare
duplicantesi {v}
:: present participle of duplicarsi
duplicare {vt}
:: to duplicate
duplicarsi {vr}
:: To double (become doubled or duplicated)
duplicatamente {adv}
:: in duplicate
duplicativo {adj}
:: duplicative
duplicato {m}
:: duplicate, copy, reproduction
duplicato {m}
:: spare set (of keys etc.)
duplicato {adj}
:: duplicated
duplicatore {m}
:: duplicator
duplicatosi {v}
:: past participle of duplicarsi
duplicazione {f}
:: duplication
duplice {adj}
:: double
duplice {adj}
:: dual
duplice {adj}
:: twofold
duplicità {f}
:: doubleness
duplicità {f}
:: duplicity, double-dealing
duplo {adj}
:: duple, double
duplo {m}
:: duple, duplet
durabile {adj}
:: durable, lasting, enduring
durabilità {f}
:: durability
duracina {f} [botany]
:: clingstone
duralluminio {m}
:: duralumin
dura madre {f} [anatomy] /du.raˈma.dre/
:: dura mater
duramadre {f} [anatomy] /du.raˈma.dre/
:: alternative form of dura madre
durame {m} [botany]
:: duramen, heartwood
duramente {adv}
:: harshly, roughly, hard, severely
duramificante {v}
:: present participle of duramificare
duramificare {v}
:: to form heartwood (duramen)
duramificazione {f} [botany]
:: The formation of heartwood (duramen)
durante {prep}
:: during
durante {prep}
:: in the course of
durante {v}
:: present participle of durare
Durante {prop} /duˈran.te/
:: surname
Durante {prop}
:: given name
durare {vi}
:: to last
durare {vt} [literary]
:: to bear, to endure
durata {f}
:: duration, length
durata {f}
:: life [of a product, etc.]
durata {f} [aviation, nautical]
:: endurance
durativo {adj}
:: durative
duraturo {adj}
:: lasting, abiding, enduring, durable
durazione {f}
:: duration
Durazzo {prop} /duˈrat.tso/
:: Durazzo (city)
durevole {adj}
:: lasting, abiding, enduring, durable
durevolezza {f}
:: durability, lastingness
durevolmente {adv}
:: lastingly, durably
durezza {f}
:: hardness
durezza {f}
:: stiffness
durezza {f}
:: rigidity
durezza {f}
:: severity
durezza {f}
:: harshness
durian {m}
:: durian
durissimo {adj} /duˈris.si.mo/
:: superlative of duro
durità {f}
:: harshness, hardness
durlindana {f}
:: sword
duro {adj}
:: hard
duro {adj}
:: tough, harsh
duro {adj}
:: [of food] stringy
duro {adj}
:: full-size
duro {adj} [slang, referring to a penis]
:: erect
duro {m}
:: hardness
duro di comprendonio {adj}
:: dull, dull-witted, slow, slow-witted
durometro {m}
:: durometer
durona {f}
:: alternative form of duracina
durone {m}
:: corn, callus
-durre {suffix}
:: The infinitive ending of a family of irregular verbs conjugated similarly to -ere ones
Duse {prop}
:: surname
Duse {prop}
:: Eleonora Duse, Italian actress
duttale {adj}
:: ductal
duttibile {adj}
:: ductile
duttile {adj}
:: malleable, ductile (metal etc)
duttile {adj}
:: docile, biddable (character)
duttile {adj}
:: adaptable
duttilità {f}
:: ductility
duunvirato {m}
:: duumvirate
duunviro {m}
:: duumvir
duvetina {f}
:: duvetyne
dylaniano {adj}
:: Relating to Bob Dylan
dylaniano {m}
:: An admirer of Bob Dylan