User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-d
d10 {n} | :: d10 |
d12 {n} | :: d12 |
d20 {n} | :: d20 |
d4 {n} | :: d4 |
d6 {n} | :: d6 |
d8 {n} | :: d8 |
dab {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint | :: |
dabble {v} /ˈdæb(ə)l/ (to cause splashing by moving a body part in soft mud, water, etc.) | :: sguazzare |
dabble {v} (to participate in a casual or superficial way) | :: dilettarsi, occuparsi a tempo perso |
dabchick {n} (type of bird) | :: tuffetto {m} |
dacha {n} /ˈdætʃə/ (Russian villa or summer house) | :: dacia {f} |
dachshund {n} /ˈdɑks.ˌhʊnt/ (breed of dog) | :: bassotto {m} |
Dacia {prop} /ˈdeɪʃə/ (ancient kingdom and Roman province) | :: Dacia {f} |
Dacian {n} /ˈdeɪʃən/ (member of an ancient Indo-European ethnic group of Dacia) | :: daco {m} |
dacite {n} /ˈdeɪsaɪt/ (an igneous, volcanic rock with a high iron content) | :: dacite {f} |
Daco-Romanian {n} (a more specific name for the Romanian language) | :: dacoromanzo {m} |
dactyl {n} /ˈdæktɪɫ/ (poetical foot of three syllables) | :: dattilo {m} |
dactyloscopy {n} /ˌdæktɪlˈɒskəpi/ (forensic analysis of fingerprints) | :: dattiloscopia {f} |
dad {n} /dæd/ (informal: a father) | :: papà {m}, babbo {m}, pà {m} |
dad {n} (familiar address of one's own father) | :: papà {m} |
dadaism {n} /ˈdɑːdɑːɪzəm/ (cultural movement, see also: Dada) | :: dadaismo {m} |
daddy {n} /ˈdædi/ (father) | :: papà, babbo |
daddy longlegs {n} (cranefly) SEE: cranefly | :: |
Daegu {prop} /dæˈɡu/ (city in South Korea) | :: Taegu {f} |
daffodil {n} /ˈdæfəˌdɪl/ (flower) | :: narciso {m} |
Daffy Duck {prop} (comic duck) | :: Daffy Duck |
daft {adj} /dɑːft/ (foolish, silly, see also: foolish; silly) | :: balordo {m}, balzano {m} |
daft {adj} (crazy, insane, see also: crazy; insane; mad) | :: pazzoide |
daft {adj} (stupid, see also: stupid) | :: stupido {m}, scemo {m} |
Dagestani {n} /ˌdæɡɪˈstɑːni/ (someone from Dagestan) | :: daghestano {m}, daghestana {f} |
dagga {n} (cement) SEE: cement | :: |
dagger {n} /ˈdæɡə(ɹ)/ (a stabbing weapon) | :: daga {f}, pugnale {m}, stiletto {m}, misericordia {f}, aspersorio {m} |
dagger {n} (a text character) | :: croce, daga, coniugazione hermitiana |
dahlia {n} /ˈdɑːlɪə/ (any plant of the genus Dahlia) | :: dalia {f} |
daikon {n} /ˈdaɪkɒn/ (large white radish) | :: daikon {f}, ravanello cinese, ravanello giapponese, ravanello invernale |
daily {adj} /ˈdeɪli/ (that occurs every day) | :: quotidiano, giornaliero |
daily {n} (newspaper) | :: quotidiano {m} |
daily {n} (cleaner) | :: donna di servizio {f} |
daily {adv} (every day) | :: quotidianamente, giornalmente, ogni giorno, tutti i giorni |
dairy {n} /ˈdɛəɹi/ (place, where milk is processed) | :: caseificio {m} |
dairy {n} (shop selling dairy products) | :: latteria {f} |
dairy {n} (products produced from milk) | :: latticini {m-p} |
dairy {n} (corner-store, superette or 'mini-mart' of some description) | :: alimentari {m} |
dairy {adj} (referring to products produced from milk) | :: caseario |
dairy {adj} (referring to the milk production and processing industries) | :: caseario |
dairyman {n} (man who works in a dairy) SEE: milkman | :: |
dais {n} /ˈdeɪ.ɪs/ (raised platform) | :: podio {m} |
daisy {n} /ˈdeɪ.zi/ (Bellis perennis) | :: pratolina {f}, margheritina {f} |
daisy {n} (commonly used term for related flowers) | :: margherita {f} |
dale {n} /deɪl/ (valley) | :: valle {f} |
dalet {n} /ˈdɑːlɪt/ (Semitic letter) | :: dalet {m} {f} |
Dallago {prop} | :: Dallago |
Dallara {prop} | :: Dallara, Dall'Ara |
dally {v} /ˈdæli/ (to waste time) | :: trastullarsi |
Dalmatia {prop} /dælˈmeɪʃə/ (region in Croatia) | :: Dalmazia {f} |
Dalmatia {prop} (Roman province) | :: Dalmazia {f} |
Dalmatian {adj} /dælˈmeɪ.ʃən/ (relating to Dalmatia or its people) | :: dalmata {m} {f} |
Dalmatian {n} (person from Dalmatia) | :: dalmata {m} {f} |
Dalmatian {n} (breed of dog) | :: dalmata {m} |
Dalmatian {prop} (extinct Romance language of Croatia) | :: dalmatico {m}, dalmata {f} |
daltonic {adj} (color blind) SEE: color blind | :: |
Daltonism {n} /ˈdɔːltənɪzəm/ (red-green color blindness) | :: daltonismo {m} |
dam {n} /dæm/ (structure placed across a flowing body of water) | :: argine {m}, diga |
dam {v} (block) | :: imbrigliare |
damage {n} /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm) | :: danno {m} |
damage {n} (cost or expense) | :: danno {m} |
damage {v} (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction) | :: danneggiare, rovinare, macchiare |
damageable {adj} (capable of being injured or weakened, susceptible to damage) | :: intaccabile, danneggiabile |
damager {n} | :: danneggiatore {m} |
damages {n} /ˈdæmɪdʒɪz/ (money awarded to a claimant) | :: risarcimento dei danni {m} |
damaging {adj} /ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/ (harmful, injurious, that damages) | :: dannoso {m}, lesivo {m} |
damascene {adj} (inlaid with silver or gold) | :: damaschino |
damascene {adj} (of or from Damascus) | :: damaschino |
Damascene {adj} /ˌdæməˈsiːn/ (of or relating to Damascus) | :: damaschino |
Damascus {prop} /dəˈmæskəs/ (the capital city of Syria) | :: Damasco |
damask {n} /ˈdæm.əsk/ (fabric) | :: damasco {m} |
damask {v} (decorate or weave in damascene patterns) | :: damascare |
Damian {prop} /ˈdeɪmɪən/ (male given name) | :: Damiano |
Damietta {prop} /ˌdæmɪˈɛtə/ (town in the Nile delta in Egypt) | :: Damietta |
Dammam {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) | :: Dammam |
dammit {interj} /ˈdæmɪt/ (expression of anger or disappointment) | :: merda, cazzo, dannazione, cavolo, cribbio |
damn {v} /dæm/ (theology: to condemn to hell) | :: dannare |
damn {v} (to put out of favor; to ruin; to label negatively) | :: bollare |
damn {v} (to condemn as unfit, harmful, invalid, immoral, or illegal) | :: condannare |
damn {v} (to put a curse upon) | :: maledire |
damn {adj} (generic intensifier) | :: maledetto {m}, fottuto {m}, cazzo {m} |
damn {adv} (awfully, extremely) | :: maledettamente, dannatamente, fottutamente |
damn {interj} (non-vulgar expression of contempt etc.) | :: accidenti, dannazione, cribbio, cavolo, mannaggia |
damn {n} (use of damn as a swear word) | :: maledizione {f} |
damn {n} (a small, negligible quantity, being of little value) | :: accidente {f} |
damn {n} (the smallest amount of concern or consideration) | :: (un) tubo {m} |
damnation {n} /dæmˈneɪʃən/ (The state of being damned; condemnation; openly expressed disapprobation) | :: dannazione {f} |
damnation {n} (Condemnation to everlasting punishment in the future state, or the punishment itself) | :: dannazione {f} |
damned {adj} /dæmd/ (god-forsaken) | :: dannato {m} |
damn it {interj} (an expression of surprise, outrage, or frustration) | :: minchia [offensive] |
damp {adj} /dæmp/ (Being in a state between dry and wet) | :: umido, bagnato, madido |
damp {n} (moisture) | :: umidità |
damp {n} (gaseous product) | :: grisù |
damp {v} (To render damp) | :: inumidire |
damp {v} (To put out, as fire) | :: smorzare, soffocare, rallentare |
damp {v} (To suppress vibrations or oscillations) | :: smorzare |
dampen {v} /ˈdæmpən/ (make damp) | :: inumidire |
damper {n} /ˈdæmpɚ/ (valve or movable plate used to regulate flow of air) | :: smorzatore {m}, farfalla {f} |
damper {n} (contrivance to deaden vibrations) | :: smorzatore {m} |
damping {n} (the stabilization of a physical system by reducing oscillation) | :: smorzamento |
damselfish {n} /ˈdæmzəlfɪʃ/ (fish of Pomacentridae) | :: castagnola {f} |
damsel in distress {n} /ˈdæm.zəl ɪn dɪˈstɹɛs/ (young woman perceived as being in a dangerous situation.) | :: damigella in pericolo {f}, fanciulla in pericolo {f} |
dance {n} /dæns/ (movements to music) | :: ballo {m}, danza {f} |
dance {v} (move rhythmically to music) | :: ballare, danzare |
dance floor {n} (an area for dancing) | :: pista da ballo {f} |
dancehall {n} (public hall for dancing) | :: sala da ballo {f}, balera {f} |
dance music {n} (music composed to accompany social dancing) | :: musica da ballo |
dancer {n} /ˈdɑːns.ə(ɹ)/ (person who dances) | :: ballerino {m}, danzatore {m} |
dancer {n} (a female person who dances) | :: ballerina {f}, danzatrice {f} |
Dancer {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Ballerino {m} |
dandelion {n} /ˈdæn.dɪˌlaɪ.ən/ (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum) | :: soffione {m}, dente di leone {m} |
dander {n} (dead skin shed by animals) | :: forfora {f} |
dandruff {n} /ˈdændɹʌf/ (skin flakes) | :: forfora {f} |
dandy {adj} /ˈdændi/ (very good; better than expected but not as good as could be) | :: passabile |
dandy {n} (man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance) | :: damerino {m}, bellimbusto {m}, figurino {m}, fighetto {m}, fichetto {m} |
Dane {n} /deɪn/ (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) | :: danese {m} {f} |
dang {adj} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
danger {n} /ˈdeɪn.dʒə(ɹ)/ (exposure to likely harm) | :: pericolo {m} |
danger {n} (instance or cause of liable harm) | :: pericolo {m} |
dangerous {adj} /ˈdeɪnd͡ʒəɹəs/ (full of danger) | :: pericoloso |
dangerousness {n} (state or quality of being dangerous) | :: pericolosità {f} |
dangle {v} /ˈdæŋ.ɡəl/ (hang loosely) | :: penzolare |
dangle {v} (hang or trail something loosely) | :: far penzolare |
Danian {prop} (a subdivision of the Paleocene epoch) | :: Daniano |
Daniel {prop} /ˈdænjəl/ (book of the Bible) | :: Daniele |
Daniel {prop} (biblical person) | :: Daniele {m} |
Daniel {prop} (male given name) | :: Daniele |
Danish {prop} /ˈdeɪ.nɪʃ/ (language) | :: danese {m} |
Danish {adj} (of Denmark) | :: danese |
Danish {n} (native of Denmark) SEE: Dane | :: |
Danish crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow | :: |
danse macabre {n} /dɑns məˈkɑb(ɹə)/ (a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing) | :: danza macabra |
Dante {prop} /ˈdɑnteɪ/ (male given name) | :: Dante {m} |
Dantean {adj} (of or pertaining to Dante or his style) SEE: Dantesque | :: |
Dantesque {adj} /ˌdæntɪˈɛsk/ (of or pertaining to Dante or his style, with elevated tone and somber focus) | :: dantesco |
Danube {prop} /ˈdænjuːb/ (river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea) | :: Danubio |
Danzig {prop} (Gdańsk) SEE: Gdańsk | :: |
Daphne {prop} /ˈdæfni/ (mythological dryad) | :: Dafne |
Daphne {prop} (female given name) | :: Dafne |
Dapingian {prop} | :: Dapingiano |
dappled {adj} /ˈdæpəɫd/ (having a mottled or spotted skin or coat) | :: pezzato |
Dardanelles {prop} /ˌdɑː.dənˈɛlz/ (strait) | :: Dardanelli {m} {p} |
dare {v} /dɛə(ɹ)/ (to have courage) | :: osare, azzardarsi |
dare {v} (to defy or challenge) | :: sfidare |
dare {v} (to brave or face up to) | :: affrontare |
dare {n} (a challenge) | :: sfida {f} |
daredevil {n} /ˈdɛədɛvəl/ (person who engages in risky behavior) | :: spericolato {m}, temerario {m}, scapestrato {m} |
daredevil {adj} (recklessly bold; adventurous) | :: scavezzacollo |
Dari {prop} /ˈdɑːri/ (variety of Middle Persian) | :: dari {m} |
Daria {prop} /ˈdɑːɹɪə/ (female given name) | :: Daria |
daric {n} (gold coin from Persia) | :: darico {m} |
daring {adj} /ˈdɛəɹɪŋ/ (willing to take on risks) | :: audace |
Darius {prop} /dəˈɹaɪ.əs/ (any of several Persian kings) | :: Dario |
dark {adj} /dɑɹk/ (having an absolute or relative lack of light) | :: scuro, oscuro, fosco, tetro |
dark {adj} (hidden, secret) | :: oscuro |
dark {adj} (not bright or light, deeper in hue) | :: scuro |
dark {adj} | :: buio, tenebroso, oscuro, fosco |
dark {n} (a complete or partial absence of light) | :: oscurità {f}, tenebra {f} |
dark {n} (ignorance) | :: oscurità {f} |
dark {n} (nightfall) | :: tenebra {f}, tramonto {m} |
dark {n} | :: buio {m} |
dark chocolate {n} (type of chocolate) | :: cioccolato fondente |
dark culture {n} (any of a set of subcultures) | :: cultura dark |
dark-haired {adj} (brunette) SEE: brunette | :: |
dark horse {n} (possessor of unexpected talents or favorable characteristics) | :: acqua cheta {f} |
dark horse {n} (unexpectedly nominated candidate) | :: outsider {m} {f} |
darkly {adv} /ˈdɑːkli/ (with a dark appearance) | :: cupamente, oscuramente, tenebrosamente |
darkly {adv} (mysteriously; forebodingly, ominously, see also: mysteriously; ominously) | :: misteriosamente, oscuramente, tenebrosamente |
dark magic {n} (black magic) SEE: black magic | :: |
dark matter {n} (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation) | :: materia oscura {f} |
darkness {n} /ˈdɑɹknɪs/ (state of being dark) | :: oscurità {f}, tenebre {f-p} |
darkness {n} (gloom) | :: buio {m} |
darkness {n} (state of reflecting little light; tending to blackish or brownish) | :: scuro {m} |
darkroom {n} (dark room where photographs are developed) | :: camera oscura {f} |
darling {n} /ˈdɑːlɪŋ/ (person who is dear to one) | :: tesoro {m}, amore {m} |
darmstadtium {n} /dɑːɹmˈʃtɑːtiəm/ (transuranic chemical element with atomic number 110) | :: darmstadtio {m} |
darn {adj} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
darn {interj} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
darn {v} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
darn {v} /dɑɹn/ (stitch with thread) | :: rammendare |
darnel {n} /ˈdɑːnəɫ/ (type of ryegrass found in wheatfields) | :: zizzania {f}, loglio {m} |
Darriwilian {prop} | :: Darriwilliano |
dart {n} /dɑːt/ (sharp-pointed missile weapon) | :: dardo {m} |
dart {n} (stitched fold) | :: pince {f} |
dart {n} (game) | :: freccette {f-p} |
Darth Vader {n} /ˈdɑː(ɹ)θ ˈveɪ.də(ɹ)/ (Malevolent individual) | :: Dart Fener |
darts {n} /ˈdɑːts/ (game) | :: freccette {f-p} |
Darwinism {n} /ˈdɑːwɪnɪzəm/ (principles of natural selection) | :: darwinismo {m}, darwinismo {m} |
dash {n} (colloquial: hyphen) SEE: hyphen | :: |
dash {n} /dæʃ/ (typographic symbol) | :: lineetta {f} |
dash {n} (Morse code symbol) | :: linea {f} |
dash {n} (short run) | :: scatto {m} |
dash {n} (small quantity of liquid etc.) | :: spruzzo {m}, pizzico, goccio {m} |
dash {v} (to run short distance) | :: saltare |
dash {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard | :: |
dashboard {n} /ˈdæʃˌboəɹd/ (upturned screen of wood) | :: paraschizzi {m}, parafango {m}, paraspruzzi {m} |
dashboard {n} (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft) | :: cruscotto {m} |
dashcam {n} /ˈdæʃˌkæm/ (digital video recorder mounted on the dashboard of a vehicle or elsewhere inside the vehicle) | :: dash cam |
Dasher {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Saetta {f} |
dashing {adj} /ˈdæʃɪŋ(ɡ)/ (spirited, audacious and full of high spirits) | :: focoso {m} |
dassie rat {n} (rat found in southwestern Africa) | :: ratto procavia {m}, noki {m}, ratto delle rocce {m} |
data {n} /ˈdeɪtə/ (information) | :: dato {m} |
databank {n} (database) SEE: database | :: |
database {n} /ˈdeɪtəˌbeɪs/ (collection of information) | :: database {m}, base di dati {f}, banca dati {f}, archivio {m} |
database {n} (software program) | :: database {m}, base di dati {f} |
datary {n} /ˈdeɪtəɹi/ (A Roman Catholic Church officer who dispensed benefices) | :: dataria {f} |
data science {n} | :: scienza dei dati {f} |
data set {n} (modem) SEE: modem | :: |
data set {n} (set of data to analyze) | :: dataset |
date {n} /deɪt/ (fruit of the date palm) | :: dattero {m} |
date {n} (that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.) | :: data {f} |
date {n} (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place) | :: data {f} |
date {n} (point in time) | :: data {f} |
date {n} (pre-arranged social meeting) | :: incontro {m}, appuntamento {m} [also romantic meeting] |
date {n} (companion when one is partaking in a social occasion) | :: accompagnatore {m}, cavaliere {m} |
date {n} (meeting with a lover or potential lover; a person so met) | :: appuntamento {m} |
date {v} (to note the time of writing or executing) | :: datare |
date {v} (to note or fix the time of, as of an event) | :: datare |
date {v} (to determine the age of something) | :: datare |
date {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm | :: |
date of birth {n} (birthday) SEE: birthday | :: |
date of birth {n} (date and year when something was born) | :: data di nascita {f} |
date palm {n} (Phoenix dactylifera) | :: palma da dattero {f}, palma da datteri {f} |
date tree {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm | :: |
dative {adj} /ˈdeɪtɪv/ (grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object) | :: dativo |
dative {n} (dative case) SEE: dative case | :: |
dative case {n} (case used to express direction towards an indirect object) | :: caso dativo {m} |
datolite {n} (a mineral, a calcium borosilicate) | :: datolite {f} |
datum {n} /ˈdeɪtəm/ (single piece of information) | :: dato {m} |
daturism {n} (form of poisoning) | :: daturismo {m} |
daub {n} /dɔb/ (soft coating of mud, plaster etc) | :: crosta {f} |
daub {n} (crude or amateurish painting) | :: crosta {f} |
daub {v} (to apply something in hasty or crude strokes) | :: imbrattare |
dauber {n} (unskillful painter) | :: imbianchino {m}, imbrattatele {m} |
daughter {n} /ˈdɔːtə(ɹ)/ (female offspring) | :: figlia {f} |
daughter-in-law {n} (wife of one's child) | :: nuora {f} |
daughterling {n} (a daughter) | :: figlietta {f} |
daunt {v} /dɔnt/ (to discourage) | :: scoraggiare, intimidire |
daunting {adj} /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ (discouraging; inspiring fear) | :: avvilente, impressionante, sconfortante, scoraggiante, spaventevole |
daunting {adj} (intimidatingly impressive, see also: awe-inspiring; overwhelming) | :: desolante, devastante, opprimente |
Dauphiné {prop} (former province of France) | :: Delfinato {m} |
David {prop} /ˈdeɪvɪd/ (king of Israel) | :: Davide |
David {prop} (male given name) | :: Davide |
davit {n} /ˈdeɪvɪt/ (crane to sling a lifeboat, maintenance trapeze etc) | :: gru {f} (di imbarcazione) |
Davos {prop} /ˈdɑːvoʊs/ (mountain resort in Switzerland) | :: Davos, Tavate [rare] |
Davos {prop} (annual meeting hosted by the World Economic Forum) | :: forum di Davos |
Davy Jones's locker {prop} (the ocean as a grave for sailors) | :: Lo scrigno di Davy Jones |
daw {n} (Coloeus monedula) SEE: jackdaw | :: |
daw {v} (dawn) SEE: dawn | :: |
dawdle {v} /ˈdɔːdəl/ (to spend time idly and unfruitfully, to waste time) | :: bighellonare |
dawn {v} /dɔn/ (to begin to brighten with daylight) | :: spuntare, albeggiare |
dawn {v} (to start to appear, to be realized) | :: spuntare |
dawn {n} (morning twilight period) | :: alba {f} |
dawn {n} (rising of the sun) | :: alba {f}, aurora {f} |
dawn {n} (time) | :: alba {f}, albori {m-p} |
dawn {n} (beginning) | :: albori {m-p}, schiudersi {m}, vagito {m}, inizio {m}, alba {f}, primordio {m}, nascita {f} |
day {n} (period of 24 hours) | :: giorno {m} |
day {n} (period from midnight to the following midnight) | :: giorno {m} |
day {n} (rotational period of a planet) | :: giorno {m} |
day {n} (part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.) | :: giorno {m} |
day {n} (period between sunrise and sunset) | :: dì, giorno {m} |
day after {n} (next day) | :: indomani {m}, giorno seguente {m} |
day after tomorrow {n} (day after tomorrow - translation entry) | :: dopodomani {m} |
day after tomorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow; in two days - translation entry) | :: dopodomani |
daybed {n} /ˈdeɪˌbɛd/ (couch) | :: divanetto {m} |
day before yesterday {n} (day before yesterday - translation entry) | :: altroieri {m} |
day before yesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday - translation entry) | :: l'altro ieri, ierlaltro, avantieri |
daybook {n} (A daily chronicle; a diary) SEE: diary | :: |
daybook {n} (A logbook) SEE: logbook | :: |
daydream {n} /ˈdeɪdɹiːm/ (a spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts) | :: sogno ad occhi aperti, fantasticheria {f}, fantasticaggine {f} |
daydream {v} (to have such a series of thoughts) | :: fantasticare, sognare ad occhi aperti |
daydreamer {n} /ˈdeɪdɹiːmə/ (one who daydreams) | :: almanaccone {m}, almanaccona {f}, almanaccatore {m}, almanaccatrice {f}, arzigogolone {m}, arzigogolona {f}, sognatore {m}, sognatrice {f} |
day lark {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird | :: |
daylight savings time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time | :: |
daylight saving time {n} (an adjustment of the official time during summer) | :: ora legale {f} |
daytime {n} /ˈdeɪtaɪm/ (the time of daylight) | :: giornata, dì {m} |
daze {n} /deɪz/ (the state of being dazed) | :: trasognamento {m} |
daze {v} (to stun or stupefy) | :: stordire |
dazed {adj} /deɪzd/ (in a state of shock or confusion) | :: basito, stupefatto, scioccato, sbalordito |
dazzle {v} /ˈdæzəl/ (confuse the sight) | :: abbagliare, abbacinare |
dazzle {v} (figuratively) | :: impressionare, abbagliare |
dazzling {adj} /ˈdæz.l̩.ɪŋ/ (splendid) | :: affascinante |
dazzling {adj} (astounding) | :: stupefacente |
décolletage {n} /dɪˈkɒlətɑːʒ/ (low neckline) | :: scollatura |
de- {prefix} /diː/ (reversal, undoing or removing) | :: dis- |
de- {prefix} (intensify) | :: de- |
deacetylation {n} (reaction that removes acetyl groups from a molecule) | :: deacetilazione {f} |
deacon {n} /ˈdiːkən/ (a designated minister of charity in the early Church) | :: diacono |
deacon {n} (a clergyman ranked directly below a priest) | :: diacono |
deacon {n} (lay leader of a Protestant congregation) | :: diacono |
deaconess {n} /ˌdiːkəˈnes/ (female deacon) | :: diaconessa {f} |
deactivate {v} /ˌdiːˈæktɪveɪt/ (to make something inactive or no longer effective) | :: disattivare |
dead {adj} /dɛd/ (no longer alive) | :: morto |
dead and buried {adj} (moot, passed) | :: morto e sepolto {m} |
dead calm {adj} (completely still) | :: calma piatta {f}, calmeria {f}, bonaccia {f} |
dead calm {n} (condition of a flat sea without waves) | :: bonaccia {f} |
dead code {n} (instructions that have no effect on the running of the program) | :: codice morto |
deaden {v} /ˈdɛdən/ (To render less lively) | :: intontire, smorzare, attenuare, sminuire |
dead end {n} (street or path that goes nowhere) | :: cul di sacco {m}, strada senza uscita {f}, vicolo cieco {m}, cul de sac {m} |
dead end {n} (position that offers no hope of progress) | :: vicolo cieco {m}, punto morto {m}, stasi {f}, stanca {f} |
dead-end {n} (position) SEE: impasse | :: |
dead-end {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end | :: |
deadfall {n} (cheap, rough bar or saloon) SEE: dive | :: |
deadlift {n} (weight training exercise) | :: stacco da terra |
deadline {n} /ˈdɛdˌlaɪn/ (date on or before which something must be completed) | :: scadenza {f}, termine, limite |
deadlock {n} /ˈdɛdlɑk/ (standstill) | :: punto morto {m}, arresto {m}, blocco {m}, stallo {m}, stasi {f}, fermo {m} |
deadly nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade; Atropa belladonna) | :: belladonna {f} |
deadly sin {n} (any of the seven deadly sins) | :: vizio capitale {m}, peccato capitale {m} |
dead man's switch {n} (dead man's switch) | :: uomo morto {m} |
dead or alive {adj} (wanted poster term) | :: vivo o morto {m} |
deadpan {adj} /ˈdɛdpæn/ (deliberately impassive or expressionless (as a face or look)) | :: impassibile, inespressivo |
dead ringer {n} (someone or something that very closely resembles another; someone or something easily mistaken for another) | :: sosia {m} |
Dead Sea {prop} (lake in the Middle East) | :: mar Morto {m} |
dead tired {adj} (very tired) | :: stanco morto {m} |
deaf {adj} /dɛf/ (unable to hear) | :: sordo |
deaf {n} (deaf people considered as a group) | :: i sordi {m-p}, i non udenti {m-p} |
deafblind {adj} (unable to see and hear) | :: sordocieco |
deafening {adj} /ˈdɛfənɪŋ(ɡ)/ (loud enough to cause hearing loss) | :: assordante |
deaf-mute {adj} (unable to hear or speak) | :: sordomuto |
deaf-mute {n} (person who is unable to hear or speak) | :: sordomuto {m}, sordomuta {f} |
deafness {n} /ˈdɛfnəs/ (condition of being deaf) | :: sordità {f} |
deal {n} /diːl/ (division, share) | :: parte, porzione {f} |
deal {n} (large number or amount or extent) | :: dose {f}, quantità {f}, tot {m} |
deal {v} (to give out as one’s portion or share) | :: ripartire |
deal {v} (to administer in portions) | :: assegnare |
deal {v} (to distribute (cards)) | :: distribuire, dare |
deal {v} (to have dealings or business) | :: dedicarsi, occuparsi |
deal {v} (to take action; to act) | :: comportarsi |
deal {v} (to trade) | :: commerciare |
deal {v} (to sell (illicit drugs)) | :: trafficare, spacciare |
deal {v} (to be concerned with) | :: trattare, comportarsi |
deal {v} (to handle, manage) | :: maneggiare, occuparsi |
deal {n} (agreement, arrangement) | :: contratto {m} |
deal {v} (to conduct oneself) SEE: behave | :: |
dealer {n} /ˈdiːlə(ɹ)/ (one who deals in things, e.g. automobiles) | :: distributore {m}, rivenditore, rappresentante |
dealer {n} (a particular type of stock broker or trader) | :: piazzista |
dealer {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer | :: |
deal with {v} (take action with respect to (someone or something)) | :: fare i conti |
dean {n} /diːn/ (church dignitary) | :: decano {m} |
dean {n} (senior member of a group) | :: decano {m} |
dear {adj} /dɪɹ/ (loved; lovable) | :: caro |
dear {adj} (an informal way of addressing the recipient in a letter's opening line) | :: caro |
dear {adj} | :: caro |
dear {adj} (high in price; expensive) SEE: expensive | :: |
dear {n} (beloved#noun) SEE: beloved | :: |
dear {adj} (sore) SEE: sore | :: |
dear me {interj} (good heavens) SEE: good heavens | :: |
dearth {n} /dɝθ/ (period when food is rare) | :: carestia {f} |
dearth {n} (scarcity) | :: scarsità {f}, carenza {f} |
death {n} /dɛθ/ (cessation of life) | :: morte {f}, dipartita {f}, decesso {m}, morire {m} |
death {n} (personification of death) | :: morte |
death {n} (Tarot) | :: la morte, l'arcano senza nome |
Death {prop} (the personification of death) | :: Morte {f} |
deathbed {n} /ˈdɛθˌbɛd/ (the bed on which someone dies) | :: letto di morte {m} |
death camp {n} (facility) | :: campo di sterminio {m} |
death knell {n} (tolling of a bell announcing death) | :: rintocco funebre {m} |
deathlore {n} (study of human aspects of death) | :: tanatologia {f} |
death mask {n} (plaster or similar cast) | :: maschera mortuaria {f} |
death penalty {n} (state punishment of death) | :: pena di morte {f}, pena capitale {f} |
death row {n} (section of a prison which houses those inmates who are sentenced to death) | :: braccio della morte {m} |
death seat {n} (the front passenger seat of an automobile) SEE: shotgun | :: |
Death Valley {prop} (valley in California and Nevada) | :: Valle della Morte {f} |
death warrant {n} (warrant that authorizes capital punishment) | :: condanna a morte {f} |
death wish {n} (desire for the death of oneself or of someone else) | :: augurio di morte {m} |
debacle {n} /dɪˈbɑ.kəl/ (event or enterprise that ends suddenly and disastrously) | :: fiasco {m} |
debacle {n} (break up of a natural dam) | :: frantumazione {f} |
debark {v} (to disembark) SEE: disembark | :: |
debase {v} /dɪˈbeɪs/ (lower in character, etc) | :: avvilire |
debatable {adj} /dɪˈbeɪtəbəɫ/ (controversial) | :: discutibile, opinabile |
debate {n} /dɪˈbeɪt/ | :: dibattito {m}, dibattimento {m} |
debate {v} (participate in a debate) | :: dibattere |
debauch {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy | :: |
debauchery {n} /dɪˈbɔː.t͡ʃə.ɹi/ (debauchery) | :: depravazione {f}, perversione {f}, viziosità {f}, immoralità {f}, licenziosità {f}, dissolutezza {f} |
debit card {n} (card taking money directly from the bank account) | :: carta di debito {f} |
Deborah {prop} /ˈdɛb(ə)ɹə/ (biblical character) | :: Debora |
Deborah {prop} (female given name) | :: Debora |
debris {n} /dəˈbɹiː/ (rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed) | :: maceria {f}, rovine {f-p} |
debris {n} (ruins of a broken-down structure) | :: calcinacci {m-p} |
debris {n} | :: residui {m-p} |
debt {n} /dɛt/ (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) | :: debito {m}, obbligo {m}, impegno {m} |
debt {n} (state or condition of owing something to another) | :: debito {m}, buffo {m} |
debt {n} (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) | :: debito {m}, buffo {m} |
debt collection {n} (the process of pursuing payments of debts owed by individuals or businesses) | :: incasso {m}, recupero crediti {m} |
debtor {n} /ˈdɛt.ə/ (a person or firm that owes money) | :: debitore {m}, debitrice {f} |
debt relief {n} (forgiveness of debt) | :: remissione del debito {f} |
debuccalization {n} /diːˌbʌkəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (sound change involving the glottis) | :: debuccalizzazione {f} |
debugger {n} /diːˈbʌɡə(ɹ)/ (computer program) | :: debugger {m} |
debut {n} /deɪˈbjuː/ (a performer's first-time performance to the public) | :: debutto {m} |
debut {v} (to make one's initial formal appearance) | :: esordire |
decade {n} /ˈdɛkeɪd/ (period of ten years) | :: decennio {m}, decade {f} |
decade {n} (series of ten things) | :: decina {f} |
decade {n} (series of ten Hail Marys in the rosary) | :: decina {f} |
decadence {n} /ˈdɛkədəns/ (state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration) | :: decadenza {f}, decadentismo {m} |
decadent {adj} /ˈdɛkədənt/ (characterized by moral or cultural decline) | :: decadente |
decadent {n} (person affected by moral decay) | :: decadentista {m} |
decadic {adj} /dɪˈkædɪk/ (of or relating to a decimal system) | :: decadico |
decaffeinated {adj} /diːˈkæfiːneɪtəd/ (From which caffeine has been removed) | :: decaffeinato |
decagon {n} /ˈdɛ.kə.ɡɑn/ (polygon with ten sides) | :: decagono {m} |
decagonal {adj} /dɪˈkæɡənəɫ/ (shaped like a decagon) | :: decagonale |
decagram {n} /ˈdɛkəɡɹæm/ (ten grams) | :: decagrammo {m} |
decahedron {n} /ˌdɛkəˈhiːdɹən/ (polyhedron with ten faces) | :: decaedro {m} |
decal {n} /ˈdiːkæl/ (design or picture to be transferred) | :: decalcabile {m}, vetrofania {f}, calcomania {f}, decalcomania {f} |
decalin {n} (decahydronaphthalene) | :: decalina {f} |
decalitre {n} /ˈdɛkəlɪtə(ɹ)/ (ten liters) | :: decalitro |
Decalogue {prop} (the Ten Commandments) SEE: Ten Commandments | :: |
Decalogue {n} /ˈdɛkəlɒɡ/ (set of rules) | :: decalogo {m} |
Decameron {prop} /dɪˈkæməɹən/ (collection of 100 novellas by Boccaccio) | :: Decameron {m}, Decamerone {m} |
decameter {n} (decametre) SEE: decametre | :: |
decametre {n} /ˈdɛkəmiːtə(ɹ)/ (the length of 10 metres) | :: decametro {m} |
decane {n} (decane) | :: decano {m} |
decangle {n} (decagon) SEE: decagon | :: |
decanoic acid {n} (capric acid) SEE: capric acid | :: |
decant {v} /dəˈkænt/ (to pour off gently so as not to disturb the sediment; to decant wine) | :: decantare |
decant {v} (to pour from one vessel into another) | :: travasare |
decanter {n} /dɪˈkæntə(ɹ)/ (vessel for decanting) | :: boccione {m}, decantatore {m} |
decanter {n} (receptacle for decanted liquor) | :: damigiana {f}, decantatore {m} |
decapitate {v} (remove the head of) SEE: behead | :: |
decapitated {adj} /dɪˈkæpɪteɪtəd/ (with the head removed) | :: decapitato |
decapitation {n} /dɪkæpɪˈteɪʃən/ (beheading) | :: decapitazione {f} |
decathlete {n} /diːˈkæθliːt/ (athlete who competes in the decathlon) | :: decatleta {m} {f} |
decathlon {n} /diːˈkæθlɒn/ (athletic contest) | :: decathlon {m} |
decay {v} /di.ˈkeɪ/ | :: imputridire |
decay chain {n} | :: catena di decadimento {f} |
decease {n} /dɪˈsiːs/ (departure, especially departure from this life; death) | :: decesso |
decease {v} (to die) | :: morire |
deceit {n} /dɪˈsiːt/ (act or behavior intended to deceive) | :: falsità {f}, mendacità {f}, inganno {m}, trucco {m} |
deceit {n} | :: inganno, frode |
deceitful {adj} /dɪˈsiːtfʊl/ (deliberately misleading or cheating) | :: bugiardo {m} |
deceitful {adj} (deceptive) | :: bugiardo {m} |
deceitfully {adv} /dɪˈsiːtf(ə)li/ (in a deceitful manner) | :: subdolamente, proditoriamente, infidamente, falsamente |
deceive {v} /dɪˈsiːv/ (trick or mislead) | :: ingannare |
deceiver {n} /dɪˈsiːvə(ɹ)/ (person who lies or deceives) | :: ingannatore {m}, ingannatrice {f} |
decelerate {v} /diːˈsɛləɹeɪt/ (reduce the acceleration of something) | :: decelerare |
decelerate {v} (to go slower) | :: decelerare |
deceleration {n} /dɪˌsɛləˈɹeɪʃən/ (the act or process of decelerating) | :: decelerazione {f} |
December {prop} /dɪ.ˈsɛm.bəɹ/ (twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: dicembre {m} |
Decembrist {n} (sympathizer of the Decembrist revolt) | :: decabrista |
Decembrist {adj} (derived from the Decembrists) | :: decabrista |
decemvirate {n} | :: decemvirato {m} |
decennial {n} /dɪˈsɛnɪəɫ/ (tenth anniversary of an event) | :: decennale {m} |
decennial {adj} (Occurring every ten years) | :: decennale |
decent {adj} /ˈdiːsənt/ (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness) | :: perbene} |
decent {adj} (fair; good enough; okay) | :: presentabile |
decentralization {n} /diːˌsɛntɹəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (the action of decentralizing) | :: decentralizzazione {f}, decentramento {m} |
decentralize {v} /diːˈsɛntɹəlaɪz/ (cause to change from being concentrated) | :: decentralizzare |
decentralize {v} (reduce the authority of a governing body) | :: decentralizzare |
deception {n} /dɪˈsɛpʃən/ (instance of actions fabricated to mislead) | :: mistificazione {f}, inganno {m}, sotterfugio {m}, raggiro {m}, frode {f} |
deceptive {adj} /dɪ.ˈsɛp.tɪv/ (misleading, attempting to deceive) | :: ingannevole |
deceptive advertising {n} (exaggerated advertising that attempts to deceive) | :: pubblicità ingannevole {f} |
deceptively {adv} /dɪˈsɛptɪvli/ (in a deceptive manner) | :: ingannevolmente |
deceptiveness {n} (the state or quality of being deceptive) | :: illusorietà {f} |
decerebrate {v} /dɪˈsɛɹəbɹət/ (to remove the cerebrum) | :: decerebrare |
deci- {prefix} (one tenth (1/10)) | :: deci- |
decibel {n} /ˈdɛsɪbɛl/ (a common measure of sound intensity) | :: decibel {m} |
decide {v} /dɪˈsaɪd/ (to resolve or settle) | :: decidere |
decidua {n} /dɪˈsɪdʒʊə/ (a mucous membrane that lines the uterus) | :: decidua {f} |
deciduous {adj} /dɪˈsɪd.ju.əs/ (describing a part that falls off, or is shed) | :: caduco, deciduo |
deciduous {adj} (of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season) | :: caducifoglio |
deciduous tooth {n} (baby tooth) SEE: milk tooth | :: |
decigrade {n} /ˈdɛsɪɡɹeɪd/ (angular measure) | :: decigrado {m} |
decigram {n} /ˈdɛsɪɡɹæm/ (metric measurement) | :: decigrammo {m} |
deciliter {n} (decilitre) SEE: decilitre | :: |
decilitre {n} /ˈdɛsɪliːtə(ɹ)/ (unit of volume) | :: decilitro {m} |
decimal {n} /ˈdɛsɪməl/ (number system) | :: decimale |
decimalize {v} /ˈdɛsɪməlaɪz/ (to convert to the decimal system) | :: decimalizzare |
decimal point {n} (the point used in English mathematics) | :: punto |
decimal point {n} (the decimal mark symbol, characteristic to the native tongue) | :: virgola {f} |
decimate {v} /ˈdɛ.sə.meɪt/ (Roman history: to kill one out of ten men) | :: decimare |
decimate {v} | :: decimare |
decimate {v} (to collect or pay a tithe) SEE: tithe | :: |
decimeter {n} (decimetre) SEE: decimetre | :: |
decimetre {n} /ˈdɛsɪmiːtəɹ/ (one-tenth of a metre) | :: decimetro {m} |
decipherable {adj} /dɪˈsaɪfəɹəbəɫ/ (that can be deciphered) | :: decifrabile |
decipherer {n} /dɪˈsaɪfəɹə(ɹ)/ (person who deciphers) | :: decifratore {m} |
decision {n} /dɪˈsɪʒən/ (choice or judgement) | :: decisione {f} |
decision {n} | :: decisione {f} |
decisional {adj} /dɪˈsɪʒənəɫ/ (of or pertaining to decisions) | :: decisionale |
decisional {adj} (having the power or authority to make decisions) | :: decisionale |
decisionism {n} /dɪˈsɪʒənɪzəm/ (doctrine about moral or legal precepts) | :: decisionismo {m} |
decisionist {adj} /dɪˈsɪʒənɪst/ (of or pertaining to decisionism) | :: decisionista |
decisionist {n} (proponent of decisionism) | :: decisionista {m} {f} |
decisive {adj} /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ (having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy) | :: decisivo |
decisive {adj} (marked by promptness and decision) | :: decisivo |
deck {n} /dɛk/ (any raised flat surface walked on) | :: pedana {f}, pavimento {m} |
deck {n} (pack of playing cards) | :: mazzo {m} |
deck {n} (floorlike covering on a ship) | :: ponte {m}, coperta {f}, tolda {f} |
deck {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate | :: |
deck {v} (dress up) SEE: dress up | :: |
deck chair {n} (a folding chair with a wooden frame) | :: sdraio {f}, sedia a sdraio {f} |
deck out {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate | :: |
deck out {v} (dress up) SEE: dress up | :: |
declaration {n} /ˌdɛkləˈɹeɪʃən/ (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief) | :: dichiarazione {f}, asserzione {f}, voto {m}, conferma {f}, enunciazione {f} |
declaration {n} (list of items for various legal purposes) | :: elenco {m} |
declaration {n} | :: dichiarazione {f} |
declaration of will {n} (manifestation of intent aimed at creating a legal effect) | :: dichiarazione di volontà {f} |
declare {v} /dɪˈklɛɚ/ (to make a declaration) | :: dichiarare |
declare {v} (to announce one's support, choice, opinion, etc) | :: dichiarare |
declare {v} (to announce something formally or officially) | :: dichiarare |
declare {v} (to affirm or state something emphatically) | :: dichiarare |
declassify {v} /diːˈklæsɪfaɪ/ (remove the classification from; lift the restrictions on) | :: desecretare |
declension {n} /dɪˈklɛn.ʃən/ (way of categorizing) | :: declinazione {f} |
declensional {adj} /dɪˈklɛnʃənəɫ/ (pertaining to declension) | :: declinatorio |
declinable {adj} /dɪˈklaɪnəbəɫ/ (capable of being declined) | :: declinabile |
declination {n} (declension) SEE: declension | :: |
declination {n} /ˌdɛklɪˈneɪʃən/ (at a given point, the angle between magnetic north and true north) | :: declinazione {f} |
declination {n} (at a given point, the angle between the line connecting this point with the geographical center of the earth and the equatorial plane) | :: declinazione {f} |
decline {n} /dɪˈklaɪn/ (weakening) | :: declino |
decline {n} | :: declino |
decline {v} (move downwards) | :: declinare |
decline {v} (refuse) | :: declinare |
decline {v} (inflect) | :: declinare |
declivity {n} /dɪˈklɪvɪti/ (downward slope) | :: declivio {m} |
declivity {n} (downward bend in a path) | :: declivio {m} |
decoction {n} /dɪˈkɒkʃən/ (an extraction or essence) | :: decotto {m} |
decollate {v} (behead) SEE: behead | :: |
decolonization {n} /diːˌkɒl.ə.naɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (freeing of a colony from dependent status) | :: decolonizzazione {f} |
decolonize {v} /diːˈkɒlənaɪz/ (to release from the status of colony) | :: decolonizzare |
decommission {v} /diːkəˈmɪʃən/ (to take out of service or to render unusable) | :: smantellare |
decommunization {n} (act, process, or result of decommunizing) | :: decomunistizzazione {f} |
decompose {v} /ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz/ (to separate) | :: decomporre |
decompose {v} (to decay) | :: decomporsi |
decomposer {n} /diːkəmˈpəʊzə(ɹ)/ (organism feeding off decomposing organic material) | :: decompositore {m} |
decomposition {n} /diːˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən/ (biological process) | :: decomposizione {f} |
decompress {v} /diːkəmˈpɹɛs/ (To relieve the pressure or compression on something) | :: decomprimere |
decompress {v} (To restore compressed data to its normal size) | :: decomprimere |
decongest {v} /diːkənˈdʒɛst/ (free from congestion) | :: decongestionare |
decongestant {n} /diːkənˈdʒɛstənt/ (drug that relieves congestion) | :: decongestionante {m} |
deconstruct {v} /diːkənˈstɹʌkt/ (break down) | :: decostruire |
decontamination {n} /diːkənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ (process of removing contamination) | :: decontaminazione {f} |
decorate {v} /ˈdɛkəɹeɪt/ (to furnish with decorations) | :: decorare |
decoration {n} /ˌdɛkəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of adorning) | :: decorazione {f} |
decoration {n} (that which adorns) | :: decorazione {f} |
decoration {n} (any mark of honor to be worn upon the person) | :: decorazione {f} |
decorative {adj} /ˈdɛkɹətɪv/ (that serves to decorate) | :: decorativo |
decorator {n} /ˈdɛkəˌɹeɪtə(ɹ)/ (one who decorates) | :: decoratore {m}, decoratrice {f}, paratore {m}, paratrice {f} |
decorticator {n} /diːˈkɔːtɪkeɪtə(ɹ)/ (peeling machine) | :: decorcicatore {m} |
decorum {n} /dɪˈkɔːɹəm/ | :: decoro {m} |
decoy {n} /ˈdiːkɔɪ/ (person or object meant to lure something to danger) | :: esca {f}, richiamo {m} |
decoy {n} (animal used by hunters to lure game) | :: zimbello {m} |
decrease {v} /dɪˈkɹiːs/ (become smaller) | :: diminuire, calare |
decrease {v} (make smaller) | :: diminuire, far calare, ribassare, ridurre, decrementare |
decrease {n} (amount of decrease) | :: diminuzione {f}, calo {m}, ribasso {m}, riduzione {f} |
decree {n} /dɪˈkɹiː/ (edict or law) | :: decreto {m}, ordinanza {f} |
decrepit {adj} /dɪˈkɹɛp.ɪt/ (weakened or worn out) | :: decrepito, barbogio, rincoglionito |
decrepitude {n} /dɘˈkɹɛpɪˌtuːd/ (the state of being decrepit) | :: decrepità {f}, decrepitezza {f} |
decriminalize {v} /diːˈkɹɪmɪnəlaɪz/ (to change the laws so something is no longer a crime) | :: depenalizzare, decriminalizzare |
decry {v} /dɪˈkɹaɪ/ (to denounce as harmful) | :: denunciare |
decry {v} (to blame for ills) | :: criticare |
dectuple {adj} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
dectuple {v} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
decubitus {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore | :: |
decumbent {adj} /dɪˈkʌmbənt/ (having upward pointing tips) | :: decombente |
decuple {adj} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
decuple {v} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
Dedekind domain {n} (integral domain whose prime ideals factorise uniquely) | :: dominio di Dedekind {m}, anello di Dedekind {m} |
dedicate {v} /ˈdɛdɪkeɪt/ (to address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection) | :: dedicare |
dedicated {adj} /ˈdɛdɪkeɪtəd/ (devoted, loyal, conscientious) | :: dedito |
dedifferentiation {n} /diːˌdɪfəɹɛnʃɪˈeɪʃən/ (loss or reversal of differentiation) | :: dedifferenziazione {f}, sdifferenziamento |
deduce {v} /dɪˈduːs/ (reach conclusion by logic) | :: dedurre |
deducible {adj} /dɪˈdjuːsɪbəɫ/ (capable of being deduced) | :: deducibile |
deduct {symbol} /dɪˈdʌkt/ (to take one thing from another) | :: defalcare |
deductible {n} (excess) SEE: excess | :: |
deductible {adj} /dɪˈdʌktəbəɫ/ (eligible to be deducted) | :: detraibile |
deduction {n} /dɪˈdʌkʃən/ (that which is subtracted or removed) | :: deduzione {f} |
deduction {n} (sum that can be removed from tax calculations) | :: deduzione {f}, detrazione |
deduction {n} (process of reasoning) | :: deduzione {f} |
deduction {n} (conclusion) | :: deduzione {f} |
deduction {n} (ability or skill to deduce) | :: deduzione {f} |
deductive {adj} /dɪˈdʌktɪv/ | :: deduttivo |
deductive reasoning {n} | :: ragionamento deduttivo {m} |
deed {n} /diːd/ (action) | :: fatto {m}, gesto, gesta |
deed {n} (brave or noteworthy action, feat or exploit) | :: prodezza {f}, impresa {f}, exploit {m}, bravura {f}, ardimento {m}, gesta {f-p} |
deed {n} (legal instrument) | :: atto notarile, contratto {m} |
deem {v} /diːm/ (to hold in belief or estimation) | :: considerare, valutare, credere |
deem {v} (to have or hold as an opinion) | :: considerare, ritenere, reputare |
deem {n} (an opinion, judgment) SEE: opinion | :: |
deen {n} (religion) SEE: religion | :: |
deen {n} (Islam) SEE: Islam | :: |
deep {adj} /diːp/ (having its bottom far down) | :: profondo |
deep {adj} (profound) | :: profondo |
deep {adj} (thick in a vertical direction) | :: spesso, esteso |
deep {adj} | :: profondo |
deep blue {adj} (dark blue) SEE: navy | :: |
deep-draw {v} (form deep objects in sheet metal) | :: imbutire |
deep drawing {n} (metal forming process) | :: imbutitura {f} |
deepen {v} /ˈdiːpən/ (to make deep or deeper) | :: approfondire |
deepen {v} (to make darker or more intense) | :: intensificare |
deep freeze {n} (freezer) SEE: freezer | :: |
deep learning {n} | :: apprendimento profondo {m} |
deeply {adv} /ˈdiːpli/ (at depth) | :: profondamente |
deeply {adv} (to a deep extent) | :: in profondità |
deeply {adv} (profoundly) | :: profondamente |
deep sea {n} (open sea) SEE: open sea | :: |
deepthroating {n} (the act of deepthroat) | :: gola profonda {f} |
deep water {n} (waters suitable for deep-draft ships) | :: alto mare {m} |
deep water {n} (difficult or embarrassing situation) | :: alto mare {m} |
deer {n} /dɪɹ/ (animal of the family Cervidae) | :: cervo {m}, alce {f}, renna {f}, daino {m}, capriolo {m}, caribù {m} |
deer {n} (meat from the animal) SEE: venison | :: |
deer meat {n} (venison) SEE: venison | :: |
defamation {n} /ˌdɛfəˈmeɪʃən/ (act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication) | :: diffamazione {f} |
default {n} /dɪˈfɔːlt/ ((finance) condition of failing to meet an obligation) | :: mora {f}, morosità {f}, default {m}, inadempienza {f} |
default {n} (value used when none has been given.) | :: predefinito {m} |
defeat {v} /dɪˈfiːt/ (to overcome in battle or contest) | :: sconfiggere, battere, vincere |
defeat {n} | :: sconfitta {f}, disfatta {f}, fallimento {m}, insuccesso {m} |
defeatism {n} /dɪˈfiːtɪzəm/ (acceptance of defeat without struggle) | :: disfattismo {m} |
defeatist {adj} /dɪˈfiːtɪst/ (of, or relating to defeatism) | :: disfattista {m} {f} |
defeatist {n} (someone who advocates defeatism, or has such an attitude) | :: disfattista {m} {f} |
defecate {v} /ˈdɛfɪkeɪt/ | :: defecare, liberarsi |
defecation {n} /ˌdɛfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act or process of voiding excrement) | :: defecazione {f} |
defecation {n} (process of removing impurities) | :: defecazione {f} |
defecography {n} | :: defecography {f} |
defect {n} /ˈdiːfɛkt/ (fault or malfunction) | :: difetto {m} |
defect {v} (to abandon; to change one's loyalty) | :: defezionare |
defect {v} (to desert; to flee combat) | :: disertare |
defection {n} /dɪˈfɛkʃən/ (act or incidence of defecting) | :: defezione {f}, diserzione {f} |
defective {adj} /dɪˈfɛktɪv/ (having one or more defects) | :: difettoso |
defective {adj} (having only some forms) | :: difettivo |
defective verb {n} (verb with an incomplete conjugation) | :: verbo difettivo {m} |
defence {n} (defence) SEE: defense | :: |
defend {v} /dɛˈfɛnd/ (ward off attacks against) | :: difendere |
defendable {adj} /dɪˈfɛndəbəɫ/ (capable of being defended) | :: difendibile, sostenibile, tenibile |
defendant {n} /dɪˈfɛnd.ənt/ (person prosecuted or sued, the accused) | :: imputato {m}, imputata {f}, accusato {m}, accusata {f} |
defender {n} /dɪˈfɛndə(ɹ)/ (someone who defends) | :: difensore {m} |
defender {n} (sports term) | :: difensore {m} |
defenestrate {v} /dəˈfɛnɪstɹeɪt/ (eject from a window) | :: defenestrare |
defenestration {n} /dɪˌfɛnɪˈstɹeɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of throwing out a window) | :: defenestrazione {f} |
defense {n} /dɪˈfɛns/ (action of protecting from attack) | :: difesa {f} |
defense {n} (argument in support or justification of something) | :: difesa {f} |
defensible {adj} /dɪˈfɛnsɪbəɫ/ (capable of being defended) | :: sostenibile, difendibile, tenibile |
defensible {adj} (capable of being justified) | :: difendibile, sostenibile, tenibile |
deference {n} /ˈdɛ.fɚ.əns/ (great respect) | :: deferenza {f} |
deference {n} (the willingness to carry out the wishes of others) | :: deferenza {f} |
deferential {adj} /ˌdɛfəˈɹɛnʃəɫ/ (showing deference) | :: deferente, deferenziale, ossequente |
deferment {n} /dɪˈfɜːmənt/ (act or instance of deferring) | :: dilazione {f}, posponimento {m}, deferimento {m} |
defibrillator {n} /diːˈfɪbɹɪleɪtə(ɹ)/ (device) | :: defibrillatore {m} |
deficiency {n} /dɪˈfɪʃənsi/ (inadequacy or incompleteness) | :: deficienza {f} |
deficiency {n} (insufficiency) | :: deficienza {f} |
deficient {adj} /dɪˈfɪʃənt/ (lacking something essential) | :: deficiente |
deficit {n} (deficiency) SEE: deficiency | :: |
define {v} /dɪˈfaɪn/ (to determine) | :: definire, determinare |
define {v} (express the essential nature of) | :: definire |
define {v} (state meaning of) | :: definire |
define {v} (describe, explain, make definite and clear) | :: definire, descrivere |
defined {adj} /dɪˈfaɪnd/ (having a definition or value) | :: definito |
definite {adj} /ˈdɛfɪnɪt/ | :: definito |
definite article {n} (article introducing a noun and specifying it as the particular noun considered) | :: articolo determinativo {m} |
definitely {adv} /ˈdɛf.ɪnɪ (without question and beyond doubt) | :: indubbiamente, non ci piove |
definitely {adv} (An emphatic affirmative answer; of course) | :: non ci piove |
definition {n} /ˌdɛfɪˈnɪʃ(ə)n/ (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol) | :: definizione {f} |
definition {n} (statement expressing the essential nature of something) | :: definizione {f} |
definition {n} (action or process of defining) | :: definizione {f} |
definition {n} (act of defining) | :: definizione {f}, il definire |
definition {n} (product of defining) | :: definizione {f} |
definition {n} (action or power of describing, explaining, or making definite) | :: livello di definizione |
definition {n} (clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail) | :: definizione {f}, definitezza {f} |
definition {n} (clarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction) | :: definizione {f} |
definition {n} (sharp demarcation of outlines or limits) | :: definitezza {f} |
definitive {adj} /dɪˈfɪn.ɪt.ɪv/ (explicitly defined) | :: definitivo |
definitive {adj} (conclusive or decisive) | :: definitivo |
definitive {adj} (definite, authoritative and complete) | :: definitivo |
deflagrate {v} /ˈdɛfləɡɹeɪt/ (to burn with intense light and heat) | :: deflagrare |
deflagration {n} /ˌdɛfləˈɡɹeɪʃən/ (intense fire) | :: deflagrazione {f} |
deflate {v} /diːˈfleɪt/ (reduction, usually in volume) | :: deflazionare (all senses) |
deflation {n} /dɪˈfleɪʃən/ (decrease in the general price level) | :: deflazione {f} |
deflection {n} /dəˈflɛkʃən/ (act of deflecting) | :: deflessione {f}, deviazione {f} |
deflection {n} (deviation of a needle) | :: deflessione {f} |
deflectometer {n} (an instrument that measures the deflection) | :: flessimetro {m} |
deflector {n} /dɪˈflɛktə(ɹ)/ (something which deflects something else) | :: deflettore {m} |
defloration {n} (the act of deflowering) | :: deflorazione {f} |
deflower {v} /dɪˈflaʊə(ɹ)/ (to take the virginity of a woman or girl) | :: deflorare, sverginare |
deforestation {n} /dɪˌfɒɹɪsˈteɪʃən/ (process of destroying a forest) | :: deforestazione {f} |
deform {v} /dɪˈfɔːm/ (to spoil the form of) | :: deformare |
deformation {n} /ˌdɛfəˈmeɪʃən/ (act of deforming, or state of being deformed) | :: deformazione {f} (all meanings), storpiatura {f}, storpiamento {m} |
deformity {n} /dɪˈfɔɹməti/ (The state of being deformed) | :: deformità {f} |
deformity {n} (Something which is deformed) | :: deformità {f} |
defragment {v} /diːfɹæɡˈmɛnt/ ((computing) to run a process to make file fragments on a hard disk contiguous) | :: deframmentare |
defragmentation {n} /diːˌfɹæɡmənˈteɪʃən/ (action of defragmenting) | :: deframmentazione {f} |
defragmenter {n} /diːfɹæɡˈmɛntə(ɹ)/ (that which defragments; a program that performs defragmentation) | :: deframmentatore {m} |
deft {adj} /dɛft/ (skillful) | :: abile |
deftly {adv} /ˈdɛftli/ (in a deft manner) | :: abilmente |
defunct {adj} /ˌdiˈfʌŋkt/ (deceased) | :: defunto |
defuse {v} /diːˈfjuːz/ (to remove the fuse from a bomb) | :: disinnescare |
defy {v} /dɪˈfaɪ/ (to renounce or dissolve all bonds) | :: abiurare |
defy {v} (to provoke to combat or strife) | :: sfidare |
defy {n} (challenge) SEE: challenge | :: |
degas {v} (To remove the gas from) | :: degassare, degassificare |
degeneracy {n} (degeneration) SEE: degeneration | :: |
degenerate {adj} /dɪˈdʒɛnəɹət/ (having deteriorated, degraded or fallen from normal) | :: snaturato |
degenerate {adj} (having lost good or desirable qualities) | :: snaturato, scellerato, degenerato |
degenerate {v} (to lose good or desirable qualities) | :: degenerare |
degeneration {n} /dɪˌdʒɛnəˈɹeɪʃən/ (process or state of growing worse) | :: degenerazione {f} |
degeneration {n} (condition of a tissue or an organ in which its vitality has become diminished) | :: degenerazione {f} |
degenerative {adj} /dɪˈdʒɛn(ə)ɹətɪv/ (characterized by or causing degeneration) | :: degenerativo |
deglaze {v} /diːˈɡleɪz/ ((transitive) to detach small pieces of cooked food from a pan) | :: sfumare |
deglobalization {n} /diːˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (The process of deglobalizing economies) | :: deglobalizzazione {f} |
deglobalize {v} /diːˈɡləʊbəlaɪz/ (To make independent according to deglobalization) | :: deglobalizzare |
deglutition {n} (act or process of swallowing) SEE: swallowing | :: |
degradability {n} /dɪˌɡɹeɪdəˈbɪlɪti/ (condition of being degradable) | :: degradabilità {f} |
degradability {n} (measure) | :: degradabilità {f} |
degradable {adj} /dɪˈɡɹeɪdəbəɫ/ (that which can be degraded) | :: degradabile |
degrade {v} /dɪˈɡɹeɪd/ (to lower in value or social position) | :: degradare |
degrade {v} (to reduce in quality or purity) | :: degradarsi |
degreaser {n} (solvent) | :: sgrassatore |
degree {n} /dɪˈɡɹiː/ (in geometry: unit of angle) | :: grado {m} |
degree {n} (unit of temperature) | :: grado {m} |
degree {n} (amount, proportion, extent) | :: grado {m} |
degree {n} (academic award) | :: laurea {f} |
degree {n} (in graph theory: the number of edges that a vertex takes part in) | :: grado {m} |
degree {n} (in algebra: the maximal exponent of a polynomial) | :: grado {m} |
degree Celsius {n} (unit of temperature) | :: grado Celsius {m}, grado centigrado {m} |
degree of freedom {n} (minimum number of coordinates usable to describe a mechanical system) | :: grado di libertà {m} |
degree of freedom {n} (independent variable required to specify the thermodynamic state) | :: grado di libertà {m} |
degree of freedom {n} (mathematics: unrestricted variable) | :: grado di libertà {m} |
degrowth {n} (negative growth) | :: decrescita {f} |
degustation {n} (tasting) SEE: tasting | :: |
dehiscence {n} /dɪˈhɪsəns/ ((botany) opening of an organ by its own means) | :: deiscenza {f} |
dehiscence {n} ((medicine) rupture) | :: deiscenza {f} |
dehiscent {adj} /dɪˈhɪsənt/ (botany: which dehisces) | :: deiscente |
dehort {v} (to dissuade) SEE: dissuade | :: |
dehumanization {n} /diːˌhjuːmənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (the act or process of dehumanizing) | :: disumanizzazione {f} |
dehumanize {v} /diːˈhjuːmənaɪz/ (to take away humanity) | :: disumanizzare |
dehumidification {n} /diːhjuːˌmɪdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ | :: deumidificazione |
dehumidifier {n} /diːˌhjuːˈmɪdɪfaɪ(j)ə(ɹ)/ (device for removing moisture from air) | :: deumidificatore |
dehumidify {v} /diːˌhjuːˈmɪdɪfaɪ/ | :: deumidificare |
dehydrated {adj} /dəhˈaɪdɹeɪtəd/ (From which the water has been removed) | :: disidratato (also past participle) |
dehydration {n} /dihaɪˈdɹeɪʃən/ (act or process of freeing from water) | :: disidratazione |
dehydrogenase {n} /diːˌhaɪdˈɹɒdʒəneɪz/ (enzyme) | :: deidrogenasi {f} |
dehydrogenate {v} /diːˌhaɪdˈɹɒdʒəneɪt/ (to remove hydrogen from a substance) | :: deidrogenare |
dehydrogenation {n} /diːhaɪdˌɹɒdʒəˈneɪʃən/ (reaction in which hydrogen is removed) | :: deidrogenazione {f} |
deice {v} /diːˈaɪs/ (remove ice) | :: sghiacciare |
deicidal {adj} /deɪ(j)ɪˈsaɪdəɫ/ (of or pertaining to deicide) | :: deicida |
deicide {n} /ˈdi.ə.saɪd/ (killing) | :: deicidio |
deicide {n} (killer) | :: deicida |
deicide {n} (crucifixion) | :: deicidio |
deify {v} /ˈdiː.ə.faɪ/ (to make a god of) | :: deificare, venerare |
Dei gratia {adv} (by the Grace of God) SEE: by the Grace of God | :: |
Deimos {prop} /ˈdaɪməs/ (a son of Ares) | :: Deimos {m} |
Deimos {prop} (the outermost natural satellite of Mars) | :: Deimos {m} |
deindustrialization {n} | :: deindustrializzazione {f} |
deindustrialize {v} | :: deindustrializzare |
deism {n} /ˈdiːɪz(ə)m/ (belief) | :: deismo {m} |
deity {n} /ˈdiː.ɪ.tɪ/ | :: deità, divinità {f} |
deity {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity | :: |
deixis {n} /ˈdaɪksɪs/ (reference relying on context) | :: deissi {f} |
dejecta {n} /dɪˈdʒɛk.tə/ (body waste) | :: deiezioni |
dejected {adj} /dɪˈdʒɛktəd/ (sad and dispirited) | :: abbattuto, scoraggiato |
dejection {n} /dəˈdʒɛkʃən/ (a state of melancholy or depression) | :: abbattimento {f} |
Del {n} (abbreviation on the delete key on a keyboard) | :: Canc |
delative case {n} (case used to indicate movement from an object) | :: caso delativo {m} |
Delaware {prop} /ˈdɛləwɛɹ/ (US state) | :: Delaware {m} |
delay {n} /dɪˈleɪ/ (period of time before an event occurs) | :: ritardo {m} |
delay {v} (put off until a later time) | :: rimandare |
delegate {n} /ˈdɛlɪɡət/ (deputy, envoy, representative) | :: delegato {m}, delegata {f} |
delegate {v} (to commit a task to someone) | :: delegare |
delegation {n} /dɛlɪˈɡeɪʃən/ (a group of delegates) | :: delegazione {f} |
delete {v} /dɪˈliːt/ (to remove) | :: cancellare, eliminare |
deleterious {adj} /ˌdɛləˈtɪɹi.əs/ (harmful) | :: deleterio |
deletion {n} /dɪˈliːʃən/ (mutation in which a gene, or other section of DNA, is removed from a chromosome) | :: delezione |
deletion {n} | :: cancellatura {f}, cancellazione {f} |
Delhi {prop} /ˈdɛli/ (city in India) | :: Delhi |
deliberate {adj} /dɪˈlɪbəɹət/ (intentional) | :: premeditato, intenzionale, voluto |
deliberately {adv} /dɪˈlɪb(ə)ɹətli/ (intentionally) | :: intenzionalmente, deliberatamente, per partito preso |
deliberately {adv} | :: intenzionalmente, espressamente |
delicacy {n} /ˈdɛlɪkəsi/ (quality of being delicate) | :: delicatezza {f} |
delicacy {n} (something appealing, especially a pleasing food) | :: prelibatezza {f}, leccornia {f}, squisitezza {f} |
delicate {adj} /ˈdɛlɪkət/ | :: delicato |
delicately {adv} /ˈdɛlɪkətli/ (in a delicate manner) | :: delicatamente |
delicateness {n} (the characteristic of being delicate) | :: gracilità {f} |
delicatessen {n} /ˌdɛlɪkəˈtɛsən/ (shop selling prepared foods) | :: gastronomia {f} |
delicious {adj} /dəˈlɪʃəs/ (pleasing to taste) | :: squisito, delizioso, gustoso |
deliciousness {n} (state or quality of being delicious) | :: prelibatezza {f}, squisitezza {f}, sfiziosità {f} |
delight {n} /dəˈlaɪt/ (joy, pleasure) | :: delizia {f}, piacere {m} |
delight {v} (to give pleasure to) | :: deliziare |
delighted {adj} /dɪˈlaɪtəd/ | :: deliziato |
Delilah {prop} /dɪˈlaɪlə/ (biblical mistress of Samson) | :: Dalila {f} |
delimit {v} /dɪˈlɪmɪt/ (to mark or fix the limits of) | :: delimitare, demarcare, fissare |
delimitation {n} (the act of delimiting something) | :: delimitazione {f} |
delimitation {n} (a limit or boundary) | :: delimitazione {f} |
delineate {v} /dɪˈlɪniːeɪt/ | :: delineare |
delineation {n} /diːlɪniˈeɪʃən/ (the act of delineating; depiction) | :: delineazione {f}, delineamento {m} |
delinquent {n} /dɪˈlɪŋkwənt/ (one who breaks the law) | :: delinquente {m} {f} |
deliquescence {n} (condition of being deliquescent) | :: deliquescenza {f} |
delirious {adj} /dɪˈlɪɹɪəs/ (being in the state of delirium) | :: delirante |
delirious {adj} (having uncontrolled excitement; ecstatic) | :: delirante |
delirium {n} /dɪˈlɪɹɪəm/ (mental state of confusion) | :: delirio {m} |
deliverance {n} /dɪˈlɪvɹəns/ (Extrication from danger, imprisonment, etc.) | :: liberazione {f} |
deliverance {n} | :: consegnato, verdetto {m}, parto {m} |
delivery {n} /dɪˈlɪv(ə)ɹi/ (act of conveying something) | :: consegna {f}, distribuzione |
delivery {n} (act of giving birth) | :: parto |
dell {n} (valley) SEE: valley | :: |
delocalization {n} /diːˌləʊkəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (process of delocalizing) | :: delocalizazione {f} |
Delos {prop} (island) | :: Delo {f} |
delouse {v} (to remove lice from) | :: spidocchiare |
delphinium {n} (plant) SEE: larkspur | :: |
delta {n} /ˈdɛltə/ (the letter "D" in phonetic alphabet) | :: Domodossola |
delta wing {n} (swept-back wing) | :: ala a delta {f} |
deltoid {adj} (in the shape of Δ) SEE: triangular | :: |
delude {v} /dɪˈluːd/ (to deceive) | :: illudere, ingannare |
deluge {n} /ˈdɛl.ju(d)ʒ/ (a great flood) | :: diluvio {m} |
deluge {n} (an overwhelming amount of something) | :: diluvio {m} |
deluge {v} (to flood with water) | :: inondare, allagare |
deluge {v} (to overwhelm) | :: inondare, sommergere, tempestare |
Deluge {prop} (the Biblical flood) | :: diluvio universale |
delusion {n} /dɪˈl(j)uːʒ(ə)n/ (act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind) | :: illusione {f} |
delusion {n} (state of being deluded or misled) | :: illusione {f} |
delve {v} /dɛlv/ (to search carefully for information) | :: investigare |
demagnetization {n} (process of removing the magnetic field from an object) | :: demagnetizzazione {f} |
demagnetize {v} (to make something nonmagnetic) | :: demagnetizzare |
demagogic {adj} (of or pertaining to demagogy or a demagogue) | :: demagogico |
demagogically {adv} (in a demagogic manner) | :: demagogicamente |
demagogism {n} (The practice and principles of a demagogue) | :: demagogia {f} |
demagogue {n} /ˈdɛməɡɑɡ/ ((historical) a leader of the people) | :: duce {m} |
demagogue {n} ((pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument) | :: demagogo {m} |
demagoguery {n} (rhetoric) | :: demagogia {f} |
demagogy {n} (demagogism) | :: demagogia {f} |
demand {n} /dɪˈmænd/ (desire to purchase goods and services) | :: domanda {f}, richiesta {f} |
demand {n} (economics: amount a consumer is willing to buy at a particular price) | :: domanda {f} |
demand {n} (forceful claim for something) | :: richiesta {f}, rivendicazione {f} |
demand {n} (need, requirement) | :: bisogno {m} |
demand {n} (urgent request) | :: necessità {f} |
demand {n} (order) | :: esigenza {f} |
demand {n} (electricity supply: peak demand) | :: domanda {f} |
demand {v} (to request forcefully) | :: esigere, pretendere |
demarcate {v} /ˈdɛmɑːkeɪt/ (mark the limits or boundaries of something) | :: demarcare |
demarcation {n} /ˌdɛmɑːˈkeɪʃən/ (act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit) | :: demarcazione {f} |
dematerialization {n} /diːməˌtɪəɹɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act or process of dematerializing) | :: smaterializzazione {f} |
dematerialize {v} /ˌdi.məˈtɪɹ.i.ə.laɪz/ ((intransitive) to disappear by becoming immaterial) | :: smaterializzarsi |
dematerialize {v} ((transitive) to cause to disappear by becoming immaterial) | :: smaterializzare |
demean {v} /dɪˈmiːn/ (to debase; to lower; to degrade) | :: svilire |
demeanor {n} /dɪˈmiːnə(ɹ)/ (outward way in which a person behaves) | :: comportamento, atteggiamento {m} |
dementia {n} /dɪˈmɛnʃə/ (progressive decline in cognitive function) | :: demenza {f} |
demerit {n} /dɪˈmɛrɪt/ (quality of being inadequate) | :: demerito {m} |
Demeter {prop} /dəˈmiːtəɹ/ (Greek goddess of the harvest) | :: Demetra {f} |
Demetrius {prop} /dɪˈmiːtɹɪəs/ (male given name) | :: Demetrio {m} |
demigod {n} /ˈdɛmɪɡɑd/ (a half-god or hero) | :: semidio {m} |
demigod {n} (a lesser deity) | :: semidio {m} |
demijohn {n} /ˈdɛmɪdʒɒn/ (bottle) | :: damigiana {f} |
demilitarize {v} /dɪˈmɪlɪtəɹaɪz/ (remove troops from an area) | :: smilitarizzare, demilitarizzare |
demilitarized {adj} /dɪˈmɪlɪtəɹaɪzd/ (declared free of all military) | :: demilitarizzato |
demine {v} (remove explosive mines from) | :: sminare, bonificare |
deminer {n} (one who removes explosive mines) | :: sminatore {m} |
demise {n} /dɪˈmaɪz/ (death, see also: death) | :: morte {f} |
demisemiquaver {n} /dɛmɪˈsɛmɪkweɪvə(ɹ)/ (music) | :: biscroma {f} |
demist {v} /diːˈmɪst/ (remove liquid) | :: disappannare |
demisting {n} (removal of fine liquid particles) | :: disappannamento {m} |
demitasse {n} /ˈdɛmɪtæs/ (small cup for serving coffee) | :: tazzina |
demiurge {n} /ˈdɛ.mɪ.əːdʒ/ (being that created the universe) | :: demiurgo {m} |
Demiurge {prop} /ˈdɛmɪˌɝdʒ/ (Inferior creator deity in Gnosticism) | :: demiurgo {m} |
demo {n} /ˈdɛm.əʊ/ (a brief demonstration or visual explanation) | :: demo |
demo {n} (a short recording of a song etc for publicity) | :: demo {f} |
demo {n} (a march or gathering to make a political protest) | :: dimostrazione {f}, manifestazione {f} |
demo- {prefix} (pertaining to people or society) | :: demo- |
demobilization {n} /diːˌməʊbɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (disorganization or disarming of troops) | :: smobilitazione {f} |
demobilize {v} /diːˈməʊbɪlaɪz/ (to release someone from military duty) | :: smobilitare |
demobilize {v} (to disband troops) | :: smobilitare |
democracy {n} /dɪˈmɑkɹəsi/ (rule by the people) | :: democrazia {f} |
democracy {n} (government under the rule of its people) | :: democrazia {f} |
democrat {n} /ˈdɛməkɹæt/ (supporter of democracy) | :: democratico {m}, democratica {f} |
democratic {adj} /dɛməˈkɹætɪk/ (pertaining to democracy) | :: democratico |
democratically {adv} /dɛməˈkɹætɪkəli/ (in a democratic way) | :: democraticamente |
democratic centralism {n} (Marxist-Leninist principles) | :: centralismo democratico {m} |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} /ˌdɛməˈkɹætɪk ˈpiːpəlz ɹɪˈpʌblɪk əv kəˈɹiːə/ (country in East Asia (official name)) | :: Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea {f} |
Democratic Republic of the Congo {prop} /ˌdɛməˈkɹætɪk ɹɪˈpʌblɪk əv ðə ˈkɒŋɡəʊ/ (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire) | :: Repubblica Democratica del Congo {f} |
democratic socialism {n} (socialism based on democratic principles) | :: socialismo democratico {m} |
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka {prop} (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) | :: Repubblica Democratica Socialista dello Sri Lanka {f} |
democratize {v} /dɪˈmɒkɹətaɪz/ (to make democratic) | :: democratizzare |
Democritean {adj} | :: democriteo |
Democritus {prop} /dɪˈmɒkɹɪtəs/ (Greek philosopher) | :: Democrito |
demogeron {n} (member of a demogerontia) | :: demogeronte {m} |
demogerontia {n} (local government in Greece) | :: demogeronzia {f} |
demographer {n} /dɪˈmɒɡɹəfə(ɹ)/ (person who studies demography) | :: demografo {m}, demografa {f} |
demographic {adj} /dɛməˈɡɹæfɪk/ (of or pertaining to demography) | :: demografico |
demographical {adj} (demographic) SEE: demographic | :: |
demography {n} /dɪˈmɒɡɹəfi/ (study of human populations) | :: demografia {f} |
demoiselle crane {n} /dɛməˈzɛɫ kɹeɪn/ (crane) | :: damigella di Numidia {f} |
demolish {v} /dəˈmɒl.ɪʃ/ (to destroy) | :: demolire |
demolition {n} /ˌdɛm.əˈlɪʃən/ (the action of demolishing or destroying) | :: demolizione {f} |
demon {n} /ˈdiː.mən/ (evil spirit) | :: demone {m}, demonio {m} |
demon {n} (false god, Satanic divinity) | :: Il Demonio {m} |
demon {n} (inner spirit or genius) | :: demonio {m} |
demon {n} (person with great energy or skill, enthusiast) | :: demonio {m} |
demoniacal {adj} (of a demon, evil, devilish) SEE: demonic | :: |
demonic {adj} /dɪˈmɒnɪk/ (Pertaining to evil spirits) | :: demonico, demoniaco |
demonisation {n} (demonization) SEE: demonization | :: |
demonization {n} (the act of demonizing or something demonized) | :: demonizzazione {f} |
demonize {v} /ˈdiːmənaɪz/ (turn into a demon) | :: demonizzare |
demonize {v} (describe or represent as evil) | :: demonizzare |
demonology {n} /ˌdiːməˈnɑːlədʒi/ (study of demons) | :: demonologia {f} |
demonstrability {n} (being demonstrable) | :: dimostrabilità {f} |
demonstrate {v} /ˈdɛmənstɹeɪt/ (to participate in a demonstration) | :: manifestare |
demonstration {n} /dɛmənˈstɹeɪʃən/ (act) | :: dimostrazione {f} |
demonstration {n} (event) | :: dimostrazione {f} |
demonstration {n} (public display of opinion) | :: dimostrazione {f} |
demonstrative {n} (demonstrative pronoun) SEE: demonstrative pronoun | :: |
demonstrative pronoun {n} (pronoun which replaces a noun) | :: pronome dimostrativo {m} |
demonstrator {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
demonym {n} /ˈdɛmənɪm/ (name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place) | :: demonimo {m}, etnonimo {m} |
demoralization {n} /dɪˌmɒɹəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act of corrupting or subverting morale) | :: demoralizzazione {f} |
Demosthenes {prop} /dɪˈmɒsθəniːz/ (Ancient Greek name) | :: Demostene |
Demotic Greek {n} (Modern Greek vernacular language) | :: greco demotico {m}, demotico {m} |
demotion {n} (An act of demoting; a lowering of rank or status) | :: degradazione {f} |
demur {v} /dɪˈmɝ/ (intransitive: To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings) | :: rimandare, differire |
demure {adj} /dɪˈmjʊɹ/ (modest, quiet, reserved) | :: pudico {m}, riservato {m} |
demurrage {n} (detention of a freight vehicle during delayed loading or unloading) | :: controstallia {f} |
demystify {v} /diːˈmɪstɪfaɪ/ (to explain) | :: demistificare |
den {n} /dɛn/ (home of certain animals) | :: covo {m}, tana {f} |
den {n} (living room of a house) | :: salotto {m} |
denationalize {v} /diːˈnæʃ(ə)nəlaɪz/ (privatize) | :: denazionalizzare; privatizzare |
denaturant {n} (substance) | :: denaturante {m} |
denaturation {n} /diːˌnætʃəˈɹeɪʃən/ (addition of a noxious substance to alcohol) | :: denaturazione {f} |
denaturation {n} (change of folding structure of a protein) | :: denaturazione {f} |
denatured alcohol {n} (ethyl alcohol unfit for consumption) | :: alcol denaturato {m} |
denazification {n} (process of the removal of Nazis) | :: denazificazione |
dendrite {n} /ˈdɛndɹaɪt/ (projection of a nerve cell) | :: dendrite {m} |
dendrite {n} (hermit) | :: dendrita {m} |
dendritic {adj} /dɛndˈɹɪtɪk/ (of or possessing dendrites) | :: dendritico |
dendritic cell {n} (immune cell) | :: cellula dendritica |
dendrochronology {n} (science of counting tree rings) | :: dendrocronologia {f} |
dendrocyte {n} (dendritic cell that originates in bone marrow) | :: dendrocito {m} |
dendrology {n} /dɛndˈɹɒlədʒi/ (the study of trees) | :: dendrologia {f} |
dendron {n} (dendrite) SEE: dendrite | :: |
dengue fever {n} /ˈdɛŋɡiː ˈfiːvɚ/ (disease) | :: dengue {f} |
denial {n} /dɪˈnaɪ.əl/ (negation in logic) | :: negazione {f} |
denial {n} (refusal to comply with a request) | :: rifiuto {m} |
denialism {n} /dɪˈnaɪ(j)əlɪzəm/ (position of those who reject propositions that are strongly supported by scientific or historical evidence) | :: negazionismo {m} |
denialist {n} /dɪˈnaɪ(j)əlɪst/ (one who denies an assertion in a controversial debate) | :: negazionista {m} {f} |
denialist {adj} (relating to denial in a controversial debate) | :: negazionista {m} {f} |
denicotinize {v} | :: denicotinizzare |
denier {n} /dəˈnɪə(ɹ)/ (coin) | :: denaro |
denigrate {v} /ˈdɛn.ɪ.ɡɹeɪt/ (to criticise so as to besmirch) | :: denigrare, criticare, sparlare, parlare male, diffamare |
denigrate {v} | :: denigrare |
Denise {prop} /dəˈniːz/ (female given name) | :: Dionisia |
denitrification {n} (process) | :: denitrificazione {f} |
denizen {n} /ˈdɛn.ɪ.zən/ (an inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in) | :: abitante {m} |
Denmark {prop} /ˈdɛn.mɑɹk/ (country in Northern Europe) | :: Danimarca {f} |
Dennis {prop} /ˈdɛnɪs/ (male given name) | :: Dionisio |
denominal {adj} | :: denominale, denominativo |
denominal {n} (word that is derived from a noun or adjective) | :: denominale {m}, denominativo {m} |
denomination {n} /dɪˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃən/ (unit in a series of units) | :: valore nominale {m}, valore facciale {m} [uncommon] |
denominational {adj} (of or pertaining to a denomination) | :: denominazionale |
denominative {adj} (deriving from a noun) | :: denominale, denominativo |
denominative {n} (word that is derived from a noun or adjective) | :: denominale {m}, denominativo {m} |
denotative {adj} (that denotes or names) | :: denotativo |
denote {v} /dɪˈnəʊt/ (to indicate, mark) | :: indicare |
denote {v} (to make overt) | :: rivelare |
denote {v} (to convey as meaning) | :: significare |
denouncement {n} (act of denouncing) | :: denuncia {f} |
de novo {adv} (anew) SEE: anew | :: |
dense {adj} /dɛns/ (having relatively high density) | :: denso |
dense {adj} (compact; crowded together) | :: denso |
dense {adj} (thick; difficult to penetrate) | :: denso |
dense {adj} (opaque; allowing little light to pass through) | :: denso |
dense {adj} (obscure, or difficult to understand) | :: pastoso, denso |
dense {adj} (math: being a well-approximating subset) | :: denso |
dense {adj} (slow to comprehend; of low intelligence) | :: denso |
densimeter {n} (densitometer) SEE: densitometer | :: |
densimetry {n} (the measurement of density by means of a densimeter) | :: densimetria {f} |
densitometer {n} (device that measure the optical density of a material) | :: densimetro {m} |
density {n} /ˈdɛn.sə.ti/ (physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume) | :: densità {f} |
density {n} (number of particles or other quantity contained by a given volume) | :: densità {f} |
dent {n} /dɛnt/ (shallow deformation in the surface) | :: ammaccatura {f} |
dent {v} (produce a dent) | :: ammaccare |
dental {adj} /ˈdɛntl̩/ (of or concerning the teeth) | :: dentario, dentale |
dental {adj} (of or concerning dentistry) | :: dentario, dentale |
dental {adj} (phonetics) | :: dentale |
dental floss {n} (cord of thin filaments used to clean the areas between the teeth) | :: filo interdentale |
dentifrice {n} (any substance for cleaning the teeth) | :: dentifricio {m} |
dentin {n} (material of a tooth) | :: dentina {f} |
dentist {n} /ˈdɛntɪst/ (specialized tooth doctor) | :: dentista {m} {f} |
dentistry {n} /ˈdɛntɪstɹi/ (translations to be checked) | :: odontoiatria {f} |
dentition {n} (process of growing teeth) SEE: teething | :: |
dentition {n} /dɛnˈtɪʃən/ (set of natural teeth) | :: dentizione {f} |
dentition {n} (type and arrangement of normal teeth) | :: dentizione {f} |
denture {n} /ˈdɛntʃə(ɹ)/ | :: dentiera {f} |
denuclearization {n} (act or process of denuclearizing) | :: denuclearizzazione {f} |
denuclearize {v} /diːˈn(j)uːkliəˌɹaɪz/ (reduce number of nuclear weapons) | :: denuclearizzare |
Denver {prop} /ˈdɛnvɚ/ (capital of Colorado) | :: Denver {f} |
Denver boot {n} (wheel clamp) SEE: wheel clamp | :: |
deny {v} (disallow) SEE: forbid | :: |
deny {v} /dɪˈnaɪ/ (to assert that something is not true) | :: negare |
deodorant {n} /diˈoʊdəɹənt/ (any agent to eliminate, reduce, mask, or control odor) | :: deodorante {m} |
deodorant {n} (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm) | :: deodorante {m} |
deodorant {adj} (acting to control odor) | :: deodorante |
deodorize {v} (mask or eliminate odor) | :: deodorare |
deontological {adj} (of or relating to deontology) | :: deontologico |
deontologically {adv} (in terms of deontology) | :: deontologicamente |
Deo volente {interj} (God willing) SEE: God willing | :: |
deoxyadenosine {n} (deoxyribonucleoside related to adenosine) | :: deossiadenosina {f} |
deoxygenate {v} /diˈɒksɪdʒɪneɪt/ (to remove oxygen from something) | :: deossigenare |
deoxygenation {n} /diˌɒksɪdʒɪˈneɪʃən/ (the removal of oxygen) | :: deossigenazione {f} |
deoxyguanosine {n} (deoxyribonucleoside related to guanosine) | :: deossiguanosina {f} |
deoxyribonucleic acid {n} (deoxyribonucleic acid) | :: acido desossiribonucleico {m}, acido deossiribonucleico {m} |
deoxyribonucleotide {n} (nucleotide containing deoxyribose) | :: deossiribonucleotide {m} |
deoxyribose {n} (derivative of ribose) | :: deossiribosio {m} |
deoxythymine {n} /diˌɒksɪˈθaɪmiːn/ (deoxyribonucleoside related to thymine) | :: deossitimidina {f} |
deoxyuridine {n} /diˌɒksɪˈjʊəɹɪdiːn/ (deoxyribonucleoside related to uridine) | :: deossiuridina {f} |
depart {v} /dɪˈpɑːt/ (to leave) | :: partire, andar via, allontanarsi, dipartire |
depart {v} (to deviate) | :: deviare da |
depart {v} (to go away from) | :: partire da, andar via da, allontanarsi da |
department {n} /dɪˈpɑːtm(ə)nt/ (subdivision of organization) | :: [government or university] dipartimento {m}, [university] facoltà {f}, [factory, office, shop, etc.] reparto {m} |
departmental {adj} (of or pertaining to a department) | :: ministeriale, dipartimentale, ripartimentale |
department store {n} (store containing many departments) | :: grande magazzino {m}, emporio {m} |
departure {n} /dɪˈpɑː(ɹ)tjə(ɹ)/ (the act of departing) | :: partenza {f} |
departure {n} (deviation from a plan or procedure) | :: deviazione {m} |
departure {n} (death) | :: dipartenza {m}, dipartita {f}, morte {f}, trapasso {m} |
departure lounge {n} (waiting room at an airport) | :: sala partenze {f} |
depend {v} /dɪˈpɛnd/ (be contingent or conditioned) | :: dipendere |
depend {v} (trust) | :: fare affidamento |
depend {v} (hang down) | :: pendere |
depend {v} (be pending) | :: pendere |
dependence {n} /dɪˈpɛndəns/ (state of being dependent) | :: dipendenza |
dependent {adj} /dɪˈpɛndənt/ (relying upon; depending upon) | :: dipendente |
dependent variable {n} (in algebra) | :: variabile dipendente {f} |
depersonalize {v} (remove a sense of personal identity from something) | :: spersonalizzare |
depict {v} /dɪˈpɪkt/ (to render a representation of something, see also: describe) | :: rappresentare, raffigurare |
depiction {n} (lifelike image) | :: dipinto {m}, descrizione {f} |
depilate {v} /ˈdɛpɪleɪt/ (to remove hair from the body) | :: depilare, depilarsi |
depilatory {adj} (that removes hair) | :: depilatore, depilatorio |
depilatory {n} (preparation that removes hair from the body) | :: depilatore |
depleted uranium {n} (uranium that contains reduced U-235) | :: uranio impoverito {m} |
depletion {n} /dɪˈpliːʃən/ (exhaustion) | :: esaurimento {m} |
deplorable {adj} /dɪˈplɔːɹəbəɫ/ (deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad) | :: deplorabile, deplorevole, deprecabile |
deploy {v} /dɪˈplɔɪ/ (to prepare and arrange (usually military unit or units) for use) | :: dispiegare, collocare |
deploy {v} (to install, test and implement a computer system or application) | :: installare, fornire |
deployment {n} /dɪˈplɔɪmənt/ (implementation, or putting into use, of something) | :: implementazione |
deployment {n} (distribution of military forces prior to battle) | :: dispiego |
deployment {n} (when used in the context of parachuting: the start of something) | :: apertura |
depolarize {v} /diːˈpəʊləɹaɪz/ (remove the polarization from something) | :: depolarizzare |
depolarizer {n} (sustance added to a battery) | :: depolarizzante {m} |
depoliticization {n} /diːpəˌlɪtɪsaɪˈzeɪʃən/ | :: spoliticizzazione {f}, depoliticizzazione {f} |
depoliticize {v} /diːpəˈlɪtɪsaɪz/ (remove from political influence) | :: spoliticizzare |
deponent {adj} /diˈpoʊ.nənt/ (of a Latin or Greek verb: having a passive form with an active meaning) | :: deponente |
deponent {n} (a deponent verb) | :: deponente {m} |
deport {v} /dɪˈpɔɹt/ (to evict, especially from a country) | :: deportare |
deportation {n} /diːˌpɔːˈteɪʃən/ (act of deporting or exiling) | :: deportazione {f} |
deportee {n} /dɪˌpɔːˈti/ (deported person) | :: deportato {m} |
depose {v} /diˈpoʊz/ | :: deporre |
deposit {n} /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ (asset that was left to the care of the other) | :: deposito {m} |
deposit {n} (money placed in an account) | :: caparra, deposito {m}, acconto {m} |
deposit {n} (anything left behind on a surface) | :: deposito {m}, sedimento {m} |
deposit {n} (money given as an initial payment) | :: caparra {f}, anticipo {m}, acconto {m}, deposito {m} |
deposition {n} /dɛpəˈzɪʃən/ (transformation of gas into solid) | :: brinamento {m} |
deposition {n} | :: deposizione {f} |
depositor {n} (person) | :: depositante {m} {f} |
depot {n} /ˈdiːpoʊ/ (warehouse or similar storage facility) | :: deposito {m}, magazzino {m}, rimessa {f} |
depot {n} (bus or railway station) | :: deposito {m}, deposito ferroviario {m} |
deprave {v} /dɪˈpɹeɪv/ (To speak ill of) | :: depravare |
deprecate {v} /ˈdɛpɹɪkeɪt/ (express disapproval of) | :: deprecare |
deprecative {adj} (tending to deprecate) | :: deprecativo |
depredate {v} (to ransack or plunder) | :: depredare |
depressed {adj} /dɪˈpɹɛst/ (severely despondent and unhappy) | :: depresso, abbattuto, abbacchiato, mogio |
depressing {adj} /dɪˈpɹɛsɪŋ/ (causing depression or sadness) | :: deprimente |
depression {n} /dɪˈpɹɛʃən/ (geography: low area) | :: depressione {f} |
depression {n} (psychology: state of mind) | :: depressione {f} |
depression {n} (meteorology: area of lowered air pressure) | :: depressione {f} |
depression {n} (economics: period of major economic contraction) | :: depressione {f} |
depression {n} (reduction in a biological variable) | :: depressione {f} |
depressive {adj} /dɪˈpɹɛsɪv/ (dispiriting) | :: depressivo {m}, deprimente |
depressive {adj} (depressed) | :: depressivo |
depressive {adj} (Of or relating to depression) | :: depressivo |
depressor {n} (anything that depresses) | :: depressore {m} |
depressor septi {n} (muscle) | :: depressore del setto {m}, depressore del setto nasale {m}, muscolo depressore del setto {m} |
depressor supercilii {n} (muscle) | :: depressore del sopracciglio, muscolo depressore del sopracciglio |
deprivation {n} /dɛp.ɹɪ.veɪʃən/ (state of being deprived) | :: privazione {f} |
deprogramming {n} (the removal of the programming instilled into a person by a cult or similar organization) | :: deprogramazione {f} |
deprotonation {n} (removal of a proton) | :: deprotonazione {f} |
depth {n} /dɛpθ/ (vertical distance below a surface) | :: profondità {f} |
depths {n} (plural of depth) SEE: depth | :: |
deputy {n} /ˈdɛpjəti/ (representative) | :: delegato {m}, rappresentate {m}, vice {m} |
deputy {n} (legislator) | :: deputato |
deracinate {v} /dɪˈɹæsɪneɪt/ (pull up by the roots; to uproot; to extirpate) | :: sradicare, estirpare |
deracinate {v} (force (people) from their homeland to a new or foreign location) | :: sradicare |
derail {v} /dəˈɹeɪl/ (to come off the tracks) | :: deragliare |
derailleur {n} /dəˈɹeɪlɚ/ (The mechanism on a bicycle used to move the chain from one sprocket (gear) to another) | :: deragliatore {m} |
derailment {n} (action of a locomotive or train leaving the rails along which it runs) | :: deragliamento {m} |
deratization {n} (deratization) | :: derattizzazione {f} |
derby {n} /ˈdɝ.bi/ (horse race) | :: corsa di cavalli {f} |
derby {n} (any organized race) | :: competizione {f}, gara {f}, partita {f} |
derby {n} (bowler hat) SEE: bowler hat | :: |
derby {n} (local derby) SEE: local derby | :: |
Derek {prop} /ˈdɛɹɪk/ (given name) | :: Teodorico |
derelict {adj} /ˈdɛɹəlɪkt/ (abandoned) | :: abbandonato |
derelict {adj} (negligent) | :: negligente, trascurato |
derelict {n} (abandoned property) | :: oggetto abbandonato, rifiuto |
derelict {n} (abandoned ship) | :: relitto |
derelict {n} (outcast) | :: derelitto, relitto della società |
derelict {n} (negligent person) | :: persona negligente |
deride {v} /dɪˈɹaɪd/ (to harshly mock; ridicule) | :: deridere |
derision {n} /dɪˈɹɪʒən/ (act of treating with contempt) | :: derisione {f} |
derivative {n} /dɪˈɹɪvətɪv/ (something derived) | :: derivato {m}, derivata {f} |
derivative {n} (word that derives from another) | :: derivato {m}, derivata {f} |
derivative {n} (chemical derived from another) | :: derivato {m}, derivata {f} |
derivative {n} (in analysis: value) | :: derivata {f} |
derivatization {n} /dəˌɹɪvətəˈzeɪʃən/ (technique for transforming a chemical) | :: derivatizzazione {f} |
derive {v} /dəˈɹaɪv/ (create (a compound) from another by means of a reaction) | :: derivare |
dermal {adj} /ˈdɜːməɫ/ (of or pertaining to skin or integument) | :: dermico |
dermatitis {n} /ˌdɜː(ɹ)m.əˈtaɪ.tɪs/ (inflammation of the skin) | :: dermatite {f} |
dermatographia {n} (skin disorder) | :: dermografia {f}, dermografismo {m} |
dermatographism {n} (skin disorder) SEE: dermatographia | :: |
dermatologic {adj} (dermatological) SEE: dermatological | :: |
dermatological {adj} /ˌdɜːmətəˈlɒdʒɪkəɫ/ (of or pertaining to dermatology) | :: dermatologico |
dermatologically {adv} /ˌdɜːmətəˈlɒdʒɪkli/ (in a dermatological way) | :: dermatologicamente |
dermatologist {n} /ˌdɝ.mə.ˈtɑ.lə.dʒɪst/ (one who is skilled, professes or practices dermatology) | :: dermatologo {m}, dermatologa {f} |
dermatology {n} /ˌdɜːməˈtɒlədʒi/ (the study of the skin and its diseases) | :: dermatologia {f} |
dermatoscope {n} /ˌdɜːməˈtɒskoʊp/ | :: dermatoscopio {m} |
dermis {n} /ˈdɝ.mɪs/ (skin layer underlying epidermis) | :: derma {m} |
dermographia {n} (skin disorder) SEE: dermatographia | :: |
dermographism {n} (skin disorder) SEE: dermatographia | :: |
dernier {adj} (final, last) SEE: final | :: |
derogate {v} (to debase oneself) SEE: debase | :: |
derogatory {adj} /dɪˈɹɑɡətɔɹi/ (tending to lessen the value of) | :: offensivo, ingiurioso, contumelioso, insultante, riduttivo, spregiativo |
derogatory {adj} | :: dispregiativo, peggiorativo |
derring-do {n} /ˌdɛɹɪŋˈduː/ (brave and adventurous actions) | :: prodezza |
derrière {n} /ˌdɛɹiˈɛə(ɹ)/ (bottom, bum, backside) | :: deretano {m} |
derussianization {n} | :: derussificazione {f} |
dervish {n} /ˈdɜːvɪʃ/ (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism) | :: derviscio {m} |
Dervish {n} (a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity) | :: derviscio |
desalinate {v} /diːˈsælɪneɪt/ (remove the salt from something) | :: desalinizzare |
desalination {n} /diːˌsælɪˈneɪʃən/ (process of removing salt from sea water in order to make drinking water) | :: dissalazione {f} |
desalinize {v} (to remove salt from) | :: dissalare, desalinizzare |
desalt {v} (to remove salt from) | :: dissalare |
Descartes {prop} /deɪˈkɑːt/ (French philosopher and mathematician) | :: Cartesio {m} |
descend {v} /dɪˈsɛnd/ (to pass from a higher to a lower place) | :: scendere |
descendant {n} /dɪˈsɛndənt/ (one who is the progeny of someone) | :: discendente {m} |
descent {n} /dɪˈsɛnt/ (instance of descending) | :: discesa {f} |
descent {n} (lineage or hereditary derivation) | :: ascendenza {f} |
describable {adj} /dɪˈskɹaɪbəbl̩/ (capable of being described) | :: descrivibile, enarrabile |
describe {v} /dəˈskɹaɪb/ (to represent in words) | :: descrivere |
describer {n} (person who describes) | :: descrittore {m}, descrittrice {f} |
description {n} /dɪˈskɹɪpʃən/ (account in words) | :: descrizione {f} |
description word {n} (adjective) SEE: adjective | :: |
descriptive {adj} /dɪˈskɹɪptɪv/ | :: descrittivo |
descriptive statistics {n} (branch of statistics) | :: statistica descrittiva {f} |
descriptivism {n} (describing realistic language forms) | :: descrittivismo {m} |
descry {v} (see) SEE: see | :: |
Desdemona {prop} /ˌdɛzdəˈmoʊnə/ (moon of Uranus) | :: Desdemona {m} |
desecrate {v} /ˈdɛs.ɪ.kɹeɪ̯t/ (to profane or violate sacredness) | :: profanare, dissacrare |
desecrate {v} (to remove the consecration) | :: sconsacrare |
desecrate {v} (to inappropriately change) | :: dissacrare |
desegregate {v} /diːˈsɛɡɹəɡeɪt/ (remove segregation) | :: desegretare |
desert {n} /ˈdɛzət/ (barren area) | :: deserto {m} |
desert {adj} (Abandoned, deserted, or uninhabited) | :: deserto |
deserted {adj} /dɪˈzɜːtəd/ | :: deserto |
deserticolous {adj} (living in a desert) | :: deserticolo |
desert island {n} (an uninhabited island) | :: isola deserta {f} |
desert rat {n} (one of various mouselike desert dwellers) | :: gundi {m}, ratto del deserto {m} |
deserve {v} /dɪˈzɝv/ (to merit) | :: meritare, meritarsi |
desiccation {n} /ˌdɛsɪˈkeɪʃən/ (The state or process of being desiccated) | :: essiccamento {m}, essiccazione {f} |
desideratum {n} /dɪˌsɪdəˈɹɑːtəm/ (something wished for, or considered desirable) | :: desiderato {m} |
Desiderius {prop} /ˌdɛzɪˈdɪəɹɪəs/ (given name) | :: Desiderio |
design {n} /dɪˈzaɪn/ (plan) | :: disegno {m}, design {m}, progetto, pianta |
design {n} (pattern) | :: design |
design {n} (intention) | :: intenzione {f}, piano {m}, progettazione |
design {n} (appearance) | :: design |
design {n} (art of designing) | :: design {m} |
design {v} (to plan an artwork etc.) | :: progettare |
designation {n} /dɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ (indication) | :: indicazione {f} |
designation {n} (selection and appointment for a purpose, allotment) | :: designazione {f} |
designation {n} (distinguishing mark or name) | :: designazione {f}, appellativo {m} |
designation {n} (use or application) | :: utilizzo {m} |
designee {n} (one who has been designated) SEE: assignee | :: |
designer {n} (person who designs) | :: designer {m} {f} |
designer label {n} (luxury brand name) | :: griffe {f} |
desinence {n} /ˈdɛsənəns/ (inflectional word-ending) | :: desinenza {f} |
desirable {adj} /dɪˈzaɪəɹəbəl/ (suitable to be desired) | :: desiderabile |
desire {v} (desire) SEE: want | :: |
desire {v} /dɪˈzaɪə/ (want emotionally or sexually) | :: desiderare, volere |
desire {n} (something wished for) | :: desiderio {m}, voglia {f} |
desire {n} (strong attraction) | :: desiderio {m} |
desire {n} (feeling of desire) | :: desiderio {m} |
desire {n} | :: [1,2] desiderare |
desk {n} /dɛsk/ (table for writing and reading) | :: scrivania {f} |
desk {n} (lectern) SEE: lectern | :: |
desminopathy {n} | :: desminopatia {f} |
desmosome {n} (a structural unit that functions in the adhesion of cells to form tissue) | :: desmosoma {m} |
desolate {adj} /ˈdɛsələt/ (deserted) | :: desolato, deserto |
desolate {adj} (unfit for habitation) | :: abbandonato |
desolate {adj} (dismal) | :: nero |
despair {n} /dɪˈspɛə(ɹ)/ (loss of hope) | :: disperazione {f} |
desperate {n} /ˈdɛsp(ə)ɹət/ (filled with despair) | :: disperato |
desperate times call for desperate measures {proverb} (in adverse circumstances, actions that might have been rejected may become the best choice) | :: a mali estremi estremi rimedi |
despicable {adj} /dɪˈspɪkəbəl/ (deserving to be despised) | :: spregevole, abietto {m}, disprezzabile |
despise {v} /dɪˈspaɪz/ (to regard with contempt or scorn) | :: disprezzare |
despite {prep} /dɪˈspaɪt/ (in spite of) | :: nonostante, sebbene, malgrado |
despondent {adj} /dɪˈspɒndənt/ (in low spirits from loss of hope or courage) | :: abbattuto, scoraggiato |
despot {n} /ˈdɛs.pət/ (ruler with absolute power; tyrant) | :: despota {m} |
despotism {n} /ˈdɛspətɪzəm/ (government by a singular authority) | :: dispotismo {m} |
dessert {n} /dɪˈzɝt/ (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal) | :: dolce {m}, dessert {m} |
dessert grape {n} (a grape grown for eating rather than for making wine) | :: uva da tavola {f} |
destabilise {v} (destabilise) SEE: destabilize | :: |
destabilization {n} (destabilizing) | :: destabilizzazione {f} |
destabilize {v} /diːˈsteɪbɪlaɪz/ (to make something unstable) | :: destabilizzare |
destination {n} /dɛstɪˈneɪʃən/ (the place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent) | :: destinazione {f} |
destiny {n} (predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things) SEE: fate | :: |
destitute {adj} /ˈdɛstɪtuːt/ (lacking something, devoid; poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken) | :: destituito |
destroy {v} /dɪˈstɹɔɪ/ (to damage beyond use or repair) | :: distruggere |
destroy {v} | :: distruggere, abbattere |
destroyable {adj} (able to be destroyed) | :: distruttibile |
destroyer {n} (that who/which destroys) | :: distruttore {m} |
destroyer {n} (type of warship) | :: cacciatorpediniere {m} |
destruct {v} (to cause the destruction of) | :: distruggere |
destruction {n} /ˌdɪsˈtɹʌkʃən/ (act of destroying) | :: distruzione {f} |
destruction {n} (results of a destructive event) | :: distruzione {f} |
destructive {adj} /dɪˈstɹʌktɪv/ (causing destruction; damaging) | :: distruttivo |
destructiveness {n} (the state or quality of being destructive) | :: distruttività {f} |
destructure {v} (dismantle) SEE: dismantle | :: |
desulfurize {v} (to remove the sulfur) | :: desolforare |
detachable {adj} /dətætʃəbl̩/ (designed to be unfastened) | :: distaccabile, estraibile, rimovibile, separabile, staccabile |
detached house {n} (free-standing family dwelling unit) | :: casa isolata {f}, abitazione isolata {f} |
detachment {n} /dɪˈtæt͡ʃmənt/ (separation) | :: distacco |
detachment {n} (indifference) | :: distacco {m} |
detachment {n} (impartiality) | :: imparzialità {f}, distacco {m}, oggettività {f} |
detachment {n} (military unit) | :: distaccamento {m} |
detail {n} /ˈditeɪl/ (something small enough to escape casual notice) | :: dettaglio {m}, particolare {m} |
detail {n} (something considered trivial enough to ignore) | :: minuzia {f} |
detail {v} (to explain in detail) | :: dettagliare |
detailed {adj} /dɪˈteɪld/ (characterized by attention to detail and thoroughness of treatment) | :: dettagliato |
detain {v} (to detain) SEE: hold | :: |
detain {v} /dɪˈteɪn/ (put under custody) | :: detenere, trattenere |
detect {v} (to detect) SEE: notice | :: |
detect {v} /dɪˈtɛkt/ (to discover or find by careful search, examination, or probing) | :: individuare |
detectable {adj} /dɪˈtɛktəbəɫ/ (That which can be detected) | :: rilevabile |
detection {n} /dəˈtɛkʃən/ (act of detecting or sensing something) | :: identificazione {f}, investigazione {f}, rilevazione {f}, rilevamento {m} |
detection {n} (the finding out of a constituent, a signal, an agent or the like) | :: rilevamento |
detective {n} /dɪˈtɛktɪv/ (police officer who looks for evidence) | :: investigatore {m} |
detective {n} (person employed to find information) | :: investigatore {m} |
detention {n} /dɪˈtɛnʃən/ (holding in one's control with no intention to possess) | :: detenzione {f} |
deter {v} /dɪˈtɜː(ɹ)/ (to prevent something from happening) | :: prevenire |
deter {v} (to persuade someone not to do something) | :: scoraggiare |
detergent {n} /dɪˈtɜːdʒənt/ (any non-soap cleaning agent, especially a synthetic surfactant) | :: detergente |
deteriorate {v} /dɪˈtɪəɹɪəɹeɪt/ (make worse) | :: deteriorare |
deteriorate {v} (grow worse) | :: deteriorarsi |
deterioration {n} /dɪˌtiː.ɹi.ɔˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (process of making or growing worse) | :: deterioramento {m} |
determinable {adj} (able to be determined or limited) | :: precisabile |
determinant {n} /dɪˈtɝmɪnənt/ (scalar that encodes certain characteristics of a square matrix) | :: determinante {m} |
determination {n} /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən/ (act, process, or result of any accurate measurement) | :: determinazione |
determinative {n} (determiner) SEE: determiner | :: |
determined {adj} /dɪˈtɝmɪnd/ (decided or resolute) | :: determinato |
determined {adj} | :: determinato, risoluto |
determinedly {adv} (in a determined manner) | :: determinatamente |
determiner {n} (class of words) | :: determinante {m} |
determiner {n} (dependent function in a noun phrase) | :: determinante {m} |
determiner {n} (something that determines) | :: determinante {m} |
deterrent {adj} /dɪˈtɛɹənt/ (serving to deter) | :: dissuasivo |
detest {v} /dɪˈtɛst/ (to dislike intensely) | :: detestare |
dethrone {v} (forcibly remove a monarch) | :: detronizzare |
dethronize {v} (dethrone) SEE: dethrone | :: |
detonability {n} | :: detonabilità {f} |
detonator {n} /ˈdɛt.ə.neɪ.tə(ɹ)/ (device used to detonate an explosive device) | :: detonatore {m} |
detour {n} /ˈdiː.tʊə(ɹ)/ (diversion or deviation) | :: deviazione {f} |
detriment {n} /ˈdɛtɹɪmənt/ (harm, hurt, damage) | :: detrimento {m} |
detrimental {adj} /ˌdɛtɹɪˈmɛntəl/ (causing damage or harm) | :: dannoso, lesivo |
detriticolous {adj} | :: detriticolo |
detritivorous {adj} /ˌdɛtɹəˈtɪvəɹəs/ (feeding on detritus) | :: detritivoro |
detrusor {n} /dɪˈtɹuː.sə/ (the smooth muscle that lines the bladder and is used to expel urine) | :: detrusore {m} |
dette {n} (debt) SEE: debt | :: |
deuce {n} /duːs/ (playing card) | :: due {m} |
deuce {n} (side of a dice with two spots) | :: due {m} |
deuce {n} (number two) | :: due {m} |
deuce {n} (tennis: tie, both players able to win by scoring two additional points) | :: parità {f} |
deus ex machina {n} /ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈmɑːkiːnə/ (contrived plot resolution) | :: deus ex machina {m} |
deus ex machina {n} (contrived solution to a problem) | :: deus ex machina {m} |
deuteragonist {n} (second most important character) | :: deuteragonista {m} {f} |
deuteragonist {n} (second actor) | :: deuteragonista {m} {f} |
deuteride {n} | :: deuteruro {m} |
deuterium {n} /djuːˈtɪɹi.əm/ (isotope of hydrogen, see also: heavy hydrogen) | :: deuterio {m} |
deuterochloroform {n} (deuterated form of chloroform) | :: deuterocloroformio {m} |
Deuteronomy {prop} /djuːtəˈɹɒnəmi/ (book of the Bible) | :: Deuteronomio |
Devanagari {prop} /ˌdeɪvəˈnɑɡəɹi/ (abugida alphabet of India and Nepal) | :: devanagari {f} {m} |
devastate {v} /ˈdɛvəsteɪt/ (to ruin many or all things over a large area) | :: devastare |
develop {v} /dɪˈvɛ.ləp/ (to progress) | :: sviluppare |
develop {v} (to create) | :: sviluppare |
develop {v} (to bring out photographic images) | :: sviluppare |
developer {n} /dɪˈvɛləpɚ/ (someone engaged in product creation and improvement) | :: sviluppatore {m} |
developer {n} (real estate developer) | :: sviluppatore {m} |
developer {n} (liquid used in chemical film processing) | :: liquido per sviluppare {m}, sviluppatore {m} |
developer {n} (film developer) | :: sviluppatore {m} |
developer {n} (software programmer) | :: sviluppatore di software {m}, sviluppatore {m} |
developing {adj} /dɪˈvɛləpɪŋ/ (of a country) | :: in via di sviluppo |
development {n} /dɪˈvɛləpmənt/ (process of developing) | :: sviluppo {m}, potenziamento {m} |
development {n} (something which has developed) | :: potenziamento {m} |
deverbal {adj} (related to something that is derived from a verb) | :: deverbale |
deverbative {n} (deverbal) SEE: deverbal | :: |
deviant {adj} /ˈdiː.vi.ənt/ (of or pertaining to a deviation) | :: anormale {m}, deviante {m} |
deviant {n} (person who deviates) | :: pervertito, anormale {m} |
deviant {n} (thing that deviates) | :: inusuale {m}, anormale {m}, insolito {m}, atipico {m} |
deviated nasal septum {n} (physical disorder) | :: setto nasale deviato |
deviation {n} /diviˈeɪʃən/ (statistical deviation) | :: scarto, deviazione |
device {n} /dəˈvaɪs/ (piece of equipment) | :: apparecchio {m}, congegno {m}, dispositivo {m}, periferica {f} |
device {n} (project, stratagem, artifice) | :: stratagemma {m}, beffa {f}, artificio {m} |
device {n} (heraldry: personal motto or emblem) | :: emblema {m}, coccarda {f}, motto {m}, inscrizione {f} |
device {n} (rhetoric: device) SEE: rhetorical device | :: |
devil {n} /ˈdɛvəl/ (a creature of hell) | :: diavolo {m} |
devil {n} (the devil: the chief devil) | :: il diavolo {m} |
devil {n} | :: diavolo {m}, demonio {m}; diavolo, cavolo |
devilish {adj} /ˈdɛvəlɪʃ/ (resembling or characteristic of a devil) | :: diabolico |
devilish {adj} | :: diabolico |
devil is in the details {proverb} (specific provisions of something may be complicated) | :: il diavolo è nei dettagli, il diavolo si nasconde nei dettagli |
devil's advocate {n} (debater) | :: avvocato del diavolo {m} |
devil's advocate {n} (canon lawyer) | :: avvocato del diavolo {m} |
devise {v} /dɪˈvaɪz/ (use the intellect to plan or design) | :: architettare, congegnare, escogitare, inventare |
devoice {v} (to pronunce a sound with little vibration of the vocal cords) | :: devocalizzare, desonorizzare |
devoid {adj} /dɪˈvɔɪd/ (empty, completely without) | :: privo, senza |
devolution {n} /diːvəˈluːʃən/ | :: devoluzione {f} |
Devos {prop} | :: Devos |
devoted {adj} /dɪˈvəʊtəd/ (vowed; dedicated; consecrated) | :: devoto |
devoted {adj} (zealous; characterized by devotion) | :: zelante |
devotee {n} /ˌdɛvəˈtiː/ (believer) | :: devoto {m}, fedele {m}, seguace {m} |
devotion {n} /dɪˈvoʊʃən/ (feelings of strong or fervent affection; dedication) | :: devozione {f} |
devotion {n} (religious veneration, zeal, or piety) | :: devozione {f} |
devotion {n} (ecclesiastical: a prayer) | :: devozione {f} |
devour {v} /dɪˈvaʊ(w)ə(ɹ)/ (to eat greedily) | :: divorare, trangugiare, ingurgitare, ingozzarsi, affogarsi |
devour {v} (to rapidly destroy, engulf or lay waste) | :: divorare, consumare |
devour {v} (to take in avidly) | :: divorare, ingurgitare, trangugiare, incamerare, assorbire, memorizzare |
devour {v} (to absorb or engross the mind fully) | :: divorare, consumare, assorbire, riempire |
devout {adj} /dɪˈvaʊt/ (devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties) | :: devoto |
devshirme {n} (collection of non-Muslim children to be converted to Islam) | :: devscirme |
dew {n} /du/ (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc) | :: rugiada |
dewclaw {n} (dewclaw) | :: sperone {m} |
dewlap {n} /ˈdu.læp/ (pendulous skin under neck) | :: pappagorgia {f} |
dewlap {n} (The sagging flesh on the human throat of an old person) | :: pappagorgia {f} |
dew point {n} (temperature) | :: punto di rugiada {m} |
dexterity {n} /dɛksˈtɛɹɪti/ (skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands) | :: destrezza |
dexterous {adj} /ˈdɛkstɹəs/ (skillful with one's hands) | :: destro, abile, ingegnoso |
dexterous {adj} (skillful in some specific thing) | :: abile, svelto |
dexterous {adj} (agile; flexible) | :: agile, aggraziato |
dexterously {adv} /ˈdɛkst(ə)ɹəsli/ (in a dexterious manner) | :: destramente, con destrezza |
dextrin {n} /ˈdɛkstɹɪn/ (polymers of glucose) | :: destrina {f} |
dextro {adj} (dextrorotatory) SEE: dextrorotatory | :: |
dextrogyre {adj} (dextrorotatory) SEE: dextrorotatory | :: |
dextromanual {adj} (right-handed) SEE: right-handed | :: |
dextrorotatory {adj} (that rotates the plane of polarized light to the right) | :: destrogiro |
dextrose {n} /ˈdɛkstɹəʊz/ (naturally-occurring form of glucose) | :: destrosio {m} |
Dhaka {prop} /ˈdækə/ (capital of Bangladesh) | :: Dacca |
dhimmitude {n} (appeasement towards Islamic demands) | :: dhimmitudine {f} |
Dhivehi {n} (an Indo-Aryan language) | :: maldiviano {m} |
dhole {n} /doʊl/ (Asian wild dog) | :: cuon alpino |
di- {prefix} (two, twice double) | :: di- |
diabetes {n} /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz/ (A group of metabolic diseases) | :: diabete {m} |
diabetes {n} (diabetes insipidus) SEE: diabetes insipidus | :: |
diabetes insipidus {n} (Disease) | :: diabete insipido {m} |
diabetes mellitus {n} (medical disorder) | :: diabete mellito {m} |
diabetic {adj} /daɪəˈbɛtɪk/ (of diabetes) | :: diabetico |
diabetic {adj} (having diabetes) | :: diabetico |
diabetic {adj} (suitable for one having diabetes mellitus) | :: diabetico |
diabetic {n} (person suffering from diabetes mellitus) | :: diabetico |
diabetogenic {adj} (that produces diabetes) | :: diabetogeno |
diabetologist {n} (physician whose speciality is diabetology) | :: diabetologo {m} |
diabetology {n} (the study of the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes) | :: diabetologia {f} |
diabolic {adj} /ˌdaɪəˈbɒlɪk/ | :: diabolico |
diabolical {adj} /ˌdaɪəˈbɑlɪkəɫ/ (Of, or concerning the devil; satanic) | :: diabolico |
diabolical {adj} (Extremely wicked or cruel) | :: diabolico |
diabolically {adv} (In a diabolical manner) | :: diabolicamente |
diachronic linguistics {n} (historical linguistics) SEE: historical linguistics | :: |
diachrony {n} /daɪˈækɹəni/ (study of change) | :: diacronia {f} |
diaconate {n} (rank of a deacon) | :: diaconato {m} |
diaconate {n} (deacons considered as a group) | :: diaconato {m} |
diacritic {adj} (distinguishing) SEE: diacritical | :: |
diacritic {adj} (denoting a distinguishing mark) SEE: diacritical | :: |
diacritic {n} (diacritical mark) SEE: diacritical mark | :: |
diacritical {adj} (capable of distinguishing) | :: diacritico {m} |
diacritical {adj} (of, pertaining to, or serving as a diacritic) | :: diacritico {m} |
diacritical {adj} | :: diacritico |
diacritically {adv} (in a diacritical manner) | :: diacriticamente |
diacritical mark {n} (symbol) | :: segno diacritico {m} |
diadem {n} /ˈdaɪ.ə.dɛm/ (ornamental headband) | :: diadema {m} |
diadem {n} (crown) | :: corona {f}, diadema {m} |
diadem {n} | :: diadema {m} |
diadumenos {n} (form of Ancient Greek sculpture) | :: diadumeno {m} |
diaeresis {n} /daɪˈɛɹəsɪs/ (diacritic placed over a vowel letter) | :: iato {m}, dieresi {f} |
diaeresis {n} | :: dieresi {f} |
diagnose {v} /daɪəɡˈnəʊz/ (determine the root cause of) | :: diagnosticare |
diagnosis {n} /daɪəɡˈnəʊsɪs/ (identification of the nature and cause of an illness) | :: diagnosi {f} |
diagnostic {adj} /daɪəˈɡnɒstɪk/ (of, or relating to diagnosis) | :: diagnostico |
diagnostician {n} (a medical doctor specialized in diagnoses) | :: diagnosta {m} {f} |
diagonal {n} (slash) SEE: slash | :: |
diagonal {adj} /daɪˈæɡənəl/ (geometry: joining two nonadjacent vertices) | :: diagonale |
diagonal {adj} (having a slanted or oblique direction) | :: diagonale |
diagonal {n} (something forming or resembling a diagonal line) | :: diagonale |
diagonal {n} (geometry: diagonal line or plane) | :: diagonale |
diagonal matrix {n} (type of matrix) | :: matrice diagonale {f} |
diagram {n} /ˈdaɪ.ə.ɡɹæm/ (plan, drawing, sketch or outline to show workings or parts relationships) | :: diagramma {m} |
diagram {n} (graph or chart) | :: diagramma {m} |
diagram {n} | :: diagramma {m} |
dial {n} (sundial) SEE: sundial | :: |
dial {n} /ˈdaɪəɫ/ (disk with finger holes on a telephone) | :: disco combinatore {m} |
dial {n} (clock face) SEE: clock face | :: |
dialect {n} /ˈdaɪ.əˌlɛkt/ (particular variety of a language) | :: dialetto {m} |
dialectal {adj} /ˌdaɪəˈlɛktəl/ (relating to a dialect) | :: dialettale |
dialectical {adj} (peculiar to a nonstandard dialect) SEE: dialectal | :: |
dialectically {adv} (in a dialectical manner) | :: dialetticamente |
dialectical materialism {n} (branch of philosophy) | :: materialismo dialettico {m} |
dialectics {n} (systematic method of argument) | :: dialettica {f} |
dialefe {n} (short metrical pause between two identical vowel sounds) | :: dialefe {f} |
dial indicator {n} (instrument that measures small distances) | :: comparatore {m} |
dialog {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialog {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialog {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialog {n} (computing: dialogue box) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialogical {adj} /ˌdaɪ.əˈlɑ.d͡ʒɪ.kəɫ/ (related to dialogue) | :: dialogico |
dialogue {n} /ˈdaɪəlɑɡ/ (conversation or other discourse between individuals) | :: dialogo {m}, conversazione {f}, discorso {m} |
dialoguist {n} (scriptwriter) | :: dialoghista {m} |
dialysis {n} /daɪˈælɪsɪs/ (chemical method) | :: dialisi {f} |
dialysis {n} (medicine: artificial removal of waste products from the blood) | :: dialisi {f} |
dialysis {n} (rhetoric: asyndeton) SEE: asyndeton | :: |
dialyzer {n} (part of a hemodialysis machine) | :: dializzatore |
diamagnetic {adj} /daɪəmæɡˈnɛtɪk/ (exhibiting diamagentism) | :: diamagnetico |
diamagnetism {n} (weak form of magnetism) | :: diamagnetismo {m} |
diamantiferous {adj} (yielding diamonds) SEE: diamondiferous | :: |
diameter {n} /daɪˈæmɪtɚ/ (line) | :: diametro {m} |
diameter {n} (length of this line) | :: diametro {m} |
diameter {n} (graph theory) | :: diametro {m} |
diametrical {adj} | :: diametrale; diametrale |
diamine {n} /ˈdaɪ.ə.miːn/ (compound containing two amino groups) | :: diammina {f} |
diaminomonocarboxylic {adj} (describing amino acids that have two amino groups and one carboxylic acid group) | :: diamminomonocarbossilico |
diaminophenol {n} (any of several isomeric diamino derivatives of phenol) | :: diaminofenolo {m} |
diamond {n} (rhombus) SEE: rhombus | :: |
diamond {n} /ˈdaɪ(ə)mənd/ (uncountable: mineral) | :: diamante {m} |
diamond {n} (gemstone) | :: diamante {m} |
diamond {n} (baseball: entire baseball field) | :: diamante {m} |
diamond {n} (baseball: infield of a baseball field) | :: diamante {m} |
diamond {n} (card games: card of the diamonds suit) | :: quadri {m-p} |
diamondiferous {adj} (yielding diamond) | :: diamantifero |
diamond in the rough {n} (uncut diamond) | :: diamante grezzo {m} |
diamonds {n} /ˈdaɪ(ə)məndz/ (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦) | :: quadri {m-p} |
Diana {prop} /daɪˈænə/ (Roman goddess) | :: Diana |
Diana {prop} (female given name) | :: Diana |
dianionic {adj} | :: dianionico |
dianthus {n} (plant) | :: dianto {m} |
diapedesis {n} (migration of blood cells) | :: diapedesi {f} |
diaper {n} /ˈdaɪ(ə)pə/ (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent) | :: pannolino {m} |
diaphanous {adj} /daɪˈæf.ən.əs/ (of a fine, almost transparent texture) | :: diafano |
diaphanous {adj} (transparent; allowing light to pass through) | :: trasparente, ialino |
diaphasia {n} | :: diafasia {f} |
diaphasic {adj} | :: diafasico |
diaphorase {n} | :: diaforasi |
diaphragm {n} /ˈdaɪəˌfɹæm/ (anatomy: sheet of muscle separating thorax from abdomen) | :: diaframma {m} |
diaphragm {n} (contraceptive device) | :: diaframma {m} |
diaphragm {n} (mechanics: flexible membrane) | :: diaframma {m} |
diaphragm {n} (optics: structure with a central aperture used to limit the passage of light) | :: diaframma lamellare {m} |
diaphragmatic {adj} (of or using a diaphragm) | :: diaframmatico |
diapositive {n} (photography: slide) | :: diapositiva {f} |
diarchy {n} (form of government) | :: diarchia {f} |
diarist {n} /ˈdaɪəɹɪst/ (one who keeps a diary) | :: diarista |
diarrhea {n} /ˌdaɪ.əˈɹiː.ə/ (medical condition) | :: diarrea {f} |
diarrheal {adj} (causing or associated with diarrhea) | :: diarroico {m} |
diarrheic {adj} (diarrheal) SEE: diarrheal | :: |
diarthrosis {n} (a joint that can move freely in various planes) | :: diartrosi |
diary {n} /ˈdaɪəɹi/ (daily log of experiences) | :: diario |
diaspora {n} /daɪˈæspəɹə/ (dispersion of a group of people) | :: diaspora {f} |
Diaspora {prop} (dispersion of a group of people) SEE: diaspora | :: |
diasporic {adj} (pertaining to a diaspora) | :: diasporico |
diastase {n} /ˈdaɪəsteɪz/ (enzyme which catalyses the breakdown of starch into maltose) | :: maltina {f}, diastasi {f} |
diastematic {adj} (of diastema) | :: diastematico |
diastematic {adj} (notation) | :: diastematico |
diastole {n} /daɪˈæstəli/ (relaxation of the heart) | :: diastole |
diastolic {adj} /daɪəˈstɒlɪk/ (pertaining to a diastole) | :: diastolico |
diastrophism {n} (deformation of the Earth's crust) | :: diastrofismo {m} |
diastyle {n} (intercolumnation) | :: diastilo {m} |
diathermancy {n} (condition of being diathermic) | :: diatermanità {f} |
diathermy {n} (generation of heat using high-frequency electromagnetic currents) | :: diatermocoagulazione {f} |
diatom {n} /ˈdaɪəˌtɑm/ (grouping of minute algae) | :: diatomea {f} |
diatonic {adj} (diatonic) | :: diatonico |
diatonism {n} (diatonism) | :: diatonismo {m} |
diatribe {n} /ˈdaɪ.əˌtɹaɪb/ (bitter denunciation) | :: diatriba {f} |
diatribe {n} (prolongued discourse) | :: diatriba {f}, concione {f}, arringa {f} |
dibasic {adj} (of an acid) | :: bibasico {m} |
dibasic {adj} (of a salt) | :: bibasico {m} |
dibber {n} (tool) | :: seminatoio {m}, scavabuche {m} |
dice {v} /daɪs/ (to cut into small cubes) | :: fare a dadini, tagliare a dadini |
dice {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) SEE: die | :: |
dicephalous {adj} /daɪˈsɛfələs/ (two-headed) | :: dicefalo |
dice snake {n} (Natrix tessellata) | :: biscia tassellata |
dichloroindophenol {n} (blue dye) | :: dicloroindofenolo {m} |
dichotomy {n} /daɪˈkɒt.ə.mi/ (separation or division into two) | :: dicotomia {f} |
dichroic {adj} (Exhibiting dichroism) | :: dicroico {m} |
dichromate {n} /daɪˈkɹəʊmeɪt/ (any salt of dichromic acid) | :: dicromato {m} |
dichromic {adj} (containing two atoms of chromium) | :: dicromico |
dick {n} /dɪk/ (slang: penis) | :: pisello {m}, cazzo {m}, uccello {m}, minchia {f} |
dick {n} (highly contemptible person) | :: coglione |
dickhead {n} /ˈdɪkhɛd/ ((slang) glans penis) | :: glande {m}, cappella {f}, testa di cazzo {f} |
dickhead {n} ((slang) stupid person) | :: testa di cazzo {f} |
dickhead {n} (glans penis) SEE: glans penis | :: |
dictaphone {n} (dictation machine) SEE: dictation machine | :: |
dictation {n} /dɪkˈteɪʃən/ (the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words) | :: dettato {m} |
dictation {n} (an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down) | :: dettato {m} |
dictation {n} (the act of ordering or commanding) | :: ordine {m} |
dictation {n} (orders given in an overbearing manner) | :: ordine {m} |
dictation machine {n} (sound recording device) | :: dittafono {m} |
dictator {n} /ˈdɪkteɪtəɹ/ (totalitarian leader of a dictatorship) | :: dittatore {m} |
dictatorially {adv} (in a dictatorial manner) | :: dittatorialmente, dittatoriamente |
dictatorship {n} /ˈdɪkteɪtəɹʃɪp/ (a government led by a dictator) | :: dittatura {f} |
diction {n} /ˈdɪkʃən/ (clarity of word choice) | :: dizione {f} |
dictionary {n} /ˈdɪkʃənɛɹi/ (publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words) | :: dizionario {m}, vocabolario {m} |
didactic {adj} /daɪˈdæk.tɪk/ (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate) | :: didattico, didascalico {m} |
didgeridoo {n} /ˌdɪdʒ.əɹ.iˈduː/ (Australian musical instrument) | :: didgeridoo {m}, didgeridù {m}, didjeridoo {m}, didjeridu {m} |
Dido {prop} /ˈdaɪdəʊ/ (founder of Carthage) | :: Didone {f} |
didymium {n} (mixture of praseodymium and neodymium once thought to be an element) | :: didimio {m} |
Didymoteicho {prop} (city) | :: Didymoteicho |
die {v} (to stop living) | :: morire, crepare [informal], cadere |
die {v} (to become spiritually dead) | :: morire |
die {n} (cubical part of a pedestal) | :: plinto {m} |
die {n} (device for cutting into a specified shape) | :: matrice {f} |
die {n} (embossed device used in stamping) | :: conio {m} |
die {n} (fragment of a completed integrated circuit wafer) | :: piastrina {f} |
die {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) | :: dado {m} |
diegetic {adj} /ˌdaɪəˈd͡ʒɛtɪk/ | :: diegetico |
dieldrin {n} (cyclodiene insecticide) | :: dieldrina |
dielectric {n} /ˌdaɪ.ɪˈlɛk.tɹɪk / (physics: nonconducting material) | :: dielettrico {m} |
diesel {n} /ˈdisəl/ (fuel) | :: diesel {m}, gasolio {m} |
diesel-electric {adj} | :: diesel-elettrico |
diester {n} (organic compound containing two ester functional groups) | :: diestere {m} |
diet {n} /ˈdaɪət/ (food a person or animal consumes) | :: dieta {f} |
diet {n} (controlled regimen of food) | :: dieta {f} |
diet {n} (habitual consumption) | :: dieta {f} |
diet {n} (council of leaders) | :: dieta {f} |
dietetics {n} (study of diet and nutrition) | :: dietetica {f} |
diethyl {n} (diethyl) | :: dietile {m}, dietilico [attributive] |
diethyl ether {n} (diethyl ether) | :: etere dietilico {m} |
dietitian {n} /daɪəˈtɪʃən/ (person who studies or practices dietetics) | :: dietologo {m}, dietologa {f} |
difference {n} /ˈdɪfɹən(t)s/ (quality of being different) | :: differenza {f} |
difference {n} (characteristic of something that makes it different from something else) | :: differenza {f} |
difference {n} (arithmetic: result of a subtraction) | :: differenza {f} |
different {adj} /ˈdɪf.ɹənt/ (not the same) | :: differente |
different {adj} (unlike most others) | :: differente |
different {adj} | :: diverso |
differential equation {n} (equation involving the derivatives of a function) | :: equazione differenziale {f} |
differential geometry {n} (differential geometry) | :: geometria differenziale {f} |
differentiated {adj} (that has taken on a specialized form and function) | :: differenziato |
differentiation {n} (act of differentiating) | :: differenziazione {f} |
differentiation {n} (gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development) | :: differenziazione |
differentiation {n} (in analysis) | :: differenziazione {f} |
differently {adv} /ˈdifɹəntli/ (in a different way) | :: differentemente |
differently able {adj} (euphemism for 'disabled') | :: diversamente abile |
difficult {adj} /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ (hard, not easy) | :: difficile |
difficulty {n} /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ (state of being difficult) | :: difficoltà {f} |
difficulty {n} (obstacle) | :: difficoltà |
diffract {v} (transitive) | :: diffrangere |
diffract {v} (intransitive) | :: diffrangersi |
diffraction {n} /dɪˈfɹækʃən/ (the breaking up of an electromagnetic wave as it passes a geometric structure) | :: diffrazione {f} |
diffuse {adj} /dɪˈfjus/ (not focused or concentrated) | :: diffuso |
difluoride {n} /daɪˈflɔːɹaɪd/ (any chloride containing two fluorine atoms in each molecule) | :: difluoruro {m} |
dig {v} /dɪɡ/ (to move hard-packed earth out of the way) | :: scavare |
dig {n} (archeological investigation) | :: scavi |
digamma {n} /daɪˈɡæmə/ (letter of the Old Greek alphabet) | :: digamma |
digest {v} /daɪˈdʒɛst/ (to separate food in the alimentary canal) | :: digerire |
digestibility {n} (digestibility) | :: digeribilità {f} |
digestible {adj} /daɪˈdʒɛstəbəɫ/ (capable of being digested) | :: assimilabile, digeribile |
digestion {n} /daɪˈdʒɛstʃən/ (process in gastrointestinal tract) | :: digestione {f} |
digestion {n} (result of this process) | :: digestione {f} |
digestion {n} (processing of decay in organic matter assisted by microorganisms) | :: decomposizione {f}, digestione {f} |
digestion {n} (assimilation and understanding of ideas) | :: assimilazione {f} |
digestive system {n} (system of organs) | :: apparato digerente {m}, sistema digerente |
digestive tract {n} (system of organs within multicellular animals which takes in food) | :: apparato digerente {m} |
digger {n} (spade (playing card)) SEE: spade | :: |
digger {n} (nickname for a friend) SEE: bugger | :: |
digger {n} (gold miner) SEE: gold digger | :: |
dig in one's heels {v} (to act in a determined manner) | :: puntare i piedi, mantenere la propria posizione |
digit {n} /ˈdɪdʒɪt/ (numeral) | :: cifra |
digital {adj} /ˈdɪd͡ʒɪtəɫ/ (having to do or performed with a finger) | :: digitale |
digital {adj} (representing discrete values) | :: digitale, discreto |
digital {adj} (of or relating to computers) | :: digitale, informatico |
digital camera {n} (electronic camera) | :: fotocamera digitale {f}, macchina fotografica digitale {f} |
digitalin {n} /dɪdʒɪˈtɑːlɪn/ (mixture of glycosides) | :: digitalina {f} |
digitalis {n} /dɪdʒɪˈtælɪs/ (genus) | :: digitale {f} |
digitalization {n} (digitization) SEE: digitization | :: |
digitalize {v} /ˌdɪdʒɪtəˈlaɪz/ (make digital) | :: digitalizzare |
digital television {n} (broadcasting) | :: televisione digitale {f} |
digitization {n} (conversion of data from digital) | :: digitalizzazione {f} |
digitize {v} /ˈdɪdʒɪtaɪz/ (represent something as a sequence of binary digits) | :: digitalizzare |
digitized {v} (digitized) | :: digitalizzato |
digitized {adj} (digitized) | :: digitalizzato |
digitizer {n} /ˈdɪdʒɪtaɪzə(ɹ)/ | :: digitalizzatore {m} |
diglossia {n} /ˌdaɪˈɡlɒsi.ə/ (the coexistence of two closely related native languages) | :: diglossia {f} |
dignified {adj} /ˈdɪɡnɪfaɪd/ (respectable) | :: rispettabile, dignitoso |
dignity {n} /ˈdɪɡnɪti/ (quality or state) | :: dignità {f} |
digraph {n} /ˈdaɪɡɹɑːf/ | :: digrafo |
digraph {n} (directed graph) SEE: directed graph | :: |
digress {v} /daɪˈɡɹɛs/ (to deviate) | :: divagare |
digressive {adj} /daɪˈɡɹɛsɪv/ (marked by digression; rambling) | :: digressivo |
digs {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes | :: |
dig up {v} (to excavate) | :: disseppellire, dissotterrare |
dihedral angle {n} (angle between two planes) | :: angolo diedro {m} |
dihydride {n} /daɪˈhaɪdɹide/ (dihydride) | :: diidruro {m} |
dihydrogen monoxide {n} /daɪˈhaɪdɹədʒ(ə)n məˈnɒksaɪd/ (water, H₂O, see also: water) | :: monossido di diidrogeno {m} |
dihydroxybenzene {n} (benzenediol) | :: diidrossibenzene {m} |
dihydroxyphenylalanine {n} /daɪhaɪˌdɹɒksiːfiːnaɪlˈæləniːn/ (enantiomer) | :: diidrossifenilalanina {f} |
Dijon {prop} (city in Burgundy) | :: Digione |
dik-dik {n} (antelope of the genus Madoqua) | :: dik dik {m}, madoqua {m} |
dilapidate {v} /dɪˈlæp.ɪ.deɪt/ (to squander or waste) | :: dilapidare, sperperare, buttare via, gettare alle ortiche |
dilapidated {adj} /dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtəd/ (having fallen into a state of disrepair) | :: pericolante, degradato, cadente {m} |
dilapidation {n} /dəˌlæp.əˈdeɪ.ʃən/ | :: dilapidazione |
dilatable {adj} (that can be dilated) | :: dilatabile |
dilation {n} (delay) SEE: delay | :: |
dilaton {n} (particle) | :: dilatone {m} |
dildo {n} /ˈdɪɫdoʊ/ (artificial phallus) | :: dildo {m}, vibratore {m} |
dilemma {n} /daɪˈlɛmə/ (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives) | :: dilemma {m} |
dilemma {n} (difficult circumstance) | :: dilemma {m} |
dilemmatic {adj} (of or relating to a dilemma) | :: dilemmatico |
dilettante {n} /ˈdɪlɪˌtɑnt/ | :: dilettante {m} {f} |
dilettantish {adj} (amateurish) | :: diilettantesco, dilettantistico |
diligent {adj} /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/ (hard-working and focused) | :: diligente |
diligently {adv} (in a diligent manner) | :: diligentemente |
dilithium {n} /daɪˈlɪθɪəm/ (fictional mineral) | :: dilitio {m} |
dilithium {n} (diatomic molecule) | :: dilitio {m} |
dill {n} (fool) SEE: fool | :: |
dill {n} /dɪɫ/ (herb of the species Anethum graveolens) | :: aneto {m} |
dilly-dally {v} /ˈdɪliˌdæli/ (to waste time) | :: gingillarsi, procrastinare |
dilute {v} /daɪˈlut/ (to add more of a solvent to a solution; especially to add more water) | :: diluire |
dilute {adj} | :: diluire |
dilution {n} /daɪˈluʃən/ (process of making something dilute) | :: diluizione {f} |
diluvial {adj} (Relating to a flood) | :: diluviale |
diluvian {adj} /daɪˈluvɪən/ (pertaining to a deluge, or flood; diluvial) | :: diluviale |
dim {adj} /dɪm/ (not bright, not colourful) | :: debole, fioco {m}, fioca {f}, oscuro {m}, oscura {f} |
dim {adj} (not smart) | :: tonto {m}, tonta {f} |
dim {adj} (indistinct) | :: indistinto {m}, indistinta {f} |
dim {v} (to make something less bright) | :: abbassare, affievolire, offuscare, annebbiare, annerire |
dim {v} (to become darker) | :: affievolirsi |
dim-bulb {adj} (slow-witted, stupid) SEE: stupid | :: |
dime {n} /daɪm/ (A coin worth one-tenth of a dollar) | :: decino {m} |
dime a dozen {adj} (so common as to be practically worthless) | :: a iosa, a dozzine |
dimension {n} /daɪˈmɛnʃən/ (single aspect of a thing) | :: aspetto |
dimension {n} (measure of spatial extent) | :: dimensione {f} |
dimensional {adj} /dɪˈmɛnʃənəl/ (having a stated number of dimensions) | :: -dimensionale |
dimensional stone {n} (dimension stone) SEE: dimension stone | :: |
dimension stone {n} | :: concio {m} |
dimer {n} /ˈdaɪmə(ɹ)/ (a molecule consisting of two identical halves) | :: dimero {m} |
dimeric {adj} (of or being a dimer) | :: dimerico |
dimerous {adj} (in two parts) | :: dimero |
dimethoxyethane {n} (dimethyl ether of ethylene glycol) | :: dimetoxietano {m} |
dimethylmercury {n} ((CH3)2Hg) | :: dimetilmercurio {m} |
diminish {v} /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ (To make smaller) | :: diminuire, ridurre |
diminish {v} (To taper) | :: diminuire |
diminution {n} /dɪmɪˈnjuːʃ(ə)n/ (lessening, decrease or reduction) | :: diminuzione {f} |
diminutive {adj} /dɪˈmɪn.jʊ.tɪv/ (very small) | :: minuscolo |
diminutive {adj} (serving to diminish) | :: diminutivo |
diminutive {n} (grammar: word form expressing smallness) | :: diminutivo {m} |
dimmer {n} /ˈdɪməɹ/ (Rheostat) | :: reostato {m}, potenziometro {m} |
dimorphism {n} /daɪˈmɔːfɪzəm/ (biology: occurrence of two distinct forms of any part) | :: dimorfismo {m} |
dimple {n} /ˈdɪmpəl/ (small depression or indentation in generic surface) | :: bozza {f} |
dimple {n} (skin depression, especially at corners of the mouth) | :: fossetta {f} |
dimple {v} (create a dimple in) | :: formare bozze su |
dimple {v} (create dimples in face by smiling) | :: formare fossette su |
din {n} /dɪn/ (loud noise) | :: baccano {m}, frastuono {m}, schiamazzo {m}, strepitio {m} |
dinar {n} /ˈdiːnɑː(ɹ)/ (official currency of several countries) | :: dinaro {m} |
dine {v} /daɪn/ (to eat; to eat dinner or supper) | :: cenare |
diner {n} /ˈdaɪnə(ɹ)/ (a small and inexpensive type of restaurant which may be modelled to resemble a dining car) | :: vagone ristorante {m}, ristoro {m} |
diner {n} (dining car) SEE: dining car | :: |
ding-a-ling {n} (dick) SEE: dick | :: |
dinghy {n} /ˈdɪŋ.i/ (small boat) | :: battello {m}, pedalò {m} |
dinghy {n} (inflatable boat) | :: battello pneumatico {m} |
dingleberry {n} /ˈdɪŋɡəɫbɛɹi/ (piece of feces) | :: tarzanello {m} |
dingo {n} /ˈdɪŋɡəʊ/ (wild dog native to Australia) | :: dingo {m} |
dining car {n} (restaurant carriage) | :: vagone ristorante {m}, carrozza ristorante {m} |
dining room {n} (room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten) | :: sala da pranzo {f} |
dining table {n} (table in the dining room on which meals are served) | :: tavolo da pranzo {m} |
dinitrogen {n} (molecule) | :: diazoto {m} |
dinitrogen {n} (two atoms) | :: diazoto {m} |
dinitrogen oxide {n} (nitrous oxide) | :: ossido di diazoto {m} |
dinitrogen pentoxide {n} (unstable binary compound N2O5) | :: pentossido di diazoto |
dinitrogen tetroxide {n} (binary compound nitrogen and oxygen, N2O4) | :: tetrossido di diazoto {m} |
dinitrogen trioxide {n} (binary compound of nitrogen and oxygen; N2O3) | :: triossido di diazoto {m} |
dinitrophenylhydrazine {n} (Any of six isomeric aromatic azines) | :: dinitrofenilidrazina {f} |
dinner {n} /ˈdɪnəɹ/ (main meal of the day) | :: cena {f} |
dinner {n} (midday meal) | :: pranzo {m} |
dinner jacket {n} (type of formal suit) SEE: tuxedo | :: |
dinner's ready {phrase} | :: a tavola ! |
dinner table {n} (table on which dinner is served) | :: tavolo da cena {m} |
dinosaur {n} /ˈdaɪnəsɔː(ɹ)/ (extinct reptile) | :: dinosauro {m} |
dinosaur {n} | :: dinosauro {m} |
diocesan {adj} /daɪˈɑsɪsən/ (pertaining to a diocese) | :: diocesano |
diocese {n} /ˈdaɪ.ə.sɪs/ (region administered by a bishop) | :: diocesi {f} |
Diocletian {prop} /ˌdaɪ.əˈkliːʃən/ (Roman cognomen) | :: Diocleziano {m} |
Diogenes {prop} /daɪˈɒdʒəniːz/ (Ancient Greek name) | :: Diogene {m} |
Diomedes {prop} /daɪəˈmiːdiːz/ (Greek mythical hero) | :: Diomede |
Dione {prop} /daɪˈoʊni/ (moon of Saturn) | :: Dione {m} |
Dionysius {prop} /daɪəˈnɪzɪəs/ (Ancient Greek male given name) | :: Dionisio |
Dionysus {prop} /daɪəˈnaɪsəs/ (Greek god of wine) | :: Dioniso |
Diophantine {adj} (pertaining to Diophantus) | :: diofanteo, diofantino |
Diophantine equation {n} (polynomial equation) | :: equazione diofantea, equazione diofantina |
Diophantus {prop} /daɪəˈfæntəs/ (Greek mathematician) | :: Diofanto |
diopside {n} (mineral) | :: diopside {f} |
dioptase {n} (Mineral) | :: dioptasio |
diopter {n} (unit of measure) | :: diottria {f} |
diorama {n} (a three-dimensional display of a scenery) | :: diorama |
diorite {n} (Igneous rock) | :: diorite {f} |
dioxide {n} /daɪˈɒksaɪd/ (any oxide containing two oxygen atoms in each molecule) | :: diossido {m}, biossido {m} |
dip {n} /dɪp/ (lower section of a road or geological feature) | :: avvallamento {m} |
dip {n} (tank or trough to kill parasites in cattle) | :: vasca {f} |
dip {v} (to lower into a liquid) | :: inzuppare, immergere |
diphenol {n} /daɪˈfiːnɒɫ/ (organic chemistry: compound with two phenol groups) | :: difenolo {m} |
diphosphatase {n} (enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of the diphosphate) | :: difosfatasi {f} |
diphtheria {n} /dɪfˈθɪəɹɪə/ (infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract) | :: difterite {f} |
diphthong {n} /ˈdɪfθɔŋ/ (complex vowel sound) | :: dittongo {m} |
diploblastic {adj} (having two embryonic germ layers (the ectoderm and the endoderm)) | :: diploblastico |
diploid {adj} (of a cell, having a pair of each type of chromosome) | :: diploide {m} {f} |
diploma {n} /dɪˈpləʊmə/ (certificate) | :: diploma |
diplomacy {n} /dɪˈpləʊməsi/ (art of conducting international relations) | :: diplomazia |
diplomacy {n} (tact and subtle skill in dealing with people) | :: diplomazia |
diplomat {n} /ˈdɪ.plə.mæt/ (person who is accredited to represent a government) | :: diplomatico {m}, diplomatica {f} |
diplomat {n} (someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people) | :: diplomatico |
diplomatic {adj} /ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk/ (concerning relationships between governments) | :: diplomatico |
diplomatic {adj} (exhibiting diplomacy) | :: diplomatico |
diplomatically {adv} (in a diplomatic manner) | :: diplomaticamente |
diplomatic immunity {n} (diplomat's legal immunity) | :: immunità diplomatica {f} |
diplomatics {n} (science of authenticating, dating, and interpreting old official documents) | :: diplomatica |
diplomatist {n} (diplomat) SEE: diplomat | :: |
diplophonia {n} | :: diplofonia {f} |
dipluran {n} (any of various hexapods, of the order Diplura) | :: dipluro |
dipodid {n} (rodent of the family Dipodidae) | :: dipodidi {m-p} |
dipolar {adj} (having two poles) | :: dipolare |
dipole {n} /ˈdaɪˌpoʊl/ (any object that is oppositely charged at two points) | :: dipolo {m} |
dipped headlight {n} (main light on a motor vehicle) | :: anabbaglianti {m-p} |
dipper {n} /ˈdɪpɚ/ (bird) | :: merlo acquaiolo {m} |
dipper {n} (vessel) | :: mestolo {m} |
dipsomaniac {n} /dɪp.sə(ʊ)ˈmeɪn.i.æk/ (An alcoholic) | :: dipsomane {m} {f} |
dipstick {n} /ˈdɪpstɪk/ (a stick or rod) | :: asta di livello {f}, astina {f} |
dipstick {n} (a person of inferior intellect) | :: coglione {m} |
diptych {n} /ˈdɪptɪk/ (picture or series of pictures painted on two tablets) | :: dittico {m} |
dire {adj} /ˈdaɪ̯ə(ɹ)/ (expressing bad consequences) | :: terribile, tremendo, tragico, catastrofico |
direct {adj} /d(a)ɪˈɹɛkt/ (Straight, constant, without interruption) | :: diretto |
directed acyclic graph {n} (directed graph without cycles) | :: grafo aciclico diretto {m}, grafo aciclico orientato {m}, digrafo aciclico {m} |
directed edge {n} (ordered pair of nodes) | :: spigolo orientato, arco |
directed graph {n} (type of graphs) | :: grafo orientato, grafo diretto, digrafo {m} |
directeur sportif {n} (team manager of a cycle racing team) | :: direttore sportivo {m} |
direct free kick {n} (soccer) | :: calcio di punizione {m} |
direction {n} /d(a)ɪˈɹɛk.ʃən/ (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) | :: direzione, senso di marcia {m} |
direction {n} (work of the director (manager)) | :: direzione {f}, regia {f} |
direction {n} (work of the director in cinema or theater) | :: regia {f}, conduzione {f} |
direction {n} (path or course of movement) | :: senso di marcia {m}, direzione di marcia {f} |
direction {n} (guidance, instruction) | :: guida {f}, direzione {f}, senso di marcia {m} |
directions {n} (direction) SEE: direction | :: |
directly {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately | :: |
direct object {n} (the noun a verb is directly acting upon) | :: complemento diretto {m} |
director {n} /dɪˈɹɛktɚ/ (supervisor, manager, see also: film director) | :: direttore {m}, regista {m}, capo {m} |
directorial {adj} (of or pertaining to a director) | :: direttivo |
directorial {adj} (of or pertaining to a directorate) | :: direttivo |
directorship {n} (office) | :: direzione {f} |
directory {n} /daɪˈɹɛktəɹi/ (list of names, addresses etc.) | :: elenco {m}, lista {f} |
directory {n} (structured listing of files) | :: cartella {f}, directory {f} [programming] |
directory {n} (simulated folder) | :: cartella {f} |
direct product {n} (product of sets, see also: Cartesian product) | :: prodotto diretto {m} |
directress {n} (a female director) | :: direttrice {f} |
directrix {n} (a female who directs) SEE: directress | :: |
direly {adv} (in a dire manner) | :: disastrosamente |
dirge {n} /dɝdʒ/ (mournful poem or piece of music) | :: nenia {f}, lamentazione {f}, lagna {f} |
dirham {n} (unit of currency) | :: dirham {m} |
Dirichlet energy {n} (functional that maps a function to a real number representing its variability) | :: energia di Dirichlet {f} |
Dirichlet series {n} (infinite series) | :: serie di Dirichlet {f} |
dirigible {n} /ˈdɪɹ.ə.dʒə.bəl/ (a self-propelled airship that can be steered) | :: aeronave {f} |
dirigible {adj} (steerable) | :: dirigibile |
dirigiste {adj} /dɪɹəˈʒist/ (controlled or guided by a central authority, as in an economy) | :: dirigistico |
dirndl {n} /ˈdɪəndəɫ/ (traditional Alpine women's dress) | :: dirndl {m}, abito tradizionale tirolese {m} |
dirt {n} /dɝt/ (soil or earth) | :: terra {f} |
dirt {n} (stain or spot (on clothes etc)) | :: sporco {m} |
dirt cheap {adj} (easily affordable) | :: regalato |
dirty {adj} /ˈdɜːti/ (covered with or containing dirt) | :: sporco, sudicio, lurido, lercio |
dirty {adj} (that makes one dirty) | :: sporco, sudicio |
dirty {adj} (morally unclean, obscene or indecent) | :: sporco, indecente |
dirty {adj} (dishonourable, violating standards or rules) | :: sporco |
dirty {adj} (illegal, improper) | :: sporco |
dirty {adj} (of color: discolored by impurities) | :: sporco |
dirty {v} (to make dirty) | :: sporcare, insudiciare, lordare, fedare [obsolete, poetic] |
dirty {v} (to become soiled) | :: sporcare, sporcarsi |
dirty look {n} (unpleasant look) | :: occhiataccia {f} |
dis {v} (diss) SEE: diss | :: |
dis {n} (diss) SEE: diss | :: |
disable {v} /dɪsˈeɪbəɫ/ (to render unable; to take away the ability) | :: disabilitare |
disable {v} (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) | :: disattivare, disabilitare |
disabled {adj} /dɪsˈeɪbəɫd/ (made incapable of use or action) | :: disabilitato |
disabled {adj} (having a disability) | :: disabile |
disabled {adj} (for the use of people with physical disabilities) | :: per i disabili |
disabled {n} (disabled one) | :: disabile {m} {f} |
disabled {n} (the disabled collectively) | :: disabili {p} |
disaccharide {n} /daɪˈsækəɹaɪd/ (a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides) | :: disaccaride {m} |
disadvantage {n} /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ (weakness) | :: svantaggio |
disadvantage {n} (setback or handicap) | :: svantaggio |
disagree {v} /dɪsəˈɡɹiː/ (to fail to agree) | :: non concordare, dissentire, disconvenire, discrepare, divergere, non essere d'accordo |
disagree {v} (to fail to conform or correspond with) | :: discordare |
disagree {v} | :: essere in disaccordo |
disagreeable {adj} /dɪsəˈɡɹi.əbəɫ/ (not agreeable, unsuitable) | :: sconveniente |
disagreeable {adj} (exciting repugnance) | :: antipatico, sgradevole |
disagreement {n} /dɪsəˈɡɹiːmənt/ (An argument or debate) | :: discussione {f} |
disagreement {n} (A condition of not agreeing or concurring) | :: disaccordo {m} |
disallow {v} (to refuse to allow) SEE: forbid | :: |
disambiguate {v} /dɪ.samˈbɪɡjuːeɪt/ (remove ambiguities) | :: disambiguare |
disambiguation {n} /dɪsæmˌbɪɡjuːˈeɪʃən/ (removal of ambiguity) | :: disambiguazione |
disappear {v} /dɪsəˈpɪə/ (to vanish) | :: sparire, scomparire |
disappear {v} | :: sparire |
disappearance {n} /dɪsəˈpɪəɹəns/ (action of disappearing or vanishing) | :: sparizione, scomparsa |
disappoint {v} /dɪsəˈpɔɪnt/ (to displease by underperforming etc.) | :: deludere, dispiacere, contrariare |
disappointed {adj} /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ (defeated of hope or expectation) | :: deluso {m} |
disappointing {adj} (that disappoints or disappoint) | :: deludente |
disappointment {n} /dɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt/ (emotion) | :: delusione {f}, disappunto {m} |
disapproval {n} /dɪsəˈpɹuvəl/ (disapproval) | :: disapprovazione {f} |
disapprove {v} (to refuse to approve) SEE: reject | :: |
disapprove {v} /dɪsəˈpɹuːv/ (to condemn) | :: disapprovare |
disarm {v} /dɪsˈɑː(ɹ)m/ (to deprive of arms) | :: disarmare |
disarm {v} (to deprive of the means or the disposition to harm) | :: disarmare |
disarmament {n} /dɪsˈɑː(r)məmənt/ (the reduction of military forces and armaments) | :: disarmo {m} |
disaster {n} /dɪˈzæs.tɚ/ (unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage, etc.) | :: disastro {m} |
disaster {n} (unforeseen event causing great loss, etc.) | :: disastro {m} |
disastrous {adj} /dɪˈzɑːstɹəs/ | :: disastroso |
disbeliever {n} (one who does not believe) | :: miscredente {m} |
disc {n} (disk) SEE: disk | :: |
discalced {adj} (pertaining to a religious order that was historically barefoot) | :: scalzo |
discard {v} (to discard, set aside) SEE: remove | :: |
disc brake {n} (type of brake) | :: freno a disco {m} |
discern {v} /dɪˈsɝn/ (to detect with the senses, especially with the eyes) | :: percepire |
discernment {n} (discrimination) | :: discernimento {m} |
discernment {n} (the ability to distinguish between things) | :: distinzione {f}, oculatezza {f}, criterio {m} |
discernment {n} (the ability to perceive differences that exist) | :: discernimento {m} |
discernment {n} (the condition of understanding) | :: assennatezza {f}, buonsenso {m} |
discharge {n} /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ (pus or exudate from a wound or orifice) | :: secrezione, emissione |
discharge {n} (act of accomplishing (an obligation)) | :: discarico |
discharge {n} (act of releasing an accumulated charge) | :: scarica |
discharge {n} (act of releasing an inpatient from hospital) | :: dimissioni |
discharge {n} (act of releasing a member of the armed forces from service) | :: congedo |
discharge {n} (volume of water transported by a river in a certain amount of time) | :: portata |
discipleship {n} (condition of being a disciple) | :: discepolato {m} |
discipline {n} /ˈdɪ.sə.plɪn/ (controlled behaviour, self-control) | :: disciplina {f} |
disclose {v} /dɪsˈkləʊz/ | :: svelare, scoperchiare, far noto |
disclosure {n} /dɪsˈkloʊʒɚ/ (the act of revealing something) | :: rivelazione {f}, divulgazione {f} |
disclosure {n} (the making known of facts) | :: divulgazione {f}, esternazione {f}, diffusione {f} |
disco {n} /ˈdɪskoʊ/ (discotheque) | :: discoteca {f} |
discobolus {n} (a discus thrower) | :: discobolo {m} |
discobolus {n} (a statue of a discus thrower) | :: discobolo {m} |
discography {n} /ˌdɪsˈkɑɡɹəfi/ (complete collection of the releases of a musical act) | :: discografia {f} |
discoid {adj} (shaped like a disc/disk) | :: discoide |
discombobulate {v} /ˌdɪs.kəmˈbɒb.jəˌleɪt/ (to befuddle) | :: scombussolare |
discomfort {n} /dɪsˈkʌmfɚt/ | :: disagio {m} |
disconcerting {adj} /ˌdɪskənˈsɝtɪŋ/ (tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting) | :: sconcertante, sconvolgente |
disconnect {n} (lack of connection or accord) SEE: mismatch | :: |
disconnected {adj} /ˌdɪskəˈnɛktəd/ (math: not connected) | :: sconnesso {m} |
discontent {n} (dissatisfaction) SEE: dissatisfaction | :: |
discontinue {v} /dɪskənˈtɪnju/ (to stop a process) | :: interrompere, cessare |
discontinuously {adv} (In a jerky manner.) | :: desultoriamente |
discord {n} /ˈdɪskɔɹd/ (lack of agreement) | :: discordia {f}, dissenso {m}, zizzania {f} |
discord {n} (strife resulting from lack of agreement; dissension) | :: discordia {f}, dissenso |
discord {n} (harsh or confused sound) | :: dissonanza {f} |
discord {n} (musical dissonance) | :: dissonanza {f} |
discordant {adj} (serodiscordant) SEE: serodiscordant | :: |
discotheque {n} /ˈdɪskəˌtɛk/ (nightclub) | :: discoteca {f} |
discount {n} /dɪsˈkaʊnt/ (reduction in price) | :: sconto {m} |
discourage {v} /dɪsˈkʌɹɪd͡ʒ/ (to persuade somebody not to do something) | :: scoraggiare |
discourse {n} /ˈdɪskɔː(ɹ)s/ (expression in (spoken or written) words) | :: discorso {m} |
discourse {n} (verbal exchange or conversation) | :: discorso {m} |
discover {v} /dɪsˈkʌvɚ/ (expose something previously covered) | :: scoprire, discoprire |
discover {v} (find something for the first time) | :: scoprire, discoprire, trovare |
discoverer {n} (one who discovers) | :: scopritore {m}, scopritrice {f} |
discovery {n} /dɪsˈkʌvəɹi/ (something discovered) | :: scoperta {f} |
discovery {n} (the discovering of new things) | :: scoperta {f} |
discovery {n} | :: scoperta {f} |
discredit {v} (harm reputation) | :: screditare |
discredit {n} (act or state) | :: vergogna {f}, onta {f}, disdoro {m}, disonore {m}, infamia {f} |
discrete {adj} /dɪsˈkɹiːt/ (Separate; distinct; individual) | :: distinto, separato |
discrete {adj} | :: discreto |
discretion {n} /dɪˈskɹɛʃən/ (the quality of being discreet or circumspect) | :: discrezione {f}, riservatezza {f} |
discretion {n} (the ability to make wise choices or decisions) | :: discernimento {m} |
discrimination {n} /dɪskɹɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ (distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage) | :: discriminazione {f} |
discriminatory {adj} /dɪsˈkɹɪmɪnəˌtɔɹi/ | :: [1,2] discriminatorio |
discursion {n} /dɪˈskɝʒən/ (digression) | :: digressione |
discursion {n} (roving about) | :: vagabondagio |
discus {n} /ˈdɪs.kəs/ (round plate-like object for throwing) | :: disco {m} |
discuss {v} /dɪsˈkʌs/ (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic) | :: dibattere |
discussion {n} /dɪˈskʌʃən/ (conversation or debate) | :: discussione {f} |
discus throw {n} (athletic event where a discus is thrown) | :: lancio del disco {m} |
discus thrower {n} (athlete) | :: discobolo {m}, discobola {f} |
disdain {n} /dɪsˈdeɪn/ (feeling of contempt or scorn) | :: sdegno {m}, disdegno {m}, disprezzo {m} |
disdain {v} (to regard with strong contempt) | :: sdegnare, sprezzare, spregiare |
disdainful {adj} /dɪsˈdeɪn.fʌl/ (showing contempt or scorn) | :: sprezzante, disdegnoso {m} |
disdainfully {adv} (in a disdainful manner) | :: sdegnosamente |
disease {n} /dɪˈziz/ (an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction) | :: malattia {f}, malanno, disturbo, morbo |
disembark {v} /ˌdɪs.ɪmˈbɑːk/ (remove from on board a vessel) | :: sbarcare |
disembark {v} (to go ashore, to leave a train or airplane) | :: sbarcare |
disembowel {v} /dɪsɪmˈbaʊ(ə)ɫ/ (to take or let out the bowels) | :: sviscerare, sbudellare, sventrare, spanciare |
disembowel {v} (to take or draw from the body) | :: secernere [fluid, web] |
disenamour {v} /dɪsɪˈnæmə(ɹ)/ (cause to fall out of love) | :: disamorare |
disentangle {v} /ˌdɪsɪnˈtæŋɡəɫ/ (extricate) | :: sbrogliare, districare |
disequilibrium {n} (the loss of equilibrium or stability) | :: squilibrio {m} |
disexcitation {n} (change in state) | :: diseccitazione {f} |
disgrace {n} /dɪsˈɡɹeɪs/ (condition of being out of favor) | :: vergogna {f} |
disgrace {n} (state of being dishonored) | :: infamia {f}, ignominia {f} |
disgrace {v} (bring shame upon) | :: disonorare |
disgraceful {adj} /dɪsˈɡɹeɪsfəɫ/ (bringing or warranting disgrace) | :: vergognoso, disonorevole, deprecabile, obbrobrioso, disonorante, ignominioso |
disgruntle {v} /dɪsˈɡɹʌnt(ə)l/ (to make discontent) | :: contrariare |
disguise {n} /dɪsˈɡaɪz/ (attire to hide/assume an identity) | :: camuffamento {m}, travestimento {m}, mascheramento {m} |
disguise {n} (that which masks what's beneath) | :: camuffamento {m} |
disguise {n} (act of disguising) | :: travestimento {m} |
disguise {v} (to change the appearance) | :: camuffarsi, travestirsi, mascherarsi |
disguise {v} (to prevent revealing something secret) | :: camuffare, nascondere, mascherare, inorpellare |
disgust {v} /dɪsˈɡʌst/ (to cause an intense dislike for something) | :: disgustare, ripugnare, nauseare, stomacare, rivoltare |
disgust {n} (an intense dislike or repugnance) | :: disgusto {m}, schifo {m}, ripugnanza {f} |
disgusting {adj} /dɪsˈkʌstɪŋ/ (repulsive, distasteful) | :: disgustoso, nauseante, stomachevole, rivoltante |
dish {n} /dɪʃ/ (vessel for holding/serving food) | :: piatto {m}, scodella {f}, piatto fondo |
dish {n} (contents of such a vessel) | :: piatto {m} |
dish {n} (specific type of food) | :: piatto {m}, pietanza {f}, vivanda {f} |
dish {n} (tableware to be/being washed) | :: piatti {m-p} |
dish {n} (type of antenna) | :: parabola {f} |
dishcloth {n} (for washing) | :: strofinaccio {m} |
dishearten {v} /dɪsˈhɑɹ.tən/ (discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage) | :: scoraggiare, avvilire, sconfortare |
dishonest {adj} /dɨˈsɑnɪst/ (not honest) | :: disonesto |
dishonestly {adv} (in a dishonest manner) | :: disonestamente |
dishonor {n} (dishonour) SEE: dishonour | :: |
dishonor {v} (dishonour) SEE: dishonour | :: |
dishonour {n} /dɪsˈɒnə(ɹ)/ (shame or disgrace) | :: disonore {m} |
dishonour {v} (to bring disgrace upon someone or something) | :: disonorare |
dishtowel {n} (a cloth or towel used to dry dishes) SEE: dishcloth | :: |
dishware {n} (crockery) | :: stoviglie {p} |
dishwasher {n} /ˈdɪʃˌwɑʃɚ/ (machine) | :: lavastoviglie {f} |
dishwasher {n} (person) | :: lavapiatti {m} {f} |
dishwater {n} (washing water) | :: broda {f} |
disiamylborane {n} (The organic borane) | :: disiamilborano {m} |
disincarcerate {v} (liberate from prison) | :: scarcerare |
disinfectant {n} /dɪs.ɪnˈfɛktənt/ (A substance which kills germs and/or viruses) | :: disinfettante {m} |
disinfection {n} /dɪsɪnˈfɛkʃən/ (treatment) | :: disinfezione {f} |
disinformation {n} /dɪsˌɪnfɚˈmeɪʃən/ (intentionally false information) | :: disinformazione {f}, controinformazione {f} |
disinherit {v} (to exclude from inheritance) | :: diseredare |
disintegrate {v} /dɪsˈɪntɪɡɹeɪt/ | :: desintegrare |
disintegration {n} /dɪs.ɪn.tɪˈɡɹeɪʃən/ (a process by which anything disintegrates) | :: disintegrazione {f} |
disinter {v} /ˌdɪsɪnˈtɜː(ɹ)/ (To take out of the grave or tomb; to unbury; to exhume; to dig up) | :: esumare |
disinter {v} (To bring out, as from a grave or hiding place; to bring from obscurity into view) | :: dissotterrare |
disjoint union {n} (union of sets forced to be disjoint) | :: unione disgiunta {f} |
disjoint union {n} (union of already disjoint sets) | :: unione disgiunta {f} |
disk {n} /dɪsk/ (a thin, flat, circular plate) | :: disco {m} |
diskette {n} (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data) SEE: floppy disk | :: |
dislike {n} /dɪsˈlaɪk/ (feeling of distaste) | :: antipatia {f}, avversione {f} |
dislike {v} (not to like something) | :: non piacersi |
dislocate {v} /dɪsləʊˈkeɪt/ (to dislodge a bone) | :: slogare, lussare |
dislocation {n} /dɪsləʊˈkeɪʃən/ (act or state of displacing) | :: dislocamento {m}, ripartizione {f} |
disloyal {adj} /dɪsˈlɔɪ(j)əɫ/ (without loyalty) | :: sleale |
disloyalty {n} /dɪsˈlɔɪ.(j)əɫ.ti/ (quality of being disloyal) | :: slealtà |
dismantle {v} /dɪsˈmæ̃nɾɫ̩/ (take apart) | :: smontare |
dismast {v} (to break off the mast of a ship) | :: disalberare |
dismay {v} /dɪsˈmeɪ/ (to disable with alarm or apprehensions) | :: abbattere, abbattersi, mortificare, mortificarsi |
dismay {v} (to render lifeless) | :: scoraggiare, scoraggiarsi, mortificarsi |
dismay {n} (a sudden loss of courage) | :: sbigottimento {m}, costernazione {f}, smarrimento {m} |
dismayed {adj} (having the emotion of dismay) | :: costernato, sbigottito, sgomento, spaurito |
dismiss {v} /dɪsˈmɪs/ (to discharge) | :: licenziare, congedare, mandare via, dimettere |
dismiss {v} (to order to leave) | :: rompere le righe, in libertà |
dismiss {v} (to dispel) | :: scacciare |
dismiss {v} (to reject, refuse to accept) | :: respingere, rigettare, archiviare, mandar via |
dismount {v} /dɪsˈmaʊnt/ (to get off) | :: smontarsi |
dismutase {n} (any of several enzymes that catalyze dismutation reactions) | :: dismutasi {f} |
dismutation {n} (a disproportionation reaction) | :: dismutazione {f} |
Disney {prop} /ˈdɪzni/ (Walt Disney Company) | :: Disney {f} |
Disney {prop} (Disney theme park) | :: Disneyland {f} |
Disneyan {adj} (of or relating to Walt Disney or his company) | :: disneyano, [rare] disneiano |
disobedience {n} /dɪs.əˈbiː.dɪəns/ (refusal to obey) | :: disobbedienza {f} |
disobedient {adj} /dɪs.əˈbiː.dɪənt/ (not obedient) | :: disubbidiente |
disobey {v} /dɪs.əˈbeɪ/ (to refuse to obey an order) | :: disubbidire |
disorder {n} /dɪsˈɔːdə(ɹ)/ (absence of order) | :: disordine |
disorder {n} (disturbance of civic order or of public order) | :: disordine |
disorder {n} (physical or psychical malfunction) | :: disturbo, disordine |
disorderly {adj} /dɪsˈɔː.də.li/ (not in order) | :: disordinato |
disorganised {adj} (disorganized) SEE: disorganized | :: |
disorganized {adj} /dɪsˈɔːɡənaɪzd/ (lacking order) | :: disorganizzato |
disorientation {n} /dɪs.ˌɔ.ɹi.ɪn.ˈtei.ʃn̩/ (the loss of one's sense of direction) | :: disorientamento |
dispassionate {adj} /dɪsˈpæʃənət/ (not showing, and not affected by, emotion, bias, or prejudice) | :: spassionato |
dispassionately {adv} (in a dispassionate manner) | :: spassionatamente |
dispatcher {n} /ˈdɪs.pætʃ.ə(ɹ)/ (One who dispatches (something)) | :: mittente {m} {f}, spedizioniere {m} |
dispatcher {n} (A piece of software responsible for assigning priorities and resources to tasks waiting to be scheduled) | :: dispatcher {m} |
dispensation {n} /dɪsˌpɛnˈseɪʃən/ (act of dispensing) | :: deroga {f} |
dispenser {n} /dɪˈspɛnsə/ (object used to dispense other items) | :: distributore {m}, erogatore {m} |
disperse {v} /dɪˈspɜːs/ (to scatter) | :: disperdere |
disperse {v} (to dissipate) | :: disperdere |
disperse {v} (to disseminate) | :: disseminarere |
disperse {v} (to refract) | :: disperdere, rifrangere |
disperse {v} (to distribute) | :: disperdere, distribuire |
dispirited {adj} (without spirit) SEE: despondent | :: |
displace {v} /dɪsˈpleɪs/ (to supplant, or take the place of something or someone; to substitute) | :: rimpiazzare, sostituire |
displaced person {n} (refugee) | :: profugo di guerra, sfollato |
displacement {n} /dɪsˈpleɪsmənt/ (physics: vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component) | :: spostamento {m} |
displacement current {n} (change of the electric displacement field) | :: corrente di spostamento {f} |
display {n} /dɪsˈpleɪ/ (spectacle) | :: rappresentazione {f}, saggio {m} |
display {n} (electronic screen) | :: schermo {m}, video {m} |
display {v} (to show conspicuously) | :: mostrare, presentare |
disposable {adj} /dɪsˈpoʊzəbl̩/ (that is designed to be discarded rather than refilled or repaired) | :: monouso, usa e getta |
disposable {adj} (available to be used) | :: disponìbile |
disposal {n} /dɪsˈpəʊzəɫ/ (power to use something) | :: disposizione |
dispose {v} /dɪsˈpoʊz/ (to get rid of something) | :: eliminare, disporre, mettere, depositare |
dispose {v} (to distribute and put in place) | :: distribuire, propendere, essere incline |
disproportionate {adj} /dɪspɹəˈpɔːʃənət/ (out of proportion) | :: sproporzionato |
disproportionate {v} (to undergo disproportionation) | :: disproporzionare |
disproportionation {n} (a form of redox reaction wherein the reactant is both oxidized and reduced) | :: disproporzionamento {m} |
dispute {n} /dɪsˈpjuːt/ (argument, failure to agree) | :: disputa {f}, lite {f}, bega {f} |
disqualify {v} /dɪsˈkwɒlɪfaɪ/ (make ineligible) | :: dequalificare |
disquietude {n} /dɪˈskwaɪə.tud/ (a state of disquiet, uneasiness, or anxiety) | :: inquietudine, preoccupazione |
disquisition {n} /ˌdɪskwɪˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ (lengthy, formal discourse) | :: disquisizione {f}, dissertazione {f} |
disquisitor {n} (person who makes a disquisition) | :: disquisitore {m} |
disregard {v} (disregard) SEE: neglect | :: |
disregard {v} /dɪsɹɪˈɡɑːd/ (to ignore) | :: ignorare, non considerare |
disrepair {n} /ˌdɪs.ɹɪˈpɛɚ/ (the state of being in poor condition) | :: rovina {f}, sfacelo {m} |
disrobe {v} /dɪsˈɹoʊb/ (undress someone or something) | :: spogliare, svestire |
disrupt {v} /dɪsˈɹʌpt/ (to throw into confusion or disorder) | :: disturbare |
disrupt {v} (to interrupt or impede something) | :: interrompere, impedire |
disrupt {v} (to improve a product or service in ways that displace an established one and surprise the market) | :: rimpiazzare |
disruption {n} /dɪsˈɹʌpʃən/ (interruption) | :: disruzione {f}, rottura, violazione, interruzione |
disruption {n} (disorder) | :: scompiglio {m}, sconvolgimento {m}, disservizio |
disruptive {adj} /dɪsˈɹʌptɪv/ (causing disrupt or unrest) | :: frantumante, disgregante |
diss {v} /dɪs/ (to put someone down or show verbal disrespect) | :: insultare |
diss {n} (insult or put-down) | :: insulto {m} |
dissatisfaction {n} /dɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/ (unhappiness or discontent) | :: insoddisfazione {f}, scontentezza {f} |
dissect {v} /dɪˈsɛkt/ (to study a dead animal's anatomy by cutting it apart) | :: dissecare |
dissection {n} /dɪˈsɛkʃən/ (the act of dissecting, of cutting a dead body apart) | :: dissezione {f} |
dissembler {n} (someone who dissembles) | :: dissimulatore {m} |
disseminate {v} (to disseminate) SEE: disperse | :: |
dissemination {n} /dɨˌsɛmɨˈneɪʃən/ (act of disseminating) | :: diffusione {f}, divulgazione {f}, propagazione {f} |
dissent {v} /dɪˈsɛnt/ (to disagree) | :: dissentire, divergere, disconvenire, discrepare |
dissertation {n} /ˌdɪsɚˈteɪʃən/ (formal exposition of a subject) | :: dissertazione |
dissident {n} /ˈdɪsɪdənt/ (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws) | :: dissidente {m} |
dissimulation {n} (the act of concealing the truth) | :: dissimulazione {f} |
dissipate {v} (to dissipate) SEE: disperse | :: |
dissipate {v} /ˈdɪsɪpeɪt/ (to drive away) | :: dissipare |
dissipation {n} /ˌdɪsɪˈpeɪʃən/ (loss of energy) | :: dissipazione {f} |
dissociation {n} /ˈdɪˌsəʊʃɪieɪʃən/ (act of dissociating) | :: dissociazione {f} |
dissociation {n} (chemistry: process of breaking up) | :: dissociazione {f} |
dissociation {n} (defence mechanism) | :: dissociazione {f} |
dissolve {n} /dɪˈzɒlv/ (film punctuation) | :: dissolvenza {f} |
dissolved {adj} /dɪˈzɑlvd/ (that has been disintegrated in a solvent) | :: dissolta |
dissuade {v} /dɪˈsweɪd/ (convince not to try or do) | :: dissuadere |
dissuasive {adj} /dɪˈsweɪzɪv/ (tending to dissuade) | :: dissuasivo |
distaff {n} /ˈdɪstɑːf/ (device to which fibres are attached for temporary storage) | :: rocchetto {m}, conocchia {f} |
distaff {n} (part of a spinning wheel) | :: rocchetto {m} |
distaff {adj} (of, relating to, or characteristic of women) | :: femminile, donnesco {m} |
distal {adj} /ˈdɪs.təl/ (remote from the point of attachment or origin) | :: distale |
distal phalange {n} (bone) | :: falangetta {f}, falange distale {f}, falange ungueale {f} |
distance {n} /ˈdɪs.tɪns/ (amount of space between two points) | :: distanza {f} |
distance education {n} (distance learning) SEE: distance learning | :: |
distance learning {n} (education obtained remotely) | :: formazione a distanza {f} |
distant {adj} /ˈdɪstənt/ (far off) | :: distante |
distavorous {adj} | :: distavore |
distemper {n} /dɪsˈtɛmpə(ɹ)/ (disease) | :: cimurro {m} |
distemper {n} (paint) | :: tempera {f} |
distilled water {n} (water that has been purified by distillation) | :: acqua distillata |
distillery {n} /dɪˈstɪləɹi/ (a place where distillation takes place) | :: distilleria |
distinct {adj} /dɪsˈtɪŋkt/ (very clear) | :: chiaro |
distinct {adj} (different from one another) | :: distinto, diverso |
distinctly {adv} /dɪsˈtɪŋktli/ (in a distinct manner) | :: distintamente |
distinguish {v} /dɪsˈtɪŋɡwɪʃ/ (to see someone or something as different from others) | :: distinguere, discernere |
distinguish {v} (to make oneself noticeably different) | :: distinguersi |
distinguishability {n} (the state of being distinguishable) | :: distinguibilità {f} |
distinguishable {adj} /dɪsˈtɪŋ.ɡwɪ.ʃə.bl̩/ (able, or easily able to be distinguished) | :: distinguibile |
distinguished {adj} /dɪsˈtɪŋɡwɪʃt/ (celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious) | :: emerito {m}, distinto {m} |
distinguished {adj} (mathematics: specified, noted) | :: distinto {m} |
distort {v} /dɪsˈtɔɹt/ (to bring something out of shape) | :: deformare |
distort {v} (to give false account of) | :: distorcere |
distorting {adj} (that distorts) | :: deformante |
distortion {n} /dɪsˈtɔːʃən/ (act of distorting) | :: distorsione {f} |
distract {v} /dɪsˈtɹækt/ (To divert the attention of) | :: distrarre |
distracted {adj} (having one's attention diverted; preoccupied) | :: distratto |
distraction {n} /dɪsˈtɹækʃən/ (something that distracts) | :: distrazione {f} |
distraction {n} | :: distrazione {f} |
distraint {n} (right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant) | :: pignoramento {m} |
distraught {adj} /dɪsˈtɹɔːt/ (deeply hurt, saddened, or worried) | :: distrutto, colpito |
distress {n} /dɪˈstɹɛs/ ((cause of) discomfort) | :: angoscia {f}, pena {f}, miseria {f}, sconforto {m} |
distress {n} (serious danger) | :: pericolo {m}, difficoltà {f} |
distress {v} (to cause strain or anxiety) | :: angustiare, addolorare, tormentare, logorare |
distress {v} (to retain someone’s property) | :: confiscare, pignorare |
distress {v} (to treat to make look old) | :: antichizzare |
distressing {adj} /dɪˈstɹɛsɪŋ/ (causing distress; upsetting) | :: desolante, penoso, doloroso |
distress signal {n} (emergency signal) | :: segnale di pericolo |
distribute {v} (to distribute) SEE: disperse | :: |
distribute {v} /dɨˈstɹɪbjuːt/ (to divide into portions and dispense) | :: distribuire |
distribute {v} (to scatter or spread) | :: suddividere, distribuire, ripartire |
distributed hash table {n} (decentralised distributed system) | :: tabella di hash distribuita {f}, DHT {f} |
distribution {n} /ˌdɪstɹəˈbjuːʃən/ (act of distribution or being distributed) | :: distribuzione {f} |
distribution {n} (statistics: set of relative likelihoods, see also: probability distribution) | :: distribuzione {f} |
distribution {n} | :: distribuzione {f} |
distributivity {n} (fact of being distributive) | :: distributività {f} |
district {n} /ˈdɪstɹɪkt/ (administrative division) | :: distretto {m} |
district {n} (area or region) | :: distretto {m} |
district cooling {n} (system) | :: teleraffrescamento {m} |
district heating {n} (system) | :: teleriscaldamento {m} |
District of Columbia {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) | :: Distretto di Columbia {m} |
distrust {n} /dɪsˈtɹʌst/ (lack of trust or confidence) | :: diffidenza {f} |
distrust {v} (to put no trust in) | :: diffido |
disturbing {adj} /dɪsˈtɜːbɪŋ/ (causing distress or worry) | :: agghiacciate, inquietante |
disulfide {n} /daɪˈsʌlfaɪd/ (functional group) | :: disolfuro {m} |
disulfide bond {n} (covalent bond between two sulfur atoms, formed by the reaction of two thiol groups) | :: ponte disolfuro {m} |
disuse {n} /dɪsˈjus/ (disuse) | :: disuso {m} |
disused {adj} /ˌdɪsˈjuːzd/ (no longer in use) | :: desueto |
disyllabic {adj} /daɪsɪˈlæbɪk/ (comprising two syllables) | :: bisillabo, disillabico |
disyllable {n} /daɪˈsɪləbəɫ/ (a word comprising two syllables) | :: bisillabo {m}, disillabo {m} |
ditch {n} /dɪtʃ/ (trench) | :: fossato, trincea {f}, canale {m}, canalone {m}, canale di scarico, affossamento {m}, fosso {m} |
ditch {v} (to abandon) | :: dismettere, riporre, mettere via |
ditch {v} (to crash-land on the sea) | :: ammarare |
dither {v} /ˈdɪðə/ (to be uncertain unable to make a decision) | :: esitare, titubare |
ditone {n} (ditone) | :: ditono {m} |
dittany {n} /ˈdɪtəni/ (dittany of Crete) | :: dittamo {m} |
dittany {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant | :: |
ditto {adv} (likewise) SEE: likewise | :: |
ditto {n} /ˈdɪtoʊ/ (the aforesaid) | :: detto, predetto, idem, come sopra, soprascritto, idem come sopra |
ditto {n} (informal: duplicate) | :: fac-simile |
ditto {n} | :: idem |
ditto {v} ((transitive) To repeat the aforesaid, the earlier action etc) | :: idem |
dittology {n} (double reading or interpretation) | :: dittologia {f} |
ditzy {adj} /ˈdɪtsi/ (silly or scatterbrained) | :: scervellato, svampito |
diuresis {n} /ˌdaɪjʊˈɹiːsɪs/ (excessive production of urine, see also: polyuria) | :: diuresi {f} |
diurnal {adj} /daɪˈɝ.nəl/ (happening during daylight; primarily active during the day) | :: diurno |
diurnal {n} (A book of canonical offices) | :: diurno, diurnale |
diuturnal {adj} (durable) | :: diuturno |
diva {n} /ˈdiːvə/ (female celebrity) | :: diva {f} |
diva {n} | :: diva {f} |
divan {n} /dɪˈvæn/ (sofa) | :: divano {m} |
divan {n} (council) | :: Diwan {m} |
divan {n} (collection of poems) | :: diwan {m} |
dive {v} /ˈdaɪv/ (to swim under water) | :: immergersi |
dive {v} (to jump into water) | :: tuffarsi |
diver {n} /ˈdaɪ̯vəɹ/ (someone who dives) | :: tuffatore, palombaro, sommozzatore |
diver {n} (the loon (bird)) SEE: loon | :: |
diverse {adj} /dɨ.ˈvɝs/ (various) | :: vario, diverso, svariato |
diverse {adj} (different) | :: diverso |
diversification {n} /dɪˌvɝsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of diversifying) | :: diversificazione {f} |
diversion {n} /dɪˈvɝʒən/ (tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action) | :: diversivo {m} |
diversion {n} (hobby; an activity that distracts the mind) | :: svago {m} |
diversity {n} /daɪˈvɜː(ɹ)sɪti/ (quality of being diverse; difference) | :: diversità {f} |
divert {v} /daɪˈvɝt/ (turn aside) | :: deviare |
divert {v} (distract) | :: distrarre |
divert {v} (entertain) | :: divertirsi, distrarsi |
diverticulitis {n} (infection of the diverticulum) | :: diverticolite {f} |
diverticulum {n} /ˌdɑɪ.vɜː.ˈtɪ.kjə.ləm/ (small growth off an organ) | :: diverticolo {m} |
divertimento {n} /dəˌvɝtəˈmɛntoʊ/ (eighteenth-century composition in several short movements) | :: divertimento {m} |
divest {v} (undress) SEE: undress | :: |
divest {v} /daɪˈvɛst/ (to strip, deprive, or dispossess of something) | :: spogliare |
divest {v} (to sell off) | :: disinvestire |
divestiture {n} (act of divesting) SEE: divestment | :: |
divestment {n} /daɪˈvɛstmənt/ (sale of some kind of asset) | :: disinvestimento {m} |
divide {v} /dɪˈvaɪd/ (split into two or more parts) | :: dividere |
divide {v} (divide up; share by dividing) | :: dividere, spartire, spartirsi |
divide {v} (calculate quotient) | :: dividere (per) |
divide {v} (separate into two or more parts) | :: dividersi |
divide and conquer {v} (Divide and conquer) | :: dividi e domina |
dividend {n} /ˈdɪvɪdɛnd/ (arithmetic: a number or expression) | :: dividendo {m} |
dividend {n} (finance: a payment of money by a company to its shareholders) | :: dividendo {m} |
divider {n} /dɪˈvaɪdə(ɹ)/ (object that separates) | :: divisore {m} |
divider {n} (median of a highway) | :: spartitraffico |
divider {n} (person who separates) | :: divisore |
divination {n} /ˌdɪvɨˈneɪʃən/ (act of divining) | :: divinazione {f} |
divination {n} (art of discovering secrets or seeing the future by supernatural means) | :: oracolo {m}, divinazione {f} |
divine {n} (a deity) SEE: deity | :: |
divine {adj} /dɪˈvaɪn/ (of or pertaining to a god) | :: divino {m}, divina {f} |
divine {adj} (eternal, holy or otherwise godlike) | :: divino {m}, divina {f} |
divine {adj} (of superhuman or surpassing excellence) | :: divino {m}, divina {f} |
divine {adj} (beautiful, heavenly) | :: divino {m}, divina {f} |
divine {n} (theologian, cleric) | :: divino {m}, divina {f} |
divine {v} (guess (something)) | :: indovinare |
diving {n} /ˈdaɪvɪŋ/ (sport of jumping head first into water) | :: tuffi {m-p} |
diving {n} (practice of swimming underwater) | :: subacquea {f} |
diving bell {n} (airtight chamber used by divers) | :: campana subacquea {f} |
diving suit {n} (garment or apparatus worn by a diver for protection from the underwater environment) | :: [garment] muta subacquea {f}, [apparatus] scafandro {m} |
divinity {n} (deity) SEE: deity | :: |
divinity {n} /dɪˈvɪnɪti/ (godhood, state of being God or a god) | :: divinità {f}, deità |
divinity {n} (study of religion or religions) | :: divinità {f}, deità {f} |
divisibility {n} /dɪˈvɪzɪbɪlɪti/ (property of being divisible) | :: divisibilità {f}, frazionabilità {f} |
divisible {adj} /dɪˈvɪzɪbəɫ/ (capable of being divided) | :: divisibile |
divisim {adv} (formal: separately) SEE: separately | :: |
division {n} /dɪˈvɪʒən/ (act or process of dividing anything) | :: divisione {f} |
division {n} (each of the parts resulting from division) | :: parte {f} |
division {n} (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another) | :: divisione {f} |
division {n} (large military unit) | :: divisione {f} |
division {n} (section of a large company) | :: divisione {f} |
division {n} (biology: taxonomic classification of plants) | :: filo {m} |
division {n} (disagreement; a difference of viewpoint) | :: divisione {f}, divario {m}, frattura {f}, differenziazione {f} |
divisor {n} /dɨ.ˈvaɪ.zɚ/ (arithmetic: a number or expression) | :: divisore |
divorce {n} /dɪˈvɔɹs/ (legal dissolution of a marriage) | :: divorzio {m} |
divorce {v} (to legally dissolve a marriage) | :: divorziare |
divorced {adj} (legally dissolved) | :: divorziato |
divorced {adj} (having had one's marriage legally dissolved) | :: divorziare |
divorcee {n} /dɪvɔːˈsiː/ (a person divorced) | :: divorziato {m}, divorziata {f}, divorziati m plural, divorziate f plural |
divulge {v} /daɪˈvʌldʒ/ (to make public) | :: divulgare |
divulge {v} (to indicate publicly; to proclaim) | :: divulgare |
divvy up {v} (divide) SEE: divide | :: |
DIY {adj} (do-it-yourself) SEE: do-it-yourself | :: |
dizygotic {adj} (derived from two eggs that have been separately fertilized) | :: dizigotico, biovulare |
dizziness {n} (state of being dizzy) | :: stordimento {m}, stornimento {m} |
dizzyness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness | :: |
Djibouti {prop} /dʒɪˈbuːtiː/ (Republic of Djibouti) | :: Gibuti |
Djiboutian {n} (person) | :: gibutiano {m}, gibutiana {f}, gibutiani {m-p}, gibutiane {f-p} |
DNA {n} (abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid (see deoxyribonucleic acid for full forms)) | :: DNA {m} |
Dnieper {prop} /ˈnipəɹ/ (river to the Black Sea) | :: Nipro {m} |
Dönmeh {n} (Sabbatean crypto-Jews) | :: Dunmeh, Dönmeh |
do {v} (in questions) | :: Not used in Italian |
do {v} (in negations) | :: Not used in Italian |
do {v} (referring to an earlier verb (pro-verb)) | :: Not used in Italian |
do {v} (perform, execute) | :: fare |
do {v} (be reasonable or acceptable) | :: andare |
doable {adj} (possible to do) SEE: feasible | :: |
dobra {n} (official currency of São Tomé and Príncipe) | :: dobra |
Dobruja {prop} (region) | :: Dobrugia |
do business {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
docile {adj} /ˈdɑː.səl/ (yielding to control) | :: docile, mansueto |
docileness {n} (docility) SEE: docility | :: |
docility {n} (the quality of being docile) | :: docilità {f} |
dock {n} /dɒk/ (any plant in genus Rumex) | :: romice {m} {f}, lapazio {m} |
dock {v} (to land at a harbour) | :: attraccare |
docker {n} (dockworker) SEE: dockworker | :: |
docker {n} /ˈdɑkɚ/ (one who performs docking) | :: portuale {m}, scaricatore {m}, scaricatore di porto {m} |
docket {n} /ˈdɒkɪt/ (short entry of the proceedings of a court) | :: registro sentenze {m}, ruolo {m} |
docket {n} (schedule of cases in a court) | :: ruolino {m} |
docking {n} (process of cutting off or trimming the tail or ears of an animal) | :: caudotomia {f}, taglio della coda |
docking {n} (securing of a vessel to the quayside with cables) | :: ormeggio {m}, attracco {m}, approdo {m} |
docking {n} (process of connecting one spacecraft to another) | :: aggancio {m}, attracco {m} |
docking {n} ((molecular biology)) | :: aggancio molecolare {m} |
docking station {n} (piece of hardware) | :: unità di connessione {f} |
dockworker {n} (worker at a dock) | :: stivatore {m} |
doctor {n} /ˈdɑktɚ/ (person who has attained a doctorate) | :: dottore {m}, dottoressa {f} |
doctor {v} (act as a medical doctor to) | :: curare, medicare |
doctor {v} (award the title of doctor to) | :: addottorare |
doctor {v} (alter or make obscure, in order to deceive) | :: adulterare, falsificare |
doctor {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian | :: |
doctor {n} (medical doctor) SEE: physician | :: |
Doctor {n} (title of a doctor, used before the doctor's name) | :: il Dottor, il Dottore |
doctorate {n} /ˈdɑk.təɹ.ət/ (highest degree awarded by a university faculty) | :: dottorato {m} |
Doctor of Philosophy {n} (one of the highest doctorates) | :: dottore di ricerca {m} |
doctrine {n} /ˈdɑktɹɪn/ (belief) | :: dottrina {f} |
doctrine {n} (body of beliefs or teachings) | :: dottrina {f} |
document {n} /ˈdɑkjʊmənt/ (original or official paper) | :: documento {m}, carta {f} |
documentary {adj} /ˌdɑ.kjəˈmɛn.(tɚ.)ɹi/ (presented objectively without the insertion of fictional matter) | :: documentario {m} |
documentary {n} (documentary film) | :: documentario {m} |
documentation {n} /ˌdɑkjəmənˈteɪʃən/ (documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program) | :: documentazione {f} |
dodder {n} (parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta) | :: cuscuta {f} |
dodecadactylum {n} /ˌdəʊdɛkəˈdæktɪləm/ (duodenum) | :: dodecadattilo {m} |
dodecagon {n} (geometry) | :: dodecagono {m} |
dodecahedron {n} /ˌdoʊdɛkəˈhiːdɹən/ (a polyhedron with 12 faces) | :: dodecaedro {m} |
Dodecanese {prop} (an island chain consisting of twelve main islands) | :: Dodecaneso {m} |
dodecaphony {n} (dodecaphony) | :: dodecafonia {f} |
dodge {v} /dɒdʒ/ (to avoid by moving out of the way) | :: schivare, scansare |
dodge {v} (to avoid; to sidestep) | :: eludere |
dodger {n} /ˈdɒdʒə(ɹ)/ (one who dodges) | :: imbroglione {m}, evasore fiscale {m} |
dodger {n} (nautical: companionway cover in a sailboat) | :: paraspruzzi {m} |
dodgy {adj} /ˈdɒdʒ.i/ (evasive and shifty) | :: evasivo {m}, elusivo |
dodgy {adj} (unsound and unreliable) | :: inaffidabile {m} |
dodgy {adj} (dishonest) | :: disonesto |
dodgy {adj} (risky) | :: rischioso |
dodgy {adj} (deviant) | :: anormale {m} |
dodgy {adj} (weird) | :: strano, peculiare {m} |
dodo {n} /ˈdəʊˌdəʊ/ (Raphus cucullatus) | :: dodo {m}, dronte {m} |
doe {n} /doʊ/ (female deer) | :: cerva {f} |
doe {n} (female fallow deer) | :: daina {f} |
doe {n} (female rabbit) | :: coniglia {f} |
doe {n} (female hare) | :: lepre femmina |
doe {n} (female squirrel) | :: scoiattolo femmina |
does anyone here speak English {phrase} (does anyone here speak English?) | :: vi qualcuno qui chi parla inglese? |
dog {n} (metal support for logs) SEE: andiron | :: |
dog {n} (slang: man) SEE: guy | :: |
dog {n} (hinged catch) SEE: pawl | :: |
dog {n} (animal) | :: cane {m} |
dog {n} (male canine) | :: cane {m} |
dog {n} (morally reprehensible person, See also scoundrel) | :: cane {m} |
dogcatcher {n} (catcher of stray dogs) | :: accalappiacani {m} |
dog days {n} /ˈdɒɡ deɪz/ (the days between early July and early September) | :: canicola {f}, solleone {m} |
dog days {n} (hot, lazy days) | :: solleone {m} |
doge {n} /doʊdʒ/ (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa) | :: doge {m} |
dogend {n} (unsmoked end of cigarette) | :: mozzicone, cicca |
dogfight {n} (fight between dogs) | :: combattimento tra cani {m} |
dogfight {n} (fight between military aircraft) | :: combattimento aereo {m} |
dogfish {n} (bowfin) SEE: bowfin | :: |
dogfish {n} (small sharks of the Scyliorhinidae, Dalatiidae and Squalidae families) | :: pescecane {m} |
dogfish {n} (shark in family Scyliorhinidae) SEE: catshark | :: |
dogfish {n} (shark in family Dalatidae) SEE: kitefin shark | :: |
dogged {adj} /ˈdɔɡɪd/ (stubbornly persevering, steadfast) | :: tenace |
doggerel {adj} /ˈdɒɡəɹəl/ (of a crude or irregular construction) | :: versaiolo |
doggerel {n} (comic or humorous verse) | :: rimeria {f} |
doggy {n} /ˈdɔ.ɡi/ (a dog, especially a small one) | :: cagnolino |
doggy {adj} (suggestive of or in the manner of a dog) | :: canino {m} |
doggy style {adv} /ˈdɔ.ɡi staɪl/ (in a position) | :: a pecorina, alla pecorina |
doggy style {n} (position for such intercourse) | :: pecorina |
doghouse {n} (kennel) SEE: kennel | :: |
doghouse bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
dog Latin {prop} (bad, erroneous Latin) | :: latino maccheronico {m} |
dogma {n} /ˈdɔɡ.mə/ (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion) | :: dogma {m} |
dogma {n} (doctrine) | :: dogma {m}, dottrina {f} |
dogmatic {adj} /dɒɡˈmatɪk/ (asserting beliefs in an arrogant way) | :: dogmatico {m} |
dogmatically {adv} (in a dogmatic manner) | :: dogmaticamente |
dogmatism {n} (arrogance in stating opinion) | :: dogmatismo {m} |
dog meat {n} (dog eaten as meat) | :: carne di cane {f} |
do-gooder {n} (one who has a conviction of their own moral superiority) | :: buonista {m} {f} |
do-goodism {n} (action of a do-gooder) | :: buonismo {m} |
dog rose {n} (the species Rosa canina) | :: rosa canina {f} |
dog shit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) SEE: bullshit | :: |
dog shit {n} (fecal matter produced by a dog) | :: merda del cane {f} |
dogshit {n} (dog excrement) SEE: dog shit | :: |
dogsitter {n} (one who takes care of dogs when the owner is absent) | :: dog sitter {m} {f} |
Dog Star {prop} (Sirius) SEE: Sirius | :: |
dogwood {n} /ˈdɒɡwʊd/ (tree or shrub of the genus Cornus) | :: sanguinella {f} |
d'oh {interj} /doʊ/ (expression of frustration) | :: d'oh! |
do I know you {phrase} (do I know you?) | :: [informal] ti conosco?, [formal] la conosco?, vi conosco {p} |
do ill {v} (to harm, to injure) SEE: harm | :: |
do in {v} (to kill or end) | :: [to kill] uccidere, [to end] finire |
do it yourself {n} (practice of doing home improvements and maintenance oneself) | :: fai da te {m} |
do-it-yourself {adj} (of or pertaining to do it yourself) | :: fai da te |
do justice {v} (allow to be apprehended in its full scope) | :: rendere giustizia |
dolce far niente {n} /ˌdoʊltʃeɪ ˌfɑɹ niˈɛnteɪ/ (enjoyment of idleness) | :: dolce far niente {m} |
dolce vita {n} /ˌdoʊltʃeɪ ˈvitə/ (life of self-indulgence and luxury) | :: bella vita {f}, dolce vita {f} |
doldrum {adj} (boring, uninteresting) SEE: boring | :: |
doldrums {n} /ˈdɒldɹəmz/ (state of apathy or lack of interest) | :: depressione {f}, tristezza {f} |
dole out {v} (to distribute in small quantities) | :: distribuire |
dolichocephaly {n} (quality or condition of being dolichocephalic) | :: dolicocefalia {f} |
doline {n} (any sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole | :: |
doll {n} /dɒl/ (a toy in the form of a human) | :: bambola {f} |
dollar {n} /ˈdɑlɚ/ (designation for specific currency) | :: dollaro {m} |
dollhouse {n} (miniature house for dolls) SEE: doll's house | :: |
doll's house {n} (miniature house for dolls) | :: casa di bambole {f} |
doll up {v} (to dress oneself or another in formal or ostentatious clothing) | :: essere tirato a lucido |
dolly {n} (doll) SEE: doll | :: |
dolomite {n} /ˈdoʊl.əˌmaɪt/ (mineral) | :: dolomite {f} |
Dolomites {prop} /ˈdoʊl.əˌmaɪts/ (section of the Alps) | :: Dolomiti {f-p} |
dolor {n} /ˈdoʊlə(ɹ)/ (sorrow) | :: dolore |
dolostone {n} (rock made mainly of dolomite) | :: dolomia {f} |
dolour {n} /ˈdɒlə/ (painful grief or suffering) | :: dolore {m} |
dolphin {n} /ˈdɑlfɪn/ (aquatic mammal) | :: delfino {m} |
dolphin {n} (maritime structure) | :: briccola {f} |
dolphin {n} (mahi-mahi) SEE: mahi-mahi | :: |
dolphinarium {n} /dɑl.fɪˈnɛəɹ.i.əm/ | :: delfinario {m} |
dolphining {n} | :: delfinaggio {m} |
dolphin striker {n} (spar) | :: pennaccino {m} |
dolt {n} /doʊlt/ (A stupid person; a blockhead or dullard) | :: imbecille {m} |
domain {n} /doʊˈmeɪn/ (geographic area owned or controlled by a single person or organization) | :: dominio {m} |
domain {n} ((mathematics) the set on which a function is defined) | :: dominio {m} |
domain {n} (DNS domain name) | :: dominio {m} |
domain {n} (collection of information) | :: dominio {m} |
domain {n} (folded section of a protein) | :: dominio |
dome {n} /dəʊm/ (architectural element) | :: [of a church, observatory etc] cupola {m}, [technical] duomo {m} |
Dome of the Rock {prop} (shrine in Jerusalem) | :: Cupola della Roccia |
domestic {adj} /dəˈmɛstɪk/ ((of a domesticated animal) kept by someone) | :: domestico |
domestic cat {n} (a domesticated cat) | :: gatto domestico {m} |
domestic violence {n} (violence committed in a domestic setting) | :: violenza domestica {f} |
domestique {n} (rider who assists) | :: gregario {m}, gregaria {f} |
domicile {n} /ˈdɑmɪsaɪl/ (home or residence) | :: domicilio {m} |
dominant {adj} /ˈdɑmənənt/ (predominant, common) | :: dominante |
dominate {v} /ˈdɑːməˌneɪt/ (to govern, rule or control by superior authority or power) | :: dominare |
dominate {v} (to overlook from a height) | :: dominare |
dominate {n} (late period of the Roman Empire) | :: dominato {m} |
domination {n} /ˌdɑːməˈneɪʃən/ (act of dominating) | :: dominazione {f} |
Dominic {prop} /ˈdɑ.məˌnɪk/ (male given name) | :: Domenico {m} |
Dominica {prop} /ˌdɑ.mɪ.ˈniː.kə/ (Commonwealth of Dominica) | :: Dominica |
Dominican {n} /ˌdɑm.ɪˈni.kən/ (person from Dominican Republic) | :: dominicano {m}, dominicana {f}, dominicani {m}, dominicane {f} |
Dominican {n} (person from Dominica) | :: dominicense, dominicensi {p} |
Dominican {adj} (from the Dominican Republic) | :: dominicano |
Dominican {adj} (from Dominica) | :: dominicense |
Dominican Republic {prop} /doʊˌmɪn.ɪ.kən ɹəˈpʌb.lɪk/ (country in the Caribbean) | :: Repubblica dominicana, [a correct translation] Repubblica Dominicana {f} |
domino effect {n} (chain of events) | :: effetto domino {m} |
domotics {n} (technology) | :: domotica {f} |
don {n} /dɑn/ (mafia boss) | :: don {m} |
don {v} (put on clothes) | :: mettere, indossare, portare |
don {n} (professor) SEE: professor | :: |
Donald Duck {prop} (Disney character) | :: Paolino Paperino {m}, Paperino {m} |
donate {v} /ˈdoʊˌneɪt/ (to give away something of value) | :: donare |
donation {n} /doʊˈneɪʃən/ (a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause) | :: donazione {f} |
Donatism {n} (Christian belief) | :: donatismo {m} |
donator {n} (one who donates) | :: donatore {m}, donatrice {f} |
Donegal {prop} /ˈdɑnɪɡɔl/ (county in Ireland) | :: Donegal {m} |
Donetsk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state) | :: Repubblica Popolare di Doneck |
donjon {n} (fortified tower) SEE: keep | :: |
Don Juan {n} (a man who obsessively seduces women; a philanderer) | :: dongiovanni {m} |
donkey {n} /ˈdɒŋki/ (a domestic animal, see also: ass) | :: asino {m}, somaro {m}, buricco {m}, ciuco |
donkey {n} (a fool) | :: asino {m} |
donkey {n} (a small auxiliary engine) | :: muletto {m} |
donna {n} /ˈdɑ.nə/ (lady, madam, title given to a lady in Italy) | :: donna {f} |
Donner {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Tuono {m} |
Donohue syndrome {n} (rare genetic disorder) | :: sindrome di Donohue {f}, leprechaunismo {m}, leprecaunismo {m} |
donor {n} /ˈdoʊnɚ/ (one who donates) | :: donante {m} |
do not enter {phrase} (do not enter) | :: non entrare, vietato entrare |
Don Quixote {prop} /ˌdɑn kiˈhoʊti/ (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel) | :: Don Chisciotte {m} |
don't {v} /doʊnt/ (do not) | :: non |
don't change a winning team {proverb} | :: squadra che vince non si cambia |
don't count your chickens before they're hatched {proverb} (don't count on things if you don't have them yet) | :: non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco (don't say cat if you don't have it in the bag) |
don't let the door hit you on the way out {phrase} (good riddance) SEE: good riddance | :: |
don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely) | :: a caval donato non si guarda in bocca |
don't mention it {phrase} (it is too trivial to warrant thanks) | :: non c'è di che, prego, di nulla, è un piacere, come non detto |
don't shit where you eat {proverb} (One should not cause trouble in a place, group, etc. which one frequents) | :: non si sputa nel piatto dove si mangia |
don't shoot the messenger {proverb} (the bearer of bad news should not be held accountable for the bad news) | :: ambasciator non porta pena |
don't worry {phrase} (indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something) | :: non preoccuparti, non preoccupatevi, non si preoccupi [formal], non temere, non temete, non tema [formal] |
donut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough) SEE: doughnut | :: |
doodad {n} (thingy) SEE: thingy | :: |
doodah {n} (thingy) SEE: thingy | :: |
doodle {n} /ˈduː.dəl/ (small mindless sketch) | :: scarabocchio {m}, scarabocchi {m-p}, girigogolo {m} |
doodle {n} (penis) | :: pene {m} |
doofer {n} (remote control for a television) SEE: remote control | :: |
doofer {n} (object the name of which the speaker or writer cannot remember or does not know) SEE: thingy | :: |
doohickey {n} /ˈduhɪki/ (a thing) | :: coso |
doom {n} /duːm/ (obsolete: law) | :: sentenza {f} |
doom {n} (obsolete: judgment or decision) | :: sentenza {f}, giudizio {m}, decisione {f} |
doom {n} (obsolete: sentence or penalty) | :: sentenza {f}, penalità {f}, condanna {f} |
doom {n} (death) | :: morte {f} |
doom {n} (destiny, especially terrible) | :: sorte {f}, fato {m}, avversità {f}, presagio {m} |
doom {n} (undesirable fate) | :: rovina {f} |
doom {n} (feeling of danger) | :: presagio {m} |
doom {n} (Last Judgment) SEE: Last Judgment | :: |
doomed {adj} /duːmd/ (certain to suffer death, failure, or a similarly negative outcome) | :: condannato, spacciato, predestinato, destinato |
doomsayer {n} /ˈdumˌseɪ.ɚ/ (one who predicts doom) | :: catastrofista |
doomsday {n} /ˈduːmz.deɪ/ (day when God is expected to judge the world) | :: il giorno del giudizio universale {m} |
door {n} /dɔɹ/ (portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle) | :: porta {f}, portiera {f}, sportello {m}, uscio |
door {n} (any flap that opens like a door) | :: anta {f}, antina {f}, sportello {m} |
doorbell {n} (device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence) | :: campanello {m} |
door closer {n} (device) | :: chiudiporta {m} |
door handle {n} (mechanism used to open or close a door) | :: maniglia {f} |
doorhandle {n} (door handle) SEE: door handle | :: |
doorknob {n} /ˈdɔɹ.nɑb/ (circular device attached to a door, the rotation of which permits the unlatching of a door) | :: pomello {m} |
doorknocker {n} (door knocker) | :: batacchio {m}, battaglio {m} |
doorman {n} (man who holds open the door at the entrance to a building) | :: buttafuori {m} |
doormat {n} /ˈdɔː(ɹ)ˌmæt/ (coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house) | :: zerbino {m}, stuoino {m}, nettapiedi {m}, stoino {m} |
doormat {n} (someone that is over-submissive to other's wishes) | :: zerbino {m} |
door to door {adv} (from one household or business to the next) | :: porta a porta |
door-to-door {adj} (going from house to house) | :: porta a porta |
doorway {n} /ˈdɔɹweɪ/ (passage of a door) | :: uscio {m}, via di accesso {f} |
do over {v} (to repeat; to start over) SEE: start over | :: |
do over {v} (to beat up) SEE: beat up | :: |
dopamine {n} /ˈdoʊpəmɪn/ (the neurotransmitter) | :: dopamina {f} |
dopaminergic {adj} (containing, involving or transmitting dopamine) | :: dopaminergico |
dope fiend {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict | :: |
doping {n} (use of drugs to improve athletic performance) | :: drogaggio {m}, doping {m} |
doping {n} (addition of small quantities of an element to a semiconductor) | :: drogaggio {m} |
doppelganger {n} /ˈdɑp(ə)lˌɡɛŋəɹ/ (evil twin) | :: gemello malvagio {m} |
doppelganger {n} (remarkably similar double) | :: sosia {m} |
Doppler effect {n} (change in frequency or wavelength) | :: effetto doppler |
dorado {n} (mahi-mahi) SEE: mahi-mahi | :: |
dorcas gazelle {n} (Gazella dorcas) | :: gazzella dorcade {f} |
Dordogne {prop} (department) | :: Dordogna {f} |
Dordogne {prop} (river) | :: Dordogna {f} |
Doric {prop} (Greek dialect) | :: dorico {m} |
dormant volcano {n} (inactive volcano that may return active) | :: vulcano quiescente {m} |
dormer {n} (dormer-window) SEE: dormer-window | :: |
dormer-window {n} (upright window in a roof) | :: abbaino |
dormitory {n} /ˈdɔɹmɪˌtɔɹi/ (room for sleeping) | :: camerata {f} |
dormitory {n} (building or part thereof) | :: dormitorio {m} |
dormouse {n} /ˈdɔɹmaʊs/ (rodent) | :: ghiro {m}, moscardino {m} |
Dorothea {prop} (female given name) SEE: Dorothy | :: |
Dorothy {prop} /ˈdɒɹ.ə.θi/ (female given name) | :: Dorotea {f} |
dorsal {adj} /ˈdɔɹsəl/ (relating to the side in which the backbone is located) | :: dorsale |
Dorsoduro {prop} (sestieri of Venice) | :: Dorsoduro |
dose {n} /doʊs/ (measured portion of medicine) | :: dose {f} |
dose {n} (quantity of an agent administered at any one time) | :: dose {f} |
dosimeter {n} (device used to measure a dose) | :: dosimetro |
dot {n} /dɑt/ (small spot or mark) | :: puntino {m}, punto {m} |
dot {n} (punctuation mark) | :: punto {m} |
dot {n} (decimal point) | :: punto {m} |
dot {n} (morse code symbol) | :: punto {m} |
dot {n} (dot in URL's or email addresses) | :: punto {m} |
dotard {n} /ˈdəʊ.təd/ (old person with impaired intellect) | :: bacucco {m} |
do the dishes {v} (to wash up dishes) | :: lavare i piatti, fare i piatti |
do the right thing {v} (act ethically) | :: fare la cosa giusta |
dot matrix {n} /ˈdɒt ˌmeɪtɹɪks/ (two-dimensional array or pattern of dots) | :: matrice di aghi |
dot product {n} (scalar product) SEE: scalar product | :: |
dot the i's and cross the t's {v} /ˈdɒt ði ˌaɪz ən(d) ˈkɹɒs ðə ˌtiːz/ (Take care of every detail) | :: mettere i puntini sulle i |
double {adj} /ˈdʌb.əl/ (made up of two matching or complementary elements) | :: doppio {m}, doppia {f} |
double {adj} (twice the quantity) | :: doppio |
double {n} (twice the number or size etc) | :: doppio {m} |
double {n} (a person resembling or standing for another) | :: sosia {m}, doppione {m} |
double {n} (a drink with double amount of alcohol) | :: doppio {m} |
double {n} (Redundant duplicate in a set) | :: doppione |
double {v} (to multiply by two) | :: doppiare |
double act {n} (comic pairing) | :: coppia di comici {f}, coppia comica {f} |
double-barrelled shotgun {n} (type of shot-firing gun) | :: doppietta {f} |
double barrel vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) SEE: groin vault | :: |
double bass {n} /ˈdʌ.bl̩beɪs/ (largest instrument of violin family) | :: contrabbasso {m} |
double bass {n} (deepest of male voices) | :: basso profondo {m} |
double bed {n} (a bed designed for two adults) | :: letto matrimoniale, letto a due piazze {m} |
double boiler {n} (pan containing hot water) | :: bagnomaria |
double-breasted {adj} (closing with an overlap) | :: doppiopetto |
double chin {n} (a layer of fat under the chin) | :: doppio mento, pappagorgia {f} |
double-dealer {n} (one who double deals) | :: doppiogiochista {m} {f} |
double-dealing {n} /ˌdʌbəlˈdiːlɪŋ/ (deceit or treachery) | :: doppiezza {f} |
double Dutch {n} (incomprehensible language) | :: arabo {m}, turco {m} |
double-edged sword {n} (idiomatic) | :: arma a doppio taglio {f} |
double entendre {n} /dubl ɑ̃tɑ̃ːdɹ/ (phrase with two meanings) | :: doppio senso {m} |
double glazing {n} (A system of insulated windows (and doors) having two parallel layers of glass separated by an air space) | :: controfinestra {f} |
double life {n} /ˈdʌb(ə)l ˌlaɪf/ (existence or life that has two aspects, particularly when one of them is regarded as embarrassing, immoral, or unlawful and thus kept hidden from a person's family, friends, and work colleagues) | :: doppia vita {f} |
double-park {v} (to park a car next to a car already parked on the side of a street) | :: parcheggiare in doppia fila, posteggiare in doppia fila |
double penetration {n} (The simultaneous penetration of one or more orifices of one person by two other people) | :: doppia penetrazione {f} |
double pica {n} (24-point type) | :: Palestina |
double standard {n} (the situation of groups one of which is excused from following a standard) | :: due pesi e due misure, due pesi, due misure |
doublet {n} /ˈdʌblət/ (pair of two similar or equal things) | :: doppione {m} |
doublet {n} (pair of cognates in a language) | :: allotropo {m}, doppietto {m} |
doublet {n} (article of men's clothing) | :: farsetto {m} |
double take {n} (reaction to surprising sight) | :: scoppio ritardato {m} |
doublethink {n} (The power of holding two contradictory beliefs) | :: bispensiero {m}, bipensiero {m} |
double-u {n} (name of the letter W, w) | :: doppia vu {f}, vu doppia {f} |
doubling {n} (The process or an instance of making something double) | :: raddoppiatura {f} |
doubloon {n} /dʌˈbluːn/ (former Spanish gold coin) | :: doblone {m} |
doubly {adv} /ˈdʌ (in a double manner) | :: doppiamente |
doubt {v} /daʊt/ (to lack confidence in) | :: dubitare |
doubt {n} (disbelief or uncertainty (about something)) | :: dubbio {m} |
douche {n} (jerk, idiot) SEE: douchebag | :: |
douchebag {n} /ˈduːʃˌbæɡ/ (slang: jerk, idiot) | :: stronzo, sciocco |
dough {n} /doʊ/ (mix of flour and other ingredients) | :: pasta {f}, impasto {m} |
dough {n} (money (slang)) | :: malloppo {m} |
doughnut {n} /ˈdoʊnət/ (deep-fried piece of dough or batter) | :: bombolone {m}, ciambella {f} |
doughty {adj} /ˈdaʊti/ (bold; brave, courageous, see also: brave) | :: coraggioso, intrepido, indomito, baldo, temerario, ardito |
doum palm {n} (Hyphaene thebaica) | :: palma dum {f} |
do unto others as you would have them do unto you {proverb} (One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself) | :: fa agli altri quel che vorresti fosse fatto a te |
dove {n} /dʌv/ (bird of the family Columbidae) | :: colomba {f}, piccione {m} |
dove's-foot {n} (columbine) SEE: columbine | :: |
dovish {adj} /ˈdʌvɪʃ/ (like a dove) | :: come una colomba, da agnellino |
dovish {adj} (peaceful, conciliatory, pacifist) | :: pacato, tranquillo, morigerato, equilibrato, conservatore, contenuto, pacifista |
dowager {n} /ˈdaʊədʒə/ (widow) | :: vedova {f} |
dowager {n} (lady of dignified bearing) | :: vedova nobile {f} |
dowel {n} /ˈdaʊəl/ (a pin fitting into holes, partly in one piece and partly in the other to keep them in their position) | :: tassello {m}, piolo {m} |
dower {n} /ˈdaʊ.ɚ/ (part of deceased's property) | :: legittima {f} |
dower {n} (property given to wife at marriage) | :: dotario {m}, dote {f} |
do without {v} (manage) | :: fare a meno |
down {adv} /daʊn/ (from a high to a low position, downwards) | :: abbasso, giù |
down {adv} (sentence substitute for "get down") | :: giù |
down {adv} | :: (in) giù |
down {adj} | :: giù |
down {n} | :: piumino {m} |
down {n} (soft, immature feathers) | :: piumino {m} |
down {n} (the pubescence of plants) | :: pubescenza {f} |
down and out {adj} (in a condition of poverty or debility) | :: morto di fame |
down bow {n} | :: arcata in giù |
downfall {n} (precipitous decline in fortune; death or rapid deterioration, as in status or wealth) | :: caduta {f}, tonfo {m}, rovinio {m}, rovescio {m} |
downfall {n} (cause of such a fall; a critical blow or error) | :: rovina {f} |
downhaul {n} (rope used to haul down sail or spar) | :: alabbasso {m} |
downhill {adj} (easy) SEE: easy | :: |
downhill {adv} /ˈdaʊnˌhɪl/ (down a slope) | :: in discesa |
downhill {n} (discipline of alpine skiing) | :: discesa libera {f} |
downing {n} (defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
download {n} /ˈdaʊnˌloʊd/ (file transfer to the local computer) | :: download {m}, scaricamento {m} |
download {v} (to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one) | :: scaricare |
downloadable {adj} (capable of being downloaded) | :: scaricabile |
down payment {n} (payment representing a fraction of the price) | :: acconto {m} |
downpipe {n} (drainpipe connecting a roof-line gutter with the ground) | :: tubo di scolo {m}, grondaia {f} |
downplay {v} (to de-emphasize; to present or portray something as less important or consequential) | :: minimizzare, sminuire |
downpour {n} /ˈdaʊn.pɔː(ɹ)/ (heavy rain) | :: acquazzone {m}, diluvio {m}, temporale {m}, rovescio {m}, nubifragio {m} |
downpour {v} (rain heavily) | :: diluviare |
downside {n} /ˈdaʊnˌsaɪd/ (disadvantageous aspect of something that is normally advantageous) | :: il rovescio della medaglia {m}, lato negativo {m} |
Down's syndrome {prop} (condition caused by chromosomal deficiency) SEE: Down syndrome | :: |
downstairs {adv} /daʊnˈstɛɹz/ (downstairs (adverb)) | :: giù |
downstairs {n} (the genitalia) | :: di sotto, giù |
downstream {adj} (lower down, in relation to a river or stream) | :: a valle |
downstream {adj} (biology: towards the 3' end of a DNA molecule) | :: a valle |
Down syndrome {prop} /daʊn ˈsɪndɹəʊm/ (condition caused by chromosomal deficiency) | :: sindrome del Down {f} |
downtime {n} (amount of time lost) | :: tempo passivo, tempo di riposo |
down to the wire {adv} (at the very end) | :: in dirittura d'arrivo |
downtown {n} (either the lower, or the business center of a city or town) | :: centro {m} |
downturn {n} (a downward trend, or the beginnings of one) | :: recessione {f}, calo {m} |
downwind {adv} /ˌdaʊnˈwɪnd/ (in the same direction as the wind is blowing) | :: sottovento |
down with {interj} (away with) | :: abbasso |
downy {adj} /ˈdaʊni/ (having down) | :: piumoso |
dowry {n} /ˈdaʊɹi/ (property or payment given at time of marriage) | :: dote {f} |
dowser {n} /ˈdæʊzə/ (one who uses the dowser or divining rod) | :: rabdomante {m} {f} |
doxology {n} /dɒkˈsɒlədʒi/ (expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn) | :: dossologia {f} |
doyen {n} /ˈdɔɪ.ən/ (the senior member) | :: decano {m} |
do you accept American dollars {phrase} (do you accept American dollars?) | :: accettate dollari americani? |
do you accept credit cards {phrase} (do you accept credit cards?) | :: [plural] accettate le carte di credito? |
do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?) | :: credete in Dio?, credi in Dio? |
do you have a menu in English {phrase} (phrase) | :: ha un menu in inglese?, avete un menu in inglese? |
do you have any pets {phrase} (do you have pets?) | :: hai animali domestici? |
do you have children {phrase} (do you have children?) | :: [formal] ha figli?, [informal] hai figli? |
do you need help {phrase} (Do you need help?) | :: avete bisogno di aiuto?, hai bisogno di aiuto? |
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak English? (English specifically)) | :: [singular non-polite] parli inglese?, [singular polite] parla inglese?, [singular polite or plural] parlate inglese?, [rare singular polite] parlano inglese? |
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) | :: [singular non-polite] parli italiano?, [singular polite] parla italiano?, [singular polite or plural] parlate italiano?, [rare singular polite] parlano italiano? |
doze {v} /doʊz/ (to sleep lightly or briefly) | :: sonnecchiare, dormicchiare |
dozen {n} /ˈdʌzən/ (twelve) | :: dozzina {f} |
dozen {n} (dozens: a large number) | :: centinaia, migliaia (of: di) |
doze off {v} (fall asleep unintentionally) | :: assopirsi, appisolarsi |
dozy {adj} (sleepy) | :: assonnato {m}, insonnolito {m} |
DPRK {prop} (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) SEE: Democratic People's Republic of Korea | :: |
drab {n} /dɹæb/ (fabric having a dull brownish yellow, dull grey, or dun colour) | :: drappo {m}, tessuto {m} |
drab {adj} (dull, uninteresting, see also: dull; uninteresting) | :: grigio {m}, scialbo {m}, sciatta {f}, sciatto {m} |
drachma {n} /ˈdɹæk.mə/ (currency) | :: dracma {f} |
draconian {adj} /dɹəˈkoʊ.ni.ən/ (severe, oppressive or strict) | :: draconiano |
Dracula {prop} /ˈdɹækjʊlə/ (fictional vampire) | :: Dracula |
draft {n} /dɹɑːft/ (current of air coming in) | :: spiffero {m}, aspirazione {f}, refolo {m}, corrente d'aria {f} |
draft {n} (draw through a flue) | :: tiraggio {m}, aspiratore {m} |
draft {n} (amount of liquid that is drunk in one swallow) | :: sorso {m}, boccata {f}, sorsata {f} |
draft {n} (depth of water needed to float ship) | :: pescaggio {m} |
draft {n} (early version of a written work) | :: bozza {f}, minuta {f}, brutta copia {f} |
draft {n} (preliminary sketch or outline) | :: bozzetto {m}, schizzo {m}, brutta copia {f} |
draft {n} (order for money to be paid) | :: tratta {f} |
draft {n} (conscription) | :: leva {f}, leva militare {f}, naia {f}, ferma {f}, servizio di leva {m} |
draft {n} (action or act of pulling something along) | :: tiro {m}, trazione {f} |
draft {v} (to write a first version) | :: abbozzare |
draft {v} (to write a law) | :: stendere |
draft {v} (to conscript a person) | :: arruolare |
draft {adj} (referring to drinks on tap) | :: alla spina |
draft animal {n} (draught animal) SEE: draught animal | :: |
draftee {n} (one who is drafted) | :: coscritto, soldato di leva |
draft horse {n} (horse used for muscular work) | :: cavallo da tiro {m} |
drafting table {n} (drafting table) SEE: drawing board | :: |
drafty {adj} /ˈdɹæfti/ (of a building: not sealed against draughts) | :: spifferoso {m} |
drag {n} (street) SEE: street | :: |
drag {n} /dɹæɡ/ (puff on cigarette) | :: tirata {f}, boccata {f} |
drag {v} (to pull along a surface) | :: trainare, trascinare, strascinare, strascicare |
dragger {n} (nautical: trawler) SEE: trawler | :: |
dragnet {n} (net dragged across the bottom) | :: rete a strascico {f}, sciabica {f} |
dragnet {n} (Heightened efforts by law-enforcement personnel to capture suspects.) | :: retata {f} |
dragon {n} /ˈdɹæɡən/ (mythical creature) | :: drago {m}, dragone {m}, viverna |
dragon {n} (Komodo dragon) SEE: Komodo dragon | :: |
dragon boat {n} (a type of boat raced in Chinese festivals) | :: dragonboat {m} |
drag one's feet {v} (procrastinate) | :: tirarla per le lunghe |
dragonet {n} (fish of the family Callionymidae) | :: dragonetto |
dragonfly {n} /ˈdɹæɡənˌflaɪ/ (insect of the infraorder Anisoptera) | :: libellula {f} |
dragon fruit {n} /ˈdɹæɡ.ən ˌfɹuːt/ (fruit) | :: frutto del drago {m} |
Dragonja {prop} | :: Dragogna |
dragon's blood {n} (bright red resin) | :: sangue di drago {m} |
dragon's wort {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon | :: |
dragon tree {n} (tree of the genus Dracaena) | :: dracena {f} |
dragoon {n} /dɹəˈɡuːn/ (horse soldier) | :: dragone {m} |
drain {n} /dɹeɪn/ (conduit for liquids) | :: scolo |
drain {v} (to lose liquid) | :: scolare |
drain {v} (cause liquid to flow out of) | :: scolare |
drainage basin {n} (topographic region in which all water drains to a common outlet) | :: bacino idrografico {m}, bacino imbrifero {m} |
drainpipe {n} (pipe connecting the drain to the gutter) | :: tubo di scolo {m}, tubo di drenaggio {m} |
draisine {n} (light auxiliary rail vehicle) | :: dresina {f} |
drake {n} /dɹeɪk/ (male duck) | :: papero {m} |
dram {n} (Greek weight) SEE: drachma | :: |
drama {n} /ˈdɹɑːmə/ (composition) | :: dramma |
dramatically {adv} (in a dramatic manner) | :: drammaticamente, sensazionalmente |
dramatist {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright | :: |
dramatize {v} (to adapt a literary work) | :: sceneggiare |
drape {n} (curtain, drapery) SEE: curtain | :: |
drape {v} /dɹeɪp/ (to cover or adorn with drapery or folds of cloth, or as with drapery) | :: drappeggiare, tappezzare |
drape {v} (to spread over; to cover) | :: tappezzare |
draper's {n} (shop that sells drapery) | :: drapperia {f} |
drapery {n} /ˈdɹeɪpəɹi/ (countable: a piece of cloth, hung vertically as a curtain) | :: tenda {f} |
drapes {n} (UK plural) SEE: drape | :: |
drapes {n} /dɹeɪps/ (Plural only: heavy cloth hung over a window) | :: drappi {m} {m-p} |
drastic {adj} /ˈdɹæs.tɪk/ (extreme, severe) | :: drastico |
drat {v} /dɹæt/ (to damn or curse) | :: dannare, maledire |
drat {interj} (cry of anger or frustration) | :: dannazione |
draught {n} /dɹæft/ (game piece) | :: pedina {f} |
draught animal {n} (animal used to pull heavy objects) | :: bestia da tiro {f}, animale da tiro {m} |
draughtproof {adj} (that prevents the access of draughts) | :: antispiffero |
draughts {n} /dɹæfts/ (game for two players) | :: dama {f} |
draughtsman {n} /ˈdɹɑːftsmən/ (person skilled at drawing engineering or architectural plans) | :: disegnatore |
draughtsman {n} (book illustrator) | :: illustratore {m} |
draughtsman {n} (piece in the game of draughts (checkers)) | :: pedina {f} |
Drava {prop} /ˈdɹɑːvə/ (river) | :: Drava {f} |
draw {v} /dɹɔ/ (to produce a picture) | :: disegnare |
draw {v} (to drag, pull) | :: trainare, tirare |
draw {v} (to pull out) | :: estrarre |
draw {v} (to extract a liquid, or cause a liquid to come out) | :: estrarre |
draw {v} (to attract) | :: attirare, attrarre |
draw {v} (to deduce or infer) | :: trarre |
draw {v} (to rely on) | :: affidarsi, confidare, riporre |
draw {v} (archery: to pull back the arrow) | :: tendere |
draw {v} (to close curtains etc.) | :: tirare |
draw {v} (to end a game with neither side winning) | :: pareggiare |
draw {v} (cardgames: to take the top card of a deck into hand) | :: pescare |
draw {v} (poker: to trade in cards) | :: scambiare, cambiare |
draw {n} (tie as a result of a game) | :: pareggio {m} |
draw {n} (procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined) | :: riffa {f}, sorteggio {m} |
draw {v} (to cause) SEE: cause | :: |
draw {v} (to inhale) SEE: inhale | :: |
draw {v} (to disembowel) SEE: disembowel | :: |
drawback {n} /ˈdɹɔːˌbæk/ (a disadvantage) | :: svantaggio {m} |
drawbridge {n} /ˈdɹɔːbɹɪdʒ/ (bridge which can be raised) | :: ponte levatoio {m} |
drawer {n} /dɹɔɹ/ (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing) | :: cassetto {m} |
drawer {n} (one who draws something) | :: disegnatore {m} |
drawers {n} (plural of drawer) SEE: drawer | :: |
drawing {n} /ˈdɹɔ.(w)ɪŋ(ɡ)/ (picture, likeness, diagram or representation) | :: disegno {m} |
drawing board {n} /ˈdʒɹɔɪŋ bɔːd/ (plane surface or table to which paper can be fastened for drawing purposes) | :: tavolo da disegno {m} |
drawing pin {n} (tack for attaching paper) SEE: thumbtack | :: |
drawing room {n} (room in a castle) | :: salone |
drawl {n} /dɹɔl/ (way of speaking slowly) | :: strascico {m} |
drawstring {n} (type of string) | :: cordoncino {m}, laccio {m}, stringa {f}, legaccio {m}, coulisse {f} |
draw up {v} (to compose a document) | :: stilare, stendere, redigere, compilare |
draw up {v} (to arrange in order or formation) | :: mettere |
draw up {v} (to come to a halt) | :: fermarsi |
dray {n} /dɹeɪ/ (horse-drawn cart) | :: carro {m}, carretta {f} |
dread {v} /dɹɛd/ (to fear greatly) | :: temere |
dread {n} (great fear in view of impending evil) | :: timore {m} |
dreaded {adj} /ˈdɹɛdɪd/ (Causing fear, dread or terror) | :: temuto {m} |
dreadlocks {n} /ˈdɹɛdlɒks/ (hair left to grow into long matted strings) | :: acconciatura rasta {f} |
dream {n} /dɹiːm/ (imaginary events seen while sleeping) | :: sogno {m} |
dream {n} (hope or wish) | :: sogno {m} |
dream {v} (see imaginary events while sleeping) | :: sognare |
dream {v} (to hope, to wish) | :: sognare |
dream {v} (daydream) SEE: daydream | :: |
dreamcatcher {n} (decorative Native American object) | :: acchiappasogni {m} |
dream come true {n} (desire that has finally happened) | :: sogno che si realizza |
dreamer {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird | :: |
dreamer {n} /ˈdɹimɚ/ (one who dreams) | :: sognatore {m} |
dreamwork {n} (An attempt to discover what deeper meaning a dream might contain) | :: lavoro onirico {m} |
dreary {adj} /ˈdɹɪɹi/ (drab) | :: melanconico {m}, malinconico {m} |
dredge {n} /dɹɛdʒ/ (dredging machine) | :: draga {f} |
dredge {v} (to make a channel deeper) | :: dragare |
dredge {v} (to bring something to the surface with a dredge) | :: dragare |
dredge {v} (to unearth) | :: rivangare, disseppellire |
dredge {v} (to coat moistened food with powder) | :: spolverare |
dredge {n} (dragnet) SEE: dragnet | :: |
dredger {n} /ˈdɹɛdʒ.ə(ɹ)/ (A vessel) | :: dragatore {m} |
dredging {n} (that which is dredged up) | :: dragaggio {m} |
dreggy {adj} (muddy) SEE: muddy | :: |
dreggy {adj} (containing dregs or lees) | :: feccioso |
dregs {n} /dɹɛɡz/ (settled sediment) | :: sedimento |
dregs {n} (the worst and lowest) | :: feccia {f} |
dregs {n} | :: feccia {f}, posatura {f} |
dreidel {n} /ˈdɹeɪ.dəl/ (four-sided spinning top) | :: sevivon, dreidel |
drench {v} /dɹɛntʃ/ (to soak, to make very wet) | :: bagnare, infradiciare |
drenched {adj} /dɹɛntʃt/ (completely wet; sodden) | :: bagnato |
drepanocytic {adj} (relating to drepanocytosis) | :: drepanocitico |
Dresden {prop} /ˈdɹɛzdən/ (capital city of the German Federal State of Saxony) | :: Dresda {f} |
dress {v} /dɹɛs/ (to clothe (something or somebody)) | :: vestire |
dress {v} (to clothe oneself) | :: vestirsi |
dress {n} (item of clothing worn by a woman) | :: vestito {m}, abito {m} |
dress {n} (apparel) | :: abbigliamento {m} |
dressed up {adj} (wearing a costume) | :: elegante, agghindato, abbellito, bardato, acconciato, azzimato |
dresser {n} /ˈdɹɛsə/ (kitchen furniture) | :: credenza {f} |
dresser {n} (bedroom furniture) | :: cassettone, comò |
dresser {n} (wardrobe assistant in a theatre) | :: camerinista |
dressing-down {n} (reprimand) SEE: reprimand | :: |
dressing gown {n} /ˈdɹɛsɪŋ ɡaʊn/ (item of clothing) | :: vestaglia {f} |
dressing room {n} /ˈdɹɛsɪŋ ɹʊm/ | :: camerino {m} |
dressing table {n} (low table equipped with mirror for dressing and makeup) | :: toeletta, tavolo da toeletta, toletta |
dressmaker {n} /ˈdɹɛsˌmeɪkɚ/ (person who makes women's clothes) | :: sarta {f} |
dressmaking {n} (the craft of making dresses) | :: sartoria {f} |
dress up {v} | :: farsi bella, vestirsi bene, agghindarsi, vestirsi a festa, mettersi in ghingheri, vestirsi elegantemente, travestirsi |
dribble {v} /ˈdɹɪ.bɫ̩/ (to let saliva drip from the mouth) | :: sbavare |
dribble {v} (to fall in drops or an unsteady stream) | :: sbrodolare |
dribble {n} (trickle) | :: bava {f} |
dribble {n} (small amount of liquid) | :: bava {f} |
dried fruit {n} (small fruit that have been preserved by drying) | :: frutta secca {f} |
drift {n} (shallow place in a river) SEE: ford | :: |
drift {n} /dɹɪft/ (act or motion of drifting) | :: deriva {f} |
drift {n} (course or direction along which anything is driven; setting) | :: deriva {f}, direzione {f}, verso {m} |
drift {n} (the tendency of an act, argument, course of conduct, or the like; object aimed at or intended; intention) | :: tendenza {f}, indirizzo {m}, orientamento {m}, predisposizione {f} |
drift {n} (that which is driven, forced, or urged along) | :: detrito {m}, materiale alluvionale {m}, morena {f} |
drift {n} (mass of matter which has been driven or forced onward together in a body, or thrown together in a heap, etc.) | :: cumolo {m}, ammasso {m} |
drift {n} (slightly tapered tool of steel for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal) | :: punzone {m}, torsello {m} |
drift apart {v} (to lose contact, to lose one's friendship or closeness) | :: perdersi di vista |
drifter {n} /ˈdɹɪftɚ/ (person) | :: vagabondo, giramondo {m}, persona alla deriva {f} |
drifter {n} (sail) | :: fiocco {m} |
drift meter {n} (optical device) | :: derivometro |
drill {v} /dɹɪl/ (to make a hole) | :: perforare, trapanare, trivellare, crivellare |
drill {v} (to practice) | :: esercitarsi |
drill {v} (to cause to drill, or practise) | :: addestrare, addestrarsi, esercitare, esercitarsi |
drill {v} (to repeat in order to make remember) | :: inculcare |
drill {v} (to investigate closer) | :: [figuratively] scavare |
drill {n} (tool) | :: trapano {m} |
drill {n} (driving part of a drill) | :: punta {f} |
drill {n} (activity done as an exercise or practice) | :: esercitazione {f} |
Drina {prop} (river that flows northward 160 miles along the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) | :: Drina {f} |
drink {v} /dɹɪŋk/ (consume liquid through the mouth) | :: bere |
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) | :: bere [informal], bere alcolici |
drink {n} (served beverage) | :: bevanda {f}, bibita {f}, drink {m} [mainly apéritif drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, when served in bars or pubs] |
drink {n} (served alcoholic beverage) | :: bevanda {f}, bevanda alcolica |
drink {n} (action of drinking) | :: bevuta {f} |
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) | :: bere |
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) | :: bere [informal], bere alcolici |
drinkable {adj} (safe to drink) | :: potabile {m} {f} |
drink-driving {n} (drink-driving) SEE: drunk driving | :: |
drinking fountain {n} (device that is used to provide water to drink) | :: fontanella |
drinking horn {n} (drinking vessel fashioned from an animal's horn) | :: corno potorio {m} |
drinking straw {n} (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk) | :: cannuccia {f} |
drinking water {n} (water for humans) | :: acqua potabile {f} |
drink like a fish {v} (drink alcohol heavily) | :: bere come una spugna |
drip {v} /dɹɪp/ (to fall one drop at a time) | :: gocciolare |
drip {n} (an apparatus that slowly releases a liquid) | :: flebo {f} |
dripstone {n} (protective moulding) | :: gocciolatoio {m} |
drive {n} /dɹaɪv/ (motivation to do or achieve) | :: motivazione, impulso |
drive {n} (military: sustained advance) | :: avanzata |
drive {n} (trip made in a motor vehicle) | :: viaggio |
drive {n} (psychology: desire or interest) | :: impulso |
drive {n} (computing: apparatus for reading and writing to or from a storage device) | :: lettore |
drive {n} (computing: mass-storage device) | :: disco |
drive {v} (operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle)) | :: guidare, condurre |
drive {v} (cause to become) | :: rendere |
drivel {n} /dɹɪv.əl/ (senseless talk) | :: sproloquio {m}, vaniloquio {m}, ciancia {f}, corbelleria {f} |
driver {n} /ˈdɹaɪvɚ/ (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus) | :: autista {m} {f}, guidatore {m}, guidatrice {f} |
driver {n} (program acting as interface between an application and hardware) | :: driver {m} |
driver's licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license | :: |
driver's license {n} (documenting permitting a person to drive) | :: patente di guida {f} |
driving licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license | :: |
driving school {n} (institution where people learn to drive) | :: autoscuola {f} |
driving under the influence {n} (drunk driving) SEE: drunk driving | :: |
drizzle {v} /ˈdɹɪz.l/ (to rain lightly) | :: piovigginare |
drizzle {n} (light rain) | :: pioggerella {f}, pioviggine {f} |
-drome {suffix} | :: -dromo {m} |
dromedary {n} /ˈdɹɒmɪdəɹi/ (single-humped camel) | :: dromedario {m} |
dromomania {n} (irrational impulse) | :: dromomania {f} |
dromon {n} | :: dromone {m} |
drone {n} /dɹoʊn/ (male bee) | :: fuco {m} |
drone {n} (unmanned aircraft) | :: drone |
drone {v} (to speak in a monotone way) | :: parlare monotonamente |
drone {n} (hum or buzz) | :: ronzio, brusio |
drone {n} (drudge) | :: gonzo, zimbello |
drool {v} /dɹuːl/ (secrete saliva) | :: sbavare, salivare, schiumare |
drool {v} (talk nonsense) | :: sproloquiare, cianciare, blaterare, parlare a vanvera |
drool {n} (saliva) | :: bava {f}, sputo {m} |
droop {v} /ˈdɹuːp/ (to sink or hang downward; to sag) | :: pendere |
drop {n} /dɹɑp/ (small mass of liquid) | :: goccia {f} |
drop {n} (space into which someone or something could fall) | :: dislivello {m}, salto {m}, ribasso {m} |
drop {n} (a fall) | :: caduta {f} |
drop {v} (to fall) | :: cadere |
drop {v} (to allow to fall from one's grasp) | :: lasciare |
drop dead {v} (to die suddenly) | :: morire improvvisamente, crepare |
drop dead {interj} (an angry expletive) | :: crepa, al diavolo |
dropdown {n} (computing: selection object) SEE: dropdown list | :: |
drop-down list {n} (computing: selection object) SEE: dropdown list | :: |
dropdown list {n} (user interface element) | :: lista a cascata {f} |
drop goal {n} (a type of goal in rugby) | :: drop {m}, calcio di rimbalzo {m} |
drop in the bucket {n} (an effort or action having very little influence, especially as compared to a huge problem) | :: una goccia in un mare d'acqua |
drop in the ocean {n} (drop in the bucket) SEE: drop in the bucket | :: |
drop kick {n} (drop kick in rugby) | :: drop {m}, drop goal |
droplet {n} /ˈdɹɑːplət/ (very small drop) | :: gocciolina {f} |
drop off {v} (to fall asleep) | :: addormentarsi, appisolarsi |
drop off {v} (to deliver) | :: scaricare, consegnare |
dropout {n} (one who leaves without completing) | :: emarginato {m}, escluso {m}, rinunciatario {m}, abbandono {m}, ripetente {m} |
dropper {n} /ˈdɹɒp.ə/ (utensil) | :: contagocce {m} |
dropping {n} /ˈdɹɒpɪŋ/ (animal excrement) | :: escrementi {m-p} |
drosophila {n} /dɹoʊˈsɑfələ/ ( ) | :: drosofila |
drought {n} /dɹaʊt/ (period of unusually low rain fall) | :: siccità {f}, secco {m}, asciugaggine {f} |
drove {n} /dɹəʊv/ (a number of cattle driven to market or new pastures) | :: mandria {f}, armento {m}, branco {m} |
drove {n} (a large number of people on the move) | :: calca {f}, massa {f} |
drove {n} (a road or track along which cattle are habitually driven) | :: pista {f}, passaggi obbligati {m-p}, attraversamento {m} |
drove {v} (to herd cattle, to move cattle over a long distance) | :: transumare, condurre, guidare |
drover {n} /dɹəʊ.və/ (person who drives animals) | :: mandriano {m}, bovaro {m} |
drown {v} /dɹaʊn/ (to be suffocated in fluid) | :: affogare, annegare |
drown {v} (to deprive of life by immerson in liquid) | :: affogare, annegare |
drown {v} (to overwhelm in water) | :: affogare, sommergere |
drown {v} (to overpower) | :: coprire |
drowned {adj} /dɹaʊnd/ (that has died by drowning) | :: annegato |
drowning {n} /ˈdɹaʊnɪŋ/ (an instance of someone drowning) | :: annegamento |
drown one's sorrows {v} (to drink alcohol heavily to deal with miserable feelings) | :: annegare i propri dispiaceri nell'alcol |
drowse {v} /dɹaʊz/ (to be sleepy and inactive) | :: dormire, assopirsi, sonnecchiare, addormentarsi |
drowse {n} (state of being sleepy and inactive) | :: dormiente {m} |
drowsiness {n} (State of being drowsy) | :: sonnolenza {f}, sopore {m}, letargia {f}, sopore {m}, sopimento {m} |
drowsy {adj} /ˈdɹaʊzi/ (inclined to drowse) | :: insonnolito, assonnato |
drowsy {adj} (disposing to sleep) | :: soporifero |
drug {n} /dɹʌɡ/ (psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one) | :: droga, stupefacente {n} |
drug {n} | :: droga {f}, narcotico {m} |
drug {v} (to add intoxicating drugs to something) | :: drogare |
drug addict {n} (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs) | :: drogato {m}, drogata {f} |
drug dealer {n} (person who illegally sells drugs) | :: spacciatore |
drugstore {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
drug test {n} (a check for the presence of drugs) | :: narcotest {m} |
drug trafficker {n} | :: narcotrafficante {m} {f} |
drug trafficking {n} (smuggling, distribution and sale of drugs) | :: narcotraffico {m} |
druid {n} /ˈdɹu.ɪd/ (an order of priests) | :: druida {m} {f}, [uncommon] druido {m} |
druidic {adj} /dɹuːˈɪd.ɪk/ (of or relating to the druids) | :: druidico |
drum {n} /ˈdɹʌm/ (musical instrument) | :: batteria |
drum {n} (hollow, cylindrical object) | :: bidone {m} |
drum {n} (barrel etc. for liquid) | :: bidone {m} |
drumbeat {n} (the beating of a drum) | :: suono del tamburo {m} |
drum brake {n} (form of brake) | :: freno a tamburo {m} |
Drumian {prop} | :: Drumiano |
drummer {n} /ˈdɹʌmɚ/ (one who plays the drums) | :: batterista |
Drummond light {n} | :: luce di Drummond {f} |
drumstick {n} (stick used to play drums) | :: bacchetta |
drunk {adj} /dɹʌŋk/ (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol) | :: ubriaco, avvinazzato, ebbro, sborniato, sbronzo |
drunk {adj} (elated by emotion) | :: ubriaco, ebbro |
drunk {n} (habitual drinker) | :: ubriacone {m}, ubriacona {f}, alcolizzato {m}, beone {m}, ubriaco {m}, spugna {f}, alcolista {m}, avvinazzato {m} |
drunk {n} (drunken state) | :: ubriachezza {f}, ebbrezza {f} |
drunkard {n} (person who is habitually drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
drunk driving {n} (driving under the influence of alcohol) | :: guida in stato di ebbrezza {f} |
drunken {adj} /ˈdɹʌŋkən/ (In the state of alcoholic intoxication) | :: ubriaco, ebbro |
drunkenness {n} (state of being drunk) | :: ubriachezza {f}, sbornia {f}, ciucca {f}, ubriacatura {f} |
drunkness {n} (drunkenness) SEE: drunkenness | :: |
drupe {n} (stone fruit) SEE: stone fruit | :: |
drupelet {n} /ˈdɹuːplɪt/ (one of the small drupe-like subdivisions which compose the outer layer of certain fruit) | :: drupa {f}, nocciolo {m} |
Druze {n} (collective Druze) | :: druso {m} |
Druze {n} (individual Druze) | :: druso {m} |
dry {adj} /dɹaɪ/ (free from liquid or moisture) | :: secco, asciutto |
dry {v} (to become dry) | :: asciugarsi, rinsecchire, essiccare, inaridire |
dry {v} (to make dry) | :: asciugare, seccare |
dryad {n} /ˈdɹaɪəd/ (female tree spirit) | :: driade {f} |
dry cleaner {n} (business establishment that engages in dry cleaning) | :: tintoria {f} |
dry cleaning {n} (process of cleaning without water) | :: lavaggio a secco {m} |
drydock {n} (dock that can be drained of water) | :: bacino di carenaggio {m} |
dryer {n} /ˈdɹaɪɚ/ (household appliance for drying clothing) | :: essiccatoio {m} |
dryer {n} (hairdryer) SEE: hairdryer | :: |
drygulch {v} /ˈdɹaɪ.ɡʌltʃ/ (slang: to murder, attack, assault, ambush) | :: far fuori |
dry mouth {n} (dry mouth) | :: xerostomia {f} |
dryness {n} /ˈdɹaɪ.nəs/ (a lack of moisture) | :: secchezza {f} |
drypoint {n} (a technique of intaglio printmaking) | :: puntasecca {f} |
dry run {n} (practice; rehearsal) | :: prove generali |
dry stone wall {n} | :: muriccia {f} |
drywall {n} (building material) | :: cartongesso {m} |
dual {adj} /ˈd(j)uː.əl/ (having two components) | :: duale, doppio |
dual number {n} (grammatical number denoting a quantity of exactly two) SEE: dual | :: |
dual polyhedron {n} (Either of a pair of polyhedra in which the faces of one are equivalent to the vertices of the other) | :: poliedro duale {m} |
duathlon {n} (sport) | :: duatlon {m} |
dub {v} /dʌb/ (to confer knighthood) | :: insignire |
dub {v} (to name, to entitle, to call) | :: intitolare, nominare, chiamare, denominare |
dub {v} (to add sound to film or change audio on film) | :: doppiare |
dub {v} (to replace soundtrack of a film with translation) | :: doppiare |
dub {v} (to mix audio tracks to produce a new sound; to remix) | :: miscelare |
dub {n} (dubbing) SEE: dubbing | :: |
dubber {n} /ˈdʌbɚ/ (person working with film) | :: doppiatore {m} |
dubbing {n} /ˈdʌbɪŋ/ (replacement of voice) | :: doppiaggio {m} |
dubbing {n} (transfer of recorded music) | :: doppiaggio {m} |
dubious {adj} /ˈəs/ (arousing doubt) | :: dubbio, equivoco, ambiguo, losco, bieco, torvo |
dubiously {adv} (in a dubious manner) | :: dubbiosamente |
dubitation {n} /ˌdu.bɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ (process of doubting) | :: dubbio |
dubitation {n} (pang or expression of doubt) | :: angoscia |
Dublin {prop} /ˈdʌblən/ (the capital of the Republic of Ireland) | :: Dublino {f} |
dubnium {n} /ˈduːbniəm/ (chemical element) | :: dubnio {m} |
Dubrovnik {prop} (Croatian port-city) | :: Ragusa {f}, Dubrovnik {f} |
ducal {adj} /djuːkəl/ (relating to a duke or duchess) | :: ducale |
ducat {n} /ˈdʌkət/ (historical gold coin) | :: ducato |
duchess {n} /ˈdʌt͡ʃɪs/ (female spouse or widow of a duke) | :: duchessa |
duchy {n} /ˈdʌtʃi/ (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess) | :: ducato {m} |
duck {n} /dʌk/ (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae) | :: anatra {f} |
duck {n} (flesh of a duck used as food) | :: anatra {f} |
duck {n} (cotton fabric) | :: olona {f} |
Duckburg {prop} /ˈdʌkbɝɡ/ (fictional city where Donald Duck lives) | :: Paperopoli {f} |
duckling {n} /ˈdʌklɪŋ/ (young duck) | :: anatroccolo {m}, anatrella {f} [uncommon] |
duck soup {n} (something which is easy) SEE: piece of cake | :: |
duckspeak {n} (thoughtless speech) | :: ocoparlare {n} |
ducktail {n} (hairstyle) | :: pettinatura Pompadour {f} |
duck tape {n} (duct tape) SEE: duct tape | :: |
duct {n} /dʌkt/ (a pipe, tube or canal which carries air or liquid from one place to another) | :: condotto {m} |
ductal {adj} (Relating to a duct) | :: duttale |
ductile {adj} /ˈdʌk.taɪl/ (capable of being pulled or stretched into thin wire) | :: duttile {m} {f}, trafilabile |
ductile {adj} (molded easily into a new form) | :: duttile {m} {f} |
ductility {n} /dʌkˈtɪlɪdi/ (ability of material) | :: duttilità {f} |
duct tape {n} (multipurpose waterproof tape) | :: nastro adesivo {m} |
ductus deferens {n} (vas deferens) SEE: vas deferens | :: |
dud {n} (loser) SEE: loser | :: |
dude {n} (dandy) SEE: dandy | :: |
dude {n} /d(j)uːd/ (colloquial: man) | :: tipo {m} |
dude {n} (colloquial: term of address for a young man) | :: socio {m}, amico {m}, zio {m} |
duduk {n} (Armenian musical instrument) | :: duduk |
duel {n} /ˈdjuːəl/ (combat between two persons) | :: duello {m}, singolar tenzone {f} |
duel {n} (struggle between two parties) | :: duello {m} |
duel {v} (engage in a duel) | :: duellare |
duet {n} (a musical composition for two performers) | :: duetto {m}, duo {m} |
due to {prep} (caused by) | :: a causa di |
duff {adj} /dʌf/ (not working properly) | :: sgangherato |
duff {n} (the buttocks) | :: sedere {m}, chiappe {f}, deretano {m} |
duffel bag {n} (large duffel cloth bag used to carry personal gear) | :: borsone {m}, borsa da viaggio {f} |
duffel coat {n} (hooded coat made from duffel) | :: montgomery {m} |
dufrenite {n} | :: dufrenite {f} |
Dugi Otok {prop} | :: Isola Lunga {f} |
dugong {n} /ˈduɡɑŋ/ (Dugong dugon) | :: dugongo {m} |
dugout canoe {n} (a canoe made from a tree trunk) | :: piroga {f}, lintro |
duh {interj} /dʌ/ (Disdainful indication that something is obvious.) | :: ma va? |
duiker {n} /ˈdaɪkɚ/ (One of any species of small antelope) | :: cefalofo {m} |
Duilius {prop} (a Roman nomen gentile) | :: Duilio |
duke {n} /d(j)uːk/ (male ruler of a duchy) | :: duca {m} |
dukkah {n} (a dry mixture of chopped nuts, seeds and Middle Eastern spices) | :: dukkah {f} |
dulce de leche {n} /ˌdulseɪ də ˈlɛtʃeɪ/ (sweet dairy spread) | :: dolce di latte {m} |
dulcian {n} (A Renaissance bass woodwind instrument) | :: dulciana {f} |
dulcimer {n} /ˈdʌl.sɪ.mɚ/ (musical instrument) | :: dulcimero {m}, salterio {m} |
dulcour {n} (sweetness; dulcitude; suavitude) SEE: sweetness | :: |
dull {adj} /dʌl/ (lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp) | :: spuntato, smussato |
dull {adj} (boring) | :: noioso, soporifero, tedioso, monotono |
dull {adj} (not shiny) | :: opaco |
dull {adj} (not bright or intelligent) | :: ottuso, tardo |
dull {adj} (cloudy, overcast) | :: fosco, nuvoloso |
dull {v} (to render dull) | :: smussare |
duma {n} /ˈdumə/ (lower house of Russian national parliament) | :: duma |
Dumasian {adj} (of or relating to the French writer Alexandre Dumas) | :: dumasiano |
dumb {adj} (unable to speak) SEE: mute | :: |
dumb {adj} /dʌm/ (extremely stupid) | :: stupido |
dumb {adj} (pointless or unintellectual) | :: stupido |
dumbbell {n} /ˈdʌm.bɛl/ (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar) | :: manubrio {m} |
dumb down {v} (to convey some subject matter in simple terms) | :: semplificare, banalizzare |
dumbfound {v} /ˈdʌm.faʊnd/ (to confuse and bewilder) | :: sbigottire |
dumbfounded {adj} (shocked and speechless) | :: stupito, stupefatto, attonito, sorpreso, sbalordito, senza parole |
dumbledore {n} (beetle) SEE: beetle | :: |
dumbledore {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee | :: |
dumbledore {n} (dandelion) SEE: dandelion | :: |
dumbness {n} (the state of being dumb) | :: mutezza {f} |
dumbwaiter {n} /ˈdʌmˌweɪtəɹ/ (small elevator) | :: montavivande {m} |
dumfounded {adj} (dumbfounded) SEE: dumbfounded | :: |
dummy {n} /ˈdʌmi/ (a silent person) | :: taciturno |
dummy {n} (an unintelligent person) | :: stupido {m}, scemo |
dummy {n} (something constructed with the size and form of a human) | :: manichino {m}, sagoma {f}, fantoccio {m} |
dummy {n} (a deliberately nonfunctional placeholder) | :: simulacro {m} |
dummy {n} ((bridge) the partner of the winning bidder, who shows his or her hand.) | :: morto {m} |
dummy {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
dump {n} /dʌmp/ (a place where waste or garbage is left) | :: discarica {f} |
dump {v} (to release) | :: scaricare, buttare, sversare |
dump {v} (to discard, to get rid of) | :: scaricare, rovesciare |
dump {v} (to copy data from a system to another place or system) | :: riversare, scaricare dati |
dump {v} (to end a relationship) | :: mollare, piantare, scaricare |
dumper {n} (vehicle) | :: ribaltabile {m}, autoveicolo con cassone ribaltabile {m} |
dumper {n} (dropper of refuse) | :: ribaltabile {m} |
dumpling {n} /ˈdʌmplɪŋ/ (food) | :: gnocco {m} |
dumpster {n} /ˈdʌmpstɚ/ (large trash receptacle) | :: cassonetto {m} |
dumpy {adj} /ˈdʌmpi/ (short and thick) | :: tarchiato {m}, tarchiata {f} |
dun {n} /dʌn/ (colour) | :: bigio {m}, grigio {m}, grigiastro {m}, grigio brunastro {m} |
dun {adj} (of a brownish grey colour) | :: grigio brunastro {m} |
dunch {n} (meal between lunch and dinner) | :: merenda {f} |
dune {n} /duːn/ (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind) | :: duna {f} |
dung {n} /ˈdʌŋ/ (manure) | :: escremento {f}, feci {f}, sterco {m}, letame {m}, fimo {m} |
dung {v} (to fertilize with dung) | :: concimare |
dungarees {n} /ˌdʌŋ.ɡəˈɹiːz/ (heavy denim pants or overalls) | :: tuta |
dung beetle {n} /ˈdʌŋ biːtəl/ (insect of the family Scarabaeidae) | :: scarabeo stercorario {m}, geotrupe {m}, stercorario {m} |
dungeon {n} /ˈdʌn.dʒən/ (underground prison or vault) | :: prigione sotterranea {f}, segreta {f} |
dungeon {n} (the main tower of a motte or castle; a keep or donjon) | :: torrione {m} |
dunite {n} /ˈduːnaɪt/ (rock) | :: dunite {f} |
dunno {contraction} /ˈdʌnəʊ/ (do (does) not know) | :: [colloquial] boh |
duo {n} /ˈdu.oʊ/ (twosome, especially musicians) | :: duo {m}, duetto {m} |
duo- {prefix} (two) | :: duo- |
duocolor {adj} (having two colors) SEE: bicolour | :: |
duodenal {adj} /ˌduəˈdinəl/ (of or pertaining to the duodenum) | :: duodenale |
duodenitis {n} (Inflammation of the duodenum) | :: duodenite {f} |
duodenum {n} /ˌdjuːə(ʊ)ˈdiːnəm/ (first part of the small intestine) | :: duodeno {m} |
duopoly {n} (market situation in which two companies exclusively provide a particular product or service) | :: duopolio {m} |
duplex {n} /ˈduplɛks/ (house) | :: bifamiliare {f} |
duplicate {adj} /ˈdjuː.plɪ.kət/ (identical) | :: duplicato |
duplicate {v} (to make a copy of) | :: duplicare |
duplicate {n} (an identical copy) | :: duplicato {m} |
duplicity {n} /duˈplɪ.sɪ.ti/ (intentional deceptiveness) | :: doppiezza {f} |
durability {n} (Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force) | :: durabilità {f} |
durable {adj} /ˈd(j)ʊəɹəbəl/ (able to resist wear; enduring) | :: durabile |
duralumin {n} (alloy) | :: duralluminio {m} |
dura mater {n} (anatomy: outermost layer of the meninges) | :: dura madre, duramadre {f} |
duramen {n} (heartwood) SEE: heartwood | :: |
duration {n} /dəˈɹeɪʃn̩/ (amount of time) | :: durata {f} |
Durex {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
Durex {prop} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
durian {n} (fruit) | :: durian {m} |
during {prep} /ˈdʊɹɪŋ/ (for all of a given time interval) | :: durante |
during {prep} (within a given time interval) | :: durante |
Durrës {prop} /ˈdʊɹəs/ (Adriatic port city in Albania) | :: Durazzo {f} |
durum {n} (durum wheat) SEE: durum wheat | :: |
durum wheat {n} (hard variety of wheat) | :: grano duro {m} |
dusk {n} /dʌsk/ (period of time at the end of day when sun is below the horizon but before full onset of night) | :: crepuscolo {m}, tramonto {m} |
dusk {v} (to grow dusk) | :: tramontare, crepuscolare |
dust {n} /dʌst/ (fine, dry particles) | :: polvere {f} |
dust {v} ((intransitive) to clean by removing dust) | :: spolverare |
dust {v} ((transitive) to remove dust from) | :: spolverare |
dustbin {n} (container for trash) SEE: garbage can | :: |
dust bunny {n} /ˈdʌst bʌni/ (a small clump of dust) | :: gatto di polvere {m} |
dusting {n} /ˈdʌstɪŋ/ (light covering) | :: spolverata {f} |
dustman {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector | :: |
dust mite {n} (mite of the Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus species) | :: acaro della polvere {m} |
dust off {v} (to remove dust from something) | :: spolverare |
dustpan {n} /ˈdʌstpæn/ (flat scoop for assembling dust) | :: paletta {f}, paletta della spazzatura {f} |
dusty {adj} /ˈdʌsti/ (covered with dust) | :: polveroso, impolverato |
dusty {adj} (powdery and resembling dust) | :: polveroso, impolverato |
Dutch {adj} /dʌtʃ/ (of the Netherlands, people, or language) | :: olandese |
Dutch {prop} (the Dutch language) | :: nederlandese, olandese |
Dutch {n} (people from the Netherlands) | :: olandese {m} {f}, neerlandese {m} {f} |
Dutch cap {n} (contraceptive device) SEE: cervical cap | :: |
Dutch elm disease {n} (disease of elm trees) | :: grafiosi {f} |
Dutchman {n} /ˈdʌtʃmən/ (a Dutch man) | :: olandese {m} {f} |
duty {n} /ˈdjuːti/ (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do) | :: dovere {m}, obbligo {m} |
duty {n} (period of time) | :: servizio {m}, attività {f} |
duty {n} (tax; tariff) | :: tassa {f}, dazio {m}, gabella {f}, tributo {m}, imposta {f}, balzello {m} |
duumvirate {n} /djuːˈʌmvɪɹət/ (Roman offices) | :: duunvirato {m} |
duvet {n} /ˈduːveɪ/ (quilt) | :: piumone {m}, piumino {m} |
duvet {n} (duvet cover) | :: copri piumino {m} |
DVD player {n} (DVD player) | :: lettore DVD {m} |
dwarf {n} /dwɔɹf/ (being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit) | :: nano {m} |
dwarf {n} (small person) | :: nano {m}, nana {f} |
dwarf {n} (astronomy: relatively small star) | :: nana |
dwarf galaxy {n} (small galaxy) | :: galassia nana {f} |
dwarfism {n} (condition of being a dwarf) | :: nanismo {m} |
dwarf planet {n} (a type of celestial body) | :: pianeta nano {m} |
dwarf spheroidal galaxy {n} (faint galaxy that is devoid of gas with higher than normal proportion of dark matter) | :: galassia nana sferoidale {f} |
dwell {v} /dwɛl/ (live, reside) | :: abitare, dimorare |
dweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant | :: |
dwelling {n} /ˈdwɛ.lɪŋ/ (house or place in which a person lives) | :: abitazione {f}, residenza {f}, dimora {f} |
dwindle {v} /ˈdwɪn.dəl/ ((intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish) | :: restringersi, diminuire |
dyadic {adj} /daɪˈæ.dɪk/ (pertaining to the number two) | :: diadico |
dye {n} /daɪ/ (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied) | :: tintura {f} |
dye {v} (to colour with dye) | :: tingere |
dye {n} (die) SEE: die | :: |
dyed {adj} /daɪd/ (colored with dye) | :: tinto |
dyed-in-the-wool {adj} /ˌdaɪd ɪn ðə ˈwʊl/ (firmly established in a person's beliefs or habits) | :: inveterato, radicato, atavico, impenitente |
dying {n} /ˈdaɪ.ɪŋ/ (those who are currently expiring) | :: moribondo {m}, morente {m} {f} |
dyke {n} (ditch) SEE: ditch | :: |
dyke {n} /daɪk/ (ditch and bank running alongside each other) | :: fosso {m} |
dyke {n} (barrier to prevent flooding) | :: diga {f}, argine {m}, barriera {f}, terrapieno {m} |
dyke {n} (geology: body of once igneous rock injected into older rocks) | :: dicco {m} |
dyke {n} | :: lesbica {f} |
dynamic {adj} /daɪˈnæ.mɪk/ (not steady; in motion) | :: dinamico {m}, dinamica {f} |
dynamic {adj} (powerful) | :: dinamico {m}, dinamica {f} |
dynamic {adj} (able to change) | :: dinamico {m}, dinamica {f} |
dynamic equilibrium {n} (any equilibrium in which opposite changes occur simultaneously) | :: equilibrio dinamico {m} |
dynamicity {n} (condition of being dynamic) | :: dinamicità {f} |
dynamics {n} (branch of mechanics) | :: dinamica {f} |
dynamic system {n} (system) | :: sistema dinamico |
dynamite {n} /ˈdaɪnəmaɪt/ (class of explosives) | :: dinamite {f} |
dynamize {v} (make dynamic) | :: dinamizzare |
dynamize {v} (render effective) | :: dinamizzare |
dynamo {n} /ˈdaɪnəmoʊ/ (dynamo-electric machine) | :: dinamo |
dynamoelectric {adj} (of or pertaining to the interconversion of mechanical and electrical energy) | :: dinamoelettrico |
dynamometer {n} (device used to measure mechanical power) | :: dinamometro {m} |
dynasty {n} /ˈdaɪnəsti/ (A series of rulers or dynasts from one family) | :: dinastia {f} |
dysarthria {n} (difficulty in articulating) | :: disartria {f} |
dyscalculia {n} /ˌdɪskælˈkjuːli.ə/ (pathology: difficulty with numbers) | :: discalculia {f} |
dyschezia {n} (difficult or painful defecation) | :: dischezia {f} |
dyscontrol {n} (inability to control one's behavior) | :: discontrollo {m} |
dyscoria {n} | :: discoria {f} |
dyscromia {n} /dɪsˈkɹoʊmi.ə/ (any disorder affecting the pigmentation of the skin, hair or nails) | :: discromia {f} |
dysentery {n} /ˈdɪsənˌtɛɹi/ (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines) | :: dissenteria {f} |
dysfunction {n} /dɪsˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ (failure to function) | :: disfunzione {f} |
dysfunctional {adj} (functioning incorrectly or abnormally) | :: disfunzionale |
dysgraphia {n} (language disorder) | :: disgrafia {f} |
dyslalia {n} /dɪsˈleɪliə/ (difficulty in talking due to a structural abnormality) | :: dislalia {f} |
dyslexia {n} /dɪsˈlɛksi.ə/ (learning disability) | :: dislessia {f} |
dyslexic {adj} /dɪsˈlɛksɪk/ (of or pertaining to dyslexia) | :: dislessico |
dyslexic {adj} (having dyslexia) | :: dislessico |
dyslexic {n} (a person who has dyslexia) | :: dislessico |
dysmenorrhea {n} /dɪs.mɛ.nəˈɹi.ə/ (painful menstruation) | :: dismenorrea {f} |
dysmetabolism {n} | :: dismetabolismo {m} |
dysmorphia {n} (dysmorphia) | :: dismorfofobia {f} |
dysontogenesis {n} (defective development) | :: disontogenesi {f} |
dysorthography {n} | :: disortografia {f} |
dyspareunia {n} /dɪspəˈɹuːnɪə/ (painful sexual intercourse) | :: dispareunia {f} |
dysphagia {n} (difficulty in swallowing) | :: disfagia {f} |
dysphasia {n} /dɪsˈfeɪʒə/ (pathology) | :: disfasia {f} |
dysphemism {n} /ˈdɪs.fəˌmɪ.z(ə)m/ (word or phrase used to replace another in this way) | :: disfemismo {m} |
dysphoria {n} /dɪsˈfɔːɹi.ə/ (state of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed) | :: disforia {f} |
dyspnea {n} (difficult respiration) | :: dispnea {f}, fame d'aria, mancanza di fiato, mancanza di respiro |
dysprosium {n} /dɪsˈpɹoʊziəm/ (chemical element) | :: disprosio {m} |
dysrhythmia {n} (disturbance to a rhythm) | :: disritmia {f} |
dystopian {adj} /dɪs.ˈtoʊ.pi.ən/ (pertaining to a dystopia) | :: distopico |
dystrophic {adj} (affected with dystrophy) | :: distrofico |
dystrophin {n} | :: distrofina {f} |
dystrophy {n} /ˈdɪstɹəfi/ (dystrophy) | :: distrofia {f} |
dysuria {n} (condition of experiencing pain while discharging urine) | :: disuria {f} |
dzhigit {n} (a brave equestrian in the Caucasus and Central Asia) | :: gighit {m} |
dzud {n} (a summer drought followed by a severe winter, generally causing serious loss of livestock) | :: zud |